The Amateur Footballer, Week 5, 2000

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osterin~j `Finnily faotbalisince 1892

The most switched on team in spor t

Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell . No matter what sport you're talking, they'll serve up the latest sports news, and interview the sports stars making the news . So when sports news happens Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell will break it during The Big Sports Breakfast . Switch on between 5 .30-9am each weekday morning to Melbourne's own Radio Sport 927a M_

The Big Sports Breakfast . 5.30=:3anp weekdays Opopa 9~~7

All, Star Austra lia . Easy money up for grabs! ti ll no winner in the All Star Australia Pick the Score Competition, (although one entry fr om old Scotch was very close to the mark) . If someone has correctly forecast the final siren score of today's MHSOB v . Old Melburnians, that person wins $250 for himself and $250 for his VAFA club . Next week's Pick the Score Match is the VAFA senior representative match v . South Australia to be played in Adelaide . Entries by noon next Tuesday. Send your predicted final siren score to philCvafa .asn .au or fax to 9531 2050. Congratulations Jason ; Congratulations Luke Herald Sun cadet reporter Jason Frenkel has been named as the News Limited Cadet Journalist of the Year . Jason was selected from 33 young journalists, and as part of the prize he will spend July and August in London working at the Sunday Times and The Sun . All at the VAFA are delighted as Jason secured employment with the Herald-Sun through his excellent writings for us via the "Amateur Footballer" . Luke Hawkins from Old Scotch has been chosen from all the April Player of the Week nominations as the All Star Australia Player of the Month for April . Luke now is a contender for the title of All Star Australia VAFA Player of the Year. Channel 31 Sport scover Footy Show. I am pleased to report that this show has been saved through the support of 3-4 advertisers who have bridged the $20,000 gap I referred to in a recent column . Jefferson Ford is one such "white knight" and would hope that any reader wanting a new car drops into see Simon or one of his staff and most importantly tells Jefferson Ford that they are there because of the VAFA Footy Show . News from meetings - Executive Committee and Members ( 1 / 5 / 2000 ) O The Executive rejected a request for A and B

~ ~~

section umpires be listed in the "Amateur Footballer", based on an PHIL STEVENS assumption that these appointments CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER don't change from . It was demonstrated that time of appointment they in fact do . One thought was that in 2001 field umpires wear a number and umpire lists appear in the "Amateur Footballer . " Teamsheet errors leading to a player being ruled ineligible . Clubs have 10 days from the playing of a match to lodge an appeal against a player being ruled ineligible. If upheld, premiership points loss and/or percentage loss is not affected, but a fine (S50) is still levied for this tardiness. 0 Smokefree fence banners are available free of charge for clubs for match day display . 0 Sport 927/Smokefree bumper stickers are with clubs this weekend. Ask your club for one now and affix it to your car and send in the tearoff to the VAFA . A weekly draw will take place with the winner receiving a Sport 927 Sports Pack . All entries stay in the draw for each weekly prize draw and the end of year prize - the Carlton Crest AFL Grand Final Weekend Super Prize . 速 The next Association meeting will be a meeting of secretaries on Monday August 7th . It is believed that the meetings scheduled for June (secretaries) and July (members) are not necessary . Welcome back Sue, thanks Peter and Li z Key VAFA staff member Sue Anderson resumed work last Wednesday after 6 weeks long sevice leave spent touring England and Europe . Sue had a lovely time and returned refreshed and ready for the next 10 years' continuous service! Sue, we really do welcome you back. Special thanks to Peter Harris who took on extra huge workload and to Brett, Karen an d Liz Wilson (who filled in at reception) for keeping the show on the road .

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May 6th, 2000 Price : $1 .50 Vol . 00 No . 5

A TI by Jason rert el t's happened - the defming round of football Ain a season dotted with unusual results so far . Old Scotch confirmed their ascendancy and improvement with a trouncing 99-point win over Old Melburnians, while Old Xaverians also proved that they will be a serious contender for the premiership that would be their sixth on end, which would settle beyond all doubt debate about record-breaking teams . St Bernards and St Kevins were the other big winners of the round, recording impressive victories over their respective opponents, while Old Trinity made up the winners list for round 4, and Leigh Carlson's charges see their fortunes evenly in the balance at 2-2 after a poor start to the season . Marcellin is the only side still winless . PRAI2CELLIN And after slowly making progress round by round . Gary Connolly now finds his team back at square one after a ten goal loss to Trinity, which included a scoreless first quarter and a poor return of 1 .9 in the second term in blustery conditions . Browne, O'Flynn, Cox and Gardiner battled hard, but unless the Eagles can notch up an unlikely win against the rampant Cardinals today, the season is going to look even bleaker this afternoon . MHSOB How fortunes have differed for the two Bsection clubs after their round 1 encounter, which the Unicorns won comfortably . Admittedly, Warren Fall has faced stiff opposition each week, but errant kicking against St Bernards in the first quarter cost MHSOB last weekend, and - despite the efforts again of Eabry, Pertzel and Thompson - they played catch-up footy for the rest of the match . Bamert's five goals needs to start coming on a regular basis .

OLD IVANHO E A promising start from the Hoers never was left at just that against SKOBS - they managed just five goals after quarter time and their dangerously low percentage belies their even 2-2 record . Weddle and Douglas kicked five and Donaldson and Knight tried gamely, but today's clash with Old Xavs clearly won't offer any respite . OLD NlEL BURNIAN S The ladder is just starting to look a little shaky under the Redlegs' feet this week after 7

their capitulation to the Cardinals . Just three goals after quarter time, and only the efforts of the Theodores, S and P, and Kennedy gave them some something to smile about. Good to see Scott Oram among the better players too . OLD S COTCH The Cardinals inflicted the above-mentioned pain on OMs and are looking very good indeed, with a whopping percentage of 186 .5 Brendan Mason has brought some excellent talent with him from Box Hill, and Scotch could well be poised for their best tilt at a flag since 1996 . Strong games from Murphy, Robinson and Kitchen, and Hawkins booted his second successive bag of goals . OLD TRINITY Seven goals from Jamie Stickland and a best on ground performance from Gabe DeaneJohns, who is really hitting his straps after joining the T's this year. Three strong quarters set the win up, but the true test of Trinity's mettle will come in their match of the day clash with St Kevins at Elsternwick Park today . OLD XAVERIANS The reigning premiers have enjoyed an impressive start to the season, and last weekend's big win over the Blues will give Tim O'Shaughnessy's men a lot of confidence . Landrigan and Allan each chipped in with four goals to top up Dead-Eye Dan's seven-goal haul, and Coughlan and Fleming provided drive around the ground . Will look to consolidate their position near the top of the ladder away to Old Ivanhoe today. ST BERNARDS St Bernards also enjoy a healthy record and an impressive percentage of 144 .8, an eightgoal second quarter setting up their 10-goal win over MHSOB . Foulds' farm was well-fed again, J Gollant kicking 5 and McKeon booting four to maintain his hold on the A-section goalkicking ladder. Merrington is in sparkling form . ST KEVIN S An impressive 77-point win over Old Ivanhoe, the SKOBS could well have won by a lot more had they kicked accurately, finishing with 44 scoring shots to 17 . Garth Pickford dominated - as Jack Dyer once said about Les Bamblett, "He made a great debut last wee k


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oepl~_ and even better one today째 . Ben Garvey booted four, but watch out for the name Kempton . UNIVERSITY BLUES A disappointing result for Lee Adamson after a promising start to the season, and even though - admittedly - the opposition was good . Blues had just one less scoring shot than Xavs but kicked atrociously . Garnaut played well again, but today's tough clash with St Bernards will test University again . REPRESENTATIVE FOOT Y Congratulations to all players selected to represent the state at top-line amateur competition . It promises to be a great clash . Given that all ten A-section clubs are represented, all teams and players deserve a pat on the back. SELECTION S St Kevins by 7 points over Old Trinity . Old Xaverians by 48 against Old Ivanhoe . St Bernards by 51 over University . Old Scotch by 140 over Marcellin . The Redlegs by 11 over MHSOB .



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SENIORS - 29 .4.00 Old Melburn3ans 2.0 3.7 4.9 5.18.48 Old Scotch 4.4 10.4 19.7 23.9.147 Old Melburnians : Burgess 1 . B . Dixon 1, Lovett 1 . McMullin 1 . Roberts 1 . Best: S . Theodore . Kennedy. P. Theodore . Burgess . Wiseman . Old Scotch : Hawkins 7, Murphy 3 . Crane 3. Angus 2. Gnatt 2, Kitchen I . Robinson 1 . Collins i, Hunre 1 . Ratcliffe 1 . Phillips 1 . Best : Murphy. Robinson. Kitchen . Crow, ParOhenides, Hawkins. Umpires : Tim Sutcliffe: Mark Jenkins(F), Rob Mutton : Roban Dever (B) . S. Capel: Domenic Napoli (G ) St. Kevins 2.5 7.9 12.16 18.26.134 Old Ivanhoe 3 .3 5.6 8.8 8.9.57 St. Kevins: Garvey 4, Mahoney 2. TrauaElia 2 . Kempton 2 . Hull-Brown 2 . O'Connor I . Sheehv I . Lowerson 1 . B . DolTinan I . Fraser 1 . Pictdord I . Best : Pickford. O'Keefe . Pull-Brown . Kempton, Richardson. Fraser. Old Ivanhoe: J. weedte 3 . Douglas 2 . Donaldson 1 . Lochran 1 . White I. Best : Knight . Donaldson, McLean . Spoor. Sandilands, Crowley . Umprres: John Miller : Cameron Stewart (F) .Russell Nation ; Santo Caruso (B), Benrie Jephson:Stephen Leahy (G) Marcelltn 0.0 1 .9 4.10 8.15.63 Old Trinity 6.5 11 .6 17.9 19.10 .124 Mareelllrt: Waters 3 . Romanin 2 . O' Tin 2 . Rowe I . Best : Browne, 0'Ftyim, walker. Gardiner. Cox. Chun . 01 Trinity: Strickland 7. Hatfield 2 . Newman2 . Ramsdon 2 . M . Pawsey 2 . Van der Venue 2. Barnard I . Frost 1 . Best: Deane-Johns, Frost, Clarke . Strickland . Sutcliffe. S. Kemiedv. Umpires: Anthony Damen: Steve McCarthyiF)Adam Kooloos : Nathan Billings ( B) . John Robinson : Bernie Hoare (G ) Old Xaverians 7.4 11 .4 15.7 22.8 .140 University Blues 0.0 3 .11 4.15 7.22.66 Old Xaverians: Richardson 7 . Allan 4 . D. Landrigan 4 . Fleming 2 . A. Jones 1, R . Dillon 1 . Rennick 1, B . Coughlan 1 . Kay I . Best : Riehardson . B. Couglilan . Fleming . Allan, Hilbert . Stoney

University Blues : Sheehan 3 . Vasev 3. Roro'dhouse 1 . Best : Garnaut . Stewart . MeLaughlan. Maplestone, Ctieel . Fishiey. Umpires: Mark Gibson : Dirk Kramer (F).Brendan Corcoran :Tim Dodds (B), Kevin Segota: Russell Owens fG ) MHSOB 5.7 7.7 13.10 15.10.100 St. Bernards 2.3 10.8 16.8 24.14 .158 MHSOB: Bamert 5 . Clowes 2, woodley 2 . Watson 2. Sherry I . Eabry I . Joseph I . McIntyre I . Best: Eabry. Pertzet. Bamert . Thompson . Taylor. Krios . St. Bernards : J . Goliant 5 . McKeon 4 . Osborne 4, N . Mitchell 2 . Tavtor 2. Joe Mount 1, C. Mitchell 1 . L. Gollant 1 . Harvev I . D. Byrne I . Tankey 1 . Jordan 1 . Best: Merrington . Shaw . N . Mitchell . McKeon . C. Mitchell. Jordan . Umpires : Graham Thwaites: Wayne Hinton (F). James Maxwell; Scott MacKenzie (B). Geoff Grigg : Vin Vescovd (G )

RESERVES - 29,4,00 Mercellin 4.3 8.6 8.7 9 .7.61 Old Trinity 1 .2 1 .2 4.6 5 .7.37 Mancellin: Devercelli 3 . Petroff 2 . Wilkinson 1 . Duncan 1 . Taylor I . Collviue 1 . Best : Devercelli. Collvtlle . Frisina . Tat4or. Yee . Duncan. Old Trinity: Hudson 1 . Curran I . Shaughnessy I . Hinclrison I . Natoli I . Best: Cade. Shaughnessy. Antomopoidos . Ladetta. Bladeni . Robinson. St Kevins 4.2 8.3 10.7 15.14 .104 Old Ivanhoe 2.3 4.7 4.7 4 .8.32 St Kevins: Wunerton 3. Kei~ran 3. Hassell 2 . Malesi 2. Rizio 2. Roberts 1, Caine I . Kuring I . Best : Vaitttit . Bevaqua . Bateman, Hassett, Lvnch. Shelley. Old Ivanhoe : Davis 2. Shadbolt 2 . Best: Shadbolt. Worry, George. Price, Roberts . Barker . Old 2taverlana 3.5 5.9 10.14 13.15.93 University Blues 0.2 4.4 4.5 5 .8.38 Old Xaverians: Deane-Jones 2 . Stern 2. Drake 2 . A.Jones 2, Smith 2. R .Jones l, Orlando I . R . Con hlan 1 . Ireland 1 . Best: Deane-Jones . R.Jones, Lechte. Smith, Drake . R .Ha~ . University Blues: Calnon 2, Coleman I . McKinlay 1 . Crawford 1 . Best: Caulloupas. Hayter. Crawford . Brown. Feahterstone . Thomas . MHSOB 0.1 5.3 5.6 7 .9 .51 St Bernards 6.6 7.8 11.10 13.13.91 MHSOB: Robinson 2, Newton 1. Moore 1 . Webster 1 . Armstrong I . Verna 1 . Best : Gregson. Knight. Armstrong. Feferkranz. Newton . Midson. St Bernards: Attard 3. Bvrne 2. Thomas 2 . Davis 1 . Ferris 1 . Juricskav 1 . J .Mount 1 . Harvey 1 . Cariss . Best: Bretherton . Capes . Byrne . Allard . Evans. Brebner. Old Melbournians 1.0 2.5 3.6 3.12.30 Old Scotch 5.1 5.1 8.4 9 .4.58 Old Melbournians: Ambler 2 . Banks 1 . Best : Jenkins, Ross . Murphy. Banks, Wilheim. Old Scotch : C.Reid 1 . T .Reid I . Thomas I . Lillingston 1 . Morris 1 . Addison 1 . Warner 1 . Ross I . bicCutlv 1 .

MELEES BEWAR E A melee is "Where anincident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct " THP AMATFI IR Ffl(1TRAI I FR 9llfln

A Section MARCELLIR Coach : Garry Connolly Res. Coach: David Howe

1 2 G . Petroff 3 D . Waters (C) 4 A. Wilkinson 5 M . Moran 5 D . Sampimon 6 M . Rowe 8 M . Browne 9 M . Macquire 10 M . Christian 11 D . Taylor 12 A Cathy 13 T. Collins 14 15 M . Chunn 16 G. Cull 17 G . Cox 18 D . Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 C . Pezzinenti 21 G . Whiston 22 D . Marson 23 P. Gleeson 24 G . Romani n 25 D. C ope J . O'Connor 27 D . Theisz 28 D . Johnston 29 D . Harberts 30 A . Treganowan 31 W. Devercelli 32 33 D . Moran 34 D . Jarrod 35 J . Frazer 36 M . Hurley 37 C. Murray 38 N. Armstrong 39 B . Colville 40 J . Wilkinso n 41 L. Fitzpatrick 42 B . Dinneen 43 J . Walls 44 M . Syme 45 46 L . O'Flynn 47 48 A. Ryder 49 D . Ryan 50 51 S . McCann

M .N .S.O .R . Coach : Warren Fah Res. Coach: Peter O'Dea

1 J . Bamert 2 S. McCully 3 D . Woodley 3 P. Brown 4 C. Eabry 5 P. Sherry 6 R. Josep h 7 J . Pertzel (C) 8 J . Gerner 9 D. Fairchild (VC) 10 D. Skinner 11 C . Krios 12 M . Feferkranz 13 14 A. Martin 15 R . Knight 15 M. Atkin 16 F. Davis 16 R . Clowes 18 R . Limbrick 19 20 J . Wilson 21 C. Kelly 21 G . McLardie 22 D. Armstrong 23 C. Ha rv ie

24 A .Clark 25 C. Spottiswood 26 S . Harrison 27 S . Dodds 28 S . Rodder 29 G . McCully 30 J. Davis 32 A. Cassell 33 A. Askew 34 E. Thompson 35 S. Natha n 35 36 J . Gregson 37 R. McIntyr e 38 S . Robinson 39 L. Taylor 40 W. Hayes 41 42 B . Cookman 43 J. Burke 44 M . Hawkes 45 M. Webster 46 A. O'Brien 47 L . Hawkins 48 49 L. Jones 50 B . Gaunt 51 52 B . McGrath


1 A. Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 M . Sandilands 4 J . Mansfield 5 B . Spoor 6 M . McKie 7 J . Kn ight 8 T. Steevns 9 M . Karayanis 10 C . Crowley 11 S . Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 C . Barke r 14 A . Francis 15 G . Douglas 16 M . Woods 17 A. Corcoran 18 J. Hope 19 D . Warry 20 J. Keane 21 R . Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 A. Douglas 24 E. Byrne 25 A. White 26 D. Ross 27 J . Weddle 28 A. Jenkins 29 R. Weddl e 30 E . Brophy 31 N, Miller 32 P. Dow d 33 B . Davis 34 A . Tieman 35 L. McLean 36 M. Pollock 37 P. Armstrong 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 R . Davies 41 A . Harper 42 L . Courag e 43 T. Van Bloomstein 44 A. Weise 45 M . Toove 46 J . Weir y 47 D . Bernet 48 M . Tolley 49 A . Barke r 50 J . Smart 51 B . Shadbolt 52 N . Maguire 53 S . Price 54 Z. Aboujaba 55 P. Lilis 56 E . Broomhill 57 G . Mclsaac 58 G . Mandekic 59 M . Tozer 60 C . Pitt

Sponsored by : Sires Menswear Sponsored by : The Beehive Hotel an d Yarra Vatlev

Country Club


Coach: Kevin Tibldi Coach: Neil Ross Asst. Coach: Anthony Parker Asst. Coach : Mark Sarau Res. Coach : Steve Cropley

1 M. Bennett 2 S. Theodore (DVC) 3 A. Ross 4 M . Hazell 5 L. Bunn 6 D. Holm e 7. C. Thompson 8 M . Lovett 9 C. Aubrey (DVC) 10 T. Roberts 11 S . Boyd 12 A . Hewitt 13 S . Rose 14 L. Reynolds 15 M . Rose 16 A . Browne 17 J. Miller 18 A. Topakas 19 B. Dixon 20 N . Pirouet 21 L . Boyd 22 A. Waddell 23 M . Berry 24 L. Holcombe

25 J . Guest 26 C. Kennedy 27 J . Slate r 28 J . Ballantyn e 29 T. Mulligan

30 I . McMullin (C) 31 J . Hart 32 L. Barry 33 G. Dixon (RC) 34 T. Barker 35 D . Brown 36 A . McKeon 37 R . Mulquine y 38 S. Grigg 39 S. Dram 40 D . Sutton 41 G . Wilhelm (RVC ) 42 P. Theodore 43` P. Gallagher 44 S . Edmund 45 C. Murphy 46 C. Neeson 47 B . Righetti 48 C. Jenkins (RVC) 49 A . Fleming 50 P. Marinis

51 C . Banks ( RVC ) 52 B . Campbell 53 M . Ward 54 I . Paterson 55 J. Goole y 56 A. Hunt 57 58 T. Burdea u 59 S. Topakas 60 B . Reid 61 62 W. Hauserman 63 64 65 88 G . Davies

W.G . Miles & Co Pty Lt d Real Eastate - Ivanho e Spectrum Assurance Grou p Regency Pharmacy

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OLD SCOTCH Coach: Brendan Mason Res. Coach : Ga ry Jackso n 1 R . Nett leton (DVC)

2 B . Phillips 3 C . Hosking 4 T. Holt ', ) 5 R . Price (DVC ) 6 A. Crow 7 J. Kitchen 8 C. Reid 9 S. Collins (VC) 10 J . Kerr 11 M . Angus (DVC) 12 S . Hum e 13 N . Hooper 14 T. Rei d 15 M . O'Brie n 16 A . Spee d 17 D . Thomas 18 H . Thomas 19 S. Spiden 20 L. Murphy 21 S. Gibbs 22 C . Heat h 23 O . Crane 24 L . Hawkin s 25 S. Lillingston 26 T. Downin g

27 T Collins 28 B. Robinso n 29 M . Gnat t 30 T Wi n e 31 C. Ratcliffe 32 T. Chapman 33 N. Morris 34 E . Olive r 35 P. O'Connor 36 S . Prendergas t 37 M . Parthenide s 38 C. Pattende n 39 N . Addiso n 40 A . Warner

41 M. Lipshut 42 J. Ros s 43 J. Paterso n 44 C . Evan s 45 M. Blenhei m 46 A. McCull y 47 N . Slade n 48 T. Stubbs 49 L . Hume 50 E . Pathenide s 51 A. Faichne y 52 N. Leit l 53 T. Frankenburg 54 N . Simon 55 G . Sarkozy

56 H . Lan e 57 C. Stevens 58 M . Thwaites 59 S . Eage r 60 B . Crump

61 J. Strato s 62 S. Miles 63 T. Joyc e 64 R . McKinnon 65 P. Davis 81 R. Aujar d


A Sec ~i速n Q77 ~;.' ;!li1' Coach : Leigh Carlson Asst, Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach: Craig Neave Kennedy S ~tC ) I Hudson G ( RVC ) 2

3 Barnard B 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 6 Russell C 7 Van Der Venne T 3 Natoli S i 7 ost Cr M r

8 Stebbins C F 9 Andrews A(VC) 10 Shaughnessy M 11 Richards A 12 Peqgie T 7 13 Ca e J 12 Stickland J N) C 14 Gamble R 15 Stephens T 16 Hillas C 16 Nanke rvis B 17 Hatfield G (VC) 17 Newman J

18 Clarke L 19 Barr C 20 Phillips C(VC) 21 Kennedy L 20 Deane-Johns G 22 Munroe H 23 Ramsden A 24 Boy d A 25 Collins M 25 Cameron F (RVC) 25 Schulze D 26 Robinson D 27 Ramsden R 27 Tudori I 28 Butler C 29 Harmer G 30 Glass D 30 L. Taylor 31 Bladeni S 32 Pawsey C

33 Heighton D 34 Boyd M 35 Pawsey M S Sutclif e J 3 7 36 Dann 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) 39 Antonopoulos T 39 Anderson H 40 Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 42 Torney A 43 De Stefanis M 44 Power B 44 Wallace I 44 Maiyah A 45 Treadwell G 45 Ward C 46 Hutchinson B 47 Mitchell G 48 Mor Peth T 49 Robe rts T 50 Farmer J 50 Adgemis J 52 Hansen W 53 Kinross D 54 Bennie l 56 Best E 57 Baker A 58 Beaver A 59 Cade T

61 Broster N 62 Mero J 63 Curran R 65 Burows R 69 Lapira M 70 Chisholm M 71 Phillip s T 79 Bloc dale S 80 Oberoi A 81 McCulloc h 82 Mackris A 83 Robison C 84 Andrades M





Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Has . Coach : Chris Mortenson

Coach : Garry Foulds Has, Coach : David Law

Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach : Mick Knuppel

Coach : Lee Adamson Res. Coach : Mick Connop

1 M . Bloo d (C ) 2 T. Fleming 3 L. Hannebe ry 4 D . Landrigan 5 D . Stean 6 B . Healy 7 S . Lethlean (VC) 8 A. Keyhoe 9 J . Hawkins 10 D. Rennex 11 Adam Jones 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 D. Stoney 15 L. Ford 16 A . Gowers 16 S . Skidmore 17 D. Richardson 18 T. Gordon 19 A . Jones 20 M . Hardman (RC) 21 A . McQueen-Parton 22 23 R. Coughlan 24 B . Cou ghlan (VC) 25 P. Lechte 26 S . Tucker 27 J, Drake 28 B . Crana9e 29 D . Galbally 30 C . Kelly

31 L. Tuddenham 32 M . Allen 33 A. Sassi 34 R Jones 35 P. Ran 36 L. y Deane-Johns 37 T. Freer 38 R. Hall 39 M . Meehan 40 R . MacWhi rter 41 A. Dillon 42 N . Ireland 43 T. Woodruff (VC) 44 B . Hilbe rt 45 C. Smith 46 M . Callinan 47, J . Kay 48 D. Orlando 49 R. Dillon 50 D. James 51 D. Walsh 52 A . Orlando 53 P. Funder 54 S . Grigg 55 J . Healy 56 A Oswald 57 R Carey 58 T. Curnow 59 J . Puttyfoot 60 T. Coughlan 61 M . Rush 62 H Davies

1 C. Gray 2 L. Meehan 3 A . Brebner ( RVC ) 4 S . McKeon 5 Joe Mount 6 J . Mckay 7 S . Parrett 8 J . Evan s 9 B . Jordan 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 9 P. Capes 12 B . Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A . Thomas 13 T Wilkinso n 16 M . Berthe rton 17 M . Licciardo 18 G . Hoffman 19 L. Gollant (C) 20 T. Sheehan 21 B . Loughlin 22 A . Merrington 23 A . Mastrapasqua 24 P. Harvey 25 C. Osborne 26 J . Gollant 27 A . Nathan ( RC) 28 B . Carriss 29 D. Gleaso n 29 J . Overman (R) 30 J . DeBono 31 B . Collins 32 T. Harvey

33 R. Nutte r 34 D. B yrne 35 M . Ju ricsk a 36 A . Shaw Y 36 C. Bond R 37 T Smith { ) 37 A . Catterall ( R) 38 S . Gra y 39 S . By rne 40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overma n 42 J . Ferns 43 C. Davis 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 W. Att ard 47 G . Taylo r 48 James Mount 49 S . Donnelly 50 D. Tonks 51 P. Romanin 52 L. O'Sullivan

53 J . Kavanagh 54 L. Kavanagh 55 P. Rogerson 56 N . Dodd 57 A . Hilbe rt 58 K. Callow 59 J . Jacks 60 T Jame s 61 A . Woodle y 62 M . Pocata"ko 63 J . Gioffre I 64 L. Overman 65 J . Harris 66 J . Delaney 67 A . Caruso 68 W. Backway

1 . A. Calle ry 2 . S . Lowerson 3. D. Cu rt is 4 M . Winte rton 5 M . Doliman 6 P. O'Keefe

7 S . Partsani s 8 B . Dollman 9 A. Bevaqua 10 N. Fraser 11 D. Ryan 12 M . Rizio

13 R. Bowies 14 L. Mahoney 15 M . Olive, 16 B . Ga rv y 17 M . Ryan

18 J . Grigg 19 D. Sheehy 20 L. Hull-Brown 21 J . Sibilia 22 J . Macey 23 B . Quirk 24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 D. Sadle r 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor

1 D . Slimmo n 2 T. Hutchin s 3 J . Sturroc k 4 D . Guengeric h 5 L . Fulto n 6 S. Longle y 7 D . Hayte r 8 J . Hayter 9 S. Mead e 10 D . Mapleston e 11 L . Nort h 12 G . McLachlan (C) 13 P. Stockdal e 14 C . Roydhouse 15 M . Kordic k 16 C . Stewart 17 G . de Crespigne y 17 J . Kani s 18 S. Chee l 19 A. Lowcoc k 20 A. Davis 21 J . Hocking 22 P. Sheehan 23 T Wilco x 24 R . Calno n 24. S. Russel l 25 D . Soll y 26 M . Vasey 27. B. Fricke r

33 B . Hug he s 34 S . Richardson 35 B . Villella 36 A. Smith 37 S . Kennedy 38 J . Bateman 39 S . Gribble

28. M . Thoma s 29. J . Caulloupas

40 N. Parrett 41 J . Hassett

35 S. Hasle 36 T McKinle r y 37 A. Lenne n 38 M . Peterson 39 B. Denha m 40 C . Brookes 41 R . Crawford 42 M. Hotto n 43 S. Ferguso n 44 R . Feathersto n 45 J . Armstron g 46 M . McKerrow 47 R . McKerro w 48 T. Rourke 49 C . Johnso n 50 H . Nailon 51 A. Brown 52 A. Terril l 53 R . Versteege n

42 J . Pangraz io 43 W . Kei qhra n 44 D. Moylan 45 D D . Weight 46 J . Travaglia

47 M . Chapman 48 S. McConnell 49 R. Simkiss 50 C. Noseda 52 C. Leathern 53 M . Chaplin

54 S. Game 57 M . Hinsley 58 J . Ferrari 59 A. Rattle 60 M . Crai g 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelle y 63 P. Robe rts

67 B . Day 68 B. O'Malley

69 A. Conlan 70 G . Steward 71 T. Salisbu ry 72 J . Herman 75 A. Foley 76 M . Galt

30. M . Coleman 31 M . Hal l 32 J . Garnau t 33 L . Twaddle 34 L . Fishle y

52 T. Terry

55 T. Anerso n 56 T. Birk s 57 T. Irvin e 58 59 L. Fehrin g 60 A. Cunningha m

61 B. Coleman 62 C . Sophide s 63 B . Holmes


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Carlton -, AUSTRALIA'S 0

B SECTIO N by Damian-Carrol l

t last, some results that went the way I thought they should - no real surprises . Could this mean that we are starting to find some consistency with performances of clubs, or was it the good 'oil' I received from the local fortune teller in Lygon Court, Carlton? I hope it's the former. History shows that the top 4 rarely changes (but not EVERY time) after Rd 6 . Water will eventually find it's own level, and I think we'll find that that is what is happening here . Six out of ten is a much better return from the correspondents - thanks, but I shouldn't have to fire rockets to get you to pick up that phone . I will be at the Old Paradians game every week, so correspondents don't need to call when you're drawn to play them . As for the other four, any news would be welcomed . Review Out at Malvern, De La Sall e accounted for Coll egians by 27 points, setting up their win the first quarter with 3 .6 to 0 .1 . From there on in, it was a fairly even tussle . Corin controlled the game for the winners with 12 marks and 2 goals, and was supported by Toohey, who is like those Energiser batteries : just keeps going and going . Young McInerney, in only his second game, also played well for the victors . The Lions' better players were Huggins, Parkin and Maxwell . Out at Central Reserve, Mazenod handled the conditions much better th an Old Paradians an d ran out comfortable winners by 27 points . Change takes time to implement, and it seems that Dave Murray's fresh style and structured game plan is starting to hit home with the players . Murray, Fisher and O'Donaghue showed their mates what it's all about by starring for the victors . The OPs were best served by Hart, B . Brabender and Holland . Brunswick was the theatre, an d NOBs an d Whitefriars were the lions and christians . The home side were able to draw first blood, by putting the visitors to the sword in the first quarter, leading by 17 pts . That was effectively the ball game after that as the margin by day's end was also 17 pts. For the losers, Hughes, Gillan and A . Carbone were gallant in defeat. The winners' best were Halpin, Collison and Talbot (I'm getting good at reading papers!) . Old Brighton made the short trek to McKinnon to take on Old Haileybury, with the visitors belting the home side to the tune of 55 pts . A 7 goal opening term with the howling gale saw OB put the issue beyond doubt, and call that large lady in at quarter time to sing a few ballads . Bradley, in his first game booted 5 . Perry at CHB and the 'road runner' Jackson were also instru6

mental in the victory . For the losing side, B . Mitchell, S . Rowlands an d Hassett were th e better players, according to "The Sunday Age" . The tale of two cities continued at "Bluster y Park", where Ormond went on a blitzkreig at the expense of Old Mentonians . The OMs used the gale to their advantage in the opening term to be in front, but Steve Grace unlatched the gate at quarter time at Ormond piled on 8 goals to effectively end the contest from there . The nippy rover, Stone, chipped in with 6 goals, and Sebo was as impenetrable as ever down back . Ormond had 5 teenagers in the winning side, so their future is looking good . For the losers, Vick, Bournan and the "Buzz" (again) were the better players (thanks to "The Sunday Age") . Preview At the home of Harry, the struggling Collegians take on Mazenod . The Lions will be desperate for a win, as their only victory has come at the expense of the bottom side. On the other hand, Mazenod are slowly getting into gear, and beginning to fire with their game plan . Mazenod are on a mission - they'll be too good by 41 pts . NOBs travel to Bundoora as guests of Old Paradians . One team is coming off a win last week (NOBs), and the other a loss (OP) . Confidence is a magnificent ingredient in this game, and it appears that NOBs have plenty of it at the moment, whilst the Green and Purples are a bit low on stocks . No doubt the Rd 18 drama of 1999 will still be in their minds, and I believe that it will be payback day today for the visitors . NOBs by 34 pts . Old Brighton have packed their camels and cut lunches for the epic journey to Donvale to face Whitefriars . The home side have shown that they are not far off the mark with some good wins against quality opposition, and have certainly not been disgraced in defeat . OB, on the other hand, know what's required to be successful at this level and beyond . Even though it will take them light years to get there, the trip will be worth it and OB will bring home the chocolates by 28 pts . That magnificent, state-of-the-art stadium, E .E .Gunn, is where we see Ormond play Be La Salle. The locals are still wanting some of that 40/1 that was on offer a few weeks ago, and with good reason . They're the only side undefeated . De La Salle haven't set the world on fire at all this year, indicating that the 9/4 was a bit skinny for the punters . The "Kiss if Death" is getting planted again . That's right, I'm tipping Ormond to win by

20 pis (sorry chaps) . The last game sees the two 'cellar dwellers' face up to the mound at that 'royal' venue, EP. Old gaileybury have one win on the board, whilst Old Pjentonians have yet to trouble the scorcrs . This will be a chance for Mick Dwyer's boys to regain that an important confidence that was last seen running around in Race 8 at The Meadows . OH i,vdi win comfortably by 48 pts . TV7as RRazenod, Old Paradians, Old Brighton, De La Salle, Old Haileybury

press Correspondents - before 8pm on Sunday night 9347 4105 or 0414 900 871 .

