The Amateur Footballer, Week 11, 2000

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ost-erir0 fa7tri1j Faat6a ff since 1892

V,cxz<ilt n Funded by the Victorian Health promolSan Foundation

_Tn tertirg Ja:rrift~ Football, i tce 1 S



I V-jcHealth


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INVESTIGATIONS ~ he VAFA competition is generally regarded as ~ one of the best controlled in Australia, featuring a strong disciplinary system for players and officials who behave/act outside the levels of %cliat is considered normal compliance with the rules and requirements of conducting a football competition in a safe environment . people often ask me as I move around the grounds, how this control takes place. In essence the fo llowing illustrates our disciplinary mechanisms : 1 . Umpire repo rts . These are heard by a tribunal the Tuesday following the game, or a player can apply for a prescribed penalty if his previous tribunal record is clear. 2 . Clubs can lodge a request for an investigation to be conducted into any matter, relating to on or off field incidents or even matters affecting results of matches . 3 . The VAFA can conduct its own investigation into any matter that comes to its notice . 4 . If the VAFA receives a written report of any incident, that could be seen as a minor matter, the VAFA, through myself, issues a show cause letter. Such a letter asks the club to show cause under the VAFA's conduct unbecoming rule, why the club should not be fined X amount for whatever the allegation was . Alternatively if the club does not accept the automatic fine situation, the club can elect to have the matter resolved before an investigation sub-committee . All in all, it is felt that through the above most actions outside the spirit of our game are made accountable .

REPRESENTATIVE SEASON CONCLUDES The busy representative football program for

2000 concluded last weekend with the playing of the Under 19 VAFA V. PHIL STEVENS NSW/ACT Under C ~ YEF EXE CUTIVE 18match at OFFICER Elsternwick Park, won in very fine style by the NSW/ACT. On paper the results, ( 2 wins, 1 loss), show a good return, however the aim of the whole project is not to win all the matches, all the time, but to identify our better players in our various groups of sections - A/ B ; C-D4 and U/ 19 and reward them for their excellence through recognition . This is vital in Amateur football when monetary and other rewards are forbidden . On behalf of the VAFA I thank the three coaches Nick Bourke, George Voyage an d Steve Carroll along with their support staffs for their level of commitment . I also acknowledge the wonderful support of our clubs . This year, with club football being played over both weekends representative football was played, the clubs' acceptance that some of their better players would be unavailable was greatly appreciated . For the record the results were as fo llows: Seniors (A/B) : VAFA 16.13 (109) def. South Australia 8 .7 (55 ) C - D4 rep . team : VAFA 10 .9 (69) def. South Australia 6 .11 (47 ) U/ 19 rep . team: NSW/ACT 24 .7 (151) def. VAFA 14 .10 (94)

TODAY'S COVE R The third cover of a series of eight shows Wayne Daly of Co llegians taking a strong mark ; bottom right Mazenod's Chris Bellevill e about to drive the ball fonvard an d Brett Turner from Old Essendon, showing good balance in preparing to kick left foot .


June 17th, 2000 Price : $1 .50 Vol . 00 No . 1 1 M TuG ennnroi io cnn~roni i co --

ith Colonial S!adium i : : ~?ie headlines over the last ~eek, the amateurs' on 'ground cont,~r rsy' - the rescheduling of the St Kevins-Old : :averians clash away from a substandard Arden St - was spared the scathing attention of the press . Just kidding, of course, but the nomadic SKOBS still weren't able to overcome their rivals despite playing on school turf. With the top four all winning their respective matches over the weekend, the SKOBS also found themselves in the red as far as the leading group of teams is concerned . the logjam on the A-section ladder having sorted itself out somewhat this week . More troublesome are the equations confronting University Blues and MHSOB, although the Blues can only continue to do as they did last Saturday, knocking off the Redlegs . Last year's grand finalists are skating dangerously close to the bottom of the ladder . Ii'fAI2CELL3N Another strong first half from the Eagles amounted to little in the second half as the bottom side allowed the A-section ladder-leaders to slip away for a comfortable win . Mark Browne's absence did little to help their cause, but the familiar contributors such as Cox and Johnstone helped fill the ruckman's big vacant shoes wit h

'ong games in the middle . One wonders whether a little Daicos magic might have helped the Unicorns over the line against Trinity. but Warren Wall knows the solutions to his problems won't arrive with the Macedonian Marcel's debut . Bamert and McIntyre booted three goals each, the latter battling hard to overcome some close defensive checking, but MHSOB will need the goals to flow freely against Old Xaverians today if they're going to have any chance of overcoming the reigning premiers . OLD IV,


Another significant defeat for the battling 'hoers, this time at the hands of the rampant Cardinals . Scoring is proving to be a real difficulty with another scoreless quarter and a measly four goals from ten scoring shots throughout the match . St Bernards will surely double them in terms of 'points scored' in the coming weeks . Branigan tried valiantly in front of the big sticks and kicked half the bootv, and earned his coach's nod as the best player for his efforts . OLD MELBURNIAN S Lincoln Reynolds found himself playing a similar role in his side's fortunes with the Redlegs . Reynolds booted four of Old Melburnians' eight

goals for the match as the Redlegs stumbled to a 3-7 record that must make September look increasingly unlikely . Guest booted three and Thompson and Cram also played well, but it must be hard for Neil Ross to see any positives at all at the moment . OLD SCOTCH A stellar effort from the Cardinal defence to restrict the Old Ivanhoe forwards to just four goals for the game. Rohan Price has had an outstanding month which has seen him playing his very best football . But for inaccurate kicking, and the size of their win may have been even greater, but Scotch have a healthy percentage considerably superior to fourth-placed Trinity's . OLD TRINITY The acid test for Leigh Carlson and his troops will perhaps come today when they host the Cardinals in what could be a real make or break game . Stickland should return from flu to bolster a versatile forward line, but the midfield contests should be absorbing . OLD XAVERIAN S The match with St Kevins is always a grudge match, and,the man at the centre of the grudge, Michael Blood, showed why the SKOBS curse his current allegiances with a best-on-ground performance on his old school ground . Cranage, Dillon and Landrigan all performed well, and another nine players chipped in with goals to add to Dan Richardson's tally of three . Travelling nicely at the minute. S T BERNARD S Also travelling nicely at the top of the ladder with a cruisy win over bottom side Marcellin. Merrington may well be firming for a competition best-and-fairest with another sterling game, while Mitchell and McKeon were again on song in front of goals . The juggernaut continues . ST KEVIN S Six goals from the hyphen Hull-Brown must have pleased the hyphenated coach, but St Kevins face another tough test today when they play St Bernards . The Dollman brothers and Ben Garvev battled hard but the SKOBS always faced an uphill battle after conceding a start to their nemesis . From the team which brought the names Pengrazio and Partsanis to A-section football, it's good to see Giansiracusa among the action too with two goals .

UNIVERSITY BLUE S An important victory for Lee Adamson and the players after a tight battle with the Redlegs all day. The students were able to build a slender lead in the third term and hang on in the last with Slimrnon and Sturrock lively on the ball . George De Crespigny booted four Fehring was named BOG . The remaining fixtures this weekend, their o ;{tl clash with bottom of the table Marcellin, and a healthy percentage should all conspire today to lift the Blues into the top four. SELECTIONS Old Scotch by 24 points . Old Melburnians by 31 points . University by 19 points . St Bernards Ii :~ 37 points, Old Xaverians by 51 points .

Old Scotch - two great Scotch families had great cause to celebrate this month . Firstly And=_~ew 5peed notched up 100 games on June 3 and then last week Stuart Gibbs played his 200th game. wonderful achievements in their own right from (2) areat blokes and clubmen, but when you consider both are sons of Old Scotch Presidents, Geoff Speed and Bryan Gibbs who played 152 and 120 games respectively, a real cause for celebration . Both Bryan and Stuart Gibbs are Life members of Old Scotch . Congratulations also to Tim Chapman who notched up 50 games last Saturday . Old Xaverians - congratulations to Tony Fieyhoe - who played his 200th game last week against St. Kevins -"Tonza" joined the club straight from school and was a member of the 95/96 A Section and '97 Reserves Premiership teams - well done "Tonza" one of Xavs favourite sons .


SENIORS - 10 .6 .00 MHSOB: 3 10 4 .2 8,5 11 .9 .75 Old Trinity: 2 .6 6 .9 8 .11 12 .12.84 ➢24SOB: McIntyre 3 . Bamert 3. Clowes 2 . Taylor . Gerner, Rodder . Best : Pertzel . Eabry, Taylor. Thompson . Cassell. Bamert . Old Trinity : Collins 3 . Deane-Johns 3, Frost 2, C Phillips 2 . Danm- Ward . Best : Clarke- D Burrows. Jarred, Ward . A Ramsden- Hatfield. Umpires : Dirk Kramer, Graham Thwaites (F); Rob Mutton . Kirsty Pay (B): Russell Owens . Geoff Grigg (G) . 1 .0 4 .3 8 .7 11 .7.73 St Kevins : Old Xaverians: 4 .4 9 .7 12 .11 14 .15.99 St Kevins: Hull-Brown 6, J Giansiracusa 2 . M Dollman . Lowerson, Fraser. Best : Garvey . B Dollman . Callery. Sibilia. M DoWuan . HuffBrown . Old Xsverlans : Richardson 3. Loughlan 2 . Galbally 2 .. Blood . Cranage, Rennex, Lethlean . Jones, McQueen-Parton . Landrigan. Best : Blood, Cranage. A Dillon . Landrigan, R Dillon . Gosvers. Umpires : Robert Sneddon, Mark Gibson (F): Tim Dodds . Nathan Billings (B); Bernie Hoare, Geoff Robinson (G) . Old Melburnians : 3 .1 5 .3 7.4 8.8.56 University Blues : 2 .1 5 .3 8.7 10.7.67 Old Melburnians: Reynolds 4, Guest 3 . Bennett . Best ; Reynolds Thompson . Wiseman. Crain, Pirouet, Guest. University Blues: De Crespigny 4 . Cheel, SLimnton, McLachlan . Stockdale, Solly . D Hayter. Best : retiring. Roydhouse, Sally, Coullouspas. Sturrack, SIDnmon . Umpires: Wa}me Hinton, Anthony Danien iFl ; Brendan Corcoran . Santo Caruso (B): Bernie Dix. Andrew Long (G) . Old Ivanhoe: 2.3 2.3 3 .3 4.6.30 Old Scotch : 3.6 7.7 10.11 14 .17.101 Old Ivanhoe: Branigan 2 . Douglas. Toovey. Best : Brarmigan, Knight. Shadbolt . Tieman . Tully. Sandilands. Old Scotch: Hawkins 4- T Reid 2. McCarroll 2 . Angus . Kitchen, Phillips . Crane, Robinson . E Parthenides . Best : Price, C Reid, Phillips, Blenheim. Hume. Liliingston . Umpires : Ton Sutcltffe. Tim Ovadia (F) : Jared Hannneft. Jack Forsyth (B): Dominic Napoli . Stephen Lealty (G) . Marcellin: 5.4 7.6 9 .9 10.10 .70 St Bernards : 4.5 6.9 11.12 16.17.113 Marcellin: Treganowan 3. Armstrong 2 . Marson 2 . Rowe, Bella . Best; Cos . Collins . Johnston, Romanin, Chun . Marson . St Bernards : N Mitchell 4, McKeon 3 . O'Sullivan 3, D Byrne 3, Maggiore 2, Jordan . Best : Merrington. McKeon, Perrett, C Mitchell, N Mitchell, T Wilkinson . Umpires; Jamie Kvms. Cameron Stewart (FI : Jon Vincent . Alex Tsilemams (B): Stephen Caple . Kevin Segota (G) .

RESERVES - 10.06.0 0 2.2 2 .2 2 .3 6 .5 .41 MIIiSOB: Old Trinity : 2.1 7 .1 9 .2 13 .2 .80 MIISOB: L Tavlor 2 . R Newton, Tarr, Feferkranz . Sehiano. Best : Feferkranz . J Neulon, Walker, MeLardie, Hawkes . R Newton . Old Trinity: Hudson 6. Curran 2, Newman, Cooper, Carneron . Torney . Cade . Best : Andrades . Broster. Farnter, Hudson . Cameron . Torney . Old Ivanhoe : 1 .1 2 .1 2 .1 4 .1 .25 Old Scotch: 3 .3 7 .11 10 .15 14.16 .100 . Smith . Best : Douglas, Ford. Veal . Smith. Gary Old Ivanhoe: Douglas 3 George, Baecini . Old Scotch : H Thomas 5 . Oliver 4 . Gibbs 2 . Hooper. Stokes . McKinnon. Best: Evarts, Lipshut, Pattenden. Chapman, Stevens . Morris . 5 .1 6 .3 7.3 10.5.65 Old Melburnians : University Blues: 1 .1 3 .2 4.5 4.6.30 Old Melburnians: G Dixon 3 . Amber 2. Miller 2, Bartlett, Godley . Righetti . Best : Bowes . Sallabank . G Dixon, Grigg, t4'il.hehn . Miller. University Blues: Goal kickers and best players results not received . Marcellin: 1 .0 2 .3 3.3 4.4.28 St Bernards: 2 .3 3 .6 6.7 9.12.66 Marcellin: Petroff, M. Symes . Wilkinson . Colh4lle. Best : Harbets . M. b}~nes . Cronin, Harrv Dav, S . Theisz, PetrofG St Bernards: James Mount 2, Osborne 2 . Thomas, Evans, Tankev . Brebner, Cariss. Best: James Mount. Attard . Tankey. Catterall. Evans. Mastropasqua . St Kevins: 2.2 3.3 4 .4 6 .5.41 Old Xaverisns: 2.2 2.6 4 .6 5 .8 .38 St Kevins : Goal kickers and best players results not received . Old Xsverisns : Goal kickers and best players results not received .


A melee is "Where anincident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "



M .H .S .O .B .

Coach: Garry Connolly Res. Coacy : David Howe

Coach: Warren Fall Res. Coach : Peter O'Dea

1 . C . Slattery 2. M. Karavisils 3. D . Waters (C) 4. M . Gill 5. M . Moran 6. D . Sampimon 7. M . Row e 8. R . Frisin a 9. M. Da Y 10. A. Caffry 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12. B. Croni n 13. T. Collins 14. R . McMahon 15. M . Chun 16. W. Devercelli

I J Bamert 2 S McCully 3 D Woodley 4 C Eabry (DVC) 5 P Sherry 6 R Joseph 7 J Pertzel (C) 8 J Gerner 9 D Fairchild (VC) 10 D Skinner 11 K Krios 12 M Feferkranz

17. G . Cox (VC)

18. D . Gartner 19. D . Cooper 20. S. 0' Flyn n 21 . N . Walke r 22. D . Marson 23. P. Gleeson 24. L . O'Flynn 25. L . Furlan 26. N . Armstrong 27. D . Theisz 28. D . Johnston 29. M . Symes 30. A . Treganowan 31 . S . Ye e 32. M . Browne 33. G . Cull 34. D . Jarre d 35. J . Frazer 36. G . Romanian 37. L . Fitzpatrick 38. D . Harberts 39. B . Colville (RVC) 40. A . Duncan 41 . J . Seabury 42. B . Di nneen 43. M . Maguir e 44. A . Wilkinson 45. D . Ballantine 46. G . Petroff 47. D . Ryan 48. A . Gallagher 49. G . Whiston 50. A . Ryder 51 . P. Symes D . Cope 53. C . Mathews 54. M . Randazzo 55. J . Wallis 56. R . Galati 57. B . Day 58. C . Purcell 59. J . Ibrahim Sponsored by : The Beehive Hotel

and Yarra Valley Country Club

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach: Neil Ross Asst . Coach : Mark Sarau

Coach: Brendan Maso n Res . Coach : Gary Jackso n

1 M . Bennett 2 S. Theodore (VC) 3 A. Ross

1 A . Nettleton (DVC) 2 B . Phillips 3 C. Hoskin g 4 T. Holt (C ) 5 R . Price (DVC) 6 A . Crow 7 J . Kitche n 8 C. Rei d 9 S . Collins (VC ) 10 J . Kerr 11 M . Angus (DVC) 12 S . Hume

1 A. Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 M . Sandilands

4 J . Mansfield 5 B. Spoor 6 M . McKie 7 J . Knight 8 T. Steevns 9 M . Karayani s 10 C . Crowley 11 S . Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 C . Barker

13 J Gregson

14 A. Francis

14 A Watson 15 A Martin 16 J . Schiano 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 21 C Kelly 22 D Armstrong 23 C Harvie 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R Knight 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell (DVC) 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (DVC) 35 36 M . White 37 R McIntyre 38 S Robinson

15 G . Dougla s 16 M. Woods 17 A. Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 D . Warry 20 J . Keane 21 R . Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 A. Douglas 24 E. Byrn e 25 A. hite 26 D . Ross 27 J . Weddl e 28 A . Jenkin s 29 R . Weddl e 30 E. Brophy 31 N, Miller 32 P. Dowd 33 B . Davis 34 A . Tieman 35 L . McLean 36 M . Pollock 37 P. Armstron g 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 R . Davies

39 R Verm a 40 W Hayes 41 T Morgan

42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien

47 L Hawkins 48 M Moore 49 P Chester 50 B Gaunt 51 S Walker 52 D . Norton 53 C Clowes 54 C Drake 55 S Walker 56 T Wright 57 L . Taylor 58 59 L . Jones 60 R Newton

Sponsored by :


OLD IVANF90E Coach : Kevin Tibaldi Asst . Coach: Anthony Parker Res. Coach : Steve Cropley

4 M . Hazel(

5 L . Bunn 6 D . Holme 7 . C . Thompson 8 M . Lovett (DVC) 9 S. Cram 10 T. Roberts (DVC)

11 S. Boyd 12 A. Hewitt 13 S. Rose 14 L . Reynolds 15 M . Rose 16 A. Browne 17 J. Miller 18 A. ToPakas 19 R . Mulquinney 20 N . Pirouet 21 L. Boyd 22 A. Waddell 23 M. Berry 24 L. Holcombe 25 J . Guest 26 C . KennedyY

27 J . Slater 28 J . Ballantyne 29 T. Mulligan 30 I . McMullin (C) 31 J . Hart 32 L. Barry 33 G . Dixon (RC) 34 B. Burgess

35 P. Stuckey 36 M . Ward 37 B . Dixon 38 S . Grigg 41 A . Harper 39 M . Wiseman 42 L . Courage 43 T. Van Bloomstei n 40 44 A . Weise 41 G . Wilhelm (RVC) 45 M . Toovey 42 P. Theodore 46 J. Weir 43 E . Farquarson 47 D . Bernet 44 P. Batrtlett 48 M . Tolley C . Murphy 49 A . Barke r 46 C . Neeson 50 J. Smart 47 C . Banks 51 B . Shadbolt 48 C . Jenkins 52 N . Maguire 49 A . Fleming 53 S . Price 50 J . Berry 54 Z. Aboujaba . Lilis 51 B . Righetti 55 P 56 E . Broomhill 52 B . Campbell 57 G. Mclsaac 53 T. Amble r 58 G. Mandekic 54 I . Paterso n 59 M . Tozer

60 C . Pitt

Sponsored by : Sires Menswear W.G . Miles & Co Pty Ltd Real Eastate- Ivadhoe Spectrum Assurance

Group Regency Pharmacy Ziteeh Computer

55 J .. Goole y

56 A . Hunt 57 J . Weir 58 T Burde u 59 S . Topakas 60 B . Reid 61 D . Sutton 62 W. Hauserman 63 N . Sampieri 88 G. Davie s

13 N . Hoope r 14 T Rei d

15 M . O'Brie n 16 A . Spee d 17 D. Thomas 18 H . Thomas 19 K . Stokes 20 L. Murphy 21 S . Gibb s 22 C. Heath 23 0 . Cran e 24 L. Hawkins 25 S . Lillin sto n g T. Downing 27 T. Collins 28 B . Robinso n 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Wigney 31 C. Ratcliffe 32 T. Chapman 33 N. Morri s 34 E . Olive r 35 P. O'Connor 36 S . P ren dergas t 37 M . Parthenide s 38 C. Pattende n 39 N. Addison 40 A. Warne r 41 M . Lipshu t 42 J . Ros s 43 J . Paterson 44 C. Evans 45 M . Blenhei m 46 A. McCully 47 N. Sladeny

48 T. Stubbs 49 J . McCarrol l 50 E. Pathenide s 51 A. Elliott 52 N. Leitl 53 T. Frankenburg 54 N . Simon 55 G . Sarkozy 56 H . Lan e

57 C . Steven s 58 M . Thwaite s 59 S. Eaga r 60 61 J . Stratos

62 S. Miles 63 T. Joyce 64 R . McKinnon 67 P. Rodgers 81 R . Aujar d



Peripherals 9% THF AMATFl1R FOOTRAt I FR 9nnn

A ,_v


Coach : Leigh Carison psst. Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach : Craig Neave

1 Kennedy S (VC) 2 Hudson G ( RVC) 3 Barnard B 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows 6 Russell C 7 an Der Venne T 7 Natoli S 7 Canzoneri M 8 Frost C 8 Stebbins C g Andrews A(VCj t0 Shaughnessy M 11 Richards A 12 Peqgie T 13 Ca7e J 14 Stickland J(VC) 14 Gamble R 15 Stephens T 16 Hillas C 16 Nankervis B 17 Hatfield G (VC) 17 Newman J

18 Clarke L

19 Barr C 20 Phillips C (VC)

21 Kennedy L 22 Munroe H 23 Ramsden A 24 Boyd A 25 Collins M 25 Cameron F (RVC) 25 Sch u lze D 26 Robinson D 27 Ramsden R 27 Tudori I 28 Butler C 29 Harmer G 30 Glass D 30 L. Taylor 31 Bladeni S 32 Pawsey C 33 Heighton D 34 Boyd M 35 Pawsey M 36 Sutcliffe J 37 Dann S 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) 39 Antonopoulos T 39 Anderson H 40 Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 42 Torney A 43 De Stefanis M 44 Power B 44 Wallace 1

44 Maiyah A 45 Treadwell G 45 Ward C 46 Hutchinson B 47 Mitchell G 48 Morpeth T 49 Roberts T 50 Farmer J 50 Adgemis J 52 Hansen W 53 Kinross D 54 Bennie L 56 Best E 57 Baker A 58 Beever A 59 Cade T 61 Broster N 62 Mero J 63 Curran R 65 Burows R 69 Lapira M 70 Chisholm M 71 Phillips T 79 Stockdale S 80 Oberoi A

81 McCulloch 82 Mackris A 83 Robison C

84 Andrade ., M





Coach: Tim O'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Chris Mo rtenso n

Coach : Garry Foulds Res. Coach: David Law

Coach : Mike McArt hur-Allen Res . Coach: Mick Knuppel

Coach : Lee Adamso n Res . Coach: Mick Conno p

1 CCGra . y 2 L . Meehan 3 A . Brebner (RVC) 4 S. McKeo n 3 L . Hannebery 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 4 D . Landrigan 6 J . Mckay 5 D . Steen Y 7 S. Perrett 6 B . Healy 8 J . Evans 7 S . Lethlean (VC) 9 B. Jordan 8 A . Keyhoe 10 N . Mitchell (VC) g J . Hawkins 9 P. Capes 12 B. Hoga n 10 D . Rennex 13 C . Mitchell 11 Adam Jones 14 A. Thomas 12 J . Bowen 15 T. Wilkinson 13 C . Ellis 16 M . Bertherton 14 D . Stoney 17 J . Ferns 18 D . McLaughli n 15 L . Ford 19 L . Gollant (C) 16 A. Gowers 20 T Sheehan 16 S. Skidmore 21 B. Loughlin 17 D . Richardson 22 A. Merrington 18 T. Gordon 23 A. Mastrapasqua 24 P. Harve 19 A. Jones 20 M . Hardman (RC) 25 C . Osborne J . Gollant 21 A. McQueen-Parton 26 27 A. Nathan (RC) 22 28 B. Carriss 23 R . Coughlan 29 D . Gleason 24 B. Coughlan (VC) 29 J . Overman (R) 30 J . DeBon o 25 P. Lechte 31 B . Collins 26 S . Tucke r 32 T. Harvey 27 J . Drake 33 R . Nutter 28 B . Cranage 34 D . Byrne 29 D . Galbally 35 M . Juricskay 30 C . Kelly 36 A. Shaw 32 C . Bond (R) 31 L . Tuddenham 33 T. Smith 32 M . Allen 37 A. Catterall 33 A. Sass i 38 S . Gray 34 R Jones 39 S . Byrne 35 P. Ryan 40 D . Thomas 36 L. Deane-Johns 41 B . Overman 42 T. James 37 T. Freer 43 C. Davis 38 R . Hall 44 S . Taylor 39 M . Meehan 45 M . Tankey 40 R . MacWhirter 46 W. Attard 41 A . Dillon 46 M . Licciard o 47 G . Taylor 42 N . Ireland 48 James Mount 43 T. Woodruff (VC) 49 S . Donnell y 44 B . Hilbert 50 D. Tonks 45 C . Smit h 51 P. Romanin 46 M . Callinan 52 L. O'Sullivan 47 J . Kay 53 J . Kavanagh 54 L. Kavanagh 48 D . Orlando 55 P. Rogerson 49 R . Dillon 56 N . Dodd 50 D . James 57 A . Hilbert 51 D . Walsh 58 K . Callow 52 A . Orlando 59 J . Jacks 53 P. Funder 60 T. James 61 A . Woodley 54 S . Grigg 62 M . Pocatajko 55 J . Healy 63- J . Gioffre 56 A Oswald 64 L. Overman 57 R Carey 65 J . Harris 58 T. Curnow 66 J . Delaney 1 M . Bl ood (C ) 2 T. Fleming

59 J. Puttyfoot 60 T. Coughlan

67 A . Carus o 68 W. B ackway

61 M . Rus h 62 H Davies


s~ . M

CLUB 622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 93261799

1 . A . Callery 2 . S . Lowerson 3 . D . Cu rtis M . Winterton 5 M . Dolima n 6 P. O' Keefe

7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollman 9 A . Bevaqua 10 N . Fraser 11 P. Malesi 12 M . Rizi o 13 R . Bowles 14 L . Mahoney 15 M . Olive 16 B . Garvey 17 M. Ryan 18 J. Grigg 19 D . Sheehy 20 L . Hull-Brown 21 J. Sibilia 22 J. Macey 23 B. Quirk 24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Kavangh 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuiness 32 S. O'Connor 33 B. Hughes 34 S. Richardson 35 B. Villella 36 A. Smith 37 S. Kennedy 38 J . Bateman 39 A. Conlan 40 N . Perrett 41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pangrazio 43 W. Keighran 44 D. MoYla n 45 D. Waight 46 J . Travaglia 47 M . Chapman 48 L. Harpe r 49 R. Simkiss 50 S . Kuring 53 M . Chaplin 54 S . Gam e 58 J . Ferrari 59 A . Rattle 61 J . Lynch 62 B . ShelleyY 63 P. Roberts

67 B . Day 75 A . Foley 76 M . Galt 77 G . Pickford

1 D . Slimmo n 2 T. Hutchin s 3 J . Sturrock 4 D. Guengerich 5 L. Fulto n 6 S . Longle y 7 D. Hayte r 8 J . Hayte r 9 S . Meade 10 D. Maplestone 11 L. No rth 12 G . McLachlan (C ) 13 P. Stockdal e 14 C. Roydhous e 15 M . Kord ic k

16 C. Stewart 17 G . de Crespigney 17 J . Kani s 18 S . Cheel 19 A . Lowcock 20 A . Davi s

21 J . Hockin g

22 P. Sheeha n 23 T. Wilcox 24 R . Calno n 24, S . Russel l 25 D . Solly 26 M . Vase y 27 . B . Pricker

28 . M . Thomas 29 . J . Caulloupa s 30 . M . Colema n 31 M . Hal l 32 J. Garnaut 33 L . Tweddl e 34 L . Fishley S . Hasler 36 T. McKinle y 37 A . Lenne n 38 M . Peterso n 39 B . Denham 40 C . Brooke s 41 R . Crawford 42 M . Hotton 43 S . Ferguso n

44 R . Feathersto n 45 J . Armstrong 46 M. McKerrow 47 R . McKerro w 48 T. Rourke 49 C . Johnso n 50 H . Nailo n 51 A. Brown 52 A. Terrill 53 R . Versteege n 52 T. Terry 55 T. Anderso n 56 T. Birk s 57 T. Irvin e 58

59 L. Fehrin g 60 A . Cunningha m 61 B . Colema n 62 C . Sophide s 63 B . Holmes

Sponsored by: J OHN SON S IGA Liquo r Woodend

he top 3 teams have cemented themselves at the top of the beanstalk, with the all-conquering Mazenod now being the biggest challenge for flag favourites, Old Brighton . At the other end, it would appear that only a miracle can save either Collegians and Old Mentonians from C section . Review Old Haileybury were provided with a scare from an improving Collegians, before steadying and winning by 23 pis at McKinnon . Down at half time by 5 pts, OH kicked 7 goals to 3 to win comfortably. and almost guarantee their survival in B section . For the winners, White, Home and Hassett were the best, whilst the loser's better players were Jones, Piasente and Harrison . At that great place . the 'spacious' venue (as I was constantly reminded!) of E .E .Gunn, it was a dark day for Old Paradians, as Steve Grace played his 'get out of jail free card' to get Ormond over the line by 17 pts . The saying goes that bad kicking is bad football, and the OPs kicked like an old mule, failing to kick goals when it mattered . Ormond simply hammered the nails when it counted . McConvill again starred, along with Grace and Presser for the winners. For the losing side, Sinclair, Burns and Digney were valuable players . Well, I thought thev d win one eventually, and that they did (even though I didn't tip them!) . Old Mentonians defeated Whitefriars by 16 pts . A consistent performance for the whole day saw OMs ensure Svend Samild would wake up on Sunday with the world's biggest hangover!! It's back to the drawing board now for Des Meagher . For the victors, Kitto, Costello and Carroll were the best. The best for the losers were Cunningham, A Pawlick and Law . Premiership favourites, Old Bri ghton were too good for De La Salle beachside, winning comfortably by 39 pts . A 9 goal to 3 second half was too much for the visitors . Question marks must now hang over the pre-season flag favourites . For the home team, McLaughlan, Tymms and the 'road runner' Jackson stood out . The awav team's better players were Rogers, the evergreeen Toohey, and McKenzie . Finally, at Central Reserve, Dave Murray had yet another coach scratching his head as his Mazenod charges implemented his new, more structured game plan to perfection to outgun NOBs . As my coat puller has suggested from the start, their much improved fitness base kicked in for the final quarter, as an 11 pt three quarter time

lead turned into a 50 pt whitewash . For the winners, Kavanagh with 6 goals was well supported by Ryan and Meehan . For NOBs, Wilkinson, Nulty and Halpin were good players . Preview

Collegians face a resurgent Ormond at the home of Harry . The Lions' youngsters are improving each week, and this must give Tim Hart plenty of encouragement . However, Steve Grace's charges do the right things at the right time, and this goes a long way towards winning games . I believe that Ormond will keep their spot in the four with a win today by 29 pts . At the home of footy, EP, a down Old Paradians 'host' a confidence-filled Old Mentonians . As I have mentioned manv times previously, the Panthers simply give everything they have all the time . The same cannot be said about the boys from Bundoora . Their Jeckyl and Hyde appearances are becoming costly. Even though I'm not convinced OPs are the 'real deal', they will still fall over the line today by 6 pts . be La Sa ll e travel out to Donvale to face Whitefriars in a crucial game for both clubs . Des Meagher's side, whilst not travelling too flash, are not as bad as their ladder position suggests . The away side are in a mini slump right now, and Paul Cooper might be starting to raid his impressive juniors. They'll need to win this to be taken seriously for some finals action . De La to win by 12 pts . All roads, trains, trams and horses & carts head to EP on Sunday where we see the belter . The flag favourites, Old Brightontendalbrs , face their number one challenger in ivlazenod . Dale Tappings troops are playing A section football, pure and simple . Meanwhile. Dave Murray's band of merry men are taking all before them . I've been on the bandwagon from the start, and I'm not getting off now, as the famous new game plar and fitness regime of Mazenod will prevail by 1~ pts. Finally, NOBs match up against the enigmati Old Haileybury at Brunswick . Last week's thrashing has probably seen some soul searching o : Frank Dunell's boys . Mick Dwyer will be hoping he can squeeze some more juice from the lads out . I'm tipping that NOBs will rebound ven aMcKino hard today, and will win comfortably by 42 pts .

'ew Premiership Market I've been in touch with the 'satchel sv.ringers', -d h e's vhat they've come up with for the flag . 614 De La Sall- 5/ ! ;;,u -righton enod 2/1 NOBs 7/ 4 ICES 9/2 Mazenod 311 6/1 De La Salle 12/1 Old Paradians Ormond 20/1 Old Brighton 8/1 25/1 Old Haileybury 12/1 ',Vhitefriars 15/1 Old Halleybury 40/1 Ormond Old Paradians 40/1 Collegians 20/1 Collegians 500/1 Whitefriars 25/1 Old Mentonians 1000/1 Old Mentonians 200 / 1

eeno - - congratulates - :n ~' . on pl<;-ing his 150th game for the club . in solid deiender Brendan has been a great play -T in both Reserves and Club 18 . Brendan is a great clubman and has helped out on many sub-commit:r and tees . Congratulations also to Jtihn 9f.ewart. McMullin on playing lGc, s for the club . Both are good players and great clubmen . Three youngsters Peter Fotiniotis , and Dale Grant have played their ) ~ ,s ixzith the club . Congratulations to you all and re hope all of you will play man y more . ici Mentonians - congratulate Senior Coach ).mild who this week coaches his 50ti1 for the club . Well done Svenna from all at Pantherland . - Id Haileybury - congratulations are e.xtended to Andrew Dowsing, Allan BruC , and Luke Floyd, all for playing their 50 : - s with the Bloods last week against Collegians . Well done "Dowser", "Brude" and Floydy' .

