>terer~j fatnifil )t6alCsince 1892
~~ Viclleal(h
Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell . No matter what sport you're talking, they'll serve up the latest sports news, and interview the sports stars making the news . So when sports news happens Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell will break it during The Big Sports Breakfast . Switch on between 5 .30-9am each weekday morning to Melbourne's own Radio Sport 927AM.
The Big sp 速rts Br~akfast a 5.30 =9an' weekdays
0,,( L70 0[;0)Oli ~ Q~ LL
. . . From My
Spon sorship - Tot-.,-,h times ata_- .d e VAFA has always enjoyed a healthy relation~ ship with its sponsors, and sponsors have viewed the Association with anticipation, as its 74 clubs, _ticess of 10 .000 registered players, the wide and vari .d business networks associated with the VAFA, have ;;ways whetted the appetite of those wanting to 1, -come a sponsor . In the main, clubs being loyal to the Association th ey enjoy being pa rt of, attempt to support as many of the sponsors that are put in place by the VAFA, understanding that by doing so they are being loyal and also they are providing business for the sponsors which in turn is maintaining their financial commitment to the Amateurs . The crucial point to this line of reasoning is that by doing so the fees that have to be 4i~~lubs is able to be kept at a low and marks the period that all appears to be changing, and to support this statement I put the following. 0 No longer are sponsors (in opposition to contracted VAFA sponsors) prepared to look at other leagues and associations to offer sponsorships . 0 These sponsors are seeking to counter Association sponsorships by targeting a small number of individual clubs with lucrative club sponsorships, which has the potential to destroy the total VAFA business support for that sponsor. 0 Clubs are accepting these without thought of the "down the track" repercussions. 0 Contracted sponsors are saying "enough is enough", and unless the Association demonstrates it is willing to do something positive, then agreements will be torn up and they will invest funds at the club level and join the club war to sign up individual clubs . The next question to ask then, is how does the Association react to the situation? Does it : 0 Sit on its hands, do nothing and hope that the sponsors keep putting up the money in the hope of getting enough business to stay involved ? 0 Do as many other leagues and associations do, and that is fine clubs who do not demonstrate tangible support for each individual sponsor or for a significant number of the Association's sponsors? For example, in some other leagues, it is known how much of a certain product would be used by say a four team club, and should a club not order/use this amount they are
fined the difference. The VAFA has always baulked at introducing this sort of ruling. Although we would PHIL STEVENS charge clubs, under C'.`A'_1ZF EXECUTIVE the "conduct unbecomOFFICE R ing . . ." rule, should Clubs be seen to be not using Sherrin footballs, Hugh Lyon produced jumpers and VAFA produced shorts, in the main we rely on the forethought of the clubs in recognising the need to support sponsors . The Executive of the VAFA intends to address this problem in the weeks and months ahead through a series of meetings, including meeting with the clubs.
At a meeting of members of the senior Executive Committee (Committee of Management), one suggestion put fonvard was to significantly increase affiliation fees, and then offer either a significant rebate (for a good level of sponsorship across the available VAFA sponsors) . a moderate rebate (for medium support) and no rebate for little or no support . By significant rebate. it has been suggested an amount close or equal to the amount of the increase in the affiliation fee for that year . If adopted, this would downgrade the importance of sponsorship as a major source of income and increase dependence on funds from club affiliation fees . That particular matter will be resolved in the short to long term . Facing up to our immediate problems will see the VAFA allocate some of its known income from sponsorship to reward clubs who stick with us now as we are "facing an ambush, whilst moving through the pass . " Today's cover. Beaumaris' player Murray Pitts, who is now with St . Kilda, is pictured bottom left, about to drive Beauy into attack during a match in 1999 . Yoti Dimadamos is the Ormond player on the right hand side about to launch into a Gunn Reserve torp. The third player is Oakleigh Shane Kitts a key member of their successful 1999 premiership team. Welcome A big welcome to our visitors from NSW and the ACT who this Sunday meet the VAFA in an Under 19 representative match at Elsternwick Park . With both bodies likely to play in an Amateur Carnival from next year. many of the "lads" on display this Sunday will be the senior players of our states over the next decade .
Welcome and best wishes to both teams.
June 10th, 2000 Price : $1 .50
Vol . 00 No . 10
ie headlines could not h< ~,:reamed lou 'er . c',I Ross' ears . though tlie Redlegs' coach would have knovn well before Sunday morning that his side is in trouble city, just a wayward drop punt away from Relegation, that B -grade town referred to in the weekend papers . For the moment, however, Old Ivlelburnians might consider themselves safe . Marcellin and Old Ivanhoe, despite brave efforts against superior opposition last Saturday . continue to lose, and it's hard to see eithr_ jumping above the Rediegs, but stran<_ :r have already unfolded this year . St Bernards' winning ways aren't so strsU.ge . Adam Merrington has not put a foot wrong all season and showed again why the family name is synonymous with football . Ben Jordan was always going to be one of the recruiting scalps of the year, and he hasn't let his new club down or found the transition to A-section a problem . And there's so much talent at either end of the ground . Xavs, Scotch and Trinity make up the four with St Kevins joining the trio on six wins at the halfway au k of the season . Here's the report card on term . ust the one win, and verv little doubt tha t the Lagles will fly back to B-section come season's end . But Garry Connolly 's prediction early in the season that his side has more up its collective sleeve has proven accurate, and they have pushed stronger sides in recent weeks . Still, 1-8 is no record to write home about . P'ark : D: :enty of promise, lots of potential, not quite a< s living up to either of those, hence the Unicorns find themselves on the wrong side of the win-loss ratio at the mid-point . If Dates can bag 100 in nine games . MHSOB are a chance of September action, but more likely they'll find themselves middle of the road . Mark : C OLD So mu promise last year and so much promise i a stellar first game against the Cardinals, what has happened to Old Ivanhoe? Usual suspects are contributing much, but others little - only a marked improvement from most will keep the beers in the top grade, otherwise its back to B-section . Mark : D+
L ;â&#x20AC;˘ t ar's second-best pupil isn't scoring so well in the crucial tests this _,=ar, Perhaps the Redlegs thought good rest would come their way without any hard . . Could lose their confidence and fall in a hole things don't improve soon . Mark : D + ffCI3 rendan Mason and the Cardinals have just o__e blot on their card to date and plenty of rQasons to be smiling at the halfway mark . Rom i Price is firing, Luke Hawkins has kicked a s of goals, and the likes of Robinson, Pater -, Phillips and co . have been consistent perib ers . The Cardinals will have the self-belief to beat â&#x201A;Ź one but a question mark surely hangs over F1 ernards . Mark A-
C Df initely the surprise packet of the season, and double points for recovering from a slo^-,start . The pressure is certainly on to stay ir, ' e four, but the T's have given themselves eny chance with a 6-3 opening. A solid backline, hardworking midfield and a couple of capable goalkickers make Trinity a fairly even team, more than worthy of their good record . Mark : AC After vears of eti : ning distinctions, the year 2000 looks Ill ° being the first in a while where Xaverians don't finish top of the class . Of course sillier things have been said about the club only to have it bounce back in your face, but the loss of key players has certainly brought Xavs back to the field . Nonethless, judgin Xavs halfway through the year is fraught with danger. Mark : AS-
. ._- ._ _
.- . 3
Garry Foulds is holding all the aces at the midway point of the season, and they fill most of the positions in the St Bernards team . Talent on everv line, an enviable work ethic and a fitness base which has helped them beat all manner of A-section clubs to a pulp throughout the year. Their thrashing of the Cardinals was all the evidence you needed of that . Undeniable flag favorites. Mark : A S ,vii d results for a team that should know better given it's mounting A-section experience .
I'OBS supporters are still wondering if l,e ever going to watch their undeniably-tald side compete in the business end of th e on . What a shame if the likes of Lucas an d 11 (Mahoney) are again denied the chance to strut their stuff when it matters most - nothing less than a top four finish will be good enough this year SKOBS. Mark B Y UNWERSITS' B LUE S Good results gave out plenty of promising f,-,is early on but the Students have haven't i,, I n so flash since . McLachlan perform s 1_inirably each week, but along with ~â&#x20AC;˘iurrouck . Ha-vier and others . shoulders far too :, :itch of the workload on his own. Will need <upport from team-mates in the second half of (i ;e year if the Blues are going to make an ,ault on the four.
:=3CE - 1COth for Pai~' Ch~siar . Sincere congratulations are extended to Paul Chetser on reaching this great milestone . Starting way back in the early 80's with the U 15's and U 17's. Paul recently re-launched his senior career with the Club XVIII and the year 2000 is playing handy reserve games . Well done Paul on your club loytlty and your fantastic achievement . Stic k round for your 200 .
10 3 1 1
37 18 13 12
TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTIO N MHSOB v. OLD TRINITY at EP Saturday OLD IVANHOE v . OLD SCOTCH game switched from original draw
2' [~IiCa'.:i - 3 .6 .00 : _HSOB: 2 .2 4 .2 7.4 11 .6 .72 St Kevins: 4.1 8 .3 13.5 18 .8 .116 MHSOB; Berner 3 . Bamert 3, Burke 2 . Wilson I . Fairchild 1 . McIntyre I . . Eabry Best : Pertzel . Thompson, Limbnek . Fairchild . Krios. St Roving : Bowles 7, M . Gtansuresua 3, Lowerson 2, Sadler 1 . Stbi6a 1 . Curtis 1 . Ryan 1 . Fraser 1 . Richardson 1 . Best : Mahoney, kavanagh, Fraser . Bowles. Curtis, Marusic . Umpires : Robert Sneddon, Math Jenkins (F) : Santo Caruso. Adam Conquest (B); Dominic Napoli. Geoff Grigg (G)&iarcellin: 2.3 5 .5 9.7 13 .9 .87 Old Xaverians : 1 6 5 .9 13 .11 19.15 .129 Ta4areellin : Treganowan 6. Cox I . Romanin I . Cult 1 . Cathy 1 . Gleeson 1, Johnson 1 . Slattery I . Best : Cox, Bromne, Collins. Tregartowan. Chun . Gleeson . Old Xaverians: Richardson 4, Galballv 3 . Landrigan 2 . A. Jones 2 Cranage 2 . Keyhoe 2 . Blood 1 . Fleming 1 . Rennex I . Kay 1 . Best : Gower s . Flemut. Rennes, A . Jones, Kay' . Ford. Umpires : Peter Simpson . Graliam Thwaites (F) : Alex Tsilemanis, Nathan Billings (B) : Geoff Robinson, Andrew Long (G) . Old Scotch: 3.6 5 .8 11 .9 15.11 .101 University Blues : 2.2 4 .5 8 .6 11 .1 .76 Old Scotch : Phillips 4 . Angus 3. Kitchen 2. Hawkins 2. Robinson 1 . Gnatt 1 . Crane I Collins 1 . Best: Gnatt . Price, Paterson . Angus, Robinson, Phillips . University Blues: McLaughlin 2. Stockdale 2 . Lowloch 2. Vasey 2 . Slimmon 1 . Cheel 1 . Coleman 1 . Best : Povilliouse . McLaughlin, Lolvcock . Cheel . Slhrrock, D . Hayter. Umpires : Steve R1eCart ty. Mark Gibson IF:) Rob Mutton. Brendan Corcoran IB1: Stephen Leathy. Bernie Hoare (G). 5 .6 7 .12 11 .16 .82 Old Trinity: 3.2 Old Ivanhoe : 2.1 3 .1 6.5 8 .6 .54 Old Trinity: Lochran 2 J. Weddle 2, b9eLean 1 . Ross 1, Shadbolt 1 . Stewart 1 . Best : McKie, Sandilads. Ross, Price . Ttdlv. J. Weddle. Old Ivanhoe: Lochran 2 . J. Reedle 2 . McLean 1, Ross I . Shadbolt 1 . Stewart I . Best: McKie . Sandilands . Ross, Price . Tully . J . Weddle . Umpires: Atithonv Damen . Cameron Stewart IF) ; Jared Hannnet, Jack Forsyth (Bb Russell Givens, Fin Vescovi (G). Old Melburnians: 1.4 2 .5 3 .5 4 .10 .36 St Bernards : 3.3 6 .6 11 .10 16.15 .111 Old Melburnians: Berry L Davis I . McMullin 1, Thompson 1 . Best : Wiseman . Retmolds . Bod. S . Theodore . Holcombe, Ross. St Bernards : N . Mitchell 4. McKeon 21- D. Byrne 2, Bouztkas 2. O'Sullivan 2 . Gray. ' .[ . rrtnton 1 . Wilkinson 1 . J . Gollant I . Best: Harvev. L. collard, S . Tavor, rrington, Mount. Hogan. Umpires: Wayne Hinton . Craig O'Donogttue (F) : Tim Dodds . Kirsty Pay (B): Bernie Dix . Stephen Caple (G) . RESERVES - 03.06.0 0 Old Trinity: 4 .0 7 .4 11 .6 16.10,106 Old Ivanhoe : 2 .2 4 .4 4.6 5.9.39 Old Trinity: Hudson 10 . Peggie 3. Lauletta . Hillis, Andrades . Best: Hudson . Broster .'wlero, Cameron . Neunnan, Ward . Old Ivanhoe: Douglas 2 . Davis . Karafilli, Baceini . Best; Tollee. Smith . Davis. Corcoran. Macisaac, Miller. Old Scotch: 4 .5 8 .9 14 .10 15.13 .103 University Blues: 1 .2 3 .7 6.8 7.13 .55 Old Scotch: Oliver 5 . H . Thomas 5 . T . Reid. Lipshut . Ross, Stevens . Stratos . Best : T . Reid. Prendergast. Evans, D. Thomas, Oliver, H . Thomas . University Blues: Nation 2. North 2. Brown, Baker. Longley. Old Melburnians: 0 .3 1.10 4 .15 14.16 .100 St Bernards: 0 .4 1,6 3.8 3.9.27 Old Melburnians: Guest 3, Burden 2, G . Dixon 2, Neeson 2 . P. Theodore 2 . Slater 2 . Rgheth . Best : Slater. Murphv. Sallabank. Bennett, M . Rose. Grigg . St Bernards : P. Harvey, Cariss. Davis, Best: J . Mount, Davis. Garvev. James . Jurlsckay. Nathan.
RSarcellin : 1 .4 4 .8 4 .10 6.10.46 4 .2 6 .4 7.6 9.7.48 Old Xaverians : Marcellin: Goal kickers and best players results not reeeived .Old Xaverians: Meehan 3. Freer 2. Callinan, Stean . Oswald, Tucker. Best: Drake . Tucker, Hall, Stean . Hardman, Rish . 3 .1 4 .3 8.5 9.7.61 MHSOB : 3 .2 3 .5 4.5 7.6.48 St Kevins : .Tavlor 2 . O'Brien . McCully. Schiano . Wright. RiFISOB : Robinson 3. L Best : Norton . Feferkranz . Chester. O'Brien, J . Neu9on . Robinson. St Kevins: Vilella 2 . hlalesi . DaBraio. R'aight, Clark, Rizio . Best : L'>rmterton, Chapman, Harper. McCann . 3loylan . Waight.
A melee is 'Where anincident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
"( ' ID Coach: Garry Connolly Res. Coach : David Howe
1 . C . Slatte ry 2. M . Karavisils 3. D . Waters (C) 4.M . Gill 5. M . Moran 6. D . Sampimon 7. M . Rowe 8. R . Frisina 9 . M . Day 10 . A. Caffry 11 . D. Taylor ( RC) 12 . B . Croni n 13 . T Collins 14 . R. McMahon 15 . M . Chun 16 . W . Devercelli 17 . G . Cox ( VC) 18 . D. Gart ner 19 . D. Coope r 20 . S . 0'Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22 . D . Marson 23, P. Gleason
24 . L. O'Flynn 25 . L. Furlan 26 . N . Armstrong 27 . D . Theisz 28 . D . Johnston 29 . M . Byrnes
30 . A . Treganowan 31 . S . Yee 32 . M . Browne 33 . G. Cull 34 . D . Jarred 35 . J. Frazer 36 . G . Romanian 37 . L . Fitzpatrick
38 . D . Harbe rt s 39. B. Colville (RVC) 40 . A. Duncan 41, J. Seabu ry B. Dinneen 43. M. Maguire 44. A. Wilkinson 45. D . Ballantine 46. G . Petroff 47. D . Ryan 48 . A. Gallagher 49 . G . Whiston 50. A. Ryder 51 . P. Byrnes
52 . D. Cope 53 . C. Mathews 54 . M . Randazzo 55 . J . Wallis 56 . R . Galati 57 . B . Day 58 . C . Purcell 59 . J . Ibrahim Sponsored by: The Beehive Hotel and Yarra Valley
Count ry Club
M .H .S .O .D . -
Coach: Warren Fall Res. Coach : Peter O 'Dea 1 J Barnett
2 S McCully 3 D Woodley 4 C Eabry (DVC) 5 P Sherry 6 R Joseph 7 J Pertzel (C) 8 J Gerner 9 D Fairchild (VC) C) 10 D Skinne r 11 K Krio s 12 M Feferkranz
13 J Gregson 14 A Watson 15 A Martin 16 J . Schiano 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 19 R Ware 20 J Wilso n 21 C Kelly 22 D Armstrong 23 C Ha rv ie 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCullyY
30 R Knight 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell ( DVC) 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (DVC) 35 36 M . White 37 R McIntyre
38 S Robinson 39 R Verma 40 W Haye s 41 T Morgan 42 B Cookman 43 J Burk e 44 M H aw k es 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins 48 M Moore 49 P Chester 50 B Gaunt 51 S Walker 52 D. Nort on 53 C Clowes 54 C Drake 55 S Walker 56 T Wright 57 L. Taylor 58 59 L. Jones 60 R Newton
Sponsored by :
Coach : Kevin Tibaldi Asst . Coach: Anthony Parker Res. Coach : Steve Cropley
1 A.Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 M . Sandilands
4 5 6 7 8
J . Mansfield B . Sp oor M . McKie J . Knight T. Steevns
9 M . Karayanis 10 C. Crowley 11 S . Tully
12 C. Branigan 13 C. Barker 14 A . Francis 15 G . Douglas g 16 M . Woods 17 A . Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 D. Worry
20 J . Kean e 21 R . Robe rt s 22 P. Donaldso n 23 A . Dougl as 24 E . Byrne
25 A . White 26 D . Ross 27 J . Weddl e 28 A . Jenkins 29 R . Weddl e 30 E . Brophy N, Miller 32 P. Dowd 33 B . Davis 34 A . Tieman 35 L. McLean 36 M . Polloc k 37 P. Armstrong 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 R . Davies 41 A . Harper 42 L. Courage 43 T. Van Bloomstein 44 A . Weis e 45 M . Toovey 46 J . Weir 47 D . Bernet 48 M . Tolley
49 A. Barker 50 J. Sma rt 51 B. Shadbolt 52 N . Maguire 53 S. Price 54 Z. Aboujaba 55 P. Lilis 56 E. Broomhill 57 G . Mclsaac 58 G . Mandeki c 59 M . Tozer 60 C. Pi tt
Sponsored by : Si re s Menswear WG . Miles & Co Ply Ltd Real Eastate - Ivanhoe Spectrum Assurance Group Regency Pharmacy
Zitech Computer Peripherals
OLD MELE )l Coach: Neil Ross Asst . Coach : Mark Sarau
1 M. Bennett 2 S. Theodore ( VC) 3 A. Ross 4 M. Hazell 5 L . Bunn 6 D . H ol me 7 . C . Thompson 8 M . Lovett ( DVC) 9 S. Oram 10 T. Robe rts ( DVC ) 11 S. Boyd
12 A. Hewitt 13 S. Ros e 14 L . Reynolds 15 M . Rose 16 A. Browne 17 J . Miller 18 A. Topakas 19 R. Mulquinne y 20 N. Pirouet 21 L. Boyd 22 A. Waddel l 23 M . Berry 24 L. Holcomb e 25 J . Guest 26 C. KennedyY
27 J . Slater 28 J . Ballantyne 29 T. Mulligan 30 I. McMullin ( C) 31 J . Hart 32 L. Bar ry 33 G . Dixon (RC) 34 B . Burgess 35 P. Stuckey 36 M . Ward 37 B . Dixon 38 S . Grigg 39 M . Wiseman 40 41 G. Wilhelm (RVC) 42' P. Theodore 43 E . Farquarson 44 P. Bat rt lett 45 C . Murp hy 46 C . Neeson 47 C . Banks 48 C . Jenkins 49 A . Fleming 50 J. Ber ry 51 B. Righett i 52 B. Campbell 53 T. Ambler 54 I . Paterson 55 J . Godley 56 A. Hunt
57 J . Weir 58 T. Burdeu 59 S. Topakas 60 B. Reid 61 D. Su tton 62 W. Hauserman 63 N. Sampieri 88 G . Davies
OLD SCOTCH CoAasa n Re kson
1 DVC) 2 3 4 T. Holt (C) 5 R . Price (DVC) 6 A . Crow
7 J . Kitche n 8 C . Rei d 9 S . Collins (VC) 10 J . Kerr 11 M . Angus (DVC) 12 S . Hume 13 N . Hooper 14 T. Reid 15 M . O'Brie n
16 A . Spee d 17 D . Thoma s 18 H . Thoma s 19 K. Stoke s 20 L . Murphy 21 S. Gibbs 22 C . Heath 23 0 . Crane 24 L . Hawkin s 25 S. Lillingston 26 T Downin g 27 T Collins
28 B. Robinso n 29 M . Gna tt 30 T. Wigney 31 C. Ratcliffe 32 T. Chapma n 33 N . Morris 34 E. Olive r 35 P. O'Conno r 36 S . Prendergas t 37 M . Parthenides 38 C. Pattenden 39 N. Addison 40 A . Warne r 41 M . Lipshut 42 J . Ros s 43 J . Paterson 44 C. Evans 45 M . Blenheim 46 A . McCullyY
47 N . Slade n 48 T. Stubb s 49 L. Hum e 50 E . Pathenide s 51 A . Elliott 52 N . Leit l 53 T. Frankenburg 54 N . Simo n 55 G. Sarkozy 56 H . Lan e 57 C . Stevens 58 M . Thwaites 59 S . Eage r
60 B . Crump 61 J . Strato s 62 S . Mile s 63 T. Joyce 64 R . McKinnon 67 P. Rodgers 81 R . Aujard
--T Coach; Leigh Carlson psst. Coach: Phil Gaut ggs Coach : Craig Neave
1 Kennedy S{~/C ) 2 Hudson G(RV C ) 3 Barnard B 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 6 Russell C 7 Van Der Venne T 7 Natoli S eri M 7
3 Frost G 8 Stebbins C 9 Andrews A(VC) 10 Shaughnessy M 11 Richards A 12 Peqgie T 13 Cade J 14 Stickland J (VC) 14 Gamble R 15 Stephens T 16 Hillas C 16 Nankervrns B 17 Hatfield G(VC) 17 Newman J 18 Clarke L 19 Barr C
20 Phillips C (VC) 20 Deane-Johns G 21 Kennedy L 22 Munro e H 23 Ramsden A 24 Boyd A 25 Collins M 25 Cameron F (RVC) 25 Schulze D 26 Robinson D 27 Ramsden R 27 Tudori 1 28 Butler C 29 Harmer G 30 Glass D 30 L . Taylo r 31 Bladeni S 32 Pawsey C 33 Heighton D 34 Boyd M 35 Pawsey M
36 Sutcliffe J 37 Dann S 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) 39 Antonopoulos T 39 Anderson H 40 Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 42 Torney A 43 De Stefanis M Power B 44 Wallace I 44 Maiyah A Treadwell G
45 46 Hutchinson B 47 Mitchell G 48 Morpeth T Roberts T 50 Farmer J 50 Adgemis J 52 Hansen W 53 Kinross D 54 Bennie L 56 Best E 57 Baker A 58 Beaver A
59 Cade T 61 Broster N 62 Marc, J
63 Curran R 65 Burows R 69 Lapira M 70 Chisholm M 71 Phillips T 79 Stockdale S 80 Oberoi A
O L D XAV ERIADS Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res . Coach : Chris Mortensen
1 2 3 4
M . Bloo d ( C) T. Fleming L. Hannebe ry D . Landrigan
5 D . Steen
6 B. Healy 7 S. Lethlean (VC) 8 A. Keyho e 9 J . Hawkins 10 D . Rennex
11 Adam Jones 12 J . Bowe n 13 C . Elli s 14 D . Stoney
15 L . Ford 16 A . Gowers 16 S . Skidmor e 17 D . Richardson 18 T. Gordon 19 A . Jones 20 M . Hardman (RC)
1 C. Gray 2 L. M e eh an 3 A. Brebner (RVC) 4 S. McKeon 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 J . Mcka y 7 S. Perrett 8 J . Evans 9 B. Jordan 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 9 P. Capes 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A . Thomas 15 T Wilkinso n 16 M . Bertherton 17 J. Ferns 18 D . McLaughlin 19 L. Gollant (C) 20 T Sheehan
21 B . Loughli n 22 A . Merrington 23 A . Mastrapasqua 24 P. Harvey 25 C. Osborne 26 J . Gollant 21 A . McQueen-Parton 27 A . Nathan (RC) 22 28 B . Carriss 23 R . Coughlan 29 D. Gleeson 24 B . Coughlan (VC) 29 J . Overman (R) 30 J . DeBon o 25 P. Lechte 31 B. Collins 26 S . Tucker 32 T. Harvey 27 J . Drak e 33 R . Nu tter 28 B. Crana 9e 34 D . Byrn e 29 D . Galbally 35 M. Juricskay 36 A. Shaw 30 C . Kell y 32 C . Bond (R) . Tuddenham 31 L 33 T. Smith 32 M . Allen 37 A. Catteral l 33 A . Sassi 38 S . Gray 34 R Jones 39 S . 6yrne 35 P. Rya n 40 D . Thomas 41 B . Overman 36 L . Deane-Johns 42 T. James 37 T. Freer 43 C . Davi s 38 R . Hall 44 S . Taylor 39 M . Meehan 45 M . Tanke y 40 R . MacWhirter 46 W. Attard 41 A . Dillo n 46 M . Licciard o 47 G . Taylor 42 N . Ireland 43 T. Woodruff (VC) 48 James Mount 49 S . Donnell y 44 B . Hilbert 50 D. Tonks 45 C. Smith 51 P. Romanin 46 M . Callinan 52 L. O'Sullivan 47 J . Kay 53 J . Kavanagh 54 L. Kavanagh 48 D. Orlando 55 P. 49 R. Dillon 56 N N . Dodd 50 D . James 57 A. Hilbert 51 D . Walsh 58 K. Callow 52 A. Orlando 59 J . Jacks 60 T. James 53 P. Funder 61 A. Woodle y 54 S . Grigg 62 M. Pocata]ko 55 J . HealyY 63 J . Gioffre 56 A Oswald 64 L . Overman 57 R Carey 65 J. Harris 58 T. Curnow 66 J. Delaney 67 A. Carus o 59 J . Puttyfoot 68 W. Backway 60 T. Coughlan 61 M . Rus h 62 H Davies N ORTH S UBURBAN
81 McCulloch
82 Mackria A 83 Robison C 84 Andrades M
ST. _ Coach : Garry Foulds Res . Coach : David Law
,,,~y ^y 速 1 '
Coach : Mike' : cArthur-AIIen Res . Coach : Mick Knuppel 1
A. C all ery
2 . S. Lowerson 3 . D . Curtis 4 M . Winterton 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe
7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollma n 9 A . Bevaqua 10 N . Fraser 11 P. Malesi 12 M . Rizi o ' 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahoney 15 M . Olive 16 B . Garve y 17 M , Ryan 18 J . Grigg
19 D. Sheehy 20 L. Hull-Brown 21 J . Sibili a 22 J . Mace y 23 B. Quirk
24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Kavangh 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargan o 31 A . McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 B . Hughes 34 S . Richardson 35 B . Villell a 36 A . Smith 37 S . Kennedy 38 J . Bateman 39 A . Conlan 40 N . Parrett
41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pangrazio 43 W . Keighran 44 D . Moyla n 45 D . Weight
46 J . Trava li a 47 M . Chapman 48 L . Harper 49 R . Simkiss 50 S. Kuringg
53 M . Chaplin 54 S. Game 58 J. Ferrari 59 A . Rattl e 61 J. Lynch 62 B . ShelleyY 63 P. Robert s 67 B . Day 75 A . Foley 76 M . Galt 77 G. Pickford
Coach : Lee Adamso n Res. Coach : Mick Conno p
1 D . Slimmo n 2 T. H utch i ns 3 J . Sturrock 4 D. Guengeric h 5 L. Fulto n 6 S . Longle y 7 D . Hayte r 8 J . Hayter 9 S . Mead e 10 D . Mapleston e 11 L . Nort h 12 G . McLachlan (C) 13 P. Stockdal e 14 C . Roydhouse 15 M . Kordick 16 C . Stewart 17 G. de Crespigne y 17 J . Kanis 18 S . Cheel 19 A . Lowcock 20 A . Davi s 21 J . Hockin g 2 2 P. Shee h a n 23 T. Wilcox 24 R . Calno n 24 . S . Russel l 25 D . Solly 26 M . Vasey 27 . B . Pricke r
28 . M . Thoma s 29 . J . Caulloupas 30 . M . Coleman 31 M . Hal l 32 J . Garnau t 33 L . Tweddle 34 L . Fishle y 35 S . Hasle r 36 T. McKinle y 37 A. Lenne n 38 M . Peterso n 39 B. Denha m 40 C . Brooke s 41 R . Crawford 42 M . Hotton 43 S. Ferguson 44 R . Featherston 45 J . Armstrong 46 M . McKerro w
47 R . McKerrow 48 T. Rourk e 49 C . Johnson 50 H . Nailo n 51 A . Brown 52 A . Terril l 53 R . Versteege n 52 T. Terry 55 T. Anderso n 56 T. Birk s 57 T. Irvin e 58
59 L. Fehrin g 60 A. Cunningha m 61 B . Coleman 62 C . Sophide s 63 B . Holmes
Sponsored by ;
622 Mt. Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
IGA Liquo r Wooden d
Ausranuas 0
arrived at the half-way stage of the ear, _ . and one would suspect that the final four i s nearly deeided, although there are probably a fe w clubs who would beg to differ . However, as we saw last year, things ehange, and fortunes rise and fall at the snap of a finger. We'll look at the report card for each team, and just see what lies ahead . Review In the Harry bog. Old Paradians outplugged a dogged Collegians by 25pts . The Lions kicked the first 2 goals of the game, and inaccurate kicking by OP also helped their cause, however, the Bundoora boys were too strong in the end .
At the home of footy, EP, Ormond got back on the winner's list last week by downing W hitefriars by 18 pts. Even though . Whiiefriars kicked the first 5 goals of the match, Ormond were undeterred, and persisted to outstay their rivals . Old Brighton kicked the sweep against Old Mentonia n s by licking them by 150 pis at Keysborough . The scores in the paper were incorrect apparently, as OB had 19 goals on the board at half time, and not 9 . Too good all over the ground was the report from my spy . NOB s out-sloshed De La Sall e in the Malvern mudheap to the tune of 36 pts, proving that my call of the winners to be found wanting in heavy conditions to be a complete furphy. Scoreless second and last quarters made the day even worse for the losing side. Mazenod carved up Old Haileybury at McKinnon by a massive 68pts, showing yet again, that the magical game plan of the winners is purely unstoppable at present . The fat lady was in fuil voice at half time as the margin was 8 goals . The second half proved just as bad for the losers . Preview
Old Ha9.ieybury host the hapless Collegians at IcKinnon, with both teams absolutely desperate for a win . The Lions are getting better each week, but I think that if the home team decides to play today, they'll be too good by 23 pts . Everybody's favourite venue (and mine too!), that magnificence in architecture, E .E .Gunn is the scene of Ormond versus Old Paradians. The home side found form last week . Conversely. OP is not travelling that well at present, and will be sent packing without victory by 10pts . Old Mentonians play Whitefriars at those royal playing fields of Keysborough . Last week's result ,will surely have taken something out of the home side . and even though Whitefriars lost as well, they'11 be too strong again by 45 pts . Blockbuster I is between Old Brighton and De La Salle where buckets and spades are plentiful . De La are getting desperate, a loss today will see them
tumble out of th e four . The home side are going too well for me not to tip them to win by 33 pts . Blockbuster 2 (and the BIG one) is where we see Mazenod do battle with NOBs. Both sides are in rare form . The away side showed us that they can win in the wet or dry . However. I do believe that the home team is on an unstoppable roll, and they will win today by 16 pts . Half Year Review Collegians - The Lions are under the pump at present, with only one win on the board . Tim Hart will no doubt be attempting to pull some magic rabbits out of a hat in the second half, but unfortunately, it appears that they may be heading for C Section . although I could be wrong . They'll get better as the year goes on, but it may be too late . De La Salle - The early premiership favourites areti t travelling as well as Paul Cooper would like, with a 5-4 record . It may be that the satchel swingers received the wrong mail in pre-season, but with strong juniors, they're a chance to go a lot better in the second half of the year. Their promotion aspirations have taken a battering, but based on last vear's B section results, anything can happen, and De La will be hoping that it does . M azenod - I hate to say it, and I did warn you all, but Dave Murray's new, more structured game plan has taken B section by storm (and has made him favourite for coach of the year honours) . It has even made the daily newspapers! A fitter team, a game plan and an astute coach have been the major factors in their awesome performances thus far . A top two finish is on the cards . NOBs - Frank Dunell's charges have been the quiet achievers so far this year, and they're perched very nicely in second place, with very consistent performances . Theyll need to be on their mettle for the remainder of the year (as I'm sure they will), as it appears they're fighting with two other sides for the all-important double chance . Old B righton - There's no doubt Dale Tapping's charges are the linchpin right now . From what I've seen, they are the stand-outs with most of their top line players standing up and playing super footy . One would think that, barring accidents and with their all-conquering juniors, OB should finish on top to give themselves every chance to go to A section . Old Haileybury - Mick Dwyer can't seem to take a trick at the moment with his players, who, by now, must rate as the most enigmatic team going around in B section . One week they're superstars, the next they're easybeats . Should they show their best on a more consistent basis in the second half
could do anything. 1 :'s been a long year to date lless and heading for C see1r,3 that hit the club havc u . and most clubs will agree n: 1 to find instant replacements . s l believe that Svend Samild and hi s a game this year as they know nothother than to give 100% all the time . raThe Green and Purples have ° -ra t3i ereabouts without being spectacular . A n as long as Shaquille O'"~eai's arm isn' t eter Bedford either . If t{-- can recaptur e 's form in the run home, ing is possiy are second onh to ()i : the enigm a y are capable of an, _ring if they pu t
2.5 2 .5 .17 :~ 3 7.i1 .53 nd . D. Hviand. Horn.
