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Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell . No matter what sport you're talking, they'll serve up the latest sports news, and interview the sports stars making the news . So when sports news happens Kevin Bartlett and Simon O'Donnell will break it during The Big Sports Breakfast. Switch on between 5 .30-9am each weekday morning to Melbourne's own Radio Sport 927AM .
The B ig Sports Breakfa s 5n30 ~ 9anD weekdays
T"" I [ ,✓°r,C D ~_,D EV _N S s we approach our final's series I take this opportunit, to wish all participating teams th e ;st of luck over the next few weeks season brings with it new issues to b e .Each adciresscl, and 2000 has been no different .
The reformation of the VFL competition ha s ed opportunities for some of our players to rnate between the VFL and the VAFA during th e whilst we support and encourage our players to out" and put themselves in a position to be ~,fI to an AFL club, at the same time we have d this year it has had a very real effect on clubs striving to avoid being relegated or who are ittempting to qualify for finals . In some instances it ruld be argued that some clubs have put them-Ives in the relegation zone, due to them supports, ic% their players playing VFL football . Whilst strong1, endorsing the VFL competition we believe we ii, ;ed to sit down with Football Victoria and research this issue. A strong arguing position will be that, in he latter part of the season particularly. VFL clubs asked to refrain from using our players to "make up the numbers ." Maybe some consideration needs be given to compensating our clubs each time a %":1FA player is called upon to "make up the numbers." There are a number of other issues that have ncerned me over the past few weeks . They range from the reported matter involving allegations of an enticement made to an Old ' .lelburnians' player to join the Old Brighton club, ii-rough to certain clubs who apparently make it heir business to visit opposition clubs from ifurday to Saturday with the sole intention of seeagwho played and then questioning our staff as to rtain players' eligibility . I would hope that clubs would have enough confidence in my staff and ou r =gistration Secretary to monitor the matter of '._tFAIVFL eligibility competently . At the time of writing this article, the "enticement matter" has yet to be resolved so I can make no comment, other than to say how e :,-tremely disappointed I was to hear that someone had made this matter public by leaking the story to the press .
I do not absolve from our responsibility to go into print and inform all - bu t only after the matter PH IL STEVENS has been ruled upon C~. --IEF EXECUTIVE by an Investigation OFFICER sub-committee an d referred to the Executive . By going public, the Old Brighton Club has been placed in a totally untenable situation . as it can be argued that they suffer the fallout of being guilty "by association", even if they are cleared totally, Whatever the result - and it will impact on both Old Brighton and Old Melburnians - all clubs should be very aware that when such allegations are received by the Executive they will be thoroughly pursued . In congratulating those who make the fulals, I also commiserate with those clubs who will be relegated . In all of this we should never forget we are a junior football competition in Victoria - we are not emulating the AFL . It is after all, ladies and gentlemen, a game that we are putting on . Enjoy the game . enjoy your day and respect everybody that is involved . Richard Evan s, Executive Chairma n
UMPIRE OF THE YEAR On a very positive note regarding umpiring, the Umpires' Appointments Panel, which is headed by Michael Sneddon, has been asked to nominate five c an didates for the above award - this year being the first year the VAFA will formally make such a trophy presentation at our Vote Count . Once received the members of the Umpires' Operations sub-committee plus two invited members of the AFCAf VAFA will evaluate the nominees in each of the following key areas : Ability to umpire well ; Good attend ance record and willingness to accept given appointments ; Willingness to listen and learn : Acceptance amongst peers ; Contribution to umpiring beyond training and match day requirements : Level of esteem held by the clubs for the candidate : Personal development - willingness to work towards gaining further accreditation .
The winner will be announced at the Vote Count and in this column thereafter.
July'--j, 2000 Price : $2.00 Vol . 00 No . T{-IF IlRAATC~10 C!1l1T0~~ ~ C~ nnnn
i -,, ,LBp E ;iiigh had two behinds it thought should have been goals paid in its four. The first was point loss at Marcellin last week when Kon Krios snapped at the pavilion end in the third term only to have his kicked ruled by . There field umpire Damen that it was touched wasn't an Eagle near the kick but there was a second sound, possibly an echo off the embankment, couple this with the awkward looking kick and you could understand why the official made the call . In the last quarter MHSOB's only score was a behind from Steve Harrison but the Unicorns thought it cleared the pack . BETTER news for the Unicorns with Peter Daicos announcing he will be an assistant coach for them . Two weeks ago Daics's comeback attempt was thwarted by a request from 3AW that he not play for fear of injury and thus not be able to fulfil his broadcasting commitments so the next best thing is to help the forwards . The Macedonian Marvel told the team at its Thursday night dinner that he will have input into the preseason schedule . MARCELLIN came off the bottom for the first time since round three with the victory that was partially set up into the wind in the third term . The Eagles' running and work rate was terrific . For the second successive week Andrew . Treganowan had a day out kicking six goals This was despite a gale blowing at Bulleen which made it difficult to get the ball cleanly . The conditions though didn't bother 'Trigger' who shot like the Man with the Golden Gun . "I got six from six," Treganowan, who played on the versatile Heath Taylor, said . In keeping with six-shooter theme, it was AndreVs sixth bag of six this season from his 14 appearances . "Glen Cox across has been half back was great an d Dave Waters ." "If we can pull off giving us momentum on ball staving in A Section I think we will remember it more fondly than the back-to-back C & B flags in 1997 and 1998 ." Trigger said from his University Hotel in Lygon Street . ST KEVINS' run of four wins has pushed it into the four for the first time since round four . They took Trinity's spot. The Ts, Scotch, Xavs and St Bernards have made up the four since round eight . "We're nearly there with our playing . Injured SKOBlist," Mike McArthur-Allen said Mark W interton, Bernard Marusic, BERS: Hull-Brown, Jim Macey , Tony Bevacqua, Lach ,a V-k Perrett . McArthur-
Allen says the double chance this year is not worth a s much as normal can the first with there being no week ' you rest the first of the finals. "Normally, y spen d week relaxing and seeing what the opposition is like but this year, with the Olympics, there have been no breaks - 18 games straight - so it's the same for all the fmalists," McArthur-Alien said . IF ENDEAVOUR was the only ingredient to avoid relegation then Old Melburnians would be set for next year . The Redlegs' work ethic wa,< ; epitomised by Mick 1-lazell, playing only hi third game after missing 12 weeks with injury OMs lacked a Matt Lueas, five goals for the sec ond successive week in the wind at Elsternwicl Park, to finish off their hard work . Kicking int, the breeze in the last quarter OMs with Tob ; stole th Roberts driving the ball forward nearly match . At the nine-minute mark Miles Rose ha kicked one of only three goals for the match int the wind to give OMs an eight-point lead . Tr Redlegs attacked again for the next five minute A goal here would have made it difficult for ; Kevins . The wind was too strong and SKOB kicked five . FOR the, second successive week all ten tean today have something to gain with a wi Normally, with two or three matches left the are a couple of teams cemented on the ladd but this season is a'thriller . The top two, Bernards and Xaverians, who are establish( are keen to hit the finals with winning form . t next four Scotch, St Ke to s Trinit University Blues, are vying play i n y the fl, semi, and the bottom four . MHSOB, C Melburnians, Marcellin and Old Ivanhoe s fighting off relegation . In the 1990s on sei occasions five wins put you into ninth spot . T makes sense . If you win a third of your gan you should be rewarded with retaining your s in A Section . Of the bottom four the besi Melbourne High with five wins . University Blues, a game out of the four, t on their final four rivals, Trinity and Scotch the last two games to see if they are goinâ&#x201A;Ź make the cut. "We're not up to it if we don't ciner those games," Blues president Tony M . "In the normal run of events St Ke, says should take third spot and if Scotch and Tri each loses one, to us, then we should do
Blues on-ballers Jason Coull opous an d Lach Fehring are having an impact on their team's push up the ladder. McInerney said a report that the Blues and University Blacks had re-engaged in merger talks was not the case ."We are always talking but there is nothing imminent," McInerney said . Brad Beitzel writes VAFA for the Sunday Herald Sun . He does a report tonight at 6 .25 on ABC 774 . eedback : I- >iI . Illfd . 7„?Ialink .coan .au
Old Scotch - last Saturday Stephen T-Dune pla,,ud his 150 71 . Always hard at the ball and prolific kick getter, Steve was recognised in '99 with representative honours . Rohan Price in the =atne match played his 100th . Considered probablv the best fullback in the competition . Rohan has won the club B&F in '98 and represented the ~AFA in '95 . '97-'98 & 2000 . Well done to you both . Uni . Blues - congratulates club captain Gil McLaughlan on playing 100 games today. Gil is not only a great player and leader for the Blues, but also for representative sides . Well done Gil. Old Ivanhoe - congratulate Rowan Weddle on reaching 150 games . Another core player who has brought the club from D to A . Deceptively fast, ice cool demeanour, excels at CHB, but can be very dangerous up forward . Ba(' to back premiership player 94 & 95 . Keep going to 200 Row . Is l.
1 0 1 3 0 1
51 30 28 25 18 18
SENIORS - 22 .07. 11.11.77 St Kevlns : 0 .0 4 .8 5.8 2 .7 3 .7 6.11 7.11.53 Old Melburnian,: St. Aevins: Lucas 5 . Bowles 2 . Lowerson 2 . Curtis I . M . Dollman 1 . Best : M. Doliman . Pickford . Fraser, O'Keefe. Gross. J. Giansiracusa . Old Melburnians: Rose 2. P. Theodore 2. McMu(Illt 1 . Muthgan 1, Wiseman 1 . Best : Roberts . Ellnighaus . Hazeil . Bunn. Boyd . Neeson . Umpires; Albie Futey : h7ark Gibson (F) . Adam Conquest : Jon lhneent (B) . Craig Arnol: John Robinson (G) I R2arcellin: 2 .1 9.5 11 .6 14 .6.90 >9FISOB : 6 .5 9.6 13.7 13 .8.86 IdarcelBn: Treganowan It . Rowe 2, Fnsina 2 . McMillan 2 . Jarred 1 . Johnston 1 . Best : Cox . Browne, Treganowan . Chun. Rowe . Rauanui . MHSOB : Bamert 4, Cassel 3. Krios 2. Gerner 1 . Pertzel 1 . ti7iite I . Wilson 1 . Best : Entire. Joseph . Barnett, Fairchild, Wilson, Cassell . Umpires : Craig O'Donoghue: Anthony Danien (F) . Jack Forsyth ; Jared Hammett (B). Geoff Grigg: Stephen Leahy (G )
University Blues : 2 .4 6.9 10.15 14.22.106 Old Ivanhoe: 2.3 5.6 6.11 8 .16.64 University Blues: De Crespigny 4 . Featherston 4. Coulloupas 2, Sturroek 1 . J . Havter 1 . Cheel 1 . Peterson t . Best : CheeL Lonroock . M. Coleman, Fishlev, Featherston, Fehting . Old Ivanhoe: Crowley 2 . Lochrut 1 . Knight 1 . G . Douglas 1 . A. Douglas. McLean 1, Toovey 1 . Best : McKie. Roberts. '.intyte . R . Weddle . Sanddands. A . Dou ~•Ias. Umpires: Tim Ovadia : Grahatn Thrsaites (F) Santo Cantso; Frank idartines (B). Donunic Napoli ; Grant Napper(G) Old Xaverians: 3.3 6.5 8 .8 15.12 .102 Old Scotch : 1 .1 2.4 10.10 12 .10 .82 Old Xaverians: Gosvers 5, Jones 4 . Richardson 3 . Kay 1 . Steen 1 . Lethlean I . Best: Leth(ean . Ford, R . Dillon . Bowen. Ellis. Gordon . Old Scotch:
Hawkins 6 . Angus 2. Murphy 2, Reid 1 . Nettleton t . Best : E . Parthemdis. Robinson . Gnatt . Nettleton . Kitchen . Angus. Umpires: John Miller, Tun Sutcliffe (F). Nathan Billing : Alex Tsdemanis tBI . Russell Owens: Kevin Segota (G ) 8.6 9.7 14 .12 15 .13 .103 St Bernards : Old Trinity: 110 3 .4 4 .6 7.14 .56 St Bernards: N . Mitchell 5 . Osborne 5 . Jordan 2, Meruigton 2, Davis 1 . Best : Wilkinson, Mastropasqua . Perrett, Taylor. Couslattd. Osborne. Old Trinity: C. Phillips 2 . Clarke 1 . L. Kennedy 1 . C. Pawsev 1, M. Pawsey 1 . Stickland 1 . Best : Collins . Jarred . D. Burrows. Hatfield. Van der Vemte . Stephens . Umpires: Steve McCarthy: Jatute Kwis (F). Thin Dodds : Rob Mutton (B) . Bernie Jephson ; Bernie Dix ( G
RESERVES - 22 .07.00 St Benrards : 0.2 4.7 4 .7 8 .8 .56 Old Trinity: 0.0 0.2 6 .3 7 .8 .48 St Beruards: PolataJko 3. Cariss 2. Jun Mount 2 . Nutter. Best : Attard . S Grav. . Pinach^tta . Jim Mount. Old Trinity : Antonopo!ous 2 . Latdetta 2 . Nathan . E~ans Hudson . Ward . Aridrens. Best : Cooper. Ward . Schulze. Robinson. Lauletta. Shaughnessy . 7 .15.57 Unive rsity Blues: 0.4 4.9 6 .12 3.4 4.11 5 .11 7 .12.54 Old Ivanhoe: University Blues : Levien 2 . McKinley. B Coleman. Nardi. Invie . Hutchins . Best : iJarth. Tem. Roodhouse . Leunen . Invie, Hutchins . Old Ivanhoe : Sptden 2. Ward 2 . Toll 2. 5:g)ey. Lynch, Yanvocd . Best : Moore, Pollock. Garv George. teal . Barker. Ross. 1 .1 2 .2 3.4 6.5.41 Old Raver)ann : Old Scotch: 3.1 4 .4 5.12 6.14.50 Old Xaverians: Barrett 2 . treland. Drake. hteehan. P Ryan. Best: Hall. Healy. Drake, Barrett . Meehan . Rush. Old Scotch : Stratos 2 . D Thomas. Stokes. Othe r. Frankenburg . Best: Stokes. Hooper. D Thomas, Paterson . L^_itl . Speed . St Kevlns: 4 .3 6 .4 9.7 9.8.62 Old MeBnrmians: 0 .0 0.0 2.1 4.4.28 St Kevins: Powell 3. 5ibllia 2 . Ferrari . Shellec. VIltella. 4t9nterton. Best: Powell . O'Bnen . W6rtertmi. Stb:lia Waight, McGuinness . Old 6Selbiuaians:Ward 2. Slater . Bennett. Best : Bennett. Wilson . Slater. Hawk&is . Waddell . Farquharson . Marcellin : 4 .1 6.5 7.9 9.11 .65 ASII50B : 2 .0 3.3 8.4 8.4 .52 Mareellin: Goal kickers and best placers results not received . MHSOIh Robinson 3. Gaunt 2 . L TaN9or. M Webster. J Newton. Best: Davis, Norton. Schtano . Clrnxes . Radder. O'Brien .
AS MARC E L' . : :'
M .H . S .Q.D .
Coach : Gar ry Connolly Res. Coach : David How e
Coach : Warren Fall Res . Coach: Peter O'Dea
1 . C. Slattery 2. M . Karavisils 3 . D. Waters (C) 4. M . Gill 5 . M . Moran 6. D. Sampimon 7 . M . Rowe 8 . R. Frisina 9. M . Day 10 . A. Caffry 11 . D. Taylor (RC) 12, B . Croni n 13 .. T. Collin s 14 . R. McMahon 15 . M . Chun 16 . W . Devercelli 17 . G . Cox (VC) 18 . D. Ga rt ner 19 . D. Coope r 20 . S . O ' Flyn n 21 . N . Walker 22 . D. Marson 23 . P. Gleeson 24 . L. 0'Flynn 25 . L. Furlan 26 . N . Armstrong 27 . D. Theisz 28 . D. Johnston
1 J Bamert 2 S McCully 3 D Woodley 4 C Eab ry ( DVC) 5 P Sher ry 6 R Joseph 7 J Pe rt zel (C) 8 J Gerner 9 D Fairchild (VC) 10 D Skinner 11 K Krios 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gre gso n 1 4 A Watson 15 A Martin 16 J . Schiano 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 21 C Kell y 22 D Armstrong 23 C Harv ie 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R Knight 31 J Davis ~ 32 A Cassell (DVC) 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson ( DVC) 35 P Daico s 36 M White 37 R McIntyre 38 S Robinson 39 R Verma 40 W Hayes 41 T Morgan 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webste r 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins 48 M Moore 49 P Chester 50 B Gaunt 51 S Walker 52 D No rt on 53 C Clowes 54 C Drake 55 S Walker
29 . M . Byrnes
30 . A . Treganowan 31 . S . Yee 32 . M . Brown e 33 . G. Cull 34 . D . Jarred 35 . J . Frazer 36 . G. Romanian 37 . L. Fitzpatrick
38 . D . Harbe rt s 39 . B . Colville (RVC) 40 . A . Duncan 41 . J . Seabury
42 . B . Dinneen 43 . M . Maguire 44. A . Wilkinson 45. D . Ballantine 46. G. Petro ff 47. D . Ryan 48. A . Gallagher 49. G. Whiston 50. A . Ryder 51 . P. Symes 52. D . Cope 53. C . Mathews 54. M. Randazzo 55 . J . Wallis 56. R . Galati 57 . B. Day 58 . C . Purcell 59 . J . Ibrahim Sponsored by : The Beehive Hotel
an d Yarra Valley Country Club
11aa .., .,,,a
: 'IAflS
~ . . A.
Coach : Steve Croptey Coach : Roger Ellingwo rt h Coach : Brendan aso n Asst. Coach : Anthony Parker Asst. Coach : Justin Ha rt Res. Coach : Ga ry Jackson Res. Coach: Dirk Jones
1 A .Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 M . Sandilands 4 J . Mansfield 5 B . Spoor 6 M . McKie
7 J . Knight 8 T. Steevns 9 M . Karayanis 10 C . Crowley 11 S . Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 C . Barker A . Francis 15 G . Dougla s 16 M . Woods 17 A . Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 D . Warry 20 J . Keane 21 R . Robert s 22 P. Donaldson 23 A . Dou9las 24 E . By rne 25 A . White 26 D . Ross 27 J . Weddle 28 A . Jenkins 29 R . Weddle 30 E . Brophy 31 N, Miller 32 P. Dowd 33 B . Davis 34 A . Tiernan 35 L . McLean
36 M . Pollock 37 P. Armstrong 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 R . Davies 41 A . H arper 42 L . Courage 43 T. Van Bloomstein 44 A . Weise 45 M . Toovey 46 J. Weir 47 D . Bernet 48 M . Tolle 49 A . Bark er 50 J. Sma rt 51 B . Shadbolt 52 N . Maguire 53 S . Price 54 Z. Aboujaba 55 P. Lilis 56 E. Broomhill 57 G . Mclsaac 58 G . Mandekic 59 M . Tozer 60 C . Pitt
56 T Wright
57 L Taylor 58 59 L . Jones 60 R Newton
Sponsored by :
Sponsored b Sires Menswe' ar ' W.G . Miles & Co Prv Lid Real Eastate - Ivarihoe Spectrum Assuranc e Group Regency Pharmacy
Zitech Computer Peripherals
1 M . Bennett 2 S . Theodore ( VC) 3 A . Ross 4 M . Hazell 5 L. Bunn 6 D . Holme 7 . C . Thompson 8 M . Love tt (DVC) 9 S . Oram 10 T. Robe rts ( DVC) 11 S . Boyd 12 A . Hewi tt 13 S . Rose 14 L. Reynolds 15 M . Rose 16 A . Browne 17 J . Miller 18 A . Topakas 19 R . Mulquinney
1 A. Ne ttleton (DVC) 2 B. Phillips 3 C. Hosking 4 T. Holt (C) 5 R. Price (DVC) 6 A. Crow 7 J . Kitche n 8 C. Reid 9 S . Collins (VC) 10 J . Ker r 11 M . Angus (DVC) 12 S . Hum e 13 N. Hoope r 14 T Rei d
20 N . Pirouet 21 L . Bo d y 22 A . Waddell
23 M . Berry 24 L . Holcombe 25 J . Gues t 26 C . Kennedy 27 J . Slater 28 J . Ballantyne 29 T. Mulligan 30 I . McMullin (C) 31 J . Hart 32 L . Barry 33 G . Dixon ( RC ) 34 B . Burgess
21 S .Gibb s 22 C. Heath 23 0 . Cran e 24 L. Hawkins 25 S . Lillingsto n 26 T. Downing 27 T. Co lli ns 28 B . Robinso n 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Wigney 31 C. Ratcliffe 32 T. Chapman 33 N. Morris 34 E . Olive r 35 P. O'Conno r
35 P. Stuckey
36 S . Prendergas t
36 M . Ward 37 B . Dixo n 38 S . Grigg 39 M . Wiseman 40 41 , G . Wilhelm (RVC) 42 P. Theodore 43 E. Farquarson 44 P. Batrtle tt 45 C . Murphy 46 C . Neeson 47 C . Banks 48 C . Jenkins 49 A. Flemin gg
50 J. Ber ry 51 B. Righett i 52 B. Campbell 53 T. Amble r 54 I . Paterson 55 J . Gooley 56 A. Hunt 57 J . Weir 58 T. Burdeu 59 S. Topakas 60 B. Reid 61 D . Su tton 62 W. Hauserman 63 N . Sampieri 88 G . Davies
15 M . O'Brie n 16 A. Speed 17 D. Thomas
18 H. Thomas 19 K. Stokes 20 L. Murphy
37 M . Pa rthenide s 38 C. Pattende n 39 N. Addison 40 A. Warne r 41 M . Lipshu t 42 J . Ross 43 J . Paterson 44 C. Evans 45 M . Blenheim 46 A . McCully 47 N . Slade n 48 T Stubb s 49 J . McCarrol l 50 E . Pathenides 51 A . Elliott 52 N . Leit l 53 T. Frankenburg 54 N . Simon 55 G . Sarkozy 56 H . Lan e
57 C. Stevens 58 M . Thwaites 59 S . Eagar 60 B . Crum p 61 J . Stratos 62 S . Mile s 63 T. Joyce 64 R . McKinnon 67 P. Rodgers 81 R . Aujard
CLE M EN TS j-jjJZ`Cj'ajS
rS3 -
- a,, - - .. ~ ., .,TO
:~NITY Coach: Leigh Carlson Asst. coach: Phil Gaut Res Coach: Craig heave
Kennedy S~/C~ 1 Hudson G( V) Andrades M 3 Barnard B r Arrowsmith J ~ Frost M Burrows D 5 Rhisholm M Russell C ~ Van Der Venne T 7 Natoli S 7 Canzoneri M 3 Frost C 8 Stebbins C g Andrews A(VCl S ghnessy M 1 1 0 0 S Dann ' 11 Richards A 13 Go tliY is ~ " Cade J = tickland J
~ amble R tephens T Hiil(as C ~ Nankervis B 17 Hatfield G (VC) 17 Newman J 18 Clarke L 19 Barr C 20 Phillips C (VC) 21 Kenna dV L ?2 Deane-Johns G 22 Munroe H Ramsden A 24 Boyd A 25 S F (RVC) 25 chulze chulze D 26 Robinson D 26 Tudor l
d`n R s 27 2 hC 7 28Wel Butler 29 Harmer G 30 Glass D 30 Taylor L 31 B l~de n i S 32 Pawsey C 32 Kinross D 33 Heighton D 34 Boyd G M 35 Pa ~sey M 36 Sutcliffe J 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) 39 Antonopoulos T 39 Anderson H 40 Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 42 Torney A _ De Stefams M 44 Power B 44 Mai ah A 45 Treadwell G
45 Morpeth T 46 Cooper S 47 Mitchell G 48 Ward C
49 Roberts T 50 Farmer 50 pi s 51 Jo risen ~
52 Hansen W 53 Penwill T 54 Markus J 55 Williams D 56 Best E 57 Baker A 58 Jervis L 59 Cade T 61 Broster N 62 Mero J 63 Curran R 64 Kenna A 65 Burrows R 65 Robison P 69 Lapira M 71 Makris A 79 Stockdale S 80 Treadwell 81 Robison C 99 Hutchison SB
Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res . Coach : Chris Mortensen
Coach : Garry Foulds Res. Coach : David Law
1 2 3 4
M . Blood (C) T. Fleming L. Hannebe ry D . Landrigan
5 D . Steen
6 B. Healy ) 7 S . Lethlean (VC 8 A. Keyhoe 9 J. Hawkins 10 D . Rennex 11 Adam Jones 12 J. Bowen 13 C . Elli s 14 D . Stoney 15 L Ford 16 A . Cowers
16 S . Skidmore 17 D . Richardson 18 T. Gordon 19 A . Jones 20 M . Hardman (RC) 21 A . McQueen-Parton 22 23 R . Coughlan 24 B . Coughlan (VC) 25 P. Lechte 26 S . Tucker 27 J . Drak e 28 B. Cranage 29 D . Galbally 30 C . Kelly 31 L . Tuddenham 32 M . Alle n 33 A . Sass i 34 R Jones 35 P. Ryan 36 L . Deane-Johns 37 T. Free r 38 R . Hall 39 M . Meehan 40 R R . MacWhirte r 41 A . Dillo n 42 N . Ireland 43 T. Woodruff (VC) 44 B . Hilbert 45 C. Smit h 46 M . Callihan
47 J . Kay 48 D . Orlando 49 R . Dillon 50 D . Jame s 51 D . Walsh 52 A. Orlando 53 P. Funder 54 S . Grigg 55 J . Healy 56 A Oswald 57 R Carey 58 T. Curno w 59 J . Puttyrf oot 60 T. Coughlan 61 M . Rus h 62 H Davies
1 C. Gray 2 L. Meehan 3 A. Brebner (RVC) . McKeon4S
5 Jee Mou(DVC t ) 6 J . Mckay 7 S. Parrett
8 J . Evans 9 B B. Jorda n 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 11 P. Capes 12 B. Hoga n 13 C . Mitchell 14 W. Attard 15 T Wilkinson 16 M . Be therton 17 L . O'Sullivan
18 D . McLaughlin 19 L . Gollant (C) 20 T. Sheehan 21 B . Loughlin 22 A . Merrington 23 A . Mastrapasqua
24 P. Harvey 25 C. Osborne 26 J . Gollant 27 A . Nathan (RC) 28 B . Carriss 29 D. Gleason
29 J . Overman (R) 30 J . DeBono 31 B . Collins 32 T Harvey 33 R . Nutter 34 D . Byrn e 35 M . Juricska y 36 A. Shaw 32 C . Bond (R) 33 N . Smit h 37 A . Catterall 38 S. Gray 39 S . Byrn e 40 R . Cousland
40 D . Thomas (R) 41 B . Overma n 42 T James 43 C . Davis 44 S . Taylo r 45 M . Tankey
46 M . Licciardo 47 M . Pocatajko 48 James Mount 49 S . Donnell y 50 D. Tonks 51 P. Romanin 52 S . Wheeler 53 J . Kavanagh 54 L. Kavanag h 55 P. Ro gerson 57 A. Hilbert 58 K. Callow 59 J . Jacks 61 A. Woodley 63 J . Gioffre 64 L . Overman 65 J . Harris 66 J . Delaney 67 A. Caruso 68 W. Backway NORTH S UBURBAN CLU B 622 Mt. Alexander Rd .
Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
SL Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach : Mick Knuppel
1 . A. Callery 2 . S. Lo',verson 3.
D . Curti s
4 M . Winte rt on 5 M . Dollman P. O'Keefe 6 7 M . Lucas
8 B. Doliman 9 A . Bevaqua 10 N . Fraser 11 P. Malesi
12 M . Rizio 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahone y 15 M .Oiive 16 B . Ga rv ey
17 M . Ryan 18 J . Grigg 19 D . Sheeh y
20 L. Hull-Brown 21 J . Sibilia 22 J . Macey 23 B . Quirk 24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 D. Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Kavan 9 h 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuines s 32 S. O'Connor
33 B. Hughes 34 S. Richardson 35 B . Villella 36 A . Smit h 37 S . Kennedy 38 J . Bateman 39 A . Conlan 40 N . Parrett 41 J . Hassett
42 J . Pan razi o g 43 W. Keighran 44 D. Moyla n 45 D. Weight 46 J . Travaglia 47 M . Chapman 48 L. Harper 49 R . Simkiss 50 S . Kuring 53 M . Chaplin 54 S . Game 58 J . Ferrari 59 A. Rattle 61 J . Lynch 62 B. Shelley
63 P. Robert s 67 B. Day 75 A . Foley 76 M . Galt 77 G . Pickford
Coach : Lee Adamson Res. Coach : Mick Conno p
1 2 3 4 5
D . Slimmo n T. Hutchin s J . Sturroc k L . Fulton
6 S . Longle y 7 D . Hayter
8 J . Hayte r 9 S . Mead e 10 D . Maplestone 11 L. North 12 G . McLachlan (C ) 13 P. Stockdal e 14 C . Roydhous e 15
16 C . Stewart 17 G . de Crespigney 17 J . Kani s 18 S . Chea t 19 A. Lowcoc k 20 A. Davi s 21 J . Hocking 22 P. Sheehan 23 T. Wilcox 24 R . Calno n 24 . S. Russel l 25 D . Sollyy
26 M . Vase y 27 . B . Fricker 28 . 29 . J . Caulloupa s 30 . M . Colema n 31 J . Quil l 32 J . Garnaut 33 L. Twaddl e 34 L. Fishley
35 S . Hasle 36 T. McKinley r 37 A . Lennen
38 M . Peterso n 39 J . Shaw 40 C . Brookes 41 R . Crawfor d 42 M . Holto n 43 S . Ferguso n
44 R . Feathersto n 45 J . Armstrongg 46 M. McKerrow
47 R . McKerro w 48 49 50 H . Nailo n 51 A . Brown 52 A . Terrill 53 R . Versteegen 54 T. Terry 55 T Anderso n 56 T. Birks 57 T. Irvine 58 59 L. Fehrin g 60 61 B . Colema n 62 C. Sophide s 63 B . Holme s Sponsored by: JOHNSON S IGA Liquo r Woodend
he results this week mostly went to form and ladder positions . with the exception of Whitefriars , who handed the woeful Old Paradians an awful hid. and so too ing . The final four has been set in stone has the relegation battle . The interest, though, is at the top end, where positions 2 to 4 are at stake . Review
As usual, the gale was blowing towards that scoreboard end at the beachside 'haven', where Old Brighton continued on their A section way by defeating Collegians by 69 pts . Inaccurate goal shooting stopped the margin being greater . but also a stirring effort in the last quarter by the Lions added some respectability . That man again . Bradley with 10 goals led the way, and was well helped by Dennis and the 'road runner' Jackson . For the Lions, Pollock . Piasente and Unsworth tried hard . The 'local' derby was held out at the tree-lined school in Donvale. where Whitefriars gave Old Paradians the mother of all thrashings by 64 pts . Six goals into the typhoon in the third quarter set up the win for the home side . The away side was, to put it bluntly, shocking. For the winners, Gillan had the hall on a string . and were well supported by the brothers Pawlik (aren't they going well!!) . For the losers. Porteous (5 goals) and Jenkins were the only 2 who were worthy of a mention . The fat lady sang her guts out at Brunswick . where N OBs officially ended Ormond's final's aspirations by 41 pts . Terrible goal kicking by Ormond in the 2nd quarter (1 .7) ended any hopes of a victory . where the home side weathered the storm, and ran away to win easily . Saad (6 goals), Lock and McTaggart were good players for the victors, while Keleher . MeConvill (not him again!) and Stone stood tall in the barrage .
The trip down Springvale Rd for Old Mentonians was an ordinary one . as they were stitched up by that irresistable juggernaut . fi~azenod. by 54 pts . At 3/4 time, the happy campers were facing a big challenge, as the awav side was only 20 pts in arrears, however . the professional and structured approach down at Glen Waverley really kicked in for the last quarter, and trv as the Panthers did (don't they always?), the contest was all over . For the home team, Kelly, Meehan and Dunne showed how much they're enjoying their footy at Mazenod this year with a fantastic showing of discipline to stick to that magical structured game plan . For OMs . Carroll . Vick and Captain Courageous Mullin tried valiantly all day. Finally . De La Salle continued on their winning way at Malvern, when they sent Old Haileybury packing after giving them a belting by 57 pts . An 1 I goal to 3 second half gave OH's coaching staff more headaches, and now gives DLS some real momentum into the last 2 rounds and then into the finals . The Human Preying Mantis Swift . the evergreen Toohey,
and the smallest man in football Bonnici (phew!) were th e stand-outs for the home side . Fletcher. Ash Hilton and Walden were good players for the losing side . Preview At Harry's place, Collegians host the resurgent Whitefriars . Tim Hart has got his charges playing some very competitive footy in the past few weeks, and he will be looking for that to continue . Des Meagher's away side has been playing extremely good footy themselves recently, proving that they are very worthy B section participants in 2001 . Whitefriars were terrific last week, and I believe that they will continue on with their good form today when they comfortably account for the home side by 40 pts . It's the battle of the 'Jeckyl and Hyde Cup' down at McKinnon, where Old Haileybury and Old Paradians lock horns . It has been well publicised by yours truly that Mick Dwyer has been scratching his head in amazement at the chameleon performances of his players this year . Peter Bedford has also been wondering what thoughts go through the heads of the Green and Purples (and he's not the only one!!) . As this is a 'dead rubber', the one thing on the line today is pride . I've decided that I'm not sticking my neck out either way today, and I'm having a bet each way . OH and OP will play a draw !
This week's action at that great, splendiferous, magnificent and beautiful piece of prime real estate, E.E.Gunn, is where Ormond do battle with the sehoolvard bullies in Old Brighton . As I have mentionedJ in previous weeks, Dale Tapping and his charges have been out there plundering B section at will, and sparing no-one in their pursuit of A section . Steve Grace and his players only know too well the fate that befalls them this week if they are not on their mettle . There is no stopping OB at present, not even the thought of playing in 'paradise' will stop their march today and more carnage will be left in their wake when they salute by 45 pts .
