The Amateur Footballer, Week 12, 2001

Page 1

ty A w€tforking Party" consisting of members of the VAFA Executt,te, r.,,,self as CEO, and the VAFA's legal adviser have been meeting ca a regular basis - mostly 7 am meetings (ugh!) - to consider a rl finiiton for "W hat is an Amateur (fc^*1°^11er)?".0nce that flnition has been established, the "We king Parrv~ then ha s t.: en directing its time determining, , " ~:,es not fit the definition of an "Arnateur', - l d ion to play in the VAFA, and at should be th e es that are fair and reasonable for granting such an clubs obviously have a huge interest in the outcome of this c rxtss and each club was written to last week inviting awitte n ibmission to be lodged which would be looked at by the ;',brlflng Party . These submissions could influence the "Paper"

Re will formally adopt or use as a basis for Ti : time frame for this process is as follows - receipt of club , . :'. missions (by end July); E~eutive consideration of "Work'v-~ F~rt}fi' paper (by end of October) ; new permit and reinstatement aui'jines to be in place before the end of Novembe z Flle "Fwrkmg Party' is mindful of separating submissions that are ust written with a view to getting a certain payer "in" (who does nt qualify at the moment), but will focus on submissions that aA at the 'big pieture" of what type of players should participate in the VAFA "i nis column will keep readers up to date on progress being made . ,v;v-,:- €tu The VAFA website is proving to be extremely well visited . z!rtSeularly on days results and ladders are published . VAFA staff r5ularly update stories that continue to unfold or announce new ~tories. Current items being regularly updated include ins/outs of the nior state side for its July 22 match (v. VCF`Q; finals venues and (L a te ;? ,1y not visit and Mow the p es of the VAFA? i;slton and United Breweries Promotions Ladder V, I _n Carlton (CUB) became the VAFNs Main Support Sponsor ~>>-, year (for a three year period), part of the new agreement was to Irovide $1,000 to a club in each of the seven senior sections of the VAFA which purchases the most CUB products for the I :on,e and away part of the season for use at club functions and a er match functions. G:ch club has been provided with a'proforma" sheet which has rrC rxed easy calculation of points based on the purchases made ,~ :rongh nominated CUB outlets .

At t?.° half way mark the following chibs lead their

1531 points 2954 points 2322 points 3374 points 1125 points 49 points '

Old t stbourne 720 points $ verification still to be completed upon receipt of supplier invoices . A further "proforma" sheet will be distributed to clubs immediately after round 18 is played to enable the winner to be determined .

Obviously many dubs have not provided the infornation to date, or may be thinking the best - to i will b2 to sub , t! ° one end n ~°-Lson "proforma" s (1 ).'17 at is fine - dubs should note that the i§'i . M.

Clubs may wish of course to submit "proformas" on a r bas' ; as purchases are made e; :'ling ladders to be regularly upc i. Reports of dub i i, -if ssary aggression filter in from time to time, in fact one such ;i .aation is the subject of an investigation next week. Clubs are reminded of the following policy. The first side on the ground completes its warm up lap and then chooses one half of the ground to conduct warm up drills and stretching . The second team to take the field can only use the racant half of the ground for its warm up running, drills and stretching. No side is to encroach on either side's half until the umpires "whistle" the plati c ; s to take their posi )ns for the match to start .

WE DOiTT need remind : rig th a are the big occasion team but this season Xav s have played an unabated run of tes n g matches since round 1 . The reversing form in A Section this season, including Xavs climbing from bottom after round 4 to second in seven rounds, has OX playing teams near or above them each week . Today this gruelling schc L could be a facto r when it hosts top placed Veteran Xav full-bac i . <: t' gan best epitomises Xavs' tot : I ieked up

It U ig,



tcffieil in t' . _ . -- adrigan , once an accomplished 5 . : s, has used his athletic prowess to m to an aggregate of I1 goals. the bar will be raised again )r ,_ 1=es on the charismatic -1 who is another sharpshoo 32 goals. Last time Xavs recorded a goal last quarter for a runaway win at . "I'd hope we have improved with our depth and we have a more even spread of talent," Eagles coach Simon Dalrymple said. -TREVITY coach Leigh Carlson said Xavs were stronger at the ball in their 27-point loss last week. "Their midfielders Tim Clarke, Daniel Donati, John Bowen and Lach Ford were hard . "After quarter time we outscored them by a point which was a positive," Carlson said, "but Xavs played much better for three quarters" . -UNIVERSITY Blues should have close to a full list for today's game at against Old Trinity . The Students car tway from their 50-point win over 0 n with no injuries . Blues coach said "10_ wins should get you into __~ four so Trinity and us need to win six from the last seven to make it . "The win over Brighton gives us some hope even though it was the bottom team ."We have Jason Coulloupas likely to be back after bruising his sternum in a car accident, and talls Robert Wilkie (leg injury), Hugh =Nailon (shoulder problem), Scan Russell (wrenched elbow) all available but they won't all play . "Often we are a bit too big," Adamson said . While Trinity won the round 2 clash by 56 points, last year at Bulleen the Blues won on its late-season run to the fmals . Ts coach Carlson said he wasn't concerned if Uni had its best

team. "It's a challenge an d we're happy to play whoever they put c ~ t," Carlson said. to learn OTs best-and-fairest from 20 ( __L_za has announced he won't pla y s season due to glandular fever . -TODAY at EP, OB will be looking for one of least three wins against St I _-3, which Ii] SOB has gone from top to mid-table in month, to get it away from relegation . -THE Bernies and St Kevins had difficul mastering the beach-side conditions at Trev Barker both shooting at 33 per cent . Neith kicked a goal with the wind in the first half ar the Bernies kicked kicked six against it as it fi to SKOBS by three goals. -SKOBS have reached the four and today go South Yarra to meet MHSOB whose spot thE took . When they last played the High won by s goals with Jason Bamert and Adam Simpsc kicking four goals each . How low would tl High be after its one-point loss to Mmenod? -LI __ F kicked eight when Scotch la played ; . After being thumped by 1 goals by Ntarcellin last week, the Cardina might view today's re-match against Mazenc as a relegation qualifying match . PLAY. _ LIS 13 -

-- `Z째BB' I I.; ;

A month ago the 1998 Woodrow MedaIli ; wrecked his right leg at Toorak Park . "I neede an anterior-cruciate reconstruction, they vf built the lateral ligament, two areas of cartilag required attention and I tore my hamstring . have no idea if I will play again but I would loti to. "You always think of retiring and the doctc said it would be a good idea. "I will decide car] next year . I've been lucky because I've never ha a leg injury." Asked what was worse : losing la: year's grand final or injuring his leg hot against Xavs? Luke replied : "Knees get bette but there's no getting around losing a Gran Final" . C " : OLT S




- 71.

Simon, 33, belongs to a select coaching club

7.5 (47) : i .a 14 . :t (97) adra 2 G : F le Perry McMahon Alderton . i rrie con within Gadsden, University blcLaclila,i o oiimmon 2 Lowcock 2 McEwtn C athreston. Be : Gleeson McLachlan Fishley J Hayter erston . R . Lc ;e, M . Gibson (F), B. Corcoran, T . Dornom (B), D . 7;k: (G) 0.9 3.11 7.17 10.17 (77) 3 .4 3.7 6.11 7.16 (58 ) Box;es 4 Lucas 3 Greehnam 2 Kempton . Best : Sadler i Finch Lucas Gross Si: . Bernardi : Harvey 3 ^ F S e. Best: Broadbent Mastropasqua .aa Jo Ian. J . -er ( F). R . M utton. C . Stewart (B), S.

)0 at at .e a


.. ... .. . . . . . to ors

2 .4 8.9 11 .10 12.12 (84 ) 5 .3 6.5 9 .9 12.11 (83 ) :bie 3 McMullin 3 Beard 2 Murray Meeh an Fotinioti s Best : O'Donoghue Carter Hose Waldron Meehan Quirk . >tmpson 3 Barnett 2 Joseph 2 Adcock 2 6L'oodley Gerner Best : Limbriek Perfect hhielntyre S McCully Simpson Davis . S . cCarthy. P. Simpson (F), J. Mason (B) B . Jephson, B. (G) ui 6 .2 11 .4 15 .8 20 .13 (133) 1 .2 3.4 7 .4 11 .5 (71) ,no an 5 Purcell 4 Waters 3 Johnston 2 Ibrah)m rid-z Jarred Caffrv . Best : Romanin Godwin Purcell ibrahim. Old Scotch : McCowoll 2 E Parthenides 2 re Kitchen Aujard Gnatt Thomas . Best: Kitchen E eehiaro Beranger McCowoll Cran e .Umpires : A. a (F), D. Cusack, J. Forsyth ( B), J. Robinson . B.


1ze 31-0it it is a~ :od

tlÂŁ p) L . VAFA - an U19 pre : : selection also

ie on the o I f- role nf TrP-c . tnd tG

n e

ie past,

H. 5 .5 7 .12 11.17 14 .19 (103) 1 .1 3.9 4 .14 10 .16 (76) McCarthy 3 Clarke 3 Denali 2 McDonnell 2 Ford A McDonald Scanlon. Best: Clarke Landrigan Hilbert od Ford. : Cretg 2 Sutcll 2 Van Der Verne 2 Hillas C Phillips sn . Best: H I R tsden Hine Ven Der Venue A . Fi - (F), A . Rechtman . S. Caruso (B) . K.


0 S d



Old Scotch 0 4 :arcellin 5 32 MHSOB 2 30 St Bern .rds 3 29

e1( St Per -ds 0 21 St Bernards 2 27 Old Scotch 0 21 St Ke4ins 2 16 Marcellin 2 16 hiazenod 2 16


Old Scotch v. enod Old Xaverians v. Marcelli n Old Trinity v. University Blues

10.6 11 .9 (75) 3.3 6 .5 5.7 8.9 (57) 2 Scott 2 A . Ginnaavul 2 Brew 2 Scott Mizz i . Brew Dlcncrsu, i Adamis R. Stewart A . Walsh . Coleman 2 B. Coleman 2 Gates 2 Gray QuID . 3ray . .ReAloon Temple-Smith Garnaut Qui ll. 2.0 6.3 7.3 8.4 (52) 2.4 2 .5 8.8 10 .9 (69 ) Curtis 2 Horrocks 2 R . hiaguire Chambers B . Quirk ciez 3est : Ferrari Crohan Bare M . Maguire Horrock s cc Legudi 2 Cooker 2 Borg Harvey Thomas Mount Tankey Si test : Tankey A. Capes Meehan Thomas Catteral Osborne . 3 .0 4.1 6 .3 10 .5 (65) 1 .0 2.2 6 .4 9 .7(61 ) r ~: Ballenger 4 D'Rozaro 2 Hawkins 2 Smith Grant . Best: SOB: Burke 2 Rice Pollard Fisher Ballenger D'Rozarlo Varney . Orchard 2 Cookman McGrath Hawkins Feferkranz L .Tavlor. Best: Burke Millar Haukes Armstrong Hawkins Feferkranz . CELLRd 2 .4 8.5 9 .5 12 .8 (80) 12 .14 (86) ~ TCH 3 .4 5.4 12 .11 ,an 2 Galati 2 Chun Slattery Cooper L . O'Flynn I Slat wry Duncan Chun White Theisit Wallis . 5 Geld 2 Stratos Pattenden Stevens Miles Best: Lillington Liphsut Brooke Steven s 3.3 6 .3 8.4 8.7 (55) 2.1 2 .1 4.2 7.4 (46) Hall 2 Wilson 2 Mullane Callhian Woodruff Dillon . - ,io:mston Walsh Woodruff Drake Hannebery . C - - ,: Cornell 2 Buttler Kenna Lauletta Power Ward . Best : T.c:ade ?, :C :mi a Bladeni Natoli A Parkin Power.


M .H .S .O .B .

Coach: Simon Dalrymple Res. Coach : Peter Randall

Coach : Luke Soulos Res. Coach: Terry Blythman

1. 2. 3. 4.

1 J Bamert DVC 2 S McCully ( ) 3 I Gr9ic 4 C Eabry 5 P Sherry

C . Slattery A . Caffry D . Waters G . Romanin

5 . M . Moran 6 . D . Sampimon 7 . N . Godwin 8 . R . Frisina 9 . D . Ballantine 10. C . Purcell 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12 . B. Cronin 13 . S. Dinneen 14 . R. McMahon 15 . M . Chun 16 . L. McMillan 17 . G . Cox (VC) 18 . D. Gartner 19 . D. Coope r 20 . S . O' Flynn 21 . N. Walker 22 . D. Marson 23 . P. Gleeson 24 . L. O'FIYnn 25 . R . Galati 26. N . Armstrong 27. D . Theisz 28. D . Johnston 29. P. Smith 30. A . Treganowan (C) 31 . S . Yee 32. M. Browne 33. G. Cull 34. D . Jarred 35 . J. Frazer 36 . D . Cope 37 . D . Moran 38 . M. O'Sullivan 39 . B. Colville 40 . M . Leffanue 41 . J . Seabury 42 . B. Dinneen 43 . A. Duncan 44 . A. Wilkinson (RVC) 44 L. Hansen 45 . D. Theisz 46 . J . Wilkin s 47 . D. Ryan 48. A . Gallagher 49. D . Coutts 50. A . Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52. J . Mathews 53. C . Mathews 54. R . McMahon 55. J. Wallis 56. B. Norden 57. M. Van Lint 59 . J. Ibrahim ~~rra V速1'ey

Country Club

5 N Orchard

6 J . Bayford 7 S . Morgan

Joseph 67 R Pertzel 7 A Angus C O 8 J Garner 8 C Wright 9 D Fairchild (VC) 9 M Clowes 10 D Skinner 10 D Norton 11 K Krios 12 A Simpson 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gregson 13 C Kelly 14 L Simpso n 15 Z H o ld en 16 F Davis

8 D . Lancaster 9 S. Noble 10 M. O'Hara 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D . Hose 12 M. Muria 13 P. Goodeny 14 N . Meehan 15 N. Parry 16 J. Kavanagh 17 J. Beard 18 T. 0'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin

17 M Clowes

20 C. Murray

18 R Limbrick 18 A David 19 R Ware 20 J Wilson 20 D Nichols 21 R Patterson 22 D Armstrong 22 A Svirskis 23 C Harvie 23 I Taylor 24 D Stynes 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 25 J Jackman 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCull 30 R. Newton y 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell (VC) 32 A Keys 33 A Saultry 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (VC) 34 S Konstanty 35 A Mills 35 A Barge 36 M White 36 S Bennett 37 R McIntyre 37 M Ting 38 S Robinson 40 D Membrey 40 W Hayes 41 D Simmons 42 B Cookman 43 J Burk e 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins 48 B Jeffrey 49 C Pricop 50 S Osborne 51 J Newton 52 B McGrath 53 C Clowes 55 N Adcock 56 T Wright 57 A Tang 58 M Cotter 59 L Jones



OL D Coach : David Murray Reserve : Tony Collins 1 C. Harrison 2 A . Quinn 3 A . McIntyre 4 A . Hanley (C) 5 M . Quirk

All Home Loans

20 T. Castricum 21 S. Polan 22 D. Ryan (DVC) 23 A. Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 D. Masskell 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 27 D. Krom 28 P. Nelson 29 R. Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N. Snart 32 P. Vine 33 D. Grant 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkins 36 D. Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 D . Linden 39 G. Kalber 40 S . Ryan 41 A . McDowell 42 P. Fotiniotis 42 C . Adams 43 A . Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 P. Rice 46 B. Waldron 47 A. McDowell 48 G . Tilling 49 L . Halvy (RVC) 50 D . Carter 52 N . Nussbaum 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi

Sponsored by : Sires Menswear W.G. Miles & Co Pty Ltd Real Eastate - Ivanhoe

Spectrum Assurance Group Regency Pharmacy

Zitech Computer Peripherals

~---- - --- - r~ Coach : Andrew Smit h Res. Coach : Coach : 0 Tapping n Assist : Justin Clancson Res . Coach: Richard Obee 1 A Nettletonacrt>o 2 B Phillips 1 A. Kryzwniak 3 C Hoskin g 2 A. Pirrie 4 T Holt 3 C. Barrow NC) 5 R Price

4 A. MacGillvray 5 N. Perry

6 R. Stewart 7 C. Brew 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox (VC) 11 L. Adamis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 B . Williams 13 R . Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC) 16 G. Earl 17 A . Van Den Dungan 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S . Gadsden 20 M . L . Smith 21 T. Ewen 22 N . Biggin 23 N . Milat 24 M.J . Smith 25 S. Nickas 26 B. Stoneham 27 D . Paterson 28 J. Bradley 29 J . Dickerson 30 A. McLaughlin 31 A. Bristow 32 D . Begley 33 W. Carter 34 J . White 35 C. Stewart 36 B. Pollock 37 B . McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K. Kavanagh 41 JC.. Murchie 42 Mlzzi 43 R. Carter 44 R. Sherman 45 A . Mandylaris 46 M . Billionis 47 D. Wilson 48 R. Boxer 49 A . Ginnavin 51 M . Fisher 53 D . Strachan 54 A . Liptrot 55 Ni . Gamble 57 M . Moon 58 B . Scott 61 A . Walsh 62 A . Lynch 63 S. Davies 64 M .Reid

6 A Crow 7 J Kitchen 8 C Reid 9 R Aujard 10 J Ker r 11 M Angus 12 S Cro w 13 N Hoope r 14 E Parthenide s 15 M O'Brie n 16 A Speed 17 D Thoma s 18 L Hawkins 19 C . Smith 20 S Lillingston 21 J Strato s 22 N Addison 23 0 Cran e 24 C Pattende n 25 L Murph y 26 T Downin g 27 J Pilkington 28 B Robinson 29 M Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 C Ratcliffe 33 J McCarrol l 34 E Oliver 35 P O' Connor 36 S Prendergast 37 M Parthenides 38 R Ashton 39 C Stevens 40 A Warne r 41 M Lipshu t 42 J Ross 43 N Left] 44 C Evans 45 M Blenheim 46 J Beaurepaire 47 T Barenge r 48 S Miles 49 R Mullen s 50 D Richardson 51 M Saunders 52 M Davison 53 C Joyc e 54 N Simo n 55 G Sarkoz y 57 J Cran e 58 C Ada m 59 D Brook e 60 T Wigney 61 D Leeds 62 E Sladen 63 S Tresise 64 L North 65 C Armstron g 66 H Thomas 68 B Collin s 77 S Grigg

t : Le11y-1e11son Coach: Phil Gaut . ; Cezch: Cn P 1 Kennedy S

? Hudson G(RC) Reynolds L 4 Arrowsmith J ?~ Burrows D Robison M 7 Van Der Venne T 7 Canzoneri M 7 Dodgson B 8 Frost C 8 Stebbins C g Andrews A(VC) 9 Best J g Hildabrandt D 10 Shaughnessy M p Dann S Gorman A Pirouet N ;, Collins M ; Cade J Parkin A

}5 Stephens T

15 Natoli S 16 Hiillas C 17 Hatfield G(VC) 1 7 Garcia J 1 C Clarke L iq %'arr C 19 Carter-Buszard L _J Phillips C Gillett R KennedyY L Deane-Johns G Ramsden A ; Boyd A 5 Cameron F ( RVC ) Robinson D i< Tudor l 27 Greig M 28 Butler C Nesbitt L 31 Bladeni S 32 Cornell J ,2 Kinross D 3 Rogers D Boyd M Pawsey M Sutcliffe J Van Der Venne S W Cochrane A Philli ps R ( C) Antonopoulos T Jarred W 1 Lauletta S ~2 Aylward M ' .lainsbridge D Power B aiyah A = Treadwell G 1 5 Morpeth T E Cooper S 7 Semmens A ° Vr' ard C % dgemis J 2 Donahoo 8 Markus J c5 Boyd G ,6 Best E 57 Oberoi A ° Cade T RV ( G ) Crietian0~o D c2 Marc J nna A Burrows R ~% Limoli P c3 Frost M %' Makris A Chisholm M

-" Treadwell C Brady W

S ..

Coach : rim O'Shaughnessy Coach: Garry Foulds Res. Coach : Chris Res. Coach : David Law Mor isen 1 . D . Baynes

1 M Blood (C)

2 D Orlando

2 . L . Meehan

3 L Hannebery 4 D Landrigan 5 A. McDonald 6 D . Donati 7 S Lethlean (VC)

3 . J. Podsiadly 4 . S. McKeon 5 . Joe Mount (DVC) 6 . J . McKay 7 . S. Clarke

8 P McDonald

8. J . Evans

9 J Hawkins 10 S Mitchell 11 Ad Jones 12 J Bowen 13 C Ellis 14 On Stoney 15 L Ford 16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson 18 S Tucker

9. B. Jordan (DVC) 10 . N. Mitchell (VC) 10 . L. Campbell (R) 11 . P. Capes 12 . B . Hogan 13 . C. Mitchell 14 . A. Thomas 15 . T. Wilkinson 16 . L. Turnbull 16 . P. Capes (R) 17 . L. O'Sullivan 18• D. McLaughlin 19 . L. Gallant (C) 20 . S . Broadbent 21 . B . Loughli n 22. M . O 'Riley 23. A . Mastropasqua 24. P. Harvey 25. C . Osborne 26. J . Gallan t 27. A . Nathan (RC) 2 8. D . Croker 29. C . Trewin 30. James Mount 31 . A . Maggior e 32. T. Harvey 33. B . Atha 34. D . Byme 35. P. Rahill 36. R . Legudi 37. A . Catterall 38. J. Simpson 39. N . Smith 40. D . Thomas 41 . B. Overman 42 . M. Stapleton 43 . C . Davis 44 . S. Taylor 45 . M. Tankey 46 . L . Wilkinson 47 . R . Pizzichetta 48 . S. Burgyn 49 . S. Borg 50 . M . Polatajko 51 . P. Romanin 53 . JP Kavanagh 54 . T. Carrick 55 . J. Cittarelli 56 . C. Bond 58 . D. Dugina 60 . A. Woolley 61 . M . Dowling 62 . P. Holland 63 . R. Brown 68 . A. Garvey

19 An Jones 20 M Hardman 21 A Parton 22 M Rush 23 R Coughlan 24 B Coughlan (VC) 25 J Lang 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Cranage 29 D Galbally 30 T Clarke 31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi (VC) 34 R Jones 35 J Dalton 36 A Keyhoe 37 T Freer 38 R Hall 39 M Meehan 40 S . Mullan e 41 A Dillon 42 N Ireland 43 T Woodruff (VC) 44 B Hilbert 45 J Scanlan 46 M Callinan 47 J KaY 48 R Carey 49 R Dillon 50 M McCarthy 51 D Walsh 52 B Calman 53 H . Davies 54 A . Gowers 55 J . Healy 58 M Green 59 S . Johnston 60 J . McDonnell 61 A Oswald 63 B . Perry 66 A Wilson

~~ ¢? I® ' .


e Coach : Mike Mcfi-'fiur-Allen Res. Coach: . :ck Knuppel I . A. Callery

2. S . Lowerson 3. D. Curtis

4 P. Greenham 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 N . Fraser 11 J . Panagrazio 12 R . Grinter 13 R . Bowles 1 e Mahoney 4 15 L. M. Oliv 16 B. Garvey 17 S. Dawes 18 J . G ri gg 1 9 D . Sheehy 20 L Hull -Brown -Brown 22 J . Macey 23 B. Quirk

24 S. Powell

25 B. Marus4c 26 D. Sadle r 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuines s S 32 M. O'Connor 33 . Maguire 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E. Sullivan 37 M . Dwyer 38 J. Bateman 39 S. Gribbl e 40 N. Parrett 41 S. Monk v tch 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R. Sheehy 45 D. Weight 46 J.. Travaglia Conlon 47 A 48 L Harper 49 P. Cleary 50 P. Cameron 51 J. Cassel l 52 J. Finch 53L . Coleman 54 S. Gam e 55 E. Crohan 56 M . Pangrazio 58 J . Ferrar i 59 A. Rattle 60. A. Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B . Hicks 64 J . O'Brien 65 C. Leatham 66 E . Lynch 67 N. Marchesani 69 P. Natale 70 P. Roberts 71 A. Clar k 72 M . Rigby 73 P. Byrne 75 R. Campaigns 77 G. Pickford 78 R. Chivers 79 G O'Connor 80 D. Dunn 83 N . Moore 84 C . Noseda 85 S . Moylan 86 A. Nowell

UNIVERSITY BLU E S Coach : Lee Adamso n Res . Coach : Terry Benai m 1 D Slimmo n

2 T Hutchins

3 J Sturrock 4 D Guen erich gn 5 Q Gleaso 6 S D Hayter 8 J Hayter

9 S Mead e 10 A Davis 11 L North 12 G McLachlan 13 P Stockdal e 14 C Ro dhous e 15 L Rya n 16 C Stewart

17 G de Crespigne y 18 A McEwin A Lowcock 20 C Rya n 21 T McIntyre



Simpson Constructions

23 T Wilco x 24 S Russel l 25 A Sall y 26 M Vasey 27 R Wilki e 28 M Thomas 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 J Quill 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishley 35 A Bake r 36 T McKinle y 37 L Granger 38 A Wilson 39 T Gray 40 C Brookes 41 R Crawfor d 42 S McConnel l 43 A Camero n 44 R Feathersto n 45 J Armstron g 46 M McKerrow 47 R McKerrow 48 T Morgan 49 L Chamberlai n 50 H Nation 51 A Brown 52 A Terril l 53 R Versteege n 54 C Beltram e 55 T Anderso n 56 T Birk s 57 T Irvin e 58 A Larkin 59 L Fehrin g 60 A Suvulto s 61 B Colema n 62 L Barrick 63 R Kellihe r 64 S Kaso 65 E Roydhous e 66 B Gates 67 D McAloo n 68 B Treloa r 69 A Cook 70 P Buss e 71 T McGrath 72 S Lansdel l 73 J Brooke 74 J Chivers 75 L Quin

622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799

Red Eagle Hotel Dfsc°S°~~ AUStratfa

76 W Temple-Smith 78 M Dowdle 79 A Duncan

Results went as per the bco' 'a boards last c all favourites saluting `2 - . 'ere is no=a < between 4th and 8th, z*vitl; `? .-~mes separa i sides. and ill having e ntial to play finals . Out at Oak Pa :' c opportunity. through the 20 pts . There two teams all c : home with the b : Bourke played i . and the brothe-vanquished . The folks from tanks when the,, `1 four points va i themselves a chance prevailed ova r qtr was enougopponents. Reidy,.i supported by Phan ar : and Foley had a go all da: Out at our verv own -_ne as Old Ivanhoe mau-.;, :: of 68 pts. The fat lady pres . led t at 1/2 time, as the home side naci a Zg 8 goal lead, and simply embarrassed - by allowing them only i goal in each he" O< 3

and Crowley starred for 01, and ,L son, Mulquiney and Rose toiled manful - s . iade the trip out to Bruns to tackle but came away empty handed as e home side won comfortably by 49 pts . 10 goals to 4 after halftime indicate that the visitors had a kip in the rooms and forgot to come out, as they were right in it at the ia break . Lock, Casboult and Saad played goc' fo-

the winners, and we well matched up 1 (again), Robbins and Remman from tt e~e =n brigade. The home of foot<r saw ll cent winning way, as they accou, 1 L -'or 62 pts . The OPs were right in the co through the 3rd qtr, but DLS stood on raced away after that for a good win . - - ie


the old were the best for DLS (Harr z and Mackintosh) in an even effo, t . 1-leffernan, t^^d O'Loughlin kept at the contest all day for : Ore 1 and Purples. Preview Yet again, petrol companies lick their lips, as Old Hail (114) fire up their spaceships and charge F


stakes with the pressure coming from below . There's no way this will be a blow out like last time, but I think that the home side is travelling a bit better at present, and combine that with the home ground advantage, ct; e'll see DLS win by 22 pts.

- Senior captain plays his 200th game this Round . Brett has been captain of the club for the past 2 season's and has ; ,, on the past 2Senior Best & Fairest's . Brett is a greatly respected player by all at the club and his consistent performances on & off the field for North Old Boys have been nothing short of exemplary . From all at North Old Boys we wish him all the best for this 7 200th game milestone .

7 16.10 iiC'. l 2 .6 8 .9 13 .12 19.12 (126) _.y 6 S Bannister 3 R Bannister 3 C Bannister 2 Finnigan dills S Bannister C Bannister Castaldi M Goodwin Elliott . Saunders 5 Mason 3 Hour 2 S Langford-Jones 2 Jense 2 Lap All ,,e Johnston Walden . Best: A Saunders Walden Bourke S Lan 1n:tcs Jason Jense. Ifnap' : P. James, J . Watson (F) 1 .3 6.6 10.8 14.13 (97) 9 .3 10.7 17.8 21 .13 (139) tullck 3 Buller 2 Edge 2 Bryce Foley Kenned y hell b3atullck Foley Jury Kennedy Gibson. R !y 7 JongeIoed 4 Northey 4 Mika 2 Carrigg Eames Gloufchev is Phan Kennedy Eames Gloufehev A Pav .~lik Rekdv. 9 ." r, L . Ga]agher (F), K. Coughlan, S . Leahy (G ) 5 .2 9.3 11 .5 13.8 (86) 0 .1 1 .4 2 .5 2 .6.(18) Old ih :: Tooiey 6 J weddle 3 Corcoran Lo w Oates Shadbolt. Best: Young Oates Crowley R Weddle Tcmey Hope . Olt . : b4ulquhiey Hiompson. Best: Farquharson hfulquiney Rose Miter Smith Holme. Umpires: M. }forrison, G . Pdardrop (F), G. Robinson, S . Cap?e (G ) No= OLD BOYS 5 .7 8.10 13.17 18 .19 (127) 1 O' _'dOPdD 5 .1 7.5 9 .8 11 .12 (78) us4h Old Boys: J Barker 3 G P'nyiand 3 J Cassell 2 M Barker 2 Skene San d Booth Cottison Boyce Spurting Sleep Keenan . Best : Lock Casboult Sand Spurting VageLs Sleep. Ormonsl Grace 5 Beckett 2 Stone 2 Renunan Grace. Best: .. .l, .on Robbins Remruan McConvill A Grace I Abrahams . Umpires: G. Hunkhen, L . Rioncrieff (F), R . Richards, C . Shipley (G) --L , L---'s 3.2 6.5 7 .9 10 .11(71) 1 . 2E 4.6 9.8 12.11 20 .13 (133) v,u r-n =nn: Heffernan 2 Galloway Stevens Sinclair Porteous Hart Murray Harford Laney. Best : Heffernan Ball Hart Holmes Sinclair Oloughm. f?e La ,- :le: Marel 5 Bonnie 3 Harrison 2 Evans 2 Duggan McIntosh D Hyland Bolden Silvers Cerln Hall SpithID. Best : Harrison McIntosh Duggan Hall Elliott Bannlc.lTmphun R . Ea.- ..ooi. R . Aiaystan (F), P. Teasdale. J . Kramer (B). P. Curtis . G. Na) s(G)

Chris " Kels " Keleher for playing 150 ge- :-_-~ for his club . Chris began his junior football v: ith Ormond in 1988 before progressing to the Senior team in 1993 . Kels' skill and ability can be attested by his winning of the Reserves Best & Fairest in 1993 and 2000. Well done Chris for reaching this ~,i ;nificant milestone with Ormond . Also Paul " i" Joy for playing 100 games for his club . Paul transferred to Ormond from St Peters in 1992 to further his football pursuits . Despite shoulder and knee injuries causing Cot to miss a total of 57 games, the dashing defender was inspirational in his pursuit to play again . This is a momentous milestone for Paul, aad acknowledged by his friends at Ormond .

