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0go-)(Due J~z`7aaEo
FINALS jtTST AROUND T HE CORNER 4 eing an Olympic Year, many allowances have `~ had to have been made to fit our season in to conclude before the Games . This year will see a three week finals series in all sections - Saturday August 12 and 13 (first and second semis); Saturday August 19 or 20 (preliminary finals), with Grand Finals to be played on Saturday August 26 or Sunday August 27 . A display showing all ocated venues appears elsewhere in today's "Amateur Footballer" . It must be understood that these may change depending on availability of venues and/or .partieipating teams .
the VAFA appointed umpires are competent to report players for offences against PHIL STEVENS the Laws of the CHIEF EXECUTIVE Game? " OFFICER If one of the above non-umpires make a report, the written report must be handed to the umpire who will obtain an acknowledgement by an official of each club and include the report in his paperwork . Should one of these officials lodge the report during a match, the player is to be ordered off for the next fifteen minutes playing time of the match .
This week's cover shows Prahran players Will Walford (No-27) and Sean Birch . The player in the centre is Linton Thomas from St Leos Emmaus WP. Two in the series of eight to go.
Many people planning for 2001 already. Weddings maybe? Next year's season (round one) will commence on Saturday April 21 - the weekend after Easter.
TODAY'S "AMATEUR FOOTBALLER" Last week we saw a new A section scribe, with Brad Beitzel taking over the column due to Jason Frenkel (overseas) and Rob Cross (work - Tasmania) both becoming unavailable . Brad's vast experience in journalism sees this column being a must read . Well done Brad, many favourable comments were made about the A section column last week. Today also sees the reintroduction of a "newsy' column . Over the years we have had "Over The Fence", "Around the Grounds", "Talking Football" and "Tap-Outs" . Brad Beitzel's column "For the Love of the Game" takes a look at the lighter, behind the scenes side of Amateur football . Whilst congratulating people who contribute to the "Amateur Footballer" being so popular, a special thanks to our scribes who, with great diligence meet the strict deadlines and to Brett Conne ll of the VAFA's Administration who puts all the pieces together in a tight time frame so that the record is ready for clubs by Thursday afternoons .
Eighty eight (88) ent ries from clubs in this popular competition this year . Should one entry correctly forecast the seven senior premiership teams $10,000 goes to that VAFA club. If the seven premiers are not forecast $1,000 goes to the club that has forecast the highest number of premiership teams. A countback system applies in both the above situations .
REPORTING PLAYERS Perhaps this item may have been better suited to Umpires' Corner (What's Your Decision?) . Last Saturday a little known rule was used when one of the Executive Vice Presidents observed and reported a player who he believed committed an offence not witnessed by an umpire . Did you know that "The President . Vice Presidents and Chief Executive Officer together with
1F001t~AWLE R
July 8th, 2000 Price : ',$) 2 . 00 Vol. 00 No.
ndrew Topakas and Scott Oram might not get a clearance e from Old Melburnians to top B Grade team Old Brighton . The pair were among eight who wanted to leave OMs to the Tonners but the VAFA Permit Committee has a policy of not allowing a flock of players to leave a club at the one time.
OMs, grand finalists nine months ago, have until next Friday to sign the forms before it goes to the Permit and Reinstatement sub-committee for a recommendation to the full Executive . The full-forward and on-bailer did not play in OMs' humiliating 72-point loss against Scotch last Saturday . Rick Pisarski, OMs president, said : The pair could be waiting a while" . Unpaid fees are an issue . - In the space of a week OMs captain Ian McMullin has had this terrible run : He's an executive with Spotless, which sold its share in Colonial Stadium, he's on the board of Collingwood, which endured the legionnaires' contamination and OMs have changed their coach from Neil Ross to Roger Ellingworth and lost a couple of their starting XVIII . McMullin though is optimistic : "The company (Spotless's stake holding) was sold, Collingwood will keep going - that was an unfortunate incident, and OMs will keep going on . Just got to be positive about this and move forward . " They (Topakas and Oram) came down to the club for Rossie and they were a bit disappointed . They've made their own decision and that's fine by me ." - OMs' outlook is bleak as they today host Melbourne High which last week inflicted St Bernards' first loss at home for the season winning by a goal. MHSOB responded to the club's call that the game at the Snakepit was their most important since 1972 when it was last relegated from A Grade . Moreover they did it without Peter Daicos who withdrew with knee soreness . Today the Unicorns will still be waiting for Daicos to wear the maroon, green and gold as he is scheduled to be calling interstate . - Dates is part of a Collingwood 1990 premiership curse in A Grade . Team-mates Craig Kelly and Tony Francis hold the same the status as Dates : they are registered but are yet to kick a ball this season . Kelly, who endured pre-season at Old Xaverians is too busy with managing his sports stars as the Olympics approach and Francis, at Old Ivanhoe, has not overcome leg injuries which forced him out of the AFL . Francis though is helping the Hoers at training . - The Bernies were without five from the previous team that disposed of Old Xaverians . They included the best player in A Grade, 25-year-old Adam
PTION 1tZ l J Merrington, who ~ played with Carlton' s VFL team where his younger brother Andrew is listed . Jason Gollant, who this time last year came out of retirement and the return paralleled the Bernies' rise up the ladder, withdrew with a migraine . Steve McKeon limped from the field during the third term . - Trinity's Andrew Ramsden, 26, says he has deleted himself from Carlton's VFL top-up list . "This is Trinity's best position in A Grade eve r (second on the ladder after 13 rounds) and I want to concentrate fully on getting this club to achieve its maximum," Ramsden said . After an indifferent start to the season Ramsden is back into the form that won him last year's B Grade Best and Fairest . - Scotch's Luke Hawkins. 21, took back the lead on the A Grade McKinnon Sports Medicine Sharpshooters with four goals against OMs . Hawkins, a slight 175cm, is the most exciting player in A Grade . The student's 100 per cent shooting when he slotted eight goals from differing angles and distances against Trinity three weeks ago was amazing. An injury free Hawkins says the personnel this year is making a difference to his opportunities. "Good on-ballers and a good backline have made the deliverv' to the forward line the best I've ever had," Hawkins said . Hawkins, who has distinctive red hair, a natural spring and plays cleanpractices on the off-nights to cash-in on the chance's come Saturday and with that attitude he deserves to get a chance to try-out for Scotch's big brother Box Hill . Last meeting briefs (rd 5) : MHSOB 9th d OM 6th 6p ; Bamert 3/Topakis 3 : b: Sherry/Burgess . M 10th d OS ist 39p ; Treganowan 3/Hawkins 5 ; b : Browne/Price . SB 2nd d UB 5th 8p ; McKeon 3/De Crespigny 4 ; b : Jordan /Caloupas . OX 4th d 01 8th 144p; Gordon & Richardson 7 ; b : Blood/Roberts .
OT 7th d SK 3rd 80p ; Stickland 7/Lowerson 3 ; b : C Pawsey/Pickford. beitzelbCalphalink .eom .au Deadline : E-mail : Sunday 8pm.
E-mail feedback : Trivia : It was a pity Ian Munro's interesting observation was misquoted in last week's column . We (Noel and Ian) have both agreed on the following that should soothe the doubters arising from that report :
eft -1 .1 --- - .-,,,,r., - , ,-„ .,, .,.,,
the Current teams in our Competition : of 1- Only Collegians and Old Scotch have never Ldaved in a Section below B . University Blues are clle closest to these two teams . having played only ,1e year in C Section (1938) before returning to B , :~ction in 1939 . . There are 7 teams that have never been relegat2 ed from B Section ie . this list includes teams which may have started in the competition below B ction and . having reached B or A Section, have tot since been relegated from B Section . Collegians 11926), Old Scotch (1954), Ormond (1937), De La c~e (1959), St . Bernards OC (1969) . Mazenod OC (1994), Old Ivanhoe (1996) . (Years in brackets represent first year in B Section) . Checkout a new column in this week's Amateur Footballer : For the Love of the Game on page p. 41 . Brad Beitzel writes VAFA for the S unday Herald Sun and he does an A Grade update every 5a-Lurday at 6 .25pm on ABC 774 .
Old Ivanhoe - wold like to congratulate Marty Stewart on reaching 150 games . The "Show"Lopper" is famous for his spectacular marks (2 of which featured on the footy show), and his passionate endeavour . He is also part of a group of players who brought the club from D-A, playing in the winning Grand Finals of 94 & 95 in D and C Section, then in the Grand Final of '98 in B Section . Well done "Showstopper" and keep on pulling down those "speccies" . Old Trinity - congratulate Tony Antonopoulos on his 100 games milestone . Tony has been a terrific contributror at both senior & reserve level, keep it going Tony .
48 30 25 21 17
SENIORS - 01 .07.00 Old Trinity: 3.2 6 .3 14 .5 16 .7.103 hiarcellin: 3.0 7 .4 9 .5 11 .7.73 Old Trinity: Collins 4 . M Pau~sev 3 . A Ra<nsden 2. Stlekland 2 . Van Der V'enne 2, Johnson . C Ptvllips. Rickards. Best: C Phillips . Richards. Frost. M Pausev . A Ranisey . Msreeltin : Armstrong 4 . Monson 2 . Cox 2 . Jarred. Waters . Dinneen' Best: Romattin . BmTte. Fraser . Chun . Armstrong. Johnston. Umpires: Wayne Hunon: Mark Jenkins (F) . Tun Dodds :Fracilc'vtanutez (B) . Russell 0wetr.s: Geoff Roburson (G ) Old Ivanhoe: 0 .5 1 .8 2.11 3.13.31 St Kevins: 2 .1 4 .8 7.13 14.17.101 Old Ivanhoe : J Weddle 2 . Knight . Best: Knight. S:vndilar:ds . Price . Loclvan . Tully . Spoon St Revins: Lucas 4. Curtis 3. Lax•erson 2 . B Dollman 2, Hui<lev. Fraser . ll'mterton . Best: Kavanagh . Grigg. Curtis. Fraser. 6{asusie. O'Keefe. Umpires : Caniecmn Ste,vart: Steve McCarthy IF). Jack Forsyth: Jared Hanmett (B) . Berate Hoare: Andreiv Long IG I University Blues: 3 .3 4.6 6.7 8.7 .55 Old Xaverians: 0.3 3.5 5 .11 8.17 .65 University Blvea : Lennen 2. De Crespigm 2 . Loiwock . Baker . D Hayter. Peterson . Best : Fehring. COiilloupas. Solly. Sturrock. Nailon . North. Old Xaverians : Hawkuts 2 . McQueen-Parton 2. Ga.vers 2. Richardson . Lettilean. Best : Kay . Sasst. Haivkuts . Lethican. Landrigan . Coughlan . Umpires: Graham Tfivaites: Craig 0 Donoa~twe (F). Reliant Dever : AlexTsllemanis IBI . Stephen Leahy : Berme Dix tGl 2.4 6.6 12 .7 15 .8.98 St Bernards : MHSOB: 7.2 10.3 14 .4 16 .8.304 St Bernards : McLaugtilut 4 . O'SrilL<<m 3 . McKeon 2 . McKay. C Mitclhell. L Goliant . MagL*iore. Tankey. Jarnes Mount. Best: Jordan. Hogan. Joe Mount . MeLaugtilut. C Mitchell D Bvrne. F41SOB : Bamert 4 . Gemer 3 . Knos 3 . PertzeL Cassell, Burke. Shem. Bam'. Best : Newton . Eau' iv, Bamert . Pena.el. Joseoh. Krws. Umpirea: Mark Gtbson: Robert Sneddon (F) . Jon Vincent: Adam Conquest (B) . Dominic Napoli: John Roburson(G ) Old Scotch: 2 .3 7 .8 11 .7 18.12.120 Old Meiburnlana: 2 .1 4 .2 6.5 7.6 .48 Old Scotch: S Collins 4 . Hawkins 4. Murphy 4. Blenheun. Kitchen. Gnatt . M PadteNdes. E Parthenides . Nettleton. Best: Nettleton . S Collins . Robinson, E Pathenides. Holt . Crmv. Old MeIhurnians : Me Mullin 2. Guest. Holme. Kennedv. Ross . Ward . Best: Kennedv. Wisenvi . Ross. P Theodore. LovetL Guest. Umpirea: John Miller : Peter Simp.~ (F) . Santo Caruso: Rob Mutton (Be Bernie Jephson : Craig Arnol (G)
RESERVES - 01 .07 .00 Old Trinity: 1 .1 2 .3 3.4 4.9.33 Mazcell in : 2 .3 4 .3 6.5 6.5.41 Old Trinity : Hudson . Pe ie . Hillas . T Cade . Best: R Phtlliops . Bladeni . Antonolxtutas. Russell. RoErson, Curran. IvI®rcellin : Petroff 3 . Cooper 2, M Sytnes. Best: Huddo . Day. Harbets . P Stines . G Cull. G Petroff. Old Ivanhoe: 1 .1 2.1 3.3 3 .4.22 St Kevins: 6.3 6.5 7.9 11.12.78 Old Ivanhoe : Power. Veal . Tolley. Best : Brophy. Tolley, Gem George . Armstrong, Ford . KaraBci . St Kevins: Gargano 3, Clark 2 . Lpch M),"I Ryan. Game . Bevacqua. Sibitia. Best : Ferrari. Lynch. Gargano . Cthaplin. Richardson. Chapntan .
University Blues : 1 .1 3.2 3 .5 3 .6 .24 Old Xaverians: 3.5 7.7 13 .12 19.16 .130 University Blues : Stockdale 2 . Brortn. Best: M McKerraw . Basell . Stockdale . Brmvn . Brookes. Hocking. Old Xaverlans : Jones 4 . MaeVdhirter 2 . DeaneJohns 2 . Calmart 2 . Kevhoe 2. Dillon 2 . Barrett . Honduran, Calhnan . Ryan . Meehan. Best : Barrett . Dillon . Deatt-Johns. Freer . Keyhoe . Davies . St Bernards: 5.3 6 .7 12.10 15 .16 .106 4.4 7.15.47 MASOB : 1.0 4 .3 St Bernards: Smith 3, Osborne 3. Davis 2 . Thomas . Nathan . Polajajko . Formica . Mastropasqna . James . Best: Mastropasqua . James. Etatts . Sntith . Osborne . Davis . hlfiSOB: Grant 2. wnOtt 2. Dods . G McCuhv. Robinson . Best: Rodder. Cooktnan . Feferkranz . J Newton, L Taylor. Hawkuis . 15 .6.96 Old Scotch : .9.51 Old Melburztians: 7 . H Thomas 2. Ratcliffe 2 . Ross 2 . Hooper . Stokes. Old Scotch : Oliver 3 Dmmm7g, T Collins. Lipshut . Aujard. Best : T ColIDrs. Stokes . Aujard . Morris, Mtles, t3litrec Old Melburnians: G Dixon 2 . Hertitt 2. Ambler 2, Rtghetti. Best : Neeson . Paterson. Miller, B Dlxon . Het:'itt, rltnbler.
A Section MARCELL6N Coach: Garry Connolly Res. Coach: David Howe
1 . C . Slattery 2 . M . Karavisils 3 . D . Waters (C) 4 . M . Gill 5 . M . Moran 6 . D . Sampimon 7 . M. Rowe 8 . R . Frisina 9 . M . Day y 10. A. Caffry 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12. B. Cronin 13. T Collin s 14. R . McMahon 15. M . Chun 16. W. Devercelli 17. G . Cox (VC) 18. D . Gartner 19 . D . Coope r 20. S . O' Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22 . D. Marson 23 . P. Gleeson 24 . L. O'Flynn 25 . L. Furlan 26 . N . Armstrong 27 . D. Theisz 28 . D. Johnston 29 . M . Symes 30 . A . Treganowan 31 . S . Yee 32 . M . Browne 33 . G . Cull 34 . D. Jarred 35 . J . Frazer 36 . G . Romanian 37 . L. Fitzpatrick
38 . D . Harberts 39 . B . Colville (RVC) 40 . A . Duncan 41 . J . Seabury
42 . B . Dinneen 43 . M . Maguire 44 . A . Wilkinson 45 . D . Ballantine 46 . G . Petroff 47 . D . Ryan 48. A. Gallagher 49. G . Whiston 50. A. Ryder 51 . P. Symes 52. D . Cope 53. C . Mathews 54. M . Randazzo 55. J . Wallis 56. R . Galati 57 . B. Day 58 . C. Purcell 59 . J . Ibrahim Sponsored by : The Beehive Hotel an d Yarra Valley
Country Club
M .R .S.O .R .
Coach: Warren Fall Res. Coach : Peter O 'Dea
1 J Bamert 2 S McCully 3 D Woodley 4 C Eabry (DVC) 5 P Sherry 6 R Joseph 7 J Pertzel (C) 8 J Garner
D Fairchild (VC) 10 D Skinner 11 K Krio s 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gre9son 14 A Watso n 15 A M a rt in 16 J . Schiano 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 21 C Kell y 22 D Armstrong 23 C Harvie 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R Knight 31 J Davis
32 A Cassell (DVC) 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (DVC) 35 P Daico s 36 M White 37 R McIntyre 38 S Robinson 39 R Verma 40 W Hayes 41 T Morgan 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webste r 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins g 48 M Moore
1 A. Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 M . Sandilands 4 J . Mansfield 5 B. Spoor 6 M . McKie 7 J . Knight 8 T. Steevns 9 M . Karayanis 10 C. Crowley 11 S . Tully 12 C. Branigan 13 C. Barker 14 A. Francis 15 G . Douglas 16 M . Wood s 17 A. Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 D. Warry 20 J . Keane 21 R. Robert s 22 P. Donaldson 23 A . Douglas 24 E . B yrne 25 A. White 26 D. Ross 27 J . Weddle 28 A . Jenkins 29 R . Weddle 30 E . Brophy 31 N, Miller 32 P. Dowd 33 B . Davis 34 A . Tema n 35 L McLean 36 M.. Pollock 37 P. Armstrong 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 R . Davies 41 A . Harper 42 L. Courage 43 T. Van Bloomstei n 44 A . Weise 45 M . Toovey 46 J . Weir 47 D . Bernet 48 M . Tolley
49 A . Barker 50 J. Sma rt 51 B . Shadbolt 52 N . Maguire 54 Z. Aboujaba 55 P. Lilis 56 E. Broomhill 57 G . Mclsaa c 58 G . Mandekic 59 M. Toze r 60 C . P itt
50 B Gaunt 51 S Walker 52 D No rt on 53 C Clowes 54 C Drake 55 S Walker 56 T Wright
57 L Taylor 58 59 L . Jones 60 R Newton
Sponsored by : AAA
Coach : Steve Cropley Coach : Neil Ross Asst . Coach: Anthony Parker Asst. Coach : Mark Sarau Res. Coach : Dirk Jones
Sponsored by : Sires Menswear W.G . Miles & Co Ptv Lid Real Eastate - Ivanhoe Spectrum Assurance Group
Regency Pharmacy Zitech Computer Peripherals
1 M . Bennett 2 S. Theodore (VC) 3 A. Ross 4 M . Hazell 5 L . Bunn 6 D. Holme 7 . C. Thompson 8 M . Lovett (DVC) 9 S. Oram 10 T. Roberts (DVC) 11 S . Boyd 12 A. Hewitt 13 S . Rose 14 L. Reynold s 15 M . Rose 16 A. Browne 17 J . Miller 18 A . Topakas 19 R. Mulquinne quinneyy 20 N . Piroue t 21 L. Boyd
22 A . Waddell 23 M . Berry 24 L. Holcombe 25 J . Guest 26 C. Kennedy 27 J . Slater 28 J . Ballantyne 29 T. Mulligan 30 I . McMullin (C) 31 J . Hart 32 L. Barry 33 G. Dixon (RC ) 34 B . Burgess 35 P. Stuckey 36 M . Ward 37 B . Dixo n 38 S . Grigg 39 M . Wiseman 40 41 G . Wilhelm (RVC) 42 P. Theodore 43 E. Farquarson 44 P. Bat rtlett 45 C . Murphy 46 C . Neeson 47 C . Banks 48 C . Jenkins 49 A. Flemin 50 J . Berry 51 B. Righetti 52 B. Campbell 53 T. Amble r 54 I . Paterson 55 J . Gooley 56 A. Hunt 57 J . Weir 58 T Burdeu 59 S. Topakas 60 B . Reid 61 D. Sutton 62 W. Hauserman 63 N. Sampieri 88 G . Davies
OLD SCOTC H Coach : Brendan Mason Res . Coach : Ga ry Jackson 1 A . Nett leton (DVC)
2 B. Phillip s 3 C . Hoskin g 4 T. Holt (C ) 5 R . Price (DVC) 6 A . Crow 7 J . Kitchen 8 C . Rei d 9 S. Collins (VC ) 10 J. Ker r 11 M . Angus ( DV C) 12 S. Hume 13 N . Hoope r 14 T Reid 15 M . O'Brien 16 A. Speed
17 D . Thoma s 18 H. Thoma s K. Stoke s 20 L . Murph y 21 S. Gibbs 22 C. Heath 23 0 . Crane 24 L . Hawkin s 25 S. Lillingsto n 26 T. Downin g 27 T. Collins 28 B. Robinso n 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Wigney 31 C. Ratcliffe 32 T. Chapman
33 N. Morris 34 E . Olive r 35 P. O'Conno r 36 S . Prendergast 37 M . Parthenide s 38 C. Pattende n 39 N. Addison 40 A. Warne r 41 M . Lipshu t 42 J . Ross 43 J . Paterson 44 C. Evans 45 M . Blenheim 46 A . McCully 47 N . Slade n 48 T Stubb s 49 J . McCarrol l 51 A . Elliott 52 N . Leit l 53 T. Frankenburg 54 N . Simon 55 G. Sarkozy 56 H . Lan e 57 C . Stevens 58 M . Thwaites 59 S . Eager
60 B . Crump 61 J . Strato s 62 S . Miles 63 T. Joyc e 64 R . McKinno n 67 P. Rodgers 81 R . Aujard
LAWYERS aâ&#x20AC;˘te -
EIVGINESPIl~(i --~ 11 -1- ~ -
~ ection
Coach : Leigh Carlson Assf. Coach : Phil Gaut set, Coach : Craig Neave 1 Kennedy S ( C~ 2 Hudson
es NI~V )
Ba rnard B Arrowsmith J
4 Frost M
5 Burrow s D Chisholm M 5 Russell C
Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res, Coach: Chris Mortensen
Coach : Gar ry Foulds Res . Coach: David Law
Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res . Coach :
Coach : Lee Adamso n Res . Coach : Mick Conno p
1 M . Blood (C ) 2 T. Fleming 3 L. Hannebery 4 D . Landrigan 5 D . Steen
11 Richards A
6 B . Heal y 7 S . Lethlean (VC) 8 A . Ke hoe y xHawkin . s 190 J D . Renne 11 Adam Jones 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis
j~ Cotlhs M
14 D . Stoney
7 Van Der Venne T 7 Natoli S 7 Canzoneri M 8 8 Frost C Stebbins C Andrews A(VCM 10 Shaugsness y 10 Dann 13 ~ade J 14 tickland J 14 amble R 15 Ste hens T 16 Hilllas C 1 6 Nankervis B 17 Hatfield G (VC) 17 Newman J 18 Clarke L 19 BarrC 20 Phillips C (VC) 21 Kennedy L
22 Deane-Johns G 22 Munroe H 23 Ramsden A 24 Boyd A 25 Cameron F(RVC ) 25 Schulze D 26 Robinson D °6 Tudor l 27 Ramsden R
27 Welsh L 28 Butler C 29 Harmer G 30 Glass D 30 TaVlor L 31 Bladeni S 32 Pawsev C 32 Kinross D 33 Heighton D 34 Boyd M 35 Pawsey M 36 ~utcliffe J 37 och ran e A 38 hillips R (C) 39 Antonopoulos T 39 Anderson H 40 Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 42 Torney A -'3 De Stefanis M A 4 Power B 44 Ma* A
45 Tre adwell G 45 Morpeth T 46 Cooper S 47 Mitchell G 48 Ward C 49 Roberts T 50 Farmer J 50 Ad emis 51 Jof~nson ~
52 Hansen W 53 Penwill T 54 Markus J 55 Williams D 56 Best E 57 Baker A 58 Jervis L 59 Cade T 61 Broster N 62 Mero J 63 Curran R 64 Kenna A 65 Burrows R 65 Robison P 69 Lapira M 71 Makris A 79 Stockdale S 80 Treadwell C 81 Robison C 82 Johnson S 99 Hutchison B
15 L . Ford 16 A. Gowers 16 S . Skidmore 17 D . Richardson 18 T. Gordon 19 A. Jones 20 M. Hardman (RC) 21 A . McQueen-Parton 22 23 R . Coughlan 24 B . Coughlan (VC) 25 P. Lechte 26 S . Tucker 27 J . Drake 28 B . Cranage 29 D . Galball y 30 C. Kelly 31 L. Tuddenham 32 M . Allen 33 A. Sass i 34 R Jones 35 P. Ryan 36 L . Deane-John s 37 T. Freer 38 R. Hal l 39 M . Meehan 40 R . MacWhirter 41 A. Dillo n 42 N . I rel a nd 43 T Woodruff (VC) 44 B. Hilbert 45 C . Smith 46 M . Callinan 47 J . Kay 48 D . Orlando 49 R . Dillon 50 D . James 51 D . Wals h 52 A . Orland o 53 P. Funder 54 S . Grigg 55 J . Healy y 56 A Oswald
57 R Carey 58 T. Curnow 59 J . Pu oo t ~ 60 T. Coughlan 61 M . Rush 62 H Davies
1 C . Gray 2 L . Meehan 3 A . Brebner (RVC) 4 S . McKeo n 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 J . Mcka 7 S . Perrett 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 9 P. Capes 12 B . Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A . Thoma s 15 T Wilkinson
16 M . Bertherton 17 J . Ferns 18 D. McLaughlin 19 L. Gollant (C)
20 T. Sheehan 21 B. Loughlin 22 A. Merrington 23 A. Mastrapasqua 24 P. Harvey 25 C. Osborne 26 J. Gollant 27 A. Nathan (RC ) 28 B. Carriss 29 D . Gleeson 29 J. Overman (R ) 30 J. De Bono 31 B. Collins 32 T. Harve y 33 R . Nutter 34 D . Byrne 35 M . Juricskay 36 A . Shaw 32 C . Bond (R) 33 T. Smit h 37 A . Catterall 38 S . Gra y 39 S . Byrne 40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overma n 42 T. James 43 C. Davis 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey
46 W . Attard 46 M . Licciardo 47 G . Taylor
48 James Moun t 49 S. Donnel ly 50 D . Tonks 51 P. Romani n 52 L . O'Sullivan
53 J. Kavanag h 54 L . Kavanagh 55 P. Rogerso n 56 N . Dodd 57 A . Hilbert 58 K. Callow 59 J. Jack s 60 T. James 61 A . Woodley 62 M . Pocatajko 63 J . Gioffre 64 L. Overman 65 J . Harris 66 J . Delaney 67 A . Caruso 68 W. Backway
• • -
Mick Knuppe l
A . C al lery
2 . S . Lowerson 3. D . Curtis 4 M . Winterton 5 M . Dollma n 6 P. O' Keef e 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollman A . B evaqu a 1 0 9 N . Fraser 11 P. Malesi 12 M . Rizi o 13 R. Bowles 14 L. Mahoney
15 M . Olive 16 B. Garve y 17 M . Ryan
18 J . Grigg 19 D . Sh ee hy 20 L . Hull-Brown 21 J. Sibilia 22 J. Macey 23 B . QuirkY
24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusi c 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Kavan ghh 29 M . Kempto n
30 M . Gargano 31 A . McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor
33 B . Hughe s 34 S . Richardson 35 B . Villella 36 A. Smith 37 S. KennedyY
38 J . Bateman 39 A. Conlan 40 N . Perrett 41 J . Hassett 42 J. Pangrazio 43 W. Keighran 44 D . Moylan 45 D . Waigh t 46 J . Travaglia 47 M . Chapma n 48 L. Harper 49 R . Simkiss 50 S . Kurin g 53 M . Chaplin 54 S . Game 58 J . Ferrari 59 A . Rattle 61 J . Lynch 62 B . ShelleyY
63 P. Roberts 67 B . Day 75 A. Foley 76 M . Gait 77 G . Pickford
1 D. Slimmo n 2 T. Hutch i ns 3 J . Sturrock 4 D. Guengeric h 5 L. F ul to n 6 S . Longle y 7 D . Hayte r 8 J . Hayter 9 S . Mead e 10 D . Mapleston e 11 L . Nort h 12 G . McLachlan (C ) 13 P. Stockdal e 14 C . Roydhouse 15 M . Kordick 16 C . Stewart 17 G . de Crespigne y 17 J. Kan is 18 S . Cheel 19 A . Lowcock 2 0 A . D avis 21 J. Hockin g 22 P. Sheeha n 23 T. Wilcox 24 R . Calnon 24 . S . Russel l 25 D . Soll y 26 M . Vasey 27. B . Fricke r 28. M . Thoma s J . Caulloupas
30. M . Coleman 31 M . Hal l 32 J . Garnaut 33 L . Tweddle 34 L . Fishley 35 S . Hasler 36 T. McKinle y 37 A. Lenne n 38 M . Peterson 39 B. Denham 40 C . Brooke s 41 R . Crawford 42 M . Hotton 43 S . Ferguso n 44 R . Featherston 45 J . Armstron g 46 M . McKerrow 47 R . McKerrow 48 T. Rourke 49 C . Johnso n
50 H . Nailo n 51 A . Brow n 52 A . Terril l 53 R. Versteege n 52 T Terry 55 T. Anderso n 56 T. Birk s 57 T Irvin e 58
59 L. Fehrin g 60 A . Cunningha m 61 B . Coleman 62 C . Sophide s 63 B . Holmes
Sponsored by :
622 Mt . Alexander Rd . Moonee Pond s 9326 1799
IGA Li no r q Woodend
~aa1=~__ n ~ :a o ~ AUSTRACAS OWN
B TI by Damian Carrol l
ust when you thought it was safe to say that Old i Haiteybury was a genuine finals side, they go down faster than the Titanic (albeit to the hot flag favourites) . Old Mentonians put in a shocker th e week before, and then almost steal it from Ormond . Finally, but certainly not least. NOBs have said "go forth and multiply" to yours truly when I dared think that Whitefriars would beat them . Review The home of football, EP. was not a pleasant place for Collegians, as they fell foul of the De La Salle running machine by 69 pts . There wasn't much in it at half time (16 pts), but a 10 goal to 2 second half saw the Lions' season take an even further nose-dive . It would appear that the Lions are heading for C section in 2001 for sure and certain. For DLS, S . Hyland, Rogers and the youngster Vavallo were fine contributors . For the Lions, Unsworth . Moon and Woolhouse battled manfully.
Br Garvey hosted a 'bloodbath' last Saturday . A bloodbath in that the unstoppable Adazenod bludgeoned the hapless Old Paradians into next year with a thrashing to the tune of 104 pts . At one stage in the third quarter, the scoreline read 10 goals to 8, but the visitors piled on the next 15 goals to humiliate the home side . With more injuries on the day the OPs were no match for that structured game plan of Mazenod's. For the happy punters at Mazenod, Kavanagh went bananas kicking 8 . and had great support from O'Hara and Fisher. For the losers, Porteous took plenty of marks, and was assisted by Vincent and Digney. NOBs travelled to Donvale to take on Whitefriars, and duly won like a top four side should, as they easily accounted for the home side by 51 pts . Frank Dunell must have posted my prediction of a NOBs loss on the wall of the change rooms to remind his players of what an idiot I was in tipping against them . For the home team, their promising start is beginning to take on the look of disappointment . A 7 goal second term set up the victory for NOBs . with Saad going 'ape droppings' by booting 7, and was helped by Tonkin and Vogels . For the home side, the brothers Pawlik and Pasqualotto (5 goals) played well .
Down at beachside, Old Haileybury lived up to my suggestion that it would be a good scrap against the ladder leaders (Old Brighton), by only being 11 pis down at half time, but that was all she wrote . The home side slipped into overdrive to demolish OH, and effectively end their final's aspirations by belting them by 97 pts . and prove yet again, that I have no idea . Mick Dccyer must be at his wits end, and like myself, must be wondering what the he ll is going on inside his players' minds . No such worries, though, for Dale Tapping as the OB machine motors on . For +I,> -nnnPr~ r`it7sreraid with 5, Phelan and Lennox
were the best, while Ash Hilton and Armstrong were the only ones worthy of a mention from th e very despondent OH camp. Finally, at that venue that is most dearest to us all. E .E.Gunn, Ormond held off a plucky Old Mentonians by 12 pts . Staring down the barrel at 3/4 time of some 6 goals . Sven Samild asked for a huge effort from his players and got it, as they got to within I I pts, but found the gap too much to bridge . According to my spy, it was a lacklustre effort from the home side, and Steve Grace must now be concerned, as their next few weeks are very tough . For the winners, Mabbett . Guzzo and Courtney played well . For the valiant losers, Murphy, Flaskis and Mullin tried their hearts out yet again . Preview Out at Glen Waverley, Mazenod host Collegians The catch cry from the home side all year has beer "structure, structure, structure", and Dave Murrav : game plan and fitness regime, along with Chi emphasis on enjoyment, has sent this week's coach Tim Hart . into a spin . Hart hasn't been the only on spending the week working out what to do agains the irresistable juggernaut, and no matter what h does, the Lions will be no match for Mazenod, wh are showing the benefit of a more profession< approach . The home side by panels - 55 pts .
IVOBs and Old Paradians do battle Brunswick, where the scene from last year's ep encounter in Rd 18 took place . The OPs are stru; gling with injuries and unavailability right no} Frank Dunell has no such worries with his team charges . as they eye off a top two spot . Unfortunate for the visitors, the home side will bury tho demons once and for all, and march on their mer way . I've learned my lesson from last week - NO] easily by 60 pts . GrThitefriars' trek to the beach to take on t leaders, Old Brighton . Even though they were hui bled two weeks ago . the home side are still the I flag favourites, as they destroy opposition teams will . Dale Tapping has thrown the complacer towel in the dumpster, whilst Des Meagher woi love to be able to celebrate a win . The thought of c ebrations will be put on hold for the away tez however, as OB will go on another rampage toc and win comfortably by 60 pts . It's crunch time at Malvern this week, as fou spot is up for grabs, where De La Sall e welca Ormond. Paul Cooper has his boys purring ali nicely at the moment . On the other hand, St Grace would have been d6appointed with the effi of his players last week . Based on the fact that game is at Malvern, and DLS appear to be travel
; t ;ttt bit the better, the home side will make it very I-uit for Ormond to see any action past Rd 18, as i L , •, salute the chief steward by 22 pts . le final game, Old Mentonians match u p a very disappointing Old Haileybury at majestic of playing fields in Keysborough. Sven
ad must give his charges a real chance this as they are putting in a consistently hones t :ormance each week that gives all concerned with club great heart . What do we make of Ol d ,1,fit, ,-bur}?? I'm finding it hard enough to work out lether Jeckyl or Hyde will turn up, and I can' t n to imagine the anguish that Mick Dwyer must ieeling. OH have the talent, OMs have the desire. i l e away side will limp over the line by 6 pts, but I'm
1 pping them with no confidence whatsoever. i,1w Cos
Mazenod, NOBs (OPs will be lucky to field a Old Brighton, De La Salle, Old Haileybury .
North Old oys - would like to congratulate Luke Curry on playing his 100th game today . Luke j,uied NOB's in 95 and has been an integral member of the Senior team ever since . Luke is now one of the Club's leaders both on and off the field . His loya1ty, strong playing performance and contribution off the ground is much appreciated by all associated with NOB's . All the best today. Old Paradians - congratulations to Sab Ciavola from all at Old Paradians . 50 Games and 8 goals (June 17) a great double .
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Old Brighton - congratulate Chris "Sid" James on becoming only the 4th player to play 300 games for the club . Sid has played at every level over the past twenty seasons, beginning in 1981 . His courageous and desperate style of play, coupled with his >trong marking and pin point disposal, made him one of Old Brighton's best half backs ever . Still going around in the Club XVIII today, everyone at OBGFC hanks you Sid for your efforts and support for the club . Good luck. Congratulations also to Jared Raju on reaching 50 games today . After an electrifying start to his career, major knee suregery has had him on the sides for the most part of the last two seasons . Great to see you back in action, and all wish you well for the future.
