cr vT0 SQUAD NAMED FOR VCFL MATC H =~,iior selectors met on Saturday evening and hav e ,,,,r v the squad below to commence training for the Jul y 2 2 clash with the Victorian Country Football League . ~ ;,xh t_dies compete every second year and play for the °Brian Rlolony Cup" . ;; ;i -c determined to pick the best possible side, we are also „, ;n,]ful of not taking say five players from one team and i1:- one from that team's opponents on that weekend clu b ,ujtiches are played on the weekend of July 21/22 . I have ; . u disturbed by a call I received from one player who loves I; ng selected for the Big V, but told me his club have told ! im he is not to play because he must play for his club on it day. My answer at this stage is that should a player b e rcquired by the selectors he can be ruled ineligible for his club should he or his club choose not to make the player x,aflable . players selected in initial squad : Adam Simpson (MHSOB) ; Andrew Ramsden, Lincoln > ;,vnolds, Matthew Greig, Chris Frost, Glenn Hatfield, Colin phiIlips (Old Trinity) ; Mark Browne, Glenn Cox, Bernard Dinneen, David Waters (Marcellin) ; Nick Mitchell, Danny I3',Tne, Steve McKeon, Ben Jordan ( St Bernards) ; Luke 1 L wkins, Josh Kitchen, Tim Finocchiaro, Brad Robinson r0ld Scotch) ; Ben Garvey, Paul Greenham, Matthieu Lucas, Anthony Ferraro ( St . Kevins) ; Gil McLachlan (University Blues); Tim Clarke, Daniel Donati, Simon Lethlean, Lachlan Ford, Damien Orlando, Ben Cranage ( Old Xaverians), James Hope, Marcus Toovey ( Old Ivanhoe) ; Matthew Jackson (Old Brighton); Denver Ariz (Hampton Rovers) ; Dean Matthews (Bull een Templestowe); Nigel Credlin (Old Camberwe ll ); Andrew Evans (De La Salle) .
a career please advise the writer on fax no: 9531 2050 or email philCvafa .asn .au
Adam, who is due to play
his 250th match in round 14 has already announced that this will be his final season . The VAFA will honor Adam's achievement when it is reached. BUMPER STICKERS The 2001 Sport 927 / Crown Entertainment bumper stickers have been circulated to clubs during the week and should be available from secretaries with extras available from the VAFA . Once you have your sticker, the "tear-off" section should be filled in and sent to the VAFA for inclusion in a weekly draw for Sport 927 prizes. At season's end the club which submitted the greatest number of entries will have all their entries placed in a barrel from which one entry will be drawn to win the Crown Entertainment/VAFA AFL Grand Final Weekend Package. This package includes two tickets to the AFL Grand Final, two nights' accommodations for two, dinner for two at Breezes Restaurant at Crown and includes breakfast and valet parking .
Sound great? It could be you, grab a sticker, show your support of your club and the VAFA and be a winner! CLOSE OF PERMITS Senior permits have now closed for the season and the only permits that can still be lodged are for Under 19 players . This facility lasts until the end of July and clubs should understand that a player who obtains a permit after June 30 can only be selected to play Under 19 matches .
A Deakin University student is seeking the time of a group of males aged between 13 and 21 years to act as a control .roup in a study . Questioning should only take 30 minutes aid'persons willing to assist are asked to fax their name ad address to the writer on fax no : 9531 2050 or email to phil@dvafa .asn .au
Readers are asked to refer to Umpires' Corner regarding comments made by VAFA President Richard Evans to the Members last Monday evening about club runners .
One of Old Mentonians greatest ever players Adam Aereman, who has to date kicked 994 goals in his great`•:AFA career, will no doubt reach this great milestone today, ncxt week or the week later. If anyone else in the VAFA knows of any other VAFA player who kicked 1000 goals in
FINALLY, . . A BIG THANK YOU To those who have made contributions to the "Outstanding Amateur Footballers" (records) from days gone past especially Monty (John Montgomery), Andrew Mullett, Terry Landrigan an d Manson Russell . About 50% of the records listed in the display are still being chased . If you can help, ring Sue or Bre tt at the VAFA. Your help in preserving our history is appreciated .
July 7t h , 2001 Price: $2 .00 Vol . 01 No. 11
MARCELLIN is on schedule to play in its first A Section finals series since 1990 after rushing to the top the ladder . The Eagles, who made it into the 1990 preliminary fmal, are the fourth club to have perched on top in the past four rounds . Scotch, St Bernards and MHSOB have had brief reigns . MHSOB's week at home has been marred by two final quarter fade outs . The Unicorns came into round 9 on top for the first time since 1966 with consecutive home games at The WoodfullMiller Oval . In both matches the High led at three-quarter time only to have Xavs and now Marcellin kick six goals each in the last quarters. The Unicorns, whose fitness has been a trait this year, have booted one goal in the same quarters . Coach Luke Soulos held a team meeting after the players got changed . On Sunday there might be relief, after five matches against teams placed around the top half, with a game against relegation contender Mazenod . First-year Eagles coach Simon Dalrymple, who has brought new an alysis -preparation techniques to Bulleen, told his crew that by running over MHSOB proves "you have legs" . -THE ideal conditions at Camberwell Sports Ground, which is reaping the benefits of new drainage, were matched by the standard set by Scotch and Old Xavs. In consecutive games Scotch has played well but lost . The difference was Scotch's stars Tim Holt, Josh Kitchen, Andrew Crow, Brad Robinson and Tim Finocchiaro shined again but their teammates couldn't match the overall polish of Xavs . Luke Hawkins and Ben Cranage, both named on the interchange for VFL Essendon, took to the carpet-like surface but as opponents . Xavs double-teamed Hawkins but he grabbed five goals . -TODAY Xavs host the improving Trinity but they should be without Phil McDonald who injured his knee in the last minutes . Ts coach Leigh Carlson said today "might show if we are gaining some ground" . -IN A replay of the draw between Old Brighton and Uni Blues the students will want to be accurate, unlike last time, and the Tonners will have Matt Jackson back for the spacey EP . -SCOTCH travels to Marcellin and watch for the return of the comp's best full-back Rohan Price, after medical studies, to plug the fire 2
power of Andrew Treganowan . -ON SUNDAY at Trevor Barker, th e rising SKOBS play an injury-ravaged Bernards for positions in the four . Mid-season : ;view part 1 1
OLD s (5TH) : Using the salmo producer John West's formula, here's who did ; play against Scotch : Alex McDonald, D ; Richardson, Andy Gowers, Adam Jones, Chi Ellis, Damian Stoney, Luke Hannebery, Parton, James Drake, Jamie Kay, Ted Woodn and Rob Dillon weren't there . Simon Wood teaching in London and Tim Ockleshaw travelling Europe .
Grand final berth chance: 95% OLD SCOTCH (6TH) : If Hawkins and Price pla and others avoid injuries, the Cardinals shou make the four. Grand final berth chance : 60 % 0;;.: ' - -- . _' (7TH): The Ts have plenty return : Anthony Parkin, Chris Frost, J E Arrowsmith, Rob Phillips, Travis Stephens, Ma Collins, Aiden Boyd, Adam Andrews an Lachlan Kennedy . Carlson couldn't say he come they've been inconsistent . "The players' work ethics have been good." Grand final berth chance: 65 % 13N RSI'I'Y BLUES (ST'Fi) : Coach Le Adamson said his list is improving . "Last wee former VFL player Quentin Gleeson played hi third game after injury . "Mat McKie has ju; been reinstated and George DeCrespigny, ou leading goal kicker from last year, has ha injury problems ."We're getting close to our bes side as indicated by our win over Xavs ." Inter varsity and college football, exams and holiday are a consistent challenge for the student : selection panel.
Grand final berth chance : 45 % ?CITS
'a rai ; - . ivzxa: MAZENOD'S JAKE BEARD VAFA U19 captain, Jake, is in his first year witl the seniors after playing with the Oakleigl U18s . He compares the standards . "The pace i: the same but A Section is more physical . "We'vf got to keep our heads up and keep building o r
tl1' t
iS is
<roung side who have filled the spaces of th e ,!uF-d senior players . " ac( 's grand final berth chance: 33% ' us : OLD BRIGHTON'S DA-LE
Tr-=' t G Dale is one of three VAFA senior coaches in the sllle job after five years . In 1997 the Tonners the B Section flag, relegated in '98, shoc k inalist losers in '99 and last year lost tw o wnes, one of which was the grand fmal . "I stil l rljoy coaching . "On both occasions we've gone A grade we've had a large player turnover . (-)11 the flip side, we've played some good kids 1,':ce Leigh Hendra, Josh Homann, Brad ;fclvlahon and Will Carter ." For last year's grand r,11a1 . there were six players who Taps couldn't =queeze into his team . "That's Amateur footy having guys who play for you one year but not the next. " Brad's grand final berth chance: 33 % . .' l 1}ejt Z C = :~ g?- b 3?7 -'~.CO-" . . .^.l
Uni _-~'Zues - would like to congratulate Guen ;erie h who recently played his 50t'i senior game for the Club . Despite some testin g setbacks, Damien has made a very valuabl e contribution to the Club . Well done Gunga! "
iL H iwkins Bamert Treganowan Harvey Mitchell ttdi rd on borrocks , :Ilati Hawkins
SENIORS Old Scotch MHSOB Marcellin St Bernards St Bernard s
48 28 27 26 21
A RESERVE St Bernard s Old Scotch Old Scotch St Kevins Marcellin Mazenod
25 21 14 14 14 14
Old Brighton v . University Blues at EP Sunday St . Kevins v . St . Bernards at Trevor Barke r
Oval, Sunday Mazenod v . MHSOB Marcellin v . Old Scotc h Old Xaverians v . Old Trinity
6 .1 11 .4 15.7 18.11 ( 119) 3 .3 6.4 9 .6 10 .11 (71) OLD :'.RIG :- :C Old TrlniLr : Greig 5 VanDerVenne 4 R Burrows 2 Pawsey 2 Ramsden 2 Hillas Pirouet Reynolds. Best : Pirouet Clarke VanDerVenne Grelg Reynolds. Old Brighton : Perry 3 Gadsden 2 Hendra McMahon Moon Bristow Pirrie. Best : Hendra Perry Reid Homann Pollock Gadsden . Umpires: M . Jenkins, J. Miller (F), D. Cusack, J . Forsyth (B), B. McCarthy, V. Vescovi 10.14 (74) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.2 7 .7 8 .13 ST. HEVINS 4.4 5 .5 9 .6 12 .8 (80) University Blues: Baker 5 Lowccck 3 McLachlan Nation . Best : Guengerich Baker Sturrock North Lowcock C . Ryan . St . Nevins: M Giansiraeusa 3 Lucas 2 Greenham 2 B Cullman 2 J Giansiraeusa Bowles Pangrazio. Best: Kavanagh O'Shea Finch Byrne Groner B Doliman. Umpires : A. Firley, T. Sutcliffe (F). B. Corcoran, J . Kramer (B), B. Dix. J . Robinson (G ) ST. I . . IDS 5 .6 9 .9 18 .12 25 .12 (162) MAZ OD 2 .2 6.5 10.5 13 .8 (86) St. Bernards: Baynes 6 Harley 5 O'Sullivan 4 O'Riley 3 Clarke 2 Bouzikas 2 McLaughlin McKay Byrne . Best : McLaughlin Masiropasqua N Smith Baynes Jordan Byrne . Mazenod: Maskell 3 Hanley 3 Tucker 2 Quinn Castricum Morgan Smart Carter. Best: Dunne Polan Meehan Quinn Hose Castricum . Umpires: W . Hinton, J . McNiece (F), J . Mason, T. Dornom (B), R. Parry. S. Caple (G ) 5 .1 8.5 12 .12 12 .16 (88) CELL1Pi 2 .4 8.9 12 .11 18 .18 (124) MHSOB: Woodley 2 Joseph 2 G McCully 2 Bamert S McCully Gerner Fairchild Skinner Simpson . Best: Joseph S McCully Fairchild McIntyre Davis Woodley. Priarceflin: Treganowan 5 Johnstone 3 McMillan 2 Purcell 2 Waters Ibrahim Jarred Romanin Sampimon Caffry . Best: Goodwin Thiesz Cox Johnstone Frazer Ibrahim . Umpires : R . Sneddon, M . Gibson (F). R. Mutton, S . McKenzie (B), K . Pitcher, B. Jephson (G) hMSOB
3 .3 9 .7 10.10 14 .14 (98) 17.14 (116) OLD XAVERIANS 5 .3 12 .4 14 .11 Old Scotch: Hawkins 5 E Parthenldes 2 Thomas 2 Finocchiaro Beranger Ratcliffe Angus Kitchen . Best: Robinson Nettleton McCarroll Kitchen Angus Thomas. Old %a verlan.s: McCarthy 4 Jones 4 Donati 3 Orlando Coughlan Cranage Clarke Hawkins P McDonald . Best: Bowen Clarke McCarthy Cranage Blood Landrigan. Umpires : S . McCarthy, A . Damen (F).S. Caruso . P. Teasdale (B), B . Hoare, K. Segota (G ) OLD SCOTCH
MERVES OLD TRINITY 5 .4 9.9 13 .10 18 .12 (120) 6.8(44) OLD BRIGHTON 0.4 2.5 5 .8 Old Trinity: Kenna 5, T Cade 3, Cornell 3, Natoli 2, Barr, Ward . Best, : Bladen6 Natoli, Power, Kenna, CarterMainsbridge, Power . Best Buszard, Best. Old Brighton : A Ginnavin 2, Giles, Billionis, Over, Scott . Best : Dickerson, Giles, Scott, Avramides . Earl, M.J.Srnith . UPdI BLUES 3.2 4 .5 8.9 12.10 (82) 4.4 8 .5 8.5 11 .6 (72) . St ELMS But Blues : Goals : Gray 3 Chamberlain 2 Meade 2 Garrick Hutchins B .Coleman Featherston Garnaut . Best : Callery Featherston Garnaut Hutchins Suvoltos Chivers, St Nevins : Goals : Culls 6 Horrocks R . Maguire M .Maguire Waight Crohan . Best : Wright Ferrari Bare Hicks D.Sheehy Chambers. ST. BERNARDS 4 .1 7.3 12 .4 17 .6 (108) 3 .0 7.0 9 .1 10.2 (62) MAZENOD St,Bernard's :Borg 4 Croker 3 Allis 2 P.Harvey 2 Catterall Osborne Legudi Campbell Romaniw A .Smith. Best: Meehan Borg D .Thomas Simpson Holland Croker Mazencal : Hawkins 6 Persi Vine Rice Noble . Best: Hawkins Smith Strahorn McDowell D'Rozario Heal . MHSOB 3 .1 7 .2 9.3 10 .4 (64) 7.1 8 .5 11 .6 16.8 (104) MARCELLIN MHSOB: Hayes 2 . McGrath 2, Armstrong . Bennett, Cookman, Feferkranz, Redder, L.Taylor. Best: Feferkranz, Armstrong, O'Brien, Redder, Fawkes, Wright . ellin: Chun 2, Cull 2, L .O'Flynn 2, Leflanve 2 . Cooper 2, Galati 2 . Moran, S .Dineen . Colville, Taylor . Best: D.Theisz . Moran, Cull, Leffanve. Colville, Wallis 9.9(63) 3 .2 6.5 6 .7 OLD SCOTCH OLD XAVERIANS 2 .6 4.7 8.13 9 .16(70) Old Scotch : Hooper 2 Joyce 2 J .Crane 2 Price Stratos Ltpstmt. Best : O'Brizn Smith Joyce Hooper Warner Joyce Downing . Old ?Caverisns : R.Jones 2 Mullane 2 Skidmore 2 Stonev Dillon Meehan . Best: R.Jones Hannybery Skidmore Mullane Scanlon Rush .
A Section MAIiCEL1 .IN Coach : Simon Dalrymple Res. Coach: Peter Randalt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
C. Slattery A. Caffry D. Waters G . Romanin M . Moran
6 . D . Sampimon 7 . N . Godwi n 8 . R . Frisina 9 . D . Ballantine 10. C . Purcel l 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12 . B. Cronin 13 . S . Dinneen 14 . R. McMahon 15 . M . Chu n 16 . L. McMillan 17 . G. Cox (VC) 18 . D . Gartner 19. D . Cooper 20. S.O'Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22. D . Marson 23 . P. Gleeson 24 . L . O'Flynn 25 . R. Galat i 26 . N. Armstrong 27 . D. Theisz 28 . D. Johnston 29 . P. Smith 30 . A. Treganowan (C) 31 . S . Yee 32. M . Browne 33. G. Cull 34. D . Jarred 35. J . Frazer 36. D . Cope 37 . D . Moran 38 . M. O'Sullivan 39 . B. Colville 40 . M . Leffanue 41 . J . Seabury 42 . B . Dinneen 43. A . Duncan 44. A . Wilkinson (RVC) 44 L. Hansen 45. D . Theisz 46. J. Wilkins 47. D . Ryan 48 . A. Gallagher 49 . D . Coutts 50 . A. Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52 . J . Mathews 53 . C. Mathews 54 . R. McMahon 55. J . Wallis 56. B . Norden 57. M . Van Lint 59. J. Ibrahim
Yarra Valley Country Club
M.H .S .O.B . Coach: Luke Scales Res. Coach : Terry Btythman 1 J Bamert (DVC) 2 S McCull y 3 1 Grgic 4 C Eabry 5 P Sherry 5 N Orchard 6 R Joseph 7 J Perizel (C) 7 A Angus 8 J Garner 8 C Wrigh t 9 D Fairchild (VC) 9 M Clowe s 10 D Skinner 10 D Norton 11 K Krios 12 A Simpson 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gregson 13 C Kelly 14 L Simpson 15 Z Holden 16 F Davis 17 M Clowes 18 R Limbrick 18 A David 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 20 D Nichols 21 R Patterson 22 D Armstrong 22 A Svirskis 23 C Harvie 23 I Taylor 24 D Stynes 24 A Clar k 25 H Taylor 25 J Jackman 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R. Newton 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell (VC) 32 A Keys 33 A Saultry 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (VC) 34 S Konstanty 35 A Mills 35 A Barge 36 M White 36 S Bennett 37 R McIntyre 37 M Ting 38 S Robinson 40 D Membrey 40 W Hayes 41 D Simmons 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins 48 B Jeffrey 49 C Pricop 50 S Osborne 51 J Newton 52 B McGrath 53 C Clowes 55 N Adcock 56 T Wright 57 A Tan g 58 M Cotter 59 L Jones
THE BEEHIVE HOTEL GVP Fabricators PTY LTD Hawthorn All Home Loans
OLD SCOTCH Coach : David Murray Reserve : Tony Collins 1 C . Harriso n 2 A . Quinn 3 A . McIntyre 4 A. Hanley (C) 5 M. Quir k 6 J. Bayford 7 S. Morgan 8 D. Lancaster 9 S . Noble 10 M . O'Hara
11 T Smith (RC) 11 D . Hos e 12 M . Murray 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J. Kavanagh 17 J. Beard 18 T. 0'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan (DVC) 23 A . Tucke r 24 D. Nisbet 25 D. Masskel l 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 27 D . Krom 28 P. Nelson 29 R . Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 P. Vine 33 D . Gran t 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R. Hawkin s 36 D. Carter 37 L . Morgan 38 D. Linden 39 G . Kalber 40 S . Ryan 41 A . McDowell 42 P. Fotiniotis 42 C. Adams 43 A . Pers i 44 R . Mosbauer 45 P. Rice 46 B . Waldron 47 A. McDowell 48 G . Tillin g 49 L . Halvy (RVC) 50 D . Carter 52 N. Nussbaum 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi
Sponsored by : Sires Menswea r W.G . Miles & Co Pty Ltd Real Eastate - Ivanhoe Spectrum Assurance Group Regency Pharmacy Zitech Compute r Peripherals
Coach : Andrew Smith Res. Coach: Coach: Dale Tapping Gary Jackson Assist: Justin Clarkson A Nettleto n Res. Coach : Richard Obee I 2 B Phillips 1 A . Kryzwniak 3 C Hosking 2 A . Pirri e 4 T Holt 3 C . Barrow (VC) 5 R Price 4 A . MacGillvray 6 A Crow 5 N . Perry 7 J Kitchen 6 R . Stewart 8 C Rei d 7 C . Brew 9 R Aujard 8 M. Gadsde n 10 J Kerr 9 S. Lennox (VC) 11 M Angus 11 L. Adamis 12 S Crow 11 A. Fitzgerald 13 N Hooper 12 B . Williams 14 E Parthenides 13 R. Kent 15 M O'Brien 16 A Speed 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC) 17 D Thomas 18 L Hawkins 16 G. Earl 19 C . Smith 17 A . Van Den Dungen 20 S Lillingston 18 M . Jackson (VC ) 21 J Stratos 19 S. Gadsden 22 N Addison 20 M. L. Smith 23 0 Crane 21 T. Ewert 24 C Pattenden 22 N . Biggin 25 L Murphy 23 N . Milat 26 T Downing 24 M .J . Smith 27 J Pilkington 25 S . Nickas 28 B Robinson 26 B. Stoneham 29 M Gnatt 27 D. Paterson 30 T. Finocchiaro 28 J . Bradley 31 C Ratcliffe 29 J . Dickerson 33 J McCarroll 30 A . McLaughlin 34 E Oliver 31 A . Bristow 35 P O'Connor 36 S Prendergast 32 D . Begley 33 W. Carter 37 M Parthenides 38 R Ashton 34 J . White 39 C Stevens 35 C . Stewart 40 A Warner 36 B. Pollock 41 M Lipshut 37 B. McMahon 42 J Ross 38 J . Raj u 43 N Leit l 39 K. Kavanagh 44 C Evans 41 J . Murchie 45 M Blenheim 42 C. Mizz i 46 J Beaurepaire 43 R. Carter 47 T Barenger 44 R. Sherman 48 S Mile s 45 A . Mandylaris 49 R Mullens 46 M . Billionis 50 D Richardson 47 D. Wilso n 51 M Saunders 48 R . Boxer 52 M Daviso n 49 A . Ginnavin 53 C Joyce 51 M . Fisher 54 N Simon 55 G Sarkozy 53 D . Strachan 57 J Crane 54 A . Liptrot 58 C Adam 55 M . Gamble 59 D Brooke 57 M. Moon 60 T Wigney 58 B. Scott 61 D Leeds 61 A. Walsh 62 E Sladen 62 A. Lynch 63 S Tresise 63 S . Davies 64 L North 64 M .Reid 65 C Armstrong 66 H Thomas 68 8 Collins 77 S Grigg
-777=77- h Leigh Carlson Cc :h : Phil Gaut Coacn: Craig Neave
Kennedy S 2 Hudson G(RC) 3 Reynolds L 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 5 Robison M 7 Van Der Venne T Canzoneri M
Dodgson B
8 Frost C 8 Stebbins C 9 Andrews A (VC) 9 Best J g Hildebrandt D 10 Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S Gorman A 1? Pirouet N 13 Collins M 3 Cade J Parkin A 15 Stephens T 15 Natoli S 16 Hiillas C 7 Hatfield G (VC) 1 7 Garcia J 3 Clarke L 19 Barr C '9 Carter-Buszard L r Phillips C Gillett R 21 Kennedy L 22 Deane-Johns G 23 Ramadan A 2? Boyd A Cameron F (RVC) 2 6 Robinson D 26 Tudor l 27 Greig M 28 Butler C , Nesbitt L 3 '. Bladeni S Cornell J Kinross D 5,i Rogers D Boyd M ,~S Pawsey M Sutcliffe J Van Der Venne S Cochrane A Phillips R(C) Antonopoulos T 4 Jarred W Lauletta S M aiosbridge = bridge D Power B = Maiyah A 5 Treadwell G Morpeth T Cooper S 47 Semmens A Ward C 3 Adgemis J 3 Donahoo B Markus J = Boyd G = Best E 57 Oberoi A Cade T (RVC) Cristian0~o D
,2 Mero J Kenna A 3 Burrows R 7 Limoli P ~3 Frost M 7 1 Makris A 75 Chisholm M 7 Treadwell C ~3 BradyW
.- . ._ Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy : Garry Foulds Res. Coach : Chris Coach Res . Coach : David Law Mortensen
1 M Blood (C)
1 . D . Baynes
2 D Orlando 3 L Hannebery 4 D Landrigan 5 A . McDonald 6 D . Donati 7 S Lethlean (VC)
2. L. Meehan 3. J . Podsiadly 4. S . McKeon 5. Joe Mount (DVC) 6. J . McKay 7. S . Clarke
8 P McDonald 9 J Hawkins 10 S Mitchell 11 Ad Jones 12 J Bowen 13 C Ellis 14 Dn Stoney 15 L Ford 16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson 18 S Tucker 19 An Jones 20 M Hardman 21 A Parton 22 M Rush 23 R Coughlan 24 B Coughlan (VC ) 25 J Lang 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Cranage 29 D Galbally 30 T Clarke 31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi (VC) 34 R Jones 35 J Dalton 36 A Keyhoe 37 T Freer 38 R Hall 39 M Meehan 40 S . Mullane 41 A Dillon 42 N Ireland 43 T Woodruff (VC) 44 B Hilbert 45 J Scanlan 46 M Callinan 47 J Kay 48 R CareY 49 R Dillon 50 M McCarthy 51 D Walsh 52 B Calman 53 H . Davies 54 A. Gowers 55 J. HealyY 58 M Green 59 S . Johnston 60 J. McDonnell 61 A Oswald 6 3 B. Perry 66 A Wilson
8. J . Evans 9. B . Jordan (DVC) 10. N . Mitchell (VC) 10. L. Campbell (R) 11 . P. Capes 12. B . Hogan 13. C . Mitchell 14 . A . Thomas 15 . T. Wilkinson 16 . L. Turnbull 16 . P. Capes (R) 17 . L. O'Sullivan 18 . D . McLaughlin 19 . L . Gollant (C) 20 . S. Broadbent 21 . B. Loughlin 22 . M. 0'Riley 23 . A. Mastropasqua 24 . P. Harvey 25 . C . Osborne 26 . J. Gollant 27 . A. Nathan (RC) 28 , D . Croker 29 . C . Trewin 30 . James Mount 31 . A. Maggiore 32 . T. Harvey 33 . B. All is 34. D. Byrne 35. P. Rahill 36. R. Legudi 37. A. Catterall 38. J . Simpson 39. N. Smith 40. D. Thomas 41 . B . Overman 42. M . Stapleton 43. C. Davis 44. S . Taylor 45. M . TankeyY 46. L. Wilkinson 47. R . Pizzichetta 48. S . Burgyn 49. S . Borg 50. M . Polatajko 51 . P. Romanin 53. JP Kavanagh 54 . T. Carrick 55 . J. Cittarelli 56 . C . Bond 58 . - D . Dugina 60 . A. Woolley 61 . M. Dowling 62 . P. Holland 63 . R . Brown 66 . A. Garvey NORTH S UBURBAN C LUB
.~~ U i077 ATOR
â&#x20AC;&#x17E; , _ ... Coach: Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach : : ._ .ck Knuppel
1 . A. Callery 2 . S. Lowerson 3 . D . Curtis 4 P Greenham 5 M. Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 M. Lucas 8 B. Dollman 9 J. Giansiracus a 10 N. Fraser 11 J. Panagrazio 12 R. Grinter 13 R. Bowles t4 L. Mahoney 15 M . Olive 16 B. Garvey 17 S . Dawes 18 J . Grigg 19 D. Sheeh yY 20 L. Hull-Brown 22 J . Macey 23 B . Quirk 24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 D. Sadler 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M.Kempton 30 M. Gargano 31 A . McGuiness 32 S . O 'Conno r 33 M . Maguire 35 M .Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M. Dwyer 38 J . Bateman 39 S . Gribble 40 N . Parrett 41 S. Monkivitch 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R . Sheehy 45 D . Weight 46 J. Travagli a 47 A. Conlon 48 L . Harper 49 P. Cleary 50 P. Cameron 51 J. Cassell 52 J. Finc h 53L . Coleman 54 S. Game 55 E. Crohan 56 M . P angrazio 58 J. Ferrari 59 A. Rattle 60 . A. Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch nch 62 B. ShelleyY 63 B. Hicks 64 J . O'Brien 65 C. Leathern 66 E . Lynch 67 N. Marchesani 69 P. Natale 70 P. Roberts A . Clar k 72 M . Rigby 73 P. Byrne 75 R . Campagna 77 G. Pickford 78 R . Chiver s 79 G O'Connor 80 D . Dunn 83 N . Moore 84 C . Noseda 85 S . Moylan 86 A. Nowell
622 Mt. Alexander Rd.
S!R}pSo!? Constructions Red Eagle Hotel
Moonee Ponds 93261799
UNIVERSITY BLUE S Coach: Lee Adamson Res . Coach: Terry Benai m
1 D Slimmon 2 T Hutchin s 3 J Sturrock 4 D Guengerich 5 Q Gleason 6 S Longle y 7 Hayter ~ Hayterr
9 S Meade
10 A Davis 11 L North 12 G McLachla n 13 P Stockdale 14 C Roydhouse 15 L Rya n 16 C Stewart 17 G de Cres pigney 18 A McEwin 19 A Lowcock 20 C Rya n 21 T McIntyre 22 23 T Wilco x 24 S Russel l 25 A Solly 26 M Vasey 27 R Wilki e 28 M Thomas 29 J Coulloupa s 30 M Coleman 31 J Q ui ll 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishle y 35 A Baker 36 T McKinley 37 L Grange 38 A Wilson r 39 T Gray 40 C Brookes 41 R Crawford 42 S McConnel l 43 A Cameron 44 R Feathersto n 45 J Armstron g 46 M McKerro w 47 R McKerro w 48 T Morga n 49 L Chamberlai n 50 H Nailon 51 A Brown 52 A Terrill R Versteegen 54 C Beltrame 55 T Anderson 56 T Birks 57 T Irvine 58 A Larki n 59 L Fehring 60 A Suvulto s 61 B Coleman 62 L Barric k 63 R Kelliher 64 S Kas o 65 E Roydhous e 66 B Gate s 67 D McAloon 68 B Treloa r 69 A Cook 70 P Busse 71 T McGrath 72 S Lansdell 73 J Brooke 74 J Chivers 75 L Qui n 76 W Temple-Smit h 79 A Dunoan
The top 2 sides have snuck a . a, - on the rc : of the field and it may be difficult for the others to :,ake up the ground, but as I have said many times, anything can happen . Re-view The match of the day turned out to be a one-sided fizzer as the home side (De La Salle) outran their guests for the day in Old Haileybury by a sizable 53 pts . It was the 3rd qtr that did the damage, as DLS piled on 8 goals to 1 to stitch up the contest . Mannix and the youngsters in Harrison and SpithiIl were solid contributors for the winners, whilst George, Bvrns and Saunders toiled manfully for the losing side. The battle between the 2000 C Section grand finalists (Therry a ' was relatively close for the first half, but Therry ran away in the end for a comfortable win by 46 pts . 10 goals to 3 after 1/2 time proved to be the back-breaker for the visitors . Appleford, Seratore and Christofoll led the way for the home side, and the visitors were ell served by Holt, Catlin and Jury. Out at the logger's haven in Donvale, I v thought i was a case of how far, as they sailed to a 7 goal lead at 1/4 time agains t However, they underestimated the resolve of the locals, who fought back to level the scores in the last qtr, only to finally hang on by 18 pts . A Reidy 'hanger' was not enough to get the home side over the line. S. Low, S . Tully and Lillis performed well for the flag favourites, and were ably match by the home side's Carrigg (5 goals), Power and Hilton. At the Junction Oval, a game in the balance at 3/4 time turned into a rout, as NOBs turned a deficit of 9 pts at that change into a 35 pt victory against Old idelburni anc , 8 goals to 1 in the last qtr indicates that Frank performed some good old-fashioned magic, as the avalanche was too much for their opponents . Collison, Vogels and Skene were the consistent performers throughout the day for the white shorts brigade . Farquharson, Holme and Berry (again) played well for the hosts . At EP, Ormond outplugged Old Paradians in the end to score by 8 pts . There was never much in it an day with the biggest margin at any of the breaks being 9 pis at 1/2 time . This continues Ormond's amazing run against the OPs . S . Grace (5 goals) bounced back after a quiet one the week before, and was well supported by Wilson and Bailey . Best for the OPs were Hart, Sinclair and Heffernan . A
Very tough week for the punters, with a few games having the potential to go either way . The folk from C ,â&#x20AC;˘ (1/4) borrow tht noble smelly beasts that Burke &',Vills endured frc their southern neighbours, and trek north to 0 Park to tacl'e "° (11/4) . Wayne Harmes woz be well pleased with his charges' efforts last week, the win puts them in the hunt for the four . Mi. Dwyer might have seen his chance to finish top t fall away last week, but would be looking for a i rebounding effort today. I know the locals v despise yours truly now (and Mick Dwyer will se me Christmas Cards!!), but this has to be mv bol for the week. Yes, that's right, I'm tipping Therry ir monumental upset, as the home ground advante just simply 'does "' for me!! Therry by 2 pts .
In what could be described as a windfall for the companies, (1/2) get in their ch a ndheadwyurnsoutho urbeachs i . residents in (6/4) . Jim Durnan and I lads will be getting desperate for a win, as the field slipping away, and the fall to the lower grade becoming a real possibility. Greg Feutrill will also itching for a win, as with only 2 wins, they are in t same boat as today's opponent . I'll go on record saying that I don't believe that Whitefriars will avt relegation in 2001 . That being the case, they'll vi today by 31 pts . The 2000 A Section relegants of Old Ivanhoe (I and 0I(6/ 1) face the starter out Chelsworth Park. The gurus and their charges Pine Lodge are smoking the pipe at present, clea being the hottest of hot flag favourites with . Erwin Leyden wouldiperfomancstd wanting to bag some of today's opponen consistency, as it's been a topsy turvy last couple weeks . One simply cannot tip against the go things . 01 by 32 pts .
The punters from Ormond (6/4) pack their bags a head north west to Brunswick and face NOBs (1 General Frank marshalled his troops for a rousi final qtr last week, that would have made some the world's previous battles look like a tea party! I, Jackman, on the other hand, has been gen ireasonblyctpfrmIanesou charges of recent weeks, and would be confident victory today . In saying all this, I believe that t TLAC
-- I IQ Ch(1TRAl 1 C D w
v0 SIg riIl Id er
id in
home ground advantage will be enough for Frank to celebrate as they win by 10 pts . The final game for review takes place at the home of footy, EP, between Old Src (7/4) and Be La 5al1e (2/5). Matt Ryan will be turning over every stone this week to uncover the form that saw his team win 5 on the trot . including one over the flag favourites . Paul Cooper won't be resting easy this ;veek, as he knows that a loss today will undo the ,-ood win last week . Must go for the team in form here (DLS), but I'm one very nervous camper in saying that, as I can smell an upset . I'm too weak to tip it though . DLS by 9 pts . i,Iag€4flS Therry (4/ 1) vs Old Haileybury ( l/6) OH by 40 pts
]3eaumaris (2/i) vs Whitefriars (1/4) trilutefriars by 19 pts Old Ivanhoe (8/ 1) vs Old Melburnians (1 / 10) OM by 58 pi s NOBs (6/ 1) vs Ormond (1 /8) Ormond by 33 pi s Old Paradians (1/5) vs De La Salle (13/4) OP by 28 pt s
Old =__ yi . - congratulate on playing his 50th !~~e for the club against De L a
Salle last week . Son of former OHAFC great from the 60's Allan Ross, Angus has been a key member of the -enior side since coming to the club from Ballarat VSFL, but has had injury problems this year . He celebrated his 50th game with a best on ground performance in the reserve last week . Well done Gus from all at the Bloods . Also to popular reserve captain L :1 w "Ship" -. on playing his r ; -_ -~for the club in Round 9 against Beaumaris .
