u«d to be hosting this Sunday th e lye match between the VAFA u1 (0!, Faoto .
)se friends from the Victorian Country ie. This match is a SmokeFree
Gh .?' -~ -'- match with the winning team receivin g he -ulony Cup.
a„ ~ras a long serving official of the VCFL, and in ijme forged many strong friendships with VAFA So fond were we of Brian, the VAFA deeided ,, provide the cup for the winner of all futur e h~s between the VAFA and VCFL and name it ~<<r "•luncher" . i icl,e. ar way we look at past results the VCFL --z to reign supreme over the VAFA . In seven w>>s the VCFL have now won on four occasions ; ,rhrn ou add up the total scores from the seven nCeii_lgs the VCFL has accumulated 112 .87 ump ire(i to the VAFA's 74 .85 with the average ~ C urr per match being VCFL 16 .12 to the VAFA 1u .16 .
IIuy,cver, from the Association's point of view o : iiu iing is secondary (well almost), when you realis e 01~i, the important thing is to give each body's pl : :%vrs the chance to be selected and recognised as m lite of each competition. V vL~ 1 Under 19 team meets a VAFA Under 19 team in today's curtain raiser . ;t 'c thank the clubs of the VAFA who have released xi i h pleasure players required by the selectors for iod h 's matches. These clubs recognise that in an : mrcleur competition to reward players with pre sentative selection is very important . ,,fortunately some of the players (and clubs) have oi i- n as supportive and at the time of going t o rinE may have to be ruled as ineligible for club n!<<<c?ies this weekend if they were deemed n•quired" for today's matches but who were r .lurant to make themselves available for either -4ection or to attend training sessions . It ,,: uuld be unfortunate if lack of support has to lead o a eview of the continuation of these matches . h everyone a great day and look forward t o u j - sing two close games with many excellent i lual and team performances. 1 also hope that , . :>ny club supporters journey to Elsternwick io u; ge on their club players and of course the
VAFA teams participating. A Acreman Congratulations to Adam on th e achievement of kicking his 1000th goal . Not only has Adam become a media identity of sorts he has also represented his club and the VAFA in exemplary style in these situations . The VAFA will be recognising Adam's achievements in due course . Good to hear. I received a great email from an umpire last Monday, where he noted that he understands that most complaints received by the VAFA on a Monday are negative ones that require follow up and some form of investigation or disciplining . So it was pleasant to read a report about the attitude an d conduct of the Richmond Central AFC -"I have personally not umpired a side beaten so soundly, but who still did not lose focus on the game . The team did not dispute decisions, there was no language (bad) used, not one incident occurred requiring umpire intervention and the players ran the game out until the final siren. " Richmond are to be congratulated, but also so should Monash Gryphons (although it was easier for them in that they were winning all day . Ed . note : Credit to the umpires too (Graeme Morgan/Peter Woods) . When both sides and the umpires compliment (and complement) each other so well, the game is undoubtedly the best in the world . Reminder - Victorian Football Research Collective Next Wednesday evening - Elsternwick Park 7 .30 to 9 .00 pm - attendees to advise Karen at the VAFA ( 9531 8333 )
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21 st, 2001 Price : $2 .00 Vol . 01 No. 1 3
if i d, b . .:ng as .. ad -w i home of OX, w h Black's r °cord of p ' Finals in a row, O-- Is sevenw C 'h,~ GOV . Eagles Ii ;-up was nc remembCr the one t Displaying quick skill s to one in . ie last to the sou :~rn . back : injury . ;o u confident ; . moments to idlarcellin' s
. i au agh
bobbed ' ) ac I : to secc ' i ' : with a four- 'cl i over the Tonners . °°ned its first 12 games of the seasol with a i- 3int win over . l. The Cardinal won ie of their first six matches and lost five c their past six! "We had nine k :> with about I t games experience each playing in a fmal, atmosphere so that was a positive," Scotch coac i ith said. Scotch plays SKOBS today an ( "' be without Tim H olt who is having surge n to a rip] --d tendon on his finger.
~E .se of : ~ Eagles '
'US - 'I'MSS WEEFI : OT'S MA'i"1
_.g, and t:__: o last year's ciose to relegation! . icked nine goals 3 i . ; .' : the wind s lost full-
'es got up i _~ e dying at loss for f _,. season. handv as a link
player as he consistent on use his way back into before injuring hi s got spring by tald, - ~ second term . Shortly for OX this year at ce third of his four goals
d .€c(id term red he's still sat k in the a ind . .. :the c : ked like
Xavs were about to join iv, of the ladder. - MARCELLIN could be without Dinneen, -s and Browne for tc'ay's match against a de Old Trinity due to state commitments . The i s are 1",e13% to] ; ) ut and ch, sr ger. Marcel lin coach ,-as not ideal . "There shou? oi iy L t ause matches when there is a br t1: in th e . "We work for 12 months a year and not for t games (the number of state matches this season)," Dalrymple said .