The persistent Old Mentonians roll the red carpet to NOBs at Keysborough . After their big win a couple of weeks ago . the home side had the party to end all parties, and Sven Samild has had a devil of a time trying to get his boys to focus on the task at hand . Meanwhile Frank's boys are still eyeing off a top two finish, and theyll need to win today to keel : the momentum going . Unfortunately, the away side will thwart any plans of a party today when they wir by 26 pts . This week's blockbuster will be held out a Malvern, where we see the battle for positions in t De La Salle and Mazenod ifournthelbw The past few weeks have seen that marvellous an(
,,, cll-loved structured game plan of Mazenod's put to ,Ile test, and this time will be no different . Paul r,)oper will have sent Noel Jenkinson (DLS forward ,,,out) a very simple message : find holes in that game ulall! Dave Murray has spent a lot of time putting the ;lnislling touches to this masterpiece, a bit like ~Iichaelangelo did with the Sistine Chapel . Today I h~lieve that the meticulous planning by DLS will pay dividends, and the normally cheerful campers at `.iazenod will be sent home disappointed as the home side will win by 20 pts . ~T°sOO s
?'thitefriars, Old Paradians, Old Brighton, NOBs, Ls Salle .
Old Mentonians - congratulate Grant Ferguson who today plays his 100th game . Joined the panthers in '94 and has proved a great asset both on and off the field, in attack of defence, or strumming his guitar. Well done Ferg and get up forward today so vou can complete the double and boot your 100th ,Oal . old Brighton - congratulates Chris Barrow and Andrew Walsh on reaching 50 games today . They started together in the U 19's and contribute both on and off the field . 100 games to Adam Brown a fast skilful winger. Slightly built with great courage . Well done on your milestone . Paul McMahon 150th today . Former De La Salle player, he has a distin_~uished career with OBGFC, well done and all the best todav . Ormond - congratulates Tim "Statsie" Stewart for becoming the new games played record holder, 271 . 16 years playing, debut in '85 . A Life Member, Clubman of the Year . 9 reserve Grand Finals, 5 reserve Premierships, 6 years reserves captain and 3 reserve B&F's . Currently serving on the Committee and playing good football . Well done form all at OAFC .
Mazenod - congratulate Michael "Moose" O'Hara on playing 150 games . 3 B&F's, senior prem-ship player and a former committee member, Vick is a great clubman both on and off the field . " lone from all at the club .
SENRO-'_S - 22.07 .00 Old B ri Si i ton: 5.3 8 .10 15.16 19.19.133 1.0 2 .2 4.3 9.10.64 Co ll egl~: ;3 : Old Brighton: Bradley 10, McLachlan 3. Pirrie 2, Fitzgerald 1 . white 1 . Dennis 1, Nickas I . Best: Bradlev . Dennis . Jackson . Phelan . Pirtle . Perrv. Collegians : Worley 3. Heneberry 2 . E. Waters 2, Parkin 1, Y. Phillips 1 . Best: Pollack. Piasente.~Unsivorth, A . Farr, Heneberry . Hosfdng. Umpires: Geoff Curran : Neville Boyle (F)• Clive Shipley: John Kelly (G ) Be La Sa lle: 1 .2 5 .5 10.8 16.13.109 Old F.n3leyotny: 2 .5 3 .7 5.11 6 .15.51 De La Salle: Wood 4 . Duggan 3. Johnstone 2. Laracy 2. M . Harber I . Evans . Hvtand 1 . McKenzie 1 . Best: Swift . Toohey. MatmLK . 1 . Maniacs I . D Bonnici . Jackson, Eians . Old Haileybury: Lappage 3. Dowsing 2 . Hanson . Smith . B . Lay, Armstrong. Umpires : 1 . Best : Ftecher Ash Hilron. Walden Rick Lave : Leon Quinn (F). Beornn MeCanhy ; John Robinson (G) Alazenod O .C: 3.1 9.4 11 .6 17 .11 .113 Old Mentonians : 4,3 5.3 8 .4 9.5 .59 RSazenod O.C: Kelly 4 . Pickering 3 . Kavanagh 3, Harrison 2, Lancaster 1 . Morgan 1 . Hose I . Parry I . Dunne 1 . Best: Kelly. Meehan. Dunne . Morgan . Nelson . Rvatr . Old Mentonlans : Bourbon 3 . Autin 2. Dart I . B . Kuratnoto 1 . Z. Kuranwto I . Murphy I . Best : Carroll . Castello . B . Kuranioto, Vick. Mullin. Couzins. Umpitres: Paul Witttington: Sharon Alger (F) . Bob Sew tour: Bob Dunstan (G )
Whltefrlars: 1.2 7 .7 13.7 19.10.124 Old Paradians: 3 .4 4 .6 8 .10 8.12.60 Ntiltetriars: C. Carcigg 8. Hilton 4 . Northey 4 . A. Carbone I . Reidy 1, Pasqualotto 1 . Best: Callan . A. PAwlick. R. Pawlick, Kennedy. C . Carrigg. A . Carbone . Old Paradians : G . Porteous 5 . Stevens 1 . Collins 1 . Best: G . Porteous. Jenkins . Dinttnosante, Szerczuk, Ball. Collins. Umpires: Mark Morrison : Peter Simpson (F) . Andrew Long: Robert Parry (G ) North Old Boys: 2 .4 4.7 9.11 14 .14 .98 Ormond: 2 .3 3.10 5.13 7 .15 .57 North Old Boys: Saad 6 . MeTaggert 3 . Vogets 2. Curry 2, Shine 1 . Best : Lock. M. Maguire . Nulty. MeTaggert . Saad, Vogels . Ormond: Grace 2. Stone 2 . Beckett l . James 1 . Rennnan I . Best : Keleher . McConvili . Stone. Renunan . Sebo . Grace. Umpires: Sitnon Olive : Justin Garrett (F). David Gourlay (B). Ken Cougitlan : Ross Richards (G)
RESERVES - 22.07 .00. Old Brighton: 7.2 12 .10 19.19 22.22.154 0.0 1 .0 1 .0 4.1.25 Co ll egians: Old Brighton: Starch 6. O'Neill 5• Ghniatvt 4, Braise 3 . Talbot 2. Alderson. McLaughlin. Best : ONeill, Brown . Murch. McLaughlin, Talbot, Logan. Collegians: McKenzie 2. Ople• A Smith . Best: A Smith . Cook. White . Brittirr. Horsall, Lynch . Whitefrlsrs: 1 .4 2 .4 5.5 5.7 .37 1 .3 5.5 8.8 9.10 .64 Old Paredians : Whitefriars: Johnson, Andreu,. Ih .dtv. Vernal, Glenn . Best: D Eames. Elliott . Johnson . Maguire. Reid. Wood. Old Psradlar<s: 5 Cloavola 5 . Simpson 2, Lombardi. Bomtdc. Best: Teoze. MP Geary. MB Geary. M CosgrSf. Boundy. Clark . North Old Boys: 3 .0 6.1 10 .1 12 .2 .74 1 .2 4.2 4 .3 8 .8 .58 Ormond: North Old Boys : M Phpland 4 . Posey 2 . Sleep 2. Trenton . D Collins . T Drum. C . McGrath. ',t Ph}'land. Trenton. Pars•sey. Ormond: Phyiand . Best: D CoLins. Ayerbe Brennan 2 . McDonald 2. Dlmada:nsa Courtney. Farrell. Hammond . Best. C Cleary. Herrnuum. Joy. Brennan . Shepherd. Courtney R4axenod O.C: 6.8 14.10 16.12 20.19.139 Old Mentonisrts: 0.1 0 .1 0.3 0 .3.3 Mazenod O.C : McMullin 5 . Morgan 4 . Sharp 3 . McDou•ell 2 . South . Miller. Nussbaum. Dectin. X;'illi;vns. Krom. Best : Pollard, McMullin . Morgan. Detlut. Krom . MeDoa•ell . Old RSentonlsns: Best: M Stroud. Elliott D~st•er. Stephen . clothier, Bra;vn .
De La Sale : Old HHaileybury:
3 .0 8 .2 8.3 13.8.86 3 .0 7.1 11.4 11 .6 .72
Be to Salle : M Evans 3 . Mithen 3 . Clancy 2 . LasW 2 . Hyde . Silvers . Walker. Best : Hyde. lalstni. Elliott . Evans . Butler . Smith. Old HaBeybury: Elstathiou 5 . Brandham 3. Dimond 2. Berns . Best: Efstathiou . Brudar . Smith. O'Donnell. Brandham . Johnston .
Coach : Tim Har t Res . Coach: Anthony Parkin 1 S . Mollard (VC)
Coach: Paul Cooper Res. Coach : Paul O'Dwyer 1 A Moore
N . Florentin e B . Woolhouse (C) G. Palmer (VC ) R . Henebery D. Greeves S . Van De r Veene (RVC) 7 S . Elg
2 3 4 5 5 6
8 N . Beattie 9 T. Hovey 10 S . Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 W. Dal y
14 J . Dixo n 14 D. Warne - Smith 15 Y. Phillip s 16 D . Phillips 17 R . Hosking 18 C . Mollard 19 A . Baxter 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 N . Milat 24 T. Knox 25 C . Unswort h 26 S. Woolley (RC) 27 S . Humphry (VC) 28 N . McCan n 29 A . Kenneally 30 L . Moo n 31 J . Ros e 32 D . Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 M . Britten 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opi e
38 T. Marks 39 N . Hart 40 M . O'Donnell
50 B . Jefferson (VC)
2 M Mercuri 3 B Corin 3 M Butler 4 L Hal l 5 C Swift 6 M Herber 7 C Browne (C) 8 A Mithe n 9 S Hart 10 T Silvers 11 A Evan s 12 D Toohey (VC) 13 A Water s 14 B Hackett 15 J Hodder 16 S Hyland 17 A Elliott 18 J Horn 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 J Doa k
R _. :-1= : . Coach: David Murra y Reserv e : Tony Collins 1 C . Harriso n
2 J . Ballenger 3 B . Devli n 4 A . Hanley (VC) 5 M . Quirk 6 N . Marmo 7 S . Morga n 8 D . Lancaster 9 D . Collins 10 M . O'Hara 11 T. Smith (RC) 12 M . Murray (VC) 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N. Parry 16 J . Kavanagh 17 D . Kelly 18 D . O'Donaghue 19 S . McMulli n
24 J Morel 25 K Rogers 26 S Wood 26 E Williams 28 N Herber 29 M Joyce 30 B Mannix 31 A Flowerday 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 D King
34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 38 R Ford 39 M Goodier 40 P Harrison 40 A Johnstone 41 D Spithill 42 D McInerney 43 L Borella 44 X Clancy 45 D Lambe 46 P Bowden 47 S Laska 48 D Smith 49 L Walker 50 J Lowe 51 M Evans 52 A McKenzie 53 J La Ragy 54 C Hyd e 54 S . Vavallo 56 R Beattie 58 C Worsteling 59 T Fisher 60 B Hoy 61 C Buick 62 J Hosking 63 C McGergor 64 B McMahon 65 C Hyd e 70 M Duggan
20 C . Murray 21 S . Polan 22 D . Ryan 23 A . Tucker 24 B . Nisbe t
25 A . Pickering (C) 26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 A. McIntyre 32 S . Paolucci 33 A . Quin n
34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkin s 36 G . Miller 37 L . Morgan 38 P. Nelson 39 C . Poletti 40 C . Dickenson 41 B . Bell 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D . Gran t 44 S . Garbellini 45 B . Meehan 46 B . Hobbs 47 A. McDowell 48 C . Williams 49 L . Halvy (RVC) 50 D . Carte r 51 G . Hanegraf 52 N . Nussbaum 53 D . Linden 54 B. Leggett 86 R . Fos s
NTH -'-
,. Coach : Frank Dunneli
Res. Coach : Darren Caddy 1 . D .Wilkinso n
2 . D .Waters 3 . T.Waters 4 . S .Slee p
5 . B .Devine (RC) 5 . D.Sken e 6 . N.Vogels 7 . P.Boot h 8 . B.Collison (C) 9 . L .Curry (DVC) 16 .S . McGrath 11 . G .Collins 12 . S .Lock 13 . T.Halpin 14 . D .Kingham 15 . J Talbot 16. D .Collins 17 . M .Maguire 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.0'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23. P.O'Dwyer 24 . J .Barker 25 . GPhyland 26 . S .Smit h 27 . W .PvlcTaggart 28 . tvi .Nult y 29. D .Boyer 30 . M .LeIgh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M .Phyfand 33 . M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35. M .Carney 36. D,Tonkin (VC) 37, S .Mikunda 39 . R .Maguire 38 . M .Amor 40 . C .Phyland 41 . N Tonkin 42.P.Pesavenko 43, D .Zacek 44 . M .Drum 45 . B .Pawsey 46 . N .Goonan 47 . J .Barlow 48 . P.Daniels 49. A .Stone 50 . T.Dru m 51 . S .Fitzpatrick 52 . N,Sanders 53 . T.Ayerbe 54 . A .Trimboll 55. D .Scicluna 56 . P.Arnold 57 . C.Blaine 58 . J .Gurr y
Proudly Sponsored by :
Somh ktelboume
SKILLED Your Flexible Workforce
60 . D .Moore 61 . F.Lync h 62. A .McKenzieMcHaig 63 . S .Dixo n 64 . G .tvluir 65 . S .Sarong 67 . R .Whitnish 68 . K.Watson 71 . J.Presti 77 . S .Trenton 78 R. Christie 79 D Kel d
Coach : Dale Tapping Res . Coach : Brad Berry 1 A . Kryzwniak 2 A . Pirtle 3 C . Barrow 4 M . Talbot 5 N . Perry
6 S . Alderso n 7 B . Logan (VC) 8 M . Gadsden 9 S. Lennox 10 M . Dennis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H. Bickett 13 R . Ken t 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC) 16 W. Earl 17 A . Rickarby 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S. Gadsde n 20 A. McLachlan 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neill 23 L. Holt 25 S . Nikas 26 A. Cooper 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Murch
30 A. McLaughlin 31 A. Bristo w 32 G . Earl 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C . Stewart 36 B. Pollock 38 J . Raj u 39 A . Ginnavin 40 B . Patterson 41 J . Murchie 42 P . McMahon 43 B . Parnham 44 A . Brown 45 S . Fox 46 M . Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R . Boxer 49 A . Ginnavin 50 D . Hsiau 51 M . Fisher 52 K. Lynch 53 D . Strachan 57 M . Moon 61 A . Walsh 62 A . Lynch 63 S . Davie s
. . . , . . ._ . _ ._ r Mick Dwyer Coach: Wayne Moss
C . Home 2 D . Connell 3 R . Keina (DVC) 4 S . Langford-Jones 6 A . Bruda r 6 W. Smith 7 Adam Hilton (C)
. Hasset t 8 D . Lamber t 9M i0 C. Efstathio u 11 D. Warnes 12 N . Hanson 13 B . Harrop A . Forsyt h 15 N . Biggs 16 P. O'Donnell 16 B . Langford-Jones 17 Ash Hilton 18 C. Jayasekera 19 M . Armstong D . Elliott 21 A. Jenke 22 D . Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 A. Ross 25 G . Rowlands (RC) 26 J . Bell 27 P. Dimond 28 S. Walden (VC) 29 B. Carso n 30 A. Wh ite 31 D . La y 32 B. Mitchell 33 L . Floy d 34 P. Langford-Jones
(RVC ) 35 D . Lappage 36 B . Lay 37 A . Dowsing
38 P. Wright 39 R . George 40 B . Johnston 41 S . Saunders 42 S . Rowlands
43 C . Pountney 44 M . Wray 45 T. Hilton 46 R . Brandham 47 T. Barker 48 A . Pound 49 G . Finlayson 50 R . Ladd 51 M . Thiele 52 A . Shepherd 53 N . Hil l 54 T. Earney 55 L. Byrns 56 C. Moyle 57 R . Mitchell 58 S . Dave 59 A . Floyd y
60 J . Robertson 2 61 B . iWater 6 . Dowl sng 63 D . Moss 64 J . Miller
.. __ _
; _ . ._ . _
Coach : Sven Samild Res Coach: Craig Davis
Coach: Peter Bedford Res . Coach : Damian Carroll
Coach: Steve Grace Res. Coach : Craig Tonkin
Coach : Des Meaghe r Res Coach: Brian Grill s
1 A Acreman 2 C Lean 3 B Murphy (VC) 4 D Carroll 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterson 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newton 9 G Pride 10 B Kuramoto
1 S . Vincent (C)
1 D Mabbett 2 D Beckett
1 R Pasqualott o 2 M Bateman (VC) 3 M Carbone (C ) 4 5 M Robinso n 6 C Housto n 7 N Cunningha m 8 A Davi s 9 C Maguire 10 A Pawli k 11 R Reidy 12 R Pawli k
11 D Solley
12 C Dwver 13 A Palmer 14 K Campbel l 15 C Davi s 16 D Nock 17 N Linford 18 T Bournon (VC) 19 D . Kitto
20 S Mullin (C) 21 S . Ingram 22 P Harrington 23 A . Drinan 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G. Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 M Brook s 31 M Elliott 32 N . Hollow 33 H Samild 34 P Flaski s 35 T. McNish 36 DJ . Alexande r 37 M . Francis 38 D Milli s 39 T Riley. 40 M Manx
41 S Cozens 42 H Maso n 43 M Lewes
44 B Clothier 45 M . Kenned y 46 D Mills 47 Ferguson 48 J . Webb 49 C . Mackay 50 G Richards 51 L Stephen 52 A. Oxiand 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantin e 56 S . Watch
57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 59 G Lucas 60 S . Flaskis 61 B . Samil d 62 R . Ball 63 M . Jone s 64 M . A ust in 65 T. Sobey l Sobey 6 7 66 P.M . Meve 68 S . Bainbridge 69 N . King
2 P. O'Loughlin
3 D . Stevens 4 M . Wood 5 M . Ha rford 6 MP Geary 7 P. Cosgrif f 8 A . Sinclai r 9 J . Collins 10 P. Brabender {VC} 11 A . Burns 12 J . Hollan d 14 B . Brabender 15 B . Dintinosante 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 18 G . Porteou s 19 John Swindon 20 M . Szewczuk 21 A. Farrell 22 S . Ciavola 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A. Heffernan 26 M .B . Geary 27 A. Jenkins 30 B. Richardson 31 J . Lucas 33 P. Harris 34 B. Gallowa y 35 M . Gale 36 S. Swindon 37 JM Swindon 38 D . Tooze 39 D . Loney 40 C . Seckiold 41 D . Watson 42 R . Murray 43 A . Swindon 44 M . Joyce 47 N . Ball 48 E . Nayef 49 M . Hildebran d 51 A . Baker 52 M . Ryan 53 B . Atkin 56 A . Sacco 57 J . Muir 59 L. Baker 60 B . Henry 61 C . Watso n 62 V . Perry 64 C . Price 65 A. Jakowenko
74 L. Brown
75 S . Maloney
4 A Grace 5 B Turner 6 D Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M Miller (DVC) 9 S Grace 10 D Scan lon 11 D Robbins 12 N Sebo 13 B Stone 14 S James 15 S Naughto ghtonn 16 T Stewa rt (RC)
17 P Joy 18 W Bloc k 19 D Cleary (RVC)
20 M McConvill (C ()) 21 J Brown 22 R Block 23 T Ashford 24 M Abrahams 25 J Dale 26 L Livingstone 27 T Brennan 28 B Collins 29 N Courtney 30 N Well s 31 H Black 32 R Presser 33 M Shepher d 34 R Remman (VC) 35 G Bailey 36 S Mackey 37 A Guzzo
38 S Herrmann 39 A Orr 40 Y Dimadamos 41 J . Kooletra 42 C Keleher 43 L . D'Astoli 44 M Mabbett 45 J . Keleher 46 C Cleary 47 C . Cooper 48 G Smith 49 M Horsfield 50 M. Heffernan 51 S . Shuttleworth 52 S . Sonneman 53 G Hammon d 54 S . Rajki 55 T. Carman 56 M Farrel l 58 M Collins 59 P Konstanty 60 G Ritchi e 58 A Kukuljan 73 A . Strauch
13 T Hughes 14 T Carrig g 15 P Campbell
16 B Va~i(VC} 17 A Carbone 18 C Fulto n 19 T Hilton 20 D Mcauliffe 21 B Pha n 22 D Vandenboom 23 24 R Mika 25 D Rei d 26 C Rya n 27 M Northe y 28 C Eames 29 A Glen n 30 M Powe r 31 M Duffy 32 B Winc h 33 M Verna l 34 D Gloufchev 35 C Law 36 D Nola n 37 D Sulliva n 38 C Carrigg 39 K Kenned y 40 A Thwaites 41 C O'Conno r
42 P O'brie n 43 N Elliott 44 B 0'conno r 45 M Leste r 46 G Johnso n 47 M Nolan 48 J Treyvau d 49 C Andrew s 50 J Houston 51 L Eame s 52 P Hassle r
53 C Wood 54 S Gilla n 55 S War d 56 R Murray 57 J Mcfarlane 58 J Gibbon s 59 S Clifford 60 B Sinclair 61 C Moloney 62 63 64 J Ciardull i 65 D Eames Sponsored by :
70 J . Vic k 71 N . Flinos
72 R . Salazar 73 J . Anderson
3 P Gleason
o couple of interestin4gswb~~t ~ly settled with onlgy p . results . The To actual finishing positions now to be .decided Hampton e Beaumaris appear hkely, to finish on top Rovers ulll finish 4th and the Therry unit and th
k ackas ar . At the other end oftteefscalehone~t~ icl thin e c h a n that BT are safe but one just never knovs the O~ do still give themselves a chance .
in the REVIEW to half time p it was a pretty even contest u blustery conditions down at Da% ne~ r side able to by 3 3 points at the main break eau~~,;V set up their establish ascendancy victory withthe a terrific effort intoors theand windkeepingthe in the championship qtrmter by kicking 3 ma}amere procession . Frorn there it was Rovers goalless came home with a wet sail kickine{ as the Sharks p layv 10 in the final stanza to in the end record a . Mitch Barrow was outstandings ty convincing victory especially early when the pressure wa on Beaumaris , he w as ably supported by big Michael Mahzllick
anti the ~ -.~t~players i n the first half . Not real-l ref eompei ~e, it much in it up til then as usual the Bullthey were o rerpowered by the +, but in the second half ortunity to try and . Ajax ha strong Ajax unit svho took the opprcentage P dbuilonthersavg many Dukes31a10s alon~dirzithi1theelceri reli 1e nof f Ga mb ,~rrobei and 1R'eisler made it very hard or DDuzcnha BT who were well served by Dean klatthews, . t?d .Thompson and Prior For about the fourtline h~ first quartpr and h were blown out of the park virtually quarter time it was virtually all over . T~ierT3 le of controlled the play all day wichstood a coup e bursts from the Two Blues but stuck to the,, gam rules to record a pretty comfortable plan and team ill tand then' i n good on BOGf in his i victory l sh th saw eek SMi k Goodr~ eb ~his (Well 200th game fo£ ;~drbnd kiclDmg 6TBHeowtaqIl well everything Up Rick Bannister around the ground an supported by Mick Tadinac was strong thedpe .rformHgePof Tun N were pretty hapP : Murphy who kept try i `ng all da y .
who keeps on impro~1g' klar{DQi gthe back hal f e b tter than John Benn} Ivieholson were very good while for the Rovers none wer Zampaglione, big chief battled rlettY v ll toot as usuat ' - big games today at both ends of and young Lawrence plav laved p retty comfort A eou le,of really 13edes Mentone Tigers had ataofi a1say fro m St the scale. welcome Ivanhoe ~u~ptrr'n te Ivanh®e'~s~r~p lest . able victory over old Park Geelong Como in a game they must will to have an ark . home . I~onetheat tm~es certainly h had each bit of sp chance of surviving, They would have week, been buoyed b} while thF and the game great opening quarter of last d performance their improve dwort the ually game led as proceedings Hoes appear to have dropped a bit of their tenacity°o ~dr gra . This and coupled with the fact de o tip that the it is Mat spanned out Matt MeCros triShafic Bell,iReob late p picking up about 35 to{'n o e~ber ,olt sWilThe Parsons, Tinnily Beasley and Sam Hecker with . Wit Tigers gmake the vtrel~a~r twins were also fine contributors for the gPeteroo Tiges Chris Park still with a slight chance of slipping in to th d Lee they must win today . The , for thh,To e four but for this to happen " sre"tty ; allr Pr Jaekas honest who also inm n keriaand Dori eVhalk~as will certainly keep the will to stay in a fMe, ew rlrlaVe s back attthe righohml Hoes . e very much marred by the blustery con advantage has me t4 III a gasn l spirit chance . Getting pround e ground ; over Ajax so thisbut anda hom ditions Glen Lira score d e who show da lotlmoore! at ping them result the other way would not sit , 0 aw dip it the old Geelong than in previous weeks and aherebitit prise . Toorak pal s arid sGle n especially uP to half time great 3rd quarter a be another beautyt The Sainte' .The Sainters set it up with . Good players for Frahr ppromise close in -,vital r victory . Massis, O'Donnell, kicking away to set up thei won pretty well at h1eimmensel~since then at the Sainters were Mark Tkocz . For Old Geelong Two Blues have improved o to be hard to toss . Astapenko, Oldham and Sheedy . with Harn~{~ on their home ground are gom° n d I aivson Matt Wilson in game 99 was great with apologies to Messrs Beddoe a I' with McGuiness, Higgins and Middleton also being p going for my old cll~ tov e await a flamptoTr Rove Buileen-Tezng good . Swirling conditions seemede tv tough focboth the day and this made the going p
down on a bit of form and confidence at th e nt . They have a fair distance to travel but _ If Barnes is an experienced campaigner i n times of adversity, and I'm pretty sure he will voung Rovers fired for a big one which wil l L them home against a depleted Bulleen unit . And so to Banksia Reserve where Beaumaris and 1- herry clash in what promises to be the match of the .,>ason to date . Not much between them the first time , in wet conditions out at Therry . Since then the Sharks have had a couple of minor stumbles while Therry have taken all before them and have nonchalantiv gone about their business to be now challenglg for top position . Have a great game plan Therry and they stick to it so Beauy will have to be right on' lleir game to take the points but the lure of top spot -id its advantages during a finals series will be -tough to get Beatty home . Home ground advantage ill also play a big part . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Another full book boys . Well done . Only two weeks to go for some of you so keep up the efforts . Don't forget the numbers 9-553 1561 is the phone or f^- at home, the e-mail is brainco<drlntusnet..e€am .au and the mobile is 0412 213 5 :1 .
2 .7 7.9 13 .13 16 .15.111 Glen Eira : 2.0 5.3 6 .6 10 .12 .72 Old Geelo n Glen Elea : U Doo . Ast_.. :it;o 3. Tlturst'ic!d . 0.?eGaiv. Tkocz. R~~tr. . DnnOtdha* tz. O Dotmetl. Astapenko . Oldham. Thursfeld . 91':dson 3. Higgins, 14aIlLs-Smith . Vickers-Wttlis. Sheedv. Old Cslr e 61s. McInnes. Middleton . Jaugier'is . Stevens . J ;}'O-son . ".. st: Umpires: Trent F( Ivsnhoe A+ .:: 1 .2 4.5 5 .7 12 .11 .83 7.6 11 .8 15 .15 23 .15.153 St EcQes : .: ~-: cattis 3 . Frew 2. Doherty. Maud. Narktewicz, Ivanho° .' FI};m. G__~. . Dohertv. Cti'rzan . Lee . Tucker. St Bedea Meat . Tig. : S He<'~., . iipwell 3. Ktng~vell 3. L talnde 3. T Beasley. elL J Tornlinson . Hecker. P Wurtle. P arsons. Sten:art. Pc McCraw . Umpu~:i. Paul Lamble (F ) 17.18,120 merry Penola: 7.7 10 .10 13 .15 10.9.8 8 Praluen: 1 .2 3 .2 4 .4 Therry Penola : 6i ( . yuvo 3, C Bannister 2 . Castaldi . Clarke. Henderson . Nance-. ~ur . . .. ..oc Best : 5f Goodwin . R Munster. Tadutac. C Barui9ster. EdFVr,.,,_. He . .. -- ....n: :.lurphy 2 . Pern-2 . Rhcdes 2. Beer 2 . A Pitts. : : Daniel h',arrjott. Best ; Murphy. Pre. C_nc=. tVa;ord . Gallagher. A Pitts. Umpires Hailmell: Peter Janes (F) Hampton Rovers : 3.1 5 .3 5.6 7.6.48 Besu: is: 1 .1 4 .6 7.9 17.13.115 Hamp ..,n Rovers: A4fimott 2. t4tl1s. Puceila. Holt, Flahtve . Busby. Best : Zar.i me . Fletcher. Hobson, LauTence. Holt . VJtlmotL BearmtarLn : Mills 7. Holt 2 . B 2 . Buller 2. Jury. L Gibson . Bnce. Ptvlpott . Best : Barrow. iSllls. Vlahdtek. Holt. -cs. Ensor. Umpires: Richard Easncaod: Robert Sneddon {Fl . Kirsty Pay : Alex Th p4n (B). Vin Vesca.i. Greg Richards (G] Bulteen Templestoae: 2 .1 3 .4 4.8 5.8.38 AJAX: 4 .2 8.6 10.10 17.14 .118 BuIleen Tempieatove : Young 2. Alesertder . McLaren. Chners . Best : ;lfattherss . . Girnrr. Lambropoulos . Snuth. AJAX: Rajch 4. Katitski 3 . Kalb 2 . Prior. Tullueh Dukes 2. Duzenman 2 . Wet>ler. Redlich . Bock. Konskw. Best: Duzetmtiazt . Halphen . Gold. 19etsler . Dukes. Redlich. Umpires : Craig Brajtberg : Paul Dinneen (F )
RESERVES - 22.07 .00
Geelon; - ( : ii,iratulate -,"-,t who 1a ;, plays his 100th game for the club agains t I%anhoe Assumption . .,'all who lives in Geelong Colnmutes twice a week up to the big city a true sign of his dedication to his club . He is a State Rep has been Ace-Captain of his club has filled in as captain and u a great leader and personality around the place . `,'rell done Matt from all at the Oggers have a great clay today and hopefully we can bring home the 4 ,-oints for you to celebrate with tonight . AJAX - congratulations to Danny Gunn who played his 150th last week . Danny was a member of he 99 premiership team and has given great service to the Jackas . All at the club hope to see "Goose" around for many years .
Glen Eira : 1.2 4 .7 4 .7 6.12.48 Old Geelong: 3.3 3 .5 5.7 5.7.37 Glee Eira : Dt.anrond 2 . Tsajjiotis 2, Wilson, Lewin . Best: Mascalt. Tsaglia0s. Broiem. Dec, Egan. Dunte%7e . Old Geelong:Ptasman 2. Hw.'ells. Hyams. htalpas. Best : Taylor. Thorn . L:vidale. Boer. Harrington . Broadbent . Ivanhoe rLssumption: 4 .2 4 .5 4.7 5.8.38 2 .2 6.7 7.12.54 St Bede ; &Yent . Tig.: Ivanhoe ASsnmption: 69cCrohan 2, Ebbapr. Rlutehead . Thacklvray . Best : E .3in=:eather. Sloan . St Bedes Ment. Tig .: T Healy . J Sc`r. Shr :'. sorth. Young . F Waters 2. T,p:er 2 , .upero 2 . M1i Heck- Best: Dtektnson . Hecker . Harrbigton . . MarshWaters 7.7 8.11 9.12 .66 Therry Penola : 2 .5 Pratvan: 2.0 3.2 5 .4 9.4 .58 Them Penoln : Thrush 4 . Swindon . J Van Engelen. D Gmdwnt . Crafty. Garotti . Bob. tt4iykes . LaFontaure. Elliott .Westott 24 Garetu. J Van Enplen. Prafu'an: Decarteret 3. H Pitts 2. KIDeen . Steeart. Woods, Croise. Best: Crawe. Miller . Data. tGaisom. Dawson, Woods. Hempton Rovers: 5.1 7.1 8.11 9 .12 .66 Bezumsris: 2.0 5.3 7 .3 8 .5 .53 Hempton Rovers: Chasten 4 . Quon 2. Sine 2 . Buckley. Zuker. Best: Chasten . Power. Earle . State. Apnntis . Hrunphries . Beaumaris: Spence 2 . Vance 2. Blackie . Gra°es . B Stevens, M OBrien . Best : M O'Brien. Groves. Spence-Bailey. B Stevens . B Grav. N McLean . Bull een Templestowe : 2.1 5.4 7 .5 12 .7.79 AJAX : 5.2 8 .3 12 .7 14 .7.91 Bulleen Templestose : McKenzie 3. Welsh 2 . Homirth 2 . Meadows . Todd. Eusrog I . R R'1lliatns. Batty. Best : McKenzie . Todd. Darby. Robertson . A Paris. Stott . AJAX: Buckety 4 . Basist 3, Sharp 3. Rttterman. Godleufllz. Goldenfeui. Bloom . Best: Bram. J Fe!dntan . Sharp . S.unuel. Buekely. Jartower.
