BECOMING AND STAYING SMOKEFRE E Nat Thursday May 31st is the year 2001 WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY and we urge the 85% of our clubs who are SmokeFree, and of course the 15% who we hope will become SmokeFree this year to support "WNTD" at work and home on Thursday . I thought it timely as well to write briefly about SmokeFree and the VAFA for this year and the incentives for clubs to continue to be, or become SmokeFree. A SmokeFree Club Incentive Competition is in place to assist each VAFA club to implement SmokeFree club environments for the members and families to enjoy. Clubs have been grouped into three categories : • Stream One : Clubs who have formalised a SmokeFree policy and supplied it to the VAF A • Stream Two : Clubs who have SmokeFree areas, however a policy has not been developed. • Stream Three: Clubs who as yet are not SmokeFree To enter this competition you must have moved on from your identified stream in the 2000 season . Your SmokeFree Policy must be received by the VAFA by July 31 2001 . A $1,500 cheque for the club who has provided the most comprehensive SmokeFree policy and is seen to be the best at implementing the program successfuIly in their area is the major incentive . A number of $350 cheques for clubs who have shown a strong effort in going SmokeFree will be awarded as well . All clubs returning their entry form, will be eligible for a Footy Pack which contains : Hand ball target and Scoreboard, AFL and VFL tickets, 4 footballs, Video, Sports Carry Bag, AFL Umpiring CD and Resource book .
A SmokeFree Policy Guide can be obtained through contacting : Kirsten Pilatti, Sponsorship Officer, QUIT, Ph : 039635 5427, Email : kirsten .pilatti@accv.org .au or by contacting Brett Connell, General Manager-Football Operations, VAFA Ph : 03 9531 8333, Email: brett@vafa.asn .au
For the clubs who have moved on from Stream One (top stream) this year they now compete for a
number of the Healthy Club Awards that are on offer. L The Healthy Club Awards look at recognising those Clubs who have achieved all previous objectives in regard to the SmokeFree Policy. These clubs are asked to address other areas of healthy aspects of their club and one club can win a $1800 cheque. A number of $350 cheques for clubs who are working well towards the set objectives will also be awarded . All clubs entering this competition are eligible to win a number of Footy Packs as previously mentioned . Should you require more information about what to do to qualify contact Kirsten or Brett (see above) . Our aim, and commitment to Quit is to have all VAFA clubs SmokeFree by the end of 2001 . BLOOD BANK CHALLENG E
Club support is again sought for this most worthwhile community project which the VAFA is proud to coordinate . Information was mailed to all clubs last week outlining how to become involved . FUTURE "FROM MY DESK" ARTICLES AND "AMATEUR FOOTBALLER" FEATURES
Next week: We preview the VAFA (C-D4) match against Western Australia to be played at Elsternwick Park on Sunday June 3. Player lists and match preview in next week's "Amateur Footballer" as well as full details on the full round of VAFA club matches . Next week: Richard Evans writes on the recent controversy surrounding reinstatement guidelines . Queens Birthday weekend . There will be a "mini" Amateur Footballer (16 pages) which will feature the results of the VAFA v. WA game and previews and player lists of the VAFA senior v. South Australian an d VAFA U/ 19 v . NSW /ACT curtain-raiser matches . There are no VAFA club matches over the QB weekend .
In a coming edition : We report on the recent alcohol surv ey conducted amongst Amateur clubs . Is there cause for concern ?
May 26th, 2001
Price: $2 . 00 Vol . 01 No . 6
The weekend dished up another intriguing round of A-section football with the ladder finally taking some shape in the form of two packs . The first group comprises the three ladder-leaders in Scotch, Bernards and MHSOB, the latter recording a resounding win over the Blues to establish themselves firmly in the top bracket . Marcellin make up the final four and head the next pack of five teams, all of whom have shown a bit here and there but have yet to play with any consistency . The Eagles meekly surrendered a commanding 29 point lead at the last change to be overrun by a rampant Mazenod ; in doing so, they squandered a golden chance to add a game's break to their healthy percentage and skip four points clear of the group. The Nodders' last gasp win took plenty of heart and it kept them away from the danger zone occupied by University, who have a paltry percentage at the foot of the ladder. They might never have been even that close to the Eagles at the last break had Marcellin converted more accurately in front of goal than the 12 .12 their efforts had yielded . To that stage, the Eagles had controlled most of the play through the good work of Johnston and Goodwin . With Treganowan well held, Purcell stepped up to the plate and slotted through six goals . But it all came unstuck when the home side got a sniff in the last and booted 5 .6 in a frenzy that must have left the crowd delirious. On-baller Simon Fisher continued his sparkling form from the week before as Lancaster and Hanley shared seven goals for the victors. With 25 goals scored at Waverley and another Asection match on the same day producing 35 goals, it was unusual for a game involving the normally free-scoring Scotch total just 16 goals, on what was a perfectly good day for football . There were floods at Brighton, of course, but it had more to do with the bulk of the home side's team congregating in the Cardinals forward line. So effectively, in fact, did Brighton stifle Scotch's scoring success that they led by three points at half time. Inevitably, the floodgates opened somewhat after the main break, as Hawkins found space and the goals and Kitchen continued his prominent start to the season . Just as impressive last week and indeed all year has been ex-Cat Tim Firmocchiaro, who has provided a handy boost to the Cardinal arsenal and will no doubt be attracting the attention of the umpires . Another low-scoring game took place across town in Bulleen, where Trinity continued to falter after a promising start to the season . The 1"s were hosting formidable opposition in St Bernards, and the
visitors dished it up to the home side in the first time booting five goals to one t o establish a lead Leigh Carlson's men ever managed to head . Chris Frost booted three in a low-scoring game but his efforts were more than matched by Mitchell, Taylor and co . at the other end of the ground . Mount was prominent among the Bernies best and Ben Jordan turned in another sterling, hardworking game. It was less of a dour struggle and more of a shootout at the picturesque University Oval, where the hapless Blues went from bad to worse and foundered to a 45point dumping at the hands of a rejuvenated MHSOB. The Blues' poor form has many pundits stunned, given the depth of their midfield and runners and general talent across all lines . Like all clubs, several key performers are missing but Lee Adamson would be scratching his head nonetheless, and chiefly, he'd be scratching at the Blues disappointing last quarter performance against the students after keeping pretty close for most of the day. But Simpson added five goals to a ton of possessions and Bamert brought home the bacon again to help the Unicorns skip away in the last as they virtually doubled their lead to secure third spot and a handy two game break. All smiles for new coach Luke Soulos . Traditional rivals Old Xaverians and St Kevins slugged it out on Sunday at Sandringham to complete the round in a contest always keenly contested by both clubs . The reigning premiers had their backs to the wall after an indifferent start to the season and they responded in true fashion with a gritty three goal win . Lethlean continued his good form for Xavs along with Clarke and McCarthy, the latter becoming his side's main contributor with three goals . Crohan booted four the SKOBS and O'Connor two but the contributions dried up after that although Fraser and Dollman battled valiantly on the ball and around the ground . PREVIEW Old Brighton face an uphill battle against Xaverians . OX too strong by 37. Big test today for Marcellin at home to St Kevins . Expect the SKOB to bounce back and win by 11 . Mazenod host Old Trinity at league headquarters in a match neither side can afford to lose . Old Trinity to find their feet and win 21 .
Bottom meets top when the Blues travel to Old
Scotch in a veritable mismatch . What price Blues fans? Cardinals by 46 . p,1qSOB face their biggest challenge yet when they ilost St Bernards at home . Bubble-bursting day, I'm afraid students . St Bernards by 26.
Yf:LE : Mazenod Chris Davis Due to a tragic accident Mazenod lost one of its young guns in Chris Davis on May 12 . He was a young man who was very respected and will be sadly missed by all at the club . Condolences to Gaven, largaret and Family from all at Mazenod .
Old 3rionton - congratulates Tim Handley and Geo== Earl on reaching 50 games in Rd4 against ~iHSOB . Both players began with the U19's and have progressed to senior football with success, each v,~nrling premierships with the two's since . All at OBGFC wish you well and hope to see many more ~ cars representing the club on field . 1lqazellod - congratulates Tim Smith, who joined the rlub back in '86 and has beema sensational clubman and great on field leader since on playing his 250th game . Tim has played in premierships and has =erved on the committee as Treasurer . Well done to un from all at Mazenod and we hope you reach 300 . Also to Anthony Tucker who played his 50th game after many frustrating injuries 'Tucks" is a player ~,,ho can play in all positions and is very hard at the ball and we hope he will play many more .
CLUB LST WK TOTAL SENIORS I1~: vkins Old Scotch 4 29 I3,imert MHSOB 4 19 T .Iiarvey St Bernards 1 17 Boyd Old Trinity 0 15 V . Mitchell St Bernards 3 1 4 A RESERVE 12 Legudi St Bernards 5 12 Aujard Old Scotch 2 Thomas Old Scotch 3 11 10 Sinion Old Scotch 0 NA',-11'
TODAY'S MATCHES A S ectio n Old Xaverians v. Old Brighton Marcellin v. St . Kevins Mazenod v. Old Trinity at EP Saturda y Old Scotch v . University Blues MHSOB v. St. Bernards
1 .i 3 .8 4.9 6.10 (48) OLD :,=~Gk3TOtd OLD SCOTCH 2.3 3 .5 7.7 10.10 (70) Old Brighton: Reid, Carter. ',iacGiWsTay, Barrow. Ginnavin . Jackson . Best: Reid, McMahon, Ewert. Bristow, MacGillivray, Williams. Old Scotch: Hawkins 4, Phillips 2 . Angus. Ratcliff, Robinson, Wigney . Best : Phillips. FBmocchiaso, Blenheim, Crow, Kitchen, Wigney . Umpires : A. Firley, R. Sneddon (F). B . Corcoran (B) . S. Caple . J . Robinson 2 .4 5 .4 8.5 9.9 (63) ST. KEVINS OLD XAVERIANS 2 .2 4.9 9.11 11 .15 (81) St. Fievins : Crohan 4, O'Connor 2, M . Dolhnan, Kempton, Greenham . . Lynch, Fraser, M . Dolhnan . Garver, Finch, Crohan. Best: J Old Ras : McCarthy 3, Lethiean 2, Orlando 2, MeDonald . Mitchell, Parton, Woodruff. Best : Clarke, McCarthy, Bowen, Hawkins, Lethlean. Skidrnore .Umpires: W. Hinton. J . Kvins (F) . T. Dodds, T. Dornom (B) . B . Hoare . C . Arnol (G ) MAZENOD 1 .4 6.4 8 .7 13 .13 (91) 4 .6 8 .10 12.12 12.14 (86) MARCELLIN Mazerm& Lancaster 4 . Ha ilev 3. Tucker, Bayford. Beard. Morgan . Carter, 0'Donagtme. Best : Polar. Beard. Fisher, Hanley, Ryan . Carter. M.srcellin : Purcell 6. Waters 3, Treganowan, Frisina Johnston . Best : Jarred, Purcell . Goodwin, Johnston . Sampimon. Theisz. Umpin^s: M . Jenkins . P. Simpson (F), R. Mutton, S . Caruso (B) . V. Vescovi. K. Segota (G) UNIVERSITY BLUES 6.1 8 .4 12.8 14.12 (96 ) PriHSOB 8.3 12 .8 15 .12 21 .15 (141) University Blues: IkC7espigney 3, McEwin 3 . M. Coleman 3, Vasey 2, Slinunon. T. Wilcox. Versieegen . Best: McEwtn. T. Wilcox. Wilkie . M. Coleman, Nation . Hooper. ARHSOB: Simpson 5, Bamert 4. Limbrick 3 . Burke 2, Fairchild 2, McCully, PertzeL Saultry, White, Newton . Best : Newton . L'unbriek. Simpson, Simmons. white, Bamert,. Umpires : J. McNiece. C. Stewart (F), P . Teasdale . A. Rechtman (B) . D. Napoli, B . McCarthy (G) 1 .3 3.6 5.9 9 .11 (65) OLD T12= 5 .3 6.6 10.7 13.9 (87) ST. BERNARDS Old Trinity: Frost 3. Stephens 2. Arrow:smith, Collins. Power, Ramsden . Best: Frost, Hatfield, Stephens . R. Burrows, Parkin, Deane-Johns. St . Bernards : N . Mitchell 3 . A. Thomas 3 . Magguire 2, L . Gallant . Hogan . TurnbaA Baynes . T. Harvey . Best: Hogan . Mastropasqua . Mount . Thomas. Jordan . Turnball. Umpires: T. Sutcliffe, M . Gibson (F). J . Forsyth, D . Cusack (B). R. Parn,, B. Dix (G ) OLD BRIGHTOPd 3.1 4 .5 6.9 6.10 (46) OLD SCOTCH 2.0 6 .2 7.7 12 .13 (85) Old Brighton: Handley 3, R . Stewart l, Dickerson 1 . Over 1 . Best: Mizzi. Adamis. C. Stewart. M.J . Smith . McLaughlin. Ward . Old Scotch : H. Thomas 3, Reid 2 . Aujard 2, 1 looper 1 . Addison 1, Stevens 1, Sanders 1, Joyce 1 . Best : Oliver . Saunders. Beaurepaire, Aujard, Miles . Evans. ST. XEVINS 5 .2 6.2 10.4 13.7 (85) OLD %AVEI2IAPIS 3 .1 8.7 12.8 15.12 (102) St . Kevlas : McCarm 3, B Dollrnan 2, Sullivan 2, M. Giansiracusa 2. Shellev . Sadler. Gross, Bateman. Best: Game, B. Dolhnan. Bateman, Ferrari . McCann . Gross . Old %averlans : Jones 4. Green 3 . Scanlon 2. Cal(inan, Chambers, Lang, Meehan, Johnston. Moll<-ud. Best: Mullane . R. Jones . Scanlon, J . Healy, Carey, Callinan . 1 .2 2.2 2 .4 3 .4(22) MAZENOD 4.2 6.6 8 .12 11.12 (78) MARCELLIN Masenod : Fotiniotis, Hawkins. Smith. Best: Hairy, Smith, Snart . Heal, Morgan, Gooden . Mareellin: Cope 2, Coutts 2 . Caffry 2, Wilkinson, Galati, Cull . Slattery. O'Connor. Best : Cull . Wilkinson, Taylor, Cathy, Theisz, Gleeso n 1.151 BLUES 3.2 6 .5 14.5 18 .9(117) MHSOB 3.1 6 .2 7.3 9.4(58) But Blues : Hutchins 3, Barrick 2, Cook 2, Granger 2, Larkin 2 , North 2, Featherston, Kaso, Lansdell, Terrill . Treloar. Best : Featherston, Kaso, North . Thomas. Granger . Hutchins , MHSOB: Cotter 2, Hawkins 2. Taylor 2 . Cassell, Holden. Skinner. Best : Skinner, Danaher. Orchard . Feferkranz, Holden, Hawkins . OLD TRINITY 2 .1 6.2 9 .4 11.4 (70) ST BERNARDS 4 .2 7.2 9 .2 14 .3 (87) Old Trinity : Hudson 3, Mainsbridge 2, Robinson 2, Cameron 2, Kenna, Butler. Best: Shaughnessy, Cameron, Ward . Van Der Venne S, Butler, Kenna. St Bernsrds: Legudi 5, McKay 3, Davis 2, Tanker . Crocker, J Mount . Borg. Best: Tankey . Smith . Kane. Nathan, Legudi, Catterall .
M .H .S .O .R .
Coach : Simon Dalrymple Res. Coach : Peter Randall
Coach : Luke Soulos Res. Coach: Terry Blythman
1 . C. Slattery 2 . A . Caffry
1 J Bamert (DVC) 2 S McCully 3 I Gr gi c y 4 C Eabry 5 P Sherry 5 N Orchard 6 R Josep h 7 J Pertzel (C) 7 A Angus
3 . D . Waters 4. 5. 6. 7.
G. Romanin M . Moran D . Sampimon N . Godwin
8 . R . Frisina 9 . D . Ballantine 10. C. Purcell 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12. B . Cronin 13. S . Dinneen 14. R . McMahon 15. M . Chun 16. L. McMillan 17. G . Cox (VC ) ~) 18. D . Gartner 19. D . Cooper 20. S . O'Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22. D . Marson 23. P. Gleason 24. L. O'Flynn 25. R . Galati 26. N . Armstrong 27. D . Theisz 28. D . Johnston 29. P. Smith 30. A . Treganowan (C) 31 . S . Yee 32. M . Browne 33. G. Cull 34. D . Jarred 35. J . Frazer 36. D . Cope 37. D . Moran 38. M . O'Sullivan 39. B . Colvill e 40. M . Leffanue 41 . J . Seabury 42. B . Dinneen 43. A . Duncan 44. A . Wilkinson ( RVC ) 44 L. Hansen 45. D . Theisz 46. J . Wilkins 47. D . Ryan 48. A . Gallagher 49. D . Coutts 50. A . Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52. J . Mathews 53. C . Mathews 54. R . McMahon 55. J . Wallis 56. B . Norden 57. M . Van Lint 59. J . Ibrahim
Yarra Valley Country Club
MAZENOD Coach : David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C. Harrison A. Quin n A. 'Mcln~re A. Hanley (C) M . Quirk J . Bayford S . Morgan D. Lancaster
8 J Gerner
9 S . Noble
8 C Wright 9 D Fairchild (VC) 9 M Clowes 10 D Skinne r 10 D Norton 11 K Krios 12 A Simpso n 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gregson 13 C Kelly 14 L Simpso n 15 Z Holden 16 F Davis 17 M Clowes 18 R Limbrick 18 A David 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 20 D Nichols 21 R Patterson 22 D Armstrong 22 A Svirskis 23 C Harvi e 23 I Taylor 24 D Stynes 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 25 J Jackman 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R . Newton 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell (VC) 32 A Keys 33 A Saultry 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (VC ) 34 S Konstanty 35 A Mills 35 A Barge 36 M White 36 S Bennet t 37 R McIntyre 37 M Ting 38 S Robinso n 40 D Membrey 40 W Hayes 41 D Simmons 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins 48 B Jeffrey 49 C Pricop 50 S Osborne 51 J Newton 52 B McGrath 53 C Clowes 55 N Adcoc k56TWright 57 A Tang 58 M Cotter 59 L Jones
10 M . O'Hara 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 S . Hose 12 M . Murray 13 P. Gooden 14 N. Meehan 15 N. Parry 16 J . Kavanagh
THE BEEHIVE HOTEL GVP Fabricators PTY LTD Hawthorn All Home Loans
17 J . Beard 18 T. 0'Dona 9 hueN) (VC ) 19 S . McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan (DVC) 23 A. Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 S . Ryan 26 J . Dunne DVC) 27 D. Krom 28 P. Nelson 29 R. Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 N. Snart 32 P. Fotinioti s 33 D. Grant 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R. Hawkins 36 D. Carter 37 L . Morgan 38 D. Linden 39 G . Kalber 40 A. Lewison 41 M . Hudsdn 42 C . Adams 43 A. Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 P. Rice 46 R. Foss 47 A. McDowell 43 G . Tilling 49 L . Halvy (RVC) 50 D. Carter 52 N . Nussbaum 54 J . Persi
Sponsored by : Sires Menswear W.G. Miles & Co Pty Ltd Real Eastate - Ivanhoe Spectrum Assuranc e Group Regency Pharmacy
Zitech Compute r Pe ri pherals
Coach : Andrew Smith Res. Coach : Coach : Date Tapping Gary Jackson Assist : Justin Clarkson Res. Coach: Richard Obee 1 A Nettleton 2 B Phillips 1 A. Kryzwniak 2 A. Pirri e 3 C . Barrow (VC) 4 A. MacGilivray 5 N. Perry 6 R. Stewart 7 C . Brew 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox (VC)
3 C Hosking 4 5 6 7
T Holt R Price A Crow J Kitchen
9 R A Aujard t 10 J Kerr 11 M Angus
11 L. Adamis
12 S Crow
11 A. Fitzgerald 12 B. Williams 13 R. Ken t 14 S. Williams (C) 15 D. Tymms (VC) 16 G . Earl . Van Den Dungan 1 A 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S. Gadsden 20 M . L. Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 N . Biggin 23 N . Milat 24 M .J . Smith 25 S. Nickas 26 B. Stoneham 27 D . Paterson 28 J. Bradley 29 J. Dickerson 30 A. McLaughli n 31 A. Bristow 32 D . Begley 33 W. Carter 34 J. White 35 C . Stewart 36 B. Pollock 37 B. McMahon 38 J. Raju 39 B. McMahon 41 J. Murchie 42 C . Mlzzi 43 R . Carter 44 R . Sherman 45 A. Mandylaris 46 M. Billioni s 47 D . Wilson 49 A. Ginnavin 50 T. Handley 51 M. Fisher 51 D . Strachan 52 A. Liptrot 53 M. Gamble 55 M. Gamble 61 A. Walsh 62 A. Lynch 63 S. Davies 64 M.Reid
13 N Hoope r 14 E Parthenides 15 M O'Brien 16 A Speed 17 D Thomas 18 L Hawkin s 19 C. Smith 20 S Lillingsto n 21 J Stratos 22 N Addiso n 23 0 Crane 24 C Patter,den 25 L Murphy 26 T Downing 27 J Pilkingto n 28 B Robinson 29 M Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 C Ratcliff e 33 J McCarrol l 34 E Oliver 35 P O 'Connor 36 S Prendergast 37 M Parthenides 38 R Ashton 39 C Stevens 40 A Warner 41 M Lipshut 42 J Ross 43 N Leit l 44 C Evans 45 M Blenhei m 46 J Beaurepaire 47 T Barenger 48 S Miles 49 R Mullens 50 D Richardso n 51 M Saunder s 52 M Daviso n 53 C Joyce 54 N Simon 55 G Sarkozy 57 J Cran e 58 C Ada m 60 T Wigne y 61 D Leeds 62 E Sladen 63 S Tresis e 64 L North 65 C Armstron g 66 H Thomas 68 B Collin s 77 S Spiden
~; .: ;:
. ...
A Section OLD XAYERIARS c .ch : Leigh Carlson Asst, Coach : Phil Gaut ¢s Coach : Craig Heave
Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Coach : Garry Foutds Res. Coach : Chris Res. Coach : David Law Mortenson
S1 KEVIN Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach: Mick Knuppel
UNIVERSITY BLUE S Coach : Lee Adamso n Res . Coach: Terry Benai m
1 Kennedy S
1 M Blood (C)
1 . C . Gray
1 . A . Callery
2 Hudson G(RC) 3 Reynolds L 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 5 Robison M 6 Heath R 7 Van Der Venne T 7 Canzoneri M 7 Dodgson B 8 Frost C g Stebbins C 9 Andrews A(VC) 9 Best J 10 Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S 11 Gorman A
2 D Orlando 3 L Hannebery 4 D Landrigan 6 B Healy
2 . L. Meehan 3 . A . Brebner 4 . S . McKean
2. S . Lowerson 3. D . Curtis 4 P. Greenhorn 5 M . Coltman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 N . Fraser 11 J . Panagrazio 12 R. Grinter 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahone y 15 M . Olive 16 B . Garvey 17 S . Dawes
2 T Hutchin s 3 J Sturroc k 4 D Guengerich 5 Q Gleason 6 S Lon le 7 D Ha ~e r y 8 J S Mead e 10 A Davis 11 L Nort h 12 G McLachla n 13 P Stockdal e 14 C Roydhouse 15 L Ryan 16 C Stewart
12 Pirouet N
3 Collins M 13 Cade J 14 Parkin A 14 Gamble R 115 Stephens T 15 Natoli S 6 Hitllas C
17 Hatfield G(VC) 18 Clarke L 19 Barr C 19 Carter-Buszard L 20 Phillips C 21 Gillett R 21 Kennedy L 22 Deane-Johns G 22 Munroe H 23 Ramsden A 24 Boyd A 25 Cameron F ( RVC ) 26 Robinson D 26 Tudor l 27 Ramsden R 28 Cristiano D 28 Butler C 29 Nesbitt L °0 Glass D 31 Bladeni S 32 Cornell J 32 Kinross D 33 Dukes J 34 Boyd M 35 Pawsey M 36 Sutcliffe J 37 Van Der Venne S 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) 39 Antono ulos T 40 Jarred 41 Lauletta S 42 Aylward M 43 Myainsbridge D ; Power B Maiyah A 45 Treadwell G 45 Morpeth T 11.6 Cooper S 47 Semmens A :8 Ward C 50 Farmer J 50 Adgemis J 53 Donahoo B 54 Markus J 55 Boyd G 56 Best E 57 Oberoi A 58 Mandoudis J 59 Cade T ( RVC ) 62 Marc J 64 Kenna A 65 Burrows R 67 Limoli P 68 Frost M 69 Lapira M 71 Makris A 75 Chisholm M
79 Treadwell C 83 Brady W
7 S Lethlean (VC) 8 P McDonald 9 J Hawkins 10 S Mitchell 11 Ad Jones 12 J Bowen 13 C Ellis 14 On Stoney 15 L Ford
16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson 18 S Tucker 19 An Jones
20 M Hardman 21 A Parton 22 M Rush 23 R Coughlan 24 B Coughlan (VC ) 25 J Lang 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Crana9 e 29 D Galbally 30 T Clarke 31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi (VC) 34 R Jones 35 J Dalton 36 T Coughlan 37 T Freer 38 R Hall 39 M Meehan 40 S . Mullane 41 A Dillon 42 N Ireland 43 T Woodruff (VC) 44 B Hilbert 45 J Scanlon 46 M Callinan 47 J Kay 48 R Carey
49 R Dillon 50 M McCarthy 51 D Walsh 52 B Calman 53 H . Davies 54 S Johnston 55 J . Healy 56 J Chambers 57 M Karakatsanis 58 M Green 59 E Morrison 61 A Oswald 64 R Ryan 65 G Still 66 A Wilson 68 M Pernat
5 . Joe Mount 6. J. McKay 7 . G. Hoffman 8 . J . Evans 9 . B . Jordan 10. N . Mitchell 11 . P. Capes 12. B . Hogan 13. C . Mitchell 14. A . Thomas 15. T. Wilkinson 16. L. Turnbul l 17. L. O 'Sullivan 18. D . McLaughli n 19. L. Gollant 20. T Hudso n 21 . B . Loughlin 22. M . 0'Riley
23. A . Mastropasqua 24. P. Harve y 25. C . Osborne 26. J . Gollant 27. A . Nathan 28. B . Cariss 29 . P. Morgan 30 . James Mount 31 . A . Magguire 32 . T. Harvey 33 . R. Nutter 34 . D. Byrne 35 . P. Rahill 36 . R. Legudi 37 . A . Catterall 38 . S . Gray 39 . S . Fry 40 . D. Thomas 41 . B . Overman 42 . M . Stapleton 43 . C. Davis 44 . S . Taylor 45 . M . Tankey 46 . J . Simpso n 47 . R. Pizzichett a 48 . S . Burgyn 49 . D. Baynes 50 . M . PolataI'ko 51 . P. Romanin 52 . S . Borg 53 . J . Kavanagh 54 . L. Campbell 55 . J . Citarelli 56 . C. Bond 57 . A. Hilbert 58 . J . Jacks 59 . D . Sheehan 60 . L. Wilkinson 61 . D . Dugina 62 . M . Dowling 63 . . B. Allis 64 . P. Holland 65 . T. Carrick 66 . A. Garvey 67 . M . Zucco 68 . A. Capes 69 . S. Cowton N ORTH S UBURBAN CLUB
622 Mt. Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 93261799
18 J . Grigg to D. Sheehy
20 L. Hull-Brow n 22 J . Macey 23 B . Quirk
24 S . Powell
25 B . Marusic 26 D. S adler 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M. Kempton 30 M. Gargano 31 A . McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Dwyer 38 J. Bateman 39 S . Gribble 40 N. Perrett 41 S . Monkivitch 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R. Sheehy 45 D. Weight 46 J. Travaglia 47 A. Conlon 48 L. Harper 49 P. Cleary 50 P. Cameron 51 J. Cassell 52 J. Finch 53L. Coleman 54 S. Game 55 E. Crohan 56 M . Pangrazio 58 J. Ferrari 59 A. Rattle 60 . A. Greenhalg 61 J. Lync h 62 B. Shelley 63 B. Hick s 64 J. O 'Brien 65 C. Leathern 66 E. Lynch 67 N . Marchesani 69 P. Natale 70 P. Roberts 71 A. Clark 72 M. Rigby 73 P. Byrn e 75 R . Campagna 77 G . Pickford 78 R . Chivers 79 G O'Conno r 80 D . Dunn 83 N . Moore 84 C . Noseda 85 S. Moylan 86 A. Nowell
Simpson Constructions Red Eagle Hotel
D Slimmon
17 G de Crespigney
18 19 20 21 22 23
A McEwi n A Lowcoc k C Ryan T McIntyre T Wilco x
24 S Russel l 25 A Soll y 26 M Vasey 27 R Wilkie 28 M Thomas 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 J Quill 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishley 35 A Bake r 36 T McKinley 37 L Grange r 38 A Wilso n 39 T Gra y 40 C Brookes 41 R Crawfor d 42 S McConnell 43 A Cameron 44 R Feathersto n 45 J Armstrong 46 M McKerrow 47 R McKerrow, 48 T Morgan 49 L Chamberlain 50 H Nailo n 51 A Brow n 52 A Terril l 53 R Versteegen 54 C Beltram e 55 T Anderson 56 T Birks 57 T Irvine 58 A Larki n 59 L Fehring 60 A Suvulto s 61 B Colema n 62 L Barrick 63 R Kellihe r 64 S Kaso 65 E Roydhouse 66 B Gates 67 D McAloo n 68 B Treloar 69 A Coo k 70 P Buss e 71 T McGrat h 72 S Lansdel l 73 J Brooke 74 J Chiver s 75 L Quin 76 W Temple-Smith
78 M Dowdl e 79 A Duncan
At McKinnon, C :i :y .. . :.,â&#x20AC;˘ outlasted ;:.ic l bv8 pts, with only 4 pts separating the two at 3/4 time . 11 goals to 6 in the first half was enough for the home side to hang on, as the visitors stormed home with 10 goals to 6 in the second half. It was a shootout at the McKinnon Corral, as Lappage's 7 goals (OH), was matched by Grace's 6 (Orm) . Good players for OH were also Byrns and George, and McConvill and Hall contributed plenty for Ormond . At the residence of one Br. Garvey, it was a rout for the home side, as C ' L, gave irr is a fair licking by a neat 10 goals (60 pts). It was the last quarter that did the damage, as the OPs held only a 25 pt lead at 3/4 time . I believe that scoring shots quite often give an indication of the relative closeness of a game, and the home team appeared to dominate on this front by having 35 of their own compared to 15. Godfrey, Farrell and Sinclair were the better players for OR whilst Kennedy, Witaker and Matulick battled hard for Beaumaris. The home of footy, EP, saw another shellacking. This time it was Old Ivanhoe who buried NOBs to the tune of 62 pts . Whilst the fat lady was preparing for action at 1/2 time, she was not quite required as 01 held sway by only 26 pts, and instead had afternoon tea with the Executive on the balcony. However, she was called in for official duties at 3/4 time as margin blew out to 57 pis and it was all over . Toovey went nuts with 8 goals for the winners, and was well supported by Branigan (4 goals) and Hope . Vogels, Collison and Amor played well for the losing side . The trip to Oak Park was a disaster Old Melbr ' s, as Therry had their kicking boots on and won comfortably in the end by 28 pts . It appears that OMs only have themselves to blame, as errant kicking in the 1st qtr cost them dearly. 9 shots to none indicate a clear dominance, but it was the 2nd qtr that was the difference for the locals, as they piled on 6 goals to 1 . Boyd, Edwards and Nancarrow were fantastic for Theny . OMs' better players were Campbell . Thompson and Hecker. Finally, there were kitchen sinks aplenty at Malvern, as Ile La Salle had everything thrown at them by Whiteftiars, but were able to plug out a 16 pt win . Every time DLS pulled away, the visitors managed to peg the home team back with plucky and determined play. For the home team, old man Mackintosh was superb, and was well looked after by the youngsters in Buckley and Harrison. For the white shorts brigade, Carrigg, Gloufehev and Law stuck to their guns all day. Preview Br Garvey must be needing a rest by now, as Old Paradians (7/4) play host for the third week in a row . when Old Haileybury (2/5) visit Harry the Hirer for those smelly camels to travel to Bundoora. Matt Ryan's strategic
polish is starting to rub off on his charges now, and the pre-season
second favourites are `-starting to hit their straps . Mick Dyer and his lads are travelling along nicely at 4-1, and must be fancying thch chances for some action come September . Form says the visitors, but I believe that the sleeping giant in B Section i; awakening, and the home ground advantage will be significant today. Here's my roughie for the week, as IN OPs will salute by 15 pts.
Pre-season flag favourites, NOBs (1/3) roll out the red carpet to the frequent flyer kings in BeaurnA*is (9/4) . Frank Dunell must have felt like the Mayor o'aBrunswick .
Hiroshima last week, as his team was bombarded by s relentless opponent . Jim Durnan will be hoping the la scouplefwkhan'tbrespiofhcarg,b uaswekno,ygtrvesiln,adthy T bounce back . How-ever, I think it will have to wait anothei dav, as the wiser heads under the control of General Franl will prevail. NOBs to put themselves back into flaâ&#x201A;Ź calculations with an easy win today by 53 pts. Get your backside trackside this week, as all roads lead tc Chelsworth Park, where we have the match of the rou nbetw ntheoptw inOldIvanhoe(4/5)andBeLaSl c
(4/5) . The coaching gurus of 01 would be going into thi,, game chock full of confidence, after disposing of a qualit} side last week in devastating fashion. Meanwhile, E relieved Paul Cooper will be looking forward to this week as it will give him a good guide to this year's prospects . : will have to stick to the home ground advantage here, &i the home side will win, but only just, and after a bank royale . 01 to cause heart attacks as they win by 1 pt! The folks from Oak Park make the trek south to have tez and scones with the great E. E. Gunn, and theyll wifnes< the intriguing contest between Ormond (4/6) and'i'herr} (1 / 1) . Ian Jackman would be ruing the one that got aw alstwekndiltaeochnsiletghsone l away. Wayne Harmes has his boys firing nicely at the moment and are on a roll, winning the last two ir impressive style . This game's harder to pick than a broker nose, so I'll have to go with the home ground theory Ormond to win by 12 pts. In the final game for review, we see Old Melburnians (1 /8 and the Junction Oval welcome the winless Whitefflan (13/2) . Erwin Leyden would have been seething with thf bad kicking and subsequent loss last week, and would 1>e expecting a major lift from his players today . Meanwhile Greg Feutrill is scratching his head, as he ponders a 0-' start, as well as the increasing prospect of the dreaded 'R word (relegation). Feutrill can ponder until the cows co mho e,asOMwilbouncebakveryhadthometday
when they account easily for the hapless Whitefriars, and dish out a belting. OMs by panels (56 pts). yIagO0S Old Paradians (1 /2) vs Old Haileybury (6/4) OP by 12 pis
NOBS (1 /5 )
NOBs by 33 pis old Ivanhoe (3/ 1) DLS by 24 pts
De La Salle (1 /4 )
Ormond (2/5) vs Therry (7/4) Ormond by 20 pi s Old lb)elburnians(1 /20) vs Whitefriars (16/ 1) 0' .:s by 40 pi s
Old Pasadian,s - Congratulations from all at to Brett Dintinosante who played his 100th game for the Club last Saturday against Beaumari .s . Brett commenced with OPs' in 1995 in the Unders. Well done "Dintin". Congratulations from everyone at Old Paradians' to Senior Coach Matt Ryan and wife Nikki, who became proud parents to a baby girl (Elle Cherie) on Friday 18 May . ',tother tvell, Father recovering, baby beautiful !