4.0 5 .2 6.4 9.4(58) 3.0 5 .7 8.8 11 .9 (75) : Clarke 4 O'Shea 2 bieWhinney L Hollow Higgins 1 . Best: -j~ :, Henderson S Hollow O'Shea bicPThinney. Efstathtou 4 P Langford-Jones 2 Bell Shepherd B.blitchel l u ay 1 . Best: P Langford-Jones Lay Harrop Curtain B . LangtordJonc hell. 1.1 2 .2 4.4 5 .6(36) 6.3 10 .4 13.6 16.8 (104 ) Bew . . : Balmer Ccrrand McGrath Tagell Thomas . Best: Magee A O'Bc nvns Sherman Thomas Smith M . Whit ' : Murray 3 Nunan 2 Re a :rtg T 2 Swain 2 Cahill 2 Ftiltan Dance Vanderboom . M . Best : Sw sire Re4d Nunan Murray B O'Connor. 1.2 4 .5 4.5 5 .8 (38) 2.0 2 .0 4.0 4 .0(24 ) Veal Tolley Macisaac . Best: Woods Barke r , t y Macisaac Ta342y. Old M s: Murphy Ray o O(feect. Best: Thomas Murphy Fitzgerald

i': lagoos

v, hitefriars (8 / 1) vs Old Haileybury (1 / 10) OH by 62 pt s Old Melburnians (1 /8) vs Beaumaris (6 / 1) L eaumaris by 1 p t Ormond (1/6) vs Old Ivanhoe (4/1) Ormond by 32 pts OldParadians (1/3) vs NOBs (9/4) OP by 15 pi s De La Salle (3/ 1) vs Theny (2/9) Theny by 25 pis

ker Ainbicc.

v'✓ MOiZS i c ovey Old Ivanhoe 6 4 4 Reidy Whitefriars 7 35 Barker North Old Boys 3 34 Dh-Kav Therry Penola 6 32 t.-ippage Old Haileybury- 2 31 (:race Ormond 5 31 B RESERVES I.fstathiou Old Haileybury 4 4 6 De La Salle 0 29 Ormond 1 22 (:,mnelly North Old Boys 3 22 S . Ciavola Old Paradians 0 19 Johnston Old Haileybury 0 1 9 1 Q


5.5 7.9 710 10.12 (72) 1 .2 3.2 5.6 7.9[51) : D. Joyce 3 P. Bryar 3 M. Connolly 3 N . Sanders 1. Best: P. T. Halpin D . Joyce C. Heaking S. Butcher. d: Black 31Ydhelan 2 Stewart 1 Metz 1 . Best : A. Guzzo H . Black S. Hersmann G. Ritchie J. Keolstra N . Courmev. .; OLD . .... 1 .3 3.7 7.10 8.12 (60) 1 .4 3.6 3.6 3.10(28)

tAJhitc'iars v . Old F-=.-.ile; bury Old Melburnians v . Beaumaris Ormond v. Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians v. North Old Boys De La Salle v. Therry Penola

r :r

Coach : Ji Res C 1 P. Brook 2 L . Gibson 3 J . Magee 4 A . Pratt 4 J . Black 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L. Buller 7 D . Foley 8 A . Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Nicholson (DVC) 10 A . O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D . Whitaker 14 T. Collins 14 D . Dew 15 A . Edge 16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 17 S . Fitzgerald 18 T. Cot at 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A. Low 20 L. Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L. Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Halt (C) 22 B . Tadgell 23 A. Catlin 24 B.Gray 25 M . Smith 26 B. Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M. Matulick 32 T. Arendarickas 33 G . Jury 34 S. Mitchell 35 N . Boctor 36 R . Deaton 36 A. Blackie 37 D . Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N . Conlan 42 J. Gerrand 44 H . Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D . McGrath 47 D . Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas 49 J. Bryce

1 L 2 R 3uck, ;y 3 B Corin 4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Harber 7 P Harrison 7R B Baker 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C)

12 D Today 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland (VC) 16RD Jarvis 17 A Elliott 18 C tiercuri 19 R Prezens 19RT Shields 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyc e 22 M O'Donnel l 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25Rifi Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Harder 29 P Hesse 30 B i,lannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 37RD Moore 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan

Cuach: FranF tell Res . Coach . : r Robinson 2 . D . Keenan 3 . A .Trimboli 4 . S .Sleep 5 . B .Devine 5 . D .Skene 6 . N .Vogels DVC 7 . P.Booth 8 . B .Collison C 9 . H . Maplestone 10. M .Nulty 11 . R . Morley 12. S . Lock 13. T.Halpin 14. D .Kingham 16 . D .Collins 17. J . Fitzclarence 18 . C.Murray 19 . P.O'FarreN 20 . J,Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult DVC 22 . M .Connelly RC 23 . D. Coonan 24 . J .Barker VC 25 . G .Phyland 26 . M .Yandell 27 . W .McTaggart 28 . D .Joyce 29 . D . Visser 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M.Phyland 33 . k3.Barker 34 . J.Saad 35 . N.Carney 36 . D .Tonkin 37 . S.Mikunda 39 . C . Siotos 38 . M .Amor 40 . C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonkin 42, A . Kennedy 43 . D .Zacek 44, M .Drum 45. B .Speed 46. P.Daniels 47. J .Barlow RVC 48. N . Sanders 49. TKlouse 50. T.Drum 51 . N .Goonan 53. S . Butcher 54. M . Allouche 57. C . Husking 58. D . Ada 61 . F.Lynch RDVC 62. A . MacDonald 68. P. Bryar 77. S .Trenton B . Kean

-- s

Coach :( ~rdSh c .. wick Asst. Co.,:h : Paul ta h Res . Coach: I S 1 . C . Home 2 . R . Kejna (DVC) 3 . M . Hoffman 4 . S . Langford-Jones 5 . J . Bourke 6 . A . White 7 . Adam Hilton (C) 8 . R . George 9 . S . Rowlands 10 . C. Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12 . P. Dimond 13 . B . Harrop 14 . A . Forsyth 15 . A . Saunders 16 . P. O'Donnell 17 . Ash Hilton 18 . C. Jayaskera 19 . M . Armstrong 20 . J . Wright 21 . A. Janke 22 . D. Mason 23 . M . Seccull 24 . A. Ross 25 . B. Johnston 26. J . Bell 27. R . Brandham 28 . S. Walden (VC) 29 . B. Carson 30. D . Warnes 31 . D . Lay 32. B. Mitchell 33. P. Wright 34. P. Langford-Jones 35. D . Lappage 36. B. Lay 37. G . Fletcher 38. L . Floyd 39. D . Emerson 40. S . Davey 41 . S . Saunders 42 . A . McMahon 43 . C . Pountney 44 . M . Wray (RVC) 45 . T. Hilton 46 . A . Waxman 47 . R . Mitchell 48 . C. Moyle 49 . G . Finlayson 50 . R .Ladd 51 . P. Gebka 52 . N . Biggs 53 . L. Curtain 55 . L. Byrns 56 . M . Anderson 57 . W. Mackenzie 58 . B . Langford-Jones

59 . M . Corduroy 60 . M . Somai a 61 . P. van Wyck

1 A .Oate s 2 L.Lochran 3 C .Allender 4 B .Davi s 5 T.Young 6 D .Spiden 7 E .PJcWilliam 8 T.Stevens (RC) 9 hh .Karayannis 10 M . Crowley 11 S .Tully 12 C. B ran igan 13 C.Barke r 14 K .Theodoss i 15 L.Bolzon 16 M .Woods 17 A.Corcoran 18 J .Hope (VC ) 19 D.Warry 20 D.Hawke s 21 R. Roberts 22 RDonaldso n 23 A.Barez a 24 G .Haro s 25 A.White 26 P.Lilli s 27 J,Weddl e 28 S.Morri s 29 R .Weddle (C) 30 A.Gilberi 31 T.Perera 32 A.Gooley 33 N .Pratt 34 A.Tiema n 35 L .Mclea n 36 M .Polloc k 37 M .Berr y 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 A .Giollo 41 P.Malnoey 42 L .Courag e 43 L .Hunte r 44 A .Karafil i 45 M .Toovey 46 M .Tolley 47 J .Wei r 48 B .Kolias 49 J .Risstrom 50 S .Brand t 51 B .Shadboi t 52 P.Armstrong 53 S .Price 54 B .Guidera 55 N.Miller 56 S .Asto n 57 S . Ford 58 G .Mclsaac 59 B .Spoo r 60 D.Bernet Sponsored by : -------- ~ W.G . Mile, ~. Cj Lt( Spectrurn :',ssu : : ce G i :4¢e p Regency Pharmacy Zitech Compute r Peripherals

-- n . .nrci - -r,roni i co on



Coach : Erwin Leyden Res. Coach : Michael Lovejoy

Coach: Matt Ryan Res. Coach : Peter Slacik

" PENQ Coach : Ian Jackman Res . Coach: Peter O'Dea



1 P. Pratt

1 . D . Mabbett

2 3 4 5 6 7

Theodore (C) Treloar Hazell Bunn Holme Thompson

2 P. O'Loughlin 2 B O'Flaherty(Res) 3 D . Stevens 4 A Curran 5 M Harford 5 D Jenkins

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

gM gR

Lovett Simpson

6 B Lethborg 7 P. Cosgriff

8. M . Miller (DVC) 9. S. Grace

10 T 11 P

Roberts Gallagher

8 A. Sinclair (DVC) 8 D Furze

10 . D. Scanlon 11 . D. Robbins


D . Beckett E. Fraser A. Grace B. Turner D . Whelan S. Keleher { DVC )

12 A


9 J. Collins

12 . B . Deledio

13 B 14 D 15 M 16 J 17 J 18 T 19 R p0 J 21 L 22 A 23 M 24 L 25 P

Thiele Kinsella Rose Tucker Miller Fitzgerald Mulquiney Guest Boyd Waddell Berry Holcombe Thomas

9 R Murphy

13 . B. Stone 14 . S . James 15 . S . Naughton 16 . T. Stewart (RC) 17, P.Joy 18 . W. Block

26 C 28 A

Kennedy Washington

18 S Fellowes 19 John Swindon

29 T 30 I 31 J 33 T 35 C 36 J 37 S

Mulligan McMullin Sallabank Ambler Ray Grant Murray Bryant Useinov Wilhelm Theodore Farquharson Bartlett Murphy Neeson Banks Jenkins Tsiotras Berry Righetti Campbell Beaumont Hecker GooleY

38 T 40 Z 41 G 42 P 43 E 44 P 45 C 46 D 47 C 48 C 49 G 50 J 51 B 52 B 53 P 54 S 55 J

56 A


57 J 58 T 60 B 63 N

Weir Burdett Reid Sampieri

64 C


10 P. Brabender (VC) N)

10 S Ciavola 11 A. Burns 11 J Smith 12 J M Swindon 12 B Holmes 13 B Galloway 14 B. Brabender 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 17 M Anderson 18 G . Porteous

20 M .Szewczuk 20 P Harris 22 C. Watson 23 P. Walsh 24 D. Digney 24 T Lombardi 25 A. Heffernan (C) 26 M .B . Geary 27 K.Jenkins 28 J Connelly 29 M Lloyd 30 B Richardson 30 B Finlay 33 D Loney 34 B . Galloway 35 S Simpson RC) )

39 D Loney 40 C. Seckold 44 D McKay 46 P Zappa 47 N Ball 57 B . Dintinosante

19 . D. Cleary

20 . M . McConvill (C) 21 . L. Wilson 22 . R. Block 23 . T. Ashford 24 . M . Abrahams 25 . J . Dale

26 . T. Harvey 27 . T. Brennan 28 . A . Moore 29 . N. Courtney 30 . N. Wells 31 . H . Black 32 . R. Presser 33 . M . Collins

34 . R. Remman (VC) 35 . G . Bailey 36 . J . Monaghan 37 . A . Guzzo 38 . S . Herrmann 39 . M . Ferrari 40 . S . Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42 . C. Keleher L Smith 44 . M . Mabbett

45 . J . Bridges 46 . C. Cleary 47 . T. Costello-Manning 48, L. Murphy 49 . S . Metz

50 . M . Heffernan 51 . A . Russell

52 . G. Hall 53 . G. Hammond 54 . M . Wilson 55 . J . Putz 56 . M . Farrell 57 . M . Broadhurs t 58 . B . Smith

59 . P. Kostanty 60 . G. Ritchie 61 . K . Anderson 62 . D . Casey C

pfp 1~ 1 S

, r




63 . A . Kurzel 64 . A . Strauch 65 . L. Russell

66 . C. Everett

Coach: Wayne Harmes Res . Coach : Brendan Smales 1 Petrevski M 2 Finnigan is M 3 (VC) 4 611iot Mer R 5 Sacco S 6 Bann-ister S 6 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 1 0 Vaina J 1 1 O'Sullivan D(vC)


Moran R

13 14 15 16

Thrush J Mitchell D

17 18

McMahon A

Goodwin M Hokistock G Carter B

19 20 21 22 23

Grant A

24 25

Evans R Edwards P Carbis G 0 'Kearne M Goodwin ~


28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

38 39 40

Clarke J Henderson G

Griggs S(C-Res) 0'Shea A

Tadinac M Hollow S Sacco J

LaFontaine N Mcwhinney M McKay A Barron D Castatdi D

Nancarow M Boyle S (C) Garani P

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

Crotty M Gauci M Warren M Appletord P Carter M Stepien S nD

57 58

Weston S Griffiths K

McAuliffe A `Nhykes B Mills A

Candibro D Weston D(vC-Res) Boscaglia S Christofoli M Garoni p (DVC-Res)


0 Ward o s Caccamo D

63 64

Lewis B Van Engelen J



68 71

SeroniS C u ip swinden hIA Lyons B

72 73

J ohnson S O'Brien J


Lees S


Keenan R

76 79 7 84 as 87 89 93 94 95 99

1 00 104 106 1 0e 1 1 1 91

Lees C

o Higgins Russell G Stella S Jones P Christie A Smith J Cmph s elddan S Ra Corcia P,1 L

t-oludice J Biddlestone G Murphy P Thomas D


L Ratclif e A

129 Beden D 132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 135 O'Hallaron S 139 Fenn A

67 . R . Martin 68 . S . Haines

156 Byrnes T

69 . N . Tassell

速~ ~C~ ~rc3f f :xg

WHITEFRIAR S Coach : Greg Feutriii Res Coach : Andy Dalrymple



3 3 5 6 7


Woo d Carbone Fedel e Phan (Vc) Robinso n Bric e

8G 9 C 10 A

Clifford Maguire Pawli k

11 R 12 R

Reidy (Vc) Pawli k

12 J


13 T 14 T 14 M 15 P 16 J 17 A 18 C 19 M 21 K 21 B 22 T 24 R 25 M

Hilto n Carrig g Duffy Campbel l Power Carbone (C) Fulto n Jongebloed Kennedy Winc h Langfor d Mika Vernal Ryan

26 C 27 L


27 B


28 C


29 A 30 M 33 D 34 D 35 C

Glen n Power Rei d Gloufchev La w

35 D


36 D 38 C 39 M 40 M 41 C 42 M 43 N 44 g 46 G 47 B 53 M 55 B 56 R 59 B 63 S 65 D

D'sous a Carrig g Vandenboom Cahil l O'conno r Northey Elliott O'conno r Johnso n Jones Winterbur n Kelsey Murray Ward Cliffor d Eame s


Mernorial Park Cemetary an d Crematoriurn

9 739 6244 The Rose Hotel Napier Stree t


I _ ~s you are 1000 goals in Amateur achievement . We believe o. this before you and th e your feat is never likely to ^ ,

an ornament to this game ; 15 years now and thou . accolades that have co: ?e of days . May I take thi s associated with C-Grade congratulate you on this you are indeed a true and Old Essendon win the : : undefeated and rigt itfuli P _finalyshowmer, stop the Tigers, Collegia; comfortably . REVMW Who says a week is a low one week, victors over a i : are the fortunes of thr game all day b emotions runnin achieved . It was nip an t

anything separating the .desperation and home grc, over the line Quite d_ .i, 7 and 1000th goal sealed disappointing loss for the " winning position most of Dart and Busby Kuramc victory, while for the 7 McCraw played vrell. Glen D' 's anxiety over B ts was put to res t first quarter where th . a start, and apart from a qui , inaccurate kicking in the l alroundftheS t undermanned and do, . _ continued to try all day. Bc Dimashki, Gilmore, Chris Bulleen-Templestowe

Scratcher Humphrey, Bur Certainly an upset he-c outplaying t i for the season . An eve n what was to come as Ajax next two to be in front by s, break, a situation a bit fo= ~ Caulfield regained a bi t scoreboard anyway with a 7 the horse had bolted and the ; a pretty significant victory . ; 10

since the 1999 GF made ' a fantastic return with 7 class 째 goals, ably supported yet again by Jeremy a :s, Freund, Davis -ich . The Grammarians best were few and owever Drew Pearce, Simon Widjaja, a :r were 4 quarter contributors . at so often the case this year the game 4, half time as far as Prah-run were concer tashrpta whertiykicedthf 1' ' were then completely dominate -1 by t ing and sharper midfield of 07d the next 10 unanswered goals . The an even affair and the last one a bit tai s :s appeared to lose some interest. Bro e with 5 goals was BOG and he received g o

m Glen Cooper also with 5, Cam Unswoi aid Henebery on his 25th Birthday. For t es Aaron Rhodes, Dave Gallagher and Ste a played pretty well. sides both had a few players ou taonapretygodperfomancewith t coming out on top . It was a pretty g o ,-^d of a high standard Plenty of blo 3 good one to be watching. Tight ( ` :w away during the 2nd only ose the gap on half time . The hor , o goals to one during the championsh up their victory with the last ter m DiBlasi enjoyed a chance to run on the h s outstanding for the victors backed up i a contributors, while for Hampton Rove re and Fletcher all played well . :d by their victory last week awe etty good touch. Bit of a danger ga n ns as the Jackas when their confiden+ eat anyone. They have also a few of the s back in the lineup so will be hard us are going along nicely and the Jack, so a good battle ensues but I will stic )rs.

smarting from their loss last wec G, to David Stree L 'o 째 have been the disappointing side i .,on _ .is year have promised much b red little . Hampton although defeated di dto badly astwekandtheywil belo king I o the winner's list this week to keep I t on those above them and I'm sure that i will do.

gasnpton Rovers - is : atthesv i : .c ::ellar recently played his 350th club game against Old 4ientonians . Matthew started playing in 1979 in ;he U9's . Progression through the junior ranks saw the kid' being a quiet achiever winning several best arid fairest awards and topping off with being ,Ippointed club captain for three years . Matthew is well respected for his no fuss attitude and willingness to complete the job at hand and by setting a good example to his team mates . Everyone at the Rovers wishes the kid' their congratulations and look forward to Matthew playing on. Old M entonians - in a moment to be treasured last Saturday Old Mentonians champion full forward rewrote history when he kicked his 1000th goal for the Panthers and sealed a memorable win for the Club against St Bedes . Past and present players and supporters of the Club join together in congratulating Adam Acreman on a sensational achievement recorded by one of the greatest Old Mentonian and VAFA players to take the field . In an emotional and exciting aftermath Adam paid tribute to his Club, his family and to his opponents over the years . The Club extends it's thanks to St I3edes for the appreciation and respect they showed to Adam after the game . Frahran - Aaron "Bunny" Bunnett today plays his 50th game with Prahran since joining the club in 1998 following in the footsteps of two older brothers (Matt & Danny) Congratulations on your achievement which we are sure is just the start of a good career with the Two Blues. Bulleen-Templestowe - Andrew Parris plays his z1 50th game for Bulleen Templestowe today . Andrew started of with 133 games with the junior club then progressed to U19's where he captained two premership sides in the mid 80's. Andrew started playing senior/reserve football in 1987 and for the past 10 years has been a regular senior player. Andrew has also been a president of the club and is still heavily involved in the committee . Everyone at the Bullants wishes Andrew all the very best on this fine achievement.


SENIORS 48 St Bede s 43 Old Mentonians Old Essendon 38 Glen Etta 37 Old Mentonians 30 Collegians 30 C RESERVE ('o~- per Collegi an s 0 40 ('c Wer Hampton Rovers 0 33 1)u~,[ e 0 26 Prahran Gri,, Old Essendon 0 20 i'(f ric Old Menton) an s 2 15

r;ingwell ?rreman ilakn r'!1 more Boarnon ',:c :}ney




2.2 5.4 6 .5 10.9 i__) ,z :z 5 Coor.:. 5 Mooney 4 Unsc-rth 2 Kro(ids Ptasente 1~est: Mckenzie Unswvrth Honking Krottris Henebery Phiillps . : Rhodes 4 Pitts 2 Ballard Gallagher Marriott Si. Clair*. Best: Rhodes Gallagher Norman Kellow Quick JeIlie . Umpires : M. Wittanamn. S . Morgan (F), K. Pay (B). C. Acrid, P. Whitehead (G) 3 .4 4.10 8.11 15 .13 (103) CAULFIELD 4 .5 10.5 18.11 19 .16 (130)


Caulfield: Hall 4 Will 3 MargerL.on 2 Guyett 2 Tassell 2 Baxter Cassidy . Best: Pearce WidJaJa Baxter O'neill Will Harrison. AJ=Rosen 7 Freund 5 Davis 2 Sharp 2 Dukes 2 PaJeh. Best : Dukes Freund Davis Rosen Rayh Bock. Umpires: L . Katz C. Stevens (S) (F) D. Mott P. Maddocks (G ) OLD ES3ENDD."d 4 .4 7.6 13.8 17.9 (111) . ., ..- 'rO3Y ROVERS 4 .3 8.7 9 .10 12 .12(84) Old - e: Podger 4 D . Flaherty 3 Lutterschmtdt 3 Leask 2 Dale Evans Heritage McPherson Ormam. Best: D1Blas1 Hughes Lutterschm :dt McPherson Cetin Oxnazn. Hampton Rovers : Brudar 4 Lawrence 2 Borradae Boyd B . Holt L. Holt Swenffeld Zampagttone . Best : Browne Woods Zampaglione B. Holt Carr Boyd. Uffip',res: C. Stewart (R) P . Dinneen (F) R. Seymour B . Dix (G ) : --- . TOi'IAAIS 3.1 6.2 10.2 14.3 (87 ) 3.1 8 .5 9.7 12.7 (79 ) ( . t : .- s: Acreman 6 Bournon 2 Solley 2 Palmer 2 Vick 2 . Best: AcsemanB .Kuramoto Dart Flaskis Salley Costello. St Bedes: L.WLitle 4 Drury 2 Sellir = 2 Napier Barnes Tomlinson Winterton . Best: L.Wtntle Oiven : C . Brajtberg, A. T"nwaltes Beasley L2-Iu. r Tomlinson Connally. Um (F) GLEN E 9.6 13.12 20.16 24.26 (170) B EN-TE 1 .4 2 .7 6.12 7.17 (59) Glen Eira: Gilmore 7, Vamvakas 4, Ma*k Dimashki 2, Zagame 2, Tkocz 2 . Diamond 2, Carnana, Clarke . McGaw. Lewin. Best: Tkocz, M Dhnashkt, Gilmore, Massts, Emmett, Lewin . Bu[t -Temp: Parent 2, Matthews, Florence, Burridge, Humphrey. Hampshire . Best: Thompson, Conte, Humphrey, Burridge, Matthews . Tulloch.Umpl : D . Prins, P. Withington (F), P. Wallis . G . Clancy (G ) 8 .5(53) . . . 5.3 5 .4 4 .1 6.3 9 .6 9 .8[62) : Harris 3 Greeves 2 Muir 2 Florentine . Best : McCann Hoist Coll as N .Hart Harris Gribble Dowling. Prahram Crowe 3 Pa(eaitmo> 2 Beech Fraser Butner Wood . Best: Beech Henshall Dennis Buhner Paleodlmos Bedfard. C,Ia YA 0 .1 3.2 4 .4 4.6(30) MAX 0 .2 1.3 3 .5 3.7 (25) CauIHetd: Ryan Bowes DaYwool Carver. Best: Jacobs Anderson Monell Docker Ryan Farmer. Ajam Letkovie Boon Buckley . Beat: Roth Boon Goliath Israelsohn Lefkovie Newsfadt . OLD ESSE: Id 2 .1 2.5 3.9 5.10 (40) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .3 1.3 1 .5 4.7(31) Old Essendon: Dart Dragoljo L . Fleming Ridley Wilson. Best: Panagotot'xiulos Papal Rush Walker Dart Buckley. Hampton Rovers: Duddy 2 Marints t4`oolrieh. Best: Wheeler Duddy McGregor W'ootrich Crowther Buckley. OLD NLrsN3 2.0 4 .1 5.3 8S(56) 10.8 (68) ST BEDES 7.0 7 .2 8.7 C':3 Meat n : Rushwvrth 3 Petrie 2 D.Alexinder Fava Saunders . Bosh Rushwa-th Fatia Shattoek DI1e ;ander Llnrord Cozens. St Bedes: Moss 3 McColl 2 Bignell Beasley Waters Hecker Gould. Best: Dnuy McColl Cunningham Moss Parsons Btgnell GLEN EIRA 3.0 3.5 4.7 8 .11 (59) BULLEEld M LI'S 2.2 3.6 4.8 4.10 (34) Glen Eira: K Dimashld 4, Waked 3, Cassar . Best : Re째.s, Pierez . Pcprle, Mascati, Commerford. Richards. Bulleen-Templesta= B Todd, D Todd, Sheehan, Tesky. Best: D Todd, B Todd, Cattermale. Maerides, Wotnizer. Lea.




.9 ~ -1~ I


C ' JAX v . Collegian s Hampton Rovers v. Caulfield Or. St. Bedes Mentone Tigers v. Old Essendon Bulleen-Templestowe v. Old Mentonians Glen Eira v . Prahran at Mackie Reserve Ea st Bentleigh

Coach : A' . Su*au as Coach: 0 ;: d Mark s N Gold (C) 2 J Ritterman 3 B Davis (DVC) 4 M Dudakov (VC) 5 M Rajch 6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky 8 A Krongo!d 9 A Rose n 10 G Dukes 11 M Weisler 12 J Resist 13 A Freund 14 Y Rapaport 15 J Segal (VC) 16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukierman 18 J Dukes 9 M Halphe n 20 IM Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Boc k 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28 P Walvish 29 B Luka v 30 A Lefkovic 31 M Barnet t 32 D Janover 33 S Boo n 4 D Ones 35 S Roth 36 J Feldma n 37 S Newstad t 8 D Goldeniei n 39 B Klei n 40 M Borenstein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstei n 43 M Measey 44 A Lus t 45 0 Flamm 46 T Weisman 47 S Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockman 51 J Jolson 52 M Segal 53 A Ha!nhen 54 G Herzberg 55 A Lewin 56 P Naphtali 57 D Rubenstein 60 J Wajnber g

C++Ach: Res. Cr :h : C. J Prior G Alexander S Youn g W Thompson (DVC) P Graham P Robert son (VC) N Bone Ch Parris G Chivers A Parris D Tu(!och A Panou B Wolnizer S Smith C Darby K Burridge L Stott `+S Jones P Gannas C :Laren D e,vs (C) T S .yd j istie P'F'dolnizer P Bon e 30 Darren Williams 31 A Shin e 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropouios 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 40 S Meadows 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 54 S Dovrlan 60 D Horva.hl

Ta" .,. Krong o ' Antler LA


13e l'.i•.I. 1

~ £~V 1h .'.Woic~hiciRwdY,~.ukcn

9846 8808 12

1 D. Rosman 2 B . Hal l 2 A . Carver 3 C . Knight 3 S. Stevenson 4 M. Liddell 5 S. Kendal! 5 . M . Pennycuick 6 M . Harriso n 6 N. Craven 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowe s 10 A . Will (VC) 11 C . Dea l 12 D . Pearce 12 S. Fryers 13 J. Morvell 14 M . Green 15 A.Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G. Harrison 18 B . Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 R . Buchanan 20 M. Pose 20 H . Vell a 21 N . Brohier (C) 22 T Foster 22 M . Richardson 23 D. Ash 24 N. Guyett 25 G . Evans 26 S . Williams 26 S . Widjaja 27 R . Keown 27 J. Ryan 28 J. Jacobs 29 W. Brockett 30 D . Peterson 31 S . Craven 32 M . Cutler 33 C. McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphorn 37 M . Gurpinar 38 J. Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R .O"Neil l 41 C . Nairn 42 D. Synman (DVC) 43 J . Smit h 44 N . Coutts 45 D . Scott 46 R . Foote 47 L . Salem 48 S. Varthalis 49 J . Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 51 D. Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure 56 B . O'Callaghan 57 P. Farmer 60 P. Senior 62 B. Goddard 69 K. McDonald 71 M . Cassidy

i 2 3 4 5 5 6 7


J .Dixon M.Johnson B .Mooney D . Atkinson R . Henebery (DVC) D . Greeves (RC) P.Davis J .Fade y

8 C. Unsworth (C) 9 J . Fry 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison (DVC) 13 T.Hartshom e 14 R .Schober 15 L.Cottom 16 A.Fletche r 17 R. Hosking (VC) 18 TKrotiris 19 M . Davi s 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harri s 22 S .Piasenie 23 C .Pollock 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S . Woolley 28 N. McCann 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 J . Rose 32 D . Then, peon 33 M . Maxwell 34 A.Smit h 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opi e 38 T. Marxs 39 N. Hart 40 A . Wiseman 41 N . Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . Whit e 44 A . Tarode 45 N . Lynch 46 D . Cooks 47 B.Lumb 48 E . Waters 28 B . Horshall 49 J . Water s 50 B . Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnell y 52 K .Jones 53 B . Gran t 54 J . Haversberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L .Gordion 57 R. Hartshorne 58 D. Smith 59 R. Sztar 60 D. Dowling 61 D. Gambaro 62 S . Muir 64 M . Gribble

Couch : Res Cosch: : h 1 M . Rya n 2 N . Astapenko 3 C. Massi s

4 D . Cassa r 5 A . Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakis 8 P. Tsag!ioti s 9 G . Hayes Dewar 10 G . Richard s 12 B . King 13 G. Brown 14 M . Weilgosz 15 F. Buckley 16 S. Limnyo 17 A. Russo 18 M. Dimachki 19 J . Thrusfield 20 A. Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Reason 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 C . Grey 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 A. Mills 30 L. Pryd e 31 T. Amberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 R . Oldham

35 J . Commerford 36 P. Slifka 37 M. Pinniger 38 M. Lewin 39 G . Ega n 40 K. Dimackhi 41 H. Well s 43 D. Psalia 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 M . Baraket 47 T. Evans 48 J . Haliwell 49 M. Benton 50 P. Waked 52 A . Haines 53 S. Rees 54 M. Migliorini 55 L. McGraw 56 H. Reddy 57 S . Hal l 59 B . Stewart 60 S . Jankovic 61 M . Tkocz 63 D . Dunlevie 65 M. Dimou

Building 8 Con :vctio 9419770 7

Cc i : Chri fis : Cr I i .~ . . :,f.ynn A . Brudar M. McKellar D . Busby 4 5

S . Anderson (C) B . Marlyn A . Natoli A . Duddy Drew Anderson B . Boyd B. Hoft J. Zampaglione R . Dunbal l

G . Woods

1 . Borradale ;; . Browne D . Marshall D . Ar'~? (VC) B. Healy

M. Lawrence A. Powe r G . Carr P. Buckley S Helliger C. Scarlett

, Dave y . Wills ' . Nitschk e H. LeGrand i . . Fletcher G . Shenfleld T. Pucella David Anderson

. Lake r.niel Anderse n R. Bulme r Pearso n L. liolt

J . Humph rie s C McGregor K. i,haston G . Kell y Lanagan M . Flahive B . Johnston e

!' Singaran L. Woolrich L. .Vheeler T. )Vilmott '.1 . Flynn T. Prantzos = f .iidwinter i, Wilso n

J . Ng P. Gardiner J. Prantzos Crowthe r Pucella Vaugha n T: Jloodrutf L . Reeves P. E6~rards

