The Amateur Footballer, Week 3, 2001

Page 1


r been Committee' ' > `1 it has fo the Reinstatement +Cotumittee an four} guidelines are in place for players , .(13asicaAy~~ for a~rmit under the permit e aho don't q lo : i have summarlaYersabe guidelin each whow~,ldeins havde p i ;~ I the number t to of play via the reinstatement process l,eir permi t o r,f diss season. : cr can transfer directly from AFL, VFL oran . If player has no prio r Gi . Pl st 1e equivalent to VFL . (Number s ;P,'~i,iiou he may choose any VAFA club ,, r~,nsrawtl - 12 ) sferring as above but who has a tran he previously played for a team of Gl (Part 2)• Player that p ri or ~iliation, in .~}~A elub before playing AFL/VFI football,

WITNESSES ATTENDIN G TRIBUNALS Clubs failing to ensure PHIL STEVENS that witnesses to a CHIEF EXECUTIVE report (the player not OFFICER a reported) attend tribunal risk having these players suspended for non . The only advice given that a report will not be attendance heard will be given by Tribunal when ° ~i P~escribed Anderson who will onl y penalty has been granted .

~~ club hehasaP p1ay~~o~ygotothe . (,,,umbers reinstated - 9) with Se tember 30 .~ver who has not reached age 23 by p G2, A pi . (Numbers reinstated - 9)

>ri00 is eligible to be reinstated . ~1 player who wishes to transfer from interstate or the G3 elived in instated e~opolitanLSev or„ u~ as long as e~$ Numbers r :lhourne since ag rtc h~t has ha d

~d~ tt is important to realise that where an apP~ ation he can only apply that li a prior affi guideline - although he may fit another guideline he is . It is of ;squaliffed from using that particular guideline d ,pal importance that all registration under other guidelines,

c that all applicants, -F11 Ym p0 NOT have e a prior affiliation (as defined) with another tuh of th Association to whom he wishes to gain a rcinsiatement. sYNDAL TALLY H O Great response to the plight of this club who had their . Donations are so hune" destroyed by fire a week ago . ntnnerous that to single out a few here would not be fair A full display will be allocated in next week's "Amateur to play a t Frx,tballer" . The club has decided (president) still welcomes Peter Kostakos ,round and contacted on donations (Money or goods) and he can be 0401 754 165 .

GROUNDS president Evans reports about the appalling condition ofs last week (cricketers' run up area the Ajax ground . Clubs must one sure th at the making ground unsafe) filled in and any Ground Inspection Sheets. To areplay and then have a player areas reported to the VAFA environment s serioboth usly clubs open t legal action . leaves ae & C-D4 SQUADS NAME D The squads for the matches against WAAFL (June 3) and e training elsewhere in today's AJFootOballer} and commeen this weekend . FINAL SIREPi SCORE S scmr'(e Nsahaving Ono Just a reminder related to all final5 pm be y 3319/2471 b phoned to 9528and pm has passed scores haven't been phoned (for d whatever reason) the VAFA must be immediately contacte 83331with these scores (9531


~~~~ . . . ... . 1.ooking Sack . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. yl

,4,-t week's Piatehes . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . ..62 ... . . ..25 Coaches Clipboard- . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

... . .. . . . .. . . . . ... Elsternu^ick Park Draw . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .31 Today's Umpires . .. . . . . . . . .62

. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... Tribunal r'Invest igati°n . . . . . . . .- 33 . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1` or the Love of the Ga}ne E34 . . . . . . .. . . . Senior Lad den. . . . .. . . . . .

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: $2.00 Mav 5th, 2001 Price


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A TI Phil Stevens

Good afternoon football followers . No you haven't accidentally turned to page 1, but you are reading the A section column today prepared by Phil Stevens and not our regular Jason Frenkel . Sadly Jason had a death in the family and was not able to Me his column on time, so Stevens has been called off the interchange bench. Beautiful sunny conditions and softer grounds were a real treat for players last week following the atrocious conditions which marked the opening of the VAFA season the previous week . Round two review . A draw in a match always leaves that bitter sweet feeling in one's mouth - are we happy we didn't lose or are we disappointed we didn't win? University Blues and Old Brighton would have felt these emotions last Saturday in the first draw of the season . Scores were close all day with the three quarter time margin of 5 points being the biggest gap at the changes . Representative team vicecaptain Gil McLachlan built on his outstanding start to the season with another powerful performance . After an unexpected first round loss, St Kevins showed all the traits of a great side in turning around a bad first up effort by venturing out to St Bernards to hand out a 75 point thrashing to the home side . Almost unheard of that a side whips St Bernards on their own West Essendon patch, but when you see the name Marcus Dollman featuring as St Kevins' best player you know the team must have had a good day. When "on song' this marvellous ball winner brings so many other players into the play. Congratulations to Melbourne High on reversing their disappointing first round result with a convincing win over Ma zenod. Bamert (5 goals) and Pertzel (4 goals) have been stalwarts of MHSOB for many seasons and their efforts last Saturday saw them lead their side to victory.

Old Scotch were slow to start in their match against Marcellin but came home strongly against the impressive Eagles . It is to be assumed that the thrill of upsetting Old Xaverians in their round one match may have made Scotch think how easy will this season be . They showed their ability however by finishing very well when the game "had to be won". Old Trinity earned their first win of the season and stopped Old Xaverians opening their account at

Bulleen with a pretty impressive victory . Trinity will only get better in the week' s ahead as Lincoln Reynolds is due to retun Reynolds, a grandson of the Bombers "Kinl Richard (Dick Reynolds), was reinstated to 01 Melburnians last year and has to stand out uni 22 matches have been played by OM's since h reinstatement . Regular performers Ramsdel Phillips and Frost did well for OT's Preview St Bernards will be very keen to atone for the "unexpected" loss last weekend but meet an O1 Brighton team that is quick, plays the South Roa ground particularly well and is determined to mal its stay in A section this year not just a one ye< visit .

Ben Jordan will need to be at his best to match ti slippery Jackson, Gadsden and Lennox an d Nic Mitchell will need to convert most of h: possessions to goals for the boys from oi Essendon way to take the points. I find it hard I look past Old Brighton and expect them to win t a slender margin, certainly by no more than 1 points. St Kevins will be bubbling with confidence th weekend and take on Melbourne High in a Sunda fixture at Elsternwick Park . Elsternwick Park : one of St Kevins "home" venues (the other beir, Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham) and havir, trained at EP regularly should see them take tr points. No doubt the Unicorns will be buoyed t last weekend's win and will keep with St Kevins fc a good proportion of the game. I expect St Kevins I take out the points from between 20 and 35 point With Old Scotch's Luke Hawkins in scintillatir early season form one would expect an easy win fc the Cardinals against the winless Mazenod . Ti: Coates Hire Player of the Month has kicked 1 goals from his two outings so far and will need to 1 ,watched carefully in today's game . The importanc of gaining today's four points and the heac prospect of clearly sitting atop the A section laddi should see Scotch over the line by about 25 point Can Marcellin make it three losses in a row for 01 Xaverians, or will this be the weekend that tt giant of Amateur football will awakened from i slumber and notch a win? I suspect that this will t the case, as m any Old Xavs players are returnir from injuries (or are about to) and this injection,



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.lleut will make players lift their tempo . ~ ti a t 1 r~ Saying that the drive has left the Old Xavcrians~ but the desire to set an Amateur record 11otching seven consecutive A sectio n slups burns fiercely and I tip a big win for lzcd and Blacks today in the order of between 1() to 50 points . ;t- Saturday E lsternwick Park match is between t,Itiversity Blues and Old Trinity . Both sides have success alread y University Blues won at headquarters night ago so they will be feeling pretty goo d ,r,r,t z return to EP today . I think Blues will win . ;lb-alt 20 points . t,-rrllic to see that many sides are experiencing this year and as the year unfolds the battl e should be iU r o,e of the coveted final four places ; , to watch Crltill,

ul finally a"plug" for today's guest writer . I can be ;tc ucl on 1116 3AK previewing A section matches ~ ;ch Saturday with Ian Major and Simon Madden

1,5() pm and then again giving a ll scores at 5.40. North West FM on 1 I : 1so pr eview A section on I riclae evenings (7 pm) and can be heard "Under on a Sunday the Griller" on Southern FM mornir° at 9 .45 am.

0?d p rhhton - would like to congratulate Andrew Kryznwiak (150) and Jess White (50) on reaching milestones this week . "Kryza" has missed one game ~iuce starting back in '93 . Now at 32 he is still playing , nior football and has been a great participator both az nncl off the field. Jess started in the U 19's in '98 ;md has progressed to be a regular in the seniors . ti; k d luck today to you both .

NXIIiE CLUB LST WK TOTAL 11,w.kins Old Scotch 6 13 V', :»ucrtMHSOB 5 9 T I laney St Bernards 1 8 7 Mitchell Old Xaverians 3 A RESERVE 6 G;;lati Marcellin 2 6 Old Scotch 3 ~u 1on 6 E .Farthernides Old Scotch 4

TODAY'S MATCHES A Section Old Brighton v. St . Bernard s St . Kevins v. MHSOB at EP Sunday Mazenod v . Old Scotch Marcellin v. Old Xaverians University Blues v. Old Trinity at EP Saturday

A SECTION UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.2 6.7 7 .9 9.14 (68) 2.4 6.5 88 10.8 (68) OLD BRIGHTON University Blues : McEwin 3, Wilkie 2 . Sllmmon. Lowcock, Solly, Gates . Best : McLachlan, Royilhouse, McEw1n, Wllkie, Versteegen, Gates . Old Brighton: Gadsden 2. Brew, White, Kent . Perry, Krclvnniak, R'IacGNfrTay. Bristow, Pirric . MacGt➢hray, White . Nickas. Tyrants, Ewert, Lemmax. Umpires : Mark Gibson, Mark Jenkins (F) Bernie Hoare . Stephen Caple (G) ST. BERNARDS 3 .5 5 .6 8.9 9.12 (66) 12 .5 17.5 22 .9 (141) ST. KEVBVS 4.1 St . Bernards: McLaughlin 2, N . Mitchell 2 . Harvey, Jordan, D . Byrne, : Jordan, Wilkinson, Trewin, Joe Mount, A. Taylor, Podsiadly. Best Thomas, Taylor. St. Kevins : Gissing 4. Bowles 3, Curtis 3, Crohan 3 . Greenham 2, Mahoney 2, O'Connor 2, Callery, Garvey . Grinter . Best : M. Dolman, Gross. Hicks. O'Connor, J . Pangrazio, Kempto n Umpires: Robert Sneddon . John Miller (F) Tim Dornom (B) Dominic Napoh. Steve Leahy (G) MHSOB 6 .2 11.5 16.10 21 .13 (139) 2 .2 7.3 12 .5 13.6 (84) MAZENOD MHSOB: Bamert 5, Pertzel 4, Fairchild 2, Thompson 2 . Adcock 2. Santry. 2 Limbrtck . Patterson, Simpson, Krios . Best: Clowes . Svirskis . Fairchild, Pertzet. Thompson, Barnett. Ninzenod: : Hanley 3, Harrison 2, Lancaster 2, Dunne, Polan, Bayford, Fisher, Beard, Noble . Best: McIntyre. O'Donoghue . Dunn, Parry, Ryan, Hanl . Umpires: Stem McCarthy, Anthony Darren (F) Peter Teasdate. Tim Dodds (B) John Robinson. Kevin Septa (G) 0.1 5.2 8.3 14.5 (89) OLD SCOTCH 5 .5 7.6 9.12 11 .14 (80) MARCELLIN Old Scotch : Hawkins 6, Robinson 2 . McCarroll 2, Ratclilfe, Angus . Gnatt . M Parthenides . Best : MeCarroll, Hawkins, Holt, Shales. Angus. Kitchen . Marcellin: Johnston 2 . Treganowan 2 . Dinneen 2, Romania, Browne, Gartner. McMillan, 0'Flynn . Best: Hansen . Moran, Browne . Dinneen, Cox, Seabury . Umpires : Tim Sutcliffe, Peter Simpson (F) Santo Caruso, Rob Mutton (B) Craig Arnol, Vin Vesco t(G ) 10 .18 (78) OLD TRINITY 3.7 5.11 9.14 0.1 4 .3 6.5 10.8 (68) OLD SAVERIANS Old Trinity: Boyd 2 . Frost 2 . C. Phillips 2, Ramsden, Arrowsmith, Pawsey . Best : Frost, Arrowsmith, C . Phillips, Gorman. Dann, Ramsden . Old Xaverians : S. Mitchell 3. J . McDonnell, Baker, Blood . Clarke, Kay, Woodruff. Best: Ford, Woodruff. Blood, Kay . McDonald, Mitchell. Umpires: Cameron Stewart. Jamie Kvins (F) Jack Forsyth, Damien Causak (B) Bernie Jephson, Robert Parry (G ) A RESERVE UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.5 6.10 8 .12 11.14 (80) OLD BRIGHTON 0.3 0.4 0.4 1 .5(11) Uni Blues : M. Coleman 3, Davis 2, Chivers, Baker, Dowdle, Wilson, Coulloupas. Meade . Best : Team Effort . Old Brighton : Mandylaris . Best : Reid, Rickarby, Gtnnavin . Adamis, Paterson. Scott. 5.5 9.9 12.12 15.15 (105) ST. BERNARDS 1.2 2.7 3 .9 6 .10 (46) ST. gEVINS St.Bernard's : Osborne 5, Legudt 2 . Davis 2. Allis 1 . McKay I . D.Thonas 1. Meehan 1, Morgan I . Evans 1 . Best:Osborne,N .Smith. Meehan,A.Capfs.Nathan. Kane. St .Kevin's: Conlan I, D.Sheehy 1 . McCann 1 . M .Panagrazto 1, Nolan I . MeQuire 1 . Best: Game. R.Shcehy, GuIllaham, Leathani . B .Shelley. B.guirk. 1 .3 4 .5 4.7 6.8(44) MHSOB MAZENOD 4.5 7 .9 14.12 15.16 (106) . Danaher. Hawkes. Kelly, L.Taylor. . Mills 2, Robinson MHSOB : T.Wright 2 Osborne, Danaher . T .Wright . Fotiniotis 3, Quinn I, Nisbet 1, Mszenad: Heal 3 . Kalber 3, Foss 3 Hawkinsl . Best : Halvy . Forinlotis . Quinn, Krom, Rice, Grant OLD SCOTCH 5 .1 8.2 11 .5 14 .7 (91) 3 .2 4.10 5.12 8.16 (64) MARCELLIN . Parthenedls 4, D. Thomas 4, Simon 3 . AuJard I . Hooper Old Scotch: E 1, J. Crane 1 . Best : E . Parthenedis, Richardson. Hooper. Ashton, D. Thomas. Simon. h3arcellln : Godwin 2, Galati 2, Walker 2, O'Flyrm i, Wallis I . Best: N. Walker, Godwin, Cooper. Taylor. 0'Ftynn, Wilkinson. OLD TRINrrY 1.0 3.2 7 .2 10.4 (64) OLD XAVARIANS 4.4 5.8 9 .9 14.10 (94) Old Trinity: Hudson 4, S Van Der Venne 3, Power 2, Cameron . Best : T Cade, Donahoo, Clarke, Kenna, Robinson, Power . Old Xavariens: Meehan 3, S Johson 3 . B Healy 2 . Green . R Coughlan, St1Il . Hilbert . T Cougnlan. Freer. Best: DiIlan. J Healy, R Coughlan . S Johnson, Rush, Walsh. 3

It's still far too early to tell what's what after 2 rounds, however, the top 3 in pre-season flag betting haven't had the best of starts . A re-shuffle of the market looks Review li kely At EP on Saturday, Ol d pIy d ran out comfortable winners b 6 ts. A 5~~, and by p goal to none 2nd quarter by Y was enough to put a buffer between the two sides, and that was effectively the end of the bali game . Graves, Home and were gaod contributors for the wirnlers, whilst H d put in a solid game for Therry, Sullivan and Boyle unlaris travelled to Donva l the Challenger space shuttle to e in tackle t and what a win it was! Th e bookies had yet another great result, as trailin g at 3/4 time, the visitors kieked 2 .4 to 0.2 inthe ~y term Pi s to win by 9 pts

. It's very obvious that the youngsters from down south don't know how to lose, and it augers well for their aim to consolidate in B Section in 2001 . Nichoison, I'll and Kennedy were superb fo r the victors and Jongeblo~

Phan and Reidy were good for the losers . NOBs donned the white shorts as tbey squared up to Ormond at that great venue, E. E . Gunn, and took the money home when they won easily by 47 pts The contest was over at 1/2 time as the visitors were 39 pts in front, and the fat lady was belting out ballad after ballad . M. Barker (6 goals), Maplestou e and Amor were great Players for NO$s. 1 gam ()0 er Rmman, HarveY battled hard for Ormond. Robbins and Old Paradians made the trip to Malvern to tackle the out of sorts Be La Sa lle, but came away with no cigar, as the home team won comfortably by 49pts . DLS outscored the OPs in every quarter bar the second, and gave the visitors little chance to ge t a took in at any stage . Newcomers Brk3e Ha ll and the Youngster Harrison went well for DI.S . OPs were best served by Fellowes and the experienced heads of Hart and Szewczl & At EP on Sunday, the match of the round turned out to be a fizzer as Old Ivanhoe gave the weIl-fancied Old Meibu ;rnians a thumping by 55pts . After OMs kicked the lst goal in the 2nd quarter, OI booted the next 11, to give their opponents a football lesson . Toove yH~andR . Weddle had the ball on a string . Gol d RRutquincy, players for OMs were Rose and RobertsPreviw After getting burned in Rd 1, equilibrium feels like it been restored, and maybe fm back on track . 'S Unbeaten Old Haileybury (1/5) play their 3rd home game in a row when they welcome th e Whitefkiars (7/2). Mick Dwyer winless home would be lookin g another win today as to ra m Chameleons are Playing Y the 2000 B 5ection good, consistent footy so far this

year. Meanwhile, Greg Feutrs72 has been given a rude awakening to the 2001 season, and will be trying to turn i t around. The visitors' fortunes won't change today they" be 0-3 when they go down today by 28 pis. The surprise packets, Beaumaris (5/4), roll out the,I ri carpet to the shell-shocked Old Melburnians ~ game is a case of Jim s youth versu L~w em 'ยง ex~rienee, and will showourbeachsideusarealguidea s chside residents are going

. I haven't tipp, the home side yet . They're undefeated and praying tha don't jump on the bandwagon . Can't help myself and r Jumping on, so 121 plant the Kiss of Death on Beaum,, as my roughie of the round and tip a home win by 6 p1 Old Ivanhoe (I /7) and Ormond (5/ 1) face up to the p]r at CheJswortb Park . I was very impressed by GeM ShoIly's team last week and it appears the pre ,"as;

was wrong, causing a re-thnnIc in the flag be" .b Jackman came back to earth last week with a heavy Iu and his worries won't improve today either as his tea falis short again when the OI juggeruaut rolls on by ; Pts โ ข The flag favourites NOBs (1/4) face their current-d nemesis in Old Para (5/2) at B . It's beer tough last couple of Brunswick OPs . although gam for Frank DUMB against t last week's comfortable win will give the a lot of confidence Matt Ryan on the other hand, has had a good start to. the year and is in a bit of bother at 2 . Grab that shovel Frank, as today you will bury the past demons once and for all when you win we1l by 40p TberiY (7/4) .finaity get a game at home when I I3e La Sa (2/5) make the trip to Oak park . Wayne Fiarsnes will desperate to get a win on the board as p-2 is not the sL he would want Converseiy, Paul Cooper was seen dark g~s an Sunday after 'rel~lg Iast ~tur night following d their good win after an ordinary Rd There will be more cause for celebrations in store toni for the visitors as they prevail, but only just, by 14 pt, Magoos (4/9 ) Old Haiteybury OH by 20 pts, vs Whitehiars (7/4) Beaumans (I O/ 1) vs Old Ivlelbt .unians (I / 14)OMs by 65 pts . Old Ivanhoe (5/2) vs Ormond (4/13 ) Ormond by 32 pts. (6/I NOBS ) vs Old Paradians (1/8) OPs by 53 pis, Theny (I /2) DL5 by 18 pts,

vs De La Saile (6/4)

09~ cougratulates Roger "vc~',er" ?P*nmr. n Ormond loo games for his club . He spent his 101 .r <<~ with Hampton e United F ssing ir wher their before U pl9 Be& n


. Roger first played for Ormond in 1994 . Apart ) ( ")(I lici".1 a skillfiil onballer for the team, Roger is a caluable contributor off the field . He is famous ,r 11i Thursday night's "Doggers' Wheel" . Well done s (,~ ~,,t (,~n all at Ormond . (Go Dogga - BC GRRR!) . Old Paradians Congratulations from all of us to oa,rid Dipey who played his 150th game against De lst L 1(,irday. David is a product of the College, r l ;lati-Cd Unders, twos and finally 97 solid Seniod since 1992 . Well done David, we look forwar , to ncxt 150 . n,. .itulations also to 1%~1ark Ryan, B~a Galloway 4iid ,ylatt uzewczuk all who played their 50th game

the club last Saturday . All four players nl„lciiced their Amateur Football careers in the i,i) c ; 19 ranks . Thanks for your continued efforts ,


No rth old Boys - Michael Leigh plays his 150th mc for the club this weekend against Parade . ~tic hacl is following in the grand footsteps of his father . %v ho played over 200 games for the club . (am


CLUB LST WK TOTAL Old Ivanhoe 6 8 Therry Penola 0 6 Whitefriars 4 6 De La Salle 5 6 6 North Old Boys 6 B RESERVE S

Old Halleybury 5 Old Haileybury 5 Old Melburnians 2 De La Salle 6

TODAY'S MATCHES B Section Old Haileybury v. Whitefriars Beaumaris v. Old Melburnians Old Ivanhoe v. Ormon d North Old Boys v. Old Paradians Therry Penola v. De La Salle

B S'-C2TON 3.3 8 .6 12.8 14 .9 (93) OLD HAILEYBURY 3.3 3 .4 8.7 8 .9 (57) THERRY PENOLA Old Haileybury: Home 3, Bourke 3 . Armstrong 2, Byrns 2, Hoffmann. White, Harrop, Mason . Best: Graves, Ash Hilton, Home, Bell, Jencke. S. Langford-Jones. merry Penola: Nancarrow 3, Castakll, S. Bannister, Edwards, Christie, R. Bannister . Best : Holdstock . O'Sullivan, Boyle, Nanrarrow, Castaidt, EIDot .Umpirrs : Graeme Hunichen . Sharon Alger (F) Scott McKenzie, Justin Kramer (B) Grant Napper . Andrew Long (G) WHITEORS 5.6 7.7 11.10 11.12 (78) BEAUMARIS 3 .2 8.3 11 .5 13.9 (87) Whitefriam: Reidy 4, Phan 2, M . Power 2, M . Carbone . Glouchev, R . Pawlik. Best : Jongebloed, Phan. Campbell . M. Pov,xr, Reidy . Gtouchev. Beaumarls : Spence 2, M . Atkins 2. Porter 2 . Gibson 2 . Magee. Healy, Catlin, Edge, Deaton. White : Best: Nicholson . Boctor. M. Atkins, Tucker. Kennedy, Matultck . White : Umpir es: Mark Morrison . Richard Eastwood (F) Robert Dunstan, Paul Curtis (G) OLD NfELBURNIANS 3 .2 4 .2 4.4 7.4(46) OLD IVANHOE 2 .2 7.6 13.8 15 .11 (101) Old Meiburnians : McMullin 2, Mulquiney, Grant, Rose, Murphy, Hecker . Best: Mutquiney. Hecker, Treloar, Lovett, Murphy . Rose . Old Ivanhoe: Toovey 6. allender 3. J . Weddle 2, Hope, White. Branlgan. Low. Best: R. Weddle, Toovey, S . Tully. Dates, Hams, Bolzon . Umpires : Wayne Hinton . Jason McNiece (F) Brendan Corcoran. Andrew Rechtman (B) Craig Arnol, John Robinson (G ) 3.7 5.12 9.17 (71) ORMOND 0 .3 13 .8 18.11 (119) NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .2 10.4 . Miller, Smith, Wilson. Best: Robbins . Ormond: Grace 4, Delidlo. Martin Harvey, Wilson, Scanlon, Martin . McConville. North Old Boys: Barker 6. Sutherland 4 . Boyle 2 . Yandell 2, J . Barker 2, Collins, Collison . Maplestone. J. Barker. Amor. Colllsan. M. Barker, Sutherland. Umpires: Albie Flrley. Grant y?dardrop (F) Robert Seymour. Ross Richards (G) DE LA SALLE 6.5 8.7 13 .11 17 .14 (116) OLD PARADIANS 2.4 5 .7 6 .11 9 .13 (67) Be La Salle : Evans 5, Corin 5, Hall 2. Bride, S . Hyde, Buckley, Bonnici. Moral. Best: Evans. Elliott, P. Harrison . Hall . Brkic . Conn. Old Paradians: Collins 3 . Pratt 2. Stevens, S . Ciavola, Porteous, Fellowes . Best: Fellowes. Szetnczuk, Hart . Richardson, Digney, Swindon . Umpires: Rick Love, Neville Boyle B RESERV E 3.1 9.2 17 .3 21.5 (131) OLD HAILEYBURY TTiERRY PENOLA 4 .4 5.5 8 .6 11.11 (77) Old Haileybury: Efstathtou 5. Warnes 5. Somata 2, P. lang['ord-Jones 2 . B . Mitchell 2, Dimond 2. Johnston 1 . Fhilayson 1 . Biggs 1 . Best: Warnes . S. Rowlands. Somata, S. Saunders, P . Langford-Jones. B. Mitchell . Therry Penole: Sacco 4, Culph 2, S. Stella 2, J. Vaina 1, A. McMahon 1, T. Higns 1 . Best: Hallow. Swinden . Sacco . P. Garoni, M. Garont, Goodwin . W1ffPEFRIARS 6.3 8 .7 12 .10 16.13 (109) BEAUMARIS 4.0 5 .3 7.3 7.3 (45) Whitefrlars: Mika 4 . Jones 3, Vernal 2, Cahill 1, Reid 1, Heath 1, Fulton I . Johnson 1, Northey 1, Davis 1 . Best: Mika. Van Den Boom . Carrig. Fulton . Johnson. Reid .Beaumnrls: Ott 2, S. Blackly 2, Dew 1, Vancel, Cotter I . Best: Ott, S. Blackic, Vance . 13.10 (88) OLD MELBURNIANS 7 .7 10.9 12.9 OLD IVANHOE 0.0 4.0 9.3 11 .4 (70) Old MPlb *n ;ans: Ray 3, Tucker 2 . Ambler 2 . Tsiotras 2, Bryant 1, Washington 1 . Simpson 1, Kinsella 1 . Best: Waddell, Berry, Campbell . Murray, Sallabank, Ray. Old Ivanhoe : Macibaac 3, Tolley 2. Hawkes 2 . Pollock 1, Morris 1, Warry 1 . Perera 1 . Best: Shadbolt, Barker. Berry, Ploock, Morris, Warty . 8.0 11 .3 14.7 (91) ORMOND: 8 .0 NORTH OLD BOYS : 0.1 1.4 2 .6 5.9 (39) Ormond: Stewart 4, Courtney 2 . A. Russell 2, Casey 1, Brennan 1, Kurzel 1 . Everett 1 . Farrell 1 . Straughn 1 . Best: Dale . Courtney. Joy . Stew-art, Haines, Casey . North Old Boys: Goals : Goonan 2. Butcher. Mouse, Joyce 1 . Best: Barlow, Fttu43renee, C .Phyland, Hosking, Leigh. Morley . DE LA SALLE 2.0 3 .0 6.1 10.1 (61) OLD PARADIANS 6 .2 8.4 11.8 15.9 (99) De La Salle: Hall 6, MeKenzie . Thomas, Wise, S . Hoy. Best: McKenzie, Hall. ManNx. Thomas, Shaw, Hesse . Old Paradl®ns: O'Farrell 4, B. Smith 2 . Finlay, Lombardi, Seckold . Murray. Harris. Dintinosante . Gallaway. O'Flattery, Ryan . Best: K. Jenkins, Seckold, Farrell . Zappar. Ryan, D . Jenkins. 7

B Section BEAUMARIS Coach: Jim Duma n Res Coach : Rod McNab 1 P. Brook 2 L . Gibson 3 J . Magee

DE LA SALLE Coach: Paul Cooper Asst. : Paul O'Dwyer Res : Damian Carroll 1 L Walker 2 R Buckley 2R M Mercuri

OLD BOYS Coach : Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : Mark Robinson



2. D . Keenan 3. A .Trimboli 4. S .Sleep

Coach : M ick Dwyer Coach : Gerard Sholly Res. Coach : Andrew Bonvrick Asst. Coach : Paul Fah ey Res . Coach: Noel Spoor 1 . C . Home 1 A .Oate s 2 . D . Connell 2 L.Lochran 3 . R . Kejna (DVC 3 C .Allende r

4 A . Pratt

3 B Corin

5. B .Devine

4 . S. Langford-Jones

4 B .Davis

4 J. Black (VC) 5 M . Ensor 6 L . Buller 7 D . Foley 8 A. Spence 8 M. O'Brien 9 B. Nicholson (DVC) 10 A. O'Brien 11 M. Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D. Whitaker 14 T. Coliins 14 D. Dew

4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Harbor 7 P Harrison 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland (VC)

5. D .Skene 6. N .Vogels 7. P.Booth 8 . B.Collison 9 . H . Maplestone 10. M .Nulty 11 . R . Morley 12. S.Lock 13. THalpin 14. D .Kingham 16. D .Collins 17. J. Fitzclarence 18. C .Murray 19. P.O'Farrell

5 . J. Bourke 6. A. White 7. Adam Hilton (C) 8. R . George 9. S. Rowlands 10 . C . Efstathiou 11 . M. Graves 12 . P. Dimond 13 . B. Harrop 14 . A. Forsyth 15 . A. Saunders 16 . P. O'Donnell 17 . Ash Hilton 18 . C. Jayaskera

5 TYoun g 6 D .Spiden 7 E .McWillia m 8 T.Stevens (RC ) 9 M .Karayanni s 10 M . Crowle y 11 S.Tull y 12 C .Branigan 13 C .Barker 14 K.Theodoss i 15 L .Bolzo n 16 M.Wood s 17 A.Corcora n 18 J .Hope (VC)

15 A. Edge

17 A Elliott

20. J.Sutherland

19 . M . Armstrong

21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23. D . Coonan 24 . J.Barker 25 . G .Phyland 26. S.Smith 27. W .McTaggart 28 . D.Joyce 29 . D. Visser 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M .Carney 36 . D.Tonkin 37 . S.Mikunda 39 . C. Siotos 38 . M .Amor 40 . C.Phyland 41 . N. Tonkin 42 . A. Kennedy 43 . D.Zacek 44 . M .Drum 45 . B .Speed 46 . P.Daniels 47 . J .Barlow 48 . N. Sanders 49 . N. Goonan 50 . T.Drum 53 . S . Butcher 54. C. Hosking 57. C. Hosking 58. D. Ada 60. A . MacDonald 61 . F.Lynch 67. M . Allouche 68. P. Bryar 77. S .Trenton

20 . J . Wright 21 . A. Jenke 22 . D. Mason 23 . M . Seccull 24 . A . Ross 25 . B . Johnston 26 . J . Bell 27 . R. Brandham 28 . S . Walden (VC) 29 . B . Carson 30 . D. Warnes 31 . D. Lay 32 . B . Mitchell 33. P. Wright 34. P. Langford-Jones 35. D . Lappage 36. B . Lay 37. G. Flecther 38. L. Floyd 39. D . Emerson 40. S . Davey 41 . S . Saunders 42 A . Waxman 43. C . Pountney 44. M . Wray (RVC) 45. T. Hilton 46. A . McMahon 47. R . Mitchell 48. C . Moyle 49. G . Finlayson 50. M . Corderoy 51 . P. Gebka 52. N . Biggs 53. L . Curtain 54. S. Osborne 55 . L . Byrns 56. M. Anderson 57. W. Mackenzie 58 . A. Floyd 59 . M. Corderoy 60 . M. Somaia 61 . P. van Wyk

16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 17 S . Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A. Low 20 L. Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L. Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt (C) 23 A . Catlin 24 B .Gray 25 M . Smith 26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 S . Blackie 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulick 33 G. Jury 34 S . Mitchell 35 N . Boctor 36 R . Deaton 36 A. Blackie 37 D . Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N . Conlan 42 J . Gerrand 44 H . Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 L. Dermott 48 T. Arendararcikas

18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 28 N Harber 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici(VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 51 M Shaw 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan

19 D .Warry 20 D .Hawkes 21 R .Robert s 22 P.Donaldson 23 A.Bareza 24 G . Haro s 25 A.White 26 P.Lilli s 27 J .Weddl e 28 S .Morri s 29 R.Weddle (C) 30 A.Gilbert 31 T.Perer a 32 A.Gooley 33 N.Prat t 34 A.Tieman 35 L.Mclean 36 M .Pollock 37 M .Berry 38 Ga Georg e 39 Ge Georg e 40 A .Gioll o 41 P.Malnoey 42 L.Courag e 43 L.Hunter 44 A .Karafil i 45 M .Toove y 46 M .Tolley 47 J .Wei r 48 B .Kolias 49 J .Risstro m 50 S .Brandt 51 B .Shadbol t 52 P.Armstrong 53 S .Pric e 54 B .Guidera 55 N .Miller 56 S .Asto n 57 S. Ford 58 G .Mclsaa c 59 B.Spoo r 60 D .Berne t Sponsored by : _L






W.G . Miles & Co Pty Ltd Spectrum Assuranc e Group Regency Pharmac y Zitech Compute r Peripheral s M ruc - nTCi .o cnnroni i co on



o,ch: Erwln Ley d flCS . GD ~h~ehnet LovejoY

Coach: Matt Rya n Res. Coach: Peter Slaclk


Fennett T~Aore (C) A Treloar td HaZeil L Bunn D Holme

c Thompson 1 Lovett


P. Pratt

2 P. O'Loughlin 2 B O'Flaherty(Res) 3 0. Steven s 4 A Curran 5 M Harford 5 D Jenkins 6 B Lethborg 7 P. Cosgriff

R Simpson T Roberts P Gallagher Hewett Shiele lrJnsella Rose Tucker ~,!i'ier T Frtzgeral d

R Mulqwney Guest BDYd V,,- ddell 1 Bsrr y

L Holcombe P Thomas Kennedy Washington Mulligan ,:, aMulli n Sallabank 3 T Ambler F Y

8 A. Sinclair (DVC) 8 D Furze g J . Collins 9 R Murphy 10 P. Brabender (VC) 10 S Ciavola 11 A . Burns 11 1 Smith 12 J M Swindon 12 B Holmes 13 B Galloway 14 B . Brabender 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 17 M Anderson 18 G . Porteous 18 S Fellowes 19 John Swindon 20 M .Szewczuk 20 P Harri s

22 C . Watson 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney

J Grant

Murray Bry ant U .eineV Wilhelm

eodore Farquharson

Bartlett Murphy Reason c Banks C Jenkin s ~ G TiotMs p.7 j Berry Righetti 3 Campbel l




B . aumont Hecker Gooley Hunt

Coach : Ian Jackman Res. Coach : Peter 0'Dea 1 . D . Mabbett 2, D. Beckett 3 . E . Fraser 4. A. Grace 6 . B. Turner 6. D . Whelan 7. S. Keleher (DVC) 8 . M . Miller (DVC) g. S . Grace 10. D . Scanlon 11 . D . Robbins 12 . B. Deledio 13 . B . Stone 14 . S . James 15. S. Naughto n 16 T. Stewart (RC) 17 . P. Joy 18. W. Block . Cleary 19 20 .' D M. McConvill (C) 21 . L. Wilso n 22 . R . Block 23. T. Ashford 24 . M . Abrahams 25. J. Dal e 26 . T. Harvey 27. 7. Brennan 28 . A . Moore 29 . N, Courtney 30. N . Wells 31 . H. Black 32 . R . Presse r

24 T Lombardi

25 A. Heffernan (C) 26 M .S. Geary 27 K.Jenkins 28 J Connelly 29 M Lloy d 30 B Richardson 30 B Finlay

33 D Loney 34 B . Galloway 35 S Simpson RC) 39 D Loney 40 C. Seckold 44 D McKay 46 P Zappa 47 N Bal l 57 B. Dintinosant e


49 . S. Metz 50 . M . Heffernan 51 . A. Russell 52. G . Hal l 53 . G . Hammond 54. M. Wilson 55, J . Putz 56. M . Farrel l 57 . M . Broadhurst 58 . B . Smith 60 . G . Ritchie 61 . K. Anderso n

62 . D . Casey



7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 11 Hutchinson J 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Loughran T 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 22 Griggs S 24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 27 Stevens B 28 O'Kearney M 29 Dorian P 30 7adinac M 31 Hollow S

32 Sacco J

33 LaFontaine N 34 Fitzpatrick B 35 Villani S

47. T. Costello-Manning 48 . L. Murphy

59. P. Kostanty



5 Sacco J

34 . R . Remman (VC) 35. G. Bailey 36 . J . Monaghan 37 . A. Guzzo 38 . S . Herrmann 39 . M. Ferrari 40 . S . Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42. C . Keleher 43 . L: Smith 44, M. Mabbett 45. J . Bridges 46 . C . Cleary

~ ~ rl


63 . A. Kurzel 64. A . Strauch 65 . L. Russell 66. C . Everett 67 . R . Martin 68. S. Haines 69 . N . Tassell

W HRTEFR4ARS coach: Greg Peutrit l e Res Coach : Andy Dalrympl

1 Petrevski M 2 Finnigan M 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M

33 M . Collin s

J Weir T Burdeu B Pei d J

Coach :lNayne Harme s s Res. Coach: Brendan Smale

36 O'Shea T

37 Castaldi D 38 Nancharow M 39 Boyle S 40 Garoni P 41 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 Warren M 44 Van Engelen J 45 Carter M 47 Goodwin D 48 Courts G 49 Whykes B 50 Mills A

51 Candiloro D 52 Goodwin R 53 Kerr R 54 Christofoli M 55 Garoni M 57 Weston D 61 Scuilli B 66 Culph M 68 Swinden A 70 Kilpatrick A 71 Lyons B 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 87 Jones P 88 Van Engelen D 91 Thompson G 95 Hill M 96 Reddan S 97 Goodwin S 100 Loiudice J i11 Baron 0

1 . R Pasqualotto 3. M. Carbone 5 . B . Phan 6. M . Robinson 8 A. Davis 9 C Maguire 10 A. Pawiik 11 R . Reidy 12 R Pawlik 13 7 Hughes 14 M Duffy 15 P Campbell 17 A Carbone 19 7 Hilton 21 K Kennedy 23 D Reid 24 R Mika 26 C Ryan 27 M Northey 28 C . Eames 29 A . Glenn 30. M Power 33 . M Verna l 34 . D . Gloufchev 35 . C . Law 36 . D. Nolan 38 C Carrigg 39. M .Winterburn 41 . C O'Connor 43. N Elliott 44 . B. O'Connor 46, G.Johnson 48 . J .7reyvaud 52. P. Haseler 53. C.Wood 54. S.Gillan 55. S.War d 56 . R .Murray 58. J .Gibbins 59 . S.Clifford 60. D .Eames

'Wis'l, i-iy tippin g goai :ic ;cing ability of and ., Holt, weeks to go maybe soon .