Coach : Wayne Carmen Res Coach : David Marks
Coach: Jim Durnan Res Coach : James Whitla
1 J . Wrobel 2 A . Kalinsk i 3 B . Davi s 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Ra'ch 1 6 D. Kalb 7 N. Gold 7 G . Samuel 8 A. Krongold 10 G . Dules 11 M . Weister 12 J . Basist 13 A. Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 N . Gold 16 M . Konsk y 17 A. Cuklerman 18 J . Kirzner 19 L . Pyke
I N . McLean 2 S . Nish 3 A. Mckenzie
19 M . Halphen
20 B . Lewski 21 D . Gelbari 22 D . Mohr 23 A. Bensimon 24 J . Sharp M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 L . Levi n 28 P. Walvisch
29 D . Marks 30 N . lsraelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 D . Janover 33 A . Boc k 34 D . Gun n 35 S. Rot h 36 J. Segal 37 A . Mordech 38 J. Bram 39 B . Klein
40 A . Redlich 41 J. Snow 42 D . Bugalski 43 Y. Shein 44 L . Pyk e 45 D . Wellitzer 46 J. Feldman 47 D . Chas 4$ M . Buckle y 49 A . Godlowicz
50 J . Rockman 51 N . Diamond 52 53 T 54 55 P. Naphtali 56 57
J . Mage e 4 J . Blac k
4 M . Smith 5 M . Ensor 6 A. Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 J . Mead 9 B. Nicholson 10 A. Ladd 11 M . Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 L McNicholas 13 S . Wilson
14 L . Butler 14 D . Drew 15 N . Craven 16 M . Quin 17 D . George 17 B . Stevens 18 N . Kennedy 19 N . Atkins 20 R . Gow 21 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt 23 A . Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D . Teesdale
26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin 30 T. Reoin 30 R . Corfield 31 L. Gibson 31 A . Spence
r" .= E P -
- :1 , TOW E Coach: Paul Nigro
Res Coach : David Hoope r 1 J Prior 2 GAlexander 3 S Young 4 WThom son 5 M Agrotis 6 PGraham (DVC) 7 P Robertson 8 N Bone 9 C Parris 10 P George 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch (VC)
14 D Cooper 15 B Wolnizer
16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 22 G McLaren (C)
23 D Mathews 24 T Agosta 25 26 S Boyd 27
28 C Mutimer 29 P Bone 30 D Williams
70 S . Boon 71 A . Lewin
93 M . Feldy D . Frid
7 A . Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 B . Boy d 10 B . Holt 1 1 J . Zampaglione 12 R . Dunbal l 13 G . Woods 14 J . Cunningham 15 M . Flahive
25 M .. Dave y 26 Sam Wills (VC) 27 A . Quon 28 A. Vos s
23 B . O ' Donnel! 24 B . Mascal i
25 P. Dynon 26 N. Dymon d 27 R. Gilmor e 28 C . Kernic k 29 D . Dunlevie 30 31 32 M . D 'Zilva 33 A. Sheed y 34 35 36 37
41 D. Emerson
60 A Eidsvogel
5 B . Marly n 6 L. Grange r
46 A Humphrey 47
65 66 Y. Field
3 D . Busb y 4 S .. Anderson (C)
16 D. Marshall 17 D . Ariz (VC) 18 P. Adam s 19 M . Lawrence 20 A . Power
39 S . Potts 40 J . Verashaka 42 J .lanzano 43 A . Kendall 44 D . H . Gibson 45 A . Thomas 46 D . Speakman 47 J . McKenzie 49 J . Bryce 50 I . Bennett 59 A . Rowbury
HA M P ~'~g g Coach: Russell Barne s Res Coach : David Rogerson I J . Lang 2 M . McKella r
14 M . Weilgos z 15 M . Broa d 16 P. Rogers 17 18 A . Wilc e 19 L. Gova n 20 A . Diamond 21 P. Jone s
38 A . O'Brien
32 S . Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 Q . Groves 35 N . Bocto r 35 B . Ferguson 36 A . Blackie 37 B . Philpott
61 S . Czarny 62 63 64
13 G . Brown
39 40 L. Doolan 41 D . Boyd 42 J . Dunlevi e 43 M . Jones 44 S. Diamond 45 46 47 P. Slifk a
32 M . Matulick
67 68
60 J . Weinberg
1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassar 5 A . Tsiro ianni s g 6 C . 0 ' Donnell 7 S . Vamvakas y Wilson 8 g H D . Batt 10 G. Richard s 11 T. Rossiter 12 B . Kin g
31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 38 S James 39 T Franklin 40 41 L Cessari o 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 45
49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 51 M Sund 52 J Gunn 53 C Catano 54 S Dowlan 55 56 M Tuomy 57 D Bone 58
58 59 D . Goldfein
GLE N ERA Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach: Phil Jones
49 50 ut 52 53 54 55 L . McGa w 57 58 59 60 61 M . Tkocz
21 22 23 24
S . Fanning T. Wilmott S . Helliger C. Scarlett
29 M . Fletcher 30 W . Earle 31 T. Pucell a
32 David Anderson 33 M. Lak e 34 B. Hoare 35 R . Bulme r 36 S . Blick 37 R . Hunt 38 J . Humphries 39 M. Crawford 40 S. Foste r 41 J . Dwyer 42 K. Chaston 43 L . Dallas
44 B. Johnstone 45 A. Mason (RC) 46 B. Sime 47 J . Fetterplace 48 T. Lync h 49 M. Flyn n 50 P. Apinitis 51 Scott Wills 52 B. Hebard 53 E .Zuker 54 P. Buckley 55 W. Climes 56 S . Warhurst 57 J. McBride 58 D . Hobson 59 B . Ari z
60 S . Baskett
INTERNATIONAL PTY L T( Suite 2, 41 B Biuft Rd Black Rock. 3193 Ph : 9589 6444
AUST. PTY. LTD 26 Govan St, Seaford, 3 Ph : 9782 4300 wsâ&#x20AC;˘rw.hamptonrovers .cor
9WANH速E/ ASSUM P TION Coach: Dom Valkanis Res. Coach: Peter Curtin
S. Conley R . Armstrong ?. L . Hull-Brown C . Tucker (C) 4, T. O'neill
5, J . Scoble 6, T. Healy 7, P. Rawley 8. J. Shuttleworth 9. E . Heal y i0, p. Lee 11 . J. FinlaYson B . Finlayson 13. S . Narkiewicz 14. P. Flynn (VC) 15. J . Curtin 15. F. Falcone 16. M . Scuderi 17. B . Giles 18. T. Scoble 19. D. Wood 20. D. Sarto r 21 . L. Blackwood 22. R . Angelini 23. D . Ryan 24. B . Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26 . S . Fairweather 27 . K.Smith 28 . J . Pace 29 . G . King 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D . Mcfarlane 32 . L . Pearce 32 . S.ConlaY 33 . S. Mcgowan 34 . B . Joyce 35 . P. Whitehead 36 . C . Zeegers 37 . C . Giankilidis 38 . H . Young 39 . M . Ebbag e (RC)
40 . P. Martin 41 . C. Mcdonald 42. P. Murphy 42 . T. Timms 41 G . Sullivan 44 . A . Pace 45. J . Raywood 46, M . lacouangelo 47. S . Warren 48 . R. Toogood 49 . A Rosenfeld (RVC) 50. D. Jacka 51 . D. Pearce 52. S . Doherty (VC 53 . E . Sullivan 57. M . Evans 68 . J . Mazzocca 78 . C. Brown 88 . N . Dykes 99 . G . Robertson
. .-
.. :
Coach: Tony Morwood Res Coach : Scott Harrington
Coach : Tony Free Res Coach: John Ross 1 D . Gallagher (C)
1 2 D. Salte r 3 4 C . Stinchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 P. Middelton 7 J . Paul 8 T. Seymour g J . Wilson 10 T. Brain 11 M. Javgieti s 12 N . Power 13 H . Mclnnes 14 K . Hendratta 15 S. Bingley 16 S. Edge 17 M . Wilson 18 J. Power 19 A . Salter 20 M . Fisher 20 G Coldwell 21 A . Landale 22 J . Taylor 23 S . Higgins 24 . R . Marriott 25 L. Wilson 26 . J . Foley 27
2 L. Nyko 3 T. Murphy 4 M . McCallum 5 H . Pitts (RC) 6 A. Daly 7 S . P ang 8 A. Bevan 9 A. Bunnett 10 B. Hodgson 11 A. Pitts (VC)
28 . A Farrar 29
28 K . Watford
30 N. Kemp 31 D . Varley 32 J . Wallace-Smith 33 S. Lansdell 34 H . Borbank 35 D . Mclnnes 36 D . Mclnnes 37 38 D . Bolton 39 H . Gretton-Watson 40 J . Malpas 41 S . Rowan 42 R . Brown
43 A . McKay 44 M. McCarthy 45 D . Taylor 46 S . Milne-Pott 47 M .Avery 48 T. Chirnside 49 J . Carty 50 J . Landy 51 L. McDonald 52 J . Morley 53 J . Calvert 54 J .Legoe 55 Q. Wallac e 56 W. Abbott 57 M . lacuone 58 I . Wheal 59
60 R. GudYkunst 63 T. O'Brien 64 65 75 S . Harrington
12 M . Bee r 13 C . PerryY
14 M . Eastham 15 S. Birch 16 A. Rhodes (DVC) 17 D . Howarth 18 P. Dawson 19 S . Campbell 20 D . Decarteret 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N . Roberts 23 G . Walsom 24 A . Corboy 26 T. St Clair 27 W. Pye 29 J . Goodlet 30 M . Scicluna 31 J . Belcher 32 C . Miller 33 C . Henshal l 34 G . Rooney 35 B. Gallia
36 J . Crowe 38 R . Thomson 39 A. Power 40 T. McAdie 41 M . Warland 42 5 . Altschwa9e r 43 S . Oliver 44 C . Blight
45 M . Vagg 46 M . year 47 P. Buhner 49 L . Wood 50 N . Gill 51 I . McGarry 53 A . Rolfs 54 A . Garvi e 55 L. Aitken 56 C . Cooper 57 P. Hawkes 58 M . Kurban 59 'M . Wri ht 61 J . Ro ss 62 J . Killeen 63 R . Marriott 64 M Erdem 65 D . Villani 66 S. Lynch 69 N . Wallmeyer
~7 BEDE S " . .
. . . P TI GE R S
Coach : Peter Geddes Res Coach: Tim Lamb
1 M Kinsella 2 L Wintle 3 J Sebire 4 A L'H uillie r 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 N Owen 8 A Roberts 9 J Cunningham 10 C Ross 12 C Stewart 13 D Goodchild 14 P Lannan 15 D Johnston 16 P Wintle 17 T Macgeorge 18 T Giaquint a 19 B Tomlinson 20 J Drury 21 D Spencer 22 P Johnson 23 D Napier 24 T Beasley
25 5 Boot h 26 5 Hecker 27 5 Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 33 5 Zaki c 34 C 35 B Meyer Silos 36 A Gang
37 M Connolly 38 P Carroll 39 C Tesoriero 40 C Johnston 41 D Thompson 42 D Diggins 43 B Smith 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gome z 47 D Vidovic 48 C Mizzi 49 J Sanders 50 5 Kidd 51 N Zomer 52 S Bell 53 L Porter
54 M McCraw 55 L McHugh 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 J Doubara s 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 62 M Ubert i 63 T Waters 64 J Harrington 65 P Sgarioto 66 R Parsons 67 A Hipwell 68 B Beasley 69 J Tomlinson 70 G Davies 71 A Drury i Hecker 73 M Kik
74 D Youn g 75 P Fedderson
Coach : John Toohey Res . Coach: Chris Bye 1 Petrevski M(DVC)
2 Finnigan M (C) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M
5 Sacco J 7 B a nnister S 8 Hollow L
11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 17 O'K eefe S
18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 O ' Neill D 22 Griggs S 23 Bye C 24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 27 Stevens B 28 O'Kearney M 29 Dorian P 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J (RC ) 33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S 36 O 'Shea T
37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M 39 BoyleS(VC )
40 Garoni P (RVC ) 41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M 46 Lucas C 47 Goodwin D 48 Courts G 49 Whykes B 50 Mills A 51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R 54 Christofoli M 55 Garoni M 57 Weston D 58 Altanhan 0 60 Melia D 61 Scuilli B 6 6 Culph M 68 Swinden A 70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G 95 Hill M 96 Redden S 97 Goodwin S 100 Loiudice J
111 Baron D
411T~T ~
227 McKinnon Road McKinno n
316 Malvern Road Prahran
Telephone : 957 :
LA TROI~E U NIVERSIT , MEDICAL ChN' Level 1, Cnr Plent j Road and Kingsbu y Drive Bundoora Telephone : 9473 "_ `.,": MELWAY S
MEI :,,째,r'_ _ , . 68 EA-L !
19 F6
~ HRS : 8arn-8prn Weekdays 9~+m-7pm `~-~.,.turdays
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
HRS : 8am-Spm Weekdays 3-6pm Sat . / Sun .
Telephone : 9770 2343
Telephone : 9725 24, :-
HRS : 9am-7pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturday s
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekda,.s 9am-7pm Sat . liam-6pm Sun .
AL,`~ P_~ _ 1 3 WE
ALPHINGTON ALPHINGTON SPORTS MEDICINE CLINI C 339 Heidelberg, Road Northcot e Telephone : 9481 5744 MELWAY S 3 0 J12 HRS :8 .30am-8 .30pm Weekdays 8 .30am-12 .30pm Saturdays
330 High Street Ashwoo d
Cnr Doherty's Road an Grieve Parade, Altona North
Telephone : 98 85 89 61
Telephone : 9369 2444
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-lpm Saturdays
Action from last week's A :-b oudeftâ&#x20AC;˘ e eetian match between St . Bernards 'a C and old Trinity . prepares -e Pight : Jarrod Bradley ta put through one of his 10 goal s , . t week against Collegians. ren t ft: Caulfield Grammarians Bwee k is under pressure last !airast Oakleigh AFC. s : VAFA Photographer Garry Sparke
. 15
~mE T~ ~~ A .â&#x20AC;˘++T~'~
~r, c(,n~roni i cn nnnn
So the music stopped and the Blues grabbed Banyule's chair, maybe now we have our season 2000 finalists ! LAST WEE K Caulfield Gr. had a regulation win against Oakleigh with the Fields just too strong in most positions . Steve Amiet was brilliant in front of goals for Caulfield . Mark Liddell solid in the backline, and Dean Synman on a wing and playing his 150th in fine touch . Shane Kitts never gave up in the middle for the Oaks, with on-ballers Trevor Bromley & Stewart Dalton not far behind . Monash Blues were too strong for Old Camberwe ll , using the wind to better advantage . Ed Morrison starred across HB for the Blues . Dave Furnell directed traffic from the ruck, Nick De Young again in great shape on his wing, and 300 gamer, Dave Rogers, a tower of strength on the ball . Marcus Scott did well in the backline & defence for the Wells . U 19 Tristan Berenger was effective at HB . and Tod Hedley battled hard in the ruck. La Trobe Univ . triumphed over a careless Old Carey . who twice had the Trobers on the ropes, yet failed to put them away . Simon Fredrickson must have had 50 possessions around midfield for the Trobers . with Gleeson nearly as many, and Willis doing a great job up forward . Flankers . Nick Everett, Joel Daniher, and Chris Angus ran their legs off for the Panthers, who . in general, had a seriously off day . By the way Michael Sneddon . has poor Jason Moore won Old Carey in a raffle? Four weeks in a row? Even the silver tongued Stubbsie couldn't explain that one ! Old Essendon fixed me up for tipping St Leo's with an emphatic victory . thereby restoring the customarv smile to Gavin Keanes's visage . Grammar took St Leo's apart with precision goal kicking . Lutterschmidt was back to his best in the FP . Coppolini starred round the packs, as did Sam Fleming. Banyule failed to extinguish the Aquinas fire and were in trouble at minus 7 majors on the first change . The Bears had slightly the better of the next 3 terms but were never able to peg back the Bloods . Marchi Tarulli was a powerhouse HF for Aquinas . Sean Flynn was strong through midfield . with Cam Quinn returning to form at HB . Scott Playfair had a super game at HFF for the Bears, Chris Taylor was strong at HBF . and once more Dave Williams dominated the rucks . TODAY'S GAME S
Oakleigh host Monash Blues and with the Blues regaining their place in the four last week,
they will be very X"a[chfull today and will have too much at stake to permit an y more slip ups . The Oaks will contest as they ah a_ s do, but the Blues should win with a bit to spare . Aquinas at home to Old Camberwell won't be taking this game lightly . The Bloods are solidly in the four. Laurie Aghan will have them at their eonlmitted best and in accident prevention mode . so it is hard to see the Wells causing an upset . Even so, it will be a good hit out . because the Wells have a busv midfield and will make the Bloods earn the points . which they should do by 4/ 5 goals . Caulfield Gr. welcome Old Carey , with a healthy percentage boost uppermost in their minds . The Panthers went from coming close to beating the No .l in Round 15 to losing to No .10 last week . so there is no telling how they'll perform today . On a good day OC will trouble the gifted Fields with their pace . but do not have the consistency to mix it for a full 120 minutes . Fields by 6/7 goals . St Leo's Emmaus meet La Trobe and must win . in case results of other games go in their favour The Trobers showed last week they are only three or four players short of being a very good side, but the Two Blues are a different proposition to the lackadaisical Old Carey . Still having a slim chance of making the play offs, and the need to erase last week's loss from their memories . make the Two Blues not favourites to take the points by 7/8 goals . Today's big game is Banyule versus Old Essendon, with two issues uppermost . Can the Bears recover from the unexpected wounding received last week from Aquinas? Are Grammar really as bad an 'away' side as some people think they are? True . OEG's only two losses this year occurred as visitors to Monash and Caulfield, but the latter are the two most brilliant teams on their dav in the Section . Todav the Bears can test the theory once and for all . Banyule must win in case the unexpected happens to the Blues or Aquinas, so Greg l}Jhitcroft will have them wound up like ship's hawsers . while Grammar wouidn't want to drop one this close to finals . The sides man up well together, so it should be a ripper of a battle . I'll go f . oGrambykic RESERVES Today's winners should be: Monash . Aquinas Caulfield . St Leo's . Old Essendon . Correspondents the contacts are 9818 142E phone and fax. Email : , bfhickeyCtelstra .easymait .eom.a u
- â&#x20AC;&#x17E;- ., .n I rci t o cnnTaoi i Ga 9nr.
Monash Blues - Dave Rogers played his 300th VAFA game last week . A highly decorated, champion player for many years with Old Trinity and now the playing coach of Monash Blues FC, Doc has earned the respect of all who have seen him play or have been fortunate enough to count him as a teammate . Doc has an amazing will to succeed and sets a great example for the players he coaches with his levels of preparation and dedication . We congratulate David on his remarkable achievement .150 games - Bernie Dowsley . A product of our Under 19s, Disco played his 150th in Rd15 . A great contributor to our Club as a Premiership player and talented utility. 100 games - John Baxter. The quiet and unassuming JB played his 100th last week, and celebrated with a slashing game in the ones . Well done JB .
Caulfield Grammarians - Dean Synman 150 games. B&F and premiership player in 98 "Egg" has developed into a great wingman come defender . Spectacular mark, full of courage and class . Steve Varthalis 50 games . Taken a while to achieve the milestone but worth the wait . Loves drillin short passes at training and taking speccies . all t Te best for the next 50 . Well done to you both . Old Camberwell - Steve Derry 50 games . A young gun who is developing into senior football . Steve is effective as a ruckman around the ground & also pops up in the forward line to kick a few majors .
Aquinas - In Rd 7 . committeeman and hard running HB . Andy Hyland played his 100th game. VC Sean Flynn played his 150th in Round 11 . After missing 1999 with a broken arm, Sean has had huge influence on Aquinas' improvement this season . Captain courageous Cam Colliver played his 150th game in Round 13, and our secretary and 2's Captain Steve Edwards played his 100th game in Round 15 . Congratulations Andy, Sean, Cam and Steve . St . Leos Emmaus WP - congratulations to Don Dinicolantonio on reaching 250 games last week. Don a 4 time senior B&F winner, senior captain for 5 years and dual premiership player. An inspirational player with great skills and a tremendous worth ethie who is outstanding role model at the club . Well done Spicky
SENIORS - 22 .07.00 Caulfield On 7.5 10.9 15.15 25 .20.170 Oaklcigh : 1 .2 2.2 2 .9 2 .9.21 Caulfield Or. Amiet 11, M Harrison 4. Kni~t 3. Bowes 2. 1VID. Synan. Varthalis . Margerison . Vclla. Pearce. Best: Amiet . Ltd ell, t:~tUtmee. Buchanan . G Harrison, fftUqht. Oakleigh : Hadley, Wines . Best : A Kitts . C Marshall . S Kitts . Tolley . Treaq•. Hanlev. Umpires: Lionef Katz: Luke Johnston (F) Monash Blues : 5.2 8.5 14 .6 20 .8.128 Old CambertceB : 1 .1 3.3 6 .6 8 .13.61 Monash Blues: McGee 5. Kamphius 3. DeYoung 2 . Gregory 2 . MocrLson 2. Rogers 2. Mentha Farrar. Furnell . Baxter. Best: Morrison . McGee . DeYoung. Rogers . Cald~ve0 . Furnell. Old CambmveB : S Derv 3 . Heffernan . McLean. Tosch. D Walker, Whitehead . Best : Li1Ja . Berangee MazKetuie. D Mitchell. Hedlee . Umpires : Alan Ladd: Geoff Moore (F) La Trobe Univer®ity : 3.4 6.6 13 .6 16 .9.105 Old Carey: 1 .2 5.7 8 .10 13 .14.92 La Trobe University : Gleeson 5 . Wilts 3 . Fredrickson 3. Lest 2 . Robinson . Patterson. Perrw Best: Fredrickson. Gteeson. Glouro . Willis. Shelddck White. Old Carey : Phillips 3, Everett 3 . Cohen 2 . Angus 2. B Shutie. Vitati . Raftopordos. Best : Everett . Daniher. Angus. Beresford . Francis . Birkill. Umpires: Alan Stubbs: Jason Moore (F) Old Essendon G r. 2.3 13.4 17.4 21.10 .138 St Leos Emmnus: 5.4 5.4 8.7 11.7.73 Old Essendon Or: Luttersehrnidt 10. Cippoloni 3. S Fleming 2 . D Fletcher 2 . L Fletcher. Flaherty. Panagiotopoulos. Best: Luttersetmtidt . S Fleming. Ream . Goodger. DiBlasi . Hunter. St Lem Emmavs : S MeCann 3. McKenzie 2 . Henrtcus . Manton. T McCann . R MeGlohi . B Vaughan. Zonis, Best: C Vaui~+tUati . McKetuie . D1Ncolantanio. Hodder . htvuon. Darcy. Umpires: Grame HurllcTten: Dash Pettis (F) Banyuie: 1 .1 5.5 10.7 14 .11 .95 Aquinas O .C : 7.7 10.11 15 .14 17.17 .119 Banyuie: Plarfa'r 8. Sutterby 2 . B tk•lllmore 2, ttioallock . Natoli. Best: Taylor . Pla}datr. D Williams, 1Voodiock. Kreskas. Moxon . Aquinas O .C: Livingstone 4 . Tlwmas 3 . Cnltrera 3. Flvnn 2 . Wooden . Larkui. R Moran . B Moran . Tarnlll. Best : Ftsim . DoxTes. Tandli. Hyland . Harkin . Quum . Umpires : Matt Cox Heath Little (F)
RESERVES - 22.07.00 Caulfield Grammer: 5.8 12.14 18 .18 24.25 .169 Oakleigh A.F.C: 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 .21 Caulfield Or: Bourke 7, Mathieson 6. Steer 4. Davies 3. Stevenson . Salem. Thompson. Schoiten. Best: Stevenson. Bourke. Steer . Mathieson. Davies. Smith . Oakldgh : Head 2 . Gook. Best: Head . Ebhels. Cook. Chapman . Rozakis. A Monlang. Monash Blues: RECEIVED FORFEIT Old Camberwe ll: FORFEITE D La Trobe University : 3.2 4.5 7.8 9.7.61 Old Carey: 0.1 3.4 4.5 5.7.37 La Trobe University : Moon 3 . Rosengren 2. Storer 2 . Holt. Watson. Best : Watson . Smee. DeJanovie. Clamp . Storer, Porter. Old Carey: Rlst 2 . Montgomery . Wright . Palmer. Best: Brmkm. Montgomery. Boucher. tYright. Winchester. Drake . Old Essendon Gr. 1 .6 2.8 7 .11 7 .11 .53 St Leos Emmaus: 0.2 2.5 4.5 9.8 .63 Old Essendon Or: Barr 2. Grt~ 2. Jason FBtcher . Ridley . S Whitfield. Best : Dale. S tt'hitfield. tt`alker. J Mons licid. Poulton . Jason Fineher. St Leas Emmaus: &ugdorf 2 . McLaughlin, 'iewev. Nolan. O'Meara . Ottobre . Ymer. Best : OMeara. BurgdarL Nolan. Ottabre. Ymer. Lear. Banyule: 0.6 1.6 6.7 7.8.50 Aquinas O.C : 3.0 4.5 7.5 9.8.82 Banyule: Hopped 3 . FerralL Ka}roaz . Gilham. Driscoll. Best: Bell . Dooley, P Witchell . Thompson, Healey. P Williams . Aquinas O .C: Hunt 3 . Crouch 2 . Hunter. Greer. Coghlan. Evans. Best : Hunter . Coghlan. D Boland. L}ng. P Glennfe .
MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct" 17
D1 Sectio GAU L PI : .--
AQUINAS O .G . Coach: Laurie Aghan Res Coach: Laurie Aghan 1 G . Burch
Coach : Greg Vthttcrott Res Coach : Rohan Doherty 1 H McDermott
2 D Witchell 3 S . Kayrooz 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 B . Gillard 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 B Moxin 11 S Cross 12 J Ega n 13 D Nasrallah 14 B . Woodlock 15 S Gra y 16 D Bentley 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pare s 17 G . Donaldson 21 C . Quinn 18 J Turnball 22 S . Flyn n 19 A Thompson 23 J . Livingstone 20 S Playfai r 24 P. Harpe r 21 R Dintinosante 25 B . Volombello 22 J Gilha m 26 S . Downes 23 M Gray 27 SLangford 28 J . Jon" 24 A Plant 29 J . Wilson 25 L Martin 30 C . Collilver 26 G Shaw 31 M . Hunter 27 P. Healey 32 J . Bleakney 28 C Wilks 33 C . Wooden . Tarullli 34 M 29 G Sutterby 35 R . Chapman 30 B . Grindal 36 P. Hevera n 31 C Bassett . North-Coombes 37 J 32 S . Richmond 38 B . Mora n 33 D . Glass 39 M . Mercuri
2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D . Monogue 7 C . Glenme 8 J . Jes s 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A . Lorki n 15 A . Hyland 16 H . Field 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughe s
40 A. Cultrera 41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 G . Macklin
45 N . Frederikson 46 M . Anderson 47 N . Mora n 48 M . Moore 49 G . Verstra 50 L. Sheffield 51 C. Watt 52 M . Corrie 53 J . Devers 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J. Crouc h 56 D . Joyc e
57 D. North-Combes 58 D . Law 59 A. Bentley 60 D . Vine 61 M . Gree r 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barri e 64 P.Glennie 65 L . Buzaglo 66 J . Hunt 67 P. Cuickshank 68 J . Cogla n 70 C . Lyng 71 J . Pote 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay Soonsors : Nero's Restaurant Bedrock Computers VAI Bodyworks Medieval Madness Heathmont Cellars Haughey Butchers
34 C Stevens 35 D Spoules 36 M . George 37 B Wilson 38 T. Thompson 39 A . Hopgood 40 W. Gibson 41 D. Mutton 42 T Ega n
43 L Ferrall 44 M . Natoli 45 D . Wilson 46 D Noonan 47 L O'Connell 48 W Keenan 49 L Holt 50 C Burke 51 G Bel l 52 Ross Doherty 53 Rohan Doherty 54 P. Witchel l 55 D Williams 56 B White 57 A . Dooley 58 D Mayne 59 J . McDermott
Coach: Dean Anderson Res Coach :Kornal Dachs 1 D . Rosman
2 B . Hal l 2 S. Stevenson 3 C . Knight 3 S . Erickson 4 M . Liddell 4 K. Deakin 5 S. Kendall 6 M . Harrison 6 B . Minte r 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowe s 10 A . Will 11 S . Amiet 11 M . Cassidy 12 D . Pearce 12 M . Dakic 13 D . Gur r 14 S . Klose 15 P. King 16 T. Royals 17 R . Gosstray 17 D . Roberts 18 P. Anderson 18 B . Baxter 19 R. Buchanan 20 M . Klos e 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier 22 T. Townley 23 D . As h 24 G, Lehne r
25 M . Cramphorn 25 T. Wailes 26 S . Williams 26 S . Widjaja 27 R . Keown 28 G . Evans 29 J . Whitmee 29 D . Schrimski 30 J . Gros s 31 S . Sant 33 C . McGrath 33 N . Silve r 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 A . Lawrence 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 G . Harrison 41 A. Bosn a 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 J . Blamines 46 A .Johnson 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 51 N . Bourke 53 J . Upton 54 M . Allanby 55 M . Davies 56 A . Dowd 58 J . Toyama
59 A. Beauchamp 72 T. Freeman 68 G . Markovic
v... .
Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res. Coach : Clinton Perry 1 M .Bakogiannis 2 S .Fredrickson 3 D .Sheldrick
4 C Perry 5 S .Adamthwaite 6 B .Cameron 7 P.Moo n 8 J Camm 9 J .Goode 10 D Sidebottom 11 J,Levy
12 D .Gleeson 13 14 L .Wakeling 15 G.Robinson 16 C McKi e 17 L.Heathcote 18 S .Gloury 19 S .White 20 21 D .Edmunds 22 23 S .Mitchell 24 25 M .Spralja 26 B .Hewitt 27 L Ryan 28 R Rossi 29 30 R .Storer 31 32 M .Napier 33 34 35 36 T.Mawdsley 37 38 A .Willis 39 40 41 No' Name 42
43 44 W.Auldist 45 S .Turner 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A .Cumming s 61 S Bland 66 A Bailli e 70 J Dumaresq
Coach: Dave Rc, trs Res Coach: Marcus 1 L Findlay
2 J Baxte r 3 L Holloway 4 A Bain s 5 D Rogers 6 M Newman 7 P Farrar 8 D Junkeer 9 C O'Sullivan 10 S Webster 11 M Spencer 12 J Caldwell 13 A Herrman 14 B Merli n 15 M Tinkler 16 B Tatterson 17 P O'Neill 18 E Morrison 19 D Furnell 20 A Anderson 21 C Gregory 22 R Kamphius 23 D Cavicchiolo 24 C Williams 25 J Hawkins 26 P Fernon 27 N DeYoung 28 S McGee 29 D Weeks 30 L Creamer 31 G Harry 33 J Smit h
34 B Dowsley 35 D Murchie 36 N Costley 37 J Andritsos 38 P Tuohey 39 M Smith 40 M Bolton 42 P Milli e 43 R Feenaghty 44 D Teesdale 45 R Wals h
46 A Ryan 47 S Mentha 48 K McIntyre 50 A Clark 52 N Moresi 53 B Scott 54 M McGrath 55 J Hirjee 56 R Reit h 57 A Berry 58 C Strauss 59 B Carstein 60 S Lloy d 61 P Campbell 62 A Hawkins 64 S Flatman 67 B Dempsey 69 N Manuell
Moore C-ach, Res CC . ~ . :qer
1 B. Gec 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 p, Heverin
5 T. Ianchello 6 G. Treacy 7 B . Stirling 8 R . Marshall
9 J . Moutis 10 S . Lewi s 11 C. Hanle y 12 B . Hal l 13 S . Randle
14 J . Knappe r 15 G. Redford 16 J . Tolley
17 A. Mouchacca 18 J . Connelian 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 C. Moors 22 L . Billing
23 M . Foulds 24 S. Kitts 25 C. Marshall
26 A. Kitts 27 G . Orlando 28 A. Khodr 29 D . Hal l 30 E. Radchenk o 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Andrinopoulos 33 M. Clark 34 L. Head 35 R . Nuske 36 A . Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pesnikas 39 M . Dordevic 40 C . Taylor 41 T. Duhau
Coach : Matt Hanson Res Coach: Andrew Tsindos
Coach : Michael Zemski Res. Coach: Phil Aarons
Coach : Gavin Keane Res Coach: Shane Bishop
1 J. McLean 1 M . Knowles 2 T. James (DVC) 2 A . McKenzie 3 A . Inkster 4 N . Lippiatt 5 S . Horskin s 6 A . Seeley 6 R . Heath 7 M . Scott 7 C. Grant 8 J . Heffernan 8 S . Clay 9 E . No y 9 B . O'Hara 10 M . Hanson (C) 11 N . Robinson 12 R . Kapoor
1 C . Angus 2 W. Mudge 3 M . Cohen 4 5 J . Daniher
1 J Pane (VC) 2 J Fincher 3 P Lutterschmidt (C) 4 D Fletcher (VC) 5 S Emerson
6 C . Campbell
6 C Ridley y
12 A. Hills
13 L . Gladman (VC) 14 R . Whitehead 14 R . Perryman 15 S . Tosch 16 A . Heffernan 17 A . Bryson (VC) 18 A . Browniess 19 A . Hanson 20 J . Elliott 22 S . Reddish 23 D . Lilja 24 D . Imberger 25 A . Herdenberg 26 C. William s 27 W . Orwin
28 J . Webb 29 R. Scott 30 D. Alex 31 T. Hedley
43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 N . Smith 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D. Moulang
32 D . Mitchell 33 S . Beckett 34 P. McCrae 36 S . Derry 38 N . Sims 39 B. DayY 40 E. Wiliams 41 L . Ryan 42 R . Pratt
48 P. Leslie 49 S . Bade r
43 T Walker 44 S . Smith
50. L. Wilson 51 . J . Kerle y 52. D. Banks 53. T. Khoury 54 J . Ebble s 55 A. Gook 56 A. Osiay 57 M . CoPpock 58 L . Neavan 59 T. Rozakis 60 M. McPhee
46 T. Reid
42 S . Dalton
James todcsm ,Ph : 9~76 R17 i r:o.to93ta9.z
48 J . Swan n 49 J . Hardman
50 J . McKenzie 55 J . Ga n 56 T. Holmes 57 J . Kelly
58 M . Short 59 T. Johnston 60 B . Mcllwain 61 T. Johnson 62 J . Miles
rn,mi30.00 ud.y
(_,_• 25 63 1155
7 J Leask
8 L Fletcher
9 J Goodger 10 S Bryant
9 A . Birkill
10 K . Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 D . Knezevic 13 B . Hutchins 14 C . Phillips 15 M . Beresford 16 F. Hakins 17 S . Curry 18 C. Matthews 19 A. McKinsty 20 J . Raftpoulos 21 D . Faelis 22 S . Vitali 23 B. Shutie 24 N . Bull 25 B. Israel 26 J. Rist 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 D . Sherr 29 C . Munro 30 T. Stanley 31 D . O'Dwyer 32 P. Graham 33 J . Mai 34 W. Giannikos 35 S . McConnell 36 D . Shutie 37 D . Palmer 38 I . Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 A. Newham 41 A. Gates 42 G . Cotsonis 43 S . Cherry 44 A. White 45 T. Bull 46 H . Giannokos 47 H . Franci s 48 H . Giannikos 49 M . Eastham 50 T. Moulton 51 J. Mandanici 52 G. Cvetkovic 53 M . Sonntag 54 K . Giannkos 55 S . Hawkins 56 B . Chapple
11 B Papal 12 J Fincher 13 W Conlan
14 S Evans 15 T Di Blasi 16 S MacPherson 17 P Hexter 18 J Walker 19 GStevens 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 R Doolan
41 D Greasley
42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 J Crawford 45 Paul Barry (RC) 46 L Fleming 47 D Hexte r 48 D Poulton
49 A Hutchison 50 D Graham 51 A Copodiferro 52 P Miller
53 L Hadj 54 R HardyY
55 P Chalkley 56 B Rashid 57 58 59 60
58 J . Boncher 59 C. Mason
65 N . Saffar 67 G . Rowe 76 D . Brauer
60 J . Russo
-- ® i . -
Res C h : Andr Bethune 1 D Dinicolantoni o 2 J O'Meara 3 E Mitchel l
4 A Auliso (RVC ) S Buckl e 6 G Bonnic i 7 A Burges s 9 A Bethun e 10 B Mitchel l 11 S . McCan n T McCann j3 14 J AManton 15 A O'Reilly
16 A Ros e 17 R Parke r 18 R McCann 19 A Ma or 20 G . Rafferty 21 G Simmondso n 22 P Ristevsk i 23 T Batt 24 A Hadda y d 25 A McKenzie (VC ) 26 A Prosser (RC ) 27 P Levin s 2 8 S . McLaughlin 29 S
25 B Turner 26 S Fleming (VC ) 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan 29 S Uebergan g 30 T Williams 31 T Mansfield 32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson (RVC) 34 D Podger 35 D Whitfield 36 P Trist 37 G Walsh 38 S Whitfield 39 S Cramer 40 C Mnjrvik
57 N . Wilkinson
64 P. Craig
Mark Stevens
Panel Shop i~ 9566 ,?;262
7 R . Oppy 8 P. Harris
Coach: Dave Mille r
. Ottob~ e 31 N 30 M. Zannis 32 L. Price 34 B Henricus 35 J Brigg s
36 S Bavage 37 S . Manto n 38 N Hodder 39 B Vaughan (C ) 40 J Gay 41 R Taylo r 42 M Floo d 43 P Levin s 44 M Dimbl e 45 S Ronch i 46 A Brown 47 A Brooks 48 A Dal y 49 D Co x L Newey 51 P McGloi n 52 R McGloi n 53 T Pecora 54 J Fennell
55 S P Dorn kmac
57 M Place
58 D Plac e 59 D Pitche r 61 62 A Rayno r 63 P Nolan
64 M . Morri s 65 N Fole y 66 D Lear P. Farquha r 65 B . O'Conno r
66 S Mescher 72 A Burgdorf 73 D Whitne y 75 T Ymer 76 G . Donova n 77 C Vaughan 78 M Whitney
79 T Tribe 80 H Meehan 87 D Furniss 88 S Pitche r PERENNIA L
9857 ~ ~~~
Major Seonsors : 7~5
9720 0 47 7 ?nr)n
LOOKING by Noel Rundl e
5 YEARS AGO - 199 5 vanhoe (C ) made sure of the double chance when they easily defeated second team Old Geelong and pushed them down to third . Final scores were Ivanhoe 14 .5 (89) and Old Geelong 5 .4 (34). Best were Tucker, Lee, Kennedy (Ivan) and Smythe . Taylor . Paddie (Old Geel) . 1995 had been a very wet year . A remarkable amount of work had been carried out to almost restore the Park to the order Nye like it to be for all matches played at The Home Of Amateur Football" . Caulfield Grammar School and St Kilda Football Club were thanked for their support in lending super soppers" . Marcellin O .C . continued their strong end-ofseason form when they annihilated the previous weeks giant killer Whitefriars . 17 .12 (114) to 4 .8 (32) . Best were Cooper, Walters, Collins . Moran (Marc), and Jenkins, Campbell, Begley (Whitefl . Leading goalkickers at this stage were 'A' M . Simpson (Old S .) 57, 'B' J . Bradley (Old Brighton) 59, 'C' M . Wilson (Old Geel) 64, 'D' M . Crawford (H . Rovers) 87, 'EE' B . Vaughan (St Leos) 91, 'EC' A . Triandos (U . Reds) 49, 'ES' D . Warne-Smith (P .O .B .) 104 . 'A' section field umpires were M . Jackson, R . Bell, J . Toohey, G . Thwaites, R . McCarthy, M . Gibson, P. Gersch, M . Bushfield, W . Hinton, C . Segota . St Leos congratulated Martin Shacklock on reaching 250 games . Richmond Centrals Club President Shane Fenton and Club Secretary Simon Pickett chalked up 100 games each against Yarra Valley Old Boys at St James Park . 10 YEARS AGO - 199 0 The VAFA came third in the Vic Health Under 19 Championships which was won by the VCFL, third time in succession . It was disappointing for the VAFA who fielded a very strong team that may have been a bit light in the greasy and wet conditions . Nick Sebo (Ormond) was judged best player in the championships and won the Wills medal . He gave a superb display at full back, attacking the ball very courageously. Marcellin down by 3 points to Uni Blues still held on to fourth position in 'A' when fifth team Old Scotch went down by one point to Ormond who were relieved to at last stem the tide of defeat . Caulfield Grammarians gained fourth position in 'C' and a place in the finals when they withstood
a strong final term challenge by home team Thomastown who had been in fift h position for most of the season . Williams, Harris, Stone (C.G .) and F. Farchione . Karambelas, Maurovi (T), were stars in the 14 .17 to 13 .17 game . Collegians congratulated Greg Hammer or BarFly Parsons on a frail but extremely talented wingman . He was a hff in his early years, then chf in his prime, and now hbf, famed for his loping style, sure ball handling, and lethal left foot . VAFAUA welcomed goal umpire Julian 'Diamond' Velleman to the 200 ranks . Four 'A' Grand Finals, Goal Umpires Advisor 1984-86, with high professional standards . Julian's record was one to be proud off. Therry were proud of their Under 19 player Joe Schembri who was recently elected as a councellor for the City of Broadmedows . 150 games to Caulfield Grammarians Cam (Bam Bam) Cooney - a distinguished football career . 3 times selected for state teams and unable to play through injury, he finally made it to the State side in 1989 . Nick Heath, University Blacks 'C' became the first player to score the 'ton' in goals when he kicked 10 goals for the club against Fawkner . In a crunch game for third and fourth teams in 'B' St Bernards were far too strong for Old Melburnians, Ruckman Wayne Carey dominated, supported by Andrew Nathan and Sam Doran . Final scores were 15 .13 to 9 .10 . Michael Rosner became the first ever player . Seeing the world itchalkup250gmesforAJX n 1975 he missed the clubs 'E' section flag . However in 1978 he kicked the winning goal in the secone semi to put the Jacka's in 'B' section and was pari of AJAX's greatest day when the club beat Mareellir to win the 'B' section flag and J .V. Deane Cup ir 1979 . (As Treasurer I certainly remember that da) - the biggest gate in VAFA history N .R .) .