J. Barker 1 . Boqie I . C sbou)t . iteTaggert. lie-ell (F) ; Jon vfficent, o,' 1, 7 .6 9.9.63 10 .13 12 .16.88 , Humpluy I . E . Waters Arouse. Hug~ins . Jones ,
S. Gele 2 . Vincent 2 . Jenkins 2 . . v . Hart, Vli,cent . 0'LougtilHi . Halgins (F) : David Gourlay. ards (G) . .4 12.6 14.8.92 10.6 11 .8.74 1 . S . Grace I . 2v1 . Miller 1 ,
i'. inds to it ,
lan - 1 . Best : PvSeCon•ilh Miller. Hilton 2 . Reidv 2. NI . Cai bone 1 . _' . R . Provhh 1 . Best : A. Pal k hr- G :pires : Peter James .
Steve Grace's charges started the year bang, winning the first 4 in row, befor e sir next 4 and steadying last week . Whilst on offer at the beginning of the year may teen extravagant. they are in the bunch fight, at looks like only one vacant finals spot . liddie part of the second half will tell us ho w going . ., - The boys from Donvale have performed very well to date, being competitive agains t
3.4 8 .5 9.6 .60 9.11 25.17 31.21 .210 °nurnon . n 2 . -^^-!°- 1 1 . F :i&! Am : -eksan Ma d ~. :~. ~.13. Kinr. it : 2 Ad l . i ^is. ?Iclachlan . Kr.. .nnia}: . e {F} : Nick L ton . Janie s
6.5 8.5.53 13.7 18.13.121 i -2 . est: 1A7tite, Carson. ;rnson 4. Kavanagh 2. . Morgan 1 . Fishe r i, Kellv.
good opposition . Des Meagher will be hoping I their good first half grounding can launch -°elt-s into possibly a flnai's position. They wil l 1 B ection for 2001, a tremendous effort fro m
ned .
t= Cla[tcv (G) .
- congratulations to or pla; n_, ; = 3~ ~ for "is club . from Sandringham Y'FA in 1992 , ae career has been beset v. :. .1 injury and has ed iany games . He played in losing Gran d in '95 & '99 . Forced out by injury in 98 , spent the year on the Match Committee . She-) on a fine effort fro- all at Ormond . g - coil dratulations to Peter on playing his + for the Bloods 3 achievement has
i :'eter's ankl e ell done "Padtt•.
urnit~rria_ - : thznond : t,u? Gurm . J ~ : .. . Johnson . Ma 're .
>t: Campnetl . . 8.6 10 .7 12 .9 .81 10 .11 .71 5.3 7 .9 wens . Ltrdord. Rustdord . ~ t . Cozens, '+4ason .Old __a , Davies. 19urch. Sic .. .,_. hest ;
'son . 3 .4 3 .7 2 .4 3.5
5.9.39 7.7.4 9
'*ri. Smith. Best: E :s . B0 i tOld : ' . 111. Mnrrfl4 . .Anlor. l
1 .6
2 .8.20
-~ -6.3 IS 18.9.117 . . PLa Jor 'Movie. 01~~ .~ R. ~ ., r~:, 3 :=L~~. 1, Iu lltn 3, ... . . ._. BaIl L,. .. i4iller . Sir, A Qu n .,~ : . n .
Be Dicker ~n .!arrav . Ct ~ ..r; .t .'Iui
30 28 27 24 24
- -------~ MAZF OD 3 25 ORMOC ) 0 13 OLD HAIL YBURY 0 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 12 DE LA SALLE 1 11
B Section COLLEGIANS Coach: Tim Hart Res . Coach : Anthony Parkin 1 S . Mollard (VC)
2 3 4 5 5 6
N . Florentine B. Woolhouse (C) G . Palmer (VC) R . Henebery D . Greeves S . Van De r Veene (RVC) 7 S . El g 8 N . Beattie 9 T. Hovey 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 W. Daly 14 J . Dixo n 14 D . Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillip s 16 D . Phillips 17 R . Hosking 18 C . Mollard 19 A . Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 N . Milat 24 T. Knox 25 C . Unsworth 26 S . Woolley (RC) 27 S . Humphry (VC) 28 N . McCan n 29 A . Kenneally 30 L . Moo n 31 J. Ros e 32 D . Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 M. Britte n 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opi e
38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M . O'Donnel l
50 B . Jefferson (VC )
Coach : Paul Cooper Res . Coach: Paul O'Dwyer 1 A Moor e
2 M Mercuri 3 B Corin 3 M Butler 4 L Hal l 5 C Swift 6 M Herber 7 C Browne (C) 8 A Mithe n 9 S Hart 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans 11 S Vavall o 12 D Toohey (VC) 13 A Waters 14 B Hackett 15 J Hodder 16 S Hyland 17 A Elliott 18 J Horn 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 J Doak 24 J Morel 25 K Rogers 26 S Wood 26 E Williams 28 N Harbor 29 M Joyce 30 B Mannix 31 A Flowerday 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 M Kin g
34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hylan d 38 R Ford 39 M Goodier 40 P Harrison 40 A Johnstone 41 D Spithill 42 D McInerney 43 L Borella 44 X Clancy 45 A Lambe 46 P Bowden 47 S Lask a
48 D Smith 49 L Walker 50 J Lowe 51 M Evans 52 D Poynton 53 J Laragy 54 C Hyde 54 A . McKenzie 56 R Beattie 58 C Worsteling 59 T Fisher 60 B Ho y 61 C Buick 62 J Hosking 63 C McGergor 64 B McMahon 70 M Dugga n
Proudly Sponsored by :
South P1 , ibo
SKILLED Your Flexible Workforce
Coach : David Murray Rese rve : Tony Collins 1 C . Harrison 2 J . Ballenger 3 B . Devli n
4 A . Hanley (VC) 5 M . Quirk 6 N . Marmo 7 S . Morgan 8 D . Lancaster 9 A . Tucker 10 M . O'Hara
11 T. Smith (RC) 12 M . Murray (VC) 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J . Kavanagh 17 D . Kelly 18 D . O'Donaghue 19 S. McMullin 20 21 22 23 24
C . Murray S. Polan D . Ryan A . Tucker D . Nisbe t
25 A. Pickering (C) 26 J . Dunn e 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 A. McIntyre 32 S . Paolucci 33
34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkin s 36 G . Miller 37 L. Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 A. Quin n 40 C . Dickenson 41 B . Bell
42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D. Grant 44 S . Garbellini 45 B . Meehan 46 B . Hobbs 47 A . McDowell 48 D . Gil l 49 L. Halvy (RVC) 50 A . Smyt h 51 G . Hanegraf 52 N . Nussbaum 53 D . Linde n 54 B . Leggett 86 R . Foss
FM ~ C : ' . Coach : Frank Dunnell Res. Coach: Darren Caddy 1 . D .Wilkinson
2. D .Waters 3. TWaters 4. S.Sleep 5. B.Devine (RC) 5. D .Skene 6. N .Vogels 7. P.Boot h 8. B.Collison (C) 9. L .Curry (DVC) 10 . S .McGrath 11 . G.Collins 12 . S .Lock 13 . T.Halpin 14 . D.Kingham 15 . J .Talbot 16 . D.Collins 17 . M .Maguire 18 . C.Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23 . P.O'Dwyer 24 . J .Barke r
25 . G .Phyland 26 . S .Smit h 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . M .Nulty 29 . D .Boyer 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35. M .Carney 36. D .Tonkin (VC) 37. S .Mikunda 39. R .Maguire 38. M .Amo r 40. C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonki n 42. P.Pesavenko 43. D .Zacek 44. M .Drum 45. B .Pawsey 46. N .Goonan 47 . J .Barlow 48 . P.Daniels 49 . A.Stone 50 . TDru m
51 . S.Fitzpatrick 52 . N .Sanders 53 . T.Ayerbe 54 . A.Trimboli 55 . D .Scicluna 56 . P.Arnold 57 . C .Blaine 58 . J .Gurry 60 . D .Moore 61 . F. Lynch
62 . A.McKenzieMcHaig 63 . S .Dixo n 64 . G .Muir 65 . S .Sarong 67 . R .Whitnish 68 . K .Watson 71 . J .Presti 77 . S .Trenton 78 R. Christie 79 D Keld
OLD RRIC' : : GRA~ MA r1 i P. Coach: Dale Tapping Res. Coach : Brad Berry 1 A. Kryzwnia k
2 A. Pirrie 3 C . Barrow 4 M . Talbot 5 N. Perry 6 S . Alderso n 7 B . Logan (VC) 8 M . Gadsden 9 S .Lennox 10 M . Denni s 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC) 16 W. Earl 17 A . Rickarb y 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S . Gadsde n
20 A . McLachlan 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neill 23 L. Holt 25 S . Nikas 26 A . Cooper 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Murc h
30 A . McLaughlin 31 A . Bristo w 32 G. Earl 33 P. Phelan 34 J. White 35 C . Stewart 36 B . Pollock 38 J . Raj u 39 A . Ginnavin 40 B. Patterson 41 J . Murchie 42 P. McMahon 43 B. Parnham 44 A. Brown 45 S. Fox 46 M. Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R . Boxer 49 A. Ginnavin 50 D . Hsiau 51 M . Fisher 52 K. Lynch 57 M . Moon
~ .~ . ;; ; ; ,~ Dwyer ~, C D .~I : V yne t 'ss
Coach : Sven Satnild Res Coach: Craig Davis
Coach: Peter Bedford Res. Coach : Damian Carroll
Coach: Steve Grace Res. Coach : Craig Tonkin
Coach : D: leaghe r Re, Co. c .: Brian Grill s
Home Connell (DVC) Langford-Jones A . Bruda r ;V. Smith 7 Adam Hilton (C) t 8 D. Hasset g M . Lambert 10 C. Efstathiou i I D. Warne s 12 N. Hanson 13 B . Harrop 14 A . Forsyth 15 N Bigg s 16 P. O'Donnell 16 B . Langford-Jones 17 Ash Hilton 18 C. Jayasekera 19 M . Armston g 20 D. Elliott 21 A . Jenke 22 D. Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 A . Ross 25 G . Rowlands (RC) 26 J . Bell 27 P. Dimond 28 S . Walden (VC) 29 B . Carson 30 A . Whit e 31 D. Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 L. Floyd 34 P. Langford-Jones (RVC) 35 D. Lappage 36 B . Lay 37 A . Dowsing 38 P. Wright 39 R . George 40 B . Johnsto n 41 S . Saunders 42 S . Rowlands 43 C. Pountne y 44 M Wray 45 T. Hilton 46 R . Brandham 47 T. Barker 48 A . Pound 49 G . Finlayson 50 R . Ladd 51 M . Thiele 52 A . Shepherd 53 N . Hill 54 T. Earney 55 L. Byrns 56 C. Moyle 57 R . Mitchell 58 S . Davey 59 A. Floyd 60 J . Robertson 61 B . Waters 62 C. Dowling 63 D. Moss 64 J . MIller
1 A Acreman 2 C Lean 3 B Murphy 4 G Strou d 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterson 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newton 9 G Pride 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwye Y r 13 A Palmer 14 K Campbell 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 L Richardson 18 T Bournon 19 D . Kitt o 20 S Mulle 21 S . Ingram 22 P Harrington 23 A. Drinan 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Wlnduss 26 G Dart 27 G . Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 M Brooks 31 M Elliott 32 N . Hollow 33 G New 34 P Flaskis 35 T. McNish 36 DJ . Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 D Milli s 39 T Rile Y 40 M Manix 41 S Couens 42 H Maso n 43 M Levies 44 B Clothie r 45 M . Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 Ferguson 48 J . Webb 49 C . Mackay 50 G Richard s 51 L Stephen 52 A . Oxiand 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantine 56 S . Walch 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 59 G Lucas 60 S . Flaski s 61 B . Samild 62 R . Ball 63 M . Jone s 64 M . Austin 65 T. Sobey 66 M . Sobey 67 P. Mevel 68 S . Bainbridg e 69 N . King 70 J . Vick 71 N . Flinos 72 R . Salazar 73 J . Anderson 74 A . Brown 75 S . Malone
1 S . Vincent (C) 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 D . Stevens 4 M . Wood 5 M . Harfor d 6 MP Geary 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A . Sinclair 9 J . Collin s 10 Brabender (VC ) 11 A . Burns 12 J . Holland 14 B . Brabender 15 B . Dintinosante 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 18 G. Porteous 19 John Swindon 20 M . Szewczuk 21 A . Farrel l 22 S . Ciavol a 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 M .B . Geary 27 A . Jenkins 30 B . Richardson 31 J . Lucas 33 P. Harris 34 B . Galloway 35 M . Gal e 36 S . Swindon 37 JM Swindon 38 D. Tooze 39 D. Loney 40 C. Seckiol d 41 D. Watson 42 R. Murray 43 A. Swindon 44 M . Joyce 47 N. Ball 48 E . Nayef 49 M . Hildebran d 51 A. Ba ke r 52 M . Ryan 53 B. Atkin 56 A. Sacco 57 J . Muir 59 L . Baker 60 B. Henry 61 C . Watso n 62 V. Perry 64 C . Price 65 A. Jakowenko
1 D Mabbett 2 D Beckett 3 P Gleeson 4 A Grace 5 B Turner 6 D Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M Miller (DVC ) 9 S Grace 10 D Scanlon 11 D Robbin s 12 N Sebo 13 B Stone 14 S James 15 S Naughton 16 T Stewart (RC) 17 P Jo y 18 W Block 19 D Cleary n' ( ) 20 M McConvill (C) 21 J Brown 22 R Block 23 T Ashford 24 M Abrahams 25 J Dale 26 L Livingstone 27 T Brennan 28 B Collins 29 N Courtney 30 N Wells 31 H Black 32 R Presser 33 M Shepherd 34 R Remman (VC) 35 G Bailey 36 S Mackey 37 A Guzzo 38 S Herrmann 39 A Or r 40 Y Dimadamos 41 J . Koolstra 42 C Keleher 43 L . D'Astoli 44 M Mabbett 45 J . Keleher 46 C Cleary 47 C . Cooper 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfield 50 M . Heffernan 51 S . Shuttleworth 52 S . Sonneman 53 G Hammond 54 S . Rajki 55 T. Carman 56 M Farrell 58 M Collins 59 P Konstanty 60 G Ritchie 58 A Kukuljan 73 A. Strauch
1 R Pasqualotto 2 M Bateman (VC) 3 M Carbone (C ) 4 5 M Robinso n 6 C Housto n 7 N Cunningha m 8 A Davi s 9 C Maguire 10 A Pawlik 11 R Reidy 12 R Pawlik 13 T Hughes 14 T Carrig g 15 P Campbell 16 B Vardenboom (~) 17 A Carbon e 18 C Fulton 19 T Hilto n 20 D Mcauliffe 21 B Phan 22 D Vandenboo m 23 24 R Mik a 25 D Reid 26 C Ryan 27 M Northey 28 C Eame s 29 A Glen n 30 M Power 31 M Duffy 32 B Winch 33 M Verna l 34 D Gloufchev 35 C Law 36 D Nolan 37 D Sullivan 38 C Carrig g 39 K Kennedy 40 A Thwaite s 41 C O'connor 42 P O'brie n 43 N Elliott 44 B O 'connor 45 M Leste r 46 G Johnson 47 M Nola n 48 J Trey au d 49 C Andrews 50 J Housto n 51 L Eames 52 P Hassle r 53 C Woo d 54 S Gille n 55 S Ward 56 R Murrayy 57 J Mcfarlan e 58 J Gibbons 59 S Clifford 60 B Sinclai r 61 C Molone y 62 63 64 J Ciardull i 65 D Eame s
~c 7-,,7-,NTT
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no so to the half wa ma,'c of the season and now he run home to the early finals . Some clubs woul d be happy with their current position . others would not be . One thing is certain the next 9 weeks will be very interesting as we all jostle for positions at both ends of the scale . REVIEW It was just like a training run for tl in the first half as they completely outplayed the c-, on Inc big ground . The Ogs kicked the first 2 but then the Tigers kicked the next 19 to have the game sewn up at the main break. After that it was a little more even as the Ogs became a bit more competitive but could still make no leeway on the rampaging visitors . Two first gamers in Jarrod Harrington and Bob Bites were terrific for the victors as were the Wintle Bros and Steven Kidd while Macca just happened to kick a lazy 10, and they all went off and enjoyed themselves at their mid season ball . No news is good news for the Ogs it appears their communication is breaking down all over the place . The slippery conditions made it hard for both sides at Toorak Park on Saturday. After an even first quarter the Two Blues put their mark on the game in the second term by continually getting the ball out of the center and backing their judgement with some long bombs . They kicked 5 goals to nothing, continued this into the third term again outscoring the undermanned Hoes who allegedly were missing half their side . The last quarter was a pretty even affair with the visitors narrowing the margin by 1 twin . The better players for Prahran were their onball division of Andre Pitts, Timmy Murphy, and Benny Hodgson while for IvanhoeAssumption Dannv Ryan was terrific for the 2nd week in a row . Steve Doherty won plenty of possessions and Ben Frew was good in defense. Now who was the Goal Umpire who tried to upstage Leah with a new version of flag waving that brought the house down . Wouldn't be you would it Chili .?? ? The conditions were not too bad down at Beauv for most of the day until darkness set in during the last quarter . It was a pretty even game early as both sides tested each other out, then the Sharks gained the ascendancy with 8 goals to have a pretty handy advantage at the long break . Someone forget to tell the Sainters the game was all but over as they came back with a vengeance to narrow the gap to 4 points just before orange time where a steadier from Beaumaris was always going to make it hard . The home side kicked the first one of the final stanza followed by another 5 but Glen Eira kept at it and were far from disgraced in fact were better than their opponents winning margin suggests . Big Julian Black played another terrific game for the Sharks, young Neil Conlan held sway on his wing all day . Braydon Haynes made a welcome return to form, and Pottsv was pretty good too at both ends of the ground. For Glen Eira Tkosz in the midfield was
great, Hayes-Dewar did his job and Chris Massis and Timmy Rossiter were always
in and under. Great to see the Saints at the aftermateh . Paul Beddoe, Mick Lawson, Woody . Koszy and a fcw of the others were still in attendance as Beatty went back to the 70's . The Bullants were again in it all day and as usual had their chances . Their norm this year has been wavward kicking for goal and again this week they missed some sitters. Therry won the game in the 2nd term when they kicked some 7 twins to open up a 23 point lead which was basically the end result . The Bullants have been stiff and really, are not that far awav, but it was a good win for Therry away from home. Evans kicked 5 of Therrv's 7 in the 2nd term 6 for the dav, before being injured, as Boyle, Edwards and B .Hollow were also good players . The Bullants were well served by Matthews and Young down back, while Humphrey and Hare were good up forward . The Ajax bubble burst at Albert Park with the Rovers in a pretty solid display of run on football just too good for the home side on the day . It was pretty even up to 1/2 time, then it was all Hampton as they slammed on 5 unanswered goals in the third quarter to set up their victory. The visitors increased their lead at the start of the final act until the Jackas who appeared to be flat found a bit of spark to kick a couple of late ones to add some respectability to their score . Stephen Anderson was best on the ground for the 2nd week in a row and he received solid support from Dean Busby with 4 goals, along with Davey, Boyd, and Lang. For the Jackas who were locked away until well after the game Michael Weisler (as usual) was best, whilst Mark Segal and Mat Dudakov tried hard all day.
HALF WAY SUMMATION B'fi" 'i Pretty good so far you can't do much better than 8- 1
AJAX Can't fault them too much . Some players to return . Watch HAMPTON Again have not done much wrong. Well ridden . Thereabouts . THERRY Hard to beat on own track . Away tracks a danger . Can't afford to lose form TI GERS Doing everything right only one bad stumble . Ready to pounce. GLEN EIRA The Stuckey . Can perform and if all fit will be right in it PRAHRAN All things considered disappointing in more ways than on e OLD GEELONG Silence has not helped their form but would not be happy with results so far IVANHOE-ASSUMPTION Torn fetlocks have not helped their cause, results show a danger when on song BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Have not quite made the distance but give an each way chance each week .
iEtt? t old Geelong beat Ajax the first time around, bu
ult will be reversed quite convincingly today by .ls on the rebound. Last week a minor aberra,, for the home side . A bit of a danger game for the Tigers at Toorak ark . By their victory last week they have now Shown , ;ley can play well on a big ground away from home, ven though Prahran may have found a bit of touch last Lek I can't see them beating a St Bedes side hell bent it finals action . Long way to travel for Ivanhoe across town to l;eazzlllaris, perhaps for the first time . I think it will be longer trip home as I'm tipping the Sharks to contini e on their merry way . If the Sainters are to have some final's action then het' must win today, I think they will but by gee the }3allants Will let them know they have been around, ,',„ really do have a fair dinkum go . Stuart an d hael (both Press Correspondents) you are both Lnbers supporters so enjoy the aftermatch. Final game of the round Therry's big test away from ilome . The Rovers will be waiting for them don't you ,,oorry about that they won't want to be 0-3 with finals j:iproaching, Ando's in top form and controlling the -oops well . Hampton to Win . SOCIAL Beaumaris are holding their Annual Dinner Dance .t the Beaumaris Hotel pretty soon . See Sid Catlin for full details . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Pretty good again 9110 . Even though this is a semi long weekend and we all need a break, tell me about it, an I still please have your reports by 8pm on SUNDAY tIGHT. Thanks . The numbers are 9-553 1561 phone or -: at home 0412 - 213 541 on the mobile or e-mail me t bra.inc a optusnet.com .au
Buileen-Temple . w z- Dean Tulloch plays his 150th 7 enior game this Saturday. A great player and personality around the club both on and off the field . Dean was named in the club's 25th Anniversary side last year, everyone at the Bullants congratulates you Dean on the games you have played as a great rover and we wish you many more . Also David McNamara aka Eddie plays his 50th game this week . A great character around the club . Congratulations to you both from all at BT.
ORS - 3 .06 .00 Old Geelong: 2.0 2.2 5 .5 10.12.72 St.Bedes Mentone: 8.5 19.6 23.6 27 .9.171 Old Geelong: M. Wilson 3, Foley 2, Hi,~vis 2 . L . Wilson. Fisher, Bolton . Best : J . Paul, Stevens, I. Wilson . Farrer, Tav7or. Yicker-WilBs. St .Bedes Mentone: MacGeorge 10, Hecker 5, L Wintle 1 P Wattle 3 . Kingwell3 . Di~uts-2, Kidd . Best: Beaslev. L Whrtle. *AacGeorge. P Wtrrtle. Kingwell. Kkdd . 27m- pires : Paul Wttilliigton : Albie Firley (F) . Prafuan AFC : 4.3 9.5 12 .6 15 .8 .98 Ivanhoe Assumption : 3.4 3.6 4,8 8 .9 .57 Prahran AFC : A Roles 3, MeGarrv 2. Wood 2, tFallmever 2 . Bmurett, H Pitts . Killeen . Erdeut Nugent . Best : Paleoduuos . Vear, H Pitts, Wood A Rolls Nugent . Ivanhoe Assumption: Wood 3, Flynn, Lee . Lengacher, Rvan . Angeluti. Best: Rtau . Doherty. SUood, Frerv. Snuth, A Pace. Um p ires :Andrea Thwaites: Leah Gallagher (F) . Bernie Jephson : Kevin Segota (G) . 3.5 11 .8 13 .9 19.14.128 Beaumazis : Glen Eira : 2.3 5.6 11 .11 13 .11 .89 Beamnaris: Boctor 5, Black 4, Holt 2, George 2, Philpott 2 . Spence, Bailer, Teasdale, AQubt . Best : J Black Conlan, Nicholson, Haines . Philpott,t°iartin . Glen Eira : Vanivakas 4 . Hasell 4. Canaria 2 . StraFord 2. d,tassis, Best : Tkocz . Oldham . Hayes-Dewar, Rossiter. ThursOeld. Massis . Umpires : Dianne Whiteley :Matt Cox (Fl. Bulleen Templestowe : 2.4 5.7 9 .8 12 .10 .82 T erry Penols : 2.1 9 .3 12 .6 16.9 .105 Bulleen Templestawe :Tulloch 4. Hare 2, Burridge, Mattltews, C Parris . Smith, L Thompson. Welch . Best: Matthews, Young . Humphrey. Hare. Burn' t Tulloclt, merry Periods : Evans 6, C Bannister 2, L t(ollow 2 . Petrevsi 2. Callamo, Clarke, D Goodwin . Mills . Best: Bovle . Edvrards. B Hollow, Robinson, Mills, 0'Sullivan.Umpires: Max Wittmamc Grant Wardrop (F). 3 .2 8 .4 7.8 11 .12.78 AJAX; Hampton Rovers: 3 .0 6 .5 12.7 15 .10 .100 AJAX: Kirzuer 5 . Konskv 3 . Kalinski . Wrobel, Davis. Best : M Se ac tVeisleer . Dudakov. Dukes, J Segal . Kirzner, Hampton Rovers: Busbv 4,ower 3 . D Anderson 2 . Wilmofl 2 . S Anderson. Duddy, Holt, Lang. Be'st: S Anderson, Adams, Davey, Busby . Lang. Umpires: Justin Garrett: Alan Stubbs (F) .
RESERVES - 3,06 .00 Old Geelong: Me 2.2 4.5 6 .6 9 .10.64 at Bedes ant. Tig: 3.1 6.7 8 .9 1 .9 .75 Old Geelong: Boer 5. Wallis Sntith 2, D McInnes, McCart . Best : H . hy McInnes, ftonchi . Boar, Harrmgton, O'Brien. Hy2ms . St Bedes Ment. '1`I~ Napier 4. Sanders 2, Marshall, Gomez, T tb'aters. Gould, fi,~i Hecker. Best : ~ Beasley. Marshall, S Waters, Napier, Tonilmson . T Waters .
10.5 11 .5 14 .10 .94 Prahran A-EC : 4.3 11 3 3 .5 6 .10 9 .12 .66 Ivanhoe Assumption : Prahran A .EC: =.Yiur}~hv 5 . Rhodes 3 . Perry 2, A Pitts . Howarth . Beer. Walsom . Pve. Best: A Pifts, Murphv . Hodgson . Howarth. Gallagher. Rhodes. Ivanhoe Assumption: Joyce 7 . $arro . Jackson . Best: Joyce . Rau9ey, T Healv Robe rt son, Rosenfeld . McDonald. Beaumaris A.F,C: 2 .4 4,8 9.8 11,17 .83 Glen Eire A.F.C: 1 .1 2 .2 3.4 4.6.30 Beaumaris A.F.C : Vance 4, Corfield 2, Fisher . L Gibson, Robe rtson, B Stevens . tValsb . Best : Barrav, Smith, Fisher, V artce. Gray. Atkins . Glen Eira A.F.C: Goal kickers and best players results not received . Bulleen Templestowe: 1 .0 1 .0 3,2 4.3 .27 4 .0 11 .5 11 .7 14.9.93 Therry Petiole; Bull een Templestowe: R Williams . Horvarth . Stott, Daskalou. Best : Hasty, . Dask, McKenzie . Therry Penota: Thrush 4, Tadinac Mason, Todd, Doslan 4 . S Hollow 2 . D Van Engler. Sacco, Lucas, h4e?viahon . Best : Carter . Weston, i1 Garoni, S Bannister, Hollow . McMahon .
AJAX: 1 .6 2.8 5.10 5.11 .41 Hampton Rovers: 0.2 0.5 2.6 3 .6.24 MAX: Czarnv 2 . Waiswan. Godlo}r iez- J Sharp . Best : Samuel. Mohr, J Sharp . 1§`eiseitzec Naphtalii. Boon. Hampton Rovers : Marshall. VossLUarhurst. Best: McGregor, Rogerson. Buhner. Johnstone. Buckley, Hobson ,
_, -- , - ,,, .--1
, .I
Coach:':-dyne I rmes Res Coach: David Marks
1 J . Wrobel 2 A. Kalinski 3 B. Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Reich 6 D . Kalb 7 N . Gold 7 G . Samuel 8 A. Krongold 10 G . Dules 11 M . Weisler 12 J . Basist 13 A. Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 N. Gold 16 M . Konsky 17 A. Cuklerman 18 J . Kirzner 19 L. Pyke 19 M . Halphen 20 B . Lewski 21 D. Gelbart 22 D . Mohr A . Bensimo n 24 J . Sharp 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 L . Levin 28 P. Walvisch 29 D . Marks 30 N . Israelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 D . Janove r 33 A . Bock 34 D . Gunn 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal 37 A. Mordech 38 J . Bram 39 B. Klei n 40 A. Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 D . Bugalsk i 43 Y. Shein 44 L. Pyke 45 D . Wellitzer 46 J . Feldman 47 D . Ones 48 M . Buckley 49 A . Godlolcz 50 J . Rockman 51 N . Diamond 52 53 T 54 55 P. Naphtali 56 57 58 59 D . Goldfein 60 J . Wajnberg 61 S. Czarny 62 63 64 65 66 Y. Field 67 68 69
70 S . Boon 71 A . Lewin 93 M . Feldy D . Frid
Coach : Jim Duman Res Coach : Jam ;o 4 : 1 itta
1 N . McLean 2 S . Nish 3 A . Mckenzie 3 JJ . Magee 4 J . Black 4 M . Smith 5 M . Ensor 6 A . Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 J . Mead 9 B. Nicholson 10 A. Ladd 11 M . Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 L . McNicholas 13 S . Wilson 14 L. Buller 14 D . Drew 15 N. Craven 16 M . Quin 17 D . George 17 B . Stevens 18 N . Kennedy 19 N . Atkins 20 R . Gow 21 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt 23 A . Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D . Teesdale 26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 C . Martin 30 T. Reoi n 30 R . Corfield 31 L . Gibson 31 A. Spence 32 M . Matulick 32 S . Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 Q . Groves 35 N . Boctor 35 B . Ferguson 36 A . Blackie 37 B . Philpott 38 A . O'Brien 39 S . Potts 40 J . Verashaka 41 D . Emerson 42 J . lanzano 43 A . Kendall 44 D . H . Gibson 45 A . Thomas 46 D . Speakman 47 J . McKenzie 49 J . Bryce 50 I . Bennett 59 A. Rowbury
Coach : Paul Nigro Res Co a ch: David Hooper
1 J Prior 2 GAlexander 3 S Young 4 WThomPso n 5 M Agrotis 6 PGraham (DVC) 7 P Robertson 8 N Bone 9 C Parris 10 P George 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch (VC) 14 D Cooper 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 22 G McLaren (C) 23 D Mathews 24 T Agosta 25 26 S Boyd 27 28 C Mutimer 29 P Bone 30 D Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 38 S James 39 T Franklin 40 41 L Cessario 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 45 46 A Humphrey 47 48
Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach: Phil Jones
1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassar 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 C . O'Donnell 7 S . Vamvakas 8 D. Wilson 9 H . Batt y 10 G . Richards 11 T. Rossiter 12 B . King 13 G . Brown 14 M . Weilgos z 15 M . Broad 16 P. Rogers 17 18 A . Wilce 19 L . Govan 20 A . Diamon d 21 P. Jones 22 23 B. O' Donnell 24 B. Mascal i 25 P. Dynon 26 N .Dymond 27 R . Gilmore 28 C . Kernick 29 D . Dunlevie 30 31 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 35 36 37 38r 39 40 L . Doolan 41 D . Boyd 42 J . Dunlevie 43 M . Jones 44 S . Diamond 45 4 4 7 P. Slifka 48 49 50 51
49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 51 M Sund 52 J Gunn 53 C Catano 54 S Dowlan 55 56 M Tuomy 57 D Bone 58
52 53 54 55 L.McGaw 57
60 A Eidsvogel
58 59
61 M . Tkocz
Coach: Ru : -2111 ies Rc- Coach : David R c
1 J . Lang 2 M . McKella r 3 D . Busby y 4 S. Anderson (C) 5 B . Marly n 6 A. Crowthe r 7 J . Day 8 Drew Anderso n 9 B. Boyd 10 B. Hol t 11 J . ZamPa9itone 12 R. Dunbal l 13 G . Woods 14 G . Jackso n 15 M . Flahive 16 D. Marshall 17 D. Artz (VC ) 18 P. Adam s 19 M . Lawrenc e 20 A . Powe r 21 S . Fanning 22 T Wilmotig 23 S . Heilige r 24 C . Scarlett 25 M . Dave y 26 Sam Wills (VC) 27 A . Quo n 28 A . Voss 29 M . Fletche r 30 W. Earle 31 T. Pucell a 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lak e 34 A. Dudd y 35 P. Buckle y 36 J . Cunningha m 37 R . Hunt 38 J . Humphries 39 M . Crawford 40 S . Foster 41 J . Dwye r 42 K . Chasto n 43 L. Dalla s 44 B . Johnstone 45 A . Maso n 46 B . Sim s 47 J . Fetter lac e 48 T. Lync h p 49 M . Flyn n 50 P. Apinitis 51 Scott Will s 52 B . Hebard 53 E. Zuke r 54 J . McBrid e 55 R . Bulme r 56 S. Warhurst 58 D . Hobson a_ all. ~~ ~ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD . Suite 2, 41 B Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 3193 Ph : 9589 644 4
INDUST CLEA N A U SI PTY, LTD . 26 Govan St, Seaford, 3198 Ph : 9782 430 0 wvow.hamRtonrovers.com.au
Coach: L it Jalkani s Res. C, ;n : Peter Curtin
j . S . Conley R . Armstrong L. Hull-Brown C. Tucker C{} T. O'neill J Scoble i . Healy P. Rawley 8 . J . Shuttleworth 9. E . Heal y 10 . P. Lee 91 . J . Finlayso n 12. B . Finlayso n 13. S . Narkiewicz 14. P. Flynn (VC) 15, J . Curtin 15. F. Falcon e 16. M . Soudan
17. B. Giles 18, T. Scoble 19. D . Woo d 20 . D . Sartor 21 . L . Blackwood 22 . R . Angelin i 23 . D . Ryan
24, B. Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26 . S . Fairweather 27 . K .Smith 28 . J. Pace 29 . G. King 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D . Mcfarlane 32 . L. Pearce 32 . S .Conlay 33 . S . Mcgowan 34 . B . Joyce 35 . P. Whitehead 36 . C. Zeegers 37 . C . Giankilidis 38 . H . Young 39 . M . Ebbage (RC) 40 . P. Marti n 41 . C . Mcdonal d 42. P. Murphy 42. T. Timms 43. G . Sullivan 44. R. Pace 45. J . Raywood 46 . M. Iacouangelo 47. S. Warren 48 . R .Too ood 49 . A. Rosenfeld (RVC) 50 . D . Jacka 5i . D . Pearce 52 . S . Doherty (VC 53 . E . Sullivan 57 . M . Evans 68 . J . Mazzocca 78 . C. Brown 88 . N . Dykes 99 . G. Robertson
Coach : Tony Pflc moat Res Coach: Scott Harrington
1 2 D . Salter 3 4 C . Stinchcombe 5 M. Vickers-Willis 6 P. Middelton 7 J . Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 J . Wilson 10 T. Brain 11 M . Javgietis 12 N . Powe r 13 H . Mclnnes 14 K . Hendratta 15 S . Bingley 16 S . Edge 17 M . Wilson 18 J . Powe r 19 A. Salter
20 M . Fisher 20 G Coldwel l 21 A. Landale 22 J . Taylor 23 S. Higgins 24. R . Marriott 25 L . Wilso n 26. J. Foley 27 28, A Farrar 29 30 N . Kemp 31 D . Varley 32 J . Wallace-Smith 33 S . Lansdell 34 H . Borbank 35 D . Mclnnes 36 D . McInnes 37 38 D. Bolton
Coach : Tony Free Res Coach : John Ross 1 D . Gallagher (C)
2 L . Nyko 3 T. Murphy 4 M . McCallum 5 H . Pitts (RC) 6 A . Daly 7 S . Pang 8 A . Bevan 9 A . Bunnell
10 B . Hodgson 11 A . Pitts (VC) 12 M . Bee r 13 C . Perry 14 M . Eastham 15 S . Birch 16 A. Rhodes (DVC) 17 D . Howarth 18 J . Nugen t 19 S . Campbell 20 D . Decarteret 21 G . P a leodi mo s 22 N . Roberts 23 G . Walsom 24 A. Corboy 26 T. St Clair 27 W. Pye 28 K . Walfor d 29 J . Goodlet 30 M . Scicluna 31 J . Belcher 32 C . Mille r 33 C . Henshall 34 G . Rooney 35 B . Gellie 36 J . Crowe 37 38 R . Thomson 39 A. Power 40 T. McAdie 41 M . Welland
39 H . Gretton-Watson 40 J . Malpas 41 S . Rowan 42 R . Brown 43 A. McKay 44 M . McCarthy 45 D . Taylor 46 S. Milne-Pott 47 M.Avery 48 T. Chirnside 49 J. Carty 50 J. LandY 51 L . McDonald
42 S. Altschwager 43 S. Oliver 44 C . Blight 45 M. Vagg 46 M. Vear 47 P. Buhner 48 49 L . Wood 50 N . Gill 51 I . McGarry 52 53 A . Rolf s 54 A . Garvi e 55 L. Aitke n
