The Amateur Footballer, Week 2, 2001

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Mr ;~.. ...:

Official Journal of the VICTORIAN AMATEUR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION _ . . . . - --- -- -- - ., . .~~ .__ . .__ .. .. ... .. .. .. . Q

. . . From My Desk

START TO SEASON FOR SYNDAL TALLY HO SORRY ~a Tally Ho AFC has had a devastating start to its :cason when a-fire last Monday destroyed the club's rainiu}gand social facilities .

It is important to understand that this year it is the HOME CLUB's responsibility

fe church founded Amateur club, which this year is ÂŤ, .brlring its 35 year anniversary, has lost irreplaceable ,,,cn ;orabilia, ten premiership flags, photos, trophies, medical supplies, players gear, footballs and their training rod playing home. The proud club which had been buoyed by a promising 7 ~oal `vin in its round one game and had its player , ;umbers at a record high has vowed to continue to field its rno sides each week but obviously needs help to replace basic items necessary for a club to function .

Some clubs ignored the above entirely last weekend, whilst other clubs were not happy with the new procedure wondering why the system had changed.

Any immediate donations can be sent to the club (PO Box 48 Holmesgien 3148) or President Peter Kostakos c,,n be contacted on 0401 764 165 . Please consider plcdgit g a donation today .

Thc %,,1,'A is considering how it can best help the club and I n'ill Inform readers of this next week and also acknow[eiige those that have helped thus far. "Ah'IATEUR FOOTBALLER" MATCH INFORMATION

1 new system for clubs to submit best players and >?oalkickers was introduced last week and involved no change for A and B section senior teams from last year - these tome teams sti ll are to phone EP with details on :a Saturday after the match and these are used for media anci the "Amateur Footballer" . I lom er for the following - A-B rese rv e HOME teams, C . D4 senior and reserve HOME teams, Under-19 and Club 13 ! IONtE teams - these clubs are now to provide the ssociatlon with both teams' quarter by quarter scores, c,:cl teams' goalkickers and each teams' six (6) best Pla~rrs This must be done before 12 noon Monday . HOME TEAMS can send these details via the Web Page [ti<afa and click on the "submit scores" icon, email to Karen McNaught ( karen@ vafa . If unable to do this transfer electronically you can still fax to 9531 6601 .

PHIL STEVENS to provide both teams' CHIEF EXECUTIV E information to the VAFA OFFICER by 12 noon on the Monday following a match .

The reason is a very important one - money saved for the clubs! The cost to clubs for the "Amateur Footballer" has not changed to the past three years . During this time the VAFA Administration has been instrumental in updating electronic systems so the VAFA Administration can actually set the majority of the "Amateur Footballer" thus keeping printing costs down .

Now we need to go one step further to keep costs down. The VAFA needs to set all the match information so the above system has been set in place . All HOME CLUBS when emalling please set out as follows : SECTION A - SENIORS OLD BRIGHTON 5.7 7.10 10 .12 13 .13 (91) OLD TRINITY 2.2 4.3 6.6 11 .7 (73) Old Brighton: White 2, Pirrie 2, Raju 2, Williams, McMahon, Jackson, Brew, Carter, Bristow, Krzywniak . Best: White, Raju, Pirrie, Williams, Carter, MacGillivray. Old Trinity : Arrowsmith 4, Boyd 3, Andrews, Pawsey, C . Phillips, Van Der Venne

Best : Pirouet, Ramsden, Arrowsmith, Jarred, Pawsey, Van Der Venne . We encourage you to use the web page as the emailing of the results is the most efficient system for ourselves, the printer and you (cost saving) . Permits and reinstatements 200 1 The future of representative and carnival football Report on the Syndal Tally Ho appeal .


April 2 8th, 2001 Pric ie : $2.00

Vol . 01 No. 2

A SECTION 1by Jason Frenke l The atmosphere at football grounds is always charged during the opening round match of the amateur season, but that tangible element of excitement may have killed someone last week when the atmosphere was so electric as to be almost deadly . Hard grounds and warm weather are usually par for the course during the opening weeks of the fixture but Melbourne turned on its wintry best and dished up a diabolical set of conditions to bring back the footy last weekend . That didn't stop some exciting and action-packed footy and the standard of most games for exceeded what the teeming rain and gale-force winds might otherwise have allowed . If previous season's statistics are anything to go by, Old Xaverlans are well on their way to consecutive premiership no 7 after they began season 2001 with yet another disappointing loss . Xavs have won just one of past seven opening round encounters so there is unlikely to be too much panic among senior coaching personnel, despite the sluggish start . Young Shane Mitchell's four goals for the reigning premiers, but his lone effort was overshadowed by the feats of Luke Hawkins at the other end . The diminutive Cardinal has a fantastic knack of getting the footy and he certainly knows where the goals are . Xavs came home hard with a flurry and may have caused a moment of concern among the Scotch coaching staff but the Cardinals steadied for a valuable four points .

goal shellacking of MHSOB. Both sides struggled last year but the Eagles coul d well be a force to be reckoned with if Saturdayy performance is any measure . Five multipi, goalkickers is a promising sign from a team whiel struggled to overcome its reliance on a single kei forward, with Dinneen, McMillian an d Frasei chipping in to help out Treganowan . The Eagle ; ability to restrict their opposition to just a solitarS goal during the entire first half went a long wa} towards securing Marcellin's victory .

Many tipped the University Blues St Kevi m~ clash to be one of the closer contests of the rounc and the match certainly panned out that way ai Elsternwick Park, a dour struggle between twc desperate teams in tough conditions at the league's windswept headquarters . Very little tc separate the two teams during the day ; there w anevrmothcuplfgasinthemc h and indeed neither side managed more than one behind during a torrid third term. But the Blues had the answers when the questions were being asked, Sturrock giving his best all day with ab Nailon an d Hutchins . lsuportfm Trinity and Brighton played out the remaining match of the opening round, with the B-section runners-up going some way to atoning for their shock grand final loss with a solid three goal victory on home soil. White, Pirrie and Raju a ll booted two goals for the victors with Jess White at the fore and among his side's best, while Arrowsmith an d Boyd shared seven for Trinity .

Mazenod were always going to have their backs to the wall pitted against the fiery St Bernards but the Nodders gave a fantastic account of themselves during a tightly-contested clash at Waverley Park that must augur well for David Murray in season 2001 . The Nodders got off to a flying start with the Triple M trio of Mcintyre, Morgan and Murray on song, and booted 7.0 in the first term . But St Bernards hit back hard and had some handy firepower of their own in front of goals . Tim Harvey booted seven for the day and with Gollant, Mount, and Mitchell all chipping in, the runners-up were able to post a wining score .

After narrowly escaping with the points last week, St Bernards will be pushed to the limit again this week when they take on a St Kevins team desperate to atone for their first round loss . Should be a great game this one, but the runnersup should take the points .

The biggest win of the round came from Mareellin, who signalled their intentions to all and sundry for a seriously sizzling year with a ten

A chance for MHSOB to wipe the memory of last week's disappointing defeat when they take on Mazenod. The Nodders, gave a good account of

PREVIEW Old Brighton will get a second gauge of just how much better the standard of A-section football is when they meet University Blues . The Blues should be full of steam after their opening round win and they should be too strong for Brighton .

), .,nsclres during the loss to St Bernards and I y))cct tJ~cin to roll the students today . tlte Eagles have declared their intention to r dtheranksis )'ecol71e nserious have t overe me a talente Il first playe ,..c,11- ),It ch eylearn. Plenty of firepower among both d tile~ Scotoutcome Ol ,,nits, could be decided in the middle ,,~;t)l a battle of the on-ballers. clistiplointing effort from Trinity in the opening r,,,,,,cl, the T's will face an even tougher test today ),c„ the~' clash with be out on premiers k.thepar Irnt}' of playing power wo n with players to return to both teams, but I xavs will notch up their first four points of se<ison today. ;V1lleStOTi88 : Tritilty congratulates its Captain Rob "Hoss "

i~illips on finally reaching his 150th game last wcek . Serious injury had delayed this milestone in ,, u 2000 to .2001, we ll done for hanging in there I io~,S . ° Vale N Ii-ISOB - Reg Fairchild

I ;, ~, our esteemed team m anager, committeeman , rr confidant, mentor & father, friend to a ll )rassecl away in December 2000. His loss to our (htb and particularly his family c annot be ntr~isured an d his presence, friendship & (, uu a r Aerieis sorely missed . To his family, Val, f, cw & Glen our most sincere condolences on the luss of our dear friend, "Reggie" .

A SECTIO N St Bernards Ir:rcc i [ : c : :ins Old Scotch .rr~msm(th Old Trinity I iarri~oa Mazeno d Mazenod I ; amrt MHSOB ` .1ttchcll Old Xaverians A RESER ~ .~!au Marcellin

Old Scotch

4 3


1 SENIORS OLD BRIGHTON 5.7 7.10 10.12 13 .13 (91) OLD TRINITY 2.2 4 .3 6.6 11.7 (73) Old Brighton : White 2 . Ptrrie 2. RaJu 2, Williams, McMahon . Jackson, Brew, Carter, Bristow, KrzywWak . Best : White, RaJu, Pkrie, Williams, Carter. MacGillivray . Old Trinity: Arrowsmith 4, Boyd 3 . Andrews, Pawsey, C. Phillips . Van Der VerneBest : Pirouet, Ramsden, Arrowsmith, Jarred, Pawsey, Van Der Venne . Umpires: Stew McCarthy. Anthony Damen (F) Andrew Tech(man, Joel Mason (B) . CralgArnol. Stephen Leahy (G) . ST. KEVIN S 5 .3 7.5 7,6 8 .9 (57) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .6 7.7 7.8 11 .11 (77) St. Kevins: Dawes 2, Greenham 2, Bowles . O'Connor, Curtis, Fraser. Best : O'Connor, Mahoney. Greenham, M . Dolman, Kempton, Fraser. University Blues: Solly 2, McEwin 2 . North . Sturrock. Lawcock. Vasey . L . Ryan, Wilcox, J . Haytec Best: Sturrock, Nation . Hutchins . MeEwtn, Versteegen, Granger. Umpires: Wayne Hinton, Tim Sutcliffe (F) . Peter Teasdale, Brendan Corcoran (B), Brente Hoare, Robert Parry (G). MAZENOD 7.0 8.1 13 .4 16 .6 (102) 5.3 10.6 12 .8 16.14 (110) ST. BERNARDS: Maz enod : Harrison 4, Noble 4, Dunne . Beard, Murray . McIntyre, . Hose, Hanley, Lancaster. Best: McIntyre. Morgan . Murray. McMullin Tucker, Hanley. Noble. St . Bemards: T. Harvey 7. L . Gollant 2, N. Mitchell, J. Mount 2, Trewin, Turnball, Mansfield. Best: Turnball, T. Harvey, Hogan . J . Mount, Jordan . 0'Rffey. Umpires : Jamie Kvins . Peter Simpson (F), Rob Mutton, Wayne Cove (B), Bernie Jephson. Kevin Segota (G) . 4.3 11 .8 11 .12 17 .16 (118) MARCELLIN: MHSOB 1 .4 1 .7 4 .10 7.12 (54) Marcellin: Treganowan 3 . Dinneen 3 . McMillan 3. Frasier 2. Cox, Johnston, Marson, Slattery. Browne . Romanin. Best: Johnston . Marson, Browne, Armstrong, Cox Jarred . MHSOB: Bamert 4 . Fairchild. Limbrtck, Pertzel . Best: Taylor, Bamert . Llmbrtek. Thompson. Clowes, Pertzel . Umpires: John Miller, Mark Jenkins (F), Jack Forsyth, Scott McKenzie (B), Vin Vescovi . Russell Owens (G ) OLD XAVERIANS 3.1 4.4 8.4 10.4 (64) OLD SCOTCH 4.4 7 .6 12.8 13 .10 (88) Old Xavedsns: Mitchell 4, Richardson 2. Galbally, A . Jones . Blood. Clarke. Best: Blood, B. Coughlan. Mitchell, Orlando, Woodruff. Ford. Old Scotch : Hawkins 7, Ratchft 2, Phillips 2, Crowe . MeCarroll. Best: Crowe. Finocchiaro, Kitchen . Crane . Nettleton, Phillips . Umpires: M ar k Gibson, Robert Sneddon (F). Tim Dodds, Tim Durnom (B), Dominic Napoli . Stephen Caple (G) . RESERVES : 5 .10 5.11 8.13 (61) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .3 1 .5 1 .5 3.9 4 .10 (34) OLD TRINITY Old Brighton: Kent 4, Bradley 2, Perry 1 . C . Stewart 1 . Best: Kent, Reid . Perry, Paterson, Gtnnavin, C . Stewart . Old Trinity: Mlnbridge I . T. Cade 1, Burrows 1 . J . Connell 1 . Best: Mainridge. T. Cade . Antonopoulos, Oberdl. Stephens, Blandenl . 2.3(15) ST.ICEVINS 1 .1 1 .3 2 .3 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.6 6.10 11 .11 14.13 (97) St. Kevins and University Blues details not received . MAZENOD 1.3 2,6 3 .7 5.12 (42) ST. BERNARDS 3.7 6 .8 7.9 7.10 (52) Mazenod: Kalbar 3 . Linden 1, Pascoe I . Best : Legudi. J. Mount . A. Capes . Osborne, D. Thomas . St . Bernards details not received . MARCELLIN 3 .6 5.9 9.15 14 .17 (101) MHSOB 2 .0 3.2 5.3 6,3 (39) Marcellin: Galati 4 . Colville 2 . Yee 2, Balla 2 . Cope . Chubb. L . 0'Flynn . Goodwin . Best: Walker, Colville, Taylor, Bails, S . 0'Fl}rcm, Goodwin . MHSOB: Robinson 2, Feferkr<uu, Cookman, Osborne, L . Taylor. Best : Osborne. Feferkranz, O'Brien . Hawkes, J . Davis, F. Davis . 2.2 4.4 10 .11 11 .12 (78) OLD XAVERIANS: 5.2 6.4 7.5 9.10 (64) OLD SCOTCH : Old Xaverlans: R. Dillon, 2, Drake 2, Johnston 2 . Meehan I . Hilbert 1, Still 1, R. Juves 1, Ireland 1 . Best : Hilbert, Drake . R . Dillon, R. Coughlan, Mullane . Teddenham . Old Scotch : Simon 3. E. Parthernldes 2, AuJsrd 1, Hooper 1, Miles 1, Joyce 1 . Best: Aujard, Ashton, Hooper. Reid, Simon, Warner .

A Section MARCELLIN Coach: Simon Dal rymple Res. Coach : Peter Randall

M .H .S .O .B . Coach: Luke Soulos Res. Coach: TBA

MAZENOD Coach: David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins

1 J.

1 C . Harrison 2 J. Ballenger

3 1. Grgic 3 Veale 4 C. Eabry

5 P. Sher 5 N. Orchard ry

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

8 J . Garner

10 M . O'Hara

Bamert 2 S. McCully

6 R. Joseph 7 J . Pert zel 7 A. Angus

8 A. Tan g 9 D. Fairchild 9 M . Clowes 10 D. Skinner 10 D. Norton 11 K . Krios 12 A . Simpson 12 M . Feferkranz 13 C. Kelly 13 J . Gregson 14 A . Watson 14 C. Drak e 15 Z. Holden 16 F. Davis 17 R . Clowes 18 R . Limbrick 18 A . David 19 R . Ware 20 J . Wilson 20 D . Nichols 21 R . Patterson 22 D . Armstrong 째

23 C . Harvie 3 D . Sanes


27 S. Dod s 28 S. Plodder 29 G. McCully

24 A . Clark 24 25 H . Taylor 25 J Jackman 26 A . Askew

30 S . Benneft 31 . A . Preece 31 . J. Davi s 32. A. Cassell 32. P. Rujevic 33. A. Saultry 33. S. Harrison 34. E. Thompso n 34. S. Konstanty 35. A . Mills 35. A . Barge 36. M. While 36. J. Schiano 37. R . McIntyre

37. M. Tin g 38. S. Robinson 39. A. Keys 39. . J . Anderson 40. B. Hayes 41 . D . Simmons 42 . B. Cookma n 43 . J . Burke M. Webster

A. McIntyre A. Hanley T. Castricum J . Beard S . Morga n D. Lancaster D. Collins

11 T. Smith 12 M . Murray 13 P. Gooden 14 N. Meehan 15 N. Parry

16 J . Kavanagh 17- M . Hudson 18 T. 0'Donaghue 19 S . McMullin 20 C. Murray 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan 23 A . Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 C. Adams 26 J . D unne 27 D. Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 S . Paolucci 33 A . Quinn 34 M . Pollard 35 R . Hawkins 36 G. Miller 37 L. Morgan 38 P. Nelso n 39 A . Persi 40 L . Bell

42 P. Fotiniotis 43 D . Grant 44 S . Garbellini 45 B . Meehan 46 B . Hobbs 47 A . McDowell 48 P. Rice 49 L. Hal vy (RVC) 50 D . Carter 51 M . Van Suylen 52 N . Nussbaum 53 D . Linden 54 B . Leggett 55 G. Flight

46 A. O'Brien

47. L . Hawkins 48 . B. Jeffre y 49 . M. Hawkes 50 . S. Osborne 51 . J . Newton 52 . B. McGrath 53 . C . Clowe s 54 C . Wright 56 T Wrig ht


1 2 3 4 5 6

A . Kryzwniak A . Pirrie C . Barrow C . Brew N . Perry R . Stewart

7 B . Logan C 8 M . Gad sd en )

9 S . Lenno x 11 L . Adamis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 B. Williams 13 R . Kent 14 S. Williams 15 D . Tymms

16 G . Earl 17 A. Van Den Dungen 18 M . Jackson 19 S. Gadsden 20 S. McGuiness 20 M . L. Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 N . Biggin 23 N . Milat

24 M.J . Smith 25 S. Nickas 26 B. Stoneham 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Dickerson 30 A. McLaughlin 31 A. Bristow 33 W. Carter 34 J . White 35 C . Stewa rt 36 B. Pollock 37 D . Be Begley

38 J . Raju 39 K. Kavanagh 40 B. Scott 41 J . Murchie 42 L. Hendra 43 A. Alderto n 44 A. Brown 45 S. Fox 46 M. Wilson 47 D . Wilson 48 R . Boxer 49 A. Ginnavin 50 R . Ca rt er 51 M. Fisher 52 K. Lynch 53 D . Strachan 54 A. Liptrot 55 M . Gamble 56 A. Alderto n 57 M . Moo n

1 A Nettleto n 2 B Phillip s 3 C Hosking 4 T Holt 5 R Pric e 6 A Cro w 7 J Kitchen 8 C Reid 9 R Aujard 10 J Kerr 11 M Angus 12 S Cro w

13 N Hooper 14 E P arth en id is 15 M O' Brien

16 A Speed 17 D Thomas 18 H Thomas 19 L Hawkins 20 L Murphy 21 J Stratos 22 C Smith 23 0 Crane 24 N Conla n 25 S Lillingsto n 26 T Downing 27 T Collins 28 B Robinso n 29 M Gnatt 30 T Wi gn ey 31 C Ratcliffe 32 R McKinnon 33 J McCarrol l 34 E Olive r 35 P O'Connor

36 S Prendergas t 37 M Parthenidi s 38 C Pattende n 39 N Addiso n 40 A Warne r 41 M Li p s hu t 42 J Ros s 43 N Leit l 44 C Evan s 45 M Blenhei m 46 C Stevens 47 T Barenger 48 S Mile s 49 G Junkee r 50 D Richardso n 51 M Saunders 53 C Joyce 54 N Simo n 55 G Sarcozy 56 A Elia s y

58 T. Handle y

Sponsored by: Sires Menswear W.G . Miles & Co Ptv Ltd

60 K. Cavanag h 61 A. Walsh 62 A. Lync h 63 S . Davie s

Real Eastate - Ivanhoe


58 D . Wilson 59 L . Jones 60 R . Newton GVP Fabricators PTY LTD

Spectrum Assurance Grou p Regency Pharmac y Zitech Computer

65 A. Mandylaris

All Home Loans


57 A. Hai?


Coach : Brendan Maso n Res. Coach: Coach : Date Tapping Gary Jackso n Res. Coach: Richard Obee

M .Rei d



A Section OLD TR~1TiY Cadson oxh : LeighPhli Gaut ss4 Coach: Res Ccach : Craig Neave Kennedy S

2 Hudson G 3 Reynolds L A r rowsmith J 4 ; ;

Burrows D Robison M Heath R

; Van Der Venne T ; Canzoneri M Dod9son B 7 g Frost C' , 8 StebbinC Andrews A Best J .0 Shaughnessy M 0 Dann S . Garman A Prrouet N

3 Collins M 3Cl'Je J 4 Parkin A

a Gamble R

15 Stephens T 15 Natoli S 16 Hiilias C

~ 7 Hatfield G 18 Clarke L

19 Barr C Carter-Buszard L 20 Phillips C 21 Gillett R

21 Kennedv L

22 Deane-Johns G

22 Munroe H 23 Ramsden A 24 Boyd A 25 Cameron F

26.:, Robinson D


2 D Orlando 3 L Hannebery 4 D Landrigan 5 D Steen 6 B Healy

7 S Lethlean (VC} 8 P McDonald 9 J Hawkins

10 S Mitchell 11 Ad Jones 12 J Bowe n 13 C El lis 14 Dn Stoney 15 L Ford

5. Joe Mount 6. J . McKay

7. G . Hoffman 8. J . Evan s 9. B . Jordan 10 . N. Mitchell

11 . P. Capes 12 . B . Hogan

13 . C. Mitchell 14 . A . Thomas 15 . T. Wilkinson 16 . L. Tumbull

17. L. O'Sullivan

17 D Richardson

18. 19. 20. 21 . 22.

18 S Tucker 19 An Jone s 20 M Hardman 21 A Parton 22 M Rush 23 R Coughlan 24 B Coughlan (VC) 25 R Careyy 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Cranage

D. McLaughlin L. Goll ant T. Hudson B . Loughlin M . 0'Riley

23. A . Mastropasqua 24. P. Ha rv e y 25. C . Osborne 26. J . Gollant 27. A . Nathan 28. B . Cariss 29. P. Morgan 30. James Mount

29 D Galbally

31 . A . Magguire

30 T Clarke

32. T. Harvey 33. R . Nutter 34. D . Byrne 35. P. Rahill 36. R . Legudi 37. A . Catt erall 38. S . Gray

31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi (VC) 34 R Jones 35 J Dalton

32 Kinross D 33 Dukes J 3 4 Boyd M

35 Pawsey M

39 M Meehan 40 S . Mullane 41 A Dillon

36 Sutcliffe J

42 N Ireland

37 Van Der Venne S 3 7 Cochrane A

2 . L . Meehan 3. A. Brebner 4. S. McKean

16 S Skidmore

26 Tudor l 27, Ramsden R 28 Cristiano D 28 Butler G 29` Nesbitt L 30,-,Glass D 31 Bladeni S

32 Cornell J


Coach: Tim O'Shaughnessy Coach: Garry Foutds Res. Coach: Chris Res . Coach: David Law Mortensen 1 . C . Gray 1 M Blood (C)

36 P Barrett 37 T Freer 38 R Hall

43 T Woodruff (VC)

39. S . Fry

?7 Oberoi A ~8 Mandoudis J =9 Cade T 62 `lero J 64 Kenna A 55 Burrows R 67 Limoli P 68 Frost M

6D tap :ra M 7 1 iakris A 15 Ch sholm M

7 9 Treadweii C 83 B rady W

62 . M. Dowling 63 . B. Aftis

60 T Coughlan 61 A Oswald 62 H Davies

64 . P. Holland

63 B Pekin 64 R Ryan 65 G Still

65 . T. Carrick 66 . A. Garvey 67 . M. Zucco 68 . A. Capes 69 . S. Cowton

66 A Wilson 68 M Pernat 69 J Scanlan 70 R Clarke 71 B Hamilton

NORTH S UBURBAN CLUB 622 Mt. Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 9326 1799

7 D Hayter 8 J Hayter 9 S Meade 10 A Davi s

11 L North 12 G McLachla n 13 P Stockdal e 14 C Ro dhouse y

15 L Ryan

16 C Stewart

17 G de Crespigne y 1 8 A McEwi n 19 A Lowcoc k

20 C Ryan

29 M. Kempton 30 M. Gargano

21 T McIntyre 22 23 T Wilcox 24 S Russel l 25 A Solly 26 M Vasey R Wilkiey 28 M Thoma s 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 J Quill

31 A. McGuiness

32 J Garnaut

32 S. O'Connor 34 B. Callery 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E. Sulliva n 37 M . Dwyer 38 J. Bateman

34 L Fishle y 35 A Baker 36 T M cKi nl ey 37 L Granger 38 A Wilson

39 S. Gribble

41 R Crawford

22 J. Macey 23 B. Quirk 24 S. Powel l 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross

28 M. Giansiracusa

47 A. Conlan 48 L. Harper 49 P. Cleary 50 P. Cameron 51 J. Cassell 52 J. Finch 53 L. Coleman 54 S . Game 58 J. Ferrari 59 A. Rattle 61 J. Lynch 62 B . Shelley 59 B . Hicks 61 C. Leathern

58 S Mollard 59 E Morrison

5 Q Gleaso n 6 S Longley

16 B . Garvey 17 S .Dawe s 18 J. Grigg 19 D . Sheehy 20 L . Hull-Brown

46 J. Travaglia

59 . D . Sheehan 60. L . Wilkinso n 61 . D . Dugina

1 D Slimmo n

2 T Hutchins 3 J Sturrock 4 D Guengerich

15 M . Olive

45 D. Waight

58. J. Jacks

56 Best E

14 L. Mahoney

46. J. Simpson

55 J . Healy

56 J Chambers 57 M Karakatsanis

9 J . Giansiracusa 10 N . Fraser 11 J . Panagrazio 12 R . Grinter 13 R . Bowles

45. M . Tankey

54 S Johnston

~0 Adgemis J 5 3 Donahoo B Markus J 5 Boyd G

52 B Calman

7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollman

43. C . Davis 44. S. Taylor

53 M Wilson

a6 Gcbper S 7 Semmens A

5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe

42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R. Sheehy

50 Farmer J

:5 G4crpeth T

2. S . Lowerson 3. D. Cu rt is 4 P. Greenham

40. D . Thomas 41 . B . Overman 42. M . Stapleton

:e Ward C

4l 2 A~Iwadr M 3 P. .ainsbridge D yy Power B ~s MaiYah A 5 Treadwell G

44 rt 45 B~~ g 46 M Callinan 47 J Kay 48 B Perry 49 R Dillon 50 M Bowker 51 D Walsh

UNIVERSITY BLUE S Coach : Lee Adamso n Res. Coach: Terry Benai m

40 N . Perrett 41 S. Monkivitch

47. R . Pizzichetta 48. S. Burgyn 49 . D . Baynes 50. M. PPolatajko 51 . P. Romanin 52 . S. Borg 53 . J. Kavanag h 54. L . Campbel l 55 . .J. Citarelli 56 . C . Bond 57 . A. Hilbert

98 Phillips R 39 Amonopoulos T a0 Jarred W

St KEVINS Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach: Mick Knuppe t 1 . A. Callery

62 E . Lynch 63 N. Marc h esan i 64 J. Deacon

65 C. Hilliard 66 P. Roberts 67 A. Clark 68 M . Rigby 69 P. Byrne 70 G, O'Connor

75 R. Campagn a 76 M .O'Shea 77 G . Pickford 78 R . Chivers 79 D. Szabo

39 T Gray

40 C Brookes 42 S McConnel l 43 A Camero n

44 R Featherston 45 J Armstron g 46 M McKerrow, 47 R McKerro w

48 T Morga n

49 L Chamberlai n 50 H Nailon 51 A Brown 52 A Terrill 53 R Versteege n 54 C Beltram e 55 T Anderson 56 T Birk s 57 T Irvine 58 A Larkin 59 L Fehrin g 60 A Suvultos

61 B Colema n 62 L Barrick 63 R Kellihe r

64 S Kaso 65 E Roydhous e 66 B Gates 67 D McAloo n 68 B Treloar

69 A Cook 70 P Buss e 71 T McGrat h 72 S Lansdel l 73 J Brooke

74 J Chivers 75 L Qu in 76 W Temple-Smith 78 M Dowdle 79 A Duncan

B SECTIO N by Damian Carrol l The bookies were cheering last week, with 4 of the 5 so-called favourites going under . Maybe the weather had something to do it . Review De La. Salle travelled to McKinnon to take on Old Haileybury . Paul Cooper was fairly confident going into the game after some good pre-season form, but it all went out the door, as Mick Dwyer's boys blasted out of the blocks booting the first three and were never headed from there on in . Carson, McMahon an d Armstrong were good players in a very even team effort for the winners, whilst the boys from Malvern were well served by the evergreen veteran Mackintosh, Elliott and the youngster Mercuri . The 2000 C grade GF replay between Therry and B eaurnaris down at the 'sunny beachside haven proved a long trip for the Oak Park boys as they ran out of gas in the last quarter to go down by 12 pts . Scores were fairly close for the majority of the day, however, Jim Durnan's youngsters led the charge home in the last quarter, booting 5 .3 to 3 .2 to turn a 1 pt deficit into victory, and give Wayne Harmes a few headaches in the process . Boctor, Edge and Buller were good for the locals, whilst Goodwin (6 goals), Boyle an d Taylor did well for the visitors . The biggest margin for the day was at Cheisworth Park, where Old Ivanhoe walloped Whitet'riars to the tune of 38 pts . When one combines the weather conditions, and the fact that 01 doubled the visitors' scoring shots (26 to 13), the win was a very resounding one . A 6 goal to 2 third quarter put the contest beyond doubt . Gerard Sholly might have a good side on his hands, whilst Greg Feutrill has plenty of work to do. Hope, Haros and Brandt were fine contributors for the home team . 200 gamer Johnson and the brothers Pawlik put in sterling performances for the away team . The pre-season bubble at Brunswick burst last week, when the flag hot pots, NOBs, went down to Old Melburnians by 19 pts . 24 scoring shots to 10 indicate that OMs were the dominant team, although 1 .9 in the 3rd quarter may have been costly, it was not to be, and the victory gave Erwin Leyden a

great introduction to B Section . Frank Dunell will no doubt be rueing the loss, however , one defeat doesn't make a season . Grant Hecke and Wilhelm led the charge for OMs an d Maplestone, Lock and Collins wer serviceable for NOBs . Br. Garvey welcomed Old . Paradians an( Ormond, where the away team maintaYnet their amazing record against the Ops registering a gritty 4 pt win, and send punter ; reeling to the bar. The good things of th, round couldn't kick straight to sav themselves, having 14 shots to 8, and gav the bookies a big result . No doubt Matt Ryaa will keep chipping away with his strategic and send his players on a goal kicking caml for this week . Ian Jackman would be a pleased as punch with his charges, as the defied all challenges put to them by the hom side. For the winners, Mi ller, Wilson an d Up Harvey were great, whilst Stevens, Curral and "Chook" (O'Loughlin) battled manfull, . for the OPs . Preview Old Haileybury (1 /4) play their second gam at 'home' in row, when their opponent, Therry (13 / 4), hook up those smelly Burke ! Wills camels for another long road trip, thi time to EP . With the forecast to fine up by th week's end, this will play more into the hand of OH and should suit their tall lumberjack, OH by 24 pts. The boys from Beaumaris (8/1) don thel spacesuits and fire up the rockets, as the make one of the longer trips in the VAFA I Donvale to take on Whitefriars (I / 10) . believe Beaumaris' space shuttle will com back to earth today, when the Whitefriar machine clicks up a gear, and the youngster find the going a bit tough . A big win to th home team by 56 pts. The 2000 A Section relegants, 01 NSelburnians R/ 2) and Old Ivanhoe (6/4) d battle at EP on Sunday in what should be ripper. Both teams had great wins last wee] none more so than OMs who knocked off ft flag favourites, whilst 01 should have won r A% THF AfufATFl 1R F1)nTRAI 1 GR 20


e S S

d 0 a

ot ilare. Gety7o~ OMs willgbto s a eat e in forl~t at ; ;ame of footy, m 4 ts. sircii time, just, by pts good friend, Mr. Gunn, rolls out the red carpet ttlis week, as Ormond (7/2) play host to NOBS (1°/5) . The away team will take no ;soners today, as the `monties' in 2001 will i)r i o„jlce back today by plenty . NOBs by 43 ))t5 .