15 YEARS AGO - 198 5 Collegians grabbed top position when on thei home ground they decisively defeated North Ol( Boys by 26 points, putting North down to fourth . I was disappointing for North as two weeks previous ly they had been on top . Geoff English at full for ward kicked 5 goals for Collegians, the defense c Wright, Williams. Irvine was rock-like and Stev Laussen was a damaging ruck rover . Captain Gerard Biddlestone played his 100t 1 M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20(
game for Therry - a great season as team leader . Top goalkickers for the season were 'A' S . Pace (Bull-Temp) 59 . 'B' 0 . Fillipovic (Kew) 83, 'C' Korp (Fawk) and D . Wrigglesworth (Therry) 63, 'D' C . Brent (Old Trinity) . 'E' S . Reiger (Heatherton) 98, 'F' G . Mallon (Doveton) 118 . 100 games to De La Salle's great player Shane Murphy, a credit to his club and to the State, and Victorian captain . Benny Goodman - what a magnificent record 106 games with Brunswick, and then 300 games as an umpire including 43 finals appearances . A great clubman . Benny had contributed wonderfully to the Association . 20 YEARS AGO - 198 0 Fred Grubb umpired his 100th game - noted for his sense of humour, Fred was a late entrant to VAFA ranks . Frank Henegan retired as boundary umpire for Uni Blues after 270 games . Peninsula Old Boys congratulated Bret Sullivan on winning club best and fairest - "an outstanding player all year and a terrific club man" . AJAX, although being relegated from 'A' to 'B' finished the season on a good note with a 7 goal victory over 7th placed Marcellin, 20 .18 138 to 13 .17 95 . Best were Rozen . H . Ritterman, S. Marks (AJAX) and Price . Denning, T . Alopisto (Marc) . Mentone Old Boys secured their place in 'E' section four when they defeated second team West Brunswick 14 .14 98 to 10 .7 .67, with a ton of drive coming from Norton, Jester, O'Toole (M .O.B .) . 150 games to State Bank's Neville 'Bones' Evans . High scoring was the order of the day with 16 out of 20 'A' and 'B' teams scoring more than 100 points . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 5 Best and fairest voting was as follows : 'A' M . Bates (Res . O .B .) 27, P. Golding (Mon Blues) 17, Ian Davis (Geel) 15 . 'B' J . Morgan (Old S .) 18 . M. Birrell (Old Carey) 17, 'C' Stredwick (I'hoe) 16, 'C' M . Johnston (UHSOB) 32, K. White (St Kilida CBCOB) 28, 'D' C . Rowston (H .Rovers) 28 (yes 'little lofty" the clubs delegate in 1995), J . Noonan (Old X.) 17, 'E' M. Ritterman (AJAX) 27, P. Ingram (0 . Ment) 16, 'F' O'Sullivan (Glen) 19, D. Cowen (Thorn) 19 (2nd on countback) . Junior 1 . N. McAulife (Cob) 17, S . Morris (Orm) 13, Junior 2, A . Nigro (W. Bruns) . 22 year old U . Blues star Chris Maxwell, fourth in 'B' section best and fairest was selected as Victorian Rhodes Scholar for 1975, and was leaving for Oxford at the end of September . North Old Boys . 6 .16 at the last change in 'A'
first semi kicked 8 .1 in the final term to convert a 19 point deficit into an 11 point victory over U . Blacks . Best were Butera, Carroll, Wigney (N.O.B .) and Moffatt (6 gls) Clarke, Perrett (U . Blacks) . Caulfield Grammar (B) defeated Ivanhoe 17 .11 to 9 .9 in the first semi. Best were Griffths, Dickson, Clark, Butcher (8 g1s) C . Green, Gillon, Dean, Rojo (Ivanhoe) . 30 YEARS AGO - 197 0 Melbourne High showing their best form for weeks, led Caulfield Grammarians by a point at half time, but Caulfield were much too strong in the second half, kicking 8 .12 to High's 3 .4 Atchison (5 goals), Morphet and Pickering (Caulfield) and M . Ritterman, Needham and Malone (M .H .S .) were best. Old Trinity turned on a great performance in the 'D' section second semi to defeat Fairfield by 8 goals and win their way into 'C' section 1971 . Best and fairest winners were N . Beattie (Coburg), 'A' section, M. McKenzie (Old Xaverians), 'B' section P. Gadsden (Old Hafleybury) 'C' Section . T. Allen (W. Brunswick) 'D' section, K . Weybury (Brunswick) 'E' section, D . Flett (Monash Uni) Junior Section 1, and S. McLoughlin (Caul . Gramm .) Junior Section 2 . 40 YEARS AGO - 196 0 'A' section best and fairest saw a tie between Ian Hayden (U . Blues) and Barry Kerr (Old Melb) on 20 votes . Both went on to play league football . Ian with Richmond and Barry with Footscray. Ian Merrick (Coburg), Jock Nelson (MHSOB), F . Clarke (Malvern), P . Sellars (E' wick) won B .C .D . and E, while in the junior section Ross Smith (H . Rovers) 33 votes, later a Brownlow medalist and St Kilda coach defeated David Parkin (MHSOB), Carlton coach 1995 . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 0 'A' section was the meeting of Uni Blues and Blacks in the first semi with one victory each during the season . The game was played in ideal conditions at St Kilda Cricket Ground with Blacks in control for the first quarter and leading by goals at the final change . Blues staged a magnificent last quarter, kicking 7 .2 to Blacks 1 .2 and went down by 10 points, final scores being Blacks 13 .17 to Blues 13 .7 . Best for Blacks were Lionel King, Pat Cash and Ken Melville . 'B' Section semi finals were won by Commonwealth Bank and Collegians . Best and fairest winners 'A' section - Manson Russell (Old Scotch), 'B' section Phil McLoughlin (Old Paradians) 'C' section Alec Castle (Kew), 'D' section Alan McFarlane (Moreland) and Robbie Orrman (Ormond) in the Junior section .
Winning Edge Presentations -
.he first day of our finals ran smoothly at each venue, where the many spectators were treate d to two talented displays of Australian Football . My selections proved correct in section one but incorrect in section two .
REVIEW OF SEMI FINALS SECTION 1 PLAYED AT TREVOR BARKER OVAL, S E2ING . FIRST SEMI FINA L Pr an opened confidently with the aid of a strong northerly ÂŤvld . However their inaccuracy coupled with the tenacity of the De L a Salle defenders . resulted in only a succession of minor scores . At the northern end, against the elements, De La Salle was able to kick accurately and with a fifteen point lead at quarter time they were well on the way to victorv . At half time De La Salle led by thirty three points. The status quo prevailed in the second half and De La Salle cruised to a comfortable win by forty two points . They were well served by key defenders Glenn Curran and Shane Rudd as well as by centre man Andrew Reed and ruck rover, Ash Tucker . The veteran, Terry Lucas was best for Prahran for whom, defender Chris Johnson, wing man Koby Jones along with on ball players Steve Ivak and David Green also did well . SECOND SEMI FINAI . Old Xaverians aided by the strengthening wind shut out Old Melburnians with a seven goal onslaught in the opening quarter . The Old Melburnian defense had no answer to the goal kicking skills of Ben Matthews, who was given the ball from skipper Tony Landrigan around the packs . Over the remaining three quarters . Old Melburnians salvaged pride and made a more even contest. The damage was done however and the Old Xaverians maintained their unbeaten season with a forty four point victory . Best players for the winners were defenders Mark Fitz and Pat Hall, along with wing man Matt Fitzgerald . For Old Melburnians the consistent Dean Branchflower and Keith Rutherford again played well as did Chris and James Tomlinson and Jacob Berry . SECTION TWO PLAYED AT PRESTON OVAI . FIRST SEMI FINA L Monash Whites would rather forget this game in which they did not score in the first half . Old Ivanhoe started with a strong breeze and quickly built a lead . which they never surrendered . Old Ivanhoe . who led by twenty two points at half time, continued their dominance during the second half
and won by fifty six points . As is his want big Bruce Yarwood threade d through his weekly goal from deep in the for ard pocket . For old Ivanhoe, the best were Chris Lvnch, Andrew Weisz, Paul Sigley, Julian Maycock and Wade Ward . For Monash Whites, the best were Bryce Collier . Steve Dods, Luke Colombies and Luke and Mark Woods .
Kicking into a strong wind and against all odds, Therry Penola outscored Itugert.swood in the last quarter to win this fierce contest by fourteen points. Therry Penola led by twelve points at the first change. before Rupertswood asserted pressure in the second quarter, At half time Rupertswood led by four points . This proved to be the last time they held the lead as Therry Penola . aided by the wind, built a ten point lead by three quarter time . The consensus then was, Rupertswood would quickly grab the lead and go onto victory . It was not to be as Therry Penola contested fiercely with several high marks by John Zanetti and a morale lifting run by Steve ("Yoie") O'Halloran, which resulted in a goal, contributing to the defeat of Rupertswood . Poor kicking both in play and from a set positior contributed to the downfall of Rupertswood . Besi players for Therry Penola were John Zanetti, Davic Barron . Rodney Egglestone . Danny Ward and bil ruck man Geoff Pinner . For Rupertswood, the bes were the 0'Callaghans - Matthew on a wing an( Andrew on a forward flank . as well as ruck mar Steve Carmody and ruck rover . Brett Sninett. PREVIEW OF PRELIMINARY FINALS TO BE PLAYED AT ELSTERNWICK PAR K
Today's opponents, Old Melburnians and De Ir Salle have met twice during the season with hor ours even . In round 2 a very accurate De La Sall went down by three points . In round 11, De La Sal] triumphed by thirty points . (I picked 01 Melburnians that day!) . kicking a winning scot against quality opposition has been weakne : throughout the season for Old Melburnians . Tod~ their forward must break clear of the defensi5 skills of Glenn Curran and Shane Rudd in the kf positions as well as their close checking flanker Dan Nolan and Anthony Molan . Up forward for I La Salle . Trent Shields with four goals, has alreac troubled the Old Melburnian defense for this se son. Can he do so again today? For 0
lburnians Rigg and Cordner have played well inst De La Salle in each game . A big effort from n and from the consistently good duo . Keit h ^ .therford and Dean Branchflower wiil be required for the Old Melburnians to win this match . I don't think they can and I select De La Salle to win the right to challenge Old Xaverians . SECTION 2 g,upertswaaod, as minor premiers, face the realit .- of being defeated for the second week in a row as wind and/or rain the smaller and physicall y ionger. Old Ivanhoe side is capable of winning. L,n fact is certain . Rupertswood must dispose of ule ball better than last week or defeat will again become a reality . These sides met once during th e
CLUB 16 (2) - 22 .07.00 2nd Seal Final
CLUB 18 (1) - 22 .07 .00 2nd Semi Final 7.2 7.2 10 .4 10 .7.67 Old }_„ , c ; lans: 3 .5.23 0 .0 1 .4 2 .4 il"dcurnians : : B R1atUieus 5. Dalton . R King. Fi¢gerald. L iiardE;iek. J ~ P--t: Fitz. Hall . Fitzgerald. Landrivi. Farrow. L Hardrs~tck . Old c., . Branchflo~~ser. Cooper. Paine . st: C Tomlinson. Berrv . J t. tluan. Atkinson . Cooper. Umpires : Richard Benson (C78) Lindsa y ) (F) Richard Benson (C 1 8) Paul Rapke (C 18) (B) Bernie Hoar e (G)
1st Semi Final 0.5 1 .7 4.9 4.9 .33 pn:iuv n : 6 .9 7.11 10.17 .77 l)~ yr:, S,Be: 3.2 p;: hrsn: MacPherson 2. hvk. Scacilon . Bese Johnson. Lucas. Harrold . Green . -°s De La Salle: Reed 2. Harrison 2 . L4eolan . Ford . Fidicaro 2 . He^an. : Tucker. Reed . Rudd. QuTan. Molar. Nolan. Ump'uea: Tom, Hall ;v Jackson (Club 18) (F) Tom Wrndlow (C18) Rs~ 1Ymdlow (C18) (B) , .. .'., v','. .`.'.'.': ..-son (C18) D Us Ized (G)
season, at Chelsworth Park in round 9 when Rupertswood won a high standard match by forty four points . Good players that day for each side are still proving the mainstay for their respective teams . For Rupertswood . Matthew 0' Callaghan and Sinnett starred again last week as did Wade Ward and Julian Maycock for Old Ivanhoe . Ruck duels between Steve Carmody (Rupertswood) and Vaughan English (Old Ivanhoe) will have a bearing on who receives first use of the ball . The overall performance of each side during 2000 leads me to select Rupertswood although the prevailing conditions plus senior experience could favour Old Ivanhoe . With no great confidence I select Rupertswood to win the right the challenge Therry Penola .
36 33 28 28 26
8.11 .59 6.8 Auputsood : 2.1 5.8 11 .7.73 5 .2 8.6 Therry la•^'R O.B : 4.1 Rup~s c.. .: : Glenn 2. Gallus 2 . A 0'Catlaghan . Schv.,arz. O'Rilev. Za.rb . Best: M 6CIla~ -i . Carmody. Simiete. Schwarz. A OCalla2han. West. Thersy Penola O.B : Zai .~ .J 3. Jones 2. S Lees 2. B<~rron . ~'aina. O'ftalloran . S Goodvrut Best : Barren, F one. Zanetti. Jones . Pinner. Ward . Um p ires:Andrew Barrin~ton (C18) Da' ndlav IC18! (F) Bill OCa ➢ aghan (C18)Matthew Costello (C18~ (B) Bodhan 11a (Ct8) tan Carter (C18) (G ) ist 8emi Final Old Ivsnhoe : 3 .1 3.4 6 .10 9.12 .66 0 .0 0.0 0 .3 1 .4 .10 Momssh Whites: Old Ivanhoe: Spiden 2. Ward 2 . T612 . Slglev. Lmuh . YarErood . Best: Si ev . Hense. Tavlor. Riavvoek . Risttrom. Wllson. hionash Whites : 39 Woods. mpires : Paul Nailer (Club 18) Brian Nunn (Club 18) (F) Tom, Robbins (Club 18) Tonv Glecson (Club 18) (B) Leon Collier (C18) Graercne Cutler (C18) (G )
A melee is "Where an incident tl ., :es place involving players pushing, scragging , jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct"
Coach: Charles White G Asst. Coach: James Fergusson
1 A. Cordner (C) . . .. . 2 J . Berry . . . . . . . . . . . -3 C . Mackie . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 J . Charlton . . . . . . . . . . 5 E . Atkinson . . . . . . . . . 6 C . Branchilower . . 7 J . Gardiner . . . .. . . . . 8 J . Hutchins .. .. . . . ._ 9 R . Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 M . Verge (DVC) . . . . I 1 J . Hutchings . . . . . . . 12 J . Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 T. Colquhoun . . . . . . 14 J . Geddes . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 G . Jensz . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 17 D . Blackburn . . .. .. 18 J . deFraga . .. . .. . . . . . 19 S . Griffiths . . . . . . . . . . 20 C . Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 B . Telford . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 C . Stott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
23 A . Anderson . . . . . . . . 24 J . Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 K . Rutherford(VC) 30 S . Whitehead .. . .. . . 32 W . Read . . . . .. . .. . . . . . 35 S . Paine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 J . Rigg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 A . Carroll . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 S . Burge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 J . Carroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 B . Reid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 J . Tomlinson . . . . 80 N . Nathan . . . . . . . . 82 J . Wright . . . . . . . . . . 101 C . Tomlinson . . . Ill C. Gardiner . . . . . . 112 C. Gillon . . . . . . . . . . 117 D . Blackburn . . . 321 C . White . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 firm
V2 trne
Coach : Tony Phillips
1 G . McHenry . . . . . 3 A . Molan . . . . . . . . . . 4 G . Curren . . . . . . . . 5 B . Bvrne . . . . . . . . . . 7 P . Fiscaro . . . . . . . . . 8 D . Jennings (C) 9 A . Tucker . . . . . . . . . 11 R . Marks . . . . . . . . . . 12 A Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 T Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 M Harrison . . . . . . 16 T Shields . . . . . . . . . 17 K Wallis . . . . . . . . . . . 20 P . O'Brien . . . . . . . . 23 C . Place . . . . . . . . . . . 24 B . Buick (VC) . . . 32 N . Tully . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 D . Nolan . . . . . . . . . . 38 S . Rudd . . . . . . . . . . . 39 S . Hoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 A . Phillips . . . . . . . . 44 J . Crowe . . . . . . . . . . 46 M . Hegan . . . . . . . . . 47 D . Hegan . . . . . . . . . 60 B . Hoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 M . Shaw . . . . . . . . . . 78 S . Laska . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... ... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... . .. .... .. ..... ... .... ... . .. ... ... .... ... .... .... .
. .... ... ... .... .. ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...... ..... ... ... ...
3'4 tin e
Coach : Tony West
2 D . Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 S. Carmody . . . . . . 4 S . McLauchlan . 5 J . McGrath . . . . . . 6 S . Gallus . . . . . . . . . . 7 M . O'Rilev . . . . . . . .
I M . Wilson . . . . . . . . 2 P. Sigley . . . . . . . . . . . 3 V. English . . . . . . . . 4 L . Taylor . . . . . . . . . . 6 W. Ward . . . . . . . . . . . 7 C . Sharp . . . . . . . . . . 10 E . Lakos . . . . . . . . . .
8 N . Phillips . . . . . . . . 9 M . Clarke . . . . . . . . . 10 A . O'Callaghan . 11 B . Moule . . . . . . . . . . 12 M . Schwartz . . . . . 13 B . Sinnett . . . . . . . .
11 B . Wilson . . . . . . . . . 12 M . Tozer . . . . . . . . . . 13 D . Spiden . . . . . . . . 14 R . Condron . . . . . .
14 L . Plummer . . . . . . 15 A. Stoclc . . . . . . . . . . . 16 S . Weston . . . . . . . . 17 A . Drago . . . . . . . . . . 18 C . Nemeth . . . . . . . 19 M . Mezzatesta . . 20 M . McKenzie . . . . 21 M . Walsh . . . . . . . . . 23 H . Cross . . . . . . . . . . 25 M . West . . . . . . . . . . . 26 D . Zarb . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 N . McMahon . . . . 28 D . McDonald . . . . 32 P. Sinnett . . . . . . . . . 33 W . Glenn . . . . . . . . . 77 M . O'Callaghan .. ... .... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... .... .... ... .. .... ... .... .... ... .... .. ... .... .... .... ... ... . .. ... .... ....... .... ... . . ... .... .... ... .... .... .
Coach : G David Super
15 T . Cormack . . . . . . 16 B . Yarwood . . . . . . 17 J . Risstrom . . . . . . 19 R . Lowerson . . . . . 21 D . Bernet . . . . . . . . . 22 D . Toll . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 R . Hense . . . . . . . . . . 40 C . Coulahan . . . . 42 C . Lynch . . . . . . . . . . 43 J . Maycock . . . . . . 47 J . Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 E . Gemci . . . . . . . . . . 57 D . Mansfield . . . . 66 D . Super . . . . . . . . . . 79 A. Weisz . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .... .... ... ... ... . .. .... ... ....... .... ... . .. ... .... ... .... ... ... .. . ... .... .... ... .... ... .. . ... ... .... . .. .... ... ..
1C2 See
3;4 See
Fr d
EFa - , - .. . .,,T~~ ~, -.,TOâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;i I co nnn~
T TO DO WITH THE INJURED "LAYE_16 9. C ormnonly, at the multitude of football clubs around the country, being injured mean s that you see the club physio (if available) and then stand around watching training . As a consequence, your injury is often not correctly healed which can cause scar tissue and when you feel that you are ready to return, you have not only lost some fitness, but are at a greater risk of re-injury . Each club, even if there is no one to supervise, needs to keep all injured players active in some way . They should not only be attending to their injury, but should also be using alternative methods to maintain their fitness . Firstly, once you have ascertained the nature of your injury and what you can do (this is done via the assistance of a physio), you can decide between a combination of running, swimming, deep water running, cycling, spinning, boxing, weights, circuit training and stationary skills . Certainly, some injuries will preclude you from doing just about anything, but most will allow some form of activity. A good program design for injured players should have the following ingredients: 1 . It does not allow further risk of damage to the existing injury .
D an ny O'Su llivan
St . Leos Emmaus WP
U19 (2) Blu e
F PLAYING HISTORY: Ivanhoe AFC (A .B,C Section), Prahran Police (MWFL), Canterbur y
2 . It enables players to at least maintain fitness levels, possibly even improve . 3 . It includes some sort of physiotherapy for the injury . 4. Its goal is to get the player back to playing as quickly as possible without risk of further injury 5 . It has ball skills component . Obviously, the nature of the activity undertaken will largely be determined by available facilities, but try to think laterally . That is, what can we use, how can we modify it, how can we make it enjoyable and how can we get the player back as quickly as possible ? A good idea for the coach or fitness advisor is to write up a number of different pool or bike sessions, photocopy them and give them to injured players to complete for the night. Try to make pool sessions reasonably difficult so that they get a really good work out. If nothing else, you must be aware that if they are left unattended it is not only going to de detrimental to the player, but also to the club . Good luck, Jarrod O'Neill Exercise Scientis t
(SFL), Melbourne Police (MWFL), Croydon North (EFL - playing coach ) COACHING HISTORY: Melbourne Police 9294, Croydon North 94-96 - playing coach, St . Leos Emmaus U19 - 200 0 COACHING PHILOSOPHY : Set goals with/for individuals/ team - define the standard required establish clear team rules/disclloine on field . Know all players well . FUTURE AMBITION : Link juniors to St . Leos Emmaus WP U19's & ultimately coach at senior level VAFA A Section .
NAME : Tony Free CLUB : Prahran SECTION : C PLAYING HISTORY: Lalbert FC 1980-1986, Richmond FC 1987-1996 COACHING HISTORY:
Reserves/ Development coach Richmond FC 1997 COACHING PHILOSOPHY : To assist in providing a challenging, enoyable and successful football environment for players and staff . FUTURE AMBITION : To win this week.
13 .7? .91 12 .a.77 째. Crace. ..; . Trakas . --no. tcL_. k E}ans:
16 .11 .107 4 .12 .36 c,rt Vo. otuutone . 11.11 .77 12.12 .84 : en,. n . Lar,g. ay B12eks:f6tchen c:.a. Foster. Radford .
Kew: 1 .4 6.9 7.11 9.18 .72 Pe - :,3w O.B : 3.2 6. 7 9 6 .62Kew : Cron , C , '^ O'Comior . ;8aliaid. 15'~Ihrn:se Hc i,. .. ~ .. '.. S Rran . Penassula O .B: f ahn 3 I ,h~ pc . __ i,sipp. t4'iison . Clarmgboid. Hay Jar
s?ules 3ckey, soccer an d -ketbaIi apparel . s in custom printed top s :orts for your team.