`lE past month has been a boon for A Section vjtt the return of the former Richmond and Frankstot high-marking long-kicking forward to the Ts. Matt 23, last played for OT in their Under-19 Red 199 , flag. The 190cm blond, who works with his fathe ; Keith as a plumber, said he still hopes to play AFL "To do that I must get back to enjoying my footy likE I did in 1997 . "Also I struggle with my long-distancf running and my body size could be strengthened Asked about the talk of the drafting of Gary Ablet jar Matt said : "Sometimes it is difficult to live up it your dad's. In my case I am taller (Keith is 180cm and kick further but he was ambidextrous . "M} advice to Gary Jnr would be: `You're going to gei comments but no one could ever be compared to hi dad. Just play your footy and enjoy' . Matt's focus o r footy rarely stops as in between unblocking a nlockigpesKthv . "If it's going to be a wel day dad will say : 'Start and focus on flattening your hands but if its dry use your pace and gel exhausted'!" S WEEF-- OLD SCOTCH'S
-IF THE Eagles aren't happy then Xav s could have
six in the state iuam plus Gowers, who h, , , , 1; Landriga : and game again .encounter i ; -: i ~ ISOL- " L11-
for L _- _- 25, playing in hi s from journalistic :uLto Epworth Hospil - ~ but it turned out to be a nas s: ner. as in a row the Unicor 3 stopl --game
Andrew played 299 games for the Cardinals including "about 270 senior games" . In 1999 Andrew broke his leg in a practice match and it didn't heal like he expected . He turned down an offer from coach Wayne Harmes to sit on the bench :n the last game of the year to bring up game 300 . "It seems to worry everyone else but not me," Andrew said. Last year he was assistant coach to Gary Jackson for OS reserves . Three weeks <-ay from the start of this season incumbent Bren( 3n Mason said he wouldn't be able to continu e work commitments and OS turned to Andre
anette is supportive (they have children and Eleanor) ." "I'm still enjoying the ;. " 2eally don't know about coaching next e wise and what the club wants to do ."I odelled myself on any of my coaches ." -Iiy, Brendan, who is now chairman of s, was playing coach of Daylesford at 21 its committee approached him as it wa s ung it difficult to find a coach. "Andrew has c credibility with the players," Brendan said . iplining former team-mates Andrew said : "A e guys expected me to but, as a player, a -'ng me a spray never worked" . 1991 Double Premiership 10 year ,7i . A Memorable day last Saturday revisitin g , .toric day in '91 when the club's history wa s -r!, ien . A ll involved extend our thanks to th e
tin' _ - -~s~- -_ -would like to congratulatc lu}al clubrna n ~ i, Da . :~ - : ---
l.ooas who plays his -- 0 1-7a ~ame for
fil ~ Club this Saturday . Damo has been a Reserve s , is and played in 2 Reserves Premiership Team s i i; h: ._ made a significant contribution to the Club o n u'd cll the field . Thanks Damo and well done . 0 1r T:.-ixlity - congratulates Fraser Cameron on
,ilirig his 1 50 ga me milestone last week . Fraser :, pl :yed in the Seniors and Reserves over his long , ; and has captained the Twos. This year he i s % i , c-Captain . We ll done Fraz . hi'F_S -_ B- The committee, platers and supporters ~:i_nd sincere congratulations & appreciation to ? _ Webster on reaching 20 0 great games with ,;ur club. Starting in'89 & despite absences an d inju ries, Mark's determination and dedication has
din through to reach this great milestone & join !I,- , mts of Melbourne High . Though a tad slower m; ~: 11 I'm in his heyday, Webby's tenacity is admire d ark, our most sincere congratulation s
Old Scotch 0 48 van Marcellin 6 3 8 MHSOB 2 32 St Bernards 1 30 St Bernards 2 23 A RESERVE
St Bernards 1 28 Old Scotch 0 21 Marcellin 1 17 St Kevins 0 16 Mazenod 0 16