Old Haileybury - congratulations to David Lappage on playing his 150th game last week against Old Brighton . "Lappa" a member of the 1995 senior premiership team, is very dangerous around the stcks and has kicked goals in most of those 150 matches (leading seniors goalkicker last year) . The Bloods also congratulate Chatura Jayasekera on playing his 50th game for the club against Old Brighton . "Chat" the 1998 U 19 competition B&F winner, is doing a great job of combining football & cricket with the Old Boys as well as medical studies and is a very popular member of the Bloods community . De La Salle - Shane Hyland (50-rd3) and John Doak (50-rd4) well done guys, we look forward to the next 50 . Also today Damian Toohey plays his 200th game for the club . Congratulations to all from the committee, supporters and players . Ormond - congratulations to Damien "pistons" Cleary for playing 100 games for his club . Damien played his junior football at St . Peter's before progressing to Oakleigh in the VFA . He crossed to Ormond in 1995. The unassuming and popular backman also won the reserves B&F in 1996 & 1999 . Well done from all at Ormond.





SENIORS - 29 .04.00 Old Haileybury 1.0 5 .7 7.8 9.11 .65 Old Brighton 7.7 8 .8 16 .11 18 .12 .120 Old Haiteybury: Lapp a~e 3. Brudar I . Carson I . Adam Hilton 1 . Johnston I . Lam bert I . White I . Best: S. Rowlands, B . Mitchell. Hassell. Armstrong. Old B~righton : Bradley 6 . Ptrrie 4 . O'Neill 2. Lennox 1 . Dennis I . Gadsden 1 . Mirclie 1 . Krry nmmiak 1 . McLachlan 1 . Best : Perry . Phelan. Pirrie. Bradley. Nikas . Lennox. Umpires: Neville Boyle : Geoff Curran ( F) . John KeltyCraig Arnold (G ) Old Mentonians 4 .6 5 .8 8 .16 8.16.64 Ormond 2 .3 10.9 12.10 19.20 .134 Old Mentonians : T. Bournon 2. L. Hogan 2 . W. Ballantine 1 . B. Ferguson I . T. Mc Nish 1, B. Murphy 1 . Best: J . Vick. T. Bournon . B . Kuramoto. P. Flaskis, S. Mulliu . G . Katris . Ormond: B . Stone 6. D . Beckett 2 . S. Naughton 2 . M . Miller 2, W. Block 1 . S. James 1, D . Robbins 1 . D. Mabbett 1 . )~ Scanlon 1, M . McComill 1. J . Keleher 1 . Best : N . Sebo. L. D'Astoli . M. MeConvill . S. James, S. Naughton . B . Stone . Umpires: Daniel Hall iwell: Sharon Alger(F).David Gourla}^. Adam Conquest (B) . Bernie Dix: G. Napper (G) 3 .6 6.7 8.8 11 .11 .77 Be La Salle 0 .1 3.5 6.6 7.8.50 Collegians De La Salle : Corin 2 Silvers 2 . Duggan 2. Jackson 2 . D . Hyland I . Hackett 1, Pedicini I . Best: Conn, Brou ne . S. Hyland, Toohey. McInerney . Prezins . Collegians: Robertson 2. Huggins 2 . Y. Phillips 1 . Piasente 1 . Palmer 1 . Best: Huggins. Parkin . Maxwell, D. Philli ps. McKenzie . Umpires: Peter Simpson: Paul Jones (B) . Gre Richards: Bjorn McCarthy (G) North Old Boys 3 .7 61 10.9 11.14.80 Whitefrtars 1 .2 3.5 6.7 9.9.63 North Old Boys: J. Barker 3. J. Saad 2 . Wilkinson 1, Halpin 1, M. Maguire 1 . McTaggart i . Trenton I . G . Phyl an d I . Best : Halpin. Colllson. Talbot. Curry . Leigh. Carney. RJhitefriars : Pasqualotto 4, Reiby 2, Conningham 1. Hilton i . Power 1 . Best: Hughes, A. Carbone . Gi llan. Pasqualotto, Kennedy, Reidy. Umpires: Peter James : Simon Olive (F). Ken Coughl an: Garry Cl an cy (G) Mazenod 3 .3 8.5 8.7 13.12 .90 Old Pamdians 2 .4 7.5 8.8 9 .9 .63 Mazenod: Ka%anagh 3. Hanley 2 . Tucker 2, Kelly 2 . Fotiniotis 1 . A. Dickering, Harrison Ira Lancaster I . Best: Fisher, Polar . Lancaster, O'Donog~ue . Tucker. M . Murphy. Old Paradiarts : Wood 2, Holland 2, Swindon 1. Vincent 1 . Loney 1, O'Laughlin 1 . Porteous 1 . Best : B. Brabender. Heffernan . Hart . P. Brabender. O'Gnev. Sinclair. UGmpiies : Richard Eastwood:Gene Hodgins (F), Andrew Long:Bob Dunstan

RESERVES - 29 .04 .0 0 Be La Salle 4.2 7.3 9 .14 12.18 .90 Co ll egians 0.2 2.4 3 .5 6 .8 .44 Be La Salle: Bowden 2, Fisher 2 . Ford 2 . Johnstone 2. Buick 1, Harber 1, King I . Williams . Best: Wood, Harber. Walker, Horn . Bowden . Johnstone . Collegians : Woolley 2 . Mollard 1 . Cooper 1 . O'Donnell . Donnelly. Best : Baxter. S .Van Der Veene, Mollard . Donnelly, Hart, Britten . Mazenod O.C 1.2 7.9 9 .11 11 .14 .80 Old Paradlans 0 .6 1 .8 6 .9 10.12.72 Mazenod O.C:Hawkins 2, Paolucci 2, McMullin 1 . Gooden 1 . Smith 1 . Linden I . Parry 1 . Devlin 1, Ballenger 1 . Best: Paolueci. Devlin. DGooden, Nussbaum. Hawkins. Le~ ett . Paradians : Richardson 3, Gallavay 1 . Godfrey 1 . Harris 1, Stanley 1 . A .Swindon I, J .Swindon 1 . Watson 1 . North Old Boys 4.5.29 Whiterriars 3.8.26 North Old Boys:B arker 2 . Murry 1 . Nt'hitnish 1 . Best: Skene. Trtruboli. Murray, h1 .Barker. R .Maguire. Smith . Whitefriars :Andrews I . winch I . Maguire I . Best: Elliot. Eames. Johnson . O'Connor, Vernal. Which . o1d Haileybury 2 .6 3 .7 7.17 8 .17.65 Old Brighton 0 .0 3 .2 3.2 5.4.34 Old Fiaflybury:Shepherd 2 . Brandham 1 . Dimond I .Jayasekera 1 . Ladd 1 . Mitchell 1, Saunders I . Best : Jayasekera . Hill. Shepherd . Floyd. Ross . Finlayson. Old Brighton: Paterson 2 . Earl 1 . Bickett I. Stewart 1 . Best: Earl.Ewert. Talbot, White, Bickett, Paterson . Old Mentontsrts: 0.0 0.2 1 .3 1 .6.12 Ormond 3 .3 3 .4 6.10 9.14.68 Old Mentonians:Oxlan d I . Best : Nock, Dtirver. Clothier. Mines . Ormond: Kukrdjan 3 . Brown 2 . Livingstone I, Cleary 1, Farrell 1 . Smith 1 . Best: Shepherd, Hanmtond, Courteney. Smith . Keleher. Joy.




Coach : Tim Ha rt Res. Coach : Anthony Parkin

Coach: Paul Coope r Res. Coach : Paul O'Dwye r

1 S . Mollard (VC)

2 N . Florentin e 3 B . Woolhouse (C) 4 G. Palmer (VC) 5 R . Henebery 5 D . Greeves 6 S. Van Der

Veene (RVC) 7 S. El g 8 N . Beattie 9 T. Hovey 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N. Harrison 13 W . Daly 14 J . Dixo n 14 D. Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillips 16 D . Phillips 17 R . Hosking 18 C . Mollard 19 A . Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harri s

22 S . Piasente 23 N . Milat 24 T. Kno x 25 C . Unswort h 26 S. Woolley (RC) 27 S. Humphry (VC) 28 N . McCan n 29 A. Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 J . Ros e 32 D. Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 M . Britten 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opi e

38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M . O'Donnel l

50 B. Jefferson (VC)

1 A Moore 2 M Mercuri 3 B Corin 3 M Butler 4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Harber 7 C Browne (C) 8 A Mithen 9 S Hart 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans 11 S Vavallo 12 D Toohey(VC) 13 A Johnstone 13 A Waters 14 B Hackett 15 J Hodder 16 S Hyland 17 A Elliott 18 J Horn 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 J Doa k 24 J Morel 25 K Rogers 25 G Hynes 26 S Wood 26 E Williams 28 N Harber 29 M Joyce 30 B Mannix 31 A Flowerday 32 R Bonnici(VC) 33 M Kin g 34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 36 A McKenzie 37 D Hyland 38 A Ford 39 C Buick 40 P Harrison 41 D Spithill 42 D McInerney 43 L Borella 44 X Clancy 45 A Lambe 46 P Bowden 47 S Lask a 48 D Smith 49 L Walker 50 J Lowe 51 M Evans 52 D Poynton 53 J Laragy 54 C Hyde 55 J Laragy 56 R Beattie 58 C Worsteling 59 T Fisher 60 B Hoy

61 M Goodier 62 J Hosking 63 C McGergor 64 B McMahon 70 M Duggan Proudly Sponsored by:

South Nielboome

SKILLED Your Flexible Workforce

MAZENOD Coach: David Murray Reserv e: Tony Collins 1 C. Harrison 2 J . Ballenger 3 B . Devlin

4 A . Hanley 5 M . Quirk 6 N . Marmo 7 S . Morgan 8 D . Lancaster 9 M . Murray 10 M . O'Hara 11 T. Smith 13 M . Welch 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J. Kavanagh 17 D . Kelly 18 D. O'Donaghue 19 S. McMullin 20 C. Murray 21 S. Polan 22 D. Ryan 23 A. Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 A. Pickering 26 J . Dunne 27 D. Krom

28 N. Little 29 R. Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 S . Paolucci 33 A . Quinn 34 M . Pollard 35 R . Hawkins 36 G. Miller 37 L . Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 C . Poletti 40 C . Dickenson 41 B. Bell 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D . Gran t 44 S. Garbellini 45 B. Meehan 46 B . Hobbs 47 A. McDowell 48 D. Gil l 49 L. Halvy 50 A . Smyt h 52 N . Nussbaum

NTH OLD BOYS Coach: Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : Darren Caddy 1 . D .Wilkinson 2 . D .Waters 3 . T.Waters 4. S .Slee p

5. B .Devine (RC) 5. D .Sken e 6. N .Vogels 7. P.Booth 8. B .Collison (C) 9. L .Curry (DVC) 10 . S .McGrath 11 . G.Collins 12 . S .Lock 13 . THalpin 14 . D.Kingham 15 . J Talbot 16 . D.Collins 17 . M .Maguire 18 . C.Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20. J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22. M .Connelly 23. P.O'Dwyer 24. J .Barker

25. G.Phyland 26. S .Smith 27. W.McTaggart 28 . M.Nult y 29 . D .Boyer 30 . M.Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M.Phyland 33 . M.Barker 34 .J .Saad 35 . M .Carne y 36 . D .Tonkin (VC) 37 . S .Mikunda 39 . R.Maguire 38 . M .Amor 40 . C.Phyland 41 . N.Tonkin

42 . P.Pesavenko 43 . D.Zace k 44 . M .Drum 45 . B .Pawsey 46. N .Goonan 47. J .Barlow 48. P.Daniels 49. A .Stone 50. T.Dru m 51 . S .Fitzpatrick 52 . N .Sanders 53 . TAyerbe 54 . A.Trimboli 55 . D .Scicluna 56 . P.Arnold 57 . C .Blaine 58 . J .Gurry 60 . D .Moore 61 . F.Lynch 62 . A.McKenzieMcHaig 63 . S .Dixo n 64 . G .Muir 65 . S .Sarong 67 . R .Whitnish 68 . K .Watson 71 . J .Presti 77. S .Trenton 78 R . Christie 79 D Keld

OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIAN S Coach : Dale Tapping Res. Coach : Brad Berry 1 A. Kryzwnia k

2 A. Pirrie 3 C. Barrow 4 M . Talbot 5 N. Perry 6 S . Alderso n 7 B . Logan (VC) 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox 10 M . Dennis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC) 16 W. Earl 17 A . Rickarby 18 M. Jackson (VC) 19 S. Gadsden 20 A. McLachlan 21 T. Ewert 22 L . O'Neill 23 L . Holt 25 S . Nikas 26 A. Cooper 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Murch

30 A. McLaughlin 31 A . Bristow 32 G . Earl 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C . Stewart 36 B . Pollock 38 J . Raj u 39 A . Ginnavin 40 B . Patterson 41 J. Murchie 42 P. McMahon 43 B. Parnham 44 A. Brown 45 S. Fox 46 M . Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R. Boxer 49 A. Ginnavin 50 D. Hsiau 51 M . Fisher 52 K . Lynch 57 M . Moon

- - , -r Coach : Mick Dwyer Res . Coach: Wayne Moss

1 C . Home 2 D . Connell 3 R . Kejna ( DVC) 4 S . Langford-Jones 5 A . Brudar 6 W. Smith 7 Adam Hilton (C) 8 D . Hassett 9 M . Lambe rt 10 C. Efstathiou 1 1 D. Warnes 12 N . Hanson 13 B . Harrop 14 A. Forsyth 15 N. Biggs 16 P. O'Donnel l 16 B . Langford-Jones 17 Ash Hilton 18 C . JaYasekera 19 M . Armston g 20 D . Ellio tt 21 A. Jenk e 22 D . Maso n 23 M . Seccull 24 A. Ross 25 G . Rowlands (RC) 26 J . Bell 27 P. Dimond 28 S . Walden ( VC ) 29 B . Carso n 30 A . White 31 D . Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 L . Floyd 34 P. LangfordJones (RVC) 35 D . Lappag e 36 B . Lay 37 A . Dowsing 38 P. Wright 39 R . George 40 B . Johnston 41 S . Saunders 42 S . Rowland s 43 C. Pountney 44 M . Wray 45 T Hilton 46 R . Brandham 47 T. Barker 48 A. Pound 49 G . Finlayso n 50 R . Ladd 51 M . Thiele 52 A. Shepherd 53 N . Hil l 54 T. Earney 55 L . Byrns 56 C . Moyl e 57 R . Mitchell 58 S . Davey 59 M. Anderson 60 J . Robertson 61 B . Waters 62 C . Dowling 63 C . Jimmieson 64 J. Miller

e Coach : Sven Samild Res Coach: Craig Davis

1 A Acreman 2 C Lean 3 B Murph y 4 G Stroud 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterson 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newton 9 G Prid e 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 A Palmer 14 K Campbell 15 C Davi s 16 D Nock 17 L Richardso n 18 T Bournon 19 D . Kitto 20 S Mullin 21 A . Drinan 22 P Harrington 23 N Moodie 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 M Brooks 31 M Elliot 32 N . Hollow 33 G New 34 P Flaskis 35 Darren Murp hy 36 DJ . Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 D Millis 39 T Riley 40 M Mani x 41 S Co zens 42 H Mason 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothier 45 M . Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 J . Webb 48 J Whitford 49 C . Mackay 50 G Richards 51 L Stephen 52 N Flinos 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbodyy 55 W Ballantine 56 A Paterno 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 59 G Lucas 60 S . Flaskis 61 D Grant 62 C Beswick 63 M . Jones 64 M . Austin 65 T. Sobey 66 M. Sobey 67 P. Mevel 68 S . Bainbridge 69 N . King

p. Coach: F :.rd Res Coach : Damian Carroll

Coach : Steve Grace Res. Coach: Cr . Tcnkin

Co€ r D 9 har Res i;oacn : nr, ..n Grills

1 S . Vincent (C) 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 D . Stevens 4 M . Ha rford 5 MP. Geary 6 J . Hollan d 7 P. Cosgriif 8 A . Sinclair g J . Collins 10 P. Brabender (VC ) 11 A . Burn s 12 M . Wood 13 M . Ploenge s 14 B . Bra b en d er 15 B . Dintinosante 16 M . Godfre y 17 B. Hart 18 G . Po rt eous 1 9 John Swindon 20 M . Szewczuk 21 S. Ciavola 22 D . Ciavol a 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digne y 25 A. Heffernan 26 M .B . Geary 27 K. Jenkins 28 S . Jenkins 27 A . Jenkins 28 D . Loney 29 L. Galvi n 30 D . Jenkins 31 P. Harri s 32 B . Galloway 35 M . Gale 36 S . Swindon 37 JM Swindon 38 D. Tooz e 39 B . Richarddson 40 C. Seckiold 41 D. Watson 42 A . Curran 44 A. Swindon 45 M . Joyce 46 R . Murray 47 N . Ball 48 B. Woodham 49 M . Hildebrand M . Goonan 51 A. Baker 52 M . Ryan 53 B . Atkin s 54 M . Williams 56 A . Sacco 57 M . Stanley 58 J . Muir 59 C . Donovan 60 B . Hen ry 61 C . Watson 62 V. Derry 63 J . Lucas 64 A . Moore 65 A . Jakowenko

1 D Mabbett 2 D Becke tt 3 P Gleeson 4 A Grace 5 B Turner 6 D Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M Miller 9 S Grace 10 D Scanla n 11 D Robbins 12 N Sebo 13 B Stone 14 S James 15 S Naughton 16 T Stewart 17 P Joy 18 W Block 19 D Cleary 20 M McGonvill 21 J Brown 22 R Block 23 T Ashford 24 M Abrahams 25 J Dal e 26 L Livingstone 27 T Brennan 28 B Collins 29 N Court ney 30 N Wells 31 H Black 32 R Presser 33 M Shepher d34Reman G Bailey 36 S Mackey 37 A Guzzo 38 S Hermann 39 A Or r 40 Y Dimadamos 41 C Cooper 42 C Keleher 43 J . Keleher 44 M Mabbett 45 C McPAurrick 46 C Clea ry 47 J Byro n 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfield 50 S Shu!tlewo rt h 51 J Muratore 52 C Karageorgiou 53 G Hammond 54 S. Rajki 55 S. Sonneman 56 M Farrell 57 58 M Collins 59 P Konstanty 60 G Ritchie 61 A Kukuljan

1 R Pasqualo tt o 2 M Bateman (VC ) 3 M Carbone (C ) 4 5 M Robinso n 6 C Houston 7 N Cunningha m 8 A Davi s 9 C Maguir e 10 A Pawlik 11 R Reidy 1 2 R Pavrlik 1 3 T Hu hes g g 14 T Carrig 15 P Campbell 16 B ~ (VCj 17 A Carbone 18 C Fulto n i g T Hilton 20 D Mcauliffe 21 B Pha n 22 D Vandenboo m 23 24 R Mika 25 D Rei d 26 C Rya n 27 M No rt hey 28 C Eames 29 A Glenn 30 M Powe r 31 M Duffy 32 B Winc h 33 M Verna l 34 D Gloufchev 35 C La w 36 D Nolan 37 D Sullivan 38 C Carrig g 39 K Kennedy 40 A Thwaite s 41 C 0 'connor 42 P O 'brien 43 N Elliott 44 B O 'connor 45 M Leste r 46 G Johnso n 47 M Nolan 48 J Treyvau d 49 C Andrews 50 J Housto n 51 L Eames 52 P Hasele r 53 C Wood 54 S Gillen 55 S Ward 56 R Murray 57 J Mcfarlan e 58 J Gibbons 59 S Cliffor d 60 B Sinclai r 61 C Molone y 62 63 64 J Ciardull i 65 D Eame s Sponsored by :

S® L

~ ::~~7'



ne windy conditions ~ .d by gee it was windy did not produce any surprise results with mos t games going according to plan . The ladder is startin to take a bit of shape now and the next few weeks wi~ sort it all out especially with most sides losing a player or two in the upcoming State Game , REVIEW After a pretty even first quarter th e kicked away in the 2nd term to lead by 3 twins at the long break . The third was a replica of the second vith the combine increasing their lead to 4 goals at the last change and for all intents and purposes the EfGS were gone . But somebody forget to tell the OGS players this and they produced one of their best 30 minutes of football for many a long day to rally kick 5 goals to nothing and come away 8 point winners . A timely victory for the club . Lucas Wilson as has been the norm was exceptional all day for the OGS, Marty Jaugietis was a solid citizen, and Higgo and Jimmy Paul were also pretty handy . For the Bullants who felt they let the game slip from their grasp best was Prior in the engine room well supported by Schneider and Chivers . The Rovers overcame a determined S t Bedes Mentone Tigers to win a close encounter in the blusterv conditions by 10 points . Due to the wind the home side would always have the advantage in knowing how to best play their ground . It was a low scoring game with the hovers being in front all day and the Tigers trying to peg them back . The backlines remained on top for most of the day with the constant pressure put on by the miserly Rover defense forcing the visitors to go wide . It was this pressure and the Rovers ability to kick a couple of goals into the wind that finally got the home side back on the winning list . Best players for the Rovers were Woods . Anderson (whieh one I'm not sure) Flahive, Holt and Pucella . For the Tigers who knows but one would imagine that Macca and young Sam would have been pretty lucky again . Tlaerr-y took the early lead kicking into the wind only to allow Iv " - ->urnption to kick 2 late goals and so lead a 1/4 time . But that was it as far as the Hoes were concerned with Therry completely outplaying them for the remainder of the game kicking some 13 goals to 4 . They are obviously a side to be reckoned with this year Therry and must not be taken lightly, whilst the Hoes are really at the crossroads I won't say in crisis as I don't like that term but D-Grade does now loom as a possibility even though it is early doors . Mick Goodwin once again controlled the game for the victors with great support from the Mick's Bannister and Elliott . For the vanquished Scuderi yet again Scoble and former VAFA rep Peter Flynn back after a year on the sidelines were good triers .

The wind at Albert Park was swirly and gale force, the worst in some 40 years I 째 believe, and this made for a scrappy game with both sides having trouble with their skill levels . The Jackas virtually won the game by being able to kick 3 goals into the wind in the first term with Julian Kirzner in his first appearance kicking 2 of them . Glen Eire persisted and were a very determined unit attacking the ball very hard at all times but in a low scoring game their inability to use the wind early proveTcostly . The difference between the two sides was the performance of Nick Gold at CHB for the Jackas has was virtually impassable and easily won the BOG award . The Segal Brothers ran hard all day while Adrian Redlich continues to impress in defense . For the Sainters Gilmore Asatpenko, Tsirogiannis (goodness me) Grey and Ryan were all good . A nine goal to nothing first quarter set it up for Beaumaris to record a convincing victory over an injury hit Prahran. Had they kicked straighter the Sharks could have and should have won by a lot more . They had winners on every line and in a11 reality it was a pretty impressive performance . The Two Blues to their credit did keep trying but in the end they were just overwhelmed by the slick Beauy v unit . Good players for the home side one could nearly name them all, lack of space prevents that but Teasdale for the 4th week in a row was excellent, Jon Holt in his 200th did a great job in shutting the dangerous Pitts out of the game . Boctor's 5 twins in the conditions was an excellent return and Sherman used all his experience to great advantage . For Prahran as usual none 'were better than the lionhearted Kip Walford, Rhodesy was pretty good and young Beer made a great debut. PREVIEW Some tough games again this week I don't think my percentage accuracy in tips is too flash at this stage of the season . Hampton Rovers travel to Como Park keen to win a game away from home . The big ground will suit them and their style of play but they must stick to team rules . The OGS will be buoyed by the come from behind win last week and it could be just the fillip they need to help them turn the corner . Lucas Wilson holds the kev if he holds sway at the centre bounces Rovers could be in trouble, but in a toss up I will pick the Rovers because after an indifferent start I feel they will be thereabouts . Therry make the long trek across town to tackle the Tigers at Brindisi Street a daunting task for anybody at the best of times . I will go against real form here and tip with the home side as they play their home ground so well and really need to win this won

to stay in touch, but I won't be surprised if I'm wrong . Although having to travel across town to Ivanho e this should not trouble Glen Eira today and I think they will return to the winning list at the expense of the hapless Hoes who seem to be injury riddled at the moment losing a couple a week, much to their disdain . It really tests your depth these situations Prahran await Bulleen-Templestowe at Toorak park in a must win game for both sides . Both have had their chances in nearly every game so far and are not that far away . Hopefully the Two Blues will get a few of their players back which will make them more competitive the Bullants will certainly be in the game most of the way but I'm tipping at the end that Prahran will just have their noses in front . Chin up KB it will be alrigh t The game of the season so far takes place at Albert Park as Ajax welcome Beaumaris to their new surrounds . Promises to be a great game of football this, as both sides play a fast running free flowing type of game and have plenty of options up forward . I have never tipped against any of my clubs while being a scribe and I am not going to start today, lets hope the weather is fine so the game is not ruined as a spectacle, Beaumaris to win . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S We certainly don't have the problems here that my B-Section colleague is experiencing with 9/10 clubs making contact this week . Only St Bedes Mentone-Tigers being delinquent. Don't forget the numbers 9-553 1561 which is phone or fax the mobile is 0412 213541 or send an email to brainco@optusnet .com .au . Keep up the good work.

Bulleen-Templestowe - Congratulations to Dean Matthews who played his 200th Senior Game for Bulleen-Templostowe last week . A very skilled and tough player everyone at the Bullants congratulates you and your football achievements and hope their are many more to come. Dean has played all his footy with the Bulls except for a year at St Kilda coming up through Juniors into the Seniors and has captained the side for the past four years . Well done Dean .

Bulleen Templeotowe 2 .2 6 .8 10.10 10 .12.72 Old Geelong 2.2 3 .5 6.9 11 .14.80 BuBeen TempFestowe: D. Bone 2. Burridge 2. Chivas. Hare. D. Matthews. H. Prris, W. Thompson. Welch. Best : Prior. Chtcers, Schneider . Trnutganis, V6', BoneTrdioch. Old Geelong: H1~n sn4 . Fisher 2. L.14` ➢son . Vtckers-tVillis, Watlace-Smtth, Paul . Malpas . Best : L . t4Ssa . Jaugfetis . Higgins . Paut. Taylor. Salter. Umpires: Leon Quinn : Alan Stubbs IF) Hampton Rovers 2 .4 2 .6 5.12 7 .12.54 0 .2 2 .4 3.7 5 .14.44 St. Bedes Ment Tig . Hampton Rovers : Flahhe 3. Davey 2. Holt . Wills . Best : Woods . Anderson, Flabhc. Ariz . Boyd . St. Bedes Ment . Tig .: Hecker 3. M . FVhtlle 2. Best : M. Wintle. Goodchild. L. PtinOe. Johnson . Zakdo, Carroll.Umpires: Robert Sneddon : Phil Call IF). Kirstv Pav:Niek Lemon(B). Clive Shipley : Bob Seymour (G ) Therry Penoia 3 .3 8 .10 10.11 18.14.110 Ivanhoe Assumption 3 .4 4 .5 8.7 7.9.51 The ry Permian R. Bannister 3 . D . Goodwin 3 . C . Bannister 2. S. Hollow, O'Sulliarn 2 . Caccamo. M . Goodwvi . Lougiilan . Petrenski . Best : M. Goodwvr. R. Bannister . Elliott . S. Hollow, S. Sacco. Melia Ivanhoe Assumption: Flarn 2, J. Pace 2. J. Fuilatson. T. Scoble . Rawiey . Best : Scuderi. T . Scobie. Tucker. Rawiey. Ftyiur, Young. Umpiccs:Cratg BraJtberg: Leah Gallagtier (F) AJAX Glen Elm A.F.C

3 .1 5.4 7.5 11 .8.74 4 .5 4.8 7.9 9.10.64

AJAX: Kalinski 3, Kirzner 3. Davis 2 . Wetsler. Konsky . Best : Gold. J. Segal . Blashki . M . Segal, w'eisler . Redlich. Glen Eire: Turner 3. Ryan . A. Stapenko. Thursfield . Gilmore, Carnana Tkocz . Best : Gilmore, Astapenko. Tsiro ' nis. Grey. Ryan . Tkocz . Umpires:AndreaThwaltes: Paui Withington(F), Robert Parry IGI Beaumaris A.RC 9.9 12.12 17.21 21.22 .148 Prahrnn A.EC 4.4 4.4 8 .5 13.6 .84 Beenmarls : Beeler 5. Catlin 4 . Meade 3, Martin 3 . Teasdale 2 . Holt 2. Cadan . A . Quin. Best: Tea,sdate . Holt, Ensar. M. Quin . Martin. Boctor . Shaman. Prahran : Rhodes 4. Gallagher 3 . A. Pitts . Perry. Beer. Pang. Birch. Best : tVatCord . Rhodes, Beer. Belcher. Getlie . Umpires : Trent Foley. Dlamie Whiteley IF). Wayne Cove (B)

RESERVES - 29,04 .00 Bull een Templmtowe 2 .2 8 .4 9.8 13 .13 .91 Old Geelong 1 .2 3 .4 5.5 8 .5.53 Bulleen Templestowe: Mc[.aren 5 . McKenzie 3 . Stott 2 . Dou9an. Horvath . Todd. Best : Melaren . Todd, Eijsvogel . Stott . Bane. Boyd. Old Geelong: Howells 3, Harrin~ton 2 . Comers. Broadbent . Carty . Best : Harrington. Couzens . Ronchi, Carty-, taeuone . Gretton-Llatson . Hampton Rovers 1 .1 5 .3 5,4 8 .5.53 St.Bedes Ment. TIg 3 .2 3 .2 5.7 5.7.37 Hampton Rovers: Crawford 3 . Chasten 2 . Sane 2. David Anderson . Best : Dmid Anderson . Dtmball . Drew Anderson. Fanning. Chasten. LawTence . St.Btdes Ment. Tig : Gomez. Doubaras. Hipwell. Tomlinson . Beasley . Best : Bllos . Beasley. Parsons. Gomez. Doubaras. Young. 11 .11 14 .12.96 Therry Penchi O .B 3 .7 6.7 Ivanhoe Assumption 010 2.1 2.1 4 .5.29 Ther ry Penola: Evans 3 . Swinder 2 . Gri+ s 2. Van En er 2 . Kilpatrick 2. J . Sacco. Gauci. Tadtnac. Best : H. Garoni. P. GaronL Hill, ~ri¢gs . Van En~Ier. Crotty. Ivanhoe Assumption: D. Pearce 3, Fairweat}ter. Best : Fairweathcr, iacmangelo. Smitb. S. Healy,. C. McDonald. D. Pearce. AJAX 6.3 12.4 17.7 18.9.117 Glen Eire A .RC 0.1 0.2 0.2 2.5.17 AJAX: Basist 5 . Ben-Simon 4. Buckley 3, Kalb 2 . Jammer. Mohr . Sharp, Cukierman. Best: Sharp. Snow. Pvke. Buckley, Basist. Cukierman. Glen Bins: Goal kickers and best players results not reee[ced. BeaumarSs A-F-C 5 .2 11 .4 12.8 18.14.122 Prahmn A.F.C. 3.2 3.5 8.6 10.8 .68 Beaumad, : B . Stevens 1 Vance 3. Jones 2 . Fisher 2- Corficld 2. Btackie. McKenzie, Smith, 'son, Spence-Bailer . Nish . Prahr®n: Oliver 2 . Campbell 2 . Aitken. Uear. tk'allme}er, Roberts. Wartand . Erdem. Best: Miller. Henshall . Aitken . H . Pitts. Vear.






