The Amateur Footballer, Week 9, 2001

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f~EgUE6T FOR A COUNT OF PLAYERS 1 l;cre has always been the opportunity for a count of players ~_•t tie VAFA, however there has never been anything in place to }, iali...e a team calling for a count for wrong reasons. nic E> :ccutive Committee last Monday accepted the following rciation to this matter. only a team captain can make a request at any time that the field umpire conduct a count of the number of players or the opposing team. When this request is made the umpire shall stop play at the first opportunity, call into lines within the centre square, players of both teams who are at the time on the ground, complete the count and report to the VAFA all the details of the count including scores at the time . Where players exceed the permitted number. The field umpire will award a fc ee kick to the captain of the opposing team to be taken at the centre circle or where play was stopped, whichever is the greater penalty against the offending team. A 25 metre penalty is then added to the position where the free kick was awarded and the VAFA will determine at a later date what happens to the scores or if any other penalty is imposed - note that the offending team does not lose all points scored in the match up to the time of the count . Where player numbers are found to be correct and/or the request was without merit. The field umpire will ~. ard a free Iriek to the captain of the opposing team to be taken at the centre circle or where play was stopped, whichever is the greater penalty against the offending t cli n . A 25 metre penalty is then added to the position where the free kick was awarded and finally if the field tunpire(s) are of the opinion a request was made to delay play or the request lacked merit, the umpires are to report the player (captain) who requested the count for Time Wasting. ?i chael Sneddon (Umpires' Advisor) has familiarised his i : npires with this procedure and full details will have been ca ununicated to clubs by the time this is being read . C, ;ptains must be sure of the order off and the audible ~bscenity rules (yellow card) when they are considering udltng for a count. SPORTSCOVER "PICK THE PRERHERS" COMP=ON Clubs who have not submitted their two entry forms, (or three if their President attended the pre-season Sponsors

Night), whereby they nominate the seven section's premiers and the runner up team in -e -eachstion,yv until noon this coming Monday to fa:, them to the writer on 9531 2050. AR MERIT AWARDS The Australian Football e each year considers two nominations for people who have contributed outstanding service to Australian Football . One of the nominations is for services to Junior Football and the other for outstanding service to Senior Football. Each nominee must have given service for at least ten (10) years . Please consider people around your club who would be worthy recipients, express in no more than 500 words why that person should be nominated, and the VAFA will select one for each section (Junior and Senior) and attach a VAFA endorsement for the chosen nominations . SPONSORSHIP REWARDS PLAN . VAFA sponsors are in the process of providing their half year reports on club support of sponsors as a part of the 2001 Sponsorship Rewards Plan .

At the start of the season the VAFA identified the VAFA sponsors who could easily have club support measured. We directed some of each sponsor's fee to the VAFA to a"pGoi" to be used at the end of the season to reward clubs who support excellently most sponsors : who support well and who support moderately well. Each club will be written to in the next fortnight with details of their progress . VALE HARRY MEREDITH

Last week we wrote of the passing of the celebrated VAFA footballer of the 1940's and 1950's Harry Meredith and his wife, who we wrote, lost their lives earlier this year in a tourist bus accident in Tasmania. That was incorre ct, as Mrs . Meredith survived the accident and is thankfully recovering. We apologise for the inaccuracy of last week's Vale and we wish Mrs. Meredith all the very best in her recovery and commiserations for the loss of her beloved Harry . Many thanks also to North Old Boys' stalwart Jim Marchbank, a friend of the Meredith family, who brought this matter to our attention .


~ June 23rd, 2001

Price : $2 .00 Vol . 01 No . 9

AF1".: R 35 years ; .i; ;ibourne 1'h is on top of the A Section ladder after round 8 . In 1- 16 --- as 8-0 and remained on top for the rest of 째 season finishing with a 13-5 ratio . Ironical]- The High's first loss in 1966 was away to Old Sc~i< ;e by 10 points .

Last Saturday the Unicorns, second going into the round with a 5-1-1 ratio, defeated the Cardinals by 12 points on Scotch's home patch while Old vs slashed the confidence of top-placed St Bernards with a 34point victory. In the 2000 grand final replay Xavs and the Bernies both had seven out from their teams from last August . The Dogs must have been confident travelling to Toorak Park, having won there the past two years and enjoying a record of winning four of the past five encounters against OX . Worse for the Dogs is captain and 1998 Woodrow Medallist Luke Gollant needed a stretcher after a player fell across his leg and he awaits advice on his knee. The High's win was without --bably its best midfielder Ewan Thompson -,v-- -) I : 1 i Js jaw broken in the state match and is likely to h~ e it wired this week . "It's disappointing because I put in my best pre-season since I left Richmond (in 1997)," Thompson said. This sets up today the best match of A Section for this year with MHSOB hosting Xavs, 4-4, who looked very warm in the mud with Andy Gowers and Dan Richardson, both playing only their second matches for the season, giving that familiar September polish . Last year Xavs' had to kick big scores to hold out MHSOB . In round 2 at the Woodfull-Miller Oval Xavs 22.14-142 defeated MHSOB 15 .15-105 . Xavs' Adam Jones kicked a game-high six goals but he is many weeks away from playing this year after tearing his groin muscle from the bone while water-skiing . In round 11 at Toorak Park Xavs kicked 15 .16-106 to MHSOB 11 .19-85 . Dan Richardson kicked a gamehigh six goals in this match .

The Cardinals' year is reminiscent of last year where they ran hot at the start and gradually fell away . This year's form might be explained with the availability of Luke The Great. In two of Scotch's three losses Luke Hawkins wasn't there because he -ssendon . The jack-ina-box had kicked Vs 90 goals prior to his VFL exposure . For the third time this season MHSOB's kicking has placed it under pressure : 13.24 against Old Brighton, 16 .21 against the Bernies, and 8 .22 against Scotch.MHSOB has been accurate in four matches and in its only loss this season, back in round 1 at Marcellin, it lost by 11 goals . Last week wingman

Matthew White kicked 0.6 while team-mates Drew Fairchild, Jason Bamert and Jayden Pertzel collected valuable touches in the dyi minutes. Unicorn coach Luke Soulos couldn't expl< why his team is inaccurate but he's philosophical w getting to the top."No point in being on top in rounc if you aren't there at the end of the year," Luke saic Xavs could rush back the number one national dr pick in 1988, Alex McDonald, after he dominated his return match in the reserves including overhead hanging mark with a water-logged ball . Just like the A Section grand final replay was missi many of the players from last year, the B Secti replay between Mazenod and Old Brighton had bteamslingupwithnearlyhfteiramsdifere to last year. The Nodders have injury problems, t Tonners have endured retirements . Brighton played its second draw in just eight rounds and, unlike round 2 draw with Uni Blues where it had five feu scoring shots, this time the Tonners did the rever The Nodders' David Maskell and the Tonners' K Moon kicked round-highs with five goals each . St Kevins joined Xavs with a 4-4 ratio after a 39-poi win over Trinity which slipped to 3-5 . Mick Giansiracusa, in his third senior game, kick, four goals while identical twin Josh, who made Y senior debut last year, got one . Their cousin Daniel also making a name at the Western Bulldogs in 1 ; first year. Coach Mike McArthur-Allen said he couldt explain the inconsistent form of SKOBS which can within a kick of booting out Xavs from last year's fina series . "Our list is stronger than last year's," Mike sai Watch for SKOBS to re-introduce sparkling forwai Mathieu Lucas, who kicked four goals in the reservt last week after overcoming a wrist injury, for today match at Brighton Beach . Andrew Treganowan's renewed vigor for trainir continues to pay off with three goals in Marcellin's 4; point win over Uni Blues . The Blues have one of the best playing lists in the past five seasons, where it h~ consistently been a mid-range A Section team, yet it now in the frame for relegation and today it meei fellow contender Mazenod. In other games today Marcellin and St Bernardsw play for their positions in the four, and Scotch md want to stop its slide from the four against OT whic is looking could become finals prospect or relegatio contender depending on the result. COACH FOCU S THIS WEEK : MAZENOD'S DAVID MURRAY

~, ST .;ears B Section premiers, the Nodders, are aung in the relegation zone in eighth with a 2-5- 1 ord . "I'm enjoying my coaching more this year even we haven't had the same success as last ~;on," David, in his second year with Mazenod, said remember Andy Collins saying in 1998, the yea r ; f ier he coached Sandringham to a flag and the Zebras finished seventh, that he found '98 more rewarding than the flag year because it was more challenging . ,-the increase in standard from B to A section is great and considering our injuries after a strong pre-season, 1 am proud of the players' achievements," David said . heit ^ l

ES" St. Kevin's - all at SKOB congratulate John "F OG Fogarty and Paul "MEGGSY" Meagher on each ,,,aching their 200th game for SKOB today against Old Brighton. Both Foges and Meggsy started with the Club 111 1987 and have played at all levels - Under 19s (in ,, Foges topped the competition goalkicking in 1988 and Meggsy came third in the B&F), Reserves, Seniors and Club 18 for the Club . Foges, as captain, and Meggsy, as goalsneak, have been the foundations of the current Club 18 Team, the SKOB Dogs, and are lioping for big things this year . These milestones have been a while coming, as Meggsy has been hit with injuries in most of his other 199 games and Foges has u penchant for overseas travel in winter! Both have been inspirational on and off the field for their younger teammates . All at SKOB wish them all the best for their outstanding milestone achievements . MHSOB - sincere congratulations are extended by the President, Committee, all players and supporters to our courageous senior Captain Jayden Pertzel who played his 1 00th game for MHSOB last Saturday . Jayden's leadership, skills and dedication to his game & club are an example to all and widely admired by the football fraternity in general . His on-field efforts in crucial 'ames are of vital importance to our club, always first at training and his service to MHSOB includes committee involvement . Well done JP this great achievement .

CLUB LST WK TOTAL SI dIORS ila~._.ins Old Scotch 0 39 r'.amert MHSOB 3 27 i Harvev St Bernards 0 22 ' :, Mitchell St Bernards 0 21 McKeon St Bernards 0 18 Treganowan Marcellin 3 1 8

A RESERVE St Bernards Old Scotch Old Scotch Old Scotch Old Trinity

23 21 14 13 13

4.2 5.5 8.5 11.9 (75) MAZENOD 1.4 4 .7 8 .12 10 .15 (75) OLD BRIGHTON I,_Lzenod: Maskell 5 Beard Nelson Carter Parry Waldron Chamberlain . : Sharp Quinn Maskell Hanley Waldron Gooden Old Brighton: Best Moon 5 Pirrie 2 Bristow Jackson Krzywniak . Best : Barrow Gadsden Perry Raju Williams Moon. Umpires: W. Hinton . S. McCarthy (Fl. P. Teasdalee (B). J. Robinson, K. Pitcher ST, ICEVIPdS 1 .5 6.8 8.9 11 .13 (79) OLD TREffrY 1 1 3.3 4.6 5.10 (40) St . I{evins: M Giansiracusa 4 Greenhorn 3 Fraser Ferraro M Dollman J Giansiracusa . Best : Fredericks Ferraro M Coltman Greenham Finch Fraser. Old Trinity: Andrews Collins Ramsden VanLerVenne Pawsey . Best: Rogers Clarke Andrews Ptrouet R Phillips Ramsden. Umpires ; A . Damon, P. James (F) . A. Rechtman, J . Mason (B) . S, Caple, K, Segota (G) MARCELLIN 2 .1 4.7 9.10 13 .16 (94) UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .4 3.11 4.15 6 .16 (52) Mareellin: Jarred -3 Treganowan 3 Walker 2 Romanin Purcell Browne Dinneen Seabury. Best: Col Thiesz McMillan Sampimon Johriston Jarred. University Blues: DeCYespigny 2 Gleson McLachlan McEwan Vasey. Best: University Blues : Slimmon Sturrock North McLachlan Ryan Sally. Umpires: P, Simpson . J . Miller (F), D. Cusack, S . McKenzie (B). D. Napoli. B . McCarthy (G ) OLD XAVEI2IANS 2 .2 5.4 6.10 7.11 (53) 2 .7(19) ST. BERNARDS 0 .1 0.2 1 .2 Goals: Old Xav: Coughlan 2 Richardson Sassi Clarke Hawkins A Dillon . St Berm Osborne Jordan . Best: Old Xav : Orlando Clarke Bowen Cowers Hawkins Brushlield . St .Bcrn : S Taylor A Mastropasqua J Mount Loughlin McLaughlin Broadbent . Umpires: A. Firley, J. Kvins (F) . S . Caruso, T. Dornom (B) . B . Jephson, B. Hoare (G ) 3.7 3.10 5.16 8 .22 (70) MHSOB OLD SCOTCH 1.1 6.6 6 .9 8 .10 (58) Goals: RSIISOB: Barnett 3 Pertzel Fairchild Simpson Limbrick Adcock . Old Soo: Thomas 3 Ftnoechiaro McCarroll Cran e Stratos. Best : MFISOB: Simmonds Joseph Fairchild Simpson White Newton . Old Sco : Holt Nettleton Robinson McCarroll Gnatt H Thomas . Umpires: T. Sutcliffie, J. McNiece (F), R . Mutton, N. Woods (B), B. Dix (G ) RESERVES 3 .4 3 .7 4.8 5.12 (42) MAZENOD 1 .3 3 .4 4.7 5 .10 (40) OLD BRIGHTON . Heal, Morgan, Smith . Best : Smith, Start. Mezenod: Fotiniotis . Rice Halvv, Grant, Krom, Quirk . Old Brighton: S,Ginnavin 2 . Billionis, Walsh, Milat. Best: Sherman. Walsh, R.Siewart, M .J.T.Smith, White, Williams . 8.6(54) S'i',10's'VINS 0 .0 2.3 2 .5 1.3 2.5 3 .5 3 .10 (28) OLD TRINITY . Best : : Lucas 4, Crohan, Horrocks, Lynch, McCann St. Nevins Crohan, O'Shea, Macey, Waight, Lynch, Bare. Old T3inity : Sutcliffe . T. Cade, Power . Best: Sutclifte, Nisbet, S . Oberoi, S. Bladern . Kenna, Power. ItYARCELLIN 2 .2 4 .5 8.8 10.11 (71) 7 .6(48) UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 .0 2 .2 4.2 Marcellim LeBannue 2, Gleeson 2, Colville 1, Gull 1, GalaO 1, Ibralllm 2, Cooper I . Best : Cooper, ibrahim, Colville, Wallis, Gleeson, 0'Flynn . Uril Blues : Granger 3, Hutchins I, Barrick I . Best : Wilkinson, Callerv . Featherson, McIntyre, McConnell, Granger . OLD XAVERIl11VS 1 .3 3.8 4.14 7 .21 (63) ST,BEi2t7ARDS 1 .3 1.3 3 .3 3.3 (21) Old Xaverians: Mallard 2, Mullane 2 . R Jones, Hannebery, Ireland . Best: Hannebery, Carey, Mollard, J Healy, Kay. R Jones . St Bernards: McKay 2, Legudi . Best : Mount, McKay . RahilL A Capes . P.Capes, Simpso n 3 .3 6 .8 12 .14 14 .18 (102) OLD SCOTCH 2 ac 1SOB 1 .3 2 .4 3.4 5 .6 (36) Old Scotch: Oliver 5, Joyce 3 . Aulard 2, Ratcliffe 1, Beaurepatrel, Simon I, Brooke I Best: Evans, Joyce, Ratcliffe, Brooke . Stevens, Oliver. MHSOB: Hawkins 2, Gerner 1, Redder 1, Robinson I Best : Burke, Redder, Feferkrfanz, Wright, Corner, Webste r 790 T%/F


A SUCâ‚Ź1 Old Brighton v . St . Kevins University Blues v . Mazenod St . Bernards v . Marcellin MHSOB v . Old Xaverian s Old Trinity v . Old Scotch - EI' Sunday

A Section MARCELLI N Coach: Simon Dalrymple Res. Coach : Peter Randal l

M .H .S .O .B. Coach : Luke Boulo s Res. Coach: Terry Blythman

"3 Coach : David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins 1 C . Harriso n 2 A. Quin n 3 A. McIntyre 4 A. Hanley (C) 5 M . Quir k


Coach: Andrew Smit Res . Coach : 1 . C . Slattery Gary Jacksoi 1 J Barnett (DVC) 2. A. Caffry 1 A Nettleton 2 S McCully 3 I Grgic 2 B Phillips 3. D. Waters 4 C Eabry 3 C Hosking 4 . G. Romanin 5 P Sherry 4 T Holt 3 C. Barrow (VC) 5 . M. Moran 5 N Orchard 5 R Price 6 J. Bayford 4 A . MacGillvray 6. D . Sampimon 6 R Joseph 6 A Crow 7 S. Morgan 5 N . Perry 7 J Pertzel (C ) 7. N. Godwin 7 J Kitchen 7 A Angu 8 D 6 R s . Lancaster . Stewart 8 . R . Frisin a 8 C Reid 8 J Garne r 9 S . Nobl e 7 C. Brew 9 . D . Ballantine 9 R Aujard 8 C Wright 10 M. O'Hara 8 M . Gadsde n 10 J Kerr 10. C . Purcell 9 D Fairchild (VC) 11 T. Smith (RC) 9 S . Lennox (VC) 11 M Angus 9 M Clowes 11 . D. Taylor (RC) 11 S. Hos e 11 L. Adami s 10 D Skinner 12 S Crow 12 . B . Croni n 12 M 11 A 10 D Norto n . Murray . Fitzgerald 13 N Hoope r 13. S . Dinneen 11 K Krios 13 P. Gooden 12 B. Williams 14 E Parthenides 14. R . McMahon 12 A Simpson 14 N . Meehan 13 R. Kent 15 M O'Brie n 12 M Feferkranz 15 . M . Chun 15 N. Parry 14 S . Williams (C) 16 A Speed 13 J Gregson 16 . L. McMillan 17 D Thomas 16 J . Kavanagh 15 D . Tymms (VC) 13 C Keily 18 L Hawkins 17. G. Cox (VC) 17 J . Beard 16 G . Earl 14 L Simpson 19 C. Smith 18. D . Gartner 15 Z 18 T. O'Donaghue (VC) 17 A.van Den Dunga n Holden 20 S Lillingston 16 F Davis 19 S. McMuilin 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 . D . Coope r 21 J Stratos 17 M Clowes 20 C. Murray 19 S . Gadsde n 20 . S .O'Flynn 18 R Limbrick 22 N Addison 20 T. Castricum 20 M . L. Smith 21 . N . Walker 18 A David 23 0 Cran e 21 S . Pola n 21 T. Ewen 22. D . Marson 19 R Ware 24 C Pattenden 22 D . Ryan (DVC) 22 N. Biggin 23 . P. Giessen 20 J Wilson 25 L Murphy 23 A 23 N 20 D Nichols . Tucker . Mila t 24 . L .O'Flynn 26 T Downing 21 R Patterson 24 D. Nisbet 24 M .J. Smith 27 J Pilkington 25 . R. Galati 22 D Armstrong 25 S. Rya n 25 S. Nickas 28 B Robinson 26. N. Armstrong 22 A Svirskis 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 26 B. Stoneham 29 M Gnatt 23 C Harvie 27. D . Theisz 27 D. Krom 27 D. Paterson 30 T. Finocchiaro 23 I Taylor 28, D . Johnston 28 P. Nelson 28 J . Bradley 31 C Ratcliffe 24 D Stynes 29 . P. Smith 33 J McCarroll 24 A Clark 29 R . Sharp 29 J . Dickerson 30. A . Treganowan (C) 34 E Oliver 25 H Taylor 30 S. Fishe r 30 A . McLaughlin 25 J Jackman 35 P O'Connor 31 . S . Ye e 31 N. Snart 31 A. Bristow 26 A Askew 36 S Prendergast 32 . M. Browne 32 P. Fotiniotis 32 D. Begley 27 S Dods 37 M Parthenide s 33 . G . Cul l 33 D . Grant 33 W. Carter 28 S Rodder 38 R Ashton 34 M. Pollard (RVC) 34 J . White 34. D. Jarred 29 G McCully 39 C Stevens 30 R. Newton 35 R. Hawkin s 35 C . Stewart 35. J . Frazer 40 A Warner 31 J Davis 36 D. Carter 36 B. Pollock 36. D . Cope 41 M Lipshut 32 A Cassell (VC) 37 L. Morgan 37 B. McMahon 37. D. Moran 42 J Ross 32 A Keys 38 J 38 D . Linden . Raju 43 N Leftl 38 . M . O'Sullivan 33 A Saultry 39 G 39 K . Kaiber . Kavanagh 44 C Evans 39 . B . Colville 33 S Harriso n 41 J . Murchie 34 E Thompson (VC ) 40 A. Lewison 45 M Blenheim 40. M . Leffanue 41 M . Hudson 42 C . Mlzzi 34 S Konstanty 46 J Beaurepa e 41 . J . Seabury 35 A Mill s 42 C . Adams 43 R. Carter 47 T Barenger 42 . B . Dinneen 35 A Barge 43 A. Pers i 44 R. Sherman 48 S Miles 36 M White 43 . A . Duncan 49 R Mullens 44 R. Mosbauer 45 A . Mandylaris 36 S Bennett 44. A. Wilkinson (RVC) 50 D Richardson 45 P. Ric e 46 M. Billionis 37 R McIntyre 51 M Saunders 44 L . Hansen 46 R . Foss 47 D . Wilson 37 M Tin g 52 M Davison 45 . D. Theisz 38 S Robinson 47 A. McDowell 48 R . Boxer 53 C Joyc e 40 D Membre y 46 . J . Wilkins 48 G . Tilling 49 A. Ginnavin 54 N Simon 40 W Hayes 51 M . Fisher 47. D . Ryan 49 L. Haley (RVC) 55 G Sarkozy 41 D Simmons 50 D. Carte r 53 D . Strachan 48. A. Gallagher 57 J Crane 42 B Cookman 52 N . Nussbaum 54 A. Liptrot 49 . D. Coutts 43 J Burke 58 C Adam 55 M . Gamble 44 M Hawkes 54 J . Pers i 50 . A. Ryder 60 T Wigney 45 M Webster 57 M . Moon 61 D Leeds 51 . M . Maguire 46 A O'Brien 58 B . Scott 62 E Sladen 52. J. Mathews 47 L Hawkins 61 A. Walsh 63 S Tresise 53 . C . Mathews 48 B Jeffrey 64 L Nort h 62 A. Lynch 54 . R. McMaho n 49 C Pricop 63 S 65 C Armstrong . Davies 50 S Osborne 55. J . Wallis 66 H Thomas 64 M .Reid 51 J Newton 56. B . Norden 68 B Collins 52 B McGrath Sponsored by: 57. M. Van Lint 77 S Spiden 53 C Clowes Si res Menswear 55 N Adcock 59 . J . Ibrahi m W.G . Miles & Co Ply Ltd 56 T Wright Real Eastate - Ivanhoe A Tan g Yarra Valley 57 58 M Cotter Spectrum Assuranc e Country Cl u b 59 L Jones Group Regency Pharmacy THE BEEHIVE HOTEL GVP Fabricators PTY LTD Zitech Compute r Hawthorn Al! Home Loans Peripherals


ICoach: Dale Tr ping Ass)st: J ustin Ciarkson son Res. Coach: Richard Obee 1 A. Kryzwnia k 2 A. Pirtl e

: : : : ::Y Ligh Carlson Cc= :h : Phil Gaut Cosch: Craig Neave

Kennedy S 2 Hudson G (RC) 3 Reynolds L 4 ArrowSmith J 5 Burrows D 5 Robison M 7 Van Der Venne T 7 Canzoneri M 7 Dodgson B 8, Frost C 8 Stebbins C g~d elws A(VC) t gg Hildebrandt D 10 Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S if Gorman A ,2 Pirouet N

13 Collins M 13 Cade J 14 Parkin A 15 Stephens T 15 Natoli S 16 Hiillas C 17 Hatfield G (VC) 17 Garcia J 18 Clarke L 19 Barr C 19 Carter-Buszard L 20 Phillips C 21 Gillett R 21 Kennedy L 22 Deane-Johns G 23 Ramadan A 24 Boyd A 25 Cameron F (RVC) 26 Robinson D 26 Tudor l 27 Greig M 28 Butler C 29 Nesbitt L 31 Bladeni S ,2 Cornell J 32 Kinross D 33 Rogers Paw s D 3-S Boyd M ,5 ~"Pawsey M ' "a Sutcliffe J a7 Van Der Venne S 37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) ~9 Antonopoulos T 40 Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 42 Aylward M :3 Mainsbridge D :3 Power B 4 Mai Yah A ~ 5 Treadwell G ,S Morpeth T -13 Cooper S 47 Semmens A 4' 3 Ward C 50 Adgemis J 53 Donahoo B 54 Markus J 55 Boyd G 56 Best E 57 Oberoi A 59 Cade T (RVC) 61 Cristian0\o D 62 Mero J 64 Kenna A 65 Burrows R 67 Limoli P L'8 Frost M

71 Makris A 83 Brady W I C

47 S Coach : Tim O'Shau9hnessy Coach : Garry Foulds Res. Coach : Chris Res . Coach : David Law Mortensen

1 M Blood (C) 2 D Orlando

1 . D. Baynes 2. L. Meehan

3 L Hannebery 4 D Landri ga n 5 A . McDonald 6 D . Donati 7 S Lethlean (VC) 8 P McDonald 9 J Hawkins 10 S Mitchel l 11 Ad J ones 12 J Bowen 13 C Ellis 14 Dn Stoney 15 L Ford 16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson 18 S Tucker 19 An Jones 20 M Hardman 21 A Parto n 22 M Rush 23 R Coughlan 24 B Coughlan ( V C) 25 J Lang 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Cranage 29 D Galbally 30 T Clarke 31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Basal (VC) 34 R Jones 35 J Dalton 36 T Coughlan 37 T Freer 38 R Hall 39 M Meehan 40 S . Mullane 41 AA Dillo 41 D illo n 42 N Ireland 43 T Woodruff (VC) 44 B Hilbert 45 J Scanlon 46 M Callihan 47 J Kay 48 R Careyy 49 R Dillon 50 M McCarthy 51 D Walsh 52 B Calman 53 H . Davies 54 A . Gowers 55 J . Healy 56 J Chambers 57 M Karakatsanis 58 M Green 59 S . Johnston 60 J . McDonnell 61 A Oswald 63 B . Perry 64 R Ryan 65 G Still 66 A Wilson

3. J . Podsiadly

3. R. Brebner (R) 4. S . McKeon 5. J oe M ount (DVC) 6. J . McKay 7. S . Clarke 8. J . Evans g, B . Jordan (DVC) 10. N. Mitchell (VC) 10. L. Campbell (Rj 11 . P. Capes 12. B . Hogan 13. C. Mitchell 14. A. Thomas 15. T. Wilkinson 16. L. Turnbull 16. P. Capes (R) 17. L. O'Sullivan 18. D. McLaughlin 19. L. Gollant (C) 20. T. Hudson 21 . B . Loughlin 22. M . 0'Riley 23. A. Mastropasqua 24. P. Harvey 25. C. Osbome 26. J . Gallant 27. A. Nathan (RC) 28 . S. Kane 29. P. Morgan 30. James Mount 31 . A. Maggiore 32 . T. Harvey 33 . B. Allis 34 . D. Byrne 35 . P. Rahill 36 . R . Legudi 37 . A. Catteral l 38 . J . Simpson 39 . N . Smith 40 . D . Thomas 411 .. B. B. Overman 42 . M. Stapleton 43 . C . Davis 44 . S. Taylor 45 . M. Tankey 46 . L . Wilkinson 47 . R . Pizzichetta 48 . S. Burgyn 49 . S. Borg 50 . M. Polatajko 51 . P. Romanin 52 . S. Cowton 53 . JP Kavanagh 54 . T. Carrick 55 . J. Cittarelli 56 . C . Bond 58 . D . Dugina 59 . D . Sheehan 60 . A. Woolley 61 . M. Dowling 62 . P. Holland 63 . R . Brown 66 . A . Garvey





622 Mt . Alexander Rd . Moone e

9326 1799ds

ST KEMNS Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach: Mick Knuppel

1 . A. Callery 2 . S. Lowerson 3 . D. Curtis 4 P. Greenham 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 M . Luca s 8 B. Doll man 9 J. Giansiracusa 10 N. Fraser 11 J. Panagrazio 12 R . Grinter 13 R. Bowles 14 L . Mahoney 15 M . Olive 16 B. Garvey 17 S. Dawes 18 J. Grigg 19 D. Sheehy 20 L . Hull-Brown 22 J. Macey 23 B. Quir S. Powel k4 l 25 B. Marusic 26 D. Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M. Giansiracus a 29 M . Kem ton p 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuiness 32 S. O 'Connor 33 M. Maguire 35 M. Kavanagh 3 6 E. Sullivan Dwyer 38 J. Bateman 39 S. Gribble 40 N . Perrett 41 S. Monkivitch 42 T. McCan n 43 P. Bare 44 R . Sheehy 45 D . Waight 46 J . Travaglia 47 A . Conlon 49 P. Clearyr 50 P. Camron 51 J . Cassell 52 J . Finc h 53L. Coleman 54 S . Game 55 E . Crohan 56 M. Pangrazio 58 J . Ferrari 59 A . Rattl e 60. A . G reen ha lg

61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B . Hicks 64 J . O'Brie n 65 C . Leathern 66 E . Lynch 67 N . Marchesani 69 P. Natale 70 P. Roberts 71 A. Clark 72 M . Rigby 73 P. Byrne 75 R. Campagna 77 G. Pickford 78 R. Chiver s 79 G O'Connor 80 D. Dunn 83 N. Moore 84 C. Noseda 85 S . Moylan 86 A. Nowell

Simpson Constructions Red Eagle Hotel Discosource Australia

: ; .SITY B LUES Coach : Lee Adamso n Res . Coach : Terry Benaim

1 D Slimmon 2 T Hutchin s 3 J Sturrock

4 D Guengeric h 5 Q Gleaso n 6 S Langley 7 D Hayte r 8 J Hayte r 9 S Mead e 10 A Davi s 11 L North 12 G McLachla n 13 P Stockdal e 14 C Roydhouse 15 L Ryan 16 C Stewart 17 G de Cres i n e 1g A McEwin pg y 19 A Lowcoc k 20 C Rya n 21 T Mcln re 22 ~ 23 T Wilcox 24 S Russel l 25 A Soll y 26 M Vase 27 R Wilki eY 28 M Thomas 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 J Quill 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishley 35 A Bake r 36 T McKinley 37 L Grange r 38 A Wilso n 39 T Gra y 40 C Brooke s 41 R Crawfor d 42 S McConnell 43 A Cameron 44 R Featherston 45 J Armstrong 46 M McKerro w 47 R McKerro w 48 T Morga n 49 L Chamberlain 50 H Nailon 51 A Brown 52 A Terrill R Versteege n

54 C Beltram e 55 T Anderso n 56 T Birks 57 T Irvin e 58 A Larkin 59 L Fehrin g 60 A Suvulto s 61 B Colema n 62 L Barrick 63 R Kelliher 64 S Kaso 65 E Roydhous e 66 B Gates 67 D McAloo n 68 B Treloa r 69 A Cook 70 P Buss e 71 T McGrat h 72 S Lansdel l 73 J Brooke 74 J Chivers 75 L Qui n 76 W Temple-Smit h 78 M Dowdl e

79 A Duncan

The top dogs in Old Ivanhoe disposed of yet another challenger, firming them into odds on favourites for this year's flag . They look almost unbeatable, however, as we know with the great and seemingly invincible Phar Lap, weight will stop a train, and anything can happen in this great game . Review It was pure carnage out at Chelsworth Park, as Old oe totally destroyed a hapless Old Haileybury by a whopping 75 pts . The margin at _ time was not that bad for OH, but a goal less 2nd half by them was compounded by 9 goals by the home side . Bolzan, Branigan and Corcoran blitzed for the locals, whilst it was George, Walden and Seccull who led the way for the beaten brigade . Buckets and spades were replaced by overcoats, as De La ," _ _~ made the trip down to our beachside residents at wis, and came away with a win by 54 pts . The red and greens increased their lead at every break, but each time DLS threatened to break away, the home side plucked their way back into contention. Buckley, Mannix and Evans with 8 goals (including some magnificent helicopters!) led the way for the victims of the jumper clash . Matulick, 100 gamer Holt and Ferrari battled hard for the home side . The folk from Oak Park could sleep in last week, as the game between Therry and NOBs was played at Brunswick, but the extra shuteye mattered little, as the home side recorded a solid 24 pt victory . The win was set up in the 1st qtr, as NOBs raced away to a 21 pt lead, and the game was as good as over, although 1 .10 after _ time would not have pleased Frank and his crew. Yandell, Vogels and Collins reveled in the conditions for the home side. Cristofoli, Edwards and Mills were fine players for the losing side .

pts. Bad kicking for goal was the only reason the margin wasn't larger, as the L home side had 27 scoring shots to 15, indicatin dominance by the locals. Remman, Robbins an Stone led the way for the winning team . Berr} Holme and Wilhelm stood up for the guests and ha good games for the visitors. Preview I'm going to have to break my well-worn policy tipping a roughie for the round, and go for all th favourites this week . After spearing to the front i the North West FM tipping competition, it's time t try and ram home the advantage from fello) tipsters Stevens and Brain ! The B Section southern neighbours trade blow today, as Old Haileybury (2/9) welcome the visitor from B s(7/2) at McKinnon . Mick Dwye will be out and about this week attempting t restore his troops' confidence after the awfi pounding they received last week . Jim Durnan an his charges are also trying everything possible t eke out a win and remain in the hunt to stay in thi section in 2002 . The home side will deny them th victory, as OH account comfortably for Beaumari by 40 pts.