ST. :'siS : :_RDS 2 .6 5.9 8.14 11 .16 (82) OLD BRIGHTO : : 0 .0 3.5 4 .9 8 .13 (61) St ~ ~rnar_;: Baynes 3 N Mttchell 2 McLaughlin 2 Clarke Wilkinson Harvey : McLaughlin Wilkinson Hogan J Mount D Byrne C Mitchell, cousland . Best Old Brighton : Jackson 3 Perry Gadsden Bristow Pirrie Smith. Best : Dickerson VanDenDugen Hendra Smith Paterson Barrow . Umpires: R . Love A. Damen (F) J . Kramer R. Nation (B) B. Jephson G . Robinson (G ) PRHSOB 1 .2 8.7 11 .9 16 .13 (109) 6.2 6.5 9 .10 13 .11 (89) ST. EEVINS MHSOB: Simpson 3 Saultry 2 Joseph 2 Clowes 2 Barnett 2 Cassell Fairchild Gerner Limbrick Fertzel . Best: McIntyre Simmons Fairchild H Taylor White G McCully. St. hevlus : Bowles 2 B Doliman 2 M Giansiracusa 2 O'Connor 2 Pangrazio Fraser Sadler Grinter Ferraro . Best: Sadler Caliery Byrne Lynch Fraser Gross . Umpires : S. McCarthy J . Kvins (F) N . Woods T. Dornom (B) B . Hoare C . Arnol (G) 6.2 6 .2 10.9 12.14 (86) OLD SCOTCH h7AZEtiOD 2.2 2.11 5.13 8.18 (66) Old Scotch : Crane 3 E Parthenides 2 Crowe 2 Stratos Robinson Blenheim Downing Aujard . Best : Crowe Aujard Crane Price Angus Saunders . Mazenod. Beard 3 Noble McIntyre Tucker Waldron Rvan . Best: McIntyre Tucker Sharp Meehan Quinn Parry Umpires : W. Hinton P. James (F) J . Robinson B . Dix (G) OLD XAVERTANS 6 .3 8.5 13 .7 14 .10 (94) cELLIId 2 .3 6.7 10.10 19.12 (126) : McCarthy 4 Orlando 2 A Jones 2 McDonnell 2 Woodruff Old Xa Lethlean Donati R Jones. Best: Gowers Sassi Hawkins McCarthy A McDonald Landrigan. Marceflin: Treganoaan 6 Purcell 3 Ibrahim 2 Frazer Seabury McMillan Romanin Cox Frisma Johnston Jarred . Best: Browne, Cox Treganowan Frisina Ibrahim Romanin . Umpires : J. MeNiece T. Sutdlffe (F) A . Rechtman B . Corcoran (B) V. Veseovl D . Napoli (G) OLD TRINITY 5.5 7.7 10.8 16 .11 (107) 9.7(61) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .2 7.4 9.6 Old Trinity : Frost 4 Greta, 4 Ramsden 3 Sutcllfte 2 Andrews C Phillips Reynolds. Best: Collins Frost Clarke C Philips S Kennedy Ramsden . University Blues : Wilcox 2 Sllmmon Guengerich J Hayter De Cresptgny Lowcock Callery Granger. Best : Slirnmon C Ryan Wilcox Callery Ftshley GrangecUmpim$: J . Miller G. Hunlehen (F) R. Parry S. Caple (G) ST. BERNARDS 6 .5 13.6 13.10 (88) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .2 3.6 5.8 8.11 (59) St Bernards : Allis 3 Tankey 2 Harvey 2 Legudl Davis Mount Catterall Thomas Osborne . Best: Tankey Osbourne Capes Davis Meehan Simpson . Old Brighton : not received 6 .7(43) ASHSOB 3 .1 4.4 4 .6 ST 1CLEVIItiS 1 .3 5.4 8 .5 11 .11 (77) MHSOB : Robinson 2 Cookman Feferkranz Hawkins McGrath . Best; Hawkins Webster CookTnan Rodder Hawkes Norton . St Kevins : O'Connor 3 RMagulre 2 Curtis 2 Chambers McGuiness Natale D.Sheehy. Best: Horrocks Chapman Hicks Harper D.Sheehy Shelley. 6.1 10 .5 17 .11 22 .13 (145) OLD SCOTCH MAZENOD 3.2 7 .3 7.4 7.7 (49) Old Scotch : Brooke 9 Oliver 3 D . Thomas 2 Ratcliffe 2,4iIles 2 Hooper I Pattenden I Stevens I Beaurepaire I . Best : Brooke upshot Lillingston D.Thomas Leill Hooper. Mazenod: Ballenger 2 Nisbet 2 Fisher 2 Strawhorn 1 . Best: Pollard Rice Fisher Wallace Grant Smith . 7 .8(50) RYARCELLBV 2 .1 4 .3 4.5 7 .6(48) 5 .2 5 .4 7.4 OLD XAVERIANS Marcellin: Leffanue 2 Cull Galati Cope Duncan Dineen . Best: Cull : Freer 2 Meehan .O'Fl}nn Duncan. Old Xuaveri®ns Gleeson Taylor Galati S 2 Mitchell Cullman R. Dillon . Best: Hall A.WILson Scanlan Walsh Drake Hannebery. OLD TFUNITY 2 .0 5.1 7 .1 11 .2 (66) 5 .8(38) UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .2 1.5 4 .8 Old Trinity: Cornell 4 A Boyd 2 Pawsey 2 Cameron Cade Natoli . Best : Htllas Carter-Buszard Parkin Shaughnessy Pawsey Cameron .University Blues: Chamberlain 3 Beltrame McConnell. Best: McIntyre Anderson McConnell. Chivers Larkin Meacoon.