The f,i,~ game at Malvern, sees De La Salle (5 ;2) ~celcome Old Paradians (1/3) . The OPs I 1L,d trouble finding the 2 big sticks last week, and will no doubt have that rectified that by t t) 3~ . DLS wIll have to keep chipping away at il,cir _,iallle plan in a bid to turn it around . O i i~will be my roughie for the week and Tll p a Blue and Gold win, but not by much . nLS bi 10 pts . Magoos Old Haileybury (4/7) vs Therry (11/8) oI I by 15pts . «7litcfriars (1/8) vs Beaumaris (13/2) wi)tefr3ars by 38pts . ()IcI,N4elblu-nians (1/20) vs Old Ivanhoe (16/ 1) OMs by 70pts . Ormond (4/5) vs NOBs (4/5) NOBs by 6pts . De La Salle (2/ 1) vs Old Paradians (4/11) OYs by 25pts . Correspondents : 9372 9040 (H), 0414 900 871 (M) by 7 .OOpm Sundays.


SHARPSNOOTERS B SECTION (iodwin Therry Penola L ;iPPa,c Old Haileybu ry Catlin Beaumaris 1Weddle Old Ivanhoe B RESERVES

i'.,unes 'I u c k c r Suuth

Whitefriars Old Melburnian s Ormond

4 4 4



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SENIORS OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .2 5.2 6 .4 10.5 (65) DE LA SALLE 1 .0 3.2 5 .2 5 .10 (40) Old Haileybury: Lappage 3, Adam Fitton 2, Home. Hoffman . Harrop, Armstrong. Jayasekera. Best: Carson. McMahon, M. Seccull, Armstrong. Langford-Jones . Adam Hilton . De La Salle: Corln, Laragy . Morel, Silvis, Swift . Best: Macintosh, Elliott, Toohey, Mercurl, Harrison, SpithID . Umpires: Jason McNtece . Mark Morrison (F) Robert Dunstan, Beornn McCarthy (G ) BEAUMARIS 4.4 4 .6 5 .9 10 .12 (72) THERRY PENOLA 1 .1 5 .4 6 .4 9.6(60) Beaumaris: Catlin 3, L . Atkins 2, M . Atkins, Edge, Gibson, Holt, Spence. Best : Nicholson, Boctor. Catlin. Edge, Buller, L. Atkins Therry Penola: Goodwin 6 . Nancarrow 2, R. Bannister. Best: Goodwin, Boyle, Taylor, Nancarrow, Elliott, Grant. Umpires: Atbie Firley. Neville We (F) . Grant Napper, John Robinson (G) OLD IVANHOE 3.4 4.11 10 .14 11,15 (81) WHITEFRIARS 2.2 2 .6 4.7 6.7(43) Old Ivanhoe: J. Weddle 3. Corcoran 2, Toovey 2 . Brandt, Branigan, McLean, Lochran, Best: Hope, Haros, Allender, Karayannis, Brandt, Tully. Wliltefriars: Reidy 2, Canigg. Glenn. Hilton, Phan. Best : C . Law, A. Carbone, Carrigg. T. Campbell, R. Pawllk, A. Pawlik. Umpires : Rick Love. Richard Eastwood (F) Ken Coughlin . Andrew Long (G) NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .3 2 .5 2.6 4 .6 (30) OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .5 3 .8 4.17 5.18 (48) North Old Boys: Casboult, M . Phyland, Sutherland. Coonan. Best: Maplestone. Zacek, Lock. O'Farrell . M. Barker, Collins. Old Melburnians : Kennedy 2, Grant, Gallagher, McMullin. Best: Grant, Jenkins, Hecke, Bowes, Wilheim. Gallagher. Umpires: Graeme Hunichen, Cameron Stewart (F) Robert Seymour, Garry Glancy (G) OLD PARADIANS 0 .1 1 .5 2.8 3.11 (29) ORMOND 2 .1 4.2 5.3 5 .3(33) Old Paradlang: Connolly, Harford, Scewczuk . Best : Stevens, Curran, Schewczuk, O'Loughlin . Sinclair, Collins Ormond : Miller, Beckett, Grace. Martin, Abrahams. Best : Martin. Harvey. Miller, Smith, Wilson, Bailey. Umpires: Grant Wardrop, Sharon Alger (F), Ross Richards, Bernie Dix (G) . RESERVES OLD HAILEYBURY 10 .8 6.2 10 .7 10.8 (68) DE LA SALLE 1.1 3.2 3 .3 3.6(24) Old lIaileybury: Efstathiou 2, T. Hllton2, Johnston 2, Warnes 2, L . Floyd 1, Somata 1 . Best: Van Wyek, O'Donnell, Johnston, S . Saunders, Warnes, B. Mitchell . De La Salle: Williams 2, Walker. Best : Mannix, C. Hyde, Ptcone . Joyce, Buick, Shaw. BEAUMARIS 1.2 2 .4 2.5 3 .5 .(28) 11.16.(82) TIIERRY PENOLA 2 .3 4 .7 8 .13 Baumaris : Vance 1, Brook 1, Sherman 1 . Best : Sherman, Pratt, Vance. A . O'Brien, Cotter, Smith . 'Merry Penola : M . Boscrllto 3 . Russell 2, McMahon 2, Sacco 1, Goodwin 1, Christie 1, Griffiths 1 . Best players not received . OLD IVANHOE 3 .1 3,1 4.1 4 .4(28) WHITEFRIARS 1 .2 5.5 9.6 11,10 (76) Old Ivanhoe : White 2. Pipera 2. Best: Pollock, Kollias, White, Pratt, Warrv, Davis. Whitefriacs: Eames 4, O'Connor 1, M . Van Denboorn 1, Heath 1 . Clifford 1, Johnson, Jones, Mika. Best: Van Denboom. Robinson, Elliot. Mika, Fedele. Eames. NORTH OLD BOYS 0.1 0.4 2 .5 3.9 (27) OLD MELBURMANS 4.3 6.4 10.10 11 .12 (78) North Old Boys : Hosking, Klouse. Joyce 1 . Best: Trimboll. Trenton, Fitzclarence, Hosking. Leigh, Visser Old M:elburnians: Tucker 4, Ambler 2. Simpson 1, Berry 1, Guest 1 . Bryant 1, Kinsella 1 . Best Bryant, Tucker, KtnselLs, Ambler, Sallabank, Waddel l OLD PARADIANS: 5.6 10 .9 11 .11 .77 0.2 ORMOND: 3.1 6.2 9 .3.57 3.1 Old ParadIans: Dintinosante 3, 0'Flaherty 3, S Ciavola 2, Loney 1 . Lombardi I . Murray 1 . Best: Holmes. Anderson, Ball . Loney. Harris, Murray. Ormond: Smith 4, Naughton 3, Farrell 1, Stewart 1 . Best : Smith, Grace, Moore, Naughton, Guzzo .


B Section BEAUMARIS Coach: Jim Duman Res Coach: Rod McNab

BE LA SALLE Coach : Paul Cooper Asst.: Paul O'Dwyer Res : Damian Carroll

OLD IVANHOE Coach: Gerard Sholly Asst. Coach : Paul Fahey Res. Coach : Noel Spoo r

NTH OLD BOYS Coach : Frank Dunnell Res. Coach: Mark Robinson

THERRY PENOLA Coach: Wayne Hermes Res. Coach : Brendan Smales

1 M . Lee

1 L Walker

1 A.Oates

1 . D .Wilkinson

1 Petrevski M

2 L. Gibson 3 J . Magee 4 M . Smith

2 R Buckley 2 M Mercuri 3 B Corin

2. D .Waters 3. TWaters 4. S .Sleep

5 M . Ensor

2 L .Lochran 5 B.Spoor 7 TYoung

4 L Hall

8 TStevens

5. B .Devine (RC)

2 Finnigan M 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M

6 A . Quin 7 I. Dermott 8 J . Mead 9 B . Nicholson

5 6 7 8

9 M.Karayannis 10 M. Rowley 11 S.Tully 12 C .Branigan

10 L . Bullen?

9 J Hall

13 D .Warry

11 P. Brook 12 N . Conlan 13 A . Spence 14 T. Coliins

10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C)

14 K.Theidisei 15 C .Allender

12 D Toohey

16 M .Woods

13 A Johnstone

15 N . Craven

17 A.Corcoran

14 A Robertson

18 J .Hope

5. D .Skene 6. N .Vogels 7. P.Booth 8 . B.Collison (C) 9 . L.Curry (DVC ) 10. S . McGrath 11 . G. Collins 12. S .Lock 13. T.Halpin 14. D.Kingham

16 R . Deaton

15 P Bowden

17 B . Stevens 18 N . Kennedy 19 D . Guidolin 20 M .Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt 23 A. Catlin 24 B.Gray 25 L .Dermott 26 B. Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 R . Walsh 30 R . Cortield 31 A. Edge 32 M . Matulick 33 G . Jury 34 S . Mitchell 35 N. Boctor 36 A. Blackie 37 B . Philpott 38 A. O'Brien 39 D. Foley

C Swift M Herber P Harrison J La Ragy

5 Sacco J 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R

13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A

16 Goodwin M 18 Carter B

15. J .Talbot

19 Grant A

19 C.Barker

16 S Hyland (VC)

16. D.Collins

20 Clarke J

20 J .Keane

17. M .Maguire

22 Griggs S

17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 25 C Hyde 26 E Williams 26 D Spithill 28 N Herber 29 A Molan 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 K Brkic 34 A Pedicini 35 A Mackintosh 36 A McKenzie 37 D Hyland 38 M Joyce

21 R.Roberts 22 P.Donaldson 24 G .Haros 25 A.White 27 J .Weddle 29 R.Weddle 30 E .Brophy 31 N.Miller 32 P.Dowd 33 B .Davies 34 A .Teman 35 L.Mclean 36 M .Pollock 37 P.Armstrong 38 Gerry George 39 Gary George 40 D .Bernett 42 L.Courage 44 R .Davies 45 M .Toovey 46 T.VanBloomstein 47 P.Lillis

18 . C.Murray 19 . .O'Farrell 20. J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23 . P.O'Dwyer 24. J .Barker 25 . G .Phyland 26 . S .Smith 27 . WMcTaggart 28 . M .Nulty 29 . D .Boyer 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34 . J.Saad 35 . M .Carney 36 . D .Tonkin (VC) 37 . S .Mikunda 39 . R .Maguire 38 . M .Amor 40 . C .Phyland

40 D. Golding

39 S Hoy

24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 27 Stevens B 28 O'Kearney M 29 Dorian P 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J 33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S 36 O'Shea T 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M 39 Boyle S 40 Garoni P 41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M

48 M .Tolley

41 S . Blackie 42 W . Mills 43 D. Whitaker 44 H. Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 J . Wadham 47 A. Pratt 48 M . Barrow 49 J . Bryce 50 A . Low 51 M . Balmer 52 A . Velland 53 T. Cotter 54 S Fitzgerald 55 N . Taylor 56 D. McGrath 57 M .Evans 58 A . Wilson 59 D . Livingstone 60 S . Jones

40 J Crowe 41 P Hesse 42 D McInerney 43 C Bowker 44 B Buick 45 D Lambe 46 E Williams 47 A Boots 48 D Smith 49 P Grant 50 G Wise 51 M Shaw 60 B Hoy 70 M Duggan

50 M .Hall 51 B .Shadbolt 52 A .Barker 55 A .Weisz 56 A .Gibson 58 E .Murphy 59 C .Pitt 63 J .Weir

Sponsored by :

41 . N .Tonkin 42 . P.Pesavenko 43 . D .Zacek 44 . M .Drum 45 . B.Pawsey 46 . N .Goonan 47 . J.Barlow 48 . P.Daniels 49 . A. Stone 50 . TDrum 51 . S.Fitzpatrick 52 . N .Sanders 53 . T.Ayerbe 54 . A.Trimboli 55 . D .Scicluna 56 . P.Arnold

Spectrum Assurance




Regency Pharmacy Zitech Computer Peripherals

48 Courts G 49 Whykes B 50 Mills A 51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R Christofoli M 55 Garoni M 57 Weston D 61 Scuilli B 66 Culph M 68 Swinden A 70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B

57 . C .Blaine

74 Lees S

58 . J.Gurry 60 . D .Moore 61 . F.Lynch 62. AMcKenzie-McHaig 63 . R .Thomasson

75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G

64 . G .Muir 65 . S.Sarong

W.G. Miles & Co Ply Ltd

47 Goodwin D

67. R .Whitnish 68. K.Watson 71 . J .Presti 77. S. Trenton 78. R. Christi e 79. Danny Keld 91 . M Yandell


95 Hill M 96 Redden S

97 Goodwin S 100 Loiudice J

111 Baron D



Q! ._ t . .•_,y~, ( Cn .:~ CG , P"=


Coach : Erwin L . rden y Bonwick Res . Coach : Michael Lovejo y


_ _~•,rai ) ni P Ji , rd-Jones


( :- F; ;~ati:~ou 7 ;i-td ah j s i ., nnell era , ; .; ng

_ . .1 .';r 1, n ~_~cup a :m J ?^andham :Ican C-r=on nes r 6 ;. 1 rci el l P`:'r.7ht ni ford-Jones DL ; L -I ther L PJ r,r_rson S S :r .1rders `.>man :3 C P~~in'tey

_' .'acon sil


1 t- ie L B ;rn ; lerson . . . , :~c~• nzie AP

1 M Bennett 2 S Theodore (C) 3 A Treloar 4 M Hazell 5 L Bunn 6 D Holme 7 C Thompson 8 M Lovett 9 R Simpson 10 T Roberts 11 P Gallagher 12 A Hewett 13 B Thiele 14 D Kinsella 15 M Rose 16 J Tucker 17 J Miller 18 T Fitzgerald 19 R Mui q uinY e 20 J Guest 21 L Boyd 22 A Waddell 23 M Berry 24 L Holcombe 25 P Thomas 26 C Kennedy 28 A Washington 29 T Mulligan 30 I McMullin 31 J Sallabank 33 TAmbler 35 C Ray 36 J Grant 37 S Murray 38 T Bryant 40 Z Useinov 41 G Wilhelm 42 P Theodore 43 E Farquharson 44 P Bartlett 45 C Murphy 46 D Neeson 47 C Banks 48 C Jenkins 49 G Tsiotras 50 J Berry 51 B Righetti 52 B Campbell 53 P Beaumont 54 S Hecker 55 J Gooley 56 A Hunt 57 J Weir 58 T Burdeu 60 B Reid 63 N Sampieri 64 C Bowes

Coach: h'--I Ryan Res . Coach: TBA 2 . P. O'Loughlin 3. D . Stevens 4 . M . Wood 5 . M . Harford 7 . P. Cosgriff 8 . A . Sinclair 9 . J . Collins 10 . P. Brabender 11 . A . Burns 14 . B . Brabender 15 . B . Dintinosante 16 . M . Godfrey 17 . B . Her, 18 . G . Porteous 19 . John Swinton 20 . M . Szewczuk 21 . S . Ciavola 22 . C . Watson 23 . P. Walsh 24. D . Digney 25. A. Heffernan 26. M .B. Geary 27. K . Jenkins 28. A . Sacco 30. B . Richardson 31 . J . Lucas 33 . P. Harris 34 . B . Galloway 37 . J .M . Swindon 39 . D . Loney 40 . C. Seckold 41 . D. Watson 42 . R. Murray 43, A. Swindon

44 . S . Simpson 45 . N. Ball 46 . A. Baker

Coach: Ian Jackman Rea. Coach : Peter O'Dea 1 . D. Mabbett 2 . D . Beckett 3 . E. Fraser 4 . A. Grace 5 . B. Turner 6 . D . Whelan 7 . S. Keleher (DVC) 8 . M. Miller (DVC) 9 . S. Grace 10 . D . Scanlon 11 . D . Robbins 12 . B. Deledio 13. B . Stone 14, S . James 15. S . Naughton 16. T. Stewart (RC) 17. R. Joy 18. W. Block 19. D . Cleary 20 . M . McConvill (C) 21 . L. Wilson 22 . R. Block 23 . T. Ashford 24 . M . Abrahams 25. J . Date 26 . T. Harvey 27 . T. Brennan 28 . A. Moore 29• N . Courtney 30 . N . Wells 31 . H. Black 32 . R . Presser 33 . M. Collins 34. R . Remman (VC) 35. G . Bailey 36. J . Monagha . A . Guzzo n37 38. S . Herrman n 39. J . Bridges 40. S . Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42 . C. Keleher 43 . L. Smit h 44 . M . Mabbett 45 . M . Ferrari 46 . C. Cleary 47 . T. Costel .o-Mannin g 48 . G . Smit h 49 . S. Met z 50. M . Heffernan 51 . A. Russel l 52. G . Hal l 53. G . Hammon d 54. M . Wilson 55, J . Pula 56. M . Farrell 57 . M . Broadhurst 58 . B . Smit h 59 . P. Kostanty 60 . G . Ritchie 61 . K. Anderson

62 . D . Casey 63 . A. Kurze l 64 . A. Strauc h


65. L . Russel l 66. C . Everett IIl'STER

67, R . Marti n


69. N . Tassell

68. S. Haine s

Coateh: Greg Feutrili Res Coach: Andy Dalrymple 1 . R Pasqualotto 3. M . Carbon e 5 . B. Pha n 6 . M . Robinson 8 A. Davis 9 C Maguire 10 A. Pawlik 11 R . Reid y 12 R Pawli k 13 T Hughe s 14 M Duffy 15 P Campbel l 17 A Carbon e 19 T Hilton 21 K Kennedy 23 D Reid 24 R Mika 26 C Rya n 27 M Northey 28 C . Eames 29 A. Glen n 30. M Powe r 33 . M Verna l 34 . D. Gioufchev 35 . C. Law 36 . D. Nolan 38 C Carrig g 39, M .Winterburn 41 . C O'Conno r 43 . NEiliott 44 . B. O'Conno r 46. G .Johnson 48. J .Treyvau d 52. P. Haseler

53. C .Wood 54. S .Gilla n 55. S,War d 56. R .Murray 58. J .Gibbins 59. S .Cliffor d 60. D .Eame s

0 ,a started t' _eir y-w pretty 째 ; cll ~ . : .,h an impressive victory over an injury ravaged Glen ilirw. Collegains opened up quite a huge margin before the storm reared it's ugly head, with much cleaner ball handling skills, and were able to maintain this advantage for the rest of the day although to their credit the Sainters never stopped trying and will certainly improve in the ensuing weeks with plenty of players to return to the side . Ajax made the long trek out north to visit Old Esse:n.don at Teac Park and it certainly was a dismal day for them . It rained all day and the OE's set the tone with a 5 goal opening burst that made life difficult for the Jackas . As the game progressed Essendon used the ball very, very well and their skill level was far advanced on that of their visitors . The Jack-as are not mud larks and do not like the rain and they could not control Essendon's style of play that saw numerous switches across the ground, and with a dominant midfield the home side increased their lead at every stanza . Pretty even game out Keysboror ; : way for the first half anyway wit havers dominating the first term and then the Old Men tcs: ' - I king control in the 2nd stanza to have a prei y handy 11 point break at the long interval . After that the game totally belonged to the Rovers as they took control all over the ground . With their strong defence and first use of the ball allowing their little guys to dominate proceedings, they came away with a pretty comfortable 41 po : t victory that I'm sure would have pleased 째 ass and his coaching cohorts . A pretty even first quarter out at Bulleen with both sides giving their all as the Bullants did everything in their power to try and keep the Tigers out who were perhaps a little inaccurate . St Bedes then broke the game open in the second quarter bagging some 8 majors by keeping their forward line open and having their rucks stationed acrros half forward to keep the ball in their zone . The second half saw Bulleen recover and match it with their opposition but alas it was too late as the damage had been done and the Tigers were able to make the long trek home pretty happy urith-themselves . 1n

G: " Id unveffed their premiership flag and some ~ premiershi p football as they completely overwhelmed thei more fancied opponents Prahran . The Field won the toss and opened with the breeze ani the storm and had set up a match winning lea( by the first change . The scoreline had beei doubled by the main break and it got worse fo . the Two Blues in the third term as thi Grammarians continued on their merry wa) kicking 5 goals to 2 . Asked for a better effort b Tony Free Prahran rallied early in the last tc kick the first few but the Fields steadied iaagnoutscrehp ocrdage first up victory. PREVIEW The Granunarians travel across to the lake tc tackle old rivals Ajax, who will be keen tc bounce back . Feel sure Mark Saran will wods his players pretty hard this week as they try tc regroup, couple of injuries won't help their cause either . Was pretty impressed with the Fields system and ability last week and feel the confidence gained by that performance should see them over the line again . A big game at David Street awaits Old Esse ndon . Can Chris Bye get them up 2 weeks in a row is the big question . I'm sure he can but the Rove rs will be up too and rarely lose at home. Given kind conditions this should be a beauty worth going a long way to see which is exactly what I will be doing . Have great respect for Old Essendon but the Rovers at home are just too hard to tip against . on the rebound a daunting task fo r anyone . They were extremely disappointed with themselves last week after an excellent pre season and will certainly be out to redeem themselves . Collegians did no wrong last week so will be quietly confident but confidence may not be enough against the Two Blues back on their game and at Toorak Park, they should be strong enough to take the points . The return of a few players will help their cause too . Another local derby as Old Mentonian make the short trek across town to Brindisi Street . Obviously can play some good footy the Tonners as shown by their second quarter last week bt= : _

. Like the Rovers the home

I tfie Tigers 110 ('11 lilt) Ljde ,image is a huge bonus here . Barney Ot aware t, of that yet but the players be ;,t

:ind in a very close game I'm tipping the just take the points . ,Di , ttappy hunting ground for Glen Eira Eulioen . Both first round losers will be (ake the points today . Too early at thi s 11 f C to know the full strength and qualities o

i)' id S bu t which way to go here but e~villgstick tc~~ =

borne side to give Deano his first tast e ; , i,,, ~- as a coach . If the Sainters win Mr ,)ii ,_ ou and I can both go to Grong-Grong

; GN '%" S ES .; C,0~~p._3.SPC3 1~ ) ., pi etty good effort first up . Let's hea r .}„ ~u others as well the numbers are 9-553 ~,u 1 11(0 le or fax the mobile is 0412 213 541 or ~~Joh me an email to .ata b raiui co~rr og#ruszlet .eorn

t foi ,,~et your nominations for the Coates ma~ cr of the week either . ',11LESTfli,`E : praIuan - Matty year today plays his 50th rn for Prahran . Since joining us in 1998 h e

Uceome a very consistent halfback flanker tis, We hope to see many more fine games 11 this great clubman . Caulfield Grammarians - Shaun CossartWaish who joined the club way back in '87, ha s ( " ci a sensational clubman and staunch dt .lcuder, who has also enjoyed a goal or two, Ihrou,tlout his career . Dual premiership player ,, 'Pt '00 Spud is often given the job on larger {;, , , position forwards, however rarely has had lii~; colors lowered in any of his 200 games . Well ~lonr Spud, from all your mates at the Fields-


k :~ans Old Essendon f L i ;;inl Old Essendon St Bedes 71S

6 5 5



SENIORS COLLEGIANS : 3 .1 9.2 13,9 15 .13 .103 1 .3 1 .6 3 .7 5,11.41 GLEN EIRA Collegians : MacKenzie 4, Mooney 2, Henebery 2 . Fry 2, Smith 2, Cottom 1, Vasdekis 1, Johnson 1 . Best: Vasdekis . Hosking. Hartshorne, Piasenie, MacKenzie . Fry . Glen Eira: Hayes-Dewar 2, Varnvakas 2 . Gilmore 1 . Best : Neeson. Pinniger. Hayes-Dewar, As(apenko. Buckley. Umpires: Dianne. Whiteley, Damien . Lane (F) C,AULFIELD GR 4 .4 6 .7 11 .14 15,15 .105 pRAHRAN AMATEURS 1 .1 3 .3 5.3 8 .6.54 Caulfield: Foster 3. Guyett 2, Margerlson 2, Liddell 2 . N . Craven I . Pennycuick 1, Cowiishaw I, Will I . Hall I . R . Buchanan 1 . Best: G . Harrison, Liddell , Foster, N . Craven. Peterson, Knight. Prahran: Beer 4, Marriott 3. Smyth 1 . Best: Marriott. Taseff, Beer. Kellow . Corby, Norman . Umpire: Leah. Gallagher. Craig. BraJtberg (F), Kirsty . Pay, Justin. Kramer (B) . OLD ESSENDON 5.4 8 .5 10 .10 14.16 (100) 1.1 2 .3 4.4 4,7 (31) AJAX Old Essendon: Hakim 5 . Podger 3 . DiBlasi . S. Fleming . Grigg. Heritage, Morgan, Oxnam . Best: S. Fleming, Hakim, Leask, Heritage, Wallington, DiBlasi. AJAX: Rajch 1 . Newstart 1, Davis 1 . Lukan 1 . Best: Halphen. J . Ritterman . Weisler, Lukan. Rajch. Newstart. Umpires: Matt Cox (F), P. Whitehead (G) OLD MENTONIANS : 0.4 7,8 7 .9 10 .11 .71 HAMPTON ROVERS 5.3 6 .3 13 .8 17 .10.112 Old Mentonians : Aereman 3 . Bournon 2, Solley 2, Ferguson, Mullin. Murphy. Best : Palmer, Mullin, Vick, Twentyman, Z .Kuramoto . Carter. Hampton Rovers: Busby 3, Drew Anderson 2 . S.Anderson 2, Martyn, Shewfield 2. Brudar 2, Brown 2, Natoli . Pucella. Best: Scarlett . Lawrence. Martyn, Zampaglldne, Pucella, Browne . Umpires : Geoff Curran . Andrea Thwaites (F ) BULLEE%•TEMPLESTOWE 1 .1 2.3 8 .4 10.5 (65) ST. BEDES MEN'!Y)NE TIGERS3.6 10.13 14 .16 19,21 .135 Bulleen Templestowe: R. Williams 5, McLaren 2, Tulloch, D. Matthews . Meadows. Best: D.Matthews, T . Matthews, Burrtdge, Meadows, R . Williams, Robertson. St Bedes Momtone : Kingwetl 5, Bignell 4 . Kidd 3 . Beasley 2. Wintle 2. Winterton 1, McCraw 1, Martine 1 . Best: M. WinOe, Kingweil, Owen, Hipweli, Beasley, Bignell . Umpires: Max Wittmami . Luke Moneriet(F) C RESERVE COLLEGIANS : 6.9 9.13 14 .15 19 .18.132 GLEN EIRA 2 .1 4 .3 6.4 6 .4.40 Collegians : Cooper 4, Dowling 2, Greeves 2, Moon 2, Baxter 2, Harrison 2, Wiseman 2 . Krotiris 2, Donnelly 1 . Best: Harding. Moon . Baxter, KroOris. Harrison . Greeves . Glen Eira : Sheerly 3. Caruana . Dimon, Best: Grey, Caruana. Sheerly. Mtgliorim 4.0 8.2 9 .3 11,6 (72) CAULFIELD GR. 5.9 6.9 (45) pRAHRAN 4.2 4 .4 Caulfield GL: Cutler 4, Carver 3, K. McDonald 2 . Bowes 2. Best : Deal Coder. Bowes . Docker, Thompson . Rosman . Prehran : Dukic 3. Aitken 2, Vagg 1 . Best: Ballard . Woolridge, year, Upton, Aitken, Hodgson. Old Essendon 5 .2 7.7 10.12 13.13 (91) 3 .8(26) 0.2 2,7 2 .8 AJAX Old Essendon : Evans 6, Lutterschmidt, McGowan . Tilley, Hunter. Best: Howard, Luttcrschmidt . Chapman. Evans, McGowan, Barr AJAX: Sheezel 1, Basist 1, Rubenstein 1 . Best: Boon, Pask, Walvisch. Lewin, Rubenstein. Old Mentonians: 1 .0 3.1 5 .1 7.1 .43 Hampton Rovers : 6.0 10.4 15 .7 23 .9.147 Old Mentonlans: Saunders 2 . Goodbody. MeClosky. Mackay, . Sherrill. Saunders. Best: Dwyer, Linrord. Stroud . MeCiosky. Sherrill O'Connor Hampton Rovers: Power 5. FlaYllve 4 . Best: Buckley. Humphries, L . Holt, Helllger, B . Holt . Bulleen Templestowe 2 .0 3.0 4.4 4 .8 (32) St Bedes Mentone 4 .0 7.1 9.3 11 .4 (70) Bulleen-Templestowe : Mckenzie 2 . Humphrey Dowlan . Best: Chivers, Humphrey . B. 11'olnlur. Hastie, Dawlan, Mason . St Bodes Mentone: Moss 3, Povnton 2, Goodchtld 2, Parsons 2 . Napier 1, Rhoden 1 . Best : Goodchlld, L'huilller . Poynton, Napier, McColl, Zahra . 11

C AJAX Coach: Mark Sara u Res Coach: David Marks 1 N Gold (C) 2 J Ritterman 3 B Davis (DVC)

4 M Dudakov (VC) 5 M Rajch

6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky 8 A Krongold 9 A Rosen 10 G Dukes 11 M Weisler 12 J Basist 13 A Freund 14 Y Rapaport 15 J Segal (VC)

16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukierman 19 M Halphen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Bock 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28 P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 N Israelsohn 31 M Barnett 32 D Janover 33 S Boon

34 D Onas 35 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein

39 B Klein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein

43 M Measey 44 L Pyke 45 0 Flamm 46 J Feldman 47 S Czarny 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockman 51 J Jolson

52 A Lefkovic 53 M Segal

55 G Ben-Ahorn 60 J Wajnberg


_ ._. . ..