D2 Section PARKSIDE MENTONE KEW FITZROY REDS Coach : Laurie Zar,fa Coach: Ken Wood Senior Coach: Grant Hammond Coach: Serge D'Angelo Peter Hirst Res Coach : Mark Rowe Res. Coach : Res. : Greg Crimmin s Res Coach: Darren Kane n 1 P. Laurse 1 B. Lafranchi 1 M FrisbV 1 . M . Hovey 2 A. Delle-Vergini 2 A Walsft 2 L . Fitzgerald 2 . R. Gallagher 3 S . Pine 3 C Thatcher 3 G . Horga n 3 . M . Dixo n 4 M Carracher 4 D . Warren 4 G . Crimmins (RC) 3 K. Wood 5 D Kan e 5 D . Cusack 5 L. Bradle y 4 C . Bray tt 6 D . Stuart 6 N . Tinetti 4 D . Emme 6 7 J Donlee 7 J . Dale 7 D . Mitchell 8 M Farrel l 5 T. White 8 J . Chilcott (C) . Doumis 9 C Prior RVC 8 J 6 C . Stephens 9 A. Constantine 10 A Urbanci c 9 S . McCarthy 7 K . Gurtle r 11 B Mitchell VC 10 A. Vita 10 B . Cullen (VC) 8 D . Perrin 12 C Sheather 11 B . Hockey 11 B. Shaw 9 P. Emme tt 13 M James . Sebire 12 D . McCall (VC) 12 J. Growcott 10 B 14 T Clarke 10 T. Stillman 13 A . Cople y 13 C . Kyriaku 15 B Campbell 14 V. Romano 11 C . O'Meara 16 M Wharfe 14 J. Looke r . Davies 17 B Lee , 12 M 15 D. Moodie 15 C. Bradley (VC) 18 J Horridge 12 T. Fava d 16 T. Ryan 16 D . Woo 19 P Cook 13 A . Kin g 17 A. Romano 17 J . Griffiths 20 T Mitchell . McCann 14 C 18 A. Reginato 18 N . King (C) 21 A Sainsbury 15 Mick Sullivan 19 C . Williams 22 M Sammon 19 J . Dennis 15 A. Fimister 23 T Jackson 20 M . Raffaele 20 D . Singleton 16 P. Sullivan 24 K Gratta n 21 B . Woodhouse 21 M . Tessari . Sullivan 25 P Jackson VC 17 C 22 J . Paro n 22 R . Wis e 26 B Buick . Sullivan 18 T 23 R. Baker 23 S . Barratt 18 R . Waterson 24 G . Palmer 24 R. Marulli 28NHII 19 D . Prosser 25 M . McPherson 29 D East 25 S . Campbel l . Groves 20 C 30 B Foster 26 M. Channon(VC) 26 S . Ros s . Kell y 21 D 31 P Crowe 26 P. Nagy 27 J . Sculley 21 D . Batey 32 T Hart 27 T. Connolly 28 R . Martinez 22 P. Murphy 33 S Drury C 28 D . Cracknell 29 J. Libroaperto 34 D Littl e 23 Matt Sullivan 29 J . Barnes 30 M . Yandle 35 A Mackinnon RC 23 V. O'Connor 30 C. Giansante 36 W Fawaz 31 C. Austin 24 X . Smith 37 G Hanlon 31 A . Wells 32 J . McCall 25 G. Uptin 38 N Bishop 32 D. Mackay 33 K. Allan (RC) 27 M . Wise 39 A George 33 D . Wayland 34 A. Starkie 28 M . O'Brien 40 G Bance n 34 C . Dodso 35 G . Panjari 29 A. Hovey 41 R Bur map 35 R . Bruno 42 I Mc6urnie 30 N. Freese 36 S . Bock 43 T Villani 36 S . Ryan 31 T. Templeton 37 J . Panjari 44 B Hart 37 J . Landwehr 32 B. Coleman 38 F. darrigo 45 G Hassett . D'Angelo 38 L 33 D . Andrew 39 S . Cudmore 46 P Heaphy . Mclnerny 39 M D . Sheehan 34 40 L. Inserra (DVC) 48 A Corponi . Hibbard n 40 C 35 C . Brow 41 E . Linares 49 A Pugli a 41 L. Jensen 35 M . Johnstone 50 B Aggenbach 42 P. Dean . O'Conner . Reeve s 50 E Kyriacou 42 G 37C . Hubbard 51 J Rawling s 43 M. Xuereb 37 J . Stern 44'P,J Solig o 52 B O'Conner RVC 44 J . Bel l 38 S . Perazzo 5 R . D'Ademo 53 S Addicot t 40 D . Nichols 45 R . Perr i 6 J . Reginato 54 B Worsley . May 46 M . Fitzgerald 42 S 47 B . Pollock 55 N Mathews 43 M . Bar r 47 M . Lambe 56 T Madden 48 C . Datson 46 G. Templeton 48 A . Acfield 58 B Neal 49 B . Hnason 59 R Johnstone 47 G . Ansalde 49 D. Rya n 50 B. Carman 61 B Tirrel l 48 M . Walsh 50 J . Denton 51 M . Helmick 62 N Auden 52 M . Etcell 51 M . Blai r 63 G Makdesi 52 C . Cecchinell i 53 D. Noonan 52 R . Campagna 64 D Trindade 53 M . lanello 54 D . Bray 53 M . Bolis 65 S Bramley 54 M . Jesse 57 D . Fraser 66 D Timms 54 D . Antonello 55 J . Eastwood 58 J . Noonan 67 R Proctor 55 B . Johnston 56 G . Massett 59 S . Wiggins 68 D Simmonds 56 T. Fox 57 T. Gallagher 69 K Teasdale 61 K . Lockhart 57 B . Pugh 70 S Dibendetto . Allinson 58 D . Lobosco 65 T 58 C. Watts 71 P Gun n . Dynes 59 T. Pattern 67 P 59 D. Russo 72 M Dikeakos 70 T. Rogers 60 D . Moore 73 H Irvin g 60 L. Ainsworth .O'Meara 73 M 61 B . Murphy 74 N Fitzpatrick 61 S . Moussi . Ponton 74 S 62 D . Ree s 75 W Daniel 62 B. McGauchie . Hirst 76 P 63 J . Sambuca 80 G Box . Dunlevie 63 D 77 B . Fleming 81 J Hamilton 64 T. Thomas 64 N . Nigr o 82 P Howorth 78 M . Cerritelli 65 M . Scarpa 65 J . Sette 84 Z Senburgs 99 D . Horler 66 M . wise 85 J Wheien 66 T. Goodfellow 67 D . Inglis 88 S Greenwood 67 T. Beatti e . MENTONE R.S .L 68 D . Stave 99 P Diacogiogis 68 B . McGauchie 9 Palermo St , 69 S. Davey 99 S . Bruno Mentone 70 S . Datson * Function Room 71 A . Inglis 72 M . Jesse * Restaurant * Pokie s 73 S . Carmody 9583 2841 74 B . Cassano
PENINSULA O .B . Coach: Brett McIlwrafth Res Coach: Chris Gowns 1 S . Parson s
2 S. McMahon 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E . Bowe n 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S . Murray 8 P. Angus 9 . P. Krohn 10 A . Hayle y 11 H . Woodman 12 R . Powney 13 R. Sharpin 14
15 B . Cook 16 S . Claringold 17 18 S . Glover 19 A . Murph y 20 S . Prendergast 21 D . Splatt 22 A. Atchison 23 A. Burke 24 B. Wight 25 J . Atchison 26 R . Neal 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 G . Nelson 30 A. Crean 30 R . Blood (R) 31 A . Landry 32 A . Parsons 33 P. Dietzsch 34 T. Braden 35 B . Szonyi 36 N. Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 B. Brown 39 B. Jarrett 40 G . Pattison 41 S . Farrow 42 P. Findlay 43 S . White 44 45 M . Higgins 46 A. O'Neil 47 L . Palmer 48 J. Bleasby 49 J. Whelan 50 P. Jubber 51 M . Allen 52 R . Osmond 53 T. Harding 54 55 C . Wilson 56 C . Bowman 57 H . Shorten 58 M . Sampson 59 J . Powell 60 N . Franks 61 A. Thripp 62 A. Bonner 69 J . Muir
~)2 Secti速 n SALESIAN
att Sexton ch : D. Oldfieid F e.5CG-ach: Jim Giann a
Coach: Gordon Burrows Res Coach : Wayne Cooper 1 V.Capeci
. Bourke 2 3 S . Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canava n R. Cincott a 6 6 G . Gaspari
7 S . Loga n 9 A. Campbell 10 D.Oliver 11 A. Davey 12 A. Gaspari 13 I . Bobetic 14 J . McLaren 15 D .levoli 16 A. Chaippini 17 Matt Forbes 18 A. Sexton 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seager 21 R . Napoli 22 A. Anderson 23 M . Smith 24 A. Grace 25 B. Kirchner 26 J. Nanne s 27 M . Mansfiel d 28 M . Byrne
29 Mick Forbes 30 D . Campbell 31 S .Oldfield 32 A . Stevens 33 S . Trakas 34 D . Gheblikian 35 C. Baxter 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 S . Koutaplis 39 A . Thain 40 M . Forer 41 R. Nahas 42 P. Evans 43 M . Cooke 44 C. Hunt 45 S . Horvath 46 D . Nannes 47 S . Baxter 48 A. Roberts 49 J . Gianna 50 D . Blake 51 M . McCarthy 52 S . Egan 53 Pat Forbes 54 Paul Forbes 55 P. Bouchard 56 C . Malliard 57 E. Malliard 58 M. Bates 59 S. Bobetic 60 S. McGain 61 E Hanaphy
62 P. Pitts 63 G . Riley 64 B . Bowma n 65 D . Sutherland 66 M. Sutherland
2 B .BYron 3 A,Smith
4 G .Petsinis 5 L. Smith 6 D.Godino 7 S .Plant 9 A .Gentis 10 R .Scott 11 Z .Fleming 12 A.Farquer 13 G .Scarpa 14 J . Alexander 14 A. Ward 15 L .DelPapa 16 D . Farchione 16 A. Faure 17 D .Gorski 18 F.Arcoraci 19 M . Sinni 21 E .Lentini 23 R .Dimaggio 24 B .Smith 25 R .Kennedy 26 C . Renna 27 G . Paskoski 28 L.Morabito 29 P.Meade 30 P.McCallum 31 S . Oehm 33 M . Uket 34 P. Corboy 35 A .Eccles 36 J .Theodorou 40 B .Thomas 41 A.Cummaudo 42 L. Alevizos 43 S . Smith 44 C .Chapkoun 45 P. Janevski 46 L . Biles 47 D .Plowright 48 A. Naughton 51 E. Valentino 52 C . Sambams 53 C . Hansen 54 D . Wright 56 L . Downing 59 P.Scopelliti
62 P. Bragagnolo 65 S .Holmes 65 P. Vu
67 N .Grech 71 S . Mineo
UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach : Kane Bowden Res Coach : Ben Sullivan
WEST BRUNSWICK Coach : Tim Pontefrad Res . Coach: Paul Weir
4 M Vaughan 5 R Mackie
1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 D Coonan 5 A Cannane
6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham
6 D Keys 7 S Benjamin
1 G Darroch 2 S Chandler
8 W Pasco 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowle s 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 14 J Trevaskis 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 J Radford 18 T Wilson 19 J Ralph 20 E Hannan 21 H Cameron 22 B Sellenger 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfield 26 M LaftY 29 D Hayes 30 J Maguire 31 M Foster 33 T Kitchen 34 S Mood y 35 A Willis 36 N Abbott 41 L Maguire 42 A Gadd 44 P Forbes 47 B Murphy 48 J Martin 49 J Webe r 51 A Neville 53 N Remfry 54 A McNicol 55 S Vegter 56 JPRice 57 K Begely 58 T Krake 59 T Thornton 60 J Marr 61 J Farrington 62 J Ryan 63 D Strachan 64 S Mahoney 65 K Sartori 66 J Mirtschin 67 J Mirtschin 68 A Metcalfe 70 D Meek 71 H Peck 72 5 Dimond 73 S Jones 74 P O'Beirne 75 A Paton 76-B Smith 77 D Walsh 78 D Files
79 B Flynn 80 R Greigg
8 L Petchel 9 C Kerr 10 S Byrn e j12 J ClaY kood 13 S Brockley 14 N Lampe l 15 B Howlett 16 S Smyth e 17 M Hamilton 18 A Baud 19 P Shand 20 D Edwards 21 S McNamara 22 R Hudson 23 P Weir 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R Benjami n 27 D Pendergast 28 J Ward 29 D Campbell 30 M Lewis 31 S Jackso n 32 S D'Andrea 33 D Whyte 34 I Twyford 35 B Hamilton 36 P Harris 37 C Irvin e 38 T Moore 39 L Brown 40 B Baker 41 A Walker 42 A Stockdale 43 J Tobin 44 S Gason 45 J Smith 46 C Price 47 C Lehmann 48 M Moore 49 D Howley
51 L Sherry 52 D Zanella 53 J Gros s 54 R Sefton 55 M CIyne 56 G John 57 C Lewis 58 D Williams 59 A 60 S Lan onel
61 A Edwards 62 S Dishon 63 J Gartlan 64 J Uebergang 65 B Norman 66 M Malone 67 P Tuckwell 68 C Plazzer R Hussey 70 D Zanella 71 J. Chislett 72 R . Christie 73 C . M . Gleelsond
75 T. Gross 76 R . Howell 77 C . Norman 99 B Miceli
YARRA VALLEY Coach: Tim Killwort h Res Coach : Wayne Reddaway
1 R Pearc e 2 T Morris 3 R Thompso n 4 M Fun g 5 A Drew 6 D Hows e 7 J Downs 8 L Morri s 9 J Kee m 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvea n 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Kruse 15 J Koenan 16 L Taylor 17 A Lain g 18 L White 18 D Ros s 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hal e 21 M . Wine s 22 B Dre w 23 C Arnold 24 M Davies 25 S Lloyd 26 J Lon worth 9 27 A Row e 28 B Reynold s 29 R Coutts 30 D Potte r 31 B Sturzaker 32 C Hefferna n 33 P Cremean 34 A Cusan o 35 B Peake 36 R Penalun a 37 D Balsha w
38 B Morriso n 39 T Reddaway 40 T Fyff e 41 B. Down s 42 A . Stone 43 H Park 44 J. Ho 45 L Ree s 46 B Butle r 47 D Lan g 48 R Davie s 49 S Seabourn e 50 T Kenned y 51 S Gad d 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrat h 55 S Taylo r 57 S Keho e 58 G Ker r 59 A Joine r 61 P. Valopp i 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurch 71 M Lain g 74 A. Midlan d
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PLAYER OF THE MONTH (JUNEI MATT McCONVILL (ORMOND ) * Nominations made by Amateur Footballer scribe s * Nominations qualify for the Player of the Month, Player of the Year and the All-Star Australia Team of the Year .
All Star Australia VAFA Trivia nights - proudly sponsored by CUB - prize pool includes dozens of slabs, VB "can" fridges, merchandise, gift vouchers & much more . Trivia Round s Wednesday August 2 Sections D3 & D4 Trivia Grand Final Wednesday August 9 The top 3 teams of all preliminary rounds will then progress to the Trivia Grand final . All players, members & supporters welcome . For more information or to book your table please call Sophie Cooper 9867 6100
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W â&#x20AC;˘atten 'ns by 3J --l-IL 2CJO to The Secretary EMJFC 41 tVarley Road, East Malvern, 3145
aals begin today, with only the winners progressing through to next week's Grand Finals . Bgoa eadovrs 1 needed to defeat Karingal 1 if they were to have any chance of playing in the finals, and while they gave their all they came up short against the top side . Karingal 2 assured themselves a spot in the four with a resounding win over Broadmeadows 2, who fought the game out til the very end . ilor forfeited to Marnbourin Tigers to complete what was a disappointing year for the Saints, while the Tigers go into the finals as favourites losing only 1 game for the year . Ringwood prepared themselves for today's final with a good win over a determined Hawthorn team whose willingness to give their all each week is a good sign for years to come . Maribyrnong needed to defeat Sth . Yarra and hope the winning margin would be big enough to get them into a final's spot . Win they did but not by enough to narrow the percentage gap . The Lions despite losing maintained their position in the finals and live another week . In Geelong the home team had a mixed bag by winning the Division 1 game and booking a date with North Ballarat in the final today . Bendigo 1 tried hard all day but were outclassed by the Cats . In the Division 2 match the Warriors had som e
revenge with a strong win over the young Cats . Beaadigo 2 finishing out of the four on percentage . Parkside forfeited to Colac . North Ballarat had the bye . Preview In Division 1 Karingal 1 take on Parkside in what promises to be a great display of F IDA football . The Bulls have been the form side all year, but the Red Devils have proved time and again they cannot be written off . The Bulls will start favourites and in what will be a close game should get the points by less than a kick . In the other semi final Nort will be keen to keep Geelong 1 to a losing score to advance to next week's Grand Final . The Cats will have the edge in pace, while the Knights' greatest asset is their strength . In another tight game the Knights to prevail by less than a kick . In Division 2 South Yarra face the unenviable task of trying to topple ladder leaders Mambourin Tigers . The Lions have been competitive all year. but the Tigers have been outstanding and will win today by 5-6 goals . In the other semi final Ringwood will need to be on their mettle if they are to keep Karingal 2 at bay . The Bulls are coming good at the right time of the year and while the Blues' form has been good, the Bulls will win through to the Division 2 Grand Final next week.
AGAINST % POINTS DRAW FOR 0 646 154 419 .48 32 0 601 210 286 .19 32 0 411 292 140 .75 28 0 388 336 115 .47 28 0 442 384 115 .10 20 0 237 806 29 .40 12 0 256 507 50.49 8
DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS 0 631 235 268.51 36 0 581 325 178.76 32 0 548 368 148.91 28 0 498 349 142 .69 24 0 465 326 142 .63 24 0 311 350 88 .85 24 0 425 394 107 .86 12 0 286 607 47 .11 8 0 183 451 40 .57 8 4 0 203 630 32 .22
'eeeived forfeit in Rd 10 째 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000 35
D3 SECTION by Ed Sil l
big thanks to Peter "Wi ll o" Williamson for stepping in once again last week . Hopefully the travel can be put on hold until after the "Big One . The seniors are faced with a particularly interesting scenario, all sides still have something to play for, whether it be finals .action or relegation avoidance! Double chance still available as well!! The twos are far more set, with the only outstanding factor being double chance opportunities . I would imagine there would be a few coaches reflecting with a large "if only" in relation to games earlier in the season . Anyway, that's yesterday's news . Review Power House had an emphatic victory at the expense of Eley Park. Wright, Turner and Rolls were the stars in a convincing win whilst "The Magician" Darren Searle was up to his old tricks with 9 goals. Matt Payne was again the best for the Sharks . Good win for the "House" a great momentum builder. Williamstown was another upper echelon side to have a big win, this time at the expense of Albert Park . Willy led at the first break despite kicking into the wind and then stepped it up a gear in the second quarter to put the game beyond question at the main break . Dervan in the ruck. Cocks in the midfielder and backmen Hynes and Daisy Williams were stars for the winners whilst the Rats were best served by Sutton (as always), Barton and Tsoukas . In a game of great importance for both clubs, Richmond was able to defeat Elsternwick. Richmond opened up a huge lead early on but the Wicks persisted and got a bit of a sniff before the home team was eventually able to hold on . Ant "The Human Blanket" Flores was the best for the winners who were also well served by Matt Smith and Chris Adams whilst Merv Shannon's form was ominous for other finalists . The Wicks were best served by Jack Neil in the ruck, Cunningham in defence and on ballers Missaglia and Murphy. Quiet achievers St Johns had a big win over an injury depleted Uni High . The Jocs have been motoring along very nicely indeed and have all clubs looking their collective shoulders . Walker was again the best for the Jocs whilst Liam O'Donnell and Paul Sharpe were good . Finally, Hawthorn kept their final's chances alive with a hard fought win over Monash
Gryphons . The Hawks looked poised to run away with it earlier in th e 2nd quarter however the Gryphs dug deep and made a game of it . Phil Avery was at his best for the Hawks who were also well served by Nick Hayes, Whisper O'Brien and Adrian Saulle . For Monash, Chris Leeton continued his fine form in the ruck whilst Kilmister proved to be a handful up forward . Preview Crunch time! ! First takes on ninth as Albert Park host Power House. The House gave the Rats a touch up last time but have improved significantly since then . The Rats will be desperate to win and stay in D3 in 2001 however the odds look too large. The House by about 6 goals and Searle to get within distance of a ton . Elsternwick welcome Eley Park and desperately need to win to remain a finals chance . The Wicks need a few of their lesser lights to stand up and take some responsibility from the old faithfuls . The Sharks were ravaged by injury last week and with the likes of Hawley, Bowen and Bruce returning will be vastly improved . Not enough though, the Wicks should possess enough fire power to win . Hawthorn are another side that need to keep winning but that will be no easy feat against Williamstown . Willy are almost the form side of the competition as we speak and with the likes of the Williams', Cocks, Twist and Dervan firing are an awesome force . Hawthorns young guns have continued to make great strides in recent weeks and if the likes of Saulle, Stevens, Hayes and Delaney can fire, an upset is not out of the question . However, stick with the form, Willy for mine . Absolute relegation stakes when Monash travel to the Zoo to take on Viii High . Both sides have been hit hard by the injury toll and will both be treating this as a mini final . A loss to Monash will almost certainly see them heading south next year whilst a loss for Uni High will make it uncomfortably close in the last game . Not sure, a little bit impressed by Monash last week might give them the nod . Finally, quiet achievers St .Johns make the trip down to Richmond with a double chance spot up for grabs . With celebrity forward Scott Hilton starring, the Jocs have gone quietly about
setting up a nice position for themselves come finals time . Richmond haven't done much wrong either, having won the last five straight . Might try to keep "oh the abusive one happy" St .Johns to win and finally break their cover as the underdogs . Magoos Power House, Wicks, Willy, Uni High, Jocs. social Hawthorn are having a funky seventies night after the last game. See "Flower Power" Reed or "Cool Cat" McCowan for more details . Albert Park are having their Calcutta day on August 6 . Important that all members contribute in selling the tickets . (Put me down for one Bryan, I fix up Smithy later!! ) Correspondents One week to go for some, others have only just begun! 9555 0900 (bh), 9553 3675 (fax), 9898 1535 (ah), 0418348723 (mob), ed .sill@lockers-pl .com au . Interesting to note, I receive correspondence via all forms each week! Team of the Year Last week to nominate . Selectors will be meeting next Monday morning for final selections . Also, any thoughts on league B+F ?
SENIORS - 22.07.00 Williamstown Cyma: 5.3 11.10 14 .14 18.20.128 Albert Park. 3.4 3.7 7.7 8 .8.58 Williamstown Cyms: Lee 5. Williams 4, Macloed 2 . burns 2. Matthews 2 . Wouda Vincent . Macklev. BesC Cocks. Lee, Williams . Dervan . Hvnes . Phemister . Albert Park: Pastras 3 . Smith 2. Robertson. Tavlor. Chambers. Best: Sutton, Barton. Chambers, Tsoukas . N Rutherford. Umpires: Simon Payton : Miles Argalt (F) Power House : 8.3 9.5 17.10 25.12.162 Eley Park. 0.3 1.9 2 .12 3 .17.35 Power House: Searle 9 . Robinson 4 . Adrian Burt 2 . Robertson 2 . Richardson 2 . Craven 2 . MeCrae 2, Rampting. Ash Burt . Best : Wright . Turner. Rolls . Morris, Robertson. Adrian Burt. Eley Park. Baldry . Reimer . Thomas. Best: M Pavite . D Pa}ne. Nelson . Thomas . West. Trotter. Umpires: Ben Ryde IF) Monash G ryphons : 2.2 5.5 5 .11 8 .15.51 Hawtho rn Amateurs: 5.3 6.8 7.14 10.19.79 Monesh Gryphons: }{illmLster 3. Legton 2 . B Caxhead . Best: Kent, Gross . Bestee . Leeton . Foster. Killmister. Hawthorn Amateurs: P Avery 2 . Johnston 2 . O'Brien, Lauletta. Zaveralla . Saulle. Nunn. Broadlv. Best : P Avery. O'Brien . Haves. Saulle. Nunn. S Avery . Umpires : Chris Stevens : Dirk Kramer (R) in ~ St Johns O.C : 4.7 8.15 15 .19 19.21.135 UHSOB: 1 .0 4.1 4.1 7.3.45 St Johns O .C: Hilton 5. Colon 3. Walker 3 . Horbury 3. B Ry(lqulst 2. Hartnett . Jones . O'Donnell. Best: Walker. O'Donnell . Sharp, Petrone. Rvdquist. Ellis . UHSOB: B Farrelly 3 . Dhanuto. J O'Neill . D Farretly. Carrick. Best: Smith . Gunthorpe . Johns. J OTleN . Carrick . Starbuck . Umpires. David Irons IF) Richmond Central: 8.1 11.3 14 .5 15.10.100 Elstemwtek: 3.3 6.5 7.6 12.7.79 Richmond Central : Siwka 3. Smith 3. Gilbert 2 . S Shannon 2, Adams, Andonopoulos. Holmes. Macak, Graham . Best: Flores. Shvka. O'Sullhan. Adams . Graham. Gilbert. Elsternwi¢k: B Mahony 2 . Missaglia 2. Hankin 2. Nicol . Stuchberty. Foster. Nell, C Mahonv. Curtain . Best: Tilley. Comm . Mtuphy . htahony. Nicol. W1gm0re. Umpires: Wayne Hinton 1R1 (F)
RESERVES - 22.07.00 Willlsmatown Cyma: 8 .4 13.15 15 .23 23 .29.187 Albert Perk: 2 .1 2.1 2 .3 2 .4.18 Williamstown Gyms: Dowser 6 . Butttgleg 6, McEachran 3 . Pach 3. Allen . Brequet . Grieve . Nisbett . Phillips. Best : Phillips. lvkovie. Grieve. Harvey. Buttegelg. Dmvsey. Albert Pare µhlsh. S Allan . Best: S Allan. Snorrason . Faranda Power House : 4 .9 11 .20 16 .28 25 .30.180 Eley Perk: 1 .2 2.2 3 .3 4 .4.28 power House: Batty 6. Hutchison 4, H1 XnC 4. Evers 3 . Trewin 2. Miller. Cummins . RFan. Hall, Marshall, Gill . Best: ,4liller. Hall. Hutchison, McLeod . Gill . Batty. Eley Park. Jackson 3, Heath. Best : Newbound. Jackson . Reddington. Dunstan. Heynes . S DLe.
16-1 F-qCD h cc°
L IL/,e, fI_~8 J~ D(~ .`1n r.~~JU}I~~v= p~' ~
60 47 38 37 32
Monash Gryphons : 0.2 5.3 7 .3 8 .6.54 Hawthorn Amateurs : 2 .3 5.5 7 .11 8 .11 .59 Monaeh Gryphons: Wells 2, Poussard 2. Clarke. Hale . Gonis. Carter. Best: Varcoe . Carter. Buick. Braaell . Gravdon. Wadlev. Hawthorn Amateurs : Lord 2 . McCo.-an 2 . Stroud 2. Law. M 7.averella Best: Biuns. Bettio . O'Hanion. Artinl. M Zaicrella. Dallamart a St Johns O .C: 1 .3 4.7 9 .10 13 .15.93 UHSOB: 1 .0 2.0 4 .0 4 .1 .25 St Johns O .C: Reynolds 3. J Scardamaglla 3 . Denhert 2. D Scardamagtta 2 . Hall . Fonceca . Pangont. Best : Reynolds, J Scazdamadia Callender . Denlrert. Merrigan . UHSOB: Shepherd 2. Boyce, Wallace . Best: FFicciuti. Hoban. Williams . Tun•ey . Patterson . N Smith. Richmond Central: 2 .1 4.4 5 .4 9 .9.63 Elaternwlok: 3 .4 5.7 8 .13 11 .14.80 Richmond CeatmL• Day 3. Guthrie . Jones, Pitt . K Tapley. MijatoFic. BailIIe. Best: Guthrie . Prentice . Lane. Calleja Castteau . Battle. Elaternwtck: Walker 4 . P htahony 3, Grandemange . Surman. McAdam. Daniels. Best: Daniels, Whelan, Grandemange . Franken . Bacon. Currie .
QUALITY INSURANCE AT A SPORTING PRICE Sportscover is proud to be the endorsed Insurer of VAFA
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Coach : many Hook C oach: Philip Knh t Ras, Coach : P :r Hey Res Coach : David Bowen
Coach: Leigh Murphy -- f R . C ch : rew Curtain Coach: P T
'•_~== =~~ ~'• hu
Res Cr - ; i a si hy 1 . S . Bourbon (C ) 1 L . Murphy (CC) 1 . S . Fisher 1 . P Smith (C) 2 . N Pastras 2. P. Clear 2 A . Hankin 1 D .Murray 2 . M . Healy 3 . B Isard 3. D. Carey 3 C . Lyons 2 G .Broadley 3 . A . Grad y 4. G . Parmansche 4. D. Hawley 4 A . Tilley 3 N .Patterson 4• C . Robinson 5. S Allan 5 . S . Raymer 5 M . Whelan 5 . T. Gilchrist 4 S .McDonald 6, J . Foster 6. N Pantazopoulos . Bruce 6 D. Brennan 7. J Sutton (VC) 76 . D 5 S .Avery 7 . . Walter . D . Bowen 7 J . Cappiello 6 P.Avery 8. C Jackson D 8 . J . Blandtord . T. Kay 8 S 9 . P Chambers (DVC) 8 . Currie (RC) 7 A .Bourke 9 . G . Wadley 10. M Phillips 9 . T. Morris 9 T. Hartl 10 . P. Williamson y 8 M .Dunstan 11 . A. Fleming 10 . L . McLean . Barrie 10 R . Bravingto n g W.Pollock 12 . L Marriot t 11 . A . Hill 12• A. Gros s 11 L . Messagli a 13 . B McKimmie J l 10 11• P.Orchard 12 . J . Kel Kelly 13 . J . Strafor d 11 P. Mahony 14 . T Prio r 13 . J . Baldry 11 A.Sill 14. R . Cormick 15 . S Kan e . Wigmore 12 N 14, A . Krebs 12 M .Mulcahy 15. A. Clark e 15 . J Snorrason (R ) 13 M . Cunnngham 15 . S . Di x 13 J .Graves 16. R . Bourbon 16 . C Roberton . Stankovich 13 P 16. D . Carroll 17 . J . Hetheringto n 17 . D McLellan (DVC ) 13bJ .Povey 18 . C . Lovett 18 . J Taylor 17. S . Payne 14 B . Mahoney 14 D . Lauletta 18 . A. Urquhart 15 M . Noonan 19 . J . Lero y 19 . A Col e 15 G.Macdonald 20 . G . Brows[ [ 20. A . Farand a 19 . D . Trotter 16 M . Burman 21 . D . Beachley 20 . M . Hook 17 J . Ward 16 C .Reed 21 . G . Kent 22 . Redpath S 21 . T. Morrison 18 A . Neil 17 D .Zaverella 22 . B . Coxhoad 23 . L Bertra m 23 . D . Charleso n 22 . T. Blake 18 P.Ryan 19 A . Peasley 23 . A Bennett (R) 23 . S . West 19 M . Bullard 19 D.Garlick 24 . D . Kitchen 24 . M . M. Killmister . Dowdle Broadhead 25 19bJ .Law ~ , . • Basic s 26 . G Finn 24 . C . 20 S . Clements 26 i 27 . S Ridout 25 . C. Collar 21 P. Stuchberry 20 S.Parker 27. R . Gilchrist Cantons 28 . R Buckley 2726. L P. Ket . Mussared 21 P.Stroud 28. P. Bateman t 29 . G Walkle y 23 S . Curtain (VC) 29. B . Lloyd 22 J .Williams 30 . K . Dohnt 22 M 28. A. Briginshaw 24 A. Foster 30. P. Holland 23 M,Ariini 32. S McKerrow 29. A . Johnston e 31 . G . Roch e 33. T Murray 25 B. Frankin 24 S.Williams 30. D . Haynes 32 . D. Hal e 35 . P Barton 26 C . Mahony (DVC) 25 M .Zaverella 31 . M . Keown 3 3 . R. White 36 . M Pearson 27 M . Daniels 32 . S . Bromley 26 M .Nowak 34 . M . Graydo n 37 . T. Bamford 28 W. Davidson 33 . J . Alexandridis 27 R .Lord 38 . C Lamont 35 . J . Poussard 29 S . Mahony 34 . J . White 39 . M. Hobday 28 J•McCormack 36 . J . Watson 35 . R. Crane 30 M . Nichol 40 . M Lapsley 37 . D . Nichol s .Barker 29 P 41 . H Ross 36 . G . Smith 31 G . Devonshire 38 . P. Callus 30 M, Nunn . Jackson 42 . D 37 . A. lenarcic 32 M . Hunt 39. R . Coxhea d 31 J, Best 43 . S .Bolas 40, P. Moclai r 38 . M . Schafter 33 J . Overman 44. P. Manning .McCowan 32 D 39. S . Ryan 41, T. Robinso n 34 A. Contin 45. J Roo s 33 S.Duff 40. J. Day 42 . M . Buick . McNally 46 . B Dorr 41 . M . Renner 35 P 46 . I . Strahan (R) . Byrne 34 35J D.Bogie 43 . M . Carter .Murphy 44 . R . McDonald 47 . McIntosh K 42 . K . King 36 T. Lambert 45 48 . P Hayes (RC) 43 . J . Laverty 37 L . Currie 36 K .Sanders 46 . J . Gonis (RC) 49 . B B. Payne 44 . L. Dix 38 B. Allen 37 D .Carter 47 . H . Beth . K. Pocsiak 50 .D McKay 45 . M . Dell'Orso 39 P 38 M .Tyson 40 S . Bacon 51 . D Cole 48 . L . Marti n 46 . T. Hall .Hewish 52, N, . Rutherford 41 M . Hosking 39 P 49 .S. Aren a 47 . C . Jolly 53 . J . Murray 48 . G . Heath 42 J . Lilikakis 40 Irvine 50. D . Ratner 54 . P Rutherford 51 . C . Leeto n 43 A. Burney 41 M.Irvine 49 . D . Payne 55 . C McKerral 52. A . Palumb o 44 C . Walker 50. S . Robbie 42 S.West 56. P. Manning 5 3 . M . Magri s 51 . M . Payne 45 R . Grandemange 57 . T. Weymouth 43 I .Cheppa 54 . M . Kyriako u 52 . J . Nelson 58 . M . Crose r 46 S. Smith 44 P.Rositto Bennet
55 . D. t 59 . J . Lamont 54 53 . A . Reddington 47 S . Ritchie .Sill 56 . K. Boatman 60 . D. Allan 44bE . V. Fukushima 48 M . Frankin 57 . A. Jenkin 61 . R . Allan 55 . S . Dix 49 J . Yemm 58 . G . Harrak 62 . M . Drought 56 . A. Wuillemin 50 G . McNeils 59 . M. Asbel l 63 . D . Barker . Smith 57 . D 60. 0. Becker 64 . S . Hoed 51 F. DiGiangregorio 58 . C. Tippett 65 . D . Green 61 A. Visedo 52 D. Nolan 66 . S. McKimmie 59 . B. Ellis 54 S . Kirkham 62 D . White 63 B. McKay 67 . D . Klein 60. D . Hanrahan 57 J . McAdam 61 . P. Yelland 68. P. Knight 64 A. Palumb o . J . Sutcliffe 69 62. W. Holm 66 S . Pelliter 70 . M . Sweeney . Tadday 63 . L MAJOR SPONSORS : E.J . & 69 S . McGrai l 78 . D . Depiazzi ASSOCIATES Sponsored by :
e Park ~6D>L~'1
~~~~~ I ,~,~t~~z
580-582 Canterbury Rd, VERMONT
Ph : 98 72-333 3
Cemfied Practisine Accountant s 97Whitehor`seRoa d Blackbum Victoria 3130 Telephone 9S94 112 1 Facsimile 9s941933
I Ccach : ; res Coco l ,: run Cfcswell
C -,h : -' r Res Cc
- L It )I
3 . T.O'Suillivan 4 . P. Mijatovic 5 . S . Shannon 6 . G . Bunshaw 7 . P. Byrne s 8 . G . Malcolm 9. A . Leembriggen 10 A . Swika 11 M . Newion 12 F. M acak 13 J . Dutton 14 C . Shannon 15 C . Be" 16 J . Birt 17 A . Fawcett 18 M . Z r]ac J. P
1 . R . Hassan 2 . M . Ladson 3 . S . Reynolds 4 . S . Holmes 5. C. Horbury 6. L. O'Donnell 7. M . Hartnett 7 S . Flentjar 8 . R . Dowsett 9 . S . Green 10 . A . Perrone 11 . D .Hall s 12, P. Walker 13. M . Jones 14 . J . Archer 15 . P . Denhart 16 . S . Callender 17 . S . COckayne 17 C. Kaaro n
18 . C . -'nerv 19. J Sca=r magli a
1 R .-- ~ijah
2 A . Talarico 3 D. Parrelly 4 S . Major 5 J . Glen n 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zuluck i 8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smit h 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 D. Bun n 14 J . Ham 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 M . Farrelly 18 A . Hellne r 20 G. Madrigano 21 S . Mills 22 A . John s 23 P. Eltringham 24 L. Marte n 25 D . O'Dwyer 26 B. Carruthers 27 D . Clark e { 28 A . Clarke ?u T. r'iAveland 30 J . O'Neill Dolence ack
all ncc ;k ist
S Walsh R Wright P Conlo n B MacKenzie K Barnes R D :ins J o, 'iel d i earn ! ney
:ov P. Vulcov 51 P.O'Kan e 52 C . Andonopolous 53 D . Hoga n 55 I . Joel Pithcer 61 S . Conro y 62 T. Graham 69 M . Tapley 72 V. Kelly 74 J . Lane
ccacubino 43 an Hooten 44 tt. Hilton 45 M . Dominich 46 D . Clowes 47 J . Ladson 48 R . Mitts 49 T. Hyland 50 J . Doherty 51 C . Santoni 52 J . Britlain 53 S . Pancione 54 B . Hat e 55 S . Canning 56 B . Abejour 57 D . Jorgenson 58 A .Fonceca 59 M . Zodlak 60 L . Merrigan 61 R . Kenny 64 D . Edwards 65 E . Hilton
46 i 47 ;: .. Turvey 48 C . Cook 49 H . Williams 50 B . Rees 51 M . O'Connell 52 P. Dinnick 53 R . Allpo rt 54 M . O'Rielly 56 J . Catli n 57 G . Divenuto 58 M. Pigden 59 J . Barron 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 62 K . Rodgers 63 S . Pengilly 64 J . Evans 66 J . Bradley 67 M. DeLuise 68 G . Van Popering 70 E. Ricciuti
Coach: Darren illiarns Res Coach : `- it Quinn 1 . D Williams
2 . J Buttergieg 3 . D Wouda 4 . S Wuchatsch 5 . D Macleod (C) 6 . N Grant 7 . B Robinson 8. B Han n 9 . G Case 10. B Cocks 11 . B Twist 12 . B Jones 13 . D Williams 14 . A Daniel 15, W Phillips (S) 15 . P Bregut (R) 16. D Sadler (S) 16 . S Ivkovlc (R) 17 . S Phemister 18 . D Oldham 19 . P Dervan 20 . R Har t
21 . S Mc Eachran 22. Warren Payne (S) 22 W. Payne (R ) 23 P Sadler (S ) 23 . Kirk Dowsey (R) 24 . C Pac h 25 . G Burgess 26 . D Le e 27 . C Matthews 28 . X Toby 29 . P Vincent 30 . A Black 31 . A Mackley 32 . J Atlus 33 . A Savioa 34. B Grant 35. C Bergin 36. M Imms 37 . B Hynes 38 . D Macleod 39 . T Carter 40 . R Nisbett 41 . A Bouras 42 . S Harvey 43. K Maher 44 . M Bracks-Manning 45 . S Mc Nearly 46 . T Campbell 47 . S Dye r 48 . B Grummisch 50. K Stabbing 51 . D Bubni c 52 . A Petzierides 53 . T Ryan 57 . M Soccocio
71 B . Stanton 72 T. Saxby 73 S . Devlin 74 C. Longton 60 D . Cartwright
offloo (~O ot?a 0,97,/Z W. BUMPER
Clubs have received Sport 927 bumper stickers recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporters . For you chance to win a weekly VAFA / 927 Sports Pack comprising a Miller' s Guide, a Sport 927 cap, ( 1) promotional football and a "For the Love of the Game" VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the VAFA . A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the Amateu r Footballer. All entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize. At the end of the Rd18 should your club have submitted the greatest number o f entries for the season, from your club entries the winner of the Carlton Crest Hotel package will be drawn. Package includes - accommodation, evening meal, breakfast and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final. Winner announced in the Amateu r Footballer August 26/27 . Last week's winner : Trish Fisher Club : Mazenod OC
a column for everyone in Amateur Football by Brad Beitze l VAFA NE 77- - " - At the same store Old 0 - OLD Paradians have withdrawn their U1 9 m due to lack of numbers . It's hard to believe th e Melburnians on-bailer -,a . i Thompson came in . which hails from one of the country's mos t looking to replenish . It was hard to believe but in the :mous breeding grounds for footballers, can't ge t middle of winter the store's cold air-conditioning mbers but secretary Peter Reid explains it is a came on at the same time Cam walked in . of competition . "We've been hit heavily by VAFA NETWORK 111 - From the chicken n joora (a semi-professional club) that took a lot o f store now to John Landy Oval in East Malvern . I saw <rs," Reid says . "They offer them a few dollars a four-wheel drive with the personalised number a lot of them play their juniors there so of late plates : U~~iC3 parked outside the renovated L a ve been going in that direction . Parade doesn't Pescatora restaurant . Recoga Junior teams but next year, nising the name as that of a bid to arrest the flow, it i s Melbourne High's rover Kon ing to have a committee Krios I went into the swish mber actively promote the eatery to investigate . It's Kon's Boys to the school an d dad's number plate and Jdress its junior program . "We restaurant . "We've been here ,-re down to a list of 14 but 16 years and Kon works here _re has been a positive, we too," Alex Krios said . rave given them a go in the -VAFA NETWORK IV,,serves and that's gone well," Around the corner in Waverley Reid says . A strong Parade is Road I went into to the family good for the ideals of Amateur grocers only to bump into felFootball . low columnist Tony Miller , 0 - THE Olympic Torch VAFA NETWORK V Relay will tomorrow night Next door to the grocers is -~unday) stop at Mazenod's chemist Phil Goldberg . Phil _ine at Central Reserve, was the star of Ajax's 1999 D 'laverley. From 7 .30pm there Section premiership . This year ; .ill be fireworks, fire jugglers the business has expanded and entertainers to set the taking on a Tattslotto franchise scene for the lighting of the so Jacka fans have missed out cauldron . The council is on seeing their inspirational expecting many thousands to Cam Thompson OM's on batter utility this year. attend . VAFA NETWORK VII 0 - R OB Cros s , my former co-commentator on Down the road at the corner of Darling and Waverley Channel 31, is making the most of his new gig with roads is a newsagency run by John who is the spitWIN TV in Launceston, Tasmania . "I'm frantic coverting image of our leader Phil Stevens ! ing all sports," Rob reports . "Interviewed everyone from Andrew Thompson, who was down here with S t HAD the unpleasant experience of being be d Kilda, and the champion ploughman ." ridden with the flu last week when the phone rang Noel Rundle on the line from Queensland . Didn't that Ploughman ? Yep, ploughing is taken se r ously i n make me feel better ! Noel wants me to note that a region that relies on its rural income . Doug H eywood, who I mentioned a fortnight ago, 0 - WITH 1 0,000 registered players, many from played under Denis Cordner at Uni Blacks (and the private school system, the VAFA has a reputation not 11-on as I wrote in my par) . of having an Old Boy network . LAST week's mention of Andy Gowers' top Seems like these following accidental meetings and bottom braces has led to me to observe prove it . Scotch's co-president Tim Shearer's same orthoVAF A NETWORK 1- Dropped in to a chickdontic work . "They are to correct a jaw alignment," en shop in Malvern after doing my Thursday night Tim, who is also in his early 30s, says . A former AFL training rounds . There was Xaverian reserves utility and VAFA field umpire Shearer shows versatility by Peter Ryan . Five years ago he was getting a game doing the Cardinals' running job . As you'd expect, with Sandringham's seniors and he's a good meaTim knows the how far to stretch the law on how long sure of the depth of Xavs . Since spending two years a runner is allowed on the field . At an Elsternwick out of the VAFA to gain reinstatement he has mostly Park match he looked to be twice asked to return to played in the reserves . "With work I can't do all the the bench . training but I am happy to get a kick where I can," Feedback : beitzelb@alplealink .com.aae Peter, 34, says . fi% - ,, . . -,, 1,,,,-r,, .,,,-
Id Westbourne continued to cling to a sligh t ,chance of finals in 2000 whilst the battle fo r second spot and the vital double chance is still well and truly on with South Melbourne and Syndal both recording big wins . Meanwhile Werribee notched their second win of the year and Swinburne followed along their winning path in the bottom half of the ladder . REVIEW Bentleigh clocked up their third 100 point victory in as many weeks as they took care of Mt ldlydale at the Bentleigh Recreation Reserve . In another consistent team effort Hutchinson provided drive from the back half whilst Fishlock was also a handy contributor. Sharp (12) had another day out up forward and has now kicked 34 in three weeks . McKenzie, Bird . Gibson and Brebner were best for the Rams, who suffered their first big defeat of the year. On a difficult day for the North Brunswick club they came off second best in their clash with Syndal Tally Ho . The Synners started well and maintained their form to put the game beyond dispute by the last change . Rutter. Cachia, L . Hannemann and Hall were again important whilst Care, Taylor, Kyriazis and Fawcett battled hard for the North side. Werribee gave themselves some chance of moving off the bottom of the ladder before seasons end with a 39 point win over St Mary's . On the back of seven goals from Issac and good performances from Czajkowski, Carson and Becker the 'Bees established a handy break at half time and managed to extend the margin as they greeted the judges for only the second time this year . P. Harrison, Goldsworthv . Davies and West led the way for the Saints . South Melbourne continued their push for top spot as they touched up Bulleen . An undermanned Cobras outfit were never really in the hunt as Wright (7), Powell, King and Hogan took control for the South side and never let their opponents back into the contest . Bulleen weren't too disappointed with the result given the circumstances and opposition and once again D'Angelo was a tireless worker along with Casey, Wigney and Gencarelli . Swinburne's late surge up the D4 ladder rolled on as they knocked off Brunswick . The Razorbacks will be rueing a slow start to the year as their form of late has been most impressive . Prior, Sheerly, Hamilton and Debattista were their best at the weekend although they couldn't stop the irrepress-
ible Moore (7) wh sobtedalfhis majors . O'Brien, L' . McBride and Brun t were also useful for Brunswick . The inability to convert in front goals again hurt E lthana as Old Westbourne registered what may prove to be a crucial win in the last game of round 16 . The Warriors were able to adjust best to the exceptionally windy and difficult conditions at Hoppers Crossing with Dangerfield dominating the ruck and creating chances for the likes of Mutimer and Horsburgh . Doody, McDonald, Mann and Bell tried hard for the Turtles but a score of 4 .16 is not going to win you many games . PREVIEW The race to the goalkicking ton between Brunswick's Shane Moore and Bentleigh's Chris Sharp should see both players crack the mark today and become the first in Amateur season 2000 to do so . Good luck to you both ! And the Bentleigh player gets his chance as his side travels to take on North Brunswick . The Demons are the form side of the competition at the minute and anything less than a big win today would be a surprise . That is not to say that the North boys will not be giving their all but the class and depth of the Bentleigh side will be too much for the home team and should see them win easily . M t Lilydale host Werribee and will be looking for a return to the winner's list after a tough last couple of weeks . The 'Bees will be boosted by their victory last start however the Rams have proven a hard and competitive unit at home . The form of Czajkowski, Fletcher, Becker and Issac will give Werribee some chance but the likes Gibson, Lonergan, Carolan and McKenzie should get Mt Lilvdale across the line . St Mary's play host to South Melbourne and will be looking for a big improvement this week . The Districts, on the other hand, are going nicely and will want another percentage boost to give them every opportunity of finishing in the top two . South have good players playing good footy at the right time of year and whilst the likes of Harrison, Goldsworthy and Davies will give their all for the Saints it will be in vain today as South Melbourne take the points . In a game that will decide if Old Westbourne have any chance of making the finals this year they head to Koonung Reserve to take on B ulleen. The Warriors have just been hanging on to the four i
the last month and last week's tight win will have given them renewed hope .The Cobras are still hamstrung by injury however D'Angelo, Pearson . Gencarelli and Badanjek continue to stand up . It will be a good contest but I think Old Westbourne just have too much to play for at this stage . Syndal Tally Ho make tracks to face Brunswick in the other game that may see a century of goals kicked in season 2000 . Syndal will be desperate for a big win as they battle to sneak into that second spot and Dix and Vanderkruk will be important for them up forward . At the other end of the ground Shane Moore needs only three goals to crack the ton and I'm sure will be given plenty of space to move in by his teammates . Despite all this going on Syndal should run out convincing winners as their final's campaign looms ahead . Eltham has the chance to bounce back this week and all but sow up a final's berth when they host Swinburne out at Research . The game will be no walk in the park however as the form of the University boys has been good of late . Hardie will need to fire in the ruck to give Eltham's on ballers first use and Bell and Mizzi have to hold things together down back . Debattista, Smith and Sheedy will be important for Swinburne but with a final's berth hinging on the result, Eltham should get home . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Please fax match reports to 9457 1580 and I can also be contacted 0409 571 580 .