Ormond - congratulates Danny "Wheels" Whelan for playing 100 games for his club . Danny was a late football starter, playing in no junior competition and only beginning late in his Oakleigh High School days . He began his Ormond career in 1995 and quickly became recognised as a quality senior player . Danny is a talented forward player who can easily turn a game to his team's advantage . He played in Ormond's 1998 Reserve Premiership. Well done Danny on your efforts at Ormond .
CLUB Toovey Barker Rcidy Duggan Lappage 1•:[stathiou Hall S. Ciavola Stewart Simpson
SENIORS Old Ivanho e North Old Boys Whitefriars De La Salle Old Halleybury B RESERVES Old Haileybury De La Sall e Old Paradian s Ormond Old Melburni an s
TODAY'S MATCHES B Section Old Paradians v. Old Haileybury North Old Boys v . Beaumaris Old Ivanhoe v. De La Salle Ormond v. Therry Penol a Old Melburnians v. Whitefriars
TOTAL 20 15 14 13 13 22 19 19 12 2
--- -- -- - ---_~~ OLD HAIt.EYBURY 3.2 11 .7 13 .10 17.13 (115) ORMOND 6.2 6.4 13.6 16.11 (107) Old Haileybury : Lappage 7, Byrns 3 . White 2, Ad Hilton 2, Home . Harrop, Seccull. Best: Lappage. BtTnes, Ad Hilton, Jenke, George, Harrop . Ormond : Grace 6, B. Smith 3, Collins 2, Cramey . Detedio, Remman, L . Smith. L . Wilson. Best: McConvill . Hall . BaIlev, Keleher, Grace, Black. Umpires: N. Boyle R. Mayston (F). R. Richards, A. Long (G) OLD PARADIANS 4.4 6.9 11 .13 17.18 (120) BEAUMARIS 2.1 5.3 8.6 9.6 (60) Old Paradians: Porteous 3. Brabender 3, Heffernan 3, Godfrey 2 . Sinclair 2, J. Swindon, Pratt, Digney, Lethborg. Best : Godfrey, Pratt, Farrell . Szewczuk, Sinclair, Digney. Beaumaris : P Boctor 3, Tucker. Deaton. Spence, Catlin, Foley. Lee . Best : Kennedy. Catlin . Witaker, Bryce, L. Atk-his, Matullck. Umpires: J . Watson, R . Eastwood (F), K. Coughlan, R . Dunstan (G) OLD IYANHOE 5.2 10.5 17.8 20 .9 (129) NORTH OLD BOYS 4.2 6.3 8.5 10.7 (67) Old Ivanhoe: M. Toovey 8, C. Branigan 4. J . Weddle 2 . Dowd 2, Bereza . Hope, Karayannis. Low. Best : Toovey. Dowd. Low, Branigan, Hope . Weddle. North Old Boys : Barker 4 . Kegnan. Sleep, Booth . Sutherland . Barker, Boyle. Best: Vogels . Collison, J . Barker, Boyle, M. Barker, Amor. Umpires: G . Wardrop, G . Hunichen (F). J . Mason, J. Kramer (B), L . Mavropoulos, G. Napper (G ) THERRY PENOLA 0.0 6 .3 8.3 11 .6 (72) OLD RRELBURNL4NS 2 .7 4 .8 4.12 5 .14 (44) Therry Panels; Elliott 3, C . Bannister 3, Christie 2, McKay, Mills . Russell . Best : Boyle. Edwards, Cristofoli, Nancarow, Elliott, Casta)dt . Old M eIbM_i ar,s : Hazell, Guest. Campbell. McMullin, Kinsella . Best : Campbell. Thompson, Hecker, Miller. Mulligan, Mulquiney. Umpires: P. James . R . Love (F), R . Seymour, P. Curtis (G) DE LA SALLE 6.1 13 .5 15.8 18 .9 (117) WIDTEFRIARS 4.3 9 .6 13 .9 15 .11 (101) De La Salle: Duggan 5. Mannix 3 . D. Hyland 2. Bowden, Bonntci, LaRagv. Buckley, Corin, Morel. Hall, Bride . Best: Mackintosh, Duggan, Buckley . Elliott, Harrison. S . Hyland . Whitefriars : Reidy 4, Jongebloed 3 . Swain 3, Campbell . Carrig;, Glenn, Northey, O'Connor. Best: A . Carbone, Carrigg. Gloufchev, Hilton, Law, Reidy .Umpires : G. Curran, M. Morrison (F), C . Shipley. K. Pitcher (G) OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .3 5.7 8 .8 11.8(74) ORMOND 3 .5 6.5 10 .5 14.9(93) Old Iiaileybury: Efstatlllou 3 . Mason 2 . Somaia 2, Curtain, Floyd, Johnston. B . Mitchell . Best: O'Donnell. P . Langford-Jones, B . Mitchell. Ross . Pountney, Moyle . Ormond: Whelan 3, Everett 2 . Block 2,Joy, Casey. Stewart, Ashford, Courtney. Dale, Farrell. Best: Dale, Courtney, Bridges . Block, Joy, Whelan . OLD PARADIANS 6 .1 13.3 18 .4 20.8 (128) BEAUMARIS 1 .1 2.2 4 .3 7 .3 (45) Old Pamdian€: Harford 5. Clavola 4, Dtntinosante 3. Seckold 3. Joyce 2, Curran, Galloway, Healy Best: Harford, Harris, Geary, Ball, Curran . Seckold. BeaumnrLs: Wadham 3 . Fisher, McGrath . Quin . Vazue. Best: Vazue, A O'Brien . Quin . McGrath, Wadham. Gray . NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .2 4.3 6.6 9 .9(63) OLD IVANIIOE 1 .4 2.6 3 .9 5-11 (41) North Old Boys: Connelly 4, Visser. Joyce, Daniels, Munro, Skene 1 Best: Hoskings. Shear. Fitzclarence, Morley . Kennedy . Speed Old Ivanhoe: Not received. Best: Not received . TI E RRY PENOLA 6.2 8.3 10.5 14.7 (91) OLD hiELBURNIANS 0.3 1.4 4.8 7.9(51) Theory Penola: Vaina 3, McWhinney 2, Higgins 2, Bosanko 2, McMahon 2. Mifsud 1, Stella 1, O'Shea I . Best : O'Shea, Mitchell, O'Brien, Garont P. Garoni M, Barron. Old Ir4elbmuians: Jensz 3, Neeson 3, Useinov 1 . Best: Tsiotras, Jenkins, Brvant. Thiele, Waddell, Thomas. DE LA SALLE 1 .9 3.11 10 .13 13 .18 (96) @JIUTEFRIARS 1 .0 1.0 2.3 3.3(21) De La Sall e: Johnstone 3, Hall 3, Walker 2, Dariew, Molan . Harber. Shaw. Best: McKenzie . Davies. Bowker. Smith, Hyde, Wise. Whitefriere: Duffp, Fulton, Winch . Best: Fulton. Fedele, Brice, Clifford . Johnson. Elliott .
Coach : Jim Duman Res Coach: Rod McNab
Coach: Paul Cooper Asst : Paul O'Dwyer Res: Damian Carroll 1 L Walker 2 R Buckley 2R M Mercuri 3 B Corin 4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Harber 7 P Harrison 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C) t2 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland (VC) 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Harbor 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 51 M Shaw 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan
1 P. Brook 2 L . Gibson 3 J . Magee 4 A. Pratt 4 J . Black (VC) 5 M. Ensor 6 L . Buller 7 D . Foley 8 A. Spence 8 M. O'Brien 9 B. Nicholson (DVC) 10 A. O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D. Whitaker 14 T. Collins 14 D. Dew 15 A. Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 17 S. Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins 19 A. Low 20 L . Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L . Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt (C) 23 A. Catlin 24 B.Gray 25 M . Smith 26 B. Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulick 33 G . Jury 34 S. Mitchell 35 N. Boctor 36 R. Deaton 36 A. Blackie 37 D. Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N. Conlan 42 J . Gerrand 44 H. Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 L. Dermott 48 T. Arendararcikas
NTH OLD BOYS Coach: Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : Mark Robinson 2 . D . Keenan 3 . A.Trimboli 4 . S.Sleep 5 . B.Devine 5 . D .Skene 6 . N .Vogels 7 . P.Booth 8 . B.Collison 9 . H . Maplestone 10 . M.Nulty it . R . Morley 12 . S.Lock 13, THalpin 14 . D .Kingham 16 . D,Collins 17 . J. Fitzclarence 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J.Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22 . M.Connelly 23 . D . Coonan 24 . J.Barker 25 . G .Phyland 26 . M.Yandell 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . D .Joyce 29 . D . Visser 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M.Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34 . J.Saad 35 . M.Carney 36 . D .Tonkin 37 . S.Mikunda 39 . C . Siotos 38 . M .Amor 40 . C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonkin 42 . A . Kennedy 43 . D .Zacek 44 . M .Drum 45 . B .Speed 46. P.Daniels 47 . J.Barlow 48 . N . Sanders 49 . T.Klouse 50 . T.Drum 51 . N .Goonan 53 . S . Butcher 54 . M . Allouche 57 . C . Hosking 58 . D . Ada 61 . F.Lynch 62 . A. MacDonald 68 . P. Bryar 77 . S .Trenton 91 B . Kean
1 . C. Home 2. R. Kejna (DVC) 3. M . Hoffman 4. S . Langford-Jones 5. J . Bourke 6. A. White 7. Adam Hilton (C) 8. R. George 9. S . Rowlands 10 . C. Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12 . P. Dimond 13 . B. Harrop 14, A. Forsyth 15 . A. Saunders 16 . P. O'Donnell 17 . Ash Hilton 18 . C. Jayaskera 19 . M . Armstrong 20 . J . Wright 21 . A. Jenke 22 . D. Mason 23 . M . Seccull 24 . A. Ross 25 . B. Johnston 26 . J . Bell 27 . R. Brandham 28 . S. Walden (VC) 29 . B. Carson 30 . D. Warnes 31 . D . Lay 32 . B. Mitchell 33 . P. Wright 34 . P. Langford-Jones 35 . D . Lappage 36. B. Lay 37. G . Fletcher 38 . L . Floyd 39 . D . Emerson 40 . S. Davey 41 . S. Saunders 42 . A. McMahon 43. C . Pountney 44. M. Wray (RVC) 45 . T. Hilton 46. A. Waxman 47. R . Mitchell 48. C . Moyle 49 . G . Finlayson 50. R .Ladd 51 . P. Gebka 52 . N . Biggs 53 . L . Curtain 54. S. Osborne 55. L . Byrns 56. M. Anderson 57. W. Mackenzie 58. A. Floyd
59. M. Corduroy 60. M. Somaia 61 . P. van Wyc k
~~ ars ~rp t~
Coach: Mick Dwyer Coach : Gerard Shell y Res. Coach : Andrew Bonwick Asst . Coach: Paul Fahey Res. Coach : Noel Spoor 1 A.Oate s 2 L.Lochra n 3 C.Allende r 4 B .Davi s 5 T.Young 6 D.Spide n 7 E .McWilliam 8 T.Stevens (RC ) 9 M .Karayannis 10 M . Crowley 11 S .Tully 12 C.Branigan 13 C.Barke r 14 K.Theodoss i 15 L.Bolzon 16 M .Woods 17 A.Corcoran 18 J .Hope (VC ) 19 D.Warry 20 D.Hawke s 21 R.Roberts 22 P.Donaldso n 23 A .Bareza 24 G .Haro s 25 A.White 26 RLilli s 27 J .Weddl e 28 S .Morri s 2; R.Weddle (C ) 30 A.Gilbert 31 T.Perer a 32 A.Goole y 33 N.Prat t 34 A.Tieman 35 L.Mclean 36 M .Pollock 37 M .Berry 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 A.Gioll o 41 P.Malnoey 42 L.Courage 43 L.Hunter 44 A.Karafil i 45 M .Toovey 46 M .Tolley 47 J .Weir 48 B .Kolias 49 J .Risstro m 50 S .Brandt 51 B.Shadbolt 52 P.Armstron g 53 S .Price 54 B .Guidera 55 N.Mille r 56 S .Asto n 57 S . For d 58 G .Mclsaac 59 B .Spoor 60 D.Bernet Sponsored by:
W.G. Miles & Co Ply Ltd Spectrum Assuranc e Grou p Regency Pharmacy
Zitech Compute r Peripherals
:3Y ?EH®LA ~oach : Erwin Leyden Coach: Michael Lovejoy
Coach : Ma tt Ryan Res. Coach : Peter Slacik
Coach : Ian Jackman Res. Coach: Peter O'Dea
Coach: Wayne Harmes . Res. Coach : Brendan Smales 1 Petrevski M 2 Finnigan M 3 8anmste r R (VC) 4 Elliot R9
5 L Bunn 6 D Holme 7 C Thompson
1 P. Pratt 2 P. O'Loughlin 2 B O'Flaherty(Res) 3 D. Stevens 4 A Curran 5 M Ha rford 5 D Jenkins
1 . D. Mabbett 2. D. Becke tt 3 . E. Fraser 4 . A. Grace 5 . B. Turner 6 . D . Whelan 7 . S. Keleher (DVC)
8 M Lovett
6 B Lethborg
8 . M. Miller ( DVC)
g R Simpson 10 T Robe rts 11 P Gallagher 12 A Hewett 13 B Thiele 14 D Kinsella 15 M Rose 16 J Tucker 17 J Miller
7 P. Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair (DVC) 8 D Fu rz e 9 J. Collins 9 R Murphy 10 P. Brabender (VC) 10 S Ciavola 11 A . Burns 11 J Smith
9 . S. Grace 10. D . Scanlon 11 . D . Robbins 12. B . Deledio 13. B . Stone 14. S . James 15. S . Naughton 16 . T. Stewart (RC) 17 . P. Joy 18 . W. Block
8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 vai na J » O'Sullivan D(vC) i2 Moran R 13 Thrush J 1 4 Mitchell D 1 5 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 1 7 Holdstock G 1 8 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Griggs S (C-Res) 23 0 'Shea A 24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G
19 . D. Cleary
29 Goodwin
1 M Bennett 2 S Theodore ( C) 3 A Treloar 4 M Hazell
8 T Fitzgerald 20 J Guest 21 L Boyd 22 A Waddell 23 M Be" 24 L Holcombe 25 P Thomas 26 C Kennedy 28 A Washington Mulligan 29 T 30 I McMullin 31 J Sallabank 33 T Ambler 35 C Ray 36 J Grant 37 S Murray 36 T Bryant 40 Z Useinov 41 G Wilhelm 42 P Theodore 13 E Farquharson ,14 P Bartlett 45 C Murphy 46 D Neeson 47 C Banks 48 C Jenkins 49 G Tsiotras 50 J Berry 51 B Righetti 52 B Campbell 53 P Beaumont 54 S Hecker 55 J Godley 56 A Hunt 57 J Weir 58 T Burdeu 60 B Reid 63 N Sampieri 64 C Bowes
12 J M Swindon 13 B Galloway 14 B . Brabender 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 17 M Anderson 18 G . Po rt eous 18 S Fellowes 19 John Swindon M .Szewczuk 20 P Harris 22 C . Watson 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 24 T Lombardi 25 A. Heffernan (C) 26 M .B. Gea ry 27 K .Jenkins 28 J Connelly 29 M Lloyd 30 B Richardson 30 B Finlay 33 D Loney 34 B . Galloway 35 S Simpson RC) 39 D Loney 40 C. Seckold 44 D McKay 46 P Zappa 47 N Ball 57 B. Dintinosante
~- {~^ e~C 1„ 8 r~'ti 1 J
HUFL41 , 'r- u. CO ~ ' •° c, j.
' ' ~
a S
,_ .
20 . M . McConvill ( C) 21 . L. Wilson 22 . R. Block 23 . T. Ashford 24 . M . Abrahams 25 . J . Dale 26 . T. Harvey 27. T. Brennan
28. A. Moore 29. N . Cou rtney 30. N . Wells 31 . H . Black 32. R . Presser 33 . M . Collins 34 . R . Remman (VC) 35 . G. Bailey 36 . J . Monaghan 37 . A . Guzzo 38 . S . Herrmann 39 . M . Ferrari 40 . S . Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42 . C. Keleher 43 . L: Smith 44. M . Mabbett 45. J. Bridges
46. C . Cleary 47. T. Costello-Manning 48. L . Murphy 49. S . Metz 50. M. Heffernan 51 . A . Russell 52 . G. Hall 53 . G. Hammond 54 . M . Wilson 55 . J . Putz 56 . M . Farrell 57 . M . Broadhurst 58 . B . Smith 59 . P. Kostanty 60 . G . Ritchie 61 . K. Anderson 62 . D . Casey 3. A. Kurzel 64. A. Strauch 65. L . Russell 66. C . Everett 67. R . Mart in
68. S . Haines 69 . N . Tassell
5 Sacco s
6 Taylor N 7 Bannister S
Tadinac M
32 Sacco~ 33 LaFontaine N 34 McWhinney M 35 RtcKay A ~ Barron D
37 Castaldi D 39 Boyle S(0)
40 Garoni P 4 1 Crotry M 42 Gauci M
43 Warren M 44 Appletord P 45 Carter M 46 stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 McAulrfte ' A 49 W ,yk es B
50 Mills A 5 1 Candiloro D 52 Wee ~ta91 D NC-Res} yy Christotoli SM 55 Caroni (DVC-Res) p 57 Weston S 58 Griffiths K 60 Romanes O 6 1 Ward D 62 Caccamo 0 63 Lewis gB elen J nS 65 Culph A4
68 71
Swindon A
jonnso s 73 O'Brien J 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 7s Lees C
77 Forbes D
79 Higgins T 84 Russell G
85 Stella S 87 Jones P
89 Christie A 93 Smith J
94 Culph S
95 Hill M 96 Reddan S
99 La Corcia M 160 Loiudice J 104 Biddlestone G 106 Murphy P
i 08 KUoem~ D 1
ig Ratcliffe A 129 Boden D 132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 135 0'Hallaron S 139 F en n A 156 Byrnes T
Q~n~~CCa~ rrv'}i~x :„g
W HITEFRIAR S Coach: G reg FeuUill Res Coach : Andy Dalrympl e 1 . R Pasqualott o 3 . M . Carbone 5 . B . Phan 6 . M . Robinso n 8 A . Davi s g C Maguire 10 A. Pawli k 11 R. Reidy 12 R Pawli k 13 T Hughe s 14 M D~ 15 P Campbel l 17 A Carbone 19 T Hilto n 21 K Kennedy 23 D Rei d 24 R Mika 26 C Ryan
Y 28 C . Eames 29 A. Glen n 30. M Powe r 33. M Verna l 34. D . Gloufchev 35. C . Law 36 . D . Nolan 38 C Carrig g 39 . M .Winterburn 41 . C O'Connor 43 . NElliott 44 . B . O'Conno r 46 . G .Johnson 48 . J .Treyvau d 52 . P. Haseler 53 . C .Woo d 54 . S.Gillan 55. S .Ward 56. R .Murray 58. J .Gibbins 59. S .Cliffor d 60. D .Eame s
CoIle ," rue on th(ir :z er rlmaaEr . with Rc le Saini::rs hot on ur,;. heels L :f d the Fields a bit of a gap has opene d wi rest now, with the Bullants still stn ; at the rear. oar :_ rnes coming up in the next fortnight wiil , -,r indication of where we are all heading. h< c' ano~ller _cod irictc w; a 1 0
., . -1 of , . score e~ ly as plenty of --es before the Lions got their act t i a fair gap at orange time . Th : T i start of the last before the tr away with another good vict . great all day for Collegians v Harrison off half back and a a tall up forward and John L) n Best for the Tiges were I Kidd and Michael VVuitle . On ' 8 oints Sepa : . _ie main ir7rL'ai in
-s must then have side came out with all guns bl 2nd L< ; including, a rampant c'. , ib : last quarter to give their percenta_e a
The BuIlants were at a loss as t+} ' they were pretty competitive till I .-nn third, Nick Craven, Nathan Guva : ~, am' were amongst Caulfield's best svi~_;c E___i : . a,._and Thompson could hold their heads up for the Bulls . Had it ot been for some extremely ing by a their game against ie : ld
d y rs F ii
nave been all over at half time . 8 grin in or OEG put it beyond doubt and they finished tl the last. Goodger in defence, onballe r Kavanagh sensational especially early ai d
---" .as hr. .e > r 7pect their heaps in st go wit h
leader Lutterschmidt with 4 twins stood out f 2e victors while Nock, Frances and Mackay gave assistance to the Panthers stand outs Solley . Banger Pdlurp', -nd Big Ad's who kicked 5 . 1 e put a courageous showing after a couple of dis: ial veeks against the in form ' . Leading by 26 paints midway through the second - _ ..y could not contain the Glen Eira side who came out kicking 6 in 15 minutes in the premiership quarter and the game was virtually over at 3/4 time . Ajax won the last quarter but the damage had been done . Best for the happy victors were Pinniger, Gilmore, Asia, Massis and Doe . Jeremy Dukes was yet again best afield and
tl ' A com
of riva . . an absolutely returning from i : improvement . i.; tidings fnr . been j ,st g. ,tl. . slip A soli 째 , 3soi,
ip a bi .This is z a couple ide `. of further
be ie bearer o) d Cie Rovers 1
. a ldono breasr c mem, or let : ome I'j r vAth Ilanap(~;n.
one promises to be the ga r out a doubt. Long trek i;ur ! a side who after a minor hiccup
3 pretty well their only loss to Collegians nothing tamed about . Old Essendon as well have o',=ong a thrown away game to the Rover s ir only stumble . So it should be an enthrallin g }ifi1e. I am finding it difficult to pick the winner bu t <, in home ground plays an important factor, and at Ti ac Park, Chris and the boys will just get over the lirt~, but don't be surprised at all if it goes the othe r y feet score . Thanks fellas keep it up, especiall y
,1,_ ,,Ilegians guys . i i i{ 10 ~Ay co-scribes would kill for that . Let's do it ille numbers are 9-553 1561 home or fax, the is 0400 991 995 or drop me an email t o t2ecin L' t .C:oII1.a8fl your nominations for the Coates Hir e
_ k either.
- congratulate Senior VC ,q who this week note:a;:s up hi s - arrle for the Club and becomes just th e ?5th player in the Club's histo ry to do so . An .c-llnt and consistent contributor over the last 8 ir, "Banger" has a Club Best & Fairest to his i : : .nle and has also represented Victoria. The Club 1 , iks forward to many more years of service both on and off the field from Brendan and wish him ' .tek in his milestone game today . All at Pantherland also congratulate Aaron Drinan ;l!o represents the Club for the 50th time today . Done "Aazza!"
1't .] .
' :_ :II0R6 St Bedes Old Essendon AJA X
5 5 3 9 2
Caulfiel d ,n Old Mentonian s C RESERVE Hampton Rovers Prahran Collegians Old Mentonian s : rcr Caulfield
32 26 19 18 16 21 14 14 12 11
C Section Bulleen-Templestowe v . Collegian s Old Mentonians v . Caulfield Gr. Old Essendon v . Glen Eira St. Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Prahran Amateurs Hampton Rovers v . AJAX
19 . r Si 10.7,,- "i nte 2 . F1t'r her,
C. Bra)tterg (F). P. Maddlocks, P. Wallis (G ) 42 8.8 13.13 29.17 (191) 4.4 7.6 7 .8 8 .9(57) C ili r; Gu}ett 9, Liddell 4. Rosman 4 . Foote 3, Marge ison 3, tV`il] 2, Svnnrut . Cutler. Scan, Deal. Best : N.Craven, Gu}ett . Keom Baxter, tVid}aja, ignt. &a31 Tenip: L.Thompson 2, Bunidge 2. R'olnizer. Humphery. Matthew., Horvath. Best: W.Thompson. Matthews, Huwnphrey, Welrilzcs, L .Tnanp:vn. Pains. Do •r : P. withint,utan . D. >k is (F). G. Clancy, P. Whitehead (G) 3 .5 5.13 13.17 18.22 (130) 1 .3 4.4 7.9 10 .10 (70) rldm 5, Lutter rhmidt 4, S . Flaring 2, Dale, D. Flaherty. . Ow am, Ridley. Palger. Best- Cioo*r . S. Fleming
2.1 5.1 9.3 12.6 (78) 42 5 .7 12 .13 14 .16 (10€f) ea1 : 4, Beer 3, Fzs1k•un 2, St Clafr 2, Free 1 . Best: Gallagher. r7ee, Hubt, Gellie, Keilrn4 . m lav^em Lawrence 4. Flahrim 3, Browne 2 . PurcrSla 1, D. Anaerson 1, L. Holt 1, Ariz 1, Be,,' 1 . Best : Browne, Fletcher. Scarlett. B. : C. Ste ~s (5) S. Morgan (F) Hoit. D. Anderson, Dunball . 7.10 14.18 16.21 (11'7) GLEN F.111A 23 AJAX 4 € 9.7 13.11 (8.9) : F'~ 2: Astalsenl:o 2 : Gkn Elm Gilmore 3 . Comnxrs"<ord 2: Bu+ Vazmak,s 2 ; Haves-Dmar 1 : Lavin 1 : 1 . 1 st: Ccmnmrrford : PiruW. Astapenka Massis: Gilmore; Enura, . ASAX: Davis 3: Kalb 3: Weisler 2; Freund 1 : F z pan 1 : Konsky 1 ; Rajch 1; Dv"-, 1 . Best Dukes ; Ra~,h: L§`eislcz: Ha1N ..,.a: Duremm3n: Kalb. Ub= L. Gallagher. M. Car; (F) 2 .2 5.8 10.10 16.12 (108) PONE 0.3 0.4 0._ 1 .5(11) Cooper 4, Greeves 2. Tarode 2. Mo 2. Harris 2 . Phillips. lowtmy Hart Best- Harris . White. }' .""oon, COrsaf. n 'vlentone: Federson. , . sn, Cunningham Zahra Beasley 6.4 13.10 .13 30.15 (195) 2.0(12 ) 0.0 1.0 1 .0 z Career 6, Dalawl 6, Smith 4 . Courts 3, Bowes 2, Green 2. Rvnk,~x 2, ABuchanan. S.Crawn . Restarick . Evans. Faure . Best: Farmer, Dalwca3 . Rynberk. Bowes, Carnvr, R4anSuit t1 ** TM Shalard . Gtalker. Best: Bone, Hampshire . Catterm,o?e . Masorn . Horivitis McGreevy 22 5.5 7.9 10.12 t72) :) 3.3 3.p . 33 Be 3. eGc an 2 . Pam alts 2 . G L. i, , _ w. Rush . C' . 2. ' on. Best: . Harm M . Mackay 1 .1 5.2 6 .4 (4b) -,d ROVERS 2 .0 3.1 8 .6 10 .9 (69) _ : L 3vicClirltock 1 . Fraser 1, Guide 1, Killeen 1, Vear 1 . Perkins 1 . Best : Fraser. Traeger. Maskell. Palcodlmas. Campbell . Vera•NiL;chke 3. Kelly 2 . Power 2, Wlieelcu- 1. W*ffnont 1 . David Anderson 1 . Best : Keltv. Nitschke, David Anderson, 'heeler . Ng, Flynn , 13 43 5.3 5.4(34) G A 4.7 6 .12 9 .15 (69 ) MAX 23 GIm IN= Caruana 3, K Din-,ar,lili 1 ; DooLn 1 . Best : Ck olan ; Caruana: K : Cassar. AJAM Basist 4: Sharp 1 : Cukdern :an Dark--hki; SeRxinchy : Jones 1 ; Goldenfein l ; Godlewiu 1 : Roth I. Best: Bock: Boon: A Halphen: Lust: Waisman; Sharp.
C Section AJAX Coach: Mark Sarau Res Coach: David Marks
1 N Gold (G) 2 J Ritterman 3 B Davis (DVC)
4 M Dudakov (VC) 5 M Rajch
6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky
8 A Krongold 9 A Rosen 10 G Dukes 11 M Weisler
12 J Basist 13 A Freund
14 Y Rapapo rt 15 J Segal (VC) 16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukierman 18 J Dukes 19 M Halphen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Bock 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman S Sheezel P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 A Lefkovic 31 M Barnett 32 D Janover 33 S Boon 34 D Ones 35 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein 39 B Klein 40 M Borenstein A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein 43 M Measey 44 M Lust 45 0 Flamm 46 T Waisman 47 8 Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockman 51 J Jolson 52 M Segal 53 A Halphen 54 G Herzberg 55 G Ben-Ahron 60 J Wajnberg
TEMPLESTOWE Coach: Dean Matthews
Res Coach: John Stanton
CAULFIELD GRAM Coadh: Dean Anderson Res Coach:Komel Dachs
COLLEGIANS Coach: Tim Hart Res. Coach : Gary Irvine
GLEN EIRA Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach : Phil Jones
1 D. Rosman
I J .Dixon
1 J Prior 2 G Alexander
I M . Ryan
2 B. Hall 2 A. Carver
3 S Young 4 W Thompson (DVC)
3 C . Knight 3 S. Stevenson
2 M. Johnson 3 B .Maoney
2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis
6 P Graham 7 P Robertson (VC) 8 N Bone
4 M. Liddell 5 S. Kendall 5 . M. Pennycuick
9 Ch Parris 11 G Chivers
6 M. Harrison 6 N . Craven
12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Panou 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews (C) 25 T Matthews 26 S Boyd 27 J Hestia 28 P Wolnizer 29 P Bone 30 Darren Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 40 S Meadows 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey y 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 54 S Dowlan 60 D Horvathl
7 J. Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (VC) 11 C . Deal 12 D . Pearce 12 S. Fryers 13 J. Monrell 14 M. Green 15 A.Docker 16 S. Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B. Baxte r 18 P. Anderson 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier (C) 22 T. Foster 22 M . Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 N . Gu ett 25 G. Evans 26 S . Williams 26 S . Widjaja 27 R . Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 W. Brockett 30 D . Peterson 31 S . Craven 32 M . Cutler 33 C. McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphorn 37 M . Gurpinar 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R. O'Neill 41 C. Nairn * 42 D. Synman (DVC) 43 J . Smith 44 N. Coutts 45 D. Scott 46 R. Foote 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 49 J . Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 51 D. Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure
4 D . Atkinson
4 D . Cassa r
5 R . Henebery { DV ) C
5 A . Tsirogianni s
6 P.Davis 7 J,Farley
7 S . Vamvaki s 8 P. Tsa liotis g Dewar 9 G. Hayes 10 G. Richard s 12 B . King
5 D . Greeves (RC) 8 C . Unsworth O C
9 N .Harrison (DVC) 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 J,Fry 13 THartshorne 14 R .Schober 15 L.Cottom 16 A .Fletcher 17 R . Hooking (VC) 18 T.Krotiris 19 M . Davis 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C.Pollock 24 E .Waters 25 R .Muir 26 S . Woolleyy 28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 J . Rose 32 D. Thompson 33 M . Maxwel l 34 A.Sm [h 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opie 38 T. Marxs 39 N. Hart 40 A. Wiseman 41 N. Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . White 44 A. Tarode 45 N. Lynch 46 D. Cooks 47 B.Lumb 48 B. Horsall 49 J. Waters 50 B. Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnelly 52 K .Jones 53 B. Grant 54 J. Haversberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L .Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D . Smith 59 R . Sztar 60 D . Dowlin g 61 D . Gambaro 62 S. Muir 64 M. Gribble
6 J . Zagame
13 G. Brown 14 M . Wellgos z
15 F. Buckley 16 S . Limny o 17 A . Russo 18 M . Dimachk i 19 J . Thrusfiel d 20 A . Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 B . Mascal i 25 P. Khazaal 26 C. Grey 27 R. Gilmor e 28 P. C ommerford 29 A. Mill s 30 L. P ry e 31 T. Amberline 32 M . D'Zilv a 33 A. Sheedy 34 R. Oldham 35 J . Commerford 36 P. Slifka 37 M . Pinni9e r 38 M . Lewin 39 G . E9an 40 K. Dimackh i 41 H . Wall s 43 D . Psalia 44 S. Diamon d 45 A. Caruan a 46 M. Baraket 47 T Evan s 48 J. Haliwell 49 M. Bento n 50 P. Waked 52 A. Haines 53 S. Rees 54 M. Migliorini 55 L . McGraw 56 H . Redd y 57 S. Hall 59 B. Stewart 60 S. Jankovic 61 M. Tkocz 63 D . Dunlevi e 65 M. Dimou
P h SiotllE:l
9790 42 6
56 B . O'Callaghan 57 P. Farmer
APM Group
60 P. Senior 62 B. Goddard
69 K. McDonald 71 M . Cassidy
h TMi
Building S Construction 9419 7707
ction ROVERS
OLD E ll u ;
" m Goss Ra s i:oach : Tony Naumoff
Coach : Chris Bye Res Coach : Steve Lynn
Coach : Sven Samild Res Coach : Jamie Winduss
A. Brudar 2 M . McKellar
3 P Lutterschmidt 4 D Rya n 5 M Oxnam
1 q qcreman 2 C Twentyman 3 B Murphy (VC) 4 D Carrot 5 C Mackay 6 C Alexander 7 G Ferguson 8 N Macquire 9 R Newton 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 R Ball 14 K Campbell 15 J Costello 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 N Unford 18 T Bauman 19 A Palmer (VC))C 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drinan 22 D Horne 23 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J Winduss 25 W Ballantine 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 31 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrell 34 P Flaskis 35 T MacNish 36 D Alexander M Francis 38 B Sherrill 39 T Riley 40 M Manni x 41 S Cozen s 42 S Bainbridge 43 M Lawes 44 LSunter 45 M Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbod y 55 A O 'Reilly 56 R Harper 57 P Watson on 58 K Widelski 59 .M McCloskey 60 V Sciacca 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones (RC) 64 M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Mackay 67 A Paterno 68 L Rule 69 J Rule 70 S Grzbieta 71 M Watts 72 RCrowe 73 P Flavel
3 D. Busby
6 C Ridi ey
4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B. Marly n 6 A. Natol i 7 A. Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 B. Boyd 10 B Holt iione 11J . Zam Pa9 12 R. Dunball 3 G. Wood s N. Borradal e a A. Browne is D. Marshall 7 D. Artz (VC) u B. Healy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 G . Carr ^ P. Buc kle y l3 S. Helliger : C. Scarlett 25 M . Davey 26 S. Wills 27 M . Nitschke °8 P. Gardiner 2 9 M . Fletcher 30 G . Shenfield 31 T. Puceiia '_ David Anderson 33 M . Lake Daniel Andersen 55 R. Bulmer 3^u M . Pearson
37 L . Holt
7 J Leask 8 J Heritage 9 J Goodqer 10 S Bryan t 11 B Paal 12 L Fleming 13 C Obiiubek 14 S Evans 15 T DeBlas i 16 S Mc Pherson 17 P Hexte r 18 J Walker 19 E Healey 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 J Dazkiw 25 B Turner 26 S Fleming 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan 29 S Uebergang 30 S Colin 31 T Williams 32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson 34 D Podge r 35 L Kavanagh 36 S Dart 37 M Jinks 38 S Whitfield 39 M Burns 40 M Turne r 41 B Newbold 42 M Beard 43 J Carte r 44T ollon Cipolloni i 45 P Barry ry 46 C Clues 47 D Hexter
48 C Davies
'8 J. Humphries s9 C. McGregor 40 K. Chaston G . Kelly 42 M . Lanagan 43 M . Flahive : B. Johnstone '5 K. Singaran 46 L . Woolrich 47 L . Wheeler 48 T. Wilmott 49 M . Flynn 51 J. Midwinter 52 T. Wilson ` ; J Ng ~4 M. Pucella 15 J. Prantzos 56 A. Crowther 57 T. Prantzos 58 M. Vaughan 59 J,Woodruff .60 L. Reeves 61 P. Edwards 62 C . ' .'srinis
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49 A Hutchinso n 50 T Grigg 51 P Hammon 52 S Howard 53 L Hadj 54 S Cramer 55 A Leask 56 W Conlan 57 G Steven 58 T Doubleday 59 J Duggan 60 R Capidoferro 61 C Hammo n 62 L Frazer 63 D Greasley 64 J Murray 65 C McCormack 66 A McGowan 67 R Wright 69 G Coliins 70 S Muir 71 S Emerson 72 G Walsh L Bartram S Brugaletta J Burke M Day K DePasquale M Dragojlo S Grigg T Mansfield C Miles C Mrnjavac
S Rogers 0 Salih E Savage
M Tassone M Tilley P Treagus A Venuccio
S Whitfiel d A Wuchatsch
invw.omfc.net B®et®® Corporatio n Davis tsi3®dry Services P11111fillis 1111"M First ~ } Haven
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PRAHRAN Coach : Tony Free Res Coach: John Ross 1 . D. GALLAGHER 2. A. BEATTIE 3. J . LANE 4. P. QUICK 5. H. PITTS 6. A. CORBOY 7• SA . PANG 8. I . HUNT 9. A. BUNNETT 10 . B . HODGSON 11 . A. PITTS 12 . M . BEER 13 . B . MCCLINTOCK 14 . M . EASTHAM 15 . I . DENNIS 16 . A. RHODES 17 . D. HOWARTH 19 . S . CAMPBELL 20 . J . KELLOW 21 . G . PALEODIMOS 22 . N. ROBERTS 23 . B . KAIROUZ 24 . T. FRASER 25 . T. FREE 26 . T. STCLAIR 27 . W. PYE 28 . K. WALFORD 29 . W. TASEFF 30 . M . SCICLUNA 31 . J . BELCHER 32 . T. DUKI C 33 . C . HENSHALL 34 . L. NORMAN 35 . B. GELLIE 36 . J . KILLEEN 37 . E. WILDE 38 . M. WINDRIDGE 39 . A. GRAY 40 . T. MCADIE 41 . M. WARLAND 42 . R . TRAEGER 43 . P. HERRIDGE 44 . J. UPTON 45 . M. VAGG 46. M. VEAR 47. P. BUHNER 48, A. JAUNCEY 49. L . WOOD 50. N . GILL G . ELVIN 53. D . BALLARD 54. J. SCANLON 55. L . AITKEN 56. D . PERKINS 57. P. HAWKES 61 . J. BEDFORD 62. S . RICE 63. R . MARRIOTT 64. J. KANOA 65. D . HANLON 66. N . WARREN 67. M . ERDIM 68. G. AMY 69. L. GORRINGE
KEA Australia Swan Hotel Richmon d Tasman Liquor Orrong Hotel Cohn Taranto Removals PFC Taboret
MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Russell Barnes Res Coach : Wayne Moss 1 P Wintle 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillie r 5 S Napier 6 A Rya n 7 N Owe n 8 J Cunningha m 9 G Marini c 10 M Wintle 12 J Kan e 13 D Goodchil d 14 A Connoi Connolly i 15 T McCol l 16 A Hipwel l 17 M Selling s 18 T Giaquinta 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DV C 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynton 24 T Beasley 25 D Samy a 26 M Hecke r 27 S Kingwel l
28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinso n 34 C Meyer 35 B Bilos 36 A Gang i 37 M Connolly VC
38 C Tesoriero 39 M George 40 41 42 43 44 45
B Beasley M Uberti P Winterto n A Walstab J Recupero R Goul d
46 G Gomez 47 T Water s 48 A Scafidi 49 S Walsh 50 S Kid d 51 S Meyer 52 B Sessler 53 L Porte r 54 M McCraw 55 P Russo 56 J Chapli n 57 M Lomagn o 58 M Zaki c 59 M Zahra 60 M McCol l 61 S Waters 62 R Bignel l 63 C Petratos 64 M Scott 65 T Lamb 66 R Parson s 69 J Tomlinson 78 D Mos s
(n ~ ~~ t}
lT LifeCare is Australia's largest group of physiotherapy and sports medicine practices an d
pledge to treat Amateur footballers with expert care and knowledge used to loo k after Australia's sporting professionals
227 McKinnon Road McKinno n
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Banyule continues on its orderly path, and the newcomer to the four, Old Camberwell, after a slow start, looks menacing . Very sad to learn of Dave Roger's decision to step down as Coach of Monash Blues, he is a fine ambassador for Amateur football and an ornament to the game in general . St Leos scoring efficiency overwhelmed Old Carey in a match more even than the final result indicates . The Panthers had no counter for the Animals' two dominant forwards, Brendan Vaughan & Steve McCann, nor could they stem the stream of Steve Buckle & Don Dint deliveries out of midfield, who were all outstanding in an otherwise even outfit . The visitors had top games from Peter Unkles, rucking, Andrew Kent, centre, Chris Angus, wing, Cam Campbell, roving, and Tim Whitelaw at HF. Monash Blues did stretch University Blacks with the lead alternating through most of the game, and once more Blacks had the wherewithal to win the close one . Blacks best were Matt & Ben Cunningham on the ball, and the Costellos, Andrew & Tim . In the light of Doc Rogers' resignation as coach during the week, the Ashers regrouped bravely under Asst Coach, Tim Powell, and had outstanding games from Liam Holloway at CHF, Nick Sereda in the ruck, Spider Smith in his 100th until injured, and Nick De Young at FP & on the ball . Banyule blasted Ivanhoe Assumption with an 8 goal final term to record yet another impressive victory. The Bears had special efforts from flankers Chris & Nick Taylor, Brett Cantwell, BIG Dave, Jayson Egan up forward, and Adam Dooley . The Hoes weren't far off the pace and had great games from on-baller Doni Valkanis, Ang Pearce, Danny Ryan, Stuart Morris, and Chris Tucker, all forwards .
