fostering Famify rFoot6a!lsince 1892
f) I I I Ci/~ VicHcalUfi
Kev"rn ~~ ,'Aett zn' Simon O'Donnell . No matter what sport you're talking, they'll serve up the latest sports news, and interview the sports stars making the news . So when sports news happens Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell will break it during The Big Sports Breakfast. Switch on between 5 .30-9am each weekday morning to Melbourne's own Radio Sport 927ana .
. . . From My Desk
I -r~'I'C CEI)AY jnuzg forward to a big turn out at tomorrow's I ulfield meeting, traditionally VAFA Raceday . Many of the races are named after VAFA club s ;id sponsors and there are incentives in place for tubs who support this day . The club that produces the winner of the Schweppes VAFA Half M ile Run will receive $1,000 of Schweppes soft drink products and the club that 1, :Is the highest attendance at Caulfield tomorrow will win $500 of Schweppes soft drink products . Known runners at the time of printing include Jt :stin Murphy (De La Salle), Mark Nicol i-lstermvick), Heath Young (Ivanhoe), Darren . : thur (Mazenod), David Stevens (Old Paradians) , Pattison (Peninsula), Matthew Hutton (St . nsi, Rvan Scott (Thomastown) . Tim Sutcliffe
A Umpires) and Andrew Burgdorf (St Leos Emmaus) . Phil's tips
Sutcliffe to win th e
Schweppes Half M ile and Oakleigh to win the S'_A FA Highest Attending Club.
COGNITION AWARD - COMMUNITY ;,.,UB OF THE YEAR A$2,50Q cash recognition award has been made available through Football Victoria to recognise one Community Football Club for its contribution to the local community .
Clubs are not being asked to implement a new program in an attempt to win the award, but are asked to document the activities that all clubs c :irry out as a matter of course which demonstrate football clubs as being responsible contributors to their local community. For example, what activities does your club undertake to provide opportunities to build social and friendship networks, to reduce social isolation and to enhance community well-being? How does vour club provide positive role models to young people? How do you improve people's confidence by c,ieouraging the youth of your community to be involved in football thus providing a healthy sporting outlet? How does your club discourage antisocial behaviours and misuse of drugs and alcohol
and tackle the smoking issue? I wi ll be writing to all clubs soon Hf=: r,L STEVENS outlining how to p repare a report . CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER However, today's introduction is to merely "flag" the Award and seek to get your club to appoint a sub-committee to commence brainstorming information and programs that you know your club already implements that may qualify your club for consideration for this Award . I am happy to advise and support clubs who want to give this Award a "real good shake . " I am a strong believer that the value of a football club to a local community is often undervalued . With the failure of our school system in many areas, and the breakdown of of the traditionally strong family unit these days, our club is often asked to perform many more functions than to simply provide a good safe game of football .
SNIPPETS - FROM DES K - All Star Australia's Pick the Score Competition . The prize, which jackpots by $50 each week, now stands at $450 going to the winning entrant and a further $450 to the winner's nominated VAFA club. - Today's cover shows Old Scotch's Ryan Eagle marking strongly, Old Trinity's Sam Kennedy firing away a handpass and Adam Anderson of Monash Blues (bottom right) taking possession despite strong attention . Thanks to everyone who helped in identifying people shown on covers . - Clubs are asked to take note of correct attire (players and officials). Even in the cold weather runners, players, water carriers etc should not wear any other visible articles of clothing under VAFA recognised attire . Similarly players are not to wear bike shorts that are other than flesh colored . Have a great day at an Amateur match near you.
A SECTION by Jason Fr n e l could well be remembered as the definin g atch of the season - certainly, no-one woul d deny its importance as a contest which pitted first against second . To that point, St Bernards, despite their marked improvement this season, were still playing second fiddle to Old Scotch, both on the ladder and in most pundits' calculations . But not anymore - not after last Saturday's 166-point drubbing of the Cardinals . It was a memorable performance for many reasons, if not for the sheer size of the win then certainly for the tremendous scoreline the home side were able to muster in what were very trying conditions . The Bernies' 11 goal first term was faultless football, both in precision and accuracy, and after morethan-competent second and third terms, they turned it on again in the last quarter to boot another eight goals . MARCELLIN The disappointment continues for Gary Connolly and the Eagles, another fadeout after being well and truly in the game at half time, trailing St Kevins by just three points. The Eagles managed just one goal after half time, and didn't score in the last term . Marc Browne battled valiantly in the ruck, and Cox played his usual tireless game . MHSOB The Unicorns proved that they don't need Macedonian miracles to notch up a win, scoring an important win over Old Ivanhoe . MHSOB jumped out of the blocks early with Gerner and Eabry leading the way and Pertzel chipping in with some goals . If you're wondering whether MHSOB are the real deal, check them out today against St Kevins . OLD IV HO E A poor start from the 'hoers and they found the going uphill after that, playing catch-up footy all afternoon and only making some sort of inroads into the score in the last term . Hope's four goals was a plus for Kevin Tibaldi, but the coach will be hoping for miracle if he wants to play in this year's finals series . OLD MELBURNIAN S Last year's runners up have - remarkably slumped to eighth with a 3-5 record, and this despite pushing the reigning premiers to a goal in the grand final replay at Toorak Park . Veteran McMullin provided a stellar effort in front of goals with eight of his team's 12, but the road gets decidedly tougher for Neil Ross and the Redlegs today when they host he all-conquering St
Bernards at the Junction Oval . OLD SCOTCH One minut e you're travelling nicely, the next you're being wa1loped to the tune of 166 points. Not that the loss means the Cardinals are an ordinary team; but it remains to be seen how they could possibly take in any confidence to any future meetings with St Bernards this year. Another test today against the Blues, but a good side should bounce back after a week they would rather forget. OLD TRINITY Another good win for the T's, and just for reward, they move ahead of St Kevins and slide into fourth spot by virtue of a superior percentage. A watertight defence restricted the Blues to just one goal in the first half, while two giants of the game, Andrew Ramsden and Gil McLachlan, battled a war in the ruck . Must maintain the momentum today against Old Ivanhoe . OLD XAVE S Inaccurate kicking didn't help Xaverians in the grand final replay, but a strong first half proved to be enough anyway as they fought off a spirited Redlegs revival . Andy Gowers continues to get better as the season progresses and a Dillon can always be counted upon to see Xavier over the line . Quietly sitting in second spot . ST BERNARD S An imposing combination with winners on every line, but the scoring firepower and variety of targets continues to be a major factor in St Bernards strength . Throw in players like Merrington, Jordan, Taylor and the indomitable Joe Mount, and you could well be looking at this year's premiers . ST KEVINS Just doing what they have to do to get over the line at the moment St Kevins, cruising along with a 5-3 record as they hold onto the tails of the leading pack in the A-section ladder. Too strong for Marcellin in the second half, with Ben Garvey and Marcus Dollman the pick of the bunch . Good to see the name Gross back among the better players . UNIVERSITY One measly point in the first quarter against Old Trinity, the Blues must have known early on that they were in for a dirty day . Gil McLachlan continued what has been an outstanding year already, and Slimmon and D Hayter did thei r THF GMOTFI IR Pf)(1TR01 I PP 9() N
111~ best to spark up a revival, but the Blues strugLied to kick goals and register a winning score . \Vith a 4-4 record and an impending clash with ,He cardinals today, the Blues' season is well truly on the line .
St. Bernards - congratulate the following players on reaching club milestones over recent v;eeks . Ben Hogan ( 100 games), Craig Osborne, Joe Mount, Stuart Donnelly, Liam Kavanagh, Tait Wilkinson & Justin Evans (50 games) .
SENIORS - 27.5.00 St Kevins : 3.8 4.9 9.12 11 .14.80 Mnrcetlin: 1 .3 4.6 5.10 5.10.40 St Kevins : Curtis 2 . Bowles 2, M . Ryan 1, Fraser 1, Richardson I, Sibilia 1 . Lucas 1 . Kenipton 1, Giansuracusa I . Best: Gravev. M. Dolhnan, Perrett. Pic'd'ord . Bowles, Gross . Marcellin : Treganowan 2 . Waters i . Caffnr 1 . Walker 1 . Best : Cox. Slatterv . Browiie. Tavlor. Johnstone. Armstrong. Umpires: Thn Sutcliffe: Richard Eastwood (F) . Nathan Bi)ling; Kirsty Pay (B). Stephen Leahy. John Robinson (G ) Old Xaveflans : 4 .10 7.16 9.17 11 .19.85 Old Melburnlans: 1 .1 5.3 9.6 12 .9.81 Old Xaverlans : Richardson 3 . Gordon 2, A. Dillon 2 . Fleming I . Lethtean 1Cranaue 1 . Gowers 1 . Best: A . Dillon, Gowers . Blood . Ford- McQueenParton. Elks . Old Melburnians : McMullin 8. Topakas 2. S . Boyd I . Hohne 1 . Best : Revnotds. McMullin, S. Bovzi. Roberts, S . Theodore . Bern,. Umpires: Steve McCarthy ; Robert Sneddon (F), Brendan Corcoran; Robin Dever (B). Kevin Segota : Bernie Jephson (G ) St Bernards: 11 .0 17.9 22.12 30.16.196 Old Scotch: 0.1 2.2 2.3 5 .6.36 St Bernards: N . Mitchell 6 . McKeon 5 . McLaughlin 5 . L. Gollant 3. Merrington 2. Jordan 2. J. Gollant 2, Collins I . D . Byrne 1 . Allard 1. McKay I- Taylor 1 . Best: Merr'utgton . Jordan . McKeon . Taylor. Joe niountMctaugtrlhi . St Bernards : Hawkins 1 . Phillips I . Robinson 1, Parthenides l, Crow 1 . Best: Hume . Blenhe'nn. Angus, Lillni ston. Parihenides . Wigney . Umpires: Tim Ovadia Craig O' Donoghue (~), Alez Tsilemanis : Adam Conquest (B) . Russell Owens ; Dominic Napoli (G Old Ivanhoe: 12 .8 3.4 6.6 12.10.82 MHSOB: 4 .1 8.7 13.10 15.11 .101 Old Ivanhoe : Hope 4, Toovey 2 . Byrne 1, Keane 1 . McLean I . Spoor 1 . Lochran I . White 1 . Best : Hope. Price- Knight . Spoor- Tiernan. Mansfield. MHSOB: J . Gerner 6, J . Pertzel 3, Skinner 2, Wilson 1 . Eabrv 1 . Krios 1 . Metntyre 1 . Best : Gerner, Eabrv. Limbrick, Pertzel, SherrV . Fairchild. Umpires: Mark Jenkins: Peter Simpson (F). Santo Caruso :David Gourlay (B). Vin klescovi ;Geoff Robinson (G University Blues: 01 1 1 .4 3.6 5 .8.38 Old Trintty: 4 .1 6.1 7.3 8 .5.53 University Blues : Versteegen 1 . Cotiloupas 1, Hutchins 1 . De Crespigny 1 . Cheel 1 . Best : Fehrfng, D. Ha}1er . SWnnion . Royd House . Fishley, Hutchins. Old Trinity : C . Phillips 3 . Boyd 1 . Frost I . L . Kennedy 1 . Power 1, Van Der Venne 1 . Best : A. Rarnsden. Clarke . Deane-Johns. C . Phillips . Arrowsnuth. Pon,er. Umpires : Grahaazn Thwaites ; Mark Gibson (F) Tim Dodds ; Bob Mutton (B) Michael Lentlni Bernie Hoare (G )
Sportscover is proud to be the endorsed insurer of V.A.F.A.
University Blues: 0.0 2.1 3.4 5 .5.35 Old Trinity: 3.5 6.6 7.7 7.10.52 University Blues: Hocking. North . Longley. B . Coleman Brown . Best: Featherstone . Longley. R . MeKerrow, Hotton . Nailon, Stockdale . Old Trinity: Hudson 2 . Curran 2 . Lauletta 2, Neuanan . Best : Broster. Jarred, Harmer, Cameron . Newman, R . Ramsden . Old Ivanhoe: 3.5 5.8 8.13 13.17.95 1 .2 1 .4 2.5 2 .5.17 MHSOB: Old Ivanhoe: Smith 2 . Stewart 2. Pollock 2 . Bolton . Corcoran . Gerry Geroge Manefield, Hawkes, Tolley. Best: Brophy. Pollock. Smith, Veal . Ross . Moor. MHSOB: Robinson . Chester. Best : Wright, Drake, Robinson, Feferkranz . Walker. D. Norton . St.Bernards: 1 .1 3.6 4.7 8 .7.55 Old Scotch: 5.2 6.4 10.7 14.10.94 St.Bernards: Evans 2, P. Harvey. Jim Mount . Tankev. Nutter, Rontaniw. Loughlin . Best: J . Mount . Tankey, Harvev, DeBono, Nathan . Loughlin . Old Scotch: Crane 6 . T. Reid 2. Hooper, T. Collins, Morris . Prendergast . McCully. Stevens. Best : Prendergast . T. Reid. T. Collins, Stokes. LeitL Stevens . Old Xaverlans: 1 .3 7.6 9.10 10.15 .75 Old Melburnlans: 2.1 2.2 2.7 4.10 .34 Old Xaverians: Macwhirter 3 . Oswald 2 . Hilbert 2, Stean, Sasi, P. Ryan. Best : Sassi- Maewhirter . Ha)l .Hiibert . Skidmore, Hardman.0ld Melburnians: M . Rose, S. Rose . Hewitt. P. Theodore . Best: Stater. Bennett. Waddell . Davies, Murphy, Sallabank . St.Kevins: 3.2 7.2 7 .4 8.7 .55 Marcellin: 2.3 3.5 3 .7 3.7 .25 St.Kevins: Shelley 2. D. Hanlon 2 . Hughes . Roberts. Dabraio. Game . Best: Winterton . Hull-Browa Shelley. Waight . Moylan, Harper. Marcellin: Stuart Cooper 2, Cope. Best : Fnsian. Cull . Cope, Harberts, Gary Wilkinson . Print, Wallis
Ru, ~~~~速 (03) 95617577 ~ : 03) 7566
r u~ ~~~i =1 ~~ J A melee is Where anincident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground o r other or other similar such conduct "
l~ ~TS 1/E
A Sectio n MA R G ELL19i Coach : Garry Connoliy Res . Coach: David Howe 1 . C . Slattery 2 . M . Karavisils 3 . D . Waters (C) 4. M . Gil l 5. M. Mora n 6. D . Sampimon 7. M . Rowe 8. R. Frisina 9 . M . Day 10 . A . Caffry 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12 . B . Croni n 13 . T Collins 14 . R . McMahon 15 . M . Chu n 16 . W. Devercelli 17. G . Cox (VC) 18 . D . Gartner 19 . D . Cooper 20 . S. O'Flynn 21 . N. Walker 22 . D. Marson 23 . P. Gleeson 24 . L. O'Flynn 25 . L. Furlan 26 . N . Armstrong 27 . D . Theisz 28. D . Johnston 29. M . Symes 30. A . Treganowan 31 . S . Ye e 32 . M. Browne 33 . G . Cull 34 . D . Jarred 35 . J . Fraze r 36 . G . Romanian 37 . L. Fitzpatrick 38 . D . Harberts 39 . B . Colville (RVC) 40. A . Dunca n 41 . J. Seabury 42 . B. Dinneen 43 . M . Maguire 44 . A. Wilkinson 45 . D . Ballantine 46 . G . Petroff 47 . D. Rya n 48 . A . Gallagher 49 . G . Whiston 50 . A . Ryder 51 . P. Symes 52. D . Cop e 53. C . Mathews 54. M . Randazzo 55 . J . Wallis 56 . R . Galati 57 . B. Day 58 . C. Purcell 59 . J . Ibrahim Sponsored by : The Beehive Hotel
and Yarra Valley Country Club
M .H.S .D .B . Coach : Warren Fall Res . Coach: Peter O'Dea
1 J Bame rt 2 S McCully 3 D Woodley 4 C Eabry (DVC) 5 P Sherry 6 R Joseph 7 J Pertzel (C) 8 J Garner
9 D Fairchild (VC) 10 D Skinner 11 K Krio s 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gre 9so n 14 A Watson 15 A Ma rt in 16 J . Schiano 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 21 C Kelly 22 D Armstrong 23 C Harvie 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCullyY
30 R Knight 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell ( DVC) 33 S Harrison 34 E Thomson DVC p ( ) 35
36 M . White 37 R McIntyre 38 S Robinson 39 R Verma 40 WHaye s 41 T Morgan 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawki ns 48 M Moore 49 P Chester 50 B Gaunt 51 S Walker 52 D . No rton 53 C Clowes 54 C Drake 55 S Walker 56 T Wright 57 L . Taylor 58 59 L. Jones 60 R Newton
Sponsored by:
OLD : a n .速oo~r
Coach: Kevin Tibaldi Coach : Neil Ross Asst. Coach : Anthony Parker Asst. Coach : Mark Sarau Res. Coach : Steve Cropley
1 A.Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 M . Sandilands 4 J . Mansfield 5 B. Spoor 6 M . McKie 7 J . Knight 8 T. Steevns 9 M . Kara~anis 10 C. Crowley 11 S . Tully
1 M . Bennett 2 S. Theodore (VC) 3 A. Ross 4 M . Hazell 5 L. Bunn 6 D. Holme 7. C. Thompson 8 M . Lovett ( DVC) 9 S . Cram
10 T Roberts (DVC) 11 S . Boyd 12 A . Hewitt 13 S . Rose 14 A . Francis 14 L . Reynolds 15 G. Douglas 15 M . Rose 16 M. Woods 16 A. Browne 17 A . Corcoran 18 J . Hope 17 J . Miller 1 9 D . Warty War 18 A. To akas p 20 J . Keane 19 R . Mulquinney 21 R . Robe rts 20 N. Pirouet 22 P. Donaldso n 21 L. Boy d 23 A. Douglas 22 A . Wad del l 24 E . B yrne 23 M . Berry 25 A . White 24 L. Holcombe 26 D. Ross 25 J . Guest 27 J . Weddl e 26 C . Kennedyy 28 A . Jenkins 27 J . Slater 29 R . Weddle 30 E . Brophy 28 J. Ballantyne N, Miller 29 T. Mulliga n 32 P. Dowd 30 I . McMullin (C) 33 B . Davis 31 J . Ha rt 34 A. Tiernan 32 L . Barry 35 L . McLean 33 G . Dixon ( RC) 36 M . Pollock 34 B . Burgess 37 P. Armstron g 35 P. Stuckey 38 Ge George 36 M . Ward 39 Ga George 37 B . Dixon 40 R . Davies 38 S . Grigg 41 A . Harper 39 M . Wiseman 42 L. Courage 43 T. Van Bloomstein 40 44 A . Weis e 41 G . Wilhelm (RVC) 45 M . Toovey 42' P. Theodore 46 J. Weir 43 E. Farquarson 47 D . Bernet 44 P. Bat rt left 48 M . Tolley 45 C . Murphy 49 A. Barker 46 C . Neeson 50 J . Smart 47 C . Banks 51 B. Shadbolt 48 C. Jenkins 52 N . Maguire 49 A. Fleming 53 S . Price 50 J . Berry 54 Z . Aboujaba 55 P. Lilis 51 B . Righe tti 56 E . Broomhill 52 B . Campbell 57 G . Mclsaac 53 T. Ambler 58 G. Mandeki c 54 I . Paterson 59 M . Tozer 55 J . Gooley 60 C . Pitt 56 A . Hunt 57 J. Weir 58 T. Burde u 59 S. Topakas 60 B. Reid 61 D. Su tton 62 W. Hauserman Sponsored by, 63 N. Sampieri Sires Menswear 88 G . Davies W.G. Miles Co Pty Ltd 12 C . Brani an 13 C . Barkegr
& Real Eastate - tvanhoe Spectrum Assurance
Grou p Regency Pharmacy Zitech Computer Peripherals
OLD SG速TC iF Coach : Brendan Mason Res. Coach : Gary Jackson
1 A . Nettleton (DVC ) 2 B, Phillips 3 C . Hoskin g 4 T. Holt (C ) 5 R . Price (DVC ) 6 A. Crow 7 J. Kitchen 8 C . Reid 9 S. Collins (VC) 10 J . Kerr 11 M . An9us(DVC ) 12 S. Hum e 13 N. Hoope r 14 T. Rei d 15 M . O'Brie n 16 A . Spee d 17 D. Thomas 18 H . Thomas 19 K . Stoke s 20 L. Murp hy 21 S . Gibbs 22 C . Heat h 23 0 . Crane 24 L . Hawkin s 25 S. Li!lingsto n T. Downin g 27 T. Collins 28 B . Robinson 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Wigne y 31 C. Ratcliff e 32 T Chapma n 33 N . Morri s 34 E . Oliver 35 P. O'Conno r
36 S. Prendergast 37 M . Parthenides 38 C . Pattenden 39 N . Addison 40 A. Warne r 41 M . Lipshu t 42 J . Ros s 43 J . Paterson 44 C. Evans 45 M . Blenheim 46 A . McCully
47 N . Slade n 48 T Stubbs 49 L. Hum e 50 E . Pathenides 51 A. Ellio tt 52 N . Leit l 53 T Frankenburg 54 N . Simon 55 G . Sarkozy 56 H. Lan e 57 C. Stevens 58 M . Thwaites 59 S . Eagar 60 B . Crum p 61 J . Stratos 62 S . Mile s 63 T. Joyce 64 R . McKinno n 67 P. Rodger s 81 R . Aujard
7 Coach : Leigh Carlson Asst Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach : Craig Neave
Kennedy S(VCl 21 Hudson G ( RV C) 3 Barnard B 4 Burorows!D J 6 Russell C 7 Van Der Venne T 7 Natoli S 7 Canzoneri M 8 Frost C g Stebbins C 3 Andrews A(VC) 10 Shaughnessy M 11 Richards A 12 Peqgie T 13 Cade J 14 Stickland J (VC) 14 Gamble R 15 Stephens T 16 Hillas C , 16 Nankerws B 17 Hatfield G (VC) 17 Newman J 19 Barr , C 20 Phillips C(VC) Deane-Johns G 21 Kennedv L
22 Munroe 'H 23 Ramsden A 24 B Boyd A 25 Collins M
25 Cameron F(RVC) 25 Schulze D 26 Robinson D 27 Ramsden R 27 Tudori I
28 Butler C
29 Harmer G 30 Glass D 30 L. Taylor 31 Bladeni S 32 Pa wsey C 33 Heighton D 34 Boyd M 35 Pawsey M 36 Sutcliffe J 37 Dann S 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) 39 Antonopoulos T 39 Anderson H 40 Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 42 Torney A 43 De Stefanis M 4 Wallace I 4 Maiyah A 45 Treadwell G 6 5 Ward 4 C Hutchinson B
47 Mitchell G
48 Morpeth T =9 Robe rts T =0 Farmer J 50 Adgemis J 52 Hansen W 53 Kinross D 54 Bennie L 56 Best E 57 Baker A 58 Beaver A 59 Cade T 61 Broster N 62 Mero J 63 Curran R 65 Burows R 69 Lapira M 70 Chisholm M 71 Philli ps T 79 Stockdale S 80 Oberoi A
81 McCulloch A 82 Robison C 83
84 Andrades M
OLD XAVERIA N S Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Chris
Mortense n 1 M . Blo od
2 T. Fleming
(C )
3 L . Hannebe ry 4 D . Landrigan 5 D . Steen 6 B . Healy 7 S . Lethiean ( VC) 8 A . Keyhoe 9 J Hawkin s 110 0 D . Rennex 11 Adam Jones 12 J. Bowen
13 C . Ellis
14 D . Stoney 15 L . Ford 16 A. Gowers 16 S . Skidmore 18 T. Gordon 19 A. Jones 20 M . Hardman (RC) 21 A. McQueen-Parton 22 23 R . Coughlan 24 B . Coughlan (VC) 25 P. Lechte 26 S . Tucke r 27 J . Drake 28 B . Cranage
29 D . Galbally 30 C . Kelly 31 L. Tuddenham 32 M . Allen 33 A . Sassi 34 R Jones 35 P. Ryan 36 L. Deane-Johns 37 T. Freer 38 R . Hal l 39 M . Meehan 40 R . MacWhi rter 41 A . Dillon 42 N . Ireland 43 T. Woodruff (VC) 44 B . Hilbe rt 45 C . Smit h 46 M . Callinan 47 J . Kay 48 D . Orlando 49 R . Dillon 50 D . James 51 D . Wals h 52 A . Orlando 53 P. Funder 54 S . Grig g 55 J . Healy 56 A Oswald 57 R Carey 58 T. Curnow 59 J . Putt yfoot
60 T. Coughlan 61 M . Rus h 62 H Davies
ST. Coach : Garry Foulds Res. Coach : David Law
1 C . Gray 2 L . Meehan 3 A . Brebner ( RVC) 4 S . McKeo n 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 JJ. Mcka y 7 S. Perrett 8 J . Evans 9 B. Jordan
10 N . Mitchell (VC)
9 P. Capes 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 M . Be rtherton 17 J . Ferns 18 D . McLaughli n 19 L . Gollant (C) 20 T Sheehan 21 B. Loughlin
23 A. Mastrapasqua
24 P. Harvey 25 C . Osborne 26 J . Gollant
27 A. Nathan (RC ) 28 B . Carriss 29 D. Gleeson 29 J . Overman (R) 30 J . DeBon o 31 B . Collins 32 T. Harvey 33 R. Nu tt e r 34 D. Byrne 35 M . Juricskay
36 A. Shaw
32 C. Bond ( R) 33 T. Smith 37 A . Ca tterall 38 S . Gray 39 S . B yrne 40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overman 42 T. James 43 C. Davis 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 W. Attard 46 M . Licciardo 47 G . Taylor 49 S . Donnell y 50 D. Tonks 51 P. Romanin 52 L. O'Sullivan 53 J . Kavanagh 54 L. Kavanag h 55 P. Rogerson 56 N . Dodd 57 A . Hilbert 58 K . Callow 59 J . Jacks 60 T. James 61 A . Woodie y 62 M . Pocatajko 63 J. Gioffre 64 L . Overman 65 J . Harris 66 J. Delaney 67 A . Carus o 68 W. Backway
U N IVERSITY BLUES Coach: Mike McA rt hur-Allen Res. Coach : Mick Knuppe!
1 . A . Calle ry 2. S . Lowerson 3. D . Curtis
M . Winterton
5 M . Dollma n 6 P. O' Keefe 7 M . Lucas
8 B . Dollman 9 A . Bevaqua 10 N . Fraser 11 P. Malesi 12 M . Rizio 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahoney 15 M. Olive 16 B. Garvey 17 M. Ryan
18 J Grigg
19 D . Sheehy 20 L . Hull-Brown
21 J. Sibilia 22 J. Macey 23 B. Quirk
24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Kavangh 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuiness 32 S. O'Connor 33 B. Hughes 34 S. Richardson 35 B. Villella 36 A. Smith 37 S. Kennedy 38 J . Bateman 39 A. Conlan 40 N. Perrett 41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pangrazio 43 W. Keighran 45 D. Waight 46 J . Trava I!a g 47 M . Chapman 48 L. Harpe r 49 R. Simkiss 50 S . Kuring 53 M . Chaplin 54 S . Game 58 J . Ferrari 59 A . Ratt le 61 J . Lynch 62 B . ShelleyY 63 P. Robe rts 67 B . Day 75 A . Foley
76 M . Gait
77 G. Pickford
Coach : Lee Adamso n Res . Coach : Mick Connop
1 D . Slimmo n 2 T. Hutchins 3 J . Sturrock 4 D . Guengeric h 5 L. Fulto n
6 S . Longle y
7 D . Hayte r 8 J . Hayte r 9 S . Mead e 10 D . Maplestone 11 L. No rth 12 G . McLachlan (C ) 13 P. Stockdal e 14 C. Roydhous e 15 M . Kordic k 16 C. Stewa rt 17 G . de Cres ! ne 17 J . Kanis p g Y 18 S . Cheel 19 A . Lowcock 20 A . Davi s 21 J . Hockingg 22 P. Sheeha n 23 T. Wilcox 24 R . Calnon 24 . S . Russel l 25 D . Solly 26 M . Vase y 27 . B . Fricker 28 . M . Thomas 29 . J . Caulloupas 30 . M . Coleman 31 M . Hal l 32 J . Garnaut 33 L . Tweddl e
34 L . Fishley
35 S . Hasler 36 T. McKinle y 37 A . Lenne n 38 M . Peterso n 39 B . Denham 40 C . Brooke s 41 R . Crawford 42 M . Hotto n 43 S. Ferguso n 44 R . Feathersto n 45 J . Armstrong 46 M . McKerro w 47 R . McKerrow 48 T. Rourk e 49 C . Johnso n
50 H . Nailon
51 A. Brow n 52 A. Terrill 53 R . Versteege n 52 T. Ter ry 55 T. Anderso n 56 T. Birk s 57 T. Irvin e 58 59 L. Fehrin g 60 A . Cunningha m 61 B . Coleman 62 C. Sophide s 63 B . Holme s
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622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 93261799
IGA Liquo r 'Woodend
Canton & United AUSTRALIA'S OWN
B SECTION by Damian Carrol l
other Nature dished up a shocker last weekS,J.end, with every part of one's anatomy being frozen and wet . This didn't seem to affect the results significantly, however, with most of the matches going to form and positions on the ladder .
Preview The home of
Review Whitefriars hosted Co llegians at Donvale, and continued on their excellent season with 41 point win . The win was set up with a 10 goal to 2 first half, and from there it was a matter of how far. To their credit, the Lions stuck to their guns and outscored the home side in the second half to salvage some respectability. For the winners, the brothers Pawlik were terrific for the second week in a row, along with Law . The losing team's best were Woolhouse . Dixon and Jones .
Paradians) desperate for a win . Tim Hart's bovs must fancy their chances this week as the injury l'ist at Bundoora is longer than the MCC members' wait . ing list . Be that as it may, Peter Bedford's remain . ing standing charges can play very good football, but inconsistency appears to be a very consistent commodity with the OPs . The Lions put in a good second half last week and would appear to be growing in confidence and slowly turning the corner . If the away side turns up today and plays for 4 quarters, however, they'll get over the line by 14 pts .
Mick Dwyer must have hired himself a brandspanking new set of smelly camels, as Old Haileybury travelled to Bundoora to face Old Paradians . They did the trick as the away side final1_y found some form to win by 41 pts. Lappage led the way with 5 goals, and he was well helped by Dowsing and B Lay. For the home side, Loney, Digney and Burns battled all day . As predicted, the wind did blow to that scoreboard end, down at the beachside venue, where Old Brighton added to Ormond's woes by disposing of them by 29 pts . The fat lady would normally have been asked to appear at half time, as OB were well in control by some 7 goals . However, Steve Grace asked her to wait, as he and his side made a charge at the home team . Alas it was not enough, as Dale Tapping marshalled his troops together to eke out a strong win . McLaughlan . Krzywniak and the 'road runner' Jackson were superb for OB, whilst the captain coach himself, Grace . big McConvill (again) and Keleher played well for Ormond . A more competitive Old Mentonians hosted NOBs at those playing fields . but still came up short by 47 pts . A 6 goal last quarter from NOBs was enough to put a smile on Frank Dunell's face, as the home side were nipping at their heels at 3/4 time . In contrast . Sven Samild was cursing only a 3 quarter effort from his players . Saad, Halpin and Nulty were the better players for the victorious team . For the losers, young Costello from the U 19s, Flaskis and Murphy chipped away in a good effort . The blockbuster was held out at Central Reserve where Mazenod hosted De La Salle, and then proceeded to send them on their way, winning by 10 pts . The 'Rover' reported that De La were going comfortably at one stage, before Dave Murray's happy and cheerful musketeers banged on the next 5 goals to put an end to the contest. O'Hara, Lancaster and Hanley carried out their new, more structured game plan to perfection for the home (and winning) side . The away side was well served by the Human Preying Mantis, Swift . the ever reliable Toohey, and Moore.