1 J.Pannagiotopolous 2 J .Chapma n 3 P.Lutterschmidt 5 M .Oxnarn 6 C .Ridley 7 J .Leask 8 J.Heritage 9 J.Goodger 10 S.Bryant 11 B.Papal 12 D .Ryan 13 M.Wollington 14 S.Evan s 15 T.Di Blas i 16 S.McPherson 17 P.Hexter 18 J.Walker 19 E.Healey 20 D .Hunter 21 S.Dale 22 J . Rush 23 J .Hughes 24 J .Dazkivv 25 C.Morgan 26 S .Fleming 27 D.Barr 28 D.Flaherty 29 S .Uebergang 30 S .Cetin 31 T.Williams 32 J .Mansfield 33 A,Dawson 34 D.Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 S .Dart 37 A .Morrison 38 D.Whitefield 39 M .Burns 40 M .Jinks 41 B .Newbold 42 M .Beard 43 J .Carter 44 M .Burns 45 B .Turner 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S .Howard 48 C .Clues 49 P.Barry 50 P.Hammond 51 A .McGowan 53 L.Fleming 55 A .Leask 56 4V. Conlon 57 G .Steven 58 J .Kavanagh 59 S.Emerson 60 G .Walsh 61 C .Hammon 62 S.Mui r 63 D .Greasley 64 J .Murray 65 M .Tilley 66 D .Smith 67 R .Wright 71 M.Dragojlo

1 A Acrema n 2 C Twenty man 3 B Murphy (VC) 4 D Carre l 5 C Mackay 6 C Alexander 7 G Ferguson 8 R New'= 9 S. Kervin 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 RBal l 14 K Campbell 15 J Costello 15 C Davi s 16 D Nock 17 N Untord 18 T Bourno n 19 A Palmer (VC) 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drina n 22 D Home 23 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J VYinduss 25 W Ballantine 25 T Fava 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 31 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrell 34 P Ftaskis 35 T MacNish 36 D Alexander 37 M Francis 38 B Sherriff 39 T Riley 40 M Mannix 41 S Cozens 42 S Bainbridge 43 M Lawes 44 L Sunter 45 M Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitiord 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 A O'Reilly 56 R Harper 57 P Watson 58 K 4Nidelski 59 M McCloskey 60 G . Shettock 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones (RC) 64 M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Mackay 67 A Paterno 68 L Rul e 69 J Rule 70 S Grzebieta 71 M Watt s

72 R Croa 73 P Revel

1 . D. G," _ 3 HE R 2. 3. J .LA_ 4. P. QUICK 5. H. PITrS 6. D. PERKINS 7. S . PANG S. I . HUN T 9. A . BUNNETT 10 . B . HODGSOtd 11 . A . PITTS 12 . M . BEE R 13 . B . MCCLINTOCK 14 . M . EASTHAM 15 . I. DENNIS 16. A . RHODES 17. G. ELVI N 19. S . CAMPBELL 20. J . KELLOW 21 . G. PALEODIMOS 22. N . ROBERTS 23. B: KAIROU Z 24. T. FRASER 25. T. FREE 26. T. STCLAIR 27. W. PYE 28. R . TRAEGER 29. W. TASEFF 30. M. SCICLUNA 31 . T DUKI C 32. D . BALLARD 33. P. HERRIDGE 34. L . NORMAN 35. B. GELLIE 36. J. KiLLEEN 37. E. WILD E 38. M. WINDRIDGE 39. A. GRAY 40. T. MCADiE 41 . J. UPTON 42 . K. WALFORD 44 . C . HENSHALL 45 . M. VAG G 46. M. VEAR 47 . P. BUHNER 48 . D. FQSSEY 49 . L. WOOD 50 . N . GIL L 54 . J . SCANLON 55 . L. AITKEN 56 . A. CORBOY 57 . P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62 . S . RIC E 63 . R. MARRIOTT 64 . J . BELCHER 65 . D. HANLON 66 . S . MASKIELL 67 . M . ERDI M 68 . G . AM Y 69 . M . WARLAND

1 P Winiie 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 N Owen 8 J Cunningham 9 G Marinic 10 M Wintle 12 J Kan e 13 D Goodchild 14 A Connolly 15 T McCoII 16 A Hipwell 17 M Sellings 18 L Porter 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DVC 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynto n 24 T Beasley 25 D Samya 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 C Barnes 32 J Dickinson 34 C Meye r 35 B Bilo s 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M Georg e 40 B Beasley 41 R Bignell 42 P Winterton 43 M Rhoden 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Walsh 50 S Kidd 51 S Meyer 52 B Sessler 53 M Uberti 54 M McCraw 55 D Stickland 56 J Chaplin 57 NI Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 63 C Petratos 65 T Lamb 66 R Parsons 69 J Tomlinson 73 M Pisasale 75 N O'Connor 78 D Mos s 79 P Russo

A routine pecking order has now emerged, the top three being two games clear of the four Clubs battling for a ist Semi berth, who are comfortably ahead of the three in the relegation zone, where Yarra Valley now has a game in hand . It remains to be seen whether the 'form reversals' of the past three rounds continue to plague the leading Seven . Correspondents, please note the phone number change below . St Leos failed to catch Old Geelong after being 8 goals down at one stage . OGS' ability to rise to the occasion will be a serious worry between now and Round 18 . Chris Stinchcombe played a blinder across HB for OGS, Wil Paul was his usual productive self on the ball, & Nick Kemp was an effective ruckman . The Animals had top efforts from Jason Eagles, a first gamer, in the ruck, Anthony McKenzie at CHF, and Steve Buckle & David Pitcher on the ball . Monash Blues went down to a resurgent I'arra Valley who were an outstanding unit all day. Frankie Pellegrino came off the bench early on to play a great game for the Bushrangers, Paul Cremean did well on the ball, Robbie Drew matched everything brother, Brad could do, and James Keem was effective up forward . Marc Bolton rucked well for the Ashers, and Pete O'Neill at FB & in his 100th game, stood out on a bothersome day for the Blues . Banyule lost a thriller to Old Camberwell with neither team able to establish a decisive early break, and each taking it in turns to lead in an intense last term . This was a big result for the Wells, preserving the 2 game buffer between it and Aquinas . Brad Willmore, Heath McDermott, Scott Playfair, and Nick Taylor all did well for the Bears. James Clyne was terrific in defence for the Wells, Ben Howard continued his good form at FF, and Anson Brownless did well at CHB . Ivanhoe Assumption was too accomplished for Old Carey, dominating round the packs, and in the air . Peter Lee was superb across HB for the Hoes, Steve Saunders and John Frisina did well up forward, with the roaming Stuart Morris and Tom Healy effective wherever they went. Cam Campbell and Martin Heppell were exemplary on ballers for the Panthers, Peter Unkles again stood out in the ruck, Chris Battle stopped many attacks, Damien Shutie 16


was a lively forward, and Joel Daniher led the side with distinction .

University Blacks were never in the hunt against Aquinas wY controlled all facets of the game from the star This has been a great effort by the Bloods, wl; have fought their way into the four in spite of continuing & extensive injury list. Daniel de Braber was terrific round the ground for tl: Bloods, Chris Wooden put in another top gan at CHB, plus Adrian Williams at HF, a standing out in a solid team effort . Chr : Sandiford in the ruck was a shining light on a otherwise dull day for the Blacks .

TODAY'S GAME S Yarra Valley OB tackle St Leos in a gam which, a few weeks ago, would have been 'shoo in' for the Animals . But after 5 losses o the trot, who can say? This is a danger ga iforthePaks,wmuinforpde's aletonhras . Th Bushrangers on the Domeney, and encourage by last week's win will give this gam everything they have and that should b enough to give them another upset win by few points . Old Camberwell meets Monash Blues an would rightly expect today to be a percentag booster. In spite of the recent unexpecte results, I think the Wells are too good a unit to that to happen, and they'll take this on comfortably. Old Carey an d Banyule should be a romp b the park for the Bears, unless the Panther decide this is one of their 'on* days . No bettin, person would think of going against the Bears and they should win easily, but if Old Care : plays to its ability they could at least make game of it . Hopefully it will also be a good da for Jonny Mai's 50th ,'flu prevented him fron taking the field last week . University Blacks take on ivantsoi Assumption with the Blacks doing everythinj wrong lately . & the Hoes exactly the reverse Apart from anything else, the Hoes' defenc will stop the Blacks from kicking a winnin~ score, and the visitors should take the point: by 5-6 goals .



C1llTOwi i - nM


os t

C S. c,- nsistent of ) sides in rece 3 rd that form >Dve thea , ay. Trouble >er know with t week mean s c ._ squat . They have acitv to cone -, here . Should

r of a game . '



Iloods by 4 goals . St Leos, O ld s, and Old


cord . DC la ag i 3&F's . A greG . 'L

g in the Club Les his long .'. in i le game to h s ~ss, not movi ; too fast and th e

ll done tJC, a popular but quiet who has never said a bad word about Congratulations also to Chris Vaughan on 50 games last Saturday . Great effort ep ,, ,m coming. - ould like to cone ulat e Ls.:IE•-• on achieving d ' uke is - dual B & F winner of t; e Club, and a 3urable and reliable team member, on, and off the ;,.~ 11 Well done Luke!

3.7 '2.2

6.1 1 8 .I5 L--3) 12 5.7(37)

r 2 E.19itchell Sherwet:. Best:


:d Kruse

6 .2 3 .6


. Best: Callahan A . Plant P.


at: Brauer J .Den-y R4argetts "2 .8 18.I1 (i01)

: .'(37) 3 .6 J.S .^c"- 2 " - , South cc


; Muc,


CLa :' l S'f V-7. : TOi-. SENIORS







. st:

4 .11 7.I3 (65) 1 .1 3.3 4 .5 5.6(36) Uaiverdtg __ck : Haivaa:i 2 Murphy 2 Iwanrw Colernan Schilling . Rest : : Hunt 3 llorrov, Staunton, Coleman. Board, Leech. Murp' i . Aquinas Robinson 6'Halloran . Best: G'landertuis, Bradshaw (,touch Mills Kelly Hunt .


Banvule 5 34 Aqc : s 2 33 St 3 4 32 A qui 6 3 0 rra' . Old Canto ell 0 29 Ivanhoe 6 27 Old Geelong 0 21 St Leos 0 20 Yarra Valley 0 20


Old Ca -B, sh Blues al e ° Assumption at (' B Al ) iu' las v . 0' . Geelorsg

Coach: Laurie fi ;iira;i Res. Coach : Honc- ; Ficld 1 R . Mill s 2 C . Thomas 3 T. Vanderluis 5 M. Bolan d 6 D . Minogue 7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A . Larki n 15 A. Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M. Denavi 18 J. Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pare s 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 R . Weeks 27 S . Jone s 29 N . Davies 30 C . Colliver 31 M. Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R. Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 G . Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 L . Sheffield 40 A . Cultrera 41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G . Coyle 46 M . Hope 47 N . Moran 48 R . Register 49 P. Poynton 52 M . Corrie 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J. Crouch 56 J . Harrington 59 A. Bentley 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A . Barrie 64 T. Robinson 68 J . Coglan 71 G. Evans 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay

..- * tS C C?L9..EG E

n 0- iedy

_ga n 2 D.Witchell 3 S ., :ayrooz 4 R1 .Gilbert 5 B .Wilmore 6 W.Keenan 7 G.Shaw 8 B.Cantwell 9 J .Plant 10 B.tv9oxin 11 S.Cross 12 J .Ega n C.Burk e 4 B .Woodlock S Gray A .Dooley T.Chapman J.Turnbull P.Witchell S.Playfair R .Dintinosante N .Taylor S.Gra y C,Wilks L.Martin H .FicDermott P.Healy D .Sproules R .Kreskas D .Mutton C .Bassett 2 J.Fa9cDermott 3 A.Plant

4 C.Stevens 35 L.O'Connell 36 Pui .George 37 T.Thompson 38 G ..Bel l 39 A .Hopgood 40 C .Taylor 41 M .Natoli 42 C .Taylor 43 L .Ferral P.William s 45 B.Vs+hite 46 D .Nasrallah 47 D.Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A.Small 50 M .Smith 51 L.Sheean 52 D.Noonan 53 K .Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D .Williams 56 P.Arnold 57 A.Covey 58 L.Holt

Ce: ;, : Cr,lin'c0anald S . Conley 2. M . Maud C. Tucker 4 . T. O'Neill 5 . J . Scobl e 7

1 . Healy (DVC) P. Rawley J. Shuttleswort h

9 . E. Healy 10 . P. Lee (VC ) . J . Finlayso n 2 . B . Finlayso n . S . Narkiewicz (DV( 4 . P. Flynn (C) 5 . J . Curti n

6 . S . Smyth 7. S . Morris 8. T. Scoble 19. D . Wood 20. P. Blacker 21 . L . Blackwood 22. G . Raco 23. D . Ryan 24. B . Frew 25 . J . Friswa 26 . M . Emerson 27 . K . Smith 28 . J . Pac e 29 . G. King 30, M . Sloan 31 . D . McFarlane 32. L . Pearce 33. S. McGowan 34. B. Joyce 35. P. Whitehead 36. C . Zeegers 37. D.Tod d 38 . R. Peoples 39 . M . Ebbage 40 . P. Marti n 41 . C . McDonald 43 . G. Sullivan 44 . A . Pac e

45 . D . Frye r 46 . M . lacouangell 48. R . Toogood 49. A. Rosenfeld 51 . D. Pearce 52 . S . Doherty 68 . J . PAazocca 78 . C. Brown 88 . N . Dyke s 99 . G. Robertson

2 4 5 6 7 8 9

I r. Tim Pm;.v1l 0- c "sc"eus S.Chapman J. Baxter (VCR) L. Holloway G . Chessari D. Rogers M . Nevaman P. Farrar S . Thompson J . Godde

10 S . Webster(VC) 11 M M . Spence r 12 G . Smyth 13 A. Herrman 14 B. Merlin 16 B. Tatterson 17 P. O'Neill 18 K. Hendratta 19 G . Gilbert 20 N . Sereda 21 C. Gregory 22 R . Kamphuis 23 G. Herry 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 B.Jondahl 27 N . De Young 28 J . Mai n

29 J . Ros s 0 L. Creame r

S . Hawkin s 2 B . Boyer J . Smith (C ) 34 P. Maiden 35 D . Murchie 36 A . Williams 37 M . Donnelly 38 R . Anderson 39 C .Burley 40 M. Bolton 42 S. Young 43 R. Feenaghty 44 D. Teesdale 45 R. Walsh(CR) 46 A . Ryan 47 S . Mentha 48 K . McIntyre 49 R . Burston 50 A . Clark 52 N . Moresi(VCR) 53 J . Pee l 54 R . Green 55 I . McCormick 56 R. Reith 57 P. Munro 58 C. Strauss 59 B. Gerstein 60 S . Lloy d 61 P. Campbell 62 B . Droscher 64 J . Sleiman 65 G. Polglase 66 N . Brennan 67 B . Rya n 68 M. Meehan 69 P. Grabiel 71 J .Sondhu 75 S. Edquist

J! 1 J McLean 2 T James 3 A Inkster 4 N Lippiatt

5 S Horskins 6 A Seeley 7 k,9 Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanson 12 R Kapoor 13 L Gladman 14 R Whitehead 15 L Cai n 16 D Walker 17 N Credlin 18 A Brownless 19 J O'Neil l 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 D Lilj a 24 D Imberger 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Sheedy 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 S Ham 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P hhcCrae 35 B Tipper 36 S Derry 37 A Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 A Hill s 40 J Derry 41 L Rya n 42 A McKenzie 43 S Collins 44 S Smit h 45 A Taylor 46 R Heath 47 T Kearney 48 S Properjohn 49 J Hardman 50 B McKenzie 51 J Owen 52 G Ormsby 53 R Tampons, 54 A Margetts 55 J Ga n 56 N Stevenson 57 A Bryson 58 P Triantafyllou 59 M Butterworth 60 8 Mcilwain 61 J Parker 62 J Miles 64 M Knowles 65 N Saffar 67 G Rowe 69 W Earl 76 D Brauer

01 Ghi

Paui ntgomery

C. Angus

D. Faelis M . Cohe n C. Esler 5, A. Jackson C. Campbel l 6' R. Oppy 7 8 D. Walsh p D. Shutie K. Shrives 1 . Everest . E-ttley 3 . Hutchiso n ?'tillips Chamberlain J . 17- raham J . L aniher 0. Matthew s R. Bardwell ° J . Raftopoulo s ?i . R. Leong 22 . S . Vitali 23 . T. Price 24. P. Unkles 25 . N. Detarczynski 26, D. Sher r 27, N. Vasilopoulos 28, P. Nanc e 29, S. Assim o 30, A. Guerra 31 . J.Ward 32. P. Graham 33. J. Mai 34. W. Giannikos 35. S. Hard y 36, B. Birkill 37. D. Palmer 38. (, Cohen 39, P. Bennett 40. T. Fu99l e , A. Gates i . P. Montgome ry s D . William s C . Ba ttle T. Bull 3 . H . Giannikos ; A. Wilkie C . Popplewell W. Mudge A . Kent _ ' P. Drake H . Francis B . Harvey K . Giannikos A . Ross 3 . Melin P. Konstantinidis _~ . J . Roncher C. i,Sason 7, T. Moulton A . McKinstry S . May Whfelaw 'it Heppell D. Eisner i- C. Hickey S . Hart O . Winchester j . J. Marshall S . Feehan

Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Jim P i Club 18 : Sean Wilson 1 D.Salter 2 J .Nevins 4 C. Stinchcombe 5 TRedin 6 T.O'Brien 7 J . Paul 8 TSeymour 9 J .Foley 10 J . Smith 11 L .Stevens 13 H . Mclnnes 14 H .Potver 15 H .McCarthy 16 H .O'Brien

18 C .Bird 19 P.Broadbent 20 S.Cole

21 S .Jones 22 J.Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .Whftehead 27 W.Paul 28 A Farrar 29 D .Bolton 31 D. Varley 32 J . Cook 33 B .Collins 34 M .Goldsworthy 35 H .Burbank 36 A.Opie 37 J .Fanning 39 A.Farnsworth 40 M .Avery 41 T.Carty 42 H .Browning 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B.Parnell 46 J. Fitzgerald 50 M.Wilkinson 51 J.Kilpatrick 52 N . Kemp 54 L .Heine 56 M .Leslie 58 L .McDonald

artHeppeii SPONSOR SPONS~~ ~,

, r', ;; 1! 7

' :

~~. -- ® _-Coach: David M iller Res Coach : Jason Fennel 1 D . Dfdlcolantonio 2 J . Hodder 3 E. Mitchell 4 A . Auliso 5 S . Buckle 6 D . Carey 7 A . Burgess 8 M . Volpi 9 D . Lea r 9 A . Bethune 10 B . Mitchell 11 S . McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A . Huq 1 3 A . Kre$s 14 J . Manton 15 A. O'Reilly 16 A . Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R. McCann

19 B . Care . Brucey20D

21 G . Simmondson 22 S . Willi s 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levine 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. D&0% 30 M .re 31 N . Zannis 32 L . Price 33 L . Moss 34 B. Henricus 35 R . Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodde r 39 B.Vaughan 40 J. Gat 41 J . Za r 42 M . Flood 43 B . Levine 44 M . Dimble 45 S . Ronchi

' ~'~~ ~` C~ ~~S

42 A Gadd 43 C Beaton 44 R McA rt hu r 45 M Coleman 46 R Board 47 B Murphy tt 48 A Moha 49 P Greenbank 50 J Healey 51 A Neville 52 C Schirmer 53 D O'Keefe 54 M Braszell 55 G Thomson 56 D Walsh 57 K Begety 58 A Paton 59 Q loos e 61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaskis 66 N Howel l 68 P 0'Beirne 69 C Sandford 70 M S Pr iniloe 73 S Macki e 75 W Touzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evans 78 R Owen 79 R Drummond 80 M Tehan 81 A Dore 82 C Baulc h 83 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 B Weber 86 D Creek 87 A Cowley

88 N Abbo tt


89 T Beggs

90 D Atkin 91 A Whitlock 92 S Milner M


96945000 .au

Coach: i e wden Res Cc ... :James Trevaskis 1 G Darroch 2 S Chandle r 3 W Martin 4 M Vaughan 4 D Wilkinson 5 R Macki e 6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pasco e 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jessen 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Mailings 16 P Caccaviello 17 L Brown 18 A Wilson 19 C Franklin 20 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilso n 25 T Chatfield 26 J Ry an 27 A Clements 28 A Costell o 2 9 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 J Mirtschin 36 H Pec k 37 N Robe rt s 38 L Beaton 39 R Grei g 40 G Sullivan 41 L Rawnsley

46 M . Blundell 47 M . Renne r 48 A. Daly 49 C. Hatfield 50 P. Humphreys 51 P. M cGl o in 52 R. McGloin 53 A. Volpi 54 J . Fennell 55 S . Smith 7 56 D. Domik 5 . Place 58 J . F' fisted 59 D. I~itcher 60 C. McDonald 61 S. Edwards 62 A. Ra or 63 P. Nola n 64 D . McKean 65 N . Foley 66 J. Blandthom 6 . OConnor 69 8B S. Mescher 70 D . McGloi n 71 B. Allan dorf 2A . Ymer 7 76 G. Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 78 M '7~betney 80 HT. Meehan 81 D. Beha n 88 S . Pitche r 89 D. Winduss _ .~ °~ ~ A

M .Yarnal l Curry

:'. Dalton

E. . , .



I '


A ~tcalfe

J Mirtschin E Nolan R Moreton

Coach: Tim Ki I Res Coach : Rc ,r 0 is 1 R Pearce 2 7 Morris 3 R Thompso n 4 M Fun g 5 A Drew 6 D Hows e 7 R Drew 8 L Morris 9 J Keem 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvean 2 J Cremean 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Kruse 15 N Pea k 16 L Taylo r 17 A Laing9 18 L White 18 D Ross

19 S Thompso n 20 T Hal e 21 M Wine s 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davies 25 F Pellegrin o 26 J Longworth 27 S Savage 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutt s 30 D Po tt e r 31 B Sturzaker 33 P Cremean 34 C Frase r 35 B Peake 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morriso n 39 J Tompkins 40 T Fyffe 41 B Downs 42 A Stone 43 H Park 44 J He 45 S Tressider 46 D Irelan d 47 D Lan g 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 50 C Box 51 C Reynolds 52 A Ha rt nett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrat h 55 P Peterson 56 T Lloyd 57 S Kehoe 58 G Ker r 59 A Joine r 60 C Ross 61 P Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurc h 64 M Bat e 65 R Lan g

66 D March

67 M Busch 71 M Laing 73 T Lloy d

74 A Midland 76 J Dickso n 79 S Tresside r

The rain had come and grounds had dete riorated with consequent low scores . In A Section only four teams exceeded 50 points. Elsternivick Park was rested to keep it in order for the finals. De La Safe needed a victory to stay out of the relegation stakes, Old Xaverians needed a victory to keep its final surge on track . De La Salle opened a five goal to one break but crucial shots missed from 20 metres out vc-ere devastating at the finish. Two goals to the controv ersial sought after Dominic Berry (you may remember him- however his VAFA career was short) in the final term won it for Xav enans, the final scores 10 .4 (64) to 9 .6 (60). Best were Holmes, Coughlan, Sassi ( 0)d Xav erians) and Evans, Jackson, Abrahams (De La Salle). Old Paradian-s showed the spirit expected of a team second in B Section and currently 1111 . Tfierry Penola (3rd) got a break in the first term and led 5 .3 to 2.3 at the first change . Old Paradians kept coming and in the end, in a sl ogging game, won 11 .15 (81) to 10.11(71) . Stars- Phelp, very strong in the conditions, Geary, Zapper (Old Paradians) and CasLaldi, Carter, Grocock (Thery. Penola) .

Old Trinity congratulated Rod Heath on his 100th game. Rod won the A Section goal kicking in 1993 and Old Trinity hoped would kick many more goals in future years . St Kevins (C Section) continued their unbeaten sea,.son, defeating third placed MAX, 10 .6 to 8.8 . The last quarter saw the teams score AJAX 1 .2, St Kevins 0 .0. As an indication of the hard rain and tivind, try these final quarter scores Caulfield Gram marians 0.2 St Leos Emmaus 0.2 Southbank 1 .2 Parkside 0 .4 Monash Blues 0 .0 S[ Johns 1 .2 Old Hailevbury 2 .1 Old hielburnians 1 .0 Eley Park 0 .3 Bulleen Cobras 0.5 UHSOB 0 .2 North Coburg 0 .1 I wonder if the "pampered" players under the roof at -Terrible Turf Stadium" could handle such bad conditions any be tter!

10 IT+ - 199 1 SA F.I.T. mourned the passing of one of its most distinguished known players. Humphrey Chrisfield who joined the club in 1933 at the age of 15, ti vent on to coach ills first premiership team in 1953, and served the dub until his death. De La had lost two in a row, Marcellin five losses on the trot- the Eagles made it three for De La as after an even first term, they went right away to win 22 .12 to 14 .10. Best were OTI,yiin, M . Getson, Bo;a en (8 goals) (I=tarcand Lowe Campbell. -t4Frig'nt (De La) .

Old Xav e ri ans, making a run to B' section four, but still in 6th position, beat 3rd team Parkside v ery easily,13.17 to 8.19 . Stars were Logan, Holmes, Petroff (Old X. )and Inserra Williams, Bradley (P). 'E' section coaches were Denis Kelly (Aquinas), Mark IvleCoil(BulUni), Ma tt John son (Iv1az.), Dino De Marco ( Nth Bruns), Vin

Caw4o (Old Ess), George Tsolacos (Power House), Malcolm Webster (St Andrews). Gary Connelly (St Marys), Brian Taylor Nest Bruns), Alan Elliot WE), Peter : ielton (B' Wilson (Doveton). Bull-Temp, saluted 'Running" Robbie Hill who bounda umpired his 500th game against State Bank- Prior to startu with Bullants in 1977, Robbie had been an amateur field umpj in 1976 .

Peter Noske became the 12th Old Haileyburian to reach 2( games. As the scribe said "to cap a charismatic and entertairth earea", wa>gmmz, defender who has finished in attack enough make his tally of goals to 250. Undefeated at this stage of the season, ANZ Bank (F), 0 Par^Edians (B Res), St Kilda CBC OC(C Res), Mazenod (E Res), I La Salle (G), De La Salle (U19 Sect 1), Albanvale (U19 Nth), 0 Mentonians (U19 Sth), and those yet to break the ice were Ke (B), St Andrews (E), Richmond Central (F), Uni Blues (A Re< Parkside (B Res), Boronia Park (F Res)

I 5-YEARS A - I Victoria had an easy 82 point win over Tasmania in the secar round, 17.13 to 4.9. Best were Smith . Spillane, Keenan, Lope Gleeson, Considine.

The two undefeated teams, host South Australia and VKtort met as anticipated in the final game. The first half was tight with Victoria leading by 5 points, 8 .2 i 7.3. The Vies went right away in the second half to win 17 .101 11 .8 . Cameron OBrien at FF kicked 8.1 . Best were SpiIlan+ Ber&is, O.Brien (8 goals), Lopes, Fuller, Ryan, Yandell, Mehrtei The team line up was as follows :

B: Conti, Schober, Lopes HB: Fuller, Considine, Spillane C: Smith, Mehrten, Kingston HF: Adams, Keenan, Berzins F: Gleeson, OBrien, Palmer Rucks: Yandell, Ryan, Meehan I/C: Herman, Wits, Barnes

Match trophy winners were vs WA, Simon Meehan; vs Tasman ; vs SA, Dominic Spillane. iPaulConsde The President's Trophy for Best Plaver in Carnival went to Ph Mehrten while Cameron OBrien won the Hugh. V. Millard AA,( Medal. Spillane (C), Adams and Stitcher were selected in the A ll Australian team . John Fisher was named as coach .

VAFA Umpires at the Carnival were Brian (Benny) Goodmar (Field), and John Hall (Goal) . 150 games to Ken 'Turk" Mehment (Commonswalth Bank) an( Richard "Dick" Williams (De La Salle OC) . Team manager of IvII-1SOB reserves, Tony Orchard, found thi team one short, borrowed some gex and came out of a three v ertimentokic hregoalsndbeithbesplayrsin~

, . Real dedication . 0 - 1 981

z Rovers were a game clear in third place followin g n over MHSOB who slipped out of the four. Best on (later dub President - NR), Wilson, Marshall (H . ' Jones, Flegeltaub and Delaney (1f1-ISOB) . k's accuracy (F section) enabled them to inflict ' onttr defeat for the season, 15 .5 to 13.13. Stars aigley, Hutchinson. B . Lewis and for Banyul e n and Hitchens . to Scott Wagstaff, Collegians - first used at firll back s highly dependable and then as a utility player with s at centre half forward where he won the club bes t -3rd. to at Collegians to Mark Hibbins and Greg Parsons . a d teams to date were Coburg (D) 13 wins, Thery and 1 draw, Bulleen Tempiestowe (C Resmt) 1 3 ble inaccuracy in 'Ccost Old Haileyburians, 10 .26 the

>t State Bank 15.10 with the best Cloke, Baudinette, ~) and Corrigan, Hart, Pheckff (0 . Hail). steel South Australia at Elstemwick Park 13 .22 to were Murphy Kauffman, Dillon, Lock .~e, Bourke, and Pinie . Team Physiotherapist was Miss J. Lach.~1 -

Jennifer French, wife, of VAFA General Manager, Peter Hinton celebrated 100th game of Amateur Football . was later a VFL Senior Umpire (and still a leading VAFA in 2001). ' s were: A. Jones (hiarc)A section 57, J . Priestly

) B :-a,,l 55 . Devere (Bull - Temp) C section 57, Ryan ) D section 58, S. Scullin (N . Brunsw) E section 62 and ° (Bul. Utd) F section 51 , to Gam; Todd (wiHSOB), 100 games to Robert "lrloe" II ( irkside), 200 games to Gary 'Lumpy" Rosevarne 250 games to Brian "Bottles" Vear of Country

(ex Assumption CC and St Pat's Ballarat). "Bottles" also 103 anes for Commonwealth Bank, which took his tally 01 D) and Theny (F) were still undefeated . advemsuig copies of their club history as writte n Ashford. The contact - you guessed it Tony VAFA Marketing Officer.

- 19 76 e battle for second position in 'A' when they - ongly for St Bernards at E)sternwiek, kicking 3 .3 o win 12.15 to 8 .16. Best were Loft, McQueen, Crother s and Rackham, Aughton, Doolan (St Bernards).

acy in "C" section - five home teams won a for-might ago ,'c the five visitors won - the same live teams . To add 7e coincidence the same thing happened in the reserves. Fullerton celebrated 25 years as VAFA secretary .

pires were Cordner, Gooman (yes - the same ly back in 1976 - NR) Rorivell, Grubb and Wills . a CBOC (B) won their fourth game in a row, beating "3ns 14.18 to 13 .15. Stars were Drinan, Jennings, White

d Williamstown, Shinkfield, Rowlands (Coll) . still undefeated in 'F had a 48 point victory over : I:T., 22 .22 to 15 .16 with Allen, Byrd and Callander the best, saw N .O.B . (section 1) and Thomastown (section ~ TtJC nnan-rr„n


2) both undefeated . Geelong was celebr< ; his 50th year in the Association with a "Golden OidR .. --- , d F rbeque. Old Meiburn no, ad in 'C' had an easy victory against Powerhouse (( ;ih) 5.17 to 12.9. Best were Pisarski, Knight, Urquhart (8)'r ' and Whitmore, Alexander, Upton, Sykes (5)

-hoi ;7 1

0. ; .': > take the points against Old Brighton wit h vford saving the day in the final moments. J. Spiden, Nathan and McPherson starred for the victors, with J . Devine, R Sanders and Hamilton best for Old Brighton . 100 games to Phil Riley (Ivanhoe), Colin Green (NII-ISflB), Brian McNamara (St Kevins) and Maurie Beaumont (Assumption) . Caulfield Grammarians beat Coburg for the third time in a row all the victories had been by two points . The win put Caulfield on top of 'A' section with 8 svins, while, M teams were level in second Place . St Bernards stalwart Peter Nathan battled his way to 100 games with the dub, inaugural secretary and a memle of St Bernards first reserves premiership side in 1963, Peter came back, after a nasty accident in 1 969 which badly impaired the sight of one eye, to aclue the elusive sib wter. (Peter was a member of the VAFA K, ; atiseCommit °- iIt).

