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Representative team that travelled to play WA in Perth. Any member of - PHIL STEVENS these three groups who has not received an CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER invitation is asked to contact the VAFA immediately as we hope to have as many as possible attend to make it a memorable day . The Gold Pass Life Club is the p re stige membership club of the VAFA and each member receives many special privileges during the course of a VAFA season such as a free "Amateur Footballer" in the mail each week; a complimentary Elsternwick Park pass to all matches played at "Headquarters" during the season, which includes afternoon tea ; invitations to the VAFA's two major dinners at a significantly discounted rate ; an invitation to the Official Annual Gold Pass Luncheon : regular newsletters and an invitation to a Presidents' Luncheon prior to one of the A or B section finals . . VAFA persons with a playing background, a record of serving in an official capacity or just having a broad VAFA interest seeking to joining the GPL Club should contact myself in writing for an application to be forwarded . This year we are endeavoring to convert as many GP members to GPL membership as possible.
THIS WEEK'S COVE R I day's cover is the second last in the series of eight used this year . It has an Old Xaverians' flavor with coach Tim O'Shaughnessy (right) urging on his players and Damian Stoney marking strongly in front of an Old Scotch opponent (thought to be Tom Wilson) .
VOTE COUNT NIGHT This year's Vote Count Night will be held at the Carlton C rest Hotel on Monday August 14th. The president, Secretary an d Member of each club receives their attendance details via an official VAFA Memo, with other guests of the Association, including possible winners, receiving individual invitations . AUSTRALIAN AMTEUR CARNIVALS This week representatives of the VAFA, the South Australian Amateur League, the Western Australian Amateur League, the New South Wales Football League an d Ken Gannon, representing the AFL, met to move the concept of re-forming the playing of Carnivals from an idea to a certain reality . The playing of Carnivals has been in recess a number of years now and we are all quite excited about the prospect of them starting up again. I will write about the outcomes of the meeting in the weeks ahead, but the aims of the meeting were to : 0 Make a positive move towards the securing of a Carnival Major Sponsor to cover all major costs so that the expenditure of each participating state is as low as possible - certainly not in excess of money spent on fielding a senior representative team each year as present .
TIZIUUNAI. CON FUSIO N Many reported players and witnesses (players on the receiving end), are continuing to be confused about the prescribed penalty procedure . Many reported players comment after being reported, that they will take the prescribed penalty or even in some cases umpires give permission for players to receive the prescribed penalty . This is not the correct procedure and often leaves players and witnesses assuming that is the end of the matter . Reported players have to apply to the VAFA for consideration to be given for them to receive the prescribed penalty . After an examination of the reported player's history and a study of the report this may be agreed to . If the P.P. is not applied for, all parties to the report must attend the tribunal . The VAFA will advise all parties not to attend only if permission to receive the PP is granted .
O Gain an absolute commitment from the four bodies to participate in, and host one Carnival between the year 2001 and 2010 - that is in the year 2001, 2004 . 2007 and 2010 .
GOLD PASS LIFE CLUB/ 1980 VAFA TEAM REUNION LUNCHEO N The 24 members of the Gold Pass Life Club and the 81 members of the Gold Pass Club have been invited to a luncheon on Sunday July 23 as have been the members and officials of the 1980
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BEl<-L :I1â&#x153;&#x201C; Dinneen spent three days at Cabrini Hospital last week suffering from a virus . His mother rushed him in for tests after the Marcellin star on-baller complained of shortness of breath . The Eagles have this year had two games out of Dinneen who had just recovered from a nasty quadriceps injury . Coach Gary Connolly says despite being two games away from the relegation sector his team can win the next two against Melburnians and Melbourne High . "Apart from last week (Scotch) and the first round (St Bernards) we have been in most of the games except for a 10-minute lapse in the third terms," Connolly says . ST KEVINS believe their come from behind win against Trinity last week was their best in two years . SKOBS official Tim Corrigan says it was better than when they knocked off Xaverians last year at Elsternwick Park and compares to their first year in A Section in 1998 when they came back at the Snakepit to win by a kick against St Bernards . This gives the Toorak men, two games out of the four, momentum for toda-v s clash against Scotch, which like the Ts, is vying for the double chance . "Trinity kicked the last four goals before half-time to lead by four kicks," SKOBS member Tim Corrigan says. "Not having Robin Bowles (hamstring) Damien Ryan and Steve Partsanis (other commitments this season), who kicked 120 goals between them last year, shows the quality of this performance . " WHAT does this statistic indicate of Old Xaverians' run of the past five flags? Their fullforward throughout this feat Dan Richardson's best haul in a game is 10 goals . This seems modest considering Xavs' dominance but when you consider he's had Matt Bourke or Adam Jones alongside him it shows the son of Xavs' 1995 premiership coach Barry Richardson has not been the focal point. Despite the Black & Red's 162-point win over Old Ivanhoe Dan kicked eight with Jones registering a personal best of eight . His previous best was seven goals. This is not a big deal but Adam Jones' refusal to do an interview after the Hoers' match with Channel 31 was an indication of how he is maturing. Normally, avoiding the media is immature but this example from Jones, 26, could be the opposite . Jones, the most gifted footballer in the competition, spends a lot of time off the training
track with injury and his jocular attitude, while his team-mates slog it out, sometimes doesn't reflect ~ . .,e11 on him. Credit to you Adam and maybe this is one thing you have to do to go to the next level , 6 .- -wers, who missed the Old Ivanhoe game due to being in Sydney for 3AW Football, showed good sportsmanship when he congratulated Drew Fairchild after the Melbourne High centre-half back took a leap on Gowers to take one of the marks of the year in round 11 . "My first thought was to look for the ball in case he spilt it but once I knew he had the mark I said well done," Gowers recalled . Xavs caught it on video so expect to see it on Almost Football Legends and at the VAFA Presentation Night . Gowers doubts he will have anymore media interruptions to his Xavs' commitments . Old Ivanhoe had some positives despite the whitewash against Xavs . With its list ravaged by VFL commitments and injury, half its team were first year players . Their attitude was healthy regardless of the overwhelming task . 1 ' ; § dadands, Benn Spoor and Chris __ ' n showed they should be the next generation of Hoers . In their two wins, over Scotch and Melburnians, the side had a full compliment from which to choose . Interesting that the ladder prior to the corresponding round nine weeks ago was close to today's . Field umpire Anthony Damon has dropped five kilograms in the past two months and just as well with the quick flow of the Xavs and Hoers game . It looked like Anthony was umpiring a 10,000 metre race such was the amount of run from both sides . Stands to reason : Xavs chief Tim O'Shaughnessy twice won the City to Surf in Sydney! Andrew Nathan gets two mentions in these pages and why not - today the St Bernards reserves captain plays his 300th game . Son of co-founder of the Bernies, Peter Nathan along with Jim Overman, he won an U 19's B&F . Considering we have 18-game seasons this is outstanding. Last meeting briefs (rd 6) : SB Ist d 01 9th 40 points ; goals: N Mitchell 7/White 2 ; best : D Byrne/Donaldson .
; ;y ?nd d SK 5th 48 points ; goals : Hawkins 6/six . v,-ith one C : best : O'Connor/Kavanagh : goals : Richardson U .{ 3rd d OT 4th 60 points g/C Phillips 2 ; best: Richardson /D Burrows . LTB 6tgh d MHSOB 8th 120 points ; goals : Lennen 6jWoodley 2 ; best: Sturrock/Tholnpson . O, .yT 7th d M 10th 22 points ; goals : Topakas I?Treganowan 2 ; best: tkriseman/Gleeson . Brad Beitzel writes VAFA for the Sunday flerald Sun and he does an A Section update night at 6 .25pm on ABC 774. feedbac k : beitzelbCaalphalink .com. au Eea,`?ine : Sunday 8pm .
; L,T_SOB - congratulate the evergreen Ron Verma who plays 350 games today . U19 Captain 1979 and now 21 years later, the legend continues . Stir and Res . Coach, Life Member, been there done that, Verms continues to contribute . Congratulations Ronnie on your dedication . Ray "Knights" Knight plays 200 games . Starting in 83 in the U19's . Ray has progressed thru the U19's, Snrs and Club XVIII and a stint in Perth to return and join the greats . Sensational contribution Knighty over 17 great years . Drew Fairchild 100 Games, What can one say. Current VC, drew has progressed through the U1Ts to seniors and has been a magnificent contributor . His popularity, and dedication is unequalled . Thanks Drew .
SENICnS - 8 .07 .0 0
Old 9ielburnians: 1 2 8.4 12 .6 18,10.118 MHSOB: 4.2 7.7 10 .8 1 .12 .84 Old ARelburnians: McMullin 6. Sutton 2 . S . Thoedore 2 . S. Boyd 2, Burgess 1 . Guest 1 . Hazell I . Kennedv I . Reynolds 1 . M . Rose 1 . Best : Roberts, S. Theodore, McMullin, Loett. Revttolds, Hazell. h4iSOB: Cassell 5. Krios 3. Shem, I Perizel 1 . Gerner 1 . Hawkins 1 . Best: Fairchild. Joseph, Pertzel . Cassell, Sherry. Taylor. Umpires: Steve McCarthy Tun Sutcliffe (F) Robert Dever Jon Vincent (B) Bernie Dix Bernie Hoare (G ) Marcell in : 1.5 3 .5 5.8 10.13 .73 Old Scotch: 6 .3 13 .8 19 .10 25 .12 .162 Marcellin : Rontanin 3 . Tre~anowan I . Moran l, Petroff I . Armstrong I . . Marson Best : Romanin, Armstron . Johnston . Rowe, Waters 1 . Rowe I Marson . McMillan. Old Scotch: Hawkins 7, Kitchen 5 . t tuc~hv 4. Crow 2, T . Ried 1, Stokes I . Robinson I, S . Collins 1 . ii .Parthenides I . Lillingston 1, E . Parthenldes I . Best : Crow, Robinson, S. Collins, Blenheun. At1L+us, Murphy . Umpires : Robert Sneddon Jatnie Gins (F) Jared Hattwtett Jack . Forsyth (B) Bernie Jephson John Robuison (G)
9.5 17.8 24.10 30.18.198 Old Xaverians : 4 .5 5 .6.36 Old Ivanhoe: 0.2 2.2 Old Xaveri>3ans : Richardson 8, Jones 8. Drake 3 . Ellis 3 . Deane-Johns 2, Hawkins 2 . Kav 2 . Gordon I . Dillon 1 . Best : Landrigan . Sassi, Jones. Richardson. Ellis. N. Old Iavnhoe : R. Weddle 2. Branigatt I . G Douglas I . Shadbolt I . Best : Spoor. Branian, R . Weedle . Corcoran . Sandtlattds Umpires: Anthony Daniell John , itller (F) Adam Conquest Tait Dodds (B) Craig Arnol Kevin Segota (G ) 17 .6 .108 12 .5 St Kevins : 3.1 6 .2 12.7 15.8 .98 Old Trinity: 3.3 9 .5 . Giansiracusa 3, Lowerson 2, B . Dolltnan 2 . Gross 1 . . St Kevins : Lucas 6. J Curtis I . Kempton 1, Hmslev I . Best: Pickford . Garvey. Kavanaqh . Callerv . Lucas . B . Do man . Old 17irtity: Stickland 5 . Joimson 3. Frost 2, It . Bourrmvs 1 . Collins 1 . M . P'awsev 1, C . Phillips 1 . A. Ramsdell 1 . Best: D . Burrow's . C. Phillips, SteF~ttens . Stiekland- A. Ramsdell . Jarred. Umpires: Graham Thivaites Mark Gibson (F) James Maxwell Kustv Pay (B) Stephen Caple Stephen Leahy (G ) St Berrtards: 3 .2 9.5 12.5 18.10.118 University Blues : 8 .4 11 .4 13.8 13.10.88 St Bernards: J . Gollant 3, L . Gallant 3, Jordan 2 . McKav 2 . O'Donnell 2 . Gsbourne 2. D . Byrne I . Davis I . Taylor I . Joe Mount I . Best: L. Gallant, D. BtiTne. Jordan, C . Mitchell . Joe 4fount, Tavlor. University Blues : De Crespigtry 6 . Baker 3 . Sturroek 2 . Slntmton I . McLachlan I . Best : De Crespigny . McLachlan . Slhmnon . Stewart, Sturrock, Sheehan . Umpires: Ttrn Otadia Wayne Hutton (F) Bob Mutton Frank Martinez ( B) Russe ll ovrens Geoff Robinson (G )
RESERVES - 08.07.00 1 .3 3.6 8.9 8.11 .59 St Kc+ins : Old Trinity: 1 .1 3.1 4.2 5.3 .33 . Villella. Pa.cell . it'aight. OBr4en. Hughes . Best: Ferran . St Kevins :L}neh 3 Kefgtuan. Cltapman. MeGuiness . S:bilia. Ricltardson. Old Trinity: R Ramsden . Natoli, Best : Schulze. Hudson. Robinson. T Cade. BladeN. Cooper. Old Xaverians: 4.1 11.4 16 .5 24 .6.150 Old Ivanhoe : 2.1 3.1 4 .2 5 .3.33 Old Xsverians : Ireland 9. Carman 3 . Freer 3. Dillon 2. Stean 2. Barrett. Real . Meehan Tucker. Davies. Best: Ireland. Carey . Hmmcberv. Dillon. Stean . Hardman. Old Ivanhoe: Mete . Davis, Corcoran, Courage. Talley . ~Best: Armstrong. McLean. Woods. Gerry George . Gary Georgc. Maguire . St Bernards; 8 .6 11 .6 17.10 25.13.163 University Blues: 1 .0 3 .4 4 .5 4 .7.31 St Bernards: P Haney 4 . Loughlin 4 . Catterall3. N Smith 1 Jun Mount 3. Brebner 2. Capes 2. Thomas 2 . DeBmro. Meehan. Best: Mastropasqua. Brebner . Jun Momll . P Harvev. L Meehan . Louglilut . University Btues: Brookes 2 . Stockdale . B Coleman . Best: -Hotton . McAicon . Featherstone . Terry. Cavton. Hooking, :.tazceWn: 2.2 4 .4 4.8 4.8 .32 Old Scotch: 4.0 7.1 7.1 9.5 .59 Mazcellin: Gnffrc 3 . Gallagher. Best : P S}mes. Batlantyne. Frisuta Catrn' . Cooper . McIntosh. Old Scotch: H Thomas 3. Ratetdfe 2 . Crane. Morris . Oliver. Stratos . Best : D Thomas . Aujard. Morrts . H Thermos . Chapntan. Gibbs. 15 .17.107 Old Melburnians : 4.2 11.3 13 .9 1 .1 2 .2.14 tiBS09 : 0.0 1 .1 Old Melburnisns: G Dixon 3 . S Grigg 3. T Mrdtigan 3 . Miller 2, Heuitt . Bennett . . PVOUet . Bartlett . Bemtett. . ?3ceson . Best: B Divmi . S Gri~ Neesmt Ambler MHSOB: Robinson. Wright. Best: Feferkranz . Hawkes. Norton. Fahey. Setitano. Wright .
M .H.S . O . B . Coach Garry Connolly Res. Coach : David Howe
Coach : Warren Fal l Res. Coach : Peter O'De a
1 . C . Slattery 2 . M. Karavisils 3 . D . Waters ( C)
1 J Bame rt 2 S McCully 3 D Woodley 4 C Eabry (DVC) 5 P Sherry 6 R Joseph 7 J Pe rt zel (C) 8 J Gerner 9 D Fairchild (VC) 10 D Skinner 11 K Krios 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gre 9so n 14 A Watso n 15 A Martin 16 J . Schiano 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 21 C Kelly 22 D Armstrong 23 C Harvi e 24 A Clar k 25 H Taylor 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R Knight 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell ( DVC) 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (DVC) 35 P Daicos 36 M White 37 R McIntyre 38 S Robinson 39 R Verma 40 W Hayes 41 T Morgan 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins 48 M Moore 49 P Chester 50 B Gaunt 51 S Walker 52 D No rton 53 C Clowes 54 C Drake 55 S Walker 56 T Wright 57 L Taylor 58 59 L. Jones 60 R Newton
4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9.
M . Gil l M . Mora n
D . Sampimo n M . Rowe R . Frisina M . Day
10 . A . Caffry
11 . D. Taylor (RC) 12 . B . Croni n 13 . T. Collins 14 . R . McMahon 15 . M . Chun 16 . W. Devercelli 17 . G . Cox (VC) 18 . D . Gartner 19 . D . Cooper 20. S. O'Flyn n 21 . N . Walker 22. D . Marson 23. P. Gleeso n 24 . L . O 'FI n n y 25 . L . Furlan 26 . N . Armstrong 27 . D . Theisz 28 . D . Johnston 29 . M . Symes 30 . A. Treganowan 31 . S . Yee 32 . M . Browne 33 . G . Cull 34 . D . Jarred 35 . J . Frazer 36 . G . Romanian 37 . L . Fitzpatrick
38 . D . Harbe rts 39 . B. Colville ( RVC) 40. A . Duncan 41 . J . Seabury 42. B . Dinneen 43. M. Maguire 44. A . Wilkinson 45. D . Ballantine 46. G. Petro ff D . Ryan 48 . A . Gallagher 49 . G. Whiston 50 . A . Ryder 51 . P. Symes 52 . D . Cope 53 . C . Mathews 54 . M . Randazzo 55 . J . Wallis 56 . R . Galati 57 . B . Day 58 . C. Purcell 59 . J . Ibrahim Sponsored by: The Beehive Hotel an d Yarra Valley Country Club
1 A . Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 M . Sandilands
4 J . Mansfield 5 B. Sp oor 6 M . McKie 7 J . Knight 8 T. Steevns 9 M . Karayanis 10 C . Crowley 11 S . Tully
12 C . Braniga n 13 C . Barker 14 A . Francis 15 G. las Woods 16 M . Do' 17 A . Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 D . Warry 20 J . Keane 21 R . Robert s 22 P. Donaldson 23 A. Dougla s 24 E . Byrne 25 A. White 26 D . Ros s 27 J . Weddle 28 A. Jenkins 29 R . Weddle 30 E. Brophy
31 N, Miller 32 P. Dowd 33 B . Davis 34 A . Tiernan 35 L . McLean
36 M . Pollock 37 P. Armstrong 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 R . Davies 41 A . Harpe r 42 L omstei n 43 T. Van Bloomstei 44 A. Weise 45 M . Toovey 46 J . Weir 47 D . Bernet 48 M . Tolley 49 A. Barke r 50 J . Sma rt 51 B. Shadbolt 52 N . Maguire 53 S . Price 54 Z. Aboujaba 55 P. Lilis 56 E . Broomhill 57 G . Mclsaac 58 G. Mandekic 59 M . Tozer 60 C . Pitt
Sponsored by :
Sponsored by:
pL w ~
GI A Coach : Roger Eltingwo rt Coach : Steve Croptey Asst. Coach : Anthony Parker Asst. Coach : Justin Ha rt Res . Coach: Dirk Jones
Si res Menswear u'.G. Miles & Co Ptv Lt d Real Eastate - Ivanhoe Spectrum Assurance Group Regency Pharmacy Zitech Computer Peripherals
1 M . Benne tt 2 S. Theodore (VC) 3 A. Ross 4 M . Hazell 5 L . Bunn 6 D . Holme 7 . C . Thompson 8 M. Lovett (DVC) 9 S. Oram 10 T. Robert s DVC ) 11 S . Boyd ( 12 A . Hewitt 13 S . Rose 14 L. Reynolds 15 M . Rose 16 A . Browne 17 J . Miller 18 A . Topakas 19 R. Mulquinney 20 N . Piroue t 21 L. Boyd 22 A. Waddell 23 M . Ber ry 24 L. Holcombe 25 J. Guest 26 C . Kennedy 27 J. Slater 28 J. Ballantyne 29 T. Mulligan 30 I . McMullin (C) 31 J . Hart 32 L. Barry 33 G. Dixon ( RC ) 34 B . Burgess 35 P. Stuckey 36 M . Ward
37 B . Dixon 38 S . Grigg 39 M . Wiseman 40 41, G . Wilhelm (RVC) 42 P. Theodore 43 E. Farquarson 44 P. Batrtle tt 45 C . Murphy
46 C . Neeson 47 C . Banks 48 C . Jenkins 49 A. Fleming 50 J. Berry
51 B. Righett i 52 B . Campbell 53 T. Ambler 54 I . Paterson 55 J . Gooley 56 A . Hunt 57 J . Weir 58 T. Burdeu 59 S . Topakas 60 B . Reid 61 D. Sutton 62 W. Hauserman 63 N . Sampieri 88 G . Davies
Coach : Brenc. an Res. Coach : Gary Jac so n
1 A. Ne tt leton (DVC) 2 B . Phillip s 3 C . Hosking 4 T. Holt (C) 5 R . Price (DVC ) 6 A . Crow 7 J . Kitche n 8 C. Rei d 9 S . Collins (VC ) 10 J . Kerr 11 M . Angus (DVC) 12 S . Hum e 13 N . Hooper
14 T. Rei d 15 M . O'Brie n 16 A. Speed
17 D . Thomas 18 H . Thoma s 19 K. Stoke s 20 L . Murph y 21 S. Gibbs 22 C . Heat h 23 0 . Crane 24 L . Hawkin s 25 S . Lillingsto n 26 T. Downin g 27 T. Collin s 28 B . Robinson 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Wigney 31 C. Ratcliff e 32 T Chapman 33 N . Morri s 34 E . Olive r 35 P. O'Conno r 36 S. Prendergas t
37 M . Pa rthenide s 38 C . Pa ttenden 39 N . Addison 40 A. Warne r 41 M. Lipshut 42 J. Ross 43 J. Paterso n 44 C . Evan s 45 M . Blenhei m 46 A . McCull 47 N . Sladeny 48 T. Stubb s 49 J . McCarrol l 50 E . Pathenides 51 A . Elliott 52 N . Leit l 53 T. Frankenburg 54 N . Simon 55 G . Sarkozy 56 H. Lane 57 C. Stevens 58 M . Thwaites 59 S. Eager
60 B. Crum p 61 J . Stratos 62 S. Miles 63 T. Joyc e 64 R . McKinno n 67 P. Rodgers 81 R . Aujar d
~v ruc nnnntci iD cnnTani i cD ~nnr
OLD r i3chc Le'.. l Carlson st. Cowcn : Phil Gaut ;,ms C ;;; ;,,;c Craig Suave
Kennedy S ~/Cl Hudson G t FiVC) Andrades M B a rnard D Arrowsmith J Frost M Burrow s D Chisholm M ~ Russell C 7 Van Der Venne T 7 Natoli S 7 Canzoneri M 8 F rost C 3 Stebbins C Andrews A (VC y 3 Shauness q~ 1 0 Dan n Sh' it Richards A 2 Pe gq ~e T 3 Coil'hs M
lade J 13 ~tick 11 and J 14 amble R ;5 Stephens T 16 Hiiitas C 16 Nankervis B 17 Hatfield G (VC) 7 Newman J 1 3 Clarke L 1 9 Barr C Phillips C (VC)
21 Kennedy
2 2 Deane-JOns G 22 Munroe H
23 Ramsden A 4 Boyd A e5 Cameron F (RVC) 25 Schulze D 26 Robinson D 26 Tudor l 27 Ramsden R 27 Welsh 28 Butler ~ 29 Harmer G 30 Glass D 30 Taylor L 31 Bl ~dent S 32 Pawse~ C 32 Kinros D 33 Heighton D 34 Boyd M 35 Pa ase M
36 ~utcliff~ J 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R ( C ) 39 Antonopoulos T 39 Anderson H 40 Jarre d W 1 Lauletta S 4 2 Torney A De Stefanis M 44 Power B 44 Mai ah A - 5 Tre ~dwell G
4 5 Morpeth T 4 6 Coo p er S 47 Mitchell G 48 Ward C '9 Robe rt s T 50 Farmer J 50 Adg emis J 51 Jolinson C 52 Hansen W 53 Penwill T 54 Markus J 55 Williams D 56 Best E 57 Baker A 58 Je rvis L 59 Cade T 61 Broster N 62 Mero J 63 Curran R 64 Kenna A 65 Burrows R 65 Robison P 69 Lapira M 71 Makris A 79 Stockdale S 80 Tread well C 81 Robison C 82 Johnson S 99 Hutchison B
Coach: Tim 0'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Chris Mortense n
(C ) 1 M . Bl ood 2 T. Fleming 3 L. Hannebery
4 D . Landrigan 5 D . Steen
6 B . Healy 7 S . Lethlean (VC) 8 A . Keyhoe 9 J . Hawkins 10 D. Renne x 11 Adam J ones 12 J . Bowe n 13 C. Ellis 14 D. Stoney
15 L. Ford 1 6 A . Gowers 16 S . Skidmore 17 D. Richardson 18 T. Gordon 19 A. Jones 20 M . Hardman (RC) 21 A. McQueen-Parton 22 23 R . Coughlan 24 B . Coughlan (VC) 25 P. Lechte 26 S. Tucker 27 J . Drake 28 B. Cranage 29 D . GaIbally 30 C . Kell y 31 L . Tuddenham 32 M. Allen 33 A. Sassi 34 R Jones 35 P. Ryan 36 L . Deane-Johns 37 T. Free r 38 R . Hal l 39 M. Meehan 40 R . MacWhi rt e r 41 A . Dill o n 42 N . Ireland 43 T. Woodruff (VC) 44 B . Hilbe rt 45 C . Smith 46 M. Callinan 47 J . Kay 48 D . Orlando 49 R . Dillon 50 D . James 51 D . Walsh 52 A . Orlando 53 P. Funder 54 S . Grigg 55 J . Healy 56 A Oswald 57 R Carey 58 T. Curnow 59 J . Puttyfoot 60 T. Coughlan
61 M . Rus h 62 H Davies
Coach : Garry Foulds Res . Coach : David Law
1 C C . G ra y 2 L. P,leeha n 3 A . Brebner ( RVC) 4 S . McKeo n 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 J . tv9cka 7 S . Perrett 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 9 P. Capes 12 B . Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A . Thomas 15 T. Wilkinso n 16 M . Be rt he rt on 17 J . Ferns 18 D. McLaughli n 19 L. Gollant (C)
20 T Sheehan 21 B . Loughlin 22 A . Merrington 23 A . PAastrapasqua 24 P. Ha rv ey 25 C. Osborne 26 J . Gollant 27 A. Nathan ( RC) 28 B . Carriss 29 D. Gleason
29 J . Overman (R) 30 J . DeBono 31 B. Collins 32 T. Ha rv ey 33 R. Nu tte r 34 D. Byrne 35 M . Juricskay 36 A. Sha w 32 C. Bond ( R) 33 T. Smith 37 A. Ca tterall 38 S. Gra y 39 S. Byrne 40 D. T homas 41 B. Overman 42 T. James 43 C. Davis 44 S. Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 W. Att ardy
- -
1 . A . Callery 2. S . Lowerson 3. D. Cu rt is 4 M . Winterton 5 M . Dolima n 6 P. O 'Keefe 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollman 9 A . Bevaqua 10 N . Frase r 11 P. Malesi 12 M . Rizi o 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahoney
15 M . Olive 16 B . Ga rv ey 17 M . Ryan 18 J . Grigg 19 D. Sheehy 20 L. Hull-Brown 21 J . Sibilia 22 J . MaceyY
23 B . Quirk 24 S . Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Kavanah 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuines s 32 S. O'Connor 33 B. Hughes 34 S. Richardson 35 B. Villelia
36 A . Smith 37 S. Kennedy 38 J. Bateman 39 A . Conan 40 N . Parrett 41 J. Hasse tt
Coach : Lee Adamson F.-s . Coach: ck Conno p
1 D . Slimmo n 2 T. Hutchin s 3 J . Sturrock 4 5 L . Fulto n 6 S . Longle y 7 D . Hayte r 8 J . Hayter 9 S . Mead e 10 D . Mapleston e 11 L . Nort h 12 G . McLachlan (C) 13 P. Stockdal e 14 C . Roydhous e 15 16 C . Stewart
17 G . de Cres i n e pg y 17 J . Kani s 18 S . Ches t
19 A. Lowcoc k 20 A. Davi s 21 J . Hocking 22 P. Sheeha n 23 T. Wilcox 24 R . Calno n 24 . S . Russel l 25 D . Solly 26 M . Vase y 27 . B. Fricker 28 . 29 . J . Caulloupa s 30 . M . Colema n 31 J. Quil l 32 J. Garnau t 33 L . Twaddl e 34 L Fishley
35 S . Hasle r 36 T. McKinley 37 A . Lenne n 38 M . Peterso n 39 J . Shaw 40 C . Brookes R . Crawford
42 M . Ho tt o n 43 S . Ferguso n 9 44 R . Feathersto n
4 6 M . Li cci ardo 47 G . Taylor 48 James Moun t 49 S. Donnelly 50 D . Tonks
42 J. Pangrazio 43 W. Keighran 44 D . Moylan 45 D . Weight 46 J . Travaglia
51 P. Romanin
47 M . Chapman
48 L. Harper 49 R . Simkiss
49 50 H . Nation 51 A . Brow n 52 A . Terril l 53 R. Versteege n 54 T. Terry 55 T. Anderso n 56 T. Birk s 57 T. Irvin e 58 59 L. Fehrin g 60 61 B . Coleman 62 C . Sophide s 63 B . Holmes
52 L. O'Sullivan 53 J. Kavanag h 5 d L . Kavanagh 55 P. Rogerson 56 N . Dodd 57 A. Hilbert 58 K. Callow 59 J . Jacks 60 T. James 61 A. Woodle y 62 M . Pccatajko 63 J . Gioffre 64 L. Overman 65 J . Harris 66 J . Delaney 67 A . Caruso 68 W. Backway N ORTH SUBURBAN
~ ~, ">
Coach : Mike I cArthur- Allen Res. Coach: Mick Knuppe l
C LU B 622 Mt . Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
50 S . Kuring
53 M . Chaplin 54 S . Game 58 J . Ferrari 59 A . Ratt le 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 P. Robe rts 67 B . Day 75 A . Foley 76 M . Galt 77 G . Pickford
45 J . Armstrongg 46 M . McKerrow
47 R. McKerrow
Sponsored by : JOHNSONS
I GA Liquor Woodend
, Carlton & United AUSTRALIA'S OWN
by -
째 .i Carrol l
trange results this week are going to keep the ~ . stewards busy, as enquiries into form turnarounds take place . The OPs inflicted more pain and suffering on NOBs and continued to be their nemesis, and create even more demons in the process . The OMs had their second win for the year : a fantastic effort for the club . Well done . Review Out at Glen Waverley, the cheerful folk of Mazenod played host to Collegians, and came away with the chocolates by 26 pts . That well-known and structured game plan of the home side was at its fearful best in the first half . and with a 7 goal lead, it was a matter of how far . Tim Hart had other ideas . however, as his homework on Dave Murray's musketeers paid dividends, and the Lions outscored the 'Nodders in the second half (9 goals to 6) . For the winners, Harrison . Murray and Fisher were good players, whilst the losers' best were Unsworth . Hovev and Piasente .
Des Gleeson asked for a swab sample to be taken of the winner of the game in Brunswick between NOBs and Old Paradians . as the aNvav side were too tough by 13 pts . In a very entertaining game, there wasn't much in it for most of the day, and when NOBs slid to the front by 11 pts at the 20 minute mark of the last quarter, it looked like it was over . However, the OPs kicked 4 goals in 5 minutes to further embarrass yours truly, who tipped against his own club by a whopping margin (idiot!). For the dctors . Holland was outstanding. and was well supported by O'Loughlin and Gale . For the home side . the three 'Cs' (Collison, Curry and Casboult) played well . It was a long trip home for 6Tdhitefriars, as they were hosted beachside by a rampant Old Brighton , and then given a send off to the tune of 124 pis! In what was a very even 4 quarter performance (10 . 5, 7 . 7 goals respeetively), the home side simply outclassed the visitors . and sent a very loud message to B section that the fat lady might be getting ready to exercise her lungs . S. Gadsden . 'man mountain' Bradley (7 goals) and Lennox were good contributors all day for the home side . A . Pawlik, Cunningham and Law put their mitt in the air for the vanquished . At Malvern . De La Salle have effectively ended Ormond's finals hopes, as they routed the opposition by 79 pts . A 9 goal second quarter secured the win for the home team, after Ormond played some good footy in the first quarter. but were no match for the powerful running handball game of the winners . The form of DLS will now have a few others shaking in their boots . Mannix went ballistic with 6 goals, and was assisted by S . Hyland (again) and the youngster Vavallo. For Ormond . Mabbett, Miller and
Beckett (4 goals) were good players . Upset number 2 happened at Keysborough, as Old Mentonian s turned those majestic playing field_ into one big party when they won by the narro,_-;t of margins (1 pt), at the expense of Old Hailer vury who now must be classed as disappointing, rather than enigmatic . Persistence and bloody-mindedness that the OMs show weekly went a long way towards winning this, as their 7 goal to 3 first quarter was too much for the visitors to handle . OH have only themselves to blame for their predicament, and their coaching staff are boosting the sales of Panadol, as their season has provided plenty of headaches! For the winners the skipper Mullin led by example and was helped by Murphy and Flaskis . The disappointing OH were best served by young Langford-Jones, Mason and Home.
Preview At the home of Harry . Collegians host the red~ faced IdOBs . Tim Hart would have gained plenty o: confidence from the Lions' encouraging second hat of last week, and it might just be the impetus the) need to win . Meanwhile, Frank Dunell and hi ; charges will have gone through some serious soul searching during the week after the unexpected loss and they'll be praying that yours truly doesn't tiI them again! Bad luck chaps, as the "Kiss if Death" i : getting planted again on Frank's boys, as they] bounce back today in a big way by 40 pts . Br Garvey puts on the tea and scones where OIL Brighton make the horrendous trip to Bundoora t( face a fired-up Old Paradi ans (or is it Jeekyl thi ; week?!) . As we all know, the flag favourites are want ed for murder: They keep killing sides at will . an( show no mercy in to the bargain . The OPs' win las week showed everybody what they can do when the . I'm going to tip OB to win ea s,
fly by 70 pts, in the hope that the OPs come to pla and embarrass their resident scribe and coach fo the second week in a row!
Old H aileybury an d Whitefriars do battle doww, at McKinnon . Des Meagher and his troops must b getting tired of hiring those blasted camels to gc around town . OH . well, what can I say? Not muc anymore . Mick Dwyer must be wondering why h even got out of bed . The away side is down on conf dence at present and would be looking to turn thi around today . OH will probably win, although if an} one asks me why, they'll be greeted with a blan look. OH by 1 pt.