- ~_ ST

Coach: Sven Samild



Coach: Paul Beddoe Res Coach : Phil Jones

Coach : Norm Goa! Res Coach : Tony rlaui

1 . A . Acreman 2 . C . Twentyman 3 . B . Murphy

I M Ryan 2 N Astapenko 3 C Massis

4 . D . Carrol

4 D Cassar

5 . C . Mackay

5 ATsirogiannis

2 3 4 5 6

6 . C . Alexander 7. G . Ferguson

7 S Vamvakis 10 G Richards

8. N . Maguire 9. R . Maguire 10 . B . Kuvamoto 11 . D. Solley 12 . C. Dwyer 13 . A . Palmer 14. K . Campbell 15. J . Costello

12 B King 13 G Brown 14 M Weilgosz 17 G Hayes-Dewar 18 A Wilce 19 J Thursfield 20 A Diamond 21 P Jones

Coach: D n tthews


16. D . Nock 17. N . Linford

24 B Mascali 27 R Gilmore

18. 19. 20. 21 .

29 J Zagame 30 L Pryde 32 P Tsagliotis 33 A Sheedy 34 R Oldham 36 P Slifka 38 M Lewin 39 G Egan 40 L Doolan 41 H Walls 42 S Emmett 44 S Diamond 45 A Caruana 48 J Haliwell 49 M Benton

T. Bournon D . Kitto S. Mullin A. Drinan P. Harrington 23 . N . Moodie 24 . R . Ball 25 . J . Winduss 26 . G . Dart 27 . G . Katris 28 . L. Hogan 29 . A . Carter 30 . J . Vick 31 . P. Mevel 32 . M . Hollow


33 . S . Worrel

53 C Grey

34. P. Flaskis 35. T. Mmacnish 36. D . Alexander 37. M . Francis

55 L McGaw 56 H Reddy 59 Br Stewart 60 S Jankovic

38. B. Sherrif

61 M Tkocz

39 . T. Riley 40 . L. Saunter

63 D Dunlevie

41 . S . Cozens 43 . M . Lewes 44 . B . Clothier 45 . M . Kennedy 46 . D . Mills 47 . B . Ferguson 48 . J . Whitford 50. G . Richards

51 . L . Stephen 53. M . Stroud

54. D . Goodbody 55 . W. Ballantine 57 . P. Watson 63 . M . Jones 64 . M . Austin


M. McKella r D . Busby S. Anderson (C ) B. Marly n S. Bielby

7 A. Duddy 8 Dr. Anderson

9 B . Boyd 10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglion e 12 R . Dunbal l 13 G. Wood s 14 N . Borradale 15 A . Brown 16 D . Marshal l 17 D . Artz (VC) 18 P. Adam s

19 M. Lawrenc e 20 A. Power

21 A. Brude r 22 G . Carr 23 S . Helliger 24 C Scarlett 25 M . Dave y 26 Sam Will s 27 M . Nitschk e 28 A . Crowthe r 29 M . Fletcher 30 M . Dunbal l 31 T. Pucell a 32 David Anderso n 33 M . Lak e 34 B. Hoare 35 R . Bulme r 36 S. Stic k 37 P. Edward s

38 J . Humphries 39 40 41 42 43

T. Wilso n S . Foste r P. Gardine r K. Chasto n M . Flahiv e

44 B . Johnstone 45 K . Singara n 46 N . Goul d

47 L. Wheeler

i d 48 D . P enfnl 49 M. F 50 P. Apinitis 51 M . Vaughan 52 L . Holt 53 E. Zuke r 54 P. Buckley 55 T. Woodruff

56 G . Kell y

57 M . Lanagan 58 M . Vaughan

59 B . Payton

60 L. Reeve s 61 L. Woolrich 62 J . N g 63 M . Nitschi e

64 M . Pearso n 65 66 67 68

P. Pike J . Prantzo s T. Prantzos G. Shenfield

A Fi KI-: ,-"-;

INTERPdAT1oPtAt . i'T'I Li i) . Ph : 9589 64 ' ;

INDUSTCLEAPd AUST. R Ph: 9782 4300

THE GPI7hi1SE GROUP FR'. LTD. Ph: 9597 016 6 www.ham pton m .au


~ ~ TBk


Coach : Chris Bye Res Coach : TBA 3 P Lutterschmidt 4 D Ryan 5 M Oxnam 6 C Ridley 7 J Leask 8 J Heritage 9 J Goodger 10 S Bryant 11 B Papal 12 L Fleming 13 C Obliubek 14 S Evans 15 T DeBlasi 16 S McPherson 17 P Hexter 18 J Walker 19 E Healey 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 J Dazkiw

Coach : Tony Free Res Coach : TBA


25 B Turner

; arr


~ „_ •_

26 S Fleming 27 D Barr 28 C 29 S Uebeangang 30 S Cetin 31 T Williams 32 J Mansfield 33 A Davison 34 D Podger 35 L Kavanagh 36 S Dart 37 M Jinks 38 S Whitfield 39 M Burns 40 M Turner 41 B Newbold 42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 T Cipolloni 45 P Barry 46 C Clues 47 D Hexter 48 C Davies 49 A Hutchinson 50 T Grigg 51 P Hammon 52 S Howard 53 L Hadj 54 S Cramer 55 A Leask

56 W Conla n 57 G Steven

58 T Doubleday 59 J Duggan 60 R Capidoferro 61 C Hammon 62 L Frazer

63 D Greasley

G n' ' rg f

.' = -`:~me


64 J Murray 65 C McCormack 66 A McGowa n 67 R Wright 69 G Collins 70 S Muir 71 S Emerson 72 G Walsh L Bartram S Brugaletta J Burke y M DDe K as Pa ual e q M Dragojlo S Grigg T Mansfield C Mitas C Mrnjavac S Rogers 0 Sa6 h E Savage M Tassone M Tilley P Treagus A Venuccio S Whitfield A Wuchatsch


ST CEDES CAULFIELD GRAMMAR Dean Anderso n MEN3®DE TIGERS Coach: Res Coach :Kornel Dach s

Coach: Russell Bames Res Coach : Wayne Moss

1 P Wintle 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 N Owen 8 J Cunningham 9 G Marinic 10 M Wintle 12 J Kane 13 D Goodchild 14 A Connolly 15 T McColl 16 A Hipwell 17 M Sellings 18 T Giaquinta 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DVC 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynton 24 T Beasley 25 D Sam a 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 34 C Meyer 35 B Bilos 36 A Gangi 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M George 40 B Beasley 41 M Uberti 42 P Winterton 43 A Walstab 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez

47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Walsh 50 S Kidd 51 S Meyer 52 B Sessier 53 L Porter 54 M McCraw 55 P Russo

56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 62 R Bignell 63 C Petratos 64 M Scott 65 T Lamb 66 R Parsons 69 J Tomlinson 78 D Moss


1 D . Rosman 1 R .Steer 2 B . Hall 2 S . Stevenso n 3 C. Knight 3 S . Erikson 4 M . Liddel l 4 K. Deaki n 5 S . Kendal l 6 M . Harrison 6 B. Minte r 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Wals h 9 W . Bowes 10 A. Will 11 S. Amie t 12 D . Pearce 12 M. Dakic 13 1 4 S. Klos e 15 A,Docke r 15 P. Kin9 16 T. Royal s 17 R . Gosstray 17 D . 1 8 B . Baxte r 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vell a 21 N . Brohie r 21 N. Bourke 23 D. Ash 24 G . Lehne r 25 T Waile s 26 S. Williams 26 S. Widjaj a 27 R . Keow n 28 G . Evan s 29 J. Whitme e 30 J. Gross 31 S . Sant 33 C . McGrat h 34 J . Margenso n 35 S . Thompso n 36 A . Lawrenc e 37 M . Scholte n 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 G . Harrison 41 A. Bosn a 42 D . Synma n

43 J . Smith 44 N . Coutts

45 J. Blamines 46 B . Matheiso n 47 L . Sale m 48 S . Varthalis 49 J . Dalwoo d 50 R . O' Neill 51 M . Cutle r 52 C. Deal 53 C. Veentjar 54 S . McDonal d 55 M . Davies 56 A. Dow d 57 B . Goddard 58 J . Morvall 59 A. Beauchamp 60 M. Green 61 P. Ellis 62 D . Ellia s 63 N . Guyett 64 W.Brockett 65 D . Griffiths 66 T Rynber k 67 G. Dyso n 68 M .Cramphor n 69 T. Buc k 70 L.Franklin 43 M . Kupp e 44 B . Gar d ner 45 J .Wad e 46 N. Butselaa r 47 B .Naylor

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C ) := .i " . :i SS

All the best to c'e 7 -' 7~- '_ . _ of Ban ye ' :-j wh o is recovering from a lo ° : er leg fracture and ankle dislocation sustained last week. Last week's winners all have testing matches today, every win this end of the season will be gold in the run home to the finals . St Leo s' rattling 3rd term bro' ght Aquinas undone, converting a worryinr -'^ficit into a 2 goal break, then holc" g in the last Qtr . Great score-line i sides , considering the weather . - was dominant in the middle ft nimals ,

giving . -I t Fle


r a lots of conve 'ib] D score from . For the Bloods, C' , was at his pyrotechnic best up forw< lst gamer Ry€ . did well at FB, e -id John Jess was effective on the ball . Monasl a? u and Old Geelong were close all day, but OGGs were the most ascendant . and were able to skip away in the 4th term . OGGs were well served by Mzxty Juveat HBF, D ave Tayl or rucking, Chris Stinchcombe at FB, Paul Simpson roving, and Ro n Couch at CHF with 4 goals . Not all gloom for the Ashers though, the new players will settle in, and the y had exceptional performances fro m Bolton (on-ball), Nick Young in defence, and 1 st gamer Tom Craven, up forward . Banyule were on top of Yarra Valley from the first bounce, thus substantiating the preseason rumours . The only downside for their day was Peter Witchell's serious lower limb injury, requiring an operation at the Austin on Saturday evening . Former Old Carey U19's returning to their home club, Nick T 710r and Tray Chapman, gave the Bears a'' I pace round the flanks, with Luke O ;a (FF), Aca m, Dooley (BP), Jayson Eg; ( '), and :zeath McDermott at FB all stand outs in a good side . YV were happy with Sammy Savage's effort on his wing, Chris Fraser (HBF), and Ryan Coutts, whether on-ball or in defence. Ivanhoe Assumption overcame a stubborn Old Camberwell on a day when the principal enemy for both sides was the weather, with thunder triggering car alarms and hail 16

sending everybody dashing for cover . Hoes stuck to the basics in trying conditions, though 1'e` '; b 50m goal in the 2nd amidst thunderci ; hailstones was a turning point . - put in a c '. one for the Hoes, a in defence, plus ; up the ' sharp Is, _ y; iam at HBF ly- strong at FB until injure , s on a HFF and at FB repiacir ~ also did well . Univ.orc, '___ - . ,® made several comeb win a tight match against Ol d positive approach brought them back i3 z cl term after the -anther's first 15 minutes worl put them narrowly ahead . Played ir drenching rain, punctuated by multi mega voli lightning strikes, these two skilled sides n _-uonagretdisplyf ,comn e football . Black's newcomers and ret,- - I- ~s , Simdi rcl, Wilkinson, & Matt C blended well with season 200 0

Schilling, Chatfield, Roberts, & _

OC had top games from U19' s n . SIautie, well supported by young veterans rsagbell, C = j, and Angus . "S C -: _l( Ge --- and Si Leos li us will be an interesting contest . From last week's reports, both sides are looking polished, balanced, and fit, even at this stage, so, weather permitting, this will be a most watchable affair . Hard to go past the home team in the circumstances, by 2/3 goals. Yarra Valley host Monash Blues at Bulleen No 2 . and both will looking to improve on last week . Tim Killworth's youngsters will test the Ashers with their speed over the ground, but may not have the key position firepower to stay with the visitors . The Blues by 5 goals . Old Camberwell tackle Banyule who have a similar set up to the Hoes, so they will know what they have to do better to reverse last week's result . The Bears are looking the goods right now, and seem to have survived the los s

xperienced players, not only -!proved . The Wellers will test on the Barnard, and if th e d, this will be a ripper of a i ! I ,o .or the Bears by a kick or so . Icomes Ivanhoe Assumption to complex for the first time in he young Panthers demonstrate d tat they will give a good account of this season, with pace being their 1, ~-3owever, the Hoes look to b e d right now and should take th e by 2/3 goals . In firm and dry though the Panthers could easily neet University Blacks in anothe r tcounter, with the Bloods improved .urn of good players unavailable las t 1> 1-ld Blacks similarly augmented . ,aked a very balanced unit in las t uom and wet, but will find Laurie charges will give them less spac e nld Carey did last week . The Bloods ar e ( better side when Sean Flynn is o n 1t1, and his return will give them a rea l s<)7other toss up, the home side by 2 Fzeser : _- winners should be : St Leos, Blues, ( ) 1-1 c: . snberweIl, Hoes, and Blacks (RCAS „I , Ih1 ),_rs, Jack & Andy please note!! ) C.orresUCndents : the contacts are : 9818 1425 bfhickey@ .au . Hl is 12 :00 Noon Mondays, with - ;1 J' 1[n-H, Sunday preferred . ,MILESTONES 1',i rra Va'.ley (?B - defender/midfielder Ryan Coutts played his 50t h game last week, as S . I1't }- Seabourne. Congratulations Couta ~[niky!

9 - :iIORB 19.11(125) ST LF,OS ERi : _,US 2.2 6 .3 14.7 L^UUIRt. i 3.2 11 .6 12.7 16,9 (105) St Leos and Aquinas details not received : Umpires : Alan Ladd, David. Irons tFl MONASH BLUES : 6.3 8 .5 10.8 11.11 (77) OLD GEELONG: 4.1 10.5 11.13 14,14 (98) Monnsh Bluea: Craven 2 . Holloway 2. Smyth 2, Tatterson 2, Bolton, Goode . Hawkins Best: Bolton, Del'oung, Holloway . Tatterson, Main. Smyth . Old Geelong : Couch 4, Jones 3, Foley 2, Smith 2 . Paul W., Seymour . Jones . Best: Jaeung¢Ls, Taylor, Sthuhcame. Simpson . Seymour. Jones . Umpires: Paul Dinneen, Paul . Withingtan IF) 17 .16.118 BAfe'YUI :E 6 .4 8.9 13 .13 YARRA VALLEY 2 .0 3.5 3 .6 5 .9.39 . Wttchell 3, Wttlmore 2, Woallock 2, J . Egan 2 . J. Plant 1, Bany-ule : O'Connell 4, D P. t4'itchelt 1 . Cantwell 1 . Burke 1 . Best : O'Connell . Dooley. J . Egan . N . Taylor. H. McDermott, C. Ta}ior. Y®rra Valley . B . peake 2. Stone 1 . N. Pask 1, P. Cremean . Best: Savage, R . Coutts, B . Pe+ke. G . Thompson, Fraser, L . Taytor. Umplrm- Jason Moore. Troy Brooks (F) Ivanhoe Assumption 3.2 6 .7 9.11 9.17 (71) 4.2 5 .3 7.4 8.6 (54) Old Ivanhoe Asemnption details not recewed. Old CamberwelL Clvne . Credltn . Hardman, Heffernan . Howard, Mitchell. D. Seeley, Wlutehead. Best : Perryman. Hills. Hallo, James, Tipper, Walker. D. Umpires: Alan Stubbs, Lionel Katz (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS: 3 .2 6.7 7,12 9 .12 (66) OLD C,4REYc 3,5 6.6 8 .10 9 .10 (58) University Blacks: Wilson T I . Bowden K I . Caccmiello P . 1 Cunntngtuun B I . Beaton S 1, Chatfield T 1, Darroch G 1 . Schirmer C 1, Ryan J 1 . Best: Chatfield X. Cunningham M, Ryan J. Roberts N, Franklin C. Mackie R. Old Carey: Battle 2, Camber, Oppy. M . Cohen. Angus, l. Cohen . Best: Util;les, Kent. Shutie, Campbell. Oppy, Angus Umpires: Chris Stevens (S), Cash Pleris (F) Dl RESERV E ST LEOS EhBdAU8 0.1 6 .12 12.17 13,20 (98) 7.5(47) AQUINAS 3 .3 3.3 6.4 St . Leas Emmaus: N .Hodder 4, Lear 2. B .Mltchell 2 . Mckean 2 . D.McGkrm 1 . P.LeFins I, Home Best: A.Volpt. Hughan . Auliso, Hodder, Raynor. Iwe4xn, Aquinan : Chapman 2, Bradshaw I . Jones I . Poynton 1, Riley 1 . Wooden 1 . Best: Chapman. Jones. Williams, Macklin. Harper. Poynton , 9 .4(58) MORASS BLUES: 1 .0 4.2 7 .3 OLD GEELONG: 3.3 4 .5 6.8 11 .12 (78) Monash Blues: Williams 3 . Burston, Green, Herrman. Herry . Teasdale . Mentha . Best : Williams, Merest, Peel, Grahtel, Malden, Herrman . Old Geelong: Burbank 6. Collins 1 . Cole 1 . Clarke 1 . Vartey 1 . Browning 1 . Best : GoFdswrorthy, McInnes, Fanning. Burbank, Cole, Kilpatrick . BANYtA,E 2 .1 5.5 8.6 9.15 .69 YARRA VALLEY 3 .2 4.3 5.6 5.5 .35 Banyuls: Kayrcoz 3, Gilbert 2, Noonan, I . Ferral 1 . J . McDermott 1 . Cross 1 . Best: Gilbert . P. Williams . S .J . Gray. Healy, Ferral. Hopgood, Yarn Valley: S. Keyhoe 2. Hale I, B . Drew . Sturzaker 1 . Best: Davies. Longv.nrth . Morrison, M. Wines, Btuuma. 2.2 5.3 7 .4 10. 9(69) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION DID CAMBERWELL 4.3 9 .3 12 .8 12. 10 (82) Ivanhoe Assumption details not recolved . Old Can>hereeA: Saffar 4 . Tempone. R 4 . Kearney. Knowles, Me Kenzie, Williams . C. Best : Smith . Mc Kenzte . Roroe, Knowles. R Tempone . UNIVERSITY BLACKS : 5 .1 10.6 18.7 26.12 (168) 1.3(g) OLD CAREY 0.1 0.3 1.3 University Blacks: De Pasquale A 6 : Evans A 4 : Moffat X 3 . Heeley J 2, Peck H 2, . Tehan M 1, Best : De Pasquale MLtschln J 2 . Coleman M 3, Ralph J 2: Snllth 5 1 A. Evans A . Neville A. Sullivan G . Smith S . Nolan A . Old Cazey: Williams . Best: DetarcxymskL Mudge . P. Graham, Williams, Guerra. Wilkie


4 4


3 3




D.C . Coach : Laurie Aghan Res. Coach : Howard Field 1 R. Mills

- . .. _ Coach : r :g'litcroft Res C r. Rohan Doherty 1 T. Egan

2 C. Thomas

2 D .Witchell

3 T. Vandersluis 5 M . Boland 6 D . Minogue 7 C. Glennia

3 S.Kayrooz 4 M.Gilbert 5 B.Wilmore 6 VJ.Keenan

8 J . Jess

7 G .Shaw

9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 B . Cooper 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D. Denbraber 14 A . Lorkin 15 A . Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 18 D . Saliba 19 G. Whitehead 20 P. Fares 21 C . Quinn 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 R . Weeks 27 S . Jones 28 J. Langford 29 N . Davies 30 C . Collilver 31 M . Hunter 32 J. Bleakney 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 G . Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 L . Sheffield 40 A . Cultrera 41 C . Bambury ry 42 R . Mora n 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G . Coyle

8 B,Cantwell 9 J.Plant 10 B.Moxin 11 S.Cross 12 J.Egan 13 C.Burke 14 B.Woodlock 15 SGray 16 A.Dooley 17 TChapman 18 J.Turnbull 19 P.Witchell 20 S .Playfair 21 R .Dintinosante 22 N.Taylor 23 S.Gray 24 C .Wilks 25 L.Martin 26 H,McDermott 27 P.Healy 28 D.Sproules 29 R.Kreskas 30 DMutton 31 C,Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A.Plant 34 C.Stevens 35 L.O'Connell 36 M .George 37 TThompson 38 G ..Bell 39 A .Hopgood 40 C.Taylor 41 M .Natoli

46 M . Hope 47 N . Moran 48 R . Re ester 49 D . Poynton 50 F. Lobosc o 51 C . Watt 52 M. Corrie 53 J . Devers 54 M. O'Halloran

55 J . Crouch 56 J . Harrington 57 S. Humphrey 58 M. Patterso n

59 A. Bentley 60 D . Vine 62 L . Bradshaw

63 A. Barri e 64 T. Robinso n 68 J . Coghlan

70 C . Lyn g 71 G . Evan s 72 M . Riley

86 B. Barclay

C.Taylor 43 L. Ferral 44 P.Williams 45 B .White 46 D.Nasrallah 47 D.Searl e 48 P. Starman 49 A . Small 50 M . Smith 51 L. Sheean 52 D.Noonan 53 K .Scholes

54 G .Kemp 55 D .William s

56 P.Arnold 57 A .Covey 58 L.Holt

[ '= -/ ,速y Coach : Brad Hall Res . Coach: Colin McDonald

UE S Coach : Dave Rogers Res Coach: Marcus Spencer

2 D . Salter

1 S .Conley 3 C . Tucker 4 T. O'Neill

4 C . Stinchcomb e 7 J. Pau l 8 T. Seymour 9 W. Paul

5 J. Scoble 6 T. Healy (DVC) 7 P. Rawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 E . Healy 10 P. Lee (VC) 11 J. Finlayson 12 B . Finlayson 13 S. Narkiewicz (DVC) 14 P. Flynn (C ) 15 J. Curtin 16 S . Smyth 17 S . MOrris 18 T. Scoble 19 D . Wood 20 P. Blocker 21 L . Blackwood 22 G. Raco 23 D . Ryan 24 B . Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 M . Emerson 27 K . Smith 28 J. Pace 29 G . King 30 M . Sloan 31 D . McFarlane 32 L . Pearce 33 S . McGowan 34 B. Joyce 35 P. Whitehead 36 C . Zeegers 37 D . Todd 38 C . Hocking 39 M . Ebbage 40 P. Martin 41 C McDonald 43 G . Sullivan 44 A . Pace 45 D . Frye r 46 M . lacouangelo 48 R . Toogoo d 49 A . Rosenfel d 51 D . Pearce 52 S. Doherty 68 J. Mazzocc a 78 C . Brown 88 N . Dykes

99 G . Robertson

OLD GEELON G Coach : Jon Edga r Res Coach : Jim Pearso n Club 18: Sean Wilso n

10 T. Brai n



11 M . Jaugieti s 12 N. Power 13 H. Mclnnes 15 S. Bingle y 16 L . Stevens 17 T. Pau l 18 J . Power 19 A. Salte r 20 P. Broadbent 21 A. Landale 22 J . Taylor 23 C. Bird 24 . B. Couch 25 R. Hyams 26 . J . Foley 27 A. Smith 28 . A Farra r 30 N. Kem p 31 D. Varley 32 J . Wallace-Smit h 33 S. Lansdell 34 H. Burban k 35 D. Mclnnes 36 A. Reuss 37 P. Edgar 38 D. Bolton 39 H. Gretton-Watson 40 J . Malpas 41 S. Rowan 42 R. Brown 43 A. McKay 44 M . McCarth y 45 D. Taylor 46 J . Fitzgerald

47 M .Avery 48 T. Chirnside 49 J . Carty 50 J . Landy 51 L . McDonald

U N hg r ~ `-1C ,,5 'r -,c

OLD ~. ft''tE!!


Coach : Jarrod 0 Nleli C oach : Chris Hickey Ben Sullivan Res Coach: Andrew Tsindos R es. Coach : Paul Montgomery




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Coach : Tim Killworth ~ !E Res Coach: Wayne Reddaway C oach : David Miller 1 . R. Pearce R es Coach : AlBethune 2. T Morris I D . Dinicolantoni o 2 J . Hodde r 3 . R . Thompson E . Mitchel l 4 . M. Fungg 4 A . Auliso 5 S . Buckle 5 . A. Drew 6 D. Care y 6 . D . Howse 7 A. Burgess 8 M . Volpi 7 . J . Downs 9 D. Lear 8 . L Morris 9 A. Bethune 9. J . Keem 10 B. Mitchel l 11 S. McCan n . Hancock 10. T 12 T McCan n 11 . F. McVean 13 A. Hughan 12 . J . Cremean j 4 J~ Manbto n 13 . O . Kysela 15 A . O'Reilly 16 A . Ros e 14 . E. Kruse 17 R . Parke r 15 . J . Koeman 18 R . McCann 19 B . Carey 16. L . Taylor 20 D. Bruce 17. A . Laing 21 G . Simmondso n 22 S . Willi s 18. L . White 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 18. D . Ross 25 A. McKenzie 19. S . Thompson 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 20 . T. Hale 28 E. McLaughlin 21 . M . Wines 29 S. Dar c Y 30 M. Ottabre 22 . B . Drew 31 N . Zannis 23 . C . Arnold 32 L. Price 33 L. Moss 24, M. Davies 25 . S. Lloyd 35 R . Brigg s . Longworth 36 S . Bavage 26. J 37 S . Manto n 27. A . Rowe 38 N. Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 28. B . Reynolds 40 J . Gay 29. R. Cou tts 41 J . Zaro 42 M . Flood 30 . D. Potte r 43 B. Levin s 31 . B . Sturzake r 44 M. Dimbl e 45 S. Ronch i 32 . C. Heffernan 46 M. Blundel l 33 . P. Cremean 47 M . Renner 48 Daly 34 . A. Cusano . . Peake 35 . B 50 PC. Humphreys 51 P. Mc Glo in 36. R . Penaluna 52 R. McGloi n 37. D . Balshaw 53 A. Volpi 54 J . Fennel l 38. B . Morrison 55 S. Smit h 39. T. Reddawa y 56 D . Domi k 57 M. Place 40 . T. Fyffe 58 J. F'eidstad 41 . B . Downs 59 D .I~itche r 60 C . McDonald 42 . A . Stone 61 S . Edwards 43 . H. Park 62 A . Ra nor 63 P. No ya n 44. J. H e 64 D. McKean 45. L . Rees 65 N . Foley 66 J . Bland tho m 46. B. Butle r 7 P. 47 D Lang 6 B.OConno r 69 8 S. Mescher 48 R Davies 70 D . McGloin 49 . S . Seabourne 71 B. Allan 50 . T.Kennedy 72 A. Bnrgrdort 51 . S .Gadd 76 G. Donovan 77 C .Vau9 han 52 . A.Hartnett 78 M. Whi[ney 53. S.Pask 79 T. Trib e 80 H. Meeha n 54. TMcllrath 881 D 55. S .Taylor ..8 Pitcher S. Windus s 89 D 57. S .Kehoe 58 . G.Ker r

59 . A .Joiner 61 . P.Valoppi 62 . P.Buruma 63. B.Whitechurc h 71 . M.Lain g 74. A .Midland


9857 8061

` pV8lOt~ 6

5YEA~, '_SAGO-1996 The Presidents, Secretaries and Members' Dinner was the scene of the elevation to life membership of the VAFA for Cliff Bastow, Max Lyon, Ian Munro and Tony O'Callaghan . Certificates of Merit went to Barbara Doran (St Bernards), Steven Carroll (Uni . Blues), Chris Kelly (Mazenod), Jack Clancy (Melbourne Uni .), Roland Stephens (Old Mentonians) Robin Martin (MHSOB), Bill Attard (Banyule) and Tom Johnnston (VAFA and Parkside) . 'A' section field umpires were G . Curran S . McCarthy, M . Jackson, M . Jenkins, W. Hinton, P. Gersch, A . Damen, M . Gibson, H . Little, J . Toohey. Latrobe congratulated Sean 'Ruckus' Dineen on game 100 . Club captain, committeeman, 1995 B+F, life member and a real 'gutsy' c .h .b 'A' section coaches were Leigh Carlson (Colleg .), Mike McArthur-Allen (De La), Tony Paatsch (Mazen .) Neville Taylor (Old Haileyb) .), Sean Ralphsmith (Old Melb), Wayne Harmes (Old Scotch), Simon Meehan (Old Xavs), Geoff Reilley (Orm .), Shane Zantuck (St Bernards), Grant Williams (Uni . Blues). Mazenod gained sweet satisfaction when they reversed the 1995 'B' section grand final result, beating Old Haileybury 11 .14 (80) to 7.15 (59). Best were Hanley, Boysen, Hunt (Mazen) and J . Rowlands, G . Rowlands, Morey (Old H . ) It was a real game of two halves at AJAX where Marcellin were the visitors . At half time the boys from Bulleen led 9 .4 to 2.6 and it was only a matter of how far! The Jackers had other ideas . Jason Feldman in the ruck, Brian and Philip Goldberg, David Marks and Tim Bursztyn were superb as the Jackers scrored 8.1 to 2 .2 in the third and then continued on with 7 .2 to 3 .2 in the last. Godwin, Waters and Collins were best for Marcellin . Congratulations to St Leo's Emmaus Gavin Robinson on reaching 150 games . A great defender in the seniors 'Robo' has played in 3 premierships to date ! Eley Park and Richmond Central (E East) played the first draw of the season - 9 .7 each. Best were Hook, Bowen, Lenarcic, Kaye (4 gls) (E .P) and Katelis, Malcolm and Warne (R .C .) .