52 J, Morley
56 C. 57 P.
53 J . Calvert 54 J .Legoe 55 O . Wallace 56 W. Abbott 57 M . lacuone 58 I . Wheal 59 60 R . Gudykunst 63 T. O'Brien 64 65 75 S . Harrington
{ ~ - e
58 M . Kurban 59 M . Wright 60 61 J . Ross 62-J . Killeen 63 R . Marriott 64 65 66 S. Lynch 67 M . Erdem 68 D . Villani 69 N . Wallmeyer 70
Coach: _ter Geddes Res Coach: Tim Lamb
1 M Kinsella 2 L Wintle 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A R an y 7 N Owen 8 A Roberts 9 J Cunningham 10 C Ross 12 C Stewart 13 D Goodchild 14 P Lannan 15 D Johnston 16 P Wintle 17 T Macgeorge 18 T Giaquint a 19 B Tomlinson 20 J Drury 21 D Spencer 22 P Johnson 23 D Napie r 24 T Beasley 25 S Booth 26 S Hecke r 27 S Kingwe ll 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 33 S Zakic 34 C Meyer Blips 35 B 36 A Gangi 37 M Connolly 38 P Carroll 39 C Tesoriero 40 C Johnston 41 D Thompson 42 D Diggins 43 B Smith 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 D Vidovic 48 C Mizzi 49 J Sander s50SKid 51 N Zomer 52 S Bell 53 L Porter 54 M McCraw 55 L McHugh 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 J Doubaras 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 62 M Ube rti 63 T Waters 64 J Harrington 65 P Sgarioto 66 R Parsons 67 A Hipwell 68 B Beasley 69 J Tomlinson 70 G Davies 71 A Drury 72 M Hecker 73 M Kiki 74 D Young 75 P Fedderson
Coach: John Toohey Res. Coach: Chris By e 1 Petrevski M (DVC)
2 Finnigan M (C) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco J
7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 17 O 'Keefe S 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 O'Neill D 22 Griggs S 23 Bye C
24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 27 Stevens B 28 O'Kearney M 29 Dorian P 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J (RC ( ) 33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S
36 O 'Shea T 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M 39 Boyle S (VC ) 40 Garoni P (RVC) 41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M 46 Lucas C 47 Goodwin D 48 Courts G 49 Whykes B 50 Mills A 51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R 54 Christofoli M 55 Caroni M
57 Weston D 58 Altanhan 0 60 Melia D 61 Scuilli B 66 Culph M 68 Swinden A 70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B
74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G 95 Hill M 96 Reddan S 97 Goodwin S 100Loiudice J 111 Baron D
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;t Saturday .
the Blues and OEG are now two games clear of Aquinas, Banvule, and Caulfield, all locked on 24 points . St Leo's are not done, and watch out for the two Olds, Camberwell and Carey . they could be a damned nuisance to the final's aspirants in the back half fixtures . LAS T Oal found E9Ii- C'n _II too accomplished, with the Wells riding on the bow wave of their restored confidence . Shaun Tosch starred in the centre for the Wells . Dean Alex was again in great form on his wing . and David Lilja had another good one at CHB . The Oaks as usual gave it their all, none more so than winger, Ashley Kitts , Old Carey caused Monash Blues some anxious moments in the dying moments, and all day the Blues had the Panthers snarling at their heels each time they opened up a break . The Blues cleaner converting saved them, but if OC continue this form thev'll worrv all sides . Luke Creamer generated many attacks off his wing for the Blues, Spider Smith likewise on the bail, with John Caldwell persistently hard at the ball . Travis Bull gave OC great direction in the ruck, Damien Shutie was a dashing flanker, and Cain Campbell's addition of a triple axel jump to his blind turn caught the judges' eyes . St Leo's just failed against C I Grammarians in a nail biting final term at Bennettswood . The lead had gone with the wind in the first half, but the Fields kicked 4 goals against it in the third that set up their narrow win . Royals, Widjaja, and Rosman went well for the Fields . Brendan Vaughan . Nick Zanis, and the evergreen Don Dint flew the Two Blues flag high . Ban yule had too much fire power for La T'robe, who never ceased contesting, but couldn't stem the flow of the Bears' scoring . On ballers Blair Maxon . Scott Plavfair, and Brad Willmore all had top days for the Bears . Aquinas narrowly lost to Old E ssend on who have the knack of winning the close ones . Once again Grammar used fewer opportunities to score more. and this is the sign of a good side . The Bloods were pleased with the efforts of winger John Jess, HBFer Chris Wooden, and CHF/Ruck Michael Van Kirkoven (Great to have you going around again Kirky!) .
1 F.
, mee tand-,vil l be hell bent o n returning to the winners circle after three straight losses . They will be too strong for the courageous Oaks and will win comfortablv . Old Carey tackle Old Camberwell in what should be a terrific game. Both sides have had a poor first half of the H &A fixtures, but recent form will make them a worry for the teams above them on the ladder. The Wells powerful forward line is now functioning well, and the Panthers more direct play of late makes them seriously competitive . I'll go for the home side by a few points after a great match . St Leo's Emmaus front up to Monash Blues with the Two Blues desperate to reverse the widening gap between them and fourth spot . The Blues have been covering injuries for the past couple of weeks and as they return to full strength, they will be very hard to beat, especially with Christian Gregory at FF looking better with each outing . The battle of the engine rooms will be the feature of this game and will decide the outcome . I'll go for the One Blues by a goal or so over the Two . Banyule and Caulfield Grammarians is the match of the day and a critical encounter relative to the ultimate make up of the four. The Bears have done well with their hard at the ball no frills style . and the Fields will find them better organized this time round . The Fields though, are putting a much stronger side on the ground than at the start of the season, and they bow to no one in terms of pure football ability. Todav's heavier turf should suit the Bears more, and I think they'll win by a whisker. Old Essendon host La Trobe and at PEGS No.2, Grammar is such a daunting prospect, that it is hard to see the undermanned Trobers do much other than make them work for everv possession . RESERVES Today's winners should be : Aquinas, Old Camberwell, Monash Blues, Caulfield, OEG . Correspondents the contacts are 9818 1425 phone and fax. Email : , bflalckeyCgelstra .easynaaii .enm .au
Old Carey - legend Phillip 'Dluey' Bennett, plays his 150th game today. A fearless onbailer and back pocket . Bluey has achieved this mark in spite of being a walking text book of football injuries . 'Bluey's' off field contribution to the Club, its Social Committee, and as a peerless organizer of end of season footy trips, is nothing short of staggering, which he is also occasionally known to do when socializing. We salute you Blue', Black Gold & Blue all through . Old Camberwell - congratulate Matt "H" Hanson, Jordan Heffernan and Simon "Rat" Smith, who represented the club for the 50th lime on June 3 against Oakleigh . All are highly skilled and hard charging players for the club both on and off the field .
28 23 21 19 17 17
SENIORS - 3.06 .00 Qakleigh : 7.2 8.8 9 .13 14 .13.97 Old CemtKrweB: 5.2 13.6 18 .12 27.15.177 Oakleigh : MacKenzie 7. Broniley 2. A Kitts 2. Dalton . Haney. Moutls. Best: MacKevie . R Marshall . Clark . Hariley. A Kltts. Randle . Old CamhecweB: Brotvtiless to. Perrtinan 5. D Walker 2 . Scelev Hanson . Nov. S Snuth . Lippatt. J Heffernan . Best: Toseh . D Mitchell, LI}a. Mackenzie . Alex. Vmpires : Lionel Katz: Peter Woods FI Old Carey: 1 .2 5.7 6 .13 11 .15.81 Monash Blues: 4 .4 6.6 9 .9 13 .12.90 Old Carey: Cohen 41 James. Everett. T Bull. Vas(lopordm-. Matthews . Birlntl. D ShuHe .Best : T Bull. Campbell . Matthews. Ecerett. D Strntie . An~tis Monash Blues: Gregory S. Creamer 2 . Fustay 2 . Nea7nan 2 . Frvnell . J Hawiu~ns. Best: FurnelL Creamer. McGee. O'Neil . Gregory . Bolton . Umpires: Ben Ryde : Luke Monerleff (F) St Leos Emmaus: 5.5 6.5 13 .6 15 .8.98 1 .0 7.4 11 .6 15 .11 .101 Caulfield Or. St Leas Emmaus : McKeuie 4. B Vaudttan 4 . Bethune 2 . Buckle . DiNcolantonia. T McCann . P McGloin . Zattts. Best: B Gaughan. Zanis . Dtnlcolantonio. T McCann. Donavan . Buckle. Caulfield On Rosman S . Amiet 3. Mar~eri.son 3. Cawitshaw. Vella . Pearce. G Harrison Best: Vella . Rayals. Co:vtishaw. WidJaja. Rosntan. Knight. Umpires: Adant Goodes Luke Johnston (F) Banyule: 33 .15.213 14 .7.91 La Trolre University : Banyule: Willmore 7. D V4tcheli 6. Playfair 6. O'Cotmell 5. Woodlock 4 . Sutterby 2. H McDerott . Wain. Shaw. Best : Moton. Plaefair. WtUmore. Gilbert . 7avloc D Wltchell . La Trobe University: Admnthea¢e 3 . Bland 2 . Canun 2. Kearney 2. Goode. Grant . 6Meara. Shtgh. PArite. Best: Adatnthwaite. Gloury. Edmunds. W7tite . Suigh. Frednckson . Umpires : Paul Lamble Simon Payton (F ) Aquinss : 5.3 6.8 7 .13 10 .15.75 Old Essendon Or. 1 .1 3.4 7 .7 12 .10.82 Aquinas : Thontas 2. Van Ktrkoven . Colliver . TarullL Rpm . Cidirera . R Moran. C'+a4d Best : Van Kirkmen. Lorkin. Wooden. Harper. CoWcer. Old Essendon Gra Goal kickers and best players results not recetred. Umpires: Andrew Mitchell Paul Dineen (F)
RESERVES - 3.06 .00 Qakteigh : 2.0 2.1 3 .1 3 .2.20 Old CamberwelL• 4.1 9.5 10 .9 13 .17.95 Oakteigh: Billing. Head. Ta},lor. Best: Billing, Dancltello. D Had, Leslie . A Mordang. Gook. Old CamberweB: Herdman 6. Ryan 3 . Webb 3. Knouies . Best: Ryan. Herdman. Brauer . Webb. B Sntith . Old Carey: 1 .3 4.5 5 .5 5 .7.37 Monash Blues: 3.6 9.10 12 .18 16 .22.118 Old Cazey: Rist 2 . Hakins 2 . Mctfinstry. Best : Mandonici. Shen-. Eastham. Boucher, I Cohen. Dawy. bionash Blues: Herrv 4. Kampluus 3 . Mtuehie 2. Spencer 2. Feenagitn~. A Hawkins . llo}d, Teasdale. Walsh . Best: Moresi. Walsh . Tuohey. Berry. MenUra. Herry. St Leos Emmaus: 3.1 8.5 11 .8 13 .8.86 3.3 6.3 8 .4 9 .10.64 Caulfield: St Leos Emm®us : S McCann 4 . Burrdorf 3. Hodder. E Mitchell. Newey. D Place. Prosser. Stmandson. Best : Eca.ev. ?Aescher. 0'Reillv. Baeage. Simondson . S McCann . Caulfield: S alem 2 . Botuke 2. Beauchamp 2. lt7timtee . Blamines. Evarts. Best: Salem. McGrath. t4trimtee. Beauehatnp. Thompson . Erickson. Banyule: 10 .10.70 La Trobe Univetalty: .4.40 6 Benyule: Kacrooz 4 . Glass. Mutton . Hopgood. tVttite . Rasrallah. Noonan . Best: Glass. Betl . Noonan. Kacrooz. P R'itchell . Ferrall . La Train University: Bortone 2. Beggs. Dejartos7c. rosengren . Dunne . Best: Hill . Beggs. Laurie. Bortone. Eyre. De}vrosie . Aquinas: 4.1 6 .2 6 .2 9.4.58 Old Essendon We 2.3 5 .5 7.8 10.9.89 Aquirtas: Br~shaw 2 . M Boland 2 . B Marx . Crouch. Bamburv. Hunter. Best: Burch. Bare]ag. Crouch, Paras. Old Essendon or. Goal kickers azid best players results not recchvil .
M E LE ES - B EWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing scraping, jumping into packs, throwing each othler to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
Coach: L^, . han I~.s Co. . r.lrieakgha 1 G . Burc h
2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D . Monogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 Lorkin 15 .' . Hylan d
16 Field 17 l- Denavi 18 J . Hughe s 19 G . Whitehead 20 7. Fares 21 C .Ouinn 22 S . Flyn n 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 S . Downes 27 S . Jones 28 J . Langford 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Coililver 31 Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Hevera n 37 J . North-CoombeS 38 B . Moran 39 M . Mercuri 40 A . Cultrera 41 C. Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 G . Macklin 45 N . Frederikson 46 M . Anderson 17 N . Moran 48 M . Moore 49 G . Versira 50 L. Sheffield 51 C . Watt 52 M . Corrie 53 J . Devers 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 D .Joyc e 57 D . North-Combe s 58 D . Law 59 A . Bentley 60 D . Vine 61 M . Greer 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barri e 64 P.Glennie 65 L. Buzaglo 66 J . Hunt 67 P. Cuickshank 68 J . Cogla n 70 C . Lyng 71 J . Pofe 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay
Coach : Grec ii @
Coach : in An'i-rson
1 H McDermott
1 D . Rosman
2 D Witchell 3 S . Kayrooz 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 B . Gillard
2 B. Hail 2 S. Sayasane 3 C . Knight 3 S. Erickson 4 M . Liddell 4 K. Deakin 5 S. Kendall 6 M . Harrison 6 S. Minter 7 J. Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will 11 S. Amiet 11 M . Cassidy 12 D . Pearce 12 M . Dakic 13 D . Gurr 14 S. Klose 15 P. King 16 T. Royals
8 R Williams
9 J Plant 10 B Moxin 11 S Cross 12 J Egan 13 D Nasrallah 14 B . Woodlock 15 S Gray 16 D Bentley 17 G . Donaldson 16 J Turnball 19 A. Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 L Marti n 26 G Shaw
27 P. Healey 28 C Wilke
29 G Sutterby 30 B . Grindal 31 C Bassett 32 S . Richmond 33 D . Glass 34 C Stevens
35 D Spoules 36 M . George 37 B Wilson 38 T. Thompson
39 A. Hopgood 40 W. Gibson 41 D . Mutton 42 T Ega n 43 L Ferrell
44 M . Natoli 45 D . Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Holt 50 C Burke 51 G Bell 52 Ross Doherty 53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witcheli 55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A . Dooley 58 D Mayne 59 J . McDermott
17 R . Gosstrayy 1 7 D . Roberts
18 P. Anderso n 18 B. Baxter 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier 22 T. Townley 23 D .Ash 24 G . Lehner 25 M . Cramphorn 2 . Waile 5 26 S S T. s Wil iams 26 W. tAridjaja 27 R . Keown 28 G . Evans
29 J . Whitmee 29 D . Schrimski 30 J . Gross 31 S. Sant 33 C . McGrath 33 N . Silver 34 J . Margerison 35 6. Thompson 36 A. Lawrence 37 M M . Scholte n 38 JJ . Restarick
39 J . Santiago 40 G . Harrison 41 A. Bosna 42 D. Synman 43 J . Smith 44 N. Coutts 45 J . Blamines 46 A. Johnson 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 51 N . Bourke 53 J . Upto n 54 M . Allenby
55 M . Davie s 56 A . Dow d 58 J . Toyam a 59 A . Beauchamp 72 T. Freeman 68 G. Markovic
Coach: Dave Rogers Res. Coach: Clinton Perry
1 M .Bakogiannis 2 S.Fredrickson 3 D .Sheldrick 4 C Perry 5 S.Adamthwaite 6 B.Cameron 7 P.Moon 8 J Camm 9 J .Good e 10 D Sidebottom 11 j, Levy
12 D .Gleeson 13
14 L .Wakeling 15 G .Robinson 16 C McKie 17 L.Heathcote 18 S .Gloury 19 S .White 20 21 D .Edmunds 22 23 S .Mitchell 24 25 M .Spralja 26 B.Hewitt 27 L Ryan 28 R Rossi 9 2 30 R .Storer 31 32 M .Napier 33 34 35 36 TMawdsle Y 37 38 A.Willis 39 40 41 No . Name 42 43 44 W .Auldist 45 S .Turner 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A .Cumming s 61 S Blan d 66 A Bailli e 70 J Dumaresq
1 L Findlay
2 J Baxter 3 L Holloway 4 A Bains 5 D Roger s 6 M Newma n 7 P Farrar 8 D Junkeer 9 C O'Sulliva n
10 S Webster 11 M Spence r 12 J Caldwell 13 A Herrma n 14 B Merlin 15 M Tnkler 16 B Tatterso n 17 P O'Neil l 18 E Morriso n 19 D Furnel l 20 A Anderson C Gregory
22 R KamPhius 23 D Cavicchiolo 24 C William s 25 J Hawkins
26 P Fernon 27 N DeYoun g 28 S McGe e 30 L Creame r 32 J Marshall 33 J Smith 34 B Dowsley 35 D Murchi e 36 N Costle y 38 P Tuohey 39 M Smith 40 M Bolto n 41 1 Pau l 42 P Millie 43 R Feenaghty 44 D Teesdal e
45 R Wals h 46 A Rya n 47 S Mentha 48 K McIntyre 49 A Spence 51 J Gray 52 N Moresi
54 M McGrat h 60 S Lloy d 61 P Campbel l 67 B Dempsey 69 N Manuel l
on Coach Chris Moore Res coach . pe Andonapoulos
Coach: Matt Hanson Res Coach: Andrew Tsindos
Coach : Michael Zemski Res . Coach: Phil Aarons
Coach: Gavin Keane Ras Coach: Shane Bi shop
2 A. Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Heverin 5 T lanchello 7 B . Stirling 8 R . Marshall g J . Moutis 10 S . Lewis 11 C . Hanle y 12 B . Hall 13 S . Randl e 15 G . Redford 16 J . Tolley 17 A. Mouchacca 18 J . Connell a n 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adami c
1 J. McLean
1 C . Angus 2 W. Mudge 3 M. Cohen 4 5 J . Daniher 6 C . Campbell 7 R . Oppy 8 P. Harri s 9 A . Birkill 10 K . Shrives 11 N . Everett D. Knezevi c 13 B . Hutchi n s 14 C. Phillip s 15 M . Beresford 16 F. Hakins 17 S. Curry 18 C . Matthews 19 A . McKinsty 20 J . Raftpoulos 21 D . Faelis 22 S . Vitali 23 B . Shutie 24 N . Bull 25 B . Israel 26 J . Fist 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 D . Sherr 29 C . Munro 30 T. Stanle y
1 J Pana (VC) 2 J Fincher 3 P Lutterschmidt (C) 4 D Fletcher (VC) 5 S Emerson 6 C Ridley 7 J Leask 8 L Fletcher 9 J Goodger 10 S B ryant 11 B Papal 12 J Fincher 13 W Conlan 14 S Evan s 15 T Di Blasi 16 S MacPherson 17 P Hester 18 J Walker 19 GStevens 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush
22 L . Billing 24 S. Kitt s
25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 G . Orlando 28 A . Khodr 29 D . Hall 30 E . Radchenko 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M . Clark 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske 36 A. Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pesnikas 39 B. Reither 40 C . Taylor
41 T. Duhau 42 S . Dalton 43 J. Theofilopoulos 44 N . Smith 45 G . Chapman
46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D. Moulang 48 P. Leslie 49 S . Bader 50 . L. Wilson 51 . J . Kerley 52. D . Bank s 53. T. Khoury 54 D . Greaves 55 A . Gook 56 A . Oslay 57 S . Heslop 58 L. Neavan 59 T Rozakis 60 M . McPhee ~ ittmes roaesm t'h' 95 76 81 7+ u : o~ov ta vzz
1 M . Knowles 2 T. James (DVC) 2 A . McKenzie 3 A . Inkster 4 N . Lippiatt 5 S . Horskins 6 A . Seele y 6 R . Heath 7 M . Scott 7 C . Gran t 8 J . Hefferna n 8 S . Clay . Noyy
9 E 9 B . O'Hara 10 M . Hanson (C) 11 N . Robinson 12 R . Kapoor 12 A . Hills 13 L. Gladman (VC) 14 R . Whitehead 14 R. Perryman 15 S . Tosch 16 A. Heffernan 17 A. Bryson (VC) 18 A. Brownless 19 A. Hanson 20 J . Elliott 22 S . Reddish 23 D . Lilja 24 D . Imberge r 25 A . Herdenberg
26 C . Williams 27 W.Orwin 28 J . Webb 29 R. Scott 30 D . Alex 31 T. HadleyY
32 D . Mitchell 33 S . Beckett 34 P. McCrae 36 S . Derry 38 N . Sims 39 B . Day 40 E . Wiliam s 41 L. Ryan 42 R . Pratt 43 T Walke r 44 S . Smit h 46 T. Reid 48 J . Swan n 49 J . Hardman 50 J . McKenzie 55 J . Gan 56 T. Holmes 57 J . Kell y 58 M . Short
59 T. Johnston 60 B . Mcllwain 61 T. Johnson 62 J . Miles 64 P. C rai g 65 N . Saffar 67 G . Rowe 76 D. Brauer
31 D . O 'Dwye r
32 P. Graham 33 J. Mai 34 W. Giannikos 35 S . McConnell 36 D . Shutie 37 D. Palmer 38 I. Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 A. Newham 41 A. Gates 42 G . Cotsonis 43 S. Cherry R 44 A . White
45 T. Bull 46 H . Giannokos 47 H . Franci s 48 H . Gianniko s 49 M . Eastham 50 T. Moulton 51 J . Mandanici 52 G . Cvetkovi c 53 M . Sonntag 54 K. Giannkos 55 S. Hawkins 56 B . Chapple 57 N . Wilkinson 58 J . Boncher 59 C . Mason 60 J . Russo
23 J Hughes
24 R Doolan 25 B Turner 26 S Fleming ( VC ) 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan 29 S Uebergang 30 T Williams 31 T Mansfield 32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson (RVC) 34 D Podger 35 D Whitfield 36 P Trist 37 G Walsh 38 S Whitfield 39 S Cramer 40 C Mnjrvik 41 D GreasleyY
42 M Beard 43 J Carte r 44 J Crawfo rd 45 Paul Barry (RC) 46 L Fleming 47 D Hexte r 48 D Poulton 49 A Hutchison 50 D Graham 51 A Copodiferro 52 P Miller 53 L Hadj 54 R Hardyy
55 P Chalkley 56 B Rashid 57 58 59 60
.. : ... Coach : Dow liller Andr ...: Bethun e Res Coach :
1 D Dinicolantoni o 2 J O 'Meara 3 E Mitchell 4 A Auliso (RVC ) 5 S Buckl e 6 G Bonnic i 7 A Burqes s 9 A Bethun e 10 B Mitchel l 11 S . McCan n 12 T McCann 13 A Hugha n 14 J Manto n 15 A O'Reill y 16 A Ros e 17 R Parke r 18 R McCan n 19 A Ma'(o~r 2 0 G . R at ferty 21 G Simmondson 22 P gagevsk i
24 A 23 T Haddad 25 A McKenzie (VC) 26 A Prosser (RC) 27 P Levin s 28 S . McLaughli n 29 S D'arcy
30 M . Ottabre 31 N . Zanni s 32 L. Pric e 34 B B o nrsu s Briggs
36 S 37 S . Manto n 38 N Hodde r 39 B Vaughan (C) 40 J Gay 41 R Taylor 42 M Floo d 43 P Levins 44 M Dimbl e 45 S Ronch i 46 A Brow n 47 A Brooks 48 A Dal y 49 D Co x L Newey 51 P McGloi n 52 R McGloin 53 T Pecor a 54 J Fennell 55 P McCormac k 56 S Dornik 57 M Plac e 58 D Plac e 59 D Pitche r 62 A Re no r 63 P No a n 64 M . Morri s 65 N Foley 66 D Lea r 67 P. Farquha r B . O'Connor 66 S Mescher 72 A Burqdorf 73 D Whitney 75 T Yme r 76 G . Donova n 77 C Vaughan 78 M Whitne y 79 T Trib e 80 H Meeha n 87 D Furnis s 88 S Pitche r
Mark Stevens
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IS AGO - 199 5
id Xaverians . on top in A, met Ormond (fourth) at Gunn Oval. Matt Bourke was a will-of-the-wisp full forward who kicked 3 .3 in the first term out of the team's 5 .4, while Ormond were kept scoreless . State player Nick Sebo moved on to Bourke and kept him goalless for the rest of the match . The home side ground their way back into the game to trail by 10 points at the last change . The leaders were a little too strong in the last term and won 7.13 to 5 .4 . Best were Bowen, McDonald . Blood (O.X.) and Turner, James, Jobling (Orm .) . "A" Section captains were Jim Bennett (Coll .) Damian Toohey (De La) Richard Webb (Old Melb .) Robert Fuller (Old Scotch) David Rogers (Old Trin .) Matt Hannebery (Old X .) Brett Connell (Orm) Luke Gollant (St. Berns) . Who captained North O .B . and Uni Blues?
Bad weather was the order of the day and Elsternwick Park had been closed for both training and matches . The South Road Oval, home of Old Brighton was described as "Cyclone City" when their scribe reports that their 19 point loss to Mazenod, 7 .14 to 11 .9, was their "worst performance" for the year . Best were Fisher, Murray, Pickering (Maz) and Fitzgerald, Perrv, Krzvwniak (Old B .) . "C" Section saw St Bedes/Mentone Tigers kick 12 .17 (89) to draw with Monash Blues 13 .11 (89). The two points each earned could be decisive, come the last round, as they were now on 14 to 10 points respectively . Ivanhoe showed that they deserved top spot in "C" when, after trailing Ajax (fourth) by 32 points at half time. 6 .3 to 11 .5 they kicked 9 .10 to 3 .1 in the second half to win by 13 points . At one stage in the second term Ajax led by 49 points and Ivanhoe only got back in the game with 3 goals late in the quarter . Hird, Peter Flynn, O'Neill, Kennedy (5 gls) (Ivan) and Gunn . Wrobol, Goldberg (Ajax) were best . St Leo's congratulates Shane 'Squasher' Greely on 150 senior games . Coach . premiership player, and orator, their scribe stated Squasher's next big challenge is to change the two blues jumper from 'hoops' as they play havoc with his figure . Congratulations to Leigh Murphy . 150 games with Elsternwick, starting as a 16 year-old , and 200 games at UHSOB to Colin 'Cookie' Gathercole, who along with his partner, Sue, has served the committee and club well for many years . 10 YEARS AGO - 199 0 After 9 rounds, Old Hailevburv . St Bernards, Old Brighton and Old Melburnians were level in B with 6 wins each . It was a tight game all day at Fawkner Park where home team Old Melburnians led St Bernards 5 .4 to 4 .4 at half time: scores : were level 9 .5 a piece at the last
change. The visitors hit the front quickly and held on to win 11 .5 to 10 .6 . S t Bernards ruck rover Frank Monaghan celebrated his 200th game with best on the ground performance, assisted by rover Matt Mulkearns and ruck man Wayne Carey continuing his interstate form, Richard Webb and Peter Nelson were the OM's best . 'A' captains were Stuart Hinchen (Coll), Mark Lowe (De La Salle), Matt Getson (Marc . O.C.)Tony Egan (NOB), Frank Gleeson (Old Par), Phil Kingston (Ormond), Tom Quinn (Therry), John Kanis (U . Blues), Perhaps they don't have captains at Yarra Park . Who captained Old Scotch and Old Xaverians? Well known man about town "Archie" Salek today joined the select group of Old Melburnians to play 200 games with the club . A specialist half-fonvard . Archie has been a reserves stalwart, committee member for 14 years, won 3 best clubman awards, and is well remembered for his World of Sport segment on VAFA football until the Fairfax organisation axed the Channel 7 show . The umpires saluted Kevin Segota on his 200th game. 7 senior Grand Finals including one A and three B, and the Interstate match in 1986 . A great enthusiast Kevin is still going around in 1995. QUIZ: Only one team has won D, C and B section flags in successive years? 1
15 YEARS AGO - 198 5
Pat Maebus umpired his 200th game . 200 games to De La's Brian Bourke whose many honors included State Captain. A section B&F. Club B&F (and runner up on several occasions ) Fawkner (C ) and Old Trinity (D) were the only undefeated senior teams after 10 rounds while De La Salle was the only undefeated Under 19 team . B section captains were Rick Marks (AJAX), Chris Stone (Caulf), Wavne Blay (Kew), Peter Grant (Old Bton), Rohan Brown (Old Melb), Steve Exton (Old Par), Who captained Uni Blacks . St Kilda CBCOB, Parkside and Marcl(in . De La Salle (7th) kept in touch with the A section four when they had an easy 33 point win over Old Scotch (2nd) . De La led all day and were never in doubt . Best were Harrington, Bourke, Auber (De La) and Nelson, Tallent. Senior (Old Scotch) . Fawkner went on their winning way in 'C' with a 72 point win over third team Banyule . 0' Leary . Young, Weir (F) and S . Williams, Hoare, Fraumano (Ban) starred. Leading goalkickers were 'A' Stephen Pace (B . Temp) 43, 'B' Oly Filipovic (Kew) 55 . 'C' Korp (Faw) 46, 'D' Brent (Old Trinity) 50 . 'E' S . Reiger (Heath) 51, 'F Malioa (Doveton) 72 .
20 YEARS AGO-1980 Victoria sparkled in Adelaide to retain the West End Cup. It was the first of a great sequence of victories under coach John Fisher which were to culminate in t982 with the defeat of the VFA in the first ever VFA v VAFA and success for Victoria in the Perth Carnival, ,,vith a wonderful team performance . Victoria tri umphed 16 .10 to 12 .8 . Selectors were John Miles (Chairman) . Jock Nelson, Jack Clancy, Peter 0' Donoghue, Jim Hawkins and the team lined up from the back line as follows : Mark Lockie (U . Blacks - VC), Rick Pisarski (Old Mel) . Michael Green (De La), Brian pourke (De La), Nick Burne (Old Xav), Roger Davies (U, Blues), Bernie Cooper (Marc .), Rick Halasa (De La -
Simon Debbie (U . Blues), Paul Green (De La), N ~, rne Blay (Kew), Shane Murphy (De La), Tony Gedeye (0, B'ton), John Priestley (0' B'ton) . Ross Perrett (U. Blacks), Chris Cordner (U . Blacks), Simon Costello (U . Blacks), Steve Kaufmann (U . Blues), Res : Mark Hibbins (Coll), John Houghton (0. Hail), Peter Turnbridge (Lat Uni) . Best were Cooper, Burne, Lockie . Debbie, Blay and Cordner. There was also a sterling performance by the experienced team manager who shall be nameless - who lost the knees out of his pants leaving a nightclub . Rumour has it that the quarry was too fleet of foot for our man even with his vears of boundary umpiring behind him . Fawkner, 6th in 'B' surprised Old Scotch with an eight goal to three goal burst in the first quarter, and then hung on all day for a well earned win . 11 .9 to 8 .14 . Best were Mark Stapleton . G . Busst, Flavell, Dinghi, M . Allen . Raleigh (Kew) and Mason, Polkinghorne and Tallent (Old Scotch). 25 YEARS AGO - 1975 St Bernards justified their top position in 'A' section when they annihilated North Old Boys, kicking 11 .5 to 2.2 in the final quarter to win, 18.19 to 7 .13 . Best were M. Mahoney, Wade, Drennan (St Bernards) and S . Maguire, Wilson, Curley (North O .B .). Only teams to win a game were Geelong (A) and St Kevins (D) .