At that piece of 'paradise' in suburba Melbourne, E .E . Gunn . Ormond host the rampagi n ATA TuC A RA ATGI IM F( ) f1TRA l I FR'lM
Steve Grace will no doubt be spending hours plotting his strategv to combat the 1 systematic and professional structure urray has implemented . The home side big names returning this week, however, I aieve that it will be enough . The happy from Mazenod are really enjoying their and 'their game plan will continue to bamboo<; competition further today when they score b y v , a confident Old Mentonians host anothi h in confidence in i)e Salle . The home re tremendous last week, and it was the jus t rds for the 100% efforts that they put in ever y . . But, and the big but is that DLS are now starto go `gangbusters', and gathering some real ~ntum at the right time of the year . !-tunately for Sven Samild . Paul Cooper will pu t pener on any thoughts of further celebration s ,eek when DLS cause more havoc on the scorefter winning the game by 30 pts . Interesting games this week . Finals fortunes ar e ; on a couple of matches . The winners should :OBs . Old Brighton, Old Haileybury, Mazenod , Salle .
ony ntoai a=1s - congratulate = a ;mer who tl > week plays his 50t h for the Club . Well done Chicken! La Salle - congratulate Matt Mercuri who pl,_ . d his 50th game two weeks ago . Well done iviai .l.
Old Haileybury - congratulations from all at the mi teAe ll on Bloods to Luke Byrns and playing their 50th games for the club last week <__ainst Old Mentonians . We" Mitch.
- 8 .07 .0 0 De La c 11 _ ; 4.1 13.7 16 .11 23.15 .153 Ormond: 5.4 6 .5 9 .9 10.14.74 De La Salle: Man nix 6. Johnstone 4. Toohev 2 . Dugan 2. Morel 2. Vavallo . Best : 2. Jackson I . Picone I . McInerney I . R . Bonnici 1 . M. Mereuri : IBeckett Matnw :. Vavall o . S . Hyland, Joilnstone . M . Mercury Horn . Ormond : Mabbet, Miller. 4, Mabbet 2 . Whelan 1 . Miller 1 . Bailey 1 . Black 1 . Best tUhelan. Beckett, D'Astoli. Cooper. Umpirea: Peter James Justin Garre tt (F) Donunic Napoli Grant Napper (G ) 3rytzenodc 3 .4 10.6 13.10 16.14.110 1 .5 3.6 7.10 12 .12.84 Collegians: an F1a zenod: Kaanagh 4 . Harrison 4.0'Donoghue 2 . Fisher 2. Kelly 1 ..Morg Fisher. 1 . P+4clntyre I . Hanley 1 . Best: Meehan. Harrison . Murray, ParrvBaxter I. O'Donaghue. Ormond : Unsworth 4 . Hovey I . u'oolltouse 1, A . Plasente I . Humpiuv 1 . Jones i . Donnellv I . Huggins 1 . Best : Unsarorth. Hovey. E. Waters. A . Baxter. Y. PitilGps.-Piasente. Umpires : Albie Firley Shnon Olive ( F) John Kelly Bob Dunstan (G ) ' 10.1 15 .6 22 .10 29 .14 .188 Old Bri ghton : 1.5 2 .8 5 .12 8.16.64 Whitefr iazs: Old Bri ghton : Bradley 7. Pirrie 5. Fitzger ald 4 . Jackson 4 . McLachlan 4 . M .. Gadsden 2. Lennox I . Parnham 1 . Krztil+liiak 1 . Best : Lennox, Donnis Phelan . Jackson, Bradley. Pterrie. Wlilte;riars: T. Hilton 3 . Reidy 3. Cardge 2 . Best: A . Pawlick, Law, Cuminghatn . A. Carbone, Gillan . Mika. 1 .1 4.5 10 .7 13 .9 .87 North Old Boys: Old i'aradians : 5.3 75 10 .8 15.10 .100 North Old Boys : O'Farrell 3. Tonkin 2. Maguire 2 . Collison I, Casboult 1 . Currv 1 . M . Baker I . J . Baker 1 . San ders 1 . Best : Cotlison . Cnr rv. Casbordt, 2+f9cTaggart . J . Barker. Skene. Old Paradians : Porteous 4 . Digtiey 4 . Stevens 3. Hollan d 2. Jenkins I . O'Loughlin 1 . Best : Holland . Gale . O'Loughlln . S,vtndon . Stevens . Porteous . Umpires: Cameron Stewart Dirk Kramer (F) Santo Caruso A]exTs ilemanis (B) Ken Coujilan Bob Be}nnour (G) Old Mentonians: 7 .6 11 .6 11.7 14.12.96 Old F.nileybury: 3 .2 7.8 10.12 13.17.95 Old 3+3entonixns: Bournon 4, A .oreman 3, M19acnish I 'Vick 2. Costello 1 . Drhian I . Best: Mullin . V . Kuran wto . Austin, Murphy. Webb, Fiaskis . Old Hail ey'oury: Adam Hilton 3 . Mason 3 . Lappage 3 . Home 1 . S. Langford . Jones I . Hanson 1, Burns I . Best : S . Langford-Jones . Mason . Home, Mitchell. Forsyth, Ladd . Umpires : Neville Boyle Richard Eastwood (F) Ross Richards Geoff Grigg (G)
RESERVES - 08 .07 .00. BSazenal O.C : 3.1 8.5 15 .10 18 .16 .124 5.0 7.1 8 .1 12 .4 .76 collegians : RRezenod O.C : Sharp 4 . Ha-ltins 3 . Morgan 3 . Quum 2 . Murray 2. Nisbet 2. A1e44nittn . McDowell . Best: Nisbet . Linden, Devlin . QuBm . MeMiillhi. Morgan. collegians: cooper 3. McKenzie 3. D Smith . A Smith . Horsall. Pollock. Harding, l+rcoicy. Best: Harding. Sk'hite . Cooper, Schober . Greeres . McKenzie. Nort h Old Bays: 3 .3 9 .6 11 .11 14.13.97 Old Psradlens : 3 .2 4 .4 6.6 9.9.63 North Old Boys: Goal kickers and best plasvrs results not received. Old Pntadians : A Sv,ri tdMi 2. Ekitohomad 2. Lombardi 2. Mo3re. Palermo, Tar<on . Best: Ryan.,t1P Gear v. M C osgrifL D Ftrze. E TeU`on. Boundy. Old ;irigttton : 1 .5 6.8 6 .13 8.16 .64 4.2 4.2 8.4 7.5 .47 tNhlteEriars: Old Brighton: Talbot 4 . Bickett. O'itettl . lValsh . Paterson. Best: Talbot . Fisher. Walsh . McMahon, Davies, OKeill . WhItefi4ara: Ceglilan 3. Glenn 2. Fulton, Jotuison. Best: D Eames. Campbell . Glenn. Murray. Wand . Wood.
A melee is "Where anincident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct" TuG AaAIlTFI Its Ff1C1TRA1 I
De L. salle, 2 .7 6 .10 11 .16 14 .22.10e 2 .1 5 .1 6.2 10 .5.65 Ormond : Be La Salle: A Evans 5. Hyde 2. Smith 2 . Ford . Lambe. Pedicini . Walker, Williams. Best : ODormetl . N Haber, M Evans . Bv.r'den . A Evans, Doak, Ormond: J Keleher 3 . Carman 3 . DLnadamos . Shuttlewonh . Herrmann . Higgins. Best : J Keleher . Carmen. Li4mgstone. C Keleher . Grace. Coilins . 0.0 1 .2 3.4 3.7 .25 Old tdentoninns : Old Aslieyhury : 3.4 4.7 8 .11 14 .15.99 . Larves. Rilev. Best: Divy'er. Laryrs. Elliott. Richards. C Old P,:entoniens : Elliott Appel . P Appet . Old Halleybury: Efstat}ilou 5 . Dlmond 3. T Hilton. Bell . O'Donnell. Saundera Shepherd . Best: Saunders. Bell . Efstathlou . G. Roxiands . Anderson . O'Donnell.
Coach: Tim Hart Res . Coach: Anthony Parkin
Coach : Paul Cooper Res. Coach : Paul O'Dwyer 1 A Moore 2 M Mercuri 3 B Corin 3 M Butler 4 L Hall
1 S . Mollard (VC)
2 N . Florentin e 3 B. Woolhouse (C) 4 G . Palmer (VC) 5 R . Henebery 5 D . Greeves 6 S . Van De r
Veene (RVC) 7 S . El g 8 N . Beatt ie 9 T. Hovey 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 W. Daly
14 J . Dixon 14 D . Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillip s 16 D . Phillips 17 R . Hosking 18 C . Mollard 19 A. Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 N . Milat
24 T. Kno x 25 C . Unswort h 26 S . Woolley (RC) 27 S . Humphry (VC) 28 N . McCan n 29 A. Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 J . Ros e 32 D . Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 M . Britte n 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opie
38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M . O'Donnel l
50 B . Jefferson (VC )
5 C Swift 6 M Harber 7 C Browne (C) 8 A Mithe n 9 S Hart 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans 12 D Toohey (VC) 13 A Waters 14 B Hackett 15 J Hodder 16 S Hyland 17 A Elliott 18 J Horn 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 J Doak 24 J Morel 25 K Rogers 26 S Wood 26 E Williams 28 N Harber 29 M Joyce 30 B Mannix 31 A Flowerday 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 D Kin g 34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 38 R Ford 39 M Goodier 40 P Harrison 40 A Johnstone 41 D Spithill 42 D McInerney 43 L Borella 44 X Clancy 45 D Lambe 46 P Bowden 47 S Laska
48 D Smith 49 L Walker 50 J Lowe 51 M Evans 52 A McKenzie 53 J La Ragy 54 C Hyde 54 S . Vavallo 56 R Beattie 58 C Worsteling 59 T Fishe r 60 B Hoy 61 C Buick 62 J Hosking 63 C McGergor 64 B McMahon 65 C Hyde 70 M Dugga n
M HOD Coach : David Murray Rese rve : Tony Collins 1 C . Harrison 2 J . Ballenger 3 B . Devli n 4 A . Hanley (VC) 5 M . Quir k 6 N . Marmo 7 S . Morga n 8 D . Lancaster 9 D . Collins 10 M . O'Har a
11 T. Smith (RC) 12 M . Murray (VC) 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J. Kavanagh 17 D . Kell y 18 D . 0'Donaghue 19 S . McMulli n 20 C . Murray 21 S . Polan 22 D . Ryan 23 A . Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 25 A . Pickering (C) 26 J . Dunn e 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 A . McIntyre 32 S . Paolucci 33 A . Quin n 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkins 36 G . Miller 37 L. Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 C . Polett i 40 C . Dickenson 41 B . Bel l 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D . Grant 44 S . Garbellini 45 B . Meehan 46 B . Hobbs 47 A . McDowell 48 C . William s 49 L. Halvy (RVC) 50 D . Carte r 51 52 53 54 86
G . Hanegraf N . Nussbaum D . Linde n B . Leggett R . Fos s
Proudly Sponsored by :
South Melbourne
SKILLED Your Flexible Workforce
NTH OLD BOYS Coach: Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : Darren Caddy 1 . D .Wilkinso n
2 . D .Waters 3 . TWaters 4 . S.Sleep 5 . B.Devine (RC) 5 . D .Skene 6 . N .Vogels 7 . P.Boot h 8 . B.Collison (C) 9 . LCurry (DVC) 10 . S .McGrath 11 . G .Collins 12 . S .Lock 13 . T.Halpin 14 . D.Kingham 15 . J .Talbot 16 . D.Collins 17 . M .Maguire 18 . C.Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23 . P.O'Dwyer 24 . J .Barke r 25 . G .Phyland 26 . S .Smit h
27 . W.McTaggart 28 . M .Nulty 29 . D .Boyer 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M .Carne y
36 . D .Tonkin (VC) 37 . S .Mikunda 39 . R .Maguire 38 . M .Amor 40 . C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonki n 42 . P.Pesavenko 43 . D .Zace k 44, M .Drum 45 . B .Pawsey 46 . N .Goonan 47 . J .Barlow 48 . P.Daniels 49 . A.Stone 50 . T.Drum 51 . S .Fitzpatrick 52 . N .Sanders 53 . TAyerbe 54 . A.Trimboli 55 . D .Scicluna 56 . P.Arnold 57 . C .Blaine 58 . J .Gurry 60 . D .Moore 61 . F. Lynch
62 . A.McKenzieMcHaig 63 . S .Dixo n 64 . G .Muir 65 . S .Sarong 67 . R .Whitnish 68 . K.Watson 71 . J .Presti 77 . S .Trenton 78 R . Christie 79 D Keld
OLD OR6GI :tC : GRAMMf.3E : . : :Coach : Dale Tapping Res . Coach : Brad Ber ry 1 A . Kryzwniak
2 A . Pirrie 3 C . Barrow 4 M . Talbot 5 N . Perry 6 S . Alderso n 7 B . Logan (VC) 8 M . Gadsden 9 S .Lennox 10 M . Denni s 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D. Tymms (VC) 16 W. Earl 17 A . Rickarby 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S . Gadsde n 20 A . McLachlan 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neill 23 L. Holt 25 S . Nikas 26 A . Cooper 27 D. Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Murch
30 A. McLaughlin 31 A. Bristow 32 G . Earl 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C. Stewart 36 B . Pollock 38 J . Raj u 39 A. Ginnavin 40 B . Patterson 41 J . Murchie 42 P. McMahon 43 B . Parnham 44 A. Brown 45 S . Fox 46 M . Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R. Boxer 49 A. Ginnavin 50 D. Hsiau 51 M . Fisher 52 K. Lynch 53 D . Strachan 57 M . Moo n 61 A. Walsh 62 A. Lynch 63 S . Davies
OLD NAILEYRURY Coach: Mick Dwyer Res. Coach : Wayne Moss
C . Home 2 D . Connell 3 R . Kejna (DVC) 4
S. Langford-Jones
5 A. Brudar 6 W. Smit h 7 Adam Hilton (C) 8 D . Hassett 9 M. Lambert 10 C . Efstathio u 11 D . Warnes 12 N . Hanson 13 B. Harro p 14 A . Forsyth 15 N . Bigg s 16 P. O'Donnell 16 B. Langford-Jones Ash Hilton 18 C . Jayaseker a 19 M . Armstong 20 D . Ellio tt 21 A . Jenke 22 D . Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 A . Ross 25 G . Rowlands (RC) 26 J. Bell 27 P. Dimond 28 S . Walden (VC) 29 B . Carson 30 A . Whit e 31 D . Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 L. Floyd 34 P. Langford-Jones (RVC) 35 D . Lappage B . Lay 37 A . Dowsing 38 P. Wright 39 R . George 40 B . Johnsto n 41 S . Saunders 42 S . Rowlands 43 C. Pountney 44 M . Wray 45 T. Hilton 46 R. Brandham 47 T. Barker 48 A. Pound 49 G . Finlayson 50 R . Ladd 51 M . Thiele 52 A. Shepherd 53 N . Hil l 54 T. Earney 55 L . Byrns 56 C . Moyle 57 R . Mitchell 58 S. Davey 59 A. Floyd 60 J . Robertso n 61 B. Waters 62 C . Dowling 63 D . Moss 64 J . Miller
OLD M ENTORIANS Coach : Sven Samild Res Coach : Craig Davis
1 A Acreman 2 C Lean 3 B Murphy (VC) 4 D Carroll 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterso n 7 G Ferguson
R Newton 9 G Pride 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 A Palmer 14 K Campbel l 15 C Davis 16 D Noc k 17 N Linford 18 T Bournon (VC) 19 D . Kitto 20 S Mullin (C) 21 S . Ingram 22 P Harrington 23 A . Drinan 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 M Brooks 31 M Elliott 32 N . Hollow 33 H Samild 34 P Flaskis 35 T. McNish 36 DJ . Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 D Milli s 39 T Riley 40 M Manix 41 S Cozens 42 H Mason 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothie r 45 M . Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 Ferguson 48 J . Webb 49 C . Mackay 50 G Richards 51 L Stephen 52 A . Oxland 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantin e 56 S . Walch 5 P Watson 58 7 D Coventry
59 G Luca s 60 S . Flaski s 61 B . Samild 62 R . Bal l 63 M . Jones 64 M . Austin 65 T Sobey 66 M . Sobey 67 P. Mevel 68 S . Bainbridge 69 N . Kin g 70 J . Vick 71 N . Flino s 72 R . Salaza r 73 J . Anderson 74 L . Brown 75 S . Maloney
Coach: Peter Bedford Res . Coach: Damian Carroll
Coach: Steve Grace Res. Coach : Craig Tonkin
Coach : Des Meagher Res Coach: Brian Grills
1 S . Vincent (C) 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 D. Stevens 4 M . Wood 5 M . Harford
1 D Mabbett 2 D Beckett 3 P Gleeson 4 A Grace 5 B Turner 6 D Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M Miller (DVC) 9 S Grace 10 D Scan lo n 11 D Robbins 1 2 N Sebo 13 B Ston e 14 S James 15 S Naughton 16 T Stewart (RC ) 17 P Joyy 18 W Block 19 D Cleary (RVC) 20 M McConvill () C 21 J Brown 22 R Block 23 T Ashford 24 M Abrahams 25 J Dale 26 L Livingstone 27 T Brennan 28 B Collins 29 N Court ney 30 N Well s 31 H Black 32 R Presser 33 M Shepherd 34 R Remman (VC)
1 R Pasqualott o 2 M Bateman (VC) 3 M Carbone (C ) 4 5 M Robinso n 6 C Housto n 7 N Cunningha m 8 A Davi s 9 C Maguire 10 A Pawli k 11 R Reidy 12 R Pawli k 13 T Hughes 14 T Carrig g 15 P Campbel l
6 MP Geary
7 P. Cosgrif 8 A. Sinclaifr 9 J . Collins 10 P. Brabender (VC) 11 A. Burn s 12 J . .Holland 14 B . Brabender 15 B . Dintinosant e 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 18 G . Porteou s 19 John Swindon 20 M . Szewczuk 21 A. Farrell 22 S. Ciavola 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 M .B . Geary 27 A . Jenkins 30 B . Richardson 31 J . Lucas 33 P. Harris 34 B . Gallowa y 35 M . Gale 36 S . Swindon 37 JM Swindon 38 D . Tooze 39 D . Loney 40 C . Seckiol d 41 D . Watson 42 R . Murray 43 A . Swindon 44 M . Joyce 47 N . Ball 48 E . Nayef 49 M . Hildebrand 51 A. Baker 52 M . Ryan 53 B. Atkin 56 A. Sacco 57 J . Muir 59 L . Baker 60 B. Hen ry 61 C . Watson 62 V. Perry 64 C . Price 65 A . Jakowenko
35 G Baile y 36 S Mackeyy
37 A Guzzo 38 S Herrmann 39 A Orr 40 Y Dimadamos 41 J . Koolstra 42 C Kelehe r 43 L . D 'Astoli 44 M Mabbett 45 J . Keleher 46 C Cleary 47 C . Cooper 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfield 50 M . Heffernan 51 S . Shuttleworth 52 S . Sonneman 53 G Hammond 54 S . Rajki 55 T. Carman 56 M Farrell 58 M Collins 59 P Konstanty 60 G Ritchie 58 A Kukuljan K '
73 A. Strauch
~ 7 A Carbone 1 8 C F u lto n 19 T Hilto n 20 D Mcauliffe 21 B Phan 22 D Vandenboom 23 24 R Mika 25 D Rei d 26 C Rya n 27 M Northe y 28 C Eame s 29 A Glen n 30 M Power 31 M Duffy 32 B Winc h 33 M Vernal 34 D Gioufchev 35 C Law 36 D Nola n 37 D Sulliva n 38 C Carrig g 39 K Kennedy 40 A Thwaitesy
41 C O'conno r 42 P O'brie n 43 N Elliott 44 B O' conno r 45 M Lester 46 G Johnso n 47 M Nola n 48 J Treyvau d 49 C Andrew s 50 J Housto n 51 L Eame s 52 P Hasele r 53 C Wood 54 S Gilla n 55 S Ward 56 R Murray 57 J Mcfarlane 58 J Gibbons 59 S Clifford 60 B Sinclai r 61 C Moloney 62 63 64 J Ciardulli 65 D Eames Sponsored by :
~ u
~ - ---
_ reat to be back in touch with you all, albeit in print form . Whilst AWOL I've maintained a keen interest in the VAFA and especially 'C' Section where my links still remain strong with the Prahran Football Club . Briefly speaking, results from last weeks round did no favors for the bottom placed 3 teams nor St Bedes . The 'Jackas' plummeted to 4th whilst the hopes and aspirations of both Hampton Rovers and the sleeping giants (Therry) gained further impetus . Glen Eira and Prahran victories kept them snapping at the heels of those above and they will just have to await minor miracles to occur and/or hiccups from those above . Review Round 14 (July 8 ) Up till half time Old G eelong had played with renewed passion and commitment to trail Hampton Rovers by just 4 goals and give themselves some faint chance . Well! After the long interval the Ogs fainted to such a degree that the Rovers went on a score rampage of some 20 goals to 1 to record a massive 145 pt unmerciful flogging . For the Rovers it was their biggest winning margin of the year ably set up by the Anderson bros ., Busby . Lawrence, Dallas and Holt and for the Ogs their better triers were Higgins, Couch and Marty . A game worthy of the top 2 sides was played before a huge home ground crowd at Beaumaris . The 'Sharks' remained workmanlike throughout the day against a similarly hard working Ajax combination . The game itself maintained a high standard throughout the day with Beaumaris getting the spoils mainly due to their better disposal up forward giving their sharpshooters a far greater degree of maximum conversion . For the victors, Black, Haynes, Quin and Matulick earned high praise whilst Rappoport, Segal, Weisler and Duzenam got the nod for the 'Jackas'. A good tight . tense and hard fought game at Bulleen-Templestowe between the Bullants and Prahran . Things didn't look rosy for the Two Blues eariv, however once into stride they were able to exert their authority and put a match winning space between themselves and their hosts . To the Bullants' credit they never threw the towel in and kept on fighting back to narrow the margin to 25 pts at siren time . Better players for the victors were Bunny, Cowboy and Hodgy and for BulleenTemplestowe, Chivers, Burridge and Matthews . In a goal shoot-out, played in perfect conditions at Packer Reserve, Glen Eira prevailed after a fairly even 1st half by clinching the deal in the 3rd and
final quarters . The ~ close confines of the Packer suited the sma ller running Saints side who after the long break were able to notch up two 8 goals stanzas against a plucky and persistent Ivanhoe-Assumption who themselves registered 10 2nd half majors only to fail in the enc', by just on 8 twins . Good goers for the Saints were Massis . Thursfield, ivleGaw and Ryan and for the ' Hoes, Pearce, Flynn an d Healy. The long road trip to Oak Park didn't seem to upset the St Bedes-Mentone Tiger boys and for 3 quarters they seemed all over winners holding the advantage at each break by 12 pts . 11 pis and 9 pis respectively . Therry-Penola just couldn't get their normal game plan into action and then 'wham bang thank you main' persistency pays off big time and the Oak Park boys storm home to score what was in the context of the day a big win by just shy of 4 majors . Special mentions to VIllani and Clarke who made all the difference to setting up Therry's win . No report from the Tigers so can't wrap a player or two . Preview Round 15 (July 15) Old Geelong V Therrry-Penola - The Ogs could we ll be dreading the thought of tackling the might of the Oak Park boys in their present form . There's gotta be light at the end of the tunnel for Old Geelong, however today . I reckon it'll be a freight train bearing the moniker of Therry-Penola . 'Nuff said, Oak Park boys by 90 pts . St Bedes-M entone Tigers V Glen Eira - Promises to be a beauty this one, down at Bayside . Both teams still in contention but the end result ZviIl snuff out ones aspirations . I'm tipping a good old fashioned goal shoot-out and fancy the chances of the Glen Eira forwards to do just that little bit better. The visitors by 15 pts . Ajax V Ivanhoe- Assumption - The 'Black-nWhites' will make the 'Jackas' work hard for the spoils, but across and through the lines . Ajax have just that little bit too much class and the incentive to re-claim a top 2 spot wi ll spell disaster for Ivanhoe-Assumption . The hosts should bounce back and win comfortably by 48 pts . Prahran V Hampton Rovers - The 'Rovers' will be all out to extinguish any remaining chan ce that the Two Blues have of making the top 4, and conversely, Prahran must win to keep their slim chances alive. No quarter will be asked for nor given, and THE AMATEUR FOOTBA LL ER 2000
narrow things down I suggest the centre = duels will hold the key . From what I've see n the Two Blues have become pretty adept i n ,spect, so along with a huge degree of loyalty. I il tip Prahran to score narrowly in an expected tip- contest by 7 pts . iris V Eulieerg-Templestowe - Having just idated top spot, I doubt the 'Sharks' will be so soon to hand it up . The Bullants' are mos t ii"tiYv, however Beaumaris simply has more spread across the park at its disposal and at should be able to register a fairly comfortabl e )t victory.
lleen-Ted _' ' owe are conducting an aucilsportsman night tonight the 15th of July a t le San Remo ballroom in Carlton. Fantastic memorabilia both sporting and otherwise . Guest speakrs Darren James and David Rhys-Jones . Contact Carol Hare on 9858 3445 for tickets and info .
lesto : ;,e - C' <-is Pa .-ri s played his -r c last week against Prahran . A grea t . for the club through the juniors. U/ 19s to th e tiors . A very damaging player with a penetrating foot and toughness at the ball . Everyone at 5ulleen-Templestowe congratulates Chris on his fine efforts . Old Geelong Mark Vickers-Willis will today play his 100th game for the Ogs . Starting his career in the UI 19's Mark quickly worked his way through ne ranks and evervone associated with the club :srish to congratulate him on this milestone and trust there's many more games ahead. Prahran -Silaugl Campbell today plays his 50th game for Prahran . As well as representing us on a Saturdav he also coaches our U13 team where he is a favourite with the young mothers . Congratulations Shaun on what we hope is only the I ;inning of a long career.
SENIORS - 08.07 .00 Hampton Rovers; 2 .5 7.11 16.12 27.20 .182 Old Geelong: 1 .5 3.5 4.8 4.13 .37 Hsmpton Roves: Dallas 6 . Holt 5 . Wiimott 3 . Busby 3 . Helliger 2, S Anderson 2, David Anderson 2 . Drew Anderson . Faazming. Martyn . Best : S Anderson . Drew Anderson. Busbc . LauTence . Dallas. Holt, Old Geelong: M Wilson 2 . Varely . Foley . Best : Higgins, Couch . Jaug, Vicer son -V;iLts. Stevens. M Wilson. Umpkes: Paid t4ilhutgton Matt Cox (F) Nick Le = . A1ura Hoare (B ) Therry Pronto O.S : 3.2 6.5 9.9 15.14 .104 10.8 12.9 .81 St aedes hlent . Tig: 6.2 8.4 Therry Penota 013: Thrush 3 . M Goahsvt 3 . C Bauuster 2. Clarke 2 . S Bannister. Finnegan, Petrevski . S Sacco. Taylor. Best : Villall . C Bannister. Petre%ski. M Goainm . Carter. Clarke . St Bodes Ment. Tig : FvtacGeorge 7. McCraw 2 . P Pounle. B Toniltnsen . J Tanlinson . Bast: MacGecrge . P Wintle . Bell. McCraw. Giaquinto . Drury- Umpires:Graeme Huniehen Grant %4ardrop (F ) Glen Elite: 4.4 8.8 16 .12 24 .15.159 ivenhoe Assumption : 5 .2 7.6 11 .7 17 .10.112 Glen Etta : Varmakas 5. Has-ell 4 . 0'Donnell 2. Ttvner 2 . ThursOeld 2. McGaw 2. Rtan 2. Mac.is. Wilson . Broad, D=ond . Ro sssiter. Best : Massis. Thtuslietd . A1eGaw. Rvart . Tkocz . Sheedy. Ivanhoe Assumption: Fl= 7. Tricker 4. Valkanis 2 . Scoble . Wood . Dchertt'. Ryon . Best. L Pearce. FI}1m . T Healy. A Pace. Lee. Doherty . Umpires: Leah Gallagher Trent Foley (F) BuIleen Tcmplestowe: 6 .1 7 .2 11 .2 17.8 .110 Prahran: 5 .2 10 .3 18.7 21 .9 .135 Bulleen Templestowe : Smith 3. L Thompson 3, Burridge 2 . Conti 2. Glover 2. Young. ~latthcts . Tulloeh . Mclaren. C Pants. W Thompson . Best: Matthews. Burridp . Hare . Clovers. Schneider . W Thompson . Prahran : Murphy 5 . Aitken 4. Perry 3. H Pitts 3. Eastharn . Beer. Barnett. Rhodes, A Pitts. Pto . Best: Burnett, Muiphy . COrbov. Gill. Pye. Aitken. Umpires: Dianne LVhiteley paid Dhmeen (F) geaumaris : 4.4 9.7 11 .9 14.12 .96 2.1 5.8 7 .11 11.12 .78 AJAX : Beaumeris: M Qum 2. Cordon 2 . Holt 2 . Phllpoitt 2. Black 2. Hatnes. Matuliek. Healv: Bnre . Best : Havites. Matulick. Holt . Healy. L Atkins, Ensor . AJAX: Kalutski 5 . Dukes 3. R~ajeh. Halphen . J Segal. Best : Rapaport . J Segal . Weisler. Kron~1ola . Duzenman . K.atvvsld . Umpires: Paid Jones Mark Mcruson IF') NexThompson Scott Pearse (B) Greg Richards G- Clancv (G )
RESERVES - 08 .07 .00 Hampton Rovera : 5.3 7.5 10 .8 11 .11 .77 0.0 3 .1 4 .3 8 .4.52 Old Geelong: Hampton Rovers : Chaston 3. Bulmer 2. Sune 2. Blick . Buckley. McBride . McKellar. Best: Bueklev . Dnnball. Aptlltts. McKellar, Bhek. Mason . Old Geelong: Bowels 3 . H'a.ms 2. Harrington . Boor. Kemp. Best: Harrington. Broadbent. Rancid. Donohue . L3ndale . Power. 5 .1 6 .5 9.6 10.8.68 Theory PenoEa : St Hedes Ment . Tig. : 1 .0 2.4 3.8 6 .9 .45Therry Peno]a: TadLtae 4 . Gocclwtn. Loughran . Kilpatrick . Lucas . Kern . Hill. Best: Whvkcs . Baron. Hill . Loughran . Pinner. La Fontaine. St Beaten Ment T : ChapWt 2 . tvap!er 2. T Vraters . Vidm9e. Best : Hipwell . Meyer. Gould . Marshall, Recupero. McColl . 0.2 2.2 5.6 9.8 .62 Glen Elm: Ivanhoe Assumption: 4 .2 7.3 8.6 8.8 .56 : Goal kickers raid best olapers results not received . Ivanhoe Glen Elm Assumption : Frew 3 . D Pearce 2 . Zeegers 2 . McDonald. Best : Toogood . Fauuvrithec McDonald. King. Jaeka. tdantlngo . Hulleen Templestowe: 3.1 7.7 12 .9 13 .11 .89 Prahrsn: 5.1 6.1 10 .3 11 .3 .69 BaIleen Templestowe: R Wlillmns 4. Horvath 4. Clarkson 2 . Medows . P Bone . Batty. Bwt: Stott . Stell'utg. Morn7tis. Martin. R Williams. McKenzie . Prahran: 1Vallmever 3 . Miller. Erdem. Deeatteret . Crowe . Jones, Vag. Lueas. Vicar. Best: Roberts . Dawson . MeAdte. S1Wer. Woods . t4artand _ gesumaris: 5 .3 10 .5 10.6 13 .7.85 MAX: 0 .0 1 .1 2.2 3.5.23 Sesumazis: Aulls 3. Vance 2 . Craven 2, L Gibson. R Walsh . P Fisher. R Corrreld . A Blackle. Groees Best : Mills. Craven, Walsh. Smith . Blackie. M O'Brien . AJAX: 'esteut. Gailmb7tz. Sharp. Best: Brick. Boon, Gotdetdeut. Mordech. Gelbart. 6k :elv.