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SE7°iiORS -- 01 .07.0 0 CoBei'as: 1 .0 2.2 3 .4 4.5.29 10 .10 14 .14.98 Be La Salle : 3.2 4.6 Collegians: Hart, 1' Phillips . 1lnsworth . G Robertson. Best: G Robertson . Unswor'il: . Hosking. Moon, Woolhouse. A Farr. De La Salle: B Mannix 4 . Duggan 3, bi Harber . Va1allo . Johnstone, Larag_y . Jackson . McInerney. S Hytaud . Best: S Hyland. Rogers, Pirate, Toohev. MeKenzie . Thomas . Umpires : Gene Hod~ms : Craig Brajtberg (F). Kirsty Pay : Alex Thompson (B), Beornn McCarthy: ~ m Vescovi (G) 6 .4 8.6 8 .9 .57 Old Parndisns: 2 .0 .i'inzenod : 6 .1 9 .5 17.9 25,11 .161 Old Paradians : P Brabender 2 . Gale 2 . Porteous 2. Digney . O'Loughlin. Best: Vincent. Porteous . Etolland . Collins . Digney. Szeicezuk. Y43azenod: Kaaanagh 8. Harrison 5. Kelly, 3 . O'Donoghue 3 . Fisher 2, Paolucci. Potan, Parrv. Pickering. Best: O'Hara. Kavanagh, Mchttyre . O'Donogtnte . Fisher. Hanley . Umpires: Dirk Kramer; Daniel Hallhcell (F). Garry Clancy: Bob Seymour (G) 4'hitefriars: 4.0 5.2 9.4 14.7.91 5.5 12.6 17.8 22 .10 .142 North Old Boys: Whltefriars : Pasqualotto 5, Hilton 3, Reidy 2 . A Carbone. Mika, Gillan . Cunningham . Best : ACarbone, Pasqualotto. Hilton . APawlik . R Pawlik, Lan . North Old Boys: Saad 7, J Barker 3 . Tonkin 2, Saunders 2 . Casbailt 2 . Amor . Skene . Collins . Drum. Vogets . Tr'nnboli, Umpires: Rick Love; Simon Olive (F). Nathan Sitting ; Alex Maggio (B), Greg Richards ; Bob Dunstan (G) Old Brighton: 3 .2 7 .5 16.13 22,18.150 2 .5 5 .6 6.8 7 .11.53 Old Haileybury : Old Brighton: Bradley 6, Fitzgerald 5 . Jackson 3, Bristow 2, White 2 . Barrow. Phelan . M Gadsden . Pirrte . Best : Fitzgerald . Phelan, Perry . Jackson. Lennox. Ewen . Old F3aileybu ry: Ladd 2. Harrop. Arnutrong . Seccull . Wlnte, Dowsing . Best : Ash Hilton . Arntstrong. Umpires: Albte Firtey ; Peter James (F) . James Matlsetl: Scott McKenzie (B). Kevin Segota Grant Napper (G) 13.14 .92 2.7 5.8 11 .11 Ormond: Old Mentonians : 2.5 4.9 5 .10 11 .14.80 . Black . 3, Mabbett 2, Whelan 2. Reumtan . James . Guzzo Ormond : Beckett Battev. Presser. Best : Mabbett. Guzzo. Courtney. Sebo. RenunamBlaek . Old . Aereman. Murphy. Best : Murphy, Menlonians : Macnish 5 . Bournon 4 Ftaskis . MacNtsh . Ferguson. Cuzens . Mullen . Umpires: Leon Quhm : Geoff Cnrrart (F). John Kelly: Ken Coughlan (G )
RESERVES - 01 .07.00 . Collegians: 1 .0 2.0 2 .0 2.3 .15 De La Salle : 4.4 7.12 12.15 15 .21 .111 Collegians: Pollock 2. Best : NMliat, Jones. Schober. Chahner . Pollock . Vfiite. De La Sall e : Clancy 5 . A Evans 2 . Fisher 2, Hall 2 . Doak, M Evans, Hodder. Hyde. Best: Mackintosh, Williams, O'Donnell, Lambe, N Harber, clancy. Old Paradians: 2.6 2 .6 3.6 4 .6.30 M ezenod : 1.1 3 .4 7.10 9.15.69 Old Peradians : Ciavota 3, Murray . Best : Murray. Godfrey. D'nitinosante. MB Geary. Harris . Wood. Mezenodi Sharp 3 . Devtin. Carter, Littel, Tucker . McI)ffwell. Grant. Best : Nisbet. Tucker. Krom. McDowell, Little . McMullin. Whitefriars: 0 .2 2.4 3 .7 3 .9 .27 North Old Boys: 2 .1 5.4 8 .6 8 .8 .56 Whitefriars: O'Brien 2. Coglilan . Best: Ward . Woal . Vernal . O'Brien . Johnson. D Eames . North Old Boys: Goal kickers and best players results not received.
Old Brighton: 1.4 3 .6 6 .11 9.15.69 Old HaBeybury: 0.4 0 .5 0.5 0.7.7 Old Brighton: Anderson 2 . O'Neill 2, Ginnavvt 2, Davies . Talbot . Walsh . Best: Rojo, Walsh, O'Neill. Talbot, Strachan, Bror.1L Old HaBeybury: Nil. Ormond: 2 .3 6 .10 9.14 13.16.94 Old Mentonians: 1 .0 2 .1 2.2 3 .2.20 Ormond: J Keleher 3 . Hauunond 3, Grace 2. Livingstone . Koostra. Stwtttevorth. Straueh . Sonnemon . Best : Block, Cleary . Colli ns. Brennan, Rttehie . J Keleher. Old Mentonlans : P Appel, Goodbody, Riley. Best : C Appel . Moodie . Dwyer. P Appel . Richards . Lhtford .
Coach : Tim Hart Res . Coach: Anthony Parkin
Coach : Paul Cooper Res, Coach : Paul O'Dwyer
Coach: David Murray Reserv e : Tony Collins
Coach: Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : Darren Caddy
1 2 3 4 5 5 6
1 A Moore 2 M Mercuri 3 B Cori n 3 M Butler 4 L Hall 5 C Swift
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 . D .Wilkinson 2 . D .Waters 3 . TWaters 4 . S .Sleep 5 . B.Devine (RC) 5 . D .Skene 6 . N .Vogels 7 . P.Booth 8 . B.Collison (C) 9 . L .Curry (DVC) 10 . S . McGrath 11 . G. Collins 12 . S .Lock 13 . THaI in
S . Mollard (VC) N. Florentin e B. Woolhouse O C G . Palmer (VC) R. Henebery D . Greeves S. Van Der Veene (RVC) 7 S. Elg 8 N . Beatt ie 9 T. Hovey 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 W. Daly 14 J . Dixon 14 D . Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillips 16 D . PhillipP s 17 R . Hosking 18 C . Mollard 19 A . Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 N . Milat 24 T. Knox 25 C . Unsworth 26 S . Woolley (RC) 27 S . Humphry (VC) 28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 J . Rose 32 D. Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 M . Britten 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opie 38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M . O'Donnell 50 B. Jefferson (VC)
6 M Herber
7 C Browne (C) 8 A Mithen 9 S Hart 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans 12 D Toohey (VC) 13 A Waters 14 B Hackett 15 J Hodder 16 S Hyland 17 A Elliott 18 J Horn 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezen s 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 J Doak 24 J Morel 25 K Rogers 26 S Wood 26 E Williams 28 N Harber 29 M Joyce 30 B Mannix 31 A Flowerday 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 D Kin g 34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 38 R Ford 39 M Goodier 40 P Harrison 40 A Johnstone 41 D Spithill 42 D McInerney 43 L Borella
44 X Clancy 45 D Lambe 46 P Bowden 47 S Laska 48 D Smith 49 L Walker 50 J Lowe 51 M Evan s 52 A McKenzie 53 J La Ragy 54 C Hyde 54 S. Vavallo 56 R Beattie 58 C Worsteling 59 T Fishe r 60 B Hoy 61 C Buik 62 J Hosking 63 C McGergor 64 B McMahon 65 C Hyde 70 M Duggan Proudly Sponsored by :
SKILLE D South Ni e iaoume
Your Flexible Workforce
C . Harrison J . Ballenger B . Devlin A . Hanley (VC) M . Quirk N . Marmo S . Morgan D . Lancaster D . Collins
10 M . O'Hara
11 T. Smith (RC) 12 M . Murray (VC) 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J . Kavanagh 17 D. Kelly 18 D . O'Donaghue
19 S . McMullin 20 C . Murray 21 S . Polan 22 D . Ryan 23 A. Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 25 A. Pickering (C) 26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 A . McIntyre
32 S . Paolucci 33 A . Quinn 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkins 36 G . Miller 37 L. Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 C . Poletti 40 C. Dickenson 41 B . Bell 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D . Grant 44 S . Garbellini 45 B . Meehan 46 B . Hobbs 47 A. McDowell 48 C . Williams 49 L. Haivy (RVC) 50 D . Carter 51 G . Hanegraf 52 N . Nussbaum 53 D . Linden 54 B. Leggett 86 R . Foss
1 4 . D .Kingha m 15 . J . Talbot
16 . D .Collins 17, M .Maguire 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23 . P.O'Dwyer 24. J .Barker 25. G .Phyland 26. S .Smith 27. W.McTaggart 28. M .Nulty 29 . D .Boyer 30. M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M .Carney 36 . D.Tonkin (VC)
37 . S .Mikunda 39 . R.Maguire 38 . M .Amor 40 . C .Phylan d 41 . N .Tonk m
42 . enk o 43 . D .Zacek
44 . M .Drum 45 . B.Pawsey 46 . N .Goonan 47 . J . Barlow 48 . P.Daniels 49 . A.Stone 50 . TDrum 51 . S.Fitzpatrick 52 . N .Sanders 53 . TA erbe 54. A . rimbol i 55. D .Scicluna 56. P.Arnold 57. C .Blaine 58. J .Gurry 60. D .Moore 61 . F.Lync h 62. A .McKenzieMcHaig 63 . S .Dixon 64 . G .Muir 65 . S .Sarong 67 . R .Whitnish 68 . K .Watso n 71 . J .Prest i 77 . S .Trenton
78 R. Christi e 79 D Kel d
1 OLD DF :i ; ; :". -; ; f GRA MW~ +' ! . ~j Coach : Dale Tappin g
Res . Coach : Brad Ber ry 1 A . Kryzwnia k 2 A . Pirri e 3 C . Barro w 4 M . Talbot
5 N . Perry 6 S . Alderso n 7 B . Logan (VC) 8 M . Gadsde n 9 S . Lenno x 10 M . Denni s 11 A . Fitzgeral d 12 H . Bickett 13 R. Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC ) 16 W. Ear l 17 A. Rickarby 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S. Gadsden 20 A. McLachlan
21 T. Ewert 22 L . O'Neill 23 L . Holt 25 S . Nikas 26 A . Coope r 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Murc h 30 A . McLaughli n 31 A . Bristow 32 G . Earl 33 P. Phela n 34 J . Whit e 35 C. Stewart 36 B . Polloc k 38 J . Raj u 39 A. Ginnavin 40 B . Patterson 41 J . Murchie 42 P. McMahon 43 B. Farnham
44 A. Brown 45 S. Fox 46 M. Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R . Boxe r 49 A. Ginnavin 50 D . Hsia u 51 M . Fisher 52 K . Lync h 53 D . Strachan 57 M . Moon 61 A . Wals h 62 A . Lynch 63 S . Davies
WflITEFRI ARS Coach : Sven Samild Res Coach: Craig Davis
ch Mick Dwyer R,_ Gooch : 4vayno Moss
1 A Acreman 2 C Lean
1 C. Home
D. Connel l R. Kejna (DVC)
3 B Murphy (VC)
4 D Carroll
S. Langford-Jones A. Bruda r W. Smith 7 Adam Hilton (C) 8 D . Hassett a M . Lambert ,Q C . Efstathiou 1b, Warnes 2 N . Hanso n ;3 B . Harrop 14 A . Forsyth 15 N . Bigg s 16 P. O'Donnel l 16 B . Langford-Jones Ash Hilto n 18 C . Jayasekera 19 M . Armstong 20 D. Elliott 21 A . Jenke 22 D. Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 A. Ross 25 G . Rowlands (RC) 26 J Bell 27 P. Dimond 28 S . Walden (VC) 29 B. Carson 30 A. Whit e 31 D . Lay 32 B. Mitchell 33 L . Floy d 34 P. Langford-Jones (RVC) 35 D .La PPa9 e 36 B. Lay 37 A . Dowsing 38 P. Wright 39 R . George 40 B . Johnston 41 S . Saunders 42 S . Rowlands 43 C . Pountney 44 M . Wray 45 T. Hilton 46 R . Brandham 47 T. Barker 48 A. Pound 49 G . Finlayson 50 R. Ladd 51 M . Thiele 52 A. Shepherd 53 N . Hill 54 T. Earney 55 L . Byrn s 56 C . Moyle 57 R . Mitchell 58 S. Davey 59 A. Floyd 60 J . Robertson 61 B . Waters 62 C . Dowling 63 D . Moss f" J. Miller
5 C Wallace 6 D Paterso n 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newto n 9 G Pride 10 B Kuramot o 11 D Solle y 12 C Dwyer 13 A Palme r 14 K Campbell 15 C Davis 16 D Noc k 17 N Linford 18 T Bournon (VC) 19 D . Kitt o 20 S Mullin (C) 21 S . Ingram 22 P Harrington 23 A. Drinan 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss
26 G Dart
27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 M Brook s 31 M Elliott 32 N . Hollow 33 H Samild 34 P Flaski s 35 T. McNish 36 DJ . Alexande r 37 M . Franci s 38 D Millis 39 T Rile y 40 M Manix 41 S Cozens 42 H Maso n 43 M Lavres 44 B Clothier 45 M . Kenned y 46 D Mills 47 Ferguson 48 J . Webb 49 C . Mackay 50 G Richards 51 L Stephen 52 A . Oxiand 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantin e 56 S . Walch 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 59 G Lucas 60 S . Flaskis 61 B . Samild 62 R . Bal l 63 M . Jones 64 M . Austi n 65 T. SobeY 66 M . Sobe y 67 P. Mevel 68 S . Bainbridge 69 N . Kin g 70 J . Vick 71 N . Flino s 72 R . Salaza r 73 J . Anderso n E
74 L . Brow n 75 S . Maloney
Coach : Peter ,dford Res . Coach: Damian Carroll
Coach : Steve G ffce Res. Coach : Craig Tonkin
Coach : Des Meagher Res Coach: Brian Grill s
1 S . Vincent (C) 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 D . Stevens M . Wood 5 M . Harford 6 MP Geary 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair 9 J . Collins 10 P. Brabend er (VC ) 11 A A. Burn s
1 D Mabbett 2 D Beckett
1 R Pasqualott o 2 M Bateman 3 M Carbone (C ) 4 5 M Robinso n 6 C Housto n 7 N Cunningha m 8 A Davi s 9 C Maguire 10 A Pawli k 11 R Reidy 12 R Pawli k 13 T Hughes 14 T Carrig g 15 P Campbel l
12 J . Holland
14 B. Brabender 15 B. Dintinosante 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 18 G . Porteou s 19 John Swindon 20 M . Szewczuk 21 A . Farrell 22 S . Ciavola 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 M .B. Geary 27 A . Jenkins 30 B . Richardson 31 J . Lucas 33 P. Harris 34 B. Galloway 35 M . Gate 36 S. Swindon 37 JM Swindon 38 D . Tooze 39 D . Loney 40 C . Seckiold 41 D . Watso n 42 R . Murray 43 A . Swindon
44 M . Joyce
47 N . Ball 48 E . Nayef 49 M . Hildebrand 51 A. Baker 52 M . Ryan 53 B. Atkin 56 A. Sacco 57 J . Muir 59 L . Baker 60 B . Henry 61 C . Watso n 62 V. Perry 64 C . Price 65 A . Jakowenko
-, ; 1
3 P Gleason
4 A Grace 5 B Turner 6 D Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M Miller (DVC) 9 S Grac e 10 D Scanlon 11 D Robbins 12 N Seb o 13 B Stone 14 S James 16 T Stewart (RC) 17 P Joyy 18 W Block 19 D Cleary (RVC) 20 M McConvill O C 21 J Brown 22 R Block 23 T Ashford 24 M Abrahams 25 J Dale 26 L Livingstone 27 T Brennan 28 B Collins 29 N Courtney 30 N Wells 31 H Black 32 R Presser 33 M Shepherd 34 R Remman (VC) 35 G Bailey 36 S Mackey 37 A Guzzo 38 S Herrmann 39 A Orr 40 Y Dimadamos 41 J . Koolstra 42 C Keleher 43 L . D'Astol i 44 M M abb ett 45 J . Keleher 46 C Cleary 47 C . Cooper 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfield 50 M . Heffernan 51 S . Shuttleworth 52 S . Sonnema n 53 G Hammond 54 S . Rajki 55 T. Carman 56 M Farre ll 58 M Collins 59 P Konstanty 60 G Ritchie 58 A Kukuljan 73 A . Strauch
17 A Carbon e 18 C Fulto n 19 T Hilton 20 D Mcauliffe 21 B Phan 22 D Vandenboo m 23 24 R Mik a 25 D Reid 26 C Ryan 27 M Northey 28 C Eame s 29 A Glen n 30 M Power 31 M Duff y 32 B Winc h 33 M Vernal 34 D Gloufchev 35 C Law 36 D Nola n 37 D Sulliva n 38 C Carrig g 39 K Kenned y 40 A Thwaites 41 C O'conno r 42 P O'brie n 43 N Elliott 44 B O'conno r 45 M Leste r 46 G Johnso n 47 M Nolan 48 J Treyvaud 49 C Andrews 50 J Housto n 51 L Eame s 52 P Hasele r 53 C Wood 54 S Gillan 55 S Ward 56 R Murray 57 J Mcfarlan e 58 J Gibbons 59 S Clifford 60 B Sinclai r 61 C Molone y 62 63 64 J Ciardull i 65 D Eame s Sponsored by :
^' il things have become tough at the top now . Beaumaris have put themselves under the pum p with a poor performance, the Jackas win a thriller . Rovers virtually seal who will play finals, while the sleeping Giants the boys from Oak Park continue to prosper . Tigers disappointing . Prahran workmanlike and well drilled deserved their victory. the Sainters stiff, the Bullants almost out of danger, while the Ogs and the Hoes are left to ponder what might have been . What a five weeks we have in front of us not all over quite yet . REVIEW The Bu llants got the vital break in the first quarter and that was virtually the end of the petty sessions . Six zip set it up, the Oggers seemed disinterested were very lacklustre and considering what was at stake were most disappointing forcing Tony Morwood to finally do his block. Neither side bothered to trouble the scoreboard much in the 2nd term, and for the rest of the game it was fairly even . The home side pegged back a couple in the last but the horse had bolted . A good win for Bulleen, who were well served by Matthews, Prior . Burridge and Tulloch . For the Ogs Stuart Higgins was good Stevens yet again gave his all . Foley was OK and 50 gainers Bingley and Power were worthy of a mention . The Rovers continue to prove me wrong . I guess they do it deliberately . In what was their best team performance for the season in such an important one too they completely overpowered the Tigers to record a convincing 26 point victoty . Well done boys . A pretty even first half saw scores level at the main break . The championship quarter proved to be just that as Hampton produced some terrific footy to open up a break they were able to maintain until the end . Great victory down there virtually shutting the gate on the Tigers finals aspirations . The Anderson trio were right in the thick of it for the victors . alonpvith the big guys Chief. Softy. and Fanning . A disappointed St Bedes were well happy with the Wintle Bros . Shane Bell, and Matt Connolly.
Virtually controlling the play all day the quiet achievers came away with another pretty comprehensive victory last Saturday . Beware of the boys from Oak Park they are going along very nicely thank you very much . As usual the combine gave of their all and were buoyed by the inclusion of another couple of Assumption lads a good sign for their future, but in all reality were no match for a Therry side that continues to prosper while all around them may be faltering . Mick Goodwin kicked an impressive 6 in his return from an enforced holiday, and Caeeamo. Doyle and Corey Bannister were prominent all day . For the Hoes Chris Tucker continues to lead by example despite no luck with the whistle blowers . as Curtain and Rosenfeld were also good . Perhaps this was the game of the season . To kick 19
twins and still go down you have to be stiff, and so they were the Sainters . It was a fas t flowing tough encounter on the small confines o Packer. Even at the minor break, almost the same a the next two, with the tide turning many times until th Jackas just found that something extra led by thei strong defense to be in front when the final bell rang . Ai important victory for them . A great performance b Glen Etta but unfortunately finals out the door n oAndrewKaliskth7 opJacswerm a men Jona Segal and Paul Walvisch . For the Sainters Ni St Kilda Chris Massis was fantastic, ably backed up b h'icGaw . Sheerly and Diamond . Sorry Chris just eouic Lit quite get you the player of the round . You can't just turn up to a game of football expee ing to win without putting in some sort of effort, an perhaps that has been the attitude of the Beamar boys of late . And that is to take absolutely nothing aevs from Prahran who played a tremendous game and we~ hard at it all day . They bottled the Sharks up earl attacked and scored themselves . and were able to mai tan that advantage all day despite a couple of chE lenges from the visitors . Tony Free certainly did h sums from the first encounter and deserves full mark Wes Pye was awesome a great game in the ruck, tl untagged Andre Pitts set up many moves, Birchy ran he liked around his wing again, and Arturph, . No one tried harderaFlperswotygd I
Beaumaris than the lionhearted Justin Bryce and received some support from Haynes and Lee . PREVIE W Top spot on the line today, more about that later Hopefully Old Geelong will realize the signifiear, of their plight now and make a concerted effort tl week . But it is a tough ask for any side at David Stri even when you are in form and the Ogs aren't . T Rovers have cemented their spot now and will not be a mood to let it slip so with full confidence I tip them win . St Bedes make the long trek out to Therry, a whilst I respect the ability of Peter Geddes to inspire boys . I really think they are up against it today . JT I the home side purring along at the right time of the s son . they are entrenched now and could go higher < just will not let that opportunity pass them by. Glen E ira at home again a wait Ivanh Assumption . With full lists both are probably be than their ladder positions suggest, but that's footl and I guess both need to find some depth to cover It es . It will be a no holds barred encounter as usual b will give all they have, home ground sways me to si with the Sainters.
An interesting one this one . Both have been play
sood footy the past few weeks so it promises to be uL;i encounter between a couple of district clubs . pr ;dlran were great last week, not too shabby the week i,,,i , e either, while the Bullants have been gathering ,,,,Imentum as the season has progressed and have ;,i,lyed fairly well . The Two Blues mathematically can <lillmake it and the Bulls are totally safe so it will be a no holds barred affair with Prahran just getting across ie line . So here we go to the victor goes top spot . The vancnlished back among the pack. What a great scenario . m geaulnaris at home bounce back? Are the Jackas b, .ck in form? . Who are the rightful flag favorites? . All , , ;~e questions and many more will be answered at L ulksia Reserve this afternoon . Who am I tipping? . In â&#x20AC;&#x17E;word Beaumaris . SOCIAL The Tigers big IRISH NIGHT is on at the clubrooms
is evening win lose or draw . All Tiger supporters will 1u there watching Macca and Sam doing the Irish Jig . Saturday July 15 is the Ivanhoe-Assumption trivia Night hosted by the poor man's Eddie McGuire the one and only Phill Skeggs . Be there or be square .
PRESS CORRESPONDENT S 10110 again. Thanks guys . For this ROUND and this ROUND only I am taking what you could say is a well earned SABBATICAL . My partner in crime of many ~ars standing the one and only MR KEN BREMNER will be putting pen to paper this week. Please give him the same support you afford me. KB can be contacted on 9-850 6964 phone or fax, his mobile is 0418 107 447 or send him an email to kenbremner@ access DEFINITELY BY 8pm SUNDAY NIGHT . I will be back bigger, better, stronger and brighter, the week after.
1i41 d L or
Prahran -Ben Gellie today plays his 50th game . This young larrikin has quickly earnt a spot as very good player and has been outstanding since being moved to the full back position, Congratulations and may we see many more games from this youngster.
in to nd its as 1-
tall sso"th ick uig
SENIORS - 01 .07.00 3.4 8.6 11 .10.76 Old Geelong: 1 .3 17 .8.110 Bull een Templestowe: 8 .2 9.6 16.6 . Stevens . Bingley. Foley. Power, M Old Geelong: Higgins 3, J Wilson 2 Wilson . Couch, Best: Higguis. Foley. Metnnes . Stevens. Bolton, Middleton . Bull een Templestowe : Humphrey 3, McLaren 2 . Matthews 2 . Tultoch 2, Welch 2, Bumdge . Do+vlan, Snuth. Young, w Thompson . L Thompson . Best : Matthews. Burridge, Tultoeh . Humphrey . L Thompson, Prior. Umpires: Alan Stubbs: Trent Foley (F) St Bedes Mentone Tigers: 3.6 4.7 6 .8 9.13 .67 Hampton Rovers: 1.1 5 .1 11 .4 16.6 .102 St Bedes Mentone Tigers : MacGeorge 3. M Wintle 2 . Hecker. McCraw. Connolly. Dig ;ins . Best: Bell. Connotiv, P tVintle. L whi2le, McCraw . Tesodeio. liampton Rovers: Wills 3. Busby 3, S Anderson 2 . Helliger 2, Granger 2. wilmott . Flatuve. Boyd, David Anderson . Best : Scarlett . Fletcher, David Anderson . Boyrci . S Anderson, Rtcella . Umpires: Paul Jones; Matt Can (F). Daniel Blackmore : Peter McMullen (B) . Me Shipley: Dennis Izod (G) Ivanhoe Assumption: 2 .2 5 .3 8.9 9.11 .65 Therry Penola: 5 .6 11 .9 15 .15 22.20.152 Ivanhoe Assumption: Flynn 3, wood . Seuderi . T Healy. Hariey,larktenva . O'Neill. Best : Nark :ewicz, Rvan. Tucker. McFarlane . Curtain . Rosenfeld . Therry Penola: M Goatuin 6 . C Bannister 4, Taylor 4 . Edwards 3 . Finnigan 2. Mdts 2. Elliott . Best : Caecamo, Bovle, C Bannister . Petrewski. M Goodwin, S Sacco . Umpires : Gram V,ardrop; Paul Dinneen (F ) 7.0 9.2 17 .5 19 .6.120 Glen Eire: 16 .5 20 .8 .128 AJAX: 7.0 10.5 Glen Eira: Rvan 3, O'Donnell 3. Vamuakas 3 . Turner 2 . Wilson, Thurstield . : klassis . McCaw . Sheedy. Diamond . Diamond. Carvana. Tkocz. Best Hassell. Tkocz . AJAX: KaWiski 7 . Davis 4 . J Segal 2, At Segal 2. Onas, Paul withmgton : Andrea Thiaaites walvisch, lVrobel. Dukes, Gold . Umpires: (F) . David Gourlav : Alina Hoare (B ) 3 .2 7 .4 10.7 13.8.86 Prahran : Beaumaris: 1 .2 2 .3 8.4 10.8.68 Prahran : Rhodes 3. Perry 3 . Bach 2. A Pitts 2 . Aitken. Gill, Marriott . Best : Pya. Henshall . Corbov. Murphy . Marriott, A Pitts . Beaumaris: Conlon 3 . Spence 2, Buller 2 . Havnes . Blaekie. Ensor. Best: Holt, Havnes . Ensor. Lee, Bryce . Lee, Bryce . Coulon . Umpires: Dianne G4'iuteiey: Justin Garrett (F )
RESERVES - 01 .07.00 . 11 .8 12 .14 .86 Old Geelong : 3.2 5.4 Bulieen Templestowe: 3.3 6 .4 8 .4 10.9 .69 . Brain . Hyams. Kemp . Old Geelong: Fazgerald 4. ploutuan 3, Boer O'Donoghue . Best: Fitzgerald, Carty, Hpams, MeNeur. Tltorn, Memnon . Butleen Templestowe : Honeth 3 . Meadows 2, A Parris . MeKenzie . Clarkson . Todd, McNatnara . Best : Horvath . -.Vionvitis . Clarkson . Franklui . Meadows . Stott .
St Bedes Ment T3g: 0 .3 2.4 8.4 9.5.59 Hampton Rovers: 1 .2 4.3 8.3 9.5.59 St Bastes Merit Tig : Goal kickers and best players results not received . Hampton Rovers: Chasten 2 . Dallas 2 . Dunball 2. Hebard, McKellar . Voss . Best : Buckley. Dunball, McKellar. Flynn . Carr. Humphries . Ivanhoe Assumption : 1 .1 2.3 2.3 2 .4 .16 Ther ry Penola: 7.0 10.2 14 .6 19.10.124 Ivanhoe Assumption: King. Frew. Best: Toogood . Young, Fairvreather. King, Yalkanis. Conlev . Ther ry Persia: Thrush 9. J Van Englen 2, Candiloro 2 . Henderson 2 . La Fonaune . P Garoni. Stephens. Culph . Best : P Gamin, Thrush, warren. Carbis. Pinner . J Van Englen. 0 .1 2 .5 4 .6 7.8 .50 Glen Eire: 7 .1 7 .3 10.5 12.6.78 AJAX Goal kickers and best players results not received, AJAX : Glen Eira : Bucklev 5 . Basist 4, Pvke. Goldeifein. Ritterman_ Best: Bock . Goldenfein . Janoaer, J Feldman . Basist, Buckley. Prahran : 2.2 3 .3 6.5 7.5.47 4 .8 8.10 12.18.90 Beaumaris: 2.5 Prahran : ll'alsom 3 . McGarry 2, Crowe, wallmever . Best : H Pitts . Dawson . : Hawkes . MaAdie. Miller. Vear. Beaumaris Mills 6 . Vance 2. Kendall 2, Phillpott 2. A O'Brien. Best: Walsh . Mills, M O'Brien . Thomas, Vance, L Stephens.
C Section AJ AX Coach: Wayne Hermes Res Coach : David Marks
-速Coach: Jim Duman Res Coach: James Whitla
2 3 4 5 6 7
A . Kalinski B . Davis M . Dudakov J . Rajch D . Kal b N . Gol d
7 G. Samuel 8 A . Krongol d 10 G. Dules 11 M . Weisler 12 J . Basist 13 A . Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 N . Gold 16 M . Konsky 17 A . Cuklerman 18 J . Kirzner 19 L . Pyke 19 M . Halphen 20 B. Lewski 21 D . Gelbart 22 D . Mohr 23 A. Bensimon 24 J . Shar 25 M. Blash ki 26 B. Duzenman 27 L . Levin 28 P. Walvisch 29 D . Marks 30 N . Israelsohn 31 M. Barnett 32 D . Janover 33 A. Bock 34 D . Gunn 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal
37 A. Mordech 38 J . Bram 39 B . Klein 40 A. Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 D . Bugalski 43 Y. Shein 44 L. Pyk e 45 D . Wellitzer
46 J . Feldman 47 D. Onas 48 M . Buckley 49 A . Godlowicz 50 J . Rockman 51 N . Diamond 52 53 T 54 55 P. Naphtali 56 57
2 S . Nish 3 A. Mckenzi e 3 J. Mage geee
4 J. Black 4 M . Smit h 5 M . Ensor 6 A. Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 J. Mead 9 B. Nicholson 10 A. Ladd 11 M . Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 L . McNicholas 13 S. Wilson 14 L . Buller 14 D . Drew 15 N . Craven 16 M . Quin 17 D . George 17 B. Stevens 18 N . Kennedy 19 N . Atkins 20 R . Gow 21 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherma n 22 J . Holt 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D . Teasdale 26 B. Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes
28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin 30 T. Reoin 30 R . Corfield 31 L. Gibson 31 A. Spence 32 M . Matulick 32 S . Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 Q . Groves 35 N . Boctor 35 B . Ferguson 36 A. Blackie 37 B . Philpott 38 A . O'Brien 39 S . Potts 40 J . Verashaka 41 D . Emerson 42 J . lanzano 43 A . Kendall 44 D . H . Gibson 45 A . Thomas 46 D . Speakman 47 J . McKenzie 49 J . Bryce 50 I . Bennett 59 A . Rowbury
---, T ---- - ~r~ Coach: Paul Nigro Res Coach: David Hooper
1 J Prior 2 GAlexander S Young 4 WThompson 5 M Agrotis 6 PGraham (DVC) 7 P Robertson 8 N Bone 9 C Parris 10 P George
11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch (VC) 14 D Cooper 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 22 G McLaren (C) 23 D Mathews 24 T Agosta 25 26 S Boyd 27 28 C Mutimer 29 P Bone 30 D Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 5 Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 38 5 James 39 T Franklin 40 41 L Cessario 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 4u 46 A Humphrey 47
48 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 51 M Sund 52 J Gunn 53 C Catano 54 5 Dowlan 55 56 M Tuomy 57 D Bone
68 69
58 59
59 D . Goldfein
60 J . Weinberg 61 S . Czarny 62 63 64 65 66 Y. Field
70 S . Boon 71 A . Lewin 93 M . Feldy
60 A Eidsvogel
G LEN E IRA Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach : Phil Jones
. 2 N Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassar 5 A . Tsirogiannis
6 C . 0'Donnell 7 S . Vamvakas 8 D . Wilso n 9 H . Batty 10 G . Richards 11 T. Rossiter 12 B . King
13 G. Brown 14 M .. Weilgosz 15 M . Broad 16 P. Rogers 17 ig A . Wilce 19 L . Govan 20 A A Diamond
21 2 2 P.. Jones 23 B .O' Donnell 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Dynon 26 N . Dymond 27 R . Gilmore 28 C . Kernick 29 D . Dunlevie 30 31 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 35 36 37 38' 39 40 L . Doolan 41 D . Boyd 42 J. Dunlevie 43 M . Jones 44 S. Diamond 45 46 47 P. Slifka 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 L . McGa w 57 58
Coach : Russell Barne s Res Coach : David Ri son
1 J . La n 2 M . McKeilar 3 D. Busby 4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Marlyn 6 L. Grange r 7 A . Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 B . Boy d 10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglion e R . D un b al l 11G 3 . Woods 14 J . Cunningham
M . Flahive 16 D . Marshall 17 D . Artz (VC ) 18 P. Adam s 19 M . Lawrence 20 A . Powe r 21 S . Fanning 22 T. Wilmott 23 S . Helli9e r 24 C . 5carlet t 25 M . Dave y 26 Sam Wills (VC) 27 A . Quo n 28 A . Voss 29 M . Fletcher 30 W. Earle 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderso n 33 M . Lake 34 B . Hoar e 35 R . Bulmer 36 S . Blick 37 R . Hun t 38 J. Humphrie s 39 M . Crawford 40 S . Foste r
41 J. Dwye r 42 K . Chaston 43 L . Dalla s 44 B . Johnston e 45 A . Mason (RC ) 46 B . Sim e 47 J. Fetterplac e 48 T. Lync h 49 M . Flyn n 50 P. Apinitis 51 Scott Will s 52 B . Hebard 53 E . Zuke r 54 P. Buckle y 56 5. Warhurs t 57 J . McBrid e 58 D . Hobso n 59 B. Artz 60 S. Baskett
Suite 2, 41 B Bluff Rd ,
59 60
61 M . Tkocz
Black Rock . 3193 Ph: 9589 644 4
I N DUSTC LEAN AUST. PTY. LTD . 26 Govan St, Seaford, 3198 Ph : 9782 4300 wvav.hamptonrovers .com .a i
D . Frid
roac h: Dent VaiS:anis s , Coach : Peter Curtin S , Conlay
R. Armstrong 2, L, Hull-Brown C. Tucker (C) T. O'neill J . Scoble T. Healy P, Rawley J . Shuttleworth E . Healy P. Lee 1 . J . Finlayson B . Finlayson S . Narkiewicz 4, P. Flynn (VC) 5, J . Curtin ?5. F. Falcone is. M . Scuder i i7. B . Giles -;3. T Scobl e ? g, D, Wood 20. D. Sartor ~1 . L. Blackwood 22. R. Angelini 23 . D. Ryan 4 . B. Frew 25, J . Frisina 26 . S . Fairweather 7 . K.Smith 28 . J . Pace 29 . G . King 30 . M . Sloan 31, D. Mcfarlane 32 . L . Pearce :2 . S.Conlay 33 . S. Mcgowan 34 . B. Joyce 35 . P. Whitehead 36 . C . Zeegers 37 . C . Giankilidis 38 . H . Young 39 . M . Ebbage (RC) 40 . P. Martin = 1 . C . Mcdonald 42 . P. Murphy 42 . T. Timms 43 . G . Sullivan 44 . A. Pace 45 . J . Raywood =6 . M. lacouangelo 47 . S. Warren 48 . R . Toogood 49 . A. Rosenfeld (RVC) 50 .. D . Jack s 51 . D . Pearce 52 . S. Doherty (VC 53 . E. Sullivan 57 . M . Evans 68 . J . Mazzocca 78 . C . Brown 8& . N . Dykes 99 . G . Robertson
Coach: Tony Morwood Res Coach : Scott Harrington 1 2 D . Salter
3 4 C . Stinchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 P. Middelton 7 J, Paul
8 T Seymour 9 J . Wilson 10 T. Brain 11 M . Javgietis 12 N. Power 13 H. Mclnnes 14 K. Hendratta 15 S . Bingley 16 S . Edge 17 M . Wilson 18 J . Powe r 19 A. Salter
20 M. Fisher 20 G Coldwel l 21 A. Lan dale 22 J Taylor 23 S. Higgins 24. R . Marriott 25 L . Wilson 26. J. Foley 27 2g . A Farrar 29 30 N . Kemp 31 D . Varley
32 J . Wallace-Smith 33 S . Lansdell 34 H . Borbank 35 D . Mclnnes 36 D . Mclnnes 37 38 D . Bolton 39 H . Greton-Watson 40 J . Malpas 41 S . Rowan 42 R. Brown 43 A . McKay 44 M . McCarthy
45 D. Taylor 46 S . Milne-Pott 47 M .Ave ry 48 T. Chirnside 49 J . Carty 50 J . Landy 51 L. McDonald 52 J . Morley 53 J . Calvert 54 J . Legoe 55 Q . Wallace 56 W. Abbott 57 M. lacuone 58 I . Wheal 59 60 R . Gudykunst 63 T. O'Brien
64 65 75 S. Harrington
R Mr . : '-" LL WHITE
. .,
Coach : Tony Free Res Coach: John Ross 1 D . Gallagher (C)
2 3 4 5 6
L. Nyk o T. Murphy M . McCallum H . Pitts (RC) A . Daly
7 S . Pang
8 A . Bevan 9 A . Bunnett 10 B . Hodgson 11 A. Pitts (VC) 12 M . Beer 13 C . Perry 14 M . Eastham 15 S . Birch 16 A. Rhodes (DVC) 17 D . Howarth 18 J . Nugen t 19 S. Campbell 20 D . Decarteret 21 G . Paleodimo s 22 N . Robe rts 23 G . Walsom 24 A. Corboy 5 26 T.