150 games to John Macnish (Hamp Rovers) . Les Goag (UHSOB) and Godfrey Stevens and Alan Haug (Old Ivan) . Old Trinity (A) staged a great last quarter recovery to score 5 .6 to Coburg 9 .2 to record a fine 16 point win . F.I.T. (F) recorded their first win with an 18 poin t shock win over Bulleen United . Best were Goodwin, Edwards, Hoyne (FIT) and R . Divirgillio. Porter and Mayne (Bull United) . Power House 'C' in fourth position caused an upset when they beat second placed Old Ivanhoe Grammarians . 19 .13 to 12.18. Stars were Daniel, Alexander, Newton (Power H .) and Geurnev, Nixon, Gill (Old 1 .) .
30 YEARS AGO - 1970 Milestones to Peter Treleaven (200 games - ANZ Bank), Geoff Fletcher (150 games - FTCOB) and Bill Jackson (150 - ANZ Bank) . UHSOB full forward Geoff Davis, returned to form with I 1 goals straight in match winning performance against Power House to put the club 8 points ahead of the nearest rival, Assumption OC . Commonwealth Bank club took pride in that it has 6 former players umpiring with the VAFA - Don Malcolm . Ken Jorgensen . Rob Hocking and the Jenkin Brothers (Ian, David and Russell) . OGG's Reserves won their first game in about 20 when they defeated Parkside by 20 points . Tricking the critics, Geoff 'Tanglefoot' Grantham, was the star, his footwork in shocking conditions being perfect. Brunswick conferred life membership on their captain, Les Ball . who had played 200 games for his club . 40 YEARS AGO - 1960 'E' Section captains were W. Bennett (Coll. Gold), J . McGregor (Eist) . L. Dowling (0. Trinity) . B . Bentick (Old Carey) . J . Wiltshire (0 . Camber), who led West Brunswick? 100 games to Peter Whitfield - the fourth Whitfield to reach that number at Aiphington . Peter Laxton (E'wick) . Neil Lewthwaite (Ivan) . Alphington Juniors proved too strong for previously unbeaten leader MHSOB and ran out winners by 28 points. Best were Comte, Wayman, Fuge, Emselle, (Alph), and Robinson, Parkin, Glenn, Glennie (MHSOB).
Oniv undefeated team was St Kilda CBCOC two games clear in 'D' section . Goals had been hard to get in weather conditions that made back play easy . Leaders were 'A' Walduck (Coll) 28, 'B' Grimmer (H . Rovers) 25, 'C' Smith & Glen) 27,'D' Nolan (St Kevins) 24, 'E' L . Walker (U . Reds) 24, and Junior Goldsbury (Alph) 40 . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 0
The team picked to represent Victoria against a Canberra League team was : B - Bunting (Old X), Thomas (Comm Bank), Leason (SSB), HB - Taylor (0 . Scotch) . Mick Dexter (Uni Blacks), W. Judd (Coll .), C Rogers (Kew), Adams (Alph), Jolley (Uni Blues), HF Holman (Orm), Lamb (Geel), Grainger (0 . Melb), FMcLaughlan (Old Par) . Smith (North Alp), Dillon (Powerhouse) . Fell - Jackson (B'wiek), Robertson (P'side), Rover - Ferguson (Cob), Reserves - Hodgson (Ivan .), Aldridge (Murrumbeena), Gribble (MHSOB) . Undefeated leaders in each section were Ormond (A), Comm . Bank (B), Kew (C), East Malvern (D) and Ormond Juniors.
Winning Edge Presentations ound 9 . : hich was played o, =r two days, produced some outstanding football as well as surprising results, which could impact on each other each ladder in the weeks leading up to July 22 . My success rate was a mere 60% . Was my colleague Damian Carroll using hyperbole or do old Paradians have over 160,000 injured players as Damian claimed in his column last week? ? REVIEW OF ROUND 9 . SECTION 1 . A very disappointing effort by De La Salle, saw the underrated St Kevins finish too strongly and snatch victory by five points . Dispatches from the "General's bunker indicate that Anthony Molan . Ash Tucker and Shane Rudd remained valiant De La Salle as St Kevins stormed home . The night match between undefeated leaders Old Xaverians and third placed Prahran was one of a high standard . After a closely contested first quarter, Old Xaverians broke away in the second and despite Prahran's efforts the result was never in doubt as the game progressed . Old Xaverians winning margin of fortv three points was a just reward for their tackles, spoils and smothers, which pleased coach David King . For those winners none did better than Tim O'Sullivan, whose long run and kick for goal was a highlight of the game . Andrew Wilson at centre half back and Captain Tony Landrigan also did well . Prahran whose preparation was unorthodox, had good players in Tim Hernadi, David Green and veteran Terry Leas each of whom played in defence . Old Scotch survived injury as well as uncanny accuracy by Marcellin to record a meritorious victory by four points . The match provided a thrilling spectacle as fortunes fluctuated . For Old Seotch, captain Stephen Prvde, Matthew Thwaites and the consistent Nick Tribe were best . Marcellin were well served by Nathan Matthews . Benjamin Symes and John Tsoukas . The young Mazenod side. scoreless in the first quarter, responded to Coach Troy Bridgeland's vituperative address by kicking ten goals in the second quarter, to not only break their club record but also to plunge Old Brighton to a rare defeat at home. Mazenod's amazing accuracy gave them victory by twenty one points . Their best players included, "Crow" Jacobs, Darren Arthur, "Magic" Fothergill (following family tradition?) and "Freak" Harvey . Old Brighton were best served by Nikakis . Sher. Neal and Moody. Old Melburnians had the bye while all these events unfolded. SECTION 2 In a disappointing display in which inaccurate kicking was a factor, Yarra Valley were defeated by their neighbours . Whitefriars by seven points . This loss could effect the chances of Yarra Valley partici-
pating in consecutive final series . The best for Whitefriars included "The General", Camero n Houston on the comeback trail after his win in the L .S. Pepper Medal (D 1) in 1998, as well as "Fish" and Greg Reidv . Cameron Box, Jamie McKay and Trent O'Sullivan were best for Yarra Valley . Therry Penola entered the top four after their one hundred and sixty one point win over fourth placed Old Camberwell, who failed to score . Although Tony Crotty paid tribute to all his players . he felt Culph, Carbis, John Zanetti and Ward did well . Logically the better players for Old Camberwell were defenders especially Jeremy Kelly at full back, Chris Jones and Adam Taylor. St Bernards proved my judgement way off the mark as they recorded a confidence building victory over Old Trinity by sixty six points . Monash Whites placed themselves in final's contention with a thirty nine point win over Old Geelong. Coll egians regained their winning way with a percentage building one hundred and seventy two point victory over Parkslde . A pleasing aspect for Collegians was that they played four quarters of consistently good football . The opening quarter of the Old Ivanhoe and Rupertswood match was one of a high standard as each team moved hall quickly with long kicks to position and with handball to create a fast moving spectacle. Rupertswood maintained superiority throughout and ran out winners by forty four points . PREVIEW OF ROUND 10 SECTION 1 Old Brighton have a chance to regain lost ground against St Kevins in their match . At home I select Old Brighton, for whom the tide is turning . Grand finalists for the past two seasons, Old Xaverians and De La Salle meet at the J .F. McHale Stadium . Recent form indicates this game will give Old Xaverians another comfortable victory . Prahran again will have to play four quarters of good football to defeat second placed Old Melburnians . I don't believe they can and so I select Old Melburnians . Mazenod await Old Scoteh, who are not noted for their performances on outer suburban ovals . Mazenod will be full of confidence after their great win last week and they will force Old Scotch to earn victory if they are good enough . My hunch is they aren't and I select Mazenod .
Marcellin have the bye . SECTION 2 The loser of the Old Camberwell versus Yarra Valley match will face a tough task to regain a top four
Neither side gave its supporters any cheer and plaver availability could well decide result . I select Yarra Valley on the grounds o f and more consistent performance . place Old Ivanhoe face a real darger game ;?enola at the J .P . Fawkner Oval, wher e v: ,11 performed visiting teams have lost ove r seasons . Statistically Therry Penola is the sec,,~st performed side in the competition and toda y
~, Will continue on their winning way by defeat! d Ivanhoe . Lernarda must make the long trip east to meet :itive Whitefriars who have shown recentl y .11not be taken lightly . Available players coul d rce for both sides so selecting the winner is difFor St Bernards to be a competitive finalist the y in matches like this . I select them to win nar,ion; Sh Whites journey to Bulleen to play Old rynity, who disappointed last week . Victory today by nash Whites could admit them to the top four. With > incentive, I select ', ionash White .
2 .1 3 .5
4.4 4.8
'lould be able to win leir second Old 110 match of the season at the expense of F despite their keenness and endeavour h'e to ' .n a match . Today will prove a rc ` for play undisputed leaders . ' on tne Harry Trott Oval. The pretiailing Albert Park eontL_ :ons could unsettle Rupertswood, who showed me last week that they like to kick long to position . Although Chris Pollock, in the ruck, could thwart many of Rupertswood's forward thrusts I favour them to win well .
Thanks to the eight clubs and two umpires who contacted me after round 9 . Contact will he difficult this week . If at all possible contact me on fax 9467 2865 b fore Inday evening . G9 C For now ph
plaver N : '° . who bred a brc 1 arm dur-
; for
. s former club . All Neil's h ' n a speedy recovery and
ing th ; match friends at Yarra hope he will soot
he field .
5.5 5 .7
euchre 3_ Katatintas . Dav. Morgan. Best : Mc-an. _. , st : 3Yola~i . S. oyt Rudd. Nolan. Tucker. B. Hoy .Jmp ,
9.4 1L5.71 .ns: 2.3 6.3 4.4.zo 2.2 3.3 4.3 r i erisr~3 Matthews 3 . O'Sullivan 3 . King 3. Lally, Dalton . Best: King, i . Cartliage 2. Jones. Bstce . a ns, Storev. O'Sullhan . < V. Branguvt. IVak . Poochy . Borby. Lucas. Umpires: Pau l tan hndlrnv . BYE Old 1 iburniarLs : 13 .2' 80 14 , n31n : 3 .0 9.1 9 .2 3 .3 5.6 8 .12 12 .12.8 4 cod a :otch: N . Mathews. C . ~ . ellimD"unattina 6 . Pezz'uuentt, Randazzo . Behsstmo. Dmtattma . s S . -'lathms . Svnies . Best; C. :19athews, N . Mathews. 2. Best : Prgde, -o. ,°nes . Old Scotch: Pride 6. Simon 4. Sladen Slaucn . tlllngworth . Simon, Rodgers . Umpires: David Windlot+~ . 11 .5.71 Old Egnton: , u -~; 15.2.92 . : nod : : Goal kickers and hest player results no received old urighton
Br iet Wz .. d . C` Jones .
. nriaa : . .~.
3 .4 7.3 10. 7 0.0 0.0 0 .1 St P--t ata}ko 5. Horn 2 . Hilbret 2 . Bond . Patience . F- - t H p-, .~ . ,1 . Pa °atajko . Bond . Old TY.nity-~ J .-Is . N,- C .hrane. ;rlarkus . Brady. Cat a.:,i . ~ o : l.l S. iR'13hwtes . . . 3 .4 l.i 01 . tieelon g : Pd, ,nsu iut:a:Cotlier 4 . L.V' 2. St
Be t: Coti Riddle. C~, r. ~ .+~rc1GC r.
flugfti gor, m ,i,uL, .
0 .3 .3 - 19.175 Drummond, Regtnato . 1es . Kearns. Scrapa . d best players results aot
3. Fothergill 3. Arthur 3 . Arthur. D'Rozano, Fe ,ergut. Egan . Hrm .._ .J,+_trs. Umprre. .
Old Ivanh Lfaich . S- :n . F- 0.Siock „ 0 Callaghan, OR :NIORS
BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP $ 1500 TO THE WINNING CI,L7 .0 Points have been allocated for Rounds 8-9 matches . A senior team win receives 12 points ; reserves win 6 points and an U19 win receives 3 points CLUB
RES. U•19 . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
OLD ESSENDON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
BEAUMARIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
. . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . . . . . .162
MONASH BLUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
. . . . . . . . . . . . .6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
NORTH OLD BOYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 .5 . . . . . . . . . . . .6 MAZENOD . . . . . . . OLD BRIGHTON . . . PO WERHOUSE . . . . UNIVERSITY BLACKS THERRY PENOLA . .
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.7 .8 .8 .7 .6
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OLD SCOTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
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. . . . . . . . . . .150
.4 .8 .0 .4 .5
. . . . . . . . . . .144 . . . . . . . . . . .144 . . . . . . . . . . .144
. . . . . . . . . . . 144 . . . . . . . . . . .141
. . . . 135 . . . . . 13 2 . . - .129 .12 9 . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 1212 96 . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . . . .
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. . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . 123 . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . .12 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . .12 3
. . . 7 . . . .7 7 . . . .6 . . . .6 . . . .6 . . . .5 . . . .5 . . . .6 . . . .4 . . . .5 . . . .5 . . . .5 . . . .5
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.4 .0 .0 .0 .I .7 .0 .0 .0 .6 .5 .0 .3 .0
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.0 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .6 .6 .5 .0
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. . .120 . . .114 . . . 114 . . .114 . . .111 . . .111 . . .108 . . .108 . . .102 . . .102 . . . .99 . . . .96 . . . .93 . . . .9 0
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .9 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . .
TIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CITIZENS KEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . OLD HAILEYBURIANS ELEY PARK . . . . . . . . GLEN EIRA . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . .
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ST MARYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THOMASTOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MENTONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRAHRAN . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
DE LA SALLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAMPTON ROVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 SOUTH MELB . DISTRICTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
AJAX . . . . . . BENTLEIGH . . . . . . . . BULLEEN COBRAS . . . NORTH BRUNSWICK . . AQUINAS . . . . . . . . . . ST KEVINS . . . . . . . . . PARKSIDE . . . . . . . . . ST JOHNS . . . . . . . . . BANYULE . . . . . . . . . . ST LEOS EMMAUS W.P. ORMOND . . . . . . . . . . SALESIAN . . . . . . . . . . YARRA VALLEY 0 B . . ELSTERNWICK . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . 135
OLD XAVERIANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
OLD TRINITY . . . . . . . . . . CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS ST BERNARDS . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 165
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IVANHOE /ASSUMPTION . . . . . . . . . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . .
WERRIBEE . . . . . . . . . . . OLD CAREY . . . . . . . . . . MARCELLIN . . . . . . . . . . OLD GEELONG . . . . . . . . COLLEGIANS . . . . . . . . . OLD IVANHOE . . . . . . . . FITZROY REDS . . . . . . . . ALBERT PARK . . . . . . . . BRUNSWICK . . . . . . . . . . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE MONASH GRYPHONS . . . RUPERTSWOOD . . . . . . . LA TROBE UNI . . . . . . . . OLD MENTONIANS . . . . . OAKLEIGH . . . . . . . . . . .
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.6 . .3 . .4 .5 .5 . .6 . .6 . .5 . .4 . .3 . .4 . .4 . .3 . .3 .
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.I .5 .2 .3 .2 .4 .I .1
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.3 .5 .4 .3 .4
2 . .3 . .3 . .4
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.90 .84 .84 .84 .84 .84 .84 .84 .78 .78 .78 .78 .75 .7 2
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.60 .60 .54 .5 4
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.54 .51 .48 .48 .45 .45 .36 .30 .3 0
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 54 . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . .
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e constantly r : ninded that football is a er game but the human physiology and e in many ways ill equipped to perfor m optimum levels during this time of the year. The fact is that most players reach low ebb in terms of enthusiasm and feelings of self worth during the depths of winter . This has important ramifications for coaching during this period . The difficulty for the coach lies in maintaining player enthusiasm and at the same time ensuring that the physical fitness is not compromised . Tests of players at Amateur level in recent years have indicated that aerobic capacity dips markedly from pre round 1 to early in the second half of the season . Below are some suggestions to help change routine and help maintain a high fitness level and a quality mental approach at this time of the season . 1 . VARY TRAINING ACTRqTTES a . Beach, hill or street run . b . Aquarobics or pool session C. Boxercise or boxing classes d . Step or aerobic classe s e . Body Titan or weights circuit f. Squash tournamen t g . Martial arts classe s Most Amateur clubs train between 60 and 100 times in a season . Why not take players to an alternative venue for non football based training? Much literature exists detailing the efficacy of cross training . The basic rule is to choose the fitness parameter. (e .g. aerobic capacity) that you are working on and try to recreate the desire d
- AY JU~ 71 1', ELST,
training effects aw;,y from a football environment . Cross training can be used to significantly augment fitness levels and is also extremely useful in dealing with injured players particularly those with chronic (overuse) injuries like shin splints . HELP PLAYERS FEEL MORE WORTH WHIL E a. Delegate players to run specific drills at training. b . Speak positively always to players . (As coach you are also subject to irrational mid winter blues). c . Create non training reasons for players to get together at the club . E .g handball comp, guest speakers . d . Use video or visualisation techniques to help players focus on how things will be in August/September . The smell of the newly mown grass, which means Spring and finals, cannot be recreated by any of the above techniques . Hopefully though, by utilising some of these ideas we can help players obtain maximum performance levels now, and assure that they are as prepared as possible come finals time . Tony Paatsch Marcell in Senior Coach 1998 AFCA/VAFA Senior Coach of the Year CA Victoria Coach of the Year 1998 Article re-printed from Amateur Footballer, 199 5
:, 7.00-8 .30p><n
Topic : Sports Psychology, Motivation and Player Management Presented by : Dr. Paul Callery Please call Brett Connell 9531 . 8333 ext .2 to reserve your place before Tuesday J une 13 . 0
poin,s, ~av- conditions , opened up with a 5 goal opening term against and was never headed . The Red Devils had a real crack at the GtTests but couldn't make any significant inroads on the deficit, despite having more of the play in the second half. Mick Tessari in his comeback game was Parkside's best onbailer, while Chilcott and ruckman Cusack battled hard . For the victors, Lehmann . Coonan and Ed-ards were best , expected their match against Kew to be a danger game, and their thoughts were re<"sed . They offered no excuses as the K's booted 6 goals in the first quarter to force the Bears into playing catch-up football for the remainder of the day . Kew's midfielders were led by Palmer and Campbell, and provided plenty of opportunities for their forwards . Although being outscored in the final term, it was certainly their most consistent effort to date, and should give them some much-needed confidence going into the second half of the season . Mark Uket . Adam and Ben Smith tried hard for the Bears, who currently lament 1 ir inability to win _ ; ' i a row. re playing in the ;ural A see-s< `ag first half meant that only 9 points separated the sides . . ._~~ a similar margin being the difference at the last change, though this time favouring the Reds . Perrin snagged 7 for the Vultures, although Tony White's goal late in the last was the clincher. It was a fitting victonfor the irrepressible Phil Emmett (350) and Steve Perrazzo (100) who celebrated milestones on the day . The Reds showed their abilitv belies their ladder position, and were best served by Campbell, Drury and Mitchell. Norm Johnstone was a mobile, rugged ruckman who played 228 games for Fitzroy (1944-57). He now lives in Mentone, who sponsored the award . dominated the first half against S a3and led by over 7 goals at the main break . The Blacks' running players set up the lead, with Caccaviello kicking 4 and Rob Mackie once again earning BOG honours . The boys from Chadstone fought back hard in the second half, and slowly eroded the large deficit, and hit the front with more than 10 minutes remaining. Despite the valiant effort, they probably had run their race as the Blacks steadied to win by 4
host.!I d ed con t controlled -an the opening stanza before the Bushrangers came storming back in the second quarter, booting 7 goals to 2 . They were dominant overhead, with 1Vkillrath slotting 8 majors and P. Cremean and L . Ta'or having terrific games. The Pirates were still vv _-h a chance going into the final term, but any hopes of a win were conclusively snuffed out as Yarra piled on a further 6 goals to inflict Peninsula's second successive thumping. host Parkside and must order to restore some confidence to the camp, which has taken a battering in the last fortnight . Parkside have been good in patches . and will not have dismissed their chances of some midAugust action . Atchison -v- Cusack in the ruck should be beauty . The Pirates are ripe for the picking, however the long trek for the visitors may play heavily on the mind . Peninsula by a kick , : play West BreazzsvAek and will be determined to prevent the Magpies from getting the jump on them . Both sides are playing with plenty of character, the Vultures proving they can match it with the best sides on their day . But the Wests' onballers, led by their skipper have seen plenty of the Sherrin lately, and will give their falls the chance to exploit the height advantage I expect them to hold over Mentone . Chris Sullivan has had a great year, and White and Stephens have also been pretty good, but the Wests look to have got their act together and should prevail by 22 points . have a pretty close rivalry with Fit -oy and only a small margin separated them in their previous encounter this season . Although it is top versus bottom, the Reds will make their more fancied opponents earn every goal . Blacks have too many winners, and have coach Bowden back on deck to provide even more class . The early flag favourites should win by 3 6 points. Kew restored some pride and confidence last week, and will be keen to continue in this vein against Salesian . I have no doubt Kew will maintain their improvement . but Salesian pushed the top side recently and will be only too aware of the log-jam existing for final four positions . Should
; ~e able to exert enough pressure on the Ke w ii, Id, Salesian will get up by 13 points . -: n: ra Valley play Thomastown for fourt h ; ; ion, and enjoy the surrounds at Par k hards. Both teams have taken a few goo d , lq - in the first part of the season . The Bears j been dominating for stretches only to drop a me almost inexplicably. but do have the physi,l presence to pressure Yarra . On the other Ila ld, the Bushr an gers have some very good i1lirhing players, an d given reasonable condiy, I expect them to be the difference . In th e u~ h of the round, I feel Yarra will record a narin .
-1 C-- - coii~.-atulate Neff = -.ent, wh o `, plays his 50th game for the club . 'Striker's' ~jurage and foot skills only just shade his pace, and he is a popular leader at the Pirates . Well done NeIl . Thoanastosvrl - would like to congratulate Ben Smith on reaching 100 games and Simon Smith on reaching 5 0 games today in Round 10 . Ben has come through the Junior club and after having an indifferent year in 1999 has cemented a place in the Senior team this season, creating plenty of run around the ground . Brother Simon started his football a little later at the club and has played both Senior and Reserve football over the past 4 years. Always talking and trying to inspire his team mates, he has been a valuable member of the club and always puts in 100%, all at the club wish Ben and Simon the best for today's games. TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTION PENINSULA v . PARKSID E MENTONE AMATEURS v . WEST BRUNSWICK UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. FITZROY REDS KEW v. SALESIAN YARRA VALLEY v . THC 1ASTOW N
EtiIORS - 3.06 .00 Park.side 1 .3 3.6 3.8 5 .12 .42 5.4 7.5 10.7 10 .7 .67 West Brunswick Parkside: Ryan 2, Dale, Panjan, Romano . Best: Tessari, Chilean. Cusack, Dale, Hockev. Vita . West Brunswick: Lehmann 2. J Grass 2 . R Benjamin D Edwards Coonatt. Kerr. Jenkin . Best : Lehmann, Coonan . Edwards . Cannane. Jenkin. Heppell . Umpires: Alan Ladd ; Heath Little (F) . Dennis Izod : Clive Shipley (G ) Mentone 1 .3 7.9 9 .10 14 .15 .99 Fitz roy Reds 3.3 6.6 11 .8 14 .13 .97 Mentone : Perrin 7. kl'tllte 3, Groves 2 . M O;Meara. Matt Sullivan . Best : C Sullivan, Perrut .Gallagher. StepItens, M Barr, Groves . Fitzroy Reds : Drury 4. T Mitchell 4, P Jackson, Bennic . VJharf. Bishop Madden . Dia. Besi : Campbell, Drury. T Mitchell, Bennie . Jackson . Dfal~orgis. Upires : Nick Evans Chris Stevens ( F) Steven Nicholson James Hic olsott (Bi t University Blacks 8 .3 12 .5 13 .5 14.9.93 Salesian 3.1 5 .3 8 .5 13,11 .89 University Blacks :Caccaviello 4 . Bowden 2, Cunnuty,hatn 2. Paton 2, Bon~les . Toose, Trevaskts . A Lvilson. Best: R Mackie . Caccaviello, Smith, Vegter . R~:ut. Trevaskls .8alesian : Goal kickers and best players results not received. Umpires : Jason Moore IF ) Kew 6.8 8 .10 13 .13 14 .17.101 7.10 10.13.73 Thomastown 1.6 5 .8 Hew: Bell 3 . Tntetti 3, Campbell 2, Dotunis 2. Beattie, Cam na. Horgan, aHorgan , . McCarthy. Best: Crac}utell . Catn~beIl, Dountis . Palmer. McCarthy ThomasTown : Ward 2, Gorsld 2,Uket 2 . Saint. Lenflni, Farquar . Farehione. Best : Uket, B Smith. A Smith, Thomas . Umpires : Ron Martvit IF) Daniel Stephens Jarred Asputal (B) Bruce Stephens (G ) Peninula 5 .4 7.4 10.7 12.11.83 Yarra Valley OB 2 .3 9.6 14.7 20.12.132 Paninula : Pavze 2 . Goldthoqr 2 . Murray . Clanughold . Brotvtt, Hiss 'uts, A Atchison, Sharpin. Bonner. Nelson. Best: Prenderqast. i~elson . S Parsons, A Atchison . Sharpin. Hi ms . Yarra Valley OB: 4iclGath 8 . Valoppi 2. Ho 2. B Pake 2 . P Crentean 2 .~ Drelv . S Pask .Balshwaw. M Laing . 8est : L Tavlor. P Crene an . Mclkath. B Peake, He, A Drew . Umpires: Mark Morrison (R) IF)
RESERVES - 3 .06 .00 9 .5 11 .7 15.9.99 Parkside 4.3 1.0 2 .2 3.3 3.3.21 West Brunswick Parkside: Singleton 4 . Re~qinato 3. Austin 2 . Stuart 2 . Allan . Lotroseo, Martinez, Muscat . Best : Adams. Soligo, Allan, Austin . Lobosco . Mattios . West Brunswick:Snuth 2 . Pendergast . Best; Smith . D'Andrea . Ba er, Lampel . Dtshon . Weir. 9.9 10.12.72 Mentone 3 .4 5 .7 11 .13 15.16.106 Fitzroy Reds 5 .2 9 .9 Mentone : Allinson 2 . Bray 2. Murphy 2 . Snuth 2 . Flenting. Kutg . Best : gttit Stillntan. Kw S . Ansalde . Alllnson.Brav. Fitzroy Reds : Chandler 3 . ehen 3 . Howell 2 . ~esson 2 . Cletnents 2, t)mtond, tvioodv . Grleg. Beaton, Purcell. De Bondt . Hevwood . Best : Jesson . Brotbat . Rice, Rzildell, I3eaton, De Bondt. 12.6 19 .8.122 University Blacks 3 .1 7.5 4 .5.29 Salesian 2 .3 2.4 3 .4 University Blacks: Goal kickers and best players results not received . . Salesian : Goal kickers and best players results not received 8.11 10.12 13 .13 .91 New 4.8 Thontastown 0 .2 1 .6 5.10 8 .11 .59 Kew: Ktriakou 4, tVavland 2 . Looker 2 . Moussi 2 . Eautlevte . O'Connor. Sette. Best : Baker, Criinntins . Cttatutmt . Kiriakou . t4'avtattd. Looker. Thomastown: Scarpa 6. Fleming . Petsutis . Best: Duitaggio. scarps. Valent6to. PetsIItis. Downktg . Fleming .
Peninsula 1.1 6 .6 8 .7 13.14 .92 9.7 9.9 .63 Yarra Valley OB 5.2 6 .3 Peninsula : Franks 3 . J Atchison 2 . Splatt 2. Warner. Ferguson . MeMatton . Shorten . Whfte. Best : Angus. J Atchison . Havlev, Jarrett, Pattison . Powell . Ynrra Valley OB : S Kehce 5 . S Thompson . l{atuock. Hale, Davies_ Best : Hancock. S Kehoe . Bunmta . tV}utechurch . Davis.