pod as the (--), Tony (6), Adam (5). Still 1 6 get up to that level

In a closely fought out contest with 2 goals the major advantage b tween the sides Caulfield's inaccuracy and itch a aning coaching move cost the G:,, victory over a more determined . They certainly silenced 4. was their critics did :~...c . Br-.ei inspirational C". d T as was Jasc - in his 100th game "h 速 . .: 2y . e 5 a totally , -led bonus f victors, who were also well ser in by r and Brett Well the Dons certainly s ': the world on fire with a 7 goal first quarter blitz that totally unsettled the Rovers . Playing catch up footy is hard but with sheer determination this is what the Hampton side did to be within striking distance at the final break . They finally hit the front late in the final term and were able to withstand a late push by Old Essendon to record a most important victory. Better players for the Rovers were first gamer Carr along with the Ho : hers and Wood. I believe McPherson and En ;: on were pretty damaging for the vanquished .

The made the score a bit more respectable with a great last quarter, but really suffered from a lack of el-. the back half. Obviously ' a tiverre terrific up forward for me Tige: - , evergreen Timmy Beasley and while OTvI'S would have been obliterare wasn't for the efoorts of their 2 vet and Acre man .

The boys from Glen Eira want the stevvard ; called in as they normally struggle out a B n . Disappointed by the loss last wee p and then shocked by the Bulls kicking the firsi goal within 30 seconds they thought here we gc again but the boys led by the onballer ; gradually worked their way on top to come < ati with a handy victory . Better players were Ryan, Gilmore, Massis (the guns) and _ No news from the Bulls Stewie must have ~r. away. ----`1_ W

A pretty dismal 2/5 last week . Hopeftilly this will improve as you the sides start to become more consistent.

Ajax and Gs what a great battle this promises to be . Both sides were good last week, Collegians had a couple of sleepy periods tha could have proved costly so they will need . Ajax still have a few players to comtwachis e back into their side and will be full of confidence after last -week, and I think they will win today . There you go Ti-mmy there is your motivation again .

Most impressed with 0. ". They had the game sown up at half time with a 9-2 goal lead . A dominant ruckman in young Cottom backed up by capable onballers and potent forwards in Brock Mooney and Rick Schober made life pretty tough for the Two Blues . They rallied after the main interval and with a bit of luck with their goalkicking could have been much closer early in the last stanza before the Lions steadied to record a pretty comfortable victory. Prahran were well served by Aaron Rhodi and Travis St Clain And we all wish -- " v . veteran and semi legend Anthony Ga ' , a speedy recovery from his broken leg an injury that will probably end a great career . (Good Luck Cowboy - Tom) .

Norm Goss an d rs lock swords albiet on different sides now. ton g:eavers yet to put a foot wrong C a slight stumble last,- ,rrornises plenty this one and I'm sure that's .t'.;= what it will produce . Tough nuts crack at home the Grammarians, bu tile Rovers are good enough to do it and I'm sure they will .

The Tigers set up there victory by getting off to a good start and then cemented it with a 10 goal avalanche during the championship quarter.

The long trek out to Tear- P ark will be full of anticipation for the Tigers this is the first big test. The Dons will be rueing the one they threva

The next couple of games are big tests as t wher these four sides are at so early in th e season.

territoryi),t~cI and~ ds I ttllink they will but i to ~,,,ke ~ le as . the Tigers wi ll not t .u'ac struggl e ~,~il hr a lit effort. ; iLllaut an almighty O %' will, colidcnce I thin k Mentonians at o~tt' mi ;ht just have enough side who at this h ~rt~C £1 BtllleCn-TCffi . To do this seem to be struggling rl~~ just l~ ;lt tj'c young guys of the Tonners need to ~t( to back tlp Adam . Drew and Tony . faith and go with Prahran one more con only they have lencc . They are better than what far not too sure what is wrong, but I lo % - wiIl lift, and they wi ll need to as th e sain e~ i?re pretty handy and will certainly b e , ;,,, o ~uue for most of the day . But the home t,,,cl advantage and a possible surprise ,, , iou sways me Prahran's way. Mangoplah ,,,,,,};,)I-inda-United looks good Michael . SS C ORRESPONDENT' S lc Li 5t; Bulleen-Templestowe an d Old :,c•,Idon 1 0 geicing better . Let's hear from you others ccll the numbers are 9-553 1561 home o r tiu mobile is 0412 213 541 or drop me an to?, r3Mc° p .au

~on't forget your nominations for the Coates ~rc Phccr of the week either .

SENIORS LST WK TOTAL CLUB St Bedes 10 15 Old Mentonians 5 8 Old Mentonians 6 8 8 Bulleen Temp 3

C RESERVE Hampton Rovers 3 Caulfield 3 Old Essendon 0 Bulleen Temp 4 3 St Bedes

TODAY'S MATCHES, C Section Collegians v. AJAX Caulfield Gr. v. Hampton Rover s Old Essendon v. St . Bedes Ment Tigers Old Mentonians v. Bulleen-Templestowe Prahran v. Glen Eira

C P$AHR.11{ AMATEM 1.3 - 2.5 6.9 6.14 (50) 42 9.7 9 .10 13.15 (93) COIdm'._NS Prnhran: Smyth 2 . Pang 1, Pitts 1, Beattie 1 . Bea I . Best: Beattk. Rhodes. St Clair. McClintock . Taseff. Pitts . • Mooney 4, Unsrw+th 2. Scimher 2, E . Waters I . Hosking 1, P . Davis 1 . Pollock 1. Va.~delds I . Connie, Unsv.roRh. Hosldng. P. Davis, Mootr .y. J o h n s o n umpires: Leah Gallagher, Luke Monatetl(FI3 .4 7.7 10.8 (68) 23 AIAg: CAUiFTE1D GR. 22 5.4 8.7 9.11 (65) AJAR: Davis 5, J . Dukes 2. Konsky 1 . Halphen 1 . Klein I . Best: Davis, J . Dukes, Feldman . weisler, Duzenman. Haiphen. C=MeU- Pearce 2, Penn}vukk I . Liddell 1 . G . Harrison 1, Will 1 . Margerison 1, Rosman i . Syrunan 1. Best G. Harrison. KnigJv . Brohie'. R Buchanan. Will. a S y n m Umpires: Rob Maystan, Max Wittmann (F). Joel MasUt. Klrsty Pay (B) . Clive Shipley, Peter Haddocks (G) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 7.1 12.2 17.5 (107) 4.3 9.4 13.9 14 .10 (94) OLD ESSENDON Hamptm Roves: B . Holt 5. Busby 4, Scarlett 3, R Dunball, Drew firu4ason. L. Holt. Boyd, Bnidar Best- Calr . L. Holt. WOOds, B .Ho3,t6 Browne, Martym0i1 Emeeldem Narim (?)1. Lutterseiunkit 3 . Fleming 2 . Leask Best: Jinks, Healy, Evans, Wollington, DeBlasl, Kavanagh . ltmpQes: Geoff Curran, Damian Lane (F) Ken Coughlln . Ken PltchuiG) 7.8 12.13 23 .15 25.18 (168) ST gEQES MENTOM 2.1 7.2 10.6 16.9 (105) OLD MENTGNIANS St Bedes Mentont Kmgv :ell 10, SraIld16. Hayes, 2. Wink M 2.- 2, Pvgnton 2. Mannlc Best: tv'mtle M. Kin{,nwm.ll. McCraw, ScaHdi . Poyrtton. Beasley.

ON bleatordans: Bournon 6, Ackerman 5. Ferguson 2. Vick 2, McKay.

Best: Bournon, Acerman, Palmer . Kuramoto Z. Mullin. Twent}Rnan . Offi • Matt Cae . Craig Braltlerg (FL Daniel Btaclanare (B) . Les MavTapoulos tc) Tg .€ FE 4.2 7.4 8.5 10. 7[67) BULLEE 52 12.6 17.9 19.10 (124) N GLEN ERA Temp:RW311iamms3 .Md.aren. 'ttiloC .'h.Darby, Tehan.Burrkige, Hare.D.Matthews . Best: RWNiams Chhm.Panw. Tehan Robertson. TMattlnws. Glen Eirm-GLmcre 4,vanna}Ps 4, Ryan 3. King 2.Comniffford 2 . iviassis 2 . Shcedy, Russo . Best Ryan . Astapenko. Commrrfbrd King . Gffinae . Massis Bulleca Temp Goal Kicking R.W311tams 8. Um ' • Peter James . Andrea nivi-ailes (F ) C RESERVE 5.2 6.3 9.7(61) 1.1 52 5.4 7.6 8.8 (5Q COLLEGIANS 2, Dukk 2, Fraser 2 . Aitken 2, Whidrtdb0e 2 . Best : Fraser, . Aitken . Perkins. • R. Moir 2 . Krothis 2, D. Smith 1 . Greens 1, Deleting I . Baxter I . Best: Harding, Doldltng A . Farr. Wiseman . Ashley Farr . Farley. 6.5 7.6(48) AJAX 2.1 4.4 CAUykIEtD GR . 1 .4 4.10 7.10 12.13 (85) MAX: Czansy 1, Buckley 1 . Zeach 1 . singer 2. Flamm 1 . Kalb I . Best: Lelkovic. Coldficin. Rttterma[t Sheu.el . Buckley. Lu. Caulfield, Cutler 3. Deal 3, Courts 2 . DatWOOd 2 Cramp1torri 2 . Best- Anders= Jacobs, Evans . Richardson . Deal. Ash 4 .3 7.8 9.10 13.11 (89) HAMPTON ROVERS 28 4.5 82 11 .1298) OLD ESSENDON: Hanipton Rasss: P(rxa 3, Bulmer 3. Kelly 2 . Natoli 2, Ng. Lake. Nitschke. Best: Wlleeler, McGregor. David Anderson . Marshall . Kelly, Lake . ON E soeucloc : DaWw 4, Grigg, Cetin. Rush. Hunter, Mansflekl. Muir, McGoxan . Beak Daz}du. Burns . Chapman . Cetin. Rush. 7.0 11 .0 182 202 (122) ST BEDEg E 162 82 11(23) OLD MENTONLM 0.4 St Bedes Mruta= Napier 3. Rhoden 3 . Mess 3, Walsh 2, Mccd12 . Samya 2,Petratos 2, Feddersen . L'Huillier, Pater . Best : Porter. Recupero, Napier. L'Hulllier. Rhoden. Feddasrn Old Meatoalsas: Watson 2. Best Watson . Ltnford. McCloskey, MvKay . Mannix PIE 4.1 9.3 10 .8 14.10 (94) 7.5(47) GLEN EII2A 3.3 4.3 5.4 :P.1Volniz.a 5 .MclSaule 4 .Dashalou 2 .Humpluey Bullean 2, Mason. Best- Humphrey, Daskalan . Mason. D.Witl 1ams . C.Morlv¢is, B.Wolalzer. Glen Elm- Caruana 3, Dimou . Jones Rees, Cassar . Best- Zagne. W"a➢s,Casnr.Jorres . 11

,.~ ~_ ~.a Coach: I rk Sarau Res Coach : David Marks 1 N Gold (C) 2 J Ritterman

3 B Davis (DVC) 4 M Dudakov (VC) 5 M Reich 6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky 8 A Krongold 9 A Rosen 10 G Dukes

11 M Weisler 12 J Basist 13 A Freund 14 Y Rapaport 15 J Segal (VC) 16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukierman 19 M Halphen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Bock 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki

26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28 P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 N Israelsohn 31 M Barnett 32 D Janover 33 5 Boon 34 D Onas 35 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein 39 B Klein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein 43 M Measey 44 L Pyke 45 0 Flamm 46 J Feldman

47 S Czarny 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockman 51 J Jolson 52 A Lefkovic 53 M Segal 55 G Ben-Ahorn 60 J Wajnberg

Coach: Dean was Res Coach: Jonn Stanton

Coach: Dean Anderson Res Coach :Kornel Dachs I D . Rosman 2 B. Hall

2 A. Carver 3 C . Knight 3 S. Stevenson 4 M. Liddell 5 S. Kendall 5. M . Pennycuick 6 M . Harrison 6 N. Craven

7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Walsh g W. Bowes 10 A. Will (VC) 11 S . Amiet 12 -D. Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 J . Morvell 14 M . Green 15 A .Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G. Harrison 18 B . Baxter 18 P. Anderson

19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier (C) 22 T. Foster 22 M . Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 G. Lehner 25 G. Evans 26 S . Williams 26 S. Widjaja 27 R . Keown 27 J. Ryan 28 J. Jacobs 29 W. Brockett 30 D . Peterson 31 S. Craven 32 M. Cutler 33 C . McGrath 34 J. Margerison 35 S. Thompson 36 M. Cramphorn 37 M. Gurpinar 38 J. Restarick 39 J. Santiago 40 R . O'Neill 41 C . Nairn 42 D . Synman (DVC) 43 J. Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 D . Scott 46 R. Foote 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 49 J. Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 53 S . Krien

54 P. Faure 57 P. Farmer 60 P. Senior 62 B . Goddard 69 K. McDonal d


Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach : Gary Irvine

Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach : Phil Jones

1 J.Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B.Mooney 4 D. Atkinson 5 R. Henebery 5 D. Greeves 6 P.Davis 7 J .Farley 8 C. Unsworth 9 N.Harrison

1 M. Ryan 2 N . Astapenk o

10 S. Harding

12 B. Kin g

11 B. McKenzie 12 J Fry 13 T.Hartshome 14 R.Schober 15 L.Cottom 16 A.Fletcher 17 R. Hosking 18 C. Mollard 19 M . Davis 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C.Pollock

24 E .Waters 25 R .Muir 26 S . Woolley 27 T,Krotiris 28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 J . Rose 32 D . Thompson 33 M. Maxwell 34 A .Smith 35 Ashley Farr 36 G. Cooper 37 M. Opie 38 T. Marxs 39 N . Hart 40 A . Wiseman 41 N . Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis 43 M. White 44 A . Tarode 45 N . Lynch 46 D . Cooks 47 B.Lumb 48 B. Horsall 49 J. Waters 50 B. Jefferson 51 T. Donnelly 52 K .Jones 53 B. Grant 54 J. Haveraberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L .Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D . Smith 59 R . Sztar 60 D . Dowling

3 C . Massis

4 D . Cassa r 5 A. Tsirogianni s 6 J. Zagam e 7 S. Vamvaki s 8 P. Tsagliotis g G . Hayes Dewa r 10 G . Richards 13 G . Brown 14 M . Weilgos z 15 F. Buckley 16 S . Limnyo 17 A. Russ o 18 M . Dimachki 19 J . Thrusfiel d 20 A. Diamon d 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 B . Mascal i 25 P. Khazaal

26 C. Grey 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerfor d 29 A . Mill s 30 L. Pryde 31 T. Amberline 32 M . D'Zilv a 33 A . Sheedy 34 R . Oldham 35 J . Commerford 36 P. Slifka 37 M . Pinnige r 38 M . Lewin 39 G. Egan 40 K . Dimackh i 41 H . Walls 43 D . Psalia 4A S . Diamond 45 A . Caruana 46 M . Baraket

47 T. Evans 48 J . Haliwel l 49 M . Benton 50 P. Waked 52 A . Haines 53 S . Ree s 54 M . Migliorin i 55 L. McGraw 56 H . Reddy 57 S. Hal l 59 B. Stewart 60 S. Jankovi c 61 M. Tkocz 63 D . Dunlevi e 65 M. Dimou

61 D . Gambaro 62 S. Mui r 64 M . Gribbl e

71 M . Cassidy



A AA ATGI IR Fr )(1TRG11 FR'3rM1'.

OLD E : sc

. .

Coach: Chris Bye Res Coach : Steve Lyn 3 P Lutterschmidt


r ~-`ron ( C )

3 '

DJ-y ~rrson

vc) r-r

5 M Oznam 6 C Ridley 7 J Leask 8 J Herita e 9 J Good ge r 10 S Bryant 11 B Papa l 12 L Fleming 13 C Obliubek 14 S Evans 15 T DeBlasi 16 S McPherson 17 P Hexter 18 J Walker 19 E Healey 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rus h 23 J H ugh es 24 J Dazkiw 25 B Turner

26 S Fleming

27 D Barr 28 C Morga n 29 S Uebergang S Cetin

_ G C ;r r pg : i y r S H=`'

3~ T Williams

C,, S ;"V " ~, Da, ~..7 S :;TUS tVc) Nl e '

nar G S, -,- f : eld T ra~eua a ; d Anderson

D .F ai .•ndersen R B ;Imzr Pearson ,,a -It Hu rphrfes C gregor Cn- ;on G Fi_ilv Y ,_a, 1 n Jcnvs,one S7 ;.an ,1 i1 J,,,i ., _ ,,r D P,_ ~ifold .. '.1- F'~^nn K iu~r T, -"l rtruiT CI,

hr "~s Ian n

r C_;,, ds

E htt

Fit LTD.

, . '.




32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson 34 D Podger 35 L Kavanagh 36 S Dart 37 M Jinks 38 S Whitfield 39 M Burns 40 M Turne r 41 B Newbold 42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 T Cipolloni 45 P Barry 46 C Clues 47 D Hexte r 48 C Davies 49 A Hutchinson 50 T Grigg 51 P Hammon 52 S Howard 53 L Hadj 54 S Cramer 55 A Leask 56 W Conlan 57 G Steven 58 T Doubleday 59 J Dugga n 60 R Capidoferro 61 C Hammon 62 L Frazer 63 D Greasley 64 J Murray 65 C McCormack 66 A McGowan 67 R Wright 69 G Collins 70 S Muir 71 S Emerso n 72 G Walsh L Bertram S Brugaletta J Burke M Day K De Pasqu a le M Dragojlo S Grigg T Mansfield C Mites C Mrnjavac

S Roqers 0 Sa(ih

E Savage M Tasson e Ti y P Trleagus A Venuccio S Whitfield A Wuchatsch

OLD Ml : .-','

_ ..

. .

Coach : Sven Samild Res Coach: Jamie Winduss

. ~

1 A Acreman 2 C Twentyman 3 B Murphy (VC) 4 D Carrel 5 C Macka y 6 C Alexander 7 B Ferguson 8 N Maccquire 9 R Newton 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 R Ball 14 K Campbel l 15 J Costello 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 N Linford 18 T Bournon 19 A Palmer (VC ) 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drinan 22 D Horne 23 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J Winduss 25 W Ballantine 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 31 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrell 34 P Flaski s 35 T MacNish 36 D Alexander 37 M Francis 38 B Sherriff 39 T Riley 40 M Mannix 41 S Cozen s 42 S Bainbridge 43 M Lewes 44 L Sunter 45 M Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 B Ferguso n 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbod y 55 A O' Reilly R Harper

Coach: Tony F Res Coach : John Ross 1D . GALLAGHER 2• A. BEATTIE 3 . J. LANE 4 . P. QUICK 5 . H . PITTS 6. A. CORBOY 7. SA. PANG 8. I . HUNT 9. A. BUNNEiT 10 . B. HODGSON 11 . A. PITTS 12. M . BEER 13. B. MCCLINTOCK 14. M . EASTHAM 15. I . DENNIS 16. A. RHODES 17. D. HOWARTH 18. X . SMYTH 19. S . CAMPBELL 20. J . KELLOW 21 . G. PALEODIMOS 22. N . ROBERTS 23 . B . KAIROUZ 24 . T. FRASER 25 . T FREE 26. T. STCLAIR 27 . WP YE 28 . K . WALFORD 29 . W. TASEFF 30 . M. SCICLUNA 31 . J. BELCHER 32 . T. DUKIC 33 . C . HENSHALL 34 . L . NORMAN 35 . B. GELLIE 36 . J. KILLEEN 37 . E. WILDE 38 . M. WINDRIDGE 39 . A. GRAY 40 . T. MCADIE 41 . M . WARLAND 42 . R. TRAEGER 43 . P. HERRIDGE 44 . J . UPTON 45. M . VAGG 46 . M . VEAR 47. P. BUHNER 48. A. JAUNCEY 49. L. WOOD 50. N. GILL

58 K Widelski 59 M McCloskey 60 V Sciacca 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones (RC) 64 M Austin 65 M Pettrie 66 M Mackay 67 A Paterno 68 L Rul e 69 J Rule 70 S Grzbieta 71 M Watts 72 R Crowe 73 P Flavel

53. D. BALLARD 54. J . SCANLON 55. L. AITKEN 56. D. PERKIN S 57. P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62. S . RICE 63. R . MARRIOTT 64. J . KANOA 65. D . HANLON 66. N . WARREN 67. M. ERDIM 68. G . AMY 69. L . GORRINGE ~stl®® r- 1Ill ®a ; - loss 31 As! 1' i:attp tsibo .ar8

y{FAAus tralia Swan Hotel Richmond

ENT O " TIGER S Coach : Russell Bames Res Coa cch: 9'layne PAoss 1 P Wintle 2 L Wintle (C ) 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillie r 5 S Napie r 6 A Ryan 7 N Owen 8 J Cunningham 9 G Marinic 10 M Wintl e 12 J Kane 13 D Goodchild 14 A Connolly 15 T McCol l 16 A Hipwel l 17 M Selling s 18 T Gia uinta q 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DVC 21 P Fedderso n 22 D Poynton 24 T Beasle 25 D Samy ay 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwel l 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingha m 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 34 C Meye r 35 B Bilo 36 A Gang s i 37 M Connoll y VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M Georg e 40 B Beasley y 41 M Uberti 42 P Winterton 43 A Walstab 44 J Recupero 45 R Goul d 46 G Gomez 47 T Waters 48 A Scafid i 49 S Walsh 50 S Kid d 51 S Me yer 52 B Sessle r 53 L Porte r 54 M McCraw 55 P Russ o 56 J Cha p li n 57 M Lomagn o 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 62 R Bignel l 63 C Petrato s 64 M Scott 65 T Lam b 66 R Parsons 69 J Tomlinson 78 D Mos s

Tasman Liquor Orrong Hote l Colin Taranto Removals PFC Tabaret

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D1 SECTION by Barry Hickey CYAN PRES S

The Bears, the Hoes, the Two Blues, and the Blacks have a break on the rest of the Section. It'll be interesting to see how long they can maintain their well-deserved ascendency . At the other end, the Blues, the Bloods, and the Panthers must start winning soon to retain any hope of regaining touch with the leaders . There seems to be some debatable applications of the 'Order Off Rule popping up . I think it curious that a player who is sent from the field for 'the remainder of the game 7, can subsequently find himself reported for an offence to which a 2 Week prescribed penalty may apply. I thought 'remainder of the game' Order Offs only pertained to 'serious' offences, i .e., those to which a minimum 4 Weeks punishment refer. But then, I come from the days when we routinely threw recalcitrant umpires into the lake when playing at Nagambie! Times have changed I guess . Sad, really. Old Geelong went missing in the 2nd half against St Leos Emmaus, who dominated after tight Ist & 2nd terms . The Wandering Steve Buckle picked up quality possessions all round the ground, young Levy Moss did well on his wing, former forward, Daymon Bruce was an effective hackman, and Steve McCann had another good day in attack . Will Paul, Stinchcombe, Redin, & Couch played well for OGOs. Yarra Vall ey shocked Monash Blues, and I nearly committed the heinous crime of dropping my beer when told the result! The Bushrangers had their match-ups right, and gave a 100째'% application . Tim Hancock at FF and in the Ruck was outstanding for YVOB . Tim Fyffe won many hard balls in the middle, and Matty Laing was his busy self up forward. The Blues had a day they'd rather forget, and only Bomber O'Neill across HB flew the flag to effect .

Old Camberwell went down bravely to the in form Banyule, who gained a break in the 1st term, and, although the Wellers got to within 6 points in the last, were never headed . Nick Taylor (Well done young Nick!) starred on his wing for the Bears, with Adam Dooley, Jayson Egan, and Dave Witchell giving great support . David Mitchell was sensational in the ruck for Wells, Nigel Credlin & James Clyne were strong HBs, also, Anson Browniess was effective up forward. Old Carey's incredible turnover rate gave them no chance against an accomplished Ivanhoe Assumption . To their credit, the Panthers regrouped after an awful 1st Qtr, and made the Hoes go harder for the rest of the game, but the damage was done . The Hoes had good players everywhere but Sloan, Tucker, and Flynn still managed to stand out . Defenders Ash Ross, Ian Cohen, and Luke Battley worked hard all day for Old Carey.