St Clair
27 W. Pye 28 K . Watford 29 J. Goodiet 30 M . Sciclun a 31 J . Belcher 32 C . Miller 33 C . Henshall 34 G. Rooneyy
35 B . Gellie 36 J . Crowe 37 38 R . Thomson 39 A . Power 40 T. McAdie 41 M . Warland 42 S . Altschwager 43 S . Oliver 44 C. Blight 45 M . Vagg 46 M . Vear P. Buhner 48 49 L. Wood 50 N. Gil l 51 I . McGarry 52 53 A. Rolfe 54 A. Garvie 55 L . Aitken 56 C . Cooper
P. Hawkes 58 M . Kurban 59 M . Wright 60 61 J . Ross 62-J, Killeen 63 R . Marriott 64 65 66 S. Lynch 67 M . Erdem 68 D . Villani 69 N . Wallmeyer 70
M EM u .'
T Coach : Peter Geddes Res Coach: Tim Lamb
- ~35
Coach: John Toohey Res. Coach : Chris By e 1 Petrevski M(DVC)
1 M Kinsella 2 L Wintl e 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 N Owen 8 A Roberts 9 J Cunningham 10 C Ross 12 C Stewart 13 D Goodchild 14 P Lannan 15 D Johnston 16 P Wintle 17 T Macgeorge 18 T Giaquinta 19 B Tomlinson 20 J Drury 21 D Spencer 22 P Johnson 23 D Napier 24 T Beas ley
2 Finnigan M (C ) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco J 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 17 O 'Keefe S 18 Carter B 19 Grant A
26 S Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar
27 Stevens B 28 O 'Kearney M
25 S Booth y
29 T Marshall
30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 33 S Zaki c C Meyer 35 B Bilos 36 A Gangi 37 M Connolly 38 P Carroll 39 C Tesoriero 40 C Johnston 41 D Thompson 42 D Diggins 43 B Smith 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 D Vidovic 48 C Mizzi 49 J Sanders 50 S Kidd 51 N Zomer 52 S Bell 53 L Porter 54 M McCraw 55 L McHugh 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 J Doubaras 61 S M Waters
62 M Wberti 63 T Waters 64 J Harrington 65 P Sgarioto 66 R Parsons 67 A Hipwell 68 B Beasley 69 J Tomlinson 70 G Davies 71 A Drury 72 M Hecker 73 M Kiki 74 D Youn g 75 P Fedderson
20 Clarke J 21 O'Neill D 22 Griggs S
23 Bye C 24 Evans R Edwards P 26 Carbis G 29 Dorian P 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J (RC) 33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S 36 O 'Shea T
37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M 39 Boyle S (VC) 40 Garoni P (RVC ) 41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M 46 Lucas C 47 Goodwin D 48 Courts G 49 Whykes B 50 Mills A 51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R 54 Christofoli M 55 Garoni M 57 Weston D 58 Altanhan 0 60 Melia D 61 Scuilli B 66 Culph M 68 Swindon A
70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G 95 Hill M 96 Reddan S 97 Goodwin S 100 Loiudice J
111 Baron D
227 McKinnon Road McKinno n
316 Malvern Road Prahra n
Telephone : 957 8 323 2
Telephone : 9529 889 9
Level 1, Cnr Plenty Road and Kingsbu~ y Drive Bundoora
MELWAYS 68 E1 1 HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturday s
MELWAYS 58 E5 ~ HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-7pm Saturday s
Telephone : 9473 8780 MELWAYS 19 F 6 * HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 3-6pm Sat. / Sun . '
342 Nepean Highway Franksto n
383-387 Dorset Road Croydo n
Telephone : 9770 2343
Telephone : 9725 24j=
HRS : 9am-7pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturday s
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-7pm Sat . 11am-6pm Sun .
', GT
ALPHINGTON SPORTS MEDICINE CLINI C 339 Heidelberg Road Northcot e Telephone : 9481 5744 MELWAY S 30 J1 2 H2S: 8 .30am-8 .30pm Weekdays 8 .30am-12 .30pm Saturdays
330 High Street Ashwoo d
Cnr Doherty's Road an Grieve Parade, Altom North
Telephone : 9 88 5 8 961
Telephone : 9369 244~
MELWAY S 60 F1 0
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
HRS : Sam-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
Collins was one of -arl ' ins is a s=.ue:y of concerntration as he slot s tcotch's best last week E:gainst Ohf"s. through another 6 pointer.
c~zon fro :,_ C "f ' Scotch an d
Old Metournians from Camberwell Sports G round.
The following players are curre: :ly p 1r- r i3 for Therry Penola CIS team . Back Row : Mick Donohue 225, Rod Egglestorte o6 2, Paul Jones 300, Gerald Biddlestone 250 . Front Row: Dean Boden 209, Bob Lyons 35 7 , Anthony Ratcliffe 200, Ron Costello 232 . (All games total of U19 and Senior matches) . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
D1 SECI s_ by Barry iii
Two on today will have a major bearing on the final four make-up, Caulfiel d Grammarians at home to Monash Blues, and St Leo's versus Aquinas at Bennettswood . The Fields demolition job on Aquinas last week made everybody sit up and take notice . LAST WEEK Oakleigh went down to Banyule but staged a creditable fight back in the 3rd term, after which the Bears greater depth carried the day, Scott Playfair had a top game on his wing for Banyule, with Blair Moxon roving well, and Dave Witchell effective at wing/HFF. Glen Treacey again ruck roved well for the Oaks, Cam Marshall and Graeme Redford also stood out . Old Camberwell found Old Essendon too good but remained competitive all day . Grammar's overall skills edge told in the end . Shaun Tosch had a good game in the centre for the Wells, Simon Beckett gave drive off his wing, and John Webb was a useful HFFer. Monash Blues were too accomplished for La Trobe, albeit the experts were not happy with their goals to points ratio . Spider Smith dominated round the ground for the Blues, John Caldwell played strongly in midfield, and Sammy McGee gave a polished display at CHB . Steve Adamthwaite worked hard roving for the Trobers, Joel Goode was a fine CHB, and Simon Fredrickson and Gerard Robertson stood out across the centre and at HFF . Caulfield Grammarians brought Aquinas back to earth with a thud with a strong display after an even lst Qtr . Deadly accurate deliveries out of midfield killed the Bloods . Fields performance was a marvellous team effort, although Brent Baxter at CHF, plus Drew Pearce and Will Bowes were outstanding. Al Bethune worked hard in the ruck for the Bloods, Sean Flynn did well across midfield, also Bobbv Moran at CHF/CHB . Old Carey were no match for St Leo's Emmaus whose strong marking forwards had a field day . To their credit the injury/flu depleted Panthers stuck at it until the final siren, The Parks standouts were Tony McKenzie and Brendan Vaughan up forward, with Paul McGloin terrific on the ball . For OC, Richard Oppy and Brett Birkill never gave up round the ground, and special mentions to youngsters . Hadyn Francis, Travis & Nick Bull, Dale James, 16
plus Brendan & Damien Shutie who all battled hard against class opponents .
TODAY'S GAMES Old Essendon host Oakleigh at PEGS and will have too much class for the hard working Oaks . Grammar is doing all the right things athe moment and should not be troubled to win comfortably . La Trobe welcome Old Camberwell and w=ili put in their customary 120% effort, but the Well . swilhavetomucrndbilyfothem Caulfield Gr. an d Monash Blues feature in the clash of the round, and a win today will put the Fields in with a huge chance to see final's action this year . With the exception of meeting St Leo's in round 18, the Fields have a dream run home against bottom end sides, and they seem to have hit their straps at exactly the right time. The Blues have had the stutters over the past few weeks, but have too much ability to be written off . Weather permitting, this will be a magnificent game, as both sides have stacks of class, and play an exhilarating brand of footy . As OEG and Aquinas have recently found, .the Fields can be awesome on their home turf and for that reason I'm going for them to win by a goal or so . Banyule should be too good for Old Carey and take out a regulation four points. The Bears are a very organized unit, and will not leave anything to chance with the fight for a final's berth being the way it is . It will be a good opportunity for the Panthers' younger players to benefit from playing against such well drilled opposition . St Leo's and Aquinas clash in a dead set cut throat affair. With only four points separating them, both clubs are desperate to win todav . and the faint hearted are recommended not to turn up even to spectate, let alone participate! . What a game, Thomas and Cultrera at one end, Vaughan and McKenzie at the other! Sean Flynn and Cam Colliver for the Bloods mixing it with Don Dini and the McGloin Bros of the Parks . Make sure your Interchange Steward is a speedwriter Frank, Dave and Laurie will have him working overtime! I'll g,, for the home side by a goal or so . Bennettswood is never easy on visitors . THE AMATEUR FnnTRAi I FR 5,nnn
v ,da.,'s winners should be: Old Essendon , l, ; (anlberwell . Caulfield, Banyule, Aquinas . Ci3 rresp o n_ _____ the contacts are 9818 1425 -,ne and fax . Email : =~ ci 4 v ~ stra .easyar il .e速
eld - 50 games to Pau l c 1 and Glen a i arrisors, Both "Roo Boy" Harro" recently notched up 50 games for lub, "Roo Boy" coming from the lofty height s :-.-field has developed into a dominant ii _."ve ruckman, whilst Glen a member of our U U 19 premiership has taken a while to achiev e , Il_s milestone, after a Carribean jaunt and a of coaching our U19's . Well done boys fro m t the Fields,
St i tCaoJ ^' 01 .07 .0_1 Oakleigh: 2.0 9.3 10 .6 14 .8 .92 Banynle: 3.6 11.9 16 .15 23 .16 .154 Oakleigh: Bromley 5 . Treacy 3, C Marshall 2 . Dalton, Hanley_ A Kitts . Redford . Best : S Kitts . Stirling . Treaev. A Kitts . Dalton . Redford . Banyule: D witchell 7 . Maxon 3. Pla}iair 3. Sutterbv 2, O'Connell 2 . Keenan 2 . `,xr"illmore 2 . T Egan 2. Best: PlaGdair. Maxon, D Witchell, tvoodtoak D t19Wam .s. t'. i2more. Umpires : Geoff Moore : David Irons (F ) Old Camberwell : 2 .4 5 .5 6.6 11,8.74 19.13.127 Old Essendon: 3 .3 9 .8 15.11 Old Camberwell : Browiiless 5, D Walker 2 . Hanson, Heffernan, MacKenzie, McKenzie. Best : Webb . Lilja. Toseh . Beckett . Rowe. Old Essendon: Goal kickers and best players results not received. Umpires: Luke Johnston ; Lionel Katz lF)
19.19 23.26.164 Monash Blues : 4 .7 11 .12 3 .5 6 .6 .42 La Trobe University: 1 .3 3.5 Monash Blues: Farrar 5, Newnan 3 . Creamer 3. Caldwell 2, Furnell 2. Smith 2 . Gregor,v. Hamphuis . h1urcbie. McGee, Holloteav . Dowsley. Best: Sntuh . Farrar . Creamer. Morrison, Rogers, Caldwell . La Tro be University: Goal kickers and best players results not received . Umpires: Andrew Mitchell : Adain Goodes (F) Caulfield Gr. 6 .2 13 .4 19.7 24.9.153 7 .1 9.3 10.7.67 Aquinas: 5 .0 Caulfield Gr: Amiet 7. Cowhshaw 6. Baxter 3. Margenson 3 . Widjaja 2 . Liddell, Svinuan, G Harrison. Best : Baxter, Vella, Widjaja. Liddell, Cowtishatv . Whitmee. Aquinas: Cultrera 3 . Thomas 2 . Tarulli 2, B Moran . FIvim. Best : Bethune. Flynn. R Moran . Larkin, Jess, Tantlli . Umpires: Paul Lamble: Leah Gallagher (F )
Old Carey : 2.3 3.4 3 .7 8 .11.59 8.7 15.11 19.15 .129 St Leos Emmaus: 5.3 Old Carey: Dandier 2. Raftopoulos . M Cohen . Metiunstn~. Phillips, Btrkdl. Best : Oppy. Birkell. Francls . Angus. Danther, N Bull. St Leos Emmaus: McKenzie 6 . B Vaughan 5 . S McCamt 3, Dtmeolatllomo . Donovan, Flood, P McGloin. R MeGlont_ Best : McKenzie . P McGloin, B Vaughan . Manton . Donovan, Aultso. Umpires: Anthony Damen (R). Jason Moore (F )
RESERVES - 01 .07 .00. Oaldeigh: 0 .0 2.0 2.0 2 .0.12 Banyule: 11 .5 21 .8 28.13 33.15.213 oakteigh: Andonopoulos. Torpey. Best : Torpey . Billing, Leslier . Wilson . Motwhacca, Smith. Banyule: P tVftchell 11, Kavrooz 8 . Gilliam 7 . Ferrall 2, J Egan 2. Hopgood . Nasrallah. Sproules. Best: Kayrooz, P Witchell. Gilliam, SJ Gray. Simpson . S Gray. Old Camberwell : 1 .1 4.3 6 .3 8.5 .53 5 .6 7.7 9.8 .62 Old Essendon On 3.4 Old Camberwell: Saffar 5 . Harvev. 114 Mitchell, White . Best : McCrea . Knowles, Harvev . Saffar. R tvllliams. Old Essendon On Goal kickers and best plavers results not received. 3 .2 8 .5 14.9 17.14 .116 Monash Blues: 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 4.1 .25 La Trobe Uni: Monash Blues: Baxter 4. Alexander 3 . Teasdale 2, Bolton. Dempsey, Headberrv, McGrath. Junkeer. Llord . Walsh . Scott . Best : Walsh. Campbell. Baxter, Dempsev . Smith . Mentha . La Trobe Uni : Goal Mckers and best players results not received .
13 .14 .92 Caulfield Gr. 4.3 7.7 9.9 2.4 4.5 5 .6 5 .6 .36 Aquinas : Caulfield Gr Matiueson 4, Bourke 2, Deakin 2 . Ash . Santiago . Restarick. Thompson. Stevenson . Best : Gurr. Restanek. Anderson. Asti. Coutts . Deakin. Aquinas : Greer 3 . Ly~tg. Cog(tlan. Best : Bambury. Lyng. Chapman . D Boland . Coghlan. Old Carey: 3 .0 3 .0 4 .3 5.4 .34 St Leos Emmaus : 6 .1 10 .3 15.6 24.9 .153 Old Carey : Rist 3 . 1 Cohen . Montgomery. Best: Nance . Boucher. Graham, Gates. Brown. Montgomery. St Lec s Emmaus: Bethune 6. Henricus 3, E Mitchell 3. B Mitchell 2 . Newey 2. Raynor 2 . Suuondson 2. Lear 2 . Dornik. O'Meara . Ottobre. D Place. Prosser . Best: Foley. Sinmrondson . O`'ara. E Mitchell, Ratiror . Braddles.
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to th e ground or other or other similar such conduct" 17
DI Sectio n AQUINAS O .G .
Coach: Laurie Aghan Res Coach: Laurie Aghan
Coach : Greg Whitcroi t Res Coach : Rohan Doherty
1 G . Burc h 2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D . Monogue 7 C. Glenme 8 J . Jess 9 _ T Harki n 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A . Lorki n 15 A . Hyland 16 H . Field 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead
1 H McDermott 2 D Witchell 3 S . Kayrooz 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams
7 B . Gillard 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 B Moxin 11 S Cross 12 J Egan 13 D Nasrallah 14 B. Woodloc k 15 S Gray 16 D Bentley 20 P. Fares 17 G . Donaldson 21 C . Quinn 18 J Turnball 22 S . Flyn n 19 A Thompson 23 J . Livingstone 20 S Playfai r 24 P. Harpe r 21 R Dintinosante 25 B . Volombell o 26 S . Downes 22 J Gilham 27 S . Jones 23 M Gray 28 J . Langford 24 A Plant 29 J . Wilson 25 L Martin 30 C . Collilver 26 G Shaw 31 M . Hunter 27 P. Healey 32 J . Bleakney . Wooden 28 C Wilks 33 C 34 M . Tarullli 29 G Sutterby 35 R . Chapman 30 B. Grindal 36 P. Heveran 31 C Bassett 37 J . North-Coombes 32 S . Richmond 38 B . Moran 33 D . Glass 39 M . Mercuri 34 C Steven s 40 A. Cultrera 41 C . Bambury 35 D Spoules 42 R . Moran 36 M . George 43 M . Slatter y 37 g Wilson 44 G . Macklin 38 T. Thompso n 45 N . Frederikson 39 A . Hopgood 46 M . Anderso n 40 W. Gibson 47 N . Moran 48 M . Moore 41 D . Mutton 49 G . Verstra
50 L . Sheffiel d 51 C . Watt 52 M . Corrie 53 J. Devers 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 D . Joyc e 57 D . North-Combes 58 D . La w 59 A. Bentley 60 D . Vin e 61 M . Greer 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A . Barrie 64 P.Glennie 65 L. Buzagio 66 J . Hunt 67 P. Cuickshank 68 J . Coglan 70 C . Lyng 71 J . Pole 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay Sponsors : Ne ro 's Restaurant
Bed ro ck Computers VAI Bodyworks Medieval Madness Heathmont Cellars Haughey Butchers
42 T Egan 43 L Ferrell
44 M . Natoli 45 D . Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O 'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Holt 50 C Burke 51 G Bel l 52 Ross Doherty
53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witchell 55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A. Dooley 58 D Mayne
59 J . McDermott
C AlILFIELD GRA MMAR Coach : Dean Anderson Res Coach :Kornel Dachs
L° . U~• ~~••W ° ~ j Coach : Andrew Sutherland
Res. Coach: Clinton Perry 1 D . Rosman 1 M .Bakogiannis 2 B . Hall 2 S . Stevenson 2 S .Fredrickson 3 D.Sheldrick 3 C. Knight 3 S . Erickson 4 C Perry 4 M . Liddell 5 S .Adamthwaite 4 K. Deakin 6 B.Cameron 5 S . Kendall 7 P.Moon 6 M . Harrison 8 J Camm 6 B . Minter 9 J .Goode 10 D Sidebottom 7 J . Cowlishaw h 8 S . Cossart - Wals 11 J .Levy B ow e s 9 W. 12 D . Gl eeso n 13 10 A Will 11 S. Amiet 14 L.Wakeling 11 M . Cassidy 15 G .Robinson 12 D . Pearce 16 C McKie 12 M . Dakic 17 L .Heathcote 13 D . Gur r 18 S .Gloury . Klose 14 S 19 S .Whit e 15 P. King 20 16 T. Royals 21 D.Edmunds 17 R . Gosstray 22 17 D . Roberts 23 S.Mitcheil 18 P. Anderso n 24 18 B . Baxter 25 M .Spr alja 19 R . Buchanan 26 B .Hewitt 20 M . Klos e 27 L Ryan 20 H. Vell a 28 R Rossi 21 N . Brohie r 29 22 T. Townley 30 R .Store r 23 D . Ash 31 2 4 G . Lehne r 32 M .Napier 25 M . Cramphorn 33 . Wailes 25 T 34 26 S . William s 35 26 S . Widjaj a 36 TMawdsley 27 R . Keown 37 28 G . Evans 38 A.Willis 29 J. Whitmee 29 D . Schrimski
30 J . Gross 31 S . Sant 33 C . McGrath 33 N . Silver 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 A. Lawrence 37 M . Scholten 38 J. Restarick 39 J . Santiago
40 G . Harriso n 41 A . Bosna 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 J . Blamines 46 A . Johnson 47 L . Salem 48 S . Varthalis 51 N . Bourke 53 J . Upton 54 M . Allanby 55 M . Davies 56 A. Dowd 58 J . Toyama 59 A . Beaucham p 72 T. Freeman 68 G . Markovic
39 40 ' 41
No . Name 42 43
44 W. Auldist 45 S .Turne r 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A.Cumming s 61 S Bland 66 A Baillie 70 J Dumaresq
mot, Coach: Dave Roger s Res Coach : Marcus Spence r
1 L Findlay 2 J Baxte r 3 L Holloway 4 A Bains 5 D Roger s 6 M Newman 7 P Farrar 8 D Junkeer 9 C O'Sullivan 10 S Webste r 11 M Spence r 12 J Caldwel l 13 A Herrma n 14 B Merli n 15 M Tinkle r 16 B Tatterson 17 P O'Neil l 18 E Morrison 19 D Furnel l 20 A Anderso n 21 C Gregory 22 R Kamphiu s 23 D Cavicchiolo 24 C Williams 25 J Hawkins 26 P Fernon 27 N DeYoun g 28 S McGe e 29 D Weeks 30 L Creamer 31 G Herry 33 J Smit h 34 B Dowsley 35 D Murchie 36 N Costley 37 J Andritsos 38 P Tuohe y 39 M Smith 40 M Bolto n 42 P Millie 43 R Feenaghty 44 D Teasdal e 45 R Wals h 46 A Ryan
47 S Menth a 48 K McIntyre 50 A Clark 52 N Mores i 53 B Scott 54 M McGrath 55 J Hirje e 56 R Reit h 57 A Berry 58 C Straus s 59 B Carstei n 60 S Lloyd 61 P Campbell 62 A Hawkin s 64 S Flatman 67 B Dempse y 69 N Manuel l
;I L
.-C . Chr~oore g
Gec Bloomfield 3 D. MacKenzie } P, Hevenn .3 T: lanchello 3 G . Treacy - B. Stirling F . Marshall J Moutis Lewis C . Hanley g . Hall S. Randle = J. Knappe r G. Redford J. Tolley 17 A . Mouchacc a v J . Connellan P Taylor T Adamic Joors L. Billing .1, Foulds S . Kitts C . Marshall A. Kitts G . Orlando A. Khodr 29 D . Hal l 30 E. Radchenk o 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M . Clark 34 L . Head 35 R . Nuske 36 A . Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pesnikas M . Dordevic '.CQ Taylor T. Duhau S . Dalton J . Theofilopoulos N . Smith 4o G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D . Moulang 48 P. Lesli e 49 S. Bader 50 . L . Wilson 51 . J. Kerley 52 . D . Banks 53 . T. Khou ry 54 J . Ebbles 55 A . Gook 56 A . Oslay 57 M . Co ppock
58 L. Neavan 59 T. Rozakis 60 M . McPhee F iames 1'odesta ' ' h' ''h3 14 "t'a Ai : 04q09 922 Mark Stevens r2 n" S R op LPTY TD !
-17 -r63 1155 ~
Oi .® (
Coach : Matt Hanson Res Coach . Andr Tsindos
Coach : kAichael2emski Res. Coach: Phil Aarons
Coach : Gavin Keane Res Coach : Shane Bishop
1 J . McLean 1 M . Knowles 2 T. James ( DVC) 2 A . McKenzie 3 A. Inkster 4 N . Lippiatt 5 S . Horskins 6 A. Seeley 6 R . Heath 7 M. Scott 7 C . Grant 8 J . Heffernan 8 S . Clay 9 E . Noy 9 B . O'Hara 10 M . Hanson (C) 11 N . Robinson 12 R. Kapoor 12 A . Hills 13 L. Gladman (VC) 14 R. Whitehead 14 R. Perry man 15 S . Tosch 16 A. Heffernan 17 A. B ry son (VC) 18 A. Brownless 19 A. Hanson 20 J . Elliott 22 S . Reddish 23 D . Lilja 24 D . Imberger 25 A . Herdenberg 26 C . William s 27 W. Orwin 28 J . Webb 29 R . Scott 30 D. Alex
1 C . Angus 2 W. Mudge 3 M . Cohen 4 5 J . Daniher 6 C. Campbell 7 R. Oppy 8 P. Harris g A. Birkill 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 D . Knezevi c 13 B. Hutchins 14 G . Phillips 15 M . Beresford 16 F. Hakins 17 S . Cur ry 18 C . Matt hews 19 A . McKinsty 20 J . Raftpoulos 21 D. Faelis 22 S . Vitali 23 B . Shutie 24 N . Bull 25 B. Israel 26 J . Riot 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 D . Sherr 29 C . Munro 30 T Stanley 31 D . O'Dwyer 32 P. Graham 33 J . Mai 34 W. Gianniltos 35 S . McConnell 36 D. Shutie 37 D. Palmer 38 I . Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 A. Newham 41 A. Gates 42 G . Cotsonis 43 S. Cherry 44 A . White 45 T. Bull 46 H . Giannokos 47 H . Francis 48 H . Gianniko s 4g M . Eastham 50 T. Moulton 51 J . Mandanici 52 G . Cvetkovic 53 M . Sonntag 54 K. Giannkos 55 S. Hawkins 56 B. Chapple 57 N . Wilkinson 58 J . Boncher
1 J Parts (VC) 2 J Fincher 3 P Lu tterschmidt (C) 4 D Fletcher ( VC) 5 S Emerson 6 C Ridley 7 J Leask 8 L Fletcher 9 J Goodger
31 T. Hedley
32 D . Mitchell 33 S . Beckett 34 P. McCrae 36 S . Derry 38 N . Sims 39 B . DayY 40 E . Wiliams 41 L . Ryan 42 R . Pratt 43 T. Walke r 44 S . Smit h 46 T. Reid 48 J . Swann 49 J . Herdman 50 J . McKenzie 55 J . Gan 56 T. Holmes 57 J . Kelly 58 M . Sho rt 59 T. Johnston 60 B . Mcllwain 61 T. Johnson 62 J . Miles 64 P. Craig 65 N . Saffar
59 C . Mason
60 J . Russo
67 G . Rowe 76 D . Brauer
11 B Papal 12 J Finche r 13 W Conlan 14 S Evans 15 T Di Blasi 16 S MacPherson 17 P Hexter 18 J Walker 19 GStevens 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 R Doolan 25 B Turner 26 S Fleming ( VC ) 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan 29 S Uebergan g 30 T Williams 31 T Mansfield 32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson (RVC) 34 D Podger 35 D Whitfield 36 P Trist 37 G Walsh 38 S Whitfield 39 S Cramer 40 C Mnjrvik 41 D Greasley
42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 J Crawford 45 Paul Barry ( RC) 46 L Fleming 47 D Hexte r 48 D Poulton 49 A Hutchison 50 D Graham 51 A Copodiferro 52 P Miller 53 L Hadj 54 R HardY 55 P Chalkley 56 B Rashid 57 58 59
Coach: Dave
he r
Res Coach : Andrew Luihune 1 D Dinicolantoni o 2 J O'Meara 3 E Mitchel l 4 A Auliso (RVC ) 5 S Buckle 6 G Bonnici 7 A Burgess 9 A Bethune 10 B Mitchell 11 S . McCan n 12 T McCan n 13 A Hugha n
14 J Manto n 15 A O'Reill y 16 A Rose 17 R Parker 1 8 R McCan n 19 A Ma (o~ r 20 G . Raf(erty 21 G Simmondson 22
evsk i
23 T ga~ 24 A Hadd ad 25 A McKenzie (VC) 26 A Prosser (RC ) 27 P Levin s 28 S . McLaughli n 29 S D'arc y 30 M . Ottobr e 31 N . Zanni s 32 L . Price us 34 B Brigg s 35 J gg 36 S Bavage 37 S . Manto n 38 N Hodde r 3 9 B Vaughan (C) 40 J Gay 41 R Taylo r 42 M Floo d 43 P Levins 44 M Dimbl e 45 S Ronchi 46 A Brown 47 A Brooks 48 A Dal y 49 D Cox L Newey 51 P McGloi n 52 R McGloin 53 T Pecora 54 J Fennel l k 55 P 5 6 S Dorn kmac 57 M Plac e 58 D Place 59 D Pitche r 61 62 A Rayno r 63 P Nola n 64 M . Morri s 65 N Foley 66 D Lea r 67 P. Farquha r 65 B. O'Connor
66 S Mesche r 72 A Bur qdorf 73 D Whitney 75 T Yme r 76 G. Donovan 77 C Vauq han
78 M Whifney 79 T Trib e 80 H Meeha n 87 D Furnis s 88 S Pitche r P[RE^S N1A L \ "
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LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundl e
5 YEARS AGO - 1995
ould a better script have been written? John Kanis celebrated his 300th VAFA game, played a right serviceable game, and the Blues capped it off with a 15 point win over A section leaders Old Xaverians, 7 .17 to 6 .8 . Best were Wilson . Cavalier. McLachlan, Furphy (Uni Blues) and Leoncelli, Hawkins, Blood, Buckley (Old X.) . Ormond hanging on to place in "A" section four were pleased to recognise 100 games by Brett Collins, Darren Edgell and Anthony Grace with a last quarter revival to come from behind to defeat Old Trinity 7 .11 to 4 .3. "D" section captains were Nigel Brohier (Caul), J . Silvey (Glen), Chip Le Grand (H . Rovers), Adam Kvriacou (Old C'well), Ken Allen (P'side) . Simon Melican (Southbank) . Who captained St Johns, Thomastown, U. Blacks and Williamstown? 250 games to North Brunswick's Peter "Midge" Dimarco, the only surviving member of the clubs 1981 premiership team, club captain . dual senior B & F, a gifted footballer and a natural leader. The VAFA mourned the passing of Sir Bernard Callinan former Patron In Chief of the VAFA . Rod Egglestone an integral member of Therry teams from F to A section played his 250th game . The Therry scribe wrote "Rod is highly regarded ~y VAFA umpires for his incisive and considerate comments" . North Brunswick's inaccuracy almost cost them their unbeaten record . They kicked 9 .16 (70) and the accurate Old Essendon Grammarians 11 .4 (70) . Four rounds to go and fourth position was between AJAX, 4th, 36 points followed by Marcellin and St Kevins on 32 points.
At the last change St Kevins O .B . led AJAX 9 .17 to 7 .4 - victory would have been put them above AJAX . Michael Leisler and dashing Danny Rosen were everywhere in the last term as te Jackers kicked 4 .5 and held SKOBS its one point to win by 3 points . 11 .9 (75) to 9 .18 (72) . 10 YEARS AGO - 199 0 De La with their eyes on a top two position in 'A' blew away second team Ormond when, after three tight quarters, they kicked 8 .3 to 3 .0 in a whirlwind last quarter to win by 26 points. Lowe. Sheedy . Brasher were De La's best while Pal Schuhkraft got his usual bag of goals, 6 against De La . Brown and Kingston were good players all day . Collegians undefeated and going from strength to strength annihilated Old Xaverians to be a very short priced favourite for the 'A' section L .A . Adamson Cup and break the drought . Their last 'A' section flag was 1959 . QUIZ : Who was captain-coach in that year ? At home and with umpires Robert Bell and Brett Greene in charge, the Lions kicked 20 .15 to 5.10 with Conron (I 1 goals), Wallace, Galbraith, Oliphant . Hinchen and Daly the best in a very strong side.
'D' section captain s were Richard Morley ( Bu1l .U .) . R (La Trobe), Dean.Litle Comer ( MHSOB), I . Wells (Old Ian), Rob Sarosi ( PowerH), Tim Beasle (S ; Bedes), A . Beale ( St Kevins OB), C . Jackson (Stair Ban k), M. Spears (W'friars) . 250 games to ANZ's Harry "The Living Legend Birkenfeld . Club President, Merit Award Winner, section goalkicker. Harry has brought distinction to the Red and Blue No . 10 jumper. West Brunswick, fourth in 'E' were relieved to get home by 2 points from ninth . Old Carey in a tight game that saw no more th an 4 point separate the two teams at each ch ange . Traynor, Hislop, Wilkie were W.B .'s best while the Old Carey press correspondent was so excited he reported 'A great team effort' and probably earned himself a fine . Old Trinity (at home) ( where did the Nomads play in 1990?) displaced Old Brighton for second place when they came back from a four goal deficit a half time to win 14 .18 to14 .12 . Norman , Black, Parkes, R . Phillips (5 gis) (O.T.) an d Barber, Brook, Cooper, C . Lade (O .B .) were best. The game was umpired by Jamie Kvins and Fred Wright. O.T.'s needed the win as their percentage 98 .81 stood out - the only team of the 68 teams in the four in the 17 sections to be below 100 .00 an d more so . The other four top teams in 'B' had percentages of more th an 110 .00. , 15 YEARS AGO - 198 5
Old Scotch stamped themselves as a premiership threat with an 8 point win over 'A' section leader Ormond, ending the 'Monds run of 6 victories . John Moir marked strongly around the ground and Brian Hodge was elusive on the half forward line. What are the odds about this happening? On 27 April B anyule an d St Bernards Under 19 teams played a draw . St Bernards 20 .10 (130) . Banvule 19 .16 (130) . On 6 July this time at B anvule it was a draw again. B an yule 17.15 (117), St Bernards 18 .9 (117) . Manv tributes were published on the sudden death of 'Gentlem an ' Bob Cogdon who had recently umpired his 400th game . 150 games to MHSOB's Tony Short, B & F in 1977 and runner up twice . Arthur Anastasiou (Thomastown), Ger ry MeNamee ( C'wealth Ban k) . 300 games to Steve 'Stork' Roberts (State B an k) only the second player at the club, the other being B vron Hill. Steve was club B & F in 1973 and 1976, and serv ed on the general committee for many years . 100 games to Tim Bennett (Collegians) a never sa~ die player typified in his game against Uni Blues Collegians trailed by 2 goals at the 3i1983when E minute mark of the final quarter, an d Tim kicked three goals to snatch victory for Collegians in one of the mosi remarkable games ever seen in amateur football .