T€ A Secti c
Old Brighton v . MHSOB St . Kevins v . Old Scotch Mazenod v. Old Xaverians Marce ll in v. Old Trinity University Blues v . St. Bernards
Coach : Sirno~ Dalrymple Res. Coach: eater Randal l
Coach : L r' , Sculos Res. Coach : levy Blythrnan
Coach : David : una~ Reserve : Tony Collino 1 C . Harrison
Coe :h : Andrew a; :h : D~ T; , >ing Res . Coach: ssisL 1 J Bamert (DVC) : Justin Clarkson Gary Ja 2 S McCull y 2 A. Quin n Res. Coach : Richard Obee 1 A Nettleton D . Waters 3 1 Grgic 2 B Phillip s 3 A . McIntyre 1 A. Kryzwnia k 4 C Eabry G . Romani n 4 A . Hanley (C) 2 A. Pirrie 3 C Hoskin, 5 P Sherry 4 T Holt 5. M . Moran 5 M. Quir k 3 C. Barrow (VC) 5 N Orchard 5 R Price 6 . D . Sampimon 6 J. Bayiord 4 A . MacGillvray 6 R Joseph 6 A Crow 7 S . Morgan 7. N . Godwi n 7 J Pertzel (C) 5 N . Perry 7 J Kitchen 7 A Angu s 8 D. Lancaster 6 R. Stewart 8. R. Frisin a 8 C Reid 8 J Garner 9 S. Nobl e 7 C. Brew 9 . D . Ballantine 9 R Aujard 8 C Wrigh t 10 M.O'Hara 8 M . Gadsde n 10 . C . Purcel l 9 D Fairchild (VC) 10 J Kerr 11 T. Smith (RC) 9 S. Lennox (VC) . D . Taylor (RC) 9 M Clowe s 11 M Angus 11 D. Hos 11 L e . Adamis 10 D Skinner 12 S Crow 12 . B . Cronin 12 M . Murray 11 A . Fitzgerald 10 D Norton 13 N Hoope r 13. S . Dinnee n 11 K Krio s 13 P. Gooden 12 B . Williams 14 E Parthenide ; 4. R . McMaho n 12 A Simpso n 14 N. Meehan 13 R . Kent 15 M O'Brien 15 . M . Chun 12 M Feierkranz 15 N . Parry 14 S . Williams (C) 16 A Speed 13 J Gregson 16 . L. McMilla n 16 J. Kavanagh 15 D. Tymms (VC) 17 D Thomas 13 C Kelly 7. G. Cox (VC) 17 J . Beard 16 G. Earl 14 L Simpson 18 L Hawkins 8 . D . Gartne r 18 T 17 A 19 C . Smith 15 Z Holden . O'Donoghue (VC) . Van Den Dunga n 19 . D. Cooper 16 F Davis 19 S . McMulli n 18 M . Jackson (VC) 20 S Lillingston 17 M Clowes 20 C . Murray 19 S . Gadsde n 21 J Stratos 20. S . O'Flynn 18 R Limbrick 22 N Addison 20 T. Castricum 20 M . L . Smith 21 . N . Walker 18 A David 23 0 Cran e 21 S . Polan 21 T. Ewen 22 . D. Marson 19 R Ware 24 C Pattenden 22 D. Ryan (DVC) 22 N . Biggin 23 . P. Gleeson 20 J Wilson 25 L Murphy 23 A.Tucke r 20 D Nichols 23 N. Milat 24. L. O'Flynn 26 T Downing 21 R Patterson 24 D . Nisbet 24 M .J . Smith 25. R . Galati 27 J Pilkington 22 D Armstrong 25 D. Masskell 25 S . Nickas 26 . N. Armstrong 22 A Svirskis 28 B Robinson 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 26 B. Stoneham 27 . D. Theisz 23 C Harvie 29 M Gnatt 27 D . Krom 27 D. Paterson 23 I Taylor 30 T. Finocchiar o 28. D. Johnston 28 P. Nelson 28 J . Bradley 24 D Stynes 31 C Ratcliffe 29. P. Smit h 24 A Clark 29 R. Sharp 29 J . Dickerson 33 J McCarroll 30 . A. Treganowan (C) 25 H Taylor 30 S . Fisher 30 A. McLaughlin 34 E Oliver 31 . S . Yee 25 J Jackman 31 N . Snart 31 A. Bristow 35 P O'Connor 26 A Askew 2. M . Brown e 32 P. Vlne 32 D. Begley 36 S Prendergast 27 S Dods 33 . G . Cull 33 D . Gran t 33 W. Carter 37 M Parthenides 28 S Rodder 34 . D. Jarred 34 M 34 J . Pollard (RVC) . White 38 R Ashton 29 G McCully 30 R . Newton 35 R . Hawkins 35 C. Stewart 39 C Stevens 35. J . Frazer 31 J Davi s 36 D . Carter 36 B . Pollock 40 A Warner 6. D . Cope 32 A Cassell (VC) 41 M Lipshut 37 L . Morgan 37 B . McMahon 37. D . Moran 32 A Keys 42 J Ross 38 D. Linden 38 J. Raj u 38 . M . O'Sullivan 33 A Saultry 43 N