Aquinas an d University Blacks went hammer and tongs all day, and once again Blacks had the grit to win a close one . This year, in such a tight competition, that attribute is priceless . Roberts, Schilling, Moody & Pekin earned the pundits' plaudits for Blacks . Blood's great forward, `Livo', was in top form, with Daniel Den Braber giving plenty of drive off his wing, and Cam Colliver likewise on the ball. TODAY'S GAMES

St Leos host Yaira Valley in a key game, which will be a spectators' heaven, weather permitting . The Bushrangers' confidence will be sky high after accounting for the Blues last week, but the Two Blues (Animals?) are on a mission as well, after such a positive start to their campaign . The home side will have a height and mass advantage, but YVOB's pace will worry everyone . The Two Blues experience could be the key, which, added to the Bennettswood factor, should see them take this one by 4/5 goals . Monash Blues meet Old Camberwell, with both sides anxious to notch up a win. This could be a danger game for the Blues who are settling down more slowly than they'd like, and the Wellers stretched Banyule last week, so they aren't far away from a win . I'll go for the Wells because of the potency of their forwards, who should have them 2/3 goals ahead at the close of a highly entertaining match . Banyule will make mincemeat of Old Carey if the Panthers repeat their turnover rate of last week, and it would be a major surprise if the Bears dropped this one . Old Carey have heaps of talent, but they are still bedding down, and their productivity is not up to the level required to trouble form sides like Banyule . The Bears by 5 goals. Ivanhoe-Assumption welcome University Blacks in another ripper contest . There was never much doubt that the Hoes would have a big say in this year's finals, and the Black and Whites have shown they've got what it takes with a narrow win over the hard to beat at home Bloods last week . These sides match up well, and the marking duels between the respective talls will be a feature of the day . Ivanhoe Park will be a big factor in the outcome, and Pll go with the Hoes by not much more than a kick .

Old Geelong takes on Aquinas at Como desperate tmakendsforhlpicentaoh2 d half last week; which will be matched by the Blood< determination to produce their first win for the year

bers from are t o n), :idctl ,~quinas t~ h, o val'dopow~ezdshould give them an njnrir~ . though this will probably be offset by OGG s iit, ~ ~ound advantage . Tll be squib an d on for a

,lt~riti ~

Resci.,,.e ; winners should be : St Leos, Wellers, Blacks, & Aquinas : 9818 1425 Ph + Cocsp°nd~''ts' th e contacts are . , hglic?ie;rv? f~ .ooal$.aah Deadline is with sometime Sunda y 2 () () Mondays, [C tiC(j .

() i 'l c~,rea resident 1w9, _t, played his (i ia p OtIlld 1 . A tovCer ol 9ffengUl DQtt7 on-netu an

ork as Vice President - Finance, We s

DI -'__ : 8.4 ( ' t) OLD GE ::7 7NG 3 .0 6.2 7.2 STL-yS 4 .7 6.10 2 .14 . Best: W.Pauh : Couch 3,Snllth 2 . Jones 1, Redin I, Stmns 1 Old Gerloag Stinchrome, Goldsworthy. Couch, Redin. Stevens. St Lao's: S.McCann 5, Henricus 3, McKenzie 2 . Manton 2, Buckle 1, PMcGloi n I, Nc'-, 1, Willis 1 . Best: Buckle, Moss . J.Hodder, Donoian, Manton . Bruce . Um£ : Dianne Whiteley. Dash Peirls (F) y -s ',sVFY 5.4 7 .8 11 .11 15.15 (106) 2.2 4 .6 7.9 10 .14 (74) '[ Mat S ley: Hancock 4 . Keern 3, Laing 3 . Stone 2, Potter 1, T. Fjd7e L J . ^mean 1 . Rest : Hancock, T. Fyffe . R. Coutts . Whitechurch, R. Drew, Blues : De Young 2. Thompson 2 . Farrar 1, Smith I : run I, Sereda 1, Webster I . Best : Newman, O'NeID.'::eY±= : r . : : • F Young. ul Dinneen, Alan Stubbs (F) -,L 2.2 5.3 6 .7

player in the Club's future . Joel Daniher , s stylish flanker, also plays his 50th in the r3old & Blue . A member of the 1998 Premiership ' ; cool, smooth dashes and penetratin g e a feature of the Panther's ,11 _ ' - Well done


'u 2, SnuC ( Itchell . Credlln. Ct},n(

,j i l

u_n : s- congratulates club stalwar Gic an : _, on reaching the significant mil one of 150 , ;,ni,_, it : round one this year. Craig has worked ^„r~,,, _ly bard in recent years to cement himself in the as an effective member of the defence, an d that he has achieved this, and in the proces s e apple of the coaches eye, is a tribute t o ' s_. -- iication and crawling capabilities. Given e - 2m in luck with respect to Injury, Craig can .ted to continue as a cornerstone of the ,c;,imas defence for many years to come ." 43 6.5 9 .7 11.8 (74 .2 6.4 8 .5 9.5(59))2 : Browning 3. BLr!r-°'' ~ . .., .• .e>ry 1, Cole 1, running 1 .

in Se ' St . Leos Emmaus v. Yarra Valley Monash Blues v. Old Camberwell Banyule v . Old Carey Ivanhoe Assumption v . University Blacks Old Geelong v . Aquinas

NA'11Z CLUB I Icnricus St Leos ~~tone Aquinas Th :anas Aquinas S . McCann St Leos () Connell B anyule D1 RESERVE I} , Pasquale University Blacks Tuii pone Old Camberwell

7 0 5 4


3 Iloe Yarra Valley St Leos 5 Ivanhoe 5

:t: H.McCartl .ry, FanL . nj, f : 3tcK an 5. Mitchell 1, Lear 1 . C ith, Aullso, Place, Hughan .


'4€ ?n_' 11ey : Keogh 3, Joiner 2, Potter 2, Martin 1, 1 Davies, C. Ross . Kerr, B. Drew. Keogh .

Mmash Blues : Drescher 3, Maiden 3, Campbell 1, Pe r Murehie 1, Teesdale 1 . Walsh I . Best: Feen pty. 1 v. n. Kamphuis, Herrman, Murchie. Campbell OLD , BRWEld, 2 .0 6.6 810 13 .12 (92) 9.5(59) gAPs'qULE 4 .3 4 .3 7 .4 C: Id cam c1L• Hallo 3 . Hillier 2, Mc Kenzie.J 2, Hills. Ryan. Kno,vles. Webb, Tempone .R . Mac Kenzie . Best: i'+ilLams.C . Mae Kenzie, Ryan . Brauer, ''c Kenzie.J . Rowv. Hopgood 2, Gilliam 2, Ferrol . Mutton, Moran . Small, Sproules. Bassett. Hopgood, Gray.S. Smalls, Ferrol . 2.6 2.9 5.10 5.12 (42) 0 TVA .Td£iGE ON 6 .5 11.9 13.11 15.15 (105) .Gtannikos . Best : Mudge, Old c€arep:Chambrlairt 2. May, Williams . H Williams, lri,lkie. P.Graham, Nance, Sherr. hmnhoe A.saumptian : Joyce 5. Frew 3 . Shultz . Frisina 2, Toogood . McGu-v-,n, Shutt earth . Best: Peoples, Thackwray, Conley . Joyce. Shultz. Latnua-Alo. A P 2.1 5 .3 6 .4 8.6[54) 17 . .__YBLACKS 4.4 6.11 9.16 10.21 (81) s: Rouch2, limit 2, N., Moran I . ;.Rills 1, Robinson 1 . Noland 1 . i .-t: Bradshaw. Slattery. Chapman, Mills, Coghlan . Barrie . U€ .. . =ity Blacks : Healy 2, Nolan 1, Payton 1, Williams 1, Leech 3, Peck 2. 1 st Leech, Wilson, Paton, Thompson . Broad . Jones.

' . ".`~ I.G . Coach: Laurie Aghan Res. Coach: Howard Field

1 R . Mills 2 C . Thomas

6ANYUlE Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res Coach : Rohan Doherty 1 T Egan

2 D .Witchell

3 T. Vanderluis 5 M . Boland 6 D . Minogue 7 C. Glennie

3 4 5 6

S.Kayrooz M .Gilbert B.Wilmore W.Keenan

8 J . Jess

7 G .Shaw

9 T. Harkin

8 B.Cantwell

10 D. Boland

9 J .Plant

11 M . Barmby 12 A. Bethune

10 B.Moxin 11 S.Cross

13 D . Denbraber

12 J .Egan

14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams

13 C .Burke 14 B.Woodlock

16 J . Hunt

15 S .Gray

17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pares 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 R. Weeks 27 S. Jones 29 N. Davies 30 C. Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 G . Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 L. Sheffield 40 A. Cultrera 41 C. Bambury 42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G . Coyle 46 M . Hope 47 N. Moran 48 R. Register 49 P. Poynton 52 M . Corrie 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 J . Harrington 59 A. Bentley 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barrie 64 T. Robinson 68 J . Coglan 71 G . Evans 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay

16 A.Dooley 17 T.Chapman 18 J .Turnbull 19 P.Witchell 20 S.Playfair 21 R .Dintinosante 22 N .Taylor 23 S.Gray 24 C .Wilks 25 L.Martin 26 H .McDermott 27 P.Healy 28 D .Sproules 29 R .Kreskas 30 D .Mutton 31 C .Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A .Plant 34 C .Stevens 35 L.O'Connell 36 M .George 37 T.Thompson 38 G . .Bell 39 A.Hopgood 40 C .Taylor 41 M.Natoli 42 C .Taylor 43 L.Ferral 44 P.Williams 45 B.White 46 D .Nasrallah 47 D .Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A.Small 50 M .Smit h 51 L.Sheean 52 D .Noonan 53 K.Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D .Williams 56 P.Arnold 57 A.Covey 58 L.Hoft

:. UES


ASSUMPTION Coach: Brad Hall Res. Coach : Colin McDonald 1- S . Conley 2. M . Maud 3. C. Tucke r 4. T. O 'Neill

5. J . Scoble 6. T. Healy (DVC) 7. P. Fawley B. J . Shuttlesworth 9. E . Heal y 10 . P. Lee (VC) 11 . J . Finlayson

Coach: Dave Rogers Res Coach: I' rcus Spencer 1 S. Chapman

2 J. Baxter (VCR)

2 T Jame s

3 4 5 6

3 A Inkster 4 N Lippiatt 5 S Horskin s 6 A Seeley

L . Holloway G . Chessari D . Rogers M. Newman

7 P. Farrar 8 S. Thompson

g J. Godde 10 S. Webster(VC) 11 M. Spencer

12 G . Smyth 13 A. Herrman

12 . B . Finlayson 14 B. Merlin 13 . S . Narkiewicz (DVC) 16 B. Tatterson

14. P. Flynn (C) 15 . J . Curtin 16 . S . Smyth 17. S . Morris 18 . T. Scobie 19 . D. Wood 20 . P. Blocker 21 . L. Blackwood 22 . G . Raco 23 . D. Ryan 24 . B . Frew

26. M . Emerson 27. K. Smith 28. J . Pace 29. G . King 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D. McFarlane 32 . L. Pearce 33. S . McGowan 34 . B. Joyce 35. P. Whitehead 36. C. Zeegers

37. D. Todd 38. R . Peoples 39. M . Ebbage 40. P. Martin 41 . C. McDonald 43. G . Sullivan 44 . A. Pace 45. D . Fryer 46. M . Iacouangell 48. R . Toogood 49. A. Rosenfeld 51 . D . Pearce 52. S. Doherty 68. J . Mazocca

78. C . Brown 88. N. Dykes 99. G . Robertson

OLD e _ . . Coach : Jarred 0'Niell Res Coach : John Harvey 1 J McLean

17 P O'Neill 18 K. Hendratta 19 G . Gilbert 20 N . Sereda 21 C . Gregory 22 R . Kamphuis 23 G . Harry 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 B. Jondahl 27 N . De Young 28 J. Main 29 J. Ross 30 L . Creamer 31 S. Hawkins 32 B. Boyer 33 J. Smith (C) 34 P. Maiden 35 D . Murchie 36 A. Williams 37 M. Donnelly 38 R . Anderson 39 C .Burley 40 M . Bolton 42 S. Young 43 R . Feenaghty 44 D . Teesdale 45 R . Walsh(CR) 46 A . Ryan 47 S. Mentha 48 K . McIntyre 49 R . Burston 50 A . Clark 52 N . Moresi(VCR) 53 J. Peel 54 R . Green 55 I .McCormick 56 R . Reith 57 P. Munro 58 C . Strauss 59 B. Carstein 60 S . Lloyd 61 P. Campbell 62 B . Droscher 64 J. Sleiman 65 G. Polglase 66 N . Brennan 67 B . Ryan 68 M . Meehan

7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanso n R Kapoo r 13 L Gladma n

14 R Whitehea d 15 A Bryson 16 D Walke r

17 N Credli n 18 A Brownless 19 J O'Neill 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 B Tippe r 24 D Imberger 25 A Hardenberg 26 C William s 27 A Sheedy 29 D Goug h 30 R Perryman 31 R Heat h 32 J Clyn e 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 J Derry 36 S Derry 37 A Hillie r 38 T Hall o 39 A Hill s 40 L Cai n 41 L Ryan 42 A McKenzi e 43 S Collin s 44 S Smit h 45 G Ormsby 46 A Taylo r 47 T Kearne y 48 J Swan 49 J Hardman 50 B McKenzi e 51 J Owe n 52 E Noy 53 R Tempon e 54 A Margetts 55 J Gan 56 N Stevenson 57 A Hillie r 58 P Triantafyllou 59 M Butterworth 60 B Mcilwai n 61 J Parker 62 J Miles 64 M Knowles 65 N Saffa r 66 T Kearney 67 G Rowe 76 D Brauer 7 -7


69 P. Grabie l 71 J . Sondh u 75 S . Edquist



9857 8 0 61



7 AngUs . It Cohen 3 C . Esler ; A. Jackson 6 C . Cambel l R.

e D . Walsh g B. Birkip 10 K . Shrives 11 N . Everitt 2 L Battley 13 B . Hutchinson 1 C. Phillips 15 L Chamberlain 1C A. Graham 17 J , Daniher 18 C. Matthews 19 R Bardwell 20 J. Raft 21 R Leong 22 S. Vitali 23 T. Price 2, P. Unkles 25W. Mudge 2 6 D . Sher 27 N . Vas g P. Nance 29 S . Assimo

30 A . Guerra 31 O. Winchester 32 P. Graham 33 J . Mai 34 B. Giannakos 35 S. Hardy 36 D. Shutie 37 D. Palmer 38 I . Ccohen 39 P. Bennett 40 M. Hepple 41 A. Ggates 42 B. lisrael ~3 D . Williams 44 C . Battle 45 W. Mudge 46 H . Giannakos 4 7 H . Francis A . Payne 49 R. Bardwell 50 A Kent 51 P. Dalton 52 C. O'ReillY 53 B. Andrews 54 K Giannakos 55 A. Ross 6 D. Rouvray _ Y 57 C. Trevethen 58 J. Boncher 59 C. Mason 60 J. Ward

Coach: Jon Edgar Res Coach: Jim Paarson Club 18: Sean WBson 1 D .Salter 2 J .Nevins 4 C.Stinchcombe

5 TRedin 6 T.O'Brien 7 J. Paul 8 T.Seymour 9 J.Foley 10 J.Smith 11 L .Stevens 13 H . Mclnnes 14 D .Taylor 15 H .McCarth y 16 H .O' Brie n 18 C.Bird 19 P.Broadbent 20 S .Cole 21 S .Jones 22 J .Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jau gieti s 25 S.Whitehead 27 W.Paul 28 A Farrar 29 D .Bolton 31 D . Varley 32 J. Cook 33 B .Collins

34 M .Goldsworthy 35 H .Burbank 36 A .Opie 37 J .Fanning 39 A.Farnsworth 40 M .Avery 41 T.Carty 42 H .Browning 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B.Parnell 46 J. Fitzgerald 51 J.Kilpatrick 54 L .Heine 56 M .Leslie

ST LEOS EF,7 ..1,~US WATTLE ?ARR Coach: David Mil{er Res Coach : Jason Fennei 1 D. Dinicolanionio 2 J . Hodde r 3 E . Mi t ch e ll 4 A. Auliso 5 S . Buckle 6 D. Care y 7 A. Burgess 8 M . Volpi 9 D. Lear 9 A. Bethune 10 B. Mitchell 11 S. McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Hu han 12 A. Kre~s 14 J. Manton 15 A. O'Reilly 16 A . Rose 17 R . Parker 18 R . McCann 20 D. Bruce 21 G. Simmondson 22 S . Willis 23 P. Ristevski 24 A Hadda d 25 A. McKenzi e 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. Darc 30 M . Ottoe e 31 N. Zanni s32LPrice 33 L Moss 34 B. Henricus 35 R . Briggs 36 S. Savage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B. Vaughan 40 J . Zar 42 M. Flood 43 B . Levin s 44 M . Dimble 45 S . Ronchi 46 M . Blundell 47 M . Renner 48 A. Dal Y 49 C. Hathel d 50 P. Humphreys 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 A. Volpi 54 J, Fennell 55 S. Smith 56 D. Domik 57 M. Place 58 J. F eldsta d 59 D. F~itcher 60 C. McDonal d 61 S. Edwards 62 A. RaVnor 63 P. Nolan " 64 D. McKean 65 N . Foley 66 J . Blantho m 67 P. Farquhar 68 B . O'Connor 69 S . Mescher 70 D. McGloin 71 B . Allan 72 A. Burgdorf 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 p C,t,. Whif n 79 T. Tribe y 80 H . Meehan D . Behan 88 S. Pitcher 89 D . Winduss




Coach: Kane Bowden • Res Coach: James Trevaskls t G. Darroch 2 S. Chandler 3 W. Martin 4 M. Vauyhan 4 D. Wilkinson 5 R . Mackie 6 S . Smith 7 B . Cunningham 8 W. Pascoe 9 C. Pekin 10 N. Bowles 11 K. Bowden 12 M . Kohne 12 M . Cunningham 13 T. Jjessen 13 S. Locke 14 J. Leech 15 L Mailing s 16 P. Cacciavelli o 17 L . Brown 18 T. Wilson 19 C . Franklin 20 E. Hannan 21 C . Schilling 22 A. Nolan 23 S. Beaton 24 N . Wilson 25 T. Chatfield 26 J . Ryan 27 A . Clements 28 A . Costello 29 M . Staunton 30 J . Ralp h 31 B . Costello 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitchen 34 S. Moody 35 J. Mirtschin 36 H . Peck 37 N . Roberts 38 L . Beato n 39 R . Greig an 40 G. Sulliv 41 L Rawnsley 42 A . Gadd 43 C . Beaton 44 R . McArthur 45 M . Coleman 46 R. Board 47 BB . Murf phy f 48 A. Mo at 49 P. Greenbank 50 J . Healey 51 A. Neville 52 C. Schirmer 53 D. O'Keefe 54 M. Braszell 55 G . Thomso n 56 D . Walsh 57 K . Begley 58 A . Paton 59 Q. Toose 60 A . McCarthy 61 A . De Pasquali 62 F. Purcell 63 J . Weber 64 S . Dimond 65 J . Trevaskis 66 N. Howell 68 P. O'Beirne 69 C. Sandiford 70 S. Prince 71 M . Nihill 73 S. Mackie 75 W. Touzel 76 D . Batten 77 A . Evans 78 R . Owen 79 R . Drummond 80 M .Tehan 81 A . Dore 82 C. Baulch 83 T. Beggs B . Webe r 85 W. Da on 86 D. Cree k 87 A. Cowley 88 N. Abbott 89 M. Raffaele

Coach : Tim Kiltworth Res Coaeh: Brandan Davis 1 R Pearc e 2 T Morri s 3 R Thompson M F ung 4 5 A Dre w

6 D Howse 7 R Dre w 8 L Morri s

9 J Keem 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvea n 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysela 14 E Krus e 15 N Pask 16 L Taylo r 17 A Lain g 18 L Whit e 18 D Ross 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hal e 21 M Wine s 22 8 Dre w 23 C Arnold 24 M Davie s 25 F Pellagrin o 26 J Longworth 27 S Savage 28 B Re nold y s 29 R Coutt s r 30 D Potte 31 B Sturzake r 33 P Cremean 34 C Fraser 35 B Peak e 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morrison 39 J Tompkin s 40 T Fyffe 41 B Downs 42 A Ston e 43 H Par k 44 J H o 45 S Tresside r 46 D Irelan d 47 D Lan 9 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 50 C Box 51 C Reynolds 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pask 54 T Mcllrath 55 P Peterso n 56 T Lloyd 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joine r 60 C Ross 61 P Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurc h 64 M Bate 65 R Lang 66 D March 67 M Busch 71 M Lain g 73 T Lloy d 74 A Midland 76 J Dickso n 79 S Tressider

5`,'= -19> 3 President David Burnes congratulated Professor Keith Frearson who was named VAFA Personality of the Year at the PSM Dinner .

The flag had barely fluttered in the breeze at Toorak Park celebrating Xav's 95 success when De La Salle edged out last year's premiers 13 .8 (86) to 11 .11 (77) . Best were Crowe, Jackson, Brasher, Chun, Mannix, Waters (De La) and Dann. Ellis, Tucker, Hanneberry, Holmes (Old X .) . Old Scotch made it three in a row when they were far too strong after the first quarter for Ormond and won by 49 points, 16 .16 (112) to 9 .9 (63) . Best were Aujard, Hughes, Pritchard (5) Wilson, Hume (4) and Holt (O.S .) and Marnow, Connell, Presser, Turner (Orm) . The only bright spot on the day for the 'Monds was the celebration of Mark Gilmore's 200 games - tough, strong, and an enormous contributor to the club . A tight game at Kew (D) saw their match against Uni . Reds become a high scoring "spectacular" with the inaccurate home side (18 .19) drawing with Uni . Reds (20 .7) . best were Bruno, Porte (4), Gencarelli (3), (Kew) and Blizzard, Cook, Jackson (Uni . Reds) .

A' sections captains were Damien Toohey (De La), C. Belleville (Maz .), Chris McKenzie (Old Hail), Simon Steele (Old Scotch), Mark Hanneberry (Old X .), Brett Connell (Orm), Luke Gollant (St Bern). Who captained Collegians, Old Melburnians and Uni Blues? . St Kilda South Caulfield, 2 wins to their name, met the Rovers, one win out of two . The Rovers were well in control at half time 8 .11 to 4.5, and then the Saints really turned it on, kicking 14of the last 17 goals, to win 18.8 (116) to 11 .18 (84) . The Rovers inaccuracy didn't help. Best were McGaw, McGaw, Ryan (6), Gilmore, Presnell (St . K .S .C .) and Artz, Le Grand, Scarlett, Anderson (H .R.) . The game was umpired by Albie Firley and S . Meredith . The 'Battle of Brunswick' was a triumph for West Brunswick who were too strong all day with their rovers Gary Davies (4) and Peter Hamilton dominant - North were unlucky to have their rovers Grimaldi and Di Marco out with injury . Final scores were 17 .12 to 13 .8 . Best were Davis, Malone, Bargiamidis, Hamilton, Snythe, Osborne (W .B) and Boudoloh, Evans, Tirchett (NB) .




10 YEARS AG O 199 1 'D' section commentator, Peter Lemon, had a disastrous day in round 2, picking only one winner out of five, and thought that he'd revert to the alias he used some years ago "Seldum Wright" . 'A' captains for the season were James Bennett (Coll), Matt Getson (Marc), Simon Meehan (Old Hail), Andrew Wilts (Old Melb), Robert Fuller (Old Scotch), Simon Ramsay (Therry), John Kanis (Uni Blues), Mark Lowe (D e La Salle), Tony Egan (North Old Boys), Russell Barnes (Ormond) . Hampton Rovers saluted Dominic Devola on his 300 games. Dom's career started with the Under 19's back in 1974 . He has also won some fame in the club for operating the longest serving Pleasant Sunday morning venues around. In a high class game at Waverley Road, home team, De La, after trailing Marcellin for most of the day, were too strong in the last critical 10 minutes and went away to win 22 .14 to 19 .6 . Best were Mahony, Hegan, Toohey (De La), and Gallagher, Boysen (7 gls), Bourke (6 gls) (Marc). Parkside continued their good form in 'B' section when they led Old Xaverians all day and withstood an 8 goal burst from Old Xavs, in the final term. Frank Sansonetti with 8 .8 was Parkside's best player with Panjari, Sherlock and Griffiths also good players . Closest game for the day was at La Trobe where the home team came from 7 points down at last change to beat Old Geelong by 3 points . Best were Lierson, Wilson, Cummings (Lat) and M . Davis, J . Handbury. D. Ritchie (OG) . To quote from Umpires Corner, the game was umpired by the 1991 version of the tortoise and the hare, Belcher/Maebus . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 6 'B' section coaches were Kevin Morrison (Fawkner), John Wise (Parkside), Mark Sarau (Old Brighton), Andrew Ristrom (Old Melburnians), Gerard Sholly (Old Paradians), Jol 째 Turner (Old Xaverians), Frank Melican (St Bernards), Vince La Ragy (St Kilda CBCOC, Bernie Dunn (Therry) and Neville Taylor (Uni Blacks) . Senior B and F in 1981 and 1984 Adrian "twinge' Hunter played his 150th game for UHSOB . FUOTBALLER


1,j,11 scoring game, Bu lleen Temp's accuracy won a~ainst Uni Blues, 21 .11 to 15 .9. Best were lz,sliucr (6 ~$s), As dagi, Keenan , Shallard (7 g1s) an d (6 gLs) and Pike. ajns . p c [ticf~ar(l Iicrman (Collegians) in Under 19 zone 2 had o„i %vith 15 of the teams 21 goals .  .,,s j sirrmge draw this year as Round i for 'A' an d

13 % , n s played in round 3. Ormond reversed round defeat with a 28 point victory, 18.15 13.13 a,_;a(nst Caulfield Grammarians, McClelland, and Nalder continued to show good form while P"icrin, and Nash were Ormond's best . ,~tl;ner B' madc a quick recovery after losing fou r suspend,,d when they defeated Theny 22 .14 <<, ; 7, ; 2 . Hest ~vcre M. Majerczak, Busst, Weir, Korp rr,%vlc) and Ramsay, Matton, Cane (Therry) . Garde played his 50th game with Uni Blacks , s rcpre,ented VAFA against VIA and VCFL in n~ I and a as in the All Australian intervarsity side in !s5 . 20 YEARS AGO - 1981 Iii [Ile lirst "EP" game for the season Ormond u,,,in t atned their undefeated record for the season \% iih a I 4 point win, 9 .12 to 7.10, against U . Blacks . ;3, ;i care NlcAsey, Andrew, Parisi (Ormond) and R . curtis . S. Costello, Wines (U . Blacks) . t ;;ie Bank saluted milestones for three club stalwa rt 10 0 ones to Allan Pitts and 150 games to Mick or oii and Neville Evans. ( ; scction coaches were Bob McDonald (Caul . ( ;ramm.), Bruce Ferguson (Coll ), Sabby Ciavala Fav.lcner), Dennis Irvin ( Geelong), Terry Hayes (Kew), I ),, nnis Flett ( Monash Blues), Bi ll Browne (0 . !ri;hron), Cliff Hart (0. Paradians). Who coached h ;unhc,e and Uni Blues ? In , jn 'A' section "thriller" AJAX went down by 1 point o Pk La, 13.20 to 14.15 . First quarter inaccuracy, 1 10, cost AJAX the game . Best were Bulzer, Weiner, }',nuuan(AJA)Q. De La "missed copy deadline" . Cohurg'D' kicked highest senior score for the round, >3 .16 to Old Trinity's 11 .13 . Starring were P. .I<<cu c} . Knight, Burgin (Coburg) an d Watsford, G~iming Robinson (0. Trinity). 25 YEARS AGO - 1976 11 cOB kicked 17 .15 ( 117) in'B' see tion but still went v, l by 53 points to Caulfield Grammarians for rom Butcher ( 11 gls), Fletcher and Tootell were best. La Salle'A' held off a s trong final term cha llenge by ~' . 131nc'~ts, 5.3 to 2.2, to win by "the soli tary" 13.12 to 11 . Stars were Lyons, Groves ( 4) and Butler for D e ')!d '-cotch 'B' s treaked away from Ivanhoe in the rnnd term, kicking 9.6 to 1 .1, an d won the game , -i to 16 .11 . Best were Marx (5), Tallent, Bowden, ! i : Rti en (5) (0 . Scotch) and Stredwick, Renshaw, ucs (ivanhoe) . i!d I iailcy'C kieked 9 .6 in the final term to Hampton n,

Rovers 1 .3 to win convincingly by 42 points . Best were Code, Cocks, Rouris (0 . Halley), and Rowston, Huckett, Bird (H . Rovers). (David Code went on to become a renowned country footballer and captained the combined VCFL against both AAFC and VAFA. NR) .

30' . 197 1 It was 1970 grand final all over again when Caulfield Grammarians held off a strong finishing bid by Coburg to win by 2 points - same magic and same circumstances as the last grand final. Atchinson, Clark and Lester continued their fine form for Grammarians with Sullivan, Jim Sabri and Douglas best for Coburg. Closest 'B' section game was Old Careys13 .19 (91) defeat of Ivanhoe 12 .18 (90) with Old Carey kicking 4 .5 to 0 .4 in the final term . Geoff "Cool" Thomas, Freeman and Richard Elliot (Old Carey) and Berry, McMahon (5) and Phillips (Ivanhoe) were the best players . UHSOB welcomed back "Nats" Nettleton after three years in Canada . Eccles (8 goals) was the star in Parkside's high scoring ,vin over Old Geelong - 20 .8 (128) to 14 .11 (95) . Ivanhoe paid tribute to Russell Burt who after 240 games with the Hoes had been forced into retirement with a badly broken arm. "Rusty" was a member of Ivanhoe's'A' section premier team in1956 and won an All Australian blazer in 1958 . Frank Cunin (Uni Blacks) had been appointed coach of the team to play in Adelaide while John Wilson (Caulfield Grammarians) will be in charge of the team to go to Tasmania . MHSOB retained their place at the top of 'A' section with a sound win over Coburg, scores 15 .14 (104) to 10.8 (68). Best for the victors were Moller, Trish, J . Nelson, and the losers Warfe, Shea, Beattie .

University Football Club were celebrating their centenary this year and to mark the occasion, the Inter-Varsity carnival was to be held in Melbourne . Elsternwick's Jock Sellars chalked up to 150 games with the club . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Ormond last year's 'A' premiers were annihilated by Commonwealth Bank (last years 'B' section premiers) with final scores being 17.10 (112) to 2 .6 (18) . Hampton Rovers 7.14 (56) beat Ivanhoe 5 .11 (41) in a close hard fought game to stay in the 'A' section four . Doug Arnold was great in the centre while Keith Embleton scored a splendid goal from the boundary . Kevin Clarke, Bill Clarke and Ron Rosenberg were best for 'Hoes . It was "Black Saturday" at Corio Oval for SSB when the home side Geelong scored 9 goals on the board before Bank scored their first . Matheson, McPhee, Ferguson, for Geelong and Bill, Gellatty and Grubb, for Bank were best.