LAST TOTAL 5 52 0 44 0 38 7 34 0 33
Coach : Yd e Harmes Res Coach : David L :aks
Coach: Jim Durnan Res Coach : Jam,s whit4a
2 A . Kalinski 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rajch 6 D . Kalb 7 N . Gol d 7 G . Samuel 8 A . Krongol d 10 G . Dules 11 M . Weisle r 12 J . Basist 13 A . Freund
2 S . Nish 3 A . Mckenzie 3 J . Magee 4 J . Black
14 Y. Rapaport 15 N . Gold
11 M Lee
4 M . Smith 5 M . Ensor
6 A . Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 J . Mead 9 B . Nicholson
10 A . Ladd
16 M . Konsky 17 A . Cuklerman 18 J . Kirzner 19 L . Pyke
11 L . Stevens 12 L . McNicholas 13 S . Wilson 14 L . Buller
19 M . Halphen
14 D . Drew
20 B, Lewski 2 1 D . G e lbart 22 D . Mohr 23 A. Bensimon 24 J . Shar p 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 L. Levin 28 P. Walvisch 29 D . Marks 30 N . Israelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 D . Janover 33 A . Boc k 34 D . Gunn 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal 37 A . Mordech 38 J . Bram 39 B. Klein 40 A . Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 D . Bugalski Y. Shein 44 L . Pyke 45 D . Wellitzer 46 J . Feldman 47 D . Ones 48 M . Buckley 49 A . Godlowicz 50 J . Rockman 51 N . Diamond 52 53 T 54 55 P. Naphtali 56 57 58 59 D, Goldfein 60 J . Weinberg 61 S . Czarny 62 63 64 65 66 Y Field 67 68 69
70 S . Boon 71 A . Lewin 93 M . Feldy D . Frid
15 N . Craven 16 M. Quin 17 D . George 17 B . Stevens 18 N, Kennedy 19 N . Atkins 20 R . Gow 21 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt 23 A . Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D . Teesdale 26 B . Spence-Baile y 27 B . Haynes
28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin 30 T. Reoi n 30 R . Corfield 31 L . Gibson
31 A. Spence 32 M . Matulick 32 S. Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 Q . Groves 35 N . Sector
35 B . Ferguson 36 A. Blackie 37 B . Philpott 38 A . O'Brien 39 S . Potts 40 J . Verashaka
E Cason : i ul Nigro Res Coach: David Hoope r
1 J Prior 2 GAlexander 3 S Young 4 WThompson 5 M Agrotis 6 PGraham (DVC) 7 P Robertson 8 N Bone 9 C Parris 10 P George 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch (VC) 14 D Cooper 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 22 G McLaren (C) 23 D Mathews 24 T Agosta 25 26 S Boyd 27 28 C Mutimer 29 P Bone 30 D Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 38 S James 39 T Franklin 40 41 L Cessario 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 45 46 A Humphrey 47 48
41 D . Emerson 42 J . lanzano 43 A . Kendall 44 D . H . Gibson 45 A . Thomas 46 D . Speakman 47 J . McKenzie 49 J . Bryce 50 I . Bennett
49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 51 M Sund 52 J Gunn 53 C Catano 54 S Dowlan 55
59 A. Rowbury rY
56 M Tuomy
Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach: Phil Jones
Coach : Russell Barne s Res Coach : David Rogerson
2 3 4 5
6 C. O' Donnell
7 S . Vamvakas 8 D. Wilso n 9 H . Batty 10 G. Richards 11 T Rossiter 12 B . King
13 G. Brow n 14 M . Weilgosz 15 M . Broad 16 P. Rogers 17 18 A. 1 9 L . Govan
20 A. Diamon d 21 P. Jones 22 23 B. 0'Donnell 24 B. Mascali 25 P. Dynon 26 N . Dymond 27 R. Gilmore 28 C . Kernick 29 D . Dunlevie 30 31 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 35 36 37 38 3 9
40 L . Doolan 41 D . Boyd 42 J . Dunievie â&#x20AC;˘ 43 M . Jones 44 S. Diamond 45 46 47 P. Slifka 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 L. McGaw
57 D Bone
58 59
58 59
60 A Eidsvogel
N. Astapenko C. Massis D. Cassar A. Tsirogiannis
61 M . Tkocz
1 J . Lan 2 M . McKella r 3 D. Busby
4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Martyn 6 L. Grange r 7 A . Duddy
8 Drew Anderson 9 B . Boy d 10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglion e 12 R . Dunbal l 13 G. Woods 14 J . Cunningha m 16 D . Marshal l
17 D . Artz (VC ) 18 P. Adams 19 M . Lawrence A. Powe r 210 S. Fanning
22 T. Wilmott 23 S. Helliger 24 C. Scarlet t 25 M . Davey 26 Sam Wills (VC) 27 A. Quon 28 A. Vos s 29 M . Fletche r 30 W. Earl e 31 T. Puceli a 32 David Anderso n 33 M . Lake 34 B . Hoare 35 R . Bulme r 36 S . Blick 37 R . Hun t 38 J . Humphrie s
39 M . Crawfor d 40 S . Foste r 41 J . Dwye r 42 K . Chaston ston
43 L . Dallas 44 B . Johnston e 45 A . Mason (RC ) 46 B . Sime 47 J. Fetterpiace 48 T. Lync h 49 M. Flyn n 50 P. Apiniti s 51 Scott Wills 52 B. Hebard 53 E. Zuke r 54 P. Buckle y 55 W . Climes
56 S . Warhurst 57 J . McBride 58 D. Hobson 59 B . Artz 60 S . Baskett
A FINE F00 INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD . Suite 2, 41 B Bluff Rd . Black Rock . 3193 Ph : 9589 644 4
INDUSTCLEA N AUST. PTY. LTD . 26 Govan St, Seaford, 319 8 Ph : 9782 430 0 v, vvvv.hamptonrovers .com .a u
OL f
Al Coach. Doni Valkanis Res. Coach : Peter Curtin
1 . S. Conlay 1 , R . Armstron g p, L . Hull-Brown
3, C . Tucker (C) 4 . T. O' neil l 5, J . Scoble 6 . T Healy 7 . P. Rawley 3 . J . Shuttleworth 9, E. Healy 10. P. Lee 11 . J . Finlayson 12. B. Finlayson 13. S . Narkiewicz 14. P. Flynn (VC) 15. J . Curtin 15, F. Falcone 16. M . Scuderi 17. B . Giles 18. T. Scoble 19. D. Wood 20. D . Sartor 21 . L. Blackwood
22. R. Angelini 23. D. Ryan 24. B . Frew 25. J . Frisina 26. S . Fairweather 27. K.Smith 28. J . Pace 29. G . King 30. M . Sloan 31 . D. Mcfarlane 32. L. Pearce 32. S .Conlay 33. S . Mcgowan 34. B . Joyce 35. P. Whitehead 36. C. Zeegers 37. C. Giankilidis 38. H . Young 39. M . Ebbage (RC) 40. P. Martin 41 . C. Mcdonald 42. P. Murphy 42. T. Timms 43. G . Sullivan 44. A . Pace 45, J . Raywood 46. M . Iacouangelo 47 . S . Warren 48 . R . Too9oo d 49 . A. Rosenfeld (RVC) 50 . D . Jacka 51 . D . Pearce 52 . S . Doherty (VC 53 . E . Sullivan 57 . M . Evan s 68 . J . Mazzocca 78 . C . Brown 88 . N . Dykes 99 . G. Robertson
Coach: Tony Morwood Res Coach: Scott Harrington
1 2 D. Salter 3 4 C. Stinchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 P. Middelton 7 J . Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 J . Wilson 10 T. Brain 11 M . Javgietis 12 N . Power 13 H . Mclnnes 14 K . Hendratta 15 5 . Bingley 16 S . Edge 17 M . Wilson 18 J . Power 19 A . Salter 20 M . Fisher 20 G Coldwell 21 A . Landale 22 J . Taylor 23 S . Higgins 24 . R . Marriott 25 L. Wilson 26 . J . Foley 27 28 . A Farrar 29 30 N . Kemp 31 D . Varley 32 J . Wallace-Smith 33 S . Lansdell 34 H . Borbank 35 D . Mclnnes 36 D . Mclnnes 37 38 D . Bolton 39 H . Gretton-Watson 40 J. Malpas 41 S . Rowan 42 R . Brown 43 A . McKay 44 M . McCarthy 45 D . Taylor
46 S . Milne-Pott 47 M .Avery 48 T. Chirnside 49 J. Carty 50 J.Landy
51 L . McDonald 52 J. Morley 53 J. Calvert 54 J. Legoe 55 Q. Wallace 56 W. Abbott 57 M . lacuone 58 I . Wheal 59 60 R . Gud kunst y 63 T. O' Brie n 64 65 75 S. Harrington
Coach : Tony Free Res Coach: John Ross 1 D . Gallagher (C)
2 L. Nyk o 3 T. Murphy 4 M . McCallum 5 H . Pitts (RC) 6 A . Dal y 7 S . Pang 8 A . Bevan 9 A . Bunnett 10 B . Hodgson 11 A . Pitts (VC) 12 M . Beer 13 C . Perry 14 M . Eastham 15 S . Birch 16 A . Rhodes (DVC) 17 D . Howarth 18 J. Nugent 19 S . Campbell 20 D . Decartere t 21 G . Paleo di mos 22 N . Roberts 23 G . Walsom 24 A . Corboy 25 26 T. St Clair 27 W. P ye
28 K . Walford 29 J. Goodlet 30 M . Scicluna 31 J. Belcher 32 C . Miller 33 C . Henshall 34 G . Rooney 35 B . Gellie 36 J . Crowe
37 38 R . Thomson 39 A . Power 40 T. McAdie 41 M . Warland 42 S . Altschwager 43 S . Oliver 44 C . Blight 45 M . Vagg 46 M . Vear 47 P. Buhne r 48 49 L . Wood 50 N . Gill 51 I . McGarry ry
53 A .
54 A . Garvie 55 L . Aitken 56 C . Cooper 57 P. Hawkes 58 M . Kurban 59 M . Wright
60 61 J . Ross 62 J . Killeen 63 R . Marriott 64 65 66 S. Lynch 67 M . Erdem 68 D . Villani 69 N . Wallmeyer 70
Co. '-ter Ged~ __ Res Coach: Tim Lamb
1 Kinsella 2 L Wintle 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier
5 N apier 6 A
Owen 8 A Roberts 9 J Cunningham 10 C Ross 12 C Stewart 13 D Goodchild 14 P Lannan 15 D Johnston 16 P Wintle 17 T Macgeorge 18 T Giaquinta 19 B Tomlinson 20 J Drury 21 D S pencer 22 P Johnson 23 D Napier 24 T Beasley 25 S Booth 26 S Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 33 S Zaki c 34 C Meyer
35 B Bibs 36 A Gangi 37 M Connolly 38 P Carroll 39 C Tesoriero 40 C Johnston 41 D Thompson 42 D Diggins 43 B Smith 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 D Vidovic 48 C Mizz i 49 J Sanders 50 S Kidd 51 N Zomer 52 S Bell 53 L Porter 54 M McCraw 55 L McHugh 56 J Chaplin
57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 J Doubaras 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 62 M Uberti 63 T Waters 64 J Harrington 65 P Sgarioto 66 R Parsons 67 A Hipwel l 68 B Beasley 69 J Tomlinson 70 G Davies 71 A Drury 72 M Hecker 73 M Kiki 74 D Youn g 75 P Fedderson
Coach : John Toohey Res Coach : Chris By e 1 Petrevski M (DVC )
2 Finnigan gM (C ) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco J 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L
11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A
16 Goodwin M 17 O'Keefe S 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 O'Neill D 22 Griggs 5
23 Bye C 24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 27 Stevens B 28 0 ' Kearney M 29 Dorian P 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J (RC) 33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S 36 O'Shea T 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M 39 Boyle S (VC ) 40 Garoni P (RVC ) 41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M 46 Lucas C 47 Goodwin D 48 Courts G
49 Whykes B 50 Mills A 51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R 54 Christofoli M 55 Garoni M 57 Weston D 58 Altanhan 0
60 Melia D 61 Scuilli B 66 Culph M 68 Swinden A
70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B
74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G 95 Hill M 96 Redden S
97 Goodwin S 100 Loiudice J 111 Baron D
MCKINNON SPORTS PRAHRAN SPORTS LA TROBE UNIVERSIT Y MEDICINE MEDICINE M EDICAL CENT .Level 1, Cnr Plenty Road and Kingsbur y Drive Bundoor a Telephone : 947~, - . MELWAI'S 68 Ell HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturday s
1'~. y S
$ HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-7pm Saturday s
CROYDON SPORTS MEDICINE CENTR E 383-387 Dorset Road Croydo n
Telephone :977 1- :
Telephone : 9725 244-='~
MELWAYS 51 A6 HRS : Sam-8pm Weekdays 9am-7pm Sat . llam-6pm Sun .
HRS : 9am-7pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturday s
339 Heidelberg Road Northcot e
330 High Street Ashwoo d
Cnr Doherty's Road and Grieve Parade, Altona North
Telephone : 9481 5744
Telephone : 9885 8961
Telephone : 936~ 째 째 -
HRS: 8 .30am-8 .30pm Weekdays 8 .30am-12 .30pm Saturdays
601'14 HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
MELWAYS 54 G1 HRS : Sam-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
ili :'r~ :
I'hula"C2j?11e~ ;zr
131 SECTION by Barry Hickey Drama galore in the fight for the final four, with only a game separating 2nd and 6th . Looking ahead, OEG play 3 of the top 6: Banvule 3 ; Monash 1 ; Caulfield 1 ; Aquinas 3 ; and St Leo's 3! Given that the Fields play their last three at home, and the Bears have two of their tough ones at Beverley Road, the present four has a solid look about it . Even so, all the contenders have nervous weeks in front of them . LAST WEEK Old Essendon made Oakleigh's first visit to PEGS totally forgettable with a deluge of scoring shots that had the goalies struggling for space on their score cards . The Oaks struggled for numbers but were happy with Luke Wilson at CHB, plus the Kitts bothers, Ashley and Shane, on the wing and round the ground . OEG was pleased with the continued good form of young blokes, Heritage & Flaherty ; Lutterschmidt just gets better: defender, Uerbergang, kicked his first ever goal (Are you sure about that Shane?), and Luke Fleming was a force up forward and in midfield . La Trobe scared the bejasus out of Old Camberwe ll who struggled to a narrow victory in a'tight game . Nathan Lippiat was great in the ruck for the Wells, with Marcus Scott and Tim Jones giving huge drive out of midfield . The Trobers turned on their best game since Rnd I and were inspired by Gerard Robinson's great captain's game at FF, Joel Goode's display at FB, Shaun White's wing play . and Steve Adamthwaite's roving . Caulfield Gr. rolled Monash Blues in a thriller that changed the shape of the four . The Blues big 1/2 time lead was whittled back by a resurgent Fields in the 3rd, who survived a nail biting last Qtr, and a set shot from 25m after the siren . to take the points . Big contributors for the Fields were Mark Liddell. Drew Pearce, and Ritchie Buchanan . Ed Morrison and Sammy McGee were terrific across HB for the Blues, plus Cavicchiolo impressed in his debut at FF . Banyule outclassed Old Carey . who couldn't cope with the Yulers physical power and marking strength, particularly on the fonvard line, where Luke O'Connell & Scott Playfair were sensational, with Brett Woodlock and Dave Williams not far behind . While the Bears dominated, the Panthers did produce some good passages of play . including a 55m goal on the run by Chris Angus after receiving a clearance from full back 16
by Cam Campbell . ~ Nick Everett agai n starred for OC, taking another 'Mark o f the Day', and Travis Bull was effective round the ground . St Leo's bounced Aquinas out of the four b,; winning a sensational game at Bennettswood . g goals down at 1/2 time, the Bloods recovered, and were leading with seconds to go only to see the Two Blues scramble through the winning goal on the death knock (hope that bloke got a slab afterwards Kevin!) . The on-ball bobcat twins. Rob and Paul McGloin were in everything for the Parks, ably supported by Ant Auliso in the back half. Al Bethune again rucked his heart out for the. Bloods, Andy Cultrera was at his brilliant best up forward, Trent Harkins was tireless on the ball, and Andy Hyland did a good job curbing the dangerous Steve Buckle . TODAY'S GAMES Oakleigh and La Trobe do battle at the Scammell, and the Trobers seem to be wearing better than the Oaks this end of the year, so I'll go for them by 2/3 goals . Old Camberwell meets Caul fi eld Grammarians with the Fields having the bit between their teeth and the scent of finals in their nostrils . Hard to see the Wells tossing them today . Fields by 4/5 goals . Aquinas takes on Monash Blues with both reeling from last week's losses, so this will be a very grim encounter . The Bloods won their Rnd 6 match when both were missing C-D Rep . play ers, but this time the Blues may be slightly better off in the availability stakes, and are likely to emerge victors, after a desperate struggle, by 2/3 goal s Old Carey welcomes OEG to the Sports Complex for the first time since 1992, with Grammar the "team most likely", and the Panthers struggling . The classy OEG should win this game comfortably, but OC will make them work for the points . St Leo's Emmaus hosts Banvule in another nail biter. The Bears took the Rnd 6 points easily, but at Bennettswood that won't happen . The Bears are also coming off three 'soft' games in a row, and 'soft' the Parks are not! This will be a terrific game, an either way proposition, I'll go for the home side by a point ! THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 0
should be ; La Trobe , , O EG, Banvule . the contacts are 9818 142 5 : nail, bthicke~ , ielstra .easy-
0 7
8 5
SENIORS - 08 .07.00 Old E: endon Gin 11 .5 18 .8 23.14 34 .23.227 oa :aeigh A .F.C: old 4.0 5.3 6 .8 9.10.64 Essrndon Gr: Luttersehrridt 9. Flahertv 4 . S Fleming 4 . Podger 3, Cippoloiu 2. Dale 2. L Flemhig 2 . Heritage 2 . Good er 2. DialasL McPherson. Turner. Uebergan . Best; Luttersehmtdt . HeritageLeas~ . PM~cr . L Fle*mig. UeberganQ. Oaklei.gh: Walsh 4 . Dalton. Kerley. A Falls . Clarsha11.37outis Best: S}qtls . Stilutg. Billing. A}Gtis. Dalton . L4itson . Umpires : Paul Lauble Lionel Katz (F) La Trobe University : 8.1 101 1 15.3 17.5 .107 Old Cmnbenvell: 5.2 10.8 13 .11 17.15 .117 La Trobe University: Gexil kickers and best placers results not receiced . Old Camlrrwell: Broaauess 5. Janes 5. Lipptatt 3 . J Heternan 2. Scott 2, PerrYrnan . Best : James. Scott, Lipplatl . J Heffernan. Husking, Umpires : Luke Jolavston Miehacl Forde(F) Caulfield Gr. 2 .2 6.3 12.4 16.5.101 Mannish 81ues: 6 .0 12.7 15.7 15.9.99 Caulfield Or: Margerlson 4 . Atnict 3 . Baxter 2. Cav(ishaw 2. M Harrison . Rosman. Rorals. Vella. tVtdjaJa . Best : Liddell . Pearce. Buchanan. Brohier. Baxter. WidJaja. Monash Blues: Cau9ecluolo 4 . Creamer 3 . Rogers 2. DeYoun Campbetl . Farrar. Nenman . Grogan,, Such . Best: McGee .Mcrrison. Roe es. Newman. DeYoung . Smith . Umpires: Dash Petits Ben Rcde (F) Peter Wallis rGi Banyule: 6.4 12 .6 21 .9 27.12.174 Old Carey: 3.0 6 .5 7 .7 14 .7.91 BanVe: 6Cormet( 6. Plavfair 4. t44zodloek 3. kloxon 3. B 1F+illmore 2 . D VWtcheIl 2. D tttllkvns 2. Keenan 2.'vt Grav. Sutterbv. Richmond. Bwt :lVoodlock. Plasdair. B Wlllmore. D Wilhans. J Plant .'Nato(i. Old Cerey: Cohen 4 . Pltiliips 3 . Artgus 2. CarnpbelL N Bull . Everett. MeK ➢rstn~. Bvk111.B~t : Everett. Angus . T Bull. PFrllltps. Czunpbell. Damhec Umpires: Jasori tioore Heath Little (s') St Leos Emmaus : 7.3 14.5 17.8 20 .10 .130 Aquinas : 4 .5 6.8 15.11 18 .19 .127 St Leos Emmaus: S McCann 5. B Vaughan 5 . Buckle 2 . D'utleolatuoNo 2. T McCann 2, PMcGloin 2 . Flood. McKetule. Best: P McGloin . ArdLo. R MeGlout . Dintcolantonio . S MeCaim. Buckle . Aquinas : Goal kickers and best plovers results not received. Umpires: Andrew Mitchell fan Burgess (F)
The VAFA mateur Footballer" proudly sponsored and printed by :
Old Essendon Grammer . 8 .4 17 .12 25.16 33.24.222 Oakieigh: 0 .2 0.2 0.5 0.5.5 Old Essendon Grammer: Griga.~ 5. Chaaman 4. T Mansfield 4. MardII>! 3 . Walker 3 . Hadt 2. Firn wd 2 . Waist, 2, 5 ttqIItlield 2 . Barsrv. Jarrod Fnteher. Ricllev . Rush. Tassone . Best: T Mansfield. Grigg. S Whitfield . Walker . Polluu . Mard"ull- Oakleigh; Best: C Taclor. tatuhello. Chapman . Pesnakis . Torpey. A?Ytoulang. La Trobe University: 2.2 5 .2 5.2 6 .3.39 Old Camberwell: 4.2 6 .5 8.8 11 .10.78 La Trobe University: Goal ktekers and best players results not received . Old Camher~ll : Sarar a . Sivmm 2. Board. Cantor . Church . Harcev. Best: S Derrv. t4elhvain. Saffar . M Steel. S Jones. Caulfield On : 2.5 4.9 5 .14 9 .14 .68 PRonash Blum 2.2 4.4 8 .6 10 .7.67 Caulfield Or : Bourke 2 . Culler 2 . Da+,•d. Sant~a~o . Deakin, Witter, Stevenson . Best : Anderson. Stevenson, Mein. Restartek. Ash. ~4il1[<uns- RSonaah Btues : Hendretta 3, Baxter. Strauss . Mt¢ehie . vTatierson . Speneer. Herman . Best : Walsh . Baxter . Uopd . Hendretta. MenlhaTatterson . Banyule: 7.2 14.7 20.12 31.19 .205 Old Carey: 1 .2 2.2 2.3 2.4 .16 Bsnule: P W9tehell 8. Kayrooz 7. J Egan 5. Sproutes 4. lasrallah 3 . S 4ttllmore 2 . Gillian, Mutton . Bestr J Egan . Bell. Donaldson. P Wttchcll. Kavrooz. fiopgood . Old Carey : Mal. Mudge. Best: Curry . Notice . Drake. Mai. Sontag Winchester. St Leos Emmaus : 6 .1 10.3 16.8 19.12.126 Aquinas O .C : 2 .1 4 .2 6.4 10.5.65 St Leos Emmaus : HuG.~tan 3. McCormack 3 . Raynor 3 . tietivey 2. Nolan 2 . Bat-.~e. BurgdorL Dlmble . Darruk . P Le~.ins . B Mitchetl. Best: D'unbte . Hughan. E'ditehell. Brugdod. Shnor,dsou .6hieaza . Aquinas : Goal kickers aid best players results not receiveci.
Specialists ill Sports PltotograllIry
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging , jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "
.1(Iros!:i.-„ ~-i 1)1, A IS IN(, l.nur: Lo :ai dg fnrvnurdu b t, v .11 1,"t fm "y"' ,
'i'elei>hone : ~W (i` Facsitnile: 9894 'Ii 55, n-Onespnrtsi'tri~- .. . Unit4l6(*7i1RailwayRi id Slackbnm Vic , 31',H )
Cc ch: Laurie Aghan Res Coach: Laurie Aghan
Coach : Greg 4Mhitcroft Res Coach: Rohan Doherty
1 G . Burch 2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D . Monogu e 7 C . Glenni e 8 J . Jes s 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 A. Bethun e 13 D . Denbraber 14 A. Lorkin
1 H McDermott 2 D Witchell 3 S . Kayrooz 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 B . Gillard 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 B Moxi n 11 S Cross 12 J Egan 13 D Nasrallah 14 B . Woodloc k 15 S Gray 16 D Bentley 17 G . Donaldson 18 J Turnball 1 9 A Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 L Martin
15 A. Hylan d 16 H . Field
17 M. Denav i 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pares
21 C . Quinn 22 S . Flyn n 23 J . Livingstone
24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 S . Downes 27 S . Jones 28 J . Langford 29 J . Wilso n 30 C . Collilver 31 M . Hunte r 32 J . Bleakne y 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarulll i 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 J . North-Coombes 38 B . Mora n 39 M . Mercuri 40 A . Cultrera 41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 G . Macklin 45 N . Frederikso n 46 M . Anderson 47 N . Moran 48 M . Moore
49 G . Verstra 50 L . Sheffield 51 C . Watt 52 M . Corrie 53 J. Devers 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J. Crouch 56 D . Joyc e 57 D . North-Combes 58 D . Law 59 A . Bentley 60 D. Vine 61 M . Greer 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 64 P.Glennie 65 L. Buzaglo 66 J . Hunt 67 P. Cuickshank 68 J . Coglan 70 C . Lyng 71 J . Pole 72 M . Rile y 86 B . Barlay
Sponsors : Nero's Restaurant Bedrock Computers VAI Bodyworks Medieval Madness Heathmont Cellars Haughey Butchers
26 G Sha w 27 P. Healey
28 C Wilks 0 29 BG lSuterb y . Grinda 3 31 C Bassett 32 S . Richmond 33 D . Glass 34 C Stevens 35 D Spoules 36 M . George 37 B Wilson 38 T. Thompson
39 A . Hopgood 40 W. Gibson 41 D . Mutton 42 T Ega n 43 L Ferrell
44 M . Natoli 45 D . Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Holt 50 C Burke 51 G Bell 52 Ross Doherty 53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witchell 55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A . Dooley 58 D Mayne 59 J . McDermott
- 7----
.~ Coach: Dean Anderson Res Coach:Kornel Dachs
1 :7-
i--- Coach: Andrew Sutherland
Res. Coach : Clinton Perry 1 D . Rosman 2 B. Hall 1 M .Bakogiannis 2 S .Fredrickson 2 S. Stevenson 3 C . Knight 3 D .Sheldrick 3 S . Erickson 4 C Perry . Liddell 4M 5 S.Adamthwaite 4 K . Deakin 6 B.Cameron 5 S . Kendall 7 P.Moon 6 M . Harrison 8 J Camm 6 B . Minte r 9 J .Goode 7 J . Cowlishaw 10 D Sideboitom 8 S . Cossart - Walsh 11 J .Levy . Bowes 9W 12 D .Gleeson 10 A. Will 13 11 S. Amiet 14 L.Wakeling 11 M . Cassidy 15 G .Robinson 12 D . Pearce 16 C McKie 12 M . Dakic 17 L.Heathcote 13 D . Gurr 18 S .Gloury 14 S . Klose 19 S.White 15 P. King 20 16 T. Royals 21 D .Edmunds 17 R . Gosstray 22 17 D . Roberts 23 S .Mitchell 18 P. Anderso n 24 18 B. Baxte r 25 M .Spralj a 19 R . Buchanan 26 B .Hewitt e 20 M . Klos 27 L Ryan 20 H . Vell a 9 28 R Rossi 21 N . Brohier 2 22 T. Townley 30 R .Storer 23 D . Ash 31 24 G. Lehne r 32 M .Napier 25 M . Cramphorn 33 25 T. Wailes 34 26 S . William s 35 26 S . Widjaja 36 T.Mawdsley 27 R. Keow n 28 G . Evans 29 J . Whitmee
29 D . Schrimski 30 J . Gross 31 S. Sant 33 C . McGrath 33 N . Silver 34 J . Margeriso n 35 S . Thompso n 36 A . Lawrence 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restaric k 39 J . Santiago 40 G . Harrison 41 A . Bosna 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 J . Blamines 46 A. Johnson 47 L . Salem 48 S . Varthalis 51 N . Bourke 53 J . Upton 54 M . Allenby
55 M . Davies 56 A . Dowd 58 J . Toyama 59 A . Beaucham p 72 T. Freema n
37 38 A .Willis
Coach : Dave Rogers Res Coach: Marcus S - , .-.ce r
1 L Findlay 2 J Baxte r 3 L Holloway 4 A Bains 5 D Roger s
6 M Newman 7 P Farrar 8 D Junkeer 9 C O'Sulliva n 10 S Webste r 11 M Spencer 12 J Caldwell 13 A Herrman 14 B Merlin 15 M Tinkle r 16 B Tatterso n 17 P O'Neill 18 E Morriso n 19 D Furnel l 20 A Anderso n 21 C Gregory 22 R Kamphius 23 D Cavicchiolo 24 C Williams 25 J Hawkins 26 P Fernon 27 N DeYoun g 28 S McGe e 29 D Weeks 30 L Creamer 31 G Harry 33 J Smit h 34 B Dowsley 35 D Murchi e 36 N Costle y
37 J Andritso s 38 P Tuohey 39 M Smith
39 40'
40 M Bolton
41 No . Name 42 43 44 W.Auldist 45 S .Turner 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A.Cummings 61 S Bland 66 A Baillie 70 J Dumaresq
42 P Millie 43 R Feenaghty 44 D Teesdale
45 R Walsh 46 A Ryan 47 S Menth a
48 K Mcintyre 50 A Clar k 52 N Mores i 53 B Scott 54 M McGrat h 55 J Hirje e 56 R Reith 57 A Berry 58 C Straus s 59 B Carstein 60 S Lloyd 61 P Campbel l 62 A Hawkin s 64 S Flatman 67 B Dempsey 69 N Manuel l
68 G . Markovi c
M - AR,tATC1 ID C!1nTQAI I CCI'J(1!1
OA KLE9GN A . . . 6 .
OLD ESSEND6 N Coach : Gavin Keane Res Coach: Shane Bishop
Moore Coach: Chris Res Coach; p~~ Andcospoulos
Coach : ' It Hanson Res Coach: Andrew Tsindos
Coach : Michael Zem d Res . Coach: Phil Aarons
1 B . Gec 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 p. Heverin 5 T. lanchello 6 G. Treacy 7 B . Stirling g R . Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 S . Lewis 11 C . Hanle y 12 B . Hall 13 S . Randle 14 J . Knappe r 15 G. Redford 16 J . Tolley 17 A . Mouchacca 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 C . Moors 22 L. Billing 23 M . Foulds 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 G . Orlando 28 A . Khodr 29 D. Hal l 30 E . Radchenko 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M . Clark 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske 36 A. Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pesnikas 39 M . Dordevic 40 C . Taylor 41 T. Duhau 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 N . Smith 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D . Moulang 48 P. Lesli e 49 S. Bader 50. L . Wilson 51 . J . Kerley 52. D . Banks 53. T. Khoury 54 J . Ebbles 55 A . Gook 56 A . Oslay 57 M. CoPPock 58 L . Neavan 59 T. Rozakis 60 M. McPhee
1 J . McLean 1 M . Knowles 2 T. James (DVC) 2 A . McKenzie 3 A . Inkster 4 N . Lippiatt 5 S . Horskins
1 C . Angus 2 W. Mudge 3 M. Cohen 4 5 J. Daniher 6 C . Campbell
6 A . Seeley
8 P. Harris
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6 R . Heath 7 M . Scott 7 C . Grant 8 J . Heffernan 8 S . Clay 9 E . Noy 9 B . O'Hara 10 M . Hanson (C) 11 N . Robinson 12 R. Kapoor 12 A . Hills 13 L. Gladman (VC) 14 R. Whitehead 14 R. Perryman 15 S . Tosch 16 A . Heffernan 17 A . Bryson NC) 18 A . Brownless 19 A. Hanson 20 J . Elliott 22 S . Reddis h 23 D . Lilja 24 D . Imberger 25 A. Herdenberg 26 C . Williams 27 W. Orwin 28 J . Webb 29 R . Scott 30 D . Alex 31 T. Hedley
32 D . Mitchell 33 S . Beckett 34 P. McCrae 36 S . Derry 38 N . Sims 39 B . Day 40 E . Wiliams 41 L . Ryan 42 R . Pratt 43 T. Walke r 44 S . Smith 46 T. Reid 48 J . Swann 49 J . Hardman
50 J . McKenzie 55 J . Gan 56 T. Holmes 57 J . Kelly 58 M . Short 59 T. Johnston 60 B . Mcilwain 61 T. Johnson 62 J . Mile s 64 P. Craig
65 N . Saffar 67 G . Rowe 76 D . Brauer
Mark Stevens ~an$j ShQp ~ a '~iJGG aZSZ
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7 R . Oppy 9 A . Birkill
10 K . Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 D . .Knezevic 13 B . Hutchins 14 C . Phillips 15 M . Beresford 16 F. Hakins 17 S . Curry 18 C . Matthews 19 A . McKinsty 20 J . Raftpoulos
21 D. Faelis 22 S . Vitali 23 B . Shutie 24 N . Bull 25 B . Israel 26 J . Rist 27 N. Vasilopoulos 28 D. Sherr 29 C. Munro 30 T. Stanley 31 D. O' Dwye r 32 P. Graham 33 J . Mai 34 W . Giannikos 35 S. McConnell 36 D . Shutie 37 D . Palmer 38 I . Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 A. Newham 41 A. Gates 42 G . Cotsonis
43 S. Cherry 44 A. White 45 T. Bull 46 H . Giannokos 47 H . Francis 48 H . Giannikos 49 M . Eastham 50 T. Moulton 51 J . Mandanici 52 G . Cvetkovic 53 M . Sonntag 54 K . Giannkos 55 S . Hawkins 56 B . Chapple 57 N . Wilkinson 58 J . Bonche r 59 C. Mason 60 J . Russo
1 J Pana (VC) 2 J Fincher 3 P Lutterschmidt (C) 4 D Fletcher (VC) 5 S Emerson 6 C Ridley 7 J Leask 8 L Fletcher 9 J Goodger 10 S Bryant 11 B Papal
12 J Fincher 13 W Conlan 14 S Evans 15 T Di Blasi 16 S MacPherson 17 P Hexter 18 J Walker 19 GStevens 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 R Doolan 25 B Turner 26 S Fleming (VC ) 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan
29 S Uebergang 30 T Williams 31 T Mansfield 32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson (RVC) 34 D Podger 35 D Whitfield 36 P Trist 37 G Walsh 38 S Whitfield 39 S Cramer 40 C Mnjrvik 41 D Greasleyy
42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 J Crawford 45 Paul Barry (RC) 46 L Flemin 47 D Hexterg 48 D Poulton 49 A Hutchison 50 D Graham 51 A Copodiferro 52 P Miller 53 L Hadj 54 R Hard Y 55 P Chalkley 56 B Rashid 57 58 59 60
"T ,® 77), E MM A US E- .,_ _~.E PARK
Coach : Dave Miller Res Coach: Andrew Bethun e
1 D Dinicolantoni o 2 J O'Meara 3 E Mitchell 4 A Auliso (RVC) 5 S Buckle 6 G Bonnici 7 A Burpess 9 A Bethune 10 B Mitchell 11 S . McCan n 12 T McCan n 13 A Hugha n 14 J Manto n 15 A O 'Reill y 16
r R McCan Parke n 18 R 19 A Ma o r 20 G . Raffert y 21 G Simmondson 22 P Ristevsk i 23 T Batt 24 A Hadydad 25 A McKenzie (VC ) 26 A Prosser (RC) 27 P Levins 28 S . McLaughli n 29 S D'arcy 30 M . Ottobre 31 N . Zannis 32 L. Price 34 B Henricus 35 J Brigg s 36 S Bavag e 37 S . Manto n 38 N Hodde r 39 B Vaughan (C ) 40 J Gay 41 R Taylo r 42 M Floo d 43 P Levins 44 M Dimbl e 45 S Ronch i 46 A Brown 47 A Brooks 48 A Dal y 49 D Co x L Newey 51 P McGloi n 52 R McGloin 53 T Pecora 54 J Fennell 55 P McCormack 56 S Dorni k 57 M Place
5 8 D Place 59 D Pitche r 61 62 A Rayno r 63 P Nola n 64 M . Morris 65 N Fole y 66 D Lea r 67 P. Farquhar 65 B . O'Conno r 66 S Mesche r 72 A Burgdorf 73 D Whitney 75 T Yme r 76 G . Donovan 77 C Vaugha n 78 M Whitney
79 T Trib e 80 H Meeha n 87 D Furnis s 88 S Pitche r PERE N Ni A L
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5 YEARS AGO - 199 5 he two top teams in W . Old Scotch and Old Xaverians battled it out for the top position . At the last change it was O.S . 4 .1 1 . O .X. 4.7 . The Xav's were for too strong in the final term, their accuracy, 6 . 1 . contrasting with Old Scotch's inability to find the tall sticks all day. Final scores were O.X. 10.8 (68) . O .S. 5 .13 (43). Best were Dann, Landrigan, A. Dillon (Old Xav) and Steele, Hume, Millar (Old S .) .