Ss,inbur,le - captain Damien Milano pl=i :s !its 100th ;an--.a for the club this Saturday . Old Westbourne - club stalwart Simon CLAsto brings up 100 games for OW . Now in his 7th s.eason, talented and versatile, Sime has kicked over 100 goals and performed well in finals . Well done . Youngster Scott M attson plays his 50th game . Joining us in 1998 from the local area he is congratulated and all wish him well for the future at senior level.
SEIgIIQ119 - 22 .07.C 3 7.4 11 .10 20.10 23.13.151 SyndalTally-Ho: North Brunswick: 3 .3 4 .6 6.9 9.15 .69 Syndat Telly-Ho : Dix 5 .4'anderkruk 4. Burro 3, Murray 2. Rutter 2. W Hall 2, Toce . Caeltia . Thompson . Henderson . Bennett Best: Rutter. Cachta . L Hamtemann . W HaIl . Henderson . Beckett . North Brunswick: Demortan 3. Pizzart 2. New-ton . J Bcnidoloh . Lattouf. Se . Wernhant . Best: Care, Tavlor. KyTiazis . Lawton. Ronda, Umpires: Luke Monerieff: Peter Woods I F Benikigh A.RC: 3 .2 8.11 12 .13 24 .18.162 Mt LBydale: 2.0 2.0 5 .7 5 .8.38 Beutleigh A.F.C: Sharp 12. Clough 3. P Morgan 3. Withington. Gold. tveber. Hutchison Martin . R Fisltlock . Best: Hutchison. Sharp, R Fisitlock . Cotiacam. Adasac. Martin . Mt LBydsle : Gibson 2 . Varga 2. Colman . Best: 'tiieKenzte. Bird . Gibson, Brebner . Lateran. Carclan. Umpires:Ron Smith : tan Burgess iFl. Stuart Nicholson : James Nicho son iB l 2 .4 7 .5 10.5 13.11 .89 R'errifsee Amateurs : St Marys: 1 .2 4 .4 6.8 7.8 .50 Werribee Amateurs : Isaac 7 . Fuller 2. Fletcher 2 . Bkbv. Mongey. Best : Caajkotxreki. Lenomv. Carson, Becker, Fletcher . 2don?ev.St Marys: Kamt:trttataksi 2 . Carra Morcorit . P Hcvrtson. Rouss . t5'est . Best: P Hmlson . N Goldsvrorthy . Davis . West. C Gotdwnrtly . F Harrison . Kountantataks. Umpires: Mick Gdday F) South Me1b. Districts: 4 .1 11.5 14 .7 19 .10.124 2.5 3.7 7 .8 9,12.68 Bulleert Cobras: South Fhetb. Districts: Wright 7 . Daly 3 . Gosney 3. McDonald 2. Bryson 3. Henderson . Best: Pa;celt . HIng. Hogan . Henderson. Doxtting. Buileen Cobras: Badanjek 3 . Pearson 3. Brown 2, MeLaren . Best : D'Angeto . Casey. P.'tgnex Peazsan. Gencarelti . Badan}ek. Umpires : Ron Marttm: Peter Griffiths tF). Jarrod Asputal: Daniel Stephens (B). Garry Clancy: Peter Wallis (G) 5 .6 7.7 7.7 .49 Brunswick A .R(`. 33 Swinlnurre University: 3 .4 5,7 7.9 11 .17 .83 : aBrien. Mocse. L McBride, Brunt . Lorett . Brunswick B .F.C: S Moore 7. Best Swhtbnrne University : M George 3 . Sheedy 2, Abbott 2. HantBton . O'Mara . . Pintroaskt. Ctdph. Umpires : . Best: Price, Sheedp. Hanlllion . Debattista Thomas George Paleodtmco : John Ralph (F) . Brendan Ralph (B) Old A'estbourue: 3-4 3.4 7.7 7 .9.51 0.2 2.6 2 .8 4 .16.40 Ettham Collegians : Old Westboorne : Slatten째 2 . Muttmer 2 . Crossuell . Lott. Wilson. Best: Mutmer. A Horsburgh . Dangerfleld. Robson. Deptazr.a Wilson, Eliham CoBegians : Baud. Coonern. Horshurgh . Daodc. Best : Dcodc. MacDonald . Marm . Bell. Lutflek. Horsburgh . Umpires : Datid D'Altera Ken Brescer (F)
RESERVES -22 .07 .0 0 SyndelTally-Ho: 3-3 4 .7 7.8 8.8 .56 North Brunswick: 6-7 9.10 10-12 12.13 .83 Syndst Tally-Ho: Ounce 4. Bent 2 . Glenister. Pierce . Best: Morrison, Pierce. Bent . Ertan. Burns. Dance . North Brunswick. Papanikotaau 3 . P Sorteto 2. Cross 2 . Hogg 2. Patulla Crnsina . Martin. Best : Superb team effort. Bentleigh A .RC : 1 .3 9.7 10 .9 18 .1 .112 4 .3 5.3 6 .4 6 .5.41 Mt Lilydate : Beatteig r B.EC: D Pittito 6. Prigg 3. tVithington 2 . K Kell 2 . Stamatakos 2. Codraht. Best : Pair . K Kell. Codrain. Kopitscinski. Beatie. rihkhr. Mt LBydalee: Holloway 2 . Strachan 2 . Flanagan. Pereira. Best : Pereira. Flanagan. Turner. Morrison . Kennedy. Leonard. 2.1 3 .4 8.7 8.8.56 Went]= Amateurs : St Marys : 2.3 6 .5 7.6 7.12 .54 Werribee Amateurs: Thontas 3 . Harding 2 . Pismo 2. Bordigan . Best: Carson . Zttliut . Pismo . McKee . Bordigan. Pace. St hixrys : E llis 2. Rousts 2 . S4ev. P Harrison . Joyce, Best: Hendy. Moreom . Dwyer. Livutgstone. Ellis. 3 .6 4 .8 9.11 12.15 .87 South hfeltb. Districts : 2 .1 6.2 7.2 8 .6 .54 Bull een Cobras: South Melb . Districts: Jacobs 4 . Swartsson 2 . Bradley 2 . Baade. Hoy. Fern . E Henderson . Best : Jacob . Drew . Hannan . Mcojen . Johnson. Bu ll een Cobras: Thompson 4. Starrett 4 . Best: Casey. Poltt3s. Starrett. Thompson. Riggonl . Cook . Brunswick A.F.C : 2 .4 4.6 5 .7 5 .8.38 Swinburne University : 0 .4 2.5 3 .8 6 .11 .47 Brunswick A.F.C: Kerr 2 . McRae 2. Shore. Best: Mcrae . Kerr. Dowsett. CHe}Rte. Clarke . Swhrburne University: R Winters 2. Andrinopotilos . 0'Domtell . Demarte. lsttp. Best : O'Donnell . Pugttsi. Goodwvt . Hollins, Heard . J Roberts. Old Westbourne : 5.1 7 .3 9.6 10.8 .66 1 .2 4 .3 5.3 6.6 .42 Eltham Collegians: Old Westbourne : Christo 5 . Scholes 2. Robbins . Leitch . Hewitt. Best : Claisto . Leitch, rivaltand. Fiemittg. Me<_man. Robbins . Ettham Collegians: T Barnett 2 . Bwyer. Davies . Kennedy. A Hoagate. Best: Kennedy, Dwyer. T Barnett . Evans . Duties. Baud .
D4 Sectio n BENTLEIGH Coach : Paul Dimmatina Res. Coach : Paul Jemmeson 1
C Sharp (C)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
P Morgan A Anastasio D Lewis M Eyles (VC) R Weber M Colaiacovo J Handfield I Jackson A Henry D Martin (C) L Codarin M . Karastavro u K. Kell P Withington P Jemmeson (RC) J Psaras S Adaway S Hall (RVC) R Fishlock A Graham S A rv anitis A Clough G Stamatako s D Gold B . Padgha m
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 77
BRUNSWICK Coach: Stan Gilday Res. Coach: Steve Kannegiesser
1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 J SeeleyY (VC) 31 G . Phelan 32 M . Morgan 33 34 D . Kopitscinski 35 R English 36 D .Fishlock 37 M Eefting 38 39 L. Sampson 40 L Ireson 41 M Backman 42 P Hutchison (VC) 43 G Beattie 44 L Pittito 45 46 J Bounsall 47 48 G Kell 49 R Neve 50 S Craven (RDVC) 51 52 A Pittito 53 G Rubio-Thorne 54 B Moffat 55 J. Fly 56 57 A Stanes 58 M Pirie 59 R Hall 60 M Snelling 61 S Cologero 62 63 D Manning 64 C Aitken 65 G . Prigg 66 T Caterson 67 68 D Pittito 69 t A. Patchet 70 S. Brown 71 72
B .Lovett J .Markha m B . Moor e J .Bell
S .Goodwin A Lever p; ~ m d9 D .Sedpwick D .Clarke J .Grixti S .Lak e T.Fulton S .Kannegiesser S .Moore R . Smith A .Dean G .Mcgowan V.GattY N . Melon e TMcginniskin S .James M .Mcbride M .Lovett L .Mcbrid e M.Cleveland G .Cross S.Dreie r G . Conway d .Mcbride S .Mcbrid e M .Bullock S .Draffin S .Londrigan M .Whiteside S .Hewitt A .Lo s A.Berius M .Attard J .Hope R .Mainelli M .Bon d S. Woodbridg e D .Woodards C .Miller P.Geddes P.Mcrae
L .Marchant J .Ear A .Cosmano A .Geddes G .Cavanagh S .Grant B .Cazaly B . Brett T.Lovett M .Cox YSaad C .Caminiti C .R a n D .S ocks E.Pavio G .Surace H .Hahne J .Bradle y J . Ericson J .Gibson J .Harris L .Cavanagh L.Cordes M,Commerford
M .Ryan
N .Bowman P.Conduit
77 78 79
R.Craigie R.D'antonio R.Dipietro
81 82
1 J . Kalpakis 2 T. Orwin 2 S . Petty (RC) 3 R . Pulverenti 4 I . McLeod 4 N . Cartledge 5 M . Dall'Oglio (C) 6 I . Baccin i 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarell a 9 P. Goetz 10 A . Gencareili 11 A . DeJong 12 13 N . Cooke 14 S . Casey 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 M . Fait
S.Vidler W.Watson
Coach: Peter Slacik Res. Coach : Jason Lees
1 2 3 4 5
D. Fammartino T. Duggan R. Pilapil B . Doody (C) S. Jea l
6 R . Heany
7 M Gasparotto 8 L Sharpe 9 C . Watso n 10 W. Bates 11 J. Mizzi 12 J. Lees 13 R . Bell 14 S . Justice 15 L. White 16 D . Barnett 17 G . Lays 18 A . Macdonald 19 R. Kennedy 20 A . Hardie 21 M . Luttick 22 R. White 23 J . Woodward 18 R . Badanjek 24 M . Dwyer 19 S . Trapman 25 C . Horsburgh 20 J. Moran 26 J . Glare 21 N . Lykopandis 27 R . Beecroft 28 T. Barnett 22 P. Bastasin 29 A . Mann 23 J . Redfern 30 M . Dean 24 M . Opie 31 T Carter . Olney 25 W 32 C . Baud 26 J . D 'Angel o 33 M . Stanley 27 34 R . Pilapi l 35 T. Todaro 28 A. Foskett 36 L. Donaldson 29 A. Summers 37 S . Henry 30 S . Colverston 38 A. Macaulay 31 S . McLaren (DVC) 39 F. Coonerty . Clements 40 J . Baud 32 C 41 Z . Jovanovski 33 A . Cook 42 A. Howgate 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 43 J. Mann 35 T. Sette 44 T. Johns 36 P. Dall'Oglio 45 R . Davies 37 J . Paatsch 46 T Leopold 47 D . Howgat e 38 G . Brown 48 B . Turney 39 H. Dimitriou 49 M . Sfiligoj 40 T. May 50 R. Short 41 R . Rigoni 51 S . Maxfield 42 V. Dam 52 G . Stackpole 53 A. Mann 43 B. Dimasi 54 P. Walters 44 B. Saaksjarvi 55 P. Morrow 45 J . Mustica 56 46 C . Borrelli 57 S Gathercole 47 58 48 M . Soumelidis 59 B. Evans 49 60 B. Sumpter 61 C . Thanus 50 C . Genitsaris 62 A . Hadfield 51 R . Rodrigues 63 C . Dods 64 R . Watson 65 S Scahfer
M .Nugen t M .Robinson
74 75
BULLEEN COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo Asst. Coach: John Kalpakis Res Coach : Jamie Redfern
1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105 Phone : 9852 1129
STAR pTy, L :Fp, All Mechanical Repairs Speci a lising in G erma n Prestige Cars
Factory t 19 Railway CresceN, Croydon, 3138
P11 : 9724 9824
I tIT LILYDAL E Coach : David Keast Res. Coach: Jason Flanagan 1 D . Johnso n
2 P Hayes 3 F Varga 4 G . Davis 5 P Ston e 6 M . Dann 7 D Hendri e 8 A . Strachan 9 A Del Blonde 10 J Gardine r 11 C Gibso n 12 M Brebne r 13 R Kid d 14 C Wals h 15 B. Commerfor d 16 P Caulfiel d 17 A Burret t 18 B Jealous 19 J Burges s 20 A Penhal e 21 T Amos 22 L. Proctor 23 B Egan 24 O . Ronney y 25 A Delahun t 26 T Flanagan 27 N Pearc e 28 T Crowe 29 P Furlong 30 G Bir d 31 P Varga 32 P Carolan 33 C Anderso n 35 D Callana n 36 E O' Brien 37 M Pearl 38 D Kenned y 39 L Allanso n 40 W Newel l 42 M Periera 43 D Hollowa y 44 M . Munk 45 R McKenzi e 46 K Maniscalch i 47 C Lonerga n 48 D Featonb y 49 M . Matte r 50 J . Kuffer 51 J Flanaga n 52 M Well s 53 M . Leonar d 54 M . Smithies 55 H . Flanagan 56 L. Hoogenboom 58 L. Egan 59 D. Morrison 60 T. Wilso n 61 G . Cowan 62 B . Cox 63 D . Prest 64 D . Turne r
D . B r ig h t L . Tol l F. Livin gston C . Var ga M . Dan n G . Frankli n D. Cicchiello
D4 Section N TH BRUNSWICK Coach: Craig Fox Res. Coach : Peter powse tt
1 S . Wernham 2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D . Pizzari 7 D . Magnuson 8 A . Peterson g A . Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J . Boudoloh 12 S . Care 13 P. Merin
14 M . Newton 15 G . Taylor 16 J . Saunders 17 A. Kyriazis 18 B. Whitman 19 S. Famulari 20 R . Divita 21 A . Youngf 22 M. Sorletto 23 M. Vaina 24 S . Tancredi 25 J . Thompson 26 R . Pretty 26 S . Hog g 27 D. Lawto n 28 W. Pretty
OLD WESTBOURNE Coach : Andrew Hadley Res . Coach: Stewie Craig
1 G . Robson 2 D . Taylor 3 S . Depiazza 4 A . O' Keef e 5 S . Craig 6 J. Horsburgh 7 R . Mutimer 8 A Horsburgh 9 C . Villinger 10 J . Wilson (C) 11 J . Lott 12 M . Gibb 13 S . Hewitt 14 S . Mattson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M . Aquiline
29 C. Jewell
30 S . Healey 31 J . Freeman 32 M . Mason 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 P. Tancredi 37 D . DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Page 44 M . Faya d 45 B . Alameddine 46 C. Boyd 47 G . Goumas 48 V. Lirosi 49 M . Laoumtzes 50 B. Laoumtzes 52 A. Boudoloh 53 P. Cross 54 S. Milroy 55 P. Sorleto 56 L . Patullo 57 J . Heck 60 A . Armstrong 61 J . Polemicos 62 J . Briffa 65 L. Rigazzi
18 P. King 19 M . Craig 20 S . Chaffey 21 B . Dangerfield 22 W. Fleming 23 G . Flower 24 L. Fairfield (VC) 25 D . Moore 26 P. Mesman (RC) 27 D . Billman 28 D . Slattery (RVC) 29 D . Horsburgh 30 R . McMillan 31 R . Aldridge 32 G . Jenkinson 33 S . Whitingg 34
35 D . Rivalland 36 K . Pilsbury 37 A . Leitch 38 B . Mattsson 39 A. Robbins 40 S . Leitch 41 42 43 P. Hopper 44 B. Slattery ry
45 D . Benn 46 A . Nibloe 47 T. Said 48 A . Lipscombe 49 50 P. Habersatt 51 T. SCholes 52 S . Walker 53 T. Robinson 54 M . Crosswell 55 B . Davis 58 P. Kegagias 59 K. Sheldrick 60 B . Davis 59 A. Lipscombe 60 N . Aquiline
SUMMERWORLD t_. Tabaret, Bar & Bistro ~,z Sydney Rd, Coburg
Ph ; y
2 M Hannan 3 M Johnstone 4 S Stepnell (C)l 5 S King
6 W Rosovvski 7 T Jacobs 8 BLuxford 9 B Powell 10 G McDonald
11 K, Johnson 12 S . Herman 13 Earl Henderson 14 P McLaverty 15 B Lazzaro 16 M Thomas (C) 17 Evan Henderson 18 A. Hobbns 19 B~ing 20 L Hogan
o lVe ~~~ ~~~~
11 y umidai
Coach: Peter Olivieri Res Coach: Michael Learmonth
1 . M . Learmonth 2. B . Boyes 3. R . Livingstone 4. N . Goldsworthy 5. 6 S . Stone 7 N . Malloch 8 A. Zsembery 9 K. Gillard 10 T. Jones 11 J. Bernardi 12 13 J . Hill 14 W. Ross 15 D . Andrews 16 J . Wedrien 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 21
25 P Hannan 26 R Gibbs 27 G Panther 28 G M~atov~ (RC) 29 S McDaugalI 30 S Wright
33 M . Lynch
31 S McNamara
34 M . Tindley 35 G . Theoharri s 36 E . Evan s
22 A Bryson 23 D Thomas 24 M Drew
32 D McGee
33 J Bradley (VC) 34 K Fern (RVC) 35 N Moojen 36 J Hoy
37 M Rosrn'vski 38 P. Nice
39 A. Contreas 40 A Baraka 41 B Martin
42 D Hall 43 J Glover
44 T&aade 45 M Gosney 46 M Be!lesini 47 G Reardon 48 M Balshaw
49 T Sutherland 50 T Hughes 51 I Fletcher
52 N Warszewski 53 A. Briglia 54 C. H~ru 55 S . Hand 56 S . Smith
57 J . Porter 58 S. Doyle 57 Wayne Rosovrski 58 TStankovich 59 G. Elander 61 P. Swansson 62 L Watson . S~at 63 J
37 A. Dwyer
38 F. Harrison 39 A. Milla r 40 L . Vincent 41 A . Dickeson 42 43 M . Cahmberlain 44 A . Gunn 45 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis D . Morcom 49 D. Robert s 50 M . Ellis 51 P. Poe 52 J . Hough 53 J . Davies 54 X 55 P . Mulcahy 56 M . Scammell 57 X 58 D . Kempster 59 A . George
60 S . Benson 61 G . Sigley 62 63 P. Roseman 64 J . Harringto n 65 66 G . Pilikidis 68 69 J . Hendy 70 J . Ega n 77 J . Dwyer 80 J . Clarke 88 A . Ballantyne 111 J . Carta
SWINBURN E UNIVERSITY Coach : Matthew Georg e Res Coach :TB .A.
1 G . Poppl e 2 J . Sheed y 3 J . Piotrowsk i 4 A. Fidler 5 J. Demart e 6 B. Canfiel d 7 A . Hamilto n 9 M . McCalma n 10 M . Georg e 11 D . Milano (C) 12 B . Nichol l 13 M . Luckey 14 R . Goode 15 C. Thoma s 16 S . Reynoldson 17 J . Andrinopolou s 18 A. Fiuman i 19 B. O' Mara
20 A . Lan e 22 R . Allen 23 J . Goldsworthy 24 I . Goulett 25 B. Sellers 26 G . Koumantatakis 27 28 J . Innes 29 P. harriso n 30 P. watson 31 W. Drew 32
21 B Johnson
60 R . Richardson
Sponsored by :
STH MELD D1ST. Coach : Peter McOrearty Res 1 P Coach Daley : Mel Beyer
20 M . Traino r 21 R . Merke l 22 S. Georg e 23 J . Kan e 24 M . Caso n 25 T. Houriga n 26 T. Schwerd t 27 A . Collins 28 T. Harri s 29 R . Cavicchiolo 30 P. Tur k 31 C. Drag o 32 P. Jones 33 N . Smit h 34 D . Brodi e 35 K. Abbo tt 36 C . Gillmarti n 37 P. McDonald 38 T. Reed 39 B . Prio r 40 J . Henry 41 T. Drahtidis 42 L. Waters 43 J . Roberts 44 N . Morga n 45 D . Islip 46 J . Sandh u 47 J . Sevdalis 48 M . Debon o 49 R . Winters 50 M . Goodwi n 51 P. Jame s 52 S . O'Donnel l 53 S . Flanagan 55 S . Gallin a 56 R . Hoew e 58 A . Roberts 60 J . Puglisi
Prouldy sponsored by:
Whitehorse In n 5 Burwood Rd,
Hawthor n O 03 9818 499 1 Robbie's Meat s 0413 539 501
:E ~S
SYNDAL TALLY-'Coach: Kevin Harnett Res Coach : Nick Toce 1 J Barro (DVC) 2 1 Bingham
Coach : Tim Elli s Res. Coach : Eddie Galizi 1 D. Frase r
2 S. McNamara 3 C . Cummins 4 S . Conway 5 S . Bisby 6 S . McGrath 7 T. Elli s 8 C . Camilleri 9 A . Towers 10 B . Walker 11 N . Isaac 12 R . Rantino 13 D . Lenoury 14 B . McMillan 15 Matt Drew 16 J . Salmon 17 C . Becker 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 S . Dalbon 22 A . Dibaitista 18 S Macfarlane 23 C . Becker 24 S. Harding M Foale 25 S . Pugliese 19 M Glenister 26 P. Thomas 20 C Hall 27 D. Warwick I Mackenzie 28 C. Whiting 21 A Thompson 29 S. Dol e 22 S Hoare 30 B . Carlesso 23 M Beckett 31 P. Marsh 24 M Macfarlane 32 B . Seeber 33 S . Fuller 25 C Clark (RC) 34 K. Mongrey 26 G Stofiridis 35 J . Youn g 27 G Kemper 36 D . Stephenson 28 M Kennedy 37 C . Edwards r 29 A Shee 38 J . Crook s 30 J Ertan 39 C . Chapman 40 L. Carson 31 A Richardson 41 M . Houston 32 L Hannemann 42 S . Fletcher 33 M Richardson 43 E . Galizi 34 V Wong 44 D . Flack 35 C Cachia (VC) 45 D. Czajkowski 36 P Van Velsen 46 P. Roger s 37 A Dance 47 D . Shelley 48 G. Shelley 38 M Christiansen 49 D . McKee 39 G Dimitropoulos 50 K. Pace 40 N Toc e 51 M. Greene 41 A Morrison 52 L . Djakovic 42 A Findlay 53 N . Robert J Sargen t 54 R . Portogallo 43 A Brown 55 D. Gullfounce 56 A. Addamo 44 D Raab 57 M . Brow n J Maestros 58 A . Birch 45 D Richardson 59 A . Albakis 46 M Pane 60 S . Hartley 47 M French 61 G . Warren 49 M Buckley 62 C . Albakis 51 W Hal l 63 P. Browning 64 S . Pisak 53 C Varnavas 65 R . Engler 54 P Sheer 65 D Kennett 81 S Day
3 M Joy (C) M Grocott 4 P Henderson (C) 5 D Hannett (RC) B Dix 6 J Cotsis (RVC) C Price 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 S Kemper 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter 12 D Bent 13 B Pearce 14 S O'boyle 15 N Murray 16 B Boucher (RDVC 17 A Burges s
Exact nui iber of goals and behinds for each team must be accurately name d Entry to be faxed to 9531 2050 or emailed to phil@uafa .asn .au
Entry to be received by noon Tuesday preceding matc h No winn 째 last wee` . 54 r,3ntries received for today's P rah ra, g v. Ca I ir :~ match . not clairrfed, prize increases each wee k by $ 5t1 . MATC
I ''iE ; T 1``EEFCS MAT
~~i : '
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . ESch player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
The main gL e (Glenhuntly Rd) is open ever v match dav. The reargafa (off St Kilda St) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . AS THF APAATFUR FOOTBALLER 2000
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i . .
~ inals eligibility rules are found under Rules 5155 of the Association . Below is a brief summanv . Senior -(Ist XVIII teams') All registered players with a permit . Reserve - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be registered and must have played at least two (2) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) .
Where both first and second XVIII's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify . For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend lie . lst semi Sunday . 2nd semi Saturday - read as above teams playing on the same day) . Under-19 teams - Plavers must be registered and hold a permit . If a player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season . If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the SECTION
1st SEMI
. ... 8
'/1.~ fL . .' :
first second round mateh, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a team has (2) U 19 teams or involved in hybrid arrangements the following shall apply . To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not including finals . For the player to be able to represent the U 19 (I) or (2) team of the club he is registered lie must simply be registered and hold a permit . Club XVIII teams - Players must be registered and have played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches and not have played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round .
An AFL or VFL listed player will be eligible to play in the finals for his VAFA club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 30th . A TAC Under 18 player must have played five (5) VAFA matches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 30th .