20 YEARS AGO - 198 0 Collegians on top in 'B' section were too strong for at half time but lonash. The teams were.3level in the second half. Bes t i;olle'Rowlands , ians kicked 11 .10 to 3 ,:, ere us e Hanlon (Mnash)~Coll), and Flett, Connop an d Caulfield Grammarians saluted Glen Fletcher' s I)Oth game -째being a big lump of a chap went straight trom. school into the seniors where his ability to take 째the big mark" and cover long distances with either foot made him a valuable player in key positions mainly on the forward lines" . No. 32 geurnsey and White Ankle Bandages - Old Brighton Grammarians Mark Dobbie ran on to the ground for his 150th game.
De La Salle O .C . (A) held on to top position when ;;icy withstood a strong challenge from fourth place, Ormond 20 .12 (132) to 15.15 (105) . Best were Donegan, Ruffolo (6 gls), Hanrahan (De La Salle) and Bourne (9 goals), McCooke, Naylor (Ormond) . Old Scotch battling to hold on to second position in 'B' scraped home by a point from Old Paradians, sixth, iarith final scores 7 .6 to 6 .11 . Stars were Duke, Bubb, Sherwin (0 . Scotch) and Assetta, Grills, Di Paolo (0 . Parade) . La Trobe Uni congratulated rover and vice captain Feter Tunbridge on another fine season - winner of the Iast two club best and fairest awards, Peter was selected in the VAFA team that played in Perth earlier in the ~wason . Old Brighton in top 'C' scraped home by 2 points gainst MHSOB when High's great last quarter of 7.1 to 2.2 just failed . Mills, Gedeye and Nicholson (0 . Brighton) and Penton . Delaney . Flegeltaub (MHSOB) ere best . 250 games to Old Camberwell stalwart Peter Robinson, Life Member and B & F in 1964, 67, 73 and 78, Secretary in 1968 and 1976, and committeeman for many years . 25 YEARS AGO - 1975 100 games to St Kevins Old Boys President Michael O'Kelly - a fearless player, and since 1968 a mainstay .is the club's administrator, social seeretarv, secretarv, raptain and now president . 150 games to Ormond's Kevin Ladd, 10 years at the club, leading 'B' section oalkicker for 3 years, 4 Vic jumpers, club best and iairest . Ormond remained in the fight for fourth place with their win over North Old Boys (4th ) kicking 7 goals in the second term to lead by 31 points at half time . Final scores were 16 .15 (111) to 9 .21 (75). Best were Jenkins, Bourne, Cameron (Orm) and O'Connor, Wilson, Borcich (N .O.B). St Kilda CBCOC (C section) confirmed their top position when they doubled Powerhouse's score, 15 .10 (100), to 6 .11 (147) . Best were Kav, White. Sherman (St K.) and Cross, Newton, Daniel (P'house) .
'A' section leaders St Bernards were shattered when Coburg (5th), 34 points down at the final change, kicked 6 .7 to 1 .1 and got up to win by two points. Best were Callesen, Leckie . Ellis (Coburg) and M. Mahoney. Phelan, Mitchell (St Bernards) . Parkside secured their position in 'C' section four with their convincing 42 point win over Old Melburnians with stars Howell, Cocks, Blyth, Quaiffe
(6 goals) for Parkside and Pisarski, McMullin, P . Dawson, Ristrom (Old Melb) . 150 games to MHSOB champion Wanvick Ponton, O .G .G . solid ruck man Richard Weibye, 0 . Melb rover Russell Weir. 30 YEARS AGO - 1970
Well, it finally happened, Coburg, with five players in the Carnival side, suffered their first defeat for the year when they went down to De La Salle by 31 points . The side played without confidence, and fumbled badly all day. 150 games to Ian Job who had given great service to Kew, both as player and committeeman . Monash (fifth) lost their chance of slipping into the four when they went down to Uni Blues (sixth) in a low scoring game . Ormond kicked 3 goals against the wind in the last quarter when and beat Melbourne High by 26 points . It was High's third successive defeat but they held their place in the four as a result of Monash's defeat . Umpires Association welcomed Jack Fox, Les Bohan, David Doherty, Bill Mason, Norman Sharpe and Ron Saunder . Milton Beattie, who had led Hampton Rovers Reserves to three premierships in a row, played his 250th game . UHSOB full forward Davis kicked 15 of his team's 25 goals against Hampton Rovers . 40 YEARS AGO - 196 0 De La Salle (B) on top, lost to UHSOB (3rd) leaving the team level on 44 points with Kew. De La's inaccuracy 9 .17, contrasted with UHSOB's accuracyl2 .7 . Best were Steele (6 goals), Morgan Beissel (UHSOB) and Watts, Ravnor, Heffernan (De La) .
Previously unbeaten leaders of'D' section, St Kilda CBCOC were upset by Malvern, who won an excellent game by three points . MHSOB forward Athol Guy kicked 10 goals in the teams win against AJAX. St Kevin's OB welcomed back Dennis Grace after serious injury .
Ian Havden (U . Blues) and John Sanders (Old Xavs) were selected in the Australian Amateurs team to play VFA at Canberra, in place of Leigh Grant (unavailable ) and Ian Law (with Hawthorn) . Veteran Ormond back pocket star, Norman Pert was missing a game "as he walked down the aisle to that of all women - the alter" . 200 games to Coburg's Robbie Dugdale, 100 games to Collegians Captain-Coach Max Rush . St Kilda CBOC (D) was the only undefeated team . MHSOB was having a successful season on top in 'C' and Juniors - one loss in each section . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 0 "The Amateur Footballer" had a good advertising manager back in 1950 . Leading 'ad' on page 1 was "Melbourne Bitter-None Better" . Ormond got a fright against Geelong at Como Oval when they trailed by 14 points at half time and only managed to take control in the last quarter to win by 21 points .
Old Paradians battling to get in the 'B' section four, kicked themselves out of it by scoring 4 .23 against Collegians , and losing by 5 goals.
Winning Edge Presentations iwo rounds to play and interest is retained as to which teams will participate in the finals. Roun d 13 results were generally kind to me as I managed a 90% success rate. REVIEW ROUND 13 SECTION ONE It would seem now that the current top four sides will be the finalists . St Kevins had far more use of the ball than did Marcellin . whose straight kicking reduced St Kevins winning margin to fourteen points . De La Salle players still smarting from The General's" three quarter time "spray" the previous week . displayed much better form as they defeated an under manned Mazenod by eighty three points to virtually guarantee themselves fourth place . De La Salle were well served Paul Fisicaro, (5 goals), Shane Rudd (centre half back), Andrew Reed, in the centre and by rover (David Hegan . For Mazenod, veteran . Glenn Rogers . (his first game since 1998), Coach . "Barge" Bridgland", "Diesel" D'Rozario and "Moose" La Couter were best . In a match of contrasting forward accuracy Prahran defeated Old Scotch by seventy points . This wide winning margin was achieved despite each team scoring twenty times . Despite the intensive warm up by Old Scotch, Prahran held them scoreless in the first quarter whilst scoring seven goals themselves. Lack of forward cohesion cost Old Scotch dearlv and they now seem certain to miss their first final series for three seasons . Best players for Prahran included centre half back Dave Butterworth, key forward Nigel MacPherson, (5 goals), Terrv Lucas and Steve Ivak as ruck rovers . For Old Scotch none played better than Coach Simon Illingworth in the ruck. In a preview of the second Semi Final, Old Melburnians started brightly against Old Xaverians . The "O .M's", who were really well motivated kicked the first two goals and thus set the scene for a very competitive first halL which resulted in Old Melburnians holding a two point lead at half time . The second half provided a stark contrast as the Old Xaverians ran right away with the game and won convincingly by sixty points . So marked became the "Crocodile" ascendancy, the Old Melburnians could only kick one goal during the second half. Best players for Old Xaverians were full forward Ben Matthews (8 goals), full back Mark Fitz . Luke Hardwick and Tim O'Sullivan . For Old Melburnians defender Edward Atkinson, as well as the Reids. Brandon and William . whose last quarter mark would have won him "Mark of the Day" or "Almost Footy Legend" status if captured on video . Old B righton had the bye . SECTION TWO The composition of the final four remains in doubt as four teams contest two places . Yarra Valley kept their final's aspirations alive
when they defeated St ma-as by the minimum margin . S t Bernards, who remain --- - in fourth place only o n percentage . also must keep v. inning to qualif, for ii finals . For Y'arra Valley on bailers Cameron Box an, Karl Rozenberg as well as half back, Tony R'Sacvean werbest. For St Bernards Stuart Donnelly and "Muscle, Overman as well as defender . Crag Bond were best . Therry Penola an d Monash Whites played a hit : ; standard game in which the score was even at half flm' . In the third quarter, Therry Penola, largely through the ruck dominance of "Killer" Kilpatrick asserted their supremacy and went on to record a twenty three point victory. Best players for Monash Whites were, Glen O'Shaughnessy, Chris Howe. whose radar needs attention after he bumped team mate, Ned Halliday, as well as wingmen, Steve Dods and Matt Johnstone . Old Camberwell kicked eight goals in the first quarter against Parkside, who were unable to make any in road into their deficit for the remainder of the game. Only a three goal effort in the last quarter enabled Parkside to by fifty seven points in arrears when the game ended . Ruck man, Jeff Douglas was again best for Old Camberwell . He received great assistance from, Nvinâ&#x201A;Ź man David Steel and half forward Rod Heath, whc kicked six goals . In a match played under difficult conditions, lead . ers . Itupertswood received little opposition frorr Whitefriars, who only scored once and suffered defea by one hundred and three points . With a semi final ir three weeks the Rupertswood selectors were pleasec with the solid games played by Michael Nezzatesta ant Stuart Gallus . Other who played well for Rupertswooc included, rover Lucas Plummer, centre man Mar( O'Roilley (4 goals) and defender, Paul Sinnett . Old T rinity scored a surprise win by seventy nim points over Collegians, who cannot now qualify for . tfinals Old Ivanhoe moved p to third place as a conse quence of their mammoth victory by one hundred an( fifty four points over a disappointing Old Geelong . PREVIEW OF ROUND 14 SECTION ONE St Kevins. who have not lived up to expectations are mv selection to defeat Mazenod even on Centra Reserve .
Old Scotch have the opportunity to salvage prestig by defeating De La Salle . On the other hand, in thei last qualifying match . De La Salle will be anxious no only to please "The General", but also to impress th Prahran spectators . I select De La Salle . Leaders Old Xaverian ; should remain the onl undefeated side in the VAFA by winning agains Marcellin . TLIC AAAM1TC~ i~ Cf1~1TOAI 1 GO nnt
OId'-zelburnians should regain lost confidence b y k,-- Old Brighton, who have not enjoyed a sucson . pr-i,ran have the bye . S LCTIt; : TWO
stakes are high for the winner of the D ionash do need tiiiiliÂŤs versus Yarra Va ll ey match . Monash k t~ :_, to hope to compete in the first semi 1111w, wheretl :q eat for Yarra Valley will mean they will fail to qual,r the first semi final . Given the fact that Monash ded Therry Penola last week an d that the match is I c nash, I select the Whites to win. :;,er-Ty Penola should be largely untroubled to i ain second place as I select them to record a big I over Parkside, who are not talented enough to win this match . old Camberwell make the long journey north west o play Rupertswood who loom as premiership iavourites . Rupertswood should win this match .
Two of the disappointing teams in Collegians and Whitefriars meet in the Harry Trott Oval. Collegians
CLUB 18 (1) - 01 .07 .00
11 .8 15.10.100 5.2 8 .5 De La Salle: _:rc1od: 0.4 1 .4 2.4 2 .5 .17 ~e L~ Salle: Goat kickers and best players results not received. Mazenod: ,'.~116u . Fotherg'ill . Best : Collins. Harvey . Bridgtand . Smyth . Rogers. J -rio . Umpire: Tony Hall 4 .5 5.6 10 .9 12 .11 .83 gt gevins : 1 .0 7.2 8 .2 11 .3.6 9 se ! :w. 'ins : Bare 5. Kataalos 3 . Rattle. Finney . Mor~an . Best : Bare. Fogarty . . Colllns . Meagher. S Dillon, Mareellini :°/iozz , Arntstrong. O'Connor . J: natttrna. C t':ltitson. Best: Betissimo. Whitson . C Mathews . S I5u . Umpire : Brian Nunn :-.~:nenH.lSozz C< rr-,;;rran; 7.1 10 .1 12.2 17.3.105 0.6 2 .9 3.13 3.17.35 Old Scotch : prahran: Carthdge 9 . Macpherson 5 . :icas 3 . Best : Duck . Normbov, Lucas . Cee Jay, Ivak, Harrold . Old Scotch: Simpson 2 . MeCleish . Best : Illingworth, Tube . klongomery. Simpson . Suttle . Umpire: Tony Robbins Old Xaverians: 1.2 2 .6 7 .6 14 .7 .91 Old Melburnians : 2.2 3 .2 4 .4 4 .7 .31 Old Xaverians: Matthews 8. King 2. O'Sullivan 2. Fitzgerald . Smith . Best: Fitz . Fitzgerald, J Hardwick . O'Sullivan . Smith . B Matttiews .Old frlelburnians : Branch0otver. Cooper. Jensz. Rutherford . Best : tVn'g,ht . Derr aga. Burge. J Tomlinson, Read, Whitehead . Umpires: David Win ow fi Tony LiIley
should salvage some satisfaction by winning this match. Old Trinity should record another victory be defeating Old Geelong on the wide expanses of Como Park . Old Ivanhoe need to defeat St Bern ards to bolste r their chances of contesting the fmals . Victory is essential to St Bernards, if they hope to maintain their place among the top sides . There is no previous form to judge these sides as Old Ivanhoe, forfeited to St Bernards in round 3 . At home I favour Old Ivanhoe to win . Thanks to the seven clubs and two umpires who contacted me with match details . With the season drawing to a close please keep in contact by telephone 9467 2857 or by fax, 9467 2865 by noon Monday . SOCIAL
Monash Whites Reunion: After today' match against Yarra Valley, Monash Whites will be holding a re union of their 1998 premiership team . All players and supporters are welcome to this function . Victory over Yarra Valley will add to the enjoyment as then the Whites would remain in the final's race .
CLUB 18 (2) - 01 .07 .0 0 0.111 Wh3te.triars: 0.1 0 .1 0.1 Rupertsaood : 4.5 9 .9 13.15 14.21.105 Wiiltetrisrs: Goat kickers and best ptavers results not received . Rupertswood: O'12ilev 4 . Gallus 2. Hummer 2 . McGrath . McKenzie . Fox Weston. Mezzatesta Carmody . Best : ORtey. OCallaghan. West. Plummer . McKenzie. Mezzatesta. Umpires: Andrew Barrington 6 .3 9.8 11 .8 15.11 .101 Old Trinity: CoIlegians: 1 .0 1 .0 3.4 3.4 .22 : J Cade 4. Gamble 2 . C Treadurell 2 . Stebbins . Adgemis Lucas, Old Trtnity Wallace. Boyd. Nankenis . Malais. Best : Markus. BoF~d . Brady . Anderson. Roberts. C Treamvell . Collegians: Lumley 2 . Hains. Besi: Lumley. Morrison. Hains. Letcluord . Jayatilake. Burn . Umpires: Tony Jackso n 9 .6.60 4.2 6.3 7 .5 Ysrra Valleys 8 .5 9 .5.59 St Bermards: 4.0 5.4 Yarra'lValley: Verdnik 3 . Ketsakidis 2. SmiIlie 2 . Giles. Ber. McKay. Best : Verdnik. Box. Dickson. M Ross . Glles. MacVean . St Bemardn: Grav 4. Overman 2 . Han-is, Bishop . Gtofhe . Best: Gioffre . Dotmelly. Overman. Gray. HarrLs . Umpires: Paul Nailer 0 .1 0 .1 1 .1 1 .1 .7 Old Geelong : Old Ivanhoe: 6 .5 11 .14 17.17 23.23 .161 Old Geeiong: Kemp . Best : Rews. Richardson . Morgan . Kemp. MacKinnon. Landv . Old Ivanhoe : ward 7. Cormack 4 . Wilson 3. Loisenson 2 . Herse 2. Taylor 2 . RlssVOm . Coulahan. Maycoek Best: Ward. Taylor, Sigley. Bernet, Weir, Weisz. Umpires: Paul Rapke 11 .5.71 merry Penola : 7 .6.48 Monash Whites: merry Penole: Zametti 3. Baden 3 . Jones 2. S Lees . Donohue. Costello. Best: Boden. Fenn. Word . Jones. Ratchtiffe . F.ktsJestone. 3Sonash Whites : O'Shawiessv 2. Collier. S Dods. Roberts, L tb'oods .Riddle'. Best: S Dods. B Dods. 0'Shamtessy. M Woods. Rowe . Johnstone. Umpires: Michael Sneddo n Old Camberwell : 8.1 8.7 11 .13 15.13.103 0.3 2 .9 3.10 6.10.46 Parksidc: Old Camberwell: Heath 6, Church 4 . C Jones 2 . 24 Steel. Essery. Best: Douglas. D Steel. Heath . M Steel. Kellv. Parkside: Masinelll2. Varalla 2. Sherlock . Taylor. Best: Taylor. Staub . Inglis. Mauielii. D'Rozario. Hussain. Umpires: Ray KMdlow
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$i5ia0 '10 THE vVE v NiNG CLUB Points have been allocated for Rounds 10-11 matches . A senior team win receives 12 points : reserves win 6 points and an U19 win receives 3 points CLUB SER, OI,D ESSENDON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . BEAUMARIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . NORTH OLD BOYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.5 OLD SCOTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . THERRY PENOLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . OLD BRIGHTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . OLD TRINITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . POWERHOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll . MONASH BLUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . OLD XAVERIANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . UNIVERSITY BLACKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . DE LA SALLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 . *MAZENOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . 'ST BERNARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .g .
YARRA VALLEY 0 B BENTLEIGH . . . . . . . . . . AQUINAS . . . . . . . . . . . . ORMOND . . . . . . . . . . . . BANYULE . . . . . . . . . . . . ".NORTH BRUNSWICK PARKSIDF, ST KENC<S . . . . . . . . . . . BULLFI ; :COBRAS . . . . . ELST1I :',:117ICK . . . . . . . . RICH' .i()'D CENTRAL . . . SALESI ;`~' . . . . . . . . . . . . ST MARYS . . . . UNIVERSITY.BLUES . . . OLD WESTBOURNE . . . . ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . ELTIIAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . OLD CAMBERWELL . . . . SYNDAL TALLY-HO . . . . . KEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRAFIRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . MENTONE . . . . . . . . . . . THOMASTOWN . . . . . . . . UHSOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OLD HAILEYBURIANS . . . OLD PARADIANS HA W THORN CITIZENS MT LILYDALE OC . . . . . . WEST BRUNSWICK . . . . . MHSOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . OLD MELBURNIANS . . . . PENINSULA . . . . . . . . . . +~t'HITEFRIAI2S 0 C . . . . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE MARCELLIN . . . . . . . . . . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY WERRIBEE . . . . . . . . . . . "COLLEGIANS . . . . . . . . OLD CAREY . . . . . . . . . . ELEY PARK . . . . . . . . . . . GLEN EiRA . . . . . . . . . . . OLD IVANHOE . . . . . . . . IVANHOE/ASSUMPTION . OLD GEELONG . . . . . . . . FITZROY REDS . . . . . . . . &ALBERT PARK . . . . . . . MONASH GRYPHONS . . . BRUNSWICK . . . . . . . . . . OLD MENTONIANS . . . . . RUPERTSWOOD . . . . . . . LA TROBE UNI . . . . . . . . OAKLEIGH . . . . . . . . . . .
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RES. . .11 . . . . . ll . . . . .10 . . . . .11 . . . 11 .5 . . . . .6 . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . II . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . .9 . . . . . .11 . . . . . . 12 . . . . . .10 . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . .9 . . .
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U-19 . . . . . . . .I1 . . . . . . . .12 . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . .11 . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . . . .3 . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . .9
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TOTAL . . . . . . . . .231 . . . . . . . . .222 . . . . . . . . .204 . . . . . . . . .204 . . . . . . . . .201 . . . . . . . . .198 . . . . . . . . .198 . . . . . . . . . 198 . . . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . .195 . . . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . 192 . . . . . . . . .189 . . . . . . . . .189 . . . . . . . . .189
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.187 .5 .17 7 .174 .174 .171 .171 . .169 .5
. .168 . . . . . . . . . . . .165 . . . . . . .162 . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . .156 . . . . . . .156 . . . . . . . 153 . . . . . . .150 . . . . . . .138 . . . . . . .138 . . . . . . .132 . . . . . . . 132 . . . . . . .129 . . . . . . . 126 . . . . . . .123 . . . . . . .120 . . . . . . .120 . . . . . . . 120 . . . . . . .114 . . . . . . .114 . . . . . . .111 . . . . . . .108 . . . . . . .108 . . . . . . . 10 5 . . . . . . .105 . . . . . . .10 2 . . . . . . . 102 . . . . . . . 102 . . . . . . . .99 . . . . . . . .99 . . . . . . . .96 . . . . . . . .90 . . . . . . . .90 . . . . . . . .8 1
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Tuc - ,,r - - -- „~ I -
6 . Your roles and responsibilities as a coach should be clear and an agreement is a good place to record them . Things like : who do you report to (the club as a whole, the Committee, the President, the coaching committee)? What athlete/teams are you responsible for? What other coaches are you responsible for? Also the level of your authority should be clear. For example you can charge equipment needed for training to the club? If so what level? Do you need to submit a budget for your expenses ? 7 . Risk management is one of those words you hear often, but as a coach you have a duty of care to the athletes you coach to ensure they are not injured or harmed . If you are coaching young athletes, that duty is even higher . While an agreement with your club won't stop injuries or remove that duty of care, the issue of who is responsible can be clearly determined to minimise your liability . For example are you, or the club, or the grounds caretaker responsible for ensuring the safety of the equipment used in your game, be it be goal posts, hurdles, ball machines, etc ? 8 . Policies and codes of ethics are increasingly being produced by sports for you to sign on . If a sport has policies and procedures which you are bound by, then make sure you have them! For example anti doping, anti harass-
ment, pregnancy and infectious diseases policies are matters about which you could legal obligations. By requiring the sport to list the policies that apply to you in the agreement, and then supplying you with them, you will be clear about what those obligations are . 9 . Insurance is another area that should be covered in the agreement . Does your club or association have personal injury and public liability cover which includes you? What if someone defames you as a coach? Will your legal expenses be paid to sue them? What if one of your athletes sues you? Will that be covered? You'll be surprised that many sports do not have adequate cover for these situations . So get copies of the relevant policies, read them, and if necessary get some advice on them . So ask your club or association for a written document recording the various matters you have agreed to in taking on the role as a volunteer coach . You will be better appraised of your responsibilities and what your sport will provide for you . Then you can get on with what you do best - coaching . Part (2) of (2) re-printed Maria Shand Senior Associate Rigby Cooke Lawyers, Melbourne .
'TI Bowe n
iew results again highlighting the absence o f any 'easy wins' this year, as Kew (9th ) knocked off Parkside (3rd), Fitzroy Reds (10th) giving Thomastown (4th) a scare, and West Brunswick (8th) almost defeating the ladder leaders .
Vultures Emmett, Levett and Chris O'Meara played well, while Cunningham, Ryan and Neville did the job for the Blacks .
REVIEW Kew registered another terrific win when i t outplayed a fairly lacklustre Parkside outfit. In a mistake-riddled match, Kew led at every change and the Red Devils were unable to match them for passion . Kew tails proved a stumbling block, with Sam Bruno dominant at CHB, and King posting 5 majors . McCall continued his good form in the ruck for Parkside, while onballers Hockey and Matthews also battled hard . In an even performance, Kew's best included Connolly, Horgan, Cullen and Palmer . West _1 k were leading the more fancied Yarra Vall :y at 3 t 4 time, and no doubt left thinking of what might have been eventually going down by 9 points. Without a report from either side, its hard to say a great deal, except that coming from behind to win is the mark of a good side, and Yarra Valley appear to be just that . Fitzroy Reds and :_i to' a had a great contest in which neither side was able to draw away for most of the afternoon . The Bears correctly surmised that the Reds are far better than their I win suggests, and it wasn't until the last quarter that they shook the home side . Thomastown, whose best included Arcoraci, Dimaggio, Uket and Gorski, moved up a notch into third . Best for the Reds were Wharf, Addicott and Jackson . Salesian started superbly against Peninsula to take a commanding lead into the first break . The Pirates controlled most of the second quarter to claw their way back into the game, but remained off the pace for the remainder of the match. Campbell played a terrific game in the ruck, and was well supported by Bowman, Thain and Canavan . Salesian were understandably pleased to honour Ivan Bobetic's 150th with a win, who again was a model of consistency . Cook was the best for the Pirates . Mentone hosted Uni Blacks, but the visitors were able to 2-3 goal buffer for most of the match . Wilson had a successful day around the goals booting 6, and the Blacks were able to close out the game with a solid final term . The Blacks wanted to pass on their best wishes to Mentone's Matt Sullivan, who ruined what was otherwise a great personal game by going down with what looks to be a serious leg injury . For the vanquished
PREVIEW Match of the round status probably goes to the clash between Yarra Vall ey and Parkside . Yarra were pushed last week and will enjoy any home ground advantage, while Parkside will be looking to ensure their endeavour has lifted from last week . Given reasonable conditions there should be a few good grabs taken as both sides possess some quality tails . Yarra's runners have continued to do the job, so I'll back them to do it once again by 16 points . ?`hormastown take on West Brunswick full of confidence after (finally) winning three on the trot . There's no way the Bears will easily relinquish the one game break they have on 4th position, but that is just as well because the Wests will continue to push those above them . I'd expect some key battles in the midfield, where Thomastown have impressed with some of their centre clearances of late. The Bears to win at home by 8 points . Salesian face Fitzroy Reds, and despite some fluctuating form, remain in fourth position, but with the familiar group of teams breathing down its neck . This is one they cannot afford to drop, and I don't believe they will, although the Reds are showing positive signs and are starting to kick enough goals to remain a chance . Salesian by 26 points . Kew play Mentone in what should prove a real arm wrestle of a game. The K's have played very well of late, although the Vultures generally do OK if it's a bit of a slog . With just percentage keeping them outside the four, Mentone's final's fortunes could well rest on the outcome of this match, and I feel this motivation may get them through . Kew have commanded much more respect and will again throw everything at their opponents, but the Vultures look to have a shade more up forward and provided they can get the ball up there, should prevail by 13 points . Uni Blacks play Peninsula with much changing since their earlier encounter . The Blacks have remained strong, though not without a few hiccups, while the Pirates have well and truly fallen off the pace . The home side looks to have too many winners around the ground to be seriously threatened but Peninsula will certainly have a crack .
- congratulate
:ravi s
"Slu^ger" Reddaway for achieving 100 g :rues . As a{ough and hard backline player Trav has always put his body on the line for his teammates and the club . Also, our Club Treasurer Bruce "The Ghost" Morrison plays 50 games this week, somewhat a late bloomer Bruce has worked hard to become a hard running midfielder . Well done to both great clubme n New - congratulate reserve HBF Robbie Bruno on playing his 150th game today against 1blentone . Recruited from North Kew in '88 son established himself and played in the B reserve premiership of that year. However a knee reconstruction curtailed a promising career that has seen only 34 senior games . In the reserves Robbie is a dual B&F winner, has been team VC and played in (2) premiership teams . Off the field Robbie is serving the club well as Vice President . Good luck Today Robbie from all at Kew .
SENIORS - 01 .07.00 Parkside: 3 .3 4 .4 6.4 8.10.58 Ke,-: 5 .6 6 .8 7.15 12.16.88 Par:;aide: Ryan 3. ;♦;atthews 2. Reginato. Stoneitouse. Vita. Best : Hockev, McCa1l . Matthews . Regmato. Dale, Chiicott. l:w: Kin 5 . Hor an 2. Cracknell . Lalranehi. Mackay . ?AeCarttry . Tkietti. Best : onno(Iv. ~ullen . Word. Palmer. Sbaw, Brno. Ump'rres: Ron Mart}m: David D' Aitera (F) . Daniel Stephens (B) Bruce Stephens (G ) West Brunswick: 4 .2 6 .8 10.9 13.9.87 Yarra valley: 3 .2 5 .4 8.8 14.12.96 West Brunswick: S Benjantht 5, J Gross 2. Smith 2 . R Benjantht . edwards . Hamilton . Best : O'Brien, G Malone . S Benjantut. Clarke . Lehmann, Tob61 . Yarra Vall ey : Mcllrath 4 . Hancock 2 . R Drew 2. He . P Crenean . B Peake, t.aloppi.117tite ; B Domts. Best : B DoL4ats . B Peake, J Cremeatt . M Laing . Ho . Valoppi. Umpire: Dash Peiris (F) Fitzroy Reds: 5 .3 8 .9 14.12 17.13.115 Thomastoam: 5 .3 9.5 14.8 24.11 .155 Fitzroy Reds: Urbancll 3 . ~"litarf 3 . Kane 2. Bishop 2, B Hart 2, P Jackson . T hlitcltell. McBurnev. Addicott . Diabenedetto . Best: A9tarf. Addteott. T Jackson . Urbancil . ATcBurnev . B Mitchell . Thomastown: Gorski 7, Uket 5, Flemin 3. Ward 3 . Thomas 2 . Hohues 2 . Capeci . Farcittone . Best: Arcoraei, Dimasio. Uket. Gorski . Greek. Holmes . Umpire: Alan Ladd (F ) Salesian: 14 .14.98 Peninsula: 7 .11.53 Salesian : Than 5, Logan 2. Bourke . Brown. Canavan, Cooke . OldBeld . R Stevens, Sutherland. ~est: Cam1rt>ell. Canavan . Bo~Sanan . Thakt . Bobetio. Bouchard. Peninsula : Dietzsch 3 Payee 2 . McMahon. Higgins. Best : Cook, Bowen . S Parsons . Prendergast. Poi+ney, Sharpin. Umpires: Bob McLeod: Chris Stevens (F ) Mentone Amateurs : 4.2 8.5 10 .6 12 .9 .81 University Blacks : 7.4 10.10 13.14 18.18.126 Marione Amateurs: Mick Sullivan 3 . R'hite 3 . C O'Meara 2 . Dixon . Matt Hovav. Perrin . Stephens. Best : Matt SnWt~t, D Emmett . Lovett, C O'Meara. Galla7tger. t4~ltite . University Blacks : A Wilson 6, Beaton 3. Rvan 3 . Hannon 2 . Bowden. Caccawello, Cunningham. i<4ellht~ss Best : Ctmninghant . ft%an. ~iek411e, Moodv. Wilson, Bowden . Umpires : Peter Woods; Peter Griffiths (F), Scott Pearse (B)
RESERVES - 01 .07 .00
33 33 31 28 27
Parkside : 8.2 11.4 15 .7 22 .13 .145 Kew-. 2.1 2.2 5 .2 6.3 .39 Parkaide : Martinez 4, Singleton 4 . Copley 3. Stuart 2, Constantint 2. Antonopoulos 2. Allan 2 . Davev. Ltbroaperto . Pan ari . Best : Alan . Carmody. Constantini . Coplev, McCall. b'tartinez. Kew: Baker 3 . Wayland 2, D Ryan . Best : Jensen, Melrierney . Baker, Waylaid, Bolts, Nigro. West Brunswick: 2,2 2,3 3 .5 3.5 .23 Yarra valley: 1.1 1 .7 2.9 6.13 .49 West Brunswick : Disisto 2 . Vitale. Best: Baker, Shand . Lanvon . C Lewis, Flana~an . Sheppard . Yarra Va lley : Keem 2 . Bumma. H Park . M Wines, gturz er. Bes9: Lorden . T Fyf( e . Potter. Joiner, Morrison, Keem. Fitzroy Reds : 2 .4 4 .8 9 .14 16 .15 .111 2 .2 4 .5 5.7 8.10.58 Thomastouret: Fitzroy Reds: Prior 6 . Hea6pv 2. Samsbury 2 . Bramiev 2. Makedesi . Cook . Proctor. Box. Best : Box, Hea thv . Cook . Satns6urv. James . Prior. Thomastown : Scarps 6. Aletzzos . iM1iorabito. Best: PlomTig(it . Scarps, Wright . Kelly. Morabito. Capect . 10.14 .74 Saiesian: .10.64 Peninsula : 9 Salesian: Forbes 3 . Chapman 2 . Kirchner 2, Maillard• Agar. Hunt . Best : Kucttner. Forbes, Radi. A Gas~an . Seager. Hunt. Peninsula: Krohn 5 . : Franks . Krohn . Shorten . Splatt. Warner. Franks 2 . Harding, Warner. Besi White ,
Mentone Amateurs: 1 .0 2 .3 3.3 4 .4.28 University Blacks : 5 .6 11 .8 17.11 24 .16.160 Mentone Amateurs: O'Brien . Perrett, Sntlth, lVaterson . Best: P Emmett . Johnstone . Pervert, Kin . University Blacks: Howell Z Gfle~c 3, Costello 2 . Tense 2 .Murphv 2, Ktte~ten 2 . Beaiev 2, Abbott . Dunond . Seo[tot, De Bondt. Best : Costello. b!L-tsenht . Howell. 3iocvn . Thlcaiti . Murphy.