Old Geelong crumpled against the power of Old Camberwell after a flying start . The Wells' attacking defence again proved its worth, especially in their huge 3rd term . Simon Smith had a big day on the ball for the Wells, Mat Hanson was impassable at CHB, Bubba McLean ruled the middle, and Jezza Goodale starred up the sharp end . OGS had meritorious efforts from Wit Paul on the ball, Parnell on his wing, and McInnes in defence . Aquinas had a regulation win over Tarra Valley
with a big lst term effort giving them an unassailable break . The Bushranger s kept pace thereafter but were unable to nr~ ;e headway. The Bloods were happy with the job done by three defenders, Bernie Moran, Chris Wood, and the reliable Craig Glennie. Luke Taylor at FB starred for YVOB, with Brad Pearce again strong on the ball, and Jimmy Longworth was effective in a tagging role . TODAY'S MATCBES Uni. Blacks host St Leo's in today's big match. Two questions present themselves ; 'HoLV will Blacks cope with McCann & Vaughan?', and, 'Will the Animals get lost on the Main Oval savanna?' . I think the former to be the more serious of the two, and will be compounded by the present good form of the Parkers' Steve Buckle & Don Dini across the middle . I have to go with St Leo's to win this one by a kick or two, and do so in spite of my considerable respect for the Blacks' ability to magic their way out of trouble . Ivanhoe Assumption tackle M onash Blues, which, on paper, looks a bit of doddle for the Hoes . But, as Blacks found last week, this won't be the case, and the Hoes will be under the pump if they do relax . The Hoes sensible attitude, and direct style of play should give them a 2/3 margin on the siren . Banyule and Aquinas confront in another key match, in which the Bears could be excused for regarding the Bloods as just another ninepin to be knocked over . Each week sees further confirmation of Greg Whitcroft's meticulous preparation of his side this year, and irrespective of my esteem for Laurie Aghan's ability to pul competitive sides on the field in spite of injury and unavailability, it would be a big ask for the Bloods to win this one . The Bears keep doing all the righl things, and will take the game by 5 goals . Old Carey welcomes Old Geelong to Bulleen for the first time since 1990, with both in recoven mode following deflating defeats last week . Wi lthewosidfavurng eflowingstye,h 째 will be an attractive game for the spectators, an( the result will be in doubt to the end . I'll go for thf Panthers by a whisker, provided they remember t< apply their own Team Rules . -- - .-,,,,TO - - ~nn
shouldn't be troubled at home y; the Wells are playing ominously al's berth appears inevitable no w d into the four ahead of the Hoes . angers will trouble the Wells early with und speed, but do not have the firepowe r ith such a quality side overall. ers should be: Blacks, Hoes , , OGS, & Wells . Blacks & Wells are the outs to date, so their Round 9 clash will be 1- : the contacts are : 9818 1425 Ph -
vLajeflstra .easy'mail .ccsarl .aal .
:OU : <'oon Mondays, with sometime ed .
5 .0
OLD C"-;T' 5 .5 St Lc~s :.a~ :: S .IdcCann 7, B.e'i-~ 6, Bucl.: 2, Dhiirtcolantonlo 2, N .Hodder 2. Podbury, P.ilcGloin . Donovan, Elocd. Krebs, Flood . Best :McKenzie, > S.wcCann, Bruce, Rose, Vaughan, tL'oa9 . Old Carey : Kent 5 . Matthews 3. Hickey 3. t4'hitelaw 2, :v :gus . Best Kent, 1Jhldes. Angus, Campbell, Wlatelavr, Battle.Umpiaes : D. Whiteley, P. Tit n (6) IiOP : 2 .4 6.9 9.10 13 .10 (88) 4.7 8.8 10.13 14.15 (99) Mon i . Holloway 5, DeYoung 3, Goode 2, Chesarl, CraYen, Kamphuis. Sereda. I iotloway, DeYoung, Chesart, Bolton . hewmtan . UaFv~ ' : Chatfield 4, McArthur 3, Beaton, B. Costello, M. CmnG h im , Roberts, Schirmer, Thonzson . Best : A. Costello, . Frankffi , lartin, Pekin . M . Cumitngham . Sehrimer. C W. Umpires: D . Irons, K . McNiece (F) BANYULE IV OE ,
01d - speedster, Brellc_u played ,, ;s 6-,_`I game for the Panthers last week . Good to , :e you back after such a debilitating illness Brendan, and all the best for the next 50! ! I~ qniala s - it has taken Mathew Slattery 8 =,,asons to get this milestone due to injury and his love of the social side of football. This, is actually iiis 140th game in footy, as he has never pulled oil the boots in the junior ranks is captain of our wserves and one of the most respected members of our club . His contribution to the baekline is s,,,eond only to the contributions he makes as the director of our social calendar .
AY 'S W'. - - -- - 7
4 ~
~'-"~.e!~ -
I71 Ss;c~~orUniversity Blacks v . St . Leos Emmaus Ivanhoe Assumption v . Monaslz Blues Banyule v . Aquina s
Old Carey v. Old Geelon g
NA:IE CLUB SENIORS S . McCann St Leos 27 Egan Banyule 20 18 Livingstone Aquinas Cultera Aquinas 16 16 Flynn Ivanhoe 16 '4atthews Old Carev 3. Vaughn St Leos 16 DI RESERVE ~affar Old Camberwell 0 19 Keyhoe Yarra Valley 0 17 MeKean St Leos 1 16 Joyce Ivanhoe 0 1 2
. +
2.4 8.7 11 .8 19 .11 (125) 2.3 5.6 11 .9 14.12 (96)
Baayule : J Egan 4, W311more 4. Keenan 3, Plati'fair 2, Chapman, Moran, Burke, Natoli, J Plant. Canneell. Best: C Taylor. N Taylor, Cantwell . D Williams' J Egan, Dooley . Ivanhoe Aside: B Bowe 4, A Pace 3 . D Ryan 2, Tucker, Morris . Martin . Frew, Fkynn. Best: Valkaris. A Pace, Wood, Morris, Brown, Tucker. Umpires: J . core. M. Taylor (F), T . Dornom, R. Nation (B)
. .. OLD t . . 2.3 7 .4 8.6 13 .9 (87) OLD C- . . _~. 6.2 10 .6 22.8 24.8 (152) Old Geelo Couch 5, Jones 3, Parnell 2, J.Paul 1, Salter 1 . Farrer 1 . Best : W.Paul, Parrtell . McOlnes, Simpson, Bolton, Couc h Old Camberwell: Old Carob : Goo.iale 6, Credlin 3, HeRernan 3, Lippiatt 2. Mitchell 2, Mckenzie 2, llanson i . Smi:h 1, Hardman 1, Perryman 1 . Mclean I . Kapoor I . Best : Smith. Hanson, Mclean, Credlin. Goodale. Kapax
Umpires : M . Fraser, S. Payton (i ) AQUINAS 7 .3 9 .4 11 .7 15.13 (103) 2 .3 5,5 8.8 11 .8 (74) YARRA VALLEY AquintiteFlynn4, Minogue 2 Denbraber 2,Ltvigstone,Colliver,Hunte r.Tanilll,R.Moran ,LorkmBest :Woaien .Glen: .,. . .Cc 1 ve;B .Moran,Fly nn,Evaus .'xa' . . 7: Keyhoe3,Hancc :'.c21 . :.! . 2 Lair ' !An, . . . .. S: ge, Thompson, Best : Tay-r, :cake. Longaorth . San , Vr uâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;s . Umpires: I . Burgess. T . Brc oks (F)
2 .8 2 .14 5.16 8 .21 (69) 0 .1 0.1 1 .3 3.5(23) 0 St Leo's ~~. D. Pitcher 2, P.Sz"vins. Mekean, Raynor, Renner , Tribe, B.Niitcheil Best : D .Pitcher, Tribe, Simondson, Mckean . Nolan . B.Mitchell . Old Carey. Leong, Palmer, B .Shutie. Best Guera, Chamberlain . Hart , Melon, Ward, Leong . 2.3 2 .4 2.4 (16) MONASH BLUES BLACKS 4.3 5.7 7.9 10.13 (73) rHerry, Te,.~usd=ale . t: Merest, Reasdale, Brennan , rlin. McCormick.Uazver s: Peck 5, A. 'lolari 2, fet . Ralph. Best: @eck, i. ille, Molloy. Dore, Sullivan, Board , 2.0 4 .3 6.4 6 .7 (43) ivi : : -- 1.1 2 .1 2.4 5 .8 (38) arle 2, Reid, Bell. Noonan. J McDermott . Best : Hopgood . Sum L, o iric~rmott . Martin, S Gray . Thompson. Ivanh oe : McGowan 2, ToogoaL Rosenfeld, Thackwray . Best : Racone, Shuttlewrorth, Toogood, hScGowarr. Zeegers. OLD GEELONG 1.2 3 .2 5.7 6.7.43 OLD CAYM 5.3 10 .5 13.9 18.11 .119 Old Geelong; Browning 2 . Brown 1, tieine 1 . Fitzgerald 1 . Cole 1 . Best: Goldsworthy. Qpie. Cook, Brown. Burbank, Kemp . Old -' ell : Not received. Best: Not received AQUINAS 3 .4 10.6 10 .8 15.10 (100) 6 .5 6.7(43) YARRA VALLEY 3 .0 3.1 Aquinas: Lyng 5 . Bradshaw 4, Field, Crouch, N . Moran, Blakney . Williams, Hunt . Best : Bradshaw, Chapman, Lyng, Williams, VandersiuLs, Field . Fsrrr Valley: Tomkins, Meilrath, Potter . Cusano, Davies, Pask Best: How-c, Lorden, Kerr, Tomkins.
DI Section AQUINAS O.C . Coach : Laurie Aghan Res . Coach: Howard Field 1 R . Mills
OANYULE Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res Coach : Rohan Doherty 1 T. Egan
2 C . Thomas
2 D .Witchell
3 T. Vanderluis 5 M. Boland
3 S.Kayrooz 4 M.Gilbert
6 D . Minogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess
5 B.Wilmore 6 W.Keenan 7 G .Shaw
9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 M . Barmby 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J. Hunt 17 M. Denavi 18 J. Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Paras 21 J . Pierce 22 S. Flynn 23 J . Livingstone
8 B.Cantwell 9 J .Plant 10 B.Moxin 11 S.Cross 12 J .Egan 13 C .Burke 14 B.Woodlock 15 S .Gray 16 A.Dooley 17 T.Chapman 18 J .Turnbull 19 P.Witchell 20 S.Playfair 21 R .Dintinosante 22 N .Taylor
24 P. Harper
23 S.Gray
25 B. Volombello 26 R . Weeks 27 S. Jones 29 N . Davies 30 C . Colliver 31 M. Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 G . Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 L . Sheffield 40 A. Cultrera 41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M. Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G . Coyle 46 M . Hope 47 N . Moran 48 R . Register 49 P. Poynton 52 M . Corrie 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 J . Harrington 59 A. Bentley 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 64 T. Robinson 68 J . Coglan 71 G . Evans 72 M . Riley 86 B. Barclay
24 C .Wilks 25 L .Martin 26 H .McDermott 27 P.Healy 28 D .Sproules 29 R .Kreskas 30 DMutton 31 C .Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A.Plant 34 C .Stevens 35 L .O'Connell 36 M.George 37 TThompson 38 G ..BeII 39 A.Hopgood 40 C .Taylor 41 M.Natoli 42 C .Taylor 43 L .Ferral 44 RWilliams 45 B.White 46 D .Nasrallah 47 D .Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A.Small 50 M.Smith 51 L .Sheean 52 D .Noonan 53 K.Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D .Williams 56 P.Arnold 57 A.Covey 58 L.Holt
' lC .:/ ASu(; ; . :N
TI ® N
Coach : Brad Hall Rea . Coach: Colin McDonald 1 . S . Conley 2 . M . Maud
3 . C. Tucker 4 . T. O' Neil l 5 . J . Scoble 6 . T. Healy (DVC) 7• P. Rawley 8 . J . Shuttlesworth 9 . E . Heal y 10 . P. Lee (VC) 11 . J . Finlayson 12 . B . Finlayson 13 . S . Narkiewicz (DVC) 14 . P. Flynn (C) 15 . J . Curtin 16 . S . Smyth 17 . S . Morris 18 . T. Scoble 19, D. Wood 20 . P. Blocker 21 . L. Blackwood 22 . G. Raco 23 . D. Ryan 24 . B . Frew 25 . J . Friswa 26 . M . Emerson 27 . K . Smith 28 . J . Pace 29 . G. King 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D. McFarlane 32 . L. Pearce 33 . S . McGowan 34 . B . Joyce 35 . P. Whitehead 36 . C. Zeegers 37 . D. Todd 38 . R. Peoples 39 . M . Ebbage 40 . P. Martin 41 . C. McDonald 43 . G. Sullivan 44 . A . Pace 45 . D. Fryer 46 . M . lacouangell 48 . R. Toogood 49 . A . Rosenfeld 51 . D. Pearce 52 . S . Doherty 68 . J . Mazocc a 78 . C. Brow n 88 . N . Dykes g9 G. Robertson
MONASH BLUES Coach : Tim Powell Res Coach: Marcus Spencer 1 S .Cha Chapman
OLD CAMBERWEL L Coach : Jarred 0'Niell Res Coach : John Harvey 1 J McLean
2 J . Baxter (VCR)
2 T James
3 L. Holloway 4 G. Chessari 5 D . Rogers
3 A Inkster 4 N Lippiat t
6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar 8 S . Thompson 9 J . Godde 10 S . Webster(VC) 11 M . Spencer 12 G. Smyth 13 A . Herrman 14 B . Merlin 16 B . Tatterson 17 P. O'Neill 18 K . Hendratta 19 G. Gilbert 20 N . Sereda 21 C. Gregory 22 R . Kamphuis 23 G. Harry
24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 B . Jondahl 27 N . De Young 28 J . Main 29 J . Ross 30 L. Creamer 31 S . Hawkins 32 B . Boyer 33 J . Smith (C) 34 P. Maiden 35 D. Murchie 36 A . Williams 37 M . Donnelly 38 R. Anderson 39 C.Burley 40 M . Bolton 42 S . Young 43 R. Feenaghty 44 D. Teasdale 45 R. Walsh(CR) 46 A . Ryan 47 S . Mentha 48 K. McIntyre 49 R. Burston 50 A. Clark 52 N. Moresi(VCR) 53 J . Peel 54 R. Green 55 1. McCormick 56 R. Reith 57 P. Munro 58 C. Strauss 59 B . Carstein 60 S . Lloyd 61 P. Campbell 62 B . Droscher 64 J . Sleiman 65 G . Polglase 66 N . Brennan 67 B . Ryan 68 M . Meehan 69 P. Grabiel 71 J .Sondhu 75 S . Edquist
5 S Horskin s 6 A Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 J Goodal e 10 R Ka poo r 13 L Gladma n 14 R Whitehead 15 A Bryson 16 D Walke r 17 N Credlin 18 A Brownless 19 J O'Neill 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 B Tippe r 24 D Imberge r 25 A Hardenber g
26 C William s 27 A Sheedy 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryma n 31 R Heat h 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 J Derry 36 S Derry 37 A Hillier 38 T Hall o 39 A Hills 40 L Cain 41 L Ryan 42 A McKenzie 43 S Collins 44 S Smith 45 G Ormsby 46 A Taylor 47 T Kearney 48 J Swa n 49 J Herdma n 50 B McKenzie 51 J Owe n 52 E Noy 53 R Tempon e 54 A Margett s 55 J Gan 56 N Stevenso n 57 A Hillier 58 P Triantafyllo u 59 M Butterwort h 60 B Mcilwai n 61 J Parke r 62 J Miles 64 M Knowles 65 N Saffar 66 T Kearney 67 G Rowe 76 D Braue r = ° ALL ELECTRIG S HOME APPu/,i-ES
9857 - -' 2
DI Section OLD CAREY 3oach : Chris Hickey es. Coach: Paul Montgomery 1 . C. Angus 2 . D.Faelis 3• M . Cohen 4. C.Esler 5. A. Jackson 6• C. Campbell 7• R. Oppy
OLD GEELONG Coach: Jon Edgar Res Coach : Jim Pearson Club 18 : Sean Wilson I 2 4 5 6 7
D .Salter J .Nevins C .Stinchcombe T.Redin T.O'Brien J. Paul
>g; D. Walsh
8 T.Seymour
g. D. Shuti e 10. K. Shrives 11 . N . Everest 12. L. Battley 13. B . Hutchison 14. C. Phillips 15. L. Chamberlain 16 . R. Graham 17 . J . Daniher 18 . C. Matt hews 19 . R. Bardwell 20 . J . Raftopoulos 21 . R. Leon 9 22 . S. Vitali 23 . T. Price 24 . P. Unkles 25 . N. Detarcz Ynsk i 26. D. Sherr 27. N . Vasilopoulos 28. P. Nance 29. S. Assimo 30. A. Guerra 31 . 0 . Winchester 32. P. Graham 33. J . Mai 34. W. Giannikos 35. S. Hardy 36. B. Birkill 37. D . Palmer 38. I. Cohen 39. P. Bennett `+',0. M . Hepple 41 . A . Gates 42. P. Mont Montgomery ome g 43 . D. Williams
9 J.Foley 10 J .Smith 11 L .Stevens 13 H . Mclnnes 14 D .Taylor 15 H .McCa rthy 16 H .O'Brien 18 C . Bird 19 P.Broadbent 20 S .Cole 21 S .Jones 22 J .Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .Whitehead 27 W.Paul 28 A Farrar 29 D.Bolton 31 D. Valley 32 J . Cook 33 B.Collins 34 M.Goldswo rt hy 35 H .Burbank 36 A. Opie 37 J .Fanning 39 A. Farnsworth 40 M.Ave ry 41 T.Carty 42 H .Brownin g 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B .Parnel l 46 J . Fitzgerald 51 J .KiIpatrick 54 L. Heine • 56 M .Leslie
44 . C. Batt le 45 . T. Bull 46 . H. Giannikos 47 . A. Wilkie 49 . W. Mudge 50 . A. Kent 51 . P. Drake 52. H. Francis 53 . B. Andrews 54. K. Giannikos 55. A. Ross 56. G . O'Reilly 57. C . Trevethen 58. J. Boncher 59. C . Mason 60. J. Ward 61 . A. McKinstrY 62. S. May 67. 0 . Hickey 77. P. Dalton 88. S . Ha rt
ST LEOS E M MAU S f :- ' : 1_' . Kane Bowden WATTLE PARK Coach: Res Coach : James Trevaskis
Coach: David Mille r Res Coach: Jason Fennel 1 D. Dinicolantoni o 2 J . Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A . Auliso 5 S . Buckle 6 D. Care y - 7 A. Burgess 8 M . Volpi D. Lear 9 9 A. Bethune 10 B . Mitchell t1 S . McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Hu an 12 A. Kreos 14 J. Manton 15 A. O 'Reill y 16 A. Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R . McCann 1 9 B. Carey 20 D . Bruc e 21 G . Simmondson 22 S. Willis 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. McKenzi e 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E. McLaughli n 29 S. Darc 30 M. Otto~re 3 1 N . Zannis 32 L Price 33 L. Moss 34 B . Henricus 35 R . Briggs 36 S . Bavage 37 S . Manto n 38 N . Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Ga 41 J . Za r 42 M . Flood 43 B . Levins 44 M . Dimbl e 45 S . Ronchi 46 M . Blundell 47 M . Renner 48 A. Daly 49 C: Ha Biel d 50 P. Hum p ray s Mc G l ohin 51 52 R.. McGloin 53 A. Volp i 54 J. Fennell 55 S. Smith 56 D . Domi k 57 M. Place 58 J. F'eldstad 59 D . F~itche r 60 C . McDonald 61 S. Edwards 62 A. Raynor 63 P. No a n 64 D . McKean 65 N . Foley 7 66 p, BarqUuham 6 68 B . O'Connor 69 S . Mesche r 70 D. McGloin 71 B . Allan 72 A . Burgdor . Ymer f75T 76 G. Donovan 77 C. Vauqha n 78 M . Whitne y 79 T. Tribe 80 H. Meehan 81 D. Behan 88 S. Pitcher 89 D. Winduss
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48 A Moffatt 49 P Green bank
50 ~ Healey 51 A Neville 52 C Schirme r 53 D O'Keefe 54 M Braszell 55 G Thomson 56 D Walsh 57 K Begely 58 A Paton 59 0 Toose 61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaskis 66 N Howell 68 P O'Beirne 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihill 73 S Macki e 75 W Touzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evans 78 R Owen 79 R Drummond 80 M Tehan 81 A Dore 82 C Baulch 83 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 BWeber 86 D Creek 87 A Cowley 88 N Abbo tt
89 T Beggs
G Darroch 1 S Chandler 2 3 W Martin 4 M Vaughan 4 D Wilkinson 5 R Mackie 6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pasco e g C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden t2 M Kohn e 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jensen 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 L Brow n 18 A Wilson 19 C Franklin 20 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfiel d 26 J Ryan 27 AClements 28 A Costello 29 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody . 35 J Mirtschin 36 H Pec k 37 N Robe rt s 38 L Beaton 39 R Greig 40 G Sullivan 41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gadd 43 C Beaton 44 R McA rt hu r 45 M Coleman 4 Board hy 6 47 B R Murp
i- -- ~ =
9~1 A Whlitlock 92 S Milner AMetealfe J Mirtschin E Nolan R Moreton
YARRA VALLE Y Coach: Tim Killwort h Res Coach : Rowan Davi s 1 R Pearce 2 T Morris 3 R Thompso n 4 M Fung 5 A Drew 6 D Hows e 7 R Drew
8 L Morris 9 J Kee m 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvea n 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysela E Krus e 14 N Pas k 15 16 L Taylo r 17 A Lain g 18 L Whit e 18 D Ross 19 S Thompson 20 T Hal e 21 M Wine s 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davies 25 F Pellagrin o 26 J Lon 9worth 27 S Savage 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutt s 30 D Pott er 31 B Sturzaker 33 P Cremea n 34 C Frase r 35 B Peake 7 D Balshaw 38 39 J B Morriso n
Tompkin s 40 T Fyffe 4 1 B Down s 42 A Ston e 43 H Par k 44 J H o 45 S Tresside r 46 D Irelan d 47 D Lan g 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 50 C Box Si C Reynolds 52 A Hartnett
53 S
54 T Mcllrat h 55 P Peterson 56 T Lloy d 57 S Kehoe 58 G Ker r 59 A Joine r 60 C Ross 61 P Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurch 64 M Bate 65 R Lan g 66 D March 67 M Busch 71 M Laing 73 T Lloyd 74 A Midlan d 76 J Dickson 79 S Tressider
I R ut~ -Je 5 YEARS AGO - 1E' % University Blues made it harder for Old Xaverians when they got some small revenge for the drastic defeat inflicted upon them in last years Grand Final . Blues pumped Xaverians with a 6 .2 to 2.0 first term and were always in control of the game to win 18.11 (119) to 12 .6 (78) . Best were Cavalier (6 goals), Blood (4 goals), McLachlan (University Blues) and Ford, Holmes, Fay (Old Xaverians) .
Aquinas full back Peter Grierson played his 250th game for the Blooders. The club congratulated Peter- a multi premiership team member, a marvellous clubman and "The best Trivia Night organiser in the Southern Hemisphere" . C Section coaches were Rodd Morgan (AJAX), Don Scarlett (Hampton Rovers), Bruce Ferguson (Marcellin), Trevor Poole (Old Geelong) . Bert Calvert (Old Mentonians), Paul Beddoe (St Bedes/Mentone Tigers), Tim Hart (St Kevins), Terry Walsh (St Kilda/Sth Caulfield) and Alan Fleming (Thomastown). Monash Gryphons were holding a social evening to honour its foundation members Craig Robinson, David King, Chris O'Brien, Justin Fuller and John Blanford on reaching the 50 game milestone . The celebration was taking place at the GRYPH- INN after the game with well known band "White Men Can't Reggae" appearing later in the evening. Ormond (A Section) led St Bernards right up until the 15 minute mark of the final term and only a superb performance by Jason Gollant when swung into the ruck saved the day for St Bernards to win 13.12 (90) to 11 .11 (77). Best were Dobson (5 goals), Sawick, Calthorpe (St Bernards) and Turner, Jobling , Presser (Ormond) .
What a game it was at Elsternwick Park between Old Brighton and Old Ivanhoe . Scores for the first three quarterswere:O.B. 0 .2 9 .8 15.11 (101 ) O.I. 3 .3 7 .7 14 .12 (96 ) Old Brighton were 5 goals down at the 20 minute mark of the third term and were kicking into a four goal wind in the final term. At the 32 minute mark of the last quarter a great snap by Lennon put Old Brighton in front. Old Brighton had now won 3 games by less than a goal, final scores: Old Brighton 20.14 (134 ) Old Ivanhoe 19 .15 (129) Best were Rickarby, Perry, Lennon, Murch (7 goals), Nikas, Pryor (Old Brighton) and Pappas, Parker. Tully, Douglas, Karayannis and Kent (Old Ivanhoe). 10 YEARS AGO -1991
Therry 'A' were disappointed to los e for the second year i n a row at Oak Park to Uni Blues who won the game i n the third quarter when they kicked 4 .4 to Therry's 0 .3 . Hamish Worsley, 31 years old. John Kanis and Aaron Davis were best for the Blues while Denis Castaldi, Scott Ramsay and Tom Duncan kept Therry in the game . Collegians had revenge for two successive Grand Final defeats at the hands of the Monds when they left Ormond 0 .5 . Best contributors to the 20 point victory were Galbraith, Lord, Oliphant, Wright, Bennett . The game was high class, final scores 17.14 to15 .6. In a return to form, Paul Schuhkraft kicked 8 for the Monds. Umpires M. Gilday and R. Mayston found it a bit hard to start the second half at Thomastown - Where was the ball? Back in the dressing room . It was a great game the home side winning 17.13 to 15 .20. Best were Karemlidas, Bubis, Petsinis . 200 games to Terry Franklin (Parkside), Ian Kell (Mazenod) . Modest Tom Johnston, B section tipster, proclaimed he'd picked the card again. St Kevins OB 'D' scored their first win defeating fourth team Old Camberwell 16.16 to 9.11 . Pivetta, Watkin, Arthurson, McNee, O'Brien and Yarasdi were SKOB best . Battle of undefeated teams in 'E' saw Williamstown, leading by two points at the last change, kick 8 .5 to Mazenod 5 .3 . Turnley, M . Cannon, McNamara (W'town) and Chilcott, Murray, Fisher (Maz) were the stars in a top game.
U 19 North saw a thriller when Bulleen-Temp kicked 5 .4 to Therry's 3 .4 in the final term to win by i point. Mitilineos kicked 11 for B .T . Others to play well were Nagel, Tullock, Cumming (B .T.) and Fitzpatrick, Hollow, Bannister (Therry) . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 6 Collegians had their second win of the year with an 8 point win over Ormond who held a five goal break in the third quarter but Collegians hit back with five goals in 10 minutes to put them back in the match . Ormond missed the three McDonald brothers who were on holidays in the States - did they go to Disneyland? Irwin, Wright and Hinchen were Collegians best. 150 games to MHSOB's courageous rover Craig Flegeltaub who in the years 1978 to 1984 won two best and fairests, two runner ups, two most consistent awards and the coach's award . He missed in 1985 as
he was holidaying in Europe . Craig represented the VAFA in Tasmania in 1983 . Thomastown (C ) trailed Hampton Rovers, 10 .3 to11 .3 at halftime, by a point at the last change, and got up to win 2 points, 18.12 to 18.10 . Best were A . Fellows, Kelly, Harisiou (Ttown) and Parker, Stephens, Poulter (H . Rovers). In a thriller at University, North Old Boys who had trailed for most of the day won by a point with a goal on the siren . Blues held a handy 18 point lead at the last change but were outscored in the final term, 5 goals to 2. Best were Considine, Hanlon, Conti (NOB) and Tyquin, Wallis, Angel (Uni Blues) . Old Brighton 'B' caused an upset when they defeated the previously unbeaten Old Xaverians by 23 points. Best were Welsh, Tony Grant, Pryor (Old B'ton) and Lein, Peter Curtain, Dalton (Old Xaverians) . YEARS AJAX (A), with a magnificent last quarter in which they kicked 7 .7 to Old Xaverians 1 .1 won by 15 points after trailing by 5 points and 27 points at the changes . Best were Zemski, H . Ritterman and D. Segal (AJAX) and pirrie, Corcoran and S . Curtain (7 gls) . In the battle of the Blues, University defeated Monash by 27 points with Yen, Orton and Curnow best for Blues while B . Flett, Tavlor and Kershaw starred for Monash . In a most unusual game, Bulleen-Templestowe (C ) trailed Old Camberwell 3 .13 to 13.5 at half time, and then kicked 16.5 to 7 .3 in the second half to win by 4 points . Best were Keast, Ling, Dagostino (B . Temp) and D . Steven, Polglase, Treacher (7gls) for Old Cambercvell . 'C section coaches were Don Palmer (B . Temp), Trevor Read (MHSOB), Ian Rogers (0 . C'well), Alan Woodhead (Pside), Peter Hart (St Kevins), Tony Hunt (St Kilda (CBOCO) . Who coached Hampton Rovers, Old Haileyburians and State Bank. 25 YEARS AGO - 1976
Old Trinity'A' inflicted first defeat for the season on last season's 'B' section premiers, De La Salle, when they held on in the last quarter to win 7 .10 to 6 .7 . Best were Hansen, Beck, W. Peers (0. Trinity) and Dunn, Cooke, Wright (De La Salle) . 100 games to North OB's Barry O'Connor and Gary Wiison . 'A' section captains were Calleson (Coburg), B . Lyons (De La Salle), J . Syme (Monash Blues), Shane Maguire (NOB), I. Johnson (0 . Trinity), B. Bourne (Ormond), M. Bates (Reservoir OB), G . Wade (St Bernards), Simon Costello (U. Blacks) and Barry Church (U . Blues).