Another local match between Old Pâ‚Źrraâ‚ŹIa s and allowed more sleep for the visitors, but they probably wished they stayed in bed, as the OPs . 1 -io are now officially on a roll, won a low scoring game by 21 pts . The fat lady exercised her lungs at 1/4 time as the home side raced to a 20 pt lead, and in the conditions, that lead was too much for the visitors . Richardson, Godfrey and Heffernan were good players for the victors . Langford and the brothers Pawlik were solid contributors for the away team .

The purple and white chariots of NOBs (1/4) hea down the Eastern Freeway to the leafy surrounds c Donvale, and are welcomed by Whiteftim (13/4 ; Frank Dunell would be eyeing off a spot in the fou after a good win last week, and with the return c several key players over the next few weeks, it i very possible . Greg Feutrill on the other hand will b desperate to get his charges back on track afte their first win 2 weeks ago, and the stakes only ge higher from here on in . I can't resist the temptatioi - I'm now back on Frank's wagon as the momentun gathers steam . NOBs to win by 27 pts .

In the final game in Mr Gunn 's backyard, Ormond continued the run of my roughies getting up when they easily accounted for Old Melburnians by 27

Therry (5/1) welcome the fierce beast in fl b

(1 /7) at Oak Park. Wayne Harmes and hi crew have become the competition's yo-yos so fai with 3 losses, followed by 3 wins, and 2 more loss eManwhiltepunrsatPieLodghavteoi , grail in their sites, and the hot flag favourites wi not want to drop this one . Unfortunately for Therr} it won't be their day today and they'll continue th roller-coaster ride as the good thing of the day (Ol salutes the judge by plenty (60 pts) .

The Junction Oval is the venue whereby contrastin, recent fortunes meet, as the down in confidence Oil


IJ~burnians (15/4) face another juggernaut rolling on in old Paradians (1/5) . Erwin Leyden and his troops haven't been setting the world on fire in recent weeks, and will be looking for a win to stop dl ;; rot. Meanwhile, Matt Ryan has his charges eating out of the palm of his hand, with 5 wins on the trot . It will be 6 in a row for the visitors today as they eye off a top 2 finish and win today by 33 pts . in the final game for review, traditional rivalry will t~~ renewed, as Be La Salle (2/7) meet Ormond (11/4) at Malvern . Paul Cooper has his lads playing a consistent brand of footy and this augers well for the changing of ground conditions . Ian Jackman 's charges have been playing well for the past few weeks, without winning all the games, but last round's victory was their just rewards. These two teams have had some battles royale over the years and today will be no different. Tough call this one, but I think that the home ground advantage will be cnough for DLS to sneak over the line by 17 pts .

., u„

5.2 7 ._

4.4- ° 2.0 4 . 4.3 der 2 Branigan 2 Corcoran_ 2 Lc 2 TooG'•y 2 Hares McLean J',' die. P : t: Hope Golsen Hares Branigan Corcoran R Weddle . Ha, e tiJarnes Lappage BtTns. Best: George Ash Hilton P:atden Secciili taytar Shepherd . Ifmpircs: G. Hunichen . R. Eastwood (F) . A Long. P. Curtis (G ) - .3 (68) 2 .2 5.5 10.6 BEAUMARIS 3 .3 8.8 13.1 3 DE LA SAd SE Boaum:€ris: Ferrari 3 Magee 2 Mau dick 2 Jury Spen-u Thomas . Best: *IIatu&k Holt Catlin Ferrari Ensor . On La Salle : Evans 8 A9aiuu.x 2 Bride D Haviand Corin Hall Bowden McKenzie Buckley Johnstone. Best: Evans Buckley 3nnL. McKenzie D Hyland HaL. Umpires: L. Gallagher . R. Ivlayston (F). S . Leahy. G. Napper (G)


5.5 6 .4 7.9 7.14 (56) 2.2


4.8(32 )

if . Best : Yandell C . : Sutherland 3 J Barker 2 Voguls Amor GELns Roach O'Farrell c iy 2 ;vSitchell .tills. Umpires: Mills. Best: Cris doli S Brx9e Edwards Cac- iSullivan , J . Watson, L . Mn :crk..ff (F) . 3 .4 . 6.9 6.9(45) OLD' WJ : S ' 0 .2 0.5 1 .9 2.12 (24) 0,: - s : Porteous Heffernan S4vlndon Pratt Stevens Sinclair . Best: Richardson Digmey Godfrey Lethborg Heffernan Fe1lmes .

Whit-_ :E--a: Carrigg Jongebtoed . Best: A Carbone Langford A Paw1Lk R Pdw~til; Phan Wood. Umpires: C . Stewart, P . Dinneen (F). R. Setnnour. R. Dunstan (G)

magoos Old Haileybury (1/20) vs Beaumaris (15/1) OH by 50 pts .

47 7.10 10 .16 11 .16 ( 2)

Therry (1 / 10) vs Old Ivanhoe (7/ 1) Therry by 41 pts .

Whitefriars (6/4) vs NOBs (1 /2) NOBs by 16 pts . Old Melburnians (2/ 1) vs Old Paradian s (1/3) OP by 21 pts . vs Ormond (1/6 ) Be La Salle (4/ 1) Ormond by 33 pts .

8 ORMOND 8.7(55) OLD MELBURNUWS 2 .2 67.2 Ormond., S Grace 5 Bridges 2 Naughton 2 A G^ -' ' ins . Best : Remman : . ulligan 4 Robbins S Keleher Stone S Grace Abrahams : . . -„llr--i S . .ieodore McMullin 2 S -1 i carfare Tre,oar. Best : Bert-~ Wilhelm Jealous . Umg'v~s: G. Curran . S. : r t C . °v (G)

5.7(37) 2 .4 4 .6 4.7 1 .4 2 .8 4.9 7.1 1 ( 53) . Perera 1 Best: Spiden . Old e: Hawkes 2, Brandt 1, Guldera 1 Moloney. xussian, Warrv, Price . Barry, Old Hru3esury : Efstathiou 3 . Johnston 1 . O'Donnell 1, Lazgord-Jones 1 . Mason 1 . Best: Lay. O'Donnell, ; Langford-Jones. Mason. Curtain .

2.2 3.2

6 .3

841121 .

2.2 5.4 6 .6 11 .5 (74) 2, Whitaker 2, Magee, Tagil, Me Grath, Btactve .

Old I-><ileyburr - con ;ratulate Brett C-,-sc-- . on playing his 100_; g--ime for the club against Old Ivanhoe last week . Since graduating from the U19's, Brett has become a key defender with the senior side, but also has the ability to play u p forward when needed . Well done "Fluff' from all at i he Bloods,

CLUB Toovey I .appage Reidy McKay Barker

SENIORS Old Ivanhoe Old Haileybury Whitefriars Therry Penola North Old Boys

33 23 21 21 20

r. Sherman, Fisher. Corfleld. Vla-dham . De La Saae Hall 2, wilLuns . 1"'se. Hoy. Best : Smith . N'core , Buick.

1.0 5.2 6.2 (3s) 5 A (.-;) 2 .2 . . . 3. 4 --niche 2 . Connelly . arence, Joyce . E r i . :her, tXonan, AI!ouche, M.Dn .. a!str'~ . . Rr 1 . Ioruan, Stella, Evans . J .Van Er O'Shea. McMahon, M. Garon: , S . Goo3win. .. .~. . 5 1 .2 3.3 6 .5 3.1 - 6 . ' uva Harris 2, Harfcrd 2. Ryan. :{ JA^}+^s. ,or K Jenkins, Coauioli}' - C T C Nunan 2, Fulton . Marra, T Elliott, Duffy . 2.1 __ = . 7 i A.i`dS 2.1 , . _ . . ~ . . 2 Whelan, 4 . Black 2. Brennan 2, : troardhurst, rions',anty, Case . . . . Ambler. Ray, Simpson, Thr-~. :.Wu, : .-son . Grant . Useinov .


B RESERVE S Efstathiou Old Haileybury 3 33 Hall De La Salle 2 24 S. Ciavola Old Paradians 0 19 Steu~art Ormond 1 1 9 , io -- . co onn 1





Coach : Jim Duman Res Coach : Rod FAcNab 1 2 3 4

Coach : Paul Cooper Asst. : Paul O'Dwyer Res : Damian Carroll 1 L Walker 2 R Buckley 2R M Mercuri 3 B Corin

P. Brook L . Gibson J . Magee A. Pratt

OLD Ht Coach : Frank Dunnell Res . Coach: Mark Robinson 1. 2. 3. 4.

J . Cassell D . Keenan A .Trimboli S .Sleep


Coach : Mick Dwyer

Coach: Gerard Shelly Res. Coach : Andrew Bonwick Asst. Coach : Paul Fahey Res. Coach : Noel Spoor 1 . C . Home 1 A.Oates 2 . R . Kejna (DVC) 2 L .Lochran 3 . M . Hoffman 3 C.Allende r 4 . S. Langford-Jones 4 B.Davis

4 J . Black

4 L Hall

5 . B.Devine

5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L. Buller

5 . J. Bourke

5 T.Young

5 C Swift

5 . D .Skene 6 . N .Vogels

6 . A. White 7 . Adam Hilton (C)

6 D.Spide n 7 E .McWillia m

7. P.Booth

8 . R. George

6 M Herber 7 P Harrison

7 D. Foley 8 A . Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Nicholson (DVC) 10 A . O'Brien 11 M. Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D . Whitaker 14 T. Coliins 14 D. Dew 15 A . Edge

16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 17 S . Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A. Low 20 L . Tucker 20 M. Mellon 21 L . Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt (C) 22 B . Tadgell 23 A . Catlin 24 B .Gray 25 M . Smith 26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R . Coriield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulick 32 T. Arendarickas 33 G . Jury 34 S . Mitchell 35 N . Boctor 36 R . Deaton 36 A . Blackie 37 D . Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N . Conlan 42 J . Gerrand 44 H . Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D. McGrath 47 D. Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas 49 J . Bryce

8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland (VC) 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Harber 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 51 M Shaw 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan

8. B.Collison 9. H. Maplestone 10 . M .Nulty 11 . R. Morley 12. S .Lock 13. T.Halpin 14. D .Kingham 15. C . Faraci 16. D .Collins 17. J . Fitzclarence 18, C .Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland

21 . N .Casboult 22 . M .Connelly 23 . D. Coonan 24. J . Barker 25. G .Phyland 26. P. Brooks 27. W.McTaggart 28. D.Joyce 29. D. Visser 30. M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32 . M.Phyland 33 . M.Barker 34 . J.Saad 35 . M.Carney 36 . D .Tonkin 37 . S.Mikunda 38 . M.Amor 39 . C . Siotos 40. C.Phyland 41 . N.Tonkin 42. A. Kennedy 43. D.Zacek 44. M .Drum 45. B .Speed 46. P.Daniels 47. J .Barlow 48 . N . Sanders 49 . T.Klouse 50 . TDrum 51 . N .Goonan 53 . S. Butcher 54 . M . Allouche 55 . M .Yandell 56 . D. Sheehan 57 . C. Hosking 58. D. Ada 60. R Thommasi

61 . F.Lynch 62. A . MacDonald 66. P. Brya r 77. S.Trenton


8 T.Stevens (RC)

9. S . Rowlands 10 . C. Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12 . P. Dimond 13 . B . Harrop 14 . A . Forsyth 15. A . Saunders 16, P. O'Donnell 17. Ash Hilton 18. C . Jayaskera 19. M. Armstrong 20. J. Wright 21 . A. Jenke 22 . D. Mason 23 . M . Seccull 24 . A. Ross 25 . B . Johnston 26 . J . Bep 27 . R . Brandham 28 . S . Walden (VC) 29. B . Carson 30. D . Warnes 31 . D . Lay 32. B. Mitchell 33. P. Wright 34. P. Langford-Jones 35 . D. Lappage 36 . B. Lay 37 . G . Fletcher 38 . L . Floyd 39 . D. Emerson 40 . S . Davey 41 . S . Saunders 42 . A . McMahon 43. C. Pountney 44. M . Wray (RVC) 45. T. Hilton 46. A. Waxman 47. R . Mitchell 48. C . Moyle 49 . G . Finlayson 50 . R .Ladd 51 . P. Gebka 52 . N . Biggs 53 . L. Curtain 54 . S. Osborne 55 . L. Byrns 56 . M . Anderson 57 . W. Mackenzie 58. A . Floyd 59. M . Corderoy 60. M . Somaia 61 . P. van Wyc k

9 M .Karayannis 10 M . Crowley 11 S .Tully 12 C .Branigan

13 C .Barke r 14 K.Theodossi 15 L .Bolzo n 16 M.Wood s 17 A.Corcoran 18 J .Hope (VC) 19 D.Warry 20 D.Hawke s 21 R.Roberts 22 P.Donaldso n 23 A .Barez a 24 G.Haros 25 A .Whit e 26 P.Lillis 27 J .Weddl e 28 S .Morris 29 R .Weddle (C) 30 A .Gilbert 31 T. Perera 32 A.Gooley 33 N .Pratt 34 A.Tiema n 35 L. Mclean 36 M .Pollock 37 M .Berry 38 Ga Georg e 39 Ge Georg e 40 A .Giollo 41 P.Malnoey 42 L .Courag e 43 L .Hunte r 44 A .Karafil i 45 M.Tosovey 46 M.Tolley 47 J .Weir 48 B.Kolias 49 J .Risstro m 50 S .Brandt 51 B .Shadbolt 52 P.Armstron g 53 S .Price 54 B .Guidera 55 N .Miller 56 S .Asto n 57 S . Ford 58 G .Mclsaac 59 B.Spoor 60 D .Berne t Sponsored by :

W.G .Miles & Co Ptv Lt d Spectrum Assuranc e

Grou p

Regency Pharmacy


e, ` 017


Zitech Compute r Peripheral s

T, - . . .,r



~..~ .

. . .._ . 7 .

._ ___~

It : Erwin Leyden Coach : Mich- I Lovejoy



..__ . .

. .

._ . . . . . ..--.

. _.

. . . .._

._ . . .

Coach : Matt Ryan Res . Coach: Peter Slacik

Coach : Ian Jackman Res Coach: Peter O'Dea

M S 3 A

Bennett Theodore (C) Treloar

1 P. Pratt 2 P. O'Loughlin 2 B O'Flaherty(Res)

1 . D . Mabbett 2 . D . Beckett 3 . E . Fraser



3 D . Stevens

4 . A . Grace

5 L 6 D

Bunn Holme

4 A Curran 5 M Harford

5 . B . Turner 6 . D . Whelan

C 8M g R

Thompson Lovett Simpson

5 D Jenkins 6 B Lethborg 7 P. Cosgriff

7 . S . Keleher (DVC) 8 . M . Miller (DVC) 9 . S . Grace

Roberts Gallagher Hewett Thiele Kinsella Rose Tucker Miller Fitzgerald Mulquiney Guest Boyd Waddell Berry Holcombe Thomas Kennedy Washington Mulligan McMullin Sallabank Ambler Ray Grant Murray Bryant Useinov Wilhelm Theodore Farquharson Bartlett Murphy Neeson Banks Jenkins Tsiotras Berry Righetti Campbell Beaumont Hecker Gooley Hunt Weir Burdeu Reid Sampieri Bowes

8 A . Sinclair (DVC) 8 D Furze 9 J . Collins 9 R Murphy 10 P. Brabender (VC) 10 S Ciavola 11 A. Burns 11 J Smith 12 J M Swindon 12 B Holmes 13 B Galloway 14 B. Brabender 16 M. Godfrey 17 B. Ha rt 17 M Anderson 18 G . Porteous 18 S Fellowes 19 John Swindon 20 M.Szewczuk 20 P Harris 22 C . Watson 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 24 T Lombardi 25 A . Heffernan (C) 26 M .B. Geary 27 K.Jenkins 28 J Connelly 29 M Lloyd 30 B Richardson 30 B Finlay 33 D Loney 34 B. Galloway 35 S Simpson RC) 39 D Loney 40 C. Seckold 44 D McKay 46 P Zappa 47 N Ball 57 B. Dintinosante

10. D . Scanlon 11 . D. Robbins 12 . B . Deledio 13 . B . Stone 14 . S . James 15 . S . Naughton 16 . T. Stewart (RC) 17 . P. Joy 18 . W . Block 19 . D . Cleary 20 . M. McConvill (C) 21 . L . Wilson 22 . R . Block 23 . T. Ashford 24 . M . Abrahams 25 . J. Dale 26. T. Harvey 27. T. Brennan 28. A . Moore 29. N . Courtney 30. N . Wells 31 . H . Black 32. R . Presser 33. M . Collins

10 T ,1 P 12 A , 13 B 14 D .5M 6J 17 J 18 T 19 R 20 J 21 L 22 A

23 M 24 L 25 P 6C 28 A S9 T 30 1 31 J 33 T 35 C 6J 37 S ~d T AZ 1G ~2 P 3E ,4 P 5C cD 47 C 48 C 49 G 50 J 51 B 52 B 53 P 54 S 55 J 56 A

57 J 58 T 60 B 63 N 64 C

- -


. - ~ -

L °K 3 9670 C ' N

~~g 4~

. q

. ... .

.. . . .

Robinson Brice

8 G 9 C

Clifford Maguire

Bannister C Vaina J O'Sullivan D(VC)

Goodwin M Holdstock G

Carter B Grant A Ctarke J Henderson G Griggs S(C-Res) O 'Shea A Evans R Edwards P Carbis G O 'Keame FA Goodwin yS Tadinac M

Saci.oco J LaFontaine N Mcwninney M McKay A

Barron o Castaldi D Nancarow M Boyle S(C) Garoni P Crotty M


Van Errgelen J

46. C . Cleary 47. T. Costello-Manni Costello-Manninn g 48. L. Murphy 49. S . Metz 50. M . Heffernan 51 . A . Russel l 52. G. Hal l 53. G. Hammond 54. M . Wilson 55 . J . Putz 56 . M . Farrell 57 . M . Broadhurst 58 . B . Smith

68 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79

~~jPlnq~S Swinden A Lyons B Johnson S O'Brien J Lees S Keenan R Lees C Forbes D Higgins T

59 . P. Kostanty 60 . G . Ritchie

100 Loiudice 104 Biddlestane G t0o" Murphy P 108 Thomas D 111 Kuret L 119 Ratcliffe A

A. Strauch L . Russell C . Everett R . Martin S. Haines N . Tassell


84 85


89 93


95 96


Mills A Candiioro D Weston D~voR es) Buscaglia S Cnristotoii M Caroni M(DVC-Res ) Dunne P t esto S WG r iffi n h Romanes 0 Ward D Caccamo D Lewis B


Caa- t Greg Fri artl Res Co . h : As 1 1 ryr kple

Phan (Vc )

McMahon A

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ~ 60 61 62 63


_ . .it

6 M 7 D

16 17

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 mo

. . ..

5 B

Hollow L


22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30



Taylor N Bannister S

73 Tnrusn R 14 Mitchell D 18 19 20


Sacco S

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

44 . M. Mabbett 45 . J. Bridges

64 . 65 . 66. 67. 68. 69.


Woo d Carbone Fedel e

Bannister R (VC) Elliot M

McAuliffe A Whykes B

35 . G . Bailey 36 . J . Monaghan 37 . A. Guzzo 38 . S . Herrmann 39 . M . Ferrari 40 . S. Cramey 41 . J . Koolstr a 42 . C . Keleher 43 . L .' Smith


. . .. .

1 C 3 M 3 D

3 4

48 49

34 . R. Remman (VC)

. .

Coach: Wayne hay r Res. Coach : Brendan Smales 1 Petrevski M Finnigan M 2

Warren M Appleford P Carter M Stepien S Goodwin D

63 . A. Kurzel . . .


4z 43 44 45 46 47

61 . K. Anderso n 62 . D. Casey ."

. ._.. .


10 A Pawlik 11 R Reidy (Vol 12 R Pawlik 12 J Treyvau d 13 T Hilto n 14 T Carrigg gg 14 M Duffy 15 P Campbell 16 J Power C 17 A Carbone O 18 C Fulto n 19 M Jongebloed 21 K Kennedy 21 B Winc h 22 T Langford 24 R Mik a 25 M Vernal 26 C Ryan 27 L Swai n 27 B Sinclair 28 C Eames 29 A Glenn 30 M Powe r 33 D Rei d 34 D Gloufchev 35 C Law 35 D Delzoppo 36 D D'sousa 38 C Carri 99 39 M Vandenboo m 40 M Cahil l 41 C O' connor 42 M Northey 43 N Elliott 44 B O 'conno r 46 G Johnso n 47 B Jones 53 M Winterburn 55 B KelseyY 56 R Murray 59 B Ward 63 S Clifford 65 D Eames

Russell G Stella S

Jones P Christie A Smith J Cuiph S Hill M Redden S La Corcia M

129 Boden D

132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 135 O'Hallaron S 139 Fenn A 156 Byrnes T

~ ~ e f~a nrr T 4dttng

Lilydale Memorial Park Cernetary an d Crematoriu m

9739 6244 The Rose Hote l

Napier Stree t Fitzroy

high seem all day a ) a had been ;, , term full 4 quE j narr---- s and l Ili youF ~ supg and Shn + Freund, ` The bay : ; ; convnci.= Rove : k t7u

back Brov


A pretty f n just in fro: ., ~. , were in coat Ol . quarter as th esome7major s

orange break . A gc : saw a pretty happ Pr game on the trot . I to boiled tallies an the best forwards long instf ad of s Taseef wr< s - al~ terrif : su and Dart loss .

They don margin in tussle c ! I f to be ~ , excel-lent . up ar 11 no a'as court > to They ha•: .-z}s Monash A edi c It heart pal is ions . For the Glen Eira side it s just a terrific team etiort , while Liddell and Ke< i shone all dav for the In

Gramz=narians . It was very wet at Teac Park in a desperate game ' i ...bettiveen the sections

two top sides . it was always close with no more thar a 10 point margin all day . C °~~, edged awa} during the third term only to ed back by {3E £ ' o went in at the final change wi their noses jus in ` ont. OEG did have the better of the last tern an the Lions did make a late rally but just ra r . Considering the conditions it was z e of footy between arguably the two bes i competition . Mark Oxnam was good the victors, Sam Fleming was an c7na1 captain . while Heritage an d schmidt in his first game for a month were alsc Collegians best were Ed Waters in and unde r supported by Brock McKenzie and Trenj

games of the first round . o' ve suffered t o losses in a ro outfit who his game i ey ant to see Should be a good one both play s so it should be good to watch ^ conditions are dry. I think Collegians I si e and will bounce back form the past Zd today according to the Brain will be th e veicome Old Essendon to what I believe will a very muddy Toorak Park. Bit of a danger r the OE'S this one as the Two Blues are on D f a roll now and have regained their confidence. T' 2 s ors may suffer a bit of a letdown after their NO F , last week something I'm sure Chris By e ell aware of, and the lure of turning 8- 1 to get the visitors over the line. , travel to Albert Park to take on the Jack~ to although down are not out and a win i s r_ - iE ,. The Panthers are well advised to forget last s performance and remember the C --e . If they can rekindle that and pla y g long to Acreman and Bourna n ~ Ajax beating them . buoyed by their win come across town to tackle a side who in all reality have done nor I ' ig "rong. While the Rovers may not be at the top of heir form they are still winning games which is a good sign . The Buflants will give them a run for their money and will be in it for most of the day, but I think the Rovers fitness an d

be enough on the day to secure another 4 s Beddoe and Lawson welcome their old ites to Mackie Road in a game that even at thi s could well decide fourth position . Both sides ; suited by the small ground, so its the ;perience of U versus the youth of th e L_g . No beg pardons here plenty at stake on the field and ladder hard to separate them but as a tipster I must so its the home side for me . I'm sure Ole aftermatch will be a terrific affair too . Might even turn up myself 9 CORRESPONDE ,_, ;t rounds Black List; St Bedes Mentone Tiger s ~ep those reports coming in . The numbers are a53-1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0400 991 995 or drop me an email t o ~f', ~ 8pm Sunday Nights


lgratulations to -oai umpir e :: ho officiates in his C - " _h VAFA game ek . John, a club Life Member (in his 43r d "h AJAX) commenced goal umpiring in

i960 . He is the club's longest serving hon . -cretary (17 years) has been on the committee for _i vears, and has been the press correspondent tor AJAX since 1962 . He was awarded the VAFA i>ierit award in 197 7

Old M erltflali aaas - this week congratulate a f.vourite son in Peter Flaskis who will line up for h!s 100th game for the Club . Peter has been through everything in his time at the Club from ,•*ious injury to Senior Best & Fairest an d .nues to be one of our best . Well done Flaski F - ° and well deserved achievement ! 5 - congratulation s or notching up 50til game for the Fields ' it t week . It is a credit to your character fo r ig with it after past disappointments in '98 l,-:St year. Well done Jason from all your mates , Le_ ; are many, at CGFC .

4 _-3 2.0 22 5.3 6.4 - .±,• S.l'- .--ning3,Po sc2.[ '.: ..- .hmk3t Best Oanatn.S `'.znhng Lutieschnd L Haitage, D1BLa GaAgr . (~m `=klieuie 2, E. waters 2, Florentine . Phillips. Best !i'atas. Disc i . Pt .,,,.., t7rist -di, MeKeu,w, Davis . I3mp' M. Crn; M. Widmann (F). G. Clancy, P. Whitehead (G ) 43




5.0 7.3 10.6 10 .11(71) 3.5 7.8 24.20 14,11(95) PRABRAN Old Meatm . : Acranan 5, Haurnon 3, Ferguson . Paktff. Best: Rr,reman . Bowman, Dan, Austin, Hatrls . Taenrymati Fimhrm= anodes 3 . St Cm 2, Fraser 2, Marriott 2. R , Gallagher, Beer, Free. Taseff Best Tasr1I, 9-&1c . Marrtott, Pitts, 0-It Emrhell . tfmpEr m- P. WttYW},atan, L. Katz (F) . 42 8 .8 13.12 15.15 (105) 4.0 10 .1 15.2 16.5 (101) Bulk i ~ D.Matthcvr 4, Bun'k)r,~e 2, Hon-ath 2, RobfftscXt 2.C.Pauris, . 4 . tiz--. I.ambroptt+ilos . RWiliiants. Best D .Matt}ms. Burr it T. Roberuatt, O'Dutu:elt AJAY-• Freuittl5.Stiarp 3 . Karo 2, R: . r 7 1C= Davis B--t: Feldman F;etuxi, 14eisa,-, Shard, .. . . . . : A. Stubbs, C . Stevens (S) (Fl . R. Pam (R), &t Stntpwn R (G ftJA7 :

sr 02 5 .7 9.10 10.10 (70j Am, ui .. 1.4 5 .5 7.6 12.8 (80) St B 7i I grail 2 . Osven 2, Na(~er 2, Bea:k.°y 2, Kidd, Made L Best: lil,Innic, Corusauy M. Owen. 4Yu-"- P. W9ndle L, WtntertGn Hamptati lYwem- Busby 5. Holt B 2, Arilemn . L.-crerue. McKellar. Natoli, PuceIla. Best Anderson . Brarme. Martyrs Meatier, Bi 7ammrstioae Umpirm D. Pciris. S. 2vlloq n(Ft . RIMIlis, R. Richards (G) 2 .3 3.5 5.5 4 .2 6.5 10.5 )t rooeined. D3zktw . Draga?j Get 15 . Vbc1ey 3, Harris 2 . Best Fk - r, A,

9.6(60) 10.6 (66)


3.7 6.10 10 .16 15.19 (109) 1 .0 23 4 .3 4 .5 (29) _sh ..k 3. Couuts 2, Smith2, Dahccol,1•1}'tss. P.rxtersot-, Goddard. Green, Elias, R}au. Pmts. F?est MeGrath. Arxlusoit~ Farmer, Ccnrtts. Gkn Eta: Waked 2, KDimad ttJ. Carvzna. Canara . S .D+asraixi . KDmkxhki . D .2Jha 4.1 42 7.3

8 .7 (55)

1 .2 2.7 3.8

6.9 (45)

2. served 2, tAvyat ?t, Saurdeis, Vtck. Best , Meael. Cozens, Kennedy. Prahx as: Ga3tldr.4ers . 2.0


1 .4





J .F a~. Ll i. it Stott. B.44otr it .




C:, 3 Guyett 4, Vella 2, Rostrkan . Eaeta', Will. Best Liddell, Remn, Bsxta', Kni* : . Poster, Harrison . f3m' Era: Vamealas 3, AI7autorttl2, M .Diaachkl. Grnan. Tkixz, Emmett Best M.Dina'lIld. Nceson. Massls . Tkocz, Tstrogtartnis . Run] T.Us . " T-,la',AThwattes(F) .J .Yrama.B.Corcaut(B) .C .Arrrol (R),P.P&


C', JB

5.7 7A

1 .0 5.3 6.9 9 .10(64)


r. B~-t N.i3onre . .n 2 . Rubenstein.