Leitl 39 G. Kalber 39 K. Kavanagh 33 S Harriso n 39 . B . Colville 44 C Evans 41 J . Murchie 34 E Thompson (VC) 40 S. Ryan 40. M.Leffanue 45 M Blenheim 34 S Konstanty 41 A. McDowell 42 C . Mlzz i 41 . J . Seabury 46 J Beaurepaire 35 A Mills 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 R . Carter 42 . B . Dinneen 47 T Barenger 35 A Barge 42 C. Adams 44 R. Sherman 48 S Mile s 43. A . Duncan 36 M White 43 A . Pers i 45 A. Mandylaris 36 S Bennett 49 R Mullens 44. A. Wilkinson (RVC) 44 R 46 M . Mosbauer . Billionis 37 R McIntyre 50 D Richardson 44 L. Hanse n 45 P. Ric e 47 D . Wilson 37 M Tin g 51 M Saunders 45 . D . Theisz 38 S Robinson 46 B . Waldron 48 A . Boxer 52 M Davison 46. J . Wilkins 40 D Membrey 47 A. McDowell 49 A. Ginnavin 53 C Joyc e 40 W Hayes 47. D . Ryan 48 G . Tilling 51 M . Fisher 54 N Simon 41 D Simmons 48 . A. Gallagher 49 L. Haley (RVC) 53 D . Strachan 55 G Sarkozy 42 B Cookman 49. D. Coutts 50 D . Carte r 54 A. Liptrot 57 J Crane 43 J Burke 52 N . Nussbaum 55 M . Gamble 58 C Adam 50. A . Ryder 44 M Hawkes 59 D Brooke 45 M Webster 53 A. Strawhorn 57 M . Moon 51 . M. Maguire 46 A O'Brien 54 J. Persi 58 B . Scott 60 T Wigney 52 . J . Mathews 47 L Hawkins 61 D Leeds 61 A. Walsh 53. C. Mathews 48 B Jeffrey 62 E Sladen 62 A. Lynch 49 C Pricop 54. R . McMahon 63 S Tresise 63 S . Davies 50 S Osborne 55 . J. Walli s 64 L North 64 M .Reid 51 J Newton 56 . B . Norden 65 C Armstrong 52 B McGrath Sponsored by : 66 H Thomas 57. M . Van Lint 53 C Clowes Sires itileaswea r 68 B Collins 59. J. Ibrahim 55 N Adcock W.G . Miles & Co Pty Ltd 56 T Wright 77 S Grigg Real Eastate - Ivanhoe 57 A Tan g 58 M Cotter Spectrum Assuranc e G roup 59 L Jones Regency Pharmacy Zitech Compute r Pe ri pherals C. Slattery 2 . A . Caffry
, .:JsnG(RC ) iolds L w;mith J ~ , ,rrows D ~;'ison M
n Der Venne T
a zoneri M ,on B is C s A(VC) : .ndt D -ucnnessy M S nNA J 'M ns T S C . Id G(VC) cia J L G r-Buszard L lips C ! t: R ; ;rn ;tdy L 1e-Johns G sn A P on F(ftVC) )n D T, r I gM ?r C c_ni S '-II J D
is p
M yM cliffe j Der Venne S rane A _,s R(C ) ~nnopoulos T 1-r a d'r ; S ,rd b rr ~9e p ar ahBA i :'=' .31) G rpeth T =_r S tens A iC - nis J Cc ; moo B . .us J dG st E oi A i e T (RVC) C~ tianOlo D ro J nna A = rrows R ? ,oli P
sA ~sholm M '-' i .ad : :etl C
~y yy
5 A. McDonald 6 D . Donati
5 . Joe Mount (DVC) 6 . J. McKay
7 S Lethlean (VC) 8 P McDonald 9 J Hawkins 10 S Mitchell 11 Ad Jones 12 J Bowen 13 C Ellis 14 On Stoney 15 L Ford 16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson
7 . S. Clarke 8, J. Evans 9 . B. Jordan ( DVC) 10. N . Mitchell (VC) 10. L . Campbell ( R) 11 . P. Capes 12. B . Hogan 13. C . Mitchell 14. A . Thomas 15. T Wilkinson 16. L. Turnbull 16. P. Capes (R) 17. L. O'Sulliva n 18 . D. McLaughlin 19 . L. Gallant (C) 20 . S . Broadbent 21 • B. Loughlin 22 . M . O'Riley 23 . A. Mastropasqua 24 . P. Harvey 25 . C . Osborne 26 . J. Gallant 27 . A. Nathan (RC) 28 . D . Croker 29. C . Trewin 30. James Mount 31 . A . Maggiore 32. T. Harvey 33. B . Allis 34. D . Byrne 35. P. Rahill 36. R. Le ud i g 37. A. Catterall 38. J . Simpson 39. N. Smith 40 . D. Thomas 41 . B. Overman 42 . M . Stapleton 43 . C . Davis 44 . S. Taylor 45 . M. Tankey 46 . L . Wilkinson 47 . R . Pizzichetta 48 . S . Burgyn 49, S . Borg 50. M . Polatajko 51 . P. Romanin 53. JP Kavanagh 54. T. Carric k 55. J . C ttarelli 56. C. Bond 58. D. Dugina 60. A. Woolley 61 . M . Dowling 62 . P. Holland 63 . R. Brown 66 . A. Garvey