11 .7 19.1U 21 .13 (139) DE t.__ OLDh'-i4.1 7.3 8 .5 13.6(84) De La 6 a1 : Ih .:-13 Johns. ne 3 ENans 3 D H• .!ud 3 Mare; 2 Back I': Best: Maiudx Harrison Spithilt Hall Silvers N Harber. Old Note Lapp ige 2 Saunders 2 Bourke 2 Byrns 2 Home 2 Wa)den Graces A on . best : George Byrns As Hilton Armstrong Walden Saunders . : P. Simpson, J . Watson (F), D. fiapall (R), P. Curtis (G) 4.4 4 .8 9.10 14.14 (98) BEAU€SA7 > 2.3 3 .7 5.10 7.10 (52) lbsry P•c :">SoKay 4 Robinson 2 Boyle 2 C Banntser 2 Fltnllgan 2 Seratore O'Sullitian . Best: App!eford Seratore B Hollow Christafoll Boyle Petrevski. Beeumasis: Doctor 2 Holt Ferrari Lee .latulick Quin . Best: Holt Cattin Jury Ensor Lee Matutick.Umgires: G. Wardrop, C. Stewart (F), G . Robinson, R. Seymour (G) WHITEFRIARS 0.6 4 .8 7.13 11 .17 (83) OLD 3VAStHOE 8.1 9.5 9 .8 15 .11 (101) Whit ' : Carrigg 5 Reidy 2 Northey A Pawlik Jangebtoed Raver. Best : Carrig Poarr Hilton A Carbone R Pawlik A Pawlik . Old Ivanhoe: Tors•e;, 5 S Low 4 Spoor 2 J Weddle 2 Allender Harros. Best : Toovey S Tully S LowYoung R Weddle Lillis Umpires : R L me, L. Monczieff (F), R. Dunstan, A . Long (G) OLD PhF3.BUR1dIA1'dg 4.2 7.5 13 .8 14.10 (94) NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .2 8.4 12 .5 20.9 (129) Old 2Relbsa*,ans : Mulligan 5 McMullin 3 Kinsella 2 Robinson 2 Kennedy Thompson . Best: Farquharson Holme Berry Thompson Robinson Mulligan. North Old Boys: M Barker 6 J Barker 2 J Cassell 2 CoWson 2 Sutherland 2 VogeLs 2 Maptestone G Phytand Skene Spurting. Best: Cotiisort Vogels Skene M Barker Spurting Sutherland . Umpires : R. Eastwood, G. Cowan (F), C. Shipley, K Coughlan (G) ORAiOND 4.1 9.4 12 .9 16 .13 (109) OLD P IATvs 4.2 7.7 12.14 14 .17 (101) Ormond : S Grace 5 S James 4 D Beckett 3 A Grace 2 Remman L Wilson . Best: Wilson S Grace Miller Bailey McCoail] James . Old 2'aradiaas: Heffernan 3 Porteous 3 Sinclair 2 Farrell Murray Harford Collins Holmes O'Loughlin . Best: Hart Sinclair Digney Godfrey Heffernan O'Lougfilin .Umgires : M . Morrison, R Mayston (F), T. Dodds, N. Woods (B). S. Leahy, G. Napper (G ) OLD HAA.EiBURY 5.2 8.8 11.11 14.14 (98) DE LA SALLE 0.1 0.3 1 .9 3.7(25) Old Iln7eyinsians: Mason 5, SoaY-iia 4, Worries 3, P . Langford-Jones, C. t.axrnan . Best: Ross, C.14a.mian. Davey. Somata, Mason, F)oy l De La Salle: Hall 2, Williams. Best: Moore, Smith, Laragy, Shields, Hoy, Hesse THERTY FEMOL0. 6.3 15.7 21 .9 30 .13 (193) BEA . 8 0.0 3.0 4 .0 4.0 (24) Therry Peaflls: Evans, Taylor 5, Higgins, Henderson 4 . Russell. Grant 2, Clarke . O'Brien, Sacco, GFL-es_on . Candiloro. L Hollow. Weston, Swindon 1 . Best : M Caroni, Taylor. S Goodwin, Weston, Russell, S Sacco. Saaumasis: Goals : Brook. Cotter, O'Brien A. O'Brien M. Best O'Brien A Gibson. O'Brien M, Windham, Oat, Smith . 17Z-IIT~'r.11 2.1 5.2 8 .7 9.12 (66) OLD 1VANHOE 1.1 3.6 5 .8 7.10 (52) whit ' : B,O'Connor 3, T. Cartigg 2, Murray, Cahill, Fulton . D .F•unes. Best: T.Cari~, C .Earnes, D .Eames, Fulton, Johnson, Kelsey. 1 :1 Ivanhoe-- warrv, 2, Morris 2. Brandt, Lcxhran, Pratt . Best: Brandt, Price, Low, Tiernan, Lochran, Corage .
\ `,SE CLUB, LST SENIORS oovev Old Ivanhoe 5 38 iJarker North Old Boys 6 31 Lappage Old Haileybury 2 29 F?eidv Whitefriars 2 28 `utllerland North Old Boys 2 26. '.icliay Therry Penola 4 26 trrace Ormond 5 26 B RESERVES iou Old Haileybury 0 42 Be La Salle 2 2 9 ,,„xt Ormond 2 21 Ciavola Old Paradians 0 1 9 1 : nston Old Haileybury 0 19 Crmnelly North Old Boys 0 1 9 3 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2001
OLD P,iFd.BURR'TAIaB 2.0 4.2 5 .3 7.3(45) NORTH OLD BOYS 1.3 3.5 4 .6 5.8(38) Old M : Ray 2, Ambler, Barrett, Murphy. Thiele, Washington . Best: Waddell, Thomas, Tucker, Grant, Simpson, Useinov . North Old Boys : Bryer, Fitzdarence, Joyce, Sheehan . States. Best: Coonan, Bu0,er, Zacek. Carne_v, M.Dnun. Brookes. OR1.*dD 2 .2 5.4 9 .5 11.8(74) 2 : .. . : . JR.*c'lAIvs 4 .0 5.3 8 .5 9 .8(62) On G~ 7n 2, Stewart 2 . Metz 2, Diinadanxis, Whelan, Farrell, Moore, Courtni Best: Moore, Scanlon, Stewart. Courtney, Metz, Cleaiy. Old I fians: Burns 4, Jenkins 2. Gallaway, Cosg<iff. Palermo. Best Ball, Jealous, Harris, Burns, Cc~~~-1fT, Gtoury .
TC--1',--" 7 T/', 7(-:iES B Se ctic == Theny Penola v . Old Haileyburz> Beaumaris v. Vdhitefriars Old Ivanhoe v. Old Melburnian s North Old Bovs v. Ormon d Old Paradians v. De La Sa ll e at EP Sat=
B Section BEAUMARIS Coach: Jim Duma n Res Coach : Rod McNab 1 P. Brook 2 L . Gibson 3 J. Magee 4 A. Pratt 4 J . Black 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L. Buller 7 D . Foley 8 A . Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Nicholson (DVC) 10 A. O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D. Whitaker 14 T. Coliins 14 D . Dew 15 A . Edge 16 A . Quin 17 L . Atkins 17 S. Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A. Low 20 L. Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L. Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 22 B. Tadgell 23 A. Catlin 24 B.Gray 25 M . Smith 26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 S . Blackie 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulick 32 T. Arendarickas 33 G . Jury 34 S . Mitchell 35 N. Sector 36 R . Deaton 36 A . Blackie 37 D . Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N . Conlan 42 J. Gerrand 44 H . Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D. McGrath 47 D. Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas 49 J . Bryce
BE LA SALLE Coach : Paul Cooper Asst. : Paul O'Dwyer Res : Damian Carroll 1 L Walker 2 R Buckley 3 B Corin 4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Harber 7 P Harrison 7R B Baker 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland (VC) 16RD Jarvis 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 19RT Shields 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Harper 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 37RD Moore 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan
OLD BOYS Coach : Frank Dunnel l Res. Coach : Mark Robinson 1 . J . Cassell 2 . D . Keenan 3 . A .Trimboli 4 . S .Sleep 5. B.Devine 5. D .Skene 6. N .Vogels 7. P.Booth 8 . B .Collison 9 . H . Maplestone 10. M .Nulty 11 . R . Morley 12 . S .Lock 13 . THalpin 14 . D .Kingham 15 . C . Faraci 16 . D .Collins 17 . J . Fitzclarence 18 . C.Murray 19. P.O'Farrell 20. J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult 22. M .Connelly 23 . D . Coonan 24 . J. Barker 25 . G .Phyland 26 . P. Brooks 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . D .Joyce 29 . D. Visser 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32. M .Ph land y 33. M .Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M .Carney 36 . D .Tonkln 37 . S.Mikunda 38 . M .Amor 39 . C. Siotos 40 . C.Phyland 41 . N.Tonkin 42. A . Kennedy 43. D .Zacek 44 . M .Drum 45 . B.Speed 46 . P.Daniels 47 . J .Barlow 48 . N . Sanders 49 . TKlouse 50 . T.Drum 51 . N.Goonan 53. S . Butcher 54. M . Allouche 55. M .Yandell 56. D. Sheehan 57 . C. Hosking 58 . D . Ada 60 . R Thommasi 61 . F.Lynch 62 . A. MacDonald 66 . P. Brya r 77. S.Trenton
~ ~~ ~ '~
Coach : 69ick Dwyer Coach: Gerard Shell y Res. Coach: Andrew Elonwic k Asst . Coach: Paul Fahey Res. Coach : Noel Spoor 1 . C . Home 1 A.Oate s 2 . R . Kejna (DVC) 2 L.Lochra n 3 . M. Hoffman 3 C.Allender 4 . S. Langford-Jones 4 B .Davis 5. J . Bourke 5 TYoun g 6. A. White 6 D .Spiden 7. Adam Hilton (C) 7 E.McWilliam 8. R. George 8 T.Stevens (RC) 9. S . Rowlands 9 M.Karayanni s 10 M . Crowle y 10. C . Efstathiou 11 S .Tully 11 . M . Graves 12 C.Branigan 12 . P. Dimond 13 C.Barke r 13 . B. Harrop 14 K .Theodossi 14 . A. Forsyth 15 L .Bolzo n 15 . A. Saunders 16 M .Woods 16 . P. O'Donnell 17 A.Corcoran 17 . Ash Hilton 18 J.Hope (VC) 18. C. Jayaskera 1 9 D .Warry 19. M . Armstrong 20 D .Hawkes 20. J . Wright 21 R.Robert s 21 . A . Jenke 22 P.Donaldso n 22. D . Mason 23 A .Barez a 23. M. Seccull 24 G .Haros 24. A. Ross 2 5 A .Whit e 25. B. Johnston 26 P.Lillis 26 . J . Bell 27 J.Weddle 27 . R. Brandham 28 S.Morris 28 . S . Walden (VC) 29 R .Weddle (C ) 29 . B . Carson 30 A.Gilbert 30 . D. Warnes 31 LPerera 31 . D . Lay 32 A.Gooley 32. B . Mitchell 33 N. Prat t 33. P. Wright 34 A .Tiema n 34. P. Langford-Jones 35 L. Mclean 35. D . Lappage 36 M . Pollock 36. B. Lay 37 M .Berry 37 . G . Fletcher 38 Ga Georg e 38 . L. Floyd 39 Ge George 39 . D. Emerson 40 A. Giollo 40 . S . Davey 41 P.Malnoey 41 . S . Saunders 42 L.Courage 42 . A . McMahon 43 L.Hunte r 43. C . Pountney 44 A.Karafili 44. M. Wray (RVC) 45 M .Toovey 45. T. Hilton 46 M .Tolley 47 J .Wei r 46. A. Waxman 47. R . Mitchell 48 B .Kolias 49 J .Risstrom 48 . C. Moyle 50 S.Brandt 49 . G . Finlayson 51 B.Shadbolt 50 . R.Ladd 52 P.Armstrong 51 . P. Gebka 53 S.Price 52 . N . Biggs 54 B.Guidera 53 . L. Curtain 55 N.Mille r 54. S. Osborne 56 S .Asto n 55. L. Byrns 57 S . Ford 56. M. Anderson 58 G.Mclsaac 57. W. Mackenzie 59 B .Spoo r 58 . A. Floyd 60 D .Bernet 59 . M . Corderoy 60 . M . Somaia Sponsored by : 61 . P. van Wyc k W.G . Miles & Co Ply Ltd Spectrum Assuranc e Grou p Regency Pharmacy
Zitech Compute r aExt ~' a
Peripherals C% THF AMATFI IR Ff1r1TReI I PQ ant
Section OLD MELDURNIANS Coach : Erwin Leyden Res, Coach : Michael Lovejoy
OLD P Coach: Matt Ryan Res. Coach : Peter Slacik
Coach : Ian Jackman Res. Coach : Peter O'Dea
1 2 3 4
Petrevski M Finnigan M
Bennett Theodore (C)
1 P. Pratt 2 P. O'Loughlin
Treloar Bunn Holme Thompson Lovett Simpson
2 B O'Flaherty(Res) 3 D. Stevens 4 A Curran 5 M Harford 5 D Jenkins 6 B Lethborg 7 P. Cosgriff
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
8 A. Sinclair (DVC)
10 . D. Scanlon
11 P 12 A
Gallagher Hewe tt
8 D Furze 9 J . Collins
11 . D. Robbins 12 . B. Deledio
16 17 is
13 B 14 D 15 M 16 J 17 J
Thiele Kinsella Rose Tucker Miller
9 R Murphy 10 P. Brabender (VC) 10 S Ciavola 11 A. Burns 11 J Smith
19 20
Edwards P
12 J M Swindon
13 . B. Stone 14 . S. James 15 . S. Naughton 16 . T. Stewart (RC) 17 P Joyy 18 . W. Block
19. D . Cleary
w ;n g
1 M
2S 3A 4M 5 L 6D 7C 8M gR
10 T
18 T 20 J
13 B Galloway
1 . D. Mabbett 2. D. Becke tt
Coach : Wayne Hermes , Res. Coach : Brendan Smales
20. M. McConvill (C) 21 . L . Wilson 22. R . Block 23. T. Ashford 24. M. Abrahams 25. J. Dale 26. T. Harvey
14 B. Brabender
22 A
16 M. Godfrey
23 M 24 L 25 P 26 C
Berry Holcombe Thomas Kennedy
17 B. Hart 17 M Anderson 18 G . Porteous 18 S Fellowes
28 A 29 T
Washington Mulligan
19 John Swindon 20 M.Szewczuk
30 1 31 J 33 T 35 C
McMullin Sallabank Ambler Ray
20 P Harris 22 C . Watson 23 P. 'Walsh 24 D . Digney
36 J
24 T Lombardi
37 S
25 A . Heffernan (C)
38 T
26 M .B. Geary
40 Z 41 G 42 P 43 E 44 P 45 C 46 D 47 C 48 C
Useinov Wilhelm Theodore Farquharson Bartlett Murphy Neeson Banks Jenkins
27 K .Jenkins 28 J Connelly 29 M Lloyd 30 B Richardson 30 B Finlay 33 D Loney 34 B . Galloway
49 G
40 C. Seckold
50 J 51 B 52 B 53 P 54 S 55 J 56 A 57 J 58 T
Berry Righetti Campbell Beaumont Hecker Gooley Hunt Weir Burdeu
44 D McKay 46 P Zappa 47 N Ball 57 B. Dintinosante
60 B
63 N
64 C
21 L
35 S Simpson RC
39 D Loney
E . Fraser A . Grace B . Turner D. Whelan S . Keleher (DVC) M . Miller (DVC) S . Grace
27. T. Brennan 28. A . Moore 29. N . Courtney 30. N . Wells 31 . H . Black 32 . R . Presser 33 . M . Collins 34 . R . Remman (VC)
35 . G. Bailey 36 . J . Monaghan 37 . A . Guzzo 38 . S . Herrmann 39 . M . Ferrari 40 . S . Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42 . C Keleher `~ â&#x20AC;˘ L. Smith
44 . M . Mabbett
45 . J . Bridges 46 . C. Cleary 47 . T. Costello-Manning 48 . L. Murphy 49 . S. Metz 50. M. Heffernan 51 . A. Russell 52. G . Hal l 53. G . Hammond 54. M. Wilson 55. J. Putz 56. M . Farrell
57. M . Broadhurst 58. B . Smith 59. P. Kostanty
60. G. Ritchie tc`,tC~,r~C CtL/tliLl V 1 J
H' R~~'~~ ~~0 V,
9670 0001
61 . K . Anderson 62. D . Casey 63. A . Kurzel 64. A . Strauch 65. L. Russell
Bannister R (VC) Elliot M
5 j 8 9
Sacco S ga
11 12
Moran R
estr S
Hollow L
10 13 14 15
22 23
Bannister C
Vaina J O'Sullivan D(VC) Thrush J Mftcheii D McMahon A
Goodwin M
Hokistock G Carter B Grant A Clarke J Henderson G Gri gs S(C-Res) 0'Sphea A Evans R
26 Carbis G
WR9TEFR6ARS Coach: Greg Feutrill Res Coach: Andy Dalrymple 1 C
3M 3D
Carbon e Fedele
5 B
Phan (Vc)
6M 7 D 8G 9 C 10 A
Robinso n Brice Clifford Maguire Pawli k
11 R
Reidy (Vc )
12 R 12 J
Pawli k Treyvaud
13 14 14 15 16
Hilton Carrig9 9g Duffy Campbel l Powe r
17 A
Carbone (C)
18 C
31 32
Hollow S Sacco J
21 K
Fulto n Jongebloe d Kennedy
21 B
Winc h
34 ~ 37
Mcwhinney M
22 T 24 R 25 M
Langford Mik a Verna l
26 C 27 L 27 B
Ryan Swai n Sinclai r
28 C 29 A 30 M 33 D 35 C
Eame s Glenn Power Rei d Gloufchev Law
35 D
36 D 38 C 39 M 40 M 41 C 42 M 43 N 44 B 46 G
D' souse Carrig g Vandenboom Cahil l O'conno r Northey Elliott O'conno r Johnso n
47 B
53 M 55 B 56 R 59 B 63 S 65 D
Winterburn Kelsey Murray Ward Clifford Eames
30 Tadinac M
33 LaFontaine N ~r on o Castaidi D
39 ~~S ~M 40 (;a~oni P ) 4 1 Crotty M 42 Gauci M 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Warren M
oes~,taa9tD NC-Res)
Appteford P Carter M Stepien S
Goodvnn D
McAuiiffe A Whykes B
Mill s A
Carrdiioro 0
54 55
S Christofoli M Caroni PM (DVC-Res)
57 58 60
Weston S G riffiths K w ma rd ps 0
62 63
Caccamo D Lewis B
Van Engelen J
65 68 71
Sujoh~S p Swinden A Lyons e
72 73
Joh nson S O'Brien J
74 75 76 77 79 87
Lees S Keenan R Lees C Forbes D Higgins G Stella S Jones P
89 93
Christie A Smith J
94 g5 96 99 too t0a
19 M
34 D
Cuiph S
Hill M Redden S
La Corcia M Loiudice J Biddlestone G
106 Murphy P
108 Thomas 0 ", 1 19 Ratc
i Kuret L A
66. C. Everett
129 Bode" D 132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 135 O'Hallaron S 139 Fenn A
67. R. Martin 68. S . Haines 69. N. Tassell
(Z) Tin- Ch-et ~Rg
156 Byrnes T
Memorial Park C emetary a nd Crematoriu m
9739 6244 The Rose Hote l Napier Street Fitzroy
A couple of mammoth scores kicked by the Rovers and the Tigers highlight the round just completed, with the defeat of Glen Eira again opening up the door for the Tigers to perhaps sneak in . And what a game the clash between heavyweights Old Essendon and Hampton Rovers promises to be this week . REVIEW St B edes Mentone were pretty relentless in their performance, kicking the first 6 goals of the game and never looking back, they were hard at the ball all day and with their confidence up they never stopped running, with everybody playing a part in their win and the better players were Luke Wintle, Matt McCraw, Nick Owen and Andrew Scalfidi . Bulleen -Templestowe as usual kept trying but could make no inroads . Their best were Hare, O'Donnell and Smith . It was a tough hard struggle at Mackie Road with neither side giving an inch . Absolutely nothing in the game for most of the day with the Sainters still a chance well into the last quarter but they just could not put the Lions away with a few lost opportunities and a couple of turnovers just foiling their chances . But they know they are not far away from the top echelon . Better players for Glen Eira were Grey, Massis, Tkoczy, Doc Neeson and Matty Ryan . Would like to mention some better Collegians players but I can't . It was a pretty even first quarter at Toorak Park with both sides testing each other out, but then Caulfield came out with all guns blazing in the second quarter to blow Prahran out of the ball park to boot 9 goals and have a match winning break at the long interval . The last half was fairlv even with both sides playing pretty well but the Fields just the steadier and thus keeping their finals aspirations alive . Dave "the General" Rosman was strong all day for the Fields along with Nick Tassel] and Glen Harrison . For the Two Blues Wes Pye, Andre Pitts and Danny Ballard were all pretty good players .
Pretty even contest up to half time with the injury depleted Jackas really taking the game up to the competition leaders to have a small lead at half team . But then as all good sides do the Essendor _ lifted their work rate to completely dominate the second half to the tune of 11 goals to three to record another good victory . But the Ajax hierarchy believe if they continue this form` a win is not far away . 10
McPherson was in control everywhere, Wollington got plenty of the ball, Flaherty an d Heritage were strong up forward for the vict< while the best for Ajax were Andrew Freund u 5, Brett Duzenman, Jason Feldman and I Dudakov .
For Old Meafo s the best they can do i ; forget that last week ever happened as at ho the Hampton Rovers side just had a day out they geared up for their big clash with the O ; this week . It was just one of those days wh everything went right for the Rovers with tr work ethic and enforcement of their team pla ; major bonus for the coaching panel . Ad ; Power certainly had an impact on the game w 11 goals by early in the third term and he v well supported and fed by Doc Anderson and I Holt Brothers . For the vanquished Niatty Aus battled tirelessly throughout, with Dart, Cost( and Flaskis also chipping in .
PREVIEW travel across town to the Harry Trot t tackle a Collegians side now back in pretty go form and with a chance today to gain important 4 points on one of the other two. T Two Blues will try as they always do and will in it for a while but the Lions have too much stake and will take the points . Sorry Timmy . Caulfield Grammar back with a sniff of sor final's action welcome Ajax to their playing fie' The Jackas are getting better and will welcor the return of some injured players and will ta the game right up to their more fanci opposition but the Fields height and pa advantage over the Jackas will prove to be t key factor in the end . It's Caulfield for me . Old Menton s well what can I say let's p last week down to an aberration and start agal as they welcome old rivals and neighbours ; Bedes Mentone Tigers in another local derb The Tigers will be full of confidence after the performance and will be keen to keep tl pressure on Glen Eira by taking another points and I have no doubt they will as I car see the Panthers coming back to form th quickly. Bulleen-Templestowe have given G len Elra son trouble in the past and will definitely be suite
to as
_'s °re eir l a
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by the smaller Mackie Road ground . But ,~ci>ough losers last week the Sainters still played pretty well and were not that far away. rm positive that Paul Beddoe and the boys will not be giving any favors today and will take the 4 points keeping their rivals at bay for another week . And so to the clash of the season at Teac Park as old Essendon welcome Hampton Rov ers . It is great to see this clash occur with both sides at the top of their form . Rovers just wore the OE'S down at home in round i and will be pretty keen to repeat that performance . Both sides have terrific players all over the ground and the return of Power has certainly added another string to the Rovers bow . You must play man on man all day to beat the OE'S and if the Rovers can do this they will win . I'm in a quandary not sure which way to go respect them both immensely so will stick to the old home ground adage and go with Old Essendon . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S This week's Black List; Collegians only. It's great to have all your support makes this so easy to write . Don't forget the numbers 9-553 1561 home phone or fax, 0400 991 995 is the mobile or drop me an email to bPaineo Ca apCusnet .coan ._~ u
5.1 8 .6 5.6 ' 11 .7 C ~- . :cG : .-~4Gilr,-,- 34amvakas 2h5D3zn_' Bct:R n Grey t'a4sLs Tkaz Neeson Grnan. Cl Pi a ite 2 Krotlrts 2 H • Unsv.wth Beatles ' Heu let)2ry HatiShce-r e. 1 ArkCa„apan Pia.catte PluLys Bali , P. Walls . D. Mad (G ) CAitl7 !D 3 .5 12.9 15.1 1 10 2 .5 3.5 7.9 Hag 4 Gtnett 3 Rom= 3 Tasselt 2 N .(xatien 2 Pearce 2 Hare rn r Rnu'xrk Bi~t Harrison Tassell 1Y1 ! Knot Rm= Gu}ett c A4artott 3 Qufck Gallagher Pang B rd Eastlikra A .P9tts St Cl . 1 .". Y- nanr, A " Tasefl'Nminan Bunnett Ba7 i. T3 .2 (: ) ' 3.1 A. . rreind 5 Sheezel Kai) Bo-ac t Duzenmen, Krongold Dndakkrnr IinlpYaes> . °. Luttesclunidt 3 Evans 2 D.flaYxriy 2 Heitag~2 Wolltn: 12 " , Odiatn Best McPtasm tbllngton Evans D.Flah v Umphm- Cl Stevens (S). D. Petris (F) . N. Hltchen. J .1{r2kv,kt (Bi . P. P. 31a Idocks (G) Rff- 3 6.4 17.6 26B IVATM 4.7 5 .7 OLD MENK (K10 Hmnpton& : Pmvt 11 B. Holt 4 L. Ho1t 3llilcirott 3 D. A - 1 .. 2 Nata12 ,1 m 12 S. ArAermt Bad Dunb2 ll IauTenc Natal S . Ar xe i B. Holt L Hdtwax3s ?zm)Z,,'ione ttartvn.a r1cranan 3 Carter Costello Dart Ferguson is Au , F1, nbPiuhn. Unipirm P.1G;t}>ftigton . S .. . . . 10.6 19.9 25.15 sI C an 5.0 8.0 ~: ivmtle L 8 & .e U 5 tVinterton 4 kintr11 ` 2 Drury T . i, -Ov,en Bea :ky. Best lbia ivilttt'f'4.54l u
2 Homath Best. Smith S. OTmrA -e h'€attlaus Tulloci Bu A Stubbs, N1. Taylor (F)
L_ Old Iv_entoni as - congratulate 21ic? : :.:nfor; who today plays his 100th v_ inc for the Club . Since joining the Panthers Nick has been an
excellent reserves player and more recently has found a much-deserved and well earned spot in the senior side . Congratulations from all at the Club go to a fine player and Clubman . Well Done Nick!! GTJe would also like to congratulate Corey Mflckay who notches up his 50th game this week.