10 YEARS AGO 199 1 'A' section umpires in the first round were Justin Toohey, Darren Dalgleish, Richard Simon, Mark Bushfield, Russell Francis, Mark Jenkins, Stephen Clinch, Robert Bell, Andrew Kilner, Steve McCarthy. Guest speaker at PSM Dinner was Bob Rose and he enthralled all with the story of his start at Nyah West and his career at Collingwood as player and coach. Bob's humility and sportsmanship came out in his speech. The Executive invited a number of former amateur players who had gone on to play at Collingwood including Ray Gabelich (P'side), Duncan Wright (Alph), Laurie Hill (Ivanhoe), Doug Gott (Ivanhoe) and Colin Davey (Old Scotch) . Ian Cover, Coodabeen champion, regaled the dinner with stories of his 75 game career at Geelong - as a TRAINER . Old Haileybury made a sustained first time ever entry into 'A' section when they outclassed Ormond to win by 53 points . McKenzie, David Connell and Meehan were far too slick for Ormond and cut the 'Monds' to shreds in the centre square. Orton, Tanner and Walden were also dominant . Old Melburnians had a nightmare return to 'A' section after 8 years as North Old Boys annihilated them . Atkinson, Garnham, Carney, Egan (7 gls) were NOB's best . The Witts brothers and new recruit and assistant coach Mark Hibbins worked hard. Match of the day in 'B' section turned out to be a mis-match . In the last match of 1990 Banyule outclassed Old Trinity . In the first quarter of 1991 Old Trinity started with a 7 goal burst that left Banyule floundering. Final scores, Old Trinity 21 .15, Banyule 9 .11 . Best M . Beardsley, Sammut, R. Beardsley, O'Shaughnessy (6 g1s) (O .T) and Moloney, Mill, Fraumanco (Ban) . Selectors were out at games as the AAFC Carnival was to be played in Perth in June . Selectors were Noel Rundle (Chairman), Andrew Langford-Jones, Andrew Chisholm, Greg Tootell, John Morgan, Geoff Reilley and Mike McArthur-Allen (coach) . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 6 Former University Blues and Melbourne star, and highly respected ABC expert Doug Heywood was



;pc : ker at the third VAFA media/sponsor's , Icncl~e~n . mt,lburnians personality Archie Salek wa s ,,an on VAFA's World Of Sport segment . among the reinstatement's were Stephen I, ,c[o d to Collegians, Anthony Keenan to Bulleen . Wayne Shand to Old Halley, Simon Meehan f, .,,,p Si I;ilda CBOB, Mike Yandell to Uni Blues and ; r,,I Cook to FIT .

cciions coaches were Philip Davis (AJAX), John (Banyule), Gary Nash (Hampton Rovers), Quaife (MHSOB), Ken Schwab (Ol d pn•, ell), Andrew Disney (Old Trinity), Harry ; „ ;_iott (Thomastown) . Who Coached Kew, St OB and Old Haileybury? (Were they waiting 1t,t return of Langford-Jones? NR ) Grammarians (in "B") got home by a ; ()!(l 3ri ;hton 11 .14 to 12 .7 against Old Paradians . Woff, ur . Burns (OB), and Spillane, McClements, rriicLard (OPs) were best . () ; u;nd lost their second match in a row when led all day to win 19 .10 to 15 .9 . Dale tcabella kicked 11 to follow up his 9 for the Hoes iu he first match . 20 i'EA1ZS AGO - 198 1 Tiii, ~ca,son also saw the introduction of new easy iolrl oiu costs Amateur Footballer . Old rT7lleybury celebrated its 20 years in Amateur ,, oiball since its first game against Old Trinity on ; r 1 10 Albert Park . The club paid tribute t o :uudr Home, who played in the first game and still pI: r: vd in 1980, Peter 'Zeke' Davies, captain-coach I1162-63, Peter Bowring (557 goals), Peter Gadsen, Jol n Houghton, and quiet loyal worker and ,>>p)wrter Tom Fisher . Goal umpire Arthur Smith, ,jh:nys immaculate, and smart between the posts, uiiiciated at his 200th game with the VAFA, including'A' and 'B' Grand Finals . ;lmong the goals in Round 2, Curtain, (Old Xavs) 9, I'ri~~stly (Old Brighton) 12 - Scullin (N . Brunswick) 9, `Iurreutt (Therry) 11, McInnes (Melb Univ) 11 . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 6 1 was given for clubs to wear coloured -lu ;rts in addition to normal black and white . t %Ar-1 scgment on World Of Sport was now a reality swnd appreciation was extended to Alex Johnson in arranging this . Official on grounds to wear "armbands" . Umpires did not infringe amateur status by being paid for umpiring amateur football . Umpires Association elected the following office bearers, Ken Jorgensen Pr . sident, Daryl Hill Vice-President, Phillip Rowell S cretary, John Field Treasurer, Graham Halbisch SoAal secretary . Pornier top VAFA umpire Peter Posetti had accepted

position as assistant umpires coach . Barry Hecker, reserves captain, played his 200th game with Ivanhoe. Club best and fairest 3 times, an inspiration to his team mates and a great club man. Tony Fink, 256 games behind him, is Old Carey's President, with Trevor Read coach and Reg Elliot reserves coach . 'B' section coaches were Frank Goode (Caulfield Grammar), Ted Farrell (Coll), Graham Mansfield (0. Parad), Trevor Read (Old Carey), Laurie Aghan (Old Scotch), Ray Walsh (Marcellin) and Maurie Bilston (St Kilda CBOC . Who coached Geelong, Ivanhoe and MHSOB? 30 YEARS AGO - 196 6 John Morgan made a great debut with Old Scotch kicking 7 goals from full forward . 'A' section coaches were Ken Purcell (De La Salle),Ted Farrell (Ormond), Sam Birtles (Monash), Alan Slater (Coburg), John Wilson (Caulfield Grammar), Peter Falconer (Collegians), David Kidd (Old Scotch), Gus Mitchell (St Bernards), Keith Marshall (MHSOB), Barry Johnston (Univ Blues) . De La Salle led Ormond by 38 points at the last change but Ormond fought back to win by five points in the last minute of play, Kevin Ladd kicked 4 goals in the last quarter while Bruce Bourne (6 for the game) and Foulsham were stars . J . Lyons, Jansen and Peart were best for the losers . St Bernards were delighted with the form shown by Greg Wade, Peter Hagan, Terry Davis, Kevin Maloney, Peter Rackham and Peter Pearson in their first games with the senior team.

35 YEARS AGO - 196 6 'A' section coaches were John Wilson (Caulfield Grammar), Alan Slater (Coburg), Ray Allsopp (Collegians), Roy Stabb (C'wealth Bank), Peter Kanis (MHSOB), John Booth (Old Parad), Don Howell (Old Scotch), Peter Rhoden (Old Xaverians), Andy Brannan (Univ Blues). Who coached the Blacks? University Blacks, 1965 premiers, went down to last year's runners up Coburg . Warfe, Shea and Hampseed were best for Coburg while Lee, Mitchell and Leng held the Blacks together. Peter Booth celebrated his appointment as captain of Old Paradians by playing his 150th game in the opening round . His brother, John was also in his first season as coach . 40 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Advertisers were Hartleys . Ken Read, Lindsay Hassett, Gambles Soft Drink, Taylor's Coaching College, Central Travel Bureau, MSD, Le Jay Knitwear, Thomas Timber Yard, Pyrox, Pelaco, Cafe & Hotel Supplies (Vic) Pty Ltd, London Stores, Ron Todd's Hotel Pacific, and State Savings Bank

M Winning Edge Pres tati(i s

Season 2001, which certainly started vrith a bang, already has Club XVIII followers wondering what the future holds with respect to the comparative strength of the teams. I started my tipping with a success rate of 50%, which means my selections can only become better. (I hope! ) REMW OF ROUND 1 . S ON i In very windy conditions St .K ' started well against a new look Old Scotch . At the first change St.Kevins led by seventeen points . A goal right on half time by Old Scotch cut St.Kevins's margain to sixteen points . In the second half St.Kevins maintained their superiority throughout to record a fourteen point victory . 2'osn Collins made an early impression as he frequently won the ball and sent St .Kevins into attack . Brunswick showed early form to defeat a more inaccurate Mazenod by twenty seven points in a game in which each side had the chance to win . Prahran made a"Great O'Dea:' for stalwart Mick as they outlasted perennial premiers, Old Xaverians to win by nineteen points . Prahran played the narrow confines of Gardiner Park better than did the 'Crocodiles' . At the last change with the Old Xaverians leading, the result seemed routine. However with a strong finish Prahran outplayed their visitors with four unanswered goals to give them victory by nineteen points . Best for Prahran were; "G .,3" (Chris Johnson), "Ant 'Lawrence", "Cougar" ( Brett Cartlidge) with 5 goals and "Hollywood" a.k.a . Andrew SSlawinski In shocking conditions, Be La Salle were always in control against Old Melburnians, who revealed little of their practice form or of their 2000 form . De La Salle won comfortably by forty points . merry Penola head the ladder after kicking th e sweep against Old Brighton, who like many teams over the years, went down on the J .P. Fawkner Oval . Thetry Penola won by sixty eight points . Section 2 Old Essendon Grammarians in their comeback match started well against Marcellin in windy conditions at Bulleen Park . By half time, however, Marcellin trailed by only one point and in the third quarter the Eagles held their visitors scoreless while adding two goals themselves . The last quarter saw Marcellin again outscore Old Essendon as the Eagles went on to win by sixteen points . Best for Marcellin were ; Brad Cronin, Matthew Trickey and Maurice Becchetti. For Old Essendon the best were ; Leon dj, Derek Poulton and Will Conlan each of whom played on the ball .

Windy conditions prevailed at Old Trinity where neither the home side nor the visitors, Monash Blues was able to establish early superiority . In the

second half Monash Blues gradually gained th e ascendancy through the goalkicking ability of Bh-yc-~ t;oll ;r an d :=at Cunnington . At the final siren Monash Whites wer, ahead by twenty four points . Good players for th , winners were ; H owe, Burden, Riddle an d N. Old Ivanhoe were untroubled to defeat Whitehiall by eighty nine points . Newcomers, University Blacks and St .Leos playec a competitive match in which the scores were leve at half time . St.Leos set up their twenty two poin victory with four unanswered goals in the thirc quarter. Best for St .Leos were; Timothy Trie Captain Matt Ottobre, and Scott Manton, whos{ spectacular one handed mark brought a roar o: approval from both spectators and thF neighbouring lion enclosure! University Blacks were well served by ruckman Michael "Barney" Jones , Stuart Locke an d Scott Mackie.

Details of the Old Geelong versus Coll match have been hard to find, which is supri s given Australia's two main media proprietors are Old Geelong men . After many calls I was able tc discover that Collegians, who had led all day, were able to double their score in the final quarter, which enabled them to defeat Old Geelong by forty five points . R. Brown was named Collegians best player. Preview of Round Two

S ection On e Mazenod will appreciate a return to their home turf, which will give them sufficient advantage to defeat Old Scotch many of whose younger players have yet to settle into the Club XVIII style of play . At Victoria Park, Old Xaverians will unfurl their pennant before playing one of last week's winners, namely Brunswick . It really is uncharted territory for the "Crocodiles" who are basically the underdogs in this match . The big ground could prove Brunswick's undoing as the Old Xaverians do know how to utilise the wide wings and when to attack through the centre . My selection is Old Xaverians . Prahran will seek to consolidate their position as a leader in the competition against Old Melburnians, who disappointed last week . The small ground will mitigate against Old Melburnians, who will not be able to run to create space . Again I forecast that the Prahran forwards led by Brett Cartlidge will be able to kick a winning score. Old Brighton will appreciate a return to their home territory, which often presents a high degree of difficulty to visiting teams . Today's visitor is De La Salle, who celebrated the coming of the Williamson era with a big win last week . I still hold doubts about the comparative strength of Old Brighton ad

I lip ll~ L~

Salle to win this match .

pressive in their Round 1 win as im St .gc°"'S `'"'re p south east Thcrry' pin ola who make the tri to ilie ~~ietti Oval. At home I favour

~, li~rius to take the points after a close contest,

S ctiou 2 .,ionasll 3, Iues with their seasoned stars again to nnrn ~hn„1f1 he ahle in r1efPat Alarcelfin , .. ..-e cls},con today . Home gr ound advan tage ther

Marcelhn side wi ll f the o ~,rhedandasnotmany pr~% iausly played at the University, I ti p ~:; :~I lcr tilonash Blues victo ry. ty : L, ]nc(ing rivals, Old Ivanhoe and Old d1 CiieLS\vorthPark . ~e ot3' When to Old Idvanhoe . an only predict

ast~~rn suburban contest Whitefriars %; to St.Leos. St.Leos were convincing in thei r u last week whereas Whitefriars wer e i, l ;1y defeated. All signs thus do point to a 1~i L, o, 1,ictory. 1 11% Blacks Journey to the new Harry Trott „ pjay Collegians, cvho won we ll last week. At p, ff k, I favour Collegians to make it two wins sm at home Old Essc-, `ion are enti tled to favouriti ~,,, ll ;,i G :- Ge elong, who faltered in the l as t . Even though Old 11 ;1, ; tc, against Co llegians h ; ; ."culou showed last week there remains muc

i~ , r iniprovement, they should record a ;, ; n lt~~r -~al,ole victo ry today . Clubs c, : 1 contact me on 8 -1 37 2 857 telephone or 94 67 2~-5 Fax by noon Monda y

CLUB 18 (1) 3 .9 6.17 (53) 0 .3 2.8 OLD SCOTCH 3 .2 5.4 9 .6 10.6 (66) ST. h"EVBdS old Scotch: J,Simon 2, T.Downing I . C .Adam 1, S.Thompson 1 . ;', i :• i ;hri~~ 1. Best: Tim Downing James Ptikington Joshu a

;; ; ,,iny Sarkozy Nicholas Costello Ed .Sladen . St, Kevins : 4,G .Katavolas 2,Erin Footner 2, Paul, Meagher 1 , -, I . Best: Collins McNair G.Katavolas Van Der Wert cMahon. BRt:I4.0 6 .1 7.2 9,4,58 0.1 1 .2 4.6 4.7.31 L1ZE'vOD : Fimnsvrl:k: B . Lovett 4, Sikora 2, McGowan 1, Dowsett 1 , i i . Best: B. Lovett, Hammet, Dantonia, James . i: Busby 1 . O'Rosario 1, Fnseka 1, Fothergill 1 . Best: O'Rosarto, Fothergill, Bridgland, Bell, Smyth . 9.7(61) C- : AMATEURS 1 .2 2 .4 4.5 OLD ~AVLRIANS 0.2 3 .4 6.6 6.8(44) PrJiranr r,artlidge 3, G Man, Green, Davies, Jones, Ivak , u, Best: Deeks, Cougar, CeeJay . Hollywo0d, Morton , : Matthews 3, O'Sullivan 1, Fowler 1 , dNa aw 1 . Best : Hall, Jones, Storey, Prendeville, Curnow, Fay . Di: LA SnLLE 2,3 4.7 6.9 8.11 (59) 2 .3 2.4 2.7(19) OLD AIELBURNIANS 1 .3 D- La Salle details not received. D44eAsurniaans: Forster, Macleod . Best : Paine, Anderson , y, Macleod, C . Tomlinson . PENOLA 4.0 9.5 11 .5 13 .6.84 1 .1 1.1 2.3 2 .4.16 OLU 13i21GB°Y'OPl Therry Penola: Taollnac 4, Costello 2 . McAuliffe 2, Lees 1, Dunn L(~aidoro 1, Boscaglia 1, Murphy 1 . Best: Boscaglia, Costello . a ❑ liii° Taolinac,Candiloro,James. Old Brighton details not received .


TC -


4 4 3



CLU?3 18 (2 ) 5 .6 7.10.52 1 .0 33 MARCELLIN 2 .3 3.4 3 .4 5 .6.36 OLD ESSENDON Marcell3n: Cronin 2 . Trickey 2, Cull 1, Van Lintl, Wilkins 1 . Best ; Cronin, C . Matthews, Trickey, Symies . Cull, Van Lint . Old Essendon : B . Turner 2, R. Wright 1, w . Contain 1 . C. Clues 1 . Best : B. Turner, L. Frazer, W. Conlan, P. Hammond, P. Berry. 3 .7(25) 2 .4 2.4 2 .6 Old Trinity Monash Blues 2.0 3.5 5 .6 7.7 (49) Old Trinity and Monash Blues details not received. 3.8(26) 0 .3 2.7 WHITEFRIARS: 0.2 5 .3 7 .7 11 .10 17.13 (115) OLD IVANHOE : whitefriars: Murrayl, O'Brien I . Bonnyman 1 . Best : Murray, O'Meara, Larrat, Haynes, Sully, Bonnyman . Old Ivanhoe details not received . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .3 3.4 3.6 4 .10 (34) 8 .8(56) ST. LEOS EItIIRAUS 3 .1 3 .4 7.6 University Blacks ; Williams 2, Chandler 1, Drummond 1 . Best : Voros, S . Mackie, Williams, Clement, Locke, B . Weber. St Leos details not received . 5.3(33) 1 .2 2,2 4.3 OLD GEELONG : COLLEGIANS: 2.3 3 .7 5.9 11 .12 (78 Old Geelong : Hunt 2, Brown 1, Bayles 1 . McCarthy 1 . Best : Brown, Bayles, Chirnside, Clarke, Hunt, Edgar. Collegians : Holsman 5, Oakley2, Lumley 1, Perkov 1, Blakemore 1, Stedwelll . Best: Gay, Hains, Holsman, Perkov, Stedwell, K . Curtis.

23 n-rct io cnnrnal i GR'Jnnt

: rnm 530•VEr~i each v,wakday, ,,,ran Bartlett and Gary Honey serve up all trrd latest footy news and imrrview U m

players and coaches mak i


IM THF AMn7FI IM Fnnrae. i co -,

A .FC .A Il ",'/' !) ~


"Your Coaches' Association"


() ;,c question that is always cropping up is: 'Do I have binciin~ employment contract?' rung organ isations and coaches are notorious for ,;,<<,ing into an employment re lationship on a 1;c; h ke ( an d a hope and a prayerl) . Contract law a ,t „ i, fairly complex, but one thing is for certain, , u ;u, ,,ci ' does not have to be in writing to be binding. T!kat me ans that even if you don't have a contract in betw e en you an d your employer, there are ,n, mid condi tions that regulate your employment . i,,i ; n i ay even be so for volunteer coaches who are paid ,i n honorarium or receive non-cash benefits. For instance, in many states and territories there is ,i l: uon which sets minimum standards-for example 1 ;1 ilre Northern Territory there is the Long Service I,c :nW :;ct, which provides for three months long service !<,ne al>.er 15 years service . Other legislation covers ,H, :uiai leave and superannuation etc. 'Why have a written contract ? !ii Styart, the most important reason to have a contract !ii vrriti g is that the people who appoint the coach in move on quickly. The coach could be left with a ~iiuntion where the people who made the promises are i u; !oug °r the decision makers . For example, if the club prc,dent Mary told the coach that he would get an ~norscas holiday in three years, but Mary has now left , :nrl no one else was privy to the conversa tion the coach i~gou ,,4 co have diffi culty convincing the club that he is iiuv,- c ntitled to his overse as holiday. :~ vsiu,_n contract clearly sets out the terms and on~litions for both the employer and the employee. It I! :c both par ties to fu lly understan d their obligati ons ich other. It also saves a lot of argument later . c ,,:ample m any employees think that they get long sc :, ic leave after 10 years. But if they have an oral oncrr ; t (or written one for that matter) that does not dc.l ~ci h the issue of long service leave, then the mplaccc will get long service leave under the relev ant ; i > lr; t fon - that is a fter 15 years . M, .,~ men con tract is also a useful tool for coaches to ~ 1 ;1e to 'justify their existence' . If the written ronuacr can include the perform an ce targets to be : 1 ic cd, then on a regular basis the coach can point t" t11111- achievement against a set cri te ria. This will 1 ! op n any of the ' knives that are so evident in sport . What should a contract include?

<<prac tical point of view, an d for the protection of =1 , the contract should clearly outline who the

coach is responsible to . Is it the board, the executive director or a coaching committee? Without this information, the coach often feels that he has served too many masters .

The contract should also include the usual terms and conditions: -length of contrac t -job description (including who to report to) -performance revie w -hours of work and time off in lieu -overtime (if any) -termination/ dismissal -salary/allowances/bonuses -clothing/equipment allowanc e -annual leave, sick leave, long service leave, parental /maternity leave, other leav e -disciplinary procedures -superannuation -specific policy considerations eg . speaking to the media, drugs in sport Other issues which a re very important to coaches and worthy of consideration a re : -payment for professional developmen t -pay increase upon obtaining higher NCAS qualifications . -sabbatical Sporting organisations also want to restrain coaches from working for competing employers, whether it be opposing clubs or other sporting associations . The legality of restraint clauses is extremely complex . In a nutshell, however, the courts dislike restraint clauses but will give effect to those clauses where they are 'reasonable' . A coach should always avoid having a restraint clause put in a contract, although the practical reality is that many sports will not employ a coach without one. Other issues : There are many issues in drafting a contract for a coach . After advising many coaches in relation to their employment contracts one piece of advice should be heeded - obtain legal advice before putting your signature on any contract so that the terms and conditions may be fully explained to you . Andrew Farr is a solicitor with Clayton Utz Darwin and an NCAS Level 2 Hockey Coach. Re-printed Sports Coach 25

Hugh Lyon

TI by Eivion Bowen

KNIT WEAR REV' Mentone were able to restrict Parkside in the opening term before capitalizing on the windy conditions in the second as they handled the slippery ball with more assuredness . They had several experienced midfielders dominating the centre clearances despite McCall getting his hand on everything for Parkside in the ruck . The six goal margin at half-time was always going to be a tough one to arrest . The Red Devils teamed better in the second half, with Pino quietening the dangerous Macgeorge, with Romano an d Constantini working hard in the back half. Kew an d West Brunswick had a fantastic tussle, with the Wests taking a valuable 15 point lead into the long break . The K's tightened up in the third, with Stephens on top at CHB . New Kew skipper Craig Bradley was also playing a fine game in the pivot to have his side just two points in arrears going into the last . Jamie Bell marked and goaled twice early in the final stanza on his way to a bag of 6, with the Magpies getting one back before Wood sealed the game .

Salesian and Wi lliamstown enjoyed another close one, with the CY's posting the first few goals with the use of the gale before Salesian rallied to remain in touch at the break . Williamstown's runner became perhaps the first to give away a free kick for being inside the 45m arc on a kick-out from fullback . Salesian took a 14 point lead into the halftime interval, with their midfield dominating and Thain, like keeping a dog in a tub, proving difficult to keep under control . This continued early in the third, with the boys from Chaddy opening up a five goal lead before the CY's booted the next four to get back to within four points . A freakish banana goal on the end of three shrugged tackles sealed the game for Salesian, who eventually ran out victors by 22 points . Peninsula opened well against Powerhouse following the latter's unfurling of their premiership flag. The Pirates kicked 5 goals to zero, with Hughson marking strongly in his first game . This lead proved decisive as the heavy rain, lightening, thunder, etc. followed,

making any inroads difficult for the House . Peninsula were first in for the ball and had a number of avenues to goal, and although Powerhouse fought back in the second half, the horse had bolted and a solid victory ensued for the away side. It's anyone's guess what took place out at Bundoora where La Trobe played Oakieigh . The home side probably handled the conditions more effectively in terms of conversion, and had sufficient fitness to hold out a Krushers side that was obviously good enough to register 19 scoring shots . An important win for the students after last season's famine . PREVIEW With last week's inclement weather it was difficult to get an accurate idea of the relative strengths of the sides, and perhaps it is conservatism or maybe just coincidence that leads me to select each of the home teams this week . Peninsula host 'traditional' rivals Mentone in what should prove to be an enthralling encounter. My spies tell me the visitors are quietly confident that this year's line-up eclipses those in recent memory, and last week's strong win over 2000 finalists Parkside would have done such confidence no harm . The midfield battle will be worth a look, with skill and experience on both sides . The Pirates to match their endeavour of round i to win by 8 points . West Brunswick will chalk up their first win this week at Powerhouse's expense. The Westies were up and down most of last season but should settle a little earlier and tend to handle the familiar surrounds of the Western Oval better than their opponents this time of year . Craven for Powerhouse is looking fit and will be hoping for some marking-type weather it may be a matter of supply for him to capitalise . Magpies by 23 points. Oakleigh take on Kew and should rebound well to take the points. Last week's match

would have thrown off a few cobwebs and the ,;,,,hers are likely to respond better to their tlcÂŤ. coach as a result . The K's will be buoyed 1iv I,15t week's win and have enough firepower to trouble Oakleigh, but I'm going for the home si,jc by 16 points . ll the wRliainstown CYMS pushed Salesian a , last Week and should prove a handful for the Trobers at home today . The Students tend lo travel just fairly early in a season an d I'm ,tt)<r g their form on the most basic of . The CY's played finals football last nformation % ear and on this basis, I feel they will handle thc close ones a little better and get up by 19 oiilCS.

paricside should account for Salesian by 29 (,uitiis . The home side will be keen to avert the tratima it suffered going in and out of the four ust season, and keep in touch with the ladder )cad<ss . They have some younger players who arc expected to compliment their senior core nicely and should have enough on-ball ,trength to cover those of Salesian . Someone will need to quell the dangerous Thain, whose 1,1q will be understandably up following last ~ticck's haul . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S ('lutnks to those who contributed . Remember to scnd upcoming milestones to the-VAFA an d

?G;; i : :;MATEURS 2 .3 9.6 14 .11 15,18.108 1 .4 3 .6 6.8 10 .9 .69 PARKSIDE t,tentom White 4, MacGeorge 3 . Davies 2 . Wilkins 2, Matlock 1, :' rnn ll 1 . C . Sullivan 1 . Best: Gallagher . Perrin, Stephens, Moodie 3, Gunn '2, . mrt . M. Sullivan . Parkside: ,~>c~ntull l, Martinez 1, Marulli 1, A. Romano 1, Williams 1 . Best : '.', ; (_Ii!, A . Romano, Constanttni, Williams, Pino, Wine . Umpires: ui .r: ; To . or (F) James Nicholson. Steven Nicholson (B ) 1 .5 2.6.(18) 0.3 YOk-ER HOUSE 0.1 13.19 . (97) PENINSULA O B 5.5 9.9 10 .12 Powcrtto :se: Ash Burt 1, Adrian Burt 1 . Best: D. Wright, B . Turner. ) 1!as'r, G. Dean, J . Senior, D . Miller. Peninsula: Payze 3 . Hughson i!m 2, S . Parson 1 . Crean 1 . Atchison 1, Braden 1 . Pavney 1 . nr, 1 . Best : Burke, Coughlan, Goldthorpe, Kent, A . Parsons . Umpires: Simon Payton, (F) . Jarrod Asplnall. Daniel as (B), Bruce Stephen, Bernard Van Derweet (G ) 12.11 (83) KEW 4 .2 5,4 8 .7 uiST BRUNSWICK 4 .2 7.7 8.9 9 .12 (66) . Best: Bradley. KcW : L, 11 6, Gillam. Bradley . Stephens. Cullen Wood o i .vc ti, Cullen, Bell, Stephens . West Brunswick : R Heywood 2 !,1,i :mn 2 . Smythe 1, Clarke 1 . Cannane 1 . J Heywood I Masters ',t-11nne, Ward, Cannane, Disisto, Smythe, Lehmann . Umpires: 11,b.c, . Stephen Morgan (F) L1 TROPE UNIVERSITY 4.4 7.7 9 .7 11 .10 (76) 0:1KLEIGH 0.2 3.5 5 .9 7.12 (54) La T robe: Tucker 3, Brooks 2, Edwards 2, Camm . Close, Hewitt . I- :tSheldrtck, Brooks, Perry, Edwards . Close, Gemola. OaMcigh details not received . Umpires: Jason Lane, Anthony S :iLLSI : 3.5 7 .7 10 .10 15 .12 .102 WiLLL1tdSTOWN 5.3 5 .5 8 .6 12 .8.80 S.2t^_staa: Thain 8. Sutherland . Logan, Turley. Bobetie. R . Stevens, ` : IC< in. P,est : R Stevens. Logan. Stevens. Egan . Davey, Thain . V'lll r sto n(',,ills not received. Umpires: N(ck Evans (F) ~' .,~'.AdATC

In Cl1~1TOnC~ nnn~

provide me with nominations for the Coates Hire Player of the Week . Ph : 0407 689 106 Fax : 9421 3300 Email : ebowenCelitesports .com.a u