Ormond and Whitefriars face the music at the home of footy, EP . The two sides share contrasting confidences at present, with Ormond not being able to take a trick against anyone and Whitefriars consistently playing well against good sides . Des Meagher has got some good players at his disposal, and he and his boys are not just making up the numbers this year. Based on the fact that one team is in form, and one is not, I think that Whitefriar s will continue on their way, and make Ormond's day black by saluting the judge by 9 pts. Top of the table Old Brighton are welcomed by cellar dwellars Old Mentonians . The home side are becoming more competitive each week, and with the return of their spearhead, they can only get better . OB, on the other hand, just keep winning, and must now be clear cut premiership favourites. I believe that Dale Tapping will be buying Sven Samild a commiseratory drink at the end of the day, as OB will win comfortably by 55 pts . The belter for the week occurs out at Malvern, where De La Salle play NOBs . Paul Cooper's boys suffered a minor hiccup last week and will need to win today to get their season back on track, as a loss today will put them back in the pack . Frank Dunell knows that there are others breathing down their necks for second spot, and a loss today will probably see them forfeit this place on the ladder . Based on the high probability that the famous Malvern mudheap must now be in existence, and that I'm not convinced that NOBs are genuine wettrackers, I'll tip the home side to win by 9 pts . McKinnon Reserve is the venue where we see Mick Dwyer's rejuvenated Old Haileybury face Dave Murray's well-drilled Mazenod . As my coat puller has suggested from the very beginning, Mazenod's game plan was clear and simple, but more structured and svstemised, and boy, he has he been on the money!! Try as they might . OH will hit a brick wall in the form of the rampaging runaway train called Mazenod . The away side will prevail by 22 pts .
Harry hosts a game that shows 2 sides (Collegians and Old
Old Paradians, Whitefriars . Old Brighton, De La ~,d(e, Mazeno d press Correspondent s Please call me on 9347 4105 or 0414 900 871 ,,I tier before 5 .00pm, or after 8-00pm Sundays .
azenod - congratulations to Adam Hanley and Platt G uirk on their 150th __ unes with the club . Adam a dashing backline and centreline player who has come through our U 19's and has played in both senior and U 19 premiership sides . Matt has come up through our Club 18 and reserve sides to be an important part of the senior backline . Well done to Adam and Matt who are great clubmen off the field as on . Mazenod would also like to congratulate Jerome Dunne, Nick Parry and Laurence galvy on paying their 50th games and hope they play many more . Old Mentonians - congratulate Andrew Carter who plays his 150th game an d David Nock who notches up game number 100 today against Old Brighton . "Carts" was a member of the Club's inaugural U19 team in '91 and has since established himself as an excellent ruckman for our senior side . Congratulations big fella and we look forward to your 200th . "Nocky" has proven himself to be one of the club's most valuable assets over his 100 games and is certainly the type of person every club would treasure . His enthusiasm and commitment on and off the track is second to none and particularly in the past 2 years his value on the field in the reserves has become obvious. Well done "Nocky from all at the Club . De La Sall e - Mark Butler who plays his 100th game today commenced his involvement with the club at Under 12's, well done and we look forward to the next 100 .
SENIORS - 27 .5.00 7.10 7.11.53 tYazenc ~ : 2 .4 5.8 De La Salle: 2 .0 4.1 5.3 6 .7.43 R2azenod : Kavanagh 4, Lancaster 1, Harrison 1 . McIntyre 1 . Best: O'Hara, S . Morgan. Lancaster, Paolucci. Hanley-, Gooden . Be La Salle: Hart 2, Morel 2 . Duggan I . D. Hvtand 1 . Best: Swift . Toohey, Morel . Moore, Hart . Duggan. Umpires : Neville Boyle; Damian Lane (F), John Kell} : Beornn McCarthy (G) North Old Boys: 4 .1 6.4 9 .6 15 .9.99 7 .10 .52 Old Mentonians : 2.4 3.7 6 .8 Old Boys: Boyle 5 . Sanders 3, Carney 1, Saad 1 . Curry, 1 , IN. Tonkin North 1 . D. Tonkin 1, G . Phyland I . Sutherland 1 . Best: Saad, Halpin . Nulty, Connolty. Wickinson. D . Tonkin . Old ARentonians: Flaskis 2 . B . Kuramoto 2, Alreman 1 . Bournan 1, Carroll 1 . Best : Flaskis, Bournan . Costello, Murphy, Ferguson . Carroll . Umpires : Geoff Curran : Paul Jones (F), Greg Richards: Robert Parry (G ) Old Brighton: 4.6 8 .9 9 .13 12,19 .91 Ormond : 1.5 1 .7 8 .14 8.14 .62 Old Brighton : Bradley 3, McLachlan 2 . O'Neill 2, Dennis I . Lennox 1 . Fitzgerald I. M . Gadsden 1, Jackson I . Best: McLachlan, Krzywniak, Dennis. Jackson, Nickas . Ormond : Stone 3 . Whelan 2. Miller I . Grace 1, Beckett 1. Best : Grace, Keleher . MeConvill, Brennan. Courtney, Gleeson . Umpires: Craig Brajtberg: Rick Love (F) . Wayne Cove (B). Craig Arnol, Andrew Long (G) 8 .6.54 Old Pa radians: 2 .0 5.1 5.4 7 .1 8.2 12.3 15 .5.95 Old Haileybury: . Dignev 1 . Burns 1 . Best: Vincent . Dignev, Old Paradians: Gale 4 . Harford 2 Burns . Lonev, Sinclair. P. Brabender . Old IIallrybury: Lappage 5, Ad. Hilton 3 Byrns 2 . Brudar I, Dowsing 1, Home 1 . Jayasekeva I . Kejna 1 . Best: B. Lay, Dowsing, Lappage. Ash Hilton. Byrns, Waldan . Umpires: Leon Quinn: Sharon Alger (F). Jack Forsyth : Jarrod Hammett (B), Bernie Dec Bob Dunstan (G ) W hi tehiars : 7.3 10,6 11.12 13.17 .95 2.1 2.2 5 .4 8 .6 .54 Coll egians: Whitefriars : Reidy 2 . Phan 2, B. Vandentxwm 2 . Northet2, Pasqualotto 2, M . Carbone 2, R . Pawlik 1 . Best : A . PawHck. R, Pawltck. Law, A. Carbone, Vandenbooni . Mika, Collegians: Johnson I . Donnelly 1 . WoocIley 1, Mackenzie 1, D . Phillip^, 1, Y . Phillips I . Humphry I. Ashley-Farr 1 . Best : ltoollrouse . Dixon, Jones . Henebery, Baxter, Vasdekis . Umpires: Peter James : Strnon Olive (F), Nick Lemon (B) . Stephen Caple: David Murray (G)
RESERVES - 27.05 .00 Wliltefriars : 2 .3 3 .4 5.4 5.7.37 Collegians: 2 .2 4 .6 8.8 8.8.56 WtiltefrIars: Ross 2, Johnson . Haseler, Nolan. Best : Johnson, 0'Conner, Ross . Reid . Treyvard . Vernal, Collegians : Cooper 3 . Sloman, C. Mollard. Greeves. Harding. Srlbble . Best : Greeves. Moon, Smith. Lynch. Harding. Waycott. Old Parad3ans: 2 .4 4.8 8.10 12.10.82 Old HsBebury: 4 .3 7.6 9.8 12 .9.81 Old Paradians: Simpson 4 . Ciavola 3, S}sindon 2, Curran, Duitinosante, Muir. Best : Curran, Ciavrola, Atkin, Dinthnosante, Simpson . Harris .Old Hailebury: Dimond 5, A. Floyd 2, Mason 2. Brandha, Hill, R . Mitchell. Best : A. Floyd . Mason, Dlntond . G . Rowlands . Saunders . tYray Old Brighton: 1 .3 4.7 5 .7 10 .13 .73 Ormond: 3.1 3.1 5 .4 6.4 .40 Old Brighton: Bickett 2. Talbot 2, White 2, Ricarby, Liptrot . Paterson . Marston . Best : White, B. Paterson. Biekelt, Talbot . Liptrot, McMahon . Ormond: Carman 2 . Brown 2, Strauch, B. Collins . Best: Mabbett Collins, Herrmann . Shepherd, Carman . Hanunond. North Old Boys: 5.1 6.1 10 .4 13.7.85 Old Mentonians : 0 .2 3.3 4 .4 4.4.28 North Old Boys : Goal kickers and best players results not received . Old Mentonians : Austin. Ingram, Lawes, Linform. Best : D:4yer, Nock, Austin . Latives, Maloney. Cozens . Mazenod : 1 .1 2 .4 3.7 3.8.26 Be La Salle: 5 .4 6 .6 7.7 7.11 .53 Mazenod : Ballenger, Hawkins . Snort . Best : Hobbs . Leggett, Nussbaum. Linden, Poletti . Kroni . De La Sa1le :Bomvden. Hodder, Hyde. Laragy, Lashll. McInerney, Mercuri. Best: Elliott, Doak- King . Lashii . McMahon . McKenzie.
Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach : Anthony Parkin
Coach: Paul Coope r Res. Coach : Paul O'Dwyer
Coach: David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins
1 S . Mollard (VC )
1 A Moore
1 C. Harrison 2 J . Ballenger 3 B . Devlin
2 3 4 5 5 6
N . Florentin e B . Woolhouse (C) G . Palmer (VC ) R . Henebery D . Greeves S . Van Der Veene (RVC) 7 S. Eig 8 N . Beattie 9 T. Hovey 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 W. Daly 14 J . Dixon 14 D . Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillip s 16 D . Phillips 17 R . Hosking 18 C . Mollard 19 A. Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 N . Milat 24 T. Knox 25 C. Unswort h 26 S . Woolley (RC) 27 S . Humphry (VC) 28 N . McCan n 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moo n 31 J . Rose 32 D : Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 M . Britten 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opi e
38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M. O'Donnel l
50 B. Jefferson (VC )
2 M Mercuri 3 B Corin 3 M Butler 4 L Hal l 5 C Swift 6 M Harbe r 7 C Browne (C) 8 A Mithe n 9 S Hart 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans 11 S Vavall o 12 D Toohey (VC) 13 A Johnstone 13 A Water s 14 B Hackett 15 J Hodder 16 S Hyland 17 A Elliott 18 J Horn 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 J Doak 24 J Morel 25 K Rogers 25 G Hynes 26 S Wood 26 E Williams 28 N Harber 29 M Joyce 30 B Mannix 31 A Flowerday 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 M Kin g
34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 36 A McKenzie 37 D Hylan d 38 R Ford 39 M Goodier 40 P Harrison 41 D Spithill 42 D McInerney 43 L Borella 44 X Clancy 45 A Lambe 46 P Bowden 47 S Lask a 48 D Smith 49 L Walker 50 J Lowe 51 M Evans 52 D Poynton 53 J Laragy 54 C Hyde 55 J Laragy 56 R Beatt ie 58 C Worsteling 59 T Fishe r
60 B Hoy 61 C Buick 62 J Hosking 63 C McGergor 64 B McMahon 70 M Dugga n J
Souu, Melbourne
Proudly Sponsored by :
4 A . Hanley (VC) 5 M . Quirk 6 N . Marmo 7 S . Morgan 8 D. Lancaster 9 A . Tucker 10 M . O'Har a
11 T. Smith (RC) 12 M . Murray (VC) 13 P. Goode n 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J . Kavanagh 17 D . Kell y 18 D . O'Donaghue 19 S . McMulli n 20 21 22 23 24
C . Murray S . Polan D . Ryan A . Tucker D . Nisbet
25 A . Pickering (C) 26 J. Dunn e 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
D . Krom N . Little R . Sharp S . Fisher A . McIntyre S. Paolucci
34 M. Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkin s 36 G . Miller 37 L . Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 A. Quin n 40 C . Dickenson 41 B. Bell 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D. Gran t 44 45 46 47 48
S . Garbellini B . Meehan B . Hobbs A . McDowell D. Gil l
49 L. Halvy (RVC) 50 A . Smyt h 51 G . Hanegraf 52 N . Nussbaum 53 D . Linde n 54 B . Leggett 86 R . Foss
Coach: Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : Darren Caddy 1 . D .Wilkinson
2 . D .Waters 3 . TWaters 4 . S .Slee p 5 . B .Devine (RC) 5 . D .Sken e 6 . N .Vogels 7 . P.Booth 8 . B .Collison (C) 9 . L .Curry (DVC) 10 . S.McGrath 11 . G .Collin s 12 . S.Lock 13 . THalpin 14 . D .Kingham 15 . J .Talbot 16 . D .Collins 17 . M .Maguire 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23 . P.O'Dwyer 24 . J .Barke r
25 . G .Phyland 26 . S .Smit h 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . M .Nulty 29 . D. Boyer 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M .Carney 36 . D,Tonkin (VC) 37 . S .Mikunda 39 . R .Maguire 38 . M .Amo r
40. C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonki n 42 . P.Pesavenko 43. D .Zacek 44. M .Drum 45. B .Pawsey 46. N .Goonan 47. J.Barlow 48. P.Daniels 49 . A .Stone 50. TDru m 51 . S. Fitzpatrick 52 . N .Sanders 53 . T.Ayerbe 54 . A.Trimboli 55 . D .Scicluna 56 . P.Arnold
57 . C .Blaine 58 . J .Gurry 60 . D .Moore 61 . F.Lynch 62 . A.McKenzieMcHaig 63 . S .Dixo n 64 . G .Muir 65 . S .Sarong 67 . R .Whitnish 68 . K .Watson 71 . J .Presti 77 . S .Trenton 78 R . Christie 79 D Keld
Coach : Dale Ta -oino Res. Coach : Bir _- _r.. 1 A. Kryzwnia k
2 A. Pirrie 3 C . Barrow 4 M . Talbot 5 N . Perry 6 S . Alderso n 7 B . Logan (VC) 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lenno x 10 M . Dennis 11 A. Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D. Tymms (VC) 16 W. Earl 17 A . Rickarb y 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S . Gadsde n 20 A . McLachlan 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neill 23 L. Holt 25 S . Nikas 26 A . Cooper 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Murc h
30 A . McLaughlin 31 A . Bristo w 32 G . Earl 33 P. Phelan 34 J. White 35 C . Stewart 36 B . Pollock 38 J . Raj u 39 A. Ginnavin 40 B. Patterson 41 J . Murchie 42 P. McMahon 43 B. Farnham 44 A. Brown 45 S . Fox 46 M . Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R . Boxer 49 A. Ginnavin 50 D. Hsiau 51 M . Fisher 52 K. Lynch 57 M . Moo n
SKILLED Your Flexible Workforce THF 4AAATFI IM FYInTRei I Co 1 nnn
.=ayrie M oss
C . Home D . Connel l 3 R . Kejna ( DVC) 4 S. Langford-Jones 5 A. Brudar 6 W. Smith 7 Adam Hilton (C) 8 D . Hasseit g M. Lambert 10 C . Efstathiou 11 D . Warnes 12 N . Hanson 13_ B. Harrop 14 A. Forsyth 15 N . Biggs gg 16 P. O'Donnell 6 B . Langford-Jones 1 17 Ash Hilton 18 C. Jayasekera 19 M . Armstong 20 D. Elliott 21 A. Jenke 22 D. Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 A . Ross 25 G . Rowlands ( RC) 26 J . Bell 27 P. Dimond 28 S . Walden (VC) 29 B . Carson 30 A . White 31 D . Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 L. Floyd 34 P. Langford-Jones (RVC) 35 D . Lappag e 36 B . Lay 37 A . Dowsing 38 P. Wright 39 R . George 40 B . Johnston 41 S . Saunders 42 S . Rowlands 43 C . Pountney 44 M . Wrayy 45 T Hilton 46 R . Brandham 47 T. Barke r 48 A . Pound 49 G . Finlayson 50 R . Ladd 51 M . Thiele 52 A. Shepherd 53 N . Hill 54 T. Earne y 55 L . Byrns 56 C . Moyle 57 R . Mitchel l 58 S. Davey 59 A. Floyd 60 J . Robe rt son 61 B. Waters 62 C . Dowling 63 D . Moss 64 J . Miller
Cnach: Sven Samild R : Craig Davis
Coach: Peter c :d R . Coach : Dcariao Carroll
Coach : Steve Grace Res . Coach: Craig Tonkin
Coach: Des : ag r Res Coach : arias Grills
1 A Acreman 2 C Lean 3 B Murph~' 4 G Strou 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterso n 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newton 9 G Pride 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 A Palmer 14 K Campbell 15 C Davi s 16 D Nock 17 L Richardson 18 T Bourno n 19 D . Kitto 20 S Mulle 21 S . Ingram 22 P Harrington 23 A A . Drinan 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G Da rt 27 G Katris 28 L'Hogan 29 A Ca rt er 30 M Brooks 31 M Elliott 32 N . Hollow 33 G New 34 P Flaskis 35 T. McNish 36 DJ . Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 D Millis 39 T Riley 40 M Mani x 41 S Couens 42 H Mason 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothier 45 M . Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 Ferguso n 48 J . Webb C . Mackay 50 G Richards 51 L Stephen 52 A. Oxland 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantine 56 S . Walch 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 59 G Lucas 60 S . Flaskis 61 B . Samild 62 R . 63 M . BJonles 64 M . Austi n 65 T. Sobey 66 M . Sobey 67 P. Mevel 8 S . Bainbridge 69 N . King 70 J . Vick 71 N . Flinos 72 R . Salaza r 73 J . Anderson 74 A . Brow n 75 S . Malone
1 S. Vincent (C ) 2 P. O ' Loughlin 3 D. Stevens 4 M . Wood 5 M . Harford 6 MP Geary 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair 9 J . Collins 10 P. Brabender (VC) 11 A. Burns 12 J . Holland 14 B . Brabender 15 B . Dintinosante 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 18 G . Porteous 19 John Swindon 20 M . Szewczuk 21 A . Farrell 22 S . Ciavola 23 P. Walsh 24 D. Digney 25 A . Hefferna n 26 M . B . Geary 27 K . Jenkins 28 S . Jenkins 27 A . Jenkins 30 B . Richardson 31 J . Lucas 33 P. Harris 34 B . Galloway 35 M . Gale 36 S . Swindon 37 JM Swindon 38 D . Tooze 39 D . Loney 40 C . Seckiold 41 D . Watson 42 R . Murray 43 A . Swindon 44 M . Joyce 47 N . Ball 48 E . Nayef 49 M . Hildebrand 50 M . Goonan 51 A . Baker 52 M . Ryan 53 B . Atkin 56 A . Sacco 57 M . Stanley 58 J . Mui r 59 L. Baker 60 B . Henry 61 C . Watson 62 V. Perry 64 C . Price 65 A . Jakowenko
1 D Mabbett 2 D Beckett 3 P Gleeson 4 A Grace 5 B Turner 6 D Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M Miller ( DVC) 9 S Grace 10 D Scanlon 11 D Robbins 12 N Sebo 13 B Stone 14 S James 15 S Naughto n 1 6 T Stewart (RC) 17 P Joy 18 W Block 19 D Cleary (RVC) 20 M McConvill (C) 21 J Brown 22 R Block 23 T Ashford 24 M Abrahams 25 J Dale 26 L Livingstone 27 T Brennan 28 B Collins 29 N Cou rt ney 30 N Wells 31 H Black 32 R Presser 33 M Shepherd 34 R Remman (VC) 35 G Bailey 36 S Mackey y 37 A Guzzo 38 S Herrmann 39 A Orr 40 Y Dimadamos 41 J . Koolstra 42 C Kelehe r 43 L. D 'Astoli 44 M Mabbe tt 45 J . Keleher 46 C Cleary 47 C . Cooper 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfield 50 M . Heffernan 51 S . Shuttlewo rt h 52 S . Sonneman 53 G Hammond 54 S . Rajki 55 T. Carman 56 M Farrell 58 M Collins 59 P Konstanty 60 G Ritchie 58 A Kukulja l n 73 A. Strauch
1 R Pasqualotto 2 M Bateman (VC ) 3 M Carbone (C) 4 5 M Robinso n 6 C Housto n 7 N Cunningha m 8 A Davi s 9 C Maguire 10 A Pawli k 11 R Reidy 12 R Pawlik 13 T Hughes 14 T Carrig g 15 P Campbell 1 B B Vatertoom 17 A Carbon e ~ 18 C Fulton 19 T Hilto n 20 D Mcauliffe 21 6 Phan 22 D Vandenboo m 23 24 R Mik a 25 D Reid 26 C Ryan 27 M No rt hey 28 C Eames 29 A Glen n 30 M Powe r 31 M Duffy 32 B Winch 33 M Verna l 34 D Gloufche v 35 C Law 36 D Nola n D Sulliva n 38 C Carrigg 39 K Kenned y 40 A Thwaites 41 C O'conno r 42 P O'brie n 43 N Elliott 44 B O'conno r 45 M Lester 46 G Johnson 47 M Nola n 48 J Treyvau d 49 C Andrews 50 J Houston 51 L Eames 52 P Hasele r 53 C Woo d 54 S Gillan 55 S War d 56 R Murray 57 J Mcfarlan e 58 J Gibbons 59 S Clifford 60 B Sinclai r 61 C Molone y 62 63 64 J Ciardull i 65 D Eames Sponsored by :
inter certainly w-i it•ed ;: ith a vengewice to put it mildly the conditions were very ordinary an d made life very difficult for the players and umpires to perform at their best. None the less the game must go on it is a winter sport after all . .~-tEVIE[rl Sorry Phil i could not get your attachment by hook or by crook to print out from my e-mail this week, so it may have to be back to the fax machine for you . so this weeks review is from the perspective of the victors.
From all reports it was a good hard fought game out Ivanhoe way with not an inch given or taken by either side, with the result in doubt until the end . The Ogs were behind all day but somehow managed to steal victory from the jaws of defeat . Sam Bingley was terrific in under the packs all day for the OGS , they welcomed back a couple of their big men in Lucas Wilson and James Taylor, David Salter was a fine leader again and Vickers-Willis also played well . Apologies to all the Hoes players for lack of mention we will get it right r : azs 'i .TI produ( I a come from behind effort against the unlucl . ^-" with a withering finish after trailing all day. )L e ie al way to win a game as for most of the ca the home side were the far superior unit and were not rapt with the loss but coach Geddes was pleased with the good spirited and energetic display, while Harmesy will be looking for a 4 quarter effort from his players in the ensuing weeks . Big Julian Kirzner was in fine form up forward with 4 goals while Michael Weisler and Andrew Kalinski were busy all day for Ajax. Tigers midfielders Carroil. McGraw and Drury played well, Paul Johnson was strong in defence and Timmy Beasley tireless in the ruck. You just cannot win a game of football when vou only kick 5 points in the first half . And for not the first time this season that was the Two Blues fate last Saturday. Prahran would be ruing a couple of early posters and I believe a"blalcolm Blight" where a player ran into an open goal and kicked it through the point area. How embarrassing . Back to the game it probably was closer than the scores indicated with Glen Eira finally coming away with a good win after a 7 goal last stanza . Special mention to the Saints Reserves who finally had a win . Hope they could remember the club song . Better Saint players were Broad, Massis . Rossiter. Oldham . Astapenko and 0'Donnell . For the Two Blues young Ben Gellie was excellent ably supported by Pye and big Kip tried hard as usual . Beaum is made the long trek across town to tackle the in form y side and really had to work hard for their victory. It was nip and tuck all day with neither side being able to maintain a clear ascendancy . The game was all tied up at the final change and con10
sidering the conditions the last quarter was a beauty. The Sharks opened up a 7 poin t break early then Therry hit back to hit the front and open up a 5 point buffer which they still held at the 25 minute mark. Somehow the Beatty boys dug deep to kick 3 great goals in time on to record a character building 14 point victory, incidentally the biggest margin of the game . Justin Bryce was terrific all day for Beaumaris as was big Julian Black, while Benny Nicholson made a fine return to Senior level, Therry was well served by Ashley Mills in a tagging role, while Sam Sacco, Mark Finnigan (thanks for the beer mate), and Russell Evans fought hard all day . The Bullants did absolutely everything right for the first three quarters except capitalise on the scoreboard . Their hard running and strong attack on the footy had the Rovers in a fair amount of difficulty. But then in the last quarter in a reversal of last week's debacle the Rovers renewed their efforts to completely dominate the last quarter and in the end come away comfortable victors . In the wash up a disappointing day at the office for Bulleen. Stephen Anderson was inspirational for Hampton and clearly won the BOG award with over 30 possessions and some 5 goals, he received good support from his namesake Drew Anderson, and Adam Power was pretty good too . Better players for the vanquished were David Matthews while Bare . Tulloch, and Schneider were in and under all dav . PREVIEW `
Old Geelong buoyed by their victory and boosted the return of some big name players await the Tigers at Como Park . The Tigers despite their loss last week are in pretty good touch and are playing the more consistent football of the 2 teams at the moment . And I think that will be enough to tip the scales in their favour todav. Prahran welcome Ivanhoe to Toorak Park . The Two Blues will be feeling pretty confident about this encounter as they disposed of the Hoes twice last year in similar circumstances where a win is a must . Of course circumstances are a bit different this time around as the Hoes are in desperate stakes as well but I feel the home ground advantage of the park in Toorak swavs me to stick with my old side . Congratulations to Leah Gallagher who will be umpiring her 250th VAFA game in this match . A top effort by a nice lady.
Glen Eira in some good form at the moment are looking forward to the challenge offered to them in knocking the top side Beaumaris off their perch this week . A sign of a good side is one that can win when not at their top and that is the Sharks story last week, but back on their home turf with the opportunity to dispose of another challenger and turn 8-1 sways me to tip Beatty to win . Look forward to a few comivials Mick. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
The Bullants back on their home turf await Therry 1,1ho I must admit impressed me last week, they are a ;ood side . While I think the boys from Glenroy will win C won't be just a romp in the park they will have to otork for it as Bulleen-Temp are very competitive and will give it everything they've got but just may run out of fitness in the end . This promises to be a beauty Ajax versus Hampton Rovers at Albert Park . Both sides play the possession game with the Jackas attacking strongly and the Rovers a bit more defensive . If the tight Rovers defence can contain the multi pronged Ajax forward line then I give them a chance but I think the Jackas have more options and avenues to goal and will just take the points . SOCIAI. Don't forget the big Prahran Spo rt s and Fashion Auction at the Caulfield Racecourse on Saturday 17th June. Promises to be a big one . Tickets at S$70 .00 can be arranged by contacting Jill Flack on 9-614 4399 . All Amateur supporters and followers most welcome . pRESS CORRESPONDENT S
A terrific result this week with the first perfect score for the year . Many thanks fellas . Don't forget the numbers 9-553 1561 phone or fax at home, the mobile is 0412 213 541 or send me an e-mail to brainco(q,optusnet .com .au by 8pm Sunday Nights . Keep up the good work.
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Prahran - Anthony Covcboy" Corboy today plays his 150th club game with Prahran . Cowboy joined us in '91 and would have reached this milestone earlier except for missing a lot of games through injuries including the whole of last season. He has played nearly all of his game sin the seniors including winning a B&F with us some years ago. Congratulations on a fine career. Congratulations to Gary "Alfie" Paleodimos who today plays his 100th club game with Prahran. He joined us in '95 from Thornbury Cougars and has played many fine games with us mostly as a half back flanker in the seniors . Alfie likes nothing better than organising a card game after training to earn a little bit of cash for the weekend .
SENIORS - 27.05.00 Ivanhoe Assumption : 5.0 8.1 10.3 10.6 .66 Old Geelon g : 3.3 5.8 7 .10 10.11 .71 Ivanhoe: ONeill 2. Wood 2, McGavan 1- Tucker i . Brown 1, Young I . Lengacher 1 . Fuflayson 1 . Best : Ryan . Angelini, Tucker. Sloan, Brown, O'Neill. Old Geelong: Wilson 4 . Paul 2, Middleton I . Vickers-Willis I . Salter 1, Fisher 1 . Best : Taylor. Binblev . Stevens . Wislon- Jaugietts. Wilson. umpires : Alan Stubbs Trent Foley(F) St .Bedes Mentone : 4.3 6 .5 8 .9 8.10 .58 AJAX: 1.1 3 .7 6 .10 9.15 .69 St .Bedes: Hecker 2 . L.Wurtle 2. Drury 1 . Di2guts 1, Carroll 1- P.Wurtle 1 . Best : Beasley, Carroll . McCraw . Drurv. W6llle, Johnson. AJAX: Kirzer 4. Weisler 2, Halphen 1, Israelsotm 1 . Kalinski 1 . Best: Weisler- Israelsotm, KalinskL Duzenman . Gold, Segal- umpires :Di anne Whiteley; Paul Withington (F) Grant Napper :Bob ~ymour IG l Glen Eira : 3.3 6 .7 8.9 15 .15 .105 Prahran AFC: 0.4 0 15 5.7 8.10.58 Glen Eira : Hasell 4 . Astapenko 2, Hayes-Dewar 3 . Massis 1- Broad I . Turner 1 . Sheedv 1 . Wille 1 . Best : Broad, Massis, Rosner- Wilson, Oldham . O'Donnell.Prahran : Pang 3, Murphy 2, Pye 1 . Rhodes I . Pitts 1 . Best : Pye . Gellie, Hmcarth . Rhodes . Pang- Gallagher. umpires : Andrea Thwaites :Mark Morrison (F)
Therry Panels : 1 .3 4 .4 5.4 7.5 .47 Beaumaris : 2 .4 4 .7 4 .10 8.13 .61 Therry Petiole: Evans 3, VanEngelen 2. Boyle 1, Robinson I . Best : Mills, Sacco. Fit . NancatTmv, Bannister . Boyle .Beaumarls : Mead 2 . Buller I . Catlin I . . B~ek ... C1 1, Nicholson 1, Spence 1, Quin I . Best : Black .Bryce . Nicholson . Ensor, Lee. Teasdale. ump-ues :Max Wittmarm :Andrew Mitchell (F) Hampton Rovers : 0 .1 2 .2 6.3 13.6.84 Bull een Templestowe: 2 .3 2 .7 8.7 8.7.55 Hampton Rovers : Anderson 5 . Power 3, Dallas I, Flahive 1, Holt I, Pucella 1 . Wihnott I . Best: Anderson, Adarns . Lawrence, Duddy, Power . Zampaglione . Bull een: Tulloch 2 . Bone 1, Matthews 1 . Schneider 1 . Thompson 1- prior 1 . Wing 1 . Best: Prior. TouriSanis, Lambropotdos, Bone . Schneider, Burridge . umpires: Leah Gallagher : Justin Garrett (F )
RESERVES - 27.05.00 Ivanhoe Assumption: 2 .2 4 .7 6.9 6 .12 .48 Old Geelong: 3 .0 3 .4 6.7 7 .11 .53 Ivanhoe. King 2, Shuttleurorth 1 . Fairweather 1 . Dykes I . Healy 1 . Best: Curtain- Rosenfeld. lacovangelo, Balektivood, iF1artin, Toogood. Old Geelong:Kem }r 3, Coueh l, Broadbent 1, Boer I . H}~atns I . Best: Couch . Harrington, Meinnes, Rotichi. Taylor. Couzens . St-Bedes Mentone Tigers: 3 .4 4 .8 5 .10 7.13 .55 AJAX : 110 1 .2 3.3 4.3.27 St.Bedes: No Goal Kickers Received . Best : Marshall, Parsons . Napier. Mi(sud . Riles. AJAX: Basist 3, Kletrt 1 . Best: Samuel. Morley . Boon. Klein. Letkovic, Roth . 1 .3 2 .6 8.6 8.7.55 Glen Elm AFC: Pmhmn AFC : 3 .5 7.7 8 .12 9.16.70 Glen Eire : McGaw 3. Brown 2. Ayhatr 1 . Richards 1 . Diamond 1 . Best : McGaw. Aylhan . King, Cassar, Lewin, Lifka. Prahran: McGarry 3 . Wallmever 3 . Decuteret 1 . Rolls I . Best : Roberts . Power, Rol[s, year, McAdie, Paleodunos . Therry Penola OB: 2 .1 7.3 10.4 12.5.77 Beaumaris AFC: 3 .5 7.7 8 .12 9.16.70 Therry Penoln : Thrush 7. Candiloro 2, Sv,vtden I, Goodwin I . Ward 1 . Best : Ward, Gr~ s . Thrush . VanEnglen . Goodwin . Carter . Beaumerls :Fisher 3 . Garfield I . T.viellon 1, Stephens I . Craven i, O'Brien 1, Jury 1 . Best: Jury, Smith, Craven, Stephens . Corfield. Blackie. Hampton Rovers: 3.6 6.9 9.12 13.14.92 Bu ll een Templestowe: 3.0 5.0 5.1 6 .2.38 Hampton Rovers: McBride 2 . Scarfett 2, Apinitis 1 . Bulnier 1 . Dunball 1 . McGregor 1 . Lynch I . Quon I . Warhurst I . Zuker I . Best: Hebard . Dunbail. Fhmn,~uker, Hobson, Scarlett .Bulleen Templestowe : Honarth 2, Dosvtan I . McKenzie 1 . Stott 1 . Cannis 1 . Best: Dowlan. Horvarth, Hasty . Eijsnogel. Mason, Gannis.
