The Amateur Footballer, Week 1, 2000

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The mo s t switched on team in spor t

Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donn e No matter what sport you're talking, they'll serve up the latest sports news, and interview the sports stars m~ the news . So when sports news happens Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell will break it during The Big Sp Breakfast . Switch on between 5 .30-9am each weekday morning to Melbourne's own Radio Sport 927a M .

The Big Sports Breakfas t. 5.30-9am weekdays

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. FOOTBALL - IT'S GREAT To HAVE _ _ YOU BACL ' Icome to a new season of Amateur football ' and with the early start and the need to finis h any (August 26/27) much planning has had to b e completed to have everything in place for the first season of the new century . HEAT POLIC Y Just aver a week ago the Executive reacted swiftly to criticism levelled at the AFL in regard to its slowness in dealing with matches being played in heat wave conditions as well as our awareness of implementing sensible risk management policies ~ooner rather than later. As a result the following Policy is now in pTace . On a match day where the temperature is forecast to reach or exceed 30 degrees clubs and umpires must ring the Quit Info-Line between 9,3 0 'd 11 .00 am on match day to check if the condiIns of the policy are to be followed . If so `• The length of each quarter shall be 22 minutes )!us time on . 2. The length of the '/, time break -hall be 20 minutes (to be strictly enforced) . 3 . The cngth of the I/, time break shall be 10 minutes (t o be strietly, enforced) . 4 . Water carriers will be per_ Mitted to be on the playing arena during play, pro. ided they do not go within 50 metres of play, and clo not interfere in any way with play . 5 . Field ~Impires will also be encouraged to delay the reonmiencement of play after a goal by 20-30 secmds so as to allow water carriers some additional o provide water to players . The tharves e CmachesboptQlfR the leng ~I ob q~II ,ters is not altered . INTERESTING NEWS AND CHANGES FOR 2000 )kin A few interesting changes and new concepts for g he season that are worthy of "Page One" exposure . who incur two "order-offs" as a result of ids O Players the audible obscenity rule will be written to and advised that should there be a third offence an automatic two week suspension is imposed . 3 An opportunit~r for a supporter and VAFA team to earn at least $100 each week in the An Australia Nominate Star the Final E,~re Com

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.petition . Details are elsewhere i n today's issue . This P HIL STEVENS prize jackpots by CHIEF EXECUTIVE S50 a week if not OFFICER claimed, so have a go ! 0 All Star Australia will recognise the Player of the Week in each senior section, Player of the Month, Player of the Year and from these players an AN Star Australia VAFA Team of the Yea r will be chosen . ® A fabulous Presidents', Secretaries' and Members, Dinner last Monday saw twelve Certificates of Merit presented, an enthralling address from Geoff Tunbridge, the Channel 31 Commentary Team being awarded the Media Award for 1999, Thomastown's Tony Fellows being awarded the VAFA Personality of the Year Award and Norm Nugent awarded Life Membership of the VAFA . We were delighted also to be able to welcome new clubs - Bentleigh . South Melbourne Districts and Rupertswood .

0 The new and simplified reinstatement guidelines allow' players to gain a reinstatement if they wish to come straight to the VAFA from AFL or VFL football ; are under the age of 23 or who wish to come to the VAFA from interstate or the country as long as they have never lived in metropolitan Melbourne sinee age I8 . Players from AFL or VFL who have a prior affiliation with a VAFA club can only be reinstated to that club . The VAFA's hard working Administration Officer Sue Anderson is on leave for the next six weeks and is exploring overseas with a group of Hampton Rovers travellers . We wish Sue well and look forward to reporting on her travels, FOOTY FFFbgAC R

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hlook forward t o e season and meeting ~v th vodu~


al lll Ibdur would welcome any comment in regard to any matter I present in "From My Desk'•, and I will be happy to share feedback from readers with everyone o r answer queries privateiy . My email address is phil(wvafa

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A TI by Jason Frenke l t seems like just a few days ago that Old Xaverians were drinking from their. what wa s it, tenth consecutive premiership cup? Another long hot summer has come and gone (almost), the VAFA has a heat policy in place, and to and behold its round one of the first season of the new millennium . Or, the first round of the last season in the old millennium, depending on which way you look at it . But let's leave the hypothesising and philosophising to the patient oxes of this slowturning earth, and concentrate on the footy - Asection once again has a lot to offer seasoned amateur footy followers, and 2000 promises an exciting year in the Victorian Amateur Football Association's premier division . Amateur football certainly had a lot to offer in 1999 - just ask the AFL . B-section club Beaumaris had two players drafted to the elite grade, while at least three A-section teams can lay claim to players now getting their shot in the big league . Newcomers to A-section, last year's B-section runners-up Melbourne High School Old Boys, have had the pleasure of watching Cameron Bruce make an excellent start to his AFL career at Melbourne. The similarlv-talented Matt Lucas, who impressed all last year playing both senior and Under 19 football for St Kevins, is well placed for big things at the Western Bulldogs . St Bernards' all-rounder Andrew RRerrington, overlooked by father Gary and the West Coast Eagles, was drafted by Carlton . Congratulations to all these amateur players and their clubs. Interestingly, the official AFL 2000 Season Guide only saw fit to credit the VAFA for Merrington - David Spriggs, Murray Pitts and Cam Bruce are respectively listed as former U18 VMFL, and St Kilda and Melbourne reserves players . Lucas was selected in the Rookie Draft. The traffic isn't all one way, however . Former AFL players are turning back to the amateurs, and the competition is once again littered with the big and not-so-big names of days gone by : Andy Gowers is rumoured to be fronting up for the reigning premiers this year, former Fitzroy wild man (in looks, not necessarily in nature), Mark Zanotti, could well pull on a St Kevins jumper before the season's out ; and S t 2

Bernards nearly snared former Bomber Petc Cransberg .

Of course, there could be dozens of other bi name players running around the A-sectio : this year, all unbeknownst to your scribe Coaches are still trying to coax the odd playe or two to pull on the guernsey, and no goo, coach in his right mind is going to reveal all th trumps he has up his sleeve to opposition club, in round one, is he ? With all that in mind, this column will lool at the various comings and goings at A-sectior clubs over the coming weeks, but we can wel come new coaches Gary Connolly (Marcellin) Kevin Tibaldi ( Old Ivanhoe), Brendan Masor (Old S cotch) an d Lee Adamson (University Blues) . Leigh Carlson also deserves a welcome back to A-section . The former Collegians coach, now in his second decade of involvement in amateur football, returns to the elite grade with Old Trinity, who will unfurl their premiership flag before the grand final replay against MHSOB today . Best wishes to Warren Fall, too, coach of the Unicorns . Mike McArthur-Allen, Tim O'uhaughnessy, Garry Foulds and Neil Ross, the remaining A-section coaches, all have good reason to approach the season optimistically, but as the Redlegs boss will surely tell you, its all a bit academic until you win the last game of the season . Good luck to all A-section clubs and players in season 2000 .

Selections : Old Trinity, Old Ivanhoe, Old :'. Melburnians, St Bernards and Old Xaverians .

St . Bernards - congratulates Luke Gollant on his 200th senior game . Luke is the club's longest serving captain . 3 time club B&F, competition leading goalkicker, VAFA representative, representative vice-captain and A Section Woodrow Medallist . Luke continues to be loyal St . Bernard's clubman . He has achieved almost all the spoils of amateur football. It has been a pleasure of the club and its supporters to have watched Luke play our great game for 200 games .


Some of the benefits we ca n offer your cl u b: 速 Rebates paid on Season Purchase s Major promotions and giveaways throughout the season ~ Australian owned and operated Compan y 速 Point Of Sale availabl e Range includes AFL pies, AFL steak and onion pies, AFL pasties and AFL sausage roll s A huge range of cakes, bread and pastries also availabl e

Support VAFA sponsors and support you r Association Enquiries ph : 9863 114 4 Orders ph Beaumaris on : 5272 2300 3

A Section M .H .S .O .B .

MARCELLIN Coach: Garry Connolly Res. Coach : David Howe

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Coach : Warren Fall Res . Coach: Peter O'Dea

1 J. Bamert 2 S . McCully 3 D . Woodley 3 P. Brown 4 C . Eabry 5 P. Sherry 6 R . Joseph 7 J. Pertzel (C) 8 J . Gerner 9 D. Fairchild (VC) 10 D. Skinner 11 C. Krios 12 M . Feferkranz 13 14 A . Martin 15 R . Knight 15 M . Atkin 16 F. Davis 16 R . Clowes 18 R . Limbrick 19 20 J . Wilson 21 C . Kelly 21 G . McLardie 22 D . Armstron g 23 C. Harvie 24 A.Clark 25 C. Spott iswood 26 S. Harrison 27 S. Dodds 28 S. Rodder 29 G. McCully 30 J . Davis 32 A . Cassell 33 A . Askew 34 E . Thompson 35 S . Nathan 35 36 J. Gregson 37 R . McIntyre 38 S. Robi nson

39 L . Taylor 40 W . Hayes 41 42 B. Cookman 43 J . Burke 44 M . Hawkes 45 M . Webster 46 A . O'Brien 47 L. Hawkins 48 49 L. Jones 50 B . Gaunt 51

52 B. McGrath

OLD IUANHOE Coach : Kevin Tibaldi Res . Coach: Dirk Jones

1 M . Bennett 2 S. Theodore (DVC) 3 A. Ross 4 M. Hazell 5 L . Bunn 6 D . Holme 7 . C . Thompson 8 M . Lovett 9 C. Aubrey (DVC) 10 T. Roberts 11 S . Boyd 12 A. Hewitt 13 S . Ros e 14 L. Reynolds 15 M . Rose 16 A . Browne 17 J . Miller 18 A . Topakas 19 B . Dixon 20 N . Pirouet 21 L. Boyd 22 A . Waddell 23 M . Ber ry 24 L. Holcombe 25 J . Guest



OLD MELDUR N IANS Coach : Neil Ross Res. Coach : Mark Sarau



26 C . Kennedy 27 J. Slater y

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28 J. Ballantyne 29 T. Mulligan 30 I . McMullin (C) 31 J . Hart 32 L . Barry 33 G . Dixon (RC) 34 T. Barke r 35 D. Brown 36 A. McKeon 37 R. Muiquiney 38 S . Grigg 39 S . Oram 40 D. Sutton 41 G. Wilhelm (RVC ) 42 P. Theodore 43' P. Gallagher 44 S . Edmund 45 C . Murphy 46 C . Neeson 47 B. Righetti 48 C . Jenkins (RVC) 49 A. Fleming 50 P. Marinis 51 C. Banks (RVC)


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52 B . Campbell


53 M . Ward 54 I . Paterson 55 J . Gooley 56 A . Hunt 57 58 T. Burdeau 59 S . Topakas 60 B . Reid 61 62 W. Hauserman 63 64 65 88 G . Davies


OLD SCOTCH Coach : Brendan Mason i Res. Coach : Gary Jackso n 1 A. Nettleton (DVC ) '2 'B Phillips

3 C. Hoskin g 4 T. Holt (C ) 5 R . Price (DVC) 6 A . Crow

7 . J . Kitche n 8 . C . Rei d 9 S . Collins (VC) 10 J. Ker r 11 M . An g us ( DVC ) 12 S. Hum e 13. N . H oope r 14. T. Reid 15 M . O'Brien

10 A. Speed 17 D. Thomas 18 H.Thomas 19 S . Spide n 20 L. Murphy 21 S . Gibb s

C. Heath 23 0 . Cran e 24 L. Hawkins 25 S . Lillingsto n T Downin g 27 T C oll i n s 28 B . Robertso n 29 M . Gnatt y 30 31 C . Ratcliffe

20 T. Chapma n 21 N . Morris 34 E. Oliver

35 D . Leed s 36 S. Prendergas t 37 M . Parthenedes 35 C. Pattende n 36 N. Addison 37 A. Warne r 38 M . Lipshu t 42 J . Ros s 43 J . Paterso n 44 C. Evan s 45 M . Blenheim 46 A . McCully 47 N . Slade n 48 T. Stubbs 49 L . Hum e 50 C . Tindale 51 A. Faichney 52 R . Ashton 53 T. Frankburg 41 N. Symon 42 G . Zaraoz y 43 H. Lan e 44 C. STeven s 45 M . Thwaites 59 S . Ega r 60 B . Crum p 61 S . Hoskin g 62 R . Aston 63 T. Joyce 64 R . McKinnon 65 P. Davi s 66 J . McCarrol l 67 G . Junkee r

69 L. McDonnel l 81 R . Aujard


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O'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Chris Mortense n

ST. DERRARDS Coach : Garry Foulds Res . Coach : David Law

re: :'s A au j hnessy M :rds A ;~r~ T

1 C . Gray 2 L . Meehan 3 A . Brebner (RVC) 4 S . McKeo n 5 Joe Mount 6 J . Mckay 7 S . Parrett 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 9 P. Cape s

and J hens T ll'-s C ,~i,3ld G rye L =a.rr C r1 1Ilips C ~;=nned y L . ie-Johns G msden A 笨電 A r :, ;rnron F B . binson D amsden R Butler C armer G ,ass D a Fi deni S ; ;atoli S ~ ,ighton D Boyd M Pawsey M Sutclrffe J Dann S Phillips R Antonop oulos T n Jarred W . 1 Lauletta S 2 Torney A .13 De Stefanis M ':4 Power B . .5 Treadwell G :6 Russell C ~17 Mitchell G 窶「8 Morpeth T ~-9 Robe rt s T 5o Farmer J 51 Newman J 52 Hansen W 53 Maslen J 54 Bennie L 55 Schulze D 56 Best E 57 Waldron D 58 Beaver A 59 Cade T 60 Canzoneri M 61 Broster N 62 Turner D 63 Curran R 64 Nankervis B 65 Burrows R 66 Stebbins C 67 Munroe H 68 Hutchinson B 69 Lapira M 70 Chisholm M 71 Brad y W 72 Gamble R 73 Marc J 74 Tudorl 75 Adgemis J

23 A. Mastrapasqua 24 P. Ha rve y 25 C . Osborne 26 J . Gollan t 27 A . Nathan (RC) 28 B . Carris s 29 D . Gleeson 29 J . Overman (R) 19 J . DeBono 20 B . Collins 21 T. Ha rv ey 33 R . Nu tter 34 D . Byrn e 35 M . Juricskay 36 A. Shaw 32 C . Bond (R) 33 T. Smith 37 A . Catterall 38 S . Gray 39 S . By rne 40 D. Thomas 41 B Overman 42 J . Ferns 43 C. Davis 44 S. Taylor 45 M .Tankey 46 W . Att ard 47 G . Taylor 48 James Mount 49 S. Donnelly 50 D . Tonk s 51 P. Romanin 52 L. O'Sullivan 53 J . Kavanagh 54 L. Kavanagh 55 P. Rogerson 56 N . Dodd 57 A. Hilbert 58 K. Cal!ow 59 J. Jacks 60 T. James 61 A. Woodley 62 M . Pocataj .ko 63 J. Gioffre 64 L. Overman 65 J . Harris 66 J . Delaney 67 A . Caruso 68 W.Backway

., smith J :r ; D

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12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 13 T. Wilkinson 16 M .Be rt herton 17 M . Licciardo 18 G . Hoffman 19 L. Gollant (C) 20 T. Sheehan 21 B . Loughlin 22 A. Merrington

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NORTH SUBURBAN CLU B 622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799

Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res . Coach : Mick Knuppel 1 . A . Callery 2. S . Lowerson 3. D. Curti s 4 M . Winterton 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 S . Partsanis 8 B. Dollman 9 A. Bevaqua 10 N . Fraser

11 D . Ryan 12 M . Rizio 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahoney 15 M . Olive 16 B . Garvey 17 M . Ryan 18 J . Grigg 19 D. Sheehy 20 L. Hull-Brown 21 J . Sibili a 22 J . Macey 23 B. Quirk 24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gros s

28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M . Gargano 31 A . McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 B . Hughes 34 S. Richardson 35 B. Villella 36 A. Smith 37 S. Kennedy 38 J. Bateman 39 S . Gribb!e 40 N . Perrett 41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pangrazio 43 W. Keighran 44 D. Moylan 45 D. Waight 46 J . Travaglia 47 M . Chapman 48 S. McConnell 49 R . Simkiss 50 C . Noseda 52 C . Leatham 53 M . Chaplin 54 S . Gam e

57 M . Hinsley 58 J . Ferrari 59 A. Rattle 60 M . Craig 61 J . Lynch 62 B. Shelley 63 P. Roberts 67 B. Day 68 B . O'Malley 69 A . Conian 70 G . Steward 71 T. Salisbury 72 J . Herman 75 A . Foley 76 M . Galt

UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : Lee Adamson Res . Coach : T.B .A.