A draw between St Bernards O.C . and Old Melburnians left the St Bernards boys not yet free of relegation danger and settled Old Melburnians hopes of the four . O .M's were 2 .6 at the first change and then kicked only 1 .1 . for the rest of the game, to draw 3 .7 a piece . Collegians congratulated Peter "Dribbles" Wolff on 200 games . His unique kicking style is best described by his performance in his 199th game, missed the set shot from 10 metres out . and then drilled the decider from 40 meters on the run. Maybe not the most coordinated, but certainly one of the most popular. AJAX finished very strongly in the final term after trailing St Kevins by 25 points at the last change to win 11 .9 (75) to 9 .18 (72) . The result put AJAX in the 'C' section four and left SKOBS two games out . Best were Weisler, Rosen, Rozenberg (AJAX) and Gribble, Dollman, Meagher (SKOB) . North Brunswick saluted Peter "Midge" Dimarco, one of its favourite sons, on his 250th game, club captain, 1986 -87, dual senior B & F and a great servant of the club, 10 YEARS AGO - 199 0
Therry gave their 'A' section hopes a lift when they pushed Ormond further into a slide when they beat the home team 14.11 to 11 .9 . turning a four point deficit at the last into a twenty point victory. Therry's best were Smith, Reddick, McCann, Biddlestone, Grocock, M . Crotty. There was a traffic jam in 'B' section with one of Kew (6 wins) . Banyule (5), Parkside (5), Bulleen Templestowe (4) to be relegated, along with Monash Blues, winless at this stage. Kew with Cavanagh (10 gls), starring, trounced 3rd team Old Trinity and Bulleen Temptestowe beat Old Brighton (2nd) by the solitary one point. Veteran Harry Harisiou, Farley and Kruygger were the Bullants best. Marcellin's strong half against North Old Boys put the victors in the 'A' Section four at the expense of the vanquished . 11 .8 to 8.9 the scores and best were Paatsch, Whelan, Jamie Golds (MOC) and S . Hibbert, Goodear, Schmidt (NOB) . 20
'E' section captains were M . Van k erhoven (Aquinas), D . Stevens (Bruns), A . Ahdore (Dover), N. Christie (Elst), T. Chilcott (Maz), Kelvin Shaw (Old Carey), Cullen Gunn (Old Geel), Roland Magro (St Andrew's), A . Hall (West Bruns) . What a celebration it was at North Old Boys . I can do no more than quote North Old Boys Press Correspondent "at 32, Member of our original NOBs team in 1963, continues as an active member for 28 years . 450 games as club boundary umpire . Harry Leigh is one of the most popular people at North Old Boys and his honesty both as a boundary umpire and a person is legendary" . Well done Harry. Ivanhoe AFC were saddened at the death of their most colourful, famous and above all, vocal supporter, Ida Marcon, fiercely parochial, Ida always gave the opposition a real serve while her cry for the home team was a fanatical "Go Hoes" . She had coined a few nicknames in the past - Ormond, the Chocolate Soldiers, Collegians, The Purple People Eaters, and the fairly uncomplimentary "The Yellow Bellies" De La Salle . 15 YEARS AGO - 1985
Two top in 'A', Collegians and Ormond met at the Harry Trott Oval. In a low scoring game Collegians led by 26 points at half time but scored only 1 .2 to Ormonds 5 .2 to finish up 8 .6 a piece. Ormond leveled the scores: Mark Gilmore, the Ormond HF then had a running shot which took a leg break and hit the behind post - out of bounds and the siren sounded . 150 games to Preston's senior captain . Neil "Nuffer" Calcutt, enthusiastic and strong leader, and 150 games Thomastown's Erick Lentini who played a typical elusive game on the wing against Monash Blues.Caulfield Grammarians on top In 'B' and tuning up for the finals had a 32 point win against Old Paradians with the best. C. Stone, Cooney, Harris, Berzins (6 gls), (Caul Gramm), and Crowley . McCarthy, Fahey (O .P) .
Fawkner (C ), Old Trinity (D), and Preston (E) were safe on top and heading for the second semis . In 'A' Uni Blues, St Bernards and Old Xaverians were battling to avoid relegation. Xav's, 43 point win over Uni Blues gave them heart . Nick Wilton first at CHF and then in the ruck starred for Xavs . Were the knives out at Haileybury? Their slim final hopes disappeared after its loss to top premiership hope in 'C' Fawkner. Was Andrew Langford-Jones safe as coach, had his touch left him (had he ever had any touch?) Time would tell.
20 stone Tom Johnston was winning recognition as boundary umpire for Park-side reserves . 20 YEARS AGO - 198 0 Ivanhoe champion Graeme Renshaw played his 200th game - coach's trophy winner in 1975 for most dedicated player in the final series. Graeme had missed only two games through injury in his career . Off the field Graeme has been a real comic at heart, 1-anowned for his Dudley Moore/Peter Cook routines . Andrew Langford-Jones started has career with Old Haileybury in 1966 while a schoolboy, and had now reached the 200 game mark with the last couple of seasons in the reserves . A shrewd player around goals, Andrew had been an active worker in the social activities . His wife, Rosemary had been a great supporter of his football career. 'F' Section coaches were Bill Barnes (Banyule), Bernie Bugden (B'wick), Graham Templar (Clayton), Robert Ellis (C'wealth Bank), Max Lyon (Therry), Arthur Jackson (T'tovm), Andrew McNair (U . Reds) . Who coached F.I .T .O .B . Peninsula Old Boys and St Johns O.C. ? Old Xaverians and Old Scotch battling for second place in'B' seetion turned on a superb game of football virith O .X . getting away with a good start with 7 .3 to 4 .2 in the first quarter and then, with Old Scotch coming back strongly in the second term, O .X. held on all day to win by seven points . Corcoran 6 goals . Gteeson . S . Curtain. O.X. and Polkinghorne, Duke, Bates (O .S .) . were best.
200 games also to Power House veteran full back, Tom Cross, recruited from Preston Amateurs in 1950 , and to cheeky Bob "Chalky" Fletcher of Parkside . 25 YEARS AGO - 1975 Umpires held their annual golf day at Torquay . Dark horses Don Deeds and Andrew Burridge scooped the prizes . The boys finished up with a barbeque at David Dressing's home . 200 games to Old Brightons "Big Joe" Roger Wilson - "a mountain of a man with a dedication of similar proportion to the club" . (Roger has been the celebrated rowing correspondent for ABC Sport for many years . iv.R .) .
St Pats - Monavae welcomed back from overseas for Victorian player Paul Shannon to play his 100th game . Bill (Snow) McNamara played his 250th game wit h Parkside - only the second with the club to reach that milestone, a great clubman and worker for the club . Old Scotch eighth in 'B' section, surprised Ivanho e 3rd with a 16 point win . Best were Anderson, Sloss, Hinrichson (Old S) and Stredwick, R. Stewart, C . Stewart. (Ivan) . Caulfield Grammarians, holding onto fourth position in 'B' scraped home by 2 points from Marcellin (6th) 14 .11 to 14.9 with stars Morphet, Watson, Clark (Caul) and C . Price . McDonald, C . Mahon (Marc) . 30 YEARS AGO - 1970
South Australia won the Perth Carnival when they beat the other three competing states, West Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania, in turn . Victoria, trailing S .A.
by 44 points at 3/4 time kicked 7 .2 in the last quarter to 1 .2 by S.A . to go down by 7 points . Best for Victoria were Barry Morphet, Terry Brown, Ian Turn bull, Tony Hunt, Peter McInerney and Jeff Russ . Only 4 Victorians were named in the Australian team picked after the Carnival. McInerney (half back flank), Brown (wing), Turnbull (centre half fonvard) and Morgan (emergency) , Eleven South Australian, four West Australian and 2 Tasmanian players made up the 20 with Bob Newton (Tas), as captain . Terry Brown (Old Geelong) won the medal for best and fairest at the Carnival . Biggest upset for the round was the defeat of leaders in'E' seetion Reservoir Old Boys, who went down to AJAX by 17 points . Rubernstein, Smorgon and Herzel were best for AJAX . 200 games to Collegians youthful veteran Bruce Ferguson and George Mehl (AJAX) who had played 197 consecutive games . 40 YEARS AGO - 196 0 Australian Amateurs went down by 4 goals to V.F.A . Best players for A .A. were Harkness, Peck, Jobiing, Kerry, Nelson, Lewthwaite . Among the VFA names was Ray "Slug" Jordan - scored one goal and scraped into the best players ! Two of AJAX's star footballers David and Trevor Cohen, who had given great service to their club since its inception in 1957 announced their retirement . Ormond, 7th, held off Collegians 3rd, to win by 7 points. Neither side goaled in a torrid last quarter. Best were Colin McDonald, Courey, Moran (Ormond) and Farrell, G . Hibbins, Powell (Coll). Uni Blues run of 10 wins in a row came to an end when they were beaten by U . Blacks whose remarkable accuracy was a big factor in their success 10 .4 to 7 .13 . 100 games to Hampton Rovers half forward flanker Ted Scarlett who also announced his engagement to Pat Montgomery . As the scribe wrote "Who said Big Jim Hawkins was too old at De La? Five goals this week - a great effort . Keep it up!" (Jim later became the VAFA President) . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 9 The A.N.F.C. Carnival was played in Brisbane in shocking conditions on a ground badly affected by the rain . The Australian Amateur team (first of its kind) came through with distinction, winning the premiership in Division 2 by beating New South Wales and A.C .T. (Canberra). Sam Birtles (Hampton Rovers) won the R .T. Rush Trophy as best and fairest player in Division 2, while trophies for best players in each match were won by Jack Quinn (S .A .), Peter Cox (0)d Melb), and Alan Reid (Geelong) . Ormond were three games clear on top and were certain of the double chance. Kew (C section) and Ormond Juniors were the only teams still undefeated .
CL Winning Edge Presentations )und 14 results went according to my prediction s d so I scored a rare 100% success rate . Edward Kelly is credited with the final remark . "so it has come to this" . Happily for us the remark only signals the end of the home and away season today and our non finalists will return next April with renewed optimism. REVIEW ROUND 1 4 SECTION 1 .
An under manned Mazenod suffered defeat at the hands of St Kevins by sixty points . For Mazenod, "the Comeback Kid" . (Glen "M .C ." Rogers), Curtis Collins, Scott Williams and Brenton ("Tinker") Bell were best . St Kevins best were : the ruck man", as well as numbers . I and 5 . The anonymity is regretted but that is all I was told! Old Scotch put up a dogged fight against the bigger, De La Sa ll e. who won by thirty seven points . Early in the last quarter Old Scotch drew within 5 points of the lead . They could not sustain their momentum and De La Salle quickly regained the ascendancy . Shane Rudd . in his 200thgame played well for De La Salle as did Andrew Reed and Ash Tucker. Old Scotch were well served by Simon Illingworth . Nick Tribe and Nick Simon. Nick Fay won first use of the ball for Old Xaverians . who were constantly sent into attack by mid fielders . Jones and King . Marcellin defenders thus were outplayed by Old Xaverian forwards Ben Matthews (9 goals) . and Luke Hardwick (3 goals) . Old Xaverians defeated Marcellin by seventy one points . The first half of the Old Melburnians versus Old B righton match was a hard fought contest and by half time Old Melburnians clung to a nine point lead . The second half saw a complete turn around as Old Melburnians rose to the challenge and went on a scoring spree to win by eighty six points .
Prahran had the bye. SECTION 2 In a virtual elimination contest Monash Whites overcame the early dominance of Yarra Valley and were able to turn a half time deficit of twelve points into victory by twenty four points largely by superior fitness. The loss has put Yarra Valley out of final's contention . Good players for Monash ineluded wing men Mark Johnstone and Steve Dodds as well as mid fielder . Mark Woods and half back Jason Cowley. Best for Yarra Vallev included, back pocket, Chris Wright, forward Stephen Giles, as well as the consistent, Anthony Macvean and Cameron Box . Six minutes before the final siren, a sensation happened at Pitcher Park . when a count of players revealed that Therry Penola had one too many on the playing field. The application of rule 5 :5 :3 (e) saw the Therry Penola score annulled (for the duration of the time in which the extra player was on the field) an d Parkside lead by their only score - one point . The intensity of the match lifted as each team could sense victory. To their
credit the Therrv Penola players were able to kick three goals as they regained ascendancy and wo n by 86 points in the finish. Best players for Therrv Penola were, ruck rover Mick O'Donoghue, back flanker, Anthony Grant, centre half back, Mick O'Kearney and winger, Paul Dunn . Old Camberwell forfeited to Rupertswood.
The first quarter of the Collegians versus Whitefriars match was played at a fast pace as the ball was moved around the oval . Collegians superior fitness then allowed them to go further ahead as the match progressed. In the end Collegians won by eighty three points . Old Trinity were largely untroubled to defeat Old Geelong by eight one points . Defeat by twenty eight points, at the hands of Old Ivanhoe saw St Bernards topple from the top four for the first time this season . Conversely their victory insured Old Ivanhoe will be a finalist in their first season back in the competition. PREVIEW ROUND 15 SECTION 1 St Kevins play Old Scotch for fifth place . Although Old Scotch have an unreliable forward line, they should win todav. Old Bri ghton will have to play more consistent football throughout today's match if they are to defeat Prahran . With next week's first semi in mind, Prahran cannot afford a loss . All form suggests Prahran will in .
Back on their college terrain against M azenod, Old Xave ri ans should achieve their ambition of winning all home and away matches . De La Salle have the bye as they contemplate nest week's First Semi Final . SECTION 2 Today's matches include two which will decide who plays next week as well as which team finishes second . There must be some regret at Elsternwick Park that the vital matches are not being played tomorrow on the vacant enclosed oval ! Yarra Va lley should end their season with victory over Parkside, who have endured a disappointing season . Victory over Rupe rt swood by Therry Penola will enable Therry Penola to finish second and will give them a lot of confidence that they can win again next week over the leaders . Lack of solid match practice could tell against Rupertswood, who will also find the J .P. Fawkner Reserve an inhospitable environment . Many visiting teams have failed there and given the form of players like Jones. O'Kearney and Zanetti . I am prepared to add Rupertswood to the list of those well performed clubs who have lost on the Fawkner Reserve . Old Camberwell an d Co llegians should be evenly
, lia,Ched . Collegians have not grasped their opportuni;ies whilst Old Camberwell have struggled of late to field the requisite number of players . I select Collegians. Whitefriars have the opportunity to end their first season with a victory at home against Old Geelong, who will find the trip to darkest Donvale a daunting experience. Whitefriars are a capable side. who have not been able to play at the required standard for a full four quarters . Today they should win as they will be strengthened by their Under 19 players, who have the bye . Old Trinity have the opportunity to shape the final four when they play Old Ivanhoe at Bulleen . Old Ivanhoe could fmish second but they must win first . Surely David Supa will be reminding his players of the importance of this match!! I select Old Ivanhoe, who have the better standard of performance . Nevertheless remember that Old Trinity drew with Therry Penola on the FaWkner Reserve . St Bernards make the long trip South East to Clayton to play Monash Whites . The winner will qual;`.- for next weeks first Semi Final . The loser will be fm-
CLUB 18 (1) - 08.07 .00 .,-d O,C: 0-1 2.1 2 .1 3 .1 .19 .;;yr ; 2.2 4.2 8 .6 11 .13.79 . tandergert. Best: Rogers . Harvey . Jar:~s. B at O.C: Le Content D'Rmarlo terms. D'Roz3rio . St Kev:ns: Katanrolas 3 . Rattle 2. Meagher 2 . Wood 2. . Best . Kennedv. Katavolas. Van Der Wert . Hooper. a : Wood . Fogarty m Rapke dch: 3.3 5 .6 8.7 9.8.62 •4.4 6 .7 9.13 14.15.9 9 rteh: Brooke 3. Beaurepaire 2. Fonies 2 . Sladen. Josephs, Page. Tullcch . ' Jackson . Barnett . Best : Collie . Barnett. Thompson . Wilson-Humphries . .t . Brooke. Be La Salle : Flsicaro 3 . Ho,s,an 3. Laska 2 . Tucker 2 . Reed 2 . aison . Best : Rudd. Tucker. Red. Lanka Fisicaro. NotLvt . Umpires: Ray BYE 2 .1 3.3 3 .6 4 .6.30 4 .1 7.5 12 .6 15 .11 .10 1 Jones . Randarzo . Dimattina More. Best : Randazzo. Whitson. C B Seines. S Kest . Old Xaverians : B Mattherrs 9. L Hardvick 3 . Fouler tl F4attheus . Prenden4tlle. Fitzgerald. N Fry. Jones. R King. Umpires: Tony
Yltilirt;n : T
°3n :
ESelc.unians: 5.2 6 .6 12 .13 19.17 .131 1 .2 5 .3 6.3 7.3.45 Br'fiton : 11, un3ns: Jensz 4 . Verge 4. Griffiths 3 . Colqhoun 2 . Blackburn . Cooper . i ;d . C Tonilta<on . Best: Conilhvson . Hutchings, Read. Paine. Old Bdghton : Goal kickers attd best players results not received . tad Benso n
ished for the season . Monash who have shown their match fitness many times recentlv, have the big advantage of playing at home . St Bernards, despite their clubs great success this season, have slipped recently . For this reason and because the game is at Monash University, I select Monash Whtes . Th anks to those clubs, who have contacted me . Don't forget, copy as normal after round 15 so details of the last matches can be published . Please telephone me on 9467 2857 or fax me, 9467 2865 with vour details by noon Monday. Should today be your last game, don't forget to attend the finals an d if you are retiring today, please consider ulrr.~iring in 2001 .
De L~. Salle - congratulate Shane Rudd (200) and Jeff ;.iorel (50) on reaching milestones recently . Both respected plavers and loyal clubmen . Well done from at and DLSOCAFC
CLUB 18 (2) - 0 8.07.00 1 .1 3.2 7.5 10.7 .67 hionash Whites : Yazra Valley O.B: 2.1 5.3 6 .5 6.7.43 A3onash Whites : Roberts 3 . Collier 3. Johnstone 2 . L Woods 2. Best : L\t'oods. 41 Woods . Caxelv . Colombies . ,*A Dods. Collier. Yarra Va ll ey: J ubaclzan 2 . Bo.x. Ketsakidts . Driscoll. Gttes . Best: AMacrem. Hamilton . Rozenbergs . Wright. Bo.x. Driscoll . Umpires: Paul Nailer Parkside: 0.1 0.1 0 .1 0 .1 .1 0.0 00 0.0 13 .9.87 Therry Panels O.B : Parkside : Best : Hussain. In'is . D'Rozario. h1aineW. Potornik . Rees. Therry petiole O .B: Baden . Dot. Stephens . Best: Donohue. C Lees . Dmm. O'Kearney. Grant. Cou rts Umpires : Andrev+ Barringto n Ru 14.10 .94 Old CamberwelL• 3 .7 .25 Rupertswood. • Goal kickers and best players results not received . Old Camhewell: Goal kickers and best players results not received. Collegians : 3.3 8.7 11 .11 18.15 .111 47hitefriars : 0.3 2.4 3 .6 3.7 .25 Goal kickers mid best placers results not received . Whiterriers : Collegians: Bontivrnan. Sullv. Raftis. Best: Thwaites. D'unera. Firm . Wise . Sully. Nalsnuth. Umpires : Brian Numt Old Geelong : 1 .0 1 .2 1 .3 2 .5.17 4.1 7.3 13 .4 15 .8.98 Old Trinity; Old Geelong : Kemp. Wilson. Best: Reuss . Kemp. Landy. Farrer. McKenzie . Nissan. Old Trinity : J Cade 5 . Adegmts 2. G Treadvell 2. Stebbins. Jervis, Remde. Mitchell . Kenna. ; fakrts. Best : Robinson, Mitchell . Ketone J Cade. G TreadWell. Stebbins. Umpires : Steve Mason Old Icanhoe : 5 .1 9 .2 12.3 17.4.106 St Bernard .s: 1 .2 2 .3 6.3 6.3.39 Old h.anhoe: Cormzk 6. Toll 2. Ward . House 2. Steuart . Risstrom. Sharpe . Condrort. Sigley. Best; Weisz . Bernet. Toll, Hease . Weir . Condron. St Bernards : Overman 2. Donnelly. Gray. Nutter. Wheeler. Best: Donnelly. Gray . Gioftte . Overman. Umpires: Tony Hall & David lYmdlow
Blades. The original high-tech sole system comfort . It's the edge Blake Caracell< moves another step ahead . has discovered . With a versatile new outsole, cleat And every other player is looking for . lengths to suit most ground conditions , and a removable internal wedge for ; ~ _ _ easy use of orthotics . . Better performance and greater Cutfing-odge 9p0 _Blades ; 'I 9 ~Hilii0l0Ul~ .
i,at is success in U/ 19 football? Is it producing senior footballers? Is it :inning r premierships? Or is it providing a healthy onment for young men to play and enjoy ii_otball ? answer is undoubtedly a mix of all th e 1 , or and there is no easy recipe for success . It uires contribution from the club's genera l szi ee, the senior match committee, senio r 3â&#x20AC;˘s, parents, friends, supporters and so on . , at about the U/ 19 coach? What practica l can an Ui 19 coach take to ensure succes s 9 level in the short term? 3eyond the issue of recruitment of players , . :l~ich is becoming increasingly more diffieult . I it to look at the week to week preparation of I/ 19 coach to ensure his players are at thei r d enjoying their football . :'rep a.tiorr is the key to success . Training n ust always be relevant, varied and meaningfu l 1d, above all else, it is important to be teaching . ideas, new skills, new set plays will mean the players are involved and benefiting fro m Continual reference back to the style of iieh you are trying to implement will hel p ~rs feel training has been worthwhile . : .~couraging involvement and feedback from l :,ers is vital and their input becomes a asset . During my time with the Ol d s U/ 19's my selection committee always ,mprised the team leaders and I felt that it cre1 a sense of responsibility among the playin g up . It certainly developed leadership . It is also a great advantage to have knowledge your opposition on a weekly basis . ?derstanding their style of play, identifying ke y and highlighting their strengths an d lmesses is always worthwhile . Sharing some i 1 its information with the players helps them respect and counter the opposition . Using
injured players to forward scout is always a good idea . As with the preparation, on match day it is a key to success to have all players "involved" in the game . U/ 19 players in particular c an tend to be hot and cold . The side that is relentless an d consistent will invariably take the points . When addressing the players at quarter time breaks they will respond to communication which is practical and positive . The VAFA U/ 19 competition is a great environment to play football and it is import ant that our young players enjoy their involvement . Probably more than at any other level, an U/ 19 football team that enjoys training, enjoys playing an d enjoys going out together, will be a team which shows character, resolve and enjoyment on the field . The U/19 coach must provide such an environment and find that bal an ce which will lead to the success of the team . So back then to my original question - how does one judge the success of an U/ 19 coach? The club committee will say retention of players ; the senior coach will say producing senior footballers: the U/ 19 coach - well, he'll say nothing beats an U/ 19 premiership . Pat Hawkins U19 VAFA Coac h the Year - 199 9 AFCA Vic . Youth Coach of the Year finalist - 1999 OXFC
Affiliated ECA Require s
W i: - : . >L For so ~son 2000/1 Applications addressed to : The President St . Kevins OCCC 57 Woodhouse Gve . Box Hill North 312 9 Applications close 31/ 7 /00
by Eivion
arkside upset the more fancied Yarra Valley . Thomastown and Kew had big ti ins over West Brunswick and Mentone, respectively, Salesian maintained their spot in the four, and Uni Blacks regained ladder leadership . kside dominated the first quarter agains t Y :-ra Valley, booting 8 goals to 2 and putting their opponents under intense pressure . McCall dominated the ruck contests and was assisted by Hockey, who marked everything. Yarra pegged back the lead to get within 20 points in the last, but through the likes of Wise and Marulli {4 goals apiece), Parkside finished full of running . Yarra's best were Mclllrath, Thompson and Pearce . kicked 19 goals to 4 after quarThornast o ter time to record an excellent win over West Brunswick . The Bears had many options up forward and would be well pleased with the result . which sees them within striking distance of a crucial top-two position . They were once again well served by Areoraci . Luke smith, Holmes and Scott . The West's' best included Benjamin, Malone and Brockley. Salesian recorded a solid 89 point win over Fitzroy Reds at Chadstone . As mentioned previously, this result leaves them in fourth position with only Parkside looking capable of removing them from that position. Logan, Ievoli and Trakas were the better players in an even performance, however the highlight of the match was Simon Sutherland's 'hanger' which was 'easily the best mark seen at the college oval', and arguably the best seen in the VAFA by the men in white . Kew was too fast, too strong and too good in the air for Mentone . registering a 96 point victory. Ruckman McCarthy gave Kew first use, with smalls Horgan . Cracknell and Shaw giving the forwards plenty of opportunities . Simon Campbell snagged 7 goals in a half whilst Fitzgerald was BOG at full back in a faultless game . For the Vultures . Matt Hovey, Wise and Levett were best in what was a disappointing result . Uni Blacks responded well to the challenge Peninsula set them at half-time, with the Pirates taking a narrow lead into the main break . The second half again provided some good football,
but the Blacks were too polished and had more effective avenues to goal . Wilson was a focal point snaring 6, whilst Trevaskis and Neville also had good games . Peninsula's best were Prendergast, Sharpin and Cook . PREVIEW Parkside take on Thomastown in what is an enormous game for both sides . The Bears are eyeing second spot, whilst Parkside must keep winning in order to pinch fourth from Salesian . As you would imagine . I have no confidence whatsoever in predicting a winner such has been the fluctuating fortune of both teams . The Bears' consistency shades that of their opponents . however Parkside at home with everything to play for will be formidable, and I reckon they will win . West Brunswick plays S alesian with the knowledge that they could put a dampener on their opponents' finals aspirations . Salesian will not allow themselves to be short on preparation or motivation for this one, and will win provided they can keep kicking sizeable totals . Salesian by 16 points . Mentone face a Yarra Valley outfit seeking to avenge a('rare) defeat last week . The Vultures have claimed some good scalps this year but were disappointing last week and I wonder whether injuries may be taking their toll more than usual . Yarra can't afford to let second spot slip and this, combined with their running fleet, should see them get over the line by a 4-5 goal margin . Peninsula plays Fitzroy Reds in what should be a close encounter. Given the form of both sides of late, the game represents a terrific chance to return to the winners' list . Both have probably been able to mix it for 1/2 - 3/4 of a match, so if either can extend that to the full 100minutes, they should win . At home, I feel the Pirates will finally break their drought . Uni Blacks are pitted against the rampaging Kew machine . Difficult to fathom the full reasons for the K's transformation in the second half of the season, suffice to say that they will go into the clash full of confidence. The Blacks have again assumed ladder leadership, and provided their motivation doesn't go missuig . I believe they will retain that mantle, but not without a fright .
SENIORS - 08 .07 .0 0
33 33 33 33 31
2 .3 7 .7 11 .8 13 .11 .89 Yours Valley OB: Parkside: 8 .8 10.10 13 .15 18 .19.127 Yarra Valley OB: MclUaOt 4 . F MaeVean 3. T Fyffe 2. R Drew. A Drew. Balshaw, J Cremean. Best: Mellrattr. R Thomp .wn. Pearce. A Drew . Keenan. A Lautg. Parkside: Mamiâ&#x17E;˘ 4 . Wise 4 . Regulate 3. Ravn 3. Moodie 2. Piro. Soligo. Best ; Wise, Hockey . Marnlli. McCall. Regmato. Ryan . Umpires : Michael Phillips Chris Stevens (F) Alex Maggio (B )
23 .17.155 Thomastown: 4 .1 10.6 15.7 West Brunswick: 3 .4 5.4 6.5 7.5.47 Thomastown: Gorski 7, Farquar 4. Ward 4. Farehione 3. Thomas, Hohnes . Flenilng . Arcoraci. B Smith . Best : Arcoraci. L Snrith . Hohnes . A Sntlth. Scott . Farquar. West Brunswick : P Hamilton 2. Brocklev, Coonan . Edwards . Hussev. Weir. Best: R Benjamin. G Malone . Brock7ey . Clarke. Lehmalm .Hey}vood . Umpires : Peter Simpson (R) Anthony Simpson (F) Satesian O.C: 3 .1 8.7 12.9 19.14.128 Fitzroy Reds : 1 .5 3.8 4.10 4.15.39 Bslesian O.C: Thom 5 . Sutherland 2. Logan 2. Cooke 2 . R Stevens 2. Canavan, levoll . Bouchard . A Stevens. Cincotta, Natmes . Best : Logan. Trakas, levoti. Stevens . Nannes . Fitzroy Reds: Drury 2 . Bishop . Diacagous. Best : Drury . Bishop. Addicott. Senbergs . P Jackson. Diacagous . Umpires: Ron Smith Pat Mae us (F) James Maebus (B ) 5.5 9.10 14.11 23.13.151 Kew: Mentone : 3 .2 4.4 5.5 8 .7.55 Kew: Campbell 7 . McCarthy 5 . Kllt 3 . Bell 2, Lafranchi 2 . D'Anelo. Palmer . Tutettt. Nan . Best : Fttiqera)d . ~eCarthy. Wood. Cmckne . Lafranctil . CatnpbelL ~entone : Matt Haeev 3. Barker. Freese. Gallagher. A Hocey. C 0'M1leara. Best: Matt Hovev. tVtse. Levert, D Enwtett . Gallagher. C O'Meara . Umpires : Alan Stubbs (Ri (F) 2.7 5.13 10.15 15.18.108 University Blacks : Peninsula O.B: 4.2 7.3 8 .6 9 .10 .64 University Blacks : A Wilson 6 . Tretaskis 3. Ryan 2 . Bowden 2, O'Bierne . Caccaviel)o . Best: Trevaskis . Neville, wilson . CUnningttam Bowden . O'Bierne . Peninsula O .B : Pa4ze 5 . J Atchison 2 . HtF~ ms. A Atcttison . Best : Prendergast. Sharpm . Cook: Bowen. A Atchison . Yatze. Umpires: Geoff Moore Luke Moncrieff (F) Clive Shipley Paul wttitehead (G )
RESERVES -08 .07.00 Yana Valley O.B: 2.1 4.2 7.3 8.8 .56 Parkside: 8.2 126 15.9 18 .12 .120 Yarre Valley O.B : Goal kickers and best plavers results not received . Parkside : . Copley. Cusack Ubroapcrto. McCall. PanJart. Antonoponlos 6 . Muscat 4. Allan 2 Yandte. Best : Yandle . McCall. Allan. Antonopotdos . Constantinl . Copley. Thomastocm: 2.4 5.6 5 .9 9 .18.70 West Brunsw ick. 1 .2 3.6 3 .9 6 .9.45 Thomastown : Scapa 5 . Bragagnolo. Paskoski. Petshtis . Dowatulg. Best : Theodcaou . Se.'vpa. 4ttnco . Stewart . Va. Cha.~kotm. West Brunswick D~isto 2. Vitale . Baker. M Hamilton . B Hamllton. Best: tryl{ord . Baker. Brown. C Lcwts. 3.1 7 .3 9 .4 13 .8.88 Salesian O.C : Fitzroy Reds: 1 .4 2 .8 4 .8 6 .9.45 Salesian O.C: Brrne 6. MorrLSh 2 . MaWard . Chapman. Snddt. Agar. McT:~t. Best: Mornsh . Rdey. Radt. Scager . Byrne. Fitzroy Reds: Goal kickers an t players results not recened.
Km : Mentone:
5 .5 13 .8 18.17 26.29.185 0 .1 1 .3 1 .4 1 .4.10
Kew: wavland 6. Moussi 4 . Caarnpa~na 3 . R}an 3. Ainsworth 2 . Fox 2 . Baker 2. McGouetii. O'Connor . Watts. Ri~ro. &st : Barnes Moussi. McInerney, Ainsworth . Fax. Bruno . Mentone : OBnen .Best: t4'aterson. Perrett. Johnstone . University Blacks: 4 .6 8.14 15.19 20.23.143 Pcninsula OB : 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0.6 University Blacks: Peck 6 . Franklin 4 . Metcalfe 3 . Murphy 3 . Nolan. Mackie . Scomev. Clements . Best: Metcalfe. Peck. Writs. Weber. Sandi . Brown. Peninsula OB: KYiohn . Best: Hayley. Harding. Jarrett. Muir. Po.rell.
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__ . , .
Senior Coach : Grant Hammond Res Coach: Darren N
Coach: Serge D"ngelo Res.: Greg Crimmins
1 M Frisby 2 A Walsh 3 C Thatche r 4 M Carracher 5 D Kane 6 J Bennie 7 J Doyle 8 M Farrell 9 C Prior RVC 10 A Urbanci c 11 B Mitchell VC
1 2 3 4
12 C
s Sheather
1 3 M Jame 14 T Clarke 15 B Campbell 16 M Wharfe 17 B Lee 18 J Horridg e 19 P Cook
20 T Mitchell
21 A Sainsbury
22 M Sammon 23 T Jackson 24 K Gratta n 25 P Jackson VC 26 B Buic k 27 J Loft 28 N Hall 29 D East 30 B Foste r 31 P Crowe 32 T Hart 33 S Drury C tt 34 D Li le 35 A Mackinnon RC 36 W Fawaz 37 G Hanlo n 38 N Bishop 39 A 40 G George Bence 41 R Bur man 42 I Mceurnie
43 T Villani 44 B Ha rt 45 G Hasson 46 P Heaphy 48 A Corponi 49 A Puglia
50 B Aggenbach 50 E Kynacou 51 J Rawling s 52 B O'Conner RVC 53 S Addicott 54 B Worsle y 55 N Mathews 56 T Madden 58 B Nea l 59 R Johnstone 61 B Tirrell 62 N Aude n 63 G Makdesi 64 D Trindade 65 S Bramley 66 D Timms 67 R Proctor 68 D Simmond s 69 K Teasdale 70 S Dibendetto 71 P Gun n 72 M Dikeakos 73 H Irvin g 74 N Fitzpatrick 75 W Daniel 80 G Box 81 J Hamilton 82 P Howo rt h 84 Z Senburg s 85 J Whelen 88 S Greenwood 99 P Diacogiogis o~ef
B . Lafranchi L. Fitzgerald G . Horgan G. Crimmins (RC)
5 L. Bradley
6 N . Tinetti 7 D . Mitchell 8 J . Doumis 9 S . McCarthy 10 B . Cullen (VG) 11 B . Sha w 12 J . Growcott 13 C . Kyriaku 14 J . Looker 15 C . Bradley (VC) 16 D . Wood 17 J . Griffiths 18 N . King (C) 19 J . Dennis
20 M . Raffaele 21 B. Woodhouse 22 J . Paro n 23 R . Baker 24 G . Palmer 25 S . Campbell 26 M . Channon(VC) 26 P. Nagy 27 T. Connolly 28 D . Cracknell 29 J . Barnes 30 C . Giansante 31 A . Wells 32 D . Macka y 33 D . Wayland 34 C. Dodso n 35 R. Brun o 36 S . Ryan 37 J . Landweh r 38 L. D'Angel o 39 M . Mclnerny 40 C . Hibbard
41 L . Jensen 42 G . O'Conner 43 M . Xuereb 44 J . Bel l 45 R . Perr i 46 M . Fitzgerald
47 M . Lambe 48 A . Acfiel d 49 D . Ryan 50 J . Denton 51 M . Blair 52 R . Campagn a 53 M . Bol i s 54 D . Antonello 55 B . Johnston 56 T. Fox 57 B . Pug h 58 C. Watts 59 D . Russo 60 L Ainswort h 61 S . Mouss i 62 B . McGauchi e 63 D . Dunlevie 64 N . Nigro 65 J . Settl e 66 T. Goodfellow 67 T. Beatti e 68 B . McGauchi e 99 S . Brun o
_ Coach : Ken Wood Res. Coach : Cr( Hirst
1 . M . Hovey 2. R . Gallagher 3. M . Dixon 3 K . Wood 4 C . Bray 4 D . Emmett 5 T. White 6 C . Stephens 7 K . Gurtler g D . Perri n 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebire 10 T. Stillman 11 C. O'Meara 12 M . Davies 12 T. Fava 13 A . Kin 14 C. Mc ann
15 Mick Sullivan 15 A . Fimister 16 P. Sulliva n 17 C . Sulliva n 18 T. Sullivan 18 R . Waterson 19 D . Prosser 20 C . Groves 21 D . Kelly 21 D . Bate 22 P. Murp~y 23 Matt Sullivan 23 V. O'Connor 24 X . Smith 25 G. Uptin 27 M . Wise 28 M . O' Brie n 29 A . Hovey 30 N . Frees e 31 T. Templeton 32 B . Colema n 33 D . A n d rew 34 D. Sheehan 35 C. Brown 35 M . Johnstone 37C . Reeves 37 J . Stern 38 S . Perazz o 40 D . Nichol s 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 46 G . Templeto n 47 G . Ansalde 48 M . Walsh 52 M . Etcell 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 S . Wiggin st 61 K . Lockhar 65 T. Allinson 67 P. Dynes 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O' Mear a 74 S . Penton
76 P. Hirst 77 B . Fleming 78 M . Cerritelli 99
D . Hade r
~`IEl~T®NE R .S .L. 9 Palermo St, Mentone Function Room Restaurant * Pokies
_ .