Coac -= -c Res C . " :rril 5
1 J . Wrobel 2 A . Kalinski 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rajch 6 D . Kalb 7 N . Gold 7 G . Samuel 8 A . Krongold 10 G . Dules 11 M . Weisler
12 J . Basist 13 A . Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 N . Gold 16 M . Konsky
17 A . Cuklerman 18 J . Kirzner 19 L. Pyke 19 M . Halphen
20 B . Lewski 21 D . Gelbart 22 D . Mohr 23 A . Bensimon 24 J . Sharp 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 L. Levin 28 P. Walvisch 29 D . Marks 30 N . Israelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 D . Janover 33 A . Soc k 34 D . Gunn 35 S. Roth 36 J . Segal
37 A. Mordech 38 J . Bram 39 B. Klei n 40 A. Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 D . Bugalski 43 Y. Shei n 44 L . Pyke 45 D. Wellitzer 46 J . Feldman 47 D . Ones 48 M . Buckle y 49 A. Godlowicz 50 J . Rockman 51 N . Diamond 52 53 T 54 55 P. Naphtali 56 57 58 59 D . Goldfein 60 J . Weinberg 61 S . Czarny 62 63 64 65 66 Y Field 67 68 69 70 S . Boon 71 A. Lewin
93 M . Feldy D . Frid
Cc _ .. ~ Res Ci .~. ;a:
I ..•
1 N . r Leun 2 S. Nish 3 A. Mckenzie
3 J . Magee 4 J Black 4 M . Smith 5 M . Ensor 6 A. Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 J . Mead 9 B . Nicholson 10 A. Ladd 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 L. McNicholas 13 S . Wilson 14 L. Buller 14 D. Drew 15 N . Craven 16 M . Quin 17 D. George
17 BB . Stevens 18 N . Kennedy 1 9 N . Atkins 20 R . Cow 21 M . Mellon
21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt 23 A . Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D . Teesdale
26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 C . Martin
30 T. Reoi n 30 R . Corfiel d 31 L . Gibson 31 A. Spence 32 M . Matulick 32 S. Mitchell
33 G . Jury 34 Q . Groves 35 N . Boctor 35 B. Ferguson 36 A. Blackie 37 B . Philpott 38 A . O'Brien 39 S . Potts
40 J . Verashaka d1 D. Emerson 42 J . lanzano 43 A . Kendall 44 D . H . Gibson 45 A . Thomas 46 D . Speakman 47 J . McKenzie 49 J . Bryce 50 I . Bennett 59 A .RowburY
- ... : . _ ._ . Coach: :u1€ :igro Res C_h :David :
1 J Prior 2 GAIe;,ander 3 S Young 4 WThompson 5 M Agrotis 6 PGraham (DVC) 7 P Robertson 8 N Bone 9 C Parris 10 P George 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch (VC) 14 D Cooper 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21
22 G McLaren (C) 23 D Mathews 24 T Agosta 25 26 S Boyd 27 28 C~utimar 2 ., P Bon e 29 30 D Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 38 S James 39 T Franklin 40 41 L Cassano 42 P Edwards 43 I VI Mason 44 R Schneider 45 46 A Humphrey 47 48 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 51 M Sund 52 J Gunn 53 C Catano 54 S Dowla n 55 56 M Tuom y 57 D Bone 58
59 60 A Eidsvogel
C j ' :o:- ;JdoRes Coach: Phil Jones
1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassar 5 A . Tsirogiannis 6 C . O'Donnell 7 S. Vamvakas 8 D . Wilso n 9 H . Batty 10 G . Richards 11 T. Rossiter 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 M . Weilgosz 15 M . Broad 16 P. Rogers 17 18 A. Wilce 19 L. Govan 20 A. Diamond 21 P Jones 22 23 B . O' Dannell 24 B . Mascali 25 P.Dynon
26 N . Dymond 27 R . Gilmore 28 C. Kernick 29 D. Dunlevie 30 31 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 35 36 37 38, 3 9 40 L . Doolan 41 D . Boyd 42 J . Dunlevie 43 N . Jones 44 S . Diamond 45 4
4 7 P. Slifka 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 L. McGa w 57 58 59 60 61
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Coach: Russell irne r Res Coach : Be% 1 J . Lan9
2 M . McKellar 3 D . Busb y 4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Marly n 6 A . Crowthe r
7 J. Da y 8 Drew Anderson 9 B . Boyd 10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglion e 12 R . Dunbal l 13 G . Wood s 14 G . Jackson 15 M . Flahiv e 16 D . Marshal l 17 D . Ariz (VC) 18 P. Adams 19 M . Lawrence
20 A. Power 21 S . Fannin g 22 T Wilmott 23 S . Hellige r 24 C . Scarlett 25 M . Davey 26 Sam Wills (VC) 27 A. Quon 28 A. Vos s 29 M . Fletcher 30 W . Earl e 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderso n 33 M . Lake 34 A . Duddy 35 P. Buckley 36 J . Cunningham 37 R . Hun t 38 J . Humphries 39 M . Crawfor d
40 S . Foste r 41 J . Dwye r 42 K . Chasten
43 L . Dalla s 44 B . Johnstone 45 A . Maso n 46 B . Sim e 47 J . Fetterplac e 48 T. Lync h 49 M . Flyn n 50 P. Apinitis 51 Scott Will s 52 B . Hebard 53 E . Zuke r 54 J . McBrid e 55 R . Bulme r 56 S. Warhurs t 58 D . Hobso n IEdtefi~ ~ TIQ ~_ . TC LiD. Suite 2,41E -[ Rd , Black Rock. 3193
M . Tkocz
Ph : 9589 64<: L :_.T_,= :_ . , i: m~ys 26 Govan St £ ford, 31~3 Ph : 978 2 4Su d vwnv hamptonrove
Curti n 1 S . Conley 1. Armstrong L. Hull-Brown 3. C. Tucker (C) 4, T.O'neil l 5, J . Scoble 6, T. Healy 7, P. Rawle y 8, J. Shuttleworth 9, E . Heal y 10 . P. Lee 11 . J. Finlayson 12 . B . Finlayson 13 . S. Narkiewicz 14 . P. Flynn (VC) 15 . J . Curti n 15 . F. Falcone 16 . M. Scuderi 17 . B. Giles 18 . T. Scoble 19. D . Wood 20. D . Sartor 21 . L . Blackwood 22. R . Angelini 23. D . Ryan 24 . B . Frew 25. J . Frisin a 26. S . Fairweather 27. K .Smit h 28 . J . Pace 29 . G . King 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D . Mcfarlane 32 . L. Pearce 32 . S .Conlay 33 . S . Mcgowan 34 . B . Joyce 35 . P. Whitehead 36 . C. Zeegers 37 . C. Giankilidis 38 . H . Youn g 39 . M . Ebbage (RC) 40 . P. Martin 41 . C . Mcdonald 42 . P. Murphy 42 . T. Timms 43 . G. Sullivan 44 . A . Pac e
45 . J . Raywood 46 . M . lacouangelo 47. S. Warren 48. R . Toogoo d 49. A. Rosenteld (RVC) 50. D . Jacka 51 . D . Pearc e 52 . S . Doherty (VC 53 . E . Sullivan 57 . M . Evans 68 . J . Mazzocca 78 . C . Brown 88 . N . Dykes 99 . G . Robertson
1 2 D . Salter 3 4 C . Stinchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 P. Middelto n 7 J. Pau l 8 T. Sevmour 9 J. Wilson 10 T Brai n 11 M. Javgietis 12 M Power 13 H . McInnes 14 K. Hendratta 15 S . Bingley 16 S Edge 17 M . Wilson 18 J . Power 19 A. Salter 20 M . Fisher 20 G Coldwell 21 A. Landale 22 J . Taylor 23 S . Higgins 24 . R . Marriott 25 L. Wilson 26 . J . Foley 27
28 . A Farrar 29 30 N . Kemp 31 D. Varley 32 J . Wallace-Smith 33 S . Lansdell 34 H . Borbank 35 D . McInnes 36 D . McInnes 37 38 D . Bolto n 39 H . Gretton-Watson 40 J . Malpa s 41 S . Rowan 42 R . Brown 43 A . McKay 44 M . McCarthy 45 D . Taylo r 46 S. Milne-Pott 47 M .Avery 48 T. Chirnside 49 J. Carty 50 J. Landy 51 L . McDonald 52 J. Morley 53 J. Calvert 54 J. Legoe 55 Q . Wallace 56 W. Abbott 57 M .lacuone 58 I . Wheal 59 60 R. Gudykunst 63 T. O'Brie n 64 65 75 S. Harrington
1 D . Gallagher (C) 2 L . Nyko 3 T. Murphy 4 M . McCallum 5 H . Pitts (RC) 6 A . Dal y 7 S . Pang 8 A . Bevan 9 A . Bunnett 10 B. Hodgson 11 A . Pitts (VC) 12 M. Beer 13 C . Perry 14 M. Eastham 15 S. Birch 16 A. Rhodes (DVC) 17 D . Howart h 18 J . Nugent 19 S. Campbell 20 D . Decarteret 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N . Roberts 23 G . Walsom 24 A. Corboy 25 26 T. St Clair 27 W. Pye 28 K. Waltord 29 J . Goodlet 30 M . Scicluna 31 J . Belcher 32 C . Miller 33 C . Henshall 34 G . Rooney 35 B . Gellie 36 J . Crowe 37 38 R . Thomson 39 A . Power 40 T. McAdie 41 M . Warland 42 S . Altschwager 43 S . Oliver 44 C . Blight 45 M . Vagg 46 M . Vear 47 P. Buhner 48
49 L . Wood 50 N . Gil l 51 I . McGarry 52 53 A . Roifs 54 A . Garvie 55 L . Aitken 56 C . Cooper 57 P. Hawkes 58 M . Kurban 59 M . Wright 60 61 J . Ross 62 J . Killeen 63 R . Marriott 64 65 66 S. Lynch 67 M . Erdem 68 D . Villan i 69 N . Wallmeyer 70
1 la 2 L Wintle 3 J Shire 4 A L'1-3uillier 5 S Napier 6 A Rvan 7 N O~wen 8 A Robe rt s
9 J Cunningham 10 C Ros s 12 C Stewa rt 13 D Goodchild 14 P Lannan 15 D Johnston 16 P Wintl e 17 T Macgeorge 18 T Giaquinta 19 B Tomlinson 20 J Dru ry
21 D Spencer 22 P Johnson 23 D Napier 24 T Beasley 25 S Booth 26 S Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falking ham 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 33 S Zakic 34 C Meyer 35 B Bilo s 36 A Gangi 37 M Connolly 38 P Carroll 39 C Tesoriero 40 C Johnston 41 D Thompson 42 D Diggins 43 B Smit h 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 D Vidovic 48 C Mizzi
49 J Sanders 50 S Kidd 51 N Zomer 52 S Bel l 53 L Porter 54 M McCraw 55 L McHugh 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 J Doubaras 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 62 M Uberti 63 T Waters 64 J Harrington 65 P Sgarioto 66 R Parsons 67 A Hipwell 68 B Beasley 69 J Tomlinson 70 G Davies 71 A Drury 72 M Hecker 73 M Kiki 74 D Youn g
75 P Fedderson
1 Petrevski (DVC) 2 Finnigan (C) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco J 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 17 O'Keefe S 18 Carter B
19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 O'Neill D 22 Griggs S 23 Bye C 24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 27 Stevens B 28 O'Kearney M 29 Dorian P 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J (RC) 33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S 36 O'Shea T 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M 39 Boyle S (VC) 40 Garoni P (RVC) 41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M 46 Lucas C 47 Goodwin D 48 Courts G 49 Whykes B 50 Mills A
51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R 54 Christofofi M 55 Garoni M 57 Weston D 58 Altanhan 0 60 Melia D 61 Scuilli B 66 Culph M 68 Swinden A 70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G 95 Hill M 96 Redden S 97 Goodwin S 100 Loiudice J 111 Baron D
Amateur Footballer Deadline for best players and goalkickers will be 12 noon Tuesday June 13 . Amateur Footballers for lad 11 will be available for pick up at your club's usual outlet on Friday June 16th, rather than the usual Thursday pick-up due to the Queen's Birthday holiday Monday .
2. Tribunal Tribunal and investigations (if applicable) will be held on Wednesday June 14th instead of the usual Tuesday night. Prescribed Penal ties - Clubs will have until noon, Tuesday June 13th to contact the VAFA to apply for a prescribed penalty .
Highflying actionfrom Old Camberwell v . Aquirz~ts . Ryan Whitehead (OC) the high flyer in thi s shot.
,he weather factor is impacting on ladder positions with Aquinas slipping two notches , and St Leo's dropping a game behind Banyule and Caulfield Grammarians. With six clubs competing for finals spots, and the Wells showing they can threaten all sides currently above them, the back half of our season bodes not well for blood pressure levels . LAST WEE K Monash Blues took the points against Oakleigh in a game that was hard work all day. On-ballers Creamer and Findlay relished the absence of Rogers and Smith to grab some limelight, as did Dave Furnell in the ruck . However, the Oaks easily won the coach's box stacking contest . only just failing to fit in the entire squad of 21! ! Old Camberwell upset Aquinas in a close game, proving they are a better side than indicated by their ladder position . The Wells higher conversion rate told in the end . David Lilja continued his great form at CHB for the Wells, with Tristan Beranger super on his HBF, Shaun Tasch at centre, and Dean Alex on a wing . Craig Thomas was a terrific forward for the Bloods, Adam Lorkin worked hard through midfield, and Andy Cultrera was busy on the ball . Old Carey went down to C; ' when the Fields dominated the first half, and followed up with 3 goals in the first 5 minutes of the 3rd term . Thereafter OC kicked 7 goals to 1, but giving starts to top sides is not on . Vella was outstanding in the ruck for Fields, Rosman defended well, and Amiet was a great target up forward . Mercurial flanker . Damien Shutie . was OC's best, with Nick Vas again an inspiration on the ball, and Travis Bull starred in defence and in the midfield . La Trobe Uni . were unable to hold the powerful St Leo's Emmaus combination after an even first term . Don Dini, plus Rob and Paul McGloin were prolific on-ballers for the Parks . Joel Goode at HB and Clinton Perrv in the midfield worked hard all dav for the Trobers . Old Essendon squeezed home from B anyule after a "nothing in it" game from beginning to end where their accurate converting made the difference . Dave Witchell did a great job blanketing the talented Drew Fletcher, Dave Williams continued his wonderful form in the ruck . as did Brad Willmore ruck roving. 16
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. .. '~ __.~
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.~ home to Old Camberwell will find the Wells a difficult proposition, having beaten Aquinas last week, their faith in themselves will be restored . As usual, the Oaks will give their all, but will go down by 4/5 goals . Old Carey welcomes M onash Blues to Bulleen, and if they can start and continue the way they finished the game against the Fields last week, they will trouble the Blues . The Panthers are the side closest to matching the Blues for pace, but fall behind in the focus maintenance, and work rate attributes . Still if the conditions are half reasonable it will be an entertaining mateh, with the Blues taking the salute by 4/5 goals . St Leo's meet Caulfield Grammarian s in a critical game for both ; St Leo's to catch up the 4 points they now trail Fields and Banyule by; Caulfield to hold station where they now are . Both sides have strong goal to goal lines and hard working engine rooms, with the clash between Vella and O'Meara in the ruck a feature of the day. The weather makes footy a bit more of lottery now, but I think the Fields are travelling just a tad better than the Parks, enough to win by 1/2 goals . Banyule hosts La Trobe and will be desperate to take this game out to maintain their proximity to fourth spot . The Trobers have tons of talent but seem unable to apply it for the full two hours, and that is an unaffordable luxurv against a side as good at the basics as Banyule . The Bears on-ballers will create sufficient opportunities for their forwards to win by 5/6 goals . Aquinas versus Old Essendon is the match of the day, and one with a lot riding on it for both clubs . The Bloods are hurting from two successive losses, and Grammar are anxious to consolidate the position they have achieved by their class and consistency . In the talent stakes there's not much separating them, but Grammar maximizes the yield produced by visits inside their 50m are . as Banyule found last week . The College oval will be the worse for this week's rain unfortunately, and just as Grammar play their turf well, so too do the Bloods . I'll go for the Bloods by 2/3 goals . F0f1TRA1
"s winners should be: Old Camberwell , ^'s, Banyule . Aquinas. . ~ the contacts are 9818 1425 ;mail :
a reaching I Rd7 . Both tal;d determined g rs vho will play more games fc. 2 Two Blues . -atulations to Steve : on reaching ; in Rd7 . A runner-up and B7F winU in '94 and '95, runner-up in th e ,r B&F in '97 and '99, C Section B&F'99 an d -presentative this year . A fantastic recor d talented, fit and versatile player who is an ?i=,5 role model for the Two Blues . Well
2 5
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Old Carey :Rlst 4 . N:dcros 2 i<ac . 6rou1t. G2tes . CauHeid Grr Bc_
I . Dauc I . snu.,n 1 . x!Qn :, c: -
26 21 18 17 16 16 16
The VAFA "Amateur Footballer" is proudly sponsore d and printed by :
U PRE S S 9 7 6 3 4 0 8 8
i .1
A melee is "Where an incident takes pIr a in players pushing, scragging, jumping ir,t c throwing each other to the ground or ot similar such conduct"
u oh :_ :uri thaann
1 G . Burch 2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D . Monogue 7 C . Giennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A . Lorkin 15 A . Hylan d 16 H . Field 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughe s 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pares 21 C . Quinn 22 S . Flyn n 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harpe r 25 B . Volombell o 26 S . Downes 27 S . Jones 28 J . Langfiord 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Colliiver 1 M . Hunter 2 J . Bieakney 3 C . Wooden 4 M . Tarulli i 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 J . North-Coombes 38 B . Moran 39 M . Mercuri 40 A. Cultrera 41 C . Bambury R . Mora n 43 M . Slavery 44 G . Macklin 45 N . Frederikson 46 M . Anderson 47 NI47oran 48 M . Moore 49 G . Verstra 50 L. Sheffield 51 C. Wa11
52 M . Come 53 J . Dever s 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouc h 56 D . Joyce 57 D . North-Co mbes 58 D . Lev 59 A . Bentley ` 60 D . Vine . Gree r 61 M 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barri e 64 P.Glennie 65 L. Buzagio 66 J . Hunt 67 P. Cuickshan k 68 J . Cogla n 70 C . Lyng 71 J. Pots 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay
;~itcro~t Coach: Gr Res Coca r. Re : in Dr'Earty 1 H McDermott
2 D WitcheU 3 S . Kayrooz 4 M Gilbert
5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 B . Gillard 8 R Williams
9 J Plant 10 B Moxin 11 S Cross 12 J Egan 13 D Nasrallah 14 B . Woodlock 15 S Gray 16 D Bentley
17 G . Donaldson 18 J Turnball
19 A Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 ,y9 Gray 24 A Plant 25 L Martin 26 G Shaw 27 P Healey 28 C. Wilke
29 G Sutterby 30 B . Grinda i 31 C Bassett 32 S . Richmond 33 D . Glass 34 C Stevens 35 D Spoules 36 M . George 37 B Wilson 38 T. Thompson 39 A. Hopgood 40 W . Gibson 41 D . Mutton 42 T Egan 43 L Ferrall 44 M . Natoli 45 D . Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Holt 50 C Burke 51 G Bell
52 Ross Doherty 53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witchell
55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A . Dooley 58 D Mayne 59 J . McDermott
Coach : nean And on Res C h:[ ',o i r ;'.3 1 D . Rosman
2 B. Hail 2 S. Sayasane 3 C . Knight 3 S . Erickson 4 M . Liddell 4 K . Deakin 5 S . Kendall 6 M . Harrison 6 B . Minter 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A . Will 11 S . Amiet 11 M . Cassidy 12 D . Pearce 12 M . Dakic 13 D . Gurr 14 S . Klose
1 5 P. King 16 T. Royals 17 R . Gosstray 17 D . Roberts 18 P. Anderson 18 B . Baxter 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klos e 20 H . Vell a 21 N . Brohier 22 T. Townley 23 D .Ash 24 G . Lehner 25 M . Cramphor n 25 T. Waile s 26 S . William s 26 W. Widjajaa
27 R . 28 G . Evans 29 J . Whitmee 29 D . Schrimski 30 J . Gross 31 S . Sant 33 C . McGrath
33 N . Silver g4 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompso n 36 A. Lawrence 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 G . Harrison 41 A. Bosna 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 J . Blamines 46 A . Johnson 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 51 N . Bourke 53 J . Upto n 54 M . Allanby 55 M . Davie s 56 A. Dowd 58 J. Toyam a 59 A . Beaucham p 72 T. Freeman 68 G . Markovic
- .. . , ~ .. . Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res . Coach: Clinton Perry
1 M .Bakogiannis 2 S .Fredrickson 3 D .Sheldrick 4 C Perry 5 S .Adamthwaite 6 B .Cameron 7 P.Moon
8 J Camm 9 J .Goode 10 D Sidebottom 11 J .Levy 12 D .Gleeson 13 14 L .Wakeling 15 G.Robinson 16 C McKie 17 L.Heathcote 18 S,Gloury
19 S .White 20 21 D .Edmunds 22 23 S.Mitchell 24
25 M .Spralja 26 B,Hewitt 27 L Ryan 28 R Rossi 29 30 R .Storer 31 32 M .Napier 33 34 35 36 T.Mawdsley 37 38 A .Willis 39 QOr 41 No. Name
Coact Res Ce :h : cus Spencer 1 L Findla y
2 J Baxter 3 L Holloway 4 A Bain s 5 D Rogers 6 M Newman 7 P Farra r 8 D Junkee r 9 C O'Sullivan
10 S Webster 11 M Spence r 12 J Caldwell 13 A Herrman 14 B Merli n
15 M~ inkle r 16 B Tatterso n 17 P O'Neill 18 E Morriso n 19 D Furnel l 20 A Anderso n 21 C Gregory 22 R Kamphiu s 23 D Cavicchiol o 24 C William s 25 J Hawkin s 26 P Ferno n 27 N DeYoung 28 S McGee 30 L Creame r 32 J Marshal l 33 J Smit h 34 B Dowsle y 35 D Murchie 36 N Costley 38 P Tuohe y 39 M Smit h 40 M Bolto n 41 I Pau l 42 P Millie 43 R Feenaghty 44 D Teesdale
42 43 44 W.Auidist 45 S .Turner 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A .Cumming s 61 S Blan d 66 A Bailli e 70 J Dumaresq
ArA -
45 R Wals h 46 A Ryan
47 S Menth a 48 K McIntyre 49 A Spence 51 J Gray 52 N Mores i 54 M McGrat h 60 S Lloyd 61 P Campbel l 67 B Dempse y 69 N Manuell
neanre - CnnrRA , 1 C 0 'JnRri
97 1
2 A. Bloomfield 3 D. MacKenzie 4 P. Heverin 5 T.Ianchello 7 B . Stirling 8 R . Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 S . Lewis 11 C . Hanley 12 B . Hal l 13 S . Randle 15 G. Redford 16 J . Tolley 17 A . Mouchacca 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylo r 20 T. Adamic 22 L . Billing 24 S. Kitt s 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitt s 27 G . Orlando 28 S. Khodr 29 D . Hal l 30 E. Radchenko 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M . Clark 34 L . Head 35 R. Nuske 36 A. Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pernikas 39 B . Reither 40 C. Taylor 41 T. Dunac 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Theofilopoulos 45 G. Chapma n 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D. Moulan g 48 P. Leslie 49 S . Bader 50. L . Wilson 51 . J . Kerley 52. D . Banks 53. T. Khoury 54 D . Greaves 55 A . Gook 56 A. Oslay 57 S. Heslop 58 L . Weavan 59 T. Rozakis 60 M . McPhee
Coach : Matt Hanso n Res Coach : Andrew Tsindos 1 J . McLea n
1 M . Knowle s 2 T. James (DVC) 2 A . McKenzie 3 4 5 6 6
A . Inkster N . Lippiatt S . Horskins A . Seeley R . Heat h
7 M . Scott 7 C . Grant 8 J . Heffernan 8 S . Clay 9 E . Noy 9 B . O'Har a
10 M . Hanson (C) 11 N . Robinson 12 R . Kapoo r 12 A. Hill s 13 L . Gladman (VC) 14 R . Whitehead 14 R . Perryman 15 S . Tosc h
16 A. Heffernan 17 A. Bryson (VC) 18 A.Brownless 19 A . Hanson 20 J . Elliott 22 S . Reddish 23 D. Lilj a 24 D . Imberger 25 A . Herdenberg 26 C. Williams 27 W . Orwi n 28 J . Webb 29 R . Scott 30 D . Alex 31 T. Hadley 32 D . Mitchell 33 S . Beckett 34 P. McCrae 36 S . Derry 38 N . Sims 39 B . Day
40 E . Wiliams 41 L . Ryan 42 R . Pratt 43 T. Walker 44 S. Smith 46 T. Rei d 48 49 50 55
J . Swann J . Hardman J . McKenzie J . Gan
56 T. Holmes 57 J . Kelly 58 M . Short 59 T. Johnston 60 B . Mcllwain 61 T. Johnson 62 J . Mile s 64 P. Craig 65 N . Saffar 67 G . Rowe 76 D . Brauer
Com_h:r. nski Res. Cc ion : soil ons 1 C . Angus 2 W. Mudge 3 M . Cohen 4
5 J. Daniher 6 C . Campbell 7 R .OPRy 8 P. Harris 9 A . Birkill 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 D . Knezevic 13 B. Hutchins 14 C . Phillips 15 M . Beresford 16 F. Hakin s 17 S . Curry 18 C . Matthews 19 A. McKinsty 20 J . Raftpoulos 21 D. Faelis 22 S . Vitali 23 B . Shutie 24 N . Bull 25 B . Israel 26 J . Ris t 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 D . Sher r 29 C . Munro 30 T. Stanley 31 D . O'Dwyer 32 P. Graham 33 J . Ma i 34 W. Giannikos 35 S . McConnell 36 D . Shuti e 37 D . Palmer 38 I . Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 A . Newham 41 A . Gates 42 G . Cotsonis 43 S. Cherry 44 A. White 45 T Bul l
46 H . Giannokos 47 H . Francis 48 H . Giannikos 49 M . Eastham 50 T. Moulto n 51 J . Mandanici 52 G . Cvetkovic 53 M . Sonntag 54 K. Giannkos 55 S . Hawkins 56 B . Chapple 57 N . Wilkinson 58 J . Boncher 59 C. Mason 60 J . Russo
C, : :h: @ :n I ...u, ... 8 .; Coach : Shane1 J Paris (VC) 2 J Fincher
3 P Lutterschmidt (C) 4 D Fletcher (VC ) 5 S Emerson 6 C Ridle y 7 J Leask 8 L Fletcher 9 J Goodger 10 S Bryant 11 B Papal 12 J Fincher 13 W Conlan 14 S Evans 15 T Di Blas i 16 S MacPherson 17 P Hexte r
18 J Walker 19 GStevens 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 R Doolan 25 B Turne r 26 S Fleming ( VC ) 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan 29 S Uebergang 30 T Williams 31 T Mansfield 32 J Mansfiel d 33 A Dawson (RVC) 34 D Podge r 35 D Whitfield 36 P Tris t 37 G Walsh 38 S Whitfield 39 S Cramer 40 C Mnjrvik 41 D Greasley 42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 J Crawford
45 Paul Barry (RC) 46 L Flemin g 47 D Hexter 48 D Poulton 49 A Hutchison 50 D Graha m 51 A Copodiferro 52 P Miller 53 L Hadj 54 R Hardy 55 P Chalkley 56 B Rashid 57
58 59 60
Coach : Dave Miller Res Coach: Andrew 速 eirt une 1 D Dinicolantonio 2 J O'Meara
3 E Mitchell 4 A Auliso 5 S Buckle 6 S McCann 7 A Burgess 8 J Fennell 9 A Bethune 10 B Mitchell 11 B Carey 12 T McCann 13 A Hughan 14 J Manton 15 A O'Reilly 16 A Rose 17 R Parker 18 R McCann 19 A Major 20 N Zannis 21 G Simmondson 22 P Ristevski 23 T Batt 24 A Hadad 25 A McKenzie 26 A Prosser 27 P Levin s 28 S . McLaughlin 29 S D'arcy 30 M . Ottabre 31 M Contessotto 33 L Thoma s 34 B Henricus 35 J Briggs 36 S Bavage 37 M Scott 38 N Hodder 39 BL Vaughan 40 J Gay 41 D Chun 42 G Rafferty 43 P Levins 44 P Nolan 45 S Ronchi 46 A Brown 47 A Brooks 48 A Burgdorf 49 D Cox
50 L Newey 51 P McGloin 52 D Place 53 T Pecora 54 J Graves 55 M Dimble 56 P Farquhar 57 V Ryan 59 D Pitcher 60 A Lochrie 58 R Taylor 59 A Raynor 65 N Foley 66 D Lea r 65 T Tribe 69 S Mescher 70 P. O'Rourke 74 S. Willi s 77 C Vaughan 80 H Meehan 81 R . McGloin 87 D Furniss 88 S Pitche r
9720 0477
Z t was a unique year with Round 9 being a repeat of R.7 but this time De La won by 3 points, 4 .7 to 4 .4 . in terrible conditions, reversing R .7's defeat of 2 points . Old Geelong (C) beat Ivanhoe 16 .12 to 14 .3 after trailing by 13 points at half-time . The two teams, coupled with Ajax. shared top with 7 wins and 2 losses . Best were Manton, Edmonds . Handbury, Oliphant (OG) and Flynn (7 gls) Angelini, Nibeli, Blackwood (Ivan) .
N.O .B congratulates Luke Boyle on 100 games - 1 in the U19, and 99 in the Seniors . How do you win a game by kicking 2 .3 . (15)? Easy, you keep your opposition to 1 .7 (13). And that's what Parkside did to St John's O .C . getting their 2 goals in the first ten minutes while the ball was drv . St John's O .C . got their only goal minutes before the finish . Best were Allan, Sturgess, MacNamara (Park .) and Higgins. Koppens Paulson (St J.O .C ) As a gauge of the weather eonditions, all matches at Elsternw4ck Park had been cancelled until further notice . E East coaches were John Wise (Old Carey) Brett Davidson (Aquinas) Robert Osborn (Richmond Central) E. Michael (Bulleen United) Mark Flack (St Leo's) Peter Lowe (St Mary's) David McCormack (Yarra V . )
Congratulations to Mark Orton on his 150th appearance for Old Haileybury - and as usual, was among Old Haileybur-v's best on the day . In the atrocious conditions it was understandable that of the 68 teams that led at half time, only 5 were trailing at the game's end . At the half wav mark, only undefeated teams were North Brunswick (E Central) Beaumaris (E South) Uni Blues (U .19 .1) Old Xaverians (A .R .) St Leo's (E.R .) . Advertisers were Cyan Press . McKinnon Sports Medicine, C.U .B ., Schweppes. Sherrin, Diadora, Four 'N' Twenty, Astra Studios, Quit. Sportscover. R .A.C.V., Leuko . Club Warehouse . 10 YEARS AGO - 199 0 In a high class match played in perfect conditions on the Adelaide Oval, the Vics defeated South Australia 18 .15 to 11 .11 . S .A. started very well . in control for the first ten minutes, and out two goals quickly on the board . A couple of shirt fronts by Peter wood showed the Vies the way and they led by 4 points at the first change . 23 points at half time, and 46 points at the fmish .