D2 RESERVE MENTONE 0 .0 1 .2 3.2 3 .3.21 PARKSIDE 7 .2 11 .4 14,8 17.9 .111 Mentone : McCarthy 1 . O'Meara 1, Matt 1, Walsh 1 . Best: Uptta Stillman, McCarthy, Rogers, Smith . T. Sullivan . Parkside : Allan 4, Stonehouse 4, C . Ross 3 . Stuart 2, Warren 2, Cassano 1 . Diver 1 . Best : Walla, Diver, Stonehouse, Allan . Mangos . Dean. POWERHOUSE 4 .3 7 .4 10.8 11 .13 (79) PENINSULA 0 .2 1 .4 1,5 1 .8(14) Powerhouse : N . Pavlou 4, S.Considine 3, D . O'Connor 2, A . Kontrakis 1, R . Marshall 1 . Best: J. Mahoney. R. Marshall . R . Taylor. J . Gill, S. Considine, N . Pavlou . Peninsula: P. Krohn 1 . Best : Lennon, Bonner. Palmer . Howarth, O'Neil. Prendergast . 3.8 6.8 6.13 8 .18 (66) New West Brunswick 0,0 3 .2 5 .3 6,7 (43) Kew: La Franchl 4 . Looker, Klriakou, Nigro. Campagna. Best: Ayers . Blair, Ryan . Dalrymple, LaFranchi, Moussi . West Brunswick: Kane 4, Bare 3. George 3. Marcon 2, Heaphy 2, D(henedetto 2, Parsons A . 1 . Horrtdge 1 . Best : Heenan . Cairke, Grant. Bare, Dtbenedetto . Madden . LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1 .2 1 .5 4,6 5 .11 (41) 5 .6(36) OAKLEIGII 2 .2 3.5 5 .5 La Trobe : Bortone, Bray. Rosenoren . Staunton, Watson . Best: . Oakleigh details not Bortone. Button, Hill, McMeekin . Walker received SALESIAN: 1 .0.6 4,2.26 5.2 .32 5 .3.33 WILLIAMSTOWN: 3 .5 .23 3 .6,24 5.9 .39 7.14.56 Salesian goal kickers not received . Best : - Brown . Smith, Atkins . Ferweda. Clausen William town: Burgess 2, Ferris 2 . Dowsey, Case . Pach. Best : Grant . Nisbet . Bergin . Pach . Jones, Bouras . 27

D2 Section KE W Coach : Serge D'Angelo Res. : Greg Crimmins 1 Brett Lafranchi 2 Lee Fitzgerald 3 Greg Horga n 4 Greg Crimmins(RCC) 5 Lee Bradley 6 Nick Tinnetti 7 Troy Aitken 8 Nick Derrico 9 Alasda Eaton 10 Brian Culle n 11 Ben Woodhouse 12 Julian Growcott 13 Chris Kyriakou 14 John Looker 15 Craig Bradley (C) 16 Dean Woo d 17 Rick Perri 18 Nick Nigro 19 Jamie Dennis 20 Anthony Acfield 21 Ben Sha w

22 Cameron Stephens 23 Richard Bake r 24 Grant Palmer 25 Chad Watts 26 Mark Stevenson 27 Tom Moor e 28 Dean Cracknell (VC) 68 Brett Mc Gauchie 29 Mathew Dalrymple 30 Claude ' Gaw-(RJC} 99 Sam Bruno 31 Kurt Gillam 32 Alex Drago 33 Dave Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 Robert Bruno (RDVC) 36 Steven Rya n 37 Jamie Landwehr (VC) 38 Jeremy Beer 39 Matt Mc Inerny 40 Paul Durbridge 41 Robert Livingston 42 John Sett e 44 Jamie Bell 47 Stuart Symes 48 Luke Jensen 49 Shane Vidler 50 Justin Griffiths 51 Matty Blai r

52 Richard Campagna 61 Serge Mouss i 62 Bryce Mc Gauchie 64 John Cronin 65 Matt Ayers 66 Jonothon O'Kane 67 Tyson Beattie 68 Brett Mc Gauchie 99 Sam Bruno

LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res. Coach : Clinton Perry 1 . M . Bakogiannis 2 . S . Fredrickson 3 . D . Sheldric k 4 . C . Perry 5. A. Randall 6. B. Cameron 7. S. Gemmola 8. J . Cam m 9. L. Walker 10. A . Hewitt 11 . J . Levy 12. M . Forrest 13. T. Luderman 14. L . Wakeling 15 . B. Auldist 16 . S. Bray 17 . S. Gloury 18 . B. Grant 19 . S. White 20 . A. Murphy 21 . D. Edmunds 22 . P. Stewart 23. R. Storer 24. S . Edwards 25. S . Brooks 26. B . Hewitt 27. D . Gilmour 28. C . Ross 29. P. White 30. J. Smith 31 . J . O'meara 32 . D . Hill 33 . M . Watson 34 . S . Paterson 35 . J . Eyr e 36 . T. Mawdsley 37 . C. Porter 38 . A . Willi s 39 . N . Rosengreen 40. R . Slate r 41 . A . Samson 42. D . Gleason 43. A. Poulton 44 . R . Mather 45 . D . McKeekin 46 . D. Hartley 47 . H. Girdwood 48 . L. McNamara 49 . M . Day 50 . K . Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52. T. Stauton 53. A . Tucker 54. T. Peter s 55. A . Cummings 61 . B. Launikonis 63 . J. Laidlaw 65 . A. Hal l 66 . A. Ballie 70 . J Dumaresq

MENTONE Coach : Tony Macgeorge Res . Coach: Phil Emmet t I M . Hovey 2 R . Gallagher 3 M. Dixon 4 D . Emmett 5 A. White 6 C. Stephens 7 K. Gurtler 8 D. Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillman 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M . Etcell 15 . Mi Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 S . Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G. Uptin 26 A . Roc k 27 M . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 M. Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B. Matlock 32 B. Coleman 33 N . Wilkins 33 D . Andrew 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C.Ogie r 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 A . Fimster 40 C. Goddchild 40 D. Nichol s 41 C . Rock 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tully 47 G . Anslade 48 M . Walsh 49 L. McHugh 50 T. Peck 51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D. Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D. Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 K . Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M .O'Meara 74 S. Ponton 77 B. Fleming 78 M. Cerritelli MENTONE R .S.L.

9 Palermo St, Mentone * Function Room Restaurant * Pokies

9583 2841 9


速AKLEeGN A .P.C. each: Chris Moore Res Coach: Pat~

1 B. Gee 2 A. Bloomfield 3 D. MacKenzie 4 P. Heverin 5 T.lanchello 6 G. Treacy 7 B . Stirling 8 R . Marshall 9 J. Moutis 10 S . Lewi s 11 C . Hanley 12 B. Hall 13 S. Randle 14 B. Arthur 15 G . Redford 16 J . Tolley 17 A. Mouchacca 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylo r 20 T. Adamic 21 A . Jones 22 L . Billing 23 M . Foulds 24 S. Kitt s 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitt s 27 G . Orlando 28 A. Khodr 29 D. Hall 30 E . Radchenko 31 T. Bromley 32 B . Gan t 33 M . Clark 34 L. Head 35 R . Nuske 36 A . Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pesnikas 39 M . Dordevic 40 C . Taylo r 41 T. Duhau 42 S. Dalton 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 J . Seymour 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 P. Day 48 P. Leslie 49 S . Bader 50 . L. Wilson 51 . J . Kerley 52. M . Ryan 53. T. Khoury 54 G . Grainor 55 A. Gook 56 A. Oslay 57 A. Dean 58 N . Smith 59 T. Rozakis 60 L. Billing

PARKSSDE Coach : Laurie Zarafa Res Coach: Mark Rowe

D2 Sec 10n PENINSULA O .B . OdGh

: 9rF(I yClieiradh

es Coach :Chris Gawne S parscns S . F.1cP: l ahon t.1 . Goldthorpe E, 6c; ;zn ~ N . Kent

POW ER HOUSE Coach: Kevin Barnes Ass.Coach : Andrew Rolls Res Coach : Craig Richardson 1 A . Rolls

2 J . Hall 3 N . Pavlou 4 B . Turner

t; , :Varne r S . tAurray

5 M . Braini 6 A . Bu rt 7 C. Richardson

p, Angus P, Krohn

8 S . Cross 11 J . Gill

SALESIAN Coach : Matt Sexton Asst : D. Old field Res Coach : Jim Gianna 1 A Stevens

2 A Thain 3 S Sutherlan d 4 A Healey 5 M Canavn

6 R Cincotta 7 G Gaspari

9 A Campbell 10 D Oliver 11 A Davey

W EST BRUNSWICK Coach: Paul Cook Res. Coach : Paul Weir 1 A Hamilton

2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 D Coonan 5 A Cannane 6 S Brockley 7 F Vitale

WILLIAMSTOW N ('iYM S Coach : Darren Williams Res Coach: Sean Quinn 1 R . Alle n

2 J Altu s 3 C Bergi n 4 A Blac k

5 A Bouras 6 P BBre ~ et

10 S Byrne 12 B Clarke

7 ry a 8 D Bubnic 9 G Burgess

9 C Kerr

10 A . Haley

12 A .Davidson

12 A Gaspari

13 LStewart

10 J Buttigieg

H , Woodma n . 2 R Pc::ney 3 R Sharpin B . G ;cl ;' , ; S Claringbold , ~ S Glover g A . ":lurphy 2 p S . Prendergast ? 1 D . Splatt . Atchison 2 r3 A . Burke

13 Ja. Harris 14 A . Bu rt 15 C.Trewin 16 M .Higgins 17 C.MacLeod (Res Cpt) 18 F.Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 P. Ryan 21 D .Miller 22 D. Hutchinson 23 S . Craven (Cpt)

13 I Bobetic 14 C Roache 15 D levoli 16 P Turley 17 M Ferwerda 18 A Sexton

11 T Calyun 12 T Campbell 13 A Ca rte r 14 G Case 15 B Cock s 16 A Danie l 17 P Dervan 18 K Dowsey 19 S Dyer 20 A Feathersto n 21 B Grant

5 J . Atchison 26 R. Neal

25 D. Boland 26 J .Senior

14 N Lampel 16 S Smythe 17 M Hamilton 19 P Shand 21 S McNamara 22 R Hudson 23 P Weir 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 28 J Ward 30 M Lewis 32 S D'Andrea 34 B Norman 35 B Hamilton 38 P Harris 39 T Thompson

; B . Wight

; S Payze 28 B . Taylor

24 S .Cummins

27 J . Robertson 29 R. Cassio

_g G . Nelson

30 N.Miller

3o A . Crean R . Blood ( R) 3i A. Landry 3 2 .4 . Parsons

31 R. Marshall (Res V.C) 33 R.Taylor 34 P. Eyers 35 J .Kilpatrick

33 P. Dietzsch

36 A. Robinson

3 , T Braden 35 B . Szanyi 6 N . Bowman 3 7 T . Stewart 38 B . Brown 39 B . Jarre tt :0 G . Patt ison 1 S . Farrow P. Findlay ~1 3 S . White :5 ' . Higgins :u A . O'Neil

38 J . Kennedy 39 M . Talbot 40 H. Fletcher 42 M . Beasley 43 H. Noren

:% L. Palmer 4 3 J. Bleasby

62 A. White 64 D .Searle

49 J. Whelan

65 W.Elliot

>o P. Jubber

Lt Allen 2 R .Osmond '

44 S . O'Sullivan 54 J . Blowfield 55 J . Hearn 56 J . Mahoney 57 R . Kang 59 J . Healyy 61 S. McCrae

66 D.Wright 69 D .Galakos 71 L .0'Sullivan

5 3 T . Harding

77 S.Clarke

, 5 C . Wilson . ;6 C . Eowman 5 7 H Shorten 53 t.1 . Sampson 39 J . Po ;;ep r>o N Franks

88 G . Scotland

Si A Thripp =2 A, Bonner

;g J . t .l uir

19 S Brown 20 A Seag er

21 Gre g Riley 22 R Stevens 23 M Smith 24 A Grac e 25 S Egan 26 J Nannas

27 L Seager

28 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cook e 31 C Warsling 32 P Evans

33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Elli s 36 S Nolan 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy

22 N Grant 23 D Grieve 24 L Grochowski

40 B Baker

25 B Grummisc h

41 A Walker 43 J Tobin 44 S Gason 45 J Smith

26 B Han n

46 C Price

30 M Imms

47 C Lehman 48 M Moore

27 R Hart 28 S Harve y 29 B Hynes 31 S lvkovic

39 C Clauson

51 L Sherry

32 B Jones

40 B Bowman 41 M Gunn 42 N S y nott 43 E Maillard 44 C Hun t 45 S Ho rvath

52 B Flanagan 57 B Howle tt 62 S Dishon 111 N Basham

33 A Kosmatos 34 D Le e 35 A Mackley 36 B Macleod 37 D Macleo d

46 D Forer

38 D Macleod

47 A Bates 48 M Bourke 49 M Bates 50 M Forer 51 C Maillard D Hegarty 53 B Chalmers 54 D Todd

39 K Maher 40 M Manning 41 C Mathews 42 J M cC u t c heon 43 J McDonald 44 S McEachra n 45 S McNerny

55 E Hanaphy 56 M McTagga rt 57 Be Atkins 58 W Chapman

59 D Sutherland 60 B Pascoe 61 . M Nieusteeg 62 S Koutaplis 63 J McClaren

64 B Kirchner

65 S Morrish 66 D Wiseman 67 S Oldfie d 68 J Agar 69 B Grant 70 S Hayes


D Blake

72 B Craine 73 S Ra ttray 74 B Gain

75 M Stanton 76 A Chiappini 77 C Ba rtlett 78 B Fox 79 S Porter 80 D Ogg e 81 J Radi 82 J Hamilton 83 P Malli s 84 T Sinclair

46 M Moora 47 R Nisbet 48 D Oldham

49 C Pach 50 W Payne 51 A Petzierides 52 S Phemiste r

53 W Phillips 54 B Robinso n 55 M Saccocci o 56 D Sadle r 57 P Sadle r 58 A Savoia

59 S Smith 60 T Stack

61 K Tatay a 62 X Tob y 63 J Tuck 64 B Twist 65 P Vincen t 66 D William s 67 D William s 68 D Woud a 69 S Wuchatsch

UMPIRES-CORNER by Dianne Whiteley & Anthony Simpso n CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Nancy McTaggart and Andrew Langford-Jones for their wonderful achievements in receiving VAFA Life Memberships at the recent Presidents' Secretaries' and Members' Dinner on April i lth 2001 .

Nancy dedicated 8 years towards umpiring with the VAFAUA as a goal umpire . She took up the sport after getting the "bug" from watching her son Peter umpire as a boundary umpire. In total, Nancy umpired 175 matches . Highlights of her career were 1988 C section reserves grand final, 1989 E section reserves grand final, 1990 A section reserves grand final, 1991 G section grand final (Nancy's best match), 1992 G section grand final, the U19 representative match in 1993 and umpiring matches with her son . Nancy umpired her 100th match in 1991 and her 150th in 1993 and retired in 1994 - what an achievement! ! She now works part time for the VAFA by taking scores and relaying information to the media on Saturday and Sunday nights . Congratulations also to Michael Forde (No . 33 Blue) who field umpires his 350th game this week . He began umpiring with the VAFA in 1983 after playing football for 7 years . His most memorable game was when Melbourne High and St Kevins drew in 1988 and both teams hated him -"UC" wonders why! The worst game he officiated in was an U19 game where the weather conditions were 7 degrees and hailing . He commented that they had to try and pull the icicles off him after the game!! Highlight's of Michael's career 1988/89 D section reserves grand finals, 1990 C section reserves grand final, 1991 D section reserves grand final and the 1992/92 C section reserves grand finals . In 1994 he chose to go on the supplementary list due to work and family commitments . He enjoys umpiring because he believes it is good for the character and a good way to keep fit . Michael today will be umpiring the D2 game between Williamstown CYMS and La Trobe at Willy with his good mate Mick Gilday (No .14 Green) . All the best Michael .

PROMOTIONS Grant Wardrop (No. 20 Blue) who umpired his first B section match last weekend and to Luke Moncrieff (No. 16 Yellow) who reached C section for the first time last week . ViUiAT'S YOUR DECISION? ,

Collegians' player kicks for goal and misses . Ajax full back lines up a player 35 metres away and is about to kick the ball in when the runner from his club runs from the centre square to that player with an urgent message from the coach . What should the umpire do? Answer next week . Best answer emailed to DW will be printed next week and a prize given . HISTORY In last week's "Looking Back" with Noel Rundle, Steve McCarthy an d Ken Coghlan (along with 8 other field umpires) were mentioned as umpiring in the first round in A section in 1986 . That was 15 years ago and in 2001 they are the only two still involved from that "crew" . Steve is still continuing to umpire at the top level (A section) and Ken is still working beautifully behind the goal posts . That's 700 games between the two of them . Well done boys .

FUNCTION DATES Bowling Night - 5/5/01 ; Golf Day 27/5/01 ; Trivia Night - 16/6/01 ; Cocktail Night - 28/7/01 ; Annual Dinner - 27/8/01 ; Grand Final Brunch - 23/9/01 and Presentation Night - 28/9/01 . FINALLY. . . All correspondence to diannewhiteley@bigpond .com


NO .


Albie Fule' V 5




Wayne Hinton 5

Max Wittmann 5

Andy Carrick 6

Dharshaka Peiris 6

S ;c~ en McMahon 7 Chrisiopher Gregory 8

Darin Compt

Ben McKee 7

Alan Ladd 7

Paul Berry

Paul Withington 8

Nick Evans 8


Damien Lane

Toby Ovadia 9

Gene Hodgins 9


Trent Foley

Tristan Bowman 10

Robert McLeod 10


Alan Stubbs

Chris Evans 11

Paul Tuppen 11


Mark Morrison

Jamie Kvins 12

Simon Payton 12

Glen Kennedy 14

Ashleigh Hoogendyk

Michael Gilday 14

Ian Burgess 14

Geoff Curran 15

Adam Harris

Mark Jenkins 15

Michael Sneddo 15

Peter Woods 16

Neville Boyl e

Craig Brajtberg 16

Luke Moncrieff 16

marl: Gibson 17

Peter Keogh

James Maxwell 17

Andrea Thwaites 17

Jason McNiece 18

Peter Simpson

Tim Sutcliffe 18

George Paleodimos 18

Steve McCarthy 19

Damien Flenley

Chris Moore 19

Heath Little 19

John Ralph 20

Grant Wardrop

David D'Altera 20

Adi Diner 20

Patrick Maebus 2 1

Marc O'Donoghue

Justin Grossbard 21

David Irons 21

David Leith

Rick Love 22

Ken Brewer 22

Chris Stevens 23

Robert Sneddon 23

Sharon Alger 6

~Iark Childs

j,-, ~, o il ÂŤraszaj

22 Paul Dinneen 23 Graeme Hunichen 24

Ben Ryde

John Miller 24

Jason Moore 24

Cameron Stewart 25

Lionel Katz

Richard Eastwood 25

Matthew Taylor 25

Jim Papioanou 26

Daniel Dinneen

Daniel Ischia 26

Robert Mills 26

Malt Cox 27

Anthony Simpson

Euan Lindsay 27

PaulJones 27

Pau1 Lamble 28

Ken McNiece

Leah Gallagher 28

Ron Martyn 28

Chris Garcia 29

Peter James

Gerard Rolfs 29

Tyrell Russell 29

Justin Lipson 30

Michael Phillips .

Simon Olive 30

Anthony Lilley 30

Adam Kooloos 31

Tim Friedman 31

Anthony Damen

Mark Fraser 32

Owen Lalor 32

Robert Mayston 33

Michael Forde

Simon Stokes 33

Glenn Chipp 33

Graeme Morgan 34

Stephen Morgan

Jeremy Heffernan 34

Mike Phillips 34

Jason Lane 35

Troy Brooks

James Watson 35

Diane Whiteley 35

Ron Smith 36

Andrew Chapman 36

David Murray 37

Ken Walker 37

31 32

ltatihew Meier 36 Alex Maggio 37

Gavin Roberts

Ca ris Stevens (sen) 38

Y'b TNc= 6AA A TCI lo CnnTQni 1 Co nnn1


7 A?

速 Each week a Coates Hire Player of the Week is announced on this page (one player each section) . Each player qualifies for Team of the Year selectio n 速 Following the final round each month a Coates Hire Player for the Month will be announced . These players are automatic inclusions in the Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Yea r 速 Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Year will be announced at the VAFA Vote Count Night . This night will also include the announcement of the Coates Hire Player of the Year. PLAYER OF THE WEEK ROUND 1 A : Luke Hawkins (Old Scotch) B : Mick Goodwin (Therry Penola) C : Kane Burridge (Bull-Temp) D1 : Craig Thomas (Aquinas OC) D2 : Ryan Stevens (Salesian OC) D3 : David Gol d (Bentleigh) D4 : Richard Badenjak (Bulleen Cobras)

Phone : 13 15 52 24 Hour Emergency 0418 333 11 8 8


ruo r.eanrci in -1- 11 . .-., .,.. .,.

Lt , 'y,,~~' U~ d. I ii a column for everyone in Amateur Football by Brad Beitzel () TGRRIBLE news from Syndal Tally Ho . The club rooms burnt down last Monday morning. Please contaci Club President Peter Kostakos on 0401 764 165 if cou can help . ® WpMEN in the VAFA. AT tlze season's launch I spoke with the women timers to see what they get out of their involvement in our game. These responses were gleaned ;,,d ;cidually and they didn't hear the other responses yet there is a theme . -itiielissa Evans, Fitzroy Reds secretary. ! often ask myself how come? t e been at the club for 11 years after a friend !,lav'd. here and I was a trainer. For the love of the game, that's what it is . °The Brunswick St Oval is a great place to look over [lie city on a glorious afternoon". Clie Roy-Reds were relegated to D3 this year .~Ielissa, in her fourth season as senior administrator predicts : "We'll win the flag" .

-Emma Howard from Beirsdorf. In a representative for my company but I have a connection with Old Xavs . My family played there (Tom Howard) . -Ann Barker, MLA for Oakleigh, #1 ticket holder for Oakleigh Amateurs . We have an ambition to play football at the Warrigal Rd oval, a great place for football and maybe some finals",

FTLOTG : Not sure Ann how many of the VAFA i :,ccutive vote Labor but you could pick up a few cores if you pull this offl -Liz Wilson, Caulfield Grammarians. °I %,i: been married to John for 40 years who coached hcre and my son Cameron who played at Caulfield . If } ou can't beat 'em, join 'em! "

- Sue Blizzard, member of Banyule . I•e been a committee member since 1986 . 'Pon my dad coached the juniors and then he was a foundation member (as the juniors formed a ,,c11 !or club) in 1980 . ' I!o~ e footy and the relationships you make in it" . 1t'orr3en in Amateur football continues next weetc. Please e-mail you anecdote . ®NORTH Old Boys are holding what is now its uillr al Sportspersons Dinner. Wcclnesday (May 2) at the San Remo Ballroom, `65 t;ets you a three-course dinner, wine, beer, soft ciri>>k, Neal Fraser, Mike Sheahan, John Barker, Mark Doran and maybe one more (Mark Robinson !%er!,oFs?) . Ring : Bruno Conti 9659 7003 (B) to ® THEA'.1ATEUR FOOTBALLER 2001

book . Fraser is remembered for his feats as Davis Cup captain and player and wirmer of Wirnbeldon . Neal though has a connection with Amateur football . . . e-mail me with the answer (hint : Catholic footy) and we will get you a ticket to the night . 0 EACH week this column will feature one of the Merit Award an d Australian Spo rt Medal winners from the VAFA in 2001 . Today : Brian Goodman . Southern FM VAFA Show host and VAFA finals broadcaster, five-time A Section grand final umpire, VAFA umpire coach and assistant coach at St Kevins is reason enough for Benny's acknowledgment . Asked Benny how come he did all this? Here's a rare moment - Benny paused and found it difficult to put it into words !

® GREAT effort by Scotch's Andrew Smith to nail victory on debut as coach and against rivals Xavs at Toorak . ® HOWZABOUT the kicking of St Bernards' Tim Harvey! In the seniors last week against at Waverley he booted seven goals straight, all in the first half, but wait there's more. These came on the back of 14 straight in the Bernies' two previous practice matches . That's 21 perfect executions .

® TIM was helped by no rain falling. How often would Melbourne's rain belt, aka Waverley, not get any precipitation when it pours just 10 km away ? STILL out at Central Reserve and Mr Preparation, David Murray the coach of current B Section premiers, was caught by the surprise positioning of Harvey, who played at full-back in last year's A Section grand final . See, Dave is human , ® THE Nodders must thank the VAFA for this column otherwise they wouldn't have had a premiership flag ceremony . When we strolled over to the table on which the football and cup from the B Section grand final were show cased, we asked president Peter Hanley: "The spoils of victory"? A surprised Pete replied: "I've left the flag at home"! ® FEEDBACK- from Denis Wheelahan: Last week you posed the question had any other Ammos played in six A Grade premierships like the Famous Four Old Xaxs? Bernie O'Brien, Fred Proctor and Brian Weyman played in Old Paradian's six A Section premierships in the 60s . Thanks Denis and are there any from Uni Blacks . Got a point ? - beitzelb@alphalink .com .au Deadline : 6pm tomorrow (Sunday) 33



Fleet Transport is a leading transport, logistics, warehousing and distribution company who is continually looking for highly motivated people to join its s ales team .

As a sales representative you will be required to : 1 . Generate new business through aggressive canvassing strategies 2 . Maintain a portfolio of existing clientele by offering Account Management solution s We have identified sportspeople to be extremely successful in both the transport industry and the sales representative position and we are looking for hard working and ambitious people to continue this success . Mana g ing Director former Springvale FC premiership player - current EFL 1 st Div. player Sales Director former NBL basketball player - current EFL i st Div. Player Sales Manager former VAFA A Section playe r While sales experience is an advantage it is not necessary as full training and ongoing support is provided . Call the sales Director on 8545 5500 to arrange an interview or to find out more about the job . Or send resumes to email .au or fax to 9543 9933 .




® - !

DA ®



w.C.F., Thomas Fun d ,Che F.I .D .A. season has finally begun and was hl,,-cd in what can only be described as ❑ u ocious weather conditions . The players should be commended for turning up let alone for the slcills they showed on a very difficult day . The pla} ers' enthusiasm was not dampened with all divisions playing hard fought games . Division 1 :

Ballarat managed to kick 8 10 58 to Geelongs 3 1 19 in a skilful encounter . l;aringal 7 6 48 defeated Broadmeadows 2 1 13 in a game which the score is not a true reflection of the manner in which the two teams played.

Division 2 : sth Yarra 11 8 74 defeated Hawthorn 1 2 8 . 1-lawihorn were undermanned on the day but Sth l-,,Irra showed enough to suggest . that they may go all the way this year. Rit)gwood Blues defeated Moonee Valley on a forfeit but the scratch match played between the in-o teams showed both of them to have very competitive squads. Nlaribyrnong 2 11 23 defeated Colac 2 6 18 in the closest game of the day . Colac had a bit of bus lag due to the trip and the flooding on the l ighway but Maribyrnong had the longest warmup in F.I .D .A . history whilst they waited for them to ,urive.

The final game in division two was between last }var's premiers Mambourin Tigers and Parkside . Mambourin Tigers was without a number of their squad from the previous year and struggled against Parkside who kicked 8 8 56 t o Mambourin's 4 4 28 . Mambourin Tigers will no doubt improve when their players return and Parkside look like they will have a big say in the f uaIS,this year . Division 3: Division three games were played between Earingal and Bendigo and Geelong and Sth 1arra . Both games were played in good spirit and were hard fought with great wet weather football being played on the day . Some of the players showed that they soon may be pushing for selection in their respective teams firsts with f:aringal and Geelong coming out on top on the da%• .

Broadmeadows 2 and Bendigo 1 had a bye for the round which I'm sure they were grateful for as they sheltered from the wind and rain and watched their team mates running around in the elements . This Weeks Games : Division 1 : Geelong and Bendigo will be a close encounter with Bendigo winning and overcoming Geelong's home ground advantage . Ballarat and Karingal to play out the first draw for the year. Division 2 : Parkside's experience may prove the difference over a young Moonee Valley. Colac will open their account for the year over an enthusiastic Hawthorn . Ringwood Blues may prove to strong for Sth Yarra even though the game is being played at Wattie Watson Reserve. Mambourin Tigers will just get over the line against a strong Maribyrnong . Division 3 : Karingal 2 may struggle against Broadmeadows . Geelong will use their home ground advantage over a young and enthusiastic Bendigo . FIDA LADDERS RD I Played Won Lost Draw For Against % Points KARINGAL 1 1 0 0 48 13 369.23 4 NORTH BALLARAT 1 0 0 5 8 19 305 .26 4 BENDIGO 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 GEELONG 1 0 1 0 19 58 32 .75 0 0 BROADMEADOWS 1 0 1 0 13 48 27 .08


Won Lost


For Against


STH .YARRA I 1 0 0 74 8 4 RINGWOOD 1 1 0 0 44 18 4 PARKSIDE 1 1 0 0 56 28 4 MARIBYRNONG 1 1 0 0 23 18 4' COLAC 1 0 1 0 18 23 0 MAMBOURIN TIG. 1 0 1 0 28 56 0 MOONEE VALLEY 1 0 1 0 18 44 0 HAWTHORN 1 0 1 0 8 74 0 * received forfeit Rdl

,~_,~ ~•--, o-;

' -~v I~~` ~



D3 SECTION by Ed Sil l & Pe-~ar Williamso n

Monash Gryphons travelled to Thomas Carroll Reserve to play the JOCs on an eyesore of a day for the football aesthete . Savage cross breezes created havoc on the quality of football displayed, but the home side coped considerably better with the conditions, and were also helped by some prolonged lapses of concentration by the visitors . Hawthorn was able to win first up, running away from Uni High in the second half . Elsternwick were able to subdue a gallant Albe rt Park in difficult conditions . Apparently Bentleigh beat South Melbou rne although it would appear the relative scribes last their voices ! New Richmond Central coach Gav Hall didn't have the most memorable of debuts, as his boys gave everything, but couldn't cut the mustard against a very fit Fitzroy Reds in a hard, tough contest . ROUND 2 PREVIEW Peter Says: This week sees UHSOB play their first home game of the- season against Elsternwiek. One week into the season, it's still too premature to say how these teams will shape up come finals time . Based on last season, Elsternwick were a more convincing side than UHSOB, and for this reason, I pick the Wickers to notch up a very useful away win . Bentleigh host Hawthorn at The Rec in what should be an entertaining contest . The Demons certainly proved me wrong last week while the Hawks had a handsome win over UHSOB . However, with Chris "Looking" Sharp in front of goal, I will go with the Demons to do what their AFL equivalents were unable to do, and beat Hawthorn. A match for old VFL sentimentalists at Brunswick Street as Fitzroy Reds welcome South Melbourne Districts . The Reds comfortably beat Richmond Central, expected to be one of Fitzroy's main threats, while South were disappointing as Bentleigh had a convincing reversal of last year's result in their D4 Grand Final replay . I expect the trend to continue with the Roys to win . Richmond Central and Monash Gryphons have reversed their home and away matches 19

thanks to long overdu e renovations at East Caulfield Reserve . The Gryphons had a memorable victory at Kevin Bartlett Reserve last year, but with the Cobras on the move again, it will be tough for the Gryphs to repeat this feat again today. Richmond to win. Finally, St John's OC travel lakeside for their clash against Albert Park . The JOCs had a handy win against a competitive Monash team last week in dodgy conditions, while Albert Park lost to the Wickers . St John's are always a handful for any side, home or away, top or bottom, and for mine, I think the JOCs will continue their winning ways . RESERVES In the two's, I'll go Wickers (hello Grangey), Bentleigh, Reds, Gryphons and JOCs .