FITZRO Y REL ; Senior Coach: Grant Hammond Res Coach : Darren Kane
1 M Frisb 2 A Wal s 3 C Thatcher 4 M Carracher 5 6 J D Kan e Bennie 7 J Doyle 8 M Farrell 9 C Prior (RVC) 10 A Urbanci c 11 B Mitchell (VC) 12 C Sheather 13 M James 14 T Clarke 15 B Campbel l 16 M Wharfe 17 B Lee 18 J Horridge 19 P Cook 20 T Mitchell 21 A Scott 22 M Sammon 23 T Jackson 24 C Tehan 25 P Jackson (VC ) 26 B Buick 27 J Loft 28 N Hall 29 D East 30 B Foster 31 P Crowe 32 T Hart 33 S Drury (C) 34 D Little 35 A Mackinnon (RC) 36 W Fawaz 37 G Hanlo n 38 N Bishop 39 A George 40 G Bance 41 R Bur9man
42 A Sainsbury
43 T Villani 44 B Hart 45 E Duff 46 P Heaph y 47 M Hicks 49 A Pugli a 50 B Aggenbach 50 E Kynacou 51 J Rawling s 52 B O'Conner(RVC) 53 S Addicot t 54 B Worsley 55 D Atkins 55 N Mathews 56 T Madden 57 L Rizviak 58 B Neal 59 M Dooley 61 B Tirrell 62 N Auden 62 P Diacogiogis 64 D Trindad e 65 S Bramley 66 D Timms 68 D Simmonds 69 K Teesdale 71 P Gunn 74 N Fitzpatrick 80 G Box 81 J Hamilton
82 P Howorth 84 Z Stenburg 85 J Whelen 88 S Greenwood
KEW Coach : Serge D'Angelo Res .: Greg Crimmins
1 2 3 4
B . Lafranchi L . Fitzgeral d C . Dod so n G . Crimmins
5 L . Bradley 6 N . Tnett i y
7 D . Mitchell 8 J . Doumis 9 10 B . Cullen (VC) 11 B . Shaw 12 J . Growcott 13 C. Kiriakou 14 G . Campbel l 15 C. Bradley (VC) 16 D . Wood 17 J . Dento n 18 N . King 19 J . Dennis 20 M . Raffael e 21 B . Woo dh ouse 22 J . Paro n 23 R . Baker 24 G. Horgan 25 S . Campbell 26 M . Channon(VC) 26 P. Nagy 27 T. Moore 28 D . Cracknell 29 J . Barnes 30 C . Giansante 31 A. Well s 32 D . Mackay 33 D . Wayland 34 M . Mascitti 35 R . Brun o 36 S . Ryan 37 J . Landweh r 38 L. D'Angelo 39 M . Mclnerny 40 G . Muckian 41 L. Jensen 42 43 M . Xuereb 44 J . Bel l 45 R . Per ri 46 M . Fitzgerald 47 M . Lambe 48 A . Acfield 49 D . Ryan 50 J . Griffiths 51 M . Blair 52 R . Campagna 53 M . Bolls
54 D . Antonello 55 B. Johnston 56 T. Fox 57 S . Ainsworth 58 C. Watts 59 D. Russo 60 L. Ainsworth 61 W . Fraser 62 G . Palmer 63 64 65 J . Sette 66 C . Crawford
67 T. Beattie 68 B . McGauchi 99 S . Bruno
M ERTORE Coach : Ken Wood Res, Coach: Peter Hirst
1 . M . Hovey 2 . R . Gallagher 3 . M . Dixon K . Woo d 4 C . Bray 4 D . Emmett 5 T. White 6 C . Stephens 7 K . Gurtle r 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B. Sebire 10 T. Stillman 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 12 T Fava 13 A. Kin 9 14 Mick Sullivan a
15 A. Fimister 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sulliva n 18 R . Waterson 19 D. Prosser 20 C. Groves 21 D. Kelly
21 D. Batey 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 23 V. O'Connor 24 X . Smit h 25 G . U pti n 27 M . Wise 28 M . O'Brien 29 A . Hove y 30 N . Frees e 31 T. Templeton
32 B . Coleman 33 D . Andrew 34 D . Sheehan 35 C . Brown 35 M . Johnston e 37C. Reeves 37 J . Stern 38 S . Perazz o 40 D . Nichols 42 S. May 43 M. Barr 46 G . Templeton 47 G . Ansalde 48 M. Walsh 52 M. Etcell 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 S . Wiggins 61 K . Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 67 P. Dynes 70 T. Ro ers 73 M . O' eara 74 S . Penton
76 P. Hirst 77 B . Flemin~ 78 M . Cerrite li 99 D . Horler MENTONE R.S .L. 9 Palermo St, Mentone Function Room
* Restaurant * Pokies ae-r ' ,tofei Melbourne
9583 2841
PARKSIOE Coach: Laurie Zarata Res Coach : Mark Rowe
1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergini 3 S . Pino a D . Warren 5 D . Cusack 6 D . Stuart 7 J . Dale 8 J . Chilcott (C) 9 A. Constantine 10 A. Vita 11 B . Hockey 12 D. McCall (VC) 13 A . Copley 14 V. Romano 15 D. Moodie 16 T. Ryan 17 A . Romano 18 A . Reginato 19 C. William s 20 D . Singleton 21 M . Tessari 22 R . Wise 23 S . Barratt 24 R . Marulli 25 M . McPherson 26 S . Ross 27 J . Sculley 28 R . Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 M . Yandle 31 C . Austi n 32 J . M cCall 33 K. Allan (RC)) 34 A. Starkie 35 G . Panjari 36 S . Bock 37 J . Panjari 38 F. darrigo 39 S . Cudmore 40 L. Inserra (DVC) 41 E . Linares 42 P. Dean 43 J . Hubbard 44 P. Sol i go 45 R. D'Ademo J . Reginato 47 B . Pollock 48 C. Datson 49 B . Hnason 50 B . Carman 51 M . Helmick 52 C . Cecchinelli 53 M . Ianello 54 M . Jesse 55 J. Eastwood 56 G . Massett 57 T. Gallagher 58 D . Lobosco 59 T. Pattern 60 D . Moore 61 B . Murphy 62 D . Rees 63 J . Sambuca 64 T Thoma s 65 M . Scarpa 66 M . wise 67 D . Ingli s 68 D . Stave 69 S . Dave y 70 S . Datso n 71 A . Inglis
72 M . Jess e 73 S . Carmody 74 6 . Cassano
PENINSULA 'OB . Coach : Bre tt htcllwraith Res Coach : Chris Gowri e
1 S . Parsons 2 S . McMaho n 3 M . Goldthorp e 4 E. Bowe n 5 N . Ken t
6 M . Warner 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angus 9 . P. Kroh n 10 A. Haley 11 H . Woodman 12 R. Sharan 13 14 15 B . Coo k 16 S . Claringol d 17 L. Barcla y 18 S . Glove r 19 A . Murphy 20 J . Atchiso n 21 S . Baxter 22 A . Atchison 23 A . Burk e 24 B . Wigh 9h t
25 S . Prendergast 26 P. Topalovi c 27 S . Payz e 28 B . Taylor 29 R . Powne y
30 A . Crean 31 A . Gross 32 A . Parson s 33 P. Dietzsc h 34 T Brade n
35 S. Jackso n 36 N . Bowma n 37 T Stewart 38 M. Wells 39 40 41 S . Farrow 42 43 S . Whit e 44 45 M . Petty 46 A . O'Nei l 47 L. Marks 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 51 52 54 M . Dentry 55 R . Canno n 56 B . Gillam 60 M . Hayes 62 D . Cross 69 J . Muir
W : : : : '- ;WlCK
BLACKS Coach : Tim Pontefract Coach : Bre tt Davidson n Coach : Gordon Burrows - cach: Ma tt Sexto . Coach : Paul Weir Res Coach: Tony Regan ~<;r Coach : D. Oldfield Res Coach: Wayne Cooper Coach : Kane Bowden Res Res Coach : Ben Sullivan 1 A Hamilton 1 R Pearce Coach : Jim Gianna 1 V.Capeci 1 M . Bourke 2 B.Byron 1 G Darroch 2 P Hamilton 2 T Morris 2 3 A.Smith 2 S Chandler 3 G Heppell 3 R Thompson 3 S. Sutherland 4 G .Petsinis 4 M Vaughan 4 D Coonan 4 M Fun g 4 A. Healey 5 L .Smith 5 R Mackie 5 A Cannane 5 A Drew Howse 5 M. Canavan 6 S Smith 6 D Keys 6 D .Godino 7 B Cunningham 7 S Benjami n 6 R . Cincotta 6 D.Plant 8 W Pascoe 8 L Petchel 7 J Downs 6 G . Gaspari 7 S .Gentis 9 C Pekin 9 C Kerr 8 L Morris 7 S.Logan 9 A .Scott 10 N Bowles 10 S Byrne g J Keem 9 A . Campbell 10 R 112 J C'aYwood k 1 1 K Bowd en 10 T Hancoc k 11 Z.Fleming 10 D . Oliver 12 M Kohne 11 C Reynolds . Davey 12 A y .Farquer 14 J Trevaskis 13 S Brockle 11 A 12 A . Gaspari 13 G .Scarpa 15 L Mellings 14 N Lam el 12 J Cremean 13 I . Bobetic 14 J .Alexander 16 P Caccaviello 15 B Howlett 13 0 Kysela 14 J . McLaren 14 A . Ward 17 J Radford 16 S Smythe 14 E Kruse 17 M Hamilton 15 J Koena n 18 T Wilson 15 D .levoli 15 L .DelPapa 18 A Bau d 16 A . Chaippini 16 D . Farchione 19 J Ralph 19 P Shand 16 L Taylor 17 Matt Forbes 20 E Hannan 20 D Edwards 17 A Laing 18 A . Sexton 16 A . Faure 21 H Cameron 21 S McNamara 18 L White 19 S . Brown 17 D.Gorski 22 B Sellenger 22 R Hudson 18 D Ros s S Beaton 23 P Weir 19 S Thompson 20 A . Seeger 18 F.Arcoraci 23 24 N Wilson 24 J Jenkin 21 R. Napoli 19 M . Sinn i 20 T Hal e 25 T Chatfield 25 G Malon e 22 A . Anderson 21 E .Lentin i 21 M . Wine s 26 M Laffy 26 R Benjamin 23 M . Smith 23 R .Dimaggio 29 D Hayes 27 D Pendergast 22 B Drew 24 A. Grace 24 B .Smith 30 J Maguire 28 J Ward 23 C Arnold 25 B . Kirchner 25 R .Kennedy 31 M Foster 29 D Campbell 24 M Davies 26 J .Nannes 26 C . Renna 33 T Kitchen 30 M Lewi s 25 S Lloyd 27 M . Mansfield 34 S Moody 31 S Jackson 26 J Longwort h . Paskoski 28 M. Byrne 2827LG.Morabito 35 A Willis 32 S D'Andrea 27 A Rowe 29 Mick Forbes 36 N Abbott 33 D Whyt e 28 B Reynolds .Meade 41 L Maguire 34 I Twyior 30 D . Campbell 29 R Coutt s 31 S. Oldfield 29 P .McCallum 42 A Gadd 35 B Hamilton d30P 32 A. Stevens 31 S .Oehm 44 P Forbes 36 P Harris 30 D Potter 37 C Irvine 31 B Sturzaker 47 B Murphy 33 S. Trakas 33 M . Uket 38 T Moore 34 D . Gheblikian 34 P . Corboy 48 J Martin 39 L Brown 32 C Heffernan 35 C . Baxter 49 J Weber 40 B Baker 33 P Cremean 36 S . Nolan 35 A . Eccles 51 A Neville 41 A Walker 34 A Cusano 37 J . Brennan 36 J .Theodorou 53 N Remfry 42 A Stockdale 35 B Peake A McNicol 43 J Tobin 36 R Penaluna 38 S . Koutaplis 40 B .Thomas 54 Vegte r Gaso n 41 A.Cummaudo 4455 SS 39 A . Thain 37 D Balsha w 56 JPRice 45 J Smit h 40 M. . Forer 42 L. Alevizos38 Nahas B 46 Morrison 57 K Begely C Pric e 41 R 43 S . Smith 58 T Krake 39 T Reddawa y 47 C Lehmann 42 P. Evans 44 C .Chapkoun 59 T Thornton 48 M Moore 40 T Fyff e 43 M . Cooke 45 P. Janevski 60 J Marr 49 D Howley 41 B . Downs 44 C. Hunt 46 L . Biles 61 J Farrington 51 L Sherry 42 A . Stone 45 S . Horvath 62 J Ryan 52 D Zanell a 47 D .Plowright 63 D Strachan 53 J Gros s 46 D. Nannes 48 A . Naughton 6443 S Mahoney 54 R Sefton 44 J . Ho Baxter H Park 47 S . . Valentino 65 K Sartori 55 M Clyne 45 L Rees 48 A. Roberts 51 E 49 J . Gianna 52 C . Sambams 66 J Mirtschin 56 G John 46 B Butler 50 D . Blake 53 C . Hansen 67 J Mirtschin 57 C Lewis 47 D Lang . Wright 68 A Metcalfe 58 D Williams 48 R Davie s 51 M.Egan . McCarthy 54 D D Meek 59 A Kroschel 49 S Seabourne 70 52 S 56 L . Downing 60 S Lanyon 71 H Peck 53 Pat Forbes 59 P .Scopelliti 72 S Dimond 61 A Edwards 50 T Kennedy 54 Paul Forbes 62 P. Bragagnolo 73 S Jones 62 S Dishon 51 S Gad d 55 P. Bouchard 65 S .Holmes 74 P O'Beirne 63 J Gartlan 52 A Hartnett 56 C . Malliard 65 P. Vu 75 A Paton 64 J Uebergang 53 S Pask 57 E. Malliard 65 76 B B Smith Norma n 54 T Mcllrath 67 N . Grech 66 M Malone 58 M. Bates . Mineo 77 D Walsh 67 P Tuckwell 55 S Taylor 71 S 59 S . Bobetic 78 D Files 68 C Plazzer 57 S Kehoe 60 S . McGain 79 B Flynn 69 R Hussey 58 G Kerr 61 E Hanaphy 80 R Greig 70 D Zanella 59 A Joiner 62 P. Pitts 71 J . Chislett 61 P. Valoppi 63 G. Riley 72 R . Christie 62 P Burum a 64 B . Bowman 73 C . Cowland 63 B Whitechurch 65 D . Sutherland 74 M . Gleeson 75 T. Gross 71 M Laing 66 M . Sutherland 76 R . Howell 74 A . Midland 77 C. Norma n 99 B Mical i
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One of the regular :"-iees of umpiring , lio' s missing this year is _ The A ion umpire hasn't been seen at Elsternwic k since the end of last season because he moved to the Northern Territory to umpire a different brand of football . How different? Very different! Umpire's Corner contacted Schmidt last week and he was preparing for a match in Gumbalunya which is two hours from East Arnhem Land somewhere near Kakadu and a place called Jabiru . It's not the first time he's been to Jabiru and he's also umpired in the Tiwi Islands, Raminginni and Maningrida which are all Aboriginal communities in the top end . Schmidt is also helping out with the coaching of young umpires and conducted Level 0 courses at Fapunya and Yuendimyu which are four hours west of Alice Springs! He's having an absolute ball . Another umpire who's been missing in action . He moved for 18 months is Andrew C to New Zealand to work as an auctioneer last year and it appeared he was lost to footy, Well, that's not the case . Chappy is planning a comeback and is in the middle of his pre-season to umpire in the New Zealand AFL . There aren't many teams in the competition and the season is held from September through to December . New Zealand's Under 21 team is touring Australia in July and will play against Scotch and Xavier Colleges so the sport is developing well . One very experienced goal umpire came up with a novel way of replacing the tie he left at home last week . Instead of walking onto the field in just his shirt and jacket . this umpire grabbed a roll of blue electrical tape and stuck it where his tie would have been ! Air is a pretty important element when it comes to footy . 'Mthout air, the ball is pretty much useless but Craig r'didn't care, Upon being informed that the footy was so flat it felt like it had been run over by a semi-trailer. he replied "But it doesn't look bad and it's nearly half-time so let's keep going with it!"
a beer tasting : on June 17 . ` competition . ie inaugural yabbie derby, heaps of differf cocktails being served, dinner and footy jumpers being auctioned off, the night promises to be a ripper . Don't forget that mini buses will be available to take people home from Elsternwick Park if six people are heading in the same direction . Finally a very big thanks to Ivanhoe A., ; and - for the way they looked after Leah Gallagher at her 250th gaine . It was greatly appreciated . RUL E ! D Ia IM 째1`CH Okay this nei bit of info is important so pay attention . The U ipires Board has implemented a new policy in regards to paperwork . As of right now all paperwork must be either hand delivered to Elsternwick Park beforc Monday or posted at a post office on ;' "' ' night . Posting paperwork at any post box t suffice, it must be a POST DFF iCE and Su iday is not good enough, it must be done on Saturday night . Further, any reports made during a match and included in paperwork that is posted, as opposed to hand delivered, must be phoned through to Sue Anderson on Monday morning as well . Sue will register the report, the date it was mailed and the post office it was mailed from to guarantee the VA>FA has a record of the paperwork . Failure to follow any of these procedures will result in umpires being dropped to the Under 19s for two matches, one of which will be done in a one umpire system . These new guidelines are non negotiable, Fay, 9 " - 7 21$ e -mail eraig_o' d C ;pactioaa .eoffi .au
A: LUKE MAHONEY B: M ATTD E NNI S {O ta Z , C : TONY M ACGE O RGE =T: : _ T0N ED 1 : ASHLEY FIT-. 3 C?2 : T('_ . °1 - . L_ =Y B D .'F : E} :
®. * Nominations made by Amateur Footballer scribe s ~ Nominations qualify for the Player of the Month, Player of the Year and the All-Star Australia Team of the Year .
ivy blue jumper with white V GoF,.F : Steve Carroll s : Tony Miller, Peter Kiploks, Ken James, Nick Pike, Fred Stafford, Jeff Scotland John Bell !~ Lxn.r_~,째: Nick Pike
1 Andrew Lowcock (C) 2 Mark Browne (VC )
3 Matthew Gadsden(DVC) 4 Julian Blac k 5 Michael Duggan 6 Damien Orlando 7 Drew Gleeson 8 Matthew McKie 9 Jeremy Burke 10 Stuart Boyd 11 Ryan McMahon 12 Matthew Kempton 13 Matthieu Lucas 14 Marc Peterson 15 James McKay 16 Dallas Jarred 17 Braydon Haynes 18 Nick Casboult 19 Paul Sullivan 20 Sean Russell 21 Michael Stapleton 22 Johar Saad 23 Matthew Vasey 24 Rhys Limbrick
Uni Blues Marcellin Old Brighton Beaumaris De La Salle Old Xaverians St Bernards Old Ivanhoe MHSOB Old Melburnians Marcellin St . Kevin s St . Kevins Uni . Blues St Bernards Marcellin Beaumaris North Old Boys Mentone Uni . Blue s St . Bernards North Old Boys Uni Blues MHSOB
Umpires : -'I : Leon Quinn, Daniel Halliwel l : : Rohan Dever, Adam Conques t
Russell Owens, Steve Cape l
-~~.i 1 . 9 N SW-ACT U18
9 .1 .80 9 .10 .80 21 .11 .80 14 .5 .81 10 .10 .80 27 .5 .80 1 .7 .80 4 .10 .80 30 .6 .80 18 .9 .80 7 .10 .80 26 .8 .81 3 .8 .80 6 .3 .81 1 .7 .81 12 .3 .81 28 .8 .80 17 .10 .81 10 .2 .81 30 .8 .80 29 .11 .80 28 .11 .80 10 .11 .80 17 .10 .8 0
Colo :'s Gold guernsey with red tri m ~ele^ '~~ : Darren Harris, Matthew Frost, Robert Kerr Ted Ray
1 Tom Hill 2 Andrew May 9 Nathan Bradbury 10 Daniel Cros s 11 Joel Feuerherdt 12 Anthony Hillier 13 Chris Hyd e 14 Alan Murray 15 Brett Sheehan 16 Kade Stevens 17 Adam Cambourn 18 Luke Jarjoura 19 Lewis Roberts-Thomson 20 Jon Bradfield 21 Martin Brewster 22 Andrew Davis 23 Dale Ellis 24 Brad Maloney 25 Lew Roberts 26 Clint Austerberry 27 Henry Playfair 28 Justin Koschitzke 29 Chris Oliver 30 Ryan Power
RAMS Deniquilin RAMS Bushrangers Bushrangers RAM S Bushrangers Bushrangers RAM S Bushrangers RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS RAMS Bushranger s RAMS RAM S
Umpires : Field : Leon Quinn, Daniel Halliwell : Rohan Dever, Adam Conquest Bo u rad Goal : Russell Owens, Steve Capel
14-Jun 1982 15-May 1982 2-Feb 1982 30-Mar 1983 6-Oct 1982 17-May 1983 9-Aug 1982 20-May 1982 14-Apr 1982 8-Oct 1982 22-Sep 1982 9-Oct 1983 8-Sep 1983 29-Jun 1982 14-Jul 1982 10-May 1982 30-Mar 1983 12-Jul 1982 31-Oct 1982 1-Sep 1982 22-Jan 1983 20-Sep 1982 9-Jul 1982 19-Feb 1982
_731poFt t Nc, :i.c e
~or the nei two weeks Peter Williamson from Monash Gryphons will be preparing the report for D3. He can be contacted on 9920 9054 (ph), 9920 9097 (fax) or via : Peter.P's : . ~ sa raCCentrelink .gov .au Half way mark and report cards are in . Top of the class is Power House with an A+ . Strong, quick, aggressive with a plethora of goal kickers . Next in line is Williamstown with an A . Played truant against Albert Park but other than that their form has been first rate . B+ to Richmond and Elsternwick . A number of strong performances, both sides forgot to turn up to last day of the semester . B's to St .Johns and Hawthorn . Both need to perform better in big tests if higher honors are required . B- to Uni High and Eley Park . Uni started well but mounting sick days have taken their toll whilst the Sharks have got used to the higher level and better results are starting to be yielded . Finally, C's to Monash and Albert Park . The Gryph's have got on a roll in recent weeks whilst Albert Park will be hoping a change in teachers will improve their record . Review Monash enjoyed the win last week so much that they thought they would double up (away to the upper echelon Richmond no less) . How do you pick it? The Gryphs were best served by Skipper Steve Bourbon , 'Gladiator' Gross at full back and Leeton in the ruck whilst the dynamic duo of Gilchrist and Killmister wreaked havoc up forward . The Centrals had a day they would sooner forget. The replay of the 1999 F Grade GF saw same result although different ingredients as Eley Park proved to strong for Albert Park. Krepps starred on his return from injury for the Sharks whilst Damon Bruce returned to his best from as he sealed the Rats fate . The Rats were best served by Taylor, Walkley, Isard and Roberton , Power House continued on their winning ways . this time at the expense of Hawthorn . A great start by the House meant that the Hawks were playing catch up footy for the rest of the game . They threatened at times in the 3rd quarter without ever quite putting their foot in the door. However, when the game was to be won, House captain Stu Craven rose to the occasion with some booming goals and telling marks . He was well supported by Rampling . Senior and IR
Wright . For the Hawks, Fulton in the ruck was good whilst Garlic k returned to his best form in the middle . St .Johns continued their trend of being great travellers as they curtailed Elsternwick, Peter Walker was clearly best on ground with a commanding display with Scott Hilton finishing of the good work up field with 5 goals . For the Wicks, "Big Neal" in the ruck was great and he was ably supported by Whelan, Wigmore and Cunningham . Bad kicking cost the home side dearly, something that Leigh Murphy will no doubt ponder during the week . Finally . Williams town were able to beat Uni High down at the Zoo . Dene Macleod led his side superbly whilst Dave Lee's return from injury was also welcome . Hann and Steve Bracks, no sorry his stunt double Mick Manning also played well for the winners . Uni High were left to count the cost of yet more injuries with Zulicki (before injured), Wallace and Farrelly their best . Preview Here we go again . Interesting to track the changes in fortunes of some clubs in only 9 weeks. Albert Park will be looking to put the troubles of the past couple of weeks behind them as they host El stern wlck . The appointment of the popular Peter Smith will prove to be a great spur for the Rats and with the Wicks having a mounting injury list, the Rats must fancy themselves . None the less, the Wicks have too much too play for and should win . Hawthorn host Eley Park with a win vital for both sides finals aspirations . The Hawks won convincingly earlier in the season but the Sharks have steadied since . Krepps and Reed in the middle, Hook and S Avery in the Hawks forward line and Hawley and Orchard in the Sharks forward line are the key match ups . Hawthorn, with the aid of the home ground advantage, should be OK to record a narrow win . Power House play the first of four home games in a row (like they need it) when Uni High make the trek. Hard to stop singing the praises of the House, stars like Searle are occasionally held but never beaten and with an eager group of youngsters pushing for selection a let up is unlikely . A promising start for Uni High ha s
,~veled a bit in recent weeks as long term s see the Hous e " t l leS take teir to . less than ab utr8 goal y iviliIlg b.. vital game sees Richmond host ÂŤ,du~lnstown with double chance talk of vital ;i ;1,}ortance at this stage . Richmond put in a last week and a repeat instant likely as v. ika, O'Sullivan, Chief Shannon and Roids yl,litkl to proud to let it happen again . However, pri1lyhave got that look on them again . William s 1uin g as is Macleod . The classy Twist has been ng OK without starring, when he does look I think Willy might get the points . Finally, St .Johns host Monash and the home , ;de will be keen to take advantage of playing at home, something which has strangely eluded Item all year. Gross of Monash will have his llands full against the dangerous Hilton whilst dle match up of Bourbon and Walker in the mid IiUld will be a beauty . A must win for the Jacks, .u1d should do it by about four goals . ;T
goos Wicks, Hawthorn, House, Willy and St .Johns
Social Hawthorn have a boat trip scheduled for June 11 . See Stroudy for details . Correspondents Don't forget, Peter Williamson is slipping into my shoes for the next two weeks . Help him out by getting in the reports . Peter can be contacted on 9920 9054 (ph), 9920 9097 (fax) or via Peter.PS .Williamson@Centrelink .gov .au
Power House - congratulations to Cameron 1 ;;ugget" McLeod who today plays his 100th game . "Nugget" is our Reserve Captain & 3 times Reserve B&F . Well done "Nugget" from at Power House AFC .
SENIO, 3 - 3.06 .00 Albert Park 5.5 6.7 9 .9 10.9.69 Eley Park 3.3 7.8 15.10 19.17.131 Albert Park : Pasiras 3. Parnrans.che 2. Murray . Robertson. MeKerroiv . Finn . Marriott . Best: Tavlor. Walklev. fund. Lmnont. Robertson . Fleming. Eley Park : Wunh}1n 5. Bruce 4 . Hook 4 . Kennedv 2 . Bwven 2 . renner. Drane . Best : Krebs . Brace. Kennedy, Bowen, Drone. Wutihmt . Umpires : Jatnie Kvhis (F) Hawthorn Amateurs 0 .4 4 .11 9.13 9.16 .70 Power House 6 .4 9 .4 14.9 18 .16 .124 Hawthorn Amateurs : Lauletta 2. Johnston 2. S Avery . P Aver_v . Fulton. Patterson. Zaverella. Best : Garlick. Fulton. P Avery . Reed. Carter. Patterson. Power House: Searle 5, Craven 4, Lloyd 3 . McCrae 2 . Rampihig. Ash Burt. Scotland . Robertson . Best : Craven. Rampling. Senior. Wright. Clayton, Morris. Umpires: Ken Brewer (F) UHSOB 1 .1 4.6 5 .7 8 .9.57 Wi lliamstown 3.6 7.9 12 .16 14.18.102 UHSOB : B Farrellv 3 . Hellner 2. Mills . Johns, Wallace_ Best : Hellner. D Farrellv . Zuhekl . Johns. Gmithorpe. Shephard. WIlllanstoa-n: tYilliams 7. Macleod 2, Lee 2 . Bryan . Paeh. Macklev . Matthews. Twist. Best: Macleod Dene . Lee Harm . D Williams. Manning, Robinson, Umpires : Trent Foley (R) (F ) 5.6 7 .10 9.12 11 .13 .79 Richmond Central Monash Gryphons 3 .2 8 .3 15.5 16.9 .105 Richmond Central : Goal kickers and best placers results not received . Monash Gryphons : T Gilchrist 4 . Killmister 3 . Blanilford 2. Walter 2 . R Gllcln'ist 2, Lector . Lovett. R 1'Ihite. Best: Bourbon . Blandford . Gross . Watson. Leeton. Martin. Umptres : Paul Tuppen Geoff Moore (F) ELsternwick 4 .3 5.10 9 .15 11.18.84 16.7.103 St Johns OC 2 .1 7.6 11 .7 Elstermvick : A9issaglia 2. Brennan 2 . BravinLrton 2. Hartlev 2, Ned . tVhelan . LF'ons . Best: Neil . Whelan, Cunningham . Nicol . Contin. Hartley. St Johns OC : Hilton 5. Cohlrnv 3 . Walker 2 . Renoids 2, Van Houten 2 . Ladson. Jones . Best : Walker . O'Donnell . Van Houten .l2ydquist . Sharp. Jones. Umpires: Neville Boy9e (R) IF)
RESERVES - 3 .06.0 0 5 .7 .37 Albert Park Etey Park 17 .20 .122 Albert Park :S Allen 2 . McKay 2 . Buckley. Best: Jackson, S Allen. Heyes. Buckley . Pearson . MeKimrnie . Elev Park : Robbie 7. Johnstone 2. Kett 2 . Wright 2 Alexandridis . Boschetti. Fisher. Thomas . Best: rabble . S Paylie. Alexandridis . Hanrahan . Baldrv . Kett . Hawthorn Amatenre 2 .3 2.4 6 .5 8.8.44 Pocser Home 4 .1 9.8 15 .9 19.13.127 Hawthorn Amateurs : Law 2 . Dixon . Saulle. Davies . Hussev . Best : Edmonds . OHanlon. Bros, Davies. Orions . Saulle . Power House: Galakos 7 . Robinson 4 . Battv 3 . Paelou 2. Healey. Elliott. Miller. Best : Robinson . Hutchinson. Galakos . Healv. O'Sullivan. Elliott. UHSOB 0.1 2,5 2.8 6 .12 .48 Wi lliamstown 3.2 5 .3 6.9 7 .10 .52 UHSOB : Langton 2. Tunev . Pigdon . Brunton . French. Best: Patterson . Pigden. Turcey. Catterall . Vart Poperhtg. Stanton . WWIDiamsto-t:Buttergieg 2, Macleod Dun 2. Payne. Toby. Dmvsey . Best : Bergm. Sacioa Breguet . Campbell. Buttergieg. Dyer. Richmond Central 4 .3 9.5 12.9 17.10 .112 Rfonash Gryphons 2 .3 3.4 4.6 6.8.44 Richmond Central : Goal kickers and best plovers results not received . Monash Gryphons: Gouts 2. Carter, MeGrail. Bateman . Best: Kent . Hale, Batem an . Bett . Robinson. Callus . 1 .4 3.7 7 .11 8.11 .59 Elsternwlck St Johns 0.4 2 .7 3 .8 8 .12.60 . Clement . Devonshire . Best: Stard;os~ich. Elstermvick : Hankin 3 . Reeves 3 Clemeni . Peaslev. Devonshire, Currie. Yemm. St Johns : Hall 2 . Keaton 2. Sacco . Gates. KahID. Rudd. Best: Callender. Paneioni. Rudd, Draguldge. Fonceca.
ELEY PARK Coach : Gary Hickey Res . Coach: Peter Hayes
1 . P Smith (C) 2. N Pastras 3. B Isard 3. D Green (R) 4. W Rosowski 5. S Alla n 6. N Pantazopoulos 7. J Sutton (VC) 8. C Jackson 9 . P Chambers (DVC) 10 . M Phillips it .
12 . L Marriott 13 . B McKimmie 14 . T Prior 15 . S Kane 15 . J Snorrason (R) 16 . C Roberton 17 . D McLellan (DVC) 18 . J Taylor 19 . A Faranda 20 . J Bourn e 21 . J Sutcliffe 22 . S Redpath 23 . L Bertram 23 . A Bennett (R) 24 . A Dick 26 . G Finn 27 . S Ridout 28 . R Buckley 29 . G Walkley 30 . A Thomas 32 . S McKerrow 33 . T Murray 34 . N Rutherford 35 . P Barton 36 . M Pearson 37 . M Drought 38 . C Lamont 39 . J Lamont 40 . M Lapsley 41 . H Ross 42 . S Bolas 43 . D Jackson 44 . P. Manning 45 . J Roos 46 . B Derr 46 . D Barker (R) 47 . K McIntosh 48 . P Heyes (RC) 49 . J Murray 50 . D McKay 51 . D Depiazzi 52 . K Dohnt 53 . 54 . P Rutherford
55 . C McKerral 56 . S McKimmie 57 . D Beachley 58 . D Klei n 59 . P Knight 60 . M Sweeney 78, A Gay
Sponsored by :
., A .F.C .
Coach : Marty Hook Res Coach: David Bowen
Coach: Leigh Murphy Res Coach: Andrew Curtain
1 . S . Fisher 2 . P. Clear 3 . D. Carey 4 . D. Hawley 5 . S . Raymer 6. D. Bruc e 7 . D. Bowen 8 . T. Kay 9 . T. Morris 10 . L. McLean 11 . A. Hill 12 . J . Kelly 13 . J . Baldry 14 . A. Krebs 15 . S . Dix 16 . D. Carroll 17 . S . Payne 18 . A. Urquhart 19 . D. Trotter 20. M . Hook 21 . T. Morrison 22 . T. Blake 23 . S . West 24, C, Broadhead
1 L. Murphy (CC) 2 A . Hankin 3 C . Lyons 4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 J .• Cappiello 8 S . Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartly 10 R . Bravington 11 L. Messaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 M . Cunnngham 13 P. Stankovich 14 B . Mahoney 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 A . Neil 19 A . Peasley 19 M . Bullard 20 S . Clements 21 P. Stuchber ry 22 M . Mussared 23 S . Curtain (VC) 24 A . Foster 25 B . Frankin 26 C. Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W . Davidson 29 S . Mahon y 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 M . Hun t 33 J . Overman 34 A . Contin 35 P. McNally 36 T. Byrne 37 L. Lambe rt 38 B . Currie 39 P. Allen 40 S . Bacon 41 M . Hosking 42 J . Lilikakis 43 A . Burney 44 C. Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie 48 M . Frankin 49 J Yemm 50 G . McNeils 51 F. DiGiangregorio 52 D . Nolan 54 S . Kirkham 57 J . McAdam
25 . C. Coller 26 . P. Cantons
27 . L. Kett 28 . A . Briginshaw 29, A. Johnstone 30. D . Heynes 31 . M . Keown 32 . S . Bromley
33 . J . Alexandridis 34. J . White 35 . R. Drane 36. G . Smith 37 . A. lenarcic 38 . M . Schaft er 39 . S . Ryan 40. J . Day 41 . M . Renner 42 . K. King 43 . J . Laverty 44 . L. Dix 45 . M . Dell'Orso 46 . T. Hall 47 . C. Jolly 48 . G . Heath 49 . D. Payne 50 . S . Robbie 51 . M . Payne 52 . J . Nelson 53 . A . Reddington 54 . V. Fukushima 55 . S . Dix 56 . A . Wuillemin 57 . D. Smith 58 . C . Tippett
59 . B . Ellis 60 . D . Hanrahan 61 . P. Yelland 62 . W. Holm 63 . L . Tadday
110111VIEN U1 FIly g,~~~ ~~
580-582 Canterbury Rd , VERMONT y
Ph : 9872-3333
Coach : P~r Tyson
Re Coach : Kevin Stallworthy 1 D .Murray 2 G .Broadley 3 N .Patterso n 4 S . McDonal d 5 S .Avery P.Avery 7 A.Bourke 8 M .Dunstan 9 W .Pollock 10 P.Orchard 11 A.Sill
12 M .Mulcahy 13 J . Graves 13bJ .Povey 14 D .Lauletta 15 G .Macdonald 16 C .Reed 17 D .Zaverella 18 P.Ryan 19 D .Garlick 19bJ .Law 20 S .Parker 21 P.Stroud 22 J .Williams 23 M .Artini 24 S .Williams 25 M . Zaverella 26 M .Nowak 27 R .Lord 28 J .McCormack 29 P.Barker 30 M .Nunn 31 J .Best 32 D .McCowan 33 S .Duffi 34 J .Bo 9 e 35 D .Murphy 36 K.Sanders 37 D .Carter 38 M .Tyson 39 P.Hewish 40 I .Irvine 41 M .Irvine 42 S .West 43 I .Cheppa 44 P. Rositto 44bE . Sill
ASSOCIATES Certified Praeusi^^`°ounlant s 97 Imhitch, ° Roa d Blackburn V-ria 3130 Teiern - it ] Facsin, .._ 1733
Coach : Jack McDonald Res . Coach: Jim Goni s
1 . S . Bourbon (C) 2. M . Healy 3 . A . Grad y 4 . C . Robinso n 5. T. Gilchrist 6. J . Foste r 7 . D . Walter 8 . J . Blandfor d 9 . G . Wadley 10. P. Williamson 11 . J . Barri e 12. A. Gross 13 . J. Strafor d 14. R . Cormick 15 . A. Clarke 16. R . Bourbo n 17 . J. Hetheringto n
18 . C . Lovett 19, J. Lero 20. G . Browel l 21 . G . Kent 22 . B. Coxhea d 23 . D . Charleso n 24. D . Kitche n 25 . M. Killmiste r 26. T. Beslee 27, R . Gilchrist 28 . P. Batema n 29 . B. Lloyd 30. P. Hollan d 31 . G . Roch e 32 . D . Hale 33 . R . White 34. M . Graydo n 35 . J. Poussard 36. J. Watso n 37 . D . Nichol s 38. P. Callus 39. A . Coxhead 40. P. Moclair 41 . T. Robinson 42. M. Buic k 43 . M. Ca rt er 44, R . McDonald s 45 . J.Goni (RC ) 46. H . Be h 47 . K. Pocsia k 48 . L . Marti n 49 .S . Aren a 50. D . Ratne r 51 . C . Leeto n 52 . A. Palumbo 53 . M. Magri s 54. M. Kyriakou 55 . D . Bennett 56. K. Boatma n 57 . A. Jenkin 58 . G . Harrak 59 . M . Asbel l 60 . O . Becker 61 A . Visedo 62 D. White 63 B . McKay 64 A . Palumbo 66 S . Pellite r 69 S . McGrai l
11'' 1lens CaachCoach coach .- Bruce Canal : J( Has
1 R . Hassan 2 p~ . Ladso n S . Reynold s S, Holmes C, F')rbury L. O'Donnel l -~,rtnett
Coach: Pat ,!,-oka y Res Coach : Darren Creswell I R . Freija h
2 A. Talarico 3 D. Farrelly 4 S . Major 5 J . Glen n 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zulucki 8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 D . Bun n 14 J . Ham 15 B . Robinson 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 M . Farrelly 18 A. Hellner 19 B. Willi s -1) G . Madrigano S . ~.lills '?, Johns P. Eltringham L ~ .'arten D. O'Dwye r Carruthers D Clarke rke -land iamsen Pe
Coach : Darren Williams Res Coach : St n Quinn 1 . D William s
2 . J Buttergieg 3 . D Woud a 4 . S Wuchatsch 5 . D Macleod (C) 6. N Gran t 7. B Robinson 8. B Hann 9 . G Case 10 . B Cocks 11 . B Twist 12 . B Jones 13 . D Williams 14 . A Daniel 15 . W Phillips (S) 15 . P Bregut (R) 16 . D Sadler (S) 16 . S Ivkovic (R) 17 . S Phemister 18 . D Oldham 19 . P Dervan 20. R Hart 21 . S Mc Eachran 22 . Warren Payne (S) 22 W. Payne (R ) 23 P Sadler (S ) 23 . Kirk Dowsey (R) 24 . C Pac h 25 . G Burgess 26. D Le e 27 . C Matthews 28 . X Toby 29 . P Vincent 30 . A Black 31 . A Mackley 32. J Atlus 33 . A Savioa 34 . B Grant ,5 . C Bergi n M Imm s B Hynes D Macleod C: r >bett uras =:rvey ' .1 iher 2ra6s-Mannin g ; tl,aarly .mpbel l isch h,)ing nic _ r_ ride s ocio
. Coach : Gary Hickey Res . Coach: Peter Hayes
1 . P Smith (C) 2 . N Pastras 3 . B Isard 3 . D Green (R) 4 . W Rosowski 5 . S Allan
6 . N Pantazopoulos 7 . J Sutton (VC) 8 . C Jackso n 9 . P Chambers (DVC ) 10 . M Phillips 11 . 12 . L Marriott 13 . B McKimmie 14. T Prior 15. S Kane 15 . J Snorrason (R) 16 . C Roberton 17 . D McLellan (DVC) 18 . J Taylor 19 . A Faranda 20 . J Bourne 21 . J Sutcliffe 22 . S RedPat h 23 . L Bartra m 23 . A Bennett (R) 24 . A Dick 26. G Finn 27 . 5 Ridout 28. R Buckley 29 . G Walkley 30 . A Thoma s 32 . S McKerro w 33 . T Murra y 34 . N Rutherford 35 . P Barto n 36 . M Pearson 37 . M Drought 38 . C Lamon t 39 . J Lamont 40 . M La sle y 41 . H Ross 42 . 5 Bola s 43 . D Jackson 44. P. Manning
45. J Roos 46 . B Dorr 46 . D Barker (R ) 47 . K McIntosh 48 . P Heyes (RC) 49 . J 50 . D McKay y 51 . D Depiazzi
52 . K Dohnt 53 . 54 . P Rutherford 55 . C McKerral 56 . S McKimmie 57 . D Beachley 58 . D Klein 59 . P Knight 60. M Sweeney 78. A Gay Sponsored by : H.-96' k ..,~
Coach: Ma rty Hook Res Coach : David Bowen
Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Coach: Andrew Cu rtain
1 . S. Fisher 2 . P. Clear 3 . D . Carey 4, D . Hawley 5 . S . Raymer 6 . D . Bruce 7 . D . Bowen 8 . T. KayY 9 . T. Morri s 10 . L. McLean 11 . A. Hill 12 . J . Kelly 13 . J . Baldry 14. A. Krebs 15. S. Dix 16. D . Carroll
I L . Murphy (CC) 2 A. Hankin 3 C . Lyons 4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 J . Ca iello 8 S . Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartly 10 R . Bravington 11 L. Messagli a 11 P. Mahon y 12 N. Wigmore 13 M . Cunnngham 13 P. Stankovich
17. S . Payne
14 B. Mahoney 15 M . Noonany
18 . A . Urquhart 19 . D . Trotter 20 . M . Hook 21 . T. Morrison 22 . T. Blake 23 . S . West 24 . C . Broadhead 25 . C . Coller 26 . P. Cantone 27 . L . Kett 28 . A. Briginshaw 29. A . Johnston e
30. D . Heynes 31 . M . Keown 32 . S . Bromley 33 . J . Alexandridis 34, J . White 35 . R . Drane 36 . G. Smith 37 . A. lenarcic 38 . M . Schafter 39 . SRyan .