12 2 .5 4.6 7.7 (49) 4.0 72 10.4 11 .5 (71) e 4, Sellltugs 2 . Conner Beat: Marshall . Burnt-, I Dnuv. Haniptimi : Power 3, Bruder 2 , na`T, tbFiohrkh. Nttsclie . Best Wn.18thott.


Old Essendon 0 38 Old Mentonians 5 30 Old lbtentonians 3 23 Caulfield 4 23 C RESERV E

Hampton Rovers 3 33 oper Collegians 5 3 1 Prahran 0 22 Old Essendon 0 14

C Sect " v. Can] _-I,- Id Gr, Prahran Amateurs v. Old Essendon AJAX v. Old Mentonians Hampton Rovers v. Bulleen-Templestowe Glen Eira v . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers

Coach : Mark 9ara u Res Coach : David Marks 1 N Gold (C) 2 J Ritterman 3 B Davis (DVC) 4 M Dudakov (VC) 5 M Rajc h 6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky 8 A Krongold 9 A Rosen 10 G Dukes 11 M Weisler 12 J Basist 13 A Freund 14 Y Rapaport 15 J Segal (VC) 16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukierman 18 J Duke s 19 M Halphen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Bock 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28 P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 A Lefkovic 31 M Barnett 32 D Janover 33 S Boon 34 D Ones 35 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein 39 B Klei n 40 M Borenstein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein 43 M Measey 44 A Lust 45 0 Flamm 46 T Weisman 47 S Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockmart 51 J Jolson 52 M Segal 53 A Halphen 54 G Herzberg 55 A Lewin 56 P Naphtali 57 D Rubenstein 60 J Wajnber g

Cm : : Dean RerCc: h : John 1. on 1 J Prio r 2 G Alexander 3 S Youn g 4 W Thompson (DVC) 6 P Graham 7 P Robertson (VC) 8 N Bone 9 Ch Parris 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Panou 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stot i 20 M Jones 21 P Cannes 22 G McLare n 23 D Matthews C 25 T Matthews 26 S Boyd 27 J Hastie 28 P Wolnizer 29 P Bone 30 Darren Williams 31 A Shin e 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshar e 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalo u 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 40 S Meadows 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 54 S Dowlan 60 D Horvathl

Ta ' Morley ongold C_ .tstructiors s Antler Luggage

7 T:i ;I'I :f} 5 I5 Mann~cEhsa Aevf Huilrcc

9846 8808

C, Re G .h :t;emel 1 D. Rosman 2 B. Hal l

2 A. Carver 3 C. Knight 3 S . Stevenson 4 M . Liddel l 5 S . Kendal l 5 . M. Pennycuick 6 M. Harriso n 6 N . Craven 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (VC) 11 C. Dea l 12 D. Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 J . Morvell 14 M . Green 15 A .Docker 16 S. Sant 17 G . Harrison

B. Baxter P. Anderso n 19 R. Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vell a 21 N. Brohier (C) 22 T. Foste r 22 M . Richardson 23 D . As h 24 N . Guyed 25 G . Evans 26 S. Williams 26 S. Widjaja 27 R . Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J .Jacobs 29 W. Brockett 30 D. Peterson 31 S . Craven 32 M . Cutler 33 C . McGrath 34 J. Margerison 35 S. Thompson 36 M. Cramphorn 37 M. Gurpinar 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R. O'Neil l 41 C. Nairn 42 D. Synman (DVC) 43 J . Smit h 44 N . Courts 45 D . Scott 46 R . Foote 47 L . Salem 48 S. Varthalis 49 J. Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 51 D. Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure 56 B . O'Callaghan 57 P. Farmer 60 P. Senior 62 B. Goddard 69 K. McDonald 71 M. Cassidy

Cc-~lr : Tim Hart Res . Co- .-. i : Cary Irvine 1 J .Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B .Mooney 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Hen速bery (DVC) 5 D . Greeves (RC) 6 P.Davis 7 J .Fariey 8 C. Unsworth (C) 9 J . Fr y 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison (DVC) 13 THartshorn e 14 R .Schober 15 L .Cottom 16 A.Fletcher 17 R . Hosking (VC) 18 TKrotiris

19 M . Davis 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C.Pollock 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S. Woolley 28 N . McCann 29 A. Kenneally 30 L . Moon 31 J. Ros e 32 D. Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 A .Smith 35 Ashley Farr 36 G. Cooper 37 PJ .Opie 38 T Marxs 39 N . Hart 40 A. Wiseman 41 N . Baxte r 42 L . Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . White 44 A. Tarode 45 N. Lynch 46 D. Cooks 47 B.Lumb 48 E . Waters 28 B . Horahall 49 J . Waters 50 B . Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnell y 52 K .Jones 53 B . Gran t 54 J. Haversberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L .Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D. Smith 59 R. Sztar 60 D. Dowling 61 D. Gambaro 62 S . Mui r 64 ": P , :.?b1e

s .m r.ldnoH-

c- _oh: P._v d --Res Cc-.h : veil aom. 1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassa r 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagam e 7 S. Vamvakis 8 P. Tsagliotis 9 G . Hayes Dewar 10 G . Richard s 12 B . King 13 G. Brown 14 M . Ya'eilgosz 15 F. Buckley 16 S. Limnyo 17 A. Russo 18 M . Dimachki 19 J. Thrusfield 20 A. Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 C. Grey 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commertord 29 A . Mills 30 L . Pryd e 31 T. Amberline 32 M. D'Zilva 33 A. Sheedy 34 R. Oldham 35 J . Commerford 36 P. Slifka 37 M . Pinniger 38 M . Lewin 39 G. Ega n 40 K . Dimackhi 41 H . Walls 43 D . Psalia 44 S . Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 M. Baraket 47 T. Evans 48 J . Haliwell 49 M . Benton 50 P. Waked 52 A. Haines 53 S . Ree s 54 M . Migliorini 55 L. McGraw 56 H . Reddy 57 S. Hall 59 B. Stewart 60 S. Jankovic 61 M . Tkocz 63 D. Dunlevie 65 M . Dimou


D. Busb y

S. Anderson (C) B. Marly n A. Natoli A. Dudd y Drew Anderson B . Boyd I , 0 B . Hoit

J . Zampaglione R, Dunba!I 3 G. Wood s 4 5 6 7

N . Borradale A . Browne D . Marshall D . Ariz (VC)

B . Heal y

M. Lawrence A . Power

G. Car r _2 P. Buckley 3 S . Helliger C . Scarlett .5 M . Davey S. Will s 1 Nitschke H .LeGrand Fletcher Shenfiel d T. Pucell a F :vid Anderson '. . Lake Daniel Andersen R . Bulme r

M. Pearson L, Holt J. Humphries C . McGrego r

J K, Chasten --1 G . Keli y -~2 M . Lanagan '3 M . Flahive '4 B. Johnstone -~ 5 K. Singaran 6 L . Woolric h '7 L . Wheeler 8 T Wilmott '9 M . Flynn `0 T. Prantzos 51 J . Midwinte r 2 T. Wilson 3 J. Ng 4 P. Gardiner -5 J . Prantzos B A. Crowther 7 M . Pucella 3 M . Vaughan

"aach : Chri : `s . :; CSt


3 P Lutterschmidt 4 D Rya n 5 M Oxnam 6 C Ridle y 7 J Leask 8 J arit--`? 9 J ( or r 10 11 B Papal 12 L Fleming 13 C Obliubek 14 S Evans 15 T DeBlasi 16 S McPherson 17 P Hexter 18 J Walker 19 E Healey 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 J Dazkiw 25 B Turner 26 S Fleming 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan 29 S Uebergang 30 S Colin 31 T Williams 32 J Mansfield 33 A Dawson 34 D Podger 35 L Kavanagh 36 S Dart 37 M Jinks 38 S Whitfield 39 M Burns 40 M Turner 41 B Newbold Y2 M Beard A3 Carter

Cipolloni P Bar ry i C Clues

D Hexter 3 C Davies 49 A Hutchinson 50 T Grig g 51 P Hammon 52 S Howard 53 L Hadj 54 S Cramer 55 A Leask 56 W Conlan 57 G Steven 58 T Doubleday 59 J Duggan 60 R Capidoferro 61 C Hammon 62 L Frazer 63 D 64 J Murray 65 C McCormack Greas'e' 66 A McGowan 67 R 4^dri q ht

69 G Collins 70 S Mui r

71 S Emerson 72 G Wals h Bertram Bru aletta ='i T.Woodruff Bur~e Da y L. Reeves DePasquale P. Edwards Dragojlo 1 . Marinis Grig g Mansfield Miles Mrnjavac Ro g ers Salih Savage Tassone Tilley on 'FIY:LTD . Treagus Ph : 9597 0166 Venuccio Whitfield amptonrove .au Wuchatsch

1 A Acrema n 2 C Twentyman 3 8 Murphy (VC) 4 D Carre l

5 C Mackay 6 C Alexander 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newto n

9 S . Kurvon 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 R Bal l

14 K Campbell 15 J Costello 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 N Unford 18 T Boumon 19 A Palmer (VC) 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drina n 22 D Horne 23 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J Vdinduss 25 W Ballantine 25 T Fevre

26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 31 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrell 34 P Flaskis 35 T MacNish 36 D Alexander 37 M Francis 38 6 Sheriff 39 T Rile y

40 S. Bainbridge 41 S Cozens 42 J. Dunstone 43 M Lawes 44 L Sunter

45 M Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 A O'Reilly 56 R Harper 57 P Watson 58 K Widelski 59 M McCloskey 60 V Sciacca

61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones (RC) 64 M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Mackay 67 A Paterno 63 L Rul e 69 J Rul e 70 S Grzebieta 71 M Watts

72 R Crowe 73 P Flave l vnuve.omfc.nef

Coach: Tony Fr : Res Coach : John Ross D . GALLAGHER 2 A. BEATTIE J. LANE 4 . P. QUICK 5 . H . PITTS D . PERKINS 7 . S. PANG 8 1 . HUNT A. BUNNET'T 0 . B. HODGSON . A. PITTS 12 . M. BEE R 13 . B. MCCLINTOCK 14 . M . EASTHAM 15 . 1 . DENNI S 16 . A. RHODES 17 . G . ELVI N 19 . S . CAMPBELL 20 . J . KELLOW 21 . G . PALEODIMOS 22 . N. ROBERTS 23 . B . KAIROUZ 24 . T. FRASER 25 . T. FREE 26 . T. STCLAIR 27 . W. PY E 28 . A. TRAEGER 29. W.TASEFF 30 . M . SCICLUNA 31 . T. DUKI C 32. D. BALLAR D . P. HERRIDGE 4. L. NORMAN 5. S . GELLIE . J . KILLEE N 37. E . WILDE 38. M . WINDRIDGE 39. A. GRAY 40. T. MCADIE 41 . J . UPTON 42. K . WALFORD 44. C. HENSHALL 45. M . VAGG 46. M . VEAR 47. P. SUHNER 48. D. FOSSEY 49. L. WOOD 50. N . GILL 54. J . SCANLON 55. L. AITKEN 56. A . CORBOY 57. P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62. S . RIC E 63. R . MARRIOTT 64. J . BELCHER 65. D . HANLON 66. S . MASKIELL 67. M . ERDIM 68. G. AMY 69. M . WARLAN D KEA Australia Swan Hotel Richmon d

Tasman liquor Orrong Hotel Calla Taranto Removals PFC Taboret

Coach: R u Res Coach: 3y 1 P Wintl e 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebir e 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 N Owe n

8 J Cunningham 9 G Marinic 10 M Wintie 12 J Kan e 13 D Goodchild 14 A Connolly 15 T McColl 16 A Hipwell 17 M Sellings 18 T Giaquinta 19 A Dru ry 20 J Drury DVC 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynton 24 T Beasley 25 D Samya 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 M Mifsu d 32 J Dickinson 34 C Meyer 35 B Bilo s 36 A Gangi 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M George 40 B Beasley 41 M Ube rt i 42 P Winte rton 43 A Walstab 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Walsh 50 S Kidd 51 S Meyer 52 B Sessler 53 L Po rt er 54 M McCraw 55 P Russo 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 62 R Bignell 63 C Petratos 64 M Sco tt 65 T Lamb 66 R Parsons 69 J Tomlinson 78 D Moss

;= t z: ~ ,'


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Looking at the ladder after 8 rounds, and listening to the 'gos' around the traps, I'm beginning to wonder if the situation isn't just too neat to be true . Are we in for a repeat of 1996 in this Section, when the back half of the season win/loss ratios were dramatically different from the front half ? Banyule overcame St Leos, after an even first term, with a disciplined performance that saw them increase their lead at each break thereafter . BIG Dave starred once more for the Bears, with a great display of wet weather rucking, ably supported by on ballers, Brad Willmore, Blair Moxon, & Jason Plant. Julian Hodder did well on his HBF for the Animals, Michael Volpe also at CHB & F, and Andrew Burgess had many possessions ruck roving. Monash Blues never recovered from the Aquinas 7 goal first term, and had no counter for the Bloods' gun fonvards Andy Cultrera and Daniel Den Braber, with the consistent Chris Wooden also in fine form at CHB. Spider Smith approached his best on the ball for the Ashers, Mark Bolton was effective in too many positions to list in the space available, and Blair Boyer's 'screamer' in the last term put a gleam into an otherwise grey day . Ivanhoe Assumption proved too strong for Old Geelong with a powerful last term following a close first three quarters. Doni Valkanis continued his good form in the middle for the Hoes, Stuart Morris dominated on the ball, as did Leighton Pearce, who also inspired his team mates by returning to the field in the 3rd term after being injured in the 1st . OGS best once again was Wit Paul on the ball, plus Hamish McInnes and H .O'Brien in defence . Uni. Blacks overpowered Yarra Valley in their belated Grand Final replay . Yarra were goalless until half way through the 3rd term, but battled on to keep the margin at least respectable . Blacks gave a very even performance, but Will Martin on his wing, Nat Roberts on the ball, Chris Schirner at CHF, plus Tom Chatfield were all slightly more equal . Tim Fyffe fought hard on a wing for Yana . Robbie Drew was as solid as ever, and Luke Taylor's two late goals saved the Bushrangers' from a 0900hrs Sunday training session !

Old Carey fought hard against Old Camberwell with the Wells' creating their winning margin in the ist 15 minutes of the 2nd term, and protecting it effectively in an otherwise tight match . James Clvne and Luke Gladman were brilliant across HB for the Wells with David Walker giving terrific drive 16

across the centre, and Jordan Heffernan likewise, on the ball. Blake Hutchison did a

great job curbing the brilliance of Nigel Credlin Chris Angus and Andrew Kent were dynamic in the middle, and Cam Campbell was in everything everywhere, all day . This was a big turn round on the Panther's recent form. TODAYS GAMES St Leos meet Monash Blues on the rebound from a loss, which doesn't look good for the Blues . The Animals are tough competition at anytime on Bennettswood, after a loss they're diabolical . The Blues are showing signs of better form though, so St Leo's won't be able to relax at all . The home side by 6 goals . Old Geelong welcome Banyule to Como Park and it is hard to see them troubling the top side . OGS big strength is their marking power in the fonvard zone, but today that will be tested by the meanest defence in the section . The Bear's biggest assets are their on ballers and midHelders, whose combined drive just overwhelms opposition back lines, and it is hard to see OGS being able to keep them out today . Much as I'd like to see one of the lower five cause an upset, I doubt it will be in this match, which the Bears should take comfortably . Yarra Va ll ey host Ivanhoe Assumption with the Hoes on a mission to cement themselves into 2nd spot . For all their youthful endeavour the Bushrangers do not have the all round strength of the Hoes, albeit they will chase and harry them all day, but not enough to prevent the visitors from taking the points by 6/7 goals . Old Camberwell tackle University Blacks in this round's only contest between two Top 5 teams . Both sides build their games round an attacking defence, so it will be interesting to see how the respective tactics unfold today . What impresses about the Wells though, is the height and physical presence of their forward set up ; this side is capable of very big scores .Fed by a rebounding defence, an efficient midfield, and a very active on ball unit, the Wells should have too much going for them to lose today. Blacks won't be far away in a top match, but the Wells should take it by 2/3 goals . Aquinas and Old Carey meet with the Bloods feeling good after a win last week and the Panthers having put in a good effort against a top side las t -


Any forcvard set up that includes Cultrera , :--er, and Livingstone constitutes a huge for any opposing side, and the Panthers to be at their top today and limit that trio' s nities to have any hope of ivinning . Games these old rivals are always great to watch , e the Bloods are favoured to win at th e -~, the Panthers are starting to put it together surprise is not out of the question . 9 should be : Blues, Banyule , s, Aquinas . Today sees the long awaited ie Section heavyweights, Wells & Blacks . :ence should give them a narrow win in a e . And is it true 'Headers' is making a ack for the Ashers ? . the contacts are : 9818 1425 Ph + ,('telstra.easvmail.eom .au . Deadline is o days, with sometime Sunday

Congratulations to to plays his 50th game for the cluu 111 J . is a young power forcvard v -Zose , n irking & straight kicking proves valuabl e Le club . Well done son, may you play man y g< mes in the 2 blues colours . Also 'ations to -e--- Scott who today joins . A strong defender, who can make an impact in the center when called Is a player with exceptional talents both o n field of battle .

Ctr; man, W1111more, 1 . FI B:S nott . St Leo' • B J Hodder, fAUo)Pl, R*,9cCazv M. Evans (F) --T~---Bta-s 1 U rno 6 Best: Pa: i, Smitii. - 7}d , 8, Bambur; 3, Tarullt 3, I Wo n . Best: F - rera, Um a P. Jones . i . Bu

26 w . Yii<

.a aaen . Hu.

4,4 5 .5 2.1 3 .2 xtmptiea: Saunders 3 . Flynn 2, Jq 1 [ : Va4tanis, Morris. Wood, L.P *n Gu. .: ,r Jones 2, 1V.Pau1, J. FStfnc omb,J°ugieUs,O'Brien,Opt- . U :1 .. .. .0 ON

r•errai), : 'vl c


'°°f' - congratulations to Dr.

on reaching gains t on June 16 . The Doctor is making

- ,_pear_.._!ces in the Club XVIII rer trying a of fatherhood . The 100 games topped off a c eer with the Parks and the 5 year break improved his football kicking the first two last wee'.- . ''. .`ell done Doct,,r .

C._S ;;;=IORS S . McCann St Leos 1 37 Egan Banyule 1 25 Livingstone Aquinas 0 24 Cultera Aquinas 8 24

Flynn Ivanhoe 2 22 I?l SE R Saffar Old Camberwell 0 28 McKean St Leos 1 20 Burbank Old Geelong 1 18 Keyhoe Yarra Valley 0 17 Tempone Old Camberwell 3 1 7

St . Leos E n

Old Geelo :~~. , v _ Yarra Valley v . Ivanhoe .ssumptio n Old Camberwell v . University ~~lacks Aquinas v . Old Carey


:h Liri i kes. Cr :; ~ .i Field 1 R. i ills 2 C. Thomas 3 T. Vanderluis 5 M . Boland 6 D . Minogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A . Lorki n 15 A. William s Hunt 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P Fare s 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flyn n 23 J. Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 R. Weeks 27 S . Jones 29 N . Davies 30 C . Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J. Bleakne y C . Woode n 4 M . Tarullli 35 R. Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 G . Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 L. Sheffield 40 A . Cultrera 41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G. Coyle 46 M . Hop e 47 N . Moran 48 R . Register 49 P. Poynton 52 M. Corrie 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 J . Harrington 59 A . Bentley 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barrie 64 T. Robinson 68 J . Coglan 71 G . Evans 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay

1 T 1 2 D.Witchell 3 S .t rooz 4 M .Gilbert 5 B.`;diimore 6 WKeenan 7 G .Shavv 8 B.Cantwell 9 J .Plant 10 B.Moxin 11 S .Cross 12 J .Egan 13 C .Burke 14 B .Woodlock 15 S .Gray 16 A.Dooley 17 TChapman 18 J .Turnbull 19 P.Witcheli 20 S .Playfai r 21 R .Dintinosante 22 N .Taylo r 23 S.Gray 24 C .Wilks 25 L .Marti n 26 H.McDermott 27 P.Healy 28 D.Sproules 29 R .Kreskas 30 D Mutton 31 C .Bassett 32 J.McDermott 33 A.Plant 34 C.Stevens 35 L.O'Conneli 36 M .George 37 T.Thompson 38 G. .Bel l 39 A .Hopgood 40 C .Taylor 41 M.Natoli 42 C.7 ylo r 43 L.Ferral 44 P.Williams 45 B .White 46 D .Nasrallah 47 D .Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A.Small 50 M.Smith 51 L.Sheean 52 D.Noonan 53 K .Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D .Williams 56 P.Arnold 57 A.Covey 58 L .Holt

Coach Tim ;'_ .I R€ Cc :h : , ~- U--,: ; -A 1 S . Chapma n 2 J. Bax ter (VCR) S. Conley 3 L . Holloway 2. M. Maud 4 G . Chessari 3. C . Tucker 5 D. Rogers 4 . 1 O'Neill 6 M . Newman 5 . J . Scobl e 7 P Farrar 6 . T. Healy (DVC) 8 S . Thompson 7 . P. Rawley 9 J . Godde 8 . J. Shuttlesworth 10 S. Webster(VC) 9 . E. Healy 11 M. Spence r P. Lee (VC) 12 G . Smyth 1 . J. Finlayson 13 A. Herrman 2 . B . Finlayson 14 B. Merlin . S . Narkiewicz (DVC) 16 B . Tatterson 4 . P. Flynn (C) 17 P. O'Neil l 5 . J . Curtin 18 K . Hendratta 16. S . Smyth 19 G. Gilbert 17. S. Morri s 20 N . Sereda . T. Bobble 21 C . Gregory D . Woo d 22 R . Kamphuis 20 . P. Blocker 23 G . Harry 21 . L . Blackwood 24 T. Craven 22 . G . Rac e 25 J . Hawkins 23 . D. Ryan 26 B .Jondahl 24 . B . Frew 27 N . De Young 25. J . Friswa 28 J . Main 26. M. Emerson 29 J . Ross 27. K. Smith 30 L . Creamer 28 . J. Pace 31 S. Hawkins 29 . G . King 32 B. Boyer 30 . M . Sloa n 33 J . Smith (C) 1 . D. McFarlane 34 P. Maiden 2 . L. Pearce I 35 D. Murchie 3. S . McGowan 36 A . Williams 4. B . Joyc e 37 M . Donnelly P. Whitehea d 38 R . Anderson 6. C . Zeegers 39 C .Burley 7 . D . Tod d 40 M. Bolton . R . People s 42 S. Young 9 . M . Ebbag e 43 R. Feenaghty 40 . P. Martin 44 D. Teesdale 41 . C. McDonald 45 R. Walsh(CR) 43. G . Sullivan 46 A . Ryan 44. A . Pace 47 S . Mentha 45. D . Frye r 48 K . McIntyre 46. M .lacouangell 49 R . Burston 48. R . Tocgood 50 A. Clark 49 . A. Rosenfeld 52 N . Moresi(VCR) 51 . D. Pearce 53 J . Pee l 52 . S . Doherty 54 R. Green 68 . J . Mazocca 55 I . McCormick 78 . C . Brow n 56 R . Reit h N . Dykes 57 P. Munro G . Robertson 58 C . Strauss 59 B. Carstein 60 S. Lloyd 61 P. Campbell 62 B . Drescher 64 J . Sleiman 65 G. Polglase 66 N . Brennan 67 S . Ryan . Meehan 69 P. Grabiel 71 J. Sondhu 75 S. Edquist



Cc Jr : J A F1€, Cea r n Ht' 1 J McLean 2 T James 3 A Inkster 4 N Lippiatt 5 S Horskins 6 A Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanson 12 R Kapoor 13 L Giadman 14 R Whitehead 15 A Bryson 16 D Walker 17 N Credlin 18 A Brownless 19 J O'Neill 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 B Tipper 24 D Imberger 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Sheed y 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 R Heath 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 J Derry 36 S Derry 37 A Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 A Hills 40 L Cain 41 L Rya n 42 A McKenzie 43 S Collins 44 S Smit h 45 G Ormsby 46 A Taylor 47 T Kearney 48 J Swa n 49 J Hardman 50 B McKenzie 51 J Owen 52 E Noy 53 R Tempone 54 A Margetts 55 J Gan 56 N Stevenson 57 A Hillier 58 P Triantafyllou 59 M But' terviorth 60 B Mcilwai n 61 J Parker 62 J Mile s 64 M Knowles 65 N Saffar 66 T Kearney 67 G Rowe 76 D Brauer

:'.:h :JonE.~ _ C-- ca, .. .?ea =n Club 1G : i son

Faeli s l. ~ Jllel l

,Esler .Jackson ", Campbell R . Oppy D . Walsh D . Shutie Shrive s N . Everest . L Battle y B. Hutchison C . Phillips L . Chamberlain R . Graham J . Danihe r If



song -i. lfrtali T. Price - . Unkle s 1 . Detarczynsk i

D . Sherr ! . Vasilopou!os P. Nance

S . Assimo A . Guerra 0. Winchester P. Graha m J . Mai Giannikos ' Hardy ,. Bi :ill ). Palmer i Cohe n

-me' It

,,. Hoopl a A. Gates P. Montgomery D . Williams C ~° tie r. ~ll

-! . Giannikos 'iIkie udge _nt ?. Drr :k e

I sncis Ax Jrew s K. Giannikos A. Ros s C . O'Reilly C . Trevethen J. Boncher C. son J . Ward I . A . McKinstry 62 . S . May 67 . C. Hickey P. Dalton S . Han

1 D.Salter 2 J.Nevin s 4 C,Stinchcombe 5 TRedi n 6 T.rJ'Brien 7 J. Paul 8 T.Seymour 9 J .Foley 10 J .Smith 11 L.Stevens 13 H . McInnes 14 H .Power 15 H .P.icCarthy 16 H .O'Brien 18 C .Bir d 19 P.Broadbent 20 S.Cole 21 S .Jones 22 J .Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .Whitehead 27 W.Pau l 28 A Farrar 29 D,Bolton 31 D . Varley 32 J . Cook 33 B.Collins 34 M .Goldsworthy 35 H .Burbank 36 A .Opi e 37 J .Fanning 39 A .Farnsworth 40 M .Avery 41 T.Carty 42 H.Brosvning 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B.Parnel l 46 J. Fitzgerald 50 M .Wilkinson 51 J .Kilpatrick 52 N . Kem p 54 L.Heine 56 M .Leslie 58 L.itr9cDonald

Co_~h: David : iller Res Ccc "h; Jasua Ftfrnel 1 D. Dinicolantonio 2 J . Hodder 3 E. Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S. Buckle 6 D . Carey 7 A. Burgess 8 M. Voip'i 9 D . Lear 9 A . Bethune 10 B . Mitchell 11 S . McCann 12 T McCann 13 A . H' ban 13 A . Krebs t4 J . Manton 15 A.O'Reilly 16 A. Rose 17 R. Parker t8 R. McCann 19 B. Carey 20 D. Bruce

21 G . Simmondson 22 S. Willi s 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S . Dor e 30 31 32 33

M. Otto, N . Zannis L. Price L. Moss

34 35 36 37 38 39 40

B . Henri cus R . Briggs S . Bavage S . Manton N. Hodder B.Vaughan J. Gay

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

J. Zara M . Flood B. Levine M. Dimble S. Ronchi M. Blundell M . Renner A . Daly

49 C . Hattield 50 P. Hum hreys 51 P. McGPoin 52 R . McGloin 53 A. Volpi 54 J . Fennell '.. 55 S . Smith '.. 56 D. Domi k 57 M . Place 58 J. Pleldstad 59 D ;, dcher 60 C . McDonald 61 S. Edwards 62 A. Rav nor 63 P. Nora n 64 D . McKean 65 N . Foley 66 J . Blancrihom 67 P. Farquhar 68 B . O'Connor 69 S . Mescher 70 D. McGloin 71 B . Alla n 72 A. Burgdorf 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C, Vaughan 78 M . Whitney 79 T Tribe 80 H . Meehan 81 D . Behan 88 S. Pitcher 89 D . Winduss

C-- r, ". â?‘ 3orrdcn Cof- t . TrC :' 1 G Darroch 2 S Chandler 3 W Marti n 4 M Vaughan 4 D Wilkinson 5 R Mackie 6 S Smith

7 B Cunningham 8 W Pasco e 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jesse n 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 L Brown 18 A Wilson 19 C Franklin 20 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfield 26 J Ryan 27 A Clements 28 A Costello 29 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 5 Moody '.. 35 J Mirtschin 36 H Peck 37 N Roberts 38 L Beaton 39 R Gr n Sulliva e40G

~41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gad d 43 C Beaton 44 R McA rt hur 45 M Coleman 46 R Board 47 B Murphy 48 A Moffatt 49 P Greenbank 50 J Healey 51 A Neville 52 C Schirmer 53 D O'Keefe 54 M Braszeil 55 G Thomson 55 D Walsh 57 K Begely 58 A Paton 59 0 Teose

61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaskis 66 N Howell 68 P O'Beirne 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihil ! 73 S Mackie 75 W Touzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evans 78 R Owe n

79 R Drummond 80 M Tehan 81 A Dore 82 C Baulch 83 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 B Weber 86 D Creek 87 A Cowley 88 N Abbo tt 89 T Beggs 90 D Atkin 91 A Whitlock 92 S Milner M Behan A Metcalfe J Mirt schin E Nola n

R Moreton

Co r- !r : T r ! i ResCc h,:Rr_nG :vis 1 R Pearce 2 T Morris 3 R Thompson 4 M Fun g 5 A Drew 6 D Howse 7 R Drew 8 L Morris 9 J Keem 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvean 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysela 14 E Kruse 15 N Pask 16 L Taylor 17 A Laing 18 L White 18 0 Ros s 19 S Thompson 20 T Hale 21 M Wines 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davies 25 F Pellegrino 26 J Longworth 27 S Savage 28 B Reynolds 29 R Courts 30 D Potter 31 B Sturzaker 33 P Cremean 34 C Fraser 35 B Peaks 37 D Balshaev 38 B Morrison 39 J Tompkins 40 T Fyffe 41 B Downs 42 A Stone 43 H Park 44 J He 45 S Tressider 46 D Ireland 47 D Lang 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 50 C Box 51 C Reynolds 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pask 54 T Mcllrath 55 P Peterson 56 T Lloyd 57 S Kehoe 58 G Ke n 59 A Joiner 60 C Ross 61 P Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurch 64 M Bate 65 R Lang 66 D March 67 M Busch 71 IM Laing 73 T Lloyd 74 A Midland 76 J Dickson 79 S Tressider

s 3 Geelo ; 30.23 0 Mount, Tezzir . Kevins) While hard for (O? - C C, 9, -,, and


ction C) had a gala day at i2eir r3ill th' Can d r .! : 1 PC it ,ric o, r C

. . ._ . ' :at were Dollman, ~arson, Donohue (St Saunders, battled ' good on top in C ~ ection scribe , '.~..'~i in 1 ~j25 /


Only the milestone k - k goals

fot:t: . "Jugs" is (don't they au ! Yarra Valley 0 1 B( , fourth team E change . It vv~

i c avfrom he lon g

kicked 8 firmed a s

ir s . , _ 1 :-a

Keen n, ' Conte, Th; D Section cal: Cullen (Sc Y, t

nd Ire rid

held by former great champion, Greg Tootell, when he ran out for his 323th game

- a young 38 year old . Lif . De La Salle einspratol were too strong in the seco I CoIle aie win > .P ' 1 J our i a (De La) Aquinas sal =d th the 1st pl .~ .,,,r ;- thgarnes . Premiership + t 82, Club F .~s'dent 1988-90. J hard to beat .

age I It

a. T.