The half back tine, with Rob Fuller and Peter wood alongside John Manton, was outstanding with Rob winning the S .A. Selector's Trophy and John the S .A. Trophy . The VAFA Selectors Trophy . was won by Bruno Conti, who vindicated the selector's genius when they placed the NOB full back in the centre where after taking 10 minutes to get into stride he con-
trolled the midfield e.Theoficalbstwr Conti . Carey, Fuller , Manton, Moloney . Clarkson, Meehan and Wood but it was the team effor t which really pleased coach Mi : .e McArthur-Allen . The team lined up: Bks : Matt Gallbraith (Coll), Damien Stoney (Old Xav), Laurie Meehan (Old X .) . HB : Rob Fuller (O.S)f John Manton (Old Geel), Peter Wood (Old Par) . C: Justin Clarkson (Orm), Bruno Conti (NOB) . Phil Kingston (Orm) . HF: Mark Brady (O.S .), Robert Gross (Marc), Simon Lennox (Marc). F : Duncan McCall (O .S), Paul Schuhkraft (Orm), Richard Furphy (U . Blues). R.R: Wayne Carey (St Bern), Stephen Moloney ( N OB), Simon Meehan (Old H .) . I/C : Paul Booth (NOBj . Brett Connell (Orm), Gary Irvine (Coll) . In the curtain raiser South Australia were far too strong for the Vies C to F team . The Vies hit the front by 10 points ten minutes into the last quarter but a fitter and more desperate home side kicked 10 goals in the last 15 minutes to run out easy winners . The Adelaide Oval is a very big ground and the Vies who had a strenuous trip to Adelaide by bus found the big wide spaces too wide in the fmish . Coach Rick Brockwell, selectors . Chairman Peter Hutchinson, Andy Langford-Jones (Liaison Officer) and the VAFA were pleased with the dedication shown by the players . 15 YEARS AGO - 19 8 5
In a magnificent game at Preston before a crowd of 5000, the VFA finished too strongly to beat the VAFA by 9 points . The VFA got away to a great start and led 7 .5 to 4 .1 . O'Reiley was a top player early for the VFA until Paul Considine was .shifted on to him and shut him out of the game . In the second term the VFA went away to a 31 point lead . The VAFA were struggling then Rick Van Den Driest came on to the half back flank, and in some aggressive football the Amateurs, with Simon Eishold prominent kicked 5 quick goals to level the scores at half time . The Amateurs continued the strong play in the third term and led by 13 points at the 3 minute mark to increase the lead to 19 points . It was to be our last goal . VFA coach Gary Brice brought Jordan on and put him on the ball : he began to take over as Rohan Brown had run himself into the ground . Considine was forced to leave the ground and 0' Reiiy came back into the game. There were still chances to win until Lumicisi sealed it for the VFA with a goal right on the siren . Final scores VFA 14 .13 to VAFA I3 .10 . Trophies went to Simon Eishold and Mark McDonald . Others to stand out were Rohan Brown, Andrew Smythe . Guy Ritchie and Pat Sallinger at full back kept champion VFA forward Mark Fotheringham to one goal . Goals were kicked by Garde 3, Eishold 3 . Murphy 2, McDonald 2, Kanis . Bourke, Considine . AMA
The VFA Under 19 defeated VAFA Under 19 team by 29 points . -1980 E section coaches , re v . _3arv=ie (Buil United). Terry Sheehan (La r obe), ayne Kirby (Nientone), Ian Duncan (Nth Bruns), 7. ; . , .,annix (Princes Hill), Fran Rosbrook (St Pious) Paul Bain (UHSOB) and Rick Brockwell (West Bruns) . Who coached A NZ Bank, Elsternwick, Old Geelong and Thornbury ? Tony Brocksopp's 174th game for Old Geelong saw him bring 174 consecutive games to an end when he broke his leg. On top half way through he season were 'A' De La Salle . 'B' Collegians . 'C' Old Brighton Gramm, 'D' Alphington . 'E' Elsternwick, 'F' Thomastov,,n . 'J 1' St Bernards, 'J2' Therry and 'J3' Thomastov.-n . St Bernards O .C. congratulated Gerard "Gus" Mitchell on the occasion of his 200th game as a coach at the club . Coaching credits included : two premierships J2 . 1969 and 'A' section, 1975, and State game 1976 . Well done Gus (and to Paula who put up with you for those 200 games) . 150 games to David Potter (Old Camberwell) and Dave Durack (Mentone O .B .) . Old Brighton and Trinity, in C were 5 points apart at half time, and 68 points apart at the end of the game with Old Brighton running triumphing 22 .16 (148) to 12 .8 (80) Best were Shepherd, Kemp. Leske, Hill . Priestly (3) (Old Brighton) and Kirkbride, Bunting, Outes (Old Trinity) . In a high standard game, UHSOB (C), 3rd, defeated Old Melburnians. 5th 17 .11 (113) to 14 .14 (98) . Best were Edwards . Johnson, Flavell, McMahon (6 goals) (1VIHSOB) and P . Dawson, Knight . Urquhart (Old Melb) . Old Ivanhoe (C) held on to second position with a 15 point over MHSOB . Old Ivanhoe's stars were Galbraith (6 goals), G . Stevens . Lee, and for MHSOB Wood, Featherb_v and Adams did well . Heatherton 25 .20 (170) against Glenroy 6 .5 (41) was top scoring team for the round . Mecking (12 goals), Peter Carey . and Fletcher were best . 30 YEARS AGO - 19 70 Geelong went into top position in B section when
--- -
TOn, , rn nnnn
they inflicted the first defeat on Uni Blacks but how lucky. Blacks were 44 points down at the last change, but kicked 8 .7 to 2 goals in the final term to go down by only a point . Allden . McLean and Morgan (7 goals) desperate players for the Blacks . National Banks junior team had its first win for three years when it downed Parkside Juniors by 2 points. Melbourne High welcomed back "GVassa" Dick and Ian Harrison . Ian had been in the bush teaching for a few years and returned to the senior side with a fine game . St Bernards congratulated John "Tiny" Crennan and Joy on the birth of their first child . The Umpires' Association congratulated father and son combination Her. and Ross Roberts. Hee. started with the VAFA in 1951 . 40 YEARS AGO - 1960 Jim Hawkins, De La's first captain, who led the club to its first two flags, had made a comeback and looked set for a successful season . 100 games to John Byrne (Ormond), John Corby (Nat. Bank) . Ajax coach Peter Charleston had been transferred in his employment . The club welcomed new coach George Coates (former Fitzroy and Victorian) rover with a 9 goal victory . Alphington junior Bill Goldsbury kicked 6 goals for the fourth time for the season . U . Blacks (8 .12) surprised Old Xaverians (G) to record the Black and Red's second defeat . Best were Turner, Whitford, Steer (Uni Blks) and G . Keogh, Ylcisaacs . Drum (Old X . ) 50 YEARS AGO - 1950 In B section a remarkable position applied after 9 games. as the premiership list read : games won 9 .8 .7.6 .5.4 .3 .2 .1 .0 . Can a University mathematician work out the odds about such a resutt . Ormond made it 10 wins straight with a 3 point victory at home against University Blacks before a crowd of 4,000 . Old Xaverians scored their first success with an 8 point win against Hampton Rovers . Goss (6 goals), Phelan (4) and Schrader were best .
rnrprise results, as well as adverse weather condiLions, were common as our season passed its mi d point in Round 8 . The quest for the top four places in each section remains interesting as many possible outcomes remain . Round 8 yielded me a poor success rate of 60% . REVIEW ROUND 8 9ECTI( 1
showed they had learned their lesson in the nee pl,- -- out the complete match when they recorded a forty nine point victory over St Kevins . For Prahr 1, key defenders, Craig 'Johnson and Chris Morton as well as Rvan Pritcherd and Jimmy Zissos were best . Be . . : returned to form resembling that shown last century, when they defended Old Brighton by thirty two points . In "General°, most of the Old Brighton score resulted from undisciplined acts by De La Salle defenders . Such acts will not be tolerated in his regiment by "The General", who named Shane Rudd (centre half back) . Ben "Sweatbox" Buit' : (full forward) and on bailer Ash Tucker a q his star soldiers . s proved my judgement poor as Old they continued on their winning way with a fifty six point v n over a disappointing Old ~coteh, who still rempm ne outside the top four . " through straighter kicking defeate d Marcel ! by eleven points in a match where each side's performance belied its previous form . Leaders, Old Xaverians had the bye . SECTION 2 The younger. O ld Trinity team clearly defeated Y a Valley by thirty two points after a match which provided a closer contest than the scores indicated . For Old Trinity good players included, Ed Best, Marc Boyd . Andy Cochrane and Guy Mitchell, who must have taken time of from his singing!!) . For Yarra Valley . good players included, the veteran, Tini Habben, first gamer Jake Avent and Dan Ireland . Therry Penola returned to their 1999 form as they overwhelmed Whitefriars to record a ninetv five point victory . Coach Tony Crotty was pleased wit h the application by Therry Penola players and feels his charges are on track for their second successive final's appearance . For Therry Penola . John Zanetti again dominated . Others to do well were, Steve 0' Halloran, Greg Carbis and Tony Crotty, whose name was supplied by a disinterested participant . No one did better for Whitefriars than their Captain Andrew Wise across the half back line . The vagaries of the prevailing winds and the heavy rain were reasons why Old Ivanhoe was able to turn a three quarter time deficit of four points 1 tl, into a winning margin of against 01 : f-
twer t . one points . The victors fi iished full of running as they maintained their grip ~ .. ..o -.. ~ on second place . Good players for Old Camberwell included, ruck tan Jeff Douglas, defenders Rod Heath and Robert Pratt as well as centre man Adam Taylor . The biggest turn up of the season was the forty season point win by Old Geelong against third placed St Bernards . It was Old Geelong's first win of the season . Any further reversals by St Bernards could result in them missing the finals . Over to you Brian ! Collegians raced to an early lead against Monash Whites and at half time "Lions" were in front by sixteen points, which was more than the Monash score at that time . The second half saw Monash players all lift tier standard and as Collegians eviited, Monash asserted their supremacy as they took control to win by fourteen points . Best players for Monash included, centre half back, Jason Cowley . Luke Woods, Captain and half back, Luke Columbies and the very consistent Brvice Collier. Leaders . ' had a day out against last placed P- ,,ho despite their great deficit on the score board, continued to play in a disciplined manner . Best for Rupertswood included, Steven Carmody, Mark Schwartz and Alex Stock . For Paj' side, Captain . Garry Masset, Keith Drummond and Brad Mutz did best . ;L?li 9 Salle should continue on their winning streak against S t Kevins . On Friday night we should see a final preview when leaders Old Xaverians meet third placed - n at J .F. McHale Stadium . This game should provide a good spectacle as the stars of each side contest for supremacy . I expect key Prahran forwards Dave Butterworth and Brett Cartlidge to fully test the Xaverian defence while the contest at the other end between Matthews and the Prahran defender Chris Morton to be another key contest . I look forward to a top class game from which I expect Old Xaverians to emerge as narrow Gvinners. Two teams whose form reveals inconsistently . Marcellin and Old Scotch meet in Bulleen Park . Although selecting the winner is difficult . Old Scotch is mv choice . At home I select Old Brighton to win against Mazenod G I Melburnians have the bve . ,.m nÂŽe 2
-i ex, ~et that Yarra Valley will keep their finals
aspirations alive by defeating 'Whitefriars today . At home and with their increasing momentum I select Therry Peraala to defeat '" in what really amounts to an elimination final . The wheels have really fallen off the L . _ va•n ards juggernaut over the past weeks as the level competition has put paid to the thoughts held by members of the St Bernards hierarchv that this season would be a stepping stone to section I in 2001 . Today I select the enthusiastic young Old Trinity side to 'n at West Essendon . Two winners from Round 8 in Mont . _ and Old Geelong meet at Clayton . Monash, ho played well last week to record a victory after trailing for over half of the match, should be able to defeat Old Geelong on their home ground . Never the less victory will not come easily as Old Geelong will be competitive . Collegians have the opportunity to break their losing streak when they play last placed Parkside who remain winless this season. Parkside could be
due for a win as they have impressed with their discipline and competitiveness over the many weeks . If the match were to be plaved on Pitcher Park, I could foresee a boil over. As f lack the courage to select Parkside . I tip Collegians to win narrowly, The match of the round is the potential Second Semi Final clash betwet n°- ' and ood . Old Ivanhoe in enjoy the hc ie ground advantage although, with --- ~ c exception . Rupertswood have proven good travelers . -onwards win matches and given the success of the RupertsG.=ood sextet as well as the comparative laxity of the Old Ivanhoe defence, which statistically is ranked fifth in the section, I select Rupertstvood t o er round 8 I have been in contact ivith six teams as well as three umpires . Thanks to these people for your help. Hopefully I will have more contact this weekend . Please contact me by 12 .0 noon Monday . by telephone 9467 2857 or by fax, 94 67 2865 .
2. 2 '--r.a valley O.B: 110 Old Trial',Rovd 3. Chishohn 2, B: Co..Y--:'Bpst, 4lttche111 . K: -O r? : 6 . C- ilhti^art 2 . trefa,,,. A<i t. Rc , Reddavray Ur B0.1 Ti i czr 6. 5 Raft ~. Bc Old Trinity :
F : -.Ft-an : 4.2 5 .6 7.9 10 .14 .74 St,i :_rlns: 0.4 0.4 2 .4 3 .7 .25 Prahran : Cardidge 5 . Scanlon- O'Dea, Jones. Bryce. Jnnmv. Best : Cougar, Cee Jay, Peachy . Jhnuuv. Greene . Mort on . St Kevin, : Ries 3, Best: S. D@on .lb'oad. Hooper. Collins . Res. R . Quirk . Umpires: Andrew Barrington Be La Salle: 4.3 5 .4 8 .6 9.8 .62 Old Brighton: 0.0 1 .0 4.0 5 .0 .30 Be La Salle: Buick 3. Hegan 3. Phillips. M1Yuuitx. McHenry. Best : Rudd . Mannix. Hav . Tucker. Buick, Fisicaro.Old Brighton: Ooarkicker and best players results not received . Umpires : Lindsay b4ehttyre & Ray LVUicllotv Old Scotch : 0.3 1 .4 1.5 4 .7 .31 Old Melburnians : 6.1 10.6 10.12 12 .16 .88 Old Scotch : Elliott. (IlinLnvorih . Melzish. Sinton . Rest : Simon, SetfHe . Cmp~ Cowper. Ireland . I1linf;tcorth. Old hielburnians: Goal kickers and L-t player results not received . Umpires:Tony Jackson & B rian Nunn 8 .3 .51 5 .10 .40 D nod: Fothergill 4, ArtF--r 2 . Bell, Jacobs . Best : Collins. Harvey, F(ifi. Arthur. W Ich .' I- aeetlin : Goal kickers and best players resw_not received . i7mp-- : ~artut O'Connor Old
verians: Bye
10. 6.1 n s, Kenna . H •en . - '-rane Fro__ . t: J. iriacv
at xapke 2.6 2.6.18 11 .9 17.11 .11 3 'ifferd . Ciardulli . Carri . 0Rrien . T. y .s Jr 4. Zanetti 3 . Crotg v ¢ter. 0'-,iFo:- - na~, . Boden . Best ; ?atietti, Boden. Carbis .Ur.. 3res: Paul Nailer 0.1 1.2 5.4 6440 1,2 3.4 4 .6 9,7.61 h^ cantor, Essenr. Haney. Ho p kins, Beat : Heath . S a. Old Ivanhoe: Cormack 3 .73isstrem 1 Hense . ..~on . Best : Bernet, Supa . Ward, Rtayceek . Cormack. : Tony Hall
3.2 6 .1 6.7 10.11 .71 5.9.39 Old Ger' , r Baker 4. Ctumside 2, Ax 't 2, F --nan . R. Bromt . Best : 4torelv. enoott . Chmiside. Baker. v '""' i, S. . St .Bernards: J . Oveaiian 5, Best: J. Overman, JP Is,... I :- F;, ce, klieeler. Carrick, Gill . Umpires : Richard Benso : 3.3 nms 4.7 5 .7 6.10.4 6
i Whites: 2.1 3.2 6 .3 9.6.60 ns C } :ir and b°st pavers results not recened . Moorish c', Collier. S. Dca1.s. 0'Shaughnessy, Johnstone . Ur-. ;.~ M: icayROlns
6.6 13.13 18 .19 24 .26 .170 0.0 0.1 0 .1 0 .1 . 1 Fox 5 . Carmody 4 . .Viezzarsta 3 . 0`Rllev 3. Phillips 2 . 2 . 59eC . I . C . GtcG . Zarb. Best: O'RIlev . B: Sinnett . Fox. .me, Carnr- , 2.Sin, z _de: Best : Mutz . 14arset. Dninunond . Pola, Hamilton . _.3 . Ump : ik.!d Nindlow
Id.'.iliz CLUB CLUB XVIII (1)
ades.The original high-tech sole system oves another step ahead . With a versatile new outsole, cleat ~ . .ngths to suit most ground conditions, id a removable internal wedge for sy use of orthotics .
ies . Better performance and greater
comfort . It's the edge Blake Caracella has discovered . And every other player is looking for .
o i,
ession of perh r c--)able of pr ( n? able to fill the ga p recall. from rr!= rior Coac3- , aced Cr' n,e: ;'
p0i .
.u a qu ; feature and the an ' z aame s er quality defense we, it and sF Our "reserves째 team were ; at " _ ( rid not later than sch i- d si iri at which time ~ pr -째r' meeting would take place, followe d ot w -m up. It was expected that an-
arriving on time, without prior arrangement. o be subject to being either replaced by an emergenc . or relegated to the interchange . I acknowledge "tha, sufficient numbers are required to police this bui i : )u are strong enough at the start of the season,
o ensur e 11 by pl~_ a team, witf a LL) Lite club they re :-
ticularly cold and wet football conditions las t week, and some surprising results with the top three sides being defeated . This paves the way for another intriguing round as we reach the halfway point of the season . Terrific wins to West Brunswick, Thomastown, Mentone, Yarra Valley and Parkside, whilst the others look to bounce back today. ie i inflicted a 99 point annihilation of : _ii ,= H by dominating all facets of their game at Parkv째ille . The Magpies were first in for the footy and handled the slippery conditions effectively both around the ground and up forward . Gross booted 6 and Benjamin 4 to lead the frenzy, while Bvrne, Clark and Cannane led a host of players who enjoyed their best win of the season . They have close to their best side on the paddock now and have shown they are back to their '99 form . The Pirates were extremely disappointing, and will want to regain some pride this week. e continued their good record against 1 recording a solid 4 goal victory. The Vultures led at every change and had winners in White (5 majors), Emmett , uChris and Paul Sullivan . They have claimed a couple of good scalps this season, and by the looks of things, shut down the Salesian forwards, with the better players being Oldfield, Bobetic, J . Nannes and Logan . T horn town kept themselves in touch with Uni Blacks and managed to upset them in the last to run out narrow winners . The Bears have been most impressive of late and deservedly entered the four following another good team performance . They kicked trulv when it mattered, and named Scott, Uket and Farquar as their best . The Blacks dropped their second close one but remain philosophical. Cunningham, Martin and Neville stood out for the Uni side . Fitzroy Reds took on Parkside in bitter cold and heavy rain, but on a surface described as magnificent' .. The Red Devils had more of the play in the first half but the Reds ran the ball well and trailed by only a kick until late in the third quarter . A couple of crucial goals saw the lead to 19 points at 3/4 time, with this being extended in the final stanza . Laursen and Hockey played terrific four quarters of footy and Inserra's 5 second half goals were a highlight . For the Reds, it was a more committed performance, with Crowe, Bennick (3 goals) and Drury playing well . Yarra Valley was too tall and too strong around the ground for Kew, and is now just a game out of the four. Surer ball handling by the likes of Brad
Peake, Pearce and Cremean helped the Bushrangers extend their lead at every break, with a variety of goalkickers once again . Kew's youth policy is showing some positive signs, and the K's battled out the contest to the end . They were well served by mid-fielders Cullen and Cracknell, with Landwehr and Mackay again battling hard. Preview Parkside take on a West Brunswick outfit that was convincing around the ground and on the scoreboard. Parkside are out of the four only by percentage, and have been well-balanced so far this year. They remain formidable at Pitcher Park, and the centre clearances will be crucial . Following the West's outstanding form last week, it would be difficult for me to tip against them, although both sides will be determined to consolidate their positions before turning at the halfway mark . Mentone should prove too strong for Fitzroy Reds at Southern Road, and will be keen to atone for their lacklustre performance in their previous home game . The Reds are still fighting for four quarters of output, and are a proud club who would love to notch up another win . Their running game will keep the Vulture's midfielders on their toes, but the Sulllivans, White and O'Meara should see enough of the action to get them home by 26 points. Uni Blacks face Salesian at the Main Oval, with both teams slipping up last start . Salesian has dropped to 4th on the ladder, with three sides breathing down their neck . They have a solid back half line which will be inundated with Blacks runners, and the fitness of several players could have a significant impact . The Blacks should have more forward options and will outscore the Chadstone combination by 4 goals at the final bell . Kew is pitted against a Thomastown side that has gone from strength to strength . The Bears will refuse to relinquish their 3rd placing despite the best efforts of the K's . The Thomastown on-ball brigade will win first use of the footy and pump the ball forward enough for them to win by 9 majors . Peninsula hosts Yarra Vall ey and wiIl have had some soul-searching to do following a dismal showing last week . The Bushrangers are just a game out of the four and combining wellwith some good running players . They spread their goals around and have been well served by Cremean, Laing and Kennedy in recent weeks . The Pirates need to respond to prove their worth, and should do so to get home by 13 points .
press correspondents Many thanks for the terrific responses from most clubs to date, Would love to hear from Yarra Valley, Fitzroy Reds and Salesian also this week so I can provide an assessment at the halfway mark . Email:, Fax: 9531 6601 or phone : 0412 815 814 . Upcoming events Saturday 10 June - Peninsula is holding a'P' party. Come dressed as something `P' . Venue : School Hall, 7,30pm. $5 entry includes bar food . Rum at Pirate Prices.
Yarra Valley - congratulate two more young players on reaching 50 games. "The Bandit" Andrew Laing continues to amaze his teammates with his feats on and off the field . His bustling running and strength creates opportunities and brings others into the game . Laingers is the perennial holder of the "Yellow Guernsey" on club functions and is an early tip for BOG on the end of season trip . Michael Wines is another top-shelf graduate from the YV U19 nursery, with hard work and dedication he has been terrific this year stepping up and is making his mark in senior football . Good luck to both players Mentone - congratulates Phil Emmett and Stephen Perazzo as they respectively play their 350th and 100th games today against Fitzroy Reds . Phil made his debut in 1977, a Life Member, 6 times Club President, 2 senior premierships, 14 finals' appearances and being named centre half back in the All-Star Team '69-'93 . His enthusiasm for the club and the game continues to grow with the added incentive of now playing alongside his son Darren . With his current form one ponders just how many game can this truly remarkable clubman go on to play . Sharing honours today in Stephen Perazzo . His 100 games has seen him mature as a reliable half back flanker. Steve is recognised for his marking and spoiling ability . Given the opportunity Steve can quickly turn defence into attack as he loves to kick a goal . Mentone AFC wishes Phil and Steve all the very best for the day. Kew-All at Kew congratulate reserves rover/forWard pocket Chris Kiriakou on playing his 250th game today against Thomastown . Joining us in 1985 from Fitzroy District he immediately settled into the fonvard pocket goal-sneak position for the reservessnaring 6 leading goalkicker titles . In 87-88 "Turk" played in the reserve premiership double and once again in 1998 . A reserve DVC position, 3 premierships and 311 goals (incl . 14 senior) is certainly a fulfilling career. Good luck today Chris on your 250 games from all at Kew and also good luck for the next 50 . TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTION PARKSIDE v . WEST BRUNSWICK MENTONE v . FITZROY REDS UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. SALESIAN KEW v . THOMASTOWN PENINSULA v . YARRA VALLEY
; L :IiOy,S - 27.05,C ~', Fitzroy Reds : Part~e:
2.3 4.4 5 .6 7.9.51 3.3 5.5 8,7 15.9.99 Fitzroy Reds : Bennic 3. B . Hart. P. Jackson, Crowe, Dialogiorgis . Best : Crowe~ Bennic, Drurv. P. Jackson . Mitchell, DiBenedetto. Parkside : Inserra 5, Ry an 3. Moodie 2 .-Cusack. Manttll, Matthews, Vita . Wise . Best : Laursen, Inserra . Hockey, Wise . Puto, Matthews . Umpires: George Paleodhnos : Heath Little (F)
West Brunswick : 5.3 8.7 13 .9 18 .14 .122 Penisuta: 1.0 2.0 2 .3 3.5.23 West Brunswick : J. Gross 6, S. Benjamin 4 . Catntane 2 . Keys 2. Byrne . T . Gross . Hawley. Lehanum. Best: &Tne . J . Gross. Clark,'S . Benjanurt, Cannane . D . Edwar ds . Penistila : ' PaFze. Dietzsch . A. Atchison . Best : Prendergast . Jubber. Landry, Landry . Bowen, Kent . Umpires: Luke Johnston (F ) .16.58 Salesian : 7 Mentone: 12.12,84 Salesian : Lo ~ran 2. Cincotta 2 . Rattrati~. Sutherland . Bobetic . Best: Oldfield . Bohetic . J. fiannes . Lo art . Suthedand, Grace. Mentone: W1tite 5, C . Sullivan 3 . P. Entnuett ~ Galla her. Matt Sullivan . Best: D. Enmiett, C . Sullivan. P. Sullivan, Gallagher. b~. Barr . ~6ltite . Umpiras : Gene Hodguts (R) (F i Thomastown: 5.1 6 .4 9.7 11 .11 .77 University Blacks: 5.3 8 .7 10 .11 10.15.75 Thomastown: Sinni 3. Farquar 2, Ward . Scott, Gorski, Plant . Hohues . Uket . Best : Scott. Uket . Farqu ar, Sunni . A. Snuth . Lentini .University Blacks: Bowles 4. Paton 2, A-'e,,Fter 2 . Cunningharo . Trevaskrs. Best : Cumtutgitam, J . Martin, her4lle . Umpires: Andy Carrick ; Michael Forde (F)
Yarra Valley Old Boys: 4.3 9 .7 13 .11 17 .15 .117 Kew,. 1.2 1 .4 3.5 4.9.33 Yerra Va lley Old Boys : B . Peake 3. Drew 3 . McOivrath 2. P Cremean . Valoppi . Pask 2. He . Kennedy . Kysela. Laing . Best: Pearce . B . Poke . J . Creme an . Vatoppi. S . Past,. Kew: King 2. Tutetti. Beattie . Best: Kin 2, Tutetti . Beattie. Best: Landteehr. Crack7tell. Cu llen. Mackay, Horgan , Fitzgerald . Umpires: Fat Maebus: Ron Smith (F)James Maebus (B )
RESERVES -27 .05.00 Fitzroy Reds: 5 .3 5 .4 5.5 10 .5.65 Parkside: 2 .3 7 .9 13.15 16.20.116 Fitzroy Reds: Kane 4. Braniley 2 . Procter . Neal. Walsh . Prior. Best : Neal, Bramlev. Johnstone . Card. Box. Kane . Parkside: Reginato 6, Martinez 3 . McCa ll -2 . Singleton 2 . Allan, Lobosco, Panjari. Best : McCall . Pandari . Adams . Regina o, Mangos, Martinez . West Brunswick: 7 .2 8 .4 11.9 13.11.89 Peninsula: 0 .0 1 .0 2.0 2 .0.12 West Brunswick: Smith 6 . Baker 2 . Hussey 2 . D ishon . Flanagan . Hudson . Best : Smith, Baker, LampeL Tobin . Shand. A . Hamilton . Peninsula: Bonner. Sampson . Best: Bonner . Krohn. 0Tved, Splatt . Whelan , Pfliite. 22.14.146 Salesian 0 C: Mentone A F C: 5 .4.34 Silesian 0 C : Byrne 5 . McLaren 5 . Morrish 3 . Cooke 3, Kirchner 2. Hegartv 2 . South . Bourke . Best : D . Notices. Cooke, By'rtte. Morrish, Kirchner, Sntitti. hientone A F C: Ansalde 2 . King . O'Brien, T. Templeton . Best : Wise, O'Bri en . King. Johnstone, 9 .6 .60 Thomastown: University Blacks : 17.11,113 Thomastown: Scarps 3. Bra~agnolo 3. Paskoski . Dot~iihig. Valentino . Best: Meade, 5ca*pa Do~mihtAr. Bdes, S. Snuth. Piouht University Blacks: Howell 4. L. Browtt 3. Chandler 2, Purcell 2, Ral ~ t 2 . Clements, Kitchen, Murphy . N. Wilson . Best : Weddell . Weber, Costei{o. N . Wilson . Purce ll . L. BroW17 .
Yarra Vall ey Old Boys : 11 .5 .71 Rear 6.8 .44 Yarra Valley Old Boys : T . F++e 3 . Hanc - k 3 . S . Tltompson 2, Hale, Ha rt nett, Sturzaker. Best : T. F}- Hancock 'nold . tt'gitechurch. D. Ross. Butler. Kecv: Kir,akou 2 . O'Connor 2, Gri6ths . Looker. Best: Xuereb . Fox. S. Bruno, Connolly, B ar nes, O'C,,^^r
(RVC} ancic ,,;hell (VC) Sheather James Clarke Campbell s.rfe
i (RC)
~h RVC)
auGe, ,
57 L Ri~viak 58 " ' al 59 M Dooley 61 B Tirrell 62 N Auden 62 P Diacogio gis 64 D Trindade 65 S Bramlev 66 D Timms' 68 D Simmond s 69 K Teasdale 71 P r-unn
. .