5 .6 8.9 7. .' . 2 3,3 6 .5 7.6 9,8.62 eyi__ ~ : Lappage 4. Hon 3, Hassett 2. Bnadar. Mitchell . J 4t`ngl . 51.angford-Jones . Home, Fejna Bassett. J Wright. collegians : Robertson 2, ,*daasell . linsr,•orth. Best : Jones. Piasunte . B arrison . Hosking. vasdefas . Umpires : GeoffCurran . John Mider Ross Richards (G). 4 .2 6.3 10 .5 13 .9 .87 3 .5 5.1 0 7.14 9 .16 .70 Hans: E tt 4, Grace 2, Renunan 2. Jantes . Presser, Brennan. :rYffier. Store. est: nicComill. Grace. Presser, Scanlon, Cooper, Balky. Old s: Gale 3 . Porteous 2 . Sinclair. Burns, Hartford . Loney. Best : otrx - . Burns. Stevens . Holland, G Porteous, Digney. Umpires: Sharon Alger, Daniel Halliweil (F): John Robinson . Craig Arnol (G) . 5.0 8 .2 10.6 16 .10 .106 Mn senod: North Old Boys: 4.4 4 .7 8 .7 8.8 .56 3,lezenod: Kavanagh 6 . Fotinlotis 4. Hanley. Harrison, McMullin, Polan . Dunne. Best: Kavanagh, Ralm, Kelly, fdeMullln . Paolucci . Meehan. Nort h

Old Boys: J Barker 2. Collison, Sanders, VIeTag.gart . Boyle. Sutherland . Curry. Best : Wilkinson. Nulty, Halpin. Boyle. Leigh . Skene . Umpires : Peter James Richard Eastwood (F) James Maxwell David Gourlay (B) Vin Cesecvi Bob Dunstan (G) . 12.11.83 Old RAentonvns: 3 .7 7,7 10.9 PTiiltefriars: 4 .2 5.9 7.11 9.13.67 Old Y2entonians : Acreman 3, Bournon 3 . Vick 2 . Carroll, Dart . Kt[to, ?.ic[sish . Best : B Kuramoto . Kind, Costello, Murphy, Nock, Carroll . Whitefriars: R Mika 2 . iorthey 2 . Campbell, Van Den Boom, R Pavrhk, Hilton. Phan . Best: Cnmungham . A Carbone . Law. Campbell. Umpires: Neville Boyle Gene Hodgins (F) Grant Napper Ken Coughlan (G) .

Old Brighton: 2.2 4.4 8 .4 13 .13 .91 1 .1 4.6 4 .9 7 .10 .52 De Be Salle: OIr' Be-,on: Jackson 4 . Lennox 2. McLachlan 2, Fitzgerlad 2 . Tyamis, P:rne. x .. "'a . Rest: McLachlan. Krz}sniak . Barrow, Williams . TyRUms, Ja~qi . ° : Johnston 4 . Mercun, Morel . Horn . Best: Rogers . Toohev. S Hylaad . Jackson. C . McKenzie. Umpires: Gravure Hunichen Simon Olive (F) 'K`a_vne Cave Scott McKenzie (B) David Murray Beonm McCarthy (G ).

- E0.06 .00. 1 .3 2.4 3.6 5 .7.37 OldF3aileybnr; Collegians: 3 .0 3.2 6.5 9 .6.80 Old F3alleyhury: Brandltam 2 . Bell. Efstath9ou . Best : R :rlitchell . O'Dos, I, P Langford-Jones. Wray. Pountneva ConnelL Collegians : Jon-, 2 , ' : _ . .. 2, Greeces . Kennally. Cooper. tl'ooley . L}meh. Best : Horshall . ?iuon, ~~ .. - . Ltinch, lta_vcotL 'nicCatm. Qrmond : 2.4 2.5 5.9 6 .11, .7 Old Paradians : 0.0 0.4 3 .4 7.5 .7 Ormond: Farrell 2 . Brrn4n. M Collins, Strauch. Stewart . Best: Livitipt-e, Guzzo . Shepherd. LI Collins, Strauch. Herrmann. Old Peradism : Collins 1 S. Ciarrola . Richardson . Harris. Murray . Best : Richardson . Harris . ritkm . Collins, Rvan . S. Stiavtdon .

Old Mentonians: 2.2 4 .3 5 .4 6.6.42 PThltefrlar® : 2.3 3 .4 4 .5 4.7.31 Old i4lentonians: Austin 3 . Goodbodv . Linford, Mills. Best : Mason . Austin . Campbell . Cozens . M Stroud. Webb. 4'hitefria,-n: Sullivan 3, vernal . Best : Elliott . Glenn . Jofunson, trtaguire . Ward. Wool .


Old Brighton : 1,2 2 .4 2.5 3.8.26 De Be Salle: 2 .3 7.5 8.8 8.12.60 Old Brighton: Murch 2 . GV Earl . Best: McMahon, Cooper . Walsh . Rickarbv. . De Jai Salle: Clancv 2, Hodder. Bowden . Evans. Fisher, Mithen. Earl. Bromi Best: Doak . Borella, O'Donnell, Bowden. McInerney, Haider . Umpires : Mazenod: 2 .4 2 .10 3.14 3.15 .33 North Old Boys: 2.1 2.1 3.3 5 .5 .35 Maze ad: Ballenger 2, hliller. Best: I . Grant, Ballenger . Smith. Poletti, :Lisbct. Worth Old Boys : Barker 3, ire 2 . Jest : Collins, Lynch . Barlmv. O'Farrell, 0McGrath, Thornasea .





Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach: Anthony Parkin

Coach : Paul Coope r Res. Coach : Paul O'Dwyer 1 A Moore

1 S . Mollard (VC) 2 N . Florentin e 3 B . Woolhouse (C) 4 G . Palmer (VC ) 5 R . Henebery 5 D . Greeves 6 S. Van Der Veene (RVC) 7 S . El g 8 N . Beattie 9 T. Hovey 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 W. Dal y 14 J . Dixo n 14 D . Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillips

16 D . Phillips 17 R . Hosking 18 C . Mollard 19 A. Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harri s 22 S . Piasente 23 N. Milat 24 T. Knox 25 C. Unswort h 26 S . Woolley (RC) 27 S . Humphry (VC) 28 N . McCan n 29 A . Kenneally 30 L . Moo n 31 J. Ros e 32 D . Thompson 33 M. Maxwell 34 M. Britte n 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opie 38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M . O'Donnel l 50 B . Jefferson (VC)


2 M Mercuri 3 B Corin 3 M Butler 4 L Hal l 5 C Swift 6 M Harbe r 7 C Browne (C) 8 A Mithe n 9 5 Ha rt 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans 11 S Vavall o

12 D Toohey (VC) 13 A Water s 14 B Hackett 15 J Hodder 16 S Hyland 17 A Elliott 18 J Horn 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 J Doa k 24 J Morel 25 K Rogers 26 5 Wood 26 E Williams 28 N Harber 29 M Joyce 30 B Mannix 31 A Flowerday 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 M King 34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hylan d 38 R Ford 39 M Goodier 40 P Harrison 40 A Johnstone 41 D Spithill 42 D McInerney 43 L Borella 44 X Clancy 45 A Lambe 46 P Bowden 47 S Laska

48 D Smith 49 L Walker 50 J Lowe 51 M Evans 52 D Poynton 53 J Laragy 54 C Hyde 54 A. McKenzie 56 R Beattie 58 C Worsteling 59 T Fisher 60 B Ho y 61 C Buick 62 J Hosking 63 C McGergor 64 B McMahon 70 M Dugga n

Proudly Sponsored by:

SKILLED Your Flexible Workforce R

MAZENOD Coach : David Murray Reserve : Tony Collins 1 C . Harrison 2 J . Ballenger 3 B. Devli n 4 A. Hanley (VC) 5 M . Quirk 6 N. Marmo 7 S . Morgan 8 D. Lancaster 9 A . Tucker 10 M . O'Har a 11 T. Smith (RC) 12 M . Murray (VC) 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parr y 16 J . Kavanagh 17 D . Kelly 18 D . O'Donaghue 19 S . McMullin 20 C. Murray 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan 23 A . Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 25 A . Pickering (C) 26 J . Dunn e 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 A. McIntyre 32 S . Paolucci 33 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R. Hawkin s 36 G . Miller 37 L. Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 A . Quinn 40 C . Dickenson 41 B . Bel l 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D . Gran t 44 S. Garbellini 45 B. Meehan 46 B . Hobbs 47 A. McDowell 48 D. Gill 49 L. Halvy (RVC) 50 A . Smyt h 51 G . Hanegraf 52 N . Nussbaum 53 D . Linde n 54 B . Leggett 86 R . Foss

NTH OLD BOYS Coach : Frank Dunnell Res . Coach: Darren Caddy 1 . D .Wilkinso n 2 . D.Waters 3 . T.Waters 4 . S .Slee p 5 . B .Devine (RC) 5 . D,Sken e

6 . N .Vogels 7 . P.Booth 8 . B .Collison (C) 9 . L.Curry (DVC) 10 . S.McGrath 11 . G .Collins 12 . S .Lock 13 . THalpin 14 . D.Kingham 15 . J .Talbot 16 . D.Collins 17 . M .Maguire 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.0'Farrell 20. J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22. M .Connelly 23 . P.O'Dwyer 24 . J .Barker

25 . G .Phyland 26 . S.Smith 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . M .Nult y 29 . D.Boyer 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33, M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M .Carney 36. D .Tonkin (VC) 37. S .Mikunda 39. R .Maguire 38. M .Amo r

40. C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonki n 42. P.Pesavenko 43. D .Zace k 44. M .Drum 45 . B .Pawsey 46 . N .Goonan 47 . J .Barlow 48 . P.Daniels 49 . A .Stone 50 . T.Dru m 51 . S .Fitzpatrick 52 . N .Sanders 53 . TAyerbe 54 . A .Trimboli 55. D .Scicluna 56. P.Arnoi d 57. C .Blaine 58 . J.Gurry 60. D .Moore 61 . F.Lync h

62 . A.McKenzieMcHaig 63 . S .Dixo n 64 . G .Mui r 65 . S .Sarong 67 . R .Whitnish 68 . K .Watson 71 . J .Presti 77 . S .Trenton 78 R . Christie 79 D Keld

OLD BRIGHTON GRAMM ARIANS Coach : Dale Tapping Res . Coach : Brad Berry 1 A . Kryzwniak

2 3 4 5 6

A . Pirrie C . Barrow M . Talbot N . Perry S. Alderson

7 B. Logan (VC) 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lenno x

10 M . Dennis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC) 16 W. Ear l 17 A . Rickarby 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S. Gadsden 20 A. McLachlan 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neill 23 L. Holt 25 5 . Nikas 26 A . Cooper 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Murc h

30 A . McLaughlin 31 A . Bristow 32 G . Earl 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C . Stewart 36 B. Pollock 38 J . Raj u 39 A. Ginnavin 40 B . Patterson 41 J . Murchie 42 P. McMahon 43 B . Farnham 44 A . Brown 45 S . Fo x 46 M . Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R . Boxer 49 A. Ginnavin 50 D . Hsiau 51 M . Fisher 52 K . Lynch 53 D. Strachan 57 M . Moon 61 A . Walsh 62 A . Lynch 63 S . Davies

Section OLD HAILEYRORY Coach : Mick Dwyer Res . Coach : Wayne Moss

1 C. Home 2 D. Connell 3 R . Kejna (DVC) 4 S . Langford-Jones

5 A. Bruda r 6 W . Smith 7 Adam Hilton (C) 8 D . Hassett 9 M . Lambert 10 C . Efstathiou 11 D . Warnes 12 N . Hanson 13 B. Harrop 14 A. Forsyth 15 N . Bigg s 16 P. O'Donnell 1 6 B. Langford-Jones 17 Ash Hilton 18 C . Jayasekera 19 M . Armston g 20 D . Elliott 21 A . Jenke

22 D . Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 A . Ross 25 G . Rowlands (RC) 26 J . Bell 27 P. Dimond 28 S . Walden (VC) 29 B . Carson 30 A . Whit e 31 D. Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 L. Floy d 34 P. Langford-Jones (RVC) 35 D. Lappage 36 B . Lay 37 A. Dowsing 38 P. Wright 39 R . Georg e 40 B. Johnston 41 S. Saunders 42 S. Rowlands 43 C . Pountney 44 M . Wray 45 T Hilton 46 R . Brandham 47 T. Barker 48 A . Pound 49 G. Finlayson 50 R . Ladd 51 M . Thiele 52 A . Shepherd 53 N . Hil l 54 T. Earney 55 L. Byrns y 56 C . Moyl e 57 R . Mitchell 58 S . Davey 59 A . Floyd 60 J . Robertson 61 B . Waters 62 C. Dowling 63 D. Moss 64 J . Miller

OLD M ENTORIANS Coach : Sven Samild Res Coach: Craig Davis

1 A Acreman 2 C Lean 3 B Murphy 4 G Strou d 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterso n 7 G Ferguso n 8 R Newton g G Pride 10 B Kuramot o 11 D Solley

C~i .,, G ;:13


Coach: Steve Grace Rea. Coach : Craig Tonkin

Coach : Des Meagher Res Coach : Brian Grills

1 S . Vincent (C) 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 D . Stevens 4 M . Wood

1 D Mabbett 2 D Beckett

1 R Pasqualott o 2 M Bateman (VC) 3 M Carbone (C ) 4 5 M Robinso n 6 C Housto n 7 N Cunningha m 8 A Davi s 9 C Maguir e 10 A Pawli k 11 R Reidy 12 R Pawli k 13 T Hughes 14 T Carrig g

5 M . Hanford 6 MP Gear 7 P. Cosgrif f 8 A. Sinclair 9 J . Collins

12 C Dwyer 13 A Palmer

10 P. Brabender VC 11 A. Burns

14 K Campbell

12 J . Holland

15 C Davis 16 D Noc k 17 L Richardson 18 T Bournon 19 D. Kitt o 20 S Mulle 21 S . Ingram 22 P Harrington 23 A . Drina n 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 M Brooks 31 M Elliott 32 N . Hollow 33 G New 34 P Flaskis 35 T. McNis h 36 DJ . Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 D Millis 39 T Riley 40 M Mani x 41 S Couens 42 H Mason 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothier 45 M . Kennedy 46 D Mills

47 Ferguso n 48 J . Webb 49 C. Mackay 50 G Richards 51 L Ste hen 52 A. Oxland 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantine 56 S . Walch 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 59 G Lucas S. Flaskis 61 B. Samil d 62 R . Ball

63 M . Jones 64 M . Austi n 65 T. Sobey 66 M . Sobey 67 P. Mevel 68 S . Bainbridge 69 N . King 70 J. Vick 71 N . Flinos 72 R . Salazar 73 J . Anderson 74 A . Brown

75 S . Malone


Coach : Peter Bedford Res . Coach: Damian Carroll

14 B. Brabender 15 B . Dintinosant e 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 18 G . Porteous 19 John Swindon 20 M . Szewczuk 21 A . Farrell 22 S . Ciavola 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 M .B . Geary 27 A . Jenkins 30 B . Richardso n 31 J . Lucas 33 P. Harris 34 B . Galloway 35 M . Gale 36 S . Swindon 37 JIM Swindon 38 D . Tooze 39 D . Loney 40 C . Seckiold 41 D . Watson 42 R . Murray 43 A. Swindo n 44 M . Joyce 47 N . Ball 48 E . Nayef 49 M . Hildebrand 51 A . Baker 52 M . Ryan 53 B . Atkin 56 A . Sacco 57 J . Muir 59 L. Baker 60 B . Henry 61 C . Watson 62 V. Perry 64 C. Price 65 A . Jakowenko

3 P Gleeson

4 A Grace 5 B Turner 6 D Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M Miller (DVC) 9 S Grac e 10 D Scanlon 11 D Robbins 12 N Sebo 13 B Stone 14 S James 15 S Naughton 16 T Stewart (RC) 17 P Joy 18 W Block 19 D Cleary rY (RVC) 20 M McConvill (C)

21 J Brown 22 R Block 23 T Ashford 24 M Abrahams 25 J Dale 26 L Livingstone 27 T Brennan 28 B Collins 29 N Courtney 30 N Wells 31 H Black 32 R Presser 33 M Shepherd 34 R Remman (VC) 35 G Bailey 36 S Mackey 37 A Guzzo 38 S Herrmann 39 A Orr 40 Y Dimadamos 41 J . Koolstra 42 C Keleher 43 L. D'Astoli 44 M Mabbett 45 J . Keleher 46 C Cleary 47 C. Cooper 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfield 50 M . Heffernan 51 S . Shuttleworth 52 S . Sonneman 53 G Hammon d 54 S. R aj k i 55 T Carman 56 M Farrell 58 M Collin s 59 P Konstanty

60 G Ritchie 58 A Kukuijan 73 A . Strauch

15 P Campbell 16 B V~Oqn VC)

17 A Carbon e 18 C Fulto n 19 T Hilton 20 D Mcauliffe 21 B Pha n 22 D Vandenboo m 23 24 R Mika 25 D Reid 26 C Ryan 27 M Northey 28 C Eames 29 A Glenn 30 M Powe r 31 M Du ~' 32 B Winch 33 M Verna l 34 D Gloufche v 35 C La w 36 D Nolan 37 D Sullivan 38 C Carrigg

39 K Kennedy 40 A Thwaite s 41 C O 'connor 42 P 0'brien 43 N Elliott 44 B O 'Connor 45 M Lester

46 G Johnso n 47 M Nola n 48 J Treyvau d 49 C Andrews 50 J Houston 51 L Eames 52 P Hasele r 53 C Woo d 54 S Gilla n 55 S Ward 56 R Murray 57 J Mcfarlan e 58 J Gibbon s 59 S Cliffor d 60 B Sinclair 61 C Moloney 62 63 64 J Ciardulli 65 D Eames S p onsored by :

~ Jd ~ J _ G r

au ~



r s?_




',ulleen - Templestowe throw the spanner in the -vorks with a great win . Prahran send out some strong warning signs, the top 3 continue to strive for perfection, still makes for some very interesting times ahead especially if these wintry and rainy conditions keep on keeping on . REVIEW Ajax bounced back to the winner's list with a pretty impressive display against the Ogs who had all their talis on the paddock but just don't seem to be putting it together . Getting two different stories from the Ogs camp with some saving a poor performance whilst others saying a much improved performance with the side at least showing some competitiveness . The Jackas were still smarting from their loss last week and had put in a big week on the track as punishment and that seemed to inspire them as they got off to their best start for the season and then were pretty consistent for the next 4 quarters to record a great victory . Mark Blashki dominated the ruck duels against very strong opposition winning numerous kicks around the ground and his long handball and strong bodywork gave his small men a field day . Forwards Marty Halphen with 5 and Julian Kirzner with 7 were virtually unstoppable while for the Ogs it was a Big Macca day with all three performing well along with Stevens . Paul and Fisher. A surprise but perhaps not really a surprise as Prahran inflicted a pretty comprehensive 30 point victorv over a very patchy St Bedes Mentone Tigers outfit . The Two Blues played a very fast and physical game and after a scratchy start are now settling down and are starting to become a pretty settled, and to beat a side above them on the ladder without three of their guns made them a pretty contented bunch . A eouple of blokes promoted from the Magoos in Sean Campbell and Nathan Gill were terrific for the Blues as was Birehy in a new position on the wing while best for the Tigers were Matt McGraw . Paul Wintle and Sam Hecker who also played his 150th game in this loss for the Tigers which now puts them under the pump a bit . Beaumari s certainly did not have things all their own way against Ivanhoe-Assumption even though the scoreboard may beg to differ . Although the Sharks held sway all day and were never in danger of defeat the Hoes to their credit kept coming at them and did not go down without a fight, in fact they took the game right up to the ladder leader and in faet were very competitive way belying their position on the ladder . But as we have said before the sign of a good side is one that keeps winning even when not at their top . For the Sharks Marcus Lee was great in defence, Neil Conlan put aside his disappointment at missing State selection and played really well and as usual Dougie Ensor did nothing wrong down back . Ivanhoe were well served by Ang Pace, young Damon Wood and Danny Rvan .

Very muddy conditions were the order of the day at David Street where the defences o f both sides held sway most of the day making it very difficult for the forwards to score goals . Therry led at every change an d appeared to have control of the game but alas this was not to be the case as the Rovers rallied held Therry scoreless added a couple of big goals themselves to claim an import an t hard fought v9ctory. They are going along quite steadily now are the boys from Hampton . Good Rovers were the young ones Davey . Boyd, Flahive and young Anton Duddy . while the visitors were well se rved by Carter. Robinson and Caccamo . An 8 goal to i first stanza set the tone for a great day for Bulleen-Templestowe in a somewhat surprising result. The Bull an ts were switched on to play footy and they ran all over the hapless Sainters who had absolutely no answer to their dominance. Except for a patch in the third Bulleen held sway all day an d capped off their victory with a great 9 goal finishing burst . By gee when relegation is mentioned and backs are to the wall it is amazing what sides can do. It was a great team effort by the Bullants with everyone running hard and wanting the football. Best was Dean Matthews for the 2nd week in a row, Parris . Tulloch an d Hare. For the Sainters disappointment was the order of the dav Lawson was away so the boys did not play. PREVIEW Right down to the real nitty gritty now with some very important games this round . They all take on great signific an ce at both ends of the scale .

Prahran make the s hort journey across town to Como full of confidence after the events of last week . Won't have an y trouble adapting to the conditions will the Two Blues as they train on the paddock, they are playing good footy now while the Ogs are still struggling for cohesion so I'm tipping my old side to win to make for an enjoyable night . A friendly local derby takes place at Brindisi Street . The rivalry between the two clubs is pretty keen they love beating each other have no fears about that . The Tigers really have to win this one if they wan t to participate in final's action so they will be pumped . It is a real danger game for the Sharks away from home on the small ground but I think the players have enough pride in their own performances to again be able to keep their winning run intact . What a ripper this one is at the other end . Ivanhoe trek across town to tackle the now all conquering Bullants at Ted Ajani . This is a super import an t game for both sides because I think whoever loses are virtually gone to DI in 01 . Personally at home I fancy the Bullants to just get the points in what promises to be a no holds barred affair between 2 proud district clubs .

The Rovers travel up to Packer to tackle the somewhat inconsistent Glen Eire . I give the Sainters a pretty good chance on their small ground but I believe they must be totally at the top of their form to heat Hampton who have gathered some good momentum during the past weeks . So its the Rovers for me to continue on their winning way.

Final game of the round should be a ripper and a real test for Therry to see where they are at in relation to the top sides and finals action as the Jackas are pretty close to the team to beat in most experts opinions . Ajax are always tough to beat at Albert Park, their multi pronged forward line is particularly dangerous ,,;nd will take some stopping, Therry try as they might will just fall short as TB feels they will just be behind when the final bell tolls . SOCIAL Congratulations to Chris Tucker and his partner Kate on the birth of their first child Louis this week . What we would like to know is it Jumping Jack or Leaping Lou . The Hoes are having a Back to the 70'S light tonite in the rooms to help Chris celebrate .

Ogs are having a big Reunion Luncheon today for both the Seniors and Reserves 1990 Premiership sides, might be just the spur the current players need . Prahran's big Night tonight is at the Caulfield Racecourse the Sports and Fashion Auction . The Annual Beaumaris Dinner Dance is coming up soon . See Sid Catlin for details . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS . Pretty good result this week with the long weekend and all, 9(10 a good score with only Glen Eira missing forgetting to contact in Michael's absence . Keep up the good work guys it is much appreciated . Remember this column could not be written without your input. Don't forget the numbers 9-553 1561 phone or fax at home. the mobile is 0412 213 541 or drop me an e-mail at braineo~ ~T)tusnet .eom .au Thank s

AJAX - former Captain and B&F winner Jason Wrobel plays his 150th game with AJAX today . Jason . a champion from his U19 days has represented the VAFA and been a great leader and champion at the club . Jason is off to New York soon• which will more than likely end his football career, Congratulations to a true sportsman .

0.06 .0 0 .RJP.-I: 5 .2 11,4 1&8 21 .8.134 2 .2 6 .6 7.7 9.10.64 Old i _ long: . Halphen 5. Kalutski 3, Davis 2 . Dukes 2. Konsf.v_ . V.'eisler.AJAX: Kszuer 7 Best : Blashht . Halphen. Dudakov. fiur7.uer. Onas . Krongold . Old Geelong: Fisher 2. Foley, M Wilson, L Wilson, J Wilson . MeLtnes . Htggms- Paul . Best : Stevens, Paul. Fisher. Taylor, Bird, J Wilson . Umpires: Justin Garrett Leah Gallagher (F) Ga.m' Clancy Peter Wallis (G) . Prahran: 8 .4 13 .6 15.12 17.16.118 St Beles RSent. Tig .: 4 .4 7.6 8.8 13.10.88 Pranran: St Clair 4, Perry 3 . Murphy 3 . Beer 2 . Birch 2. A Pttts . Gill . Best : A Pitts. Br-h . Gallagher, Gill . Campbell . biurphv. St Bedes Ment. Tig. : Hecker 3 . Kidd 3 . Porter, Beasley . Parsons, Diggins . Best: McCraw. P iue• -_11e, Hecker, Diggins. Beaslev. Umpires: Trent Foley Matt Cox Iv i Nick Lemon (B) Bob Seynnour Dennis Izod (G) . Beaumeris: 4 .1 9.6 12.12 15.15.105 Ivanhoe Assumption: 2 .1 5.3 6.3 9 .3.57 Beaurna ri s: Sector 4. Teasdale 3, George 2 . Buller. Holt . Barrow. Lee . Spence . Quin . Best: Lee Mcltiicholas . Coutan . Holt . Bryce. Nicholson . Ivanhoe Assumption: Maud 3, Wood 2, Lee 2 . AngelrN . A Pace . Best: A Pace, Wood . Ryan . T Healy. Doherty . Anget3m . Umpires : Mark Morrison Ath[e Firley (F) Bull een Templestowe: 8 .2 14.3 17.4 26 .9.165 1 .0 3.4 6 .7 10 .8.68 Glen Bleat Bulleen Templestowe: Horsford 4 . C Parris 4 . W Thompson . Glover 3 . Matthews 3 . D Done 2, Chivers, Tulloch, Hmuprey . Hare . Pnor, Daskalou . Best : C Parris, Matthews. Hare, W Thompson . Tulloch . Young. Glen Eira: Goal kickers and least players results not received. Umpires : Grant Wardrop Dianne Wlritelev (F )

Hampton Rovers: 1 .1 4.5 4 .5 6 .7.43 Therry Panels : 3.1 5.3 5 .4 5 .4 .34 Hampton Rovers: Ftahhe 2. Power. Busbv. Dallas Larig . Best : Davey. Boyd . Flahite. Duddy, Adams. Woods . Therry Penola: C Bannister 2 . Caccavo. Robinson, Tavlor. Best : Carter. Robinson. Caeeamo• Elliott. B Hollow, Mills. Umpires: Dash Berns Leon Qumn (F )

RESERVES -• 10 .06.00 AJAX: 5 .2 5 .4 6.5 8.5 .53 Old Geelong: 0 .4 2 .4 3.5 7.11 .53 AJAX : Basist 3, Godleuicz. Klein, Boon . S Czarnv . N Feldman_ Best : Cuktennan. Boon, Klein. 14eislltzer. Bastst Old Geelong: Harrin>;ton 2 . BrouTt. Couzens . Kemp. Thorn . Wallace-Smith . Best: Lansdale, 66nen . Morely, Rondo, Harnngton . Couzens. Prahran: 2 .3 3 .3 7.3 9.4.58 St.aedes &3ent . Tig. : 0 .1 1 .4 3.4 4.5.29 Praluan : t#alimerer 2 . Lvitch 2. Marriott 2 . Lucas 2 . Killeen 2 . Best : Delarteret, Pateorhmos . Lyiuh . V.'oods. V§ltaai, Power. St, Bedes Ment . T:a.: 'C+sh 2 . Gould . Nalner. Best; Lomagno . McColl . Faikinghun . Meyer. Hipv:e`~I . Dickinson. 15.17.107 Beanruar•is: Ivanhoe Assumption: 0 .2 .2 Beaumaris: %'ance 6. Mills 2. Grav 2. L Gibson . Jury . Mellon . A O'Brien . Atkins . Best : Walsh . Fisher . dance . Dew. Jon~. Blackfe . Ivanhoe Assumption : Best: McDonald. Jackson. Fainseather.-Rosenfeld . Robertson . E Heah%

Btilleen Templestowe: 0.2 0.2 2 .5 4 .9.33 Glen Eire: 0.3 1 .10 1 .11 1 .13.19 Bull een Temptestowe: Slats, McKenzie, A Parris . Edwards, Best : Dotvl.vt . . Hastte. N.orv°ath. Monhovatis. EtisvogeL Glen Eire: Goal kickers Stetlmg and best pta- vers results not received . Hampton Rovers: 1 .6 3.1 4 .4 5 .6.36 Therry Penola: 0.3 1 .5 2 .8 3 .9 .27 Hampton Rovers: Chasten, Fetterplace, Helt6ger. McBride. A Voss. Best : cKellar. Artz . Fh2m . Lake, Hehard. Mason . Therry Penola: Tadinac. Hutchinson . Best : Crotty . J Van Engler, D Van Engler. M Caroni, Gnggs .Warren .