V-Ahe season of 2000 is now upon us, and the ,", Y2K bug and those fireworks seem a world away. Clubs are refreshed, enthusiastic and optimistic about the year ahead . Just wish this rain and cool weather would hurry up, I haven't been able to sleep properly in 6 months! Best of luck for all clubs and players this year . Based on the 'oil' from my various coat pullers, we'll look at how clubs have fared over the hot months . Colle ians - The Lions will be looking to get off to a 'flyer' like their start to 1999 . Senior coach Tim Hart has been working to ensure their second-half fade out does not occur again . De La Salle - Old boy Paul Cooper (ex Hawthorn) is hell-bent on returning the club to A Section after a disappointing 1999 season . Rumours are that thev've had more numbers on the track than Bart Cummings has Cup trophies . Nothing less than promotion will suffice . Mazenod - The boys from Glen Waverley appear to have had a more settled pre-season, with new coach Dave Murray bringing some wellneeded fitness regimes and tactical nous to the club . Big things are expected . North Old Boys - Frank Dunell takes the reins again this year, with pre-season also seeing large numbers in attendance . NOBs appear to have recruited well, picking up some very talented youngsters from Uni Blues' U19 grand final side of 1999 . The question is: have they recovered from the last half 'smoko' in Rd 18 of 1999?? 431d B righton - Dale Tapping and his boys will still be smarting from that last quarter fade out in last year's lst Semi . They believed a Prelim' berth was theirs by right . Time for them to fix that hiccup and go one, maybe two better this year .

Old I-laileybury - With the off-field unrest finally being put to bed. OH will be wanting some revenge for their relegation in 1999 . Coach Mick Dwyer has plenty of cattle at his disposal and, combined with some exciting 'unders' coming through, it will a case of 'stand back and let the dog see the rabbit' . Old Mentonians - Haven't been able to find much info about the Panthers . New coach Svend Samild will no doubt be busting his hump to make them competitive in B Section, after being soundly beaten in the C Section GF, but as we all know, the higher you go, the harder it gets . Old Paradians - A tough pre-season has faced the boys from Bundoora. Peter Bedford will be hoping to keep that momentum going from an amazing second-half of 1999, winning 9 of their last 12, culminating in that stunning last half turnaround against NOBs in Rd 18 (yes, the_vre still talking about it!!) . Ormond - Retirements have apparently hit them very hard this year . Stephen Grace and his coaching panel has been going 'gangbusters' trying to replenish the playing stocks . They'll be looking for a better return this year. Whitefriars - Des Meagher has been bringing the youngsters through slowly for the last couple of years, and the C Section premiership was the reward for all the club's hard work. B Section is a much different proposition, however, and they'll be wanting to consolidate and launch an attack on A Section. The 'satchel swingers' (bookies) have framed a market for the flag, based on last year's form, whispers, strengths /weaknesses of ligaments, weight of money and, of course, the late mail half an hour before the first . Thought I'd gather their thoughts on the 'magoos' as well . Please don't take offence at the prices, and no, I'm not taking bets !

VALE - LIONEL LITTLEJOH N Popular identity of the Ormond AFC, especially the U 17's, died peacefully at the Epworth Hospital last December after a short illness . He was 83 . Despite Lionel's age was still an active worker for the club and timekeeper for the junior sides . Umpires were not Lionel's favourite people and it was not uncommon for him to voice his opinion from the timekeeper's box . His passing is a sad loss to both the Junior and Senior Clubs for which he was the only dual Life Member .


6/4 De La Salle 9/4 Old Haileybury 7/ 1 Old Brighton 8/1 ;vlazenod 12/ 1 Old Paradian s

NOBs 20/1 LUhitefriars 25/1 Collegians 40/25/ 11 Ormond 150/1 Old Mentonian s Tips Seniors Well, it's time to plunge thyself into the abyss . Here it goes : Old Haileybury would appear to have too much going for them to allow Collegians to win, although it's never easy to win at Harry's place . OH by 38 points . Ormond have beaten Old paradians twice in the last 2 years at the Garvey Oval, however, today I'm hoping their winning run will end . OP to win by 9 points . Whitefriars will unfurl their C Section flag in last year's GF replay, and there is no way they will lose this one against Old Mentonians. They'll be too good by

Reserves De La Salle 9/4 Old Brighton 5/2 Ormond 5/1 Old Paradians 7/1 Mazenod 10/1 Whitefriars 14/1 Collegians 20/1 Old HaIleybury 25/1 NOBs 33/1 Old Mentonians 100/ 1

48 points . De La Salle don't lose too many at Malvern . Today will be no different and the_v ll greet the judge by 28 points . The final game's a tough one . The new recruits of NOBs or the new coach at Mazenod? Heads or tails?? Head 'em up and it's Mazenod by 4 points . Reserves Collegians, Old Paradians, Whitefriars, De La Salle and Mazenod . Press Correspondents -- please call me before 7 .00pm Sunday nights on 9347 4105 (H) or 0414 900 871 (Mob) .




Coach : Tim Hart Res . Coach: Anthony Parkin

Coach : Paul Cooper Res. Coach : Paul O'Dwyer

Coach : David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins

Coach: Frank Sonnet Res. Coach : Darren Caddy

1 S . Mollard 2 N . Florentine 3 B . Woolhouse

1 Moore A 2 Mercuri M 3 Corin B

1 C . Harrison 2 J . Ballenger 3 B. Devlin 4 A. Hanley 5 M. Quirk 6 N . Marmo 7 S. Morgan 8 D . Lancaster 9 M. Murray 10 M. O'Hara 11 T. Smith 13 M. Welch 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J . Kavanagh 17 D . Kelly 18 D . O'Donaghue 19 S. McMullin 20 C . Murray 21 S. Polan 22 D . Ryan 23 A. Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 25 A. Pickering 26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 S. Paolucci 33 A. Quinn 34 M. Pollard 35 R . Hawkins 36 G . Miller 37 L . Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 C . Poletti 40 C . Dickenson 41 B. Bell 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D . Grant 44 S. Garbellini 45 B. Meehan 46 B. Hobbs 47 A. McDowell 48 D . Gill 49 L . Halvy 50 A. Smyth 52 N . Nussbaum

2 D .Waters

4 G . Palmer

5 R . Henebery 5 D . Greeves 6 S . Van Der Veene 7 S . Eig 8 N . Beattie 9 T Hovey 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 W. Daly 14 J. Dixon 14 D . Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillips 16 D . Phillips 17 R . Hosking

18 C . Mollard 19 A . Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 N . Milat 24 T Knox 25 C . Unsworth 26 S . Woolley 27 S . Humphry

28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneall y 30 L . Moon 31 J. Rose 32 D . Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 M . Britten 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M. Opie 38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M . O'Donnell

3 4 Haller


5 Swift C 6 Harber M 7 Browne C 8 Mithen A 9 Hart S 10 Silvers T 11 Evans A 11 Valvallo S 12 Toohey D

13 Johnstone A 14 Lowe J 15 Hodder J 16 Hyland S 17 Elliott A 18 Horn J 18 Mercuri C 19

20 Williams D E 20 Picone M 21 Jackson D 22 O'Donnell M 23 Doak J 24 Morel J 25 Rogers K 25 Hynes G 26 Wood S 26 Waters A 28 Herber N

29 Joyce M 30 Mannix B 31 Flowerday A 32 Bonnici R 33 King M 34 Pedicini A 35 Mackintosh A 36 McKenzie A 37 Hyland D 38 Ford A 340 9 Harrison P 41 Spithill D 42 D . McInerney 43 Borella L 44 Clancy X 45 Buick C 46 Bowden P 47 Laska S

48 Smith D 49 Walker L 50 Shieds D 51 Evans M 52 Poynton D

C-- RA

53 Stinear


54 Hyde 55 Laragy 56 Beattie 58 Worsteling 59 Fisher 60 Hoy B


61 Goodier


62 Hosking 63 Bowker 70 Duggan


Proudly Sponsored by:

SKILLE D s .„ 1h nlrm -

Your Flexibl e Workforce



3 T.Waters

4 S.Sleep 5 B .Devine 6 M.Robinson 7 P.Booth 8 B.Collison 9 L .Curry 10 S.McGrath 11 G .Collins 12 S .Lock 15 J.Talbot 17 M.Maguire

18 C .Murray 20 M.Drum 22 M.Connolly 23 P.0'Dwyer 24 J.Barker 25 D .Skene 26 S.Smith 28 G .Phyland' 29 D .Boyer 30 M.Leigh 31 L .Boyle 35 L .Curran 36 D .Tonkin 37 S .Mikunda 38 M.Amor 39 A .Franco 40 C .Whitnish 41 N .Tonkin 45 B .Pawsey 49 P.Stienle 50 C .Woods 51 B.Cain 52 TJamieson 53 TAyerbe 54 A .Trimboli 57 B .Allrnan 59 J .Bugeja

60 H .Curry 61 B,Pentland

62 A.McHaigMcKechnie 69 J .Joyce 71 J .Presti 77 S.Trenton


Res . Coach : Brad Berry 1 A . Kryzwniak 2 A . Pirri e 3 C . Barrow 4 M . Talbo t 5 N . Perry 6 S . Alderson 7 B . Loga n 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox 10 M . Dennis 11 D . Begley 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickef t

13 R . Ken t 14 S . Williams 15 D . T mms 16 W. Ear l 17 A . Rickarby 18 M . Jackso n 19 S . Gadsden 20 A . McLachlan 21 T. Ewert 22 L . O'Neill 23 A . Pryo r 24 M . Moon 25 S. Nik as 26 A . Cooper

27 D . Paterso n 28 J . Bradle y 29 P. Phelan 30 A . McLaughli n 31 A . Bristo w 32 G . Earl 33 A . Wals h 35 C . Stewart 36 B. Pollock 38 J . Raj u 39 A . Ginnavin 40 B. Patterso n 41 J . Murchi e 42 M . Smit h 44 A. Brown 45 A. Begle y 48 B. Parnham 49 M . McBria r

50 R . Carter 54 D . Wilson 55 S. Davie s 56 M. Ward 57 J . White 58 B. Williams 59 S. Fox

13 Section OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Mick Dwyer Res . Coach: Wayne Moss 1 C . Home 2 D . Connell

3 R . Kejna 4 S . Langford-Jones 5 A . Brudar 6 W. Smith 7 Adam Hilton 8 D . Hassett 9 M . Lambert 10 C . Efstathio u ii A . White 12 N . Hanson 13 B . Harrop 14 A . Forsyth 15 N . Biggs 16 B . Langford-Jones 17 Ash Hilto n 18 C . Jayaseker a

19 M . Armstong 20 D . Elliott

22 D. Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 A . Ross 25 G . Rowland s 26 J . Bel l 27 P. Dimond 28 S . Walde n 29 B . Carso n 30 D. Warnes 31 D. Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 A . Floyd 34 P. Langford-Jones

D. La ag e 36 B .Laypp 37 A . Dowsing

38 P. Wright 39 R. George 40 B . Johnston 41 S . Saunders 42 S . Rowlands 43 C. Pountney

44 M . Wra 45 T. Hilton 46 R. Brandham 47 T. Barke r 48 C. Moyle 49 R. Lad d 50 P. O'Donnell

51 C. Jimmieson 52 A. Shepher d 53 B . Waters 54 G . Finlayson 55 L. Byrns 56 J . Miller 57 M . Anderson 58 J . Robertson 59 R. Mitchell

OLD MENTONIARS Coach: Sven Samild Res Coach : Craig Davis



Coach: Peter Bedford Res. Coach : Damian Carroll

1 A Acreman 2 C Lean 3 B Murphy 4 G Stroud 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterson 7 G Ferguso n 8 R Newto n

9 G Pride 1 0 B Kuramot o 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 A Palme r 14 K Campbell 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 L Richardson 18 T Bournon 19 D. Kitt o 20 S Mullin 21 A. Drina n 22 P Harrington 23 N Moodie 24 C. Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 LHogan 29 A Carter 30 M Brooks 31 M Elliot 32 N . Hollow 33 G New 34 P Flaskis 35 Darren Murphy 36 DJ . Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 D Millis 39 T Riley 40 M Manix 41 S Cozens 42 H Mason 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothier 45 M . Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 J . Web b 48 J Whitford 49 C . Mackay 50 G Richard s 51 L Stephen 52 N Flinos 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantin e 56 A Paterno 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 59 G Lucas 60 S . Flaskis 61 D Grant 62 C Beswick 63 M . Jones 64 M . Austin 65 T Sobey 66 M . Sobe y 67 P. Mevel 68 S . Bainbridge 69 N . King

f' -,




Coach : Steve Grace Res . Coach: Craig Tonkin

1 D Mabbett 2 D Beckett 3 P Gleeso n 4 A Grace 5 B Turne r 6 D Whela n 7 S M Keleher 8 9 S Grace 10 D Scanlan 11 D Robbins 12 N Seb o 13 B Stone 14 S James 15 S Naughton 16 T Stewart 17 P Jo y 18 W Block 19 D Clea ry


32 R Presse r 33 M Shepherd 34 R Remma n 35 G Baile y


36 S MackeyY 37 A Guzz o


38 S Herman n 39 A Or r 40 Y Dimadamo s 41 C Coope r



42 C Keleher 43 J . Kelehe r 44 M Mabbet t 45 C McMurric k 46 C Cleary 47 J Byro n 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfiel d 50 S Shu tt leworth

51 J Muratore 52 C Karageorgio u 53 G Hammon d 54 S . Rajk i 55 S . Sonnema n 56 M Farrel l 57 58 M Collin s

59 P Konstant y 60 G Ritchi e 61 A Kukuljan


r"; ~ f-= ~- '

20 M McConvill 21 J Brow n 22 R Block 23 T Ashfor d 24 M Abraham s 25 J Dal e 26 L Livingston e 27 T Brenna n 28 B Collin s 29 N Courtne y 30 N Well s 31 H Black


Coach: Des Meagher Res Coach : Brian Grills


Acome to the new millenium (depending o n how you look at it) and welcome to what promises to be another exciting season of Amateur Football arguably the best football in this state . The Pakis and Indies are gone, the white flannelled boys are in NZ, we are here about to embark on the first round of the new century, who knows what might happen in the next couple of months let alone the decade or the century, but being a staunch Amateur supporter and follower I'm sure our code can only grow and prosper. On a personal level TB leaves Southbank/Prahran after 3 great years and have joined Beaumaris closer to home and in a different role . Thanks to all at PAFC for a fun time and a great learning experience . We sav farewell to mv co-scribe friend and boss of the last couple of years Ken Bremner who has decided after many years to have a well deserved rest . I will miss you KB as everyone else will your infectious nature and great sense of humour helps to make you the Legend that you are . He turns the Big 50 in a couple of weeks will not be lost to us totally and will make a couple of guest appearances during the year with some of his well known dares . Whitefriars and Old Mentonians leave us for greener pastures and we wish them well at the higher level, while we welcome AJAX and Bulleen-Temp back up to the level that both have seen before . C-Section certainly takes on a bit of an AFL/VFL tone this year with the appointments of Tony Free (Pralaran) Tony Morwood (Old Geelong) Wayne Harmes (AJAX) and Jim Durnan (Beaumaris) . Their experience and knowledge adds to the high calibre of the coaches already involved in this grade . I wish all clubs, players, officials, and supporters all the very best for the forthcoming season, let's make it enjoyable, with no controversies , to help further contribute to the great game that is VAFA Football . PREVIEW Remember this is Round I and thes e thoughts are mine and mine alone please feel free to crititise and bag me as the year goes on .

All comments greatly appreciated and will be taken in the correct context, this is meant to be a serious but light hearted column . So here we go 6 months of hard work comes to fruition today ; Last's years preliminary finalalists the OGS welcome the rampaging AJAX to Como a ground that should suit the Jackas running free flowing game, unless you've changed that Harmesy. The acquisition of Nick Gold from Sandringham should be a bonus for the visitors and if they can get someone called Kirzner in there as well they are well on the way. OGS are notoriously slow starters, maybe the new coach can alter that . I believe a few have gone, but they are tall and will love the dry conditions but alas I don't think that will be enough and think AJAX will love the wide open spaces and will open their C account today . Sorry Fraz . Hmmm tough one this one two teams last year who promised so much but delivered so little . St Bedes Mentone Tigers await Prahran at Brindisi Street . Part of TB still lingers at the Two Blues and I wish them well . Their numbers at training has been excellent, they have Toorak Park now, an added bonus, but is the quality quite right and do they have the young players who can run all day to back up the heart of big KIP. The Tigers would have been totally disappointed last year, I saw them in scintillating form twice . They have the talent, I believe Macca is burning on the track which really helps their cause . I'm going the soft way out in this game and tipping a draw . Another interesting one at Packer sees Glen Eira welcome Bulleen-Temp. Definitely the best side out of the four last year the Saints and probably unlucky not to make it . Lost some close ones that they should have won . Believe pre season has not been that flash, lack of numbers a concern but they are a proud club and Paul Beddoe is a good coach so they will be competitive . Newly promoted Bulleen had a great year last season until that last game but they can take solace in the fact that the Jackas were virtually unbeatable that day . We believe they still have James and Matthews so they will give any side a run for their money and I think even away from home 4 points will be on the board tonight . Hampton Rovers another one that tears at my heart strings make the long trek out to Oak

. The loss of Browne and park. to tackle Therry Parkinson will hurt the Rovers but this will be partially offset by the return of Chris Scarlett and the Michael Fletcher and maybe Simon Farning . The influx also of some of the kids from their all conquering U19'S Premiership side will also strengthen the cause and possibly at this stage makes them the Flag Favourites . Therry penola finished on a bright note with a big win in their last game and I believe their practice match form has been quite reasonable . The return of a few players will help their cause, they will be strong and competitive, any side coached by john Toohey is like that, but I'll stick with the visitors. And so to the final game of this the first' round . Always save the best till last they say. Ivanhoe/Assumption await Beaumaris . Long trek for the Beauy Boys never been there before . The Hoes set up their finals appearance last year with a terrific first 6-7 weeks then somewhat fell apart only to scrape in at the end . Competitive ,but disappointing in the first semi TB really felt they had an ageing list (no harm meant to anyone) and really had to work hard over summer to compensate for that to remain in the top echelon . Whether they have or not today will tell . The relegated Beaumaris have been very selective in their recruiting (i .e Me) and are looking forward




to a good season . New coaches managers and players make for some excitement and a bit of a buzz around the place and that is how it will be at Oak Street tonight, even though yours truly will be miles away at Kallorama . Always a loyalist Beaumaris to win . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS . You support has always been terrific and is most appreciated . Know it is hard to get into a routine so early in a season, but give your club and players some publicity all the time by feeding me info every week . With the Amateur Record now being available on a Thursday afternoon our schedules are very tight . I know it puts the pressure on you but I must have your reports by 8pm at the latest on a Sunday night repeat 8pm Sunday night . I will do my best to put in and mention obviously match reports. including anything amusing that may have happened in your particular game, milestones social events etc . etc . I can be contacted on 9553 1561(Fax or phone) on email at or on the mobile on 0412-213541 . Go for it, help me make this the most read column in the record . Good luck .