Winning Edge Presentations Review of Round 2. Round 2 results were more along the lines to which Club XVIII supporters have become accustomed to over the seasons . My success rate increased to 70% so there is still some room for improvement . SECTION I For the second successive week, evidence could be found that the established order is changing in what promises to be a very even section . Old Scotch played more consistently over the four quarters than did Mazenod, who failed to score in two quarters and thus were defeated by sixteen points. Winger, Anthony Cowper was very good for Old Scotch while for Mazenod the best included ; on baller, Pino Skiciarra, rover, Simon Dresser and the Adelaide fly in, ruckman, Nick Jacobs, better known as "the Crow" . Perennial powerhouse Old Xaverians opened their winning account with victory over Brunswick by one hundred points . The tall and strong Old Melburnians were too talented for Prahran, who were unable to counteract a five goal burst by Old Melburnians, late in the third quarter. Greater accuracy was also a factor in the twenty two point win by Old Melburnians . Good players for Prahran included ; "Cougar" (Brett Cartlidge) at centre half forward, whose 14 marks and eight scoring shots nearly brought victory to the Two Blues . Others to play well were ; winger, Dave Green, and key defender, Craig Johnson (CJ ) De La Salle again demonstrated their talent with a forty six point win over Old Brighton, who appear to have slipped again this season . St Kevins and Therry Penola played a game of a high standard in which the final score line of victory to St Kevins by sixty five points does not reflect the intensity of the struggle for supremacy . Therry Penola players were able to win the ball around the ground but their forward line was unable to make the most of its chances . Good players for the winners included; Louis Katavolas as a ruck man and key forward, Shean Van Der Wart as an on ball player and the Captain, John Fogarty at centre half back . For Therry Penola, Dean Boden As a ruck rover, winger Anthony McCauliffe and Stephen Reddan were best. SECTION 2 Already this section appears to be divided into fours with two other clubs trying to bridge the gap into the upper echelon . Although Monash Blues defeated Marcellin by fifty

nine points, the game ,â‚Ź was of a high standard. The fact that Marcellin was held scoreless in the last quarter did not help their chances . Good players for Monash Blues included; Bryce Collier, who kicked three goals, ruck man "Spider" Burdon, Howe and Dods . Northern neighbours, old Ivanhoe and Old Trinity played a fairly close match, which Old Ivanhoe won by fourteen points . Uncanny accuracy by St Leos was a major factor in their sixty one point victory over neighbour Whitefriars in their "eastern derby" . At Albert Park the winds must have been unkind a, both Collegians and University Blacks wen inaccurate in front of goal . Collegians, who had mori use of the ball, won by thirty nine points . Old Essendon led early in their encounter with Ols Geelong and their first victory seemed likely However the move of P .Edgar into the ruck gave Oii Geelong dominance up the ground . With B .Buntin gaining ascendancy up forward, Old Geelong wer able to bring themselves right back into the match Lack of discipline in the final minutes by 01 Essendon became another factor in the five poin victory by Old Geelong. PREVIEW OF ROUND 3 SECTION 1 Long standing rivals, Old Scotch and Old Xaverian meet on the Camberwell Sports Ground . The Ia: time Old Scotch defeated Old Xaverians was in th 1995 Grand Final . Today's match will reveal muc about the comparative strengths of each te . Old Scotch repeatedly haiarelvntos201 had trouble scoring against Old Xaverians over mar seasons and today I can' t see them defeating tt reigning premiers. Old Melburnians will be paying their first ever visit Fleming Park to play against Brunswick . I can' t s home ground advantage helping Brunswick as believe the Old Melburnians will be too big ai strong all around the ground . Prahran should win their second match of the seas( against Old Brighton who have struggled to date . Tlierry Penola travel again . Today they go to De Salle who are already looking good . I select De Salle. Mazenod will be strengthened by the return of si rover, Darren Harvey . However they will have display far more consistency over four quarterE

to defeat St Kevins, Whom I select with on tlence . SECTIOP: 2

i,rcep ;n arc at home to traditional rival Old Ivanhoe, Mt() ;}tould prove too experienced for "Tlie Eagles". ~t ;,,s1 1 conic slightly west to meet Old Trinity at ~t }}ec,i . I sclec( St Leos to win again.

ColJe,jians should be able to defeat Whitefriars even thouc,h i)IC match will be played in Donva)e. have gained confidence from last eCV ; S not . Today, they should be able to defeat ii,,i%rrsit}' Placks, who are yet to win. ,vay ou t bleak afternoon ,Olrif'asetdonch n Ci,jt'ton vVhcn llle}- visit Monash Blues. 'Judged on rthat ! fiaVC sc-n and heard Lhave,no hesitation in m on8S11 ~~IFtFS . " 's,~


'ers . Coaches or ivhoeverdorit,forget to pitone or fa:,~ u1e With your match details by tito»dap. ~i,(i7 2565 .

CLUB XVIII/ CLUB Old Xaverians Brunswick Therry Penola Old Melburnians Old Xaverians

NAN i ; George Lovett Taolinac Macleod Erskine

T tTls 5 0 0 3 4

TOTBI. 5 4 4 4 4

CLUB XVIII/ 2 Holsman Collegians 0 McDonald St Leos 4 Oakley Collegians 1 bonnyman Whitefriars 2 Perkov Collegians 2

5 6 3 3 3

Telephone ; 9467 2857 . Facsimilie;

TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB XVIII (1 ) Old Scotch v. Old Xaveians Brunswick v. Old Melburnians Prahran Amateurs v. Old Brighton De La Salle v. Therry Penola Mazenod v. St . Kevins

CLUB XVIII (2) Marcellin v. Old Ivanhoe Old Trinity v. St . Leos Emmaus Whitefriars v. Collegians University Blacks v. Old Geelon g at Main Oval, Melb . Uni Monash Blues v . Old Essendon

CLUB XVIII (1) )tAZE50D 0.0 3.0 3.0 5.0(30) OLD SCOTCH 2.4 2.6 4.9 6.10 (46) ~,tazcnod: Busby 2, Dresser, Maccasack, Jacobs . Best: Jacobs , Dresser, Busby, Bilston, BourbonOld Scotch: Pryde 2, Adam, Boudsrie. Cowper. Best: Costello, J .' n . :': ds- rnHumphries, Kyriakou, Sarkozy, Thompson Umpires: Paul Nailer (F) OLD XA%J✓RLliJS 5.5 12.5 13.5 18.5 (113) [3RL''ti'SW7CIi 0.0 1 .1 2.1 2.1 (13) Old k .:-rre*is George 5, Erskine 4, McMhaon 2, Ockelshaw 1 , T. Johnston 1, P. Johnston 1, Fowler 1 . O'Brien 1 , st : Dalton, Erskine, R. George, Ockleshaw, Curno, i ek : Brut 2 . Best : James, Harmed, Perrott, Brunt,

CLUB XVBI (2) MONASH BLUr.B 4.4 8.5 11.7 14 .9 (93) MARCELLIN 2.0 3.1 3.1 5 .4(34) Monash Blues: Collier 3, Parsons 3, L Woods 3, Cunnington 2, M liloa)s,Coughlan, Moir. Best: Howe, Byrden, Dods, Collier, L Woods, D West.MarceIlin : Petroff, Symes, Pezzimentl. Becchetti . Andrews. Best: Coll .Matthews. Petroff, Becchetti. Andrews. Umpires: Bri an Nunn (F) OLD iVAP7FIOE 1 .2 4.5 5.5 6 .8(44) OLD TRINITY 2.2 3.3 3.5 4 .6(30) Old Ivanhoe: Yarwood 2, Cormack 2, Stewart 2 . Best Maycock, Sups. Weisz, Yararood, Risstrom, Craker. Old Trinity: Lauletta 1, Best 1, Stebbins 1, Lucas 1. Best Best, Treadwell, Frost, Stebbins. Brady, Semmens . Umpires: Anthony Robbins (F ) ST LEO'S EMMAUS 3.2 6.4 9.5 16.5 (1011 WIIITEFRIARB 1.3 3.4 4.4 5.61361 St Leo's Emmaus: McDonald 4, Contessotto 2. Fjelstad 2, Landy 2, Briggs, Dimble, Daly, Niel, Sherwell . Whitney. Best Foley, Landy Dimble, Brigs, Daly, Contessotto . White£riaxs: Bonnyman 2, Dodds, Johnston i,Whelan 1 . Best : Laz, J .B Bomber, Trav, Sully. Lovey. Umpires: Rhett Parker, Anthony Barro (F) COLLEGIANS 2.3 3.9 7.11 8.13 (61) 0.3 0.5 1.7 2.10 (22) UNIVERSITY BLACKS Collegians: Perkov 2, Oakley 1, Lumley 1 . Tinsley 1, Blakemore 1, Foard 1, K. Curtis 1 . Best D. Cook . Cooks, Tinsley, Rose, Quinn. Lancaster.Univexsity Blacks: Not received.Umpires: Ray Windlotv (F) OLD ESSENDON 3.4 4.6 8.9 7 .9(51) OLD GEELONG 2.1 4.5 6.6 8 .8(66) Old Essendon: Not received Old Geelong: Not received .

n . Umpires: Michael Sneddon (F) OLD `~1~'.tE3tiRNIA?i8 2.2 6.3 10.5 11.8 (74) PRIHR :Lti 3.2 5.5 5.8 7.10 (52) old 'aelburni:ns: Macleod 3, C . Tomlinson 3, Geddes 2 . Paine , ni J. 'to:nlinson. Best : Old Melburnians : Atkinson, Anderson , De Fraga. Geddes Pml ran: Not available . Best Not . cI ti-pires; Richard Benson, Mark Cross (F) OLD BRIGHTON 2.2 3.6 5.9 6.10 (46) BF; L4 S:'LLE 3.7 9.9 11 .11 17.15 (117) Old Bdg)non : Cochran 3, Over 2, R Carter 1 . Best- Cochran, Over , -L Y, Jenldn, Norwood . be La Cd1M K. Mannix 3, L . Fisicaro 3, P. F(sicaro 2, Funnell 2, R . 11 - . Lticarty 1, Proy 3. Best: Mannix, Ford, Tucker, Brasher, L Jst 6;son. Umpires: A . Hall (F) ST Mj'~S 4.3 6.3 9.7 12.9 (81) T1[ERRY PE'tiOLA 0.0 1 .2 1.3 2.4(16) St xcvirs : Day 3 . G . Katavolous 2 . L. Katavolous 2, Hourigan 2, mt Ries. Best: Vanderwert, G. Katavolous . Fogarty,

. 0,h^ 1. 1 .. Katavolous.

nt , ,ro ia : F.astmuris 1, Keenan 1 . Best &r!~n, Carter, McCaal. 0, :d P: indlow (F)


Kean . O'Connell,





AFC-, i,

A .F.C .A

() ' : ]


"Your Coaches' Association "


C-,R-rj-:7 DIVIDE (Part 1 ) An tnreasy relationship tends to rest between ach°s, players and sports officials (referees :u,i umpires) . Historically, coaches, players and ;;Jals have viewed each other as the enemy in ' a source of constant aggravation . This view „,i_Id as most interaction between officials and cc,aciaes and players is of an aversive or juplcasant nature . While coaches and players ricw officials as a necessary evil in sport, man%, officials also hold a negative stereotype of c,,,,c1ies and are inclined to be cynical of players ~c i ions . Tire extent of the divide between officials and c ,,aches and players is well documented . There are recorded cases of coaches and players pl ally assaulting officials, throwing ecluipment at officials, yelling abuse and ,creaming profanities . More alarmingly such , , ciintis towards officials is not only accepted but cncouraged by fans (Rainey et .al 1990) . This ;mihi ;alence toward antisocial behaviour clireried at sports officials is referred to as saiictioned violence (Phillips, 1985, p .6) and is tuifortunately becoming more accepted and can nonplace in modern sport . ~Vl iy problems exist : ;\sicle from the verbal and physical abuse clirccted at sports officials, research has revealed xhcr reasons why coaches, in particular, may :~~ra,:lfe officials . These include: iizientional baiting of officials by coaches oCiieials having to deal with coaches who do not have a thorough understanding of the rule s coaches influence on the selection and rci,,ution of officials pcrformance ratings by coaches of officials ,

appears to lack self confidence makes inconsistent rulings makes mistakes in positioning, an d shows a lack in concentration (Kaissidis & Anshel 1993) . Under such circumstances the official may need to examine the reasons why hostility is being directed towards them before blaming the coaches and players for placing them (the officials) under undue stress . The roles which coaches and players play in the sporting contest may help to explain the divide between coaches and players and officials . Obviously, coaches and players are most concerned with the outcome of the game, and consequently will take actions in an attempt to meet this outcome . In fact the actions of officials are viewed by some participants as 'contrary to their [coaches and players] best interests' (Anshel 1989, p .32) . Many players now hold the attitude that the official is responsible for catching them [the players] committing fouls . Such strategy and play, often encouraged and supported by the coach, can be interpreted as playing against the referee, rather than playing against the opposition. Juxtaposed to such motivations, officials are responsible for the fair and proper conduct of the game, and have little or no concern for the eventual outcome of the game . Continued - next week By Scott Dickson and Dr Paul Webb Reprinted from "Sports Coach" - Summer 1998


-~o,Mhes' criticism of officials in the media

Email - brett@vafa.asn .au, Fax - 9531 0236

However, officials can unwittingly be the cause of such aggravation . Coaches and players are more likely to argue with an offici-J who:


Hugh Lyon

SECTION by Elvi Bowe n

KA: .-T'7; `;A_:- .1 Mentone, -,.: ' 11iam; : own and Salesian were the big winners, with Oakleigh an d West Brunswick notching up their first points fo r the season . Mentone were almost clinical in their demolition job on Peninsula . They had winners all over the ground and exerted plenty of pressure on the Pirates, causing turnovers and feeding M acgeorge sufficient footy for him to dine on 13 big ones . His marking strength will continue to cause opposition backmen grief . Barr, Davies and Uptin were amongst a swag of good players for the Vultures .

playing Brown well . For Parkside, t T r e n Stonehouse's marking was a feature, while Vita and Wise also battled hard . PREVIEW Mentone very strong last week should be far too organized for West Brunswic k at Southern Rd . They have a fairly even spread of talent, and the likes of Macgeorge to set them apart. The Wests look to be on the move but will really need to step up get within 5-6 goals .

West Brunswick kicked 3 .4 to nothing in the opening term to lead Powerhouse at every change, although just 20 points separated the sides going in to the last . The final margin was not much more in what was a relatively low-scoring encounter . Without a report from the game, I can offer little more than that .

Powerhouse exhibited a much better showing against West Brunswick but look to lack the firepower of Oakleigh, whom they host today . The Krushers had 9 different goalkickers against Kew, whereas the House looks to be struggling a fraction in this department . Oakleigh by 31 points .

Oakleigh and Kew both enjoyed the change in playing conditions with a fast and entertaining game that saw the home side lead all day, but the K's just 16 points in arrears at 3/4 time before the Krushers stormed home in the final stanza . Ketiv s HB flankers Growcott and Cracknell rebounded well and Bruno (ruck) was also influential . New Oakleigh recruits Shultz and .McHenry were among the Krushers' best.

Kew faces Williamstown at Victoria Park and may be suffering a similar problem . The K's midfield looked to get enough of the football last week, but finding the options (or perhaps just the accuracy) to convert poses problems . The CY's, on the other hand, banged through plenty and although they'll find the going tougher today, they should prevail by 28 points .

Willi amstown disposed of La Trobe to the tune of 108 points in what proved a one-sided affair with the CY's leading by over 7 goals at the main break . The Trobers may have been a fraction closer if not for their inaccuracy, although the home side's Dumbo W ill iams' forward line extravaganza was like a Swiss army knife of football prowess. He finished with 10 and Twist 6, while PRonkhorst, Bartolo and Gilmartin dominated in midfield . Sheldrick, Close and Perry were best for La Trobe . Parkside dominated their lst quarter against Salesian kicking with the breeze but were completely outplayed thereafter . An indiscretion reduced their number and Salesian took complete control . Sutherland and Stevens were dominant for the home side, with Thain kicking another 5 and

La Trobe take on Salesian at Bundoora and will be pleased to be back in familiar territory . On last week's results, Salesian is far more accomplished at this stage, although the Students are renowned for their enigmatic performances . The Chaddy boys have enough quality running players to win this one by 27 points . Press correspondent s Thanks to Parkside, Mentone, Kew, and Williamstown who've all contributed so far other clubs, please lift lest the column become more repetitious than it already is! Don't forget your Coates Player of the Week noyninations!



n D2 Sectio . 'West Brunswick

SENIORS LST WK 'faTAY . CLUB 13 1 6 NAME Macgeorge Mentone 5 13 Thain Salesian 10 10 Williams Williamstown 3 6 Payze Peninsula 6 6 Twist Williamstow n A2 RESERVE 3 6 Ross Parkside 0 4 0 Allan Parkside 4 N. Pavlou Powerhouse ~e West Brunswick 0 ---ffi-~--~__

yvlentone Amateurs e . Oakleigh power House V Kew v. Williamstown CYMS e Salesia n eTfob a University B vy Parksid e ni n sul La p

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at~ t FA f yau are interested in earn 95 ~n9 ' 1t!A . Ads~inis[ration . ~~333~ .=rson or Peter E Iarris a conta ~ Sue An•'

irls 4~



I - -- - - --- 2 Cook I . Stevens I . ~ E11% 2, Grace , .Umpkes: 1 5utherland 3, Brown 21 G . Ste~mns . Gaspari• 1liain : BTOwn_ C?na U{r,•hrn . Nathan 12oget5 (B) .9t 57} Best D2 SEC[1t1N 1 .03 64 8 -9.0481 Jason w. . . , . 25. 17( 167) .1 19.13 3.4 9 .10 0 PF.ri1N5UL 46..6 6 0 10 .15 (75) t . D2 RESERVE 40 n iUfli AMATEURS 2, Atchison 1 . Grean 1, Coughlan . e~ Pa,rGe 3, Goldthorpe . MurrayStePayze , . Lennon 1, 7ametti 1 . Best : . ~ o B~ cell 2, M. ~ t~a. Krohn 3, Franks 2 . Bonner 1 . Krohn . Atchison . Burke . Davir es . Ha~wr~h, Palmer , . Rock 1, ~lcntone MacGeor6e 1~ ~ Davits. Uptin P hens Bonner . HaleY µlhey1n. O'Brien 1, Walsh 1 . Hoilingsworth 1: Fknlster, . Best: Barr. Pa~°r~ . 1 Sheehan 1 . Beet : I) an 1 . Perrin 1 Stephen M3 gan, Peter Woods t 10 Nitntone . Emmett l, Coieman 8.13(61) M~ thy 1 Smith 1 . Nichols I ',7 3aa.Umgize8: K 7 r:47 1 WESf BRUNS~t[CK 0 0 3.2 3 .2 6.3139) .4 sa . ~ 12.1 . 5mythe 8.8 06) 3nn 6 .4 6.5 ppWcRHOUSE J H~~ 3, Cannane 2. l.ehn~PelWEST BRUNSWICK . Malone -µ , t Bruns~~ ~ra~ p H~. lier. Vitale. Best: Howlett, . Jeihart, Bailey, tam pppTER110USE n aven . . Best : Lehmann ~ane . Young, ~~ . tleld , imonWelock : Payto .Best IF) {~°""`~"_`~ ._. Carmichael chael s~p l o- e b~: Turner 2 . Craven 2, H Clarke, mgllres il Morphett, A Hamilton r, Dean, Rohertsan, Turner, D Mllt~rS 16,17 (113} Hall 2 ^^Yate . Bo ~ ~Gal, eM Miller BlowMahoney.t55 0 3 n 7 1 9 .14(68) 2 .6 5.9 9.12 .qxi.F[Gll 1p u t ocu u3 .3 0.1 .18 (541 odr 2. Hanley 1 • 3 12 6 c 3 Kh 1 G H OAl1LE1 0.5 1 9 hE 3, Padopoulos . y 1 . Best: Burt Best Bloomfield, o~llcigh: Dalton 3 . Doole Leslie I . SeYmow . McKecute 1, Schultz l ~ Bradle:y2 B, Brun 2 . ~ Monaghan .ul~ Andrtnopoulos. tiun!cr 1, S . Kitts 1 . A p~le~h: lanchelio 4,2 . Kilts, l~t , I mltz, McHenry, A- Kitts. S ey Bruno, Cullen, Growcott . Gant, SeyrnPw• ~chello, Andonopo Blair 1 Best : MeGauehi i,hensan 2. Aitken 2, BeU Nick Evans (~ Kew: Perri 2, Grtgffltlt .sr rnnn,~c2.olker . . n I z Still nell, Landa•ehr, Stevens .6U2P~•17 18.10 24 .12 (1561 6.12 (48) ~L~Sy:p~ CYIdS 3 .1 Z 6 2 7 4 .9 (33) 0.ILLIAMSfO~AN CYMS 2 .6 3,10 4 .10 ~ UM s 2 . Macleod, ~OBE 2.3 2 Oervan_ 2. Grochowsld . >;~ 7ROBE UN[ Wiill2ms 10. ~ ist 6, .Matthew W61~~t~ CyhqS : Burgess 4, Mackley , ks, Williams, . Cocks Best: Coc ~32t~ch S~adll~unroe, Bartolo Ifleinitz. Staunton ' NurdlN . Pachlno Bu~ttigie Best' But . ,O'Meara, Kleini • ;r v ' i, Monkhurst , . Burgess, . Walker 5 8 6 s Kosmatos .Correnti . Best . Bullen .10 (46) 0 GilmartinAuldi . t Perry Be t- MeMeerin Watson.. s . Vdatson . Hewiit. Man dsley 4.4 4 .5 2 : Michael .9 [21) ~m~ U~ .U~nPh ~ .9 2 White CSemmola, Brooks, ~~hite PARKSBlE 0 .4 119 1 : Dean , - 'J 1 r._k Close . Perry, SAl ESIA H . Stari A )art 1 Bes . Todd I . ) 4 7.6(48 Bourke I dc i.lick Gilday tF) 7 3 7 .4 7 Ross ~ ~M~t'~M~'o 1 Parksifle: o Saies3~n: .17(113) FIRRSIDE 9,7 13 .13 16 one ou Walla, mangos. N_,~. Smith . Hun . . Sage r . S41ES1AN 13 1 . St h se 1 Best: . Anderson Ferer 2, Gunn 1, Martine Thain 5, Par4z5ide : Beck 2, Moodie . Vita, Plat, MeGillian . z W-S 1:P:"use. Moodte

D2 Section ENT速H E Coach: Serge DAngelo Res. : Greg Crimmins

1 Brett Lafranchi 2 Lee Fitzgerald 3 Greg Horgan 4 Greg Crimmins(RCC) 5 Lee Bradley 6 Nick Tinnetti 7 Troy Aitken 8 Nick Derrico 9 Alasda Eaton 10 Brian Culle n 11 Ben Woodhouse 12 Julian Growcott 13 Chris Kyriakou 14 John Looker 15 Craig Bradley (C) 16 Dean Wood

17 Rick Perri 18 Nick Nigro 19 Jamie Dennis 20 Anthony Acfieid 21 Ben Shaw 22 Cameron Stephens 23 Richard Baker 24 Grant Palmer 25 Chad Watts 26 Mark Stevenson 27 Tom Moore 28 Dean Cracknell (VC) 68 Brett Mc Gauchie 29 Mathew Dalrymple 30 Claude Giansania (13VC .7 99 Sam Bruno 31 Kurt Gillam 32 Alex Drago 33 Dave Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald

35 Robert Bruno (RDVC) 36 Steven Rya n 37 Jamie Landwehr (VC) 38 Jeremy Beer 39 Matt Mc Inerny 40 Paul Durbridge 41 Robert Livingston 42 John Sette 44 Jamie Bell 47 Stuart Symes 48 Luke Jensen 49 Shane Vidler 50 Justin Griffiths 51 Matty Blair 52 Richard Campagna 61 Serge Mouss i 62 Bryce Mc Gauchie 64 John Cronin

65 Matt Ayers 66 Jonothon O'Kane 67 Tyson Beatti e 68 Brett Mc Gauchie 99 Sam Bruno

Uiif~~ :' Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res. Coach : Clinton Perry 1 . M . Bakogiannis 2. S . Fredrickson 3. D. Sheldrick 4. C. Perry 5 . A. Randall 6 . B. Cameron 7 . S. Gemmola 8 . J . Cam m 9 . L. Walker 10 . A . Hewitt 11 . J . Levy 12 . M . Forrest 13 . T. Luderman 14 . L. Wakeling 15. B. Auldist 16. S. Bray 17. S. Gloury 18 . B . Grant 19 . S . White 20 . A. Murphy 21 . D. Edmunds 22 . P. Stewart 23. R . Storer 24. S. Edwards 25. S . Brooks 26 . B . Hewitt 27 . D . Gilmour 28 . C. Ross 29 . P. White 30 . J . Smith 31 . J. O'meara 32. D . Hill 33. M . Watson 34. S . Paterson 35. J . Eyre 36 . T. Mawdsley 37 . C. Porter 38 . A. Willi s 39 . N . Rosengreen 40 . R . Slater 41 . A . Samson 42. D . Gleason 43 . A . Poulton 44 . R. Mather 45 . D. McKeekin 46 . D. Hartley 47 . H . Girdwood 48 . L . McNamara 49. M. Day 50. K . Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52. T. Stauton 53 . A. Tucker 54 . T. Peters 55 . A. Cummings 61 . B. Launikonis 63 . J. Laidlaw 65. A. Hal l 66. A. Ballie 70. J Dumaresq

Coach: Tony k4acgeorge Res. Coach : Phil Emmett

1 M . Hove y 2 R. Gallagher 3 M . Dixo n 4 D. Emmett 5 A. Whit e 6 C . Stephens 7 K. Gurtle r 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillman 11 C. O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A. King 14 M. Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kell y 22 S. Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A. Rock 27 M . Wise 28 C, Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 M. Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B . Matlock 32 B . Coleman 33 N . Wilkins 33 D. Andrew 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 A. Fimster 40 C . Goddchild 40 D . Nichol s 41 C . Rock 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C. Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J. Tully 47 G . Anslade 48 M . Walsh 49 L. McHugh 50 T. Pec k

51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D. Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 K. Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M, O'Meara 74 S . Ponton 77 B . Fleming 78 M . Cerritelli MENTONE R.S .L.

9 Palermo St, Mentone * Function Roo m * Restaurant * Pokie s


速AKLEIGH A .F.C. ch : Russell Bre rton 6 Coach: Pau! Iflimids 1 B . Gee 2 A. Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T.Ianchelio 6 B . Dooley 7 D . Hal l 8 R . Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M . McHenry 11 C . Hanley 12 B. Hal l 13 S. Randle 14 A . Schultz 15 G. Redford 16 W. Arthur 17 A. Mouchacca 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A . Jones 22 M . Burt 23 M . Foulds 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 M. Aaron 28 A. Khodr 29 D . Hal l 30 A . Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B . Gan t 33 M . Clark 34 L . Head 35 R . Nuske 36 A. Moulang 37 P. Torpey 38 P. Pesnikas 39 M . Dordevic 40 L. Dennis 41 T. Duhau 42 J . Bruerto n 43 J. Theofilopoulos 44 S. Smith 45 G . Chapman

46 P. Andonopoulos 47 D . Peeler s 48 P. Leslie 49 W. Orlando 50 . P. Taylor 51 . J. Kerley 52. P. Andrinopolous 53. T. Khouri 54 R . Keating 55 A . Gook 56 N . Alie s 57 M . Coppock 58 L. Thomas 59 W . Ogilvy 60 A. Jones

PARKS9DE Coach: Laurie Zarafa Res Coach: Mark Rowe

o l l Section Pi= j'7[i!SllLA O .B . Cc,:ch: Chri s Gowns F : s Cc : h : Darren Fenech S . Parsons 2 A. Parsons g r ,I, Goldthorpe


Coach: Matt Sexton Asst .: D. Old field Res Coach : Jim Gianna

1 A. Rolls 2 J . Hall

1 A Stevens . 2 A Thain

3 N. Pavlou 4 B . Turner 5 M . Braini

3 S Sutherland 4 A Healey

6 A . Burt

7 G Gaspari 8 S Logan A Campbell 9

E Bowen ra .Kent , Warner - S.':'urray

7 C. Richardson

g P.Angus P.Krohn

8 S . Cross 11 J . Gill

, 0 ;,.Haley It A, Landry ~y2 R .Powney 3 T. Braden ! 4 S. Jackson 16 B•Cook 16 R. Huighson 1 7` J. Coughlan 1 8 J. Whelan 19 C. Lloyd 20 ; S.Prendergast

12 A-Davidson 13 Ja. Harris 14 A . Bu rt 15 C .Trewin 16 M-Higgins 17 C .MacLeod (Res Cpt) 18 F.Doyle 19 J. Evans 20 P. Ryan 21 D .Milier 22 D . Hutchinson

21`' T. Prendergast

23 S. Craven ( Cpt)

22' A.Atchison 23 A.Burke ?' S. White 5 J.Atchison 26 P. Prendergast 27 S.Payze 23 B:Taylor --9 G .Nelson H .Crean ;o R. B!ood (Res .) 31 C. Lennon J2 T. Harding :;3 C. Wilson : M . Allen -25 R. Davies 3, IJ-Bowman 37 R. Osmond 3 t R . Haworth B.Jarrett A. Dillon S Farrow

24 S.Cummins 25 D . Boland 26 J .Senior 27 J . Robertson 29 R . Cassio 30 N .Miller

= A Hanson ; A . Bonner = R . hiartin ~5 t ~ . Higgins A Oneil L .Palmer J . Ferguson L. 3=.•:ille % H . Sho rten 9 A Powell H.Stio rt en 9 JJ .1uir


Coach: Peter O'Connor Ass .Coach : Andrew Roils Res Coach : Craig Richardson

31 R. M ar shall (Res,,/.q 33 R .Taylor 34 P. Eyers 35 J .Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 38 J . Kennedy 39 M . Talbot 40 H. Fletcher 42 M . Beasley 43 H. Noren 44 S . O'Sullivan 54 J . Blowfield 55 J . Hearn 56 J . Mahoney 57 R. Kang 59 J . Healy

61 S . McCrae 62 A . White 64 D.Searle 65 W.Elliot 66 D.Wright 69 D .Galakos 71 L.O'Sullivan 77 S .Clarke 88 G. Scotland

5 M Canavan

6 R Cincott a

10 D Oliver

11 A Davey

12 A Gaspan 13 I Bobetic 14 C Roach e 15 D levoli 16 P Turley 17 M Ferwerda 18 A Sexton 19 S Brown 20 Greg r Rley 22 R Stevens 23 M Smith 24 A Grace


WEST Coach: Paul Cook Res. Coach : Paul Weir 1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell

4 C . Lehmann 5 A Cannane 6 7 8 9

S Brockley F Vitale J. Heywood A. Morphett

i .'