C Section AJAX


Coach : Wayne Hermes Res Coach : David Marks

Coach: Jim Durnan Res Coach : James Whitla

1 J . Wrobel 2 A. Kalinski 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rajc h 6 D. Kal b 7 N . Gold 7 G . Samue l 8 A . Krongold 10 G . Dules 11 M . Weisler 12 J . Basist 13 A . Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 N . Gold 16 M . Konsky

1 N . McLean 2 S . Nish 3 A. Mckenzie

17 A . Cuklerman

18 J . Kirzner 19 L . Pyke 19 M . Halphen 20 B . Lewsk i 21 D . Gelbart 22 D . Mohr 23 A . Bensimon 24 J . Sharp 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 L . Levin 28 P. Walvisch 29 D . Marks 30 N . Israeisohn 31 M . Barnett 32 D . Janover 33 A . Boc k 34 D . Gunn 35 S . Rot h 36 J. Segal 37 A . Mordech 38 J. Bram 39 B . Klein 40 A . Redlich 41 J. Snow 42 D . Bugalski 43 Y. Shein 44 L . Pyke 45 D . Wellitzer 46 J . Feldman 47 D . Onas 48 M . Buckley

49 A. Godlowicz 50 J . Rockman 51 N . Diamond 52 53 T 54 55 P. Naphtali 56 57 58 59 D . Goldfein 60 J . Wajnberg 61 S . Czarny 62

63 64 65 66 Y. Field 67 68 69 70 S . Boon

71 A . Lewin

93 M . Feldy D . Frid

3 J . Magee 4 J . Black

4 M . Smith 5 M . Enso r 6 A. Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 J . Mead 9 B . Nicholson 10 A . Ladd 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 L. McNicholas 13 S . Wilson 14 L. Buller

14 D. Drew 15 N . Crave n 16 M . Quin 17 D. George 17 B . Stevens 18 N . Kennedy 19 N . Atkins 20 R . Go w 21 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt 23 A . Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D . Teasdale 26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C . Marti n 30 T. R e oi n 30 R . Corfield 31 L . Gibson 31 A . Spence 32 M . Matulick 32 S . Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 Q. Groves 35 N . Boctor

35 B . Ferguson 36 A . Blackie 37 B . Philpott 38 A . O'Brien 39 S. Potts 40 J . Verashaka 41 D . Emerson 42 J . lanzano 43 A. Kendall 44 D . H. Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D . Speakman 47 J . McKenzie 49 J . Bry ce 50 I . Bennett 59 A. Rowbury

'11L~. !': HTEi -+ _1L ], -速WE Coach : Paul Nigro Res Coach: David Hooper

1 J Prior 2 GAlexander 3 S Young 4 WThompson 5 M Agroti s 6 PGraham (DVC) 7 P Robe rtson 8 N Bone 9 C Parris 10 P George 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch (VC) 14 D Cooper

15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darb

y 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 22 G McLaren (C) 23 D Mathews 24 T Agosta 25 26 S Boyd 27 28 C Mutimer 29 P Bone 30 D Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 38 S James 39 T Franklin 40

41 L Cessario 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 45 46 A Humphrey 47 48 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 51 M Sund 52 J Gunn 53 C Catano 54 S Dowlan 55 56 M Tuomy 57 D Bone 58

59 60 A Eidsvogel



Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach: Phil Jones

Coach: Russell Barne s Res Coach : David Rogerson

1 2 3 4 5

M . Ryan N . Astapenko C . Massis D . Cassar A. Tsirogiannis

1 J. Lan g 2 M. McKella r 3 D . Busby 4 S . Anderson (C)

6 7 8 g

C . O'Donnell S. Vamvakas D . Wilson H . Batty

7 A . Dudd y 8 Drew Anderso n 9 B. Boyd 10 B. Hol t 11 J . Zampaglione 12 R . Dunball 13 G . Wood s 14 G . Jackson 15 M . Flahiv e 16 D . Marshal l 17 D . Ariz (VC) 18 P. Adam s 19 M . Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 S . Fannin g 22 T. Wilmott 23 S . Helliger 24 C . Scarlett 25 M . Davey 26 Sam Wills (VC) 27 A. Quon 28 A. Vos s 29 M . Fletche r 30 W. Earl e 31 T. Pucell a 32 David Anderso n 33 M . Lake 34 35 B . Hoare 36 J . Cunningha m 37 R. Hun t 38 J . Humphries 39 M . Crawford 40 S . Foster 41 J . Dwyer 42 K. Chasto n 43 L. Dal las 44 B . Johnston e 45 A. Mason (RC)

10 G . Richards 11 T. Rossiter 12 B . King 13 G . Brown 14 M . Weilgosz 15 M . Broad 16 P. Rogers 17 18 A. Wilce 19 L. Gova n 20 A. Diamond 21 P. Jon es 22 23 B .O ' Donnell 24 B . Mascal i 25 P. Dynon 26 N . Dymon d 27 R . Gilmore 28 C. Kernick 29 D. Dunlevie 30 31 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 35 36 38' 39 40 L. Doolan 41 D . Boyd 42 J . Dunlevie 43 M . Jones 44 S . Diamond 45 46 47 P. Slifka 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 L . McGaw 57 58 59

60 61 M . Tkocz

5 B . Marly n 6 A. Crowthe r

46 B . Sim e 47 J . Fetterplac e

48 T. Lynch 49 M . Flynn 50 P. Apiniti s 51 Scott Will s 52 B . Hebard 53 E . Zuker 54 P. Buckley 55 R . Buime r 56 S . Warhurst 57 J . McBrid e 58 D . Hobso n 59 B . Ari z 60 S . Baskett 61 W. Grange r

AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD. Suite 2, 41B Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 319 3

Ph : 9589 6444

I(yDUSTCLEAfV AUST. PTY. LTD . 26 Govan St, Seaford, 3196 Ph : 9782 430 0

C Sectio n IVARNOE/ ASSUMPTION Coach : Dent Valkanis Res. Coach: Peter Curtin

OLD GEELONG Coach: Tony Morwood Res Coach: Scott Harrington

PRAHRAU Coach : Tony Free Res Coach : John Ross


THERRY PENOLA Coach : John Toohey Res. Coach: Chris Bye

1 D. Gallagher (C) Res Coach : Tim Lamb 1 Petrevski M (DVC) 1 2 L . Nyk o 2 Finnigan M (C) 1 M Kinsella . Conlay 1. S 2 D . Salte r 3 T. Murphy 2 L Wintl e 3 Bannister R . Armstrong 4 M . McCallum 1.R 3 3 J Sebire 4 Elliot M 5 H . Pitts (RC) 4 C . Stinchcombe 2 . L. Hull-Brown 4 A L'Huillier 5 Sacco J 6 A. Daly 5 M . Vickers-Willis 1 C. Tucker (C) 5 S Napier 7 Bannister S 7 S. Pang 6 P. Middelton 6 A Ryan 4 . T. O'neill 8 Hollow L 8 A. Bevan 5 . J . Scoble 7 J. Paul 7 N Owen 11 Hutchinson J . Healy 9 A . Bunnett 8 A Roberts 8 T. Seymour 6. T 2 Moran R 7, P. Rawley 9 J . Wilson 10 B . Hodgson 9 J Cunningham 13 Thrush J 1 11 A . Pitts (VC) 10 C Ross 8 . J . Shuttleworth 10 T. Brain 14 Loughran T 9 . E . Healy . Javgietis 12 M . Beer 12 C Stewa rt 15 McMahon A 13 C . Perry 13 D Goodchild M 10 . P. Lee 11 12 N . Power Eastham 14 P Lannan 16 Goodwin M 14 M .. Birch 11 . J . Finlayson 13 H . Mclnnes 15 D Johnston 17 O'Keefe S a 15 S 2 . B. Finlayson 14 K . Hendratt 16 S . Bingley 16 A . Rhodes (DVC) 16 P Wintle 18 Ca rt er B . S. Narkiewicz 1 13 15 S 1 T Macgeorge 19 Grant A . Howarth (VC) 14 . P. Flynn . Edge 1718 D 18 T Giaquinta 17 in 20 Clarke J . Nugen t J 15 . J. Cu rt 17 M. Wilson 19 B Tomlinson 19 S . Campbell 21 O'Neill D 15 . F. Falcone 18 J . Power 20 D . Decart eret 20 J Dru ry 22 Griggs S 16. M . Scuderi 19 A . Salte r 21 D Spencer 21 G . Paleodimos 23 Bye C 17. B . Giles 20 M . Fisher 22 N . Roberts 22 P Johnson 24 Evans R 18. T. Scoble 20 G Coldwell 23 G . Walsom 23 D Napier 25 Edwards P 19. D . Wood 21 A . Landale 24 A. Corboy 24 T Beasley 26 Carbis G Sa rt or 22 J. Taylor 25 25 S Boot h 20. D .. Angelini 27 Stevens B 26 S Hecke r 21 . L. Blackwood 24 23 S . Higgins 26 T. St Clair 22 . R . R . Marrio tt 27 W. Pye 27 S Kingwell 28 O'KearneyP M 28 S Boczar 29 Dorian 23 . D . Ryan 25 L. Wilson 28 K . Watford 24 . B . Frew 26 . J . Foley 29 J. Goodlet 29 T Marshall 30 Tadinac M g ham 31 Hollow S 25 . J . Frisina 27 30 M . Scicluna 30 31 DM Falkin Mifsud 32 Sacco J (RC) C 26 . S . Fairweather J . Belcher 28 . A Farrar 29 3231 . Miller 32 J Dickinson 33 LaFontaine N 27 . K .Smith 33 S Zakic 34 Fitzpatrick B 28 . J . Pace 30 N . Kemp 33 C . Henshall 34 C Meye r King Villani S 29 . G . . Varley35 34 G . Rooney 35 B Bilos 36 O'Shea T 30 . M . Sloan 3132D 35 B . Gellie J . Wallace-Smith 36 A Gang i 31 . D . Mcfarlane 33 S . Lansdell 36 J . Crowe 37 M Connolly 37 Castaldi D 32 . L . Pearce 34 H . Borbank 37 38 P Carroll 38 Nancharow M 32 . S .Conlay 35 D . Mclnnes 38 R . Thomson 39 C Tesoriero 39 Boyle S (VC) 33 . S . Mcgowan 36 D . Mclnnes 39 A. Power 40 C Johnston 40 Garoni P (RVC) 34. B . Joyce 37 40 T. McAdie 41 D Thompson 41 Cro tty M 35. P. Whitehead 38 D . Bolton 41 M . Warland 42 D Diggins 42 Gauci M 36. C. Zeegers 39 H . Gretton-Watson 42 S . Altschwager 43 B Smith 43 Warren M 37. C. Giankilidis 40 J . Malpas 43 S . Oliver 44 J Recupero 44 Van Engelen J 38. H . Young 41 S . Rowan 44 C . Blight 45 R Gould 45 Ca rter M 45 M . Vagg 46 G Gomez 46 Lucas C 39. M . Ebbage (RC) 42 R . Brown Vidovic 47 Goodwin D 40. P. Ma rtin 43 A. McKay M . Vear 47 D 48 C Mizz i P. Buhner 41 . C . Mcdonald 48 Courts G . McCayrthy 484749 J Sanders 49 Whykes B 42. P..Murphy 44 M 45 D. Taylor 49 L. Wood 50 S Kidd 50 Mills A 42 . T Timm s 46 S . Milne-Pott r 51 N Zome 50 N . Gill 51 Candiloro D 43 . G . Sullivan 47 M.Ave ry 52 S Bell 51 I. McGarry 52 Goodwin R 44 . A. Pace 52 53 L Po rt er 48 T. Chirnside 45 . J . Raywood 53 Kerr R 54 M McCraw 49 J . Carty 53 A . Rolfs 46 . M . lacouangelo 55 L McHugh 54 Christofoli M 50 J . Landy 54 A. Garvie 56 J Chaplin 55 Garoni M 47 . S . Warren 51 L . McDonald 55 L . Aitken 48 . R . Toogood 52 J . Morley 56 C . Cooper 57 M Lomagno 57 Weston D 58 M Zakic 49 . A. Rosenfeld (RVC) 53 J. Calvert 58 Altanhan 0 57 P. Hawkes 59 J Doubaras 60 Melia D 50 . D . Jacka 54 J . Legoe 58 M . Kurban 60 M McColl 51 . D . Pearce 61 Scuilli B 55 0. Wallace 59 M . Wright 61 S Waters 52 . S . Dohert y (VC 66 Culph M 56 W. Abbott 60 62 M Ube rt i 53 . E . Sullivan 68 Swinden A 57 M . lacuone 61 J . Ross 63 T Waters 57 . M . Evans 70 Kilpatrick A 58 I . Wheal 62 J . Killeen 64 J Harrington 68 . J . Mazzocca 71 Lyons B 63 R . Marriott 59 65 P Sgarioto 78 . C. Brown 64 74 Lees S 60 R . Gudykunst 66 R Parsons 88 . N . Dykes 65 75 Keenan R 63 T. O'Brien 67 A Hipwell 99. G . Robert son 66 S . Lynch 76 Lees C 64 68 B Beasley 67 M . Erdem 69 J Tomlinson 87 Jones P 65 68 D. Villani 70 G Davies 88 Van Engelen D 75 S . Harrington 69 N . Wallmeyer 71 A Drury 91 Thompson G 70 72 M Hecker 95 Hill M 73 M Kiki 96 Reddan S 74 D Young 97 Goodwin S MARSHALL WHITE 75 P Fedderson 100 Loiudice J


111 Baron D



~i rl ~ ,DN




227 McKinnon Road McKinno n

31 6 Malvern Road Prahran

Telephone : 9578 3232

Telephore : 9529 8899

Level 1, Cnr Plenty Road and Kingsbur y Drive Bundoor a

MELWAYS 68 Ell HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-1pm Saturday s

A5.'S 3 E5 HRS : am-8pm Weekdays 11.un-7pm Saturday s

Telephone : 9473 ~-'7~ MELWAYS 19 F6 HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 3-6pm Sat . / Sun . "



383-387 Dorset Road Croydo n

342 Nepean Highway Franksto n

Telephone : 9725 24 4

Telephone : 9770 2343 MELWAYS 99 I3I l

MEI.,WAYS 51 A6 * HRS : 8am-8pm Weekda} y 9am-7pm Sat. llam-6pm Sun .

HRS : 9am-7pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturday s

ALT NA NORTH AL---- --'NGTON SPORTS MEDICIN E CLINI C 339 Heidelberg Road Northcot e Telephone : 9481 5744 MELWAYS 30 J12 HRS: 8 .30am-8 .30pm Weekdays 8 .30am-12 .30pm Saturdays



33 0 High Street Ashwood

Cur Doherty's Road and Grieve Parade, Altona North

Telephone : '- , ~1 61

Telephone : 9369 2444

F1 4 HRS : 8am-8pm Weekday s 9am-lpm Saturdays

MELWAY S 54 Gl HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays



D1 SECTION by Barry Hickey

0 Id Essendon go a game clear on top courtesy of St Leo's demolition of the Blues : Banyul e installed a gap 'twixt themselves and fifth : whil e the Wellers punctured any competitive pretensions Old Carey had . And the four as it is won't be easy to break into . Over the years I have been as critical of umpiring standards as anybody . Right now, for well known reasons, the Amo's are struggling for numbers, and the umps we are getting may not be to everybodies' satisfaction, BUT, what we have enables the competition to continue . So let's remember, even 'white maggots' have good days and bad days, give them a rest from our insults, concentrate instead on players' and coaches' mistakes, and enjoy being cold, wet . and miserable ! LAST WEE K Aquinas were too good for Oakleigh and that about sums it up . Old Carey were walloped by Old Camberwell , whose dash and cohesion exposed the Panthers inability to concentrate for a full game. The Wellers dominant midfield . pack, and resolute defence white washed OC in the first and last terms, allowing their own attack to do goal kicking drills, badly. The Wells won in most positions, with Jordan Heffernan in great form round the ground. likewise Tim James on his wing, David Lilja once more at CHB, and Dean Mitchell in a BP. Dale James and Cal Phillips worked hard in defence under pressure, and on baller Cam Campbell tried hard to rev up the Panthers . St Leo's Emmaus painted Monash Blues deep purple with a resounding victory at Bennettswood, brought about by a huge 2nd term by the Parks . The Two Blues returned to form with a vengeance, and had top games from Don Dini, Brendan Vaughan in his 150th, and Rob McGloin . Banyule finished all over the top of Caulfield Grammarians in a very impressive performance after looking in strife at half time . The Bears finished off the Fields with a withering last qtr . and the myth about them being slow and lacking condition must now be laid to rest . Luke O'Connell put in a top game at FF for the Bears, Dave Williams again dominated the ruck duels, and David Witchell launched many attacks off his HBF. Fields' forward, Steve Amiet, stood out , 16

as did 'Chocco' Royals and Chris Knight . Old Essendo n beat the hapless La Trobe easily. That's as much as I heard . TODAY'S GAMES Oakleigh meets Old Carey and on their own turf must be given a real show of beating the out of sorts Panthers . OC must now be in relegation avoidance mode, that alone should galvanize them into a 2/3 goal win . Old Camberwell take on St Leo's in a critical game for the fortunes of both sides . The Wellers looked good against the up and down Old Carey last week, but will find the Two Blues a truer test of their merit . St Leo's will be on a high after last week's triumph, and this will be a top game (weather permitting), between well matched sides . Each side will be busy countering the respective gun FF's, Brownless and Vaughan, while the midfield battle should be a doozy. The Wells are now playing to their real potential, and should win by a few points . I know, Dr.Mack. I'm an idiot! ! Monash Blues host Banyule in this week's top game with the big query being, will the Blues be back at full strength for today? Unless they are, the Bears will have them for an afternoon snack, because they didn't lose by much in Rnd 2, and have improved enormously since then . The loss against St Leo's won't have done the Blues confidence any favours, so today is very much crunch time for the Blues . On the Frearson though, I'll still go for them by a kick or so . Caulfield Gr. play Old Essendon in another tension filled contest . The Fields have to win today to stay in touch with the four, and they also need to start beating the teams already there . OEG are an enigma, many opposition sides don't regard them highly, but they keep winning, so they couldn't care less about their reputation . In terms of talent, the Fields have as much as Grammar, but they do not apply it as consistently, hence it is hard to tip against the visitors . OEG by 10 points . La Trobe welcome Aquinas and, as usual, will do their utmost to provide a contest, but will by outmanned by a side determined to consolidate a finals berth . C% THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000

RESERVES Todav's winners should be : Oakleigh . S t Lea's, Monash Blues, Caulfield Cr . . & Aquinas . Correspondents the contacts are 9818 1425 phone and fax. Email : blzicice-y(L elstra u

St . Leos Emmaus WP - congratulations to Brendan Vau ghan on reaching his 150th game in Rd 10 with another top line performance . Since joining the club 1992 Brendan has been the leading goalkicker over the last 6 years and twice runner up in the senior B&F . Vaughanvs brilliance, durability and dedication has been rewarded with the captaincy of the club as well as state selection this _year. Congratulations from all at the Two Blues .

SENIORS - 10.06 .00 Aquinas : 6.2 13.10 19.16 28 .19.187 Oakleigh 0.4 1 .4 5 .5 9.7 .61 Aquinas : Thomas to . Doi~tes 4 . Cuttrera 2. DenIIriber 2. Bench 2. Tarulh 2. Betlnute . Cdlnec Harkut Best : Thomas. Tandll. Mlnague. Domes . Coilieer. DenBrabec Oaken Bronilev 3 . Macitcmie 2 . Btltng . Haiilev . Orlando. Redford. Best : Tolley. RandTe. C'rlarshall . Bromley . AGacKeute . Haeilec. Ump3res : Luke ;4foncrtefrlvtck Evans (F) Old Carey: 0.0 2.2 3 .6 3.6 .24 Old Cambesae ll: 4 .9 5.11 6.14 11.24 .88 Old Carey : Old CmnbenrciL Pemntan 3 . Brouiiless 2 . Horskhts. LipptatL Scott, Seetev. S Smith. D Walker. Best: James . Lik}a. D Mitchell. MacKenzie . Alex. Umpires: Adam Goodes Ar.drew Mitchell IF I St Leos Emmas: 7.3 15.4 19 .6 25.9.159 Monash Blues: 4 .2 4.7 10 .10 12.12 .84 St Lem Emmas: Dicucal ;uttrnuo 5 . B l'aughan 5. McKerrzie 4 . Taylor 4 . Dono~an 2. Henricus 2 . Bethurne. S McCann. R MeGlcin. Best : Dhdeotantonto. B Vaugltan. R McGloin . Donovan. Ror.elu. McKenzie . Monash Blues: DeYoung 2 . Furnell 2. Gregoty 2. awns . Baxier . Caldicell . McGee . Rogers. Webster . Best: Smith. McGee. O ;veil. Umpires: Da~dd [tons tut Burgess (F) Banyule: 2.2 4.7 12 .11 22 .16.148 Cau[field Gr.: 4 .3 8.7 11.10 14.11 .95 Bsnyule: O'Connell 6. D R9tchell 5 . Playfafr 3 . Woodlcek 2. H McDerntott . T E an. Burke . Kreskas Best : OConnell . D Wtlams. D Wttehell. H MeDermott . Plar~atr. Kreskas. Caulfield Gn : Aniet 6. Margenson 4 . Botres. S}nrnan. 0 Harrtson. Cmct~.hare. Best: fnnict. Rotals. Krught .Liddell . Wtd~ala . Cossart-Walsh. Umpires: Lionel late Miehael Allen (F) Old Essendon Gr.: 4 .5 12.9 18 .17 23 .22 .160 Ls Trobe University : 0.2 1 .3 3 .5 4.7 .31 Old Essendon Gr.: La Trobe University: Brat±d 3 . Gloun'. Best: Glou-. Adamtlnvaite . Fredrickson. E :nunds. Cunmmtgs. Forrest . Umpirrs : Paid Dutneen Ben Ryde (F)





Aquinas: 8.7 13.11 19 .16 26 .18.174 Oakleigh: 0.1 1 .2 1 .3 3 .4 .22 Aquinas: Greer 4 . Fa"rrlmrn 4. M . Boland 3. Bradshaw 3 . Best : Volembello. CeLrhtatt . Hunter. Greer. Barclae . Oakle~' h: Neacan 2 . D Moulang. Best: tanchello. Leslie . Pesnikas . Raddteidco, Bader. t'~ouri. Old Carey: 1 .2 2 .2 3 .3 3 .3 .21 5 .13 5 .17 .47 Old Csmberwell : 2.2 5.7 Old Csrey: Old Cambenszll Hedtec 2 . Herdman. McKenzte. C Williams . Best : C lvllltatns. Brauer . MeKetule. Miles. Hedlev St Leos Emmaus: 2.2 4.3 4 .5 6 .6 .42 Monuh Blues : 2.1 3.1 4 .5 6 .9.45 St Leos Emmaus: Hodder 2 . Nexrev 2. Floed. Parker. Best: Flood. Simondson . E Mitchell. Bomveci . Ottobre. Parker. 64onssh Blues: Hern, 3 . Lloyd. Spencer. Walsh. Be=' Tuohey. Moresi. Hern'. Feenagltty. Do~kxtv. J Haii•kns . Banyule: 1 .1 3 .5 7 .7 10 .8.68 Caulfield: 3.1 3 .2 5 .3 5 .4 .34 Ban,,),; KatTmz 3. Glass 3 . Ho>gom3 2. Turttbull . Best: SJ Grati'. Donaldson. Bell, Ho1,-' . A Plattt. Caulfield: urke 2 . Snuth . Stecenson . Hcaueitamo. Best : S.vr.-: ., . Sa;em . Anderson. Stescenson. S iCose, p1 }Oose. Old Essendon Gr. : 4.5 11 .10 11 .11 15.16.106 La Trobe University: 0.2 2 .2 3 .2 4 .4.28 Old Essendon Gr. : La Trobe University : Bcrtone . Pordt.-ut. Storer. Watson . Best: Hopkhts . Patterson. Hill . Peters. &rtone. Spralp.

The VAFA "Amateur Footballer" is proudly sponsore d and printed by :

CYANPRESS 9 7 6 3 4 0 8 8 -- _ - ~ A melee is "Where an incident take s place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"

AQ U INAS 速 . Coach: Laurie Aghan Res Coach: Laurie Aghan

1 G . Burch 2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 5 M. Boland 6 D . Monogu e 7 C . Glenni e 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 A . Bethun e 13 D. Denbraber 14 A . Lorkln 15 A. Hylan d 16 H. Fiel d 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes

19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Paras 21 C . Quin n 22 S. Flyn n 23 J . Livingstone

24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 S . Downes 27 S . Jones 28 J . Langfor d 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Coliilver 31 M . Hunte r 32 J . Bleakney 33 C . Woode n 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 J . North-Coombe s 38 B . Moran 39 M . Mercuri 40 A. Cultrera 41 C . Bambury rY

42 R . Mora n 43 M . Sla ttery 44 G . Mackli n 45 N . Frederikson 46 M . Anderson 47 N . Mora n 48 M . M oor e

E :. .



__ ._ .:.

Res . Coach: Clinton Perry 1 D . Rosman 2 B . Hall 1 M .Bakogiannis 2 S . Stevenson 2 S .Fredrickson 3 C . Knight 3 D .Sheldrick . Erickson 3 S 4 C Per ry 4 M . Liddell 5 S .Adamthwaite 4 K . Deakin 6 B .Cameron 5 S . Kendall 7 P.Moon 6 M . Harrison 8 J Camm 6 B . Minte r g J .Goode 7 J . Cowlishaw 10 D Sidebottom . Cossa Walsh 8 S rt 11 J .Levy 9 W . Bowes 12 D .Gleeson 10 A. Will 13 11 S. Amiet 14 L.Wakeling 11 M. Cassidy 15 G .Robinson 12 D . Pearce 16 C McKie 12 M. Dakic 17 L.Heathcote 13 D . Gurr 18 S .Glou ry 14 S . Klose 19 S .White 15 P. King 20 16 T. Royals 21 D .Edmunds R . Gosstray 22 17 D . Robe rt s 23 S .Mitchell 18 P. Anderson 24 18 B . Baxter 25 M .Spralja 19 R. Buchanan 26 B .Hewi tt 20 M . Klos e 27 L Rya n 20 H. Vella 2 8 R Rossi 21 N. Brohier 29 22 T. Townley 30 R .Storer 23 D . Ash 31 24 G . Lehner 32 M .Napier 25 M . Cramphor n 33 T. Wailes 34 26 S. Williams 35 26 S . WidjaJa 36 T.Mawdsley 27 R . Keown 37 28 G. Evans 38 A .Willis

23 M GrayY

24 A Plant 25 L Marti n 26 G Shaw 27 P. Healey 28 C Wilk s 29 G Su tt erby 30 B. Grinda l 31 C Bassett 32 S . Richmond 33 D . Glass 34 C Stevens 35 D Spoules 36 M . George 37 B Wilson 38 T. Thompson 39 A . Hopgood 40 W. Gibson

59 A . Beauchamp

Heathmont Cellars Haughey Butchers

41 D . Mutt on

42 T Egan 43 L Ferrall 44 M . Natoli 45 D . Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Holt 50 C Burke 51 G Bell 52 Ross Dohe rt y 53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witchell 55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A . Dooley

58 D Mayne 59 J . McDermott

Coach : Andrew Sutherland

29 J . Whitmee

Bedrock Computers Medieval M adness


1 H McDermo tt 2 D Witchell 3 S . Kayrooz 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 B . Gillard 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 B Moxi n 11 S Cross 12 J Egan 13 D Nasrallah 14 B. Woodlock 15 S Gray 16 D Bentley 17 G . Donaldson 18 J Turnball 1 9 A Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham

Sponsors : Nero's Restaurant VAI Bodyworks

. .___

Coach : Dean Anderson Res Coach:Kornet Dachs

2 9 D . Schrimski 30 J . Gros s 31 S . Sant 33 C . McGrath 33 N . Silver 34 J . Margeriso n 35 S . Thompson 36 A. Lawrence 37 M . Scholte n 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 G . Harrison 41 A. Bosna 42 D . Synman 43 J. Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 J. Blamines 46 A .Johnson 47 L . Salem 48 S . Va rthalis 51 N . Bourke 53 J . Upton 54 M . Allanb y 55 M . Davie s 56 A . Dow d 58 J . Toyam a

49 G . Verstr a 50 L . Sheffield 51 C . Watt 52 M . Corrie 53 J . Devers 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 D .Joyce 57 D . No rth-Combes 58 D . Law 59 A . Bentley 60 D. Vine 61 M . Greer 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barrie 64 P.Glennie 65 L. Buzaglo 66 J . Hun t 67 P. Cuickshank 68 J . Coglan 70 C . Lyng 71 J . Pole 72 M . Riley 86 B. Barclay



Coach: Greg Whitcrott Res Coach: Rohan Dohe rty

72 T. Freema n 68 G . Markovi c

39 40'

41 No . Nam e 42 43 44 W.Auldist 45 S .Turner 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

55 A .Cummings

61 S Bland 66 A Baillie 70 J Dumares q

. _



Coach : Dave Roger s Res Coach :? rcus

1 L Findlay 2 J Baxte r 3 L Holloway 4 A Bains 5 D Rogers

6 M Newman 7 P Farrar 8 D Junkeer 9 C O'Sulliva n 10 S Webste r 11 M Spencer 12 J Caldwel l 13 A Herrma n 14 B Merli n 15 M Tinkler 16 B Ta tterson 17 P O'Neil l 18 E Morriso n 19 D Furnel l 20 A Anderso n 21 C Grego ry 22 R Kamphius 23 D Cavicchiol o 24 C William s 25 J Hawkin s 26 P Ferno n 27 N DeYoun g 28 S McGee 30 L Creamer 32 J Marshal l 33 J Smit h 34 B Dowsley 35 D Murchi e 36 N Costle y 38 P Tuohey

39 M Smith 40 M Bolton 41 1 Paul 42 P Milli e 43 R Feenaght y 44 D Teasdal e 45 R Wals h 46 A Ryan

47 S Menth a 48 K McIntyre

49 A Spence 51 J Gray 52 N Moresi 54 M McGrat h 60 S Lloy d 61 P Campbell 67 B Dempsey 69 N Manuel ]

nea r

1)1 Section OAKLEIGH A .F.C .



Coech : Chris Moore ~s 'Coach: Peter Anclonctaculos R:

Coach : Matt Hanson Res Coach : Andrew Tsindos

Coach : Michael Zemski Res . Coach: Phil Aarons

Coach : Gavin Keane

2 A. Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Heverin 5 T lanchello 7 B. Stirling 8 R . Marshall J. Moults 10 S . Lewis

1 J . McLean 1 M . Knowles 2 T. James (DVC) 2 A . McKenzie 3 A . Inkster 4 N . Lippiatt 5 S . Horskins 6 A. Seele y 6 R. Heath 7 M . Scott 7 C . Grant 8 J . Hefferna n 8 S. Clay 9 E. Noy 9 B. O'Hara 10 M . Hanson (C) 11 N . Robinson 12 R . Kapoo r 12 A . Hill s 13 L. Gladman (VC) 14 R . Whitehead 14 R . Perryman 15 S . Tosch 16 A . Heffernan 17 A . Bryson (VC) 18 A . Brownless 19 A . Hanson 20 J . Elliott 22 S . Reddis h 23 D. Lilj a 24 D. Imberge r 25 A . Herdenberg 26 C . Williams 27 W. Orwi n

I C . Angus 2 W. Mudge 3 M . Cohen 4 5 J . Daniher 6 C . Campbell

1 J Pana (VC) 2 J Fincher 3 P Lutterschmidt (C) 4 D Fletcher (VC) 5 S Emerson 6 C Ridley 7 J Leask 8 L Fletcher 9 J Goodger 10 S B ryant 11 B Papal 12 J Fincher 13 W Conlan 14 S Evans 15 T Di Blasi 16 S MacPherson 17 P Hexte r 18 J Walker 19 GStevens 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 R Doolan 25 B Turner 26 S Fleming (VC) 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan

11 C . Hanle y 12 B . Hall

13 S . Randl e 15 G . Redford 16 J . Tolle y 17 A . Mouchacca 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T Adamic 22 L. Billin g 24 S . Kitts 25 C . Marshal l 26 A. Kitts 27 G . Orlando 28 A. Khodr 29 D . Hall 30 E . Radchenko 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M . Clark 34 L . Head 35 R . Nuske 36 A . Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pesnikas 39 B . Reither y 40 C. Taylor

41 T. Duhau 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 N . Smith 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 48 P. Leslie 49 S. Bader 50. L . Wilson 51 . J . Kerley 52. D . Bank s 53. T. Khou ry 54 D . Greaves 55 A . Gook 56 A . Oslay 57 S . Heslop

58 L. Neavan 59 T. Rozaki s 60 M . McPhee James Podesrn " tt oaa9 a a szz

28 J . Webb 29 R . Scott

30 D . Alex 31 T Hedley 32 D . Mitchell

33 S . Beckett 34 P. McCrae 36 S . Derry 38 N . Sims 39 B . Day 40 E . Wiliams 41 L. Rya n 42 R . Pratt 43 T. Walke r 44 S . Smit h 46 T. Reid 48 J . Swan n 49 J . Hardman 50 J . McKenzie 55 J . Gan 56 T. Holmes 57 J . Kelly 58 M . Short 59 T. Johnston 60 B . Mcliwain 61 T. Johnson 62 J . Miles 64 P. Craig 65 N . Saffar 67 G . Rowe 76 D . Brauer

7 R . Oppy ppY

8 P. Harri s 9 A . Birkill 10 K . Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 D. Knezevi c 13 B . Hutchin s 14 C . Phillips 15 M . Beresfor d 16 F. Hakins 17 S. Curr y 18 C . Matthews 19 A. McKinsty 20 J . Raffpoulos 21 D . Faelis 22 S . Vitali 23 B . Shutie 24 N . Bull 25 B . Israel 26 J . Rist 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 D . Sherr 29 C. Munro 30 T Stanley 31 D. O' Dwye r 32 P. Graham 33 J . Mai 34 W . Giannikos 35 S. McConnell 36 D . Shutie 37 D . Palmer 38 I . Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 A. Newham 41 A . Gates 42 G . Cotsonis 43 S . Cherry

44 A . White 45 T. Bull 46 H . Giannokos 47 H . Francis 48 H . Giannikos 49 M . Eastham 50 T. Moulton 51 J . Mandanici 52 G . Cvetkovic 53 M . Sonntag 54 K. Giannkos 55 S. Hawkins 56 B. Chapple 57 N . Wilkinson 58 J. Boncher 59 C . Mason 60 J . Russo


Res Coach: Shane Bishop

29 S Uebergang

30 T Williams 31 T Mansfield 32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson (RVC) 34 D Podger 35 D Whitfield 36 P Trial 37 G Walsh 38 S Whitfield 39 S Cramer 40 C Mnjrvik 41 D Greasley 42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 J Crawford 45 Paul Barry (RC) 46 L Flemin 47 D Hexte rg 48 D Poulton 49 A Hutchison 50 D Graham 51 A Copodiferro 52 P Miller 53 L Hadj 54 R Hardy 55 P Chalkley 56 B Rashid 57 58 59 60


Res Coach : Andrew Bethun e 1 D Dinicolantoni o 2 J O'Meara 3 E Mitchel l 4 A Auliso (RVC ) 5 S Buckl e 6 G Bonnic i 7 A Burqes s 9 A Bethun e 10 B Mitchel l 11 S . McCan n 12 T McCan n 13 A Hughan 14 J Manton 15 A O'Reilly

17 R Parke r 18 R McCan n 19 A Majo r 20 G . Rafferty 21 G Simmondso n

22 P Ristevski 23 T Batty 24 A Hadda d 25 A McKenzie (VC ) 26 A Prosser (RC ) 28 S . McLaughlin

29 S D'arc 30 M . Ottabi e 31 N . Zannis

32 L. Price 34 enricus B J Brigg s 36 S Bavage 5 3 37 S . Manto n 38 N Hodde r

39 B Vaughan (C ) J

Taylo lo r 42 M R Floo d 43 P Levin s 44 M Dimbl e 45 S Ronchi 46 A Brown 47 A Brooks 48 A Dal y 49 D Cox 50 L Newey 51 P McGloi n 52 R McGloin 53 T Pecora 54 J Fennel l 55 P McCormac k 56 S Dornik 57 M Plac e 58 D Place 59 D Pitche r 62 A Ra no r 63 P Ma n 64 M . Morri s 65 N Foley 66 D Lea r 67 P. Farquha r 65 B. O'Connor 66 S Mescher 72 A Burqdorf 73 D Whftney 75 T Yme r 76 G . Donova n 77 C Vaughan 78 M Whi[ney 79 T Tribe 80 H Meehan 87 D Furnis s 88 S Pitcher 41