. .
Coach : Laurie Zarafa Res Coo i: I Rowe
Coach : Brett " :II t h Res Coach : Chris G on
1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergini
10 A. Vit a 11 B . Hocke y 12 D . McCall (VC) 13 A. Copley 14 V. Romano 15 D . Moodie 16 T. Ryan 17 A. Romano
1 S . Parson s 2 S . McMahon 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E . Bowe n 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warne r 7 S . Murray 8 P. Angu s 9• P. Kroh n 10 A. Hayley 11 H . Woodman 12 R . Powney 13 R . Sharpin 14 15 B. Coo k 1 6 S . Claringold
18 A. Reginato
19 C . Williams 20 D . Singleton 21 M . Tessari
18 S. Glover 19 A . Murph y 20 S . Prendergas t 21 D . Splatt 22 A . Atchiso n 23 A . Burke 24 B . Wight 25 J . Atchiso n 26 R . Nea l 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylo r 29 G . Nelso n 30 A . Crea n 30 R . Blood (R) 31 A. Landry 32 A. Parson s 33 P. Dietzsc h 34 T. Braden 35 B. Szonyi 36 N . Bowma n 37 T. Stewart 38 B . Brown 39 B . Jarrett 40 G . Pattison 41 S . Farro w 42 P. Findlay 43 S . White 44 45 M . Higgins 46 A . O'Nei l 47 L. Palmer 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 P. Jubbe r 51 M . Allen 52 R . Osmond 53 T. Hardin g 54 55 C . Wilson 56 C . Bowma n 57 H . Shorte n 58 M . Sampso n 59 J . Powel l 60 N . Franks 61 A . Thrip p 62 A . Bonner 69 J . Muir
3 S . Fine
4 D . Warren 5 D . Cusack 6 D. Stuart 7 J . Dale 8 J . Chilcott (C) 9 A . Constantine
22 R . Wise 23 S . Barratt
24 R . Marulli 25 M . McPherson 26 S . Ross 27 J . Sculley 28 R . Ma rt inez 29 J . Libroape rt o 30 M . Yandle 31 C. Austin 32 J . McCall 33 K. Allan (RC) 34 A. Starkie 35 G . Panjari 36 S . Bock 37 J . Pan'ar ~ i 38 F. darrigo 39 S. Cudmor e 40 L . Inserra (DVC) 41 E. Linares 42 P. Dean 43 J . Hubbar d 44 P. Soligo 45 R . D'Ademo J . Reginato 47 B . Pollock 48 C . Datson . 49 B . Hnason 50 B . Carman 51 M . Helmic k 52 C . Cecchinell i 53 M . lanello 54 M . Jesse 55 J . Eastwood 56 G . Massett 57 T Gallagher 58 D . Lobosco 59 T. Pattern 60 D . Moore 61 B . Murphy
62 D . Rees 63 J . Sambuca 64 T. Thoma s 65 M . Scarpa 66 M . wise 67 D . Inglis 68 D . Stave 69 S. Davey 70 S . Datso n 71 A . Inglis 72 M . Jess e 73 S . Carmody
74 B . Cassano
exton :h : D.Oldfield , ,,ach : Jim Gianna
1 M . Bourke 2 g S . Sutherland 4 A, Healey . Canava n 65 M Cincott a R R. 6 G . Gaspari
7 S . Loga n 9 A. Campbell 1 0 D, Oliver
11 A, Davey 12 A. Gaspari 13 1 . Bobetic 14 J . McLaren 15 D. Ievoli tt 16 A. Chaippini 17 Ma Forbes 18 A. Sexton 19 S . Brown 20 A. Seeger
21 R. Napoli 22 A. Anderson 23 M . Smith 24 A. Grace 25 B . Kirchner 26 J . Nannes 27 M . Mansfield 28 M . Byrne 29 Mick Forbes 30 D . Campbell 31 S. Oldfield 32 A. Stevens 33 S. Trakas 34 D . Gheblikian 35 C . Baxter 36 S. Nolan 37 J. Brennan 38 S. Koutaplis 39 A. Thain 40 M . Forer 41 R . Nahas 42 P. Evans 43 M . Cooke 44 C . Hunt 45 S. Horvath 46 D . Nannes 47 S. Baxter 48 A. Roberts 49 J. Gianna 50 D . Blake 51 M . McCa rt hy 52 S . Egan 53 Pat Forbes 54 Paul Forbes 55 P. Bouchard 56 G . Malliard 57 E . Malliard 58 M . Bates 59 S. Bobetic 60 S . McGain 61 E Hanaphy 62 P. Pitts 63 G . Riley 64 B . Bowman 65 D . Sutherland 66 M . Sutherland
Coacn : i im Pontefract Re Coach: Paul'; air
Coach: Gordon tsurravts Res Coach: Y1 me Cooper 1 V.Ca eei p 2 B .Byron
Coach: K ^s Bo n Res Caaei~ : e n Sullivan
3 A .Smith 4 G .Petsinis 5 L. Smith 6 D .Godino 7 S .Plant 9 A.Gentis
1 G Dar roch 2 S Chandler 4 M Vaughan 5 R Mackie
1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 D Coonan 5 A Cannane
6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham
6 D Keys 7 S Benjamin
11 Z .Fleming 12 A.Farquer 13 G .Scarpa 14 J . Alexander 14 A. Ward
15 L .DelPapa 16 D . Farchione 16 A. Faure 17 D .Gorski 18 F.Arcoraci 19 M . Sinni 21
23 R .Dima ggi o 24 B.Smith
25 R .Kennedy 26 C . Renna 27 G . Paskoski 28 L .Morabito 29 P.Meade 30 P.McCallum 31 S . Oeh m 33 M . Uket 34 P. Carboy
35 A .Eccles 36 J.Theodorou 40 B .Thomas 41 A .Cummaudo 42 L . Alevizos 43 S . Smith 44 C .Chapkoun 45 P. Janevski 46 L . Biles 47 D .Plowright 48 A . Naughton 51 E . Valentino 52 C . Sambams 53 C . Hansen 54 D . Wright 56 L. Downing 59 P.Scopelliti 62 P. Bragagnolo 65 S . Holme s 65 P. Vu 67 N . Grech 71 S . Mineo
8 W Pasco 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowle s 11 K Bowde n 1 2 M Kohne 14 J Trevaskis 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 J Radford 18 T Wilson 19 J Ralph 20 E Hannan 21 H Came ro n 22 B Sellenger 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chattiel d 26 M Lefty 29 D Haves
30 J Maguire 31 M Foster 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 A Willis 36 N Abbo tt 41 L Maguire 42 A Gadd 44 P Forbes 47 B Murphy
48 J Ma rt in 49 J Weber 51 A Neville 53 N Remfry 54 A McNicol 55 S Vegter 56 JPRice 57 K Begely 58 T Krake 59 T Thornton 60 J Marr 61 J Farrington 62 J Ryan 63 D Strachan 64 S Mahoney 65 K Sart ori 66 J Mi rt schin 67 J Mirtschin 68 A Metcalfe 70 D Meek 71 H Peck 72 S Dimond 73 S Jones 74 P O'Beirne 75 A Paton 76 . B Smith 77 D Walsh 78 D Files 79 B Flynn 80 R Greig
8 L Petchel 9 C Kerr 10 S Byrne 11 J Heywood ark 12 B Cl 13 S Brockley 14 N Lam a]
15 B Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 M Hamilton 18 A Bau d 19 P Shand 20 D Edwards 21 S McNamara 22 R Hudson 23 P Weir
24 J Jenkin 25 G Malon e 2 6 R B enjamin
I 27 D Pendergast
2 8 J Ward 29 D Campbell 30 M Lewis 31 S Jackson 32 S D'Andrea 33 D Whyte 34 I Twyford 35 B Hamilton 36 P Harris 37 C Irvin e 38 T Moore 39 L Brown 40 B Baker 41 A Walker 42 A Stockdal e 43 J Tobin 44 S Gason 45 J Smit h 46 C Price 47 C Lehmann 48 M Moore
49 D Howley 51 L Sher 52 D Zanel a 53 J Gross 54 R Sefton 55 M Clyne 56 G John 57 C Lewis 58 D Williams 59 A 60 S La~s onel
61 A Edwards 62 S Dishon 63 J Ga rtlan 64 J
65 B Norman 66 M Malone
67 P Tuckwell
68 C Plazzer
69 R Hussey
70 D Zanella 71 J. Chislett 72 R . Christie 73 C . Cowlan d 74 M . Gleason
75 T. Gross 76 R . Howell 77 C . Norman 99
8 Miceli
Coach: Tim Kiliwort h Res Cc h: Y' :â&#x20AC;˘{ne Reddaway
1 R Pearc e 2 T Morris 3 R Thompso n 4 M Fun g 5 A Drew 6 D Howse 7 J Downs 8 L Morri s g J Keem 10 T Hancoc k 11 F Macvea n 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Kruse 15 J
Keena n
16 L Taylor 17 A Lain g 18 L Whit e 18 D Ross 19 S Thompson 20 T Hal e 21 M. Wine s 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davie s 25 S Lloy d 26 J Longwo rt h 27 A Row e 28 B Reynold s 29 R Coutt s 30 D Po tter 31 B Sturzake r 32 C Heffernan 33 P Cremea n 34 A Cusan o 35 B Peak e 36 R Penalun a 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morriso n 39 T Reddaway 40 T Fyffe 41 B . Down s 42 A . Ston e 43 H Park 44 J . H e 45 L Ree s 46 B Butler 4 7 D Lang 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourn e 50 T Kenned y 51 S Gad d 52 A Ha rt nett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrath 55 S Taylo r 57 S Keho e 58 G Ker r 59 A Joiner 61 P. Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurc h 71 M Lain g 74 A. Midlan d
Are r o ! to be u) , and - ilr A Some of the benefits we can offer you r club : 速 Rebates paid on Season Purchase s 速 Major promotions and giveaways throughout the season -Australian owned and operated Compan y - Point Of Sale availabl e 速 Range includes AFL pies, AFL steak and onion pies, AFL pasties and AFL sausage roll s -A huge range of cakes, bread and pastries also availabl e
S upport VAFA sponsors and support your Association Enquiries ph : 9863 1144 Orders ph Beaumont's on : 5272 2300 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
are WA~g pRRECT . ion at vear's ~old fash~mP~s Adviso r Thise - F f n a l s ~ ire oo d lliu$~°ood Footbau e Bra T is on Co a - . it was lik vee krvith ~eseetion u inne r 3f at thes d01because it is~ e ~~en rainmg last ead and former A ovv umpiring in Onday v~iae Ut dat 3peak~ main . Is Sydney 5~ dsay sDnector e er mPire . griar1 a°t~ attendance Ciub, S0 ht . FLa n est tile there:"e 5cbs►v ~L which is tirm1 time the out to call in an great nig secured as 9" handed out.anvho hav 1 8 , No"" -I has been vear w~l be~A umPires the'y~iav and took o e V , , winawards for the v to th reservC' ra is umPrru for s the Terrr tilepoints away from and be a special tribute ue hello . Bra dvnsor junior Football I~ag AFL levelfrom gonetoon $~ts 3un e have sup and isTl1e TecrAoN were Title last Two Nati i~ time the me Brad's The M•oorabbru ior Football League and it s team the Division b the f ship s° een a~ a 10 of umprres over theT~ boundarv champion u~~ zvould have the and the " tira north had 'IV, job game last really well `~t h plied us ee that conttnurng th IS oneumpirin g have S~esian. the doing a g eat s 304 oyyu 5~~~ good i es from the and Jack Forsyth the way . clearly dP ie `~eryone at They e . so it d all like toeff thank the day . Jarrod Hamt~ressfg evervori e°Sgchool h e mente to remember . w for their veek and oung and still Hf ♦ Redsori s day one Section bo h y and Fitzroy They re {or the future , certainly made R r Eclsl®Nry augurs rvell your eiiort?„ 10 t to the CC aoal to P°t thead "What, ~cv ~pR e a to who is cloball me dents s lway s Answer ap1 1~rn free has fter O1dkGeelongs half-fa his positio n eve r The AJA f Pe kiek . Off M d where the incident rvingaway ~~ a ele gets the kick being Pal t~e, which s hi greatest advan poiniackP the v'~ng' g returns to e le on rd nt the result Ina free ball is at late OG's fonva "ovv that he oncost nstthe th occurred °r `vhere the r his oPP ws him t o kick . The Jackas let h~erabs egivsthamOfndg g d thro ., Frustrated h ~,vhere the fax 9564 7218 ctiou•com.au team a g h~ker . in a headand an ee iek tage~ ~ d where is is p~d .o'donogbu~acPa half-bac The whistle blow-e ~c~ an ..~--°--- . e-~ __- --- ound • Who ets tb e tio AJAX- ~ g vTite down irOm on, given answer the kiek taken . Beforereading k`v'th the g uself Test Yot then chee and one . Think vour answer vfon stat for every ~ey fbelowl• {tag. SY -resting rr es' an `vas UmP s ~ssendonwon th~ss ~ "ere where It getsan 19g3 B~ back to e eld umPireS atyth r the ~m Brian p 40 fi s terestin• OutdtheOorap °umpire from D section, . Gfbson, onl A{ndvi . Th`vartes . tYhats every xinton son, For de' Keogh'lloore . eCarthv a huge .t s relubs p s od and Ladd IIth remain aCurran• oP. sam Inc en, e been `LitYle5r1 and s M . It's the the eom etftron ,Overr ~ ~ubs hav e leit turnove too . Eig metged or changed their name 993 ~ 11 have either topic ofurmVpar ~i~bt is fast unlikelv that the tOP ah t. It's on 0 Its hut the be a terrific and if las t par will be eome uP'. and shoul aPProaehmJulY 22 at Elsteo b° he evening Th . ecar g to Saturday t is anything go" a~a year, s even best social function s the old ghell one of the the n Young g older blokes are rivalry bet`vee "'Vas intens_p an last yearrevenge in 2000a the via the post d bent on s indications to b e held in note that recent edic,aa a T p e F~~s S, Please ' that the aooo Fool AL~ER a THE AMATEUR
A: B: C: D1 : D2 : D3 : D4 :
-. OC) P W째 : :1' McC(
* Nominations made by Amateur Footballer scribe s * Nominations qualify for the Player of the Month, Player of the Year an d the All-Star Australia Team of the Year.
- proudly sponsorc slabs, VB "can" fridg ( ;s, n Wednesuay, Ju, ; , . W ednesday July 26 D2, Wednesday August -is )3 & C?4 Tri, .'째째 Wednes- .y Au _ The top 3 teams of all prelimir i r' 9will then progress to the Trivi a All players, members & sur )o i is , For more inform~ ion or a sR ,-~ _c'
days to to the VAFA VOTE C~ '--. Does your club video your games ? Do you have some great footage of marks, goals or some highlights that can be shown at the Annual Vote Count night ? The VAFA is looking to present footage of ALL S C'CI on this night but this can, only be done if the clubs support this concept . Please contact for further details . Sue Anderson on 9531
r~i 504 BRIDGE ROAD, 1
:00ND I17
n . .nTO~ ~o cnnTQn~ ~ Co Onn~
VAFA is ont .$ in helpina n1` i n
Victoria4 ro ~
To join the ~A"'", Blood Cfyour club' saln I do, ~ ~y or call 1,j 14 95,
determined Uni sid ebutwold l content with thei
~'i on : onCcentrei' .gov .a u Intere ing, very interesting! The House hit a hurdle, jilliamstown , Richmond and St . Johns continue to build momentum whilst Elsternwick are lurking ominously at the heels of the four . Relegation battles also gained some importance as fionash defeated fellow relegation avoider, Eley 'ark to put some heat into the drop zone battle . atch of the day saw Williamstown record a --eat win over Power House . Not only were the ,_illiams girls dominating at Wimbledon but the Williams boys continue to star down at Willy . Dumbo was supreme up forward whilst Daisy was evervvhere. They helped their side to a huge lead at the last break but some Power House resolve saw the margin whittled back some what late in the game . The winners were also well served by :Aanning up forward whilst Ross Hart managed to quell the dangerous Searle .
St .Jo s continued to go from strength to strength with a solid win over Albert Park . The Rats ere once again hard hit by injury however managed to give the home team a scare and led marginally at the half. St .Johns clicked into gear thereafter and ran away to record a comfortable victorv. Best for the Rats included McLellan, Sutton, Deplazzi and Dowdie . Monash got back on the winner's list with a nail biter against Eley Park . A true "one percenter" was the difference with a smother by Mark Buick of the Gryphs enough to ensure victory. Monash were also well served by Tim Gilchrist in the middle and Tony Gross down back . R. came back from a four goal deficit mid way through the third quarter to record a strong win over Hawthorn . Andy Siwka and Phil Avery produced a wonderful battle in Richmond's forward line with honors probably even, whilst Lauletta starred up fonvard for the Hawks . The turn around came when O'Sullivan broke clear for ten minutes late in the third to set up victory. Andonopolous and Macak were also good for the winners whilst Garlick, Stevens and Saulle were the Hawks best.
Finallv, El; 째ra recorded a solid win over UHSOB . The Wicks weren't able to shrug off a
rfoupints. Mussared, Curtain and Cunningham starred for the victors whilst Farrelly up forward, Starbuck in the ruck and Divanuto on the wing were the best for Uni High . Preview Hawthorn host St.Johns in what amounts to a last gasp chance for the Hawks . Hawthorn have been competitive all year with out winning enough crunch games whilst St .Johns have been the surprise packet, having only lost once round 5 . Perhaps St.Johns are due for a small hiccup before the finals . Relegation stakes will be high on the agenda when Albert Park meet Monash . The inclusion of some late season recruits has been a blessing for the Rats whilst the Grvph's year has never quite got rolling . Gilchrist on McClellan will be the key match up, both are in rare form. Not sure, rule No . 1 must apply, the Rats to win and keep their survival hopes alive . An interesting game beckons when Eley Park welcome Williamstown . No doubt the hierarchy at Willy would see this as a danger game . The Sharks pushed them at Willy earlier in the year and the visitors will still be reflecting on their great win from the previous game . Coach Hook will be agonising on how to stop the Williams boys whilst hoping that Hawley and Bruce can fire up forward for his side . Too much at stake you would think but they will need to be on the ball . Another corker, Elsternwick hosting Power H ouse . The Wicks will be desperate to remain in touch with the four with a loss making their task extremely difficult. Not so much at stake for the House although Coach Barnes will no doubt be keen to ensure the pre finals momentum begins to build from the early season trendsetters . A loss to the House would probably see them stripped of flag favouritism, I've been on the bandwagon too long to get off at this stage . The House, but only just . Finally, Uni High host Richmond . Uni have struggled with a long list of injuries and will be looking forward to the end of a difficult season . Richmond, on the other hand, are welcoming back some longer term injuries (a league B+F no less) and rapidly gaining that all important momentum . With Whisper O'Sullivan (officially now my favourite D3 "non Hawk") starring, Richmod to win .
?,ia ri oas `=t .Johns, Albert Park, Willy, House and Uni iii'h. SO,., a I Hawthorn have their 100th game dinner scheduled for July 22 . See "Cruse" Reed for details . Correspondent s
Remembering, Peter Williamson will be writing round 15 . His contact details as above . Team of the Yea r Nominations will be taken over the next week for possible inclusions into the D3 team of the year. I know every team has valid arguments as to why twelve of their guys should be included so ideally it would be great to hear of opposition players thought 'worthy . Happy to hear from the coaching staff on this one!
- all players and supporters of UHSOB rouid lilte to congratulate E.::~~m ;'?ner on reachthe 5 0 game milestone last week . This wee k inst Richmond Central it will be Club Captain, i3_ane~.~~i Farrelly who will play his 150th game. Adam has developed into a very determined ,ibaIler /half back. He has even kicked severa l helicopter goals . He has been well named by our coach - FruiteakeL Faz leads by example around the club on and off the field . On forivard line he always plays in front and when in form is one of the ,longest and straightest kicks in D3 . He has recruited players to the club and always takes an interest in younger players . We are lucky to have such fine leader, Have a great game .
St Jo*- O .C: Aibert. rk A .F.C: St Johns O .C: Larson 6. Hilton 6, R Jones, Best : Hartnett. Sharp . tart He Park A.P.C: Robertson 4 . F_ ras 3. McKav . Best: McLellan, Suflon. Do,,dle. Me[.co9 IF) Monash Gryphons :
Step Park:
2 .6 5.9
2 .6 5,17
94onash Gryphons: Goal kickers and b,t Comte 4 . Bruce 3. Havctcw 2. Morris 2 . Bal D Psnne . M Pa~,.e . Bouen. Umpires : RCartel Stephens (B)
Williamstown Cyms:
8 .5 12.10 2 .2 Power Hou.e: 4 .3 Williamsto-an Gyms : W: yVllLams. T Ob, . Featherstone. Hrai . ~ ... _ . Seale 2 . --icCrae 2 . Ran:plutg 2. Richr.rSetuor . Bouiand. Ro➢s . Rolxrtson. Ump'u :..
17.11 6 .5
Richmond Central: 7 .5 17 .13 .115 Hawthorn Amateurs: 6 .2 ! O~.L i J : _ 13.7 .85 Richmond Central: Sioka 5. O'Sullivan 3 2. H ns C Shatmon. Best: OSulliran .llaters . Andoi Gr. . Hawthorn Amateurs: L3u'ctta 6 . G.sti 3 Garlick . Sterens. McCormack . Carter. t-~~.~ ._ v. ", -::ut. U Brewer(F) UHSOB : 1 .3 5 .3 7.4 ElsterncaicFc: 3,3 7.9 1^ 14 UN.SOB : B Farreltv 6. O'Dtsi°er 2. Carrick. Est: B Johns. O'Drvtivr. S(abaek . Eisternutick: Brarvtg,t: 3, Mussared. Ctat.in. C Mah. .,rv. Foster. Allan . Murpihy . Murphy. Mehony . Mlssag:ka . ~ :. Umpires: Ctms Gret Gaurlav (B) ;S
9.7 .61 ' .15 .f-
-08 .07 .00
St Johns O.C: 15=9 .99 Albert Park : 8 .6 .54 St Johns O.C : Rearon 4, Hall 3. .,tlson 3 . Hancock 2. Detutert. As}iktd . Gates. Best: Pancicnt. ktall. Boiilton. C}u-istian . Denhert . Keaton. Albert Park: SUlan 3, Tavier 3. D Allan. Best ; Walldee. S Anan . D ldlan . Jackson . Bourne . Pearson. irionssh Gryphons: 5.2 7 .3 8.3 10.4 .64 play Park : 2.1 6 .1 11 .3 12.6 .73 fiionssh Gryphans : God kickers and beat players recalls not received. c2ey Park: Bosehetti 3 . t,rundJ 2. Jackson 2 . Dar. Ft.awer. Heath . Kec:a,r . Kett. Best: Hall. FtonTr. Thomas. Pasne. Jackson. Boscfiettl. WW3amstorv Cyms : 0.0 3 .5 4.10 8.16 .64 Power House: 3.1 7 .2 9.5 9.7 .61 Willi,amstowm Cyan : Doust^ , 3 . Den: ^"^^k . Tuck . Ivkmie Kosmatos . Best: Nisbett . Donses% lvkciic. Mcl :ku " :. 3otuas. Povicer House: Gala4es 4. Paricu 3 . D h9il!er. Trewin . nest : u . Hail. N MlJer. Marshall. Kans. Ryan . Richmond Central : 3.1 9 .2 12.2 14.§ .88 Hawthorn Amateurs: 4.2 8 .3 11 .6 13.7.85 Richmond Central: Mijato~ic 3. S Sharron 2 . S Conra,• 2. Pitt 2. Flores. K Tapiey. Day. Jones. Lane. Best: ?diJatoi'n. K Taclt, . Guth;te. Lane. Black. Cotuaa. Hawthorn Amateurs: Lord 5 . Dixon 2 . DaIlamarta. Halac,'s. Patterson. Otten.s . Murphy. Irtine . Best: M Zavarella. Patterson . Be;utto. Lord, Will iiue . UHSOB : 2.2 4 .4 8.6 12.9 .81 Ekternwick : 2.2 6 .2 7.3 8. 2 .51 UHSO8 : N{ilis 5 . Cooke 3 . J O ;reili 2 . Tunw. Wigton . t. J O"e:ll . Carteret. Barron, Mills . Ricetuti . ELsterawickr Hat4an o . tm da est . Harkin . 91cM1dacn . Davidson . Grande_ntanke Cur V _an.
-,- :I Insurer of VAFA
713 Sectio n ALBERT PARK Coach : Philip Knight Res. Coach : Peter Hayes
1 . P Smith (C) 2 . N Pastra s 3 . B Isard 4 . G . Parmansch e 5 . S Alla n 6. N Pantazopoulo s 7. J Sutton (VC) 8 . C Jackson 9 . P Chambers (DVC) 10. M Phillips 11 . A. Flemin g 12 . L Marriott g
13 . B McKimmie 14 . T Prior 15 . S Kan e 15 . J Snorrason (R) 16 . C Roberto n 17 . D McLellan (DVC) 18 . J Taylor 19. A Col e 20 . A . Faranda 21 . D. Beachley 22 . S Redpath 23 . L Bartra m 23 . A Bennett (R) 24 . M. Dowdle 26 . G Finn 27 . S Ridou t 28. R Buckle y 29 . G Walkley 30 . K . Dohnt 32 . S McKerrow 33 . T Murray 35 . P Barton
1 . S. Fisher 2 . P. Clear 3 . D . Carey 4, D . Hawley 5 . S . Raymer 6- D. Bruce 7 . D . Bowe n 8- T. Kay 9 . T. Morris 10. L . McLean 11 . A . Hill 12 . J . Kelly 13 . J . Baldry 14 . A. Krebs 15 . S . Di x 16 . D . Carroll 17 . S. Payne 18. A . Urquhart 19. D . Trotter 20 . M . Hook 21, T. Morrison 22 . T. Blake 23 . S . Wes t 24 - C . Broadhea d 25 . C . Coller 26. P. Cantons 27 . L . Kett 28 . A . Briginshaw 29 . A . Johnstone 30 . D. Haynes
46 . B Dor r 46 . I . Strahan (R) 47 . K McIntosh 48 . P Heyes (RC)
31 . M . Keown 32 . S . Bromley 33 . J . Alexandridis 34. J . White 35. R . Drane 36. G . Smith 37 . A . lenarcic 38 . M . Schafter 39 . S . Ryan 40 . J . Day 41 . M . Renner 42 . K . King 43 . J . Laverty
49 . B . Payn e 50. D McKay
44. L . Dix 45. M . Dell'Orso
36 . M Pearson 37 . T. Bamford 38 . C Lamont
39 . M . Hobday 40. M Lapsley 41 . H Ross 42 . D . Jackson 43 . S .Bolas 44 . P. Mannin g 45 . J Roos
51 . D Cole 52. N, . Rutherford 53 . J . Murray 54 . P Rutherfor d 55 . C McKerra l
56 . P. Manning 57 . T Waymouth 58 . M . Croser 59 . J . Lamont 60 . D . Allan 61 . R . Alla n 62 . M . Drought 63. D . Barker 64 . S . Hoad 65 . D. Green 66 . S . McKimmie 67 . D . Klein 68 . P. Knight
69 . J . Sutcliffe 70 . M . Sweeney 78 . D . Depiazzi
46 . T. Hall 47 . C . Jolly 48 . G. Heath 49 . D . Payne 50 . S . Robbie 51 . M . Payne 52 . J . Nelson 53 . A. Reddington 54. V. Fukushima 55 . S. Dix 56 . A . Wuillemin 57 . D . Smith 58 . C . Tippett 59 . B . Ellis 60 . D. Hanraha n 61 . P. Yelland 62 . W . Holm 63. L. Tadday
Sponsored by :
~~y~tl$~„-, . L ~ E~~
Middle Park
580-582 Canterbury Rd, VERMONT
'S.C .
E LEY PARK C oach: Marty Hoo k Res Coach : David Bowen
Ph : 9872-3333
Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Coach: Andrew Cu rtain
1 L . Murphy (CC) 2 A. Hankin 3 C . Lyons 4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D. Brennan 7 J . Cappiello 8 S . Currie (RC) 9 T Hartly 10 R . Bravington 11 L . Messaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 M . Cunningham
13 P. Stankovich 14 B. Mahoney 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J. Ward 18 A. Neil 19 A . Peasley 19 M . Bullard 20 S . Clements 21 P. Stuchberry
22 M . Mussared 23 S . Curtain (VC) 24 A. Foster 25 B . Frankin 26 C . Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 M . Hunt 33 J . Overma n 34 A . Conlin
35 P. McNally 36 T. Byrne 37 L. Lambert 38 B . Curri e 39 P. Allen 40 S. Bacon 41 M . Hosking 42 J . Lilikakis 43 A . Burney 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie 48 M . Frankin 49 J . Yemm 50 G . McNeils 51 F. DiGiangregorio 52 D . Nolan 54 S . Kirkham 57 J . McAdam MAJOR SPONSORS :
-- '--- -~ - ~-~ ~ Coach : Peter Tyson Res Cc h: Kevin Stullworthy
Coach : Jack McDonal d Res. Coach : Jim Goni s
1 D .Murray 2 G.Broadley 3 N .Patterson 4 S .McDonald 5 S .Avery 6 P.Avery 7 A. Bourke 8 M .Dunstan 9 W.Pollock 10 P.Orchard 11 A .Sill 12 M .Mulcahy 13 J .Grave s 13bJ .Povey 14 D . Lauletta 15 G .Macdonald 16 C .Reed 17 D .Zaverella 18 P.Ryan 19 D.Garlick 19bJ .Law 20 S.Parker 21 P.Stroud 22 J .Williams 23 M .Artini 24 S .Williams
2 . M. Healy
25 M .Zaverella
26 M .Nowak 27 R.Lord 28 J .McGormack 29 P.Barker
30 M .Nunn 31 J.Best 32 D .McCowan 33 S .Duff 34 J .Bogie 35 D .Murphy 36 K.Sanders 37 D .Carter 38 M .Tyson 39 P.Hewish 40 I .Irvine 41 M .Irvine 42 S .West 43 I .Che 44 P.Rositto 44bE.Sill
C 1 . S . Bourbon O 3 . A. Grad y 4. C . Robinso n 5. T. Gilchrist
6 . J . Foste r 7 . D . Walter 8 . J . Blandford 9 . G . Wadle y 10 . P. Williamso n 11 . J . Barri e 12 . A . Gros s 13 . J . Straford 14 . R . Cormick 15 . A. Clarke 16 . R . Bourbo n 17 . J . Hetherington 18. C . Lovett 19 . J . Leroy 20 . G, Browell
21 . G . Ken t 22 . B . Coxhead 23 . D . Charleso n 24 . D . Kitche n 25 . M . Killmiste r 26. T. Besle e 27. R . Gilchrist 28. P. Bateman 29 . B . Lloy d 30 . P. Holland 31 . G . Roch e 32 . D . Hal e 33 . R . White 34 . M. Graydo n 35 . J . Poussard 36. J. Watso n 37. D . Nichol s 38 . P. Callu s 3 9 . R . Coxhea d 40 . P. Moclai r 41 . T. Robinso n 42 . M . Buic k 43 . M . Carter 44 . R . McDonald 45 . J . Gonis (RC ) 46. H . Be h 47. K . Pocsiak
48 . L. Martin 49 .S . Aren a 50 . D. Ratne r 51 . C. Leeto n
52 . A. Palumbo 53 . M . Magrissgri
54 . M. Kyriakou 55. D . Bennett 56. K . Boatman 57 . A . Jenki n 58 . G . Harra k 59 . M . Asbell 60 . 0 . Becke r 61 A . Vised o 62 D. White 63 B . McKay 64 A. Palumbo 66 S . Pellite r 69 S. McGrail
Certified Przcusmg Accountant s 97 Whitehorse Road Blackburn Victoria 313 0 Telephone 4894 112 3 Facsimile 98941 733 A'A -
-1r ❑ e1 1 cra onnn
Coach : Billy Dalton Coach : Kevin Barnes Coach: T.B.A. Ass.Coach: Andrew Rolls Res . Res Coach: Craig Richardson 1 B . Dalton
1 A Rolls 2 J Hall 3 N Pavlou 4 B Turner 5 M Brain i 6 A Burt 7 C Richardson 8 S Cross 9 A Morris (VC) 1Q C Lloyd
11 J Gill 12 J Robertson 13 J Harris 14 A Burt 15 R Talbot 16 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 D Aitken 21 D Miller
22 J Marshall 23 S Craven (C) 24 S Cummins 25 D Boland 26 J Senior 27 J Demetrie 28 B Rampling 29 R Cassi o 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 H Davidson 33 R Taylor 34 K Elias 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 B Gilmour 38 J Kennedy 39 M Talbot 40 41 S Clayton 42 M Beasley 43 H Noren 44 S O'Sullivan
45 P Ryan 46 M McDonald 47 48 S Walsh 49 R Wright 50 P Conlon 51 B MacKenzie 52 K Barnes 53 R Dakin s 54 J Blowfield
55 J Hearn 56 J Mahoney 57 58 59 J Healy 60 K McGuinness 61 62 63 D Searle 64 W Ellio t 65 D Wright 68 D McGrath 69 D Galakos 71 L O'Sullivan 77 S Clarke 88 G Scotland
Coach : Bruce Mullen s Res Coach : John Canal
1 . R . Hassan 2 . M . Ladson 3 . S . Reynolds 4 . S . Holmes 5 . C . Horbury 6. L. O'Donnell 7. M . Hartnett 7 S . Flent1 ar 8 . R . Dowsett 9 . S . Green 10 . A . Perrone 11 . D .Halls 12 . P. Walker 13 . M . Jones 14 . J . Arche r 15 . P. Denhart 16. S . Callender 17 . S. Cockayne
2 . B . Holmes 3 . T. O'Sulllivan 4 . P. Mijatovic 5 . S . Shannon 6 . G . Bunshaw 7 . P. Byrnes 8 . G . Malcolm 9 . A . Leembriggen 10 A . Swika 11 M . Newton 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutton 14 C. Shannon 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt 17 A. Fawcett 18 M . Zarjac 19 J . Manning 20 P. Joyce 21 A . Jone s 22 A . Forbes 24 T. Guthri e 25 M . S m ith 26 S . Baillie 27 C . Adams 30 B. Gilbert 33 A . Waters 34 J. Brooks 35 M . Albrecht 36 K . White 37 G . Porteous 38 S . Griffiths 39 P. Woodman 40 C . Convery 41 C . Fraser 42 L . Kelly 43 G. Tate
17 C . Keaton
18 . C Emery 19 . J, Scardamaglia 20 . B . Rydquis t 21 , D . Scardama li a g 22 . P. Kahill 23 . P. Sharp 24. N . Gate s 25 . D . Sanders 26 . L . Ward 27 . S. Hilton 28 , D . Coulso n
29 . D . Higgins 30 . R . Walker 31 . G . Wilson 32 A . Rudd 33 Z . Munroe 34 A. Dragwidge 35 J . Sacco 36 A. Hall 37 R . Walton
44 K . Day
38 A . Dobson
K . Pardy 46 A . Newton 47 J . Hickey 48 P. Vulcov 49 P. Vulcov 51 P . O'Kane 52 C . Andonopolous 53 D . Hogan 55 I . Joel Pithcer 61 S . Conroy 62 T. Graham 69 M . Tapley
39 P. Liddell 40 M . Hancock 41 D . Rydquist 42 T. Duccacubino 43 M . Van Hooten 44 B. Hilton 45 M . Dominich 46 D . Clowes 47 J . Ladson 48 R . Mitta 49 T. Hyland 50 J . Doherty i C . Santoni 52 J . Brittain 53 S . Pancione 54 B. Hale 55 S . Canning 56 B . Abejour
72 V. KellyY
74 J . Lane
57 D . Jorgenson
58 A . Fonceca 59 M . Zodlak 60 L. Merrigan 61 R . Kenny 64 D . Edwards 65 E. Hilton
U .H .S .O .R . Coach : Pat Mackey Res Coach: Darren Creswell
1 R . Freijah 2 A . Talarico 3 D. Farrelly 4 S . Major 5 J . Glen n 6 S. Cracknel l 7 D . Zulucki 8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smith 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 D. Bunn 14 J . Ham 16 P. Gunthorp e 17 M . Farrell y 18 A. Hellner 20 G . Madrigano 21 S . Mills 22 R . Johns 23 P. Eltringham 24 L. Marten 25 D. O'Dwyer 26 B . Carruthers 27 D . Clarke 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 J . O'Neil l 31 P. Dolence 32 H . Starbuck 33 P. Drendel 33 A . French 34 M . Peck 35 J . Harri s 36 M . Patterson 37 G . Catterall 38 A. Boyce
39 M. Rea 40 L . Maguire 41 B . Henderson 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Neil 44 C . Percy 45 N . Smith
46 R . Kille y 47 M . Turvey 48 C . Coo k 49 H . Williams 50 B. Rees 51 M . O'Connell 52 P. Dinnick 53 R . Allport 54 M . O'Rielly 56 J . Catlin 57 G . Divenut o 58 M . Pigden 59 J . Barro n 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 62 K . Rodgers 63 S . Pengilly 64 J . Evans 66 J . Bradley 67 M . DeLuise 68 G . Van Popering 70 E . Ricciut i 71 B. Stanto n 72 T. Saxb y 73 S . Devli n 74 C . Longto n 80 D . Cartwrigh t
WILLIAMST0 W 0 CYMS Coach : Darren Williams
Res Coach: Sean Quin n 1 . D Williams 2. J Buttergie g 3 . D Wouda 4 . S Wuchatsch 5 . D Macleod (C) 6 . N Grant 7 . B Robinso n 8 . B Han n 9 . G Cas e 10. B Cocks 11 . B Twist 12. B Jone s 13. D Williams 14 . A Daniel 1 5 . W Phillips (S) 15 . P Bregut (R) 16 . D Sadler (S) 16 . S lvkovic (R) 17 . S Phemiste r 18 . D Oldha m 19 . P Dervan 20 . R Hart 21 . S Mc Eachra n 22 . Warren Payne (S) 22 W. Payne (R) 23 P Sadler (S ) 23 . Kirk Dowsey (R ) 24 . C Pach 25 . G Burgess 26. D Lee 27 . C Matthew s 2 8 . X Toby 2 9 . P Vincen t 3 0 . A Blac k 31 . A Mackley 32 . J Atlus 33 . A Savio a 34. B Gran t 35 . C Bergin
36 . M Imms 37 . B Hynes 38 . D Macleo d 39 . T Carte r 40 . R Nisbett 41 . A Boura s 42 . S Harve y 43 . K Mahe r 44. M Bracks-Mannin g 45 . S Mc Nearly 46 . T Campbel l 47 . S Dye r 48 . B Grummisch 50 . K Stebbing 51 . D Bubnic 52 . A Petzieride s 53 .T Rya n 57. M Soccoci o
stickers recently and have been asked to dis927 Sports Pack comprising a Miller's .t football and a"For the Love of the Game" ie backing slip of the sticker and mail to th dra __ __ ,and announced each week in the Amateu r c )ntention for the weekly prize . C i-;rour club have submitted the greatest number of c'ub entries the winner of the Carlton Crest Hote' eludes - accommodation, evening meal, breakrand Final . Winner announced in the Amateu r
速 rc. :7
-Jone s ~-i tr--' won fourth year. -s is the norm perioo or service but gford-Jones said i" is! as vith Football not resolved he will ask the Executive t o at the AG Iv in December 2000 . jford-Jones predecessor David Burnes ; br the We presic' its before him r 9.