42 5.7 9.9 3.0 3.0 4.0 .R}aat 2, Dahvvod. Restarkk. S .CA gstson 9 ?t4arg,~,~n• Cassidy, Farmer, Rvari, Bawes• Mmr1L kallmcs . ITilac . BuYuser. Best: Hari*. biaskeen. H'Pa . Rd ms 0.1 1.3 5.7 AJ --L 53 6 .6 7.10 DID ESSENDOIN • Rosen 2 .D .Rubenstein. Skdnik. Levin Best Er" ! R( n . Lm tut,Katc¢.o§3 m •Grigg5 .Barr3. Rid.'°y. Dr o. F^^nL Cavxv4>, Dart. G, Jg Barr 4.6 9 .8 12.9 1 .3 4.3 5. 6 r-• Kelly 3, Crmler 3, Duddy 2, kVoDkrlrh 2, T. P,. Lan~ Midwinter, Wheeler. Best: I ,' D.Ar rsan . Lat>agat. Oid - • Aim-'s 2 , . Rest- C . D. Akmndcr. Rlava, r-
4.6 10.10 13 .13 1 .1 3.2 5 .3 3. Bignen 3. Rhoden 3, Tmilinson 2, Or, :. waters. h4eCon, Chaplin. Rest: 7ahra Res i ) Hecka. Beasay. -.ui. 1t'aL:h. Bulleen Temp _ . .c-_ Parris. Sir , Collins, Cattkm : ' .: Best Lea . StoIt.Tcckl . Ti :3nissen FIcn :- :-_> 1
Ce le
SENIORS liir>ga•ell St Bedes 4 48 Hakim Old Essendon 0 38 :Rcreman Old Mentonians 4 37 Gilmore Glen Eira 3 30 I urnon Old Mentonians 0 2 8 C RESERVE Collegians 7 40 Hampton Rovers 0 33 Prahran 1 26 Old Essendon 5 20 Old Mentonians 0 13 Old Essendon 0 13 Caulfield 1 13
C : !C- :( Collegians v . Praliran Amate Caulfield Or. v. AJAX Old Essendon v . Hampton Rov -s Old Mentonians v . St . Bedes Mentor , T Glen Etta v . Bulleen-Templestowe at Reserve, East Bentleigh
CA[! Coach : Mark Sarau Res Coach: David Marks
1 N Gold (C) 2 J Ritterman 3 B Davis (DVC)
Coach: Dean :hews Res Coach : John Stanton 1 J Prio r 2 G Alexander
Coach: Dean Anderson Res Coch:Komet D hs I D. Rosman 2 B . Hal l 2 A. Carver
3 S Young 4 W Thompson (DVC) 6 P Graham
3 C. Knight 3 S . Stevenson 4 M . Liddell
7 M Konsk
7 P Robertson (VC) 8 N Bone 9 Ch Parris
5 S . Kendall ° 5 . M . Pennycuick 6 M . Harrison
10 G Dukes
11 G Chivers
6 N . Craven
12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch
7 J. Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh
14 A Panou
9 W. Bowes
15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews ( C) 25 T Matthews 26 S Boyd 27 J Hestia 28 P Wolnizer 29 P Bone 30 Darren Williams 31 A Shine R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare
10 A. Will (VC) G 11 C . Dea l 12 D . Pearce 12 S. Fryers 13 J. Morvell 14 M . Green 15 A.Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B . Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier (C) 22 T. Foster 22 M . Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 N . Guyett 25 G . Evans 26 S. Williams
4 M Dudakov C N ) 5 M Rajch 6 D Kalb y old 9 A Rosen 11 M Weisler 12 J Basist 13 A Freund
14 Y Rapaport
Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach: Gary Irvine
Cc,.h : uI E Res Cr ;h: Pro Jones
1 J .Dixon
I M. Ryan 2 N . Asta enko 3 C . Massis
2 3 4 5
M . Johnson B.MooneyY D. Atkinson R. Henebery DVC ( )
5 D. Greeves (RC) 6 P.Davis 7 J .Farle 8 C. Unsworth O C
9 J . Fry 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N N . Harrison (DVC)
13 THartshome
27 R . Keown 27 J.Ryan 28 J. J cobs 29 W . Brockett 30 D. Peterson 31 S. Craven 32 M . Cutler 33 C. McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphorn 37 M . Gurpinar 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R . O'Neill 41 C. Nairn
14 R .Schober 15 L .Cottom 16 A.Fletcher 17 R. Hosking (VC) 18 T.Krotiris 19 M . Davis 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C.Pollock 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S . Woolley 28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneallyy 30 L. Moon 31 J . Rose 32 D . Thompson 33 M. Maxwell 34 A.Smith 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M. Opie 38 T. Marxs 39 N. Hart 40 A. Wiseman 41 N. Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis ( DVC ) 43 M . 44 A. Tarode 45 N. Lynch 46 D. Cooks 47 B .Lumb 48 E . Waters 28 B . Horshall 49 J . Waters
51 J Jolson 52 M Segal
42 D . Synman (DVC) 43 J . Smith
50 B . Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnelly
53 A Halphen 54 G Herzberg 55 A Lewin 56 P Nephtali 57 D Rubenstein 60 J Weinberg
44 N . Coutts 45 D . Scott 46 R . Foote 47 L . Salem 48 S. Varthalis 49 J . Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 51 D . Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krie n 54 P. Faure 56 B . O'Callaghan 57 P. Farmer
52 KJones 53 B. Grant 54 J. Haversberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L .Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D. Smith 59 R. Sztar 60 D. Dowling 61 D. Gambaro 62 S . Muir 64 M . Gribble
15 J Segal (VG) 16 M Se al DVC g( ) 17 A Cukierman 18 J Dukes 19 M Hal Phen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Bock 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28 P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 A Lefkovic 31 M Barnett 32 D Janover 33 S Boon 34 D Ones 35 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein 39 B Klein 40 M Borenstein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein 43 M Measey 44 A Lust 45 0 Flamm 46 T Weisman 47 S Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockman
Birner Morle y
37 L Thompson 40 S Meadows 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 54 5 Dowlan 60 D Horvathl
60 P. Senior
Krongold Constructions AntlerLuggage
26 S. Widjaja
?.1~.fTIIIPI't ;tii• ~ ~,ia+,.aa,o$r « ewk<o 9846 8808 M
62 B .Goddard
69 K . McDonald 71 M . Cassidy
so .m Mei b.-
4 D . Cassar 5 A. Tsi rogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 S . Vamvakis 8 P• Tsaglioti s 9 G . Hayes Dewar 10 G. Richard s g 12 B . Kin 13 G. Brown 14 M . Weil9 osz 15 F. Buckleyy 16 S. Limn o y 17 A. Russo 18 M. Dimachki 19 J. Thrusfeld 20 A. Diamon d 21 P. Jones 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 B. Mascal i 25 P. Khazaal 26 C. Grey 27 R. Gilmore 28 P. Commerfor d 29 A . Mill s 30 L. Pryd e 31 T. Amberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheed y 34 R . Oldham 35 J . Commerfor d 36 P. Slifka 37 M. PinN er 38 M. Lewi 9 39 G . Ega n 40 K. Dimackh i 41 H . Walls 43 D. Psalia 44 S. Diamon d 45 A. Caruan a 46 M . Baraket 47 T Evan s 48 J . Haliwell 49 M . Bento n 50 P. Waked 52 A . Haines 53 S . Rees
54 M . Migliorin i 55 L. McGraw 56 H . Reddy 57 S . Hal l 59 B. Stewart 60 S. Jankovi c 61 M-rkocz 63 D . Dunlevi e 65 M. Dimou
Dandenong Valle y P hysiot he mpy 9794 426 6
APM Gg o tlg Building 5 Constructio n 9419 7707
UTEe_ : ; coach : Norm uoss p Coach: Tony I I 1 A. Brudar 2 M . McKellar 3 D. Busby 4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Marlyn 6 A. Natol i
7 A. Duddy
8 Drew Anderson
g B . Boyd
Coach : Chris Bye Res Coach : Steve Lynn 3 P Lutterschmidt 4 D Ryan 5 M Oxnam
6 C Ridley
7 J Leask 8 J Heritage 9 J Goodge r 10 S Bryan t 11 B Papal 12 L Fleming
13 C Obliubek
10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglione 12 R . Dunball 13 G. Woods 14 N . Borradale 15 A . Browne 16 D . Marshall 17 D . Artz (VC) 18 B. Healy 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 G . Carr
22 P. Buckley 23 S. Helliger 24 C . Scarlett 25 M . Davey 26 S. Wills 27 M . Nitschke 28 H. LeGrand 29 M . Fletcher 30 G . Shenfield 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 Daniel Andersen 35 R. Bulmer 36 M . Pearson 37 L. Holt 38 J . Humphries 39 C. McGregor 40 K . Chaston 41 G. Kelly 42 M. Lanagan 43 M. Flahive 44 B. Johnstone 45 K. Singaran 46 L. Woolrich 47 L. Wheeler 48 T. Wilmott
14 S Evan s 15 T DeBlasi 16 S McPherson 17 P Hexter 18 J Walker 19 E Healey 20 D Hunter 21 S Dale 22 J Rush 23 J Hughes 24 J Dazkiw 25 B Turner 26 S Fleming 27 D Barr 28 C Morgan
29 S Uebergang
30 S Cetin 31 T Williams 32 J Mansfiel d 33 A Dawson 34 D Pod er 35 L Kavanagh 36 S Dart 37 M Jinks 38 S Whitfield 39 M Burns 40 M Turner 41 B Newbold 42 M Beard 43 J Carter 44 T Cipolloni 45 P Barry 46 C Clues 47 D Hexter 48 C Davies 49 A Hutchinson 50 T Grigg 51 P Hammon 52 S Howard 53 L Had 54 S Cra m er 55 A Leas k 56 W Conlan 57 G Steven 58 T Doubleday 59 J Duggan 60 R Capidoferro 61 C Hammon
50 T. Prantzos 51 J. Midwinter 52 T. Wilson 5 .,' J . Ng 54 P. Gardiner 55 J . Prantzos 56 A . Crowther 57 M . Pucella 58 M . Vaughan 59 T.Woodruif 60 L. Reeves 61 P. Edwards 62 C . Marinis
63 D Greasley 64 J Murrayy 65 C McCormack 66 A McGowan 67 R Wright 69 G Collins 70 S Muir 71 S Emerson 72 G Walsh L Bertram S Bruqaletta J Burk e M Day K DePasquale M Dragojlo S Grigg T Mansfiel d C Mitas INIE1n0 LL Fly LTD. C Mrnjavac S Roger Ph: ! € : t Ropers s e O B IN0~~ ~fl~ E Savage Ph:97824380 M Tasson e M Tille y 7HEOPtRIISEGROUP PIY.LTD. P Treagus Ph: 9597 0166 A Venuccio
S Whitfield
A Wuchatsch
Coach: Sven Samild Res Coach : Jamie Winduss 1 A Acreman 2 C Twentyman 3 B Murphy (VC) 4 D Carrot 5 C Mackay 6 C Alexander 7 G Ferguson
Coach : Tony Free Res Coach : John Ross 1 . D. GALLAGHER 2. A . BEATTIE 3. J . LANE 4. P. QUICK 5. H . PITTS 6. D . PERKINS
8 R Newton
7 . S. PANG
9 S . Kervin
8 . I . HUNT
10 B Kuramoto
11 D Salley 12 C Dwyer 13 R Ball 14 K Campbell 15 J Costello 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 N Unford 18 T Bournon 19 A Palmer (VC) 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drinan 22 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J Winduss 25 W Ballantine 25 T Fava 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carte r 30 J Vick 31 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrell 34 P Flaskis 35 T MacNish 36 D Alexander 37 M Francis 38 B Sherrill 39 T Riley 40 M Manniz 41 S Cozens 42 S Bainbridge 43 M Lawes 44 L Sumer 45 M Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 A O'Reilly R Har er 57 P Watson 58 K Widelski 59 M McCloskey 60 G . Sherlock 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones O RC 64 M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Mackay 67 A Paterno 68 L Rule 69 J Rule 70 S Grzebieta 71 M Watts 72 R Crowe 73 P Flavel thin Warsttt ® via I services - ~t-.,-ia . 7 Etagms
Is, tat®riers
9, A. BUNNETT 10. B. HODGSON 11 . A. PITTS 12 . M. BEER 13 . B. MCCLINTOCK 14 . M. EASTHAM 15 . I . DENNIS 16 . A. RHODES 17 . G . ELVIN 19 . S. CAMPBELL 20 . J . KELLOW 21 . G . PALEODIMOS 22 . N. ROBERTS 23 . B. KAIROUZ 24 . T. FRASER 25. T. FREE 26. T. STCLAIR 27. W. PYE 28. R. TRAEGER 29. W. TASEFF 30. M . SCICLUNA 31 . T. DUKIC 32. D. BALLARD 33. P. HERRIDGE 34. L. NORMAN 35. B . GELLIE 36. J . KILLEEN 37. E . WILDE 38. M. WINDRIDGE 39. A . GRAY 40 . T. MCADIE 41 . J. UPTON 42 . K. WALFORD 44 . C . HENSHALL 45 . M. VAGG 46 . M. VEAR 47 . P. BUHNER 48 . D . FOSSEY 49 . L. WOOD 50 . N . GILL 54 . J . SCANLON 55 . L. AITKEN 56 . A. CORBOY 57 . P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62 . S . RICE 63. R. MARRIOTT 64. J . BELCHER 65. D . HANLON 66. S . MASKIELL 67. M . ERDIM 68. G. AMY 69. M . WARLAND
KEA Australia Swan Hotel Richmon d Tasman Liquor Orrong Hotel Colin Taranto Removals
Coach: Russell Ba r Res Coach : Wayne Moss
1 P Wintle 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier
6 A Ryan 7 N Owe n
8 J Cunningha m 9 G Marini c 10 M Wintl e 12 J Kan e 13 D Goodchil d 14 A Connolly 15 T McColl 16 A Hipwel l 17 M Sellings 18 L Porte r 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DV C 21 P Fedderson
22 D Poynton 24 T Beasley 25 D Samya 26 M Hecke r 27 S Kingwel l 28 S Bocza r 29 T Marshal l 30 D Falkingha m 31 C Barnes 32 J Dickinso n 34 C Meye r 35 B Bilos 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M George 40 B Beasley 41 R Bignell 42 p~rtirinierto n 43 M Rhoden 44 J RecuPero 45 R Goul d 46 G Gomez 47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Walsh 50 S Kidd 51 S Meye r 52 B Sessler 53 M Uberti 54 M McCra w 55 D Sticklan d 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zaki c 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Water s 63 C Petratos 65 T Lamb 66 R Parson s 69 J Tomlinso n 73 M Pisasale 75 N O'Conno r 78 D Mos s 79 P Russo
^ts '_t~. . ,` ®tuuzwtQ".1i1q
ilnr CIaren(:ion " Albert Streets East Melbourne (,1°?'vecy Refer nee 2G .Z)2)
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HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 9am-1 pm Saturdays . 3-6pm Sat ./Sun
D1 SECTION by Barry Hickey CYAN PRES S Looks like we are going to see 'upsets' in most rounds from now on . Hard to see the current top three losing too many games in the run home though ; different story elsewhere, the fight for Fourth, and against relegation will be brutal . Aquinas turned the tables on St Leo's with an emphatic victory, which positions the Bloods only 4 points outside the Four. The Bloods achieved a big 2nd half turn round to take out a top win . Al Bethune again provided terrific drive from the ruck for the Bloods, John Jess was a dynamic defender, and Chris Banbury was a fine target up the sharp end . For the Animals, Anthony McKenzie, Andrew Burgess, Brendan Vaughan, and Paul McGloin were all prominent . Old Geelong was discombobulated by Monash Blues in another illustration of Di topsy-turvyness, knock off the leader one week, and lose to a cellar dweller next . Even worse, OGS were 8 goals up 1/2 way into the 2nd term, then WHAMPO, the Ashers struck back with an 11 goal 3rd Qtr! Liam Holloway marked everything remotely close to him for the Blues at CHF, Mark Bolton was in everything as a RR, Christian Gregory continued his good form, and Chopper Newman did well up forward. OGS had good games from Whitehead at FF, Jaegietis in defence, plus Malpas, and Redin. Yarra Valley found Banyule too accomplished as the Bears powered on to another win . The Bears flankers, Troy Chapman & Nick Taylor again starred, with top efforts also from Shane Cantwell and, of course, BIG Dave . The Bushrangers had valiant efforts from Dave Stevenson FB, Michael Wines across HB, and Phil Valoppi was tirelessly courageous on the ball . Old Camberwe ll went down in a thriller to Ivanhoe Assumption, with the lead changing throughout the match as each side took it in turns to dominate ball possession . I'm receiving many comments about the high standard of footy in D I this year, and this game helped prove the point . Shane Sampson, Tom Healy, Steve Saunders, and Leighton Pearce managed to stand out in a good team effort . The Wells had great games from Ben Howard at FF, Nathan Lippiat in the ruck, and Matt Hansen in defence .
Old Carey surprised University Blacks with their pace in the lst term, responded well when the Blacks looked threatening in the 3rd and stayed focussed for the entire game . Both sides welcomed the fine conditions and played some top football . The Panthers were a great unit all round, but special mentions go to on ball duo Rack & Mal Heppell who gave almost flawless displays, very well supported by 1R
Cam Campbell, Munter Unkles in the ruck, Jonny Mai in defence, and Ca l Phillips both ends o f the field. Blacks had a super games from FB, Richaj McArthur, Peter Caccaviella RR, Will Martin on h wing, with Franklin & Chatfield also prominent. D OC Coach Chris Hickey's Prayer Meeting at it Manningiam Club after Tuesday training turn tt tide??!!! !
TODAY'S GAMES St Leos versus Old Geelong will be a ripper. Bot sides have compelling reasons to win, and DMiler&JonEdgarwilhavethirchages riou s geed up for the occasion . Round 2 saw an easy aw, win to the Animals, but OGS, as the only side to be, Banyule to date, will be a different proposition tod aOntopfhaSLeosvnwlostheirafot games, which would have severely dented the confidence . OGS to win by a few points . Monash Blues against Yarra Va lley at the Frearson another encounter fraught with tension . The Blue appear to have turned the corner, and with Liar Holloway & Christian Gregory in good form will be problem for all sides . The Ashers have too muc height for the speedy Bushrangers, who will contest t the bitter end, but not enough to prevent a 2-3 ga loss. Banyule & Old Camberwell clash in the match of th day, and the Bears appear to have recovered the . composure . The Wells are one of the few sides t challenge the Bears in the height and weigt categories, but the Bears are probably faster over th ground . As always the Wells big task will be to cur the influence BIG Dave has on the game ; if they ca cut off the stream of possessions he directs to hi running players week in week out, the visitors are i with a chance. I think Banyule are too well balance though and should win by 2-3 goals . Ivanhoe Assumption host Old Carey and if th Panthers play with the same focus they displayed Ia : week, they will give the No .2 side a run for thei money. To win at Ivanhoe Park is never easy fc visitors, and the Hoes have done very little wrong a year. The Panthers pace will give them an edg though, possibly outweighing the Hoes' physiu strength. The punters would have the Hoes as a shoc priced favourite, even so, I'll go for an upset, and narrow win to the Panthers . University . Blacks take on Aquinas in a critic< match for both Clubs. Having seen both of them i
the past two weeks I have to say that the Bloods were the more impressive against the C's. And what is very important, the Bloods are in winning mode . However, glaeks would have been disappointed with their game ,,,,ainst the C's last week, and they won: t be out paced to the same extent today . But Aquinas sides do the 1%-ers so well it is very hard to see them losing. However, in keeping with a promise made to one of my favourite former Old Carey players, Andrew Costello, I71 go for the Blacks to win by 2 goals ! Reserves winners should be : St Leos, Monash Blues, Old Camberwell, Ivanhoe Assumption, and Univ.Blacks. Correspondents : the contacts are : 9818 1425 Ph + Fax; bfliickey@telstra .easymail .com .au . Deadline is 12 :00Noon Mondays, with sometime Sunday nreferred .
Old Casey --, clvin 'Shrug_,!r' Shrdvcu runs onto the ground wearing the Black, Gold, and Blue for the 20ptb time today . For most of those games, Shrugger has been a fierce, straight running, uncompromising defender, but never ceased trying to convince his coaches that he'd be seen to better advantage as a forward, and he frequently was . A dedicated supporter of all Social occasions, Kel has persisted in spite of some horrendous injuries, and today's achievement is truly meritorious . Congratulations Kel, you are a legend! Also Old Carey's tall, elegant all rounder, Jonny Mal, plays his 50th game against the Hoes today . Jonny's pace, high leaping, and long kicking have seen him play in most parts of the ground, and he is a key member of the group to take the Club into the future . Well done Jonny Mai !
Old Camberwell - congratulations to John Webb who plays his 50th Game for the club today . A member of the 1999 Under 19 Premiership Team, Webby is a hard & tough on baller, who gives his all every week.
CLUB LST WK TOTAL SENIORS S . McCann St Leos 0 37 Cultera Aquinas 2 31 Egan Banyule 4 29 B. Vaughn St Leos 3 28 Flynn Ivanhoe 1 25 D1 RESERVE
Saffar Old Camberwell 0 28 Burbank Old Geelong 2 21 Pearce Ivanhoe 2 21 McKean St Leos 0 20 Keyhoe Yarra Valley 1 20
2s .14 (152) 4 .4 8.9 12.12 A91FL :?S 2 .0 ' 4.3 10.5 14.5 (89) 81: L'-~36 : Bamburv 6 Jess 3 Whitehead 3 Flynn 3 Cuitrera 2 Collh•er 2 P.~uinas Bethune R . Moran Minogue Wooden . Best: Bethune Jess Denbraber Bambury Williams Flynn. 8t Leos: McKenzie 5 Vaughan 3 McKean 2 Price Manton Dinicolasitonio R. McGloin . Best: McKenzie J . Hodder Burgess Wood : A. Chapman, C. Garcia (F) Bruce Balky. Um 3.4 10 .4 11.6 13.11 (89) OLD GEELONG 2.2 5 .5 16.8 18.12 (120) MONASH BLUES Old Geelong: Whitehead 6 Stevens 3 Salter 2 Redin I Malpas 1 . Best: Whitehead Malpas JaegietLs Rodin J .Paul Seymour. Monash Blues: Gregory 4 Newman 4 Hawkins 2 Holloway 2 Tatterson 2 Deyoung Herrman Main Smythe. Best: Holloway Bolton Grea ry Tatterson Hawkins Newman . Umpires : N. Evans. K. McNlece (F)
YARRA VALLEY 1 .2 5.5 6 .6 8 .10 (58) 7.4 10.6 21 .10 24 .15 (159) BANYULE Yana Valley. Keem 2 Laing 2 Busch P Cremean S Pask Taylor . Best: Stevenson ValoplN Peake Wines Laing Thompson . Banyule : J Egan 4 T Egan 3 Playfair 3 O'Connell 3 W9tchell 3 Turnbull 2 Williams Natoli McDermott Chapman Wlllmore Plant . Best : Chapman Taylor Cantwell Williams : A. Ladd, D. Irons (F ) Willmore Plant Um 5.1 8 .3 17.6 19.12 (126) OLD CAMBERWELL 4.4 11 .8 14.12 19.19 (133) IVAB7HOE ASSUMPTION Howard 8 Goodale 3 Proper}ohn 2 Heffernan 2 Ham Old Cam. • Broea°riless Credlin Seeley . Best: Howard Lipplatt Goodale Hanson Clyne James.lvanhce Assumption : Saunders 4 Healy . T 4 Mc Gowan 2 Joyce 2 Morris Frisian Healy E, Flynn Ryan Scoble .T. Pearce L. Best: Ssampson : T. Brooks, Healy T.Saunders Pearce L . Flynn, Narktewirz Morris. Um S. Payton (F). E . Surdy (B). R. Richards, M. Simpso n .10 21 .13 (139) 5 .5 9.9 14 OLD CAREY 3.8 8 .11 10.13 (73) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .2 Old Carey: Kent 4 Phillips M .Cohen 3 Mart .Heppell Shutle 2 Angus Mai.Heppell Matthews Caulker Vasllopoulos Faells Hutchison . Best: Mart.Heppell Ma1.Heppell Campbell Unkies Mat Phillips . University Blacks: Wilson 3 Evans 2 Beaton Bowden Miller Chatfield Ryan . Best: McArthur Caccaviello Martin Franklin Chatfield .
Umpires : P. Jones, D. Whiteley (F) AQUINAS 2 .3 2.4 6.4 9.7 (61) 4 .0 6.3 9.5 10.8 (68) ST. LEOS Aquinas : Macklin 2 Weeks 2 Field Lyng Pierce Ditehfleld Crouch . Best : Macklin DttchIleld Weeks Barrie Pierce Mills . 5t . Leos: Hatfield 4 N . Hodder 2 Simondson Sher-well Gay D . McGloin. Best: Sherw°ll Simondson Hatfield Place A. Volpi Parker. 4.3 7.12 11 .16 14.18(102) OLD GEELONG 5 .9(39) MONASH BLUES 1 .2 2 .2 3.5 Old Geelong: Cole 4 Burbank 2 Fitzgerald 2 Fanning . Hunt Legoe Mcinnes . O'Brien Taylor. Best : Cole Legoe Heine Saltier Burbank McInnes Monash Blues : Carstein Htpwell Hamphuts Sondhu Walsh. Best: Mccormick Murchie Ventura Headbeny Brennan Wals h 8.6(54) 3.4 5.5 ygRRA VALLEY 1 .4 1 .2 3.4 5 .7 7.10 (52) BANYULE Yams valley: Tompkins 3 Kerr 2 Kehoe C .Ross Hale. Best: Fraser C.Ross Joiner Davies Stephens Tompkins . Banyule: Searle 2 Arnold Dowlan O'Callaghan C . Taylor Kay.ooz. Best: S Gray Bell Thompson Nasrallah Bassett Moran . 7.2 16.4 19.4 21.9 (135) OLD CAMBERWELL 6 .4(40) 2.1 3.2 5.4 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Old Camberwell: Inkster 7 Harvey 6 MacKenzie 3 Perryman 3 Walker . T, . : Perryman Heath LIl}a Knowles Imberger Inkster Webb . Best Ivanhoe Assumption: Pearce. D 2 Cotter 2 Smith Thackwray. Best: Smith Sidon Schulze. Rosenfeld Ebbage . 3.5(23) 0 .2 1 .3 2.5 OLD CAREY 4 .3 12 .4 16 .7 24 .12 (156) UNIVERSITY BLACKS Old Carey-. Moulton Winchester KGiannikos . Best: Gates Bennett Marshall Harris Lee P.Graham. University Blacks : Moffat 8 Peck 5 Heeley Coleman 3 Hannan 2 Smith Leach Ralph. Best: Moffat Heeley .Peck B .Costello Wilson Smith
St . Leos Emmaus v. Old Geelong Monash Blues v. Yarra Valle y Banyule v . Old Camberwell Ivanhoe Assumption v . Old Carey University Blacks v. Aquinas
Coaoh La . ._ ' ghan Res. Coach : H .rard Field 1 R. Mills 2 C. Thoma s 3 T. Vanderluis 5 M. Boland
6 D . Minogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J. Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune
a Coach : Greg Whiter oft Res Coach : ! an Doherty 1 T. Egan
2 D.Witchell 3 S .Ka rooz y 4 M .Gilbert 5 B.Wilmore 6 W.Keenan 7 G .Shaw 8 B.Cantwell 9 J .Piant 10 B.Moxin
13 D. Denbraber
11 S .Cross 12 J .Egan
14 A . Lorkin
13 C .Burke
15 A . Williams 16 J. Hunt 17 M. Denavi 18 J. Hu ghes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pares 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 R . Weeks 27 S. Jones 29 N . Davies 30 C. Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 G . Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 L. Sheffield 40 A. Cultrera 41 C. Bambury 42 R. Moran
43 M . Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G . Coyle
46 M. Hope 47 N . Moran
48 R . Register
T16rJ d Hall Res. Co i : Colin McDonald
1 . S. Conley 2. M. Maud 3. C . Tucker 4. T. O 'Neill
5. J . Scoble 6. T. Healy (DVC) 7 . P. Fawley 8• J . Shuttlesworth 9 . E . Healy Y 10. P. Lee (VC) 11 . J. Finlayson
MONA ": ;; Coach : Tim Powell Ras Coach: Marcus Sp car 1 S. Chapman
2 J. Baxter (VCR) 3 L . Holloway
2 T James 3 A Inkster
4 G . Chessari
4 N Lippiatt
5 D. Rogers 6 M . Newman 7 P Farrar 8 S . Thompson 9 J Godde S. Webster(VC)
5 S Horskins 6 A Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Hefferna n 9 J Goodal e
44 P.Williams
11 M M Spence . r 12 G . Smyth 13 A. Herrman 12. B. Finlayson ( ) 14 B. Merlin 13 . S. Narkiewicz DVC 16 B . Tatterson 14 . P. Flynn (C ) 17 P. O'Neill 15 . J . Curtin 18 K. Hendratta 16 . S . Smyth 19 G. Gilbert 17 . S . Morris 20 N . Sereda 18 . T. Scoble 21 C . Gregory 19 . D . Wood 22 R . Kamphuis 20• P. Blocker 23 G . Harry L . Blackwood 24 T. Craven 22. G . Raco 25 J. Hawkins 23 . D. Ryan 26 B. Jondahl 24 . B . Frew 27 N. De Young 25 . J . Friswa 28 J . Main 26 . M . Emerson 29 J . Ross 27 . K . Smith 30 L. Creamer 28 . J . Pace 31 S . Hawkins 29 . G. King 32 B . Boyer 30. M . Sloan 33 J . Smith (C) 31 . D . McFarlane 34 P. Maiden 32. L. Pearce 35 D . Murchie 33 . S. McGowan 36 A. Williams 34. B. Joyce 37 M. Donnelly 35 . P. Whitehead 38 R . Anderson 36 . C. Zeegers 39 C.Burley 37 . D. Todd 40 M . Bolton 38 . R. Peoples 42 S . Young 39 . M . Ebbage 43 R . Feena h 40. P. Martin 44 D . Teasdalery 41 . C . McDonald 45 R . Walsh(CR) . G. Sullivan
45 B.White
44. A. Pace
14 B.Woodlock 15 S .Gra Y 16 A.Dooley 17 T.ChaP man 18 J.Turnbull 19 P.Witchell 20 S .Playfair 21 R.Dintinosante 22 N.TaYlor 23 S .Gray Y 24 C.Wilks 25 L .Martin 26 H .McDermott 27 P.Healy 28 D .Sproules 29 R .Kreskas 30 D .Mutton 31 C.Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A .Plant 34 C.Stevens 35 L .O'Connell 36 M.George 37 T.Thompson 38 G ..Bep 39 A.Ho ood ~ 40 C.Taylor
41 M .Natoli 42 C.Taylor 43 L.Ferral
46 D .Nasrallah
49 P. Poynton 52 M . Come 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch
47 D .Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A.Small 50 M .Smith
56 J . Harrington
51 L.Sheean
59 A. Bentle y 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 64 T. Robinson 68 J. Coglan 71 G . Evans 72 M . Riley 86 B. Barclay
52 D.Noonan 53 K.Scholes 54 G .Kem p 55 D .Williams 56 P.Arnotd 57 A.Covey 58 -Holt
45 . D . Fryer 46 . M. Iacouangell 48 . A . Toagood 49 . A. Rosenfeld 51 . D. Pearce
52. S . Doherty 68. J . Mazocc a 78. C . Brown 88. N . Dykes 99. G . Robertson
QL Coach : Jarred 0'Fdiell Res Coach : John Han r I J McLean
46 A . Ryan 47 S. Mentha
48 K. McIntyre 49 R . Burston 50 A. Clark 52 N. Moresi(VCR) 53 J . Peel R. Green 55 I . McCormick 56 R . Faith 57 P. Munro 58 C . Strauss 59 B. Carstein 60 S. Lloyd 61 P. Campbell 62 8. Droscher 64 J . Sleiman 65 G . Polglase 66 N . Brennan 67 B . Ryan 68 M . Meehan 69 P. Grabie l
10 M Hanso n 12 R Kapoo r
13 L Gladma n 14 R Whitehead
15 L Cain 16 D Walke r 17 N Credli n 18 A Brownless 19 J O'Neil l 20 D Mitchel l 21 T Hardma n 22 B Howard 23 D Lilj a
24 D Imberge r
25 A Hardenberg 26 C William s 27 A Sheedy 28 J Webb 29 D Goug h 30 R Perryman 31 S Ham 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 B Ti 36S rT De~r Y 37 A Hillie r 38 T Hall o 39 A Hill s 40 J Derry 41 L Rya n 42 A McKenzi e 43 S Collins
44 S Smith
45 A Taylor 46 R Heath
47 T Kearney 48 S Properjohn 49 J Hardman 50 B McKenzie 51 J Owen 52 G Ormsby 53 R Tempon e 54 A Margetts 55 J Gan ge~ 56 N Stevenson 57 A Bryso n 58 P Triantafyllo u 59 M Butterwort h 60 B Mcilwai n 61 J Parke r 62 J Mile s 64 M Knowles
65 N Salter 67 G Rowe 69 W Ead 76 D Braue r
71 J. Sondh u 75 S. Edquist
ALL ELtc l t & GAS HOME AF , -,;;dCES
9857 ^ 061
OLD CAfE Y ch: Chr s Hickey Rqs Coach : Paul Montgomery 1 . C . Angus 2, D .Faelis
3, M. Cohen 4. C .Esler
5, A. Jackson 6. C . Campbel l 7, R . Oppy g. D . Wals h 9, D . Shutie 10 . K. Shrives if . N . Everest 12 . L . Battley 13 . B. Hutchison 14. C . Phillips 15. L . Chamberlain 16. R . Graham 17. J. Daniher 18. C . Ma tthew s R . Bardwel l 20. J. Raftopoulo s 21 . R . Leong 22. S . Utali 23. T. Price 24. P. Unkles 25. N . Detarczynski 26. D. Sherr 27 . N. Vasilopoulo s 28 . P. Nance 29 . S . Assimo 30 . A. Guerra 31 . T.Whitelaw 32 . P. Graham 33 . J . Mai 34 . W. Giannikos 35 . S. Hard y 36. B. Birkill 37. D . Palmer 38. 1 . Cohen 39. P. Bennett 40. T.Fuggle 41 . A. Gates
42. P. Montgomery
43. D . Williams 44. C . Ba ttl e 45. T. Bul l 46. H . Giannikos 47. A . Wilkie 48. C.Popplewell 49. W. Mudge 50. A. Kent 51 . P. Drake 52. H. Francis 53. B .Harvey 54. K. Giannikos 55. A. Ross 56. B.Melin 58 . J . Boncher 59. C. Mason 60 . J . Ward 61 . A. McKinst ry 62 . S. May 63 . P.Konstantinidis 64 . Mai Heppell 65 . D .Elsner 67 . C . Hickeyy 68 . S .Ha rt 69. O.Winchester 70. J .Marshall 71 . S .Feehan 72. M .Yarnall 74. M .Curry 77. P. Dalto n 83. M .Yarnel l 88. Mari Heppeii
DLD Coach: Jon Edgar Res Coach: Jim Pearson Club 18: Sean Wilson 1 D.Safter
2 J .Nevins 4 C. Stinchcombe 5 T. Redin 6 T.0'Brien
7 J . Paul 8 T.Seymour 9 J .Foley 10 J. Smith 11 L .Stevens 13 H. McInnes 14 H .Power 15 H .McCarthy 16 H .O'Brien 18 C .Bird 19 P.Broadbent 20 S.Cole 21 S .Jones 22 J .Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .Whitehead 27 W.Paul 28 A Farrar 29 D.Bolton 31 D. Varley 32 J . Cook 33 B .Collins 34 M .Goldswo rt hy 35 H.Burbank 36 A.Opie 37 J.Fanning 39 A.Farnswo rth 40 M.Ave ry 41 T.Carty 42 H .Browning 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B .Parnell 46 J. Fitzgerald 50 M .Wilkinson 51 J .Kilpatrick 52 N . Kemp 54 L.Heine 56 M .Leslie 58 L.McDonald
ST L=' 3 =
.' .
~~ 1 g( Coach: David tier Res Coach: Jason Fennel 1 D . Dinicolantoni o 2 J . Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A . Auiiso 5 S . Buckl e 6 D. LCarey Volpi 7 A. Burgess
8 M.
9 D. 9 A A. Bethune 10 B . Mitchell 11 S . McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Hughan 13 A. Kreos 14 J. Manton 15 A. O'Reilly 16 A. Ros . Parker e17R 18 R . McCann 19 B. Care y 20 D Bruce . 21 G . Simmondson 22 S. Willis 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. McKenzi e 26 A. Prosser 27 P Levins 28 E . McLaughlin 29 S . Dar 30 M . Otto~re 31 N . Zannis 32 L. Price 33 L. Moss 34 B . Henricu s 35 R. Briggs 36 S . Bavage 37 S . Manton 38 N. Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Ga 41 J . Zar 42 M . Flood 43 B. Levins 44 M . Dimbl e 45 S. Ronch i 46 M. Blundell 47 M. Renner 48 A. Dal 49 C . Hat~ieid 50 P. Humphreys 5 1 P. M c Gloi n 52 R . McGloin 53 A. Volp i 54 J . Fennell 55 S . Smith 56 D. Domi k 57 M. Place 58 J . Feldstad 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonal d 61 S . Edwards 62 A. Ra nor 63 P. NotYan 64 D. McKean 65 N. Foley 66 J . Blandtho m F 68 B.0'Connor 69 S. Mescher 70 D. McGloin 71 B. Allen 72 A. Burgdorf 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaug han 78 M . Whiney 79 T. Tribe 80 H . Meehan D . Behan 88 S. Pitche r 89 D . Winduss -~ iQV@IOC K S
: Kane Boween Coach : James Tr 1 G Darroch 2 S Chandle r 3 W Martin
4 M Vaughan
4 D Wilkinson 5 R Macki e 6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pascoe 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowies 11 K Bowden 12 RJ Kohne 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jessen 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Meilings 16 P Caccaviello 17 L Brown 18 A Wilson 19 C Frankli n 2 0 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilso n 25 T Chatfield 26 J R an 27 A C~ements 28 A Costello 29 M Sta unton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 S Mood Y 35 J Mirtschin 36 H Peck 37 N Robe rts 38 L Beaton 3 9 R Greig 40 G Sullivan 41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gadd 43 C Beaton 44 R McArt hu r 45 M Coleman 46 R Board 47 B Murphy al 48 A Moffa 49 P Greenbank 50 J Healey 51 A Nevill e 52 C Schirmer 53 D O'Keefe 54 PA Braszell 55 G Thomson 56 D Wals h 57 K Begeiy 58 A Pato n 59 0 Toose 61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaskis 66 N Howell 68 P O'Beirne 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihill 73 S Macki e 75 W Touzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evans 78 R Owe n 79 R Drummond 80 pA Tehan 81 A Dore 82 C Baulch 63 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 B Weber 86 D Creek 87 A Cowley 88 N Abbott ~ DA9s 91 A Whitlock
92 S Milner
J Mirtschin E Nolan R Moreton
Coach : Tim Kl sth Res Cr i : Per n . ;I 1 R Pearce 2 T Morris
3 R Thompson 4 M Fun g
5 A Drew 6 D Hows e 7 R Dre w 8 L Morris 9 J Kee m 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvean 12 J Cremea n 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Kruse 15 N Peak 16 L Taylor 17 A Laing9 18 L White 18 D Ross 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hale 21 M Wines 22 B Drew 23 C Arnol d 24 M Davies 25 F Pellegrino 26 J Longwo rth 27 S Savage 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutts 30 D Pott e r 31 B Sturzaker 33 P Cremea n 34 C Frase r 35 B Peake 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morriso n 39 J Tompkins 40 T Fyffe 41 B Down s 42 A Ston e 43 H Park 44 J H o 45 S Tresside r 46 D Irelan d 47 D Lan g 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 50 C Box 51 C Reynolds 52 A Ha rtnett 53 S Peak 54 T Mcilrath 55 P Peterson 56 T Lloyd 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joiner 60 C Ross 61 P Valopp i 62 P Buruma 63 B Whitechurch 64 M Bate 65 R Lan g 66 D March 67 M Busch
71 M Laing 73 T Lloyd
74 A Midland Dickson 76 J 79 S Tresside r
.. 5
.. . .
. . ~ .,c ~
Old Me6umiatls (3rd in A Section) after four successive defeats met Ormond (3/8), bottom of A Both teams were desperate for a win. Well, five minutes into the premiership quarter and it looked as if Old Meiburnians had come out of their slump . Two goals ahead at half time, th!y lucked two to go four goals ahead on the way to victory. And then it happened! An avalanche of goals, or perhaps an embarrassment of goals. The 'Monds kic k 16 goals to 2 in the rest of the game to score an uplifting 63 point win, 21 .12 (138) to 10 .15 (75). Best were 4Vod, t'Jrod3rczyk, P McDonald, Jobling (Ormond) and Thompson . Hewitt, Rabbit (Old Melburniams). Martin Blake (Age 26th June) complimented the VAFA on its tough attitude to players who swear at, and sledgae umpires. Martin concluded that it was time the AFL did something similv (we may be proud, others may think we take the moral high ground, but it seem to me the VAFA continues to lead in the matter of PRINCIPLE . N.R. 2/7/01). In B section North Old Boys (8th) surprised Old Brighton (3rd) when, on a magnificent day at Gillen Oval, they kicked 5 .4 to 0.2 in the first quarter, and controlled the game all day to win 16 .12 (108) to 8.14 (62). GraFina (5 goais), Abrahams, Oyarrell (North Old BotS) and Alderton, Kryzvrilak, Shippen (5 goals) (Old Brighton) were bes t Power House made fourth position in E South secure when it defeated second team Salesian 14 . 9(98) to 7.10 (52). Best were Hall, Williams, Friend, Craven (5 goaLs) (Power House) and Hazell, Roche, Bourke (Salesian). Traditional rivals . AJAX and Mai-cellin p remember their finals at ELstearnvick Park with heartfelt financial nostalgia, N .R. 13/4/01) second and third in C Section met in a tough contest In a snappy start, AJAxjumped Marcellin to kick the first four goals . Marcellin carne back to lead at the first change, and then remained in control to win 15 .13 (103) to 12.5 (77). Best were Sampimon, Ryder, Phillips (Marcellin) and Pat, Goldbuag, Kalinsk (5 goals) (AJAX) . 10 YEARS A - 1991 Well it was a long, long plane trip back from Perth for the Victorian team who lost to both South Australia and Western Australia at the XXY AAFC Carniva L The team opened the carnival with avay easy win over Tasmania, 23 .10 to 5 .9 .T'ne greatest disappointment was against South Australia. At the last change the Vies lead 10 .15 to 6.8 and looked to be in control. The SA team play-ed a magnificent final term to kick 8.1 to 1 .2 to down us by 10 points . WA had beaten SA in their game so it was up to Victoria to resoundingly beat WA to win the carnival. The game was transferred from the famed Subiaco, triowet and swampy, (has it improved since 1991?) to Claremont Victoria hung on for half time scores to be WA 6 .8 to 4.5 . The second half opened with one of the most frightening electrical storms Fm sure a Victorian had ever seen - the blackest of clouds rolling in from over the Indian Ocean, pierced by intermittent claps of thunder and lightninza, . No wonder, our barb lost concentration, even the selectors thought
their days had came, perched in a llttle box somewhere on top of the Claremont stand. The final scores were WA 18.18 to Victoria 6 .7.