C Section AJAX Coach : Wayne Hermes Res Coach : David Marks

BEAUMARIS Coach: Jim Duman Res Coach: James Whitla

BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: Paul Nigro Res Coach : David Hooper



Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach : Phil Jones

Coach: Russell Barnes Res Coach : David Rogerso n

1 2 3 4

B . Hoare M . Mckellar D. Busby S . Anderso n

5 B . Marly n

~.~ J




20 A. Powe r 21 S . Fannin g



6 A . Crowthe r 7 J . Da y 8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Pucella 10 N . Borradal e 11 M . Flahive 12 R . Dunbal l 13 G . Woods 14 M . Marasco 15 S . Blick 16 D. Marshall 17 D. Artz 18 G . Jackso n 19 B . Holt


~ "7











22 S . Holme s 23 S . Hellige r 24 C. Scarlett 25 M . Dav ey 26 S . Wills 27 A. Quon 28 A. Voss 29 M . Fletcher 30 W . Earl e 31 J . Cunningha m 32 D . Anderso n 33 M . Lak e 34 A. Duddy 35 P. Winterto n 36 R . Barren 37 R . Hunt 38 J . Humphries 39 M. Crawford 40 L . Dallas 41 A. Landriga n 42 K. Chasto n 43 E. Zuke r

44 B. Johnston e 45 D . Voss 46 47 48 T. Lynch


IVA NHOE Valkanis Coach: Doni pester Curtin Re Coach:

Coach : may Morwood Res Coach : Harrington

1 2 D . Salter 3 4 C . Stinchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 P. Middelto n 7 J . Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 J . Wilson 10 T. Brain 11 12 N. Power 13 H. Mclnnes 14 K. Hendratta 15 S. Bingley 16 S. Edge 17 M . Wilson 18 J . Power 19 A. Salter

20 M. Fisher 20 G Coldwell 21 A. Landale 22 J . Taylor 23 S. Higgins !11,1110



24 .

25 L. Wilson 26 . 27 W. Paul 28 . A Farrar 29 30 31 32 J . Wallace-Smith 33 34 35 D . Mclnnes 36 37

38 D . Bolton 39 H . Gretton-Watson 40 J. Malpas 41

42 S. Walsh 43 44 M . McCa rthy 45 D . Taylor 46 S . Milne-Pott 47 M .Avery 48 49 50 J . Landy 51 52 53 54 55 O . Wallace 56 57 58 59 60 63 64 65 75 S . Harringto n


PRAHRAN Coach: Tony Free Res Coach : John Ross

1 D Gallagher 2 T St Clair 3 T Murphy 4 M McCallum 5 S Pang 6 A Corboy 7 R Thomso n 8 A Bevan 9 M Scicluna 10 B Hodgson 11 A Pitts 12 L Nyko 13 C Perry 14 M Eastham 15 S Birc h 16 A Rhodes 17 D Howa rth 18 J Nugent 19 S Campbell 20 D Decarteret 21 G Paleodimos 22 N Roberts 23 A Garvie 24 D Demarte 25 C Henshall 26 B Martin 27 I McGarry


Res Coach : Tim Lamb

rf' -~

28 K Watford

29 J Goodlet 30 J Crow 31 G McIntyre 32 A Bunnet 33 A Daly 34 C Miller 35 B Gellie 36 H Pitt s 37 A Power 38 G Rooney 39 M Vear 40 B Scanlon 41 J Belcher 42 S Altschwager 43 S Oliver 44 C Blight

45 M Vag g 46 G Walsom 47 J Killee n 48 J Warland 49 M Warland 50 P Herridge 51 T McAdie 52 M Kurban 53 A Rolls

54 M Erdem 55 L Aitken 56 S Gadd 57 D Villani 58 J Ross 59 W Pye 60 N Wallmeyer


r F 11

THERRY PENOL A Coach: John Toohe y Res. Coach : Chris Bye

1 2 3 4 56

M . Petrevsk i M . Finnigan R . Bannister M . Elliott S . Sacc o

7 S . Banniste r 8 L . Hollow 9 10 11 J . Hutchinso n 12 R . Moran 13 J . Thrush 14 15 16 M . Goodwin 17 M . Drai n 18 B. Carte r 19 R . Evans 20 J . Clarke 21 D . O'Neill 22 S. Griggs 23 C . Bye 24 25 26 G. Carbis 27 B . Steven s 28 M . O'Kearney 29 30 A . McMaho n 31 S . Hollow 32 J . Sacco 33 N . La Fontaine 34 B . Fotzpatric k 35 36 A. O 'Shea 37 D . Castaldi 38 39 S . Boyl e 40 P. Garoni 41 M. Crotty

42 E. Mifsu d 40 M. Warre n 41 J. Van Englen 45 46 47 D . Goodwi n 48 G. Courts 49 B . Whyke s 50 P. Edward s 51 N . Trewi n 52 53 R. Kerr 54 M . Cristofol i 55 S . Villan i 56 57 58 A. Altanha n 59 60

Hickey 'elcome back to the epicentre of VAFA football, and what a season there is ahead o f us . Greetings to St Leo's, Banyule, Oakleigh, and La Trobe, farewell and best wishes to Yarra Valley, Parkside, Kew, and Thomastown . Good to be back as a ten Club contest, and it will be interesting to watch the effect of the early start and the torrid February/early March weather on availability lists as the season progresses . This year's will be a terrific competition, so every best wish to players, administrators, and supporters .

THE GAMES Oakleigh AFC v Aq' as OG Oakleigh's coach, Chris Moore, has had good numbers involved in a solid pre season, and the Club has stabilization at this level as its first objective for 2000 . The vastly experienced Laurie Aghan has taken over at Aquinas . and his savvy and their work ethic should add up to diabolical trouble for opposition tea-ins . Aquinas are hell bent on making the finals this year for the first time in Dl, and that goal should see them take the points today by 4/5 goals, but they'll need to watch Oakleigh who play the tricky Scammell exceedingly well .

Old Camberwell v Old Carey Macleay Park, the Wells' home for the year while the Barnard is being refurbished, has had well populated paddocks in the lead up to today . Matt Hanson has been pretty happy with the Wells preparation and the Club is determined to put the injury plagued '99 behind them . The C's lost the plot in the middle of '99, and their cohesion faltered, even so they still took the last spot in the fmais . New coach, Michael Zemski, is determined to revitalize the C's, regardless of their wonderfully laid back approach to pre season activity . The Wells are more evenly advanced than the C's right now, and will win by 4 goals. Monash Blues v St Leo's Emmaus Our condolences to the Blues on the passing of the legendary Keith Frearson, he will be sadly missed . Dave Rogers & the Blues were devastated at not making the GF last year and are

utterly determined to make amends, with a side even better than last year's . St Leo's new coach, David Miller, is off to a top start, with numbers on the track and quality players returning after absences in '99 . The Two Blues are hoping to see a return to the glory days of the mid 90's . Clearly the match of the day, I'll say Monash by a couple of points . Caulfield Gr. v Banyule The Fields have begun well under new coach, Dean Anderson, with good training turn outs, some talented U19's coming through, and bolstered by players returning from injuries . Banyule also have a new on-field boss in Greg Whitcroft, whose good credentials and very different attitude are catching his players' attention . Both sides are confident of showing improvement from last year, so this, and the Monash/St Leo's match will be a good indicator of the C to D l relativities . I'll go for the Fields by 2 goals in this one, largely because they play the sometimes difficult Glenhuntly so well. La Trobe Uni . v Old Essendon Gr. Andrew Sutherland is hoping for a more auspicious start by the Trobers this year than they had last; the story is that will happen, with good sized training squads, plus some talented newcomers . At Grammar, Gavin Keane has 'maintained the rage' over OEG's narrow loss in the 1999 first semi, and the whole Club is on a mission to avenge that defeat . Should be a top game this, on the huge Main Oval, Grammar may take a while to adjust their possession game, but they are a very accomplished outfit and should run out with a 4/5 goal win . RESERVES Today's winners should be ; Aquinas, Old Camberwell, St Leo's, Caulfield, and Old Essendon . Correspondents the contacts are 9818 1425 phone and fax. Email, "bfhickey@telstra.easymail", or, "OHi1064462@aol .com" . Our copy deadline has been advanced by a day, so early Monday morning latest please .


DI Section AQU I NAS D .C. Coach : Laurie Aghan Res Coach: t.b.a. 1 G . Burch

2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 4 5 M . Boland 6 7

D. G enroe e

8 J . Jess 9 T Harki n 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 S . Bethune 13 D . BDenbraber 14 A . Lorkin 15 A . Hyland 16 H . Field 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pares 21 C . Quinn 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 S . Downes 27 L. Sheffield 28 A . Cultrera 29 B . Ensil 30 C . Collilver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C . Woode n 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 J . North-Coombes 38 B . Moran 39 M . Mercuri 40 B . Heber 41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 G. Macklin 45 N . Frederikson 46 M . Anderson 47 N . Moran 48 M . Moore

49 G. Verstr a 50 A . Tuppeney 51 C . Watt 52 M . Corrie 53 J . Devers 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 D . Joyce 57 D . North-Combes 58 D . Law 59 A . Bentley 60 D . Vine 61 M . Greer 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 64 P.Glennie 65 L . Buzaglo 66 P. Mercuri 67 P. Cuickshank 68 J. Langford 70 C . Lyn9 71 K. Lewis

72 M . Riley 86 B. Barclay Sponsors : Nero's Restauran t Bedrock Computers VAI Bodyworks Medieval Madness Heathmont Cellars



Coach: G reg Whftcrott Res Coach : Rohan Doher ty

Coach : Dean Anderson Res Coach :Kornel Dachs

1 H McDermott

1 D . Rosman 2 B . Hall

2 D Witchell 3 S . Kayrooz 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmor e 6 P Williams 7 B . Gillard 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 B Moxin 11 S Cross 12 J Egan 13 D Nasrallah 14 B . Woodlock 15 S Gray 16 D Bentley 17 G . Donaldson 18 J Turnball 19 A Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plan t 25 L M arti n 26 G Shaw 27 P. Healey 28 C Wilks 29 G Sutterby 30 B . Grindal 31 C Bassett 32 S . Richmond 33 D. Glass 34 C Stevens 35 D Spoules 36 M . George

37 B Wilson 38 T. Thompson 39 A . Hopgood 40 W. Gibson 41 D. Mutton 42 T Egan 43 L Ferrall 44 M . Natoli 45 D. Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Holt 50 C Burke 51 G Bell 52 Ross Doherty 53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witchell 55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A . Dooley

58 D Mayne 59 J . McDermott

2 S . Sayasane 3 C . Knight 4 M . Liddell 5 S . Kendall 6 M . Harrison 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A Will

11 S . Amiet 11 M . Cassidy 12 D . Pearce 13 D . Gurr 14 S . Klose 15 J . Farmer 15 P. King 16 T. Royals 17 R . GosstraY 17 D . Roberts 18 P. Anderson 18 B . Baxter 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier 22 T. Townley 23 D . Ash 24 G. Lehner 25 M . Cramphorn 25 T. Wailes 26 S . Williams 26 W. Widjaja 27 R . Keown 28 G. Evans 29 J . Whitmee 29 D . Schrimski 30 J . Gros s 31 S . Sant 33 C . McGrath 33 N . Silver 34 J . Margerison 35 A . Lawrence 35 S . Thompson 36 J . McCauley 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 G. Harrison 41 A . Bosna 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 C . Bettan y 45 T. Oscar 46 A . Johnson 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 49 S . Erickson 50 K . Deakin 51 J . Needham 52 B . Minter 55 M . Davies 56 A . Dowd 59 A . Beaucham p 72 T. Freema n 73 G . Markovi c

LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res . Coach: Clinton Per ry

MONASH BLUES Coach : Dave Rogers Res Coach : Marcus Spencer

1 M .Bakogiannis 2 S .Fredrickso n 3 D .Sheldrick 4 Perry 5 S .Adamthwaite

6 B.Cameron 7 P.Moo n 8 J Cam m 9 J .Good e 10 D Sidebottom 11 J .Levy 12 D .Gleeso n 13 14 L.Wakeling 15 G .Robinso n 16 C McKie 17 L,Heathcot e 18 S .Glou ry

19 S .White 20 21 D .Edmund s 22 23 S .Mitchel l 24 25 M .Spralj a 26 B.Hewitt 27 L Ryan 28 R Rossi 29 30 R .Store r 31 32 M .Napier 33 34 35 36 TMawdsle y 37 38 A.Willi s 39 40 41 No. Name 42 43 44 W.Auldist 45 S .Turne r 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A.Cumming s

61 S Blan d 66 A Bailli e 70 J Dumares q




DI Section OAGLEIGN A .F.C . Coach : Moore Andampouk s Res Coo* PeW 1 R . Ge c 2 A. Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 p. Heverin 5 R . Dooley 6 7 B . Stirling 8 R. Marshal l 9 J . Moutis 10 S. Lewis 11 C . Hanley 12 B. Hall 13 J .Knappe r 14 15 G. Redford 16 J . Tolley 17 18 J . Connellan 1 9 P. Taylo r 20 T. Adamic 21 22 23 B . Cant 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Ki tts 21 A. Mouchalla 22 T. lanchello 29 D . Hal l 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M . Clar k 34 L. Head 35 R . Nuske 36 A. Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 A. Khodr 39 B . Reither 40 C . Taylor 41 A . Wood 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 S . Randl e 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D . Moulang 48 A . Walsh 49 S . Bader 50 . L. Wilson 51 . J . Kerley 52 . D. Banks 53 . 54 55 A. Gook 56 J. Aliss 57 S . Heslop 58 S . Murphy 59 M . Chapple 60

OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Matt Hanson Res Coach: Andrew Tsindos


OLD CAREY Coach: Michael Zemski Res . Coach : Phil Aarons 1 C . Angu s 2 W. Mudge 3 M . Cohen 4 C . Ester 5 J . Daniher 6 C. Campbell 7 R . Oppy

Coach: Gavin Keane Res Coach : Shane Bishop 1 John Pana (VC) 2 Jason Finche r

3 Peter Lutterschmidt (C) 4 Drew Fletcher (VC) 5 Steve Emerso n 6 Craig Ridley 7 Jordon Leask 8 Lauch Fletcher 9 Jason Goodger 10 Scott Bryan t 11 Brett Papal 12 Jarrod Fincher 13 Will Conlan 14 Sam Evans 15 Tim Di Blas i 16 Scott MacPherson 17 Peter Hexte r 18 Jeff Walker 19 Geoff Stevens 20 David Hunter 21 Stewart Dale 22 John Rush 23 John Hughes 24 Rod Doolan 25 Brett Turne r 26 Sam Fleming VC) 27 Darren Barr 28 Craig Morgan 29 Simon Uebergang 30 Tim Williams 31 Tim Mansfield 32 Jason Mansfield 33 Andrew Dawson (VCR) 34 Dean Podger 35 Damien Whitfield 36 Phil Tris t 37 Glen Walsh 38 Shannon Whitfield 39 Stuart Crame r

8 P. Harris 9 A. Birkill 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 D . Knezevic 13 B . Hutchinson 14 C . Phillips

15 M . Beresford 16 F. Hakin s 10 S. Curry


11 C . Matthews 12 A . McKinsty 20 J . Raftpoulos 21 H . Thomas 22 S . Vitali

21 B . Shutie 22 N . Bull 23 B. Israel 24 J. Rist 25 N . Vasilopoulos 26 D . Sher r 27 C. Munro 28 T. Stanley 29 D . O'Dwyer 32 P. Graham 33 A . Meyer 28 W. Giannikos 29 S . McConnell 30 B . Tuck 31 D. Palmer 32 I . Cohen 37 P. Bennett 38 A. Newham 39 A. Gates 40 G . Cotsonis 41 S . Cherry 42 H . Giannikos 43 T. Bul l 44 M . Curry 45 C . Davey 46 A. White

40 Corey Mnjrvik 41 Dean Greasley 42 Matthew Beard 43 James Carter 44 John Crawford 45 Paul Barry (CR) 46 Luke Fleming 47 David Hexter 48 Derek Poulto n

49 Andrew Hutchison 50 David Graham 51 Alex Copodiferro 52 Paul Mille r 53 Leon Had j 54 Richard Hardy Major Sponsors : 55 Phil Chalkley 56 Ben Rashid ~}'iltifir~ FhTEx J 57 58 SKINNY DOG 59 HOTEL 60 KLEINS FASHIO N

47 M . Eastham 48 T. Moulton 59 C . Mason 60 D . Moyla n


ST LEOS EMMAUS WATTLE PAR K Coach : Har ry Harisiau Res Coach : Mick Newey

1 D Dinicolantonio 2 J O'Meara 3 E Mitchell 4 A Auliso 5 S Buckle 6 S McCann 7 A Burgess 8 J Fennell 9 A Bethune 10 B Mitchell 11 B Carey 12 T McCann 13 A Hughan 14 J Manton 15 A O'Reilly 16 A Rose 17 R Parker 18 R McCann 19 A Major 20 N Zannis

21 G Simmondson 22 P Ristevsk i 23 T Batt 24 A Hadad 25 A McKenzie 26 A Prosser 27 P Levin s 28 S . McLaughlin 29 S D'arcy 30 M . Ottabre 31 M Contessotto 33 L Thoma s 34 B Henricus 35 J Briggs 36 S Bavage 37 M Scott 38 N Hodder 39 BL Vaughan 40 J Gay 41 D Chun 42 G Rafferty 43 P Levins 44 P Nolan 45 S Ronchi 46 A Brown 47 A Brooks 48 A Burgdorf 49 D Cox 50 L Newey 51 P McGloin 52 D Place 53 T Pecora 54 J Graves 55 M Dimble 56 P Farquhar 57 V Ryan 59 D Pitcher 60 A Lochrie 61 R Taylor 62 A Raynor 65 N Foley 66 D Lea r 67 T Tribe 69 S Mescher 70 R O'Rourke 74 S . Willi s 77 C Vaughan 80 H Meehan 81 R . McGloin 87 D Furniss 88 S Pitcher

Blades. The original high-tech sole system comfort . It's the edge Blake Caracel moves another step ahead . has discovered . With a versatile new outsole, cleat And every other player is looking for . lengths to suit most ground conditions, and a removable internal wedge for easy use of orthotics . Blades . Better performance and greater Cutting-edge sports t ech n ologg

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by C.°3ig Ž' -)1- ~

& C-L_- .