A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the groun d or other or other similar such conduct"

_ . ~


Coach : 5 rne Hermes Res Caa ' : Davie . rks

1 J . Wrobel 2 A . Kalinski 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rajch 6 D . Kalb 7 G . Samuel 8 A. Krongold 9 A. Rosen 10 R . Bloo m 11 M . Weisler 12 B . Goldberg 13 A . Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 N . Gold 16 M . Konsky 17 A . Cuklerman

18 C . Cohen 19 M . Halphen 20 J. Kirzner 21 D . Gelbart 22 D . Moh r 23 P. Goldberg 24 D . Su tton 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 L. Levin 28 P. Walvisch 29 D . Marks 30 N . Israelsohn 31 G. Dukes 32 M . Borenstein 33 A . Bock 34 D . Gunn 35 S. Roth 36 J . Segal 37 M . Buckely 38 J . Bram 39 J . Basist 40 A. Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 D. Bugalski 43 Y. Shei n 44 B . Lewski 45 M . Barnett 46 J . Feldman 47

4 8 B . Luka v 49 A . Godlowicz 50 D . Boon 51 A . Halphe n 52 J . Sharp 53 T. Brown 54 A. Lust 55 P. Naphtali 56 J . Rochman 57 D. Janover 58 J . Butt 59 D . Goldfein

60 J . Weinberg 61 S . Czerny 62 N . Diamond 63 J . Sega l 64 H . Snow 65 S . Glass 66 Y. Field 67 B . Klein

68 D . Weuslitzer 69 E . Sleen 70 S . Boon 71 A . Lev 72 L . PYke 73 A . Lewin 74 J . Gold

Car hJim Durnan Re: C_n : : , b:`hitla

1 N . McLean 2 S . Nish 3 A . Mckenzi e 3 J . Magee 4 J . Black 4 M . Smith 5 M . Ensor

6 A. Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 J . Mead 9 B . Nicholson 10 A. Ladd 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 L. McNicholas 13 S . Wilson 14 L . Buller 14 D . Drew 15 N . Craven 16 M . Qui n 17 D . George 17 B. Stevens 18 N . Kennedyy

19 N . Atkins 20 R . Gow 21 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt

- - : -j~ COE Nigro

i°s David Hooper 1 J Prio r 2 G Alexander 3 S Young 4 W Thompson 5 M Agrotis

6 P Graham 7 P Robertson 8 N Bone 9 C Parris 10 P George 11 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 D 15 B


Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 19 G Chivers 20 M Jones 21

23 A . Catlin

22 G McLaren 23 D Mathews 24 T Agosta 25 26 S Boyd 27

24 B . Gray


25 D . Teesdale

26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J . Vanc e 29 C . Martin 30 T. Reoin 30 R . Corfield 31 L . Gibson 31 A. Spence

32 M . Matulick 32 S . Mitchel l 33 G . Jury

34 Q . Groves 35 N . Boctor 35 B . Ferguson 36 A . Blacki e 37 B. Philpott 38 A. O'Brien 39 S . Potts 40 J . Verashaka 41 D. Emerson 42 J . Ianzan o 43 A . Kendall 44 D . H . Gibson 45 A . Thomas 46 D . Speakman 47 J . McKenzie 49 J . Bryce 50 I . Bennett 59 A. Rowbury

29 P Bone 30 D Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 38 S James 39 T Franklin 40 41 L Cessario 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 45 46 A Humphrey 47 48 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 51 M Sund 52 J Gunn 53 C Catano 54 S Dowlan 55 L Stott 56 M Tuomy 57 D Bone 58 59 60 A Eidsvogel


Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach: Phil Jones

1 2 3 4 5

M. Ryan N . Astapenko C. Massis D. Cassar A . Tsirogiannis

6 C. O'Donnell

7 S . Vamvakas 8 D . Wilso n g H Batty 10 G . Ri ch ards 11 T. Rossiter 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 M . Weilgosz

15 M . Broad 16 P. Rogers 18 A . Wilce 19 L. Govan 20 A . Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 23 B .O' Donnell 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Dynon 26 N . Dymond 27 R . Gilmore 28 C . Kernick 29 D . Dunlevie 30 31 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34

36 37 38 39 40 L . Doolan 41 D . Boyd 42 J . Dunlevie 43 M . Jones 44 S . Diamond 45 46 47 P. Slifka

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 L. McGaw 57 58 59 60 61 M . Tkocz

-- _ ---- , _ , .-• Coach: Ru all Barnes Res Coach : David Rogerson

1 J. Lan g 2 M . Mckella r 3 D. BusbyY 4 S . Anderson 5 B . Marlyn

6 A . Crowther 7 J . Da y 8 Drew Anderson g B . Boy d 10 B . Hol t 11 J. Zampaglione 12 R . Dunball 13 G . Wood s 14 G . Jackson 15 M . Flahive 16 D. Marshal l 17 D. Artz 18 P. Adam s 19 N . Borradal e 20 A . Powe r 21 S . Fanning 22 T. Wilmot t 23 S. Helliger 24 C . Scarlett 25 M . Davey 26 S . Wills 27 A. Quon 28 A. Voss 29 M . Fletcher 30 W. Earl e 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderso n 33 M . Lak e 34 A . Dudd y 35 P. Buckle y 36 J . Cunningha m 37 R . Hunt 38 J . Humphries 39 M . Crawfor d 40 L. Dalla s 41 J . Dwye r 42 K . Chasten

43 S . Foste r 44 B . Johnston e 45 A . Mason 46 B. Sim e 47 J . Fetterplace 43 T. Lynch

44 M . Flynn 45 B . Hebar d 46 E . Melnjak


FINE :v -:

INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. Suite 2, 418 Bluff Rd , Black Rock . 3193 Ph : 9589 6444

A__. ,, . . ._ Coach: Don! Valkanis Res, Coach : Peter Curtin

S . Conley I . R . Armstrong 2, L . Hull-Brown 3 . C . Tucker (C) 4 . T. O 'neil l 5, J . Scoble 6, T. Healy 7, P. Rawley 8 . J . Shuttleworth 9 . E . Healy 10 . P. Lee 11 . J . Finlayson 12 . B . Finlayson 13 . S . Narkiewicz 14 . P. Flynn (VC) 15 . J . Curtin 15 . F. Falcon e 16 . M . Scuderi 17 . B . Giles 18 . T. Scobl e 19 . D . Wood 20 . D . Barter

21 . L. Blackwood 22 . R. Angelini

23 . D . Ryan 24 . B . Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26,S . Fairweather 27 . K .Smith 28 . J . Pace 29 . G . King 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D. Mcfarlane 32 . L. Pearce 32 . S .Conlay 33 . S . Mcgowan 34 . B . Joyce 35 . P. Whitehead 36. C. Zeegers 37. C. Giankilidis 38 . H. Young 39 . M . Ebbage (RC) 40. P. Martin 41 . C . Mcdonald 42. P. Murphy 42. T. Timms 43. G . Sullivan 44. A. Pace 45. J . RaYwoo d 46 . M . lacouangelo 47. S. Warren 48. A . Toogood 49 . A. Rosenfeld (RVC) 50 . D . Jacka 51 . D . Pearce 52 . S. Doherty (V

53 . E. Sullivan 57 . M . Evans 68 . J . Mazzocca 78 . C . Brown 88 . N . Dykes 99 . G . Robertson

Coach : Tony Morwood Res Coach: ~ ori Harrington

Coach: Tony Pr^째 Res Coach : J ss 1 D Gallagher

1 2 D . Salter 3 4 C . Stinchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 P. Middelton 7 J. Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 J. Wilson 10 T. Brai n 11 M . Javgietis 12 N . Power 13 H . Mclnne s 14 K . Hendratta 15 S . Bingley 16 S . Edge 17 M . Wilson

2 T St Clai r 3 T Murphy 4 M McCallum 5 S Pang 6 A Corboy 7 R Thomson 8 A Bevan 9 M Scicluna 10 B Hodgson 11 A Pitts

18 J . Powe r 1 9 A . Salter 20 M . Fisher

20 G Coldwell 21 A . Landal e 22 J . Taylor

23 S . Higgins 24 . R . Marriott 25 L. Wilson 26 . J . Foley 27 28 . A Farrar 29

30 N. Kemp 31 D . Varley 32 J . Wallace-Smith 33 S . Lansdell 34 H . Borbank 35 D . Mclnnes 36 D . Mclnnes 37 38 D . Bolton 39 H . Gretton-Watson 40 J . Malpas 41 S. Rowan 42 R . Brown 43 A. McKay 44 M, McCarthyy

45 D . Taylor 46 S. Milne-Pott 47 M .Ave ry 48 T. Chirnside 49 9 J. Carty

50 J. Landy 51 L . McDonald 52 J. Morley 53 J . Calvert 54 J . Legoe 55 Q . Wallace 56 W. Abbott 57 M . lacuone 58 I . Wheal 59 60 R . Gudykunst 63 T. O'Brien 64 65 75 S . Harrington

12 L Nyko

13 C Perry 14 M Eastham 15 S Birch 16 A Rhodes 17 D Howarth 18 J Nugen t 19 S Campbell 20 D Decarteret 21 G Paleodimo s 22 N Roberts 23 A Garvie 24 D Demarte 25 C Henshal l 26 B Marti n 27 I McGarry 28 K Walford 29 J Goodlet 30 J Crow 31 G McIntyre

32 A Bunnet 33 A Daly 34 C Miller 35 B Gellie 36 H Pitts 37 A Power 38 G Rooney 39 M Vear 40 B Scanlon 41 J Belcher 42 S Altschwager 43 S Oliver 44 C Blight 45 M Vagg 46 G Walsom J Killee n 48 J Warland 49 M Warland 50 P Herridge 51 T McAdie M Kurban 53 A Rolfs 54 M Erdem 55 L Aitken 56 S Gadd 57 D Villani 58 J Ross 59 W Pye 60 N Wallmeyer

,._ C. oh: Res C= .1:- Sim L b

1 M Kinsella 2 L Wmtl e 3 J Sebire Ier ~~Napier 6 A Ryan

7 N Owen 8 A Roberts 9 J Cunningham 10 C Ross 12 C Stewart 13 D Goodchild 14 P Lannert

15 D Johnston 16 P Wintle 17 T Macgeorge 18 T Giaquinta 19 B Tomlinson 20 J Drur 21 D Spence y r 22 P Johnson

23 D Napier 24 T Beasle y 25 S Booth 26 S Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsu d 32 J Dickinson 33 S Zakic 34 C Meyer

35 B Bilos 36 A Gngi a 37 M Co nnolly 38 P Carroll 39 C Tesoriero 40 C Johnston 41 D Thompson 42 D Diggins 43 B Smith 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 D Vidovic 48 C Mizzi 49 J Sanders 50 S Kidd 51 N Zenner 52 S Bell

53 L Porter 54 M McCraw 55 L McHugh 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 J Doubaras 60 M McColl M 61 S Waters

62 M Uberti 63 T Waters 64 J Harrington 65 P Sgarioto 66 R Parsons 67 A Hipwell 68 B Beasley 69 J Tomlinson 70 G Davies 71 A Drury 72 M Hecker 73 M Kiki 74 D Young 75 P Fedderson


h Jo :m Toohey , C h : Chri 3ye

1 Petrevski M (DVC ) 2 Finnigan M (C ) R ( }

3 Bannister 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco J 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 17 O' Keefe S 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 O'Neill D 22 Griggs S

23 Bye C 24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 27 Stevens B 28 O 'Kearney M 29 Dorian P 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J (RC ) 33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S 36 O 'Shea T 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M

39 Boyle S (VC) 40 Caroni P (RVC)

41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M 46 Lucas C 47 Goodwin D 48 Courts G 49 Whykes B 50 Mills A

51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R 54 Christofoli M 55 Garoni M 57 Weston D 58 Altanhan 0 60 Melia D 61 Scuilli B 66 Cul h M p 68 Swinden A 70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G 95 Hill M 96 Redden S

97 Goodwin S 100 Loiudice J 111 Baron D

t rarely happens in this Section that, by Round 4, the clubs have already settled into a pecking order. Aquinas & Monash Blues look morals for the 2nd chance spots ; St Leo's & OEG are certainties for finals action ; Caulfield Gr. & Banyule will challenge ; and the rest will require a serious remake to force themselves into contention . LAST WEEK Banyule vanquished Oakleigh even though the Krushers never stopped, regardless of the scores. The Bear's were happy with wingers, Clinton Burke & Brett Cantwell, plus CHB, Gavin Shaw, and Dave Williams, rucking. Old Essendon overcame Old Camberwell after breaking away in the first half. The Wells fought back to within 7 points early in the last, but Grammar accelerated off again for a solid victory . U19's player, Ben Tipper, starred for the Wells, Alex MacKenzie did well at BP, and Jordan Heffernan was back in form in the middle . La Trobe copped a dose of the Monash B lues last Saturday, but they needn't worry, it's a common complaint! The Trobers midfielders, Ben Grant & "Pluto", were effective, plus Dean Sheldrick in defence, The Blues stars were Luke Creamer in the middle, Ed Morrison on his wing, and James Hawkins up forward . . . . . . Oh yes . . . . .and Sammy McGee ! Aquinas conquered Caulfield fAa by building a 6G+ lead in the 3rd term and then shutting down the Fields who had the wind in the last. Marchi Tarulli played a blinder at HFF for the Bloods, Danny Minogue was dependable at HBF, with Cam Quinn giving drive from his wing. St Leo's Emmaus and the gale routed Old Carey in a fine display of intelligent, committed footy about which the Panthers were clueless . The Parks dominated the frequent packs where twin bobcats, Dimble and Farquhar, never let up . O'Meara controlled the knockouts, Don Dini and McCann gave the Two Blues a clear ascendency through midfield, Major defended superbly, Manton was unbeatable everywhere, in fact the whole bloody side was marvellous . Flanker, Nick Everett, was the Panthers only really bright spark, a handful more contested, but most were many farads short of fully charged. TODAY'S GAMES Oakleigh plays Old Essendon and will find the going tough against this class unit . The Krushers always contest every possession but lack the skills that Grammar has in such abundance . OEG to win by a comfortable margin .

Old Camberwell meets La'1`roL .;, and in spite of my opening predictions, one or both of these sides could turn their fortunes round . The Trobers are notoriously slow starters, last season being a classic example; and the Wells are such a bundle of good footballers I'm stuffed if I know why they're 0-4! The Wells should win a good game by 3/4 goals because of their better defence and midfield operators . Monash Blues encounters Caulfield Grammarians in what should be a great game between two highly skilful teams . Field's runners, Royals, Brohier, and Widjaja will take some countering, but the Blues defence seems impregnable at the moment, and their midfield output is enormous . The Blues by 5Gs . Old Carey confronts B anyule and will need to "basicize" if they wish to be competitive . The Bear's should enjoy their visit to the best faciilities in the VAFA, because their no nonsense approach will give them the four points by 6/7 goals . Aquinas OC confronts St Leo's in today's top game that will be a corker, with both sides similar in playing styles, and fairly evenly matched round the ground . David Miller has got his youthful Parks playing "process" footy, with their backing up and numbers at the ball hard to fault . The battle for centre supremacy between Don Dini & Cam Colliver will be a classic, as will be the containing tactics both ends of the ground on FF's, Jason Livingston & Brendan Vaughan . The Bloods may be minus big ruckman Al Bethune, but even so they should take the points by a goal or so. RESERVES Today's winners should be ; OEG, Wells, Blues, Old Carey, St Leo's. Correspondents the contacts are 9818 1425 phone and fax . Email; bfhickeyC telstra. easymail . com . au

VALE Old Carey revered Life Member, Joan Gramliek, passed away recently . Joan was the widow of the club's founder "Bunny" Gramlick, and right to the end was a wonderful supporter of the club and all it represents . Farewell Joan, we'll miss you sorely, and there's sure to be somewhere in Heaven that serves Cinzano!

old C0_e„ - ialuutea on oalk ;i


n{1y played his 5C Ti _~ ~. te in the Black, Gold ,- ' . Well done Felix, hope there s many

and Blue more ahead ! St . Le as Emmaus - congratulations to Danny Lear on reaching 50 games in Rd4 and we hope "Noddy's" career is as bright as his hair . Caulfield Grammarians - N igel Brohier, Club Captain, B&F winner, committee member. VAFA Rep, premiership player 1998, "Mamba's" courage, loyalty and pure football skill are inspirational to anyone who had watched him play over the past 14 seasons . He is a credit to himself, new fiance Sonya and his family who rarely miss a galrle . Well done Nige from all at CGFC .





T0 TA.l. 20 18 18 2 17 17 15 14 14 i1 10

3 .8 9.12 16.24 27.26.190

R. i :, .,tr

11 .14 .80 4 .4 €.8 7.10 tchell 4, tt'cedtock 4 . Pl 3. O'Ce^n1 3. Burke 3, 1 . Cantwetl.Eesc Burke . Car Shaw, Williams. Sutter:rv. t, . Dalton 3, Brom!ev 2. A.. ... ._ : 2. Bader 1 . Clark 1 . Kitts l . rr. il . Tolley. Hanley. A .Kitis . slides, Orlando. umpires: Paul . {F) mer 3,1 8.7 9.9 14.13 .97 1 .1 2.3 7.8 8.9.57 in an 5. Po3ger 2. Bryant 1 . Dale 1 . Evans 1 . Fineher 1 . 1 . c--d : Fleming. 47cpher.~n. Leask . R_r'an. L'-ebergan~ Papa . oun?, ss 2. Perrbman 2, Clay I, Harskin I . Walker 1,1'. tehead g~rr. r. Perrtonan. A!eK. MacKetizie . Tach .umpsszs: Max

2.3 2.4 5 .6 8 .10.58 __ g(L~, 57 10,14 13.18 19.25.139 LaTrobe Unrvers,ty-. C. C ::it I . Fredrickson 1 . Glee-San 1 . Fern' 1 . Robin 'an I t . ' .~~ It .•.t. ?,2ilard. \4'akelutg. 4S'h1te. Aionasfi t>_d.umplrzs:Luke Moncrieff. Jason Shies: Goal Kich- an4 btcoreiFl 18.15 .123 ~~ o.c Caulfield GR 12.11 .83 ;ber 2 . Thom3s 2. R .fiiorm 2. Flynn 2 Aquinas:TantIli 4. Cu7trE . Tanilli. Quinn. tWhitehead . Callow, Van 1.'h!tchead 2 . Lb :- . - ?Kira s I' : ' o. 2. ' .-:,ensoa 2. Evans 1, Vella l, Rosman ;ohier. t. Ct ~. Rayak.umpires : AIan Ladd. 1 . Beet :c . le. Trent Gre, r -~ . 16,20.116 St beAS Eat>sv==. = 4 .7 7.8 11 .17 Old Carey 0.1 2.4 3 .5 5 .10.40 St, Lew: D'ur.--':,ntonio 3. Heruicus 3 . Vaughan 3 . Buckie 2. Fennell 2 . Zanis 2. . MeGlo6t S . McGloin . T.McCamt 1. Best : Major, D ntondo, Manton. Buckle, R Old C,arey : Harris 2. Philti i L . -~rett I . Danllter 1 . Best : ErTrett. Danlher . Birk!ll . Matthetvs, Munro. Buffet 's :, It D3 Pietro, Nick Etas(s )




6.3 11.4 18.10 24.11.124 0.5 0.6. 6 F.C 0.0 0 .5 ge 5 . S rou 2 . J . YTmott 2. Mutton 2. Wilson 2 . Kayroo.>. 2. -..ns 2 . arth, 2 . -~^"°~ I . Bell I . Hopgccd I . Best: Ta or. h7artln . : fi{c.ttis. Les?k . Ke lr ev. Tcrpcy . Geor e t3etl . Gllham. Hopgooa . I p : Nll. Best Janc~iello, Thcofilopou!o . 20.15 .135 Old Essendon Grammer 4 .1 10.7 14.10 2 .2 2 .2 3.4 4.4 .28 Old Camberwell Old Essendon: Barr ? . Fraser 4 . Good€r 2, Harvard 2 . R3dlot• 2. Tassone 2. Barrv 1 . Ctp?om i Ht I . Best . Ch,'~pman . Goo3ger, Huges . 67asei. CtppcanL RnIlev. C : it Pg"juis 2 . O'Hara 1 . Carry I . Best : O'Hara. Derrv. Rowe . Ml' ~. a, \' t is. bb . La Trolx Univeas>.y 1 .0 2.1 6 .1 7 .3 .45 Monash Blues 3 .4 4.5 9 .8 12.10.82 Lis Troba Uril : R,+-pr it 2 . `te*er 2, Bartone I . Sam~n 1 . O'Meara 1 . Best: Gto :va. Sun-- . n . S! ebottern . Bortane. Storer. ?vtonash Blues: Goal Kickeis and .. : . . not re eived . Aquinas O.C 8.7.55 .14.44 Cuutfield Gr. 5 :Crouch 3. Jc : 3, Chanman I . Moran 1 . Best : Pate, Slattery. Lan crd. Caeldan . Crouch. Hunt. Caulfield: Deakin I . Bourke I . Gosstrav 1 . Coins I . ~em I . Best : Kendall. Sant, Thompson . Salem. Bcauelv.arup . Santiago . St Laos F,ammaus 20.19 .139 4.8 .32 Old Care y St .I .eas: E. Mitchell 4 . tbrnike 3. Bethune 2 .Neacv 2 . D . Place 2 . Prosser . Taylor 2 . Auliso 1 . HuEtuvt 1 . Nolan 1 . Best: Dorruk. E.ititchell . Presser. Flood . I .ear. BaF~a Old Caiey :Ha.kuis 2 . Ea:stham I, Cantor I . Best: Bennett. A9andanki . Halin`s . Francis . htcKinstrv .


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Coach : ! Agha n Res Cc h: Laurie Aghan 1 G . Burc h

2 C . Thomas 3 S. Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D . Monogue 7 C . Glenn e 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A . Lorki n 15 A. Hyland 16 H . Field 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pare s 21 C . Quinn 22 S . Flyn n

23 J. Livingstone 24 P. Harpe r 25 B. Volombello 26 S. Downes 27 S . Jones 28 J . Langford 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Collilver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chaoman 36 P. Hevera n 37 J . No rt h-Coombes 38 B . Moran 39 M . Mercuri 40 A . Cultrera 41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slatte ry 44 G . Macklin

45 N . Frederikson 46 M . Anderson 47 N . Mora n 48 M . Moore 49 G . Verstra 50 L . Sheffield 51 C. Watt

52 M . Corrie 53 J . Devers

54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 D . Joyce

57 D . North-Combes 58 D . La w 59 A. Bentley 60 D . Vine 61 M . Gree r 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barri e 64 P.Glennie 65 L . Buzaglo 66 J . Hunt 67 P. Cuickshank 68 J . Coglan 70 C . Lyng 71 J . Pole 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay

Coach: C Res Coa

hitcro8 : Rd 11 ~rr.n Dohorty

1 H McDermott

2 D Witchell 3 S. Kayrooz 4 M Gilbe rt 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 B. Gillard 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 B Moxin 11 S Cross 12 J Egan 13 D Nasrallah 14 B . Woodlock 15 S Gray 16 D Bentley 17 G . Donaldson 18 J Turnball 19 A Thompson 20 S Playfai r

21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilha m 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 L Martin 26 G Shaw 27 P. Healey 28 C Wilks 29 G Sutterby 30 B . Grindal 31 C Bassett 32 S . Richmond 33 D . Glass 34 C Stevens 35 D Spoules 36 M . George 37 B Wilson 38 T. Thompson 39 A . Hopgood 40 W. Gibson 41 D . Mutton 42 T Ega n 43 L Ferrall 44 M . Natoli 45 D. Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Hol t

50 C Burke 51 G Bel l 52 Ross Dohe rt y 53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witchel l 55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A . Dooley 58 D Mayne 59 J . McDermott

Sponsors : Nero's Re F ` :, urant Bedrock Computers VA I M1Zedieva : _ . : .,I ue Herathmr : : : ,ttar, Haughey Butchers 16

Coa-, . , -erson s Coa~ . ;ornel Dachs 1 D . Rosman

2 B. Hal l 2 S . Sayasane 3 C . Knigh t 4 M . Liddell 5 S . Kendall 6 M . Harrison 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A . Will 11 S. Amiet 11 M . Cassidy 12 D . Pearce 13 D. Gurr

14 S . Klose 15 15 P. King 16 T. Royals 17 R . Gosstray 17 D . Roberts 18 P. Anderson 18 B. Baxte r

19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klos e 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier 22 T. Townley 23 D . Ash

24 G . Lehne r 25 M . Cramphorn 25 T. Wailes 26 S. Williams 26 W. Widjaja 27 A . Kea,vn 28 G . Evans 29 J . Whitmee 29 D. Schrimski 30 J . Gros s

31 S . San t 33 C . McGrath 33 N . Silve r 34 J. Margerison 35 35 S . Thompson 36 A. Lawrence 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 G . Harrison 41 A . Bosna 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 C . Bettany 45 B. Taylor 46 A. Johnson 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 49 S . Erickson 50 K . Deakin 51 N . Bourke 52 B . Minter 53

54 M . Ailanby 55 M . Davies 56 A . Dowd 57 M . Dakic 58 J . Toyam a 59 A . Beauchamp 72 T. Freeman 73 G . Markovic

Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res. Coach : Clinton Perry 1 M .Bakogiannis 2 S .Fredrickson 3 D .Sheldrick

4 C Perry 5 S .Adamthwaite 6 B .Cameron 7 P.Moo n 8 J Camm 9 J .Goode 10 D Sidebottom 11 J .Levy 12 D .Gleeson 13 14 L .Wakeling 15 G .Robinson 16 C McKie 17 L .Heathcote 18 S .Gloury 19 S .Whit e 20 21 D.Edmunds 22

23 S .Mitchell 24 25 M .Spralja 26 B.Hewitt 27 L Ryan 28 R Rossi 29

30 R .Storer 31 32 M .Napier 33 34 35 36 T.Mawdsle y 37 38 A.Willis 39 40 41 No . Name 42

43 44 W.Auldist 45 S .Turner 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A.Cumming s

61 S Bland 66 A Bailli e 70 J Dumaresq


Coach : Dave Rogers Res Coach : Marcus Spencer 1 L Findlay

2 J Baxter 3 L Holloway 4 A Bains 5 D Rogers 6 M Newman 7 P Farra r 8 D Junkeer 9 C O'Sullivan 10 S Webster 11 M Spencer 12 J Caldwell 13 A Herrman 14 B Merlin 15 M Tinkler 16 B Tatterson 17 P O'Neill 18 E Morrison 19 D Furnell 20 A Anderson 21 C Gregory 22 R Kamphius 23 D Cavicchiolo 24 C Williams 25 J Hawkin s 26 P Fernon 27 N DeYoung 28 5 McGee 30 L Creamer 32 J Marshall 33 J Smith 34 B Dowsley 35 D Murchie 36 N Costley 38 P Tuohey 39 M Smith 40 M Bolton 41 1 Paul 42 P Milli e 43 R Feenaghty 44 D Teesdale 45 R Wals h 46 A Ryan 47 S Mentha 48 K McIntyre 49 A Spence 51 J Gray

52 N Moresi 54 M McGrath 60 S Lloyd 61 P Campbell 67 B Dempsey 69 N Manuel l

D l Section DAKLEIGH A .F.C .




Coach: Chris Moore Res Coach: Pete Aridanoixxilos

Coach: Ma tt Hanson Res Coach : Andrew Tsindos

Coach: Michael Zemskl Res. Coach : Phil Aarons

Coach: Gavin Keane Res Coach : Shane Bishop

1 J . Knorpp 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Heverin

1 J . McLean 1 M . Knowles 2 T James (DVC) 2 A . McKenzie 3 A . Inkster 4 N . Lippiatt 5 S . Horskins 6 A . Seele y 6 R. Heath 7 M . Scott 7 C. Gran t 8 J . Heffernan 8 S . Clay 9 E . No y 9 B . O'Hara 10 M . Hanson (C) 11 N . Robinson 12 R. Kapoor 12 A . Hills 13 L. Gladman (VC) 14 R. Whitehead 14 R. Perryman 15 S . Tosch 16 A . Heffernan

1 C . Angus 2 W. Mudge 3 M . Cohen

5 T. lanchello

6 A. Cloke 7 B. Stirling 8 R . Marshall 9 J. Moutis 10 S. Lewis 11 C . Hanle y 12 B. Hal l 14 T. Gibson 15 G . Redfor d 16 J . Tolley 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A. Monaghan 22 L . Billing 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 A. Mouchacca 29 D. Hall 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M . Clark 34 L . Head 35 R. Nuske 36 A. Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pernikas

39 B. Reither 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 S . Randle 45 G . Chapman

46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D. Moulang9

48 P. Leslie 49 S . Bader 50. L. Wilson 51 . J . Kerley 52 . D. Banks 53 . C. Greaves 54 D. Greaves 55 A. Gook 56 G . Orlando 57 S . Heslop 58 S . Murphy 59 T. Rozakis 60 M . McPhee


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17 A .Bryso (VC) n

18 A . Brownless 19 A . Hanso n 20 J . Elliott 22 S . Reddish 23 D . Lilja 24 D . Imberger 25 A . Herdenberg 26 C. Williams 27 W . Orwin 28 J . Webb

29 R . Scott 30 D . Alex 31 T. Hedle 32 D . Mitchell 33 S . Beckett 34 P. McCrae 36 S . Derry 38 N . Sim s 39 B . Day 40 E . Wiliams 41 L. Ryan 42 R . Pratt 43 T. Walker 44 S . Smit h 46 T. Reid 48 J . Swann 49 J . Herdman 50 J . McKenzie 55 J . Gan 56 T. Holmes 57 J . Kelly 58 M . Short 59 T. Johnston 60 B . Mcllwai n 61 T Johnson 62 J . Miles 64 P. Craig 65 N . Saffar 67 G. Rowe 76 D . Brauer

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4 C . Ester

5 J . Daniher 6 C . Campbell 7 R . Oppy 8 P. Harris 9 A . Birkil l 10 K . Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 D . Knezevic 13 B . Hutchinson 14 C . Phillips

15 M . Beresford 16 F. Hakins 10 S . Curry 11 C . Matthews 12 A . McKinsty 20 J . Raftpoulos 21 H . Thomas 22 S . Vitali B . Shutie 22 N . Bull 23 B . Israel 24 J . Rist 25 N . Vasilopoulos 26 D . Sherr 27 C . Munro 28 T. Stanle y 29 D . O 'Dwye r 32 P. Graham 33 A . Meyer 28 W. Gianniko s 29 S . McConnell 30 B . Tuck 31 D . Palmer 32 I . Cohen 37 P. Bennett 38 A . Newham 39 A . Gates 40 G. Cotsonis 41 S . Cherry 42 H . Giannikos 43 T. Bul l 44 M . Curry 45 C . Daveyy

46 A . White 47 M . Eastham 48 T. Moulton 59 C . Mason 60 D . Moylan Maior Sponsors : ~_ SKINNY DOG HOTEL

1 John Pana (VC) 2 Jason Fincher 3 Peter Lutterschmidt (C) 4 Drew Fletcher (VC) 5 Steve Emerson 6 Craig Ridley 7 Jordon Leask 8 Lauch Fletcher 9 Jason Goodge r 10 Scoff Bryant

11 Brett Papal 12 Jarrod Fincher 13 Will Conlan 14 Sam Evans 15 Tim Di Blasi 16 Scott MacPherson 17 Peter Hexter 18 Jeff Walker 19 Geoff Stevens 20 David Hunter 21 Stewart Dale 22 John Rush 23 John Hughes 24 Rod Doolan 25 Brett Turner 26 Sam Fleming VC) 27 Darren Barr 28 Craig Morgan

29 Simon Uebergan9 30 Tim Williams 31 Tim Mansfield 32 Jason Mansfield 33 Andrew Dawson (VCR) 34 Dean Podge r 35 Damien Whitfield 36 Phil Trist 37 Glen Walsh Shannon Whitfield 39 Stuart Cramer 40 Corey Mnjrvik 41 Dean Greasley 42 Matthew Beard 43 J ames C arter 44 John Crawford 45 Paul Bar ry (CR) 46 Lu ke Flem in g 47 David Hexter 48 Derek Poulton 49 Andrew Hutchison 50 David Graham 51 Alex Copodiferro 52 Paul Miller 53 Leon Hadj 54 Richard Hardy 55 Phil Chalkl ey 56 Ben Rashid 57 58 59 60


ST LEOS E M MAUS WATTLE PAR K Coach : Dave Mille r

Res Coach: Andrew Bethune 1 D Dinicolantoni o 2 J O'Meara 3 E Mitchel l 4 A Aulis o 5 S Buckl e 6 S McCan n 7 A Burgess 8 J Fennel l 9 A Bethun e 10 B Mitchel l 11 B Care y 12 T McCan n 13 A Hughan 14 J Manto n 15 A O'Reilly 16 A Rose 17 R Parker 18 R McCan n 19 A Majo r 20 N Zannis 21 G Simmondson 22 P Ristevsk i 23 T Batt 24 A Hadad 25 A McKenzi e 26 A Prosse r 27 P Levins 28 S . McLaughli n 29 S D'ar c 30 M . Ottab~ e 31 M Contessotto 33 L Thomas 34 B Henricus 35 J Brigg s 36 S Bavage 37 M Scott 38 N Hodder 39 BL Vaughan 40 J Gay 41 D Chu n 42 G Raffert y 43 P Levins 44 P Nolan 45 S Ronch i 46 A Brow n 47 A Brook s

48 A Bur do rf 49 D C oz 50 L Newey 51 P McGloi n 52 D Plac e T Pecora 54 J Graves 55 M Dimble 56 P Farquhar 57 V Ryan 59 D Pitcher 60 A Lochrie 58 R Taylor 59 A Rayno r

65 N Fol e 66 D Lea ry 65 T Tribe 69 S Mesche r 70 P. O'Rourk e 74 S. Willis 77 C Vau han

80 H Mee a n 81 R . McGloin 87 D Furniss 88 S Pitche r


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C, Last week we told you about 6h on ." r :r bouncing the ball into her head, well her luck lYiasn't changed . Upon arriving at training recent1Y, skills coach James Van Beek decided to kic k footy approximately 30m at her when she'd turned her back . The result < bang, right on target and didn't Shaggers scream! .,} Interesting conversation at training recently . John Miller : "C'Mon Jamie (Kvins), work as a 6oup . There's no 'I' in T .E.A .M" . Jamie K " a : No . but there is a M.E ' ~:} Congratulations to Neville B oyle on his first B Section match last weekend . Neville has joined us this year and has taken little time settling in . Well done . This year's pre-finals dinner will be a week earlier than usual with the big event being held on the eve of the last round of home and away matches . The dinner, on Monday July 31, will be at the Oolling'wood Football Club, which as we all know is lavishly decked out with sponsorship signs from Adidas an d Fly Emirates . At least, it was last year. 3 The Lygon St Bounce Off begins soon so get your name down to enter . It's a knockout system with bounces judged on both height and accuracy and the early money is on Craig Brajtberg to mount stiff competition for everyone involved . 0 Ronnie Smith an d Pat Pdaebus couldn't believe their eyes when they arrived at North Ringwood Reserve for an under 19s fixture last week. There was no-one there . It wasn't until 1 .20pm that someone dutifully informed them that the address on their appointment was wrong and that the match was actually being played at Ringwood Secondary College . ,J A big congratulations to Grant Wardrop who recently announced his engagement to long time partner Lisa . The happy couple will be married in October 2001 and made the engagement official at a lavish party last Saturday night. We wish them both eternal happiness . And we would have expressed those wishes at the party. . .but we weren't invited!