2nd SE M I
1918100 (SAT) 2618100 (SAT) EWICK PARK E'WICK PARK
C 13/8/00 (SUN) 12f8100 (SAT) MORDIALLOC SANDRINGHA--`'lri
Dl 13/8/00 (SUN) 12/8/00 (SAT) BOX HILL BOX HIL L
1918T00 (SAT) 26i8100 (SAT) BOX HILL BOX HILL
D2 13/8/00 (SUN) 1218f00 (SAT) CENTRAL RES CENTRAL RES
D4 1318100 (SUN) 12/8100 (SAT) TOORAK PARK SCAMMELL RE S
1918r00 (SAT) SCAMMELL RES 29t7/00(SAT) EWICK PARK 2 .00pm
26l8100 (SAT) SCAMMELL RES 5/8i00 (SAT) EWICK PARK 2 .00p m
29/7/00(SAT) E'WICK PARK 1 1 .30am
5I8100 (SAT) E'WICK PARK 11 .30am
U19 (1) 1318100 (SUN) 12I8100 (SAT) PARKDALE PARKDALE
19/8/00 (SAT) PARKDALE
2618100 (SAT) PARKDALE
19,18/00 (SAT) TOORAK PARK
26/8/00 (SAT) TOORAK PAR K
C XVIII (1) 2217f00 (SAT) 22J7100 (SAT) SANDRINGHAM SANDRINGHAM De La Salle Old Xaverians C XVIII (2)
2217I00 (SAT) 2217J00 (SAT) PRESTON CITY OVAL PRESTON CITY OVAL Old Ivanhoe Therrv Penol a
U19 RED 1318f00 (SAT) 12(8100 (SAT) 19,18i00 (SAT) 26I8100 (SAT) GARVEY OVAL GARVEY OVAL GARVEY OVAL GARVEY OVAL PARADE COLL PARADE COLL PARADE COLL PARADE COL L * above information subject to change due to ground availability (correct as 24/7/00) 1
BDF Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 0 00 025 623 )
7 Maurice Street, Nunawading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 157
CLUB 18 (1 ) GRAND FINAI, at Elstermvick Park - 2 p .m . CLUB 18 (2)
GRAM FINAL at Elsternwick Park - 11 .30 a.m . UNDER-19 SECTION I MAZENOD v . ST. KEVINS
OLD SCOTCH has the bye OLD IVANHOE v . YARRA VALLEY Clash with seniors UNDER-19 (2) BLUE
Review Section 1 the favourites got up on the weekend ; obviusly my 2 roughies were beaten . The mos t surprising result being the demolition job 0 . M .'s did on Old H . O.M .'s has been up and down all year! They finally got a number of players back, 65 scoring shots and 197pt winning margin later. they're back in town and I'm the first on that band wagon! Special mention to T . D . at CHB and Simo & Keno at HF. Also a record for O .M .'s in Section 1- the most goal kickers in 1 match - 16 . k1y other roughie was completely overrun by O .B .'s in the lst and were far too inaccurate in the 2nd . For O,B .'s MeGilvrav was sensational aided by Mizzi & Reddin . St. B .'s had Gleeson (outstanding), Garvey CHB & Zucco centre - terrific . At Vie Park it was all Xavs in G .F. replay for 3 quarters . Nolan & Hai-beck closing well in back and Chambers controlling Rusty in the ruck . The last saw Uni storm home and if they had kicked straight should have won and thereby securing a final four position . St . K.'s did what they had to do to win . The P .F.'s just keep marching on . Finally. O'Bee's Lions have roared into the 4 with a scintillating display of aggressive running football . Taylor and Hoist were unstoppable and big marking forward options in Lukav and Johnson proved a handful . For De La . Murray &Mecuri did well, as did Harrison in defence . Section 2 MHSOB moved Nvithin one game of fourth spot with a 21 point win over the extremely accurate Hampton Rovers . For the winners Veale kicked four and was in the best, along with Tarr, Raleigh, and Patterson . while for the Rovers, Prantzos . Ng, and Carr were all solid contributors . After neither side kicked a goal in the first quarter the floodgates opened and Beaumaris made it hard to believe Old Trinity is in fourth spot as they crushed Steve Maus' side by 103 points . Foley . Blackmore and Magee each kicked four goals for Beaumaris while Deaton was best on ground . and for Old Trinity, Christopherson . Hine and Condron were best . Old Scotch secured their second place position and barring some amazing results over the next two weeks gained the double chance with their solid win over Old Carey . Scotch were led to victory by the likes of Crane, Cleeland . Beaurepaire, and Coliie, while Carey had good performances from D Shutie . Taylor and Chapman . A strong wind got the Whitefriars off to a flying start as they kicked seven goals to Old Ivanhoe's no score in the first quarter . Old Ivanhoe couldn't use the conditions to the same effect and were never able to recover, eventually going down to
the Friars 32 points . Cahill . Crea, a n d Haverkamp were best for the winners, while Binney, Bolzan and Anderson all battled hard for Ivanhoe . Yarra Valley had the bve . Section (2) Blue
In a game in which the Blues needed to inflict a big win against the Jackers . they did . With Boyer dominating up forward with 7 and Leithbridge with 4, the Blues were too strong from start to finish, The Jackers battled on through Newstadt (again), Lewin and Henzel . Their lst & 3rd quarters proved costly. St. Leos should have really put away De La, but didn't. Cherry, Kelly and Carey were good. De La fought hard for 3 quarters (except 2nd) through Wood, Jolly and Alder . Ormond have basically sewn up 2nd position with a terrific win against a final's contender in Caulfield . Their 3rd quarter effort to outscore the Grammar Boys against the wind was sensational . Mentone held off a gallant Old Pvientonians team that kept pushing all day - well done . The Swans as expected pulverised the Packer Boys by 171pts . Cheevers was absolutely magnificent with 12g, bringing him to 97 for the year, well supported with Tsicadaris with 10g . Section (2) Re d Old Camberwell were simply too good and too strong as they devastated Bulleen-Templestowe with a 178 point thrashing . Cramer-Roberts was the best of eleven goal kickers with an outstanding nine goals . while Kearney, Haneock, and Hillier all played brilliant football for the entire day . Rupertswood pulled off a huge win and gained an important psychological edge heading into the finals by defeating the North Old Boys and claiming third spot on the ladder . Best for the Sunbury boys was Burrowes, Elliott, and Flinn, while Edwards kicked five for the NOBs and was backed up by fine efforts from Keenan, Kean and Haynes . McIntosh brought up his fifty goals for the year in style by kicking ten goals for the game, while Beaton kicked six as the University Blacks continued to play good football and decisively beat Aquinas . Also good for the winners were Schirmer . Hunt and Rawnsley, while the undermanned Aquinas side should be commended for their positive attitude and the gallant manner in which they played out the game . The Tiger Sharks forfeited to Therrv Penola . Old Essendon had the bye . Preview Section 1
The match of the round sees T .C .O .'s P .F.'s host
t1l, roaring Lions at Royal Righetti. Although, O'Bee ;,,ill have his boys pumped to the max, knowing that a[o_s here could end their final's campaign . That their destiny lays in their own hands . They unforcunately face the 'Tiger" of Section 1 . SKOBS to fin,,h their run . De La need to pick up 12 .3% points on Uni and should go at least halfway against %~azenod . Uni plays St. B .`s who must be devastated after last week's loss. That is why games like i.hese go to the character of a side . Uni needs to will ;.,, keep their finals campaign alive and St . B . 's need to show their mental strength and finish the season },, shaping the 4 . St . B .'s just . Marcellin should get ,ver Old H . I hear a rumour flying around saving O .tv1: s have got players back and will have their ,irongest side in for the year this week against O :B : s . Well . if they win, I will don the old boots, ~queeze into the shorts and do a lap on Monday night training before downing a snag and quaffing a beer! Go Old B, please!
Final Four Prediction - SKOBS . Xavs, O .B .'s & Uni - thanks Paul ! Section 2 The Hampton Rovers won't be playing finals football this season but still have plenty to play for as they eould pull off the biggest victory of their year if they were to beat Beaumaris this week . The Rovers have nothing to lose and will throw everything they have into this one . but I still can't see them taking it up to the might of the ladder leaders . Beaumaris by five goals . Despite Old Trinity's superior percentage over fifth place MHSOB a ioss this week could cost them their final's spot, so they must win when they travel to Ringwood to take on Yarra Valley . Old Trinity haven't been in their best form in recent weeks but should be too good for the Bushrangers who haven't shown much this year . With the finals in their sights MHSOB should record another big win and keep the pressure on the teams above them when they take on Old Carey . In this <: <<ek's match of the round second plays third as Old Scotch take on Whitefriars . In their first meeting Whitefriars managed to pull off a stunning vic! orv . Scotch will want revenge while both teams will be keen to show they mean business heading into the finals . I'm going for Scotch to just will by two to three goals . Old Ivanhoe have the bye .
Section (2) Blue The Blues have the chance to inflict an 8pt turnaround to keep their final's appearance alive by defeating St. Leos . This match should go down to the wire with the home team getting up by a miserI; 7pts . Boyer the difference! De La 2 put up a sterling performance against St . Leos last week - a big improvement on past weeks . And they will continue with a hard fought win against the Packer Boys . Caulfield Grammar host Ajax where they must and should win . Their percentage difference with the Blues has been cut by 2/3 in the last week . so thev r!, need to win well . Old Mentonians host the %iosquito Fleet that will be hell bent on maintaining 2nd position and keeping the pressure on ladder 9 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2000
leaders Swans. The Swans are at home to Mentone in a match they could drop if they take this one easv . They shouldn't due to the Ormond pressure . Final Four Prediction - Ormond, Swans . St . Leos & Caulfield Grammar (just!) . Section 2 Re d
Old Essendon found some form in their last outing and after a week off should be primed and ready to take on Bulleen-Templestowe. With the finals just a few short weeks John Newbold's boys still don't look like the side that dominated the first half of the season . they should still be too good today and win decisively over Bulleen-Temp . Therry-Penola's season is on the line and if they're going to have any chance of making the finals they'll need to knock of the team of the moment Old Camberwell. Despite being at home I can't see Therry taking this one out . The Wells by 8 goals. Rupertswood have to travel a long way to take on Aquinas and will be out to make it a big will to boast their percentage and remove any doubt that they could miss out on the finals . Aquinas have been undermanned this year but as always will give it their best effort and play the game out. The Tiger Sharks host the University Blacks and will struggle to match it with their opponents skill and determination . The Blacks are on a role at the moment and will continue to play out the season on a positive note . OBs have the bye .
v-idI01, 5 N CLUB
速 S -c'
G01.` . " DE[.-
Coach : Richard Oboe Coach : Terry Russel l
Coach : Denet Morto n
Coach : Rod Bourk e
I D . Coombes 2 R . Muir 3 D. Dowling 4 R. Szta r
1 . R. Galati 2 . D . Cracknell 4, L . Nea l 6 J . Carpenter 7 D. McMillan 12 L. Connal 13 J . Matthews 15 R . Baeyni 16 L . McMillan 18 L. Furlan 19 M . Mccartin 23 P. Hesse 25 N. Bisas 27 B. Norden 28 S. Baker 29 D . Ballantyne 32 V. Cahill 35 A . Carson 37 A. White 40 D . Newell 43 G .Thomas 53 S . Ailitt
1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7.
5 B. Hoist (DVC) 6 A. Fletche r
7 J . Farley 8 B . Sloman 9 B . Low (VC) 10 J . Fry 12 M . White 13 B. Lumb 14 J. Dixon 15 N . Perera 17 A . Shinkfield 18 D. Browning (C) 20 H. Sallmann 21 N . Chalmers 22 C . Rologas 23 D . Scher 25 M . Reid 26 P. Krotiris 27 B . Donnelly 29 B. Lukav 30 N . Herman 31 B. Hay 32 M . Johnson 33 J . Fitzpatrick 34 J .Young 35 S . Taylo r
40 J . Dixon 43 E. Waters
1 .L.Young 2 . C . Moran 3 . S . Evans 4 . S . Brown 5 . S . O'Connell 6 A. Bonnici 7 . G . Wis e 8. M. Naughtin 9 . S . Hyd e 10 . S . Hale 11 . D . Doyle 12 . B . Hawkins 13, W . Jolley 14 . J. Lowe 16. M . Miller 16. B . Kropman 17 .J . Kean
18 . C. Mercuri 18 . A. McLeish 19 . R. Burrows 19 . T. Woodlock 20. M. Picone (C) 21 S . Murray 22 T. Mola n 23 P. Mulholland 24 J . Garland 37 .J Hyne s 39 . M . Goodier 40 . P. Harrison 41 D . Spithill 42 A . Coffey 42 A. Carullo 47 J . Stinear 52 C . Poynton 61 R . Warmsiey 63 P. De La Haye 70 M . Duggan
OLD MELDURNIAN S Coach : Wayne Holdsworth
Coach: Brendan Flyn n
1 P Gallagher C 2 T Bryant
1 . L . McMahon 2. 3 . M . Cosgriff (C )
3 S Arden DVC 4 M Hawkins 5 T Stonier
6 J Grant 7 D Stewart 8 P Grundy DVC 9 J Byrne 10 B Marks 11 C Hinkfuss 12 T Middleton 13 A Simpson 14 T Coo k 15 J Bracy 16 J Berman 17 H O'Brien 18 T Fitzgerald 19 M MarsonVC 20 C Alder
21 S Kennedy 22 A Wal l 23 A Treloar 24 J Tucker 25 P Thomas 26 C Walker 27 L Beilby 28 M Radywonik 29 T Duncan 30 A Wu 31 J Mulcahy 32 E Selby 33 C Miller
Coach : Manny Nicolost
8 . E . Hansen 9 . D, Hos e 10 . J . McLatchie it . C .Jayaweera 12, C . Cleg g
13 . D. Clegg 14 . L. Fulle r 15 . M . McDowell 16 . A. Moo n 17 . R . Mosbauer 18. M . Quinn 19. S . Martin 20. B . Southgate 21 . P. Ryan 22 . D. Waite 23 . T. Heal 24 . L . May 25 . P. Reed 26 . A . Chalk 27 . P.Jones 28. T. Grierson 29 . C. Meehan 30 . A. Wilson 31 . S. Vettman 32 . P. Dugdale 33 . M. Guthridge 34 . K . LorenzDanie l
ST. Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . R . Legudi
2 . G . Ward 3 . A. Bouzikas 4 . SD . Borg 2. A McCarthY 5 . J . Citare li . Calman (VC) 3. B 4. J . Scanlan 6. J, McKay 5 . M . Hraglns 7. L. Harvey 6 . M.A!len 8 . L. Wilkinson 7 . S. Johnston 9 . D. Valori 8 . L . McDonnell 10 . J . Hil l 9. J . Ralph . ' 11 . S.Iannozzo 10 .J . Chambers 12, M, O'Donnell 11 . L. Farrow 13. S. Burgyn 12 . J . Dillo n 14. P. Holland 13 . D. Behan 15. A . Garvey 14 . L Mos s 15, M . Seeman 16 . M . Stapleton 16. D. James 17 . M . D'Arcangelo 17 D. Thomas 18 . D. Wals h 18 . N .I1ullett 19 . Rahill 19. M. D'Amalio 20 . D.Sheehan h 20 . J . McGrat . A. Smith 21 21 . R. Soeekman (C) 22. B. McManus 22 . Pd .O'Kane 21 A . Mastropasqua . Bonadia 23 . D 24. L. Campbel l 24 . N, Healey 25. H. Davies 25 . T. Legud i 26. D.EAcKean 26 . A . Monteleone 27. A- Curfln 27 . L. Evans 28 . A.64cQueen-Parton 28 . M . Caligiuri 29 . N . Harbec k 29 . A. Abela 30 . A . Pritchard 30 . C . Trewin 31 . D . Orlando 31 . L .0'Brine 32 . S . Grlag 32. S . Monteleone 33 . C. HaSiaid 33. B . Ballarln 34 L . Dinardo 35. R. Lopresh 34 . M . Zucco 36 D . Noonan 35 . T. Pearson 37. P. Carter 36 . M . Pope 38 . J . Demarla 37 . T. Carrick 39 . N . Quinn 38 . N . Smith 43 A . Nolen 39. J. Formica 44 T. Fotzqeraid 40. R . Cousland 48 R 0'Sfiannassy 41 . M . Kavanagh 55 G Monahan 52 L. O'Sullivan 59 R A9acwhider 1 . A. KeIIy
5 . P. Palermo 6. 7 . M . Zannino B . L . Collin s 9 . M . Shepherd 10 . B . Mobrici 11 . T. Bateman 12 . S . Hickey 15 16 18 N . El Mohamed 19 G. Moore 23 A .Pioenges 24 T. Lombardi 27 S . Corcoran 29 S. Doyl e 32 35 A .Tenson 36 D . Boundy 50 D. Furze 52 J . Bonaci 56 T. Jenkinson 64 L . Price
D . Collins D . Fotiniotis D . Bonnici A . McIntyre D . Maskell A. Strawhorn A. Fry
71 M . McCarthy
Coach : Roger Brown
each: H Shl sect
1 . C . Mizz i 2 . C . McNicol
1 . L Pfeiffer 2. L Pitcher 3. H . Brooks 4. S. LangfordJones (C) 5 . A Shav+ 7 . J . Cashmore 9 . A Waxn tan (DVC) 10, B . Solves it . J . Wright 13. B. Crawford 14. G . Smith (C) 15. G. Winder 17, R . Plummier 18 .D.Crowi 19 . G. Pletcher (VC) 20. B. Ferguson 21 . J. Dartey 24. P. Ladd 25. D . Webb 26.L.Hogan 27 . A Janke 28 . B . Hunter 29. D. Moss 32 D. Mackenzie 39 Q . Been 40 S. Capron 42 B. Koetsier 47 T. Phillips 51 L. Holt 58 J . Web b
3 . T. Mattest i 4 . A. McGillivray 5. B. Williams 6. R . Stewart
7 . C . Reddin 8 . C . McKimm 9 . M . Ward 10 .A. Morley 11 . L . Adamis 12 .N . Kennedy 14 M . Lowe 16 B . Marks 17 D. Hellyer 19 P. Angelini 20 M . Smith 21 B. Titshall 22 A . Hughes 23 J . Dickerson 24 MJ Smith 27 J . Maguire
SL KEVIN S Coach: Paul O'Shannassy 1 . S . Moylan 2 . L . Coleman 3 . A. Umbers 4 . J. Cassell 5 . P. Natal e
6 . M. Dellapicca 7 . D . Jame s 8. N . Marchesani 9. D . satgiiano 10. E . Croha n it . M . Hutton 12 . C. Terlich 13 . K. Didilis 15 . D . Bar e 17 . P. Cameron 18 . C . Moffat 19. E . Lync h 20. L. Kalesaran 21 . T. Simpson 22 . R. Dabraio 23 . M . Rigby 24 . G . Nolan 25 . C . Leathern
28 M . Giansiracusa 29 J . Giansiracusa 30 M . Winridg e 31 A . Turlich 32 J . Cox 33 G . Healy 34 J . Henderson 35 W . PMacdonald 36 W . McCann 37 M 38 T. Wickham 40 A . Greenhaigh 41 B . Evan s 42 J . O'Keefe 44 J . King 46 J. Travaglia 48 S. Pullen 50 J . Gullifer 57 M . Hinsely
He~eO,tt;e4[s98V $ . . __ . .-~. .)S
Coach : Steve King 1 . C . Barrott 2 . L. Bassell 3 . C . Beaton
4. L. Chamberlain 5 . J . Chiver s 6 .' R . Bowland 7 . T Birtiey 8 . C . Delahunty 9 . A . Di Pasquale 10. S . Edwards 11 . A . Evan s 12 . G . Pricker 13 . B . Gates (C) 14 . T. Girwood 15 . T. Fallow 16 . R . Hamilton 17 . R . Holmes 18. N . Hutchens 19.S .Hunt 20. J . Hunter 21 . L. Howley 22 . S . Kaso 23 . R. Kelleher 24 . C. Kennedy 25 . A. Munro 26 . M . Vasey 27 . L. Quin 28. S. Randall 29. T. Roach 30 .E . Roydhouse 31 . T. Morgan 32 . M . Sal e 33 . A. Savolutos 34 .S. Sandiford 35 . S. Russell 36 . A. Powell 37. T. Trumble 38. E . Wilcox 39. A . Williams 41 W. TempleSmith 42 S .Young
_-------~ Coach : Mick Boston J . Windebank D . Foley (C ) J , Mage e A. Pratt K. Taylo r 6 C . Collins 71 B. Cairns 8j, Mead g, B . Gillespie n D . Bird P. Brook (VC) S . Lync h C . T u ck B . Pearse - P! Clemente .1 . Blackmor e 6 . Fitzgerald A . Thompson g . A . Gwdolin (C) .-fl, A. Edge 1 B, Zigouras - 2. D . Hartman '3 T, Abbo t 4,. M . Atkins 25. L . Boreham 26. L . Atkins (DVC) 27. S. Coat e 28, R . Deaton 29. A . Caere 30. L . Tucker 31 . A . Spenc e 32 . J . Beattie S . McNicholas H . McMillan Healy Deaton lis Le e L. Ramirez-Smith E . Cooper
M .H .S .O . B . {f 3 Coach: 69ayne Stafford I M . Pearson p D. Dive r 3 B . Boyd 4 S . Blangiardo 5 A. Vanderhelm 6 L . Kennedy 7 K. Johnstone 8 G . Carr g B. Jowett 10 M . Stafford {DVC) 11 M . Lawrence (C) 12 J . Zampaglioni (VC) 13 T. Wilso n 14 N . Goss 15 M . Vaughan 16 L. Hope 18 G . Kellyy 20 W. Hebbard 21 N . Mason 23 B . Kulling 24 M . Waxiel 26 R . Alexander 28 N . Gould 29 J. Prantzos 30 A . Fisher 32 J. N g { Dvc) 33 C . Sendeckyj 35 L . Wheeler 36 A . Baflams 39 D . Molin a 40 S . Dea l
Coach : Graeme Bulluss 1 E. Raleigh (C) 2 J. Zarb 3 D . Veale (C) R . War e 4 5 A . Keys 6 B . Woollard (VC) 7 A . O'Brien 8 N . Orchard (VC) 9 J . Walker 10 E . Sims-Lucas 11 A . Hall 12 M . Cotter 13 R . Patterson 14 P. Wolnizer 15 A. Vicendese 16 S . Sims-Lucas 17 G . Pollard C. Bette 19 A. Dymble r 20 M . Tarr 21 M . Brown 22 A. Nirens 23 E. Ho 24 P. Rujevic 25 A. Svirskis 26 C . Wright 27 S . French 28 K . Miezi s 29 S . Allen 30 J . Membrey 31 M . Dowling 32 T. Harper 33 M . Neilsen 34 J, Veal e 35 G . Rankin
OLD CAREY Coach : Brett Gear 1 . C . Smith 2 . C . Stewart 3. B . Walsh-Richardson 4, K . Detarczynski 5. T. Chapman 6. L. Battley 7. P. Gizinski 8 . L. Costello 9 . D. Shutie 11 R. Hall 12 J . Hutchins 13 J . Macpherson 14 P. Holland 15 J. Oppenheim 16 R . Graham 17 A . Wilkie 18 H . Sedan 19 L. Siragusa 20 R . Adams 21 R . Leong 22 C. Taylor 23 D. Prior 24 P. Unkles 25 N . Detarczynski 26 E. Morgan 27 S. Baker
R Guinan
OLD SCOTCH 1 . J, Cran e 2, R . Craven 31 S . Tulloch 4 C. Adam 5,. S . Stewart 7 D. Adderley 8 S . Johnston 9 D. Johnsto n .' 10 S . Hame r 11 R. Jospehs 12 T. Page 13 A. Cleelan d 14 D . Logan
15 D . Gilchrist 16 N . Colman 17 D . Pry es 18 J. Piikington ( C l 20 T. Wilson-Humchries 21 S Dillon 22 M . Pears e 23 A . Kyriacou 24 D .Jackson 25 E . Tembat h 26 D . Brooke 27 L. Routledge 28 S . Thompson 29 J . Smedley 30 A . Birch 31 J . Beaurepaire (VC) 32 S . Hosking (VC) 33 J . Rodski 34 M, Fowles 35 A. Tindale 36 R. Hooke 38 H . Fenner 39 J, Focht 41 M, Lipshut J . Ross
J . Denby T Collie A. Fuller J. Sikon E . Ramsay J . Stratos D . Paul C . Lucas J . Lie
Coach: Stua rt ' :Lean 1 . R . Manefield 2 . A. Bereza 3 . J . Whyte 4, C . Binney
5 . J. Brigg s 6 . T Mee 7 . M . Clark e 8. C . Lynch
9. N . Braddy 10 . N. Anderso n 11 . A . Jurkiw 12 . S. Morri s 13 . D. Treloar 14, K. Theodoss i 15 . M. Lim 16. N . Trig~Vel l 17. C . Lewis 18. L. Bolzan 19. L. McKi e 20, D, Hawke s 21 . A . Clancy 22 . M . Teske y 23 . F. Cokele k 24, D. Neilson 25, J . Gieschen 26 . G . Gibso n 27 . T Griev e 31, C . MacDonal d 34 . S. Asto n
35 , R . Smillie 36. J. Stafford
A. Wilson
Coach: Terry Kendall
eon ~ ~ ~~~
O LD T R I N ITY Coach: Steve Maus Reggie A 2 Hine A 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Robison M 6 Rennie M 7 Dodgson B 8 Amiconi A 9 Best J 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen_ P 12 Kell Y i 13 Ellerbeck G 14 Thwaites M 15 Lucas C 16 Condron K 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Carter-Buszard L 20 Oberoi S 23 Wallin A 24 Christopherson J 25 Zander M 26 Donahoo M 28 Cristiano D 29 Mccutcheon M 30 Sullen M 32 Cornell J 33 Malekas I
Coach: Tim Pra tt
Coach: Rod Penatun a
1 . J . Wallace 2 . M . Cahill 3 . S . Cloven 7 J . Power 8 M . Malady 9 L. Swain 10 L. Coulthard
1 A Middlin 2 M Norris h 3 N Pas k 4 R Bett 5 P Valo p pi 6 D Lloyd 8 R Drew 9 B Kehoe 10 J Seege r 11 Z Web b 13 L Gillie s 14 G Thompso n 15 D Smit h 16 C Holdswort h 17 A Pizze y 18 C Bea l 19 A Coleman 20 D Senaratne 21 J Tomkin s 22 J Peak e 23 T Collett 24 G Contra 25 F Pellagrin o 27 S Savage 29 0 Bell 30 J Stron g 31 S Urban o 32 D Smit h 34 S Britt 37 D Sims 44 N Marti n
11 D. Crea
12 C. Slats 13 L Langford 14 L, Twomey 16 R . Coslovich 17 i, garu g h 18 M . Baker 19 J . Morris 20 S . Alexander 21 A . Graha m 22 A . Baker 23 J . Treyvaud 24 M . Haverkamp 25 M . Crowe 26 N . Muhilechner 27 S . Sail
42 Torney A
28 P. Harrison
44 Lancaster 45 Ward C 50 Davies M 55 Troon R 58 Walsh B 65 Burrows R
29 D . D'sousa 30 B. Janson
GE LA .,ALLE (Gold)
fl- ;X Coach: Mark Zuker C:-:h : Ct
1 D . Henzel 4 A. Butt 5 E. Goldstone 6 L . Goldman 8 T Katz 9 D . Newstadt 11 A . Benedykt 12 J . Blankfield 14 S . Nevrstadt 15 D . Finkel 16 J. Freeman 17 0. Flamm 18 J . Feldman 20 D. Zulc h
15 . A . Docker 16 . P. McLeish 17 . P. Elli s
18 . N . Guyett 19 . W . Brockett 20. D . Griffiths 21 . D . Elms 22 . T. Rynberk 23 . B . Naylor 24 . G . Dyso n
25 . M . Cramphorn 31 . M . Richardson 32. L . Frankli n 35 M . Kuppe 38 C . Veencjar 40 R . O'Neill 43 A . Bruh n 44 A. Vanrompaey 50 J . Wade
ES Coach : Dennis Grace I N `Nhitmore 2 M Stak 3 J Rosengarten e 4 M Bolton 5 P Avery 6 C Joh n 7 G Northway 8 J Backvrell 9 C O'Sullivan 10 B Rogers t M dsa!I 12 G Smythe 13 APerri 14 L Golding t5 J Park
16 A Carter 17 A Leithbridge 18 A Shedds
20 W Little 21 P Arnett 22 B Gree n 23 D Cavicchiolo 26MAVegter 27 I F.icCormick 28 J Mai n 30 J Mel nylon 31 S Haxvkirs 34 P Fonseka 35 8 Centra 36 N Cos Is,,, 39 C Burley 40 A Every 42 S Ktmber 44 0 45 H Graham Lao in 48 G Clugston 63 B Boyer 64 M Ryan
69 J Veenhu¢en
T. Vinen B. Gross N . Bode P. Roberts S . Tucker
9. J . Dalwood (C) 10 . S . McDonald it . B . Gardine r 12 . B . Goddard (DVC 13. J. Morvell (DVC) 14. M . Gree n
22 D. Pulrocki 23 B. Nissen 24 P. Glazer 26 A . Cooper 27 C . Spero 31 D. Norich 32 M . Kestenberg 35 I . Sam e 36 A. Sacks 39 A. Sapar 43 E. Woliner 44 J . Gelfand 45 A . Lewin 47 M . Snow 50 M . Milmeister 55 V. Kelp
Coach : John Howar d
1 . A . Toniola 2. B . Guliffer 4 P. Brot
t . Ahmed Ali 2 . Ali Al i 3, C. Allen 4 . A. Ba.rake t 5 . Ni. Baraket (C) 6 . G . Burley 7. G. Cassar 8. D. Clarke 9 . N. Cuni
:. .. . _. .
1 . D . Krongold 2. C. Deal (VC) 3. A. Axia s
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Coach : Greg Buntine
5 P. Mulholland 6 J. Kea n 7 S . Mehan 8 P. Arbon 8 M . Gooley 9 M . Brasher 9 L. Harrison 10 J . Clifton 11 A. Brett 12 J . Roberts 15 L . Browne 17 Joliv W 17 McGcr~an 19 S . Alder 21 M . Squire 23 L . Danaher 25 P 29 S..Roaster Browne 32 H . Funston . 33 B Lambe 40 T. Heffernan 42 J . Bowden 42 M . Lafferty 43 R . Buckley 51 M . Conway 52 L . Moloney 53 C . Moran 54 J . Murphy 55 B . Nolan 56 J .Norton 57 B. Ramsey 58 C . Rice
60 D . Wood 61 L . Becker 62 C . Bellistri 64 B . Col e 64 T. Woodloc k
23 . T. 01oughlan-Elder 24, A. Ranson 25 . A. Selvan 26 . J. Serpanchy 27 . D . Sheehan 28. R . Sherry 29 . J . Tomo 30 . P. Wallis 31 . S . Ware 32 B. Wazseknel 33 . P7i . Woo d
34. S. Zebian 35. B . Zurek
ST LE!- - -- : .
M ENTQNIAN S Coach : Jamie Winduss
10 . M . Dimachki 11 . R . Dimachki 12 . N . D'Zilva 13 . I . Dea n 14. L. Granrott 15. J . Gusman 16 . Z . Kadour IT M . Kasar 1 8 . P. Khalild 19, L . Kuthman 20. L . Lampos 21 . P. Merrick 22. S . Milopoulo s
Coach: Tim Hill s
Coach : Danny O'Sullivan
1 . L . Russell (C) 2 . K. Harvey
1 . L . Mos s 2 . M . D'Amelio 3 . D- Behan 4, C . Irvi n 5. P. Podbury 6. P. Boyd
3 . S. Tumiati
4 . D Casey (VC) 5 . J Tolley 6 . Pv1 Luba 7, R Wiley 8. J Muzzell 9 . J . Putz 10. L D'Astoli it . D Healy 12. L . Breitkreuz (DVC) 13. A . Kurzel 14. D .Jowett 15 A Goonan 16 D McKenna 17 M Heffernan 18 M . Purcell 19 C Everett 20 T. Harvey 21 S Anderson uumey 22 3 2 R H . QP tz 24 A Lom 25 J Silve r 26 M Martinov 27 J Nosk e 28 N Thompson 31 S Barker 34 A Warwarek 39 M Ferrari 40 49 A Perry 79 A Q'Shannessy 91 T Collie
8 . L. Cullen (VC) 9, T Stephens 10. A . Cherry
12. D . Dick
14 . M . McHugh 16 . A . Kell y
17 . G . Donovan (C) 18 . M . Fechner 19 . A. Rooks 20. J . Hamilton 21 . A. Ballard 22 . D .4jlcKean 23 . G . Brearley 24 . R . larchant 25 . C . Hatfield 26 . M . Morris 28 C . BIe)ak 41 D . Woo d
55 D . Tomkins 58 A Bulmer 59 M . Anderson 61 G. Hondow 64 N . Romney 73 J Dixon 74 R . Gale 76 A. Windle 77 J . BlewePr
Coach : Shane O'Connor 1 M . Meyer 2 G . Sims 3 P. Dixon 4 G . Allan 5 T. Pricker 6 S . Pratt 7 T Barr 8 K. Little 9 K. McLeod 10 R. Ward 11 B. Atheron 12 P. Williams 13 M . Hayes 14 P. Rocke 15 D.Johns 16 N. Levett 17 S. Casacelli 18 M. Michaelidis 19 S . Hamilton 20 P. Kring s 21 D . Kelly 25 N . Curran 26 L. Parsons 30 A. Pothitos 33 R . Hamil 34 M . Wingrave 35 C . Johnstone 40 S . Alexander 43 P. Murphy 45 R . Connard 43 S. Sullivan 51 J . Haig 71 S . Rickards
STH . MELG. DISTRICTS Coach : Darren PAcKitlop
1 J . Royl e 2 W . D'Andrea 3 J. Raeburn 4 N . Matarazzo 5 1 . Rusaki v 6 L. Ester 8 A . Skinns 9 S . Aquiline 10 S . Rocc o 11 H . McFadden 12 J . MacDonald 13 W. Brow n 16 J . Leeman 17 P. D'Andrea 18 J .Stephens 20 H. Masters 21 D . Bell 22 K. Ferguson 24 G . Tsicaderis 25 B . Bouchard 26 J . Griffin 27 P. Cheevers 29 M . Bradfield 30 A. Nield
32 E. Mahoney 33 J. Fidogiannis 34 G. Gaylor 41 Pvt . Wood 51 G . Rowe
C. Coach. Terry McEvoy
TIGER SHARKS Coach : Mark Beasley
. . . . . :~ ~~~~~
Coach : James Sandman
o+~' -• 2 Coach : Michael Sigala s
1 D Edwards 2 T Hedgeland (VC) 3 J Kirk 4 T Stathopoulos 5 B Kean 6 D Burley 7 A Crav e 8 S Glover 9 A McKenzie 10 J McArdle 11 B Speed 12 D Joyce (C) 13 N Barry 14 S Kelly 15 J Stevens 16 R Munzel 17 M Vanderhorst 18 D Denton 19 D Keenan 20 S Bermingham 21 N Hahn 23 S Hayne s 24 B Toohey 25 D Gazelle 26 H Maplestone (C) 27 G Hancock 28 R Morley 30 J Mullins 59 D Owen
1 . B . Tippe r 2 . M . Santamaria 3 . N . Robinson 4 . K , Nun n 6 T. Beranger (C) 7 T. Hallo 8 A . Maroetts 9 A . McGre e 12 G. Welchart 13 J . Derry ~' o 14 C . Munr 15 J . Whela n
Coach : John Stanton
M. Lent M. Alley 5. A. Boland 6. W. Lyng 7, B . Crosbie g L. McAuley D, Poynton C, Field ;':. C . Munroe 13. V, Hall a 15. S . Veron 1 ~~• B . Murphe y 3. G . Chippendale 1g. M . Bambury J. B. Dorkin 31 . J . Pierce G . Cochrane N . Warton G . Coyle ~u. M. Lemieszek 27. J. Neagl e 34 D . Fo r d
= =
i= = q r- .