The 1991 Victorian team was as follows :
R. Fuller (Old Scotch) (C), J . Manton (Old Geelongl (U.), B Burden (Ormond), F . Buckley (St Kilda Sth Caul), M . Browr (Ormond), R . Bergman (St Kilda Sth Caulfield), B . Conti (NOB), R Gross {Marc), B . Connell (Onriond), T. Jones (INOB), M . Galbraitt (Coll), A Jobling (Onn), T . Kcipert (Old Scotch), P . Matton (Thercy) A. Cafs`ry (Marc), G . Tanner (Old Hail), D. Connell (Old Hali), P McDonald (Orm), S . Meehan (Old Hail), B . Mahony (De La Safe) W. Carey (St Bernards), J. Jamieson (Uni Blues), R Fu,â&#x20AC;˘phy (Un : Blues), P.Schuhlnaft (Orm), C. McKenzie (Old Hail). 5 Victorians were picked for the All Australian Amateur team Matthew Brown, Robert Gross, Brett Connell John Manton and Bruno Conti . Other players to playweRwere Robert Fuller, Richard Fiuphy, Wayne Carey and Andrew Jobling. At home it was the first really bad weather day . The surprise in'A section was when Theny at home, broke their run of defeats, b y defeating Old Haileybury. Inc wind must have been a big facto, too, Therry kicked 3 points into it and Old Haileybury 2goals, fuia1 scores Therry 9 .10 to Old Haileybury 8 .5. Best were Ramsay, Carter, Biddlestone, Taylor (1°nerry) and Orion, Armstrong, Baiw (Old Halley.). 1,- - 1 ")- 3 E' section coaches were D. Demir (B'wick), Max McCCOI (Buff-Utd), Rob Woff (Clay), Les Rtgg (E'wick),Greg Murray (Old Geelong), James Grant (Pen . O.B.), Ken Bremner (State Bank), M . Roberts (St Bedes), Roger Chitty (Uni Reds), Dowell Mitchell Wtovrn) . North Old Boys - they must hate their home ground, the Brens oval. Two weeks ago Ivanhoe cleaned them up and now Bulleen Templestowe repeated the dose by 61 points, final scores 118 .9 to 7.14 . Best were George, Giles, Danarte (Bull-Temp), and Turnbull, Brown. Borcich . In the resents Bull-Temp on top defeated NOB (4th) 23.8 to 8 .4 It was a real traffic jam in ' A section - De La's 16 point loss to Collegians saw them topple from ist to 6th- Stars were Schober, Ne4vman, Lemon (Coll) and Waldon, Maher, Deseson ( De La). The 25 selected for Victoria in the Adelaide Carnival were : Dominic SpiIlane(Old Par.) (C), Simon Meehan (St Kilda CBCOC) (VC), Peter Adams (Ivan), Bruno Conti (NOB), Paul Considine (NOB), Rob Fuller (Old Scotch), Frank Gleeson (Old Par), Shane Gilmore (Bull-Temp), Ian Herman (Call), Tony Keenan (Bull-Temp), Phil Kingston (Orm), Michael l.ope, (St Kilda (CBCOQ, Mai Palmer (Bul-Temp), Phil Mehrten (Orm), Peter Ryan (De La Salle), Cameron OBrien (Old )Cars), Richard Schot,-- (Coll), Andrew Wallis (Uni Blues), Mike Yandell (Uni Blues) . Russell Barnes (Orm), Daryl Gust (Uni Blues), Andy Smith (Old Scotch), Stephen Bickford (Coll), Ray Berzins (Caul Gramm), Andrew Witts (Old Melb) .
A in the first match by 120 points, looking 5 ter, and 7 goals in each of the next 3 quarter s Ia 26 for the day. Cameron O'Brien at FF kicked 9 . e Meehan, Considine, O'Brien, Gleeron, Mehrten ,
lte, StKik]aCB OC - best and fairest several dub secretary, captain, on and on - that ee. N h -)Id Boys Barry O'Connor, Thomastol vn's 0
ra.tain of the dub's 1976 Under 19 Amateu r
d now captain. a supporters' luncheon - notable past players to c Nelson, Barrie McDonald, Rick Harley, Chooka G igg, Alex Johnson (VAFA President), Alf Keam
. Also present were Pop Shapir, Arthur Bowater , ild, Bill Watt and School Principal, Lou Barberis. mourned the death of Peter Borth who played 10 dub and was a rrember of 7 premiership teams, Sated Under 19 team, captain, life member and .t of the dub. ; t 21d their place in'A' section four by thrashing top 15.13 to 7 .7 . Best were S. Well, G. Carroll, Griffin OB) and for Ormond McCooke, Kingston, Ritchie . P,' section four wFith a big win over St 18 .12 to 7.9 with the best, Murphy (7goals), 0'Keef , La) and Sullivan, P. 4i'ood, Datna (St Bernarrds) . Tion in the B' section four to that 9 .2 (64) to 18.12 (120) with the best for ('A' B& F in 1987), M. McCarthy and on, J. Priestly (5 goals), Gedye, Epstein . star Henry Ritterrnan who started at AJAX as to MHSOB, then tied his luck at playing for
d Oakld4i, before being reinstated. Henry, twin or captain, Michael, has been an outstandin g
two Wesley schoolboys, Jim Benne tt and , ho both "Acquitted themselves, magnificently , the best players and kicking 3 goals and 1 '. C ih uent on to be select led in the Carnival team to n 1982.
. ? Rowell went into the history books as the first VAFA : selected to officiate in a Carnival series hosted b y s to. It was the second carnival for Philip as he had n the 1973 Carnival held in Melbourne. D 1'C we teran, Peter Hutchinson, spread over club 1 it and fairest awards, 3 prenriership, club in s dflon and in 1972, Arroteur Footballer of the
it Si Bernard's Grand Final Breakfast (Peter coached a or of CDEF interstate teams and proved not only to be a
but also a'snorer extraordinaire" - NR) (Decutive Member 1).
id tribute to their skipper Bill MeWhinnie "the littl e o ran out for his 200th game. Captain for 7}t~-s , dub best and fairest for 3 years, Bill wa s
tionin play and his service to the du b 3und.
is inabattle for 4th place in B- section with Old Paradians, >y 10 goal victory. The victors were in comnaled all day , curacy, 18.9 gave Old Per. 8.10 no chance. Best were
Roach, Wagstaff; M. Peirnezel (Coll) and Lyons, Kendall (0. Paradians). Old Haileybury (C) were beaten for the first time when Hampton Rovers triumphed by 2 goals in an exciting last quarter, after mailingby 4 points at the last change. Final scores were 13 .11 and 11 .11 with the best B. Bird Clarke, C. Earle (HR) and Cocks, Galt, Houghton (01d Haileybury). 150 games to Bruce McKinlay, the second player in Old Mentonians history to reached that mark . A great dub man, Bruce was secretary and committeernan for many seasons in the early ye-rs of the dub. -1971 St l rnard's scored a last minute win over Caulfield Grammarians when hey kicked 3 goals in the last 5 minutes. It vra.s Caul6eld's second defeat in succession as the previous week they had gone down to Ormond by 20 points. No doubt about the umpires - real sense of values! After two years of 'tit'e must have a board for our important notices", architect Trevor Rome produced a beautiful work of art, green with gold lettering. The first notice - the world shattering'Please, wash your cups!": 200 games to National Bank Reserves captain coach Geoff Phillips . 'Trueboots were Foulsh,<unn (Ormond) 8 v Collegians : Dougtas (Coburg) 9 v MHSOB: Barldy (Univ Blues) 7 v De La Sa1Ie: Nihill (Kew) 6 v Old XaVs and Hick (Ivanhoe) 7 v UHSOB, while in a scoring match, Pave House 23.12 defeated Old Geelong Gramm 17.6, Bartlett (Pam House) and Rick Whalley (OGG) kicking 13 and 7 respectively. 40 YEARS AGO - 1961
Six leading team were beaten in the biggest upset of top sides for years. Coburg (2nd inA' Section) forged ahead of Melbourne High (on top) and went on to an easy win, 8 .9 to 3 .6. Faster and scouting better, with Norm Beattie and Phil Parkes the stars, Coburg adapted well to the wet and muddy conditions . Kew (on top in B section) lost their first game for the season when they went down to Ivanhoe (3rd) by 2lpoints . Elsterriwick held a reunion oftheir 1925 premiershi p ' team with 22 players and officials in attendance, including Peter Mountpy (captain), Norm McDonald (secretary for 25 years), Chas Lotguey, Alex h9art_n, Eddie Shaw, Clarrie Williams, "Tlids" Heard, Les Morris, Leo Walsh, Harold McDonald (goal umpire) and Frank Martin (twumdary, umpire). 100 games at Old Haileybury to Peter "Circles' MacFarlane arid Brian Henderson. AJAX were the only undefeated team - 12 straigbt wins in 'E' section, 2 games ahead of Glenhuntly while Old Ivanhoe and Reservoir Old Boys made up the four. 50 YEARS AGO -1 9 "a1
The first Amateur Carnival to be staged in Victoria was held at St Kilda Cricket Ground with Canberra making up 5 with Victoria South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia . In a peculiar draw, Victoria finally only played 2 matches - mining both and kicking 39.18 to Tasm'tnia's 4.4 and 18.20 to Canberra's 2.5. South Australia went down by 11 points to Canberra on the opening day and no doubt this loss upset the draw. A name ofInterest -in WA's team was Billy Sneddon 24, 6.0,13 .10 (later Liberal Leader and Speaker in the House of Representatives) . The Australian Amateur team to play the VFA in Canberra was picked at the c?ose of carnival with Victorians Doug Arnold and Peter Cox, captain and vice-captain respectively, 13 other Victorians, 3 from WA and 2 each from SA and Ta .sznan)a.
1 10 Le-- _ . defeated fifth placed Old Scotch by four points . This defeat has put Old Scotch a c-~i of the top four with time running out for 째m to bridge the gap. mmenod led all the game against Brunswick, who went down by sixty seven points. Good players for Mazenod included: Sean and Tim Bilston, Nick "The Crow" Jacobs in the ruck, "Rogan" Josh Crozier in defense and rover Darren The Freak" Harvey . Through my network, I have been told Brunswick was well served by numbers, 7 (in the centre), 18 and 40 . Maybe the Brunswick correspondent can supply names!! What about it Peter? A second quarter goal spree by Old Xaverians set up flQir forty six point win over rasa . Even though the er three quarters were fairly even, Prahran was 'le to bridge the gap in the scores after half time . 3 , Dowd and Travis Miller did well for Prahran as their backline who were consistently under essure. A feature of the C' r_ : versus Therry Penola match was the fact that the two veteran umpires bounced the hall at every opportunity . (Who said the art was dying?). The greater experience and fitness of the Therry Penola players proved decisive factors in their victory. At half time Therry Penola led by six points before a great third quarter effort by Old Brighton put them eight points up at the last change . Ther-y Penola then over hauled the lead and went on to win by fifteen points . Good players for the victors included ; Richard Keenan, Michael Licoria, Shaun Lees and Sean Weston . For Old Brighton, ruck man Jess Dooley was clearly the best .
Second placed, Old R3:1tmrn' ans, through marginally better accuracy, defeated La Salle by eight points in " e closest contest of the round . De La Salle now find em; Ives fourth and given their comparatively poor F c :, they could now slip from the final four. have emerged as the only real threat t o ourth placed, tTnf . :'tp -ian , following their thirty ou : point win over an undisciplined, Old Essendon . The third quarter saw Old Essendon desperately try to cut back the thirty four point lead held at half time by MarceLin. They could not convert opportunities and Marcellin went on to their comfortable victory. No player stood out for Old Essendon whereas Marcellin was well served by defender; Simon Neal, by Coach, Mark O'Sullivan and by Captain, Jeremy Golds . Old Trinity, who were short of players, failed to score until the third quarter. By this time Monash Blues has built a match winning lead, to which they added before
winning by ninety four points . Best players for Monash were defender Mark Dods, forwards, Grant Moir and Bryce Collier, ruck rover, David O'Brien and centr man Mark Woods. Old Trinity were well served b3 Captain, Paul Limoli on the back line, by vetera defender, John Adgemis and by 'on hall' players, Wi Brady and Lex Taylor. The glorious uncertainty of sporting favouritism wa again illustrated when Whltefiriars ; winless after nin games inflicted the first loss on Old Ivanhoe, who wer shaping like section champions . Whitefriars, who wer a very different combination from that thrashed by Oli Ivanhoe in round 1, started brilliantly against ; surprised Old Ivanhoe, who quickly found themselve twenty three points down at the first change . Despit a better second quarter effort, Old Ivanhoe were in th same posi tion at half time . Inaccurate kickin prevented Old Ivanhoe being closer than fourteei points at three quarter time. After an even fine quarter, Whitefriars recorded their first win by fourteei points. The only good player for the winners was, Ryai Hense until he was injured.
University Blacks set up their thirty three point victor . over St Leos in the first half as they led by forty t~ points at the long interval . St Leos rallied in the thiri quarter when the Blacks failed to score . Only one goe was kicked (Blacks) in the final quarter . Best for th winners were ; Tim Jessen, ruck man, Michael JoneE Tim Kitchen and Eamon Nolan. Best for St Leos were Martin Contesotto, Adrian Daly and Adrian O'Reilly . Only accuracy by Collegians forwards prevented "Thi Lions" defeating Old Geelong by more than ninet, seven points. After an even first quarter the resul tnev rindoubtalthoughOldGe longneve
surrendered . Collegians had good players in; Captaiu Coach David Lumley, full forward, Greg Oakley an( wing man, Kevin Curtis. For Old Geelong, thet Captain, Dale Collins, full back Dale Harris and rue] man, Henry Edgar were best. PREVIEW OF ROUND 11 SECITON 1 Playing at home, I expect Old Scotch to prove to( strong once again for Mazenod, who lost by sixteen ii round 2 against a less experienced, Old Scotch . Old Xaverians are leaving nothing to chance as thq power towards another premiership. Providing "Th Crocodiles" adjust to the odd shaped Fleming Park they should repeat their round 2 one hundred poin victory over Brunswick. Prahran, who are confident of shaping the final four have a chance today against Old Rqelb , whc
hold second place . In round 2 Old Melburnians won by twenty two points and today against an injury m;cakened Prahran. I forecast another win for Old Melburnians . De IA-; "-'le have the opportunity to consolidate fourth piace as well as build percentage against tenth placed, ,,on. I am in no doubt De La Salle will win . face a danger game in Oak Park, e many a visiting team has lost to Therry Penola . :ev9ns should w-ill, but only after a dour struggle . 0 :" 2 versus Monash Blues game is virtually an elimination final for Marcellin, for whom victory could mean forth place after round 15 . Against the ~,cond placed Monash Blues, it will be a good test of m ;Iicell)n's ability. Over the season, Monash is the 1r t~er performed team and they should win today . L,: _' ders old Ivanhoe should redeem themselves at the expense of Old Trinity, who have not been impressive over r°°^°nt weeks. tasted victory, they should Now tha t be able to defeat S t especially as the game is a t
Donvale . St Leos have failed to live up to their early promise and I am prepared to gamble by selecting Whi"tefriars. In what could well be a preview of the first semi final, Collegians visit Royal Park to play University Blacks. Inaccuracy plagued both sides in round 2 before Collegians won by thirty time points in only the Blacks second match. Two things prompt me to select Collegians, namely the continued inaccuracy by Blacks players and their inability to play four quarters of consistent football. Collegians for me . C"1- ° ' welcomed Old Essendon to Como Park. Lack of discipline cost Old Essendon in their last round 2 loss by five points to Old Geelong and as recently as last week, the lack of discipline cost Old Essendon against Marcellin. Without any confidence, I select Old Essendon . T : t, don't forget to contact me by noon on Monday ~-=;th your details . Telephone 9467 2857 or fax 9467 2 :'55 olease.
TODAY'S MATCHE S Club XVHl (1) Old Scotch v . Mazenod Brunswick v . Old Xaverian s
Prahran Amateurs v. Old Melburnians De La Salle v . Old Brighton Therry Penola v . St . Kevins at John Pascoe Fawkner Reserve No . 1 Oval Club XvIll (2) Marcellin v . Monash Blues Old Trinity v . Old Ivanhoe Whitefriars v . St. Leos Emmaus University Blacks v . Collegians at Crawford Oval, :i .icess Park, Carlton Old Geelong v . Old Essendon
r,rt :17r? (1 } 2.3 6.5 11 .7 15.9 M 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.7 (55J 2 Morgan 2 L Ratavabus 2 Fogarty 2 Meagher 2 Stea m . Best: G. 1{atativtous Allan T. Dfflon Fogarty do= Leeds 3 Marash 2 Collins Sarkozy Irelard . Best Page. Ua#= S. Mason. St 3.4 6.11 12.11 14.12 FA 0.2 03 2.3 4.6 (29) 3 Fat1ngIl 3 Bridgland 3 Egan 2 Fry Drn-ser Haney Best Egan Bourbon Br~dgkmd FotY-glIl. lt!lculkn Lovett Perot Best: Ktkutlen Forster Penot T. Hz!! . R Parker (F) 3.1 10.1 13.3 15.4 (94) 2.1 32 6.4 7.6(48) ttl~ .ivs 7 O'SnDrran 3 Ersldne 2 Hardwick 2 Perry 1. Best: s Farm Stoney Erskine Hart. • Cougar 3 Docks 2 s 1 . Best Cougar Dowdy Desks Duncan Andy ivak Unipme M . tF) 2.1 52 9.4 10.6 (66) 23 33 7.5 9 .8[62) =ftumims:- Cooper 2 Moody 2 Beaumont 2 R4-g Ma@eod Uttfny Jona s Best : Reid O16ca ArclitbakiAcden Chariton. De La Salle :Rudd 3 Flume 3 R Ford P Brasken Robinson- Best : Dabbs OBrient Rome McGrath Rosel Tucha I . . . A Barrington. M . Cross (F ) 9.5 (59) J BRIGITFON 2.2 4.4 9 .4 3.1 5.4 7.6 10.14 f74) t=* Cochran 4 bSakiax 2 Bowden Pemberton Thomas. Best : S. as u. CoM Pemberton Jenkin Maddox Cochran . T3ccy Pmo&L Keay 5 S. Lees 2 Keenan ( :aster SprtnghaIl. Bet: LarconCa Cameon Lewis Keay Carter Ump• P . Raphe. Old Brighton Umpire (F) T64 P eRAe9"ci ID rnnran I I MO 9M1
Cartlldge Tomlinson Matthews K. Mannix George Oakley Bonnyman Collier L . Woods McDonald Holsman
CLtIs3 CLUB PVIII11 Prahran Old Melburnians Old Xaverians De La Salle Old Xaverians CLUB XVIII/2 Collegians Whitefriars Monash Blues Monash Blues
St Leos Collegians
44 27 21 20 17 22 16 16 13 11 11
U 2.6 as 12.13 16.16 (112) 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0(18) 3 Collar 2 Parsons 2 OBriai 2 M .Imds 2 Thomason .Dads Cum>hoon M.ltk:ods. Van Best: BDods M _ Trlai[g : Tudor Stebbins Kun'tus. Best: timoti Tayk C i rli ' t TreadRCIl Thwaites. Umpirm P. Naft. Monash Blues Un 1 .3 5.5 6.10 6.12(60) 52 9.4 9.6 11 .6(72) 2Stesvart2Camaek 1. Best Samos limse Stewart Whitdrom Heath 2 Sully 2 NL~sutth 2 Haynes 2 Rastks 1. Best: Houston O'Brian Haynes C71ffa'd A. Bazro . R Wtnd}aw (F) 2.0 4.1 6.5 6.7(43) 5.3 10.7 10.7 11.10C7.6) . . . t : c;ontesotto 2 BlurxleIl D.Dft>ftlartra>G Ally Burgdort Best Blur&J . :'arqhaz Panetla Mitchell Daty. Unk-sity J.WIIflains 3 T.Jessm. -- .nfiy 2 Owen IQoLvt Clancy . Best : T.kssen Kitchen Jones t~an Owen C. mus. Umph= T. Jackson, P. Jackson (F) COIa 31' 52 10.6 13.11 17.16 (118) 2.3 3.3(21) DID G1 d, G 2.1 2.2 an 1 oLamat 5 Oakley 5 Blakemore 2 Grant 2 Ross 2 Treacy 1 . Best: Ross Ca,. ... OConneIl Grant Oakley Hdsnazt. a l Gedong; Brown C9vrnskk WRttistson. Best Edgar. t', [kinson. Modor~ 112Ri.s, liark, Bream Umpi~ Bavm D. WIndlow (E)
t-ram b.34?-9am each weemay, Kevin barqEit anti t3ary noney serve up all i1t e latest touty new s an d interview the player b and coaches Rtak3rig the ttewm. ,, . . ..:.<$,.
..~ `~'? . . .,~ .,
.. ... . . r, .<..,. .
nipartant to you and the ' eyfactor In determining satisfaction? You need to know your values and the rds provided by different careers 1. -eer (eg autonomy, achievement) ,style (eg flexible work schedule, opportunity to travel ) â&#x201A;Ź
W?w you enjoy doing and the key factor in determining work enjoyment You need to know your interests and how they match different work environments. recreation leg outdoor activities, music ) -career (eg maths, public speaking) ; , . tian; What you do well and essen tial for successful work performance . You need to Imow your slcills and those required in careers fliat appeal to you.
-content skills (skills developed from specific acquired knowledge of training) -adaptive skills (personal qualities that help you adapt to different situations or personality traits) -transferable skills ( skills learned in one role that can b e used as another) : . By completing a skills audit not only will you recogni se where your strengths are but also where you may need to improve Your skills to continue in your current career as a coach or move to another career away from eoaehing. In line with your current life roles, now choose the thre e important skills, values and interests from eac h category . The next step is to begin your caree r to determine which job/s will best meet you r needs from the skills, values and interests you have identified . efore you start your , however, it is essential you identify t a which may affect suitable career options for you : eg financial, environmental, partner and family constraints . Too often, what may seem like the ideal job becomes a source of dissatisfaction with your choice and disruption to your other life roles when constraints are not factored into your decisions. Do not rely on advertisements to ascertain whether a particular job suits your work profile. It is important that you thoroughly research jobs and industries that you think could provide the right career match for you . The most effective ways of gathering career information are:
1 . To research the world of work- how occupations are organised by field or areas of interest and competencies (eg Internet, libraries, career reference centres, newspapers, magazines) . This will help you gain an understanding of how occupational information is
presented, and you will better know where to look and what to ask . 2. To gather career information- this is most effectively done through informational interviews where you organise meetings with personnel working in the career you are exploring and ask questions which will help you determine the suitability of a job in this career field for you . Once y-ou have completed your career exploration and decided on one or more career options you wish to pursue, you need to develop an action plan that suits realistic goals and highlights the steps you need to follow, eg further education and training, compiling a resume . This will be followed by the steps you need to take to bring your goals to fruition through a job search process . These steps could include: contacting your own network (consider all those you have developed through your life roles' network) searching Internet employment site s cold canvassing (approaching employers directly) registering with Centrelink offices, job network agencies . employment agencies
searching employment pages, professional, employer and industry journals and federal and state public serve gazettes . Proactive career mar4ment is not a simple task . It requires commitment but has many rewards. As a coach, the adage is `you are only as good as your last win' is unfortunately often too true . Enhance your coaching career by ensuring that you are managing your career development both on and off the sporting field .
i4orts ,
: G.-ham Burgen CL _ : Fitzroy Reds SE -13N : D3 . _ G 1-7 : VIA - Northoote, Cobur g Amateurs, prPCton TvIBpB, university Red s Ct "'.B C ": 1 vear - Uni Reds (199 1
t (non-paying is easier)
To spend the same each player on the list in a n d every one of them . _A: To continue to promot e fcatball and ensure the success of the Fitzroy Reds FC by taking them through the grades of the VAFA. "
o 'top Much of this w ' :'s focus was on the tw from four' clashes, which saw Pax'kside dro p . third to fourth after a heavy loss to Mentone Williamstown moved into third spot, with an eye now on second folloWngits win ~ tionhe o side currently Occupying that p Salesian .
among their best . The Westies could well have been flat after last week' s slog but either wa y Ke av w F - relentless around the ground and or the scor~_~oard .
Revia : ;ent®- dominated the play in the first qtr I~at U kicking 10 goals to I and ending . The Vultures were any hopes of a contest first to the ball all over the ground - including the centre - and fed their forwards to such an extent that it was a bloated-looking Tony Macgeorge who had 7 majors to his name at the first break! He added another three in the second term as several other Ivlentone players showed they were "a class above their (shell. Stonehouse, Dean and shocked) opposition" eRe s Adams defended stoutly for trovid d d quite la while the Vultures' back half p . contrast as Johnston,a~c ke dns and co repelled everything and After a fairly even
?. recorded a hard-fought 41 poin . Th(catmEliz
victor Pirates over Powerhouse ~ to shrug their guests wh r y Pkept within reach of their first win in each qt (8) was excellent(11)foca diac . Murray and Burk€ likewise for Peninsula rebounded well from defence for the Pirates and with powney the dominant midfielder they forced the ball inside the forward 5( .eil sufficient wit opponents under fairly constant pressure
o ening against Salesi
p Williamstown played some fantastic runnin g and accountable football to take what p to be a decisive 23 point lead into the main . Salesian banged on 4 goals to 1 after break 1/2 time before the Ci''s regr~r uPQ b~5 kicked the last 2 goals of the ' q . Salesian kept points up at the final change coming but Williamstown held its ground before finishing the match with Ferris (CHF) completing a great game with help from Twist (wing) and Monkhorst, who had the better of Andy Campbell in the ruck . La Trobe controlled the centre breaks in the b and led by 5 second qtr against c3 elg moved into the . Marshall goals at 1/2 time
ruck after the break to help turn things the Krushers, whose upfield work was complimented by Richard Dooley whos finished with 8 straight . The final qtr wa again open and attacking with Close (7) keeping the Trobers in front by 25 pts at the final bellKew was on top all day against West lea t finish Bruns-wick an :dehadsu nners across with a big wind. Theel the board, but were pleased with the younger crew of Moore, Moussi and Tinetti finishing
h PREVIEW in what appears it Mer~.ton e hosts p era~snla be another mismatch for the ladder leaders The Vultures look far too tall, strong ant : quick for the Pirates - which I guess make their job somewhat difficult, despite a sour . Will b€ overall record against them interesting to see if/ulhen any side seriousl} threatens them . powerhouse will disregard its poor reeorc thus far to notch its first win against Wes i
B~ esw-a_e}r . The House have been battlinl away and will be primed to outpoint thf Westies at the Ross Gregory Oval . The homF side has posted some useful scores of lab and should muste r orthe line byaan 8dpo ~f t gesure I'm the likes of Broekley margin . will have more than a bit to Cannane and co say in proceedings, but will it be enough? s Kew faces another tough game again ,, who is capable of an upset a O,, , . The K's confidence Vic oria Park provided thi` blossomed in recent weeks an phey ~1 wir is not replaced b y .
. However, the Krusher by about 4 goals continue to threaten and will pounce giver half a chance . fortunes have maintained '_ L a Trob e °s steady rise and despite alcon~iQ considerable bhoe f , ground advantageallow last week's hart , will
to come undone . This clash promises to n : atertaining one with quality runnin g on both sides but with the Cy' s more at stake, a 27 point victory nsue . and Parkside meet in what should . tough encounter as both sides try to ice )ack after suffering defeats last week . c -to side have been more consistent should take the points, althoug h '~side will be desperate to exorcise th e tent of its last game . The Chaddy boys a t ~ to .=i t , 23 points .
Macgeorge Williams Thain Payee Beck N . Pavlou Lafranchi Burgess Krohn Ross
CLiT_> D2 S L C i aisN Mentone 12 Williamstown 4 Salesian 3 Peninsula 11 Parkside i D2 RESERVE Powerhouse New Williamstown Peninsula Parkside
TOTAL 78 63 33 32 29 31 17 16 15 14
Mentone Amateurs v . Peninsula 0 B Power House v . West Brunswick Kew v . Oakleigh
La Trobe University v . Williamstown CYMS Salesian v . Parksid e
. ., 9 .3(57) 1.0 4 .1 10.3 17 .5 ".3 .8 25.11(161 ) 'de : Maru lli 4 Beck Noble Ross Reginato Ross Soitgo . Best: enouse Dean Regtnato Adams Romano Moodie . 2Sentone: ieorge 12 White 3 T Barr 2 O'Meara 2 Wilkins 2 Rowley Davie s livan M Barr . Best : Johnston Maegeorge Rowley Stewar t e C Sulltvan .Umpires : M. Gilday. M. Forde (F ) [IdSU 1 OLD BOYS 6 .3 10 .3 16.4 21 .5 (131 ) )USE 3 .0 6 .2 10.2 14 .6 (90) da : Payee 11 Goldthorpe 2 A Parsons 2 Crean A Atchiso n son S Parsons Powney, T Prendergast . Best : Burke Crea n ,y Faze Potency T Prendergast . Powerhouse: Higgins 8 wen 4 Crawford Dodd . Best : Higgins Craven H Clarke Harris rcobertson J Clarke . Umpires : S. Alger (R) (F) WEST BRUNSWICK 0.2 2 .3 5 .4 7.9 (51 ) 3 .4 9 .10 13 .17 21 .15 (144) West Brunswick: R Heywood 2 Benjamin 2 Cannane Brockley Stewart . Best: Benjamin Brockley Cannane Carmichael Young Stewart . Woodhouse 10 Aitken 3 Stephens 3 Cullen 2 Bell Crimmin s ac'-2y. Best: Woodhouse Bradley Bell Cullen Nigro Kiryako u r째-, A . Fyffe, P. Keogh (F ) 4 .2 8 .4 13 .10 17.3 (115 ) .0 1 1 UNI 4 .5 12.12 16 .12 21 .14 (140 ) : Dooley 8 MacKenzie 3 Khodr 2 Papdopoulos 2 McHenr y ,.: .,rd . Best : Dooley Marshall Kitts Taylor Papadopoulos Khodr . nbe : Close 7 Dumaresq 4 Mawdsley 3 Levy 2 Brooks 2 Whit e . -udeman . Best : Edmunds Mawdsley Close Edwards Sheldric k White . Umpires : H. Little, B . McLeod (F) 10.9 13.10 18 .11 (119) STO 4 .3 SALESIAN 5 .3 7.4 11 .7 14 .9 (93) Wi lliamstown : Williams 4 Twist 4 Ferris 3 McCutcheon 3 Bartolo Turcinovich Mathews Thomson . Best : 'Mst Ferris Gilmartin Monkhurst Featherston . Salesian : Grace 3 Thatn 3 Sutherland 2 Forer Cincotta Brown Bobetic Healy Stevens . Best : Bobetie Stevens Campbell Brown Sutherland Grace.Umpires: J . Moore, G . Rolfs (F) . G . Clancy . P . O'Reilley
8 .4 14.7 15 .11(101 ) SIa~E 5.3 1._ 3 pdTONE 0.1 1 .2 2.3 5 .3(33) Parkside : Martinez 3 Healy 2 J Panjarl 2 Singleton 2 Carmody Davies McCall G Panjari Stafford Ware . Best: Hogan Carmody Ware Healy Stafford Allan . Mentone: Gurtier 2 Johnstone Murphy Ross . Best: Gurtler Smith Noonan McMillan Murphy Ross . 2 .2 4.6 6 .8 7 .11 (53) PENINSULA 1 .3 3.6 6 .9 8 .10 (58) POWERHOUSE Peninsula: Franks 2 Krohn 2 Angus Thripp Sinclair . Best : Angus Powell Allen Harding Muir P Prendergast . Powerhouse : Cassio 2 Pavlou 2 Mahoney Morris Richardson O'Connor. Best: Mahoney Hall Lrwin O'Connor Brain Parker. 0.3 1 .5 2.6 5 .9 (39) WEST BRUNSWICK 7 .7(49) 2.5 5 .6 7 .6 KEW West Brunswick: Daniels 2 Vitale Davies P Harnilton . Best : Davies Norman P Hamilton Baker Bondi Sherry. Kew Raffaelle 4 Fitgerald Flannagan Livingston . Best: Sparks Growcott Looker Raffaele OAKLEIGH 1 .0 2.2 5 .2 9.5 (59) LA TROBE U2UI 1 .4 6.6 8.10 12 .12 (84) Oakleigh : Leslte3 Ianchello2 Hogan Moore Moutis Ntkakis . Best : Ogilvie Torpey Thomas Head Hogan Little . Latrobe : Storer 4 O'Meara 2 Staunton 2 Resengren Spralja Stewart Thorn . Best : Fanning Hewitt McNamara Rosengren Spralja Thorn . WII.LIAMSTOWN 4.6 5.10 9 .14 15 .17 (107) 1.2 3 .3 3 .5 6.7 (43) SALESIAN Williamstown : Barlow 3 Vincent 2 wouda 2 Calderwood 2 Cannon Markley Jones Burgess Rickard Smith. Best: Daniel Barlow Saccoccio B . Hvnes Wouda. Salesian : Byrne 3 Forbes Cooke Hegart, . Best : Todd Hanphy Smith Ellis Gaspari Smith .
. .
K EY' Coach: Serge D'Angelo Res. : Greg Cri mmins 1 B Lafranchi
Coach: Andr Sutherland Res. Coach : Clinton Perry
0 Coach: Tony ,,ory~ Res. Coach : -d cmmett
.__ . ;
F.C .