. -
1 B. _ . :achi 2 Lgerald 3 C . Uodson 4 G . Crimmins 5 L . Bradley 6 N . T(netti 7 D . Mitchell 9 10 B . Cullen (VC) 11 B . Shaw 12 J . Growcott 13 C . Kiriakou 14 G . Campbell 15 C . Bradley (VC) 16 D . Wood 17 J . Dento n 18 N . King 19 J . Dennis 20 M . Raffaele 21 B . Woodhouse 22 J . Paro n 23 R . Bake r 24 G . Horgan 25 S . Campbel l 26 M . Channon(VC) 26 P. Nagy 27 T. Moore 28 D . Cracknell 29 J . Barnes 30 C. °iasante 31 A . I s 32 D. o k ay 33 D . ~,,,ayland 34 M . :wscitti 35 R . Brun o 36 S . Rya n 37 J . L-idwehr 38 Lnngel o 39 ' nernu 4) G . : an 41 L. w„s~n 42 43 M . : :_ -,reb 44 J . Bel l 45 R . Perr i M . Fitzgerald 47 M . Lamb e 48 A. Acfield 49 D . Ryan 50 J . Griffiths 51 M . Blair 52 R . Campagna 53 M . Solis 54 D . Antonello 55 B. Johnston 56 T. Fox 57 S. Ainsworth 58 C . Watts 59 D . Russo 60 L . Ainsworth 61 W. Fraser 62 G . Palmer 63 64 65 J . Bette 66 C . Crawford 67 T. Beattie 68 B . McGauchi 99 S . Bruno
1 D . Fenec h 2 R . Gallagher 3 M . Dixon 3 K. Wood 4 R . Sewers 5 T. White 5 C . Stephens 7 D . Emmett 7 K . Gurtler 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebire 11 C . O'Meara 11 C . Mahe r 12 M . Davies 13 A . King 14 G. Wilsdon 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sulliva n 18 T. Sullivan 19 D . Prosse r 19 B . Pipe r 20 C . Groves 21 D . Batey 22 Paul Murph y 23 V. O'Connor 23 Matt Sullivan 25 G . Upti n 26 M . Mussared 27 M . Wise 28 M . O'Brien 29 B . Fleming 29 W. 30 N . Freese 30 Pat Murphy 31 X . Smit h 32 B . Colema n 32 Pat Murphy 33 D . Andre w 34 D . Sheehan 35 C . Brown 37 C . Reeves 38 S . Perazzo 32 D . Nichols 33 R . Youn oun g 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr
48 M. Walsh 51 G . McMillan 52 G . Delman 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 57 D , Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 T. Miller 65 T Allinson M r Johnso n 69 67 S.. Parke 72 E. Vassilio n 73 M. O'Meara 75 L . Morris 76 P. Hirst 99 D . Horler
S.L Psilermo'~t, [entone unction .- ioom * Restaurant * Pokies
Coach . LaL :: Res Coach: r. .
1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergini 3 S . Pino 4 D . Warren 5 D . Cusack 6 D . Stuart 7 J . Dale (} 9 A . Constantine 10 A . Vita 11 B . Hockey 12 D . McCall (VC) 13 A . Copley 14 V. Romano 15 D . Moodie 16 T. Ryan 17 A . Romano 18 A . Reginato 19 C. Williams 20 D . Singleto n 21 M . Tessari 22 R . Wise 23 S . Barrett 24 R . Marulli 25 M . McPherson 26 S . Ros s 27 J . Scu ll e y 28 R . Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 M . Yandle 31 C . Austin 32 J . McCall 33 K. Allan (RC) 34 A. Starki e 35 G . Panjari 36 S. Boc k 37 J . Panjari 38 F. darrigo 39 S. Cudmore 40 L . Inserra (DVC) 41 E . Linares 42 P. Dean 434 J. Hubbard 44 P. Solig o 45 R . D'Ademo 46 J. Reginato 47 B . Pollock 48 C . Datson
49 B . Hnason 50 B . Carman 51 M . Helmick 52 C . Cecchinelli 53 M . lanello 54 M . Jesse 55 J . Eastwood 56 G . Massett 57 T. Gallagher 58 D . Lobosco 59 T Pattern 60 D . Moore 61 B . Murphy 62 D . Rees 63 J . Sambuca 64 T Thomas 65 [U Scarp a 66 M . wise p 67 D . Ingli s 68 D . Stave 69 S . Davey 70 S . Datso n 71 A . Ingli s
Cc . :h: 6rc , Res Coach . ~,ris @
1 S . Parson s 2 S . McMahon 3 M . Goldthorpe 4 E . Bowe n 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S . Murray g P. Angus 9 . P. Kroh n 10 A. Haley 11 H . Woodman 12 R . Shara n 13 14 15 B. Coo k 16 S . Claringold 17 L . Barclay 18 S . Glove r 19 A. Murphy 20 J . Atchiso n 21 S. Baxte r 22 A. Atchiso n 23 A . Burke 24 B . Wigh t 25 S . Prendergas t 26 P. Topalovi c 27 S . Payz e 28 B . Taylor 29 R . Powne y 30 A . Crean 31 A . Gross 32 A . Parsons 33 P. Dietzsch 34 T. Brado n 35 S . Jackso n 36 N . Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 M . Well s 39 40 41 S . Farro w 42 43 S . White 44 45 M . Petty 46 A . O'Nei l 47 L. Marks 48 J . Bleasb Y 49 J . Whelan 50 51 52 54 M . Dentr y 55 R. Canno n 56 B . Gilla m 60 M . Haye s 62 D. Cros s 69 J . Mui r
72 M . Jesse
73 S . Carmody 74 B . C assano TLIC e1AA(iTC110 Cf1hYC1AI I
Râ&#x201A;Ź:- Cc - :h: '
c D. 0
c Jim Gi:-In
1 V.Capeci 2 B.Byron 3 A.Smith 4 G .Petsinis 5 L .Smith 6 D .Godino 7 S.Plant 9 A.Gentis 10 R .Scott 11 Z .Fleming 12 A .Farquer 13 G .Scarpa 14 J .Alexander 14 A . Ward 15 L .DelPapa 16 D . Farchione 16 A . Faure
1 Bourke 2 3 S . Sutherland 4 A . Heale y 5 M . Canavan 6 R. Cincotta 6 G . Gasped 7 S . Loga n g A . Campbell 10 D. Oliver 11 A. Davey 12 A. Gasped 13 1 . Bobetic 14 J . McLaren 15 D. levol i 16 A. Chaippini 17 Matt Forbes 18 A . Sexton 19 S . Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 R. Napoli 22 A. Anderson 23 M . Smith 24 A. Grace 25 B . Kirchner 26 J . Nannes 27 M . Mansfield 28 M . Byrn e 29 Mick Forbes 30 D . Campbell 31 S. Oldfield 32 A. Stevens 33 S. Traka s 34 D . Gheblikian 35 C . Baxte r 36 S. Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 S. Koutaplis 39 A. Thai n 40 M . Forer 41 R . Nahas 42 P. Evans 43 M . Cooke 44 C . Hunt 45 S . Horvath 46 D . Nannes 47 S. Baxter 48 A . Roberts 49 J . Gianna 50 D . Blak e 51 M . McCarthy 52 S . Egan 53 Pat Forbes 54 Paul Forbes 55 P. Bouchard 56 C . Malliard 57 E . Malliard 58 M . Bates 59 S . Bobetic 60 S . McGain 61 E Hanaphy 62 P. Pitts 63 64 65 66
17 D .Gorski 18 F.Arcoraci 19 M . Sinni 21 E .Lentini 23 R .Dimaggio 24 B .Smith 25 R .Kennedy 26 C . Renna 27 G. Paskoski 28 L .Morabito 29 P.Meade 30 P.McCallum 31 S . Oehm 33 M . Uket 34 P. Corboy 35 A .Eccles 36 J .Theodorou 40 B .Thomas 41 A .Cummaudo 42 L. Alevizos 43 S . Smith
44 C.Chapkoun 45 P. Janevski 46 L . Bile s 47 D.Plowright 48 A. Naughton 51 E . Valentino 52 C .Sambams 53 C . Hansen 54 D . Wright 56 L . Downing 59 P.Scopelliti 62 P. Bragagnolo 65 S.Holmes 65 P. Vu 67 N .Grech 71 S. Mineo
1 G Darroch 2 S Che Jler 4 M Vaughan 5 R Mackie 6 S Smit h 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pasco e 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 14 J Trevaskis 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 J Radford 18 T Wilso n 19 J Ralph 20 E Hannan 21 H Cameron 22 B Ballenger 23 5 Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfield 26 M Laffy 29 D Hayes 30 J Maguire 31 M Foster 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 A Willis 36 N Abbott 41 L Maguire 42 A Gadd 44 P Forbes 47 B Murphy 48 J Martin 49 J Weber 51 A Neville 53 N Remfry 54 A McNicol 55 S Vogler 56 JPRice 57 K Begely 58 T Krake 59 T Thornton 60 J Mar r
61 J Farrington 62 J Ryan 63 D Strachan 64 S Mahoney 65 K Sartori 66 J Mirtschin 67 J Mirtschin 68 A Metcalfe 70 D Meek 71 H Peck 72 S Dimond 73 S Jones 74 P O'Beirne 75 A Paton 76 B Smith 77 D Walsh 78 D Files 79 B Flynn 80 R Greig
G . Riley B . Bowman D . Sutherland M . Sutherland
1 A nam llton 2 P Hamilton 3 GI :reII 4 D Coonan 5 A Cannane 6 D Keys
7 S Benjamin 8 L Petchel 9 C Kerr 10 S Byrne 11 J Heywood 12 B Clar k 13 S Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 M Hamilton 18 A Baud 19 P Shand 20 D Edwards 21 S McNamara 22 R Hudson 23 P Weir 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R Benjamin 27 D Pendergast 28 J War d 29 D Campbell 30 M Lewis 31 S Jackson 32 S D'Andrea 33 D ~~Vh}te 34 I Tvn{ford 35 B Hamilton 36 P Harris 37 C Irvine 38 T Moore 39 L Brown 40 B Baker 41 A Walker 42 A Stockdale 43 J Tobin 44 S Gason 45 J Smith 46 C Pric e
47 C Lehmann 48 M M oore 49 D Howley 51 L Sherry 52 D Zanella 53 J Gross 54 R Sefton 55 M Clyne 56 G John 57 C Lewis 58 D Williams 59 A Kroschel 60 S Lanyon 61 A Edwards 62 S Dishon 63 J Ga rtlan 64 J Uebergang 65 B Norman 66 M Malone 67 P Tuckwell 68 C Plazzer 69 R Hussey 70 D Zanella 71 J. Chislett
72 R . Christie 73 C . Cowland 74 M . Gleason 75 T. Gross 76 R . Howell 77 C.Norman 99 B Micali IR
1 2 T 3 2 4
5 A 6 D Hc >e 7 J Downs 8 L Morris 9 J Keem 10 T Hancock 11 C Reynolds 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysela 14 E Kruse 15 J Kt ia n 16 L T, 17 A L; 18 L
18 D Ross
19 S Thompson 20 T Hale 21 M . Wines 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davies 25 S Lloy d
26 J Longworth 27 A Row e 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutts 30 D Po ;r 31 B ` -,ker 32 C r i 33 P C aan 34 A Cus io 35 B Pea' 'e
36 R Penaluna 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morrison 39 T Reddaway 40 T Fyff e 41 B . Downs 42 A . Stone 43 H Park 44 J . Ho 45 L Rees 46 B Butler 47 D Lang 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 50 T Kennedy 51 S Gad d
52 A Hartnett 53 5 Pask 54 T Mcflrath 55 S Taylor 57 5 Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joiner 61 P. Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurch 71 M Lain g 74 A. Midlan d
r your club: - Rebates paid on Season Purchase s ~Major promotions and giveaways throughoutthe season Australian owned and operated Compan y - Point Of Sale availabl e Range includes AFL pies, AFL steak and onion pies, AF L pasties and AFL sausage roll s - A huge range of cakes, bread and pastries also availabl e
Support VAFA s ;rou sors and sup ;l or~ your Association Enquiries ph : 9863 114 4
Orders ph Beaumont's on : 5272 2300 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
back into C i yr` ; t r, .• .- --"" ` las t Section .. -- -----'"" s 4hi boundary u1is weekt rnin week in . from field and since retu ~eteran ues her ~~Oth her year as a first two match a i g rustybe nto her boundumpir G4aA}~er unrP old is i e indful thaemyb for him in • watch out ire e~ly on thed W10a lapan deca long to The 35 .year de . min ire to ed fello edri w i r e a f t n s h u m P d ~ o A a s field ump that time being involved told hi riadphang It because both ary During d Finals as well as brought a pre anytn g r bounce . Leah case some dthing las onv s at the first afte 13 Section c~in v~ A~ee injuh boundary but realis e ires called Play in in a state her c~ eer on uickly risen up ump er in sh°ck centre square end to ~mcern1O~ng to the field she has q C Section Gallagher loo ke .a . the Abit of elli r n y dg inside role ksd and of ~l t see Sust~ system ~e the r an is now pothe a ry strong talented lcketer an tth is al Victoria• ehe b olds ° tw4 umpire and a few laugh for c Gallagher later, to .haspentwo lyigFat~fewh and signals Palle e ere reverteStatistic for foteveryone district cricket for iring modern roles wer e still plays but, it's field G~lagher said interesting Statist amateur ~ Here's an 184th pemon to offrciate W Ladies Crieket Cl ub butoment t a lot . • There's she s ing on at the milestone involved in umpiring n she y that the they omted th hggle t for u t P mgseaso for numbe1s e c recently aP football reaching the ys ~o d her ire T ea~1
lot of young guy that
an s in a game of alls VAFA about Q~eT competition ~~~lot many g You see a st~ t l look a lot of t foeuss per weekend as we going after o pLres Ot~ Thwaitesyys nice to bea been wouldn't b who there be Gibbo's andhen you look back bu t could field as man y Coale the Maccas 80 long 1' that grouPd have been here Iom ~~ the n m in R~E .~~ WEEK . i©m protected of d and think, 'hey ears . to come people S slhung mart ~'°an and . We all.116 g th e 8t~'~n Ma ybe m she did s riht thg g•-" she said k or free -kick , hey, day . area . awarded a f 'light on her big er is and wasn't a fly by O e sidekn~~ is Per s pern~tted awardWhen a player ® oPP°sing Leah the best We d~l like t o thank wa milestones . wish th m P f r o , sT~ tY for their hospitalityplayer a rn theosition where him to stand of e~e directs ont of d ~ Spea~ng & , an d Michael Lentini's stan , u m p i r wish o~ as t r,ark'• u~ Blues Thwaites thanks to or where very big ed k e. A stand i r n to in n This wil d b iyr is f the erm za 300th games last week .lowed to s'tan who last rnoop",`" No other playe ne is it a and n g~iick'Robin• Robert e Rob's the n1~•k k acker of the ~ Congratulations A Section o~en does pTOtected area a corridor s extending lOm r ted area i week urnPired hiscouple of year see him PT4 o n lJoi d for a so Its great t m i the ® five worked a weekend Wnat makes~r i~eCe Tile metres e tmetre ~ heside . lcicker and a fiel s for his tuel~ore work - impressive i Of the maz'k back to th e cker d th rewarded even nee ove r summer dius behi nd the ~ unless e achievement n ured his kn a reeonstruc ra r this they are accompa severely ij needs oout No Playe may ente eg Sneddon footb t ll and even able t leget r ~e calls plo nent on the way through • touch atha time , t alon t . It's incred itere s p n~ng uehha shor their oPP tionthe field standard of football available 7218 a F~ 9564 . ~564u tian • eom u on umpire the highest stan Well o dono~ac~ac gl craig in the vAFA• time in oved e -Mail g They say a week's a lonJ stin Garrett what about four yems
D T N BPt1N~ Af-CQN©l
-(gAU-ER 2000 ~j~ - MATEUR
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s_ _ c ; l' he All - S _ar - a Team ear .
P l E. ; ar of the Year an d
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Ladders begin to take shape as we move closer to the business end of the seaso n Review - Rd 5
'ambourin won a crucial game over Sth. Yarra and as such locked themselves firmly in the four. The Lions battled hard but the Tigers had all the answers for most of the day . Ringwood continued their rapid improvement wit h a sound win over Keilor . The Saints form has dropped away recently and the Blues took full advantage to record a comfortable victory. Broadmeadows (2) registered their first victory for the year with a great win over Bendigo (2) . The Warriors while undermanned battled manfully all day, but the Kangas had their measure and celebrated in stY le. Karingal (2) confirmed their top of the table billing easily accounting for a R~iaribyrnong team who tried hard all day but to no avail . Karingal ( 1) an d Bendi~o (1) fought out a tight game for most of the day with the Bulls pullin away in the finish to win . The Warriors giving their from go to whoa . In Geelong the home team went down in a thrilling match to Parkside with both teams provin they will be hard to beat come finals time . The Re~ Devils getting the points and confirming their intentions for the remainder of the year. In the Division 2 match Hawthorn returned to the winner's list with a strong win over the young Cats. In Ballarat the home team hosted Colac in a great game until half-time, the Kni~ts steaming away in e second half to win well anremain un efeated to date . The Colac team tried valiantly all day but to no avail . Broadmeadows (1) had the bye . Preview - Rd 6 Broadmeadows (1) fresh from a couple of weeks break will prove too strong for Colac, although you can be sure that the Colacys will not give in .
Geelong (1) and Karingal (1) should be a beauty with both teams playing good football at present . The strong form of the Bulls suggests they will start favourites, however an upset would not surprise . Bendigo (2) looking to keep in touch with the top teams need to defeat Maribyrnong Bulldogs this weekend or face the reality of missing the four, The Bulldogs have been a little off the boil recently and todav I feel the Warriors will get the points and stay in touch . Broadmeadows (2) fresh from a strong win over Bendigo last week await the young Geelong team equally as keen to get another win . An entertaining game is assured with the Kangas recent form the guide in this match. Nort h Ball arat and Parkside clash in what will be one of the matches of the season . Both teams play fast, strong football, and the game should be close from go to whoa. The Knights have better recent form, although it would not surprise me if the Red Devils got up either. In a toss of the coin the Knights et the nod . Mambourin Tigers and Karingal (~') clash in another top of the table clash . Both teams' recent form has been excellent, although the Bulls are yet to taste defeat and should be ahead at the final siren today. At Ringwood the Blues host the Lions in an important match for both teams . The Blues need to stay in touch with the top bracket, while Sth . Yarra need to keep winning if they want to play off in the finals that are approaching very quickly. The Blues appear to be the better bet today . Hawthorn host Keilor and a win tonight by the Hawks keeps them in touch with the top teams, while a loss will see them slip well behind. The Saints will ~ve their all and on their day trouble most teams and the Hawks would not want to take them lightly. The Hawks today in a crucial game . Bendigo (1) has the bye.
DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS 0 385 89 432 .58 20 0 405 132 306 .81 16 0 240 189 126 .98 12 0 204 178 114 .60 12 0 157 201 78 .10 12 0 101 408 24 .75 8 0 98 210 46 .66 0
DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS 0 390 61 639 .34 20 0 274 151 181 .45 16 0 292 165 176 .96 16 0 251 165 152 .12 12 0 204 220 92 .72 12 0 259 172 150 .58 8 0 140 235 59 .57 8 0 179 333 53 .75 4 0 108 220 49 .09 4 0 72 353 20 .39 0
t last, 'the Gryphs are coming!'* T:as the cry as Monash saluted the judge for the firs t time this season with Uni High being the victims . other matches, Power House continue to roll on with a big win over injury struck Albert Park, ,"illy returned to the winner's list at the expense of Hawthorn, Elsternwick beat Eley Park and Richmond had a vital away from home win at Sr Johns . v tasted the joys of success for the first time this season as `' ev were able to overwhelm a disappointing . Monash stole a break early with the aid of the wind and managed to hold the four goal break for most of the day. Tony Gross was the star in the Gryphs backline whils t eslee at CHF and Coxhead and Leeton in the ruck also shone . Uni High were best served by Zulicki in defence. The Power T4^9ise bandwagon continued to roll merrily on with a big win over the previously in form All '- Searle was at it again, with nine goals ='~i Zolls . Senior and Turner also starred for the ---inners . Good players were few and far between for the Rats with Roberton, Fleming and Pastras the better ones . c ond had a great away from home win , as they beat St .Johns out at Dandenong. Richmond's height was a problem for the Jacks all day and with onballers O'Sullivan, Sowerby (great debut) and Adams starring the home side had few answers . Best for St .Johns were Holmes, Scardamaglia and Emery . :â&#x201A;Ź returned to the winner's list as the accounted for Hawthorn down at Point Gellibrand. It was even stevens at the half but Willy came out full of running after that to record a strong win . Debutants Pach, Grieves and Hart all played well whilst "Dumbo" Williams starred whether it be in the ruck or down forward for his side . The Hawks were best served by Dan Lauletta up forward and the "Rat" Nick Hayes . Finally. Elsternwick had a big win over Eley Park . Adrian Contin again starred in the midfield for the Wicks whilst the backline play of McNally, Cunningham and Wigmore were able to restrict the Sharks to only four goals . Best for the Sharks were Tim Morrison, Matt Payne and Smith . Preview The half way mark of the season looms and
some key games round off the first half. L==1999 F Grade grand finalists meet this week as Albert Park host Eley Park. Revenge will be on the menu for the Rats, hoping to in part redeem last year's defeat at the hands of the Sharks. Both sides have found the step up to be rocky although they have managed to conjure up a number of solid results . Nick the °P" missed last week for the Rats and if out again will make it hard for the home side to produce a winning score . With Payne, Hook and Bowen to fire, the Sharks by a couple . Hawthorn host Power House and will be dead keen to improve on last weeks effort . The House continue to be well, "The House", devastating form line particularly when read in knowledge that their first four games were away from home . Searle is the man up forward however the likes of Rolls and Craven are also capable of 'bags' . The Hawks will welcome back Captain Reed from injury and hope the likes of Phil Avery and Shane Parker can shut down the dangerous House attack. Could be a close one, the House just. L7ni High are at home to Willy and will want to put last week's performance behind them . Willy got back on track last week and with the superb leadership of Williams will be hard to beat . If the Willy defence can keep Farrelly dowrn to less than 5 goals, they should win . Richmond host M onash with the signs emanating from the Centrals all positive at the moment . Strong backline, skilful midfield and quality forwards (led by Andy Swika) have seen the Centrals place on the second line of betting . Monash would have heaved a sigh of relief last week but will have little respite as the tackle Richmond . Gross will have to curtail Swika and the likes of Gilchrist, Bourbon and Blandford will need to dominate for the Gryphons to be a chance however it will be a tall order. Richmond by about five goals . Finallv, Elsternwick host St .Johns with a win to the home side likely to put a severe dent in the visitors finals aspirations . The Wicks had the wobbles for a couple of weeks however returned to form with a strong win last week. St .Johns have mixed it up a bit this year, some good wins followed by some poor losses . THF AMATFUR FOOTBALLER 2000
ick at home should prove to be too
.bert Park, The House, Uni High, Richmond astermvick to salute the judge . Park have a Sportsmans Night on June 10 . See Big Pas for details . Hawthorn have a boat trip scheduled for June 11 . See Stroudy for details . Correspondents Ten out of ten, two weeks in a row . Great work . The deadline has been brought forward, consequently I will need all reports by preferably Sunday evening, (allthough Monday morning will be fine, at least for the first few weeks) . Contact cane be made on 98981535 (home), 0418348723 (mob), 95533675 (fax) or via email on ed.ssll@flockers-pl .cozaa .au . Well done to E ley Park's reserve field umpire oiazs" Danny Carroll who enjoyed it s o much he thought he might help out in the =eniors . Job well done !
C = -- .~_- " Ox" Contin plays his 2,j3gh garux this week . In fine at the minute, a very courageous and fearless competitor with his very own kicking style . Great clubman, never missing either a function or training . Well done to an extremely popular bloke . Monash Gryphons - all at Monash would like to congratulate Ftioharsl °' ^ and David " 1000 Miles" Walter an d Paul "° tcl 7" Holland for reaching 50 games this week . All have been loyal servants of the club in recent seasons, especially David Walter who has served tirelessly on the club committee over the past 2 seasons .
Power House: 8 .4 13.9 18.14 AEaertpri:AFC: 1 .1 1 .1 1 . 2 w : Searle 9 . Rolls 4. S. Craien 3 . Rarnphn~ . Ash Burr, 2. r. P er House .. n 2 .o L!o;~d. Adrian Burt . Cassio. Best: Rolls . Senior, arl .. Tur : . : . . . t, Rmplhig. Albert park AFC : Pastras 2. N. Rutherford . Be - .: rr`," . .. Taylor. Is<+rd. Sutton . Chamhers . Umpfres: Terrenoe FarreP. at ; . , . , Eley Park: Elstemwick:
1 .2 313 Y.6.30 5.4 8.12 ' 3 .25.103 Eley Psrk: Bo ;ven. H D . r~ . F . Best N :r a . ) .I 2•e. Smith. Bo :sm . Blake. or.. . : .~tu_ +*f,-14 -2, . B. Mahony. Co.- c _t. Az-.2 ty. ruL-, lV'igmore, TIDey. Umphes: Bob McLeod i n W ihiamsto~ Cyms: Howtham Amnteurs:
3.1 6.1 9.2 5.1 8.1 7 .5
Bdiillsmstown Cyms :llilliams 4. 2. Htnes 2. E : bz" Case Robinson. Best: bfatthess. Pach. Griem D. tlillian^ . ° rt A^h Amateurs: Lariletta 6. S. Averv. Dctanev. Best: Lau: . .. P. Avery. Garlick. Umpires: Ken Brewwi Lionel Katz (Ri Rionssh Gryphons: 6 .1 8 .2 UHSGB: 1 .2 4 .10 5 Aionssh Grypi :es ~ T. Gllctuist 4, Btandford 3. PFoster. Best: 1, . _ e. Caetread. Lceten . Wallace 3. Bmrn. B . ' : e~;c. D . Farrellv . Ca Huris. Divenuto. B . Farreile. Umpires: Peter Woods : G core (F) St .Johns: 1 .4 3,5 6.8 8 .12.60 Ricirmond Central: 3 .4 7.5 9.9 11 .10.76 St .Jofi r. Coulon 3, Reptotds 2. Ladson. Sharp, S, *~,n, B D. Scar- eptia. Holmes, J .Seardame~lia Emerv. P. Vtalker. µ ~ H: 0"q, n 3. 5wka 3. Holm 2, idanis . A1a)coim . B~rnet. r'~ .iSiwican. S, Pat . Adzms . Bvrnes. Convem Ump!rea: Ron rlda . (F) Jarro3 Aspe :Datue Stephens (B), Bntee Stephfns (G)
~ - 27.05.(}Q Po«tr House : 8.4 17.9 21 .15 23 .16.1 54 AlHert Park A F C: 0.2 1 .5 1 .7 iS -J.39 .- .-t . Pow~ Honse: Galakos 8 . Paclou 4 . Evers 4, Hall 2 . P. Ryan 2 . ri,- . ~ Miller. Best Robinson. Miller. Getakes . Halt. Clarke, ;t"eLeal. AliS. Allen 2. Barton. Parmv>gche. BeachSev. Best: D. Cole. S . Allen . C . Ja: ..~ I. P. Barton. Pearson. Green. Eley Park A F C : 30 4.2 8 .3 9 .4.58 10.3 12 .7 15.11.101 ELStemwick: 5.1 Eley Park A F Cr Reddington 5. Johnston, Best: Baidr_c. Ryan . Remit . Hcath. Dunstan. H :utra}tan. Elstemwiek : Hariliut 5. Clement 2 . Dcrons):'_ i": 2 . D,n3d<on. Yenun. Berne . ;JkAdam . Best : Pealstev. Hac+ldn. Curr :dlan. m. Bacon. ~ W3Biamstown Cyms: 2.2 6 .4 8.6 11 .13.79 Hawthorn Amateurs: 1.1 1 .2 3.3 3.: .ib 1 Williamstown Cyms: Pavne 3. Breguet 2 . Butter ie . Gr^^'--c dd. B . Best: Phillips. G. Rant. Sav~iat. be U .itt< <se-^in rHantw~ : Dlxon 2. bioncricfL Best : Artini . i,son. P.. .. ... .... .. . : .. .Leo4. .Amateurs >a. Irvv e . Pdonssh Grpphoas: 1.0 1 .3 1 .3 3 .1028 U91809: 6.5 7 .6 10.9 11.13 .79 Monash Grpphoas: Gonis. Bateman. Corni~ek . Best : Kent. Buick. Batem3n. KyTtakou. Beh. Hae . UHSGB: Mills 3 . Shephard 2. Stanton 2 . DeLut o 2 . Tnrsz.r. French. Pigdon . Best: Ettchrh*am . Shephard . Pigdon. DeLuise, Tunw. Baron. St .Johns: 4 .5 7.7 10.9 12 .13 .85 Rlehmond CentraL• 0 .1 1 .1 3.4 3 .4 .22 St .Johns: Christian 3 . Denhert 3 . DucacuUino 2 . Gates 2. Rearm . Hancock. Best : Denheri . CaIlender. Fonceea Dragu^d ge . Gates.Rehmond Centsal : Jones . J . Hicke~~ . Ricett . Best: Castieau. Gutktric . Brook . J. Hi.ekev. Jones. L. Kellv.