40 . J . Day 41 . M . Renner 42 . K. King 43. J . Laverty 44. L . Dix
45. M. DeII'Ors o 46 . T. Hal l 47 . C . Jolly 48 . G . Heath 49 . D . Payne 50 . S . Robbie 51 . M . Payne 52 . J . Nelson 53 . A . Reddington 54 . V. Fukushima 55 . S . Dix 56 . A . Wuillemin 57 . D. Smith 58 . C. TipPett 59 . B . Elli s 60. D . Hanraha n 61 . P. Yelland 62. W. Holm 63. L . Tadday ~~ 110, I Elly 580-582 Canterbury Rd, VERMONT
Ph : 9872-3333
E! 째 . . F.C .
16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 A . Neil 19 A . Peasley 19 M . Bullard 20 S . Clement s 21 P. Stuchberry
22 M . Mussared S . Curtain (VC) 24 A. Foster 25 B . Frankin 26 C . Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G. Devonshire 32 M . Hunt 33 J . Overma n 34 A . Contin 35 P. McNally 36 T Byrne 37 L. Lambe rt 38 B . Curri e 39 P. Allen 40 S. Bacon
41 M . Honking 42 J . Lilikakis 43 A . Burney 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie 48 M . Frankin 49 J . Yemm 50 G . McNeils 51 F. DiGiangregorio 52 D . Nola n 54 S . Kirkham 57 J . McAdam
Coach : Peter Tyson
Res Coach: Kevin Stailworthy 1 D .Murray 2 G .Broadley 3 N .Patterson 4 S .McDonald 5 S .Avery 6 P.Avery 7 A . Bourke 8 M .Dunstan 9 W .Pollock
10 P.Orchard 11 A.Sill
12 M .Mulcahy 13 J, Graves 14 D .Lauletta 15 G.Macdonald 16 C .Reed 17 D .Zaverella 18 P.Ryan 19 D.Garlick 19bJ . Law 20 S .Parker 21 P.Stroud 22 J .Williams 23 M .Artini 24 S.Williams 25 M .Zaverell a 26 M .Nowak 27 R .Lord 28 J .McCormack 29 P.Barker 30 M . Nun n 31 J .Best 32 D.McCowan 33 S .Duff 34 J .Bogie 35 D .Murphy
36 K.Sanders 37 D .Ca rt er 38 M .Tyson 39 P.Hewish 40 I .Irvine 41 M .Irvine 42 S .West 43 I .Cheppa 44 P.Rositto 44bE .Sill
cennled Pracns;neAccouiaot s 97 whirehor`se Roa d Blackburn Victoria 3130 Telephone 9$44 112 3 Facsimile 9894 1 733
Coach : Jack Don I R . Coach: jun G ain s
1, S . Bourbon (C) 2 . M . Healy 3 . A. Grad y 4 , C . Robinso n 5 . T. Gilchrist
6. J . Foster 7, D . Walte r 8. J . Blandfor d 9 . G. Wadley 10 . P. Williamso n 1 J . Barrie ~2 . A . Gross
13. J . Strafor d 14. R . Cormic k 15. A . Clark e 16. R . Bourbo n 17 . J . Hetheringto n 18 . C . Lovett 19 . J . Leroy 20 . G . Browel l 21 . G . Ken t 22 . B . Coxhead 23 . D . Charleso n 24 . D . Kitche n 25 . M. Killmiste r 26. T Besle e 27 . R . Gilchrist 28. P. Bateman 29. B . Lloyd 30. P. Hollan d 31 . G . Roche 32 . D . Hal e 33 . R . White 34 . M . Graydon 35 . J . Poussar d 36 . J . Watso n 37 . D . Nichols 38 . P. Callus 39 . R . Coxhead 40 . P. Moclair 41 . T. Robinson 42. M. Buick 43. M . Carter 44. R . McDonal d 45. J . Gonis (RC) 46 . H . Be h
47 . K . Pocsiak 48 . L. Marti n 49 .S . Aren a 50 . D. Ratne r 51 . C. Leeto n 52 . A. Palumbo 53 . M . Magris 54 . M . Kyriako u 55 . D. Bennett 56 . K. Boatma n 57 . A. Jenkin 58 . G . Harrak 59. M . Asbel l 60. O . Becker 61 A. Visedo 62 D . White 63 B. McKay 64 A. Palumb o 66 S . Pelliter 69 S . McGrai l
: -_ F-7--n Barne s .Coach : Andrew Rolls Coach: Craig Richardson
Rolls Hall Pavlou Turner Braini s ~ Burt Richardson 7 8 5 Cross g A Morris (VC) 10 C Lloyd 11 J Gill 12 J Robertson 13 J Harri s 14 A Burt 15 R Talbot 16 M Higgin s 17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 D Aitken 21 D Miller 22 J Marshall 23 S Craven (C) 24 S Cummins 25 D Boland 26 J Senio r 27 J Demetrie 28 B Rampling 9 R Cassi o 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 H Davidso n 33 R Taylor 34 K Elias 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 B Gilmour 38 J Kennedy 39 M Talbot 40 41 S Clayton 42 M Beasley 43 H Noren 44 S O'Sullivan 45 P Ryan 46 M McDonald 47 48 S Walsh 49 R Wright 50 P Conlon 51 B MacKenzie 52 K Barnes 53 R Dakins 54 J Blowfield 55 J Hearn 56 J Mahoney 57 58 59 J Healy 60 K McGuinness 61 62 63 D Searle 64 W Elliot 65 D Wright 68 D McGrath 69 D Galakos 71 L O'Sullivan 77 S Clarke 88 G Scotland
i ~ 2 3 N 4 ~ 5
Coach: Billy Dalton Res. Coach : TB.A. 1 . B . Dalton 2 . B . Holmes 3 . T.O'Sulllivan 4, P. Mijatovic 5 . S . Shannon 6 . G . Bunshaw 7 . P. Byrne s
8. G . Malcolm 9 . A . Leembriggen 10 A . Swika 11 M . Newton 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutton 14 C .Shannon 15 C . Barry 16 J . Bi rt 17 A . Fawcett 18 M . Zarjac 19 J . Manning 20 P.Joyce 21 A. Jones 22 A. Forbes 24 T. Guthrie 25 M . Smith 26 S . Baillie 27 C. Adams 30 B . Gilbert 33 A. Waters 34 J . Brooks 35 M . Albrecht 36 K . Whit e 37 G . Porteous 38 S . Griffiths 39 P. Woodman 40 C . Conve ry 41 C . Fraser 42 L . Kelly
ST JOHNS Coach : Bruce Mullane Res Coach : John Canal 1 . R . Hassan 2 . M . Ladson 3 . S . Reynolds 4 . S . Holmes 5 . C. Horbury 6. L, O'Donnell 7. M . Hartnett 7 S . Flentjar 8 . R . Dowsett 9 . S . Green 10 . A . Perrone 11 . D .Hall s 12 . P. Walker 13 . M . Jones 14 . J . Archer 15 . P. Denhart 16 . S. Callender 17 . S . Cockayne 17 C . Keaton 18 . C. Emery
19 . J . Scardamaglia 20 . B . Rydquist 21 . D . Scardamaglia 22 . P. Kahil l 23 . P. Sharp 24 . N . Gates 25 . D . Sanders 26. L. Ward 27 . S . Hilton 28 . D . Coulson 29 . D . Higgins 30 . R . Walker 31 . G . Wilson 32 A . Rudd 33 Z . Munroe 34 A. Dragwidge 35 J . Sacco 36 A . Hall 43 G . Tate 37 R . Walton 44 K . Day 38 A . Dobson 39 P. Liddell 45 K . Pardy 40 M . Hancock 46 A. Newton 41 D . Rydquis t 47 J . Hickey 42 T. Duccacubino 48 P. Vulcov 43 M . Van Hooten 49 P. Vulcov 44 B . Hilton 51 P.O'Kan e 52 C . Andonopolous 45 M . Dominich 46 D . Clowes 53 D . Hoga n 47 J . Ladson 55 I . Joel Pithcer 48 R . Mitt a 61 S . Conroy 49 T. Hyland 62 T. Graham 50 J . Doherty 69 M. Tapley 51 C . Santoni 72 V. Kelly 52 J . Brittain 74 J . Lane 53 S . Pancione 54 B . Hal e 55 S . Canning 56 B . Abejour 57 D . Jorgenson 58 A. Fonceca 59 M . Zodlak 60 L . Merrigan 61 R . Kenny
64 D . Edwards 65 E . Hilton
U .H .S .O .B . Coach : Pat Mackey Res Coach : Darren Creswell 1 R . Freijah
2 A . Talarico 3 D . Farrelly 4 S . Major 5 J . Glen n 6 S . Cracknell 7 D . Zuluck i 8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smit h 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 D . Bun n
Coach: Darren Williams Res Coach : S n Quinn 1 . D Williams
2 . J Buttergieg 3 . D Woud a 4 . S Wuchatsch 5 . D Macleod (C) 6 . N Grant 7 . B Robinson 8. B Han n 9 . G Case 10. B Cocks 11 . B Twist 14 J . Ham 12 . B Jones . Robinson 15 B 13 . D Williams 16 P. Gunthorpe 14 . A Daniel 17 M . Farrelly 15 . W Phillips (5) 18 A . Hellner 15 . P Bregut (R) 19 B . Willi s 16. D Sadler (S) 20 G . Madrigano 21 S . Mill s 16 . 5 lvkovic (R) 22 R .Johns 17 . S Phemister 23 P. Eltringham 18 . D Oldham 24 L . Marten 19 . P Dervan . O'Dwyer 25 D 20 . R Hart 26 B . Carruthers 21 . S Mc Eachran 27 D. Clarke 22. Warren Payne (S) 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 22 W . Payne (R ) 30 B. Abrahamsen 23 P Sadler (S ) 31 P. Dolenc e 23 . Kirk Dowsey (R) 32 H . Starbuck 24 . C Pac h 33 P. Drendel 25 . G Burgess . French 33 A 26 . D Le e 35 J . Harri s 27 . C Matthews 36 M . Patterson 28 . X Toby 37 G . Catterall 29 . P Vincent 38 A. Boyc e . Rea 39 M 30 . A Black 40 M . Blyth 31 . A Mackley 41 B . Henderson 32 . J Atlus 42 D . Wallace 33 . A Savioa 43 M . O'Neil 34 . B Grant 44 C. Percy 35 . C Bergin 45 N. Smith 36 . M Imms 46 R . Killey 47 M. Turvey 37 . B Hynes 48 C . Cook 38 . D Macleod 49 H . Williams 39 . T Carter 50 B . Rees 40. R Nisbett 51 M . O'Connell 41 . A Bouras 52 P. Dinnick 42 . S Harvey 56 J . Catli n 43 . K Maher 57 G . Divenuto 44 . M Bracks-Manning 58 M. Pigden 59 J . Barrow 45 . S Mc Nearly 60 J . Michael 46 . T Campbell 61 P. Hoban 47 . 5 Dye r 62 K . Rodgers 48. B Grummisch 63 S . Pengilly 50 . K Stebbing 64 J . Evans 51 . D Bubni c 66 J . Bradley 52 . A Petzierides 67 M. DeLuis e 68 G . Van Popering 53 . T Rya n 70 E . Ricciut i 57 . M Soccocio 71 B . Stanton . Saxby 72 T 73 S . Devlin 74 C . Longton 80 D . Cartwright
Clubs ha~,c received Sport 927 bumper stickers recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporters . For you chance to win a weekly VAFA / 927 Sports Pack comprising a Miller's Guide, a Sport 927 cap, (1) promotional football and a "For the Love of the Game" VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the V AFA. A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the Amateur Footballel, All entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize . At the end of the Rd18 should your club have submitted the greatest number of entries for the season, frvour club entries the winner of the Carlton Crest Hotel package will be drawn . Pac'- includes - accommodation, ever=-i,- meal, breakfast and (2) tickets to the AFL G .arinal. Winner announced in the Am ; eur Footballer August 26/27 .
U':ad' ' r ~
s OG
` players and go-,'kickers will be 12 noo n
Tuesday June 13 . Amateur Footb"i -I fc be available fo r pick up at y our club's usual ~=-! .t c;-~ r,,ay Ju ne 1 6th, rather than the usual Th ursday pick-up due to the Queen's Birthday holiday Monday . 2. Tribuna l Tribunal and investigations (if applicable) will be held on Wed„e ;day Ju-e 1n1h instead of the usual Tuesday night . ]?°--` fl° - ' ' --, - Clubs will have until noon, Tuesday June 13th a contac . tr VAFA to apply for a prescribed penalty .
i~C ~
227 McKinnon Roa d McKinnon
316 Malvern Road Prahra n
Telephone : 957 8 3232
Telephone : 9529 88 99
Level 1, Cnr Plenty Road and Kingsbur y Drive Bundoora
MELWAYS 68 El l HRS: Sam-8pm Weekdays 9am-l pm Saturdays
MELWAYS 58 E5 ~ HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-7pm Saturdays
Telephone : 9473 8780 MELWAYS
19 F 6 ~ HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 3-6pm Sat. / Sun .
CROYDON SPORTS MEDICINE CENTR E 383-387 Dorset Road Croydo n
Telephone : 9770 2343
Telephone : 9725 244r .
99 D11 HRS : 9am-7pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
~ HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-7pm Sat. llam-6pm Sun .
330 High Street Ashwood
Cnr Doherty's Road and Grieve Parade, Altona North
Telephone : 9481 5744
Telephone : 998 5 8961
Telephone : 9369 2444
I-IlZS : 8 .30am-8 .30pm Weekdays 8 .30am-12.30pm Saturdays
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
ALPHINGTON SPORTS MEDICIN E CLINI C 339 Heidelberg Road Northcot e
~rcentage, percentage, percentage . She.'s going to be oh so important come the end of the yea r as only Bentleigh and Bulleen have managed to put a break between themselves and the rest of the field at the half way point of the season . Sides that have dropped a couple of games on the trot have quickly found their way back to the middle of the pack . REVIEW One such side is Syndal who couldn't get past Old Westbourne down at Savers Road . The Warriors, aided by ruck work of Billman, were dominant through the centre of the ground and took the points in an even game . A . Horsburgh . Mutimer and Gibb were also amongst the action for Old Westbourne as they remain within striking distance of the top four . Eltha~-n returned to the winner's list, after being another side to lose a sequence of matches, with a big win over Werribee . Fifty one shots on goals meant a convincing margin for the Turtles, who were best served by Hardie in the ruck . Sharpe (4), Carter (7) and Mizzi . Fammartino was also busier than a Badgdad bricklayer in the first half, before drifting out of things after half time . Mt I,t1ydâ&#x201A;Źdâ&#x201A;Ź;'s recent good form continued as they took care of St Marys out at Lilydale . The Saints couldn't repeat their performance of the previous week and the Rams have now won two out of their last three following a slow start to the year . Bentleigh were able to reverse the trend of top sides getting knocked off, a pattern that has developed in recent weeks, with a comfortable win over Swinburne . The Razorbacks were also unable to relive their winning form of the week before as Bentleigh cleaned them up to the tune of 53 points . In the big clash of the round Bulleen ran out winners over North Brunswick as they turned in their best four quarter performance of the year . Again Matt D'Angelo featured prominently for the Cobras . as did Badanjek (5), Dall'oglio, Pulvirenti . The North Boys made them work hard for the points and despite the efforts of liagnussen, Famulari, Tancredi and Adams, acknowledged they were beaten by a better side on the day . In the last game of the round South Melbourne also pushed their way back onto the winner's list with a big win over Brunswick . It was an important win for the Districts, who risked dropping back even further if they let another game slip .
Another round and another batch of crucial matters a s we head into the second half of the ~-,~ar . And there are none more crucial than the clash between South Melbourne and Eltham . With both teams clinging to a place in the top four by percentage the opportunity to skip a game clear of one rival is not be sniffed at. The Turtles have shown an ability to put away the lower sides but need a win against good opposition to assert themselves whilst for South anything less than a win would complete a disappointing month . They will need to stop Hardie in the ruck and Fammartino's drive . however if Rosowski continues to lead from the front South are a strong chance . In what should be a hard fought contest Eltham might just hold sway by 17 points . The match between Bentleigh and Syndal is another that could have a big ramifications on the outcome of the season's of those clubs, particularly that of the Tally Ho boys . The two sides have been at opposite ends of the form scale of recent times with Bentleigh, led by the rampaging Sharp, sweeping all before them, and the Synners letting a couple get away from their grasp . Again with so much riding on the result a genuine contest is a certainty but Bentleigh should have too much class and take the points . St M arys host North Bruns wick at Ferndale Park with both sides looking to bounce back this week. Famulari continues his consistent year for the North Side and needs the other leaders at the club to stand up with him this week. The Saints will also be looking for a big lift from their senior players however North Brunswick will be too good at this stage and take this out by 26 points . Mt Lilydal e host Old We st.bourne today and are beginning to give this tipster a headache because I just can't follow them! The Warriors on the other hand are just hanging to the leading group and it's games like this one that they must win . Horsburgh, Mutimer and Wilson have all been in good touch however the Rams have proven a tough assignment in recent weeks .' Old Westbourne might just sneak home in this one, though not by very much . Bulleen will be keen to maintain their break over the third placed side when they meet Brunswick this week . No one can afford an upset loss at the stage of proceedings and players for
such as D'angelo . Gencarelli an d _nti will know this . The Wickers have show n but need to hold the , f1 " ability to kick scores sition to win games . Moore will be the key fo r along with the McBrides, but Bulleen ;htr,lld be too strong and win by 36 points . r±bee have the chance to get off the bottom he table when they host Sw -- in the las t ,a of today's round . The Bees h< ° been eom(, ._, especially at home, and a win in thi s will no doubt boost morale . Swinburne's weeks ago sent them clear of the woode n ,on zone temporarIly, but a loss today will see Ileln right back . Plenty to play for and Werribee ,night get the points . pft!' .SS CORRESPONDENT S It was suggested to me a few weeks ago that way to make this report a more interesting 1 would be to change the scribe, but with a disunct lack of volunteers I'm sticking with a couple more responses from the clubs each week as the ,( vT. ay forward! Please fax match reports t o 7 15 8 0 and I can also be contacted o n o= (-) 9 571 580 . C'mon fellas anything'll do !
q1 .~! ::cs_bour_e - h>< ._ Grair brings up his 50,,'n ;e>•ne and is congratulated by all at Old V.-cstbourne . This milestone would have come sooner, barring injury. One of the speediest in the competition "Demon" can cut up opposition sides with his pace . Bulleen Cobras - Brad Hoare has finally rec~ched 200 games after what seems a lifetime having suffered many injuries both on and off the field . "Hoarey" is a very skilled and hard at the ball player. He has won the club B&F, coached the 2nd I3, captained the team, and has been awarded a Life membership . A legend at Bulleen . (ongratulations and dwell done Brad .
.6.90 Piorth Bm .°5.3 G11. _ 10.5 14 .13 9.2 1 .5 17.13 20,13 Bull~-~xCol . lVerniza-n. J . Boudotoh. Lattoui. into Youn~ 3. Keriazis. Sc Nort.i Biuu Ai( bon . S. Taneredt. Duruco. W. Pretty. Fattaett. So. l6'ernhen . Cue. Best : =on. S . Tancredi . Famtilarf. Wttitrnan. J. Boudoloh . R. Pierre . Butteen ~. • u~k 5 . Clements 4 . Puhirenti 3. SaFksiaat3 3 . Dall'oglio. Dejong. ~, . T,mdu . Best : M. D'Ange'.o. P. Dztl'oglio . Badanjek. May. Pwb'lrenti. Un.y Leon Quota (R) IF) 3.6 10.14 11 .16 17 .20.122 1dt.Lil . 2.3 5.4 10 .6 13 .7.85 St rps : P . Cazolan 2. Has . 2. P,.c, 2. P : =t 2 . Rocrnev 2 . tmdersfln. M- ..tyc'°®: Turner 3 GI t. .,Vells . Best: vawa. Ginr t - ner . t.eonard . Loner an. . F. Harrtson. Davies. l~t: St . rys .. +. is 6 . Carra 3 . A. Go! L B Ik .~.es, Umpires: Pat Macbus: Ron Rou -is Bcnes . Carra. Theoharrs. P. Han South IF) : James Miebus (B). 12,9.81 B-ck A F C: 1 .5 4 .5 7.7 South irletb. Distri cts : 5 .5 14.8 18.12 23 .13 .151 Brnns,r-ick A F C : S. Moore 5 Brunt 3, Shnr . Bullcxk. Jame-o . Best: Hanmnet . : Gibbs i; . Lo^:etL S. Moore . Turner. o R Pn. t~.r._ "r. South 6ietb. Districts S.Da!c4 .Pe .vell3 .Jacobs 3.T ::--m. '.'. . U.. .- .Gosney .iteDonald.Henderson . Best: Pacell, Gibbs. Thmnas . R+>.,~- ;. C . .( . uag. Umpkes : Dash Fesis: Bob McLeod (F!11 .15 17.21 5.26.176 4.11 Elthsm col` ~ans: 15 7,7.49 3.0 3 .3 Werribee A curs: Sin, n ms : Carter 7 . Dean 6 . Sha~pe 4 . MacDonald 2. Darter 2, Carter. St H:. ril:er Amateurs: Harding 3. lsaac. Hartley. Saltnon. Birch. Best: ..n:ua T. McKee. B. McMillan . M . Brorvn. D~. Lenou¢t. E Umpim : Amneny S±ntpsnn : George Paleodimas (F) . 2 .0 4.1 7.2 8.6 .54 Swinburne University : 12.5 15 .10 16 .11.107 Bentliegl . A-FA: 8.4 S°rrinburneU nlversity: Sheedy 2 . Milano 2. DeBono 2 . N . Snuth . Goode. Best : N . Luckev. Bentlle~h A.F.C: Sharp 4..Snrith . Harris, Pfotrm+ski. Sheedv . DeBesm English 4. Pttelart 3 . R. Ftstiloek. Certain. 2viarutingHenr,+. A ; Richard Eastwood (R) IF) . .Umpire Old Westhourne ARC: 4.6 6 .7 9.10 11 .10.76 Syndal Tally-Ho: 1 .4 5 .8 6.12 8.14 .62 : Old Westbourne A .F,C : Moore 5. A. Horsburtstt 2 . Taylor 2. CroESrell . G:bb. Best A. Horsburrfit. .4utv-ner. Gibb. Fa!rtletd. rlTdrtdge. B illman. 8yndal Tally-Ho : Bxkett 2 . '--41acBenzie 2. Raab. Toee. Morrison . Rutter. Best: Maclienzte. P. Siteer. Cactiia. L . Hannentamt . Umpire: Mick Gttday (F) .
RESERVES -3 .06 .00 13.11 18.11 .119 North Brunswick : 5 .4 10.5 8.16 .64 1 .2 2.7 4.11 Bulleen Cobras: . Ri~azzi 2. Matin 2 . Healey 2 . P. : Croshta 5, Patullo 3 North Brunswick Boudoloh- M. Izoumtres . Son~eto. Armstrong. A . Baudotoh, Gaina Bes1 : A.: Thontansan 4, Bette 2. Jewell. Brtffa. Vanta. Maria . Bull een Cobras Robinson . Rennie . Best: Pearson . Mazzarella,l7tomattson . Paatsctt. Rigoni. Rodrigues . .65 Mt .Lilydale : 2,2 3.7 5 .8 8 .17 St.&Sarys: 3.3 6.7 9 .13 11 .15.81 : Walsh . Best Mt.Lilydale : Featonbl• 2 . H~ enboom 2 . Strachan 2 .. Kuffer. St .td arys: Evans 2, Johnson. Penltale . Sttachan, lealous .lVatstt, Gardiner Po}x 2, Joyce 2 . Andrews 2, Lawler, Zsembery. Heady. Best : Learmonth . Aiiller . ELans, Roseman . Benson . Pope. 7.5 9 .6 .60 Brunswick A.F,C: 3 .3 5 .3 .8.110 South Rielb. Districts: 3.2 8.6 14.7 17 Brunswick A .RC: McRae 2 . Lever 2. Wise 2 . Crai ~~{e- Sikora . Smith . B° .st: Lever, Kerr- McRae, Wise . Sikora.South Metb, Dist"riets: Fern 3. Brsson 3, . Johnson . Reardon, Martin 3 . Richardson 2 . Palahtrtdak 2 . Thomas Stankavich. Best : Contreras . Oaylor- Fern, Panther . Martin. Thomas . 1.3 4 .3 7.4 7.5.47 Eltham Co ll egians : 8.5.53 8.3 Werribee fn-nateurs : 5.2 7 .3 . Ho}vgate . 111ute . Eltham Collegians : Jovano+rski 2 . Mann 2. Diatiies. A Best : Turnev . Jovanavski. Sfiligoj- Baud. Rtapil . A. Hrncgate.Werribee . C . Alabakis, Amateurs : Matt Drew 2. Mick Drelv 2 . Cita4nnan . A . Atabakis Pisano. Best : Cunutuns . Thomas, Rantino, Alan". Crew, Chapntan . 6 .8 7.10.52 Swinburne University: 2 .4 3.5 Bentteigh A F C: 0.0 3.2 3 .2 6 .3 .39 Swinburne University: Roberts 2. Dentarte . Jones . Thomas . Kane. Cason . A F C: Best: Hanulton. Jatues, Jones . Detnarte. Kane, Fitz erald . Bentleigh Beatie 3, 5atnatakos. D. Fishlock . Jemrneson . Bes~ : H . ?3evz. Koptscinski . Katastavros . Catterson, Beatie, L . Pitttto . 3 .6 5 .12 6.14 .50 Old Westbourne A,F:C: 2.4 0.2 2 .3 2.3 3.4.22 Syn det Tally no : Old Westbourne A .RC: Mesman 3 . Craig . D. Slattererv. O'Keefe . Best : M . ilquiiina. Syndai O'Keefe . D . Slatterp. B. Slattery . CraJ. Dander8eld. Tally $o : M. Richardson 2 . Psinas. B"st: D}z'3e . A . Richazdson. Payne . M. h4aeEartane . Clark. M . Richardson.