(Old Cam! Johsls), T Hotels to Hotel ' :a (Ormond), The R Western Fote1 ('.

ma ~ c cord o a. hiails ' 3 with 82

(Beai es) , D. aus) .

ad been selectee P rk .

fled NreterE '9ears of s€d:

Narcellin), Elgin In n (Salesian) and the HE , Peninsula Old Boy° departur e to join the as r ~:" : :everal club Bes t

AFCAIV'-"t Coach of the m onth was Simo n of Old Trin ; 1)

; tl.,; giant killers at °

they trailed ---home team, North C' and then ove- 3_i ' _ I half to win i 11 -oints . ['J'ar

22 ;o 5 .6 second 6 from the

forward a J Hunter and Twist were g( i F and P. Considin e

were best for -th . sec ion scribe Tom Johnston "C .j Xavei ., ,, -_ oach < 11 l a convincing over Scores were Old " " .19 tc 8.15. C -e J . 1 G. Dait le j Co to, . SGilam(Bnyue)

It had to happen . Yes, Chris "Mouse" Worthington broke the Caulfield Grammarians games record previously 9n


io e man in -, iield, id A and

and Fai rests, a much l . „ Il missed h„ Peninsula.

Old Sc__-,h


Ca: Nick D~ Bund~=.ra Aickin ; 2

in the closing stE to give a vvin 7 .2 to 4 .17 . Dalton, Somers (Old McCann (Old Paradians) . Old 1;lentonians (D) had a 80 poir Brunswick 14.17 to 3 .3 . Best vie Nervrmand . Acreman (6 goals) (Old it ) Buckley, D . Lampard (West R) . 150 games to Stephen Pace ,i ,,) . Per 3 ye n Bulieen-Templestowe, S[epnen ` :ad returned to his former club to help 'them up the ladder .

Bill Denton, Old Xaverians 1985 captain surprised no t

Mike Yeo (0. Carey), G . Carroll (0 . t ,on (0 . Scotch) and F I

'C' section when Old to go down 9.12 t o ly, B . Zelinski (6 - 3) and 200 games to 'A' premiership F in 1982 . t his 200th game, a career that . . : ds from 1972 to 1983, and then s in 1983 . Bernie despite a light build, a game and his determination an d

ri rrded in 1980 when he won the 'A." st Trophy.

sit .ia). 2C mes to P<_ e, ran Jim °MunFsy' efe, the or. 211 wo premiership teams, 1963 "le opposition with his ;und" bodv, and his long ba ran OIti I

F Coil is c ied eir account when they held off a determined challenge by Do La Salle to score by 10 points . The only undefeated team after first round of home and away matches (9 games) was Reservoir Old Boys in 'D' section. Old Paradians congratulated Graham Mansfield on his 150th game. Graham had played in four premiership teams and represented Victoria at the 1964 carnival .

- dropped to third when the Bullants 26 points . Bulleen were in complete

Hampt- Povers full back John Dean had also reached 150 ga; !s after great service with the club, starting i n

- 10 goals at one stage in the las t

the jur '

r Salle raided on 6 goals . Tony s), Neal Palmer, Shane Gilmore, Leigh Phil Espenschieg were best for the 2 coac"es

: John Purdet (Coll) , (Old Hailevburians), ( -- -ernards), S . a (ovi•n), Don

ction defeated leaders Old uracy 25 .5 to 20.13 .

at half time and kicked re Lopes, Gillan , o goals) (St Hilda) an d Olc Xavs) .

unbeaten teams in out to be a fizzer as is to win, 26 .13 to 10.7 . Schulberg, Bialek (AJAX) (Old Xaverians). Ol d

Umpires committee, sho--pd at form being c i of th e

the _ °st a:_ Faires t re in 1973 and

on the award in -3, and had already won _ 'esentation " st Tasmania in this

~. - s to 01-1 - :Y bin 's ironman Andrew and ?_ - n1670, Andrew had given

i'cc in the centr ., ng and as a ruck rover . an captains were : I: ,)b hieDonald (C . Gram .), Ian (Coll), Ian Davis (Geelong), Bill ivSctY"innie (Iv-anhoe) ,

MHSOB ( . ' section) suffered their first defeat for the year when v.ey went down to Old Scotch in a close fough t game . Pvll-IS were still on top by 8 i s to Collegians while Old Scotch. level on 20 poll '~ai ilfleld Grammarians, were fifth on percentage. Best for Old Scotch were Simpson, 1 . Mclean . I. Wilson, and for MI-1S J . Nelson, Bowater, Featherby. With a great second half, Hampton Rovers . 13 .14 .92 almost toppled 'C' section leaders St Berriards . who owed their victory to their accurate kicking 15 .6 .96 . J. Wilson, L . Smith and MacKenzie were Hampton's best, while G. Amott, Hanneberry and Reidy contributed to St Bernards early ascendancy . Geelong farewelled Dr . john McPhee, president for the last 12 years, who was leaving for an overseas appoiniment. John had been a player, and also senior and Under 1 5 coach. His successor was Militia Poul-`on, a c--) -`e'wart for many years . 15 1 C' elburnians inflicted Commonwealth Banks firs t defeat . .~. . . . - a tight game they finished slightly better. Mal Hastie (ruck), Bryce Thomas act propelled on the xving) and Trevor Downs (back pocket) were stars for OM 's. In another close game, Hampton Rovers (3rd) went down to University Blues (2nd) by 3 points, the final scores being 12 .21 .93 to 12 .18 .90 . Mick Eggleston was prominent all day with beautiful football while Bill Morrison was tireless and saved the game three or four times in the last quarter .

It was a great fight back by the Blues, who trailed by2O points at half time . Sam Bstles played a great game for Rovers with 6 goals, while John Morgan, Merv Davidson and Jim McQueen were also prominent .

i C g Edge Presentations Atrocious conditions prevailed in many games as those great levelers, wind and rain, conspired to interfere with many passages of play . My 70% success rate was pleasing, although many winning margins were less than anticipated. 8 ; ~+ kept themselves in final's contentions when with surer ball handling they kicked more accurately than did Prahran and won by twelve points . The loss has made the Prahran quest for a semi final berth virtually impossible . For Prahran their "on ballers", namely Andy Carroll, Steve Ivak, David Green, Koby Jones and the super veteran (in bowl's terms) Terry Lucas were best . as started brilliantly against a depleted e ad led by thirty nine points at the first change . Although St Kevins has increased their lead to one hundred and fifteen points at the final siren, they wasted many opportunities. To their credit, Brunswick never conceded and their second half efforts were better than those shown in the first half. St Kevins were well served by Gerard Mulcahy and Paul Meagher, while the 'flu' riddled "Daisy" (Ben Day) took what could be the mark of the year . 33e La Salle had a tense struggle against Mazenod and only the last goal by De La Salle confirmed their victory by nine points . For Mazenod the best were, defender, Richard Bourbon, forward, "Magic Mick" FothergiL as well as Busby Vandergert and Simon "Diesel" Dresser. For De La Salle veteran Kevin Mannix and tall defender No . 14 were best .

Old ve s maintained fourth place with a ninety three point victory over Z'herry Penola, who were held goal less . Last placed I . gave third placed, Old Melburnians a Is -ly close encounter as Old Brighton only finished sixteen points in arrears . SECTION 2 At Donvale, goals were scarce as Marcellin outplayed ` - c to win by forty six points . From twenty nine scoring shots only nine were kicked - eight by Marcellin . Old despite a last quarter lapse were able to defeat a.od Trinity by fourteen points in heavy conditions at Bulleen . Best for Old Essendon included, defenders, Darren Barr and Jim Marinas as well as ruck rover Brett Turner and Captain Nick O'Connell in the ruck . Best players for Old Trinity were ; followers Shannon Cooper, Steven Natoli and Allen Senunens as well as wing man, Cameron Barr. The clash between University Blacks and Monash

was a ve ry even coniest in which the Black's poor kicking for goal probably cost them ~ the four points . The surer : ionash ba.'. h~ carried the day for them . Atier the Blacks led at nc first chan ge, Monash held a three point advan: g( at half time . The second half saw Monash in the ascendan cy before they ran out winners by ten points . Best for M onash were; the newly betrothed, David O'Brien, Matthew Riddle and the consistent, John Stoppa . For University Blacks, Tim Bowersan d Jason Mirtschin were best . Conditions at Como Park were poor and although f l" = were competitive, undefeated leaders G=d - . : were still able to win by sixty five points. The "Super" powers at Old Ivanhoe felt victory came via a real team effort. They names as their best club person on the day, team m anager, press correspondent and goal umpire Karen! Congratula }tons Karen. : took over half of the game to brea : c o of a determined, , who starte d ti ' :ed as the match progressed . Colleg; ars s won by twenty eight points . Best for Co llegians L as forward, N o . 66 while the best for St Leos was ukeir blond forward, No . 10 . (They know who they are and maybe one round their club press correspondents will let readers know too!) .

hould keep in touch with the leaders by defeating 째r, who do lack numbers during tertia ations . Prahran has 1' e talent to defeat Mazenod, but do they have the desire? h?azenorl will be ry competitive but I do favour Prahran, who mus p winning to have any hope of featuring i n If there is to be an upset, it could well be * match . Traditional rivals, Old 째 - and D meet on Victoria Park . Old - iveria > con t i au inexorable quest for their sixth ecrse :premiership, while De La Salle have been the ';' yard stick . Last week's form favours Old Xaver whom I elect today . Old Melburnians should have little trouble in defeating Therry Penol a, who have not proven competitive this season. Leaders, St K s should hold that pos" ~n outright as they should have li ttle trouble ' E C

rside l or .'9 season a 7._d s lecti-l g :r is a ficult decision . At her -I ct g to club godfather, Leon Collier. >tived their best form for three yea; . ; -[its should enable them to easily defeat

strange bounce could detract from Collegians p1 r . Old Essendon have lacked consistency wi t I tip Collegians, although this match couid pi _ rlde a . upset in section 2 . please contact me wit h n i de : Is by noon onday . Telephone 946 7 35

who 'emain without a'svin .

rt s, Old Ivanhoe face a determined , ose place in the top four will ecure with defeat today . On P


I cannot see the students bein g

_ enough to inflict the first defeat on Ol d I favour St Leos to be talented enough to many of whose players will b e face a danger game out ill be the first trip to th e aany of the Collegians ur' '- nd, the .vinds and

Club pl: ._ plays his -a -' v tc ::a . .m the ::eld lthony has proven a talented wing man and off e field he has given sterling service as the clu b Secretary . Congratulations, Anthony from all your friends "on the farm" and in Club XVIII football . Monash players re stunned last week to learn that Dav . had finally "popped the question" to Janine, who accepted without reservation! E . ._;t wishes to Janine and David is still acc: oting congratule ;o,s p

t I

Old Scoti ' v. Br . Prahran aMzenodv Amateur s Old Xaverians v . De La Salle Old Melburnians v . erry Penola St. Kevins v . Old Brighton ~ 1) (in v . Old Tr tivat, Trinity Gr Mona jes v. Iitefriars Old Ivan' oev . University Blacks St . Leos Emmaus v. Old Geelon g Old Essendon v. Collegians

b .~..: t:

Lucas rroll, Doud, ur <n .;.-hit o, :3rash . . : . Simon. I : Juiil :etr, Leal. L O'Brien. Sarkozy Umpires : T. Hall. Praluan Club Umpire

: Is : H-u: 3 . _z u{"tt'l


1 .0 1. 2 .5(17) .10 14.16 19.16~(132) - , Hammet. Mainelli, Sikora, 3.1 nev 2, Bare? 2, Ries 2, no. L . Xatavoba? Best :

t'fwao, tvory, .nea . - inpures: A. Bar, o, T. Jackson 3.1 5 .3 5.12 6 .13 (49) 4.0 5 .1 5 .2 6.4(40) nntx 2, Brasher 1, Orwin 1, G H} .P. I Lewin 1 . Best : . Tucker, hSannL~. Hey, Bolt . " ': Fothergill 3 , tstts«,n 1 . Best : Hanor, Busby, vans. Fothergill, R. Parker, D . Vlindlow (F) 0.3 0.4 0 .6 0.6(6) 11 .9 14 .16 (99) 2.5 7.7

ter. It " s. Swindon. 0 nearney . Serong, tith ,,, U'SrIlivan 3. Hardwick 3, Jones 1 . a, 0SuJiran. Harduick, Jones, Hart, .y Penola Club Umpire (F) . .1 4.3 4.3 6.7 (43) 4.5 7.9 8.11 (59 ) . 2. Best: Barber, Cooper, Over, Crea,dson. ' • Tomlinson 5, Moody, Cooper, T( Sr i . Atkinson, Branchtlower, Jensz, Heady, at L. L=uyre . Old Brl ~nton Club Umpire (F)

CL'. _ . .: . . : Cartlidge Prahran 2 Tomlinson Old tvlelburnians 5 2 K . h9annix Be La Salle 5 Matthews Old Xaverians CLUB X V111/2 Oakley Collegians 0 Vdhitefriars 0 Bonnvinan L. Woods Monash Blues 0 McDonald St Leos 0

26 19 14 15 15 12 11

1 .-,(14) s.8 8 .12 (€ri;) 'durry.l'•~, r, Hz :>, Sully. Cltfiord. 1atl. Ye<zimena. C .hfathtews, ran, Cull. Best: -Chettl . O'Brien . Trickeg, Moran. C Ai ,. Umpires: Y. F.„iips, R. Windlow (F) Ct . . .. 0.6 1 .6 2.6 4. 8 (32) O . . . „. 0.2 3 .3 6.3 7.4(46) s, 4.elsh, Lauletta . Stebbins. Best: Natoli, Lauletta, : Grant 2 . Carter 2, Smith . Tl~walte: n, C< per, B-. I -. i Taakou '.,dy= Best: °rir Morrison, Barr, turner. I' rilres: ~ Her, Old Trieu:v Club Umpire 47

2.0 3 .0 3.1 3 .1(19) 1.1 3 .3 5.5 58(38 ) Uni Blacks: Owen 2, Iwanlw. Best: Greig, Murphy, Creek. Jason htirtchson . Abbott, iwaniw. Monash Blues : 0'Shaunessv 2, G.Trigg, B.Cr+t"r, J.Pr,ons. Best: O'Brien, Krebs, Riddle, Cunnington, Forbes . Bra] T. ~obbins, Utuversity Blacks Club Umpire (F ) 3 .3[21) flLI7 , ., 1.0 2 .1 2.1 OLD . 4.4 7.7 10 .9 12 .14 (86) G G_ Bi n 1 . Rossi 1, T.Chirnside 1 . Best: Edgar, McDonald , Cook, v.'ilkinson, Wilson Old Ivanhoe: Cormack 4. Lynch 2 . Waddell 2, English 2, Mansfield 1 . Stewart I . Best: Wadde ll. TalIor, Stewart, C'm^^k - ch, Tozer. Umpxes: M . Cross. Old Geelong Club Umpire (F) CAi. 2 .5 3.7 6 .9 9 .13 (67) 8'G I . . . . us 3 .0 4.1 4 .3 4.4 (28) c . St s ; reclaced Ua, : A. Harrinrs+ton, R . Benson (F)




2 ^ . 1op team toh~3 :,oa : a coach! -a can c o I .~ ;_-t ciear indiuidual- roles and goal s rj_xly outline expectations and roles to each team ,n, mber, no matter how big or small . Always give u,c player the opportunity to contribute . When n?;,vcrs understand what is required of their team 11 1 :i they begin to develop support and empathy among themselves . Goals must be specific, measurable, challenging, but realistic to the team . . R Phlyer nw 2. To promote motivation and team loyalty, inform players of their status on the team before the season starts . If each athlete feels that they have an important and significant role in the team it will provide adequate levels of motivation within the group . 3. Pre-season preparation is important

Avoid an excessively difficult schedule early in the season . Early success enhances cohesion ; lack of success reduces cohesion. Therefore avoid a difficult pre-season schedule and provide opportunities for success in pre-season competition . 4. Gh%- positive reinforcement

Supporting athletes instead of being negative and critical will build trust and support . Avoid destructive feedback at any stage . Instead encourage the athletes to be sensitive, positive and constructive when a group member is going through adversity. Athletes are particularly responsive to recognition of their special contributions . A great activity to enhance positive reinforcement and cohesion in the team is to encourage each team member to write a warm fuzzy (a feel good note) to another member, with positive comments on their involvement in the team . 5 . Adopt open communicatio n

Be in touch with your players, both on and off the playing arena . Encourage open communication at all times and at all levels within the team . Intragroup communication will enhance greater levels of cohesion . 6. Identify coalitions and clique s

Avoid the development of social cliques by alternating room mates, training partners and travel partners to encourage socialisation within

the team. Formation of a smaller group in a larger team may have a bad influence.

7. Give the group an identity Team jackets, training T-shirts, social functions or uniforms' are all evidence of group identity . Encourage pride in the performance of each section of the group - such as the defensive unit or the offensive unit - but continually stress the importance of viewing the total team as a whole . 8. . : , - , . leadership Coaches often assume that they are the only team leader . Athletes respond favorably to leaders . Perhaps leaders or captains can lead particular discussions with the team about developing or maintaining team cohesion . Ask them for their ideas and suggestions and delegate responsibilities. In summary the 'stick-togetherness' of groups is crucial to team success . As coaches, we are continually challenged to find new initiatives that will help the performance of the individual and the team . Developing team cohesion is an important strategy in improving a team's performance. It can provide personal and team benefits for both the athletes and the coach. So, what are you waiting for? Allow team cohesion to be your secret weapon when facing your next coaching challenge. Sports Coach, Vol .24, No 1, 200 1 By Angelique Wilson and Elizabeth Rose . U19 COACH OF THE MO N : Marty Vea l CLUB : Old Ivanhoe SECTION: U19 (2) PLAYING S'I'â‚Ź3ELY: Banyule 1987-90, Old Ivanhoe AFC 1992-2000

COACHING HISTORY : Old Ivanhoe AFC Senior Asst . Coach (2000), U19 Coach (2001) COACHING PHILOSOPHY: coaches are basically teachers and role models who need to pass on their knowledge. This needs to be achieved in a practical, interesting and fun manner. FUTUPE AMBITION: to continue the strong ties between the Ivanhoe Grammar School and the Old Boys such that the VAFA team can survive for long periods in A Grade, without having to recruit non-grammarian ex-AFL players to the club.

Prefy conditions for all teams on the wee': nd, <=i T .ough the results went as expected as the top four continued to draw away from the rest of the pack . The way things are at the moment the questions being asked as we approach the half way point are obvious . Can anyone stop Mentone? Will Salesian, Williamstown or Parkside make second spot its own? Will the remaining sides have any impact on these four ?

ed manfully against the might o f t had the life sucked out of the m by ' -'- time and were in damage control f 째after . A solitary point after the long break underlines the Vultures dominance the added concern being that dangerman Macgeorge kicked only 2 with Kew skipper Bradley doing a pretty good job . However, the morsels from Macgeorge's plate were devoured by Tim Barr, who kicked 5 coming up from the Unders, while Rowley (ruck) took some telling marks and Wilkins also enjoyed himself. Midfielders Blair and Tinetti fought hard for the K's . realised the imnc tance of its clash with ~wn f- and were just 3 points in arrears at :ie main break but were kicking themselves for their inaccuracy by the game's completion . The CY's played effectively through the corridor and converted 6 of its 7 scoring opportunities in contrast to the Krushers . Shane Kitts was BOG for Oakleigh, with Schultz, McHenry and Taylor lending support . Gilmartin was again best for the Seagulls . Parkside kicked 14 goals to 4 against Powerhouse - which was a fair indication of the state of play . Powerhouse fought hard but could not match the Red Devil's strength or use of the pigskin . Beck (5) and Ross (4) were good targets while Jamie Chiicott dominated on his wing . Constantini was one of the few players with sure hands overhead and McCall was his usual self. La Trobe had a day out against Peninsula, keeping the Pirates to 2 goals for the game and dominating all parts of the ground to run out 115 point victors . The Trobers create d 9P

space and rebounded brilliantly in the slop to set up countless scoring opportunities and keep the Pirates under constant pressure . Camm, Edwards and Sheidrick were the best of an even effort . Powney and Bowman were useful for Peninsula . Wesf. Brunswick pushed Salesian and was up at half time before a 3 goal burst by Chaddy created an unassailable lead . Grace posted 6 majors to be the key forward while Bobetic mopped up around the ground . Campbell had Bailey had an entertaining duel in the ruck with Draper and Lewis working hard in defence for the Westies .

. c will complete its clean sweep of the opposition by defeating Powerhouse . In doing so, the Vultures will reaffirm their almost unbackable flag favouritism and somehow try and keep a lid on things for the next 9 weeks . Coach Macgeorge continues to work his charges to ward off complacency and the prospect of going through undefeated is an appetizing carrot to dangle . Conversely, Powerhouse could not have dreamt of a worse sequence of games following last season's bounty. Thankfully, the relegation-free zone remains within reach and at least provides a goal to work towards . Penin sula hosts Kew and one would hope that the scoring will be improved foilowing last week's lamentable return of just 5 goals between them . The Pirates have been on the receiving end of a few hidings of late and you'd reckon the K's will have penciled this one in as another and providing their forwards contribute it's hard to argue otherwise . West Brunswick will have its work cut out against La Trobe - who are continuing to improve. The Westies may have a couple of taller options however I think the Trobers runners should counter this advantage . At this stage I'm leaning towards La Trobe to continue its surge to win by 26 points . Oakleigh is not without its chances. against

but will need to make the most of its thrusts against an opponent wh o p back there very well . Salesian's tce is sound but its scoring is the worst ose in the four and while it's been more adequate, the Krushers may be a show keep in touch on the scoreboar d ore than a half. That said, Salesian stil l too polished and should win by 5 goals . CYM S rkside ve rsus W liliams tea s :tould be a cracker with the home sid e 'ng to restrict the CY's run and keep l 1 to quiet . McCall should hold sway in th e le but I feel Williamstown has a more r--read of talent that should see them me by a 19 point margin and therefore am in touch with Salesian and secon d or .

-1 15 Scami ell Reser : 2 .0" pm onwards, ntact Sarg 9546 2640 or Norm Wals h C}t leigh AFC Secretary 9503 8386 ,

1,0 3 .1 IT .= 3 .2 (20) 2.4 7,7 13.10 16 .11(10 : J n 1, S .Bruno 1, Woodhouse I . Best : Bell. Wood, !r. Stephens, Tinetti . T. r 5, Rowley 3, Wilkins 3, C . Barr 2, MacGeorge 2, Best: - Rov;J ey, Johnson, T. Barr, C .Barr, Sullivan, s: P. La_mbie, J . Ralph (F), B . Ralph (B) 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8 4.9(33) 2 .3 5.5 11 .11 14 .17 (101 ) A.Robinson, J.Clarke, C .Ik:dd, D .Mlller 1 each. F.Doyle, C.Dodd. J.Robertson, D.Wright, J .Clarke . Beck 5. M .Ross 4, Marulli 2, Moodie 1 . Soligo 1 . n se 1 . Best : Soligo. D .iRcCall, Schwabl, Consiantini, Ott, -ROSS J . Grossbard . G . Kennedy (F). J. Kralevski . C . O'She a

ill K . Coughlin (G ) 14.13 17.17 (119) 7.5 11 .8 0.0 1 .2 1 .2 2 .2 (14) Close 4, Camm 4, Edwards 3, Tucker 2, Lew , m . Dumaresq. Brooks . Best : Camm, Edwards, Hitt, Fredrickson , Close . I s : Atchinson, R°- °lchinson, Bov,Tnan, Crean, Landry, Payze, : J. Moore, G. Paleodimos (F ) 2.3 4.4 9.5 10.6 (66) 2 .3 4.6 5.8 6.8(44 ) :e 6, Stevens, Forer, Brown, Sutherland. Best: 1, Logan . Grace, Stevens, Gasparl. : Carmichael, Heywood, Benjamin, Flanagan. e. Best: Bailev, Draper, Malone, Lewis, Cannane , -Lead . J . Heffernan (F) C' AS 3,1 6 .3 12 .4 15 .5 (95) 2 .5 5 .6 7.11 7.19 (61) ;YMS: Williams 6, Ferris 5 . Cocks 2 . Thompson, Gilmartin, Ferris, S+'uehatsch, Macleod, Twists s 3, Mackenzie 2, Papadopoulas, Schultz . Best : Schultz. McHecuy, Taylor, Papodopoulas, A. Kitts . : R . Marlyn- K . Brewer (F), J . Fagan, N . Booth (B)


Macgeorge Williams Thain Beck Grac e N . Pavlou Ross Burgess Lafranchi Kroh n

Mentone Williamstown Salesian Parkside Salesian D2 RESERVE Powerhouse Parksid e Williamstown Kew


58 56 30 26 23 24 14 14 12 11

Mentone Amateurs v . Power House Peninsula 0 u v . Ke w West Brunswick v . La Trobe Uni . Oakleigh v . Salesian 0 C Parkside v . Williamstown CYM S

6.-0 7 .10 (52) 0 .0 4.2 5 .4 7.6(43) r: tafraneht 2, Bourke 1, Campa -ia 1, Crimmins 1, Fraser l , Kiriakou 1 . Best: Rlarchesani, Fraser, Griffiths . Drago . Ayers, Palmer . Meatone : Burns 2, Sims 1, Ross 1, King 1, Sullivan 1, Johnstone 1 . Best: Sims, Matlock . McMillan, Smith, Sullivan, King. P^"'ER HOUSE 0.1 1 .2 2.2 2 .3 (15) PA SIDE 1 .2 2 .2 3,7 3 .9 (27) n,c House: M.Higgtns, C tVenlock 2 each . Best: J.GID, .Weniock, M.Higgins . J .Rainey or. A.Contreras, C : Stuart, J .PanJarl, Tofful 1 each . Best : Hogan, Adams, J .°lcC:all, S .Ross, A .Inglis, Toffu l 1'I t®HE 1 .2 4.3 5 .4 6.6 (42) 2 .0 3.3 4 .3 4.3 (27) PENINSULA La 2'roflk.: Bortone 2,Mchfeekin 2, Fanning, Launikonis . Best: Hopkins, Ross, Fanning. Storer, Smith, Randetl . PeninsuL, : Parsons 2, Powell, Glover . Best: Lennon, Parsons, AnguF T'^ A Kelson, Dillon. 10 .15(75) 2 .2 3.7 8,13 ;CFm 1 .0 3 .1 3.2 4 .4 (28) . Best : Ievoli . Seager, o11 6, Byrne 2, Seager, Ellis Mallard, Forer €: Tobin, Stringer, Shelton, Masters . Best: ,mper. Stringer, McManus, Bagnall . Shelton 3.1 5 .5 6.6 10.14 (74) TN CYMS 0 .1 0.3 0.4 1 .4(10) CYMS : Macklev 2, Barlow 2, Tnrc4no-vtch 2, Hann , Burgess, Wouda, Rickard. Best : J . Hynes, Orchard, Turcinovich , Smith Oakl : Moore . Best: Thomas, Connellen, Kerley, IancheIlo, Hogan. Little .

_ . Coach: E-,..- D'kr.;;,'.o Res. : Greg &mmins 1 B Lafranchi 2 L Fitzgerald 3 G Horgan 4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradley 6 N Tnnetti 7 T Aitken 8 N Derrico 9 A Eaton 10 B Cullen 11 B Woodhouse

12 J Growcott 13 C Kyriakou 14 J Looker 15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Shaw 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell (VC) N) 29 M Dalrymple 30 C Giansante (RVC) 31 K Gillam 32 A Drago 33 D Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 R Bruno (RDVC) 36 S Ryan 37 J Landwehr NC) 38 J Beer 39 M Mc Inerny 40 P Durbridge 41 R Livingston 42 Sells 44 J Bell 47 S Byrnes 48 L Jensen 49 S Vidler 50 J Griffiths 51 M Blair 52 R Campaigns 61 S Moussi 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers 66 J O'Kane 67 T Beattie 68 B Mc Gauchie 99 S Bruno

. _ -- Coach : And, Sutherland Res . Co :: Clinton Perry 1 . M . Bakogiannis 2. S . Fredrickson 3. D. Sheldrick 4. C. Perry 5 . A . Randall 6 . B . Cameron 7 . S . Gemmola 8 . J. Camm 9 . L . Walker 10. A. Hewitt

11 . J . Levy 12 . M . Forrest 13 . T. Luderman 14 . L. Wakelin g 15 . B . Auldist 16 . S . Bray 17 . S . Gloury 18 . B . Grant 19 . S . White 20 . A . Murphy 21 . D . Edmunds 22. P. Stewart 23. R . Storer 2 .4 S. Edwards 25. S. Brooks 26. B. Hewitt 27, D . Gilmour 28. C . Ross 29. P. White 30 . J. Smith 31 . J. O'meara 32 . D. Hill 33 . M . Watson 34 . S . Paterson 35 . J . Eyre u T. Mawdsle y 37 . C . Porter 38. A . Willis 39. N . Rosengreen 40. R . Slater 41 . A. Samson 42. D . Gleeson 43 . A. Poulton 44 . R . Mather 45 . D. McKeekin 46 . D. Hartley 47 . H. Girdwood 48 . L. McNamara 49 . M . Day y 50 . K. Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52 . T. Stauton 53. A . Tucker 54. T. Peters 55. A . Cummings 61 . B . Launikonis 63 . J. Laidlaw 65 . A. Hall 66 . A. Ballie 70 . J Dumaresq

._ ._ . Coach: Ton geory _ Res. Cc h Phil Emmett 1 M . Hovey 2 R . Gallagher 3 M . Dixon 4 D. Emmet t 5 A. White 6 C. Stephens 7 K. Gurtler 8 D. Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillma n 11 C . O 'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M . Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 22 S . Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Rock 27 M . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 Ni . Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B. Matlock 32 B. Coleman 33 N . Wilkins 33 D . Andre w 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 A. Fimater 40 C. Goddchild 40 D. Nichol s 41 C. Rock 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tully 47 G. Anslade 48 M . Wals h L . McHugh 50 T. Peck 51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D . Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 K. Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 70 T Rogers 73 M . O'Meara 74 S . Penton 77 B . Fleming 78 M . Cerritell i MENTONE R .S .L .