Coach: Ri Bruer4on Res skis
Coach : Laurie Zaraf a Res Coach: ' irk Ror
2 L Fitzgerald
1 . M. Bakogiannis
1 M. Hovey
3 G Horgan 4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradley 6 N Tinnetti 7 T Aitken
2 . S. Fredrickson 3. D. Sheldrick 4. C. Perry 5. A. Randall 6. B . Cameron
2 3 4 5 6
8 N Derrico 9 A Eaton
7. S . Gemmola 8 . J . Camm
7 K. Gurtler
6 R . Dooley
6 A. Stuart
8 D. Perrin
7 B . Hall
7 J. Muscat
9 . L. Walker 10. A. Hewitt
8 R . Marshall
8 J . Chilcott
10 B Cullen 11 B Woodhouse
12 J Growcott
11 . J. Levy
13 C Kyriakou 14 J Looker 15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Shaw 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell NC) 29 M Dalrymple 30 C Giansante (RVC) 31 K Gillam 32 A Drago 33 D Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 R Bruno (RDVC)
36 S Ryan 37 J Landwehr (VC) 38 J Beer 39 M Mc Inerny 40 P Durbridge 41 R Livingston 42 Settle 44 J Bell 47 S Symes 48 L Jensen 49 S Vidler 50 J Griffiths 51 M Blair 52 R Campagna 61 S Moussi 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers 66 J O'Kane 67 T Beattie 68 B Mc Gauchie 99 S Bruno
12. M . Forrest 13. T. Luderman 14. L . Wakeling 15. B. Auldist 16. S. Bray 17 . S. Gloury 18 . B. Grant 19 . S . White (VC) 20 . A. Murphy 21 . D. Edmunds 22 . P. Stewart 23 . R . Storer 24. S . Edwards 25. S . Brooks 26. B. Hewitt 27. D . Gilmour 28. C . Ross 29. P. White 30. J. Smith 31 . J. O'meara 32 . D. Hill 33 . M . Watson 34 . S . Paterson
35 . J . Eyre 36 . T Mavadsle Y 37 . C. Porter 38. A . Willis (C) 39. N . Rosengreen 40. R . Slater 41 . A. Samson 42. D . Gleason 43. A. Poulton 44. R . Mather 45 . D. McKeekin 46 . D. Hartley 47 . H. Girdwood 48 . L . McNamara 49 . M . Day y 50 . K. Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52. T. Stauton 53. A . Tucker 54. T. Peters 55. A . Cummings 61 . B . Launikonis 63. J. Laidlaw 65 . A. Hall 66 . A. Ballie 70 . J Dumaresq
R . Gallagher M . Dixon D . Emmett A. White C. Stephens
9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillma n 11 C . O 'Mear a 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M . Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sulliva n 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 S . Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Roc k 27 M . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 M . Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B. Matlock 32 B. Coleman 33 N . Wilkins 33 D . Andrew 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 A . Fimster 40 C . Goddchild 40 D . Nichol s 41 C . Rock 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tully 47 G . Anslade 48 M . Walsh L. McHugh
1 B. Gee
I R. Adam s
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
A. Bloomfield D. MacKenzie P. Papadopoulos T. lanchello
9 J. Moutis 10 M. McHenry
C . Hanley
12 S. DaY 13 S. Randle 14 A. Schultz 15 G . Redford 16 B. Arthur 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A . Monaghan 22 M . Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts (C) 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 J. Knapper 28 A. Khodr 29 J. Sposito 30 A. Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B. Gant 33 M . Clark 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske (RC) 36 J . Tolley 37 P. Torpey 38 B . Papadopoulos 39 M . Dordevic 40 I. Moore 41 J. Bruerton 42 S. Dalton 43 J. Seymour 44 N . Smith 45 P. Leslie 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 C . Little 48 A. McKenzie
50 T. Peck
49 G . Orland o
51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D. Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D. Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 K . Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara 74 S. Penton 77 B. Fleming 78 M . Cerritell i
50 . P. Taylo r 51 . J . Kerley 52 . M . Pitsos 53 . D. Pearson 54 M . Coppoc k 55 C. Hogan 56 C . Hardy 57 R . Keatin g 58 L . Thoma s 59 W. Ogilvi e 60 S. Kay
MENTONE R.S .L. 9 Palermo St, Menton e ' Function Room * Restaurant * Pokie s
A . Delle-Vergin i S . Pin o D . warre n T. Stonehouse
9 A. Constantin i 10 A. Vita 11 B . Hockey (VC) C 1 2 D. McCall ) 13 A . Copley 14 V. Roman o 15 D. Moodie (C) 16 P. Roman o 17 A . Roman o 18 A . Reginato 19 C . William s 22 R . Wise 23 R . Bec k 24 R . Marull i 25 M. McPherson 26 S. Ross 27 D. Matthew s 28 R. Martinez 29 J . Liboaperto 30 S . Gun n 31 A . Inglis (RVC ) 32 J . McCal l 33 K . Allan 34 M . Roman o 35 C . Panjar i 36 J. Sculley (CR ) 37 J. Panjari 38 F. Darrig o 42 P. Dean 43 J. Hubbard 44 P. Solig o 47 B. Polloc k 50 B. Carman 51 J . Schol l 52 E . Cassasio 55 J . Eastwoo d 56 C. Massett 58 T. Mangos 60 J . Drakopoulo s
nane Darren Fenech
1 S. Parsons A. Parsons
1 A Rolls
1 A Stevens
1 A Hamilton
2 J Hall
2 A Thain
2 P Hamilton
- . -d Coach : Darren William s Res Coach : W Payne 1 D William s 2 J Buttigieg
3 S Sutherland
3 G Heppell
3 D Grieve
4 C . Lehmann
4 S Wuchatsc h
5 A Cannane
5 D Macleod (C)
6 C . Lewis
6 N Grant 7 B Robinson
Coach: Peter O'Connor Ass.Coach: Andrew Rolls Res Coach: Craig Richardson
Co" l : L. tt Sexton Asst : D. Old it, it Res Coach: Jim Gianna
M. Goldthorpe
3 N Pavlou
E. Bowen (Vc) N. Kent
4 B Turner
4 A Healey
6 M .Wamer 7 S.Murray 8 P.Angus g RKrohn (Rvc)
5 M Braini 6 H Clarke 7 C Richardson 8 J Clarke 9 Ad Burt
6 R Cincotta 7 G Gasped 8 S Logan g A Campbel l 10 D Oliv er
1 0 A.Haley 11 A. Landry 12 R.Powney ~,3 T. Braden 14 S. Jackson 15 B.Cook
10 Ash Burt 11 J Gill 12 N Dodd 13 J Harris 14 W Elliot 15 P Haseler
16 R. Huighson
16 M Higgins
i7 J. Coughlan IS J. Whelan 19 T. Prendergast 20 S.Prendergast i A. Macpherson 22 A.Atchison (C) 23 A.Burke 24 S. White -5 J.Atchison 6 P. Prendergast 27 S.Payze 28 B.Taylor g G .Nelson 30 A.Crean 30 R. Blood {Res .) 31 C. Lennon 32 T. Harding - 3 C. Wilson 34 M . Allen 35 R. Davies 36 N.Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 R. Haworth ~9 B.Cooper 0 A. Dillon S.Farrow :2 A. Hanson .:3 B.Jarett (Rc) 4 A. Kelson :5 R. Martin 46 A.Oneil 47 LPalmer 49 A.Bonner 9 J .Crowder :A L. Saville 51 R. Jones 52 C. Alexander 56 A. Piesley 57 H. Shorten 59 A.Powell 61 M .Natalizio 62 P.Sinclair 69 J .Muir
17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 B Ryan 21 D Miller 22 S Evans 23 S Craven (C) 24 D Boland 25 S Cummins 26 J Senior 27 J Robertson 28 D Murrihy 29 R Cassio 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 A Benbow 33 R Taylor 34 J. Marsh 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 D O'Connor 38 C Wenlock 39 D Crawford 40 R Keits 41 J Rainey 43 S Considine 44 G Dean 45 A Contreras 46 B Harrahan 47 GParker 48 H Nelson 49 B Urwin 50 C Jones 51 J Best 52 S Rafferty 54 J Blowfield 55 D Yates 56 J Mahoney 57 R K ang 61 S McCrae 62 A White 66 D Wright 71 L O'Sullivan 88 G Scotland
5 M Canavan
12 11 A A Gasped Daveyy 13 I Bobetic 14 C Roache 15 D levoli 16 P Turley 17 M Ferwerda 18 A Sexton 19 S Brown 20 A Seege r 21 A Bate s 22 R Stevens 23 M Smith 24 A Grace 25 S Egan 26 J Nannas 27 N SynoY 28 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cooke 31 M Bates 32 G Riley 33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Ellis 36 D Todd 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clauson 40 M Forer 41 M Gunn 42 P Evans 43 E Maillard 44 C Hunt 45 S Horvath 46 D Forer 47 B Bowma n 48 M Bourke 49 D Barry 50 S Morrish 51 S Parisi 52 D Hegarty 53 B Chalmers 54 S Nolan 55 E Hanaphy 56 D Bowma n 57 B Atkins 58 W Chapman 59 D Blake 60 D Sutherland 61 P Mallis 62 B Kirchner 63 L Seager 64 S Oldfied 65 B Grant 66 B Pascoe 67 M McTaggart 68 S Rattray 69 M Stanton 70 A Chiappini
71 C Bartlett H~~ i_t ~ G,':RIi aEg 'S 3185 Bardia Avenue Seaford Vic . 3198 Tel : 9785 2436
72 B Porter 73 D Ogge 74 J Radi 75 J Hamilton 76 J McClaren 77 S Sinclair 78 C Warsling
Coach: Paul Cock Res. Coach: Paul ? ' ir
7ta)F Vitale 7 b)N . O'Brien 8 J . Heywood A . Morphett 10 S Byrne 11 H . Bailey 12 B Clarkey 13 S . Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B . Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Stringer 20 B . Young 21 S McNamara 22 A . Steward 23 D Henderson 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R . Benjamin 27 D . Disi sto 28 J Ward 29 M . Shepherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrmann 32 M . Carmichael 33 T Thompson 34 I. Tvrytord 35 K . Coventry 36 S . Campbell 37 N . Basham 38 S . Darting 39 X Thompson 40 B Baker 41 R . Miller 42 M . Ho lan d 43 J Tobiny 44 N . Masters 45 J Smith 46 A Bandt 47 N Seal 48 M Moore 49 L. Stewart 50 A . Bagnall 51 L Sherry 52 B . Flanagan 53 J . Gross 54 R . Howell 55 G. Maraz ta 56 C. Riley 57 J . Drape r 58 A . Rafter 59 C. Norma n a째 Kirby 62 S Dishon 63(a) D . Jelbart 63 (b) J. Gartlan 65 D . Simmond 66 M . Malone
67 A . O'Brien 68 C Stevens 69 R . Hussey 70 D . Platt 72 L Ryan 75 M . Shelton 76 A . Shirley 77 D. Shirley
8 B Han n 9 G Cas e 10 B Cock s 11 B Twist A Featherston 12(R)M Canno n 13 A Mackley 14 D Ferris 14(R)A Danie l 15 W Phillips
15(R)P Breguet 16 D Gilmarti n 17 R Hart 17(R)R Plochin o 18 D Oldham 19 P Dervan (RC) 20 P Sadler 21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunders 23 T Wheeler 23(R)A Bouras 24 J McCutcheon 24(R)C Pach 25 P Thomso n 25(R)G Burgess 26 L Grochowak i 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmato s 29 P Vincent 30 T Turcinovich 31 A Bartol o 32 X Toby 33 G Rickard 34 B Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A Blac k 37 B Hynes 38 S Smith 39 M 39 R A Ca rte l rd 40 ( ) J Munro 41 T Campbell 42 D Woud a 43 B Grant 44 M Mannin g 45 J Hynes 46 T Ferris 47 F Nuredini 48 P Trchett 49 W Kewin 50 A McCutcheon 51 A McKenzie 52 R Nisbet 53 M Oldham 54 J Payn e 55 J Spezza 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio 58 A Bear d 59 K Dowsey 60 D Lee
54 S. McNerny
55 D . Orchard 56 D . Temby 57 A. Rya n 58 S. Barlow 59 S. Phemiste r 60 A. Savoia 68 A. Houg h
69 B. Cambridge
THANKYOU : Steve McCarthy and o ft I would like to thank the Old Scote- - Club for not only their hospitality at their milestone game last week but for all those other little touches which made the day extra special and memorable. Special mention to Tim Shearer v:'!o went above the call of duty for a club official. a :--째 '째 --.---)uld like to thank University El.~.~< ; " or their great hos_ .'a' _- for his recent milestone anc; ~ . ~ i i Jessica and Jos:_ . Fin :1i : would like to thank the OR Nub for their hospitality and prese . iade to him . A memorable day. COACI31= 3
On Thursday, at lecture, umpires' Advisor discussed techniques to control the game . Areas discussed included the need to pay free kicks where warranted . Umpires risk losing control when free kicks are not paid for high tackles etc. Players attempting to gain possession are not adequately protected and he directed umpires to break packs up quickly . Often when players act outside the rules, umpires do not effectively communicate with the offender . Michael discussed the need to demonstrate to all players, officials and spectators that the umpire is prepared to take the appropriate action when and where necessary including reporting players . We also spoke of the need to control the amount of backchat, general abuse and audible swearing from players and officials that appears to have increased due to our lack of attention in this area . Officials will be monitored, in particular, the number of officials on the coach's bench and spectators in the playing arena . A common sense approach was requested to ensure umpires did not overreact to the session. Note : Training -3t$a July 2001 will be at Xavier College Burke Hall - Melways 44J6 (Bring running gear ) - 17th July 20001 will be at Melbourne Sports Aquatic Centre - Melways 57G4 (Bring running gear and bathers) For more information, contact Graeme Hunichen ('Punishen' Hunichen) on 0412 255 49 7
WHATS YOUR DECISION: JUNE 23rd The Field Umpire shall call for a field bounce and bounce the ball on the middle of the top goal square line (kick off line) . No svinner!
Old h nhoe player takes possession of '- - _- the ball . He sees a teG 째.: ; ate to ha_-c'- ball to decides to retain the ball and pL :.; - on. He :v by a Beaumaris player and attempts to kick the bal and is unsuccessful. The ball spills to the ground What is the Field Umpire's decision? Email D Whiteley :_i~h your decision to win tickets to th , ; CG .
- Goal Umpire, started in 1983 Nic ; Hoary, 380 Games, AFL Team Melbours iJmr: res in A Section, Best Player s iVI-AanPrce(OldSoth),Hbi
Caravam fng - Four Wheel Driving . - Seal Umpire, started in 1986, ov e 294 s?s _kname is Kenny, AFL Team -
Melt J,- -'res in A Section, Best Player i VAFn - --ichen (Collegians) . ON - Goal Umpire, started i 2001, Nickna ie is SOS - Son of Simo (Peter), AFI Team - Collin}, . .ood, Umpires in B/ C Section, Bes Player in AFL - Nathan Buckley, Favourite hobby Homework!! !
RUNNERS ON NOTICE : VAFA President, Richard Evans advised clul delegates last Monday night at the July meeting tha runners are spending too much time on the groun( either watching play or deliberately taking ul opposition players' spaces . Richard has instructec CEO Phil Stevens to advise clubs and the VAFAU 1 that runners are to be warned ONCE following aofencsabovendthoberd oft igrounda tbleorpacedfothrsf . A runner is to giveigameuponr-fd ~ message to a player and then get off the ground Trainers etc are not to act as a runner (ie g . Richard's last comment was that if timesag) istuaondemprv"uswilbean c from the VAFA Competition". VAFAUA END OF SEASON TRIP TO ALBURY 12/10/2001 to 14/10/2001 - Cost $170 .00 Bookings must be made by 5/7/2001 Contact Dast or Gavin Roberts for more details .
27/8/01at MCG ; G 23/9/01 ; ~ rr I aa y - 12/10/01 .
r 28/9/01, FINALLY . . . . correspondence to
Albie Firley
6 Sharon Alger
e runton
Sean Scully
Paul Berry
3 Paul Withington
6 Dash Peiris
Damien Lane
10 Tristan Bowman
7 Alan Ladd
Shalom Blustein
Mark Childs
10 Trent Foley
1 3 Chris Evan s
Nick Evans
10 -Avi Vlekselman
1 I Alan Stubbs
12 Jamie Kvins
Nathan Carlyon
14 Glen Kennedy
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
10 Robert McLeod
1 5 Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
1 5 Mark Jenkins
I I Paul Tuppen
16 Peter Woods
1 7 Peter Keogh
16 Craig Brajtberg
12 Simon Payton
17 Mark Gibson
16 Peter Simpson
1 7 Cameron Leitch
15 Michael Sneddon
18 Jason McNiece
19 Andrew Fyffe
1 $ Tim Sutcliffe
16 Luke Moncrieff
1 9 Steve McCarthy
20 Grant Wardrop
20 David D'filtera
3 7 Andrea Thivaites
2â&#x201A;Ź3 John Ralph
22 Chris Collins
21 Justin Grossbard
18 George Paleodimos
21 Patrick Maebus
23 Peter Griffiths
22 Rick Love
1 9 Heath Littl e
23 Paul Dinneen
25 Lionel Kat z
23 Chris Stevens
21 David irons
24 Graeme Hunichen
26 Daniel Dinneen
24 John Mille r
22 Ken Brewe r
25 Cameron Stewart
2 7 Anthony Simpson
25 Richard Eastwood
23 Robert Sneddon
26 Jim Papioanou
28 Ken McNiec e
26 Brad Clark
24 Jason Moore
27 Matt Cox
29 Peter James
2 7 Euan Lindsay
25 Mat Taylor
28 Paul Lamble
30 Michael Phillips
28 Leah Gallagher
:.' Paul Jones
2 9 Chris Garcia
32 Anthony Damen
2 9 Gerard Rolfs
= ;c 7~ ?vlartyn
'30 Justin Lipson
33 Michael Forde
3 0 Simon Olive
Anthony LiIley
33 Robert Mayston
34 Stephen Morgan
32 Mark Fraser
31 Tim Friedman
34 Graeme Morgan
35 Troy Brooks
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarred Aspinall
35 Jason Lane
36 Ian Burgess
34 Jeremy Heffernan
33 Glenn Schipp
36 Matthew Meier
37 Gavin Roberts
35 James Watson
34 Daniel Stephens
37 Alex Maggio
36 Ron Smith
35 Dianne Whiteley
38 Chris Stevens (S)
3 7 David Murray
37 Ken Walker
g o at the VA ~~ . ~ _ Z- It M :.` 7cludc the arrnoun--j, ~~e Year . B째
. -. '.l 7 )7 9
$.8d dLG4Q
O z; Ii 'J ..33 11 8
column for everyone in .' .mafeur Football with Brad Beitze l ~WORK 1 : MICHAEL Hazelfl from OMs was ,potted at Re-creation gym maintaining his fitness while recuperating from a depressed ~kull . Earlier in the season the mid-fielder had a soft-tissue leg injury but rather than dropping his fitness, Michael has kept it up vrith this attitude . Last year the former state player missed 12 weeks with injury too . WORK II : K G ibson is dominating the umpiring appointments and here's why : it's not because of the thinning of numbers in umpire ranks, rather Gibbo's work ethic . Late in a one-sided match when mortals would be s~,:itching to cruise control Mark was spotted sprinting in from the centre to the flank to ,,,, intain his performance . Also noted is the ttmpires' 2001 training attendance sheet. ,Far?= missed two sessions according to this document . "No I haven't," Mark exclaimed! "I -â&#x20AC;˘.ms upstairs (at EP) attending a meeting and t`trained after that . "I will have to get that :heet amended," Mark said . A word of caution for the umpire fitness coach iiummichcn - change it 'cos Mark is a lawyer . [',or the record so to is Michael Hazel which reinforces the ethos that no matter what your schedule, you can make time if you want to . ~ ASKED about blichael Ritterman bein g
e most decorated VAFA player whose son 6. starred in the representative under-19 1 The Ajax rover won four Amateur best and fairests, B in 1979, C in 1978, D in 1976 & .d E in 1975 . Either Michael was a disciplined and skilled footballer or he's got a unique way with umpires. Suspect it's the former. f-~ CRYPTIC question : If Bert Newton, The IUng of daytime TV, had to interview an A nateur Footballer who would be chosen if -;clection was based on coincidences with Pert? Clue : The footballer, like Bert, is a %,cteran, he is known for his hair and his weight . Send me your answers for next week . (0 ;. HSOB is always happy to welcome its former full-forward Athol Guy back . The Sec__egs double-base was replaced in the mid 196os by current president Col Green . Col, 1-1i1, n seen working the canteen, was the spearhead when the club last played in an A `IT iion Grand Final and that was in 1966 . By Ih,,i The Seekers were chart-toppers . :`,'â&#x20AC;˘:1 THG ANA ATM IM F!1(1TRA1 I FR 7lVtt
MOST yarns in this column are run in good faith on the information provided . Keep them coming on the e-mail . JUST over the half-way point of the season and these words from Oprah might ring true for committee-people at clubs who are thinking of axing an unsuccessful coach : "Don't tell me one person can't change the world" . Well Oprah, just changing the form of one footy club would be enough for the backroom boys ! HOW about this for sibling rivalry? Nick ' :e, the Senior Representative VAFA Team coach, is known for his love of Porches but has younger brother Matt got one up on him? There was a brand-new black Carrera in front of Toorak Park with the number plate : MATT 1 . Nick's is a few years older . Not that I want to re-visit one of the more famous incidents during Xavs' run of six A Section flags but Nick is noted for not selecting Matt for the Xavs' 1996 premiership team when Nick was coach and Matt was the star fullforward on the comeback from injury.
SCOTCH'S pre-game functions are becoming one of the best value lunches in town . Last week Dr John Tickell's speech added to the list of high standard addresses . Phil Stevens described it as the "best I've been to" . 1948 VAFA representative player Colin Davey, a doctor of sports psychology, was also at the Tickell talk . "John spoke about eating and exercise, it was good," Dr Davey, who played for Collingwood and Old Scotch, said . Being Collingwood's psychologist in 1990, Dr Davey said he would need to see more of Scotch before being able to comment on its lop-sided season . Dr Davey taught Xavs coach Tim 63' Slaaughnessy . 2dOEI, Rundle's OAM is an outstanding recognition to Noel's commitment to the VAFA . It's been suggested that there will be no change to his name : Noel Rundle OAM, ie : Noel Rundle Ormond Amateur Member !
b eatzellt@alphal
. cmm. au
1 " 1 1 7 j T,
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Telephone : (03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 2379 P.O . Box 73 Malvern 3144 E-mail : info@scottp .com .a u
It's nearing the end of the financial year again and have you planned your taxation affairs yet ? We at Scott Partners provide a comprehensive range of Business and Financial Services . Be it a Personal, Partnership, Company or Trust income tax return, any GST advice, advice on commencement of a business, reconstruction of a business or winding up of a business, we can help . We also have a dedicated Financial Planning division and experienced Superannuation and Reitrement advisers . Our services include:
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Dear Friend and Supporter. I am sure by now you have heard of the devastating deliberately lit fire that destroyed the pavilion at Jordan serve, the home of Syndal Tally Ho Football Club and Mount Waverley United Cricket Club, on April 23 this ar. As part of both Clubs commitment to fight back from this disaster a FIRE FUNDRAISER & AUCTION :,INNER has been planned for Monday July 30, 2001 . In what we expect to be a fabulous evening you can hear current AFL premiership coach Kevin Shee y, legendary AFL coach Ilav' and sensational cricketer Dean Jones while enjoying a sumptuous six course meal . For an all inc- +e price of only $60 (5110 a double) you also enjoy drinks, wonderful auction and raffle items and other guests, while assisting these dedicated and family oriented clubs re-establish themselves . Please join the many generous and wonderful friends who have assisted the rebuilding process so far and enjoy a wonderful night with the players and their partners of these great community clubs .
Monday 30 July 2001 - 7 pm star t Ashwood International - 61 sigh Street Road Ashwood Six course meals and drinks included Price $60 per person or $110 per couple Guest Speakers include Kevin Sheedy, David Parkin and Dean Jones Host Mark Doran
RSVP 22/07/O1 or further information please contact Fundraiser Coordinator Russell Thomas on 0411 814 144, STHFC President Peter 1"osfiikos on 0401 764 165 or'tWUCC Anthony Bowd on 9568 5820AH .
s ant ns ,s =s
I ! c ~qutvs payabl~ to :
D3 SECTION by Ed 10 速 11 Peter W _速r. --
ROUND 1 0 REVIEW Albert Park scored an excellent win over Eflsternwiek at The Lake in what was at times a rugged and fiery display . Monash Gryphons had a convincing victory over St . John's, becoming the first team outside the "power trio" to defeat a side in the top three. 1-la horn made it four in a row when they defeated Uni High in a strongly contested match . Pekin up forward and Jason Michael in the midfield were good for the Hawks whilst Fatty Wallace was prominent for Uni . Fitzroy h an ded out a hiding to Richmond with an even 200 point margin . Cahill was proving a menace around the ground and up forward whilst 'Hot Dog' Mitchell, starting in the ruck, took the opportunity to star. Finally, Bentleigh enjoyed some more revenge as they accounted for South Melbourne . 7-I速TJNl1 11 PREVIEW What Pete Says : Elsgernwiek welcome UHSOB to St. Kilda Street . The Students may be a bit of a tricky propositions for the Wickers, but ultimately I think the home side should prevail . Elsternwick for mine . Hawthorn host Bentleigh in a very important match for both teams . The home side will be trying to hold their spot in the four ahead of the chasing mid-table pack, while the Demons will want to consolidate their spot in the top two . Both great incentives, but I can't help but think the visitors may be too good . Bentleigh to win . Sentimentalist's Day at Lindsay Hassett Oval as South M elbourne Districts take on Fitzroy Reds . The Reds (very much the Jimi Hendrix of the "power trio") have taken on and cast aside all comers this season while Districts have slowly and quietly come into contention for the four . As predictable as this may be, I cannot bring myself to pick against Fitzroy.
P:sonash Gryphons entertain Richmond Central in a game swapped to East Caulfield Reserve . The Gryphons had a convincing away win last time these two sides met, and I would 36
be a fool to tip against them again (and would Mr. T pity me if I did?) . Monash . Finally, Albert Park journey to Dandenong to take on St . John's OC. Despite the Falcons' encouraging victory, and St . Johns' third straight buffeting, I can only see this going one way. JOCs to win . What Ed Says : Els ternwiek have gone from potential finalists to relegation avoidees in recent weeks . Injuries to key players hasn't helped their cause but it is hard to see them not bouncing back this week against Uni High . Wicks by four goals . Hawthorn and Bentleigh meet in what promises to be an absorbing struggle . The Hawks have improved as the year has gone on whilst Bentleigh have performed consistently at the highest level . Close call but Bentleigh for me . Sou th Melbourne host the 'Juggies" (nee Fitzroy) in a make or break match for them . A loss would see them drift further from the sides above them but how can you go against the Juggies . Clearly the most dominant side in Amateur Football at the present, their miserly defence, led by Drury and Clarke, are allowing only a tick over five goals per game past . Juggles by a bit .
Monash will be looking to consolidate their good form of the previous week when they host Richmond . Monash will be buoyed by their defeat of St .Johns whilst Richmond will be at the other end of the spectrum, deflated after matching up against Fitzroy . Kilmister and Chief Shannon will have an absorbing duel but Monash should win . Finally, St.Johns host Albert Park in what becomes a bit of a must win for the Jocs . Form and injuries have combined to see the Jocs drop three in a row whilst Albert Park again showed why I think they will be dangerous lurker for the,rest of the year when they defeated the Wicks . Still, the Jocs early season form was very strong and they should return to the winners circle . RESERVES
.AATGII0 CllnTCin I ~ rn nnn 1
pete: Wickers, Demons, Reds, Gryphons, JOCs. Ed : Wicks, Hawks, Reds, Gryphs, Jocs SOCIAL Hawthorn have their band night this week . See Chris Reed for details . Albert Park wish to announce the winner of their CUB fridge raffle is Phil Chambers Jr . M onash Gryphons hold their annual revue night this Saturday (7th July - after the Richmond Central game) at the Gryph Inn . The event is scheduled to commence at " 7 .30pm, with a $5 entry fee . The legendary Paul "Curly" Bateman will be the emcee . Ct9IQ3'AC'T Once again, I can be contacted via e-mail on Peter .PS . W illianason@centrelflnk .gov .au (work) or psdtw5473 (home), phone on 9920 9054 or fax on 9920 9097 . Thank you to those who have submitted reports this week, please keep up the good work . Again, we'd like to ,hear from as many people as possible, so please contact either myself or Ed . Ed can be contacted on email via eci.sili@locker.coan .ala or on 0418348723 . Go; d luck to your team today, and have a gr•sat VA,aA weekend !
Al : :ert Park - wish to congratulate Mick ° Per uson who reaches the milestone of 100 games this weekend . A great effort and best of luck, and maybe a win as well! !
LST WK TOTA L D3 SECTION Sharp Bentleigh 8 69 Hilton St Johns 0 50 Allan Albert Park 7 49 Lauletta Hawthorn 3 48 I{ilhnister Monash Gryphons 4 44 D3 RESERVE Fitzroy Reds 4 Bentleigh 2 Hawthorn 0 [a,tras Albert Park 0 C >>P3 Monash Gryphons 2 [inc E nglish Lc,d
38 22 18 17 17
ALBERT PARK 4 .7 10.9 17.10 20.14(l ELSTER , ICB 4.0 7.3 11 .7 17 .8 (110) Albert Park: S.Allan 7 G .Daley 3 Venables 3 Dilrllngo 2 Storey Baker KDaley MandylarLS Cunningham. Beat: G .Daley S.Allan Lapsley Venables Chambers Baker. ELsternwtck: Andrews 7 Foster 2 S .Mahoney B .Mahoney Whelan Yemm O'Connor Nhlll MLssaeia Hartly. Best: Curtain Nhill B.Mahoney Andrews Bravington Cunningham Umpires: R martyn. J. Aspinall (F), J. Fagan, N . Booth (B), C. Dalh, A. Chin UHSOB 3.1 3 .6 7.9 11 .10 (76) HAWTHORN 5.6 8 .11 11.17 17.23 (125) UHSOB: Farrelly 4 Tate 2 J Maguire 2 Collins 2 S Maguire Best : J .Maguire Zulicld Maher Farrelly Wright Wallace . Hawthorn : Lauletta 3 Bonfield 3 Pek1n 3 Davies 2 Avery Broadly Burke Jackomos Ogge Saulle Best Pekin Michaels Saulle Davies Banfleld Ogge Umpires : R Smith, P. Maebus (F), J. Maebus (B ) BEN'PLEIGH 9.4 14 .6 19.13 24.16 (160) SOUTH MELBOURNE 1.4 2 .8 3.9 6 .12 (48) Hen : Sharp 8 Michelson 3 Henry 3 Ireson 2 D Martin 2 E}ies 2 PadPham Lewis Eeffing A Pittito . Best : D Martin A Pittito Henry Eyles firearm Mickelson South Melbourne- M. Rovmwski 3 Daly 2 D Thomas 1 . Best: D'Andrea King Stepnell McFarlane McGee Lu ;dord Umpires: T. Foley, T. LWey (F ) FITZROY REDS 9.1 20 .6 23.13 33.19 (217) RICHMOND 1 .3 1 .3 1.4 2 .5(17) Fitzroy Reds: Rancid 6 V. Cahill 5 Pidotto 4 Mttchell 4 Rawlins 3 A .Parsons 2 UrbancEc 3 Dibenedetto Curtis J. Parsons P. Jackson Clarke. Best: Cahill Mitchell Clarke Rawlins Wharf A . Parsons. Richmond Centrals; Day Dutton. Best O'Sullivan Adams Day Shannon Convery Deegan Umpires: P. Lamble, P. Tuppen (F) MONASH GRYPHONS 6.5 12 .7 15.10 22.19 (151) ST JOHN'S 3.4 6 .6 12.9 12.13 (85) Monash: Flowerday 5 Kfflmister 4 Blandford 3 Goold 3 Healy 2 Jenkfn 2 Wells Bourbon Coxhead B. Best: Fiovverday Wells Grady Beslee Gould Rutherford N. St John's: Coulon 3 Walker 2 Koppers 2 Hartnett 2 Back Dragwidge VanHooten. Best. Walker Hartnett Koppens Emery Mills Jones . Umpires: A. Simpson, S. Stokes (F) RESERVES ALBERT PARK 6.6 6 .8 7.11 7.13 (55) E CK 2.0 6 .4 6.7 10 .7 (67) Albert Park: McKay 3 Dee 2 Toth McGuire . Best : Steward Phillip s Adamson Bourne Hogan Chisholm EhternwicY: Davidson 4 Purcell 3 Hankin Creek Walker. Best Davidson Creek Purcell Noonan S .Cume Daniel UHSOB 3.1 7.2 11 .5 14 .9 (93) HAWTHORN 1 .1 3 .3 3.5 5 .5 (35) UIISOB : Cavalleri 3 Fisher 3 De Luise 3 French 2 Rees 2 Cusick Best : Cusick Parker Rees Holmes Catterall Fisher. Hawthorn: Mountain Pollock Tyson Alcuch Alexander Best: Gourlay Collins Alexander Pollock Kerr Barker BEP7rLEIGH 1.1 2.3 4.5 6 .9(45) SOUTH MELBOURNE 3.2 7.5 9.7 13 .7 (85) Bmtkigk: English 2 Withington Jemmeson L Pittito Cavanagh. Best: GVithtngton Richards Wade Cavanagh Sidney English . South Melbourne: McKerron 4 Kent 3 Downing 2 MtJatovic E Henderson Slade Briglia . Best: McKerron Slade Mijatovic McCauley Doyle FrrZROY REDS 7 .3 17.8 23.13 26.19 (175) RICHHIOND 0.0 1.3 1 .3 1 .3(9) Fitzroy Re ds: Prior 6 Kane 4 George 3 Madden 2 Rome 2 Grant 2 James 2 Marcon Fennessy Walsh Dikeakos Luke M . Best : Card Grant Rome Mackinnon Walsh Prior. Richmond; Defrattis. Best Beramano Woodman Griffiths Somers Karmichaelos Prentice MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .5 3.5 4.5 5 .6(36) ST JOHNS 1 1 3.4 4.7 6 .8(441 : Gonis 2 Bourbon T 2 Gilchrist R Monash . Best Charleson Whalen Warren Mastromanno Bourbon T Hale. St John's : Hancock 2 Santont Christian Matheson Ducacubino. Best: Ducacublrm Boulton Gates Rudd Dowsett scicco.
TODAY'S MATCHES, D3 Section Elsternwick v . UHSOB Hawthorn Amateurs v. Bentleigh South Melbourne Districts v. Fitzroy Reds Monash Gryphons v. Richmond Central Gam e switched from original draw - now Monash Gryphon home game Albert Park v. St . Johns
Cc : r. Res. Cc
h: al.
Coach : n Gordon Res. Cason : Steve Hall
Coach: Leigh Piurphy Res Coach : Jr r Curtain
Ser C i. Gn
Par c
I C,h ; P
-r T jn
C Sharp (C)
1 . L. Murphy (C)
1 . rv .Frisby
-' C~" : P-"e^.-n
2. 3. 4.
N .Pastras J .Storey G . Parmansche
2 3 4
S .Allan
P Morgan A Plttito D Lewis (RC)
2 . A . Hankin 3 . D . Fitzpatrick 4 . A . Tilley
M Eyles
1a I. Baccin i lb B Hudso n 2a G Broadle y
6. 7.