_ 0 'What a summer . There have been changes galore and some amazing tales . We must start by congratulating Michael Allen -I nd Steele Irish on their promotion to the VFL . ~lichael umpired the D Section Grand Final las t 'i r and won the Golden Whistle Award so he fully deseives his chance at the big time .

Steele was the A Section boundary umpire and receives a second opportunity at VFL level . Further congratulations should go to former VAFA umpires Matthew Head and Chris Donlon . Nfatty umpired the AFL reserves Grand Final last year while Chris was in control of the TAC Cup Grand Final and won the VFL's umpire of the year . VAFA Umpires' Advisor Michael Sneddon said it was further proof that the amateurs is a great startmg point for elite umpires . "It's great . If you add Corin Rowe who's umpiring senior footy, Simon Meredith who did the TAC Cup Grand Final in 1998 and Cameron Nash who is also on the VFL list and we've had some incredible success when it comes to promoting our best young umpires," he said . Locally, Peter Gersch has been replaced as assistant advisor by Justin Toohey . Peter stepped down because of work commitments. The goal umpiring coaching will be shared by Michael Lentini and Shane Herbert . They replaced John Ha ll . Phil Calill is the new fitness advisor after James Van Beek's business interests reduced his time at 'training . ! All umpires were saddened to learn of the passing of Monash Blues official Keith Frearson . He was a true legend of the VAFA and always treated the umpires well . He will be missed by many people and the VAFAUA passes on its sincere condolences to everyone who knew Keith . A reminder to all umpires to wear a black armband in recognition of Keith this weekend . We also pass on our thoughts

_ to Brian 'Benny' Goodman at the passing of his mother. Benny umpired and advised with amazing success with the VAFAUA and our thoughts ar e with him in his time of sorrow . Craig O'Donoghue won the annual aquathon on March 14 . This year the 400m swim and 4km run was staged at the Caulfield pool because of the syringe problem on Elwood Beach and the event was split into two heats . Craig won the first heat after coming from 10th entering the run and incredibly, Daniel Ha ll iwell just missed out on overall victory by winning the second heat by one second less . Daniel's split times were 7 .50 for the swim and 14 .54 for the run compared to CraiDs 8 .34 swim and 14 .09 run . It could have been an even tighter contest if Tim Sutcliffe, who led Craig by 80m approximately one third of the way around the run hadn't taken a wrong turn! Dianne Whiteley won the women's section with a 7 .39 swim and 16 .49 run . Paul Lamble came close to drowning taking 12 .57 to complete the swim . 0 The annual general meeting seemed to last forever but covered plenty and of course the white wacker award proved a real hit . We'd love to print why Dirk Kramer won the barbie doll but unfortunately the nature of his offence is defamatory so we suggest those who don't know ask someone about it . You'll split your sides laughing if you do . 0 There's been plenty of rule changes this year so we'll cover them in the coming weeks as well as some exciting news on the umpiring front . Stay tuned . . . 0 This vear's deadline for copy has changed so anyone wishing to give us some info should have their yarns in by 5pm Monday . you can e-mail or fax the story or tell us at training . Fax 9564 721 8 e-mail craig_o'donoghueCacpaction

UMPIRES WANTED, A reminder that any club that provides a person who umpires with the VAFA, who has originated from a VAFA club, and who returns to umpire in a second year will earn a rebate of $750 for the umpire/recruit's VAFA club . 40 Great opportunity for retired or players contemplating retirement Earn dollars for your clu b Persons interested should call Sue Anderson (9531 8333)





227 McKinnon Road McKinnon

316 Malvern Road Prahran

Telephone : 9578 323 2

Telephone : 9529 8899

LA TROBE UNIVERSIT Y MEDICAL CENTRE Level 1, Cnr Plenty Road and Kingsbury Drive Bundoora Telephone : 9473 8780




19 F6



383-387 Dorset Road Croydo n

342 Nepean Highway Franksto n

Telephone : 9725 2444

Telephone : 9770 2343 MELWAYS 99 I)1 1








339 Heidelberg Road Northcote

330 High Street Ashwoo d

Cnr Doherty's Road and Grieve Parade, Altona North

Telephone : 9481574 4

Telephone : 9885 896 1

Telephone : 9369 2444


MELWAYS 60 k'10


54 GI

PLANNING RECOVERY FOR COMPETITION Each week plan the following : tyORK(REST :

Plot competition & training times Control biorythms - sleep - meal s Schedule time-off - should be relaxing not mentally demandin g NUTRITION: Plan fluid and fuel replacement (post competition & training ) Check weight pre/post game & day after

PHYSICAL THERAPIES: Stretching Hydrotherapies Self Massage PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS : Music (relaxing) Visualisation Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) Video (funny, escapist)

Rea d

COMPETITION RECOVERY ACTIVITIE S (Things you should do during competition )


Check weight & hydrat e IMMEDIATELY AFTER A GAME: Drink/Ea t

Walk/Move (about 5 minutes) Stretch while war m Hot/Cold Showe r

Eat well (carbos/protein etc)

Swirn and stretch in pool and/or hot/cold spa/showe r Walk for 30min or light activit y EACH WEEK:

THAT EVENING/END OF DAYHot/Cold shower/spa

Stretch and self massage (legs) Use relaxation skills 10-15min before bed (eg. Music, read, visualise, PMR)

At least 2 full massage s At least 2 pool/stretch sessions Timeout to relax (not strenuous ) NOTE: Get up at same time each day Check weight each mornin g

CHARTEREDACCOUNTANT S 3 Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australi a Telephone : ( 03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 2379 P.O . Box 73 Malvern 3144 E-mail : scotptnr@ozemail .com .au

Hu Ly~

E,--- SECTIO N by [ - Connel l

lTWEA ~~ AI the worry about would we get to the line, are we ready etc . etc . is thrown into action today in D2 of the newly re-structured D sections of the VAFA .

On reflection I suppose all teams are new for 2000 as D2 was not with us in 1999 . New coaches for 2000 are the following and before the preview of today's matches a welcome to Tim Pontefract (West Brunswick), Ken Wood (Mentone), Matt Sexton (Salesian OC) and Tim Killworth (Yarra Va lley) . Good luck to you all in your new challenges for this coming year . The "old hands" at the caper return in Laurie Zarafa (Parkside), while Grant H ammond (Fitzroy Reds), Brett Mcilwraith (Peninsula OB), Kane Bowden (Uni . Blacks), Serge D'Angelo ( Kew) and Gordon Burrows (Thomastown) front up again in the pursuit of greater successes than last year . Best wishes are extended to you all as well .

Weather fine and tracks fluctuating will be the order of the day . Preview Parkside host Peninsula OB at Pitcher Park with both teams raring to get the points today . The Pirates will still be smarting from last year's brand Final loss and will have plenty to prove today . Their form last year was very consistent, and with a distinct home ground advantage at Mt . Eliza they should be looking at a top four finish. However today they travel to Alphington where the Red Devils will be keen to make amends for a disappointing 1999 . The return of Laurie Zarafa, who took them to the finals previously, will be an added spur, and a definite keeness to "bounce back" will give them bite, however today the Pirates, who shook off the "travel bug" in 1999 will salute .

West Brunswick clash with Mentone for what I dare say is a first for both clubs (I stand to be corrected), The Westies last year looking the goods for the major part of the year, however falling at the last hurdle to challenge for the flag. At home they play a slick brand of football and with new coach Tim Pontefract at the helm this should not differ. The Vultures will rely on the fantastic blend of youthful exuberance and wily experience that makes up their team . Not far off the mark in 2000 after a season in D section proper in 1998 the Vultures under Ken Wood will be hard to stop in fine conditions . Travelling seems to affect them very little but today the Westies should get home . E White re-visited in this one where Fitzroy Reds back at Peterson Oval host Uni. Blacks . Plenty of feeling can be assured as the Redz as

underdogs put paid to any thoughts the Blacks had of charging into a Grand Final spot, with a resounding win in the 1st semi last year . With a win apiece in 99 at respective home venues little previous form exists . Both sides began extremely well last year and were consistent throughout, with maybe the Blacks holding the edge . Grant Hammond will have the boys fired being back at "home" although a lack of training time will diminish any home ground advantage . The Blacks on the other hand have plenty of numbers (ie .teamlist) and with plenty returning from 99 are my tip today in a thriller . Salesian began 99 at a rapid rate but mid-season fell away and were unable to maintain the rage . Matt Sexton steps into the successful shoes of Peter Turley after acting as assistant in recent years, and will have a good blend of youth and experience to work with . At home they play well and there is a definite advantage, although Kew are no strangers to travel (E-White 99) and have proven in the past when their backs are to the wall they lift a notch . The K's will need all guns blazing today if they are to hold off a talented Salesian . and on a hunch I'll back them to open their account . In the final match two D section clubs from 99 renew acquaintances . Yarra Valley travel to Thomastown and will go there in the knowledge that they defeated the Bears twice in 99, both in high scoring affairs an important advantage. The Bears however will know that 99 is now past history and that today marks another chapter, and more importantly another opportunity to erase 99 from their memories . There is bound to be a big crowd at Main Street Oval and the Bears will not disappoint their loyal band of followers by going hard all day, but I fear despite all of their best efforts they will not overcome a slick Bushrangers unit today. Readers If there are any persons interested in being the D2 section scribe for 2000 please call myself on 9531 8333 to discuss fu rt her. We would be grateful of the assistance.

Correspondents Brief match reviews including highlights, best players and positions and important items to note (ie . milestones, club functions, vales, club news) must be received by 3 .00pm Monday 9531 0236 (fax), or phone 9531 8333 . Your assistance would be greatly appreciated so the column can be informative and provide readers with an insight into all games played . Thanks in advance for your assistance .


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:AZSiNC:? 1'i-3O'IVSA . c yo ur club Book now I PLUS h ave pht fas ill' Ist forever. Call or f,-~ x ' ; T+rtelihme: : Facsim ;le: 98 1" : 8: 1:ci A-Oi~cS~ztsPltotcK Unit 4 1 6'r70 Rail4va,v Rcs.3d Bleckh um Vic 1131

D2 Section FITZROY REDS Senior Coach: Grant Hammon d Res Coach: Darren Kane

KEW Coach : Serge D'Angel o Res .: Greg Crimmins

1 . M . Frisby 2 . A . Walsh 3 . C . Farrell 4 . E . Kyriacou 5 . D . Kane 6. 7. J . Doyle 8. M . Farrell 9. C . Prior

20 . G . Coo k 21 . A . Scott 22 . M . Sammon

23 . T. Jackson 24 . C. Teha n 25 . P. Jackson 26 . B . Buick 27 . J . Loft 28 . N . Hall 29. D . Eas t 30. B. Foster 31 . M . Ross 32. 33. 34. 35 .

T. Hart S . Drur y D. Little A . M ackinno n

36 . W. Fawaz 37 . G . Hanlon 38 . T Davies

40 G. Bence 41 S. Greenwood

42 44 B. Hart 45 46

3 M . Dixo n 3 K . Woo d 4 R. Sawer s 5 T. White 6 C. Stephen s 7 D . Emmett 7 K . Gurtler 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B. Sebire 11 C . O'Meara

~-.-F ~-_


~- i

~, ~- . <r, my


67 P. Duffy

68 D . Simmonds 69 L. Kisell 71 P. Gunn 80 G . Box 82 P. Howarth 84 Z. Stenbergs 85 J . Whelan

1 1,

11 C . Mahe r 12 M . Davie s 1 3 A . Kin g 14 G . Wilsdo n 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sulliva n 18 T. Sulliva n 19 D . Prosse r 19 B . Piper 20 C . Grove s 21 D . Bate y 22 Paul M urph y 23 V. O'Conno r 23 Matt Sulliva n 25 G . Upti n 26 M . Mussare d 27 M . Wise 28 M . O'Brien 29 B . Fleming 29 W. Lloy d 30 N . Freese 30 Pat Murphy 31 X . Smith 32 B. Coleman 32 Pat Murph y 33 D . Andre w 35 C. Brown

37 C. Reeves 38 S . Perazzo 3 2 D . Nichols 33 R . Youngg 42 S . May

43 45 48 51

M . Bar r C . Bar r M . W a ls h G . McMil la n

52 G . D elma n 53 D. Noona n 54 D. B ray

57 D . Frase r 58 J . Noonan 61 T Mille r 65 T. Allinso n 67 M . Johnso n 69 S. Parke r 72 E. Vassilio n 73 M . O'Meara 75 L . Morri s 76 P. Hirst 99 D. Horle r

9 Palermo S t, Menton e

Function Room * Restaurant * Pokie s 20 .Ibourne


34 D. Sheehan

MENTONE R .S .L. ` e.ooQ

PENINSULA O .B . Coach : Brett Mcllwrait h Res Coach: Chris Gowri e

2 R . Gallaghe r

48 B . Featherston 49 A . Puglia 52 B . O' Connor 53 54 T. Villanti 56 T. Madden 57 59 60 M . Mckitterick 64 D . Tindale 66 S . Greenland

PARKSIDE Coach: Laurie Zaraf a Res Coach: Mark Rowe

1 D . Fenec h

10 .