3d;=_ ~__ ; Milestones were 1a0 games to John Vautier (Geelong), John Holt (Elsterrr, , .), 100 to SI ~c "ricQueen,(C`ucalth Bank), David Shea (Coburg), Alan McKenzie (Hampton Rovers) and Alan Metcalf (AIsIF' Society) .

Caulfield Grammarians applauded Ron Capple's courageous defence in a last qaarter passage of play when he won the ball against great oppositfon, turned into the dear, turned again and in dead silence put it through the middle - for Coburg? Luckily Caulfield were well in froni . Top true-boot artists were 'A' section - Harley WHSOB) 43, B' section - James (Ormond) 27, 'C section - Guy Wilson (Geelong) 36, `D' section - Gallagher (St Pats) 29,'F section Ruddell (ANT), Junior section I- Can (Ormond) 38, Junior section 2- Savmor (C'izuzk) 43. St Nevins at the bottom of B' sectton, knocked De La Salle out of the four-nth a 12.9 (81) to 6 .8 (44) victory. Senetas, Wallace and Martin starred for the winner while Nance, Broderick and Wilson t ' I to s n the tide for De La Salle .

~ - 1951 n to represent Victoria in the Carnival at St Kilda C .G. on Jui, 5 to 10 was :- Doug Arnold . Sam Biriles (Hampton Rovers), Duncan Anderson, John Jolley (Univ Blues), Peter C.ox, Bryce Thomas (Old Ivlelb urna-Ls), Martin Bedford, Don Morone (0)d Scotch), Dave Bills (.~ialf~rn), Kevin Clarke (Ivanhoe), Eric Donaldson, Geoff Harris (Onnond), A . Ferguson (S .S. Bank), Geoff Hibbins, Brian Judd (CaIlegians), Murray Idathieson (Geelong), Allan Mellors [Brunswick), Harry Meredith (Lim Blacks), Phil ivIct.aughlin (Old Paradians), Alan Padley (Kett), Alan Shiel, J. Thomas (Comm Bank). Comm Bank congratulated Baden Casey on his 50th game with 3 goals, he was one of the best afield . Malvern, (B sectton)wmt down by3 points to State Bank to suffer his first loss, final scores 9 .7 (61) to 8.10 (58). Elsternwick (D section) set a new dub record by being undefeated after the first round .

R 1ae ::ang Edge Presentation s A 90% success rate in round 11 came my way despite winter conditions, which negate football skills . Four rounds now remain, with most finals' positions still to be decid I . J

A depleted _ started well against Old Scotch, whose greater fitness over came the spirited Mazenod players and enabled Old Scotch to win by eight points . Good players for Old Scotch included ; half back, no . 50, centre player, no. 47 and ruck rovtr, no . 21 . They know who they are! IVlazenod was well served by, half back Steve 'Funky' Balloch, Cam Busby, full back and new father, Richard Bourbon as well as the consistent, "F7eak" and "GYovvP namely Darren Harvey and Nick J< obs . 01: --- _ . . - recorded a victory over by one hundred and eighteen points . Brunswick managed only one minor scoring shot throughout the one sided match. Best for Old Xawrians included ; ruck man, Nick Hart, key defender, Nick Rathgaber, as well as forwards ; Tim O'Sullivan, Ben Matthews and Bob George , jury depleted. started well against Old d at half time Prahran held a three poin t lead. The sc id half pr( [tied a close contest before Old Melbumians scaled a victory with a goal near the final siren. A highlight of the match was the big man duels between Andy Carroll (Prahran) and Miehael "Tacker" Verge who was back to his 1999 Mason Medal form . Centre line players, Koby Jones and Anthony Lawrence also did well for Pralu-an.

Old Brighton nearly brought off the surprise of the roun d e within seven points of defeating I a . Only a four goal burst in the second quarter save d De La Salle as after half time David Cochrane with five goals ran riot on the Brighton fortvard line . Other good players for Old Brighton included ; Scott Cooper, Tony Aquino, Jess Dooley and Craig Watson . De La Salle had good players in ruckman, Tim Ford and the newly engaged Paul FSsiearo .

Once again -3'-1 were unable to convert opportunities against s, who won comfortably by thirty three points . From my match reports, St Kevins Coach, Andrew Morgan may have used this game to test some of his non regular players, with a view to assessing available talent for next month's finals . "2 who were defeated by Marcellin by forty six points were ~ ery lethargic and seemingly uninterested in performing at their optimum. The second half of the game was dominated by MarceIlin, who are now outside the four only on percentage . For Monash Blues, ruck man, Steven Bennett, Mark Woods and Jarrod Parsons were named best.

Old Trinity provided spirited opposition to traditional rival and section leader, Old despite the fact Old Ivanhoe, led throughout and won by sevM; o points after having increased their lead during ca, quarter. Best for Old Ivanhoe were ; Iruin Santos, t] recently engaged, Andrew Weisz and Steve Kingston, W incY-d three goals . Again veteran ruck man, Lea : Tayi, battled hard for Old Trinity. rs led throughout against St Lem and fina won their st xind successive game by thirty points . F Whitefriars, Tim Haynes (until injured), Camen Houston, Damian Naismith and Phillip Scully were be St Leos were well served by ; David COY, Scott Manic Adrian OReilley and Richard Porter . .

;_ by fourte .,, who defeated U C points regained second position whereas the Blacks ns hold fourth place only by percentage . i defeated C Despite inaccurate kicking tby six points . Old Es ndon remain a"d< horse" for fourth place with four matches to play . J D 12

In round 3 41d Scotch defeated s by th points. Given recent form, I cannot see a rep performance today as I t Old Xaveians to win vkl 0111 a' is should be untroubled to d eBrix,wholacktsngdmhfite s test Old Melburnians for eighty minutes. F . , depleted by injury face a danger game agan OA : ~aa The Brighton Beach Oval gives the ha side a marked advantage and Prahran will need to pla} their top to take the points . I select them as I don't beh Old Brighton have a defender capable of holding Br Carthdge, who kicked thirteen goals in round 3 .

La Salle really face a danger game against The o3ra at Oak Park, where many visiting sides have far over the years. The only reason I am prepared to se) De La Salle, who really disappointed me last Saturday the fact Theny Penola players can win the ball around ground but their forward line cannot convert tt opportunities . Reluctantly I select De La Salle. Leaders, St Kevins should be able to defeat a spin Mazenod, who despite tying hard do not have the de, of talent possessed by St Kevins, who should maint their one clear game lead at the top of the ladder . 5 ON 2 Once again Marcellin are engaged in a virtual eliminal final. Today victory could take them into the final top fc It will not be easy for Mareellui as their opponents I

prompt me to select r,vhichwill be ne-rv rs . Secondly Old and by all reports l-st Saturda~,. I

ave done little VTong this -season and clearly ladder. Also the home ground advantage

idi-r talented enon f5 , to 'or t: cond time _is se .ason, p

-s in


letL, ,d Spor L=. Et I. In id i Trinity were able to defeat St U,~s by iffy r€ ; :nce then. St Leos have % . .;n once ave won twice . Without any confidence, I sele t

,o broke the

in agai cold retain ond place by defeating an cc n .fide t on the Harry Trott esult sur, :,



er than that in round

;ians won : ;,,' le ~ undred and sixty two their first match in by thirty points . more successfu l

seasons o f

and as pre

has rendered many na >h both as an official r b: aten. Well done Toby. irou Club XVIII teams . and union all fo

y on the wide e.q)e se of Como Park, I sity Blacks to win again and so con : )li( '




~vaiil l

r ;

Old Xaverians v . Old Scotch Old Melburnians v. Brunswick Old Brighton v . Prahran Amateurs Thorn, Penola v . De La Salle St . Kevins v . Mazenod Club XV111 (2)

Old Ivanhoe v . Marcellin St . Leos Emmaus v. Old Trinity Collegians v. Whitefriars Old Geelong v . Uni-.,!rsity Blacks Old Essendon v. Monash Blues

Cart)u',e Pratt r :n 5 49 Tomlinson Old iriei'nurnians 0 27 Matthews Old Xaverians 3 24 George Old Xaverians 4 21 K. h;annix Do La Salle 0 20 CLUB XVII11 2 Oakley Collegians 1 23 Bonnyman W'hitefriars 1 17 Collier R:onash Blues 1 1 7

L ."' is nash Blues Hoisn Coll, ' : .ns

1 3


at F" _ 5.5 6 .5 7.10 (52) 3.4 4 .7 6. 8[ 1 trong I Best: Thompson Costeh o r 1 no 1od: Busby 3 Harvey I Fothergill 1 ......s Har .,,, Bourton Smyth Guiliano Bailou t Rapke. Old Scotch Umpire (F) 0.1(1) 0 .0 0.0 0.1 5 .1 9.7 13 .11 10 .11(219 ) ranagh Forster James Ktlcnilten ton 3&latthews 3 Erskine C Carrodus F e-mv dhvick O'Sullivan Dalton Rathgetecr . Hall, It. It Umpire (F) 3 .0 3 .1 5.4 5 .7 (37) 2 .4 2.3 6.I1 (47) 5. Best : Jones Carroll Lal;Tenc d G'"^n Co .igar ns : Cooper 2 Bardsley De F ; Lest: r Atkinson Verge Utting . U..y

: r. tiai: : rabran

7.9(51 ) 1 .2 2 .2 5 .2 7.2[44) S .Rudd 4 Fisicaro Bernei Robinson Best : A .Cooper A.Tucker isicaro S .Rudd P.Brashev Old Brighton: Cochran 5 Aquino st : Cochran Ryan Dooley Barber D .Cooper Thomas . Nunn R . Windlow (F) l L0 1 .2 2 .2 4.3(27) 1.4 4.7 6.10 8 .12(60) L Kuret A Green R Cameron S Serong 1 . Best: Cameron is Lacorcia Sprtngall Kelly .St Bevia.s: Morgan 3 Bare l n Katauolas 1 . Best: Diton Colin Moore Fortner Al lIen P. Jackson D. ti4lndlow (F) THF AtvSATFt IR FCl()TRA1 I FR Pont

9.7 12 .9 (51) .3 5 .4 5.5(35) 2 i,a..artin 2 s,-ins 2 Matheu•s N .-,s Mau J ih ms J Mathews C Simes Kest Munro. 2 Collier Krebs IVroIs . Best: Parsons Riddle orles . Umpires: M . Cross h4areellin Umpire (F ) 2.4(16) 1 .2 1.2 2 .2 3 .3 6.5 10.6 13 .7(85) Be~st Markus Welsh G Tread}r'ell Bradv Limol i on 3 r'^rmack 3 Stec:wt 2 English Santos ton Kobe SLIlq Wilson . 3.2 5 .4 5.6 7.10 (52 ) 1 .0 1 .0 2.0 3 .4(22) Ryan Bomiyman Sully. Best: O'Brien Ryan id . Best: Porter CnxG'8nduss S .Ingram s : P. 'slier Whitefr3ars Un . I t 1. i 4 .3 6.4 7.6(48) 1.2 2 .3 4.4 5 .4(34) 3 urn 1 Grant 1 Hains I Oakley 1 . Best: Baxter C )ke Harris I Chandler Be3 ?ov Jesson Nolan . Best: Nolan nifty Umpires: A . Bar, o T. Robbins (F ) !.1 3.1 5 .5 7.6(48) 7 .12 (54) 3 .3 4.7 6.10 C G Bro 141 1 Edwards I .Donald 1 . Best: Wilkinson Ed r „-)anald Iml,°tMc Cemp. I ' n: Smith 6 O'Connell 1 . Best: Hearne Snorts raestlo -ner Barry O'Connell . Umpires: R. Benson Old Geelong Umpire (F) 23




'I,BO i1


I When I left coaching in 1997 I had prepared myself for ,ie next life. As a coach I had always emphasised to my players that they must prepare for life after playing or 'in case they get hit by a bus' and their career is cut short . So it behove me to practise my own preaching. es we all know the expression "To fail to prepare , is to prepare to fail. As I worked through my coaching career, I worked on developing other skills that I hoped I could use one day. Of course, I worked on networking, so that I had a foot in the door. To do this effectively, you have to have a good idea of what field of work you'd like to move into. Even though I had been a university lecturer in Education, I felt that I could not go back into that career, as I had been out of academia for 16 years and it would take too much to catch up . The areas I worked towards were media, publishing/speaking, and business management. rlorn consists not so much in knowing what to do as in knouting what to do next ' Media, is of course what many athletes and coaches see as the future, or the `fall-back' position . But in fact there are limited opportunities, and ex-athletes in the media tend to be the 'flavour of the times' . The flood of exathletes working at the Olympics for the media dearly demonstrated this . I do a fair amount of public speaking and I really enjoy doing that. I have had the pleasure of speaking to some of Australia's foremost corporations and government departments . However, the speaking circuit is tough and you really have to sell yourself, which was something that I was not particularly comfortable in doing. Much of my university work was in management, and I was fortunate to have been offered a position in a management eompany. The director of the company believed that if I had survived as an elite coach, I knew as much as anyone in the business about planning, managing staff, setting directions, creating teams, motivating staff, seeking outcomes and so on. And he was right. What follows is an outline of the skills coaches bring to the table and how to plan and prepare for life after coaching,

What sk& do coaches possess to take them into the next life? Planning for the future (7,-aches are great planners . They know how to set down" ( :uplicated planning not only for one year, but in many cases for five to ten years into the future . They know how to segment the journey to peak at the right time . Coaches

are great builders . Utflise limited resources to g•-_ ot_ t: One of the great skills (born tbrou~l necessity!) that coaches possess is the ability to take very limited resources and to utilise them to assist their athletes or teams . Coaches normally are not used to things being given to them . They know how to go out and seek help from science, other sports and government . Coaches are very resourceful. Goal settino Goal setting is a master skill of coaches. They do this for themselves and for their athletes . Coaches are among the most focused people in the svorld . They know what they want, and they move heaven and earth to get there . Team Coaches are master team builders . Coaches are sought after throughout the community to tell people how to get the best out of teams, not only in sport but also in business. The team approach is one of the most important in business today .


People management is a very difficult skill to master . Most of the community is not very good at it . Coaches on the other hand have to deal with athletes with all level of egos . The coach is a master psychologist, especially in massaging and controlling egos . The coach knows how to lift confidence, maintain confidence, and control confidence in athletes. This directly relates to business and organisations of all nature. t2onal t:

Coaches are very skilled in organisational matters . They understand how to put into operation their plans . They are resourceful and have the great attention to detail that is essential in most organisations . To be conthated next week Adrian Hurley former Australian Boomers Basketball coach Sports Coach, Vol 23, No 3 2000. U19 COACH OF THE ARÂŽ June NAME: Manny Nicolosi CLUB: Old Xaverians SECTION : U19 (1) KAYING HISTORY: Albert Park (formerly ANZ Bank) 1989-92, Old Xave.rians 1993-95, Allert. Park 199 7 AO G HMMRY-. Old Xaverians U 19's 2000 & 200 1 : To foster an COACHING SO environment in which young footballers enjoy the game and the fulfilment that comes with being involved in team success. F 4PIURIJ AMBMOIN : to remain in the game in some capacity.

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in the last . At o3 bf - nds in :s would a row, althor '1 have taken t' better . Canr Wa or the Westics .

L hosted ~ c mce to move 6 r :u ~, a te lead kept is hope ali~ as space and chopped off the M s , . 'illi took control in the seconc 째r in ^d the :s dual second half with Ferris and CI-IF's and William- k: - nd and Matthews als :) back to help keep the Seag_~-- -Salesian and second position . According to my spi+ coach Laurie r'-uning and one Zarafa asked h=centers prior but instead receiv ' a s'an led 8 goals to 1 at the i iar er and more direct th i jk until the last stanza to r-i why they are a top four side. De. Arch margin to 14 points at one stage, the game was gone and Salesian ran out victors to retain second spot and keep Parkside under pressure in fourth.

is, well, e. Th nersagi c; why they are urbac?-able s, isl iing out another tYx-ashi : ~ L'.= .s 'acgeorge is poised to reach the rour . or two after another huge haul, alt ;ugh surprisingly his opponent in Bonner Gva not c:isgraced . Mentone is disciplined, hungry a : ( l .?ell-supported . takes on Mentone what romises to be a tough day for the home side at the Western Oval . With relegation avoidance at the forefront of the Westies' minds, a solid performance is necessary as percentage becomes a factor. For the Vultures, getting the ball to the coach wiIl no doubt be a consideration (but unlikely a directive) as he looks to get the milestone stuff out of, ~ bigger picture . will look to move a game clear of th e d ., u. .ed bottom two positions and build on last we("s solid performance . With renewed confidence, hope and run, the Krushers won't let this opportunity slip. i : will need to show enormous character to threaten following last week's debacle, but will ultimately fall short with tl ,-~ her-- . side winning by 32 points. Il add to Kew's woes with another ormanee at the Fearon, where the CY s =e too much at stake and a considerable hom e ground c.ti .antage . No doubt the K's will offer plenty of resistance after a disappointing showing last start but will be overrun by Williamstown - who s :)u d get home by 5 goals plus . .von't find it easy to dispose of La Trobe, but the dimensions of the Chadstone oval are familiar to, and expertly used by the experience d home side - who can't afford to drop one with the CY's breathing down its neck . The Trobers' loss last week effectively killed their September aspirations, but they remain a mathematical possibility . Salesian to win by 28 points . k for some breathing space of it s own =.:1en it takes on P e at Pitcher Park . Should be a formality for the Devils who desperately need a good start following their ordinary opening terms of late . The Pirates continue to battle but will need some scoring potency to have any hope .

po FI® - 1971 was a successful year for the power House FC. The senior team won the premiership from 4th place, whilst the reserves & U19 's both participated in the finals . In addition the club had an U 17 team in the VFL fourths competition who also played in the finals . One of their players was ex-Richmond and Swan player Francis Jackson . Reunion for all 1971 . Players & Friends will be held at the Ross Gregory Clubroms on Saturday August 4, contact Peter Hutchinson on 560 7757 or Ian Dakin on 9646 5530 . astown GYMS - The Williamstown CYMS Football club you like to extend an invitation to all to join them at their inaugural Sportsman's lunch. Guest Speakers 1999 Norm Smith Medallist & Kangaroos Premiership Player, Shannon Grant, 1981 Browniow Medallist and hall of fame member Barry Round & Former World Boxing Champion Barry Michael . Friday July 27 1 .00 to 3 .00pm, Williamstown CYMS Sports Pavilion Garden St Williamstown (Melways 56 B 10) $35 .00 per head. This includes three course meal, beer, wine, soft drinks & door prize . A major raffle and memorabilia auction to take place Limited seating available . Bookings essential . Call 9693-4917 . peninsula Old Boys FC - is celebrating its 21st Birthday with a gala dinner on 4 August at 7 .00pm. The Club invites all past & present Pirate players & supporters to contact Helen Angus on (03) 9787 1611 or khspsOigp®nd.eorla for more details. Former Pirate-turned newsreader Peter Mitchell i s

MC .

8.4 12.12 18 .20 27.24 (186) 1TdSULA 3 .4 5 .7 7.7 7 .10 (52) Mentone: Macgeorge 14 EtceIl 2 Johnston 2 White 2Wiikins 2 T.isarr Stephens Matt Sullivan Mick Sullivan C .Sullivan Best : Rowley Macgeorge C.Sullivan Wilkins Matt Sullivan Mick Sullivan . Peninsula: Payze 3 Bowen Coughlan Goldthorpe White Best : Bonner Bowen Bradon Coughlan Nelson P .Prendergast. Umpires : G. Curran, S. Stokes (F), J . Nicholson, S . Nicholson (B) POWER HOUSE 1 .4 5 .7 6 .8 6.9 (45) WEST BRUNSWICK 4 .3 4 .9 4 .14 6 .15 (51) Power House: H.Clarke 3 S .Craven 2 B .Turner 1 . Best: D .Haseler D .Boland J.Robertson J .Senior J .Clarke A .Contreras . West Brunswick. • A.Canane 3 M.Carmichael 2 R .Heywood 1 . Best: A.Canane R.BenJamin B .Howlett J.4Jard N .Lampel H.Balley Umpires: J . Heffernan . J. Grossbard (F) KEW 1 .2 3 .5 5 .9 9.13 (67) OAKLEIGH 4 .4 9.5 13 .6 15 .9 (99) Kew : Bell 4 C .Bradley 2 S.Bruno 2 Landwehr 1 . Best : Growcott Wood S. Bruno Blair Landwehr Dennis . Oakleigh: Dooley 5 Hanley 2 Mackenzie 2 McHenry 2 Clark I Khodr 1 Kitts 1 Maeshall 1 . 3r~st: Adamic Dalton Hanley Clark Schultz Papadopolulos. Umpires: A. Fyffe P. Lamble (F) LA i :tOBE 2 .3 3.5 7 .8 9.12 (66) wII.L TO 0 .3 3.12 9.17 15.20 (110) La Trobe: Willis 4 Camm 3 Perry Close . Best: Edwards Willis 3ray Cummings Edmunds White . Wi ;town: Williams 10 Cocks Thompson Twist Phemister po .>ey. Best: Holland Williams I (iris Thompson Mathews Monkhorst .Umpires: M . Forde . J . -)re (F) Umpires : M . Forde J. Moore (F ) ,AliSSIAP7 4 .1 8.1 9 .7 11 .9 (75) PARKSIDE 0 .4 1 .6 5 .7 8.13(61) ~zn: Thain 4 Grace 2 levoll 2 Davey Todd D Forer. Best Canavan A Stevens Logan Davey Todd. Parkside: Reginato 3 Marulli 2

- congratulate reserve . onbE?? ., r vith his 3 goals lainst Oakleig h now b2~~,4ed a career total of My goals .

92 73 37 35 29

Macgeorge Williams Thain Payee Beck

Menton e tvilliamstc . .n Salesian Peninsula Parksid e D2 RESERVE

N . Pavlou Lafranchi Burgess Krohn Ross

Powerhouse 0 31 Kew 2 19 Williamstown 2 18 Peninsula 2 17 Parkside 2 1 6

14 10 4 3 0

West Bruns-,Ac .' v . : entone Amateurs Oakleigh v . Power Hous e Williamstown CI'It4S v . Kew Salesian 0 C v . La Trobe Uni . Parl:side v . Peninsul a

Lade tFi ::;i.Nfiti~~L 1 .1 3.3 6 .5 9 .6(60) PENINSULA 1 . 3.7 8 .7 11 .11 (77) M.entone: Allinson 3 King 2 :4lurphy 2 Fatouros Sims Best : T.Sullivan Allinson Fatouros McMillan Rock O'Meara . Peninsula : Franks 3 Krohn 2 Piesley 2 Harding Hines Kelson Muir Best : Coughlan Harding Pawison Kelson Palmer Franks 1 .0 3.4 6 .5 7 .9(51) POWER HOUSE WEST BRUNSWICK 3,1 4 .2 5 .3 7.3 (45) Power House: J.Rainey 4 D .O'Connor 1 B.Plush 1 CSanders 1 . Best: R.Marshall B .Urwin S.Considine G .Dean J.Hall R .Cassio . West Brunswick . Dishon 3 Vitale I Stephens 1 Harmer 1 Masters 1 . Best : N .Masters B .Baker R.How•ell M .Lewis S.Vance M .Moore. KEW 2.3 3.5 6.7 9.10 (64) O IGFi 2.0 2 .1 3.4 5.5 (35) Kew: wayland 3 Lafi-anchi 2 Woodhouse 2 Gritiiths 1 Kiriakou 1 . Best: Ayers, Gillam, Griffiths, Ryan . Livingston, Woodhouse. Oakleigfi: Leslie 2 . Thomas 2, Monaghan 1 . Best : - Redford, Ogilvie, Thomas, Seymour, Monaghan . Kerley. LA TROBE 1.2 2 .6 2.8 4 .11 (35) WILLIAMSTOWN 2 .4 3 .5 5.8 5 .10 (40) La Troix: Storer 2 Launikonis A Hewitt. Best : Porter B Hewitt Poulton McNamara Fanning Spral}a . '.: :-_ c: Burgess 2 Hann McKenzie B Hynes. Best: Saunders B Hynes Pach Daniel McKenzie Saccoccio . 9.3(57) SALESIAN 5 .2 8 .2 9.3 P Il'IE 3 .1 7 .5 11 .7 17.10 (112) Sal : Ellis 3 Snuth2 Blake Cooke Hunt Atkins . Best: llanapy Mallard Cooke Smith Hunt. I'arkside : G.Panjari 3 Singleton 3 Carmody 2 Ross 2 J .Panjari 2 Allan 2 Martinez Tyson Stuart . Best : Allan Carmody Me Pherson Hoyne Healy T} ,son .

Coach: t F) 'An9e!o Res. : Gr u-nmins 1 B Lafranchi

F.C . Coach: Ardr, nd Res. CoewVr Clh, «- :rry

Coao 4 Tony ' orre Res. Coac j : i°~ii{ cn!~ -It

2 L Fitzgerald

1 . M . Bakogiannis


3 G Horgan 4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradley 6 N Tinnetti 7 T Aitken

2 . S. Fredrickson 3. D . Sheldrick 4. C. Perry ~ 5. A. Pendell 6. B . Cameron

8 N Derrico

7. S . Gemmola

2 R . Gallagher 3 M. Dixon D . Emmett 5 A. White 6 C . Stephens 7 K. Gurtler

9 A Eaton 10 B Cullen 11 B Woodhouse 12 J Growcott 13 C Kyriakou 14 J Looker 15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Shaw 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell (VC) 29 M Dalrymple 30 C Giansante (RVC) 31 K Gillam 32 A Drago 33 D Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 R Bruno (RDVC) 36 S Ryan 37 J Landweh r (VC) 38 J Beer 39 M Mc Inerny 40 P Durbridge 41 R Livingston 42 Bette 44 J Bell 47 S Byrnes 48 L Jensen 49 S Vidler 50 J Griffiths 51 M Blair 52 R Campagna 61 S Moussi 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers 66 J O'Kane 67 T Beattie 68 B Mc Gauchie 99 S Bruno

8. J . Camm 9. L. Walker 10 . A. Hewitt 11 . J . Le ~ 12 P~ . Forrest 13. T Luderman 14. L. Wakeling 15. B. Auldist 16. S. Bray 17, S. Gloury 18. B. Grant 19 . S. White (VC) 20 . A. Murphy~) 21, D . Edmunds 22 . P. Stewart 23 . R. Storer 24 . S. Edwards 25 . S. Brooks 26 . B. Hewitt 27 . D. Gilmour 28. C. Ross 29. P. White 30. J . Smith 31 . J . O'meara 32. D . Hill 33. M . Watson 34. S . Paterson 35. J. Eyre 36 . T. Mawdsley 37 . C . Porter 38 . A. Willis (C) 39 . N . Rosengreen 40 . R . Slater 41 . A. Samson 42 . D. Gleason 43 . A. Poulton 44. R. Mather 45. D. McKeekin 46. D. Hartley 47. H . Girdwood 48. L. McNamara 49. M . Day 50. K . Hopkins 51 . C . Francias 52 . T. Stauton 53 . A. Tucker 54 . T. Peters 55 . A. Cummings 61 . B. Launikonis 63 . J . Laidlaw 65 . A. Hall 66 . A. Ballie 70. J Dumaresq


M . Hovey

D. Perrin

Coach : Laurie Zan Res Coach : I' rt

CDs : Russell Bruer4on Res Cr r: Pad Nikalds

1 B. Gee

1 R Adam s

2 3 4 5 6

2 W Thomson 3 S Pin e 4 D Warren 5 T Stonehouse 6 A Stuart

A. Bloomfield D. MacKenzie P. Papadopoulos T. lanchello R . Dooley

7 J Muscat

7 B . Hall

9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillma n 11 C. O 'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M . Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan C . Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 22 S. Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Rock 27 M . Wise 28 C. Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 M . Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B . Matlock 32 B . Coleman 33 N . Wilkin s 33 D . Andrew 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone

8 R . Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M . McHenry 11 C . Hanley 12 S. Day 13 S. Randle 14 A. Schultz 15 G . Redford 16 B. Arthur 17 A. Hunter 1g J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A . Monaghan 22 M . Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts (C) 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 J. KnaPper 28 A . Khodr 29 J. Sposito 30 A. Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B. Gant 33 M. Clark 34 L . Head 35 R. Nuske (RC)

8 J Chilcott 9 A Constantini 10 A Vita 11 B Hockey (VC ) 12 D McCall 13 A Copley 14 V Romano 15 D Moodie (C) 16 M Ros s 17 A Roman o 18 A Reginato 19 C William s 20 D Singleto n 21 M Schwab l 22 R Wis e 23 R Beck 24 R Marull i 25 M McPherson 26 S Ross 27 D Matthew s 28 R Martinez 29 S Toffu l 30 M Yandl e 31 S Hoga n 32 J McCall (RVC ) 33 K Allan 34 M Roman o 35 G Panjar i

36 C . Ogier

36 J. Tolley

36 M Hoyne

37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 A. Fimster 40 C . Goddchild 40 D . Nichols 41 C. Rock 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C. Barr 46 C. Ross 47 J . Tully 47 G . Anslade 48 M . Wals h 49 L. McHugh 50 T. Peck 51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D . Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D . Fraser 58 J. Noonan 61 K. Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara 74 S. Penton 77 B. Fleming 78 M . Cerritelli MEN TONE R .S .L .