9 Palermo St, Mentone 째 Function Room ~ Restaurant * Pokies


_ C i: Ru! R

It Br,


1 B, Gec 2 A. Bloomfield 3 D. MacKenzie 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T. Ianchello 6 R. Dooley 7 B . Hall 8 R . Marshall g J. Moutis 10 M . McHenry

11 C . Hanley 12 D . DayY 13 S. Randle 14 A. Schultz 15 G . Redford 16 W. Arthur 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A . Monaghan 22 M . Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts (C) 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 J. Knapper 28 A . Khodr 29 J. Sposito 30 A. Moulang 31 T Bromley 32 B. Gant 33 M. Clark 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske (RC) 36 J . Tolley 37 P. Torpey 38 B . Papadopoulos 39 M . Dordevic 40 1. Moore 41 J . Bruerton 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Seymour 44 N . Smith 45 P. Leslie 46 C . Andonopoulos 47 C . Little 48 d A. McKenzi e 9 G . Orland o 50. P. Taylor 51 . J . Kerley 52 . P. Andrinopolous 53 . T. Khouri 54 M . Coppoc k 55 C. Hoga n 56 J . Aliss 57 R. Keating 58 L. Thomas 59 W. Ogilvie 60 S . Kay

Coach : Laurie Zarafa Res Co< ch: rk R, ve 1 R. Adam s 2 A. Delle-Vergin i 3 S . Pin o

4 D. warre n 5 T. Stonehouse 6 A . Stuart 7 J. Muscat 8 J. Chilcott 9 A. Constantin i 10 A. Vita

11 B. Hockey (VC ) 12 D . McCal l 13 A. Cople y 14 V. Romano 15 D . Moodie (C) 16 P. Roman o 17 A . Roman o 18 A . Reginal d 19 C. William s 22 R . Wise 23 R . Bec k 24 R . Marulli 25 M . McPherson 26 S . Ros s 27 D . Matthews 28 R . Martinez 29 J . Liboaperto 30 S. Gunn 31 A. Inglis (RVC) 32 J . McCall 33 K. Alla n 34 M . Roman o 35 C . Panjari 36 J . Sculley (C R ) 37 J . Panjari 38 F. Darrigo 42 P. Dea n 43 J . Hubbar d 44 P. Solig o 47 B . Pollock 50 B . Carma n 51 J. Schol l 52 E . Cassasio 55 J. Eastwood 56 C . Massett 58 T. Mango s 60 J . Drakopoulos

_-- --~

: P r 0'C( hs c cn: t r C ch : Uri icherca :xt

S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons

1 A Rolls 2 J Hall

3 M, Goldthorpe

3 N Pavlou

4 E .Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 r4i .Warner

4 8 Turner 5 M Braini 6 H Cl arke

7 S .Murray 8 P.Angus

7 C Richardson 8 J Clarke

g P.Krohn 10 A .Haley 11 A . Landry 12 R .Powney 13 T. Braden 14 S . Jackson 15 B,Cook 1g R .Huighson 7 J. Coughlan

9 Ad Burt 10 Ash Burt 11 J Gill 12 N Dodd 13 J Harris 14 W Elliot 15 P Haseler 16 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod (RC)

J. Whelan Lloyd

18 F Doyle 19 J Evans

;ndergast Prendergast hison A.Burke S. White J.Atchison 3 P. Prendergast S.Payze B.Taytor G .Nelson A.Crean Blood (Res .) Lennon T Harding C . Wilson A . Allen R . Davies 36 il .Bowman R . Osmond 38 R . Haworth 39 B.Jarrett 40 A. Dillon 41 S.Farrow " A. Hanson Bonner R. Martin 1 . Higgins A.Oneil L.Palmer J . Ferguson 49 L. Saville 57 H. Short an 59 A.Powell 58 H.Shorten 69 J .Muir

20 B Ryan 21 D Miller 22 S Evans 23 S Craven (C) 24 D Boland 25 S Cummins 26 J Senior 27 J Robertson 28 D Murrihy 29 R Cassio 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 A Benbow 33 R Taylor 34 J. Marsh 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 D O'Connor 38 C Wenlock 39 D Crawford 40 R Keits 41 J Rainey 43 S Considine 44 G Dean 45 A Contreras 46 B Harrahan 47 GParker 48 H Nelson 49 B Urwin 50 C Jones 51 J Best 52 S Rafferty 54 J Slo~eld 55 D Yates 56 J Mahoney 61 S McCrae 62 A White 66 D Wright 71 L O'Sullivan 88 G Scotland

~L 3185 Bardia Avenue Seaford Vic . 3198 Tel : 9785 2436

C_ .. . .i. t '-""ton Asst. : 0b. uid dd Res Cc Jim Gianna 1 A Stevens 2 A Thain

3 S Sutherland 4 A Healey 5 M Canavan

6 R Cincott a 7 G Gaspari 8 S Logan 9 A Campbell 10 D Oliver 11 A Dave y 12 A Gaspari 13 I Diabetic 14 C Roache 15 D levoli 16 P Turley 17 M Ferwerda 18 A Sexton 19 S Brown 20 A See g er 21 A Bates

22 R Stevens

23 M Smith 24 A Grace 25 S Egan 26 J Nannas 27 N Synott 28 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cooke 31 M Bates 32 G Riley 33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Ellis 36 D Todd 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clausen 40 M Forer 41 M Gunn 42 P Evans 43 E R"aitlard 44 C Hunt 45 S Horvath 46 D Forer 47 B Bowman 48 M Bourke 49 D Barry 50 S Morrish 51 S Parisi 52 D Hagerty 53 B Chalmers 54 S Nolan 55 E Hanaphy 56 D Bowma n 57 . B Atkins 58 W Chapman 59 D Blake 60 D Sutherland 61 P Mallis 62 B Kirchner 63 L Seege r 64 S Oldfied 65 B Grant 66 B Pascoe 67 M McTaggart 68 S Rattray 69 M Stanton 70 A Chiappini 71 C Bartlett 72 B Porter 73 Ogg e 74 JD Radi 75 J Hamilton 76 J McClaren 77 S Sinclair 78 C Warsling

Cc-- .h : Paul Coo k Res . Cc :h: =r,ul Weir 1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton

Cc h: inon Wlllisms R- Coach: W L,na 1 D Williams 2 J Buttigie g

3 G Heppell

3 D Grieve

4 C. Lehmann 5 A Cannane 6 C. Lewis 7(a)F Vitale

4 S Wuchatsch 5 D Macleod (C)

7 b)N . O'Brien 8 J . Heywood 9 A . Morphett 10 S Byrne 11 H . Bailey 12 B Clarke 13 S . Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B . Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 R . Heywood 18 M . M c Manus 19 M . Stringer 20 B . Young 21 S McNamara 22 A . Steward 23 D Henderson 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R . Benjamin 27 D . Disisto 28 J Ward 29 M. Shepherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrmann 32 M . Carmichael 33 T Thompson 34 I. Twyiord 35 K. Coventry 36 S. Campbell 37 N . Basham 38 S. Darling 39 X Thompson 40 B Baker 41 R . Miller 42 M. Hoyland 43 J Tobi n 44 N . Masters 45 J Smith 46 A Bandt 47 N Seat 48 M Moore 49 L. Stewart 50 A. Bagnall 51 L Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 J. Gross 54 R . Howell 55 G . Marazta 56 C . Riley 57 J. Draper 58 A. Rafter 59 C . Norman 60 0 . Kirby 62 S Dishon 63(a) D. Jelbart 63 (b) J . Gartlan 65 D . Simmond 66 M. Malone 67 A. O'Brien 68 C Stevens 69 R . Hussey 70 D . Platt 72 L Ryan 75 M. Shelton 76 A. Shirley 77 D . Shirley

6 N Gran t 7 B Robinso n 8 B Hann 9 G Case 10 B Cocks 11 B Twist 12 A Feathersto n 12(R)M Cannon 13 A Mackley 14 D Ferri s 14(R)A Danie l 15 W Phillips 15(R)P Bregue t 16 D Gilmartin

17 R Hart 17(R)R Plochino 18 D Oldham 19 P Dervan (RC ) 20 P Sadle r 21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunders 23 T Wheele r 23(R)A Bouras 24 J McCutcheon 24(R)C Pach 25 P Thomso n 25(R)G Burgess 26 L Grochowsk i 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmatos 29 P Vincent 30 T Turcinovic h 31 A Bartol o 32 X Toby 33 G Rickard 34 B Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A Blac k 37 B Hynes 38 S Smith 39 M Holland 39(R)A Carte r 40J Munro 41 T Campbell 42 D Wouda 43 B Grant 44 M Mannin g 45 J Hynes 46 T Ferris 47 F Nuredini 48 P Trchett 49 W Kewi n 50 A McCutcheo n 51 A McKenzie 52 R Nisbet 53 M Oldham 54 J Payn e 55 J Spezz a 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio 58 A Bear d 59 K Dowsey 60 D Lee 54 S. McNerny 55 D . Orchard 56 D . Temby 57 A. Rya n 58 S. Barlow 59 S. Phemiste r 60 A. Savoia 68 A. Houg h 69 B. Cambridge

CC _ GRATULAT S : 1 ' officiates in his 450lla su < .e today at the game between University ues and Mazenod at the Melbourn e University . He has been with the VAFAUA for over 20 years and still very involved with the Association. Highlights of his career include 1987 Interstate Match in Adelaide and A Section Grand Final (field), 1999 A Section Grand Final (goal) and the 2001 Interstate Match - VAFA vs SAAFL . Other great memories include umpiring with his brother Joe and umpiring with his nephew Colin . He would like to see more umpires stay for a drink at after matches and for the clubs to make the umpires more welcomed . The most admired umpires are Peter Wiseman, Peter Gersch and Richard Simon . A horse racing fan, a golfer and a true blue Carlton supporter is our Chilli and he would like to thank all umpires and his family who have supported him though out his umpiring career. Neville Boyle retired a few weeks ago due to family / work commitments. He stated the follovring - "After 9 years umpiring at the Southern League and then joining the VAFAUA, I found that there was a huge difference between them . The really noticeable differences between the Associations were : the hospitality of the clubs (especially Mazenod Football Club - they really went out of their way to help you and the b3 teams that he umpired at Elsternwick Park in May - the supporters from both clubs clapped me off the ground and saying 'well done' and shook my hand . . . . .it was an overwhelming feeling . . .a great memory) and the umpires themselves (very friendly, the professional way most of them go about their job and having the odd joker who lightened up the place) . I would like to thank Michael and his staff and the umpiring friends I made along the way and thank you to Graeme Hunk °n for his variety of training .

TI2 DECISION : Answer to June 16th guestion - Holding the ball - free kick to Yarra Valley. This week's winner is Mr. J . Oakley - Ormond football ,in

supporter . Fax your address to P h i 1

Stevens on 9531 2050 z `ie VAFA for yoi prize to be forwarded . T _ .EK: &iarcellin player has kicked from the 45 metre line and scores a behind . The Old Scotch full back takes possession of the ball, kicks the ball to his team niate on the wing but his back foot is totally over the goal square line as he kicks the ball . What is the Field Umpire's decision? JLB,pl ? AY BO SS . . . Michael Sneddon celebrated his 4C'°i birthday last week and the UC believe's last Saturday night's party saw Michael far ehisyouthandwelcomethenextexcitngsta2, _ of his life!!! Best wishes Michael from all at the VAFA and VAFAUA.

ONE MINUTE WITH SIMO . . . . SIMON STOKES - No . 33 Green, started in 2001, Nickname is Stokey, AFL Team Geelong, Umpire in D Section, Best Player in VAFA - Gary Jackson (Old Scotch) ; ALAN L ADD - No . 7 Yellow, over 200 games . Nickname is Laddie, AFL Team - Geelong, Umpire in C - D Sections, Best Player in VAFA - Tony Fellowes (Thomastown) ;

S _ 'A t1N - No . 12 Yellow, started in 1999, Nickname is Pates, AFL Team Essendon, Umpire in D Section, Favourite hobby - night clubbing ! VA E~ RACE DAY THIS SUNDAY AT CAULFIELD RACE TRACK __

J END 1-1-



12/10/2001 to 14/10/2001 - Cost S170 .J0Bookings must be made by 5/ 7/ 2001 Contact Dash or Gavin Roberts for more details .

Cocktail Night - 27/7/01 ; Annual Dinner 27/8/01 ; Grand Final Brunch & BBQ 23/9/01 and Presentation Night - 28/9/01 ; End of Season Trip - 12/ 10/01 . FINALLY . . . All correspondence to diannewhiteley@bigpond . com THF dAAGTFi IR FfX1TF01 I PP 9(X11


.' .>ttR4~rCEATp,xrv,JATftdCFR^C E

?ay- e Hinton

~ 1 ~C'. : 'TZttmann

Albie Firley


Darin Compt


Sharon Alger


Paul Berry


Andy Carrick

6 Dash Peiri s


Shalom Blustein

9 Damien Lane


Paul Withington

7 Alan Ladd


Chris Gregory

1 0 Trent Foley


Toby Ovadia

8 Nick Evans


Mark Childs

11 Alan Stubbs

10 Tristan Bowman

9 Nathan Carivon

1 0 Avi Wekselman 11 Jason Waszaj

12 Mark Morrison

11 Chris Evans

10 Robert McLeod

14 Ash Hoogendyk

12 Jamie Kvins

11 Paul Tuppen

14 Glen Kennedy

15 Adam Harri s

14 Michael Gilday

12 Simon Payton

15 Geoff Curran

1 6 Neville Boyle

15 Mark Jenkins

15 Michael Sneddon

16 Peter Woods

17 Peter Keogh

16 Craig Brajtberg

16 Luke Moncrieff

17 Mark Gibson

1 8 Peter Simpson

1 7 Cameron Leitch

1 7 Andrea Thwaites

18 Jason McNiece

19 Damien Flenley

1 8 Tim Sutcliffe

18 George Paleodimos

19 Steve McCarthy

20 Grant Wardrop

1 9 Chris Moor e

19 Heath Little

20 John Ralph

22 David Leith

20 David D'Altera

20 Adi Diner

21 Patrick Maebus

24 Ben Ryde

21 Justin Grossbard

21 David Irons

23 Paul Dinnee n

25 Lionel Katz

22 Rick Lov e

22 Ken Brewer

24 Graeme Hunichen

2 6 Daniel Dinneen

23 Chris Stevens

23 Robert Sneddon

25 Cameron Stewart

2 7 Anthony Simpson

24 John Miller

24 Jason Moore

26 Jim Papioanou

2 8 Ken McNiec e

25 Richard Eastwood

25 Mat Taylor

27 Matt Co x

2 9 Peter James

26 Brad Clark

26 Robert Mills

28 Paul Lamble

30 Michael Phillips

27 Euan Lindsay

27 Paul Jones

29 Chris Garcia

32 Anthony Damen

28 Leah Gallagher

28 Ron Martyn

30 Justin Lipson

33 Michael Forde

29 Gerard Rolfs

29 Tyrell Russell

33 Robert Mayston

34 Stephen Morgan

30 Simon Olive

30 Anthony Lilley

34 Graeme Morgan

35 Troy Brooks

31 Adam Kooloos

31 Tim Friedman

35 Jason Lane

36 Ian Burges s

32 Mark Fraser

32 Jarrod Aspinall

36 Matthew Meier

37 Gavin Roberts

33 Simon Stokes

33 Glenn Schiop

3 7 Alex Maggio

34 Jeremy Heffernan

34 Daniel Stephens

38 Chris Stevens (S)

35 James Watson

35 Dianne Whiteley

36 Ron Smith

3 7 Ken Walker

3 7 David Murray

Each week a Coates Hire Player of the Week is announced on this page (one player each section) . Each player qualifies for Team of the Year selection 速Following the final round each month a Coates Hire Alc ~-er fo r the Month will be announced . These players are inclusions in the Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Yea r Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Year will be announced at the VAFA Vote Count Night. This night will also include the announcement of the Coates Hire Player of the Year. A : JAYDEN PERTZEL (MHSOB) B : M ICAH BERRY (OLD MELBURNIA N S) C : DEAN MATTHEWS (BULLEE N TEMPLESTOWE) D1 : PETER CACCAVIELLO (UNIVERSITY BLACKS) D2 : JOHN DU M ARESQ (LA TROBE) 速3 : ADRIA N NEILL (ELSTERNWICK ) D4 : SCOTT GATHERCOLE (ELTHAM OC ) PLAYER OF THE MO N TH (APRIL) LUKE HAWKINS (OLD SCOTCH ) PLAYER OF THE MONTH (MAY) GRANT VANDERKRUK (SY N DAL TALLY HO )

e: 13 15 52 2 . C m erc 2. ;y 0 :13 333 11 3



n for everyone in Amateur Foo :.oall with Brad Beitze l SENIOR representative captain from 1999, Seccull, provided a season highligh t ,en he wrote to coach Nick Bourke on the ece of the SAAFL game . The two-page letter ,% ns read to the team prior to announcing the !,,ic-up . Mark's expression of gratitude t o ar the Big V, that he shared brought a ni!4 to his father, is an indelible memory for [11 ;, _- 'e Haileybury tall . -` IIEARD a whisper that Bruce Woodley, ,r.-i o belted out SC3B's song (Athol Guy, ,,,,other MHSOB player, wrote it to The ,, ; ;, ?:ey Mouse Club theme five decades ago) 1,,ith son Dan (first game this season after (,-avelling to Asia) after The High's two-goal in over Scotch, might get The Seekers to !) eriorm at a VAFA Grand Final breakfast this ;car. Wonder what The High would have to ,achieve to get this world coup ? EXPECT to see Athol Guy at MHSOB luncheon today before the club's biggest game since the 1999 B Section Grand Final . 0 NOT a bad life for NOBS president and \'r~FA Personality of 1997 Bruno Conti . He v; vnt overseas for a fortnight in the middle of i !ze season !

~' i=!EW recruit for Mazenod with the birth of Sam Smith . His blood lines are exceptional : Grandchild to president Peter Hanley and v: !ic Margaret and Pam Smith, who cooks the Thursday night meals for players . Son of C.L-is Smith -captain of The Nodders' first under 19 flag in the VAFA in 1990 .And uncles are - TiSmith reserves captain, Adam Hanley - senior captain, and Brendan Smith football manager. RECENTLY I asked if you knew what Big .-i- i laurnan, coach of Beaumaris, is best remembered for despite his AFL playing and 'coaching-recruiting career . It was during a game in 1994 at the Beach Road Oval . He was coaching Prahran, in its last year in the VFA, against the eventual premier Sandringham . The Two Blues were getting a 'hiding . As the second half started Diamond Jim had each of his players wrestle their opponent to the ground thus giving away at "worse a free kick for a shot at goal by the fullforward . Apparently, the umpires got TRF



confused and awarded the free in the centre . The tactic was effective . "The late Trevor Barker thought it was a good idea and it worked because we stemmed the tide," Jim said . IN THE Year of the Volunteer this from Pearl Harbor : "There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer", is appropriate . ST 3 deaafone Tigers AFC in C section has hit the web : stbedesmentonetigers .com .au You can catch Tiger news, selections, juniors updates and game wraps . BELATED congratulations to field umpire David D'Altera on officiating his 300th VAFA game . "I've done mainly field jobs but the total includes boundary and goal duties during the finals and if you add my VFA games it would be over 500," David, 48, said . David loves the Amateur ethos, family football, so much that he still lives at home with mum Ruby in Essendon . STILL with the People in White, next week all roads lead to Camberwell where one of the personalities of the VAFA, Anthony D amen will field umpire his 250th game and partner Steve McCarthy will clock up his 400th . Setting an even hotter pace is goal umpire and former field umpire Kevin Segota who is himself for 450 games . Or is Chill : that hot? Anthony's 250 come after playing into his 30s . 1

. 1ssumption stalwart Peter

wley works in the travel industry and as a result misses a couple of games each season . Last month Pete distinguished himself by arriving at the airport to escort a group of travel agents to Nepal - 24 hours early ! BIG names at the VAFA's big club Old s' presidents' dinner at the Sofitel last week . Mick Malthouse spoke, while Nathan Buckley listened along with 88 other guests at an evening that was a low-key affair despite these names and location . Xavs president Andy McLean is mates with the Pie leaders and they turned up for the love of the game . .au





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Bendigo will use their home ground advantage to narrowly defeat an improving Geelong. gal 6 12 48 defeated Broadmeadows 2 1 a game where Broadmeadows just couldn't 'em's paddock going. Karingal are playing ball and were just too good on the day . ;long 5 5 29 defeated Nth Ballarat 2 4 16 t ,ir home ground advantage to keep th e i a low score . 2: kside 12 16 88 were to strong for Hawthorn 4 L" although Hawthorn can say that they kicke d straighter than Parkside and made the most thPi* limited opportunities . Parkside look like ig themselves a place in the finals this year . a Yarra did a "Melbourne" and decided to play a '-ime away but unlike Melbourne they came m'ie right side of the ledger.

Division 2 Hawthorn will break their run of outs against a less experienced Moonee Valley . Ringwood may sneak in against Parkside although a draw would not surprise. Colac host Mambourin but I could see Mambourin having the traditional cold showers as they may be to good on the day. Sth Yarra and Maribyrnong will be close all day with Sth Yarra winning the closest game for the round . Division 3 Geelong travel to Bendigo and may just have enough in the tank to get over the line . Karingal look like notching up another victory although Broadmeadows could cause an upset .

;h Yarra 20 21 141 defeated Colac 4 1 25 . Colac seem to be a bit like Brisbane and struggle when they play away . If only the weather in Colac was the sameifl l Mambourin hosted Ringwood and the Tigers kicked clear in the final half of the Blues to win well . It was the Tigers 9 6 60 to Ringwood 5 4 34 Moonee Valley had a confidence boosting win over --째byrnong Bulldogs at home. The Valley 11 9 ,5 defeated the Bulldogs 2 4 1 6

ringal and Bendigo played a hard fought match kh Karingal coming out victors over the young id fast improving Bendigo outfit . ong and Sth Yarra played out a draw. The end fitting as both teams put in hard all day and it we _1dve been a shame to have a winner and a If only I predicted it in my previous week s

06 l s W1. D EorAgsf % Pt s KARINGAL 6 5

1 0 317 75 422 .66 20


2 0 132 142 92 .95 16


3 0 149 185 80 .54 12


3 0 144 202 71 .28 12


5 0 134 160 83 .75


gal will just get home in front of a talente d at .



1 0 548 177 309.60 20 1 0 372 182 204 .39 20 3 0 304 278 109 .35 12 3 0 255 268 95 .14 12 3 0 198 218 90 .82 12 3 0 221 348 63 .50 12 4 0 213 338 63 .01 8 6 0 107 400 26.75 0 d


Dn out injured Big , rs < r' e .-eek, e v~ `er . Sill being ed out for a n opportunity in the lime ] another Fitzroy kept on _J[onash strong perfonnance actually kept the Reds to a re )ectable score however struggled to be c=-c ve in their forward half . No surprise really, by rny reckoning the Reds have the meanest defence (at least statistically) in the senior section of the - i<'A. ~k a blow altho~, . j m e a as ~y defeate d fo r Ste : Koppens a ant in t ruck r ; the win ie ,. iquishet_( fo the o was bac'- to his brilliant best with Al ,ray ats

good . - bounced back to form a goo d solid , nag 1 th ,it ; i the ; . s . D< - ies continuing his fines form on For Albert Park, Big R wa

good down back vhilst the irrepressible Peter Smith was good in his 150th game . Finally, Richmond made it three in a row Richmond when they accounted for U ' have gone from rags to ri-es in recent weeks and find themselves only a - -Te out of the four . : -r : ;e game footy . round of D3 footy . Can - ~d? Who is going to . spot? Relegation

the top three . ; .> cha challenge fos fou favourites? For what it's worth I think Albert a' it of a roll c- soon! Got to Park might Q love it!

Arch rivals and ark meet down at the lake . '. lonash .,:= back to earth last week with a'iud (as iost sides have against the Reds) and will be keen to revisit fourth spot . Albert Park have been building momentum in the last few weeks as the injured return to the fold . Time for an upset, Albert Park for me . Adak host a as they celebrate a gnificant off field mark . The Hawks have worked their way into the four as their youngsters continue to develop . A true eight

point but ma} the Wicks . UnI

will be host a g2 me iat chances for the rest of pivotal for both teems the year . i,aart "-om a lapse against the Reds (surprise,surprise) Uni High have been competitive without being able to close the with deal. South would have been disappointed the loss to the Wicks as a win would have secured them a place in the four. Too much to play for, South for me . ' and will be keen to cot ie thc' â‚Ź form of last week . They will be ta' ng on a resurgent Richmond who have gone from also ra--s to final's contenders in a few weeks . Still, Bentleigh have been in the upper limits of the grade all year and shouldn't stop here . Finally, match of the round sees the Reds (now simply referred to as the juggernauts) . A classic battle welcome St. .dolars:s to Fitzroy is expected as the highest scoring side (Jocs) face a defence as tight as, well Just ve ry tight (Reds) . The Jocs will be eager to get back on the winner's list after tasting defeat for the first time whilst the Reds will be keen to stamp their authority on the grade once and for all with a win that will complete a clean sweep of op-oosition sides . Hard to go past them, nine in a ~ for the Reds.

er Says : tip Hawks, Districts, Bentleigh, IT. s mmary, I Reds and Gryphons .

Twos: E d : Monash, Harvks, UniHigh, Bentleigh and Fitzro y UHSOB Peter : Same as the ones except swap . instead of Swafis E -Cg 'k - a reminder to all supporters I about the Past Players Day, scheduled for June 23 (home game versus ivlonash Gryphons) . This will be a great day, and we encourage all supporters to join in and socialize with team members and past players after the game . A full catered luncheon will be served for past players and sponsors commencing at 12 noon, but the bar will close prior to the Senior game

~corda^^° «'ith VAFA rules) , - are also holding their Pas t Day on the 23 June (home game Hawthorn) . This will also double as nion for the 1951 and 1991 Premiershi p Anyone interested please contact Adam for tickets by phone on 9572 4643 o r kin c bigpond .com .au - have their Trivia night on a t nbur ! . Egghead Avery ( that's Suite no t is the Quizmaster. Make sure you ar e ulere . ;t,jolasls - have their cocktail night coming up. See the committee for more details . CONTACT'

Once again, I can be contacted via e-mail on peter.PS • 'IlliamsonCacentrelink .gov .au (work) .5 < 73 (home), phone on 9920 9054 o r on 9097 . Thank you to those who submitted reports this week, please kee p ~.~ good work . Again, we'd like to hear as many people as possible, so pleas e contact either myself or Ed . Good luck to your team today, and have a great VAFA vre~'_ ;end!

? Ste . .. , . ~ . . . ~~.,~n 1, Lr .: :.~ rd L it. Hing, Ra.;au^ski, : in, ., . Hannan. :kiussared 3, Curtain 3 B. hony , O'Connor, ., u't' O'Connor. 2 . Best: Curtain, Bum s, C. Dalli (G) : P. GrIffiths (F) . A. stile U. .2 iv,o 17 .9 (111) 3 2 .2 3. 4 .. . 5.7 (37) - 5, P. Avery 2, B anfielu - . .. ' y. Burke, Davies , F i . Best : Bur' . P. .,~ .~.::-~~ Da 3, Pekin, GourLy. . --lan, Doud .'s . Dick -_ ((ob -son, Snuth. Best: Oreh D'nlln rey, e;ellen, Do-.:^dle, Tsouka s Ump_ Brooks, S . Stokes (F) 1 .2 3.11 6.17 9.22 (76) 5.2 5 .2 6.3 7.6(45) Byrnes 4. Dutton 3, Holmes, Ahaleolm. Best : O'Sullivan, B, zes, cavanagh, KeIly, 4r nopoulos . Dutton . in . 3 . P--° Maher. Best: Rose, Smith, Wright, .s: A . Ladd (F ) Mahe: ice, en. e 3.1 6.9 7.10 10 .11 (71) 5.6 10.11 14 .13 (97) ,it 3, 2, Hburr 2, Cotton 1, P. . -", r 1 . B. Hilton it. lbdquLst. ❑s,1'ia1kE . . Bur :: ` L-,rp, Emen,' , :1,At ^•6,Henrr3, ,U .?rtin1,C Is artin, Adaa ay, ftikketson, Eyies, Fsegi no, lrewr U t . Rc~ ris, P. Woods 0.2 1.5 1 .5 2.9 (21) 33 8 .6 11 .13 15 .19 (109) Rest: Wells, BLndford, Grady, Roche . Long. 3, Mitchell 2, Dibenetto 2, Diag}riorgts, %'harf, 1, :irke, rlddicott, Gunn, BNTne, Wharf 1 .1 2.3 2 .4 4 .5(29) 1 .4 2.8 3 .10 3 .10 (28) s 9, Dealt, 1, Johnson 1 . Best: h2cCauley, DaYta.

- congratulations to Leigh Ireson o n

after debuting as a 16 year old a sons a go injuries have seen you miss a lo t -es . This season has been your best an d ish you all the best and look forward t o ;i.anY galnes in the future .

" slicls's plays - this Saturdr ga ne for Uni . ° Kouta " is a h e r - -working hackman ho always runs straii,_lt G` the ball . The wet conditions bring out the best in him as he can really show "that pace !" Congratulations from all at U .H .S . and we all look forrvard to many more .

Ids 2, Creek 1 . Best: Whelan, Cume, 'Ward, Btrne, 3.2 7 .5 8,6 10 .9 (69) 1 .3 3 .6 3.8 4.12 (36) iston 4 . Poliock 2, West 2 . Disco, Brick . Best: Brick, Job Collins . ;ti3oncrel, Zavarell"i F 3tde 2, A. Dowdle, Parmarvsche. Best: Berne . Strang, Ste I Smyth. A- Dowdle 3 6.3 1 .3 2 .7 3 .11 (29) C. 3 .3 6.7 7 .7 11 .10 (76) ---ama_ C , Bunshaw, I{aopr. Best: Bunshaw, Bailey, Prentice, Titley, Jones, Griffiths. U€35C}S: Cavalieri 3, Oakley 2, Cusicle 2 . Pendlebury 2, French, Do :ence . Best: O:: Ines, Cusick, Carrick. Pendlebury. Dotence. 4 .3 10.5 12 .7 12.10 (82) .z . e n a^3 1 t 9171 1

ST. 401

3, Hancock 2, Christian 1, Orapridge 1, Bassin )ulton, hiita, Johnson, Ducacabi*.io, TYaz,"uidge. 3, D tuna 1, Castro 1, Jackson 1, Stories 1, a C aiigh, Richards, Lev,is, Baclanan, Psaris . 6 .2(38) 0.0 3 .1 3 .1 5.4 5 .6 7.10 11 .14 (80)

: Clarke, Graydon . tiYilU .'unson, King, Bourbon T, Poussard . Best: Black, Charleson, Holland, Archer, Warren . Bourbon T. Mm-oy: Kane 7, Bare 2, Maroon 2. Best : Horrid~,~e, Doyle. Kane, Hart B, Ptc&uney I, Sainsbury.

D3 SECTIO N -L.p Bcntleigh 6 57 Hilton StJohns 3 49 Lanletta Hawthorn 5 41 Man Albert Park 1 38 tii)Imister Monash Gryphons 1 36 D3 RESERVE ne :d

Fitzroy Reds Hawthorn

7 30 0 18

F :atras Albert Park 0 15 English Bentleigh 3 15

` [stern

v . `r' : :

n Amateurs -

UHSOB v. South ] rot rie Districts Bentleigh v . Ric- tend Centra l Fitzroy Reds v . St . Johns Albert Park v . Monash Gryphons

Cozch : John . Res . Coach : S

:. in L


Coach: Ron Gordon Res. Coach : Steve II

Coach: Le t.iurphy Res G ch " .~drew Curtain

Ser • r. Gr m I Ref ,,,c i :1 di .. .. G e




C Sharp (C)

1 . L . Murphy (C)

1 M .Frisby

2 3

P Morgan A Pittito

2 . A . Hankin 3 . D . Fitzpatrick

2 A Walsh 3 M .Wharf

2. 3.

N.Pastras J .Storey


G . Parmansche


D Lewis (RC)

5. 6.