18 S Tucker
Coach :'itm O Sh-. . :7hnessy Coach : Gar ry Fout : Res. Coq i : Chris Res . Coach : David Law mortensen 1 . D. Baynes 1 M Blood (C) 2. L. Meehan 2 D Orlando 3. J . Podsiadly 3 L Hannebery 4. S. McKeon 4 D Landrigan
19 An Jones 20 M Hardman 21 A Pa rton 22 M Rush 23 R Coughlan 24 B Coughlan (VC) 25 J Lang 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Cranage 29 D Galbally 30 T Clarke 31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi (VC) 34 R Jones 35 J Dalton 36 A Keyhoe 37 T Freer 38 R Hall 39 M Meehan 40 S. Mullane 41 A Dillon 42 N Ireland 43T Woodruff (VC) 44 B Hilbert 45 J Scanlan 46 M Callinan 47 J Kay 48 R Carey 49 R Dillon 50 M McCa rt hy 51 D Walsh 52 B Calman 53 H . Davies 54 A . Gower s 55 J . Healy y 58 M Green 59 S. Johnston 60 J. McDonnell 61 A Oswald 63 B . Per ry 66 A Wilson
Cc :ch : Lt ; Adamso n 6 :s. Coach : Terry Benai m
Coach: Mike €Acr.; :nur-A len Res. Coach : i~i ck!'•n u 1 A . Callery 2 S .Lowerson 3 D . Curtis 4 P. Greenhorn 5 M . Dolman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dolman 9 J. Gianslracusa 10 N. Fraser 11 J. Pangr azio
1 D Slimmo n 2 T Hutchins 3 J Sturrock 4 D Guengeric h 5 Q Gleason 6 S Longley
7 D Hayte r 8 J Hayte r 9 S Mead e 10 A Davi s 11 L No rt h 12 G McLachla n 13 P Stockdal e e 14 C Ro dhous Y 15 L Ryan 16 C Stewa rt 17 G de Crespt 9ne Y 18 A McEwi n 19 A Lowcock 20 C Ryan 2 2 T McIntyr e
12 R. Diluter 13 R. Bowle s 14 L. Mahoney 15 M . Olive 15 S. Fredericks 16 B. Ga rv ey 17 S. Dawes 18 A. Ferraro
19 D . Sheehy 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 B. Quir k 24 S. Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargano 30 P. Gissing 31 A. McGuinness 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 J . Chambers 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E. Sullivan 37 M . Dwyer 38 J. Bateman 39 S. G ribbl e 42 T. McCann 4 3 P. Bare 44 R . Sheehy 45 D . Weight 47 M. Chapman 48 L. Harper 49 P Cleary 50 P. Cameron 52 J . Finch 54 S . Gam e 55 E . Cohen 56 M . Pan9razio 58 J . Ferrari 59 A. Ra tt le 60 A. Greenhalg 61 J. Lynch 62 B. Shelley 63 B. Hicks
23 T Wilco x 24 S Russel l 25 A Belly 26 M Vasey 27 R Wilki e s 28 M Thoma Coulloupa s 29 J 3 0 M Colema n 31 J Quil l 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishle y 35 A Baker 36 T McKinle y 37 L Grange r 38 A Wilso n 39 T Gray 40 C Brookes 41 R Crawford 42 S McConnell 43 A Camero n 44 R Featherston 45 J Armstrong 46 M McKerro w 47 R McKerrow 48 T Morga n 49 L Chamberlai n 50 H Nation 51 A Brown 52 A Terrill 558 3 R Versteege n 54 C Beltram e 55 T Anderso n 56 T Birk s 57 T Irvin e 58 A Larki n 59 L Fehrin g 60 A Suvultos 61 B Colema n 62 L 8arric k 63 R Kelliher 64 S Kaso 65 E Roydhouse 66 B Gates 67 D McAloo n 68 B Treloar 69 A Coo k 70 P Buss e 71 T McGrath 72 S Lansdel l 73 J Brooke 74 J Chivers 75 L Quin 76 W Temple-Smit h
64 J. O'Brien B 68 S. Moylan 69 P. Natale 72 M. Rigby 73 P. Byrne 76 M. O'Shea 77 G. Picktord 79 G. O'Connor 80 D . Dunn 82 R . Harrocks 84 C . Noseda 86 A. Nowell
622 Mt . Alexander R d . Moonee Ponds
9326 1799
78 M Dowdl e 79 A Duncan