RENTL: :GH Coach : Paul Dimmatina Res . Coach: Paul Jemmeson C Sharp ( C)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P Morgan A Anastasio D Lewis M Eyles (VC) R Webe r M Colaiacovo J Handfield I Jackson A Hen ry
D Martin (C)
BRUNSWICK Coach: Stan Gilday Res. Coach : Steve Kannegiesser 1 B.Lovett 2 J. Markham eam
4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9
J .Bell S .Goodwin A Lever D .Dowdle P.Laming D .Sedgwic k D . Clarke J .Grixti
12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
L Codarin B Fotopoulos P Within9to n P Jemmerson (RC) J Psaras S Adaway S Hall (RVC) R Fishlock A Graham S Arvanitis A Cloug h G Stamatakos
11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 6 57 58 59
B . Padgha m J(Eddy) Seeley (VC) R English D Fishlock M Eefting L. Sampson L Ireson M Backman P Hutchison (VC) G Beattie L Pittito J Bounsal l J Neve RDVC ) ( G Kell R Neve S Craven (RDVC} A Pittito G Rubio-Thorne
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
B Moffat
J. Fly A Stanes M Pirie R Hall M Snelling S Cologero D Manning Aitke n T Cox T Caterson D Pittito
S .James M .Mcbride M .Lovett L .Mcbride
26 7
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80
81 82 AA
T.Fulton S.Kannegiesser S. Moore R.Smith A.Dean G .Mcgowan V.Gaffy N .Melone
.Dreier G .Conway S ~3 .Mcbride S .Mcbride M .Bulloc k S . Draffin S .Londrigan M .Whiteside S .Hewitt A .Lo s A .Berius M .Attard J .Hope R .Mainelli M .Bon d S .Woodbridge D.Woodard s C. Mille r
P.Geddes P.Mcrae L . Marchant J.Ear A .Cosmano A.Geddes G .Cavanagh S .Grant B . Cazaly B . Brett TLoveH M .Cox Y.Saad C .Caminiti C . R an D .S o cks E.Pavio G . Surace H .Hahne J .Bradley J .Ericson J .Gibson J .Harri s L.Cavanagh L .Corde s M .Commerford M .Nuqen t M .Robinso n M.Ryan N .Bowma n P.Conduit P.Stocks R .Craigie R . Dantonio R .Dipietro S .Mclean
S .Vidler W.Watson
' :: :_:.'s
Coach : Joe D'Ange!o ' Asst . Coach: John Kalpaki s Res Coach : Jamie Redfern
1 J . kalpakis 2 T. Orwin 2 S. Petty (RC) 3 R . Pulverenti 4 I . McLeod 4 N. Cartledge 5 M . Dall'Oglio (C) 6 I . Baccini 7 F Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Goetz 10 A . Gencarelli 11 A . DeJong 12 13 N . Cooke 14 S . Casey 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trindhi 17 M . Fait 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapma n 20 J. Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 M . Opie 25 W . Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27
COLLEGIAN S Coach: Peter Slacik Res. Coach : Jason Lees 1 D . Fammartino
2 T. Dugga n 3 R . Pilapi l 4 B. Doody (C) 5 S. Jea l 6 M . Best 7 M Gasparotto 8 L Sharpe 9 C. Watson 10 W. Bate s 11 J Mizz i
12 J . Lees 13 R . Bell 14 S. Justic e 15 L . White 16 D . Barnett 17 G . Lays 18 A. Macdonal d 19 R. Kennedy 20 A . Hardie 21 M . Luttick 22 R . White 23 J . Woodward 24 25 C M. Horsburg h 26 J. Glare 27 R . Beecroft 28 T. Barnett 29 A. Macaulay 30 A. Hadfiel d 31 T. Carte r 32 C. Bau d 33 A Yule 34 R . Pilapil 35 T. Todaro 28 A . Foskeft 36 D . Howgat e 29 A . Summers 37 M. Whela n 30 S . Colverston 38 D . Ardin 31 S. McLaren ( DVC ) 39 F. Coonerty 32 C . Clements 40 J . Bau d 33 A. Coo k 41 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 42 S . Weinma n 43 M . Sfili9oj 35 T Bette 44 T. Hardie 36 P. Dall'0 lio 45 R . Davies g 37 J . Paatsch 46 38 G. Brown 47 48 39 H . Dimitriou 50 A. Kelso 40 T. May 51 S. Maxfield 41 R . Rigoni 52 G . Stackpole 42 V. Dam 53 M . Stammers 43 B . Dimasi 54 P. Barnett 55 P. Morrow 44 B . Saaksjarvi 5 6 45 J . Mustica 57 S Gathercole 46 C . Borrell i 47 48 M . Soumelidis 49 50 C . Genitsaris 51 R . Rodrigues
CENTRE 1-3 Greenawav St , Bulleen 3105
59 B. Evans 60 B. Sumpter
62 63 C. Dods 64 65 S Scahfer
^' UTLILYDALE Coach: David Keas Res. : Jason tCoach Flanagan 1 D .Johnson 2 P Hayes 3 F Varga 4 G . Davis 5 P Stone 6 D . Cicchiello 7 D Hendri e 8 A . Strachan 9 A Del Biondo 10 J Gardiner 11 C Gibso n 12 M Brebner 13 R Kidd 14 C Wals h 15 B . Commerford 16 P Caulfield 17 A Burrett 18 B Jealous 19 J Burges s 20 A Penhale 21 T Amos 22 L. Proctor 23 B Egan 24 Q . Ronney 25 A Delahunt 26 T Flanagan 27 N Pearce 28 T Crowe 29 P Furlon g 3 0 G Bird 31 P Varga 32 P Carolan 33 C Anderson 35 D Callanan 36 E O'Brien 37 M Pearl
38 D Kennedy 39 L Allanson 40 W Newell 42 M Periera 43 D Holloway 44 M. Munk 45 R McKenzie 46 K Maniscalchi 47 C Lonerga n 48 D Featonby 49 M . Maltar 50 J . Kuffer 51 J Flanaga n 52 M Wells 53 M . Leonard 54 M . Smithie s 55 H .. Flanaga n 56 L.. Hoogenboom 58 L. Egan 59 J . DeRun 60 T. Wilson 61 G. Cowan 62 B. Cox 63 D . Prest 64 D .. Turner D . Brigh t L. Tol l
F. Livingston C. Varga
Q)fE-) D RUUSW9 C K p~ ah . Craig Pox Dowsett ~h; peter S. Wernham
D . Adams G. Lattou f P. Dimarco W, McMaho n 6
D. pizzari
D. Magnuson A. Peterso n A, Sammartino W. Fawcett J . Boudoloh S. Care 3 C . Anderson 14 M . Newton 15 H . Tsialtis 16 S . Tsialtis 17 A . Kyriazis 18 B . Whitma n 19 S . Famulari 20 N. Oates 21 Scott Wernham 2 2 C . Fox 23 D . Ellis S. Tancred i 25 J. Thompson 23 R . Pretty :7 D . Lawton 28 W. Pretty 29 C. Jewell 30 S . Healey 31 J . Freeman 32 M . Mason J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasa le 35 P. Dowsett 36 P. Tancredi 37 D . DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Page 44 M . Fayad 5 B . Alameddine 46 C . Boyd 47 G . Goumas 48 A. Young 49 M . Laoumtzes 50 B . Laoumtzes 52 A . Boudoloh 53 P. Cross 54 S . Milroy 55 P. Sorleto 56 L. Patullo 57 J . Heck 60 A. Armstrong 61 J . Polemicos 62 J . Briffa 65 L . Rigazzi g
SUMMERWORLD Tabaret, Bar & Bistro 502 Sydney Rd , Coburg ph: 9354 7177
STH eMELR DI T. Coach:
Res . Coach: Stewie Craig
Res Coach : Mel Boyer
1 G . Robson 2 D . Taylor 3 S. DePiazza 4 A . O' Keef e 5 S . Craig 6 J . Horsburgh 7 R . Mutimer 8 A Horsburgh 9 C. Villinger 10 J . Wilson (C) 11 J . Lott 12 M . Gibb 13 S. Hewi tt 14 B . Mattson 15 A . Board 16 S . Christo
1 . B. Anaipakos 2 J . Burke 3 . M. Hannan 4 . S. Stefi 5 . N . ~r~z~ 6. S . King 7 W Raso,mski 8. S . Smith g M . Balsaw 10 . G . McDonald 11 . P. Moon 12 . A. Hobbins 13 . E. Henderson 14. A. Bullman
18 P. KIng 19 M . Craig
15. B. Lazzaaro 16• M . Thamas 17. B . Gibson 18. T. Green
20 S . Chaffey
19 . S . McDougall
17 M . Aquiline
21 B. Dangerfield 22 W. Fleming 23 G . Flower 24 L . Fairfield (VC) 25 D . Moore 26 P. Mesman (RC) 27 D . Billman 28 D . Slattery (RVC) 29 D . Horaburgh 30 R . McMillan 31 R . Aldridge 32 G . Jenkinson 33 S . Walker 34 35 D . Rivalland 36 K . Pilsbury 37 A . Leitch 38 B . Mattsson 39 A. Robbins 40 S. Leitch 41 42 43 P. Hopper
44 B . Slattery 45 T. Milne 46 A . Nibloe 47 T. Said 48 A . Lipscombe 49 50 P. Habersatt 51 52 53 T. Robertson 55 B . Davis 1 P. Kegagias 2 K . Sheldrick . Davis 3 4 B 57
20 . J . Pohlner 21 . B. Powell
22. G . Mlatovic 23. P. Hannon 24. A. Bryson 25. P. Cheevers 28. J. Royle 27. B . Downing
28 . D. Thomas 29 . P. Nice 30. S. Wright 31L Berry
32. D . McGee 33. J. Bradley 34. J. Sadat 35, N . Vergos
36 . M . Fe m 37 . M . Rosovwsk 38 ' S. Herman 39 . A. Contreras
40. L. Williams 41 . A. Berrigan 45 M . ~neY 46 M . Bellesini
50 T. Hughes
M Y AR i 'S coacn~S: P te Olivier
Res Coach: Mi cha el Learmonth
1 . M . Learmonth 2 . B . Boyes 3 . R. Livingstone 4 . N . Goldsworthy 5. 6 S. Ston e 7 N . Malloch 8 A . Zsembery 9 K . Gillard 10 T. Jones 11 J . Bernardi 12 13 J . Hill 14 W . Ross 15 D . Andrews 16 J . Wedrien 17 P. West 18 B. Frail 19 20 A . Lane 21 22 R . Alle n 23 J . Goldsworthy 24 I . Goulett 25 B . Sellers 26 G . Koumantatakis 27 28 J . Inne s 29 P. harrison
30 P. watson 31 W. Drew 32 33 M . Lynch 34 M . Tindley 35 G . Theoharris 36 E . Evan s 37 A. Dwye r 38 F. Harrison 39 A . Milla r 40 L . Vincent 41 A . Dickeson 42 43 M . Cahmberlain 44 A . Gunn 45 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousi s 48 D . Morco m 49 D . Roberts 50 M . Ellis 51 P. Poe 52 J . Hough 53 J . Davies 54 X 55 P. Mulcahy 56 M . Scammell 57 X 58 D . Kempster 59 A. George 60 S. Benso n 61 G . Sigley 62 63 P. Rosema n 64 J . Harrington 65 . Pilikidi s 66 67 G
59 A. Lipscombe 60 N . Aquilina Sponsored by: `~~~®,i~~~
68 69 J . Hendy 70 J . Ega n 77 J . Dwyer 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne
111 J . Carta
SWINBURN E UNIVERSITY Coach : Matthew George
Res Coach : T.B .A . 1 G . Popple 2 J . Sheed y 3 J. Piotrowsk i 4 A . Fidler 5 J . Demart e 6 B . Canfiel d 7 A . Hamilto n 9 M . McCalma n 10 M . George 11 D. Milano (C ) 12 B . Nicholl 13 M. Lucke y 14 R . Good e 15 C . Thomas 16 S . Reynoldso n 17 J . Andrinopolous 18 A . Fiuman i 19 B . O 'Mar a 20 M . Trainor 21 R . Merke l 22 S . George 23 J . Kan e 24 M . Caso n 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Schwerd t 27 A . Collin s 28 T. Harri s 29 R . Cavicchiolo 30 P. Tur k 31 C. Drago 32 P. Jones 33 N . Smit h 34 D . Brodi e
35 K . Abbott 36 C . Gillmarti n 37 P. McDonal d 38 T. Reed 39 B . Prior 40 J . Henry 41 T. Drahtidi s
42 L . Waters 43 J . Robert s 44 N . 45 D . Isli p
46 J .Sandhu 47 J . Sevdalis 48 M . Debono 49 R . Winters 50 M . Goodwin 51 P. James 52 S. O'Donnell 53 S. Flanagan 55 S. Gallin a 56 R . Hoewe 58 A . Roberts 60 J . Puglisi
~outdys}ponsured b ~
Whitehorse In n 5 Burwood Rd ,
Hawthor n ( 03) 9818 499 1 RObbie ' s
0413 539 501
~ ® SV DA! TAL U. "e . V Coach : Kevin Harnet t Res Coach : Nick Toce 1 J Barro (DVC) 2 I Bingha m
3 M Joy (C) M Grocott 4 P Henderson (C) 5 D Hannett (RC) B Dix 6 J Cotsis (RVC) C Price 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S O'boyle 15 N Murray 16 B Boucher (RDVC) 17 A Burges s
18 S Macfarlane M Foal e 19 M Glenister 20 C Hal l I Mackenzie 21 A Thompson 22 S Hoare
23 M Beckett 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (RC) 26 G Stofiridis 27 G Kemper 28 M Kennedy 29 A Shee r 30 J Erta n 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 M Richardson 34 V Wong 35 C Cachia (VC) 36 P Van Velsen 37 A Danc e 38 M Christiansen 39 G Dimitropoulos 40 N Toce 41 A Morrison 42 A Findlay J Sargent 43 A Brown 44 D Raab J Maestros 45 D Richardson 46 M Pan e
47 M French 49 M Buckley 51 W Hal l 53 C Varnavas 54 P Sheer 65 D Kennett 81 S Day
Coach : Tim Ellis Res. Coach : Eddie Galizi 1 D. Frase r
2 S . McNamara 3 C. Cummins 4 S . Conway 5 S . Bisb y 6 S. McGrath 7 T. Elli s 8 C . Camilleri 9 A . Towers 10 B . Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D. Lenoury 14 B . McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C . Becker 18 E. Collier 19 J .Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbon 22 A . Dibaitista 23 C . Becker 24 S . Harding 25 S . Pugliese 26 P. Thomas 27 D. Warwick 28 C . Whiting 29 S. Dol e
30 B. Carlesso 31 P. Marsh 32 B . Seeber 33 S . Fuller 34 K . Mongrey 35 J . Young 36 D . Stephenson 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Crooks 39 C . Chapman 40 L . Carson 41 M. Houston 42 S. Fletcher 43 E . Galizi 44 D . Flack 45 D . Czajkowski 46 P. Roger s 47 D . Shelley 48 G . Shelley 49 D. McKee 50 K. Pace 51 M . Greene 52 L . Djakovic 53 N . Robert 54 R . Portogallo 55 D . Gullfounce 56 A . Addamo 57 M . Brow n 58 A . Birch 59 A . Albakis 60 S . Hartley 61 G . Warren 62 C. Albakis 63 P. Browning 64 S . Pisa k 65 R . Engler
act number of goals and behinds fo r each team must be accurately named Entry to be faxed to 9531 2050 or emailed to phii@vafa .asn .au _ Entry to be received by noon Tuesday preceding match
This Week --ttrartt} $5(} 0 (`A FP, club)
}d, prize increases each wee k `IE"T WEE€t'S MEITCH -
PR E, --2 : TO ` . I 1' 1 N 1 NCa EN`I
.-'- T !T i O
:il ; !,' .T-NCi!, ;wD CLUB . ~ -NTRY; NA M E VAFA C LU B ,
Original and pink copy must be lodged with urn,-)ire,, no later than half time of any match . . I ,ach player must sign the original. clearly beside name which must show first and surname Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
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- Permits
W n~ I-Md ra速Ca L+r速e as (Fri)
~ ~
- :h da The 'r? _`p (Glenhuntly Rd) is open The raar a t (off St Kilda St) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
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CLUB 18 (1 1
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OLD IVANHOE v. COLLEGIANS (clash with Seniors) tAUDER-19 SECTION 1
; .J1 91i & 61ue) (U1 ~;2 ~_ _ ..,
BI .I' .O . has completed the magical and historical double with an emphatic win against a Unit Blues team that is clearly not playing at the level Coach King requires . Pullen & Lynch were terrific for SKOBS and Russell was outstanding for Uni . De La is back in town! Word is that the team has and will settle down over the next few weeks, as proven with the 11 goal-kickers resulting in 32 (; .
Unfortunately for O.P .`s they caught De La nearly at full strength . Old H . took this game right up to Xavs through Smith (3g), Fletcher & Shaw . If they could have kicked straight in the last, the result could have been interesting. Xavs like Uni, obviously need to improve, othArwise a final four spot might slip away. Old B .'s just keeps marching along, another 185pt victory! Ward, Mizzi and Hendra dominating. For Mazenod, Jones and Collins were the only two real contributors . Coach O'Bee has been saying it for a while and finally the lions did "roar" and had a sensational win against the in-form O .M .'s . Holst and Herman were special! O .M .'s - look to next week . St . B .'s have quietly worked their way within one game of the 4 . Gleeson outstanding with 40 possessions . For Marcellin, their on-ballers were great but they could not finish the work off. Section 2 In a tough game the Hampton Rovers held Old Trinity goalless in the last quarter and managed to come from behind and win by just five points . Fisher kicked 4, while Carr, Kelly and Stafford were best for the Rovers, while Armatas. Cornell and Christopherson were all good for Old Trinity . Beaumaris continued the good form that has seen them go to the top of the ladder as they beat a gallant Old Carey who pushed them all day . McMillan, Deaton and Tabbot were excellent for the victors who had ten goal kickers in a great team effort, and for Old Carey Hutchins, Bartley, Gazinski and Stewart all played well . The Whiefriars dominated in the first half to go on to convincingly beat MHSOB by 41 points . Coslovich kicked five for the winners, while Barugh, Janson, and Kennedy were good around the ground . MHSOB were playing catch up football all day, but had good performances from Veale, Keys and Tarr . Yarra Valley put in their best effort for sometime and managed to get the points against Old Ivanhoe . The Bushrangers were led by Urbano, Strong and Parry, while Gibson . Clancy and Lynch all battled hard for Old Ivanhoe. Old Scotch had the bye.
:. _10P1
- ~
Blues had a resounding 123pt win against a depleted De La Main Oval . The percentage boost was well needed due to 4 other teams clambering around :ir heels . De La being scoreless in the last half just isn't good enough . M ore effort is required, not by individuals, but as a team . Caul . Grammar caused the upset of the round with a magnificent win against a lack-lustre St . Leo's. That win keeps them well in touch with the 4 . For St. Leo's, Cullen, Beljak and Dick were good . In what could have been a close game, became a whitewash with an t ig lst quarter to zip . Q.M .'s failed to trouble the main sticks, which should be an embarrassment to the team whereas, the 53 shots at goal were exceptional . The District Boys keep cruising along with another sterling win against a gallant Ormond . Although the Swans actually doubled their score. Ormond battled hard through Putz . Casey and Harvey and just could not finish off some fine work. At Southern Reserve . Mentone had to fight hard for the first 3 quarters against a dauntless Packer team . Atherton with 6 goals was best, with McLeod and T. Barr (chimed in with another 4g) . Section (2) Red Previously infallible Old Essendon received the shock of their lives when they had to come from behind to beat Old Camberwell by a so litary point in an thrilling game . Led by Beranger, Derry, and Tipper the Wells got off to a great start kicking 5 goals to 1 in the first quarter, but Old Essendon clawed their way back and snatched victory and remain undefeated at the top of the ladder . The North Old Boys again showed their strength with a 93 point victory over Bulleen Templestowe . In a best on ground performance for the NOBs, Joyce kicked 3 goals and was backed up by Denton and Hedgeland, while Hill, Conte, and O'Donnell fought out the game well for Bulleen. Rupertswood had a return to form with 14 goal kickers kicking 33 goals to run out big winners over the Tiger Sharks in a commanding display of ski ll . Temming kicked 7 and Burrowes 6, while Hatty and Stafford were also good for the winners ; for the Tiger Sharks Logan kicked 4 and Barnett and Jackson played consistent football . In a close game Therry Penola came from behind to beat the Uni Blacks by only 2 points . Smith, Reynolds, an d Taylor got Therry Penola over the line, while the whole Blacks team have stepped up in recent weeks with Schirmer .
, and Bushby leading the way on Aquinas had the bye . Previe w , 1 ,I p.'s need to start the game like they finished against St. K .'s . Naturally T .P.O . is trying
ain the "final's fever" seeping into the team they have defeated all teams in the four . lations 'flag favourites'! De La host th e g St. B .'s in what will be the match of th e . De La holds a 44 .8% lead on St. B .'s, bu t ociay - 40% . King's Blues should win wel l ;t Old H . at Crawford Oval . But a 4-quarte r still needed . If not, Old H . could get withvs and Old B .'s travel up to Magpie Lan d natch up at Victoria Park. Xavs need to prov e l selves against a quality team . Can they play match? Manni - get them fired up, you nee d r :n . The Nodders play O .ft .'s in a`must win ' noth clubs . Both teams have come off shockin g from last week, but for today . O.M .'s . er terrific game! Collegians, who are back o n ek, are against Mareellin, who are thereabout s not quite there. This game will go to the wire, Collegians for their first home win . c iio n 2 'Iarra Valley had their first win in a while las t ek but will need to show more if they're going iiallenge the in-form Hampton Rovers who seem i :, have the ability to beat any side on their given The Rovers should win convincingly . Up until a fv weeks ago one would think Old Trinity would !'-.- account for Old Carey, but the former section iers have begun to struggle while Old Care y <hoxed a bit of fight last week proving they're capai, :e of big things. Old Trinity have too much at I ;e and simply can't afford to lose this one . hitefriars have began to look more and more danrous as the season has gone on and should hav e zifiat it takes to give ladder leader Beaumaris a run for their money . In a close one I'm going for Beaumaris . Old Scotch will be determined to not let iiie top of the ladder drift too far away from them and should have a good win over Old Ivanhoe . ',?HSOB have the bye . S,_ c :tiâ&#x201A;Źsn (2) Bhx e
Howard's Packer Boys host a Monash Blues :,in looking for another percentage boosting triumph . The Blue's forward line is just too strong for Glen Eira to cope with ; and now with Rosengarten and Leithbridge dominating, too many opportunities for goal appear. Caulfield are at home again to a De La team needing to re-group after last week's devastating performance . Alas, the Grammarian's should win and win well, providing them with an opportunity to close that percentage gap with the teams above them . St. Leo's travel down Springvale Rd to Old Mentonians, hell bent on administering a "bone-crunching' win . Cherry and Podbury will not be held down again . Sth . Melbourne District meet Ajax in the match of the round between the co-tenants of the lake . Can Coach Zuker "uncork" that bottle and unleash another 4-quarter effort from the
relentless Jacker team of runners? Yes, he can! The undefeated Swans will be outrun for their first defeat of the season . Ormond need to bounce back this week against Mentone to keep their place in the 4 . This pressure will keep them on track for a 3goal victory . Section (2) Red Despite their narrow win last week Old Essendon should return to form when they take on the gallant Therry Penola side . The ladder leaders will take nothing for granted and will be more determined than ever to maintain their winning streak . In the match of the day Old Camberwell take on the North Old Boys in what should be a brilliant game . The NOBs have been good all year while the Wells will be disappointed about last week's game and want to make amends by knocking off the 2nd placed team on the ladder . In a close one I'm going with NOBs . Aquinas have shown that they're not just easy beats in their last few games and Bulleen-Templestowe should beware this week as the Bloods will stop at nothing to get their long awaited win on the board . In a good game I think the Aquinas will break through and record a hard fought victory . Rupertswood have shown that when they're at full-strength they're a force to be reckoned with and will have too much fire power for the ever improving t" it Bla(' .s . The Tiger Sha) '._s have bGre .
COLLEGIAN S Coach : Richard Obee 1 D. Coombes
2 R . Mui r 3 D . Dowling 4 R . Sztar 5 B . Hoist
6 A. Fletcher 7 J . Farley 8 B. Sloman 9 B. Lo w 12 M. White 13 B . Lumb 14 J . Dixon 15 N . Perera 17 A. Shinkfield 18 D . Browing 21 N . Chalmers 22 C . Rologas 25 M . Rei d 26 P. Krotiris 27 B. Donnelly 29 B. Lukav 31 N . Herman 32 M .Johnson 33 J . Fitzpatrick 34 J. Young
40 J. Dixon 43 B . Waters
1 . L . Young 2 . C . Moran 3 . S . Evans 4 . S . Brown 5 . S . O'Connell 6 . A. Bonnici 7 . G . Wis e 8. M . Naughtin 9 . S . Hyd e 10 . S . Hale 11 . D. Doyle 12. B. Hawkins 13. W . Jolley 14 . J . Lowe 16 . M . Miller 16 . B . Kropman 17 . J . Kean 18 . C. Mercuri 18. A. McLeish 19. R . Burrows 19. T. Woodlock 20. M . Picone (C) 21 S. Murray 22 T. Molan 23 P. Mulholland 24 J . Garland 37 .J Hynes 39. M. Goodier 40. P. Harrison 41 D . Spithill 42 A. Coffey 42 A. Carullo 47 J . Stinear 52 D . Poynton 61 R . Warmsley 63 P. De La Haye 70 M . Duggan
1 . R. Galati 2 . D . Cracknell 4 . L . Neal 6 J . Carpenter 7 D. McMillan 12 L. Connal 13 J . Matthews 15 R . Baeyni 16 L. McMillan 18 L. Furlan 19 M . Mccartin 23 P. Hesse 25 N . Bisas 27 B . Norden 28 S . Bake r 29 D. Ballantyne 32 V. Cahill 35 A. Carson 37 A. White 40 D . Newell 43 G.Thomas 53 S . Allitt
Coach: Wayne Hotdsworth
Coach : Brenden Flynn
Coach: Manny Nlcoloal
1 P Gallagher C 2 T Bryant 3 S Arden DVC 4 M Hawkins 5 T Stonie r 6 J Grant 7 D Stewart 8 P Grundy DVC 9 J Byrn e 10 B Marks 11 C Hinkfuss 12 T Middleton 13 A Simpson 14 T Cook 15 J Bracy 16 J Berman 17 H O'Brien 18 T Fitzgerald 19 M Marson VC 20 C Alder 21 S Kennedy 22 A Wall 23 A Treloar 24 J Tucker 25 P Thomas 26 C Walker 27 L Beilby 28 M Radyvronik 29 T Duncan 30 A Wu 31 J Mulcahy 32 E Selby 33 C Miller
1 . L. McMahon 2.
1 . A. Kelly
3 . M . Cosgriff (C) 4.
5 . P. Palermo 6. 7. M . Zannino 8. L . Collin s 9 . M . Shepherd 10. B . Mobrici if . T. Bateman 12 . S . Hickey 15 16 18 N . El Mohamed 19 G . Moore 23 A . Ploenges 24 T. Lombardi 27 S . Corcoran 29 S. Doyle 32 35 A .Tenson 36 D . Boundy 50 D . Furze 52 J . Bonaci 56 T. Jenkinson 64 L . Price
2 . A. McGarth 3 . B. Calman ~C) 4 . J . Scanlan 5 M. H' gins 6. M . AN n 7, S, Johnston 8 . L. McDonnell 9 . J. Ralp h 10. J. Chambers it . L . Farrow 12 . J . Dillo n 13 . D . Behan 14 . L. M~ s 15 . M . Steeman 16. D.James 17 . D. Thames 18. N. Huilefl 79. M . D'Amelio 2Q. J . h,4cGrat h 21 . R . Speekman (C) 22 . M. 0'Kane 23 . D . Bonadw 24 . N . Healley 25. H. Davies 26. D. McKean 27. A. Curtin 28 . A.McQueen-Padon 29 . N . Harhec k 30 . A . Pritchard 31 . D . Orlando 32 . S . Griag 33 . C. HaCueld 34 . L. Dinardo 35. R. Lopresti 36. D . Noonan 37. P. Carter 38 . J . Demana 39 . N . Quinn 43 A . Nolen 44 T. Fotzoerald 48 R. 0'Sfiannassy 55 G . Monahan 59 R Macwtiirter 71 M. McCarthy
1 . D . Collins 2 . D . Fotiniotis 3. D . Bonnici 4. A . McIntyre 5 . D. Maskell 6 . A. Strawhorn 7 . A. Fry 8 . E. Hansen 9 . D . Hos e 10. J . McLatchie it . C . Jayaweera 12 . C . Cleg g 13 . D. Clegg 14 . L . Fulle r 15 . M . McDowell 16. A. Moo n 17. R . Mosbauer 18. M . Quinn 19 . S . Martin 20 . B . Southgate 21 . P. Rya n 22 . D . Waite 23. T. Heal 24 . L . May 25. P. Reed 26 . A . Chalk 27 . P.Jones 28 . T. Grierson 29 . C . Meehan 30 . A. Wilson 31 . S . Veltman 32. P. Dugdale 33. M . Guthridge 34. K. LorenzDanie l
ST. DEC :'r'. _-a Coach: Peter O'Connor 1 . R . Legud i
2. G. War d 3. A . Bouzikas 4 . SD . Borg 5 . J . Citarelli 6 . J. McKay 7, L . Harvey 8 . L. Wilkinson 9. D . Valori 10. J . Hill 11 . S .lannozzo 12 . M .0'Donnell 13 . S. Burgyn 14 . P. Holland 15 . A . Garvey 16. M. Stapleton 17. M. D'Arcangelo 18. D. Wals h 19 . Rahil l 20 . D. Sheehan 21 . A. Smit h 22 . B. McManu s 23 . A. Mastropasqua 24. L. Campbell 25. T. Legud l 26. A . Monteleone 27 . L.Evans 28 . M . Caligiuri 29 . A. Abele 30 . C . Trewin 31 . L .O'Brine 32. S . Monteleone 33. B . Ballarin 34 . M . Zucco 35 . T. Pearson 36 . M . Pope 37 . T. Carrick 38 . N . Smith 39. J. Formica 40. R . Cousland Kavanagh 41 . M. .O'Sullivan 52 L
Coach : Roger Brown 1 . C . Mizz i
2 . C. McNicol 3 . T. Mattest i 4 . A. McGillivray 5. B. Williams 6. R . Stewart 7, C . Reddin 8 . C . McKimm 9 . M . Ward 10 .A. Morley 11, L . Adams 12 .N . Kennedy 14 M . Lowe 16 B . Marks 17 D. Hellyer 19 P. Angelini 20 M. Smith 21 B . Trtshall 22 A . Hughes 23 J . Dickerson 24 MJ Smith 27 J. Maguir e
1 . L Plotter 2. L. Pitcher 3. H . Brooks 4.S.L2ag`xxd-
Jones (C) 5 . A Shea 7 . J . Cashrrxir e 9. A Waxman (t7VC 10 . B . Satvaas 11 . J . Wright 13, B. Crawford 14. G . Srradh (C) 15, G. Winder 17 . R . Plummer 18 .D.CraaA 19 . G . Fletcher (VC) 20. B. Ferguson 21 . J. Carley 24. P. Ladd 25. D. Webb 26 .L Hogan 27 . A. Janke 28. B. Hunter 29. D. Moss 32 D. Mackenzie 39 0 . Scan 40 S. Capron 42 B . Koala.er 47 T. Philips 51 L. Hop 58 J . Webb
ST. KEdBNS Coach : Paul O'Shannassy
Coach : Steve King
1 . S . Moylan 2 . L. Coleman 3 . A . Umbers 5. Natal e
1 . C. Barrett 2. L. Bassell 3 . C. Beaton
6. Dellapicca 7. D . James 8 . N . Marchesani 9 . D . satgliano 10 .1 . Delic 11 . M. Hutton 12. C . Turlich 13 . K. Didilis 14 . J . Cassell 15 . D. Bare 16 . D. Lucas 17 . P. Cameron 18 . C . Moffat 19. E . Lynch 20. L. Kalesaran 21 .T. Simpson 22. R . Dabraio 23 . M . Rigby 24 . G . Nolan 25 . A. O'Keefe 27 D . Youn g 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M . Winridg e 31 A. Turlich 32 J, Cox 33 G . Heal y
34 J. Henderson 35 W. Macdonald 36 W. McCann 37 M . Powell 38 T. Wickham 40 Fynmore 41 Dickeson 42 B. Pugh 46 J. Travaglia 48 M. Kempton 52 Leathern 57 M . Hinsely
4, L . Chamberlain 5 . J. Chivers 6 . R . Bowland 7. T. Birtley S. C. Delahunty 9 . A. Di Pasquale 10 . S. Edwards 11 . A. Evan s 12 . G . Fricker 13. B . Gates (C) 14. T. Girwoad 15 . T. Fallow 16 . R. Hamilton 17 . R. Holmes 18 . N . Hutchens 19 .S. Hunt 20 . J. Hunter 21 . L . Howley 22. S . Kaso 23 . R . Kelleher 24 . C. Kennedy 25 . A. Munro 26 . M . Vasey 27 . L . Quin 28. S. Randall 29.T. Roac h 30. E . Roydhouse 31 . T. Morgan 32 . M . Sal e 33 . A. Savolutos 34 . S. Sandiford 35, S. Russell 36 . A. Powell 37. T. Trumble 38, E . Wilcox 39 . A . Williams 41 W. TempleSmith 42 S .Young
M .H .S .O .B . Coach: Grooms Bullus s
;1,ick Deatan ,deban k oi 7y (C)
spie NC rse nente ~. ~vore 3eratd mpson olin (C) nras nan ~ts ham is (DVC) ;cot e c. Deaton Coote T ucke r ~ Spence Beattie ;Nichola s ~-t McMillan Heaty B Deaton Millis S . Lee L Ramirez-Smith E, Cooper {-•. Guinan A. :'1ilso n
Coach: Wayne Stafford 1 M . Pearson 2 D. Diver 3 B. Boyd 4 S. Blangiardo 5 A. Vanderhelm 6 L . Kenned y 7 K . Johnstone 8 G. Carr 9 B . Jo :vett 10 M. Stafford (DVC) 11 M . Lawrence (C)
12 J . Zampaglioni (VC) 13 T. Wilson 14 N
15 M.. Goss Vaughan 16 L . Hope 18 G . Kell y 20 W. Hebbard 21 N . Mason 23 B . Kulling 24 M . Waxiel 26 R. Alexander 28 N . Goul d 29 J. Prantzos 30 A. Fisher 32 J . Ng (Dvc) 33 C . Sendeckyj 35 L. Wheeler 36 A . Battams 39 D. Moline 40 S . Dea l
OLD SCOTCH CCsch : Terry Kendal l J- Crane r Craven S Tulloch C Adam S. Stewart D . Adderley S . Johnston D . Johnston S . Hamer R .Jospehs ~ Caeeland GLo qa n Gitehrist Colman G P ry les .r Pilkington (C)
J Ison-Humphries Dillon Pearse Kyriacou D .Jackson E . Tembath D Brook e L l outledge S . rhom ~ son J . Smed(ey A. Birch J, Beaurepaire (VC) S. Hosking (VC) Rodski Fowles A . Tindale R Hooke H Fenner J . Footit Lipshut J . Ros s J . Denby T Collie A Fuller J. Siko n E, Ramsay J . Stratos D Paul C . Lucas J Lie
01° 7 . . : Coach : Brett Gear
h: St 1 Peggie A 2 Hine A (C) 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Robison M 6 Rennie M 6 Burrows R7 Dodgson B 8 Amiconi A 9 Best J (C) 10 Blackmore 8 11 Clarke J 12 Kelly T 13 Ellerbeck G 14 Thwaites M 15 Oliver A 16 Condron K 17 Armatas C . 18 Heaven C
19 Carter-Buszard L 20 Oberoi S 23 Wallin A 24 Christopherson J 25 Zandor M 26 Donahoo M (VC) 28 Cristiano D 29 McCutcheon M 30 Bullen M 32 Cornell J (VC) 33 Malekasi 42 Torney A 44 Lancaster 45 Ward C 50 Davies M 55 Troon R
1 E . Raleigh (C) 2 J . Zar b 3 D. Veale (C) 4 R . Ware 5 A. Keys 6 B . Woollard (VC) 7 A . O'Brie n 8 N . Orchard (VC) 9 J . Walke r 10 E . Sims-Lucas 11 A. Hal l 12 M . Cotter 13 R . Patterson 14 P. Wolnizer 15 A. Vicendese 16 S . Sims-Lucas 17 G . Pollar d
18 C . Softer 19 A . Dymble 20 M . Tar r 21 M . Brown 22 A. Nirens 23 E. He 24 P. Rujevic 25 A. Svirskis 26 C . Wright 27 S . French 28 K . Miezis 29 S . Allen 30 J . Membrey 31 M . Dowling 32 T. Harper 33 M. Neilsen 34 J, Veale 35 G . Ranki n
1 . C . Smith 2. C . Stewart 3. B . Walsh-Richardson 4 . K. Detarczynaki 5 . T. Chapman 6 . L . Bartley 7 . P. Gizinski 8 . L . Costello 9 . D . Shutie 11 R . Hall 12 J . Hutchins 13 J . Macpherson 14 P. Holland 15 J .Oppenheim 16 R . Graham 17 A. Wilkie 18 H . Sedan 19 L . Siragusa 20 R . Adams 21 R . Leong 22 C. Taylor 23 D. Prio r 24 P. Unkle s 25 N . Detarczynski 26 E. Morga n 27 S. Bake r
OLD IVANN®E Coach: Stuart McLean
1 . R . Manefield 2 . A. Bereza 3 . J. Whyte 4. C . Binney 5. J . Briggs 6. T. Mee 7. M . Clarke 8 . C. Lynch 9 . N. Braddy 10 . N . Anderson 11 . A. Jurkiw 12. S . Morris 13. D . Treloar 14 . K. Theodossi 15 . M . Li m 16 . N . Trigwell 17 . C . Lewis 18 . L. Bolzan 19. L. McKie 20. D . Havrkes 21 . A. Clancy 22 . M . Teskey 23 . F. Cokelek 24 . D . Neilson 25 . J. Gieschen 26 . G. Gibson 27 . T. Grieve 31 . C. MacDonald 34. S . Aston 35 . R. Smillie 36 . J . Stafford
Coach : Tim Pratt
Coach: Rod Penatuna
1 . J. Wallace 2 . M . Cahill 3 . S . Cleven 7 J . Power 8 M . Malady 9 L . Swai n 10 L . Coulthard 11 D . Cre a 12 C . Stats 13 T. Langford 14 L. Twomey 16 R . Coslovich 17 T. Barugh 18 M . Baker 19 J. Morris 20 S. Alexander 21 A . Graham 22 A . Bake r 23 J . Treyvaud 24 M . Haverkamp 25 M . Crowe 26 N. Muhllechner 27 S. Salt 28 P. Harrison 29 D . D'sousa 30 B .Janson
1 A Middlin 2 M Norrish 3 N Pask 4 R Bert 5 P Valoppi 6 D Lloyd 8 R Drew 9 B Kehoe 10 J Seeger 11 Z Webb 13 L Gilles 14 G Thompson 15 D Smith 16 C Holdsworth 17 A Pizzey 18 C Beal
19 A Coleman 20 D Senaratne 21 J Tomkins 22 J Peake 23 T Collett 24 G Coutts 25 F Pellegrino 27 S Savage 29 D Bel l 30 J Strong 31 S Urbano 32 D Smith 34 S Britt 37 D Sims 44 N Martin
Coach: Crk Zu :cer Cc : ,i : Ci - : ~ I D . Henzel 4 A. Butt
5 E . Goldstone 6 L . Goldman 8 T Katz 9 D . Newstadt 11 A. Benedykt 12 J . Blankfield 14 S . Newstadt 15 D. Finkel 16 J. Freeman 17 0 . Flamm 18 J. Feldman 20 D . Zulc h 22 D . Mrocki 23 B . Nissen 24 P. Glazer 26 A . Cooper 27 C. Spero 31 D . Noric h 32 M. Kestenberg 35 I. Same 36 A . Sacks 39 A . Sapar 43 E . Wollner 44 J . Gelfand 45 A. Lewin 47 M. Snow 50 M . Milmeister 55 V. Kelp
1 . Ahmed Ali 2. Ali Al i 3. C. Allen 4 . A. Barake t 5 . M . Baraket(C) 6 . G . Burley 7 . G . Cassar 8. D . Clarke 9. N . Cunt 10 . M . Dimachki 11 . R. Dimachki 12 . N. D'Zilva 13 . I . Dean
1 . D . Krongold 2 . C . Deal (VC) 3 . A . Axles 4. T. Vinen 5. B . Gross 6 . N . Bode 7 . P. Roberts 8 . S . Tucke r 9 . J . Dalwood (C) 10. S . McDonald 11 . B . Gardine r 12 . B . Goddard (DVC) 13 . J . Morvell (DVC) 14 . M . Gree n 15 . A. Docker 16. P. McLeish 17. P. Elli s 18. N . Guyett 19 . W. Brockett 20 . D. Griffiths 21 . D . Elais 22 . T. Rynberk 23 . B. Naylor 24. G . Dyson 25. M . Cramphorn 31 . M . Richardson 32 . L. Frankli n 35 M . Kuppe 38 C. Veenclar 40 R .0'Neill 43 A. Bruhn 44 A. Vanrompaey 50 J . Wad e
1 . A . Toniola 2. B . Guliffer 4 P. Brot 5 P. Mulholland 6 J . Kean 7 S. Mehan 8 P. Arbon 8 M . Godley 9 M . Brasher 9 L. Harrison 10 J . Clifton 11 A. Brett 12 J . Roberts 15 L . Browne 17 Jolly W 17 McGowan 19 S . Alder 21 M . Squire 23 L. Danaher 25 P. Rossiter 29 5. Browne 32 H. Funston 33 B. Lambe 40 T. Heffernan 42 J . Bowden 42 M . Lafferty 43 R . Buckley 51 M . Conway 52 L. Moloney 53 C. Moran 54 J . Murphy 55 B. Nolan 56 J. No rt on 57 B. Ramsey 58 C . Rice 60 D . Wood 61 L. Becker 62 C. Bellistri 64 B . Col e 64 T. Woodlock
Coach: Jamie winduss
Coach : Tim Hill e
Coach: Danny O'Sullivan
1 . L . Russell (C) 2 . K . Harvey 3 . S . Tumiati 4 . D Casey (VC) 5. J Tolley 6. M Luba 7. R Wiley 8 . J Muzzell 9 . J . Putz 10 . L D'Astoli 11 . D Healy 12. L. Breitkreuz (DVC) 13. A . Kurze l 14. D .Jowe tt 15 A Goonan 16 D McKenna 17 M Heffernan 18 M . Purcell 19 C Everett 20 T. Harvey 21 S Anderson 22 R Quiney 23 H Put z 24 A Lom 25 J Silve r 26 M Martinov 27 J Nosk e 28 N Thompson 31 S Barke r 34 A Warwarek 39 M Ferrari 40 49 A Perr y 79 A O'Shannessy 91 T Collie
1 . L . Moss 2. M . D'Amelio 3. C . Irvi n 4. D . Behan 6. P. Boyd 8. L. Cullen (VC) 9 . N . Romney 10. A. Cherry 12. D . Dick 14 . M . McHugh 15 . P. Carey (DVC) 16 . A . Kell y 17 . A . Windle 18 . M . Fechner 19 . A. Rooks 20. J . Hamilton 21 . A. Ballard 22 . D . McKean 23 . G . Brearley 24 . R . Marchnat 25, C . Hatfield 28 C. Blejak 41 D. Wood 55 D . Tomkins 58 A. Bulmer 59 M . Anderson 61 G . Hondow 64 T. Stephens 73 J . Dixo n 74 J . Blewett 76 G . Donovan (C)
14. L . Granrott 15. J . Gusman 16. Z. Kadour 17. M . Kasar 18. P. Khalild 19. L. Kuthman 20 . L. Lampos 21 . P. Merrick 22 . S. Milopoulos
23 . T. 0'Loughlan-Elder 24. A . Ranso n 25. A . Selvan 26. J . Serpanchy 27. D. Sheehan 28 . R. Sherry 29 . J. Tom o 30 . P. Wallis 31 . S . Ware 32. B . Wazseknel 33. M . Wood 34. S . Zebian 35, B. Zurek
1 M . Meyer 2 G . Sims 3 P. Dixon 4 G . Allan 5 T. Pricker 6 S . Pratt 7 T Barr 8 K . Littl e 9 K. McLeod 10 R. Ward 11 B. Atheron 12 P. Williams 13 M. Hayes 14 P. Rocke 15 D .Johns 16 N .Levett 17 S . Casacelli 18 M . Michaelidis 19 S. Hamilton 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 25 N . Curran 26 L. Parsons 30 A . Pothitos 33 R. Hami l 34 M . Wingrave 35 C . Johnstone 40 S. Alexander 43 P. Murphy 45 R . Connard 43 S . Sullivan 51 J . Hai g 71 S. Rickard s
ST LEOS E MMAUS Coach : Dannis Grace I N Whitmore 2 M Stov e 3 J Rosenga rten 4 M Bolton
5 PAve ry 7 G Northway 8 J Backwell 9 C O'Sullivan 10 B Rogers 11 M'cdsa!I 12 G Smythe 13 A Perry 14 L Golding 1 5 J Park 1 6 A Carter 18 A Shields 19 R Buckley 20 W Li ttle 21 r". Hicks 22 B Gree n
23 D Cavicchiolo 24 R Vrachnas 25 C Gilhom e 2 IttOormick 28 J 29 i Star r 30 J "'ellington 31 5-is 32 Aui9rii 34 P Fonseka 36 N Costley 42 S Kimber 44 0 Lappin 45 H Graham 48 G Clugston 63 B Boye r
69 J Veenhuizen
Coach : Darren McKillop
vp~ U
~~der-19 速 Section (2) e ~C~U ;NAS O .G .