S .Allan J . Willox

4 . A. Tilley

7. 8.

J .Sutton C . Jackson

5 6

M Eyles R Weber

7 8

5 . M. Whelan 6 . D . Brennan

S Brown L Martin

7. J . McAdam 8. S. Currie (RC)

9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 1. 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59. 60. 61 . 77. 78. 79. 80. 81 . 82 .

P. Chambers M .Phillips A . Flemin g N .Langdon B.Payne S. Fairfield B. Adamson C .Roberton D. McLellan J . Taylor A. Steward M .Abbott S .Waugh S . Redpath T.Faranda J .Murra J .Sutcliffe G.Finn S.Ridout R .Buckley T.Goldsmith A.Thomas S.McGuire D .'Odorico T. Murray G .Meyer-Heinrich A. D'Mingo M .Pearson L.Hogan C.Lamont J .Robilotta M .Lapsley K .Weaver S .Bolas J .Tsoukas B .Isard A .Gay D .MacKintosh W.Gauci M.Willis THouston D .McKay J . Costello N .Stran g M .Williams S. Kidd D.Allan P. Kemp A . Seek S .Toth B .Letchford S .Lawson C .Brockhouse J .Robertson A .Dee J.Sgroi B.Martyn T.Walton J.Stubbs

83 .

C .Jeffrey

84 . 85 .

D .Harris G .Daley

86 .

H .Ross

g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 60

I Jackson A Henry D Martin (C) L Codarin G Prigg C Martin P Withington P Jemmeson J Psaras H Dwyer S Hall R Fishlock A Graham S Adaway L Holmesby D Gold B Padgham J Seeley M McCulloch A Clough A Miksad R English D Fishlock

M Sifting D Castro L Ireson M Backman P Hutchison G Beattie L Pittito J Bounsall J Neve A Mikkelsen S Sice G Saddington A Wade I Picken P Dimattina M O'Reilley M Clark A Stanes M Pirie L Sampson M Sidney G Richards M Unsworth C Aitken T Caterson F Cavanagh

11 Club Licensed Premises Bistro,

Gaming STAB . Ph : 9557 7938

9. T. Hartly 10 . R. Bravington 11 . L. Missaglia 12 . N. Wigmore 13 . P. Stankovich 14 . B . Mahony 15 . M . Noonan 16 . M . Burman 17. J . Ward 18, A . Neil 19. A . Peasley 20. K. Currie 21 . P. Stuchberry ry 22. M. Mussared 23. S. Curtain (VC) 24 . A. Foster 25 . B. Frankin 26 . C . Mahony (VC) 27 . M . Daniels 28 . W. Davidson 29 . S . Mahony 30 . M . Nicol 31 . G . Devonshire 32 . M . Hunt 33 . M . Cunningham 34 . M . Hosking 35. P. McNally 36. P. McDonogh 37. L. Lambert 38. B. Currie 39. P. Allen 40. S. Bacon 41 . J. Yemm 42 . J. Lilikakis 43 . P. Clark 44 . C . Walker 45 . R. Grandemange 46 . S. Smith 47 . S. Ritchie 48 . M . Frankin 49 . D. Byrne 51 . M . Purcell 52 . P. Roberts 53 . B . Hilton 54. S . Kirkham 57. T Byrne

4 J.HamiKon 5 D .Kane 6 J.Bennie

7 J .Doyle 9 C .Prior 10 A.Urbancic 11 B.Doyl e 12 C.Sheather 13 M 14 T.Cla kes 15 J .Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 B .Lee 18 J .Horridge 19 P.Cook 20 TMitchell 21 A .Sainsbury 22 B•Cahtll T.Jackson 24 K .Grattan 25 P.Jackson 26 B. Buic k 27 J.Loft 28 J.Card 29 D .East 30 B.Foster 31 P.Crowe 33 S .Drury 34 D .Little 35 A.Mackinnon 36 W .Fawaz 38 N .Bishop 39 A .George

40 G .Bance 41 R .Burgman 421 I•McBurnie 43 T.Villan i 44 B .Hart 45 G . Hassett 46 ?.Heaphy 49 A.Puglia 50 B.Aggenbach 51 J.Rawlings 52 B.O'Connor 53 S.Addicott 55 N .Mathews 56 T.Madden 58 B.Neal 59 R.Johnstone 61 B .Tirrell 62 N.Auden 63 G .Makdesi 64 D.Trindade 65 S .Bramle 66 D.'iimms y 70 S,Dibendetto 71 P.Gunn 72 M .Dikeakos 74 N .Fitzpatrick 75 W.Daniel 80 G.Box 82 P.Howorth 84 Z.Senburgs 88 S .Greenwood 99 P.Diacogiogis

Fkzroy Football Club Ltd ~ Lord Dewry Hotel


Brunswick St, Fmv/


1}n `° Cs°;,h :'" ' 1a I. Baccini lb B Hudso n

2a G

Broadle y

2b E 3a G

Sill Jackso n Knott

3b A 4 E 5a S 5b B 6a P 6b N 7 D 8a N 8b J 9 R 10 P 11 A 12 S 13 J 14a D 14b T 15 M 1Sa C 16b D 17a D 17b R 18 P 19 J 20 S 21 P 22 A 23a J 23b M 24 J 25 M 26 D 27 R 28 D 29a M 29b P 30 K 31 L 32 P 33 S 34 R 35 J 36 M 37 D 38 B 39a S 39b D 40 B 41 A 42 T 43a A 43b1 44 B 45 A 46 T 47 J 48 C 49 D 52 ' 55 A

Berk o Aver y Ruzick a Avery Tierney Moncrieff Hayes Menni e Ogle Orchar d Sil l Bonfield Pove y Laul a Fitzpatric k Tyso n Ree d Lahifi Zaverella Tongu e Ryan Law Parker Burk e Collins Michea l Artin i Jackomonis Zaverell a ~Ilan i Lor d Lackins O'Brien Barker McDougal Collin s McLenna n Stevens Johnsto n Carguil l Daou Carter Brun s Davie s Pritchard Moore Donki n Dixon Brick Chepa Allder Burke O'Hanlo n Berry Alexander McGowa n Delane y Saull e

P. : ` C~ ,a :h: Jack McDonald Coach : Dave Ratner

: [ :'" Coach : C,avin Hag Res. Coach Al I

ST J OHNS Coach: Bruce Mullens Res Coach: M Hancock

STH M l. Coach: Peter McBre rty Res Coach: K Johnston

H .H .S .Q .B . Coach: Pat Mackey Res Coach : Peter Dinnic k 1 M . Wright

1 M Smith

1 . R . Hassain

1 . P. Daly

2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady

2 B Holmes 3 T O'Sullivan

2 . M.Ladson 3 . S.Hilton

2. M . Hannan 3. M . johnstone

4 N . Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist

4 P Mijitavic 5 S Shannon

4 . S.Hoimes 5 . C .Horbury

4. S . Stepnell (C) 5. S . King

6 O . Becker 7 D . Walter

6 G Bunshaw 7 P Byrnes

6 . L .O'DonneA 7 . R .Back

6. W. Rosowski 7. A. Hannan

8 J . Blandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J. Stratford 14 D . Hale

8 G Malcolm 10 A Swika 10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak 13 J Dutton 14 C Shannon

B . R .Dowsett 10. M.Courmadus 11 . S .Ham 12. P.Walker 13. M .Jones 14 P.Sharp 15 A .Borgohna

8 . B. Luxford 9. B. Powell 10. S. Aquiline 11 . D . Hall 12. M. McFarlane 13. E. Henderson 14. P. Cheevers

7 D. Zulucki 8 D. Haslett (VC) 9 R. Smith 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepher d 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 N. Ros e 14 J . Ha m -15 S. Maguire

15 A. Clarke

15 C Barry

16 G.Matheson

15. B. Lazzaro

16 J . Tate

16 D . Junkeer

16 J Birt

17 S .Coackayne

16. M. Thomas

17 S. Jackson

17 J. Hetherington 18 C . Lovett

17 A Fawcett 18 M Zajac

18 C.Emery 19 M .Hartnett

17. T. Baade 18. K. Johnson (RCC)

1 9 R . Coxhead 20 G. Browell 21 M . Asbel l 22 B . Coxhead 23 D . Charleson 24 D . Kitchin 25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Bourbon 29 B . Lloyd 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 R. White 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 J . Watson 37 A. Jenkin 38 G . Block 39 M. Mastromanno 40 M. Salaj 41 C . Archer 42 C . Carlisle 43 C . Goold 44 L . Wells 45 J. Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L . Martin 49 J . Leroy 50 D . Ratner 51 C . Leeton 52 B . Dorr 53 I . Bagnall 54 M . Jones 55 P. Warren 56 J . Foster 57 A . Corbett 58 M . Buick 59 C. Watson 60 G. Campbell

21 A Jones 22 A Flores 23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie 27 C Adams 28 A Waters 29 B Brown 30 B Gilbert 31 M Harris 33 P Bexino 34 J Brook 35 M Albright 35 J Howell 37 G Porteous 38 M Defreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Slatter 42 C White 43 G Stobus 45 K Day 48 J Hickey 50 S Castieau 52 C Andonopoulos 53 J Cavanagh 54 E Hill 55 M Davey 56 A Titley 57 K Pardy 58 B Calleja 60 M Tapley 61 M Hutton 62 T Graham 65 A Newton 67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 75 D Hogan 78 V Kelly

20 B .Rydquist 21 S .Koppens 22 A.Dragwidge 23 L.Merrigan 24 B.Ferericks 25 D.Waters 26 B.Hilton 27 L .Mills 28 D.Coulon 30 R.Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G .Saher 34 M.Hancock 35 J.Sacco 37 D .Christian 38 A.Fonceca 40 A .Rudd 42 T.Ducancabino 43 M .Van Hooten 45 A .Rudd 47 J .Cotton 50 J .Jiaming 51 C .Santori 52 A .Halls 53 B .Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K.Hilton 61 D.Houlton

19. L . Hall 21 T. Jacobs 22 A . Brywon 23 B . Downing 26 S . Doyle 28 A . Flowers 31 S . Herman 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N. Moojen 36 J . Macaulay 37 M . Rosowski 42 G . Gaylor 46 M . Bellesini 48 M . Balshaw 49 T. Suther;and 50 T. Hughes 53 C . Kent 55 J . Pohiner

S . Bourbon

2 B . Ueberan g 3 T. Cameron 4 T. Cleveland 5 T. Fulto n

6 S . Cracknel l

18 A. Hellne r 1 9 J. Uebergang 21 S. Mill s 22 R . Johns 23 P. Eltringham 24 M. Turve y 25 K. Weber 26 H . Wajszel 27 D . Clarke 28 A . Clarke 29 T. Clevelan d 30 M . Butera 31 P. Dolenc e 32 H . Starbuck 33 A . French 35 J . Maher 36 A . Pendlebur y 37 G . Catteral l 38 A. Boyce 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neil l 44 C. Percy 45 N . Smith 46 R . Killey 47 M. Kennedy 49 J. Oakley 50 B. Ree s 51 R . Pitruzzell o 52 M. Collin s 53 A . Cusi c 54 M. O'Reilly 55 P. Thomas 56 J . Catlin 57 G. Divenut o 58 M. Pigden 59 J . Barro n 60 M. Hayes 61 P. Hoban 62 K . Rodger s 63 D. Parker 64 C. Ramsdal e 65 A. Buter a 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luis e 68 L. Holmes 69 S. Frost 70 E. Ricciuti 71 B. Stanto n 72 D. Kir k 73 S. Devli n 74 C. Longton 75 J. Maguire 77 . J . Bristowe

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ted th r re< on bailer Cact i kicking :d a`v-} goals in the seo -'Ants at half time . '' r ribee, throug" . - ,

, Jim Ayling ar


rom Damien Flack ,

___3n, and if not fo r ;oals 10 behinds) may well ;ioser than the final 51 poin t 1 what su --f >ed by the sp; 1 t,: d ' Countr,,

id ; ig a r d la :_ _ c revival to run out 26 point victors . goal second quarter that set the g Cobras and thanks to some fine ! : c! ball from Zv32tty D'Angelo who seems to get :,etter eve-7 w and Bowen wondering the grol l se r' unchecked the side were n

h= . tlso of note was the fantast pt 1e rice of the Bulleen reserve sid e in oc in off the previously unbeaten St . ; team on ie weekend . had a much-needed bye as they i a torrid opening seven rounds .

aorm has bc in -latc ~ r be. ` c~ a trouncing last . t '. e loc


d too In

both side s )ut 'I[, 1:: as newcome r -72rtswood that stood out with in the back line . Phill i p s als o natch helping teammates scoreboard pressure to >sition . In the end, ers around the at c:,. .,,-,rtable winners by ere determined to put an

ior a or showing against Syndal in rer, the Svndal side have b e this season in their battles with lower p sides ar,i will be looking for a percentag+ : b?.c,: in ~'s match. I nk they will be too E fe '-le toc run out 48-point vict t _ i _ . - .__ _ AUNS E;IÂŁ TI bees have had a real fall from grace since the start of the season and will be desperate to get back on to the winner's list today so as to not lose touch â‚Źâ‚Źrith the final five . On the other bar, North have been very competitive this season have shown improvement as the season as progressed . I believe that if the North forward can improve then they will be a real chance A

I Chris n. firing in the i z ; dominant around t =- to- -~ c " Âąo . - ., , c - - by l I

er and ci bust i = rom Sur, 1 can -others co ;! nas-Lce E v frosn, the back -11 be too strong -oi t er s

0 Badanjet, B i :n-Cobras 2 27 Whitehead 0 20 Best 0 19 0 l8 Macdonald

erat e ;01 as they c4

:lteir club as .ey .ess iversity today . The 11 sc!d, vrithout I eis - on ins far and ~ir cur

30 S -

o S.G . Andrinogoulos -on . Best: Pietro L-ne : A F3orsbn : uqi,zaa. Fairfield. ,

,,a. Br(

J .Vincent . ;iv- ' no. "st : )rton, E' son . J. L ....~.. Dw7r. Berna to A .




, F2nansli.olou Pas ras




5 14 0 13 0 13 0 11





12 D. 13 T. . ... , . , i 14 S . Ca<. 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 16 D . Trinchi (DVC) 17 J. Brown 18 R. Badanje k

20 J . Moran 21 N. Lyk idis 22 R . Pasinati J E rn P .. . 25 Yd.OIr 26 J . D'7 c_ D 27 J . Cartledge 28 A .Foskett 29 A . Summers 30 T. Pearson 31 S. McLaren 32 C. Clements 33 J . Elliott 34 M . D'Angelo (C) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Da1POglio 37 J, PaaisCh 38 G . Broroi 39 T. Vas s 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R . Rigoni V. Dam 43 C. Chan S2a'csjarv i

a G. F -:wes C . Errelli 41 N . Peters 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 50 D. Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 i: Stewart 53 M. Turne r 55 S. Wigney 56 S. Whiteman

ulte°1 3



2 T ORRFjN 3 J 4 S CI :Js'c 5 D ') EL 6 'H 7 J 8 Nf_ 9 10 11 J 12 13 S 14 T 15 N 16 D F( T'ROP 17 - "'"^OLEFviOU 18 = ON 19 D -TER 20 J I! I T 21 MI X RBY 22 L 23 J N- 'OUN D 24 R 25 T 26 S 27 C : iH 28 J THOMAS 29 C i 30 D S 31 . 32 S . : Cl ;: 33 J f _ -IS 34 S DI X 35 R D6 40 J C 41 S RC I E 42 A REDDINGTON 45 J FLOWE R 47 V FUKUSHIMA 48 G HEATH 49 D PAYNE 50 D DRAIN 51 M PAYNE 52 J NELSON 53 S Vti ST 54 R S ' '.T 56 P C )P : 57 i 60 C A >T

1 2 3 4 5 7. B . iI D 8. L .. P E 9. C . 10 . 11 . J .Rfi 1'. , N 13. F--, VC 1- S.JUSfiCE

17 .G.LE3 18. S .P 1 .-I! ;ONALD 19. S.F qS 20. P.RlGONI 21 . 22 .J = 23 . AS SON 24. L. I ,CUONE 25. C .HORSBURGH 26. J .GLARE RES C/C 27. J .SMYT H 28 . T.BARNETT 29 . D.HOWGATE 30 . PIi .DECKER 31 . T.TODARO 32. C .BAU D 33 . A.HOWGATE 34 . D. BACHER 35 . E . SAVAG E 36 . L .DCNALDSON 37. D .MITHE N 3 8. D . tv1ONIGAT7I 39. F.CO("-RTY 40. J .BF J D 41 .n R,, 42 . J .i 4s? JO} 45 -), ; 46. J .S' _E 48 . T Y 49 . B . =3rE 50 . :LE E R 51 . S.f , 'IELD 52 . ';' .S :uPnOLE 53.£' . 54.?. 55 . D. " 56 . J .SF : J N 57 . S .GF H=_RCOLE 58 . G.JER .!N S 59. B.EV.fiNS 61 . C .BARUHAS 62 . G .S MITH 63 . M .LUTTICK 64 . S .SCHAFE R

1ChcaT" Det.-.-

8 9 A. 10 J.{ 11 C . 12 J . t , ., 13 R.Ki 14 ,, . 15 I 18 B. LealOus 19 N .' head 20 J . Penhale 22 B . Leek 23 B . Egan 25 A . Delahunt 27 N . Pearce 28 T. Crowe 29 P. F-ong 30 G . E 32 P. C 33 C.F derson 35 D . C I ian 38 D . N nn , 39 L . F, E on 42 M . F 43 D. Halle 45 R. h a 46 K .tv >c' i 47 C . Lonarc n 50 J. 51 A. 52 M . V 53 M . L m€ rd 54 C. Varg a 55 H . Flanagan n"0 T. Wilson 63 C . Careens 64 D . Smith P. Beddoes M . Cunningham T. Grace L. Kellett

es. Cc- :

2 D

I A . ~, .~~ .

5. S. a an nuso n D. Fenton , ;martino W Fawcett oudolo h 12 S . Care . KAarin 1? P


C . J . Hoissurgh (VC) 7. A. Christo 8 . A. Horsburgh 9 . C. Vllinger 10 . J . Wilso n 11 . 1%. Matthey 12 . T. kfilne 13 . S . Hewitt 14 . S . Mattsson 15 . A. Board 16 . S . Christo 17 . M . fiqualina 18 . P. King (DVC) 19, R . Aldridge 20 . S. Cameron 21 . B. Danoefield 22 . rd. Fien~ i 23. K.S!F`An 24. L . Fa 25, RA - 째 27. . .D 2~. D 30. F lan 31 . D s ; 2. on 33 . D . ~ 34. P. S at 35. D . Risalland 36 . K . Pillsbury 37 . A . Leitch 38 .

39 .

. Sc n o


ales bury .- -'... H.


51 . S. ii y

T. nson 53 S > 54 .,a Crosswell 55 . tJ u on 56 . C. Galvin 57 . D. Hk ey . i Lipscombe 60. N 1ualina


3 s Garmo r 4 S McLauchlan 5 hi Schwartz 6 S Gallus

7 W Brad 8 B Prendergast 9 W, Clarke

10 A O'Callaghan 11 B Moule 12 K Cardillo 13 B Sinnott 14 L Plummer 15 J McGrath 16 P Clarke 17 D Walsh 18 C Nemeth 19 M itSezzatEst3 20 ivI McKenzie 22 K Quinn 23 M West 25 H Ere Jry 26 D 7p, 27 N 23 D : -- - _ 32 P Sinn 33 W GIE. . . . . 35 C Carte, 36 P Henry 37 A Me saro 38 B Pe' 1 39 P - E 40 T 41 P Bown r 42 B Sw in 43 D ~dVardley 44 Ni Perlman 45 D Hurn 47 A Se 48 A S i 49 C 50 51 52 S o: 53 W Gaunt 54 C Zevan 55 N Webb 56 P Fox 60 G Sex-ton 62 A McMahon 63 D Blenkircn 66 L Plrandoui?i 70 L Temming 77 M O'Callaghan



3. J . C- . a 4. N. Goldsworthy 5. J . Drveye r 6 T. Burt 7 W. Ross 8 A. Zsembery 9 R . O'Shuaghnessy 10 G . Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernard i 12 S. Benson 13 A. Dwyer

14 C . Goldsworthy 15 R.Ozn e 16 L., thony 17 P. at He 20 n . L n e 21 Norton 22 R . Allen 23 J. Hill 24 I . Goulleit 25 D . Hutchins 26 S . Stone 28 J . lnnes 29 ; a r

30 째. `- on 31

vyce 43 . C)amberlin 45 P.,Yan 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D .Morconn 49 G . Sch-hri 50 A. Worsncp 51 T. Re gi n 52 T. Dun 53 J . C 54 W. Ross 56 J. Vince 57 J. Goldsworthy 58 B. Lewis 59 K . McLennan 60 M. ScammePl 61 N . Jackson 63 P. Roseman 64 J. Ramsay 66 G. Pilikidis 67 J . O'Connor 69 J . Handy 73 D . Doyle 76 T. Tahos 80 J . Clarke 88 A . Bailantyne M . Banks M . Ellis S . Rack G . Sigley


.., ,is

2 . S . amara 2 S 3 . -, Flack 3 4 . L. Brown. -'son .P 5 . L. Kerr 6 . S. McGrath 7 . T. Elli s 8 . K . Pace {C) A . G . Terznglo u 10.hA.K ;h 11 . M . n 9 ~ 9! h 0 Psin T 13 . F. . ner t ' n J k :" 14. B . a Plan 15. J. PL . ._ .I 16. P. Browning 17. S . Fuller 18. E . Collie r 19. J. 21 P2 . R 2; : 2: G . 2 ' 2:

2s as C) i ,

37. J. 31 P.i 3! L . 40. L . rs : m, 41 . G . an 42 . D . s 43 . E. izi 4< C . 4! 4(' R . 4'; . P . 4ÂŁ: . S 4t 5(51 , 52 . C . 63 ., I n 54 . ro . , i n


tC }

. Ihen Jr,_' he area ' chin th allow cars around yoL - :- a~_rle to leave . .-,ayers and officials who do not produce tic-~s :_he gates will b e club invoica, . --, --- i _. .~ i giy. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players an

c . . .ciais .


P1aI; niish McMillan :; â‚ŹC.Nicholas Lu1 :e Browne

T;, iiard Foote ndrew Sinclair ~,inr?r Fotheringham t Thomas . McDonald Healy uhe Considine Alan Bouchereau Yeitmen Iz~~ Hayes :Rn~hony Rock ,k,~h Homann Nick Williams Br, nt Christie Jc - h Buckley ~cott Curatolo Paul Gloury Joshua Sprague

Club Beatunauris Beaumauris Caulfield Gr. Caulfield Gr. Caulfield Gr. Collegians De La Salle Eltham Ivanhoe-Fitzroy Marcellin Mazenod Mazenod Mentone Mentone Old Brighton Old Brighton Old Camberwell Old Essendon Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians Old Scotch

Coach: Tony Miller Sel ectors: Ron Lippold, Glenn Scotland . Jeff Te aan Manager. Ric Dakin

t Ross James Muzzell Lucas Fielding Jeff Heath Mark Temming Craig Burns Rhodes Cousland Dean Elliot Troy Legudi Sean Neeson Mark O'Donnell Tim Duggan James Gullifer Trent Hobart Michael Mulgrew Mark Faroldi Jackson Brooke Ed Wilcox Nathan Gauci Adrian Russo Peter Micallef

Oid : :rians Ormond Rupertswood Rupertswood Rupertswood St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Kevins St .Kevins St .Kevins St .Kevins Therry Uni Blues Uni Blues Werribee Werrihee 4Vhitefriars

otland, Fred Stafford

Specialists in Australian Rules football, -tiockey, soccer and basketball apparel . Leaders in custom printed tops and shorts for your team .

Call us for your special n eeds: (03)


A Section

Old Trinity V . Old Brighton -,iiversity Blues v . St . Kevins ~, . Bernards v . Mazenod -,iriSOB v . Marcellin (iid Scotch v . Old Xaverian s D sectio n p La Salle v . Old Haileybury Therry Penola v . Beaumaris %i; hitefriars v. Old Ivanho e Old Melburnians v . North Old Boys Ormond v . Old Paradians - at EP Saturda y

C sectio n (:?en Eira v . Collegian s F . ahran Amateurs v . Caulfield Gr . AJAX v . Old Essendon Hampton Rovers v . Old Mentonians ,St. Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Bulleen-Templestow e D1 Sectio n

Aquinas v . St . Leos Emmaus Old Geelong v . Monash Blues `, ;lrra Valley v. Banyule Old Camberwell v . Ivanhoe Assumption Old Carey v . University Blacks D2 Sectio n Parkside v . Mentone Amateurs Peninsula v . Power House West Brunswick v. Kew Oakleigh v. La Trobe Uni . Williamstown CYMS v . Salesian

I7rrc; : r-' J ;' St . Kevins v . Old Scotch Old Xaverians v . Beaumaris St . Bernards v . Old Melburnians at 9 .15 a.m . Marcellin v . University Blue s De La Salle v . Mazenod - at Basil Street Reserve Collegians v . Old Brighton Under-19 Section 2 Old Haileybury has the bye Ormond v. Yarra Valley Hampton Rovers v . Old Essendon - at Li Street, on (76 J5) ) e's Whitefriars v. Old Ivanhoe - at t31' ground

St . Leos Emmaus v . Old Trinity Caulfield Gr. v. Werribee Amateurs Under-19 (2) Blu e St . Kerins (2) v. Monash Blues - at 11 .3 0 a . m . at Righett! Oval Old Xaverians (2) v . Oakleigh - at vier College AJAX v. South Melbourne Districts MHSOB v. De La Salle (2) - TBA Mentone Amateurs v . Glen Eir a

Under-19 (2) Red North Old Boys has the bye Bulleen-Templestowe v . Old Paradians Ivanhoe-Fitzroy v . University Blacks Rupertswood v . Aquinas - at Eric Broad an Reserve Oval 3 (381 G5 )

Old Camberwell v . Therry Penola Club XVIII (1 )

D 3 Section ,'.ibert Park v . Elsternwick UHSOB v. Hawthorn Amateurs Bentleigh v. South Melbourne Districts Fitzroy Reds v . Richmond Centra l ' Ionash Gryphons v. St . Johns -_'4 Section North Brunswick v . Mt. Lilvdale Werribee v. Eltha m

Syndal Tally-Ho v. Old Westbourne Rupertswood v . Eley Park Swinburne Uni . v. St. Marys Bulleen Cobras has the bye

St . Kevins v . Old Scotch - at Gardiner Oval Mazenod v . Brunswick Old Xaverians v . Prahran Amateurs Old Melburnians v. De La Sall e

Old Brighton v . Therry Penol a CI ' i I Old Essendon v . Marcellin Monash Blues v . Old Trinity Old Ivanhoe v . Whitefriar s St . Leos Emmaus v . University Blacks Collegians v . Old Geelong

1 e; I & Blue) Supplie I

Old't Coach "S^"il°•r" 1-1 -3 - M -xis back on the winning I: tt when tl;•••• Vy 1 .e-; rcellin by 73pts at Marcellin. Their ti! first quarter and subsequent 55pt lead at _ :t change was simply outstanding with qt. I running football . The big 3 RIatts 5, Hosking 4~_id Rodshi 4) were unstoppable! For Marcellin, Hanson and Addison on the ball were terr'd'ic . Top-of-the-table clash between old rivals St. Bernard's and Xavs, saw Mannis' (back in town) Xavs withstand the usual St. Bernard's physical assault in the first half and gradually pull away in the second, to win by 20pts. Captain Dixon led by example and was well supported by Mn4rdle, Howard and Grigg . For St. Bernard's - maybe next week . SKOBS simply outclassed a Beaumaris side that had a real c lip but just could not kick a goal . From CHB - CHF Beauy was very competitive but in the end SKOBS had too manv runners and too much class . De La & O .tJ.'s fought out a hard and close encounter in very heavy conditions . Coach Brown was fired up after the win and so he should be! Collegians nearly caused the upset win of the round leading by llpts at the last change . But it was Uni Blues who stormed home with 2g 13p to the goalless Lions to win by 10pts. Wilcox ?-as brilliant in the last half. Chalmers & Krotiris were

eat for Collegians. Finally, Old Brighton did what everyone expected and gave the Nodders a shellac by 133pts, increasing their % by a much-needed 28 .26% to catapult them into the five . ,_ rIC1N 2 Old Ivanhoe sit a game clear on top of the ladder after their heartstopping two-point win over Caulfield Grammarians. The Hoes could manage only three behinds in the last term but hung on for an important victory. Merjola and O'Dwyer booted three goals each for the winners, while Baker, Curatolo and Clzj',~ were the Hoes' best on the park . For Cauifield, , remain in the four on percentage, Browne and Frost an best and Schneider booted four goals, lrJerribee are still second, despite their 22-point loss to third placed Old Trinity. The Bees trailed by just four points at the last change but could not manage a goal in the final quarter, while Old Trinity booted three . Christopherson, Davies and Hine were outstanding for the winners, while Werribee was well served by Tedesco, A Russo, and Kelly. Old Essendon sit in fifth spot after their 131-point mauling of battling St Leos . Only some wayward kicking prevented the margin being even greater. Velardo booted five goals for the Dons in another terrific display up forsrard, while DeMorton, Oblivbek and Bartnim chipped in with four each. St Leos best were Evans, Carey and Petrie .

(U,i9/2 & Red ) Orman d remains on' percentage out of the fo_, : _ after thrashing Hampton Rovers 'j_ ; 70 5 s . R(rs could man just one goai after quarter time as Ormond, led by Heffernan (4 goals), Muzzell, Hassall and Marinov, ran riot . Turnbull, Kezllas and Goss were best for Rovers . Old Hailebury note', I rn their third win for the season, when they d i cellar-dwellers Whitefriars by 26 points. Durkin, 3xinan and Pollock were best for the winners, wi J ' A.Hill, Janson and Micaleff bat ~d hard all day for l?rizitefriars . Yarra Valley ha d i 2) BLUE The : vans opened up well against the Blues with 6 majors to 1 at quarter time . The game looked like it would be a"blow-out" but the Blues would not lie down . Cheevers and Tsicarderis were proving a handful up forsvard, but it was their on ballers in Aqualina, Grundy & McDonald that kept their noses in front . Green, Nevill and Chapman were terrific for Monash . St . Kevin's jumped Oakleigh in the first to lead by 27pts at quarter time . A decisive lead considering the weather conditions . Oakleigh fo back to be only down by 5pts at 1/2 tirne, resulting i a real,,'(-- fest in the back half Cox, Stonehouse I [e re best for SKOBS and Bando, Wills and st for Oakleigh. Xavs blasted De La with a ten' ^[c quarter effort. Is this club going places with all foi.. teams having resounding wins! Well done! Best for Xavs were Lopresti, Carter and Bushby . For De La, best were Pearse, Padula and Kean. Glen Eira began well against Ajax to be within only 24pts at quarter time . Coach Zuker must have given the Jackers a rev up because 15 shots at goal later (poor kicking - 7g Sp) and the lead had blown out to 54pts . Lewin, Glezer and Hershaw kept forcing the ',1I for4rard to Cooper and Givoni to finish off . For i E'ua, Clark again was outstanding . Montane hel 'top-ef-the-table' form with another great perfo . Sullivan, Kriu nagisthe'wrvlM1-ISOB -` .