37 J Panjar i 38 F Darrigo 39 K Noble 40 M Cassar 42 P Dea n 43 J Hubbard 44 P Soligo 45 B McGillia n 46 C Welsh 47 C Tyso n 48 M Heal y 49 S Collie r 50 B Carma n 51 G Davie s 52 B Cassano 53 P Romano 54 S Marino 55 J Eastwoo d 56 G Massett 57 C Ross 58 T Mangos 59 S War e 60 J Drakopoulos 61 P Tascon e 62 J Willet s 63 D Vivon a

37 P. Torpey 38 B . Papadopoulos 39 M . Dordevic 40 I . Moore 41 J . Bruerton 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Seymour 44 N . Smith 45 P. Leslie 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 C . Little 48 A. McKenzie 49 G . Orlando 50. P. Taylor 51 . J. Kerley 52 . M. Pitsos 53 . D. Pearson 54 M . Coppock 55 C. Hogan 56 C. Hardy 57 R. Keating 58 L. Thomas 59 W. Ogilvie 60 S . Kay

64 T Thoma s

9 Palermo St,

Mentone *! unction Room * Ri erect * Pokies





65 S Carmod y 66 S Staffor d ~ 67 D Ingli s

70 S Dive r A Inglis (RC)

_ .: . _. ^aarme Darren Fenech 1 S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons



1 A Roils 2 J Hall

M . Goldthorpe


Coach: Peter O'Connor Ass.Cc :h: Ai . t Solis Re Coach: Q ., tticl ardson

3 N Pavlou

Cc.._ ..: i . tt P,[on Asst. : D. uld Id Res Coa ;h: atm Giana 1 A Stevens 2 A Thain

3 S Sutherland

4 B Turner

4 A

6 M .Warner

5 M Braini 6 H Clarke

7 G Gas ar a

?S .Murray 8P.Angus

7 C Richardson 8 J Clarke

8 S Logan 9 A Campbell

g RKrohn ( Rvc)

9 Ad Burt

10 D Oliver

10 A .Haley 11 A . Landry 1 2 R .Powney 13 T. Braden 14 S . Jackson 15 B .Cook 16 R . Huighson 17 J. Coughlan

10 Ash Bu rt 11 J Gill 12 N Dodd 13 J Harris 14 W Elliot 15 P Hassler 16 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod ( RC)

4 E.Bowen g N.Kent


18 J. Whelan 19 T. Prendergast ?0 S.Prendergast - 1 A. Macpherson A.Atchison C 23 A.Burk e 4 S. White 5 J.Atchison ?6 P. Prendergast 27 S .Payze :18 B .Taylor 9 G .Nelson 30 A.Crean U R. Blood ( Res.) i C. Lennon 52 T. Harding 33 C. Wilson =4 M . Allen >5 R . Davies 36 N .Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 R . Haworth ~9 B.Cooper 40 A. Dillon :1 S.Farrow 2 A. Hanson 3 B.Jarett (Re) '4 A. Kelson 5 R. Ma rt in -16 A.Oneil =7 LPalmer ;8 A.Bonner 9 J .Crowder FO L. Saville 51 R. Jones 52 C. Alexander E 6 A. Piesley 5 7 H. Sho rt en a9 A .Powell fi1 M .Natalizio 62 P.Sinciair E3 J .Muir

~='H~~~ ~ ft , ~_T S ~- -, . 3/85 Bardia Avenue Sea`ord Vic. 3198 Tel: 9785 2436

18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 B Ryan 21 D Miller 22 S Evans 23 S Craven (C) 24 D Boland 25 S Cummins 26 J Senior 27 J Robe rt son 28 D Murrihy 29 R Cassio 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 A 8enbow, 33 R Taylor 34 J. Marsh 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 D O'Connor 38 C Wenlock 39 D Crawford 40 R Keits 41 J Rainey 43 S Considine 44 G Dean 45 A Contreras 46 B Harrahan 47 GParker 48 H Nelson 49 B Urwin 50 C Jones 51 J Best 52 S Rafferty m 54 J Blow(ield 55 D Yates 56 J Mahoney 57 R Kang 61 S McCrae 62 A White 66 D Wright 71 L O'Sullivan 88 G Scotland


5 M Canavan

11 A 12 A Gaspari Dave yy 13 I Bobetic 14 C Roache 15 D levoli 16 P Turley 17 M Ferwerda 18 A Sexton 19 S Brown 20 A Seeger 21 A Bates

22 R Stevens 23 M Smith 24 A Grace 25 S Egan 26 J Nannas 27 N Synott 2 8 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cooke 31 M Bates 32 G Riley 33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Ellis 36 D Tod d 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clauson 40 M Forer 41 M Gunn 42 P Evan s 43 E Maillard 44 C Hunt 45 S Horvath 46 D Forer 47 B Bowman 48 M Bourke 49 D Barry 50 S Morrish 51 S Parisi 52 D Hagerty 53 B Chalmers 54 S Nolan 55 E Hanaphy 56 D Bowman 57 B Atkin s W Chapman 59 D Blake 60 D Sutherland 61 P Ma11is 62 B Kirchner Seag63L er 64 S Oldfiied 65 B G rant 66 8 Pascoe 67 M McTaggart 68 S Rattray 69 M Stanton 70 A Chiappini 71 C Bartle tt 72 B Porter 73 Radi 74 JD 75 J Hamilton 76 J McClaren 77 S Sinclair 78 C Warsling

Co:ch: Res. C

:I Cz ..

1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 C . Lehmann

Co; Di [Item s Res Co c-,, ; :. _yne 1 D William s 2 J Butt igieg

3 D Grieve 4 S Wuchatsc h

5 A Cannane 6 C . Lewis

5 D Macleod (C) 6 N Grant

7(a)F Vital e 7 b)N . O' Brien 8 J. Heywood A. Morphett 10 S Byrne 11 H . Bailey 12 B Clarke 13 S. Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B. Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 R. Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Stringe r 20 B . Young 21 S McNamara

7 B Robinson 8 B Han n 9 G Case 10 B Cocks 11 B Twis t 12 A Feathersto n 12(R)M Canno n 13 A Mackle y 14 D Ferri s 14(R)A Daniel 15 W Phillip s 15(R)P Bregue t 16 D Gilmart in 17 R Her,,

23 D Henderson 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R . Benjamin 7 27 D . Disisto 28 J Ward 29 M . Shepherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrmann 32 M. Carmichael 33 T Thompson 34 I . Tvnytord 35 K. Covent ry 36 S. Campbell 37 N . Basham 38 S. Darling 39 X Thompson 40 B Baker 41 R . Miller 42M~and . Ho 43 J Tobin 44 N . Masters 45 J Smith 46 A Bandt 47 N Seal 48 M Moore 49 L. Stewart 50 A. Bagnall 51 L Sherry 52 B . Flanagan 53 J . Gross 54 R . Howell 55 G. Marazita 56 C. Riley 57 J . Draper 58 A . Ratter 59 C . Norman 60 0. Kirby 62 S Dishon 63(a) D . Jelbart 63 (b) J. Gentian 65 D . Simmond 66 M. Malone 67 A. O'Brien 68 C Stevens 69 R . Hussey 70 D . Platt 72 L Rya n 75 M. Shelton 76 A. Shirley 77 D . Shirley

17(R)R Plochino 18 D Oldha m 19 P Dervan (RC ) 20 P Sadle r 21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunders 23 T Wheele r 23(R)A Bourse 24 J McCutcheon 24(R)C Pach 25 P Thomso n 25(R)G Burgess 26 L Grochowsk i 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmato s 29 P Vincent 30 T Turcinovich 31 A Bart olo 32 X Toby 33 G Rickard 34 B Jone s 35 C Bergi n 36 A Black 37 B Hyne s 38 S Smit h 39 M Hollan d 39(R)A Carter 40 J Munro 41 T Campbel l 42 D Wouda 43 B Gran t 44 M Manning 45 J Hynes 46 T Fern s 47 F Nuredini 48 P Tirchett 49 W Kewin 50 A McCutcheon 51 A McKenzie 52 R Nisbet 53 M Oldham 54 J Payn e 55 J Sperm s 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio 58 A Bear d 59 K Dowsey 60 D Lee 54 S. McNerny 55 D . Orchard 56 D. Temby 57 A. Rya n 58 S. Barlow 59 S. Phemister 60 A. Savaia 68 A. Hough 69 B. Cambridge

Free kiet : t

This year tl 째1 AUA have had several social functions, which have been quite successful especially the Trivia Night . ' he weather was perfect and the attend; -- by -ie members up from last year . An excelle a metre swim and 4k nin won the event for our f s ai'visor, Graeme Hunichen . TEN b .. , a, u NG: Good night out for members and their families . Kevin Segota's team won overall with Geoff Curran winning the individual men's event and Leah Gallagher winning the individual women's event . GOLF DAY : Once again, VG (Geoff Curran) shows his many sporting talents!!!! He won the competition with style. Special mention about Craig Arnois performance . . . .an eagle on the 17th hole and several other 'misfortunes' . . . . .too long of a list to edit. Longest drive was won by Geoff Grigg and ne rest to the pin winner was Colin Segota . It was an entertaining day for all that attended . _ .. ..' : Enjoyable night for all that were there . . . .es pcially for Santo Caruso and Peter James!!l . The competition between the teams was close all night except for one team . . . . SC and PJ were entertaining others instead of concentrating on the questions - their team came last!!!! Leah Gallagher's team won the competition with a score of 82 points, followed closely by Ken Brewers team - 79 points . Special thanks to Paul Jones for hosting the Trivia Night and to Dash and Andrea for all the catering . One new member to our association stated at the end of the ni-t thr` it one of the most professional gigs that l : and his Mrs . had been to . Well done !

C_ Rick Love (No. 22 G -en) has finally ' cracked it' into A Section. He o'~: i'ated in his lst A Section game last week. He also won the 'President's Pewter' (one month of fr ee grog from the bar in the pewter for a member nominated by the President) for the month of May for all the lit 'extra's' an d donations that he has done for the WAUA. Well Done Rick! Note: Training - 17th July 20001 will be at Melbourne S)rts Aquatic Centre - Meiways 57G4 (Bring running gear and bathers ) For more information, contact Graeme Hunichen ('Punishen' Huniehen) on 0412 255 497


c t h e f' Beaumaris player fo r

holding the ball . winner is Mr AFC. Please fax details.Anse3i-Eltrwck to Phi Stevens at the VAFA on 95312050 to claim your free tickets into the MCG . Play is on the far wing at Elsternwick Park Elsternc~_ek AFC and Bentl6lgh players at( scrambling to get possession of the ball in a pack . P Bentleigh player tries to lack the ball and misse, and it makes contact just below his knee and gm over the boundary line . What is the Boundary Umpire's decision? Email Di Whiteley with youi decision to v1n tickets to the MCG. - Field Umpire (No. 11 Yellow) started in 1995, Nickname is Tupps, 110 Games i l . Team - Sydney Swans, Umpires in D Section Best Player in AFL - Paul Kelly, Hobbies - Scout" )LIPS - Field Umpire (No . 29 Green) started in 1999, over 40 games, Nickname is Tacka ~'=?L a - Brisbane Bears, Umpires in D Section Best r :ayer in VAFA - Neil Wallmeyer (Prahran ) Field Umpire (No . 35 Blue) started in 2001, Nickname is Brooksy, AFL Team Sydney Swans, Umpires in C / Dl Section, Bes Ph r in AFL - Paul Kelly, Favourite hobby- Flyin g 'PGAGE MANAGERS - "HoII13

They can help you find the right property for you personal or investment needs. . . They can help you find the best home loai product. . . . .

They can help you find the lowest interest rates will the lowest fees and charges . . . . . The company goal is to " help you create wealth . . not bank profit" . First consultation is free . Contact ANTHONY D AMEN through the VAFAUA, U .C . and become one of our many satisfied clients ! 째? 1?i- 27/8/01at MCG ; G rta - 23/9/01 ; tat;I 28/9/01 : En I( nTrip - 12/10/01 . e _ALLY . . . All correspondence t o h3tel a ' THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20C


:: :~arl Scully

8 Paul Berry 9 Damien Lane

Mark Child s

10 Trent Foley

10 Avi Wekselman

11 Alan Stubbs

14 Glen Kennedy

12 Mark Morrison

15 Geoff Curran

14 Ash Hoogendyk

16 Peter Woods

17 Peter I-ec~;h


17 Mark Gibson

18 Pe_~'-


1 S Jason McNiece

19 Andre, ffe

19 Steve McCarthy

20 Grant Wardrop

20 John Ralph

22 Chris Collins

21 Patrick Maebus

23 Peter Griffiths

23 Paul Dinneen

25 Lionel Kat z

Graeme Huniche n


Sutcliffe -)avid D'Alter a 21 Justiri GYossbard

26 Daniel Dinneen 27 Anthony Simpson

2 6 Jim Papioanou

28 Ken McNiece

27 Matt Cox

29 Peter James

27 Bu

30 Michael

28 Leah Gal;.

29 Chris Garcia

32 Anthony

29 Gerard Rolfs

30 Justin Lipson

33 Michael Forde

30 Simon Olive

33 Robert Mayston

34 Stephen Morgan

Graeme Morgan

3 5 Troy Brooks

35 Jason Lane

3 6 Ian Burgess

36 Matthew Meier

3 7 Gavin Roberts

37 Alex Maggi o 38 Chris Stevens (S) cnnroni i oo n.u,.


;e Paleodirnos tie

25 Cameron Stewart

Paul Lamble

ri ff



a column for everyone in Amateur Football

) for E, "Ron gives so much time and attention to the players - we've never had anything like it," Paul Je esoa>•, the chairman of selectors, said .

Having enjoyed P atr :. _~ -Collingwood published in BRAD BEITZEL heads Recreation Reserve as the for their grand final replay .

It's lunchtime on the

Monday before

Bentleigh get re-acquainted with rivals South Melbourne Districts .

ARRIVING at Bentleigh Rec there are familiar hallmarks of a local sports club . The welcome sign is a relic .

"For instance, Ron has gone to every ground we are going to play at and measured them ." At the end of the week I was still trying to work out how to describe Ron, who started coaching juniors at Bentleigh in 1965 .

At a club luncheon in Lygon St, Ron's daughter Tina provided the light-bulb .

It has a yellow and green dragon - the colors of mascot from another era for the Bentleigh Football Club .

"Dad lives young," Tina said.

There's the obligatory meeting room that doubles as a store area, and rumbles about the council's input to the upkeep of the ground .

He's replaced rascal with discipline but he's kept the enthusiastic and fun loving traits . Ron's got Dennis's hair with some golden strands sticking up at the crown and instead of a back-pocket sling shot there's a newspaper form guide .

A kilometre away though, at the home of coach Ron Gordon, the predictability is broken . At the start of the year Ron, 59, was the second oldest coach in the VAFA behind 64year-old Laurie Aghan at Aquinas . Unlike Laurie, who has retired due to asthma, Ron is in his first year of senior coaching at a time when he will embark on his first year of senior living ! On Mondays it is hard to ring the Gordon household as the phone is often engaged . Maybe people of Ron's demographic don't know how to activate call-waiting ? "Got call-waiting mate, just taking my calls to my players simultaneously," Ron said . "Ring most of them every Monday to give them feedback and to see how they have pulled up . " Here is part of the secret to Bentleigh's success this year which has it with just one loss from the first half of the home-and-away . The Bentleigh committee re-wrote conventional criteria when it approached Ron to head the team in its quest to pick up the club's first senior flag since 1990 .

Ron Gordon is like a grown up version of Dennis The Menace .

There's little of the coaching fee left though for a punt once Ron pays his phone bill . Next week, FTLOTG continues its week at Bentleigh when it attends Tuesday training . Now FTLOTG goes to Keysborough to cover Adam Acreman .Y 000t:Ia . cZaab goal . GLORY and controversy engulfed the Mentone Grammar Playing Fields when Adam Ackerman last Saturday registered his 1000th goal for Old Mentonians . With a minute remaining in the last quarter against rivals St Bedes-Mentone Tigers, Adam had kicked five goals to take his tally to 999 and help give OMs a two-point lead in the wet . The Panthers had come from a couple of goals down and needed to win to keep their finals chances alive . Adam led to a Buzby Kuramoto chip and marked in front of his chest 35 metres from goals on a 45-degree angle . Nothing unusual with that play but the circumstances were tense . *


The goal would seal victory and take the fullforward, who started with Mentonians in 1986'as an 18 year old, to 1000 .

and an investigation is to be held by the VAFA Executive before the end of this month . An unlikely penalty could be to strip OM's score to that point . Adam kicked three goals to half-time .

The drop punt floated near the southern goalpost and the OM club-appointed goal umpire had 50 cheering fans urging the ball through .

In 33 years with the VAFA could Old Mentonians have had a more dramatic day?

It was awarded a goal despite protests from airee Tiger players .

Well, 10 of the 1000 goals came in reserve games, so Adam is going to get another chance to celebrate another 1000-goal milestone, it just depends which.

ce, during a 15-year career, the o :y, bald, fair-skinned six footer woul d have had similar attempts awarded a behind . Adam was engulfed by supporters including his wife, Michelle, and mum, Gaie, pushing a pram with son, Max, to centre-half forward, where Adam had been moved by his supporters and where coaches played him in his first six years .

Nowfor the answer to last week's cryptic question: which VAFA player has similarities to Bert Newton? A:

SOB's Rob Newton .

Father Jack, who taught Adam to kick on the asphalt of Glencairn St, Mulgrave, stayed on the sidelines -waiting until the final siren to say "well done, son" .

Here's why: apart from their last names, Rob and Bert are veterans - Rob played in the High's last ever senior flag in D Section in 1991 and this year has returned to be a star ruckman with the Unicorns in A Section ; both have unique hair styles - Bert's got a hair transplant, Rob's dreadlocks needed a headband so his nickname is Chief and Bert is the King of Daytime TV.

This was the VAFA fostering family football .

Both have also had weight issues .

the same VAFA though might nullify some o f Big Ads' goals from the first half, so he could experience this again .

Rob, 32, has dropped 30 kg during the year of making his comeback !

Daughter, Grace, was there too, but at three years of age she was not distinctive .

During the second quarter, the Tigers requested a player count against the Tones ,

"My wife, Pauline, and I did it with commonsense," The Chief said . `; --itzu'_ : .

..`_i~<_ .en = .s- r

..1c5 . ZiJ7 d

~~ :a1id i~~a :1 E i11C

V'inner announced in the .lur, :,te~lr Fooihall e

st Week's winner : John Stevens Old Ivanho e D THE AMATEUR FOhTRAI 1 FR ~>nm

ate -i nber22 / 2 =

速Each week aCoates Hire Player of r:l ~g Wee', ~~ e>?.nouncecl on this page (one player each section) . Each player qualifies for Team of the Year selectio n 速 Following the final round each month a Coates /-lir,- .-/d for the Month will be announced. These players aro inch---.--rrch_-.- . .:_- in the Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Year will be announced at the VAFA Vote Count Night. This night will also include the announcement of the Coates Hire Player of the Year. ROU N D 1 1 PLAYERS C . " . -; m_ ---EK A : LAC H LA N FORD (OLD XAVERIANS) B : LIAM WILSON (ORMIND) C : MARK TKOSZ (GLE N EIRA) D1 : PETER LEE (IVANHOE ) D2 : TONY ADA M IC (OAKLEIGH ) D3 : JOH N TSOU S(ALBERT PARK) D4 : CON TERZOGLOU (WE] '1 1BEE) PLAYER OF THE O NT : LU KE HAWKINS (OLD SCOTC H ) PLAYER OF T': 速 GRAN T VANDER~ :RU'


PLAYER OE THl; _ _ _ i( JU N E ) DEAN MATTHE W S ( BULLEE N -TE t: I .- LESTOW E) .s -- .__, 7 - - _, _v4.1~ ^ -:; 131552



Division 1 : Karingal 11 8 74 defeated Ballarat 5 5 35 in a game that had all the skills on show for the crowd at the ground. The game fluctuated with Karingal using the strong wind in the last quarter to their advantage . Geelong travelled up the highway to Bendigo and proved the tipsters wrong by posting a good win away from home . Geelong 7 8 50 to Bendigo 2 3 15 . Division 2: Hawthorn 6 10 46 had their first win for the year against Moonee Valley 3 8 26 by kicking five goals in the last quarter. The Hawthorn team gave true meaning to that old saying "winners are grinners" and Ed managed to save his coaching job ! Ringwood Blues 9 12 66 defeated Parkside 5 9 39 with the twenty seven point margin not being a true indication of the closeness of the game . Both teams should take part in the finals . Mambourin Tigers played a night game against Colac in Colac on the Friday night in front of a big crowd . Unfortunately for Colac they could not keep up with last year's premiers who are showing good form going into the finals . Mambourin Tigers 12 6 78 to Colac 5 1 31 .

Sth Yarra played at home against Maribyrnong at Wattle Watson reserve . Sth Yarra played good football all day and managed to get home by five points against a determined Maribyrnong . Sth Yarra 5 6 36 defeated Maribyrnong 4 7 31 . Division 3 : Broadmeadows 2 and Karingal 2 thrilled the crowd with a close game with the lead fluctuating all day. Broadmeadows managed to snatch the lead with a minute to go with Roscoe snapping a goal over his shoulder when it looked like Karingal had done enough to win the game . Broadmeadows -winning avery exciting game .


Bendigo 2 managed to reverse the division 1 result by defeating a determined Geelong . Bendigo using the home ground advantage to post a good win . Round 8 : Division 1 : Broadmeadows and Geelong should be a close game with Geelong looking like winning by less than a goal . Bendigo and Ballarat also meet with Ballarat using their home ground advantage to win the battle of the country sides . Division 2 : Mambourin Tigers appear to be playing well enough to account for a enthusiastic Parkside . Hawthorn 's winning streak of one looks like coming to an end against an inform Sth Yarra. Maribyrnong should account for Colac and Ringwood will be to strong for Moonee Valley . Division 3 : Karingal will have learnt from their narrow loss against Broadmeadows and should manage to win against Geelong . In the other game Broadmeadows should be able to match Sth Yarra and come away with a victory. FIDA LADDERS RD 7 i' W 1, D F A % KARINGAL 7 6 1 0 391 110 355.45 GEELONG 7 5 2 0 183 157 116.56 NTH BALLARAT 7 3 4 0 184 259 71 .04 BENDIGO 7 3 4 0 159 252 63 .09 BROAIIN6'11DOWS 7 2 5 0 134 160 83.75


P 24 20 12 12 8

D F A % P 0 584 208 280.76 24 0 450 213 211 .26 24 0 370 317 116.71 16 0 255 268 95 .14 12 0 229 254 90.15 12 0 221 348 63 .50 12 0 239 384 62 .23 8 0 153 426 35 .91 4

* received forfeit last round


Please note : No gratuitous pop culture references were made during the compilation of this report . ROUND 1 1 REVIEW Monash Gryphons continued their excellent run of form with a percentage boosting win ove r chmond Central . Albert Park came away from St . Johns with a share of the points after a surprise draw at Thomas Carroll Reserve . An amazing form reversal given the Jocs thrashed Albert Park down by the lake earlier in the season . The Reds kept on keeping on with another strong performance against South Melbourne. Elsternwick returned to the winners list with a win over Uni High . Finally, Hawthorn recorded a win ove r tleigh . The visitors missed a number of chances in the first half and with Sharp injured, the Hawks were able to hold on for a win . Lauletta up forward was good for the Hawks as was Carter in the baekline . ROUND 12 PREVIEW What Pete Says : Bentleigh host Elsternwick at The Rec and will be seeking redemption after their defeat at the hands of Hawthorn. The Wickers will be buoyant after a long overdue win but I don't expect the euphoria to last . Demons to win .

The colossus that is Fitzroy Reds welcome Hawthorn to Brunswick Street . The Reds have continued on their merry way while the Hawks managed an excellent win against Bentleigh. On this occasion, I expect Fitzroy to maintain their unbeaten record with a hard-fought win . Monash Gryphons entertain South Melbourne Districts at East Caulfield Reserve . With both teams chasing a berth in the four, there should be plenty of fireworks on show. At home though, I expect Monash to reverse their previous result against South and take the points .

St . John's DC have struggled over the last month or so and could only split their game with Albert Park last week. I think, however, that they may discover that winning feeling against Richmond Central, especially at home . JOCs for mine . Finally, UHSOB travel to Albert Park to take on the Falcons in a virtual "eight-pointer" to avoid relegation . Albert Park's form of late has been encouraging, while the Students haven't had the

same luck . I tip the Falcons' resurgence to continue with a tidy victory. Says : Bentleigh will be keen to atone for last week's loss when they host Elsternwick . The Wicks put a gap between themselves and the drop zone last week but will find Bentieigh a little too fired up . Fitzroy host : . or i in an interesting match up . The He ~s have been good in recent weeks but the Juggies seem to keep getting better each week. The duel of Pidoto and Orchard should be a good one but the Juggies for me .

Monash welcome u with the home team in red hot form. The midfield of Bourbon, Wells and Flowerday is as strong as any other and will cause South too many headaches . Monash to win . St.Johns continued their mid season hiccup last week but are a far too talented side too let it slip . Richmond, on the other hand, seemed to kick start their season a little while ago but the momentum has stalled . Jocs to win to steady the ship with the loss pushing Richmond further towards the dreaded drop zone . Finally, Uni High visit the resurgent Albert Park . The Falcons have been flying in recent weeks (as predicted) and I can't see any reason why this won't continue .

RESERVES Demons, Reds, Gryphons, JOCs, Students . SOCIAL Monash Gryphons - hold their annual trivia night on Saturday 21st July (after the Hawthorn game) at the Gryph Inn. Hosted by Heals, Dutchy and Willo, the event is scheduled to commence at 7 .30pm, with as815 entry fee . Contact Heals or Willo for more information . St . John's OC - A couple of upcoming social functions - Saturday 21st July at 7 .30pm sees the drawing of the Reserve Raffle . Tickets cost $50 for a chance to win a grand . See one of the social committee members for further information or to purchase your ticket. The following Saturday (28th July), starting at high noon, is the Golden Eagles, Sponsors and Supporters luncheon . Again, see one of your social committee for further detail or book your seat .

of colour this week with very few reports ! once again, I can be contacted via e-mail on P . :=r.PS .4VilllamsonCcentrelink (work) or psdtw5473 (home), phone on 9920 9054 or fax on 9~~30 9097. Thank you to those who have submitted reports this week, please keep up the ,-nod work . Again, we'd like to hear from as many people as possible, so please contact either myself or Ed . Ed can be contacted on 0418348723 or via ed . sill@locker. com .au.

?.ie' :. to your 7A we

t to - 'y,


- lonai Cent--,-,I - wish to congratulat e Ei_= on reaching the milestone of 50 ganlcs

Pus weekend. As one of the Cobras' younges t e-: er players to reach this figure, there should be many more games to come . Well done 13irtyi i

St . John's Old Collegians - have also had a recent wave of milestones, starting in Round 8 with Tony Ducacabino reaching 150 games . The following round, Richard Back played his 100th match, and finally, the captain, Clint ~'zll3ay, also reached his 150th game . Good work fellas! !


Ian Ltuletta I'ilmster

D3 SECTION Bent)eigh 70 St Johns 58 Albert Park 56 Hawthorn 55 Monash Gryphons 49 D3 RESERVE Fitzroy Reds 1 39 Bentleigh 2 24 Hawthorn 0 18 Monash Gryphons 1 18 Albert Park 0 17

EiSTi :: ;K 3 .5 7.12 8 .14 11 .18 (84) UHSOB 2 .3 4.5 7.7 10.10 (70) E'stern :g: Andrews 3 B .htahony 2 Curtain I Cunningham 1 Yemm 1 Walker I Brvington I D.Byrne 1 . Best : Cunningham B.Mahony Foster b ill Mtssaglia O'Connor. UHSOB: Tate 2 J.Magurie 2 Butera 2 L .Macqutre 2 Wright I Colling 1 Cle vel and I . Best: Farrelly Rose Heilner Wallace Maher J .Macquire . Umpires :A. Stubbs (R) (F) H.'. . .CHORN 5 .1 8.1 10.1 13.8 (84) E : i'L!GH 2 .2 4.6 7.9 10.9(69) Hawthorn: Lauletta 7 Broadley 2 Jackomos 2 SAvery Banfield . Best: Lauletta Carter Davies Hayes Jackomos Burke Bentleigh : Stec 3 Eyles 2 Sharp Gold Graham Clough Weber. Best: Stec Weber Seeley Effieting Gold Graham Umpires: B . McLeod, G. Rolfs (F) 3 .1 5.2 5.4 SOUTH RRELB. DISTRICTS 7.4(46) FTPZROY REDS 9 .0 16.6 22.7 28.11 (179) South Melbourne: Daly 3 Doyle 2 Hannan McDonald. Best: Hannan King Daly Powell Stepne ll Henderson. Fitzroy Reds: Roncht 8 Pidoito 8 Rebe netto 3 Rawlins 3 Jackson 2 Parsons I Cahill i Timm 1 Addicatt 1 . Best : Jackson Urbancte Drury Ronchi Pidotto Mitchell. Umpires: D. Stephens. J. Ralph (F), B . Ralph ( B), B . Stephens (G) 6.7 13.13 18 .16 24.23 (167) MONASH GRYPHONS RICHMOND CENTRAL 5.1 6.1 8.3 9.3 (57) Monssh : Rutherford N 6 Blandford 5 Kiilmister 5 Walter 4 Gilchrist T 2 Long 2. Best : Wells Rutherford N Flowerday Blandford Asbell Hetherington. Richmond: Byrnes 2 Smith 2 Dutton 2 Kelly O'Sullivan Adams. Best: Adams Deegan O'Sullivan Titley White C Cor very. Umpires: P. Woods, G . Morgan ALPART : . '. rK 5.1 8.2 14.4 17.8 (110) St .JOB 5.7 14.12 15 .13 16.14 (110) Albert :~.;.• SAllan 7 Venables 3 Storey K.Daley M.Dowdle, DiMingo Mandylarls Chambers Tsoukas . Best: Tsoukas Venab(es K .Daley B .Cunningluun SAllan Chambers. St.Johns: Hilton 8 Rydquist 2 Dagvidge Emery Horbury Jones Hartnett Kappens Best: Emery Horbury Koppens Holmes Walker Merrigan . Umpires: P. Griffiths J . Aspinall (F ). L. Harris N. Lemmon (B) RESERVES 0.2 4 .5 9.7 ELSTERNWICK 1L10 (76) UHSOB 4.8 6.10 8.12 9.18 (72) Elstesnw€ck: Devonshire 4 Currie K 3 Hankin I Byrne T 1 Creek I Stanley I . Best: Davidson Byrne Allen Devonshire Carey K Whelan. UHSOB: CavaHert 2 French 2 J.0'NeW 2 Cusick B.lebergeng I BAbrahamson 1 . Best: French J.o'Nellt Cusick Weber DeLusle Cavalieri HAWTHORN 3.2 3 .2 6.6 8 .10 (58) BEN'YY.EIGH 0.5 2.10 6.13 8 .16 (64) Hawthorn: L.Colltns A.Collins Pollock Barker A.SiIl West Williams Alexander. Best: Barker Artini Mountain Alder ponkin Lahiff Beatleigh: Withington 2 English 2 Castro Hall Pickering Fishlack. Best: Clark Dimmatine Richards Airey Lewis Wade SOUTH MELB. DISTRICTS 3.3 7.6 8 .7 9 .7(61) 4 .1 7 .2(44) FITZROY REDS 0.1 1 .1 South E3ernourae : McCauley 2 Johnson 2 Baade Kent Slade McKerrow Downing . Best : Doyie McKerrow Baade MeCAule,y Johnstone . Fitzroy Reds : Nave 2 George Kane Prior Mayznan Grant. Best: Rome Auden Box Nave Puglia Hamilton. MONASH GRYPHONS 3.2 4.4 6 .8 11 .8 (74) RICHMOND CENTRAL 1.0 5.0 6 .3 7.4(46) Monash: Leeton 2 Harrak 2 White 2 Kent Rogers Gonis Tyndall Bourbon . T. Best : Rogers Holland White Charleson Lesion Hartak . Richmond : De Frettas 3 Jacobs Jones Coomber Griffiths . Best: Phelan Berimano Waters De Freltas Munro Prentice. ALBERT PARK 2.3 7.5 7 .8 10.10 (70) St.JOH€dS 3.3 5.7 8.11 10 .13 (73) Albert Park : Parmansche 5 McKay 2 A .Dow-dle Surace Abbott Best : Parmaivsche Suraee Sutton Hogan Steward Williams, St .Johns : Hyland 3 Gales 2 Waters 2 Paterson Santoni Harris Best : Monroe Hilton Paterson Fonceca Harris Hyland.

TODAY'S MATCHE S D3 Section Bentleigh v. Elsternwick Fitzroy Reds v. Hawthorn Amateur s Monash Gryphons v. South Melbourne Districts St . Johns v . Richmond central Albert Park v. UHSOB



'"'•• A.F.C .

FI C' . ._

Coach: John Ahem Res. Coach : Steve Lawson

Coach: Ron Gordon Res. Coach : Steve Hall

1. 2.

P.Smith N .Pastras

1 2

C Sharp (C) P Morgan

1 . L . Murphy (C) 2 . A. Hankin

1 . M .Frisby 2 . A Walsh


J .Storey


A Pittito

3 . D . Fitzpatrick

3 M .Wharf

4. 5.

G. Parmansche

4 5

D Lewis (RC) M Eyles

4 . A. Tilley 5. M. Whelan

Coach : Leigh Murphy Res Cc :h: Andrew Curtain


S .Allan J . Willox


R Weber

6 . D . Brennan

7. 8.