Mark Stevens P'tfj$l Shop P7-y LTD ,2 9586 2262 rn ~!u .00u day 9563 1155



H O ME APPLIANCES 9 8 5 7 80 6 1

Mellor Soonsors: KITCHEN S

9720 047 7 19

LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundl e

5 YEARS AGO - 199 5 Six games each. U . Blues (at home) and De La met in a vital game for both . Two goals each in the first term, and then the Blues, through their on batters V~orsley . Davis and Blood moping up after the dominance of their agile ruckman Gil McLachlan who kicked 7 goals to lead 9 .4 to 2 .3 at half time, and go on to win 16 .12 to 6 .10 . "B" Section captains were John Gilham (Bany), S . Driver (Bull Temp), C . Belleville (Maz), Dean Corner (Old (MHSOB) . Nick Perry (Old Brighton), Drew Solley Ment), Finn Buckley (St Kilda Sth Caul) . Simon Eastmure (Therry) . Who captained Old Haileybury and Old Paradians ? Aquinas congratulated Marchi Tarulli on his 150th game - best and fairest 4 times (a club record), club captain, his 'never say die' approach and his abundant skills have thrilled club supporters over the years . MHSOB, 8th in B . kicked accurately and Therry lost top spot in B, 12 .5 to 9 .113 . Best were Kiley, Skinner, Vlahos (MHSOB), and Ramsay, Sedgwick, Reddick (Therry) . AJAX saluted their tough reliable competitor, Bryan 'Doggie' Zielinski, on his 150th game . It was not enough to stop Old Geelong who defeated the Jackers 14 .10 to 9 .5 to find the club on top in C when. sixth placed St Kevins defeated top team Therry Best for Old Geelong were Levins, Manton, Ritchie, Wilson (6 gls) . Coach Harry Harisiou applauded the strong performance of the VAFA Under 19 team against a very experinced VFA team who won the game 18 .16 to 10 .9 . Andrew Henderson (U . Blues) was the teams best player, and others to stand out were defenders Christopher Miles U . Blues) and Robert Pasqualotto (Whitefriars), while captain John Tate (Therry), Alex Pappos (Old Ivan) and Mark Halligan (Uni Blues) tried to lift the team with their efforts on the ball . Harry was assisted by George Voyage as Chairman of Selectors, Max Lyon (Selector), Simon Derham (Selector), Peter Harris (Team Manager) and Richard Evans (Property Steward) . Only undefeated teams were North Brunswick (E . Central), Beaumaris (E . South), Uni Blues (U19/1), Monash Blues ( C), led 6th team VOZitefriars 10 .7 to 5 .6 at half time . but the Friars were not to be deceived and with Paul Campbell and Michael Jackson starring they led by 1 point at the last change . In a tight last quarter Friars held on to win by 7 goal in time-on points . Noel Jenkins mark and capped off an outstanding game . Smith, Alexander,

Hopwell and Whit e ^ J) were good players for ~ Monash . 10 YEARS AGO 1990 University Blues, one win on the board after 9 rounds, geared up for another 'Houdinf effort when they beat fifth team Old Xaverians, 16 .12 to 14 .12 . Richard Furphy and John Kanis inspired the Blues and were well supported by Dowling, Yandell, Vogel and Chris Taylor, Callanan . Dillon and Denton (4 goals) were Xavs best . The game also featured goal umpire Gary 'Handshaker' Clancy waving the flags for his 200th game . There was no truth in the rumor that all players and umpires lined up prior to the game to shake his hand . Thomastown (C), in fifth position broke University Blacks unbeaten run . The Towners were first to the ball, and at half time with 20 scoring shots to 7 should have had the game sewn up . However the score was 7 .13 (55) to 6 .1 (37) . It was a ding dong battle in the second half but the Towners held on to . win by 5 points, 13 .18 (96) to 14 .7 (91) . Best were F. Farchione, Maurovic, Kev Harting (T . Town), and N Heath (6 gls), McDonald, Grummett (U . Blacks) . Ajax congratulated their champion . Rick Marks, on his 150th game . Best and fairest player in 1980, 82, 84 and 86, members of the 1979 'B' Section Premiership team, a tireless worker for the club and a magnificent player for Victoria at the Perth Carnival in 1982 . Those who were lucky enough to be there will never forget his skill and courage in that dramatic quarter which won Victoria the Carnival . Undefeated teams after 10 rounds were Collegians (A), St Bedes (D), De La Salle (A res), Will (F res Leading goalkickers after 10 rounds were 'A' Paul . Schuhkraft (Orm) 47 . 'B' Martin Legge (Bany) 42, 'C' . 'E' Nick Heath (U . Blks) 61, 'D' Yanvood (Old Ivan). 39 John Manton (Old Geelong) 44, 'F' Clode (C Bank) 39 . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 5 The 16th AAFC Carnival was held in Melbourne at Elsternwick Prk over the week June 30 to July 6 . Victorian players were Shane Murphy (De L a Salle (C) Rohan Brown (Old Melb) (V,C .), Chris Stone (Caul . Gr), Fergus Kiel (Old Scotch), Nick Wilton (Old X), Rick De Marte (Bull-Temp) . John Kanis (Caul Gr), Peter Gittos (Ivan), Guy Ritchie (Orm), Mark McDonald (Orm), Paul Considine (N .O .B .), Simon Eishold (Orm), Mick Deveson (De La Salle), Andrew Smythe (Bull Temo), Greg Cameron (Ivan), Charlie Capiron (St Kilda), Alan Naylor (Orm) . Rick Van Den

Driest (Bull Temp), James Garde (Uni Blks) . Peter Sherwen (Old Scotch), Phil Callil (Caul), Brian Hodge (Old Scotch), Andy Mehrten (Orm), Mike McDonald (Ivan), Nick Bourke (Old Xav) . It was a bad week for Victoria who convincingly beat West Australia in the first match only to lose the game for playing an ineligible player who had lost his registration in playing for Melbourne reserves the previous day and failing to obtain a new permit . Victorians then had a comfortable 77 point win against Tasmania, kicking 9 goals in each quarter . Victoria needed to beat South Australia by I goal to win the carnival . However S .A . led by 12 points at the last change, and then kicked 11 goals to 3 goals in the fmal tern to have a very convincing win . Seven Victorians were selected in the All Australian side, Rohan Brown . Mick Deveson . Simon Eishold . Peter Gittos . John Kanis, Peter Sherwin, Nick Wilton . A.A.F.C . Best and Fairest Medal went to Rod Thomas (Tas), 11 points from Nick Wilton (Vic) 9 and Leigh Sprylan (W .A .) 9 . Alex Johnson headed up the committee organising the Carnival and congratulations were due to him for the smooth organisation and the wonderful spectacle of the opening ceremony . 20 YEARS AGO - 198 0 'A' section coaches were Sid Myers (AJAX), Gavin White (De La), Kevin Morrison (Ivanhoe), John Russell (Marcellin) . John Jordan (North O .B .). Barry Morphett (Old Melb). Peter Murphy (Ormond), Gus Mitchell (St Bernards) . Ted Farrell (U . Blacks) and Alan Salter (U . Blues). Howling south westerley winds with reported snow falls were the order of the day. 'A' section leader De La Salle did not adapt to the conditions as well as Marcellin who, despite a goalless second half were out to score an upset, four point win . 6 .6 to 4 .14 . Best were Toohey, Denning . J . Crimmins (Marc), and R. McHenry, Maher and Doolan (De La Salle) . Old Carey second on 'D' even though inaccurate had a strong 41 point win against their rivals Old Ivanhoe, (sixth, 13 .24 to 9 .7) . Blair . Rowe, D . Smith (Old Carey) and Harris, Culthness, Harvey (Old Ivanhoe were the stars . ANZ paid tribute to Bill 'Jet' Jackson who played his 300th game - life member, club record holder, member of the 1974 premiership team, and President for the past three years . 200 games to Kevin Perkins (De La Salle), David Clark (Caulfield Gramm), and Peer 'Chicken legs' Harvey (Parkside) . Old Camberwell were saddened by the news of retirement of championship ruckman David Mullett due to injury . Section best and fairest in 1973, member of 1972 champion premiership side, captain of 1978 premiership team . Dicks knees had finally given up, and all wished him well for the future . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 5 After 11 rounds there was not one undefeated team in the competition . Monash Whites (F) were beaten by Bulleen United by 25 points . Spooner, Hilton and Mayne (B . United) were best .

Bottom team Geelong yet to win, almost caused the season's upset when they ran the leaders, St Bernards to a goal in easily Geelong's best performance for the season . Old Trinity joined Ormond (4th) on 24 points when they beat Ormond by a point in a thriller . It was Ormond's third successive defeat . The Umpires held a"Sports Day" with stars being Geoff Kelly (squash), Simon Marks (tennis singles) and Phillip Rowell and Garv Nichol (tennis doubles) . 300 games to Kevin Kinlock (Brunswick) - captain of the clubs 1970 "D" section premiership . 30 YEARS AGO - 1970 De La Salle kept close to the four when, in a low scoring game, they defeated Old Paradians by a point . Halasa, Cook, Lynch (De La Salle) and Johnson, Grindlay and Kendall for Old Paradians were best . Guyon Wilson celebrated his 100th game for Geelong by winning the Solomon Trophy by best player. Old Brighton were proud to announce the opening of their clubrooms, the culmination of many years hard work by the Committee . Old Xaverians (eighth in'B' section) surprised Uni Blacks (third with only one defeat) to only go down by 7 points in a low scoring game 5 .5 (35) to 6 .6 (42) . 40 YEARS AGO - 1960 De La Salle 'B' Section leaders, lost their second game in when they went down by a point to Hampton Rovers who snatched victorv with the last kick of the game after being 6 goals down at half time . Best were C . Adamson, F . Adamson, McDonald (H .R .) and Watts, Compton, Hanneberry (De La) . 200 games to Byron Hill, State Savings Banks classy rover. 100 games to Bernie Teague, De La back pocket . St Kilda CBOC farewelled three stalwarts who left on a trip to Europe, John Langley, Dennis O'Brien and Brian Sharkev . Uni Blues played brilliant football to overwhelm Old Melburnians by almost 6 goals to records their seventh win in a row . Best were Hayden, Nelson, Smith (U . Blues) and P . Turner, Porter, J . Turner (Old Melb) . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 0 It had to happen! Ormond going for the straight dozen, were . outmarked, outstayed, and outmanoeuvred to go down by 7 points to Old Scotch - Final scores 9 .13 to 8 .12 . Old Scotch won the game in the first quarter when they scored 4 .9 to 0 .2 . Best were Geer . Bate. Morone (Old Scotch) and K. Robinson, Rundle, Hardy (for Ormond) In the battle of top sides in 'B' Section . Collegians also inflicted the first defeat on Commonwealth Bank - leading from half time, and finally 10 .18 to 8 .13. Best for Collegians were Brian Judd, Warren Judd, Greg Buckeridge while David Kerr showed pleasing form in his first match for the season . Ted Thomas Alan Shiel, and Ian Bailey were best for the Bank who were unlucky to lose Alan Kirby with a broken leg .

Winning Edge Presentations

CLUB Ili SECTION by Norm Nugent

-°_ ound 10 results, especially in section 1, were ®'® close and could well prove decisive when finals time comes on July 22 . The quest for the final four in Division 2 has reached a most interesting stage where only four points separate second from sixth place . My success rate rose to 80% REVIEW OF ROUND 10 SECTION 1 St Kevins continued their steady rise up the ladder when with greater accuracy they defeated Old Brighton by two points . Defeat at home is rare for Old Brighton, who now languish in seventh position and are likely to miss the finals for the first time in five seasons . At three quarter time De La Salle led Old Xave rians by sixteen points and seemed likely to repeat their 1999 round 10 victory over the undefeated leaders . Inaccurate kicking in the final quarter by De La Salle as well as the determination and skill of Old Xaverians, allowed the leaders to maintain their unblemished record with victory by four points . Best players for De La Salle included : Shane Rudd, who survived a collision with Tim O'Sullivan, Ash Tucker, "Sweatbox" Buick and Andrew Reed . Old Melburnians had more of the play against Prahran and won by six points, despite some inaccurate kicking . The win has now placed Old Melburnians three games ahead of Prahran, who now face a three way battle for the last two final four berths . In the early morning game Old Scoteh, despite inaccurate kicking, proved me a poor judge as they were far too strong for Mazenod, who failed to produce their form of round 9 . Best for Old Scotch were : Nick Simon (half forward), coach Simon Illingworth (ruck) and full back . Simon Crump. Mazenod were best served by Darren Harvey and Curtis Collins as ruck rovers as well as half forward, Matt Morley . Marellin had the bye . SECTION 2 Yarra Valley scored a decisive win over a depleted Old Camberwell in wet conditions . Yarra Valley made the most of their opportunities and won by thirty two points . They were well served by. on ball players Jarrod Dickson and Fraser McVean each of whom was resuming after injury. The consistent Cameron Box also played well. Old Camberwell had good players in ruckman Jef Douglas, defender Rod Heath, wing man Martin Hopkins and rover Michael Freedman .

Therry Penola maintained their good form when they built an early lea d over Old Ivanhoe while the ball was dry and not as slippery as it become when the rain fell consistently . As Therry Penola led at the first change by thirty seven points Old Ivanhoe were forced to play "catch up football", a task that proved beyond their capability especially as they lacked a key forward to convert chances to score . Therry Penola won by fifty points . They were well served by the consistent John Zanetti and coach Tony Crotty as well as by Geoff Pinner and veteran Gerard Biddlestone in his two hundred and fiftieth game . Best for Ivanhoe included Paul Sigley . Peter Di Fiore and Trent Cormick. St Bernards, who triumphed over Whitefriars by ninety five points, have regained second place . Monash Whites continued their surge toward s

the finals with a forty seven point win over Old Trinity . Old Geelong kicked the sweep when they over ran Parkside and won by one hundred and seventy two points . Inaccurate kicking for goal by Collegians allowed leaders, Rupertswood to win their match by forty five points. After a promising start, Collegians now seem likely to finish outside the final four. PREVIEW OF ROUND 11 SECTION 1 St Kevins, who have impressed many observers this season, must rate a good chance of defeating Old 7{averians, who have not dominated the competition as in seasons past . In reality a side can do no more than win and Old Xaverians keep just doing that . Good sides win from behind in the final stages of a match and Old Xaverians did just that last week . Old Xaverians are my selection . In what is virtually an elimination final for them . De La Salle play Old Melburnians at Malvern . Old Melburnians seem certain finalists and defeat today would probable mean De La Salle will miss the final four for the first time in three seasons . As De La Salle seem unable to play consistently over four quarters . I select Old Melburnians .

Prahran desperately need a win and against Marcellin they should achieve victory . In round 2 Marcellin led throughout only to have Prahran snatch victory with the final kick of the match Prahran need to concentrate on football, train hard

and qualify for the finals . They are my selection . Old Scotch once again have come back to a level, which should enable them to feature in finals . Today they should win over Old who are not enjoying a successful season . Mazenod have the bye. SECTION 2 Therry Penola cross town to play Yarra Valley in what is a vital contest as well as a potential dress rehearsal for this year's fmals . Therry Penola are really playing great football, while Yarra Valley are building momentum. A titanic struggle looms . Although I have great respect for Yarra Valley, I lean to a Therry Penola win because of their greater depth of experienced and talented players . St B ernards should hold second place with a win over Old Camberwell . Monash Whites must defeat Whitefriars to keep up with the leading teams . On recent form I must select Monash Whites .

Two northern sides, Parkside and Old Trinity will seek a victory, which has been elusive for both this season. I select Old Trinity to win . After their huge victory last week, Old Geelong will be confident of extending the leaders, Rupertswood. Although Old Geelong may give a good account of themselves, I am in no doubt Rupertswood will win . Old Ivanhoe should redeem themselves with victory over Collegians . Another loss by Old Ivanhoe could result in them sliding from the top four after such a promising start . Correspondents : Communications are back to normal this week, so please let me have your match details by noon on Monday. Telephone 9467 2857 (you can leave a message) or fax 9467 2865 . Thanks to all who overcame the "tyranny of distance" to contact me after round 10 .

CLUB 18 (1) - 10.O3,00

CLUB 18 (2) - 10 .06.0 0

0.3 2.5 4 .8 8 .9 .57 Old Brighton : 5 .1 6.2 9 .3 9.5 .59 St Kevins : ghton : Goal kickers and best players results not received. St Kevins: Old B ri Goal kickers and best players results not received . Umpire: T. Hall, : 5.7.37 Old Xaverians 5 .3.33 Be La Sidle ; : L. Hardtvick 2 .J . Hardwick 2. Jones. Best : Farrow. Fitz . Old %everians Jones . Hart . Landrigan . L. Hardwick . Be La Salle : P O'Brien 2. N Tully 2 . : A Molan. Reed, Tucker. T Ford. P O'Brien, Jennings . Umpire: R. Reed . Best Bert on . .6 6 .7 8.11 10 .14 .74 Old RSeIburnians : 4 Prahran: 4.0 5 .5 8 .5 10.8 .68 Jensz 2, Wright 2 . Cooper. Geddes. Paine. Rigg. J. Old Melburrilans: Tornttnson. Whitehead . Best : Telford, Rigg, Berry, Geddes, Wright, Cartlidge 6 . Butterworth 2. Jones . Hernadi . Best: Hutchittgs . Prahran: nit-,op. Cougar. Borby. Poochie. Harrold . Cee Jay . Umpire: S . Mason .

Old Camberwell: 3.0 3.0 7 .2 8 .4 .52 13 .6.84 Yarra valley. 5.2 7.4 11 .4 Old Camberwell: Board 2 . Harvey 2 . Taylor 2. Church. Kent . Best; Dougias . Heath. Hopknts. Freedmatt . Board . Yarra Valley: White 3 . Griffett 3. F Maceeart 2. Hamdton 2 . Verditik . Box. Ketsakidis . Best : Box. Dickson. F Maccean. Strauch. A Macvean . Stillwell. Umpire : T. Robbins. Therry Penola : 6.2 8 .4 10.7 10.10.70 Old Ivanhoe : 0 .1 2 .2 2.2 3.2.20 Therry Panels : Stephens 4 . Zanetti 3 . Vaina 2. S Lees. Best :Zanetti . Pinner. Stephens . Baden. Egglestone. O'Kearnev. Old Ivanhoe: Goat kickers and best players results not received . Umplre: D. Wiudlmv. Whitefriars: 3 .2 4.2 4.2 5 .2.32 3 .4 10.6 14.11 19.13.127 St Bernards: tvhiteYrtars: Jenkins 5. Best: Ttmrettes. Benn}tnan: Webb . Raftis. Love, Monica.St. Bernrnnrdx: Pocatajko 6 . Hilbert 5 . Cantso 2, Mattlte3s, Jacks . Hans, Cabrick . Bond. Donnelly, Best: Pocatajko, Hilbret . Donnetty, Harris, Grav . Umpire: A . Barrington.

i od: 1 .1 3.1 3 .1 3.3.21 ::aotch: 1 .5 2.7 3.9 4.10.34 nod: S Ward, Morley. Fothergill . Best : Harvey . Collins. Jacobs, M

,ii, Garbellini. Scasserra . Old Scotch : Pryde . Sinton . Illingtvorth . A enberg. Best : Cowper, ttlinguorth. Simon, O'Brien . Frankenberg. Tr,,.,.. Umpire : P. Nailer. Marcellln: By e




0.1 1 .2 3 .4 3.6.24 Old Trinity: Monash Whites: 5.2 7 .3 8 .6 10.11 .71 Old Trinity: Tudor. Kelly, 'aattkenis . Best : Cochrane, Heaven . Markus . Kmross. Patderson . Kellv. Monash Whites: Roberts 5, Collier . Riddle . Johnstone, M Dods . 'A'est . Best : Howe . Roberts. Colombies . M Dods, S Dods . Riddle. Umpire: T. Jackson _

Old Geelong: 6 .3 11 .12 17.16 27.18.180 Parlrside: 1 .0 1 .0 1.2 1 .2 .8 Old Geelong : ttorrison 5 . Kilpatrick 5, McDonald 4 . Abbott 3. McNeur 3. Tompsett 2. Brown. Chirnside . McKenzie. Landv. MacKinnon . Best: Morrison, McDonald . Abbott. McNeur, McKenzie, Baker. Parkside: Umpire: B . Nunn . Coll egians : 2.5 3.7 4 .9 4 .11 .35 1 .2 4 .7 8 .10 11 .14 .80 Rupertswood : Coll egians : Itupertswood : Umpi re: P. Rapke .





















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,=, he prolonged successes of the Melbourne teams of the 50's and 60's and th e Hawthorn teams of the 70's, 80's and 90's were highlighted by one common ingredient - DISCIPLINE . The successes of individuals and team in all facets of sport could not be achieved without DISCIPLINE . No individual or team can optimise their ability if they are undisciplined . To achieve the discipline necessary for succcss a coach has a major selling - yes selling job to do on his charges . He has to convince the players that personal and team discipline is not a punishment but something that is every bit as essential as getting the ball. He must convince them that there is a reward for practicing discipline - SUCCESS . He doesn't have to go far to find examples to prove his point . All successful (and even many not so successful) Olympians organise themselves to optimise the training time available to them - not easy to do when there are so many easy options available to them . In my office I have a framed poster of a quotation from the doven of all American football coaches - Vince Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers . The quotation is "The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence regardless of his chosen field of endeavor" . I believe the coach must show an unrelenting commitment to discipline if he is t o 100% from his team . For example . any coach who pre-season ;tates that a policy of "no train - no play' must abide by that all season despite the temptation for possible short term gain by picking a nontrainer . He must demonstrate the same cast iron determination to carry out his words as he expects of his players . We are now are well into the season and the coach's "rules" should have been well and truly outlined by now but here's a brief checklist any~~•~ay. (not in order of importance) . Q Attendance at training i .e . "no train - no play" . C) Attention at training - not just going through l\'~ TuC n NA ArCito cnnTR1 I I Co

the motions - a "no nonsense" attitude must prevail . Punctuality at training, matches and team meetings . Diet and alcohol intake guidelines, should be set and monitored . Procedures to enable injury recovery must be followed . Personal on field appearance . Also there are many onfield disciplines that are the coach's responsibility to outline to each player on each match day . Assuming the above have been set down as "rules", the coach must stick by them . He will be judged by his sticking to his plan . His club can forgive a coach some elements of mistakes of judgement and of overall coaching skill errors but it will not forgive a lack of discipline by him . The coach must be subtle in dealing with breaches of discipline . I have never been a believer in punishing the whole team for the waywardness of just one player . I believe it is best to get the individual aside and discuss the breach with him . Listen to his side of the story and if a reprimand /penalty is still seen to be applicable do so discreetly - nothing is achieved by belittling someone in front of their mates . Convince him how he has let both himself and his teammates down . It is also particularly important that the "rules" apply equally to everyone - don't play "favorites" . Coaches must remind players that their lack of onfield discipline can have major adverse effects on the team such as down field penalties : 25 metre penalties and worst of all . being sent from the ground to "cool off' for 15 minutes and leave the team a man short . In summary . the coach is responsible for his teams discipline . He can't expect it if he doesn't practice it himself . It is the single most important ingredient of success. Re-printed from The Amateur Footballer, 1993 . Max Lyon - Under 19 Chairma n



D2 SECTION by Eivion Bowen J ITWEAIZ ust for a change, this week's results proved J that the even nature of this division will continue through the second half the season . Parkside, Mentone and Yarra Valley kept those middle positions changing, whilst Uni Blacks and Salesian notched up important victories . Review Parkside and Peninsula played a close, tough match for four quarters with both sides having periods of dominance . The Red Devils were able to make more of their opportunities, and answered each of Peninsula's challenges to lead at every change . Parkside rover Rob Marulli was his side's best . and Tim Ryan's 6 goals in a fantastic tussle with Peninsula's Prendergast was another highlight . Copely and McCall also proved influential, whilst Payze, Atchison and Nelson battled hard for the Pirates . Mentone held a 3 goal lead at the first break against West Brunswick, a margin that remained for the majority of the match . Once again the Vultures had many avenues to goals, but couldn't easily shake the Wests, who enjoyed Gross' (7) and Benjamin's (4) success around the sticks . Chris Sullivan had another cracker, whilst Matt Barr and Chris O'Meara also saw a fair bit of the footy . The Wests' Clark and Cannane were typically useful . The scoreboard shows Uni Blacks were overshadowed early by Fitzroy Reds, but they responded swiftly and clinically in the second quarter, booting 10 goals to 1 to effectively wrap things up at half-time . Wilson bagged another 5, while Ralph did well in Laffy's absence . Bowles and Martin were among a string of Black's contributors who can hardly put a foot wrong . Kew were jumped early by Salesian, pounced upon in fact . The visitors slotted through 9 goals before the K's had a chance to re-organize themselves . Not sure who were the better players for Salesian, although 20 goals would have given them some confidence for this week's clash with Yarra, For Kew, they worked hard through Mackay and Landwehr in defence to prevent a complete blow-out, and they had another solid last term, with midfielders Cullen, Wood and Campbell continuing to battle . Yarra Valley kept to their winning ways, this time at the expense of Thomastown . In patchy conditions . they extended a narrow 1/4 time lead at each of the ensuing breaks to run out 32

point victors . Coutts, Ho and Kysela played well for Yarra, whil e Thomas, Meade and Adam Smith were the standouts for an undermanned Bears unit which did well to prevent the margin from being much greater. Both sides have big games this week . Preview Parkside's game against Mentone is crucial . The Red Devils' win last week has kept them well and truly in touch, but positions remain tight, and they can't really afford to drop this one, The Vultures, on the other hand, continue to take some impressive scalps and can't be discounted . If their backline can remain steady, they are a good show but Parkside don't drop many at home and should prevail by 13 points . West Brunswick will be keen to put in a better showing this time around against Un i Blacks . The Wests have improved markedly since their drubbing at the hands of the ladder leaders in Round 2, and have enough talent to give this one a shake . However, the Blacks have shown they have the depth to cover any absences, and have been well served by those called upon to plug gaps in recent weeks. With a tad more polish than their hosts, the Blacks should win by about 4 majors . Fitzroy Reds are pitted against Kew, an encounter no doubt viewed as the best opportunity for 4 points in some time . Both teams have been gallant thus far but unable to sustain their intensity for 100 minutes. The Reds' consistency probably shades that of the K's, although the latter's fine win over Thomastown a short time ago probably balances the equation . With a few more scoring options and the advantage at home, I tip the Reds by 19 points. Salesian faces a Yarra Vall ey side brimming with confidence at Bosco Street . The Bushrangers won well again last week and look to have the edge in the air. Salesian will need to utilise every ounce of their experience this week against the Yarra youngsters, and get a similarly early 'jump' on the visitors as last week. Given reasonable conditions . I feel the likes of Cremean . Kysela and co . will see Yarra's form continue to sparkle . Thomastown should regain most of the players who were absent last week for their fixture

,tgainst Peninsula . The Bear's committed football has been rewarded with some superb victories thus far, but they continue to drop the odd one . The Pirates have been less than impressive of late and it is difficult to see how they can avert their recent slide . The home side will have a considerable advantage should conditions prove zvindy, and with close to a full list, will be tough to beat. L

parkside - Lou Inserra ( 100 games) joined parkside in 1988 as a tough and skilled half forward and played a key role in our 1998 B Grade premiership . An absolutely fearless competitor, he is now a team leader on half back flank where he gives 110% every week . Lou has been a club VC and is a 3 time placegetter in the Parkside B&F award . Both Lou and his wife Jodie are respected by all Parksiders for their commitment to team and club . Also Cam Austin ( 50 games) a strong and skilled onballer in the reserves whose great attribute is his attacking handball and team spirit . Although frequent injuries have interrupted his career, Cam is now playing great football and providing on-field leadership . He is a loyal club man and is Parkside's "ace" recruit . Congratulations to both from all your mates at Parkside. Rob Ntarulli ( 100 games) . Rob is a rover who is now playing the best and most consistent football of his career . Blessed with lightning pace and aggression . Rob is found at the bottom of the packs and is a prolific goalkicker . His courage is a highlight of his game . and he is a regular at club functions . Peninsula Old Boys FC - congratulate Shaun Payze and Jon Atchison on their 50th games for the club this week . Parcey is a class playe r and fine on-field leader who was rewarded with state representation this season . Jon continues to work his way into the senior line-up and is a popular clubman ready to take the next step . The Pirates wish you well and look forward to many more games . 1

SENIORS - 10 .06 .00 6 .3 12.5 18.5.113 Peninsula : 4 .1 21 .16.142 Parkside: 5 .4 8 .7 16 .11 Peninsula : Pa4ze 6, Jabber 2 . Dietzsch 2 . Bonner 2. Clariu bold 2. Pattison . J Atc~tison, Hi~u is, Burke. Best: Angus, A Atchison, ~ietzsch . Jubtxr. Nelson . Pavze. Parkside: Bran It . Inserra 3 . ,-'r7arrdli 2. Warren 2. Copley. Dale, Laursen . McCall . McPherson, Tessan . Wise . Best: Mamlll. Rvan, Copley, McCall. Wise, 6tserm. Umpires : Paul Jones (RI Gerald Armstrong (F)

5 .2 8.2 11 .5 17.9.111 Mentone: West Brunswick : 2.2 6.4 8.10 14.11.95 Mentone: C Sullivan 3. Mick Sullivan 3 . Dixon 2 . Perrin 2, White 2, Groves, M Hovey . Matt Sullivan . T Sullivan . Uptin . Best; C Sullivan . M Barr. C O'Meara D Emmett, Groves . Friiister . West Brunswick: J . Gross 7. S . Benjanwt 4. O'Brien 2 . R . Benjaznin . Best : J. Gross . S. Benjamin, Clark, Caimane . Jenkin. kxeir. Umpires : Paul Lambte (R) (F) Steven Nicholson James Nicholson (B ) University Blacks: 1 .4 11.7 12 .9 16 .12 .108 4 .4 5.7 .37 Fitzroy Reds: 3.3 4 .3 University Blacks: A Wilson 5 . Caecavietlo 3. Bowies 2, Beaton . Bowden . Cnnnntkltam . Martin . Toose. 0'Brierne . Best : Ralph . A ~Vtison . Mackie . Bowtes-l, tetWtgs . Martut. Fitzroy Reds: Umpires: Ken Brewer David D'Attera (Fl Kew: 0 .4 3 .7 5.8 9.11 .65 Salesian: 9,3 14 .3 19.5 20.8.128 Kew: L Bradley 2 . Campbell 2, Ttnetti 2, Fox, Lafranchi . Wood . Best: Wood, Cullen, Mackay. Campbell . Lartwehr, Larranchi . Salesian: Umpires: Alan Stubbs (R) (F) 6.9 8.13 12.16.88 Yarra Valley OB : 2 .5 Thomastown: 1 .1 2.3 4.5 8 .8.56 Yarra Va lley OB: Mcllratfl 3. P Cremean 3 . Kysela 2. A Drew, Kennedy. M Laing. R Thont!~son. Best : R Coutts, He . Kvsela . Fung . Kruse, B Do}vms . Thomastown: Farquar 3 . Gorski . B. Snvth, Calx-ci. Scarps . Thomas . Best : Thomas, Meade . A . Smith. Lentini . Plant . Uket . Umpires: Kevin White Ron South ff')

RESERVES - 10 .06.00 Peninsula : 3 .1 5 .2 6,2 7.2.44 Parkside: 4 .4 9 .5 12.6 17.11 .113 Peninsula: B(asanan . Franks. McMalton. Muir. Neal. TavIor, Samj)son . Best : Bloat. ttayley. Jarrett. Powell. Tavlor. Whne . Parkside: Moodie i. Reginato 3 . Singleton 2, Stonehouse 2 . Constatlluti. Muscat . SoGgo. Best ; Iuglis, Moodie . Regutato. Sutgteton. Soi9go. McCall. Mentone : 1 .1 2.5 3.7 4 .7.31 West Brunswick: 3 .3 8.4 12.10 16.12.108 Mentone : Murphy 2 . Fraser, Kinq . Best: Ftenring . King. Portion, Allinson, Fraser. West Brnnsviek : Snilttt 7 .lieywood 3, McHenzie-tvteHarg 2 . BrrnÂŤi. Dishon . Hussey, Baker. Best : McKenzie.'41cHarg, Smith, Howlett, Baker. Hudson . Tobin.

University Blacks : 6.4 8.5 14 .8 16 .11.107 Fttzroys Reds: 0.1 1.3 1 .3 1 .4 .10 University Blacks : Howell 3 . Hannon 3. Chandleer 2, Kitchen 2, Murphy 2, Peck. Jessen . Gadd . Dimond . Best : Hannon . Chandler, Foster, Webber, Costello. Jessen Fitzroy Reds: 5 .8 5.12.42 Kew: 1.2 3 .8 5.5.35 Salesian: 0 .1 0 .2 3 .5 . Best: O'Connor, Wayland, Kew: luavland 2 . Dennis. Moussi, O'Connor Dennis, Atrttonetto . Xuereb . Nigro. Salesian : 14.17 .101 Yarra Valley OB: 5 .1 7 .4 11 .8 Thomastown: 1 .2 1 .2 1 .3 2 .4.16 . Sturzaker. B : Hancock 3. Kehce 2 . Hale 2 . Bunnua 2 Yarra Valley OB Drew. Balshaw, B Re}'rtolds . Joiner. Best : Balshaw. tNtiteetmrch. M IVmes, Davis. T Morris . Bunmta. Thomastown : Scarpa. Hiles. Best: Petsutis . R. tl'ard . S . South . Ttteodorou. Wright . Kelly.