What Ed Says : Have to agree with Peter, Elsternwiek to get over Uni High . The Wicks were good without being outstanding last week but should get the points . Uni High, on the other hand, have had an influx of new players who will take awhile to knit . Bentleigh host Hawthorn in an interesting one . Bentleigh gained some revenge last weekend whilst the Hawks had an encouraging win with a number of younger players starring . Might be close but I fancy the home team to prevail . South Melbourne travel to Fitzroy for a historic clash . The Reds lived up to the pre season hype with an emphatic win whilst South Melbourne suffered a bit of a premiership hangover . Nothing to suggest that the Reds can't go on with the job again this week.

Monash reverse a game to Richmond that might be in Monash's favour . Richmond would still be settling into their new home and full impact of the home ground advantage mighn't be felt just yet . With that hard man of football, Justin Hethrington, back for the Gryphons I'm tipping a bit of an upset with Monash to repeat their defeat of Richmond from last year . Finally, St .Johns make the trek down the Princes Highway as they take on Albert Park. St.Johns proved to be great travellers last yea r

IJ~~IP #,MT V7~1 1R_ -PKAR

itld there s

ns ~t be faoledsthough,ti get the <l0 it g~• eeOmo fceliclg that Albert Park might prove to be a petitive unit throughout the year . None the 11 1

lc s, St.Johns to prevail. M ag°os

F,lsternwick, Bentleigh, Reds, Richmond and S1_John s

coNTACT Oilce, again, I can be contacted via phone on , ~6 .20 9054 (B), 9920 9097 (Fax) Pc t r or leave a message at lmy h home number tuail} , q,,g9 8712 on the Saturday night or Sunday . I ;c( can be contacted on ed .sill@locker pl~a5e be prompt as we want to get as much o~erage as we can of each club - w e can't do it without your help! MILESTONE S Damien Fishloek on Bentleigh - congratulate s 50 games thi rcaclzing . Congratulations from all at satltrday [;eiltleigll and may there be many more to conle.

tiqonash Gryphons - congratulations to young ,~ u .ran Tim Beslee who plays his 50th gamed veek . A future gun CHF, Tim has improve has football measurably in the past year or so . Also congratulations to .Iim"Velcro" Gonis in rcultiilg 50 games in Rdl . Jim (a former tilonasil Blues and Whites player) coached the resen,cs last season and has won the club's rc. ;c~r%,e goalkicking for the past four seasons . i hc most accurate kick from the set shot that v,-,, have seen . Well done boys . SOCIAI. NOTE S Bcntlcigh wish to remind members and their cscs of Steve & Jemmo's Trivia

11t this Saturday, the 28th of April, commencing at 7 .30pm . Cost is $10 , •; ; iiich includes a supper . Should be a good ht, so be there!

13.12 (90) 4.3 4 .5 7.7 .7 6 .12 (48) .2 4 0 .2 3 ALBERT PARK:* 2, Bravington 1, Elsternwlck: Massared 5, Curtain 2, Foster 2 . Noonan Missagita. Nell, Foster . Curmtngham 1 . Best: Curtain, ItarOey . B Mahony, . Murray . Robertson 1, Kemp l Albert Park: Allan 2 . McLellan I Umpires: Ken blcNlece Allan, Murray . McLellan, Smith. Chamber. Fleming. (F) 18 .22 (130) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 7.9(61) U11soB Harriso n mS 2, Micheal 2 Hawthorn : Lauleta 6, Jos 6. I.auletta . l UHSOB : .os,Red Sa ull et Delaney~, Davies,rJaca . Uebergang. Haslett. Farrelly 3. Tate 2 . Haslett 1• Maher 1 . Best: Fulton . Glen Kennedy (F) Maher. Butera . Maguire. Umpires: Ashleigh Hoogendyk 4 .9(32) SOUTH MELBOURNE DISTRICr52.3 3 .4 4.5 .7 11.11 17.16 (120) .1 6 BENTLEIGH 1 South Melbourne and Bentleigh details not received . Umpitts: Glen Sctllpp, Ron 64arty 3.7(25 ) 0.2 1 .4 2.6 ond CentralnRichm 2 .5 6.10 10.11 13 .19 (97) Fit zroy Reds : : Verna ~Reds y Richmond Ceaml : (Not I Bi Best l Jackson P.CahW, s Bishop Fitzro Gun . Richmond Central details not . VernaH, Timms n Curtis, Johnstone received . Umpires : Paul Tuppen (F ) .12 14.18 (102) St. Johns 4 .2 9.8 12 8.9(57) Monash Gryphons 4 .1 5 .4 6.6 St Johns details not received. . Gilchrist 1, R . Coxhead 1, Monash Gryphons: Leeton 3 . N. Rutherford 2, T . Kent, N. Rutherford, RilliNster 1 . Best: Bourbon, Hetherington, Larkin Peter Woods, Mark Childs (F ) Biandford . St Johns:

D3 RESERVE .9 11 .11 C77) ELSTERNwICx, 4 .2 6.3 9 5.5(35) .3 .2 4 BERT P Rg: 1.0 4 A AL . Hanktn 1 . Byrne 2, Soppet 2, LtUkakas 2, Davidson 1 EISfERNP1ICIL• . Purcell. Currie . Purcell I . Devonshire 1 . YSlton I . Best: Byrne . Soppet . Best: Franken, Ktrktmn. Albert Park: Pastras 3, Willis 1, Bourne I Letchford, Steward, Willis . Isard, Pearson. Pastras . 812 (60) ~~0~ 7.7(49) UHSaa I,Ruztcka I . Best n Hudson, 2, Parker,. Hawthorn : Lord 4. Tyson 2,.Villani 3 : Langto d Lord. Lahiff. Collins, Tyson Cusick l . O~'N W. Barron. langton

Caverlein I . Best : Zuneki, Cogt

.10 8 .15 (63) SOUTH MELBOURNE DISTRICTSI .1 7.8 7 9.6(60) BENTLEIGH 6.2 7 .2 8.5 S outh Melbourne and Bentleigh details not recei ved. .6 (42) RICHMOND CENTRAL 3 .4 4.4 5.5 6 FITZROY REDS 4.2 10.12 15 .15 19 .18 (132) Richmond Central and Fitzroy Reds not received . 9 .6160) .5 ST JOHNS 2 .1 4.4 8 8 .4(52) MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .1 3.2 4 .3 : Cools 2, Varcoe 2, St 'Johns details not received. Moaash Gryphons Clarke i, R Gilchrist 1, Poussard 1, Lovell, I . Best: Warren . Rogers, Lock, Holland, Clarke. Healy. 7

TODAY'S TC E S D3 Section




AAAATFI ID Gtn(1TPA1 I C~ nrtn +




Coach: John Ahern Res. Coach : Steve Lawson

Coach : Ron Gordon Res . Coach: Steve Hall

1. 2. 3. 4.

P.Smith N .Pastras J. Stubbs G . Parmansche

1 2 3 4

C Sharp (Capt) P Morgan A Pittito D Lewis (R .C.)




M Eyles

6. 7. 8.

J.Storey J.Sutton C . Jackson

6 7 8

R Weber S Brown L Martin

9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 .

P. Chambers M.Phiilips A. Fleming N .Langdon B.Payne S.Fairfield

9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Jackson A Henry D Martin (Capt) L Codarin G Prigg C Martin

10 R . Bravington 11 L . Messaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 M. Cunnngham 13 P. Stankovich

15 .



P Withington

14 B. Mahoney

16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 .

C.Roberton D. McLellan J . Taylor A.Steward M .Abbott

16 17 18 19 20

P Jemmeson J Psaras H Dwyer S Hall R Fishlock

15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 A. Neil 19 A. Peasley

21 . 22 .

S .Waugh S .Redpath

21 24

A Graham

19 M . Bullard 20 S . Clements

23 . 24.

T.Faranda M .Dowdle

25 26

L Holmesby D Gold B Padgham


G .Daley


26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33.

G .Finn S .Ridout R.Buckley C.Jeffery A .Thomas S .McGuire D.'Odorico T. Murray

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35



35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43.

A . D'Mingo M .Pearson L.Hogan C.Lamont J .Robilotta M .Lapsley H .Ross S .Bolas J .Tsoukas

44. 45. 46. 47.

Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Coach : Andrew Curtain

1 L . Murphy (CC) 2 A . Hankin 4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 J. Cappiello

FITZROY REDS Senior Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach: Andrew George

1 M .Frisby 2 A Walsh

3 M .Wharf 4 J .Hamilton 5 D.Kane


Res Coach : KevinStaliworth y 1 B Hudson 2a G Broadley 2b E Sil l 3a G


6 J .Bennie 7 J .Doyle 9 C .Prior

3b A 4 E 5a S

Knott Bettio Avery

10 A .Urbancic 11 B .Doyle 12 C .Sheather 13 M .James 14 T.Clarke 15 J.Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 B .Lee 18 J .Horridge 19 P.Cook 20 T.Mitchell 21 A.Sainsbury 22 B.Cahill

5b B $a P 6b N 7 D 8a N 8b J

Ruzicka Avery Tierney Moncrieff Hayes Menni e

9 R


10 P 11 A 12 S 13 J 14a D

Orchard Sil l Banfield Pove y Lauletta

23 T.Jackson

14b T 15 M

Fitzpatric k Tyso n

21 P. Stuchberry 22 M . Mussared

24 K.Grattan 25 P.Jackson

16a C 16b D

J Seeley (V.C .)

23 S . Curtain (VC)

26 B.Buick

17a D

M McCulloch A Clough A Miksad R English D Fishlock M Effting L Sampson L Ireson

24 A. Foster 25 B . Frankin 26 C. Mahony (DVC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire

27 J .Loft 28 J .Card 29 D .East 30 B.Foster 31 P.Crowe 33 S.Drury 34 D .Little 35 A.Mackinnon

17b R 18 P 19 J 20 S 21 P 22 A 23a J 23b M

Reed Lahiff Zaverell a Tongue Rya n Law Parke r Burke Collin s Micheal Artini


M Backman (R.V.C.)

32 M . Hunt

36 W.Fawaz

24 J

Jackomoni s

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

P Hutchison (V.C .) G Beattie L Pittito J Bounsall J Neve B Istead S Sice G Saddington A Wade

34 A . Conlin 35 P. McNally 36 T. Byrne 37 L. Lambert 38 B . Currie 39 P. Allen 40 S . Bacon 41 M . Hosking 42 J . Lilikakis

38 N .Bishop 39 A.George 40 G .Bance 41 R .Burgman 421 I.McBurnie 43 T.Villani 44 B .Hart 45 G .Hassett 46 P.Heaphy

25 M 26 D 27 R 28 D 29a M 29b P 30 K 31 L 32 P

Zaverella Villan i Lord Lackins O'Brie n Barke r McDougal Collin s McLenna n

B .isard A .Gay D .MacKintosh W.Gauci

46 47 48 49

I Picken

44 C. Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Smith 47 S . Ritchie

49 A.Puglia 50 B .Aggenbach 52 B .O'Connor

33 S 34 R 35 J 36 M

Steven s Johnston

M 0'Reiliey M Clark

48 . 49. 50 .

M .Willis J.Murray D .McKay

50 51 52

A Stanes M Pirie L Sampson

48 M . Frankin 49 J . Yemm 50 G. McNeils

53 S .Addicott 55 N .Mathews 56 TMadden

37 D 38 B 39a S

51 .



M Sidney

51 F. DiGiangregorio

58 B .Neal

39b D

52 . 53 . 54 . 55 .

N .Strang M.Williams S.Kidd D .Allan

54 55 56 58

G Richards M Unsworth C Aitken T Caterson

52 D . Nolan 54 S . Kirkham 57 J. McAdam

59 R.Johnstone 61 B .Tirrell 62 N .Auden 63 G .Makdesi

56 .



D Pittito

57 .


65 S .Bramley

40 B 41 A 42 T 43a A 43b l 44 B

Carter Bruns Davies Pritchard Moore Donki n Dixo n Brick

58 .


66 D.Timms

45 A


59 .


70 S .Dibendetto

46 T


60 . 61 . 77 .

S.Lawson J .Costello D .Harris

71 P.Gunn 72 M .Dikeakos 74 N .Fitzpatrick

47 J 48 C 49 D

Berry Alexande r McGowa n

78 .


Delane y

J .Sgroi T.Walton

75 W.Daniel

52 M

79 . 80 .

80 G .Box 82 P.Howorth

55 A

Saull e

81 .


P Dimattina (R .V.C.)

8 S. Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartly

51 J .Rawlings

64 D.Trindade

84 Z.Senburg s

88 S .Greenwood 99 P.Diacogiogis

Carguil l

Dao u

Chepa Alide r

D3 Sectio n MpPdASH GRYPHONS RICHMOND CE NTRAI. ccch . Jedc McDanaid Gosch: Dave Ratner

S. Bourbon 2 M. Healy 3 A. Grady C . Robinson

Coach : Gavin Hall Res. Coach: Chris Adam

ST JOHNS Coach: Bruce Mullan e Res Coach: John Canal

STH MELB DIST. Coach: Peter McBrea rty Res Coach: Mel Beyer

1 M .Smith

U .H .S .O .B . Coach: Pat Mackey Res Coac h : P eter Di nn ic k

1 M .Wright

2 B .Holmes

2 A . Taiarico

3 T.O'Sullivan 4 P.Mijitavic

3 B . Uebergang 4 S . Major 5 T. Fulton

5T Gilchrist

5 M .Shannon

6 p . Becker

6 G .Bunshaw


7 P.Byrnes

7 D . Zuluck i

J . Blandford a G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson

8 G .Malcolm 9 A .Leembrogen 10 A .White

8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smith 10 B . Carric k

11 J . Barrie

11 M .Newton

11 J. Shepherd

12 B. Farreily (C) 13 N . Rose

D. Wafter

6 S . Cracknel l

12 A. Gross

12 F.Macak

13 J . Stratford R . Cormic k is A . Clarke 16 R . Bourbon 17 J. Hetherington

13 J.Dutton 14 C .Shanno n 15 C .Barry 16 J.Bi rt 17 A.Fawcett


18 M.Zarjac 19 J .Manning



21 A.Jones 22 A.Flores



8 C . Lovett ~4 J. Leroy 20 G . Browell 21 G . Kent

22 B. Coxhead

23 R.Prentice

23 D . Charleson 24 D . Kitchin 26 M. Carter

24 TGuthrie 26 . S .Bailey 27 C.Adams 28 A.watters

27 R . Gilchrist

29 B .Browne

28 . M . Bourbon

32 M .Harris

29 B. Uoyd 3 6 P. Hollan d

33 P.Berimano 34 j brooks

31 G . Roche

35 K Day

32 b. Hale

36 K White

33 R. White

37 C Adams

34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman

39 D Hunt 40 K Convery

36 J . Watson

41 M Slatery

37 i." . Mastromanno 35 N. Rutherford 39 R. Coxhead » M . Salaj ;1 C. Archer 42 C . Carlisle ?3 M . Buick » R . Mcdonald »5 J . Gonis »h H .Beh

42 C White 52 C Andopolous 55 J Cavanagh 74 J Lane

25 M. Kilmister

14 - 15 6 1 17 18


Issis U) sm

U) am

19 J. Uebergan g 20 G . Madrigano 21 S . Mill s 22 A. Johns

23 P. Eltringham

24 M . Kenned y 25 D. O'Dwyer 26 B . Fogliaro 27 D. Clarke 28 A . Clark e 29 T. Cleveland 30 J . O' Neill (VC) 31 P. Dolenc e

32 H . Starbuck 33 A . French Cv

[ =a



34 T. Cameron

35 J . Mahe r 36 A . Pendlebury

37 G. Catteral l 38 A . Boyce 39 M . Rea

40 L. Maguire 41 T. Plaza 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Neil l 44 C . Percy 45 N . Smit h 46 R . Killey 47 M . Turvey 48 J . Tate 49 H . Williams 50 B. Rees 51 R . Pitruzzello 52 M. Collins

47 T. Beslee

»9 L . Martin »9 K . Pociask 5o D . Ratner 51 C. Leeton

J. Ham S. M agui re R Gunthorpe S.Jackson A. Hellner


53 A. Cusic 54 M. O'Reilly

55 A. Ludlo w 56 J. Catlin 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigde n 59 J. Barron 61 P. Hoba n 62 K. Rodgers 63 D. Parker

64 C. Ramsdale 65 J . Tate 66 K. Weber

67 M . De Luis e 68 H. Wajsze l 69 S . Frost 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B. Stanton

72 D. Kirk

73 S . Devlin

74 C. Longto n 80 D. Parke r

88 J . Bristowe






Call 13 14 13 for al l

Group Reservations regarding End of Season trips .

T71E G

The Victorian Amateur Footba!â‚Ź Association is seeking umpires for all leve's of football (Senior and U 1 9, . Training takes place at EIstemvAck Park, Glenhuntty Road, t~fsternwick (67 D3 ) every Tuesday N',d Thursday from 6.00-7 .30pm. Umpiring within the VAFA gives you the opportunity to keep fit,- become part of one of the rnost progressive umpiring associations in Victoria, with their o wn social facilities and excellent training facilities - you will not be disappointed . If you are interested in earning some extra cash and would like to be involved with a vibrant grcup contact Sue Anderson or Peter Harris on 9531 8333 at VAFA Administraiion .


D4 SEC _ Gavan F

ED F : Beiersdorf Australia Ltd

It was a traditional afternoon with the hot thermos packed, umbrellas at the ready and constant rain to ensure everyone was aware that footy has arrived . The conditions played their part in the rounds first upset with Mt.Lilydale withstanding a late charge from Eltharn to run out convincing winners . The second upset was an impressive Werribee Amateurs side that registered their first win against old rival, Old Westbourne . "The Bees" showed that their constant run, and never say the attitude will trouble many sides this season . ;3ulleen Cobras displayed some good form after making'the trek out to Sunbury to register a win against newcomer Rupertswood and would be ecstatic with the efforts of Richard Badanjek's who bagged eight goals at centre half-forward kicking in a Wayne Carey like performance . North Brunswick had a good 80-point win against an undermanned Eley Park to take it to the top of the ladder which would give coach, Craig Fox, something to smile about early in the year. Meanwhile Syndal Tally Ho displayed why they are the early D4 premiership favorites with a blistering first half against St .Mary's going in ten goals ahead at the major break and never looking troubled . :ound 2 Preview Mt.Lilydale vs Old Westbourne The great season opener will buoy Mt.Lilydale as they make the long trek over the Westgate to meet Old Westbourne . Old Westbourne showed glimpses of form against a much-improved Werribee Amateurs last week and will be bitterly disappointed at their loss . Jeff Wilson and his team hate to lose at home and with the wind blowing in cyclone proportions at Warrior Park, Westbourne will hold a distinct home ground advantage and should win a close encounter to register their first win for the season by 12 points . Eley Park vs Werribee Amateurs Werribee Amateurs were very impressive in their first win of the season and will be looking to improve further in this game . Eley Park on the other hand is still rebuilding and will be looking forward to hosting this switched game . If 42


tthew Green and LL' _ : Carson can show the drive they showed las t week, Werribee will be a formidable unit should prove to be too strong for their undermanned opposition to make it win number two by 58 points . St. 's vs North Brunswic k St .Mary's will be looking to get a better start than last week as they take on North Brunswick at home this week . On the other hand, North will be happy to have taken top spot after the first game, but would have gained little in their victory against the undermanned Eley Park. This should be a close game and the winner will most likely be the team who gets a better start . If St .Mary's can carry their improved second half performance last week into today's game, it should see them home in a tough encounter by 7 points . Bulleen Cobras vs Syndal Tally Ho This promises to be the match of the round with both sides having good wins in the first game. Bulleen's list shows a great mix of experience and youth and two old timers in Brown (aged 32) and MeVeigh (aged 35) playing sensationally in their first games for the club last week. Syndal will be rocked by the news of their clubrooms and all the clubs history being burnt down during the weekend and will have plenty to play for . John Rutter and Ian Bingham should provide Syndal with plenty of drive from the engine room as they look to rebuild a new history for the club to make it two from two and win by 14 points.

Eltham CDC vs Swinburne University The Turtles would be seething to have started on the back foot and will be looking to bounce back strongly against the boys from Swinburne . Not a lot is known about Swinburne and having the bye last week they should be fresh for their encounter. However, with the likes of Matt "Mohawk" Best providing plenty up front and the young Jake McKenzie playing it "harder than Chinese algebra" in the back pocket, the Turtles should be too strong to run out victors by 32 points . Rupertswood has the bye for round 2 .




FR 9001


A-MATCHES YS D 4 Sectio n


'dT. LILYDALE 4 .4 9.7 14 .9 18 .10 (118) ELTHA- COLLEGIANS 1 .2 4 .4 9 .4 10 .9 (69) ,,it Lilydale : T. Corw 4, C . Gibson 3, M . Pereros 2, J . n :merford 2; Brebbo 2, Della 1, Bart 1, Mickel 1, R . IcK,iizie 1 . Ned 1 . Best: Peirce, Gibson, Brebbo, Crowe . ; ;ul:cnzie, Della . Eitham: Mithen, Rashid T.Barnett, Weston ' . Smith, Davies Carter . Best : Carter, Barras, Evans, White, id, Donaldson . Umpires: Gerard Rolls, Ron Smith (F) WERRIBEE 2 .5 3.10 5 .11 8.14 (62) OLD v/ESTBOURNE 1 .1 3 .2 4 .5 6.7 (43) werribee and Old Westbourne details not received . Umpires: Andy Carrick, Ken Brewer (F), Andrew Shiels, Jon alr~~1 ;1(B) Shiels (G )

*;ORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .2 9.5 14.7 14 .7 (91) ELEY PARK 0 .0 1 .2 1 .4 1 .5(11) North Brunswick: M . Sorleto 3, Wernham 3, D . Demorton 2, ~, :mmartino 2, P. Sorleto 1, Dimarco 1, Pizzari 1, Freeman 1 . Vaina, Devita, Adams, Pizzari, Dimarco, Fawcett . Eley Park: King 1 . Best : R. Short, Cruse. Trotter, R. Drane, King, Llake . Umpires : John Ralph, G . Paleodimos (F), Brendan i~ :, Iph (B ) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 8.2 12 .5 15 .11 18.14 (122) ST. bSARYS 2.1 2 .5 5 .6 12.11 (83) Syndal Tally-Ho details not received. St Marys : Boyes 4, Anthony 2, Allen 2, Burt 2, Carra 1, 1>rnardi 1 . Best : Orme . A . Dwyer, Boyes, J . Dwyer, Stone, H-udy, F. Harrison. Umpire : Paul Jones (F) RUPERTSWOOD : 3 .3 7.5 8 .5 11 .6 .72 BULLEEN COBRAS: 6 .3 8.4 12 .5 14 .7 (91) Rupertswood : D . Blenkiron 2, B. Heath 2, J. Mcgrath 2, S . k4oskatjuk 2, A . O'Callaghan 1 . D . Walsh 1, D . Zarb 1 . Best : `,L Pettman, A . O'Callaghan, L. Temming, M . Clarke, D . Blenkiron, D.Zarb . BuAeen Cobras : Badanjek 8, Bowen 2, D`u'igelo 2, Pasinati 1, MacLeod . Best: Badanjek Bowen, i) Trinchi, Pearson, Mcveigh, MacLeod . Umpires : Mick (~ilday (F) Swinburne Uni . has the bye,


D4 RESERVE MT LILYDALE 2 .1 2 .4 2 .7 2 .8 (20) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2.2 5 .3 7.4 11 .8 (74) Mt Lilydale; F. Varga 1 . M . Cunningham 1 . Best : P. Hayes, Varga, Cunningham, Wells, Bird, Oswald . Eltham details not received . WERRIBEE 3.1 9 .5 12 .8 13.11 (89) OLD WESTBOURNE 0 .4 1 .4 4 .6 4.6 (30) Werribee an d Old lb'estbourne details not received . NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .7 6.14 10 .21 13.25 (103) ELEY PARK 2 .1 5.5 5 .5 7,6(48) No rth Brunswick: Aliani 3, Papanikolou 3, P . Tancredi 2, Crusina 1, Rigazzi l, Heck 1 . Pisasle 1, Panic 1 . Best : Heck, L . Demorton, Aliani, S. Tancredi, Armstrong, Oates. Eley Park: Heath 2, Anderson 1, D . Drain 1, J . Short 1, White 1, Wright 1 . Best : West . D . Drain, Jackson, Gaynor, Fukushima, Brear . SYNDAL TALLY-HO 0.5 1 .5 4.10 4 .12 (36) ST MARYS 1.0 3 .4 5.4 7.5 (47) Synd al Tally-Ho details not received . St Marys: J . Vincent 3, Webb 1, Millar 1, Zsembery 1, Bergin 1 . Best: Bergin, O'Connor, Ballantyne, J. Watson, Theoharris, Zsembery, Koymantatakis . RUPERTSWOOD 1 .1 3.3 7 .3 11 .6 (72) BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .4 4.6 7 .7 10 .8 (68) ' Rupertswood details not received . Bulleen Cobras : Baldi 5, Chan 2, Vi 1, Vass 1, Whiteman 1 . Best: Baldi, Wienry, Olney, Swinburne University - has the bye






Coach : Joe D'Angelo Asst . Coach: John Kalpakis Res Coach : Nicholas Cox


Coach: Ken Balmer Coach : Shane McLaughlan

Coach : Brian Dowdy Res. Coach : TBA ~

J . Kalpakis

2 T.Orwin 2 S . Petty 3 G. Bowen 4 I . McLeod 4 N . Cartledg e 5 M . Dall 'Oglio (VC) 6 N . Cox 7 F. Baldi 8 T. M azzarella

9 P. Goetz 10 A. Gencarelli 12 D . Thompson 13 T. Johnson

14 S. Casey 15 J . Trinchi (RC)

16 D. Trinchi (DVC) 17 J . Brown

18 R. Badanjek 20 J . Moran 21 N. Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 23 J . Redfern 24 P. McVeig h 25 W.' Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 A . Summers 30 T. Pearson 31 S . McLaren 32 C . Clements 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J. Paatsch

- ~


~* -- -

38 G . Brown

3 S Carmody

2 I .Bingha m

4 S McLauchlan 5 J McGrath 6 S Gallus 7 M Flinn 8 M O'Riley 9 M Clarke 10 A O'Callaghan 11 B Moule 12 M Schwartz

2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8

13 B Sinnett

9 S.Kemper

14 L Plummer 15 D Wallace 16 S Weston

10 G .Vanderkru k 10 T.Psina s 11 J .Ru tter

T.Marks M .Joy P.Henderso n B.Dix D .Hannett C .Chasemore J .Cotsis A.Burns R .Benne tt

17 A Drago

12 J .Moresi

18 C Nemeth

12 A.Mille r

19 M Mazzateata

13 D.Taylo r

20 K Quinn

14 S .O'boyl e

21 M Walsh

14 S .Leaver

22 S Barnes 23 H Cross 23 M West 24 W McKenzie 26 W Glenn 27 M Lane 28 D McDonald 33 M McKenzie 42 B Swann 49 P Clarke 77 M O'Callaghan N Webb B Whitehead

15 N .Murray 16 B .Boucher 17 A .Burges s 18 S .Mcfarlan e 19 M .Gleniste r 20 I .Mckenzi e 20 C .Hall 21 A .Thompson 22 S .Hoare 23 M .Beckett 24 M .Mcfarlan e 25 C .Clarke 26 A .Capps 27 G .Kemper 28 P.Fyfield 29 A.Sheer 30 A.Mackwel l 32 L .Hanneman

40 T. May

33 M.Richardso n

41 N . Polites


41 R . Rigoni

34 N .Hunter

35 C .Cachi a

42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 G . Reeves 46 C. Borrelli 47 N. Peters 48 M . Soumildes 49 G .Ande rton 50 D. Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewa rt 53 M . Turner

37 A.Dance 38 M .Christense n 39 D.Hallisey 41 A.Mor rison 42 A.Findley 43 A.Brown 44 J .Maestro s 45 D.Richardso n 46 M .Pane 49 C.Varnavas 50 A .Sneddo n 51 W.Hal l 54 RShee r

55 S . Wigney 56 S . Whitema n


CENTR E Phone: 9852 1129

2 D Fox

31 A.Richardso n

39 T. Vass

1-3 Greenaway St , Bulleen 3105

SYNDAL TALLY H0 Coach : Kevin Hannett Res. Coach: TB A 1 J .Hanneman


Otachca rpet~wm ~

1)4 Section ELEY PARK Co : ati: TB A F as Coach : TBA

NTH BRUNSWICK Coach: Craig Fox Res. Coach : Ange Sammartino 1 S. Wernham 2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D . Pizzari