Probably the greatest upset for 2001 in the entire VAFA competition took piace last week, with the seemzzrglY Ivanhoe going down to Ormond, giving invincible old bookies the biggest result in decades . ~llef' he When Michael Jackson wrote his son g last week in mind, with 2 results going obviously had down to the wire . Review ld ~r staved off a brave Third placed O ~t~_~ to last by just 3 pts . There was very little in the game an day with 20 pis at 1/2 time being the . Best players for OH were Armstrong , biggest margin were Phan and the Graves and Ross . Whitefrlars bes t brothers Pa I. blasted to a 33 pt lead at 1/4 time 01 agaimt ,,, --, and that was the end of the game, as they held the visitors at bay for the remainders of, the` day to win by 48 pts . Mulligan went ape dropping ' supported by Treloar and Guest . 8 goals, and was wellserved by Jury, Ensor and Bryce . Beaumaris were well Well, what can one say? One of the biggest upsets since Ajax (the horse) going under in the 1930s occurred at than the mighty E . E. Gunnd where Ormon none other got home by I pt against C als, as a 7 goal to 3 last qtr 3/4 time didn't faze the l oc . Courtney, WiLson and McConVill stood up p~ indicates g the winners and Tully, Corcoran and Young no f r contributors o pamdlaw when they met Nfl at It was d' day for old Br Gan~s residence, as a loss would have mean t heOPs e victor by curtains for 2001 . However, aaz7dpmav y into the four . . meant that they live again Youngster Reiner (4 goals) played well in his first game Best for and was helped out by Heffernan and Stevens . . NOBs were the 3 C's - Collison, Casboult and Collins Th travelled to Malvern to tackle 2nd placed Finally, De La saUe and gave a very spirited performance for the qtrs before succumbing to the relentless running of y last term b hosts, and being beaten by 14 pts . A 7 ao,1 kin DLS got them over the line . 'Dad' l~~hriso oli, DLS, T~hey and S~vift led the ~ rformers for T`trerry. ills and Elliott were fine I~ e
is one of o n off again, and }c they .vere on . w nen one combines ~' that with the hom e pH one mu_-;L = n ~ 12 ground advantage } but the luck must end scwn . Still, OH The trip down beachside today for i ~ .7) r r be a little easier this w~eek, as confide . Jim Du agauIsc a hapless (i l/2) surely he gathering the whole suburb dc 1 tn ' Reserve this Thursday, as a communal prayer is I in the hope that a miracle occurs ~ be hell bent n avoided . ~Sean~~e, Ian JaclQna refocusing his players' concentration after the di ~l ~t~f : orgy of THAT win . Unfortunately, the be in vain, as God will be resting â&#x20AC;˘ Ormond will march on by 28 pis Well, ~von't this be interesting. .A re focu ed (3/ 1) rnake the short trip to Chels4vorth 1 old Ivanhop (2J0) to tackle a stunned Will have been scratching d1 ~ehge Pine lodge and a tou&week about the one that got away,. Matt Ryan turn the track might be on the cards fortunes around with a rousing win last week, as tl ,vent from chumps to champs again . The Green Purples should be heading off to Mass thisVery week to p l will be- a s o' get a lookYmachin ~tyeÂŤ~11 theye be, that the OPs y Rebound day for 01 as they wallop the,, guests b