Lilt' s ; _- wan woo started r . ;_iony car' act m< ia when he broke the $ 5 ! in the Herald Sun. So what's harder? or being a journo, Mark? "It took thre e the Kouta story up and it also takes get the reserves up," Mark said . "With Lre dealing with one person with th e you are dealing with 22 layers and the five sed out . "Hmmm, hard o,a'ati" )NDERFUL to see at s luncheon . Mr Heywood pi : e under capr Don Cordner when Universi' :',s creatAFA record of winning six A Grade flags in ,v in 1949. Other achievements : 54 games fo r -I ~.surne including the tied 1948 Grand Final Essendon . The former Scotch College stuone of the ABC's smoothest sportscasters _i p gravelly voice . Does he think Xavs al is Blacks' record this year? "I hope mi( ht do alright," Mr He vood said . at the lunch was dief :"- ®- `ige . - -) to see all umpires beir . nr. .ned in A i in the results section of the Amateur r/ler this year. One of the best is former AF L q-in-white Wayne Hinton who umpired fiv e cames . Wayne says he is the only umpire on % FA list this year who has umpired at that high Is he? E-mail me with your answer . .(LEIGH, premiers last year, and ' today in D1 to decide the wooden spoon . The have two points each, gained when the y in the corresponding round . Compounding Krushers woes is their reserves have no points ~:heir highlights come when they score a goal . i - to Oakleigh's training it was meant to be a lenging assignment yet it was one of the best nents I've had in covering the VAFA . Presid e .isopitveyouw ldthin k . club was preparing for the finals . "We didn't find -lit until nearly February that we were going to lose players of which 21 went to play for money ; " ' f>xander said . "Fielding two teams each week is a -T,_l 'n ; ." Coach C hris M oore, 42, said : "It's been iGrdest year in football but we've stuck togeth. An official with the Krushers for 16 years 0 FnnTan1 I c0 onnn
:' .lexander said : "This year the camaraderie has een eat and the biggest asset of this club is stil l around it" . This is epitomised by Chri s 2-, who gives her time to do the strap-
Sittin g third la: - . tc-atain ' n Collins -laying in the i: :sts and ui :Ijshed numbers on the track Bourke produced this gem : "The scoreboard is not `e bo"om line for us" . "We have our targets and one a' : am is to put in a competitive effort . " ocketed from seventh into the D2 four 1 d o-point win over rival£ in round 13 . 7val - now there is a worc in u-or i is sometimes loosely used but not in this instance. Since joining the VAFA in 1989 Salesian has played 10 of its seasons in the same section as the men faom Mornington. "That win was °"e h ;-hligh' =or the : ,ason to now," Salesian first-yea said . ,ion five of the first six (losing to Peninsul a by '4 points} and coming into that match we had lost five of the past six . "We both went into the game with six wins and the winner went close to the fou r while the loser fac an i, ;hill battle . " ' ast :e': the '_,e : ,i k e ;' up i t form .
a g Strong in
BD F Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
ith the top four sides all recording convincing wins and the Warriors still holding on to th e leading bunch, the jostling for positions is certain to be intense in the next few weeks . REVIEW The one side away from the top of the ladder to also notch up a win on the weekend was Swiburne, who took care of Mt Lilydale at St 'James Park . Piotrowski, Debattista, De Bono Milano led ther way for the Razorbacks whilst Brebner, Gibson and Wilson fought hard for the Rams . Eltham went some way to guaranteeing themselves a final's spot as they over ran North Brunswick out at Research . With Bell having a 'dav out' down back, Horsburgh and Jeal good around the ground and Justice (7) and Coonerty (5) firing up forward it was a strong all over effort from the Turtles . North acknowledged they were beaten by a better side on the day even with the work of Pizzari . Boudoloh, Wernham and Taylor. Syndal completed their second big win in as many weeks as they demolished St Marys . Allen, West, Chamberlin and Boyes were best for the Saints, however the Synners, despite receiving some negative press, are travelling along quite nicely at the moment . Bentleigh put together their best four quarter effort as they blew Bull een out of the water at Bentleigh . Martin, Coliacavio and Craven were dominant for the ladder leaders meanwhile Sharp (12) was again on fire in the forward line . An undermanned Cobras side were no match although D'Angelo . Mazzarella, Trinchi and Orwin all worked hard . South Melbourne gave their percentage a handy boost as they destroyed Werribee . Wright (8), Morgan, McGee and W Rosowski were best for the Districts whilst for the 'Bees Carson and Fletcher did all they could to stop the rampage . Old Westbourne continue to sweat on one of the top four sides slipping up as they did enough to get over Brunswick . It was tight for two and half quarters as the determined 'Wickets threw everything at the Warriors before being over run . Aldridge, Chaffey, Taylor and Villenger were important for Old Westbourne while the unstoppable Moore had the better of three opponents to boot nine of Brunswick's eleven goals . PREVIEW Crunch time for Old Westbourne today as they travel to Albert Park to take on South Melbourne .
The Warriors can really force their wa y into the final's fight L with a win but a los s may well see them fall out of contention . Horsburgh, Wilson and Robson will be the keys for them meanwhile the South side have a number of forwards capable of kicking a bag . Old Westbourne will give everything but South Melbourne have just been a little bit more convincing in what they have done . South by 24 points . North Brunswick host S w inburne in a game that the Razorbacks will approach full of confidence . Things have come together of late for Swinburne with the likes of Milano, George and De Bono playing consistently good footy . On the other hand North have struggled with injuries and appear to have dropped out of the finals race . However players such as Wernham, Boudoloh and Tavlor are more than useful and should see the home side get up in a close one . St M arys have the unenviable task of hosting Bentleigh today. The Bentleigh side have taken all before them in the second half of the year and with Martin in the type of form that has won him competition B & F's and Sharp continuing his rise up the Sharpshooters list things don't auger well for their opposition . Rousis . Chamberlin and Goldsworthy will make Bentleigh's life more difficult but the league ladders should win well . Syndal Tally Ho travel out to take on Mt Lilydale. The Synners are playing good football at the right time of the year and with Vanderkruk, Cachia and Rutter in good nick will want to continue on their winning way today . The Rams just haven't been able to win enough games despite being competitive and will need Pearson a . Howevei nGibsotfredaynch Syndal will be good too good and win by 27 points Bulleen get the chance to end their losinâ&#x201A;Ź streak when they host Werribee at Koonung Park The Cobras were top of the table not long ago bu injuries have cost them dearly as they now lool likely to miss the finals . The strength of Werribee', reserves shows they have good depth at the clul but they have been unable to translate this int, success on the field in the seniors . If they can sta; with Bulleen early they will be hard to shake hou ever D'Angelo, Johnson and Pearson should se the Cobras register their first win for a number c weeks . Brunswick head out to Eltham in the la : T~ ~r neen-re~ ~o ennrt]A~ ~ GR 9nl
t in
me of round 15 . The Turtles have a favourable and with players returning from injury ar e l placed at the minute . Mizzi may have his i ;J.uds full with Brunswick's goalkicking machine, ~, ;, ,tne Moore, who will need plenty of support from ,„,,Bride and Bullock, however with Hardie and I,_, sburgh running around Eltham have too many „ir guns .
Please fax match reports to 9457 1580 and I uI also be contacted on 0409 571580 . If any feels ir club isn't getting a fair run in the report giv e tie a call and let me know . Anonymous phon e ,,Us from the club on a Thursday night aren't th e forward though !
r~;orth Brul=s ::ric'_i - congratulations to 5end y Falnulari and 37,-alao Pisasale on reaching 50 'games . Sand} is already an established senior player and Bruno is expected to take the next step very soon . Well done to two fine young men . old We stbourne - Bob Mutimer plays his 50th game for OW. A quality player. Bob is respected by all his peers for his skill and leadership . A former coach who has helped the club develop, he is congratulated by all . Syndal Tally-Ho - wishes to congratulate Warren Hall on 300 games with the club . "Wazza" played in our "A" grade flags back in the E .S .C .F.A . davs and has returned to the Synners after semi retirement . He serves as inspiration to our younger players as to what can be achieved with a never say die attitude . Well done Wazz .
46 36 34 31 31
SENIORS -- 08.07 .00 3 .6 10.9 16.13 23 .15 .153 Elthsm Collegians : North Brunsvnck: 2 .1 5.3 8 .4 10.6 .61 Eltham Co ll egians: Justice 7 . Connects 5 . Smyth 3. Ho:sburgh 2. J Baud 2 . Jeal 2.'.vfacDonad. Bates. Best : Bell . Horsbrgi. Justice. Jeal . Luttiek . Coonertv . North Brunswick: Young 3. Pizari 2 . Se. tWernham 2 . Netcton. t4fiihnan. Saunders . Best: Ptzzari . G Boudolch . Sc. 1Wernham . Ta}ior. ?rlagnusan. Nel4non. Umpires: Darin Crompt Brian Nooclltead IF l Swinburne University : 4.5 5 .12 12.16 16.17.113 Lilydale : 0 .5 6 .13 8.16 12.I9.91 University : M George 4 . Milano 2. Thomas 2 . Sheedv 2 . Prior 2. I'll SwinCurne Luckey. Dehattista . DeBono. O'Mara. Best: Pttravski. Detattista . DeBono. Milano . Prior . Luckey . Mt Lily dsle : Anderdon 4 . Haves 3. Carolan 2 . Furlong. Hoggenboam . t'ar a, Best: Brebner . Gibson. t1~11son. Hayes, Hoogenboom . Umpsas: Gene H~gins(R) (F ) Syndal Ta lly Flo : 8.3 14.5 23.7 26 .11 .167 2.2 6.4 10.6 15 .9.99 St Marys : : Goal kickers and best players results not recei~~cd . St Marys: Syndal Triliy Ho Bernardt 4 . P Harrison 3. ftousis 2 . Allen 2 . Boves 2 . P8i}ddis. C Goidsisorthy. Best: Allen. West . Chamberlain . Haves. P Harrison. Bernardi . Frail . Umpires : Craig ODonogiwe (R) (F) Steve Nicholson James Nicholson (B ) 'l ntleigh: 6 .3 14 .5 19.9 29.17.191 6.9 11 .11.77 2 .5 5 .7 nuBeen Cobras: Bentleign : Sharp 12. Anastasio 5. Phelan 2. Martin 2. Ireson 2. A Ptttlto . Caltacatio . Henre. Morgan. Withington . Leas . Best: Martin. Coliaeavio. Craven . Pheiart . Sharp . Ailattay. Bullhorn Cobras : J Truuhi 2 . Onvin 2. Rilvirentl2 . Baldi . Pearson. Clemen(s. Peters McLaren . Best : D'Anlo . ?4azzarelta. DTrincitl . Or>in . Jolmson . Gencarelit. Umpires: Craig Brajberg (Wl Gerald Armstrong (F ) South Math. Dist ricts: 9.5 14.12 17 .20 25 .23 .173 Werribee Annasteurs : 1 .1 5.1 5.1 7.2.44 South Melb. Districts: Wright 8. Bryson 4 . Powell 3. Gosnev 2. Dole 2 . E Henderson . Henderson . StepnelL Jolmstone . McDonald, Bosornsski. Best: Wright. Hogan . MeGee. W Rosoi,ski. Pm.s'ell. Werribee Amateurs : Dibattista 3 . Fraser. Braat. Best: Carson. Fletcher. Lenoury. Czaj . Brown. Dibattista. Umpires : Mark Childs Peter Woods tF) Old Westbourae: 3 .2 4 .7 10.8 15 .9.99 Bnms,aick: 3 .1 5 .3 7.3 11 .3 .69 e: . Old Westbourn Taylor 4 Crosssetl4 . Rhalland 2 . J Horsburgh . Aldrid~a. Gibb. Moore. A Horsburgh . Best: Aldrid Chafiev. Taylor. Vdtutgec Cro :r;srs~ell . Ikptazza Brunswick: S Moore 9. Bulloek .e. ~escott. Best : S Moore . McBride. Kaimegiesser . O'Brien. GaCry . Umpires: Leon Quhm (R) (F)
RESERVES - 08.07.00 3.1 8.8 13 .9 16 .13.109 Eltham CollegL*:ns: North Brunswick: 3.7 4.8 8.16 10 .18.78 Collegians: T Barnett 3. Baruhas 2 . Ttunev 2 . BeecroCt 2. C Baud 2. Eltham 147tite. A Matm, J Mann . IRvver. Daties . Best: Turney . J?Jatm. Glare. While. A Mann. Baud. North Brunswick: Papatukotanu 4. Cros"vta 3. Pantie . H Tsialtas. Armstong. Best: Cruuta Dream. Rhook. A Boudotoh . B Laoumtzes. Pis2.a»e. Swinburne University: 3.4 5 .7 10.8 13.11.89 Mt Lilydale : 3 .1 8 .4 9.5 14.6.90 Swinburne University: L Morrison 6. 0'Dotutell . Andrutopoulos. Roberts. Sevdalis. Jones. Smith. Galata. Best: L Morrison. Jones. Galtina. Secdatfs . Nicoll. Smith. Nit LBydsle: Featonby 6 . Egan 2. Gardiner 2. Kidd 2 . Delahunt. Leonard. Best : Delaluutt . Featonbv. Proctor . Gardiner . Kidd. 5trachan. 2 .3 3.5 5 .7 5 .10.40 Syndel Tally-Ho : St Marys : 8.2 11 .7 15 .11 18 .14.122 Syndul TaBy-Ho : Goal kickers and best players results not received . St Marys: Rtan 6. Burt 4 . Benson 3. M T 2. Kotunantatakis. .4ndrevs. Mulcahy . Best: Ryan. Mrilcate Benson. Morcom . 3.4 6 .5 10.5 12 .8.80 Benfleigh : ' 2.1 5 .2 7.4 7.7.49 Bull een Cobras; Bentleigrn : Prlgag 4. Brot42t 2 . Stanes 2. Kopitsctnshl . Starnatakos . K Kell . J Ne4~e. Best: Great team etfort . Balloon Cobrss Tltomp :.on 2. WV,qtc~~. Shechan . Rlg~ni. Redfern. Casey. Best: Case}: A+igney. J Cartledge. Dam . lW7vteman . Jackson . South Melb. Districts : 3 .2 5.5 7.5 10.8 .68 4 .0 10.1 12.2 16.2 .98 Weather Ameteues: South Metb. Dist ricts: Smith 3 . Fern 2. Contreras . Breaks. Panther . Johnson. Baade Best: Contreras . Lazzaro. Joy. Mccjen. SmiUt. Werribee Amateurs: lssa.c 7. Harding 3. Tha.nas. T McKee . Mal3iilan. D}'ackosie. Farrugia . D McKee. Best : Add to. Zoltan, MeKee. Issae. Thomas . Dole. Old Westbourne : 3.4 7.9 9 .12 17.17.119 Bnms-.vicl;: 1 .0 2 .0 2 .2 2 .4.16 Old FVestbourne : B Statterv 3 . Chisto 3 . S Matisson 2. Habersatt 2. Milne. King. S Leitch . Beim . Danqerfleld . Mesman . Heivitt. Best: Chrism, Jiesman. Pllsburv. B Slattery . Davis . Milne. Brunswick-: Harrison. Lever. Best: Lawson. Smidt . Lever. Breese. Chevne.
I Coach : Paul Dirnmat;^a Res . Coach : Paul Jer i~ eson 1 C Sharp (C)
2 P Morga n A Anastasio 4 D Lewi s 5 M Eyles (VC) 6 R Webe r 7 M Colaiacovo 8 J Handfield 9 I Jackson 10 A Henry 11 D Martin (C) 12 L Codarin 14 B Fotopoulos 15 P Withington 16 P Jemmerson (RC) 17 J Psara s 18 S Adaway 19 S Hall (RVC) 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 22 S Arvaniiis 23 A Cloug h 24 G Stamatakos 25 D Gol d 26 B . Padgha m 27 J (Eddy) Sealey (VC) 31 R Englis h 2 D Fishlock 3 M Eefting 4 L . Sampson 5 L Ireson 6 M Backman 7 P Hutchison (VC) 38 G Beattie 39 L Pittito 40 J Bounsall
41 J Neve (RDVC) 42 G Kel l 43 R Nev e 44 S Craven (RDVC 45 A Piiiito 46 G Rubio-Thorne 47 B Moffat 49 J . Fly 50 A Stanes 51 M Pirie 52 R Hall 53 M Snelling 54 S Cologero 55 D Manning 56 C Aitken 57 T Co x 58 T Caterson 59 D Pittito
Coach: Stan Gilday Res. Ct :h : Stev e Kannâ&#x201A;Źgiesser 1 B .Lovett
2 J .Markham 3 B .Moore 4 J .Bei l 4 S .Goodwin 5 A Lever 6 D.Dowdle 6 P.Laming 7 D .Sedgwick 8 D .Ciarke 9 J .Grixti 10 S .Lak e 11 T.Fulto n 13 S .Kannegiesser 14 S,Moore 15 R .Smith 16 A .Dean 17 G .Iv1cqowan 18 V.Gaffy 19 N .Melone 20 TMcginniskin 21 S .James 22 M .Mcbride 23 M .Lovett 24 L .Mcbride 25 M .Cleveland 26 G .Cross 27 S .Dreier 28 G .Cornvay 29 13 .Mcbride 30 S .Mcbride 31 M .Bullock 32 S .Draffin 33 S .Londrigan 34 M .Whiteside 35 S .Hewitt 36 A .Los
37 A.Berius 38 M .Attard 39 J .Hope 40 R .Maineili 41 M .Bon d 42 S.Woodbridge 43 D .Woodards 44 C .Mille r 45 P.Geddes 46 P.Mcrae 47 L .Marchant 48 J .Ear 49 50 51 52 53 54
A .Cosmano A .Geddes G .Cavanagh S .Grant B .Cazaly B .Brett
55 TLovett 56 M .Cox 57 Y.Saad 58 C .Caminiti 59 C .Ryan 60 D .Stocks 61 E .Pavio 62 G.Surace 63 H .Hahne 64 J .Bradley 65 J .Ericson 66 J .Gibson 67 J .Harris 68 L.Cavanagh 69 L.Cordes 70 M .Commerford 71 M .Nuqent 72 M .Robinson 73 M .Rya n 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
N .Bowman P.Conduit P.Stocks R .Craigie R .Danlonio R .Dipietro S .Mclean S .Vidler W.Watson
Coach : Joe D'Angelo Asst. Coach : John Kalpakis Res Coach: Jamie Redfern 1 J . Kalpakis
2 T.Orwin 2 S . Petty (RC) 3 R. Pulverenti 4 I . McLeo d 4 N . Cartledge
5 M . Dall'Ogiio (C) 6 I . Baccini 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Goetz 10 A . Gencarelli 11 A . DeJong 12
13 N . Cooke 14 S . Casey 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 M . Fait 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J. Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 M . Opie 25 W . Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27
28 A. Foskett 29 A. Summers 30 S . Colversto n 31 S . McLaren (DVC) 32 C . Clements
33 A . Cook 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 35 T. Bette
36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 H . Dimitriou 40 T. May 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 B . Dimasi 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 C . Borrelli 47
48 M . Soumelidis 49 50 C . Genitsaris 51 R . Rodrigue s
Coach : Peter Slacik Res. Coach: Jason Lees 1 D. Fammartino 2 T. Dugga n
3 R. Pilapi l 4 B . Doody (C) 5 S . Jeal 6 R. Heany 7 M Gasparotto 8 L Sharpe 9 C. Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 J . Lees 13 R . Bell 14 S. Justice 15 L. White 16 D . Barnett 17 G. Leys
18 A . Macdonald 19 R. Kennedy 20 A . Hardie 21 M . Luttick 22 R. Whit e 23 J. Woodward 24 M . Dwye r 25 C . Horsburgh 26 J. Glar e 27 R .Beecrott 28 T. Barnett 29 A . Mann 30 M . Dean 31 T. Carter 32 C . Baud 33 M . Stanley 34 R. Pilapil 35 T. Todaro 36 L. Donaldson 37 S. Henry
38 A. Macaulay 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Bau d 41 Z. Jovanovski 42 A . Howgate 43 J. Mann 44 T. Johns 45 R . Davies 46 T. Leopold 47 D.. Turney Howgate t 48 B 49 M . Sfiligoj 50 R. Shor
51 S . Maxfield 52 G . Stackpole 53 A. Man n 54 P. Walters 55 P. Morrow 56
57 S Gathercole 58 59 B . Evans 60 B . Sumpter 61 C.Thanus 62 A . Hadfield 63 C. Dods 64 R. Watson 65 S Scahfer
BULLEEN AUTOM O TIV E CENTRE 1-3 Greenaway St. Bulleen 310 5
Phone: 9852 1129
Ph: 9724 9824
All M echanical Repairs Specialising in German Pre~tt~~e Car s
Factory I . 19 Railwav Crescent, Crovdon, 3133
Coach : Davidtf Res . Coach: Ja! an Flanagan 1 D .Johnso n
2 P Hayes 3 F Varga 4 G . Davis 5 P Stone 6 D . Cicchiello 7 D Hendrie 8 A . Strachan 9 A Del Biondo 10 J Gardiner 11 C Gibson 12 M Brebner 13 R Kid d 14 C Wals h 15 B. Commerford 16 P Caulfield 17 A Burre tt 18 B Jealous 19 J Burgess 20 A Penhale 21 T Amos 22 L. Proctor 23 B Egan 24 Q . Ronney 25 A Delahunt 26 T Flanagan 27 N Pearce 28 T Crowe 29 P Furlong 30 G Bir d 31 P Varga 32 P Carolan 33 C Anderson 35 D Callanan 36 E O'Brien 37 M Peart 38 D Kennedy 39 L Ailanson 40 W Newell 42 M Periera 43 D Holloway 44 M. Mun k
45 R McKenzie 46 K Maniscalchi 47 C Lonergan 48 D Featonby 49 M . Malta r 50 J . Kuffer 51 J Flanagan 52 M Wells 53 M . Leonard 54 M . Smithies 55 H . Flanagan 56 L. Hoogenboom 58 L . Egan 59 D . Morrison 60 T. Wilson 61 G . Cowan 62 B . Cox 63 D. Prest 64 D . Turner D . Bright L. Toll F. Livingston C. Varg a M . Dann G . Franklin
U D V . 6"®
~ .. e
aig Fox Coach : Andrew Hadley Coach : Peterr, - Brearty Coach: Peter Otivieri Res . Coach: Stewie Craig Res Coach : ;rot Beyer Res Coach : Michael Coach: Peter powse tt Learmont h 1 G . Robson 1 P Daley . Wernham
.- Coach : Matthew Gm Res Coach : LA.
S 1 . M . Learmont h 2 D . Taylor 2 M Hannan 2 . B . Boyes 1 G . Popple Adams D. . Depiazza 3 M Johnson 3 . Lattouf 3 S . R . Livingstone 2 J . Sheedy G P. Dimarco 4 A . O'Keefe 4 S Stenall 4. N . Goldsworthy 3 J . Piotrowski W. McMahon 5 S . Craig 5 S King 5 . 4 A. Fidler 6 i J . Horsburgh 6 W Raoy ✓ski 6 S . Stone 5 J . Demart e D. Pizzar6 . Malloch . Mutimer 7 N 7 T Jacobs 6 B. Canfiel d 7 D, Magnuson 7 R 8 A. Zsember y 8 A . Peterso n 8 A Horsburgh 7 A. Hamilto n 8 BLLDdord 9 K. Gillard 9 C . Villin er A . Sammartino g 9 B Powell 10 T . Jones 9 M . McCalman W. Fawcett ~ 10 J . Wilson (C) 10 G McDonald 11 J . Bernardi 10 M . Georg e 11 J . Lof J . Boudoloh 11 D . Milano (C) 12 11 T Hughes . Care 12 M . Gibb tS 12 B . Nichol l 13 J. Hill 12 D Hall P. Merin 13 S . Hewit 14 W. Ross 13 M . Luckey 13 E Henderson n 14 S . Mattson tNewo } M. 15 D . Andrews 14 R . Good e 14 P McLaveriy 5 G . Taylor 15 A. Board 16 J. Wedrien 15 C . Thomas 15 B Lazzaro 17 P. West 16 S . Christo 16 S . Reynoldso n 1 6 J . Saunders . Kyriazis 16 M Thomas 18 B . Frail 17 M . Aquiline 17 J . Andrinopolous 17A . Whitman 17 T Stamovich 19 18B 18 P. King 18 A . Fiuman i 20 A . Lane . Famulari 18 N Warszenski 19 S 19 M . Craig 19 B . O'Mar a . Divita 0 R 19 K Johnson 21 2 20 S . Chaffey 20 M . Trainor 22 R . Alle n 21 A. Youngf . Dangerfield 20 L Hogan 21 R . Merkel 21 B 23 J . Goldsworthy 22 M. Sorletto 21 B Johnson 22 S . George 22 W. Fleming 24 I . Goulett 23 M. Vaina 23 J . Kane 23 G . Flower 22 A Bryson 25 B . Sellers 24 S. Tancredi 24 M . Cason 24 L . Fairfield (VC) 23 B Downing 26 G . Koumantatakis 25 J . Thompson 25 T. Houriga n 25 D . Moore 24 S Doyle 27 . Pretty aR 28 J . Innes 26 T. Schwerdt 26 P. Mesman (RC) 25 P Hannan . Hogg 29 P. harrison 2"o S 27 A. Collins 27 D . Billman 26 R Gibbs n 30 P. vatson 7 D . Lawto 2 28 T Harris 28 D . Slattery (RVC) 27 G Panther 31 W . Drew 2g W. Pretty 29 R . Cavicch iofo 29 D . Horsburgh 28 G Mi~ € 29 C . Jewell 32 30 P. Tur k 30 R . McMillan 33 M . Lynch 29 S McDougall 0 S . Healey 31 C . Drag o 31 R . Aldridge 34 M . Tindley 30 5 Wright 1 J . Freema n 32 P. Jones 32 M . Mason 32 G . Jenkinson 35 G . Theoharris 31 S Herman 33 N . Smit h 36 E . Evan s 33 J . Rotell a 33 S . Whitin g 32 D McGee 34 D . Brodi e 37 A. Dwyer 34 . Pisasal e 4M 33 35 K . Abbot t 38 F. Harrison 35 D. Rivallan d J &amley 5 P. Dowsett 39 A . Millar 36 C . Gilimarti n 36 K. Pilsbury K 6 P. Tancredi 35 N Moojen 40 L . Vincent 37 P. McDonal d 37 A. Leitch 37 D. DeMorto n 36 A~n~eas 41 A . Dickeson 38 T. Reed 42 38 B . Mattsson 38 A . Crosina 39 B . Prior 37 M Rosowski f9 C. Rhook 39 A. Robbins 43 M . Cahmberlain 40 J . Henry 40 S . Leitch 38 D~o~ 44 A . Gunn ?0 B . McCallum 39 W R~,y~ 41 T. Drahtidis 41 A 4 1 J . Elasma r 45 42 L. Waters 40 Betake . Knight 46 M 42 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Roberts 41 B Martin 47 P. Rousis 43 P . Hopper 43 J . Page 44 N . Morga n 48 D . Morco m 42 A Hobbins 44 B . Slattery 44 M . Fayad 45 D. Isli p 49 D . Robert s 43 P Nice 4 5 B . Alameddine 45 D . Benn 46 J . Sandh u 50 M . Ellis 4 6 C. Boyd 46 A. Nibloe 44 X~ 47 J . Sevdalis 51 P. Po e 45 M Gosney 47 G . Goumas 47 T. Said 52 J . Hough 48 M . Debono 3 V. Lirosi 48 A . Lipscombe 46 M Bellasini 53 J . Davies 49 R. Winters 49 M . Laoumtzes 47 G Reardon 49 54 X 50 M . Goodwin 5 0 B. Laoumtzes 55 P. Mulcahy 50 P. Habersatt 48 M Balshaw 51 P. James . Boudoloh 56 M . Scammell 52 A 51 T. SCholes 49 T Sutherland 52 S . O'Donnel l 57 X 5 3 P. Cross 52 S . Walker 50 L Watson 53 S . Flanaga n 58 D . Kempster 5 4 S. Milroy 53 T. Robinson 51 1 Fletcher 55 S . Gallin a 59 A. George 5 5 P. Sorleto 54 M . Crosswell 56 R . Hoewe 52 M Drew 60 S . Benso n 5 6 L . Patullo 55 B . Davis 58 A. Robert s 53 S Hand 61 G . Sigley 5 7 J . Heck 58 P. Kegagias 60 J . Puglisi 54 D Gomroy 62 6 0 A. Armstrong 59 K . Sheldrick 55 C~~ 63 P. Rosema n 61 J . Polemicos 64 J . Harringto n 60 B . Davis 56 S Smith 6 2 J . Briffa 65 59 A . Lipscombe 57 P Kieran 65 L . Rigazzi 66 G . Pilikidis 60 N . Aquiline 58 A Briglia 67 Pronldv sponsored hv • 59 I Rusakov 68 Whitehorse In n SUM~ERVdORLD 69 J . Handy 5 Burwood Rd , 70 J. Ega n Tabarat, Hawthorn Sponsored by : 77 J . Dwyer Bar & Bistro (03) 9818 499 1 80 J. Clarke 88 A . Ballantyne 502 Sydney Rd, Coburg Robb9C's Meats J . Carra 9 :541177 041353950 1 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000 4 5
Se SYNDAL TALLY- ; .' Coach: Kevin Hannett Res Coach : Pdick Toc e 1 J Barro (DVC) 2 1 Bingham 3 M Joy (C) M Grocott 4 P Henderson (C) 5 D Hannett (RC) B Di x 6 J Cotsis (RVC) C Pric e 7 A Burn s 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S O'boyle 15 N Murray 16 B Boucher (RDVC) 17 A Burges s 18 S Macfarlane M Foal e 19 M Glenister 20 C Hal l I Mackenzie 21 A Thompson 22 S Hoare 23 M Beckett 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (RC) 26 G Stofiridis 27 G Kemper 28 M Kennedy 29 A Sheer 30 J Erta n 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 M Richardson 34 V Won g 35 C Cachia (VC) 36 P Van Veisen 37 A Dance 38 M Christiansen 39 G Dimitropoulos 40 N Toc e 41 A Morrison 42 A Findlay J Sargent 43 A Brown 44 D Raab
J Maestros 45 D Richardson 46 M Pan e 47 M French 49 M Buckley 51 W Hall 53 C Varnavas 54 P Sheer 65 D Kennett 81 S Day
A Coach: Tim Ellis Has, Coach : Eddie Galizi 1 D. Frase r
2 3 4 5 6 7
S. McNamara C . Cummins S. Conway S . Bisby S . McGrath T. Ellis
8 C . Camilleri 9 A . Towers 10 B . Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D . Lenoury 14 B . McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C. Becker 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbon 22 A . Dibaitista 23 C . Becke r 24 S . Harding 25 S . Pugliese 26 P. Thomas 27 D . Warwick 28 C . Whiting 29 S . Dole
30 B . Carlesso 31 P. Marsh 32 B . Seeber 33 S . Fuller 34 K. Mongrey 35 J .Youn g 36 D . Stephenson 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Crook s 39 C . Chapman 40 L. Carson 41 M . Houston 42 S . Fletcher 43 E . Galizi 44 D . Flac k
45 D . Czajkowski 46 P. Rogers 47 D . Shelley 48 G. Shelley 49 D. McKee 50 K . Pace 51 M . Greene 52 L . Djakovic 53 N . Robert 54 R . Portogallo 55 D . Gullfounce 56 A . Addamo 57 M . Brow n 58 A . Birch 59 A . Albakis 60 S . Hartley 61 G . Warren 62 C . Albakis 63 P. Browning 64 S. Pisak 65 R . Engler
Exact number of goals and behinds for each team must be accurately named Entry to be faxed to 9531 2050 or emailed to phil@vafa .asn .au Entry to be received by noon Tuesday preceding match SP ECIAL. T HIS W EE K - 3 E Pa T'n se ALLOWED P =. -
No winner last week . 50 entries received for today's Old Hai4eybury v . Whitefriars match . f not claimed, prize increases each wee k by $50 . IVIAT`.` H '
N E XT WEEKS MATCH TO 'ti=f( N N 1 :, 37 E .`rT FAl"T ALS Q TO
- nTC - Cl1f1TRAl i FR'J(ln(1
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service 0
Permits (Thurs)
- Weekend matches (Fri) 速 Scores (Sat . night)
--m . .0
The main aa te (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match clay. The rear a e (off St Kilda St) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 47
This exc ,-Ionc~ io p on~ inv_-_ - ; . OT
Market cycles - , ~~-n 4o b Uy and why,
w banks help or hinder wealth buitdinf', . ~ Wh y units are a poor investment .