7 D. Magnuson 9 A. Sammartino 10 W . Fawcett 11 J . Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 A. Young 14 M . Newton 15 H. Tsiaonas 16 P. Sorletto 17 A. Kyriazis 18 B. Whitman 19 S. Famulari 20 R. Divita 22 M . Sorletto 23 M . Vaina 24 D. Newton 25 J . Kennedy 26 J . Briffa 27 D. Lawton 28 L. Rigazzi 30 S . Healey 31 J . Freeman 32 J . Thompson 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A. Armstrong 37 D. DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C. Rhoo k 40 B . McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Page 44 M . Fayad 49 M . Laoumtzes 50 B . Laoumtzes 56 L. Patullo 57 J . Heck

OLD WESTOOURUE Coach : Jeff Wilson Res. Coac h: Stephen Leitch 1 . G . Robsoh 2. G . Flower 3. S . Depiazza 4. A . O'Keefe 5. S . Sutto n 6. J . Horsburgh 7. A . Christo 8. A . Horsburgh 9. C. Villinger 10 . J . Wilson Š 11 . S . Whitting 12 . A . Nibloe 13 . S . Hewitt 14 . S . Mattsson 15 . A . Board 16 . S . Christo 17 . M . Aqualina 18 . P. King 19 . M . Craig 20 . S . Chaffey 21 . B . Dangerfield 22 . W. Fleming 23 . S . Nola n 24 . L . Fairfield 25 . D . Moore 26 . P. Mesman 27 . D . Billman 28 . D . Slattery 29 . D . Horsburgh 30 . R . McMillan 31 . R . Aldridge 32 . G . Jenkinson 33 . D . Bann 34 . P. Stewart 35 . D . Rivalland 36 . K. Pillsbury 37, A. Leitch 38 . B. Mattsson 39 . A. Robbins 40 . S. Leitch 41 . J. Dusting 42 . M. Stapleton 43. M. Ritchie 44 . B. Slattery 45. A. TeAagle 46. K. Sutton 47. T. Sai d 48. Ash Lipscombe 49. M. Pillsbury 50. P. Habersatt .51 . D . Koc h 52. T. Robinson 53. S. Walker 54. M. Crosswell 55. C . Shaw 56. C . Galvin 57. D . Halley 58. M. Bavde k 59. Adrian Lipscombe 60. N . Aqualin a

Sponsored by : Werribe e

yu aidai

C Coach: Res. Coach :

~, .i, ._~ . . . . ._ ..__~, ._ . Coach : Adrian Fidler Res Coach: Robert Cauiecholo 1 C Freeman 2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidle r 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Morrison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nichol l 13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thoma s 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiuman i 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merke l 24 D Debattista 25 T Hourigan 26 T Listo n 27 D Murphy 28 S Gray 29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Turk 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 K Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Roberts 44 N Morgan 45 D Isli p 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Alle n 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 S O'Donnell 53 M Waugh 55 S Gallina 56 K Dub e 58 A Roberts 60 D Debon o

Prauldv sponsored bv: Whitehorse In n 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn (03) 9818 499 1

*a~ Itobbie's Meats 0413 539 501

MT. LILYDAL E Coach: David Keast Res Coach : Paul Corrunerford

1 D .Johnson 2 P. Haye s 3 M . Brebner 4 F. Varga 5 M . Jelenc 7 D. Hendri e 8 H . Gurrier-Sander 9 A . Del Biond o 10 J . Gardiner 11 C. Gibso n 12 J . Cummerford 13 R. Kidd 14 C. Walsh 15 D. Morrison 18 B. Lealous 19 N . Whitehead 20 J . Penhale 22 B. Lee k

23 B. Egan 25 A. Delahunt 27 N . Pearce 28 T. Crowe 29 P. Furlong 30 G. Bird 32 P. Carolan 33 C . Anderson 35 D . Callanan 38 D . Kennedy 39 L. Allanson 42 M . Periera 43 D. Holloway 45 R. McKenzie 46 K. Maniscalchi 47 C. Lonergan 50 J . Kuffe r 51 A. Penhale 52 M . Wells 53 M . Leonard 54 C . Varga

55 H . Flanagan 60 T. Wilson 63 C . Carsens 64 D . Smith P. Beddoes M. Cunningham T. Grace L. Kellett

ST. MARY' S Coach: Peter Ollvied Res Coach : Michael Learmont h

1 . J . Harrington 2 . B . Boye s 3 . J . Carra 4. N . Goldsworthy 5 . J . Dwyer

6 T. Burt 8 A . Zsembery 9 R.O'Shuaghnessy 10 G. Koumatatakis 11 J . Bernard i 12 S .benson 13 A. Dwye r

14 C. Goldsworthy 15 R. Orme 16 L . Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frai l 19 M . Maschette 20 A. Lane 21 0 . Norton 22 R . Allen 24 I . Goulett 25 D . Hutchins 26 S. Stone 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 D . Thomson 32 A . Webb 33 J . Watson 34 M . Tindley 35 G. Theoharris 36 E, Evan s 37 L. Vincent 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Millar 41 J . Brennan 42 H .Joyce 43 M . Chamberlain 45 P. Ryan 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 49 G . Schembri 50 A. Worsnop 51 T. Bergi n

52 J. Goldsworthy 53 J. Odorisio 54 W. Ross 56 J. Vincent 58 B . Lewis 59 K . McLennan 60 M . Scammell 61 J . Timmins 63 P. Roseman 64 J . Ramsay 66 G . Pilkidis 67 J . O'Connor 69 J . Hand y 76 T. Tahos 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne

F, '

oriCinal and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player niusi. sign the original clearly beside name which must stttw,, first and surname ; Llue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin . ~



'7? ~_~?&)

(cost of a local call) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

• Weekend m atc he s (Fri) • Umpires Appointments • Scores (Sat. night) --~

ELSTERNWICK PARK GATE S The rvtain crate ( Glenhuntly Rd) and rearga~e (off St Kilda St) will be ope n every m atch day. When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner tha t would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counte d and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .

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A Sectio

Under-19 Section 1 Old Melburnians v. Old Scotch University Blues v . Old Xaverians Mazenod v. St. Kevins Old Brighton v. St . Bernards Collegians v. Marcellin Beaumaris v. De La Salle


Ir,i~cruity Blues v . Old Brighton Fc,itards V . St. Kevins

,,t(i50B v. Mazeno d ; il,l ~cotch v . Marcellin rinity v. Old Xaverians 13 Scction , ;1,1 I7- :ileybury v . Therry Penola - Elsternwick Park E:,'!',-u--day

,,,Lriars v. Beaumaris ;I~I ~ .Iei'jurnians v. Old Ivanhoe - Elsternwick park 5uada y

, , , ;,uiirl v . North Old Boys r 1_a Salle v . Old Paradian s C Sectio n

: ,r ,flhran Amateurs v . Collegians ; .Caulfield Gr . ;ampton Rovers V . Old Essendon -i, i;edes Mentone Tigers v. Old Mentonians i :<<Ilc~-«-Templestowe v. Glen Eira Dl Section Ul_i G.i clong v. St. Leos Emmaus 1arrl~:alley v. Monash Blues old C~nberwell v . Banyule ()I (I (`trey v . Ivanhoe Assumption ~(luinas v. University Blacks D2 Sectio n Ie ❑ insula v . Mentone Amateurs si Brunswick v . Power House i1,.1cizh v. Kew

lli<wistown CYMS v. La Trobe Uni. rkside v. Salesian D3 Section I 150B v . Elsternwick

t>c nu l( igh v. Hawthorn Amateur s Fivrov Reds v. South Melbourne Districts u r h Gryphons v . Richmond Central i . Iothus v . Albert Par k

Under-19 Section 2 Old Essendon Or. v . Old Haileybury Old Ivanhoe v . Ormon d Old Trinity v . MHSOB Werribee v. Hampton Rovers Caulfield Or . v . Whitefriars Yarra Valley v . St . Leos Emmaus Under-19 (2) Blue Old Xaverians (2) v . Monash Blue s AJAX v . Oakleigh - to be played at 1 p .m. at Oval 11 . South Melbourne Districts has the bye Mentone Amateurs v . De La Salle (2) St . Kevtns (2) v . Glen Eir a Under-19 (2) Red Bulleen-Templestowe has bye . Ivanhoe Assumption v. Old Paradians Rupertswood v. University Blacks Old Camberwell v . Aquinas North Old Boys v . Therry Penola Club XVIII (1) Mazenod v . Old Scotch

Old Xaverians v . Brunswick Prahran Amateurs v. Old Melburnians Old Brighton v . De La Salle St. Kevins v . Therry Penol a Club XVIII (2)

Monash Blues v . Marcellin Old Ivanhoe v . Old Trinit y St . Leos Emmaus v . Whitefriars Collegians v . University Blacks Old Essendon v . Old Geelong

D 4 Sectio n

)lu G~'cstbourne v . Mt . Lllydale :erribee v. Eley Park .~1arys v. North Brunswick

n 11 : r Cobras v. Syndal Tally-Ho rrswood has the bye . Collegians v . Swinburne University

U'f1 T .,- ne,nrri~n r~•.r• .~rnn~ ~ rn nnn .


(U19/1 & Blue) Sports & ; :dica Supplie s REVIEW SECTION I The first round saw a couple of huge surprises, namely Old Scotch's massive win over Fleaumas-is and secondly, St . Bernard's thumping of the Nodders. Are they up and about this year!? So after week one, I might as well select my final 5 and see how close I get at the end of the year! The Premiership favourites St . Kevin's under "The Director's" guidance remain on top followed by St . Bernard's, Old vs, Uni Blues, and De La Salle (I look forward to the Coaches' feedback) . Old Scotch crunched -- ;.auy by 133 pis with Robbie Joseph (wing) and Tom Maloney (1/2 back) dominating . This young, lean, running side played with great discipline, finishing off the game with 8g in the last . vs defeated O.M.'s by 29 pis with M e(ruck), Howard (wing) and McDonald (5g at F .F.) the difference . ITni Blues had the "Director" reaching for the clipboard continually up to half-time leading by 4g . But with Hinsleigh controlling F.F./C .H.F ., 0 =1OBS kicked 7g to 1 to win by 18 pts . Uni just need to be able to run out a game . St . B .'s opened the game with 5g in the first 8 minutes against the wind and never looked back . O'Donnell with 8g was unstoppable, supported by Neeson and Whelan. What a great game at Bulleen with Old Brighton winning a'naIl biter' by 5 pts . With Marcellin hitting the front twice in the last quarter, you can't win a game with 4-5 players going down with cramp . Old B .'s performance was outstanding with only 17 fit players in the last half. Well done! New De La coach "Browny" was very pleased with the win ; a good team effort . Although it was against an undermanned Collegians . The next few weeks should tell the tale . SECTION 2

The dour struggle between St Leos and Caulfield Grammarians proved to be the highlight of a very competitive opening round, in which many matches were marred by the bad weather. Both sides were restricted to just three goals but St Leos eventually scraped home by two points . A four goals to one last quarter saw new boys Werribee overrun the everpowerful Whitefriars to win by 22 points . Despite some wayward kicking, newly promoted Old Essendon grabbed a 13-point win over Ormond. Hampton Rovers welcomed Old Trinity and found the visitors too strong . Armatas and Lancaster were best for the wimiers, while Malthouse and Carr showed some excellent early season form for Rovers . Old Hailebury won just one match last year but

(U19/2 & Red )

already has a win one the board, after accountin g for Yarra Valley by 57 points . Goodbody booted four goal for the winners, while Wright and Waxman were best . In the only major blowout of the first round, old Ivanhoe, which last season finished on the bottom of Section (2), thrashed SOB by 121 points . The Hoes had 45 scoring shots to four and completely dominated the match, showing they have rebuilt well after last season's disaster and will feature prominently in finals calculations . SECTION (2) BLUE Can this scribe pick winners or not? After filtering through all the gossip, rumours, practice match form, I was very confident in picking all the winners this week . Alas, 1 out of 4 was not quite what I expected . Pathetic! But I will still make my predictions for the final 4 . Mentone to finish on top, followed by the Blues, Ajax and Swans . Coaches feel free to make comments! At Monash Uni there was no rain, but lots of wind and dark clouds that greeted the 2 teams that fought out an absolute cracker of a game . Coach Clarke had the St . K.'s boys firing with Ryan Chard in the ruck/C .H.F. and Kon Didilious around the packs, causing the Blues lots of problems . But in the 3rd quarter, the Blues started to win the ruck contest and control the ball around the wings . SKOB's were goalless in this term, which proved costly . vs ventured to Krusher country at Scammell Reserve and left with a 136 pt winning margin . They completely shut down Oakleigh's big guns and used the wide expanses of Scammell Reserve to keep the game open and running . Ajax provided the upset of the round with a demolition job on last year's finalist in the battle of the Albert Part cohabitants . This game was played in atrocious conditions with pouring rain and lightening. Ajax with the wind kicked 5 brilliant goals to nIl . When it was the Swans turn to kick with the wind it had stopped howling and could only manage 2 goals. Mentone has recruited impressively in the off-season and their 202 pt annihilation of Glen Eira is proof of that .

SECTION (2) RED Therry Penola and Old Camberwell was last week nominated as the match of the day and the prediction proved spot on, with just nine points separating the two sides when the final siren sounded . Therrv Penola led by three points at the long break but Old Camberwell eventually took charge and recorded a

The blowout of the round saw 2000 Rupertswood destroy Aquinas by an is . Rupertswood booted an amazing 1 8 111e final term. although credit must go to th e which kept battling and finally scored a ;u the last quarter. Old Para - hosted gullecn-Templestowe and ran out 35-point winners . as on target up forward booting three goals, on chipped in with three . Lyons and 13ouudv % :ere the best players for the winners, while ;!cc>>-Teniplestowe was well served by O'Donnell ar - in, University Blacks received a forfeit :n_ i oe Fitzroy. North Old Boys had the bye tu


the rampaging, running Old Scotch outfit at Albert Park in which should be a very close Both teams finished full of running in their ive last quarters. Old Scotch just! Uni Blue s i onie to Xavs in a game Coach King will be to win . But with Xavs getting some players i; and Uni unable to run out a game, Xavs for me . st . K .'s should carve out another big win against the tiodders . Old Brighton will put up a brave fight inst St . B . 's but St. B .'s strength and goal kicking er will prove too much . Marcellin will prove to o uc~u~ for Collegians and De La should eclipse Iieaumaris. SECTION 2 old Essondon will be keen to continue its winning qnn, but faces a tough contest with fellow round one .,: i ;iucrs Old Hailebury. Old Essendon was promoted i,uui Scction (2) Red for this season and the clas h

the former Section (1) side will be a good iudir,uion of the evenness of the under 19 r ; iiI.~_ tition . Old Hailebury should be too strong. Old Ivanhoe plays host to Ormond, the home side !!~ii 1g in ominous form after thrashing MHSOB last ,c , ck . Ormond looks a little out of its depth in this ir . Old Trinity welcomes MHSOB and the form o f t%,.',) sides could not be more different . The visitors te keen to make amends for last week's disaster i,ui Old Trinity should have few concerns an d nruiue their whining ways . Hampton Rovers t to Werrdhee for what should be a most -111i,titive affair . The home side started well last -',: and should make it two from two . Caulfield Grammarians take on Whit , with both sides off round one losses . Caulfield will have taken 1 out of last week's effort but will find VAritefriar s ~oa,_,her proposition . Yarra Valley meets St Leos t o out the day's matches . Yarra Valley was g last week but will be much mor e ve at home and should take the points . SECTIO-~I (2) BLU E

Coach Fay will have a much tougher game this week the Blues at Vic Park. After an impressive n win, they will unfortunately fall short agains t <`7) , ., .,,ba-„o -T- ,,-,, .,,,A,

their seasoned opponents . Ajax will be 2 for 2 after Saturday's game against Oakleigh . Oakleigh have done a terrific job in getting this team up and playing, but the Jackers running game will prove too strong . M entone Amateurs are at home at Southern Reserve against De La Gold . After their 1st round bye, De La will be champing at the bit to get out for their first game . But this rampaging team will dent their enthusiasm. Finally, Coach Clarke should get his first win on the board with a home ground win against Glen Eira . SECTION (2) RED This week's matches see North Old Boys open their campaign against Therry Penola, in what shapes as a great contest . Therry will be keen to atone for its narrow opening round loss and should prove too strong, with last week's tough hit-out proving a distinct advantage . Ivanhoe Fitzroy hosts Old Paradians, with the home side desperate to atone for last week's forfeit to Uni Blacks. That said, Old Paradians should win this one comfortably . Uni Blacks make the trek to Rupertswood, with both sides keen to continue their brilliant 2001 form . Rupertswood had a virtual training run last week and will find the Blacks a totally different proposition . The Blacks will find the home side just too strong . In the final match, Old Camberwell hosts Aquinas, the visitors obviously struggling again this season, after managing just two wins in 2000 . Old Cambenvell showed tremendous spirit to hold out Therry in round one and will find this week's encounter a little easier. Bulleen Templestowe has the bye .


U:0?ER-19 t11 oID SCOTCH 6.2 8.5 15 .12 21.13 (139) BEAUMARIS 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4 (4) Old Scotch details not received. Becamectrie Best : Thompsen. McMillan, Lynch, Tuck. S . Come . Dealer. Umpfree: Pat Maebus, Daniel Dtnman (Pb James htaebus (B ) OLD XAVERANB 4.3 6.9 12 .18 12 .22 (94) OLD MELBURNIANS 3 .0 6.1 6.1 10 .5 (65) Old X-hem and Old Mellemedims Jeialls not received. UmQirm: Michael Sneddon . Ken Walker (FI. P. 6laddocks- P. Curtis (G ) BT. NEVINB 1-2 1 .4 5 .10 8, 12 .60 2.0 5,2 63 6.6 .42 St Eevlus: Htns!ey (2) . Anderson (2). Mulgrew• Harris. Hobart. Evans . Best: GuIDfer, Kalesamn. Mu1gr eW, Courtney, Anderson. Duggin . Uatvzxslty Ilfues : BrooksbaW (2) . Hall (2) . Brig- . Cameron. Best: HroLnes. Cuneron . Nice, Gconan . Tanner. W4cnx Umplrta : James Watson . Justin. Gmasbard (F) St . Bemarda 8.5 11 .10 17 .15 23.17 (165) lAaunod 0.0 0.1 0,1 0.1(1) St Bavsrds and M-extod details at receri•ed . Umpire Michael Forde IF) MARCELLIN 2-2 3.2 6.9 8,10 (68) OLD BRIGHTON 3.2 6.6 7.7 9 .9(63) Manxce83a details not receded . Old Brkg+hton : M . Fry 2. G. Akoek 1 . G . Bastu 1, N. Gamble I . T. Marshall 1, J. Mead 1, E. McCa an 1, A. Salem 1 . Best: Gamble, MeKimm. htatessL l'-. McCawart . Williams. Umpires: Barry Bolger, ALI Maggio IF) Be 1,e Sa4e 6-5-41 10-6-66 18 8 66 22 14 146 011 2113 4327 4428 CalicoBe La Salle- Roach 3 Rawe 1 . Best: KmOrls. Herman. ShlnldiekL Tan, Roue- Rttuh . Colleglaw details at reccivz•d . UmphCS: Ashley Price, Tyrell Russell IF ) UNDER-19 (2 ) OLD HAIIEYBIIRY 3,0 5.6 . 9.9 16.12(108) YARRAVAI .LEP 2.2 3.8 6,9 8.1(61) Old 11a9rybury: Goodbody4 . McLauchlan 2. Pollock 2. Brooks 1 . D' Sava i . Durkin 1 . Jones . Fxtster 1 . McGauran 1 . V,'a .mian 1 . Best: Vhtght.46'azmtan, Durkin . Craumrd. MacKenzie, hlcGauran. Yana VeIley: Crar•e 3 . Yen 2. Urbana 2, Bea) 1 . Best: Beal. Cities, Parry. Gates, Crave . Wines, Umghrt: Ian Burgess. SchoL'un. Blustein (F) Ormond 3.2 83 9.4 12.7(79) Old Essendon 4,3 7.7 11 .11 14.18(102) Ormuod: Cook 3. Lwn 3 . GQonan 2, Cuneh I, Has-ell. Het(ernsn t. Warx2rek 1 . Best : Goonan,lLzsseB. Russell. htarOrrov, Wheller, Cock . Old Ecocadon details not remM1rd. Umphes : Tony Llllry, Heath. Little (F) AiH80B 0.0 1 .0 1.1 3,1 (19) OLD IVANHOE 4,3 7.12 13 .18 19.26 (144) HI1tSCB: Colsland 2, Baxm 1 . Best: A. Vtcendere, T. Harpzr, J . VWIker, P. Ruxvic, M . Braxn . T. Framek. Old Ivanhoe: C. Lynch 4. T. Hibbs 4. M. Mendoia 3, S. Curatula 2- S. Law 2. D. meredtth 1 . T. Ftnlay, 1, L. Stillman 1- D. Nellsai 1 . Best: M . Mendda- J . O'Dea . J .McKk . l . Loughnan.l. Hibbs. T. Finlay. Umpirea : Matthew Meirr, R9chael Phillips IF ) HAMPTON ROVERB: 2.2 3.2 5.2 6 .5(41) OLD T10511Y: 3-3 9.8 11 .10 14.10 (94) Hompton Rovem: Banks 2, Dawes- Fisher, Probyn . Sendeckyl . Best: MalOmuse. Carr, t7au2s. Maine, Bottom, SendeckyJ . Old Txlalty : Matthews 2 . Pretty 2. Sullen 2 . Btzcknuxe 2. Burg.xs 2, Davies, Donahoe, Mithen . Christopherson. Besc Armatas, Lancaster. Bxkmue- Burgess . Hine, Dnnahoo. Um( irxs : Chris Stevens (J) . Tristan Bowman (Pb Daniel Blaclanr$e (B) WHIIEPIUARB: 118 9.9 10.10 11 .12 (78) WERRIBEE: 3.2 6.4 10.10 14.15 (100) lYhtte&isrs: Curso 4- Purtdl I . Kennedy 1, 6Ucallef 1, Brosola 1 . Callavztta 1. Nolan 1 . Best : Mka➢ef Cursb Nolan Kennedy Trepaud Emnes. lYexrIDee detab not received Umphm : David DAltera IF) ST. LEOS EMMAUS 1.2 2 .5 2.9 3.11(29) CAOLFIELD GR 1 .3 2 .7 2.7 3.9t27i St . Loon Emmmra : Bremtey 1. Podtruury 1 . Sampson 1 . Best: Fbdbury. Wcod . Gale, Ketly, Sampson . Caulfield Be Roberts 2 . Scott I . Best- Brrtxne, Fagan . Sinclair. Jenktnson, Jenktnsnn. alloy. Erickson. Ump#ms: Robert Sneddon. Mark Gtbmn (F)

LAY ': P.d9 (2) BLUE 3 .0 7,7 9.11 12.11 .€s 5 .5 8-5 8.5 It. &7 : 4 . Rass .J 2.Jandaht .B 2 . Gilbert .G I . Nand B I . H7ckey, A I .S I . Best: Neville Y. Tiwmpson .S, tegter .M. KNght .S . Nir.d .B . Jonda}i l (2): Holland .G 3, Chard .R 3 . Thcenpxn A 2, MaCcloouSd .D 2, Calegory A 1 Chard R. DklNs C. Meyer .L- CaLeg.3ri A Lynes T. Macdonald D . Umefrge IeRence Pnn'ell- LGIr15. Cams it )

OAKIEIGH 2.1 6.2 7.5 8.$ 5) OLD BAVERNNB (2) 6.4 15.8 19 .11 2£ 19 (1 3) • G«ak}adts 3. VWer 2, Orchad Wills I . Kekking,w 1. Best: Stevcvvwn. hbkdtn, Orcltad, VLsser. Oid defalls not recen•ed . Gerry, Justin Lipson IF) SOUTH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS OO I 0 MAX 6.3 8,7 10.9 19 .18 (78) South Mellsomees, Districts details not rettNcd . AJAR: Berger 3 . Vanaken 2. Gutman 2, Cooper 1, Gatdblrom i, Butt I. Best: E)icden Gcldsiarnn- Loam, Gutnvn, FeMntan, Lra1s. Umptres: Andrew In&, Gratme Morgan (F I GI221EIRA 1.0 1 .2 2.2 2,2,14 MENTONE AMATEURS 4 .11 12.15. 23 .19 31,39 .216 Glen E1ra: Rose I. Rwsety 1 . Best: A. All . Twuramants, Clark. L. Larnpt.e• Sher,, O•I.oughtan-Elder. ASentone : Lhtle 6, Hayes 4, Barr 4 . Olson 3, Reek 2, Sulllvan 2, Wilson 2 . JamiP.son tr 1, Moran 1 . Krtngs 1, Allan I . Potilltos 1, Boner 1, Smllh 1 . Best: Krtngs• Hay W6r,nn•NLn . Sullivan . Umpsea : Jim Pappas . David Murray IF) UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD PARADIANB 2 3 6,1 7.7 10.14-74 BiR7.EEN-7E 1.3 2,3 3.6 >• 39 Old Pamdiam: Splrroso 4.McA43twn 3 . D Dean 1,Lyans I-S'ephens I . 8c5t: - L~ Baundy. Tenwn, Sphroo, A Dean, McMalwn . Butl¢en Tem : HarzWrg I .HW 1 . Best: O'Donnell, Martin. Hardng, Hill. Hat,en. Lee . Umpire : Andrew Ch _t UNIVERSITYBLAC88 4.4 9.8 12 .13 1E. :s112;1 IVANHOE ASSUMPt1ON: 0.1 03 0.3 1,6(12) University Blacks: 6; Bongkano. Raunsley. Owen, tWna 2. Best Sat crd Sondhu. Rundle. Coven. Santanmrlar, Banglorno. Ivanhoe Anv acipthn Ross . Best : tayncy. Rc+L+ertsen, l ay•sey, Kelly. Healy. Smtrk . Umptree: Davld Wtndlmu, Gavin Roberto (Fj A,LJUUUsB 0.2 0.3 0.3 1 A'9) RIIPERTBWOOD 13 .4 22,11 29-21 47 .2(309) Aqulnea: Billy Hitter 1 . Best : Key+elrnan. Ace. V'aas, Boland . Holley, Munro, Hayes, Rupatswood : J King 6, L Fh.klUig 6, M Tenmllng 5. N McGovern 5 . J Ramsey 4• R Holly 4, P Barry 3. G Cook 3, R Zarah 2, M Kosta 2, H Neville 1 . S Glenn 1 . D Hepwood i, M Geurts 1, C Potter 1, A Webb i, S Page l . Best : L Fktdmg, J King, G Price . R Holly, N McGovern, R Zarah. Umphes: Michael Seeddon (F) THERRYPENOIA 3 .4 4.7 5 .10. 6,1248 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .1 4.4 8.9. 8.9.57 merry Pemla: A . Carrell t, J. Fenton I . B. Burrow I .T. Shephard I . Best: Rch3nsen, htcKiernan. T. GoadwM, A . Cvrrch. D. Atkinson. D. Goodwin. Old Caraberoell '. ~cal receNed. UmPfrea: Santo ) Caruso(F

TODAY'S MATCHES UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Melburnians v. Old Scotch University Blues v . Old Xaverians Mazenod v. St . Kevins Old Brighton v. St. Bernards Collegians v. Marcellin Beaumaris v. De La Salle UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Essendon Gr. v. Old Haileybury Old Ivanhoe v. Ormond Old Trinity v. MHSOB Werribee v. Hampton Rovers Caulfield Gr. v. Whitefriars Yarra Valley v. St. Leos Emmaus

U N DER-19 (2) BL UE Old Xaverians (2) v. Monash Blues AJAX v. Oakleigh South Melbourne Districts has the bye Mentone Amateurs v. De La Salle (2) St. Kevins (2) v. Glen Eira UNDER-19 (2) RED Bulleen-Templestowe has bye . Ivanhoe Assumption v. Old Paradians - to be played at Ivanhoe Park Rupertswood v. University Blacks Old Camberwell v. Aquinas North Old Boys v. Therry Penola

OLD E~V fANS ~'~anyNlcalosl i2) NlckFay - ~. !!_ M Bourke

, :nG Cb1cHar

ST. DERNARDS Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . D . Elliot

2 . J. Formica 3. A. Bouzikas 4. S. Neeson 5. J. McKay Y



6. J. Dennis 7. S . Mitchell 8. D. Paige 9. A. Anderson

10 . S . lannazzo ii . M . O'Donnell

nF 3

P P S T '-r G

12 . L. Mansfield 13. A . Matthews 14. B . Calleja 15. L Calleja 16. D. Swann 17. D. Walsh 18. D. Walsh 19. M . Moretti 20. S . Campbell 21 . N . Whelan 22. B . McManus 23. N . Thomas 24. N . Smith 25. T. Legudi 26. R . James 27. L. Evans 28 . S. Wheeler 29 . S. Smith 30. C . Trewin 31 . L. O'Brien

M S . -t A

. .