W 1118V .":sTO W N Coach: Darren „ Iliams Res Coach : W Payne 1 R . Allen 2 J Altu s

3 C Bergin 4 A Black 5 A Bouras 6 P Breguet

7 S B rya n 8 D Bubnic 9 G Burgess

10 S Byrne 11 H . Bailey

10 J Butt igieg 11 T Calyun

12 BClarke 13 S. Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B. Howle tt 16 S Smythe 17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Stringer 20 B.Young

12 T Campbel l 13 A Carte r 14 G Case 15 B Cocks 16 A Danie l 17 P Dervan 18 K Dowsey 19 S Dyer 20 A Featherston

21 S McNamara

21 B Grant

27 L Seager 28 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cooke 31 C Warding 32 P Evans 33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Ellis 36 S Nolan 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clauson 40 B Bowman 41 M Gun n 42 N S yno tt 43 E Maillard 44 C Hunt 45 S Horvath 46 D Forer 47 A Bate s 48 M Bourke 49 M Bates 50 M Forer 51 C Maillard 52 D Hegarty 53 B Chalmers

22 R Hudson 23 P Weir 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R. Benjamin 27 D. Disisto 28 J Ward 29 M . Shpeherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrm ann 32 M . Carmichael 33 T Thompson 34 I. Twyford 35 K . Covent ry 36 S . Campbell 37 N . Basham 38 S . Darling 39 T Thompson 40 B Baker 41 J . Draper 42 M . Hoyland

54 D Todd

43 J Tobin 44 N . Masters

22 N Grant 23 D Grieve 24 L Grochowski 25 B Grummisch 26 B Hann 27 R Hart 28 S Ha rvey 29 B Hynes 30 M Imm s 31 S lvkovi c 32 B Jones 33 A Kosmatos a4 D Le e 35 A Mackley 36 B Macleod 37 D Macleod 38 D Macleod 39 K Maher 40 M Manning 41 C Mathews 42 J McCutcheon 43 J McDonald 44 S McEachra n

55 E Hanaphy 56 M McTagga rt 57 Be Atkins 5 8 W Chapman 59 D Sutherland 60 B Pascoe 61 M Nieusteeg 62 S Koutaplis 63 J McClaren 64 B Kirchner 65 S Morrish 66 D Wiseman 67 S Oldfied 68 J Agar 69 B Grant 70. S Hayes 71 D Blake 72 B Craine 73 S Ratt ray 74 B Gain 75 M Stanton

45 J Smith 46 C Price 47 A . Naylor 48 M Moore 49 L- Stewart 50 A. Bagnall 51 L She Sherry r 52 A. Steward 54 R . Howell 55 G . Maraz ita 56 C . Riley 57 F. Miller 58 A. Rafter 59 A. O'Brien 62 S Dishon 63 D . Jeiba rt 65 D . Simmond

5 26 J S ENaa n nnas

76 A Chiappini 77 C Bartlett 78 B Fox 79 S Po rt er

45 S McNerny 46 M Moora 47 R 48 D Oldham 49 C Pach 50 W Payn e 51 A Petzierides 52 S Phemister 53 W Phillips 54 B Robinson 55 M Saccoccio 56 D Sadler 57 P Sadler 58 A Savoi a 59 S Smit h 60 T Stac k 61 K Tataya 62 X Toby

63 J Tuck 64 B Twist 65 P Vincen t

80 D Ogg e

66 D Williams

81 J Radi 82 J Hamilton 83 P Malli s 84 T Sinclair

67 D Williams 68 D Woud a 69 S Wuchatsch

UNIFORMS: The feedback has been very encouraging . Over 90~0 of the comments on the uniform were positive, 5% no comment and 5% not happy at all . A few remarks Yeah! Works well and looks good . Good innovation . Not a great impact on the game . It's nice to know the name of the umpire' - John White (Monash Blues President) ; 'I played on Saturday. . .didn't think much about them . They are okay' - Andy Pan-is Bulleen Templestowe Secretary ; 'Personally, I liked it . They look smart and add colour' - Ron Nicholson / Beaumaris Under 19's ; Terrific' - Marcellin supporter and Umpire No .32 Blue said there were mixed responses at his game . Email some of your thoughts to the writer of this column (see below) . CONGRATULATIONS : Congratulations to John Robinson (Goal Umpire) for officiating in his 150th game last weekend . This week a belated congratulations to Russell Owens (Goal Umpire) who umpired his 100th game in round 1 . COACHES' CO NTS :

• Rotation starts this week. • Thanks to all the field umpires who officiated in matches doing the 'one umpire system' for the past two weeks. •'Holding the man' and 'Holding the ball' . These rules will be discussed at training this week. • Mark Fraser will be officiating with the VAFA in Round 4. Mark, an ex-AFL player with Collingwood and Essendon, will be sharing appointments with the Eastern FL and ourselves until the VFL umpiring chiefs decide Mark has gathered enough experience to be given a VFL match.

NEW RULES Interesting to read the Herald Sun's Geoff Poulter's comments about our new ruckman rule - the one about a ruckman not being able to take the ball out of the air at a throw in or bounce and then try and beat the field . Poulter, in supporting the VAFA decision, took a veiled swipe at the AFL when he commented "Let's get tough like the Amateurs . " NEW INNOVATION Congratulations to Michael Sneddon on an excellent initiative he is trying to get up and running . Michael has personally contacted many recently retired umpires asking them to give up one, two or as many weekends as possible to be paired with an up and coming umpire so that he or she can develop under the watchful eye of such a mentor . A great idea and one that has expressed a great deal of

interest from f o r in e r umpires who hecause o f business or family reasons have found the three day a week commitment too much . Relax - we won't be seeing Benny Goodman paired with a new ump in the,,veek's ahead! T S YOUR DECISION? LAST WEEM

Answer to April 28th question - A free kick is awarded to Collegians . The player may take the kick from any point on the 45m arc in that half of the ground . Last weeks winner was J. Cheil - Old Brighton supporter. The winner receives a bottle of red wine courtesy of the VAFA . Mr. Chellew is to contact Phil at the VAFA to collect his prize . : THIS WEE : Bulleen Templestowe player picks the ball up a t centre half back and runs straight down the centre, bounces the ball and is tackled . The ball knocked out of possession by a Syndal Tally Ho player . What should be the umpire's decision? Answer and prize next week. NAME THE GROUND: Jeff Gi en trains here Tuesday and Thursday nights; 30-40 minutes south from city ; educational area; huge car park; lined with trees for privacy, electronic scoreboard ; no fence ; always windy; finals ground before 1998; 1 large double storey building; St . Kilda trained here through the surnmer. . . . . do you know where it is? Another prize for answer.

FUNCTION DATES: Bowling Night - TONIGHT AT MENTONE TENP .OOPM; Golf Day - 27/5/01 ; VAFA Race DaIBOWL-7 3 - 24/6/01 ; Trivia Night - 30/6/01 ; Cocktail Night 27/7/01 ; Annual Dinner - 27/8/01 ; Grand F'ina Brunch & BBQ - 23/9/01 and Presentation Night 28/9/01 . FIIVALLY.. . . All correspondence to diannewhiteley[abigpond .com

4 ( .~/\





P1O .I0'iL



5 Albie Firley


5 Wayne Hinton

N速 NAME 5 Max Wittmann

6 Sharon Alger


6 Andy Carrick

6 Dash Peiri s

7 8 Chris Gregory 9 Mark Child s

7 Darin Compt

7 Ben McKee

7 Alan Ladd

8 Paul Berry


8 Nick Evans

9 Damien Lane

9 Toby Ovadia

9 Gene Hodgins


10 Trent Foley

10 Tristan Bowman

10 Robert McLeod

11 Alan Stubbs

11 Chris Evans

11 Paul Tuppen

12 l4 Glen Kennedy

12 Mark Morrison

12 Jamie Kvins

12 Simon Payton

14 Ash Hoogendyk

14 Michael Gilday

14 Ian Burgess

15 Geoff Curran

15 Adam Harris

15 Mark Jenkins

15 Michael Sneddon

16 Peter Woods

16 Neville Boyle

16 Craig Brajtberg

16 Luke Moncrieff

,17 Mark Gibson

17 Peter Keogh

17 James Maxwell

17 Andrea Thwaites

18 Jason McNiece

18 Peter Simpson

1 8 Tim Sutcliffe

18 George Paleodimos

Steven McMaho n

ason Waszaj

Paul Withington

19 Steve McCarthy

19 Damien Flenley

19 Chris Moore

19 Heath Littl e

20 John Ralph

20 Grant Wardrop

20 David D'Altera

20 Adi Diner

41 Patrick Maebus

21 Marc O'Donoghue

21 Justin Grossbard

21 David Irons


22 David Leith

22 Rick Love

22 Ken Brewer

23 Paul Dinneen


23 Chris Stevens

23 Robert Sneddon

24 Graeme Hunichen

24 Ben Ryde

24 John Miller

24 Jason Moore

25 Cameron Stewart

25 Lionel Katz

25 Richard Eastwood

25 MatthewTaylor

'26 'Jim Papioanou,

26 Daniel Dinneen

26 Daniel Ischi a

26 Robert Mills

27 Matt Cox

27 Anthony Simpson

27 Euan Lindsay

27 Paul Jones

2 8 Paul Lamble

28 Ken McNiece

28 Leah Gallagher

28 Ron Martyn

29 Chris Garcia

29 Peter James

29 Gerard Rolfs

29 Tyrell Russell

30 Justin Lipson

30 Michael Phillips

30 Simon Olive

30 Anthony Lilley


31 Adam Kooloos

31 Tim Friedman


32 Anthony Damen

32 Mark Fraser

32 Jarrod Aspinall

33 Robert Mayston

33 Michael Forde

33 Simon Stokes

33 Glenn Schipp

34 Graeme Morgan

34 Stephen Morgan

34 Jeremy Heffernan

34 Daniel Stephens

35 Jason Lane

35 Troy Brook s

35 James Watson

35 Dianne Whiteley

36 j~ tatthew Meier


36 Ron Smith

36 Andrew Chapman

37 tVex Maggi o

37 Gavin Roberts

37 David Murray

37 Ken Walker

33 Chris Stevens (sen)

® Each week a Cco4-3 Hire Player oi* iiie Week is a, -inauncecl o n this page (one -%_ " - ^ach section) . Each player qualifies for Team of the Yc~, - ;uctiQn Following the final round each month a Coates Hire F ;ayer for the M,-.-.h will be announced. T/- - 3e players are - '®c


in 1, 7e Coates Hir , ` - . , Team of the Ye

Coate-3 `_ ; .. ~ . ; iaam of the °:--3r will b e announced at the VAFA Vote Count Night. This night will also include the announcement of the Coates Hire Player of the Year. : 2 PLAYER OF T HE WE E K I A : MARCUS DOLLMAN ST . KEVINS OB B : ANDY EVANS DE LA SALLE O C C : STEPHEN KINGWELL S1: BEDES MENTONE TIGERS D1 : DAVID MITCHELL OLD CAMBERWEL L D2 : TONY MACGEORGE MENTONE AFC D3 : PATRICK JACKSON FITZROY RED S Da : I_EC?RI FAIRFIELD OLD WESTBOURN E : . ; OF TRa_ OLD SCOTC H








a column for ~ vc ,one in A -, :9feur Fo_1,1 a!l by Brad Beitze l A VALLEY, the last team in the VAFA

I took is the first club mentioned this week, has ,dured a difficult start to the season with its home round Domeney Rese rve not available until round . been training at the grammar school on ays and Bu ll een Park on Thursdays . club is in its ninth season and president Le Get said it was in a critical stage as a changing of guard in the administration . and I Downs did a oh setting up and we've now got to keep u p dard," Stephen said . I .3 i is still the treasurer, while Rod is now the under-29 coach and Haydn is an active member . G C- OD on the celebs, M essrs Fraser, Sheahan, . i~1r' :cr and Doran, at last . _ r's North Old pops 9 ^3rtspersn n 's Pdi g.aa.. -ill- Al gave their time for free in the spirit of ~~~tcur footy. ic ; nswer to last week's question : What other ainection does Neal Fraser have to Amateu r i i all? - his son Nick played for St Kevins . 0:'1 do you rate Mike Sheahan as a journa list ? f's in my Top Five with McFarline, Flanagan (wh o a great piece on the Fitzroy Reds in The Sunday as did Jon Anderson in the Herald Sun) , tin Connolly. Note that is Peter McFarlin e G-1~ in McFarlane who is my boss at the Sunday tlri Sun and it would not be appropriate t o minr :iejournos from our publication. E-mail me . Alexander is one of the many fitnes s rnaii(:s around Amateur circles . av about this for discipline : Barry, the presiden t C}a!leigh Amateurs eats a dinner of fruit and Hurt before going to the club for Thursday nigh t I [ ;!tllli q ntc l on offer at Guest Road is steak and chips not tit :_~ diet for Barry who has had open-hear t n a,. :,owser but he knows that he can't drink >i ~iiid then be up at 5am on Friday for a work ,I t i!i thepool . another fitness freak e-mail me. 0'0 : ;GRATULATIONS to Xavs John and Elissa Bov ;en 1,,:ith the birth of their first child Hamish .

~ Pat Hawkins set the record straight tha t have lost three of their opening roun d 11, -s in the past seven seasons . anting to write this for four years

regarding Xaverian :' g ~t bl . "Got injured, which meant I couldn't train, which led to poor form," has become Simon's catchphrase to raise a laugh . Unfortunately for the premiership on-baller that's how he looked last Saturday at ;3ulleen as he puffed his way to the bench , :JHAT a segue to where Lethlean sat at Bulleen . Trinity has purchased two weather-proof portable benches for the interchange players from SOCOG . Must have thought their luck had changed when iaur of the benches turned up. upporter and promoter of the i :J .ion ant ;la Australian tour Graeme Alford, rang his step-daughter Tina Tiffen's mobile every five minutes to get score updates during the Xavs match. Tina takes the stats for Trinity . Here's one for you Graeme, your l0-point win is the first for the OT's in A Section against Xavs after nine attempts .

Football Club has former VFL-AFL umpire Sleeth, who coached Kew Amateurs in 1985, as its general manager . The Two Blues have an image of being well off with their funding from the Chapel St pokies venue but president Tim Habel said the C Section club wasn't as affluent as most thought . "We don't have the old school network for financial support. We put into the Toorak Cricket Club, South Yarra Football Club, Prahran Cricket Club, the Lighthouse Foundation Charity and we employ Derek Hine three days a week along with eight trainees to hold footy clinics in the City of Stonnington," Tim said .

, :ow that is a positive contribution to community sport . ar .Fcof1- .

:tar 7 01( Mother of twins Warwick and Geoffrey had a novel answer to why she attended the VAFA season launch: "Thought I'd come to a function with 300 men and few women" ! She's not sure if her sons are identical but FTLOTG has researched an answer and a DNA test for both would cost $1600 to clarify it . THESE AFL stars aren't likely to shine in Ainateur ranks this year . Xavs' Craig Kelly an d

s have retired, Old Brighton's Barr y , cc, mitments with Geelong, and Scott ,, family commitments, and MHSOB' s . Grrpe still has contractual obligations with Essendon . feedback : beitzel a• p .emrra .au

Red ;; • _; , s . Foster's favourFte, Iiat ; ba ng an even lo . However, Chris I was moved onto "Killer- at halft~e keeping hi ; to one goal for the rest of the game . It was a game that the Grvphs took by the scruff of the neck in the first quarter, and then slowly squeezed the life out of the Cobras for the rest of the game . At Rec, ntlelgh soundly defeated Hawtilorn 101The points by . Once again, sharp starred at full-forward for the Demons and Martin was everywhere, whil e gs on a wing and on-baIler were the best for the Hawks . In a Wyckcracker of a game between and The at The Zoo, the 1/2 time and 3/4 time margins were one an d paints respeetively, UHSOB,n , undermanned by ruckme the loss of both their prior to the game, tightened the game in th second term, taking the lead during the third quartere It was a tight slog in the last term before two goals in. the last five minutes won the points for Elsternvvick St . . Johns travelled lakeside to do battle wit Park and the visitors were far too strong hfor th newly-dubbed Falcons e . Despite being undermanned, especially in the tall-Man dePartment, the home sid were reasonably competitive until 1/2 time, when thee JGCs turned the screws and Alber t dthe Park crumbled "11 pressure, the final margin being 164 e' pointsconstant . Finally, Fitzroy beat South Megboau ae with PREVIEW little information forthcoming . ~' OFI2o 3 < -.c, .MyS : Two unbeaten sides clash as .Beatleigh travel 'to E'st Park No. 2 to table -to ~t~ up against fellow ppers Elsternwick . Althoug h will Leigh Murphy be happy with the Wickets' start, I fa n e cY their run will come to a screeching halt th D who must. be considere d seri ~oust prem iershi~ contenders Despite the advantage of Playing at home, Hawthorn will be subject to a torrid time for the second week in a row as they succumb to the juggernaut that is "The Sunday Age" media darlings Fitzroy Reds . the Hawks may stil squeak Althoug h September action, Fitzroy continue toere for some favoudtism, firm for flag Sot a ' ;triets have been dis in their matches to date, while Moa p~'n~g be buoyed by their big t' ho will win over the ~ Cobras . In what

some experts may see as an upset, I tip th e Gryphs, not only because I feel they are capable of a victory, but because maybe it'll stop some of the whinging from my critics in the Monash camp. A of last season's D3 first semi-final sees Ricrepeat hm ond Central play host to St . John' M CC. sCobrascoahGavinwil belo kingforabig this week in a close and toug hSt . John's have an~ encounter However, difficult away games . T y~ack for win .nin g JOC's are it for mine . ~g that into account, th e Fi ~ nally, two of last year's strugglers Alh , meet at the home of the ~~denf a With both 2001, it's teams looking to break their duck in season still a bit difficult to call, but home ground advantage should be enough for UHSOB to win, mt~a -,Y,s : er clean sweep for yours truiy whilst my r perienced but eager co-writer squared of wit another : fou out of flve h . The lead extends to two, ten to eight! Looking now for that bookie it, , about by our B Grade col eague! spoke n Hard to go past Bentleigh, saw them at first hand and was mightily Impressed . However, the We,, haven't done much wrong and shouldn't be underestimated . None the less, Bentteigh by about 6 goals . orn host Fitzroy in yet another D3 inspired "Memories of the VFI," The Hawks manag proving to be a rampant force. With Jacksone the "top guns" in consecutive weeks with tFitzroy the middle and "Spucg" FTid.ato now doubt khe ng in return to his old stamping ground, the Reds should prevail.

South Melbourne and Monash is a toug hMonas' . form stacks , , have well but then again one have had the misfortune of coming u ' South form sides . Have to go p~~st the two Melbourne to get their first ~u r ainst You Pete, South St-Johns travel to Richmond, hell bent on improving on their great start . Richmond are at the other end of the spectrum, desperately trying to kick start their season . Jocs for me as well! F1naI1y, UZl! •- anft

meet. The Falcons will be a bitStl l»nPrl n# .,» t_ _ .. _`veet:s tnrashing whils t Hnt High will be lamentin>"'" Tough amenting theg one that got way big one h.theonbumigsckwthe',-udni (and proud dad) to kick eightt

I3eiltleigh, Fitzroy, South, JOCs, UHSOB . (Peter) Sall, ~ -or me (Ed) I~IILESTONES E istcmwick - duo Brian "The Human Hanger" hqahony an d Duncan " The Man" Brennan both celebrated their 50th game milestone over Albe rt Park t«.eiltly. Son of club legend Paul Mahony, Bri an won the Wickers B&F last year by 10 lengths, while I)tulcarl, son of club president "Uncle" Bernie, is know oi his versatili ty an d rugged approach at the ball . fyn=r,"' orn - congratulates Paul Orchard on today re~_ctling 100 games with the club . A fine contributor iii, an d off the field we look forward to many more at games in the brown and gold. SCvI!'- NOTES

ELsi .~rnwick supporters, please note that the date for tlue Trivia Night has been changed to Saturday 19th ~1av. All other details remain the same . Also, donations for prizes are still required. Au)ert Park also have their trivia night on Saturday 19t11 May . Always a good night, certainly the more in attcudance, the better the evening will be had . Start cc(ting your tables together NOW! Support your elub and enjoy the social experience . Ha~'~r`rhorn are having their players auction this Saiurday, starting at about 7pm . Make sure you buy one of the stars .

ca ;Gi~ Ufi_OB 2.1 6.3 9 .5 10.7(67) ELSTii ;hr;iCli 4.3 6.4 8.9 12.11 (83) USHOB: FarreIly 3. Tate 2, B. Uebergang 2 . Catlin 1, Cameron 1 . Cleveland 1 . Best : Cameron, Smith, Flgden . Butera, Zulickt. Wallace . Elsternwick: Mussared 5. Grvington 2 . Hartley 1, Fitzg erald 1, Mahoney 1, Purcell 1, Foster 1 . Best: Foster, Neill, Hartley, McDonough, Mahoney, Cunningham BENTLEIGH 6.8 11 .12 20 .13 24 .13 (157) HAWTHORN 1 .2 5.5 6.5 8.8(56) Bentleigh: Sharp 8, Henry 4, D. Martin 3. Withington 3, MeCulloeh 2, Eyi es 2 .Gold. Ireson.Best: Ireson, D. Martin, Mlksad, Graham, Henry, A . Pittito. Hawthorn : Latiletta 3, Jaeomus 3, Banfietd• Reed . Best: Michaels, Saulle• Delaney, Wilson, Reed, Burke .Umpues : Justin Grossbard, Heath Little (r) oY REDS 1 .9 6.12 10 .20 16 .23 (119) CI5 0.1 1 .6 1 .7 1 .8 (14) Fitzroy Reds : Roneht 7. Pidoto 2, Gunn I, Byrne I . Rawlins 1, Wharf 1 . Mitchell 1, Urbanete l. Lee 1 . Best : Cahill, Mitchell, Gunn. Ronchi. Johnstone, Jackson. South Melbourne Districts: Chet.w•ers I . Best: Brown. Herman, Hogan, Aquilina. Umpires: Simon Stokes, George PaleodImos (F ) RICHMOND CENTRAL

9 .11 (65)

MONASH GRYPHONS 20 .11 (131) Richmond : M. Smith 2 . Deegan 2. Adams 1, Slater 1, O'Suth"an 1 . Howell 1. Hutton . Best: Adam, Kristian, Shannon, O'Sulliwan, Holmes . Brook. Monash Gryphons: KillmLster 10, Wells 2, N. Rutherford 2. Bestee 2• Hetherington 1, Leeton 1 . Jenkin I . Goold I . Best : Wells. Killmtister, Hetherington, Grady. Biandford, B. Coxhead . Umpires: Ashleigh Hoogendyk, Glen Kennedy (F) ST. JOHNS 7 .4 13.6 26 .11 34 .15 (219) ALBERT PARK 2 .3 5.4 5 .5 8.7(55) St Johns : Hilton 13, Horbury 6, Jones 3, Hartnett 3, Walker 2, Van Hooten 2, Coulon 2, Rydqutst 1, Burghona 1 . Walker 1. Best: Horbury, Hilton, Walker, Koppers. Walker. Jones . Albert Park : Allen 3, Tsoukas 2, Fairfield 1. Robertson 1 . Chambers 1 . Best La Mont, Chambers, Tsoukas, Flemming, J. Robertson, C. Robertson-Albert Park: Peter Griffiths, Alan Ladd (F) II3 RESERVE UHSOB 3 .1 3.3 3 .3

NAME Sharp fiilton I'tussared Ronch) ItiIlmister

SETII- IO i?S CLUB LST WK TOTAL Bentleigh 8 14 StJohns 13 13 Elstermvick 5 10 Fitzroy Reds 7 10 Monash Gryphons 10 10 D3 RESERVE

Lord Hawthorn Lilikakas Elsternwick I,adson St Johns Byrne Elsternwick Jackson Bentleigh PIacorgioris Fitzroy Red s

TODAY'S TIC' ES D3 Sectio n Elsternwick v. Bentleigh Hawthorn Amateurs v . Fitzroy Reds South Melbourne Districts v. Monash Gryphon s Richmond Central v. St . Johns UHSOB v. Albert Park GTA >,,,- . ., .. ..~. .~ _, ., .T .. . .


3.3 (21)

1 .0 5.4 11 .5 13.6 (84)

USHOB : French 2 . Hellner 1 . Best : Hellner, Rea, Thomas, Longton . M. O'Neill . Parker.Elstemwick: Lillkakts 3, Hafdn, Byrne 2. Yemm 1, S. Currie 1. Allan I, Walker 1 . Best: Soppett . Llltkakais, Franken, Sunman, Allan, Smith.


3 .2 6.5 11 .6 16 .9 (105) 3 .0 4.1 4 .2 4.3.(27)

Beatleigh : Jackson 4, English 3, Jemmeson 3, Castro 3, Neve. Lewis, Stanes.Best: Caterson, Clark, Wade, Backman, Jackson . Castro. Hawthorn: Lord 3, Banfield, Knott Best: Lord, Kerr. Vlllani, Parker, Bruad)ev, Bruns . FrrZROY REDS 2 .5 4 .7 6 .9 9 .12 (66) NIEIR DISTRICTSSOUTH 0.1 1 .2 3 .4 5.6 (36) Fitzroy Reds : Diaeogiorgis 4, Kane 3, Bare I . Rome 1 . Best : MacBurney, Diaeogiorgis, Dtbenedetto, Sainsbury, Cahill . South Melbourne Districts : Brvson 2, Pohlner 2. B . Slade 1 . Best : Briglta, Daalder. Slade . Lawson. Doyle . RICHMOND CENTRAL 11 .13 (79) MONASH GRYPHONS 6.9(45) Richmond : Macak 3, Pardv 3. HIckey 2, Bunshaw 1 . DeGeltas 1, Albrecht I . Best : Lane, Pardy . Titley, Stobaus, Jones.Monash Gryphorce Healy 3 . Gilchrist 1, Wadlev 1, Magrts 1 . Best: Campbell. Wadley, Warren . Lovett, Holland, Satas . JOHNS .ST 5 .1 9 .4

12 .8

16.15 (111)

ALBERT PARK 0 .2 1 .2 3 .2 3.4(22) St Johns : Ladson 5, Hancock 3 . Christian 2, Back I, Dragwidge 1, P.iita 1, Houtton 1, Walters 1, Foneeca I . Best: Back, Ladson, Ciita, Fonceez, Hancock. Deaga•idge Park: steward 1, Toth, 1 . GaueIl 1 . Best: Steuard . Redpath, Phillips. Willis, Weatmr, Waugh.

~%3 e REHTlEiGH




: Graham Burgen RCc c ch: John Ahem Coach : Ron Gordon Coach: Leigh Murphy Senior Coach Res Coach : Andrew George c . Coach : Steve Lawson Res . Coach: Steve Hall R es Coach : Andrew Curtain 1 . P.Smith 2. N.Pastras 3. J .Storey 4. G . Parmansche 5 . S.Allan 6 . J. Willox 7 . J .Sutton 8 . C.Jackson 9 . P. Chambers 10 . M .Phillips 11 . A. Fleming 12 . N.Langdon 13 . B.Payne 14. S.Fairfield 15. B.Adamson 16. C .Roberton 17. D . McLellan 18. J . Taylo r 19. A .Steward 20. M .Abbott 21 . S .Waugh 22 . S .Redpath 23 . T.Faranda 24 . J.Murray 25 . J.Sutcliffe 26. G .Finn 27. S .Ridout 28. R .Buckley 29. T.Goldsmith 30. A .Thomas 31 . S .McGuire 32 . D:Odorico 33 . T. Murray 34 . G .Meyer-Heinrich 35 . A. D'Mingo 36. M.Pearson 37. LHogan 38. C .Lamont 39. J .Robilotta 40. M .Lapsley 41 . K.Weaver 42 . S .Bolas 43 . J .Tsoukas 44 . B.Isard 45 . A.Gay 46. D .MacKintosh 47. W.Gauci 48. M .Willi s 49. T.Houston 50. D.McKay 51 . J . Costello 52 . N.Strang 53 . M .Williams 54 . S. Kidd 55 . D .Allan 56. P. Kemp 57. A . Soek 58. S .Toth 59. B .Letchfor d 60 . S .Lawson 61 . C.Brockhouse 77 . J .Robertson 78 . A.Dee 79 . J .Sgroi 80 . B.Martyn 81 . T.Walton 82. J .Stubbs 83. C .Jeffrey 84. D .Harris 85 . G.Daley 86 . H .Ross

1 L. Murphy (CC) 2 A. Hankin

1 M .Frisby 2 A Walsh 3 M .Wharf

AMATEUR S Coach: Peter Tyson -

Res Coach : P~icLennan 1a I . Baccin i 1 b B Hudso n

1 2 3

C Sharp (Capt) P Morgan A Pittito


D Lewis (R .C .)