A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scxagging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"





Coach: Serge D'Angelo Res. : Greg Crimmins

1 M Frisby 2 A Walstt 3 C Thatcher 4 M Carracher 5 D Kane 6 J Bennie 7 J Doyle 8 M Farrell

1 2 3 4 5

9 C Prior ( VC) q 10 A Urbancic

11 B Mitchell (VC) 12 C Sheather 13 M James 14 T Clarke 15 B Campbell 16 M Wharfe 17 B Le e 18 J Horridge 19 P Cook 20 T Mitchell 21 A Scot t 22 M Sammon 23 T Jackson 24 C Teha n 25 P Jackson (VC) 26 B Buick 27 J Loft 28 N Hall 29 D East 30 B Foster 31 P Crowe 32 T Hart 33 S Drury (C) 34 D Little 35 A Mackinnon (RC) 36 W Fawaz 37 G Hanlon 38 N Bishop 39 A 40 G George Bence 41 R Burgman 42 A Sainsbury ry

43 T Villani 44 B Hart 45 E Duff

46 P Heaphy

47 M Hicks 49 A Puglia 50 B Aggenbach 50 E Kyriacou 51 J Rawlings 52 B OConner(RVC) 53 S Addicott 54 B Worsley 55 D Atkins 55 N Mathews 56 T Madden 57 L Rizviak 58 B Neal 59 M Dooley 61 B Tirrell

62 N Auden 62 P Diacogiogis 64 D Trindade 65 S Bramley 66 D Timm s 68 D Simmonds 69 K Teasdale 71 P Gunn 74 N Fitzpatrick 80 G Box 81 J Hamilton 82 P Howorth 84 Z Stenburg 85 J Whelan

88 S Greenwood



Senior Coach : Grant Hammond Res Coach : Darren Kane

B . Lafranchi L. Fitzgerald G . Horgan G . Crimmins (RC) L. Bradley

6 N . Tinetti

7 D . Mitchell 8 J . Doumis 9 S . McCarthy 10 B. Cullen (VC) 11 B. Shaw 12 J . Growcott 13 C . Kyriaku 14 J . Looker 15 C . Bradley (VC) 16 D . Wood 17 J . Griffiths 18 N . King (C) 19 J . Denni s 20 M . Raffaele 21 B . Woodhouse 22 J . Paron 23 R . Baker 24 G . Palmer 25 S . Campbell 26 M . Channon(VC) 26 P. Nag y gy 27 T. Connolly 28 D . Cracknell 29 J . Barnes 30 C . Giansante 31 A . Wells 32 D . Mackay 33 D . Wayland 34 C . Dodson 35 R . Bruno 36 S . Ryan J. Landweh r 38 L . D 'Angel o 39 M . Mclnerny 40 C . Hibbard 41 L . Jense n 42 G . O' Conner

43 M . Xuereb 44 J . Bel l 45 R . Per ri 46 M . Fitzgerald 47 M . Lambe 48 A . Acfield 49 D . Ryan 50 J . Dento n 51 M . Blair 52 R . Campagna 53 M . Bolls

54 D . Antonello 55 B . Johnston 56 T. Fox 57 B . Pu h 58 C. Watts 59 D . Russ o 60 L . Ainswort h 61 S . Moussi 62 B . McGauchie 63 D . Dunlevie 64 N . Nigro 65 J . Sette 66 T. Goodfellow 67 T. Beatti e 68 B . McGauchi e 99 S . Brun o

Coach: Ken Wood Res. Coach : Peter Hirst

1, 2. 3. 3

M . Hovey R . Gallagher M . Dixo n K . Wood

4 C . Bray

4 D . Emett 5 T. White 6 C . Stephens 7 K . Gurtler 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebire 10 T. Stillman 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 12 T. Fava 13 A . King 14 C. McCan n 15 Mick Sullivan 15 A . Fimister 16 P. Sullivan 17 C. Sulliva n 18 T. Sullivan 18 R. Waterson 19 D. Prosse r 20 C . Groves D . Kell y 21 D . Bate 22 P. Murp~y 23 Matt Sullivan

23 V. O'Conno r 24 X. Smith 25 G . Uptin 2 7 M . Wis e 28 M . O 'Brie n 29 A. Hovey 30 N . Freese 31 T. Templeton 32 B. Coleman 33 D . Andrew 34 D . Sheehan 35 C . Brown 35 M. Johnstone 37C . Reeves 37 J . Stern 38 S. Perazzo 40 D . Nichol s 42 S. May 43 M . Barr 46 G . Templeton 47 G . Ansalde 48 M . Wals h 52 M . Etcell 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 S . Wiggins 61 K . Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 67 P. Dynes 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'M eara 74 S . Penton 76 P. Hirst 77 B . Flemi n~ 78 M . Cerrite I t 99 D . Horler MENTONE R .S .L. 9 Palermo St, Mentone Function Room

* Restaurant * Pokies tZew,w 4c2¢t Melbourne

9583 2841



Coach : Laurie Zarafa Res Coach: Mark Rowe

Coach: Brett Mcliwraith Res Coach : Chris Gowri e

1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergini 3 S . Pino 4 D. Warren 5 D. Cusack 6 D. Stuart 7 J . Dale 8 J . Chilcott (C) 9 A. Constantine 10 A. Vita 11 B . Hockey 12 D. McCall (VC) 13 A. Copley 14 V. Romano 15 D. Moodie 16 T. Ryan 17 A. Romano 18 A. Reginato 19 C . William s 20 D . Singleton 21 M . Tessari 22 R . Wise 23 S. Barrett 24 R . Marulli 25 M M . McPherso n 26 S. Ross 27 J . Sculley 28 R . Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 M . Yandle 31 C . Austin 32 J . McCall

1 S . Parson s 2 S . McMahon 3 M . Goldthorpe 4 E . Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warne r 7 S . Murra y 8 P. Angu s

33 K. Allan (RC) 34 A. Starkie

35 G . Panjari 36 S. Bock 37 J. Panjari 38 F. darrigo 39 S . Cudmore 40 LL . Inserra (DVC) 41 E . Linare s 42 P. Dean

43 J . Hubbard 44P. Soligo 45 R . D'Ademo 46 J . Reginato 47 B . Pollock 48 C . Datson 49 B . Hnaso n 50 B . Carman 51 M . Helmick 52 C . Cecchineili 53 M . lanello 54 M . Jesse 55 J . Eastwood 56 G . Massett 57 T Gallagher 58 D . Lobosco 59 T. Pattern 60 D . Moore 61 B . Murphy 62 D . Rees 63 J . Sambuca 64 T. Thomas 65 M . Scarpa 66 M . wise 67 D . Ingli s 68 D . Stave 69 S . Davey 70 S . Datso n 71 A . Ingli s 72 M . Jesse

73 S . Carmod y 74 B . Cassano


P. Kroh n

10 A . Hale y 11 H . Woodman 12 R . Shara n 13 14 15 B . Coo k 16 S . Claringol d 17 L. Barcla y 18 S . Glove r 19 A. Murphy 20 J . Atchiso n

21 S. Baxte r 22 A. Atchiso n 23 A. Burke 24 B. Wi h t 25 S. Prander9ast 26 P. Topalovic 27 S . Payz e 28 B . Taylo r 29 R . Powne y 30 A . Crean 31 A . Gross 32 A . Parsons 33 P. Dietzsch 34 T. Braden

35 S . Jackso n 36 N . Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 M . Well s 39 40 41 S . Farrow 42 43 S . White 44 45 M . Petty 46 A . O ' Nei l 47 L. Marks 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 51 52 54 M . Dentry 55 R . Cannon 56 B . Gilla m 60 M . Haye s 62 D . Cros s 69 J . Mui r



Coach: Ma tt Sexton not Coach: D . Oldtield Res Coach: Jim Gianna

Coach : Gordon Burrows Res Coach: Wayne Cooper 1 V.Capeci

1 M. Bourke 2 3 S . Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canavan R . Cincotta 6 6 G. Gaspari 7 S . Logan g A . Campbell 10 D . Oliver

11 A . Davey 12 A . Gaspari 13 I . Bobetic 14 J . McLaren 15 D. levoli 16 A . Chaippini 17 Matt Forbes 18 A. Sexton 19 S . Brown 20 A. Seager 21 R . Napoli 22 A. Anderson 23 M . Smith 24 A. Grace 25 B. Kirchner 26 J . Nannes 27 M. Mansfield 28 M. Byrn e 29 Mick Forbes 30 D . Campbell 31 S . Oldfield 32 A . Stevens 33 S . Trakas 34 D . Gheblikian 35 C . Baxter 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brenna n 38 S . Koutaplis 39 A . Thain 40 M . Forer 41 R . Nahas 42 P. Evans 43 M . Cooke 44 C. Hunt 45 S . Horvath 46 D. Nannes 47 S . Baxter 48 A. Roberts 49 J . Gianna 50 D. Blake 51 M . McCarthy 52 S. Egan 53 Pat Forbes 54 Paul Forbes 55 P. Bouchard 56 C . Malliard 57 E. Malliard 58 M . Bates 59 S. Bobetic 60 S. McGain 61 E Hanaphy 62 P. Pitts 63 G . Riley 64 B. Bowma n 65 D . Sutherland 66 M . Sutherland

2 B.Byron 3 A.Smith 4 G .Petsinis 5 L .Smit h 6 D .Godino 7 S .Plant 9 A .Gentis 10 R .Scott 11 Z.Fleming 12 A .Farquer 13 G .Scarpa 14 J .Alexander 14 A . Ward 15 L. DelPapa 16 D. Farchione 16 A . Faure 17 D.Gorski 18 F.Arcoraci

19 M . Sinni 21 E .Lentini 23 R .Dimaggio 24 B.Smith 25 R .Kennedy 26 C . Renna 27 G . Paskoski 28 L .Morabito 29 P.Meade 30 P.McCallum 31 S . Oehm 33 M . Uket 34 P. Corboy 35 A .Eccles 36 J .Theodorou 40 B .Thomas 41 A .Cummaudo

42 L. Alevizos 43 S . Smith 44 C.Chapkoun 45 P. Janevski 46 L. Biles 47 D .Plowright 48 A. Naughto n 51 E . Valentino 52 C . Sambams 53 C . Hansen 54 D . Wright 56 L . Downing 59 P.Scopelliti

62 P. Bragagnolo 65 S. Holmes 65 P. Vu 67 N . Grech 71 S . Mineo

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach: Kane Bowden Res Coach : Ben Sullivan

WEST BRUNSWICK Coach : Tim Ponte fract Res . Coach: Paul Weir

1 G Darroch 2 S Chandler 4 M Vaughan 5 R Mackie

1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 D Coonan 5 A Cannane

6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham

6 D Keys 7 S Benjamin

8 W Pasco 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 14 J Trevaskis 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 J Radford 18 T Wilson 19 J Ralph 20 E Hannan 21 H Cameron 22 B Sellenger 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfiel d 26 M Laff y 29 D Hayes 30 J Maguire 31 M Foster 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 A Willis 36 N Abbott 41 L Maguire 42 A Gadd 44 P Forbes 47 B Murphy 48 J Martin 49 J Weber 51 A Neville 53 N Remf ry 54 A McNicol 55 S Vegter 56 JPRice

57 K Begely 58 T Krake 59 T Thornton 60 J Marr 61 J Farrington 62 J Ryan 63 D Strachan 64 S Mahoney 65 K Sartori 66 J Mirtschin 67 J Mirtschin 68 A Metcalfe 70 D Mee k 71 H Peck 72 S Dimond 73 S Jones 74 P O'Beirne

75 A Paton 76 B Smith 77 D Walsh 78 D Files 79 B Flynn 80 R Greig

8 L Petchel 9 C Kerr 10 S Byrn e

d 12 J ~~aykoo 13 S Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 8 Howlett 16 S Smyth e 17 M Hamilton 18 A Baud 19 P Shand 20 D Edwards 21 S McNamara .22 R Hudson 23 P Weir 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R B enjami n 27 D Pendergast

28 J Ward 29 D Campbell 30 M Lewis 31 S Jackson 32 S D'Andre a 33 D Whyte 34 I Twyford 35 B Hamilton 36 P Harris 37 C Irvin e 38 T Moore

39 L Brown 40 B Baker 41 A Walker 42 A Stockdal e 43 J Tobin 44 S Gason

45 J Smit h 46 C Price 47 C Lehmann 48 M Moore 49 D Howley 51 L Sherry 52 D Zanella 53 J Gross 54 R Sefton 55 M CIyne 56 G John 57 C Lewis 58 D Williams 59 A Kroschel

60 S Lanyon 61 A Edwards 62 S Dishon 63 J Gartian 64 J Uebergan g 65 B Norman 66 M Malone 67 P Tuckwell 68 C Plazzer 69 R Hussey

70 D Zanella 71 J . Chislett 72 R . Christie 73 C. Cowland 74 M . Gleeson 75 T. Gross 76 R. Howell 77 C. Norma n 99 B Micali

YARRA VALLEY Coach: Brett Davidso n Res Coach : Tony Rega n

1 R Pearc e 2 T Morris 3 R Thompson 4 M Fun g 5 A Drew 6 D Howse 7 J Down s 8 L Morri s 9 J Kee m 10 T Hancock 11 C Reynolds 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Krus e 15 J Koenan 16 L Taylor 17 A Lain g 18 L White 18 D Ros s 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hale 21 M . Wines 22 B Dre w 23 C Arnol d 24 M Davies 25 S Lloy d 26 J Lon wort h g 27 A Row e 28 B Reynold s 29 R Coutts 30 D Potte r 31 B Sturzake r 32 C Heffernan 33 P Cremean 34 A Cusan o 35 B Peak e 36 R Penaluna 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morriso n 39 T Reddaway 40 T Fyffe 41 B . Down s

42 A . Ston e 43 H Par k 44 J . H o 45 L Rees 46 B Butler 47 D Lang 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourn e 50 T Kenned y 51 S Gad d 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrath 55 S Taylo r

57 S Keho e 58 G Kerr 59 A Joiner 61 P. Valopp i 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurc h 71 M Laing 74 A . Midlan d


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by Craig & Graham ThwAes 0 Congratulations this week to the six umpires who officiated in the U19 representative game against NSW-ACT. The field umpires were Daniel Halliwell an d Leon Quinn, the boundary umpires were Rohan Dever and Adam Conquest while Russell Owens and Steve Caple waved the flags . The announcement was extra special for Halliwell who learnt of the appointment on his birthday . It was also significant because he was extremely close to being selected for a rep game last year until circumstances went against him . Well done to all involved. It's good to see Steve Caple doing well also. Steve spent several years at the VFL and umpired senior VFL finals . Don't forget about the Cocktail Night at Elsternwick Park tonight . It costs $12 for entry that includes supper and then drinks are at bar prices . There will be a beer tasting competition and yabbie races that should make for interesting viewing. A big crowd is expected to converge on the rooms so get down to EP at 7 .30pm . 速 We're into the middle of winter and that me an s alternative training venues . Last week we were at Xavier College on Wednesday night and Umpires' Corner will envisage to keep you updated on when and where we're training . It's back to Tuesday and Thursday for this week . A teams event has been organised for the coming weeks and the easiest way to earn points is to simply attend training . So find out which team you are in, speak to the team captain and get down to training to help out . The 10 pin bowling night was held last month and we haven't had a chance to publish the results so here they are . Janine Richards bowled a 310 to win the women's section while Geoff Curran 's 305 saw him take out the men's division. Michael Lentini took the prize for the worst score with 151 . while the team's event was won by `Laddy's Leftovers' . That group comprised Geoff Curran . Craig Arnol, Alan Ladd and Mark Jenkins .

' RULE OF THE WEEK RULE 11 .3 . 4 Permitted Numbers at a centre bounce. When the football is bounced to start a quarter or recommence play after a goal, the following shall apply . a) A maximum of four players from each team are permitted in the centre square . b) No player, other than those four, and no team official shall enter the centre square from the time the field umpire begins the approach to bounce the ball until the time the football touches the ground, in the act of bouncing, or leaves the field umpire's hand, when being thrown up . c) Where a player or team official contravenes segment b), the field umpire shall award a free kick to the opposition and the kick will be taken by the player nearest to the centre circle . d) If an injured player is receiving treatment, but does not require a stretcher, in the centre square at the time of the bounce, the field umpire shall instruct the player to immediately leave the cente square and not start play until that occurs . e) If an injured player does not leave the centre square after being instructed to do so, a free kick will be awarded to the opposition's player who is closest to the centre circle , f) If the injured player requires a stretcher, the umpire will halt play .

Fax 9564 721 8 e-mail craig_o'donoghue@acpaction .com .au



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ound 6 matches were played at Elsternwick Park j under the threat of wet and cold conditions, while the wind blew the rain stayed away which saw plenty of great football . Review Broadmeadows (1) were too strong for Colac in their game having winners in most positions . The Colac boys fought out the match right till the end giving their all as usual . Karingal (1) were too strong for Geelong (1) in an important clash for both teams . The Bulls confirming their spot in the top two with a strong win . Bendigo (2) belied their ladder position when they won a thriller over Maribyrnong on Oval 1, straighter kicking could have seen the Warriors win by more . Broadrneadows 2 went down to a determined Geelong 2 on Oval 2 . The Young Cats on top from the first bounce, whilst the Kangas tried, but to no avail . Parkside outclassed North Ballarat the top team with a fine display of team football, the Knights well down on recent form will have plenty of ammunition when the sides next meet with plenty of players down on form . Mambourin Tigers showed they will be a force to be reckoned with come final's time with a strong win over Karingal 2 . The Bulls battled valiantly all day but found the opposition too strong . Ringwood hosted Sth . Yarra at Jubilee Park with the Blues too strong over the course of the day, firmly entrenching themselves in the four . While at Rathmines Road Hawthorn were far too strong for Keilor, running out convincing winners. To LADDERS ROUND 6

the Saints credit they battled all day but found the opposition too strong. Bendigo 1 had the bye . Preview Parkside face an important game to challenge for

the four when they face Broadmeadows Kangas above them by one spot on the ladder, but only by percentage. A win today will give either team wonderful confidence going into the finals. On recent form Parkside seem to have got it all together and should get the points. Keilor will be looking to return to the winner's list today against Man`byrnong, but will find the Bulldogs too strong overall . Sth . Yarra will get the points against Broadmeadows 2 given relative ladder positions . Geelong 2 fresh from a strong win agains t Bendigo 2 will face tougher opposition today from Ringwood. The Bluesfavoured to win well . The Geelong 1 and North Ballarat game should be a beauty with both teams keen on returning to the winners list today . The Cats have plenty of leg speed and fine skills, while the Knights rely on their strength and attack on the ball . In a toss of the coin decision I expect the Knights to win by a whisker . Karingal (1) have the bye. Bendigo (1) host Colac in what will be an entertaining match . The Warriors at home are a tough nut to crack while the boys from Colac never give in . At home the Warriors are favoured . Bendigo (2) receive a forfeit from Karingal 2 .


POINTS DRAW FOR AGAINST 째' % 0 473 143 330 .76 20 0 403 140 287 .85 20 0 328 204 160 .78 16 0 208 219 94 .97 16 0 215 246 87 .39 12 0 116 496 23 .38 8 0 98 210 46 .66 4


DRAW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

POINTS FOR AGAINST % 393 127 309.44 20 340 154 220 .77 20 376 180 208 .8 20 334 179 186 .59 12 282 199 141 .70 12 219 304 72 .03 12 174 266 65 .41 12 108 220 49 .09 4 180 417 43 .16 4 126 392 32 .14 4 Z.

.qPr.: ?('TSCC}VER

ION I Sil l


reetings and salutations, readers! Peter Williamson here guesting on behalf of E d Sill, whose work commitments have forced him to temporarily vacate the scribe's position. I'll be here for the next couple of weeks when Ed is expected to return . The commencement of the second half of the season saw the usual mixture of upsets and expected results. thrillers and blowouts . Richmond Central recorded a great win over Williamstown CYMS after last week's upset. In a game of high skill, Centrals came back from a 3 goal deficit at 3/4 time . Frank Macak finished with 6, and was a major iactor in the last quarter, kicking 4 in the final period . Baden Holmes was sensational in the ruck while Glenn Porteous showed glimpses of his true form . For Willy . Benny Hynes, Chris Matthews and "Spudda" Case all battled hard . Elsternwick beat Albert Park by 38 points after the latter lost their way in the third quarter . In a tough, hard game played in good spirit, the Rats fought back well in the last quarter to trim the deficit to the final margin . Best for the Rats were Walkley . Roberton (3 goals), Chambers, Isard . Depiazzi and Taylor . The Wicks were depleted by injuries during the game, finishing with no bench and an injured player in each of the toward pockets . Elsternwick shared the ball around well with Neil and Conlin in the guts and Cunningham and McNally good in defence . With many solid players, it was a good team effort . Monash Gryphons, aiming for their third win on the spin, fell to St . Johns' OC in trying . dour conditions . For Monash, Luke Martin, Tim Gilchrist (4 goals) and recent D3 player of the week Chris Leeton were four-quarter contributors, while the entire forward line was outstanding for the "Jocs . " The battle between Hawthorn and Eley Park was quite a dour struggle, with the game in the balance until late in the day, with Hawthorn's pace the telling factor in the end result. Best for the Hawks included Damien Garlick, Nick Haves, Mick Delanev and "Cruise" Reed . For the undermanned Sharks, missing the influential Tim Morrison through injury, Damon Bruce (half a dozen goals), ruckman Hawley and Matty Payne in defence were their best .

At the Ross Gregory Oval . Power House beat UHSOB by three goals in scrappy conditions, exacerbated by a boggy centre . Craven (5 goals), Burt and Rampling were excellent for the House . PREVIEW Monash Gryphons v Elsternwick These two teams enjoy a healthy rivalry, and have also had contrasting fortunes this season . However, the form book always goes out the window with these type of clashes, and the Gryphons will be keen to get back on the winning list . Beating the ATickers would be a perfect incentive. Monash just . Albert Park v Hawthorn The Rats will be keen to atone for a disappointing result last week at home and double up at Aughtie Drive again this week against the Hawks, hopefully with some key players to return . However the Hawks appear to be the smokey this season and Peter Tyson's men have had quite a handy run lately . Hawthorn to win . Power House v Richmond Central This clash between two premiership/promotion contenders appears to be the match of the day. With both teams being on the right side of tough results, each side will fancy their chances . However, it is tough to go past the top team at home. Power House to win . Eley Park v UHSOB UHSOB travel to Shark Park and with the home side's injury problems, should be too strong. Will iamstown CYNlS v St . Johns OC Another contest between two sides pushing for a spot in D2 next season . A combination of the long drive and seaside elements may prove to be the JOC's undoing . Scoobs preview : Hawks, House, UHSOB . Willy and Gryphs (to do it for Willo ) Social : Elsternwick host their Trivia Night this Saturday night (17/6) at The Elsternwick Club . Pre-event drinks from 7pm for a 7 .30pm sharp start . First in, best seats.

Correspondents : As I won't be in next week . I can be contacted at home on 9569 8712, or leave a message on my answering machine . Have a good VAFA weekend !

illiamstown C S- Brett Eann, one of the quiet achievers at the CY's celebrates his 200th game this week . The former centreman ~vho has matured into a nuggetty back pocket and is enjoying one of his best seasons this year . A m an of very few words who is quite happy to let his on field endeavours do his talking . Brett, who has worn No . 8 for many years is the type of player who will always give everything he has for his teammates and the club . Monash Gryphons - Peter "Yusuf' Williamson congratulations on reaching 100 games this weekend . Peter has been a true clubman at Monash holding the position of Secretary for the past (3) years, running the annual Trivia Night and now "filling in" for Ed Sill as the D3 Scribe . Peter is a bizarre character to say the least and has many nicknames, however he prefers to be known as Willo! Congratulations to Willo the best D3 reserve back pocket ever .


SEIYICI?'a Albert Park: 3.2 5 .7 6.8 9.10.64 Etsternwick: 3 .5 6 .7 12.9 15 .12 .102 Albert Park: Robertson 3. Smith 2. Taylor . Sutton . Fleming. Dowdle. Best : Walklev. Robertson. Chatnbers. Ssard . Depiazzi. Taylor. Elsternwiek: iiissa~?lia 2 . Curtain 2 . Ned 2. Braington 2 . C Mahom~ 2 . Allan. Cappietlo . Tllley. tVipnore . Clement, Best: Cumitng7iarn.Curtam . Mci`aliv. Tilley . Neil . tvwnan. Umpires : Craig 0Donoghue (R) {P) Hawthorn Amateurs : 3 .5 6.11 12 .15 16.20.116 Eley Park: 3 .5 6.6 10 .7 13 .9.87 Hawthorn Amateurs: Reed 3 . Haves 3. Edmonds 2 . S . Avert 2. Patterson 2 . Johnston . Ladetta. P. Averv . Davies. Best : Garlick. Haves. Delanev . Reed . Davics. S . Avere. hey Park: Bruce 6 . Braodhead 2 . Hook 2. Ha,,lec. Renner . Smith. Best : Blake. ?4 Pa}^.te. N DLe. Smith . Bowen. Bruce . Umpires : Miles Argall Paul Tuppen (F ) Power House: 6 .5 15 .9 18.15 20 .22 .142 4 .6 .30 UH50 11: 3 .2 4 .4 4.6 Power House : Craven 6 . Rampllng 4 . Batty 3 . Robinson 2 . Richardson 2. McCrae 2 . Bowland . Best : Turner. Craven. D6yle. Rampitr,g. McCrae . Cla}1on. UHSOB: D Farrellv 2, B Farrrell}•. Wallace. Best: Catterall D Farretl_v. Dotence. Gunihorpe . 0D}e~ier_ Catlin. Umpires : Ron Martyn Peter Keogh (F) Jarrod Aspbiall Daniel Stephens (B) 15 .7.97 Richmond Central: 3 .4 7.4 9 .6 Williamstown : 1 .4 9.11 11 .11 12 .13.85 Richmond Central: !19acak 6 . Porteous 2. Sivka 2 . Converv. h4aleohn. Conrov . Andonopoulos. Byrnes. Best : Holmes . C Shannon, Macak . Porteous . Adams . Andonopoulos. Will iamstown : Williams 5. Lee 4. Brvan 3. Best : '.{atthews . Hynes . Manning. D Williams, Case . Lee. Umpires : Andrea Tlnvaites (R) Heath Little (F) St Johns 0C : 4 .5 10.8 14.14 18.19 .127 Monash Gryphons: 3 .4 6.6 8 .6 9.6 .60 St Johns OC: Monash Gryphons: Umpires: Alan Ladd (F)

RESERVES - 10 .08.00 Albe rt Park: 4 .3 7.3 9 .6 10 .10.70 3.4 3 .7 7 .10 7 .15.57 Elsternwick Albe rt Park: Bolas 3, S Allen 2, Bourne 2 . MeHerrorv . Beaehley . Corr. Best: . Steuard. Jackson. Bourne. D Cole. Elsternwick : Davidson 2. Bolas . Poetic Reeves. \valkcr . Devonshire . Noonan. MeAdarn . Best : DaQson . Currie . Husking. Byrne. Bacon . Ritchie. Hawthorn Amateurs : 3 .1 4 .1 7.2 8.8 .56 Eley Park : 2 .1 3 .3 3.6 3.7 .25 R ~wthorn Amateurs: Stroud 3, Saville 2 . Moncrieff. Law . McCocat . Best : Szulle. Stroud . M . Zavaretla . Chepa . Tyson. S . Williams . Eley Park: Save, Johnstone, Smith . Best: Pa}zte . Baldv. Heath . Hall . Anderson . Save. Power House: 3 .5 6.5 8 .6 13 .8.86 UHSOB: 1 .3 2 .4 7 .7 7 .9.51 Power House : Davidson 5 . Galakos 4 . Favlou 3 . Evers . Best: Miller. Gill. Davidson . Galakos . Melted . Elliott, UHOB : Devlm 3 . Rod era . Pengilly. Rees. Mills. Best: Devlht. Rodgers. Pengilly . Smith, Turvey . OReil y. Richmond Central : 1 .0 1 .2 3 .3 3 .4 .22 2 .2 4 .6 4.11 8 .14 .62 Wi lliamstown: Richmond Central : Harris . Griffiths. Dutton . Best : Castieau . Griffiths . L Kelly . Lane. Nickey. Leembniggen . Williamstown : Black 2 . Buttergieg 2 . Grant . Ivkrn9o. Me[nerny. .4ttus . Best : 34eEaehrml. Dcer. Bergin, Sav1oa. Nesbitt . Altus, 10.10.70 3 .7 4.8 6 .10 St Johns OC: Monash Gryphons: 1 .1 3.1 4.1 7.5.47 St Johns OC: Monash Gryphons:







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D3 Section ALBERT PARK Coach: Gary Hickey Res. Coach : Peter Hayes

1 . P Smith (C) 2 . N Pastras 3 . B Isard 3 . D Green (R) 4 . W Rosowski 5 . S Allan

6 . N Pantazopoulos 7 . J Sutton (VC) 8. C Jackson 9 . P Chambers (DVC) 10 . M Phillips 11 .

ELEY PARK Coach: Marty Hook Res Coach: David Bowen

1 . S . Fisher 2. P. Clear 3. D. Carey 4. D. Hawley 5. S . Raymer 6. D. Bruce 7 . D. Bowen 8 . T. Kay 9 . T. Morris 10 . L. McLean 11 . A . Hill 12 . J . Kelly

12 . L Marriott 13 . B McKimmie 14 . T Prior 15 . S Kane 15 . J Snorrason (R) 16 . C Roberton 17 . D McLellan (DVC)

13 . J . Baldry 14 . A . Krebs 15 . S . Dix 16 . D . Carroll 17 . S . Payne 18 . A . Urquhart 19 . D . Trotter

18 . J Taylo r 19 . A Faranda

20 . M . 21 . T Morrison

20 . J Bourne 21 . J Sutcliffe 22 . S Redpath 23 . L Bartram 23 . A Bennett (R) 24 . A Dick 26 . G Finn 27 . S Ridout 28 . R Buckley 29 . G Walkley 30 . A Thomas 32 . S McKerrow 33. T Murray 34. N Rutherford 35. P Barto n 36. M Pearson 37. M Drought 38. C Lamont 39. J Lamont M Lapsley 41 . H Ross 42. S Bolas 43. D Jackson 44. P. Manning 45. J Roos 46. B Dorr 46. D Barker (R) 47. K McIntosh

48 . P Heyes (RC) 49 . J Murray 50. D McKay 51 . D Depiazzi

52 . K Dohnt 53 . 54 . P Rutherford 55 . C McKerral 56 . S McKimmie 57 . D Beachley 58 . D Klein 59 . P Knight 60 . M Sweeney 78 . A Gay

22 . T. Blake 23 . S . West 24 . C . Broadhead 25 . C . Coller 26 . P. Cantone 27 . L . Kett

28, A . Briginshaw 29 . A . Johnstone 30 . D . Heynes 31 . M . Keown 32 . S. Bromley 33 . J. Alexandridis 34 . J. White 35 . R . Drane 36. G . Smith 37. A. lenarcic

38. M . Schafter 39. S . Ryan 40. J . Dayy 41 . M . Renner 42 . K. King 43 . J . Laverty 44 . L. Dix 45 . M . Dell'Orso 46 . T. Hail 47 . C. Jolly 48 . G . Heath 49 . D. Payne 50 . S . Robbie 51 . M . Payne 52 . J . Nelson 53 . A . Reddington 54 . V. Fukushima 55 . S . Dix 56 . A . Wuillemin 57 . D . Smith 58 . C . Tippett 59 . B . Ellis 60 . D . Hanrahan 61, P. Yelland 62 . W. Holm 63 . L . Tadday

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ELSTERNWICK A .F.C . Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Coach: Andrew Curt ain

1 L. Murphy (CC) 2 A . Hankin 3 C . Lyons 4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 J . Cappiello 8 S . Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartly 10 R . Bravington 11 L . Messaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 M . Cunnngham 13 P. Stankovich 14 B. Mahoney 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 A. Neil 19 A. Peasley 19 M. Bullard 20 S. Clements 21 P. Stuchberry 22 M. Mussared 23 S. Curtain (VC) 24 A. Foster 25 B. Frankin 26 C . Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahon y 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 M . Hunt 33 J . Overman 34 A . Contin 35 P. McNally 36 T Byrne 37 L. Lambe rt 38 B . Currie 39 P. Allen 40 S . Bacon 41 M . Hosking 42 J . Lilikakis 43 A . Burney 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie 48 M . Frankin 49 J . Yemm 50 G . McNeils 51 F. DiGian re ori o gg 52 D . Nolan 54 S. Kirkham 57 J . McAdam MAJOR SPONSORS : TOYOTA ELSTERNWICK HOTEL


HAW T H ORN A M ATEURS Coach: Peter Tyson

Res Coach : Kevin Stalfworthy 1 D.Murray 2 G .Broadley 3 N . Patterson 4 S . McDonald 5 S .Avery 6 P.Avery 7 A .Bourke 8 M .Dunstan 9 W. Pollock 10 P. Orchard 11 A .Sill 12 M .Mulcahy 13 J .Graves 13bJ.Povey 14 D .Lauletta 15 G .Macdonald 16 C .Reed 17 D .Zaverella 18 P.Ryan 19 D .Garlick 19bJ .Law 20 S.Parker 21 P.Stroud 22 J .Williams

23 M. Artini 24 S. Williams 25 M. Zaverella 26 M .Nowak 27 R .Lord 28 J .McCormack 29 P.Barker

30 M .Nunn 31 J .Best 32 D.McCowan 33 S .Duff 34 J .Bogie 35 D.Murphy 36 K .Sanders 37 D.Carter 38 M .Tyson 39 P.Hewish 40 I .Irvine 41 M .Irvine 42 S .West 43 I .Cheppa 44 P. Rositto 44bE .Sill

E .J. STANLEY & ASSOCIATES Certified PracusinE Accountants 97 Whitehorse Roa d Blackburn Victoria 313 0 Telephone 9894 Facsimile 9 ii 33 sa

MORAS H GRY~t'" : Coach : Jack McDonald Res . Coach: Jim Goni s

1 S . Bourbon (C ) 2 . M . Heal y 3 . A . Grad y 4 . C . Robinso n 5 . T. Gilchrist 6 . J . Foste r 7 . D . Walter 8 . J . Blandford 9 . G . Wadley 10 . P. Williamso n 11 . J. Barri e 12 . A . Gros s 13 . J . Straford 14 . R . Cormic k 15 . A . Clark e 16 . R . Bourbo n 17 . J . Hetheringto n 18 . C . Lovett 19 . J . Leroy

20 . G. Browell 21 . G. Ken t 22 . B . Coxhead 23 . D . Charleson 24 . D . Kitchen 25 . M . Killmiste r 26 . T. Besle e 27 . R . Gilchrist 28. P. Bateman 29. B . Lloyd 30. P. Hollan d 31 . G . Roche 32. D . Hale 33. R . Whit e 34. M . Graydo n 35. J. Poussard 36. J. Watso n 37. D . Nichol s 38 . P. Callus 39 . R . Coxhead 40. P. Moclair 41 . T Robinson 42, M . Buick 43 . M . Carter 44 . R . McDonald 45 . J . Gonis (RC ) 46 . H . Beh 47 . K. Pocsia k

48 . L . Marti n 49 .S. Aren a 50 . D. Ratne r 51 . C. Leeto n 52 . A. Palumbo 53 . M . Magris 54 . M . Kyriako u 55 . D. Bennett 56 . K. Boatman 57 . A. Jenki n 58 . G. Harra k 59 . M . Asbell 60 . O. Becke r 61 A. Vised o 62 D . Whit e 63 B. McKay 64 A. Palumbo 66 S. Pelliter 69 S. McGrail

3 Sectio n POWER HOUSE


Coach: Billy Dalto n Coach : Kevin Barnes Ass' Coach : Andrew Rolls Res. Coach : T.B .A.