250 games to Old Paradians great champion John Tudor, and 200 to Ray Street (Elsternwick) and John Mount (0. Paradians) . Undefeated after 5 games were Old Scotch 'B', Old Haileyburians 'C', AJAX 'D', West Brunswick 'F, North OB 'Jl' and Thomastown 'J2'.
YEARS Collegians football dub had arranged a dinner i n honour of Jack McCann, to be held at the MCG . M _ . ._
Graeme Holmes,13 years with the dub, first as mascot and boundary umpire, played his 200th game for Elsternwick. Graeme has also won two best and fairest awards and been runner up twice . Advertisers were Ansett, Arena, Skil Sher, Cluve Fairburn, Ross Faulkner, T .W. Sherrin, SSB, National Bank and Repco . St Bernards toppled the previously undefeated Ormond by 22 points, when they withstood a 6 goal last quarter burst to win by 18 points . Monash's luck ran out when they went down by 2 points to De La Salle . It was De La's first win . 150 games to Spence Williams (Old Paradians) and Robbie Thompson (Old Melburnians) . 35 YEAR -1 In really wet and windy conditions, Melbourne High had to fight all the way to beat Caulfield Grammarians and retain their unbeaten record at the top of 'A' section . Dominating players were Ian Turnbull, Geoff Dick and Gordon Arthur (MHS) and Greg Tootell, Graeme Vorrath and Geoff Cayzer for Caulfield Grammarians . 'B' section produced a boil over when Kew thrashed Ormond to the tune of 5 goals and knocked Monds out of top place . Stars were Walker, Taylor, Jenkins (Kew), and Voight, Rowell, Loutit for Ormond. Old Haileybury saluted Andy Home as their first player to reach 100 games with the dub and reported that he had missed only one game in his six years with the dub - when his brother was married in 1962 . One of the original foundation members, Andy captained the side in 1961, 64 and 65, and had twice won the clubs best and fairest . Ormond's past and present players dinner was a great success with the highlight of the night a presentation to Fed Yewdall, player, committeeman and president, a career covering 1932 to date . 50 YEARS AGO - 195 1
Old Xaverians after only scoring 0.1 (1) for the game the previous week were happy to report that they had searched their records and found that in 1935 Old Xaverians defeated Kingsville who did not score . Old Xaverians were pleased to disown their record . Malvern, undefeated with Alphington at the top of 'B' section, had an 8 goal win over MHSOB . Best for the victors were Ted Jane, Bruce Briers (magnificent game on the wing), and Eric Ward (3 kicks, 3 goals in the first quarter) while MHS were best served by McKenzie, Davies and Walker. Ormond went down to Old Scotch on their hoodoo ground, and stated that the "Calendulaceum" (Capeweed to you, sir!) was so long that Manson Russel with 7 goals for Old Scotch went through it like an eel with a sandpaper overcoat. Eric Donaldson, Herb Larkin and Geoff Harris kept the 'Monds in it while "Cheeky" Bedford (wing), Jim Lillie (centre) and Graeme Cameron (half back) were best for the Cardinals .
Winning Edge Presentations
CLUB XV111 SECTION - Robbins David Windlo w
REVIEW Division On e Old Xaverians v St .II Beware the sleeping giant! With the recent return of Fay, Hardwick, captain Tony Landrigan, and (my spy tells me) a slightly underdone Tim O'Sullivan, Old Xaverians came out hard in the first quarter in the match of the day . St .Kevins, who were very competitive, were always playing catch up football . Next round will feature several intriguing matches in this very even season, and St.Kevins will have to regroup before their clash with Prahran, while the Crocodiles will be looking forward to their Grand final replay with the in form "All Stars" . Among the best for Xaverians were Erskine, Michael (Jonah) Jones who is having a fine season, and captain coach David King (resplendent in his new jumper! ) Mazenod v Old Melburnians In the top versus bottom clash, an undermanned Mazenod were defeated by a talented and polished Old Melburnian side . The best for the All Stars was their full Forward C.Tomlinson, who seemed to kick goals at will, plus B .Telford and P.Beaumont . As for Mazenod the some of the better players were Tino "SOS" Sciarra, Richard Bourbon, the veteran Rob Palamara, Paul Egan plus A.Wylie and D.Evans. The home team will see the return of several past players who have signed up in the last week and they will be hopeful that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Mazenod will eagerly look forward to their next game with Old Brighton which could be a defining moment for both their seasons. Prahran vI e La Sall e Prahran started slowly with their backline led by "Borbi" working hard to repel the constant attacks from a determined De La Salle outfit on the rebound for last week's loss . The second quarter saw Prahran play their way back into the game through the mid-field strength of Carroll, Doud and Green but inaccurate kicking cost them dearly (4 behinds from 25m shots) . After the long break, De La Salle responded to coach Williamson and took control of the game . Down by 7 goals at 3/4 time - Prahran responded by regrouping, and playing 'man on man'. In an enthralling last stanza, the home team got to within 15 points through help of 3 goals in 10 minutes from Ivak and domination of the centre corridor but the effort told and De La Salle steadied in the final five minutes . De La were well served by Ford, Tucker, Rudd, Mannix, McGrath, O'Brien while Prahran's best were Doud, Carroll, Green, Ivak, Borbi . Cartlidge (does this man ever play a bad game? ) B clc v Therry After an even first half Brunswick kicked nine consecutive goals to overcome Therry at Fleming Reserve . Hamment in the ruck was best for Brunswick while captain Mick O'Kearney tried hard for Therry .
Brunswick, who are now only a win away from top spot on the ladder, clash with De La Salle next week should give some idea of how they match up with the top five or six teams in the division . Old Scotch v Old Brighton No match report was available from this game where Old Scotch obviously found some form after their loss to Old Melburnians the previous week . Division Two Old Essendon v Old Ivanho e A lucky Old Ivanhoe defeated Old Essendon in a match where the score didn't reflect the true closeness of the game . Old Essendon will be very disappointed that they let this one slip away, after controlling the game and being up by 9 points late in the third quarter . OE's T . Deluca was excellent in defence . W. Conlan controlled the centre while S . Whitfield dominated the ruck . OE lost the game at three quarter time by putting Whitfield on the bench for the start of the last term . Old Ivanhoe started winning in the centre and never looked back, slamming on 6.6 to win by 42 points .Best Players : Old Ivanhoe ; Irwin Santos, Julian Maycock, Dean Craker. Old Essendon ; T Deluca, W Conlon, S Whitfield . Monash v St Leos Emmaus Wattle Park Match played in damp and slippery conditions . Both teams found difficulty in handling the ball, and the game developed into a low scoring hard slog with many packs forming . First quarter was closely fought with both teams working hard but finding it difficult to show their skills . St .Leos lead by one goal at the first break . From then, Chris Howe, Luc Colombies & David O'Brien were impassable across the half back line and St.Leos were limited to one goal in the next 2 quarters . With ruckman Ed Byrden and centre half forward John Stoppa dominating, Monash lifted their game to lead by a couple of goals at 3/4 time . Final 1/4 was hard fought but Monash proved too strong to win by 15 points . Best Players for Monash were Luv Columbies, Chris Howe, John Stoppa, Ed Byrden, and David O'Brien
Marcellin v Collegian s Damp conditions prevailed after overnight rain, but in this keenly contested match, both teams had ample reserves keen to get out on the field . Marcellin should have been more than a goal up at 1/2 time, and the scoreboard correctly reflected poor finishing by both teams . Coach David Lumley implored his charges at half time to turn the game around, only for a more committed Marcellin to set up their win in the third quarter with 4 straight goals to one. Collegians fought back strongly in the final stanza to get cvithin striking distance but found themselves giving Marcellin too much of a start . The home team steadied with a couple of late goals to seal a win, and coach Mark O'Sullivan might now start thinking about being part of the action
in August.Best for the home team were captain Andrew Trotter at full-back, on baller Chris Pezzimenti, and Steven Kost (at centre half back), while the visitors were well served by Brendan Wains, Vinny Jayatlake and Rob Lancaster. Whitefriars v University Blacks From the scores, obviously a close game, and Whitefriars are not far away from their first win, having been very close their last two games . The University team now find themselves in the four after their third win in a row . Old Trinity v Old Geelong No report from the game, but a highlight from the lush Hudson oval was the astonishingly accurate kicking of Old Geelong, who drop to eighth, and yet are only a ,iame out of second spot in this even competition .
Cartiidge Tomlinson George Macleod
CLUB :_ 71111 1 Prahran 4 Old Melburnians 6 Old Xaverians 0 Old Melburnians 0
29 18 12 10
McDonald Oakley Collier L. Woods
CLUB XVII1/ 2 St Leos 1 Collegians 0 Monash Blues 2 Monash Blues 1
11 10 8 7
Continued on page 62
TODAY'S MATCHES Ile La Salle - congratulations to Brendan Byrne ,vho plays his 200th game this week for the club . Brendan has been a magnificent performer for the Warriors and was a member of the 1991 premiership side . His 110% efforts on and off the field have always been a source of inspiration and entertainment for all at the club . Well done 'Burnside' . Monash Blues - Markus Krebs 50 games . Markus has been a strong supporter of the club both on and "off the field especially organising the club canteen namely DEES DINER . Warmest congratulations to both these players from all your team mates, opponents and the Club XVIII umpires .
CLUB 18 (1) OLD SCOTCH 20 .15(135) OLD BRIGHTON 0 .2(2) Old Scotch: Sladen 5, Pryde 4, Brooke 3, Ireland 2, Marash, Hooke . Gilchrist, Hosking, Junkeer, North Best: Gilchrist, Thompson, Pr}rcle, Sladen. Brooke,North . Old Brighton : Best : Norwood, Maddox. Long. Erridge, D.Cooper, Bowden.M . Umpires: M . Crass, P. Nailer (F) BRUNSWICK 4 .1 6.2 9 .3 14 .5(89) THERRY PENOLA 2 .1 5.2 5 .2 6.2(38) BnuLs-wiek: Speakman 4, Brunt 3. Perrott 2, Cooper 2, B. Lovett 2, Bell. Best: Speakman, Jolley, Hammet, Cooper, James, Perrott . Therry Penola: D. Lyons 2, Russell, Forbes, Lewis, Keay . Best: Carter, OKearney, Keay, Van Engelen, Lewis, lannazzo Umpires: B . Nunn, T. Robbins (F ) DE LA SALLE 6.2 7 .7 12.8 15.10 (100) PRAIIRAN AFC 2,2 4 .7 5 .10 10 .11 (71) Be La Salle: O'Brien 4 . Ford 2, B . Brasher 2, Shields 2. P. Brasher, Matmix, McGrath, Tucker. Hynes . Best : Ford, Tucker, Rudd . Mannix. McGrath, OBrien Prahran: Cartlidge 4 . Ivak 4, O'Dea, Belej . Best: Doud, Carroll, Green, Ivak . Borbi . Couga r Umpires: R. Benson, S. Mason (F) MAZEPIOD 1.2 1 .4 1,5 1 .6 (12) OLD MELBURNIANS 3 .2 6.5 9 .6 12.13 (85) Maaenod : S .BIlston . Best: Egan, Scasserra . Evans, Harvey, Busby, Dresser. Old Melburnians: C.Tomlinson 6. Bains 3. J . Tomlinson. Rutherford, Rigg. Best : Beaumont, C.Tomlinson, J.Tomlinson, Bains, Utting, Telford .Umpires : P. Rapke (F) OLD XAVERIANS (Results not received) ST. KEVINS Umpires: T. Hall, R. Windlow (F) M _. .. . . . .__ . .
CLUB XV111 (1) Therry Penola v . Old Scotch De La Salle v . Brunswick Prahran Amateurs v . St . Kevins Old Brighton v . Mazenod Old Melburnians v. Old Xaverian s CLUB XV111 (2 ) Old Geelong v . Marcellin University Blacks v . Old Trinity Whitefriars v. Old Essendon Collegians v . Monash Blue s St. Leos Emmaus v . Old Ivanhoe
CLUB 18 (2 ) 10.7 (67) MARCEi dPI 2 .1 2 .5 6 .6 COLLEGIANS 1 .3 1 .6 2 .6 5 .8 (38) Ptarcellin : Wall 3, Kost 2, Becchetti 2, Moran, N . Mathews, Martin. Best: Kost, Andrews, Becchetti, C Mathews, Pezzimenti, Moran . Collegians: Day 3, Donnelly, Stedwell . Best: Stedwell, Rains, Lumley . Day, Jayafilake, Lancaster. Umpires: D . WincIlow, M . Phillips (F ) OLD TRINTI'P 7.1 9 .2 9.4 11 .6 (72) 0.0 2.0 4.0 8.0(48) OLD GEELONG Old Trinity- Carter-Buszard 5, A Kinross 2, G Boyd . Welsh, Stebbins, G . Treadwell. Best: Carter-Buszard. G Boyd, Brady, Semmens, Limoli, G. Treadwell . Old Geelong: Legoe 3, Buntine 2 . Brown, Collins, Sattler. Best: Collins, McDonald. Legoe, Sattler, Wilson, Chirnside . Umpire : A. Barrington (F) RHITEFRIARS 2 .4 2.7 3.7 5 .8 (38) UNI BLACKS 2 .1 5.2 5.7 7 .8(50) Whitefriars: O'Brien, Naismith, Haynes, Jackson, Bonnyman . Best: Haynes, Jackson, Duffy. Gloufehev, Davis, Whelan. Uni Blacks : Byrne 2, B Weber 2, Kitchen, Creek. Atkin . Best : S. Mackie, B Weber, Jones, Murphy . Creek, Kitchen .Umpires: A. Barro 6 .6(42) MONASH BLUES 1 .1 3.2 5 .3 ST. LEOS EMMAUS 2.1 2.2 3 .2 4 .3(27) Monash Blues: Stoppa 1, Collier 2, Cunningham 1, M .Woods, Moir. . Best: Riddle, Collier, Stoppa, Byrden, Howe, Colombies St . Leos Emmaus : McDonald, Daly, Mitchell . Best : Niel . Daly, Parker, Gay, Ravage, Manton. Umpires : Mitchell . R Parker (F ) OLD ESSENDON (Results not r ec eived) OLD IVANHOE Umpire: T. Jackson (F)
each weekday, I`avm
y serve up all Itiv a-v!s and imr~rview tt~v. cild f,6aches main~ a3 ;~ Âťums.
:i ADOLESCENTS PI.,":'_'iIYG si"077 : adolescents
out of their
-veffiexat in sport? Participation ,
:ess, status, health, friends , risk, challenge, order, sup e d t he opportunity to be ere of the known resso aa lay sport. Thi s r -,d many o in most C .o rl I revious articles in this series on coaching descents have focused on how coache s might increase opportunities to participate, help develop and maintain friendships, establish control while encouraging creativity and fun, provide opportunities for athletes to be successful and organise competitions which challenge the particip an ts . In this article the emphasis will be on how coaches and organisations can make sport more <0-p ss6l e to adolescents. .'+cr ss does not only relate to physical pri,7mity but also to the individual' s ived compatibility with what the sport am has to offer . John Humphries is a Olympian in fencing and currently co; hes fencing throughout Queensland . John has created a program in high schools which not only provides an opportunity to learn fencing at any level from beginner to elite, but also enables many students to access the sport. This has been achieved because of John's extreme enthusiasm for fencing as well as his passion to overcome all obstacles that typically confront minor sports . It should be noted here that the term minor relates to the relative number of paracipants in Australia not the relative : raue of the sport . - ?nie of the methods that John Humphries u_-rs to help adolescents to access fencing i ~clude : -using school facilities to reduce the need for Erolescents to travel to a training venue -r i-oviding flexible schedules to accommodat e demands placed on adolescents by stud y . l family commitmen t -conducting 'make it look easy'
demonstra ons which encourage even the most unskilled individuals to consider participating -carefully nurturing the progress of each individual athlete while offering the ultimate challenge for high achiever s -striving to provide quality equipment and facilitie s It could be argued that the above list relates to all ages of athlete not just adolescents . However, there are some unique characteristics of adolescents that can require coaches to pay particular attention to the strategies in the above list . Adolescents have the following limitations when sports seek their participation . Parents do not provide the same level of support (transport to training and games) for adolescents as they do for younger children . This is partly because adolescents seek to display their independence by not having to rely on their parents . And the problem is that they no longer have a free 'taxi' service to get them to games and training, but they are not old enough to get a driver's license . Many adolescents have disappointing sporting experiences as children and subsequently lose confidence in their sporting ability . Unless a sport can provide a beginner level specifically for adolescents it is difficult for anxious individuals to attempt new sports/and or activities . This is particularly true in team sports where a beginner adolescent often has to play in a team of people who began playing as children and have many years more experience . The current high school academic curriculum gives notice to young people that to make it in the adult world you must perform well in the last two years of high school . This creates problems for talented athletes who are constantly trying to manage the demands of school and the expectations of high performanee coaches . Many parents advise their sons and daughters that they should forgo any sport involvement during these vital two years of their secondary education . I
zr i)oug e €d Coach Sprins
Rev : ::
Two of the competition heavyweights in Mentone AFC and Williamstown CYMS locked horns at Southern Rd with the home side emerging victorious - and by a considerable margin . With both sides playing uith a similar style, the football was fast and rugged. The two spearheads had both added 3 majors to their impressive tallies in the first 20 minutes, before the Vultures' Gallagher managed to restrict Williams and provide some run himself. Mentone's on-ball brigade, buoyed by the return of Chris Sullivan, got on top to almost end the contest by the main break . Dixon and Johnson were also influential, although with ten goal kickers, they had plenty of mates . Bartolo continued his good year for the CYs, with Saccocio and Munro also useful . Where Mentone had a solid win ahead of its top-ofthe table-clash, its opponent this wee'-, Salesian, .a - : . No won by a similar margin against Pe report from the game, however judging from the list of best piayers, things went pretty much as expected with the Chaddy boys drawing well clear in the third qtr. Kew and La Trobe had an absorbing battle with the result still in the balance well into the last qtr. The home side used the ball better earlv as the Students adjusted to the smaller oval . The Trobers were valiant and continued to threaten however the K's were able to answer any challenges . This included 2 late goals after La Trobe overcame a 20 point deficit at 3/4 time to hit the front with 10 mins remaining. Goals to Sam Bruno (the last of his 7) and Stephenson ended a great contest. For the winners, Beattie (ruck) continues to improve while Matty Blair was a useful midfielders. The Trobers' best were Camm, Perry, Forrest and Auldist. Parkside trailed a competitive West Brunswick at qtr time, but an 8 goal second term led by McCall, Thomson and Wise set the game up for the Devils, who completed the formalities in the second half despite the Westies continuing to battle on . Marulli (6) and Beek (5) dominated up forward, while Pino, Muscat and Romano thwarted any Magpie advances . Twyford, Simmonds and the skipper were named the West's best .
Peninsula and Oakleigh enjoyed a see-sawing first half with the Krushers playing confident football to lead by 19 points mid-way through the second stanza . Four late goals to the Pirates saw them regain the lead by 4 points at the main change . Oakleigh again took the lead, but the Pirates,
through the likes of Coughlan (5) an d Goldthorpe settled to - -- ----kick 5 unanswered 速 kic k goals to maintain a four goal advantage . Defenders McHenry and Squizzy Taylor worked hard for the Krushers along with onballer Schultz . Preview Match of the Day sees Salesian host Mentone, with both sides aware of the recent record . The home side hasn't put a foot wrong and boasts some clever and experienced players who all look to be in a bit of touch. The Vultures, meanwhile, have taken all before them and should have too much allround strength notwithstanding that Salesian will probably be slightly fresher going into the clash . Mentone to have more avenues to goal to win by 28 points . La Trobe fought bravely last week and will approach its game against Powerhouse with excitement . The House continues to show endeavour but won't have the legs to counter the Trobers' running game on the Bundoora plain . The Students by 37 points . Kew has the ability to play some cohesive football and will be looking to set the pace against Parkside. The Red Devils are travelling quite nicely and have kicked considerably higher scores than the K's to date. This will prove the difference today with Park-side to win by 16 points . Williamstown should bounce back after last week's loss when they host Peninsula . The CYs love their home and the long trek from Mt Eliza will really test the Pirates, although they have played with a great passion in recent weeks and play similar running game . Williamstown can expect another tough one but won't want to drop two in a row . 4 . _ take on a West Brunswick outfit that continues to show some promise but is lacking polish over four qrtrs . The Krushers are normally accomplished at home and today will be no exception . Provided they can match the Westies' attack on the footy, I feel they will win be a margin of 22 points .
Press correspondents Keep up the good work . Salesian, Powerhouse,',':' ,st Brunswick - would love to hear from you . Make sure you provide nominations t~ ~ .=_ Coates Him Player of the Week- other*: -:z _- -' guessing-
Salesian v. Mentone Amateurs La Trobe Uni v. Power House Kew v . Parksid e
Williamstown CYMS v. Peninsula 0 B Oakleigh v . West Brunswic k
- congratulate veteran CHF/CHB Jarn"e who withhis bag of 5 goals agains t stown passed the 150 god tally for the
30 15 (1 ~5) 7 .3 11 .8 17.12 X-, I 3 .2 4.4 7 .8 ` ~_(68) :1acGeorge 9 . T.Barr 2 . Dixon 2, M .Barr.Cousins, on, O'Meara, Rowley, C.Sulliran, Mick Sullivan . Best : . MacGeorge . Uptin . M .Barr, T.Barr. Gallaghe r on : Williams 5, Bartolo . Case, Matthews, Wheeler . ,to, Saccocio, Williams. Munro, Gilmartin, Thomso n : r. Woods, (F), S . Nicholson, J . Nicholson HOUSE 2.3 7 .6 10 .11 12 .14 (86) 8.5 11 .9 18 .10 22 .13 (145) 3e: S .Craven 3, D.MIIIer 2 . C.Richardson 2 . A. Robinson ._-arke 1, B.Turner I . J.Marshall 1 . Best : D.Miller, S.Craven , ]arke . B.Turner, C .Riehardson . D.Wright. Sa4es3an : "Ihain 5 . : 4, Turley 3, Babette 3, R .Stevens 2, Todd 1, Bowman 1 . 1, Cooke 1, Sutherland 1 . Best: Turle_v. R.Stevens . A. Grace, Bobetic . Nannes Umpires : M. GIlday A . Ladd (F) . K. Lemon (B) 6 .1 8.3 10.`7 12 .10 :82 3 .1 6.2 7.5 10 .10 :70 . Aitken 2, Woodhouse 1 . Landwehr 1 . S. Bruno 7 1 . Best : S. Bruno. Blair. C. Bradley. Beattie . Ouse, Moore .
: Gemmola 3, Canon 2 . Close 2 . Mawdsley 1 . Sheldrick 1, 1 . Best: Perry, Sheldrick, Close . Hill. Cununings . Auldist. an A. Simpson (F) QUIA OLD BOYS 4.3 10 .3 15 .7 18 .12 (120) (GH 3.4 9 .5 11 .6 14 .12 (96) . Old Boys : Coughlan 5, Bonner 3, A Atchison 2 . Burk e 2, J Atchison, Goldthorpe . Lennon, Payze . - Best: n. Coughlan, Goldthorpe, Landry, Murray . White. Gant 4, B Papadopoulos 2 . Dooley 2, Treacy 2 . Battey 2, Geci . Best : McHenry . Schultz, Taylor . Gant . B P Andrinopoulos . A. Thwaites ( R), P . Jones (F ) 8 (Results not received ) JNSWICK e: ' danilli 6 . Beck 5 . Chilcott 3, Stonehouse 2, Reginato 2 . imson2. Moodie 2, Warren 1 . Copley 1, Wise 1 . Best : Thomson , Mandli. Pine, Muscat, A . Romano . West Bnmscaick :
Macgeorge Williams Thain Bec k Bell N. Pavlou Ros s
Lafranchi Burgess
CLU~] Fi ; Mentone Williamstown Salesian Parkside Kew D2 gERVE Powerhouse Parkside Kew Williamstown
42 39 24 17 14 13 12 10 10
Carmichael 3, P. H Smythe 1, Lehmann 1 . Sinunonds, Thompson . P .lalorr . Brewer 32(20) "^C 0 .0 1 .1 3 .1 W C% 3 .3 5.7 10 .9 13 12 (90) Y: - . Âť Batcry, Smith, Matt Walsh . Best: McMillan, Batey . Nichols , : Hann 4, Burgess 3. Lee Fimister, Thomson, Wise vl 2. Nisbet 2, Robinson . Saunders . Best: Nisbet, Hann . Saunders . Daniel, Robinson. Bouras. POWER HOUSE 2.2 3 .2 6.4 8 .4 (52) 2.3 4 .6 6.6 8 .9 (57) SALESIAN Power House: J . Hall 2. R .Cassio 2, N.Pavlou 1 . D .Crawiord 1, S .Rafferty 1 . J .Glll 1 . Best: R .Cassio . J.G1I1, C.McLecxl . R.Taylor, M.Braini . N .Pav9ou . Sales9an: Bourke 2. Mallard 2, Kirchner 1 . Ellis 1, Morrish 1, Anderson. Best: Riley, Malliard. Bowman. Kirchner, Ellis, Morrish. KEW 2 .2 6.6 9 .8 12.11 :83 LA TROBE Uidl 1 .3 3.5 5 .7 7.7 :49 Kew : l.airanchi 3, Bloom 3, S}rtnes 2 . Wayland 1, Campagna 1 . Perri 1 . M. Fitzgerald I . Best: Horgan. Campagna, Dalrymple. L . Fitzgerald. Fraser, R}an . In Trobe: Storer 4, lflienttz 1, Porter 1 . Randell 1 . Best : Murray. Ross, Storer . Eyre. Walker. Porter 4.4 4 .5 (29) PENINSULA OLD BOYS 1 .3 3 .4 2 .10 2.12 (24) O 1GH 0.1 1 .4 Peninsula Old Boys : Saville, Harding. Krohn . Martin . Best : Angus . : Monaghan. Palmer, Harding. Whelan, Blood, Pattison . Oakl Leslie Best :Head Thomas, Bruerton , Andrinopoulos, Orlando, Smith . 8.8 12.9 (81) P SII?E 4 .4 4 .6 WEST BRUNSWIC K Paakside: Campbell 1, Smith 1, Benjamin 1 . Marazita 1 . Best: McManus. Campbell, Lampge, Norman . Sherry. McNamara. West Brunswick. Stuart 5, J . PanJari 3 . J. McCall 2 . Davies 1. McGilllan I . Diver 1, Welsh 1 . M . Ross . Best: Diver, Stuart, Mangos . J .McCall . Davies. Cassano .
D2 Section KEW Coach : Serge D'Angelo Res.: Greg Crimmins 1 B Lafranchi 2 L Fitzgerald
C .' eae _ :-' iaer速 速v Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res . Coach: Clinton Perr y 1 . M . Bakogiannis
F.C. Coach: Tony i cgeorge Res . Coach: Phil Emmett 1 M . Hovey
3 G Horgan
2 . S . Fredrickson
2 R . Gallagher
4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradley 6 N Tinnetti 7 T Aitken 8 N Derrico 9 A Eaton 10 B Cullen 11 B Woodhouse 12 J Growcott 13 C Kyriakou 14 J Looker 15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Shaw 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell ~) C 29 M Dalrymple 30 C Giansante (RVC) 31 K Gillam 32 A Drago 33 D Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 R Bruno RDV C ( ) 36 S Ryan 37 J Landwehr (VC) 38 J Beer 39 M Mc Inerny 40 P Durbridge 41 R Livingston 42 Sette 44 J Bell 47 S S Ymes 48 L Jensen 49 S Vidler 50 J Griffiths 51 M Blair 52 R Campagna 61 S Moussi 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers 66 J O'Kane 67 T Beattie 68 B Mc Gauchie 99 S Bruno
3 . D. Sheldrick 4 . C. Perry 5 . A . Randell 6 . B . Cameron 7 . S . Gemmola 8 . J . Camm 9 . L. Walker 10 . A . Hewitt 11 . J . Levy 12 . M . Forrest 13 . T. Luderman 14 . L . Wakeling 15. B . Auldist 16. S . Bray 17. S . Gloury 18. B . Grant 19. S . White 20. A . Murphy 21 . D . Edmunds 22. P. Stewart 23. R . Storer 24. S . Edwards 25. S . Brooks 26. B . Hewitt 27. D . Gilmour 28. C . Ross 29. P. White 30. J. Smith 31 . J. O'meara 32. D . Hill 33. M . Watson 34. S. Paterson 35. J . Eyre 36. T. Mawdsley 37. C . Porter 38. A. Willis 39 . N . Rosengreen 40 . R . Slater 41 . A. Samson 42 . D. Gleeson 43 . A. Poulton 44 . R . Mather 45 . D . McKeekin 46 . D. Hartley 47 . H. Girdwood 48 . L. McNamara 49 . M . Day 50 . K. Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52 . T. Stauton 53 . A. Tucker 54 . T. Peters 55 . A. Cummings 61 . B . Launikonis 63 . J . Laidlaw 65 . A . Hall 66 . A . Ballie 70 . J Dumaresq
3 M . Dixon
4 D. Emmett 5 A . White 6 C. Stephens 7 K . Gunter 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B, Sebrie 10 T. Stillma n 11 C . O 'Meara 12 M . Davie s 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M . Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 22 S . Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Rock 27 M . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 M . Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B. Matlock 32 B. Coleman 33 N . Wilkins 33 D . Andrew 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 A. Fimster 40 C . Goddchild 40 D . Nichols 41 C . Rock 42 S. May 43 M. Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tully 47 G . Anslade 48 M. Walsh 49 L . McHugh 50 T Peck 51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D . Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noona n 61 K. Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara 74 S . Ponton 77 B . Fleming 78 M . Cerritell i MENTONE R .S.L.