C, ; ch:7erry McEvoy
TIGER SHARKS Coach : Mark Beasley
TEMPLESTOWE Coach : John Stanton
i t M . Lent
2, M . Alley
1 . S. Marsh 2 . D . Florence 3 . A . Paradis o 4. 0. Hill 5. M . Pietryk (C) 6. D. McGreevy (VC) 7. M . McGrath 8 . R . Conti 9 . M . Bickerdike
5, A. Boland
6 ',V. Lyn g 7 B. Crosbie g, L. McAuley g, D . Poynton 10, C. Field 12, C. Munroe 13, V. Hall 15, S . Verone 16, B. Murphey 18. C. Chippendale 1 9, M. Bambury 20, B. Dorkin 21 . J. Pierce 22. G. Cochrane 23, N . Warton 25 . G. Coyle 26, M . Lemieszek 27 . J . Neagle 34, D. Ford 61 . D. Cole
OLD ESSENDON Coach: John Newbold
1 J Williamson 2 A Salvo 3 C Oblivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMorton 6 D Slater 7 B Hakim 8 M Jinx (C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 C . Clues 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke 16 E Healey 17 J Heritage 18 D Flaherty 19 A Burbridge 20 S . Rogers 21 N Bartrum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burns 26 C McCormac k 27 M Day 28 A. M Gowan 30 D . Oblivbek 33 S . Cetin 34 J . Marinas
35 S . Brugaletta
r~_~ ` r_
it . J. O'Donnell
13. J. Garbellini 14. M . Collins 16. D . Charles 18 . D . Buccachio 19 . M . Bartling 20 . M . Hurley 22 . A. Tehan 23 . D. Tsokas 25 . L . Caddy 26 . D . Mart in (VC) 31 . T Walters 33. P. Gordon 34. G . Taylor 35. P. Tsokas 37. C . Welch 45. M . Saliba
Coach: Ken Balmer
Coach: Steve McMahon
1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 4 D Burrowes 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 7 B Whitehead 8 K Elliott 10 N Webb 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 13 D Wallace 14 D Mather
6 Taylor N 9 Bannister C 10 Bannister J
15 J Teller
77 Gleason A
16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnston 20 P Finn 21 D Heywood 22 A Certo 23 N Sullivan 24 G Price 25 R Ha tty 27 M Koste 28 D Hum 29 J Heath 31 M Assouad
78 Barron B 79 Higgins T 80 Kiernan M 81 Delaney D 82 Bowcock D 83 Finn B 84 Russell G 85 Henderson G,(VC) 86 Goodwin T 89 Christie A 90 Atkinson D(VC) 92 Springhall R 93 Smith J 94 Culph S 98 Hollow B 99 Holdstock G (C) 101 McCarthy L
NTH OLD BOYS Coach : James Sandman
Coach: Michael Sigalas
1 D Edwards 2 T Hedgeland (VC) 3 J Kir k 4 T Stathopoulos 5 B Kean 6 D Burley 7 A Craven 8 S Glover 9 A McKenzie 10 J McArdle 11 B Speed 12 D Joyce (C) 13 N Barry 14 S Kelly 15 J Stevens 16 R Munzel 17 M Vanderhorst 18 D Denton 19 D Keena n 20 S Bermingham 21 N Hahn 23 S Hayne s 24 B Toohey 25 D Gazelle 26 H Maplestone (C) 27 G Hancock 28 R Morley 30 J Mullins 59 D Owen
UNIVERSITY Coach :John 8ushby
38 Nancharow M
56 Stepien S 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D 63 0' Sullivan D 64 Dakin D 65 Sifter T
67 Reynolds L 69 Leguier D 72 Johnson S 73 O'Brien J(VC)
1 S Maguire 2 T Hallora n 3 R Drummond 4 J O'Sulliva n
5 T Laidlaw 6 J Parkinso n 7 B Rusco e 8 C Schirme r 9 E Thomas 10 A Torne y 11 W Touzel 12 8 Witte n 14 A Bushby 15 A Cowley 16 D Morri s 17 P Melle r 18 S Rei d 19 P Seure n 20 A Whitlock 21 T Young 22 N Barne tt 23 L Beato n 24 D Creek 25 S Monaghan
1 . B . Tippe r 2. M . Santamaria 3. N. Robinson 4. K. Nunn 6 T. Beranger (C ) 7 T. Hall o 8 A. Margett s 9 A. McGree 12 G . Welchart 13 J. Derry 14 C . Munr o 15 J . Whela n 16 A . Canto r 17 J . Cramer-Robert s 18 M . Horqan 19 D. Mitchell 20 M . Butterworth 21 S . Jones 22 N . Johnso n 23 D . Joyce 27 A. Hillier 28 L . Hancock 37 0 . Kent 43 T. Prowse 47 T. Kerney (VC) 50 B . Benc 51 B . Braithwaite 52 B . La r icc h ia 53 C. Morley 54 P. N - r
55 B . Mc~aeod a 56 M . Pain e 57 A. Hickey 58 A. Lin g 59 60 R . Ensor 61 G . Ormsb y 62 P. Triantafyllo u 63 K. Darby 64 D . Norto n
3,' 9.17 5,7 5. 7 Docker 2 . Kron~old. 0 orn . Brocketf, ruho , ? . Podburv 2 . Dick 2 . ChRooks. Hantilton .Un" .
: Cu
O 3.3 Old vvrians: 4. 1 ,
Old R3enton ?
Old .rv: Be Smith 3, Crol ' Sh C -i, -d. Hower. Ol d . . . res ~~.its t t wed, 1 :
tVflrrCll P'' :'.: -.~.~ .kt6 ,
2 . Blat.kficld 2, HenzeL 'd Rock,, •~aa~one . C Clots Evans: Jun Pappas !Fl
Old Bri tton :
Old O'B Be ~ ri c
Cen., ;: Jr.
2.2 7.8 9.11 13,18•96 3.2 4.2 8 .3 10 .3 .63 di 2 . tnhell2 . Borq. Pormtea . R .. ' :. C °Ea . Cousi >.uid. Borg . gertn)(F?
St Berne, Rf¢rcallin : 5t Bernards: Walsh . Best : G1 Marcellim Bair
-3 .06 .00 6.4 10.7.67 9.5 9,8.62
Hampton Rav - : Old
nit~:. Hnmp°,~ .ov°°
Diver. Best : Carrt. ~p : ,ornell 4. Best, Ar,natas. Cornell,
Black,- oz n C :tdron PI
tnt._. ._
0.2 0 .2 16.9 23 .19 2L Fisher . Castello . Hari) 1c2 Eel hoar 3 . H a r. Janover. He, .,...; . Feldman, Blankfl+_Id.
2 .1 6 .5 10.7 2 .5 4 .6 5. 9 r South Melb. Districts: Goal kickers and best players results Russell . Best : N-, r Onnond : Luba 2 . Heffernan . Loin, .Murphy Hatvey.iuzzell . Healy. hlurphy, Umnireac Adi Dmer: TobyOr _ 4.3 5,5 9 .3 C: 1 .5 8.9 12 .9 Gcl kickers and t est plavers results not received . ,therton 6, T. Barr 4. i.ittle 3 . S . Sullivan 3 . P . . ,9cLeod . T . Barr. Haanlton, Sinu, Lerch . UmpiresDt : .
Blomeley. Best: Gnmdv , egians: Hay 3. Sallmaiu t ng. Donnellv. Low. SaIlman .
., .~i Ig t
i:,ny Ld:et enter; :,a:
David M'kfter a
2 .^
UNDER 19 RE3.06 . 00 Old Essendon Gr, 1 .1 4 .4 6.6 Old Camberwell : 5 .4 6.7 7.1 1 Old Essendon Gr: Goal kickers and best plaeers not rec :r . mberwell: Cramer-Roberts 3 . Horgan . MeGree, Robi : Ca 'ia ;,, Santamaria. Tipper. Best : Beranger, J . Derry, Tipper,. roe Santavana. Umpires : Graeme Ntunchen ; Chris Gregory (F) North Old Boys: 3.4 6.10 12 .11 1S . 1 .4 0.0 0`r Bulleen Templestowe : 2 . Ke' ! Iicrth Old BOYs: Joyce 3 . Oticen 3.
Be .a hatn . Gazelle, lCaenur . Roach.
~.ctd Bern>lii ham, Aiaole s -^. Gaiiutni . st : Htlt. Con O' i
Robert Sneddon Adam Conqu ( nas O .C: :% :i .? 33 .9._7 .__-t_Naod: 7 .2 13.4 T ;- - .' .°; 2 .0 4.", 7,7 g p~7 .' _' . .. Rt !: Temnant~ 7 . Burrotces 6 . See W _d z . ilather 2 .`Baines, Price, Ram : Bnrrowes . HaHy, 5 :: . .., - .,_ .~Lqr,1- . TI L it 4. Jackson 2 . :1c
JosloLS JaT, "1 . i,lr . Brom t . t !.-.gh . Um
Barn, Ti 2. ToOld .a.~ ..;..n.~: .,;~ T! ;rell . Best : Gibson, Ctan c
a: on Sutchffe (R). Daniel Dl!
at, t aart . f:dderley Stni . :nc'^ O.B: 4.2 6 .5 . .v b :ucks : 5.4 8 .5
8.8 9.7
s O.B: Barron 2 . HtF,~r:'ur 2 . Cn 2 . Smith, !a,. ._r. Taylor. Best : La Corc+_a . Si olds, Ta,,r. b . ,
Jnlveraity Blacks : Sale 3 . Melt osn z,! en 2 Bi~~h, rd. Tr^tey. Best; Schirmer. Sandiford Busiw Drtmunond: ' Ci l s :andrew Rechtman :Andy Carrick i i
3(2) GI d Elf 1 v. MONASH BLUES CAucr tELD OR. v. DE LA SALLE (2
kU S
(2) ,
The following teams as at Rd8 had scored ; Discipline Ratin~, of (r") .
or mor e
and officials of t l-°-- ¢°-is, you C' -ingratulations to the coach, p Vhave been a credit to your club :_nd iiie VAFA i n gene i _ l, ell done.
Theres al ways somethi n g to see at t he "G° WHATEVER YOUR SPORT
Present th 20% d ` .® Expiry 31 .3 .01
Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m . every 10 JUN E
Half Time and. Full Time Score Servic e THIS WEEKEND'S SPORTSCOVER MATCHES OF THE DAY ARE MHSOB v. Old Trinity VAFA U19 v . NSW-ACT (U18)
(interviews and highlights of this match shown on Channel 31 Thursdays 8 .30 - 9 .30 p .m .
The Age VAFA sportswriter Paul affey writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match o f the Day and reviews the competition in Monday's Age.
G째~~a~1ao ~~JOG~~ ONT Q Tuesdays- Channel 3 1 promotion. Fridays - Weekend matches promotion .
~.AS'TEI2N COMMUNITY BROADCASTE " in tune with the outer east " VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams 6 .00pm - 6 .15prca each Saturday night . O
17-- Y news, prev! og!lT s , The Ammos Show with Kevin Dwyer, Michael George and Norm Nugen t &' TtJRDAY on f 3 .5 HA - 11 :'0 P .~. - 11 :30 a .
9.30 - 10 .30 a .m.
Special Guest is :
~ This Sunday - Dave Roger s (Monash Blues Capt ./Coach ; C-D4 Representative Captain) ra ;â&#x20AC;&#x17E;_ y , i
North West Amateur Footy Repor t presented by Glenn S carborough with g uests from S t Bernards (A), Old Paradians (B), Therry Penola (C), Rupertswood (C18), West Brunswick (D2), LaTrobe Uni (Dl), North Brunswick (D4), Old Essendon (Dl), Thomastown (D2) .
PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm
Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
=__ee sn c_=is ($5) ; smcon=• o_: c'_ .: an ($ 50) ; fourth offence
--rer°. offence ($ 10t1) .
S iis sat: 10 Jc "2 ais sun : 11 June U,
Glc' Trinity
t Sat : 17 June t as v. Oiu :i.tonian s .on v. Mazenod :t s un: 18 June Old B 24 June Elsternvriek V.
Seniors1U1 9
ugt; LU
1J . -
sec-= t 1 ore s Prahran (R) Beaumaris (S) Parkside (R) Uni . Black s Incorrect sceires phon South Melb . Districts (R), Old Geelong (C), ,lazenod(U)
Hawthorn Amateur s 25 June Nth Old Boys V, Old Brighton 1 July Collegians v . De La Sall e 2 Ju1V FIDA
8 July Old'< : . . .rians v . Old Ivanhoe 9July St .( :vinsv .Old Trini~ ;- -
captains a1_ 1 : ; toss Of v of the team 'ist. in automatic fine ;: "- r :d that as a ploy L - end( i over , :e fines if this ploy i s * to be true. Arc club that i a, 'tion club has been nep,ligent in th u to :press in writconcerns. i7,!, I
Ps from Tribunal Tuesci3v June ii-Th, 2'' 01_)
Stuart Dalton, Oaklei gh . Char~e',hig . 2 matches. Chris ivIollard, Collegians ( Res .) . Striking, 2 matches . ~ Paul D'Andrea, South Melbourne (U19) . Striking. 2 matches. * Drew O'Donoghue, Mazenod . Striking . 2 matches . ' Shaun Toseh, Old Camberwell . Striking. 2 matches . ° Scott Mollard, Collegians (Res .) . Striking. 2 matches . ° Matthew Housten, Werribee (Res .). Attempting to strike. I match . * Paul Jemmeson, Bentleigh (Res .). Striking. 2 matche s .I * Peter Pope, St . Marys (Res .) . Attempting to trip match . *Accepted Prescribed Penalty . Investigation Results - June 6th, 2 000 MHSOB and Old Carey Under-19 players charged with a melee in their match played at Melbourne High School on Saturday May 27th . Both clubs pleaded guilty and accepted the prescribed pei al of S100,
- --- i'GFtand trainers' uniforms Umpires have ba an instructed to inspect all runnei .', ~~ .ter carriers' . ES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is no : able to take the field until attired correctly )3ehaviour . Water carriers, It is preferR unners. To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena able for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is away from "the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires have the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme . :ials must be 15 years or older in Season 2000 . Please note a l' . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers . . Cannot deliver message from coach medical assistance Attire shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white top and VAFA white club shorts,Track pants if worn to be navy only. to be navy only . Water Carriers . VAFA gold If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if to be worn under the green or gold top . worn must be purchased VAFA Propert s
P W L D FOR AGS T A RESERVE SECTIO N 2 0 859 ,VERIANS 9 7 2 0 650 7 ~OTCH 9 9 7 2 0 550 9 5 4 0 528 4 0 526 DS 9 5 5 0 598 3NIANS 9 4 6 0 553 3 9 3 6 0 435 7 0 456 Y BLUES 9 2 7 0 207 OE 9 2 B RESERV E 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0
ALLE 9 8 ?DOC 9 8 OLD 80YS 9 6 5 -tADIANS 9 _EYBURY 9 4 4 ~ iTON 9 9 4 9 3 9 2 1 TQNu.iJS 9 player Rd 6.
764 734 508 638 631 547 526 473 404 254
TE % ' .( NAIr.~;
P W L D FOR ; C ST b PTS PA R CLUB 18 (1)
353 243 .34 449 144 .77 430 127 .91 458 115.28 466 10823 469 127.51 615 89.92 770 5649 0 690 66 9 706 2932
28 28 28 20 20 16 12 12 8 8
314 243.31 32 388 189.18 32 480 105.83 24 512 124.61 20 570 110 .70 16 498 109 .84 16 90 .22 16 583 659 7178 12 576 70 .14 8 4 943 26 .94
C RESERVE (PENOLA OB 9 9 0 0 791 407 194 .35 36 3RIS A F C 9 7 2 0 776 468 165 .81 28 " ROVERS 9 6 3 0 655 423 154 .85 24 Eo PAENT TIG 9 5 4 0 615 434 141 .71 20 .'..OE ASSUPv1PTON 9 5 4 0 638 598 10669 2 0 9 4 5 0 563 510 110 .39 16 F C 9 4 5 0 550 569 96 66 1 6 8 =_LONG 9 2 7 0 449 685 65 55 8 LEEN TEPnPLESTOWE 9 2 7 0 385 772 49.87 8 0 313 886 3533 4 EIRAAFC 9 1 D7 RESERVE SECTIO N 0 737 367 200.82 28 0 637 424 150 .24 28 0 805 437 184 .21 24 0 632 346 182 .66 24 0 684 392 174 .49 24 0 642 408 15735 20 0 574 482 119109 20 0 360 715 50 35 8 0 507 798 6353 4 0 0 100 1375 7 27
CAULFIELD GR 9 7 2 .:I .n ESSENDON GR . 9 7 2 3 :-:LEOSEMtsiAUSYJP 9 6 3 : : "3 :3LUES 9 6 9 6 3 SOC 9 5 4 4 ~BER4.'ELL 9 5 7 - UNIVERSITY 9 2 !a째Y 9 1 8 ~-iGHAFC 9 0 9
D2 RESERV E PA r KSIDE 9 8 1 0 785 375 209 .33 32 9 8 1 0 756 374 202.14 32 U :!1ERSITYBLACKS _째4'1 9 6 3 0 845 512 165 14 24 S'LESIAN O C 9 6 3 0 715 615 116 .26 24 -RA VALLEY OLD BOYS 9 4 5 0 630 504 125 .00 1 6 i BRUNSWICK 9 4 5 0 490 508 96 46 1 6 "REDS 9 4 5 0 643 668 8982 1 6 8 .TOWN 9 2 7 0 525 744 70 56 8 ULA O B 9 2 7 0 472 774 60 .98 9 1 8 0 352 1096 32 .12 4 --AFC
OLD XAVERIANS 8 8 0 0 643 245 262 .45 32 100 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 7 1 0 597 356 167 .70 28 87.5 PRAHRAN 8 5 3 0 497 376 132 .18 20 62 .5 DE LA SALLE 8 4 4 0 518 443 116 .93 16 50 OLO SCOTCH 8 4 5 0 441 484 912 16 50 OLD BRIGHTON 8 2 6 0 375 527 71 .18 8 2 5 ' ST KEVINS 8 2 6 0 319 566 56 .36 8 25 P,IARCELL IN 8 2 6 0 262 512 51 .17 8 25 MAZENOD 0 C 8 2 6 0 308 700 44 .00 8 25 ' Ineligible player Rd 6 Please note - match ratio now applies to Club 18 (1) . Byes are not creditset with a in or game played . P W L D FOR AGST ro PTS CLUB 18 (2) 9 8 1 0 888 261 340.23 32 RUPERTSWOOD 9 7 2 0 635 451 149.80 28 OLD IVANHOE ST BERNARDS 9 6 3 0 662 350 189.14 24 9 5 3 1 784 328 239.02 22 THERRY PENOLA OR YARRA VALLEY 0 8 9 5 4 0 523 527 99 24 20 MONASH WHITES 9 5 4 0 403 408 98 .77 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 9 4 0 518 545 95 .05 20 COLLEGIANS 9 4 5 550 445 125 .84 16 L'JHITEFRIARS 9 4 5 0 335 711 47 .12 16 OLD TRINITY 9 3 5 1 481 515 9140 14 OLD GEELONG 9 1 8 0 339 821 41 .29 4 PARKSIDE 9 0 9 0 125 1154 10 .83 0 TEAM NAME
UNDER-19 SECTION i 9 8 1 0 1081 542 195 .76 32 OLD BRIGHTON ST KEVINS 9 7 2 0 1022 408 251 .72 28 9 7 2 0 865 581 148.88 28 OLD XAVERIANS UNIVERSITY BLUES 9 6 3 0 863 543 158.93 24 DE :.A SALLE 9 5 4 0 9,16 632 143 .35 20 OLD MELBURNIANS 9 4 0 737 535 137.76 20 ST BERNARDS 9 5 4 0 750 761 98 .55 20 COLLEGIANS 9 5 4 0 595 662 8988 20 MAZENOD 0 C 9 4 5 0 289 891 32.44 16 MARCELLIN 9 2 7 0 674 733 91 .95 8 OLD HAILEYBURY 9 0 9 0 351 1007 34 .86 0 OLD PARADIANS 9 0 9 0 308 1365 2256 0 UNDER-19 (2 ) BEAUAARIS A F C 9 8 1 0 723 429 168.53 32 OLD SCOTCH 9 7 2 0 798 464 171 .98 28 9 6 3 0 631 433 145 .73 24 WHITEFRIARS OLD TRINITY 9 6 3 0 614 519 118 .30 24 HAMPTON ROVERS 9 5 4 0 632 761 63 .05 20 MHSOB 9 4 5 0 526 594 86 .55 16 9 3 6 0 563 666 84 .53 12 OLD IVANHOE YAR^nA VALLEY 9 3 6 0 468 744 62 .90 12 9 3 6 0 424 806 52 .61 1 2 OLD CAREY
D3 RESERVE ^HN5 O C 9 8 1 0 830 419 198 .09 3 2 0!' PE 9 8 1 0 828 449 184 .41 32 2 0 748 308 242 .86 2 8 Tt CYMS 9 7 9 7 2 0 708 466 151 .93 2 8 ERNWICK 9 5 4 0 720 554 12996 2 0 Y' .--KAFC 9 3 6 0 549 773 71 .02 12 10 3 6 0 455 698 6519 1 2 ' ND CENTRAL 9 9 2 7 0 413 799 51 .69 8 ,IORN AMATEURS 4 -1SH GRYPHONS 1 8 0 442 829 5332 3ERT PARKA F C 9 1 8 0 431 948 45 46 4
UNDER-19 (2) BLUE 9 0 0 1076 501 214.77 36 SOUTH MELD DISTRICTS 9 MONASH BLUES 9 6 3 0 1036 421 246 .08 24 ST LEO'S EMMAUS 0 P 9 6 3 0 954 700 136.29 24 9 5 4 0 799 505 156.44 20 ORMOND CAULFIELD GR 9 5 4 0 722 606 119 .14 20 MENTONE A F C 9 5 4 0 766 803 95.39 20 AJAX 9 4 5 0 634 699 90.70 16 DE LA SALLE (2) 9 3 6 0 669 939 71 .25 12 OLD MENTONIANS 9 1 8 0 425 1241 3425 4 GLEN EIRA 9 0 9 0 310 1385 22.38 0
D4 RESERV E 9 7 2 0 718 402 178 .61 28 WERRIBEE AMATEURS NORTH BRUNSWICK 9 7 2 0 820 658 124 .62 28 MT LILYDALE 9 6 3 0 708 405 174 .81 24 9 6 3 0 608 524 116.03 24 3T MARYS "'JLLEEN COBRAS 9 5 0 645 520 124 04 20 'JTLEIOH AFC 9 5 0 610 522 116 85 20 _ '-BURNEUNIVERSITY 9 5 4 0 502 643 7807 20 .1'. .cSTBOURNEAFC9 4 5 0 465 475 9789 1 6 89.18 16 :-r '.'._LB DISTRICTS 9 4 5 0 519 582 JAL TALLY-HO 9 2 7 0 472 571 82 66 8 8 -- .- :.:COLLEGIANS 9 2 7 0 357 728 4904 =1UNSWiCK A F C 9 1 8 0 337 793 42 50 4
UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD ESSENDON OR. 9 9 0 0 1188 295 402 .71 35 NORTH OLD BOYS 9 8 1 0 770 351 219 .37 32 9 7 2 0 960 528 181 .82 28 RUPERTSVdOOD OLD CAMBERWELL 9 6 3 0 797 468 170 .30 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 9 5 4 0 2-01 607 131 96 20 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9 4 5 0 602 650 92 62 16 TIGER SHARKS 9 3 6 0 489 1030 47 48 12 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 9 2 7 0 313 1143 27 38 8 ' AQUINAS O C 9 1 8 0 217 1284 16.90 4 Ineligibie player Rd 6
POINTS p W L D FOR AGAINST % A SECTIO N .07 28 7 2 0 1111 669 166 99 6 3 0 1069 783 136 .53 24 930 805 115 .53 2 4 0 9 63 3 104 .47 24 9 6 0 771 738 9 6 3 0 828 813 101 .85 24 9 4 5 0 888 775 114 .58 16 740 981 75.43 1 6 9 4 5 0 9 3 6 0 731 800 91 .38 1 2 637 1073 59.37 8 9 2 7 4 0 9 1 8 0 732 1000 73 .20
B SECTION 9 8 1 0 1155 725 159 .31 32 OLD BRIGHTON .81 30 NORTH OLD BOYS 9 7 1 1 889 578 770 642153 119 .94 28 0 MAZENOD 0 C .61 20 0 696 635 109 9 DE LA SALLE 97 5 2 4 796 749 106 .28 20 ORMOND 9 5 4 0 .13 18 OLD PARADIANS 9 4 4 1 782 781 100 .97 1 6 WHITEFRIARS 9 4 5 0 797 774 102 775 937 82 .71 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 9 3 8 0 560 883 63 .42 4 COLLEGIANS 521 1097 47 .49 0 0 OLD MENTONIANS 9 0 9 C SECTIO N .95 32 BEAUMARIS A F C 9 8 1 0 1082 664 923 778162 118.64 28 9 7 2 0 AJAX .83 24 HAMPTON ROVERS 9 6 3 0 720 627 114 24 109 .95 6 9 6 3 0 840 764 THERRY PENOLA 0 .37 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 9 5 4 0 835 688 121 .68 16 GLEN EIRA A F C 9 4 5 0 873 834 104 .53 12 PRAHRAN A F C 9 3 6 0 846 895 94 .79 12 OLD GEELONG 9 3 6 0 703 1037 67 .15 8 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 9 2 7 0 753 976 77 .44 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 9 1 8 0 709 1021 69 Dl SECTION .10 32 MONASH BLUES 9 8 1 0 870 572 152 .00 32 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 9 8 1 0 870 725 120 C 9 6 3 0 1062 695 152 .81 24 AQUINAS 0 24 BANYULE 9 6 3 0 1171 827 141 .60 .14 24 CAULFIELD GR 9 6 3 0 877 730 120 .67 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS 9 4 5 0 852 814 104 .64 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 9 3 6 0 810 865 93 .56 12 OLD CAREY 9 3 6 0 774 874 88 .96 2 OAKLEIGH A F C 9 0 8 1 726 1297 55 .40 2 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 9 0 8 1 575 1188 48 D2 SECTIO N BLACKS 9 7 2 0 933 703 132 .72 28 24 UNIVERSITY 131 .42 PENINSULA O 8 9 1029 783120 .23 20 5 6 43 00850 707 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 9 .76 20 THOMASTOWN 9 5 4 0 911 830 109 .01 20 SALESIAN 0 C 9 5 4 0 758 715 106.19 20 PARKSIDE 9 5 4 0 707 720 98.53 20 WEST BRUNSWICK 9 5 4 0 696 721 96 .40 16 MENTONE A F C 9 4 5 0 835 894 93 .59 8 KEW 9 2 7 0 673 1042 64 .52 4 FITZROY REDS 9 1 8 0 731 1008 72 D3 SECTION .47 32 POWER HOUSE 9 8 1 0 969 644 150 .62 28 CYMS 9 7 2 0 870 610 142 WILLIAMSTOWN .49 24 RICHMOND CENTRAL 9 6 3 0 1011 730 138 .08 20 ELSTERNWICK 9 5 4 0 919 759 121 .48 20 ST JOHNS 0 C 9 5 4 0 914 778 117 .06 16 HAWTHORN 9 4 5 0 914 755 84 127 .22 12 U H S O AMATEURS B 9 3 6 0 806 957 .12 12 ELEY PARK A F C 9 3 6 0 646 992 65 .28 8 ALBERT PARK A F C 9 2 7 0 665 1141 58 .79 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 9 2 7 0 586 1014 57 D4 SECTIO N .22 28 BENTLEIGH AFC 9 7 2 0 1021 723 141 .86 28 BULLEEN COBRAS 90 7 2 0 888 700 126 137 .42 24 9 6 3 874 636 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS .51 24 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 9 6 3 0 869 671 129 .12 24 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 9 6 3 0 909 704 129 .60 24 NORTH BRUNSWICK 9 6 3 0 958 801 119 .90 20 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 9 5 4 0 735 613 119 .01 12 MT LILYDALE 9 3 6 0 737 784 94 .26 12 ST MARYS 9 3 6 0 812 920 88 .56 8 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 9 2 7 0 656 971 67 .46 8 BRUNSWICK A F C 9 2 7 0 657 1105 59 .60 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 9 1 8 0 663 1151 57