Rock and Hayes were good for Mentone and Fo .., Cousland & Vinendess good for MHSOB . SE ON (2) RED

Old Camberwell heads the ladder after eight games, following their impressive victory over Rupertswood. A five goals to nil first quarter did the damage for the ivinners . Darby booted three goals for Old Camberwell, while Cantor, Emmerson and Ryan were good players . Rupertswood, who remain third on the table, managed only three goals but were well served by McGovern, Stafford and Becker. Therrv Penola hold down second

ith only percentage separating them from Old ervell . Led by Robinson, Palazzolo and Gar d, who all booted three goals, Therry were far strong for struggling Ivanhoe-Fitzroy, running ou t s by 90 points, after booting eight goals to one i n st term . Healy, Kelly and Robertson Wer e ,tive contributors for Ivanhoe-Fitzroy . Ol d ls hold down fourth spot after their har d ht 26 -point win over North Old Boys. Little rated the sides all day but a four goal to one last at got Old Paradians over the line . For the svinners, y and LaTorre booted three goals each, whil e 1'enson and Lyons were other good players . d McClellan 2 booted two goals apiece for d were backed up by solid efforts from Nolan Davidson . The match of the day saw Aquinas from their slump to almost upset Bulleenstowe. Aquinas led by a goal at the last change uld not hang on and Bulleen prevailed by th e owest of margins . Uni Blacks had the bye.

:h host St . Bernard's at Camberwell in a game ,hich the Cardinals can vtn . I'm right off Lan}'s agon and if the big 3 can fire up again this could )se. St. Bernard's could not beg a' . ~1 in the 2nd t and will need all their quent flie r out of this one - just. : ~ and SKOBS a replay of last year's Or md Final (o r y prelude) . This Xavs ter,. .t is on fire an d ca r the e:~Ya load of me being with them and SKOBS by 22pts . Too big, too strong and too O .M .'s at home will be just a bit in front o f

faint finals hopes alive by defeating Oakleigh . I am assuming they will keep the dangerous Georgiadis in check . Old Xavs host the Swans at Xavier College in a match that could go either way. Xavs will need to control Cheevers & Tsicardaris to have any chance . I don't think so - Swans just! Ajax will have no trouble in dealing with De La by the lake . The Jackers are still eyeing off top position and with a possible loss of Mentone, they would go to equal points . Too much at stake for complacency . Finally, St. Kevin's (as per rumor file) have a number of players back and will give Mentone a run for their monev. This should test the likes of Hayes, Krings and Rock ; coupled With the loss of _ r this game will be close. Mentone in a nailbiter ! The match of t' -ound sees Rupertsivocad host Therry Penola, in what should be a most entertaining clash . Rupertswood struggled to match it with Old Camberwell last weekend but on their home turf could cause an upset against Then-v, who have lost just one match for the season . Old Camberwell travels to Brunsw ick to take on NOBs . The visitors should win fairly easily and continue their reign at the top of the table . Bulleen-Templestowe host Uni Blacks, who should be raring to go after two vveeks off. Uni exams could hinder Blacks at the selection table, but they sti ll should have enough firepower to win . The fmal clash sees Ivar.hoe-Fitzroy meet Aquinas, in the battle of the wooden spoon. Aquinas almost snatched their first win of the season last weekend and to be honest, anything could happen in 'his match . Old Parad+ -s have the

fin at the end if they decide to play four quarters . ues will struggle against De La; with so many rs out, De La will kick too many goals . Coach

F will have his best chance of breaking the ic e the Lions. but I fear they just can*t scor e - I. Old Brighton will have another % boosting i maintain their position in the top five. TION 2 ced Old Trinity host fourth placed Caulfield, in promises to one of the best matches of the n . Both sides have won five and lost three, so this of those "eight point" games . Old Trinity at hom e It just take the points. Werribee travels to Yarra d the Bees will be keen to keep the pressur e i-op of the table Old Ivanhoe, especially after their ' loss to Old Trinity last weekend, while Yarr a e only one game out of the four . In a tight erribee's class should get them home . Old :,e will get a handy percentage boost when they t St Leos, while a similar scoreline will prevail at don when the Dons meet bottom of the ladder .ars. The final match should be a closer affair, Old Hailebury hosting Hampton Rovers. Both ill be desperate for a win to keep in touch with but Rovers might scrape home in a close one . ,1 have +hR by- . ; O !- .sh 1 ti - t back on the winning list to keep their

Hos'. 'ng Watts Ferrari Coggins Harris Cations

Old Scotch Old Scotch Beaumaris De La Salle St Kevins Old Scotch

30 22 21 18 18 18

bSendola Old Ivanhoe 0 31 0 29 J . Russo Vlerrit Yea Yarra Vat 0 24 Velardo Ole 'ssendon 5 22 Matthews Or 0 21 /2 BLUE Cooper 4 27 Haves h9entone 4 25 Cheevers South -elbourne 5 Sc Dixon Montane 0 21 Winters South Melbourne 0 20 UNDER 19/2 RED Palazzolo Therry Penola 3 22 Darby Old Caniberwell 3 21 Hanna University Blacks 0 19 Dean North Old Boys 2 19 Sandiford University Blacks 0 18

C'-i,LIlY - .2 6.6 6.7 12.11 (ES) 24.12 (156) Oil) SCOTCH i_ .3 17.6 22.12 Mareelilm Hanson 4, Addison 3, ( s',ameL 2 . Weekes 1, Sheelem 1 . Considine 1 . Best : Hanson, Addison, Considine, ilate. Moran, Stremgel. Old ScOtclU Watts 5, Hacking 4, Rod At 4 . Barnett 2 . Cations 2. Teesdale 2, Gardner 1, Josephs 1 . ?*LzcCJueen 1 . Mitchell 1 . Lra,is 1 . Best: Lewis, 15htts. JetmGngs, Rodskt, Teasdale, Cations . ? . . s: B . Bo!gu-, G. Schtpp (F ) ST.r. 5.2 7 .4 8.5 9.5(59) OLD .:AV ~a.- . 5 2.3 6 .6 9.10 11.13 (79) 6L7 -,ua a1 13, Andersan, Legudt 2 . James. Benson 1 . Best: 1Y~..Lsh. Ands r". , t .egudi . James, Nissan. Old Rarerian .n: Div:at. McDonnell 2 . D. James, R 3 , M . ,,.ilsh, McGrath, Biddtetombe, Grgg I . Best: Mc lydle, Hoaard. F-•'al xct, Btddkcambe, Grtg. M . Walsh. Um • A . Fgffe . M. Forde (P) ST. 6E811 ~ 3,8 6.15 7,18 10.21 (81) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 (3) BEAUMARIS St. Eevin's: Mula,rew 2, Siapantas 2 . Dempsey 2, Harris, Jame ;. Fae, Gissing. Beat : Hutton, Siapantas . Fa•t Etans . Callgzui, Dempsey . Beaurnarke Best Muktamay, M( lan, Beastand. Lee. S . Coate . PFilson Umpim : T. I.tltey DE iA SSIdE 3.2 5.3 7.6 8.6(54) OLD U"'1AHS 0.0 1 .3 1.4 3.8 (28) On c Hyde 2, Mitchell 2 . Stinear 2, Coffey, Gilt3ett. Best: Hu8'nes. Ak4eruccto. : Matlnes, Simpson. Roan . Jolley, McLZLh . Gaughan, Mitchell. Old hi B,-t: Simpson .llbaiford . Rtan, Robinson, Kennon, Guy. Urmplres: D. Wlndlc::, C.

Ste- s (J) f C'a _ UYi; L

2,3 6.4 8.5 8 .7(55) 2,4 4.7 6.4 8.17 (65) Shmkfrekt I, Reach. Best : Chamlerrs, Kectlrts. Ra,ce. Not recei:2d. Umpires: T. Bo'xman, A. Price 17,19 22.23 (155) 7,7 12.16 0 .0 0.0 1 .4 3 .4(22) 7, Doris 3, Fray 4. Reddm 2, La:,-rena' 1, MeCcvaan cad, Ltiws. Homann, larr;ence. Leaf. Eduards. cherean 2. Rest: 440.son, Veltman, Hansen, s'slo : C. E,ans In 1 .2 2.4 4.5 5.8 (38) 1 .3 6.7 7.9 9.10(64) ~ry' 2, R .}h1. Best: A.Hil . Jancon, hticaleff, Morris. IF t 2, Hunter 2 . Hoffman, Breaks. Pollock. •an, ., xk. White . HofHnan, McKenzie, Vhight.

2.4 2 .5 3.6 3.6 (24) 01 4.3 7 .8 7.10 13.16 (94) . 'Sr mks, Battams. Johnstone . Bast : Turnbull. IteBLas . Ness . Ht mr, .., Johnstc yn, Mchno. r=d: Heffernan 4, Ferrari 3 . McIdahan 2, Wilson 2. Hs on. Best : MiazeIl . Hassall, Martns+'. Crnv .t'#..Ils, Harcey. Umpires: M. Jen._ _r . C yon (F) STJ 5.3 ~ . - .. . 3.1 5 .2 6.4(40) OIL . . . . 5.5 12 .13 18.21 24 .27 (171)' son 1 Kelly, 2 .Monvano , Sampson . Best Evans. Carey. Pet LI „ . . (' Ee-don: Veando 5, Detiorton 4, Ob(bitek 4 , n 2 . Buckley 2. Rest: Buckley*. Gb,'wbek. Bartrum, s: M . :l4eirr, F. Corry (F), E. Surdy, H . Lenunon (F) 4.1 5.7 8.8 11 .10 (76) 3.6 4.6 11,9 11 .12 (78) 4, Foote 3, Glass 2, Gross, Sinclair, Best: Brmme, Frcist , lvmnh= Merjo!a 3 . O'Dwyer 3, Mct'r7Lirun . CuratWa Clarke. Grieve, %eilscn, McKie,

1 ': . . .19(2 ) BZUE c,rst) M 2 RTHO11RtdE DI51'RICla o.4 9.7 11 .10 (76) 8.6 7.12 (54) ). . :, ITS 1.1 2,4 3.6 Snail -- eux ne.' P. CheeSars 5, G . T<_icarderis 3, D. bell 2, P. D'Andrea 1 . Best: P, . Chm•ers . Mortash Ehae3: Nino 3, Grundy, J. McDonald . A. Skinns, S . Aquilino, P Grace 3, Gilbert 1 . Best : Green. Nevill, Chapman, Hickey . Grace. Carry. Umpirm. J . A.. Eeina(1 D . Stephens (F), O.SHI,BIGH 1 .6 7.9 9.10 11 .16 (82) ST, 6E8155 (2) 6 .3 8,8 11.13 13.15 (93) • Georgadis 3, Nevezie 2, Vlas€r . Keays. 3foulang 1 . Reynads, Willis I . Best : Bandit, RFtls, Kea}s. Georgiadis, Bye. Rcrse. St : Stonehouse 6, me}er 3, Didtlis 2, Belrnitch I, Mahoney 1 . Best: Cm Stonnehouse, t.iaruvod, DdilEs, Wilkinson, McCann . U • J . Pappas (F ) De IRAI J LA 0 .0 0.1 0 .1 1 .1 (7) 14 .11 17.13 (115) CID RA 8 6 .5 9.8 On La Salle OC : Arbon. Best: Pearse. Patula, Kean, Tmior, Miller, Sharpies. Old Xas=husa Loprestt 3, Bush6y 3. Dillon 2, Chamberlain 2, CiR.ane 2, Bryre, Cato, Dyrston, Cross. But : Lopresti. Carter. Bushby, Nolen, Francis. Chamberlain. Umpires: T. Foley. C. Brajtioerg (R) in 5.6 5.7(37) GLEN E'IIih 0.2 3.4 3.8 10 .16 14.23 18.26 Hal) AJAX Glen Rican WdIL•mts 3, Fernando 1, Kadour 1 . Best : Clark . &3s,•u, L. Lamp- R. P Sherry. 71ll .'3ms. P.J.R%: Cooper 4, Gnvn1 4, 14allner 3, Fetter 2 . Ja l, Kra nsteln 1. Her=..haw 1 . G lbktom 1 . Finkel I . Best: Lea~"m . Cr. 1 R r, Cooper, Fetter. Is' G. Morgan. J . Lipson IF)

1 .1

7.5 10.9 15.14(10' 1

2.4 3,4 4.5 5.5 ,_,;) , 4. Kit 4. Rock 3, Little 2 . Cos, Leiftistg. Best: Sullivan, Krings, rds, Walstau, H . BdIiSOB :Frarcek 3 . B .Bru-r.n. Bowen. Best: Far, s. Middleton, Halt, D mi s.Umgirxs P. Rapke . A 1Lekban tFl 4.1 5 .4 6.6 10 .8(68', 2.3 3 .5 4.10 5 .12 (42) : McKay 3 . LaTorre 3, Lyons 2, D'[ntino . Haney. Best: McKay. Glcurp , Tenson, Ltuns, D Dean. Bounds. NOB: Dean 2, McClellan 2 . Hahn. Best : Nolan, DaFVd i. Mullins. Ryon, Tripidl. Hughes. U-•- - R. Low (R) IF) 3.3 4.5 7.6 7 .9(51) 1.4 4 .8 5.12 6.16 (52) . Best: 2.iunra . Cmcrtfetkrh, Sheldon, Stone, His . 2,Stoue 2.Matthests,McGarth .L_-.Steer. Best : 4tattheas , : R. Smtth (F) no. Urnpires 8 .3 12.6 16 .10 19.12 (126) 5.6 (".: q 1 .3 3.4 4 .4 Tnazg Pe Zobit>r`nn 3, PaLra~ao?o 3, Sheppard 3 . Wheeler 2, FeraSdi 2, Crrt, Qut^^ . C- t}mwn . Goodwin. Ferton . Best: CaligrorL Robinson, f_ .~:.. ..n, WE f a, Fesaldl . hanh= Butler 2, Foynes 1, McCann 1 . Kelly 1 . u: Heaty. Ke loon. Butler, Black. Buckley. Umpires : S. Scully. M . Gil) i, . !. ' L 5 .2 7.4 9.5 10.6 RUPERTSWC ) 0.1 1.1 2 .2 3.2 :.-.)) old C.nmh a+• Darby 3, Tempone . R 2, Christie, king, Me Jualter, Parkes. i . .-.n . Best: Canter, L..unerson. Ryan . Martin, Schmtdt, b',oharic . RuPerkreMOCL F- -g . Fatter, price. Best Mc G :=, Stafford, Becker. Johnson . Fielding, Rome Y. U mph= C . Collins, P. Ntnebus In, J. Masons (B)

TCHES Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues v . Oakleigh Old Xaverians (2) v . South Melbourne Districts - at Xavier C-'Iege AJAX v. De La Salle (2) - at I p . mi.

Under-19 Section I Old Scotch v. St . Bernards Old Xaverians v. St . Kevins Old Melburrliarls v. Marceffin University Blues v. De La Salle Mazenod v . Collegians Beaumaris v. Old Brighton

" - st: Reserve (68 G 2) MHSOB v . Glen Eira - C St . Kevins (2) v . I one Amateurs

Under-19 Section 2 Old Haileybury v. Hampton Rovers Ormond has the bye Old Essendon v . Whitefriars Old Ivanhoe v. St . Leos Emmaus Old Trinity v. Caulfield Gr.

Under-13 (2) Red Old Paradians has the by e Bulleen-Templestowe v . University Blacks Ivanhoe-Fitzroy v. Aquinas 0 C Rupertswood v. Therry Penol a North Old Boys v. Old Camberwell

Yarra Valley v. Werribee Amateurs

LA SALL E Coach: Brian Brown 1 J Kean


31 33

,1cMiilan (C) i May G . L--stand B. Cairns ( C) A. Spen~J . Falkingham W. Kelly c ing _, . Cc 's Tuck S . Lynch A. Edg e M. Blackmore L Atkins D . Brid M. Atkins L Tucker L. Healy J. Bramwell T. woNnough S . Huckett A. Thompson S. Caste E . Coopr N. Trac.kal A. Coote (DVC) L. Ferran

1 B Wallard 2 K McKay 4 A Shinkfield 5 D Carcor

7 S Tait 8 N Unsworth 9 T Skarrie 10 D Vail 11 D Fotheringham 12 R Turne r 13 A Hickey 15 N Roach 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clar k 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiris 30 W Fowle r 31 N Herman 33 C Row e

2 D Thomas 3 T Mo!an 4 M Brown 5 C Moran 6 A Bonnici 7 A McLeish 8 T Woodlodc 9 D Alderuccio 12 MNaughtin 13 D Caggins 14 M Kreze l 16 B Quinene 19 S Brown 20 J Garland 22 WJolley 24 A Coffey 55 S Giblett 61 R Walmsley 62 J Stinear J Hughes M Lafferty J Membrey

Coach : Damet Merton

oach : Andrerr Pic a

1 . D. Cracknell 3. N. Addison 4. M . Mastores 5. C. Dignan 8. L. Considine 11 . B. Gale 13 . B. Skeen 14 . D . Coghlan 15 . T. Sheehan 18 . D . Gartner 19 . S. Birrell 20 . D . Salce 22 M. Voskersensky 23 . J. Neal 24 . J. Stempel 25. E. Weekes 40. D . Welch 44. D . McMillan

1 . D. Bonnici 2. D. Fotiniotis 3. P. Reed 4. L. Fueling 5. P. Rya n 6. S. Veltman 7. A. Wilson 8. B. Thomas 9. B. Thompson 10 . D . Maskell 11 . L Fuller 12 . M. McDowell 13 . C . Cleg g 14 . D . Clegg 15 . A. Burrows 16. A. Longmuir 17 . C . Meehan 18. P. Del Mastro 19. S . Bickers 20. P. Dugdale 21 . D . Armansin 22. C . Agui s 23. D . Aguis 24. J . Thomas 25. D. Hansen 26. D. Stagiiano 27. C . Rains 28. D. Devli n 29. M . Thompson 30 . S . Cox 31 . C. McDave 32 . G . Nash 33 . D. Malloy 34 . A. Murray 35 . J . Schiano 36 . D.Oldman 37 . G . Kennelly 38 . B. Chamberlain

A. vraor,s S. (DVC) S. Lee M . Kuria P. A4cConchie B. Casten (DVC )

Coach : Rob Walker

D Smith I 2 E Townsing 3 E Tucke r 4 C Burgess 5 D Woodford 6 S Guest 7 M Kennon 8 C Tri m 9 N Guy 10 B Marks J O'Dwyer 12 J Richardson 13 A Simpson 14 A Richards 15 1 Weir , B Wulf 17 N Barrett 18 S Carter 19 M Provrse 20 E Ryan 21 N Robinson 22 J Rush N Kent D Marks ?F M Horgan -6 C Walker 27 J Jewell 31 J Mulcahy E Selby

Coach: Mark Donova n

1 L Freeman 2 M Walkom 3 D Knigh t 4 D Logan 5 A Catchlove 7 J Spraque 8 N Coleman 10 R Craven 11 R Josephs 12 J Rodski 13 W Lewis 14 R Teasdale 15 S Cations 16 D Jennings 17 D Robertson 18 A Quail 19 S McQueen 20 T Hosking 21 N Costello 22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett 26 G Fordyce 27 R Davies 28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prendergast 31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T Maloney 35 B . Keck 36 S Marash 38 M Raymer 39 M Leeds 41 M Watts 44 J Simon

Coach : (1) t9anny lEicolosi Coach: ( 2) James Fay 1 Carter P 2 Qusan N 3 :. .. , .....: . G 5 McKeuzdMdlarg 6 Cato J 7 ofSaneM 8 M-Donnl J 9 J 10 McCoia D it FaarowL 12 ukon J 13 Ndan A 14 CharAellain F 15 Mimi B 16 Grrg S 17 Do;K c ta RassS 19 Jabo r P 20 Howa,b L 21 Snlalrcood P 22 Lecncc a T 23 Carmcdy S 24 Bskd'a_car'~baT 25 PieT)M M 26 Denton G 27 GP nn P 28 McGrath J 29 GJP 30 54:+.J 31 F. A 32 McCarthy M 33 B:cieI:g= S 34 Sp<iane A 35 Bushby A 36 8~.~.`teonlxA 37 DN?ana J 18 Walsh M 39 Futeiu D 40 Dace J 41 Smrth J 42 Bd lon M 43 McArd?e N 60 Dvi ardo L

Cc m : Larry Dstis 1 . D . Elliot

2 . S. Neeson 3 . A. Bouzikas (C) 4 . C . Burn s 5 . S.)annazzo 6 . A. Matthews 7 . S . Monteleone 8 . S . Mitchel l 9 . J . Smith 10. R . James 11 . S . Wheeler 12. M . O'Donnell 13 . L Mansfield 14. N . Thomas 15. J . Formica 16. C. Mitchell 17. D. Swan 18. D. Walsh 19. M . Moretti 20. S . Cxampbell 21 . N. Whelan 22. B . McManus 23. J . Mcka y 24. B . Calleja 25. T. Legudi 26 . A. Anderson 27. L. Evans 28 . L Calleja 29 . C. Goullet 30 . C . Trewin 31 . L O'Brien 32 . A. Smith 33 . B. Ballarin 38 N . Smith 39 C . Kevnan 40 R . Cousland 41 M. Kavanagh 42 D . Jame s 43 K . Walker


Condit (1): 0`Strms ssy C - i (2): _n C 1 J. Demr--7 2 T. Duggan 3. A. Umbers 4. L . Fox 5. M . H icks 6. J. Har6s 7. L Kat_saran & D- Macdonald 9. W McCann 10. D. Mahoney 11 . M . Hutton 12. D. McLay 13. S.ttarwc,id 14. B Marchesani 15. D. Bare

16. K Didib = 17. 18. 19. 20

D . Mai I^n M. An- an w. :. .. ~ ^3}d M. M i

21 . D .Y 22. G . 23 . A. Jenkins Hot 'it 24 . G .NaU, 25. J .Deawn 26 . J . Knuppei 27, L.C'.oh_=sy 2B . P.Landy 29 . C .Drtmer 30 . P. Gissing 31 . M. Courtney 32 . J . Cox 33 . L Meyer 34 . S . MRChaIi 35, N , 0 Halloran 36 . T. Purce:4

37 . P. Ciancey, 38 . R. Chard 39 . M. Cairney 40 . T.Newton 41 . B . Evans 42, M. Stonehouse 43 . M. Tisch4er 44 . J. King 45 . N. well, 46. C. Wilkinson 50 TLyness

51 . C. O'Shaughnessy 53. T. Simpson 56, A. Call 57. M . HinsW_y 58. A. Thompson 61 . D.James 62. K McInerney

Cc-c.',L -


1 . M . Fr y

2 . C. McKimm 3 . T. Mattesti 4 . A. MacGillivray 5 . N . Gamble 6 . L . Dale 7 . C . Reddin 8. C . McNichol 9. J. Dooley 10.A. Morley t1 . C . Adamis 12.J. Mead 13 .N . Edwards 14 .E . McCowan 15 .J . Hunter 16 .J . Homann 17 .J . Walsh 18 .A . Salem 19 .P. Angeiini 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 A. Hughes 23 N . Gamble 24 C. Adcock 25 D. Hartman 26 C. Baxter 27 J . Maguire 28 N. Williams 31 G . Simm 32 A. Goldne r

Coaeh: Stes : 1 . A.i :ar 2 . C . Nicholls 3 . M. ,4lbeithorp2 4 . J. Bromwich 5 . T. Birtley C 6 . J. Sudholz 7 . L. Menlo 8 . W. Austberry 9 . M. Brookshaw 10, J . Parnel l 11 . G. Frisker (VC) 12 . R . Jacob 13 . T. Girdwood (VC) 14 . N . Rich 15. R . Hal l 16. K . Alexander 17. A . Briggs 18. P. Burco 19. E . Wilcox (VC) 20. J . Culley 21 . J . Brook 22. D. Hatsweli 23. J . Garner 24. R. Holmes (VC) 25. J . Tanner 26. A. Wilson 27. J. Wright 28. L. Rya n 29. A. Cameron 30. J. Chambers 31 . M . Robertson 32. S. Adams 33. E. Matties 34. Z. Rudd 35. R . Kercheval 36. C . Walsh 37. R . Sweeney 38. A. Sheehan 39. A. Gooney 40 . A. Tymms 41 . S. Monahan


M .H .S .O .B . ° ft C ~ A . Sinclair 2 A . Amos 3 G. Erickson 4 T. Vinen 5 B . Gross 6 Z. Jes s 7 P. Roberts 8 S . Tucke r 9 W. Frost 10 G. Crathern 11 C. Fagan 12 J . Mellington 13 L. Browne 14 B . SGoi' 15 S . Jenkinson 16 J . Am Pt 17 R. Linford 18 B . O 'Hoy 19 I . Glass 20 M . Trigg 21 A. Beac h 22 T. Foster 23 L. Northway 24 B. Napier 25 N . Dorman 26 M. Pennycuick 27 M. Grigg 28 T. Franklin-Jones 30 A. Pelman 31 T. Habel 33 C . Hooper 34 H . Baker 35 K . Boehm 43 A . Bruhn 44 L. Schneide r 46 R . Foote 50 S . Morris I

Coach: I P_ 1 Peggie A 2 Hine A (C) 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Pretty S 6 Burgess J 7 Davies M (DVC) 8 Amiconi A 9 Jackson N 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen P 12 Kelly T 13 Gordon N 14 Thwaites M 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 A.matas C 18 Heaven C 19 Duel] R 20 Oberei S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D 23 Hillas R 24 harson J VC) 25 Lucas C 27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoe, M(VC) 28 Condron K 29 Crawford M 30 Sullen M 44 Lancaster M 53 Plain G 76 Matthew M

C h : Pact Cui 1 B . Culling 2 B . Canton 3 J . Connelly 4 T Jowett 5 K . Johnstone 6 C . Malthouse 7 A . Bottoms a G. Carr 9 B . Jewett 10 M . Stafford 11 J . Almhofer 12 B . Kezilas 13 A. Fisher 14 N . Goss 15 D. Molina 17 B . Smith 18 S . BUrggraa 19 S . Rains 20 H. Kerdel 22 B. Henry 23 C. Probyn 24 R . Tumball 27 S. Weaver 28 D . Dawes 29 A. Murray 32 C . Sendeckyj 34 L . Kennedy 35 h9. Davies

Coach: Campbell Glover Coach : M arshall Fisher 1 J Williamson 2 D Ryan 1 . P. Rujevic (VC) 3 C Obliubek 2. P. McGrath 4 M Velardo 3. T. harpe r 5 S De Morton 4. M . Brown (VC ) 6 D Slater 5. N. Adcock 7 L Wilson 6. P. hiembrey 8 L Kavanagh 7. S . Whittington 9 A Frazer 8 . A. Hal l 10 M Flaherty 9 . J . Walker (C ) 11 J Buckley 10 . T. Fraczek y 12 W Nunlist 11 . D . S ucki 13 A Carrozza 12 . A. Svirskis 14 A Parker 13 . N . Siauss 16 M Nicolas 14 . A. Viscendes e 17 B King 15 . D . Viscendese 1 8 D Flaherty 16 . A. Nirens 19 N Fitzpatrick 17 . G . Pollard (VC ) 20 A Prowse 18. M. Neilsen 21 N Bertram 19. T. Cousland 22 T Logan 20. D . Fox 23 C Devereux 21 . S . Foley 24 J Duggan 22. D . Fox 26 B Falcke 23. M . Bowen 28 S Falcke 24. D . Gianakos 29 T Campbell 25. M . King 32 B Hakim 26. J . Brown 34 J Marinas 27. C. Owen 35 W Higgins 28• D. Bevan 29 . B . Gevaux 30 . J . Seige l 31 . J . McGeach

Coach : Tim Rile 1 . L. Russell 2 . S. Wheller 3 . M . Wood 4 . C .Hassell 5 . A. Clinch 6 . M. Luba 7 . R . Wiley 8 . J. Muzzell 9 . J. Franklin 10 . L. Wells 11 . D . Healy 12 . G. Breitkreuz 13 . M . Martinov 14. D . Jewett 15. A . Goonan 16. D. McKenna 18. M . Ramsay 19. W. Cove 20. R . Lerner 21 . L. Wilson 22. B . Payson 24. A. Lom 25. R. Matter 26. T. Harvey 27 . J . Noske 28 . T. Naylor 29 . B.Cormack 31 . S. Barker 33 . A. Cook 39 . M. Ferrari 49 . A. Perry 50 . M .Heffernan 54 . M. Wilson 67 . R . Marti n 75 . R . Presser

Coach: Paul G )r 1 B Petrie 2 H Gyles 5 R Gale 6 P Boyd 7 P Podbury {VC) 8 A Hollands

9 T Stephens 10 N Cullen 11 P Sampson 12 P Landy 13 M D'Amelio (DVC) 14 J Montano 15 P Carey (C) 16 A Kelly 17 N Evans 18 S Wilson 19 A Rooks 20 M McHugh 21 A Ballard (DVC)

22 N Corsica 23 G Brearley 24 R Varney 27 A Dix 28 C Beljak 29 S Train 38 A Flanagan 41 D Wood 44 C Clarke 46 P Atoll 61 N Kennedy 64 D Tompkins

Coach : :.: ..rty V. Coach: Andrew Lync h 1 .M . Hoffmann 2.L . Pitche (VC) r 3.V. Jayasuriya 4.H . McLauchlan S.B. Crawford 6.5. Durkin (VC) 7.J. Hanlon Pollock D' Silva tO. S. Capron 11 J . Glanvill e 12. A. Fletcher 13.A . Kozik 14.E. Marsh 15,R . Goodbody 16 .H . Brooks 17 .R . P lummer 18 .N . Rose 19 .C . Waxman 20 .J . Wright O C 21 .D. MacKenzie (VC ) 23 .B . Kaetsier 27 .D. Swanton 28 .B .Hunte r 29 .T. Archer 30 .A. Shaw 33 .R. Mosbe y 39.A. Jones 43.M . McGauran

1 . K.O'Dwyer 2 . M.Pain e 3 . S.Low 4 . C .Binney 6 . S .Guratol o 7, N .Bradd y

8 . T.Grieve 9 . C .LYnch 10. S .Jenkins 11 . T.Hibb s 12. J .Bake r 13. J . Bayford 14. C.Lewi s 19 LMcKi e 20 M .Clarke 23 LLaughna n 25 D.Bames 31 D.Cog gan 32 W. Colema n 33 D. Neilson 34 D.Mereddh 35 M .Mendol o 36 T.Finla y 44 LStBlma n 50 E. McWilGam 53 J.0'Dea

, . . .e

. ._ :

Coach: Steve Lovell

Coo r:'tim Pr

I . S . Muraca 2 . C. Kelly 3. M . Bradfield 4. S . Eisenberg 5. P. McGowan 6. S . Kidd 7. B . Daniels S. C. Jack 9. A. Russo 10 . A. Borg 11 . J. Toussaint 12 . C . Smith 13 . D . Groulos 14 . T. Davidson 15 . M. Walsh 16 . C . Yasar 17 . A. Tedesco 18 . B. Cunningham 19 . R . Rose 20 . D . Lowe 21 . N . Gaud 22. S . Blanco 23. J . Russo 24. M . O'Donnell 25. J . Purton 26. C. Andrews 27. R. Fastuca 28. T. Dean 29. L. Simmons 30. C. Mahoney 31 . B . Vandenhurk