61 . D . Col e
33 . P. Gordon
1 . S . Mars h 2. D. Florence 3 . A. Paradiso 4. 0 . Hil l 5. M ..t Pietryk (C) 6. D. McGreevy (VC) 7. M . McGrath 8. R . Conti 9. M . Bickerdik e 11 . J. O ' Donnell 13 . J . Garbellini 14 . M . Collins 16 . D. Charles 18 . D. Buccachio 19 . M . Berthing 20 . M . Hurley 22 . A. Tehan 23 . D. Tsokas 25 . L. Caddy 26 . D. Ma rt in (VC) 31 . T. Walters
34 . G . Taylor 35 . P. Tsokas 37 . C. Welch 45 . M . Saliba
Coach : John Newbold
Coach : Ken Balmer
Coach : Steve McMahon
1 J Williamson 2 A Salvo 3 C Oblivbek 4 D Ryan 5 S DeMorton 6 D Slater 7 B Haki m 8 M Jinx (C) 9 A Frazer 10 A Prowse 11 A Venuce 12 C . Clues 13 A Wuchatsch 14 J Burke 16 E Healey
1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 4 D Burrowes
6 Taylor N 9 Bannister C 10 Bannister J 38 Nancharow M 56 Stamen S
17 J Heritage
17 L Becker
18 D Flaherty 19 A Burbridge 20 S . Rogers 21 N Bartrum 22 B Newbold 23 C Devereux 24 J Daskiuw 25 M Burns 26 C McCormack 27 M Day 28 A. M Gowan 30 D . Oblivbek 33 S . Cetin 34 J . Marinos 35 S . Brugaletta M
5 J Ramsay
6 B Shalders 7 B Whitehead 8 K Elliott 10 N Webb 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temmingg 13 D Wallace 14 D Mather 15 J Teller 16 D Stafford 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnston 20 P Finn 21 D Heywood 22 A Carlo 23 N Sullivan 24 G Price 25 R Hatty 27 M Koste 28 D Hum 29 J Heath 31 M Assouad
TLIC Aenn-- ~ 1 -rnnI ~ rn
59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D
63 O'Sullivan D 64 Dakin D 65 Sifter T 67 Reynolds L 69 Leguier D 72 Johnson S 73 O'Brien J(VC) 77 Gleason A 78 Barron B 79 Higgins T 80 Kiernan M 81 Delaney D 82 Bowcock D 83 Finn B 84 Russell G 85 Henderson G(VC) 86 Goodwin T 89 Christie A 90 Atkinson D(VC ) 92 Sprin hall R 93 Smit hJ 94 Culph S 98 Hollow B 99 Holdstock G(C) 101 McCa rthy L
Coach : John Bushby 1 S Maguir e 2 P Seuren 3 L Beaton C 4 J 0 Sulliva n
5 T Laidlaw 6 J Macintosh 7 A Torney 8 J Heele y S Hunt 10 L Rawnsle y 11 C Schirmer 12 J Walke r 13 M Sal e 14 A Williamso n 15 A Borovac 17 A Cowle y 20 T Hallora n 22 R Drummond 30 S Sandiford 35 A Bushb y 44 C Beato n 46 N Martin 50 W Touzel 51 A Evan s 71 D Creek 77 E Thoma s
16 JCramer-Roberts 18 M . Horgan 19 D . Mitcfiel l 1 20 M h 2 ..S Jonesnrort 22 N . Johnson 23 D . Joyce 27 A . Hillie r 28 L. Hancock 37 0. Kent 43 T. Prowse 47 T. Kerney (VC ) 50 B . Ben c 51 B . Braithwaite 52 B . Laricchia 53 C . Morley 54 P. Najja r 55 B . Mcl-eod 56 M . Pain e
57 A . Hicke y 58 D . Lin g 59 A . Dave y 60 R . Enso r 61 G . Ormsb 62 P. Triantafyllou y 63 K . Darb y 64 D . Norto n
UNDER 19 BLUE - 22 .07 .0 0
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 22.07 .00
0 .2 4.4 4.6 9.8 .82 AJAX : 9.5 15.6 21.7 .133 Monash Blues: 6 .4 . Goldman. Best : S Newstadt . Lewin, 0 AJAX: \Uotner 4. Ungliek 2 . S New5tadt 2 . Leithbrtdge 4 . Clugston 2 . Hertel . Butt. Wainer, D Henzel. Momcsh Blues : Bayer 7 . O'Sullivan . Best: Green . Boeet. Centra . Green 2. Main 2, Rosengarten 2 . Burley Mark Jenkins: Glen Kemtedy (F). Ashley Golding. Smyth . Cavicchio;a Umpires: Hodgendyke (B ) .18 .102 5 .2 10.12 11 .13 14 St Leos Emmev .s : 2.2 2.2 4 .10 5 .10.40 D~ Lit SaUe : . Bcljak 2. D:Antello . Bad, St Leos Emmaus : Hamilton 3. Brearlev 3. Hatfield 2 . Hamitton . Brearley. De In Salle Ballard. Carey. Best: Chcrry. Ketly. Carev. Gale . BessLtrt. . Norton . Wtse . Nathan . Best: Wood . Jolly. Alder :Mulhoand,Beistr ) Wise . Darraher. Umpims:Terence Farrell : Michael Phillips (F .11 8.14 .62 '.. Ormond : 0 .1 4 .9 6 3 .4 3.4 4.5 5.7.37 Caulfield Or: . Luba Best : Casey, Healy, Ormond: Everett 2. Lom 2 . Barker. Healy. Kurzel . Caulfield On Kuppe 2 . Rynherk . Baker. Dea1. biartinc' . McKenna Luba Puta Umpires: Adam Kcoloos : Best: Green. Ellis. Kuppe. Tucker. Goddard. O'Neill, Daniel Beitner (F) 14.12 .96 Mentone: .13 .61 Old Mentonlans : 8 . Krings . Sullivan . V.'Ilson, Mentone Haves A. Atherton 2. Little 2 . Barr . Fricher . Atherton . Rickards . Old . McLeod, Hamilton wingrave. Best: LitBe . Krings . McClaxsky A Martin Mentoniens: C Alexander 2 . J Campbell . K Campbell . M Fisher. L Rule. New'ton . . MeCLo,.vsky . Newton . Best: C Alexander ,Mcanus Widelski. Umpires: Paul Berry; Dorm Compt (F) .15 28 .23 .191 .7 22 South MeI6. Districts : 7 .2 15 .2 3 .2 .20 1 .1 2.1 2 Glen Eira : . Awvhtra. Bell . tVcMd . South Met6. Districts: Cheesers 12 . Tstcadaris 10 . Morgan 2 . W D'Andrea W Kelly. Glen W D'Andrea Best : Cheevers. Tsiradaris . FidogLatmis . Sherry. w'azskinel. . Kasar. Serpanchy Eira: Wall is 2. Clark. Best: Fernando . Garry Clancy: Peter Wallis (G) 2ebian . Umpires: Tony Wry : Jun Pappas (F)
.13 .31 . i,larc rinn ; 0.2 1 .8 2.9 3 7.4 7 .8 13.8 14.10 .94 St Kevins: : M . St Kevins Mgrcellin: Goal lockers and best players results not reeieved . McCann. Lmch . Tras•aglia C Giansiracusa 3. Bare 2. Greerillalgh .. . Cox 2. Rigtrv : Michael Forde : Tertich. Best: Cox King. GulliCer. Pullen. Powell . Coleman. Umpires Gerard Rolts (F) .10 16.10.106 5.5 6 .8 14 Collegians : 0.3 3 .11 7.11 10.14.74 De to Sidle; . Hay . Coanbes. . Heist 2 . Low,, Reid Collegians: Johnson 4 . Lukav 4. SlrruSdield 2 ll e: Evans 3. 6Cotmell Best: Tavlor. Johnson, Slvmkileld . Hoist. Lukav. De La Sa . Harrison . Po}mton . : Murray, Meeuri . Goddier . Best 3 . ll'oodlock 2. P Harrison ) Naught'ut. Moran . Umpires : Jason McNiece :Trent Greenaway (F Mazenod O.C: RECEIVED FORFEIT FORFEITED Old Pazadians : 15.7 .97 Old Xaveriens 13.14 .92 University Blues : . University Old Xaverians: Goal kickers and best players results not received received . Umpires: Max Blues : Goal kickers and best placers restilts not Wfttmamr : Gene Hodgins (R) (F) Stephen Caple (G ) .8 .8 Old Helleytmry: 0.0 0 .4 0.4 0 .29 28.37 .205 Old Melburniar>P. : 7.8 10 .16 19 . A Waxman . Capron. Old Old Heileybury: Best: Brooks. Jenke. A Fletcher. Pitcher . Arden . Mel6urnimrs : Grant 5 . Rad}arnttik 5 . Hawkins 3. Grund~~ 2. Kennedy 2 . Duncan . Wit . Newman. Hinclcfuss. Simpson . O'Brien . Matson . Thomas . Vdalker . Brnant. O'Brien. Umpires: . Hinekfuss . Duncan : Nemrari. Grant Beecher. Best David Leith: Justin Grossbard (F ) .10 .64 St Bemards: 0.0 3 .9 6.9 9 .10 10.12 .72 Old Brighton: 6.5 6.5 9 . Gleeson . Best : Gleeson . . R Legudi 2 . Ti-twin : T Legudi 3. Formica 2 St Bernards Old Brighton: Adantis 2 . btorlev . Muzi. Garvev. Trew9n . Zucco. Campbell. Borg. . Dickerson. Smith. Best: Holt. Gumlvan . McNichol . MeG4rTav. Ward. Matesst . Umpires : Cameron Stewart (R) . Kent. Snuth.Matessi McGihTav. Mini. Reddin Adam Conquest (F)
UNDER 19 RED - 22.07 .00 : BYE
UNDER 19 SECTION 2- 22 .07 .00 .7 11 .12 15 .13.103 568609 ; 4 .5 8 .82 2.1 7.2 9 .2 13 .4 Hampton Rovers: . Kess. J Walker, MHSOB: teale 4 . S~uskis 3. Ware 2. Woellard 2 . orchard : . Rujeric. Hampton Rovers . Patterson . Kets. Ve<ite Vtcendese. Best : Tarr. Raleigh : Prantzns. Ng. Carr . Fisher 4. Ng 3 . Pearson 2. Kell, . BlanPtardo. Direr. Goold. Best .adia (F) : Ark Diner :Toby Otr . GGess . Moluio . Umpizes Jolui,ston .13 20 .17.137 Beaumeri,: 0 .4 7.11 12 .4.34 Old Trinity: 0.0 2.1 4 .3 5 . Presnell 3. MeF[cholas . Beanmaris : Folcv 4 . Btackmwe 4 . Magee 4 . R Deaton 3 . Healep. Atkins . Old Trinity : Ellerbeck . Tucker. Folev . Tuck . Best: R Deaton Pratt . Hine. Condron. Bullen . 2. Cornell . Armatas . OberoL Best : Christopherson : Daniel Blaclmtore (B) Donahoe Heaven. Umpires : Chris Evans (Fl. Wayne Core .17 20 .22.142 Old Scotch: 6 .5 11 .14 15 .8 8 .11 .59 Old Carey: 3 .2 3.2 7 . Smedley 2 . Tulloch 2 . Craven, . Cleetand 4 . Staden 2 Old Scotch: Beaurepalre 4 . Cleeland . Collie. Beaureparie . Lie. Page. Jackson . Ramsey . Simon. Best : Crane . Wittde. page. Barnett. Old Carey : tinkles 2. D Shutlc 2. James, K DetareM,ski . Costello, James . Unkles. Umpires: Chapman . Best: D Shutie . Tavtor. Chapman Daniel Dameen : Adam Harris (F) .6.48 Old Ivanhoe : 0 .0 5.2 6 .3 7 .80 9 .6 12 .8 7 .0 7.4 Whitefrisrs: . Best: Bhutey. . Sacrist<'uti. Bereza. Hawkes . Bhmc;' . Braddv Old Ivanhoe : Claricv 2 : Power 4 . Suit 2. Swan Sultan . Anderson . Clancv . Sacristani . Morris . Whitetriars . Haverkamp . Janson . 2 . Calnll. Casloiich. Rvte1L L•tn¢'ord . Best: Caltitl . Crea . James Maebus (B) : Pat Macbus (F) Langford . Pacer . Umpires : Barn' $olger : BYE Yams Valley
Old Esseanion Grammer
.5 3.6 .24 Bull een Templestowe: 0.1 1 .3 2 .17 30.22 .202 Old Cnmt>ascell: 5 .8 7.13 15 . Old Bulleen Templestoue : Goal kickers and best players results not received . Sigalas 3 . Bence 2 . Hickey 'Camberwell : Cramer-Robrrts 9. Robinson 4. Morley 3 . Horgan . Best: Kearney . Hancock . Cramer, 2. McGree 2 . Paine 2, Canter, Darby Roberts. Hillier . Paine. Umpires:Graeme Morgan (F) .14 18.16.112 Rupertswood : 4 .5 7 .11 13 .3 13.9 .87 North Old Boys: 0 .1 7.1 8 . Hatty 2 . Baines . Burrowes. Rupertswood : Elliott 4. Fielding 2. Flinn 2 Burrowes. Elliott. Baines . Fluvi . Price. . Temming . Best : .Page. Stafford Hettitrood . Kean 2 . Keenan . Hedgetand . Zttfua North Old Boys: Edwards 5 . Delahunty 3 . Kirk . Toohey. Umphes :Anthom McKenzie. Best: Keenan. Kean. Edwards . Hawres Simpson : Andy Carrick (F) 29.17 .191 University Blacks: .1 .13 2 Aquinas O.C: . Martin 2 . Evans . Bushby 4 . Hunt 2 University Blacks: Meintosh 10 . C Beaton 6 : McIntosh. Schirmer, Hunt . Rawnstev . Sale. Best . Laidlaw, Bora'ae Schirmer results not receiccd Martui . Laidlaw•. Aquinas O .C : Goal kickers mid best players Umpires: Chris Gregory: Jason Wasza) (F ) Tiger Sharks; FORFEITED T Therry Penols O .B: RECEIVED FORFEI
, . 09
9 -
® . . .~
: . .---'°---
Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms -EFORE MATCH. ES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly Behaviour . It is preferRunners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water carriers able for water carriers to deliver water a) after a goal has been scored, b) behind the play when the ball is away from "the action" or c) when play has stopped when a forward is taking a direct shot for goal . Umpires have the discretion to allow water to be taken to players if weather conditions are extreme . please note all VAFA officials must be 1 5 years or older in Season 2000 . Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach. Attire Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts.Track pants if worn to be navy only. If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is :o be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only.
b e hind the s cen es a t The Pe®ple'S Groun d Theres always something to see at the "G" WHATEVER YOUR SPOR T
9657 8879
Ad u lts 13®2Q Conc® $3 .30 Family $33®00 (2 Adults, 2 children ) (above prices are inclusive of GST)
Present this for 20% discount
Expiry 31 .3 .01
~,~~~ ~ uec; ~a ~' ~~~ 29 JU LY OLD TRINITY vs UNIVERSITY B LU E S
(interviews and highlights of this niatch shown on Channel 31 Thursdays 8 .30 - 9 .30 pau .
The Age VAFA sp ortswriter ~-_ . '_)affey w6 tes about Saft, r day VAFA _a_a tches, previews the S- - - l y mfafi-h of the Day and revie _ -- -t"-on in
EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS "bin tune with the outer east "
Week's Gu est - Monica Lawson ( M t Lilydale O C P resident) Scores, chat and news of local VAIa' A teams 6 .44pni - 6 .15 pm eac h S aturday night.
rune E ieren
For news, views
Ith Kevii,
['_ - ' _
a 5i 速 r
f 6.25 p.m. ; `,:~ ,t I
9.30 - 1 0.30 a.m.
Special Guest is :
~ This Sundav - Tim Killwort h ~ (Yarra Valley 速B Coach )
presented by Glenn c ;arborough with guests from St Bernards (A), Old Paradians (B), Therry Penola (C) ,
Rupertswood (C 18 ), West Brunswick (02), LaTrobe Uni (Dl), North Brunswick (D4), Old Essendon (Dl), Thornastown (D2) . PR EVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm
Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
速 T-
A11 A ATC, 1O CnllTOn, I
CO ~nnn
Late score s First offence ($5) ; second offence ($2 :1); third offence ( $50) ; fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100) .
This Sat : 29 July Club XVIII Preliminary Finals
Reserves/C18 failure to phone scores by 2 .30p m
Seniors/U19 failure to provide final scores by 5pn
This Sun : 30 July FIDA
Next Sat: 5 Aug . Club XVIII Grand Finals Next Sun: 6 Aug . FID A
12 Aug. B Second Semi Final 13 Aug. A Second Semi Final
Incorrect scores phoned - Rd15 St . Bedes Mentone Tigers (R) , De La Salle (U 19 / 1), Therry Penola (U 19 )
19 Aug. B Section Preliminary Final 20 Aug. A Section Preliminary Final 26 Aug . B Section Grand Final
27 Aug . A Section Grand Fina l
1-1 3
Tribunal Results - Tuesday July 25th, 2000 Richard Schober, Collegians . Misconduct ,
2 matches . David Glover. Bulleen-TemplestoGVe Striking. 2 matches . Rob Schneider, Bulleen-Templcstowe. Striking. 2 matches.
LIFT It is an expectation that captains at the toss of the coin exchange a copy of the teamlist. Failure to do this results in automatic fines for the offending club. It has also been reported that as a ploy inaccurate lists are being handed over . The Executive will enforce fines if this ploy is proven to be true . Any club that feels an opposition club has been negligent in this area needs to express in writing (attention Phil Stevens) their concerns . IMEMMUMMMMM _ ~
Saturday's Final Siren Score s
(A Section) 6>25 p.m. Saturday wi ; . Brad Beitzel
Ben Clark, West Brunswick . Striking. 2 matches . Matthew Wharf, Fitzroy Reds . Striking. 2 matches . Graham Cavanagh, Brunswick . Striking.
5 matches . Marcus Lancaster, Old Trinity (Under-19) . Abuse of umpire, 2 matches . * Benjamin Hart, Fitzroy Reds. Striking, 2 matches. * Glen Hancock, North Old Boys (Under-19) . Striking. 2 matches . $ Accepted Prescribed Penalty Investigation Results Wednesday July 19th, 2000 Old Melburnians player Ross Mulquinney charged with striking a supporter during the Old Melburnians and St . Bernards senior match played on June 3rd, 2000 at Junction Oval. Charge proven and player Mulquinney suspended for the remainder of the 2000 season . Investigation Results July 25th, 2000 Therry Penola and Rupertswood were both charged with a melee in their Club 18 match played on July 15th at Therry. Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of S100 , Oakleigh and La Trobe Uni were both charged with a melee in their senior match played on July 15th at Oakleigh . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . La Trobe Uni fined $100 (1 st offence over the last 3 year period) and Oakleigh fined $300 (second offence over the last 3 year period) . TtJC ARAATCI ID C(1(1TRIli i CR 9(]M
A RESERVE SECTION 16 13 3 0 1223 749 163 .28 52 OLD SCOTCH 16 11 5 0 1441 667 216 .04 44 OLD XAVERIANS STBERNARDS 16 11 5 0 1157 770 150 .26 44 OLD MELBURNIANS 16 9 7 0 1115 797 139 .9 3 6 :ELLIN 16 9 7 0 990 637 118 .28 36 _VINS 16 9 7 0 962 905 106 .3 36 TRINITY 16 8 8 0 826 861 95 .93 32 ERSITfBLUES 16 4 12 0 771 1296 59 .49 i 6 ..~OB 16 4 12 0 743 1417 52 .43 i6 IVANHOE 16 2 14 0 441 1434 30 .75 8
j, ._D
DE LA SALLE 16 15 1 0 1420 615 230 .89 60 16 13 3 0 1363 690 197 .54 52 p4ZENOD0 C 16 13 3 0 991 798 124 .19 52 1 ;3RTH OLD BOYS OLD BRIGHTON 16 9 7 0 1049 816 128 .55 36 ^'_D PARADIANS 16 7 8 1 1013 942 107 .54 30 .._D HAILEYBURY 16 7 9 0 1046 953 109 .76 28 1 6 16 6 9 1 954 1019 93 .62 26 -_'_EGIANS 16 4 12 0 804 1279 62.86 16 TEFRIARS 16 3 13 0 628 1112 56 .47 1 2 iii.D MENTONIANS 16 2 14 0 499 1643 30 .37 8 C RESERVE THERRY PENOLA OB 16 14 1 BEAUMARIS A F C 16 13 3 HAMPTON ROVERS 16 11 4 ST BEOES MENT TIG 16 8 7 "X i6 7 7 -~~-'iRANAFO 16 8 8 :-tOE ASSUMPTION 16 5 1 1 -_ . .LEEN TEMPLESTOWE 16 5 11 Cy GEELONG 16 3 12 ;_ENEIRAAFC 16 3 13
1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0
1307 660 198 .03 1487 726 204.82 1149 759 151 .38 1005 839 119 .79 960 937 104 .59 989 991 99.8 879 1205 72.95 813 1282 63 .42 821 1196 68.65 560 1412 39 .66
58 52 46 34 32 32 20 20 14 12
Of RESERVE SECTIO N OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR16 13 3 0 1369 693 197 .55 52 CAULFIELD GR 16 12 4 0 1316 733 179.54 48 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 16 11 5 0 1503 787 190 .98 44 MONASH BLUES 16 10 5 1 1129 709 159.24 42 OU!NASOC 16 10 6 0 1240 848 146 .23 40 ~'ULE 16 9 6 1 1347 674 199.85 38 C_DCAMBERWELL 16 8 8 0 976 888 109 .91 32 TROBE UNIVERSITY 16 4 12 0 661 1253 5215 16 _D OAREY - 16 2 14 0 787 1511 52 .08 6 C<LEIGH A F C 16 0 16 0 240 2578 9.31 0 D2 RESERVE PARKSIDE 16 15 1 0 1757 600 292.83 60 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 16 14 2 0 1491 629 237.04 56 KEW 16 11 0 5 0 1403 924 151 .84 44 YARRA VALLEY OLD E YS76 9 7 0 1269 941 134 .86 36 _ESIAN O C 16 9 7 0 1103 1105 99 82 36 ST BRUNSWICK 16 6 10 0 816 969 8421 24 :TZROY REDS 16 6 10 0 1063 1310 61 .15 24 NINSULA O B 16 5 11 0 992 1370 72.41 20 3MASTOWN 16 4 12 0 882 1366 64 .57 16 :'.4NTONE A F C 16 1 15 0 571 2133 26.77 4 03 RESERVE WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 16 14 2 0 STJOHNSOC 16 14 2 0 POWER HOUSE 16 13 3 0 UHSOB 16 11 5 0 ELSTERNWICK 16 8 8 0 CHMOND CENTRAL 16 7 9 0 i'SL'JYHORN AMATEURS 16 4 12 0 ELF" PARKAFC 16 4 1 2 0 BERT PARK A F C 16 3 13 0 '.~~NASH GRYPHONS i6 2 14 0
1433 1456 1486 1273 1135 938 831 903 782 842
614 233.39 797 182.69 795 188.92 958 132.88 1016 111 .71 1237 75.83 1293 64 .27 1596 56.58 1621 48.24 1341 62.79
56 56 52 44 32 28 16 16 12 8
04 RESERVE WERRIBEE AMATEURS 16 14 2 0 1261 812 155 .3 56 NORTH BRUNSWICK 16 12 4 0 1435 1073 133.74 48 ST MARYS 1 6 11 5 0 1301 866 150.23 44 MT LILYDALE 16 11 5 0 1178 856 137.62 44 BENTLEIGH AFC 16 11 5 0 1183 878 134.74 44 BULLEEN COBRAS 16 9 7 0 1146 897 127.76 36 OLD WESTSOURNE A F C 16 8 8 0 950 880 107.95 32 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 16 7 9 0 998 1100 9073 28 SW.NBURNE UNIVERSITY 16 6 10 0 956 1252 7636 24 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS i6 4 12 0 826 1 65.68 16 SYNDALTALLY-HO 16 2 14 0 778 1151 6759 8 BRUNSWICK A F C 16 1 15 0 457 1606 26.46 4 THE AMATEUR EnnTRAt I ER ?nnn
CLUB 18 (1 )
14 14 13 13 14 13 13 13 13
14 0 0 1190 438 271 .69 56 1 1 3 0 1060 696 152.3 44 9 4 0 939 628 149.52 36 8 5 0 888 619 143.46 32 6 8 0 711 910 78.13 24 5 8 0 605 831 72 .8 20 3 10 0 550 974 5955 12 2 11 0 448 1120 40 8 2 11 0 318 1013 3139 8
CLUB 18 (2 ) 14 13 1 0 1446 419 345.11 52 15 11 3 1 1245 514 242 .22 46 15 11 4 0 1053 702 150 44 15 10 5 0 931 614 151 .63 40 15 8 7 0 1088 718 151 .53 32 15 8 7 0 1044 736 141 .85 32 15 8 7 0 871 895 97 .32 32 15 6 8 1 889 754 117.9 26 14 6 8 0 771 1111 69.4 24 15 4 11 0 498 1385 35.96 16 15 3 12 0 631 1454 43.4 12 15 1 14 0 271 1755 15.44 4
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 ST KEVINS 16 14 2 0 1897 700 271 56 OLD XAVERIANS 16 13 3 0 1567 1092 143.5 52 OLD BRIGHTON 16 12 4 0 1731 1074 161 .17 48 COLLEGIANS 16 11 5 0 1326 1091 121 .54 44 UNIVERSITY BLUES 16 10 6 0 1557 1025 151 .9 40 DE LA SALLE 16 10 6 0 1618 1159 139,6 40 ST BERNARDS 16 9 7 0 1405 1221 115 .07 36 OLD MELBURNIANS 16 8 8 0 1438 1003 143 .37 32 MARCELLIN 16 4 12 0 1174 1366 85 .94 16 MAZENOD O C 16 4 12 0 695 1695 41 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 16 1 15 0 663 1992 33 .28 4 OLD PARADIANS 14 0 14 0 477 2287 20 .86 0 'Reversal of points for Rd 12 UNDER-19 (2 ) BEAUMARIS A F C 16 15 1 0 1274 720 176 .94 60 *OLD SCOTCH 16 13 3 0 1503 818 193.74 52 WHITEFRIARS 16 11 5 0 1147 775 148 44 OLD TRINITY i6 10 6 0 1116 940 118.72 40 MHSOB 16 9 7 0 1133 1047 108.21 36 HAMPTON ROVERS 16 7 8 1 1062 1227 86 .55 30 YARRA VALLEY 16 5 10 1 801 1476 54 .27 22 OLD CAREY 16 5 11 0 803 1536 52.28 20 OLD IVANHOE 16 4 12 0 875 1365 64 .1 16 'Ineligible player Rd 13 UNDER-19 ( 2) BLU E SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 16 13 3 0 1931 956 201 .99 52 ORMOND 16 12 4 0 1632 727 224.48 48 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 16 12 4 0 1564 1125 139 .02 48 CAULFIELD GR 16 11 5 0 1589 931 170.68 44 MONASH BLUES 16 10 6 0 1645 993 165 .66 40 MENTONE A F C 16 9 7 0 1505 1316 114.36 36 AJAX 16 6 10 0 1092 1319 82.79 24 DE LA SALLE (2) 16 3 13 0 936 2004 46 .71 12 OLD MENTONIANS i6 2 14 0 788 2039 38 .65 8 GLEN EIRA i6 1 15 0 621 2313 26,85 4 UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD ESSENDON GRAMMARI6 13 3 0 1799 736 244,43 OLD CAMBERWELL 16 13 3 0 1523 801 190 .14 RUPERTSWOOD 16 11 5 0 1705 1058 161 .15 NORTH OLD BOYS 16 11 S 0 1437 931 154 .35 THERRY PENOLA OR 16 11 5 0 1641 1087 150.97 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 16 10 6 0 1313 1011 129 .87 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 16 5 11 0 795 1901 41 .82 TIGER SHARKS 16 4 12 0 716 1821 39.32 AQUINAS O C 16 1 15 0 486 2440 19 .92
52 52 44 44 44 40 20 16 4
.19 ST BERNARDS 16 12 4 0 1861 1273 146 .94 OLD XAVERIANS 16 12 4 0 1818 1318 137 122 .72 16 10 6 0 1696 1382 OLD SCOTCH ST KEVINS 16 10 6 0 1444 1355 106 .57 .88 OLD TRINITY 16 10 6 0 1407 1381 101 112.38 UNIVERSITY BLUES 16 9 7 0 1471 1309 MHSOB 16 5 11 0 1329 1660 80 .06 1461 81 .86 OLD MELBURNIANS 16 4 12 0 1196 .72 MARCELLIN 16 4 12 0 1305 1679 77 .02 OLD IVANHOE 16 4 12 0 1110 1819 61
48 48 40 40 40 36 20 16 16 16
B SECTIO N .39 56 OLD BRIGHTON 16 14 2 0 2070 1187 174 .93 48 MAZENOD O C 16 12 4 0 1507 1178 127 .14 46 NORTH OLD BOYS 16 11 4 1 1579 1186 133 16 11 5 0 1429 1129 126 .57 44 DE LA SALLE ORMOND 16 9 7 0 1400 1408 99 .43 36 .67 26 OLD PARADIANS 16 6 9 1 1321 1598 82 .25 24 WHITEFRIARS 16 6 10 0 1425 1512 94 .12 24 OLD HAILEYBURY 16 6 10 0 1342 1675 80 .56 8 COLLEGIANS 16 2 14 0 1067 1603 66 .98 8 OLD MENTONIANS 16 2 14 0 1085 1809 59 C SECTIO N BEAUMARIS A F C 16 13 3 0 1850 1107 167 .12 52 .99 48 THERRY PENOLA OB 16 12 4 0 1628 1206 134 A J A X 16 12 4 0 1651 1328 124 .32 48 .26 40 HAMPTON ROVERS 16 10 6 0 1321 1209 109 .58 32 ST BEDES MENT TIG 16 8 8 0 1494 1351 110 .81 32 GLEN EIRA A F C 16 8 8 0 1632 1528 106 .77 32 PRAHRAN A F C 16 8 8 0 1537 1467 104 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 16 4 12 0 1403 1711 82 .72 16 12 OLD GEELONG 16 3 13 0 1065 2020 52 .74 8 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 16 2 14 0 1255 1909 65 Dl SECTIO N .38 56 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 16 14 2 0 1759 1253 140 .25 48 GR 16 12 4 0 1788 1198 149 CAULFIELD .85 44 AQUINAS O C 16 11 5 0 1996 1289 154 .15 44 MONASH BLUES 16 11 5 0 1642 1224 134 .73 40 BANYULE 16 10 6 0 2105 1598 131 ST LEOS EMMAUS 16 10 6 0 1865 1477 12627 40 .72 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 16 5 11 0 1377 1685 81 .07 16 OLD CAREY 16 4 12 0 1280 1728 74 .43 6 OAKLEIGH A F C 16 1 14 1 1238 2455 50 .01 6 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 16 1 14 1 1014 2157 47 D2 SECTIO N .32 48 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 16 12 4 0 1631 1242 131 .59 40 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 16 10 6 0 1560 1283 121 .3 40 C 16 10 6 0 1461 1301 112 SALESIAN 0 .84 40 THOMASTOWN 16 10 6 0 1662 1527 108 PARKSIDE 16 9 7 0 1468 1329 110 .46 36 .04 32 PENINSULA O B 16 8 8 0 1736 1509 115 1416 90 .89 28 WEST BRUNSWICK 16 7 9 0 1287 .67 28 MENTONE A F C 16 7 9 0 1429 1630 87 81 .66 24 KEW 16 6 10 0 1340 1641 FITZROY REDS 16 1 15 0 1181 1877 62 .92 4 D3 SECTIO N .33 52 POWER HOUSE 16 13 3 0 1792 1200 149 .55 48 RICHMOND CENTRAL 16 12 4 0 1809 1226 147 .03 48 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 16 12 4 0 1666 1173 142 1323 130.23 44 1723 ST JOHNS 0 C 16 11 5 0 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 16 9 7 0 1727 1295 13136 .43 36 36 ELSTERNWICK 16 9 7 0 1568 1324 118 U H S O B 16 4 12 0 1281 1854 69 .09 16 ELEY PARK A F C 16 4 12 0 1225 2001 61,22 16 .37 12 ALBERT PARK A F C 16 3 13 0 1211 2006 60 .96 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 16 3 13 0 1066 1842 58 D4 SECTIO N .74 52 BENTLEIGH AFC 16 13 3 0 1952 1086 179 .02 48 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 16 12 4 0 1733 1140 152 .71 48 16 12 4 0 1762 1201 146 SYNDAL TALLY-HO .01 44 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 16 11 5 0 1522 1119 136 .1 40 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 16 10 6 0 1251 1126 111 .53 36 BULLEEN COBRAS 16 9 7 0 1526 1474 103 NORTH BRUNSWICK 16 8 8 0 1605 1653 971 32 1620 82.28 28 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 16 7 9 0 1333 ST MARYS 16 6 10 0 1434 1737 82 .56 24 .78 16 MT LILYDALE 16 4 12 0 1339 1561 85 .01 8 BRUNSWICK A F C 16 2 14 0 1154 1923 60 1990 51 .21 8 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 16 2 14 0 1019