Res Coach : Craig Richardson 1 A Rolls 2 J Hall 3 N Paviou 4 B Turner 5 M Braini A Burt 7 C Richardson 8 S Cross 9 A Morris (VC) 10 C Lloyd 11 J Gill 12 J Robertson 13 J Harri s 14 A Burt 15 R 1 6 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle

19 J Evans 20 D Aitken 21 D Miller 22 J Marshall 23 S Craven (C) 24 S Cummins 25 D Bolan d 26 J Senior 27 J Demetrie 28 B Rampling 29 R Cassi o 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 H Davidson 33 R Taylor 34 K Elias 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 B Gilmou r 38 J Kennedy 39 M Talbot 40 41 S Clayton 42 M Beasley 43 H Noren 44 S O'Sullivan 45 P Rya n 46 M McDonald 47 48 S Walsh 49 R Wright 50 P Conlon 51 B MacKenzie 52 K Barnes 53 R Dakins 54 J Blowfield

55 J Hearn 56 J Mahoney 57 58 59 J Healy

60 K McGuinness 61 62 63 D Searle 64 W Elliot 65 D Wright 68 D McGrath 69 D Galakos 71 L O'Sullivan 77 S Clarke 88 G Scotland

1 B. Dalton 2. B . Holmes 3 . T. O'Sulilivan 4 . P. Mijatovic 5 . S . Shannon 6 . G . Bunsha w 7 . P. Byrnes 8 . G . Malcolm 9 . A. Leembriggen 10 A. Swika 11 M . Newton 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutton

14 C . Shannon 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt 17 A . Fawcett 18 M . Zarjac 19 J . Mannin g 20 P. Joyc e 21 A . Jones 22 A . Forbes 24 T. Guthri e 25 M . Smith 26 S . Baillie 27 C . Adams 30 B . Gilbe rt 33 A . Waters 34 J . Brooks 35 M . Albrecht 36 K . Whit e 37 G . Porteous 38 S . Griffiths 39 P. Woodman 40 C . Convery 41 C . Fraser 42 L . Kelly 43 G . Tate 44 K . Day 45 K. Pardy 46 A. Newton 47 J . Hickey 48 P. Vulcov 49 P. Vulcov 51 P. O'Kane 52 C. Andonopolous 53 D. Hogan 55 I . Joel Pithce r 61 S . Conro y 62 T. Graham 69 M. Tapley 72 V. Kelly 74 J . Lane

ST JOHNS Coach: Bruce Motions Res Coach: John Canal

1 . R. Hassan 2. M . Ladson 3 . S . Reynolds 4 . S. Holmes 5 . C . Horburyy

6 . L . O'Donnell 7 . M . Hartnett 7 S . Flentjar 8 . R. Dowsett 9. S . Green 10. A. Perrone 11 . D .Halls 12 . P. Walke r 13 . M . Jone s 14 . J . Arche r 15 . P. Denhart 16 . S . Callender 17 . S . Cockayne 17 C. Kaaren

18. C . Emery 19 . J . Scardamaglia 20 . B. Rydquist 21, D . Scardama li a g 22 . P. Kahill 23 . P. Shar p 24 . N . Gates 25. D. Sander s 26 . L . Ward 27 . S . Hilton 28 . D . Coulson 29 . D . Higgins 30 . R . Walke r 31 . G . Wilson 32 A . Rudd 33 Z . Munroe 34 A. Dragwidge 35 J . Sacco 36 A . Hall 37 R . Walton 38 A . Dobson 39 P. Liddell 40 M . Hancock 41 D . Rydquist 42 T. Duccacubino 43 M . Van Hooten 44 B . Hilton 45 M . Dominich 46 D . Clowes 47 J Ladson 48 R . Mitta 49 T. Hyland 50 J . Doherty 51 C . Santoni 52 J . Brittain 53 S . Pancione 54 B . Hale 55 S . Canning 56 B . Abejour 57 D . Jorgenson 58 A. Fonceca 59 M . Zodlak 60 L . Merrigan 61 R . Kenny 64 D . Edwards 65 E . Hilton

U .H .S .O .R . Coach: Pat Macke y Res Coach : Darren Creswell

I R . Freijah 2 A. Talarico 3 D . Farrelly 4 S. Major J . Glen n 6 S . Cracknell 7 D . Zulucki 8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smith 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 D . Bun n 14 J . Ha m 15 B . Robinson 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 M . Farrelly 18 A . Hellner 19 B . Willis 20 G . Madrigano 21 S. Mills 22 R . Johns 23 P. Eltring ham 24 L . Marten 25 D . O 'Dwye r 26 B . Carruthers 27 D. Clarke 28 A. Clarke 29 T Cleveland 30 B. Abrahamse n 31 P. Dolence 32 H . Starbuck 33 P. Drendel 33 A . French 35 J . Harri s 36 M . Patterson 37 G . Catterall 38 A. Boyce 39 M . Rea 40 M. Blyth 41 B. Henderson 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Neil 44 C . Percy 45 N . Smith 46 R . Killey 47 M . TurveY 48 C . Cook 49 H . ms 50 B . R eil es 51 M . O'Connell 52 P. Dinnick

56 J . Catlin 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigden 59 J . Barrow 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 62 K. Rodger s 63 S . Pengilly 64 J . Evans 66 J . Bradley 67 M . DeLuise 68 G . Van Popering 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B. Stanto n 72 T. Saxb y 73 S . Devli n 74 C . Longto n

80 D . Cartwright

W ILLIA MSTOWU CYM S Coach : Darren Williams

Res Coach : Sean Quinn 1 . D William s 2 . J Buttergieg 3 . D Woud a 4. S Wuchatsch 5.. D Macleod (C ) 6. N Grant 7 . B Robinso n 8 . B Han n 9 . G Case 10. B Cock s 11 . B Tvaist 12 . B Jones 1 3 . D William s 1 4 . A Daniel 15 . W Phillips (S) 15 . P Bregut (R ) 16. D Sadler (S) 16. S Ivkovic (R ) 17 . S Phemiste r 18 . D Oldham 1 9 . P Derva n 20 . R Hart

21 . S Mc Eachran 22. Warren Payne (S ) 22 W. Payne (R ) 23 P Sadler (S) 23 . Kirk Dowsey (R) 24 . C Pac h 25 . G Burges s 26 . D Le e 27 . C Matthew s 28. X Toby 29. P Vincent 3 0 . A Blac k 31 . A Mackle y 3 2 . J Atlus 33 . A Savio a 34 . B Gran t 35 . C Bergin 36. M Imms 37 . B Hynes 38 . D Macleod 39 . T Carte r 40 . R Nisbett 41 . A Boura s 42 . S Harve y 43. K Mahe r 44. M Bracks-Mannin g 45 . S Mc Nearly 46 . T Campbel l 47 . S Dye r 48 . B Grummisch 50 . K Stabbing

51 . D Bubnic 52. A Petzieride s 53. T Rya n 57. M Soccoci o

Action from the U19 Rerpresent ative match VAFA Vs NSW-ACT held last Sunday at Elsternwick Park.

is startle ` to take t last we've got a ladder J1 L some sort of shape! tii cr we ~vicekcnd' s

results the top four have managed to put themselves a game clear of the rest of the bunch . At the other end of the scale Swinburne have broken away from the cellar and left Werribee staring down the barrel. REVIEW Bulleen are now the clear cut leaders following a big win over Brunswick last round . The Cobras were a touch slow to get out of the blocks but once they hit their straps and the likes of "Diesel" Dall'Oglio, Matt D'Angelo, Saaksjarvi (5) and Pearson began to exert some influence, things fell into place. kfoore, with (8) out of his sides nine goals, was again the shining light for Brunswick . Bentleigh conceded top spot after coming up short against a rejuvenated Syndal . In heavy and slippery conditions Bentleigh started the better of the two before the Tally Ho boys hit back and things were all square at three quarter time . Syndal kicked the first three goals of the final term before holding on for a crucial win . L . Hannemann and Rutter were creative for the vAnners while Brown did a great job containing Sharp, meanwhile Seeley . Gold, Craven and Adaway were best for Bentleigh . Old Westbourne kept their steady climb up the ladder on track with a hard fought win over Mt Lilydale . The Rams set the pace early and appeared to have the answers, going into the main break (2) goals in front . However the Warriors rallied through the good work of Robson to cut the margin to a goal at the last change and with the continued great efforts of Gibb . Wilson and A . Horsburgh overran Mt Lilydale in the final term . In slippery conditions out at Ferndale Park a determined Marys took the points against North 'iek . The commitment of the Saints was the difference between the two sides in the end as Magnusson . Boudoloh . Care and Famulari tried hard but couldn't turn things around for North Brunswick . South i' had their second big win on the trot as they flogged a hapless Eltlaarn side . In was a game both sides desperately needed to grab but the Turtles were never allowed to settle as a rampant South side blew them out of the water . Fifteen goals is a drubbing in any man's language so there is plenty of work to do for Peter Slacik and his bovs . Swinburne overcame We 'bee by a convincing (38) points to continue what has been a good

. :~onCa for ;em. Th ;e in reale'Evs need of a win at th emo entaferdopping games to both sides just above them on the ladder, whilst the Razorbacks could cause some problems for teams with finals aspirations if this good form goes on . tlg to the point where every game is like a final for those sides outside the top four and the good news is fellas, the pressure is only going to get worse as i ~ get closer to the end of the season ! There is no r=Kger match this wee than that ; and Bet " ~ do, 1 at between Sayers Rd . U <t year's Rome and away champions have quietly br,n manoeuvring their way into contention and face a real acid test today, Bentleigh are entrenched in the four at the minute and have the potential to play a major part in deciding this year's D4 flag but after last week's loss this game becomes vital . Both sides have a number of quality players but it would take a braver man than me to tip against the Warriors at home at the moment, Old Westbourne in a ripper. North Brunswick host M4. Lilydale and are another side looking to stay in contention over the next month . The last fortnight has cost the North side as it seems they are relying on too few to do too much, meanwhile the Rams are continuing to make their opposition work for everything . This should be tight and tough but North Brunswick might just have that little bit extra to play for at the moment . '' and are two sides that have sta ;n< d from last season to this and probably find themselves resigned to missing the finals action for this year. The Saints had a good win last start and with Carra, Theoharris and Boyes in good nick will fancy their chances today whilst Moore has shown the way for Brunswick so far. The depth and class of St Marys should show today as they get up by 24 points . All of a sudden its crunch time for Bltiaarrr a s they host Bulleen today. The Turtles are still yet to convince that they are genuine finals prospects, although a,~vin this week will change that, but the Cobras continue to produce good players each week, something that some other clubs desperateIv need to do . Without Gathercole and Hardie Eltham are lacking height and firepower, however things are rolling along nicely at Bulleen and this will go on this week and they take the points .

Werribee travel to take on Syndal this week t,: ith the home side looking to cement a place in the top four . The SylTners can't afford to be complacent as the 'Bees are capable of an upset, particularly if Issac fires, but if the likes of Beckett, MacKenzie and Cachia are on the job the Tally Ho boys will win and win well . Swinburne host South Melbourne in the last game of the round today with both teams looking to keep some momentum in their seasons . South are right back in the thick of things after a couple of big wins but can little afford an off day, espe,ially given the fact that Swinburne are playing Lileir best footy of the season at the minute . De Bono . Harris and Sheedy are in form for the Razorbacks but if Thomas, Powell and Gibb lead ihe way then 3outh should get home . pRESS CORESSPONDENT S Please fax match details to 9457 1580 and can also be contacted on 0409 571 580 . Social notices are always welcome but just a quick note that club milestones need to be sent to the Amateurs rather than to me . `

N orth Burn swick - 50 ~.mes to A . Crosina . Well done "Agro" on reaching your first milestone . He has been a consistent goalkicker this season . Some weeks doubling as our senior boundary umpire . he is a valued member of North Brunswick. Old Westbourne - Leon Fairfield brings up his 100th g ame for the warriors . VC for the past two vears, Leon is the voice on the field . A leader in defence "Platters" is rarely beaten . A great effort . Well done . Brunswick - congratulate Shane Moore on playing his 150th game today . Shane, a very skillful player is a multiple B&F winner and a key member of our '92 Premiership . Well done Shane but you have a long way to go to reach Kannas record .

SENIORS - 10 .03.Gi, St Marys : 4.4 7.8 12.13 15.20.110 3.0 9 .0 9.0 12 .1.73 North Brunswick: St Riarys• Goat kickers and best players results not received . North Brunssvick: Youn3. Fawcett 2. ?.9 Sorleto 2 . Dunarco . Freeman. Se. tternharn . Lattouf. Patullo. Best: ~ ta@mson. J Boudoloh, Care . Famulari . Healey. Armstrong . Umptres : Ken Rto;Cieee.`Bob McLeod (F)_ Mt Lilydale: 4.1 8 .4 11 .9 12.10.82 Old Westboume: 2.2 6 .4 10.6 14.9.93 Rit Lilydale : Hoogenbocm 2. Kennedy 2. Wilson 2. Haves, Carolan . Gibson . Pearce. N.'ells. Best Blyd .lOnargar . Gibson . Brebner. Carolan. Leonard. Old Westb.nme: Rloore 4. Gibb 2. Crosss•ell 2 . Wilson . BtWnan . A Horabnr¢h . Tavlor. ALdridge . PtUsb :trr. Best : Gibb. Wilson . A Horsbmgh. Robson. Billrnan. Fairfield. Umpires: Pat h'.aebus. Anthony Stmps,on (F): James 4taebus IBI. Bull een Colinas: 4 .3 9.6 13.13 21,16 .142 3 .2 4 .3 6.5 9.6 .60 Brunswick; Bulleen Cobras : Saaksjani 5 . Clements 4, b1 D'Angelo 4. Ornvr 2 . McLeod, Pear.,on = . Peters. TrlnchL Sette. Genitsarts. Best: P. Dall'Ogifo. R1 D'Angeto . S&vaksjan7 On+~Gi . R7eLaren . DeJong. Brunswick: S . Moore S. Bullock. Best: S . Moore . Harnmctt. Bullock. L . McBride. Fulton . Umpires : Peter Simpson (R) : George Paleod6uoslEl South Melb. Districts: 4 .2 10.5 15 .9 21 .12.138 1 .1 2.1 5 .2 7 .5.47 Eltham Co llegians: South Rfetb. Districts: Goal kickers and best players results not received . Eltham Collegians: Hersbtu It 3 . Luttick. Gasparotto. Tivney . Carter. Best : Bell . Todaro. Horsburgh . Doody. Jgohns. Turney. Umpire : Craig Brajtberg (R) (F). Werribee Amateum : 1 .3 3 .6 4 .9 5.11 .41 4.3 7.6 9 .10 11 .13.79 Swinburne Uni : Wercibee Amateurs: Harding 2 . Djakovtc 2. Matt Drew. Best : Broen . Czajkrnvski. Dibasista . T McKie . Edwards. McNamara . Sw-inbmae UnL• Harris 4. Sheedv 2. N Smith 2. Nicoll, thBono . O'Mara. Best : Parsons . D4dano . Albert, Prior, Harris . Ptohrnrski. Umpire : Mick Gqdav (F) 6.2 6 .4 7.8 8.12.60 Bentle3~h Syndal l'sBp Ho: 4.4 7 .5 7.8 10.8.68 Bentleigh• Clough 2 . E4ies 2. Sharp. Henry. P 31~~ran. Adawav . Best : Seet ec . Gold. Craven. Adawau A Pttiito. ttreber. SyndalTaIIy fio: Vandercruk 3. DLx. riurrav. CachL1. Rutter, L Hmmemann . Rtorrtson. Beekcit. Best: L Harmemann. Rutter . Brawli. Joy. Henderson . G Kemper. Umpires: Terence, Farrell . Peter Woods (F). RESERVES -10.06 .00 St Rtarys: 3 .7 5.10 8.11 14.14 .98 North Bntnsuick: 0 .4 3.5 6.3 9.15 .69 St R9aryq : Goal kickers and best lavers results not received. North BrnnsSVick : Papanikolaou 4, Patn(o. A Boudteh . Rlreok . Britt(. P Tanaaedi . Best : Marto . La,cton. tratna . A1cCailum . Bo}n . Cmsina. 1 .5 4.8 4.10 7.11 .53 Mt Lilydale: 0 .2 0.4 1 .6 1 .8.14 Old Westboume : Mt Lllydale : Flanagan 2 . Burreit. Featonbv. Pereira Strachan. Walsh. Best: Walsh. Preetor. Ktdfer. Bnrrett. Delahunt . Garduier . Old Westbourne : Habersatt. Best : D Slattea". Danger4eld . Robbins. O'Keefe. M Aquflina. N AquIluia. Bulleen Cobras : 2.2 8.8 8 .12 14 .13.97 Brunswick: 1 .2 2.2 2 .3 3 .3.21 Bull een Cobras: Thomp~on 7. Baldi 2. G Broa~n . Data . Goetz . Paatsch . Best: RLzzzarcllti Thompson. DvrutrEou . Baldi . Casey. LVignev. Bruns~vick: McRae 2, Haves . Best: Lever, Carrdan . Salvatore . Hatrs .Smitlr . South Melb . Dist. : 5.4 8 .8 10 .12 18.16.124 Eltham Coll egians: 1 .1 4 .6 5.7 6.7.43 South Mdb . Dist .: Goal kickers and best players restdts not received. Eltl>am Collegiatis• Coonertv 3, Jeal. D Barnett . t4atson. Best : deal. Davies. Coonerty. LValtcrs . D Barnett. J Mann . Werribee Amsteurs: 4.1 8 .3 9.5 10.7 .67 Sw•inlnirne University: 5.0 6 .2 7.6 9.7.61 Werribee Amateurs: Adanto 4 . Green 2. Brc«n. Drew. Thomas, C Alabakis. Best: Alabaki.: . Ratutno. Green. Brown. Pdabakis. Ziilart. Swinburne University : . Dent<irte 2 . Kane. Roberts . HamIlton . M George. Best : Kane. Murphy, =ton ., 3 Cason. Gatlina Demvte. Hamilton Bentleigh• 3 .1 5,7 8.9 10.10,70 Syndatfially Ho: 1 .2 1 4 4.7 5.10 .40 Bentleigh: tV1ltOrington. 3 . Stanatakos 2. D Pittito 2. Anastasio. S Hall. T\apaer. Best: Cattersan. Beatic . Kepiiscinski . VJ1tlthIItgton . R Hall . Psaras . Syndai Tally Ho : Stofortdts 2. Dance . B 8annemana D Richardson . Best : Ertan. Clststtansen . 4S b{aeFarlarte. Bur ns . D Richardson . Hamlett .




D4 Sectio n BENTLEIGH Coac h : Paul Dimmatina Res . Coach: Paul Jemmeson

1 C Sharp (C) 2 P Morgan 3 A Anastasio 4 D Lewis 5 M Eyles (VC) 6 R Weber 7 M Colaiacovo 8 J Handfield 9 I Jackso n 10 A Henry 11 D Martin C 12 L CodarinO 14 B Fotopoulos 15 P Withington 16 P Jemmerson (RC) 17 J Psaras 18 S Adaway 19 S Hall (RVC) 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 22 S Arvanitis 23 A Clough 24 G Stamatakos 2 5 D Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J(Eddy) Seeley (VC) 31 R English 32 D Fishlock 33 M Eefting 34 L. Sampson 35 L Ireson 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison (VC) 3 8 G Beattie 39 L Pittit o 40 J Bounsall 41 J Neve RDVC ( ) 42 G Kell 43 R Neve 44 S Craven (RDVC) 45 A Pittito 46 G Rubio-Thorne 47 B Moffat 49 J . Fly A Stanes


M Pirie


R Hall

53 54 55 56 57 58 59

M Snelling S Cologero D Manning C Aitken T Cox T Caterson D Pittito

BRUNSWICK Coac h : Stan Gilday Res . Coach: Steve Kannegiesser 1 B.Lovett 2 J . Markham

4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

J .Bell S .Goodwin A Lever D. Dowdle P.Laming D.Sedgwick D.Clark e J .Grixti S .Lake T.Fulton S .Kannegiesse r S , Moore R . Smith

A .Dean G.Mcgowan V.Gaffy N .Melon e T.Mcginniskin S .James M .Mcbride M .Lovett L .Mcbride M .Cleveland G.Cross S .Dreie r G .Conway B .Mcbride S .Mcbrid e M. Bullock S .Draffin S .Londrigan M.Whiteside S.Hewitt A. Los A.Berius

M.Attard J .Hope R .Mainelli M .Bond S .Woodbridge .Woodbridg e D .Woodards C .Miller P.Geddes P.Mcrae L.Marchant J .Ea r A .Cosmano A .Geddes G .Cavanagh S .Grant B .Cazaly B .Brett T.Lovett

M .Cox


C .Caminiti C .Ryan D . Sfocks E .Pavio G.Surace H .Hahne J.Bradley J.Ericson J .Gibson J .Harris L .Cavanagh L .Cordes M.Commerford


M .Nugent


M .Ryan

72 74 75 76

77 78 79 80

81 82

BULLEEN COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Asst. Coach : John Kalpakis Res Coach: Jamie Redfern

1 J . Kalpakis 2 T. Orwin 2 S . Petty 3 R . Pulverenti

4 I . McLeod 4 N . Cartledge 5 M . Dall'Oglio (C)

6 1 . Baccini 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Goetz 10 A. Gencarelli 11 A. DeJong 12 13 N . Cooke 14 S . Casey 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. TrinChi 17 M . Fait 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapma pmann 20 J . Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 M . Opie 25 W. Olne y 26 J. D 'Angelo 27 28 A . Foskett 29 A . Summers 30 S . Colverston S. McLaren (DVC) 32 C . Clements 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Ang elo N) (VC ) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 H. Dimitriou

40 T. May 41 R . Rigoni

42 V. Dam 43 B . Dimasi 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 C . Borrelli 47 48 M . Soumelidis 49 50 C . Genitsaris 51 R . Rodrigues

ELTHA M COLLEGIANS Coach : Peter Slacik Res . Coach: Jason Lees

1 D . Fammartino 2 T. Duggan R . Pilapil 4 B. Doody (C)

5 S. Jea l 6 R.

M Gasparotto 78 L Sharpe 9 C. Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 J . Lees 13 R. Bell 14 S . Justice 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 G. Leys 18 A . Macdonald 19 R . Kennedy 20 A . Hardie 21 M . Luttick 22 R . White 23 J. Woodward 24 M . Dwye r 25 C . Horsburgh 26 J. Glare 27 R . Beecroft 28 T. Barnett 29 A. Man n 30 M. Dean 31 T. Carter 32 C . Baud 33 M. Stanley 34 R . Pilapil 35 T. Todaro 36 L . Donaldson 37 S. Henry 38 A. Macaulay 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Baud 41 Z . Jovanovski A. Howgat e 43 J . Mann 44 T. Johns 45 R. Davies 46 T. Leopold 47 D. Howgate 48 B . Turneyy 49 M . Sfiligoj 50 R . Short

51 S . Maxfield 52 G. Stackpole 53 A . Mann 54 P. Walters 55 P. Morrow

56 57 S Gathercole 58 59 B. Evans 60 B. Sumpter

61 C . Thanus 62 A. Hadfield 63 C . Dods 64 R . Watson 65 S Scahfer

R .Craigi e R .D'antonio R .Dpi ietro

S .Melean

S .Vidler W.Watson

1 D. Johnson 2 P Hayes 3 F Varg a 4

5 P 6 D. 7D 8 A. 9A 10 J 11 C 12 M 13 R 14 C 15 B. 16 P 17 A 18 B 19 J 20 A 21 T 22 L. 23 B 24 Q . 25 A 26 T 27 N 28 T 29 P 30 G 31 P 32 P 33 C 35 D 36 E 37 M 38 D 39 L 40 W 42 M 43 D 44 M .

Ston e

Cicchiell o Hendri e Stracha n Del Biond o Gardiner Gibso n Brebner Kidd Walsh Commerford Caulfiel d Burret t Jealou s Burges s Penhale Amos Procto r Egan Ronne Delahun t Flanagan Pearce Crow e

Furlon g Bird Varg a Carola n Anderso n Callanan O'Brien Pearl

Kenned y Allanso n Newell Periera Holloway Mun k

45 R

McKenzi e

46 K

Maniscalch i

47 C

Lonerga n

48 D 49 M . 50 J . 51 J 52 M 53 M . 54 M . 55 H. 56 L. 58 L. 59 J . 60 T

Featonb y Malta r Kuffe r

61 G.

M .Robinson N . Bowman P.Conduit P.Stocks

MT LILVDAL E Coach : David Keast Res . Coach: Jason Flanagan

Flanagan Wells

Leonard Smithies Flanagan

Hoogenboo m Egan DeRun Wilso n Cowan

62 B . Cox 63 D . Prest 64 D . Turner




All Mechanical Repairs

D. Brigh t

1-3 Greenaway St , Bulleen 3105

Specialising in German

L. Toll F. Livin gston C . Varga

Phone : 9852 1129

Prestige Cars

Factory . t9 Rail~ua v Crescen , ICroydon , 3138 Ph : 9724'9824

4 Secti®n NTH BRUNSWICK Coach : Craig Fox Res. Coach : Peter Dowsett

I S . Wernham 2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W . McMahon 6 D. Pizzari 7 D. Magnuson 8 A. Peterson 9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 P. Marin 14 M . Newton 15 H . Tsialtis 16 J . Saunders 17 A . Kyriazis 18 B . Whitman 19 S . Famulari 20 N . Oates 21 Scott Wernham 22 M . Sorleto 23 M. Vaina 24 S. Tancredi 25 J . Thompson 26 R . Pretty 27 D . Lawton 28 W. Pretty 29 C . Jewell 30 S . Healey 31 J . Freeman 32 R . Divita 33 J . Rotell a 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 P. Tancredi 37 D . DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B. McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J. Papanikoiou 43 J . Page 44 M . Fayad

45 B . Alameddine 46 C . Boyd 47 G . Goumas 48 A. Young 49 M . Laoumtzes 50 B. Laoumtzes 52 A. Boudoloh 53 P. Cross 54 S. Milroy 55 P. Sorleto 56 L . Patull o 57 J . Heck 60 A . Armstrong 61 J . Polemico s 62 J . Briffa 65 L. Rigazzi


Coach: Peter McBrearty Res Coach: Mel Beyer

1 G . Robson 2 D. Taylor 3 S. Depiazza 4 A. O'Keefe 5 S. Craig 6 J . Horsburgh 7 R . Mutimer 8 A Horsburgh 9 C . Villinger 10 J . Wilson (C) 11 J . Lott 12 M . Gibb 13 S . Hewitt 14 B . Mattson 15 A . Board 16 S . Christo 17 M . Aquilina 18 P. King 19 M . Craig 20 S. Chaffey 21 B. Dangerfield 22 W. Fleming 23 G . Flower 24 L . Fairfield (VC) 25 D . Moore 26 P. Mesman (RC) 27 D . Billman 28 D. Slattery (RVC) 29 D. Horsburgh 30 R . McMillan 31 R . Aldridge 32 G . Jenkinson 33 S. Walker 34 35 D . Rivalland 36 K . Pilsbur y 37 A . Leitch 38 B . Mattsson 39 A . Robbins 40 S . Leitch 41 42 43 P. Hopper

1• B . MaiPakas 2. J . Burke 3. M . Hannan 4. S. Stepnell 5. N. Warszewski

44 B . Slattery

45 T. Milne 46 A. Nibloe 47 T. Said 48 A. Lipscombe 49 50 P. Habersatt 51 52 53 T. Robertson 55 B . Davis 1 P. Kegagias 2 K . Sheldrick 3 B . Davis 4



Tabaret , Bar & Bistro

502 Sydney Rd, Coburg Ph: 93541177

6 S King

7. W. Rosowski 8 . S. Smith 9 . M Balsjaw 10. G. McDonald it . P. Moon 12. A . Hobbins 13. E . Henderson

14. A. Bullma n 15. B . L.azzaro 16. M . Thomas 17. B. Gibson

18 . L Green 19 . S. McDougall

20 . J. Pohlner 21 . B. Powell 22. G. Mijatovic 23. P. Hannon 24. A . Bryson 25. P. Cheevers 26. J . Royle 27. B . Downing

28, D. Thomas 29 . P. Nice 30 . S Wright

31 . L Be m 32 . D . McGee 33 . J. Bradley 34 . J. Sadat

35 . N . Vergos 36. M. Fern 37. M. Rosowski 38. S . Herman

39. A . Contreras 40. L. Williams 41 . A. Benigan 45 M . Gosney

46 M . Bellesini 50 T. Hughes

Coach : Peter Olivieri Res Coach : Michael Learmonth

1. 2. 3. 4.

M . Learmonth B . Boyes R . Livingstone N . Goldsworthy


6 S . Stone 7 N . Malloc h 8 A. Zsembery 9 K. Gillard 10 T. Jones 11 J . Bernardi 12 13 J . Hill 14 W. Ross 15 D . Andrews 16 J. Wedrien 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 19 20 A . Lane 22 R . Allen 23 J . Goldsworthy 24 I . Goulett 25 B. Sellers 26 G . Koumantatakis 27 28 J . Innes 29 P. harrison 30 P. watson 31 W. Drew 32 33 M . Lynch 34 M . Tindley

35 G. Theoharris 36 E . Evans 37 A. Dwyer 38 F. Harrison 39 A. Millar 40 L . Vincent 41 A. Dickeson 42 43 M . Cahmberlain 44 A. Gunn 45 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morco m 49 D . Roberts

50 M . Ellis 51 P. Poe 52 J . Hough 53 J . Davies 54 X 55 P. Mulcahy 56 M . Scammell 57 X 58 D . Kempste r 59 A. George 60 S . Benson 61 G . Sigley 62 63 P. Rosema n 64 J. Harringto n 65 66 G . Pilikidi s

58 . Lipscombe 59 A SUMMERWORLD



Coach: Jeff Wilson Res. Coach : Stewie Craig

60 N . Aquiline

Sponsored by:



67 68 69 J . Hendy 70 J . Egan 77 J . Dwye r 80 J . Cl ar k e

88 A. Ballantyn e 111 J . Carra

SWINBURNE UNIVERSIT Y Coach: Matthew Georg e Res Coach: T.B.A.

1 G. Poppl e 2 J . Sheedy 3 J . Piotrowski 4 A . Fidle r 5 J . Demarte 6 B . Canfield 7 A. Hamilton 9 M . McCalma n 10 M. George 11 D . Milano (C ) 12 B. Nichol l 13 M . Lucke y 14 R . Good e 15 C . Thomas 16 S . Reynoldso n 17 J . Andrinopolous 18 A . Fiuman i 19 B . O 'Mara 20 M . Trainor 21 R. Merke l 22 S . George 23 J . Kane 24 M. Caso n 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Schwero t 27 A . Collin s 28 T. Harris 29 R . Cavicchiol o 30 P. Turk 31 C . Drago

32 P. Jones 33 N . Smith 34 D. Brodie 35 K. Abbott 36 C. Gillmart i n 37 P. McDonald 38 T. Ree d 39 B. Prio r 40 J . Hen ry 41 T. Drahtidi s 42 L . Waters 43 J . Roberts 44 N . Morga n 45 D . Isli p 46 J . Sandh u 47 J . Sevdalis 48 M . Debono 49 R . Winters 50 M . Goodwi n 51 P. James 52 S . O'Donnel l 53 S . Flanagan 55 S . Gallin a 56 R . Hoewe 58 A . Robert s 60 J. Puglisi

Prouldy sponsored by : Whitehorse In n

5 Burwood Rd , Hawthorn (03) 9818 499 1

Robbie's Meats 0413 534 50 1

c--, s YN oAL TALI:1-:


Coach: Kevin Harnett Res Coach: Nick lace 1 J Barro (DVC) 2 1 Bingha m

3 M Joy (C) M Grocott 4 P Henderson (C) 5 D Hannett (RC) B Di x 6 J Cotsis (RVC) C Price 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S O'boyle 15 N Murray 16 B Boucher (RDVC) 17 A Burges s 18 S Macfarlane M Foal e 19 M Glenister 20 C Hal l I Mackenzie 21 A Thompson 22 S Hoare 23 M Beckett 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (RC) 26 G Stofiridis 27 G Kemper 28 M Kennedy 29 A Shee r 30 J Ertan 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 M Richardson 34 V Wong 35 C Cachia (VC) 36 P Van Velsen 37 A Dance 38 M Christiansen 39 G Dimitropoulos 40 N Toce 41 A Morrison 42 A Findlay J Sargent 43 A Brown 44 D Raa b

J Maestros 45 D Richardson 46 M Pan e 47 M French 49 M Buckley 51 W Hall 53 C Varnavas 54 P Sheer

Coach : Tim Elli s Res. Coach : Eddie Galizi 1 D. Frase r

2 S . McNamara 3 C. Cummins 4 S . Conway 5 S . Bisby 6 S . McGrath 7 T. Ellis 8 C . Camilleri 9 A . Towers 10 B . Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D . Lenoury 14 B. McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C . Becker 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbon 22 A . Dibaitista 23 C . Becker 24 S . Harding 25 S . Pugliese 26 P. Thomas 27 D . Warwick 28 C . Whiting 29 S . Dole 30 B . Carlesso 31 P. Marsh 32 B. Seeber 33 S. Fuller 34 K. Mongrey 35 U . Youn g 36 D. Stephenson 37 C. Edwards 38 J . Crooks 39 C. Chapman 40 L. Carson 41 M . Houston 42 S . Fletcher 43 E . Galiz i 44 D . Flack 45 D . Czajkowski 46 P. Rogers 47 D . Shelley 48 G . Shelley 49 D . McKee 50 K. Pace 51 M . Greene 52 L. Djakovic 53 N . Robert 54 R. Portogallo 55 D. Gullfounce 56 A . Addamo 57 M . Brow n 58 A . Birch 59 A . Albakis 60 S . Hartley 61 G . Warren 62 C . Albakis 63 P. Browning 64 S. Pisak 65 R . Engler

65 D Kennett 81 S Da y i


Exact number of goals and behinds for each team must be accurately named Entry to be faxed to 9531 2050 or emailed to phil@vafaasn .au Entry to be received by noon Tuesday preceding matc h SPECIAL THIS WEE K - Z7 E-7 ' ' S At.L OWE _ , 7-- PL : '_ SON No winner last week . 65 entries received for today's Collegians v, Ormond match (record no . entries!)