11 . B . Mitchell 12 . 12 13 . 14 . T. Clarke 15 . P. Keppell 16. M . Wharfe 17. B. Lee 18 . 19 . A. Centra

MENTORE Coach : Ken Wood Res. Coach : P eter Hirst





., _ ~ °ec~ti® SALESIAN

coa ch: Matt Sexto n . Oldfield Asst Coach:: D es Coach Jim Glenna 1 M. Bourke

2 M . Wiseman 3 S . Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M . Canavan

THOMASTOWN Coach : Gordon Burrows Res Coach : Wayne Cooper 1 V.Capeci

2 3 4 5

B.Byron A.Smith G .Petsinis L .Smith

UNIVERSITY B LACKS Coach: Kane Bowden Res Coach : Ben Sullivan

WEST BRUNSWICK Coach : Tim Pontefrac t Res. Coac h : Paul Weir

YARRA VALLEY Coach : Brett Davidso n Res Coach: Tony Regan 1 R Pearce

2 F Macvean 3 R Thompson 4 M Fung 5 A Drew

1 G Darroch

2 3 Coieman hea n

5 R Ma c~ 6 S Smith 7 8 Cunningham

6 D Howse W Pasc°e 7 J Downs 6 7 S.Plant 8 9 C Peki n R . Cincott 8 L Morris 9 A .Gentis 7 G . Gaspe d 9 J Kee m j~ K Bowden 8. Logan 10 R .Scott 12 M Kohne 10 B Searl aS e 6 D .Godino

9 A . Campbell 11 Z .Fleming j4 S Milnern 11 C Reynolds 12 A .Farquer 10 D .Olive r 15 l Mellings 12 J Cremea n 11 A . Davey 13 G.Scarpa jj P Radfo davri atb 13 0 Kysela 14 J .Alexander 12 A . Gaspari 18 T Wilson 14 E Krus e J 19 C Franklin 15 L.DelPapa 13 I . Bobetic 20 E Hannan 16 B .Colosimo -'~ 15 J Koena n 14 J .. McLaren H Cameron 22 8 Sellenger 17 D .Gorski 16 L Taylo r 15 D . levol i 23 s Beaton 16 A . Chaippini 17 Matt Forbes 18 A . Sexton 19 S . Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 21 R. Napoli 22 A. Anderson 23 M . Smith 24 A. Grace27 25 B. Kirchner

18 F.Arcoraci 19 S,Smith 20 S .Hod9ison

21 E .Lentini R.Dima9gl~0 24 B .Smith 25 R .Kennedy 26 A.Volpe


24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfield


26 na lady 27 A Clements

26 N Haslett

29 D Hayes 30 J Maguire

17 A Lain g

18 L Whit e 18 D Ross 19 S Thompson T Hal e

21 A LiveseYCole ' 22 B Drew 23 C Arnol d 24 M Davie s

31 M Foster

32 MJones 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 A Willis

C .Plant 36 N Abbott 25 S Lloyd

37 J Tolan o 28 L .Morabito e+f' 26 J Longworth 38 B Costello 29 P.Meade 26 J . Nannes 39 t Munro 27 A Rowe 40 G Sullivan 30 L .Alberti 27 M. Mansfield 28 B Reynolds 41 L Ma ulre l' 31 P.Corbouy 29 P Peterso n 28 M . Byrn e 42 A Gaod 32 P.Colosimo 43 S Manure 29 Mick Forbe s 30 D Potte r 33 D .Farchione R Coutts 30 D . Campbell 46 D emfth31 s 46 B Pedlo w = 32 C Hefferna n 31 S .Oldfiel d 34 J .Buzzini 47 B Murphy 3 3 P C remea n 35 A .Eccles 32 A . Stevens 48 J Mann 34 A Cusano 49 J Weber 33 S .Trakas 36 J .Theodorou 50 S Crawford 35 B Peake 38 S .Mineo 34 D . Gheblikian 51 A Neville 36 R Penalun a 52 M Pollard 35 C . Baxte r 40 B .Thomas 53 N Remfry 37 D Francom e 36 S . Nolan 41 A .Cummaudo 38 B Morriso n s 5 n Mcrico l 37 J . Brenna n 43 J .Kennedy 39 T Reddaway e56 JPRice 44 C.Chapkou n 38 S . Koutaplis 57 K Sagely 40 M White 58 N Lymn 39 A . Thai n 47 D.Plowright V -J 41 B Downs 59 S Jessen . Forer 48 LDowning 40 M 60 N Byrne 42 B Whitechurc h 61 B Bosse 41 R . Naha s 49 A.Ward 43 H Par k 62 42 P. Evans50 B .Leavold a Hickey 44 J Skipworth 64 TT G Halloran 43 M . Cooke 51 C.Hansen 45 L Ree s 65 J Trevaskis 44 C. Hunt 54 P.Stewart 46 B Butle r 66 N Howell 67 T Krake 45 S . Horvath 47 D Lan g 59 P.Scopelliti 68 R Gore 48 R Davie s 46 D. Nannes 60 L .Biles 69 G Cutci 49 S Seabourn e 70 F Purcell 47 S . Baxter 64 S.Smith 71 T Thornto n 50 T Clarkso n 48 A. Roberts 65 S.Holmes 72 J 51 S Gad d 73 S C= e 49 J . Glenna 67 N .Grech ome 2 A Hartnett 50 D . Blake 75 K Crawford 53 T Tyshing 76 C Hancoc k 51 M . McCarthy 54 T Mcllrat h 77 T Kooloos 52 S . Ega n 78 D Ada 55 S Taylo r 79 8 De Bondt 53 Pat Forbes 56 T Morris 54 Paul Forbes 80 J Marr 81 A Kootoos 57 S Keho e

55 P. Bouchard

56 C . Malliard 57 E . Malliard 58 M. Bates 59 S . Bobetic 60 S . McGain 61 E Hanaphy 62 P. Pitts 63 G. Riley 64 B . Bowman 65 D . Sutherland 66 M . Sutherland

82 J Farrington

58 G Ker r

84 D Strac 85 Leah~ an

59 A Joine r 60 D Christian 61 J Scanla n

83 J Ryan

86 S Mahoney 87 K Sartori

88 P McClelland 89 J Mirtschin 90 J Mirtschin 102 T Bellevil 91 A Metcalfe 103 S Dimon 92 D Meek 104 M Fog e 93 M O'Donne11105 T Griffin 94 H Peck 106 G Howde 95 A Scott 107 S Jones 96 S Pengilly 108 S Lowe 97 R Prentice 109 P 0'Beirn 98 P P rene 110 A Pato n 99 PA Scotney 111 B Smith 100 R Cole 112 0 Toose

101 M Sagely 113 S Vente r 114 D Walsh

62 P Burum a

63 M Wines 64 N Russel l

65 P Vaughan 66 S Pask 67 B Strurzaker 68 N Park 70 T Fyffe 71 M Laing

LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundl e 5 YEARS AGO - 199 5 President David Burnes welcomed new clubs, Beaumaris, Warringal (an U .19 composite team), Swinburne Institute and Hawthorn Citizens and applauded Eltham for making the transition from Club XVIl l football . The Executive had introduced a geographic structure for all clubs below D section in the hope that by reducing a hefty travel requirement clubs may be able to attract new players . QUIT had become the major sponsor . President David Burnes was delighted with the association and was confident it would be a long and successful partnership . Roger Ellingworth who coached Old Melburnians to the 1994 A section flag had been coerced to coach the Victorian team against South Australia at Elstermviek Park in June . Peter Hannan takes over as coach of CDE Representative team . Scribes for the year were Don Blackwood (A), David Holland (B), Peter Lemon (C), Tom Brain (D), Barry Hickey (E East), Darren Briggs (E Central), Michael Noonan (E South) . The VAFA made its debut on Magic 693 with Phil Stevens discussing VAFA football each Sunday evening at 5 .45 pm, with Kevin Bartlett and Sam Kekovich . Old Trinity, 1994 B Premiers, annihilated 1994 A runner up Collegians 20 .12 to 7 .14 . Best were Ramsden, Yargo, Sutcliffe, Oldfield, Norman, Hopkins (Old Trinity), and Wallace, Milat, Grigg (Coil .) . Old Xaverians on their new ground at Toorak Park trailed Ormond by 18 points at the last change, kept the'Monds to a solitary point but went down by 4 points 10 .15 (75) to 12.7 (79) . Early season stars were Sebo McConville, P. McDonald, Kenrick (Orm), and Landrigan, Bourke, Tapping and Mollard (Old Xavs) . Ivanhoe (C) could not fmd the goals at Cordner Oval and went down 10 .23 (83) to 12 .14 (86) . Stars were Wrobel . Goldberg, Kalinski, Sheezel (AJAX), and Armstrong, Hird, Scoble, O'Neill (Ivan) . Best bag of goals for the day was the 10 kicked by Mark Crawford in Hampton Rovers (D) 20 goals defeat of Williamstown CYMS, 24 .18 to 5 .14. 10 YEARS AGO - 199 0 President David Scott, appointed to that position in December 1989, welcomed three new clubs, St Mary's, Boronia Park and Chirnside Park. David, the ninth President since the commencement of the Association in 1892, was the first President to have come from a district club background, and brought a wide range of experience to the position . Practically all positions in the Ormond Club had been held by David, culminating in his presidency of the club in the years 1977 . 1978, 1979 and 1980 . 26

David Burnes had been elected to the Chairmanship of the Executive . General Manager Phil Stevens announced that 3UZ's Leon Wiegard had been selected as the VAFA Media Personality of 1989 for his contribution to the VAFA through his weekday sports program "the Good Sports". Previous award winners were Michael Lovett, John Anderson, Sophie Arnold, Gordon Bennett, Bill Jacobs . Bruce Steward and Arthur Higgins . Press correspondents for the season were Andrew Maher (A), Tom Johnston, of Parkside fame (B), Chris Rowston, former Hampton Rovers President (C), Latrobe Uni's President, Kevin McNicholl (D), ANZ's Tom Brain was giving all his intellectual force to E section . Peter Hille was looking after the Westgate Warriors, the Elitists, the Stationmasters in F, Norm Nugent Information Supremo (G) and Max (I've coached everyone) Lyon (U 19) . A section umpires (field) were S. Caruso, R . Francis, S . McCarthy, N. McDonald, R. Simon, K . Segota, P. Wiseman, B . Green, D. Daigleish, S . Clinch . Ormond, at home to Uni Blues, unfurled the 1989 A Section flag and celebrated with a 44 point win, 17 .11 to 9 .15. Best were Clarkson, Connell, D . McDonald, (Ormond), and McCarthy, Hazeldine, Coulter (Uni Blues). 15 YEARS AGO - 1985 De La Salle fresh from their A Section flags in 1983 and 1984 were hopeful they would win the flag again in 1985 to make it 3 flags in a row . The last club to achieve this feat was Ormond in 1971, 1972, 1973 . They came back to the field however when in the opening ~ame North Old Boys trounced them 13 .11 to 4 .12. Pau Considine (4 goals), Joey Busuttil and Bruno Conti were outstanding for North . Mick Deveson was De La's best. "A" Section umpires were Peter Wiseman, Trevor Flannery, Felix Rossetto, Ken Coughlan, John Horwood, Stephen Green, Colin King, Dick Tracey, Brian Goodman, Shane Urwin . Old reliables Don McKenzie, Rob Dunstan, Ralph Bridges, Don Hillier, Mike Murray and Ian Malcolm were again in the goals . Bob Welch and Ray Walsh had been elected to fill casual vacancies on the Executive . Former Richmond champion and Old Xaverians coach Michael Green was appointed coach of the Victorian team to play in this year's Carnival to be played in Melbourne . Former De La and Marcellin coach Gavin White had been appointed coach of the CDEF team with Trevor Read again coach of the Under 19 team . Old Xaverians opened the season badly with a dreadful 85 point loss to Collegians . Lions captain Stuart Hinchen did well as did evergreen ruckman Glen Cook . All members of the VAFA expressed delight at the 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000

of an NFL Certificat eawr . of Meri t d o~ s~ding serviceston to Aust al an f otball 20 YEARS AGO - 1980 The Association welcomed five new clubs ganvule, Coolaroo Rovers, Peninsula Old Boys, St Johns Old Collegians and Thomastown . It was a big day for AJAX with the unfurling of its first B grade formation in 1957 . Cohen Pavillion, as club extension to the existing club rooms . The Executive appointed former Kew Amateurs captain John Fisher, as State Coach . John represented VAFA on six occasions and captained the successful 1967 team in Launceston . John left Kew to further his football career with Hawthorn VFL and later returned to Kew as coach from 1970 to 1974 . Well known senior umpires who had returned were Phillip Rowell, Norman Sharpe and David Hindle . Umpires Association officials were Don Hillier , president, John Peters, vice president, Richard Tracey, secretary and Michael Woodruff treasurer . 1979 "A" section premier, De La Salle under new coach Gavin White, overwhelmed Old Melburnians, 22 .17 to 9 .16 . Best were M. Greene, Connolly, P . Green (De La Salle), and P . Thomson, Koren, Waddington (Old Melb) . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 5 New clubs admitted to the Association were Bulleen United and Heatherton IF Section) and Thomastown (Junior Section 2), Bulleen Templestowe who competed in Junior Section in 1974 also fielded a team in F Section .

"A" section coaches were Graham Warfe (Coburg), Bill Harding (Monash Blues), Shane Maguire (North Old Boys), Denis Dalton (Old Paradians), Ted Farrell (Ormond), Brian King (Reservoir O .B), Gus Mitchell (St Bernards O .C.), Peter O'Donoghue (U . Blacks), Ray Wookey (Geelong), Alex Gardiner (Old Trinity) . 100 games to Mich (Lungs) Fernon (St Kevins O .B . best and fairest 1970 and committeeman since 1971) . Ormond avenged their 1974 grand final defeat when they scored a 29 point win over Uni Blacks . Only 4 point separated the teams at half time but Ormond's phenomenal accuracy (13 .1) in the second half was too much for Blacks' 8 goals . 30 YEARS AGO - 1970 The VAFA welcomed new clubs for season 1970 Old Essendon Grammarians, La Trobe University, and Dookie and Longerenong Old Coll . A highlight of the season was the AAFC carnival to be staged in Perth . Previous Perth Carnivals had been in 1948 (won by South Australia) and 1959 (won by Victoria) . Umpires in "A" section for opening day were Gavin Marshall, Graeme Simpson, Geoff Thomas, Darryl George and Bill Mason . Ivanhoe and De La Salle made re-appearances in "A" Section . Coburg "A" section premiers for 1969, unfurled their flag in the presence of Caulfield Grammarians . They had many anxious moments and it was only in the last 10 minutes that they gained control and won by 16 points. g% T4AC DA,tATFI


"B" Section grand finalists in 1969, Ivanhoe and De la Salle provided a real upset with De La Salle, after kicking 10 .3 to 2 .2 in the first quarter, defeating Ivanhoe by 53 points to reverse the 1969 grand final result. MHSOB congratulated their 1970 coaches, Keith Marshall and George Inkster, on their appointments . 35 YEARS AGO - 196 5 1965 opened with the acquisition of St Kilda Cricket Ground as the Association's headquarters, with the match of the day being played there . Feature game for the opening day was the meeting of 1964 premiers Old Paradians and Collegians, with Collegians leading all day to win convincingly, 10 .12 .72 to 5 .5 .35 . Max Barker and Harry Nance were umpires coach and assistant respectively . Advertisers were Repco, TAA, Gifford Goaler, Channel 0, Volkswagon, Victoria Discount House, National Bank, Arena, Sherrin, Mount Catering and Ansett ANA . AJAX's first club captain Lionel Rosenberg, had been appointed senior coach for 1965 . 40 YEARS AGO - 196 0 After two years of unofficial operation, the curtain raiser section became officially part of the Association to be known as the Reserve section . This brought the strength of the Association to 74 teams. Teams represented were Old Melburnians, Old Xaverians, AJAX, Ivanhoe, Belifield, Old Brighton Grammarians, Ormond, Old Scotch, Collegians, Old Paradians, St Kilda CBOC, State Savings Bank, University, Caulfield Grammarians . De La Salle OC . At the annual general meeting of Collegians, Jack McCann was made the first patron of the club . Keith Lewis succeeded Jack as the President . the fourth since the club's inception in 1891 . "A Section umpires for the day were Barker, H . Roberts, Lee, Amey and Hinton . Tribunal members were G . Barnett, C. Crosskell, D . Fraser, A.L. Hassett, I .W. Johnston, G.T Moore and F. Northcott . The section opened in bad conditions after seven inches of rain in the previous three days . Old Xaverians was the only "A" team to score over 100 points, with seven "A" section teams scoring less than 50 points . Ormond 4 .7 beat U . Blacks 3 .4 . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 0

Thirty nine senior and eight junior teams lined up for start of the season on April 22 1950 . Ormond turned the tables on their 1949 grand final conquerors, University Blacks when they held on at University to beat the home side by 15 points . John Backhouse, state full forward, who transferred from MHSOB starred for Black with 7 out of their 10 goals . University Blues, runners up to Geelong in "B" Section in 1949, also reversed the result when they defeated the home side, 15 .12 to 12 .8. Geelong's ground was Corio Oval . Max Barker was umpires' coach, assisted by Barry Nance .






D3 SECTION by il l



4th the season being brought forward to sui t some event being held in Sydney in September , the normally frenetic preseason has managed to be even more so . Isn't it funny though, by the end of the year, most people have an absolute "gutfull" of the season but within a matter of weeks after finishing find themselves longing for a bit of footy again . Bring it on ! Preview With the mixing and matching that occurred over the preseason, it really does look like that D3 will prove to be a particularly even grade, with no clear cut favourites and most importantly, no easy game . Having said that . my feeling is that the teams to watch will be (in no particular order), Powerhouse . Williamstown and Monash Gryphons . Hope this provides the other seven coaches with enough motivation ammunition .