Kissing has been in the news than ks to the Jamie Kvins saga on Channel 31 and The Footy Show but which field umpire went one step further by kissing MHSOB reserves player Ronnie Verma before last week's game? Verma was bein g congratulated on a brilliant milestone an d if you wish to guess who the umpire was, flick back a few pages and you'll find the an swer where the umpires are listed . RULE OF THE WEEK . Law 7.3 Use of a stretcher 7.3 .1 Any player who is injured during a match and who, in the opinion of a doctor, trainer or official, requires the assistance of a stretcher, shall be attended by the team's training staff and a stretcher as soon as possible so as to ensure the health and safety of the player . 7 .3 .2 Where a stretcher is required, the following procedure shall apply: a) upon being advised or noticing that a player requires a stretcher, the field umprie shall stop play at the earliest opportunity and the player must be removed from the arena on the stretcher or otherwise leave the arena as soon as possible and by the shortest and most direct route . b) a team may replace the injured player with a player listed on its team sheet, who must enter the playing surface via the interchange area . c) the interchange steward may allow the player who is replacing the injured player to enter the playing surface before the injured player is removed from the arena. d) once the injured player is removed from the arena, the field umpire shall re-commence play from where it had been stopped . fax 9564 721 8 e-mail : craig o'donoghue@acpaction .com .au


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USE OF INJv The days are gone when injured players were forgotten by the coach . It is up to the coach t o turn the negative of having an injured player into a positive . A simple but affective philosophy is one where the injured players are expected to put in more time and effort around their football club than are fit players. It is up to the coach to devise plans that will speed up rehabilitation, maintain fitness and skill levels and give opportunities for the injured player to learn more about the game whilst he is on the sidelines . Examples of how this can be done are: 1 . Extensive use of pools, bicycles, g,vrn to work workable part of the body. 2 . Hundreds of handball, kicking and reflex drills e .g . A torn hamstring won't stop you from firing off 500 left and right handballs, and a broken thumb doesn't prevent the legs from kicking . (I'll never forget seeing Corey McKernan with a knee strain, put aside his crutches and sit bolt upright in

I~ :Ls9V-'~ a chair and receive from 5 metres, bullet passes into his hands). 3 . Send the injured player off to spy on the upcoming oppositions games and training sessions . Have him report back on the oppositions strengths and weaknesses . This report can be reported back to the coach and or the team . 4 . Have the injured player responsible for taking some vital statistics on match day and at training. Eg. On match day he could record the take aways from the three all important ruck contests (centre bounces, boundary throw ins and around ground ball ups) and keep the midfielders informed during the quarter breaks . At training especially, with one ball only drills, he could tally the possessions of one of the best trainers compared to a lazy or silent type . The point being, to prove that some fellows don't get the most out of training. 5 . Use the injured player on the training track as an urger/encourager. It is a good time for voice skills to be developed . By Robert Walls

What you will need : To be available for 2 Competitions and training ( number to be arranged when appointed) : a AUS South - qualifiers to be held in Bendigo, July 4- 6 3!_ Australian University Games - held in Ballarat, October 2 - 6 Level 1 Coaching Qualification or equivalent experienc e Energy and commitment Understanding of the University Sport culture would be an advantage What we offer : Remuneration Opportunity to trave l Challenging yet enjoyable experience Applications are to be sent to :

Gary Ryan or Frank Interrigi C/o MONSU, 2 Princes Ave, Caulfield East, 3145 Ph : 9571 1 06 6 THF GMATGI IR F0r1TRIlI I FR 51(k1N1




ie week's break seemed to invigorate a couple of sides, with both Mentone Amateurs an d Yarra Valley breaking through for their first wins for the season, and some other surprising results . Fitzroy Reds played away at Thomastown for the first time and were unable to fully utilise a strong breeze in the opening term . The Bears peppered the goals in the second, kicking a slightly wayward 6 .13 through some tough, hard running at the ball and unselfish footy . The Reds could only manage 2 majors in the third quarter despite the efforts of Hart, Urbanic and Drury . The Bears piled on 9 goals to 1 in the final term, which was characterized by Rod Kennedy's 10 minute, 5 goal blitz before he retired to full back for a spell . He was supported throughout the day by Holmes, Uket, Luke and Ben Smith . As noted by their correspondent, West Brunswick appear to be "a different team away from home" . Keys and Kerr were among few fourquarter performers who were completely outplayed by a determined Yarra Valley outfit . The Bushrangers must have found something in their Easter eggs, notching up their first win of the season in fine style . With ten goal kickers, the margin could well have been greater if not for the 24 points registered . Their best players were A . Drew, Kysela and Fung, who is returning well from injury. Peninsula hosted Salesian and attacked from the outset with a stiff breeze at their backs . Like Shaoib Ahktar, the firepower was there, but not the direction (3 .13 for the quarter) . Salesian had no thoughts of 'chucking' it in and responded well to trail by just 1 point at the main break . Some hard running and greater polish saw the Pirates gain the ascendancy in the crucial third quarter, and held the visitors in the last to record a 34 point victory . Atchison, Burke and Cook were better performers for the winners, whilst Bobetic, Bowman and Grace did well for Salesian . Mentone Amateurs stitched up its first win of the season by toppling Uni Blacks away . Despite the disparity in wins going into the match, the Vultures showed great character in what was a torrid struggle throughout the day . The Blacks gained an early lead before Mentone hit back through Matt, Chris and Paul Sullivan and snared 4 unanswered goals just before half time . The second half produced more gritty football, with th e Vultures extending a narrow 3/4 time lead to 15 points in the last . Uni hit back and nearly pinched the game before a Mick Sullivan goal saw Mentone PP

record a valuable 3 point victory . Caccaviello (4 goals), I _ _ __--_--- B . Murphy and Rvan battled hard for the Blacks . Kew jumped out of the blocks against Parkside to hold a 5 goal lead at 1/4 time, and was able to retain the lead going in to the main break . Parkside responded well in the third 1/4, scoring vital against-the-win goals to reduce the deficit to 2 points at lemon time . Kew, with King (6 goals), Landwehr and Wood held sway mid-way through the last before Parkside came storming home . With McCall dominating the ruck, and Constantini, Vita, and Hockey lending support, the visitors were able to get over the line . t v a:;asvriek, will be looking to rebound when they take on Tha ss'.a at Parkville. The Bears were ominous at home last week, whilst the Wests were disappointing on the road . That said, I feel the Magpies can respond should their running play return and thus present their forwards with opportunities . The Bears are starting to gel and will look to impose a physical aspect on their hosts, and will be dangerous if they are as consistent across the board as last week . I predict the Wests to show a greater preparedness to run, and continue their yo-yo form with a 19 point victory . Fitzroy Reds were blown away by the Bears last week and will be keen to affirm their quality when they take on Salesian . The Chadstone chaps have their second road trip in as many weeks, and this in itself could prove a factor . Salesian rebound well from their backline through Grace, Bobetic and co ., and I'm sure they will be busier than the Thomastown backline last week . At this stage, I'm prepared to view the Reds' dismal showing last week as uncharacteristic and tip them to secure the spoils with an 8 point win . Parkside will be buoyed by their success last week and will enjoy the familiar surrounds of Pitcher Park when they take on Yarra Valley . The Bushrangers could hardly have won more emphatically in their previous outing . and they will be keen to build on that performance . If McCall can give first use of the ball to Parkside's midfield, I feel they will be able to find enough options around the sticks . Yarra, on the other hand, have the ability to run and are sure to test their opponents in this department . My prediction is the home side by 15 points .

tjento€ae Amateurs host Kew in what promises to be a tight encounter. Both sides had very close games last week, but should this be the case again, I feel the Vultures may be just a little more composed, particularly at home. Difficuil to read K,etia's form at the moment, however I feel they must be ready to 'click' . Mentone possess are number of hard-working midfielders, and if Kew can shut them down, I feel they will be able to kick a winning score . In the end, it may be Mick Sullivan's milestone that snares the home side the The match of the dav will be at Mt Eliza where peninsula take on Uni Blacks . Whilst the Pirates ,won well last week, they will be wary of an unfamiiiar Blacks side, and one that is sure to regain a few players that were missing from last week's outfit that went down to Mentone. Plenty of talent in both camps, the Blacks Will be keen to demonstrate that they have hunger to match their ability, whilst the Pirates will want to kept their unbeaten record intact. Uni will have done their homework and have a few tasks to assign, and pose a few headaches of their own with some potent forwards. I predict the Blacks to bounce back well from last week, but the Pirates will be a fraction stronger and record an 11 point victory . Press Correspondents : Please forcvard all match reports to Brett Connell (9531 0236 fax), email me at eivbowenChotmail .com before midday Monday or call me on 0412 815 814 . Look forward to hearing from you .

~-ntorae ~':.~-naLeurs - Making his debut in 9 3 . Sull ivan was quickly recognised as a ke y forward . He has gained the respect of all competitors for he is known for his strong marking and accurate kicking . Mentone AFC congratulates Mick on his 100th game and wishes him well for the day .

sE. :IO,:cS - ?9 . _ .C ~ 7.3 ° .5 12 .5 15,8.98 2,1 0 .5 11 .9 15.16.106 g 6. Brael.~ 3. Campbell 2. Blair 1. Wood I . T»P'tl 1 . Dwunis 1. Best: L. ..,3weh-r. Mackay, fCffi . C.Bratilev. Wood, Lafranelll. I_ . de: Marullf 3 . Insei~ra 2. Soltgo 2. Barrait I . Ccott 1 . Constanttnl 1 . laursrn 1 . -Call 1, Fino 1 . RN-an 1 . Vita I . Best: MeCaP.. Const63nrini. Hockec. Vita, IV Has. umpires: Ron Martyn, Mathew Meier (F)-D aniel Stephens(B) ' Bruce SrephenyG l Yerrm Valley Old Boys 4.8 5 .8 10.18 16,24.120 2.0 2 .4 3.8 4.11.35 West Brunswick Fares Willey: Stone 3. L .Tay'lor 2. While 2. A.Drev 2. liale 2 . Fung I . Ho 1 . Mcilrath 1 . t+itddin 1 . Peaks 1. Dist Drew, Fung. Kyseia Morris . Pearce. V.'hite. West Brunswick: Keys 3. Kerr 1 . Best : Kets. Kerr. Smythe, Ham ilton . Gross, Hazris.~pi wres:Gerard RoKsLuke Johnston(F ) Thomssto n 4.3 10.16 10.18 19.23 .137 Fitzroy Reds 4.3 8 .4 8.7 9.8 .62 Thonu:atawn : Kennedy S. Capeci 3 . Uket 3, Farejione 2. Arcoraci I . Gorskt I . Greh 1 . B.SnUth 1 . Gentis 1 . Farquar i . Besi : Ho'unes.Uket . L.Smith . B.Smith. GentL . Plant . Fitzroy Reds:Hart 3 . Lee 2. Prior I . l4orsleg 1 . Wharf 1 . Madden 1 . Beat Hart. Urbancic. Drtuy. Horrldge . G apier. Addicatt. umpizea :Barrv Bolger. Brett Snrvth(F) Peninsula O.B . 3 .13 4.14 11.19 13.20 .98 2 .0 5.6 5.7 9.10 .64 Salesian O.C . Peninsula: Paze 6, DietTSch 2. McMahen 1 . Bowen 1 . Murray I . Atehir°^z l . . .. Goldt,`ioep I . Best. Atchison, BoFCen . Burke. Cook, Parsons. Pavze. r . . Baxter 4 . Stevens 2 . main I .Oldetd I . Logan I . Best : Babette . B&Tnan . Baxter- Canaran.ump3res:David Irons . Peter Grf.rflths( F Un£versity Blacks 3,3 5,4 10.5 14.7 .91 A4entone AF .C 2,1 8.2 10.7 14 .10 .94 University Blacks: Ca..caiieIlo 4 . 3 . Wilson 3. Bowles I . Cunningham 1 . Dimond 1 . Radford 1 . Best : R}zn.Harman Mt~rphv . Radford . Caeca}3ello. Remtrv , Smith . Mentone: Dixon 3 . While 3, Hrn~ev 2, Sulliian 2. Hocev 1- OMeara 1, C .Siillidzn 1, T .Sullivan 1 . Best: C .Sullivari P.Sutlivan, M .Sullivan- C.O'Meara, Dixon . HGvey.unlgiren:Paul Tuppen(Fi

RESERVES - 29 .04 .00 Kern 2,2 5.5 6.5 10.8 .68 Pnrisside 4-3 6.4 9.11 12 .13 .85 Rear Crr'cimell 2. Woodhouse 2. McGauctu I . Fitzgerald 1 . Wayland 1 . Moussl I . Wells I . Perri I . Best: Craciarell . P:at{and Moussi. Xuereb . Antonello. Ainsworth . Psrkside :Pandari 3. Poll oek 2 . Sin>;leton 2, Darrigo 1 . L'broaperto 1, M.Romano 1 . V. Romans 1 . Best : Shell. Alan, AficPherson, V.Romar,o . Dclle-bergini. Yarra VaBey Old Boys 2 .2 7.8 10 .9 13 .13 .91 West Bnuvswiek 2 .0 2.0 2 .0 2 .0.12 Yarra Valley Reymotds 3 . Kruse 2. Hancock 2 . Sturzackcr 2. Rose 1, Davis 1 . Morrison I . Bunnua I . Best: 6alshaw. Joiner. Kruse . Potter. Re4nolds . Davis . West Bruassclek: Uehergang 2 . Best : Baker, Hors U. Hudson, Pendergast. L'ebergang. Laman. Thomastorsn 1 .7 1 .8 7 .13 7.13.55 14 .13.97 Fitzroy Reds 3.1 7.5 9 .8 Thosnastown: Scarp 2. Paskoski 1 Thomas 1 . Scott I . Vu I . Best: Scott. Scarpa Eccles. Oelvn. Renna. Hansen. Fitzroy Reds : Kane 5. K4Tiacay, 2. Dibenedetto 2. Walsh 2 . Neal 1 . Dekeukes. Neal l . George 1 . Best: Dtbenedatto. Burgmaim . Ned, Fitzpatr.ek . Dckeukas . Auden . PenL*i.sula O.B 5.2 7.3 11 .6 12 .6.78 O .C. 4.0 6.5 7.9 14 .12.96 PesrisuLa : Warner 2, Shorten 2. Bcrmtan I, Campbell i . Farrc:- ! . leolm 1, White i . Best: Braden . Campbell. Glrn~er. Kent, Warner. Woadmzn. ~!.-!an; Bvrne 5. Mctaren 3 . Darer 2. Forbes 1, Kirchner 1 . Radi I . Egan I . I: - t: Saudi . Radl. ByTne. Anderson. Szger, Dati7. University Blaeks 7,2 11 .5 17.9 23.11149 Aientone R .EC, 0.0 1 .0 1 .0 2.1.13 Un3versity: Murphy 6, Regart 5. Metcatef 3 . Grieg 2- Hatizs 2, Abbott 1 . Keelbv 1 . Mahon, I . Vauian I . Vegter 1 . Best : McKenzie. Murpfiv- Hayes. Abbott . Fester. Mentone: Fraser 1 . O'Brien 1 . Best : Emmett . Stillman . Allinson. 4t`aterson .








D2 Section FITZROY REDS Senior Coach: Grant Hammon d Res Coach: Darren Kane 1 . M . Frisby

2 . A . Walsh 3 . C . Farrell 4 . E. Kyriacou 5. D . Kan e 6. 7 . J . Doyle 8 . M . Farrell 9 . C . Prior 10. 11 . B. Mitchell 12 . 12 13 . 14 . T. Clarke 15 . P. Keppell 16 . M . Wharfe 17. B. Lee 18. 19. A . Centra 20 . G . Cook 21 . A . Scott 22 . M . Sammon 23 . T. Jackson 24 . C . Tehan 25. P. Jackson 26. B . Buick 27. J . Lof t 28 . N . Hall 29 . D . East 30 . B . Foster 31 . M . Ross 32 . T. Hart 33. S . Drury 34 . D. Little 35 . A . Mackinnon 36 . W. Fawaz 37 . G. Hanlon 38 . T. Davies 40 G . Bance

41 S. Greenwood 42 44 B . Hart 45

46 48 B . Featherston 49 A . Pugli a 51 52 B . O'Connor 53 54 T. Villanti 56 T. Madden 57 59 60 M . Mckitterick 64 D . Tindale 66 S . Greenland 67 P. Duffy 68 D . Simmonds 69 L . Kisel l 71 P. Gunn 80 G . Box 82 P. Howarth 84 Z . Stenbergs 85 J . Whelan

newi-y 11oet Melbourne

~EW Coach: Serge D'Angeto Res.: Greg Crimmins 1 B . Lafranchi 2 L . Fitzgerald 3 C . Dodson 4 G . Crimmins 5 L. Bradley 6 N . Tinetti 7 D . Mitchell 8 J . Doumis 9 10 B. Cullen (VC) 11 B . Shaw 12 J . Growcott 13 C. Kiriakou 14 G . Campbell 15 C . Bradley (VC) 16 D . Woo d 17 J . Denton 18 N . King 19 J . Dennis 20 M . Raffaele 21 B . Woodhouse 22 J . Paro n

23 R . Baker 24 G . Horgan 25 S. Campbel l 26 M . Channon(VC) 26 P. Nag y 27 T. Moore 28 D. Cracknell 29 J . Barnes 30 C . Giansante 31 A . Well s 32 D . Mackay 33 D . Wayland 34 M . Mascitti 35 R. Bruno 36 S . Ryan 37 J . Landwehr 38 L . D'Angelo 39 M . Mclnerny 40 G . Muckian 41 L. Jensen 42 43 M . Xuereb 44 J . Bell 45 R . Perri 46 M . Fitzgerald 47 M. Lambe 48 A. Acfield 49 D. Ryan 50 J . Griffiths 51 M . Blai r 52 R . Campagna 53 M . Bolis 54 D . Antonello 55 B . Johnston 56T. Fox 57 S . Ainsworth

58 C . 59 D . 60 L . 61 W. 62 G . 63 64 65 J . 66 C . 67 T. 68 B. 99 S .

Watts Russo Ainsworth Fraser Palmer Sette Crawford Beattie McGauchi Bruno

MENTONE Coach: Ken Woo d Res. Coach: Peter Hirst 1 D. Fenec h

2 R. Gallagher 3 M . Dixo n 3 K . Wood 4 R . Sewers 5 T. Whit e

6 C . Stephens 7 D . Emmett 7 K . Gurtle r 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebire 11 C . O'Meara 11 C . Maher 12 M . Davies 13 A . Kin g 14 G . Wilsdon 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 D . Prosser 19 B . Pipe r 20 C. Groves 21 D . Battey 22 Paul Murphy 23 V. O'Connor 23 Matt Sullivan 25 G . Uptin

26 M . Mussared 27 M . Wis e 28 M . O'Brien 29 B . Fleming 29 W. Lloyd 30 N . Freese 30 Pat Murphy 31 X. Smith 32 B. Coleman 32 Pat Murphy 33 D. Andrew 34 D . Sheehan

35 C . Brown 37 C . Reeves 38 S. Perazzo 32 D . Nichols 33 R . Young 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 48 M . Walsh 51 G . McMillan 52 G . Delman 53 D. Noonan 54 D. Bray 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 T. Miller 65 T. Allinson 67 M .Johnson 69 S . Parker 72 E . Vassilion 73 M . O'Meara 75 L . Morris 76 P. Hirs t 99 D . Horler

MENTONE R .S .L. 9 Palermo St , Mentone * Function Room * Restaurant * Pokies

9583 2841

PARKSIDE Coach: Laurie Zarafa Res Coach : Mark Rowe 1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergini 3 S . Pine,

4 D . Warren 5 D . Cusack 6 D . Stuart 7 J . Dale 8 J . Chilcott (C) 9 A. Constantine 10 A. Vita 11 B . Hockey 12 D. McCall (VC) 13 A . Copley 14 V. Romano 15 D . Moodie 16 T. Ryan

17 A. Romano 18 A. Reginato 19 C. Williams 20 D . Singleton 21 M . Tessari 22 R . Wise 23 S. Barrett 24 R . Marulli 25 M . McPherson 26 S . Ros s 27 J . Sculley 28 R . Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 M. Yandle 31 C . Austin 32 J . McCall 33 K . Allan (RC) 34 A . Starkie 35 G. Panjari 36 S. Bock 37 J . Panjari 38 F. darrigo 39 S . Cudmore 40 L. Inserra (DVC ) 41 E . Linares 42 P. Dean 43 J. Hubbard 44 P. Soligo 45 R . D'Ademo 46 J . Reginato 47 B . Pollock 48 C. Datson 49 B . Hnason 50 B. Carman 51 M. Helmick 52 C . Cecchinelli 53 M . lanell o 54 M . Jesse 55 J . Eastwood 56 G. Massett 57 T. Gallagher 58 D . Lobosco 59 T. Pattern 60 D . Moore 61 B . Murphy 62 D. Ree s 63 J . Sambuca 64 T. Thomas 65 M . Scarpa 66 M. wise

PENINSULA 0 . ~: I Coach: Brett Mcllwrailh Res Coach : Chris Gowrie 1 S . Parson s

2 S . McMahon 3 M . Goldthorpe 4 E . Bowen 5 N . Ken t 6 M. Warner 7 S . Murray 8 P. Angus 9 . P. Krohn 10 A . Haley 11 H . Woodman 12 R . Sharan 13 14 15 B . Cook

16 S . Claringold 17 L . Barclay 18 S . Glover 19 A. Murphy 20 J . Atchison 21 S . Baxter 22 A . Atchison 23 A . Burke 24 B . Wigh t 25 S. Prendergast 26 P. Topalovic 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 R. Powney 30 A . Crean 31 A . Gross 32 A . Parsons 33 P. Dietzsch 34 T. Braden 35 S .Jackson 36 N. Bowman 37 T Stewart 38 M . Wells 39 40 41 S. Farrow 42 43 S . White 44

45 M . Petty 46 A. O'Neil 47 L. Marks 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 51 52 54 M . Dentr y 55 R . Cannon 56 B . Gillam 60 M . Hayes 62 D . Cross 69 J. Muir

67 D. Inglis 68 D. Stave 69 S . Davey 70 S . Datson 71 A . Inglis 72 M . Jesse 73 S . Carmody 74 B . Cassano

24 THF dMaTGI 10 -1- i rr. ... . .. ..

YARRA VALLE Y oexton i: D. Oldfield ,^,oacn: Jim Dianna

1 M. Bourke 2 M. Wiseman . Sutherland 3 s 4 A . Healey M. Canavan g R . Cincotta 7 G. Gaspari g S . Logan l Cam g A pbel 10 D . Oliver 11 A . Davey 12 A, Gaspari 13 I . Bobetic 14 J . McLaren 15 D . levoli

16 A . Chaippini 17 Matt Forbes 18 A . Sexton 19 S . Brown

20 A . Seeger

21 R . Napoli 22 A . Anderson 23 M . Smith 24 A . Grace 25 B . Kirchner 26 J . Nannes 27 M . Mansfield 28 M . Byrne 29 Mick Forbes 30 D. Campbell 31 S .Oldfield 32 A. Stevens 33 S . Trakas 34 D. Gheblikian 35 G. Baxter 36 S. Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 S. Koutaplis 39 A. Thain 40 M . Forer 41 R . Nahas 42 P. Evans 43 M . Cooke 44 C . Hunt 45 S. Horvath 46 D . Nannes 47 S. Baxter 48 A. Roberts 49 J. Gianna 50 D . Blak e 51 M . McCarthy 52 S . Eg an 53 Pat Forbes 54 Paul Forbes 55 P. Bouchard 56 C . Malliard 57 E . Malliard 58 M . Bates 59 S . Bobetic 60 S . McGain 61 E Hanaphy 62 P. Pitts 63 G . Riley 64 B . Bowman 65 D . Sutherland 66 M . Sutherland

Coach : Gordon Burrows Res Coach: Wayne Coo r 1 V.Capeci

2 B.BY o n 3 A.Smith 4 G .Petsinis 5 L .Smith 6 D .Godino 7 S.Plant 9 A .Gentis 10 R .Scott 11 Z.Flemin g

12 A .Farquer 13 G.Scarpa 14 J .Alexander 15 L.DelPapa 16 B .Colosimo 17 D .Gorski 18 F.Arcoraci 19 S .Smith 20 S .Hodgison 21 E .Lentini 23 R .Dimaggio 24 B .Smith 25 R.Kenned y 26 A.Volpe 27 C .Plant 28 L,Morabito

29 P.Meade 30 L .Albe rt i 31 P.Corbouy 32 P.Colosimo 33 D .Farchione 34 J .Buzzini 35 A.Eccles 36 J .Theodorou 38 S .Mineo 40 B .Thomas 41 A .Cummaudo 43 J .Kennedy 44 C .Chapkoun 47 D .Plowright 48 L.Downing 49 A .Ward 50 B . Leavold 51 C .Hansen 54 P.Stewart 59 P.Scopelliti 60 L.Biles 64 S .Smith 65 S .Holmes 67 N .Grech

Coach: Kane Bowden Res Coach : Ben Sullivan

1 G Darroch 2 S Chandler 4 M Vaughan 5 R Mackie 6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pascoe 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles

11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 14 J Trevaskis 15 L Mailings

16 P Caccaviello 17 J Radford 18 T Wilson 19 J Ralph 20 E Hannan 21 H Cameron 22 B Sellenger 23 S Beato n 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfield 26 M Laf(y 29 D Hayes 30 J Maguire 31 M Foster 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 A Willis 36 N Abbott 41 L Maguire 42 A Gadd 44 P Forbes 47 B Murphy 48 J Marti n 49 J Weber 51 A Neville 53 N Remfry 54 A McNicol 55 S Vegter 56 JPRice 57 K Sagely

58 T Krake 59 T Thornton 60 J Marr 61 J Farrington 62 J Ryan 63 D Strachan 64 S Mahoney 65 K Sartori 66 J Mirtschi n 67 J Mirtschin 68 A Metcalfe 70 D Meek 71 H Peck 72 S Dimond 73 S Jones 74 P O'Beirne 75 A Paton 76 B Smith 77 D Walsh 78 D Files 79 B Flynn 80 R Greig9

Coach: Tim Pontefract Res. Coach : Paul Weir

Coach : Bre tt Davidson Res Coach: Tony Regan

1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 D Coonan 5 A Cannane 6 D Keys 7 S Benjami n 8 L Petchel 9 C Kerr 10 S Byrne

1 R Pearce 2 T Morri s 3 R Thompso n 4 M Fung 5 A Dre w 6 D Hows e 7 J Down s 8 L Morris 9 J Keem 10 T Hancoc k 11 C Reynold s 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Krus e 15 J Koena n

11 J Heywood

12 B Clark 13 S Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 M Hamilto n 18 A Baud 19 P Shand 20 D Edwards 21 S McNamara 22 R Hudson 23 P Weir 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R Benjamin

27 D Pendergast 28 J Ward 29 D Campbell 30 M Lewis 31 5 Jackson 32 S D'Andrea 33 D Whyte 34 1 Twyford 35 B Hamilton 36 P Harri s 37 C Irvine 38 T Moore 39 L Brown 40 B Baker 41 A Walker 42 A Stockdale 43 J Tobi n 44 S Gason 45 J Smith 46 C Price 47 C Lehmann 48 M Moor e 49 D Howley 51 L Sherry 52 D Zanella 53 J Gross 54 R Sefton

55 M Clyne

56 G Joh n 57 C Lewis 58 D Williams 59 A Kroschel 60 S Lanyon 61 A Edwards 62 S Dishon 63 J Gartlan 64 J Uebergang 65 B Norman 66 M Malone 67 P Tuckwell 68 C Plazzer R Hussey 70 D Zanella 71 J . Chislett 72 R. Christie 73 C. Cowhand 74 M . Gleason

75 T. Gross 76 R. Howel l

77 C . Norma n 99 B Miceli

16 L Taylo r

17 A Lain g 18 L Whit e 18 D Ross 19 S Thompson 20 T Hal e 21 W. Wines 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davie s 25 S Lloyd

26 J Longworth 27 A Rowe 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutt s 30 D Potte r 31 B Sturzaker 32 C Heffernan 33 P Cremea n 34 A Cusano 35 B Peake 36 R Penalun a 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morriso n 39 T Reddaway 40 T Fyffe 41 A Ston e 42 B Whitechurc h 43 H Park 44 T Kennedy 45 L Ree s 46 B Butle r 47 D Lan g 48 R Davie s 49 S Seabourn e 50 T Clarkson 51 S Gadd 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pask 54 T Mcllrat h 55 S Taylo r 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joine r 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurch 71 M Lain g