4 A. Tilley 5 M . Whelan

2a G



M Eyles

6 D . Brennan

5 D .Kane

2b E



R Weber

7 J. Cappiello

6 J .Bennie

3a G

Jackso n

7 8 9

S Brown L Martin

8 S. Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartly 10 R . Bravington

7 J .Doyle 9 C.Prior 10 A.Urbancic

3b A 4 E 5a S

Knott Betti o Avery

11 L. Messaglia 11 P. Mahony

11 B.Doyle 12 C .Sheather

5b B 6a P

Ruzicka Avery

6b N 7 D

Tierney Moncrieff

10 11

1 Jackson A Henry D Martin (Capt)

12 13

L Codarin G Prigg

12 N. Wigmore 13 M . Cunnngham

C Martin P Withington P Jemmeson J Psaras H Dwyer

13 P. Stankovich 14 B. Mahoney 15 M. Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward

14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59

4 J .Hamilton

13 M .James 14 T.Clarke

8a N Hayes 15 J .Vernali Menni e 8b J 16 G .Clohesy 9 R Ogl e 17 B .Lee 10 P Orchard 18 J .Horridge 11 A Sill 19 P.Cook 12 S Banfiel d 20 T.Mitchell S Hall 18 A . Neil 13 J Povey 21 A.Sainsbury 19 A . Peasley R Fishlock 14a D Lauletta 22 B .Cahill A Graham 19 M . Bullard Fitzpatrick 14bT 23 T.Jackson 20 S . Clements L Holmesby 15 M Tyson 24 K .Grattan 21 P.Stuchberry D Gold 16a C Reed 25 P.Jackson B Padgham 22 M. Mussared 16b D Lahiff 26 B .Buick 23 S. Curtain (VC) J Seeley (V.C.) 17a D Zaverella 27 J .Loft M McCulloch 24 A . Foster 17b R Tongue 28 J .Card 25 B . Frankin A Clough 18 P Rya n 29 D .East A Miksad 26 C. Mahony (DVC) Law 19 J 30 B.Foster 27 M . Daniels R English 20 S Parke r 31 P.Crowe 28 W. Davidson D Fishlock 21 P Burke 33 S .Drury M Effting 29 S . Mahony 22 A Collins 34 D .Uttle 30 M. Nichol L Sampson Micheal 23a J 35 A .Mackinnon 31 G . Devonshire L Ireson 23b M Artin i 36 W .Fawaz M Backman (R .V.C .) 32 M. Hunt Jackomoni s 24 J 38 N.Bishop P Hutchison (V.C .) 34 A. Conlin 25 M Zaverella 39 A.George 35 P. McNally G Beattie 26 D Villani 40 G .Bance L Plttito 36 T. Byrne 27 R Lord 41 R .Burgman 37 L. Lambert J Bounsall 28 D Lackins 421 I .McBurnie J Neve 38 B . Currie 29a M O 'Brie n 43 T.Viliani 39 P. Allen B stead 29b P Barker 44 B .Hart 40 S. Bacon S Sice 30 K McDougal 45 G .Hassett 41 M. Hosking G Saddington 31 L Collin s 46 P.Heaphy 42 J. Lilikakis A Wade 32 P McLenna n 49 A.Puglia 44 C . Walker 1 Picken 33 S Stevens 50 B.Aggenbach P Dimattina (R.VC.) 45 R . Grandemange 34 R Johnston 51 J .Rawlings 46 S . Smith M 0'Reilley 35 J Carguill 52 B.O'Connor 47 S . Ritchie M Clark 36 M Dao u 48 M . Frankin 53 S .Addicott A Stanes 37 D Carte r 55 N .Mathews 49 J . Yemm M Pirie 38 B Brun s 56 T.Madden L Sampson 50 G . McNeils 39a S Davie s 58 B .Neal 51 F. DiGiangregorio M Sidney 39b D Pritchard 59 R.Johnstone G Richards 52 D . Nolan 40 B Moore 61 B .Tirrell 54 S. Kirkham M Unsworth 41 A Donkin 62 N.Auden C Aitken 57 J. McAdam 42 T Dixo n 63 G .Makdesi T Caterson 43a A Brick 64 D .Trindade D Pittito Chepa 43b1 65 S.Bramley 44 B Alder 66 D .Timms 70 S.Dibendetto 45 A Burke 46 T O'Hanlo n 71 P.Gunn 47 J Berry 72 M .Dikeakos 48 C Alexande r 74 N .Fitzpatrick McGowa n 49 D 75 W.Daniel 52 M Delane y 80 G .Box 55 A Saulle 82 P.Howorth

84 Z .Senburg s 88 S.Greenwood

99 P.Diacogiogi s . ._

. . . . .~~ . . .. ~ .. ..rnwi i ~o ~Itfli


MOflr` : ,.h . J,c„ McDonald Cc, ch: Dave Ratner

S . Bourbon M . Healy 3 A. Grady C. Robinson

T. Gilchrist O, Becker ; D . Walter

Si' JOHNS Coach: in h Res. Cc : A7 y

STN M ELB D IST. Coach : Peter McBrearty Res Coach: K Johnston

U.H.S .O . B . Coach : Pat Mackey Res Coach : Peter Dinnick

1 M .Smith 2 B .Holmes 3 T.O'Sullivan

1 M .Wright 2 A. Talarico 3 B . Uebergan g

4 P.Mijitavic

4 S . Majo r

5 M .Shannon

5 T. Fulton

6 G .Bunshaw 7 P.Byrnes

6 S . Cracknel l 7 D. Zuluck i 8 D . Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smit h 10 B . Carric k

8 J. Blandford G. Wadley 0 P. Williamson

8 G .Malcolm 9 A.Leembrogen 10 A.White

; J. Barrie 1 2 A. Gross

11 M.Newton 12 F.Macak

!3 J. Stratford R, Cormick

Coach : Bruce Mullane Res Coach: M Hancock

11 J. Shepher d 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N . Rose

14 J. Ha m 15 S. Maguire

13 J .Dutton 14 C.Shannon

,'larke Bourbon 7 i Hetherington

15 C.Barry 16 J .Birt 17 A.Fawcett

B C. Lovett

18 M .Zarjac


16 17 18 19 20 21 22

P. Gunthorpe S.Jackson A. Heine r J . Uebergang G . Madrigano S. Mill s R .Johns

ig J. Leroy 0G G . Browel l

19 J .Manning 21 A .Jones

21 G . Kent

22 A .Flores

23 P. Eltringham

%2 B. Coxhead 33 D. Charleson 24 D. Kitchin 2 5 M, Kilmister 26 M . Carter 27, R. Gilchrist 8 M . Bourbon 39 B . Lloyd 30 P. Holland

23 R.Prentice 24 T.Guthrie 26. S .Bailey 27 C.Adams 28 A .watters 29 B .Browne 32 M .Harris 33 P.Berimano 34 j brooks

24 M . Kennedy 25 D. O'Dwye r 26 B . Fogliaro 27 D. Clarke 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Clevelan d 30 J . O'Neill (VC) 31 P. Dolence

31 G. Roche

35 K Day

34 T. Cameron

32 D. Hale 3 R . White

36 K White 37 C Adams

35 J . Mahe r 36 A . Pendlebury

3 . M . Graydon

39 D Hunt

35 P. Bateman

40 K Convery

-2,3 J. Watson

41 M Slatery

37 M. Mastromanno 8 N . Rutherford 39 R . Coxhead

42 C White 52 C Andopolous 55 J Cavanagh

;o M. Salaj C . Archer

74 J Lane

.~2 C . Carlisle 43 H . Buick , R . Mcdonald

5 J. Gonis 6 H. Beh '7 T. Beslee 3 L. Martin -:9 K. Pociask o D. Ratner 51 C. Leeton


-M d .: c

32 H . Starbuck 33 A . French

37 G. Catteral l 38 A. Boyc e

39 M . Rea

40 L . Maguire 41 1 Plaza 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neil l

44 C . Percy 45 N . Smit h

46 R . Killey 47 M. Turvey 48 J. Tate

49 H. Williams 50 B. Rees 51 R. Pitruzzello 52 M . Collins 53 A. Cusic 54 M . O'Reilly 55 A. Ludlow 56 J . Catli n 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigden 59 J . Barro n 61 P. Hoban 62 K . Rodger s 63 D . Parke r 64 C. Ramsdale 65 J . Tat e 66 K . Weber 67 M . De Luis e 68 H . Wajsze l 69 S. Fros t 70 E. Ricciuti 71 B. Stanton 72 D . Kirk 73 S. Devli n 74 C . Longton 80 D . Parke r 88 J. Bristowe

Action,f, o

CZ d

and Therry Penola clash fro Elste rnw Eck Pa rk last Sat"rdaz o

We are only into round two and Dz is already shaping up to be onc of the most interesting divisions in tie Z`,F': ~:: ith almost every side showing that tb c,, h t~ c the potential to be able to go all th,- th,s ason: TI r~tcheS~c l~~li~eduptoltstolablll~n,r t :' :l,: going down Lo 35=?dal In h-~naro a iigh fought bat tlc. After being three goals ahead late in the third term, Bulleen looked set to run away with the game thanks to another great performance by Richard Badanjek at centre half forward . However, Syndal displayed why they are the early premiership favorites, fighting back late in the l.hird and finishing strongly in the final quarter to run out 11-point winners. Old Westbourne had a gutsy victory against Mt.Lilydale at Warrior Park after a blistering third quarter kicking four unanswered goals on a day where goal kicking was difficult . Westbourne captain, Leon "Platters" Fairfield was unstoppable across the Warrior half back line and set up much of the forward thrusts with Justin "Jucka" Horsburgh linking well an d Simon "The " Claristo taking some great contested 1i marks at full forward . The only major upset for the round was by S b e University against an Eltharn side that would be seething at a number of missed opportunities earlier in the game . Eltham started the stronger of the two sides but were unable to convert being 6 .7 at half time compared to Swinburne's 6 goals straight . Jarrod "Junior" Mizzi in the guts had his hands on the leather more times that Madame Lash at the Hellfire Club for the Turtles but with John Sheedy dominating across half back and Tony Albert starring on the ball the Razorbacks were able to shut down the Turtle's run and gain the ascendancy . The game concluded with a riveting final term where the lead changed three times before Nigel Smith pulled in some match winning grabs for the Razors who ran out eventual 8-point victors . In the other two games Werribee were too good for the undermanned Eley Park side while North Brunswick showed that they will also be a formidable foe this year with a stirring 35-point victory against St . 's.

Rupertswood had the bye. PREVIEW Mt .Lilydale vs . Eley Park

After the long trip last week down the Westgate Freeway the Mt.Lilydale side Will be grateful for some respi against E lc , i ; ;'.. . I i ov: c vcr . Eley Park have shown improveme ihc pnsttvsogames andIthink itshouldn'~ . H brinulthcvegs fr%in ;~It .Lilydalc have shown that theV can pla, football and will be too determined to let this ga ie slip and should run out victors by 22 points . Werriibee vs . St. 's Werribee have been the big improvers thus far in season 2()01 and would be quietly ecstatic with their great start . St.Mary's on the other hand would be very disappointed with their start and will be looking to their more experienced campaigners to lift their many youngsters. Werribee have shown that they will be a class act this season and are even tougher to beat at home and should go to the top of the table with three out of three after a 38-point victory. North Brunswick vs. Bull een Cobras North Brunswick have had two very strong xm째ins to open up their season, but will have their first real test against Bulleen in the "Match of the Day" . The Cobras will also be content with their opening and will be confident that they will be part of the finals action this season given a good opening victory and narrowly losing to the premiership favorites . With Pearson and McLeod firing in the engine room plenty of opportunities will be provided for the rampant Badanjek and see them inflict North's first loss for the season with a 16-point victory . Rupertswood vs. Swinburne University Rupertswood coming off the bye will be eagerly awaiting Swinburne in an encounter that could go either way . Keen to avenge their first round defeat Rupertswood will have to try hard to find someone to counter the Razors tall timber in Robert Cavicchiolo who had a huge impact last week . In the end though, Swinburne have struggled in the past away from home and the Sunbury home ground advantage should be enough to see Rupertswood register their first win in D4 by 5 points . Old Westbourne vs . Eltharn OC A lot of history between these two teams will be rekindled when Eltham makes the difficult journey out to Warriorland . The Turtles would be disappointed by their start to the season bu t

rue eeeerc I IM FnnTRAI i FR 2001'.

tln("urttmately wi ll not find any respite against a restugent Westbourne . The Warriors will have to tic~ ;l with the Turtle's s tr ong forward setup of h5atty Best at fu ll forward and coach Brian Doody at cen tre half forward, but with the miserly Phillip "F " Mesman and Adrian "Boydy" Board on the job the Warriors should have it co~, ered to win a tight tussle by 13 points . syndal Tally Ho - bye press Correspondents A (>o4Dr r sponse from everyone this week with only IL,t,r reports out of the possible ten received . It II1Jiccs it very difficult to give an accurate (1~scription of proceedings without your input, s o ~ur ~ ) ssistance is requested. Please contactme by 1110 I,Ii cr than noon on Monday on either my mobile (().( ; ; ;-013=373), email ( .au), or 1z '%27- 001 . D4 CLUB NOTE For the remainder of season 2001, Syndal Tally Ho I'G will be training and playing their home aames at Brandon Park Reserve . It is located ' :;rar the corner of Springvale an d Ferntr ee Gully Ro~acls Glen Waverley. Enter from Fern tree Gully Rd j ust after the Fire Station. Melways 71C8 .

D4 SECTION 9.7(61) OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .2 3.4 7.6 3.3 4.8 4.10 6 .13 (49) 3ff. LILYDALE Old A'cstbourne : Christo 3 . Rivalland 2, A . Horsburgh 1, Bllhnan 1, B . 7, 1, J . Horsburgh I . Best : Fairfield, A . Horsburgh, J. Horsburgh, '.1il :m,, r, Christo, Milne. Mt lilydale: Pereira 2, Carolan 1, Holloway 1, Maniscalehi I, Pearce 1. .~ . FoI(eu Mansicalchi, Calllnan, Pearce, Gibson . Carolan. Umpires : t' . :rzick, Ron Martyn (F) . Andrew Shiels, Jon Kralevski (B), r O'Shea (G ) ELEY P.:R$ 5.2 8,2 11 .3 11 .5 (71) µ-c^7'^"^2.2 9 .3 14 .7 24.8 (152) EIcr :1c R+ )bie 4, Trotter 3, Price 2, Gaynor. Smith . Best : Cruse ,

Ni . P.-me, Reddmgton, Robbie. Wembee: McGrath 9, Is 3, decker 2, Fuller 2, Pacel, Hovey. Best: Addamo, ;rath, Carson, Ellis .

Cmpires~ ,

Tuppen (F)

N. . "L-z 5.0 10.4 10 .8 12.12 (84) NORTH rIC% 2.3 6.9 10.10 18.11 St Ma-! nardi 4, Boyes 3, Burt 1 . Carra 1, J . Dwyer 1, Heady 1 , : J. Dwyer, F. Harrison, Q. Norton, Ross, O'Connor, :-swick : De Morton 4, Wernham 4, Sammartmo 3, 2, Fawcett 1, Glllard 1, Sorleto 1 . Best: Fawcett, art, D . DeMorton . L . DeMorton, Magnuson. Umpires: . _, .n Roberts (F) I3L'LLEES COBRAS 3 .6 7.7 12 .13 14 .13 (97) SY:vn:1L TAI,LY•HO 3 .5 8.9 11 .12 15.i8 (108) B,J4een Cobras: Badanjek 6, D'Angelo 2, Gencarellf 2, Mcleod 1 . f,-- i .kjaruil . Best : Badanjek, Bowen, D'Trmchi . Pearson , ties .

a''. Richardson 4, Morrison 2, Burns 1, Dance 4, P nas 1 . Best: Titburn, Morris, Richardson , Bunrw7e. Umpires: David D'Altera, Anthony ELTH.-1' ;

4.3 6 .7 9 .9 11 .13(79) 2.0 6 .0 9 .4 13 .9(87) Elthem : Ci . 6 donald 2, Gathercole, Robins, Doody. zi, Duggan, Macdonald, Bates Smith, 3, Prior 2, Fidler, Thomas, Allen , Sheerly, Albert, Smith, Cavtcchiolo, Milano, umpires JJ>on Lane, Gerard Rolfs (F) SR'IY©L72'iF:

SBNIO?€1 Z5T'R;: TUii.i, CLUB 4Verribee 9 9 Eltham 6 9 St Marys 3 7 North Brunswick 4 7 D4 RESERVE 7 Papanikolou North Brunswick 4 6 Heath Eley Park 4 5 Vincent St Marys 2 Dix Syndal Tally-Ha 5 5 NEiiiiL McGrath Best Boyes Wernhaln

TODAY'S D4 Section Mt . Lilydale v . Eley Park Werribee v. St . Marys North Brunswick v. Bulleen Cobras Syndal Tally-Ho has the bye Rupertswood v. Swinburne Uni

Old Westbourne V. Eltham Collegians

D4 RESERVE OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .3 3 .3 5.6 5.7 (37) 2 .2 5 .4 5.7 8.9 (57) MT, LILYDALE OLD WESTBOURNE : Hewitt 2, Mattsson 1, Clowes 1 . Sutton 1 . Best : Evans, Smith, Crosswell, Sutton, Hewitt, Gaillott . Mt Lilydale : Hofmann 2, Prest 2, Anderson 1, Gardiner 1, Hayes i, Johnson 1 . Best : Hayes, Whitehead, Johnson, Anderson, Morrison, Leek . ELEY PARK 4.3 5 .5 8 .9 9.13 (67) WERRIBEE 4.5 6 .9 7.11 12.13 (85) Eley Park: Heath 4, Wright 2-Anderson, Blake . Best : Blake, Grant, Wright . Newbound, Drain, Baldry. Wernbee: A.Addarno 4, Thomas 3, Flack 2, Fenton 2, Turner . Best: Seerers, Ayling, Galizi, Turner . McNamara . Alabakis . ST. MARYS 2.5 4.6 11 .12 13.18 (96) NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.3 4.7 4 .9 10.11 (71) St Marys : J . Vincent 2, Lewis 2, West 1, Chamberlin 1 . O'Shaughnessy 1, Schembr[ 1, Reck 1, Ballantvne 1, Roseman I, Theoharris I . Best: Chamberlin, Webb, Schembri, Koumantatakls, J . Vincent, O'Shaughnessy. North Brunswick : Papnikolou 4, 4, panic 2, P. taneredi 2, Newton 1, Polemicos 1 . Best; Skaf, S . Taneredi, New-ton, Grist, Crosina, McCallum . 3.8(26) BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .4 2.6 3.8 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2 .5 8 .7 11,13 14 .15 (99) Bulleen Cobras: Starret 2, Baldi 1 . Best: Clements, Vi RigionL Starret, Ontry, May.Syndal Tally-Ho: Dix 5. Hanneman 3, Van Der Kavk 2, Hanneman 2, Bingham 1, Thomson 1, Rutter 1 . Best; Kemper, Van Der Kavk, Rutter, Cachia, Bennett, Hanneman. 1 .2 1 .4 2 .5 2.7(19) ELTHAM 3.4 6 .8 12 .11 18 .16 (124) SWINBURNE Eltham: Justice, locuone. Best: Evans, Glare, Harding, D .Howgate . Smith, Justice. Swinhurne : Nicoll 4. Canfield 3, R.Goode 2, Freeman 2, OHara 2, Higgins 2, Deppler 2 . Islip. Best: Higgins. James, Nicoll . Gallma, O'Mara, Sandhu


D4 Section BULLEEN COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo At. Coach : John Kalpakis Res Coach: Nicholas Cox

1 J. Kalpakis

ELEY PARK Coach : Darren Hawley Res Coach : Grant Heath

ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Coach : Brian Dowdy Res. Coach: J Glare


MT. LILYDALE Coach: David Keast Res Coach: Paul Camme rford

3 . M .BEST 4 . B .DOODY C/C 5 . S .JEAL 6 . TCARTER 7 . B . RASHID 8 . L.SHARPE 9 . C.WATSON 10. W.BATES 11 . J .MIZZI 12. A,MANN 13. R .BELL VC 14 . S .JUSTICE

1 D . Johnson 2 P. Hayes 3 M. Brebne r 4 F. Varg a 5 M. Jelenc 7 D . Hendri e 8 H . Gurrier-Sande r 9 A . Del Biondo 10 J. Gardiner 11 C . Gibson 12 J. Cummerford 13 R . Kid d 14 C . Wals h 15 D. Morrison

13 T. Johnson


14 S . Casey

15 N DIX


18 B . Lealou s

15 J . Trinchi (RC) 16 D. Trinchi (DVC) 17 J . Brown 18 R . Badanjek 20 J . Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 R . Pasina6 23 J. Redfern



19 N . Whitehead 20 J . Penhale 22 B . Leek 23 B . Egan 25 A. Delahunt 27 N. Pearce 28 T. Crow e 29 P. Furlong

24 P. McVeigh



30 G . Bird

25 W. Olney



32 P. Carolan

26 J. D'Angelo



33 C. Anderson

27 J. Cartledge


27. J .SMYTH

35 D. Callanan

28 A . Foskett 29 A . Summers 30 T. Pearson 31 S . McLaren 32 C. Clements 34 M . D'Angelo (VC) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N. Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica



38 D. Kennedy 39 L . Allanson 42 M . Periera 43 D. Holloway 45 R . McKenzie 46 K. Maniscalchi 47 C . Lonergan 50 J. Kuffer 51 A. Penhale 52 M . Well s 53 M. Leonard 54 C . Varg a 55 H . Flanagan 60 T. Wilso n 63 C . Carsens 64 D . Smit h P. Beddoe s M . Cunningha m

46 G . Reeves



T. Grac e

46 C. Borrelli 47 N. Peters 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 50 D . Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 M. Turner 55 S. Wigney 56 S. Whiteman



L. Kellett

2 T. Orwin

2 S. Petty 3 G. Bowen 4 I . McLeod 4 N . Cartledge 5 M . Dall'Oglio (VC) 6 N . Cox 7 F. Bald!

8T. Mazzarella 9 P. Goetz 10 A . Gencarelli 12 D. Thompson


65. S.SCHAFER BULLEE N AUTOMOTIVE CENTR E 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105

Phone : 9852 1129

t Ouchcarpet-

Section itTll BRUNSWICK Ccech : Craig Fox Res. Coach: Angle Samma rtino

OLD WESTROURNE Coach : Jeff Wilson Res. Coach : Stephen Leitch

RUPERTSW®®D Coach : Ken Balmer Res . Coach: Shane Mcl.aughian

ST. MARY'S Coach : Peter Olivieri Res Coach: Michael Leannonth

1 S . Wernham 2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D . Pizzari 7 D . Magnuson 8 D . Fenton

1 . G . Robson 2 . G . Flower 3. S . Depiazza 4. A. Nibloe 5. S . Sutton 6. J . Horsburgh (VC) 7. A . Christo 8. A . Horsburgh

2 D Fox 3 S Carmody 4 S McLauchlan 5 J McGrath 6 S Gallus 7 M Flinn 8 M O'Riley 9 M Clarke

1 . J . Harringto n 2 . B . Boyes 3 . J . Carr a 4 . N . Goldsworthy 5 . J . Dwyer 6 T. Bur t 8 A . Zsembery

9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh

9. C. Villinger 10 . J. Wilson 11 . V. Matthey

10 A O'Callaghan 11 B Moule 12 M Schwartz

9 R . O'Shuaghness y 10 G. Koumatataki s 11 J. Bernard i

12 . T. Milne

13 B Sinnett

12 S . benso n

13 . S. Hewitt 14 . S. Mattsson 15 . A. Board

14 L Plummer 15 D Wallace 16 S Weston

13 A . Dwyer 14 C . Goldsworth y 15 , R . Orm e

16. S. Christo

17 A Drago

16 L . Anthony

17. M. Aqualina 18. P. King (DVC) 19. R . Aldridge 20. S. Cameron 21 . B. Dangerfield 22. W. Fleming 23. S. Nolan 24. L. Fairfield (C) 25. D. Moore 26. P. Mesman 27. D. Billman 28. D. Slattery 29. D. Horsburgh 30. R. McMillan 31 . R. Aldridge 32 . G . Jenkinson 33 . D. Berm 34 . P. Stewart 35 . D. Rivalland 36 . K. Pillsbury 37 . A . Leitch

18 C Nemeth 19 M Mazzateata 20 K Quinn 21 M Walsh 22 S Barnes 23 H Cross 23 M West 24 W McKenzie 26 W Glenn 27 M Lane 28 D McDonald 33 M McKenzie 42 B Swann 49 P Clarke 77 M O'Callaghan N Webb B Whitehead

17 P. West 18 B. Frai l 19 M. Maschette 20 A. Lane 21 Q . Norton 22 R . Alle n 24 1. Goulett 25 D. Hutchin s 26 S. Ston e 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watso n 31 D. Thomso n 32 A. Web b 33 J . Watson 34 M . Tindley 35 G . Theoharris 36 E, Evan s 37 L. Vincent 38 F. Harriso n 39 T. Millar

12 S. Care 13 P. Merin 14 M . Newton 15 H. Tsialtas

16 L. Demorton 17 A. Kyriazis 18 P. Sorieto 19 S. Famulari 20 R. Divita 21 M . Sorletto 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Briffa 2; M . Alliani 25 S . Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J . Heck 32 D. Newton 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A . Armstrong r 37 D. DeMorton 38 A . Crosina

39 C. Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J. Page 44 S. Grist 45 M. Pante 46 J. Polemicos 48 N . Oates 49 G . Skaf 50 B. Laoumtzes 56 L . Patullo 57 J. Heck 65 L . Rigazzi

38 . B . Mattsson

41 J. Brenna n

39 . A . Robbins 40 . S . Leitch 41 . J . Dusting 42 . S . Roberts 43 . A . Runciman 44 . B . Slattery 45 . M . Baulch 46 . K Sutton 47 . T. Said 48 . Ash Lipscombe 49. M. Pillsbury 50. P. Habersatt 51 . D. Koch 52. T. Robinson 53. S. Walker 54. M. Crosswell

42 H . Joyc e 43 M . Chamberlain 45 P. Rya n 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousi s 48 D . Morcom 49 G. Schembri 50 A. Worsnop 51 T. Bergi n 52 J. Goldsworthy 53 J . Odorisio 54 W. Ros s 56 J . Vincent 58 B. Lewi s 59 K. McLennan 60 M . Scammel l

55. C . Shaw

61 J . Timmins

56. C. Galvin 57. D. Halley 58. M . Bavdek 59. Adrian Lipscombe 60. N. Aqualina

63 P. Rosema n 64 J . Ramsay 66 G . Pilkidi s 67 J . O'Conno r 69 J . Hand y 76 T. Tahos 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyn e

Sponsored by :

err ° e e


I SYHDAC TA LLY HO Coach : Adri an Fidler Res Coach : Robert Cauiccholo 1 C Freema n 2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidle r 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Morrison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nichol l 13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thomas 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiumani 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merkel 24 D Debattista 25 T Hourigan 26 T Liston 27 D Murphy 28 S Gray 29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Turk 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 K Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Roberts 44 N Morgan 45 D Islip 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Allen 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 S O'Donnell 53 M Waugh 55 S Gallina 56 K Dub e 58 A Roberts 60 D Debon o

'rouldv suonsored bv :

Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn (03) 9818 4991 Robbie's Meats 0413 539 501

Coach : Kevin Hannei t Res. Coach : Kevin Hannet 1 J .Hanneman 2 I .Bingha m 2 T.Marks 3 M .Joy 4 P.Henderson 5 B .Dix 5 D .Hannett 6 C .Chasemore 6 J .Cotsi s 7 A .Burns 8 R .Bennett 9 S .Kemper 10 G.Vanderkruk 10 TPsinas 11 J .Rutter 12 J .Moresi 12 A .Miller 13 D.Taylor 14 S .O'boyie 14 S .Leaver 15 N .Murray 16 B .Boucher 17 A .Burgess 18 S .Mcfarlane 19 M .Gienister 20 I.Mckenzie 20 C.Hall 21 A .Thompson 22 S .Hoare 23 M .Beckett 24 M .Mcfariane 25 C.Clarke 26 A.Capps 27 G .Kemper 28 P.Fyfield 29 A.Sheer 30 A.Mackwell 31 A.Richardson 32 L.Hanneman 33 M .Richardson 34 N.Hunter 35 C.Cachia 37 A.Danc e 38 M .Christensen 39 D.Hallisey 41 A.Morrison 42 A.Findiey 43 A.Brown 44 J.Maestros 45 D .Richardson 46 M .Pane 49 C .Vamavas 50 A.Sneddon 51 W.Hal l 54 P.Sheer

Coach: Tim Elli s Res. Coach : Tom Andrews 1 . A. Aibakis

2. S . McNamara 3. D. Flack 4. L. Brown 5. L. Kerr 6. S . McGrath 7. T. Elli s 8. K. Pace (C) 9. C. Terzoglou 10 . M . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12 . M . Walsh 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . B . McMillan 15 . J . Purton 16 . P. Browning 17. S. Fulle r 18 . E. Collie r 19 . J . Addamo (VC) 20. P. Albaki s 21 . R . Zulian 22 . A. Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24. J . Crack 25. A. Hovey 26. P. Thomas (RC) 27. M. Brown (DVC) 28. D . Czajowski 29. S. Dol e 30. B. Cariesso 31 . B. Waters 32. M . Dolegowski 33. S. Parke r 34. S. Camiileri 35. S. Alabacos 36. A. Addamo 37. J. Ayling 38. P. Dwaes 39. L . Langfieid 40. L . Carson 41 . G . Grogan 42. D . Elli s 43. E . Galizi 44 . C . Albakis 45. J. Marinis 46 . R . Hann 47 . R . Portogallo 48 . S . Pugliese 49 . D . Lenoury 50 . A . Fenton 51 . D . Turner 52 . C . Andrews 53 . A . Trainon 54 . M . Jordan 56 B . Gibson

i ij

* ii 1

i :tjflu I 1 D ; l , _"

L ~ t`"il f ~j4Y_,

Original and pink copy must be la ~~~ -ti u;.~pires no laIer ifia~7 half any match. Each player must sign th e original clearly beside name which faust show fi rst and sumame, Blue copy mus t be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

lo :~,-z € call) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

Weekend m,~~ (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments - Scores (Sat .

LST [-. W La


® e!~ e '

r--, .

re,a ~ I

The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every m atch day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .

would be saddened 速ayer, Peter Calleson . Apr- 24, 2001 at RunawaIT , a three year battle wit A i-a rnes -- _ 速 Coburg AFC

were i n -H BhW _






Jason Ritterman Luke Cotton %latihew Lawrence Adrian McIntyre Jason Dipietro Julian Kavanagh Sien-ari Low 'Lane liuramoto Chris Mitche ll Paui Gissing Alex Cameron Nilkie

AJAX Collegians Hampton Rovers Mazenod OC Old Essendon Old Essendon Old Ivanhoe Old Mentonian s St . Bernards OC St . Kevins OB Uni. Blues Uni. Blues Old Xaverians Old Xaverians Old Xaverians

David Spithill Tim Foster Jacob Beard Nick Adcock James Heritage Ben Hakim Andrew Treloar Paul Gloury Matthew Kempton Nick Casboult Liam Ryan Andrew Briggs Ben Dixon Matthew Green

De La Salle Caulfield Gramm Mazenod OC MHSOB , Old Essendon Old Essendon Old Melburnians Old Paradians St. Kevins OB North Old Boys Uni . Blues Robert Uni . Blues Matthew Old Xaverian s Old Xaverians

McCarthy John Lang James McDonnell





Brad Peake Andy Cultrera Craig Thomas Chris Sharp 1)eau Matthews `lark Liddell Brock Mooney CainUnsworth Steve Curtain Andrew Urbancic Garry Hayes-Dewar Anthony Browne Andrew Tucker Julian Smith Scott McPherson Steve Jones Chris Stinchcombe ('had T'tventyman Andrew Atchison Steve Buckle 13rcndt Hen ricus ytati Cunningham :1d ano Cannane

Yarra Valley OB Aquinas OC Aquinas OC Bentleigh Bulleen-Templestowe Caulfield Grammarians Collegian s

Brad Davis Daniel Denbraber Scott Playfair Dave Martin Andrew Will Simon Widjaja Richard Hosking Trent Hartshorn Craig Mahony Nick Astapenko Steve Anderson Peter Flyn n Dave Rogers Nigel Credlin Jordan Leask Ben Couch Justin Vick Shaun Payze Ramy Hassan Brendan Vaughan Jeremy Dwyer David Wilkinson Sam Brockley

AJAX Aquinas OC Banyule Bentleigh Caulfield Grammarians Caulfield Grammarians Collegian s

Collegians Elsternwick Fitzroy Reds Glen Eira Hampton Rovers La Trobe Uni . Monash Blues Old Essendon Old Geelong

Old Geelong Old Mentonians Peninsula OB St. Leos Emmaus WP St. Leos Emmaus WP Uni . Blacks

West Brunswick

Collegians Elsternwick Glen Eira Hampton Rovers Ivanhoe/Assumption Monash Blue s Old Camberwell Old Essendon Old Geelong Old Mentonians Peninsula OB St. Johns OC

St. Leos Emmaus WP St. Mary' s Uni . Blacks West Brunswick

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A Sectio n n111SOB v. Old Brighton 01d Scotch v. St . Kevins old laverians v. Mazenod - EP Saturday Old Trinity v . Marcellin , St . Bernards v. University Blues B Sectio n Oki Melburnians v . Old Haileybury C7rn1011cl v. Beaumaris

0 id Paradian s v. Old Ivanhoe Dc i .a Sall e v. North Old Boys W hiCefriars v. Therry Penola , C Section

Haulpton Rovers v . Collegians St. Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Caulfield Gr. Bulleen-Templestowe v . Old Essendon old Mentonians v . Glen Eir a AJAX v . Prahran

Dl section Old Camberwell v . St. Leos Emmaus Old Carey v . Monash Blues University Blacks v. Banyule Aquinas v. Ivanhoe Assumption Yarra Valley v . Old Geelong D2 Section Oakleigh v . Mentone Amateurs %:'illiamstown CYMS v. Power House Salesians v. Kew

Parkside v. La Trobe Uni . West Brunswick Peninsula 0 B D3 Section Fitzroy Reds v . Elsternwic k

Hawthorn Amateurs v . Monash Gryphons - game switched from original draw St . Johns v. South Melbourne Districts Albert Park v. Richmond Central Bentleigh v. UHSOB D4 Sectio n St . Marys v. Mt. Lilydale Bulleen Cobras v. Werribee North Brunswick has the bye Swinburne v . Syndal Tally-Ho Eitham v. Rupertswood Old Westbourne v. Eley Park

Under-19 Section 1 Mazenod v . Old Scotch Old Brighton v. Old Xaverians Collegians v. St . Kevins De La Salle v . St . Bernards - to be played at Basil Street, Malvern (60 All) Beaumaris v . Marcellin Old KrIhurnians v. University Blue s Under-! I,' Section 2 Old Trinity v. Old Haileybury Werribee Amateurs v . Ormond Caulfield Or. v. MHSO B St . Leos Emmaus v. Hampton Rovers Yarra Valley v . Whitefriar s Old Essendon v. Old Ivanho e Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues has the bye Mentone Amateurs v . Oakleigh Glen Eira has the by e St . Kevins (2) v . De La Salle (2) AJAX v. Old Xaverians (2 )

Under-19 (2) Red Rupertswod has the bye Old Camberwell v . Old Paradians - at Macleay Park, North Balwyn Therry Penola v. University Blacks North Old Boys v. Aquinas Ivanhoe-Assumption v . Bulleen-Templestowe - at Ivanhoe Park Club XVIII (1) Mazenod v . Old Scotch Old Xaverians v. Brunswick Old Melburnians v. Prahran Amateurs Old Brighton v. De La Sall e St . Kevins v . Therry Penola Club XVIII (2)

Monash Blues v . Marcellin Old Ivanhoe v. Old Trinity St . Leos Emmaus v . Whitefriars Collegians v . University Blacks Old Essendon v . Old Geelong

(U l 9/1 & Rlue) Sports & : .: .}dicai Supplie s REVIEW SECTION 1 This was the week in be travelling with all the away sides on Saturda . . 'hank Go r , I c~eu•_•:' to pi^k the rour-11 L, thr' final ~ Iv .t t i_member U ~---- s lo ng the fir: 2 L start of the year; i il have to - -t "Bondy" to check the stats on that one . There were some unbelievable results on the weekend . N ' .r " .- "'s 7 goal demolition job on Oh ~ ainst the ind in the last quarter. C 3-rnes would 1we been ~. : ~ inderir `' is th, ll - appened?" Only 9 pi s .d home to lose by 19 pts . coached by "Mr. Cliche" Mark let's keep the lid on it, we'll take it one at .a time, just keep thumping the opposition . k has really got this young team playing 4 quarte r disciplined football . Let's hope everyone turns up this weekend! lid vs travelled to Crawford Oval, in a game -' iust have thought would be a tough one . But their 9g 2nd quarter finished off t'rie Uni boys, or was it that mid-week College game? Who knows? SKOBS completely overwhelmed the Nodders with an 8g ist term and never let up for the rest of the game . Yet Mazenod never gave up. Although severely undermanned they just kept "having a go" . Best were Fuller & travelled to Albert Park and had a hard fought win against Collegians . With the Lions 5 pis ahead at 1/2 time, ivfarcellin were able to share the goal kickers around to win by 10 pts . La continued on their merry way with another 100pt plus win . 57 (3N (2)

With round two played in perfect conditions there were some lopsided results with plenty of goals in all don continued its brilliant start matches. Old E; to the season with a 21-point win in the match of the day against C ; ! .- y. D. Flaherty booted five goals for wannei id was best on ground, whil e e rtc : . and V- Is chipped in with two each. Old s continued on from its round one thumping of MHSOB, trouncing €D c . . by 100 points.