J . Willox J .Sutton
5 . M . Whelan
6 7 8 9 10 11
R Weber S Brown
6 . D . Brennan 7 . J. McAdam
3a G 3b A
L Martin
8 . S . Currie (RC)
2. A Walsh 3 M .Wharf 4 J .Hamilton 5 D.Kane 6 J . Bennie 7 J .Doyle 8 A .Byrne
9 C .Prior
4 E
I Jackson A Henry D Martin (C)
10 A .Urbancic 11 B .Doyle 13 M .James
So S 5b B 6a P
L Codarin
6b N
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23
G Prigg C Martin P Withington P Jemmeson J Psaras H Dwyer S Hall R Fishlock A Graham 8 Adaway
9 . T. Hartly 10. R . Bravington 11 . L . Missaglia 12. N . Wigmore 13. P. Stankovich 14. B. Mahony 15 . M. Noonan 16 . M. Burman 17 . J . Ward 18 . A. Neil 19 . A. Peasley 20 . K. Currie 21 . P. Stuchberry 22 . M . Mussared
Jackso n Knott Balti c Avery Ruzick a Avery
17 g Lee 18 M .Heenan 19 P.Cook 20 TMitcheil 21 A .Sainsbury 23 TJackson 25 P. Jackson 26 A.Fennessy 27 J .Loft 28 J .Card
7 D 8a N 8b J 9 R 10 P 11 A 12 S 13 J 14a D 14b T
Moncrieff Hayes Menni e Ogl e Orchard Sil l Banfiel d Povey Lauletta Fitzpatrick
29 D .East
15 M
Tyso n
31 P.Crowe 32 A.Grant 33 S .Drury 35 A.Mackinno n 38 N.Bishop 39 A.George 40 G .Bance 41 R.Burgman 42 I .McBurnie 43 A .Marcon 44 B .Hart 46 P.Heaphy 48 V.Cahil l
16a C 16b D 17a D 17b R 18 P 19 J 20 S 21 P 22 A 23a J 23b M 24 J 25 M 26 D 27 R 28 D
Reed Lahif f Zaverell a Tongue Rya n Law Parke r Burke Collin s Michea l Artini Jackomoni s Zaverella Villani Lord Lackins
29a M
29b P 30 K 31 L 32 P 33 S 34 R 35 J 36 M 37 D 38 B 39a S 39b D 40 B 41 A 42 T 43a A 43b1 44 B 45 A 46 T 47 J
Barker McDouga l Collins McLenna n Stevens Johnsto n Carguil l Daou Carter Brun s Davies Pritchard Moore Donkin Dixon Brick Chepa Allder Burke O'Hanlo n Berry
C. Jackson
9. 10. 11 .
P. Chambers M .Phillips A . Fleming
N .Langdon
13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23 .
B .Payne S .Fairfield B .Adamson C .Roberton D . McLellan J. Taylor A. Steward M.Abbott S.Waugh S.Redpath T.Faranda
24 .
L Holmesby
23 . S . Curtain (VC)
25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37. 38. 39. 40.
J.Sutcliffe G . Finn S. Ridout R.Buckley T.Goldsmith A.Thomas S .McGuire D:Odorico T. Murray G .Meyer-Heinrich A . D'Mingo M .Pearson L.Hogan C .Lamont J .Robilotta M .Lapsley
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
D Gold B Padgham J Seeley M McCulloch A Clough A Miksad R English D Fishlock M Effting D Castro L Ireson M Backman P Hutchison G Beattie L Pittito J Baunsall
24 . A. Foster 25 . B . Frankin 26 . C. Mahony (VC) 27 . M . Daniels 28 . W. Davidson 29 . S . Mahony 30 . M . Nicol 31 . G. Devonshire 32 . M . Hunt 33. M . Cunningham 34. M . Hosking 35. P. McNally 36. P. McDonogh 37. L . Lambert 38. B. Currie 39. P. Allen
J Neve
40. S. Bacon
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 60
A Mikkelsen S Sine G Saddingon A Wade I Picken P Dimattina M 0'Reilley M Clark A Staves M Pirie L Sampson M Sidney G Richards M Unsvaorth C Aitken T Caterson F Cavanagh
41 . J. Yemm 42. J. Lilikakis 43. P. Clark 44. C . Walker 45 . R . Grandemange 46 . S. Smith 47 . S . Ritchie 48 . M . Frankin 49 . D. Byrne 51 . M . Purcell 52 . P. Roberts 53 . B . Hilton 54 . S . Kirkham 57 . T. Byrne
41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 .
K .Weaver S .Bolas J .Tsoukas B.Isard A.Gay D .MacKintosh W.Gauci M.Willis T.Houston D .McKay J. Costello N.Strang M .Williams S. Kidd D. AIIan P. Kemp A. Soak S .Toth B .Letchford S .Lawson C.Brockhouse
77 . J .Robertson 78 .
A .Dee
J .Sgroi
80. 81 . 82.
B .Martyn TWalton J .Stubbs
83. C .Jeffrey 84. 85. 86.
D .Harris G .Daley H .Ross
The Licensed Premises UisUo, Gaming & TAB .
Ph : 9557 7938
14 TClarke 15 J.Vernal i
16 G.Clohesy
50 B .Agg enbach 51 J .Rawlings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S .Addicott
54 J.Parsons
55 N .Mathews 55 L.Mayman 56 T. Madden 57 R . Rome 58 B. Neal 59 R .Johnstone 60 A .Parsons 61 G .Virtue 62 N .Auden 63 G .Makdesi 64 D .Trindad e 66 D .Timms 67 R .Holderhead 68 B.Cahill 69 S.Pidotto 70 S.Dibendetto 71 P.Gunn 72 M .Dikeukos 75 W.Daniel 76 D. Curtis 80 G .Box 81 J .Horridge 84 Z .Senburgs 88 S .Greenwood
97 P.Ronchi
99 P.Diacogiogi s 116 G .Schiavo
Fitzin 째
:b ' Club Ltd
The y, ; tei grurwswitk et, Fi zroy
2b E
ag C
49 D 52 M 55 A
Alexander McGowa n Delaney Saulle
r _. i /
. Jack tlonald each : in Ratner
.Coach : C~avin F Rea Cc h: At-ay
ST JOHNS Coach : Bruce Mullens Res Coach: M Hancock
STH P . :1 -r. Coach: Peter McBrearty Res Coach : K Johnston
O .H .S .a .B . Coach : Pat Mackey Res Coach: Peter Oinnick
1 S . Bourbon
1 M Smith
1 . R . Hassain
1 . P. Daly
1 M . Wrigh t
2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady
2 B Holmes 3 T O'Sullivan
2 . M.Ladson 3 . S.Hilton
2 . M. Hannan 3 . M. johnstone
2 B. Ueberang 3 T. Camero n
4 P Mijitavic 5 S Shannon 6 G Bunshaw
4 . S.Holmes 5 . C .Horbury 6 . L .O'Donnell
4 . S. Stepnell (C) 5 . S. King 6 . W. Rosowski
7 D. Walter
7 P Byrnes
7 . R .Back
7 . A. Hannan
8 J . Blandford
8 G Malcolm
8 . R .Dowsett
8 . B. Luxford
g G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 D. Hale
10 A Swika 10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak
10. M.Courmadus 11 . S.Ham 12. P.Waiker 13. M.Jones
9 . B. Powell 10 . S. Aquilina 11 . D . Hall 12 . M. McFarlane
13 J Dutton
14 P.Sharp
13 . E. Henderson
14 C Shannon
15 A.Borgohna
14 . P. Cheevers
15 S. Maguir e
15 A. Clarke
15 C Barry
16 G .Matheson
15 . B. Lazzaro
16 J. Tate
16 D. Junkeer 17 J . Hetherington
16 J Birt 17 A Fawcett
17 S.Coackayne 18 C .Emery
16 . M. Thomas 17 . T. Baade
18 C. Lovett
18 M Zajac
19 M .Hartnett
18 . K. Johnson (RCC)
19 R. Coxhead 20 G . Browell 21 M . Asbell 22 B . Coxhead 23 D. Charleson 24 D. Kitchin 25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Bourbon 29 B . Lloyd 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 R. White 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 J. Watson 37 A. Jenkin 38 G . Block 39 M . Mastromanno 40 M . Salaj 41 C. Archer 42 C. Carlisle 43 C. Goold 44 L. Wells 45 J. Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L. Martin
21 A Jones 22 A Flores 23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie 27 C Adams 28 A Waters 29 B Brown 30 B Gilbert 31 M Harris 33 P Bexino 34 J Brook 35 M Albright 35 J Howell 37 G Porteous 38 M Defreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Slatter 42 C White 43 G Stobus 45 K Day 48 J Hickey 50 S Castieau 52 C Andonopoulos 53 J Cavanagh 54 E Hill 55 M Davey 56 A Titley 57 K Pardy 58 B Calleja
20 B.Rydquist 21 S.Koppens 22 A .Dragwidge 23 L .Merrigan 24 B.Ferericks 25 D .Waters 26 B .Hilton 27 L.Mills 28 D .Coulon 30 R .Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G.Saher 34 M .Hancock 35 J.Sacco 37 D .Christian 38 A .Fonceca 40 A .Rudd 42 T.Ducancabino 43 M .Van Hooten 45 A .Paterson 47 J .Cotton 50 J .Jiaming 51 C.Santori 52 A .Halls 53 B .Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K .Hilton 61 D.Houlton
19 . L . Hall 21 T. Jacobs 22 A. Brywon 23 B. Downing 26 S. Doyle 28 A. Flowers 31 S. Herman 32 D . McGee 33 M. Doyle 34 M. Fern 35 N . Moojen 36 J. Macauley 37 M. Rosowaki 42 G. Gaylor 46 M. Bellesini 48 M. Balshaw 49 T. Suther;and 50 T. Hughes 53 C . Kent 55 J . Pohlner
49 J. Leroy
60 M Tapley
50 D. Ratner 51 C . Leeton 52 B. Dorr 53 I . Bagnall 54 M . Jones 55 P. Warren 56 J. Foster 57 A. Corbett 58 M. Buick 59 C. Watson
61 M Hutton 62 T Graham 65 A Newton 67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 75 D Hogan 78 V Kelly
, 4 N. Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 0 . Becker
60 G . Campbell
4 T. Cleveland 5 T. Fulton 6 S. Cracknel l 7 D. Zulucki
8 D. Haslett (VC ) 9 R. Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N. Ros e
14 J. Ham S. Jackson
18 A. Heiner 19 J. Uebergang 21 S. Mill s 22 R.Johns 23 P. Eftringham 24 M . Turve y 25 K. Weber 26 H. Wajazel 27 D . Clarke 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Clevelan d 30 M . Butera 31 P. Dolence 32 H . Starbuck 33 A. French 35 J. Maher 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catteral l 38 A. Boyce 39 M. Re a 40 L . Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Perc y 45 N . Smith 46 R . Kille y 47 M. Kennedy 49 J. Oakley 50 B. Rees 51 R . Pitruzzello 52 M. Collin s 53 A. Cusic 54 M. O'Reilly
55 P. Thomas 56 J. Catlin 57 G. Divenut o 58 M . Pigden 59 J . Barron 60 M . Hayes 61 P. Hoban 62 K . Rodger s 63 D . Parker 64 C . Ramsdal e 65 A . Butera 66 S . Butera
67 M . De Luise 68 L Holme s 69 S . Frost 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B . Stanton 72 D. Kirk 73 S . Devli n 74 C . Langton 75 J . Maguir e 77. J . Bristowe
The Giftware & Presentation s Specialists Wholesalers * Honour Board Update s * Standard & Designed Trophies & Plaque s * All types of quality giftware e.g. Crystal . . ., etc . * Club & Corporate logos and all types of engraving styles and printing * Custom Framing - Football jumpers a specialt y * Club clothing and Caps * Fundrasing idea s Showroom : Level 9, 230 Collins Street, Melbourne Phone : (03) 9654 4911 Fax : (03) 9650 7 106 Speei -I d iscount to all VAFA members . Contactl4listair Ewart/John Birt for all of your trophy requirements
1 . Glenn Hatf ietd (OT) returned to add strength to OT. 2. Geoff Earl (OB) drives the Tonnersfonvard last week. 3. Matt Gadsden (OB) is tackled strongly by Sam Kennedy (OT). 4. OT showed OB a clean pair of heals all day.
Round ten proved that there is still a lot of life left in the home and away competition as Mt .Lilydale answered their critics to stay in touch with the final five, while North Brunswick must now do some soul searching if they are to participate in this season's finals . SYndal Tally HO reaffirmed their premiership favouritism with a crunching 107-point victory against the undermanned Old Westbo e, The Warriors went in with a plethora of new players for their encounter and started well with a number of forward thrusts . The Westbourne tackling was a highlight with the power of Brad Timothy the standout . However, the Syndal side was more than up to the challenge, and with Matt Moresi dominant across half back and Thompson chipping in with six goals the result was never in doubt as Syndal kept their unbeaten record in tact. The boilover of the round was held at Barling Reserve as Mt .Lilydale managed to remain in finals contention as they thumped North Brunswick . The North boys could not answer the dominance of the Dales engine room and even Joe Boudoloh's 200th game could not inspire his teammates to lift . A spectacular mark by David Newton for North was the only thing his supporters could cheer about in the end as Mt .Lilydale ran out convincing 62 point victors . Bltha rn effectively ended Werribee Amateurs season as they continued the bees six match losing streak on Saturday. With 11 senior players out of the team, the Turtles were up against the odds, however, the Eltham defence led by Richard Bell was impenetrable, conceding only 2 goals up until half time . While at the other end of the ground, Jenkins with six and Best with five ensured that the result would go the Turtles way as they ran home 35 point winners . Rupertswood made it four in a row as they accounted for Eley Park . Accuracy at goal for Rupertswood was the only blemish on a great team effort, although coach Ken Balmer would have been pleased that he had fifteen goal kickers for the day. Eley Park had no answer for the dominance of Baines, Sinnett and D Mac, and with Schwartz showing great courage around the ground, Rupertswood ran out convincing winners by 99 points . In the final match Swinburne consolidated their position in the top five with a 2 goal victory over 42
Preview p werribee Werribee have been finding the proceedings ve tough recentty and there will be no respite as th take on a resurgent Iv1t .Lilydale side today. Wi their season on the line last week, Mt .Lilydale w, more than up to the challenge, and with a coveti finals spot within their sights I cannot see the letting this match slip today as they contirn Werrib®~ s woes to win by 29 points . Old :°' • vs North Brunswick Old Westbourne have not won a match sin( round four and will be desperate to salvage son pride as they take on old rivals North Brunswic at Warrior Park today . Having suffered humbling defeat last week, North will be keen t bounce back and will be hoping its players ca replicate the courage and determination the Sandy Famulari showed in that game . Th Warriors on the other hand will be relying of th ever improving "young brigade" to lead the way however, with a finals birth at stake I cannot se North letting this one slip as they bea Westbourne by 21 points . Eley Park vs Syndal Tally H o Eley Park host Syndal today in a top versu ; bottom, David versus Goliath encounter. It is very hard to see any way in which Eley Park can make any headway into the dominance of the Syndal side. Unless our "David's" can come up with their own "rock and slingshot" tactic I cannot see anything but a 120 point victory to Syndal as they attempt to further bridge the percentage gap with itself and Bulleen . S#.. '$ vs Rupertswoo d Rupertswood are fast becoming a threat to the top two through their great teamwork and balance, however, they will have their work cut out for them as they travel to the "Postage Stamp" today . St .Mary's are a formidable foe on their home soil and will be hoping to rain on the Rupertswood parade and halt their charge to the finals. However, with Henry's elusiveness and grace around the ground his Rupertswood teammates should be more than able to adapt to the Ferndal e 'Park playing conditions as they win by 38 points . Continued on page 62 t THF AftAATFi 1R Cnnron-n .,,.
ey It Is ~d n
old - one ot (ne nice guys of the oinpetition . "Fci:-,J3us" '=1i1 =-'r-T, plays his 101, ome today . Described as the best looking player in p_r l many have wondered how the old feller can continue to pull himself out of his wheelchair to play each week . However, he still manages to play, week in, week out with boots so clean you would have thought j1ey had come straight out of the box . Syndal Tally Ho - congratulations also to Michael who plays his 50th match for Syndal today . %Iichael's determination at the ball is described as one of his greatest assets . gtl swoosi - well done to the father-son combination of Will and Stephen Glenn who played tc ,;ether last Saturday. Its an ambition of most fcwcballir?g fathers to one day play a match with their sons, and Rupertswood acknowledged this great feat by awarding the match ball to the Glenn family last ,, ~;k. No ;••••th Brunswick - congratulations to Dean De ,lortoal on finally realising this milestone . A victim of many & varied injuries he has persevered to at last reach 200 games . Currently playing in the midfield I),, an first achieved notice as a section leading &,alkieker in 1991 (75 goals) & 1992 when he kicked over the century . When required he still goes foward to try & bolster his goallacking record. Currently club captain it is hoped that Dean has an injury free future to cement his position as one of North Brilllsvrick's greatest players. A talented & mercurial player Dean is now showing some of the leadership qualities that led him being made captain . Well done Dean from -evervone at North Brunswick .
!70P,TH BRUNSWICK 3 .2 5 .4 8.5 13 .7 (85) !IT LH.YDALE 4 .4 11 .6 18.7 23 .9 (147) North Brunswick: D .Newton 3 Vaina 3 D.DeMorton 2 Pizzari 2 Latouf atullo Wernham. Best: Famularl D.Newton Care L.DeMorton Kvriazis mdoloh . Mt Lilydale : Anderson 5 Carrion 4 Haves 3 Kellett 3 Perrera 3?3'.rd Gibson McKenzie Varca ManiscalonL Best : Anderson Gibso n i ; izie Perrera Brebnir Hayes . Umpires : G. Paleodimos. K. Brewer :E 1 .2 2 .6 2 .11 5 .15 (45) ELTHAM 5 .8 8.11 11 .14 (80) 7,c_r9.bec: Lovell 2 Ellis Mehmet Alabacos . Best: Addamo Ayling -'ahacos Green McMillan Ellis. Elthom : Jenkins 6 Best 5 . Best: Bell i :.•:,~ge Jenkins Johns Best Mizi . Umpires : J . Heffernan, G . Roberts (F) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 7.2 12 .4 16 .9 21 .17 (143) OLD WESTBOURNE 2.2 4 .5 4 .5 5.6 (36) Scndai Ta ll y-Ho: Thompson 6 Rutter 4 Cactus 3 G . Kemper 2 Dance 2 J tlannemann 2, L. Hannemann Morrison. Best: M . Moresl Danc e in_,i ;am Henderson. Old Westbouzne : Christo 2 Leitch Slattery Baulch . . . : t : Dangerfield Deplazza Fairfield Timothy Baulch Robson . Umpires : J . Grossbard. A. Hoogendyk (F) RUPERTSWOOD 6 .7 10 .11 19.14 24 .20 (164) ELEYPARK 0 .4 4.6 8 .7 9.11 (65) Rupert swood: W Glenn 3 A O'Callaghan 3 Cardillo 2 S Glenn 2 -hwartz 2 Sinnett 2 Whitehead 2 Baines Fox Gallus Henry M L1)t-_!ian Page Plummer West Henry . Best : Baines Sinnett Henry '•'_ Donald Monte A O'Callaghan Schwartz . Eley Park: Bake 3 Trotter 3 mou Price Short. Best : Trotter Drone Blake Murray Grant Payne 1'n:piresc J . Ralph, J . Lane (F). B. Ralph (B ) SPiiHBU;,NE 3 .2 6 .14 8 .17 10 .20 (80) ST 7 :c'_;X3 2 .4 5 .7 9 .11 9.14 .68 S'wi,iburne ; Caticchiolo 4 Hamilton 2 Liston 2 Smith 0'mara . Best: : . :' Albert Hamilton Cavicchiolo Piotrowski Fidler . St !,iarrs ; Carta 3 Dwyer 2 Thomson Norton Boyes Orme . Best: Carra r Frail Watson F Harrison P Harrison . Umpires : J. Pappas, D. [era (F)
D4 S ec'. _ .;~ _ l Mt. Lilydale v . Werribee Amateurs Old Westbourr,e v . North Brunswick Eley Park v. Syndal Tally-H o St . Marys V . Rupertswood Bulleen Cobras v. Swinburne Un) . Eltham has the by e
Allan Whitehead Badanjek Best Demotion F. Balch Papanikolou Heath Harding Pastras Baruhas
_7: ;-no :1 Albert Par k Rupertswood Bu lleen-Cobras Eltha m North Bruns wi ck D4 RFSERVE Bulleea-Cobras North Brunswick Eiey Park Werribee filbert Park Ehham
31 28 27 25 22 25 21 17 15 13 13
NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .s 5 .5 11 .11 14.13 (97) MT LILYDALE 2 .2 4 .3 4.5 6 .6142) North Brunswick: Papanikoiaou 5 Freeman 4 Oates 2 Dimarco Briffa Rhook . Best: Rhook Briffa Rote)ta McCallum Heck Freeman . Mt Lilydsle : Proctor 2 Hoffman Downward Wells Holloway . Best: Morrison Proctor Downward Leek Holloway. SOERRIBEE 6.1 12 .2 18.6 24 .6 (150) ELTHAPi 2.1 4 .3 5.3 6.4 (40) Werribee:Carlesso 10 Harding 4 Flack 3 Fenton 2 Kerr 2 Nedinis Brown Burton. Best : Kerr Carlesso Harding Farrujia Thamos Brown. Eltham : Keleher 2 Smith 2 Fammartino Davies. Best: Keleher Fammartino Morgan Maxfield Stackpoole Schafer . SYNDAL TALLY-HO 4.5 5.13 9.17 14.23 (107) OLD TBOUR3dE 2.1 2 .3 2.3 2.4(I6) Syndal Tally-Ho : Kennedy 3 O'Boyle 2 Burns 2 M . Richardson Fyiield Varnavas Wong Boucher Marks D. Richardson . Best: Burns Schuling Christiansen Murray . Old Westbourne: Rivalland 2 . Best: Jenkinson Sutton Smith Haitington Mesman Aquilin o RUPERTSWOOD 7 .7 12 .13 19.19 26 .23 (179) ELEY PARK 2 .1 2.3 2 .4 2,6(18) Rupestswood: R. Phillips 7 P . Sinnett 6 S . Carmody J . McGrath 4 N. BugeJa P. Clarke D. Horn D. Walsh D. Zarb 1 . Best : R . Phillips P. Clarke S. Carmody P. Sinnett P. Sinnett D. Walsh D . Zarb . Eley Park : D . Gaynor 2 . Best: S . Patterson R . Cray C. Wright S . Robbie J . Alexandridis J. Turnbull . SWINBURNE 0 .2 4.3 4 .5 10 .5 (65) ST MARYS 4 .3 6.5 12 .10 14.14 (98) Swinburne: S O'donnell 4 S Gaihna 2 N Brewster R Addison S Reyoldson J Sevdalis. Best : Hourigan 0'donnell Gallina Canfield SaPdhu Reynoldson Si Marys : West 3 Roseman 2 Jackson 2 Theoharris 2 O'connor 2 Dunne Evans Bergin . Best : Perelberg Jackson Zsembcry Bergin Brown Ross.
~ ® WEI S Coach : Joe D'An ; elo Asst. Coach : G. Bowen Res Coach : Nicholas Cox 2 T.Orwin 2 S . Petty 3 G . Bowen 4 I. McLeod 4 N . Cartledg e
5 M. DaIPOglio (VC) 6 N. Co x 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mozzarella 9 P. Goet z 10 A. Gencarelli 12 D . Thompson 13 T. Johnson 14 S. Casey 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 16 D. Trinchi (DVC) 17 J . Brown
18 R . Badanjek 20 J. Mora n 21 N . Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 23 J . Redfern 24 P. McVeigh 25 W. .Olney 26 J. DAngelo 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 A. Summers 30 T. Pearson 31 S . McLaren 32 C . Clements 33 J. Elliott 34 M. D'Angelo (C) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Dail'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N. Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C . Cha n 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J. Mustica 46 G . Reeves 46 C. Borrelli 47 N . Peters 48 M . Soumildes 49 G. Anderton 50 D . Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 M . Turner 55 S . Wigney 56 S . Whitema n
BULLEEN AUTOMOTIV E CENTRE 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 310 5
Phone : 9852 1129 44
E LE°' °$,
Coach : Darren He Res Coach : Grant 'hc_ :. :
15 N DI X 16 17 18 19 20
Coach: B rian Dowdy Res. Coach : J Glare
Cwah: David Ke a Res Coach: Paul Comi rford 1 . D Johnson 2 . P Hayes 3 . M Brebner 4 . F Varg a 5. G Bird 6. M Jelenc 7. D Hendrie 8. M Cunningham 8 . K Maniscalchi 9 . A Del Biondo 10. A Bullerjahn
11 . C Gibso n 12 . J Comrnertord 13 . R Kidd 14 . C Walsh 15. D Morrison 17. P Beddoes 18 . M Gridley 19 . N Whitehead 20 . J Penhale 21 . C Varga 22. B Leek 23. B Egan 24. J Hoffman 25 . A Delahunt 26 . T Flanagan 27 . N Pearce (VC) 28 . T Crowe 29. P Furlong 31 . S Taylor 32. P Carolan (C) 33. C Anderson 35 . D Callanan 36 . R Di Nezza 37 . D Hick s 38 . D Kennedy 39. L Allanson 41 . P Varga 42 . M Pereira 43 . D Holloway 44 . N McConnell 45 . R McKenzie 47. C Lonergan 49. J Hoffman 50. A Penhale 51 . P Bastick 52 . M Wells 53 . M Leonard 54. L Kellett 55. H Flanagan 56. D Pres t 60 . T Wilson 63 . C Carstens 64 . D Smith 65. L Proctor 66. D Turner 67. N Senior
J Drago T Grac e J Gardiner A Burrett P Caulfield B Jealous D Cicchiell o H Gurrier-Sanders N McConnell
:^ . A00D Coach : Craig rox Res. Coach: I Samma,tino
Coach : Jeff Wilson Res. Coach : Stephen Leitch
Coach: Ken Balmer Res. Coach : Shane RfcLaughian
ST. MARY'S Coach : Peter Olivieri Res Coach: Michael Learmonth
1 S . Wernham 2 D. Adams 3 G . Lattouf
1 . G . Robson 2. G . Flower 3. S . Depiazza
2 D Fox 3 S Carmody 4 S McLauchlan
1 . J . Harringto n 2. B . Boyes 3. J . Carra
4 P. Dimarco
4. A. Nibloe
5 M Schwartz
4. N . Goldsworthy
5 6 7 8
5. 6. 7. 8.