D3 Section ALBERT PARK Coach: Gary Hickey Res. Coach: Peter Hayes
1 . P Smith (C) 2 . N Pastras 3 . B Isard 3 . D Green (R) 4. W Rosowski 5. S Allan
6. N Pantazopoulos 7 . J Sutton (VC) 8 . C Jackson 9 . P Chambers (DVC) 10 . M Phillips 11 . 12 . L Marriott 13 . B McKimmie 14 . T Prior 15 . S Kane 15 . J Snorrason (R) 16 . C Roberton 17 . D McLellan (DVC) 18 . J Taylor 19 . A Faranda 20 . J Bourn e 21 . J Sutcliffe 22 . S Redpath 23 . L Bartram 23 . A Bennett (R) 24 . A Dick 26 . G Finn 27 . S Ridout 28 . R Buckley 29 . G Walkley 30 . A Thomas 32 . S McKerrow 33 . T Murray
34 . N Rutherford 35 . P Barton 36 . M Pearson 37 . M Drought 38 . C Lamont 39 . J Lamont 40 . M Lapsley
41 . H Ross 42 . S Bolas 43 . D Jackson 44 . P. Manning 45 . J Roos 46 . B Dorr 46 . D Barker (R) 47, K McIntosh 48 . P Heyes (RC) 49 . J Murray 50 . D McKay 51 . D De iazz i p 52 . K Dohnt 53 . 54 . P Rutherford 55 . C McKerral 56 . S McKimmie 57 . D Beachley 58 . D Klein
59 . P Knight M Sweeney 78 . A Gay Sponsored by: n`I1 d Q~ l E,°
Park 110tel
ELEY PARK Coach : Marty Hook Res Coach: David Bowen
1 . S . Fisher 2 . P. Clear 3 . D . Carey 4. D. Hawley 5. S . Raymer 6. D. Bruce 7 . D . Bowen 8. T. Kay 9 . T. Morris 10 . L. McLean 11 . A. Hill 12 . J . Kell y 13 . J . Baldry 14 . A. Krebs 15 . S . Dix 16 . D. Carroll 17 . S . Payne 18 . A. Urquhart 19 . D . Trotter 20 . M . Hook 21 . T. Morrison 22 . T. Blake 23 . S . West 24 . C . Broadhead 25 . C . Collar 26 . P. Cantone 27 . L. Kett
28 . A. Briginshaw p9, A. Johnstone 30 . D . Haynes 31 . M . Keown 32 . S . Bromley 34 . J . White 35 . R . Drape 36 . G . Smith 37 . A. lenarcic 38 . M . Schafter 39 . S . Ryan 40 . J . Day 41 . M . Renner 42 . K. King 43 . J . Laverty 44 . L. Dix 45 . M . Dell'Orso 46 . T. Hall 47 . C . Jolly
48 . G . Heath 49 . D. Payne 50 . S . Robbie 51 . M . Payne 52 . J . Nelson 53 . A. Reddington
54 . V. Fukushima 55 . S . Dix 56 . A. Wuillemin 57 . D. Smith 58 . C. Tppett 59 . B . Ellis 60 . D. Hanrahan 61 . P. Yelland 62 . W. Holm 63 . L. Tadday
IbO{}' EN
UP11 ® LSTERV 580-582 Canterbury Rd, VERMONT
Ph : 9872-3333
ELSTERN WICK A .F.C . Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Coach: Andrew Curtain
1 L. Murphy (CC) 2 A . Hankin 3 C . Lyons 4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 Cappiello J. 8 S . Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartly 10 R . Bravington 11 L. Messaglia 11 P. Mahony
12 N . Wigmore 13 M . Cunnngham 13 P. Stankovich 14 B . Mahoney 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 A . Neil 19 A . Peasley
19 M . Bullard 20 S . Clements 21 P. Stuchberry 22 M . Mussared 23 S . Curtain (VC) 24 A . Foster 25 B . Frankin 26 C. Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 M . Hunt 33 J . Overman 34 A . Contin 35 P. McNally
36 T. Byrne 37 L. Lambert 38 B . Currie 39 P. Allen 40 S . Bacon 41 M . Hosking 42 J . Lilikakis 43 A . Burney 44 C. Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie 48 M . Frankin 49 J . Yemm 50 G . McNeils 51 F. DiGian re orio gg 52 D . Nolan 54 S . Kirkham 57 J . McAdam MAJOR SPONSORS :
:` :"!"TU RN E!!RS Coach : Peter Tyson
Res Coach: Kevin Stailworthy 1 2 3 4 5
D .Murray G .Broadley N . Patterson S . McDonald S . Avery
6 P.Avery
7 A.Bourke 8 M .Dunstan 9 W. Pollock 10 P. Orchard 11 A. Sill 1 2 M .Mulcahy
13 J .Graves 13bJ .Povey 14 D .Lauletta 15 G .Macdonald 16 C .Reed 17 D .Zaverella 18 P.Ryan 19 D .Garlick 19bJ .Law 20 S.Parker 21 P.Stroud 22 J .Williams 23 M.Artini 24 S.Williams 25 M .Zaverella 26 M .Nowak 28 J .McCormack 29 P.Barker 30 M .Nunn 31 J .Best 32 D .McCowan 33 S.Duff 34 J .Bogi e 35 D .MurPhY 36 K.Sanders 37 D .Carter 38 M.Tyson 39 P.Hewish 40 I .Irvine 41 M.Irvine 42 S.West 43 I .Cheppa 44 P. Rositt o 44bE . Sill
Coach : Jack McDonal d Res. Coach: Jim God s
1, S . Bourbon (C ) 2 . M . Healy 3 . A . Grady 4 . C. Robinso n 5 . T. Gilchrist 6 . J . Foste r 7 . D. Wa lte r 8 . J . Blandford 9 . G . Wadley 10 . P. Williamso n 11 . J . Barri e 12 . A . Gros s 13 . J . Straford 14 . R . Cormic k
15. A .. Clarke 16 . R . Bourbon 17 . J . Hetheringto n 18 . C . Lovett 19 . J . Leroy
20 . G . Broel l 21 . G . Ken t 22 . B . Coxhead 23 . D . Charleson 24 . D . Kitchen 25. M . Killmister 26 . T. Besle e 27 . R . Gilchrist 28 . P. Bateman 29 . B . Lloy d 30. P. Holland 31 . G . Roch e 32. D . Hal e 33 . R . White 34 . M . Graydon
35. J . Poussard 36. J . Watso n 37 . D . Nichols 38. P. Callu s 39 . R . Coxhead 40 . P. Moclai r 41 . T. Robinso n 42 . M . Buic k 43. M . Carte r 44 . R . McDonal d 45 . J . Gonis (RC ) 46 . H . Be h 4 7 . K . Pocsiak 48 . L. Marti n 49 .S . Arena 50 . D . Ratner 51 . C . Leeton 52 . A . Palumb o 53. M . Magri s 54. M . Kyriako u 55. D . Bennett 56. K . Boatman 57. A . Jerki n
58. G. Harra k 59. M . Asbel l 60. O. Becke r 61 A . Visedo 62 D . Whit e 63 B. McKayy
Certified Practising Accountants 97 Whitehorse Roa d Blackburn Victoria 313 0
Facsimile 98941733
Telephone 9894 1123
64 A . Palumbo 66 S. Pellite r 69 S . McGrail
U .N .S .tl .U . C oach : Kevin Ban , ASS' Coach : Andrew Rolls Res Coach : Craig Richardsor 1 A Roll s
2 J Hal l N Pavlou 4 B Turner M Brain i t g A Bur 7 C Richardson 8 S Cros s g A Morris (VC) 0 C Lloyd Gill Robertson Harri s 4 A Burt 5 R Talbot 6 M Higgins 1 7 C MacLeod (RC ) 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 D Aitken 21 D Miller 22 J Marshall 23 S Craven (C) 24 S Cummins 25 D Boland 26 J Senio r 27 J Demetrie 28 B Ramping 29 R Cassio 30 N Mille r 31 R Marshall (RVC 32 H Davidson 33 R Taylor 34 K Elias 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 B Gilmour 38 J Kennedy 39 M Talbot 40 41 S Clayton 42 M Beasley 43 H Noren 44 S O'Sullivan 45 P Rya n 46 M McDonald 47 48 S Walsh 49 R Wright 50 P Conlon 51 B MacKenzie 52 K Barnes 53 R Dakins 54 J Blowfield 55 J Hear n 56 J Mahoney 57 58 59 J Heal y 60 K McGuinness 61 62 63 D Searle 64 W Elliot 65 D Wright 68 D McGrath 69 D Galakos 71 L O'Sullivan 77 S Clarke 88 G Scotland
Coach: Billy Dalton Res. Coach : T.B.A.
1 . B . Dalton 2 . B . Holmes 3 . T.O'Sulllivan 4 . P. Mijatovic 5 . S . Shannon 6. G . Bunshaw 7. P. Byrne s 8. G . Malcol m 9 . A . Leembriggen 10 A . Swika 11 M . Newton 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutton 14 C. Shannon 15 C. Barry
16 J . Birt 17 A . Fawcett 18 M . Zarjac 19 J . Manning 20 P. Joyce 21 A. Jones 22 A. Forbes 24 T. Guthrie 25 M . Smith 26 S . Baillie 27 C . Adams 30 B . Gilbert 33 A . Waters 34 J . Brooks 35 M . Albrecht 36 K . Whit e 37 G . Porteous 38 S . Griffiths 39 P. Woodman 40 C . Convery 41 C . Fraser 42 L. Kell y 43 G . Tate 44 K. Day 45 K. Pardy 46 A . Newton 47 J . Hickey 48 P. Vulcov 49 P. Vulcov 51 P.O'Kan e 52 C . Andonopolous 53 D . Hoga n 55 1 . Joel Pithcer 61 S . Conro y 62 T. Graham 69 M . Tapley 72 V. Kelly 74 J . Lane
Coach : Bruce Mullane Res Coach: John Canal 1 . R . Hassan 2. M . Ladson 3. S . Reynolds 4, S . Holmes 5 . C . Horbury 6 . L . O'Donnell 7 . M . Hartnett 7 S. Flentjar 8 . R . Dowsett 9 . S . Green 10 . A . Perrone 11 . D,Hall s 12 . P. Walker 13 . M . Jones 14 . J . Archer 15 . P. Denhart 16. S . Callender 17. S . Cockayne 17 C . Kearon 18. C . Emery
19. J . Scardamaglia 20 . B. Rydquist 21 . D . Scardamaglia 22 . P. Kahil l 23 . P. Sharp 24 . N . Gates 25 . D . Sanders 26 . L . Ward 27 . S . Hilton 28 . D . Coulson 29 . D . Higgins 30 . R . Walker 31 . G . Wilson 32 A . Rudd 33 Z . Munroe 34 A. Dragwidge 35 J . Sacco 36 A. Hall 37 R . Walton 38 A. Dobson 39 P. Liddell 40 M . Hancock 41 D . Rydquis t 42 T. Duccacubino 43 M . Van Hooten 44 B . Hilto n 45 M . Dominich 46 D . Clowes 47 J . Ladson 48 R . Mitta 49 T. Hyland 50 J . Doherty 51 C. Santoni 52 J . Brittain 53 S . Pancione 54 B . Hale 55 S . Canning 56 B . Abejour 57 D . Jorgenson 58 A. Fonceca 59 M. Zodlak 60 L . Merrigan 61 R . Kenn y
64 D . Edwards 65 E . Hilton
Coach : Pat Mackey Res Coach: Darren Creswell 1 R . Freijah
2 A . Talarico 3 D . Farrelly 4 S . Major 5 M . Farrelly 6 S . Cracknell 7 D . Zulucki 8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smith 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 D. Bun n 14 J . Ham 15 B . Robinson 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 J . Glen n 18 A. Hellner 19 B. Willi s 20 G . Madrigano 21 S. Mill s 22 R . John s 23 P. Eltringham 24 L . Marten 25 D . O'Dwyer 26 B . Carruthers 27 D . Clarke 28 A . Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 B . Abrahamsen 31 P. Dolence 32 H . Starbuck 33 P. Drendel 33 P. Mackey 34 35 J . Harri s 36 M . Patterson 37 G . Catterall 38 A. Boyc e 39 M . Rea 40 M. Blyth 41 B. Henderson 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Nei l
44 C . Percy 45 N . Smith 46 R . Killey 47 M .Turvey 48 C . Cook 49 H . Williams 50 B . Rees
51 M . O'Connell 52 P. Dinnick 53
54 T. Saxby 55 56 J . Catli n 57 G . Divenuto 58 59 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 62 D . Bain 63 S. Pengilly 64 J . Evans 65 M. De Luise 66 J . Bradley 67 M . DeLuis e 68 G . Van Popering 69 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B . Satnton 73 S . Devlin 74 C . Longton 80 D . Cartwright
I Coach: Darren Williams Res Coach : Sean Quinn 1 . D William s
2 . J Buttergieg 3. D Woud a 4 . S Wuchatsch 5 . D Macleod (C) 6 . N Grant 7 . B Robinson 8 . B Han n 9 . G Case 10 . B Cocks 11 . B Twist 12 . B Jones 13 . D Williams 14 . A Daniel 15 . W Phillips (S) 15 . P Bregut (R) 16 . D Sadler (S) 16 . S lvkovic (R) 17, S Phemister 18 . D Oldham 19 . P Derva n 20. R Hart 21 . S Mc Eachran 22. Warren Payne (S) 22 W. Payne (R ) 23 P Sadler (S)
23 . Kirk Dowsey (R) 24 . C Pac h 25 . G Burgess 26 . D Le e 27 . C Matthews 28 . X Toby 29 . P Vincent 30 . A Black 31 . A Mackley 32 . J Atlus 33 . A Savioa 34 . B Grant 35 . C Bergin 36. M Imms 37. B Hynes 38. D Macleod 39. T Carter 40 . R Nisbett 41 . A Bouras 42 . S Harvey 43 . K Maher 44 . M Bracks-Manning 45 . S Mc Nearly 46 . T Campbell 47 .S Dye r 48 . B Grummisch 50 . K Stabbing 51 . D Bubnic
52 . A Petzierides 53 .T Rya n 57 . M Soccocio
: A vtc~o z --, CCOMA.= 10 ~ (Pies : VAFA Photc apher Garry Sparke) -
The curse of top spot seems to have struck again as Syndal came back to the pack following an upset defeat to Swinburne . At this stage of the year it appears no one wants to be the ones setting the pace! A shocking day for footy last weekend and, whether it was due to the conditions or not I'm not sure, but this tipster had a bad day out . lg= continued their push up the ladde r with a convincing win over Eltham at the Recreation Ground . After an even first quarter the homeside blew the Turtles out of the water in the next two terms, kicking 13 goals to none . Before taking the foot off the pedal in the last . Once again Sharp (8) was on fire up forward for the winners and their teamwork, as well as the efforts Eyles, Gold and Adaway, was the difference in the end . Qg I's returned to form with a crushing win over + : at Ferndale Park. The previously resurgent Warriors were no match for the Saints who handled the ground and the conditions much better than their opposition . Wilson, Villenger, Fairfield and Mutimer were best for Old Westbourne whilst the Saints breathed some life back into their year. In the other big clash of the round North Brunswick ran away from South M elbourne to record an important win . Things were tight for the first three terms, with scores level at the last change, before the North side managed to slip away in the final quarter. Young (8) was the key for the victors with support from the consistent trio of Care . Dimarco and Famulari, who seem to get a mention here more often than not . In a cliffhanger at Koonung Reserve Bulleen kicked the only goal of the last term to run out three point winners over Mt Lilydale . The Cobras couldn't shake off the improving Rams until Badanjek put them in front with just four minutes remaining as they held on for a crucial win . Onvin, Moran and McLaren were also good for Bulleen however Mt Lilydale will count themselves unlucky to walk away with nothing from the clash . As mentioned earlier Syndal hit something of a pothole in their journey, falling to Swinburne out at Chadstone . The two sides had been at the opposite ends of the form scale in the last month but the Razorbacks were able to turn all that around last Saturday with a five goal win . A bad d'J
result for the S -nners given the closeness at the top of the ladder, whils t a welcome relief for Swinburne after some disappointing times . In the last game of the round Brunswick dragged itself off the bottom of the ladder with a good win over Werribee at Soldiers Reserve . The Wiekers have been on the improve of late and this was no exception as they took the points away from the 'Bees, who now find themselves propping up the rest of the competition. PREVIEW Round 9 sees us hit the halfway mark of the season and as per usual we have a couple of crunch games to look forward to today . In the match of the round N orth Brunswick host Bulleen in a game both will be especially desperate to grab as a win will give the victors a game's breathing space . The two sides are coming off tough wins last week and should be primed to hit each other with everything today . Bulleen will be buoyed by the return of some important players however North Brunswick have shown this season they know how to play well at home . If Bulleen can stop the likes of Young, Dimareo, Freeman and Wernhams they will go close but in a toss of a coin North Brunswick may just sneak home . St Marys will take some renewed confidence with them as they travel out to Quarry Road to take on Mt Lilydale after their big win last start . The Rams, for their part, have been involved in some great contests in the past fortnight may be just starting to hit their straps . The return of Carra and the form of Harrison and Davies have been the pluses for the Saints while Gibson, Brebner and Carolan continue to the lead the way for Mt Lilydale . In what should be a great contest the Rams might do enough to take the points . Brunswick and S outh M elbourne meet in what will be a genuine contest at Fleming Park . The Districts will be looking to get back on track after dropping their last two and slipping out of the four whilst the 'Wickers had the better of Werribee in their last hit out . Moore continues to be amongst the goals for the home team and has been well supported by Bullock and McBride however Henderson and Rosowski have been valuabl e T41C
rs for South . The Districts might hav e uch class today and run out winners by are a side all of a sudden under the looking a million dollars not long ago . '째째 todav and will want to take 11 as the four points away from the nartino returns but Gathercole is still C e home side whilst Fuller, Edward s All want to lift the 'Bees after las t oipTtpc result . Eltham will be too zr as r__urn to the winner's list todav . sit co ; o" ha td_y wins last round , ant eet at St James Park . are ro1' -a along beautifully at th e and with Shaip going straight to the top o f goalkickers list they have a potent set up . urne showed they can match it with the ladders last week and will be forced to repro_i at sort of form todav . Its a big ask though encleigh should record anothP=- strong win . ere is no respite for as t tvel ze highway to take on i n last game of the round . Th rs have 1 red hot at home of late althou-' their form from Hoppers Crossing is harG :y likely to 째 third degree burns! Fortunately for them ,v's game is at the School Ground and gives n a chance to move closer to the leading pack . lot, despite last weeks slip up, have been conit enough to still set the pace in D4 this yea r up against the strongest home advantage i n x`ition " v m,~ battle to hold swa_v. Ol d irne by 17 points . Please fa . match d ails to 9 4 57 1580 and I n also be contat.-_ .1 on 0409 571 580 . Thanks .hose who keep sending stuff through every
Your c`forts are greatly --)preciate- .
7.8 9.10.64 7.8 12.13,85 >id I . McDougall I . Beat: ,b : Pc ng 8 . 1i'einharn 2. rt. ti',zail~. umpires: cl 6.11 7.12.54 7.7 7.9.51 1 . Cock 1 . Best : Or :t. lydah : Kennedy 2 . H ; Varga. Turner. Caull i. 7,5 83 13.13 18.18.112 1.2 3.8 4 .9 6.11,4 7 di A. Tbeoba-tis 3 . Harrison 1 . Frail L Dates I . C T'neoharrts. Da:es . L.rilt. Dyer. Goldsmorthv, dridge 2. Crossxeti 1 . Moore I . 1Vllson 1 . !,citeh I . er . Far6eid. Aldrldgr, Pillsoury .umpIres :Das h 1 .2 4.5 7.7 9.9.63 2.5 8.5 12 .9 14.12. ~ 2 . -^k I . Carler_zo I . Fuller I . Be,t: Addamo, ,9 . -"cBrtde 2 . shore 1 . Jaai-s 1 . :en . Bullock, James . ump'v , : :: 0'B
, 14 .3 14 .3.87 1" 째 18.10,11 8
1 . Henderson I . Rutter. Bennett, Jov. 1 . Trainer 1 . Abboh i , ._ki . :,r=:.cebialo . Luc :._- . Mon (R) (F )
3 .2 6 .5 9.9 14 .12 . .3 4 .4 5.9 7 .9 .51 "4 Richardson 5 . warszevlski 1 . Hot bins 2 . Fern Rosowski, aloof~an . Richardson . Blazz*o. 2 . Briffa 2 . Surleto 2, Goutn:as 1 . bt : nounotou . _ien. Patuilo . Laoutatzes, Brit7a . Jewell.
'teen Cobras : 1 .1 4 .4 5.9 7 .9 .51 .~-_~.-Lily_.C_0 .0 0.2. 0.4 2 .9 .21 Bulleen obras: Tbamanson 2. Robinson I . Gavler 1 . Foskett 1, Brown 1, Lvkogandts I . Best : Brolezt, Datn, Thomatison . Rodri ues, Fosk, . Dtmunou . mt,Lllydale: Holloway 1 . Featonby I . Best : lt~tsh. Johnson, E t, Jealous . Varga. Penhale. St - . 1 .2 5 .4 6,9 8 .11 .59 me : 0 .2 0.9 1.9 3 .10 .28 -is 3, Benson 2. Linngstone 2 . Andrews 1 . best : Roberts. Learnronth, Livtn2stone . Seattmtelt . Old FTestbaurne : !~nd 1 . Mattsson I .Best : Said. O'Keefe. Mesrnast, Statterv, 3 .4 5 .9 9.15 14.18.102 1 .2 3 .2 3.3 4 .3 .27 'latt Drew 2 . Chapman 2 . no 1, Rantkto I . Dalbon Drew 1 . Waters 1 . 1 . - st : Birch, Cunnns. -nuio . Drew . Co1Her.Brw do ae 2 . Vise 1, Lever 1 . ::r. 1 iwson. SVL=e. Sikora . F C: 16.12.108 s: 6 .5 .4 1
it Best plovers not supphed . Elthaxn: Morrow 1 . , Evans 1 . tVatson 1 . Best: Evans, Baud . Watson,
39 32 28 27 24 24
4 .2 1 .2
4 .2 1 .4
6.4 3.5
7 .5 .47 7 .12 .54
2 . Kennett 1 . Toce I . Burns 1 . Bent 1, Christiansen -s, Clark. Paine, Dance . Christiansen. Sivinburne: and 1 . Thoinas I . best : Jones. Goode, Ikmarte. (._on.
Coach : Paul Dimms ;ina R". Ccu:h : Paul Jemmc:--on 1 C Sharp (C)
2 P Morgan 3 A Anastasio 4 D Lewis 5 M Eyles (VC) 6 R Weber 7 M Colaiacovo 8 J Handfield 9 I Jackson 10 A Henr y 11 D Martin (C) 12 L Codarin 14 B Fotopoulos 15 P Withingto n 16 P J=mmFersm (RC) 17 J Psara s 18 S Adaway 19 S Hall (RVC) 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 22 S Arvanitis 23 A Clough 24 G Stamatakos 25 D Gol d
26 B .Padgham 27 J (Eddy) Seeley (VC) 31 R Englis h
32 D Fishlock 33 M Eefting 34 L. Sampson 35 L Ireson 36 M Backma n 37 P Hutchison (VC) 38 G Beatti e 39 L Pittito 40 J Bounsal l 41 J Neve (RDVC) 42 G Kell 43 R Nev e 44 S Craven (RDVC) 45 A Pittito 46 G Rubio-Thorne 47 B Moffat 49 J . Fly 50 A Stanes 51 M Pirie 52 R Hall 53 M Snelling 54 S Cologero 55 D Manning 56 C Aitken 57 T Cox 58 T Caterson 59 D Pittito
Coach: Stan Gilday Res. Coach: Steve Kannegiessee 1
B . Lovett
2 J .Markham 3 B.Moore 4 J .Bell 4 S .Goodwin 5 A Leve r 6 D .Dowdle 6 P.Laming 7 D .Sed gwwick 8 D .Clarke 9 J .Grixti 10 S .Lake 11 TFulton 13 S .Kannegiesser 14 S .Moor e 15 R .Smith 16 A.Dean 17 G .Mcgowan 18 V.Gafty 19 N .Melone 20 TMcginniskin 21 S .James 22 M .Mcbride 23 M .Lovett 24 L.Mcbride 25 M .Cleveland 26 G .Cross 27 S .Dreier 28 G .Conway 29 B.Mcbride 30 S.Mcbride 31 M .Bullock 32 S,Draffin 33 S .Londrigan 34 M .Whiteside 35 S .Hewitt 36 A .Lo s 37 A .Berius 38 M .Att ard 39 J .Hope 40 R.Mainelli 41 M .Bond
42 S .Woodbridge 43 D .Woodards 44 C .Mille r 45 P.Geddes 46 P.Mcrae 47 L .Marchant 48 J .Ear 49 A .Cosmano 50 A .Geddes 51 G.Cavanagh 52 S .Grant 53 B .Cazaly 54 B .Bre tt 55 TLovett 56 M .Cox 57 YSaad 58 C.Caminiti 59 C .R yan 60 D .Sfocks 61 E.Pavio 62 G .Surace 63 H,Hahne 64 J .Bradley 65 J .Ericson 66 J .Gibson 67 J .Harris 68 L.Cavanagh 69 L.Corde s
70 71 72 73
Coach: J_ : D'Ano- o As :a. Coach : John t :alpacis Res Coach: Jamie Redfern 1 J. Kalpaki s
2 T Orwi n 2 S . Petty (RC) 3 R . Pulverenti 4 I . McLeo d 4 N . Cartledg e 5 M . Dall'Oglio (C) 6 I . Baccin i 7 F. Balch
8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Goetz 10 A. Gencarelli 11 A . DeJong 12 13 N . Cooke 14 S . Casey 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 M . Fai t 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Mora n 21 N . Lykopandis 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 M . Opie 25 W. Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27 28 A. Foskett 29 A. Summers 30 S . Colversto n
3 R . Pilapi l 4 B . Doody (C) 5 S . Jeal 6 M . Best 7 M Gasparotto 8 L Sharp e 9 C. Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 J . Lees 13 R . Bell 14 S. Justice 15 L . White 16 D . Barnett 17 G . Leys 18 A . Macdonald 19 R . Kennedy 20 A . Hardie 21 M . Lui~ick 22 R. White 23 J . Woodward 24 M . Dwyer 25 C. Horsburgh 26 J . Glar e 27 R . Beecrott 28 T. Barnett 29 A. Macaulay 30 A . Hadfield 31 T. Carte r
32 C . Baud 33 A Yule 34 R . Pilapil 35 T. Todaro 36 D. Howg ate 37 M . Whelan 38 D . Ardi n 31 S . McLaren (DVC) 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Bau d 32 C . Clements 41 33 A . Cook 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 35 T. Bett e
36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 H . Dimitriou 40 T. May 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 B . Dimasi 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 C . Borrelli 47
48 M . Soumelidis 49 50 C. Genitsaris 51 R. Rodrigue s
M .Comme rford M .Nug ent M .Robinson M .Rya n
74 N .Bowman 75 P.Conduit 76 P.Stocks 77 R .Crai ie 78 R .D'an~onio 79 R .Dipietro 80 S .Mclean 81 S .Vidler 82 W.Watson
Coach: Pe._: _ ._.ik Res. C :h: J In Lees 1 D . Fammartino 2 T. Dugga n
BULLEEN AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE 1-3 Greenawav St. Bulleen 310 5
Phone : 9852 I? 29
42 S . Weinman 43 M . Sfili q oj 44 T. Hardie 45 R . Davies 46
47 48 50 A. Kels o 51 S. Maxfield 52 G . Stackpole 53 M . Stammers 54 P. Barnett 55 P. Morrow 56 57 S Gathercole 58 59 B . Evans 60 B . Sumpter 62 63 C. Dods 64
65 S Scahfer
Coach: David ' Res . Cc -h:
Fl :m
1 D .Johnson 2 P Hayes 3 F Varg a
4 G . Davis 5 P Stone 6 D . Cicchiello 7 D Hendrie 8 A . Strachan 9 A Del Blonde 10 J Gardiner 11 C Gibson 12 M Brebner 13 R Kid d 14 C Wals h 15 B. Comme rford 16 P Caulfield 17 A Burrett
18 B Jealous 19 J Burgess 20 A Penhale 21 T Amos 22 L. Proctor 23 B Egan 24 0 . Ronney 25 A Delahunt 26 T Flanagan 27 N Pearce 28 T Crowe 29 P Furlong 30 G Bird 31 C Varga 32 P Carolan 33 C Anderson 34 35 D Callanan 36 E O'Brien 37 M Pearl 38 D Kennedy 39 L Allanson 40 W Newell 41
42 M Periera 43 D Holloway 44 M . Mun k 45 R McKenzie 46 K Maniscalchi 47 C Lonergan 48 D Featonby 49 M . Maltar 50 J . Kufier 51 J Flanagan 52 M Wells 53 M . Leonard 54 M . Smithies 55 H . Flanagan 56 L . Hoogenboom 58 L. Egan
59 J . DeRun 60 T. Wilson 61 G. Cowan 62 B . Cox 63 D . Prest 64 D. Turner D . Bright L. Toll F. Livingston
Craig Pox
Coach:JeNt':ilson Res. Coach : St ; Craig
Coach : Peter FAcE re; y Res Coach : I I E r
Coach : P~ . I_r i : ~cts_1 Res Co
l. 1hewC~ :ge
Res Coach: MCA 1 G . Robson 1 . B .Ana,,,..,tos S, Wernham 1, M . Learmonthth 2 D . Taylor 2. J . Bu1ce 1 G . Popple 2 . B . Boyce D . Adams 3 S . Depiazza 2 J . Sheed y 3. M . Hannan 3 . R . Livingstone G . Lattouf 4 A. O'Keefe 4. N . Goldsworthy 3 J . Piotrowski 4. S. Stepnell P. Dimarco 5 S . Craig 4 A. Fidler 5. N . Warszewski 5• I . McMaho n 6 S . Stone 6 J . Horsburgh 5 J . Demart e 6 S King D. Pizzari 7 N . Malloch 7 R . Mutimer 6 B . Canfiel d 0 Magnuson 7 . W Roso sk 8 A . Zsembery 8 A8 Horsburgh 7 A . Hamilto n A. Peterson . S . Smith 9 K . Gillard 9 C . Villinger 9 M . McCalman A. Sammartin o 9 . M . ga~jaw 10 T. Jones W. Fawcett 10 J . Wilson (C) 10. G . McDonald 11 J . Bernardi 10 M . George 11 D . Milano (C) 11 J . Lott . Boudolo h 12 11 . P. Moon 12 B . Nichol l J . Care 12 M . Gibb . Hill 13 J S s 12' A. H°bb n 13 M . Luckey 13 S . Hewitt 14 W. Ros s C . Anderson 13 . E. Henderson 14 R. Goode 15 D. Andrews 14 B . Mattso n Newton 14 . A. Buliman 16 J . Wedrien 15 C. Thoma s 15 A. Board H . Tsiaiti s 15 . B. Lazzaro 17 P. West 16 S. Reynoldson 16 S. Christo S . Tsialtis . Frail 18 B 17 J . Andrinopolous 16. M• Thomas 17 M . Aquiline A. Kyriazis 17. B . Gibson 19 18 A. Fiuman i 18 P. KIng 3 B. Whitman . Lan e 2 0 A 18. T. Green 19 B. O 'Mara 19 M . Craig 1 S. Famulari 20 M . Trainor 19. S . McDougall g N . Oate s 20 S . Chaffey 22 R . Alle n 21 R . Merkel . J . Pohlner 20 1 Scott Wernham 21 B . Dangerfield 23 J . Goldsworthy 21 22 S . Georg e 21 . B. Powell 24 I . Goulett 22 W . Fleming C . Fox 23 J . Kane 25 B . Sellers 22 . G . M~atovic D . Elli s 23 G . Flower . Cason S . Tancredi 24 L . Fairfield (VC) 23 . P. Hannon 26 G . Koumantatakis 24 M. Hourigan 27 25 T 25 D . Moore 24 . A. Bryson 25 J . Thompson 28 J . Innes 26 T. Schwerd t i R. Pretty 26 P. Mesman (RC) 25. P. Cheevers 29 P. harrison 27 A. Collin s D . Lawton 27 D . Billman 26. J. Royle 30 P. watson 28 T. Harris 3 W. Pretty 28 D . Slattery (RVC) 27. B . Dawni 31 W. Drew 29 R . Cavicchiol o C . Jewell 29 D . Horsburgh 2g D-ftyom~ 30 P. Turk . Healey S 30 R . McMillan 29, P. Nice 33 M . Lynch 31 C i J . Freeman . Aldridge 34 M . Tindley 31 R ~ S . Wright P. Jone s 35 G. Theoharris 2 M . Mason . Jenkinson 32 G 31L Berry 33 N . Smith 36 E . Evans 3 J . Rotella 33 S . Walker 32 . D. MCC-lee 34 D. Brodi e 37 A . Dwye r r M . Pisasa le 34 35 K. Abbott 33 . J. ~~~y 38 F. Harrison 6 P. Dowsett 35 D . Rivallan d 36 C . Gillmarti n 34. J. Sadat 39 A. Millar 6 P. Tancredi 36 K . Pilsbury 40 L . Vincent 37 P. McDonald ~• N . Vergos 7 D . DeMorton 37 A . Leitch . Dickeson 41 A 38 T. Reed 36. M . Fern 8 A. Crosina 38 B . Mattsson 42 39 B . Prior 37. M . Rosowsk 9 C . Rhook . Cahmberlain 39 A . Robbins 43 M 40 J . Henry n 38 . S . Hem a 0 B . McCallum 44 A . Gunn 40 S . Leitch 41 T. Drahtidis s 39 . A . Contrera . Elasmar 41 4 5 IJ 42 L. Waters 40 . L Williams ? J . Papanikolou 42 46 M . Knight 43 J . Robert s 47 P. Rousi s 41 . A. Bemgan 3 J . Pag e 43 P. Hopper 44 N . Morgan 48 D . Morcom 45 M . Gosney 4 M . Fay ad 44 B. Slattery 45 D . Isli p 49 D . Roberts 3 B . Alameddine 45 T. Milne 46 k1 ~I~InI 46 J . Sandh u 50 M . Elli s 3 C. Boyd 50 T. Hughes 46 A . Nibloe 47 J . Sevdali s 51 P. Poe 47 G . Goumas 47 T. Said 48 M . Debon o 52 J . Hough 3 A. Young 48 A . Lipscombe 53 J . Davies 49 R . Winter s 49 9 M . Laoumtzes 54 X 50 M . Goodwi n 5 0 B. Laoumtzes 55 P. Mulcahy 51 P. Jame s 50 P. Habersatt 5 2 A. Boudoloh 51 56 M . Scammell 52 S . O'Donnell 57 X 5 3 P. Cross 52 53 S . Flanaga n 58 D . Kempste r 54 S . Milroy 55 S . Gallin a 53 T. Robertson 59 A . Georg e 55 P. Sorleto 56 R . Hoewe 55 B. Davis 60 S . Benson 56 L. Patullo 58 A. Robert s 1 P. Kegagia s 61 G . Sigley 57 J . Heck 60 J . Puglis i 62 2 K. Sheldrick 60 A . Armstrong 63 P. Rosema n 3 B. Davis 1 J . Polemicos 4 n 64 J . Harringto 65 62 J . Briffa 57 65 L . Rigazzi 66 G . Pilikidi s Prould~onsored br 67 59 A . Lipscombe 68 Whitehorse In n 60 N . Aquiline SUf :i( .:ERWORLD 69 J . Hendy 5 Bur-wood Rd, . Egan 70 J Hawthorn Tabaret, by: Sponsored 77 J . Dwyer (03) 9818 499 1 Bar & Bistro 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne I~obbie ' s Meat s LPS ~~ Sydney Rd, Coburg 111 J . Carr a 041353950 1 h: {354 1177
C Râ&#x201A;Ź-C_ :ch: Nick T see 1 J Barro (DVC) 2 1 Bingha m
3 tt1 Joy (C) M Grocott 4 P Henderson (C) 5 D Hannett (RC) B Di x 6 J Cotsis (RVC) C Pric e 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S O'boyle 15 N Murray 16 B Boucher (RDVC) 17 A Burgess 18 S Macfarlane M Foal s 19 M Glenister 20 C Hal l I Mackenzie 21 A Thompson 22 S Hoare 23 M Beckett 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (RC) 26 G Stofiridis 27 G Kemper 28 M Kennedy 29 A Shee r 30 J Ertan 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 M Richardson 34 V Won g 35 C Cachia (VC) 36 P Van Velsen 37 A Dance 38 M Christiansen 39 G Dimitropoulos 40 N Toce 41 A Morrison 42 A Findlay J Sargent 43 A Brown 44 D Raab J Maestros 45 D Richardson 46 M Pan e 47 M French 49 M Buckley 51 W Hal l 53 C Varnavas 54 P Sheer 65 D Kennett 81 S Day
Co-.z ,: Tim Elli s Re_ C--,h : Eddio : 1izi 1 D . Frase r
2 3 4 5 6 7
S . McNamara C . Cummins S . Conway S . Bisby S . McGrath T. Ellis
8 C. Camilleri 9 A . Towers 10 B . Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D . Lenoury 14 B. McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C . Becker 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbon 22 A . Dibaitista 23 C. Becker 24 S . Harding 25 S . Pugliese 26 P. Thomas 27 D . Warwick 28 C . Whiting 29 S. Dol e
30 B. Carlesso 31 P. Marsh 32 B . Seeber 33 S . Fuller 34 K . Mongrey 35 J . Youn g 36 D . Stephenson 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Crooks 39 C . Chapman 40 L. Carson 41 M . Houston 42 S . Fletcher 43 E . Galiz i 44 D . Flac k 45 D . Czajkowski 46 P. Rogers 47 D . Shelley 48 G . Shelley 49 D . McKee 50 K . Pace 51 M . Greene 52 L . Djakovic 53 N . Robert 54 R . Portogallo 55 D . Guiltounce 56 A . Addamo 57 M . Brow n
58 A . Birch 59 A . Albakis 60 S . Hartley 61 G . Warren 62 C . Albakis 63 P. Browning 64 S . Pisa k 65 R . Engler
.! I-
tO be faxe, . 9531 L. - o r to phil@Vafa .asn .a u 'iVed by noon Tuesday - "sI
)riginal and pink copy must be lodgi :~` with umpires no later than half time of any match , rL .cryh player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname, Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
QTERNWI C The main crate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open evr=째 -~ rra t__^ The rearaafe (off St Kilda St) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval , When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
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CLUB 18 (11
eh Reserve 9.45am OLD XAVERIANS v. DE IA SALLE at Victoria Park OLD MELBURNIANS v . PRAHRAN MARCELLIN has the bye MAZENOD v. OLD SCOTC H CLUB 18 (2)
c sT~.,"ITOP~'
UNDER-19 (2) RED
ue) 2u
Re :, _ Section 1 .E .O . created history with a resounding 39pt Twin, in front of a verv enthusiastic crowd of over 200 . This game was tough, physical and SKOBS were relentless . The Xavs boys just did not have any answer to the SKOBS brand of hard football . lJni Blues led by their 'big man' Russell, won a hard fought game at Crawford Oval against De La . Uni jumped to a 26pt lead at the first break and basically maintained it throughout the game . As expected St, B .'s handed out a 94pt drubbing to O .P .'s . Ward in the centre and O'Sullivan off halfback were terrific . But O.P .'s last quarter should be commended with 3 finishing goals . Mazenod at home proved too formidable for Old Hail, their back line kept them goalless till the last quarter and their on-ballers gave the forwards plenty of drive . Down at Collegians . Old B .'s jumped the Lions in the lst and maintained the difference . The Lions lost their ruckman and rover earlv but this was no reason for a 'lack of passion' towards the football . Marcellin led for most of the day, due to the efforts of the ivlcitlillan's, an upset in the offing. But 3 final O .M .'s goals and only 2pts to Marcellin & Holdsworth is home again .