9 Palermo St , Menton e
~ Function Room Restaurant * Pokies
Coach: Rus, I Bruerton Res Coach: ;l 1 B. Gec
Coach : Laurie 2 to Res Coach: "X R c 1 R . Adam s
2 A. Bloomfield
2 A. Delle-Vergin i
3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T. lanchello 6 R . Dooley 7 B. Hall 8 R . Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M. McHenry 11 C . Hanley 12 G . Treacy 13 S. Randle 14 A. Schultz 15 G . Redford 16 W. Arthur 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connella n 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A. Monaghan 22 M . Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts (C) 25 C. Marshal l 26 A. Kitts 27 M . Aaron 28 A. Khodr 29 J . Sposito 30 A. Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B . Gant 33 M . Clark 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske (RC) 36 J . Tolley 37 P. Torpey 38 B . Papadopoulos 39 M . Dordevic 40 L. Dounis 41 J . Bruerton 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Seymour 44 N. Smith 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andrinopoulos 47 D. Peelers 48 A . McKenzi e 49 G . Orlando 50 . P. Taylor 51 . J . Kerle y 52. P. Andrinopolou s 53. T. Khouri 54 R. Keating 55 A . Goo k 56 J . Aliss 57 M . Coppoc k 58 L. Thoma s 59 W. Ogilvie 60 A . Jone s
3 S . Pino 4 D. warren
5 T. Stonehous e 6 A. Stuart 7 J . Muscat 8 J . Chilcott 9 A . Constantin i 10 A . Vita 11 B . Hockey (VC) 12 D. McCall 13 A . Copley 14 V. Roman o 15 D. Moodie (C ) 16 P. Roman o 17 A . Romano 18 A . Reginato 19 C . William s 22 R . Wis e 23 R . Bec k 24 R . Marulli 25 M . McPherso n 26 S . Ros s 27 D. Matthews 28 R . Martinez 29 J . LiboaPerto 30 S . Gun n 31 A . Inglis (RVC) 32 J . McCal l 33 K . Allan 34 M . Romano 35 C . Panjar i 36 J . Sculley (CR ) 37 J . Panjari 38 F. Darrig o 42 P. Dean 43 J . Hubbard 44 P. Solig o 47 B . Pollock 50 B . Carma n 51 J . Schol l 52 E . Gassasio 55 J . Eastwood 56 C . Masset t 58 T. Mangos 60 J. Drakopoulos
WF 1 Uawme Cc c uren Fenech 1 S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons
M . Goldthorpe E,Bowen
3 ,
5 N .Kent 6 M.Warner
I S .Murray P.Angus gus
Coach : Peter 0'Co-or Ass.0 h : Jr-, etolls Res C h : i:rai : aich rdson 1 A. Rolls 2 J . Hall
3 N . Pavlou 4 B.. Turner 5 M . Braid 6 A. Burt
7 C. Richardson S . Cross
9 P.Krohn 10 A .Haley
11 J . Gill 12 A.Davidson
11 A . Landry
13 Ja . Harris
12 R .Powney 3 T. Braden
14 A. Burt 15 C.Trewin
; .i 5 . Jackson
16 M .Higgins
B .Cook ; . Huighson 7 JJ. Coughla n 3 J. Whelan
,3 C . Loyd ? S .Prendergast
T. Prendergast A . dchison A'3urke S . White a J .Atchison -& P. Prendergast i :7 S .Payze _3 B .Taylor 1 - 3 G.Nelson ) A .Crean } R . Blood (Res .) 1 C . Lennon 2 T. Harding 3 C . Wilson
17 C.MacLeod ( Res Cpt) 18 F.Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 P. Ryan
21 D.Miller 22 D . Hutchinson
23 S . Craven ( Cpt) 24 S .Cummins 25 D . Boland 26 J .Senior 27 J . Robe rtson 29 R . Cassio 30 N .Miller 31 R. Marshall (Res VC) 33 R .Taylor 34 P. Eyers 35 J .Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 38 J . Kennedy 39 M. Talbot
Coach. ii: on Asst .: D . Old :._.j Res Coach : Jim Gianna
1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton
5 M Canavan 6 R Cincotta
3 G Heppell 4C C . Lehman n 5 A Cann ane
7 G Gaspari
6 5 Brockley
8 S Logan
9 A Campbel l 10 D Oliver 11 A Davey 12 A Gaspari 13 I Bobetic 14 C Roache 15 D levoli 16 P Turley
17 M
18 A Sexton 19 S Brow n 20 A Seager 21 Greg Riley 22 R Stevens
23 M Smith
24 A Grace 25 5 Egan 26 J Nannas
27 L
34 M . Allen
40 H . Fletcher
35 R . Davies 36 N .Bowman 37 R . Osmond 38 R . Hawo rt h 39 B .Jarre tt 40 A . Dillon 41 S .Farrow 42 A . Hanson 43 A . Bonner 44 R . Martin 45 M . Higgins
42 M. Beasley 43 H . Noren 44 S. O'Sullivan
54 J . Blowfield
48 M
55 J . Hearn 56 J . Mahoney 57 R . Kang 59 J . Heal y 61 S. McCrae 62 A. White 64 D .Searle 65 W.Elliot 66 D .Wright 69 D .Galakos 71 L .O'Sullivan 77 S.Clarke 88 G . Scotland
49 M Bates 50 M Forer 51 C Maillard 52 D Hega rty 53 B Chalmers 54 D Todd 55 E Hanaphy rt 56 M McTagga 57 Be Atkins 58 W Chapman 59 D Sutherland 60 B Pascoe 61. M Nieusteeg 62 S Koutaplis 63 J McClaren 64 B Kirchner 65 S Morrish 66 D Wiseman 67 S Oldfied 68 J Agar 69 B Grant
'3 A,Oneil
J .Muir
o< 1 37:vs2 ,,,~,<s ea~r ÂŤs ~
Coach : Paul Cc Res. Coach : Paul Weir
1 A Stevens 2 A Thain 3 S Sutherlan d A Healey
28 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cooke 31 C Warsling 32 P Evans 33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Ellis 36 S Nolan 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clauson 40 B Bowma n 41 M Gunn 42 N Synori 43 E Maillard 44 C Hunt 45 5 Ho rvath 46 D Forer
â&#x20AC;˘ 7 L.Palmer 48 J . Ferguson 49 L. Saville 57 H . Sho rt en 59 A .Powell " H .Sho rt en
. _ '71CK
7(a)F Vitale 7 b)N . O'Brien 8 J . Heywood 9 A. Morphett
10 S Byrne 11 H . Bailey 12 B Clarke
13 S. Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B. Howle tt
C A L" . . ; :
C . . .. v
Coach: Darren William s Res Coach: W Payne 1 D William s 2 J Buttigie g
3 D Griev e 4 S Wuchatsch
5 D Macleod O C 6 N Gran t
7 B Robinso n 8 B Hann 9 G Cas e 10 B Cocks 11 B Twist 12 A Featherston 12(R)M Cannon 13 A Mackley
14 D Ferri s
17 R . Heywood
14(R)A Danie l 15 W Phillips 15 (R)P Bregue t 16 D Gilmartin
18 M. McManus
17 R Hart
19 M. Stringer
17(R)R Plochino
16 S Smythe
20 B. Young
18 D Oldham
21 S McNamara 22 R Hudson 23 P Weir 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R . Benjamin 27 D . Disisto 28 J Ward
19 P De rvan (RC ) 20 P Sadle r 21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunder s 23 T Wheel er 23(R)A Bouras 24 J McCutcheon 24(R)C Pac h 25 P Thomson 25(R)G Burges s 26 L Grochowski 27 C Mathew s 28 A Kosmatos 29 P Vincen t 30 T Turcinovich 31 A Ba rtolo 32 X Toby 33 G Rickar d 34 B Jone s 35 C Bergi n 36 A Black 37 B Hyne s 38 S Smit h 39 M Hollan d 39(R)A Cart er 40 J Munro 41 T Campbel l 42 D Wouda 43 B Grant 44 M Mannin g 45 J Hyne s 46 T Ferris 47 F Nuredin i 48 P Tirche tt 49 W Kewi n 50 A McCutcheo n 51 A McKenzie
29 M. Shepherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrmann 32 M. Carmichael
33 T Thompson 34 I. Twyford
35 K . Coventry 36 S . Campbell 37 N . Basham 38 S . Darling 39 X Thompson 40 B Baker 41 R . Miller 42 M . Haylan d 43 J Tobin 44 N . Masters 45 J Smith 46 C Price 47 A . Naylor 54 M Moore
55 L. Stewart 56 A . Bagnall 57 L Sherry 52 (a) B. Flanagan 52 (b) A . Steward 53 J . Gross 54 A . Howell
70 5 Hayes
55 G. Marazita
52 R Nisbet
71 D Blake 72 B Craine 73 5 Ratt ray 74 B Gai n 75 M Stanton 76 A Chiappini rt tt 77 C Ba le 78 B Fox 79 S Po rt er 80 D Og ge 81 J Radi 82 J Hamilton 83 P Malls 84 T Sinclair
56 C. Riley 57 J . Draper 58 A . Rafter 59 C. Norman 60 S . Lanyon 62 S Dishon 63 D. Jelbart 65 D. Simmond 66 M . Malone
53 M Oldham 54 J Payn e 55 J Spezz a 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio 58 A Beard 59 K Dowsey 60 D Lee 61 S. McNerny 62 D . Orchard 63 D . Temby 64 A. Ryan
67 A. O'Brien 69 R. Hussey
officiates in his VI 7A game this weekend at Richmond Central with Ronnie Smith . David began his can r with the VAFAUA in 1985 but has bee n running around footy grounds in his 'whites' since the 70's . . .probabiy done more miles than Cliff Young (marathon runner)! David invites all the umpires back to the clubrooms at Central Park. Richmond to join in the celebration of his excellent achievement in reaching this milestone . $ S: Brajtberg would like to thank the Mentone C F. all club for their excellent hospitality at his ne in Round 4 . Mark Jenkins and Vi n Ve ovi wish to pass on their thanks to the Marcellin Football club for their excellent aftermatch hospitality in Round 5 . . . . . . one to remember!!!! ! YOUR DECISION : LAST WEEK : Answer to May 19th Question - There are 3 correct answers to this scenario - l . If the ball went through for a goal - the Field Umpire should report the player and send him off then go back and give the all clear to the goal umpire then pay a free kick at the centre circle to Whitefriars. If the field umpire does not return to give the all clear after the report has been made, the Goal Umpire should chase after him . 2 . If the ball goes through for a point - the Field Umpire does the same as above but pays the free kick where the infringement occurred . 3 . If there is no score ihe Field Umpire will make the report, send the Ormond player off and pay a free kick where the 2fringement occurred . - 7
circumference is 149m x 12~= .n, no city v'c from this ground, a lake nearby and plenty of paddocks and trees, new clubrooms, wrought iron fenced surrounds the ground, large car park with crushed rock base, manual scoreboard, terrific canteen and bar facilities, belongs to the Education Department therefore not open to the public, 1 hour drive east from city, Club affiliated with VAFA for 7 years and in D Section . . . . . . . . .can you guess??? Email Di with your answer to win! ONE 3'E WITH S IMO: SANTO CARUSO (Boundary) - Nickname : Midget, Age : 39, Began Umpiring in 1982, 300 games, currently in A Section, umpire for fitness / friendship and to still be involved with footy, AFL Team : Hawthorn, Best AFL Player : Peter Hudson - Hawthorn JUSTIN KRAMER (Boundary) - Nickname : Kramer, Age : 19, Began Umpiring in 2001, 4 games, currently in C Section, umpire for fitness and his brother suggested it, AFL Team: Geelong, Best AFL Player : Billie Brownless - Geelong ERIKA SURDY (Boundary) - Nickname : Ez Age: 17, Began Umpiring in 2001, 4 games, currently in U 19 Section, umpiring because I want to make new friends and try a different sport, AFL Team: Geelong, Best AFL Player - Ronnie Burns Geelon g
PUMPS (Past Umpires ) The PUMPS Luncheon will be held on June 10th 2001 in the Umpires Room at Elsternu iek Park . For more information please contact John Kelly on 9557 2727 (H) or johnikellyCtelstra . easymail.com .au .
The ball is trapped. A field bounce . The St . Johns ruck slips over as he runs in to contest the ball therefore the BenUeigh player catches the ball, does a sharp turn to his right, runs to open space for next act of play. What is the Field Umpire's decision?
Discussed at Lecture : 째 Set Kick Control - if player encroaches over mark then Field Umpire can give 25m penalty without warning !
째 Holding the man - Common infringement - free kick.
Golf Day - 27/5/01 ; Trivia Night - 2/6/01 ; VAFA Race Day - 24/6/01 ; Cocktail Night - 27/7/01 : Annual Dinner - 27/8/01 ; Grand Final Brunch & BBQ - 23/9/01 and Presentation Night 28/9/01 .
FINALLY. . . . All correspondence to ciiannewlaiieleyC'bigp ond.com
7 DarinCompt
5 WayneHinton
Paul Berry
6 Andy Carrick
YELLOW 5 Max Wittmann 6 Dash Peiris
Shalom Blustein
Damien Lane
7 Alan Ladd
Chris Gregory
10 Trent Foley
9 Toby Ovadi a
Mark Child s
11 Alan Stubbs
10 Tristan Bowman
9 Gene Hodgins
11 Jason Waszaj
12 Mark Morrison
11 Chris Evan s
10 Robert McLeod
14 Glen Kennedy
14 Ash Hoogendyk
12 Jamie Kvins
11 Paul Tuppen
15 Geoff Curran
15 Adam Harris
14 Michael Gilday
12 Simon Payton
~6 Peter Woods
16 Neville Boyle
15 Mark Jenkins
14 Ian Burgess
17 Mark Gibson
17 Peter Keogh
16 Craig Brajtberg
15 Michael Sneddon
18 Jason McNiece
18 Peter Simpson
17 Cameron Leitch
16 Luke Moncrieff
19 Steve McCarthy 20 John Ralph
1 9 Damien Flenley
18 Tim Sutcliffe
17 Andrea Thwaites
20 Grant Wardrop
19 Chris Moor e
18 George Paleodimos
21 Patrick Maebus
22 David Leith
20 David D'Altera
19 Heath Little
23 Paul Dinneen
24 Ben Ryde
21 Justin Grossbard
20 Adi Diner
24 Graeme Hunichen
25 Lionel Kat z
22 Rick Love
21 David Irons
25 Cameron Stewart
26 Daniel Dinneen
23 Chris Stevens
22 Ken Brewer
26 Jim Papioanou
27 Anthony Simpson
24 John Miller
23 Robert Sneddon
27 Matt Co x
28 Ken McNiec e
25 Richard Eastwood
24 Jason Moore
28 Paul Lamble
2 9 Peter James
26 Brad Clark
25 Mat Taylor
29 Chris Garcia
30 Michael Phillips
27 Euan Lindsay
26 Robert Mills
30 Justin Lipson
32 Anthony Damen
28 Leah Gallagher
27 Paul Jones
33 Robert Mayston
33 Michael Forde
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron Martyn
34 Graeme Morgan
34- Stephen Morgan
30 Simon Olive
29 Tyrell Russell
35 Jason Lane
36 Rob Mills
31 Adam Kooloos
30 Anthony Lilley
36 Matthew Meier
35 Troy Brooks
32 Mark Fraser
31 Tim Friedman
37 Alex Maggio
37 Gavin Roberts
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarrod Aspinall
34 Jeremy Heffernan
33 Glenn Schipp
35 James Watson
34 Daniel Stephens
36 Ron Smith
35 Dianne Whiteley
37 David Murray
36 Andrew Chapman
38 Chris Stevens (S)
Paul Withington
Nick Evans
37 Ken Walker
Each week a Coates Hire Player of the Week is announced on this page (one player each section) . Each player qualifies for Team of the Year selectio n Following the final round each month a Coates Hire Pk . ler for - Month will be announced. These players are a ui : !. .in the Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Yea r Co&LLs Hire VAFA Team of the Year will be announced at the VAFA Vote Count Ntght. This night will also include the announcement of the Coates Hire Player of the Year. PLAYERS OF THE W EE K - R O UN D 5 A : TIM CLARKE (OLD XAVERIANS ) B : MARCUS TOOVEY (OLD IVANHOE) C : ANDREW WILL (CAULFIELD GR) D1 : STEVE BUCKLE (ST LEOS EMMAUS) D2 : CRAIG BRADLEY (KEW ) D3 : ANDREW GRADY (MONASH GRYPHONS) D4 : BRIAN DOODY (ELTHAM ) APRIL COATES HIRE PLAYER OF THE MONTH LUKE HAWKINS OLD SCOTCH
a column fc :- ever; ona in ,' inateur : by orad 5t,iizel H Blues secretary Andrew Headberr y ciformed FTLOTG that two of the unfortunat e ee Aussies, who were mistaken for Irishmen i n i- Rlfast last week and beaten by a gang of thugs Ii iron bars, are Blues . Attacking backme n Tinkler and Luke Creamer took a year off t o the continent . They c-mailed the DI sectio n to say they are a bit sore, but not enough to off their travelling plans . xsoeehiaro is unavailable for the 's Birthday Weekend Senior Representative t (SRT) which plays the South Australian eurs . The star of A Section for Old Scotch 1-as work commitments . If SRT coach Nick I urke thought that was bad well how about this I dache? SAA has announced former Port ALielaide, Brisbane and Sydney utility Ada m :s in its squad . The result could be a bit ,r this year . STARTING up a walking group around lvern for men and women of any standard . No ,e just bring your enthusiasm . FOOTR , (V ) ; ' I23. 'dent of : T'riscilla is following a family tradition in footy admin . Her great-great uncle was Harry Curtis, president of the Collingwood Football Club . Priscilla's father Peter Curtis was president of De La Salle OC . Her ambition for the Saints this year is to make the finals and to raise the profile of Amateur Football in the Dandenong Community. Now that is some dynasty of leadership but is there someway we can work an Elvis link into this r!ilumn? Trv this with her name . . . Priscilla th e
. . Priscilla Presley? A hucka-hucka baby ! CRYING to establish who is currently the
. serving senior-level coach, i n xsecutive years, at the same club in any section of the VAFA. Frank Dunell (NOBS), Dale Tapping (Old Brighton) and Garry Foulds (St Bernards) have each done five years . Got a better run than that? Coaches like Leigh Carlson, into his third year at Trinity after coaching at C1legians in the 90s, while an incredible effort, c'on't qualify. It has to be at the same club . RS (II)
in, Power House Stephen played over 300 games mostly in the juniors, reserves and Club XVIII . He was the Club XVIII Coach from 1973-75, again in the late 70s ^nd from 1981-82 . Stephen recruited many
players to Cli ?j XVIII who have gone on to seniors . He held these positiors president , secretary ; id treasurer Stephen is a Member. A co _-r group men sber since 1996, h e emphasised commitmen t being the clu:u,s Reserve Grac umpire since 1993 . Club . :i_ umpire since 199 9 and a regular bount' r- uii : -e . goal u,fir;ire or .""ic social ro+ ns at timekeeper when re Ross Gregory Oval a named the Stephen Mason Rooms. Stel e ; ru are outstanding . THE late Uncle Doug Mott from Channel 7's World of Sport, one of the greatest salesmen ever, used to love to give a woof, woof when he was pushing a product . Well how loud was St Bernards' fund raising v g- barking when it fetched S4000 whe : auctioned a Bernies jumper signed by old bo -> and AFL 300gainers Simon and Justin Madden and Garry Foulds? That was on top of the 140 guests paying $200 a hit a revenue-raising dinner at the Melbourne Aquarium . "Woof, woof, woo, wooooof," said one Doggie . Translated that means : "That takes some pressure off the club" .
FUNNY lh, ; In the front office there is (Collegians DVC) and Reinstatement Com i c e
G. : iut and
into (VI ~ Pre ',e ) and Old Brighton President Feel like I am a jinx . Ran into Ross last year too and on each occasion Ross's Tonners and his Melbourne Demons lost in consecut' e games! Also ran into an MCC attendant, ding, who went to Chadstone High ~ mond President Brett Collins . By coincidence Mike, on a rare day off, went to see the Moods play last Saturday .
IS Brett Collins, at 30 years of age, the youngest president of a VAFA club ? feedback welcome : lseitz - - " - - " - , )
und four was played in great conditions for ball at three locations Elsternwick, Sth Yarra d Werribee . All games were played in good rits and with some very close and highly mpetitive games being the highlight of the i id. on 1 : ~ :,'?arat travelled down to Melbourne to play admeadows at Elsternwick Park . Ballarat 4 2 40 defeated Broadmeadows 3 20 .Broadmeadows played quite well as they were undermanned and nearly managed to pull off the upset of the round as Ballarat struggled to kick goals under the pressure of Broadmeadows backline . Karingal 15 6 96 defeated Bendigo 3 2 20 at the Wattie Watson Oval Bendigo had no answers for the ladder leaders on the day .
Division 2 : Ringwood will be to strong for Hawthorn who will have to postpone their victory celebrations for another week . Maribyrnong and Parkside will be a very close game with Rrlaribyrnongs pace perhaps making the difference . Sth Yarra and Mambourin Tigers will be the game of the round with Mambourin Tigers perhaps winning by the smallest of margins . Moonee Valley travel to Colac and will find it hard to register a victory against the in form Colac . Bendigo will find it hard to defeat an inform Broadmeadows who are in the middle of a purple patch at the moment . Sth Yarra and Karingal will be close but I think that Karingal may get over the line .
Division 2 : Maribyrnong 6 7 43 were too strong for Ringwood Blues 5 5 35 in a game where the lead changed a number of times before Maribyrnong managed to kick away . Mambourin Tigers 10 9 69 had a good win against Hawthorn 3 2 20 with Hawthorn finding it hard to achieve their first victory for the season . Sth Yarra 16 13 109 far to strong for Moonee Valley 1 2 8 . Colac 7 6 48 finished all over the top of Parkside 6 2 38 . Colac looking gone at half time but came out a new side in the second half playing an exceptional third quarter to set up the win .
Division 3 :
Sth Yarra were too strong for the young Bendigo outfit who will improve as they gain more experience in the competition . Broadmeadows defeated Geelong at Elsternwick Park in a very entertaining game that had the crowd enthralled .
Round 6 : - Parkvill e Division 1 : Bendigo and Broadmeadows will be a close game Bendigo may use their home ground advantage to post a victory against a very competitive Broadmeadows who have some big names to return to their side . Karingal will be to skilled for Geelong and at this stage are the the team to beat.
4 F'
W I,
17 F+' A % Pts
KARINGAL 4 3 1 0 213 46463 .04 12 NTH BALLARAT 4 3 1 0 133 156 85 .25 12 GEELONG 4 3 1 0 103126 81 .74 12 BENDIGO 1 4 1 3 0 108 188 57 .44 4 BROADNIEAAI?OWS 4 1 3 0 59 112 52 .67
P W L D P ts STH .YARRA 4 4 0 0 16
RINGWOOD 4 2 2 0 8 COLAC 4 2 2 0 8 PARKSIDE 4 1 2 0 4 MOONEE VALLEY 4 1 3 0 4 HAWTHORN 4 0 4 0 0 * received forfeit last roun d REMINDER Don't forget the City v Country Trial match at Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval on Sunday Jurie 3, at 10 .30am (players to be at ground by 10 .00am)
SUtANCE 4T? SE^•eftT;,°-3G PRICE
majorit_ ns recorded a vital win away to on Saturday to set themselves up nicel y r th first home game of the season against UHSOB next week. The Gryphons shared the ball well and no particular dominating goal kicker, but Lee wells again stood out . The Mahony boys were amongst the wickers' best . A "Boy's Own" annual ending in the "scoobys," however, with Adam 'Hank" Hankin, in his 200th game, kicking a goal after the final siren to win the game for the 'Wick s by one point. After trailing by five points at quarter time , kicked 14 goals to : over the next two quarters to put the game out of " -- 's reach, before the Falcons trimmed the "nal margin to a more respectable 3 1 )ints. dam Graham starred for the Demons, while Ch ; Sham be , d 11 . re utterly brutal in their destruction o f U , winning by a colossal 211 points, their accuracy t'.ng particularly outstand'ulg, and also no less than 14 players kicking goals . Fitzroy could well en the foot off the accelerator in the las t quarter. but emphasised their superiority, kicking I 1 of their 36 goals in total during the final term . Although the , br s were competitive for a large part of the game, So i eDistricts were ultimately too strong . One pi :,: .-sing sign for Richmond Central is the form of a nun .t - of new players at the club, and hopeful'-r for their sake they can gel and perform as a solid and competitive team .
s proved too strong for with the mem»rial one. Scotty Hilton dominating ,: .th 12 goals , 'lil tulle continued his good work for the Hawks .
c's• : play host tc _ ' k which, Pending other results, may well see them on top at the end of the round . They have been pretty hard to fault all season, while Elsternwick have hard something of a tough time with three consecutive losses . I feel St . John's will preserve their unbeaten record for at least another week. JOCs to win. i_` cai , C J entertain inn at City Oval i n a match that last year may well have commanded "Match of the Day" status, but is very much a sideshow today. Richmond are struggling at the wrong end of the table while Hawthorn are part of the battle for fourth spot. I hate to kick a team when they're down, but I have to pick the He ~s. In the local derby, -- _ a iki0.rIeff make the short trip up pit lane to visit ' k- Like the
.teams, tl _ . ._~_.._ have been left in the shadow of The Big Three," an d competing for fourth spot, which seems to be something of a lottery at the moment . In a tough call, I'll for South Melbourne . Mo _e, , turn home and have a good first-up start zst . Also the Gryphs have been hot and coid to an i nzriating degree this season, the win against Elsterm - :, lifting them to 2-3 after five away games, should be a usefizl confidence booster. UHSOB wi ll have a tough time trying to lift their spiri ts after a tough slog against Fitzroy. I'm tipping Ibionash, an d maybe III get this one eotr --t to silence my critics. Finally, the battle of the titans a unstuck Street Owal, between 7 id in what has been the most anticipated ma--,h of the season so far. Pretty hard to separ :e their form over the course of the season so far, but after using a well known and proven scientific formula, based on the probabili ty of both sides' chan ces (Yes, I flipped a coin), I've plu mped for Fitzroy. Zm sure St. Johns wi ll be having much interest in the outcome of this match.
Says: Round h ighligh ts, well St.Johns are the real deal, Fitzroy seem to be getting better (if at a ll possible) and the Grvnhons are not only proving to be a final's smoky but are already ensconced their, after five s tr aight away games no le-3. home to take on " -, Th e fortune of these clubs have gone in opposite directions in recent weeks with the Jocs going from strength to strength whilst the Wicks are in the middle of a run of outs. St.Johns have as good a ruck/midfield going around and this should once again lead them to victory. host H with Richmond improving eac__ «_°k . . :iilst the H: :s eye of fourth spot . The short history between iese clubs reveals that they always seem to produce ek -esuits and I don't see thi s week as being any differ it. Hawks, just . 'ark and Sot meet in an interesting match up. Soutl_ :__ve Len quietly going about their business, having ;!n what the best three have to offer and now have an opportunity against the next group of teams . Albert Park have been better in recent weeks but this one might be just beyond them. Monash finally return home, no doubt very comfortable with the fact they have earnt some away from home wins. Like, St.Johns they have a strong midfield with wells, Hetherington and Bourbon constant threats . Un i
ake the trip out to Caulfield having been on the
end of a Fitzroy flogging. I cant see Uni High around their fortune in one week, Grvphs fo r atch of the Year (Version 1),
i~ ~
. The Reds have been on the improve sinc e rounu 1(not bad considering they won that fairly easily) v ri Bentleigh have been Wirming well but without as much conviction as the Reds . For Benfleigh to win, they tivou.t=d need the dynamic duo of Martin and Sharp to dominate . The Reds seem to have just a bit more overall d--{' - at the moment and With the aid of the hom e Luld ad-vantage should win . -Its, Districts, Gryphons, Reds. :s, South, Uni High, Reds . d supporters te m -~ 2 ay to Monash Gryphons thi s - due to continuing renovations at Eas t d Reserve, the usual entrance for vehicles at Street is not available . Instead, please use th e rice at Sir John Monash Drive (P7ielway ref . 68 Fl a)ear in some older editions of MelWays as 7 f Jenue) . again, I can be contacted via e-mail on PS.-- 'illiamson._.cccentrelLnk .gov .au, phone on 9920 1 ix on 9920 9097. ' ank you to those who sub aided reports is -, please keep up th e ork . Again, We'd like to hear from as many )ssibie, so please contact either myself or Ed .
Y. 7 .1u 10.13 5.1 '3 .1 - 17.13 (115) 1. 9ravir~:on 2, D.Byr: . ' . Foster, Curtai n Best: B.1lahony. C'ior° S.Mahony. Cunnin; 'ian, 1, tAurphy. Mon.esh G . ti .Ru herford 3 . Waltar 3, FRY, rd 2, Jenkin 2. Asbell . Belle, Kent . R.Coxhead. Bourbon. B)andford, L+ ton Best : Wells, Kent, Grady. N Rutherford, Flowerday, Lc ; Un ~: E. Lindsay (F) 2 .4 4 .9 12.12 16.15 (111 )
5 .2 15.4 18.6 28.10 (178) is : Laulett<. 6(24), Jackomos 4, Wilson 2, Delaney, Bonfield, C)gge , S. Avery. Best: Brc--'leg, SauIle, Jackomos . Lauletta. BanHeld, Johnston . St Johns : Hilton 12, Horbury 5, Jones 4, Coulon 3, Walker, Rpdquist, Sharp, Pater.son.Ui 4-cs: A. Hoogendyk. G . Roberts (F) .4 10.5 1:: . 21 .9(135) S;?tPfHA-'? D19RI RIC 0 . . C . 1 .2 6.9 7.15 10 .17 (77) South Pfi .u ae: Vianman 7, Hall 4, Jacobs 3 . D 2. Aquiline 2, .;d, :Qullter, McFarlane . Hen rson, Stepnall . Best: Aquilino. R hereon . Richmond. Funston2. Burke 2, Burns 1, Dutton 1, Garrett 1 . . Hinton . K. Walker (F) . Hitchen. J. Andronopoulos 1 . Umpires : W .N Kralev°, (B) UF lB 0.2 1.2 2 .3 2.4(16) 10.7 20.9 25 .10 36 .11 7 ) r°Ilv, Tate. Best: Zulickt, Catlln, Y n, mto, A , B . .:gs 5, Le '' - ~oy Reds : hlltchell 6, Pidoto 6. Ln°- 5, It ve: , con 2, Rooks 2, Drury, Addicott. Johr - . Cahill- Gunn, L I . Best: Gunn, Cahill, Mitchell, L'-rbancic, Curtis, G ., c)d Ur : . . pi n. P. Keogh (F ) 5.3 8 .5 11 .10 16.15 (111) 4.4 11 .9 18.12 '?? .t6 (142) d1an B .Venables 4,Baker 2, Dii+9 , Do- : :ile. st: Storey, in, Tsoukas. Baker, Rib4ott iSharp I 1 , at 4. C.Martin 2. Gold 2, Hutchison, A Fittito . Best: Graham, arp, Ireson, Weber, Chfertut i J. Aspinall, L . Katz (F), A. Skriets (B)
4 .3 7.4 10 .5 11 .6 (72) 1 .0 4.2 9 .3 11 .5 (71)
iek : K .Currie 4, Han'ain 3, Davidson . Lilikaxis, O'Connor, Stanley . Be sc i .Byrne, S.Currie, K.Currie, Davidson . Sunman, Hankrn. Mouash Gryphons: C-onis 3, White, Clarke, Warren . Males, Watson, Caml I. Graydon, LeRoy Best: Gonis, Campbell, Graydon, Holland. Caarta°n. War-,en 0.1 3.3 4 .4 8,5(53) 2.4 4.7 6 .10 6.12 (60) rc' ' Villarll . Cargill, Alexandra . Brick . Best:Zasr.rella, Brick, d, Cargill .
are holding a combined Past Players ' 1991 Premiership reunion on 23rd June at rnck Park main oval . Please eor r ~'Aa m ! on 9572 46'. °~ or the club on 9531 ,
LST WK TC`"_ t D3 SE: :i3rZS atleigh 1 1
St Johns 12 8 Albert Park to Hawthorn
_? F7a)12, Dowsett, Hyland, Jiamirtg, Sheer, Best :Boulton. ~ . Hall, Foncea . . ., 3.4 5.6 6.9 16.15 (111 ) 1 .0 1.1 1 .3 4.3(27) nvsk[ 3, McGee 3 . Brpson 2, Lazzaro, Henderson 2. D'-ory.~ _ud 1, Bustle 1, Pohlner I . Best: Henderson, McCauley D( iin€ isley. Flowers . A provided . Best: Not provided . 0.2 1 .5 2.5 2 .6(18) 1 .2 4 .4 6.7 8.10 (58) to ze llo, Cavalleri . Best: Starbuck, Carrick, Pendlebury, Weber. : Btue 3 . Puglia, Parsons J, Bennie, Walsh, Schiavo. Best: a, r nan, Reid, Vittue, Cahill, Banco 2 .1 5 .1 5 .3 9 .4(58) 5 .3 11 .6 15 .9 17.14 (116) .CosteIla 3,Bourne 2, Houston Best : Gay -t rt .-x: Pastras 3 Cunningham, Williams, Bourne.Sterrard, Costello. .: - igh: English 4,Cavanagh 3 .Brown 2, Clough, Dimmattina, M.biorgan, PJcken, Lev.3s, 4iikeL=zn,L.Ptttlto, Psaras. Best: Mikelsen, Stanes, Sidney, Wade. Sampson . besets
790 11%
Monash C -hons 0 D3 Hawthorn 4 Albert Park 3 E)stermaick I EJonash Gryphons 3 Bent(eigh 4
DI-A See; St . Johns v . Estern'.vick Richmond Central v . Hawthorn Amateurs South Melbourne Districts v . Albert Par k Monash Gryphons v . UHSOB Fitzroy Reds v . Bentleigh
Coach: Jc'un -hem Res . Coach: Ste _ :;. : )n 1 . P.Smith 2 . N .Pastras 3 . J .Storey 4 . G . Parmansche 5 . S.AIIan 6 . J . Willox 7 . J .Sutton 8. C . Jackson 9 . P. Chambers 10 . M.Phillips 11 . A. Fleming 12 . N .Langdon 13 . B.Payne 14 . S.Fairfield 15 . B.Adamson 16. C .Roberton 17. D . McLellan 18. J. Taylor 19. A.Steward 20. M .Abbott 21 . S.Waugh 22. S.Redpath 23. T.Faranda 24. J .Murray 25. J .Sutcliffe '36. G.Finn ?7. S .Ridout R .Buckley 2 9. T.Goldsmit h 0. A .Thomas 31 . S .McGuire 32 . D .'Odorico T. Murray 34. G .Meyer-Heinrich 35 . A . D'Mingo 36 . M .Pearso n 7 . L.Hogan 8 . C.Lamont 39 . J .Robiloita 40 . M .Lapsley 41 . K.Weaver 42 . S .Bolas 43 . J .Tsoukas 44 . B .Isard 45 . A.Ga y 46 . D,MacKintos h - 7 . W.Gauc i ..; .Willi s 49 . THouston 50 . D.McKay ; 31 . J . Costello ~ 52 . N .Stran g 53 . M .Williams 54 . S. Kidd 55 . D .Allan 56 . P. Kemp 57 . A. Soak 58 . S.Toth 59 . B.Letchtord ~60 . S.Lawson _1 . C .Brockhouse 77 . J .Robertson ~ 78 . A.Dee 79 . J.Sgroi 80 . B.Martyn 81 . T.Walton P2 . J.Stubbs 33. C .Jeffrey 34. D .Harris 85. G .Daley 86. H .Ross
Coax) : F .n Gordon Res . Cc ,V~: Steve Hall 1 C .Sharp (Capt) 2 P.Morgan 4 D .Levais 5 M .Eyles 6 R .Weber 7 S .Brown 9 I .Jackson 10 A .Henry 11 D .Martin 12 L.Codarin 14 K .Kel l 15 P.Wdhington 16 P.Jemmeson 17 J .Psaras 19 S .Hall 20 R .Fishlock 21 A .Graham 22 S .Arvanitis 23 S .Adaway 25 D.Gold 26 B .Padgham 27 J .Seeley 28 M .McCulloch 30 D.Kopitschinski 31 R.English 32 D.Fishlock 34 D. Castr o 35 Llreson 36 M .Backman 37 P.Hutchison 38 G .Beattie 39 L .Pittito 40 J.Bounsall 41 J.Neve 42 G .Kell 45 A.Pittito 47 B.P.lottat 49 J.Fl y 50 A.Stanes 51 M.Pirie 56 C .Aitken 57 G .Prigg 58 T.Caterson 59 D .Pittit o
Licensed Premises Bistro, Cam 3 & TAB .
Ph: --57 7938
Coach: Leigh Murph y Res Coach : Andrew Curtain 1 . L. Murphy (C)
2 . A . Hanki n 3. 4. 5, 6. 7.