5 A7 5a:"a-1995 at Old Essendon congratulated Lindsa y 5hower on his 300th game for the club . Premierships 1983 .86,87. Best in finals 87, most determined, 83,88,90 . His 300th game represented his 212th game in succession . A wonderful performance ! It was another big gig for Mark Crawford who kicked 10 of the Rovers 26 goals to take his 5 matches to 45 . Rovers kicked 26 .18 to Thomastown 13 .6 . Best were I . Madison, S . Anderson, D . Ariz, M. Crawford (Rovers) and Fellows, Caperi, Wolfe (T'tosim) . A tight game in D saw Williamstown win its second game when it had a two point win over Caulfield Grammarians 16 11 to 16 .9 . Stars were Harry, Tuck, Calderwood, Grieve (W) and Wilson, Ellingshaw, Cassidy (C.G) . Parkside stalwart Tom Gard played his 200th game in the clubs big win over Glenhuntly in D section . D section coaches were Mark Eustice (Caulf .G .), Gerard Halpin (Glen) . Don Scarlett (H Rover Graeme Ewart (Old Camb), Lorenzo Zarafa' (Park), Derek Hine (Southbank), Rob Shinners (St Johns), Alan Fleming (T'town) . Alan Quaife (U. Blacks), Steve Weir (W'town) . A section field umpires were R . Bell, J . Toohey, P. Gersch, G . Curran, G . Fallet, R . Eastwood, M. Gibson, W. Hinton, A . Damon, M . Jackson . It's hard work to come from behind at half time . 35 games in senior sections, 27 of them won by the team that led at half time . 100 games to Jason "Spider" Bleasby of Peninsula - a great defender and all his games in the seniors . His club went down to Oakleigh in a low scoring game, 4 .9 to 6.16 . Only 3 goalkickers for the game - Forrest 5, Knorpp for Oakleigh and Warne-Smith all four for Peninsula . 10 YEARS A GO - 1990 Collegians, runners up in 1989, were too strong all day for last year's premiers, Ormond, leading 12 .7 to 6 .7 at last change, and withstood a strong final term from the Monds to win 15 .8 to 11 .11 . Best were Pollock, Irvine, Hinchen (Coll) and Barnes, Petering, Tonkin (Orm) . "B" section tipster Tom "The Villian" Johnston had a nightmare day - five losses . In the battle between the two bottom teams, Parkside and Monash Blues, the Red Devils travelled to the 26


Frearson campus to triumph 13 .16 to 11 .11 . Tom apparently deserted his old team in making his selections . Then again Torn was always fair minded and like Lazarus, rose to great heights to become the successful Chairman of Selectors of the 1994 Carnival Team . "D" section coaches were Max McColl (Bull-U), Anthony Short (MHSOB), Duncan McCallum (Old Camb), Alan Salter (Old Ivan), Rob Sarosi (Power H), Vern Boag (St . Bedes), Ken Bremner (St Kevins), Craig Jackson ( State Bank), Peter Hannan (W friars) . It was a thriller all day in "D" when St Kevins O .B . led Old Camberwell 11 .14 to 11 .13 at the last change only to see Duncan McCallum get his boys up by 1 point to defeat Skobbers 15 .17 to 15 .16 . Best for the winners were Adams, Harvey, (6 gis), Forwood, Pike, Guthrie, Jackson . One of our oldest clubs Elsternwick, who joined in 1914, saluted David Mahoney, on his 300th game. The Mahoney brothers, David, Paul, Patrick and Denis have all been outstanding footballers and administrators with the club . Old Xaverians wore black armbands in memory of their Life Patron The Rev P .J . Stephenson, S .J ., O.B .E ., a regular attender at matches, and a friend and pastor to many Old Xaverians . QUIZ: Post-war only one player has kicked more than 100 goals to top "B" section goalkickers . Can you name him? ANSWER : In 1980 Stephen Curtain (Old Xaverians) kicked 105 goals . His club also won the premiership . 15 YEARS AGO 19 85 In a new feature Peter French interviewed a number of coaches and published the questions and answers in the "A .F." Those first up were Jim Durnan (North O.B .), Ray Sleith (Kew), Alan Quaife (MHSOB), Ian Cave (ANZ Bank), and Andrew Langford-Jones (Old Haffeybury) . To give those who know Andrew some insight into his history we publish one question and answer -just in case Andrew may one day again seek a coaching job . Peter French : After two good wins you went down to the bottom side , Coburg, Wh}f ? Andrew L-J : I underestimated them . They were down to 17 men and outran us . As with all sides low down once they had the sniff of victory they proved too hard to beat . Finally it didn't help that

dMdTFi 1R Ff1C1TRA1 1 Co -

10 or 12 of my team turned up to the club's launch oi its history on the Friday night . (Andrew certainly has the nous for a top coach, but did he have the sense of discipline? N .R .) . Old Haileybury in their histo ry picked their best ever team : BKS : John Corrigan (75-84), David Code (14-79), Cu ry Darryl Regan (66 .72), H . BKS: Graham r (62-67) . Peter Gadsden ( 69-74), David Mill er (80-85), C : Richard Methera ll ( 64-82), Roger Paul (7- 35), Andrew Williams ( 66-80) . H .FWDS : Peter ,,,!,lion ( 68-80) . Michael Porter (63-79) . Andrew _, ;,~~~ord-Jones ( 66-82), FWDS : Alan Ros (63-67), p~ier Bowring ( 61-78), Roger Gerney (78-85), 1 RtiCKS: John Houghton (71-85), Andrew Home (61-81), ROVER : David Young (62-74) . INTERCHANGE Eric Mulvey ( 65-71) . COACH : John Masters ( 74-75) . ( Only two League Footballers among them - can you name them?) . 20 YEARS AGO - 198 0 De La Sa lle continued merrily on their undefeated way, when, one point down at half time, they kicked 10 .12 to Ormond's 1 .5 in the second half. Calley. M. Greene, McHenry ( De La), and Crump, Mehrten, Pearce ( Ormond) were best . 200 games to David Urquhart ( Old Melb) -" the most popular an d celebrated player at the club presently playing", "Turk" had captained the firsts, won the best an d fairest, topped the sections goalkicking and was the chairm an of the match committee . Bar ry Hamilton became only the fourth Old Brighton Grammarian to have reached the 200 Club - started with the Under 19's and in the 12 years since a regular and valuable member of the senior side. Club secreta ry for 1976 to 1979, all at Old Brighton congratulated Barry on his great achievement. Fawkner gained a place in "B" section four when they trampled on Old Xaverians in a high scoring game by 18 point, 19 .17 to 17 .11 . Best were Chard (9 gls), B . Saggers, Mills (Fawk), an d Carmody, Noon an , Vale (Old Xavs) . Therrv continued their rise in F section when they outlasted Commonwealth B ank's strong last quarter finish to win by 7 points, 11 .8 to 9 .13, with the stars Taylor, Clifford, Broomsfieid, Rogerson, White, McIntyre (Therry) an d P. Barclay, Ellis, I . McGrimmon ( C'wealth Ban k) . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 5 Caulfield Grammarian s stopped Old Carey's run with a jolt winning by 10 goals . Best were Griffths, Morphett. Tootell ( C .G .) and Yeo, Kelaher, (Old Carey) . Commonwealth B ank (D) opened their account with a win at the expense of National B an k. Redi (6 gls) Eales and Petry were best for C'wealth B ank . After 5 games U . Blues (B), St Kilda CBC (D), Hampton Rovers (D), Elsternwick (E) and Monash

Whites (F) were undefeated . Beverley Hills (F) had an easy 79 point win over F .I .T . Allan, Mark Browning and Discome (6) were stars for Beverley Hills . 30 YEARS AGO - 1970 Coburg jumped into top place in "A" section with a 63 point win over Melbourne High. It was High's first defeat . McFarlane (9 gls), Norm Beattie (3) and King were Coburg's best . Boom recruit Des "Friar" Tuck, turned it on in his first game for Assumption to kick 5 goals against Hampton Rovers and be best afield. St Kilda CBOC's veteran Warren Pipkorn had been transferred to Sydney and announced his retirement after 206 games spanning the 13 years the club has been in existence . St Kilda has had no finer club man than "Pippy " who has been a member of premiership teams and had taken the field injured when the Reserves were struggling to field a team . 40 YEARS AGO - 196 0 Bad conditions for fifth week in a row and Old Paradians (A) (3 .10 .28) went down to Uni Blacks (5 .6 .36) to record their first loss . All at Parkside congratulate Brian Lauder on reaching his century and on his captaincy . Brian was the sixth member of the unbeaten 1954 premiership side to notch the 100 . Other "C" section captains were Geoff Paul (MHSOB) . Bill Keenan (FTSOB), Alan Dick (Nat . Bank), David Merkel (AJAX) . Who captained Brunswick? 200 games to Alan (Walta) Kirby. Graham Rowe was the star at Ormond's monster tennis day with help from Max Brook . 100 games to Dave Moran (Old Scotch) and 50 games to John Tindley and Toby Pearson, both of De La Salle . 50 YEARS AGO - 1950 Kew coach, All Perrin, scored a double - the team had a good win over Glenhuntly and All announced his engagement. Walker (Ormond), 35, Backhouse (Uni Blacks) . 24, and Anderson (Uni Blues, 24, were leading "A" section goalkickers after 5 games . Old Melburnians had a 19 goal win over Old Xaverians with Ken Levy (8 goals), Hannan and Murray Mitchell best .


C: _

DI :


* Nominations made by Amateur Footballer scribe s *Nominations qualify for the Player of the Month, Player of the Year and the All-Star Australia Team of the Year .

reakthrough for the Sharks, affirmation of the - hotpots, Williamstown, some goods signs emanating from down at the Gryphons although the Power House band wagons rolls on, Richmon d really beginning to crank it up whilst Uni High also continue their good form, making it three in a row . Come the last few weeks of the season, games won or lost in round 4 often seem of little relevance however the points are the same, whether they be from round 4 or round 18 . I have a feeling round 4 might be a watershed for a few clubs . We can only wait and see . i~.eview Eley Park's fighting spirit was on display after an ordinary start to the season . A close tvii over a disappointing St . Johns would have given the Sharks great heart and enable Coach Hook to get his team cranked up . Once again, the Payne brothers were dominant whilst the Sharks were also well served by Morrison, Haines, Krebbs and Renner. In another great game, Uni High made it three in a row, this time at the expense of Hawthorn . In a wind ravaged game (weren't they all), the Hawks had a four goal break at 1/4 time whilst Uni High hit back to have a slender lead at the main break . The crucial time of the game was the last 5 minutes of the 3rd quarter when Uni High was able to kick three goals into the wind and start the last quarter in front . The Hawks battled valiantly in the final stanza but weren't able to bridge the gap . The High were best served by full back Bolence, goalkickers Henderson and Wallace and Cracknell, whilst "Howard" Johnston, Power, Reed and Stevens played well for the Hawks . Two undefeated sides in Elsternwick an d W iIliamstown met with Willy stamping itself as early flag favorites (too early?) with a solid win over the Wicks . The start of the 3rd quarter proved to be the telling point with Willy kicking three goals into the wind to open up an unassailable lead . Best for the winners included Hynes, Robinson, Hann and Allen whilst a hanger from Brad Twist has been compared with any of the great marks ever seen (apparently it was lucky that Elsterniviek is not in a flight path) . Willy have a great mix of smalls and talls, guns and workers and great team spirit . Only a minor hiccup for the Wicks and no doubt it gives Lethal Lee Murphy a motivational tool for the upcoming week . The Wicks best included Ward . Foster and Wigmore . Richmond had another big win, this time

against Iilbe- ; : Richmond has got its forward structure up and running with fantastic output . Here come the Centrals! Albert Park were able to lead early but the Centrals kicked into motion thereafter . Zajac, fresh from a years retirement, starred for the winners whilst Smith . Adams and the big man, Andy Waters, also played well . Albert Park has Sutton, P .Rutherford, Chambers and Isard as their best . Finally, Power House were able to defeat Monash Gryphons although the game was much tighter than expected . The Gryphs might just have turned the corner although they will need to get their skates on pretty soon . Killmister returned to his best whilst Gilchrist starred in an unfamiliar role on the ball . The Gryphs were also well served by Coxhead and Leeton. The House were once again well serviced by Searle who managed 8 goals whilst McCrae, Wright and Craven (of course) also played well . 7_, . rk host their first home game for the year id will be anxious to make it a winning homecoming when they meet St. Johns . Albert Park have mixed their form a bit this year but on their day are very capable . St .Johns would have been devastated by last weeks loss to the Sharks however will be keen to get back on track . With Smith to fire at the back end and Nick the P to bag eight, the Rats to win Eley Park play host to Monash Gryphons and will be keen to make it two in a row whilst the Gryphs will be keen to get on the scoreboard . The Sharks are as hard at it as any side in the competition whilst the Gryphs are just starting to feed some stars back into their line up . Eley Park for mine . Early "Match of the Year" sees Power House host league leaders Williamstown . The House have been chugging along quietly in recent weeks whilst Willy have gone from strength to strength . Great game, history to repeat itself with Power House to win and stop Willy at a four win trot, the same as last year. Hawthorn host Richmond in what comes closest to a local derby as possible . Richmond has been on song in recent weeks and with the imposing figure of Andy Waters dominating are a difficult opponent. The clash of Waters and Hutchinson in the ruck should be a beauty whilst Siwka and Parker will no doubt renew acquain-


lances. Richmond to win in a close one . The final games sees Uni High finally travel away from home, down to Elsternwick . Both sides are sitting at 3/1 at the moment and a win would see either side move into the upper echelon of the ladder. The Wicks had a few injury problems last week and with those set to be overcome this week should be able to defeat Uni High . Twos Albert Park over St .Johns, Monash over Eley park, Willy to defeat Power House, Hawthorn to hold out over Richmond and Elsternwick to be a bit strong for Uni High . Social Williamstown are holding a trivia night on May 13, beginning at 7 .30 pm at the club rooms . Great night, great prizes, to book a table ring Tony Ryan on 9397 9397 . Hawthorn are having a funny money night at the clubrooms after this weeks game . Wonderful prizes to be won. It kicks of from about 7 .30 pm onwards . Correspondents Great response, 9 from 10 . The deadline has been brought forward, consequently I will need all reports by preferably Sunday evening, (allthough Monday morning will be fine, at least for the first few weeks) . Contact cane be made on 98981535 (home), 0418348723 (mob), 95533675 (fax) or -via email on ed.s11@loc kers-pt .


LAST WK TOTAL 4 25 5 23 8 23 2 22 0 19 5 15 5 15


Richmond Cn~rai 2.10 10.17 17.23 22.28 .160 Albert Purl : .:. :.C 3.5 4.6 6 .8 8.8 .56 Richmond Cmtral: Waters 5 . Wanes 3. Sirs',ca 3 . Macak 2 . Griffiths 2. 1,1alcolin 2, M . NersKon. Holmes . Kellt•. Adams . Graham . Best: Zajac. M . Smith . Adams . M . Nevton . Byrnes. Voters . filbert Park: Pantaazopoulos 5. Murray 2. Marriott . Best: Isasd Chambers . Sutton, Depiant. Pantazepoulos. Smith. Umpires: Keitin Witte: Peter Keogh IFI St Johns O.C 2.0 4.6 7 .6 9.13 .67 3.5 6.8 9 .15 10 .15.75 EI-sy Park A .F.C. St Johns O.C : Goal kickers and best players results not received . Eley Park: Hawiey 4 . Ale.xaandridis 2. jolly. Krebs . Hook . Morrison. Best : Krebs . Polomson. iYt. Payne . Boarem Grano. tteynes. Umpires : but Burgess :Heath Little (B) Monssh Gryphons 11 .10.76 Poser House 12 .13.85 Monash Gryphons : Walter 4 . "hrJmister 3 . Watson, Bourbon . Blandtord. T . Gtlchrsit. R . Conhead . Best: B . Credited . Leeton. Stratford . Walter. Bourbon . 15atson. Power House: D. Searle 8. Ash Burt 2 . Adrian Burt . G . Scotland . Best: Searle. R9cCrae . Wright, S . Crocco, Serilor. Cassio . Umpires: Peter WxcLs ; Bob McLeod (F)

Elsiernaick 6 .3 6.4 10.12 10 .13.73 vlllllamstowa CYMS 2 .1 10.3 15.4 18 .9.117 Elstemwiek 14ussared 2. Cappietlo 2 . Bratington 2. Curtain . I .wns . Foster . Best : Foster . %'Vigmorc. Ward. bialunry. Cappietlo. Curtaht . [Vitliamstowa: D, Williams 4. Dun. .r/iAeod 3.' 2 . Decent 2 . Wanda, Vincernt. Cocks. loans, D . Williams, Hynes . Umpuea: Craig ODonoghue: Ken hicNteee IFI t7g80B 13.10 .88 Hawthorn ;,mstcurs 12 .9 .81 UH50B: Henderson 6. Wallace 5, Zuliekl . Major. Best: btaJor_ Glen . Wallace. Doience . Henderson. Cracknell. Hawthorn Amateurs: Johnston 5 . Reed 2 . Pomer 2. S. Averv. D . Zaverella. Stroud . Best: Johnston . Reed. Stcvens. --.Vi. Zaverella Pa,ver. Hutchinson . Umpfies: Chris Gregory (F)

RESERVES - 29A4 .00 Richmond Central 2.4 8.10 12 .15 12.17 .89 Albert Park A.F.C 3.1 5.4 10 .7 12..13 .85 Richmond Centrat: K . Day 5 . Dutton 3 . Leembruggen 2. Mijatm9e . Rmtt. Best : Conroy. Day . Ri}ett . Leembnrggen. Jones. Gilbert_ Albert Park : Pastras 8, Murray 2 . Hogan. Heves. Best: Taylor. Bartram. Pastxas. Hogan. D. Jackson. Costello. St Johns 0.C 3.2 8 .4 9.4 13.10.88 Eley Park AF.C 3.4 4 .4 8.10 8.10.58 St Johns OC : Coal kickers and best players results not recehed. Elcy Park: Broadhead 2 . Coller 2 . Johnstone 2 . S. Dix. Fisher. Best: Coller, Payne . Blake . Kay. Baldry, Johnson . hionask Gryphons 3.5.23 11 .13.79 Power Himee Monash G ryphor.a : Wells 2 . Ratner. Best: Varcoe . WOhamsten. Wells. Martin. Bob . Harrak . Power House :Galakas 5. Miller 3. Paeiat . Gill. Brahv . Best: Marshall. Miller. Galakos . Mahoney, Walsh. Beasley Elaternw3ck 2 .5 2.5 6.9 8.11.47 Williamstown Gyms 0.0 6.2 6.5 11 .8 .74 Elstemwick: Hankin 2 . Burney. Stuehbery . Or;ando . Walker . Best: Burney . Hartley. Grandemange. Stuehbery . Frankin . Surmcm . Williamstown : Buttetgeig 2 . Harvey 2 . Tuck 2. Black . lvkotic. McEachran. Oldham . Pach . Best : Phenllster. McEachran Bcrgin . Oldhant . Altus . hla:mmg. UHSOB 11 .10.76 5 .17.47 Hawthorn Amateurs UH801 : Mills 4. Hoban 2 . Stanton 2 . Pengllly . IAngton. Ham . Best: Hoban . Eltrutghzm. Cook, Stanton. Camwight Michael. Psathorn Amateurs : Del aney 2. La. M11cConxart. biakris . Best: Delanev. Carter, Delamarta O'Brien . Artini. Dixon

20 14 12 11 1 1


-1 ,, . --' r-„r,ro- r=n --


i Coach : Gary Hickey Res. Coach: Peter Hayes

ELEY PARK Coach: Marty Hook Res Coach: T.B .A.

1 . P Smith (C) 2 . N Pastra s 3 . B Isard 3 . D Green (R) 4 . W Rosowski

1 L. Murphy (CC) 2 A . Hankin 3 C . Lyon s 4 A . Tilley 5 M. Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 J . Cappiello 8 S . Currie (RC) 9 M . Creek 10 R . Bravington 11 L. Messaglia 11 P. Mahon y 12 N . Wigmore 13 M . Cunnngham 13 P. Stankovich 14 B. Mahoney 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward

5 . S Allan

6. N Pantazopoulos 7. J Sutton (VC) 8. C Jackson 9. P Chambers (DVC) 10 . M Phillips 11 . 12 . L Marriott 13 . B McKimmie 14. T Prior 15. S Kane 15 . J Snorrason (R) 16 . C Roberto n 17 . D McLellan (DVC) 18 . J Taylor 19 . A Faranda 20 . J Bourne

18 A . Neil 19 A . Peasley 19 M . Bullard

21 . J Sutcliffe

22. S Redpath 23. L Bartram 23 . A Bennett (R) 24 . A Dick 26 . G Finn 27 . S Ridout 28 . R Buckley 29 . G Walkley 30 . A Thomas 32. S McKerrow 33 . T Murray 34 . N Rutherford 35 . P Barton 36 . M Pearson 37 . M Drought 38 . C Lamont 39 . J Lamont 40 . M Lapsiey 41 . H Ross 42. S Bolas 43. D Jackson 44. P. Manning 45 . J Roos 46 . B Corr 46 . D Barker (R) 47 . K McIntosh 48 . P Heyes (RC) 49 . J Murray 50 . D McKayY 51 . D Depiazzi

52 . K Dohnt 53 . 54 . P Rutherford 55 . C McKerral 56 . S McKimmie 57 . D Beachley 58 . D Klein 59 . P Knight 60. M Sweeney 78 . A Gay Sponsored


20 S . Clements 21 Peter


= k


E LSiE R NWI CK A.F.C. Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Coach: Andrew Curtain

22 M. Mussared 23 S. Curtain (VC) 24 A. Foster 25 B . Frankin 26 C. Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G. Devonshire 32 M . Hunt 33 J . Overman 34 A. Contin 35 P. McNally 36 T. Byrne 37 L. Lambert 38 B . Currie 39 P. Allen 40 M . Ray 41 M . Hosking 42 J . Lilikakis 43 A. Burney 44 C . Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie 48 M . Frankin 49 J. Yemm 50 G . McNeils 51 F. DiGian9re9ori o 52 P. Harris 53 B. McCallum 54 S . Kirkham 55 56 57 J . McAdam


• .-. Coach : P ~r Tyson Res Coach : Kevin Stallworthy

1 D.Murray 2 G .Broadley 3 N .Patterson 4 S .McDonald 5 S .Avery 6 P.Avery 7 A.Bourke 8 M . Dunstan 9 W.Pollock 10 P.Orchard 11 A .Sill 12 M .Mulcahy 13 J.Graves 13bJ.Povey 14 D .Lauletta 15 G .Macdonald 16 C.Reed 17 D.Zaverella 18 P.Ryan 19 D .Garlick 19bJ .Law 20 S.Parker 21 P.Stroud 22 J . Williams 23 M . Artini 24 S.Williams 25 M .Zaverella 26 M .Nowak 27 R .Lord 28 J .McCormack 29 P.Barker 30 M .Nunn 31 J.Best 32 D .McCovran 33+ S.Duff 34 J .Bogie 35 D.Murphy 36 K .Sanders 37 D . Carter 38 M .Tyson 39 P.Hewish 40 I .Irvine 41 M.Irvine 42 S .West 43 I .Cheppa 44 P.Rositto 44bE .Sill

E.J . STANLEY & fSSOCLATES Certified Practising Accountant s

by :

Coach: Jack McDonald Res. Coach : Jim Giants

1 . S . Bourbon (C ) 2 . M . Healy 3 . A . Grad y 4. C . Robinson 5. T. Gilchrist 6. G . Larki n 7 . D . Walte r 8 . J . Blandford 9 . G . Wadley 10. P. Williamso n 11 . J . Barrie 12 . A . Gross 13 . J . Strafor d 14, R . Cormick 15 . A. Clarke 16 . D. Hal e 17 . J . Hetheringto n 18. C . Lovett 19. D . Junkee r 20. G. Browell 21 . B. Lloyd 22 . B. Coxhea d 23 . G . Cormic k 24 . D . Kitche n 25 . M . Killmister 26 . T. Besle e 27. R . Gilchris t 28. C . Leeton 29. J. Fuller 30. P. Hollan d 31 . G . Roche 32 . A. Tolongos 33 . M . Buic k 34 . M . Graydo n 35 . J . Poussard 36 . J . Wilso n 37 . D . Nichols 38. P. Callus 39. R . Coxhea d 40, M . salaj 41 . D . Charleso n 42 . R . Bourbo n 43 . B . Hornibroo k 44 . R . McDonal d 45 . J . Gonis (RC) 46 . G. Ken t 47 . K . Pocsiak L. Martin 49. J . Foste r 50. D . Ratne r 51 . A. Visedo 52, H. Beh 53 . T Cartwrigh t 54 . T. Wright 55 . D. Bennett 56. K . Boatman 57. A . Jenki n 58 . G . Harrak 59 . M. Asbel l 60 . Ole

97 Whitehorse Roa d




Blackburn Victoria 313 0 Telephone 9894 112 3 Facsimile 9894 173 3





Fnnraat I G❑ lo-


D3 Section POWER HOUSE gc~ch: Kevin Barnes Ass' Coach : Andrew Rolls

Res Coach : Craig Richardson I A Rolls 2 J Hall 3 N Pavlou 4

~ g~a~~i r 5 6 A Burt 7 C Richardson 8 S Cross 9A Morris (VC) 10 C Lloyd

11 J Gill 12 J Robertson 13 J Harri s 14 A Burt 15 R Talbot 16 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 D Aitken 21 D Miller 22 J Marshall 23 S Craven (C) 24 S Cummins 25 D Boland 26 J Senior 27 J Demetrie 28 B Ramplin g 29 R Cassio 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 H Davidson 33 R Taylor 34 K Elias 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 B Gilmou r 38 J Kennedy 39 M Talbot 40 41 S Clayton 42 M Beasley 43 H Noren 44 S O 'Sullivan

45 P Rya n 46 M McDonald 47 48 S Walsh 49 R Wright 50 P Conlon 51 B MacKenzie

52 K Barnes 53 R Dakin s 54 J Blowfield 55 J Hearn 56 J Mahoney 57 58 59 J Healy 60 K McGuinness 61 62 63 D Searle 64 W Elliot 65 D Wright 68 D McGrath 69 D Galakos 71 L O'Sullivan 77 S Clarke 88 G Scotland

RICHMOND CENTRAL Coach: Billy Dalton Res. Coach : T.B .A.

1 B . Dalton 2 . B . Holmes 3 . T. O'Sulllivan 4 . P. Mijatovic 5 . S . Shannon 6 . G . Bunshaw 7 . P. Byrnes 8 . G . Malcolm 9 . A. Leembri e n gg 10 A. Swika 11 M. Newton 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutton 14 C . Shannon 15 C . Barry 16 J . Birt 17 A . Fawcett 18 M . Zajac 19 J . Manning 20 P. Joyce 21 A . Jones 22 A . Forbes 24 T. Guthrie 25 M . Smit h 26 S . Baillie 27 C. Adams 30 B . Gilbert 33 A . Waters 34 J . Brooks 35 M . Albrecht 36 K. White 37 G . Porteous 38 S . Griffiths 39 P. Woodman 40 C . Convery 41 C . Fraser 42 L . Kelly 43 G . Tate 44 K. Day 45 K. Pardy 46 A. Newton 47 J . Hickey 48 P. Vulcov 49 P. Vulcov 51 P. O'Kane 52 C . Andonopolous 53 D . Hogan 55 I . Joel Pithcer 61 S . Conroy 62 T. Graham 69 M . Tapley 72 V. Kelly 74 J . Lane

U .H .S.O .B.

ST JOHNS Coach: Bruce A9ullens Res Coach : John Canal

1 . R . Hassan 2 . M . Ladson 3 . S . Reynolds 4 . S . Holmes 5 . S . Canning 6 . L. O'Donnell 7 . M . Hartnett 7 S . Flentjar 8 . R. Dowsett 9 . A . Rachelle 10. A. Perrone 11 . S . Hilton 12. P. Walker 13. S . Ham 14. C . Horbury 15. P. Denhart 16, S . Callender 17. S . CockaYne 17 C . Kearon 18. C . Emery 19. J . Scardama gli a 20 . B. Rydquist 21 . D . Scardamaglia 22 . P. Kahill 23 . P. Sharp 24 . C . Wilson 25 . D . Sanders 26 . N . Gates 27• R . Walton 28 . D . Coulson 29 . D . Higgins

30 . R . Walker 32 A . Rudd 33 R. Kenny 34 Drag widge 35 J . Sacco 36 A . Corrigan 37 A. Hall 38 M . Jones 39 T. Hyland 40 C . Cassano 41 D . Rydquist 42 T. Duccacubino 43 M. Van Hooten 44 B. Hilton 45 M. Dominich 46 D . Clowes 47 J . Ladso n 48 R . Mitta 49 J . Doherty 50 A . Dobson 51 C . Santoni 52 J . Brittain 53 S . Pancione 54 B . Hale 55 S . Green 56 M . Zodlak 57 D . Jorgenson 58 Z. Munroe 59 A . Fonceca 60 D . Halls 61 S . Walker 64 D . Edward s 65 B . Hilton

Coach: Pat Mackey Res Coach: Darren Creswell

1 R . Freijah 2 A . Talarico 3 D . Farrell y 4 S . Ma or 5 M . Fa~rell 6 S . Cracknell 7 D. Zulucki 8 D. Haslett (VC ) 9 R . Smith 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 D . Bunn 14 J . Ham 15 BB .. Robinson 16 P. Gunthorpe

17 J . Glenn 18 A. Hellner 19 B. Willis 20 G . Madrigano 21 S. Mills 22 R . Johns 23 P. Eltringham 24 L . Marten 25 D . O'D wy er 26 B . Carruthers 27 D . Clarke 28 A . Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 B . Abrahamsen 31 P. Dolenc e 32 H 33 P.. Drendel k

33 P. Mackey 34 35 J . Harris 36 M . Patterso n 37 G . Catterall 38 A . Boyce 39 M . Rea 40 M . Blyt h 41 B . Henderson 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neil

44 C. Percy 45 N. Smith 46 R . Killey 47 M . Turvey 48 C . Cook 49 H . Williams 50 B. Rees 51 M . O'Connel l 5 53

P. Dinnic k

54 T Saxby 55 56 J . Catlin 57 G . Divenuto 58 59 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 62 D . Bain 63 S . Pengilly 64 J. Evans 65 M . De Luis e 66 J . Bradley 67 M . DeLuise 68 G . Van Popering 69 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B . Satnton 73 S . Devli n 74 C . Longto n 80 D . Cartwrigh t

W9LLlAM ST®WN CYMS Coach: Darren William s

Res Coach: Sean Quin n 1 . D William s 2 . J Buttergie g 3 . D Woud a 4 . S Wuchatsch 5 . D Macleod (C ) 6 . N Grant 7 . B Robinso n 8 . B Han n 9 . G Case 10. B Cocks B Twist 12. B Jone s 13 . D Williams 14 . A Danie l 15 . W Phillips (S ) 15 . P Bregut (R) 16 . D Sadler (S ) 16 . S lvkovic (R) 17 . S Phemister 18• D Oldha m 19 . P Dervan 20 . R Hart 21 . S Mc Eachra n 22 . Warren Payne (S) 22 W. Payne R 23 P Sadler (S ) ) 23 . Kirk Dowsey (R) 24 . C Pac h 25 . G Burges s 26 . D Le e 27 . C Matt hews 28 . X Tob y 29, P Vincent 30. A Black 31 . A Mackley 32. J Atlus 33. A Savio a 34. B Grant 35 . C Bergin 36. M Imms 37 . B Hyne s 38 . D Macleod 39 . T Carter 40 . R Nisbe tt 41, A Bouras 42 . S Harv ey 43 . K Maher 44 . M Bracks-Manning 45 . S Mc Nearly 46 . T Campbel l 47 . S Dye r

48 . B Grummisch 50 . K Stebbing 51 . D Bubnic 52 . A Petzierides 53 . T Rya n 57 . M Soccocio

terrible day for footy last Saturday reflected in scoreboards showing inaccurate kicking. Stil l two sides undefeated and still two looking for their first win as a bottleneck seems to be developing in the middle of the ladder. .rl . en continued on their winning way with a hard fought win over Werribee . The Cobras made the most of the breeze and kicked the first seven goals of the game to set up the win and despite their best efforts Werribee couldn't bridge the gap . The Dall'Oglio brothers, Gencarelli and Matt D'Angelo were best for a consistent Bulleen . Bentleigh got their season back on track with a tight win over St Marys. The Saints remarkable straight kicking, they were the only side to really convert, kept them in it but eventually the work of Sealy. Pittitio, Martin and Gold along with Jackson's (4) saw Bentleigh home . One team who's goalkicking was far from accurate was Old Westbourne as they went down to South Melbourne Districts . The wind made it virtually impossible to score at one end and South made the most of their chances starting well with the breeze . Pittsburgh . Billman and Mutimer were best for the Warriors in what they described as their "worst performance in twelve months" . Syndal had a close win over Mt Lilydale out at Chadstone to keep them in touch with the leaders . Not much in it in the end but unfortunately for the Rams they again came up short . North Brunswick also remained undefeated as they took care of Swinburne at St James Park . They were another side to set their win up in the first half and actually outscored the Uni into the breeze due to some good performances from McMahon, Adams and the Wernham boys . Elthain clobbered Brunswick in the last game of the round to return to the winner's list, The Turtles had three times as many scoring shots as the Wickers to run out ten goal victors . PREVIEW North Brunswick host Syndal at Jackson Reserve in the first of this week's matches . The Svnners are sitting just outside the four at the minute and will be keen for win to keep their season rolling. North on the other hand are establishing a handy home ground advantage and will want their unbeaten run to continue . On tight confines at North Brunswick the home team should be good enough . 34

A - . Lih째ccle I i I side still looking fo r its first win hos todaytBenligh . 째 The Rams have been there abouts but are yet to crack it for a win whilst Bentleigh c an 't afford to drop another game or they risk slipping away from the top four . Mt Lilydale will give their a ll but Bentleigh might just have the answers and take the points in a close one. Werribee travel up the highway for the first time this year and take on St Marys at Ferndale Park . Neither side would be happy with their start to the year and both will be chasing a win to lift spirits . The 'Bees have to turn improvement on the ground into results on the scoreboard but the Saints should be too strong today . St Marys by 28 points . Two more sides who will be keen to turn around a poor beginning to the year are Swinburne and B runswick when they meet today . The 'Wickers have been disappointing so far after a competitive season in '99 . However Swinburne have shown glimpses of good from and should be good enough to win this one at home . In the big clash of the round Bulleen take on South Melbourne at Koonung Park, looking to keep their unbeaten record intact . Both have been impressive in what they have done this year and this game will give them a good idea how they are travelling . The Cobras have picked up a couple of handy recruits and this coupled with playing on their home track might just be enough . Bulleen by 17 points . Old Westbourne make the long trek out to Research to take Elth aan in the last of today's games . The ground will hold unpleasant memories for the Warriors after last season, something I'm sure they will be desperate to make amends for today. The Turtles are going nicely at the moment and will attack this game with some confidence . The Warriors aren't quite the unit they were last year at the minute and Eltham wi ll take the points in this one . PRESS CORESSPONDENT S Please fax match details to 9435 5665 and I can also be contacted on 0409 571 580 . A real effort from ALL clubs would be appreciated, even just a phone and some best players, to help make this a more interesting read for all involved .


eAan-rc, -

I ,-

i Lityc_ale ~id Coiie,' s would like to contheir captain C _-J . _a, j', =!dy their 50 game mile;,u-rei t and Chris Gibson on '101 :C.