Section 2 The wet and cold conditions on Saturday restricted most sides, and led to low scoring matches all round . A strong start by Old Trinity set up a good win over Yarra Valley . It was a good team effort by Trinity led by the determined Christopherson, Carter -Buszard, and Armatas, while for the Bushrangers, Senaratne, Urbano, and Lloyd each battled hard all day . Brown, Orchard, and Tarr kicked two each as MHSOB moved to 5th place with a hard fought victory over Brett Gear's Old Carey, while for Carev. Unkles, James . Prior and Smith never gave up . In the upset of the round Whitefriars managed to pull off a stunning victory against the extremely inaccurate Old Scotch . Swain was his consistent self and Baker, Power, and Langord all put in solid games for the Friars, while Sladen had the dubious honour of being Scotch's only goal kicker for the day with 3 while Hosking . Fenner and Page all played well . Beaumaris were the only team to kick more than 10 goals this week and they had a convincing 48 point win over the Hampton Rovers to gain outright top spot on the ladder. Foley kicked 4 while Deaton . Brook and Tucker were best around the ground for the winners, and for the Rovers, Boyd, Sendeckyj and Wheeler were consistent all day . S ection ( 2) Blue
St . Leo's were far too consistent and too power-
ful in t h opening 3 quarters befor e Monash evened out the last stanza . St. Leo unearthing goal kickers with Irvin marching up goal-kicking ladder to 17 . For k2onash, Cavicchioio & Hawkins were good again . Be La started well and finished well against the Packers with Heffernan, Moran & Miller decisive . Glen Eira throug hDimack,ZebinadKsrhaget2ndquarter - you guys just need to repeat it for 4 . The Jackers need to be swabbed, the results bottled and then given back each Saturday! What a win! Now that they believe in themselves, lookout! For Caulfield . la in the last half is not just good enough! Ormond's running game came to fruition through Muzzell and Putz and with Heffernan bagging 7g they just overpowered Old NSentone. Ball . Garlick and Harper again were grand for Old Mentone . The Swans began well, slowed in the middle, and finished with 8g in the last . Brown. Bell and Neild firing! For Mentone, Shane would have thought at home 'we're a chance', but you really need 22 committed players to do it . Section 2 Red The Uni Blacks put in their best performance of the year and only allowed the Tiger Sharks to score one point after quarter time and ran out 141 point winners . McIntosh kicked 6 and Beaton 3, e,1 Schirmer was brilliant all dav, coach John Bu : l' would have been thrilled with his whole team's p : -formance . For the Tiger Sharks, Taylor . Kyriakov and Logan were all consistent throughout the day . Therry Penola put in a fantastic last quarter comeback to come from 5 goals down at three quarter time but just couldn't get across the line losing to Old Camberwell by 5 points . For the winners Cramer-Roberts kicked 4 while Derry . Ormsby . and Hillier was all great, and for Therry, O'Brien, Taylor, and Goodwin each put in fantastic efforts . Aquinas had a good first quarter against Rupertswood only to fall away against a quality opposition . Baines, West, Webb and Whitehead were best for the winners, while Verone, Cochrane and Hall each battled hard for the entire game . Old Essendon continued to assert their total dominance over the competition by demoralizing Bulleen Templestowe by 189 points . One mustn't forget that it's tough to keep trying hard all day when your being well beaten and Bulleen's O'Donnell, Hill, Tehan and Taylor are to be commended on their determined effort throughout the game . Preview Section I
St . K .'s are embarking on the 2nd leg of the
Double against the majestic Unit Blues . prudent one get his chargers to maintai n sh and bang' football from last week? Can stical King conjure another victory? G o Russell's Be La will be far too strong fo r at Darling Reserve . Coach Russell knows boosting win puts them right back in touc h 4 . Old H . face Xavs coming off a'shock' nsni will no doubt be demanding a full 4 effort to get them back on track and attain needed percentages . Old B .'s host the much3 Mazenod unit down by the seaside . _ rown needs to be very wary of this side ch in it . This is the match of the round! Th e vel two drop punt kicks across to the Ross to face the in form O .M .'s . After a 2 0 tongue-lashing last week the Lions will 'roa r ovin a nail biter by 2pts . Finallv. St . B .'s a t trer'gth should be too strong for Marcellin . Bu t eilln can improve their 2nd & 3rd quarter who knows what might happen . St . B .'s for .2 ,)ld Trinity will be looking to string a few vvins i n en they take on the Hampton Rovers . Wit h a ~ w games separating third position from sevpos :tion on the ladder even, game is important , s can't afford to lose touch with the other s an them . Old Trinity have been a bit up an d i over the last few weeks but will win today a s round depth is stronger than the Rovers . - all ary couldn't match their opposition last wee k
Howard can get last week's 2nd quarter effort and replay it for 4 quarters this week, they are a real chance . Close but not close enough -Mentone l3pts . secti c ~ - _ When I Tit Blacks take on Therrv Penola in the fifth against sixth clash they'll be fighting it out to stay in touch with the final four . The Uni Blacks were excellent in their big win last week, likewise Therry Penola battled hard to only go down by 5 points . In what will be a very hard fought game I'm going for the Uni Blacks to just get over the line. The Tiger Sharks haven't looked their best in recent weeks and will und it hard to return to form again today when they battle against Rupertswood . Despite stumbling slightly over recent weeks there is no doubt Rupertswood is still an accomplished side and should be too good today . BulleenTemplestowe will have no respite again this week when they battle number two side in the competition the North Old Bovs . The NOBs are coming off the bye and will be ready and raring to go, so Bullants need to give it everything they have to remain competitive. Old Essendon take on Old Camberwell at East Keiior in a game that should be close judging on ladder positions, but Essendon have been a clash above evervone this year and will win well. Aquinas have the BVe .
11 need to make a huge improvement if thev're o vin when they host the form team and lad~rs Beaumaris at the Gramlick Oval . The , aefriars had a sensational win last week and wil l t to maintain last week's determination i f going to beat MHSOB . Some weeks this year
SOB has looked fantastic only to be disappointhe next, thev'11 need to carry their good form this game if they're going to beat the Friars . s by 4 goals. Both Old Ivanhoe and Yarra Valle y ,ve more talent than they've shown this year, an d l be looking to turn it around when they meet today . In what should be a good match I think Old ? . hoe Will just get home . Old Scotch have the bye . (2) Blue ._onash Blues host De La at Main Oval in what i a must win for De La . They need the 4pts due to a pathetic percentage . Alas, the Blues have too mueh striking power! Hawkins and Bever will kick too manv . The Grammar Bovs meet the in form St . 1. )'s and with Cherry and Padbun= now joined by Irin this goal kicking machine will continue on it's merry way . The Winduss' O .M .'s combat the Jackets at the school oval in what could be a surprising result . If the O .M . runners can stay with the li' :es of Feldman . Wollner and Glazer, this game Will be a lot closer . But for me, Ajax by 28pts! Sout h 1c'13ourne opposes the Ormond team at Albert Park in a game, which will go to the wire . The ns will need to score over 100pts ; otherwise th e i~>squito Fleet' will run over the top of them . But for me, Swans 102pts - Ormond 89pts . The Packer Boys entertain Mentone at Leila Rd . If Coach THF AMATFI IR FC1flTRA1 I FR 9flft(1
2 0 3 0 0
26 24 23 22 21
47 27 19 17 1 5
Under-19 ® Section I COLLEGIANS
Coach: Richard Obee Coach: Terry Russell Coach : panel Merton
Coach : Rod Bourke
1 D . Coombes
1 . R . Galati
1 . D. Collins
2 . D . Cracknell 4 . L. N eal 6 J . Carpenter 7 D. McMillan 12 L. Connal 13 J . Matthews
2. D. Fotiniotis 3 . D. Bonnici
1 . L. Young
2 R . Muir 3 D . Dowli ng 4 R . Sztar
2 . C. Moran 3 . S. Evans 4 . S. Brown
5 B. Hoist
6. A. Bonnici 7. G . Wis e 8. M. Naughtin 9. S. Hyde 10 . S . Hale 11 . D . Doyle 12 . B . Hawkins
6 A . Fletcher 7 J . Farley 8 B . Sloman 9 B . Low 12 M . White 13 B . Lomb 14 J . Dixon 15 N . Perera 17 A. Shinkfield 18 D . Brewing
21 N . Chalmers 22 C . Rologas 25 M . Reid 26 P. Krotiris 27 B . Donnelly 29 B . Lukav 31 N . Herman 32 M . Johnson 33 J. Fitzpatric k 34 J. Young 40 J. Dixon 43 E . Waters
Rotdswort h 1 P Gallagher C 2 T Bryant
3 S Arden DVC 4 M Hawki n s 5 T Stonier 6 J Grant 7 D Stewart 8 P Grundy DVC 9 J Byrne 10 B Marks 11 C Hinkfuss 12 T Middleton 13 A Simpson 14 T Cook 15 J Bracy 16 J Berma n 17 H O'Brien
18 T Fitzgerald 19 M Marson VC 20 C Alder 21 S Kennedy 22 A Wall 23 A Treloar 24 J Tucker 25 P Thomas 26 C Walker 27 L Beilby Y
28 M Radywonik 29 T Duncan 30 A Wu 31 J Mulcahy
32 E Selby 33 C Miller
5. S. O'Connell
13 . W. Jolley 14 . J . Low e 16 . M . Miller
16 . B. Kropman 17 . J . Kean 18 . C . Mercuri 18. A. McLeish i 9. R . Burrows 19. T. Woodlock 20 . M . Picone (C) 21 S . Murray 22 T. Mola n 23 P. Mulholland 24 J . Garlan d 37 . J Hynes 39 . M . Goodier 40 . P. Harrison 41 D . Spithill 42 A . Coffey
15 R . Baeyni
16 L . McMillan 18 L . Furlan
19 M.Mccartin 23 P. Hesse 25 N . Bisas 27 B . Norden 28 S . Baker 29 D. Ballantyne 32 V. Cahill 35 A. Carson 37 A. White 40 D . Newell 43 G . Thomas 53 S . Allitt
42 A . Cerullo
47 J . Stinear 52 0 . Poynton 61 R . Warmsley 63 P. De La Hay e 70 M . Duggan
1 . L. McMahon 2. J . Ke y 3. M . Cosgriff (C) 4. 5. P. Palermo g 7 . M. Zannino 8 . L . Collins 9 . M . Shepherd 10. L . Collins 11 . T. Bateman 12 . S . Hickey 15 J . Key 16 S . Corcoran 18 N . El Mohamed
19 G . Moore 23 A. Ploenges 24 T. Lombardi 32 R . Bokto r 35 A . Tenson 36 D . Boundy 50 D . Furze 52 J . Bonaci 56 T. Jenkinson
5 . D . Maskell 6 . A. Strawhorn 7 . A. Fry 8 . E. Hansen 9 . D . Hose 10 . J . McLatchie 11 . C . Jayaweera 12 . C . Clegg 13. D . Clegg 14. L. Fuller 15. M . McDowell
16 . A. Moon 17 . R. Mosbauer 18 . M . Quin n 19 . S . Martin
20 . B. Southgate 21 . P. Ryan 22• D . Wait e 23 . T. He al 24 . L . May 25. P. Reed 26. A . Chalk 27. P. Jones 28. T. Grierson 29. C. Meehan 30. A. Wilso n 31 . S . Ve ltman 32 . P. Dugdale 33 . M . Guthridge 34 . K. LorenzDaniel
Coach: Roger Brown
1 . C. Mizzi 2 . C . McNicol 3 . T Matiesti 4. A. McGillivray 5. B. Williams 6. R . Stewart 7. C . Reddi n 8 . C . McKimm 9 M . Ward 10 .A . Morley
11 . L. Adamis 12.N. Kennedy 14 M . Lowe 16 B. Marks 17 D . Hellyer 19 P. Angelin i 20 M. Smith 21 B . Titshall 22 A . Hughes 23 J . Dickerson 24 MJ Smith 27 J . Maguire
Coach :
h Broad6 -
t . L Pieiffer 2. L Pitcher 3. H . Brooks 4. S. ~d done, ' (C) 5 .AShaw 7 . J . Caskxrrore 9 . A. Waxman (DVC) 10 . B. Salvas 11 .J . Wright J 13. B. Crawtord 14 . G . Smith (C) 15. G . Winds, 17 R Plummer
18. D . Crawl 19. G. Fletcher (VC) 20. B . Ferguson 21 J Da-y 24P. Ladd 25 .0. Webb
~~L ~ 27 . A Jer>:ce 28 . B. Hunter 29. D. Moss 32 D. Mackenzie 39 Q Boan 40 S Capron 42 B. Ko~s:er 47 T. Phillips
51 L Hol t 58 J. Webb
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Brendan Flynn
4 . A. McIntyre
r. . -
Coach : Manny Nicolas]
A. Kell Y 2. A. McGarth 3. B. Calman VC) 4 . J . Scanlan 5. M. Higg ins 6. M. Ailen ~ 7. S . Johnston 8. L. McDonnell g, J . Ral h P 10 . J . Gnambers 11 . L. Farrow . Dillon 12, J 13 . D. Behan 14 . L. Moss 15. M . SLaman 16. D. Jame s 17. D. Thomas 18. N . Hullett 19. M. D'Amelio 20. J. McGrat h 21, R . Speekman (C ) 22 . M. 0'Kane 23 . D . Bonadio 24 . N . Heatley 25 . H . Davies 26 . D . McKean 27 . A . Curtin 28 . A . McQueen-Parton 1.
29 . N . Harbeck 30. A. Pritchard 31 . 0. Orlando
32. S . Grig g 33. C. Haffieid L. Dinardo 35. R. Lopresti 36. D. Noonan
37. P. Carte r 38. J. Deanna 39. N . Quinn 43 A. Nolen
44 T. Fotzgerald 48 R . 0'Sfiannassy 55 G . Monahan 59 R . Maavhirter 71 M . McCarthy
St BERNARDS Coach : Peter O'Connw 1 . R. Legudi 2 . G . War d
3 . A. Bouzikas 4 . SD. Borg 5 . J. Citarell i 6 . J. McKay 7 . L . Harvey 8• L . Wilkinson 9 . D . Valori 1 0 . J . Hill 11 . S . lannozzo 12. M. O 'Donnell
13. S . Burgyn 14. P. Holland 15. A . Garvey 16. M . Stapleton 17. M . D'Arcangelo 18 . D. Walsh 19 . Rahill 20 . D. Sheehan 21 . A. Smit h 22 . B. McManus
23 . A. Mastropasqua 24 . L . Campbell 25 . T. Legudi 26 . A. Monteleon e 27 . L.Evans
28M. Caligiuri 29 A . Abela 30.' C . Trewi n 31 . L. O'Brin e 32. S . Monteleone 33. B . Bailari n 34 . M . Zucco 35 . T. Pearson 36 . M . Pope 37 . T. Carrick 38 . N. Smith 39 . J. Formica 40 . R . Cousland 41 . M . Kavanag h 52 L . 0'Sullivan
ST. KEVINS Coach: Paul O'Shannassy
UNIVERSIT Y BLUES Coach : Steve King
1, S . Moylan
2. L . Coleman 3 . A. Umbers 5 . Natale 6 . Dellapicca 7• D. James 8 . N. Marchesani 9 . D . satgliano 10 . I. Delic 11 . M. Hutton
12. C . Turlich 13. K. Didilis 14. J . Cassell 15. D . Bar e 16. D . Lucas 17. P. Cameron 18. C . Moffat 19. E . Lynch
20. L. Kalesaran 21 . T. Simpson 22 . R. Dabraio 23 . M . Ri e yg l n 24 . G . Noa 25 . A. O'Keefe
27 D . Young 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J. Giansiracusa 30 M. Winridge 31 A. Turlich 32 J . Co x 33 G . Healy 34 J . Henderson 35 W. Macdonald 36 W. McCann 37 M . Powell 38 T. Wickha m 40 Fynmore 41 Dickeson 42 B . 46 J . Travaglia 48 M . Kempton 52 Leatha m 57 M . Hinsely
1 . C . Barrett 2 . L. Bassell
3 . C . Beaton 4 . L. Cham b erla in (VC) 5. J . Chivers 6. R. Bowlan d 7. T. Birtle y 8. C. Delahunty 9. A. Di Pasquale 10 . S. Edward s 1 1 . A. Evan s 12 . G . Frisker 1 3 . B. Gates (C) 14 . T. Girwood 15 . T Fallow
16 . R . Hamilton 17 . R . Holmes t8, N . Hutchens tg . S . Hunt 20. J . Hunte r 21 . L. Howley 22. S . Kaso 23. R . Kelleher 24 . C. Kenned y 25 . A . Munr o 26 . M . Vasey 27 . L. Qui n 28 . S . Rendell 29 . T. Roach 30 . E. Roydhouse 31 . T Morgan 32 . M. Sale 33 . A. Savoluto s 34 . S. Sandifor d 35 .S. Russel l 36 . A . Powel l 3 7. T. Trumble 38. E . Wilcox 39. A . Williams 41 W. Temple Smith
42 S . Young
l~lf_~~~r~1 ® ~•: DEAU M ARIS
Coach : Mick Deaton J, Windeban k . Foley (C ) 6 J . Magee A. Pratt 5 K Taylor 6, C. Collins 7 B . Cairns 8, J . Mead g B. Gillespi e 10, D. Bird j1- p. Brook (VC ) 12- S . Ly nc h 13 . C. Tuc k 1q . B. Pearse 15, N. Clemente 16 M . Blackmore 17, S. Fitzgerald 18 . A. Thompson 19 . A. Guidolin (C ) 20 . A. Edge 21 . B. Zigouras 22 . D. Hartman 23 , T. Abbo t 24 , M . Atkin s 25 . L . Boreham 26 . L . Atkins (DVC) 27 . S. Coale 28- R. Deaton 29- A. Coots 30, L . Tucker A. Spence 32 . J . Beattie 33. S. McNicholas 34 . H . McMillan 35. L . Heal y 36. B. Deaton 37. M . Millis 38 . S. Lee 39. L . Ramirez-Smith 40 . E. Cooper 41 . R . Guinan
42 . A. Wilson
HU,?' :7tH i R® ^ Coach : Wayne Stafford
) 1)
1 M . Pearso n 2 J . Lang 3 B . Boyd 4 S . Blangiardo 5 L. Hamilton 6 L. Kennedy 7 K . Johnston e 8 A . Clarke 9 B . Jowett 10 M . Stafford 11 M . Lawrence 12 J . Zampaglione 13 T Wilson 14 N . Goss 15 D. Molina 16 L. Malcolmsen 18 G . Kelly 19 J . Ng 20 S . Seletto 21 N. Mason 22 A. Goldner 23 B. Kulling 26 R . Alexande r 28 N . Gould 29 J . Prantzos 30 A. Fisher 31 A. Vanderhelm 32 L . Ritter 33 C . Sendeckyj 35 L . Wheeler 36 A. Battams 38 M. Waxiel 40 S. Deal 41 M. Vaughan
M .H . S .D .D . Coach: Graeme Bulluss 1 E . Raleigh (C) 2 J . Zarb 3 D. Veale (C) 4 R . Ware 5 A . Keys 6 B . Woollard (VC) 7 A. O'Brien 8 N. Orchard (VC) 9 J . Walke r 10 E . Sims-Lucas 11 A. Hall 12 M . Cotter 13 R. Patterson 14 P. Wolnize r 15 A. Vicendese 16 S. Sims-Lucas 17 G . Pollard 18 C . Suff e r 19 A. Dymble
20 M. Tarr 21 M. Brown 22 A. Nirens 23 E. Ho 24 P. Rujevic 25 A . Svirskis 26 C . Wright 27 S . French 28 K . Miezis 29 S . Allen 30 J . Membrey 31 M. Dowling 32 T. Harper 33 M. Neilsen 34 J, Veale 35 G. Rankin
OLD CAREY Coach : Brett Gear 1 . C . Smith 2 . C . Stewart 3 . B. Walsh-Richardson 4 . K. Detarczynski 5 . T. Chapman 6 . L . Batttey 7 . P. Gizinski 8 . L . Costello 9 . D . Shutie 11 R . Hall 12 J . Hutchin s 13 J . Macpherson 14 P. Holland 15 J . Oppenheim 16 R . Graham 17 A . Wilkie 18 H . Sedan 19 L. Siragusa
1 . R. Manefiel d
20 P . Adams
19. L. McKi e
21 P . Leong 22 C . Taylor 23 D. Prior 24 P. Unkles 25 N. Detarczynski 26 E . Morgan 27 S . Baker
20. D. Hawke s 21 . A. Clancy 22 . M . Teskeyy 23 . F. Cokele k 24 . D. Neilson 25 . J . GiesOhen 26 . G . Gibson 27 . T Griev e 31 . C. MacDonald 34 . S. Aston 35 . R. S mill ie
44 D . Diver
46 S . Walker
OLD 9VANHOE Coach: Stua rt McLean
2. A . Berez a 3. J . Whyt e 4. C. Binne y
5. J . Briggs 6 . T. Mee 7. M . Clarke 8 . C. Lynch 9 . N. Bradd y 10 . N . Anderson 11 . A. Jurki w 12 . S . Morris 13. D . Treloa r 14. K . TheodosSi 15. M . Li m 16. N . Trigwell 17. C. Lewi s 18. L. Bolzan
36 . J . Staffor d
Coach : Terry Kendall
Coach : Steve Maus
Coach: Tim Pratt
Coach : Rod Penaluna
1 . J . Crane 2. R . Craven 3. S . Tulloch 4. C . Adam 5. S . Stewart 7 D. Adderley 8 S . Johnston 9 D. Johnsto n 10 S . Hamer 11 P . Jospehs 12 T. Pag e 13 A . Cleelan d 14 D. Lo~an 15 D. Gilchrist 16 N . Colman 17 D. Pryles 18 J . Pilkington (C) 20 T. Wilson-Humphries 21 S . Dillon 22 M . Pearse 23 A. Kyriacou 24 D. Jackson 25 E . Tembath 26 D. Brooke 27 L. Routledge 28 S . Thompso n 29 J . Smedley 30 A. Birch 31 J . Beaurepaire (VC) 32 S . Hosking (VC) 33 J . Rodsk i 34 M . Fowles 35 A. Tindale 36 R . Hook e 38 H , Fenner 39 J . Footit 41 M . Lipshut 42 43 J . Denb 44 T. Colliey 45 A. Fuller 46 J . Sikon 56 E. Ramsay 61 J . Stratus 62 D . Paul 69 C . Lucas 88 J. Lie
1 Reggie A 2 Hine A O C 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Robison M 6 Rennie M 6 Burrows R 7 Dodgson $ 8 Amiconi A 9 Best J (C) 10 Blackmore B 11 Clarke J 12 Kelly T 13 Ellerbeck G 14 Thwaites M 15 Oliver A 16 Condron K 17 Armatas C . 18 Heaven C 19 Carter-Buszard L 20 Oberoi S 23 Wallin A 24 Christopherson J 25 Zandor M 26 Donahoe M (VC) 28 Cristiano D 29 McCutcheon M 30 Bullen M 32 Cornell J(VC) 33 Malekas i 42 Torney A 44 Lancaster 45 Ward C 50 Davies M 55 Troon R
1 . J . Wallace 2 . M . Cahil l 3. S . Cloven 7 J . Power 8 M . Malady 9 L. Swain 10 L. Coulthard 11 D. Crea 12 C. Slats 13 T. Langford 14 L. Twome y 16 R. Coslovich 17 T. Barugh 18 M . Baker 19 J Morris 20 S . Alexander 21 A. Graham 22 A. Baker 23 J . Treyvaud 24 M . Haverkamp 25 M . Crowe 26 N. Muhliechner 27 S. Sail 28 P. Harrison 29 D . D'sousa 30 B. Janson
1 A Middli n 2 M Norrish 3 N Pas k 4 R Belt 5 P Valoppi 6 D Lloyd 8 R Drew 9 B Kehoe 10 J Seege r 11 Z Web b 13 L Gillie s 14 G Thompso n 15 D Smit h 16 C Holdsworth 17 A Pizzey 18 C Beal 19 A Colema n 20 D Senaratne 21 J Tomkins 22 J Peake 23 T Colletl 24 G Coutt s 25 F Pellegrino 27 S Savag e 29 D Bel l 30 J Stron g 31 S Urban o 32 D Smith 34 S Britt 37 D Sims 44 N Martin
._ . ..
~ ._ Coach: Pt k Zuker
1 D . Henzel 4 A . Butt 5 E . Goldstone 6 L. Goldman 8 T Katz 9 D . Nevastadt 11 A . Benedykt 12 J . Blankfield 14 S . Newstadt 15 D . Finkel 16 J . Freeman 17 0. Flamm 18 J . Feldman 20 D. Zulch 22 D. idrocki 23 B . Nissen 24 P. Glazer
26 A. Cooper 27 C. Spero 31 D. Norich 32 P1 . Kestenberg 35 1 .
36 ASSack s 39 A. Sapar 43 E . Woliner 44 J . Gelfand 45 A. Lewis 47 M . Snow 50 M . Milmeister 55 V Kalp
-- Co :h :Cl WI
Coach : Greg Buntine
1 . D . Krongold 2, C . Deal (VC) 3 . A. Axias 4 . T. Vinen 5 . B. Gross 6 . N . Bode 7 . P. Roberts 8 . S. Tucker 9 . J . Dalvaaod (C) 10. S. McDonald
1. 2. 4 5 6 7 8
11 . B. Gardiner
12. B. Goddard (DVC)
11 A . Brett 12 J . Roberts
13. J . Morvell (DVC) , M . Gree n 14. 15. A . Docker
17 McGowan 19 S . Alder
16. P. McLeish 17. P. Ellis 18. N . Guyett 19 . W. Brockett 20 . D . Griffiths
. Orchard 2 1 K McLeo d
A. Toniola B . Gulifier P. Brot P. Mulhollan d J . Kean S. Mehan P. Arbon
3 S . Hamilton 4 Ash Orchar d 5 T. Fricke r 6 M . Meyer 7 T. Barr 8 P. Dixo n 9 L . Parsons 10 R. War d
8 M . Godley
9 M . Brasher 9 L. Harrison 10 J . Clifton
11 P. Rock s 12 B. Atherton
13 C. Roc k
15 L. Browne 17 JoIIy W
14 D. Kell y 15 K. Littl e 16 N. Levett
17 A. Walstab
21 M . Squire 23 L. Danaher 25 P. Rossiter 32 H . Funston 33 B . Lambe 40 T. Heffernan
22 . T Rynberk 23 . B . Naylor
24 . G . Dyson 25 . M . Cramphorn 31 . Pv1 . Richardson 32 . L. Franklin 35 M . Kuppe 38 C. Veencjar 40 R . O'Neill 43 A . Bruhn 44 A . Vanrompaey 50 J . Wade
18 P. William s
, _- ,
29 S . Browne
21 . D . Elais
Coach : Shane O'Connor
Coach : John Howard
19 M . Dugga n 20 S.Pratt 21 S. Casacel i 22 D. Benni e
23 W . Corr
42 J . Bowden 42 M . Lafferty
24 H. McMilla n
25 N. Curran 26 A. Roc k 27 M . Michaelidi s
43 R. Buckly
51 M . Conway
52 L. Moloney 53 C. Moran 54 J . Murphy 55 B . Nolan 56 J . Norto n 57 B . Ramsey 58 C. Rice 60 D. Wood 61 L . Becker
28 G . Alla n
29 M . Hayes 30 P. Krin s 31 L. Dawso n 32 T. Smith 33 D . Ogl e 34 M. Wingrave
62 C . Bellistri 64 B. Cole
35 P. Murphy 36 A. Pothitos
64 T. Woodlock . . . . ., Coach : Dsnnis Grace
k~; Balton
5 P Avery 7 G Northvay 8 J Bock sell 9 COS ulii va n 10 B Rogers
11 P.§ Edsall
12 G Smythe 13 A Perry 14 Li 9 15 J Park 16 A Caner 18 ASh~elds 19 R Buckley 20 W Little 21 A Hick s 22 B Green 23 D Cavlcch>o!o
24 a Vrachnas
25 C Gdhame 27 I tAcCormick
28 J 44ain
29 Tstarr 30 J Mel(ngton 31 S H .
32 A Voight
34 P Fnnseka 36 42 b'. . 01 ~ 4o H G in ° G Ciuaston 63 BE . r 69 J Vee zen
. ..