D . Fitzpatrick A . Tilley M . Whelan D. Brennan J . McAdam
8. S . Currie (RC) 9. T. Hartly 10 . R. Bravington 11 . L. Missaglia 12 . N. Wigmore 13 . P. Stankovich 14 . B . Mahony 15 . M . Noonan 16 . M . Burman 17 . J . Ward 18 . A. Nei l 19 . A. Peasley 20 . K. Curri e 21 . P. Stuchberry 22 . M . Mussared 23 . S. Curtain (VC) 24 . A. Foster 25 . B. Franki n 26 . C . Mahony (VC) 27 . M. Daniels 28 . W. Davidson 29. S. Mahony 30. M. Nicol 31 . G . Devonshire 32. M . Hunt 33. M . Cunningham 34. M . Hoskin g 35. P. McNally .36. P. McDonogh 37. L . Lambert 38. B . Currie 39. P. Allen 40. S . Bacon 41 . J . Yemm 42. J . Lilikakis 43. P. Clark 44. C. Walker 45. R . Grandemange 46 . S . Smith 47. S . Ritchie 48 . M . Frankin 49 . D. Byrne 51 . M . Purcell 52 . P. Roberts 53 . B . Hilton 54 . S . Kirkham 57 . T. Byrne
Senior C i : G- m E gen Res Coach: Anon George 1 M .Frisb y 2 A Walsh 3 M .Wharf 4 J .Hamilton 5 D .Kane 6 J .Bennie 7 J .Doyle 9 C.Prior 10 A .Urbancic 11 B .Doyle 12 C.Sheather 13 M .James 14 T.Clarke 15 J .Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 B .Le e 18 J .Horridge 19 P.Cook 20 T.Mitchel! 21 A.Sainsbury 22 B .Cahill 23 T.Jackson 24 K.Grattan 25 P.Jackson 26 B.Buick 27 J .Loft 28 J .Card 29 D .East 30 B.Foster 31 P.Crowe 33 S.Drury 34 D .Little 35 A .Mackinnon 36 W.Fawaz 38 N .Bishop 39 A .George 40 G .Banc e 41 R .Burgman 421 I .McBurnie 43 TVillani 44 B .Hart 45 G.Hassett 46 P.Heaphy 49 A .Pugli a 50 B .Aggenbach 51 J .Rawlings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S .Addicott 55 N .Mathews 56 T.Madden 58 B .Neal 59 R .Johnstone 61 B .Tirrel l 62 N .Auden 63 G .Makdesi 64 D.Trindade 65 S .Bramley 66 D.Timms 70 S .Dibendetto 71 P.Gun n 72 M .Dikeakos 74 N.Fitzpatrick 75 W.Daniel 80 G .Box 82 P.Howorth 84 Z .Senburgs 88 S .Greenwood 99 P.Diacogiogis
F' Football Club Ltd The Lord Dowry Hote l
Brunswick S t, Raroy
Coach : Peter T a n Res Coach : P McLennan 1a I. Baccin i 1b B Hudson 2a G Broadley 2b E Sil l 3a G Jackson 3b A Knott 4 E Bettio 5a S Avery 5b B Ruzicka 6a P Avery 6b N Tierney 7 D Moncrieif 8a N Hayes 8b J Mennie 9 R Ogle 10 P Orchard 11 A Sil l 12 S Banfield 13 J Povey 14a D Lauletta 14b T Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16a C Reed 16b D Lahiff 17a D Zaverella 17b R Tongue 18 P Ryan 19 J Law 20 S Parker 21 P Burke 22 A Collins 23a J Micheal 23b M Artin i 24 J Jackomonis 25 M Zaverella 26 D Villani 27 R Lord 28 D Lackins 29a M O'Brien 29b P Barker 30 K McDougal 31 L Collins 32 P McLennan 33 S Stevens 34 R Johnston 35 J Cargui(I 36 M Daou 37 D Carter 38 B Bruns 39a S Davies 39b D Pritchard 40 B Moore 41 A Donkin 42 T Dixon 43a A Brick 43b1 Chepa 44 B Allder 45 A Burke 46 T O'Hanlon 47 J Berry 48 C Alexander 49 D McGowan 52 M Delaney 55 A Saulle
Coach: Brvc, ',ullens Bus Coa :N : Hancoc k 1 S . Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady
4 5 6 7
N . Rutherford T. Gilchrist O . Becker D . Walte r
8 J. Blandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A . Nichols 12 A . Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 D . Hale 15 A . Clarke 16 D . Junkeer 17 J . Hetherington 18 C. Lovett 19 R . Coxhead 20 G. Browell 21 M . Asbell 22 B . Coxhead 23 D. Charleson 24 D. Kitchin 25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Bourbon 29 B. Lloyd 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 R . White 34 M. Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 J . Watson 37 A . Jenkin 38 G . Block 39 M . Mastromanno 40 M . Salaj 41 C . Archer 42 C. Carlisle 43 C. Goold 44 L. Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L. Martin 49 J . Leroy 50 D. Ratner 51 C . Leeton 52 B. Derr 53 I . Bagnall 54 M . Jones 55 P. Warren 56 J. Foster 57 A. Corbett M . Buick C . Watson G. Campbell
1 i Smith 2 B Holmes 3 T O'Sullivan 4 P Mijitavic 5 S Shannon 6 G Bunshaw 7 P Byrnes 8 G Malcolm 10 A Swika 10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak 13 J Dutton 14 C Shannon 15 C Barry 16 J Bi n 17 A Fawcett 18 nJ Zajac 21 A Jones 22 A Flores 23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie 27 C Adams 28 A Waters 29 B Brown 30 B Gilbert 31 M Harris 33 P Bexino 34 J Brook 35 M Albright 35 J Howell 37 G Porteous 38 M Defreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Slatter 42 C White 43 G Stobus 45 K Day 48 J Hickey 50 S Castiea u 52 C Andonopoulos 53 J Cavanagh 54 E Hil l 55 M Davey 56 A Tilley 57 K Pardy 58 B Calleja 60 M Tapley 61 M Hutton 62 T Graham 65 A Newton 67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 75 D Hogan 78 V Kelly
1 . R . Hassain 2 . M.Ladson 3 . S.Hilton 4 . S.Holmes 5 . C .Horbury 6 . L.O'Donnell 7 . R .Back 8 . R .Dowsett 10. M .Courmadus 11 . S .Ham 12 . P.Walker 13 . M .Jones 14 P.Sharp 15 A .Borgohna 16 G .Matheson 17 S .Coackayne 18 C.Emery 19 M .Hartnett 20 B .Rydquist 21 S .Koppens 22 A.Dragwidge 23 L .P.lerrigan 24 B.Ferericks 25 D .Waters 26 B.Hilton 27 L .Mills 28 D .Coulon 30 R .Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G.Saher 34 M,Hancock 35 J .Sacco 37 D.Christian 38 A .Fonceca 40 A.Rud d 42 T.Ducancabino 43 M .Van Hooten 45 A.Rud d 47 J .Cotton 50 J .Jiaming 51 C .Santori 52 A.Halls 53 B.Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K .Hilton 61 D .Houiton
1 M . Wright 2 B . Ueberang 3 T. Cameron 4 T. Cleveland 5 T. Fulto n 6 S . Cracknell 7 D. Zulucki 8 D. Haslett (VC) 9 R. Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N . Ros e 14 J. Ham 15 S. Maguire 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 S. Jackson 18 A . Hellne r 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. P,ladrigano 21 S . Mills 22 R .Johns 23 P. Etringham 24 M. Kennedy 25 D. O'Dwyer 26 B . Carruthers 27 D. Clark e 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 J . O'Neill (VC) 31 P. Dolence 32 H. Starbuck 33 A. French 34 A. Cusic 35 S. Fros t 36 A. Pendebury 37 G . Catterall 38 A. Boyce 39 M. Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C . Percy 45 N . Smith 46 R . Killey 47 M . Turvey 49 H . Williams 50 B . Ree s 51 R. Pitruzzello 52 M . Collins 53 B . Uebergang 54 M . O'Reilly 55 T. Plaza 56 J. Catli n 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigden 59 J. Barron 61 P. Hoban 62 K. Rodgers 63 T. Cameron 64 C . Ramsdale 65 J . Tat e 6"o K . Weber 67 M . De Luise 68 H . Wajszel 69 J . Maher 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B . Stanton 72 D. Kirk 73 S . Devlin 74 C. Longten 77 J. Bristovve 80 D. Parker
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Round frve has seen a return to the predictability of D4 with only one upset as St.Marys made it two wins in a row and the rest of the competition is now wondering who will be able to knock Sydal and Bulleen from their lofty perches this season . St . 's, who started off the season slowly, looked a much more accomplished unit as they tore apart a determined Old West bourne who have never won at the Ferndale Park Oval before. The Warriors started well with Glen Robson in everything, however, St .Marys were able to cover the Warrior playmakers after quarter time and slowly gained the ascendancy . If not for errant kicking in the last quarter, the margin could have been more than the 21 points the scoreboard showed at the end of the match . Swinburne University have been showing good form in recent weeks and proved to be the fitter side as they blew North 13 ck out of the water in the last quarter on the weekend . The Swinburne tall brigade proved too much for the North Brunswick side and although Dave Magnuson fought hard in the ruck all day for North, it was always going to be a tough assignment to contain the Razorbacks drive . Darren dams was also a shining light for North in defence all day. Syndal Tally-Ho kept their 100% match ratio in a hard fought win against Rupertswood. The first half was closely fought with Syndal taking an early lead, but to the credit of Rupertswood they threw everything at their opponents, and if not for the had work of the Sheer brothers in the Syndal backline, the margin may have been less than the 19 point lead at half time . The second half though saw Syndal break the backs of their opponents with Ben Dix kicking four goals himself in the third quarter to put the game beyond doubt . Eltham proved way too strong for their undermanned opponent Eley Park in their percentage boosting 131point victory on Saturday. Kicking eight unanswered goals in the opening quarter, the Turtles were never headed. Shane McDonald and Chris Horsborough completely dominated their wings for the Turtles and Mizzi in the centre was sensational . The win makes it three in a row for the Turtles who, with the slow start behind them, look as though they may have what it takes to play finals football in season 2001 . Bulleen have improved every week in the season thus far and fought out a tough 48-point victory on their road trip to Mt .Lilydale in drizzly, overcast conditions. After losing three key midfielders at the selection table on Thursday night, Bulleen knew the day would be a struggle and it was not until the second half that it was 49
able to kick away booting seven goals to Mt.Lilydale's two . Best players for Bullee n were Joe D'Angelo with five goals, Gencarelli and Bowen . Werribee had the bye PreAew Swinburne University vs Werribee Amateurs Werribee Amateurs, still smarting from their thrashing at Bulleen two weeks ago will be keen to get back onto the winner's list against Swinburne today . Swinburne on the other hand have shown plenty of promise thus far and are very difficult to beat at home on the "Wagon Wheel" oval. Werribee have a number of players to return from injury this week after the weeks rest, however, with a distinct home ground advantage, the students should be too strong to run out victors by 14 points . Rupertswood vs North Brunswick Rupertswood are another team that has shown plenty of potential this season but has been unable to convert this potential into victories. North Brunswick has been finding the going tough this season, especially up forward and will be grateful to see the return on Sean "Plugger" Wennllam to the side . The long journey to Sunbury will, however, take its toll on the lads from Brunny and Rupertswood should make it win number two in a tight encounter by 8 points . Eltham vs Syndal Tally Ho This match promises to be a real gauge for the finals aspirations of Eltham as they meet an unbeaten Syndal today. Described as just a training run last week Eltham will be keen to take that goal kicking form into todays match, while Syndal looks to firmly entrench itself in the top two . Eltham are a different side at home and if Matthew Luttick and Richie Bell can control the Syndal forwards then I am predicting the boilover of the season, with the Turtles to make it four wins on the trot with a 5-point victory . Bulleen Cobras vs Old Westbourrie Bulleen have gone from strength to strength with each round and will be looking to continue its winning form against Old Westbourne . The Warriors have been the most disappointing side in the season so far and may be too small around the ground for the tall, strong Bulleen side . Warrior Justin Horsburgh has been the Warrior's shining light in the season so far, and if Bulleen can keep his rampant form in check, they should run out comfortable winners by 35 points . St Marys vs Eley Park St.Marv's will have been buoyed by their recent stirrin g
,ictories and will enjoy another home match as Eley park visits them this Saturday . Eley Park must be ~rondering where their first win will come from, and unfortunately, they will be meeting a St .Marys side that appears to be finding good form after a slow start . Eley will lift for this encounter and will be more competitive than previous weeks on the sma ll ground, but St.Mary's should make it three wins in a row as they ;vin by 29 points . Mt Lilydale - Bye press Correspondents Thanks to the guys who respond each week with a brief run down on the games. You know who you are and I greatly appreciate you help . To the others I have not heard from, it is very hard to make mention of any of vour teams players or performances if I do not hear from you. Please get your reports to me either verbally on my mobile (0403-043-373), by email (gavanfCameg.com.au) or fax (9827-8001) by no later than midday on Monday.
TODAY'S MATCHES, D4 Sectio n Mt . Lilydale has the bye. Swinburne University v . Werribee Rupertswood v . North Brunswic k Eltham Collegians v . Syndal Tally-Ho Bulleen Cobras v . Old Westbourne St . Marys v . Eley Park
6.8(44) MT. LB YDALE 1 .2 4 .6 4.8 IIULLELti COBRAS 5 .4 7 .6 10.11 13.14 (92) Mt Lfiydala Manisca)chi 2, Delahunt 1 . Crowe 1; Cummerford 1 . Best: .',laniscalchi, Kellet. Mckenzie, Carson . BuBan Cobrais: D'Angelo 5, Mcleod 2, Pasinati 1 . Trinchi 2, Clements 1, lkwin 1 . Bes: Gencare)li, Bowen, Potters, hicLaren, McLeod . D'Angelo. Umpires: J. Lane. A . Price (F) NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .1 7.5 9.7 11 .9 (75) SWINBURNE UNI 2 .3 5.4 8.8 16.12 (108) North Bnm.svrirls: D .DeMorton 3, Pizzarl 3, M .Sorleto, Gillard. Magnusson, tYeman . Sanunartino. Best : Magnusson . Adams, L .DeMorton, D.DeMorton . Pizzari, Divita . Salnburne Uni: Milano 4, Murphy 3. Thomas 2, Smith 2, Albert, :tndcinopoulos, O'Mara.Llston, Morrison, Best : DeBono. Murphy, Jones, `llano, Prior, Andrinopoulos. Umpi res: M. Forde, G. Rolfs (F ) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 5.3 10.5 15 .9 23 .12 (150) RUFERTSWOOD 4 .3 7.4 8 .5 12.8 (80) SyndaYfally-Ho: B .Hannemann 5 .Dtx 5,Thompson 4. VanDer-Kruk 3. Rutter 2, J .Hannemann.Bingham,Joy, Brown . Best: A . Sheer, P. Sheer. Bingham, G. Kemper. Rupertswood . â&#x20AC;˘ Whitehead 3, Henry 2, Fax 2, Grant 2, Bains, Clark, :..OCallaghan . Best: Whitehead, Baines . Carmody, Schwartz, Henry. Umpires: B. McLeod, J. Pappas (F) ST. MARYS 3.4 7.6 12.11 15.19 (109) OLD WEST'BOURNE 4 .4 6.5 10.9 13 .10 (88) St Morys: Boyes 5 . Carra 3, Vincent 2, Orm 1 . Theohanis 1 . Bernardi 1 . Dwyer 1, Hendy 1 . Best : Theoharris, Harrison . Boyes . Hendy, Orm, Bergin. Old 4R stbmuna Slattery 3, RnRllano 3. Evans 2. Christo 1 . Robson 1, Leitch 1, Horsburgh I . A Horsburgh 1 . Best : Robson, Farfield . J. Harsburgh, Leitch, Chrisio, Jenkinson. Umpi res : S. McCarthy (R) . (F) 5.6(36) ELEY PARK 0.1 2.3 3 .6 ELTHAM 9.3 14.8 19 .8 26 .11 (152) : D.Murray Eley Park : Bowen, Gerolemou, Kay, Robbie, Trotter . Best . Ouse, Robbie. M .Payne, Gerolemou. D.Smith . Eltham: Doody 5, Carter 4, MacDonald 4, Best 3, Mtthen 3, Mlzzi 2, Rigoni 2, Hart, Horsburgh, Duggan . Best: Luttick, Horsburgh, Coonerty, Mizzi . Carter, Hart. Umpires G . Paleodimos. S . Stokes (F)
Bulleen Cobras - congratulations to Stephen Wigne ;r of who played his 200th game in round 4 . Stephen started with the Cobra Juniors in 1973, was a member of the 1986 senior premiership and senior captain in 1993, 1994 and 1995 . Now in the twighlight of his career his attack on the ball is as hard as ever. Well done "Wiggers" . North Brunswick - Well done to Shane Healey on reaching his lst milestone with North . A gritty no frills footballer The Commentator' has shown plenty of heart & determination to succeed . Well done Shane from everyone at the Green & Gold
NAYT Badanjek Best
Whitehead Pereros Pasinati F. Baldi Harding Heath Papanikolou Warsnoop
CLUB SENIORS Bulleen-Cobras Eltham Rupertswood Mt Lilydale Bu)leen-Cobras D4 RESERVE Bulleen-Cobras Werribee
Eley Park North Brunswick St Marys
21 15 15 14 14
17 10 10 9 9
` i VE S
MT. LILYDALE 4.3 11 .4 16.11 19.15 (129) 6 .4(40) BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .1 4 .4 5.4 Mt Lilydale: HolIlnan 6. Best: Kennedy, Gridley. Hoffian .
BuBcen CobrE.s : Baldi 4, Chan 1, Turner 1 . Best : Stewart, Baldt, Cartledge, Olney. Turner, Chan . NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.4 5.7 8.11 14 .14(98) SA'IPiBURflE UPII 5 .2 8.4 10 .6 11 .12(78) North Brunswick- Grist 4, H.Tsialtas 4. Alianl 3. Armstrong 2, Rhook 1 . Best: Crosina,Alianl. Burrows. Rotella, Polemicas, Bonney . Swinhurne Uri : Brewster 5 . A.Roberts 2, Kane, Henry, Carter, Anastassi . Best: Sandha . Brewster, J.Roberts, Yow-Yeh, Gallina, Boyce . North SYNDAL TALLY-HO 6 .1 13.4 15 .11 19 .12 (126) 3.4(22) RUPERTSWOOD 0 .2 0.2 1 .4 Syndallklly-Ho: Aong 5. Chasemore 4. Dance 3, M . Richardson 2, Murray. M. Morosey. S . MacFarlane. Miller, 0'Boy}e.Best : Hunter, Harnett, Wong, Sneddon . Rn ::M.Pettman. Swan, Zarb . Best: Walsh . Tenuning, Botten, Quin. Clarke. S2 MARYS 0.5 2.10 5.10 8 .14 (62) 6 .6(42) OLD PJES'IBOURPdE 1 .1 2 .4 5.6 St Marys: Evans 2, Goodieson 2, Nebb 2, Roseman I . Rousis 1 . Best: Mel .ennon, Ross, West, Zembary, Webb, Roseman . Old A'estbourne : Mattson 2, Hewitt 1, Horsburgh 1, Huntington 1, Clowns 1 . Best : Schotes, Huntington, Runeman, Bauich, Philips, Sutton . ELEY PARK 0.2 0.2 3.4 5.7 (37) ELTHAM 4 .2 8.5 13 .9 15 .12 (102) Eley Park: Heath 2, Fukushkna . Gaynor, Wright. Best : Wright, Fukushima, Heath, McCann, Gaynor, Flintrop . Elthem: Baruhas 6, Jenkins 5, laeuone 2, Hespe, Staekpoole. Best : Robins, Johns, Banthas, Jenkins. Mann, Watson .
D4 Sectio n RULLEE N COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Asst . Coach: G . Bowen Res Coach : Nicholas Cox
ELEY PARK Coach : Darren Hawley Res Coach : Grant Heath
ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Coach : Brian Dowdy Res . Coach : J Gla re
1 J . Kalpakis 2 T. Orwin
2 S. Petty
1 D . Johnson 2 P. Hayes
3 . E . SAVAGE
3 4 5 7 8
3 G . Bowen 4 I . McLeod 4 N. Ca rtledge 5 M . Dall'Oglio (VC)
6 N . Cox 7 F. Balch 8 T. Mazzarella
9 P. Goetz 10 A. Gencarelli 12 D. Thompson 13 T. Johnson
14 S . Casey 15 J . Trinchi ( RC) 16 D . Trinchi (DVC) 17 J. Brown 18 R . Badanjek 20 J. Moran 21 N . Lykopandis
22 R. Pasinati 23 J . Redfern 24 P. McVeigh 25 W. Olney 26 J . D 'Angelo 27 J . Cart ledge 28 A. Foskett 29 A. Summers 30 T. Pearson 31 S. McLaren 32 C. Clements 33 J . Ellio tt 34 M . D 'Angelo (C) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N. Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan ' 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J. Mustica 46 G . Reeves 46 C . Borrelli 47 N. Peters 48 M . Soumildes
49 G . Ande rton 50 D. Weine rt 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 M. Turner 55 S. Wigney 56 S. Whiteman
4 . B .DOODY C/C 5 . M .BEST 6 . T.CARTER
11 . J .MIZZI 12 . A.MANN 13 . R .BELL VC 14. S.JUSTICE
15. L.WHITE 16. D.BARNETT 17. G .LEYS 18 . S .MACDONALD 19 . S .ROBINS 20 . P.RIGONI 21 . M.HART
61 . C.BARUHA S 62. G .SMIT H 63. M .LUTTIC K
Bulleen 310 5 Phone : 9852 1129
MT. LILYDAL E Coach : David Keast Res Coach : Paul Comme rford
64 . S .SCHAFE R
tpuclzearpet.< .-
M . Brebne r F. Varg a M . Jelen c D. Hendri e H . Gurrier-Sander
9 A . Del Biondo 10 J . Gardiner 11 C . Gibson 12 J . Cummerford 13 R. Kidd 14 C. Wals h 15 D. Morrison 18 B . Lealou s 19 N . Whitehea d 20 J. Penhale 22 B. Lee k 23 B . Egan 25 A. Delahun t 27 N. Pearce 28 T. Crowe 29 P. Furlon g 30 G. Bird 32 P. Carola n 33 C . Anderso n 35 D . Callanan 38 D. Kennedy 39 L. Allanson 42 M . Periera 43 D. Hollowa y 45 R. McKenzi e 46 K . Maniscalch i 47 C . Lonergan 50 J. Kuffer 51 A. Penhale 52 M. Wells 53 M . Leonard 54 C. Varga 55 H. Flanagan 60 T. Wilson 63 C . Carsen s 64 D . Smit h P. Beddoe s M. Cunningha m T. Grac e L. Kellett
D4 Section NTH BRUNSWICK Coach : Craig Fox Res. Coach: Ange Samma rtino
OLD WESTDOURNE Coach : Jeff Wilson Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch
RUPERTSWOOD Coach: Ken Balmer Res. Coach : Shane McLaughlan
ST. M ARY'S Coach : Peter Olivier! Res Coach: Michael Learmonth
1 S . Wernham
1 . G. Robson
2 D Fox
1 . J . Harringto n
2 D. Adams
2. G. Flower
3 S Carmody
2. B . Boyes
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
4 S McLauchlan 5 M Schwartz 6 S Gallus 7 W Brad 8 B Prendergast 9 M Clarke 10 A O'Callaghan
3. J . Carra 4. N. Goldsworthy 5. J . Dwye r 6 T. Burt 7 .W. Ross 8 A. Zsembery 9 R. O'Shuaghnessy
G . Lattouf P. Dimarco W. McMahon D. Pizzari D. Magnuson D . Fenton A . Sammartino
S . Depiazza A . Nibloe S . Sutton J . Horsburgh (VC) A . Christo A . Horsburgh C. Villinger
10 W. Fawcett
10 . J . Wilson
11 B Moule
10 G . Koumantatakis
11 J . Boudoloh
11 . V. Matthey
12 K Cardillo
11 J . Bernardi
12 S . Care 13 P. Marin
12 . T. Milne 13 . S . Hewitt
13 B Sinnett 14 L Plummer
12 S . Benso n 13 A. Dwyer
14 M . Newton
14 . S . Mattsson
15 J McGrath
14 C. Goldsworthy
15 H . Tsialtas 16 L. Demorton 17 A . Kyriazis 18 P. Sorleto 19 S . Famulari 20 R. Divita 21 M . Sorletto 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Briffa 24 M . Alliani 25 S . Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J . Heck 32 D. Newton 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A. Armstrong 37 D. DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C. Rhook 40 B. McCallum 41 J. Elasmar 42 J. Papanikolou 43 J. Page 44 S . Grist 45 M . Pante 46 J. Polemicos 48 N. Oates 49 G . Skaf 50 B. Laoumtzes 52 P. Brine 53 S. Milroy 54 D . Bonney 55 J. THompson 56 L . Patullo 65 L . Rigazzi
15 . A . Board 16 . S . Christo 17 . M . Aqualina 18 . P. King (DVC) 19 . R . Aldridge 20 . S . Cameron 21 . B . Dangerfield 22 . W. Fleming 23 . K.Sutton 24 . L. Fairfield (C) 25 . M .Stapleton 26 . P. Mesman 27 . D. Billman 28 . D. Slattery 29 . D. Horsburgh 30 . R. McMillan 31 . D Evans 32 . G . Jenkinson 33 . D. Benn 34. P. Stewart 35 . D. Rivallan d 36. K. Pillsbury 37. A. Leitch 38 . B . Mattsson 39 . A. Robbins 40. S . Leitch 41 . J . Dusting 42 . S . Roberts 43. A. Runciman 44. B. Slattery 45. S .Huntington 46. J .Sportelli 47. T. Said 48. T.SCholes 49. M . Pillsbury 50. P. Habersatt 51 . S.Kelly 52. T. Robinson 53 S.Phillips 54 M . Crosswell 55. M .Baulch 56. C . Galvin 57. D . Hatley 58. M . Bavdek 59. Adrian Lipscombe 60. N . Aqualina
16 P Clarke 17 D Walsh 18 C Nemeth 19 M Mezzatesta 20 M McKenzie 22 K Quinn 23 M West 25 H Bradbury 26 D Zarb 27 N McMahon 28 D McDonald 32 P Sinnet 33 W Glenn 35 C Carlo 36 P Henry 37 A Massaro 38 B Pettman 39 P Hastings 40 T Botten 41 P Bowman 42 B Swann 43 D Wardley 44 M Pettman 45 D Hum 47 A Seidel 48 A Stafford 49 C O'Riley 50 K Mandouitt 51 B MacPherson 52 S Moskaljuk 53 W Gaunt 54 C Zevan 55 N Webb 56 P Fox 60 G Sexton 62 A McMahon 63 D Blenkiron 66 L Mandouitt 70 L Temming 77 M O'Callaghan
15 R. Orme 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 19 M . Maschett e 20 A. Lane 21 Q . Norto n 22 R. Alle n 23 J . Hil l 24 I. Goullett 25 D. Hutchin s 26 S . Ston e 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harriso n 30 P. Watso n 31 D. Thomson 32 A. Web b 33 J . Watso n 34 M . Tindley 35 G . Theoharri s 36 E, Evans 37 L . Vincent 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Milla r 41 J . Brennan 42 H . Joyce 43 M. Chamberlin 45 P. Ryan 46 M. Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 49 G . Schembr i 50 A. Worsno p 51 T. Bergi n 52 T. Dunne 53 J. Odorisio 54 W. Ros s 56 J. Vincent 57 J. Goldsworthy 58 B. Lewis 59 K. McLenna n 60 M. Scammel l 61 N . Jackson 63 P. Roseman 64 J. Ramsay 66 G. Pilikidi s 67 J. O'Connor 69 J. Handy 73 D . Doyle 76 T. Tahos 80 J. Clarke A . Ballantyn e 8 M . Bank s
Sponsored by: ~~~~~ ilbee I ;ymindai
M . Elli s S . Ree k
G. Sigley
D4 '"ectiÂŽ== r
Coach : Adrian Fidler Res Coach : Robert Cavicchiolo 1 C Freeman 2 J Sheed y 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Morrison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nicholl 13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thomas 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiumani 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merkel 24 D Debattista 25 T Hou rigan 26 T Listo n
27 D Murphy 28 S Gray 29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Tur k 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 c Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Robe rt s 44 N Morgan 45 D Isli p 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Allen 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 S O'Donnell 53 K. Dube 55 S Gallina 56 M . Waugh 58 A Robert s 60 D Debon o
Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn (03) 9818 4991 Robbie's Meats 0413 539 501
SYNDAL TALLY HO Coach: Kevin Harnett Res. Coach : Kevin Hannet 1 Hannemann .J 2 Bingham . l 2 Bourne S 3 Joy. M 4 Henderson .P 5 Dix .B 5 Hannett .D 6 Chasemore 6 Cotsis .J 7 Burns .A 8 Bennett.R 9 Kemper.S 10 Psinas .T 10 Van Derkruk .G 11 Rutter.J 12 Moresi .J 12 Miller 13 Taylor.D 14 O'boyle.S 15 Murray.N 16 Boucher.B 18 Macfarlane .S 19 Glenister.M 20 Hall. C 20 Hannemann.B 20 Mackenzie .l 21 Thompson.A 22 Hoare. S 23 Beckett.M 24 Macfarlane .M 25 Clark .C 25 Tillburn.S 26 Morrison.A 27 Kemper.G 28 Fyfield .P 29 Sheer.A 31 Richardson .A 32 Hannemann .L 33 Richardson .M 34 Hunter . N 35 Cachia.C 37 Dance. A 38 Christiansen .M 39 Hallise y 40 Leaver 40 Marks.T 41 Moresi .M 42 Findlay 43 Brown .A 44 Maestros .J 45 Richardson .D 46 Pane. M 47 Wong .V 49 Schuiling .D 49 Varnavas 50 Sneddon .A
Coach. Tim Ellis Res. Coach : Tom Andr¢ is 1 . A . Albaki s 2 . S . McNamara 3 . D . Flac k 4 . L . Brown 5 . L . Kerr
6 . S. McGrath 7 . T. Ellis 8 . K. Pace (C) 9 . C . Terzoglou 10. M . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12 . M . Walsh 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . B . McMillan 15 . J . Purton 16 . P. Browning 17 . S . Fuller
18 . E . Collier 19 . J . Addamo (VC) 20 . P. Albaki s 21 . R . Zulian 22. A. Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24. J. Crack 25. A. Hovey 26. P. Thomas (RC) 27. M . Brown (DVC) 28 . D. Czajowski 29 . S . Dol e 30 . B . Carlesso 31 . B . Waters 32 . M . Dolegowski 33 . S . Parker 34 . S . Camilleri 35 . S . Alabacos 36 . A . Addamo 37. J. Ayling 38. P. Dwaes 39. L . Langfield 40. L . Carson 41 . G . Grogan 42 . D . Elli s 43 . E. Galizi 44 . C. Albakis 45 . J . Marinis 46 . R. Han n 47 . R. Portogallo 48 . S . Pugliese 49 . D. Lenoury 50 . A . Fenton 51 . D . Turner 52. C . Andrews 53. A . Trainon 54. M . Jordan 56 B. Gibso n
54 Sheer. P
SHANIKA'S 315 Stephensons Rd Mt . Waverley 9888 3177
.jC161 r~~ i
=i, jj
j ~Ys
Origi n al an d pink copy must be ►odg er.i ,.;i :i h urnp;t es no later tiian half time of any match . Each player must si~in th ~ original, clearly b~sii~~ namt V"i~icl~~ r1uti ; show first and st~mame, Blue c;opY must be handed to opposition cap ain at toss of coin.
(cOC of ~a Ioc=~~ C~F 31) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
~ Weekend matce.vs (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments ® Scores (Sat . night)
ELS-The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the .gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
, fa=in Ritterman ,1 eremy Dukes o ;ds Taylor
ni Foster Cotton -Mvid Spithill Harrison simon Hyde .r.3c>b Bear d
drian McIntyre Vick Adcock Nick Casboult Andrew MacGillvray James Heritage Ben Hakim Julian Kavanagh Matt Wollington Brad Lowe Andrew Treloar 7.ane Kuramoto
Club AJAX AJAX Banyule Caulfield Gramm Collegians De La Salle
Name Paul Gloury Casey Ratcliffe John Stratos Ben Dixon Matthew McCarthy John Lang
De La Salle De La Salle Mazenod OC Mazenod OC MHSOB
James McDonnell Matthew Green Liam Wilson Ryan Martin Troy Harvey Liam Murphy
North Old Boys Old Brighton Old Essendon Old Essendon Old Essendon Old Essendon Old Ivanhoe
Old Melburnians Old Mentonian s
C-><34 I' Naaie Brad Davis Daniel Denbraber .1ndy Cultrera Scott Playfair Jason Plant jayson Egan Dave Martin Chris Sharp Dean Matthews Andrew Will ~lark Liddell Richard Hosking 'Brock Mooney Nick Harrison Cam Unsworth Craig Mahony Steve Curtain Andrew Urbancic Nick Astapenko Steve Anderson Anthony Browne
Club AJAX Aquinas OC Aquinas OC Banvule Banyule Banyule Bentleigh Bentleigh Bulleen-Temp Caulfield Gram Caulfield Gram Collegians Collegians Co llegian s Collegians Elsternwick Elsternwick Fitzroy Reds Glen Eira Hampton Rovers Hampton Rovers
Chris Mitchell Cameron Trewin Matthew Kempton Paul Sampson Liam Ryan Andrew Briggs Alex Cameron Robert Wilkie
Club Old Paradians Old Scotch Old Scotch Old Xaverians Old Xaverians Old Xaverians Old Xaverians Old Xaverians Ormond Ormond Ormond Ormond St . Bernards OC St . Bernards OC St . Kevins OB St . Leos Emm. WP Uni. Blue s Uni. Blues Uni. Blues Uni. Blue s
ENTATIVE aQLT Name Dave Rogers Julian Smith Nigel Credlin Andrew Kent Jordan Leask Scott McPherson Ben Couch Steve Jones
Chris Stinchcombe Brendan Murphy Justin Vick Shaun Pavze Brendan Vaughan Steve Buckl e Levi Moss Jeremy Dwyer Matt Cunningham Sam Brockley Adam Cannane Brad Peake
Club Monash Blues Monash Blues Old Camberwell Old Carey Old Essendon Old Essendon Old Geelong Old Geelong Old Geelong Old Mentonians Old Mentonians Peninsula OB St . Leos Emmaus WP St . Leos Emmaus WP St . Leos Emmaus WP St. Marys Uni . Blacks West Brunswick West Brunswick Yarra Valley OB
As a sales representative you will be required to : 1 . Generate new business through aggressive canvassing strategies 2 . Maintain a portfolio of existing clientele b y offering Account Management solution s We have identified sportspeople to be extremely successful in I industry and the sales representative position and we are :aa : working and ambitious people to continue this success .
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While sales experience is an advantage it is not necessary as full training ongoing support is provided . Call the sales Director on 85 4 5 55 00 to arrange an interview or to find out r,- ., about the job . Or send resumes to email sales@fleet-transport .com .au or fa . : 95 4 3 9933 .
;. Section Old Brighton v. Marcellin St . Kevins v. Mazenod - at Trevor Barker Oval, -- ::ndringhassi University Blues v . Old Xaverians St. Bernards v. Old Scotch Old Trinity v . MHSOB
Un l-'er-19 E~ctien 1 Old Scotch v . De La Salle Old Xaverians v. Marcellin
Section Old Haileybury v . North Old Boys Beaumaris v . Old Ivanho e Therry Penola v . Old Paradians ;rhitefriars v . Ormond De La Salle v . Old Melburnians - at EP Saturday
Under-18 Section 2 Old Haileybury v . St . Leos Emmaus Ormond v . Whitefriars Hampton Rovers has the bye Old Essendon v . Caulfield Gr . Old Ivanhoe v . Werribee Yarra Valley v . Old Trinity
_:~ Section Collegians v . Old Mentonians Caulfield Gr . v. Old Essendo n Prahran Amateurs v. Bulleen-Templestowe :` JAX v. St . Bedes Mentone Tiger s Glen Eira v . Hampton Rover s Dl Section St . Leos Emmaus v . Ivanhoe Assumption Monash Blues v. Banyule Old Geelong v . University Blacks Yarra Valley v. Old Carey ",quinas v . Old Camberwell D2 Section
St . Kevins v. St . Bernards - TBA Old Melburnians v . Collegians University Blues v . Old Brighton Beaumaris v. Mazenod - TB A
Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues v . De La Salle (2) Oakleigh v . South Melbourne Districts Old Xaverians (2) v . Glen Eira - at vier College, Kew AJAX v . Mentone Amateur s St . Kevins (2) v. MHSOB - TB A Under-19 ( 2) Red Aquinas has the bye Old Paradians v. University Blacks Bulleen-Templestowe v . Therry Penola Ivanhoe Fitzroy v . Old Camberwell - at Peterson Oval, Pdth. Fitzroy
;,5entone Amateurs v . La Trobe Uni Power House v. Ke w
North Old Boys v . Rupertswoo d
Peninsula 0 B v . Salesian
Club XVIII (1 ) Old Scotch v . De La Salle Brunswick v. Prahran Amateurs Mazenod v . Therry Penol a Old Xaverians v . Old Brighton
West Brunswick v. Williamstown CYMS Parkside v . Oakleigh D3 Section
Elsternwick v. Richmond Central Hawthorn Amateurs v . South Melbourne Districts UHSOB v. St. Johns 0 C Bentleigh v . Monash Gryphons Albert Park v. Fitzroy Red s D4 Section
Mt . Lilydale v . Swinburne Uni . Werribee v . Rupertswoo d North Brunswick v . Syndal Tally-Ho Old Westbourne has the bye . Eley Park v. Bulleen Cobras Eltham Collegians v . St. Marys
St . Kevins v . Old Melburnians - TB A
Club XVIH (2 ) Marcellin v . University Blacks Old Trinity v . Whitefriars Monsh Blues v . Old Geelong Old Ivanhoe v. Collegian s Old Essendon v . St. Leos Emmaus
(U19/1 & Blue) Sports & ; :iedic Supplies ;1`ION 3 What a big week it has been in FOOTBALL! Two huge upsets with the reigning premiers going down to De La and the all-conquering Old Brighton team smashing a rival final's contender in Old Se.otch . St. Bernard's keep on belting every team they come up against and Uni Blues might have turned the corner after their team performance . It was a,ry c en performance until the main break with t hot " ig a 4pt lead. But the 3rd quarter saw goalless and Old Brighton slam on 7 goals in the last to win by 55pts. vs absolutely thrashed the Lions with McDonnell booting 14g fed by Dale James and 'Skunk' Thomas dominating across the back line. For the Lions, Skurrey, Vial and Krotiris were best . Coach Brown must have done something special down there at East Malvern, for he produced the upset of the round by'editing SKOBS down to size by l2pts . Bonnici and Krezel were everywhere and for SKOBS the best were McLay & Anderson. St. Bernard's produced another 100+pt winning margin against the awestruck ,darceffin team . Marcellin kept in touch until 1/2 time, but being goalless after the break cost dearly . Mazenod led O.M .'s until 1/2 time, but their 3rd quarter cost them dearly also (4g-lg hurts) . Maskell was great up forward . For O .M .'s Horgan with 6g, Ryan & Smith were best. Uni Blues provided their first 'team' effort against the young Beaurnaris side with Briggs dominating at CHF and Brooke on the ball .