6 S Gallus 7 W Brad 8 B Prendergast 9 M Clarke
5. J . Dwyer 6 T. Burt 7 W. Ross 8 A . Zsembery
9. C. Villinger 10 . J . Wilson 11 . V. Matthey 12 . T. Milne 13 . S . Hewitt 14 . S . Mattsson 15 . A . Board 16 . S . Christo 17 . M . Aqualina 18 . P. King (DVC)
10 A O'Callaghan 11 B Moule 12 K Cardillo 13 B Sinnett 14 L Plummer 15 J McGrath 16 P Clarke 17 D Walsh 18 C Nemeth 19 M Mezzatesta
9 R. O'Shuaghnessy 10 G . Koumantataki s 11 J . Bernardi 12 S . Benso n 13 A . Dwye r 14 C. Goldsworthy 15 R . Orme 16 L. Anthon y 17 P. West 18 B . Frail
19 S . Famulari
19 . R . Aldridge
20 M McKenzie
20 R . Divita 21 M . Sorletto 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Briffa 24 M . Alliani 25 S . Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J . Heck 32 D . Newton 33 J. Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A . Armstrong 37 D . DeMorton 38 A . Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 J. Elasmar
20 . S . Cameron 21 . B . Dangerfield 22 . W. Fleming 23 . K .Sutton 24 . L. FairBeld (C) 25 . M .Stapleton 26 . P. Mesman 27 . D . Billman 28 . D . Slattery 29 . D . Horsburgh 30. R . McMillan 31 . D Evans 32 . G. Jenkinson 33 . D . Benn 34 . P. Stewart 35 . D . Rivalland 36 . K . Pillsbury 37 . A . Leitch 38 . B . Mattsson 39 . A . Robbins 40 . S . Leitch 41 . J . Dusting 42 . S . Roberts 43 . A . Runciman 44. B . Slattery 45. S .Huniington 46. J .Sportelli 47. T. Said 48. T.SCholes 49. M . Pillsbury 50. P. Habersatt 51 . S .Kelly 52. T. Robinson 53 S .Phillips 54 M. Crosswell 55. M .Baulch 56. C. Galvin 57. D . Hatley 58. M . Bavdek
22 K Quinn 23 M West 25 H Bradbury 26 D Zarb 27 N McMahon 28 D McDonald 32 P Sinnet 33 W Glenn 35 C Certo 36 P Henry 37 A Massaro 38 B Pettman 39 P Hastings 40 T Botten 41 P Bowman 42 B Swann 43 D Wardley 44 M Pettman 45 D Hum 47 A Seidel 48 A Stafford
W. McMahon D. Pizzari D. Magnuson D. Fenton
9 A . Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J . Boudoloh 12 S . Care 13 P. Merin 14 M . Newton 15 H . Tsialtas 16 L. Demorton 17 A . Kyriazis 18 P. Sorleto
42 J . Papanikolou 43 J. Page 44 S . Grist 45 M . Pante 46 J. Polemicos 48 N . Oates 49 G. Skaf 50 B. Laoumtzes 52 P. Brine 53 S. Milroy 54 D . Bonney 55 J. THompson 56 L . Patullo 60 W. Duson 61 S. Nabbs 62 D .Perdon 65 L . Rigazzi
S . Sutton J . Horsburgh (VC) A . Christo A . Horsburgh
49 C O'Riley 50 K Mandouitt 51 B MacPherson 52 S Moskaljuk 53 W Gaunt 54 C Zevan 55 N Webb 56 P Fox 60 G Sexton 62 A McMahon 63 D Blenkiron 66 L Mandouitt 70 L Temming 77 M O'Callaghan
59. Adrian Lipscombe 60. N . Aqualina
19 M . Maschett e 20 A . Lane 21 Q . Norto n 22 R . Allen 23 J . Hil l 24 I. Goullett 25 D. Hutchins 26 S . Stone 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watso n 31 D. Thomson 32 A . Webb 33 J . Watson 34 M . Tindle y 35 G. Theoharri s 36 E, Evan s 37 L. Vincent 38 F. Harriso n 39 T. Milla r 41 J . Brennan 42 H . Joyc e
43 M . Chamberli n 45 P. Ryan 46 M . Knigh t 47 P. Rousi s 48 D. Morco m 49 G . Schembri 50 A . Worsno p 51 T. Bergin 52 T. Dunn e 53 J . Odorisio 54 W. Ross 56 J . Vincen t 57 J . Goldsworth y 58 B . Lewis 59 K . McLennan 60 M . Scammell 61 N . Jackso n 63 P. Rosema n 64 J . Ramsay
66 G . Pilikidis 67 J . O'Connor
69 J . Hend y 73 D. Doyle 76 T. Tahos
Sponsored by :
80 J . Clarke 88 A . Ballantyn e M . Banks
M . Elli s
S . Rack
G . Sigley
LLY HO Coach: ; - fan Fit r R Cc ft Robed Cavicchiolo 1 C Freeman
2J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidle r 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Monison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nichol l 13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thomas 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Flurried 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merke l 24 D Debattista 25 T Hourigan 26 T Listo n
27 D Murphy 28 S Gray 29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Turk 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 c Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Roberts 44 N Morgan 45 D Islip 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Alle n 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 5 O'Donnell 53 K . Dube 55 5 Gallina 56 M . Waugh 58 A Roberts 60 D Debono
Cc :h: Tim Elli s R(,. Coach : Tom An1i 1 . A. Albakis
Coach : In Harnett Res. C n : Kevin Hannat 1 Hannemann .J 2 Bingham . l
2 . S. McNamara 3 . D . Flack
2 Bourne S 3 Joy. M 4 Henderson.P 5 Dix. B
4 . L . Brown 5 . L. Kerr 6 . S . McGrath 7 . T. Ellis 8 . K . Pace (C) 9 . C. Terzoglou 10. M . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12 . M . Walsh 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . B . McMillan 15 . J . Purton 16 . P. Browning 17 . S. Fulle r 18 . E. Collie r 19 . J . Addamo (VC) 20 . P. Albakis 21 . R . Zulian 22 . A. Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24. J. Crack 25. A . Hovey 26. P. Thomas (RC) 27. M . Brown (DVC) 28. D. CzajoNski 29. S . Dol e 30 . B . Carlesso 31 . B . Waters 32 . M . Dolegowski 33 . S . Parke r 34 . S. Camilleri 35 . S. Alabacos 36 . A. Addamo 37 . J . Ayling 38 . P. Dwaes 39 . L . Langfield 40. L . Carson 41 . G . Grogan 42. D . Elli s 43. E. Galizi 44. C . Albakis 45. J . Marinis 46. R . Hann 47 . R . Portogallo 48 . S . Pugliese 49 . D . Lenoury 50 . A . Fenton 51 . D. Turner 52 . C. Andrews 53 . A. Trainon 54 . M . Jordan 56 B . Gibson
5 Hannett .D 6 Chasemore 6 Cotsis .J 7 Burns .A 8 Bennett.R 9 Kemper.S 10 Psinas. T 10 Van Derkruk .G 11 Rutter. J 12 Moresi.J 12 Miller 13 Taylor.D 14 O'boyle .S 15 Murray.N 16 Boucher.B 18 Macfarlane.S 19 Glenister.M 20 Hall .C 20 Hannemann .B 20 Mackenzie.l 21 Thompson .A 22 Hoare .S 23 Beckett.M 24 Macfarlane .M 25 Clark . C 25 Tillbum .S 26 Morrison .A 27 Kemper .G 28 Fy6eId .P 29 Sheer.A 31 Richardson .A 32 Hannemann .L 33 Richardson .M 34 Hunter .N 35 Cachia .C 37 Dance.A 38 Christiansen.M 39 Hallisey 40 Leaver 40 Marks.T 41 Moresi .M 42 Findlay 43 Brown .A 44 Maestros.J 45 Richardson .D 46 Pane. M 47 Wong .V 49 Schuiling.D 49 Vamavas 50 Sneddon .A 54 Sheer.P 4
PI4llid IlSOP'& bY :
Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn (03) 98 18 4991 ~.#
Robbie's Meats 0413 539 501
315 Stephensons Rd I'Vii . Waverley 9888 317 7 MCDOnald`s Homesgien
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d E~3 (Fri) -Umpires A[ - .- .. _-_ ~nts -Scores (Sat . night)
The m, : n gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St. Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2©val . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
41 E3
04 I rs Hil l
n : (03) --- 7577 Fax: (03) 9561 7566
player Sean McNicholas Luke Browne Dylan Thomas Shane McDonald Jack Healy Matt Hayes Anthony Rock Josh Homann Nick Williams Brent Christie Scott Curatolo Paul Gloury 'Joshua Sprague Stuart Ross James Muzzell
Club Beaumauris Caulfield Gr. De La Salle Eitharn Ivanhoe-Fitzroy Mentone Mentone Old Brighton Old Brighton Old Camberwell Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians Old Scotch
Old Xaverians Ormond
Player Lucas Fielding Jeff Heath Mark Tenuning Craig Burns Rhodes Cousland Troy Legudi Sean Neeson Tim Duggan James Gullifer Trent Hobart Michael Muigrew Mark Faroldi Jackson Brooke Ed Wilcox Nathan Gauci
Coach: Tony Miller Selectors : Ron Lippold, Glenn Scotland, Jeff Scotland, Fred Stafford Team Manager: Ric Dakin
Club Rupertswood Rupertswood Rupertswood St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Bernards St .Kevins St .Kevins St .Kevins St .Kevins Therry Uni Blues Uni Blues Werribee
.k Sectio n 5t . Bernards v . Old Brighton at EP Saturday ?IHSOB v. St . Kevin s Old Scotch v. Mazenod old Xaverian s v. Marcell in
old Trinity v. Universi ty Blue s B SOction i.1lzitefriars v . Old Haileybury (Ad Melburnians v . Beaumaris Ormond v . Old Ivanhoe old Paradians v. North Old Boys I)e La Salle v. Therry Penol a C S oetion
1,1X v. Collegian s i ; Iampton Rovers v. Caulfield Or . ~t . Bedes Mentone Tigers v. Old Essendon Bulleen-Templestowe v . Old Mentonians Glen Eira v . Prahr an at Mackie Reserve East Bentleigh Section :ura Valley v . St . Leos Emmaus Old Camberwell v . Monash Blues Old Carey v . Banyul e University Blacks v . Ivanhoe Assumption Aquinas v . Old Geelong D2 Section West Brunswick v . Mentone Amateurs Oakleigh v. Power House Williamstown CYMS v. Kew
Salesian 0 C v . La Trobe Uni. Parkside v . Peninsula D3 Section L'cntleigh v. Elsternwic k Fitzroy Reds v . Hawthorn Amateur s tfonash Gryphons v. South Melbourne Districts St . Johns v. Richmond central Albert Park v . UHSOB D4 Section Eltham Collegians v. Mt . Lilydale Old Westbourne v. Werribe e Ely Park v . North Brunswick St . Marys v . Syndal Tally-Ho tiulleen Cobras v. Rupertswood Swinburne University has the bye
Under-19 Section 1 Beaumaris v. Old Scotch Old Melburnians v . Old Xaverians University Blues v . St. Kevins Mazenod v. St . Bernards Old Brighton v . Marcellin Collegians v . De La Salle Under-19 Section 2 Yarra Valley v . Old Haileybury Old Essendon v. Ormond Old Ivanhoe has the by e Old Trinity v . Hampton Rovers Werribee Amateurs v . Whitefriars Caulfield Gr. v . St . Leos Emmau s Under-19 (2) Blue AJAX v . Monash Blues MHSOB v . Oakleigh TBA Mentone Amateurs v . South Melbourne Districts Glen Eira v. De La Salle ( 2) at Packer Reserve, Murrumbeena St. Kevins (2) v . Old Xaverians (2 ) Under-19 (2) Red Ivanhoe-Assumption has the bye Rupertswood v . Old Paradians Old Camberwell v . University Blacks Therry Penola v . Aquinas North Old Boys v. Bulleen-Templestow e Club XVIII (1 ) Old Xaverians v . Old Scotch Old Melburnians v. Brunswick Old Brighton v. Prahran Amateurs Therry Penola v. De La Salle St . Kevins v. Mazenod Club XV111 (2 ) Old Ivanhoe v. Marcelli n St . Leos Emmaus v. Old Trinity Collegians v. Whitefriars Old Geelong v . University Blacks Old Essendon v . Monash Blues
r. 1 째 (U19/1 & Blue) Sports ` .edic Supplies
SECTION I One week you write them off, you start to think that they are gone and next thing, they win . SKOBS were able to close down Scotch's big 3, Duggans' job on Rodski was outstanding as well as their attack on both football and man . The big fellow Gissing, was the most damaging forward and another strong win will have the top four thinking . The Cardina!s finish well, but boys that second quarter proved costly . Xavs absolutely belted Beaumaris from start to finish by a whopping 209pts . Too big, too strong, too quick - too good! In the upset of the round, O .M .'s with the final siren having sounded, and being ipt down had the final kick of the day. ipt to draw, 5pts for a magnificent win ; from 35 meters out on a slight angle the ball went straight through the middle. Fantastic! Coach Merton finally witnessed his Eagles team play 4-quarters of football to run out winners by 21pts . The lst half was a terrific affair, but it was Marcellin that ran away in the last . Best players were Dignan, Moran and Neal . De La as expected outclassed Mazenod to the tune of 155pts . Best for De La were Dimble, Giblett and Jolly. For the Nodders - Fuller, Oldman & Aguis . Finally, Old Brighton had a good win over the Lions, pushing their % well clear of De La. SECTION 2 Competition leaders Old Ivanhoe continued their rampaging season with a 123-point demolition of cellar-dcvellers Whitefriars . The Hoes led by just a goal at the first change, but slotted through 21 goals to three in the remaining three quarters, to run out very impressive winners . Old Trinity got a handy percentage when they trounced St Leos by 114 points . Armatas was brilliant up forward for Old Trinity booting seven goals, while Matthews chipped in with four and Mithen three . Podbury, Carey, Rooks and Petrie battled hard for St Leos . Werribee remains in third position on the table despite their 75-point thrashing from Caulfield . Scores were levei at quarter time but Caulfield ran riot in the second term, booting nine goals, as Carboni, who finished the match with six majors, Pennycuick, Foster, Browne and Glass all picked up plenty of possessions . Davidson, Gauci, Lowe and Rose were Werribee's best . Old Essendon is just percentage away from second place on the ladder after proving far too strong for Hampton Rovers . The Dons set up their 76-point victory with a seven-goal second term, followed by eight in the third . For the winners, Wilson booted six goals, Velardo five and Obluibek four, while King and Buckley were other good players . Rovers were well served, by Sendeekyj, Henry and Probyn . Ormond is also just percentage away from second after running out 27-
1 (U19/2 & Red)
point winners over Yarra Valley . Ormond forward Ferrari, who booted six goals, was voted best- ( ground, while Martinov, Hassall and Naylor were oil impressive contributors for the winners . Yen kicl four goals for Yarra Valley, while Beal, Fyffe and Norr were good players. Old Haileybury had the bye. SECTION (2) BLUE SKOBS jumped out well and led by 2pts at half tir . Makohon, Belovitch and Jenkins were providing ples of run, upset the Blues defense . After the main bre< the Blues steadied the ship and edged away in the ~ to lead by l5pts . But no one could foresee the last, w the Blues finishing with 8g 2pts to SKOBS 3pts . Bur and Rosengarten the main goal kickers, aided Grace, Thompson and Young . At 3/4 time Xe maintained the most slender of margins, but in the 1 , they were completely overrun by this Krusher te2 that would not stop, finishing with 8g to 2g . Bes tBando Gal,withMalcomandJohns being t destroyers up forward. The Jackers maintained ih, winning run with a victory over the Swans by l lp Wollner and Cooper were again damaging up forwa for Ajax. Cheevers was again unstoppable up fornuas but you can't rely on just him . The Swans had thd chances but the better team delivered the rabbi MHSOB led De La by only Ipt at 1/4 time - the gar was up for grabs . The second quarter saw MHSC blast ahead 8g to 2g and continue on their merry w, to win by a sensationa190pts. Finally, Glen Eira cou not field a complete side and had to forfeit to Mentor . For those Packer boys reading thi,s article, here is personal plea from me . Get behind your coach aclub,entiyormsackfnihtes o play some football and most importantly have FU Winning is not the most important thing . SECTION (2) RED Uni Blacks grabbed the round 10 headlines after the amazing victory over Ivanhoe-Fitzroy . The Blacl booted more than 10 goals each quarter except ti third, when they slotted through nine . The fin winning margin of 277 points must be some sort of du record. Sandiford, who booted 10 majors, was the be of the Blacks 11 goalkickers . Hanna and Delahun chipped in with six goals each, while Scarlett an Corbett were the other outstanding players . J .Heat Dykes, Sukkar and Robertson battled manfully for tY *vanquished. Rupertswood ended Aquinas' one-garr winning streak in comprehensive fashion, their 13 : point win set up by a six-goals to none first quarter an
p p°d off with an 11-goal last term . Heath kicked ei~~ht goals and King seven for the winners, while derson, Wasyl and Becker were the other impressive . Goodfellow, Logan, Boland and Thomas pl ,;,~d their hearts out for Aquinas . Old Camberwell i_1~ 1`;c~k top spot on the ladder after a tremendous battle ,,,,Lb Therry Penola. Old Camberwell led by three goals ,it the first change and managed to keep that advantage ,or the rest of the match, eventually running out 21lwinners. Parkes, Emmerson and Craven were ,,,)d players around the ground for the winners, while ~a rby with seven goals and Ryan with four, were on fire pp forward . Therry Penola, who are second on the table by just 21 percent, were well served by Sheppard, `"ifton, Harmes, Fenton and Goodwin . In the final Inatch, Old Paradians led Bulleen-Templstowe a merry dance, OPs eventually running out 150 point winners, ,UTer the margin was just nine points at the first charige. LaTorre was outstanding up forward with r~ii goals, while McKay booted five and Spinoso and Duncan four each . Marsh, Lee and Steer gave their all for Bulleen. NOBs had the bye. ?Xview SECTION 1 Cardinals play Xavs in the match of the round at C,unberweli! They win and they're still in touch, lose and the pressure in on . fm not sure how Coach Donovan will be able to stop this goal-kicking machine . ):,en if his main players perform to their best, I still !oii't feel they can win . The giant killers are at home ,, wst SKOBS ; the question is can they do it again? Tiie mail has it though; SKOBS were seen in Coburg natching the `double feature Swordfish plus Valentine r some inspiration. This coach leaves no stone iuuurned! Sunday sees Uni Blues host St . Bernard's at fl c main oval . Coach Davis had St . Bernard's working =udously this week and will pay dividends with a 45p t in . Mazenod play Marcellin who are buoyed by their icrrific win last week. Although at home, I can't see the j;cdders in front at the end. Old Brighton meets De La ,:t the beach. The sun will be out, the wind blowing, the < .mscreen flowing. Second against third! Toss a coin di~'- home side, just! Finally, both Beatty and Collegians n, _ct, coming off big hidings. The Lion's, just ! SECTION 2 One-sided matches could be the order of the day again t his weekend. Old Ivanhoe should have little trouble maintaining their two-game lead at the top of the ladder citen they meet Hampton Rovers at Bulleen Park. The !~overs found Old Essendon tough last week but this ill be a monumental challenge . Fresh from the bye, Old Haileybury host Ormond in what should be the atch of the round . If Old Haileybury lose this one they virtually out of finals calculations, while Ormond .ill be desperate to keep pace with the ladder leaders nd should prevail . Old Trinity meet Whitefriars and , .juld record a big victory and maintain second spot . ~;'rribee will be keen to get back on track after their Mnping loss to Caulfield last weekend . The Bees host 'Tuggling St Leos and should have a big win, to keep he pressure on the top two. Yarra Valley host Caulfield
and the visitors should have far too much firepower for the home side. Old Essendon have the bye . SECTION (2) BLUE The match of the round sees the Blues host Xavs at the University. Xavs at the moment hold on to 4th spot by 10 .7% . The Blues are in form after their 8 goal 4th quarter last week; so if they can maintain their allround team performance, they can push past Xavs to win by 3pts. The inform Krushers play the inform Jackets at Scammell Reserve . Just looldnng at ladder positions you expect this to be a huge win to Ajax, but in reality, Oakleigh has been putting up some fine performances lately and after last week's win against Xavs, are chock full of confidence . This game will be close but the Jackets - just. The Swans need to have a decisive % boosting win to have a chance of 2nd position . But this game will be no pushover after MHSOB demolished De La. Pm not sure who to pick, so I'll go with the favorites - Swans . De La will find the going tough against the rampaging Mentone team and finally let's hope that Glen Eira got their act together, show some signs of unity and strength to put a team on the field today . SECTION (2) RED
The match of the round sees Uni Blacks host Rupertswood . Both sides had a picnic last weekend but this will be a much tougher battle . Blacks might just scrape home . Another tight tussle should occur at the John Pascoe Fawkner number one oval when second placed Therry Penola host NOBs, who had the bye last round. Despite sitting in fifth place, NOBs ar e Continued on
Name Hosking Watts McDonnell Ferrari Cations Leaf
Gissin g Mendola J. Russo Ye n Velardo Matthews Cooper Cheevers Hayes Winters Grace Darby Sandiford King Hanna Heath
LST UNDER 19/1 35 Old Scotc h 28 Old Scotch Old Xaverians 22 Beaumaris 21 Old Scotch 21 Old Brighton 21 21 St Kevins UNDER 19/2 Old Ivanhoe 0 36 Werribee 0 32 Yarra Valley 4 31 Old Essendon 5 27 Old Trinity 4 26 UNDER 19/2 BLUE AJAX 3 36 South Melbourne 6 35 Mentone 0 29 South Melbourne 0 23 Monash Blues 2 22 UNDER 19/2 RED Old Camberwell 7 29 University Blacks 10 28 Rupertswood 7 26 University Blacks 6 25 Rupertswood 8 23
8 .12 10.12(72) 3.7 ._--1 .8 ST.SEVWS 2 .1 4.4 6.5 9.9 (63) OLD SCOTCH : Harris Iinutpe( Duggan McGvut St, Kev7nr GL:ng 5 Chard 2 Fm &ans GuWier. Best Gtsshtg Fax Ord Scotch. Watts 3 Hmking 2 Catlons Dardher Mitchel l Stevens (d). hl, Beat: 5~q H~gfng,bsephsFree°rtumPreuder~st . Pires: 3527 (237) .15 25M OLD p,AVEgIAy{6 7.8 15 .2 3.3 4 .4 (28) HEAMARI9 1 .0 2 Quinn 7 Mctbrucet 6 M :ilu:n 5 Lcpestl 4 Houard 3 Walsh 3 tang 3 Catchett 0(d
._ . Stebbins Taylor. Best: Malthet :sA¢KreGordon Arma4 J~ou (F1• N.2~° (817 Umplrec T. Jack i .P. .7 13 .14 19.16 (13 'j) C1sULP~IE13) 2,5 5 .6 6.11 7.13 (56) WERRIBEE . Best: Fennycuk k CayiBdd : Carbont 6 Foote 5 PennS'a'kk 3 sLtclalr 2 Glass Foster Frost Foster Browne Glass C,eluimo C .•u6orn. . Best : Davidson Gantt tu,se .lassar Kidd lkn'klson MtGmwnr .RussO C W,oerg . Jack 2 A Rose QDmvrlt Groules . Umphes: P. F ofLnan. G . SdVpto (F) 1PanPR .19121 RED B 1.1 3.4 6 .5(41) 3,2 ULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE .9 19.17 2823 (191) OLD PARABWyB 2.4 12 . Best Marsh Lee St= Marsh Harding Lee Hasrn Bottle ParadL'n Btyryem •!}u 8 McKay 5 SPncoo 4 Durxan 4 H?neg G2nlatsls Benle Waltcss . OM Ponadkinic LaTorre . . Dean LaTwre Caples Lyons Tap Boundy Capk Bwndy D .Dcui Tagli3. Besi :D U®pirm P.James(R)iF) 2 .5(17) 12 0.2 HvANnO&MCZROy 0 .1 .14 34.19 45.24(294) UNIVERSnYBLACgS 11 .4 25 .Heaty Dykes Sukkar Robertson Kelly Btre. g}tsop: Butler J.Hesiy. Best J ;$vtdtEwd 10 Haiw 6 DeL'rhunly 6lbnneHn 4 Corbett 3 Ross 3 RawT sl-j Wts Mayutl. 3 Flood 2 Sate Danx,m Ma}all . Best: SrartPtt Corbett Sandtiard R~ H Umpins: E. LtnrLay. A Price (Fl 26 .24 (IM 91 15 15.17 RUPERTSWOpU 6.7 7.5(47) .0 32 5.4 AQUINA+ 0 • Heath 8 King 7 TernnWtg 3 Ramsay 2 Elliott 2 Flatly McGaan Mosk2!Juk . 7ahra . Best: Ardercn Was11 Heath Becker McGovern RamsaY . Best Goodfellow Tagon Boland Thereto Aquisim Thomas 2 M.arane 2 Munro 2 CsdLns ) Kcgetrean Slam. Umptres: G. Hunkhen IR). S . Scully (F .7 17.8 21.9 (135) 01D CAMBERWELL 62 11 .6 13.7 17.12 (114) TfIERRY PENOIA 3 .3 7 Old • Darby 7 R}an 4 Tempone . P 3 Munro 2 Me Qtalter 2 Earner-1 Enrigfit . Mc Quatter. Craven . Best Parkes Darby Erancrecn Crmxn T®npone P2 Carroll Crotty Fenton Atkinson merry pmda Callegul 3 Gke!nn 2 Clifton 2 Vltuder . Citlten Hanucs Fenton C~•ct Faro!d Tho :npson Freck3eton Hanxy. Best : Sheppard- T Atkinson. • 1. Burg- (R) (F)
3 Mrlvdk (. Best: Coidle0 MeN'dle Itqnes0 McDarutel Quinn ~~yRha~s Coote Gillespie 2 Bat~e I Kuria 1. Best: Muqutuey M. Md:mxhle "Ulan . Um#m B . Nuoun, 2.1 P~3 5 7 .7(49) 5.5 3T 1 .6 8 .10 7.12 (54) OLD MU,gURNIANS 1 .2 . James R . Junes Walsh . Best: D .Smtth 3 ODonneIl 2 Moretti Saanl 8[.,ge:scrUda J Anderson N . Smith O'DonneF 4 . Best Richardson Kenuat Smtth \kaod(ord. VJ9s0n 3 Marks Keeuwn 2 old ) Goa Prwvx UmPda- M. Sneddon. C. Leltch (F 12.160) 3.4 5.7 8.13 X~RCELLIN 5.3 6.6 9 .19 9.13 (67) UNIVERSITY BLUES : • Hazvson 4 CauidVce Dail Ccghlan Martin Gartner ALaster)s Sheehan . Best Dtguan Maran Wek Gale Need Sheehan . Wefnert. Best: ti7tson Broolce Uniaszity glnt:~ Spring 4 RoberOnn Wlls :n Fr fuc' er & (F ) Umgirn ; J. Kv;fts (R). N. WNcholtSpringBCarirvn sWk c . 187 DE IA SAl]E 29. 13 32 S. 2. MATFa70D .iflrtan 4 Wahaslei' 4 QWcaue 3 Bounki Dc 1. 8a4e: Aidenmfo 5 G71Zett 5 Brown S 4 OS : D0mkGtbktt Jo11e<• Braan S A3d^iunb CotCey . Best Cot{ey Jdiey Mcran 1 : Fuller Oidnein Ak9. .•Feinats2BoklAgruGnzafeBst KMuilburp D,knasqb Reed P. Dkvceen (R) (F) .8[32) .7 4 .6 3 1.2 3 COLLEGIANS .19 16.14 19 .20 (134) OI,p 551014r(}y 4 .7 9 .wth Rave C6amnbas corlegicoic Dauis Uns . Beet W~5 Howell, 4 P. Smlth Old Marshall 3 Hunter McCowan Hay 2 AngH1n 1 . Unspirtse D. Stephens. D. Shook road 4 . Best: A3mek Evans Wi9tvns Fry Reddin Bsmslh Wttnt- (F). B. Ste(dEens (G) i"r_u1N 2 S ,RmB:R.19 .'• E 0 24 16 .14{1101 4.9 8.9 900050) .8 7 .9 12. 11 (88) YARRAti113EY 3 .4 4 . Hefrcrnan Matter Martutw Presatt Russell Wiley . Besi: Ferrari 6 Wilson 3 Hasszll Ormond : Farad hlarOrmv Fiassall Naylor Russell Cltrteh. . Best : BealFyif NanishP.ury YuraVa4e7 ;t'eo4Mcarish2Barry 2Peak 2Urb ;umMkIRht Mkkjlln Kehoe UmP3ms : D. Farrell, C . Evans (F) 12.12 (84) 73 4.2 54 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 .5 11 .5 19.13 24 .16(160) OLD ESSENDON . Best: pmhyn 3 Andersen 2 Fisher 2 Burggraaf( Canton Murray Smtth Raeau ; Seudec(qj Henry Prohyn Mdtno Goss Andersen . Nicolas 2 Fkaherty 2 King Fearer Morton 6 Velardo 5 Obtudxk 4 De • ty'flsoa Old . HeritaLt Bueidey. Best: ObHutek King Buckley sister Wilson Bnriram Umptrc e P. (a88. J. Lt)own (F) .9 6.9(45) 3 .5 3.7 5 WHITEFRIAR .18 (168) 4.5 10.8 17.13 25 SOLD158015' . AHill. . Best: Brosolo wb~ AHtU. Warrei5mtth. Atk)ns. Cotrey. Curtis. Suti'•'ersbY . R'arrenSmtth . Janwn. \9kxfe6. Schntld"r . . Finlay 2 . Barnes 2, Baytord Old ivaaimc O'Dwyer 6. McWilllam 5, Dlnatis 3, t',erubla 3 . tunvan . Dfi.vtLS. Cdeman . Btruxy. Blnm_y . Grrkte. Cluatuto . Best: MOde. Baker Umplroo ; R WtruUna• . A. Barro (F) .1 4.1 5.3 (331 ST. TEAS EM8L1U8 0 .1 3 .7 17.8 23 .9 (147) OLD lgp{my 4.7 12 : PodtnuyCareyRooks Petrie AKennedyRawxy . . Best 6il.eas: Davidson2Cullen 2Petrie 7 MatOxws 4 MrJren 3 BuLkn 2 2Cdly 2 Amkwu DasSes Gordon old Trhi ty; Arsnatas
Undea-19 Section 1 Old Scotch v . Old Xaverians Old Melburnians v . St. Kevins at Junction Oval played on Sunday 8 at University Blues v . St. Bernards To be Melh Uni Main Oval Mazenod 0 C v . Marcellin Old Brighton v. De La Salle .m. at Beaumaris v. Collegians to be played Friday night 7 p Turner Road, Highet t Under-19 Section 2 Old Haileybury v . Ormond Old Essendon has the bye ba k oYal)+ Old Ivanhoe v. Hampton Rovers at Bulleen Park ( c Blilleen (32 C9) Old Trinity v. Whitefriars Werribee Amateurs v. St . Leos Ernmaus
1Ri[}ER-19 f21 BLUE _
.6 6.8 6 .11 (47) 9'P. HE'Ypf8 3.4 5 l 1•6 4.9 7.17 15.19 (1091 MONASH 5L ES : M2kohon Beiattch Jenkins Bare J, tes . Best Si. Xc+lu•s: DSdAts 2 Meyer 2 James Beto<1tch .1➢ JmMahl hUtehc➢ . Mozoars Blum Burley 3 Rosen&arlen 3 Young 2 Grace 2 Hickey N^ . Shields Jones- Best: Grace I'itarupeou Young Nev81 en Shields U=Ph= M . Mekr. G. Morgan (F l 9 .17 (71) .8 7.15 OLD RAVtERINYS 3.3 4 .3 8.8 15.11 (101) OAHI .EIGH 4.0 7 . Best Francis Lconcel11 Silk Bolton O kaue : Silk 3 O'kane 3 Dem rta 2 tbxey Old . Best: Bonds Coal himelt . OakW& Johnsen 4 MaY..rn'm 4 Orchard 3AV ~(Cash Elans ; Makdm (`.ash Ncvme W7➢s. UmpErrs 2 .1 5.3 10 .8 14 .13 (97Y AJAX 14.4 (88) 52 82 122 South Fetter Bergss Mliler L'anAken . Best: Fan Aken ,yl{)L Wothier 4 Casper 3 Lewis 2 BriWJaro,er C,oldbban Wuer Blielert L-11t . South 2 BraFn Grum'iy a Best : Grw.;ry South Mcl~ Cheetas 6 Tsckadarts 32 A~{u31N Chcevsrs Ferguson Atherton F,gk Skinns . . O'Shea (B) ..' Umptres: A. Shkls. P. Grlfflths (Fl. L. Harris' C B 3.4 11.7 16.13 22.15 (147) MHSO .3 5 .5 5.6 8.9 (57) LA SA1L°. (2) 3 BE Srtrsklg 6 Voccadese 3 M Brun 3 Gouts 2 Bean 2 NML=on 21'Ja(ker I RuJr .x ra0LS0B; . Harper Fm Best : S'lrskiv Fox Walker Bevan V Bram . Best: WahmiMillerMardc :kCoWrs DeLa„®llc C,o +(g4is3Arban2Roberts Br,shaA'Ian --des Hsmlley. UntrobT. FYtcclman. B. Bolger (F) 1ggNT0*iE AMATEURS Recetred Forfeit GLEN EM Forfolt orapfte,: L. Gallagher (R) (F )
XCHES Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues v. Old Xavelians (2) Oakleigh v. AJAX South Melbourne Districts v . MI-ISOB De La Salle (2) v . Mentone Amateur s Glen Eira v. St . Kevins (2) at Packer Reserve, Mumno , Under-19 (2) Red Bulleen-Tempiestowe has the by e Old Paradians v . Ivanhoe Fitzroy at Garvey Oval College 1 .54pm University Blacks v . RupertswoOd Aquinas v . Old Camberwell Therry Penola v . North Old Boys at John Paswe Fa Reserve No. 1 Oval
DE LA SALLE C oactr ; MiCkDooton ~C~ :~? odroffe
1 . B . Gmespie L Mutquin ey 2. 3. S.Doukas
Coach: Brian Brown Coach : :.- .-ty Huck
1 B Welland 2 K McKay 4 A Shinkiield
4. H. McMillan (C)
5 D Carcor 7 S Taft
5. J. May 6. C. Beasland 7, B. Cairns (VC)
8 N Unsworth 9 T Skarrie 10 D Vail 11 D Fotheringham 12 R Turner 13 A Hickey 15 N Roach 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clark 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiris 30 W Fowler 31 N Herman 33 C Rowe
6. A. ~.,pence s . J. Faikingham to. W. Kelly
11 . N. oeeimng 12. C. Collins 13. C. Tuck
14. S. Lynch 15. A. Edge 16, M. EJackmcre 17. L Atkins 16 . D . 6 d 19 . M. Atkins
20 . L Tucker 21 . L Healy J . Bram+el l
T. Woanough S. H, ckea A . Thompson S . Coale . E . Cooper 27 N . Tracks] A. Ccote (DVC) L. Ferrar 31 A. wions 33 S . McNiaro as (DVC) 35 S. Lee 37 M . Kuria 48 P. McConChr2
B. Deaton (DVC)
QL; Coach : Rob WaI
1 D Smith 2 E Townsing
3 E Tucker 4 C Burgess 5 D Woodford 6 S Guest 7 M Kennon 8 C Trim
9 N Guy 10 B Marks
J O'Dwyer 12 J Richardson 1 A Sim so n p A Richards t a I Weir
6 B Wulf 17 N Barrett 18 S Carter 19 MProwse ?G E Ryan 21 N Robinson ~2 J Rush Z3 N Kent t D Marks M Horgan Walker J Jewell t J Mulcahy 22 E Selby
~: Mark Donovan 1 L Freeman 2 M Walkom 3 D Knight 4 D Logan 5 A Catchlove 7 J Spraque S N Coleman 9 S Daniher
10 R Craven 11 R Josephs 12 J Rodski 13 W Lewis
14 R Teasdale 15 S Cations 16 D Jennings 17 D Robertson
1 J Kean
2 R Buckle y 2 R Walmsley 3 J Hughes 3 T Moles 4 M Brasher 5 H Handley 6 M Brown P Harrison 7 7 A McLeish 8 T~'~di~k 9 M Lafferty 10 A Coffey 10 A Dimble 11 J Bowden 12 C Moran 12 MNaughtin 13 J Roberts 14 J Mem brey 14 C Mitchell 15 J Stinear 16 WJolley 17 D Thomas 19 S Brown 21 S Byers 21 B Quinane 22 D Alderucdo 24 J Garland 26 D ,. ~p R.hill 30 M Krezel 31 S Hyde 32 A Bonnici 49 D Coggins 55 S Giblett
1 . D. Cracknell 3. N. Addiso n 4. M . Mastores 5. C. Dignan 8. L. Considine 11 . B. Gale 13 . B. Skeen 14 . D . Coghlan 15. T. Sheehan 18. D . Gartner 19. S. Birrell 20. D . Salce 22 M . Voskersensky 23. J. Neal 24. J . Stempel 25. E . Weekes 40 . D . Welch 44 . D . McMillan
OLD XA ; Coach: ( 1) Manny Macias! Coach : (2) James Fay t~d%P
Coach: Larry Davis
3 Madan G 4~e'~ C
1. 2. 3. 4.
5 McKenieMcHUg
5. S . IannaZZo
6 Ca,oJ 7 01(are M
6. A. Matthews 7, S . Monteleone 8. S . Mitchell
2 oumn N
6 McLka,n~ J 9 R~.'phJ to McCdi o 11 Farrar+l 12 d?.lcmJ
13 Naa, A 14 cn ~m F 5 euon 6 ts Griggs 17 poy, C
t8 ftosa S 19 Jabcur o
18 A Quail 19 S McQueen 20 T Hosking 21 N Costello 22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett 26 G Fordyce 27 R Davies 28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prendergast 31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T Maloney 35 B. Keck 36 S Marash 38 M Raymer
20 Had L 21 Sm:accd P 22 Le«rcei~ T 23 C"'"OdyS
39 M Leeds M Watts
at Sn.+uh J 42 Bola' M 43 M `'~~ N 60 Dsardo l
44 J Simon
Coach : Danet Merton
24 B
. T
25 Pic* M 26 Donlon 27 CC4" P6
28 Mcc am J 29 GM P 30 SIR J 31 Fu A 32 Mch^ny M 33 p .. qge g 34 : -~ A 35 &- r A 6 E A 37 t .a J 39 t .,., ...iM
39 Fur, D 40 Da!ea
D D. Elliot S . Neeson A . Bouzikas (C) C. Burns
J. Smith 9. 10 . R. James 1t S. Wheeler
12 . M . O'Donnell 13 . L Mansfield 14 . N . Thomas 15 . J. Formica 16 . C . Mitchell 17 . D . Swan
18 . D . Walsh 19. M. Moretti 20. S . Cxampbell 21 . N . Whelan 22. B . McManus 23. J . Mckay 24. B . Calleja C ' 25. T. Legudi 26. A . Anderson 27. L. Evans 28. L Calleja 29. C. Goullet 30 . C. Trewin
31 . L O'Brien 32 . A. Smith 33 . B. Ballarin 38 N. Smith
39 C. Kevnan 40 R . Cousland 41 M. Kavanagh
42 D . James 43 K. Walker
MAZENO D Coach: Andrew Pickering
Coach : Brad Barry
1 . D . Bonnici 2 . D . Fotiniotis 3 . P. Reed 4 . L . Rudling 5 . P. Ryan 6 . S. Veltman 7 . A. Wilson 8 . B. Thomas 9 . B . Thompson 10. D . Maskell 11 . L. Fuller 12. M . McDowell 13. C . Clegg 14. D. Clegg 15. A . Burrows 16. A . Longmuir 17. C. Meehan 18. P. Del Mastro 19. S . Bickers 20. P. Dugdale 21 . D. Armansin 22. C. Aguis 23. D. Agu s 24 . J . Thomas 25 . D. Hansen 26 . D. Stagliano 27 . C. Raine 28 . D . Devlin 29 . M. Thompson 30 . 8. Co x 31 . C . McDave 32 . G . Nash 33 . D . Malloy 34 . A . Murray 35. J . Schian o 36. D . Oldma n 37. G. Kennelly 38. B . Chamberlai n
t, M . Fry 2. C. McKimm 3. T PAattesG 4. A. MacGillivra y 5. N. Gambl e 6. L Dale 7. C. Reddi n 8. C . McNichol 9. J . Dooley 10.A. Morley 11 . C . Adamis 12.J . Mea d 13 .N . Edward s 14. E. McCowan 15 . J . Hunter 16 .J . Homann 17 .J . Walsh iB .A . Salem P Angel W. Leaf 1n' 20 T. Marshal l 21 22 A. Hughes 23 N. Gamble 24 C. Alcock 25 D. Hartman 26 C. Baxter 27 J. Maguire 28 N. Williams 31 G . Sim m 32 A. Goldner
Coach (1) ; Pool O'Shan Comb (2) : Stephen Clarke 1 JDern ~, 2 . T, pug9an 3 . A. urnters 4. L Fox 5. M. Hicks
Coach : Steve King
1 A. Millar 2. C . Nicholls 3. M. Albefthorpe 4. J . Bromwic h
6. J . Harris 7. L. Kalasaran 8. D . Macdonald 9 W. McCann
5. T. Birtley Cl
11. M. Hutton 12 . D . Mctay, 13 . S . Manvood 14 . B Marchesani 15 . D. Bare 16. K Didais 17 . D. Makohon 16 M Anderson 19. W. Macdonald 20: p Y~tgrew
9. M . Brookshaw
10 . D . Mahorwy
2 22 HalWr~d 1 . G.~ee 23. A. Jenkins 24. G. Natan 25. J.Deacan
26. J. p0,~ 28. pCsy Landy 29' C' p`tn`°` 30. P. Ginning 31 . M . Courtney 32. J. Cox 33. L MeYer 34. S, M~td~ti 35. N . O'Hattora n 36. 2 PurcHi
37. P. Ciancey
38 . A . Chard 39. M. Caimey 40 . T.Newton 41 . B. Evans 42 . M. Stonehous e 43 . M. Txhier
44 . J . Ki" 9
45 . N . Watts 46 . C . Wilkinson 50 . TLriess
51 . C. ~1'Shaughnessy 53 . T. StmRson 56. A. Callegari 57. M . Henley 58. A. Thampsen 61 . D.Jarres
62. K McInerney
B. J . Sudhatz 7. L Made 8. W. Austberry 10. J. Parnell 11 . G. Pricker (VC) 12. A. Jacob 13. T. Girdwood (VC)
14. N. Ric h 15. R. Hall 16. K. Alexander 17. A. Br 99s 18. P. Burco
19 . 20 . 22 . 23 .
E. Wilcox (VC) J. Culley JD Brook
24 . 25 . 26 . 27 .