1 . J . Wallace 3. S . Cleven 5. M . Cahill 6. D. Purtell 7 J . Power 8 M . Malady 9 L. Swain 10 L. Coulihard 11 D. Crea 12 C. Stats 13 T. Langford 14 L. Twomey 15 M . Baker 16 R . Coslovich 17 T. Barugh 19 J. Morris 20 S. Alexander 21 A. Graham 22 A. Baker 24 J . Treyvaud 25 N . Muhllechner

27 S . Salt

28 M . Haverkamp 29 D. D'sousa 30 B . Janson 37 G. Kennedy

Ccv.,a: Rod Penaluna 1 A Middli n 2 . M Norrish 3 . N . Pea k 4 . R .Bett 5 . P Valopp i 6 . D Uoyd 8. R Dre w 9. B .Kehoe 10. J .Seege r it . Z .Web b 13. LGillie s 14. G .Thompso n 15. D.Smith 16. C.Holdsworth 17. A.Pizzey 18. C.Beal 19 . A.Coleman 20 . D .Seneratne 21 . J.Tompkin s 22 . J. Peaks 23 . T. Collett 24 . G .Coutts 25 . F. Pellegrin o 27 . S.Savage 29 . D .Bell 30 . J .Strong 31 . S .Urban o 32 . J .Parry 34 . S .Britt 37 . D. Sim s 44. N .Martin

Under-19 - Section (2 Blue AJAX Coach : Mark Zuker 1 L Goldman 2 J Israelsohn 3 Z Lewsk i 4 A But 5 E Goldstone 6 E Janover 7 S Gutman 8 D Van Aken 9 D Miller 10 G Blieden it I Balbin 12 J Blankfeld 13 J Kozminski 14 D Hershan 15 D Finkel 16 L Fetter t7 J Kagan 18 JoFe(dma n IN J Kaicer Snow P1 A 22 G Gelbart -23 J Ber9er 24 P Glezer 25 B GoMbloam 28 A Coapzr 27 J Lew s 28 J Grvani

29 E Roth

30 A Goldman 32 L Peters 3;i' JuFe4dman 34 M Snow 36 A Sacks 37 D Kfasnostein 38 R Silberman 39 G New 40 E Wollner 41 A Sinqer 42 J Pask 50 G New 55 R Silverma n

OAKLIEGH Coach : Chris Moore 2. L . Kelly 3. B. Rose

4. L . Georgiadis 5. C . Kokkinos 6. A. Ciavarella

8. R . Symmons 9. A. Visser

11 M . McPhee 12 P. Malcolm 14 B. Evans 15 D. Moulang 16 A. Keays 18 M . Cash `19 D. Britt 21 J . Briggs

22 S . Johnson 23 S . Bando 29 R. Kelly 32 A. Cox 34 A . Hathaway 35 M . Stevenson 36 C. SYmons 39 T. Orchard 41 B . H rOn s y

43 J . Reynolds 46 J . Gaal 47 D . Banks

48JJ . Nevezie (C) 55 S . HeS10 p 57 S . Greenway

58 A . Bye 63 N . Wills

DE LA SALLE (Gold ) Coach: Greg Buntine 1 B Hawkins 2 L Browne 3 D Hyde 4 S Meehan 5 M Miller 6 D Wood 7 D Taylor 8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailon 11 S Alder 12 R Burrows 13 P Arbon 14 A Dimbl e 15 J Hughes 16 M Roberts 17 B Keinhaus 18 R Quirk 19 S Allan 20 J Shone 21 M Beynon 22 M Conway 23 H La Ragy 24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clifton 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken 29 G Walton

OLD XAVERIANS Coach: ( 1) Manny NtcWosi Coach: (2) James Fay

1 Carter P

GLEN EIRA Coach: John Howard

-- ^1 =r-~r

STH . MELD . DISTRICTS Coach : Darren McKillop

2 Quinn N 3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C 5 McKenzie-McHar

7 Q'Kane M

29 Gill P 30 Silk J 31 Fox A 32 McCarthy M 33 Buckeridge S 34 Spillane A 35 Bushby A 36 Biddlecombe A 37 DeMaria J 38 Walsh M 39 Furletti D 40 Dale J

42 Smith J 44 Bohon M 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L


ST. KEVINS O D Coach : (1) Paul O'Shannassy Coach: (2) Stephen Clark e

1 . J . Dempse y

19. W. MacDonald

u -~' -~-7



1 S. Chapman 3 J .Rosengarten (C) 4 G . Chessar 5 R . Buckingham 6 A. Hickey 7 S. Knight 8 S. Thompson 9 P. Nevill 10 B. Rogers 11 M . Vegter (VC) 12 R. Shears 13 M . Carey 14 Z. Wright 15 B. Nind 18 A. Shields 19 G . Gilbert 20 W. Uitle 22 B. Green (VC) 24 T. Crave n 26 B. Jandahl 29 J Ross 30 J. Mellington 31 S. Hawlcins 35 M . Sharkie 39 C. Budey 41 J. Ryan 42 S. Young 48 G. Clugston

2 . T. Duggan 3 . A. Umbers 4 . L. Fox 5 . M . Hick s . J . Harris 7 ..6 L Kalesaran 8 . 0. 9 . W. McCan n Id 10. D. Mahoney 11 . M . Hutton 12. D. Mcla y 13. S. Marvrood 14, B Marchesani 15. D. Bare 16. K DidFli s 17. D. M akohon 18. M . Anderson

6 Cato J

8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J 10 McColl D 11 Farrow L 12 Dillon J 13 N olen A 14 Chamberlain F 15 D ixon B 16 Grigg S 17 Doyle C 18 Ross S 19 Jabour P 20 Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T 23 Carmody S 24 Biddlecombe T 25 Pietryk M 26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 28 McGrath J

MONASH BLUES Coach: Dennis Grace

20. M. Mulgrew 22. G . Hollan d 23. A. Jenkins 24. G . Nolan 26. J. K uppel

27. 28. P. Lanny'

29. P. Fogart y 30. P. Gi ssing 31 . M . Courtney 32. J. Co x 33. L. Meyet 34' S. Mitchel l 35. N. O'Hallora n 36. T. Purcell 37. P. Gancy 38. R. Chard 40. R. Boyce 41 . B. Eva 42. M. Stonehouse s n 43. M. Tisohler 44 . J. King 45. N. Warts 46. C. Wilkinson 50. J. Gultrfer 51 . C.O'Shaughnessy 53 . T. Simpson 55 . A. Marsh 57 . M . Hinstey 58 . A. Thompson 62 . K Mcinerny

65 . R . Miller

68 .J . Deacon 69 . C. Hdliard

, ITOP E Coach : Shane O'Connor 1 .M . Meye r 2. S . Sulliva n 3. P. Dixon 4. G . Allan 7. T. Barr 8. K. Littl e 9. K. McLeo d 11 . B . Atherton 12 . M. Wilson 13 . M. Hayes 14. P. Rocke 17. S. Casacelli 19. S. Hamilto n 20. P. Krings 21 . D . Kelly 22. S. Barke r 24. M . Duggan 26. A. Roc k 30. A. Pothito s 31 . C. Jamieson 33. R. Harrill 34. M . Wingrave 35. T. Smith 36. G . Moran 37. C. Johnston e 38. R. Bitne r 41 . S . Alexander 45. R. Connard 56. S . Rickards

Under-19 AQUINAS D.C. Coach : John Ryan

Se ction (2) Red BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Matt Agrotis

2 R . Klogeman 5 A . Boland

6 P. McNiff 7 A. Jenkinso n 9 M . Guthridge

10 L. Mackowski 12 A. Corrigan 13 V. Hall 14 A. Hayes 15 S. Varone 17 J . See 19 D . Sinclair

1 . S . Marsh 2. D. Florence 3. A. Paradise

4. 5. 6. 7,

0 . Hill G Taylor M Beni c M. McGrath

8 . R . Conti

9 . M. Bickerdike 11 . J . O'Donnell (C)

13. R Lee 14. P Harding

20 S . Collins 21 P. Stone 22 G . Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D. Dew 25 C . Tavall i 27 C . Munro 28 J. Holly

16. D. Charles

29 B. Miller

33, P. Gordon 34. M Toll it 35. P. Tsokas

30 J . Ta PPl eY

18. A DeSimone 19 . J Hasan 20 . J Paraskeva 22 . M Perri 23 . D . Tsokas 25 . D Stee r 26 . D . Martin (VC) 31 . T. Waiters

It :« ;

NTH OLD BOYS Coach: David Zapputa

Coach : Richard Grummett 30 D Barnwell 31 J Bire 32 J Dunne 33 E Healy

34 C Meighen 35 B Dowsett 36 J Healy

37 M Edmonds 39 A Butter 40 J Harman 41 A Mercuri 44 B Ashton 45 G Robertson 46 M Ahem 47 N Blayney

48 N Dykes 50 J Simrk 52 E Clayton

54 S Sukkar 55 B Foynes *' D Cummins ** C Grose " J Kelly ry " A Powell

1 S . Cook 2 T. Hedgeland 3 J . Kirk 4 R. Davidson 5 B . Kean 6 D. Burley 7 M . Cursio 8 S. Glover 9 T. Roach 10 J. McArdle 11 T. Dean 12 J . Hughes 13 M. Kelly 14 N . Barry 15 T. James

1, m . Little 2. D . McOuafte r

5. P. Tempon e 6. B . Christi e 7. B . Ryan 8. C. Morley 9. A. Crame r 1 0. K. darby (C) 11 • D . Pike 1 2 . G . Weickhardt 13 . T. Proswe 14 . C . Munro 15 . S . Jone s 16. A . Cantor 18 B . Crave n 19 B . Larrichi a 23 H. Hoga n 25 A. Zemaki 26 D. Lin g 39 A. Emmerson

16 D. McLellan

17 H. Monk 18 A. Saad 19 M . Saa d 20 S. Saa d 21 N . Trigwell 22 S. Bermingham 23 N . Hahn 24 S . Haynes 25 J . Mullins

43 T. Sigalas Si alas

50 J. Ag 51 M . Brook e 52 M. Cottrel 53 J . Cudnotta ~ L. Enright

55 M . Gilbert 56 A . Mohar c

*' B Stafford *' G Waugh

OLD f'ARADIANS Coach: Peter Hansen 2 D Dean 3 M Lyons 4 R Hall

5 A Dean 6 A Harvey

11 S Connelly 14 S Fantone 15 L Drummond 19 A Paglia (oVC) 21 L McMahon

22 R Priest 24 G Loftus

27 D Capte 28 S Russell

29 M Keeling 39 J 39


S Fistric

42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson (C) 56 M Spinoso 60 D Boundy 61 C Duncan 63 S Corcoran (VC) , 75 S Barbaro 76 A Smith

77 T Crotty

RUPERTSWOOD Coach : Ken Balmer

1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Scerri 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 8 K Elliot 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 15 J Teller

16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnson 20 P 21 D Heywood 22 A Carlo

24 G Price 25 R Hatty 27 M Koala 28 P McMahon

29 G Hewat 31 M Assouad

OLD CAMBERWEL L Coach: Michael Sigutas

THERRY PENOLA Coach: Tony Crotty Assist: Phil Ryan 1 Farokli M 2 Goodwin T 3 Reynolds L 4 Barron B 5 Kiernan M 6 Mullens P 7 Hermes J

8 Quinn L y Gleason L

10 Crotty J 11 McCarthy L 12 Senators F

13 Comb M 14 FentonJ 15 Owen B

57 S . Morritt 58 J. Pettitt 59 D. Schmidt 60 N. Warne r 61 T. Parkes

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach: John Bushby 1 M Bellari s 2 S Bloodworth

3 D Bo~iomo 4 J Corbett 5 C Delahunty, 6 T Donavan 7 P Donelan

8 N Ebner 9 S Flood 10 P Fowler

11 J Greenwoo d 12 M Grigg 13 R Hamitio n 14 W Hann a 15 D HHiggins ' iggi

16 Clifton D 17 Palazzolo M 18 Freckleton J

17 R Mansfield

19 Green A 20 Capewell C 21 Atkinson D 22 Goodwin D 23 Catiegari D

21 R Osuliivan 22 B Owen

25 Carroll A

26 Sheppard T 27 Thompson T 34 O'Connell S 59 Robinson T

72 Johnson S 81 Delaney D

18 T Mayatl 19 R Moreton 20 D Oconne l

23 V Parkinson

24 S Princ e 25 L Rawnstey 26 J Rivett 27 A Ross 28 S Rundl e 29 M Sale

30 S Sandiford (C ) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R•Scade N 33 N Sharp 34 P Sondhu 35 M Stockfel d 36 A Torney 37 J Walker

38 D Watson 39 R Willi s ruc AAA -I ID

G(lr1TRGI I FR 2000


Suite 41 E) 190 Jells Road, Wheelers Hill Phone : (03) 95 61 7577 Fax: (03) 9561 75 66

Stereo 9',f 'I F Toby Roberts talks all V"&A news after 9 .00a m

For news, views _ 7"he Ammos Sh o Barnaby Wiff' s SATURDAY rvi r'

i ,e A Sec'~o : ~ a00

'_ _3 r째oadca,stfr,_ 1.45i-


30 JUNE OLD TRINITY V OLD BRIGHTON Half Time and Full T"_ e Score S e rv i c e

;ASTERN CO IJNI'I' _ 64 in tune with the -o 8 --~ !r east" VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6.0 0 - 6.15 p m each S. : urday night .


9.3o- 10.30 a.m.

TUNE IN 9 .3 0 EACH SE9 NIO :-_ ' r :' -. .- : G FOR BENI - C- _ : AN D TOMMY BRAIN W-



This weeks guest: Peter McBrearty (Sth . Melb . Dis. Sen. Coech)

~~ -_ .







.~ ~

entedvbg GI in Scarborough with, guests f 3ff i St Bernards (A), Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, LaTrobe Uni (D2), No rt h Brunswick, Ru wood (Ad), Old Essendon (C).

~ REVIEWS Sunday 8 .00L10 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.


Ti e Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Paul Daffey writes abou t SI-Iturday VAFA matches, previews,the Sunday Match of th e Day and reviews the competition in Monday's Age.


_ _ ~-- _ --'Izel reviews Saturday' s matleiies in his Sunday Herald Lr~A ~~~ ----------=


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Advert r®



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_ . kient ..u by Glenn F u zo .a u ;7-Tth gu




< C ~.' I i ff ? .s Prom

St Bernards (A) . Old Parad3ans, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, < S "I', LaTrobe Uni (D2), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4), Old Essendon (C) . ~ }) PREVIEWS Friday 7,00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UA'A .

tN fflOQO


gU a r ,0-19T, ,z UUll n

Weekend Game Promotion


Results from Tribunal Hearings - June 19, 200 1 Shane Kitts, Oakleigh . Charging, 2 matches . Brendon Rydquist, St . Johns . Striking, 2 matches . Luke Aiello, Old Paradians (Under-19) . Abusive language, 2 matches . * Christopher Frost, Old Trinity . Striking, 2 matches . * Frank Nuredini, Williamstown (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches. *Accepted Prescribed Penalty

Results from Investigation Hearing June 19, 200 1 Oakleigh charged with an umpire report alleging that during the half time break of their match against Parkside on Saturday June 2nd, 2001 the umpire's escort was verbally abused continually by officials and others connected with the Oakleigh Amateur Football Club . This behaviour contributed to an extremely volatile situation . Oakleigh found guilty of conduct unbecoming . Fine of $300 (minimum penalty) . Continued from page 43

ELTHAM vs . BULLEEN CO BRAS Eltham's form this season could be called inconsistent at best, and their results are very hard to pick. They are a much better side on their home soil and with Richard Bell "getting more punches than a grandmother at a 21st birthday" they should be competitive . Bulleen on the other hand seem to be building up to something big in 2001 and are getting better every week . Given the make up of the ladder at present, Eltham could ill-afford to lose this match, however, with the likes of McVeigh, Polites, Orwin and Reeves unstoppable at present, the Cobras should be too good as they run out 23-point victors . St . Mary's has the bye . SOCIAL

Syndal Ta lly Ho - is holding a Fire Fundraiser and Auction Dinner to be held on 30 July. It will be held at Ashwood International for a 7pm start . Guests include Kevin Sheedy, David Parkin and Dean Jones . A six-course meal is provided as well as drinks . Please speak to Russell Thomas (0411 814 144) or Peter Kostakos (0401 764 165) for further information .

DRAW 2001 (JUNE-JULY) This Sat: June 23 Elsternwick v Hawthorn (D3) This Sun : June 24 Old Trinity v Old Scotch Next Sat : June 30 Ormond v Old Paradians Next Sun : July 1%o matches v De La Sall e July 8 Old Brighton v University Blue s July 14 St . Bernards Old Brighton July 7 Old Paradians v De La Sall e July 15 FIDA July 21 Therry Penola v Whitefriars OC July 22 VAFA v VCFL ( Senior ) VAFA v VMFL (U19 )

FINES - Round 8 Late scores

First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fou rth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100) . Reserves/C1 8 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Caulfield Or (R) Marcellin (U19) Whitefriars (C) Old Brighton (U) St . Leos EWP (U ) Incorrect scores phoned - Rd 7 AJAX (S), Yarra Valley (S), Yarra Valley (U ) Old Westbourne - are holding their trivia night this Saturday after their home game . Take on brainiacs Benny, Decker and Ash Leitch to win the coveted Westbourne Triva Prize . Speak to Slats or Jocka for further information at today's game. Press Correspondent s Fantastic response this week as I received seven out of the possible ten this week . Thanks guys, it does make my job a lot easier. Please forward all correspondence to gavanfCmeg, fax (9827-8001) or mobile (0403-043-373) before midday Monday .

WiA _ ~~ 1 ~ js _► ~ LISTS 200 1 Dl RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 8 0 0 714 239 298 .74 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 8 0 0 784 369 212 .47 32 IVANHOE ASSUMPTIONS 5 3 0 609 462 131.82 20 BANYULE 8 5 3 0 418 368 113 .59 20 OLD GEELONG 8 4 4 0 515 545 94 .50 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 8 3 5 0 470 505 93.07 12 YARRA VALLEY O B 8 3 5 0 374 513 72.90 12 MONF3SH BLUES 8 2 6 0 461 586 78.67 8 AQUINAS 0 C 8 2 6 0 459 620 74 .03 8 OLD CAREY 8 0 8 0 230 862 26 .68 0

CLUB 18 (2) P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 8 8 0 0 596 304 196.05 32 COLLEGIANS 8 6 2 0 509 210 242 .38 24 MONASH BLUES 8 6 2 0 378 273 138 .46 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 5 3 0 322 346 93.06 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 8 3 5 0 407 422 96 .45 12 OLD TRINITY 8 3 5 0 357 378 94.44 12 ST LEOS EbIIvIAUS 8 3 5 0 311 392 79 .34 12 MARCELLIN 8 3 5 0 200 373 53.62 12 OLD GEELONG 8 2 6 0 351 545 64 .40 8 WHITEFRIAR.S 8 0 8 0 258 743 34.72 0

W L D For Agst % Pts 8 0 0 634 241 263.07 32 7 1 0 646 338 191 .12 28 6 2 0 498 338 147.34 24 4 4 0 429 402 106.72 16 4 4 0 382 490 77.96 16 3 5 0 427 470 90.85 12 3 5 0 453 534 84.83 12 3 5 0 216 396 54.55 12 1 7 0 366 658 55.62 4 1 7 0 205 571 35.90 4

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD XAVERIANS 8 7 1 0 961 442 217 .42 28 ST BERNARDS 8 7 1 0 1011 483 209 .32 28 ST KEVINS 8 6 2 0 813 447 181 .88 24 OLD SCOTCH 8 6 2 0 867 497 174 .45 24 OLD BRIGHTON 8 6 2 0 745 438 170.09 24 DE LA SALLE 8 6 2 0 857 513 167 .06 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 4 4 0 550 594 92 .59 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 3 5 0 518 617 83 .95 12 MARCELLIN 8 2 6 0 537 1024 52.44 8 BEAUMARIS AFC 8 1 7 0 341 783 43 .55 4 COLLEGIANS 8 0 8 0 430 975 44 .10 0 MAZENOD O C 8 0 8 0 201 1018 19 .74 0


D3 RESERVE P W L D For tigst % Pts FITZROY REDS 8 8 0 0 778 286 272 .03 32 ST JOHNS O C 8 8 0 0 646 338 191 .12 32 ELSTERNWICK 8 4 4 0 547 438 124.89 16 UHSOB 8 4 4 0 434 423 102.60 16 SOUTH MELB DIST . 8 4 4 0 463 452 102.43 16 MONASH GRYPHONS 8 3 5 0 441 470 93 .83 12 BENTLEIGH AFC 8 3 5 0 545 606 89 .93 12 HAWTHORN AMATEURS8 3 5 0 446 534 83 .52 12 RICHMOND CENIRAL 8 3 5 0 365 767 47 .59 12 ALBERT PARK 8 0 8 0 335 722 46 .40 0 D4 RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts SYNDAL TALLY-HO 8 8 0 0 669 177 377.97 32 ST MARYS 8 6 2 0 703 388 181 .19 24 WERRIBEE AMATEURS8 6 2 0 517 428 120 .79 24 S4YINBURNE UNI 8 5 3 0 556 361 154 .02 20 NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 5 3 0 515 494 104 .25 20 BULLEEN COBRAS 8 4 4 0 424 503 84 .29 16 RUPERTSWOOD 8 4 4 0 395 495 79 .80 16 NIT LILYDALE 8 4 4 0 343 606 56 .60 16 OLD WESTBOURNE 8 3 5 0 375 439 85 .42 12 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 8 2 6 0 401 679 59 .06 8 ELEY PARK AFC *Rd 7 8 1 7 0 279 769 36 .28 4 'Ineligible player CLUB 18 (1) P W L D For Agst % Pts Sr EEVIPIS 8 7 1 0 628 341 184 .16 28 DE LA SALLE 8 7 1 0 595 394 151.02 28 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 6 2 0 521 319 163 .32 24 OLD XAVERIANS 8 5 3 0 656 258 254.26 20 OLD SCOTCH 8 5 3 0 514 371 138.54 20 PRAHRAN AFC 8 3 5 0 504 441 114 .29 1 2 aiNSWICKAFC 8 3 5 0 305 668 45.66 12 .~'. 7 E1 OD O C 8 2 6 0 271 507 53 .45 8 !1-ERRY PENOLA OB 8 1 7 0 316 596 53,02 4 ,aI,D BRIGHTON 8 0 8 0 161 823 19.56 0

UNDER- 19 SECTION 2 P W L D For Aget % Pts OLD IVANHOE 8 7 1 0 730 473 154 .33 28 WERRIBEE AMATEURSB 6 2 0 793 455 174 .29 24 OLD TRINITY 8 5 3 0 617 432 142 .82 20 CAULFIELD GR 8 5 3 0 487 378 128 .84 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 8 5 3 0 746 626 119 .17 20 ORMOND 8 5 3 0 743 716 103 .77 20 YARRA VALLEY O B 8 4 4 0 656 744 88 .17 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 4 4 0 577 661 87 .29 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 8 3 5 0 570 691 82 .49 12 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 8 3 5 0 492 844 58 .29 12 WHITEFR[ARS 8 1 7 0 466 857 54 .38 4 UNDER- 19 (2) BLUE P W MENTONE AMATEURS 8 8 AJAX 8 7 SOUTH MELB DIST. 8 6 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 8 6 MONASH BLUES 8 4 ST KEVINS (2) 8 3 DE LA SALLE (2) 8 3 OAKLEIGH 8 3 MHSOB 8 0 GLEN EIRA AFC 8 0

L D For Agst % Pts 0


343 329 .45 32

1 0 978 410 238 .54 28 2 0 954 433 220 .32 24 2 0 887 486 182 .51 24 4 0 815 626 130 .19 16 5 0 526 690 76 .23 12 5 0 588 807 72 .86 12 5 0 619 1095 56 .53 12 8 0 454 1030 44 .08 0 8 0 352 1400 25 .14


UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst % Pks OLD CAMBERWELL 8 7 1 0 823 320 257 .19 28 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 7 1 0 789 336 234.82 28 RUPERTSWOOD 8 5 2 1 898 345 260.29 22 OLD PARADIANS 8 5 2 1 713 509 140 .08 22 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 5 3 0 698 399 174.94 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 5 3 0 590 461 127 .98 20 BULLEEN TEMP 8 3 5 0 310 768 40 .36 12 IVANHOE FITZROY 8 1 7 0 293 1072 27 .33 4 AQUINAS 0 C 8 1 7 0 185 1141 16 .21 4

LISTS 2001 P W L D For Agst % Pts A SECTION MHSOB 8 6 1 1 757 679 111 .49 26 ST BERNARDS 8 5 2 1 840 728 115 .38 22 MARCELLIN 8 5 3 0 763 573 133 .16 20 OLD SCOTCH 8 5 3 0 721 664 108 .58 20 OLD XAVERIANS 8 4 4 0 667 630 105 .87 16 ST KEVINS 8 4 4 0 665 660 100 .76 16 OLD TRINITY 8 3 5 0 568 607 93.57 12 MAZENOD 0 C 8 2 5 1 719 844 85 .19 10 UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 2 5 I 620 849 73.03 10 OLD BRIGHTON 8 1 5 2 619 759 81 .55 8

D3 SECTION P W L D - For Agst % Pis FTTZROY REDS 8 8 0 0 1041 296 351 .69 32 BENTLEIGH AFC 8 7 1 0 987 566 174.38 28 01098 671 163.64 28 ST JOHNS 0 C 8 7 1 HAWTHORN AMATEURS8 4 4 0 804 875 91 .89 16 MONASH GRYPHONS 8 3 5 0 729 823 88 .58 12 SOUTH MELB DIST . 8 3 5 0 683 778 87 .79 12 ELSTERNWICK 8 3 5 0 614 778 78 .92 12 RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 3 5 0 627 880 71 .25 12 ALBERT PARK 8 I 7 0 595 1002 59 .38 4 U H S O B 8 1 7 0 479 988 48 .48 4

B SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 8 7 1 0 831 396 209.85 28 8 6 2 0 890 602 147.84 24 DE LA SALLE OLD PARADIANS 8 5 3 0 611 537 113 .78 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 8 5 3 0 690 629 109 .70 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 4 4 0 656 722 90 .86 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 4 4 0 500 557 89 .77 16 ORMOND 8 3 5 0 664 761 87 .25 12 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 3 5 0 588 730 80 .55 12 BEAUMARIS AFC 8 2 6 0 533 866 61 .55 8 WHITEFRIARS 8 I 7 0 632 795 79.50 4


C SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD ESSENDON GR 8 7 1 0 873 524 166 .60 28 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 7 1 0 822 654 125.69 28 COLLEGIANS 8 6 2 0 745 518 143 .82 24 GLEN ED2A AFC 8 5 3 0 698 687 101 .60 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 8 4 4 0 784 762 102 .89 16 CAULFIELD GR 8 3 5 0 751 673 111 .59 12 PRAHRAN AFC 8 3 5 0 649 680 95 .44 12 OLD MENTONIANS 8 3 5 0 722 788 91 .62 12 AJAX 8 1 7 0 574 843 68,09 4 BULLEEN TEMP 8 1 7 0 601 1090 55 .14 4 Dl SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts BANYULE 8 8 0 01028 535 192.15 32 6 2 0 813 593 137.10 24 NANHOE ASSUMPTIONS OLD CAMBERWELL 8 6 2 0 814 608 133 .88 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 6 2 0 778 708 109 .89 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 8 5 3 0 828 712 116 .29 20 AgUIN43 0 C 8 3 5 0 879 906 97 .02 12 OLD GEELONG 8 3 5 0 703 893 78 .72 12 YARRA VALLEY O B 8 2 6 0 590 820 71 .95 8 OLD CAREY 8 1 7 0 640 897 71 .35 4 MONASH BLUES 8 0 8 0 586 987 59.37 0 D2 SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts MENTONE AMATEURS 8 8 0 0 1073 539 199 .07 32 SALESIAN 0 C 8 7 1 0 821 562 146 .09 28 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 8 6 2 0 896 605 148 .10 24 PARHSIDE 8 6 2 0 861 637 135 .16 24 LA TROBE UNI 8 3 5 0 634 715 88 .67 12 KEW 8 3 5 0 541 725 74 .62 12 PENINSULA 0 B 8 3 5 0 583 903 64 .56 12 OAKLEIGH AFC 8 2 6 0 717 841 85 .26 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 8 2 6 0 595 743 80 .08 8 POWER HOUSE 8 0 8 0 427 878 48 .63 0

W L D For Agst % Pts 8 0 0 877 481 182 .33 32 7 1 0 975 449 217.15 28 5 3 0 725 637 113.81 20 5 3 0 610 543 112.34 20 4 4 0 566 559 101 .25 16 4 4 0 536 562 95.37 16 4 4 0 509 658 77 .36 16 4 4 0 576 756 76 .19 16 3 5 0 760 789 96 .32 12 3 5 0 442 508 87 .01 12 1 7 0 352 1058 33 .27 4

P W L D For Agst % Pts A RESERVE OLD XAVERIANS 8 8 0 0 748 392 190 .82 32 OLD SCOTCH 8 7 1 0 691 436 158 .49 28 MARCELLIN 8 6 2 0 581 421 138 .00 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 5 3 0 592 447 132 .44 20 ST BERNARDS 8 5 3 0 535 481 111 .23 20 ST KEVINS 8 3 5 0 479 608 78 .78 12 OLD TRINITY 8 2 6 0 445 540 82 .41 8 OLD BRIGHTON 8 2 6 0 395 487 81 .11 8 MAZENOD O C 8 2 6 0 401 670 59 .85 8 MHSOB 8 0 8 0 395 780 50 .64 0 B RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts ORMOND 8 7 1 0 789 389 202 .83 28 8 7 1 0 740 420 176 .19 28 OLD HAILEYBURY OLD PARADIANS 8 6 2 0 695 482 144 .19 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 5 3 0 552 471 117 .20 20 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 4 4 0 592 480 123 .33 16 DE LA SALLE 8 4 4 0 537 500 107 .40 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 3 5 0 419 595 70 .42 12 WHITEFRIARS 8 2 6 0 429 621 69 .08 8 OLD IVANHOE 8 1 7 0 321 629 51 .03 4 BEAUMARIS AFC 8 1 7 0 327 841 38 .88 4 C RESERVE P W L - D For Agst % Pts HAMPTON ROVERS 8 8 0 0 775 407 190 .42 32 OLD ESSENDON GR 8 6 2 0 722 359 201 .11 24 CAULFIELD GR 8 6 2 0 681 398 171 .11 24 8 5 3 0 702 383 183 .29 20 COLLEGIANS PRAI-IRAN AFC 8 4 4 0 501 375 133 .60 16 AJAX 8 4 4 0 329 451 72 .95 16 OLD MENTONIANS 8 3 5 0 534 621 85 .99 12 ST BEDES MENT TIG 8 2 6 0 425 485 87 .63 8 BULLEEN TENIP `Rd 7 8 2 6 0 257 901 28 .52 8 GLEN EIRA AFC 8 0 8 0 261 928 28 .13 0 *Iaelig161e Play er

PATTS/C:J38t 3

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