S ON 2 Three blowouts and a couple of classic matches saw the Section (2) ladder remain virtually unchanged after round five . Wen-flice Amateurs maintained top spot after a 98-point win over struggling Old Hallebury . The unbeaten Bees led by just 17 points at the long break but booted 17 goals to three in the second half. Werribee was well served by J .Russo and Walsh, who booted seven and six goals respectiv , while A .Russo was best on groimd . Waxman and Hanlon battled manfully for Old Hailebury . 0 : also kept its unbeaten record in tact after thrashing xarra Valley by 91 points. Yarra Valley had occupied fifth place going into round five but was certainly given a lesson on what it takes to be a top side . Werribee and Old Ivanhoe now sit two games clear at the top of the table after Old Trinity suffered their second loss of the season, when beaten by Old Essendon by six points in a thrilling encounter. Wilson booted three goals and Flaherty two for the winners, while Oblivbek and Ryan were outstanding contributors . Christopherson booted two goals and was best for Old Trinity . The victory propelled Old Essendon back into the five . Caulfield G~
(U19/2 & Red) Grammar ,_ continue to hold down fourth spot, ~ - _ despite a fourpoint loss to C Down by 16 pciiits at the final change, Ormond stormed home with six goals in the last quarter. WaN -ard kicking cost Caulfield dearly . Wilson booted five goals and was best for Ormond, who ,A-~re also well served by Martinov and Goon an . Bruhn k C ed three goals for Caulfield, while Fag an and ie were others to stand out . In the final match , scored their second big win in a row, g bottom of the table Whitefriars by 11 7 points. Cantlon was on fire up forward for the winners with six goals, while Battams, Burggraaff and Probvn all booted four. Warren-Smith, Tobin and Ventura were the best for Whitefriars . St Leos had the bve. S â&#x201A;Ź3N (2) BLUE This week saw MHSOB come down from Section 2 into Blue Section and found some tough opposition in Old vs . After leading most of the day. MHSOB were onl y
9pts down at the final break and a first up win looked likely. But boys, you need to run the game out! Xavs showed what is needed with a 6g last term . Mentone again showed their class by finally pushing away from the Blues after a spirited lst half performance . The Blues through Grace, Buckingham & Nind were playing well but after the main break Mentone through Meyer (Ruck), Rickards & McLeod were too good . Oakleigh produced a'blitzk-rieg in the opening term with the Krushers booting 9g to 2g . The Packer Boys never recovered, as O eigh kept pounding the goals to win by 11 Opts . Orchard outstanding with 9g, as was Georgiadis around the ground. South Melbourne wins by 83pts against 4th placed Be La and jump into the four for the lst time. Cheevers boots lOg in his return to U19 football; sounds ominous doesn't it? Look out because this team is enjoying playing football again . Ajax's running game was far too accomplished for this undermanned St. Kevin's team . Best for the Jackers were Blieden, Glezer and Pask . S ON (2) RED
All four matches were one-sided affairs, with the top of the table clash between Old Paradians and Then-Y Penola all over at quarter time, after Therry booted eight goals to nil in the first term . Therry now sit at the top of the table, while Old Paradians, who occupied top spot going into the round, crashed out of the four. Palazzolo was on fire up forward with seven goals for the v.rirmers, Caliegari also on target with five, while Carroll and O'Connell were outstanding contributors . Lyons and McMahon battled hard for Old Paradians . ~
,:orth Old Boys shot up to second position after mauling Ivanhoe-Fitzroy by 136 points . tvTOBs booted I r, goals in the first half and 15 in the second, in what ~~.: s a sensational effort. Dean booted seven goals for the winners, while Mullins and McCellan both chipped in with five . Healy, Dowset and Robertson were best for Ivanhoe-Fitzroy. Heath booted 10 goals, while Neville, Elliott and Kosta were brilliant, as Ru thrashed Bulleen Templestowe by 127 points . BuIleen could manage just three goals after quarter time, while Rupertswood piled on 21 . Stella, P.Toska and O'Donnell battled hard for BuIleen . Uni Blacks s ored the biggest win of the round as they held ;~c.uina goalless, while vrinning by 213 poiuts. Hanna booted seven goals to take the lead on the goalkicking table, while Santamaria also booted seven . Ross, Corbett and Sale were brilliant for the Blacks, while Aquinas was well served by Stone and Boland . Old Camberwell had the bye . _ s_17-.?W ON 1 T :ie Lions don't get a let up this week when they meet Old Scotch at home . Coach Donovan will be in, no mood for excuses and will demand a much-improved c ;iort from his players . Old Scotch by 88pts . In the match of the round, De La face Mannis' rampaging back-in-town' vs team . But Coach Brown has his team playing champagne football . What a match! I'm not sure whom to pick, but I guess. . . . . . . . Coach Merton knows his team has what it takes if they play four quarters of football . So many times they have competed well but then fallen away. Agains t they cannot afford to do this. SKOBS to win! This ..,: ung Besurnaris team has a real go and are very 1 ; .rsistent . Unfortunately, they will face Top-of-theTable St . Bernard's who will still be there after this week. Old Brighton under new Coach Berry will continue on their merry winning way against O .K's at South Rd. After having played the top 4 sides in the opening 5 rounds they are placed beautifully to jump into the top 5 . Finally, Mazenod face Uni Blues who have turned the corner and are now playing as a team . Tip - control Maskell and you win . Note: Xavs by 14pts. S~sC'TION (2)
The pick of the matches in round six sees third placed Old Trinity play host to second placed Old i oe. The Hoes are unbeaten at this stage, but Old Trinity will be fired up after their narrow loss last week . Form to date suggests Old Ivanhoe will narrowly take the points. Old Essendon make the long trek over the Westgate to tackle top of the table . . . , in what shapes as another entertaining battle . With the Russo boys on fire up forsvard, the Bees will stretch their unbeaten run to six matches . Caulfield Grammarians host Old Hailebury and the home side should be far " ;o strong, despite its upset loss to Ormond last week . 7 ~ sh from a massive victory over Whitefriars , s travel to Yarra Valley, the home side still reeling er its thumping at the hands of Old
Ivanhoe. Yarra Valley will be much more competitive this week but Rovers should prevail. St Leos host Ormond, with the visitors now on a two-match winning streak. Ormond will take it right up to the home side, but St Leos should be too strong. Whitefriars have the bye. SECTION (2) BLUE Monash Blues will want to stay in touch with the four when they travel down to Mackie Reserve to play Glen Diâ&#x201A;Ź . The Blues will prove too strong for Coach Howard's Packer Boys. Be La host Oaldelgh at Darling Park in a match I believe will go down to the wire . Oaldeigh are now chock full of confidence and if they can get the same returns from Orchard and Georgiadis they could win, just . Back-in-Town Swans will. continue with their goal-kicking spree with another percentage boosting win against St . Kevin's. The match of the round sees Mentone host Old vs ; this game will be close but the home team should win . Finally play Ajax . This should be another good test, but ~i- sh~uld win. S Old ; have - : chance to return to the top four when they tackle . __s, while the match of the round will be in Parkville, .vith sixth placed Uni Blacks hosting second placed A011s. Both sides were in slashing form last week but the Blacks at home should take the points. Fresh from a week off, Old Camberwell host Bulleen T Isl towe, the visitors having suffered a huge loss to Rupertswood in the last round . Old Camberwell should continue its solid form and record a comfortable victory . After scoring a huge win last week, Fa - " host Ivanhoe-Fitzroy, who have struggled against the top sides in recent weeks . Rupertsw,'c a .vill be far too strong. Top of the table the bye .
Hosking Coggins McDonnell Cations J. Russo Yeo Mendola Crowe Hayes Cooper Berger Dixon Hanna Sandiford Heath Dean
TOTAd. CLtF U:"-~~ ; 19/ 1 24 Old Scotch 2 De La Salle 2 18 14 Old Xaverians 14 Old Scotch 1 12 UNDER 19/2 Werribee 7 28 Yarra Valley 0 21 Old Ivanhoe 0 18 Yarra Vallev 0 18 UNDER i9/2 BLUE Mentone 2 20 AJAX 1 17 AJAX 0 16 Mentone 1 16 UNDER 19/2 RED University Blacks 7 18 University Blacks 1 15 Rupertswood 10 15 North Old Boys 7 14
1';P :: !_. :~ =_EG'lto2i 1 OLD E=rJTCf1 42 5 .3 5.5 7.8(50) C`) °"1G]310A 2.3 5 .7 9-8 16.9 (105) Old SCWrhHa;ktng 2. Cations 1, Cllnch 1. Ca:.e)k, 1. Kitchen I . Watts 1 . Best : Radskt, Leeds. Freauant- Catbns, Dumares7. Knight. Ot.d Brlq$tan : biagulre 4. Salem 3. Frlaards 2. Lrt2 . Akock 1 . Gamtxe 1, Hunter I . Mlattesi I, h'-4r; I. Bat: h9cCm:.an. Wilttvas. Header, Esans. Mtattest, Marley. Ump3res : T. Friedman. C . ESaas (F) OLD EAVERI.9H8 6 .3 13.11 191 5 28 .19 (187) COLLEGIANS 2-1 22 4 .2 4.4 (28) Old - AkDa,-mell 14. A Biddlecembe 4, Smaitwroed 3, llaaard 2, hLilron I . ¢utnn 1, Mcf+Jd4_• I . V:atsh I, Smith I Best: bkDoane➢ . Jams, A. Biddk,-be. Sma)Faaod . i7tmavs . Smith. • Skurrey 3 . Rowe 1 .B:s.t. Skurrcy . Val . Kroihis. Hcrtmn . Chshn^rs, Shtnkfeild.Uml3rt: G . Schlpp. M . }Jela¢ (F) Sr. •2.3 3.4 6.7 11 .8 (74) DE LA SALLE 5-1 8 .4 10.7 13 .8 (86) 6t. 8cvlns: Harris 3. h4arurood . E,ans, Chard, 3fatwncy, Gulllfc, Ander ;an . Fns . Dugan . Best: tdci.ay, Anderson . Duggan . Chard- Hzr,is, Bare. Be Co 8v1)a Bcrmtd 3. PinFt11 3 . Crggirs 2 . AMetvecio, I€resi, Waimsky. Waod(uck, S. Brv n . Beat : Bennlcf. Krrz.t. Aide-4o, Moran . Caffey, S. Brman. Ump#res: J. Greasbarak C, St-rut (J) ST. BERNARDS 3.5 8.9 13.13 21 .17(143) MARGESSdN 3 .3 6.3 6.6 6.6 (42) SL : Elliot 6. J.Smlth Whelan 4, Keur.an R. James 2, Mansfield. Legdi Bo .uakls I . E 1: tVhean, E➢ bt, N. Smith. B. Catkp, hiBett°ll. I' ec 31}n: Addi:tm Da!e 2. Ceattlart Gale 1 . Besi: Gartuer. Strempel . Sake, Considine. Gale. n^^'3 . --•c J. Ralph, D. D'rAltera (F). B. Ralph IB ) 4.1 52 6.4 9.4 (58) 2.6 4.7 8.9 10.9 (69) ,rm. Bcuchereau. Bickers. t, Y€(tmart, PlCD-all, Bkkers. Ch..rnhalain . . .. rgan 4 . Smith. Tucker. Stmpso-n. Walker, Ryan, B.Marks . Best: Ryan . LVCa ad. S7rnpson.Um m, T. Ltl'ry. N. Carlycn (F) 5.6 12.11 15.14 20.17(137) 2•3 3 13 5.4 8 .4('a2) Unbrentity - Had 4- BrtW 4, Cameron 3, Rlan 2. Fkeirnes 2, Barley 1 . Frieka 1, 'Wright , 1. Be;C Braoke• Br19P, Ryan . B!rtlrj• Wlkcar, h,Lar. Fc•rrari 5. Gote i . Cooper 1, Wilson 1 . Best: BeasLvtd . Demon, 2hemrpxm. C' Vdtl- Um¢hca: J. Ll;runr, P. Mtcebus (F). J. At:ahtis (B ) 1 .3 5.7 5.12 8.8(66) 5.4 8.6 16 .7 25.13 (164) t 2. Brooks . Jou ,s . McGauran- VMght. Best: Capron . l;'c ._m. J. Rusw 7,Walsh 6, A. Rosen 4, Fastura 2 . Toussalnt 2,Yrsr 2, Jack. StcGw an. A. Rum, Coma. HofSrrn, t4z)sh . M4c{',ouan, J . Russo. Ur^^z-u S. Blusttin . P. Berty(F) 3,0 5.3 5.3 11 .7 (73) 4.5 6.9 6 .13 9 .15(69 ) : Wilson. ML3runw. Gocrtan ,
: Bruhn 3, Sinclair 3, FranklmJanes. Gass, Scntt. Best: Pag m . Br ~ BruM, J . Jes.s. Frost Umgfreu: A. Wekseiman, A . D3men (R )(F) , .L 7G ,B 5 .4 10 .9 19 .14 28.19 (175 ) 13315 2.4 4.8 6.9 8.10 (58) 6. P.attams 4. BurhgawT 4. Proh}n 4. Gces 3, Johnstone 3. :J. h'Alhw . Cwmrlty . Burg~raa6. Battams, Raping. nhua 2. Adkins 2, Cursb, Jannqn . Best : Warren -Smith, Tobin. plres: G. Aiargtn, A Ing3ts (Fi 3 .3 4-4 5 .7 9.9 (63) 2 .1 5.4 7 .7 10.9 (89) ChrLicpitersan 2, htatth- 2. Lvt&= . Pretty, J Amore. S . Amore. Jackson. Best Chrltaphersat, J Amore, R H!L42s, Gordon, S Arore . Bu1kn Old Ew-dom Moan 3. Flaherty 2. rkhlorton 2, Buckl :^y. Velardo, Cbinvek. Beat : G6lhtrk. Ryan. Willamson. Buckley . Slater. Fitapatrtck. Ump3tta: D. Wlidlov, M . Philips (F)
TODAY'S U19 SECTION I Collegians v. Old Scotch De La Salle v. Old Xaverians Marcellin v. St . Kevins Beaumaris v- St. Bernards Old Brighton v. Old Melburnians Mazenod v- University Blues U19 SECTION 2 Caulfield Gr. v. Old Haileybury St . Leos Emmaus v . Ormond tiVhitefriars has the by e Yarra Valley v . Hampton Rovers l'derribee v . Old Essendon Old Trinitv v. Old Ivanhoe
OLD 1W., ~ .11 YARRA VALLEY Old houda- ( .at rccr3cxd ) Yura Yatkp: A Stubbs (R) P)
8 .1 3.3
19,5 6 .9
13.3 5.8
23 .11 (i 3t 8.30 6:
UNDER-19 [2) RED OLD PAR6DLM1it5 0.0 52 7.6 9.10 (84) 'IIIF,RRY-PFSiOLA 8.5 9.7 16 .12 20.16 (13 6) Old • Pagia 3.Retuer 3, Lyuns- LaTorre, Sptrssaa. Best: Lyvns, Mchia}m't, AkRo. Gkttuy, Pa4,ts . Retner . '17texry-Pr.m:}a: Paano'u 7 . Calkgv7 5 . Farokll 2. CURon. Freckleton . Atkinson, Kkrnan, A{cCarthy, Carroll. Best : Card. G'Cea.r.Il, Freckkton. Paaaab. Rittman . Caliy3rri Um( hass A b agge. J. Kvins(F) 11191 BL9,CR.4 8 .5 13 .11 22.14 33.16 (216) A .QilIt1AS GC 0 .0 0.1 0.2 0,3(3) Uni Bl®e,ks: Santamarta 7, Hamm 7- Qxccn 6. Bong9o; no 4. Hamllton 3 . Sale 2. CrabMt. Flood, Rundell, Sutditord. Best: Russ, Corbett. Sale. S3ntamvta, Hanna . Hamilton, "sharp.Bcmg~a no. Green : Best St= Bal3nd. LOgrrt. Smnn. Fmdyce. Um)meu: S. edger (R) (F) BUt7.EEN TSMPIF.ST6WE 2,3 2,3 3.5 5 .5 (6 5) RUPElYf81P04D 4 .3 11 .5 19.8 25.12 (162) BaUmn Teen • Stella 2, h{eGroh .•rn, J.'.iatthc.~s . Kid. Best: Stella, P.Toska O'Donnell . 2.4ArL'n, J .hiattheas. hlarsh. • HaoOr 10. Temmtng 3. natty 3. Ellbit 2- Clean 2. F'Idding• Nr-.tih, Pi,,, Shalders. Best : Nevilk. Elliott, Kosta. Heatlr. PrE-e. McGroctrn.Ump '.rn: D. Dtnneen, C. (F ) Collins, NORTH OLD BOYS 6.4 16.7 23 .11 31.14 PW) PPAfi716E1P1T-LRSY 2.3 4.5 5.8 9,10 (64) North Old Boga: Dean 7, Mullins, 64cCelkm S. Johnstmte 4, Hayrxs, BernWtg tam 2, Burr-, Darkinn . Kelly, Halm . Van Dertturst. Ryan 1. Best : Mul(tns. BurYy. 6r/.dsqn. Dean, hlcCteJan. B-ingham lriSmvy- Du°zvt Sukkar 2, Moysey, routes, Bite, Henley, BLaynrv I . Best: Hwiy, Dv-et, Robertwn- Ehcsysep- Btc, Sukkar. Urapirtsu B . Clark . R. Smltlt (F) UNDERI912113S,UE 11004531 3 3 5.4 5 .4 6.4(40) 1kiEPnY)NE 42 5 .6 13.13 14 .18 (102) Monatutu Grar•2. Gffb. t. Ha-kJ .. Joud.:d dt( . Nmd. Bt : Grace, Bucl :tttgham . Mad, R¢;s. Shidds. Green • Krtrtgs4. Hayes2. Dtmn . Bttner, Atlxit4n. Pothltes. WtLFwt. Dugkvr . Sull'r.an, I.ItOe. Best : Rtckards.MeLeal.Duggan .Walstah.hteya.Dt+nn . Umphrs: S . Cr3hc . T. Bcnsran 0467211111 9 . 14 .7 20.11 28.13 (181) GLEN EI.RA 2.0 5 .3 7.4 11 .5 (71) Oatkkiglu Grchard 9. Georpj.:,lts 5. Briggs 2. Cash 2. McPlme 2. h',ouLng 2- S}rnm , . Viaer 2, Bye I . h4zk.rotm I . Seat Geagt:d7s, Cash, Sytnmons, Ord>i.rd. Keay-. i r G2cu Elta Yadour 4, A . Ahmed 3, Wtlll,ms 2 . Fernando I, L . Lvnpos 1- doom 1Gnd ur. KntghL Rou.s.ety. W19ams. Tzbian. UmP*sza: C.Lctleh . P.Ca1llt(F) SOUTH hUMBOURNE DISTRICTS 3.8 10.9 14-17 18.22 (130) DE 1.A "Jr1SdE (2) 22 4 .3 7.3 7.5(470 South Chectisrs 10, Winters 5. TskkLvt 1, Bell 1, ifc0 .'nald I. Best : 5kiruu• Cl--, Grundy. btcl).nald, Winters . BeSI. De to Bak: Roberts 3, Quirk I, Slwrree 1 . Nehr3as I . Be - tI . Best : hLtchell, Hyde . FL3rutky. Shone . l5aitan. Byers. Ump#ra: R. htarttn, D. Step)iGns (F) . J. Fagan, C . O'Shea (B) . B . Stephens (G) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 4.0 92 12 .7 18.10 (118) A>B 4.1 10.7 10.10 11.13(79) OM Xnverians (2): G"danc 6,SIlk 3, Dynan 2. DcJ•le 1, Chamtcrlatrt I . Bolton I . Carmondy 1 . Sp9ane I . Mir ,^=ucrW I . Best Ratraek. 0'i4ine. Chamberlain. Fox SkKe,v3e, Mlgucein l OB : Fr h 4. Betan 3, V.aiker 2, Bar- 1, Hind I . Best: Vmecrndess, Rujuek. Brr,n• r, P^•sn. Bowm. itmPlre: J. hll)1er (F) 67:F EVIP78(2)
1 .3
1 .4(10)
2.2 4 .7 9 .10 14.17 (101 ) (2): Dklills. Best: Dempsey, h7cyw, hS}tvu_hyshyn . Lyners . Wilkinson . Mks. : Batista 3. Jar>8.er 2 . Feldman 2, ibhllner 2. Coaper• Miller, Glezs. FMter. Butt. Be:;t: Bkden, Butt. Gk-. Guldhkarn• Pask. Fe)dman . Umpirt J . Greg-d . C. Ste,ens (J) (Fl
C B1LS U19 (2) BLUE Glen Eira v. Monash Blues De La Salle (2) v- Oakleigh South Melbourne Districts v . St. Kevins (2) Mentone Amateurs v . Old Xaverians (2) MHSOB v. AJAX IRA U19 (2) RED Therry Penola has the bye Aquinas v. Old Paradian s
University Blacks v . North Old Boys Old Camberwell v . Bulleen-Templestowe Rupertswood v. Ivanhoe-Fitzroy TBA
LA ,~ ALL E .,
C, wc
Coach : Brian Brown Coach :
rty Huck
1 B Wallard IN am s nk
'nte :B •e Ilan
-' ~F
h ms el l
2 K McKay 4 A Shinkfield
5 D Carcor 7 S Taft 8 N Unsworth 9 T Skarrie 10 D Vail 11 D Fotheringham
12 R Turner 13 A Hickey 15 N Roach 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clark 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiris 30 W Fowler
31 N Herman 33 C Rowe
1 J Kean 2 R Buckley
2 R Walmsley 3 T Melon
3 J Hughes 4 MBrasher 5 H Handley 6 M Brown P Harrison 7
7 A McLeish 8 T Woodlock
9 M Lafferty 10 A Coffey 11 J Bowden 12 C Moran 12 M Naughtin 13 J Roberts 14 J Membrey
15 J S6near 16 H`Ji!IeY 17 D Thomas 19 S Brown 21 B Quinan e 22 D Adenrcao
Coach : Danet R : rt on
1 . D. Cracknel l 3. N. Addiso n 4. M . Mastores 5. C. Dignan 8. L. Considine 11 . B . Gale 13 . B. Skeen 14 . D. Coghlan 15 . T. Sheehan 18 . D. Gartner 19 . S. Birrell 20 . D. Salce 22 M . Voskersens~ 23 . J . Nea l 24 . J . Stempe l 25 . E. Weekes 40 . D. Welch 44 . D. McMillan
24 J Garland
26 D Spithill 32 A Bander 49 D Coggins 55 S Giblet,
°_ . . n. Rob
E Tossnsing E Tucker C Burgess
5 D Woodford S Guest M Kennon C Trim N Guy .,. B Marks
:s c I ~
I L Freeman 2 M Wa!kom 3 D Knight 4 D Logan
5 A Cateh!ove 7 J Spraque 8 N Coleman
10 R Craven 11 R Josephs 12 J Rodski
J O'Dwyer
13 W Lewis
J Richardson
14 R Teesdale
A Simpson
15 S Cations 16 D Jennings
A Richards J I D': _,r B Wulf N Barrett
2 Gunn N 3 Mcs,ah:,n G 4 Mckenzie c 5 Mctce">'°-"McHa`g 6 Ca!aJ
3. 4. 5. 6.
9R.~h J to Wool! D it Fa,,r„~, t t2 DlonJ
7. 8. S . Mitchell 9, J . Smit h 10 . R. James 11 . S. Wheeler
7 oKa„>M s McAinru4J
13 rd~enh t4 ~~~ F t5 p .~~ B
A. Bouzikas (C) C. Burns S . lannazzo A. Matthews S . Monteleone
12 . M . O'Donnell
13 . L. Mansfield 14 . N . Thomas
to J- P
17 . D . Swan
19 S McQueen
2v F ' u
18 . D . Walsh
21 : 1 P
19 . M. Moretti
22 t .. i 23 t;, „ S
20 . S. Cxampbell 21 . N . Whelan
21 N Costello
E Selby
2. S . Neeson
18 A Quail
M Prowse
C Walker J Jewell J', jIcahy
Coach: ta .A. ~D 1 . D. Elliot
17 D Robertson
20 T Husking
N Robinson ~ . . J Rush _ N Kent D Marks M Horgan
C ch : (i ) ray Mescal Coach: (2) Jan , Pay t C P
76 Grigg s 17 ~eC ta FS
S Carter E Ryan
3.. P. Reed
4. L Rudlin9 5. P. Ryan 6. S . Veltman 7. A. Wilson 8. B. Thomas 9. B. Thompson 10 . D. Masks][
11 . L. Fuller 12 . M . McDowell 13 . C. Clegg 14 . D. Clegg 15 . A. Burrows 16 . A. Longmuir 17 . C . Meehan
18 . P. Del Mastro 19 . S. Bickers 20. P. Dugdale
21 . D . Armansin 22 . C . Aguis 23 . D . Aguis 24. J. Thomas 25. D . Hansen 2 "0. D . Stagliano 27. C . Raise 28. D . Devlin 29. M . Thompson 30. S. Cox 31 . C . McDave 32. G. Nash
Steve Barr
1 . ' .' F ry 2 . C. McKim m 3 T. Mattesti 4 . A. MaCGillivray 5 . N. Gamble 6 . L. Dale 7 . C. Reddi n 8 . C. McNicho l 9 . J. Dooley
tO.A. Morley 11 . C . Adami s 12.J. Mead 13.N . Edwards 14. E. McCowan 15. J. Hunte r 16. J. Homan n 17.J. Wals h 18.A. Sale m 19. P. Angelin i 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshal l 22 A. Hughes
23 N . Gambl e 24 C . Alcock
25 D . Hartman 26 C . Baxte r 27 J. Maguire
28 N . Williams 31 G. Simm 32 A . Goldner
34. A . Murray 35. J . Schiano 36. D .0)dman 37. G. Kennelly 38. B . Chamberlai n
D Smith
1 . D. Bonnic D. Fotiniotis
33. D . Mallo y
ez-Smah •. .i=
Coach : Andt P'tv~erin g
22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett
24 ' ~7
26 G Fordyce
2e J 29
27 R Davies 28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prendergast
31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton
26 L"""° G often P
30 J 31 Fax A 32 ~a, . ~y M 33 F„~,~ s ~ 34
36 S Marash 38 M Rayner 39 M Leeds 41 MWatts
35 .fA 35 --- =~nbe k 31 ca~~J 38 t"" M s Ft>oD 40 [ ..'- J 4t e ::nJ
44 J Simon
42 axes
34 T Maloney y
60 Dr:,;rdel-
~(t} . YS C-1) (2) : Ste~snt 1 . J . Dempsey 3 . A. Umbers 4 . L Fox 5 . U. Hroks 6. J . Ham s 7 . L Kalesaran 8 . D . Macdonald 9 w. McCann 10 . D . Mahoney t1 . M. Hutton 12 . D . Molay 13 . S . Marwood 14 . BMarchesani t5 . D . Bare
16 KDidils
17 . D. Makohon 7 8 . PA Anderson t9 . W. Macdonald
15 . J. Formic a 16 . C. Mitchel l
20 . p,YM~ua!gr~ew 23 . A . Jenkms
22 . B. McManus 23 . J. Mckay 24 . B. Calle' a 25 . T. Legudi)
26 . A. Anderson 27 . L. Evans 28 . L. Callea )
29 . C . Goullet 30 . C . Trevri n 31 . L O' Brien
2 . T. D an
22 _ G. Holland 24 G. Nola n 25 . J.Deacen 26. J . Knup?eI 27 . t_Clahesy 28 . P. Lndy
~" C.Ditma r 30. P. Giss,ng 31 . M.iPmJnney 32, J. Co x 33 . L Meyer 34 . S . Mache.i ; n 35. N. o'Hal ora 38, T PurceEi 37 P. Ciancsy
3B. H. Chard 39. M . Ca,rney 40 TNemon 41 . B. Evans 42. M. storehouse
43 p.t 7isch r
38 N . Smith 39 C . Kevnan
44. J. Kin ~ 45. N. V{a s 46. o, vrlkm n 5p. TL n= ^ {t .C")T° ;- -tinessy
40 R . Cousland 41 M. Kavanagh 42 D. James 43 K . Walker
57. M . H,nsWy Thompso n 168. D James 62. KMclnerney
32 . A . Smith 33 . B . Ba ;larin
53 T. Si n 55. A. Car ,_ . .
oach : Stcve King 1 . A. Millar C . Nicholls M . A!beflhorpe J . Bromwic h T. Birtley C J . Sudholz L. Merle
S. W. Austberr y . M . Brooksha w 70. J . Parnel l 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
G. Fricker (VC ) R . Jacob T.Girdwood(VC ) N . Ric h R. Hal l K . Alexande r A. Briggs
18. P. Burco 19. E . Wilcox (VC )
0. J . Culley 1 . J . Brook 2. D. Hatswel l 3. J . Gurne r 3.
4. R. Holmes (VC ) 5. J . Tanner 6 . A. Wilso n 7. J. Wright
8 . L. Rya n 9 . A. Camero n 0 . J. Chambers
1 . M . Robertson 2 . S. Adam s 3 . E. Matties 4 . Z . Rudd 5 . R. Kercheva l 6. C . Walsh 7' R .
8 . A. Sheehan 9 . A. Gooney
~ . S. Monahan
M . H .s.o . B . :C
~~ ~
1 . D . Kron9old 2. N . Bode 3. M . PennYcuic k 4. T. Vinen 5. B . Gross 6. R . Foote 7. P. Roberts 8. S . Tucker 9. M . Romeo 10. L. Siapaniis 11 . T.Foster 16. P. MeLeish 34. H .Baker 43 A . Brauhn 44 A . Van Rompa ey
: ., -- _r
C;, .ch: Paul Curry
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
B . Cullin9 B. Canton S . Bur99raafi T. Jowett K. Johnstone C . Malthouse A. Battams G . Carr B. Jowett
10 M . Stafford
11 J. AJmhofer 12 L Kennedy 13 A. Fisher 14 N . Goss 15 D . Molino 16 L . Hope 78 R . Turnbull 20 B. Kezilas 22 B. Henry 23 C . Probyn 24 S. Seleito 25 B. Smith 27 A . Banks 28 S . Weaver 29 D . Dawes 32 C . Sendeckyj 33 C . Delosa
Coach : Tim Hille
o Lo
Coach: Camptxll Glover Coaoh : Marshall Fisher 1 J Williamson 2 D Ryan 1 . P. Rujevic (VC) 3 C Obliubek P . McGrath 2. 4 M Velardo 3. T. harper 5 S De Morton 4, M, Brown {VC) 6 D Slater 5. N . Adcock 7 L Wilson 6. P. Membrey 8 L Kavanagh 7. S . Whittington 9 A Frazer 8. A. Hal l 10 M Flaherty 9 J . Walker (C) 11 J Buckley 1 .0. T. Fracze k 12 W Nunl st 11 . D. Slucki 13 A Carrozza 12 . A. Svirski s 14 A Parker 13 . N. Stauss 16 M Nicolas 14 . A. Viscendese 17 B King 15 . D. Viscendes e 18 D Flahe m` 16 . A. Nirens 19 N Fitzpatrick 17 ' G . Pollard (VC) 20 A Prowse 18 ' M . Neilsen 21 N Bartram 19 . T. Cousland 22 T Logan 20 . D.Fox 23 C Devereux 21 . S. Foley 24 J Duggan 22 D. Fox 26 B Falcke 23 . M . Bowen 28 S Falcke 24 . D . Gianakos 29 T Campbell 25 . M. King 32 B Hakim 26 . J. Brown 34 J Marinos 27 . C . Owen 35 W Higgins 28 . D . Bevan 29 . B. Gevaux 30. J. Saigal 31 . J. McGeach
B 8.i
. .. . . . .
Coach: Paul Gregor
~_- 'b
Coach : Steve Lovell
HA ®a.2 a a e
Coach Marty Vea l
Coach : Andr r Lynch t .M . Hoffmann
2 .L. Pitcher (VC)G) 3 .V. Jayasuriya 4 .H. McLauchtan 5 .8 . Crawiord 6 .S . Durkin C 7 .J . Hanlon 83. Polloc k 9 .R. D'Sitva 10 .S . Capron 11 .J . Glanville 1p A. Fletcher 13 .A. Kozik 14 .E . Marsh 15.R. Goodbody 16.H. Brooks 17•R. Plummer 18.N. Rose 19.G. Waxma n O 20.J. Wri9ht C 21 . D. MacKenzie (VC) 23. B. Koetsier 27. D. Swanto n 28. B. Hunter 29.T. Arche r 30.A. Shaw 33.R . Mosbey 39.A. Jones 43.M. McGaura n
_ : . . . . '.- .
. ..