22 22 12 12 12





.10 9,15.69 Swinhueae Unice zity 1.1 4 .7 6 4 .8 12.10 14,14 18,15 .123 North Bnm;,-ric:c . Luckev I .Best: Luckey . : Sheed 4. Fitunarti 2 . Piotrov,sk9 2 Sainbmne University y Shcedc . Debono. Kane, Fiumani, Piotrawskl .North B • Lattouf 3 . Pizzari 2 . Boudoloh 2 . Sc.Wernham 2 . Se. Wernham 2, Sarnmartino 2, K}Tlazis I . Freetian I . Fawcett I . Pretty 1 . Magnuson I . Best : Mc.'vtahon . Be. Wernham., Magnuson. Adams, K}Tiazts . Umpires : Adam Gaoddes . Andrew Rechhnart(F ) SqndatTaBy-Ho 1 .4 5.6 10 .8 13 .12.90 = tyUy~ 1 .1 7 .4 8.4 11 .11 .77 : Richardson. Syndai Tally-Ho: Richardson 2 . Tree 2, Stotoiidis 1, French I . Best Bennett . Wong. French . Cl ark, MacFarlane. Mt.LBydale:Caralan 2 . Hayes 2, Wilson 2 Bird, Gibson 1 . Holloway 1 . Hoegenbcom 1 . Pearce 1 . Best: Gibson. Brebner. Del B'u^.nco . Carolan . MeKertzie.Umpiies: Adam Harris. Chris 3tocre (F) .11 .95 Bentleigh A.AC 4-4 7.4 1.10 14 0 .2 3.4 4.4 12.6 .78 St . Marys Manning I . English 1. . Withiugton 2 . Celiac= 2, Gold 2, Bentle3gh: .1ack=cn 4 . Gabber 1, Henry I . best : Sealv. Pittlto. Martin, Coli xatro, Gold, Mamttn~st : Fra . ll St Marys: Jones 4 . All en 2 . Seven 2 . Carra 2, Theoharri$ 1 . West I . Ballantvne. Harrison, Egan. Heridv. Golds.avrthy. West. Umpires :Mfles Argall. Terrence Farrell (F) Werribee Amateurs 0.2 6 .8 7.9 11 .14.80 .15.128 Buttress Cobras 5,5 9 .9 14.13 19 Werritue Amateurs: Isaac 7 . McGrath 3 . Drew 1 . Best : Isaac, Addamo. Mongec. McGrath . CzaskoWski. Canon- BuBeea Cobras: Clements 4 . Johnson 3 . Putvireriti . Peters I . 3 . 'ri .D'Angeto 2 . Maa.zzerell a 2 . J .D'Anlo I . Baccini I .Badan}ek 1. Badanjek . Saaksjan9 I . Best- M .Dalleglio. RD oio. Clements. M .D'Angelo Gencarelli.Umpirts :Ken Brea~er.DaUid D'- ter 4 F) Old Westhourne A.F.C 0.1 2.7 3 .10 4.18.40 South Meib, Districts 4.8 5.6 7.11 . Best : 8.11.5 90kt Westbourae A .EC: Horsburgh 1, Craig l . Mut[mer 1 . Aldridge 1 Pttlsburv. Mutimer. Robson, BiUrtt.'m, King. Wilson. South blab. Districts: . Best : Ba llshaw, King. McDonald 1 . Powell I,Jacobs 1 Dale 3 : Henderson 2, Ltun[ord, McGee . Homash .Umpires: Mick G11dav .And3v Carrick(F) .4 .40 Bnuns r:ickA.F,C 1.2 2 .3 4 .4 6 Eitham Colle$isas 3 .0 7.8 8.9 14,18.100 Brnn .swiek : Moore 4 . Markitam 1 . Shar e 1 . Best: CaFana~ O'Brien. Bullock. McBride, Fulton. Eltham Collegians: Gasparotto 3. Jeal Baud 2 . Justice 2, .Best: Bellll. Doodv 1 . Fammartino 1 . Macdonald 1 . Dean 1, Gathereole I . Sttarpz I ) Mizzi : Bocde, Jeal. MacDonald . Hardie.Umpires : Euan Lhtdsay . Ken Walker (F

RESERVES - 29 .04.0 0 9.15 .69 Swinburne University 17.15 .117 North Brunswick Swinburne: IN 2. Collins 2, Cdph I . George I . Abbott 1 . James 1 . Halinan I . r3c: Best: Roberts, ~7erkeL Waters. Halutan . Retncldson. Balltna. Nth BrunLwi Young 6. Papanikolaou 4- Croshta 3 . Tan credi I . Pattulo 1, Jorleto 1 .Best:Coss. Boaidaloh . Lawton . Elasamar, Rotell a Young. 3.1 4.4 6 .4 6.5.41 Sy mdsl Tally No Mt .Lilydsle 2,3 5 .7 8 .8 9 .10.64 8yadaL diurray 2 . Beckett 2. Rutter 2 . Carina 2. Mackenzie 2 . Kennedv I . . Boucher 1 . Dunce I . Best: Cactua Mackenzie . Barro . Kemper. Macfarlane Murray . Mt-Lilydsk: Rooney 3, Strachart 2. Featonby I . Johnson 1, Kennedy I . Walsh -1 . Best< \Vells. Bunched. Egan. Walsh. Bentteigh A.F.C 0.0 0 .4 1 .6 3.13.31 3 .6 3-9 8.12 6.12 .48 St .htM Bentl : PltSto 2, Bounsell I . Best: Clough. Cra ven. Beatie. Jemmeson . Sampson. Bouctsatl. St-Marys: Burt 2, Benson I . L'aingstane 1 . Sigtey I . Zsembcry 1. Best : Burt . Livingstone. Dwyer- Roberts . Watson . orsKnight. .85 Werrihee Amateurs 3 .0 3.1 6 .4 13 .7 1 .2 2.3 5 .4 6 .5.41 Butlers Cobras Werrtbee:Hardutg 6, Thomas 3. Diako~ic 2 . Stephenson I, Bvch I . Best: Brrnaning. Flaekv. Brauit . Alabakis. 9rr lian. Pisano. Bulleea : Starrett 2 . Sheehan 2. Cooke 1 . Rodrigues l .Best: RedPern . Paatsch. Lykopandis, Petty . Shechan, Ri ti. O)~Westbourne A.F.C 0.0 5 .7 8.7 10.8.68 .63 Sth . ESeIb .Distriets 2 .3 4 .3 9.8 9.9 Old Westtxinrne :Crosswell 2. Mattsson 2. Rhzlland 2, Crai 1 . Depiaaa 1 . A~ uitina I . Milne I. Best: Hewitt . Milne . Rh~alLvtd. DangerCiel . Mattsson, Said . Sth.Phelb. Districts:Fern 3. Masters 2 . Hermann 1, Nice 1 . Kidd 1 . Bouchand 1 . Best : Lazzaro, Fern. Nice. Mijatrn9e. Masters. 2.1 3.2 4 .3 5 .3.33 Brunswick 1 .2 3.6 4 .7 6 .11 .47 Eltham Call ion" Brunswick : Barker 2, Bond I . MeRe 1 . Sikora I . Best: Gadd. GiatzrroE!ou. Sahatore. Bond. McRae. Ettlutm: Schafer 2 . Mann 2. Luttick 1 . E~ans I . Best: Mann. Lutttek . Walters. Evaits, Glare. Barnett.

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RERTLEIGH Coach: Paul Dimmatina Res. Coach : Paul Jemmeson 1 C Sharp (C) 2 P Morgan 3 A Anastasio 4 D Lewis 5 M Eyles (VC) 6 R Weber 7 M Colaiacovo 8 J Handfield 9 I Jackson 10 A Henry 11 D Martin (C) 12 L Codarin 14 B Fotopoulos 15 P Withingto n 16 P Jemmerson (RC) 17 J Psaras 18 S Adaway 19 S Hall (RVC) 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 22 S Arvanitis 23 A Cloug h 24 G Stamatakos 25 D Gol d 26 B . Padgham

27 J (Eddy) Sei ey (VC) 31 R Englis h 32 D Fishlock 33 M Eefting 34 L. Sampson 35 L Ireson 36 M Backma n 37 P Hutchison (VC) 38 G Beatti e 39 L Pittito 40 J Bounsal l 41 J Neve (RDVC) 42 G Kel l 43 R Neve 44 S Craven (RDVC) 45 A Pittito 46 G Rubio-Thome 47 B Moffa t 49 J. Fly 50 A Stanes 51 M Pirie 52 R Hall 53 M Snelling 54 S Cologero 55 D Manning 56 C Aitken 57 T Cox 58 T Caterson 59 D Pittito

BRUNSWICK Coach: Stan Gilday Res. Coach : Steve Kannegiesser 1 B .Lovett 2 J.Markham 3 B.Moore 4 J .Bell

4 S .Goodwin 5 A Lever 6 D.Dowdle 6 P.Laming 7 D .Sedgwick 8 D .Clarke 9 J.Grixti 10 S.Lak e 11 T.Fulton 13 S .Kannegiesse r 14 S .Moore 15 R .Smith 16 A .Dean 17 G.Mc owan 18 V.Gaf~j+ 19 N .Melone 20 T.Mcginniskin 21 S.James 22 M .Mcbride 23 M .Lovett 24 L.Mcbride 25 M .Cleveland 26 G.Cross 27 S .Dreier 28 G .Conway 29 B.Mcbride 30 S.Mcbride 31 M .Buliock 32 S .Draffin 33 S .Londrigan 34 M .Whiteside 35 S,Hewitt 36 A .Lo s

37 A .Berius 38 M.Attard 39 J.Hope 40 R .Mainelli 41 M .Bon d 42 S .Woodbridge 43 D.Woodards 44 C.Miller 45 P.Geddes 46 P.Mcrae 47 L .Marchant 48 J.Ear 49 A.Cosmano 50 A.Geddes 51 G .Cavanagh 52 S .Grant 53 B .Cazaly 54 B .Brett 55 T.Lovett 56 M .Cox 57 Y.Saad 58 C .Caminiti 59 C .R yan 60 D.Stocks 61 E .Pavio 62 G .Surace 63 H .Hahne 64 J .Bradley 65 J.Ericson 66 J .Gibson 67 J .Harris 68 L.Cavanagh 69 L.Corde s 70 M .Comme rford 71 M .Nugent 72 M .Robinson 73 M .Ryan 74 N .Bowman 75 P.Conduit 76 P.Stocks 77 R.Craip ie 78 R .Dantonto 79 R .Dipietro 80 S .Mclean 81 S .Vidler 82 W.Watson


RULLEEN Coach: Joe D'Angel o Asst . Coach: John Kalpakis Res Coach : Jamie Redfern 1 J . Kalpakis

2 T Orwi n 2 S. Petty (RC) 3 R . Pulverenti 4 I . McLeod 4 N. Cartledg e 5 M . Dall'Oglio (C) 6 I . Baccin i 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Goetz 10 A. Gencarelli 11 A. DeJong 12 13 N . Cooke 14 S . Casey 15 J. Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 M . Fait 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 P. Bastasin 23 J. Redfern 24 M . Opie 25 W. Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27

28 A . Foskett 29 A . Summers 30 S . Colversto n 31 S. McLaren (DVC) 32 C . Clements 33 A. Coo k 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J. Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 H . Dimitriou 40 T. May 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 B . Dimasi 44 B . Saaksja rvi 45 J . Mustica 46 C . Borrelli 47

48 M . Soumelidis 49 50 C . Genitsaris 51 R . Rodrigues



M T "1y' 32

Coach: Pater Slacik Res. Coach : Jas n t.r s 1 D. Fammartino 2 T. Duggan

3 R . Pilapi l 4 B. Doody (C) 5 S. Jea l 6 M . Best 7 M Gasparotto 8 L Sharp e 9 C . Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J. Mizzi 12 J. Lees 13 R. Bell 14 S . Justice 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 G. Lays 18 A . Macdonald 19 R . Kennedy 20 A. Hardi e 21 M . Luttick 22 R. Whit e 23 J . Woodward 24 M . Dwyer 25 C . Horsburgh 26 J . Glare 27 R . Beecroft 28 T. Barnett 29 A. Macaulay 30 A. Hadfield 31 T. Carte r 32 C. Baud 33 A Yule 34 R. Pilapil 35 T. Todaro 36 D. How ate 37 M. Whelan 38 D . Ardin 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Bau d 41 42 S . Weinman 43 M . Sfili~oj 44 T. Hardie 45 R . Davies 46

47 48 50 A. Kels o 51 S . Maxfield 52 G. Stackpole 53 M . Stammers 54 P. Barnett 55 P. Morrow 56 57 S Gathercole 58 59 B . Evans 60 B . Sumpte r 62 63 C . Dods 64 65 S Scahfer

BUL`LEEN AUTOMOTIVE CEtN°I•RE 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105

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Coach: David Keast Res. Coach : Jason Flanaga n 1 D .Johnson 2 P Hayes 3 F Varga 4

5 P Stone 6 7 D Hendrie 8 A. Stracha n 9 A Del Biondo 10 J Gardiner 11 C Gibson 12 M Brebner 13 R Kid d 14 C Walsh 15 F Livingston 16 P Caulfield 17 A Burrett 18 B Jealous 19 J Burgess 20 A Penhale 21 T Amos

22 L . Proctor 23 B Ega n 24 O . Ronney 25 A Delahunt 26 T Flanagan 27 N Pearce 28 T Crowe 29 P Furlong 30 G Bird 31 C Varga 32 P Carolan 33 C Anderson 34 35 D Callanan 36 E O'Brien 37 M Pearl 38 D Kennedy 39 L Allanson 40 W Newell 41 42 M Periera 43 D Holloway 44 M. Mun k 45 R McKenzie 46 K Maniscalchi 47 C Lonergan 48 D Featonby 49 M . Malta r 50 51 D . Turner 52 M Wells 53 M . Leonard 54 M . Smithies 55 H . Flanaga n 56 L. Hoogenboom 58 L . Egan 57 J. DeRun 58 T. Wilson 59 G . Cowan 60 B . Cox 61 D. Prest D. Bright

-4 ection pIyH BRUNSWICK C c .ch : Craig Fox Res. Coach: Peter Dowsett

1 S . Wernham ? D. Adams ; G . Latt ou f p Dimarco ' W. McMahon D . Pizzari 7 G . Magnuson 8 A. Peterson g A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S. Car e 13 C . Anderson 14 M . Newton 15 H H .. Wallis S. Tsialtis 17 A . Kyriazis j8 B . Whitman ,19 S . Famulari 20 A . Young 21 Scott Wernham 22 C . Fox 23 D . Ellis 24 S . Tancredi 25 J . Thompson 26 R . Pretty 27 D. Lawson 28 W. Pretty 29 C. Jewell 30 S . Healey 31 J . Freeman 32 M . Mason 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 P. Tancredi 37 D . DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B. McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 R . Papanikolou 43 J . Pa e g 44 M . Fayad 45 B. Alameddine 46 C . Boy d 47 G . Goumas 48 L . Patvillo 49 M . Laoumtzes 50 B . Laoumtzes 51 52 A . Boudoloh 53 J . Thompson 54 S . Milroy 55 P. Sorletto 56 L . Patullo

OLD WE Coach : Andrew Nadlev Res . Coach: Craig St 'art 1 G . Robson

2 D. Taylo r 3 D. Jag o 4 A . O'Keefe 5 S . Craig 6 J . Horsburgh 7 R . Mutimer 8 A Horsburgh 9 C . Villinger 10 J . Wilson (C) 11 J . Lott 12 S. Depiazza 13 S. Hewitt 14 B. Mattson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M. Aquiline 18 P. King 19 M. Craig 20 S . Chaffey 21 B . Dangerfield 22 W. Fleming 23 G. Flower 24 L. Fairfield (VC) 25 D. Moore 26 P. Mesman (RC) 27 D. Billman D. Slattery (RVC) 29 D. Horsburgh 30 R. McMillan 31 R. Aldridge 32 G . Jenkinson 33 T. Madigan 35 D. Rivalland 36 K. Pilsbury 37 A. Leitch 38 B. Mattson 39 A. Robbins 40 S. Leitch 43 P. Hopper 44 B. Slattery 45 T. Miln e 46 S. Bezant 47 T. Said 48 Ash . Lipscombe 50 P. Habersatt 53 P. Kegagias 54 M . Crosswell 55 B. Davis 59 Adr Lipscombe 60 N . Aquiline


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STH MELD DIST. Coach : Peter McBrearty Res Coach : Mel Beyer

1• B. Anaipakos 2 . J. Burke 3. M. H anna n 4 . S. Stepnell 5 . N . Warszewski 6 . S. King 7 . W. Roscivski 8 . S. Smith ~ 9. M 10, GMcDonald .McDonald ~ 11 . P. Moon 12. A Hobbins 13. E . Henderson 14. A . Bullman 15. B . Lazzaro 16. M . Thomas 17. B . Gibson 18. T. Green 19. S . McDougall 20. J . Pohlner 21 . B. Powell 22 . G . Mialovic 23 . P. Hannon 24 . A Bryson 25 . P. Cheev2rs 2:, . J . Royle 27 . B. Downing 2g D . Thomas 29 . P. Nice 30 . S. Wright 31 . L Berry 32 . D . McGee 33 . J. Bradley 34. J. Sadat 35. N . Vergos 36, M. Fern 37. M . Rosouyski 38. S . Herman 39. A Contreras 40. L Williams 41 . A Berrigan 45 M . Gamey 46 M . Be!}esini 50 T Hughes


~- i "ÂŽ'' E

Coach: Peter Olivieri Res Coach: Michae l Learmonth 1 . M . Learmont h 2. B . Boyes

'7 _ ; ' ;TY ~ Coach : Matthew (- age Res Coach: T.B .A

3. R . Livingstone 4 . N . Goldsworthy 5. 6 S . Stone 7 N . Malloch 8 A. Zsembery 9 K. Gillard 10 T. Bernardi 12 13 J . Hil l 14 , .W. Ross 15 D . Andrews 16 J. Wedrien 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 19 20 A . Lane 21 22 R . Alle n 23 J . Goldsworthy 24 I . Goulett 25 B . Sellers 26 G . Koumantatakis 27 28 J . Innes 29 P. harrison 30 P. watso n 31 W Drew 33 M . Lynch 34 M . Ti n d ley 35 G . Theoharri s 36 E. Evans 37 A. Dwyer 38 F. Harrison 39 A. Millar 40 L . Vincent 41 A. Dickeson 42 43 M . Cahmberlain 44 A. Gunn 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morco m 49 D . Roberts 50 M . Elli s 51 P. Poe 52 J . Hough 53 J . Davies 54 X 55 P. Mulcahy 56 M . Scammell 57 X 58 D . Kempste r 59 A . Georg e 60 S . Benson 61 G . Sigley 62 63 P. Roseman 64 J . Harringto n 65 66 G . Pilikidis 67 68 69 J . Hendy 70 J . Ega n 77 J . Dwyer 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyn e 111 J . Carra

1 G . Popple 2 J . Sheedy 3 J . Piotrowski 4 A. Fidler 5 J . Demarte 6 B. Canfield 7 A. Hamilton 9 M. McCalman 10 M. George 11 D . Mil a n o 12 B. Nicholl 13 M. Lucke y 14 R . Good e 15 C . Thomas 16 S . Reynoldso n 17 J . Andrinopolous 18 A . Fiumani 19 B . O'Mara 20 M . Traino r 21 R. Merkel 22 S . Georg e

23 J . Kan e 24 M . Caso n 25 T. Houriga n 26 T. Schwerdt 27 D. Murphy 28 T. Harri s 29 R. Cavicchiolo 30 P. Tur k 31 C. Drago 32 P. Jones 33 N . Smit h 34 D . Brodi e 35 K. Abbot t 36 C . Gillmarti n 37 P. McDonald 38 T. Ree d 39 B. Prio r 40 J. Henry 41 T. Drahtidi s 42 R . Uebergan g 43 J . Roberts 44 N . Morgan 45 D . Isli p 46 J . Sandhu 47 J . Sevdali s 49 R . Winters 50 M . Goodwi n 51 P. Jame s 52 S . O'Donnel l 53 S . Flanaga n 55 S . Gallina 56 R . Hoew e 58 A . Roberts 60 J . Puglis i

prouldy sponsored by : Whitehorse In n 5 Bur-wood Rd , Hawthorn

(03) 9818 4991 Robbie's Meat s 0413 539 501

Coach: Kevin Nannott Res Coach : Nick Toce 1 J Barro (DVC) 2 1 Bingha m

3 M Joy (C) M Grocott 4 P Henderson (C) 5 D Hannett (RC) B Dix 6 J Cotsis (RVC) C Pric e 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S O'boyle 15 N Murray

16 B Boucher (RDVC) 17 A Burges s 18 S Macfarlane M Foale 19 M Glenister 20 C Hal l I Mackenzie 21 A Thompson 22 S Hoare 23 M Beckett 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (RC) 26 G Stofiridis 27 G Kemper 28 M Kennedy 29 A Shee r 30 J Erta n 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 M Richardson 34 V Won g 35 C Cachia (VC) 36 P Van Velsen 37 A Danc e 38 M Christiansen 39 G Dimitropoulos 40 N Toce 41 A Morrison 42 A FindlaV J Sargen t 43 A Brown 44 D Raab J Maestros 45 D Richardson 46 M Pane 47 M French 49 M Buckley 51 W Hal l

53 54 65 81


Varnavas Sheer Kennett Day

Coach : Tim Elli s Res. Coach: Eddie Galizi 1 D. Frase r

2 3 4 5 6 7

S . McNamara C . Cummins S . Conwa y S. Bisby S. McGrath T. Ellis

8 C . Camilleri 9 A . Towers 10 B . Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D . Lenoury 14 B. McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C. Becker 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbon 22 A . Dibaitista 23 C . Becker 24 S . Harding 25 S. Pugliese 26 P. Thomas 27 D . Warwick 28 C. Whiting 29 S . Dole

30 B . Carlesso 31 P. Marsh 32 B . Seeber 33 S. Fuller 34 K. Mongrey 35 J . Youn g 36 D. Stephenson 37 C. Edwards 38 J . Crooks 39 C . Chapman 40 L . Carson 41 M . Houston 42 S . Fletcher 43 E. Galizi 44 D . Flac k 45 D. Czajkowski 46 P. Rogers 47 D. Shelley 48 G. Shelley 49 D . McKee 50 K. Pace 51 M. Greene 52 L . Djakovic 53 N. Robert 54 R . Portogallo 55 D. Gullfounce 56 A . Addamo 57 M . Brow n 58 A. Birch 59 A. Albakis 60 S . Hartley 61 G . Warren 62 C. Albakis 63 P. Browning 64 S . Pisak 65 R . Engler

Exact number of goals and behinds for each team must be accurately named Entry to be faxed to 9531 2050 or emailed to phil@vafa .asn .au Entry to be received by noon Tuesday preceding matc h One entry per person only Prize: This week $ 250 (entrant) $250 (VAFA club ) If not claimed, prize increases each week by $ 50 . MATCV, NEXT WEEKS MATCH li .l', 7

: i ED ~~;Lll= .

L 0 r`G Yflt„tP

'• T }


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Clubs have received Sport 927 bumper stickers recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporters . For your chance to win a weekly VAFA / 927 Sports Pack comprising a Miller's Guide, a Sport 927 cap, (1) promotional football and a "For the Love of the Game" VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the VAFA . A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the Amateur Footballer. All entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize . At the end of the Rd18 should your club have submitted the greatest number of entries for the season, from your club entries the winner of the Calrton Crest Hotel package will be drawn . Package includes - accommodation, evening meal, breakfast and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final . Winner announced in the Am ;`eur -ootballer August 26/27 . f' THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER



Winning Edge Presentations


Review of Round 4 he prevailing conditions effected many matches and certainly influenced a lot of results . My 70% success rate was satisfactory given the windy day. Section 1 Marcellin easily defeated an inaccurate St Kevins by fifty seven points . De La Salle continued their rise with a sixty nine point win over a disappointing Mazenod . Opening into the wind, De La Salle virtually had the match in their keeping by the first change when they led by a point . The further the game went the bigger became the "De La" lead . Their best included ; Fisacaro, Chris Place and evergreen Andrew Reed . For Mazenod good players were ; Danny Arriff, Matt Morley and Tony Tsiavis. Prahran gave further proof that their promotion was justified when they defeated perennial finalist Old Scotch by seven points in a match subjected to strong winds . Prahran had good players in ; Nigel Macpherson, Chris Bryce, Craig Johnson and Dave Butterworth . " Old Melburnians had more of the play than did Old Xaverians and it was only marginally greater accuracy that saw the Old Xaverians scrape home by four points . Old Brighton had the bye . Section 2 Yarra Valley continued their recent good form with a forty nine point win over Parkside . For the winners Causer, Fyffe . Ketsekides (4 goals) and Ross were good contributors . The Rupertswood and Therry Penola match was one of high standard in which each side maintained a winning change until the final siren . Therry Penola's fitness may have been lacking in the vital minutes although the marked inaccuracy of Rupertswood would indicate they could have kicked themselves into a close result . A three point win by Rupertswood cut their percentage by nearly half . Therry Penola were well served by ; Hutchinson, Fitzpatrick, O'Kearney and Goodwin . Collegians proved better at adapting to the Albert Park winds when they maintained their unbeaten run with a twenty eight point win over an inaccurate Old Camberwell . With more scoring shots Old Camberwell hoped for victory which they were denied through their own inaccuracy and 40

Collegians superior running fitness . Best for Old Camberwell were ; full back, Robert Pratt, winger Duncan Essery and half back Luke Eddy. Whitefriars overcame Old Geelong's home ground advantage and won their encounter by eight points . The closest match of the round was that between Old Ivanhoe and Old Trinity which Old Ivanhoe won by the minimum margin . Monash Whites proved too accurate for St Bernards in a physically hard match, which saw Monash triumph over the under manned and inaccurate home side by seven points . Good players for Monash included ; captain Luc Colombies, Luke Woods and the veteran Stephen Dods . For St Bernards captain Patrick Hayes, Jack Overman and Luke Overman were best . Preview of Round 5 Section 1 Two teams with little form to recommend them, St Kevins and Mazenod meet on Righetti Oval . Two factors prompt me to select St Kevins ; their better performed forwards and their home ground advan-

tage. De La Salle have a stronger list each week an d today I select them to defeat Old Scotch and so continue their rise up the ladder . Old Xaverians should continue on their winning way by defeating Marcellin on the sacred turf of the J.F. McHale Stadium. Old Brighton coming off a three week break meet the big improvers, Old Melburnians on Brighton Beach Oval where visiting teams often suffer defeat . Although the Old Melburians lack of accurate kicking leaves them vulnerable to defeat, I still believe they will win . Prahran have the bye. Section 2 Yarra Valley will provide strong opposition to Rupertswood, especially after their long journey to Park Orchards! This is a danger game for Rupertswood as Yarra Valley seem to have recaptured their 1999 form which took them to the Grand Final . I select Rupertswood to win a close match .

"(,Tndefeated Collegians face a danger game out in Oak Park against Therry Penola . The improvement shown by Therry Penola must be maintained as Collegians have shown themselves to be capable opponents. As many visiting teams have gound conditions difficult on the Fawkner Reserve, I select Therry Penola to defeat the co leaders . Old Camberwell should be untroubled to defeat Old Geelong. Whitefriars with the advantage of playing at home should defeat Old Trinity . St Bernards face the difficult task of defeating parkisde . As Parkside have no form to recommend them St Bernards should be able to return to the winning list . Monash Whites with home ground advantage should be able to defeat Old Ivanhoe . This week I was contaced by 5 clubs and by 2 umpires . This was an improvement on Round 3

3.2 7 .5 8.7 11.10 .78 1.6 2 .7 .19 1.3 1 .4 c 1 . T.Chtiwi 1 . Best: McNair. SDlilan . tk'aod, T Dillon, Schmk. . Ts1a;^Is 2. FeihergID 1 . Beet : Anf7 S t.'ard . Morley . ellinax Cmucnar 2 D"Ruzmio.4.ilhsms Umpim:TonyRobbnis 3 .1


5 .6

. Therry Penola - Against Parkside in Round 3, Dean Boden played his 200th game . During these games Dean has always given his best to the task in hand . A highlight of his 200th game was his "Manassa like" run over the 150 metres with the proper number of bounces . To cap this run Dean kicked a morale boosting goal . Well done Dean . We now look for game number 300 late in Season 200 6


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CLUB 18 (1) - 29 .04 .00


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3 .2 9.4 11 .7 1 .11 .107 kers and best pk,ttiers not su~>lkd . On L. ~ile : Rudd 6. Flume 3 .