The first game for preview sees Elsternwick host Albert Park . Elsternwick were pretty competitive last year without really threatening to run amok . Club legend, "Lethal" Leigh Murphy will be keen to get of to a good start, particularly at home . Albert Park would probably still be smarting form lasts year's grand final defeat . None the less, their 1999 season brought back a lot of pride back into the club and they plan to keep the momentum going . Home ground advantage counts for a fair bit at this time of (lets refer to it as rule number one) and consequently think the Wicks might get the season of on a good note . Albert Park's pain was inversely proportional to Eley Parks ecstasy from last years F Grade Grand Final. Any side coached by Marty Hook should never be written off and so it panned out with the Sharks overcoming a huge '/, time deficit to win a monumental game . They get the opportunity to unveil their flag when they host Hawthorn . The Hawks were competitive last year and in finals contention until late in the season . It may well be the battle of the spearheads as veteran Adam Lenarcic and Big Dan Lauletta battle it out for their respective clubs . The emotion of the flag unfurling might just be enough to get the Sharks over the line . The third game for review sees University High School Old Boys host Powerhouse . Uni High were

a little disappointing last year, mixing up some high profile scalps with less noteworthy performances . The House had a very slow start to the season but came home like a freight train to be terribly unlucky to miss the finals . As mentioned before, I fancy the House a bit this year (assuming the bush telegraph information is right), and expect them to record a valuable on the road victory . Williamstown host Richmond in yet another even match up . Willy got of to a great start last year, had a terrible run in the middle of the season, and were beginning to come good when the siren sounded for the end of the year. Richmond were simply unable to get their season going last year, winning some big games but not stringing many games in a row . If Richmond can recapture their form of 1998 they will be very difficult to beat but, taking into account rule number 1, 1 expect Williamstown to hold to much firepower and record a win . Finally, Monash Gryphons take on St . Johns down in Caulfield . Monash were in the final's mix for most of the season and ended up only marginally short of the action . Coach Gary Ryan has left the club after a number years and no doubt will be sorely missed . His shoes have been filled by Jack McDonald, a great replacement if ever there was one . St . Johns were another side that was competitive without being overly threatening last year and might take a little bit to get going. Taking that into account, as well as rule number 1, and my liking for Monash's ability, have to take the home side . Correspondent s The move to have the Amateur Footballer available on Thursday afternoons, whilst slightly complicating for scribes, is a boon for all clubs with many treasurers getting excited about the prospect of making some sales! Contributions from club correspondents is vital as well as providing far more interest for all clubs . The deadline has been brought forward, consequently I will need all reports by preferably Sunday evening, (although Monday morning will be fine, at least for the first few weeks). Contact can be made on 98981535 (home), 0418348723 (mob), 95533675 (fax) or via email on ed .siU@Iockers-pl



ACN 006 637 90 3

Suite 41 E, 190 Jells Road, Wheelers Hill Phone : (03) 9561 7577 Fax : (03) 9561 7566

C ' _eh: , Res. C cPc 1 . P Smit h

2 . N Pastras 3 . B Isard 3 . S Bolas (R) 4 . W Rosowski 5. S Allan 6. N Pantazopoulos 7 . J Sutto n 8 . C Jackson 9 . Chambers 10. Phillips 11 . A Fleming 12, L Marriott 13 . B McKimmie 14 . T Prio r

15 . A Lon g 16 . C Robertson 17. D McLellan 18 . J Taylo r 19 . A Faranda 20 . J Bourne 22 . S Redpath 23, L Bertram 23. A Bennett (R) 24. A Dick 25 . J Milbourn 26 . G Finn 27, S Ridout 28 . R Buckley 29. G Walkley 30. A Thomas 31 . D Green 32 . S McKerrow 33 . T Murray 34 . N Rutherford 35. P Barto n 36. M Pearson 37 . M Drought 38 . C Lamont 39 . J Lamont 40. M Lapsley 41 . H Ross 43. D Klein 45 . J Roos 46 . B Corr 48 . P Heyes 49 .S Kane 50. D McKav 52 . K Dohnt 54 . P Rutherford 55 . C McKerral 57 . P Knigh t 58 . M Sweene y

C Coach : Leigh i.turmhy Res Coach : And Curtain 1 L. : . :urphy

RYPHONS Coach : Peter Tyso n '. Re Coach : . vin Staltworthy

2 A . Hankin 1 D.Murray 3 C . Lyons 2 G .Broadley 4 A. Tille y 3 N .Patterson 5 M. Whelan 4 S.McDonald 6 D. Brennan 5 S.Avery 7 D. Lee 8 S . Currie 6 P.Avery 9 D . Stelle 7 A .Bourke 10 R . Bravington 8 M .Dunstan 11 L . Messaglia 9 W.Pollock 11 P. Mahony 10 P.Orchard 12 N. Wigmore 11 A.Sill 13 M . Cunnngham 12 M .Mulcahy 14 B . Mahoney 15 M . Noonan 13 J .Graves 16 M . Surman 13bJ .Povey 17 J. Ward 14 D .Lauletta 18 A. Nei l 15 G .Macdonald 19 A . Peasley 16 C .Reed 19 M . Bullard 7 D.Zaverell a 20 P. Stankovich P.Rya n 21 J . Cappiello 9 D .Garlick 22 M . Mussared 23 S. Cu rt ai n 9bJ.Law 24 A. Foster 20 S.Parker 25 B. Frankin 21 P.Stroud 26 C. Mahony 22 J .Williams 27 M . Daniels 23 M .Artini 28 W. Davidson 24 S .Williams 29 S . Mahony 25 M .Zaverella 30 M. Nichol 26 M . Nowak 31 G . Devonshire 32 M . Hun t 27 R .Lord 33 J . Overman 28 J .McCormack 34 A . Conlin 29 P.Barker 35 P. McNally 30 M .Nunn 36 T. Byrne 31 J .Bes t 37 L . Lambert 32 D .McCowan 38 B. Currie 33 S .Duf f 39 P. Alle 40 M . Ray 34 J .Bogie 41 J . Devitt 35 D .Murphy 42 J . Lilikakis 36 K.Sanders 43 A . Burnee 37 D.Carter 44 C . Walke r 38 M .Tyson 45 R . Grandemange 39 P.Hewish 46 S . Smit h 40 I .Irvine 47 S . Ritchie 41 M .Irvin e 48 M . Frankin 49 R . Buckingham 142 S . West 50 G . Corrie 43 I .Cheppa 51 P. Broderick 44 P.Rositto 52 P. Harris 44bE.SilI 53 B . McCallu m 54 S . Kirkham 55 D . Hosking 56 S. Soppet 57 U. McAdam

i~ 3 E.J . STXNLEY & ASSOCIATES Cemfed Practisinge Accountant s 97 Whitehorse Road Blackburn Victoria 3130 Telephone 9594 11 33 Facsimile 9894 1733


Coach: Jack McDonald Res. Coach : Jim Gonis

D3 Section POWER HOUSE Coach: Kevin Barnes Res Coach: Craig Richardson

1 A Rolls 2 J Hall 3 N Pavlou 4 B Turner 5 M Braini 6 A Burt 7 C Richardson 8 S Cross 9 A Morris 10 C Lloyd 11 J Gill 12 J Robe rtso n 13 J H arr is 14 A Burt 15 R Talbot 16 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 D Aitken 21 D Miller 22 J Marshal l 23 S Craven 24 S Cummins 25 D Boland 26 J Senio r 27 J Demetrie 28 B Rampling 29 R Cassio 31 R Marshall 32 H Davidson 33 R Taylor 34 K Elias

RICHMOND CENTRAL Coach : Billy Dalton Res . Coach: T.B.A.





36 A Robinson 37 B Gilmour 39 M Talbot 40 C McFarlane 41 S Clayton 42 M Beasley 43 H Noren 44 S O'Sullivan 45 P Ryan 48 S Walsh 49 R Wright 50 P Conlon 51 B MacKenzie 52 N Miller

54 J Blowfield 55 J Hearn 56 J Mahoney y 64 D Berle

65 E Warde 66 D Wrigh t 71 L O 'Sullivan 88 G Scotland


G~ L,

[---1 F~; L

U .H .S.O .B . Coach : Pat Mackey Res Coach : Darren Creswell

1 A. Farmer 2 A. Talarico 3 D . Farrell y 4 S . Major 5 J . Glenn 6 S . Cracknell 7 D. Zulucki 8 D. Hasiett 9 R. Smith 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly 13 D . Bunn 14 J . H m 15 B . Robinson 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 M . Farrelly 18 A . Hellne r 19 B . Willis 20 G . Madrigano 21 S . Mills 22 R .Jon s 23 P. Elt ri ngham


35 J Kilpatrick

38 J Kennedy

ST JOHNS Coach : Bruce Mullane Res Coach: John Canal

24 L . Marten 25 B . Carruthers 27 D . Clark e 28 A. Cl ar ke 29 T. Cleveland 30 B . Abrahamsen 31 P. Dolence 32 H. Starbuck 33 P. Drendel 33 P. Mackey 34 35 S . Jone s 36 M . Patterson 37 G. Catterall 38 D . Cooper 39 M . Re a 40 M . Blyth 41 B . Henderson 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Neil 44 C . PercX 45 N . Smi t 46 R . KiIIe 47 M. Turve Y 48 49 50 51 M . O'Connel l 52 P. Dinnick 53 54 55 56 57 G . Divenuto 58 59 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 63 64 J. Evans 65 M . De Luise 66 67 M . DeLuise 68 69

70 E. Ricciuti 73 S. Devli n 74 C . Lon ton 75 S . Anker 76 77 A. Pashle y

WILLIAMSTOWIB CYM S Coach : Darren Williams

Res Coach: Sean Quinn William s

l 23 JR Altus 4 A Barnes 5 D Macleod (C) 6 C Bergi n 7 N Bezzant 8 A Blac k 9 G Case 10 C Boughson 11 P Breguet 12 S Brya n 13 D Bubnic 14 G Burges s 15 W B utt"ers 16 J Buttigieg 17 A Carter 18 B Cocks 19 M Coc o 20 A Daniel 21 P Derva n 23 P Dowse 24 S Dye r y 25 N D Grant

27 B Han n 28 R Hart 29 S Harvey 30 A Hickford 31 M Holland 32 B Hyne s 33 S ivkovic 34 M Jaco b 35 B Jone s 36 N Lange 37 A Langham 38 D Le e 39 A Mackle y 42 D Macleod 43 K Mahe r 44 M Mannin g 45 C Mathews 46 R McConnon 47 J McCutcheo n 48 J McDonald 49 S McEachra n 50 S McNern y 51 T Napoli

52 R Ni sbe t 53 R Obs t 54 M 0'Flyn n 55 D Oldha m 56 C Pach 57 M Saccocci o 58 S Phemister 59 W Phillips 60 R Plochino 61 G Rickar d 62 B Robinso n 63 A Ryan 64 P Sadler 65 A Savoi a 66 C Singleton 67 C Skinne r 68 J Spezz a 69 K Stebbing 70 P Stretto n 71 X Tob y 72 J Tuc k 73 B Twis t 74 P Vincen t 75 B Woud a 76 D Woud a 77 S Wuchatsc h 78 N Bond 79 K Dowsey 80 A Pawczynsk i 90 T Beckwith 91 B Macleod

21come to this year's season of D4 footy . .I hope everyone made it through unscathe d because your scribe and this report almost didn't . As always a new year brings new hope, anticipation and a decent serving of optimism, sometimes justified but often misplaeed, as the next few months will undoubtedly show! The shape and name of the former F grade has changed for the .2000 season including an expansion to twelve sides and the inclusion of two completely new teams . On that note, a welcome to Bentleigh and S outh Melbourne Districts on their joining the Amateur competition and the best of luck on your campaigns for the year . Preview North Brunswick are back in the lower grade and face a stern test first up, taking on Old Westbourne . The Warriors were clearly the best side in the competition for the home and away season last year only to fall short come finals time . They are a side with a lot to prove this year and should start with a win this week . North Brunswick will be far from easy beats but the Warriors should be able to so enough . Two sides that had a competitive seasons last year, Mt Lilydale an d Brunswick, meet in the next match out at Mt Lilydale . The Rams came good towards the end of the '99 season whilst the 'Wickers fell away slightly after a promising beginning. Mt Lilydale will be looking to keep this momentum going, particularly following the strong performance of their reserves, and notch up win number one . Another side who played a part in the finals action last year, S t Marys, host Eltham in Round One .The Saints put a halt to the Turtles charge at the end of last season in a crackerjack game and

I'm sure both teams will be keen for this return bout . The Turtles reserves took home the flag in '99 and the club is hoping this success will flow through and I think it just might this week and see them sneak home, onlyjust . In the fourth game Bulleen host another side returning to the bottom grade, Swinburne . The Cobras were desperately unlikely to miss a finals berth last year after a slow start and finished the year off in fine style . The Swinburne boys will be looking to kick things off on a good note but Bulleen at home might just have their measure . Bentleigh make their first appearance in D4 and host VV'erribee, due to the 'Bees ground problems . The form of the 'Bees last year was hard to follow but another year's experience may have corrected this inconsistency. Bentleigh have come straight from the Southern League and would expect to be very competitive . I think might be the case this week and they should be good enough to account for Werribee . The other side joining D4 from the Southern League, South Melbourne I3istricts, face Syndal Tally Ho in this week's last game . Syndal have also come back after time in the higher grades meaning both sides would be optimistic going in this match . In what is a toss of the coin the home ground advantage might just be enough to get the Tally Ho boys over line in their first hit out . Good luck to all involved this week and for the rest of the season . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Please fax match reports to 9435 5665 and I can also be contacted on 0409 571 580 . If there are any upcoming club functions you want to plug, give them a mention and I'll include them in the write up where possible .


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D4 Sectio n BENTLEIGH Coach : Paul Dimmatina Res . Coach: Paul Jemmeso n

1 C Sharp (Capt) 2 3 A Anastasio 4 5 6 7 M Colaiacovo

8 M Eyles 9 1 Jackson 10 B Eisendel 11 D Martin 12 13 14 L Ireson 15 16 P Jemmeson 17

18 B Marshall 19 D Lewis 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 22 S Arvanitis 23 S Adaway 24 G Stamatakos 25 D Gol d 26 M Delaney 27 J Seeley 28 M McCulloch 29 D Caspers z 30 B Padgham 31 R English 32 D Fishlock 33 M Eefteing 34 A Stone 35 G Phelan 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beattie 39 L Codarin 40 J Bounsall 41 J Neve 42 P Withington 43 R Nev e 44 S Craven 45 A Pititto 46 A Clough 47 B Moffat 48 M Taylor 49 S Hodges 50 A Stanes 51 M Piri e 52 L Sampson 53 A Miksad 54 A Kain 55 D Manning 56 C Aitken 58 S Hal l 59 D Pititto

BRUNSWICK Coach: Stan Gilda y Res. Coach : Steve Kannegiesser 1 B.Lovett

2 J .Markham 3 B .Moore 4 J.Bel l 4 S.Goodwin 5 A Lever 6 D.Dowdle 6 P.Laming 7 D .Sedgwick 8 D .Clarke 9 J .Grixti 10 S .Lak e 11 T.Fulton 13 S .Kannegiesse r 14 S .Moore 15 R .Smith 16 A.Dean 17 G .Mc owan 18 V.Gaf~j 19 N .Melone 20 T.Mcginniskin 21 S.James 22 M.Mcbride I 23 M .Loveft 24 L.Mcbride 25 M .CIeveland 26 G .Cross 27 S.Dreier 28 G .Conway 29 B.Mcbride 30 S .Mcbride 31 M .Bullock 32 S .Draffin 33 S .Londrigan 34 M.Whiteside 35 S.Hewitt 36 A.Lo s 37 A .Berius 38 M .Attard 39 J.Hope 40 R .Mainelli 41 M .Bon d 42 S .Woodbridge 43 D.Woodards 44 C .Miller 45 P.Geddes 46 P.Mcrae 47 L.Marchant 48 J .Ea r 49 A .Cosmano 50 A .Geddes 51 G .Cavanagh 52 S .Grant 53 B .Cazaly 54 B .Bre tt 55 T.Lovett 56 M .Cox 57 Y.Saad 58 C .Caminiti 59 C.R yan 60 D .Sfocks 61 EPavio 62 G .Surace 63 H .Hahne 64 J .Bradley 65 J .Ericson 66 J .Gibson 67 J .Harris 68 L .Cavanagh 69 L .Cordes 70 M.Commerford 71 M .Nug ent 72 M .Robinson 73 M .Ryan 74 N .Bowman 75 P.Conduit 76 P.Stocks 77 R .Craiq ie 78 R .Dantonio 79 R .Dipietro 80 S.Mclean 81 S.Vidler 82 W.Watso n

BULLEEN COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach: Jamie Redfern

ELTHAM COLLEGIAN S Coach : Peter Slacik Res . Coach: Jason Lees


_1 7 I


I C_

MT LILYDALE Coach: David Keas t Res . Coach: Jason Flanaga n

1 A Penhale 2 P Hayes 3 F Varga 4 A Del Mastro 5 P Ston e 6 N Tregonning 7 D Hendrie 8 M Gobetti 9 A Del Biondo 10 J Gardiner 11 C Gibson 12 M Brebner 13 R Kid d 14 C Walsh 15 F Livingston 16 P Caulfield 17 A Burred 18 B Jealous 19 J Burgess 20 J Penhale 21 T Amos 22 D Johnson 23 B Egan 24 C Callanan 25 A Delahunt 26 T Flanagan 27 N Pearce 28 T Crowe 29 P Furlong 30 G Bird 31 C Varga 32 P Carolan 33 C Anderson 34 T Amos 35 D Cailanan 36 E O'Brien 37 M Pearl 38 D Kennedy 39 L Allanson 40 W Newell 41 T Branson 42 M Periera 43 D Holloway 44 J DeRun 45 R McKenzie 46 K Maniscalchi 47 C Lonergan 48 D Featonby 49 P Varga 50 D Prest 51 S Wootten 52 M Well s 53 L Hoogenboom 54 G Cowa n 55 L O'Meara 56 T Wilson

~ectio n I1TH BRUNSWICK Co -h : Craig Fox Res. Coach: Peter powsett

1 S. Wernham 2 D . Adams 3 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D . Pizzari 7 G . Magnuson 8 B. Whitman g W. Fawcett 10 P. Sorleto 11 J. Boudoloh 12 A. Youn g 13 C . Anderson 14 B. Evan s 15 G . Wals h 16 L. DeMorton 17 A. Kyriazis 18 19 S . Famulari 20 21 S . Baldwin 22 C. Fox 23 D. Ellis 24 G . Lattouf 25

26 S . Laoumtzes 27 D. Lucantoni Y 28 W. Prett

29 C . Jewel l 30 S . Healey 31 J . Freeman 32 M . Newton 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 S. Tancredi 37 D . DeMorton 38 A . Crosina 39 D . Lawton 40 C . Rhook 41 42 R . Pa p anik o k o u 43 J . Pa e 44 G . Skaf 45 G . Wannis 46 M . McCombe 47 N . Grant 48 A. Thwaites 49 50 J. Thompson 51 52 A. Latouff 53 54 56 B. Laoumtzes 57 M . Crosina 60 R . Pretty

OLD WESTBOURNE Coach: Andrew Hadley Res. Coach : Craig Stewart 1 G . Robson 32 D . Taylor

STH M ELB DIST. Coach : Peter McBrearty Res Coach: Mel Beyer

ST. MARY'S Coach : Peter Olivier! Res Coach : Michael


14 B. Mattson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M . Aquiline

18 S. Depiazza 19 M . Craig 20 J . Wilson 21 B. Dangerfield 22 W. Fleming 23 G . Flower 24 L . Fairf ield 25 D . Moore 26 P. Mesman 27 D . Billman 28 D . Slattery 29 D . Horsburgh 30 R. McMillan 31 R . Aldridge 32 G . Jenkinson 33 J . Lott 35 B. Slattery 36 S . Chaffey 37 A. Leitch 38 B. Mattsson 39 A. Robbins 40 S . Leitch 41 B. Williams 42 43 P. Hopper 44 45 46 N. Aquiline

47 D. Rivaland 48 49 50 P. Habersatt 51 P. Martinson


17 . J . Andrinopolous


~ )

~-; ;






Coach : Matthew Georg e Res Coach : T.B.A.