J .Sutton C. Jackson

7 8

S Brown L Martin

7. J . McAdam 8 . S. Currie (RC)


P. Chambers



M .Phillips A . Fleming

I Jackson

10 11

A Henry D Martin (C)


L Codarin

12. N . Wigmore


G Prigg

13. P. Stankovich

14 15 16 17

C Martin P Withington P Jemmeson J Psaras

14. B. Mahony 15. M. Noonan 16. M. Burman 17. J. Ward


H Dwyer

18. A. Neil

19 20 21

S Hall R Fishlock A Graham

19. A. Peasley 20. K . Currie 21 . P. Stuchberry


S Adaway

22. M . Mussared

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

L Holmesby D Gold B Padgham J Seeley M McCulloch A Clough A Miksad R English D Fishlock M Effting D Castro L Ireson M Backman P Hutchison G Beattie L Pittito J Bounsall J Neve A Mikkelsen S Sice G Saddington A Wade I Picken P Dimattina M 0'Reilley M Clark A Stanes M Pirie L Sampson M Sidney G Richards M Unsworth

23. S. Curtain (VC) 24. A. Foster 25. B . Frankin 26. C . Mahony (VC) 27. M . Daniels 28. W. Davidson 29. S . Mahony 30. M . Nicol 31 . G. Devonshire 32. M . Hunt 33. M . Cunningham 34. M . Hosking 35. P. McNally 36. P. McDonogh 37. L . Lambert 38. B . Currie 39. P. Allen 40. S . Bacon 41 . J . Yemm 42. J. Lilikakis 43. P. Clark 44. C . Walker 45. R . Grandemange 46. S . Smith 47. S . Ritchie 48. M . Frankin 49. D . Byrne 51 . M . Purcell 52. P. Roberts 53. B . Hilton 54. S . Kirkham 57. T. Byrne


C Aitken

58 60

T Caterson F Cavanagh

It . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17.

N .Langdon B .Payne S .Fairfield B .Adamson C.Roberton D . McLellan


J . Taylor

19. 20 . 21 . 22. 24 . 25. 26 . 27. 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60. 61 . 77. 78 . 79 . 80. 81 . 82.

A .Steward M .Abbott S .Waugh S .Redpath T.Faranda J .Murray J .Sutcliffe G .Finn S .Ridout R.Buckley TGoldsmith A .Thomas S .McGuire D.'Odorico T. Murray G .Meyer-Heinrich A . D'Mingo M .Pearson L.Hogan C.Lamont J .Robilotta M .Lapsley K.Weaver S .Bolas J .Tsoukas B .Isard A .Gay D.MacKintosh W.Gauci M .Willis THouston D.McKay J . Costello N.Strang M .Williams S . Kidd D.Allan P. Kempp A . Soek S .Tot h B .Letchford S .Lawson C.Brockhouse J .Robertson A . Dee J .Sgroi B .Martyn T.Walton J .Stubbs

83. 84. 85. 86.

C.Jeffrey D.Harris G.Dale y H .Ross

23 .

The BeMMgh Club Ucensed Premises Bistro,

Gaming ATM . Ph : 9557 7938

Senior Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach: Andrew Geor_

4 J.Hamilton 5 D .Kane 6 J. Bennie 7 J .Doyle

~- Coach: Peter Tyson

Res Coach: PMcLennan 1a I . Baccini lb B


2a G 2b E

Broadley Sill

3a G


8 A .Byrne 9 C .Prior

3b A 4 E

Knott Betti o

9 . T. Hartly

10 A .Urbancic

5a S

11 B .Doyle 13 M .James


10. R . Bravington 11 . L . Missaglia

5b B 6a P

Ruzick a Avery

6b N 8a N 8b J 9 R 10 P

Tierney Moncrieff Haye s Mennie Ogl e Orchard

11 A


12 S 13 J 14a D

Banfield Povey Lauletta

14 T.Clarke 15 J .Vernal i 16 G. Clohesy 17 B .Lee 18 M .Heenan 19 P.Cook 20 T.Mitchell

21 A .Sainsbury 23 T.Jackson 25 P.Jackso n 26 A .Fennessy 27 J .Loft

7 D

28 J .Card

14b T


29 D.East 31 P.Crowe 32 A .Grant 33 S .Drury 35 A . Mackinnon 38 N .Bishop 39 A.George 40 G .Bance 41 R.Burgman 42 I .McBurnie 43 A.Marcon 44 B .Hart 46 P.Heaph y 48 V. Cahill 49 A.Puglia 50 B .Aggenbach 51 J .Rawlings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S .Addicott 54 J .Parsons 55 N.Mathews 55 L.Mayman 56 T. tvladden 57 g,pdeal e 59 R.Johnstone 60 A.Parsons 61 G .Virtue 62 N.Auden 63 G .Makdesi 64 D. Trindade 66 D. Tmms 67 R. Holderhead 68 B .Cahill 69 S .Pidotto 70 S .Dibendetto

15 M 16a C 16b D 17a D 17b R 18 P 19 J 20 S 21 P 22 A 23a J 23b M 24 J 25 M 26 D 27 R 28 D 29a M 29b P 30 K 31 L 32 P 33 S 34 R 35 J 36 M 37 D 38 B 39a S 39b D 40 B 41 A

Tyson Ree d Lahiff Zaverella Tongue Ryan an l Parke r Burke Collin s Micheal Artini Jackomoni s Zaverella Villani Lord Lackins O'Brie n Barke r McDougal Collin s McLenna n Steven s Johnston Carguil l Daou Carte r Bruns Davies Pritchard Moore Donkin

42 T


43a A 43b1 44 B 45 A 46 T 47 J 48 C 49 D 52 M 55 A

Brick Chepa Allder Burke O'Hanlo n Berry Alexander McGowan Delane y Saulle

71 P.Gunn

72 M .Dikeukos 75 W.Daniel 76 D. Curtis 80 G .Box 81 J .Horridge 84 Z .Senburgs 88 S .Greenwood 97 P.Ronchi 99 P.Diacogiogi s 116 G .Schiav o

Fitzroy Football Club Ltd ~ -

The Lord Newry Hotel Bnwm& St, F.Urcy

r s

]ST. Jc D Id = u D er

,or :'i: A F, q

Coach: Bruce Mullens Res Coach: M Hanor :k

Coach : P k4cBrearty Res Coach : K Johnston

U .H .S .O .B . Coach: Pat Mackey Res Coach: Peter Dinnic k

1 S. Bourbon 2 M. Healy

1 M Smith 2 B Holmes

1 . R . Hassain 2 . M.Ladson

1 . P. Daly 2 . M. Hannan

1 M. Wright 2 B. Ueberang

3 A. Grady

3 T O'Sullivan

3 . S.Hilton

3 . M. johnstone

3 T. Camero n

4 N . Rutherford

4 P Mijitavic

4 . S.Holmes

4 . S. Stepnell (C)

4 T. Clevelan d

5 T. Gilchrist 6 0 . Becker

5 S Shannon 6 G Bunshaw

5 . C .Horbury

7 D. Walter 8 J . Blandford g G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J . Stratford

7 P Byrnes 8 G Malcolm 10 A Swika 10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak

6 . L .O'Donnell 7 . R .Back 8 . R .Dowsett 10 . M .Courmadus 11 . S.Ham 12, P.Walker 13 . M .Jones

5 . S. King 6 . W. Rosowski

14 D. Hale

13 J Dutton 14 C Shannon

14 PSharp 15 A.Borgohna

13 . E. Henderson 14. P. Cheevers

15 A. Clarke 1 6 D. Junkeer 17 J . Hetherington

15 C Barry 16 J Birt 17 A Fawcett

16 G .Matheson 17 S.Coackayne 18 C.Emery

15 . B. Lazzaro 16. M. Thomas 17. T. Baade

18 M Zajac

19 M .Hartnett

18 . K. Johnson (RCC)

21 A Jones 22 A Flores 23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie

20 B.Rydquist 21 S.Koppens 22 A.Dragwidge 23 L .Merrigan 24 B.Ferericks

19 . L. Hall 21 T. Jacobs 22 A. Brywon 23 B. Downing 26 S. Doyle

27 C Adams

25 D.Waters

28 A. Flowers

28 A Waters 29 B Brown 30 B Gilbert 31 M Harris 33 P Bsxino 34 J Brook 35 M Albright 35 J Howell 37 G Porteous 38 M Defreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Slatter 42 C White 43 G Stobus 45 K Day 48 J Hickey 50 S Castieau 52 C Andonopoulos 53 J Cavanagh 54 E Hill 55 M Davey 56 A Titley 57 K Pardy 58 B Calleja 60 M Tapley 61 M Hutton 62 T Graham 65 A Newton 67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 75 D Hogan 78 V Kelly

26 B.Hilton 27 L .Mills 28 D.Coulon 30 R.Walker 31 N.Gates 32 G .Saher 34 M .Hancock 35 J .Sacco 37 D.Christian 38 A.Fonceca 40 A.Rudd 42 T.Ducancabino 43 M .Van Hooten 45 A.Paterson 47 J .Cotton 50 J .Jiaming 51 C.Santori 52 A.Halls 53 B.Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K.Hilton 61 D.Houlton

31 S. Herman 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N. Moojen 36 J . Macauley 37 M . Rosowski 42 G . Gaylor 46 M . Bellesini 48 M . Balshaw 49 T. Suther ;and 50 T. Hughes 53 C. Kent 55 J . Pohiner

18 C. Lovett

19 R. Coxhead 20 G . Browell 21 M . Asbell 22 B . Coxhead 23 D. Charleson 24 D. Kitchin 25 M . Killmister "26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Bourbon 29 B . Lloyd 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A . Tolongos 33 R. White 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 J . Watson 37 -: . Jenkin G. Block M . Mastromanno u M . Salaj 41 C. Archer 42 C. Carlisle 43 C. Goold 44 L. Wells 1 ~ J . Gonis 46 G. Kent T. Beslee L. Martin 9 J . Leroy D . Ratner 51 C . Lee' ton 52 B . Derr ` 3 I . Bagnall 54 a . Jones 5 P. Warren ` -- J. Foster 57 A . Corbett 3 f l . Buick 3 C . Watson W G. Campbell

7 . A. Hannan 8 . B. Luxford 9 . B. Powell 10. S. Aquilina 11 . D . Hall 12 . M. McFarlane

5 T. Fulton 6 S. Cracknel l 7 D. Zulucki 8 D . Haslett (VC ) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carric k 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N. Ros e

14 J. Ha m 15 S. Maguir e 16 J. Tate 17 S. Jackson 18 A. Hellner

19 J. Uebergang 21 S. Mill s 22 R.John s 23 P. Eltringham 24 M . Turvey 25 K. Weber 26 H. Wajszel 27 D. Clark e 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 M . Butera 31 R Dolence 32 H. Starbuck 33 A. Frenc h 35 J . Maher 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catteral l 38 A. Boyc e 39 M . Rea 40 L Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Percy 45 N. Smith 46 R. Killey 47 M . Kenned y 49 J . Oakley 50 B . Rees 51 R. Pitruzzello 52 M . Collins 53 A. Cusic 54 M .0'Reill y 55 P. Thomas 56 J . Catlin 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigde n 59 J . Barron 60 M . Hayes 61 P. Hoban 62 K. Rodgers 63 D. Parker 64 C. Ramsdal e 65 A. Buter a 66 S . Buter a 67 M . De Luis e 68 L Holmes 69 S . Frost 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B . Stanton 72 D. Kirk 73 S . Devli n 74 C. Lngto n 75 J . Maguire 77. J. Bristowe

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V"Ii a seaso has prcl hat' a ;

ki< ing seven goa' _ the I quarter 35 p With their season c at i~Ierribee, ', J , defending fro n IeFc" -, "

by 8poi : a v mar goals, ar the __-i looked set for Pearscn was a ihe c`_ jig mini ac -- ! '~ Pv1cLare i and Ba i-_l;ek were a_ : side across the line by 6

THE AruiFii"fit 1R P(7f3 TF3A( I F{? 200 7

se- -cr . "-ast `^als player, the wild man of the club , s' aSvr niarked improvement in hi s played football prior t o ~ered onto the grou : as c f _ e , :_~serves. ' Evo" started his wotball care - th e (J 15's back in 1974 rising to senior rar - en ,-,,t . Marys played A grade in the ESCFA . He was = t . Marys reserve coach 1996-97, senior coac' 1998 and coach of Swinburne Uni . in 1995, .turnirlg to St . Marys in 2000 . At 42 he still has le ability to gather possessions at case and kic' : , : le odd goal . Well done "Evo" from the conllnittee, :layer (past & present) and your friends in th e A. , C played 'r -, fo s cca has been a regula r aid cc litteeman since the club s _-id is described as a dogg:.,i, is rover and a reliable, dedicate d

Eans V . : _ . LiL•d : Gi C " ; . :ourt .,: ,r. , . - ribee Elev park v. North Brunsevick St . Marys v . Syndal Tall-14o

Bulleen Cobras v . Rupertswood c ^^ ne Universitv ~ ^€ -

cl funiasr .

:fi~,7 takes to the _ :. for this Saturday. Slatts ~ld for his E - a dedicalGd , -nlan ,no played finals football for the club in 1~ 9 and is currently the Reserves captain and committeeman. A natural with the )adies, Slatt's dedication to his teammates and club is a trait many around the club admiri . a d hich hP !to he con-atulated . - - "Rocuriy> for ea

6.8 IRS 3.5 5 .7


7 .9

:' .13

ten 0 Ruyertst 1 Bullet i-cobras North Brun !k 4 El*ham

31 2 30 0 27 26 0 25

F. Baldi v,t)I,,,,n-Co',,,u., 1 26 Papanikolou North Bruns ck 3 24 Heath E)ev Park 1 18 Car)esso liderribee 7 17 Hardir_F; V1err1't°° 0 1 5

11 .1--(78) ;. ~-. .14 (

eiosd Warrib": Lovell 3 Walsh 2 Nether 2 Turne r aranis Fuller . Best: iAyling Walsh Belker Carso n tillan. Ibsen (R) (F) 1 .2 5 .5 6 .6 6 .10 (46) 2.2 4 .3 6 .5 8.8(56) 0'._ '.~ stbaurne: J .Horsburgh 3 Gigas 2 Bauleh . Best : Jenkinson a,h Fairfield A.Horsburgh Gigas Board . Nth Brunswick morton 4, Lattouf 2 . Pizzari . Magnuson . Best: Care, Rhook , mson, Sorleto, Adams, Demorton Umpires : K . Brewer, D . D'Aitera Vinci, J. Kralevski (B) 2.0 3 .2 4.2 6.4(40 ) TALLY HO 4.8 8.15 16 .22 - 23.28(166 ) --k: Blake 2. Gerolemou . D Payne, M Payne . Smith . Best : D Blake, Gerolemou . Grant, Nelson, 'v1 Payne . Syndal - Tally Ho: 6, Thompson 5, Cache 2, Dance 2, Dix 2, J baseman 2. barn, J Riorisi, 5f Riorost, Reynolds . Best: L Hannemann, Bennett, . G Kemper, J'+toresi . Thompson . Umpires : M . Childs, T. Liiley I 'YS 10 .10 (70) n 18 .9 (117) qs: J. Dwyer 4 Theoharris 2 A . Dwyer Bernardi O'Connor Curia. Boyes Harrison Dwyer Frail Watson: €tuaertawsoa8 : Gaunt 5 .i 3 Whitehead 2 Plummer 2 Gallus 2 McDonald Sinnett Fox llaghan . Best: Gaunt Carmichael McDonald Sinnett 0'Riley Page . CmBirzs : M. Meier, G. Kennedy (F)


Alan Whitehead Badanjek Demorton Best

3 .1 8.1 11 .2 13 .7 (85) 2 .4 5.7 10 .10 11 .13 (79) Cobras: Pasinati 5 Pearson 3 Trincht . D 2 Bowen GencareW st : Trinchi D Reeves May Dail'Og11o M Pasinati MeLaren . me : Andrmopoulos 2 Higgins 2 Aiurchle 2 Carricchtolo Listo n


1 2.2 11 5.5 8 .5(53) WE -,2IBF F 9.1 10 .3 16.7 38.10 .(11B) Mt Lltyd :Ie: Hallc 4 Gardiner HoiTmann Senior Kidd. Best: Holloway Johnson Fteanedy Bullerjahn Senior Whitehead . BTcrnibee: Cartesso 7 Have 6 ack Kerr Fenton Carson Hann . Best : Ellis Carson Owens Carlesso Hovey Femon .

OLD 1XB5TI30U1?PdE ? .1 1 .2 3.3 3 .3 (21) NORTH BRUNSWICK 0.4 6 .7 7 .10 1.1 .15 (81) Old €7esthu=.une: Evans 2 .a,fesman. Best : 3+iattsson Hewitt Mesman Slattery Rivalland Sutton . North Brnnsarick: Papanikolou 3 Dimarco 2 Fox 2 Freeman Crosina Grist Pisasale . Best : Oates Grist Piecallum GiIlard S .Tancredi Pisasale 2 .1 3.4 4 .4 5 .5(35) 4 .5 6.8 13.16 15.21 ( 111 )

k: O'Brien 2. Arundel, He Short. Best: Greig, O'Brien, and, Oh, Arundel . Cray . _, - i - ty Ho : Ni Richardson 3 , ior ; 2, 5 Macfarlane 2, Schul- z . D Hallisey. Burns, Beckett, Boucher. Hannet, Psinas. Varnare s. est: ht Richardson, D Halllsev, A4uw _cfarlane . Wong . Schuling. . . ~ 10.8 (68) ati .. . 3.8(26) St E as 3 Theoharris 2 Vincent 2semberv Ryan West Rousis . Best: Perelberg tunes Webb Anthony Theaharris Ross.. R y McGrath Suraee Cerro. Best: Naylor Certo Clarke lE'alsn soon °3nGrath . "C 31 Z9S 4 .4 5.6 6 .8 7.1(. . .) Sn : Uiia., - : 1 .1 3.1 3 .4 Entices Cabras: Starrett 3 Turner 2 Baidi Dam . Best: Trinehi J Prestigiacomo Borelli Whiteman Dam Olney . swinburae: Carter 2 Merkel Kane Brewster. Best : Canfield Carter Henry Kane Gauiua Demarte.

Ef.째 -- Coach : kni 0 Asst. Coach : G. Bowen Res Co :h : Nicholas Cox 1 J . Pilipasidi s 2 T Orwin 2 S . Petty 3

4 GM~eod 4 N . Cartledge 5 M . Dall'Oglio (VC)

5 M. Starrett 6 N . Cox 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B . Hoare 10 A . Gencarelli 11 C. Borelli 12 D . Thompson 13 T. Johnson 14 G . Pemberton 15 J. Trinchi (RC) 16 D. Trinchi (DVC) 17 S . Reddish 18 R. Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 R . Pasinati 22 M. Turne r 23 J. Redfern 24 M.

25 W. Olne y 26 J . D'Angelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 N . Prestigiacomo 30 T. Pearson 31 S . McLaren 32 C . Clements 33 J. Elliott 34 M. D'Angelo (C) 35 T. Sette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsc 38 G . Brownh 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 G. Reeve s 47 S . Irvine 48 M . Soumildes 49 G. Anderton 50 D . Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 L . losifidis 54 J . Biondo 55 S. Wigney 56 S . Whiteman 57 P. McVeigh 58 A . McKinley 59 P. Triandos 60 M . Vandam 61 D . Rennie BULLEEN AUTOMOTIVE

Coach: Darren He ;v Res Coach : Grant I h 1 S FISHER




. 1. Coach : Brian Dowdy Res. C h: J Glare 1 . D .FAMMARTINO

Phone: 9852 1129 44

1 . D Johnso n


2 . P Haye s


3 . M Brebne r




4 . F Varg a 5 . G Bird 6 . M Jelen c

7. D Hendrie 8. M Cunningham 8. K Maniscalchi

10 . W.BATES 11 . J.MIZZI 12 . A .MANN 13 . R .BELL VC 14 . S .JUSTICE 15. L.WHITE 16. D .BARNETT 17. G .LEYS 18. S.MACDONALD 19. S .ROBINS 20. P.RIGONI 21 . M .HART 22 . J .MCKENZIE 23 . R .WATSON 24 . L. IACUONE 25 . C .HORSBURGH

9 . A Del Biond o 10. A Bullerjah n 11 . C Gibson 12. J Commerford 13. R Kid d 14. C Walsh 15 . D Morriso n 17 . P Beddoes 18 . M Gridley 19 . N Whitehead 20 . J Penhal e 21 . C Varg a 22. B Leek 23. B Ega n 24. J Hoffma n 25, A Delahunt


27 . N Pearce (VC C) 28 . T Crowe ) 29 . P Furlon g 31 . S Taylo r 32 . P Carolan (C ) 33. C Anderso n 35. D Callanan 36. R Di Nezza 37. D Hick s 38 . D Kennedy 39 . L Allanson 41 . P Varg a 42 . M Pereira 43 . D Hollowa y 44. N McConnel l 45. R McKenzie 47. C Lonerga n 49 . J Hoffma n 50 . A Penhale 51 . P Bastick 52 . M Wells 53 . M Leonard 54 . L Kellett 55. H Flanagan 56. D Pres t 60. T Wilson 63 . C Carstens 64 . D Smith 65 . L Proctor 66 . D Turne r 67, N Senio r J Drago T Grace J Gardiner A Burrett P Caulfiel d