e : -in was on target up forward for Old Ovanhc with six goals, while - -- -, and Hfbbs all booted three. a.=- ie and ., - were other impressive performers for the victors, while Goonan and Hassell gave their all in the warm conditions for Ormond. MHSOB's shocking start to the season continued when it could manage just one goal against a rampant {)Id Trinity. Matthews, who booted five goals, Lancaster and Hine were the outstanding performers for Old Trinity . Hall was the sole goalkicker for MHSOB . Werribee showed it is a genuine premiership contender with a thumping win over Hampton Rovers. J.Russo kicked five goals and Mahoney three, while Tedesco and Walsh were

(')19/2 & Red

with a se. -a.-geai win uiueld trailed by two points at hal f 1 goals after the long break, whil e restrictir° it nI >s Whitefriars to a solitary goal. ,ur ;;oals and Frost was for th e winners, while _ - _' ' - r and Micalleff excelled for the losers. In the final match -Zarra VaIIey recovered from last week's thumping at the hands of Old Hailebury to beat St Leos in a very high scoring match. Yoe booted 11 of his side's 27 goals, while Crowe was the best player on the park . SECTION (2) BLUE 3 out of 4 this week is much improved . Coach Fay has --vs playing 4 quarter football with a terrific win against Monash . The game was up for grabs in the premiership quarter! Xavs through Smallwood, Silk and -- were able to get that 32 pt break at the last cha ;e, which proved the difference . The Blues through Shields, Buckingham, Neville and Nind battled hard but just could not bridge that gap in the last. Ajax opened with a blistering 7 .7 in the 1st against the star struck Krushers . Then came the lOg 2nd stanza which was toppled by the 13g 4th quarter . Coach Zuker must be pleased with the way his team is running out the games, although some wayward goal kicking might prove costly in the coming weeks . Well done to Berger for his 9g! For Oakleigh, Rose, f .• I and Stevenson fought hard against the torrent . -" c .e look to be the pace setters of the corn3 :tition with another belting dished out, this time to Li. Ith 12 goal kickers (Little 5g for 11 this season), they run hard and are willing to share the ball . Best were rove, McLeod and Wilson. Fo r La, Miller, I - and Michell did well . St . M's effort in the 2nd quarter was simply outstanding in anyone's language - 19 goals 5 pis . SECTION (2) RED The saying "a week is a long time in football" has never been more appropriate than for Rupertswood in round two . After triumphing by 50 goals in round one, Rupertswood was brought back to earth in i a thud by Uni Blacks . Led by Scarlett, Prince, f.and Hanna, who booted three goals, the Blacks came from four points down at the final change to triumph by seven points and remain unbeaten . Along with the Blacks, Old Para ' appear one of the teams to beat after thrashing Ivanhoe-Fitzroy by 111 points, despite some wayward kicking . Paglia kicked three goals for the winners, while McMahon, Lyons and Tenson were best. J .Healy was the standout performer for Ivanhoe-Fitzroy. Ol d Camberwell is

a1~o unbeaten after waltzing past Aquinas . kicl :e~! si- ; goals and was best on ground, while I --, _ii :and Schmidt chipped in with three goals <<< : h for the winners . However, some credit must go tOAc;uznas who conceded 19 goals in the first half but just nine after the long break . After having the bye in ilie first round, North Old Boys were looking for big things in their first match of the season but found Thesay Penola far too strong. Therry, which went , Iown to Old Camberwell in round one, led by just :4 po ;nts at half time but ran riot in the second half b,,oting 12 goals to one. For Therry, Palazzolo booted „%,2 goals, Clifton four and Preckleton was best, ticlife Dean was impressive for NOBs with four goals . Bti!! -Templestowe had the bye . PPi,'tT"V7 SECTION 1

Th,,, n~=Ach of the round sees Old Scotch host Uni Blues. Form says Old Scotch easily, but I just can't h_lieve Coach King will let them lose 3 in a row . Old :{avs will have a big win at home . St. Kevin's will ;ace a fired up Old Brighton . If Old B . can play four qnarters, they could just about pinch this one . Not is week! St . Bernard's big men should prove too strong for the Lions, too many avenues to goal . `,qarcclli~ at home to De La will be a very close hard ought game. Both sides share the ballwell, but I feel Just De La through Jolley and Bonnie! will have ,°nough control around the middle to win . O.M.'s ~.l ould open their account with 4 pis against Be.,nmV,-1r1s . SEC'd'ION 2 l l is week's matches see the red-hot Old Ivanhoe side trz, t~) 41' ; ~ '~ "- ry for what should be a tough o Iie t . The visitors, who have booted 42 goals in ti, ir first two matches, should be too strong. Winless Ormo-,d host unbeaten Old Trinity and the form ;hiawn by the two sides last week could not be more (lir°rnt . Ormond could manage just one goal in 1, is against Old Ivanhoe last week after being most -m,- iitive in round one against Old Essendon . The % its c,rs should again take the points . After kicking Iu»t four goals in its first two matches, MHSOli ,It sp- r ately needs a confidence boost but will not find its %i:i+ i n g V : side accommodating. Werribee h : . L .,°n in tremendous form in the initial rounds :iii,l %,.ill notch up its third win without much fuss . tio.mpiDn Rovers host t'- a' ^ramniarians an d

i;_ keen to break through after last week's m :uding from Werribee . Caulfield was an impressive i, ner over Whitefriars last week but the Rovers are v:<r_ :a a far superior combination at home . St Leos ,ii, Whitefriars with both sides looking to recover 1 or c,avy losses. The home ground advantage rn ii<<l i i just be enough for Whitefriars to triumph . In iil,` linal match Old Essendon will be hoping its 111l .eaten run continues when it takes on Yarra Va11e1-, which last week poured on the goals against st i.eos. Old Essendon should be just too strong, in ''nt will probably be the match of the day. SECTTO-, (2) BLUE :,ion Blues are at home to the Jackers in a game v. )uld want to win to prove they can mix it with !<:! 1,ler leaders . In an absolute cliffhanger, I HE AMATFI IM FnnTan . i co -1

"think" the Blues might be able to slow down the free ruruaing.l _e : learn and then hick i more goal to win . The e after copping a belting in Rod 1, are coming on a bye and will want to show Coach M'- og: that they still can play good football. What a test though, against the rampaging Mentone boys . Unfortunately, even the home ground advantage won't save them . La should win against Glen Eira. But if the Packer boys re-group and have a red hot dip they might just get up . Finally, the "grudge match"! These sides just love playing each other . In a"knock-em-down", hard fought game, Xavs to beat SKOBS at home, just. SECTION (2) RED This week's round could well be a preview of the finals action with a couple of blockbusters sure to see an early premiership favourite emerge . Unbeaten Old as host last week's shock losers what should be a cracking affair. I f Old Paradians can sort out their kicking for goal the home ground advantage should be just enough to get them over the fine . LTni Blacks host Old Camberwell, with both sides yet to blot the copybook . Blacks are coming off a most impressive win over Rupertswood, while Old Camberwell had little trouble with Aquinas despite fading in the second half . Old Camberwell might be just too strong. Aquinas welcome Therry Penola and the home side will not find this one any easier, although hopefully their improvement from last week can continue. Fresh from the bye and hoping to recover from a first round loss to Old Paradians, 13 -T plestowe host North Old Boys, in what should be another close contest . Little can be read into the form of both sides at so early in the season but the home side's competitive effort against the unbeaten Old Paradians gives tiiem the edge. . . ._: .. - -~==-::y has the bye .

i9i= LST - =m Tt3To _:,

Hosking Thomas Cations 4Valmsley Rowe

Old Scotch 5 13 De La Salle 2 7 Old Scotch 4 6 De La Salle 2 5 Collegians 5 5 UNDER 19/ 2

Yeo Mendola Crowe Urban e

Yarra Valley 11 13 Old Ivanhoe 6 9 Yarra Valley 5 8 Yarra Valley 6 8 UNDER 19/2 BLUE AJAX 9 12 Mentone 5 11 Mentone 4 8 UNDER 19 / 2 RED Rupertswood 2 8 University Blacks 0 6 Rupertswood 0 6 Rupertswood 1 6 Old Paradians 2 6

Berger Little Haye s

King Sandiford Fielding Temming Spinoso

UOIDER-19 S-CTN):i 1 OLD M€18URHIAttB 3 .A 5.4 7.8 8.8 (5 5) OLD SCOTCH 4.7 10.8 16.1 0 22 .14(146) Old Old ScoicL: Husking 5. Catlans 4, Watts 3, Kitchen 2. Rods.§I 2 . Sprague 2. Column 1, Josephs i . Lewls I . Teas<L3le I . Best: Kttctun . Leats- Rodskl. Watts. Maloney, HoskHlg. UmPhes: Paul Berry, Mark Childs (F). Garry Clancy. Paul Whitehead (G ) UNIVERSITY BLUES

0.1 2.4 6.6 9.9(63) 14 .5 18.6 (114) OLD SAVERIANS 2.3 11 3 Unlrmslty Rh-: Briggs 2. Frisker 2, Bulks 2. Hall I . Brcokshaw 1. Cameron 1. Best: Smoke. B'.r0ey. Conan . Frkker, Briggs. Tanner.

Old • la)#esst 3, hiW1lle 2. McGrath 2, Bushby 2.64cCarihy 2 . James 2. Best Ross. McCarthy. Hon'ard. Lopressl- Thomas, Dton .Umplian Scholam Blusteln. Justln Lipson (F) 0.3 (3) MAZP1i09 0.0 0.2 0 .2 ST KSVtrtB 8.5 12.9 18.14 24.17(161) • Best : Fuller. Mazkell. Bouchereau. Hansen . Chamberlaln.MeDovreD. 8L Kevin Harris 3, Mutgrrx 3 . Hobart 3. E- 2 . Mahoney 2. D&Sitls. Kaksaran. Anderscn. Chard. Purcell. R4scDona.M. McKay. Bare . Makolwn. Faar. Best: Chard. Duggan. Cox Fm M.Docald. King Umpi:r.s: Svcwn Gule . Trtstan Bou- lF) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .4 6.8 7.12 12.16 (88( ST. BERNARDS 1 .3 3.7 9 .9 16.11(107) Old Br}ghma: Magutre 3. Leaf 2 . E•.ans 2. Salem 1 . Fry 1 . Hunter I . McKhron 1 . Beat Williams. Maguire. Matessi, izat. Hugtees. Fry•. St Bemards: Nat reeehed. Umpirss: TQny Lllky in COLLEGIANS 1 .4 7 811 12 12 15 (87) 15 7(97) IdARCE1LiN 60 73 84 Colleglamo Rw,•e 5 Taft 3 Uruu-th 2 Reach I. Best : Shink$Bd. Osharn. Krottrls. Vial rcove Zen. • Cracknei 4 Gle 3 Cogtdan 2 Weekd 2 Addison I Moran I Dtguan I Strempie I . Best: Con .stdtne, Nook Addison . Strem(2e. Weish . Cree cknel .Um}azes: Chris Evans . Ray Wmdkrw (F ) 1 .0 1.0 2.2 5.3(33)

7 .4 10.9 14.10 21 .15 (141) Fermri.Tuck. Lee. Coote.S . Best Go1lins- BeasLurd . Fatkmgium. Lynch. Coate. A. Wilson . Be la Salk: Cogg7ns 3. Kean 3. Naughton 3 . Ak!<ruccis 2. Thanas 2 2, Bmmtcl, Broom M . Brown S. Lztierty. M.cmMe• Wmdbck. Best EonnkL Brown M. Jolley, Moran. Corgns. Hughes. UmpL-: Chris Succns Of IF) UMDER-19 SECTION 2 2 .4 7-5 9.10 12 .17 (89) OLD ESSENDON 53 6.4 6.7 10.8 (68) OLD HAILEYBURY Old Esomdam D. Flaherty 5 . De.•f,wtrst 2.1cIardo 2. Duggan . FttzpatricA. Best: D. FL:furty. Buddey . C . Ohlu[bek . Wilson, Ft¢patrkk . M . Flaherty Old Hmlqb=T. Net rmet,cd UmPhea: Matthew Meter (F ) 23.18 (156) OLD IVA1i11OE 8.4 15.10 21.14 OR1dOND 0.1 0.6 1 .8 6.10 (46) Old lvantsoe : Mendoda 6 . Bt)ney3. Finlay 3 . Hfiabs 3, Braddy 2 . Jenkins 2 . Lynch 1 . Cumtb 1 . Baker 1, McKie 1 . Bost: Finley . McKfe. hHlson. Lynch, Lougilan. Stoney . Omlmrd: Heffernan 2 . Russell 2, Ferrari 1 . Mart)mv 1 . Besi: Go¢nan, hax;ell. Franklyn. Ferrari. Nay-. Martinm•. UmpFrec: Daniel Dinneen . Andrew Chapman IF) OLD TRINITY 6.4 12.12 16.19 21.24 (150) 1.2(8) 1ffiLSOB 0.0 0.0 1 .1 Old TrEnlty: Matthews 5 . Pretty 3, Christopherson 3, htfthen 3 . DrnU.lmo . Furphy. Hine. Hi11•Iss BuRen Langdan . Taylor. Best: Matthews. Lancaster. Hine . Burgcss. Gordon. Pretty. &Bi50B : Hall. Best. Harper. M Brawn. RuJevk. Walker. Vt~rnde~ . O,e~en . Umpires: At, Maggie. Barry Balger (F) WERRIBEE 7.3 13-9 21-13 25.14(164) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .3 1 .5 2.6 5-10 (40) t-crnbee : J .Rusm 5. Mahoney 3, Kelly 3. Bradfield 2. Tedesco 2. Toussvnt 2 . 5•assa 2, Walsh. Kkld. Fastucn . Groues. Munson. DaaLson. Best : Tedesm. Walsh, Borg. A.Rus.w, Mruxa, Cunntnglt,vn. Groubs.Hampton Rooms : Malmo 2, Burg`afI 2. Batt, ms. Best Sendeckfy Turnbull . Malthonse- Stafford, Connelly. Burgrafl. Ump'au : &m Bmrcr (F)

TODAY'S U19 SECTION 1 Old Scotch v. University Blues Old Xaverians v. Mazenod St. Kevins v. Old Brighton St . Bernards v. Collegian s Marcellin v. De La Salle Old Melburnians v. Beaumaris U19 SECTION 2 Old Haileybury v. Old Ivanhoe Ormond v. Old Trinity MHSOB v. Werribee Hampton Rovers v. Caulfield Gr. Whitefriars v. St. Leos Emmaus Old Essendon v. Yarra Valley

~ I GRA' "2.1 4.1 7.6 11.9 (76) W1BT tIARS 2.1 43 5.3 5.4 (34) Caul Gr: Foote 4. Schne&Mr 3 . Shtda7 2 . Trig Baker. Best: Frost. Nag7er- Schneider. Foote, Fay^an . Brarne.&'hke;Bara: C. h'etta 2, Cwsb. Mkalleft. BM14vm. Best: M .Baker. MeoLB(; Janson. Barnes, CuincTs. Umrtkcs: Jim Pappas, Andrew Inglis (F) YARRA VAII.EY 11 .6 18 .10 21.17 27.17 (179) ST. LEOS Ehi1dAUS 3.4 8 .10 13.14 16.17 (113) Terra Valley-.Yoe 11, Urbatm 6. Crowx 5 . Peak . Collett. Smith, Beat. Parry. Best: Crosse, lbe, Urbana, Simpson. Britt, Giflks. St. Loss Emmaus :Montarm 4. Padbury 3 . D'Anelb 3. Flanagan 2. Be)yak 2. wnod- Kelly. Best: Ballard. Petrie. Kdy. aAneu). Bmph-: Pat naehns, Ashley prk:.. (F). Erika Surdy, James Machos O f UNDER-19 C2) RED IVBNHOE-A88UMi'3ION OA 1.0 1 .1 2,3(15) OLD PARADIAfiS 3 .8 7 .15 11.21 16.30 (1 26) Ivanhoe- Ptbm E.Heaty. Blay'ney. Best J.Hnty. Robertson. htcaghan. Kelly, SmL-k, Butter. Old Parzeltsoue Pall 3. Boundy 2, Sgtreso 2. Stephens 2. Ten.wn 2- Latwre 2• Gbury. Hail. Content. Best: McMalxar- Lyons . Tenson. Gk.rury. Boundy. DinOrw. Umiprez: Ian Burgess (F) RUPERTSWOOD 2 .3 5.5 7.7 8.8 (56) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .0 5.5 6.9 9.9 {63) Rupectsvrood : Ktag2 .Andersent 1 . Elliot 1 . Page 1 . Potter 1 . Price 1 . Tenmdng 1 . Post: mum . Page . Johnson, Baines, Price, Ramsay. Solemnity • Hanna 3 . Delahurny 3, Grigg 1, Mansfield 1 . Pa-en 1 . Best: Sautett . Prince . Gripg Smtdhu, Ross. Torney. Umpires: John Ralph (F ) OLD CAMBERWELL 10-30 19 .14 25.20 28-27 (1 95) AgUUUL5 0 .0 1.0 1 .0 2,0(12) Old combervrelL Darby 6, Ling 3, Wekkhardt 3 . Schmidt 3. CucfnMta 2. Cmven 2- Ateharlt, Canter. TanpJne.P. Moretti, Cramer. Enright. Jwms. Emmersan, Zansld. Best: Darvr. • Kaxhnan. GutherWge. Best: Stmt, Zemski. Mv3uvdc. Little. Hogan . Jones. Kogehnan. ]fall. Ba3Lvui. Hoiley. TauW. Umpirts: Jason MoNem Robert M& (F) 6.7(43) NORM OLD BOYS 03 5 .3 6.5 TBSRRY PENtRA 32 7.5 14.8 19.15 (129) North Old Boys: Dcan 4 . McLelland. Reach I . Best : Ryan, Roach. Da+td..~on . MuWns. Dean, M J.eLt.-'uM.TLvey &- PaLrolo S. Cltttan 4. Gko 2, Shepherd 2, Barron 1, Mulk3ns I. Robinson 1, F7ecketan I, B. Barton I . Fenton 1 . Best: Frerlckton. Ca]Eggai . Atkinson, Clifton . l'armes . PaLwon'o .L x Glenn Sclupp (F) UNDER-19 (2) BLUE OLD XA4-ERIA3Y8 (2) 6 .3 8.6 12.10 14.12(%) 1kOYASH BLUES 4 .0 6-4 7.8 9-11 (65) Old Xenrizza (2): St1}:6 . O7Sane 3 . Kelly 2. Kato I . Dynon 1 . Denton 1 . Best* Snualh.and, Silk. Hardw4ck .Kelty. Bolton . Fa,. Mamwh u Ross 3 . Buckingham I . Kind I . James 1. Bockronl I . Little 1 . Yung 1 . Besl : Shields. Buckingham, Nevill . Ntnd, Ross. Jrdmdah(. UmQirese Michael Sncddon (F) . Rrdd Stephcns- Jarred Aspnta4161 . Bruce Stephens (G) 36.22 (438) MAX 7.7 17.14 23.20 OAs1:dGH 1 .0 1.1 1.1 2 .5 (17) MAXI Berger 9. Cooper 6, GhroN 6. Van Aken 5. V,t9ntr 2 . Lewts 2. Gutman 1 . Rath 1 . Kagan 1. Miller I. Ballets 1 . Fe&lm3n 1 . Best: J. Feldman. Cooper. Berger-'an Alan . Bk4den . L^a't • Nevrck I . Johnson I . Beu : Rec,e. Orch~sr ih . Stcvensnn. Rryno?ds. W61s. timphes: Tho Friedman (F) MENTONE AMATEURS 8.6 13.12 21.15 30.19 (199) BE LA SR1 .LE (2) 1 .1 1.3 1.4 5.5 (35) Movt• Little 5. Athertca 4 . hayrs 4. uingrave 4. Blmn 3. Rockford 3. Allan 2. Bluer 1, ""te"n I . Seek 1 . Sullh2n 1 . Wilson 1 . Best Wtnga+e . hkLecd. Wilson . Rack. Bitra. hNxan . D. im Salk (2): Alder 2. Allan 1 . Nkha{es 1 . Mitchell 1 . Best : Mlller. Dtmble. Mitchell, Hyoe . Dancher, Akkr. U • Grrseme Mergan, Could Murray fF1 42,20(272) St Xev1u1e 7.7 26.13 33.13 0.0 0 .0 0.0 OA (O) Glens El. 8t He'.•1nY: B . hiarcheant 7. James 7• Catrny 6 . Helfand 4 . Thmnpsnn 4. McC, 3. Meyer 3, Mitchell 2 . Ttschkr 2- Nolan 2. Ciarrccyy . Bda.•ltch. Best : Holland. }.farehesvU. Me•a. Dempsey. McCann. 6lttchell.Glen Zinc Best : Clarke . Lampos. Bartzket. 7th:'m. Ryon. FernandecUmplna: David Michael Phillips (F ). Nathan Cartyvn (B)

TCHES U19 (2) BLUE Monash Blues v. AJAX Oakleigh has the by e South Melbourne Districts v . Mentone Amateurs De La Salle (2) v. Glen Eira Old Xaverians (2) v. St. Kevins (2) 11 .30am McHale Stadium U19 (2) RED Ivanhoe Assumption has the bye Old Paradians v. Rupertswood Garvey Oval University Blacks v. Old Camberwell at Main Oval, Melb. Unl . Aquinas v. Therry Penola Bulleen-Templestowe v. North Old Boy s T41F AAAATGI IR F!l(1TRA1 I FR'J(1f11


. _ -



.. . . . . ._ !



Coach: Brian Brown

= °


re "



--' :_ :,,n "-

-- ,,

1 R Wallard 2 K McKay 4 A Shinkfield 5 D Carcor 7 S Taft 8 N Unswo rth 9 T Skarrie 10 D Vail 11 D Fotheringham 12 R Turner 13 A Hickey 15 N Roach 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clark 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiris 30 WFowler 31 N Herman 33 C Rowe

as ~

L L , ,-

OL 1{

~.rJ r:7=

~J t[

~ $

~ [---a


.' . . . .~-----

-- -- .- . C ft

~ ~-„fy


E Tt:-ker

1 L Freeman 2 M Walkom 3 D Knight

C Burgess

4 D Logan


5 D Woodford S Guest nnon C Trim ? N Guy ~ Marks J O'I : wyer :.' J .= : ~;hard-a0n

~ - ~-

Coach: Danet :.: , rton

1 J Kea n 2 R Buckley 2 R Walmsl ey 3 T Molan 3 J Hughes 4 MBrasher 5 H Handley 6 M Brown 7 P Harrison 7 A McLeish 8 T Woodlock 9 M~ffe7ty 10 A Coffey 11 J Bowden 1 2 C Moran 12 MNaughtin 13 J Roberts 14 J Membrey 15 J Stinear 16 WJilley 17 D Thomas 19 S Brown 21 B Quinane . 22 D Aden>ccio 24 J Garland 26 D Spithill 32 A Bonnici 49 D Goggins 55 S Gibiett

,n ands

~( : . . r

B Wulf

5 A Catchlove 7 J Spraque 8 N Coleman 10 H Batrouney 11 R Josephs 12 J Rodski 13 W Lewis 14 R Teasdale 15 S Cations 1 6 D Jennings 17 D Robe rtson 18 A Quail

' N Barrett

19 S McQueen

S Carter

20 T Hosking 21 N Costello 22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett 26 G Fordyce

`A Prowse

E Ryan "tobinson J Rush N krtt

D I. -~~ M Horgan ,3 C Walker J Jewell J Mulcahy E Selby

27 R Davies

28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prendergast 31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T Maloney 36 S Marash

38 M Raymer 39 M Leeds 40 A Crawford 41 M Wafts 44 J Simon

Coach : Andrew Pickering

1 . D. Bonnici 2. D. Potiniotis 3. P. Reed 4. L Rudling 5. P. Ryan 6. S. Veltman 7. A. Wilson 8 . B. Thomas 9 . B. Thompson 10 . D . Maskell 11 . L Fuller 12 . M . McDowell 13 . C. Clegg 14 . D. Clegg 15 . A Burrows 16 . A. Longmuir 17. C. Meehan 18 . P. Del Mastro 19. S. Bickers 20. P. Dugdale 21 . D. Armansin 22. C. Aguis 23. D. Aguis 24. J . Thomas 25. D. Hansen 26. D. Stagliano 27. C. Raine 28. D. Devlin 29. M. Thompson 30. S . Cox 31 . C . McDave 32 . G. Nash 33 . D . Malloy 34 . A. Murray 35 . J. Schian o 36 . D .Oldman 37 . G . Kennelly 38 . B. Chamberlai n




. _-

: = a.

Steve Barnes

1 . M . Fry 2. C. McKimm 3 . T. Mattesti 4 . A. MacGillivray 5 . N. Gamble 6 . L Dal e 7 . C. Reddin 8 . C. McNicho i 9 . J . Doole y 10 .A . Morley 11 . C . Adamis 12 .J. Mead 13 .N . Edwards 14.E. McCowan 15.J. Hunter 16.J. Hamann 17.J. Walsh 18.A- Salem 19.P. Angelin i 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshal l 22 A. Hughes 23 N. Gamble 24 C. Alcock 25 D. Hartman 26 C. Baxter 27 J . 2 8 N . William g s 31 G. Simm 32 A . Goldner

ST. K E Y tNS Coach : (1)-._nnpNicotosi Coach : (2) PolckFay

1 c P 2 W- N 3 tJrmahan G

Coasm Larry D 1 .. D. Elliot 2. J . Formic a 3. A. B OUZikas

4 t"~& ~ C 5 td,aKenz e-tACiarg

4. S . Neeson

6 Cato J 7 0t;ane M 8 t>x: )c uea J 9 'J

6. 7.

5. J . McKay J . Denni s S . Mitchell

Dxen B

18 Ross a 19 Jat}.our P 2J tioward l


S "ag "`.xd P

22 l~ TS 23 Cammdy

24 BrJdi°xxnha T 25 Pietryk M ~~t~ G 27 Glynn P ~~am J 29 e~ P

14 . N . Rich

26. J. Knuppel 27. D. Ker 28 . P. t.andy 29. P. Fogarty 30. P. Gissing

25 . T. Legudi

34. A. Ramsay


pa,`e J

41 Sma J 42 ecaton M 43 tt-.+udie N 60 Dmardo l.

J. Sudthalz

18. M . Anderson

37 Dct:aru J

M ~~~ 39 Fudetn D

T. Birtiey ®

15 . LCalleja 16 . D . Swann 17 . D . Walsh 18 . D . Walsh 19 . M. Moretti 20 . S. Campbell 21 . N . Whelan 22 . B. McManus 23 . N . Thomas 24 . N. Smith

3 4 ~, ~ A 35 B~,shbyA 36 &ddlemabeA

31 FM A H 32 McCarthyS ~~~

. J. Bromwich

14 . B . Cal(eIa

26, 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33.

30 SA J

A. Millar C. Nicholls M . Albe#thorpe

14. B Marchesar,i 15. D. Bare IS. p~ da~,


17 l~¢e C

6. J . Harris 7 . L Kaiesaran 8 . D. ~~ ~ a

. , . •• .. . . . h: Steve rin g

12. D. McLay 13. 5, Manrmod

12 DI!on J 13 WanA 14 Crta,,#~a.~t l` 16 Gr0 s

~ (2); 1 . J . Dempsey 2. Duggan T. 31 A- Umbers . L. Fox 45 . M. Hicks

L. Marto W.Austberry M . Brookshaw 10. J . Parnel l 1 . G. Fricker (VC) 12. R . Jacob 3. T. Girdwood (VC )

8. D. Paige 9. A. Anderson 10. S . Iannazzo 11 . M. O'Donnell 12. L Mansfield 13 . A . Matthews

1 0 MtCd D 11 Farrmvl .

Coach (1):PauIO'

R. James L Evans S . Wheeler S . Smith C. Trewin L. O'Brien S . Monteleone S . Ballarin

35. D. Valori 36. J . Hill 37. J . Tankey 38. C . Kevnan 39. R . Cousland

40. M . ICavanag h

10. D. Mahoney 11 . M . Henna

1 9, VV. MacDonald 20. M .MU~rew id 22. G. y~G 23. A. Jenkins 24. G. Nolan

31 . M. Court ney 32 . J . Cox 33 . L Meyer

34 . S . Mitchell 35 . N . O'Halloran 36. T. P urcell 37 . P. Clancy 38 . R . Chard

39 . M. Caimey 40 . R . Bcys e 4t B. Evans

42 . M. Stonehouse 43. M. Tschte r 44 J . Kin 45.' N . w,ts

46. C, vtikinson

5. R . Hal l 6. K Alexander 17 . A. Brigg s 18 . P. Baro n 9 . E. Wilcox (VC) 0 . J. Gulley 1 . 2. 3. a. 5. 6. 7.

J. Brook D . Hatswell J. Burne r R . Holmes (VC) J. Tanner

A. Wilson J. Wrigh t

8. L Rya n 9. A. Camero n 0. J. Chambers 1 . M . Robertson 2. S . Adams 3. E . Matties 4. Z . Rudd

50. J. Gunde r 51 . C .0'Shaughnessy,

5. R. Kercheval

55. A . Marsh 57. M . Hinsle y 5g A -momPsa n 62- K Mcmerny

7. R . Sweeney 8. A . Sheeh an

53. 7. Simpsan

65. R. Miller ~ J.C. Descent ' Hilliard

S. C. Wals h 9A Gooney 0. A . Tymm s

1 . S . Monahan

19 ® Section 2 "^. ' .FIELD Coache i


M .H .S.O .D .