1 . G. Poppl e 2 . J . Sheedy 3 . J . Piotrowski 4 . A . Fidle r 5 . J . Demarte 6 . B . Canfiel d 7 . A . Hamilto n 8 . M . Debon o 9 . M . McCalman 10 . M . Georg e 11 . D . Milano 12 . B . Nichol l 13 . M . Luckey 14 . R . Good e 15 . C . Thomas 16 . S . Reynoldson

4 A . O' Keefe 5 S. Craig 6 J . Horsburgh 7 R . Mutimer 8 A Horsburgh 9 C . Villinger 10 T. Madigan 11 A. Christo 12 M . Gibb 13 S. Hewitt



18 . A . Fiumani 19 . B. O'Mara 20 . M. Traino r 21 . R . Merke l 22 . S. Georg e 23 . M . Cavicchiolo 24. M . Caso n 25 . T. Hourigan 26. T. Schwerd t 27. D . Murphy

28. T. Harri s 29. R . Cavicchiolo 30. P. Tur k 31 . B. Roberts 32. B. Prior 33. N . Smit h 34. A. Collin s 35.S . Collin s 36. C . Gillmarti n 37. T. Bennett 38. L. Water s 39. P. Jones 40. M . Strou d 41 . T. Drahtidi s 42. R . Uebergan g 43. J . Robe rt s 44. N . Morgan 45. D . Isli p 46. J . Sandh u 47. J . Sevdali s 49. R . Winter s 50. M . Goodwi n 51 . P. James 52. S . O'Donnel l 53 . M . Bel l 54 . N . Tucker 55 . A. Furey 56. B . Pilley 57 . P. Nelso n 58 . R . Simpso n 59 . P. Dawso n

Prouldy sponsored by :

Whitehorse In n 5 Burwood Rd , Hawthorn

(03) 9818 499 1 Robbie's Meats 0413 539 501

Section SYNDAL TALLT•110 Coach : Kevin Hannett Res Coach : Nick Toce

1 J Barro 2 I Bingham 3 M Joy VWon g 4 P Henderson 5 D Hannett B Dix 6 J Cotsis C Price 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S 0'boyle 15 N Murray 16 B Boucher 17 A Burgess 18 S Macfarlan e

M Foale 19 M Glenister 20 C Hall I Mackenzie 21 A Thompson 22 S Hoare 23 G Kemper 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark 26 G Stoforidis 27 A Dance 28 M Kennedy 29 A Shee r 30 K Gleeson 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 M Richardson 34 W Hal l 35 C Cachi a 37 B Hannemann 38 M Christiansen 39 G Dimitropoulos 40 N Toce 41 M Beckett 42 D Raab A Findlay 43 A Brown 44 A Dyd e J Sargent 45 D Richardson 46 M Pane 49 J Maestros 51 P Van Veldsen 53 S Boy d 54 P Sheer

WERRIDEE AMATEUR S Coach: Tim Elli s Res. Coach : Eddie Galizi 1 D . Frase r

2 3 4 5 6 7

S . McNamara C . Cummins S . Conway S. Bisb y S . McGrath T. Ellis

8 C . Camilleri 9 A . Towers 10 B . Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D . Lenoury 14 B. McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C. Becker 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbo n

A . Dibaitista D . Smit h S . Harding S . Pogliese P. Thomas D. Warwick C . Whiting S . Dol e B . Carless o D . Stephenson B. Seeber C . Dunlevy K. Mongrey J . Youn g P. Mars h 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Crooks 39 C . Chapman 40 S . Fulle r 41 M . Houston 42 S. Fenton 43 E. Galizi 44 T. McKee 45 A. Bordignon 46 P. Rogers 47 D. Shelley 48 G. Shelley 49 D . McKee 50 K . Pac e 51 S . Fenton 52 L . Djakovic 53 N . Robert 54 R . Portogallo 55 P. Semmens 56 A . Addamo 57 D . Flack 58 D . Lzajkowski 59 60

Box Plumbin g Ph : (03) 9741 3864 Fax : (03) 9741 9261 Mobile : 018 058 132

CONE Exact number of goals and behinds for each team must be accurately named Entry to be faxed to 9531 2050 or emailed to phil@vafa .asn .a u Entry to be received by noon Tuesday preceding matc h One entry per person only Prize : $100 to winning entry with $100 to nominated VAFA clu b If not claimed, prize increases each week by $50 . MA'CGH :. DE LA SALLE V. WHITEFRIARS (B) SCORES : DE LA SALLE : WH€TEFRIARS : '. $100 TO ENTRANT; $100 TO NAMED VAFA CLU B NOW: LODGE ENTRY, NAME VAFA GLUB, , YOUR NAME AND CONTACT PHONE P RIZE:


I Umpir been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms i : : S and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take ttired correctly. ( ar - . lu rrners. To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . ':-rater carriers, It is preferable for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is away from the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires have the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme . Please n ote all VAFA officials must be 15 years or older in Season 2000. Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Aire - R canners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts.Track pants if worn to be navy only. If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only. No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top. Trainers. VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants, Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only.

If a player elects to accept the minimum prescribed penalty the club secretary must contact Karen McNaught at VAFA Administration (9531 8333) between the hours of 9 .30am and 12 noon on the Monday following the playing of the match. The club secretary of the reported player is to contact VAFA Administration after 3 .00pm that same . Monday to see if the minimum prescribed penalty has been granted . The Tribunal Co-ordinator will contact umpires and witness's club after 3 .00pm should the minimum prescribed penalty be granted . If contact is not made from the VAFA in all other cases all parties must attend the tribunal as it has been decided that the case must be heard .


411 o ~~~~


Clubs whose Presidents attended the Sponsors' Nigh t shortly receive (3) entry forms, a ll other clubs will receive (2) entries .




Winning Edge Presentations


v elcome to football in the third millennium! W t ith the advent of the season hopes ar e high and each team can (and does) evince reasons why the premiership will be theirs on August 5 ! Success in Amateur football is often ephemeral and the vicissitudes of club fortunes are reflected by the fact that Melbourne High School Old Boys . Old Haileybury, Thornbu ry and Glen Eira are no longer participants in Club XVIII . On the other hand we welcome new sides in Whitefriars and Rupertswood as well as our returnees St Bernards, Old Ivanhoe Grammarians, Monash Il4fi,ites, Old Trinity and Old Geelong . Preview of Round 1 Section 1 St Kevins played well in many games last season but lacked the consistency of their opponents today . Old B righton . I suspect that St Kevins may have had the better preparation and so select them to win today . In a reply of the last two Grand Finals, De La Sall e play Old Xaverians . Despite their minor premiership last year De La Salle have only defeated Old Xaverians once in that time . Old Xave ri ans believe they have covered their player losses adequately and are confident they can win their fifth consecutive premiership . "The General" now an off the field marshal, told me that he has to rally his remaining troops, who may take a while to hit top form . OLD XAVERIANS are my selection . Prahran are optimistic of gaining success in this section despite the annual loss of players . Their first opponents, Old Melburnians have never been able to play consistently good football over seasons past . Despite their limited football preparation, I select Prahran . Old Scotch meet Mazenod, who have been promoted after one season in Section 2 . Old Scotch are always a competitive team and at

home they should prove too strong for Mazenod . Marcellin has the bye . Section 2 . Last year's runners up Yarra Valley are at home to Old Ivanhoe, who last played in Club XVIII in 1996 . Despite Old Ivanhoe's numerical strength, I favour Yarra Valley to win . Near neighbours, Therry Penola and St Bernards play on the J .P. Fawkner Oval, where visiting sides always find difficulty in meeting ground conditions . Therry Penola, who finished third last season, may take time to adjust to the coaching of Tony Crotty and to the loss of some key 1999 players . St Bernards have missed the last two seasons and may take time to settle down to winning football . I select Therry Penola! ! Debutantes in 1998, Old Camberwe ll meet 1998 premiers, Monash Whites, who played in F Section last season. Selection of a victor is difficult so I will gamble on Monash Whites possessing the ability to win the game . Whitefriars play their first game at home against Parkside, whose playing personnel has changed a lot since 1999 . Coach Phil McEvoy hopes for success with his "Red Devils" but today I select Whitefriars to open with a win . Newcomers, Rupertswood make the long journey east to Bulleen to play Old Trinity, who have not played in Club XVIII since 1995 . After many seasons in junior football, this will be the first outing by a Rupertswood team in an open age competition . With their Under 18 experience Rupertswood must have a good chance of defeating Old Trinity, who despite their 1999 B Section pennant, were not strong in either Reserves or Under 19 sections . Rupertswood are my selection . Old Geelong return to the competition for the first time since 1997 and will play Collegians, who did not enjoy success last season . As Old Geelong were prone to inconsistent performances over many seasons, I select Collegians without any confidence at all .

The Only Ball VAFA Players Fly For.


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U19-SECTION by Tony Miller (Review) Darren Hexter (P review)

~1he 2000 season brings some exciting ~ chanases tn thP TTt Q -,,,,,Ar ;+ ; .,,, ,,,:+i, c,.,.+_ _

1 increasing to 12 teams and the inclusion of 4 new U19 teams in Blue and Red Sections . This just illustrates the strength of VAFA Football as the leading competition in its commitment to developing junior football in Victoria . Note that the Victorian Representative U19 State game will be played on June 11th, therefore, State Selectors will be out in force from Round 1 watching - good luck . Preview Section 1 St . K are reeling with a number of their stars out for the first few weeks but their coach, O'Shannassy believes they will win due to their "great conditioning and fitness" . Whereas, St . B's coach, O'Connor, says his team will "have a red hot go every week and at every contest" . St . K to win in a cliff-hanger . De La hosts the promoted Old H. De La has recruited hard this season due to 2 sides and players promoted to seniors . They will look to Harrison, Spitall and Duggan to get them home . Old H . are buoyed by their practice match form and excited by the new batch of 1st year players . De La just . Old Parade would like to congratulate Mark Cosgriff in beginning his 5th year of U19 football . His experience will help mould this young group into a committed team . Coach Brown from Old Bri ghton is pleased with the blend of youth and experience, predicting a final four finish . Old B for me . Uni Blue's coach Steve King, would not say much about his team other than they have large numbers and 11 eligible players from last years Grand Final team . O .M.'s coach Holdsworth says recruitment has been good from the school, Geelong Grammar and St . Michaels . Pre match form good . Uni Blues to win . The premiers Old Xav's are host to Marcellin . Manny is quietly confident with the likes of Higgins, McCarthy, Scanlon and Colman - he should be! Marcellin is very confident after being promoted but Old X should be too strong . Mazenod entertain Collegians . Reports from both clubs are sensational . Great numbers at training, confident, teams blending well, good mix of youth and experience . Both coaches are extremely optimistic for the coming season . Mazenod to win, only because they're at home .

Section 2 Last year's Blue section Premiers Hampton Rovers are at home against Yarra Valley in what should be a clash between two of this year's finals contenders . The Bushrangers missed the finals on percentage last season and are looking for bigger things under coach Rod Penaluna, but the Rovers will be too good today and will win in a close one . Old Trinity host Old Carey at the Hudson Oval with both teams looking to improve on their disappointing 1999 results . Whitefriars have shown promising form in their preseason matches and will win today when they travel down to the Banksia Reserve to take on Mick Deaton's Beaumaris . MHSOB have the bve for Round 1 with the withdrawal of St Bedes Mentone Tigers . In a battle of the new teams to the section Old Scotch takes on Old Ivanhoe . Old Scotch have been struggling for numbers over recent weeks and are hoping things will improve as the season begins, but with the loss of key players to their senior team may struggle today against an improved Old Ivanhoe . Selections : Hampton Rovers, Old Carey, Whitefriars, and Old Ivanhoe . Section (2) Blue Monash Blues are at home to Glen Eira . The Blues are looking forward to the season opener . Practice match form has been excellent and they have had a good influx of 1st year players . Down at Glen Eira there is a quiet confidence about the coming season . The players are teaming well and are very committed . The Blues too strong at home . De La 2 is re-building with a large number of 1st year players and is combining well . New coach Greg Buntine believes that their fitness and enthusiasm will get them over the line . Around at Caulfield, everything seems to be the same as last year, with a good blend of youth and experience . The Grammarians should be too strong in this one . St . Leo's under Danny Sullivan are looking to capitalise on their terrific season last year . The players have been very positive and willing to do what has been asked of them so far, so just "do it" on the field. At Mentone, coach Winduss has been delighted with the attitude and application of his team at the moment . The practice game against Ormond was terrific . St. Leo's though at home, too strong . Ajax will enter season 2000 with a very

young team, But as coach Zuker states, the enthusiasm, tackling and endeavour has been fantastic . South Melbourne Districts come into the Amateurs for the first time and are hoping to begin with a win . South Melbourne plays a very disciplined hard running brand of football so this should be a very entertaining game . Unfortunately for South, Ajax should win . Ormond coach Hille has nicknamed his team the "mosquito fleet" . Although a bit on the short side, they are extremely quick, tenacious and committed at "man and ball" . At Mentone, coach O'Connor is elated with the approach his young charges have taken this pre-season, culminating with the effort of a few players who turned out for the seniors in last week's practice match . Ormond at home will win . Section (2) Re d With four new teams this section should be wide open this year . Newcomers Old Essendon take on Therry Penola at the PEGS No .2 Oval . Old Essendon is looking to transfer the success

of their school boy sides into the U 19 section and could be a real contender this year, they should account for Therry Penola today. In a replay of last year's controversial grand final, premiers Old Camberwell will be keen to show that they did deserved the top honours when they take on North Old Boys at home . In a fiery affair the Wells will be triumphant by two or three goals. New team Bull een-Templestowe clash with last season's ninth placed team Aquinas, both teams will be keen to start the new year with a win but the Bullant's should be too good . Uni Blacks will be expecting to get a win on the board when they make the long journey out to Sunbury to take on Rupertswood. Werribee have forfeited to (Beaumaris/St. Bedes Mentone) Tiger Sharks for this week due to lack of numbers . The Tiger Sharks team being made up of a hybrid team of the two clubs after St. Bedes Mentone Tigers were unable to field a team in their own right . Selections : Old Essendon, Old Camberwell , Bull een-Templestowe, and Uni Blacks .

r~" r h째 L_; a the VAFA


Under-19 - Section I



Coach: Richard Obee Coach: Ter ry Russell

1 D. Coombes 2 R . Muir 3 D . Dowling 4 R . Sztar 5 B. Hoist 6 A . Fletcher 7 J . Farley 8 B. Sloman 9 B. Lo w 12 M . White 13 B . Lumb 14 J . Dixon 15 N . Peters 17 A. Shinkfield 18 D. Stowing 21 N. Chalmers 22 C. Rologas 25 M . Reid 26 P. Krotiris 27 B. Donnelly 29 B.Lukav 31 N . Herman 32 M .Johnson 33 J . Fitzpatrick 34 J. Young 40 J. Dixon 43 E. Waters

OLD MELBURNIAN S Coach : Wayne Holdsworth

1 . C . Alder 2 . S. Arden 3 . N. Barrett 4. J . Berman 5. L. Bilby 6 . J . Bracey 7 . T. Bryant 8 . J. Byrne 9 . T. Duncan 10 . T. Fitzgerlad 11 . R. Gough 12. J . Gran t 13. P. Grundy 14. M . Hawkins 15 . C . Hinkfuss 16 . S. Kennedy 17 . T. Kin g 18 . B. Marks 19. M . Marson 20. T. Middelton 21 . C . Miller 22 . J . Mulcahy 23 . H . O'Brien 24 . M. Radywonik 25 . J. Rus h 26. E . Selby 27. A . Simpson 28 . D. Stewart 29 . T. Stonier 30 . C . Tandy 31 . P. Thomas 32 . A. Teloar 33. J . Tucker 34. C. Walker 35. A . Wal l

36. J . Wilson 37. A. Wu

1 . J. Hynes 2. D. Spitall 3 . L. Young 4 . M. Goddier 5 . A. Bonnici 6 . S. Brown 7. S. Hyde 8. R. Burrows 9. A . Coffey to . P. De La Haye 11 . D . Doyle 12, J. Garland 13 . B. Hawkins 14. J . Lowe 15. P. Harrison 16 . B . Kropman 17 . D . Poynton 18 . A. McLeish 19 . S. O'Connell 20. P. Mulholland 20 M . Picone 21 . S . Murray 22 . T. Molan 23 . M. Naughtin 24 . J. Stinear 26 D. Leary 26 R. Warmsley 27 M . Miller 28 C . Mercuri 42 S. Evans 70 M. Duggan