TtJC AldM1TCi lO C(1(17RAI 1 CQ 7, -
Senior Coach: Grant Hammond Res Coach : Darren Kane
Coach: Serge D'Angelo Res .: Greg Crimmins
1 M Frisby 2 A WalsFi 3 C Thatcher 4 M Carrache r
1 B. Lafranchi 2 L . Fitzgerald 3 G . Horgan 4 G . Crimmins (RC) 5 L . Bradley 6 N . Tinetti 7 D . Mitchell a J . Doumis 9 S . McCarthy 10 B . Cullen (VC) 11 B . Shaw
6 JD Bennie 7 J Doyle 8 M Farrell 9 C Prior RVC 10 A Urbancic 11 B Mitchell VC 12 C Sheather 13 M Jame s 14 T Clarke 15 B Campbell 16 M Wharfe 17 B Lee 18 J Horridg e 19 P Cook 20 T Mitchell 21 A Sainsbury 22 M Sammon 23 T Jackson 24 K Gratta n 25 P Jackson VC 26 B Buic k 27 J Loft 28 N Hall 29 D East 30 B Foster 31 P Crowe 32 T Hart 33 S Drury C 34 D Litt le 35 A Mackinnon RC 36 W Fawaz 37 G Hanlon 38 N Bishop 39 A Geor e 40 G Bance 41 R Burq man 42 I McBurnie 43 T Villani 44 B Hart 45 G Hassett 46 P Heaphy 48 A Corponi 49 A Puglia
50 B Aggenbach 50 E Kyriacou 51 J Rawling s 52 B OConner RVC 53 S Addicott 54 B Worsley 55 N Mathews 56 T Madden B Neal 59 R Johnstone 61 B Tirrell 62 N Auden 63 G Makdes i 64 D Trindade 65 5 Bramley 66 D Timm s 67 R Proctor 68 D Simmond s 69 K Teesdale
70 S Dibendetto 71 P Gun n 72 M Dikeakos 73 H Irving 74 N Fitzpatrick 75 W Daniel 80 G Box 81 J Hamilto n 82 P Howorth 84 Z Senburgs 85 J Whelen 88 S Greenwood 99 P Diacogiogis eiooe, ne~ r 1ft rBelbourne
12 J . Growcott
13 C. Kyriaku 14 J . Looker 15 C . Bradley (VC) 16 D . Wood 17 J . Griffiths 18 N . King (C) 19 J . Dennis 20 M . Raffaele 21 B . Woodhouse 22 J. Pero n 23 R . Baker
24 G . Palmer 25 S . Campbell
26 M . Channon(VC) 26 P. Nagy 27 T. Connolly 28 D . Cracknell 29 J . Barnes 30 C . Giansante 31 A. Well s 32 D . Mac kay 33 D . Waylan d 34 C . Dodso n 35 R . Bruno 36 S . Ryan 37 J . Landwehr 38 L . D'Angelo 39 M . Mclnerny 40 C. Hibbard
41 L. Jensen 42 G . O'Conner 43 M . Xuereb 44 J . Bell 45 R . Perr i
46 M . Fitzgerald 47 M . Lamb e 48 A. Acfiel d 49 D . Ryan 50 J . Dento n 51 M . Blair 52 R . CamPa9n a 53 M . Bolis 54 D . Antonello 55 B . Johnsto n 56 T. Fox 57 B . Pug h 58 C. Watts 59 D. Russo 60 L. Ainswo rth 61 S . Mouss i 62 B . McGauchi e 63 D . Dunlevi e 64 N . Nigro 65 J . Se tte 66 T. Goodfellow 67 T. Beattie 68 B . McGauchi e 99 S . Bruno
~ Coach: Ken Wood Res . Coach: Peter Hirst
Coach: Laurie Zarafa Res Coach : Mark Rowe
1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergini 3 S . Pino 4 D . Warren 5 D . Cusack 6 D . Stuart 7 J . Dale 8 J . Chilcott (C) 9 A . Constantine 10 A . Vit a 11 B . Hocke y 12 D . McCall (VC )C) 13 A. Copley 14 V. Romano 15 D . Moodie 16 T. Ryan 17 A . Romano 18 A . Reginato 19 C . Williams 20 D . Singleton 21 M . Tessari 22 R . Wis e 23 S . Barra tt 24 R. Marull i 25 M . McPherson 26 S . Ross 27 J . Sculley 28 R . Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 M . Yandle 31 C . Austin 32 J . McCall 33 K . Allan (RC) 34 A . Starkie 35 G. Panjari 36 S . Bock 37 J . Panjari 38 F. darrigo 39 S . Cudmore 40 L. Inserra (DVC) 41 E . Linares 42 P. Dean 43 J . Hubbar d 44'P. Soligo 45 R . D'Ademo 46 J . Reginato 47 B. Pollock 48 C . Datson 49 B . Hnason 50 B . Carman 51 M . Helmick 52 C . Cecchinell i 53 M . Ianell o 54 M . Jesse 55 J . Eastwood 56 G . Massett 57 T. Gallagher 58 D . Lobosco 59 T. Pattern 60 D . Moore 61 B. Murphy 62 D . Rees 63 J . Sambuca 64 T. Thomas 65 M . Scarp a 66 M . wise 67 D . Ingli s MENTONE R.S.L . 68 D . Stav e 9 Palermo St, 69 S . Dave y Mentone 70 S . Datso n
1 , M . Hovey 2 . R. Gallagher . M . Dixo n 33 K. Wood 4 C . Bray 4 D . Emmett 5 T. White 6 C . Stephens 7 K . Gurtler 8 D . Perri n 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebire 10 T Stillman 11 C. O'Meara 12 M . Davies 12 T. Fava 13 A . King 14 C . McCann 15 Mick Sullivan 15 A. Fimister 16 P. Sulliva n 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 18 R . Waterson 19 D . Prosser 20 C . Groves 21 D . Kelly 21 D . Bate 22 P. Murp y 23 Matt Sullivan 23 V. O'Conno r 24 X . Smit h 25 G . Uptin 27 M . Wis e 28 M . O 'Brie n 29 A. Hovey 30 N . Freese 31 T. Templeton 32 B . Coleman 33 D . Andrew 34 D . Sheehan 35 C . Brown 35 M . Johnstone 37C . Reeves 37 J . Stern 38 S . Perazzo 40 D. Nichol s 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 46 G . Templeton 47 G . Ansalde 48 M. Walsh 52 M . Etcell 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 57 D . Frase r 58 J . Noonan 59 S . Wiggin s 61 K . Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 67 P. Dynes 70 T Roger s 73 M . O' Mear a 74 S . Ponton 76 P. Hirst 77 B . Flemin g 78 M . Cerrite l i 99 D. Horle r
Function Room Restaurant * Pokies
9583 2841
.A O .B .
Coach: Brett Mcllwrafl h Res Coach: Chris Gowri e
1 S . Parsons 2 S . McMaho n 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E . Bowe n 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warne r 7 S . Murray 8 P. Angu s 9 . P. Kroh n 10 A. Hayle y 11 H . Woodman 12 R . Powney
13 R . Sharpi n 14 15 B . Coo k 16 S . Claringold 17 18 S . Glover 19 A . Murph y 20 S . Prendergast 21 R. Splatt
22 A . Atchiso n 23 A . Burke 24 B . Wight 25 J . Atchiso n 26 R . Neal 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 B . Nelso n 30 R . Blood 31 A . Land ry 32 A . Parsons 33 P. Dietzsch 34 T. Brade n 35 B . Szony i 36 N . Bowman 37 T Stewart 38 B . Brow n 39 B. Jarrett 40 G . Pattiso n 41 S. Farrow 42 P. Findlay 43 S . White 44 45 M . Higgins
46 A . O'Nei l 47 L. Palmer 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 P. Jubbe r 51 M . Alle n 52 R . Osmon d 53 T. Harding 54 55 C . Wilson 56 C . Bowma n 57 H . Shorten 58 M . Sampso n
59 J . Powel l 60 N . Frank s 61 A . Thripp 62 A . Bonne r 69 J . Mui r
71 A . Ingli s 72 M . Jesse
73 5 . Carmod y 74 B . Cassano T~o na .nro~ ~o cnnron~ i o0 onnn
SALESIAN Coach : Matt Sexton sst Coach : D . Oldfield es coach: Jim Glenna
1 M . Bourke 2 3 S. Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M. Canavan 6 R . Cincotta 6 G . Gaspari 7 S. Logan 9 A. Campbel l 10 D, Oliver 11 A. Davey
12 A. Gaspari 13 I . Bobetic 14 J. McLaren 15 D . Ievoli 16 A. Chaippini 17 Matt Forbes 18 A. Sexton 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seeger
21 R. Napoli 22 A. Anderson 23 M . Smith 24 A. G race 25 B. Kirchner 26 J . Nannes 27 M . Mansfiel d 28 M . Byrne 29 Mick Forbes 30 D. Campbell 31 S. Oldfield 32 A. Stevens 33 S . Trakas 34 D. Gheblikian 35 C. Baxter 36 S . Nola n 37 J . Brennan 38 S . Koutaplis 39 A. Thain 40 M . Forer 41 R. Nahas 42 P. Evans 43 M . Cooke 44 C. Hunt 45 S . Horvath 46 D. Nanne s 47 S . Baxter 48 A . Roberts 49 J . Gianna 50 D. Blake 51 M . McCarthy 52 S . Egan 53 Pat Forbes 54 Paul Forbes 55 P. Bouchard 56 C . Malliard 57 E . Malliard 58 M . Bates 59 S . Bobetic 60 S . McGain 61 E Hanaphy 62 P. Pitts 63 G. Riley 64 B . Bowman 65 D . Sutherland 66 M . Sutherland
THOM ASTOWN Coach: Gordon Burrows Res Coach : Wayne Cooper 1 V.Capeci
2 B .BYro n 3 A .Smith 4 G .Petsinis 5 L . Smith 6 D .Godino 7 S .Plant 9 A .Gentis 10 R .ScoH 11 Z .Fleming 12 A .Farquer 13 G .Scarpa 14 J .Alexander 14 A . Ward 15 L .DelPapa 16 D . Farchione 16 A . Faure 17 D .Gorski 18 F.Arcoraci 19 M . Sinni 21 E .Lentini 23 R .Dima ggt o 24 B.Smith 25 R .Kennedy 26 C . Renna 27 G . Paskoski 28 L .Morabito 29 P.Meade 30 P.McCallum 31 S. Oehm 33 M . Uket 34 P. Corboy 35 A.Eccles 36 J .Theodorou 40 B.Thomas 41 A.Cummaudo 42 L . Alevizos 43 S. Smith 44 C .Chapkoun 45 P. Janevski 46 L. Biles 47 D .Plowright 48 A. Naughton
51 E . Valentino 52 C . Sambams 53 C . Hansen 54 D . Wright 56 L. Downing 59 P.Scopelliti 62 P. Bragagnolo 65 S . Holmes 65 P. Vu 67 N .Grech 71 S . Mineo
Ul : . : . :1TY - -~- A11110 Coach : Kane Bowden Res Coach : Ben Sullivan
1 G Darroch 2 S Chandler 4 M Vaughan 5 R Mackie 6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pascoe 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 14 J Trevaskis 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 J Radford 18 T Wilson 19 J Ralp h 20 E Hannan 21 H Cameron 22 B Sellenger 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfield 26 M Laffy
29 D Hayes 30 J Maguire 31 M Foster 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 A Willis 36 N Abbott 41 L Maguire 42 A Gadd 44 P Forbes 47 B Murphy 48 J Martin 49 J Weber 51 A Neville 53 N Remfry 54 A McNicol
55 S Vegte r 56 JPRice 57 K Begely 58 T Krake 59 T Thornton 60 J Marr 61 J Farrington 62 J Ryan 63 D Strachan 64 S Mahoney 65 K Sartori 66 J Mirtschin 67 J Mirtschin 68 A Metcalfe 70 D Mee k 71 H Peck 72 S Dimond 73 S Jones 74 P O'Beirne
75 A Paton 76 B Smith 77 D Wals h 78 D Files 79 B Flynn 80 R Greig
WEST 1 Coach: Tim Pontefract Res. Coach: Paul Weir
1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 D Caonan 5 A Cannane 6 D Keys 7 S Benjamin 8 L Petchel 9 C Kerr 10 S Byrne 11 J Heywoo d 12 B Clark 13 S Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 M Hamilton 18 A Baud 19 P Shand 20 D Edwards 21 S McNamara 22 R Hudson
23 24 JP~e Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R Benjami n 27 D Pendergast 28 J Ward 29 D Campbell 30 M Lewis 31 S Jackson 32 S D'Andrea 33 D Whyte 34 I Twyford 35 B Hamilton 36 P Harris 37 C Irvin e 38 T Moore 39 L Brown 40 B Baker 41 A Walker 42 A Stockdal e 43 J Tobin 44 S Gason 45 J Smit h 46 C Price 47 C Lehmann 48 M Moore 49 D Howley 51 L Sherry 52 D Zanella 53 J Gross 54 R Sefton 55 M Clyne 56 G John 57 C Lewis 58 D Williams 59 A Krosche l 60 S Lanyon 61 A Edwards 62 S Dishon 63 J Gartlan 64 J Uebergang 65 B Norma n 66 M Malone 67 P Tuckwell 68 C Plazzer 69 R Hussey 70 D Zanella 71 J . Chislett 72 R . Christie 73 C . Cowland 74 M . Gleeson 75 T. Gross 76 R . Howell 77 C . Norman 99 B Micali
YARRA VALLEY Coach: Tim Killwort h Res Coach: Wayne Reddaway
1 R Pearc e 2 T Morris 3 R Thompso n 4 M Fun g 5 A Dre w 6 D Hows e 7 J Down s 8 L Morris 9 J Kee m 10 T Hancoc k 11 F Macvean 12 J Cremea n 13 0 Kysela 14 E Krus e 15 J Koenan 16 L Taylo r 17 A Laing 18 L White 18 D Ros s 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hal e 21 M . Wi ne s 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davie s 25 S Lloyd 26 J Longwort h 27 A Rowe 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutt s 30 D Potter 31 B Sturzake r 32 C Heffernan 33 P Cremea n 34 A Cusan o 35 B Peak e 36 R Penalun a 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morriso n 39 T Reddaway 40 T Fyff e 41 B. Down s
42 A. Ston e 43 H Park 44 J . Ho 45 L Ree s 46 B Butle r 47 D Lan g 48 R Davie s 49 S Seabourne 50 T Kennedy 51 S Gadd 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrath 55 S Taylo r
57 S Keho e 58 G Ker r 59 A Joiner 61 P. Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurc h 71 M Lain g 74 A. Midlan d
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® . One of,.
oonnie. ar shis U300th game th sswR kendn fnr more tha
We've spoken about this next bloke a few times thi s ~nP~ year but he Former VAFA M the of Victorian deserves another mention- under l8 Chris Donlon tivas °toe officiate at A . 1le'se of th e umpires Championships selected last week National Champ the ~U Umpire eo le the way up after wining.tlts gs asking how p good to see him doing Year o'ant aseason and i st heAm os are g g ht on July 22
SThe t ritri, '-y V 51-yem-Old has been uu'arvt of his career at led mars an pell layed football until h e, was an 20 YeS d ith had .S o ea being in the middle of the action joined ~A suggested he hang up in g and jur of goal umpiring,. No~'~• he toldon them where to the eve of hi h~ OOtehna~ e the amateurs arne he said he hated the thoug p to be a g They (the ~A) didn't want rne300 e umpire d well. with Team retirement " e• So to think that 1 hav ~ .A that I about t 1YasTa1yesome tenvards umpire uumpire 0 Don'tforgee l field - arn es after being told by that's a rea Last year's and the kick °n ~ n k om to goal umpire I thi O'DonoghUe ~vinnfng ~bloods nearly outnumw youn5 e should be a •lways said that this thought hat as just as good . Thes tooSta t f t mmad e achievement. `I've a my mind I way ngf you ttables e bered the older tePtion . be mv last year . In ateur games and then retir . I've comp ly healthy ~ck to I'd get to umpue 300 am When but t now that 1'm here I don't know about that . It's a free . "I like umpiring too much . now . n decision mind I've also thought that e infringement ..emnt Eve The correct cd centre square th a changed my retirin g ?um of become Whitefriars for a ha I might eid umpire q less than etmrtted to I've thou lit about that for Years d no pla}er Mazeno when 1 fimsh "I've as a fibeen thinkin though uare, is p four players in the sq the ffeld umpue . . But f e gtos1nvled bnot su r goal umpire l enter the square from thetotim because I d~vano stop being a field umpire cause commences his approach bounce until the bal Smith will ~nP that I'm ready do I can ~e veteran Patweaeb wish hits the ground . 1 still think all game with 500 g ence out there. .au Fax 9564 ~a ~ac oncom 300th p C .o'donoghue so there's a lot of eX craig ll on his big day . Ath Simon olive hun we ® It's a big week for milestones '0 the group afte r oined Olive j the th . more celebrating his 5games 0 50 for St Kevins in the than umpiring d has quickly advanced through tt Justi Garre n reserves an ent!on grades . We shoul~ed his 50th match ~ter return who recentlv u lyears overseas . fng from severa q11-1,S YOUR DECISION? Whitefriars has 0 Just e the following ' r another centre clearance . imagin hhas just kicked a~P goal after anothe m top in the ruck and+Mazenta t e The rij1° ed its centre square ~~~ " r --
re recefves the ball from e re-arran.g The field umpire the run on t runs o t pla h Ju t as tile f field boundary urnp'?'rtes theeh who star square and awa roach to bounce the ball, p umpire begins his itaphas Mazenod realises only three players in th square and the rover starts screamin for someonee into . man ground . The e to come in and help out The wingyhat•s your the square before the ball hits thre ' whistle sounds' you're the umpi e decision? low for the decision you should hav See be _r Craig set to bounce while adettulations oal umpue ?J _ gets n rn to g atch last ® A big congra Umpire P eter Simpsolook on 31 m Sectio lhisfrt players High Arnoiwho officiated S~ s yem fro n University OS and OM . At 1101 joi s and has doneAwek extremely School Old Boy .1 1 C~ •JnM1n d C!~(lTf]! ~ Tuc n/nTC
PLAYERS F THEI 4s~ i _ '_~ G ,IR U
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W速 速 速 Thomas FumiC Matches go according to ladder positions in Round 8 Keilor recorded their second win for the year over Broadrneadows 2 . The young Kangas giving their all but the saints were too powerful . North Ballarat gave notice that they are back on track with a gi eat win over Broadmeadows 1, clearly designating a finals four side from the rest . The Knights were too powerful all over the ground . Maribyrnong had to fight hard to shake off a persistent Hawthorn unit, who fought their game right out to the end . The Bulldogs win securing fourth place for now . While the Hawks continue to push all sides without luck . Geelong 1 and Karingal 1 played a scratch match as Colac forfeited to Karingal 1 and the Cats had the bye . Geelong 2 pushed the Bulls No . 2 side all day and went down in a close match . The Cats again showing they do play well at home. Parkside travelled to Bendigo an d defeated the No. 1 Warriors team soundly to consolidate equal second position . The Warriors battled hard all day, but to no avail, while the Red Devils gain in confidence moving towards the finals . South Yaira played Bendigo 2 in Bendigo and had a strong win keeping their chances of making the top four alive . Ringwood travelled to Werribee to take on Mambourin, but failed to score in the first term and so struggled to catch the strong Tigers unit all day . The Tigers eventually running out strong winners . LADDERS ROUND 8
Preview Broadmeadows 2 an d Hawthorn clash first up and the Hawks have pushed all teams recently and shold get the points . Maribyrnong and Ringwood should be beauty with the Bulldogs keen to hang onto fourth position, while the Blues will be keen to win to remain in the top two. Blues on form. Broadmeadows 1 play Bendigo 1 and the Warriors will give their all, but will find the Kangas too skilled overall . South Yarra will need to be on their game if they are to inflict Karingal's second defeat of the year and keep in touch with the top four . The Bulls have taken all before them this year and should continue on their merry way. Keilor need to win to maintain their recent good form, however the Warriors should prove too strong given the extra incentive of a chance of competing in the finals. Parskide have the bye . Geelong 1 host Colae and should win easily to keep their fourth spot safe, while Geelong 2 will have their work cut out matching the strengths of the Mambourin Tigers - even at Geelong. North Ballarat and Karingal 1 should be a great match. Top versus second and plenty to play for . The Knights need to win to maintain second position, while the Bulls would love to keep their psychological advantage intact going into finals . The Bulls will start favourites however the Knights have a lot to play for . In a toss of the coin the Knights in a boilover .
LOST 1 2 2 3 4 6 6
POINTS % DRAW FOR AGAINST 0 577 157 367 .51 28 0 524 195 268 .71 24 0 374 271 138 .00 24 0 248 266 93 .23 20 0 349 333 104 .80 16 0 241 346 69 .65 8 8 0 154 716 21 .50
LOST 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7
% POINTS DRAW FOR AGAINST 0 490 216 226.85 28 0 464 224 207 .14 24 0 499 290 172 .06 24 0 419 270 155 .18 20 0 334 323 103 .40 20 0 253 339 74 .63 16 0 378 298 126 .84 12 0 275 529 51 .98 8 0 133 335 39 .70 4 0 184 509 36 .14 4
ii ., editorial . ~ Ililst the last five weeks of the season are exciting from both final aspirants and relegation avoiders it is also a time during which all club treasurers start to get furro in bro s . With the autumn sunshine r--ced by the "crisp" winter chill, the afte r tend to be a bit thinner. It ti ould be great to see all visiting clubs support te home sides and have all players stay back for at least one drink after the game (bearing in mind drink drinking rules of course) and buy their fair share of 'slab' raffle tickets . latch of the round saw pot,---'ial finalists in ra and E clash . The Wicks led early with "Jack" fell dominant in the ruck and Leigh Murphy at his brilliant best . Willy slipped into gear after quarter time but were not able to make significant in-roads into the visitors lead . They managed to gain the ascendancy late in the third before a gripping last quarter that saw less than a goal separate the two sides for the majority of the stanza . "Superman" Twist with the sealer!! The Darren Williams duo . Daisy and Dumbo, once again st---red to-- T'ly. 1 t,zrned to the winner's list `Nâ&#x20AC;˘11 being the victims . The Magician, Doug Scd e, was at it again, bagging a lazy 12, whilst Ro" s, Harris and Ash Burt were also good for the House , T41 I ^° - were able to throw of a persistent U ' and record a comfortable victory. It was i nt at the main break but the Hawks kicked ni ie goals to nil in the third quarter to set up the win . Garlick, Mad Dog McCormack, Lauletta and "The Mantis" Fulton were the best for the He s . St . itinued on their merry way, disposing of __ -Ilant Eley Park . The Sharks led at the half bt the Jacks got their act together and with the likes of Rydquist, Hilton (a bag of eleven goals) and Horbury on song were able power on for a strong win . Finally. Ai?-t I-rk, strengthened by the inclusion of some late minute recruits, were able to lead -' ' for most of the day . Unfortunately they weren't able to quite hold on as Richmond got their tales up to come home with a rush and record a strong victory . Siwka was at it again for Richmond with 9 goals whilst sR
he was well supported by Pau slBvrnes,adChi Andonopolous . Fo r the Rats, Rex McLellan, Sutton, Roberton and Dimingo were the best . Preview Yet more crunch games and maybe a prelude of things to come? Williamstown and Power H ouse clash in an absolute blockbuster . Whilst the four points will be crucial, so to will the psychological advantage gained from a win in this game . Whilst the tight backlines will ensure it is not a shoot out, none the less, all spectators will be privy to some great forward players as the mercurial ones, Searle (P) and Twist (W) and the man mountains, Dumbo Williams (W) and Craven (P) are on show . Sticking with them, the House but by less than a goal . Albert Park travel to S t . Johns and will be buoved by their improvement in recent weeks . However they meet up with a side on the march, in fact St . Johns haven't lost since Noel Rundle wore short pants! The Rats are desperately trying to avoid relegation and will be no easy beats . However, St. Johns have got over their playing at home phobia and should be too strong . Uni High host Elsternwick in an eagerly awaited encounter. Uni High were competitive for the first half week and if the likes of the Farrellv brothers and Johns fire are a tough to crack, particularly at the Zoo . The return of Murphy has been a great boon for the Wicks however last week's close loss means that this one becomes a must win . Expect them to do so, by about 4 goals . Relegation zoners, Eley Park and Monash Gryphons clash with a win imperative to both sides aim to remain in the grade next year . The Sharks were good last week but will need Bowen, Bruce and Hawley to be on song to ensure the points are theirs . The Gryphs will need skipper Bourbon, ruckman Leeton and President Healy to fire . Close one, maybe the Grvphs . Finally, Richmond host Hawthorn in a repeat of an early season clinker . Richmond have been on fire in past two weeks, the output of Andy Siwka particularly good whilst the midfield of O'Sullivan and Andonopolous is always strong . Hawthorn need to win a few crunch games t o
,till in finals contention and with the Avery's i, J Fulton running into some form will be hard loss . A draw ? T'inally, who would be a full back in D3 by lioice (hey Torch) . The grade has an absolut e ihora of gun full forwards around each corner . hTagoo e The House . St .Johns . Uni High . Gryphs and ;ITrnond. Social Monash have a trivia night coming up o n July 8 at the Grvph Inn . $10 gets you in and tables of ten are available . See Matt Healy for more details . Hawthorn have their 100th game dinner scheduled for July 22 . See "Cruse" Reed for details . Correspondents Toby, error at my end not yours! Apologies! Heals, Cleary. where are you? Contact can be made on 98981535 (home), 0418348723 (mob), 95533675 (fax) or via email on eci .sillCIockers-pi. coffi. au Te am of the Year Nominations will be taken over the next week for possible inclusions into the D3 team of the year . I know every team has valid arguments as to why twelve of their guys should be included so ideally it would be great to hear of opposition players thought worthy . Happy to hear from the coaching staff on this one !
6.3 8.8 11 .11 Allier' P rk: 2.0 5.4 10 .6 Richmond Central: Albert Park: Robertson 5. Di`Tvllliga 1 Tavlor. Ruthe Robilotta, Parmadsehe, Best : hicLcIlan, Sutton. B . Laiz ley_ Richmond Central: SiV 9 . ' 2eTaylor . Waters, ftndonoPoulos . eSdaius . ',d S111 .. 1 . ka . Graliau, C Shannon. O'Sullivan . Ump: . : Jamir ,Bvrnes ais ( R
4.8 8 .11 9.14 1".19.91 Eley Park: St Johns OC : 2 .1 9 .1 16.5 2 ' . 1152 Eley Park: Bruce 4, Morris 2 . Baldry . Comte. Hawley, Hook, Renner, Smith, Best : Renner, Blake . Hawlev. tllexandnck.s, Kel.son, Smith, St Johns OC: Hilton 12 . Horbnry 4, Walker 2, Jones 2 . Coloun 2 . Rvdquist. Fonceea. Best : Hilton. Walker, Sharp, Rydqutst. HorburJ. Ladson . Umpires: Ken hie'iiece: Anthony Simpson IF) 6 .3 12 .14 19.17 23. .159 Power House : ASonash House Gryphons : 0.4 2.7 6 .9 1 . .0.94 : Searle 12, Craven 6, Richard-it 2. E)-:--, Davtc?-n, to . Power Best: Searle, Rolls . Harris, Adrian Bu~„ MC Cr Gryphons : Williams 5.7\eist 2, Innis 2. B, ran. news Hann . . Best : Lee . DR Williams . Cocks, Phems',,r, Robinson, .Case Umpires: Miles ArgaIl: lan Burgess IF) Williamstown : 2,0 5.4 8 .9 14.9.93 Elsternwick : 4,6 5.10 7 .10 12.11 .83 Williamstown: Goal h e, and <t pla, rs results not received . Elsternwick: Missag a 2, F-, ..., 2 . C''..ahonv ., H. ' PraGirtgton, B blahony. Lyons, :1 iss . . , .' .st : issagtia NI , ., tahnony, Faster. Cunningtiam . UmpLs : Sitaron Nger {R), Grr ~ etiumchei (F) 22.14.146 Hawthorn Arnatenzs : 6.4 9 .7 18.10 4.3 7 .8 7.11 9 .15.69 UHSOB : Amateurs : Lardetta 6 . S Aver} 3, Fulton 3, Nunn 3. Zaverallia 2. Hawthorn Stroud, Hayes, Carter. P Avery. Best: Garlick, Hayes, Fulton, Carter, . Lautetta . UHSOB: D Farrellv 2, A Clarke 2, Clarke 2, Freud] 2 . B Daianev Farreity, Pigdet . O'Reill. Best: Starbuck, Gunthorpe, O'Neill . Jolms. Rogers, : George Paleodunos I O'Dwyer. Umpires: Brett Smythe F
RESERVES - 01 .07.00 Albert Park 4 .2 6.4 11 .4 13 .6,84 Richmond Central : 2,4 6.7 10 .9 14 .1 1 .95 : parties 6, S Allen 3. Bourne 2 . Faranda, tVatkuis. Best : Albert Park 1Valkley. S rlllen, Depiazzi, MeKinunie . Pastra .s, Faranda . Richmond . liicke}'2, Calleja 2. Hans, Guthrie . Brook, Mijato;ic . Taplay. Central: Day 4 Griffiths . Best: Callja. Prntice, Harris. Hickev. Brook, Day. 8110.58 Eley Park : 2 .1 3.3 6 .9 11 .11 17.16 .118 St Johns: 3.1 8.5 Eley Park: Flower 2. Johnstone 2. Hall. pace, 1 : . _ . - . ~. at : Heath, Thomas . Hall, Flower, Hanrahati, KetL St Joluis: G4. Hvieoek 1 Kearon 2 . Gates 2, Botdton . Callender, FlentJar, Denl_ .L .u:cn. Mita . Power House: 3.2 7,8 11 .9 16.12.108 Monash Gryphons : 2.1 6 .3 7.8 8 .9.57 Power House: Galakos 7, Pavlou 5, :^l . '-"ller. Kennedy, O'Sullivan . &fonash Gryphons : Goal kickers and i results not received .
LAST WK TOT-! -I 12 68 5 66 6 58 1 56 49 9
56 40 35 32 31
Williamstown: 1.3 5 .7 8.9 12 .14,86 Elsternick: 2 .0 3 .2 8.2 10 .3 .63 William n: "cCutchan 3. " 3. Buttergteg. Jones, Vincent . Ivkovac, herston, Oldhp^t . ti, atherston, Phillips . Ivkorzc, RqcCutch-t, Oldham. Grant. tern ck : H°nklli 5, Devonshire 2 . W'alker, SM11tth, tmi, Best: Currie. Y+ out . Hankat, Franken. Grandemange, Barra .
Hawthorn Amateurs: 2 .4 3.6 3.11 5 .13 .43 UHSOB : 5 .4 8.5 10 .5 13.10.88 Hawthorn Amateurs: Ottens . Dixon, Lord, O'Brien, Rest : :ri Zavaretla . Bruns, O'Brien. Chepa . iv4cCov:an, Dellamarta,?`_"O&' : :lls 4, Longton 3. Smith 2, J O'Neill 2 . O'Reilly. Stanton . &Rae, Loi _ in . J O'Neill . Carruthers. WiiHams. Barron .