If not claimed, prize increases each week by $50 'CH : NEXT WEEK'S MATCH -




?inal and pink ec h~, time of any ma~cfl . player must sign th me which rr' , : lr-.ame . Blue copy muU . h_ . .L ,~- - :- ;=nsition captain attos- of coin .

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II I _' (Glenhun ;/ rA ) is open _:--' -- --- --- ` The r' The (off St Kilda St) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled Eor Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . III When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropri_ . :s number of tickets for players and officials .

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(U19/1 & Blue) (U19/2 & Red) IT=~;W Section 1 t . K .'s started brilliantly against the undermanned O .P .'s with 7 goals to nil in the opening stanza . SKOBS continued in the same vain for the rest of the game . But in the last O .P.'s now down to 17 men, fought on and kicked 3g in a very spirited fight back . St . B .'s missed their opportunities for goal in the first with 1g7 . Whereas De La with 5g4 in the second took theirs . St . B .'s fought back and with the first goal in the last, only 7pts down . De La storms on 5 unanswered goals - match over - good win . Uni Blues demolished Old Hail, as expected, but for Old Hail with Fletcher, Pfeiffer and Ferguson getting plenty of the ball, they just need to finish off with goals . Xavs proved again that you should not right tiiem off. For Old B .'s yet to beat a team in the four, maybe today . The `sleeper' finished off Mazenod with a consistent 4quarter effort . Brundy. Thomas & Alder with 4g, just too good . Heal (again), Veltman & Collins played well for the Nodders . The Lions steamrolled Marcellin in their first quarter and by 1/2 time the game was all over. Obviously because they slept in the 3rd and were drowsv in the 4th . Section 2 In an absolute thriller the Hampton Rovers came from 4 goals down at the last change to draw with Yarra Valley . For the Rovers, Stafford, Carr and Goss were best, while for the Bushrangers Senaratne, Collett and Parry all played well . Old Trinity returned to form with a convincing 86 point win over Old Carev . For the victors Cornell continued to play well kicking 6 and was backed up by Walsh who kicked 4 while Christopherson was best afield, and for Old Carey Prior, Hutchins and Costello each battled hard all day . Led by Foley, Deaton and Taylor, Beaumaris remained a game clear at the top of the ladder running out winners against the Whitefriars by 40 points . For the Friars, Alexander, Cleven and Janson were best . Old Scotch revealed their consistency and depth yet again with another all round team performance against Old Ivanhoe . Beaurepaire and Brooke each kicked four and Hosking and Crane were brilliant for the winners, while Binney, Lynch and Gibson were consistent performers for Old Ivanhoe . MHSOB had the bye . Section (2) Blu e The Blues unearthed another forward with Leithbridge bagging 10 and kicking their percentage along to an unassailable level (now worth 4pts) . For Glen Eira. Ahmed Ali again played well and got

4 and Clark & Gusman did well also . With Bruh n and Rynberk back in town, the Grammar boys annihilated De La by 142pts thus pushing up their percentage by 22pts . This puts them within striking distance of Ormond . For the depleted De La, they just have to keep battling the games out. The Jaekers took this game right up to the Swans for three solid quarters before the ladder leaders showed why they are still undefeated with a terrific 5 goal last stanza . Just too big and too strong in the end! Old Ment. were outstanding for 3 quarters before being overrun by St . Leo's in the last . If Old Mentone could have converted some of those missed opportunities, the game could have been over by the last break . Alexander, Wilcox and Ball were great. Finally. Mentone put themselves into a winning position by 3-quarter time, but scoring only lpt in the last, is not good enough to beat a final four aspirant. Levitt . Krings and Rocke die well for Mentone, for the Mosquito Fleet - Harvey, Healy & Casey. Section 2 (Red ) Therry Penola put in a terrific performance to inflict Old Essendon's first defeat for the year, recording a huge turn-around from their first meeting earlier in the season . Higgins and Barron each kicked 5 goals while Holdstock, Reynolds and Henderson were all brilliant for winners . Like most teams at some point this year Essendon have been struggling to put their best 18 on the field in recent weeks, but nothing should take away from Therry 's great win . Old Camberwell showed they are really hitting form by becoming only the second team to beat the North Old Boys this year, as they ran out winners by five points . For the Wells, Hancock, Nunn, Margetts, and Cramer-Roberts each put in match winning performances, while for the NOBs Owen kicked 3 goals, Joyce 2, and Maplestone and Mullins were best . Bulleen Templestowe showed they still will be a danger this year after they ran out winners over Aquinas by 150 points . For Bulleen Templestowe Florence had a great day kicking 8 while Pietryk and Marsh kicked 4 each, and Taylor and Florence were best, and for Aquinas Boland, Cochrane and Hall all battled hard . The Uni Blacks put in a big team effort and had their best win of the season by upsetting a gallant Rupertswood . Maguire was as tough as nails with Evans, Schirmer, and Seuren all great for the Blacks, while Shalders . Burrowes and Baines were the best for the Sunbury boys . The Tiger Sharks had the bye .

PREVIEW section 1 DotiVn there at SKOBS, T .P.O . is valiantly trying to keep the lid securely screwed down now that they are heading the ladder for the first time . This last month has been one 'first' after another! The Premiership favourites (P.F.) should win at home against De La but be warned, De La's form is outstanding after their terrific win against St . B .'s last Nveek . Old Hail play Old P . at Fisher Oval gaileybury College in which one side will have their first win for the season . Both sides will obviously be completely 'prepared' for this crunch game . In a clifflianger, the home side - just! The match of the round sees Old B .'s host Uni Blues at the beach ovai . Unfortunately for Uni, Old . B .'s enjoy playing on the sandy beach oval and should win by l5pts . Holdsworth's O .M .'s will provide the upset of the round with an 8pt win against Old Xavs to keep them in touch with the four. Marcellin has been close to a number of wins this season and should get across the line over the Nodders at home . Finally this is St . B's last chance to stay in touch with the four . Coach O'Connor knows this is a must win and therefore should defeat the Lions in a closely fought game .

Section 2 The Hampton Rovers are in danger of losing touch with the final four and need to win well when they take on Old Carey . The Rovers should have too much firepower and class for Old Carey . who despite some good performances this year need to improve if they're going to win this one . Old Trinity host the Whiefriars, with only a game separating the teams it should be a great clash . Both teams have looked liked world beaters at times only to lose games they should win, but I think Steve Maus' team have shown just a bit more consistency and should win . After the week off MHSOB take on Old Ivanhoe . There shouldn't be too much separating these teams. but I think MHSOB will be too good on the day . Yarra Valley have looked in much better form over the last few rounds, but I still don't think they've improved enough to beat 2nd place Old Scotch who have only dropped two games for the year. Beaumaris have the bye . Section ( 2) Blu e

In the match of the round, the Blues came up against the Grammarian's at the Main Oval . Coach Mathieson knows his Caulfield side needs to start beating teams in the four to have any chance at being in finals come August . Whereas, the Blues know that only I win separates 2nd and 6th . In a boilover the Grammar boys by lpt . The inconsistent De La should defeat Old Mentone . But this week, after the 'tones' great game last week, will cause an upset away win by 1 Ipts . St . Leo's are up against the undefeated at Bennetswood . The Leo boys have too much at stake and will cause the 2nd upset of the round to beat Sth . Melb by 2pts . Both Ajax and Mentone come off 'honourable' losses in a

match, which both teams need to win to stay in touch with the four. If Mentone defeats Ajax that would probably end any chance of them making the four, due to their low percentage . That last nail should be in the lid by 5 .00pm . Ormond should have a percentage-boosting win against Glen Eira at Gunn Reserve. The win enables them to start cementing their place in the four . Section 2 (Red )

If their form of the last few rounds is anything to go by Old Essendon will be battling when they take on the North Old Boys at East Keilor this round . For the first time this season I'll be tipping against the ladder leaders as they'll need a return of their best players if they're going to win this one . In form Old Camberwell take on Aquinas in what should be a big win for the Wells as they've taken it up to all the top teams this year, while Aquinas have began to improve but still lack the skill to beat the 3rd placed Wells . Bulleen Templestowe were excellent last week and should be too good when they take on the Tiger Sharks who haven't been in the best form recently . In what will be a great clash, giant killer's Therry Penola will take it right up to inconsistent Rupertswood . In a close game I think Therry will record their second big win in a row . The Uni Blacks have the bye .







Under-19 - Section 1 COLLEGIAN S




Coach : Richard Obee

Coach: Terry Russel l

Coach : Denet Merto n

Coach : Rod Bourke

1 D . Coombe s

1 . L . Young 2 . C . Moran 3. S. Evans 4. S . Brow n 5 . S . O'Connell 6 . A . Bonnici 7 . G. Wise 8 . M . Naughtin 9 . S. Hyde

1 . R . Galati 2. D . Cracknell 4. L. Nea l 6 J. Carpenter 7 D . McMillan 12 L . Connal 13 J . Matthews 15 R . Baeyni 16 L. McMillan 18 L. Furlan 19 M . Mccartin 23 P. Hesse 25 N . Bisas 27 B. Norden 28 S . Bake r 29 D . Ballantyne 32 V. Cahill 35 A. Carson 37 A. White 40 D . Newell 43 G .Thomas 53 S . Allitt

1 . D. Collins 2 . D . Fotiniotis 3 . D . Bonnici 4 . A. McIntyre 5 . D . Maskell 6 . A . Strawhorn 7 . A . Fry 8. E . Hansen 9. D. Hos e 10 . J . McLatchie if . C. Jayaweera 12 . C . Clegg 13 . D . Clegg 14 . L . Fuller 15 . M . McDowell 16 . A . Moo n

2 R . Muir 3 D . Dowling 4 R . Sztar 5 B . Hois t

6 7 8 9

A. Fletcher J. Farley B. Sloman B . Low

12 M . White 13 B . Lumb 14 J . Dixon 15 N. Perera 17 A. Shinktield 18 D . Brewing 21 N . Chalmers 22 C . Rologas 25 M . Rei d

26 P. Krotiris 27 B. Donnelly 29 B. Lukav 31 N . Herman 32 M.Johnson 33 J . Fitzpatrick 34 J . Youn g 40 J . Dixon 43 E . Waters

10. S. Hale 11 . D. Doyle 12. B . Hawkins 13. W. Jolley 14 . J . Lowe 16 . M . Miller 16 . B . Kropman 17 . J . Kean

18 . C. Mercuri 18 . A. McLeish 19. R . Burrows 19. T. Woodlock 20 . M . Picone (C) 21 S . Murray 22 T. Mola n 23 P. Mulholland 24 J. Garland 37 .J Hyne s 39. M . Goodier 40. P. Harrison 41 D . Spithill 42 A . Coffey 42 A. Carullo 47 J . Stinear 52 D . Poynton 61 R . Warmsley 63 P. De La Haye 70 M . Duggan


OLD MELBURNIANS Coach: Wayne Hotdswort h

Coach : Brendan Flynn

1 P Gallagher C 2 T Bryan t 3 S Arden DVC 4 M Hawkins 5 T Stonier 6 J Grant 7 D Stewart 8 P Grundy DVC 9 J Byrne 10 B Marks 11 C Hinktuss 12 T Middleton 13 A Simpson 14 T Coo k 15 J Bracy 16 J Berman 17 H O'Brien 18 T Fitzgerald 19 M Marson VC 20 C Alder 21 S Kennedy 22 A Wal l

1 . L. McMahon 2.

23 A Treloar 24 J Tucker 25 P Thomas 26 C Walker 27 L Beilby

28 M Radywonik 29 T Duncan 30 A Wu 31 J Mulcahy 32 E Selby 33 C Miller

OLD XAVERIAN S Coach: Manny Nicotosl I . A. KeIIy

3. M . Cosgriff (C) 4.

5 . P. Palermo 6. 7 . M . Zannino 8 . L. Collins 9 . M . Shepherd 10 . B . Mobrici 11 . T. Bateman 12 . S . Hickey 15 16 18 N . El Mohamed 19 G . Moore 23 A . Ploenges 24 T. Lombardi 27 S . Corcoran 29 S . Doyle 32 35 A. Tenson 36 D . Boundy 50 D . Furze 52 J . Bonaci 56 T. Jenkinson 64 L. Price

2 . A. P.9cCarthy~ 3 . B. Calman tvC) 4 . J. Scanla n 5. M. Hiqgins 6. M. Alle n 7. S . Johnston 8. L. McDonnell J . Ralph tO .J .Chambers I . L. Farrow 12. J. Dillon

13. D.Behan 14. L . Moss 15. M . Sleeman 16. D . James 17. D . Thomas 18 . N . Hullett 19 . M. D'Amelio 20 . J . McGrath 21 . R . Speekman (C) 22 . M . 0'Kane 23 . D. Bonadio 24 . N. Heatley 25. H. Davies 2& D. McKean 27. A. Curtin

28. A McQueen-Parton 29. N . Harbec k 30 . A . Pritchard 31 . D . Orlando 32 . S . Griqg 33 . C. HaHield 34 . L. Dinardo 35 . R. Lopresti 36. D. Noonan 37 . P. Darer 38. J. Demaria 39. N. Quinn 43 A Nole n 44 T. Fotzgerald 48 R 0'Shannassy 55 G . Monaha n 59 R triacvfiirter 71 M. McCarthy

OLD HAILEYBUR Y Coach: Roger Brown 1 . C . Mizzi

2. C . McNicol 3. T. Mattesti 4. A . McGillivray 5 . B . Williams 6 . R. Stewar t 7 . C. Reddin 8 . C . McKimm 9 . M. Ward tO .A . Morley 11 . L. Adamis

17 . R . Mosbauer 18. M . Quinn 19. S . Marti n

12 .N . Kennedy

20 . B . Southgate 21 . P. Rya n 22 . D . Waite 23 . T. Heal 24 . L . May 25 . P. Reed 26. A . Chalk 27. P.Jones 28. T. Grierson 29 . C. Meehan 30 . A. Wilson 31 . S . Veltman 32 . P. Dugdale 33 . M . Guthridge 34 . K. LorenzDaniel

16 B . Marks 17 D . Hellyer

ST. BERNARDS Coach: Peter O'Connor

1 . R .Legudi 2. C. Ward 3. A . Bouzikas 4 . SD . Borg 5 . J . Cdarelli 6 . J . McKay 7 . L . Harvey 8 . L . Wilkinson 9 . D . Valori 10 . J . Hill it . S.lannozzo 12. M. O'Donnell 13. S . Burgyn 14. P. Holland 15. A . Garvey 16 . M . Stapleton 17 . M . D'Arcangelo 18 . D. Wals h 19 . Rahill 20 . D . Sheehan 21 . A. Smit h 22 . B. McManus 23. A . Mastropasqua 24. L. Campbel l 25. T. Legud i 26. A . Monteleone 27 . L.Evans 28 . M . Caligiuri 29 . A. Abele 30 . C. Trewin 31 . L .O'Brine 32 . S. Monteleone 33. B. Ballarin 34 . M. Zucco 35. T. Pearson 36. M . Pope 37. T. Carrick 38 . N . Smith 39 . J . Formica 40 . R. Cousland 41 . M . Kavanagh 52 L . O'Sullivan

14 M . Lowe

19 P. Angelini 20 M. Smith 21 B . Titshall 22 A . Hughes 23 J . Dickerson 24 MJ Smith 27 J . Maguire


Coach : Heath Broadbent

1 . L Pfeffer 2. L. Pitcher 3. H . Brooks 4 . S . LangfordJones(C) 5 . A Shaw 7. J. Cashmor e 9. A Wawn n (DVC) 10.B.SaNas it . J . Wright 13, B. Crawford 14. G. Smith (C) 15 . G. Winder 17 . R. Runner 18 . D. Crowl 19. G . Ffetcher (VC) 20. B. Ferguson 21 . J. Dailey 24. P. Ladd 25. D. Webb 26 . L. Hogan 27 . A Janke 28 . B. Hunter 29. D. Moss 32 D. Mackenzie 39 Q . Boan 40 S. Capron 42 B. Koetsw-r 47 T. Philips 51 L. Holt 58 J. Webb


Coach : Paul O'Shannassy

Coach: Steve King

1 . S. Moylan 2 . L. Coleman 3. A . Umbers 5. Natal e

1 . C. Barrott 2 . L . Bassell 3 . C . Beato n

6. Dellapicca 7. D. James 8. N . Marchesani 9 . D. satgliano 10 .1 . Deli c 11 . M . Hutton 12 . C . Tudich 13 . K. Didilis 14 . J . Cassell 15 . D . Bare 16. D . Lucas 17. P. Cameron 18. C . Moffat 19. E . Lync h 20 . L. Kalesaran 21 . T. Simpson 22 . R . Dabraio 23 . M . Rigby 24 . G . Nolan 25 . A. O'Keefe 27 D . Young

28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M . Winridg e 31 A . Turlich 32 J . Cox 33 G . Healy 34 J . Henderson 35 W . Macdonald 36 W . McCann 37 M. Powel l

38 T. Wickham 40 Fynmore 41 Dickeson 42 B .Pugh 46 J . Travaglia 48 M . Kempton 52 Leatham 57 M . Hinsely

4 . L . Chamberlain (VC) 5 . J . Chivers 6 . R . Bowland 7 . C . Deunty 9. A . Di Pasquale 10 . S . Edwards 11 . A. Evan s 12 . G . Fricker 13 . B. Gates (C) 14 . T. Girwood 15 . T. Fallow 16 . R . Hamilton 17 . R . Holmes 18. N . Hutchens 19,S . Hun t 20. J . Hunter 21 . L. Howley 22 . S . Kaso 23 . R. Kelleher 24 . C. Kennedy 25 . A. Munro 26 . M . Vasey 27 . L . Quin 28. S. Randall 29 . T. Roac h

30. E. Roydhouse 31 .T. Morga n 32 . M . Sal e 33 . A . Savolutos 34 . S . Sandiford 35 . S . Russell 36 . A . Powell 37 . T. Trumble 38 . E . Wilcox 39 . A. Williams 41 W. TempleSmith 42 S . Young

1er®19 ® S _ -_-- flon 2 OEAUM AR13 Coach: Mick Deaton J. Windeban k D . Foley (C) J. Magee t A. Prat ;,. K. Taylo r 6 C . Collins - B. Cairns J. Mead B. Gillespi e 0. D . Bir d P. Brook (VC) °. S. Lynch 3 C.1uok q_.. B. Pearse N . Clemente ~ ;. M. Blackmore 17. S. Fitzgerald 18. A. Thompson 1 1 A. Guidolm (C) p. A. Edg e B. Zigouras C . Hartman T. Abbo t M . Atkins L. Boreham '. L . Atkins (DVC) 27. S . C o ot e 28. R . Deaton 3. A . Coate L.Tucke r ;+• A . Spence .~. J . Beattie S . McNicholas 3q. H . McMilla n 35. L. Heal y 36 . B . Deaton M . Milli s 38 . S . Lee 39. L. Ramirez-Smith 'I E . Cooper I . R . Guina n 42 . A . Wilson

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Terry Kendall 1 . J . Cran e 2 . R. Craven 3 . S. Tulloch 4 . C. Ada m 5 . S. Stewart 7 D . Adderley 8 S.John ston 9 D . Johnston 10 S. Hamer 11 R . Jospehs 12 T. Page 13 A. Cleeland 14 D . Loqan 15 D . Gilchrist 16 N . Colman 17 D . Pryle s 18 J. Pilkington (Cl 20 T. Wilson-Hum hries 21 S. Dillon p

22 M . Pears e 23 A. Kyriacou 24 D . Jackson 25 E. Tembat h 26 D . Brooke 27 L . Rout] edge 28 S. 7hompson 29 J . Smedfey 30 A . Birch 31 J . Beaurepaire VC) 32 S. Hosking (VC~ 33 J . Rodski 34 M . Fowles 35 A. Tindale 36 R . Hooke 38 H . Fenner 39 J . Footit 41 M . Lipshut 42 J . Ros s 43 J . Denb 44 T. Colliey 45 A . Fuller 46 J . Siko n 56 E . Ramsay 61 J . Stratos 62 D . Paul 69 C . Lucas 88 J . Li e

70N M.H . S .O .R . VERS (1) Coach : Graeme Bulluss

OLD CAREY Coach : Brett Gear

OLD 1VAN HOE Coach: Stuart McLean

Coach: Wayne Stafford 1 M . Pearson 2 D. Dive r 3 B . Boyd 4 S . Blangiardo 5 A. Vanderhelm 6 L. Kennedy 7 K. Johnston e 8 G . C arr g B. Jowett 10 M . Stafford DVC) 11 M . Lawrence t) C 12 J . Zampaglioni (VC) 13 T. Wilson 14 N. Goss 15 M . Vaughan 16 L . Hope 18 G . Kelly 20 W. Hebbard 21 N. Mason 23 B. Kulling 24 M . Waxiel 26 R . Alexander 28 N . Gould 29 J . Prantzos 30 A. Fisher 32 J . Ng (Dvc) 33 C . Sendeckyj 35 L. Wheeler 36 A . Battam s 3 9 D . M oli n o 40 S. Deal

1 E . Raleigh (C) 2 J . Zarb 3 D. Veale (C) 4 R. Ware 5 A. Keys 6 B . Woollard (VC) 7 A. O'Brien 8 N. Orchard (VC) 9 J . Walke r 10 E. Sims-Lucas 11 A. Hall 12 M . Cotter 13 R . Patterson 14 P. Wolnizer 15 A. Vicendese 16 S. Sims-Lucas 17 G . Pollard 18 C . S o ffe r 19 A. Dymble 20 M. Tarr 21 M. Brown 22 A. Nirens 23 E . H o 24 P. Rujevic 25 A . Svirskis 26 C . Wright 27 S . French 28 K . Miezi s 29 S . Allen 30 J . Membrey 31 M . Dowling 32 T. Harper 33 M . Neilse n 34 J, Veale 35 G . Rankin

1 . C . Smith 2 . C . Stewart 3 . B. Walsh-Richardson 4 . K. Detarczynski 5 . T. Chapman 6 . L. Bartley 7 . P. Gizinski 8 . L. Costello 9. D . Shure 11 R . Hall 12 J . Hutchins 13 J . Macpherson 14 P. Holland 15 J . Oppenheim 16 R . Graham 17 A . Wilkie 18 H, Sedan 19 L. Siragusa 20 R . Adams 21 R . Leong 22 C . Taylor D. Prior 24 P. Unkles 25 N . Detarczynski 26 E . Morgan 27 S . Baker

1 . R. Mansfiel d 2 . A. Berez a 3 . J . Whyt e 4 . C. Binne y

5 . J . Briggs 6 . T. Me e 7 . M . Clarke 8 . C. Lynch 9 . N. Braddy 10 . N . Anderson 11 . A. Jurki w 12 . S . Morris 13 . D . Treloa r 14. K . Theodossi 15 . M . Lim 16. N . TflgWel l

17. C . Lewis 18. L. Bolzan 19. L. McKie 20. D . Hawkes 21 . A . Clancy 22. M . TeSke y 23. F. Cokelek 24. D. Neilson

25. J . Gieschen 26. G . Gibson 27 . T. Grieve 31 . C. MacDonald 34 . S . Aston

35 . R. Smilli e 36 . J . Stafford




Coach: Steve Maus

Coach : Tim Pratt

Coach : Rod Penalun a

1 Peggie A 2 Hine A O C 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Robison M 6 Rennie M 6 Burrows R 7 Dodgson B 8 Amiconi A 9 Best J (C) 10 Blackmore B 11 Clarke J

1 . J . Wallace 2. M . Cahill 3. S . Cloven 7 J .Povrer 8 M . Malady 9 L . Swain 10 L . Coulthard 11 D. Crea 12 C. Slats 13 T. Langford

1 A Middli n 2 M Norrish 3 N Pas k 4 R Butt 5 P Valoppi 6 D Lloyd 8 R Drew 9 B Keho e 10 J Seege r 11 Z Web b 13 L Gillie s 14 G Thompso n 15 D Smit h 16 C Holdswort h 17 A Pizzey 18 C Beal 19 A Colema n 20 D Senaratne 21 J Tomkins 22 J Peak e 23 T Collett 24 G Coutts 25 F Pellegrino 27 S Savag e 29 D Bel l 30 J Strong 31 S Urban e 32 D Smit h 34 S Britt 37 D Sims 44 N Martin

12 Kell


y 13 Ellerbeck G 14 Thwaites M 15 Oliver A 16 Condron K 1 7 Armatas C . 18 Heaven C 19 Carter-Buszard L 20 Oberoi S 23 Wallin A 24 Christopherson J 25 Zandor M 26 Donahoo M(VC) 28 Cristiano D 29 McCutcheon M 30 Sullen M 32 Cornell J(VC) 33 Malekasi 42 Torney A 44 Lancaster 45 Ward C 50 Davies M 55 Troon R

14 L . Twomey

16 R. Coslovich 17 T Barugh 18 M . Baker 19 J. Morris 20 S. Alexander 21 A. Graham 22 A. Baker 23 J. Treyvaud 24 M . Haverkamp 25 M . Crowe 26 N . Muhllechner 27 S. San 28 P. Harrison 29 D . D'sousa 30 B. Janson

;2) Blue GLEN EIRA

DE LA SALLE (Gold) Coach : Mark Zuker

1 D . Henzel 4 A . Butt 5 E . Goldstone 6 L. Goldman 8 T. Katz 9 D . Netivstadt 11 A . Benedykt 12 J . Blankfield

14 S . Newstadt 15 D. Finkel 16 J . Freeman 17 0 . Flamm 18 J. Feldman 20 D. Zulch 22 D. Mrocki 23 B . Nissen 24 P. Glazer

26 A. Cooper 27 C. Spero 31 D. Norich 32 M . Kestenberg 35 I . Same 36 A. Sacks 39 A. Sapar 43 E. Woliner 44 J. Gelfand 45 A. Lewin 47 M . Snow 50 M . Milmeister 55 V. Kelp

- - - ----: - - - - ~ S CChris ' . .mr t

Coach: Greg Buntine

Coach : John Howard

1, 0 . Krongold

1. 2. 4 5 6 7

1 . Ahmed Ali 2 . All All 3 . C . Allen 4. A . Baraket 5. M . Baraket (C)

2, C . Deal (VC) 3 . A . Axles

4 . T Vinen 5 . B . Gross 6 . N . Bode 7 . P. Roberts 8 . S . Tucker 9~ J . Dalwood (C) 10. S . McDonal d 11 . B . Gardine r 12. B . Goddard (DVC) 13. J . Morvell (DVC) 14. M . Green 15. A . Docker 16 . P. McLeish 17 . P. Ellis 18, N . Guyett 19 . W. Brockett 20 . D. Griffiths 21 . D. Elais 22 . T. Rynber k 23 . B . Naylor 24 . G . Dyson

25 . M . Cramphorn 31 . M . Richardson 32 . L. Franklin

35 M . Kuppe 38 C. Veencjar 40 R. O'Neill

43 A. Bruhn 44 A. Vanrompaey 50 J . Wade

A . Toniola B . Guliffer P. Brot P. Mulholland J . Kean S . Mehan


P. Arbon . Gooe M . Brasher 9 M

9 L. Harriso n 10 J . Clifton 11 A . Brett 12 J . Roberts 15 L. Browne 17 Joily W 17 McGowan 19 S . Alder 21 M . Squire 23 L. Danaher 25 P. Rossiter 29 S . Browne 32 H. Funston 33 B . Lambe 40 T. Heffernan 42 J . Bowden 42 M . Laffertyy

43 R. Buckle y 51 M . Conway 52 L. Moloney 53 C . Moran 54 J . Murphy 55 B. Nolan 56 J . Norton 57 B. Ramsey 58 C . Rice 60 D . Wood 61 L . Becker 62 C . Bellistri 64 B. Cole

6. G . Burleyy

7. G. Cassar 8. D . Clarke 9. N . Cuni 10. M . Dimachki 11 . R . Dimachki 12. N . D'Zilva 13. I. Dean 14. L. Granroft

15. J . Gusman 16. Z. Kadour 17. M . Kasar 18 . P. Khalild

19 . L. Kuthman 20 . L. Lampos 21, P. Merric k 22 . S . Milopoulo s 23 . T 0'Lou hian-Eider 24 . A. Ranson 25 . A. Selvan 26 . J . Serpanchy 27 . D. Sheehan 28 . R. Sherry 29 . J . Tomo 30 . P. Wallis 31 . S . Ware 32 . B . Wazseknei 33 . M . Wood 34 . S . Zebian 35 . B. Zure k

f ._ : . ." Coach : Shane O'Connor 21M

..G S ms r 3 P. Dixo n 4 G. Allan 5 T. Fricke r S . Pratt 7 T. Barr 8 K . Littl e 9 K. McLeo d 10 R. Ward 11 B . Atherton

12 P. Williams 13 M . Haye s 14 P. Rock e 15 D. Johns 16 N. Levett 17 S . Casaceli i 18 M . Michaelidis 19 S . Hamilto n 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 25 N. Curran L . Parsons

30 A. Pothitos 33 R . Hamil 34 M . Wingrav e 35 C. Johnstone 40 S. Alexande r 43 P. Murphy 45 R . Connard 43 S. Sulliva n 51 J. Haig 71 S. Rickards

64 T. Woodloc k

(IR MQND Coach : Dennis Grace

Coach : Jamie winduss

1 N Whitmore 2 M Stokie 3 J Rosengarten 4 M Bolton 5 P Avery 7 G Northwa y 8 J Backweil 9 C0'Sulivan

o B Rogers 1 M Edsai!

12 G Smythe 6 A Carter


18 A Shields 19 R Buckley 20 w Lille 21 A Hicks 22 B Green 23 D Cavicchiolo

24 R Vrachnas

27 I McCormick

36 N Costley

42 S Kimbe r 44 0 Lappin 45 H Graham a8 G C!ugston 63 B Boyer 69 JVeenhuizen

1. 2. 3. 4.

9. J, Rutz

10 . A . Cherry

10 . L D'Astoli

12 . D. Dick

4 5 6 8

14 . M . McHugh

9 S . Aquilin a

15 . P. Carey (DVC) 16 . A . Kelly

10 S . Rocco 11 H . McFadde n

15 A Goonan

17 . A. Windle

12 J . MacDonald

16 D McKenna 17 M Heffernan 18 M . Purcell 19 C Everett 20 T. Harvey 21 S Anderson

18 . M . Fechner 19 . A. Rooks 20. J . Hamilton 21 . A . Ballard 22 D. McKean

13 W. Brow n 16 J . Leeman 17 P. D'Andre a 18 J . Stephens 20 H . Master s

23 . G . Brearley

21 D . Bell

23 H . Putz

24 . R. Marchnat 25 . C. Hatfield

22 K . Ferguson

12 . L. Breitkreuz (DVC) 13 . A . Kurzel 14 . D . Jowett

24 A Lom

28 J Mai n 29 TStarr 30 J Mei!ington

31 S Hav,rcins 32 A lloight 34 P Fon_eka

1 . L. Russell (C) 2. K . Harvey 3. S . Tumiati 4.. D J Tolley Caseyy(VC) 5 6. M Lub a 7. R Wile y 8. J Muzzell

22 R Quiney

25 C G11home

25 J Silver 26 M Martinov



Coach : Danny O'Sullivan

11 . D Healy

13 A Perry a L Golding 15 J Park


Coach: Tim Hiile

27 J Noske 28 N Thompson 31 S Barker 34 A Warwarek

39 M Ferrari 40

49 A Perr y 79 A Q 'Shannessy 91 T Collie

L. Moss M . D'Ameli o C. Irvin D. Behan P. Boyd B. L. Cullen (VC) 9. N . Romney

Coach: Darren FdcKitlop 1 J. Royle

2 W. D'Andre a 3 J. Raebur n N . Matarazzo I . Rusaki v L . Este r A . Skinn s

28 C. Blejak 41 D. Wood 55 D . Tomkins 58 A. Bulmer 59 M . Anderson 61 G . Hondow 64 T. Stephens 73 J . Dixon

24 G. Tsicaderi s 25 E . Bouchard 26 J . Griffin 27 P. Cheevers 29 M . Bradfield 30 A . Niel d 32 E . Mahone y 33 J . Fidogianni s 34 G. Gaylor

74 J . Blewett 76 G . Donovan (C)

41 M . Wood 51 G. Row e

~n er速 1 速 Section 2 AQUI NAS D .C . Coach : Terry McEvoy

TIGER SHARKS Coach : Mark Beasley


1 . M . Lant ?, M. Alley 5. A. Bolan d 6. W Lyn g

7. B . Crosbie 8. L. McAuley g . 0 . Poynton 10 . C. Field 12 . C . Munroe 13. V. Hall

Mal 91.