32 . S. Monteleone 33 . S. Ballarin 34 . A. Ramsay 35 . D . Valori 36 . J . Hill 37 . J . Tankey 38 . C. Kevnan 39 . R . Cousland 40 . M . Kavanagh

'N - ;, ) L

~ .LE~;IANS Nick Florentine

B Wallard K McKay A Shinkfield D Carcor S Taft y Unsworth ~ . ,rje V~t

D D Fotherin9ha m

,2 R Turner 3 H'~"'ey Roaeh C!cvis = ~:r t A T Clark ChamlBrS p KrOtiris

;•ler N rman



C-11 (1): Paul O'Shannassy Coach : Rod Bourke Coach (2): Stephan Clone

t J. Dempsey 2 . T. Duggan 3 . A. Umbers L . Fox 5 . M . Hicks 6 . J. Harri s 7 . L . Kalesaran 8 . D. MacDonald 9• W. McCan n 10. D. Mahoney 11 . M . Hutton

12. D. McLay 13. S . Marwood 14. B Marchesani 1 5. D. Bare 16. K Didilis 17. D. Makoho n 18. M . Anderson 19. W. MacDonald 20. M . tJulgrew, 22. G. Holland 23. A . Jenkins

24. G. Nolan 26. J . Knuppel 27. D. Kerr

28. P. Lard y' 29. P. Fogarty 30. P. Gissing 31 . M . Courtney 32 . J . Cox 33 . L. hdeyer 34 . S . Mitchell 35 . N . O'Halloran 36 . T. Purcell 37 . P. Clanc 38 . R . Chardy 39 . M. Cairney

40 . R . Boyse 41 . B . Evan s 42 . M. Stonehouse 43 . M. Tischler 44 . J . Kin~ 45 . N . Wafts 46 . C . Wilkinson 50 . J. Guilifer 51 . C .0'Shau9 hness 53 . T Simpso n y 55 . A. Marsh 57 . M. Hinsley 58 . A. Thompson 62 . K Mclnerny 65 . R. Miller 68 . J. Deacon

1 . D. Bonnici 2. D . Fotiniotis 3 . P. Reed 4 . L. Rudling P. Ryan 5. 6 . S . Veltman 7 . A . Wilson 8• B . Thomas 9 . B . Thompson 10 . D . Maskell 11 . L. Fuller 12 . M. McDowell 13 . C . Clegg 14 . D . Clegg 15 . A. Burrows 16 . A. Longmuir 17 . C . Meehan 18 • P Del Mastro 19 . S. Bickers 20 . P. Dugdale 21 . D. Armansin



Coac h : R odger Brown

Coach: Mick Deaton * Asst Coach : Mick woodroxa

1 . C. Mizzi 2 . C . McKimm 3 . T. Mattesti

4 . A .McGillivra y 5 . N . Gamble 6 . T Evans 7 . C . Reddin 8 . C . MacNichol 9. G. Simm tO .A . Morley

ti . S. Ginnavin 12.M.Lowe 13. D . Paroissien 14.A. Salem

19 P. Angelini 22 A. Hughes 27 J . Maguire 32 A. Goldmer 42 L . Hendra

22 . Q Aguis

25 . A. Thompson 26 . L. Atkin s

23 . D. Aguis 24. J . Thomas 25. D. Hansen 26. D. Stagliano 27. C. Raise 28. D. Devlin 29. M . Thompson 30. S . Cox 31 . C. McDave 32. G . Nash 33. D. Malloy

27 . L. Boreham 28 . N .Deemin g 29 . A.Coot e 30 . L .Tucker

31 . A.Edg e 32 . A.Spence 33 . S. McNicholas 34 . M. Kuri a 35 . L . Healy 36 . M . Ballantyn e 37 . B. Pearse 38 . B. Guina n 39 . E CooPe r 40 . D. Bird 41 . S. Le e 42. M . Milli s

34. A. Murray

35. J . Schiano 36. D. Oldman 37. G. Kennelly 38. B . Chamberlain

43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

69 . C. Hilliard



Coach: Mark Donovan

1 . A. Millar

I L Freeman 1 L Fre~at

2, C . Nicholls 3 . M. Albelthorpe

3 D "1 3 D fGe~

4 . J . Bromwich 5 . T. Binley ®

6 . J. Sudholz 7 . L. Marla 8 . W. Austberry

2 M Nfa~'an 2 M K~`~n 4 D Logan 4 D Logan 5 A Cd~ 5 AC~ve

7 J Sp~ 7 J S~e 8 N C~ 8 N Cae+nat 10 H

. 10 H Ed"

9 . M. Brookshaw

11 R~hs 11 R .loserAs

10. J. Parnell

12J Rotl~,i 12J Ftod~o 13WLe++'s 13W Lexs teasda~a 14RT~ 15S C~s 15S Cz°arc 16D .b~rr~ 16D knirgs

It . G . Fricker (VC) 12. R . Jacob

13. T Girdwood (VC)

14. N . Rich

15. R. Hall 16. K. Alexander

17. A. Briggs 18. P. Burco 19. E . Wilcox (VC) 20. J. Culiey 21 . J. Bros Z 22. D. Hatswell

23. J. Corner 24. 25. 26. 27.

R. Holmes (VC ) J. Tanner A. Wilson J. Wright

28. L. Ryan 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34.

A. Cameron J . Chambers M . Robertson S .Adams E . PAatties Z . Rudd

17DF _.n 17DP~n teA 8A m Qua 19S t~ . 19S WORM 20T fk"J pT ~ 21 N Cc 0 21 N CosteCostel o 22 L I "t 22 L K 24S t~~ 24 ~ 25J Bernell 25J Barnett

26G Fordyos 26G Fordyce 27 R Da es 27 R Oa ~s ~ A Wilds 28 A Wilkie 29J R~9 29J fthel 30T Baker ~T Baker 31 M Chit 31 M(~dt 3=' R Fuleton 32 R F , 34T ~~TM'~ 36S P•'~ ~'S p~ 37M Azgs 37M Axa,yr

35. R. Kercheval

'~M Raynor °~M ~"Yn~

36. C. Walsh 37. R . Sweeney A. Sheeha n 39. A. Gooney y

39M l"-' : 39M t.~ 40A C_ d 40A Craehad 41 M 41 41 M Waits

4~. S . Monaha n

44J *m 44J S. aGl ..., . . 1 62GF>a~

1 . B . Gillespi e 2. S .Doukas 3. L. Mul uine q J•palk m ha 5. L Ferran9 m 6. J .maY 7. B . Cairn s 8. J . Mead 9. J . Windeban k 10. A . Wilso n 11 . N . Traka l 12. C . Collins 13. C . Tuck 14. W. Kelly 15. N . Clemente 16 . M. Blackmore 17 . S . Huckett 18 . H . McMillan 19 . S . Lync h 20. L. Fish e 21 . B . Zigouras 22 . J. Bramwel l 23 . S.Coot e 24 . M. Atkins

L. Ramirez-Smith L. Quinton T. Woolnoug h J . Wals h C. Buckley

55. B. Deat n

DE LA SALLE Coach: Brian Brown

1 2 L C You

MARCELLIN Coach: Rob Walker


OLD MELBURNIAN S Coach : Rob Walke r

1 D Smith 2 E Townsin g 3 E Tucke r

3 S Evan s 4 S Brown 5 S O'Connell 6 A Bonnici

7 G Wise 8 M Naughtin

4 C Burges s

9 S Hyde

6 S Gues t

10 10

5 D Woodford

S Hal e B Hawkins

7 M Kenno n

11 D Doyle 12 MGoodie r

13 W JOIIey 14 'R Buckley 14 J Lowe

16 LHarrison 16 MMiller

-_ :



17 J Kean 18 A Mcleish 18 C Mercuri

19 R Burrows 19 T WOOdIo<ddc 20 M Brasher 20 M Picone (Capt'n) 21 S Murray

' '_ \!

22 T Molan 23 P Mulholland 24 J Garlan d 25 B Lambe

-_ '0

25 A Toniolo

41 D Lear y 30 P Mardesic 37 J H nes a 40 PH Harrison 40 C Wilson 41 D Spithill 42 A Cerullo 42 A Coffey 47 J Stinear 52 D Poynton 61 R W 63 P Dearms La Hay e

70 MDuggan

8 C Tri m 9 N Gu Y

"i t~ €- -I = r -; ri -


B Marks

11 J 0'Dv e r y r 12 J Richardso n

13 A Simpson 14 A Richard s 15 1 Wei r 16 B Wul f 17 N Barrett 18 S Carter

19 M Prowse 20 E Ryan 21 N Robinson

22 J Rush 23 N Kent

24 D Mark s 25 MHorga n 26 C Walke r 27 J Jewel l 31 J Mulcahy 32 E Selby y

Cr : h her p "rns째n 2

Coach : TBA o n: C 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


D. Krongold N.BOde M . Pennycuiok T. Vinen B . Gross R. Foote P. Robe rts S . Tucker M . Romeo

10. L. Siapantis 11 . T.Foster 16. P. McLeish 34. H .Baker 43 A . Brauhn 44 A . Van Rompaey

Coach : Wayne Stafford

3 C C-4 4 D Ryan

1 2 5 6

B. Culling B. Cantlon K. Johnstone C . Malthouse 7 A. Batt ama 11 J. Almhoier 12 L . Kennedy 13 A. Fisher 15 D . Molina


7 L wason 8 J Kavanag h 1g0 ~ ria e 11 J Buck ~ry 12 W Nuniist


13 M Wollmgton i5 M e~arco 16 M Nicolas 7 8 Kin n 18 D Flafie m 1 9 A B째rb edg e 0 A Prow's

17 D . Anderson

18 R. Turnball 22 B. Henry 23 C. Probyn 27 A. Banks 29 D. Dawes 32 C . Sendecky i 33 C . Delosa

S D,ater~~

z1 N Bartra m T 23 D~a eux 24 J Duggan sse 0 Z

~: . __


27 J W;is째r t 30 C He~tage 32 B Hakim 34 J Marines ,

Coach. dy Vea l Coach: Andrew Lynch

I .M. Hoffman 2.T. Pollock 3 .V. Jayasuria 4,H, McLauchlan S .A. Sha w 6.S. Durki n 7 .J . Hanlo n 8 .L. Pitche r 9 .R . D'Silva 10.S . Capron 11 .J. Glanville 13.Q. Sca n 14.E . Marsh 15.R . Goodbody


16. H . Brooks 17. R . Plummer

35 W H ggins

18.N . Rose

36 T Campbel l 37 A Dudd~n gton 38 B Falcke 39 S Falcke 40 N Fttz atrick at N G~6~en 42 M H. Ilbrich 43 A Hychenko 44 M Leptos

19.C . Waxman

45 J J rDnarysh 47 D McWatty L Micefi 48 A Parker 49

33.R . Moseby 39 .A . Jones 43.M . McGauran

20.J . Wrigh t


21 . D. Mackenzie 23. B . Koetsie r 27.D. Swanton 29.T. Arche r

50 R Phelan 51 L Rad'rh 52 B Thrust 53 R Thwarte s W Borg M Ba>s i C Carr Couch J Or Pretro A McKenzie D Montgome ry H Tumay

OLD TRINITY Co ach : Dean Peters I Peggie A 2 Hine A 3(.angdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Pretty S 6 Burgess J 7 Davies M 8 Amiconi A 9 Jackson N 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen P 12 Kelly T 13 Gordon N 14 Thwaites M 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Duel] R 20 Oberoi S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D 23 Hillas R 24 Christopherson J 25 Lucas C 27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoo M 28 Stebbins N 29 Crawford M 30 Sullen M 44 Lanc aster M

76 Matthew M

r" Coach: Tim Hille 1 . L. Russell 5. L. Murphy 6. M . Luba 7_ R. Wiley 8. J . Muzzell 10 . A. Warwarek 11 . D. Healy 12 . G . Breitkreuz 14 . D.Jowe tt 15 . A. Goonan 16 . D. McKenna 17 . M . Heffernan 21 . S . Anderson 22 . R. Quiriey 24 . A. Lom 26 . M . Mart inov 27, J . Noske 29 . A. O'Shannessy 31 . S. Bbarker 39 . M . Ferrari 49 . A. Perry

ST LEOS EMMAUS Coach : Paul Gregor 1 N Kennedy 2 M D'Amelio 3 B Petrie 4 P Sampson 5 P Podbu ry 6 P Boyd 8 S Davidson 9 N Romney 14 M McHugh 15 P Carey 16 A Kelly 19 A Rooks 20 J Hamilton 21 A Ballard 23 G Brearley 28 C Beljak 41 D Wood 55 D Tomkins 59 M Anderson 61 G Hondow 64 T Stephens 73 J Dixon 74 J Blewi tt

4YERRI B EE Coach: Steve Lovell



sa ;


W HITEF R IARS Coach: Tim Pratt 1 . J . Wallace 3. S . Cleven 5. M . Cahill 6. D . Purt ell 7 J . Power 8 M . Malady 9 L. Swain 10 L. Coulthard 11 D . Crea 12 C . State 13 T. Langford 14 L. Twomey 15 M . Baker 16 R . Coslovich 17 T. Barugh 19 J . Morris 20 S . Alexander 21 A . Graham 22 A . Baker 24 J . Treyvaud 25 N . Muhllechner 27 S . Sait 28 M . Haverkamp 29 D. D'sousa 30 B . Janson 37 G . Kennedy

째'. . . . . ". "."_ .tE Y Coach : Rod Penaluna 1 A Middli n 2 . M Norris h 3 . N . Pas k 4. R .Be tt 5 . P Valoppi 6 . D Lloyd 8 . R Drew 9 . B.Keho e 10 . J.Seeger 11 . Z.Webb 13 . LGillies 14 . G .Thompson 15 . D .Smith 16 . C .Holdswo rth 17 . A.Pizzey 18 . C.Beal 19 . A.Coleman 20 . D .Seneratne 21 . J.Tompkin s 22 . J. Peak e 23 . T. Colle tt 24 . G .Cou tts 25 . F. Pellegrin o 27 . S.Savag e 29 . D .Bell 30 . J .Strong 31 . S .Urbana 32 . J .Par ry 34 . S .Britt 37 . D . Sims 44 . N .Marti n


Under-19- Section (2 Re AQUINAS O.C . coach : John Ry Rya n

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Peter Hansen


NTH OLD BOYS Coach: David Za Ppula

OLD CAMBERWEL L Coach: Michael Sigutas

Coach : Matt Agrotis 2 R . KJogeman

5 A. Bolan 6 W. Lyng 7 p. McNiffe 8 G . Nix

g M. Patterso n 10 R . GaYlor 12 G . Munro 13 V. Hall

1 .1 P. Stone

15 S. Varone

17 J. Holly 18J. TapPh 19 M. Bambury 20 j. Bowe n

1 L McMahon

2 D.Caple 3 S . Connelly 4 S . Fanton e 5 M .Keeling 6 D. Boundy 7 G.Loflus 8 A:Paglia 9 A.Smith 10 S .Corcoran 11 A . Tenson 12 P.Gloury





21 C . Tavaili

22 G . Cochrane 23 D . Dew 24 L . Toome y 27 S. Mitchell 29 L . Stafford


RUPERTSWOOD Coach: Ken Balmer

THERRY PENOLA Coach : Steve McMahon

Coach : Richard Grummett



Coach : John Bushby 1 S Maguire

2 T Hallora n




3 R Drummond 4 J O'Sullivan 5 T Laidlaw 6 J Parkinson 7 B Ruscoe 8 C Schirmer 9 E Thomas 10 A Tomey 11 W Touzel 12 B Witten 14 A Bushby 15 A Cowley 16 D Morris 17 P Meter 18 S Reid 19 P Seuren 20 A Whitlock 21 T Young 22 N Barnet t 23 L Beaton 24 D Creek 25 S Monaghan

Under-19 - Section (2 Re AQUINAS O .C . Coach : John Ryan 2 R . Kiogeman

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Peter Hansen


NTH OLD BOYS Coach: David Zappula

OLD CA M BERWELL Coach : Michael Sigutas

Coach : Matt Agrotis 1

5 A . Boland


6 P. McNiff 7 A . Jenkinson 9 M. Guthridge 10 L. Mackowski 12 A. Corrigan 13 V. Hall 14 A. Hayes 15 S. Verona 17 J. See 19 D . Sinclair 20 S. Collins

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

L McMahon D.Caple S. Connelly S. Fanton e M .Keeling D. Boundy G.Lottus A.Pagiia A.Smith S.Corcora n A. Tenson RGlaury


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21 P. Stone 22 G . Cochrane

23 M. Patterso n 24 D . Dew 25 C . Tavaili 27 C . Munro 28 B. Mille r 29 J. Tappley


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RUPERTSWOOD Coach: Ken Balmer


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Coach: Steve McMahon

Coach : Richard Grummett

Coach : John Bushby

I R 2 S

Zahra Page

3 V

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5 J. 速

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6B 8K 11 A 12 M 15 J

Shalders Elliot Jamieson Temming

16 D


17 L 18 L 19 R 20 P 21 D

Becker Fielding Johnson Flinn Heywood

22 A 24 G 25 R

Certo Price Hatty

27 M 28 P 29 G 31 M






Hewat Assouad

3 4

S Maguire T Hallora n R Drummond J O'Sullivan

5 6 7 8 9

T Laidaw J Parkinson B Ruscoe C Schirmer E Thomas

10 11 12

A Tomey W Touzel B Witten



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14 A Bushby 15 A Cowley 1 6 D Morris 17 P Mailer 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25

S Reid P Seuren A Whitlock T Young N Barnett L Beaton

D Cree k

S Monaghan



Official Supplier of Spc:

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BDF-"> -- "` Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 0 00 0 25 623 )

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-- _ --

For news, views and previews, tune to ~~ . The Ammos Show with Kenn Woolfe , Barnaby Willis & Adam Soffe r SATURDAY on 96 .5 FM - 1 p.m . - 1 .45pm.

- __ .-----~

Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m . every Saturday 29 APRIL OLD TRINITY vs OLD XAVERIAN S f. 5 MAY OLD BRIGHT ON vs ST. BERNARDS

Half Time and Full Time Score Servic e LASTltlfd

~~ ~~,~ EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTER S in tune with the outer east " VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA team s between 6.00 -6.15pm each Saturday night .


Talk 1116


6速 o - 7 .00p .m . Saturday ~~~{'"dl





SUN DAY 9.30 - 10 . 30 a.m .



This weeks guest : Richard Evans (VAFA Pres. )

North West Amateur Footy Repor t



presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from > St Bernards (A), Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, LaTrobeM Uni (D2), 'North Brunswick, Rn rtswood (,D4), Old Essendon (Dl). f Pe


REVIEWS Sunday 7 .00-9 .00 p m Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.


M 1., 1 . . . .r . 11 - -------

The Age VAFA sportswriter Paul Daffey writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match o f the Day and reviews the competition in Monday's Age .

Brad Beitzel reviews- Saturday' s matches in his Sunday Herald Sun weekly column.

flad.loAd.vert Pr®m®tl®n .

~_l :Yiftll(IA L


Old Melburnians v. Old Ivanhoe SPORTSCOVER (match highlights and panel discussion of this match shown on Channel 31 Thursday 8.30 - 9.00 p.m.)

North West Amateur Footy Report presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests fro m St Bernards (A), Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, LaTrobe Uni (II2), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4), Old Essendon (Dl) . PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8.00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters 'irAFA.

G3acloo ~(~OG'~S °

2 T

. Game Pr®m®tiM


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ELSTERN ~Q OK Pf- '_f~ DRAW 2001 (APRIL-MAY) This Sat: This Sun: Next Sat : Next Sun :

April 28 Old Haileybury v . Therry Penola April 29 Old Melburnians v. Old Ivanhoe May 5 University Blues v. Old Trinity May 6 St . Kevins v. MHSOB May 12 Old Xavertans v. Mazenod May 13 Mother's Day - no matches May 19 Old Ivanhoe v. North Old Boys May 20 FIDA May 26 Mazenod v Old Trinity May 27 No matche s

Results from Tribunal Aliril 24th, 200 1 Tim Egan, Banyule . Striking, 2 matches Dean Greasley, Old Essendon (Club 18) . Assault of umpire, 7 matche s Jason Mead, Old Brighton ( Under-19) . Abusive language, 2 matche s Aaron Skinns, Sth Melb Dist (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches Zak Lewski, AJAX (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches James Rose, Glen Etta (Under-19) . Charging, 2 matches David Welch,Marcellin (Under-19) . Non appearance,2 matche s * James Rose, Glen Eira ( Under-19) . Abusive language, 2 matches * Graeme Pollard MHSOB ( Under-19) . Disputing umpire decision, 1 matc h * Accepted Prescribed Penalt y


This year the Vies are in town . Come and support the best of t3~e ~F~1~A ilzroia~,'ilottt the soasoi~ . Sunday June 3WWA (C'-D4) v 1~-.VF L -EIsterrtv-,-ick 3 2urk Sund ay June 10 'W1FA (U 19) v i~,S~A' ACT (U 18) - EIstew;vick Park (1': .30ar-j) ) (Terrv IJanilier Shield ) %7Ap째A (Senior) ~' SAtF1, (Senior) - Elste.rart-vic : ParlC {2 .(3{}pn1; (Dillon'/Sims Sheild )

Sunday July 22 Vlkl,-A (U19) e VMFL (U1SJU19? - E 3s k째rsr;~,-ich. Park 111 .30ani= V_kF'A (Senior) v VCFL (Senior) - Eisterzn-rlciz_ Park (2-00pni) (Brian Cap ) Presentation of his t~ouchc, allows for 52 off admittance pi .


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 118 54 218.52 4 1 0 0 88 64 137.50 4 57 135.09 4 1 0 0 77 1 0 0 91 73 124.66 4 1 0 0 110 102 107.84 4 0 1 0 102 110 92 .73 0 0 1 0 73 91 80 .22 0 0 1 0 57 77 74 .03 0 0 1 0 64 88 7273 0 0 1 0 54 118 45.76 0

D3 SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts FlTLROY REDS 1 1 0 0 97 25 388.00 4 BENTLEIGH AFC 1 1 0 0 120 32 375 .00 4 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 1 1 0 0 130 51 254 .90 4 ELSTERNWICK 1 1 0 0 90 48 187 .50 4 ST JOHNS 0 C 1 1 0 0 102 57 178 .95 4 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 0 1 0 57 102 55 .88 0 ALBERT PARK 1 0 1 0 48 90 53 .33 0 U H S O 8 1 0 1 0 51 130 39.23 0 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 1 0 1 0 32 120 26 .67 0 0 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 0 1 O . 25 97 25.77


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 81 43 188.37 4 40 162.50 4 1 0 0 65 1 0 0 48 30 160.00 4 1 0 0 72 60 120.00 4 1 0 0 33 29 113 .79 4 0 1 0 29 33 87 .88 0 0 1 0 60 72 83 .33 0 0 1 0 30 48 62.50 0 0 1 0 40 65 61 .54 0 0 0 1 0 43 81 53.09

D4 SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts 1 1 0 0 91 11 827.27 4 NORTH BRUNSWICK MT LILYDALE 1 1 0 0 118 69 171 .01 4 1 1 0 0 122 83 146 .99 4 SYNDALTALLY-40 43 144.19 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 1 1 0 0 62 BULLEEN COBRAS 1 1 0 0 91 72 126 .39 4 SWINBURNE UNI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 4 RUPERTSWOOD 1 0 1 0 72 91 79 .12 0 OLD WESTBOURNE 1 0 1 0 43 62 69 .35 0 ST MARYS 1 0 1 0 83 122 68 .03 0 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 0 1 0 69 118 58 .47 0 ELEY PARK AFC 1 0 1 0 11 91 12 .09 0


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 100 31 322.58 4 1 0 0 103 41 251 .22 4 1 0 0 135 65 207.69 4 1 0 0 105 54 194 .44 4 1 0 0 112 71 157 .75 4 0 1 0 71 112 63 .39 0 0 1 0 54 105 51 .43 0 0 1 0 65 135 48.15 0 0 1 0 41 103 39.81 0 0 1 0 31 100 31 .00 0


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 118 39 302.56 4 1 0 0 71 54 131.48 4 1 0 0 98 77 127 .27 4 1 0 0 125 105 119.05 4 1 0 0 66 58 113.79 4 0 1 0 58 66 87.88 0 0 1 0 105 125 84.00 0 0 1 0 77 98 78.57 0 0 1 0 54 71 76.06 0 0 1 0 39 118 33 .05 0


W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0


1 .-Ur XAVERIANS ,=oe

L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 97 18 538.89 4 0 0 108 69 156.52 4 0 0 76 54 140.74 4 0 0 102 80 127.50 4 0 0 83 66 125.76 4 1 0 66 83 79.52 0 1 0 80 102 78 .43 0 1 0 54 76 71 .05 0 1 0 69 108 63 .89 0 1 0 18 97 18 .56 0

A RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 1 0 0 97 15 646 .67 4 MARCELLIN 1 1 0 0 101 39 25 8.97 4 OLD BRIGHTON 1 1 0 0 61 34 179.41 4 ST BERNARDS 1 1 0 0 52 42 123 .81 4 OLD XAVERIANS 1 1 0 0 78 64 121 .88 4 OLD SCOTCH 1 0 1 0 64 78 82.05 0 MAZENOD 0 C 1 0 1 0 42 52 80 .77 0 OLD TRINITY 1 0 1 0 34 61 55 .74 0 MHSOB 1 0 1 0 39 101 38 .61 0 ST KEVINS 1 0 1 0 15 97 15 .46 0 B RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts THERRY PENOLA OB 1 1 0 0 82 23 35 6.52 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 1 0 0 78 27 28 8.89 4 OLD HAlLEYBURY 1 1 0 0 68 24 283 .33 4 WH ITEFRU\RS 1 1 0 0 76 28 271 .43 4 OLD PARADLANS 1 1 0 0 77 57 135 .09 4 ORMOND 1 0 1 0 57 77 74 .03 0 OLD IVANHOE 1 0 1 0 28 76 36 .84 0 DE LA SALLE 1 0 1 0 24 68 35 .29 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 1 0 27 78 34.62 0 0 BEAUMARIS AFC 1 0 1 0 23 82 28.05 % Pts C RESERVE P W L D For Agst OLD ESSENDON GR 1 1 0 0 91 26 350 .00 4 1 1 0 0 147 43 341 .86 4 HAMPTON ROVERS COLLEGIANS 1 1 0 0 132 40 330 .00 4 ST BEDES MENTTIG 1 1 0 0 70 32 21 8.75 4 CAULFIELD GR 1 1 0 0 72 45 160 .00 4 PRAHRAN AFC 1 0 1 0 45 72 62 .50 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWEI 0 1 0 32 70 45.71 0 GLEN EIRAAFC 1 0 1 0 40 132 30.30 0 OLD MENTONIANS 1 0 1 0 43 147 29.25 0 AJAX 1 0 1 0 26 91 28 .57 0


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 168 9 1866 .67 4 1 0 0 98 47 208 .51 4 1 0 0 69 35 197 .14 4 1 0 0 78 58 134 .48 4 1 0 0 82 69 118 .84 4 0 1 0 69 82 84 .15 0 0 1 0 58 78 74 .36 0 0 1 0 35 69 50.72 0 0 1 0 47 98 47.96 0 0 1 0 9 168 5.36 0


W L D For Agst % 1 0 0 115 26 442.31 1 0 0 78 33 236.36 1 0 0 49 25 196 .00 4 1 0 0 56 34 164.71 4 1 0 0 52 36 144.44 0 1 036 52 69 .23 0 1 0 34 56 60.71 0 1 0 25 49 51 .02 0 1 0 33 78 42 .31 0 1 0 26 115 22 .61


W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 132 42 314.29 4 1 0 0 77 35 220.00 4 1 0 0 60 49 122.45 4 1 0 0 60 52 115.38 4 1 0 0 63 60 105.00 4 0 1 0 60 63 95.24 0 0 1 0 52 60 86.67 0 0 1 0 49 60 81 .67 0 0 1 0 35 77 45.45 0 0 1 0 42 132 31 .82 0


W L D For Agst % 1 0 0 155 115500 .00 1 0 0 133 4 3325 .00 1 0 0 146 28 521 .43 1 0 0 94 65 144.62 1 0 0 60 42 142.86 1 0 0 63 58 108.62 0 1 0 58 63 92.06 0 1 0 65 94 69.15 0 1 0 42 60 70.00 0 1 0 28 146 19.18 0 1 0 4 133 3.01 0 1 0 1 155 0.65


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 74 20 370 .00 4 1 0 0 89 30 296 .67 4 1 0 0 103 48 214 .58 4 1 0 0 47 36 130 .56 4 1 0 0 72 68 105.88 4 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 4 0 1 0 68 72 94.44 0 0 1 0 36 47 76.60 0 0 1 0 48 103 46.60 0 0 1 0 30 89 33,71 0 0 1 0 20 74 27.03 0


Pis W L D For Agst % 1 0 0 84 16 525.00 4 1 0 0 59 19 310.53 4 1 0 0 58 31 187.10 4 1 0 0 61 44 138 .64 4 1 0 0 66 53 124 .53 4 0 1 0 53 66 80 .30 0 0 1 0 , 44 61 72 .13 0 0 1 0 31 58 53 .45 0 0 1 0 19 59 32.20 0 0 1 0 16 84 19.05 0

L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 79 14 564.29 4 0 0 111 21 528.57 4 0 0 56 33 169.70 4 0 0 66 43 153.49 4 0 0 41 36 113.89 4 1 0 36 41 87.80 0 1 0 43 66 65.15 0 1 0 33 56 58 .93 0 1 0 21 111 18 .92 0 1 0 14 79 17 .72 0

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 1 1 0 0 140 19 736.84 4 OLD TRINITY 1 1 0 0 94 41 229 .27 4 1 1 0 0 108 61 177.05 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 79 129.11 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 1 1 0 0 102 WERRIBEEAMATEURS 1 1 0 0 100 78 128 .21 4 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 1 1 0 0 29 27 107 .41 4 CAULFIELD GR 1 0 1 0 27 29 93 .10 0 ORMOND 1 0 1 0 79 102 77 .45 WHITEFRIARS 1 0 1 0 78 100 78.00 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 1 0 1 0 61 108 56 .48 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 0 1 0 41 94 43 .62 MHSOB 1 0 1 0 19 140 13 .5 7 % UNDER-19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst MENTONEAMATEURS 1 1 0 0 216 14 1542.66 1 1 0 0 78 17 458.82 AJAX OLD XAVERIANS (2) 1 1 0 0 193 56 344.64 MONASH BLUES 1 1 0 0 83 74 112.16 DE LA SALLE (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 ST KEVINS (2) 1 0 1 0 74 83 89 .16 OAKLEIGH 1 0 1 0 56 193 29 .02 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 1 0 1 0 17 78 21 .79 GLEN EIRAAFC 1 0 1 0 14 216 6,48

4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0

UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst % Pts RUPERTSWOOD 1 1 0 0 309 9 3433.33 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 1 0 0 148 32 462 .50 4 OLD PARADIANS 1 1 0 0 74 39 189 .74 4 OLD CAMBERWE LL 1 1 0 0 57 48 118.75 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 4 THERRY PENOLA OB 1 0 1 0 48 57 84 .21 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWEI 0 1 0 ' 39 74 52 .70 0 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 1 0 1 0 32 148 21 .62 0 AQUINAS 0 C 1 0 1 0 9 309 2 .91 0

W, PAT"PS(CN3813


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