sf ' ~ Fo ,
t LI <
QUALITY INSURANCE X, :' . 3==OR I'ING PRICE 'tt t,tsure'ofV,A,FA S{1:firtsCOverisF
D3 Section ALBERT PARK Coach : Philip Knight Res . Coach : Peter Hayes
1 . P Smith (C) 2. N Pastras 3. B Isard 4. G . Parmansche 5. S Alla n 6. N Pantazopoulos 7. J Sutton (VC) 8. C Jackson 9. P Chambers (DVC) 10. M Phillips 11 . A. Fleming 12 . L Marriott 13 . B McKimmie 14. T Prior 15 . S Kane 15 . J Snorrason (R) 16. C Roberto n 17 . D McLellan (DVC) 18 . J Taylor 19 . A Cole 20. A . Faranda 21 . D . Beachle y 22. S Redpath 23 . L Bartram 23 . A Bennett (R) 24. M . Dowdle 26. G Finn 27 . S Ridout 28 . R Buckle y 29 . G Walkley 30. K. Dohnt 32. S McKerrow 33 . T Murray 35 . P Barton 36. M Pearson 37 . T Bamford 38 . C Lamont 39 . M . Hobday 40. M Lapsley 41 . H Ross 42 . D . Jackson 43 . S. Bolas 44 . P. Manning 45 . J Roos 46 . B Dorr 46 . I . Strahan (R) 47 . K McIntosh
48 . P Hayes (RC) 49 . B. Payne 50 . D McKay 51 . D Cole 52 . N, . Rutherford 53 . J . Murray 54 . P Rutherford 55 . C McKerral 56 . P. Manning 57 . T. Weymouth
58 . M . Croser 59 . J . Lamont 60 . D . Alla n 61 . R . Allan 62 . M . Drought
63 . D . Barke r 64 . S. Hoad 65 . D . Green 66 . S. McKimmie 67 . D. Klein 68 . P. Knight 69 . J . Sutcliffe 70 . M . Sweeney 78 . D. Depiazzi
ELEY PARK Coach: Marty Hook Res Coach : David Bowen
1 . S. Fisher 2 . P. Clear 3 . D . Carey 4 . D . Hawley 5 . S. Rayme r 6 . D . Bruce
7 D . Bowen 8 . T. Kay 9 . T. Morri s 10. L . McLean 11 . A. Hill 12. J . Kelly 13 . J . Baldry 14. A. Krebs 15. S. Dix 16. D . Carroll 17. S. Payne 18. A. Urquhart 19 . D . Trotter 20. M. Hook 21 . T. Morrison 22. T. Blake 23 . S. West 24. C . Broadhead 25 . C . Coller 26. P. Canton e 27 . L . Kett 28 . A. Briginshaw 29 . A. Johnstone 30. D . Haynes
31 . M. Keown S. Bromley
33 . J . Alexandridis 34. J . White 35 . R . Dran e 36. G . Smith 37 . A. Ienarcic 38 . M. Schafter 39 . S . Ryan 40. J . Day 41 . M . Renner 42 . K. King 43 . J . Laverty 44 . L . Dix 45 . M . Dell'Orso 46 . T. Hall 47 . C . Jolly 48 . G . Heath 49 . D . Payne 50 . S . Robbie 51 . M . Payne 52 . J . Nelson 53 . A. Reddington 54 . V. Fukushima 55 . S . Di x 56 . A. Wuillemin 57 . D. Smith 58 . C. Tippett
59 . B . Ellis 60 . D. Hanrahan 61 . P. Yelland 62 . W. Holm 63 . L. Tadda y
Sponsored by:
NTS dd LE.' Park
580-582 Canterbury Rd, VERMONT
Ph : 9872-3333
ELSTERNWICK A.F.C . Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Coach: Andrew Curtain
1 L. Murphy (CC) 2 A . Hankin 3 C. Lyons 4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D. Brennan 7 J . Cappiello 8 S . Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartly 10 R . Bravington 11 L. Messa lia 11 P. Mahony
12 N . Wigmore 13 M . Cunnngham 13 P. Stankovich 14 B . Mahoney 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 A. Neil 19 A. Peasley 19 M . Bullard 20 S . Clements 21 P. Stuchberry 22 M . Mussared 23 S . Curtain (VC) 24 A . Foster 25 B . Frankin 26 C. Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W . Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nicho l 31 G . Devonshire 32 M . Hunt 33 J . Overman 34 A . Contin 35 P. McNally 36 T Byrne 37 L. Lambert 38 B . Currie 39 P. Allen 40 S . Bacon 41 M . Hoskin 9 42 J . Lilikakis 43 A . Burney 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie 48 M . Frankin 49 J . Yemm 50 G . McNeils 51 F. DiGiangregori o 52 D . Nolan 54 S . Kirkham 57 J . McAdam MAJOR SPONSORS:
Coach : Jack McDonald Res. Coach: Jim Goni s
Coach : Peter Tyson
Res Coach: Kevin Stallworthy 1 D .Murray 2 G .Broadley 3 N .Patterson 4 S.McDonald 5 S.Avery 6 P.Avery 7 A. Bourke 8 M .Dunstan 9 W. Pollock P. Orchard 11 A. Sill 12 M .Mulcahy 13 J .Grave s 13bJ . Pove y 14 D,Lauletta
8 . J . Blandford 9 . G . Wadle y
10. P. Williamso n 11 . J . Barri e 12. A . Gros s 13. J . Straford 14. R . Cormic k 15. A . Clark e 16. R . Bourbo n 17. J . Hetherington 18. C . Lovett 19. J . Leroy
15 G .Macdonald 16 C .Reed 17 D .Zaverella 18 P.Ryan 19 D .Garlick 196J . Law 20 S . Parker 21 P.Stroud 22 J .Williams
23 M .Artini 24 S .Williams 25 M .Zaverella 26 M . Nowak 27 R .Lord 28 J . McCormac k 29 P.Barker 30 M .Nunn 31 J .Best 32 D.McCowan 33 S .Duff 34 J .Bogie 35 D.Murphy 36 K.Sanders 37 D.Carter 38 M .Tyson 39 P.Hewish 40 I .Irvine 41 M .Irvine 42 S .West 43 I .Cheppa 44 P. Rositto 44bE . Sill
1 . S . Bourbon (C ) 2 . M . Healy 3 . A . Grady 4 . C. Robinson 5 . T. Gilchrist 6 . J . Foste r 7 . D. Walte r
ASSOCIATE S Certified Practisin g 97 whiteho`r.,e Roa d Blackburn Victoria 3130 Telephone 9894 112 3
Facsimile 9894 1733
20. G. Broell 21 . G. Ken t 22. B . Coxhead 23. D . Charleso n 24. D . Kitche n 25. M . Killmiste r 26. T Besle e 27. R . Gilchrist 28. P. Bateman 29. B . Lloyd 30. P. Hollan d 31 . G. Roche 32. D . Hale 33.. R . Whit e 34. M . Graydo n 35. J . Poussard 36. J. Watso n 37. D . Nichol s 38 . P. Callus 39 . R . Coxhead 40. P. Moclair 41 . T. Robinson 42 . M . Buick 43 . M . Carter 44. R . McDonal d 45 . J . Gonis (RC ) 46 . H . Be h 47 . K . Pocsiak 48 . L . Marti n 49 .S. Aren a 50. D . Ratne r 51 . C . Leeto n 52 . A . Palumbo 53 . M . Magri s 54 . M . Kyriakou 55 . D . Bennett 56 . K. Boatma n 57 . A. Jenki n 58 . G . Harrak 59 . M . Asbel l 60. O . Becker 61 A. Visedo 62 D . White 63 B . McKay 64 A. Palumbo 66 S . Pellite r 69 S . McGrail
C oach: Billy Dalto n ~~~cn; Kavin BarnesRolls Res. Coach : T.B.A. rs Coaeh : Andrew pcs Coach : Craig Richardson 1 B. Dalton 2. B. Holmes A Rolls
ST JOHNS Coach : Bruce Mullane Res Coach: John Canal 1 . R. Hassan
U . H .S .O .R . Coach : Pat Macke y Res Coach : Darren Creswell 1 R . Freijah
N WILLIAMSTOW C ~S Coach : Darren William s Res Coach : Sean Quin n 1 . D William s
2 A . Talarico 2 . M . Ladson 3. T. O 4 S . Major 3. D Woud a 4 . S. Holmes 4. P. Mijatovic 5 J . Glenn 4 . S Wuchatsc h 5 . C . Horbury 5. S S . Shanno n 6 S . Cracknell 5 . D Macleod (C) 6 . L. O'Donnell 6 . G . Bunshaw 7 D D. Zulucki . N Gran t . M . Ha rt nett 7 . P. Byrnes . Haslett (VC) 8D 7 B Robinson 7 5 . Flent1• a r 8 . G . Malcolm 9 R . Smith Dowsett 8 . B Hann 8. 10 B. Carrick 9 . A . Leembriggen g R. S . Green 9 . G Cas e 11 J. Shepherd 10 A. Swika 10 . B Cocks 10 . A. Perrone 12 B . Farrelly (C) J Gill 11 M . Newton 12 J Robertson 12 F . Macak 11 . D .Halls 13 D . Bunn 11 . B Twis t 14 J . Ham J Harris 12 . P. Walker 12 . B Jone s 13 J . Du tto n 16 P. Gunthorpe t A Burt 13 . M . Jone s 13 . D Williams 14 C . Shannon . ~, j R Talbot 17 M Farrell r 14 . J. Arche y 14. A Danie l . Barry 15 . Hellne r 116 M Higgins 15 C . Denhart 18 A .P . W Phillips (S ) 20 G . Madrigano 15 17 C MacLeod (RC) 16 J . Birt 16 . S . Callender 1 5 . P Bregut (R) 18 F Doyl e 21 S. Mill s 17 A . Fawcett 17 . S . Cockayne 16 . D Sadler O S 1g J Evans 22 R . Johns 18 M . Zarjac 17 C . Kearon 16 . S lvkovic (R) 20 D Aitken 23 P. Eltringham 19 J . Manning 21 D Miller 18 . C . Emery 17 . S Phemiste r 24 L . Marten 20 P. Joyc e 22 J Marshall 19 • J . Scardamagli a 25 D . O'Dwyer 18 . D Oldham 21 A . Jone s 23 S Craven (C) 20 . B. Rydquist . Carruthers 26 B 1 9 . P Derva n 22 A . Forbes 24 S Cummins 27 D . Clarke 21 . D . Scardamaglia 20. R Hart 25 D Boland 24 T. Guthrie 28 A . Clarke 22 . P. Kahill 2 1 • 5 Mc Eachran 26 J Senior 25 M . Smith 23 . P. Sharp 29 T. Cleveland 22 . Warren Payne (S) 27 J Demetrie 26 S . Bailli e 30 J . O 'Neil l 24 . N . Gates 28 B Rampling 22 W . Payne (R ) 27 C . Adam s 31 P. Dolence 25 . D . Sander s 29 R Cassio 23 P Sadler () S 32 H . Starbuck 30 B . Gilbert 26. L. Ward 30 N Miller 23 . Kirk Dowsey ( R) 33 P. Drende l 27. S . Hilton 31 R Marshall (RVC) 33 A. Waters 24 . C Pac h 33 A. French 34 J . Brooks 32 H Davidson 28, D . Coulson 34 M . Pec k 25 . G Burges s 33 R Taylor 35 M . Albrecht 29 . D . Higgins 35 J . Harris 26 . D Le e 34 K Elias 36 K . Whit e 30 . R . Walke r . Pa tt erso n 36 M 27 . C Matt hew s 35 J Kilpatrick 37 G . Porteous 31 . G . Wilson eral l 37 G . Ca tt 36 A Robinso n 28 . X Toby Griffiths 38 S . 32 A . Rudd 38 A. Boyce 37 B Gilmour 29 . P Vincen t 39 P. Woodman 33 Z . Munroe 39 M . Rea 38 J Kennedy 3 0 . A Blac k 40 C . Conve ry 34 A. Dragwidge 40 L . Maguire 39 M Talbot 3 1 . A Mackle y 41 B. Henderson 41 C . Fraser 35 J . Sacco 40 32 . J Altus . 42 D . Wallace 41 S Clayton 42 L . Kelly 36 A. Hall 43 M . O'Neil 33 . A Savio a 42 M Beasley 43 G . Tate 37 R . Walton 44 C . Percy 34 . B Gran t 43 H Noren 38 A . Dobson 44 K . Day 45 N . Smith 44 5 O'Sullivan 35 . C Bergi n 39 P. Liddell 45 K . Pardy 46 R . Killey 45 P Ryan 36. M Imms 40 M . Hancock 46 A . Newton 47 M . Turvey 46 M McDonald 37 . B Hyne s 41 D . Rydquist 47 J . Hickey 47 48 C. Cook 38 . D Macleod 42 T. Duccacubino 48 P. Vulcov 48 S Walsh 49 H . Williams 39 . T Carte r 43 M . Van Hooten 49 R Wright 49 P. Vulcov 50 B. Rees 40 . R Nisbett 44 B . Hilton 50 P Conlon 51 M. O'Connell 51 P. O'Kane 41 . A Boura s 51 B MacKenzie 52 P. Dinnick 52 C . Andonopolous 45 M. Dominich K Barnes 42 . S Harve y 46 D . Clowes 53 R . Allport 53 D .. Hoga n R Dakins 54 M . O'Rielly 43 . K Mahe r 47 J . Ladson 55 I . Joel Pithcer 54 J Blowfiel d 56 J . Catlin 44. M Bracks-Mannin g 48 R . Mitta 61 S . Conroy 55 J Hearn . Divenuto 45. S Mc Nearl y 49 T. Hyland 62 T. Graham 56 J Mahoney 57 G Pigde n 58 M . 50 J . Doherty 46. T Campbel l 57 69 M . Tapley . Barron 47 . S Dyer 58 72 V. Kelly 51 C . Santoni 59 J . B Grummisch 59 J Healy 74 J . Lane 52 J . Brittain 6 0 61 J .. P Hoba n 60 K McGuinness 53 S . Pancione Michael 50 . K Stabbing 62 K. Rodgers 48 61 54 B. Hale 63 S . Pengilly 51 . D Bubnic 62 55 S . Canning 64 J. Evans 52 . A Petzierides 63 D Searle 56 B . Abejour 66 J . Bradley 53 . T Rya n 64 W Elliot 57 D . Jorgenson 67 M . DeLuise 57 . M Soccocio 65 D Wrigh t 58 A. Fonceca 68 G . Van Popering 68 D McGrat h 69 59 M . Zodlak 70 E . Ricciuti D Galakos 71 B . Stanto n 60 L. Merrigan 71 L O'Sullivan
J Hall N Pavlo u g Turner M Braini A Bu rt C Richardson g Cross A Morris (VC) C Lloyd
77 S Clarke 88 G Scotland
61 R . Kenny
64 D . Edwards 65 E . Hilton
72 T. Saxb y
73 S. Devl i 74 C. Longto n 80 D . Cartwright ~4
''',port 927 bumper stickers recently and have been asked to disr'ub supporters . to win a weekly VAFA / 927 Sports Pack comprising a Miller' s ' .'-7 cap, (1) promotional football and a "For the Love of the Game " ~ book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to th e be drawn weekly and announced each week in the Amateur n contention for the weekly prize . 318 should your club have submitted the greatest number o f from your club entries the winner of the Carlton Crest Hotel .'ackage includes - accommodation, evening meal, breakthe AFL Grand Final . Winner announced in the Amateu r ,/27 . : Steve Bean
"1=â&#x20AC;˘Â° ; : E1st,-, rnwickAFC
a column ax everyone in ,~iiateur Football by ~-rac JeiiZel of the Logics Awards most infamous metbetween former Channel 9 tonight show [-rnie Sigley and Don Lane was re-visite d irday at the most unlikely place : the hill at Park Reserve in Glen Iris . was standing watching son Guy, 22, pla y irv's D4 reserves . iaining to me why he was there the 3AW toon host's conversation turned to how big ,, ily is . Guy has a non-identical twin Davey, ~ n_~r sister Emma 21 and an older brothe r 25 . om a Saints' supporter came the cliche : t didn't you and Glenys (Mrs Sigley) have a The quick-witted Ernie responded : "Had the TV !,_it Don Lane was on so we used to go to be d F rnie then muttered an expletive about Lane as we all know, contravenes VAFA regulatio n :"r'.udible obscenities from individuals in th e i ll not be tolerated . When these ar e o the Executive's notice by a competen t official the individual will be fined" . Sorry about this Ern, but I approached you in f.,, official capacity with the VAFA and I'm, err, competent?! The Executive found you guilty and left it up to me to penalise you . Mr Sigley . I order you to lock yourself in your room and take with you a 15-minute endless-loop video of The Highlights of Don Lane and watch it, and watch it, and watch it, until you say sorry"! Hey Ern : only gaggin' .
into the pubs ." the diminutive Dale recall ed . "I went but I had no ticket for the train as I hadn't booked with the team . "The boys hid me in the coat rack!" That was 15 years ago so I think Dale the statute of limitations for that indiscretion has expired . Maybe we should send Dale to join Ernie ? 0 One of Melbourne's most unusual sights is the Brighton Baths where the Icebergers take to the bay each morning regardless of the temperature and the indoor gymnasium is home to lovers of the VAFA .
With a breakfast party in Dendy Street I thought I would check out this landmark . Bumped into recently replaced Ol d M elburnians reserve coach Mark Saran . Coincidentally, it was 36 hours before he resigned along with senior coach Neil Ross to create one of the big stories in the VAFA this season . It was a coincidence. I would do a lot of things to get a good story but going down to the beach at 6am in winter is not one of them ! Simon Lennox, Andrew Krvzwniak and Dale Tapping from Old Brighton, Matt Bourke Xavs and Mazenod coach David Murray also w ork out there . Despite what you've heard Lenny and Kryza don't live above the gym, even though it would be a wonderful place to have your digs, and the mirrors in the gym are small and few . Feedback welcome . E-mail your anecdote with contact phone numbers ( no mobiles) to : beitzelb cialphalink
0 Could someone please e-mail me with an explanation of that oxymoron : " competent VAFA official" . Seriously. it is on page 100 of this vear's Fixture Handbook . Better still send me a fist of incompetent VAFA officials ! T INCREDIBLE day for St M a ry's with three milestoners and all of them playing in the reserves alongside Guy Sig1e-y . Mike Learmonth and Terry Burt . both 250 games . and Dale Andrews 200 games . In 20 years of reporting I've never conducted an intervie w with a sportsperson when a game was in progress but Terry , playing at full-fonvard and with his team leadin g- bv eight goals, changed that . Brad : "How would 'you describe your fitness Terry? " Terrv : "None! " Brad : "What's the best goal you've dobbed?" Terry : "It's always the next one! " Within a minute Terry burst to the pocket to take a chest mark and from an acute angle showed me why he has played 250 for the club that joined the VAFA in 1990 . M ike . the reserves playing eoach, said his highlight was the premiership in that year in F Grade . Dale's football highlight w as from off the field . '*My first football trip away to Albury . I wasn' t going to go as I was only 17 because I wouldn't get I
aur learns suddenl-: have their fate in their own hands after a w : cl .end of big games in P footy . Bentleigh have put themselves in the box seat whilst Bulleen now have to rely on beating those above them in upcoming weeks to sneak in after leading the pack a month ago . have earnt outright premiership favouritism after a hard fought win over South M elb : -ie . In what was a tight tussle for most of the dav the rebound out of defence from the likes of Eyles and Martin as well as the work around the ground of Morgan, Phelan and Gold saw Bentleigh across the line . Sharp (5) was again busy in front of goals however the Districts were far from disgraced . Old Westbourne remain well and truly in contention after holding off a spirited Werribee . The Warriors appeared to have things sewn up at the main change however they could not shake off the 'Bees in the second half in the slippery conditions . Wilson, 'A Horsburgh . Fairfield, A Board and Robson all did their bit for Old -'estbourne who face some crunch matches in the no- month . 81 . Ed ly gin sorted right out in what was a crucial 'eight' point game at Bulleen . The forward line of the Synners was too good for the Cobras, who were on the wrong end of a 80 point thumping despite the continued efforts of Pearson as well as Jc' son and Badanjek . It was a of two hals out at Research as Eltham hosted The home side played some of their best footy for the season before the main break with Luttick and Doodv leading the way and Fammartino again a candidate for a case of leather poisoning until the Turtles lost their way . The second half saw the Rams lift all over the ground and cut the margin before Eltham settled to hang on. swielt and -t local The I derbv was another clash where the lower side rose to meet V& challenge and push their more fancied opposition . The North may have hoped to pick up some handy percentage however they had to settle for a twenty-three point margin . St Marys still find themselves a couple of wins shv of the main bunch after a win over Swinburne . The Saints have been unable to reach the heights of last season but despite this they, and the Razorbacks, have the talent and the opportunity to influence the make up of the final four for this vear.
Ever, , hing on the line for a couple of clubs as we head into Round 14 . One such, side is Bulleen, who travel to Bentleigh and take on the ladder leaders . The Cobras have the ability to be genuine contenders in 2000 but have suffered a form slump and lost players through injury at the wrong time . There will be no excuses today however because a loss to Bentleigh will see them slip almost out of the final's zone . Bentleigh on the other hand seem to be hitting their straps in the second half of the year and have good players playing good football. This will continue and should see them across the line . The other team with it all at stake is - - It Iirurrswiok , w ho head out to take on :1' a . North also have their injury worries but need to put this behind them as they risk falling out of contention . They will need to provide great support to a core of reliable good players if they are to be a chance on the wide open spaces at Eltham . The Turtles on the other hand can go some way to sealing a finals spot and with Duggan finally getting some run in his legs and Gathercole not far away will go into today with plenty of confidence . It should be enough to get them a win too . Eltham by 23 points . South M elbourne have the chance to bounce back strongly, after last week's loss, in their clash with Werribee . The Districts are another side w ho will be looking to shore up a top four spot in the next fortnight and a big win today would be the ideal platform . The 'Bees showed plenty of determination to push the Warriors last start but one gets the feeling that if South hit their straps they should be too good . The Synners meet the Saints for the second time this year as Syndal host St Marys . The Saints have shown the ability to handle those sides below them on the ladder but have the chance to have a real impact on season 2000 with a good performance in this match . Svndal would have been rapt with their big win last week but need to back this up today. If they can do this they should win well but if they are little off then they could be in for a nastv shock . Despite being the only game today without an influence on the final four there will no doubt be plenty of pride at stake when Swinburne host Mt T4-IF ARAATFI IR F(1 n TRAI I FR 2 (10t
. Bo" sides have had four wins for the is game represents the chance to skip of the bottom sides . Both have also been i n le nick of late so a good contest is to be ed . Home ground might just do it for the Uni however things should be tight and hard . Gr,t 'es tbourne get another opportunity t o i~eir percentage when they host Brunswick ast match of the round . Brunswick will b e to carry on some good form from last wee k e Warriors at home and with plenty to play ould be able to find that bit extra . Ol d ne by 42 points . --- -.__
ease fax match reports to 9457 1580 and I ?so be contacted on 0409571580 . SG', -21
Aentleigh is holding its annual auction night iie 15th of July at the clubrooms . Entry is S 5 includes supper . If anyone has goods or a serto donate see D . Stringer, B . Henry or D . ards .
~=JO UI 1 l~ '.F
1 I F
( ; u .i~;e r
t 1 r_ade brnig up their 50<' ~ ses ) -~ :k, The skilful duo of Dean Taylor and ~~a .l t are congratulated . Both from the local area and U21 we can expect many more seasons from these two nu^41ing players , OC - congratulate John Glare and -,Ith &_rrlett for reaching 100 games and 50 s respectively . John has been a huge conrrlbutor to the club over many years with his most significant contributions being the captaincy of the reserves, including the premiership year 1999 and his role as Treasurer over the [past 2 years . Troy has represented the club since 1997 and has also been a member of the committee for the past 2 years . Congratulations to o great clubmen .
01 .07 .00 6.3 10 .9 18 .14 21 .17.143 North Brunswick: 4 .3 6 .6 11 .10 18.12.120 Brunswick: ~.usson 2, North Brunswick : Se. Wernhatn 4, Younq 3. l.attouf 2, 2. FLgazzt SauuHers, liluh . an . . . co. 1 st : tiet~ton 2 . Przzari 2. Taylor : o Fr---nan. Se. lVernham Tavlor' . J Boudoloh Magnusson Brunsvriek S itoore 12, Shore 2 . Bullock 2. L McBride, Kerr. Best ' moore, Bullock . L McBride, Lovett . Cavanagh Umpires:Jason Lane : Luke onerieff (F) Eltham: 5.3 10.4 10 .8 14.11 .95 Nit Lilydale: 2.1 3.2 7.4 11 .5 .71 Eltham: Cart er 4. Justice 4, Coonerty 2 . Gas parodo 2 . Smith 2 . Best : Mann . Dottiy . Luttick . Bell . Gasparotto. Carter. NIt Lilydale : Pearce 4. Var ga 3. fwderson, Carolan Crowe . Haves . Best : Gibson, McKenzie. Hoognboom . James Anderson . Catalan, Varga.Umpi.res: Ron Smith: Pat Martins ( M aebus (B)
3,3 5 .5 13.11 18.11 .119 St Marys : 14.18.102 Svlnburne Uni: 4 .3 7.9 9.12 F Harrison . St Marys : Rousis 8, Curia 3 . Titeohanis 2. Bernardi 2, Hendu P Davies. Best : N Goldsurorrhv. Rousls, Carpenter. Frail . Chamberlin, Harrison. Swinburne Uni : Milano 4, M Geor~e 4 . O'M ar a 2. Sheedv 2, Thomas . Piotrowski . Best : Prior, Milano, Culph,'O"+fara . De&ono, i+i George . Umpires: Mark Ch ilds (F) 0.2 1.7 5 .9 9.11 .65 Bull een Cobras: 15 .12 21 .19 .145 6 .6 Syndal Tally Ho : 3.4 2, McLeod_ Best : Bull een Cobras: BadanJek 3, Pe ar son 3 . Clements . M D'Angelo. Syn dal Pearson . Johnson. Saaks'an4. Badanek . Gencarelti . S Kemper. Murrats Datiee. Tally Ho: Vauderkmk 8. ~arro 5 . Jov ~ Toce .2Hall . on Murray. Umpires: V1acF'arlane. Best: b'anderkntk. CacthTa, ~Rutter Heath Little: Darin Compt (F) 9.14.68 South fl5e1b . Dist: 3 .7 4 .7 6.10 1 .2 5.5 10.9 15.10.100 Bentlerph: South FJtelb, Dist : Bryson 5, Dalv . Gosnev. l~%rie ht . Jacobs. Best: Hogan. â&#x20AC;˘ Shar 5 . Coliaeaio 3 . Gosnev. Barshaw. Thomas, Henderson. Bentleib away 2 . Gold .lVrihln>;ton. Marini, Lewis . Best: ES'les, t 9arthi, P?~tar2art . P ;, elati. Gold . Seeley, Itmpires : Mark Morrison (RI (F) Peter Wallis Ross Rtcitards (G ) WerribeeAmateurs : 2,5 2 .9 5 .10 7.11 .53 4.5 7.12 7 .15 8.19.67 Old Westbourne: Werribee Amateurs : Fraser 2, ?Ron~let 2 . F4 her Fuller. AkNamarra . Best : Becker, y9c~latnarra . Carson fiion I . ' tI n, Czalkolsskt. Old 1 i tch . Best: Wilson, A Westbcurne, Moore 3. Depiazza 2 . Taylor. . ;ross Horsbur ~1 t . Fair field, Board. Depiazza. Rolason . Umpi r u: AndyCarnck: Ken Brewer (F')
RESERVES - 01 .07 .0 0 North Brunswick: 4.7 11 .13 12.19 17.27.129 .6 .30 Brunswick: 1 .0 2.1 4 .2 4 Sorleto, North Brunswick: Palratiikolaou 4 . Crosina 3 . Patullo 3 . Vaina 2. .PPsasale, A Boudoloh . How. Pisasale, 5ilrov . Best: Patullo . DeFSta. Rhook Lanon. Mann . runvrick: Smith 2 . Lever. Dorvsett . Best: Lever, Smith . Che}ne . Macrae. Laming . Eltham Collegians : 1.6 3.9 5 .13 6.16.52 Mt Lilydale: 2 .2 6 .2 7.4 9.4,58 Elthatn Colle 'ans : Baruhas 2. Evans . C Baud. Clarke . J Mann . Best : MacDonald, I.~tite . Evans. Davies, Monilshetti . C Baud. Mt Lilydale: E an . 3. Crowe 2. Featonbv 2 . Burrett Strachan`Best: Johnson . Bright. Flanaan, Strachan . Egan . 4 .5 7 .6 12.11 16.17.113 St RSarys : Swinburne University : 3 .4 3 .6 5.10 7,10 .52 St Marys: Burt 5 . Benson 3. M Tindlev 2 . Leannonth 2 . Roseman 2. Zsemberv . Jocce. Best : Leanuonth . Zseriherv. Benson . filikidi.. Roberts, ftountaniatakis. Swinburne University : liehzie 2, Dentarte. O'Donnell . Roberts . Fidler, Ntktters. Best : Fidler. Jones . Kenzie . Galluta. Dtaga . O'Donnell.
Bu lleen Cobras: 2.4 4.9 8 .11 10,12.72 Syndal Tally Ho : 1.2 1.3 2 .5 2.6.18 Baldi . Casev. Bull een Canras: Balch 7. Dam 2 . Caset' . Best:: Broan, lazzareb . J Cartledge, V Datn . Syndal Tally Ho O'Bovle. Bent . Best : D Richardson, k147acFarlane. Mulltmal . Christiansen, Dimftropoulos . South Melb Dist: 1.2 3 .3 6.5 6 .7.43 Bentler'~h: 1,6 5 .7 7.9 .16.14.110 Baraka, South R3eib Dist : S Smith 2 . ,xti Fern 2, McNamara, S Davie Best. :Pri~ 3. ' h: Stantatakos 4 Panther. Hannon, Drew. S Smith . Bentle~ Kopitscroski 2 . Fly 2 . English 2, K Kell, L Pittifo. Stanes . Best: Kopltsenrskl, K Kell . Corlraln . Brot~.i. Nn-e . L Panic.
Werribee Amateurs: 4 .1 5.4 11 .7 13,10 .88 Old A'estbou rne: 2 .0 5.1 6 .3 9.6 .60 R'erribee Amateurs: Harding 4 . Thomas 2. Carlesso . Dole. :4labakis . ;vlannis . Malzan. Drew, Pisatto . Best: Carlesso . Zullan . A.Labakis . Stephenson . Thomas . Drew. Old Westbourne : B Slatterv 3 . B triattsson 3 . Scholes. Lott . Mutimer. Best: Davis . Mutnuer. B Slattery. Flenung. Christo, Lott.
BRUNSWICK Coach : Paul Dimmatina Res . Coach: Paul Jommeson
1 C Sharp (C) 2 P Morgan 3 A Anastasio 4 D Lewi s 5 M Eyles (VC) 6 R Webe r 7 M Colaiacovo 8 J Handfield 9 I Jackson 10 A Henry 11 D 12 L 14 B 15 P
Martin (C) Codarin Fotopoulos Withingto n
16 P Jemmerson (RC) 17 J Psaras 18 S Adaway 19 5 Hall (RVC) 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 22 S Arvanitis 23 A Cloug h
24 G Stamatakos 25 D Gold 26 B . Padgha m 27 J (Eddy) Seeley (VC) 31 R English 32 D Fishlock 33 M Eetting 34 L. Sampson 35 L Ireson 36 M Backman 37 P "Hutchison (VC) 38 G Beatti e 39 L Pittito 40 J Bounsal l 41 J Neve (RDVC) 42 G Kell
43 R Nev e 44 5 Craven (RDVC) 45 A Pittito 46 G Rubio-Thorne 47 B Moffat 49 J. Fly 50 A Stanes 51 M Pirie 52 R Hall 53 M Snelling 54 S Cologero 55 D Manning 56 C Aitken 57 T Cox
58 T Caterson 59 D Pittito
Coach : Stan Gilday Res . Coach : Steve Kannegiesser 1 B Lovett
2 J .Markham 3 B .Moore 4 J .Bel l 4 S .Goodwin 5 A Leve r 6 D .Dowdle 6 P.Laming 7 D .Sedgwick 8 D .Clarke 9 J.Grixti 10 S .Lake 11 T.Fulton
13 S .Kannegiesser 14 S .Moor e 15 R .Smith 16 A.Dean 17 G .Mc owan 18 V.Gaffy 19 N .Melone 20 T.Mcginniskin 21 S .James 22 M .Mcbride 23 M .Lovett 24 L.Mcbride 25 M .Cleveland 26 G .Cross 27 S.Dreier 28 G .Conway 29 3 .Mcbride 30 S .Mcbride 31 M .Bullock 32 S .Draffin 33 S .Londrigan 34 M .Whiteside 35 S.Hewitt 36 A .Los
37 A .Berius 38 M .Attard 39 J .Hope 40 R .Mainelli 41 M .Bond 42 S .Woodbridge 43 D .Woodards 44 C .Mille r 45 P.Geddes 46 P.Mcrae 47 L .Marchant 48 J .Ear 49 A .Cosmano 50 A .Geddes 51 G .Cavanagh 52 S .Grant 53 B.Cazaly 54 B.Brett 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73
T.Lovett M .Cox Y.Saad C .Caminiti C .Ryan D .Sfocks E .Pavio G .Surace H .Hahne J .Bradley J .Ericson J .Gibson J.Harris L .Cavanagh L .Corde s
M .Commerford M .Nuqent M .Robinson M .Rya n
74 N .Bowman 75 P.Conduit 76 P.Stocks 77 R .Craiqie 78 R .Danlonio 79 R .Dipietro 80 S .Mclean 81 S .Vidler 82 W .Watson
MCLEE[9 ~' r
Coach : Joe D'Angel o Asst. Coach : John Kalpakis Res Coach: Jamie Redfern 1 J . Kalpakis
2 T.Orwin 2 S . Petty (RC) 3 R . Pulverenti 4 I . McLeod 4 N . Cartledg e 5 M . Dall'Oglio (C) 6 I . Baccin i 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Goetz 10 A. Gencarelli 11 A. DeJong 12 13 N . Cooke 14 S . Casey 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trindhi 17 M . Fait 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern
ELT ; ;" . I C= . . . ? Coach : Peter Slacik Res . Coach: Jason Lees 1 D. Fammartino 2 T. Dugga n 3 B. Pilapi l
4 B. Doody (C) 5 S. Jea l 6 R . Hean y 7 M Gasparotto 8 L Sharpe 9 C . Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 J . Lees 13 R. Bel l
14 S . Justice 15 L. White 16 D . Barnett 17 G . Lay s 18 A. Macdonald 19 R . Kennedy 20 A . Hardie 21 M . Luttick 22 R. White 23 J . Woodward 24 M . Dwye r 25 C . Horsburgh 26 J. Glare 27 R .Beecrott 28 T. Barnett 29 A . Mann 30 M . Dean 24 M .Opie 31 T. Carter 25 W. Olney 32 C . Baud 33 M. Stanley 26 J . D'Angelo 34 R . Pilapil 27 35 T. Todar o 28 A . Foskett 36 L. Donaldson 29 A . Summers 37 S . Henry 30 S . Colversto n 38 A . Macaulay 31 S . McLaren (DVC) 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Bau d 32 C . Clements 41 Z . Jovanovski 33 A . Cook 42 A. Howgate 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 43 J. Man n 35 T. Bett e
36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 H . Dimitriou 40 T. May
44 T. Johns 45 R . Davies 46 T. Leopold 47 D. Howgate 48 B . Turney 49 M . Sfiligoj 50 R . Short
41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 B . Dimasi 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 C. Borrelli 47
51 S. Maxfield 52 G . Stackpole 53 A . Mann 54 P. Walters 55 P. Morrow 56 57 5 Gathercole 58
48 M . Soumelidis 49 50 C . Genitsaris 51 R . Rodrigues
59 B. Evans 60 B. Sumpter 61 C . Thanus 62 A. Hadfield 63 C . Dods 64 R . Watson 65 5 Scahfe r
BULLEEN AUTOMOTIV E CENTRE 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105
Phone : 9852 1129
YARRa VAIJX, Y SIM PTY. LTD. All Mechanical Repairs Specialising in Germa n Prestige Cars Factory I . 19 Railwav Crescent, Croydon, 3138
Ph: 9724 9824
MT LILYdALE Coach : David Keast Res . Coach: Jason Flanagan 1 D .Johnso n
2 P Hayes 3 F Varga 4 G. Davis 5 P Stone 6 D . Cicchiello 7 D Hendrie 8 A. Stracha n 9 A Del Biondo 10 J Gardiner 11 C Gibson 12 M Brebner 13 R Kidd 14 C Wals h 15 B . Commerford 16 P Caulfield 17 A Burrett 18 B Jealous 19 J Burgess 20 A Penhale 21 T Amos 22 L. Proctor 23 B Egan 24 Q . Ronney 25 A Delahunt 26 T Flanagan 27 N Pearce 28 T Crowe 29 P Furlong 30 G Bird 31 P Varga 32 P Carolan 33 C Anderson 35 D Callanan 36 E O'Brien 37 M Pearl 38 D Kennedy 39 L Allanson 40 W Newell 42 M Periera 43 D Holloway 44 M . Mun k 45 R McKenzie 46 K Maniscalchi 47 C Lonergan 48 D Featonby 49 M . Maltar 50 J . Kuffer 51 J Flanagan 52 M Wells 53 M . Leonard 54 M . Smithies 55 H . Flanagan 56 L . Hoogenboom 58 L. Ega n
59 D . Morrison 60 T. Wilson 61 G. Cowan 62 B . Co x 63 D. Prest 64 D. Turner D. Bright
L. Tol l F. Livingston C . Varg a M . Dann G. Franklin
:1-i o : RRURS W."R coach: Craig Fox Re s. Coach : Peter powseti S . Wernham
D. Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 3 W . McMahon 6 D Pizzari ; D . Magnuson g A. Peterson 9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett -,t J . Boudoloh 12 S . Care 13 P. Marin 14 M . Newton 15 G . Taylor 16 J . Saunders 17 A. Kyriazis 18 B . Whitman 19 S . Famulari 20 R . Divita 21 A. Youngf 22 M . Sorletto 23 M . Vaina 24 S . Tancredi 25 J . Thompson 26 R . Pretty 26 S . Hog g 27 D. Lawto n 28 W . Pretty 29 C . Jewell 30 S . Healey 31 J . Freeman 32 M. Maso n 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 P. Tancredi 37 D . DeMorton 38 A . Crosina 39 C. Rhook 40 B . McCallum
OLD WESTR速URHE 1 G . Robson 2 D . Taylor 3 S . Depiazz a 4 A. O ' Keefe 5 S . Craig 6 J . Horsburgh 7 R . Mutimer 8 A Horsburgh 9 C . villager 10 J . Wilson (C) 11 J . Lott 12 M . Gibb 13 S . Hewitt 14 S . Mattson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M . Aquiline 18 P. King 19 M . Craig 20 S . Chaffey 21 B . Dangerfield 22 W. Fleming 23 G . Flower 24 L. Fairfield (VC) 25 D . Moore 26 P. Mesman (RC) 27 D . Billman 28 D . Slattery rY (RVC) 29 D . Horsburgh 30 R . McMillan 31 R . Aldridge 32 G . Jenkinson 33 S . Whiting
1_ B_Anaipakos 2. J . Burke 3. M . Hannan 4. S . Stepnell 5. N Warszev.rski 6. S. King 7 . W. Roso,rski 8 . S. Smith g M Bals;ay 10 G. McDonald 11 P. Moon 12. A . Habtans 13 . E . Henderson 14 . A. BuIlman 15 . B. (azzaro 16 . M. Thomas 17 . B. Gibson 18. T. Green 19. S. McDougall 20. J. Pahlner 21 . B . Powell 22. G. Mijatovic 23. P. Hannon 24. A. Bryson 25. P. Cheevers 26 . J . Royle 27 . B. Downing 28 . D . Thomas 29 . P. N~ 30. S Wright 31 L Ber ! 32. D . McGee 33. J. Bradley 34. J . Sadat 35. N. Vergos 36 . M . Fern 37 M Rosowski 38 . S. Herman 39 . A. Contreras 40. L Williams 41 . A . Berrigan 45 M . Gosney 46 M~I~n 50 T. Hughes
34 35 D . Rivallan d 36 K . Pilsbury 37 A. Leitch 38 B . Mattsson 39 A. Robbins 40 S. Leitch 41
42 J . Papanikolo u 43 J . Pa e g 44 M. Fayad
42 43 P. Hopper 44 B . Slattery 45 D . Benn 46 A . Nibloe 47 T. Said 48 A. Lipscombe 49 50 P. Habersatt 51 T. SCholes 52 S . Walker 53 T. Robinson 54 M . Crosswell 55 B . Davis 58 P. Kegagias 59 K . Sheldrick 60 B . Davis 59 A . Lipscombe 60 N . Aquiline
SUMMERWOR< D Tabaret, Bar & Bistro 502 Sydney Rd, Coburg ph: 93641177
Sponsored by:
lty 1L ~?-Rai
.~ T.
Coach: Peter r~cBrearty Res Coach: Mel Boyer
41 J . Elasmar
45 B. Alameddine 46 C . Boyd 47 G. Goumas 48 V. Lirosi 49 M . Laoumtzes 50 B . Laoumtzes 52 A . Boudoloh 53 P. Cross 54 S . Milroy 55 P. Sorleto 56 L . Patullo 57 J . Heck 60 A. Armstrong 61 J . Polemicos 62 J . Briffa 65 L . Rigazzi
Coach: Andrew Hadley Res. Coach : Stewie Craig
Coach : Peter Olivier i Res Coach : Michael L earmo n th
1 . M . Learmonth
2 . B . Boyes 3 . R . Livingstone 4 . N . Goldsworthy 5. 6 S . Stone 7 N . Malloc h 8 A . Zsembery 9 K. Gillard 10 T. Jones 11 J . Bernardi 12 13 J . Hill 14 W. Ross 15 D . Andrews 16 J. Wedrien 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 19 20 A . Lan e 21 22 R . Alle n 23 J . Goldsworthy 24 I . Goulett 25 B . Sellers 26 G . Koumantatakis 27 28 J . Innes 29 P. harriso n 30 P. watson 31 W. Drew 32 33 M . Lynch 34 M . Tindley 35 G . Theoharris 36 E. Evan s 37 A . Dwyer 38 F. Harrison 39 A . Millar 40 L . Vincent 41 A . Dickeson 42 43 M . Cahmberlain 44 A . Gun n 45
46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morco m 49 D . Roberts 50 M . Ellis 51 P. Poe 52 J . Hough 53 J . Davies 54 X 55 P. Mulcahy 56 M . Scammell 57 X 58 D. Kempster 59 A . George 60 S . Benson 61 G . Sigley 62 63 P . Rosema n 64 J. Harringto n 65 666 G . Pilikidis 68 69 J . Hendy 70 J . Egan 77 J . Dwyer 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne 111 J . Carra
~ Coach: Matthew Georg e Res Coach:'CB.A.