Coach : Tim Pratt
1 . K.0'Dveye r 2. M .Paine 3. S .Lar+ 4. C.Binne y 6. S .Curatolo 7. N.Braddy 8. TGriev e 9. C.Lynch 10 . S .Jenkins 1 1 . THibbs 12 . J.Baker 14 . O.Levais 16 . L.McKie 1Z M,Clark e 18 . LLou 9hnan 19 . D.Barne s P0 . D .C an 21, W.Coleman ~ 22• D .Neilson 23 . D .Meredith 24. M.Mendol o 25 . TFinl a 26. L .Still a n 27 J,0'Dea
Y~ .-~
. _r .-
Coach: Rod Penaluna
1 A Middli n 1 . J . Wallace P e ggie A 1 .L Russell 1 N Kennedy 1 . S. Muraca 2 . M Norrish 3. S. Cleven 2 Hine A(C) 2 .S . Wheller 2 M D'Amelio 2 . C. Kelly 3 . N . Pas k . Cahill 3 Langdon S 3 .M . Wood 5~ M 3 B Petrie 3 . M . Bradfield 4 . R .Bett 6 . D. Purtell 4 Taylor C 4 .C.Hassell 4 P Sampson 4 . S. Eisenberg 5 . P Vatoppi 7 J . Power 5 Pretty S 5 .A. Clinch 5 P Podbury 5 . P. McGowan 6 . D Lloyd 8 M . Malady 6 Bu gess J 6 .M . Luba 6 P Boyd 6 . S. Kidd 8 . R Drew 9 L. Swain 7 Davies M(DVC) 7 .R. Wiley 8 S Davidson 7 . B. Daniels 9 . B .Keho e 10 L Coulthard 8 Amicani A S .J. Muzzell 9 N Romney 8 . C . Jack 10. J .Seege r it D . Crea 9 Jackson N 9 .J. Franklin 14 M McHugh 9 . A. Russo 11 . Z.Webb 12 C . Stats 10 BIackmare B 10.A. Warwarek 15 P Carey 10 . A. Borg 13. LGillie s 13 T. Langford 11 Mi then P 11 .D. Heaty 16 A Kelly 11 . J . Toussaint 14. G.Thompson 14 L . Twomey 12 Kelly T 12.G . Breitkreuz 19 A Rooks 12 . C . Smith 15. D.Smith 13 Gordon N 15 M. Baker 13 .M. Martinov 20 J Hamilton 13 . D . Groulos 16. C.Holdswort h 16 R . Coslovich 14 Tn waites M 14.D . Jowett 21 A Ballard 14 . T. Davidson 17. A .Piaey 17 T. Barugh 1 5 Amore J 15.A . Goonan 23 G Brearley 15 . M. Walsh 18. C.Bea l 19 J. Morris 16 Rmare S 16.D . McKenna 28 C Beljak 16. C . Yasar 19 . A .Coleman 20 S. Alexander 17 A matas C 17.M . Heffernan 41 D Wood 17. A. Tedesco 20 . D.Seneratn e 21 A . Graham 18 Heaven C 18.h8 . Ramsay 55 D Tomkins 18. B . Cunningham 21 . J .Tompkins 22 A . Baker 19 Duell R 19.W. Cove 59 M Anderson 19. R . Rose 22 . J . Peake 24 J . Treyvaud 20 O bero S 20.R . Lerner 61 G Hondow 20. D . Lowe 23 . T. Collett 25 N . Muhllechner 21 Kinros A 21 .L. Wilson 64 T Stephens 21 . N . Gaud 24 . G .Coutts 27 S . Sait u phys2F D 22.B . Rayson 73 J Dixon 22. S . Blanco 25 . F. Pellegrino 28 M. Haverkamp 23 HiI las R 24.A . Lom 74 J Blewitt 23. J . Russo 27 . S .Savage 29 D . D'sousa 24 Chd.d . J(VC) 26.T. Harvey 24. M . O'Donnell 25Lu Lucas C 27.J . Noske 25 . J . Purton 30 B . Janson 29 . D.Bell 30 . J .Strong 37 G. Kennedy 27 Cokalis S 28.T. Naylor 26. C . Andrews 31 ,. S.Urban o 26 Danahoo M(VC} 29.A . O'Shannessy 27. R . Fastuca 32 . J .Parry 28 Stebbins N 31 .S . Bbarker 28. T. Dean 34 . S.Britt 29 C Crawford r M 33 .A . Cook 29. L. Simmons 37 30 Bu Sullen M 39.M . Ferrari 30 . C . Mahoney 44 . D. Sims . N .Martin 4 4 Lancaster M 49 .A. Perry 31 . B . Vandenhurk 76 Matthew M M 54 .M . Wilson 67 .R. Marti n
75 .R. Presser
TJnder速19 - Section (2) Blu e AJAX Coach: Mark Zuker 1 L Goldman 2 k 3 Z Lrus~~hn 4 A Butt 5 E Goldstone 6 E Janover 78 D S VannAken 9 D Miller 1 0 G~bnn ? J Blankfield j3 J Kozminski i : 0 Harshen 75 0 Finkel 16 L Fetter 17 J Karqan ,18 JoPe_ame n 19 J Kaicer 20 J Friedman 21 A( .evnn a G Gelbart 23 8 Berger 24 P Glazer 25 B~~n 7 J A~ Le+ns~r 28 J Givoni 29 E Path 32 L Peters 33 JuFeldman 34 M Sno w 35 J Rapke 36 A Sacks 37 0 Krasnostein 38 R Silberma n 39 G New 40 E Wollner 41 A Sir~qer 42 J Pask 50 M Milmeister 55 V Kelp
DE LA SALLE ( Gold) Coach : Greg Buntine 1 B Hawkins 2 L Browne 3 D Hyde 4 S Meehan 5 M Miller 6 D Wood 7 D Taylor 8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailon 11 S Alder 12 R Burrows 13 P Arbon 14 A Dimble 15 J Hughes 16 M Roberts 17 B Keinhaus 18 R Quirk 19 S Allan 20 J Shone 21 M Be non 22 M Conway 24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clifton 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken 29 G Walton
Coach: Chri s Moore
Coach: (1) Manny Nicolosi Coach : (2) James Fay
2 . L. Kelly 3 . B . Rose
1 Carter P 2 Quinn N
4 . L. GeOrgiadiS 5 . C . Kokkinos 6.
A . Ciavarella 9 . A . Visser 11 M . McPhee
11 Farrow L 12 Dillon J 13 Nolen A 1 4 Chamberlain F 15 Dixon B
29 R. Kelly y
35 M . Stevenson 39 T Orchard 43 J. Reynolds 46 J. Gaal 48 J. Nevezie (C)
54 C. Greaves 55 S. Heslop 58 H. Reinhardt 63 N. Wills
STH . MELB . DISTRICTS Coach : Darren McKillop
16 Grigg S 17 D oyle C
issaii y ~] 速
18 Ross S 19 Jabour P Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T
23 Carmody S 24 Biddlecombe T 25 Pietryk M 26 Denton G 27 Gtynn P 28 McGrath J
Will lea'a
29 Gill P 30 Silk J 31 Fox A 32 McCarthy M 33 Buckeridge S 34 Spillane A 35 BushbY A 36 Biddlecombe A 37 DeMaria J 38 Walsh M 39 Furletti D 40 Dale J 42 Smith J 44 Bolton M 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L
1 M. 2 . S . Sullivan 3 . P. Dixo n 4 . G. Allan 7 . T. Barr 8 . K . Littl e 9 . K . McLeo d 11 . B . Atherton 12. M . Wilso n 13. M . Hayes 14. P. RoCk e 17. S. Casacell i 19. S. Hamilto n 20. P. Krings 21 . D . Kelly 22. S. Barker 24. M. Duggan 26. A. Rock 30 . A. Poth itos 31 . C . Jamieso n
39 C. Burley 41 J. Ryan 42 S . Young 48 G. Clugston
34 . M . Wingrave 35 . T. Smit h 36 . G. Mora n 37 . C . Johnston e 38 . R . Bitne r 41 . S . Alexander 45 . R . Connard 56 . S . Rickards
ST. KEVINS 0 8 Coach: ( 1) Paul O'Shannass y Coach : (2) Stephen Clarke
1 . J. Dempsey
12. D. McLay
MENTON E Coach: Shane O'Connor
1 S. Chapman 3 J .Rosengaden (C) 4 G . Chessari 5 R. Buckingham 6 A. Hickey 7 S. Knight 8 S. Thompson 9 P. Nevill 10 B. Rogers 11 M. Vegter (VC) 12 R . Shears 13 M. Carey 14 Z. Wrig ht 15 B. Nind 18 A . Shields 19 G. Gilbert 20 W. Little 22 B . Green (VC) 24 T. Craven 26 B . Jondahl 29 J. Ross 30 J. Mellinglon 31 S . Hawkins
2. T. Dugga n 3. A . Umbers 4. L. Fox 5 M . Hicks 6. J. Harri s 7. L. Kalesara n 8. D. MacDonal d 9. W. McCan n 10. D. Mahoney it . M . Hutlon
8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J
10 McColl D
MONAS H BLUES Coach: Dennis Grace
7 O'Kane M
14 B . Evans
23 S. Bando
Coach: John Howard
3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C' 5 McKenzie-McHarg 6 Cato J
12 F. Malcolm 15 D. Moulang 16 A. Keays 18 N. Cash 21 J . Briggs 22 S. Johnson
13. 5. Manvoo d 1 4. 8 Marchesan i 15. 0. Bare 16. K Didih s 17. D. Makohon 18. W 19 M . Anderson . MacDonald 20. M . Mulgrew 22. G . Holland 23. A. Jankin s 24, G . Nolan 26. J. Knu ppel 27. D. Ker r 28. P. landy' 2s. P. Foga y 30. P. Gissing r 31 . M. Courtne t y 32. J. Cox 33 L r't~ef 34.. S. Mitohell 35. N . O'Halloran 36 . T. Purceyll 37, P 38 . A . Clhard 39 . M. Caime y 40 . A . Boyse 41. 8. Evans 42 . M.Stonehous e 43 . M. Tischle r 44 . J g 45 . N.. K" Watts
46 . C . Wilkinson
50 . J . GuIIBer 51 . C . O'Shaughness y 53 . T. Simpson 55 . A . Marsh 57 . M. Hinsley 58 . A . Thompson 62 . K Mclnerny 65 . R . Miller 68 . J. Deaco n 69 . C. Hilliard
Under-19 - Section 2 Red AQUINAS D .C . Coach : John Ryan 2 R . Klogeman 5 A. Boland 6 P. McNiff
7 A. Jenkinson 9 M. Guthridge 10 L. Mackowski 12 A. Corrigan 13 V. Hall 14 A. Hayes 15 S . Verona 17 J . See 19 D. Sinclair 20 S . Collins
21 P. Stone 22 G. Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D. Dew 25 C. Tavalli 27 C . Munro 28 J . Holly 29 B . Miller 30 J . Tappley
OLD PARADIADS Coach : Peter Hansen 2 D Dean Lyons 4 R Hall 5 A Dean 6 A Harvey 11 S Connelly 14 S Fantone 15 L Drummond 19 A Paglia (DVC) 21 L McMahon 22 R Priest 24 G Loftus 27 D Caple 28 S Russell 29 M Keeling 34 P Gloury 39 J Zivkovic 39 S Fistnc 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson ( C) 56 M Spinoso 60 D Boundy 61 C Duncan 63 S Coreoran (VC) .75 S Barbaro 76 A Smith 77 T Crotty
Coach : Matt Agrotis
30 D Barnwell
2• D. Florence 3. A. Paradiso
31 J Bire 32 J Dunne
RUPERTSW00D Coach : Ken Balmer
33 E Healy 34 C Meighen 35 B Dowsett 36 J Healy 37 M Edmonds 39 A Butter 40 J Harman 41 A Mercuri 44 g Ashton 45 G Robertson 46 M Ahem 47 N Blayney 48 N Dykes 50 J Simrk 52 E Clayton 54 S Sukkar 55 B Foynes *' D Cummins °' C Grose *' J Kelly " A Powell *' B Stafford G Waugh
THERRY PENOLA Coach : Steve McMahon
1 S . Cook 2 T. Hedgeland
1 . m . Little 2. D . McQualter
3 J . Kirk
5. P. Tempon e
4 R . Davidson 5 B . Kean 6 D . Burley 7 M . Cursio 8 S . Glover 9 T. Roach 10 J . McArdie 11 T. Dean 12 J . Hughes 13 M. Kelly 14 N . Barry 15 T. James 16 D . McLellan 17 H . Monk 18 A. Bead 19 M . Saad 20 S. Saad 21 N. Trigwell 22 S. Bermingham 23 N. Hahn 24 S. Haynes 25 J. Mullins
6. B . Christie 7. B . Rya n 8. C . Morley 9. A . Cramer 10. K . darby (C) 11 . D . Pik e 12. G . Weickhardt 13 . T. Proswe 14 . C . Munro 15 . S. Jone s 16 . A. Cantor 18 B. Craven 19 B. Larrichi a 23 H . Hogan 25 A. Zemski 26 D. Ling 39 A. Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas 50 J. Agatanovic 51 M . Brook e 52 M . Cottrel 53 J. Cucinott a 54 L . Enright 55 M . Gilbert 56 A. Mohari c 57 S. Mormt 58 J. Pettitt 59 D. Schmid t 60 N. Warner 61 T. Parke s
1 R Zahra 2 S Page 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 8 K Elliot 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming
15 J Teller 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnson 20 P Flinn 21 D Heywood 22 A Certo 24 G Price 25 R Hatty 27 M Kosta 28 P McMahon 29 G Hewat 31 M Assouad
OLD CAMBERWEL L Coach : Michael Siguta s
Coach : Richard Grummett
1 . S. Marsh
4. 0 . Hill 5. G Taylor 6. M Benic 7. M . McGrath 8. R. Conti 9. M . Bickerdike 11 . J . O'Donnell (C) 13. R Lee 14, P Harding 16. D . Charles 18. A DeSimon e 19. J Hasan 20. J Paraskeva 22. M Perri 23 . D . Tsokes 25 . D Steer 26 . D . Martin (VC) 31 . T. Waiters 33 . P. Gordon 34 . M Tollit 35 . P. Tsokas
NTH OLD BOYS Coach : David Zappula
1 Faroldi M 2 Goodwin T 3 Reynolds L 4 Barron B 5 Kiernan M 6 Mullens P 7 Hermes J 8 Quinn L 9 Gleason L 10 Crotty J 11 McCarthy L 12 Serratore F 13 Comb M 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Palazzolo M 1 8 Freckleton J 19 Green A 20 Capewell C 21 Atkinson D 22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Carroll A 26 Sheppard T 27 Thompson T 34 O'Connell S 59 Robinson T 72 Johnson S 81 Delaney D
1 M Bellari s 2 S Bloodworth 3 D Bo~iom o 4 J Corbett 5 C Delahunty 6 T Donava n 7 P Donelan 8 N Ebner 9 S Flood 10 P Fowler 11 J Greenwood 1 2 M Grigg 13 R Hamilto n 14 W Hanna 15 D Higgin s 16 E Hindl e 17 R Mansfield 18 T Ma aI y l 19 R Moreton 20 D Oconnel 21 R Osullivan 22 B Owen 23 V Parkinso n 24 S Princ e 25 L Rawnskey
26 J Riven 27 A Ross 28 S Rundle 29 M Sale 30 S Sand rford ' (C) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R Scadeft 33 N Sharp 34 P Sondhu 35 M Stockfeld 36 A Torney, 37 J Walke r 38 D Watson 39 R Willis
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G : , r,(,tfromI .45 . • . -veryuL_ V iJN I B I.IJE3 ®I. : D SCOTCH
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H alf Time a n d Full Time Score Se r vice EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS "in tune with th e outer east" VAFA SE GM E N T Scores, chat and new s of local VAFA teams between 6.00 -6.15pm each Satu rday j ? ;ht.
VAFA SUI l A?7 9.3 0 - 10.30 a .m. TUNE IN 9 .30 EACH SUNDAY MORNING FOR BENNY GOODMAN AND TOMMY BRAIN WITH ALL THE VAFA NEW S This weeks guest : Tony Macgeorge (Mentone AFC Senior Coach)
- - - - - - --------pre :nted by GI i in Scarborough with guests from St Bernards (A), Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, i A LaTrobe Uni (D2), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4) , Old Essendon (C). 'iS f
R-P WS Sunday 8 .00-10 .00 pm
Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
7'~ de Age ',Y-FA s~o~-~ IL ~~'r ~ a D~ ~~' ey w6es abou t
L _t Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match o f tie Day and reviews the competition in Monday's Age . - ~-j
Brad Beitzel reviews Saturday' s
matches in his Sunday Herald
Sun weeMy
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Rn _; 19 Advert
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1"TJ~ "11 a s ~~-M w ~auz ~~03,ty report m ~ presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from
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St Bernards (A), Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, LaTrobe Uni (D2), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4), Old Essendon (C ) . PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8.00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
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Weekend Game Promotion
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Itx:: : aits of Tribunal 'r_`arings - ;,_ay 22nd, 2001 Glenn Hatfield, Old Trinity . Striking, 4 matches . Richard Frisina, Marcellir. . Striking, 2 matches. Rodney Kamphuis, Monash Blues . Striking, 2 matches . From match played May 12th . *Michael Voskersensky, Marcellin (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches . *Accepted Prescribed Penalty Results of Investigation Hearings May 22nd, 2001 University Blacks and Banyule charged with a melee in their reserves match played on Saturday May 12th at Melbourne University . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $100 . First offence for both clubs over the last 3 year period) . Prahran AFC lodged a formal complaint alleging that during the second quarter AJAX player no . 14 Yaron Rapoport allegedly kneed Prahran player no. 25 Tony Free to the head and the body .
Charge sustained and player Rapoport suspended for 2 matches .
This Sat : May 26 Mazencki v Old Trinity This Sun : May 27 No matche s Next Sat : June 2 Be La Salle v Old Melburnians Next Sun : June 3 St . Kevins v St. Bernards (019) - TBC VAFA (C-D4) v WAAFL June 9 No Matche s June 10 VAFA v SAAFL (Senior) VAFA (U 19) v NSW-ACT (U 18 ) June 16 St. Kevins v Old Trinity June 17 FIDA
June 23 Elsternwick v Hawthorn (D3) June 24 Old Trinity v Old Scotch
Continued from page 22 PREVIEW: DIVISION 1 :
Old Scotch travel across town for their clash with Therry at the John Pascoe Fawkner Reserve . After consecutive losses Therry captain Mick O'Kearney will be keen to see his side put in a four quarter effort . Old Scotch's form has been good however and they should take the points . De La Salle should be too strong for Brunswick at Basil St De La's defence with Shane Rudd and Bomber Jennings has held form this year and should withstand Brunswick's hard tackling today . St Kevin's coach Anthony Morgan will be desperate for his charges to bounce back after their disappointing loss to Old Xaverians. Prahran at Malvern will be tough but I select St Kevins in a close one. Mazenod travel to the Beach Road Oval for the bottom of the ladder clash with Old Brighton . Mazenod to win in a tight struggle . Match of the day is the Grand Final Replay between Old Melburnians and Old Xaverlans . David King's Crocodiles have regained the services of Premiership Stars : O'Sullivan, Landrigan and Hardwick and their form has improved . OM's will wish to atone for last years disappointment but I select Xaverians to win . DIVISION 2 :
Marcell in have hit form and coach Mark O'Sullivan will wish to make it 3 wins on the trot when they clash with Old Geelong . Marcellin to win after a tense contest . University Blacks take on the young Old Trinity side at the University Sports Oval . The Blacks have found their feet in club 18 after a slow start and will win again .
FINES - Round 5 Late score s First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100) ; each subsequent offence ($100) . Seniors/U19 Reserves/C1 8 failure to phone failure to provide final scores by 5pm scores by 2 .30pm Mt . Lilydale (R) Mt . Lilydale (S) Marcellin (C) Mazenod (U) Whitefriars (C) Old Paradians (U) Incorrect scores phoned - Rd 4
Yarra Valley (S), Oakleigh (S), De La Salle (1) (U), St . Kevins (2) (U ) . Old Essendon do battle against the winless Whit Essendon's form has been erratic but did put up a good showing against Old Ivanhoe last week . VJhitefriars Ruckman John Bonnyman has been a tower of strength all year. OE to win provided all their players make the journey to the leafy eastern suburbs . Collegians are at home to Monash Blues in the Division 2 Match of the Day . The Lions suffered their first setback for the season last round and coach David Lumley will be plotting a revival against the students . Collegians to take the points in what should be an entertaining affair . David Super's Old Ivanhoe take on St Leo's at '. .` Park. McDonald has been a star for St . Leo's up forward, however I expect the Hoe's strength and experience to turn the match their way.
VAFA F"j A- I I LISTS 2001 D1 RESERVE P W L D For Agst % .. Pts UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 5 0 0 467 167 279.64 20 OLD C82+213 ERWELL 5 5 0 0 495 279 177.42 20 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 5 3 2 0 366 305 120.00 12 OLD GEELONG 5 3 2 0 348 343 101 .46 12 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 5 2 3 0 347 332 104 .52 8 MONASH BLUES 5 2 3 0 348 369 94 .31 8 BANYULE 5 2 3 0 232 249 93 .17 8 YARRA VALLEY O B 5 2 3 0 236 319 73 .98 8 AQUINAS 0 C 5 1 4 0 327 407 80 .34 4 DID CAREY 5 0 5 0 143 574 24 .91 0
CLUB 18 ( 2) P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 5 5 0 0 385 202 190.59 20 COLLEGIANS 5 3 2 0 370 162 228 .40 12 MONASH BLUES 5 3 2 0 289 207 139 .61 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 3 2 0 214 234 91 .45 12 MARCELLIN 5 3 2 0 234 282 82 .98 12 ST LEOS EMMAUS 5 2 3 0 253 259 97 .68 8 OLD TRINITY 5 2 3 0 240 253 94 .86 8 OLD GEELONG 5 2 3 0 263 339 77,58 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 5 1 4 0 229 310 73 .87 4 WHITEFRIARS 5 0 5 0 168 514 32 .68 0
P W L D For Agst % Pts D2 RESERVE PARKSIDE 5 5 0 0 435 158 275 .32 20 WB,LIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 4 1 0 379 265 143 .02 16 POWER HOUSE 5 3 2 0 356 267 133 .33 12 WE ST BRUNSWICK 5 3 2 0 270 240 112 .50 12 tiALESIAN O C 5 3 2 0 255 252 101 .19 12 KEW 5 2 3 0 278 269 103 .35 8 OAKLEIGH AFC 5 2 3 0 220 275 80 .00 8 L,1 TROBE UNI 5 1 4 0 233 364 64 .01 4 MENTONE AMATEURS 5 1 4 0 236 420 56 .19 4 PENINSULA O B 5 1 4 0 145 376 38 .56 4
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % Pts ST BERNARDS 5 5 0 0 780 275 283 .64 20 OLD XAVERIANS 5 4 1 0 624 267 233 .71 16 OLD SCOTCH 5 4 1 0 567 249 227 .71 16 ST KLEVINS 5 4 1 0 467 256 182 .42 16 DE LA SALLE 5 4 1 0 626 353 177 .34 16 OLD BRIGHTON 5 3 2 0 417 361 115 .51 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 2 3 0 355 401 88 .53 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 2 3 0 386 439 87 .93 8 MARCELLIN 5 2 3 0 345 527 65 .46 8 COLLEGIANS 5 0 5 0 248 727 34 .11 0 BEAUMARIS AFC 5 0 5 0 214 634 33 .75 0 MAZENOD O C 5 0 5 0 138 678 20 .35 0
D3 RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts FII'ZROY REDS 5 5 0 0 437 186 234 .95 20 ST JOHNS O C 5 5 0 0 431 198 217 .68 20 BE' N IZEIGH AFC 5 3 2 0 419 301 139 .20 12 ELSTERNWICK 5 3 2 0 320 311 102 .89 12 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTSS 2 3 0 274 275 99 .64 8 `, :ONASH GRYPHONS 5 2 3 0 272 283 96 .11 8 U H S O B 5 2 3 0 260 289 89 .97 8 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 2 3 0 260 474 54 .85 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS5 1 4 0 225 342 65 .79 4 ALBERT PARK 5 0 5 0 199 474 41 .98 0 D4 RESERVE P SYNDAL TALLY-HO 5 $T MARYS 5 WERRIBEE AMATEURS5 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 6WINBURNE UNI 5 MT LILYDALE 5 Ot .D WESTBOURNE 5 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5 RUPERTSWOOD 5 BULLEEN COBRAS 5 ELEY PARK AFC 5
W L D For Agst % Pts MR 5 0 0 325 ' 102 318.63 20 100 4 1 0 417 241 173.03 16 80 4 1 0 347 225 154 .22 16 80 4 1 0 337 280 120.36 16 80 3 2 0 344 259 132 .82 12 60 3 2 0 300 406 73 .89 12 60 2 3 0 309 284 108 .8 8 40 2 3 0 296 361 81 .99 8 40 2 3 0 160 318 50.31 8 40 1 4 0 169 385 43 .9 4 20 0 5 0 242 489 49 .49 0 0
CLUB is (1) P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD MELBURNIANS 5 4 1 0 357 179 199 .44 16 ST KEVINS 5 4 1 0 361 213 169 .48 16 5 4 1 U 382 'Lfiti 143 .51 16 S 5 3 2 0 386 162 238 .27 12
C 5 3 2 0 437 311 140 .51 1 2 (A 1) SCOTCH 5 3 2 0 323 234 138 .03 12 1%RUNSWICK AFC 5 3 2 0 241 324 74 .38 12 i11L11RY PENOLA OB 5 1 4 0 253 345 73 .33 4 'd .12ENOD O C 5 0 5 0 113 409 27 .63 0 '. 1,1 .D BRIGHTON 5 0 5 0 113 569 19 .86 0
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 P W L D For Agst % Pts MR WERRIBEE AMATEURS5 5 0 0 577 236 244 .49 20 100 OLD IVANHOE 5 5 0 0 512 247 207 .29 20 100 OLD TRINITY 5 3 2 0 359 263 136 .5 12 60 5 3 2 0 254 206 123 .3 12 60 CAULFIELD OR OLD ESSENDON GR 5 3 2 0 417 388 107 .47 12 60 YARRA VALLEY O B 5 3 2 0 540 548 98 .54 12 60 ST LEOS EMMAUS 1NP 5 3 2 0 347 432 80 .32 12 60 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 2 3 0 468 484 96 .69 8 40 ORMOND 5 2 3 0 362 554 65 .34 8 40 OLD HAILEYBURY 5 1 4 0 344 553 62 .21 4 20 WHITEFRIARS 5 0 5 0 355 624 56 .89 0 0 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst % Pts MENTONE AMATEURS 5 5 0 0 859 210 409 .05 20 AJAX 5 5 0 0 659 228 289 .04 20 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 5 4 1 0 585 368 158 .97 16 SOUTH MELD DIST 5 3 2 0 607 306 198 .37 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 5 3 2 0 473 489 96 .73 12 MONASH BLUES 5 2 3 0 449 423 106 .15 8 OAKLEIGH 5 2 3 0 412 782 52 .69 8 ST KEVINS (2) 5 1 4 0 326 426 76 .53 4 MHSOB 5 0 5 0 271 723 37 .48 0 GLEN EIRA AFC 5 0 5 0 224 927 24 .16 0 UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst % Pts THERRY PENOLA OB 5 4 1 0 495 278 178 .06 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 4 1 0 427 242 176 .45 16 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 4 1 0 405 250 162 .00 16 RIIPERTSWOOD 5 3 1 1 617 197 313 .20 14 OLD PARADIANS 5 3 1 1 468 347 134 .87 14 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 3 2 0 551 280 196 .79 12 BULLEEN TEMP 5 2 3 0 235 367 64 .03 8 IVANHOE PTi'ZROY 5 1 4 0 182 605 30 .08 4 A9UINAS 0 C 5 0 5 0 100 966 10 .35 0
VAFA PREMIERSHIP LISTS 2001 % Pts A SECTION P W L D For Agst OLD SCOTCH 5 4 1 0 492 384 128 .13 16 ST BERNARDS 5 4 1 0 5 69 499 114.03 16 MHSOB 5 4 1 0 496 458 108.30 16 5 2 3 0 440 389 113.11 8 MARCELLIN ST KEVINS 5 2 3 0 425 422 100.71 8 OLD TRINITY 5 2 3 0 390 401 97.26 8 OLD XAVERIANS 5 2 3 0 384 415 92 .53 8 MAZENOD O C 5 2 3 0 517 579 89 .29 8 OLD BRIGHTON 5 1 3 1 390 441 88 .44 6 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 1 3 1 382 551 69 .33 6
B SECTION P W L D For Agst % PIS OLD IVANHOE 5 4 1 0 489 281 174.02 16 DE LA SALLE 5 4 1 0 611 382 159.95 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 5 4 1 0 470 370 127 .03 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 3 2 0 315 311 101.29 12 OLD PARADIANS 5 2 3 0 396 374 105 .88 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 2 3 0 429 499 85 .97 8 ORMOND 5 2 3 0 399 469 85 .07 8 THERRY PENOLA OB 5 2 3 0 391 498 78 .51 8 BEAUMARIS AFC 5 2 3 0 365 492 74 .19 8 WHITEFRIARS 5 0 5 0 404 593 68 .13 0
C SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts COLLEGIANS 5 5 0 0 532 319 166 .77 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 5 4 1 0 642 351 182.91 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 4 1 0 523 433 120.79 16 GLEN EIRA AFC 5 4 1 0 469 411 114 .11 16 CAULFIELD OR 5 3 2 0 572 408 140.20 12 Sr BEDES MENT TIG 5 2 3 0 543 577 94 .11 8 PRAIIRAN AFC 5 1 4 0 405 465 87.10 4 OLD MENTONIANS 5 1 4 0 462 586 78.84 4 AJAX 5 1 4 0 344 534 64.42 4 BULLEEN TEMP 5 0 5 0 345 753 45 .82 0 Dl SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts BANYULE 5 5 0 0 655 381 171 .92 20 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP .5 4 1 0 631 423 149.17 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 4 1 0 500 489 102 .25 16 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 3 2 0 553 412 134 .22 12 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 5 3 2 0 498 463 107 .56 12 AQUINAS 0 C 5 2 3 0 578 576 100 .35 8 OLD GEELONG 5 2 3 0 499 595 83 .87 8 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 5 1 4 0 389 578 67 .30 4 OLD CAREY 5 1 4 0 406 614 66,12 4 MONASH BLUES 5 0 5 0 408 586 69 .62 0
5 5 0
P W L D For Agst % Pts URS 5 5 0 0 703 354 198 .59 20 SALESIAN 0 C 5 5 0 0 550 340 161 .76 20 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 3 2 0 545 403 135 .24 12 PARKSIDE 5 3 2 0 544 433 125 .64 12 PENINSULA 0 B 5 3 2 0 462 506 91 .30 12 OAKLEIGH AFC 5 2 3 0 493 520 94 .81 8 KEW 5 2 3 0 364 459 79 .30 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 5 1 4 0 372 503 73 .96 4 LA TROBE UNI 5 1 4 0 303 515 58 .83 4 POWER HOUSE 5 0 5 0 269 572 47.03 0
4 0
L 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 4 4 5
D' For Agsi % Pts 0 719 156 460.90 20 0 676 345 195.94 20 0 806 424 190.09 20 0 502 486 103.29 8 0 496 631 78 .61 8 0 364 480 75.83 8 0 407 546 74.54 8 0 439 639 68.70 4 0 312 680 45.88 4 0 328 662 49.55 0
D For Agst % Pts 0 486 334 145 .51 20 0 676 328 206 .1 16 0 324 336 96 .43 16 0 490 384 127 .6 12 0 323 368 87 .77 12 0 366 442 82 .81 12 0 459 386 118 .91 8 0 386 349 110.6 8 0 453 503 90.06 8 0 267 381 70.08 8 0 209 700 29 .86 0
MR 10 0 80 80 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 0
L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 427 190 224 .74 20 0 0 492 275 178 .91 20 1 0 448 275 162 .91 16 1 0 351 277 126 .71 16 2 0 357 250 142 .80 12 3 0 256 306 83 .66 8 4 0 267 432 61 .81 4 4 0 246 454 54.19 4 5 0 249 387 64.34 0 5 0 246 493 49.90 0 L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 545 261 208.81 20 1 0 521 233 223.61 16 1 0 490 274 178 .83 16 2 0 399 293 136.18 12 2 0 401 323 124 .15 12 2 0 358 321 111 .53 12 3 0 281 387 72.61 8 4 0 232 418 55,50 4 5 0 203 435 46.67 0 5 0 148 660 22.42 0 L D For Aget % Pts 0 0 473 286 165.38 20 1 0 461 218 211.47 16 1 0 433 228 189.91 16 2 0 425 254 167.32 12 2 0 300 270 111 .11 12 3 0 302 291 103.78 8 3 0 381 386 98 .70 8 4 0 251 336 74.70 4 0 194 546 35.53 4 5 0 154 559 27 .55 0
F1-11 llllll â&#x2013;ş-II P ;
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
L 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
D For 0 492 0 569 0 496 0 440 0 425 0 390 0 384 0 517 1 390 1 382
Agst % Pts 384 128.13 16 499 114.03 16 458 108.30 16 389 113.11 8 422 100.71 8 401 97.26 8 415 92.53 8 579 89.29 8 441 88.44 6 551 69.33 6
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 0
L 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 5
D For Agst % Pts 0 489 281 174.02 16 0 611 382 159.95 16 0 470 370 127.03 16 0 315 311 101.29 12 0 396 374 105 .88 8 0 429 499 85 .97 8 0 399 469 85 .07 8 0 391 498 78 .51 8 0 365 492 74 .19 8 0 404 593 68 .13 0
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 0
L 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5
% Pts D For Agst 0 532 319 166 .77 20 0 642 351 182 .91 16 0 523 433 120.79 16 0 469 411 114.11 16 0 572 408 140.20 12 0 543 577 94.11 8 0 405 465 87.10 4 0 462 586 78.84 4 0 344 534 64.42 4 0 345 753 45.82 0
W 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0
L 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
D For 0 655 0 631 0 500 0 553 0 498 0 578 0 499 0 389 0 406 0 408
W 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 1 I 0
L 0 0 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
D For Agst % Pts 0 703 354 198 .59 20 0 550 340 161 .76 20 0 545 403 135 .24 12 0 544 433 125 .64 12 0 462 506 91 .30 12 0 493 520 94 .81 8 0 364 459 79 .30 8 0 372 503 73 .96 4 0 303 515 58 .83 4 0 269 572 47 .03 0
Agst % Pts 381 171.92 20 423 149.17 16 489 102.25 16 412 134.22 12 463 107.56 12 576 100.35 8 595 83 .87 8 578 67 .30 4 614 66 .12 4 586 69 .62 0
L 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 4 4 5
D For Agst % Pts 0 719 156 460 .90 20 0 676 345 195 .94 20 0 806 424 190 .09 20 0 502 486 103 .29 8 0 496 631 78 .61 8 0 364 480 75 .83 8 0 407 546 74 .54 8 0 439 639 68.70 4 0 312 680 45 .88 4 0 328 662 49.55 0
P W L D For Agst % Pts MR D4 SECTION SYNDAL TALLY-HO 5 5 0 0 486 334 145.51 20 10 0 BULLF.EN COBRAS 5 4 1 0 676 328 206.1 16 80 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 5 4 1 0 324 336 96.43 16 8 0 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5 3 2 0 490 384 127.6 12 6 0 5 3 2 0 323 368 87 .77 12 6 0 SWINBURNE UNI NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 3 2 0 366 442 82 .81 12 60 MT LILYDALE 5 2 3 0 459 386 118 .91 8 40 OLD WESTBOURNE 5 2 3 0 386 349 110 .6 8 40 STMARYS 5 2 3 0 453 503 90 .06 8 40 RUPERTSWOOD 5 2 3 0 267 381 70 .08 8 40 ELEY PARK AFC 5 0 5 0 209 700 29 .86 0 0 A RESERVE UNIVERSI'I'Y BLUES OLD XAVERIANS OLD SCOTCH ST BERNARDS MARCELLIN OLD BRIGHTON ST KEVINS MAZENOD 0 C OLD TRINI'I7Y MHSOB
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 0 0
L D For Agst % Pt s 0 0 427 190 224.74 20 0 0 492 275 178 .91 20 1 0 448 275 162 .91 16 1 0 351 277 126 .71 16 2 0 357 250 142 .80 12 3 0 256 306 83 .66 8 4 0 267 432 61 .81 4 4 0 246 454 54 .19 4 5 0 249 387 64 .34 0 5 0 246 493 49 .90 0
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 0 0
L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 545 261 208.81 20 1 0 521 233 223 .61 16 1 0 490 274 178.83 16 2 0 399 293 136.18 12 2 0 401 323 124.15 12 2 0 358 321 111 .53 12 3 0 281 387 72.61 8 4 0 232 418 55.50 4 5 0 203 435 46.67 0 5 0 148 660 22.42 0
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5
W 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 4 0
L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 473 286 165.38 20 1 0 461 218 211 .47 16 1 0 433 228 189.91 16 2 0 425 254 167.32 1 2 2 0 300 270 111 .11 1 2 3 0 302 291 103.78 8 3 0 381 386 98.70 8 4 0 251 336 74 .70 4 4 0 194 546 35.53 5 0 154 559 27 .55 0