OLD PARADIAN S Coach: Brendan Flynn

MAZENOD 1 . D . Collins 2 . D . Fotiniotis 3 . D . Bonnici 4 . A. McIntyre 5. D. Maskelt 6. A . Strawhorn 7. A . Fry 8 . E . Hansen 9 . D . Hose 10 . J. McLatchie 11 . C . Jayaweera 12 . C. Cleg g 13. D. Clegg 14. L. Fuller 15. M . McDowell 16. A . Moo n 17. R . Mosbauer 18 . M . Quinn 19 . S . Mart in 20 . B . Southgate 21 . P. Ryan 22. D . Waite 23. T. Heal 24 . L . May 25 . P. Reed 26 . A. Chalk 27 . P.Jones 28 . T. Grierson 29. C . Meehan 30. A . Wilson 31 . S. Veltman 32 . P. Dugdale 33 . M . Guthridge 34 . K. Lorenz. Danie l

OLD SL BERNARDS XAVERIANS Coach :PeterO'Conn o Coach : Manny Nlcolosl



Coach : Denet Merto n

. R . L g di 12 . G . eWa urd 3 uzikas 4.. S . BoBorg .A 5. J .DCitarelli 6. JL. McKay 7. Harvey 8 . L . Wilkinson 9 . D . Vatori 10. J. Hill 11 . S .lannozzo 12 . W. O'Donnell 13. S . Burgyn 14. P. Holland 15. A. Garvey 16 . M. Stapleton 17 . M. D'Arcangelo 18 . D. Walsh 19 . Rahil l 20. D. Sheehan 21 . A . Smith 22. B . McManu s 23 . A. Mastropasqua 24 . L. Campbell 25 . T. Legudi 26 . A. Monteleone 27 . L. Evans 28, M . Caligiuri 29. A . Abele 30 . C . Trewin 31 . L .0'Brine 32 . S. Monteleone 33 . B. Ballarin 34 . M . Zucco 35. T. Pearson 36. M . Pope 37. T. Carrick 38 . N . Smith 39 . J. Formica 40 . R . Cousland 41 . M . Kavanagh 52 L. O'Sullivan

Coach : Roger Brown

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Heath Broadbent 1 . J . Wrigh t

2. L. Pithcer 3 . H . Brooks 4 . S.langfordJones 5 . A. Shaw 6. L. Pfeiffe r 7. J . Cashmore 8. L. Hoga n 9. A . Waxman 10. B. Salves 11 . B. Hunter 12 . S. Capron 13 . B . Crawford 14 . G. Smith 15. G. Winder 16. J . Flanagan 17. R . Plummer 18 . J. Webb 19 . G . Fletcher 20 . B . Ferguson 21 . J . Darley 22. C . Boraston 23. B . Koester 24. P. Ladd

25 . D . Webb 27 Q . Boan 35 B . Dring 50 A .Jenke


Coach: Paul O'Shannassy

1 . S. Moylan 2. L . Coleman 3. A. Umbers 5. Naiale 6. Dellapicca 7. D . Jame s 8 . N . Marchesani 9 . D . satgliano 10 . I . Deli c 11 . M . Hutton 12 . C. Turtich 13. K. Didilis 14. J . Cassell 15. D . Bare 16 . D . Lucas 17 . P. Cameron 18 . C . Moffat 19 . E . Lynch 20. L. Kalesaran 21 . T. Simpson 22. R . Dabraio 23 . M. Rigby

24 . G . Nolan 25 . A. O'Keefe 27 D. Young 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M . Winridg e 31 A. Turlich 32 J . Cox 33 G . Heal y 34 J. Henderson 35 W. Macdonald 36 W. McCann 37 M . Powell

38 T. Wickham 40 Fynmore 41 Dtckeson 42 B. Pugh

46 J. Travaglia 48 M . Kempton 52 Leatham 57 M . HinsPlv

Coach: Steve King

~nder 9 BEAUMARIS Coach : Mick Deato n

Section 2 HAMPTON ROVERS (1) Coach : Wayne Stafford 1 M. Pearson 2 J. Lang 3 B. Boyd 4 S. Blanpiardo 5 L . Hamilton 6 L. Kennedy 7 K Johnstone 8 A. Clarke 9 B . Jowett 10 M . Stafford 11 M . Lawrence 12 J . Zampaglione 13 T Wilso n

14 N . Goss 15 D . Molino 16 L. Malcolmsen 18 G. Kell y 19 J. N g 20 S. Seletto 21 N . Mason 22 A. Goldner 23 B. Kulling 26 R . Alexander 28 N. Goul d 29 J. Prantzos 30 A. Fisher 31 A. Vanderhelm 32 L. Ritter 33 C. Sendeckyj 35 L. Wheeler 36 A . Battams 38 M . Waxiel 40 S . Deal 41 M . Vaughan 43 A . Fisher 44 D . Diver

M .H.S .O .B . Coach: Graeme Bultus s

1 E. Raleigh 2 J . Zarb 3 D . Vease 4 R . Ware 5 A. Keys 6 B. Woollard 7 A. O'Brien 8 N. Orchard 9 J. Walker 10 P. Wolnizer 11 A. Hal l 12 S . French 13 M . Brown 14 K. Miezis 15 P. Rujevi c 16 S . Sims-Lucas 17 G. Poilard 18 M. Neilson 19 R . Patterson 20 M. Tarr 21 C. Soffer 22 A . Svirski s 23 E . Sims-Lucas 24 A . Vicendese 25 A, Niren s 26 C . Wrig ht 27 M. Cotter 28 M. Garratt 29 A. D mbte 30 S. Ale s 31 J. Membrey 32 T. Harper 33 P. Selvay 34 H. Kerdel 35 M . Dowling 36 J . Veale

OLD CAREY Coach : Brett Gear

1 . C. Smith 2. C. Stewart 3. B . Walsh-Richardson 4. K . Detarczynski 5. T. Chapman 6. L. Battley 7. P. Gizinski 8 . L. Costello 9 . D . Shutie 11 R . Hall 12 J. Hutchins 13 J. Macpherson 14 P. Holland 15 J.Oppenheim 16 R. Graham 17 A. Wilkie 18 H. Sedman 19 L. Siragusa 20 R. Leong 24 P. Unkles 25 N . Detarczynski 26 E . Morga n 27 S . Baker

46 S . Walker

OLD SCOTCH Coach: Terry Kendall

OLD TRINIT Y Coach : Steve Maus

WHITEFRIARS Coach: Tim Pratt


YARRA VALLE Y Coach : Rod Penatun a

1 A Middlin 2 D Bell 3 N Pask 4 R Bett 5 P Valoppi 6 S Britt 7 A Coleman 8 C Hotdsworth 9 B Kehoe 10 S Savag e 11 Z Webb 12 A Wines 13 L. Gillies 14 D Lloyd 15 N Martin 16 R Drew 17 M Norrish 18 J Parry 19 S Fyffe 20 J Peake 21 F Pellegrino 22 B Dre w 23 T Collett 24 A Scanlan 25 J Seeger 27 D Senaratne 28 D Sim s 32 D Smith 35 A Pizzy 36 J Strong 37 S Urbano 38 J Tompkins

OLD IVAHHOE Coach: Stuart McLean

Under-19 速 Section (2) Blu e AJAX Coach : Mark Zuker

CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS .,' Coach : Chris Maheson 1 . A. Axias

2. C. deal 3 . H . Baker 4 . J. Barnett 5 . N . Bode 6. A. Bruhn 7. A. Docker 8. G . Dyson 9. J . Dalwood 10. D . Elias 11 . B. Gardiner 12. B. Goddard 13 . J. Morvell 14 . M . Green 15 . D. Griffiths 16 . D. Krongold 17. W. Lloyd 18. W. Brockett 19 . N . Guyett 20 . P. Mcleish 21 . R . O'Neil l 22 . M . Rihcardson 23. T. Rynberk 24. P. Roberts 25 . M . Cramphorn 26 . M . Romeo 27 . S . Tucke r 28 . A. Van Rompaey 29 . T. Vine n 30. A . Wilso n

MONASH BLUES Coach : Dennis Grace

OLD MENTONIANS Coach: Jamie Winduss



Coach : Greg Buntine

Coach: John Howard

1 . M. Brasher 4 P. Pro y 5 B . Gullifer 6 G . Wis e 8 M . Gooley 9 L. Harrison 10 M . Krezel 12 B. Lambe 14 S. Meha n 17 M . McGowan 25 P. Rossiter 30 P. Arbon 32 S . Alder 37 L . Brown 40 J. Clifton 42 M . Lafferty 44 R. Buckely 46 P. Mardejic 47 M . Squire 51 M . Conway 52 L. Moloney 53 C . Moran 54 J. Murphy 55 B. Nolan 56 J . Norton 57 B . ramsey 58 C. Ric e 59 R . Walmsley 60 D . Wood 61 L . Becker 62 C . Bellistri 63 J . Bowden 63 A . Brett 64 B . Col e 65 T. Woodlock

ORMOND Coach : Tim Hills



ST LEOS E M MAUS Coach: Danny O'Sullivan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

M . Anderson P. Carey S . Batty B. Chandler T. Stephens D. Dick J . Dixon L. Culle n

9. G. Donovan 10. A . Ballard 11 . A. Rooks 12 . M. Morris 13 . D. Savage 14 . N. Romney 15 . A . Adams 16. M . Bansagi 17. A. Dimble 18. D . Kin,-vin 19 . A. Wundle 20 . R. McKinnon 21 . D. Smith

22. R . Warmsley 23. A. White

MENTONE Coach : Shane O'Conno r 1 Adrian Orchard 2 K . McLeo d 3 S. Hamilton 4 Ash Orchard 5 T. Fricker 6 M . Meyer 7 T Barr 8 P. Dixo n 9 L. Parsons 10 R . Ward 11 P. Rocke 12 B. Atherton 13 C. Rock 14 D. Kell y 15 K . Little 16 N . Levett 17 A . Walstab 18 P. Williams 19 M . Duggan 20 S .Pratt 21 S . Casaceli 22 D. Bennie 23 W. Corr 24 H . McMillan 25 N . Curran 26 A. Rock 27 M . Michaelidis 28 G . Allan 29 M . Hayes 30 P. Krins 31 L. Dawson 32 T. Smith 33 D. Ogl e 34 M . Wingrave 35 P. Murphy 36 A . Pothitos 41 C . Johnstone

STH. MELB . DISTRICT S Coach: Darren McKillop


Under-19 AQUINAS D .C.

Coach: Terry McEvo y

Section (2) Red TIGER SHARKS Coach : Mark Beasley


NTH OLD BOYS Coach : James Sandma n


CAMBERWEL L Coach : Michael Sigala s

I Coach: John Stanto n 1 THalpin 2 P.Daniels 3 J.Kirk 4 D .Collins 5


6 D .Gazelle 7


OLD ESSENDOH Coach : John Newbold

RUPERTSW00D Coach: Ken Balmer

THERRY PENOLA Coach: Steve McMahon

8 C .Faraci 9 N .Goonan 10 P.Sinnett 11 N .Phillips 12 13 14 15 J,Saad 16 A .Abou Eid 17 B .Alien 18 D .Jordan 19 M .Taleb 20 D .Joyce 21 D .Edwards 22 T.Milner 23 M .Carney 24 D .Owen 25 T.Hampshire 26 H .Mapplestone 27 J.Raso 28 A .Orr 29 B .Taleb 30 YTaleb 61 J.Bariow 91 A .Buncl e




I J Williamson 2 A Salv o 3 C Oblivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMorton 6 D Slater 7 B Haki m 8 MJinx (C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 A Ruttkay 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke

n7 l

15 16 E Healey 17 J Heritage 18 D Flaherty 19 A Burbridge 20

21 N Bartrum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burn s 26 C McCormack 27 M Day 28 29 30






IS BAC K CONDITIONS F OR 2000 Prize $1,500 . Prize will boots in VAFA matches . be $500 should winning club not have 20 players in the club wearing Blades Allocation of points - 12 points (senior win) ; 6 points ( reserves win) ; 3 points ( Under 19 win) . Progressive points table in eve ry second issue of the "Amateur Football er" .



The Giftware & Presentations


Wholesalers ~k Standard & Designed Trophies & Plaque s ~ All types of quality giftware e .g . Crystal . . ., etc. • Club & Corporate logos and all types of engraving styles and printing • Fundraising ideas availabl e Showroom : 113 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Level 4, Capitol House (opposite Melbourne Town Hall ) Phone : (03) 9654 4911 Fax : (03) 9650 7106 Special discount to a ll VAFA members . Contact Alistair Ewart for all of your trophy requirements

he new FIDA season kicks off this Sunday April 2 . The new season sees 17 teams comp,,ting from 13 clubs with 4 of our clubs Geelong, Karingal, Bendigo and Broadmeadows fielding 2 teams . This year we matches are being held at both Elsternwick Park and Royal Park North (Western and Ransford Ovals - Parkville) . Thanks are extended to the North Old Boys club for their assistance in past seasons with the use of their ground . With the increase of the number of teams for 2000 it was decided to access two grounds side by side to quicken matchdays for volunteers and players alike . Here's wishing all teams all the best for the coming season .


Preview - Round 1 (Royal Park North) Division 1 Karingal 1 play Colac in the first encounter for the season and with the Bulls being a top side last year it is hard to see the Colac team winning this one . Bendigo 1 play last year's Division 2 Premiers Parkside in what will be a great spectacle. Both teams play a fine brand of football and in a toss of the coin I am expecting the Red Devils to get their first points for 2000 today. Ballarat were a fine unit last year and although runners-up will be highly motivated today to begin 2000 off well . Broadmeadows 1 showed plenty last year and with the addition of a few key players could well take the step up this season to challenge the big guns . Ballarat is tipped to win without any conviction . Geelong 1 has the bye .

Division 2 South Yarra (formerly the Lions) shape up against Geelong 2 and although the Lions have dropped a division for 2000 I feel the Cats will get the points today . Karingal 2 will be too strong for Keilor who have changed a bit in terms of personnel and will be still finding their feet. Mambourin Tigers and Maribyrnong should be a close hard fought game with the expected improvement of the Tigers to get them over the line . Ringwood an d Broadmeadows 2 face off in another battle that will go down to the wire . The Kangas have heaps of numbers and will be very competitive, however my tip is the Blues with a little more experience . In the final match Bendigo 2 and Hawthorn clash with both sides under performing in 1999 . The Hawks were inconsistent while the Warriors battled with numbers later in the year. All things being equal the Hawks should register their first win today . Division 1 Division 2 Geelong 1 Geelong 2 Karingall Karingal 2 Bendigo 1 Bendigo 2 Broadmeadows 1 Broadmeadows 2 Ballarat Maribyrnong Parkside Mambourin Tigers Coalc Ringwood Hawthor n Keilor Sth . Yarra

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r 1 I 1 C~; '~~`~.,

Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

(coc : o-: a local call) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

• Permits (1'hLi,,s) • Weekend matches (Fri) • Scores (Sat . night )

sL 1° p

1 , - -$


The maia ac~te (Glenhuntly Rd) and rear_qate (off St Kilda St) will be open every match day. When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .

For news, vie w s and pr eviews, t u n e to The Ammos Show with Kevin Dwyer, Michae Ge o rg e , Norm N u g ent and John Simpso n SATUR速fi't o n 96 .5 FM - 11 :00 a.m . - 11 :30 a.


9.30 - 10 .30 a .m.

Special Guest is : a


This Sunday - Brett Connel l (General Manager - Football Operations )

North West Amateur Footy Repor t p resented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Bernards (A), North Old Boys (B), Therry Penola (C), Rupertswood ( C1B), West Brunswick (D2), Brunswick (D4), LaTrobe Un i (D2), North Brunswick (D4), Thomastown (D 2 PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 p m

Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.


Live A. Section Football Broadcast Jrom 1.45 p.m. every Saturday , .. APRIL OLD TRINITY vs MHSOB




Mt uxv i Z

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match highlights and panel discussion of this match shown on Channel 31 Thursday, April 6 9 .00 - 9 .30 p .m.

The Age VAFA sportswriter Paul Daffey writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunda y Match of the Day a nd reviews t he competition in Monday's Age.


8509L?a 99T a H o

Tuesdays- Gift pack winner(s) ann ounced weekly. Fridays - Return bumper sticker entry forms to be eligible .

EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS "in tune with the outer east" X rrt tan~ tartlx thr nutrr

VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .30-7 .00pm each Saturday night .

EL S, fEP:dt?'C'C a ;-~ .: K DRAW 200 0 (April) This Sat . 1/5 University Blues v, Old Melburnians This Sun . 2/5 De La Salle v . Old Brighton Next Sat. 8 /5 Old Melburnians v. Old Ivanhoe Next Sun. 9/5 PJtarcellin v . University Blues

15/51 Whitefriars v . Mazenod 16/5 FID A 22-23/5 Easter - No Matche s 29/5 Old Mentonians v. Ormon d 30/5 FIDA

a esuia s ~ =•ona Tribunal 9e; temb e r 21st, 199 9 Terry Brennan, Ormond (Reserves) . Striking . 2 matches .

Results from Investigation hearing September 29t~a, 199 9 Steve Vamvakas, Glen Eira Reserves allegedly abused Old Mentonians reserve umpire in the match played on July 17th, 1999 . Player pleaded guilty and was suspended for 8 matches .

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UNDER-19 (2) RED



* Promoted # Relegated

** New teams












* Promoted # Relegated ** New teams

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