1 G . Popple 2 J . Sheedy 3 J . Piotrowski 4 A . Fidle r 5 J . Demarte 6 B. Canfield 7 A. Hamilto n 9 M . McCalman 10 M . Georg e 11 D . Milano (C) 12 B . Nichol l 13 M . Luckey 14 R . Good e 15 C . Thoma s 16 S . Reynoldso n 17 J . Andrinopolou s 18 A. Fiuman i 19 B. O ' Mara 20 M. Traino r 21 R . Merke l 22 S . Georg e 23 J . Kan e 24 M . Caso n 25 T. Houriga n 26 T. Schwerdt 27 A. Collin s 28 T. Harri s 29 R . Cavicchiolo 30 P. Tur k 31 C . Drag o 32 P. Jones 33 N . Smit h 34 D . Brodi e 35 K . Abbot t 36 C . Gillmarti n 37 P. McDonal d 38 T. Ree d 39 B . Prio r 40 J . Henry 41 T. Drahtidis 42 L . Waters
43 J . Robert s 44 N . Morgan 45 D . Isli p 46 J . Sandh u 47 J . Sevdali s 48 M . Debon o 49 R . Winters 50 M . Goodwin 51 P. Jame s 52 S . O'Donnell 53 S . Flanaga n 55 S . Gallin a 56 R . Hoewe 58 A. Robert s 60 J. Puglisi
proutdv sponsored Inv : Whitehorse In n 5 Burwood Rd , Hawthorn (03) 9818 499 1 I2obbie ' s Meat s 0413 539 501 45
no Coach: Kevin Hannett '.. Res Coach: Sick Toce Coach : Tim Elli s Res . Coach: Eddie Galizi
1 J Barro (DVC) 2 1 Bingham 1 3 M Joy (C ) M Grocott 4 P Henderson (C ) 5 D Hannett (RC) B Di x 6 J Cotsis (RVC) C Pric e
7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S O'boyle 15 N Murray 16 B Boucher (RDVC) 17 A Burges s
18 S Macfarlane M Foal e 19 M Glenister 20 C Hal l I Mackenzie 21 A Thompson 22 S Hoare 23 M Beckett 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (RC) 26 G Stofiridis 27 G Kemper 28 M Kennedy 29 A Shee r 30 J Erta n 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 M Richardson 34 V Won g 35 C Cachia (VC) 36 P Van Velsen 37 A Dance 38 M Christiansen 39 G Dimitropoulos 40 N Toce 41 A Morrison 42 A Findlay J Sargen t 43 A Brown 44 D Raa b
J Maestros 45 D Richardson 46 M Pan e 47 M French 49 M Buckley 51 W Hal l 53 C Varnavas 54 P Shee r 65 D Kennett 81 S Day
1 D . Frase r
2 S . McNamara 3 C . Cummins 4 S . Conway 5 S . Bisby 6 S . McGrath 7 T. Ellis 8 C . Camilleri 9 A. Towers 10 B. Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D . Lenoury 14 B . McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C . Becker 18 E. Collier 19 J .Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbon 22 A . Dibaitista 23 C . Becker 24 S . Harding 25 S . Pugliese 26 P. Thomas 27 D . Warwick 28 C . Whiting 29 S . Dol e
30 B . Carlesso 31 P. Marsh 32 B . Seeber 33 S . Fuller 34 K. Mongrey 35 J . Youn g 36 D. Stephenson 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Crook s 39 40 41 42 43
C . Chapman L . Carson M . Houston S . Fletcher E . Galiz i
44 D . Flac k 45 D. Czajkowski 46 P. Rogers 47 D . Shelley 48 G . Shelley 49 D . McKee 50 K. Pace 51 M . Greene 52 L . Djakovic 53 N . Robert 54 R . Portogallo 55 D . Gullfounce 56 A . Addamo 57 M . Brown
58 A. Birch 59 A. Albakis 60 S. Hartley 61 G . Warren 62 C . Albakis 63 P. Browning 64 S . Pisak 65 R . Engler
_ Ex .,.ct nt nber of goals and behinds for each team must be accurately named Entry to be faxed to 953 1 2 0 50 or emailed to phii@vafa .asn .a u Entry to be received by noon Tuesday preceding match 0 SP __
No Winl - ; last we-" . 25 cntrie : receiv for today's Old Melburnians v. M FiS O13 match . If not claimed, prize increases each week by 4z% ,7.`-1" }",`E,F,c PI ."- .TCi-{ -
N € ./tvE i f°s'r . :
-. ..r
C s..UB .
Original and pink copy must be lodged with utr~, . ires no' ~_~er than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname, Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
The mr in iate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open g_t_ ._ The rearaate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 47
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FINALS ELIGIBILITY & VENUES/DATES I : ;uals eligibility rules are found under Rules 1 . 55 of the Association . geiow is a brief summary. ,~,2,, ;or -(lst XVIII teams) All registered players , 1 It h - , permit .
i:,-rve - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be ,.tered and must have played at least two (2 ) grade matches and not more than ten (10 ) Ei,or matches in the home and away games (firs t i«d)• %i,'iiere both first and second XVIII's are playing ,,r same day the reserve grade player must I,, have played two (2) games in either th e niors or reserves to qualify . i'eFr clubs with teams drawn in semi finals o n days of the same weekend (ie . lst semi rda .. . 2nd semi Saturday - read as above teams .ing on the same day) . ;,1,,~ under-19 teams - Players must be registered , :ad hold a permit . If a player has played an aggre: tc of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he musi have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season. If less than 6 senior/reserve ,n-itches a player must only be registered and hold pcrmit .
If a player is ineligible due to having played n ;ore than 5 senior and reserve matches and does
not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a team has (2) U 19 teams or involved in hybrid arrangements the following shall apply . To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not including finals . For the player to be able to represent the U19 ( 1) or (2) team of the club he is registered he must simply be registered and hold a permit . Club XVIII teams - Players must be registered and have played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches and not have played in more than a total of eight ( 8) senior and reserve matches during the first round . An AFL or VFL listed player will be eligible to play in the finals for his VAFA club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 30th . A TAC Under 18 player must have played five (5) VAFA matches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 30th .
2nd SEMI
lst SEMI
B 12/8/00 (SAT) 12/8/00 (SAT )
D4 13/8/00 (SUN) 12/8/00 (SAT) TOORAK PARK SCAMMELL RE S
19/8/00 (SAT) SCAMMELL RES 29/7/00 (SAT) E'WICK PARK 2 .00pm
26/8/00(SAT) SCAMMELL RES 5/8/00(SAT) EWICK PARK 2 .00p m
29/7/00(SAT) E'WICK PARK 11 .30am
5/8/00 (SAT) E'WICK PARK 11 .30am
19/8/00 (SAT) PARKDALE
U 1 9 RED
C XVIII (1) 22/7/00 (SAT) 22/7/00 (SAT) SANDRINGHAM SANDRINGHAM 1I .30am 2 .00pm C XTIII (2) 22/7/00 (SAT) 22/7/00 (SAT )
U19 (1) U 1 9 (2)
* above information subject to change due to ground availability (correct as 3/7/00) to
lidnca pa)c11
BDF':~ I -- Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623) 7 Maurice Street, Nunawading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 15 7 50 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
i 9/1 ~, Blue) S- orts & V, i dioal Supplie s .,47Y~v7 .ti0_7 1
~oach Burke must have been having the same dream as Dann y_ Frawley on Friday night because on Saturday against St . B .'s, they stacked the backline and tried to chip the ball around to find an opening forward . 3 quick goals in the 3rd set up an intriguing last but St . B .'s finally kicked away booting a miraculous 4g 4pt . (Note : all at VAFA wish Stapo a speedy recovery .) Xavs pulverised a disappointing Collegians . Competitive in the lst, still there in the 2nd, thereabouts in the 3rd - shocking in the last . Unit B .'s again showed their strength against weaker opposition with a solid 65pt win . That extra percentage could prove valuable in the coming weeks as teams fight for that final fourth position . O .M.'s put their final's campaign back on track with an 18 .77% increase ; this puts them within reach of Uni . De La was the surprise of the round with a magnificent 48pt win over leadership contender, Old B .'s . With a quadrant of debutantes dominating the game, 11 goal kickers, their last half was superb with 12g to 7g. SKOBS under T .P.O . just seem to be getting better . They debuted three players (2 x 16 year olds) Crohan boots 9g, twelve other goal kickers played a terrific running game, sharing the ball - the juggernaught rolls on . Section 2 In the match of the day Beaumaris proved too strong for Old Scotch running out winners by twenty-five points and moved further ahead at the top of the table . For Old Scotch, Brooke and Sladen kicked three goals apiece and Collie, Page and Thompson were in the best . Old Trinity drew level with second placed Old Scotch on points but still have an inferior percentage after blowing away Old Ivanhoe 21 goals to 3 . Cornell was his consistent self, kicking seven goals and along with Lancaster and Donahoo were the best for Old Trinity . MHSOB refuses to give up in its quest to play finals football and had another hard fought win, this time a nine goal third quarter led them to a 98 point victory over Yarra Valley . For the Bushrangers Thompkins and Bell kicked two . while Pask was best . The Whitefriars remained in fourth place by crushing Old Carey by 99 points in a onesided affair . Swain kicked 6 and Coslovich 5 while Braugh . Baker and Crea all played well for +,,P F,- ;-, ni(i CarPv had Lsood performances
(iJ19/2 & Rs,,) f r o i nAdams , Chapman, Hutchins and Leone . The Hampton Rovers had the bye . Section (2) Blu e The Blues secured the win of the round and moved into 2nd position with a sensational 3pt win against the ladder leaders . Smyth . Costly and McCormick were terrific for the Blues, whereas Kelly, McFadden & Fidogiannis were great for the Swans . Mentone Ammos absoluteIv belted De La at Darling Park . 13 goal kickers shows you just how much they shared the ball - Barker. Michaelidis & Jamieson were best. For De La, Wise & Wood did well and Roberts snagged another 4 (out of 5) . St . Leo's had their chance to maintain their 4pt break in 2nd position, but now drop to 5th position due to a poor percentage. Ormond were fantastic and should have won by more due to some inept attempts at goal kicking . Glen Eira, through the Ali's and Baraket were right in this game at the last break, but unfortunately could not increase their work rate enough to cause the upset . In the end the Jackers just rode over the top of them . The Grammar Boys did a demolition job on Old Ment . adding a valuable 19 .33% . Se ctio n (2) Red Despite inaccurate kicking Old Camberwell proved to strong for the Uni Blacks running out victors by 38 points in a hard game that saw both teams play some very good football . The Wells were led by great performances from Beranger, Kearney, and Derry while CramerRoberts was the best goal kicker with four . For the Blacks, Martin . Drummond, and Schirmer all battled hard for the entire game . The rest of the games for this week were one-sided affairs . Rupertswood had fifteen goal kickers in their twenty goal annihilation of Bullen-Templestowe . For the boys from Sunbury, Price was best on ground, while Burrows, Stafford, and Hatty barely faulted all day. Bickerdike, Hill and Conte were the best for Bulleen-Templestowe as they never stopped trying all day . The North Old Boys were way too good for Aquinas winning by 165 points in yet another convincing victory . Despite their poor season Aquinas continue to battle on, this week Coyle, Pierce and Alley were in the best . The Tiger Sharks forfeited to Old Essendon . Therry Penola had the bye .
previcW section 1 (,, ach Brown has his chance today to have a ,,c)d look at how his side rates against the No . i,~ am, SKOBS . Old B .'s play the Beach Oval , .;ircmely well and you would therefore, thin k upset was in the offing. But today's game is the "big" Sandy VFL ground, where the wide,,nen spaces will be too much for them . O .M .'s ,1 home to De La in an 8pt possible turnaround . This should be a sensational hard fought game - I'm not sure why but my 'gut' is telling me ,,--,set! The Lions at home to the Blues! Coach ,,'i3ee would have been extremely disappointed v:ith last week's loss and knows that this could b_ the last roll of the dice . For me, the Blues will siiatier Collegian's faint finals dream . Marcellin .hould secure a comfortable win against Old P.' s home . The Nodder's will have to try and !nploy the same tactics as last week, to try and ontain the Xavs goal-kicking machine . No t IiI_ely! Finally, O'Connor's St, B .'s should crush old H . at home if they can kick straight, believe i, 1 themselves and follow team rules. S~_ :tion 2 The Hampton Rovers will be looking for revenge after their one point defeat at the hands of Old Ivanhoe earlier in the season . The Rovers a much more consistent team now and should be too good for the struggling Old 1 ; anhoe side . In the match of the round second plays third, when Old Scotch take on Old Trinity in a game that may decide which team finishes in second place and gets the double chance . Both teams will be throwing everything into this one, but I think Old Trinity have been showing the better form over recent weeks and should win by two or three goals . Beaumaris would really have to drop their bundle now if they're not Co finish on top of the ladder after some awesome performances throughout the year, and shouldn't have too much trouble this week when they clash with brave MHSOB . Whitefriars %%: on't be underestimating Yarra Valley but should have a good -win and stay in the four as they have way too much at stake to drop this one . Old Carey has the bye . Section (2) Blue Mentone Ammos are at home to the Blues in what should be an absolute corker of a match . If'Flentone win, they keep their slim finals hopes alive . If the Blues win they will begin to consolidate 2nd position . For me and upset win! Ormond play De La at home in a game in which they must win and ~vin well . They need to pick up at least 15% otherwise a shot at 2nd is gone . The Jackers host St. Leo's in a match which could shape the congested four. But St. Leo's have too much at stake to let this one drop, due to the fact their percentage is very low in comparison to the other final few aspirants - they M
need the points . The match of the round sees the Swans at home to Caulfield . I can't see the Swans dropping this one . Finally O .M .'s should defeat Glen Eira at home, although the Packer Boys were very competitive for 3 quarters last week . Section (2) Red The Uni Blacks have had a tough run over recent weeks and it doesn't get any easier this week when they take on Old Essendon . For the last month the ladder leaders have been far from their best, but are still no pushovers and will just have too much depth for the Blacks and should win by three to four goals . In the match of the round the two form teams, Old Camberwell and Rupertswood clash in what has the making of a classic encounter . Last time they met the Sunbury boys won by only three points, but at this point in the season I think the Wells are looking the better side and should gain revenge for their early season meeting. The Wells by three goals . The North Old Boys battle with the Tiger Sharks, and will have too much depth and skill for their opponents and record a convincing win . The NOBs by 15 goals . Aquinas will again give their all but will find the might of Therry Penola, with the sniff of finals in the air, too good today . Bulleen-Templestowe have the bye .
Under-19 - Section 1 COLLEGIAN S
Coach: Richard Obee
Coach : Terry Russel l
Coach : Denet Merto n
Coach: Rod Bourk e
1 D. Coombes
1 . L. Young 2 . C . Moran 3 . S . Evans 4 . S . Brown 5 . S . O'Connell 6. A. Bonnici 7. G . Wis e 8. M. Naughtin 9. S. Hyd e 10 . S . Hale 11 . D . Doyle 12 . B . Hawkins 13 . W. Jolley 14 . J . Lowe 16. M. Miller 16. B. Kropman 17. J. Kea n 18 . C . Mercuri 18 . A . McLeish 19 . R . Burrows 1 9 . T. Woodlock 20 . M . Picone (C) 21 S . Murray 22 T. Molan 23 P. Mulholland 24 J . Garland 37. J Hynes 39 . M . Goodier 40 . P. Harrison 41 D . Spithill 42 A. Coffey 42 A . Cerullo 47 J . Stinear 52 D . Poynton 61 R . Warmsley 63 P. De La Haye 70 M . Duggan
1 . R. Galat i 2 . D . Cracknell 4 . L . Neal 6 J. Carpenter 7 D . McMillan 12 L. Connal 13 J . Matthews 15 R. Baeyni 16 L . McMillan 16 L . Furlan 19 M . Mccartin 23 P. Hesse 25 N . Bisas 27 B . Norden 28 S . Bake r 29 D . Ballantyne 32 V. Cahil l 35 A . Carson 37 A . White 40 D . Newell 43 G .Thomas 53 S. Allitt
1 . D . Collins 2 . D . Fotiniotis 3. D . Bonnici 4. A . McIntyre 5. D. Maskell 6. A. Strawhorn 7 . A. Fry 8 . E . Hansen 9 . D . Hos e to . J. McLatchie it . C . Jayaweera 12 . C . Clegg 13. D . Clegg 14. L. Fuller 15. M . McDowell 16 . A . Moo n 17, R. Mosbauer 18 . M . Quinn rt 19 . S. Ma in 20 . B. Southgate 21 . P. Rya n 22 . D . Waite 23. T. Heat 24. L. May 25 . P. Reed 26 . A . Chalk 27 . P.Jones 28 . T. Grierson 29 . C. Meehan 30 . A. Wilson 31 . S. Vettman 32 . P. Dugdale 33. M . Guthridge 34 . K . LorenzDaniel
2 R. Mui r 3 D . Dowling 4 R . Sztar 5 B . Hoist
6 7 8 9
A . Fletcher J . Farley B . Sloman B. Low
12 M . White 13 B. Lumb 14 J . Dixon 15 N . Peters 17 A . Shinkfield 18 D. Brewing 21 N. Chalmers 22 C. Rologas 25 M . Rei d
26 P. Krotiris 27 B. Donnelly 29 B . Lukav 31 N . Herman 32 M .Johnson 33 J . Fitzpatrick 34 J. Young 40 J. Dixon 43 E. Waters
Coach : Wayne Holdswo rth
Coach : Brendan Flyn n
Coach : Manny Nicolosi
1 P Gallagher C 2 T Bryant 3 S Arden DVC 4 M Hawkins 5 T Stonie r 6 J Grant 7 D Stewar t 8 P Grundy DVC 9 J Byrn e
1 . L . McMahon 2.
2. A .Mccanhy' 3. B . Calman (VC) 4. J . Scanlan 5. M . H gins 6. M . Alen 7. S. Johnston S . L. McDonnell 9 . J. Ralp h 10. J. Chambers 11 . L. Farrow 12 . J . Dillo n 13 . D .Behan 14 . L. Mos s 15 . M . Sleeman 16 . D. Jams 17 . D. Thomas 18. N. Hullett 19. M . D'Amelio 20. J. McGrat h 21 . R . Speekman (C) 22. M. O, Kane 23 . D . Bonadio 24 . N, Heatley 25 . H . Davies 26 . D . McKean 27 . A . Curim 28 . A. McQueen-Parton 29. N. Harbeck 30. A. Pritchard 31 . D. Orlando 32.S.Gnqg 33. C. HaO~eld 34. L . Dmardo 35 . R . Lopresti 36 . D . Noonan 37 . P. Carter 38 . J . Demaria 39 . N . Own 43 A . Nolen
10 B Marks 11 C Hinkfuss 12 T Middleton 13 A Simpson 14 T Cook 15 J Bracy 16 J Berman 17 H O'Brien 18 T Fitzgerald 19 M MarsonVC 20 C Alde r
21 S Kennedy 22 A Wal l 23 A Trader 24 J Tucker 25 P Thomas 26 C Walker 27 L Beilby
28 M Radywonik 29 T Duncan 30 A W u 31 J Mulcahy 32 E Selby 33 C Miller
1 . A . Kelly
5 . P. Palermo 6. 7. M . Zannino B. L . Collin s 9 . M . Shepherd 10 . B. Mobrici 11 . T. Bateman 12. S . Hickey 15 16 18 N. El Mohamed 19 G . Moore 23 A. Ploenges 24 T. Lombardi 27 S . Corcoran 29 S . Doyle 32 35 A . Tenson 36 D. Boundy 50 D. Furze 52 J. Bonaci 56 T. Jenkinson 64 L. Price
Coach : Roger Brown 1 . C . Mizzi
2 . C . McNicol 3 . T. Mattesti 4 . A. McGillivray 5 . B. Williams 6. R . Stewart 7. C . Reddin 8. C . McKimm 9 . M. Ward 10 .A . Morley 11 . L. Adamis 12 .N. Kennedy 14 M . Lowe 16 B. Marks 17 D . Hellyer 19 P. Angelini 20 M . Smith 21 B . Titshall 22 A . Hughes 23 J. Dickerson 24 MJ Smith 27 J. Maguir e
Coach: Heath Broadbent, 1 . L Pfeiffer 2 . L Pitcher 3. H. Brooks 4. S. LangfordJones (C) 5. A Shaw 7. J. Cashmer e 9. A Waxman (DVC) 10. B . Salves it . J. Wright 13 . B . Crawford 14 . G. Smith (C) 15. G . Winder 17. R. Plummer 18. D. CrovA
19. G . Fteicixr (VC) 20. B. Ferguson 21 . J . Darley 24. P. Ladd 25. D. Webb 26 . L. Hogan 27 . A Jerdte 28. B. Hurter 29. D. Mos s 32 D. Mackenzie 39 Q . Boan 40 S. Capron 42 B. Kaetswr 47 T. Philips 51 L. Holt
58 J . Webb
3 . M . Cosgriff (C)
44 T. Fotzqera{d 48 R. 0'Sfiannassy 55 G.t.lonahan 59 R. Macwhirter 71 M . McCarthy
Coach : Peter O'Conno r
Coach: Pau l O'Shannassy
1 . R . Legudi 2 . G . Ward 3 . A. Bouzikas 4 . SD . Bor 5 . J. Citare li 6 . J. McKay 7 . L . Harvey 8 . L. Wilkinson 9. D . Valori 10 . J . Hil l
I . S . Moylan 2. L. Coleman 3 . A. Umbers 5 . Natale
11 . S .lannozzo i2 . M O'Donnell 13 . S . Burgyn 14 . P. Holland 15 . A. Garvey 16. M. Stapleton 17. M. D'Arcangelo 18. D . Walsh
19. Rahil l 20. D . Sheehan 21 . A . Smith 22 . B . McManu s 23 . A. Mastropasqua 24 . L . Campbell 25 . T. Legud l 26 . A. Monteleone 27. L .Evan s 28. M . Caligiuri 29. A . Abele 30. C . Trevrin 31 .. L.0'Brin e 32. S . Monteleone 33. B . Ballari n 34 . M . Zucco 35 . T. Pearson 36 . M. Pope 37 . T. Carrick 38 . N . Smith 39 . J . Formica 40. R . Cousland 41 . M . Kavanagh 52 L. O'Sullivan
6 . Dellapicca 7 . D . James 8 . N . Marchesani 9 . D . satgliano 10 .1. Delic 11 . M . Hutton 12. C . Turlich 13. K . Didilis 14. J . Cassell 15 . D. Bare 16 . D. Lucas 17 . P. Cameron 18 . C . Moffat 19 . E. Lynch 20 . L . Kalesaran 21 .T. Simpson 22. R . Dabraio 23. M . Rigby 24. G. Nolan 25. A . O'Keefe 27 D. Young 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M. Winridge
31 A. Turlich 32 J . Cox 33 G. Heal y
34 J . Henderson 35 W. Macdonald 36 W. McCann 37 M . Powell 38 T. Wickham 40 Fynmore 41 Dlckeson 42 B.Pugh 46 J . Travaglia 48 M. Kempton 52 Leathern 57 M . Hinsely
UNIVERSITY BLUE S Coach: Steve King 1 . C . Barrett 2 . L . Bassell 3 . C . Beato n 4 . L. Chamberlain (VC) 5 . J . Chivers 6 . R. Bowland 7. T. Birtle y
8. C. Delahunty 9. A. Di Pasquale 10 . S. Edwards 11 . A. Evans 12. G . Fricker 13. B. Gates (C) 14. T. Girwood 15 . T. Fallow 16 . R . Hamilton 17 . R . Holmes 18 . N . Hutchens 19 .S . Hunt 20 . J . Hunter 21 . L. Howley 22 . S. Kaso 23 . R . Kelleher 24. C . Kennedy 25. A . Munro 26. M . Vasey 27. L. Qui n 28. S . Randall 29 .T. Roach
30 . E . Roydhouse 31 . T. Morgan 32 . M . Sal e 33 . A. Savolutos 34 . S. Sandiford 35 .S, Russell 36 . A . Powell 37. T. Trumble 38. E . Wilcox 39. A . Williams 41 W. TempleSmith 42 S .Young
~ .' - EY CC,-
~.-ico-c 0
D Foley ( C ) :pmtt ,iagee Tiyor Collins Cairns j . .'aad B, uiitespie C . Bird p Brook (VC) S Lynch C, Tuc k - _ : Pearse Clemente pa Blackmore S . ~~azgerai d Thom ~son ~,-uidolin (C) _ -'- . Edge B Zigouras D. Hart man T, Abbot Atkins Boreham Atkins (DVC) S . Coate R. Deato n Coble --, L . Tucker A. Spenc e J. Beattie S. McNicholas H . McMillan .;, L . Heal y - ; - B. Deato n .?_ M. Millis -,. S . Le e L. Ramirez-Smith E . Cooper R . Guinan A . Wilson
: . ~ Coach: N yneSlfiard 1 M. Pearson 2 D . Diver 3 B. Boyd 4 S . Blangiardo 5 A . Vanderheim 6 L. Kennedy 7 K . Johnstone 8 G. Car r 9 B . Jewett 10 M . Stafford ( DVC) 11 M . Lawrence (C) 12 J . Zampagiioni (VC) 13 T. Wilson 14 N . Goss 15 M . Vaughan 16 L . Hope 18 G . Kell y 20 W. Hebbard 21 N . Maso n 23 B . Kulling 24 M . Waxiel 26 R . Alexander 28 N . Gould 29 J . prantzos 30 A . Fishe r 32 J . Nvc 33 C. Sendeck yl) 35 L. Wheeler 36 A. Battams 39 D . Molina 40 S. Dea l
Coach : Gr - cme Bulluss 1 E. Raleigh (C) 2 J . Zarb 3 D . Vests (C) 4 R . Ware 5 A . Keys 6 B . Woollard ( VC) 7 A . O'Brien 8 N . Orchard (VC) 9 J . Walker 10 E . Sims-Luca s 11 A . Hall 12 M . Cotter 13 R. Pa tt erson 14 P. Wolnize r 15 A. Vicendese 16 S. Sims-Lucas 17 G . Pollard 18 C . Soifer 19 A. Dymbl e 20 M. Tarr 21 M. Brown 22 A . Nirens 23 E . H o 24 P. Rujevic 25 A . Svirskis 26 C . Wright 27 S . French 28 K. tvtiezis 29 S . Allen 30 J . Membrey 31 M . Dowling 32 T. Harper 33 M. Neilsen 34 J, Veal e 35 G . Rankin
1 . C . Smith 2. C. Stewart 3. B . Walsh-Richardso n 4. K. Detarczynski S . T. Chapman 6 . L . Bartley 7 . P. Gizinsk i 8 . L . Costello 9 . D . Shutie 11 R . Hall 12 J . Hutchin s 13 J . Macpherson 14 P. Holland 15 J . Oppenheim 16 R . Graham 17 A . Wilkie 18 H. Sedan 19 L. Siragusa 20 R . Adams 21 R .Leong 22 C . Taylor 23 D . Prior 24 P. Unkles 25 N . Detarczynski 26 E . Morgan 27 S . Baker
O L D I VANHOE Coach : Stuart McLea n 1 . R . Mansfield
2 . A. Bereza 3 . J. Whyte 4. C . BinneY
5. J . Brigg s
6. T. Mee 7. M . Clark e 8. C. Lync h 9 . N. Braddy 10 . N . Anderson 11 . A . JUrki W 12 . S. Morris
13. D . Treloa r 14. K . Theodoss i 15. M . Li m 16. N . Trigwel) 17. C. Lewi s 18. L. Bolzan 19 . L. McKi e 20 . D. Hawke s 21 . A. Clancy 22 . M . Teskey 23 . F. Cokelek 24 . D . Neilso n 25 . J. Giesche n 26 . G. Gibson 2 7 . T. Grieve 31 . C . MacDonal d 34. S . Aston 35. R. Smilli e
36. J . Stafford
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Terry Kendall
1 J. Crane R . Craven S . Tulloc h C . Ada m S . Stewa rt D . Adderiey 8 S . Johnston
1 Peggie A 2 Hine A 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Robison M 6 Rennie M 7 Dodgson B 8 Amiconi A 9 Best J 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen P 12 Kelly T 13 Ellerbeck G 14 Thwaites M 15 Lucas C 16 Condron K 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Ca rter-Buszard L 20 Oberoi S 23 Wallin A 24 Christopherson J 25 Zander M 26 Donahoo M 28 Cristiano D 29 Mccutcheon M 30 Sullen M 32 Cornell J 33 Malekas 1 42 Torney A 44 Lancaster 45 Ward C 50 Davies M 55 Troon R 58 Walsh B 65 Burrows R
10 0 S Jospehs on 11 R. Hamer 12 T. Page 13 A. Cleelan d 4 D. Loq an 15 D. Gilc Colman hrist 16 N. 17 D. P ry le s 13 J . Piiki ngton (Ct =3 T. Wilson-Humphries " '1 S. Dillon ?2 M . Pearse 3 A. Kyriacou .:4 D . Jackson -S E. Tembat h 6 D . Brook e G7 L. Routledge 28 S . Thompson 29 J . S med ley 0 A . Birch 31 J . Beaurepaire { VC) 32 S . Hosking ( VC} 3 J . Rodski 4 M . Fowles 05 A . Tindal e 36 R . Hooke 38 H . Fenner '9 J . Footit ' 1 M . Lipshut 42 J. Ross ~3 J. Denby ' T. Collie 5 A. Fuller 4 6 J. Sikon 56 E . Ramsay 61 J. Stratus 1 2 D . Paul u 9 C . Lucas 88 J . Lie
Coach : Bre tt Gear
Coach : Tim Pratt
Coach : Rod Penalun a
1 . J . Wallace 2 . M. Cahill 3 . S. Cloven 7 J. Power 8 M. Malady 9 L. Swain 10 L. Coulthard 11 D. Crea 1 2 C. Slats 13 T. Langford 14 L. Twomey 16 R. Coslovich 17 T,Barugh 18 M . Baker 19 J. Morris 20 S. Alexander 21 A. Graham 22 A. Bake r 23 J . Treyvaud 24 M. Haverkamp 25 M . Crowe 26 N . Muhliechner 27 S . Sail 28 P. Harrison 29 D. D'sousa 30 B . Janson
1 A Middlin 2 M Norrish 3 N Pask 4 R Bett 5 P Valopp i 6 D Lloy d 8 R Dre w 9 8 Keho e 10 J Seeger 11 Z Webb 13 L Gillies 14 G Thompso n 15 D Smith 16 C Holdswo rth 17 A Pizzey 18 C Beal 19 A Colema n 20 D Senaratne 21 J Tomkins 22 J Peak e 23 T Colle tt 24 G Courts 25 F Pellegrin o 27 S Savag e 29 D Bell 30 J Stron g 31 S Urbana 32 D Smit h 34 S Brit t 37 D Sim s 44 N Mart in
9 :~
C7, . . . __
Coach : Mark Zuker Co u CI
1 D. Henzel 4 A. But 5 E. Goldstone 6 L . Goldman 8 T. Katz 9 D. Newstadt 11 A. Benedykt 12 J . Blanklield 14 S. Newstadt
15 D . Finkel 16 J . Freeman
17 0. Flamm 18 J . Feldman 20 D. Zulch 22 D. Mrocki 23 B. Nissen 24 P. Glazer
26 A. Cooper 27 C . Spero
31 D . Norich 32 M . Kestenberg 35 I . Same 36 AA . Sack s 39 A . Sapar 43 E . Woliner 44 J . Gelfan d 45 A. Le w in 47 M . Snow 50 M. Milmeister 55 V. Kelp
MONASH BLUES Coach: Dennis Grace I N Whitmore 2 M Sickle 3 J Roserx~arten 4 M Bolton
5 P Ave ry 6 C John
7 G Northway 8 J Backwe ll 9 C O'Sullivan 1o B Rogers 11 M Edsall e t2 G Smyth 3 A Per ry~ " 114 L Golding 1 5 J P ark
if 1
3 . A . Axles
4. T. Vinen 5. B . Gross 6. N . Bode 7. P. Robe rt s 8 . S. Tucker 9 . J . Dalwood ( C ) 10. S . McDonal d it . B . Gardine r 12. B . Goddard (DVC ) 13. J . Morvell (DVC)
14. M . Green 15 . A . Docker 16 . P. McLeish 17 . P. Ellis 18 . N . Guyett 19 . W. Brocke tt 20 . D . Griffiths 21 . D . Elai s 22 • T. Rynberk Ynberk
23. B . Naylor 24. G . Dyson 25. M . Cram horn 31 . M . Richardson
32 . L. Frankli n 35 M . K uppe 38 C . Veencjar 40 R . O'Neil l 43 A. Bruh n 44 A. Vanrompaey 50 J . Wade
OLD MENTONIANS Coach : Jamie Winduss
~ -_~ °
18 A sheims 20 W Little
DC vccholo
48 G Cmgston 63 B Boyer
64 M Ryan
69 J Veenhuizen
1 . Ahmed All 2. All All
4 P. Brot 5 P. Mulhollan d 6 J . Kean 7 S. Mehan 8 P. Arbon 8 M . Goole y 9 M . Brasher 9 L. Harriso n 10 J . Clifton
11 A . Brett
12 J . Roberts
15 L. Browne 17 Jop y W 17 McGowan 19 S. Alder 21 M . Squire 23 L . Danaher 25 P. Rounder 29 S . Brown e 32 H . Funsto n 33 B . Lamb e T. Heffernan 42 J . Bowde n 42 M . Lafferty
43 R. Buckley 52 LM Molon e y 53 C. Moran y 54 J . Murphy 55 B. Nolan 56 J. No rt on 57 B. Ramsey 58 C . Rice 60 D . Wood 61 L. Becke r 62 C . Bellistri 64 B . Cole 64 T. Woodloc k
v : . : ,=w
6 . G . Burley 7 G . Cassa r 8 . D . Clark e 9 . N . Cuni 10. M . Dimachki 11 . R . Dimachk i 12. N . D'Zilva
13 . I . Dean 14 . L. Granrott 15 . J . Gusman 16 . Z . Kadour 17 . M . Kasa r 18 . P. Khalild 19 . L . Kuthman 20. L . Lampo s 21 . P. Merrick 22. S . Milopoulos 23. T. 0' Loughlan-Elder 24. A . Ranson 25,. A. Selvan 26. J . Serpanch y
27. D. Sheehan 28 . R . Sherry 29 . J. Tomo 30 . P. Wallis 31 . S. Ware 32 . B. Wazseknel 33 . M . Wood 34 . S . Zebian 35. B . Zurek
ST LEOS E MM AUS Coach : Danny O'Sullivan
1 . L. Russell (Cl 2 . K . Harvey 3 . S . Tumiati
1 . L. Moss 2. M . D'Ameli o
6. M Lub a 7 . R Wiley 8 . J Muzzell 9 . J . Putz 10. L D'Astoli 11 . D Heal 12. L. Breit~reuz (DVC) 13. A . Kurzel
6 . P. Boy d 8 . L . Cu ll en (VC) 9 . T Stephens
4. D Casey (VC) 5. J Tolley
3. D. Behan 4. C. Irvin 5 . P. Podbu ry
Coach : Shane O'Connor 1 M . Meyer
2 G . Sim s 3 P. Dixon 4 G . Alla n 5 T. Fricker 6 S. Pratt 7 T Bar r 8 K. Litt le 9 K . McLeod 10 R . War d 11 B . Atheron 12 P. Williams
13 M . Haye s 14 P. Rock s 15 D. Johns 16 N . Leven,
17 S. Casacell i 18 M. Michaelidis 19 S . Hamilton 20 P. Kring s 2 1 D . Kell y 25 N . Curra n 26 L. Parson s 30 A. Pothitos 33 R. Hamil 34 M . Wingrav e 35 C . Johnstone 40 S. Alexande r
43 P. Murphy 45 R . Connard 43 S . Sulliva n 57 J . Hai g 71 S . Rickard s
STII . M ELU . DISTRICTS Coach: Darren McKillop
1 J. Royl e 2 W. D'Andrea 3 J . Raebur n 4 N . Matarazzo 5 I . Rusakiv
15 . P. Carey DVC) 16 . A . Kelly
6 L. Esle r 8 A . Skinns 9 S . Aquiline 10 S . Rocc o 11 H. McFadden
16 D McKenna
18 . M . Fechner
13 W. Brow n
20 H . Masters
22 R Quiney 23 H. Putz 24 A Lam
22 . D. McKea n 23 . G . BrearleyY 24 . R. Merchant 25 . C . Hatfiel d 26. M . Morris 41 D . Wood
26 J . Griffi n
25 J Silver ~ ~
3. C. Alle n 4 , A. Barake t 5 . M . Baraket (C)
Coach : Tim Hilte
17 M Heffernan 18 M . Purcell 19 C Evere tt 20 T. Harve y 21 S Anderson
21 P Arnott 22
45 H Graham
1 . A . Toniola
t 14. D . Jowet 15 A Goonan
17 ALeithhrid9e
42 S Kimber 44 o Lap P in
Coach: John Howard
2. B . Guliffer
_ .