B Jealou s D Cicchiello

CENTRE 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105

Coach: Da. id K Res Coach: Paul Commerford

~~~,~~~, <~w

H Gurrier-Sanders N McConnell

Coach : Craig Fox Res. Coach: , gx : i irtino I S . Wernham

2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D. Pizzari 7 D. Magnuson

8 D. Fenton 9 A . Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 P. Meri n 14 M. N ewton 15 H. Tsialtas 16 L. Demorton 17 A . Kyriazis 18 P. Sorieto 19 S . Famulari 20 R . Divita 21 M. Sorletto 22 J. Freeman 23 J. Briifa 24 M . Alliani 25 S . Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J. Heck 32 D . Newton 33 J. Rotella 34 M. Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A. Armstrong 37 D. DeMorton 38 A . Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 J. Elasmar 42 J. Papanikolou 43 J. Pag e 44 S. Grist 45 M . Pante 46 J . Polemicos 48 N . Oates 49 G. Skaf 50 B . Laoumtzes 52 P. Brine 53 S. Milroy 54 D . Bonney 55 J. THompson 56 L. Patullo 60 W. Duson 61 S . Nabbs 62 D .Perdon 65 L. Rigazzi

C :h : J f UIso n Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 . G. Robson

2. G. Flower 3 . S. Depiazua 4 . A. Nibloe 5 . S. Sutton 6 . J. Horsburgh (VC) 7 . A. Christo

8. A . Horsburgh 9. C. vilinger 10 . J . Wilson 11 . V. Mat' they 12. T. Milne 13. S. Hewitt 14. S. Mattsson 15. A. Board 16. S. Christo 17 . M . Aqualina 18 . P. King (DVC) 19 . R. Aldridge 20 . S . Cameron 21 . B . Dangerfield 22. W. Fleming 23. K.Sutton 24. L. Fairfield (C) 25. M .Stapieton 26 . P. Mesman 27 . D. Billman 28 . D. Slattery 29 . D. Horsburgh 30 . R . McMillan 31 . D Evans 32. G . Jenkinson 33. D . Bann 34. P. Stewart 35 . D. Rivalland 36 . K. Pillsbury 37 . A . Leitch 38 . B . Mattsson 39 . A . Robbins 40 . S . Leitch 41 . J. Dusting 42. S. Roberts 43. A. Runciman 44. B. Slattery 45. S .Huntington 46. J .Sportelli 47. T. Said 48 . TSCholes 49 . M . Pillsbury 50 . P. Habersatt 51 . S .Kelly 52 . T. Robinson 53 S.Phillips 54 M . Crosswell 55. M . Baulch 56. C. Galvin 57 . D. Halley 58 . M . Bavdek 59 . Adrian Lipscombe 60 . N . Aqualina

Sponsored by : ~' -'-

Coach: Ken Balmer Res. Coach : : no


2 D Fox 3 S Carmody 4 S McLauchlan

• Olivier . . .i Ž Coach : Peter R es Coach: P -rol :I Learmonth 1 . J . Harringto n

5 M Schwartz

2 . B . Boyes 3 . J . Carra 4 . N . Goldsworth y

6 S Gallus 7 W Brad 8 B Prendergast

5 . J. Dwyer 6 T Burt 7 W. Ros s

9 M Clarke 10 A O'Callaghan 11 B Moule 12 K Cardillo 13 B Sinnett 14 L Plummer 15 J McGrath 16 P Clarke 17 D Walsh 18 C Nemeth 19 M Mezzatesta 20 M McKenzie 22 K Quinn 23 M West 25 H Bradbury 26 D Zarb 27 N McMahon 28 D McDonald 32 P Sinnet 33 W Glenn 35 C Certo 36 P Henry 37 A Massaro 38 B Pettman 39 P Hastings 40 T Rotten 41 P Bowman 42 B Swann 43 D Wardley 44 M Pettman 45 D Hum 47 A Seidel 48 A Stafford 49 C O'Riley 50 K Mandouitt 51 B MacPherson 52 S Moskaljuk 53 W Gaunt 54 C Zevan 55 N Webb 56 P Fox 60 G Sexton 62 A McMahon 63 D Blenkiron 66 L Mandouitt 70 L Temming 77 M O'Callaghan

8 A. Zsember y 9 R. O'Shaughness y 10 G . Koumantataki s 11 J . Bernardi 12 S . Benson 13 A . Dwyer 14 C . Goldsworth y 15 R . Orm e 16 L . Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frai l 19 M . Maschett e 20 A. Lane 21 Q . Norto n 22 R . Allen 23 J . Hil l 24 I . Goullet 25 D . Hutchins 26 S. Ston e 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harriso n 30 P. Watson 31 D. Thomson 32 A. Web b 33 J . Watson 34 M .'(indle y 35 G. Theoharris 36 E, Evan s 37 L . Vincen t 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Millar 41 J. Brennan 42 H. Joyce 43 M . Chamberlin 45 P. Ryan 46 M . Knigh t 47 P. Rousi s 48 D . Morco m 49 G. Schembr i 50 A. Worsnop 51 T. Bergi n 52 T. Dunne 53 S. McGurgan 55 B. Perelberg 56 J . Vincent 58 B. Lewi s 59 K. McLennan 60 M . Scammell 61 N . Jackso n 62 N . Goodieson 63 P. Roseman 64 J. Ramsay 66 G. Pilikidi 67 J. O'Connor s 69 J. Handy 70 T. Brown 73 D . Doyl e 76 T. Tahos 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Fosket t A . Ballantyn e

M . Banks M . Elli s

J. Odorisio S. Reck

G . Sigley

rh: i ~.. vin

I C , ian 2 J Sheerly 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Morrison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nicholl 13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thomas 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiumani 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merkel 24 D Debattista 25 T Hourigan 26 T Liston 27 D Murphy 28 S Gray 29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Tur k 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 P! Smith 34 c Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Roberts 44 N Morgan 45 D Isli p 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Allen 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 5 O'Donnell 53 K . Dube 55 5 Gallina 56 M . Waugh 58 A Roberts 60 D Debono


C , vin Hancs# Hannemann .J 2 Bingham .l 2 Bourne S 3 Joy. M 4 Henderson.P 5 Dix. 8 ( 5 Hannett. D 6 Chasemore 6 Cotsis .J 7 Burns .A

Bennett.R Kemper. S 0 Psinas. T 0 Van Derkruk .G Rutter. J 2 i+loresi .J 2 Miller 13 Taylor.D 14 O'boyle .S



16 Boucher.B 18 Macfarlane.S 19 Glenister.M 20 HaIL C 20 Hannemann .B 20 Mackenzie] 21 Thompson .A 22 Hoare . S 23 Beckett .M 24 Macfarlane.M 25 Clark .C 25 Tillburn.S 26 Morrison .A 27 Kemper.G 28 FyBeId .P 29 Sheer .A 31 Richardson .A 32 Hannemann .L 33 Richardson .M 34 Hunter N 35 Cachia .C 37 Dance .A 38 Christiansen .tvยง 39 Hailisey 40 Leaver 40 Marks .T 41 Moresi.M 42 Findlay 43 Brown.A 44 Phaestros.J 45 Richardson.D 46 Pane .t'h 47 Wong .V 49 Schuiling .D 49 Varnavas 50 Sneddon .A 54 Sheer. P

MCDOi`3a1dS 1'-$OI"f1EsSgi(,Cl

Cc=~~,~'ilr~ 7lG s Re .r. er n :'recv 1 . A. Albakis

2. S. McNamara D . Flack L . Brow n 5 . L . Kerr 6 . S. McGrath 7 . T. Ellis 8 . K. Pace (C) 9 . C . Terzoglou 10. M . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12. M . Walsh 13. F. Mehmert 14. B . McMillan 15. J. Purton 16. P. Browning 17. S . Fuller 18. E . Collier 19. J . Addamo (VC) 20. P. Albakis 21 . R . Zulian 22. A . Dibatista 23 . C. Becker 24 . J . Crack 25 . A. Hovey 26 . P. Thomas (RC) 27 . M . Brown (DVC) 28 . D. Czajowski 29 . S . Dole 30 . B . Carlesso .Waters 32 . M . Dolegowski 33 . S. Parker 34 . S. Camilleri 35 . S. Alabacos 36 . A. Addamo 37 . J . Ayling 38 . P. Dwaes 39 . L . Langfield 40 . L . Carson 41 . G . Grogan 42 . D . Elli s 43 . E. Galizi 44 . C . Albakis 45 . J. Marinis 46. R . Han n 47. R . Portogallo 48. S. Pugliese 49. D . Lenoury 50. A . Fenton 51 . D . Turner 52. C . Andrews 53. A . Trainon 54. M . Jordan 56 B . Gibson

Ti :,

-D matche s

V1Jhenp n the ar al'

a manner that woul d

Players and off' 'EI be counted and the ~;Eobs arc is :-


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Player an McNicholas Like Browne an Thomas 51iane McDonald Jack Healy ,,?Litt Hayes Arithony Rock Josh Homarui Nick Williams fir it Christie c~c,)tt Curatolo pTul Gloury Joshua Sprague Sruart Ross 1 :mes Muzzell


Ivanhoe-Fitzroy Mentone

Player Lucas Fielding Jeff Heath Mark Teminin.g Craig Burns Rhodes Cousland Troy Legudi

Mentone Old Brighton

Sean Neeson Tim Duggan

Old Brighton

James GuIlifer Trent Hobart

Beaumauris Caulfield Gr. De La Salle Eltham

Old Camberwell Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians Old Scotch

Old Xaverians Ormond

Michael MuigretiJ Mark Faroldi Jackson Brooke Ed Wilcox Nathan Gauci

coach : Tony Miller Selectors : Ron Lippold, Glenn Scotland, Jeff Scotland, Fred Stafford T eam Manager : Ric Dakin

Club Rupertswood Rupertswood Rupertswood St.Bernards St.Bernards St.Bernards St .Bernards St .Kevins St .Kevins St .Kevins St .Kevins Therry Uni Blues Uni Blues Werribee

Ustratia Ltd (ACN 00 0 025 623)

7 Maur` lading V 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 157


A Section Old Brighton v. MHSOB St. Kevins v . Old Scotch ~iazenod v . Old Xaverians ,~.Iarcellin v. Old Trinity University Blues v . St. Bernards

B Section old Haileybury v. Old Melburnians Bcaumaris v . Ormon d old Ivanhoe v . Old Paradians North Old Boys v . De La Salle Therry Penola v. Whitefriars at EP Saturday C Section Collegians v. Hampton Rover s Caulfield Gr. v. St. Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Essendon v . Bulleen-Templestowe Glen Eira v. Old Mentonian s Prahran v. AJAX Dl Section

St . Leos Emmaus V . Old Camberwell Monash Blues v . Old Carey Banyule v . University Blacks Ivanhoe Assumption v . Aquinas Old Geelong v. Yarra Valle y D2 Section 1Rentone Amateurs v. Oakleigh Power House v. Williamstown CYMS Kew V. Salesian 0 C La Trobe University v. Parkside Peninsula 0 B v . West Brunswick

D3 Section Elsternwick v. Fitzroy Red s Monash Gryphons v . Hawthorn Amateurs game switched from original dra w South Melbourne Districts v. St . Johns Richmond Central v . Albert Park UHSOB v . Bentleigh Amateurs I)4 Sectio n Ntt. Lilydale v. Old Westbourne 1Verribee Amateurs v . Eley Park game switched from original draw

North Brunswick v. St. Marys Syndal Tally-Ho v. Bulleen Cobras Rupertswood has the bye Swinburne Uni v. Eitham Collegians

21, 2CZI I

Under-19 Section 1 Old Scotch v . Old Melburnians Old Xaverians v . University Blues St. Kevins v. Mazenod 0 C St. Bernards v. Old Brighton Marcellin v . Collegians De La Salle v. Beaumaris Under-19 Section 2 Old Haileybury v. Old Essendon Ormond v. Old Ivanhoe Old Trinity has the by e Hampton Rovers v . Werribee Amateurs Whitefriars v. Caulfield Gr. St. Leos Emmaus v. Yarra Valley at 2 .30 p .m . at St . Leos Under-19 ( 2) Blue Monash Blues v. MHSOB Oakleigh v. Mentone Amateur s South Melbourne Districts v . Glen Eira De La Salle (2) v. St . Kevins (2) Old Xaverians (2) v. AJAX at 11 .30 a .m . Under-19 (2) Red Rupertswood has the bye Old Paradians v. Old Camberwell University Blacks v . Therry Penola TBA Aquinas v . North Old Boys Bulleen-Templestowe v. Ivanhoe Fitzroy

Club 18 (1 ) Old Scotch v. Old Melburnians Brunswick v. Old Brighton Prahran Amateurs v. Therry Penola De La Salle v. St. Kevins Club 1 8 (2 ) Mazenod v . Old Xaverians Marcellin v. St. Leos Emmaus Old Trinity v. Collegians Whitefriars v. Old Geelong University Blacks v. Old Essendon TBA Monash Blues v. Old Ivanhoe

Review SECTION 1 Move over Todd MeKenney, Rachel Beek and Wayne Scott Kermond, because the new starts of 'Singing In The Rain' are down in Camberwell Messrs Watts, Jennings and Josephs . Producer Donovan 's team out-slugged, out-maneuvered and finally outplayed Mannis' 'coodabeens' Xavs . At 3/4 time, Xavs were down by 37pts and needed a few quick goals to put some scoreboard pressure on the Cardinals . Marini moved Ross into the center and finally after 10 minutes of heavy physical football, he broke clear to kick the first goal. Any thoughts of another Xav revival were quickly dismissed when McQueen broke clear and goaled. Four minutes later, McQueen tap-danced around the Xavs defenders to goal again - game over. The Director has his charges firing with another good % boosting win, lifting them above De La by just 1 .79% into 3rd position . Alas, no details supplied! Coach Davis finally got a win under his belt with St . Bernard's downing Uni Blues by 105pts. Alas, no details supplied! Marcellin had a huge % win thrusting them above Uni Blues into 7th position . Alas, no details supplied! Old Brighton defeated De La at home by 8pts in an absolute nailbiter. De La led for most of the game, but the quiet achievers kept persisting; finally hit the front before 3/4 time and never relinquished the lead. On Friday night, the Lions held an l8pt lead at 1/2 time and finally won by 17 . Best for Beauy were Kelly, Gillespie and Coote . 'DE~'ION 2

Big winning margins were again the order of the day . Old Ivanhoe continued on their winning ways, thrashing Hampton Rovers by 101 points, to remain on top of the ladder. For the winners, Curatola. booted six goals and Lynch four, while Rovers, who are now certainly out of final's calculations, were well served by Buiggiaff, who kicked four goals, Anderson and Sendeckyl . Old Trinity remains in second place after running out easy 12-goal winners against the hapless Whitefriars . Only inaccurate kicking prevented Trinity from pushing the margin beyond 100 points . Matthews kicked five goals and Pretty four for the winners, while Whitefriars best were Janson, Kennedy and Warren-Smith . Werribee strengthened their position in the five with a thumping 140-point win over St Leos, which was set up by a nine-goal first term . Five players, McGrowan, A .Russo, Jack, Kelly and Tedesco, all booted three goals for the Bees, while Carstien,

D'Amelio, Carey and Petrie battled hard for St L e o s .

Caulfield remains in -'',h ph, -,e after defeating Yana Valley by six goals . Foote was impressive up forward for Caulfield, booting five goals, while Frost and Pennycuick were other good players . Fyffe, Smith and S.Britt were solid contributors for Yarra Valley. Old Haileybury snuck back into final's contention with a hard fought 19-point win over Ormond . Kicking for goals decided the match with Ormond's effort in booting 4 .14 costing them any chance of victory. Mackenzie and Hanlon stood out for the winners, while Barker and Cove were best for Ormond . Olf -ssendon had the bye . SECTION ( ; A classic match with 8th playing 5th, saw the scores only separated by 2 straight kicks throughout the game until the end . The Blues had their chances with many missed opportunities in the 2nd quarter. They had plenty of the ball, but just could not put them through the middle sticks . This allowed Xavs to keep their noses in front, regroup at 1/2 time to come out and regain the ascendancy to run out winners by 15pts . Best for the Blues were Craven, Grace & Green and for Xavs, Carter, Francis and McColl . Oakleigh provided Ajax with a real contest! The scores show a relatively easy game, but in actual fact, it vras tough and hard . Best for Oakleigh were Rose, Bando and Evans and for Ajax best were Van Aken, Lewis and Glazer. Coach IlcKillop has his South Melbourne team finals bound with another good win against the inconsistent MHSOB . The difference between the two sides was Cheevers up forward with 7 majors . ZVIHSOB provided some stiff resistance but just could not get them through the big sticks . Mentone gave De La an absolute belting by 173pts with Atherton, McLeod and Little providing the likes of Hayes (5g) and Leifting (4g) with plenty of opportunities. For De La, best were Mardesic, Conway and Miller . Finally, Glen Eira put up a good fight against St . Kevin's, only being lg down at 1/2 time . But St. Kevin's broke the game wide open with 7g to 2g in the 3rd quarter and a further 7g to 2g in the last . Best for St. Kevin's were Makahon, Bare and McDonald . Best for Glen Eira were, Kasar and Lampos .x 2 .

SECTION (2) RE D The match of the day saw Rupertswood travel to

ne Uni and defeat the rampaging Blacks -)oints, in a most impressive performance . ras outstanding for the winners with five while Hatty, Heath and McGovern were er good players . The Blacks were well served by F. ;vnsley, Watson and Ross. Old Camberwel l ntinue to head up the ladder after thumpin g uinas by 124 points. For the winners . Tompon e ed five goals and Ryan four, while Ainger , le and M .McKenzie were best for Aquinas . Old i~d,1lians remain in second place after receiving a forfeit from Ivanhoe-Fitzroy . In the final match ; ;c,rth Old Boys moved into the four with an upset -;; in over third placed Therry Penola . Haynes, 7i[ngGVell and Davidson were NOBs' best, while r), an chipped in with four goals . Clifton, Kiernan i Fierald were best for Thersy . Bulleen-rnplestowe had the bye .

~v IN i aris host the new hit sensation, Old Scotch . Donovan should have no problems wit h ilhis one, unless the stars and under-studies ; ;ocL'.=1, Hosking and Mitchell fail to perform . Xavs Lia ._i to O .M.'s and will be hell bent on coming r_e, ~ -,with a win . No doubt the team after listening to iLe Coodabeens "Your talking to Tony" will be i n mirth and will subsequently win well . After g the double feature at Coburg Drive-In , ~` '<<_1d 3, Friday night, the St . Kevin's boys will be ,;-ijned to win and win well . With De La breathing


their necks, there is enough pressure on l to do well . St. Bernard's are now back in town like the Kangas are September bound. Old 6Aon is eyeing top spot and will therefore, no t this one slip . But beware, this Eagles team !t1 provide the upset of the round . Finally ,

oat -4 i Brown knows how important this game is . I ; i :_ refore, De La to win well.

:,i .' ,'T_s_IN 2 ,',i1fi top side Old Ivanhoe enjoying the bye, there ;rr some matches of great importance for the occupying the middle rungs on the ladder . ()I, : !_ssendon host Ormond in the match of th e d the Dons will be fired up after having th e := off. Ormond missed a great chance to sneak t1i,2 five last round when they went down to Id Haileybury and they will find this week's clas h __>ier. The Dons should prevail in a close one . I Hailey-bury travel to Yarra Valley and will b e o continue their good form . With Yarr a ggling, the visitors should record a goo d erribee tvill continue their charge with an . in at home over Whitefriars, while Caulfield d have little trouble accounting for St Leos . 1 Trinity host Hampton Rovers and should have rouble continuing their winning ways . 9 (2) BLUE sat home to the Blues in a match they shoul d airly comfortably. They should not let this one sTa _ .

slip due to the fact that Mentone may drop this game. The Swans venture down to Mentone and a win will put them right in touch with a top two finish : If Cheevers, Winton and Tskadaris can get amongst the goals and they keep the likes of Hayes, Krings and Little quiet, an upset could be in the offing . MHSOB have been very inconsistent this season and they host Oakleigh in a game I believe they can win. Oaldeigh has been putting in some very solid performances, but I have this gut feeling MHSOB - just! Glen Eira should provide the third upset of the round with a win over De La . I'm punting on the boys playing four quarters instead of two. Finally in the grudge match of the round, SKOBS host Xavs at Righetti Oval . I can't see St . Kevin's matching Xavs hardness at the ball and therefore they should win by 22pts. SECTION (2) RED The match of the round sees Rupertswood host Old Paradians. Both sides got the points last weekend although only one took to the field . Rupertswood were most impressive against the Blacks and might just knock off Old Paradians, who currently sit in second spot on the table . Old Camberwell host Uni Blacks in what should be another beauty . The home side should be just too strong and continue at the top of the table . North Old Boys should have little trouble brushing aside Bulleen-Templestowe, while Therry Penola should have a day out against Aquinas . Ivanhoe-Fitzroy have the bye .

F; ame Hosking Watts McDonnell Ferrari Cations Leaf

Gissin g Mendola J . Russo Yeo

Matthews Velardo Foote Cheevers Cooper Hayes Winters Littl e King Darby Sandiford Hanna Heath Palazzolo

Club Ls', , =C TOTAL U ; :JER 19/ 1 Old Scotch 2 37 Old Scotch 5 33 Old Xaverians 0 22 Beaumaris I 22 Old Scotch 0 21 Old Brighton 0 21 St Kevins 0 21 UNDER 19/ 2 Old Ivanhoe 0 36 Werribee 3 35 Yarra Valley 2 33 Old Trinity 5 31 Old Essendon 0 27 Caulfield 5 27 UNDER 19/2 BLUE South Melbourne 7 42 AJAX 4 40 Mentone 0 29 South Melbourne 2 25 Mentone 4 25 UNDER 19/2 RED Rupertswood 5 31 Old Camberwell 0 29 University Blacks 1 29 University Blacks 0 25 Rupertswood 1 24 Therry Penola 2 2 4

OLD SCOTCH " .1 9.2 11 .3 14S[92) OLD RASZ2LLAi:S 2.2 5.4 5.7 7.12 (54) Old Scotch; Watts 5 MacQueen 3 Hashing 2 Josephs R .-}mer Rodskt Sprague. Best Jennings Watts Mitchell Quail Freeman Josephs Old Xaverimis . Diwn 2 Ross 2 Smallwood Howard A Btddtemmbe . Best: Cato J McGrath Smith Fox Dixon Howard Umpires: J . Mclliece (R) . C . Leitch (F), E. Sandy, R Beason (B), V. Vescovi (R), P. OReIlley (G) OLD URRL9h9 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 (8) S'E IiEVIPiS 2.1 8.5 11 .7 16.17 (113) Old not receired St • not received Umpires : G . Paleatimos, L. Dillon (F), J. Fagan. N . Booth (B ) UFdIVER;;riY BLUES 2.2 4.4 5 .5 8.6 (54) 53 . BERNARDS 4.4 9.6 16 .11 20.15 (135) Um 'cm: S. Payton, K. MeNiece (F), J. Ktaaerr, A. Rechhnan (B)• C . Shipley, S. Leahy (G)

2.2 5.6 8 .9 9.15 (69) 4.0 7.1 8.3 9.7 (61 ) 3 M. Sale 2 Mead 2 Batista Maguire. Best: Goldner Mead Coffey 2 Brown Taylor Thomas 7ltdte11. Best: Quinazte Moran Woodlock Garland Un?

a Sn don. S. Scaly (F) 1.1 3 .3 3.8 5 .13 (43) 3.8 5 .9 7.11 8.12 (60) : BLclanore 2 Collins Ferrari Falking2iam . Best Kelly Gillespie Coote '--i Collins Lee Lynch.Cz ma Not Supplied. Best Not Supplied Um_ i . Bowman, C . Stevens (d, , . , ~-N2 O1D HARMURY L .2 7.2 9.3(57) ORMOND 1.5 3.10 4 .14 (38) Old ury: Jones 2 Whife 2 1 Mackenzie Shakespeare. BestMackenzie Hanlon Wright 14`a~an S :-.. Arrher. Ormond: Barker Cove McMahon Russell. Best: Cm Marttnw Wiley McKenna Clinch McMahon . Umpire: T. Foley, D. Farrell (F ) OLD IVANHOE 2.3 7.6 12.13 22.22 (154) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .2 4.2 6.4 8 .5(63) Old branhoe: Curatola 6 Lynch 4 Luxan 3 Braddy 3 Clarke 2 Baker 2 Burney I o'Byff I . Best Lynch Clarke Georgian oDyer Mertdda cwmn. Hampt on Rwers: Buigglaff 4 Anderson 1 Johnstone I Murray I Keulas 1 . Best: Anderson Sendeck)i Kullfas 169ndball Weaver Johnstone. Umpire: M . Giktay (F ) OLD TRINITY 4.5 6 .15 13.19 16 .21(117) W1U1EFY2IAR5 3.0 3.3 4.7 6.10 (46) Old Trinltr Matthews 5 Pretty 4 Butlea Cokalls Gordon Kelly Largdon Main Stebbins . Best : Matthews Pretty Taylor Gordon S Amore Stebbins . Whiteftiam: Curskt 3 Calmetta Kennedy OShea. Best: Janson Kermedy Warren-Sitllth Baker Curski Bro:.wlo. Umpire: A. Barrington M . Phillips (F7 WERRIBEE 9.4 14.7 18.14 24.22 (166) St I EOS EMMUS 1 .4 1.5 2.9 3.8 (26) Werribeew. MeGrouan 3 ARusso 3 Jack 3 Kelly 3 Tedesco 3 Lowe 2 Maraca 2 Toussaint 2 Yasar Mahony Rose . Best: McGowan Tedesco A.Russo O'Donnell Mahany KeIly. 8t. Leos Ecommus. Landy Kennedy Podbury. Best Carstten D'Ameho Carey Pottle Podbury. Varney. Umpire P. Hoffman R. Sneddon in

YARRA VALLEY 1.2 3.2 4.3 7 .6(48 CAUL6IF.LD 3.3 6.8 8.12 12 .12(, ' Yaaa Valle-r: Yeo 2 Smith 2 Gough Gfllies hiarcek . Best : Fyffe Smith S. Britt PeaK Kehce Parry. Cau}Srld: Foote 5 Trigg Gerrard Schneider Glass Roberts Sinctal Erickson Grigg. Best- Frost Pcnnycukk Grigg Nonhuay Gerrard Boehm . Umpue R. Smith A. Magglo (F)


MONASH BLUES 1.1 2.7 3.8 4.10(34 OLD EAVER&SH8 2.3 4 .5 5.6 7.7(49 Mormsh Blues: Rosengarten Grace Jondhal Little. Best Craven Grace V . Old Xaverlons: Sllk 2 DeMarta 2 Carter Bryce Dyaor eGrnRosgatShield , Best: Carter Francis McColl Cross Ralph Bdtan . Umpire: C . E~ans (F) OAELEIGH 0.1 2 .3 4.5 8.6(54 AJAX 3.2 8 .7 9.10 13.13 (91; Ookkigh• Nemlee 4 Cash 2 Rose ViSser. Best Rose Banda Eyans Cash Nerezd Stevenson. AJAX Cooper 4LeRis 3 Lsraeitsohn 3 Berger 2 Glezer Van Aken. Best Van Aken Lewis Gleza A. Goldman Peters Goklbloant. Umphv B. Bolger, A( Jenkins (R) (F) SOUTH MELB. DISTRICTS 4.0 7 .4 11.5 14.9 (93'; 1.4 2 .9 9.14 7.14 {58 ; 1411808 South Mammun Cheevers 7 Winters 2 Cooper 2 Slims Tskadaris Brown . Best Skuvsn Grundy AquflhLa L. Bell Barden Broa•n . 1d1i50B: Walker 3 Vkanderw Bruan Bowen King Best : Walker Hall Brown Vicandersa Foley Fox Umpire li Marlyn A. Shials (F) DE LA SALIE 0.0 1.0 1 .0 1 .1(!J NENTONE 11.3 16 .4 20.7 28.12 (180', De La Sall: Alder I . Best- Mardestc Conway Miller Alder Walton lxmmdes Mdntone: Hayes 5 Leitt3ng 4 Little 4 Atherton 3 Moran 3 Allan 2 Barker 2 Bfttne 2 Roci:l Mcleod I Johnstone. Best: Atherton Mcleod Little Sullivan Moran Kelly Umpire B. Nunn R. Windlma (F7 GLEN EIRA 2.3 7.6 9.8 11 .12 (78) ST.ffi:VIiiS 3.3 8.6 15.8 2211 (143) Glen Eire: Williams 4 Ahmed All 2 Fournarakis Rose Knight Kasar J .McDonald Best : Fournarakis Kasar I.Lampos L .Lampos Rose Williams . St.Ecslas Gtansfrcusa 5 Meyer 4 Stanehouse 3 Culltfer 3 Catmey 2 McDonald 2 Dk1Ui S Makahon. Best Makahon Bare Cullifer McDonald Marchesnni Walker. Umpire J Pappas K. Walker (FT

UNDER-19 (21 RED 011) PARADIANS Received forfei t IVANHOE FT171t0Y Forfeited Umpires : M. Taylor (R), C. Collins (F) UNiVERSiIYBLA{',%S 1 .6 3.7 7.7 7.8 (50) RUPERTSiPOOD 2.1 5.5 8.7 12.11 (83) University Black& DePasquale 3 Owen 2 Sandiford Fowler . Best: Rawms':) Watson Ross Mayall Fowler. • King 5 Hatty 2 Anderson Elliott Heath Potter lahna . Best Ilatty Heath McGovern, Zafna, Ramsey. Alhanis. U • A BarTo T. Jackson (F ) AQUINAS 1 .0 1.2 1 .2 23(15) OLD CAMBERWELL 7.3 11.10 16.11 20.19 (139) Aquinas : Mazzoni Mun ro. Best: Atnger Stone M.Mekenzie Gutherldge Tauab Jenkinson. Old CambrswrJ7: Tempone 5 Ryan 4 Brooks 2 Schmidt 2 Craven 2 Parkes Zemsld Lamkhia Print Lyons. Best: Schmidt Brookes Warner Link Tampone Gosshng . Umpires: P. Marbus. R Lam (F), J . Maebus (B ) TEiERRY PENOIA 1 .4 3.5 6.10 9.12 (68) 4.3 9.11 12.13 14.14 R NORTH OLD BOYS 7txnry Penata Callgarl 31'alatwllo 2 Clifton 2 Harmes Shepherd 1. Best: Cllttaa Kiernan Fteratd Shepherd CaHgari Reynolds. North Old Bops: Dean 4 Mullins 3 Barley 2 0'Connor KingThngaell Barry James I . Best Haynes, ThngneIl Da:idscii Hughes Ryan Monk Umpirea : P. Jackson, D. Whtcltosi i n


Under-19 Section 1 Beaumaris v. Old Scotch Old Melburnians v. Old Xaverians University Blues v . St . Kevins Mazenod v. St . Bernard s Old Brighton v . Mareellin Collegians v. De La Salle Under-19 Section 2 Yarra Valley v. Old Haiteybury Old Essendon v. Ormond Old Ivanhoe has the bye Old Trinity v. Hampton Rovers Werr(bee Amateurs v . Whitefriars Caulfield Or. v. St . Leos Emmaus

Under-19 (2) Blue AJAX v. Monash Blue s MHSOB v. Oakleigh at Ludstone Street, Hampton (76 J5) Mentone Amateurs v. South Melbourne Districts Glen Etta v. De La Salle ( 2) at Packer Reserve, ASuirumlaeena St . Kevins (2) v. Old Xaverians (2) Under-19 (2) Red Ivanhoe-Fitzroy has the bye Rupertswood v. Old Paradians Old Camberwell v. University Blacks Therry Penola v. Aquinas North Old Boys v. Bulleen-Templestowe

Coach: Esf .

LI - na y SS as H. McMillen (C) J. may C Beached B. Cairns (VC) A. Spence J . Falkingham t0. W. Kepy N. Deeming C. Collin' C. Tuck S. Lynch A.E- te M . B' ..- ckm;ue L F'ns D Brid tt ;,t.- .ins L Tucker am

1 B Wallard 2 K ~tckay 4 A Shink(ield 5 D Caree r

7 S Taft 8 N Unsvrorth 9 T Skarrie 10 D Vai l 11 D Fotheringham 12 R Turne r 13 A Hickey 15 N Roach 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clark 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiris 30 W Fowle r 31 N Herman 33 C Row e

T. Woc;nou3h S. Hucketi ,=. Thompson S. Coot e E. C, -,per N . Trs*al A. Coate (DVC) L . Fe ran A.';: ms S. t'-'1ieh,las (DVC)

1 J t - an 2 R Buckley 2 R Watmsley 3 J Hughes 3 T Mo',an 4 M Brasher 5 H Handley 6 FA Brown 7 P Harrison 7 A 69cLeish 8 T Wo¢dlock 9 PA Laffetty 10 A Coffey 10 A Dmble 11 J Bowden 12 C Moran 12 PA Naught n 13 J Roberts 14 J Membrey 14 C Mitchell 15 J SBnear 16 WJolley 17 D Thomas 19 S Brown 21 S Byers 21 B Ouinane 22 D Adenxcia 24 J Garland 26 D Spithil l 30 Rh Krezel 31 S Hyde 32 A Bonnici 49 D Coggins 55 S G€blett

Coach ; Brad Bar ry

1 . D . C~ckne)I 3 . N . Addison 4 . M. Mastores 5 . C . Dignan 8 . L. Considine 11 . B. Gale 13 . B. Skeen 14 . D. Coghlan 15 . T. Sheehan 18. D. Gar' mer 19. S . Birrell 20. D . Sales 22 M . Voskersensky 23. J. R 24 . J. cr~r,r el 25 . 40 . D .,,t 44 . D . Mi c an

1 . M . Fry

2. C . McKimm 3. T. AAattesti 4. A. MacGillivray 5, N . Gamble

6. L. Dale 7. C . Reddin 8 . C. McNichol 9 . J. Dooley 10.A. Morley 11 . C. Adamis 12.J . Mead 13 .N. Edwards 14 . E . hlcCovran 15 .J . Hunter 16 .J . Homann 17 .J. Walsh 18 .A. Salem 19 .P, Angelini 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 A. Hughes 23 N. Gamble 24 C. Alcock 25 D. Hartman <^6 C. Baxter 27 J . Maguire 28 N . Williams 31 G. Simm 32 A . Goldner

ES Cc,-h : Rob'

il k

D Smith E Townsing 3 E Tucker . C Burgess 5 D Woodford . S Guest 7 M !mnon C Tri m 10

N Guy B L!rks

J O'Dwyer J Richardson A Simpson A Richards 15 I Wei r 6 B Wulf 1 7 N Barrett S i:arter M Prows e 20 E Ryan 21 N Robinson '2 J Rus h ?3 N Kent D Marks organ C Walker J Jewell 31 J Mulcahy E ; by 13