Maximising income and tay dedu c IT YOU,
yo u You
information o r to reserve your
seat call Simon
o rl s .
FINALS ELIGIBILITY inals eligibility rules are found under Rules 51~55 of the Association . Below is a brief summarv . Senior - (lst XVIII teams) All registered players ,,,[Ii a permit . Reserve - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be jstered and must have played at least two (2) serve grade matches and not more than ten (10) ,rior matches in the home and away games (first -rnind) . Where both first and second XVIII's are playing n the same day the reserve grade player must nl ; have played two (2) games in either the ",uiors or reserves to qualify . For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on lit[erent days of the same weekend (ie . lst semi ,~tmday, 2nd semi Saturday - read as above teams ing on the same dav) . Under-19 teams - Players must be registered ,Ind hold a permit . If a player has played an aggreof more than 5 senior and reserve matches he have played more than 5 Under-19 matche s iurâ&#x201A;Źn,, the season . If less than 6 senior/reserve iehes a player must only be registered and hold permit .
If a player is ineligible due to having played ;,uor,, than 5 senior and reserve matches and doe s
VENUES/DATE S not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a team has (2) U19 teams or involved in hybrid arrangements the following shall apply . To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not including finals. For the player to be able to represent the U19 (1) or (2) team of the club he is registered he must simply be registered and hold a permit. Club XVIII teams - Players must be registered and have played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches and not have played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round. An AFL or VFL listed player will be eligible to play in the finals for his VAFA Club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 30th . A TAC Under 18 player must have played five (5) VAFA matches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 30th .
A 13/8/00 (SUN) 13/8/00 (SUN) SANDRINGHAM EWICK PARK B 12/8/00(SAT) 12/8/00(SAT) TOORAK PARK E'WICK PARK C 13/8/00 (SUN) 12/8/00 (SAT) MORDIALLOC SANDRINGHA M DI 13/8/00 (SUN) 12/8/00 (SAT) BOX HILL BOX HIL L
D2 13/8/00 (SUN) 12/8/00 (SAT) CENTRAL RES CENTRAL RES
D4 13/8/00 (SUN) 12/8/00 (SAT) TOORAK PARK SCAMMELL RE S
C XVIII (1) 22/7/00 (SAT) 22/7/00 (SAT) SANDRINGHAM SANDRINGHAM 11 .30am 2 .00p m
29/7/00(SAT) E'WICK PARK 2 .00p m
26/8/00(SAT) SCAMMELL RES 5/8/00 (SAT) EWICK PARK 2 .00pm
29/7/00 (SAT) E'WICK PARK 11 .30am
5/8/00 (SAT) E'WICK PARK 11 .30am
19/8/00 (SAT) PARKDAL E
26/8/00 (SAT) PARKDALE
U1 9 (2)
U1 9 RED
U1 9 (1)
11 .30am 2 .00pm 13/8/00 (SUN) 12/8/00 (SAT)
* above information subject to change due to ground availability (correct as 3/7/00) THE AMATEUR FOOTRAt I FR anon
ULY 2 2
1ST B; 1
, - ~ REVOR BARKER OVAL, Sr tIZGHAM .11 .30a-n - TREVOR BARKER OVAL, il - GHAivi . 2 .00pm E ;LTJB X IIII 0 $T째DA`t' JULY 2 2
PRESTON CITY OVAL, 11 .30am - PRESTON CITY OVAL, 2 .00pm -19
., ON i
iSportb a ~ :,adical Supplie s
Review Section 1 KOBS used the wide-open spaces of the Sandringham Oval beautifully in the first half. They played a terrific brand of running football, notably led by Lynch and Coleman (2g off half back) . 3rd quarter proved a complete contrast with O .B .'s booting 4g & keeping SKOBS goalless, Smith dominating in the ruck and McGillvray dangerous up forward with 4g . O .B .'s just could not bridge the gap in the end! O .M .'s led all day but just could not hang on in the end . Two late goals in final 10 minutes proved the difference . Grandv (wing) and Gallagher (CHB) were outstanding for De La ; they just keep coming on . Hyde, Skinnear & Goodier exceptional . Unfortunately O .P.'s has withdrawn from the competition . No shattered dreams here for the Lions . They jumped Uni in the opening stanza, maintained their lead till the last and then withstood the inevitable Blue's fight back to win by a gallant l3pts . Fantastic team effort! Xavs had a good win over a Mazenod team that was very impressive with their attack on the football . Strawhorn and Jones were noble, Maskell formidable . For Xavs, Farrow (HB) and Monahan (wing) were salient & consistent all vear, and great first up performance back from injury to Quinn & Thomas . St . B .'s started their own form of bomber blitzkrieg with 9g to 2g against the wind . Troy Legudi booted 8g . Domenic Valori 3g off the half back flank and Ward were excellent . Section 2 Old Ivanhoe have really had the wood over the Hampton Rovers this year recording two of their four wins over them, they made up for some of their recent poor form with a satisfying forty point win and at the same time may have destroved the Rovers finals aspirations. For Old Ivanhoe, Hawkes kicked five, and Bereza . Peskev and Anderson were all in the best, while for the Rovers Fisher kicked three and Sendeckyj and Kelly played well. Old Scotch showed that they're the team most likely to challenged Beaumaris this year with a hard fought victory over Old Trinitv. Cornell and Best kicked two apiece for Old Trinity while Donahoo was best on ground . Led by Barugh . Cahill and Crea the Whitefriars had a percentage lifting 103 point victory over Yarra Valley that should help cement their position in fourth place . For the Bushrangers, Lloyd, Parry and Strong were all solid contributors . Beaumaris stayed on top of the ladder with a
(U1911 & Blue) (U19/2 & Red ) strong twenty-four L point -victory --o v e r MHSOB . For the victors Magee put in a fine performance with seven goals and was backed up by good efforts from Atkins and Deaton, while for MHSOB Rujevic . Raleigh and Ware were all good . Old Carey had the bye . Secction ( 2) B lue Mentone's 2nd and last quarters were nothing short of sensational in beating 2nd placed Monash Blues who now plummet to 4th position, only 1 game and percentage points in the bank. Dixon . Atherton, Sims and Burr are the same names that keep appearing as Mentone make their run to the finals . 10 goal kickers another example of how well they are now sharing the ball . For the Blues, very disappointing after their fantastic win last week against the ladder leaders . Ormond not only attained the needed 15%, they managed a magnificent 40 .82% increase . They have now (percentage wise) cemented their place in the four : they can now eve top spot . De La although badly undermanned, needs to fight out every quarter of every game - keep trying. St . Leo's finally fought off a determined Jackers outfit in the last . Callen, McKean & Moss were solid . For Ajax, S . Newstadt kept them in it with 3g, helped by Goldman & D . Newstadt . The Swans seem to have lost their way. The goal-kicking machine has almost stopped and huge holes seem to be appearing in a once miserly defence . Whereas, the Grammar Boys are 'up and about' . Bruhn (again), Veentjar & Gardiner - grand . The Packer Boys provided the upset, or should I say, played 4 good quarters of football, backing up on their 3 quarters last week . Well done ! Section (2) Re d The Uni Blacks continue to amaze this time upsetting Old Essendon by twenty-eight points . Finals are still probably out of the question for the Blacks this year but they should be proud of their efforts for the season as they've had some gallant wins . Coach Bushby must have been ecstatic with his whole team's performance . Best for the winners was Evans, Sandiford, Touzel, and C Beaton with five goals. For Old Essendon Hakim kicked six, while Cetin, Frazer, and Williamson battled hard . Old Camberwell continue to show great form at the right end of the season with another determined win over the always tough Rupertswood . Cramer-Roberts was
st on ground with seven goals and led Old ,,!I-tberwell to victory along with Nunn, Kearne y ,rd jTitchell, while for Rupertswood. ~'Jhitehead five an d Flinn an d Burrowes were best . Tk1, ; ry Penola are determined to not give up on 1 1ual5 action with a crushing 133 point victory er Aquinas, but will need things to go their way er the next four weeks if they're going to make The Tiger Sharks forfeited to NOBs . Bulleen 1 rsnplestowe had the bye . Preview Section 1 This week's round of matches should fa ll fairI ,: predictably to the favourites, which me ans ,j-,at percentage will become more & more impor1nt as we move closer to the fi nals . SKOBS & : ;avs clearly the top 2, vying to be the `minor' preniers, will be the needed catalyst to finish the ,,car off. O .B .'s should stay in 3rd position, but . Lhey are not guaran teed, only 4pts fr om 6th postpercentage wi ll save them . Uni Blues is the t , an most vulnerable to the Blue Heelers, nipping at their heels to get in . Their draw will help i em yet one "big" mistake - ouch! De La & ollegians are the teams battling to oust Uni , , :lid their up coming match should be a'balli arer'! St . B .'s is the sleeper that if they acvak,-u could have a real impact on the final four. Lose today an d that's it . O .M .'s chances hinged on a win last week but they c an surely upset a i_ ;v teams in the coining weeks . Tips - SKOBS, De La, Uni Blues, Xavs and O .B .'s . Collegians have the bye. Section 2 The Hampton Rovers take on Old Scotch in a â?&#x2018; ust win game if they're going to have any chance of making the finals this year . After last ;,:, ek's game it's difficult to see the Rovers winning this one, while Scotch have been good all season and won't drop such an import an t game . Old Trinity will be disappointed with last week's loss and theyve got another tough game this round as they take on MHSOB who've knocked uiC some of the top teams this year . In what ha s he potential to be a close game I'm going for Old rinitv to win by 3 or 4 goals. Beaumaris have bdrely faulted all year an d w ill run out big winiers when they take on Yarra Va ll ey who lack the - kill to really take it up to such a class act as the ladder leaders . After last week's great win Old Ivanhoe should be full of confidence and will be too good for Old Carey who are coming of the live . Both teams have had disappointing sea~ons, but Old Ivan hoe have shown a bit more potential an d will win by five goals . Beaumaris live the bve . Section (2) Blue tVe look forward to a fan tastic round today with 2 great matches , which I believe will bring the logjam between 4th and 7th even closer. F irst, is the Blues playing Ormond at the Main Oval - 2nd playing 5th . Monash needs to win to keep Mentone Ammo's at bay an d stay in touch 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
with the 4 . Ormond need to win to maintain their 2nd position and double chance . Secondly, the Grammar Boys host the all-conquering Mentone team 'chock' full of confidence . - 3rd plays 7th . A win to Mentone and they are only one game out of the four . For Caulfield, a win means a shot at the double chance . Tips Ormond, Mentone . Ajax to trounce De La, St . Leo's to hammer Glen Eira (they need the percentage) and the Swans to get back on track and wallop Old Mentone . Section (2) Re d Therry Penola know how to win and win well when they take on the lower placed sides and will easily account for Bulleen Templestowe this week . Not to long ago one wouldn't have given the Uni Blacks much of a chance against the North Old Boys, but the Blacks have shown enough to earn the respect of their opposition and will be in with a chance to take this one out . The NOBs can't afford to take this one too casually, but should win if they play their usual consistent football . NOBs by 3 goals . Old Essendon meet Rupertswood and judging on recent form will struggle in this one despite easily disposing of the Sunbury boys by almost a hundred points earlier in the season . Rupertswood will be too good and inflict Old Essendon's with _vet another defeat for the year. Aquinas play the struggling Tiger Sharks and should have a moral boosting win . Old Camberwell have the bye .
Coach : Richard 01 e
Coach: Ter ry Russell
1 D . Coombes 2 R . Muir 3 D . Dowling 4 R . Sztar 5 B . Hoist 6 A. Fletcher 7 J . Farley 8 B. Stamen 9 B. Low 12 M . White 13 B. Lumb 14 J . Dixon 15 N . Perera 17 A . Shinkfield 18 D. Brewing 21 N. Chalmers 22 C . Rologas 25 M . Reid 26 P. Krotiris 27 B . Donnelly 29 B . Lukav 31 N . Herman 32 M . Johnson 33 J . Fitzpatrick 34 J . Young 40 J . Dixon 43 E. Water s 43
1 . L. Young 2 . C. Moran 3 . S . Evans 4 . S. Brown 5. S. O'Connell 6. A. Bonnici 7. G . W is e 8. M . Naughtin g, S . Hyde 10 . S . Hal e 11 . D . Doyle 12 . B. Hawkins 13. W. Jolley 14. J. Lowe 16. M. Miller 16 . B. Kropman 17 . J . Kean 18 . C . Mercur i 18 . A . McLeis h 19 . R . Burrows 19, T. Woodiock 20 . M . Picone (C) 21 S . Murra y 22 T. Molany 23 P. Mulholland 24 J . Garland 37. J Hynes 39. M . Goodier 40. P. Harrison 41 D. Spithill 42 A. Coffey 42 A. C aru lio 47 J . Stinear 52 D Povnton
1 . R . Galati 2 . D . Cracknell 4 . L. Neal 6 J . Carpenter 7 D. McMillan 12 L . Connal 13 J . Matthews 15 A . Baeyni 16 L . McMillan 18 L. Furlan 19 M . Mccartin 23 P. Hesse 25 N . Bisas 27 B . Norden 28 S. Baker 29 D . Ballantyne 32 V. Cahill 35 A . Carson 37 A . White 40 D. Newell 43 G. Thomas 53 S . Allitt
. :- :_rYOn
Coach : Rod Be.,
1 . D. Collins 2. D. Fotiniotis 3 . D. Bonnic i 4 . A. McIntyre 5 . D. tJsaskell 6 . A. Strawhor n 7 . A. Fry 8 . E. Hansen 9 . D . Hose 10 . J . McLatchie 11 . C . Jayaweera 12, C . Clegg 13. D . Clegg 14 . L. Fulle r 15 . M . McDowell 16 . A . Moon 17- R. Mosbauer 18 . M . Quinn 19 . S. Martin 20 . B. Southgate 21 . P. Ryan 22, D . Waite 23 T. Heal 24 . L. May 25 . P. Reed 26 . A . Chal k 27 ' P. Jone s 28 . T. Grierson 29- C . Meehan 30 . A. Wilson 31 . S. Veltma n 32 . P. Dugdal e 33. M . Guthridge 34. K . Lorenz-
1 . C. Mizzi 2 . C. McNicol 3 . T. Mattesti 4 A. &1cGillivray 5- B. Williams 6. R . Stewart art 7 C . Reddi n 8 . C . McKimm g- M .Ward 10 .A . Morley 11 . L. Adamis 12 .N. Kennedy 14 M . Lowe 16 B. Marks 17 D . Hellyer 19 P. Angelin i 20 M . Smith 21 B . Tdshall 22 A . Hughes 23 J . Dickerson 24 MJ Smith 27 J . Maguir e
61 R. Warmsley
Coach : Peter O'Connor
Coach : W+ . ie holdaworth
Coach : Brendan Flynn
Coach :
1 P Gallagher C 2 T Bryant 3 S Arden DVC 4 M Hawkins 5 T Stonier 6 J Grant 7 D Stewart 8 P Grundy DVC 9 J Byrn e 10 8&larks 11 C Hmkfuss 12 T Middleton 13 A Simpson 14 T Coo k 15 J Bracy 16 J Berman 17 H O'Brien 18 T Fitzgerald 19 M Marson VC 20 C Alder 21 S Kennedy 22 A Wall 23 A Treloar 24 J Tucker 25 P Thomas 26 C Wa lk e r 27 L BeilbyY 28 M Radywonik 29 T Duncan 30 A Wu 31 J Mulcahy E Selby 33 C Miller
1 . L. McMahon 2. 3 . M . Cosgriff (C) 4. 5 . P. Palermo 6. 7_ M . Zannino 8 . L. Collins 9 . M . Shepherd 10 . B . Mobrici
1A, Kelly 2 . A. McCarthy ' . B. Calman (VC) Scanlan 45.. JM. Higgins 6. M . Ailen 7. S . Johnston 8. L. McDonnell 9. J. Ral p h 10 J. Chambers 11 ., LJ_. _Farr.-: 0 =-_ D :n a L as 15 , M. a~,ma n .<s 16 . D . Jan
12 . S. Hickeyy 15 16 18 N . El Mohamed 19 G. Moore 23 A . Ploenges 24 T. Lombardi 27 S . Corcoran 29 S . Doyle 32 35 A. Tenso n 36 D . Boundy 50 D . Furze 52 J . Bonaci 56 T. Jenkinson 64 L. Price
- -
Elm -,,t
1. L 2. L i -,-r 3. H . Snacks 4- S. L< rd Janes C) 5. A Shaw 7 J Cashrnare 9 . A Wawmw (DVC) 10. B . S=hras 11 .J .4vgt' 13 . B . Cra xd 14 G . f (C) 15. G . y, rs 1 7. R. F rmes 18. D . Crawl 19. G . F4a;car^_r (VC) 20. B. Ferguson 21 .J, Dadey 24. P. Ladd 25 . D. Webb 26 . L Hogan 27 . A Janke 28 . B. Hunter 29. D. Moss 32 D. Macken::e 39 QBoan 40 S. Capron 42 B. Koe'``` ~c`r 47 T. Pil l 58 J. Web b
11 . T. Bateman
51 L Halt
63 P. De La Haye 70 M . Duggan
07 RIADD S ' ' -
- - - - - - 째
Coach : Roger Brown C oach :
may Pdicoloai
17 . D . Thomas 18 . N HuI ;eY
19 . P+S. D'Amelio 20 . J . Mc G ra th 21 . R. S sekman (C) 22 . Pd. 'Karw 23 . D. Banadi o 24 . N, Heatley 25. H 26. D.. McKean Davies 27. A. Curtin 23. A McQueen-Paiton 29 . N. Harbeck 30 . A. Pritchard 31 . D . Qdand o 32 . S. C nq9 33 . C . Ha~ield L. Dinard 35 . R . Lopres?i 36 . D . Noonan 37 . P Carter 38 J Camara 39 N . Quinn 43 A No!en 44 T Fotzcerald 48 R 0 'SLiannassy 55 G Monahan 59 R PAao:vnder 71 PA . McCarthy
1 . R . Legud i 2. G. War d
3. A . Bouzikas 4. SD. Borg 5 . J . Citarell i 6 . J . McKa y 7 . L . Harvey 8, L . Wilkinson g_ D . Vafori 10 . J. Hill 11 . S . lannozzo 12 pd . O'Donnell 13- S . Buroyn 14 . P. Holland 15 . A . Garvey 16 . M . Stapleto n 17 . M . D'Arcangelo 18 . D. Wals h 1 9 ' Paull 20 . D . Sheehan 21 . A. Smith 22. B. McManus 23. A . hiastropasqua 24. L. Campbell 25. T. Legudi 26. A, Monteleone 27, L Evans 26 PA . Caligruri 29 . A. Abela 30 . C. Tre~ui n 31 . L . O'Brine 32 . S. Monteleone 33 . B. Ballarin 34 . M. Zucco 35 . T. Pearson 36 M . Pope 37 . T. Carric k 38' N . Smith 39. J . Formica 40 . R . Cousland 41 . M . Kavanagh 52 L. O'Sullivan
ST. K EVI NS Coach : Paul O'Shannassy
- -
Coach: Steve King
1 . S . Moyfa n
2. L. Colema n 3. A . Umbers 4. J . Cassell 5, P. Natale 6, M . Deliapicca 7, D. James 8 , N . Marchesani g . D . satgliano 10 . I . Delic 11 . M. Hutton 12 . C . Tarlto n 13. K . Didifi s 15. D . Bare 17. P. Cameron 18. C . Moffat 19. E . Lynch 20 . L. Kalesaran 21 .T. Simpso n 22 .R . Dabraio 23 . M . Riqb y 24 . G . Nola n 25 . C . Leathern 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M . Winridge 31 A . Turlich 32 J . Cox 33 G . Heal y 34 J . Henderson 35 W. Macdonald 36 W. McCann 37 M Powell 38 T. Wickham 40 A. Greenhalgh 41 B. Evans 42 J . O'Keef e 4a l King 46 J . Travagfi a 48 S . Pullen 50 J . Gullife r 57 M . Hinsely
1 . C. Barret, 2 . L . Bassel l 3 . C . Beaton 4 . L . C hamb er la in (VC) 5 . J . Chiver s 6 . R . Bowlan d 7 . T. Birtley 8 . C . Delahunty 9 . A . Di Pasqual e 10 . S . Edwards 11 . A . Evan s 12- G . Fricker 3 . B . Gates (C) 14 . T. Girwood 15- T. Fallow 16 . R . Hamilto n 17 . R . Holmes
18, N . Hutchen s 1g, S. Hunt 20. J. Hunte r 21 . L . Hovrle Y 22.S, Kaso 23. R . Kelleher 24. C. Kenned y 25 . A . Munr o 26 . M . Vasey 27 . L. Qui n 28 .S, Rendell 29 . T. Roach 30 . E. Roydhous e 31 . T. M orga n 32 . M. Sale 33 . A . Savoluto s 34 . S . Sand lord 35.S . Russell 36. A . Powell 37- T. Trumb e 38 . E . Wilco x 39 . A. Williams >rtltiams 41 W. Temple Smit h 42 S. Youn g
M TtJC amoral IR Frlr'1TRdr I FR 2000
g~g n aaa ae~
CO~CrI :
Coach : Graeme 2 ttluss
J ..uton
';ban) k p, rp ey (C ~ Paagee t T;ylor C, Collins B, Cairns J. Mead Gilese r~ Bird Byrook (VC ) ~'. . Tu ckh G pearse -! ; Clement e - .'Blackmore `~. =~ ;zgeral d -' . i iiompso n -`. Guidolin (C) ~- Edge PGrtman it trcins . Boreham L .kins (DVC) S. ~o o t e R . Deato n A. Coate L Tucker A . Spence J . Beattie Nicholas H, mcMillan L. Heal y ° Deato n .'.illis
1 M. Pearso n 2 D . Diver 3 B. Boyd 4 S. Blangiardo 5 A. Vanderhelm 6 L . Kennedy 7 K . Johnstone 8 G . Carr 9 B . Jewett 10 M . Stafford (DVC) 11 M . Lawrence (C) 12 J . Zampaglioni (VC) 13 T. Wilso n 14 N . Goss 15 M . Vaughan 16 L. Hope 18 G. Kelly 2 0 W. He ar d bb 21 N . Mason 23 B . Kulling 24 M . Waxiel 26 R. Alexander 28 N. Gould 29 J . Prantzo s 30 A. Fisher 32 J . Ng (Dvc) 33 C. Sendeckyj 35 L. Wheeler 36 A. Battams 39 D . Molino 40 S . Deal
s . Lee
L. Ramirez-Smith E . Cooper R- Guinan A . Wilson
OLD SCOTCH Ccnch : Terry Kendall J . Crane R. Craven S. Tulloch 4 C. Adam S. Stewart 7 D. Adderley 8 S. Johnston 9 D . Johnsto n 10 S. Hamer 11 R. Jospehs 2 T. Pa e 13 A. Cleelan d ! D. Lopan D. Gil-christ N . Colman 7 D. Pryles ~"-'J, Pilkington (C) T. Wilsen-Humphries S. Dillon M Pearse H, Kynacou D .Jackson E. Tembath D . Brooke 7 L . Routledge 28 S. Thompson ?? J. Smedley A. Birch at J. Beaurepaire VC) 32 S, Hosking (VC~ 33 J. Rodsk i 34 M . Fowles 35 A. Tindale R . Hooke +5 H . Fenner 3 J. Footit ^1 M. Lipshut J, Ross J, Denby T. Colli e A . Puller J . Siko n E . Ramsa y J, Stratas D . Paul C . Lucas J . Lie
Coach: *ett Gear
Coach : ryne Staffor d
aa~a~ Or h:
;el '
1 peggie A 2 Hine A 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Robison M 6 Rennie M 7 Dodgson B 8 Amiconi A 9 J 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen P 12 Kelly T 13 Ellerbeck 0 14 Thwaites M 15 Lucas C 16 Condron K 17 Armatas C 1g Heaven C 19 Carter-Buszard L 20 Oberoi S 23 Wallin A 24 Christopherson J 25 Zander M 26 Donahoe M 28 Cristiano D 29 Mccutcheon M 30 Bullen M 32 Cornell J 33 Malekas I 42 Torney A 44 Lancaster 45 Ward C 50 Davies M 55 Troon R 58 Walsh B 65 Burrows R
1 E . Raleigh (C) 2 J . ZarD 3 D . Veale (C j 4 R . Ware 5 A . Keys 6 B . Woollard (VC) 7 A . O'Brien 8 N . Orchard (VC) 9 J . Walker 10 E . Sims-Lucas 11 A . Hall 12 M. Cotter 13 R . Patterson 14 P. Wolnizer 15 A . Vicendese 16 S . Sims-Lucas 17 G. Pollard 18 C. Saile r 19 A. Dymble 20 M. Tarr 21 M . Brown 22 A. Nirens 23 E . Ho 24 P. Rujevic 25 A. Svirskis 26 C. Wright 27 S. Frenc h 28 K. Miezis 29 S. Allen 30 J. Membrey 31 M . Dowling 32 T. Harpe r 33 M . Neilsen
C . Smith 2. C . Stewart 3. B . Walsh-Richardson 4. K . Detarczynski 5. T. Chapman 6. L. Baittey 7. P. Gizinski B. L. Costello 9- D. Shutie 11 R. Hall 12 J . Hutchins 13 J . Macpherson 14 P. Holland 15 J . Oppenheim 16 R . Graham 17 A. Wilkie 8 H . Sedan 19 L . Siragusa 20 R . Adams 21 R, Leong 22 C . Taylor 23 D . Prior 24 P. Unkles 25 N . Detarczynski 26 E . Morgan 27 S . Baker
CoachS :S Stuart McLea n
1 . R . Mansfield 2 . A. Bereza 3 . J. Whyte 4• C . Binney
5 . J. Briggs
6 . T Me e 7 . M . Clark e 8. C . Lynch 9 . N . Bradd y 10 . N. Anderso n 11 . A . Jurkit~ 12, S . Morri e 13 . D. T reloa! 14 . K. Theodossi 15 . M . Li m 16 . N. Trigwel l 17 . C. Lewi s 18 . L . BOlza n 19 . L . McKi e 20 . D. Hawkes 21, A. Clancy 22 . M . Teskey 23 . F. Cokelek 24, D . Neilson 25 . J . Gieschen 26 . G . Gibson
34 J. Veale
27 . T Grieve
35 G . Rankin
31 . C . MacDonal d 34. S . Asto n 35, R . Smillie 36. J . Stafford
W H IT rrn Coach: Tim Pratt
1 J. Wallace 2 . M. Cahill 3 . S. Cleven 7 J. Power 8 M . Malady 9 L . Swain to L . Coulthard 11 D . Crea 12 G . Slats 13 T. Langford 14 L. Twomey 16 R . Coslovich 17 T. Baru g h 18 M . Baker 19 J . Morris 20 S . Alexander 21 A . Graham 22 A . Baker 23 J . Treyvaud 24 M . Haverkamp 25 M . Crowe 26 N. Muhilechner 27 S . Sait 28 P. Harrison 29 D. D'sousa 30 B . Janson
, aP
R LLE Y Coach: Rod Penalun a 1 A Middlin 2 M Norris h 3 N Pask 4 R Bet 5 P Valopp i 6 D Lloyd 8 R Dre w 9 B Keho e 10 J See g9 11 Z Webb 13 L Gtllies 14 G Thompso n 15 D Smith 16 C Holdswort h 17 A Pizze y 18 C Beal 19 A Coleman 20 D Senaratn e 21 J Tomkin s 22 J Peak s 23 T Collett 24 G Coutt s 25 F Pellegrino 27 S Savage 29 D Bell 30 J Stron g 31 S Urban e 32 D Smit h 34 S Britt 37 D Sims 44 N Marti n
9 速 Section (211 e AJAX Coach : Mark Zuker
G: ULFIELD e_1: Cc, .rh:C..-
1 D . Henzel 4 A. Butt 5 E . Goldstone 6 L. Goldman 8 T Kat z 9 D. Newstadt 11 A. Benedykt 12 J. Blankfield 14 S . Newstadt 15 D. Finkel 16 J . Freeman 17 0 . Flamm 18 J. Feldman 20 D . Zulch 22 D . Mrocki 23 B . Nissen 24 P. Glazer 26 A. Cooper 27 C . Spero 31 D . Norich
32 M . Kestenberg 35 I . Same 36 A. Sacks 39 A. Sapar 43 E. Wollner 44 J . Gelfand 45 A. Lewin 47 M . Snow 50 M . Milmeister 55 V. Kalp
MONASH BLUES Coach : Dannis Grace 1 N Whitmore 2 M Stoki e 3 J Rosengarten 4 M Bolton 5 P Avery 6 C Joh n 7 G Northway 8 J Backwell 9 C O'Sullivan 10 B Rogers 11 M Edsall 12 G Smythe 13 A Perry
14 L Golding 15 J Park 16 ACarte r 17 A Leithbridge 18 A Sheilds 20 W Little 21 P Arson 22 8 Green 23 D Cavicchiolo 26 Pvt Vegte r 27 I tAcCormick 28 J Mai n 30 J Mel6ngton 31 S Hawk Os 34 P Fonseka 35 8 Centre 36 N Costley 39 C Burley 40 A Every
42 S Kimber 44 0 Lappin 45 H Graham 48 G Clugston 63 B Boyer 64 tA Rya n 69 J Veenhuizen
BE LA SALLE (Gold) Coach : Greg Buntine
GLEN EIRA Coach: John Howard
..' ._ :isxar
1 . D. Krongold 2 . C . Deal (VC) 3 . A . Axle s
4 . T. Vinen 5 . B . Gross 6. N . Bode 7 . P. Roberts 8 . S. Tucke r 9 . J . Dalwood (C) 10. S . McDonald 11 . B . Gardiner 12 . B . Goddard (DVC) 13 . J . Morvell (DVC) 14 . M . Gree n 15 . A. Docker 16. P. McLeish 17. P. Elli s 18 . N . Guyett 19 . W. Brockett 20 . D. Griffiths 21 . D . Elais 22. T. Rynberk 23. B. Naylor 24. G . Dyson 25 . M . Cramphorn 31 . M . Richardson 32 . L. Frankli n 35 M . Kuppe 38 C . Veenclar 40 R . O'Neill 43 A . Bruh n 44 A. Vanrompaey 50 J . Wade
OLD MENTONIAN S Coach : Jamie Pdinduss
1 . A. Toniola 2 . B. Guliffer 4 P. Bro t 5 P. Mulholland 6 J . Kean 7 S . Mahan 8 P. Arbon 8 M . Gooley 9 M. Brasher 9 L . Harrison 10 J . Clifton 11 A . Bre tt 12 J . Roberts 15 L. Browne 17 Jolly W 17 McGowan 19 S. Alder 21 M . Squire 23 L. Danaher 25 P. Rossiter 29 S . Browne 32 H . Funston 33 B. Lambe 40 T. Heffernan 42 J . Bowden 42 M . Lafferty 43 R. Buckley 51 M .Conway 52 L. Moloney 53 C . Moran 54 J. Murphy 55 B . Nolan 56 J . Norton 57 B . Ramsey 58 C. Rice 60 D . Wood 61 L . Becker 62 C . Bellistri 64 B . Col e 64 T. Woodlock ORMOND Coach: Tim Hille 1 . L . Russell (C) 2 . K. Harvey 3 . S. Tumiati 4 . D Casey (VC) 5. J Tolley 6. M Luba 7. R Wiley 8 . J Muzzell 9 . J . Putz to. L D'Astoli 11 . D Healy 12. L . Breitkreuz (DVC) 13 . A . Kurzel 14 . D .Jowe tt 15 A Goonan 16 D McKenna 17 M Heffernan 18 M . Purcell 19 C Everett 20 T. Harvey 21 S Anderson 22 R Quiney 23 H. Putz 24 A Lom 25 J Silve r 26 M Ma rtinov, 27 J Noske 28 N Thompson 31 S Barke r 34 A Warwarek 39 M Ferrari 40 49 A Perr y 79 A 0'Shannessy 91 T Collie
1 . Ahmed Ali 2 . Ali Ali 3 . C . Allen 4 . A . Baraket 5. M . Baraket (C) 6. G. Burley 7. G . Cassar 8 . D. Clarke 9 . N . Cun i 10. M. Dimachki 11 . R . Dimachki 12. N . D'Zilva 13. I . Dean 14 . L. Granro tt 15 . J. Gusman 16 . Z. Kadour 17 . M . Kasar 18. P. Khalild 19. L. Kuthman 20. L. Lampos 21 . P. Merrick 22 . S. Milopoulos 23 . T. 0'Loughlan-Elder 24. A . Ranso n