3. Sl Is 3 . Ctarmy I . Smith I . Best : FLSicara . Rudd. Ptaee, Nov. Curran. Reed . !:Paul Nailer

8 .8.56 2 .1 5.6 8.7 9 .10.0 4 4 .6 9 .4 8.8 2. Stubbs 2. S:mat I . B_^st : Ireland. TrecLSe . Sbno<t. Crump . rtthige 4. Butterxrorth 1 . Oldea l, Lau,ettce I . Bryce 1 . Best: Nartttevc Deeks, Duck .Umplre:Rav }}'htdloei'

0.2 4 .5 5.6 5.10.40 3.4 3.5 6.7 8.8.44 :Bramr 1 . Jens lot Arthur I . RutherfmYi 1 .41,11:lehead I . 6e-,t.he. Rutherford . Tmnitnson. Old Xaverlans: 2,3attheus 2. I . Dot tie I . F- k, I . Bes t: Jones. Stcecn. L Hardrs7ck . l'.... eraicl. P.Ftardtilck .Umplm:Tonv Nal

Parkside Yarra valley .~ I Itst: tAassett . Mart,ha8 . P. Parkside :Pan)arv 1, Pr .-- ~ Pre=tl~iac--r.?sr Snort 2.Causerl .Sttl . - . . ?.n. Kctsakidl5. Umplre :M Causer. C .:- a . I

2.6.18 9 .13 Huhhazd. on i . Best : io r

7 .19 Ruperts.ood 9.4 .58 T];ery a`-_r r<c D.B . .0 - ma I . Fox I . Plummer 2 . Smnett I . Named I . Best : Rupert -. ' ! 1 0 ' " A0- H1cRenzYti Smnett R7 GCallaghan. Thorny Pena§a: C Goalubt a . n 2 Zanettt l.l'aneng;len I . Pmncr 1 . O'Neill Best : 8mehhrswt . Fuzpatrlek. , :zamey, "L.3net0 . Geafu9tt VanEngelen. Umpire: Andrew Barrington 2 .2 7.4 7.4 11 .7.73 CoUegEans Old 2 .6 4.8 5 .14 5.15 .45 Cal.le8t®na: Hdsmrut 4. 11ta4emore 2 . Oakley 2 . Perkuv I . Baxter 1 . Bum I . Best: Lum ;e,. Itolstmut. W~llock. Bntckhouse . Ashby. Baxier. Old Cambe.rwell: it-ry 2. tt7111atits I . Sal Strum I . };Aker 1 . Best : Pratt, E~rg . H,'ur'ev. Ibuglac . Eddy% McCulloeh . Umpire:Brhur Nunn .8.62 •long 9.10 Old C 10 &"nit-_-are O`i Geelarig: Cc{Tpir 2. Collins 2. It.,., L&mem I . t . hielienzw I . Baker I . I st t. C ypms. Collins, RRison. ?deKenzk. 1 itefrisrs: Oaths 3. Tlrraahw2 .' Iz, in I . tiennehut I . B<ximyntan 1 . '. : ' .nalci. Qmlty. Carrigg. < , . " Gmth. Bonn}m-Umpke :Rrchard Bons" ' 4 .5 6.7 .43 Old Ivuthhoe 0.1 2.3 3.4 3.5 8 .8 .42 Oki Trinity 2.4 Old Ivanhce : HF 1"' . R i I . Cotmxk i . Galore 1 . Wall I . Best: Atwccck. lien}Yard . Toll. Engil S . I Tnmr tAgemL 2 . }ienna 2. Stockdate I . Gamble 1 . Best : Ikstelaitis. Gam ile, h . idra~, tt7lltams . Klnross.llmpSe :Tauy Jachso n St . Bernsrds 3.12.30 Moruah WFdtes 5,7 .37 St. BernaNs :Baces 3 . F se L.O,ennart. J.Otzrmatt Pat:euce. Fiaves . Banec . Hotland. Monash 'dies : Goa Ktckers and 13 :5t Plovers not suppfled .Umplre:Davld t}'Intllo w








CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplie s

U19 TI by Tony (U19/1

arr v

Review Section 1 M .'s, what a fantastic display of hard , aggressive & disciplined football . This team is back in town! Whereas at St . K ., the words "insipid, lacklustre & pedestrian" resonate in O'Shannassy's mind when thinking of their performance . Down at Bulleen . Merton's Marcellin were jumped by De La 5 goals to 1 in the opening stanza and maintained this margin throughout the game . Marcellin's 2g . 8 in the last proved very costly . O .P.'s through Bolston 3g . Shepherd & Palermo 2g, nearly- caused the upset of the round at the Harry Trott Oval . 6 pts down at 3/ 4 time, O .P .'s were completely overrun by Collegians who eventually ran out 49pt winners . Mazenod at home at the Central to Uni Blues were always going to find this game difficult . For Uni, they now find themselves only 4 pis and 12% from top spot . St . B .'s 1 pt in front at 1/2 time, but Old X's 5g 5 with the wind proved to be the difference . Those West Preston boys were prominent again (controlling the Legudi's) . Old B .'s goal kicking machine revved up again over the struggling Old H . at McKinnon reserve . McGuire with 9 and McGilvray with 3 were just too strong. Section 2 Old Trinity remained undefeated when they accounted for Old Ivanhoe at Chelsworth Park, led by 6 goals from Cornell, Steve Maus' boys ran out comfortable winners despite impressive efforts from Binney . Gibson and Briggs of Old Ivanhoe . In an absolute thriller Old Scotch got over the line by just 2 points against a gallant Beaumaris side . Pilkington . Hooke and Josephs were best for Scotch, while Brook played well Beaumaris . Beaumaris shouldn't be too disappointed if they remain focused they'll definitely be a part of finals action . MHSOB returned to the winners list with a hard fought win over Yarra Valley, best for the winners was Veale, Keys, and Dymble while Lloyd and Collett played well for the Bushrangers . The Whitefriars were ecstatic to get their first win for the year and did so in impressive fashion against a hapless Old Carey . Swain kicked 7 for the Friars and was backed up by solid efforts from Alexander and Baker . Section Blu e At the Hassett Oval . Sth . Melb faced a very d7

& Blue)

' (U19/2 & Red) determined Monash outfit. The S w a n s jumped the Blues in the opening stanza, resulting in the Blues playing "catch up" footy . Inaccurate kicking in the last did not help . Barr & Krings set the game up for Mentone Amateurs to crunch De La 2 by 72 pts . The first 3 quarters resulted in 16 goals . De La best players were Doyle, Danaher & McLeish. Down at Gunn Reserve the wind was howling and the game was in the balance at time . Then Ormond fired 21 times at goal for only 5 majors in the last half, completely overrunning their taller opponents . Ajax through Lewski, Goldstone & Glezer attacked Glen Eira from the opening bounce and never looked back. For the Packer boys, Zebiau, M . Baraket & Serpanchy battled hard throughout the game . Caulfield travelled down to the Grammar school in Springvale and came away with a resounding 102 pt win . Rynberk, Bruhn, & Roberts booting 12 goals between them . For Old Ment . Fisher, Alexander & Garlick were best . S ect ion 2 (Red ) In a thrilling match Old Camberwell defeated Uni Blacks, the Wells led by a HUGE effort from Darryn Ling and a heroic performance by Tim Hallow who continued to play out the match despite breaking his arm . Rupertswood had 15 goalkickers, with Burrowes kicking 7 in a best on ground performance backed up by Webb and Temming as they crushed Bulleen Templestowe by 156 points . Old Essendon continued on their winning ways by easily defeating the Tiger Sharks by over 100 points . Healey and DeMorton kicked 4 apiece for the winners while the Tiger Sharks were led by Ramirez-Smith, Guinan, and Rhoden . The North Old Boys dominated in a onesided affair kicking 25 goals to two against Aquinas who have yet to record a win . Preview Section 1 SKOBS are at home against Marcellin, in what has turned out to be a very important game for both clubs . Can SKOBS play out 4 full quarters or can Marcellin maintain the pressure & wait for St . K . to crack? SKOBS to win! A win to Collegians and bang they could be in the four . De La - hot then cold, I can't pick them - this

-,,((,k I'm hoping for some warm weather and iherefore, a째home" win . The long awaited replay oC last year s Grand Final teams . Can Xavs continue on their merry way or can Steve King "pull that rabbit out of his hat" for a surprise win? Unfortunately, O onM fire after,lastway weeks win will too beag strong for the youthful Old Hailebury team . 2nd plavs 4th down at the Beach Oval . Two very evenlv matched goal-kicking teams . McGuire & `1cGilvray against the Legudi brothers . The home team for me !

Section 2 The Hampton Rovers will be looking to conjolidate a position in the four when they take on Old Ivanhoe today . The Rovers have had the week off and will be too good for Old Ivahoe who }iave lost 3 of their first 4 games . In the match of die day the two undefeated teams, Old Trinity and old Scotch battle at the Hudson Oval in Bulleen . Of the two teams Old Scotch has been the most consistent and impressive this season and should extend their winning streak to 4 games . Beaumaris at home will have too much firepower for MHSOB despite the latter's convincing win last round . Yarra Valley haven't won since round 1 and will need to do something drastically different if they're going to turn it around this year, this week they take on a confident Whitefriars team who are coming off their first win. In a close one I'm going for the Friars . Section Blue Monash Blues host the Mentone Amateurs side chock full of confidence after last weeks win . The Blues were terrific last week and I expect them to play again with the same determination to win . De La unfortunately meet the undefeated Ormond at home in East Malvern . Tim has his guys playing an exciting running game and should win well. St . Leos are at home to a bold & optimistic Ajax unit . St. Leos will need to begin this game a lot better than last week . If they do, I believe they can win . 2 of the 3 undefeated sides meet with Caulfield at home . Can Caulfield hold Cheevers & Tsicadaris and can Sth . Hold Rynberk & Bruhn? For me the District boys - just! Last but not least Glen Eira encounter Old Mentonians at Packer Reserve . Coach Winduss will have his guys primed for this match in what will be a hard fought rugged encounter. The team that is hardest at the ball will surely win this game . O .M .'s to win in a close one .

Section 2 (Red) Michael Sagalas was proud of his boys guts and determination last week, they'll need to battle just as hard if they are going to beat the undefeated Rupertswood . Despite the home ground advantage I think the boys from Sunburywill be too good for the Wells. The North Old Boys have been consistent all year and will record another win when they take on the not to be underestimated Tiger Sharks at the Alec Gillon Oval . After two weeks break due to the Easter holiday Therry Penola will be keen to get out on the field, and should record their first win against a disappointing Aquinas side . The Uni Blacks have began to show some real form in recent weeks and may even be a finals contender, but they won't have the answers to beat Old Essendon who haven't looked like losing a game all year. Please note: Coaches comments can be forwarded to Tony Miller on 9571-2429 or 041-1190092 or email on kmiller@bigpond .net .au .


LAST WK TOTAL 9 3 1 1 5

21 16 16 16 16


Unc;z,L---,-L9 - Section 1 COLLEGIANS



Coach: Richard Obee

Coach : Terry Russell

Coach : Denet Me rton

Coach : Rod Bourke

1 2 3 4

1 . L. Young 2. C . Moran 3. S . Evans 4. S . Brown 5. S . O'Connell 6 . A . Bonnici 7. G. Wise 8. M . Naughtin 9, S . Hyde 70 . S . Hale 70 . B . Hawkins 11 . D . Doyle 12 . M . Goodier 13 . W. Jolley 14 . J . Lowe 16 . M . Miller 16 . B . Kropman 17 . J . Kean 18 . C. Mercuri 18 . A. McLeish 19 . R. Burrows 19 . T. Woodlock 20 . M . Picone (C) 21 S . Murray 22 T. Molan 23 P. Mulholland 24 J . Garland

1 . R . Galati

1 . D. Collins 2. D . Fotinioti s 3. D. Bonnici

Coach: Roger Brown 1 . C. Mizzi

1 . L Pt~.v

4. A . McIntyre

2 . C. McNicol 3 . T. Mattest i 4 . A . McGillivray 5 . B . Williams 6 . R . Stewart

2. L. Pitcher 3. H. Brooks 4. S . LangfordJones (C)

7 . C. Radom

g 9. A . Waxnt-art (DVC )

D . Coombes R . Muir D . Dowling R . Sztar

5 B . Hoist

6 7 8 9

A . Fletcher J . Farley B . Sloman B . Low M . White 13 B . Lumb 14 J . Dixon 15 N . Pereira 17 A . Shinkfield 18 D. Brewing

21 N . Chalmers 22 C. Rologas 25 M . Reid 26 P. Krotiris 27 B . Donnelly 29 B . Lukav 31 N . Herman 32 M . Johnson 33 J . Fitzpatrick 34 J . Youn9 40 J . Dixon 43 E . Waters

37 .J-Hynes

40 . P. Harrison 41 D . Spithill 42 A . Coffey 42 A . Care l0 47 J . Stinear 52 D . Poynton 61 R . Warmsley 63 P. De La Haye 70 M. Duggan

2. 4.

D . Cracknel l

L . Neal 6 J. Carpenter 7 D . McMillan 12 L . Connal 13 J. Matthews 15 R Baeyn . i 16 L . McMillan 18 L . Furlan 19 M. Mccartin 23 P. Hess e 25 N . Bisas 27 B . Norden 28 S . Baker 29 D . Ballantyne 32 V. Cahill 35 A . Carson 37 A . White 40 D . Newell 43 G. Thomas 53 S . Allitt

5. D. Maskell 6. A . Strawhorn 7. A . Fry 8, E . Hansen 9. D. Hose 10 . J . McLatchie 11 . C. Jayaweera 12 . C. Clegg 99 13 . D. Clegg 14 . L. Fuller 15 . M . McDowell 16 . A . Moon 17 . R . Mosbauer 18• M . Quinn 19 . S . Martin 20 . B . Southgate 21 . F. Ryan 22 . D. Waite 23 . T. Heal 24 . L. May 25 . P. Reed 26 . A. Chalk 27 . P. Jones 28 . T. Grierson 29 . C. Meehan 30 . A. Wilson 31 . S . Veltman 32 . P. Dugdale 33 . M . Guthridge 34 . K. LorenzDaniel

- - • - - - •

8 . C. McKimm 9 . M . Ward tO .A. Morley 11 . L. Adamis 12 .N. Kennedy 14 M . Lowe 16 B . Marks 77 D. Hellyer 19 P. Angelini 20 M . Smith 21 B . Titshall 22 A. Hughes 23 J . Dickerson 24 MJ Smith 27 J . Maguire


. :~

Coach : Heath B bent

5. A . Shaw 6.

7. J . Cashmere

10. B. Salves

11 . J . Wright 12.

13. B. Crawford (C) 14.G . Srrith 15.G. Winder


17. R. Plummer

18. D. Crow! 19. G.Fletddter(VC)

~ g Ferguson

21 .J . D~ 22

23. 24. P. Ladd

25.D. Webb 26. L. Hogan

27. A Janke 28. B. Hunter

29. D. Moss 32 D. Mackenzie 39 Q . Bean

40 S. Capron 42 B. Koetsier 47 T. Phi~4zs 51 L Holt

58 J. Webb

Cl) E ; :L' ": : :_ : ;'S


Coach : Wayne Holdswort h

Coach : Brendan Flynn

1 P Gal lagh e r C 2 T B ryan t 3 S Arden DVC 4 M Hawkins 5 T Stonier 6 J Grant 7 D Stewart 8 P Grundy DVC 9 J Byrne 10 B Marks 11 C Hinkfuss 12 T Middleton 13 A Simpson 14 T Cook 15 J Bracy 16 J Berma n 17 H O' Brien 18 T Fitzgerald

1 . T Lombardi 2 . P. palermo 3 . M. Cos9riff 4 . A. Tenson 5 . L . Mcmahon 6 . D . Boundy 7 . T Jenkinson 8 . G . kell y 9 . S. Hickey 10 . L . Collins 11 . A. Ploenges 12 . T. Bateman 13 . M . Shepherd 14. D . Furze 15 . J. Key 16 . S. Corcoran 17• L . Rosbrook 18. M . Thorpe 19 . G . Moore 20 . D . Dean 21 . G . Madden

19 M Iverson VC

20 C Alder 21 S Kennedy 22 A Wall 23 A Trelo ar 24 J Tucker 25 P Thomas 26 C Walker 27 L Beilby 28 M Rady ^ronik 29 T Duncan 30 A Wu 31 J Mulcahy 32 E Selby 33 C Miller

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Manny Nicolosi

ST. BERNARDS Conch: Peter O'Connor 1 . R . Legudi 2 . G . Ward

1 . A . Kelly 2. A . McCan h 3. B. SCalman ca ~VC)

3 . A. Souzika s 4 . SD . Borg 5 - J . Citarelli

4. J. n la n 5. M. Hi gins g 6. MA I en 7 . S. Johnston 8. L. McDonnell 9. J . 10 . J . Ralph Chabers

6. 7. 8. 9.

11 . L . Farrow 12 . J . Dillon 13 . D . Behan 14 . L. Moss 15 . M. Sleeman 16 . D . James 17 . D . Thomas

18 . N . Hulett 19 . M. D'Amelao 20 . J . McGrath

21 . R . Speekman (C) 22 . M. 6'Kane 23 . D . Bonadio 24 . N . Heatley 25 . H . Davies 26 . D . McKean 27 . A . Curtin 28 . A . McQueen-Parton 29 . N . Harbeck 30 . A . Pritchard 31 . D . Orland o 32 . S . Gr'W g

33C HaHwki 34 . L. Dinard o 35 . R . Lopresti 36 . D . Noonan 37 . P. Carter 38 . J . Demaria 39 . N . Quin n 43 A . Nolen 44 T. Fotzgerald 48 R . 0' Shannassy 55 G. Monahan 59 R . Macwhirter 71 M . McCarthy

J . McKay L . Harvey L . Wilkinson D . Valori

10 . J . Hill 11, S. lannozzo 12 . M . O'Donnell

13 . S. Burgyn 14 . P. Holland 15 . A. Garvey 16 . M. Stapleton 17 . M. D 'Arcangelo 18, D . Walsh 19 , Rahill 20 . D . Sheehan 21 . 22 . 2 3. 24, 25.

A. Smit h B. McM anus A . Mastropasqua L. Campbel l T. Legudi

26. A . Monteleone 27. L. Evans 28. M. Caligiuri 29. A . Abele 30. C . Trewi n 31 . L. 0'Brine 32. S . Monteleone 33. B . Gallatin 34. M. Zucco

35. T. Pearson 36. M . Pope 37. T. Carrick 38. N . Smith 39. J . Formica 40. R . Cousland 41 . M . Kavanagh 52 L. O 'Sullivan

ST. KEVINS Coach : Paul O'Shannassy

UNIVERSIT Y BLUES Coach: Steve Kin g

1, S. Moylan

2 L . Colema n 3 . A. Umbers 5 . Natal e 6 . Dellapicca 7• D . Jame s 8 . N . Marchesan i 9, D . satg hano 10 . I. Delic 11 . M. Hutto n 12 .C . Turlich 13 . K. Didili s 14 . J. Cassel l 15 . D . Bar e 16 . D . Lucas 17 . P. Cameron


18 . C . Moffa t 19 . E. Lynch

20 . L . Kalesaran 21 .T. Simpso n 22 . R . Dabrai o 23. M. Rig by 24 . G . Nolan 25 . A . O'Keefe 27 D . Youn g 28 M . Giansiracus a 29 J . Giansiracus a 30 M . Winridg e 31 A . Turlich 32 J . Cox 33 G. Healy 34 J . Henderson 35 W. Macdonald 36 W. McCann 37 M . Powell 38 T. Wickham 40 Fynmore 41 Dickeso n 42 B . Pug h 46 J . Travagli a 48 M . Kempton 52 Leathern

57 M . Hinsely

• ~ -

~ a • ~- ;


Se ~ -, -. 1 2 OLD CAREY OLD IV : . .

: Coach : Mick Deaton 1, J. Windeban k 2, D . Foley (C) 3, J. Mage e 4 A. Pratt 5, K. Taylo r 6 C . Collins 7, B. Cairns g J. Mead g. B. Gillespie 10. D . Bird 11 P. Brook (VC) 12, S . Lynch 13. C . Tuck B . Pearse 15, N . Clemente tg M . Blackmore Fitzgerald 17,. S .. Thom~son is, A 19 A . Guido m (C) 20 . A . Edge 21 . B . Zigouras 22 . D. Ha rtman 23 . T. Abbot 24 , M . Atkin s 25. L. Boreham 26 . L. Atkins ( DVC ) 2Z S. Coote 28 . R. Deaton 29 . A. Coote 30 . L . Tucker 31 . A. Spence 32 . J. Beattie 33. S. McNicholas 34. H . McMillan ~5. L . Healy 36. B. Deato n 37. M. Millis 38. S. Lee 39. L . Ramirez-Smith 40. E . Coope r 41 . R . Guinan

42. A . Wilson


Coach : Graeme Bulluss

Coach: Brett Gear

Coach: Stua rt McLea n

Coach: Wayne Stafford 1 M . Pearson 2 J. Lang 3 B. Boyd 4 S. Blangiardo 5 L . Hamilton 6 L . Kennedy 7 K . Johnstone 8 A . Clarke 9 B . Jovrett 10 M. Stafford 11 M. Lawrence 12 J . Zampaglione 13 T. Wilson 14 N . Goss 15 D. Molina 16 L. Malcolmse n 18 G. Kelly 19 J . Ng 20 S . Selett o 21 N. Mason 22 A. Goldner 23 B. Kulling 26 R. Alexander 28 N. Gould 29 J . Prantzos 30 A. Fisher 31 A. Vanderhelm 32 L . Ritter 33 C . Sendeckyj 35 L . Wheeler 36 A. Battams 38 M. Waxiel 40 S. Deal 41 M. Vaughan 43 A. Fishe r

1 E. Raleigh (C) 2 J. Zarb 3 D . Veale (C) 4 R . Ware 5 A. Keys 6 B. Woollard (VC) 7 A. O'Brien N . Orchard (VC ) 8 9 J . Walker 10 E . Sims-Luca s 11 A . Hall 12 M . Co tter 13 R . Patterson 14 P. Wolnizer 1 5 A . Vicendese 16 S . Sims-Lucas 17 G . Pollard 18 C. Soffer 19 A. Dymble 20 M . Tarr 21 M . Brown 22 A. Niren s 23 E . Ho 24 P. Rujevic 25 A. Svirskis 26 C . Wright 27 S. French 28 K. Miezi s 29 S. Allen 30 J. Membrey 31 M. Dowling 32 T. Harper 33 M. Neilsen 34 J, Veal e 35 G. Ranki n

1 . C. Smith 2. C. Stewa rt 3. B . Walsh-Richardson 4. K. Detarczynski 5 . T. Chapma n 6 . L. Battley 7 . P. Gizinsk i 8 . L . Costell o 9 . D. Shuti e 11 R. R. Hall 12 J. Hutchin s 13 J. Macpherson 14 P. Hollan d 15 J. Oppenheim 16 R . Graham 17 A. Wilkie 18 H . Sedman 19 L. Siragusa 20 R . Leon g 24 P. Unkle s 25 N . Detarczynski 26 E . Morga n 27 S . Bake r

44 D . Diver

46 S. Walker




Coach : Ter ry Kendall

Coach : Steve Maus

Coach : Tim Pratt

Coach: Rod Penatuna

1 . J . Cran e 2 . R. Craven 3 . S. Tulloch 4 . C. Adam 5 . S. Stewart 7 D. Adderley 8 S. Johnston 9 D. Johnston 10 S. Hamer 11 R . Jospehs 12 T. Page 13 A. Cteeland 14 D . Lo g an 15 D . Gilchrist 16 N . Colman 17 D . Pryles 18 J . Pilkington ( C 20 T. Wilson-HumpLes 21 S. Dillon 22 M . Pears e 23 A . Kyriacou 24 D . Jackson 25 E . Tembat h 26 D . Brooke 27 L. Routledge 28 S . Thom p son 29 J . Smedtey 30 A . Birc h 31 J . Beaurepaire C) 32 S . Nosking (VC~ 33 J . Rodski 34 M . Fowles 35 A . Tindale 36 R . Hook e 36 H . Fenne r 39 J . Footit 41 M . Lipshut 42 J . Ross 43 J . Denby 44 T. Collie 45 A. Fuller 46 J. Sikon 56 E . Ramsay 61 J. Stratos 62 D . Paul 69 C . Lucas 88 J. Lie

1 Peggie A 2 Hine A (C) 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Robison M 6 Rennie M 6 Burrows R 7 Dodgson B 8 Amiconi A 9 Best J (C) 10 Blackmore B 11 Clarke J 12 Kelly T 13 Ellerbeck G 14 Thwaites M 15 Oliver A 16 Condron K 17 Armatas C . 18 Heaven C 19 Cart er-Buszard L 20 Oberoi S 23 Wallin A 24 Christopherson J 25 Zandor M 26 Donahoo M (VC) 28 Cristiano D 29 McCutcheon M 30 Sullen M 32 Cornell J (VC) 33 Malekasi 42 Torney A 44 Lancaster 45 Ward C 50 Davies M 55 Troon R

1 . J . Wallace 2 . M . Cahill 3 . S. Cleve n 7 J . Power 8 M . Malady 9 L . Swain 10 L . Coulthard t t D. Crea 12 C . Slats 13 T. Langford 14 L . Twomey 1 6 R . Coslovich 17 T. Baru g h 18 M. Baker 19 J . Morris 20 S . Alexander 21 A . Graham 22 A . Baker 23 J . Treyvaud 24 M . Haverkamp 25 M . Crowe 26 N . Muhllechner 27 S . Sait 28 P. Harrison 29 D. D'sousa 30 B .Janson

1 A Middli n 2 M Norrish 3 N Pask 4 R Bett 5 P ValoPPi 6 D Lloy d 8 R Drew 9 B Keho e 10 J Seege r 11 Z Webb 13 L Gillies 14 G Thompson 15 D Smith 16 C Holdswort h 17 A Pizze y 18 C Bea l 19 A Coleman 20 D Senaratn e 21 J Tomkin s 22 J Peak e 23 T Collett 24 G Coutt s 25 F Pellagrin o 27 S Savage 29 D Bell 30 J Stron g 31 S Urban e 32 D Smit h 34 S Britt 37 D Sims 44 N Mart in

C" L,

'-~ -- '

Under-19 - Section (2 Blu e AJAX Coach: Mark Zuker


BE LA SALLE (Gold) Coach: Greg Buntine

GLEN EIRA Coach : John Howard

E,' 1 Coach : Shane O'Connor

Coac h: Chia Mathleson

1 . P. Wavlisc h 2. D. Mrocki 3. B . Hampel

1 . D. Krongold 2. C. Deal (VC)

4. R. Hampel 5. E . Goldstone

3. A. Axle s 4. T. Vinen

. Gutman 7 8. M S . Milmeister 9 . D. Van Akan 10. W. Beer 11 . A . Benedykt 12. J . Blankfield

5 . B . Gross 6. N . Bode 7 . P. Roberts 8 . S . Tucker 9• J . Dalwood (C) 10. S . McDonald 11 . B . Gardiner 12. B . Goddard (DVC ) 13. J . Morvell ( DVC ) 14. M . Green 15 . A. Docker 16 . P. McLeish 17 . P. Ellis 18 . N . GuY ett 19 . W. Brockett 20 . D . Griffiths 21 . D . Elais 22 . T. Rynberk 23 . B. Naylor 24 . G . Dyson 25 . M . Cramphorn 31 . M . Richardson 32 . L. Franklin 35 M . Kuppe 38 C. Veencjar 40 R. O'Neill 43 A . Bruh n 44 A . Vanrompaey 50 J . Wade

13. C . Braun

14. Y. Burqer 15. D . F in k e l 16. A . Burt 17. A. C ooper 18 . J. Feldman 19 . G . Gelbart 20 . J. Gellan d 21 . E. Goldman 22 . L . Goldman 23 . B. Nissen 24 . P. Glezer 25 . D. Grossman 26 . I . Gutman 27 . C. Spero 28 . D. Henzel 29 . E. Janove r 30 . V. Kelp 31 . T. Kalz 32. M . Krestenber g 33. A. Kron 34. B . Lukav 35. D. Norich 36. A . Sacks 37. D. Newstadl 38. S . Newstadl 39. I . Same 40. A . SaPar 41 . A . Rogers 42. C. Braun 43. E . Wolnizer

1 N Whitmore 2 M Stokie 3 J Rosengarten 4 M Bolton 5 P Avery 7 G Northway 8 J Backwell 9 CO'Sullivan B Rogers 11 M Edsall 12 G Smythe 13 A Perry 14 L Golding ts J Park g 16 A Carter 18 A Shields 19 R Buckleyy 20 W LiBI e 21 A Hicks

OLD MENTONIANS Coach: Jamie Winduss


8 M . Gooley 9 M . Brasher 9 L. Harrison 10 J . Clifton 11 A. Brett 12 J . Roberts 15 L. Browne

17 Jolly W 17 McGowan 19 S . Alder 21 M . Squire 23 L. Danaher 25 P. Rossiter 29 S . Browne 32 H . Funston 33 B . Lamb e 40 T. Heffernan 42 J . Bowden 42 M. Lafferty 43 R . Buckley 51 M. Conway 52 L . Moloney 53 C . Moran 54 J . Murphy 55 B. Nolan 56 J . Norton 57 B. Ramsey 58 C . Rice 60 D . Wood 61 L. Becker 62 C. Bellistri

Frr =

L_-, r






1 . M . Anderson 2 . P. Carey 3 . S. Batty



4 . B. Chandle r 5. T. Stephen s 6. D. Dick

23 H . Putz

18. D . Kirwi n

5 J Silver 26 M Martinov 27 J Noske 28 N Thompso n 31 S Barker 34 A Warwarek 39 M Ferrari 40 M M artinov 41 A Per 49 A O'Shannessy 91 T Collie

STH. MELD . DISTRICTS Coach : Darren McKiltop 12

9. G . Donova n 10 . A . Ballard 11 . A . Rook s 12 . M . Morris 13 . D . Savage 14 . N . Romne y

24 A Lom

16 N . Levett 17 A. Walstab 18 P. Williams 19 M . Dugga n 20 S . Pratt 21 S . Casacel i 22 D. Benni e 23 W. Corr 24 H . McMillan 25 N . Curran 26 A . Rock 27 M . Michaelidis 28 G. Allan 29 M . es 3 0 P. Kr ns 31 L. Dawson 32 T. Smith 33 D . Ogl e 34 M. Wingrave

7. J . Dixon 8. L. Culle n

14 . D . Jowett 15 A Goona n D McKenna 17 M Heffernan 18 M. Purcel l 19 C Everett 20 T. Harvey 21 S Anderson

22 R Quiney laae


1 . L . Russell (C) 2 . K. Harvey 3 . S. Tumiati 4 . D Casey (VC)

13. A . Kurzel

11 P. Rock e 12 B. Atherto n 13 C . Roc k 14 D . Kel ly 15 K. Little

41 C . Johnston e

Coach: Danny O'Sullivan

6 . M Lub a i g, j~u uell l 9. J . Putz 10 . L D'Astoli 11 . D Healy 12 . L. Breitkreuz (DVC)

1 Adrian Orchar d 2 K . McLeod 3 S . Hamilto n 4 Ash Orchard 5 T Fricke r 6 M . Meyer 7 T. Bar r 8 P. Dixon 9 L . Parson s 10 R . Ward

35 P. Murphy 36 A. Pothito s

Coach : Tim Hille

5. J Tolley

22 B Green

23 0 Cavicchiolo R Vrachnas 25 C Gilhome 27 I McCormick 28 J Mai n 29 TStan 30 J Mellington 31 S Hawkins 32 A Voigh t 34 P Fonseka 36 N Costley 42 S Kimber 44 0 Lappi n 45 H Graham 48 G Clugston 63 B Boyer 69 J Veenhuizen

J . Kea n S. Mahan 8 P. Arbon


64 T. Woodlock

45. B . Zygler

Coach : Dennis Grace

A. Toniola B. Guliffer P. Brat P. Mulholland

64 B . Cole

44. D . Zurich


1. 2. 4 5

15 . A . Adams 16 . M . Bansag9i

17. A . Dimbl e

19• A. Wundle 20. R . McKinno n 21 . D . Smit h

22 R . Warmsle y 23 . A. White



速 Section (2) Red TIGER SHARKS Coach : Terry McEvoy

Coach: Mark Beasley


1 , M . Len t

2, M . Alley 5. A. Boland 8, W. Lyin g 7. B. Crosbie 8. L. McAule y g, D . Poynton 10 . C . Field 12 . C. Munroe 13 . V. Hall


11 J O'Donnell 12

15 . S . Verone

16 . B . Murphey 18 . C. Chippendal e 19 . M . Bambury 20 . B. Dorkin 21 . J. Pierce 22 . G . Cochrane 23. N . Warton 25. G . Coyle 26. M . Lemieszek 27. J . Neagle 34. D . Ford 61 . D . Cole

1 S Marsh 2 D Florence 3 A Paradiso 4 0 Hill 5 M Pietryk 6 D McGreevy 7 M McGrath 8 R Conti 9 M Bickerdike 10 13 D Buccachio 14 M Collins 15 16 D Charles 17 18 P lacuone 19 D Murray 20 ,, 1 L Williams

r-= ; r

22 A Tehan 23 D Tsokas 25 L Caddy 26 D Martin 31 T Walters 33 P Gordon 34 G Taylor 35 P Tsokas 37 K Burridge

NTH OLD BOYS Coach : James Sandman

OL D CAMBERWELL Coach : Michael Sigala s

I T.Halpin 2 P.Daniels 3 J .Kir k 4 D.Collins 5 6 D.Gazelle 7 8 C.Faraci 9 N.Goonan 10 P.Sinnett 11 N.Phillips 12 13 14 15 J. Saad 16 A.Abou Eid 17 B.Allen