15 S. Verona

it . J . O'Donnell

io. B. Murphey 8. C . Chippendale 19. M . Bambury

20. B . Dorkin 21 . J . Pierce 22 . G . Cochrane

1 . S . Marsh 2 . D . Florence 3. A . P arad is0 4. O. Hill 5. M . Pietryk (C) 6 . D. McGreevy (VC) 7 . M . McGrath 8 . R . Conti 9 . M . Bickerdike


23 . N. Warto n 25 . G . Co yle 26 . M. Lemieszek

p~ L

27 . J. Neagle 34. D . Ford 61 . D . Cole

r_ 1 F-

13. J . Garbellini 14. M . Collins 16 . D . Charle s 18 . D . Buccachio 19 . M . Bartling 20 . M . Hurley 22 . A. Tehan 23 . D . Tsokas 25 . L . Caddy 26. D . Martin (VC) 31 . T. Walters 33. P. Gordon 34. G. Taylor 35 . P. Tsokas 37 . C. Welch 45 . M . Saliba

NTH OLD BOYS Coach : James Sandman

OL D CAMBERWELL Coach: Michael Sigalas

1 D Edwards 2 T Hedgeland (VC) 3 J Kirk 4 T Stathopoulos 5 B Kea n 6 D Burley 7 A Craven 8 S Glover 9 A McKenzie 10 J McArdle 11 B See p d

12 D Joyce (C) 13 N Barry 14 S Kelly 15 J Stevens 16 R Munzel 17 M Vanderhorst 18 D Denton 19 D Keenan 20 S Bermingham 21 N Hahn 23 S Haynes 24 B Toohey 25 D Gazelle 26 H Maplestone (C) 27 G Hancock 28 R Morley 30 J Mullins 59 D Owen

1 . B . Tippe r 2. M . Santamaria 3 . N. Robinson 4 . K. Nunn 6 T. Beranger (C ) 7 T. Hallo 8 A. Marpetts 9 . VJecha rt 13 2G J . Derry 14 C . Munr o 15 J . Whela n 16 A . Cantor 17 J . Cramer-Robert s

18 M . Horgan

19 D. Mitcfiell 0 w+orth 2 1 S . Jones

22 N . Johnso n 23 D . Joyce 27 A. Hilher 28 L . Hancock 37 0. Ken t 43 T. Prowse 47 T. Kerney (VC) 50 B . B en c 51 B . Braithwaite 52 B . a

. Morlehi r 54 PC. Naj~aeo 3 5 55 B . Mc yd 56 M . Paine 57 A. Hickey 58 D . Lin g 59 A. Davey 60 R . Enso r 61 G . Ormsby 62 P. Triantafyllou 63 K . Darb y 64 D . Norto n




Coach: John Newbold

Coach: Ken Selmer

Coach: Steve McMahon

1 J Williamson 2 A Salvo 3 C Oblivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMorton 6 D Slater 7 B Hakim 8 M Jinx (C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 C. Clues 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke 16 E Healey 17 J Heritage 18 D Flaherty 19 A Burbridge 20 S . Rogers 21 N Bartrum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burns 26 C McCormac k 27 M Day 28 A. McGowan 30 D . Oblivbek 33 S. Cetin

1 R Zahra 2 S Pag e 3 V Scerri 4 D Burrowes 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 7 B Whitehead 8 K Elliott 10 N Webb 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 13 D Wallace 14 D Mather 15 J Telfer 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnston 20 P Finn 21 D Heywood 22 A Certo 23 N Sullivan 24 G Price 25 R Hatt y 27 M Koste 28 D Hu m 29 J Heath 31 M Assouad

6 Taylor N 9 Bannister C 10 Bannister J 38 Nancharow M 56 Stepien S 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D

34 JJ. Marinos 35 S . Brugaletta

UNI V ERSIT Y B LAC K S Coach: John Bushby

63 O'Sullivan D

64 Dakin D 65 Sifter T 67 Reynolds L 69 Leguier D

72 Johnson S 73 O'Brien J(VC) 77 Gleeson A 78 Barron B 79 Higgins T 80 Kiernan M 81 Delaney D 82 Bowcock D 83 Finn B 84 Russell G 85 Henderson G(VC) 86 Goodwin T

89 Christie A 90 Atkinson D(VC) 92 Springhall R

93 Smith J 94 Culph S 98 Hollow B

99 Holdstock G(C) 101 McCart hy L

1 S Maguire 2 T Halloran 3 R Drummond 4 J O'Sulliva n

5 T Laidlaw 6 J Parkinson 7 B Rusco e 8 C Schirme r 9 E Thoma s 10 A Torney 11 W Touzel 12 B Witte n 14 A Bushby 15 A Cowley 16 D Morri s 17 P Metie r 18 S Rei d 19 P Seure n 20 A Whitlock 21 T Young 22 N Barnett 23 L Beato n 24 D Creek 25 S Monaghan

19 - 10 .06 .00

UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 10 .06.00 Old Paradises: 0.0 2 .1 2.1 5.2.32 7.6 12 .12 17 .12 21 .16.142 St Nevins: Old Paradiaus : Goal kickers and best F~lavers results not received . St Ketlns : C Hh :slev 6, Cox 4 . Nolan 3 . Hicks l Evans 2. T Tedich. Jaines. Lnch . Hutton . Best : Nolan . Cox. McCann, Kutg. Evans, Lynch . Umpire: ' Luke Johnston (F)

Be La Salle: 2.1 7.5 9.6 15 .8.98 St Bernards: 1 .7 2.8 6.11 8 .14.62 De La Salle: 1Yabnslev 5. Hale 3 . O'Connell 2. Buckley- Goodner• Moran . Patmton, 5pithill . Best: Wahnsley- Nanton, O'Connell . Harrison . Po}Rrion, Ha7e . St Bernards : Goal kickers atui~ best players results not received . Ump ires: Andrew Reehtman Danuen Fletiley (F): Clive Shipley Paul Whitehead (G ) University Blues : 3-4 9.5 12 .9 18.14.122 1.0 2.5 3 .7 4 .7.31 Old llaileybury: University Blues : Old Haileybury: Boan- Cashmore, Cashmere. D Webb . Best : Fletcher, Pfeiffer, Ferguson, Shaw. Hunter. Brooks . Umpires: Chas Gregory Tony Lillev (F) 15 .10* 100 Old Xaveri ens: Old Brighton: 9 .7 .61 Old Xaverians : Hulett 3 . Hi ins 2 . McDonnell 2, Scanlan 2, Calman 2• Dillan. Horbeek . Thomas . Me~arthv. Best : Speechman . Curtin . Chambers . Cahoon. Banadro, Dixon, Old Brighton: Max \k5ttmamm . Ken Walker (F) Umpires: Mazenod: 2 .2 3.2 5 .4 6.5 .41 Old Melburnians: 5 .3 9.7 12 .10 16 .15 .111 Pvlazenod: Veltman 4 . Maskell, Javaweera . Best : Heal . Veltman, Collins, Masketl. Fuller, St . Baker. Old Melhurnians: Alder 4. Hawkins 2. O'Brien 3, Gnmdv 2 . Bromelev . Marson . Nervman. Best: Gnmdv, Bromeley. Thomas . Beecher. Alder, Gallagher . tUmpires : Mark Jenkins (R) Dantel Beitner (F) Collegians: 7.4 10 .6 10 .11 12.13.85 Marcellin: 0.2 1 .3 2.4 3.7.25 Collegians: Hay 5 . Salhnamt 3 . Rologas . Herman . Bronnin~Taylor. Best : Taylor. Reid . Low. Bronniin~s. FR,. Hav. MarcelBn: Goal fakers and best players results not received.'UmpiresfAdi Diner Toby Ovadia (F)

UNDER 19 SECTION 2 - 10.06 .00 Yarra Va e p: 2.2 3 .3 5.8 6.10.46 6.10.46 Hamptonll Rovers : 1 .0 1 .5 2.8 Yarra Valle y .• Parry 2, Savage 2 . Bett- Wines . Best: Senaratne, Collett, Parry, Strong• Pas'. Coritts . Hampton Rovers : Pearson . Johnstone. Carr . Hebard . Goold Best: Stafford . Carr. Goss. Sendeckzi. Goald . Umpire: Paul Withington (R) (F) Old Carey : 1 .2 3 .5 3.7 3.10.28 Old Trimly: 5.1 8 .5 14.7 17.12.114 Old Carey: Wilkie 2 . Prior. Best: Prior, Hutchins . Costello. Battlay . ZentskiDivyer. Old Trinity: Cornell 6 . Walsh 4. Tavlor 3 . Cttristopherson 2, Hine. Blackmore . Best: Ctmsopherson . Best, Eilerbeck- Langdon . WaLsh, Hole. Umpire: Adam Harris Euan Lindsay (F )

Whrtefriars: 0. f 2.3 2 .5 3 .5 .23 Beaumaris : 2.0 3.4 8 .5 9 .9 .63 Whitefriars: Swain . Coslovieh, Graham, Best : ALexander. Cleven. Janson. Kennedy- Power, Suain . Beaumaris : Foley 4. Blackmore 3 . Deaton. Zigouras . Best : Denton . Foley. Taylor. Tucker.PresnelL Pratt . Umpires: Tint Friedman, Justin Grossbard(F) Old Ivanhoe : 2 .1 4.3 4 .3 5 .4 .34 Old Scotch: 5 .5 11 .9 16.12 17.17 .119 Old Ivanhoe: Manefield . Bhmev . Teskey. Anderson, Hawkes . Best : Barney. Gibson. Lviuh. Manefield . Bolton- Hawkes . Old Scotch: Beaurepa~re 4. Brooke 4 . Sladen 2. Josephs . Gilchrist- Pa e . Hoskin . Collie. Opie . Ranisev. Best : Hosldn . Crane. Josephs, Collle. ~'age . Gite~irist. Umpires : Ban Boller(R)1Hic~iael Phillips (F ) h ~B : Bye




Glen Eire : 3 .0 6.1 6.1 8,1 .49 Monash Blues: 7.2 12.4 18.11 23.15,15-3 Glen Eire : Ahmed Ali 4 . Wallis 2 . Burley. Ranson . Best : Ahmed Ah . ;'. . Gusinan . Lampos. Serlhvnchy. Sherry. Monash Blues: Leithbric O'Sullivan 3, 5 Hawkins 3. Baser 3. Rosengarten . Smyth . Ca}q, Burley. Best : Lappin . Smyth. Leitttbridge, O'Sullivan. Golding, sncCorr Umpires: Rick Love (R) (F) Alina Hoare Waone Cove (B ) Caulfield : 5.5 13.8 20.12 24.19,1, 1 .0 3.0 3 .1 3,3-21 De La Salle : : Rynberk 6 . Bruhn 6. Docker 3 . Dahwood 3, Brdselaar 2 . Re Caulfield Gardiner, Brockett . MeLeish. Best: Docker. Gardiner, Romeo. . Be La Salle: Roberts 3. Best: Danaher. Cliftm"Bnilm,Dahvod : . Funston. Wise. Umpires: Graeme Morgan Jim Pappas (F) ,Brashe Old Mentonians : 2.5 3.8 5 .11 6 St Leo's Emmaus: 0.2 1 .6 4 .7 Old Mentonians: C Alexander, Benditon. Corfield, N Fisher, t4'itleock. Best: Wilcock, Alexander, Ball . N Fisher. M Fisher. L Rule . Emmaus : McKean 4. Cullen- Brealev . Ballard, D'Atuelio- Podbim McKean . Kelly. Cullen .Podburv, Wood . Ballard. Umpires : Adam Caiqu (F) : Scott Pearse . Daniel Blackmore (B). South Melb, IIist: 3.3 8 .7 8 .9 13 .10 . AJAX: 3.2 3 .2 6.7 7.10 .5 South Melb . Dist.:

AJAX: Joseph Feldman 2, Janover . Finkel, Mrocki. Goldstone, Henzel. Best; Henzel . Lewski. Gutman, Joseph Feldman . Janover. S Newstadt . Umpires : Paul Berrv Chris Evans (F) Mentone: 2.1 6 .4 7.7 7.8,50 Ormond : 2.5 2 .7 5.11 8.13,61 Mentone: Atherton 2, S Sullivan 2, T Barr. Frieker. Krings . Best : Levett• Kmngs . Roche . Hamilton, Ward, Sims . Ormond: Waraovek 2 . Everett . Healy, Loin . Luba. Murphy. Pem*. Best : T Harvev. Healy . Casey . Putz . D•Asto4L Murphy. Umpires: Adam iSooloos Oeen Later (F )

UNDER 19 RED - 10.06 .00 3 .4 6.8 12.9 15.11 .101 Therry petiole : 7.4 10 .7,67 Old Essendon Gr.: 3 .2 4 .4 Therry Petiole: Higgins 5 . Barron 5- Henderson . O'Brien, Leguire . Johnson, . Henderson Reviiolds . Best: Holdstock Reynolds . Higgins. O'Brien. Gleeson . Old Essendon Gr.: Umpires: Bruce Cook David Windlow (F) North Old Boys : Old Camberwell ; North Old Boys :

2 .1 3.5 7 .7 9 .8.62 10 .6 10 .7.67 2 .1 7.3

Old Camberwell: Cramer-Roberts 3. Cantor 2. Ormsby 2 . Darbv, Hickes. McGree . Best : Hancock . Nunn, Aiargetts . Cramer-Roberts- ;vi Sautamana . Umpires: Michael Forde. Jason Waszaj (F) : Brendan Ralph, Joe Bever (B) . Aquinas: 110 4.3 5 .3 5.4 .34 Bulleen Templestowe: 5 .12 13.15 18.21 26,28.184 Aquinas: Bulleen Templestowe: Floreence 8, Pietryk 4. Marsh 4 . Conte 2, Tehan 2 . Martin 2 . P Tsokas, Taylor- Gorton . Garbett'vu. Best: Taylor, Florence, Martin . Pietrvk. Caddy, Conte, Um p ires: Chris Stevens. David Leath (F) University Blacks : 4 .2 8.4 14 .6 15 .10 .100 Rupertswood: 3.3 6.5 11 .6 14.9 .93 University Blacks : Rupertswood : Seem 4. Burrowes 2 . Clarke 2, Tenunung 2. Zebra 2, Baines, Flinn. Best: Shalders, Burrowes, Bahtes- Elliott, Flinn, Stafford. Umpire iv'➢ chael Sneddon (F) Tiger Sharks : By e


e s n __ the sc:~ n es at The People's Groun d Theres always something to see at the "G" WHATEVER YOUR SPORT

Adults 12 .00 Cone 8 .00 Family 30.00 (2 Ad 2 child)

Present this for 20% discount

9657 8879

Expiry 31 .3 .01

Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p .m. every Saturday 1 7 JUNE OLD TRINITY vs OLD SCOTCH 24 JUNE MARCELLIN vs OLD IVANHO E 1 JULY OLD SCOTCH vs OLD XAVERIAN S




(interviews and highlights of this match shown on Channel 31 Thursdays 8 .30 - 9 .30 p .m .

The Age VAFA sportswriter Paul Daffey w rites about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and reviews the competition in Monday's Age.


tn tulr~ wftlt [hr nufvr enxt

Scores, chat and news of local VAI't~ teams 6.00pm - 6 .15pm each Saturday night .


For n ews, vie ws and pr eviews, tune to

._._.. . . . . .

The Ammos Show with Kevin Dwyer, Michael George and orrr, Nugent SATURDAY on 96.5 FM - 11 :00 a. m . -11 :3a a .

ABC Radi o 6.25 p .m. Saturday

VAFA SUNDAY 9 .30-10.30 a.m. Special Guest is :

~ This Sunday - Dave Roger s (Monash Blues Capt./Coach ; C-D4 Representative Captain)

North West Amateur Footy Repor t presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Bernards (A), Old Paradians (B), Therry Penola (C), Rupertswood (C18), West Brunswick (D2), LaTrobe Uni (Dl), North Brunswick (D4), Old Essendon (Dl), Thomastown (D2) .

PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm

Includes weekly chat on all matters UAFA. 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER



Late scores


i'.` .


Li r째i~~~ (June-July ) This Sat : 17 June Old Paradians v . Old Mentonians This Sun : 1 8 June Old Brighton v . Mazenod N ext Sun : 24 June Elsternwick v. Hawthorn Amatew Next sat : 25 June North Old Boys v . Old Brighton 1 July Collegians v . De La Salle 2 July FID A 8 July Old Xaverians v . Old Ivanhoe 9 Julv St . Kevins OB v. Old Trinity to be confirme d 15 July Old Scotch v St . Kevins OB 16 Jufv No Matc h

_ L



It is an expectation that captains at the toss of the coin exchange a copy of the teamlist . Failure to do this results in automatic fines fo r the offending club . It has also been reported that as a ploy inaccurate lists are being handed over . The Executive will enforce fines if this ploy is proven to be true . Any club that feels an opposition club has been negligent in this area needs to express in writing (attention Phil Stevens) their concerns .

First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($103) ; each subsequent offence ($100) . Seniors/U 1 9 Reserves(C1 8 failure to phone failure to provide final scores by 5pm scores by 2.30pYn Old Esendon (R) Sth . Melb . Dist. (U) Old Camberwell (C) North Old Boys (U )

Incorrect scores phoned - Rd 9 Old Carey (S), St . Leos Emmaus VJP (R), Old Brighton (C), Yarra Valley OB (C), Sth . Melb . Dist, (U), Rupertsvvood (U)

'tribunr] Re suLt , - Wi째rineed," v7nne 7 !th, 2004 Anthony Parkin, Collegians . Abusive & insulting language to an umpire, 1 match .

Brad Philpott . Beaumaris . Abusive & insulting language to an umpire . 2 matches . Ward Elliot, Power House (Res .) . Attempting to strike . I match . " Colin Brown. Ivanhoe Assumption . Striking, 2 matches . . 째 Ian Dean. Glen Eira (U19). Striking, 2 matches .2 = John Harvey, Old Camberwell (C18) . Striking matches . -Accepted Prescribed Penalty . Ynvesti ation Results Wednesday June 14th, 200 0

Old Camberwell and Oakleigh seniors charged with a melee in their match played June 3rd, 2000 at Scammell Reserve . Oakleigh fined prescribed penalty of $ 100 . Old Camberwell fined S500 . r `

' Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATCH. ES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly Behaviour -

. Water carriers. It is preferRunners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena able for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is away from "the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires have the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme . Season 2000 . Please note all VAFA officials must be 1 5 years or older in . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire or black football shorts-Track pants if worn Runners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy . . VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts.Track pants if worn to be navy only to be navy only . Water Carriers . No other garment is If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . Caps - if to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers. VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only ruo nnnerci in Pf1C1TRAi I FR 2(


t0 8 2 0 750 t0 8 2 0 63 0

Y 10 7 3 0 B9 7 - _11ERiANS 10 6 4 0 592 ERNARDS 70 5 0 663 5 PREL5URN!ANS 10 5 5 0 556 rELL4N 0 4 6 0 594 1 cVINS 10 3 7 0 47 6 6 ITY BLUES 10 2 8 0 48 i0 2 8 0 232

158 .23 133 .76 227.66 115.18 132S7 106,1 1 9096 56 64 .37 28.78

32 32 28 24 20 20 16 12 8 8


CLUB 18 (1 ) .6 36 100 0 0 680 278 244 .89 1 0 671 424 1 58.25 32 88 4 0 565 450 125 .56 20 55 .56 6 20 55 .56 4 0 475 505 94, (I 5 0 551 480 114,79 16 44.44 .67 12 33 .33 3 6 0 378 623 60 .22 2 7 0 433 586 73 .89 8 22 2 6 0 262 512 51 .17 8 25 .22 2 7 0 329 735 44 .76 8 22

9 8 5 5 4

S p W L 0 FOR AGST % PT TEAM NAME B RESERVE CLUB 18 (2) 327 .03 36 10 9 1 0 824 340 242 .35 36 t0 9 t 0 ~6 ~ RUPERTSWOOD ,F LA SALLE }0 B 2 0 767 423 181 .32 32 10 7 3 0 789 382 206•54 28 .85 28 ST BERNARDS ,, . ~ENOD O C 10 7 3 0 543 513 105 t0 7 3 0 655 521 125 .72 28 OLD IVANHOE 26 ~,~RT#i10 OLD 5 4 / 685 BOY5 559 722 .54 22 434S 245A 6 50 6 3 1 554 C, PARADIANS 10 G 5 1 573 630 90 .95 1 THERRY PENOLA O8 32 1 09.72 24 10 6 4 0 47 4 .03 16 MONASH WHITES .84 24 ")NO 10 4 6 0 668 630 106 10 6 4 0 607 579 104 ?41LEY8URY4 6 0 573 558 102.69 16 YARRA VALLEY 0 B !!ION 10 10 5 5 0 570 629 90 .62 20 .tANS 70 4 6 0 533 696 7&58 16 OLD CAMBERWELL .33 16 8 70 .39 10 4 6 0 595 525 113 --~, ;,i 0 435 618 COLLEGIANS 16 .39 10 4 6 0 367 838 43 .79 .~. .-EFR4ARS 110 0 2 2 8 8 0 296 974 30 .18 14 WHiTEFRiARS .lENTONiANS . .' 10 3 6 1 505 586 86 OLD TRINIT Y C RESERV E 10 2 8 0 490 829 59 .11 8 .65 36 0 OLD GEELONG 10 0 10 0 733 1334 9 .97 OB 9 1 0 818 443187 184 .87 32 ~ :~,~RRYPENOLA 10 8 10 2 0 883 470 PARKSIDE C .56 28 -rAUR1ARIS A F Rd . 7 ROVERS 10 7 3 0 691 450 153 * Ineligible player 130 .89 20 "TON MENT TtG 10 5 6 0 644 492 .67 20 UNDER-19 SECTION - n~OES 5 5 0 608 598 101 438 265 .75 32 qAN A F C 10 .78 20 I 4 ~. .5 0 640 705 90 10 8 2 0 116 10 5 ST KEVINS 642 174.77 32 ,,DE ASSUMPTION 4 5 1 616 563 109 41 18 2 0 1122 to 8 10 OLD BRIGHTON 52 .84 12 642 150.31 32 965 2 0 10 S iEERJ TE"3PLESTOWEIO 3 7 0 SO2 418 791 0 738 68.02 1 OLD XAVERIANS 574 171_6 28 3 0 985 10 2 7 1 t0 7 .13 4 iGEELONG 10 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 9 0 332 919 36 576 147 .22 24 4 0 848 10 6 NEIRAAFC OLD MELBURNIANS 694 144.67 24 4 0 1004 10 6 Di RESERVE SECTION 452 164 DE LA SALLE 859 109.2 24 .38 32 4 0 938 3 10 6 10 8 2 0 74 S q ST BERNARD 687 98.98 24 4 0 680 OLD ESSENDON GR. 0 858 414 207 .25 28 10 6 10 7 3 .24 28 COLLEGIANS 1128 38 .3 12 177 7 0 432 AOUINAS 0 C 10 7 3 0 771 435 10 3 MAZENOD O C 818 85.45 8 CAULFIELD GR 50 7 3 0 677 388 174.48 28 8 0 699 10 2 BLUES .73 24 4 0 847 482 175 MARCELLIN tF0^JASH 1129 33.84 0 10 0 10 0 382 ;_EOS EMMAUS W P 10 6 710 442 t60 .63 24 OLD HAILEYBURY .58 0 0 10 0 340 1507 22 .46 24 !YULE 10 6 4 R ADVANS 10 0 .9ELL 10 6 4 0 621 503 123 OLD PA . Game reVersed . .26 8 30M13ER` # Appeal upheld from Rd 2 match :, TROBE UNIVERSITY 10 2 8 0 388 821 47 9 48 5 . _-_CAREY 10 1 9 0 522 1549 67 .88 0 UNDER-19 (2 ) 0 _EIGHAFC 10 0 10 9 1 0 786 452 173 .89 36 BEAUMARIS A F C 10 10 8 2 0 917 498 184 .14 32 02RESERVE 8 OLD SCOTCH 10 8 1 0 863 384 224 .74 36 10 7 3 0 728 547 133 .09 2 .32 36 UNIVERSITY BLACKS OLD TRINITY 0 6 4 0 654 496 131 .85 24 t0 9 t 0 898 4 1 9 214 1 PARKSIDE 3 0 887 547 162 .16 28 WHITEFRIARS 678 807 64 .01 22 1 KEW HAMPTON ROVERS 10 5 4 0 C 10 10 6 7 4 0 750 657 714 .16 24 .55 20 MHSQB 10 5 5 0 526 594 88 SALESIAN 8 .5 2 0 .06 14 - =A VALLEY OLD 0 BOYS7O 5 5 10 0 731 520 140 20 5 5 95 0 598 539 1 YARRAVALLEY 10 3 6 1 514 790 65 .05 12 1 597 785 76 .71 1 6 -C-BRUNSWICK 775 78 ❑ OLD IVANHOE 10 3 7 .13 1 2 ~ ZROY REDS 10 4 8 6 0 0 541 610 845 64 .02 8 OLD CAREY 10 3 7 0 452 920 49 8 887 56 17 8 ~ .'tAA570WN 00 1022 8 0 5 1 4 -,IN0ULA 0 8 1 9 0 383 1204 31 .81 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE ._ .tQNEAFC 10 554 210,11 40 } 00 10 3 0 0 y18H D3 RESERVE 36 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 252 .9 8 28 7 C t0 9 1 0 900 466 193 .13 36 MONASH BLUES 1017 748 135 .96 28 ST JOHNS 0 10 9 1 0 914 500 182 .8 ST LEO'S EMMAUS IN P10 6 4 0 852 555 153 .51 24 'OWER HOUSE 810 330 245 .45 32 ORMOND 10 6 4 0 885 627 147 .75 24 <, ILLIAMSTOWN CYMS to 8 3 0 759 552 137 .5 28 7 CAULFIELD GR 10 5 5 0 816 664 94 .44 20 U H S O B 10 5 0 777 624 124.52 20 5 MEN70NE A F C .17 16 "~'STERNWICK 10 3 7 0 574 829 69 .24 12 A J A X 70 4 6 0 686 787 87 -_~.Y PARK A F C 0 62 .76 12 .61 12 7 477 760 10 3 DE LA SAILE (2) 10 3 7 0 690 1002 62 12 '"AOND CENTRAL 56191? 0 469 824 7 OLDFhENTON{ANS 50 1 9 0 473 1304 3627 40 '-HORN AMAIEURS 10 3 0 Sqi 1 005 49,85 8 .34 GLEN EIRA 10 0 10 0 359 1538 23 'cRT PARK A F C 10 1 9 0 899 54 .39 4 489 JASH GRYPHONS 10 UNDER-19 (2) RED D4 RESERV E 1 69.55 32 3% 316.92 36 cRRIBEEAMATEURS 10 8 2 0 785 463 OLD ESSENOON GR . 10 9 1 0 1~2 32 10 7 3 0 761 419 181 .62 28 418 799. 04 0 .06 28 to !,7lilYDALE 593 119 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 705 1053 628 167 .68 28 10 7 3 0 2 0 S~ MARYS .59 28 RUPERTSWOOD 864 530 163 .02 28 WORTH BRUNSWICK 10 7 3 0 889 756 54t117 137 .15 24 10 6 4 0 742 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 6 4 0 502 674 133,83 24 4 LLEEN COBRAS 10 6 4 0 680 562 121 2 THERRY PENOLA O B .48 20 €'LEIGH AFC .28 20 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 5 5 0 702 743 94 .48 16 TH MELB DISTRICTS 10 5 5 0 633 625 101 .3 20 TIGER SHARKS 10 4 6 0 489 1030 47 IBURNEUNIVERS17Y70 5 5 0 563 710 79 16 4 6 0 479 528 9072 BULLEEN TEMPLE5TOWE10 3 7 0 497 1177 42,23 124 8 .1 ) `1ESTBOURNE A F CIO 10 2 8 0 512 641 AQUINAS O C 10 1 9 0 251 1468 17 4695 8 ~AL TALLY-HO 10 2 8 0 400 85 2 HAM COLLEGIANS .18 4 BRUNSWICK A F C 10 1 9 0 322 890 36 C, aigibte player Rd 7





ST BERNARDS 10 8 2 0 1224 739 165 .63 32 10 7 3 0 1168 856 136 .45 28 OLD XAVERIANS 10 7 3 0 1031 835 123 .47 28 OLD SCOTCH 10 7 3 0 855 813 105.17 28 OLD TRINITY ST KEVINS 10 6 4 0 901 912 98 .79 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 5 5 0 955 831 114 .92 20 MHSOB 10 4 6 0 815 1065 76 .53 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 3 7 0 787 867 90 .77 12 OLD IVANHOE 10 2 8 0 667 1174 56 .81 8 MARCELLIN 10 1 9 0 802 1113 72 .06 4 B SECTION

OLD BRIGHTON 10 9 1 0 1246 777 160 .36 36 MAZENOD 0 C 10 8 2 0 876 698 125 .5 32 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 7 2 1 945 684 138 .16 30 ORMOND 10 6 4 0 883 819 107 .81 24 DE LA SALLE 10 5 5 0 748 726 103 .03 20 868 98 .16 18 OLD PARADIANS 10 4 5 1 852 WHITEFRIARS 10 4 6 0 864 857 100 .82 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 4 6 0 860 999 86 .09 16 COLLEGIANS 10 1 9 0 622 968 64 .26 4 OLD MENTONIANS 10 1 9 0 604 1164 51 .89 4 C SECTIO N BEAUMARIS A F C 10 9 1 0 1187 721 164 .63 36 0 1057 842 125.53 32 A J A X 10 8 2 10 7 3 0 763 661 115.43 28 HAMPTON ROVERS THERRY PENOLA OB 10 6 4 0 874 807 108.3 24 ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 5 5 0 923 806 114 .52 20 PRAHRAN A F C 10 4 6 0 964 983 98 .07 16 GLEN EIRA A F C 10 4 6 0 941 999 94 .19 16 OLD GEELONG 10 3 7 0 767 1171 65 .5 12 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 10 2 8 0 874 1089 80 .26 8 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 10 2 8 0 810 1081 74 .93 8 01 SECTIO N OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 10 9 1 0 1030 756 136 .24 36 MONASH BLUES 10 8 2 0 954 731 130 .51 32 AQUINAS 0 C 10 7 3 0 1249 756 165 .21 28 10 7 3 0 1318 922 142 .95 28 BANYULE CAULFIELD GR 10 6 4 0 972 877 110 .83 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS 10 5 5 0 1011 898 112 .58 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 4 6 0 900 889 101 .24 16 OLD CAREY 10 3 7 0 798 964 82 .78 12 OAKLEIGH A F C 10 0 9 1 787 1484 53 .03 2 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 10 0 9 1 606 1348 44 .96 2 D2 SECTION 8 2 1041 740 140.68 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 B 10 6 4 0 1142 925 123 .46 24 PENINSULA 0 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 10 6 4 0 938 763 122 .94 24 C 10 6 4 0 886 780 113.59 24 SALESIAN 0 PARKSIDE 10 6 4 0 849 833 101 .92 24 THOMASTOWN 10 5 5 0 967 918 105.34 20 MENTONE A F C 10 5 5 0 946 989 95 .65 20 WEST BRUNSWICK 10 5 5 0 791 832 95 .07 20 KEW 10 2 8 0 738 1170 63 .08 8 FITZROY REDS 10 1 9 0 768 1116 68 .82 4 D3 SECTIO N POWER HOUSE 10 9 1 0 1111 674 164 .84 36 RICHMOND CENTRAL 10 7 3 0 1108 815 135 .95 28 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 7 3 0 955 707 135 .08 28 ST JOHNS 0 C 10 6 4 0 1041 838 124 .22 24 ELSTERNWICK 10 6 4 0 1021 823 124 .06 24 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 10 5 5 0 1030 842 122 .33 20 U H S O B 10 3 7 0 836 1099 76 .07 12 ELEY PARK A F C 10 3 7 0 733 1108 66 .16 12 ALBERT PARK A F C 10 2 8 0 729 1243 58 .65 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 10 2 8 0 646 1141 56 .62 8 D4 SECTIO N BULLEEN COBRAS 10 8 2 0 1030 760 135 .53 32 140.25 28 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 10 7 3 0 1007 718 1081 791 136.66 28 BENTLEIGH AFC 10 7 3 0 764 127 .88 28 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 10 7 3 0 977 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 10 6 4 0 828 695 119 .14 24 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 10 6 4 0 921 774 118 .99 24 NORTH BRUNSWICK 10 6 4 0 1031 911 113 .17 24 ST MARYS 10 4 6 0 922 993 92 .85 16 MT LILYDALE 10 3 7 0 819 877 93 .39 12 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 10 3 7 0 735 1012 72 .63 12 BRUNSWICK A F C 10 2 8 0 717 1247 57 .5 8 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 10 1 9 0 704 1230 57 .24 4

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