25. A. Selvan 26. J . Serpanchy 27 . D. Sheehan 28 . R. Sherry 29 . J . Tomo 30. P. Wallis 31 . S . War e 32 . B . Wazseknel 33 . M . Wood 34 . S . Zebian 35 . B. Zurek
ST LEOS EM MAUS Coach : Danny O'Sullivan
1 . L. Mos s 2 . M . D'Amelio 3 . D . Behan 4 . C . Irvi n 5 . P. Podbury 6. P. Boyd 8. L. Cullen (VC) 9 . T. Stephens 10. A. Cherry 12. D . Dick 14. M . McHugh 15 . P. Carey ?DVC) 16 . A . Kell y 17 . G . Donovan (C) 18 . M . Fechne r 19 . A. Rooks 20. J. Hamilton 21 . A . Ballard 22 . D . McKean 23 . G . Brearley 24 . R. Merchant 25 . C . Hatfield 26. M. Morris 28 C . Blejak 41 D . Wood
55 D. Tomkins 58 A . Bulmer 59 M . Anderson 61 G . Hondow 64 N . Romney 73 J . Dixo n 74 R . Gale 76 A . Windle 77 J . Blewett
M ENTONE Coach : Shane O'Connor 1 M . Meyer .2 G . Sims 3 P. Dixon 4 G . Allan 5 T. Fricker 6 S . Pratt 7 T. Barr 8 K. Little 9 K. McLeod to R . Ward 11 B . Atheron 12 P. Williams 13 M . Hayes 14 P. Rocke 15 D .Johns 16 N . Levett 17 S . Casacelli 18 M . Michaelidis 19 S . Hamilton 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 25 N . Curran 26 L. Parsons 30 A . Pothitos 33 R. Hami l 34 M . Wingrave 35 C. Johnstone 40 S. Alexander 43 P. Murphy 45 R . Connard 43 S . Sullivan 51 J. Haig 71 S. Rickards
STN . MELD . DISTRICTS Coach : Darren McKillop
1 J . Royl e 2 W. D'Andrea 3 J . Raeburn 4 N . Matarazzo 5 I . Rusakiv 6 L. Esler 8 A. Skinns 9 S. Aquiline 10 S. Rocco 11 H . McFadden 12 J . MacDonald 13 W. Brow n 16 J . Leeman 17 P. D'Andrea 18 J . Stephens 20 H . Masters 21 D . Bell 22 K .Ferguson 24 G. Tsicaderis 25 E . Bouchard 26 J . Griffi n 27 P. Cheevers 29 M. Bradfield 30 A . Niel d 32 E . Mahoney 33 J . Fidogiannis 34 G . Gaylo r 41 M . Wood 51 G . Rowe
Upder-19 - Section (2 Red AQUINAS O .G . TIGER SHARKS Coach: Terry McEvoy Coach : Mark Beasle y
NTH OLD BOYS Coach : James Sandman
Coach: Michael Sigalas
Coach : John Stanton
1 M . Lant ?, M . Alley 5, A . Boland W. Lyng 7, B, Crosbie g, L. McAuley g, p . Poynton i0 . C. Field 12 . C. Munroe 13 . V. Hall 1 5 . S . Verone i6 , B . Murphey 18 . C. Chippendale tg, M . Bambury 20, B . Dorkin 21 . J . Pierce 22 . G. Cochrane 23 . N . Warton 25 . G. Coyle 26 . M . Lemieszek 27 . J . Neagle D . Ford 61 . D . Col e
1 . S . Marsh 2 . D . Florence 3 . A. Paradiso 4 . 0 . Hill 5 . M . Pietryk (C) 6 . D . McGreevy (VC) 7 . M . McGrath 8 . R . Conti 9 . M . Bickerdike 11 . J . O'Donnell 13 . J . Garbellini 14 . M . Collins 16 . D . Charles 18 . D . Buccachio 19 . M . Bartling 20 . M . Hurley 22 . A. Tehan 23 . D . Tsokas 25 . L. Cadd Y 26 . D. Ma rt in (VC) 31, T Walters 33 . P. Gordon 34 . G . Taylo y r
35 . P. Tsokas 37 . C . Welch 45 . M . Saliba
1 D Edwards 2 T Hedgeland (VC) 3 J Kirk 4 T Stathopoulos 5 B Kean 6 D Burley 7 A Craven 8 S Glover 9 A McKenzie 10 J McArdle
11 B Speed 12 D Joyce (C) 13 N Barry 14 S Kelly 15 J Stevens 16 R Munzel 17 M Vanderhorst 18 D Denton 19 D Keenan 20 S Bermingham 21 N Hahn 23 S Hayne s 24 B Toohey
25 D Gazelle 26 H Ma p lestone() C 27 G Hancock 28 R Morley 30 J Mullins 59 D Owen
1, B. Tipper 2 . M. Santamari a 3 . N . Robinso n 4 . K. Nun n 6 T Beranger (C) 7 T. Hall o 8 A. Marqett s 9 A. McGre e 12 G . Welchart 13 J . Derry 14 C . Munr o
15 J . Whela n 1 6 J. Cantor r-Roberts
1 8 M. Horqa n 19 D . Mitctie ll 20 S
52 B. Laricchia 53 C . Morleyy 54 P. Najja r
55 B. McLea d 56 M. Pain e 57 A. Hickey 58 D . Ling 59 A . DEnso s 61 G . Ormsb 62 P. TriantatYyllo u 63 K. Darb y 64 D . Norto n
Coach: John Newbold
Coach : Ken Balmer
Coach : Steve McMahon
1 J Williamson 2 A Salvo 3 C Oblivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMorton 6 D Slater 7 B Haki m 8 M Jinx (C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 C . Clues 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke 16 E Healey 17 J Heritage 18 D Flaherty 19 A Burbridge 20 S. Rogers 21 N Bartrum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burns 26 C McCormack 27 M Day 28 A. McGowan 30 D . Oblivbek 33 S. Cetin 34 J . Marinos 35 S.. Brugaletta
1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 4 D Burrowes 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 7 B Whitehead 8 K El liott 10 N Webb 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 13 D Wallace 14 D Mather 15 J Telfer 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnston 20 P Finn 21 D Heywood
6 Taylor N 9 Bannister C 10 Bannister J 38 Nancharow M 56 Stepien S 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D 63 O'Sullivan D 64 Dakin D 65 Sifter T 67 Reynolds l 69 Leguier D 72 Johnson S 73 O'Brien J(VC) 77 Gleeson A 78 Barron B 79 Higgins T 80 Kiernan M 81 Delaney D 82 Bowcock D 83 Finn B 84 Russell G 85 Henderson G (VC) 86 Goodwin T 89 Christie A 90 Atkinson D(VC) 92 Springhall R 93 Smith J 94 Culph S
UNIVERSIT Y BLACKS Coach: John Bushb y
22 A Carlo
23 N Sullivan 24 G Price 25 R Hatt y 27 M Koste 28 D Hum 29 J Heath 31 M Assouad
98 Hollow B
99 Holdstock G (C ) 101 McCarthy L
1 S Maguir e 2 T Halloran 3 R Drummond 4 J O'Sulliva n
5 T Laidlaw 6 J Parkinso n 7 B Ruscoe 8 C Schirmer 9 E Thomas 10 A Torney 11 W Touzel 12 B Witte n 14 A Bushby 15 A Cowle y
16 D Morri s 17 P Matter
18 S Reid 19 P Seuren 20 A Whitloc k 21 T Youn g 22 N Barnett 23 L Beato n 24 D Creek 25 S Monaghan
. Jones~vort 22 N . Johnson 23 D . Joyce . Hillie r 2 8 27 L. Hancock 37 0 . Ken t 43 T Prowse 47 T. Kerney (VC) 50 B. Benc 51 B. Braithwaite
9 "~a 17 .08 .= 3
I - 02 .07 .00
.12 Mentone: 3 .0 8.8 12 3 .5 5.6 10.11 Mona=.h Bin . T Barr o Dkon 1 Little 2. Atherton Mento ih ily 3 _ _ _ . . .:.. .. c ~~ A" H mil
.5 89.5 7 Old Brigtctaa: 1 .2 2 .4 6 .14 .86 4.3 10 .10 10.11 12 St Kevins: : s7 :avers results not recehPd . St Kev~ins Old Brighton. G( 1 - ::j `p . Best Cos Lncit. Giansu-acuc 3 '" .re art 3. ( 2. to,, 2. Pcnell 2 . Hteks Fierce Justin Grossbard ( F) Wayne xes: Paul . O .. . Pullen . Celemar.. King Cove Daniel B a - $.8 12 .11 .83 Oid A4elbtuniazes : 3.3 6.6 11 1 .3 4 .7 8.9 13.10.88 Do La Sall e: . Fu rald . V7aiker . ?vltdca(tv . Old Metburnians : Arden 3. Hawktrs 3. Struck, 2 . Marson . Cco~ . Hnu'kins. Be L. SaBo : Sunpson . Best: Ga1laJter. Tueker. Thmttas : Hyde. Stlnear. Gccdier. Castilla 3 . Evans 3 . Dale 3. Stineu 2 . Po}atton 21 Beet Lautbe. Carullo .lvaimsLq. Umpizese Terenee Punch Barry Hetger (F ) : 21 .13.139 Mucellin .9.21 2 Old Paradians : ed. Old Paradisns: Goa] Mareellat: Goal kickers vtd best players results not receiv barkers mid hest plapers results not recetved. .11.89 Co ll egi.ans: 5.3 7 .4 12.9 13.10 .76 2.3 5.6 7.6 1 University Blues: . University Goal ''tekers and best players results not received Coll egians: . Chamberlatn . Kelleher. Best: BFues :Fallmv 5. D1eHdtrnc.. gain . Kasa. C1lcers Umpires: Atli Diner Toby Gates . Rovdhouse Fillow . Sucoltos. Kelleher . Russell.
hionosh~Bh^R: cethbrldge 6 . Conroy 2. Rosengarterr . Gcldutg. Hc - : . . Belton. UmpLS: Vebec Hass is . Ro.sertgarten. Cenea. Letthbr.dge :14orgatt IF) 33.22 40. 11 .7 20,13 Ormond : 0 .1 0.1 0.1 D® La Salle : . ±,uirtuig, 3. LOrmond : Quuu.' 8. Heffernan 7 . Ferrari 6 . Lom 6 Russell 2 . Brker. Er•ereit. Gconan. ltilev . Best: Ferrari . n~ .. . Brn:c-n. F ttioske . RuaseiL Be La Salle: Best: Wood . Danaher. Beau Umpires0avid Leah IF] 4 .5 4 .8 4.11 5 .12`.: AJAX : 3 .5 4.7 6.14 8 .18 : ; St Laos Emmaus : .D-: AJAX: S ?re~sstadt 3 . Nissen. L ,pick . Best: L Gold.man. S tve,-tadt 'mmats: V1eKeart 5 . [rtin 2. DAtne'. . . Spero. St Leos Cooper. :..-ame : Jason r . Grav. Umpires Best : Caller, &4eKena. Mes.=. H tf;eld . &l)ak Krsalom- IF . 2 .1 3 .4 6.5 10 . South Mefi. Districts : 3 .4 8.5 12.10 ' 12 Caulfield Or: . Bc I South Melts Districts: Tsicadaris 5 . Cheevers 2. AtcDona!d . Bell . Grass 3. Brockt ; :3. 4Yco3 . K4cDonald . Caulfield On Foote 5 . Dat:cocd 3 . Gardener. Deal . O'Neill. Peril, Ba.ker. Gv'dner. Best: Bruhn. Ceentiar Umpims : Tony L3I1ey John Ralph IF) Biend .a .n Ralph (B )
aa 1iFi .7.73 Mazenod O.C: 4.1 7 .4 8.6 11 .11 .113 5.3 94 14.7 17 Old Xaver 'xans: . Best A Suaivhorn. Jones . Mazenod O,C: Maskell 6. Beard 3. Jasatieera. Heal Old %nverians: V4onait:ut 3 . McCarthy 3. Masekell . 11s.)son. Hose. h7ontgmnterv . Hulett . ~atilan Higgins 2. HarCeck 2 . Johnston 2. MeKenzie-41CH ,rg 2. Ducan . Hi s~ts. Quum. Umpires: Cltris Evarts Best : Morahan . Dtllon. Johnston, Farrmv Rick Beaus IF)
3 .6 7 .7 7 .8 10,30.7 Old Mentonis tes: 8 .5 12.10 16,12.1 ;-. Glen Eira: 3 .4 : N Fisher 4 . B-ill. H^^ ebb . Martin. :i eCla old Menton3ans .t C mpbell . PT at i G' Best N Fislter. FdcCloskv. M FL r. kicker and best Flavors results not reeenla Umpixes:Otren Ltilot t : r - ~~ . .
.162 9.2 15 .6 20.7 25.12 .4 .40 2.3 3 .3 5.4 6 . L lt'dkutson 2. R St Bernardi: T Lei;udi S . va.lort 3. Trer°t 3 . Fcr nt;ca 3 . Ward 3 . 4iard. Sheehan . Zueco. i,egudi . Buqr}Tt, dBrten_ Bes': T`m ~leri. Tretetn A Fleteher. G Fletcher. Old Hail ey6ury: Pfedfer 2 . Brooks . ~on. Shaw. Best: ., on Payton (F) Joe Beyer (B ) Pfeiffer. Ferguson. Umpires : Andy Ca .
St Bernnrds: Old SlsIleylsury:
UNDER 19 RED - 08.07 .00
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 - 08 .07 .00 .16.106 2 .2 7.6 11 .11 15 Old Ivanhoe: 2.3 4 .3 8.5 10.6.66 Hampton Rovers : . Geuchut 2. Braddy. Best: Old Ivanhoe: Haiskes 5. Bereza 3 . Morris 2. Tr _ e112 .: -:L . Hampton Rovers: Fisher 3 . Bereza. Haivkes Peskev . Anderson . V1a ~ . T . Joaett. Kelly. Stafford . Kell}- 2 . Ng: Gould, Btan~iardo 2 t : S_.tueck}j : Rick Love tR) IF) . Carr. Umphrs Bl:mgiardo .7 12 .10 14 .14 .98 3 .1 9 Old Scotch : .4 9 .7.61 Old Trinity: 4 .4 5.4 8 . Old Trinity: Goal kickers and test plovers results not received Old Scotch: . Best: Dcnahoo. Cornell' 2. Best 2 . Christopherson 2 . Dcdgson Elleroeck. Hine Umpires: Darnel Dinneen . Christopotterson . . Tatlor. Lancaster . Oberoi Condron blatthetv Meier IF ) .8 10.10 .70 RM SOB : 5 .3 6.3 9 .10.94 4 .1 10.6 10 .6 14 Beaumaris AEC: . St:csk`:s Best: 2dII3SOB : 4VOCtlard 3. R:leigh 2 . Tarr. 8eale . ll'alker. V'[cende`e : Magec 7 . NI Atkins 2. . ib'atkec Keys. Beaumaris . Ware. Veale Ru(etie Raleigh :agee. M Akins, Deaton. Abbott. Foley. Block. Pres:tell. Tucke . Tuck. Best: t Thonpson . A Coote . Umpires : Mark Jenkins tRl IF) BYE Old Carey: .16 20 .28.148 .4 9.9 15 Whitefriars : 3 3.6 5 .7 6 .9.45 yalm yhlley: 0 .5 . Cahill 2. Baker. Whitefrlars : Sv.am 4 . Cr- 3 . Juson 2. Greltant 2 . Coe-IozYeh 2 . CaTuIl . Crea. DSort<a. Jatun. . ; :. Baker. Best: Barugh D'Sousa . Ketm^dp . Bvr . : Lloyd . Parry. Pcnver. Yarra Vall>v: ~ ,. . . . 2 . Pask . Unano. Toauktn. Courts . Best Strong. ;;o:rish. cd . P-: :. Umpires: AndreaThntiatites (R) IF)
5.1 9.7 13 .10 16'1 i 107 University Blacks : 1 .6 3 .9 6 .12 'M Old Essendon the . Sattddord . ` University BFac1 5 . C= n - 5. Bushbv 4. Melntosh 2 . C Beaton . Tenzer. Ratntslev. .'.- . : r..i . Best Finns. °tddord Evans. Sale . Best : Cetm . FraTec 1 Aram : Essendon Ga H t 6 . Ch - 3. Cetut 2 ... Cities. Sahro . Umpires : Jr! ~.- .t Lipson George PaFeaiuno ; IF) .5 12.6.78 Rupertstroad; 4 .3 7.4 12 .1540 OldCamberaretF 2.3 8 .9 12 .10 :Serdtts 2 . Flhm. Hatty. Shalders . Tenur' Rupertswood: td'hiteh : Hattv. Old Carob, m.u . Webb. . Bur,o ' i Hurn 7BeshFU . Horgan 4rrncbc . Tipper. t : Roberts 7 . Robinson 2 . ?' . Hiliier Umpiies . Slick Gddav Ili Roberts. Nunn . Kearney . D Mitehell . Buttenvorth . Bul3een Templestorw e:
: 10 .6.G6 Tiger Sharks : 19.13.127 North Old Boys :ed . North Old Bap& Tiger Sharks : Goal kickers and best players results not reeei Goal kickers and best players results not recea . d . .6 6.6A2 Aquinas O .C: 1 .3 2.5 4 .19.175 5.5 10.10 18 .14 26 Ther ry Penola O .B: . Therry Pcne:z : Goal kickers artd best players results not receSVed Aquinas O.C . Umpires : Paul Tape-it O.B : Goal lockers and best plavcrs results not reccived Ken Walker IF)
Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms B- ::ORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour Runners. To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water carriers . It is preferable for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is away from the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires have the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme . please note all VAFA officials must be 15 years or older in Season 2000 . Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach .
Attire Runners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts.Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers . VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . ii runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is ,o be worn under the green or gold top : Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if ,;;orn must be purchased VAFA Properties only.
Go f =: : j _ : 7 the s cene s a t Th e P eop le'S Groun d Theres always something to see at the "G" WHATEVER YOUR SPORT
9657 8879
Its $ 13速20
R : : ily 33mC0 (2 Adults, 2 children ) (above prices are inclusive of GST)
Present this for 20% discount
Expiry 31 .3 .01
Lave A Section Football Br°oadca.stfr® 1 .45 p .m . ev? C)I1I3 3CO'FCFI Vs ST KEVIN S
(interviews and hi g' -", €'this match show n o n Channel 31 Thurs : ays 8 .30 - 9 .30 P .M .
The Age VAFA sportsw riter ft, _ - - -- -it Saturday VAFA -s the Sunday At and revievs C_ o _ 'S
L~3ffl(fao 0,
[PaTe 09y Lz G&
Tuesdays- Channel 31 promotion . Fr idays - Weekend m2tches promotion .
EASTERN COMMUNITY BR0ADCAq'_r`_n "in tune w ith the o0uuteerr east " VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat a nd new s of local VAFA teams 6 .OOp m - 6 .l 5 pm e ach Sat urday night . in tune with the UutET eoS
FM - 1 1 :0 0 a .m . - 1 1 :3 0 a . o
'.25 p .m a.Br d Be-'--Le
VAFA SUNDAY 9.30, 10.30 a. m . Special Guest is :
~ This Sunday - Paul Cooper (De La Salle Coach)
. uI째 Footy -resented by Glenn Scarborough with guests fro m St Bernards (A), Old Paradians (B), Therry Penola (C), Rupertswood (C18), West Brunswick (D2), LaTrobe Uni (Dl), North Brunswick (D4), Old Essendon (Dl), Thomastown (D2) .
PREVI EWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm
Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
Late sc o
_ ~i_
. ._ f•.t- ;- .i: ~ . . -Y~a6v49
(JULY-AUGUST) Of This sat: 5 July Old scotch v St, Kevins h This Sun: 6 July No Matc
Next sat : 22 July St . Bernards v . Old Trinity St. Kevins V. : :cst Sun : 23 July Old Melburnians 29 Julv Club XVIII Preliminary Finals 30 July FID A 5 August Club XVIII Grand Finals 6 August FIDA 12 August B Second Semi Final 13 August A Second Semi Final
($25); First offence ($5) ; second offence ($100) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence each subsequent offence ($100) . seniorsl U1 9 Reserves/CIS failure to phone failure to provide sco res by 2.34pm final scores by 5pm Marcellin OC (R )
Old Mentonians (R) Swinburne Uni . (R ) Incorrect scores phoned - Rd1 3 Power House (S), Sth . Melb . Districts (S), Whitefriars OC (C), De La Salle (2), (U )
Tribunal Results - Tuesday July l lth, 2QQQ Jason Gollant, St. Bernards . Disputing umpire's decision, 2 matches .
It is an expectation that captains at the toss o f the coin exchange a copy of the teamlist . Failure to do this results in automatic fines for the offending club . It has also been reported that as a ploy inaccurate lists are being handed over .
Ramesh Presser, Ormond . Striking. 2 matches. Jason Mead, Beaumaris . Striking. 2 matches . * Ian Bingham, Syndal Tally-Ho . Striking. 2 matches . * Simon 1{lose . Caulfield Or . (Reserves) . Abusive & insulting language, 2 matches . • George Paskeski . Thomastown (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches.
° Peter Bragagnolo, Thomastown (Reserves) . Disputing umpire's decision . 2 matches. "Accepted Presc ri bed Penalt y
The Executive will enforce fines if this ploy is proven to be true .
Investijations I3earin - Jui~llth 20 St Marys and Swinburne University were both charged with a melee in their senior match played on July lst at Glen Iri s Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $100 (1 st offence over the last 3 year period) . Old Camberwell and Old Essendon were both charged with a melee in their senior match played on July ist at McLeay Par k Charge proven. Old Camberwell fined $500 . Old Essendon fined $300 .
Any club that feels an opposition club has been negligent in this area needs to express in writing (attention Phil Stf ns) their colcerns.
A report alleging the following incident occurred during the Old Melburnians and St . Bernards senior game played June 3rd . 2000 at Junction Oval .
An alleged assault upon the President of Old Melburnians Ric Pisarski by William Stapleton (St . Bernards' Supporter) during the second quarter of the match between Ol d Melburnians and St . Bernards on 3 June, 2000 . Charge Proven. Club fined $500 . ruG vneATF1 7R FOOTBALLER 206
-'TS P
A RESERVE SECTIO N 12 2 0 10 4 0
5 6 6 6 7 11 11 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
628 568 701 677 723 739 81 7 1170 1303 1291
177 .23 226 .87 144 .79 151 .4 119.92 101 .35 10037 56.84 47 .51 28.35
48 40 36 32 32 32 28 12 12 8
1208 485 1162 642 827 699 847 752 910 857 853 883 890 838 736 1035 562 964 438 1376
248.66 181 118.31 112.63 106.18 96.6 106.21 71 .1 1
52 44 44 28 26 26 24 16 12 8
1113 1334 1015 102 5 867 749 82 0 665 619 366
CLUB 18 (1 ) OLD XAVERIANS 13 13 0 0 161 400 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 10 3 0 949 651 PRAHRAN 12 8 4 0 873 587 OE LA SALLE 13 8 5 0 888 619 ST KEVINS 13 5 8 0 670 877 *OLD SCOTCH 12 5 7 0 572 790 OLD BRIGHTON 12 3 9 0 539 908 MAZENOD O C 12 2 10 0 410 991 *MARCELLIN 12 2 10 0 273 902 *Ineligible Player Rd 11
,* PT S 265 .25 52 100 .00 145 .78 40 76 .92 148 .72 32 66 .67 143 .46 32 61 .54 76.4 20 38 .46 72.41 20 41 .67 59.36 12 25 .00 41 .37 8 16 .67 30.27 8 16,67
B RESERV E 13 1 11 3 11 3 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 8 4 10 3 11 2 12
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Sa3 31 83
205.96 206.61 166.03 96.72 112.09 995 73.96 6616 69 57 3808
50 48 42 28 26 24 20 20 14
12 2 0 1196 610 196.07 10 4 0 1087 664 163.7
48 40 38 36 36 34 32
12 12 10 7 6 5 5 5 3 2
1 1 1174 570 2 0 1301 630 3 1 1046 630 7 0 855 884 7 1 881 786 7 2 794 798 9 0 761 1056 9 0 700 1058 10 1 752 1081 12 0 497 1305
9 4 1 1259 540 233.15 9 5 0 1369 696 196.7 9 5 0 1115 702 158.83 8 5 1 945 606 155.94 8 6 C 888 740 120 2 12 0 729 1330 54.81 2 12 0 483 1182 40 86 0 14 0 185 2292 8.07
8 8 0
13 12 10 9 8 5 5 4 3 1
1 0 1456 559 2 0 1323 515 4 0 1294 778 5 0 1031 928 6 0 1057 801 9 0 698 864 9 0 904 1122 10 0 808 1206 11 0 768 1154 13 0 479 189 1
260.47 256.89 166.32 111 .1 13195 80,79 80.57 67 66.55 25.33
52 48 40 36 32 20
192.62 180.11 169.1 151 .72 114,3 3
48 48 44 44 28 24 16 12 8 8
20 16 12 4
12 2 12 2 11 3 7 7 6 8 4 10 3 11 2 12 2 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1096 1268 1253 1191 1029 795 846 704 727 695
569 704 741 785 900 1100 1 1246 144 1211 1393
7227 679 61_54 6003 49 8 9
W L D CLUB 111 121
10 3 1 1193 10 4 0 100 3
463 671
257.67 149.48
580 663
151 .03 158,97
696 851
135.06 94.01
704 1007
121 .88 75.17
1393 1684
38.77 13.48
9 8 7 7 6 6 4 2 1
5 0 876 6 C 1054 7 0 940 7 0 800 7 1 858 7 0 757 10 0 437 12 0 540 13 0 227
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 ST KEVINS 14 12 2 0 1658 OLO XAVERIANS 14 12 2 0 1416 OLD BRIGHTON 14 10 4 0 1566 UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 9 5 0 1331 DE LA SALLE 14 9 5 0 1426 COLLEGIANS 14 9 5 0 1091 ST BERNARDS 14 8 6 0 1277 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 7 7 0 1206 MARCELLIN 13 4 9 0 1092 MAZENOD O C 14 3 11 0 627 OLD HAILEYBURY 14 1 13 0 595 OLD PARADIANS 13 0 13 0 43 1 UNDER-19 (2) BEAUMARIS A F C 14 13 1 0 1057 OLD SCOTCH 14 11 3 0 1343 OLD TRINITY 14 10 4 0 1045 WHITEFRIARS 14 9 5 0 1067 HAMPTON ROVERS 14 7 6 1 929 MHSOB 14 7 7 0 945 YARRA VALLEY 14 4 9 1 747 *OLD IVANHOE 14 4 10 0 764 OLD CAREY 14 4 10 0 658 ` Inellgible player Rd 11 UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE SOUTH 14EL8 DISTRICTS 14 11 3 0 1515 ORMOND 14 10 4 0 1450 CAULFIELDGR 14 10 4 0 1454 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 14 10 4 0 1355 MONASH BLUES 14 9 5 0 1474 MENTONE A F C 14 8 6 0 1337 AJAX 14 5 9 0 941 DE LA SALLE (2) 14 3 11 0 833 OLD MENTONIANS 14 2 12 0 697 GLEN EIRA 14 1 13 0 534
642 258.26 48 936 151 .28 48 950 164.84 40 890 149.55 36
1002 142.32 36 971 112.36 36 1095 116.62 32 850 141 .88 28 1154 94 .63 16 1561 40 .17 12 1694 35.12 4 2106 20 .47 0
632 167.25 708 189 .69 718 145 .54 727 146 .77 1040 89 .33 928 101 .83 1396 53 .51 1199 63 .72 1331 49 .44
906 652
167 .22 222 .39
797 1018
182 .43 133 .1
811 1157
181 .75 115 .5 6
83 .79 45 .95 40 .57 26 .5
1813 1718 201 5
52 44 40 36 30 28 18 16 16
12 11 110
9 9 6 6 5 3 2 1
2 0 1129 699 3 0 1187 738 4 0 1086 708 4 0 1243 945
5 0 5 0 8 0 8 0 9 0 11 0
1033 734 999 777 788 786 859 950 837 1107 638 1161
112 0 681 1015 3 0 390 1414
161 .52 160.84 /54.48 131 .53 140 74 12857 10025 90,42 75,61 54 .95 67 09 27s8
UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD ESSENDON OR . 14 11 3 0 1686 NORTH OLD BOYS 13 11 2 0 1303 OLD CAMBERWELL 14 11 3 0 1321 RUPERTSYdOOD 14 10 4 0 1496 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 9 5 0 1299 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 8 6 0 1008 SULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 14 5 9 0 726 i IGER SHARKS 13 4 9 0 633 AQUINAS O C 14 1 13 0 397 *Ineligible Player Rd 11
639 705 777 858 1001
951 1525 1577 2171
263 .85 184 .82 170 .01 174 .36 129 .77 105 99
47 .61
20 16 4
40,14 18 29
44 44 40 36 32
VAFA PREMIERSHIP LIST S 2000 TEAM NAME P W L D FOR AGAINST % POINTS A SECTION 44 ST BERNARDS 14 11 3 0 1664 1104 150 .72 40 OLD XAVERIANS 14 10 4 0 1642 1175 139 .74 .02 OLD SCOTCH 14 10 4 0 1529 1176 130 .14 40 OLD TRINITY 14 10 4 0 1290 1204 107 .78 40 32 ST KEVINS 14 8 6 0 1263 1217 103 28 UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 7 7 0 1281 1171 109 .39 .67 20 MHSOB 14 5 9 0 1169 1486 78 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 4 10 0 1094 1287 85 16 .63 OLD IVANHOE 14 3 11 0 933 1619 57 .4112 8 MARCELLIN 14 2 12 0 1118 1544 72 B SECTION 48 OLD BRIGHTON 14 12 2 0 1798 1066 168 .67 C 14 11 3 0 1317 1028 128 .11 44 MAZENOD 0 .92 38 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 9 4 1 1381 1063 129 .38 36 DE LA SALLE 14 9 5 0 1219 988 123 ORMOND 14 8 6 0 1252 1233 101 .54 32 26 OLD PARADIANS 14 6 7 1 1204 1335 90 .19 24 OLD HAILEYBURY 14 6 8 0 1215 1427 85 .14 .45 WHITEFRIARS 14 4 10 0 1162 1376 84 .3916 COLLEGIANS 14 2 12 0 937 1370 68 .68 8 8 OLD MENTONIANS 14 2 12 0 936 1595 58 C SECTION 44 BEAUMARIS A F C 14 11 3 0 1624 1012 160 .47 40 HAMPTON ROVERS 14 10 4 0 1196 973 122 .92 .83 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 10 4 0 1361 1108 122 .98 40 40 A J A X 14 10 4 0 1402 1252 111 28 ST BEDES MENT TIG 14 7 7 0 1273 1178 108 .06 .06 28 PRAHRAN A F C 14 7 7 0 1347 1270 106 24 1 GLEN EIRA A F C 14 6 8 0 1431 1388 103 .81 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 14 4 10 0 1318 1484 88 .71 12 OLD GEELONG 14 3 11 0 964 1762 54 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 14 2 12 0 1134 1623 69 .87 8 Dl SECTION .67 48 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 14 12 2 0 1535 1099 139 .6 40 BANYULE 14 10 4 0 1917 1335 143 MONASH BLUES 14 10 4 0 1448 1069 135 .45 40 CAULFIELD GR 14 10 4 0 1503 1133 132 .66 40 AQUINAS O C 14 9 5 0 1783 1128 158 .07 36 36 ST LEOS EMMAUS 14 9 5 0 1648 1248 132 .05 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 14 5 9 0 1272 1442 88 .21 OLD CAREY 14 4 10 0 1107 1535 72 .12 16 .48 OAKLEIGH A F C 14 0 13 1 1113 2205 50 .27 2 2 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 14 0 13 1 829 1961 42 D2 SECTION 40 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 10 4 0 1425 1080 131 .94 .95 36 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 14 9 5 0 1377 1120 122 .9 36 THOMASTOWN 14 9 5 0 1516 1308 115 .74 32 SALESIAN O C 14 8 6 0 1283 1138 112 .48 32 PARKSIDE 14 8 6 0 1232 1168 105 28 MENTONE A F C 14 7 7 0 1307 1459 89 .58 24 PENINSULA O B 14 6 8 0 1487 1388 107 .13 .53 WEST BRUNSWICK 14 6 8 0 1109 1267 87 .95 24 24 KEW 14 6 8 0 1208 1439 83 FITZROY REDS 14 1 13 0 1056 1633 64 .67 4 D3 SECTIO N 44 POWER HOUSE 14 11 3 0 1503 1064 141 .26 RICHMOND CENTRAL 14 10 4 0 1568 1069 146 .68 40 .28 40 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 14 10 4 0 1385 1047 132 ST JOHNS O C 14 10 4 0 1492 1150 129 .74 40 .53 36 ELSTERNWICK 14 9 5 0 1388 1097 126 28 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 14 7 7 0 1520 1148 132 .4 .38 16 U H S O B 14 4 10 0 1158 1578 73 ELEY PARK A F C 14 4 10 0 1120 1686 66 .43 16 .03 MONASH GRYPHONS 14 3 11 0 971 1645 59 .1712 8 ALBERT PARK A F C 14 2 12 0 1037 1814 57 D4 SECTIO N 44 BENTLEIGH AFC 14 11 3 0 1631 1015 160 .69 .39 40 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 14 10 4 0 1476 988 149 .09 40 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 14 10 4 0 1491 1042 143 .32 40 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 14 10 4 0 1363 1054 129 .89 36 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 14 9 1429 5 0 1114 953102 116 .81 32 6 0 1390 8 NORTH BRUNSWICK 14 32 BULLEEN COBRAS 14 8 6 0 1325 1295 102 .32 ST MARYS 14 6 8 0 1351 1489 90 .73 24 .73 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 14 5 9 0 1138 1464 77 .68 20 16 MT LILYDALE 14 4 10 0 1211 1279 94 8 BRUNSWICK A F C 14 2 12 0 1091 1721 63 .39 .48 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 14 1 13 0 875 1805 48
upport the Company who supports th e VAFA
For o r de rs phone 9339 6339