Coach : Grey Buntine
1 . D . Krongold 2 . C . Deal (VC)
16 A Carter
Vegte r 27 IMMcCormick 28 J Main 30 J P>1el6no~ton 3t S Hawk ns 34 P Fonseka 35 8 Centro 3 6 N Costley 39 C Burley 40 A Every
26 M Ma rtinov 27 J Nos k e
10. A . Cherry 12. D . Dick 14. M . McHu h
17 . G. Donovan (C) 19 . A. Rooks 20 . J . Hamilton 21 . A. Ballard
28 C . Blejak
12 J . MacDonal d 16 J . Leeman 17 P. D'Andre a 18 J. Stephens 21 D . Bel l 22 K . Ferguson 24 G. Tsicaderi s
25 E . Bouchard
34 A Wanvarek
55 D . Tomkins 58 A . Bulmer 59 M . Anderson 61 G. Hondow 64 N . Romney
27 P. Cheever s 29 M . Bradfiel d 30 A. Niel d 32 E. Mahoney 33 J . Fidogianni s
49 A Perry
73 J . Dixon
34 G . Gaylor
28 N Thompso n 31 S Barker 39 M Ferrari 40
79 A O'Shannessy 91 T Collie
74 R. Gale 76 A . Windle 77 J . Blewett
41 M . Woo d 51 G . Rowe
Oider-19 速 Section (2) Re AQUINAS O .G . coach : Ter ry McEvoy
TIGER SHARKS Coach: Mark Beasley
!.q. Lent 2 ;J, Alley A. Boland o ~,! Lyng 7, B. Crosbie 8, L. McAuley 9. D . Poynton t0 C Field 12 . C. Munroe 11 V. Hall 15, S . Verone 16 . B . Murphe y 18 . C. Chippendal e ig . M . Bambury 20, B . Dorkin 21 . J . Pierce 22 . G . Cochrane 23, N. Wart on 25 . G . Coyle 26 . M . Lemieszek 27 . J . Neagle 34 . D. Ford 61, D. Cole
a , 6-,
NTH OLD BOYS Coach : James Sandman
1 . S . Marsh 2 . D . Florence 3 . A . Paradiso 4. 0. Hill 5. M . Pietryk (C) yy (VC) 6. D . McGreevy 7. M . McGrath 8. R. Conti g. M . Bickerdike 11 . J . O'Donnell 13 . J . Garbellin i 14 . M . C o ll in s 16 . D. Charles 18 . D . Buccachio 19 . M . Bartling 20 . M . Hurley 22 . A. Tehan 23 . D . Tsokas 25 . L . Caddy 26. D . Martin (VC) 31 . T. Walters 33. P. Gordon 34. G . Taylor 35. P. Tsokas 37. C . Welch 45. M . Saliba
Coach : John Newbold
Coach : Ken Balmer
Coach : Steve McMahon
1 J Williamson 2 A Salvo 3 C Oblivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMort on 6 D Slater 7 B Hakim 8 M Jinx (C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 C. Clues 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke 16 E Healey 17 J Heritage 18 D Flahe rty 19 A Burbridge 20 S. Rogers 21 N Ba rt rum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burns 26 C McCormack 27 M Day 28 A. McGowan 30 D . Oblivbek 33 S . Cetin 34 J. Marinos 35 S . Brugalett a
1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 4 D Burrowes 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 7 B Whitehead 8 K Elliott 10 N Webb 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 13 D Wallace 14 D Mather 15 J Teller 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnston 20 P Finn 21 D Heywood 22 A 23 N Sullivan 24 G Price 25 R Hatt y 27 M Koste 28 D Hum 29 J Heath 31 M Assouad
6 Taylor N 9 Bannister C 10 Bannister J 38 Nancharow M 56 Stepien S 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D 63 O'Sullivan D 64 Dakin D 65 Sifter T 67 Reynolds L 69 Leguier D 72 Johnson S 73 O'Brien J(VC) 77 Gleeson A 78 Barron B 79 Higgins T 80 Kiernan M 81 Delaney D 82 Bowcock D 83 Finn B 84 Russell G 85 Henderson G (VC) 96 Goodwin T 89 Christie A 90 Atkinson D(VC) 92 Springhall R 9 3 Smith J 94 Culp h S 98 Hollow B 99 Haldstack G (C ) 101 McCa rt hy L
Coach : Michael Sigala ' s Stanton = --
1 D Edwards 2 T Hedgeland (VC) 3 J Kirk 4 T Stathopoulos 5 B Kea n 6 D Burley 7 A Craven 8 S Glover 9 A McKenzie 10 J McArdle 11 B Speed 12 D Joyce ( C) 13 N Bar ry 14 S Kell y 15 J Stevens 16 R Munzel 17 M Vanderhorst 18 D Denton 19 D Keena n 20 S Berm ingh am 21 N Hahn 23 S Hayne s 24 B Toohey 25 D Gazelle 26 H Maplestone (C) 27 G Hancock 28 R Morley 30 J Mullins 59 D Owen
UNIVERSIT Y BLACK S Coach:John Bushb y
I S Maguir e 2 T Halloran 3 R Drummond 4 J O'Sulliva n 5 T Laidlaw 6 J Parkinso n 7 B Ruscoe 8 C Schirmer 9 E Thomas 10 A Torney 11 W Touze l 12 B Witten 14 A Bushb y 15 A Cowley 16 D Morris 17 P Mailer 18 S Rei d 19 P Seure n 20 A Whitlock 21 T Young 22 N Barne tt 23 L Beato n 24 D Creek 25 S Monaghan
1 . B . Tippe r 2. M . Santamaria 3. N. Robinso n 4. K. Nunn 6 Beran T. er 9 (C) 7 T. Hall o 8 A. Marq etts 9 A. McGree 12 G . Welcha rt 13 J . Derry 14 C . Munro 15 J. Whela n 16 A. Canto r 17 J. Cramer-Roberts 18 M. Horga n 19 D . Mitc6el l rt h 2~ S. Jones vo 22 N . Johnson 23 D . Joyce 2 7 A . Hil lie r 28 L. Hancoc k 37 0. Ken t 43 Ti Prows e 47 T Kerney (VC ) 50 B . Benc 51 B . Braithwaite 52 B . Laricchia 53 C. Morley 54 P. Najja r 55 McLeod M. 6 A. Hickey 5 57 5B D. Lin g 59 A. Davey 60 R. Ensor 61 &0r ms b 62 P. Triantatyyllou 63 K. Darby 64 D . Norton
UrD :R 19 -7LJE - 01 .07 .0 0
R 19' "CTIC- : 1 - 01 .07 .0 0
15 .12 27.13 38.17,245 St Nevins; 7.7 0. i 0 .4 0.5 3 .6 .24. Old Haileybury: Bare 2 St Kevins: Crohan 9.11 Giattsiracusa 6. Marchesani 6 . Travagl€a 5. .Lyltch. Greenhalglt 2, Healey 2, Cassell . Didilos . Gullifer, 0'iCeefe ;;h . Old Kalasaran . Best : King. Cox. D3ddos, O'Keefe . Bare . Greet6ta( : Pitcher, Pollock . A Pletcher. HaBeybury : Dartev. Smith . D tYebb . :Best Snuth . MacKenzie, C Wasntatt . Umpires Daniel Beitner: Chris Evans (F) : 3,5 8 .9 14 .11 20 .13 .133 De La Sa lle Old Bri~hton: 3.1 5 .4 7.9 12.13,85. ! 3 . Sttnear 3, Buckley 2 . L Harrison 2 Do ha ~Salle : Gecclier 3 . Wilson : Wilson . Buc4elv. Loathe . pavilion, %th)ll . ?lecun Hale, O'Conneli . BestGoal kickers and hest O'Connelloodier. L Harrison . Old Brighton: . Umpires: Justin Grossbard: Terence Farrell (F) vresultnocid 0 .1 0.1 0,1 1 .1 .7 Old Paradians: 17.19 21 .26 .152 5 .9 11 .14 Old ?delburnians: : Boundy. Hickey. Jenkmson. Tenson, Furze . Old Paradisns : Boundv. Best . Collins . Old h4eiburrdans: King 6 . Neuauan 4 . Arden 3, Grundy 3 .. Hawkins Brs2tnt Thomas . ti'u . Duncan . Best : Bryant. King . S9ntpson Thomas, Tucker. Gallagher. Umpires : John Ralph: Barry Bolger (F) . Brendan Ralph (B ) University Blues : 6.5 9.9 17.13 20,13.133 R9azcellin :
2.1 7.2
7 .2
11,2 .6-8
received . University Biues : Goal kickers and test players results not . Best: Galati . R3arcellin: .'.3eMtllan 3 . Wilkins 3. Galati 2 . Sidoti 2 . Sehembrl Berardi. McMillan, BaIlant}ate, Hanson . Umpires : Jason Waszij: Chas Gregory (F)
Old Xaverians: 4 .2 8 .5 12.9 17 .18.120 4.0 6 .1 7.2 9.4.58 Collegians : Old Xaverians : Goal kickers and best players results not. Goal kickers and best plavers results not received egians : -eceived .Coll Umpires: David t4lndloW : Tony Liffey IF . Paul YJttttehead (G ) 0 .2 1 .4 4 .7 4 .8 .32 Mazenod : 7' R67 3.24 St Bernards : 0,10 3 .18 . Heal . St3axenod: i4laskell 2 . Jones, MeDaWe:L Best: Jones, Stmtshorn . T Legudi . St Bernards: O'Donnell 2b`atori Fuller, Thomson. St. Baker. Bor~s. Ballarin. Bouzikas . Best : R Legudi . Ward . Rahill. Bouzikas. Bugryn, He to . Umpires: Justin Lipson : Damian Flsnly (F)
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 - 01 .07.00
4.4 12.8 18.12 21.18.144 Old Trinity: 3,7,25 Old Ivanhoe : 0 .4 2.5 3 .6 . Cristiano, Davies . Old Trinity: Cornell 7 . Walsh 4, McCutcheon 2 . Condron . Best : Lancaster. Cornell, . Blaekmore, lattgdon . Taylor Dodgson. Eilerbeck 01>arot . Donahoo . Dolgson . Condron, Old Ivanhoe: Goal kickers and best Umpires: Daniel Dinneen : Simon v(F) u ;lts not received, lavers res 14 .7.91 .1 10 .3 11 .6 Scotch : 2.4 6.7 9.11 9.12 .66 Old unions 5 . Old Scotch: Goal kickers and best plovers results not received Beauxnarisv Page, Brooke 3. Sladen 3. Barnett . Craven, Cleeland . Best: Collie, Thompson, Pilkington . Brooke, vb`ilson-Hmnphries . Umpires: Neville Boyle (R) . Paul Berry (F) .13 .151
18 .4 23 6 .1 93 MHSOB : 2 .4 3.10 4 .10 7.11 .53 Yarra Valley ; . Ralet h 3 . Iti1HSOB: Tarr 4. Svirskis 4. War e 3, t','oollard 3. Vicendere 3 . Veale . =iglt . Veale. Walker. Patterson . Best : Ware. Rujevtc . Patterson . Best : . Savage, Bell . Urbano 1?7alker. Yarm Valley : Thompkkis 2 . Bell 2 :iun Ovadia (R) (F) Pask, Norrish. Beat . Bett . Strong. Peake. Umpires
.41 Old Ca rey: 2.0 4 .2 5.4 6 .5.140 RRiltefriars : 4.6 11 .13 14.16 20.20 Old Carey: Chapman 2 . Taylor 2 . Hall . Smith . Best: Adams, Chapman. 2, Hutchins. Leone . Nall . Costello . A'Iritefriars : Swam 6 . Coslovich 5. Crea Janson, Baker 2. Sait. Graham . :D'Sousa. Best : Bmugh, Baker . Crea, Michael Forde (F) Janson . Langford. Swain. Umpires Hampton Rovera: Bye
8,14,62 Monash Blues: .11,59 South 1+4e1b Dist: 8 Leithbndge 4 . Hawkins 2 . Burlev. rosengarten . P,~,st, Monash Blues: Sutvtlt. Costlep. MeCornnek . Rosengarten . Hawkins. LeiBtbndge. Sc ith Melts Dist: Cheevers 3. McDonald 2 . Rowe 2 . Tsicadarts . Best: Re1 hicFadden, Fidogiarutis, Bell . Rocco . Umpires: MichaelPhillips: Jun Pa(
(F) 0 .1 1 .3 2,4 5 .5.36 De La We; 32,12,C,?„ 9.4 17.7 27 .8 Mentone Amateurs: De La Salle: Roberts 4 . Bunotvs. Guilder . Best : tt'>se, 1Vocd Funs,.:;t. Mellon, Roberts, Gulider . Mentone Amateurs: Hayes a IG -, 5 Michaelidis 5, T Barr 3 . S Sullivan 3 . Williams 3, Barker 2 A_, Curran, Dixon . Jantteson . McLeod . Meyer . Best: Barker, Mtch: Jandeson . Haves. Meyer, Shtts. Umpires : Richard Eashvood (R) (F) 6.4 9.7.61 1 .3 4 .4 St Leos Emmaus : 9.23,77 Ormond : 4 .5 6 .10 8.16 . Beljak . Best : Cullen, . Behan, Hatfield . Cherry Emmaus: McKean 4 St Leos McKean . CHeny . Behan, Podhurv . Hatfield. Ormond: Martin 3. Ferraz}, Lont . Luba. Murphy, Quincy, Wanvarek . Best : Marini. Noske . Fury, Goanan . Casey, Ferrari . Umpires: Paul Tuppen: Graente Morgan (F) 3.1 4 .4 5 .6 7.8,50 Glen Eira: 6 .9 8 .16 13.20.98 MAX: 2.4 Glen Eira: A Baraket 3 . Ahmed All 2. Burlev . Ciark . Best: Alined Ali . S ALL A Baraket, Demetrious . Kasar, Zebian. AJAX : Unglick 5. Nesen 2. Gutman, M Rocki . Spero, Sapar. Flake. Same . Best: Jattover, Unglick. Spero, Jutian Feldman . Same. Fhtkel. Umpires : Adam Harris ; Tyreil Russell (F) .14 19.11 27 .176 8 .5 14.8 Caulfield On Old Rientonians: 0.0 2.3 3 .3 3,4.22 Canfield On Foote 7, Daltvood 4 . Gross 4, Docker 2, Rtintxrk 2, O'tieill 2 . Bruhn 2. Penngcuick 2, Roberts . Kuppe. Best : O'Neill, Foote. Krongold, Green. DalWood, Veentjar . Old Rientonians : Garlick 2. Costello . Best : Costello. Garlick . M Fisher, C Alexander. Burgoyne . F1aveL Umpires: Phil Callil (F)
UNDER 19 RED - 01 .07 . 00 Tiger Sharks forfeited to Old Essandon . Old Camber w ell : 1 .6 5 .11 12.16 13.24.102 University Blacks: 3 .2 5.2 7.6 9.10.64 2, Tipper 2 . Kent, Old Camberwell: Cratner-Roberts 4, Hickey 2 . Sigalas . J Derrv D Mitchell . Onnslr v_ . Robinson. 511tetan. Best: Bermtger. Kearney . Mcintosh 2 . C Beaton . : Thomas 2 . Laidlaw 2 Hillier. Univeraity Blacks Seuren . Hamilton . Best: Martin . Dnmuuond . Touzel . Schirmer, Laldlata, ) Thomas . Umpires : Tim Sutcliffe (R) (F 5 .9.39 Bull een Templestowe: 2.0 4 .2 5.9 20.9 25,14.164 Rupertswood: 9.4 14 .6 . Best: Bull een Temptestoare : Hill . l'r`alters, Hurley . Paradasio . Martin : Fielding 3, Bickerdike, Ptetryk . Hill. Conte, Marsh, Martin . Rupertswood . Baines, Firm . Price 3 . Shalders 3 . W7utettead 3 . Bunrnves 2 . Hattv 2 . Best: Price, HeywoaL Hurn, Kosja, Pa([e. Rantsey. Tenmting. Zaltra Tan Friedman (F) : Burmtves. Stafford . Hatty . Fielding. tiv4rltehead. Umpires 8.3 11 .15 15 .22 26 .27 .183 North Old Boys: .3 2.6.18 1 .0 2 .1 2 Aquinas : not received, Nort h Old Boys : Goal kickers and best players results. Alley . Simon. Aquinas : Kid It, Coyle. Best : Coyle . Pierce . Alley. Simon Robinson. SS Umpires: Mick Gitday iF). Joe Beyer (B) Bye Therry pencils.
L;mpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms :_ =FORE MATCH. ES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly Behaviour Runners. To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena. Water carriers . It is preferable for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is ~svay from "the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires inave the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme. please note all VAFA officials must be 15 years or older in Season 2000 . TFainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach .
Attire Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn io be navy only. Water Carriers . VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is ,o be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA whitelblue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - i f , orn must be purchased VAFA Properties only.
Theres always something to see at the 째G째 WHATEVER YOUR SPORT
' .00 (2 Vu1ts, 2 children ) (above prices are inclusive of GST)
Expiry 31 .3 .01
. : ~ pxz . every Sc" :`:
Old Xaverians v . Old Ivanhoe
-_ ,
(interviews and highlights of this match shown on Channel 31 Thursdays 8 .30 - 9 .3 0 p .m.
The Age VAFA sportswriter Paul Daffey writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match o f the Day and reviews the competition in Monday's Age.
1R turle With tile outer rast
Scores, chat a nd news of local VAFA teams 6 .O 0 pm - 6 . 15pm each Saturday night .
For ~~~ivs , "une to The Ammos Sho w with Kevin Dwyer, Michael George and Norm Nugen t SA'TUrI®AY on 96 .5 FM - 11 :00 a .m. - 11 :Pf' ^
6.2 ~.e1
5 wit h
9 .30 - 10 .30 a .m.
Special Guest is :
~ This Sunday - Tim C)'Shaughnessy (Old Xaverians Coach)
ateur '
presented ,y Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Bernards (A), Old Paradians (B), Therry Penola (C) , Rupertswood (C1 8 ), West Brunswick (D2), LaTrobe Uni (Dl), North Brunswick (D4), Old Essendon (Dl), Thomastown (D2) .
PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm
Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
Late scores at o :--ence ($5) ; second o~-=ence ($25) ;
(JULY-AUGUST) This Sat : 8 July
Old Xaverians v . Old Iw ahoe
This Sun : 9 July No Match Next Sat: 5 July Old Scotch v St . Kevins 03 I :~xt Sun: 6 July
No M atch
22 July St . Bernards v. Old Trinity 23 Julv St . Kevins v. Old Melburnians 29 Julv Club XVIII Preliminary Finals 30 July FIDA 5 Aug. Club XVIII Grand Finals 6 Aug . FID '
, .1 that , aptains at .be to an : 4 a copy of the teamlist . ~aiiure to '-~ this results in automatic fines fo r the offending club . It has also been reported that as a ploy inaccurate lists are being handed over . The Executive will enforce fines if this plo y proven to be true. Any club that feels an opposition club has bee n negligent in this area needs to express in writing (attention Phil Stevens) their concerns .
Specialists in Sports Pliotograpfty
ttT.?- 速t~-1s Promote '
.~~~ ,Spint " PHOTOS AND FUNDRAISING! Book now to raise funds for your club PLUS have phntos that will last forever .
Teleph I Facsimile : 484 A{; BporLsPta6 IRailwayR, ed 14hckhum Vic 31,10
third offence, ($50) ; fourth offence ($100) ; each subsequent offence ($100) . Seniors/U19 ReserveslC 1 4 failure to phone failure to p rovide score s by 2 .30pm final scores by 6pan St . Bedes Mentone Tigers (R) Mazenod (U )
Glen Eira (R) Old Carey (R) West Brunswick (R ) Incorrect scores phoned - Rd12 Aquinas (S), Old Westbourne (R), Swinburne Uni . (R)
Tribunal Les=.Zits - Tuesday JUlv 4th, 2000 Nick Hart, Collegians . Striking, 4 matches . Andrew Cukierman, AJAX . Misconduct, 2 matches.
Brad Twist . Williamstown CYMS . Striking. 2 matches . * Ashlev Hobbins, South Melbourne Districts . Striking. 2 matches . ~ Matt Pearl, Mt . Lilydale. Striking. 2 matches . * Mark Gasparotto, Eltham . Attempting t o strike, I match . % Peter Baruma, Yarra Valley (Reserves) . Abusive and insulting language, 2 matches . * Duncan Unstead, Hawthorn (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches .
Scott Veltman, Mazenod (Under-19) . Attempting to strike, 1 match .
* Travis Mee, Old Ivanhoe (Under-19) . Abusive and insulting language . 2 matches .
* Kavne Theodossi, Old Ivanhoe (Under-19) . Abusive and insulting language, 2 matches . ' Accepted Prescribed Penalt y
Resu lts of Investigation H earin gs July 4th, 200 0 An umpire report alleging that after the siren in the last quarter of the old Essendon versus Monash Blues senior game played on June 24th Gavin Keane (the senior coach) ran directly at the umpires from the bench and used abusive and insulting language towards them . Old Essendon coach pleaded guilty and was severley reprimanded . St . Bernards and St . Kevins were both charged with a melee in their under-19 match played on June 24th at St . Bernards : Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . St . Bernards $100 (1st offence in the last three year period) and St. Kevins $300 (2nd offence in the last three year period) . 9M THF AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
p r ~ad 7 ;,>}4 NAME
N °A.F~, :_I~ :',- LISTS 2000 P W L D FOR AGST ,o PTS
A RESERVE SECTIO N SCOTCH 13 17 2 0 7054 596 176 .85 44 g gAVERIANS 13 9 4 0 1164 555 273.33 36 57 BERNARDS 13 8 5 0 852 670 127.16 32 664 125.75 32 13 8 5 0 835 f ;~ELLIN 13 8 5 0 731 680 1075 32 'ELBURNI4100 13 7 6 0 918 663 138.46 28 761 799 95.24 24 ./INS 13 6 7 0 13 3 10 0 634 1007 62 .96 1 2 r1SITY BLUES t3 3 10 0 605 1196 50 .59 12 13 2 11 0 333 1141 29 .18 8 iiOE
CLUB 18 (1 ) OLD XAVERIANS 12 12 0 0 960 370 259 .46 48 100 12 9 3 0 818 606 134 .98 36 75 OLD MELBURNIANS PRAHRAN 12 8 4 0 873 597 148 .72 32 66 .67 DE LA SALLE 12 7 5 0 789 557 141 .65 28 58 .33 OLD SCOTCH 11 5 6 0 590 691 85.38 20 45 .45 ST KEVINS 12 4 8 0 591 858 68.88 16 3133 OLD BRIGHTON 11 3 8 0 494 777 63 .58 12 27 .27 MAZENOD O O 11 2 9 0 391 912 42 .87 8 18.18 MARCELLIN 11 2 9 0 300 801 37.45 8 18,1 6
12 10 10 6 6 6 5 4 3 2
1 0 1100 420 261 .9 48 3 0 1038 566 183 .39 40 3 0 730 636 114 .78 40 6 1 847 760 111 .45 26 6 1 788 777 101 .42 26 7 0 783 705 111 .06 24 8 0 791 813 97 .29 20 9 0 660 911 72 .45 16 10 0 515 900 5722 12 11 0 413 1277 32 .34 8
C RESERV E f-RRY PENOLA OB 13 11 1 1 1706 525 210 .67 46 2 0 1216 607 200 .33 44 ~cAUMARIS A F C 13 11 578 767 .65 38 1.-•,1pTON ROVERS 13 9 3 1 969 786 795 98 .87 28 ~r'HRAN A F C 13 7 6 0 30ES MENT TIG 13 6 6 1 836 718 116 43 26 _ X 13 6 2 771 713 106.13 24 :-SOS ASSUMPTION 13 5 8 0 725 994 72 .94 20 ~_EENTEP.9PLESTOWE 13 4 9 0 611 989 61 .78 16 GEELONG 13 3 9 1 700 1004 69.72 1 4 _=N EIRA A F C 13 1 12 0 435 1249 34 .83 4 Of RESERVE SECTIO N OLD ESSENDON GR. 13 11 2 0 974 605 160.99 44 ;,QUINAS 0 C 13 9 4 0 1050 576 182.2-9 36 CAULFIELD GR 13 9 4 0 1019 597 170.69 36 BANYULE 13 8 4 1 1054 524 201 .15 34 ',SH BLUES 13 8 4 1 878 538 163.2 34 LcOS EMMAUS W P 13 8 5 0 1243 631 196 .99 32 _!) CAMBERWELL 13 7 6 0 812 701 115.83 28 3 CAREY 13 2 11 0 713 1125 63.38 8 = TROBE UNIVERSITY 13 2 11 0 444 1106 4014 8 0 '_EIGHAFC 13 0 13 0 180 2070 8 .7 D2 RESERVE PAF.KSIDE 13 12 1 0 1336 503 265.61 48 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 11 2 0 1180 509 231 .83 44 K~W 13 9 4 0 1109 768 144.4 36 tARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 13 8 5 0 1001 681 146 .99 32 ~_cSIAN O C 13 8 5 0 945 883 107 .02 32 T::ROYREDS 13 5 8 0 859 1036 8292 20 EST BRUNSWICK 13 5 8 0 653 794 82 .24 20 ='tINSULA O B 13 4 9 0 802 1063 75 .45 16 -.-'.1ASTOWN 13 2 11 0 698 1109 62 .94 8 . .: r iTONE A F C 13 1 12 0 469 1706 27 .49 4 D3 RESERV E WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 13 11 2 0 1032 508 203 .15 44 ST JOHNS 0 C 13 11 2 0 1169 650 179 .85 4 4 0 1192 POWER HOUSE 677 176 .07 44 UHSOB 13 10 3 0 1110 734 151 .23 40 EL-I6RNWICK 13 7 6 0 978 819 119 .41 28 R,CnMOND CENTRAL 13 5 8 0 707 1015 69 .66 20 ELEYPARKAFC 13 3 1 0 0 768 1182 64 .97 12 :1THORNAMATEURS 13 3 10 0 619 1056 58 .62 12 21 ;ASH GRYPHONS 13 2 11 0 663 1133 58 .52 8 0 641 1294 49 .54 8 -SEAT PARK AFC 13 2 tt 'Ineligible player Rd 10 D4 RESERV E WERRIBEE AMATEURS 13 11 2 0 1031 631 163 .39 44 ST MARYS 13 10 3 0 1065 698 152 .58 40 NORTH BRUNSWICK 13 10 3 0 1165 836 139 .35 40 MT LILYDALE 13 9 4 0 996 614 162 .21 36 BULLEEN COBRAS 13 9 4 0 984 654 150 46 3 6 ~~'LEIGH AFC 13 8 5 0 919 728 12624 32 - U tH MELB DISTRICTS 13 6 7 0 791 852 92.84 24 01 D WESTBOURNE A F C 13 5 8 0 669 770 8688 2 0 ;:INBURNEUNIVERSITY 13 5 8 0 748 1017 73 .55 20 "DAL TALLY-HO 13 2 11 0 641 893 71 78 8 EL HAM COLLEGIANS 13 2 it 0 529 1083 48.85 8 BRUNSWICK A F C 13 1 12 0 374 1295 28.88 4 TLIC AkAATCi 10 Cl1(1T. A1 I CD
CLUB 18 (2) RUPERTSWOOD 13 12 1 0 1301 342 380 .41 48 THERRY PENOLA OB 13 9 3 1 1106 462 239.39 38 OLD IVANHOE 13 9 4 0 897 632 141 .93 36 557 182.23 32 ST BERNARDS 13 8 5 0 1015 MONASH WHITES 13 8 5 0 809 537 150.65 32 YARRA VALLEY O B 13 7 6 0 757 784 96.56 28 COLLEGIANS 13 6 7 0 829 671 123.55 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 6 7 0 732 913 80.18 24 OLD TRINITY 13 5 7 1 760 687 110.63 22 WHITEFRIARS 13 4 9 0 412 1183 34.83 16 OLD GEELONG 13 2 11 0 523 1295 40 .39 8 PARKSIDE 13 1 12 0 226 1597 14 .15 4 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 ST KEVINS 13 11 2 0 1572 585 268 .72 44 OLD XAVERIANS 13 11 2 0 1 303 863 150 .98 44 OLD BRIGHTON 13 10 3 0 1509 864 774 .65 40 UNIVERSITY BLUES 13 9 4 0 1255 801 155 .68 36 DE LA SALLE 13 8 5 0 1338 919 145 .59 32 COLLEGIANS 13 8 5 0 1002 895 111 .96 32 762 147 .38 28 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 7 6 0 1123 STBERNARDS 13 7 6 0 1115 1055 105 .69 28 MARCELLIN 13 3 10 0 953 1133 84 .11 12 MAZENOD O C 13 3 10 0 554 1448 38 26 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 13 1 12 0 555 1532 36 .23 4 OLD PARADIANS 13 0 13 0 410 1967 20 .84 0 UNDER-19 (2) BEAUMARIS A F C 13 12 1 0 91 3 562 171 .35 48 3 0 1245 647 192 .43 40 OLD SCOTCH 13 10 OLD TRINITY 13 10 3 0 984 620 158 .71 40 ViHiTEFRIARS 13 8 5 0 919 682 134 .75 32 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 7 5 1 863 934 92.4 30 MHSOB 13 7 6 0 875 834 104 .92 28 YARRA VALLEY 13 4 8 1 702 1248 56.25 18 'OLD IVANHOE 13 3 10 0 745 1133 65.75 12 OLD CAREY 13 3 10 0 658 1331 49 .44 12 *Rd 10 was a forfeited match UNDER-19 (2) BLUE SOUTH iAELB DISTRICTS 13 11 2 0 1449 784 184 .82 44 MONASH BLUES 13 9 4 0 1394 693 201 .15 36 CAULFIELD GR 13 9 4 0 1332 731 182.22 36 ORMOND 13 9 4 0 1182 651 181 .57 36 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 13 9 4 0 1289 976 132 .07 36 MENTONE A F C 13 7 6 0 1219 1077 1131 8 28 A J A X 13 5 8 0 899 1057 85.05 20 DE LA SALLE (2) 13 3 10 0 832 1545 53 .85 12 OLD MENTONIANS 13 2 ii 0 627 1610 38 .94 8 GLEN EIRA 13 0 13 0 426 1945 21 .9 0 UNDER-19 (2) RE D 'OLD ESSENDON GR . 13 12 1 0 1607 532 302.07 48 RUPERTSWOOD 13 10 3 0 1418 759 186,82 40 NORTH OLD BUYS 13 10 3 0 1176 639 184.04 40 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 10 3 0 1222 699 174.82 40 THERRY PENOLA OB 13 8 5 0 1124 959 117.21 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 7 6 0 901 872 103.33 28 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 13 4 9 0 726 1525 47,61 16 TIGER SHARKS 13 4 9 0 616 1450 42.48 16 AQUINAS O C 13 1 12 0 355 1996 17,79 4 %neligible piayer Rd 1 0
P 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
10 3 10 3 9 4 9 4 7 6 7 6 5 8 3 10 3 10 2 1 1
D FOR AGAINST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1546 1016 152 .17 1192 1096 108 .76 1444 1139 126 .78 1367 1103 123 .93 1193 1053 113 .3 1155 1119 103 .22 1085 1368 79 .31 976 1203 81 .13 897 1421 63 .12 1045 1382 75 .62
40 40 36 36 28 28 20 12 12 8
6 SECTION OLD BRIGHTON 13 11 2 0 1610 1002 160 .68 44 MAZENOD 0 C 13 10 3 0 1207 944 127 .86 40 NORTH OLD BOYS 13 9 3 1 1294 963 134 .37 38 DE LA SALLE 13 8 5 0 1066 914 116.63 32 ORMOND 13 8 5 0 1178 1080 109 .07 32 OLD HAILEYBURY 13 6 7 0 1120 1331 84 .15 24 OLD PARADIANS 13 5 7 1 1104 1248 88 .46 22 WHITEFRIARS 13 4 9 0 1098 1188 92 .42 16 COLLEGIANS 13 2 11 0 853 1260 67 .7 8 OLD MENTONIANS 13 1 12 0 840 1500 56 4 C SECTION 0 1528 934 163 .6 40 BEAUMARIS A F C 13 10 3 A J A X 13 10 3 0 1324 1156 114 .53 40 THERRY PENOLA OB 13 9 4 0 1257 1027 122 .4 36 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 9 4 0 1014 936 108 .33 36 ST BEDES MENT TIG 13 7 6 0 1192 1074 110.99 28 PRAHRAN A F C 13 6 7 0 1212 1160 104.48 24 GLEN EIRA A F C 13 5 8 0 1272 1276 99 .69 20 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 13 4 9 0 1208 1349 89 .55 16 OLD GEELONG 13 3 10 0 927 1580 58 .67 12 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 13 2 11 0 1022 1464 69 .81 8 D1 SECTIO N OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 13 11 2 0 1308 1035 126 .38 44 MONASH BLUES 13 10 3 0 1349 968 139.36 40 AQUINAS 0 C 13 9 4 0 1656 998 165.93 36 BANYULE 13 9 4 0 1743 1244 140.11 36 CAULFIELD GR 13 9 4 0 1402 1034 135 .59 36 ST LEOS EMMAUS 13 8 5 0 1518 1121 135 .41 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 4 9 0 1155 1335 86 .52 16 OLD CAREY 13 4 9 0 1016 1361 74 .65 16 OAKLEIGH A F C 13 0 12 1 1049 1978 53 .03 2 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 13 0 12 1 722 1844 39 .15 2 02 SECTION YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 13 9 4 0 1288 993 129 .71 36 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 9 4 d 1317 1016 129.63 36 THOMASTOWN 13 8 5 0 1361 1261 107.93 32 SALESIAN 0 C 13 7 6 0 1155 1099 105.1 28 PARKSIDE 13 7 6 0 1105 1079 102.41 28 MENTONE A F C 13 7 6 0 1252 1308 95.72 26 PENINSULA O B 13 6 7 0 1423 1280 111 .17 24 WEST BRUNSWICK 13 6 7 0 1062 1112 95 .5 24 KEW 13 5 8 0 1057 1384 76.37 20 FITZROY REDS 13 1 12 0 1017 1505 67,57 4 D3 SECTION POWER HOUSE 13 11 2 0 1422 937 151 .76 RICHMOND CENTRAL 13 9 4 0 1453 984 147.66 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 13 9 4 0 1258 966 130.23 ST JOHNS 0 C 13 9 4 0 1329 1064 124.91 ELSTERNWICK 13 8 5 0 1289 1036 124.42 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 13 7 6 0 1435 1033 138 .92 U H S O B 13 4 9 0 1097 1479 74.17 ELEY PARK A F C 13 4 9 0 1023 1588 64.42 ALBERT PARK A F C 13 2 11 0 951 1651 57 .6 MONASH GRYPHONS 13 2 11 0 873 1548 56 .4 04 SECTION
44 36 36 36 32 28 16 16 8 8
BENTLEIGH AFC 13 10 3 0 1440 938 153.52 40 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 13 9 4 0 1324 943 140.4 36 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 13 9 4 0 1303 944 138.03 36 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 13 9 4 0 1210 988 122.47 36 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 13 8 5 0 1015 884 114 .82 32 BULLEEN COBRAS 13 8 5 0 1248 1104 113 .04 32 NORTH BRUNSWICK 13 8 5 0 1363 1237 110.19 32 ST MARYS 13 6 7 0 1252 1322 94 .7 24 MT LILYDALE 13 4 9 0 1120 1166 96,05 16 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 13 4 9 0 1025 1373 74,65 16 BRUNSWICK A F C 13 2 11 0 1022 1622 63 .01 8 -«oo- c eaaaTPttRS 13 1 12 0 831 1632 50.92 4