Coach : Jamie ylinduss
1 N Wn 4more 2 M Stoke 3 J Rosengaiten
~ Coach: Tim Hille
Coach : Danny O'Sullivan
1 . L. Russell (C) 2 . K . Harvey 3 . S . Tumiati
1 . M . Anderson 2. P. Carey 3. S . Batty 4 . B . Chandle r 5 . T Stephen s
4. D Casey (VC) -
41 C . Johnstone
5. J Tolley 6. M Luba
7. R Wiley 8. J Muzzell 9. J . Rutz
10 . L D'Astoli
11 . D Healy 1 2 . L Breith~ reuz (DVC ) 12 1 3 . A . Kurzel 14 . D. Jewett 15 A Goonan 16 D McKenna 17 M Heffernan 18 M . Purcell 19 C Everett 20 T Harve 21 S Anderson y
'-TS Coach: Darren RMcKillop
6 . D. Dic k 7 . J . Dixo n
8 . L. Cullen 9.
G . Donova n
10 . A. Ballard 11 . A. Rooks 12 . M, Morri s 13 . D. Savag e 14 . N. Romney
15 . A. Adam s 16 . M . Bansag i
22 R Quney
17 . A. Dimbl e
23 H. Rutz 24 A Lo m 25 J Silver 26 M Martinov 27 J Noske 28 N Thompso n 31 S Barker 34 A Warwarek 39 M Ferrar i 40 49 A Perry 79 A O 'Shannessy 91 T Colli e
18 . D. Kirwin
19 . A. Wundle 20 . R. McKinnon 21 . D. Smit h
22 R. Warmsley 23 . A. White
9 - Section (2 Red TIGER SHARKS Coach : Terry McEvoy
1 . S. Marsh 2 . D . Florence 3. A. Paradiso
g, W. Lying
7, B. Crosbie 8. L McAuley 9, D . Poynton 10. C . Field 12, C . Munroe 13, V. Hall 1 5. S. Verona 16, B. Murphey 18. C . Chippendale 19 . M . Bambury 20 . B . Dorkin 21, J . Pierc e 22, G . Cochrane 23 . N. Wart on 25 . G . Coy!e 26 . M . Lemieszek 27 . J . Neagle 34. D . Ford 61 . D . Cole
NTH OLD BOYS Coach : James Sandman
A. 0 Hil l 5. M . Piet ryk (C)
6. D. McGreevy (VC) 7. M . McGrath 8. R. Conti ~
9. M . Bickerdike 11 . J . O 'Donnel l 13 . J . G arbellin i
® ae
14 . M . Collins 16 . D . Charles 18. D . Buccachio
19. M . Bart lin
20. M . Hurleyg 22. A . Tehan 23. D . Tsokas 25. L . Caddy 26. D . Mart in (VC) 31 . T Walters 33 . P. Gordon 34 . G . Taylor 35 . P. Tsokas 37 . C. Welch 45 . M . Saliba
Coach : Ken Balmer
Coach : Steve McMahon
1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 4 D Burrowes 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 7 B Whitehead 8 K Elliott 10 N Webb 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 13 D Wallace 14 D Mather 15 J Telfer 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnston 20 P Finn 21 D Heywood
6 Taylor N 9 Bannister C 10 Bannister J
1 D Edwards 2 T Hedgeland (VC) 3 J Kirk 4 T Stathopoulos 5 B Kean 6 D Burley 7 A Craven 8 S Glover 9 A McKenzie 10 J McArdle 11 B Speed 12 D Joyce ( C) 13 N B arry 14 S Kelly 15 J Stevens 16 R Munzel 17 M Vanderhors t 18 D Denton
19 D Keenan 20 S Bermingham 21 N Hahn 23 S Haynes 24 B Toohey 25 D Gazelle 26 H Maplestone (C) 27 G Hancock 28 R Morley 30 J Mullins 59 D Owen
UNIVERSITY BLACK S Coach: John Bushb y
1 J Williamson 2 A Salvo 3 C Obtivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMorton 6 D Stater 7 B Hakim 8 M Jinx (C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 C . Clues 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke 16 E Heale y 17 J Heritage 18 D Flaherty 19 A Burbridge 20 S. Rogers 21 N Ba rt rum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burns 26 C McCormack 27 M Day 28 A . McGowan 30 D . Oblivbek 33 S . Cetin 34 J. Marinos 35 S . Brugaletta
22 A
23 N Sullivan 24 G Price
25 R
27 M Koste 28 D Hurn 29 J Heath M Assouad
38 Nancharow M
56 Stepien S 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D 63 O'Sullivan D 64 Dakin D 65 Sifter T 67 Reynolds L 69 Leguier D 72 Johnson S 73 O'Brien J ( VC) 77 Gleeson A 78 Barron B 79 Higgins T 80 Kiernan M 81 Delaney D 82
Bowcock D
83 Finn B 84 Russell G 85 Henderson G (VC) 86 Goodwin T 89 Christie A 90 Atkinson D(VC) 92 Springhall R 93 Smith J 94 Culph S 98 Hollow B 99 Holdstock G(C) 101 McCart hy L
DA '
-1-1) - `'PLL
Coach: Michael Sigalas
Coach : John Stanton
1 „ M, Lant ,2 ` M . Alley 5, A. Boland
Coach : John Newbold
Coach : Mark Beasley
1 S Maguire 2 T Hallora n 3 R Drummon d 4 J
5 T Laidla w 6 J Parkinson 7 B Rusco e 8 C Schirme r 9 E Thomas 10 A Torney 11 W Touzel 12 B Witten 14 A Bushby 15 A Cowle y 16 D Morri s 17 P Meller 18 S Reid 19 P Seuren 20 A Whitlock 21 T Young 22 N Barne tt 23 L Beaton 24 D Cree k 25 S Monaghan
2. M p ntamari a 3 . N .. Robinso Sa n 4 . K . Nun n 6 T. Beranger (C) 7 T Hall rg o A. M McG ee 912 G Welcha rt 13 J . Derry 14 C . Munro 15 J . Whelan 16 A. Cantor 17 J . Cramer-Robert s 18 M . Horgan
20 M. Buttenro rth 21 S . Jones 22 N. Johnso n 23 D. Jo y c e 27 A. Hillier 28 L. Hancoc k
37 0 . Kent 43 T. Prows e 47 T. Kerney (VC ) 50 B . Ben c 51 B . Braithwait e 52 B . Laricchia 53 P. aofraey N 55 B . McLeod 56 M . Pain e 57 A . Hickey 58 D . Lin g 59 A . Davey 60 R . Enso r 61 G . Ormsb 62 P. Trianta ~yllo u 63 K. Darby 64 D . Norton
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 27.05.00
UNDER 19 BLUE - 27.05.00
Old Xaverians: 0 .2 0.4 1 .8 4.9.33 St .Kevurs : 4 .2 5.4 6.4 11 .6 .72 Old Xaverlans: McDonnell 2. Donadio. T. Fitz erald . Best : Johnston, Cahnan. Ward, Scanlan, Speekntan . Demaria. Sevins: Marchescni 3 . Pullen 3. J . Gansiracusa 2 . James. Hinslev. Best: Pullen, Lvnch, Marcheseni. James, Winridge. Powell. Umpires:-Justin Grossbard :Simon Payton (F) University Blues: 4 .3 5 .4 7.6 8.13.61 De La Sslle: 0.1 2 .2 4.6 5.9.39 Universit Blues: Follow 2, Fricker 2 . Bowland 2 . Savultos . Oum. Best : Russell, Byutiev . Fri cker. Kaso. Fallow. Wilcox . De La Salle: Hvde7 S . Brouni, Harrison . Spithill . Best : Dovle, Mecuri . Stinear. O'Connell: SpithID. Hyde . Umpires :Chris Gregory: Jason tliaszaj (F) Old Paradians: 0.2 1 .3 2.4 5 .5.35 St Bernards : 4.2 11 .5 16.6 20.9.129 Old Paradians:Lombardi 2, Palermo, Price, Shepherd . Best : Jenkiuson . F=e. Moore. Tenson . Cosgriff, Lombardi. St Bernards: R . Legudi 5 . T. Legudi 5. Stapleton 3. O'Donnell 2. Ballarin 2 . Zucco . Valod . iannazzo . Best: Stapleton . Ward . O'Sullivan . O'Donnell. Ballarin . Bugryn . Umpires: Darin Compt (F) Maaenod O.C : 4.1 7.5 11 .10 14 .12 .96 Old I3aileybu ry: 0.4 0.4 0 .5 1 .7 .13 .Mazenod O .C: Kennett 3 . Jayaweem 3. Jones 2 . Heal 2 . Veltman. Quinn, Chalk. Donnelley. Best : Donnellev, Ouhm. Collins . Fu ller. Jones, Thomson. Old Halleybury : Salves, Best" F"e-rguson . Fletcher. Capron. Waxman. Mackenzie, Bean . Umpires: Chris Stevens : Owen Later (F) Coll e~tans: 0 .2 1.2 2 .8 5.8 .38 Old B"righton: 3 .2 3.3 5 .6 7.6 .48 Collegians: Goal kickers an d best players results not received . Old Ma Goal : kickers and best players results not received . Umpires: Jim Brighton Pappas (F 2 .0 3.1 3 .3 3.5 .23 Old Melburniang: 2 .5 2.10 2 .12 5 .14 .44 Marcellin: Cracknall . Trahair. Galati . Best : L. McMillan, Sidotti. D . McMillan , Within . Nuthean . Central, Old Melburnians : Hinckenss . Bromelev. Marson. Treioar. Best : Berman . Tucker. Cook, Treloar. Thomas . Newmat5 . Umpites : Ken Walker Graeme Morgan (F )
St Leos Emmaus: 4 .5 9 .6 12.6 13.10 .88 Blues: 3 .2 4 .4 4.8 6.10,;r Mannish St Leos Emmaus: Irvin 6 . Ballard 2 . Cullen, D'Amello . Kellv, Mar,, .; .Cherry. Best : Betjak . Ballard, Cullen . Podbury, Irvin . Kelly . Mdr•_sh :;ic Bover 3, Clugston . O'Sullivan, Rosengarten . Best: Cavicchiolo. Hav Chigston. Rosengarten . Green, Vegter . Umpires: Matthew Meier : Tnppen (F) De La Salle: 6 .7 8 .8 12.12 15.18,108 Glen Eire : 0.1 4 .2 4.2 5,3,33 De La Salle : YoLm 3. Mardesic 3 . Prov 3 . Lafferty 2, Kean . Krezei, -.yoryn Clifton . Best : Hefternan . McRan . Miller. Young. Brasher. Mardesic, Glen Eira: M .Dbnachki 3, Lampos, Kasar. Best : Ze`btan . M . Dnaehkt . Kasar Merrick, O'Loughlan-Elder. Clark. Umpires: Adam Harris : Paul Berry (F) 5.12 16.25.121 AJAX: 2.5 4.8 2.3 2.6 3 .9 3 .11,29 Caulfield Grammer. AJAX: Coo~er 2. S . Newstadt . HuupeI. D. Ne~vstadi. Norieh . Wollner, Best . Wollner, Goldstone . Glezer. D . Newstadt. Cauhleld,NewstadFlmn Grammer: Bnthn . Dahvrood. Tucker. Best : Bndm . Tucker. Green, Gardiner. Broekett, Vimen . Umpires: Daniel Beitner; Dirk Kramer (F ) Ormond: 3.7 6.11 12 .15 16.25.121 2.0 3.1 3 .1 3 .1,19 Old Mentonians : Ormond: Heffernan 7 . four 3. Everett 2, Putz 2 . T. Harvev. Purcett . BestMuzzell . He[serman. Ritz . Loni, Bretkreuz . Casev . Old Menfonians: Ball , hl Fisher. Rule. Best : Ball . Garlick, Harper, Steabben, Grzbieta . 16`orell, Umpires: Chris Moore :Justin Lipson (F ) Mentone A.F.C : 2.0 2 .1 4 .6 8.7.55 16 .17.113 South Me1b.Districts: 4.5 5.10 8 .16 Mentone A.EC: Atherton 2, Fricker 2. T. Barr. Johnstone, Michaelidis . S Sullivan. Best: Siuns . P. Dixon, S . Sullivan, T . Barr, Fricker. Ward. South Melb.Distrlets: Aquillina 3, Cheevers 3 . Tsicaderis . Best :Brown, Bell . Neill* McDonald. D'Andem. Umpires : Garry Nicholson :Chris Evans (F), Steven Nicholson :James Nicholson (B)
UNDER 19 SECTION 2- 27 .05.00 Beaumari s A .F,C: 9.2 11 .7 12.8 14.10.94 Hampton Rovers : 0.0 1 .0 6.3 7.4.46 Beamnari s A.F.C : Folev 4. Presnell 3. L . Atkmis. Brook, Healv . Lvnch . McNicholas. Tueker, Zigouras. Best : R. Deaton, Brook. Tucker. Presnell . L. Atkins, A . Corte . Hampton Rovers: Fisher 4 . Deal. Johnstone . Kulliug. Best : Brad, Sendech-t~g'. Deal. VJheeler- Vanderhebn . Umpires: Anthony Damen (R), Ben Ryde (F) . Scott Pearse; Daniel Blackmore (B), Paul Whitehead (G) Old Trinity: 5.5 6.6 7.7 9.14.68 Yarm Valley 1.0 3.0 3 .1 3 .2.20 Old Trinit : Cornell 2, Oberoi 2 . Blackmore . Carter-Buszard . Cristiano. Malekas, Tavlor. Best : Christopherson . Carter-Buszard . Armatas . Oberoi, Condron . &illen. Yarra Valley: Goal kickers and best players results not received. Umpires : Anthony Smipson : Daniel D'umeen (F) " MHSOB : 4 .2 5.3 6 .4 8 .5 .53 Old Carey,~ 3 .1 3.4 4 .7 4 .7 .31 MIiSOB : Brown 2. Orchard 2 . Tarr 2 . Woolard. S . Sims-lucas . Best: Cotter, S . Sims-lucas . Tarr. Raleigh. Veale . Keys . Old Carey-., Hall 2 . Adams . Battley. Best : Uncles . James. Pnor. Smith .'Dwyer. Huretins . Umpires: Daniel Halliweli (R) (F) 3 .16 .34 Old Scotch: Wfntefriars: 6 .4 .40 Old Scotch: Sladen 3. Best : Hoskiug. Fenner. pae . Thompson, Brooke, Crane . Nhitefdars: Swain 2, Langford 2 . Coslavne ~ . Power. Best : Baker. Power. Swain. Barugh . i.arigford, AI'exander. Umpires: Not supplied Old Ivanhoe:
UNDER 19 RED - 27.05 .00 Bulleen Templestowe : 00 .0 Old Essendon Gr. 26,33 .189 Bulleen Templestowe : Old Essendon Grammer: GFlahertv 9 . Ryan 6. DeMorton 2 . McCormack 2, Salvo 2 . Newbold . Clues, Slater. Heaiev, Deverenx. Best: Bartram . Rvan DeMorton . Salvo . Flahem•. McCormack . Umpires: David D'Altera ; Adam Kooloas ( F Old Camberwell : 3 .0 6.6 10 .8 10.10,70 Theny Penola O,B : 3 .3 3.3 5 .5 10 .5,65 Old Camberwell: Cramer-Roberts 4. Horgan 3. Robinson 2. Kearney . Best: J . Derrv. Ormsby . Hillier. Tipper. Cramer-Roberts. merry Penola OR Barron'2, Carramo 2. Reynolds 2, Gleeson . Goodwin . Tavlor. H'r ns. Best O'Brien . Taylor. Goodwui, Russell, Hollow, Smith . Umpires: Tony LWev, Euan Lindsay (F ) Rupertsvrood: 4.4 7.5 11.10 16.19.115 Aquinas O.C: 2.1 2.3 2 .3 2 .3.15 Rupertswood: Webb 4, Whitehead 4. West 2 . Scent 2, Stafford, Flinn, Baines . ramsev. Best : Baines, West. Webb . Whitehead . FIDm. Scern. Aquinas O.C: Robinson 2 . Best : Verone, Cochrane . Hall, Poyrtton, Pierce. Umpires: Mick Gilday; Ray NMdlow (F) Ti er Sharks : 2.2 2 .2 2.2 2.3.15 Uversity Blacks : 4.8 10.12 13 .21 22 .24,156 Tiger Sharks: Barnett . Turner. Best: Taylor. KtTiakou, S. Johnston, Guman . Logan . Turner. University Blacks: McIntosh 6. C . Beaton 3 . Martin 2 . Sandifer d 2 . Hunter 2, Bushbv 2 . Sale 2, Seuren . Thomas. Walker. Best: Schirmer, Busher. McIntosh . C.Beaton. Drmmuond, Hunt . Umpires : Ben Rvde: Tuu Friedman (F ) North Old Boys :
OLD SCOTCH BYE YARRA VALLEY v. OLD IVANHOE at Domeney Reserve, Park Orchards
RUNNERS, TRAINERS, WATER CARRIER S Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour Runners. To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena. Water carriers . It is preferable for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is away from "the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires have the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme . please note all VAFA officials must be 15 years or older in Season 2000 . Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Att ire Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants. Caps - if r orn must be purchased VAFA Properties only .
G o behind the sce .i es at The People's Groun d Theres always something to see at the "G" WHATEVER YOUR SPORT
Adults 12.00 Cone 8 .00 Family 30.00 (2 Ad 2 child)
Prescnt this for 20% discount
7 8879
Expiry 31 .3 .01
!ve A Sec :
c-o!ery S-
10 JUN E
~-~- -
-/\--:A1I 01-'1I`--- -째nians v. St et째nards SP012TSCUVER QUALITY INSURANCE AT A SPORTING PRIC E
(interviews and highlights of this match shown on Channel 31 Thursdays 8 .30 - 9 .30 p .m .
The Age VAFA - $ - _ _ -~ rriter Paul Daffey writes about S atua~ay VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match o f the Day and reviews the - r- - . ti o n in
EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS 6`in tun e with the outer east"
in Lune tvft )x
VAFA SEGM ENT Scores, chat and ne w s of local VAFA teams each S aturday night.
6 .00prn - 6 . 1 5pgn
For news, views and previews, tune to The . A . , Micha SATU
ye r,
. maYa~
•H B
.'. .. -.:
:- . . . .~ . ® ® i
ay 'C " S
9 .30 - 1 0 .3 0 a.m.
Special Guest is :
This Sunday - Matthew Denni s (Old Brighton/VAFA Rep . Player) 1
North efR
presented by Gle ; ~ a8c ; rborough with g - .sgs froF St Bernards (A), Old Paradians (B), Therry Penola (C) , Rupertswood (C1 8), West Brunswick (I32), LaTrobe Uni (Dl), North Brunswick (D4), Old Essendon (Dl), Thomastown (D2) .
PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm
Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA. THE AMATFIIR FnnTRAI I FR 9nnn
81J j Ai 4 i
Late scores
EL,STEF'NWBCK -,ARK DRAW 2000 (June-July) This Sat: 3 June Ormond v . Whitefriars This Sun: 4 June FIDA
Next Sat: 10 June MHSOB v. Old Trinity Next Sun : 11 June Under-19 Representative match 17 June Old Paradians v . Old Mentonians 18 June Old Brighton v. Mazenod 24 June Elstermvick v. Hawthorn Amateurs 25 June North Old Boys v . Old Brighton 1 July Collegians v. De La Salle 2 July FIDA
Results =s om Tribunal Tuesday, P;-Tay 30th, 2000 Luke Murphy, Old Scotch . Striking. 3 matches . Tim Beslee, Monash Gryphons . Non attendance at Tribunal, 1 match . Stuart Allan, MHSOB (U19-2) . Striking, 2 matches . Nick Detarchvnski, Old Carey (U 19-2) . Striking, 2 matches .
First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25); third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100) ; each subsequent offence ($100) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2.30pm final scores by 5p m
Collegians (U) Incorrect scores Rhoned - Rd7 Albert Park (R) Old Brighton (C) Yarra Valley (C )
EXCHANGE OF ACCURATE LISTS AT TOSS OF COIN It is an expectation that captains at the toss of the coin exchange a copy of the teamlist . Failure to do this results in automatic fines for the offending club. It has also been reported that as a ploy inaccurate lists are being handed over. The Executive will enforce fines if this ploy is proven to be true. Any club that feels an opposition club has been negligent in this area needs to express in writing (attention Phil Stevens) their concerns.
Accepted Prescribed Penalty
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EVENIN G WEDNESDAY JUNE 14 ELSTERNWICK PARK 7 .00-8.3速p m Topic : Sports Psychology, Motivation and Player Managemen t Presented by : Dr. Paul Callery Please call Brett Connell 9531 8333 ext.2 to reserve your place before Friday June 9 . 62
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
6 6 6 5 5 3 3 2 2 2
2 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
798 307 259 .93 24 547 394 138 .83 24 444 391 113 .55 24 499 386 129 .27 20 482 397 121 .41 20 498 442 112 .67 12 505 554 91 .16 12 401 587 68.31 8 374 722 51 .80 8 168 600 28.00 8
8 RESERV E 8 8 0 0 725 265 273.58 32 DELA SALLE R~SZENOD O C 8 7 1 0 617 368 167.66 28 NoRTH OLD BOYS 8 5 3 0 459 441 104.08 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 8 4 4 0 611 453 134.88 1 6 0 PARADIANS 8 4 4 0 556 447 124.38 16 ) BRIGHTON 8 4 4 0 476 417 114.15 16 OND 8 3 5 0 473 533 88.74 1 2 CCLEGIANS 8 3 5 0 408 577 70.71 12 •,r.i"EFRIARS 8 2 6 0 354 523 67.69 8 __p MENTONIANS 8 0 8 0 195 872 22.36 0 C RESERV E THERRY PENOLA 08 6 8 0 0 698 380 183.68 32 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 6 2 0 631 382 165 .18 24 BEAUMARIS A F C 8 6 2 0 693 438 158 .22 24 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 8 5 3 0 572 504 113.49 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 8 4 4 0 540 370 145 .95 16 ~ A X 8 3 5 0 522 486 107.41 1 2 2-HRAN A F C 8 3 5 0 456 503 90.66 12 __ .)GEELONG 8 2 6 0 385 610 63.11 8 - ..LEEN TEMPLESTOWE 8 2 6 0 358 679 5272 8 2.'_EN EIRA A F C 8 1 7 0 283 803 35.24 4 klneitgibie player Rd 4 DI RESERVE SECTIO N CAULFIELD OR 8 7 1 0 673 281 239.50 28 AQUINAS 0 C 8 6 2 0 626 323 193.81 24 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMARS 6 2 0 568 366 155.19 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 8 5 3 0 719 373 192.76 20 MONASH BLUES 8 5 3 0 514 309 166 .34 20 BANYULE 8 4 4 0 572 368 155 .43 16 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 4 4 0 479 462 103 .68 16 ±#LATROBEUNIVERSITY 8 2 6 0 320 645 49 .61 8 OLD CAREY 8 1 7 0 470 680 69 .12 4 OAKLEIGH A F C 8 0 8 0 80 1280 6 .25 0 NInellgible player Rd 4 D2 RESERVE PARKSIDE 8 7 1 0 686 354 193,79 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 7 1 0 634 345 183.77 28 SALESIAN 0 C 8 6 2 0 686 493 139.15 24 KEW 8 5 3 0 754 453 166.45 20 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 8 4 4 0 567 412 137.62 16 -cST BRUNSWICK 8 4 4 0 469 409 114 .67 16 FITZROY REDS 8 3 5 0 494 596 82 .89 12 THOMASTOWN 8 2 6 0 466 653 71 .36 8 PENINSULA 0 B 8 1 7 0 380 711 53 .45 4 MENTONE A F C 8 1 7 0 280 990 28 .28 4
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
CLUB 18 (1 ) 8 0 0 7 1 0 6 2 0 5 3 0 4 4 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 2 6 0 2 6 0
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
CLUB 18 (2) 7 1 0 7 1 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 4 3 1 4 4 0 3 4 1 3 5 0 3 5 0 1 7 0 0 8 0
572 597 469 480 357 304 217 322 245
217 263.59 32 356 167.70 28 305 153 .77 24 400 120.00 20 404 88 .37 16 435 69 .88 12 428 50 .70 12 528 60 .98 8 629 34 .34 8
815 606 578 518 475 623 326 473 385 281 301 122
232 351 .29 28 378 160 .32 28 342 169 .01 20 384 134 .90 20 473 100 .42 20 328 189 .94 18 370 88 .11 16 441 107 .26 14 442 87 .10 12 663 42 .38 12 734 41 .01 4 979 12 .46 0
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 8 7 1 0 847 8 6 2 0 965 8 6 2 0 813 8 6 2 0 799 8 5 3 0 715 8 4 4 0 694 8 4 4 0 654 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
4 4 2 0 0
4 4 6 8 8
0 0 0 0 0
513 165 .11 28 356 271 .07 24 486 167 .28 24 541 147 .69 24 479 149 .27 20 605 114 .71 16 698 93 .70 16 539 640 84 .22 16 260 677 38.40 16 611 637 95.92 8 311 941 33 .05 0 281 1153 24 .37 0
UNDER-19 (2) 7 1 0 638 371 171 .97 6 2 0 798 464 171 .98 6 2 0 552 452 122 .12 5 3 0 541 384 140 .89 4 4 0 477 504 94 .64 4 4 0 565 699 80.83 3 5 0 500 594 84 .18 3 5 0 366 721 50.76 2 6 0 396 681 58.15
28 24 24 20 16 16 12 12 8
UNDER-19 (2) BLUE 8 8 0 0 984 455 216 .26 32 8 6 2 0 889 605 146 .94 24 8 5 3 0 892 400 223 .00 20 8 5 3 0 744 413 180 .15 20 8 4 4 0 627 541 115 .90 16 8 4 4 0 646 720 89.72 16 8 3 5 0 648 795 81 .51 12 8 3 5 0 436 697 62.55 12 8 1 7 0 423 1043 40 .56 4 8 0 8 0 227 1265 17 .94 0
ST JOHNS 0 C 8 7 1 0 770 360 213.89 28 POWER HOUSE 8 7 1 0 701 405 173 .09 28 UHSOB 8 7 1 0 660 414 159.42 28 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 8 6 2 0 696 260 267 .69 24 ELSTERNWICK 8 5 3 0 661 494 13381 20 ELEY PARK A F C 8 2 6 0 427 736 58 .02 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 8 2 6 0 369 672 54.91 8 RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 2 6 0 343 654 52 .45 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 8 1 7 0 398 717 55.51 4 ALBERT PARK A F C 8 1 7 0 394 826 47.70 4
D4 RESERVE MT LILYDALE 8 6 2 0 643 324 198.46 24 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 8 6 2 0 665 355 187.32 24 NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 6 2 0 701 594 118 .01 24 BULLEEN COBRAS 8 5 3 0 581 401 144 .89 20 *BENTLEIGH AFC 8 5 3 0 571 470 121 .49 20 ST MARYS 8 5 3 0 527 459 114 81 20 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 8 4 4 0 450 604 74.50 16 OLD WESTSOURNE A F C 8 3 5 0 415 453 91 .61 12 SOUTH MELD DISTRICTS 8 3 5 0 409 522 7835 12 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 8 2 6 0 450 521 8637 8 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 8 2 6 0 310 675 45.93 8 BRUNSWICK A F C 8 1 7 0 277 683 40.56 4 'Ineligible player Rd 5
UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 8 8 0 0 1126 234 481 .20 32 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 7 1 0 660 334 197 .60 28 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 6 2 0 736 406 181 .28 24 RUPERTSWOOD 8 6 2 0 753 471 159 .87 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 4 4 0 725 533 136 .02 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 4 4 0 528 574 91 .99 16 TIGER SHARKS 8 3 5 0 432 823 52.49 12 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 8 2 6 0 296 1033 28 .65 8 AQUINAS 0 C 8 0 8 0 271 1284 21 .11 0
W L D FOR AGAINST % POINTS A SECTION 6 2 0 1000 633 157 .98 24 5 3 0 940 696 135.06 20 5 3 0 829 729 113 .72 20 5 3 0 689 684 100.73 20 5 3 0 712 741 96 .09 20 4 4 0 812 674 120 .47 16 4 4 0 668 865 77 .23 16 3 5 0 695 689 100 .87 12 2 6 0 583 991 58 .83 B 1 7 0 645 871 74 .05 4
B SECTIO N 1 0 945 665 142 .11 28 1 1 836 561 149 .02 26 2 0 649 589 110.19 24 3 0 679 582 116.67 20 4 0 723 682 106 .01 16 4 0 704 675 104 .30 16 4 1 694 718 96.66 14 5 0 722 816 88.48 12 7 0 497 795 62.52 4 8 0 461 887 51 .97 0 C SECTIO N 7 1 0 954 575 165.91 28 7 1 0 845 678 124.63 28 5 3 0 620 549 112.93 20 107.77 20 5 3 0 735 682 4 4 0 784 706 111 .05 1 6 4 4 0 664 616 107 .79 16 3 5 0 631 866 72 .86 12 2 6 0 748 838 89 .26 8 2 6 0 696 878 7927 8 1 7 0 627 916 68 .45 4 D1 SECTION 7 1 0 780 491 158 .86 28 7 1 0 768 650 121 .23 28 6 2 0 987 613 161 .01 24 5 3 0 958 736 130 .16 20 5 3 0 776 632 122 .78 20 4 4 0 754 713 105,75 16 3 5 0 693 784 88 .39 12 2 6 0 633 768 82 .42 8 0 7 1 629 1120 56 .16 2 0 7 1 484 975 49 .64 2 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 1 0
6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 1 1
D2 SECTIO N 2 0 2 (I 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 5 0 7 0 7 0
946 840 838 669 665 718 629 736 634 572
651 145.31 24 614 136 .81 24 729 114.95 20 622 107.56 20 653 101 .84 20 624 115.06 16 679 92 .64 16 797 92.35 12 909 69 .75 4 969 59 .03 4
7 1 6 2 6 2 5 3 4 4 4 4 3 5 2 6 2 6 1 7 0
0 845 574 147.21 28 0 932 625 149.12 24 0 768 553 138 .88 24 0 835 656 127 .29 20 0 844 631 133 .76 16 0 811 694 116 .86 16 0 749 855 87 .60 12 0 596 1010 59 .01 8 8 0 515 923 55 .80 481 935 51,44 4
BENTLEIGH AFC 8 6 2 0 914 669 136 .62 24 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 8 6 2 0 847 628 134 .87 24 NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 6 2 0 868 668 129 .94 24 BULLEEN COBRAS 8 6 2 0 755 610 123 .77 24 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 8 5 3 0 718 590 121 .69 20 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 8 5 3 0 698 587 118.91 20 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 8 4 4 0 659 551 119,60 16 ST MARYS 8 3 5 0 727 798 91,10 12 MT LILYDALE 8 2 6 0 615 699 87 .98 8 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 8 2 6 0 602 864 69 .68 8 BRUNSWICK A F C 8 2 6 0 576 954 60.38 8 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 8 1 7 0 614 975 62 .97 4