1 L an 2 M Wslko 3 D 4 D Logan 5 A Catchtave 7 J Spraque 8 N Coleman 9 S Daniher 10 R Craven 11 R Josephs 12 J Rodskf 13 W Lewis 14 R Teesdale 15 S Cations 16 D Jennings 17 D Robertson 18 A Quail

19 S McQueen 20 T Hasking 21 N Costello 22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett 26 G Fordyce 27 R Davies 28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prendergast 31 F1 Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T Maloney 35 B . Keck 36 S Marash 38 M Raymer 39 M Leeds 41 M Watts 44 J Simon

Cor~~r. ( 1) ' I ny Pd ;colest Ccoah: {<) dames Fay I C.0 P 2 our N 3 N;mzh2n G 4 kcttenve C 5 NKenz~k.'.cH~g B Ca,o J 7 0'Kara M a 64dDc,,oefl J 9 ria`pt J to Fh-Cte1 D it FeY,ravL 12 Mica J 13 Not, A 14 C!v_m"P:a`aet F 15 Cr- B 16 C S 17 C ^ 18 P S 19 P 20 -•J L 21 8 iP 22 I r 23 8 24 ~ T 25 I M 26 1 o 27 28 iJ c"9 . . 30 SiJ 31 Fox A 32 ~- y M 33 I- S 34 ; 35 F q ..'8 A 37 J 39 `3"3 ht U 40 C 41 £ _ J 42 E'-nM 43 A!>- : ;aN no c-.'~L

1 . D. Elliot 2. S . Hessen 3. A. Bouzikas (C) 4. C. Burn s 5. S .lannazzo 6. A . Matthews 7. S . Monteleone 8, S . Mitchell 9. J . Smith 10. R . James 11 . S. Wheeler 12 . M. O'Donnell 13 . L. Mansfield 14 . H . T homas 15 . J. Formica 16 . C . Mitchell 17 . D. Swan 18 . D. Walsh 19 . M . Moretti 20. S. CXampbell 21 . N. Whelan 22, B . McManus 23. J . Mcka y 24. B . Calleja 25. T. Legudi 26. A . Anderson 27. L. Evans 28. L. Calleja 29 . C . Goullet 30 . C . Trewin 31 . L. O'Brien 32 . A . Smith 33 . B. Ballarin 38 N . Smith 39 C . Kevnan 40 R . Cousland 41 M . Kavanagh 42 D. Jame s 43 K. Walker

1 . A. Millar 2. C. Nicholl s 3. M . AlbetBhorpe J . Bromwich 1 5. T. Birtley 0 6. J . Sudhotz 1 7. L.Merla 8. W. Austberry 9. M. Brookshaw 10, J . Parnel l 11 . G. Fricker (VC) 12 . R . Jaco b 13 . T. Girdurood (VC) 14 . N. Rich 115. R . Hall 16. K. Alexander 17. A. Briggs 16. P. Burco 19. E. Witcox (VC) 20. J. Culley 21 . J. Brook 22. D. Hatswell 23. J . Gurner 24 . R. Holmes (VC) 25. J . Tanner 26 . A . Wilson 27 . J . Wright 28 .. L. Ryan 129 A. Cameron 30 . J . Chambers 31 . M. Robertson 32 . S. Adams 33 . E. Mathes 34. Z. Rudd 35. R . Kercheval 36. C. Walsh 37. R. Sweeney 38. A. Sheehan 39. A. Gooney, 40. A. Tymms 41 . S . Monahan

OLD TRINITY h:' R' 1 A. Sinclair 2 A. Amos 3 G. Erickson 4 T. Vnen 5 B . Gros s 6 Z. Jes s 7 P. Roberts 8 S . Tucker 9 W. Frost 10 G. Crathern 11 C . Fagan 12 J . Mellington 13 L. Browne 14 B . SCott 15 S . Jenkinson 16 J . Ampt 17 R . Linford 18 B . 0'Hoy 19 I . Glass 20 M . Trigg 21 A . Beach 22 T. Foster 23 L. Northway 24 B . Napier 25 N . Dorman 26 M . Pennycuick 27 Grigg 28 T. M .Franklin-Jones 30 A. Pelma n 31 T. Habel

33 C. Hooper 34 H. Baker 35 K. Boehm 43 A. Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 46 R. Foote 50 S. Morris

Coach : Curry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

B. Culling B. Canton J. Connelly T. Jowett K. Johnstone C . Matthouse A . Battams G. Carr

9 B . Jewett

10 M . Stafford 11 J . Almhofer 12 B . Kezilas 13 A . Fisher

14 N . Gos s 15 D. Molino 17 B . Smith 18 S . Burggraa ff 19 S . Rawlings 20 H . Kerdel 21 L Cave 22 B . Hen ry 23 C. ProbYn 24 R. Turnbal l 27 S . Weaver 28 D. Dawes 29

A. Murray

32 C. Sendeckyj 34 L. Kennedy 35 M . Davies

Coach: Mar : all Fisher 1 J Williamson 2D Ryan 3 C Obliubek

4 M Velardo 5 S De Mo rton 6 D Slater 7 L Wilson 8 L Kavanagh

9 A Frazer 10 M Flaherty 11 J Buckley 12 W Nunlist 13 A Carrozza 14 A Parker 16 M Nicolas 17 B King 18 D Flaherty 19 N Fitzpat ri ck

20 A Prowse 21 N Bertram

22 T Logan 23 C Devereux 24 J Duggan

26 B Falcke 28 S Falcke 29 T Campbell 32 B Hakim .~.4 J Marinas 35 W Higgins

aach: Marty Veal Coach : Andy

r Lynch

2 .L Pitcher (VC) 3 .V. Jayasurrya 4 .H . McLauchlan 5 .B . Crawford 6 .5 . Durki n (VC) 7 .J . Hanlon

1 1. Russell 2.S . Wheller 3.M . Wood 4.C .Hassall S.A . Clinch S.M . Luba 7.R . Wiley 8.J . Muzzell 9.J . Franklin 10.L Wells 11 .1 McMahon 12.L Breitkreuz 13.M . Mart inov 14 .D. Jowett 15 .A. Goonan 16 .D. McKenna 18 .M . Ramsay 19 .W. Cove

S. Low, 4. C. Binne y 6. S. Curatolo 7. N.Braddy 8 . T.Grieve 9 . C.Lynch 10. S.Jenkins 11 . T.Hibbs

11 . J . Glanv ille 12 .A. Fletcher 13 .A. Kozik 14 .E. Marsh 15.R. Goodbody 16.H. Brooks 17.R. Plummer 18.N. Rose 19.C, Waxma n 20.J. Wright (C) 21 .D. MacKenzie N) C 22.A. Clarke 23.6. Koetsler 25.J. Shakespeare 27.D . Swanton 28.B.Hunter 29.T. Archer 30.A. Shaw

12 . J.Baker

13 . J. Ba~ord 14 . C .Lewis 19 LMcKie 20 M.Clarke 23 I . Loughnan 25 D .Bame s 31 D .Coggan 32 W.Coleman 33 D .Neilson 34 D .Meredith 35 M.Mendolo 36 T.Finlay 44 50 53

-Stillman E . McWillia m J .O'Dea


: Paul Gregor

20 .R. Lerner

22 .B. Rayson 24 .A. Lom

22 N Gerstein 23 G Brearley

25 .R. Matter 26,T. Harvey

24 R Varney 27 A Dix 28 C Beljak 29 S Train 38 A Flanagan 41 D Wood 44 C Clarke 46 P Aftoft 61 N Kennedy 64 D Tompkins

. :a

Y 1tlL E Ca Rod Penatuna

1 . S . Muraca 2. C. Kelly

1 . S . Brosolo 2. B . Warren - Smith 3. C. Ventura 5. P. Micalleff 6. J . Morriss 7. R. Nolan 8. C. Welch 9. P. Tobin 10 . A. Hill 11 . A. Cursio 12 . M . Sowersby 13 . M. Baker 14 . J. Treyvaud 15 . T. O'Shea 17 . P. Furness 21 . M. Calavett a 22. L. McGuiness 24.. P. Weston 27 R . Hill 28. P. Poutney 29. D . Adkins 30. B . Janson

I A Middlin 2. M Norrish 3. N . Peak 4. R .Be tt 5. P Valopp i 6. D Lloyd 8. R Drew 9. B .Kehoe 10. J.Seeger 11 . Z .Web b 13 . LGillie s 14 . G .Thompson 15 . D.Smith 16 . C.Holdsworth 17 . A.Pizzey 18 . C.Beal 19 . A.Coleman

33. B . Sheets

25 . F. Pellegrin o

25. J . Purton 26. C. Andrews 27. R . Fastuca 28. T. Dean 29. L. Simmons 30. C. Mahoney 31 . B . Vandenhurk

34. A . Biviano 37. G. Kennedy 38. A . Corry

23 Hillas R Chnsbow" J{v~

~ ~~ C

27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoe, M(VC)

76 Matthew M

Coach: Tim Pratt

24. M . O'Donnell

11 Mrthen P 12 Kell T y 13 Gordon N 14 ThwaRes M 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 Amxatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Duell R 20 Oberoi S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D

44 Lancaster M 53 Plain G

Coach : Steve Lovell

4 . S. Eisenberg 5 . P. McGowan 6 . S. Kidd 7 . B. Daniels 8 . C . Jack 9 . A. Russo 10 . A. Borg 11 . J. Toussaint 12 . C . Smith 13 . D . Groulos 14 . T. Davidson 15 . M. Walsh 16 . C . Yasar 17 . A . Tedesco 18 . B. Cunningham 19 . R . Rose 20 . D . Lowe 21 . N . Gaud 22 . S . Blanco 23. J . Russo

10 Blackmore B

29 Crawford M 30 Buttery M

33.R . Mosbey 39,A . Jones 43.M. McGauran

3 . M . Bradfield

1 Peggie A 2 Hine A (C) 3 Langdon S 4 Ta or C re y S 5 Prett 6 Burgess J 7 Davies M (DVC) 8 Amiconi A 9 Jackson N

28 Condron K

55.N . Swaby 62 G. White

1 B Petrie 2 H Gyles 5 R Gale 6 P Boyd 7 P Podbury (VC) 8 A Hollands 9 T Stephens 10 N Cullen 11 P Sampson 12 P Landy 13 M D'Amelio (DVC) 14 J Montano 15 P Carey ( C) 16 A Kelly 17 H Evans 18 S Wilson 19 A Rooks 20 M McHugh 21 A Ballard (DVC)

27 .J. Noske 28 .T. Naylor 29 .B.Cromack 31 .S. Barker 33 .A. Cook 39 .M . Ferrari 50 . M .Hefieman 54 .M. Wilson 71 .R . Presser


8 T Polloc k P .R. D'Silva 10 .5 . Capro n

WHIT ;=': : Coach: itm Hills

1 . KO 'Dwye r 2. M ,Paine

I .M. Hoffmann

Coach: Dow Peters

20 . D,Seneratne

21 . J.Tompkins 22 . J. Peake 23 . T. Colle tt 24 . G .Coutts 27 . S.Savag e 29• D .Bel l 30. J.S tron g 31 . S.Urbano 32. J.Parry


Be d

37. D . Sim s 44. N .Martin

DE LA Si .-'--* (G ol d ) I -a-,b: ma'. Zuker

L Goldman J Israelsohn Z Lewsk i A Butt E Goldstone E Janover S Gutman D van Akan D Mi;ler -~ G Blwde n I F- )in J f' .aukfield J I :>m€nski D I~:_ahan D F' el L Faa<r J K?^an JoRaman J K-`er M S'° x A L,, , In G Geman d E= get P Giezer C~~r~ JI s J G, m E Rath A Goldman L Peters JuFetdma n Jt A Sacks Reae D Kra<.,nostein R £_emran G E r~"' 4v-,w A S ~e GJ .F-_ .,J erman

C: .

OAKCElGN .h: Chris Moore L. Kelly B . Rose

= L. Georgiadis 5 C . Kokkinos A . Ciavarella

Coach : Greg Buntine 1 B Hawkins 2 L Browne 3 D Hyde 4 S Meehan 5 M Miller 6 D Wood 7 D Taylor 8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailon 11 S Alder 12 R Burrows 12 B Scanlon 13 P Arbon 14 A Dimble 15 J Hughes 16 M Roberts 17 J Bowden 17 B Keinhau s 18 n Quirk 19 S R Alla 20 J Shone 21 M Beynon 22 M Conway 23 H La Fogy 23 B Reid 24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clift o n 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken 29 G Walton 42 E Sims-Lucas 57 D Jade 59 S Sharpies




Coach : John Howard

Coach : Dennis Grace 1 S . Chapman 3 J.Rosenga en (C) 4 G. Chesser] 5 R . Buckingham 6 A. Hickey 7 S. Knight 8 S. Thompson 9 P. Nevi11 10 B. Rogers 11 M. Vegter (VC) 12 R . Shears 13 M . Carey 14 Z. Wright


15 B. Hind

18 A. Shields 19 G . Gilbert 20 W. Late 22 B. Green (VC) 24 T Craven 26 B. Jondahl 29 J. Ross 30 J. Mellington 31 S. Hawkins 35 M . Sharkie 39 C. Burley 41 J. 42 S. Young 48 G. Clugstan



1 .M . Meyer 2. S . Sulliva n 3• P. Dixo n 4. G . Allan 7. T. Barr 8 . K . Littl e 9 . K . McLeo d 11 . B . Atherto n 12. M . Wilso n 13. M . Haye s 14. P. Rock e 17. S . Casacelli 19. S . Hamilton 20. P. Kring s 21 . D . Kell y 22. S . Barker 24, M . Duggan 26. A . Rock 30 . A . Pothitos 31 . C . Jamieso n 33 . R . Hami l 34 . M . Wingrav e 35 . T. Smith 36 . G . Mora n 37 . C . Johnstone 38 . R . Bitner 41 . S. Alexander 45 . R . Connard 56 . S. Rickard s

ST. : . .


Coach : (1) Manny Ntcolosl Coach: (1) Paul O'Shannaasy Coach : (2) James Fay Coach : (2) Stephen Clarke 1 Carter P Coach : Darren McKillop 1 . J. Dempsey 2 Qu inn N 2, T. Dug9an 3 Monahan3. A. G umber s 1, 4. L F ox 4 McKenzie C . M . Hick s 5 McKenzie-McHarg 56. J. Harris 6 Cato J 7. L KaEesaran 7 O 'Kane M 8. D. McDona


Coach : Shane O'Connor

M .H .S .O .D . Coach : Jerome Jackma n . Rujevic P 3. D. Beva n

4. M . Brown 5. M . Hal l B. A . Yscendese R . Symmons g, W. MacCann ~ 7. C . Kennedy 8 McDonnell J MahA . Visser ~ 9 Ralph J . M . Hu ton~Y 8 . B . Brown 1', M. McPhee 10 McColl D 9. J . Walker (C) 12 . D. Mct .ay 11 Farrow L 12 P. Malcolm 13 . S, Marwood 10. T. Couslan d 12 Dillon J ~. B. Evans 11 . M . Signal ] 15 Bore 13 Nolen A '5 D. MOUlang

8 A. Keays '3 M . Cas h ,~n D. Britt r1 J . Briggs

Z S . Johnson S . Bando ~B A. Kelly A. COX

A . HLthaway . 49 . Stevenson 9 1 3 3

C . SymOns

T. Orchard B . Hyrons J. Reynolds J. Gael D . Banks J. Nevezie (C)

S. Heslop S. Greenway

A. Bye Wills

'-~ N,

16 . K Didilis

14 Chamberlain F 15 Dixon B

. Makorion 18 .M'

29 Gill P

13. T Harper

19 . W. MacDonald 14. A . Niren s 20 . M. tamgrew 15 . T. Fraczek 22 . G. Holland

16 Grigg S 1 7 Doyle C 18 Rass S 19 Jabour P 20 Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T 23 Carmody S 24 Biddlecombe T 25 Pietryk M 26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 28 McGrath J

12. M. Bowen

za . ~. riai3~s

26, J . wwppei 27. D . Kerr "--~ ~-' -


26. P. Landy 29 . P. Fogarty 30. P. Gssing 31 . M. Courtney 32. J. Cox 33. L . Meyer 34. S. Mnche n 35. N. 0 'Hatkora n 36. T. Purcell

37. P. Cl.

30 Silk J 3 . A. ~~~y 31 Fox A 40. R. eoyse 32 McCarthy M 41 . B. Evan s 33 Buckeridge S 42. M . Stonehouse 43. M . Tactile, 34 Spillane A 35 Bushby A ~' J. ring 45. N. Watts 36 Biddlecombe A 46. C. Wilkinson 37 DeMaria J S0, J. Gull rer 51 . C. O'Shaughnessy 38 Walsh M 53 . T. Simpso n 39 Furletti D as . A. Marsh 40 Dale J 57 . M . Hins~y 42 Smith J 58 .A . Thompson 44 Gotten M 62 . K Mclnemy 49 McArdle N 65 . R . M, let 68 . J . Deacan 55 Dinardo L 69 . C . Hit lard

16. M. Neilse n 17. G . Pollard 18 . J . Saigal 19 . D . Giannakos

20. S. Fole y 21 . Dav. Fox 22 . J. Brow n 23 . J. Davi s 24 . Dan Fox 25 . C. Owe n 26 . T. Middleton

28 . 29 . 30 . 31 .

A. Uesk e D. ~scendese E. Hin d K. Hardin g

e( -t

19 ® Section C.

R ULLEERCoach: Matt Agrotis

2 R . Kio eman 5 A. Boland 6 P. McNiff 7 A. Jenkinso n 9 M. Guthridge

10 L. Mackowski 12 A . Corrigan 13 V. Hall 14 A . Hayes 15 S . Verona 17 J . See 19 D. Sinclair 20 S . Collins

21 P. Stone 22 G . Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D. Dew 25 C. Tavalli 27 C. Munro 28 J. Holly 29 B. Miller 30 J. Tappley

1" ~!

F_ : ..


Coach: John Ryan

30 31


A . Paradiso

32 J Dunne

4. 5.

0. Hil l G Taylor


18. A DeSimone 20. 22. 23. 25. 26 . 31 . 33 , 34 . 35 .

J Paraskeva M Perri D. Tsokas D Steer D. Martin (VC) T. Walters P. Gordon M T011it P. Tsokas

OLD PARADIANS 2 D Dean 3 M Lyons 4 R Hall 5 A Dean 6 A Harvey 11 S Connelly 14 S Fantone 15 L Drummond 19 A Paglia (pVC) 21 L McMahon 22 R Priest 24 G Loftus 27 D Cape 28 S Russell 29 M Keeling 34 P Gloury 39 J Zivkovic 39 S Fistric 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson (Cl 56 M Spinoso 60 D Soundly 61 C Duncan 63 S Corcoran (VC) 45 S Barbaro 76 A Smith 77 T Crotty

RUPERTSWOOD Coach : Ken Balmer 1 2 3 5 6 8 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 31

R Zahra S Page V Scerri J Ramsay B Shalders K Elliot A Jamieson M Temming

J Teller D Stafford L Becker L Fielding R Johnson P Flinn D Heywood A Carlo G Price R Hatty M Kosta P McMahon G Hewat M Assouad

E Healy

34 C Meighen 35 B Dowsett 36 37 39 40 41 44 46 47 48 50 52 54 55 *' *


Coach: Peter Hansen

D Barnwell J Bire

S. Mars h D . Florence

M. BAcGrat h 8 . R . Cont i 9. M. Bickerdike 11 . J . O'Donnell (C) 13 . R Lee 14. P Harding 16. D. Charles

OL : " Coach: Michael Sigulta s

Coach : Richard Grummett

1. 2.


NTH OLD BOYS Coach : David Zappula

J Healy M Edmonds A Butler J Hannan A Mercuri

B Ashton Robertson M Ahern N Blayney N Dykes J Simrk E Clay' o n S Sukkar B Foynes D Cummins C Grose J Kelly A Powell B Stafford G Waugh

THERRY PENOLA Coach: Tony Crotty Assist: Phil Ryan 1 FaroWi M Goodwin T 2 3 Reynolds L 4 Barron B 5 Kiernan M 6 Mullane P HarmesJ 7 OuinnL 8 9 Gleason L 10 Crotty J 11 McCarthy L 12 Serratore F 13 CombM 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Palazzolo M 18 Freckleton J 79 Green A 20 Capewell C 21 Atkinson D 22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Carroll A 26 Sheppard T 27 Thompson T 34 O'Connell S 59 Robinson T 72 Johnson S 81 Delaney D

1 S . Cook 2 T Hedgeland 3 J . Kirk 4 R . Davidso n 5 B. Kean 6 D . Burley 7 M. Cursio 8 S. Glover 9 T. Roach 10 J. McArdle 11 T Dean 12 J . Hughes 13 M . Kelly 14 N . Barry 15 T. James 16 D. McLellan 17 H . Monk 18 A. Seed 19 M . Saad 20 S . Seed 21 N. Trigwell 22 S. Bermingham 23 N . Hahn 24 S. Haynes 25 J. Mullins

UNIVERSITY B LA C K S Coach : John Bushby 1 M Ballads 2 S Bloodwort h 3 D Bongiomo 4 J Corbett 5 C Dalahunty 6 T Donava n 7 P Donelan 8 N Ebner 9 S Flood 10 P Fowler 11 J ' 12 M Grigg 13 R Hamilto n 14 W Hann a 15 D Higgin s 16 E Hind s 17 R Mansfield 18 T Mayall 19 R Moreton 20 D Oconne l 21 R Osullivan 2,2 B Owen 23 V Parkinson 24 S Prince 25 L Rawnsley 26 J Rivett 27 A Ross 28 S Rundle 29 M Sal e 30 S Sandiford (C) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R 7Scarlett 33 N Sharp 34 P Sondhu 35 M Stockfeld 36 A Torne y 37 J Walker 38 D Watso n 39 R Willis

1. 2. 5.

m. Littl e D . McQuater P. Tempone


B. Christie


B. Ryan

8. 9.

C . Morley A . Cramer

10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15.

K . derby (C ) D . Pik e G. Weickhardt T Proswe C. Munr o S . Jones Cantor B . Crave n B. Larrichia H. Hoga n A. Zemsk i D . Lin g A. Emmerson T. Sigala s J. Agatanovic M. Brook e M. Cottrel J . Cucinotta L. Enrigh t M . Gilbert A . Mohari c S . Morritt J . Pettitt D. Schmidt N . Warner T. Parkes

18 19 23 25 26 39 43 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

-FL 1 st Div. Pla

_cessary a s full


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dtofinumr e .com .au o r fax to


Offl(fo oo

P Includes weekly eh:





Q~~ °

3rz all ma


s VftF'1§.

~1~ "


Adam Alderton, Old Bri ton . bull li , 4 at, es . Todd Marshall, St. Bedes Mentone T ., i's ves). Striking, 4 matches . Rick Bannister, Therry Penola . Striking, 8 matches. Brendan Rydquist, St. Johns. Intentionally . reeklessly, or negligently making contact with a umpire . 8 matches . Richard Bananjek, Bulleen Cobras . Unduly rough play . 3 matches. *" o n Old Essendon. Striking . 2 matches . *Grant Ferguson, Old Mentonians. Disputing umpire's decision, 1 match . °J h€t otta, Albert Park . Violently pushing a player, 2 matches . $C', i . :Ca . ewr (Reserves) . interfering urith a playe r match. r, De La Salle (Under-19) . Audible ~h . Beaumaris (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches . *Ahmed matches . ` a~=---1 1p 2C, 2 v{ ^,a Results fro Werribee and Eltham charged K• : a match played on Saturday June 30th Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . Werribee 6100 (first offence over the last 3 year period) . Eltham $300 (second offence over the last 3 year peri

Jury 28 Bear ris v c ?a :dians Juhh 29 Old Scotch v Old Brighton ; ia,ns Aug 4 1=a"hitekiars v Old tdeCou; Aug 5 )A Semi-Finals Aug11 h01dEv0"Hai,°fic Ig 12 , Grand ials

Contirzued_gom page 1 0

Long trek across town for Old : endon this week to . This is the last roll tackle . . ". ;-: Bfoar : _ . of the dice for the home side as time is running out for them to make a run at Glen Eira . Believe the OEG'S are carrying a few injuries, so their depth will be tested but I believe they have it as shown by their Ressies win last week and so I'm sticking with the top side to record yet another -victory . Emotion will be out of the game this week and its back to basic football . TL ._ need to win today if they are to have any hope of seeing some finals action and it would be good for their confidence to string a couple of wins together . ' s as usual will give their all but I feel it w-iil be in ain as the Old Mentonians I fell are getting there now, they are certainly better than their results have shown and they will win today .

Going along quite nicely are t winning the games they should and getting clot to the ones above them . Prahran are under the pump a bit now with Ajax finding some form so will be pretty desperate today and the smaller ground with it's tighter confines will suit them. But they will receive no mercy from the home side who are hell bent on some firial's action this year so with that in mind I' ll go for Glen Eira . > Another top effort 10 again . Please keep it up . Don't forget the numb -s 9-553 1561 phone or fax at home, the mobile is 04')0 991 >5, or drop me an a optus . . email to b ' eoi✓

9 Sip,R) Old lburnians (S )

_--cellin (C) Prahr a Incor -Rd 1 0 MHS (,,_; (S), De La Salle (S), De La Salle (R), Old Geelong (R), Collegians (U19 )

This match is the D44 blockbuster of the round with both sides considered capable of taking out the big one at the end of the season . Bulleen would be happy to have snuck home last week and will not be taking their Sunbury opposition lightly who have now won six on the trot . The Cobras will be looking for a repeat performance from Trinchi on the wing i ' I D'Angelo around to ground to

coo n '

Rupertswood running game svhile usir : knovvledge of the Koonung Reserve advantage . in the end this knowledge prove the difference as the Cobras win an( 'r tight ; counter by 5 points . f __~_ T1 'versaty have the bye for the

P W Lrti'IpERSPIY BLACKS 11 10 OLD CflMBERWELL 11 10 n!.uIHOE ASSUMI'PIOld11 7 I3:VaOLE 11 7 tiT ].LOS EMMAUS WP 11 6 i,LDGEELONG 11 5 l:+"RRA VALLEY O B 11 5 >..,~UINAS O C 11 3 ;1r1NA.SH BLUES 11 2 ~,'D CAREY 11 0

L D For Agst % Pis 1 0 995 381 261.15 40 1 0 1042 530 196.60 40 4 0 859 679 126.51 28 4 0 570 499 114 .23 28 5 0 689 628 109.71 24 6 0 691 696 99.28 20 6 0 563 720 78.19 20 8 0 628 761 82.52 12 9 0 571 866 65 .94 8 11 0 308 1191 25 .86 0

D2 RISER4E P W L D For tr4gst % Pfs p,l1:liSIDE 11 10 1 0 873 382 228 .53 40 uI ..LLzSiS'1OWN CYMS11 10 1 0 844 442 190 .95 40 51E-'! 0 C 11 7 4 0 690 600 115 .00 28 LOWER HOUSE 11 7 4 0 618 570 108 .42 2 8 11 5 6 0 618 631 97 .94 20 ,,,-,Sr 'BRUNSWICK 11 5 6 0 509 627 81 .18 20 f_'tiTROBE UNI 11 4 7 0 609 676 90.09 16 p?,f3,EIGH AFC 11 3 8 0 353 636 55.50 12 PE':!NSULA O B 11 3 8 0 422 767 55.02 12 URS 11 1 10 0 529 916 57.75 4 P W L D Far Apt % Pi s FPI7ROY REDS 11 10 1 0 1094 392 279.08 40 ST JOHNS O C 11 10 1 0 799 541 147 .69 40 CK 11 7 4 0 787 586 134 .30 28 SOUTH MELB DIST. 11 7 4 0 690 611 112.93 28 !TH S O B 11 5 6 0 669 615 108.78 20 IONASH GRYPHONS 11 5 6 0 609 600 101 .50 20 tIENTLEIGH AFC 11 4 7 0 748 859 87 .08 16 !:IC!!YIOND CENTRAL 11 4 7 0 530 1110 47 .75 16 1 1-1PJT'HORN AMATEURS 11 3 8 0 560 788 71 .07 12 '1!IERT PARK 11 0 11 0 500 920 54 .35 0 D4 RESERVE P W SYNDAL TALLY-HO 11 11 ST MARYS 11 9 RcRRIBEE AMATEURSI1 9 '~'ORTH BRUNSWICK 11 7 BOLLEEN COBRAS 11 7 ~ :!VBURNE UN[ 11 6 P.CPERTSWOOD 11 6 'tT LILYDALE 11 4 DWESTBOURNE 11 3 HAM COLLEGIANS 11 3 r'LEY PARK AFC 11 1

L D For t38st % Pts 0 0 1007 251 401.20 44 2 0 869 479 181 .42 36 2 0 876 572 153.15 36 4 0 744 648 114.81 28 4 0 527 567 92.95 28 5 0 740 587 126 .06 24 5 0 664 616 107.79 24 7 0 461 941 48.99 16 8 0 447 691 64.69 12 8 0 469 880 53.30 12 10 0 408 1142 35 .73 4

CLUB 18 ( 1) P W L D For Agst % Pts ST FyVINS 11 10 1 0 901 445 202 .47 40 OLD *.'rLBURNIANS 11 9 2 0 712 448 158 .93 36 OLI) XAVERIAlYS 11 8 3 0 980 353 277 .62 32 DE LA St3LLE 11 8 3 0 754 615 122 .60 32 ''!D SCOTCH 11 7 4 0 721 540 133 .52 28 !«ll"IRANAFC 11 4 7 0 644 628 102 .55 16 'LLZENOD O C 11 3 8 0 457 643 71 .07 12 7-1'.LNSWICK AFC 11 3 8 0 361 983 36 .72 1 2 IERRY PENOLA OB 11 2 9 0 447 793 56 .37 8 1-1) BRIGHTON I 1 0 11 0 286 1062 26.93 0

CLUB 18 (2) P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD IVANHOE 11 10 1 0 789 410 192.44 40 COLLEGIANS 11 8 3 0 717 319 224 .76 32 MONASH BLUES 11 8 3 0 596 406 146 .80 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 11 6 5 0 450 485 92.78 24 MARCELLIN II 6 5 0 410 470 87 .23 24 OLD ESSENDON GR 11 5 6 0 551 579 95 .16 20 ST LEOS E'vIl4iAUS 11 3 8 0 425 571 74 .43 12 OLD'IRINI1Y 11 3 8 0 417 637 65 .46 12 OLD GEELONG 11 3 8 0 471 766 61 .49 12 LVHTTEFRLARS 11 2 9 0 416 896 46 .43 8 UNDER-19 SECTION I P OLD RA S OLD BRIGHTON ST KEt"INS DE LA SALLE OLD SCOTCH MARCELLIN UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD MELBURNIANS COLLEGIANS BEAUMARIS AFC MAZENOD 0 C

W L D For Agst % PYs 9 2 01327 613 216 .48 36 9 2 0 1073 552 194 .38 36 8 3 0 1261 673 187.37 32 8 3 0 1049 593 176.90 32 8 3 01189 679 175.11 32 8 3 01104 689 160.23 32 5 6 0 874 1187 73.63 20 4 7 0 736 901 81 .69 16 4 7 0 638 873 73 .08 16 2 9 0 645 1186 54.38 8 1 10 0 433 1205 35.93 4 0 11 0 305 1483 20 .57 0


L D For tlgst % Pt s 1 0 1226 604 202.98 40 3 0 928 554 167.51 32 3 0 1109 679 163.33 32 3 0 996 748 133.16 32 4 0 744 528 140.91 28 4 0 891 856 104 .09 28 5 0 708 763 92 .79 24 7 0 855 1033 82 .77 16 7 0 748 1056 70 .83 16 8 0 584 1331 43 .88 12 10 0 595 1232 48 .30 4

UNDER-19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst % Pts MENMNE £iARATEURS 1 1 11 0 0 1545 458 337 .34 4 4 11 10 1 0 1364 574 237.63 40 SOUTH MELB DIST. 11 8 3 01243 662 187.76 32 OLD XAVERIANS ( 2) 11 7 4 01083 729 148.56 28 MONASH BLUES 11 6 5 0 1082 808 133.91 24 ST KEVINS (2) 11 4 7 0 758 998 75 .95 16 OAKLEIGH 11 4 7 0 860 1381 62.27 16 DE LA SALLE (2) 11 3 8 0 674 1332 50 .60 12 MHSOB 11 2 9 0 824 1229 67 .05 8 GLEN EIRA AFC 11 0 11 0 545 1824 29 .88 0 UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD CAI~MERWELL 11 9 2 01132 507 223 .27 36 OLD PARADIANS 11 8 2 1 904 550 164 .36 34 OB 11 8 3 0 1052 645 163 .10 3 2 NORTH OLD BOYS 11 8 3 0 746 562 132 .74 32 RUPERTSWOOD 11 7 3 1 1237 525 235 .62 30 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 11 7 4 0 1183 526 224 .90 28 BULLEEN TEMP 11 4 7 0 378 1100 34 .36 16 AQUINAS O C 11 2 9 0 341 1520 22 .43 8 IVANHOE FITZROY 11 1 10 0 370 1460 25 .34 4

' 17.RSHIP I


A SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts CELLIPd 11 8 3 01114 806 138 .21 32 OLD XAVERIANS 11 7 4 0 976 889 109.79 28 4 0 915 846 108.16 28 ST EEVINS 11 7 ST BERNARDS, 11 6 4 11134 985 115.13 26 MHSOB 11 6 4 1 1013 977 103 .68 26 OLD TRINITY 11 5 6 0 866 868 99 .77 20 OLD SCOTCH 11 5 6 0 977 1016 96 .16 20 UNIVERSITY BLUES 11 4 6 1 912 1014 89 .94 18 MAZENOD O C 11 3 7 1 927 1210 76 .61 14 OLD BRIGHTON I 1 1 8 2 791 1068 74 .06 8

P W L DFor Agst % Pte D3 SECTION FTfZROY REDS 11 11 0 01559 403 386 .85 44 YGIY AFC 11 9 2 01341 751 178 .56 36 ST JOHNS 0 C 11 7 3 1 1337 1054 126 .85 30 HAWTHORN TEURS 1 1 7 4 01136 1072 105 .97 2,8 0 1154 1064 108 .46 24 MONASH GRYPHONS 11 6 5 ELSTERNWICK 11 4 7 0 860 1095 78 .54 16 SOUTR MELB DISTRICTSI 1 4 7 0 843 1177 71 .62 16 RICHMOND CENTRAL - 11 3 8 0 744 1389 53 .56 12 ALBERT PARK 11 2 8 1 938 1329 70 .58 IO UHSOB 11 1 10 0 685 1263 54 .24 4

B SECTION P W L D For Agst % P'.s 11 10 1 0 1093 529 206 .62 40 OLD IVANHOE DE LA SALLE 11 9 2 0 1279 836 152 .99 36 OLD HAILEYBURY 11 7 4 0 1029 902 114 .08 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 11 6 5 0 1028 1012 101 .58 24 OLD PARADIANS 11 5 6 0 824 882 93 .42 20 OLD MELBURNIANS 11 5 6 0 721 813 88.68 20 TI-IERRY PENOLA OB 11 4 7 0 824 983 83 .83 16 ORMOND 11 4 7 0 928 1112 83.45 16 W'HITEFRIARS 11 3 8 0 972 1109 87.65 12 BEAUMARIS AFC 11 2 9 0 710 1230 57 .72 8

D4 SECTION P W L D For Agst % Y ts SYNDAL TALLY-HO 11 11 0 01329 629 211 .29 44 BULLEE N COBRAS 11 10 1 0 1133 585 193.68 40 RUPERTSWOOD 11 7 4 0 970 729 133 .06 28 SWIIdBURP7E UYdl 11 7 4 0 909 759 119 .76 28 ELTHAM COY.LEGYAPiS11 7 4 0 862 755 114.17 28 NORTH BRUNSWICK 11 6 5 0 777 1005 77.31 24 MT LILYDALE 11 5 6 0 863 873 98 .85 20 WERRIBEE AMATEURSII 5 6 0 696 876 79.45 20 91.03 16 ST MARYS 11 4 7 0 898 986 OLD WESTBOURNE 11 3 8 0 556 860 64 .65 12 ELEY PARK AFC 11 I 10 0 520 1528 34.03 4

P W L D For Agst % Pt s C SECTION OLD ESSE Pd GR 11 10 1 01171 710 164.93 40 COLLEGIANS 11 9 2 0 1095 740 147.97 36 HAMI'TON ROVERS 11 9 2 01244 941 132.20 36 GLEN EIRA AFC 11 7 4 0 1100 982 112.02 28 ST BEDES MENT TIG 11 5 6 0 1204 1045 115,22 20 OLD MENTOR째 S 11 5 6 0 1005 1149 87.47 20 CAULFIELD GR 11 4 7 0 1049 975 107.59 16 PRAHIL4N AFC 11 3 8 0 828 1011 81 .90 12 AJAX 11 2 9 0 833 1176 70 .83 8 4 BULI .EEN TEMP 11 1 10 0 808 1608 50 .25 Dl SECTION P W L D For A gst % Pts BAAtYULE 11 9 2 0 1378 793 173 .77 36 YVANHOE ASSUMPYTON11 9 2 01131 820 137 .93 36 OLD CAMBERWELL 11 8 3 0 1140 931 122 .45 32 AQUINAS 0 C 11 6 5 0 1301 1092 119 .14 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 11 6 5 0 966 1073 90 .03 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 11 5 6 0 1100 1075 102 .33 20 OLD GEELONG II 5 6 0 993 1194 83 .17 20 YARRA VALLEY O B 11 3 8 0 794 1105 71 .86 12 OLD CAREY 11 2 9 0 891 1209 73 .70 8 MONASH BLUES 11 2 9 0 852 1254 67 .94 8 D2 SECTION P W L D For Apt % Pt s MENMNEAMATEURS11 11 0 01546 717 215.62 44 SALESIAN O C 11 9 2 01142 803 142.22 36 WILLIAMSTOW@I CYA4S11 8 3 01182 826 143.10 32 PARKSIDE 11 7 4 01041 930 111 .94 28 KEW 11 5 6 0 886 954 92.87 20 LA TROBE UNI 11 5 6 0 920 1009 91 .18 20 PENINSULA O B 11 4 7 0 845 1313 64 .36 16 OAKY.EIGH AFC 11 3 8 0 992 1201 82.60 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 11 3 8 0 766 1012 75 .69 12 POWER HOUSE I 1 0 11 0 631 1186 53 .20 0

A RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD XAVERIANS 11 11 0 01059 509 208.06 44 11 8 3 0 859 615 139.67 32 MARCELLIN OLD SCOTCH 11 8 3 0 887 638 139.03 32 UNIVERSITY BLUES 11 7 4 0 839 638 131 .50 28 ST BERNARDS 11 7 4 0 756 689 109 .72 2.9 OLD TRINITY 11 4 7 0 663 686 96 .65 16 OLD BRIGHTON 11 4 7 0 563 708 79 .52 16 ST KEVINS 11 3 8 0 647 808 80 .07 12 MAZENOD 0 C 11 3 8 0 572 947 60 .40 12 MHSOB 11 0 11 0 528 1135 46 .52 0 B RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pt s OLD YYAB.EIBURY 11 10 1 0 1064 535 198 . ORMOND 11 8 3 0 951 569 167 .14 32 OLD PARADIANS 11 8 3 0 911 620 146 .94 32 TBERRY PENOLA OB 11 6 5 0 932 594 156 .90 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 11 6 5 0 657 641 102 .50 24 DE LA SALLE 11 5 6 0 636 695 91 .51 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 11 5 6 0 639 739 86 .47 20 WHITEFRIARS 11 4 7 0 647 819 79 .00 16 OLD IVANHOE 11 2 9 0 426 808 52.72 8 BEAUMARIS AFC I 1 1 10 0 419 1289 32 .51 4 % Pts C RESERVE P W L D For Agst HAMPTON ROVERS 11 10 1 01074 528 203.41 40 OLD ESSENDON GR 11 9 2 0 897 476 188.45 36 CAULFIELD GR 11 8 3 0 850 521 163.15 32 11 7 4 0 966 537 179.89 28 COLLEGIANS ST BEDES MEN'T TIG 11 5 6 0 694 634 109.46 2G PRAHRAN AFC 11 5 6 0 641 590 108.64 21 81 .62 If OLD MENTONIANS 11 4 7 0 684 838 71 .14 If AJAX 11 4 7 0 429 603 29.25 ` BULLEEN TEMP 11 2 9 0 363 1241 36.41 1 GLEN EIRA AFC 11 1 10 0 430 1181

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