R. Holmes (VC) J . Tanner A. Wilson J . Wright
J . Garner
28 . L Ryan 29 . A. Cameron 30.. J . Chambers 31 . M. Robertso n 32. S . Adams
33. E . Matties 34. Z. Rudd 35. R . Kercheval
36. C. Walsh 37. R . Sweeney 38. A . Sheehan 39. A. Gooney 40. A. Tymms Ymms
41 . S . Monahan
F~: Chris
1 2 3 4 5
A . Sinclair A . Amos G. Erickso n T. Vine n B Gross 6 Z..Jess 7 P. Roberts 8 S . Tucker 9 W. Frost 10 G. Crathem 11 C . Fagan 12 J. Mellington 13 L. Browne 14 B. SCott 15 S. Jenkinson 16 J. Ampt 17 R . Liniord 18 B. 0'Hoy 19 I . Glass 20 M. Trigg 21 A. Beach 22 T. Foster 23 L . Northway 24 B. Napier 25 N . Dorman 26 M. Pennycuick
' _ E~ Cca .:h : Paul Curry
I B . Culling 2 B . Canton 3 J . Connelly 4 Jowett T. 5 K . Johnstone 6 C . Malthouse 7 A . Battams 8 G. Carr 9 B. Jowett
Coach : Marshall Fish'er 1 J Williamson 2 D Ryan 3 C Obliubek
4 M Velardo 5 S De Morton 6 D Slater 7 L Wilson 8 L Kavanagh 9 A Frazer 10 M Flaherty 11 J Buckley
11 J. Almhofer 12 B. Kezilas 13 A. Fisher 14 N . Goss 15 D . Molino 17 B. Smith 18 S. Burggraaff
12 W Nuniist 13 A Carrozza 14 A Parker 16 M Nicolas 17 B King 18 D Flahe 19 N Fitzpat~rick 20 A Prowse
19 S. Rawlings
21 N Bertram
20 H . Kerdel 21 L . Cave
22 T Logan 23 C Devereux 24 J Du 99a n 26 B Falcke 28 S Falcke
10 M . Stafford
22 B. Henry ry 23 C . Probyn
24 R . Turnball 27 S. Weaver 27 M . Grigg 28 D . Dawes 28 T. Franklin-Jones 29 A. Murray 1 30 l Pelman 32 C. Sendeckyj 3 A T..Habe 34 L Kennedy 33 C . Hooper 35 M . Davies 34 H. Baker 35 K. Boehm 43 A. Bruhn 44 L. Schneider
29 T Campbell
32 B Hakim 34 J Marinos 35 W Higgins
OLD IVANI~OE Coach : Marty Veal
Coach: Andrew Lynch I .M . Hoffmann 2 .L. Pitcher (VC)
3 .V. Jayasuriya 4 .H. McLauchlan 5 .8 . Crawford
6 .S . Durkin (VC) 7 .J . Hanlon Pollock
9 .R. D'Siiva 10 .S . Capron 11•J. Glanville 12 .A . Fletcher 13 .A . Kozik 14 .E . Marsh 15 .R . Goodbody 16 .H . Brooks 17.R . Plummer 18 .N . Rose 19.C . Waxman 20.J . Wright (C) 21 .D . MacKenzie (VC) 23.B. Koetsier 27.D . Swanton 28 .B•Hunter 29.T. Archer 30. A. Shaw
2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .
M Pa iDne ef Slow C. Binney S. Curatolo N. Bradd T. Grievey C.Lynch S.Jenkins
11 .
THibbs J. Baker
12 . 13 . 14 . 19
J. Bayford C. Lewis L. McKie
20 M .Clarke 23 LLoughnan
25 D.Bames 32 W.Coleman 33 D. Neilson 34 D. Meredith 35 M . Mendolo 36 T.Finlay 44 L. STllman 50 E . McWlliam 53 J•0'Dea
33.R . Mosbey 39.A. Jones
43.M. McGauran
WERRIDEE 1 . L Russell 2 . S. Wheller 3 . M. Wood 4 . C .Hassell 5 . A. Clinch 6 . M. Luba 7 . R . Wiley 8 . J. Muzzell 9 . J. Franklin 10. L . Wells 11 . D . Healy 12 . G . Breitkreuz 13 . M. Martinov, 14 . D. JoweY 15 . A. Goonan 16 . D. McKenna 18 . M . Ramsay 19 . W. Cove 20 . R . Lerner 21 . L . Wilson 22 . B. Rayson 24 . A. Lom 25 . R. Matter 26 . T. Harvey 27 . J. Noske 28 . T. Naylor
29 . B.Cormack 31 . S. Barker 33 . A. Cook 39 . M . Ferrari 49 . A. Perry 50 . M .Hef(ernan 54 . M . Wilson 67 . R. Martin 75 . R. Presser
1 B Petrie 2 H Giles
5 R Gale 6 P Boyd 7 P Podbury (VC) 8 A Hollands 9 T Stephens 10 N Cullen
11 P Sampson 12 P Landy 13 M D'Amelio (DVC) 14 J Montano 15 P Carey (C) 16 A Kelly 17 H Evans 18 S Wilson 19 A Rooks 20 M McHugh 21 A Ballard (DVC) 22 N Carstein
23 G Brearley 24 R Varney
27 A Dix 28 C Beljak 29 S Train 38 A Flanagan 41 D Wood 44 C Clarke 46 P Aftoft 61 N Kennedy 64 D Tompkins
4 Taylor C 5 Pretty
6 Burgess J 7 Davies M (DVC) 8 Amiconi A 9 Jackson N 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen P 12 Kell y T
13 Gordon N 14 Thwattes M 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 Arm "" C 18 H eave n C 20 Oberoi S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D
23 Hiilas R 24 ~ ~ 25 Lucas C J~ 27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoo M(VC) 28 Condron K 29 Crawford M 30 Bullen M M
53 Plain G 76 Matthew M
50 S. Morris
Coach : Paul Gregor
1 P eg g te A 2 Hine A (C ) 3 Langdon S
44 Lancaster
46 R. Foote
Coach : Tim Hills
OLD TRINITY Coach : Dean Peters
Coach : Steve Lovell
Coach: Tim Pratt
1 . S. Muraca 2. C. Kelly
1 . S . Brosolo 2. B . Warren - Smith 3. C. Ventura 5. P. Micalleft 6. J . Morriss 7. R . Nolan 8. C. Welch 9. P. Tobin 10. A . Hill 11 . A . Cursio 12. M . Sowersby 13. M . Baker 14. J . Treyvaud 15. T. O'Shea 17. P. Furness 21 . M . Calavetta 22. L McGuiness 24. P. Weston 27. R . Hill 28. P. Poutney 29. D. Adkins 30. B . Janson
1 A Middlin 2 . M Norrish 3 . N . Pask 4 . R .Bett 5 . P Valopp i 6 . D Uoyd 8 . R Drew 9 . B .Kehoe 10. J .Seege r 11 . Z.Webb 13. LGillies
33. B . Sheets
25. F. Pellegrin o
34. A . Biviano 37. G. Kennedy 38. A . Corry
27. S.Savage 29. D .Bell 30. J.Stron g 31 . S.Urbano 32. J.Parry 34. S.Britt 37. D . Sim s 44. N .Martin
3. M . Bradfield
4. S . Eisenberg 5. P. McGowan 6. S . Kidd 7. B. Daniels 8. C. Jack 9. A. Russo 10. A. Borg 11 . J . Toussaint 12. C. Smith 13. D. Groulos 14. T. Davidson 15. M . Walsh 16. C. Yasar 17. A. Tedesco 18. B . Cunningham 19. R. Rose 20. D. Lowe 21 . N. Gauci 22. S . Blanco 23. J . Russo 24. M . O'Donnell
25. J . Purton 26. C. Andrews 27. R. Fastuca 28. T. Dean 29. L. Simmons 30. C. Mahoney 31 . B . Vandenhurk
Coach: Rod Penalun a
14. G,Thompso n
15. D .Smit h 16. C .Holdswort h 17. A.Pizzey 18. C .Beal 19. A .Coleman 20. D .Seneratne 21 . J.Tompkins 22. J. Peake 23 . T. Collett 24. G.Coutts
Under-19 ® Section (2) Blue AJAX Coach: Mark Zuker L Goldman 2 J Israe;sohn 3 Z Lewski 4 A B~ 5 E Goldstone 6 E Janover 7 S Gutma n a D Van Akan 9 D Miller 10 G Blieden 11 I Balbin J B!ankfield 13 J Kazminski 14 D Hersha n 5 D Finkel 16 L Fetter 17 J Ka an 18 JaFedman 19 J Kaicer M Snow 21 A Lewin 22 G Gelban 23 J Berger P G~zer : B Goldb!oom A Cooper J l.ew's E Rathl A Goldman L Peters JuFekiman 34 M Snow ci J Rapke ^S A Sacks 37 D Krasnastein R Silberman G New 40 E Wollner A Sinqer 2 J Pask 50 G New 55 R Silverman
OAKLEIGH Coach: Ch ri s Moore
DE LA SALLE ( Gold) Coach : Greg Buntine 1 B Hawkins 2 L Browne 3 D Hyde 4 S Meehan 5 M Miller 6 D Wood 7 D Taylor 8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailon 11 S Alder 12 R Burrows 12 B Scanlon 13 P Arbon 14 A Dimble 15 J Hughes 16 M Roberts 17 J Bowden 17 B Keinhaus 18 R Quirk 19 S Allan 20 J Shone 21 M Beynon 22 M Conway 23 H La Ragy 23 B Reid 24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clifton 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken 29 G Walton 42 E Sims-Lucas 57 D Jad e 59 S Sharpie s
OLD XAV ERIARS Coach: (1) Manny Nicolosi Coach : (2) James Fay
2 L. Kelly
1 Carter P
3 . B . Rose
2 Quinn N 3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C 5 McKenzie-McHar 9
4 . L. Georgiadis 5, C. Kokkinos
6 . A . Ciavarella .8 . R . Symmons 9 . A . Visser 11 M. McPhee 12 P. Malcolm = B . Evans 15 D. Moulang 16 A . Keays
18 M. Cash 19 D. Britt 21 J . Briggs 22 S . Johnson 23 S . Bando 9 R . Kelly 32 A . COX 34 A . Hathaway
35 M. Stevenson 36 C.S Symons -9 T. Orchard
;1 B . Hyrons 43 J . Reynolds 4 6 J . Gaal 47 D. Banks 3 J . Nevezie (C) 72 S . Heslop P
S . Greenway
A . Bye ' 3 N. Wills
GLEN EIRA Coach : John Howard
-. .)
- !j
131_ - >I .
STH . MELD . DISTRICTS Coach : Darren McKillop
30 Silk J 31 Fox A 32 McCarthy M 33 Buckerldge S 34 Spillane A 35 Bushby A Biddlecombe A 37 DeMaria J 38 Walsh M 39 Furletti D 40 Dale J 42 Smith J 44 Bolton M 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L
1 . J. Dempsey Touggan A. umhers L. Fox U . Hck s J. Harris
13. S. Marwood
13 Nolen A 14 Chamberlain F 15 Dixon B 16 Grigg S
14. B Marchesanf Be,. 15. D. 16. K Didi s 17. D. Makohan 18. M . Anderson 19. W. MacDonald 20. U . M ulgrew 22. G . Holland
g,~ ,
Lv r"
223. . .Nolan A4
~=J /
Coach : Shane O'Conno r 1 .M . Meyer 2. S . Sulliva n 3. P. Dixo n 4. G . Allan 7. T. Barr 8. K. Littl e 9. K. McLeo d 11 . B . Atherton 12 . M. Wilson 13 . M . Hayes 14 . P. Rocke 17 . S. Casacelli 19 . S- Hamilto n 20 . P. Krings 21 . D . Kelly 22 . S. Barker 24 . M. Duggan 26 . A. Rock 30 . A. Pothitos 31 . C . Jamieson 33 . R . Hami l 34 . M. Wingrave 35. T. Smith G. Mora n 37 . C . Johnstone 38 . R . Bitner 41 . S . Alexande r 45 . A . Connard 56 . S . Rickard s
ST. KEVINS OD Coach: (1) Paul O'Shannassy Coach: (2) Stephen Clarke
10. D. Mahoney 11 . M . Hutton 12. D. Mctay
11 Farrow L 12 Dillon J
20 Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T 23 Carmody S 24 Biddlecombe T 25 Pietryk M 26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 26 McGrath J 29 Gill P
1 S. Chapman 3 J .Rosengarten (C) 4 G . Chessari 5 R . Buckingham 6 A. Hickey 7 S. Knight 8 S. Thompson 9 P. Nevill 10 B. Rogers 11 M. Vegler (VC) 12 R . Shears 13 M. Carey 14 Z. Wright 15 B. Hind 18 A. Shields 19 G . Gilbert 20 W. Little 22 B. Green NC i 24 T Craven 26 B. Jandahl 29 J . Ross 30 J . Mellington 31 S. Hawkins 35 M. Sharkie 39 C . Burley 41 J . Ryan 42 S. Young 48 G . Clugston
7 . L . Kalesaran MacDonald 5 . w.
8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J 10 McColl D
17 C 1 seS 198 Jabour Ros P
Coach: Dennis Grace
2. 3. 4. 6. 6.
6 Cato J 7 O'Kane M
26. J. Knuppel 27. D. Kerr 28. P. Landy' 29. P. Fogarty 30. P. Ginning 31 . M . Courtney 32. ~C°exer 34. S. Mrtchel l 35. N. O'Halloran 36. T. Purcell 37. P. Clancy 38. R. Chard 39. M . Caimey
40. R. Boyse
41 . B.Evan s 42. M . Stonehcuse 43. M . Tischler 44. J. King 45. N. Watts 46. C. Wnkinson 50. J. Gullrfe r 51 . C. O'Shaughnessy 55. A. Marshn 57. M . Hinsley 58. A. Thompson 62. K Mclnern y
65.8. Miller
68.J . Deacon 69. C. Hilliard
M . H .S .O .R . Coach: Jerome Jackman 1 . P. Rujevi c 3 . D . Bevan 4 . M . Brow n
5. 6. 7. 8.
M . Hall A . Viscendese C . Kenned y B . Brow n
9 .J . Walker ( C)
10. T. Couslan d 11 . M . Bignal l 12. M . Bowen
13. T. Harper 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
A . Nirens T. Fraczek M . Neilse n G. Pollard J . Saigal
19. D. Giannako s 20. S . Foley 21 . Dav. Fox 22. J . Brow n 23. J . Davis 24. Dan Fox 25. C . Owe n
26. T. Middleto n 28. A . Lteske 29. D. Yscendes e
30. E . Hin d 31 . K . Hardin g
Section (2) Red .
.O.C .
2 R . Klogeman 5 A . Boland 6 P. McNiff 7 A . Jenkinson 9 M . Guthridge 10 L. Mackowski 12 A . Corrigan 13 V. Hall 14 A . Hayes 15 S . Varone 17 J. See 19 D . Sinclair 20 S . Collins 21 P. Stone 22 G. Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D . Dew 25 C . Tavatli 27 C . Munro 28 J . Hollyy 29 B . Miller 30 J .Tappfey
--VI Tb: jy
Coach : John Ryan
Coach: Matt Agrotis
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 11 . 13 . 14 . 16 . 18 . 19. 20 . 22 . 23 . 25. 31 . 33. 34 35.
S. Marsh D . Florence A. Paradiso 0. Hill G Taylor M Benic M. McGrath R . Conti M. Bickerdike J. O'Donnell (C) R Lee P Harding D . Charles A DeSimone J Hasan J Paraskeva M Perri D . Tsokas D Steer D . Martin (VC) T. Walters P. Gordon M Tollit P. Tsokas
NTH OLD BOYS Coach: David Zappula
OL D Coach : Michael Sigutas
Coach: Richard Grummett
45 46 47 48 50 52 54 55 *`
D Barnwell J Bire J Dunne E Healy C Meighen B Dowsett J Healy M Edmonds A Butler Harman A Mercuri B Ashton G Robertson M Ahem N Blayney N Dykes J Simrk E Ctayton S Sukkar B Foynas D Cummins
C Grose
" " *'
J Kelly A Powell B Stafford G Waugh
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 41 44
1 S. Cook 2 T. Hedgeland 3 J. Kir k 4 R . Davidson 5 B. Kean 6 D . Burley 7 M. Cursio 8 S. Glover 9 T. Roach 10 J . McArdle
1, 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
in. Littl e D . McOualte r P. Tampon s B. Christie B. Ryan C . Morle y A. Cramer K. derby (C) D . Pik e G . Weickhardt T Proswe
12 J . Hughes 13 M. Kelly 14 N . Barry 15 T. James 16 D . McLellan 17 H . Monk 18 A. Saad 19 M. Saad 20 S. Saad 21 N . Trigwell 22 S. Bermingham 23 N . Hahn
15 . 16 . 18 19 23 25 26 39 43 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
S. Jones A. Cantor B. Craven B . Larrichi a H . Hogan A . Zemski D . Lin g A . Emmerso n T. Sigalas J . Agatanovi c M . Brooke M. Cottrell
24 S. Haynes 25 J . Mullins
J . Cucinotta L. Enright M . Gilbert A . Mohari c S . Merritt J . Pettitt
59 D . Schmidt 60 61
OLD PARADIANS Coach: Peter Hansen 2 D Dean 4 R Hall s 5 A Dean 6 A Harvey 11 S Connelly 14 S Fantone 15 L Drummond 19 A Paglia (DVC) 21 L McMahon 22 R Priest 24 G Loftus 27 D Caple 28 S Russell 29 M Keeling 34 P Gloury 39 J Z r' kov c 39 S Fistric 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson C 56 M Spinoso() 60 D Boundy 61 C Duncan 63 S Corcoran (VC) 75 S Barbaro 76 A Smith 77 T Crotty
RUPERTSW00D Coach : Ken Balmer
1 2 3 5 6 8 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 31
R Zahra S Page V Scerri J Ramsay B ShalderS K Elliot A Jamieson M Temming J Teller D Stafford L Becker L Fielding R Johnson P Flinn D Heywood A Certo G Price R Hasty
M Koala P McMahon G Hewat M Assouad
THERRY PENOLA Coach : Tony Crotty Assist : Phil Ryan I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 34 59 72 81
Faroldi M Goodwin T Reynolds l Barron B Kiernan M Mullens P Hermes J OuinnL Gleason L CrottyJ McCarthy L Senatore F Comb M Fenton J Owen B Clifton D Palazzolo M Freckletan J Green A Capewell C Atkinson D Goodwin D Caliegari D Carroll A Sheppard T Thompson T O'Connell S Robinson T Johnson S Delaney D
UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach: John Bushby 1 M Bellari s 2 S Bloodworth 3 0 Bongiomo 4 J Corbett 5 C Defahunty 6 T Donavan 7 P Donelan 8 N Ebner 9 S Flood 10 p Fowler 11 J Greenwood 12 M Grigg 13 R Hamilton 14 W Hann a 15 D Higgins 16 E Hinds 17 R Mansfield 18 T Mayall 19 R Moret o n 20 D Oconnel 21 R Osullivan 22 B Owen 23 V Parkinso n 24 S Prince 25 L Rawnsley 26 J RPvett 27 A Ros s 28 S Rundle 29 M Sale 30 S Sand rford ' (C) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R 9carlett 33 N Shar p 34 P Sondh u 35 M Stockfeld 36 A Torney 37 J Walker 38 D Watson 39 R Willis
N . Warner T. Parkes
S cores, chat a nd n ews of local VA-FA teams between 6."째
car_'_ S i
Fest Brunswick , tv,kj, Old Essendon (C).
.. Sunday 8 .0---IC,JO pill Ind ides weekly chat on all matters I)AF,4,
pre. ,~nted Glenn ' a : i rou =1 wit Old Taradians,'i`herrg PenolahStBern$ds(A), (B), West Brunswick , LaTrobe Uni (D2), North Bransw':'' . -C aod (I34), Old Essendon (C). PREVIEWS Friday 7.00-8 .00 pin Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
Bit .woc i, Unm:€ Blacks (Under-19) . Nonap. uance, amended fror atches to i match penalh and club fined $100 . Adjustment to Tribunal He rings June 26th, 2001 . . . < r 3rd, 2001 Adam Hanl~y, -I,' zenod . S-g. 2,iatches . Stuart Skidmore, Old Xa ins (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches. Ned Guy, Old Melburnians (Under-19) . Disputing umpire decision . I match. *David Kalb. AJAk. Attempting to trip, 1 match . *Leigh Morris, Yarra Valley . Attempting to strike, 1 match. 'Michael Giliest. Banyule. Attempting to strike, i match . *Damien Stoney. Old Xaverlans (Reserves). Striking, 2 matches . *Paul Gordon, Bull -T xmplestowe (Under-19) Disputing umpire dcci n, I mat .
July 7 n : July S t: July 14 St .B : July 15 FID. July 21 Therry Peno)a v i hats OC July 22 VA.FA v VCFL (Senior) VAFA v fYv111 (U 19) July 28 Beaumaris v Old Peradians Jui,l, 29 Old Scotch v Old Brighton Aug 4 Whitefriars v Old ,teibur3vans Aug 5 FIX". F ''-13na18
stings July , 3rd, 2001 A m inst Albert Park AFC during their matcn < mist anasn uryphons on June 23, 2001 at Albert Par} . T . chat- ' g: 1 . That during the last quarter Albert Park player no . 25 Gareth Daley allegedly spat on Rs onash Gryphons player no. 8 Jon Blandford and then allegedly threw player Blawelfard towards the fence. Charge no . 1 . Player Daley found guilty and suspended for 4 matches . 2 . Monash Gryphons player no. 8 Jon Blandford was allegedly held by an unnamed Albert Park player and was then allegedly kicked repeatedly by an unknown spectator to the head . Charge no. 2 proven and Albert Park AFC fined 81 000 (S500 suspended for two years) . 3. That Albert Park player no . 25 Gareth Daley did leave the ground during play to involve himself in the off field altercation that followed where he was allegedly observed throwing numerous punches . Charge no . 3 Player Daley found guilty and suspended for 1
1 offence ($25 ) ; ;e ($100) ; each rrs/BJl 9
r 5gm Oakleigh (R) Old Camoercvell (S ) Old Essendon (C) St . Leos mmaus (U) Old Melburnians (C) Bulleen-Templestowe (U ) Rupertswood (U) St . Kevins (U) Iaacorrect scores phoned - Rd9
De La Salle (S), Old Melburnians (C )
match .
Player Daley total suspension 5 matches . Salesian 0 C official waterboy Shane Oldfield allegedly swore and used abusive language towards the field umpire during the second quarter of the match played on June 23rd against Oakleigp AFC . Club fined S200 and Shane Oldfield suspended from having any part inside the playing arena or entering the playing area during any official VAFA match for a period of 4 matches. Continued from page 5 3 just one game from the top of the ladder and will be desperate to keep the pressure on the competition leaders. Therry might just prevail . Aquinas host Old Camberwell and this one could get a bit ugly . Old Camberwell have just reclaimed top spot on the table and will use this clash a handy percentage booster . Old Paradians had a wa in the park last weekend and v3rill not e_, ; ~,.inter any tou her oppasit: 'E in around
I . 1 keep ° wve.
Continuedfrom page 42 Bulleen vs S-•-e~ e
Swinburne has been the big surprise of the 2001 season, but today's match will be the biggest test that they have faced so far this season . Fresh from their week off, Bulleen will not want to lose touch with the top position on the ladder and should prove too strong as they push the Razorbacks closer to the pack with a 34 point victory. Eltham is the final team to have their first bye for the season . 3 s'cIC are holding their C- i N' to be held on July 7 . All members and friends are welcome and remember to dress in style and be prepared to party all night .
NIERSHIP LISTS 2001 L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 1002 479 209.19 40 1 0 940 345 272.46 36 4 0 758 642 118.07 24 4 0 519 459 113.07 24 5 0 626 591 105.92 20 5 0 654 633 103.32 20 6 0 473 674 70.18 16 7 0 592 706 83.85 12 8 0 525 776 67.65 8 10 0 271 1090 24.86 0
CLUB 18 ( 2) P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 10 9 1 0 704 394 178.68 36 MONASH BLUES 10 8 2 0 561 325 172 .62 32 COLLEGIANS 10 7 3 0 669 285 234 .74 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 6 4 0 416 437 95 .19 24 MARCELLIN 10 5 5 0 329 435 75 .63 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 4 6 0 497 531 93.60 16 ST LEOS EhfMAUS 10 3 7 0 403 519 77.65 12 OLD TRINITY 10 3 7 0 401 552 72 .64 12 OLD GEELONG 10 3 7 0 423 712 59.41 12 WHITEFRIARS 10 1 9 0 364 874 41 .65 4
P W L D For Agst % Pt s PAIRKSIDE 10 9 1 0 761 325 234.15 36 WB,LTAPhSTOWN CYMS10 9 1 0 804 407 197 .54 36 S,ll .ESIAN O C 10 7 3 0 633 488 129.71 28 POl`.T, R HOUSE 10 6 4 0 567 525 108.00 24 P.7ST BRUNSWICK 10 5 5 0 464 576 80.56 20 tBLV 10 4 6 0 554 596 92.95 1 6 TROBE UNI 10 4 6 0 574 636 90.25 16 nphZEIGH AFC 10 3 7 0 318 572 55.59 1 2 SULA O B 10 2 8 0 345 707 48 .80 8 '.'ENTONE AMATEURS 10 1 9 0 469 839 55 .90 4
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD XAVERIANS 10 9 1 01273 521 244.34 36 OLD BRIGHTON 10 8 2 01004 491 204.48 32 DE LA SALLE 10 8 2 0 1128 610 184.92 32 ST BERNAADS 10 7 3 01126 619 181.91 28 OLD SCOTCH 10 7 3 0 1012 635 159 .37 28 ST KEVINS 10 7 3 0 936 585 160 .00 28 UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 4 6 0 682 766 89 .03 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 4 6 0 630 760 82 .89 16 MARCELLIN 10 4 6 0 719 1149 62 .58 16 COLLEGIANS 10 1 9 0 585 1143 51 .18 4 BEAUMARIS AFC 10 1 9 0 390 1145 34 .06 4 MAZENOD O C 10 0 10 0 267 1328 20 .11 0
For Agst % Pts
0 01050 331 317.22 40 1 0 726 471 154.14 36 4 0 711 514 138.33 24 6 4 0 629 587110.9324 5 0 597 539 110.76 20 6 0 535 554 96.57 16 6 0 484 1036 46.72 16 7 0 684 801 85.39 12 7 0 502 724 69.34 12 10 0 430 847 50.77
D4 RESERVE P W L D For Agst % PIS SYNDAL TALLY-HO 10 10 0 0 896 216 414 .81 40 ST MARYS 10 8 2 0 801 453 176.82 32 WERRIBEE taMATEURSIO 8 2 0 758 519 146.05 32 StqINBURNE UNI 10 6 4 0 704 535 131.59 24 RUPERTSWOOD 10 6 4 0 638 548 116 .42 24 '~()RTH BRUNSWICK 10 6 4 0 663 627 105 .74 2 4 BULLEEN COBRAS 10 6 4 0 475 531 89 .45 2 4 ,iP LILYDALE 10 4 6 0 408 823 49.57 16 oLD WESTBOURNE 10 3 7 0 426 610 69 .84 12 CLTHAM COLLEGIANS 10 2 8 0 469 880 53.30 8 PJ.EY PARK AFC 10 1 9 0 373 1031 36 .18 4 CLUB 18 (1)
P W L D For Agst % Pts 10 9 1 0 841 418 201 .20 36 OLD :.fELBURNIANS 10 8 2 0 665 411 161 .80 32 OLD XAVERIANS 10 7 3 0 861 352 244 .60 28 ^E LA SALLE 10 7 3 0 703 571 123 .12 28 D SCOTCH 10 6 4 0 669 496 134 .88 2 4 C 10 4 6 0 607 581 104 .48 1 6 .ODOC 10 3 7 0 413 591 69 .88 1 2 isGL:;SWICKAFC 10 3 7 0 360 864 41 .67 12 TiIiU ;R-- 'PENOLAOB 10 2 8 0 420 733 57 .30 8 I , BRIGHTON 10 0 10 0 242 1011 23 .94 0
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 10 9 1 0 1072 551 194 .56 36 OLD TRINITY 10 7 3 0 811 508 159 .65 28 WERRIBEE A115ATEURS 1 O 7 3 0 943 653 144 .41 28 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 7 3 0 996 748 133 .16 28 ORMOND 10 7 3 0 853 799 106 .76 28 CAULFIELD GR 10 6 4 0 660 480 137 .50 24 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 5 5 0 651 725 89 .79 20 YARRA VALLEY O B 10 4 6 0 807 949 85 .04 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 4 6 0 695 902 77 .05 16 ST LEOS EIviMAUS WP 10 3 7 0 558 1165 47 .90 12 WHITEFRIARS 10 1 9 0 549 1115 49 .24 4 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst % Pts RRENTONE AMfiTEURS10 10 0 0 1365 451 302 .66 40 AJAX 10 9 1 01273 520 244 .81 36 SOUTH MELB DIST. 10 7 3 01150 606 189.77 28 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 10 6 4 0 1034 695 148.78 24 MONASH BLUES 10 6 4 0 1048 759 138.08 24 OAKLEIGH 10 4 6 0 806 1290 62 .48 16 ST KEVINS (2) 10 3 7 0 615 920 66 .85 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 10 3 7 0 667 1152 57 .90 12 MHSOB 10 2 8 0 768 1136 67 .61 8 GLEN EIRA AFC 10 0 10 0 467 1681 27 .78 0
UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L D For Ag„Rt % PIS OLD CAMBERWELL 10 8 2 0 993 492 201 .83 32 TI E RRY PENOLA OB 10 8 2 0 986 547 180.26 32 OLD PARADIANS 10 7 2 1 904 550 164 .36 30 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 7 3 0 1133 443 255 .76 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 7 3 0 648 496 130 .65 28 RUPERTSWOOD 10 6 3 1 1154 475 242.95 26 BULLEEN TEMP 10 3 7 0 378 1100 34.36 12 AQUINAS O C 10 2 8 0 326 1381 23.61 8 IVANHOE FITZROY 10 1 9 0 370 1460 25.34 4
VAFA L'~n1 A I STS 2001 A SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts 10 7 3 0 981 735 133 .47 28 MARCELLIN ST BERNARDS 10 6 3 1 1076 908 118 .50 26 MHSOB 10 6 3 1 930 893 104 .14 26 10 6 4 0 873 813 107.38 24 OLD XAVERIANS ST KEVINS 10 6 4 0 838 788 106 .35 24 OLD TRINITY 10 5 5 0 790 765 103 .27 20 OLD SCOTCH 10 5 5 0 906 883 102 .60 20 '.. UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 3 6 1 815 967 84 .28 14 MAZENOD O C 10 2 7 1 843 1127 74 .80 10 OLD BRIGHTON 10 1 7 2 744 971 76 .62 8 B SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts 10 9 1 0 1007 511 197 .06 36 OLD IVANHOE DE LA SALLE 10 8 2 0 1152 763 150 .98 32 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 6 4 0 901 796 113.19 24 OLD PARADIANS 10 5 5 0 753 755 99 .74 20 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 5 5 0 703 727 96 .70 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 5 5 0 901 934 96 .47 20 ORMOND 10 4 6 0 850 985 86.29 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 10 4 6 0 718 857 83 .78 16 WHITEFRIARS 10 2 8 0 833 1012 82 .31 8 BEAUMARIS AFC 10 2 8 0 613 1091 56 .19 8 C SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD ESSENDON GR 10 9 1 0 1060 626 169 .33 36 lIAMI''TON ROVERS 10 9 1 0 1160 830 139 .76 36 COLLEGIANS 10 8 2 0 967 671 144 .11 32 GLEN EIRA AFC 10 6 4 0 930 923 100 .76 24 ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 5 5 0 1125 958 117 .43 20 CAULFIELD GR 10 4 6 0 946 845 111 .95 16 OLD MENTONIANS 10 4 6 0 918 1070 85 .79 16 PRAHRAN AFC 10 3 7 0 759 883 85 .96 12 AJAX 10 1 9 0 703 1073 65 .52 4 BULLEEN TEMP 10 1 9 0 749 1438 52 .09 4 Dl SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts BANYULE 10 9 1 0 1272 679 187.33 36 IVANHOE ASSUIvIPTION10 8 2 0 1022 774 132 .04 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 7 3 0 1026 825 124 .36 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 6 4 0 935 933 100 .21 24 A9UIN16 O C 10 5 5 0 1161 1061 109 .43 20 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 10 5 5 0 1004 960 104 .58 20 OLD GEELONG 10 4 6 0 878 1098 79 .96 16 OLD CAREY 10 2 8 0 845 1100 76.82 8 MONASH BLUES 10 2 8 0 802 1163 68 .96 8 8 ..' YARRA VALLEY O B 10 2 8 0 703 1055 66 .64 D2 SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts MENTONE AMATEIIRS10 10 0 0 1360 665 204 .51 40 SALESIAN 0 C 10 8 2 01067 742 143.80 32 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS10 7 3 0 1072 760 141 .05 28 PARIiSIDE 10 7 3 0 980 855 114 .62 28 KEW 10 5 5 0 819 855 95 .79 20 LA TROBE UNI 10 5 5 0 854 899 94 .99 20 PENINSULA O B 10 4 6 0 793 1127 70 .36 16 OAKLEIGH AFC 10 2 8 0 893 1134 78 .75 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 10 2 8 0 715 967 73 .94 8 ..' POWER HOUSE 10 0 10 0 586 1135 51 .63 0
L D For Agst % Pb 0 0 1380 357 386 .55 40 1 01272 657 193 .61 36 3 01227 944 129 .98 28 4 0 1042 1003 103 .89 24 5 0 987 1007 98.01 20 6 0 797 998 79 .86 16 7 0 776 1025 75 .71 12 7 0 687 1222 56 .22 12 8 0 828 1219 67 .92 8 9 0 615 1179 52.16 4 L D For Agst % Pts 0 01163 589 197 .45 40 1 01048 506 207 .11 36 3 0 830 674 123 .15 28 4 0 853 659 129.44 24 4 0 862 755 114 .17 24 5 0 785 787 99.75 20 5 0 721 959 75 .18 20 6 0 828 869 95 .28 16 6 0 610 798 76 .44 16 7 0 510 804 63 .43 12 9 0 480 1362 35 .24 4 L D For Agst % Pb 0 0 1004 463 216 .85 40 2 0 779 529 147 .26 32 3 0 801 558 143 .55 28 3 0 782 563 138.90 28 4 0 687 637 107 .85 24 6 0 617 631 97.78 16 7 0 595 739 80.51 12 7 0 488 651 74 .96 12 8 0 507 886 57 .22 8 10 0 467 1070 43 .64 0 L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 989 477 207.34 36 2 0 900 497 181 .09 32 3 0 851 592 143 .75 28 4 0 874 519 168 .40 24 4 0 633 603 104 .98 24 5 0 608 635 95 .75 20 6 0 567 688 82.41 16 7 0 543 783 69.35 12 9 0 388 784 49 .49 4 9 0 383 1185 32 .32 4
% C RESERVE P W L D For Agst HAMPTON ROVERS 10 10 0 0 1043 488 213 .73 40 8 2 0 857 445 192.58 32 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 7 3 0 913 475 192.21 28 COLLEGIANS 10 7 3 0 820 496 165 .32 2 8 CAULFIELD GR 10 4 6 0 626 578 108 .30 16 ST BEDES MENT TIC 10 4 6 0 579 537 107 .82 16 PRAHRqN AFC 10 4 6 0 628 770 81 .56 16 OLD MENTONIANS 10 4 6 0 404 573 70 .51 16 MAX 10 2 8 0 329 1182 27 .83 8 BULLEEN TEMP 10 0 10 0 371 1147 32 .35 0 GLEN EIRA AFC 10