2 p~~om~ 3 C Obliutrek 4 D Ryan 5 s De Mano n 6 D Slater

CoaCh: Paul Curry

1 . D. Krongold 2. N.Bode 3. M . Pennycuick 4. T. Vinen 5. B. Gross 6. R. Foote 7. P. Roberts 8. S. Tucker 9. M . Romeo 10 . L. Siapantis 11 . T.Foster 16 . P. McLeish 34. H .Bake r

1 B . Culling 2 B . Canton 3 S . Burggraaff 4 T. Jowett 5 K. Johnston e 6 C. Malthouse 7 A. Battams 8 G . Carr 9 B . Jowett 10 M . Stafford 11 J. Almhofer 12 L. Kennedy 13 A. Fisher 43' A. Brauh n 14 N. Goss 44 A. Van Rompaey 15 D. Molino 16 L Hope 18 R. Turnbull 20 B. Kezilas 22 B. Henry 23 C. ProbYn 24 S. Seletto

7 L Wilson n 11

8 J Kavanagh 9 A Frazer 10 M Flaherty tt J Buckley 12 W Nunlist 13 M Wouing on t4 J Leech


Ql~ ✓j

24 J Du~gan 32 B Hakim

J"\l 2-7®u Issa, MEM

a- .

34 J Marina s 35 W ggins II C ~ppe 37 A Duddington 36 B Falcke as s Falck e 40 N Frtzpatrick 410 N Gibtron

42 M HiIlbrich 43 A Hychenko

44 M Leptos 45 J uoyd 46 J Mar`h 47 D t.icwatty as L Miceli Parker

50 @~-- :

I Coach: Tim Hills

I Peggie A 2 Hine A (C) 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Pretty S 6 Burgess J 7 Davies M (DVC) 8 Amiconi A 9 Jackson N 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen P 12 Kelly T 13 Gordon N 14 Thwaites M 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C

1 .L Russell 2 .S. Wheller 3 .M. Wood 4 .C .Hassell 5 .A. Clinch S .M. Luba 7 .R . Wiley 8 .J . Muzzell 9 .J . Franklin 10.A . Warwarek 11 .D . Healy 12.G. Breitkreuz U.M . Martinov 14.D. Jowett 15.A . Goonan 16.D. McKenna 17.M . Heffernan 18.M . Ramsay 19.W. Cove 20.R . Lerner 21 .L. Wilson 22.B . Rayson 24.A . Lam 26.T. Harvey 27.J . Noske 28.T. Naylor

19 Duel[ R

20 Obetoi S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D 23 Hillas R 24 (histoplxrs« J(VC) 25 Lucas C 27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoo M (VC) 28 Stebbins N 29 Crawford M

30 Bullen M 44 Lancaster M 76 Matthew M

29.A. O'Shannessy

31 .S . Bbarker 33.A. Cook 39.M . Ferrari 49.A. Perry 54 .M . Wilson 67 .R. Martin 75 .R. Presser

ST LE OS I-) Coach: Paul Gregor 1 N Kennedy 2 M D'Amelio 3 B Petrie 4 P Sampson 5 P Podbury 6 P Boyd 8 S Davidson 9 N Romney 14 M McHugh

15 P Carey 16 A Kelly 19 A Rooks 20 J Hamilton

21 A Ballard 23 G Brearley 28 C Beljak 41 D Wood 55 D Tomkins 59 M Anderson 61 G Hondow 64 T Stephens 73 J Dixon 74 J Blewitt

1 .M . Hoffman 2 .T. Polloc k 3 .V. Jayasuri a 4 .H. McLauchlan 5 .A. Shaw 6 .S . Durki n 7 .J . Han lon 81. Pitcher 9 .R. D'Silva 10 .S. Capro n 11 .d. Glanvill e 13 .0 . B oan 14 .E. Marsh 15 .R. Goodbody 16 .H. Brooks 17 .R. Plumme r 1 B .N. Rose 19 .C. Waxman 20 .J. Wright 21 .D. Mackenzie 23 .B. Koetsier

27 .D. Swanto n 29 .T. Archer 33 .R . Moseby 39 .A. Jones 43 .M . McGauran

~ ..: .:i ~n


II~ ~




,. _

R L Radish


OLDIVANHO E Coach: Marty Veal

Coach : Andrew Lynch


6 t Boss ftg "i C Can Couch J D{ Pietro A McKenzi e D Montgomery H Tumay





52 B Thrust 53 R Thwaites

~. -~ - +

Coach: Dean Peters

M velardo

t 6 M Nicolas 17 8 K 18 D Flarry . 1 9 A B`x°"dge 20 A 6artram 22 T Loga n 23 C Devereux 27 J Wi son 30 C Hen age

25 B. Smith

27 A. Banks 28 S. Weaver 29 D. Dawes 32 C. Sendeckyj 33 C. Delosa


Coach : Campbell Glover Coach: Marshall Fisher





Coach : Steve Lovell

Coach : Tim Pratt

Coach : Rod Penaluna

1 . S. Muraca 2 . C . Kelly

1 . J. Wallace 3. S. Cleven 5. M . Cahill 6. D. Purtell 7 J. Power 8 M . Malady 9 L Swain

1 A Middlin 2. M Norris h 3. N. Pask 4. R.Bett 5. P Valoppi 6. D Lloyd 8. R Drew 9. B.Kehoe 10 . J.Seeger It . Z .Webb 13 . LGillies 14 . G .Thompson 15 . D.Smith 16 . C.Holdsworth 17 . A.Pizzey 18 . C.Beal 19 . A.Coleman 20 . D .Seneratn e 21 . J.Tompkin s 22 . J. Peake 23 . T. Collett 24 . G .Coutts

3 . M. Bradfield 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

S. Eisenberg P. McGowan S. Kidd B. Daniels C . Jack A. Russo

10. A. Borg 11 . J . Toussaint 12. C . Smith 13. D . Groulos

14. T. Davidson 15. M. Walsh 16. C . Yasar

17. A. Tedesco 18. B. Cunningham 19. R . Rose

20. D . Lowe 21 . N . Gauci 22. S . Blanco 23. J . Russo

24. M . O'Donnell 25. J . Purton 26. C . Andrews 27. R . Fastuca

28. T. Dean

29. L. Simmons

30. C . Mahoney 31 . B . Vandenhurk

10 L Coulthard 11 D . Cries

12 C. Stats 13 T. Langford 14 L . Twomey 15 M. Baker 16 R . Coslovich 17 T. Barugh 19 J. Morris 20 S. Alexander 21 A. Graham 22 A. Baker 24 J. Treyvaud 25 N . Muhllechner 27 S. Sait 28 M. Haverkamp 29 D . D'sousa 30 B. Janson 37 G . Kennedy

25 . F. Pellegrino

27 . S.Savag e 29 . D .Beil 30 . J.Strong 31 . S.Urbano 32 . J.Parry 34 . S.Britt 37 . D . Sim s 44 . N .Marti n


Under-19 -Section (2 Blue AJAX Coach: Mark Zuker 1 L Goldman 2 J Israelsohn 3 Z Lewsk i 4 A Bull 65 E~e 'e S Gutman 7 8 Dvan Aken 9 D Miller 10 G Bl :eden 1 1 t Balbin 12 J El~~d 13 J Kozminski I4 D Hershan 15 D Finke l 16 L Feller 17 J Kagan 18 J Fe3.dman ? J~r J Friedman 21 A Lewin G Gelbart 23 B Nissen ,: P Glazer 25 B Gal bloom , 6 A~er J Lawsis 2g J Givani 29 E Rath £? A AJsenberg 31 i~f~ ?3 J Feldman 35 A Sacks 36 D Krasnostein 37 ~~ ig ~ A Wollner A Sir J p~ o M Milmeister V Kylp


DE LA SALLE (Gold) GLEN EIRA Coach: Greg Buntine 1 A Toniola 2 B Gull'rfer 4 P Proy 4 D Young 5 P Mulholland 6 J Kean 7 S Meehan 8 P Arbon 8 M Gooley 9 M Brasher 10 J Clifton 11 A Brett 12 J Roberts 15 L Brown e 17 M McGowan 19 S Alder 21 M Squire 23 L Danaher 25 P Rossiter 32 H Funston 33 BLambe 40 T Hefferna n 42 J Bowden 42 M Lafferty 51 D Bean 51 M Conway 51 M Krezel 52 L Moloney 53 C Moran 54 J Murphy 55 T Nolan 56 J Norton 57 B Ramsey 58 C Rice 60 D Wood 61 L Becker 62 C Bellistri 64 8 Col e 64 T Woodlock



2 L . Kelly

1 Carter P 2 Quinn N


L. GeOrgIadls C. Kossings

6 A. Ciavarella 9 A . Visser 15 M . McPhee 12 F. Malcolm

14 B. Evans

15 D . Moulang 16 A. Keats 18N. Cash 21 J. Brigge

S . Johnson 23 S . Bando 29 R. Kelly

20 Howard L

3s M . Stevenson

21 Smallwood P

39 T. Orchard ~3 J . Reynolds 15 J. Gall

<3 J. Nevesis 4 C. Greaves ~a S. Heslop 58 H. Reinhardt 63 N. Wills

22 ~0nc~li T 23 Carmody S 24 Biddlecombe T 25 Pietryk M 26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 28 McGrath J 29 Gill P 30 Silk J 31 Fox A

32 McCarthy M 33 Buckeridge S 34 Spillane A 36 Biddlecombe A 37 DeMaria J 38 Walsh M 39 Furletti D 40 Dale J 42 Smith J

44 Bolton M 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L

15 B . Hind 18 A. Shields 19 G. Gilbert 20 W. Little 22 B . Green (VC) 24 T. Craven 26 B Jondahl 29 J. Ross 30 J. Mellington 3t S. Hawkins 35 M . Sharkie 39 C. Budey 41 J. Ryan S . Young 48 G. ClugstOn




1 S. Chapman 3 J.Rosengaden (C) 4 G. Chessar 5 R. Buckingham 6 A Hickey 7 S . Knight 8 S . Thompson 9 P. Nevill ~0 B. Rogers (VC) 12 R. Shears 13 M . Carey 14 Z . vJright

~9~ E~ ~t A,'1 ~f Jd r-_1 e~ G

Coach : (1) Manny Nicotost Coach : (2) James Fay

3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C 5 McKenzie-McHarg 6 Cato J 7 O'Kane M 8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J 10 McColl D 11 Farrow L 12 Dillon J 13 Nolen A 14 Chamberlain F 15 Dixon B 16 Grigg S t7 Doyle C 18 Ross S t9 Jabour P

Coach: Dennis Grace

t 7

Coach: Chris Moore

3 D. Rose


Coach : John Howard

Coach : Darren McKiltop

ST. KEVINS O D Coach : ( 1) Paul O'Shannassy Coach: (2) Stephen Clark e


J Dempscy,

2. T. Duggan 3. A. Umbers 4. L. Fox S. M . Hick s 6. J. Harris 7. L Kalesara n 8. D. MacDonal d 9. W. McCann 10 . D. Mahoney tt . M . Hutton 12 . . McLay 1 3 . 0 . Marorood 14 . B Marchesani to. D . Bar e i 17: D . Makohon 18. bt Anderson 19. W. MacocnaW 20. M . Mulgrew 22. G . Hollan d 23. A. Jankins 24. G . Nolan 26. J. Knuppei 27 . D. Kerr



: P. Fogarty

30 . P. G,ssin g 2s 31 . M. Courtney 32. J . Cox 33. L. Meyer 34. S. Mitchell 35. N . 0'Halloran 36. T. Purcell 37. P. Cla,y 38. R. Chard 39. M . Caimey 40. R. Boyse 41. B .Evans

42. M . Storehouse 43 . M . Tischler 44 . J . K 45 . N . Wa s tt 46 . C. Wilkinso n 50 . J . G❑ IIAer 51 . C . 0'Shaughness y 53 . T. Simpson 55. A. Mars h 57. M. Hinsley 58. A. Thompson 62. K Mclnem y

an. R. Miller an. J. Deacon 69. C. Hilliard

MENTON E Coach : Shane O'Connor 1 .M . Meyer 2 . S. Sullivan 3 . P. Dixon 4 . G . Alla n 7. T. Barr 8. K. Little 9. K. McLeod 11 . B . Atherton 12. M. Wilso n 13. M . Hayes 14. P. Rock e 17. S . Casacelli 19. S . Hamilton 20 . P. Kring s 21 . D . Kell Y 22 . S. Barker 24 . M. Duggan 26 . A. Rock 30. A. Pothitos 31 . C. Jamieson 33. R. Hamil 34. M . Win rave 35 . T. Smith 36 . G. Moran 37 . C . Johnston e 38 . R . Bitner 41 . S. Alexande r 45. R . Connard 56. S. Rickard s

IJn der°®19 - Section (2) Red AQUINAS O .C . Coach : John Ryan

2 R . Klogeman 5 A. Boland 6 P. McNit(



NTH OLD BOY S Coach : David Zapputa

OLD CAMBERWEL L Coach : Michael Siguta s

Coach: Richard Grummett

1 S . Cook 2 T. Hedgeland 3 J . Kirk 4 R. Davidson 5 B . Kea n 6 D. Burley 7 M . Cursio 8 S . Glover 9 T. Roach 10 J . McArdle 11 T. Dean 12 J . Hughes 13 M . Kelly 14 N. Barry 15 T. James 16 D. McLellan 17 H. Mon k 18 A. Saad 19 M . Saad 20 S . Saad 21 N. Trigwell 22 S. Bermingham 23 N. Hahn 24 S. Haynes 25 J . Mullin s

7 A. Jenkinson 9 M. Guthridge 10 L . Mackowski 12 A. Corrigan 13 V. Hal l 14 A. Hayes 15 S. Varone 17 J. See 19 D. Sinclair 20 S. Collins 21 P. Ston e 22 G . Cochrane 23 M. Patterson 24 D. Dew 25 C . Tavalli 27 C . Munro 28 J. Holly 29 B. Miller 30 J. Tapple y

leOLD PARADIANS Coach : Peter Hansen

RUPERTS W00D Coach: Ken Balmer

THERRY PENOLA Coach: Steve McMahon


2 D Dean 3 M Lyons 4 R Hall 5 A Dean 6 A Harvey 11 S Connelly 14 S Fantone 15 L Drummond 19 A Paglia (DVC) 21 L McMahon 22 R P ri es t 24 G Loftus 27 D Caple 28 S Russell 29 M Keeling 34 P Gloury 39 J Z'ivkovic 39 S Fistric 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson (C) 56 M Spirroso 60 D Boundy 61 C Duncan 63 S Corcoran (VC) 75 S Barbar o 76 A Smith 77 T Crotty

1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 8 K Elliot 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 15 J Tetfer 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnson 20 P Flin n

21 D Heywood 22 A Certo 24 G Price 25 R Hatty 27 M Kosta 28 P McMahon 29 G Hewat 31 M Assouad

1 M Ballads 2 S Bloodworth 3 D Bong'ramo 4 J Corbett 5 C Delahunty 6 T Donavan 7 P Donelan 8 N Ebner 9 S Flood 10 P Fowler 11 J Greenwood 12 M Grigg 13 R Hamilton 14 W Hanna 15 D Higgins 16 E Hinde 17 R Mansfield 18 T Mayall 19 R Moreton 20 D Gconnel 21 R Csu(Irvan 22 B Owen 23 V Parkinson 24 S Prince 25 L Rawnstey 26 J Rivett 27 A Ross 28 S Rundle 29 M Sale 30 S Sand'rford (C) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R Scadett 33 N Sharp 34 P Sondhu 35 M Stockfeki 36 A Torney 37 J Walker 38 D Watson 39 R Willis uc n .,w-rvi ~o cnnron~ ~ cR 9nf~


Suite 41 E, 190 Jells Road, Wheelers Hill Phone: (03) 9561 7 577 Fax: () 9561 7566 ,_-

ya i' . w I"t~S __ J'~~' 9

7"hre Ammos Show wit--] Barnaby Willi s


® ~.

SATURDAY on 96 .5 FM ® 1 p.m. -1 .45pM .

Live A ,~~ -1ion Football r®adcastf'~-® 1 .45 ~> .. _ . every Satz :. Jay 5 MAY lYAZEN®I) V OLD SCOTCH 12 Y OLD PARADIANS V OLD IVANHO E

Half Time a nd Full Time Score Service EAST ERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTER S in tune with the outer east " VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA team s be : ,veen 6 .00 -6.15pgn each Saturday night.

VA~A SIJi I TUNE IN 9.30 E ACH S _ G OODMAN AND TOMMY BR This weeks quest: Marcus 13i11raaea (St. Keaans Capt .)


WeS4- A

Footy Report

presented by t-',sn -o- ._ ;i with guests fro m St Bernards (A), Old Paradian erry Penola ( B), West Brunswick, LaTrobe Uni (D2), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4 ) , Old Essendon (DI) .

REVIEWS Sunday 7 .00-9 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAF.A.


'G e Age VAFA k _ , rry i ''~, `tes nb® . .zrday VAFA matches, pr Fr -° - Ts the Su nday Match of Day an d revie ws the coi _ 8. -1-ion in Mo nday's Age.

Brad Beitzel reviews Saturday's matches in his Sunday Herald Sin weekly colum- n. JI


fr~ i%~ !

,'c~ .~ --rp®z',L




P-. ented by Glenn Scarborough with guests fro m

St Bernards (A), Old Parad3ans, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, LaTrobe Uni (1)2), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (I)4), Old Essendon (DI). PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pro Includes weekly chat on all matters tTAFA.

a ffl doo QT09170 ° S?Y a c y o 'Weekend Game Promotion

Amended to - eaulta of Tribunal hearings - April 24th, 200 1 Player Welch's 2 week suspension amended to a club fine of $50 .

Results of T ribunal hearings May 1st, 2 00 1 David Thomson, St. Marys . Attempting to strike, 2 matches . * Luke Gladman, Old Camberwell. Striking, 2 matches . * Heath McDermott, Banyule . Striking, 2 matches. * Dean Moodie, Parkside . Striking, 2 matches . * Jamie Toris, Glen Eira (U19) . General misconduct, 2 matches . * Ian Dean, Glen Eira (U19) . Attempting to strike, 1 match. * Scott Bermingham, North Old Boys (U19) . Disputing umpire decision, 1 match . * Matthew Spinoso, Old Paradians (U19) . Audible obscenity, 1 match . * Accepted Prescribed Penalty

Results of Investiation hearings May 1st, 200 1 AJAX and South Melbourne Districts charged with a melee in their under-19 match played on Saturday April 21st at Albert Park . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . South Melbourne Districts $100 . (ist offence over the last 3 year period) and AJAX $500 (third offence over the last 3 year period) . St . Johns and Monash Gryphons charged with a melee in their senior match played on Saturday April 21st at St . Johns . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . Monash Gryphons $100 . (1st offence over the last 3 year period) and St . Johns $500 (third offence over the last 3 year period) . Mentone Amateurs and Parkside charged with a melee in senior match played on Saturday April 21st at Mentone .

Both clubs pleaded guilty . Mentone Amateurs fined $500, Parkside $1100.


: May 5 University Blues v . Old Trinity This Sun: May 6 St. Kevins v. MHSOB Next Sat: May 12 Old Xaverians v . Mazenod Next Sun: May 13 Mother's Day - no matches

May 19 Old Ivanhoe v. North Old Boys May 20 FIDA May 26 Mazenod v Old Trinity May 27 No matche s June 2 De La Salle v Old Melburnians June 3 VAFA (C-D4) v WAAF L

Round 1 Late scores First offence ( $5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100) . Rese rves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2.30pm final scores by 5pm Beaumaris (R) Collegians (S) Bull. Temp . (R) Elsternwick (S) Old Trinity (C) St. Johns (S) Old Geelong (C) De La Salle (U ) Old Paradians (U) Round 2 Late scores First offence ( $5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ( $100) ; each subsequent offence ($100) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Monash Blues (C) St . Bedes MT (S) St. Leos E WP (C) Oakleigh (S) Old Melburnians (C) Bulleen Cobras (S) Old Melburnians (U) Mazenod (U) Collegians (U ) Old Trinity (U) Yarra Valley (U) AJAX (U) St . Kevins (UB) Old Camberwell (U) Incorrect scores phoned - Rd l Marcellin (S), North Old Boys (S). Banyule (R), Old Scotch (C), Prahran (C), Old Scotch (U)


W L D For Agst % Pts 2 0 0 249 63 395.24 8 2 0 0 172 128 134.38 8 2 0 0 152 117 129.91 8 1 1 0 174 124 140.32 4 1 1 0 157 121 129.75 4 1 1 0 128 125 102.40 4 1 1 0 138 138 100 .00 4 0 2 0 95 149 63 .76 0 0 2 0 101 179 56 .42 0 0 2 0 51 273 18.68 0


W L D For Agst % Pts 2 0 0 157 42 373.81 8 2 0 0 135 51 264.71 8 2 0 0 141 66 213.64 8 1 1 0 120 98 122.45 4 1 1 0 91 95 95 .79 4 1 1 0 74 121 61 .16 4 1 1 0 96 159 60 .38 4 0 2 0 80 122 65 .57 0 0 2 0 54 102 52.94 0 0 2 0 62 154 40 .26 0


W 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0


W L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 0 124 19 652.63 8 2 0 0 174 97 179.38 8 2 0 0 143 107 133 .64 8 2 0 0 72 68 105 .88 8 1 1 0 135 73 184 .93 4 1 1 0 174 144 120 .83 4 1 1 0 77 111 69.37 4 1 1 0 93 144 64.58 4 0 2 0 115 188 61 .17 0 0 2 0 94 171 54.97 0 0 2 0 67 146 45.89 0


W 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 161 56 287 .50 8 0 0 198 78 253.85 8 0 0 171 74 231 .08 8 1 0 165 90 183 .33 4 1 0 99 126 78 .57 4 1 0 121 177 68 .36 4 1 0 87 154 56 .49 4 2 0 97 139 69.78 0 2 0 70 144 48 .61 0 2 0 57 188 30 .32 0

L 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For Agst % Pts 176 65 270.77 8 147 69 213 .04 8 157 74 212 .16 4 99 96 103 .13 4 100 97 103.09 4 113 118 95.76 4 93 111 83 .78 4 71 144 49.31 4 61 104 58.65 0 62 201 30.85 0


P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W L D For Agst % Pts 2 0 0 159 56 283.93 8 2 0 0 139 55 252 .73 8 2 0 0 142 59 240 .68 8 2 0 0 154 70 220 .00 8 1 1 0 89 129 68 .99 4 1 1 0 86 129 66.67 4 0 2 0 87 108 80 .56 0 0 2 0 55 93 59.14 0 0 2 0 56 117 47 .86 0 0 2 0 62 213 29 .11 0

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % Pts ST KEVINS 2 2 0 0 221 45 491 .11 8 OLD SCOTCH 2 2 0 0 285 60 475 .00 8 DE LA SALLE 2 2 0 0 287 61 470 .49 8 ST BERNARDS 2 2 0 0 262 89 294 .38 8 OLD XAVERIANS 2 2 0 0 208 128 162 .50 8 MARCELLIN 2 1 1 0 155 150 103 .33 4 OLD BRIGHTON 2 1 1 0 151 165 91 .52 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 0 2 0 105 174 60.34 0 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 0 2 0 121 240 50.42 0 COLLEGIANS 2 0 2 0 115 243 47 .33 0 BEAUMARIS AFC 2 0 2 0 37 280 13 .21 0 MAZENOD 0 C 2 0 2 0 4 316 1 .27 0 UNDER-19 SECTION 2 P W L D For Agst % P4s OLD TRINITY 2 2 0 0 244 49 497,96 8 OLD IVANHOE 2 2 0 0 296 65 455.38 8 WERRIBEEAMATEURS 2 2 0 0 264 118 223 .73 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 2 0 0 191 147 129.93 8 CAULFIELD GR 2 1 1 0 103 63 163 .49 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 1 1 0 176 150 117,33 4 YARRA VALLEY O B 2 1 1 0 240 221 108 .60 4 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 2 1 1 0 142 206 68 .93 4 WHITEFRIARS 2 0 2 0 112 176 63 .64 0 ORMOND 2 0 2 0 125 258 48 .45 0 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 0 2 0 81 258 31 .40 0 MHSOB 2 0 2 0 27 290 9.31 0 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst % Pts AJAX 2 2 0 0 316 34 929.41 8 MENTONEAMATEURS 2 2 0 0 415 49 846 .94 8 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 2 2 0 0 289 121 238,84 8 ST KEVINS (2) 2 1 1 0 346 83 416,87 4 MONASH BLUES 2 1 1 0 148 170 87.06 4 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 2 1 1 0 17 78 21 .79 4 DE LA SALLE (2) 1 0 1 0 35 199 17 .59 4 OAKLEIGH 2 0 2 0 73 431 16 .94 0 GLEN EIRAAFC 2 0 2 0 14 488 2 .87 0 UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD CAMBERWELL 2 2 0 0 252 60 420 .00 8 OLD PARADIANS 2 2 0 0 200 54 370 .37 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 2 0 0 211 88 239 .77 8 RUPERTSWOOD 2 1 1 0 365 72 506,94 4 THERRY PENOLA OB 2 1 1 0 177 100 177 .00 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE2 1 1 0 39 74 52 .70 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 1 0 43 129 33 .33 4 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 2 0 2 0 47 274 17 .15 0 AQUINAS 0 C 2 0 2 0 21 504 4.17 0

VAFA PREMIERSHIP LISTS 2001 A SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD SCOTCH 2 2 0 0 177 144 122 .92 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 1 0 1 145 125 116 .00 6 OLD BRIGHTON 2 1 0 1 159 141 112 .77 6 MARCELLIN 2 1 1 0 198 143 138 .46 4 ST KEVINS 2 1 1 0 198 143 138 .46 4 MHSOB 2 1 1 0 193 202 95 .54 4 OLD TRINITY 2 1 1 0 151 159 94 .97 4 STBERNARDS 2 1 1 0 176 243 72 .43 4 OLD XAVERIANS 2 0 2 0 132 166 79 .52 0 0 MAZENOD O C 2 0 2 0 186 249 74 .70


W L D For Agst % Pts 2 0 0 216 39 553 .85 8 2 0 0 277 88 314 .77 8 2 0 0 321 112 286 .61 8 2 0 0 173 115 150.43 8 1 1 0 188 167 112.57 4 1 1 0 186 208 89 .42 4 0 2 0 118 213 55.40 0 0 2 0 90 228 39.47 0 0 2 0 103 309 33.33 0 0 2 0 46 239 19.25 0

B SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 2 2 0 0 182 89 204,49 8 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 2 0 0 158 97 162.89 8 BEAUMARIS AFC 2 2 0 0 159 138 115 .22 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 1 1 0 149 119 125.21 4 DE LA SALLE 2 1 1 0 156 132 118.18 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 1 1 0 94 131 71 .76 4 ORMOND 2 1 1 0 104 148 70.27 4 WHITEFRIARS 2 0 2 0 121 168 72 .02 0 THERRY PENOLA OB 2 0 2 0 117 165 70.91 0 OLD PARADIANS 2 0 2 0 96 149 64 .43 0


W L D For Agst % pLs 2 0 0 210 95 221 .05 8 2 0 0 214 114 187.72 8 2 0 0 230 180 127.78 8 1 0 0 87 79 110.13 8 1 1 0 167 130 128.46 4 1 1 0 188 180 104.44 4 1 1 0 104 111 93 .69 4 1 1 0 72 91 79.12 4 0 2 0 148 205 72 .20 0 0 2 0 167 241 69 .29 0 0 2 0 82 243 33 .74 0

C SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts COLLEGIANS 2 2 0 0 196 91 215 .38 8 ST BEDES MENT TIG 2 2 0 0 303 170 178 .24 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 2 0 0 219 165 132.73 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 1 1 0 194 138 140 .58 4 CAULFIELD GR 2 1 1 0 170 122 139 .34 4 GLEN EIRAAFC 2 1 1 0 165 170 97 .06 4 AJAX 2 1 1 0 99 165 60 .00 4 OLD MENTONIANS 2 0 2 0 176 280 62 .86 0 PRAHRAN AFC 2 0 2 0 104 198 52 .53 0 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE2 0 2 0 132 259 50 .97 Dl SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts BANYULE 2 2 0 0 230 133 172.93 8 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 2 2 0 0 179 111 161 .26 8 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 2 2 0 0 236 157 150.32 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 2 0 0 186 174 106 .90 8 OLD GEELONG 2 1 1 0 150 188 79.79 4 YARRA VALLEY O B 2 1 1 0 144 192 75 .00 4 AQUINAS 0 C 2 0 2 0 221 245 90 .20 0 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 0 2 0 148 183 80 .87 0 MONASH BLUES 2 0 2 0 151 203 74.38 0 0 OLD CAREY 2 0 2 0 115 174 66 .09 P W L D For Agst % Pts D2 SECTION MENTONE AMATEURS 2 2 0 0 275 126 218 .25 8 SALESIAN 0 C 2 2 0 0 215 128 167 .97 8 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 1 1 0 236 150 157 .33 4 OAKLEIGH AFC 2 1 1 0 167 144 115 .97 4 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 1 1 0 127 122 104 .10 4 KEW 2 1 1 0 151 179 84 .36 4 PENINSULA O B 2 1 1 0 154 185 83 .24 4 LATROBEUNI 2 1 1 0 124 210 59 .05 4 PARKSIDE 2 0 2 0 117 221 52.94 0 POWER HOUSE 2 0 2 0 57 158 36 .08 0

A RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pis UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 2 0 0 177 26 680.77 8 STBERNARDS 2 2 0 0 157 88 178 .41 8 OLD XAVERIANS 2 2 0 0 172 128 134 .38 8 MAZENOD 0 C 2 1 1 0 148 96 154 .17 4 MARCELLIN 2 1 1 0 165 130 126 .92 .15 4OLDSCTH210549 .16 4OLDBRIGHTN2107463 .23 04OLDTRINY20981563 MHSOB 2 0 2 0 83 207 40.10 0 ST KEVINS 2 0 2 0 61 202 30 .20 0

P W L D For Agst % Pts B RESERVE WHTEFRIARS 2 2 0 0 185 73 253 .42 8'.. OLD HAILEYBURY 2 2 0 0 199 101 197 .03 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 2 0 0 166 97 171 .13 8' OLD PARADIANS 2 2 0 0 176 118 149 .15 .59 4'. 8ORMND210467 . THERRY PENOLA OB 2 1 1 0 159 154 103 .25 4 OLD IVANHOE 2 0 2 0 98 164 59 .76 0 DE LA SALLE 2 0 2 0 85 167 50.90 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 0 2 0 66 169 39 .05 0 BEAUMARIS AFC 2 0 2 0 68 191 35.60 0

C RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts 55 349.09 8'.. ST BEDES MENT TIG 2 2 0 0 192 2 2 0 0 236 121 195 .04 8 HAMPTON ROVERS CAULFIELD GR 2 2 0 0 157 93 168.82 8 . COLLEGIANS 2 1 1 0 188 101 186.14 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 1 1 0 169 115 146.96 4'. BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE2 1 1 0 126 117 107 .69 4 2 1 1 0 106 128 82 .81 4 PRAHRAN AFC AJAX 2 0 2 0 74 176 42 .05 0 38.50 0 GLEN EIRAAFC 2 0 2 0 87 226 2 0 2 0 66 269 24 .54 0 OLD MENTONIANS

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