18 D .Jordan 19 M .Tale b 20 D .Jo cey 21 D .Edwards 22 TMilner 23 M .Carney 24 D.Owen 25 THampshire 26 H.Mapp lestone 27 J. Ras o 28 A' Orr 29 B.Taleb 30 Y.Taleb 61 J.Barlow 91 A .Buncle

1 . B . Tippe r 2. M . Santamaria 3. N . Robinson 4 . K. Nunn 6 T. Beranger (C ) 7 T. Hall o 8 A. MarA ett s 9 A. McGree 12 G . Welchart 13 J. . Derry 14 C . Munr o

15 J . Whelan 16 A . Canto r 17 J . Cramer-Roberts 18 M . Horqan 19 D . Mitch e ll 20 M . Butterworth

21 S . Jones 22 N. Johnso n 23 D. Joyc e 27 A. Hillier 28 L . Hancoc k 437

0 3 T Kent

47 T. Kerney (VC) 50 B. Ben c 51 B. Braithwait e 52 B. Laricchia 53 C . Morle y 54 P. Naa r 55 B . M cl eod Pain 5 A. e 58 7 D . Ling y 59 A . Davey

. 661 0R G. Ormsb 62 P. TriantalYyllou 63 K . Darby 64 D. Norton



Coach: John Newbold

Coach: Ken Balmer

1 J Williamson 2 A Salvo 3 C Oblivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMorton 6 D Slater 7 B Hakim 8 M Jinx ( C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 A Ruttkay 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke 15 16 E Healey 17 J Heritage 18 D Flaherty 19 A Burbridge 20 21 N Bartrum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burns 26 C McCormack 27 M Day 28 29 30

I R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 4 D Burrowes 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 7 B Whitehead 8 K Elliott 10 N Webb 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 13 D Wallace 14 D Mather 15 J Telfer 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnston 20 P Finn 21 D Heywood 22 A Certo 23 N Sullivan 24 G Price 25 R Hatty 27 M Koste 28 D Hum 29 J Heath 31 M Assouad

THERRY PENOLA Coach : Steve McMahon



Coach: John Bushb y

6 Taylor N 9 Bannister C 10 Bannister J 38 Nancharow M 56 Stepien S 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D 63 O'Sullivan D

64 Dakin D 65 Sifter T 67 Reynolds L 69 Leguier D

72 Johnson S 73 O'Brien J(VC) 77 Gleeson A 78 Barron B 79 Higgins T 80 Kiernan M 81 Delaney D 82 Bowcock D 83 Finn B 84 Russell G 85 Henderson G (VC) 86 Goodwin T 89 Christie A 90 Atkinson D(VC) 92 Springhall R 93 Smith J 94 Culph S 98 Hollow B

99 Holdstock G (C) 101 McCarthy L

I S Maguir e 2 T Halloran 3 R Drummon d 4 J O'Sullivan

5 T Laidla w 6 J Parkinson 7 B Ruscoe 8 C Schirmer 9 E Thoma s 10 A Torney 11 W Touzel 12 B Witten 14 A Bushby 15 A Cowley 16 D Morris 17 P Meller 18 S Rei d 19 P Seuren 20 A Whitloc k 21 T Youn g 22 N Barnett 23 L Beaton 24 D Cree k 25 S Monaghan

U1<DER 19 SECTION 1- 29.04 .00 Old Melburnisns 4.5 4 .5 8,12 7.18,58 St.%evins 3.1 3 .7 3.13 8.18 .52 MeiburNans:Marson . Ha;ckllts- Grundy . Thontas . Alder. 6Bnen, Anlen . Bese O-Btln, Old Gmndv, Hmckfuss. Thomas . fleOby, Tuck-St . Aevins : Look 2 . C-112, Leltbam 2. Best: Ltnch. Men . M .M. Cameron . StagGano, McCatm. Umpires : A!ble Foley, Justllt Lipsat!F). iinrceliin 1,3 4,5 6 .7 10 De la Sa11e 5 .2 10.5 11,13 14,161100 . 15-75 ALarceJlin:D. MeMWan 3, Carpenter 2. L MeMr1.3n 2 . Gallth 2- AWI . Best : C.hill . Batianttne . Alllt, McMtllrut . Nuttyan. :Yarden.De La Sidle: Gnat kkkers and best layers results not receficd . Umphea : Michael Phtlllps : Graeme Morg an IF ) Collegt®na Old Psradions CoIleglans: Goat kfe6 - at Shephard 2 . Palermo 2 . Cc Palermo . Hiehey, Bcntnrh,

1 .8 7.14 10.14 18.21 .129 5 .2 5.3 10 .8 12.8.80 stilts not reed-.Old Paradi®ns: Boktar 3, Hr- Lc>tnbarrll, A7cMahtat . 131st : Boktor. Ccxgr9L I. Umptres : Justin Grtrssbani: Tint Frtedman IF)

MIaaenod O.C Unhrersity Blues Mszenod:tieal. Mc[ntyxe- Fulkr . Best : dtostauer. Metnttre, Stnt~ita~t Cu, J;Wm^ecra.Universlty 4lues:Go,tl kickers and best Players resu i Paut Bern: htatt Cm iFl St Bernards



Old Xsvertans 3.5 5 .7 St . Ber^-- : t3^^sil as 2 . OG neil . It, ,r.lflL T. L : d! Coas u'1 • .r. .~..I :I 1101d :- :rt® n 1 .Tr

~ .b k u, . A Its, '•'. lhv F Brst :ti tnom~. UntIg . Scrntkct Umpires: D:vmen

5 .1 0 10,12

3.13.31 12.14.86 Umpires : 8.13,61 11,12,78 t. Bcst: tt :mt . tadxck 2 . k. Mcurillin .


Old SIaileybury 1 .7 1,7 4^10 4,11 .35 Old Hrtghton 1 .1 8 .7 10.10 18.12.120 Old Aelleybary :Cashmorr, Dartes^ . SaR-, Smith . Best: Wright, 5. Lattgford-Jwres. Snuth . J. N@bb . Baan .Old BrightonMeGutre 9. McGikrac 3 . Hughes %T& Rtmnt 2. ;teRkroi . Itenttra. Beshttu~+ttes, MeGlturat' . McGih^ray, V:dt?dms, Reddht, ~1 . Umpires : Chris Stevens: Ben Rrde 1F}

UNDER 19 SECTION 2^- 29 .04 .00 BYE Hempton Ro^xrs Okt Ivanhoe 0.1 3 .4 7.6 12,8,80 Old Trinity 8.3 11 .4 16,12 18^16,124 Old 1-hoe : Tuddenharn 3. Trig-11 2 . V,1, I, 2 . -, Go n . B~,k Bnn nqxson. FC. Griggs . C(arke. L1'rteh.Okt Trinity:Corne 1 116! ; 3' : ..! :en 2. C'-' n . Dwtahoe. Arntatas .-Biaclunorr, Gberoi. Lan} : t, tlest. I'. .-.t: Be=t . ~ Crls6arto. Mithen . Annatas, Langdmt.

Old Scotch 2,6 3-8 Beeumar[s A^RC 2.1 4.2 Old Scotch:6 mpaLZ 2. Hc g 2. C-, Ginhris Piikington . tio

:ht~ . " . ~ •a. Gikttnst . t6lLslttt-}~ .^ n

3. Yeter BrocN 2. 1 Atkms. Blnckmore, Tucker.

7-13 5.4

9^15.69 10 .7,87

pls. T :" umari :: . . :1 F' -

Atkirt.s . Clements- I :_sriel

Ynrm Valley 2,1 2 .1 6-4 9,5.59 AIIiSOB 0,4 4-12 8,13 13-18 .94 Y®na PaBey:Bea1 3. Wines 2 . tirhano. Satage. Snttth, Lla~d . l5rst : t .im^d. Collett, Seeger, Beai. t'ask, Urbano.1,4iSOH :Orehare1 2. R'atker 2, Patterson 2, Tarr 2. tCr.vdtard . S. SlmsLucas. Raletgh,leate, S.irskLS Best: Ceale, Keys. Dhnble -L'arb, Tan, Ru)eqe.

ti hitefdeta 2,8 8.12 12^16 Old Gr'y 1 .0 1 .3 1.3 Whitefriaro : E an 7, La °12, RIndIL Fta<~erkamp, Baker, Parer. Bsker, tiaverM,ap. Lar Old Carey:N, Detazenn i . ~. ...,. a;c Best: N . L'ru3r zrnskl r ,,. . x. K . Detarnnskl . Utid

UNDER 19 BLUE - 29.04 .00 South Metb. District 4.2 5,4 6.5 8,6,54 hianssh Slues 1 .2 2,5 4.7 6,12-48 South Rielh. Diatrict :Gezl la^hers and toot piayers results not rmeeKe d Monnsh Hhus:GaA k1?rs ;_nd best plagers rest, not reeeNed . Mentona A.F.C 8.5 11 .8 18.20 17,23 .12s On L. Sall e 1.2 3 .8 3 .9 7 .11,,,,, P*ientone : T. B-r ;, IG 11r . 2.5. Sullivan 2. Athertoa, P. Dteotr. }ytckt , Jell t.'ard. Best P. ~~ n 7 Cuace6 . Little.155rd.De Le Sallee Br.. v 2, Best: Dc,^le, Dinaher, CtcLeish . Brasher, Broan, r 3.7 4.7 7.16 9 .2177 St.L*rs t: 0.0 3.7 4 .7 6.11,48 QrmOT . I .'.,! _, E' ..-- 1 2, Everett, MCKennR Best : Luba. 111.!*-, Frtantnw .. ^ . ._ ~: .L-=-nvnaue :Mazcham 2, tiettletd, Brearler^ Cheny , Hatoekl. BelJak, Ma,s, Glen Elra 1-0 1-1 1 .2 2,4,18 AJAX 7.9 10,22 18,31 18 .34,142 GlenEha:' -,- h .t. L ::ut.4+-, Se)kinc}tvS^^tttm°rrick .Clarlr. AJAX:' 1. 3 b'. ..-1 113 :'? 13u11 ~. . .: 1 tf;ran-a Feidtnz . I:

Old Atentonlans 0,0 2.3 2,3 5,8,36 CaultteldGramn-_n 7.7 9.9 19,18 20.18.138 Old h4entonlens: Meander. Fish,, Mantn . Steabl:en, N59de-1 . :: : t FL-her- Aie^^an-:kr, GarBCh . Lau . Ste .ilflx_n, CasieIlo. CaultiPld Grammer^. RWrens 5 . Brnhn 4, Rntherk 3 . Baker 2. Dahe^aad 2, Wade. O'h`ill, 4teLCish, VeencJar. B~: Green . Rotxns, $n8tn . Bute, Baker, Ol!'eN.

UNDER 19 RED ^- 29.04 .00 T r Sharks

5.7,37 OId Essemion Grammer 22 .19,151 Tiger Sharks:L}~uit 2 . Rltalen . Tuck, hlch- Best: Ranttrewz-Smith . Gu➢ tvt, Rhnlen, I in .':: . <:r . Old Fnaendon Gremmec:t{ealeti' 4. DeMOnon 4. Flaherty 3 . Cello 3, . :cCorr ' .', .rincs 2, Roers. BnageL4ta, Devmux . Best: t491hamsoit. A4cCwmack . Flahem•, tr_y, r. Dehtanen . University Blocks 8,12,60 Old Camtxrwell 6,11.47 Unlversity L::.c&s: Gail kiekers -^d -t papers results not received . Old Camberwell :ROb6tson 3 . 1!. ..i~ 2 . Sarnamarta 2, D. t,Ltchell. Best : D. Mttchell, Rebhtr . Hancock, Ling . J .. :-.- s:G :Ru pertsarood 10.7 14 .12 23.17 30 .25.205 Bulleen Templestaare 1,1 4.3 6,3 7.7.49 Rupert-d: Burrexes 7. Temmtng 3, Webb 3. Page 1 FWUt 2 . Teiler 1 As-nd 2, Fle1111itg, Sld!ttmt, Stafford . Baines. tiurn. Price. 14'hitehead . Hatty, Best: Burtmra, WebbStafioni . Nam-, Fttnn, Sui➢tan . Bolero Templestaae:Flocence 3. Walters 2 . P. Twkas . Buceachte . Best : O6unne1l . Than. P- Tsokas, D . Marini. Taclor, Conte. merry Penchi O.B BYE AqWnss O.C 0.2 0.5 2.8 2 .8 .20 North Old Boys 5 .5 15.8 20.11 . 25^15.165 Aquinas O-C:Cale, Nley. Best : Alkec, terrnte . Cochrane, Ccele. North 02d Boys: Goal kickers and test pla}ers -iii, not receiced _

, R

n% _ d_Jae ®


Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . "ehaviour i,unners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena. Water carriers, It is preferable for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is away from "the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires ] have the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme . Please note all VAFA officials must be 15 years or older in Season 2000 . Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach , Attire Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers . VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers. VAFA white/biue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only.

Rain and plenty of it marred Rd3 but the football was of an excellent standard Review - Round 3 C olac hosted Geelong (1) on Friday night and were on the receiving end of a fired up Cats unit . The visitors running out comfortable winners . Keilor reversed the result when they played Geelong (2), the young Cats fought hard all day but were outclassed by the Saints. Sth . Yarra won a tight match against Hawthorn with both teams battling desperately all day, the Lions had enough to outlast the Hawks in a thriller . Bendigo (2) bounced back with a strong win over the Mambourin Tigers . The Warriors leading from go to whoa . Maribyrnong proved far too good for Broadmeadows (2) the young Kangas battling valiantly all day, but to no avail . The Bulldogs too strong in all positions . Karingal (2) easily defeated Ringwood Blues who were missing a couple of key players on the day . The Bulls getting the jump early and never looked back in the slippery conditions . Broadmeadows (1) and Bendi o(1) battled out a top game with the neither side able to break away for any part of the match . In the end it was the Kangas who got over the line to win an important game for them . North Ballarat received a forfeit from Karingal M. Parkside had the bye . LADDERS ROUND 3 DIVISION ONE PLAYED WON NORTH BALLARAT * 3 3 KARINGAL 1 3 2 GEELONG 1 3 2 BROADMEADOWS 1 3 2 PARKSIDE 3 2 COLAC 3 1 BENDIGO 1 3 0 DIVISION TWO PLAYED WON KARINGAL 2 3 3 STH . YARRA 3 3


2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0

Preview - Round 4 We travel to Parkiville today for the important Rd 4 matches . Maribyrnong host Sth. Yarra and given recent results the game should be tight with the Lions tipped to get the points . Broadmeadows (1) clash with Karingal (1) in what promises to be a beauty . The Kangas have recent good form but the Bulls can never be discounted and I feel will hold the edge in today's battle . Broadmeadows (2) clash with Karingal (2) and the match will be tight given recent results of the respective teams . The Bulls have better form of late and should get the points . Mambourin Tigers host Keilor and although the Saints won well last week and the Tigers were defeated I expect the Tigers to return to the winners list today . In Bendigo the home team host both Geelong teams . In the Division 1 match I expect the Cats to continue their wining form, but only just, while in Division 2 the Warriors should be too strong for the Cats . Ringwood host Hawthorn at Ringwood and given recent form the game should be close in all respects . The home ground advantage points me in favour of the Blues today . Colac receive a forfeit from Parkside due to a team suspension . North Ballarat have the bye .

LOST DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS 0 0 267 38 702 .63 1 2

0 283 80 353 .75 8 1 0 130 92 141 .30 8 0 148 137 108 .02 8 0 74 82 90 .24 8 2 0 8 256 3 .125 4 2 0 29 94 30 .85 0 LOST DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS

0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3

0 252 42 600 12 0 143 83 172 .28 12 0 199 59 337.28 8 0 151 104 145 .19 8 0 116 110 105 .45 8 0 158 115 137.39 4 0 127 176 72.159 4 0 76 143 53.146 4 0 45 224 20 .08 0 0 24 141 17.02 0







F.Istern ' Park, Saturday v. OLD MENTONIANS













U19 (2) BLUE


A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"

Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin ,


f ~: 1 - ;~_ :



(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this serviceO

:nd matches (Fri) 速 Scores (Sat . night )

(Glenhuntly Rd) is open esr r' rt36 ' ^h da v The mai The reargafe (off St Kilda St) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .

For news, views and previews, tune to The Ammos Show with Kevin Dwyer, Michael George, Norm Nugent and John Sampso n SATURDAY on 96.5 FM - 11 :00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m.


9.30 - 10 .30 a .m.

Special Guest is :

$ow ;.O& This Sunday - Dean Anderson (Caulfield Grammarians Coach)

Brad Beitzel reviews Saturday's matches in his Sunday Herald Sun weekly e速lu n速 North West Amateur Footy Report presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Bernards (A), Old Paradians (B), Therry Penola (C), Rupertswood (C1 8), West Brunswick (D2), LaTrobe Uni (Dl) , North Brunswick (D4), Thomastown (D2) .

PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm

Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.

ive A Section Football B roacleastfrom 1 .45 p.m. every Saturday 6 MAY OLD TRINITY vs ST KEVINS OB 13 MAY MARCELLIN vs OLD MELBURNIANS 20 MAY OLD SCOTCH vs OLD XAVERIANS


Old Trinity v. St Kevins


(match highlights and panel discussion of this match shown on Channel 31 Thursdays 8 .30 - 9 .30 p .m.

The Age VAFA sportswriter Paul Daffey writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and reviews the competition in Monday's Age. -


t8e S

Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams 6 .00pm - 6.15pm each Saturday night.

Late scores First offe -_ee ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100) ; each subsequent offence ($100) . Reserves!C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pna Nil Beaumaris (S ) Banyule (S) Uni . Blacks (S) Mazenod (U) Old Ivanhoe (U) Uni . Blacks (U) Rupertswood (U) Aquinas

AV2(May) This Sat : 6 May Old Trinity v . St . Kevin s This Sun : 7 May Old I3aileybury v. Old Mentonian s Next Sat: 13 May Mazenod v . Ormon d

Next Sun : 14 May Mother's Day no matches (S FL v VAFA - Norwood)

20 May Ground vacant - available . 21 May Ground vacant - available. 27 May Old Ivanhoe v . MHSO B 28 May Ground vacant - availabl e

Incorrect scores phoned -12d 3 Old Paradiaans (S), Fitzroy Reds (S), St . Johns (S), Old Ivanhoe (R), Oakleigh (R), Parkside (R), St . Johns (R), Werribee (R )

~1-eS uyirs %I-Om Tribunal April 2 5t h , 200 0

ail aiisn tit ::i c i

James Hayter. University Blues . Striking . 2 matches . Steve Trakas . Salesians. Time wasting. Not sustained . Ben Saaksjarvi . Buileen Cobras . Striking. 2 matches . Troy Thomas. Parkside . Head butting. 6 matches . Club complain t ° Barry Moore . Brunswick . Striking . 2 matches . ° Chris Baxter. Salesian . Sriking. 2 matches . ° Paul Khalid . Glen Eira. Abusive or insulting language .

th_ ute, ;li„ t 1 pr"'tt'-.. ._cUtiC,"~,7t]1 'i1SraSCC 1jn~'S ll Ih

T. „_ . Fu

t n ;;, ~

*Players accepted Prescribed Penalty .

VALE Old 1'aradians' Committee, Players and Supporters were saddened to learn of the death of Rev . Fr. Daniel Gerrard (Gerry) Briglia on April 18 . Fr . Briglia was the Parish Priest at St . Damians Bundoora for 17 years until his retirement in 1998 and will be long remembered by us for his strong and continued support of the OP's sporting clubs . He was a former VP of the Football Club, a Past President of the cricket club and was Life member of both clubs . Fr. Briglia was buried in the Brothers cemetery at Parade College which overlooks the Naughtin Oval . 54

. n :: , u, t ;ss 3f

~tc r it, :_ : itan r :, J . of the re~i_ttiA . r.rio_hi rsults :n~.utom:url" ;~ ~








A RESERVE SECTIO N ST BERNARDS 4 4 0 0 302 193 156.48 16 OLD XAVERIANS 4 3 1 0 461 197 234 .01 12 OLD SCOTCH 4 3 1 0 381 182 209 .34 12 MARCELLIN 4 3 1 0 273 168 162 .50 12 OLD TRINITY 4 3 1 0 275 213 129 .11 12 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 2 2 0 282 183 154 .10 8 STKEVINS 4 2 2 0 307 322 95 .34 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 0 4 0 191 406 47 .04 0 MHSOS 4 0 4 0 169 408 41 .42 0 OLD IVANHOE 4 0 4 0 64 433 14 .78 0 B RESERV E DE LA SALLE 4 4 0 0 364 158 230 .38 16 MAZENOD C 4 4 0 0 401 223 179.82 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 4 3 1 0 320 239 133 .89 12 ORMOND 4 3 1 0 313 28S 109 .82 12 OLD PARADIANS 4 2 2 0 356 193 184 .46 8 OLD BRIGHTON 4 1 3 0 261 282 92,55 4 COLLEGIANS 4 1 3 0 271 355 76 .34 4 WHITEFRIARS 4 1 3 0 208 313 66 .45 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 1 3 0 157 312 50 .32 4 OLD MENTONIANS 4 0 4 0 126 417 30 .22 0 C RESERV E THERRY PENOLA 08 4 4 0 0 414 200 207 .00 16 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 3 1 0 430 230 186 .96 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 3 1 0 361 220 164 .09 12 ST BEDES MENT TIG 4 2 2 0 314 216 145 .37 8 AJAX 4 2 2 0 319 247 129 .15 8 PRAHRAN A F C 4 2 2 0 309 299 103 .34 8 ,:r.NHOE ASSUMPTION 4 2 2 0 274 314 87 .26 8 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 2 2 0 231 387 59 .69 8 OLD GEELONG 4 0 4 0 168 382 43 .98 0 GLEN EIRAAFC 4 0 4 0 151 476 31 .72 0 DI RESERVE SECTIO N AQUINAS 0 C 4 4 0 0 439 131 335 .11 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 4 3 1 0 506 156 324 .36 12 CAULFIELD GR 4 3 1 0 308 141 218 .44 12 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR4 3 1 0 284 198 143 .43 12 BANYULE 4 2 2 0 331 197 168 .02 8 ,MONASH BLUES 4 2 2 0 222 207 107 .25 8 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 2 2 0 266 342 77 .78 8 OLD CAREY 4 1 3 0 304 301 101 .00 4 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 4 0 4 0 129 409 31 .54 0 ,OAKLEIGH A F C 4 0 4 0 34 741 4 .59 0 D2 RESERV E UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 4 0 0 339 116 292 .24 16 SALESIAN 0 C 4 4 0 0 392 255 153 .73 16 PARKSIDE 4 3 1 0 '.i49 196 178 .06 12 KEW 4 2 2 0 363 284 127 .82 8 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 4 2 2 0 285 242 117 .77 8 THOMASTOWN 4 2 2 0 285 305 93 .44 8 PENINSULA 0 B 4 1 3 0 269 341 78 .89 4 FITZROY REDS 4 1 3 0 260 337 77.15 4 ',+EST BRUNSWI CK 4 1 3 0 194 278 69 .78 4 MENTONE A F C 4 0 4 0 116 498 23 .29 0 03 RESERVE STJOHNS OC 4 4 0 0 411 218 188 .53 16 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 4 3 1 0 352 140 251 .43 12 ELSTERNWICK 4 3 1 0 334 205 162 .93 12 U H S O B 4 3 1 0 368 238 154 .62 12 POWER HOUSE 4 3 1 0 285 225 126 .67 12 P4VlTHORN AMATEURS 4 1 3 0 280 335 83 .58 4 ELEY PARK A F C 4 1 3 0 248 364 68 .13 4 ALBERT PARK A F C 4 1 3 0 236 375 62 .93 4 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 1 3 0 180 342 52 .63 4 MONASH GRYPHONS 4 0 4 0 172 424 40 .57 0 D4 RESERVE MT LILYDALE

4 4 0 0 418 142 294 .37 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 4 0 0 440 233 188 .84 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 4 3 1 0 337 174 193 .68 <BULLEEN COBRAS 4 3 1 0 364 224 162 .50

16 16 12 12 ST MARYS 4 3 1 0 362 237 152 .74 12 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 4 2 2 0 241 267 90 .26 8 BENTLEIGH AFC 4 2 2 0 234 269 86 .99 8 'SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4 1 3 0 199 285 69 .82 4 -SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 4 1 3 0 243 400 60 .75 4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 4 1 3 0 187 436 42 .89 4 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 4 0 4 0 204 340 60 .00 0 BRUNSWICK A F C 4 0 4 0 136 358 37 .99 0 0 TI-IF 4MATFI10 FllnT- i - nnnn










CLUB 18 (1 ) 4 4 0 0 349 133 262.41 16 4 3 1 0 282 225 125.33 12 4 3 1 0 327 263 124.33 12 4 3 1 0 149 178 83 .71 12 4 2 2 0 306 251 121 .91 8 4 2 2 0 205 176 116 .48 8 4 2 2 0 163 163 100 .00 8 4 1 3 0 119 306 38 .89 4 4 0 4 0 153 358 42 .74 0 CLUB 4 4 4 4

4 4 3 3

018(2 0) 0 0 1 0 1 0

439 113 388.50 352 196 179.59 312 137 227 .74 242 184 131 .52

4 4 4 4 4

3 2 2 1 1

1 2 2 3 3

288 253 214 289 284

0 0 0 0 0

16 16 12 12 243 118 .52 12 272 93 .01 8 432 49 .54 8 205 140.98 4 236 120.34 4

4 1 3 0 231 256 90.23 4 4 0 4 0 160 402 39.80 0 4 0 4 0 101 489 20 .65 0 UNDER-19 SECTION I 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 3 3 3 3 3

0 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0

437 454 407 394 393 347

4 4 4 4 4 4

2 2 1 0 0 0

2 2 3 4 4 4

0 0 0 0 0 0

410 383 374 268 209 180

277 264 279 295 320 344

157 .76 171 .97 145 .88 133.56 122.81 100.87

16 12 12

12 12 12 224 183.04 8 288 132.99 8 382 97.91 4 463 57 .89 0 521 40 .12 0 599 30 .05 0


4 4 0 0 333 213 156 .34 4 4 0 0 381 262 145 .42 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 3 1 0 264 218 121 .10 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 3 1 0 338 321 105 .30

16 16 12 12 MHSOB 4 2 2 0 237 245 96.73 8 WHTEFRIARS 4 1 3 0 332 290 114.48 4 OLD IVANHOE 4 1 3 0 340 408 83 .33 4 YARRA VALLEY 4 1 3 0 312 376 82 .98 4 OLD CAREY 4 1 3 0 252 456 55 .26 4 UNDER-19 ( 2) BLU E SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4 4 0 0 537 213 252 .11 16 ORMOND 4 4 0 0 453 180 251 .67 16 CAULFIELD GR 4 . 4 0 0 568 248 229.03 16 MONASH BLUES 4 2 2 0 518 218 237 .61 8 MENTONE A F C 4 2 2 0 370 386 95 .85 8 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 4 2 2 0 347 408 85 .05 8 AJAX 4 1 3 0 342 386 88 .60 4 DE LA SALLE (2) 4 1 3 0 380 463 82 .07 4 OLD MENTONIANS 4 0 4 0 176 642 27 .41 0 GLEN EIRA 4 0 4 0 130 677 19 .20 0 UNDER-19 (2) RE D OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR4 4 0 0 710 170 417 .65 16 RUPERTSWOOD 4 4 0 0 481 193 249.22 16 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 3 1 0 447 184 242 .93 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 3 1 0 423 230 183 .91 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 2 2 0 230 259 88 .80 8 TIGER SHARKS 4 2 2 0 252 368 68 .48 8 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 1 3 0 261 571 45 .71 4 THERRY PENOLA OB 4 1 3 0 153 367 41 .69 4 AQUINAS O C 4 0 4 0 118 733 16.10 0 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0



% POINTS TEAM NAME P W L D FOR AGAINST A SECTIO N 4 3 1 0 529 289 183 .04 12 OLD SCOTCH ST BERNARDS 4 3 1 0 556 384 144 .79 12 3 1 0 458 404 113.37 12 ST KEVINS 4 OLD XAVERIANS 4 2 2 0 456 409 111 .49 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 2 2 0 433 421 102 .85 8 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 2 2 0 400 401 99 .75 OLD TRINITY 4 2 2 0 357 400 89 .25 8 OLD IVANHOE 4 2 2 0 316 492 64 .23 8 MHSOB 4 1 3 0 353 474 74 .47 4 MARCELLIN 4 0 4 0 339 523 64 .82 0 B SECTION ORMOND 4 4 0 0 470 280 167 .86 16 BOYS 4 3 1 0 429 312 137 .50 12 NORTH OLD 4 3 1 0 477 383 124 .54 12 OLD BRIGHTON 4 2 2 0 352 308 114 .29 8 OLD PARADIANS WHITEFRIARS 4 2 2 0 368 323 113 .93 8 DE LA SALLE 4 2 2 0 369 370 99 .73 8 MAZENOD 0 C 4 2 2 0 364 376 96 .81 8 COLLEGIANS 4 1 3 0 281 368 76 .36 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 4 1 3 0 346 517 66 .92 4 OLD MENTONIANS 4 0 4 0 237 456 51 .97 0 C SECTION BEAUMARIS A F C 4 4 0 0 584 328 178.05 16 A J A X 4 3 1 0 478 400 119 .50 12 12 THERRY PENOLA OB 4 3 1 0 389 378 102 .91 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 2 2 0 328 282 116 .31 8 ST BEDES MENT TIG 4 2 2 0 348 347 100 .29 8 OLD GEELONG 4 2 2 0 368 459 80 .17 8 GLEN EIRA A F C 4 1 3 0 424 405 104 .69 4 PRAHRAN A F C 4 1 3 0 433 466 92 .92 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 1 3 0 373 489 76 .28 4 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 4 1 3 0 355 526 67 .49 4 Dl SECTION 4 4 0 0 625 323 193.50 16 AQUINAS 0 C MONASH BLUES 4 4 0 0 497 301 165 .12 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS 4 3 1 0 464 321 144.55 12 12 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 4 3 1 0 364 344 105 .81 BANYULE 4 2 2 0 475 383 124 .02 8 .49 8 CAULFIELD GR 4 2 2 0 403 352 114 OLD CAREY 4 2 2 0 367 392 93.62 8 .21 0 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 0 4 0 288 435 66 0 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 4 0 4 0 261 529 49 .34 .25 0 OAKLEIGH A F C 4 0 4 0 326 690 47 D2 SECTIO N PENINSULA 0 B 4 4 0 0 495 287 172 .47 16 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 3 1 0 437 314 139 .17 SALESIAN 0 C 4 3 1 0 374 343 109 .04 12 THOMASTOWN 4 2 2 0 402 413 97 .34 8 PARKSIDE 4 2 2 0 332 355 93 .52 8 4 2 2 0 281 408 68 .87 8 WEST BRUNSWICK YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 4 1 3 0 372 362 102 .76 4 FITZROY REDS 4 1 3 0 397 437 90.85 4 KEW 4 1 3 0 359 428 83 .88 4 ., 0 354 456 77.63 4 MENTONE A F C 4 1 D3 SECTIO N 16 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 4 4 0 0 479 254 188 .58 12 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 3 1 0 534 316 168.99 ELSTERNWICK 4 3 1 0 453 355 127.61 12 .45 12 4 3 1 0 437 354 123 UHSOB POWER HOUSE 4 3 1 0 386 380 101 .58 12 .46 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 2 2 0 463 325 142 ST JOHNS 0 C 4 1 3 0 394 337 116 .91 4 .51 4 ELEY PARK A F C 4 1 3 0 302 554 54 ALBERT PARK A F C 4 0 4 0 288 568 50 .70 0 .48 0 MONASH GRYPHONS 4 0 4 0 287 580 49 D4 SECTION BULLEEN COBRAS 4 4 0 0 449 302 148 .68 16 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 4 0 0 451 308 146 .43 16 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 4 3 1 0 417 289 144 .29 12 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4 3 1 0 364 286 127 .27 12 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 4 3 1 0 380 314 121 .02 12 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 4 2 2 0 400 315 126 .98 8 BENTLEIGH AFC 4 2 2 0 439 388 113 .14 8 MT LILYDALE 4 1 3 0 349 369 94 .58 4 ST MARYS 4 1 3 0 355 441 80 .50 4 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 4 1 3 0 326 464 70 .26 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 4 0 4 0 297 503 59 .05 0 BRUNSWICK A F C 4 0 4 0 256 504 50 .79 0

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