Preview Having been stung by last week's bolters, the once foolproof confidence is now a tad ~ travel beasts The locals at McKinnon can par k (11B) play host to HRqbury away this week, as Old . Mick Dwyer ,vould have ~ (9/2) old brought himself a tat`slotto ticket last week, as he has essive produced 2`get out of jail free cards in succ weeks . Erwin Leyden and the heels of 4th spot . Ol'ri's present, and are nippinb
pis. Yet another intriguing contest greets us in Bill' it's the 5th placed NOBs (2 / 1) who heat up the t sausage rolls for the visitors in Frank Dunell would not be a happy cal,_ charges gave away a golden opl~rtu m t in the four. Paul Cooper and his up a s along motoring nicely at present, but he knosvs ? ~ is a,,rery even competition and on any given 2 e n~ beaten. i11 be the one standing to risl rlaving a beer on my own, as rill goin g here, go out on a limb, and make this my roughie = round as I think the home ground adtrantage '~IIUI co . DL S will to the fore. That's right, you read it correctlyv beat them by 41 down the gurgler today when NOB' Finally, at the home of footy, EP, there's a sheep, cal s and horse station on the line today, as _ -"'` t (4/5)slug it Out- Waynel-Iannes itr l~ run over a black cat AND stepped under a f recently, as his boys have had their opl net ropes but failed to deliver the knock out pur' . same can be said for Greg Feutrill , as they have --col cunning out. l reel
e is bigger than that silly Big B as if Whitefriars lose, they will wal k C Section. If Therry lose, Ia _ e fate, as their draw is marginally harde-,
lg down the `Big W bandwagon with my carcass . not getting off yet . R.7hitefriars by 1 pt.
p i. wioncrt:Sf (F) R. C
11( `)ury(1 / S) vs Old Melburnian s H by 35pts taris(12/1) vs Ormond (I / 15) r 48pts vanhoe(3/1) vs Old Paradian s OP by 40pts (1/4) vs De La Salle by l5pts ,err (1 / 10) vs
(8 1)
by 50pts
..Q 16 .31 (107) 5 9.5 (59) on 2 Tretoar 2 P Theodore nlth R are Guest.
Best: Jurj Ensor Hol t .on (F) S . Leahy C. 13 .16 (94) 14.9 (93) -- Beckett on {:on .ill _, 2 Haros 2 at: a Weddle Tulh, a G. Curran (F) B.
Cr R Has ra s
Reiner 4 Heffe* ardson Lcthbni :~rd:n Rehver. I . Best : Collis C.~ :r- n C . Stewart (F) d.
y t0
On his
15C : :` _--ae against : '.orth Old Boys on June Kid i :A 9 . Spider sta rted with the Friars in 199 2
Under 19s an d became a regular senior the next year in 1993 . He has played in many as but will always be remembered for his love goals, and his occasional trips into -.. ick Park on a Tuesday night . A twice , remiership player, Spider is a fantastic always available to help out for club ns and is highly respected throughout the 'I'Ic Friars were delighted to celebrate thi s ;n .l~, .)ne with a hard-fought victory . Well done Olt- :- Congratulations from ;.'.1 at to on playing his , r Th~ Club ag t North Old Boys last Saturd< - . i is been a f ure at the Club since 1990 1 en ;~~~ - :nmenced playing with the under 19's, he is , n of the Jenkins 'family of footballers" Ted
i; . t1 .°r) was Secretary of the Club, & brothers â&#x201A;Ź
.3 3 .7 e2C ;Tc i
den .
8 .8 15 .12 (162) 4 .13 1.13 (55) urrav 2 Sinclair Stevens Best: Hefteman Stevens d 3 Barker Coltison ad Drum Collins. _
ek (B) R. Septa (R ) 12.1 4 (8S) 9.18 (72 ) 2DHyL3nd2 r on .
, >,ur A Goodwin t, se c Bannister. Z .3 2.5 3 .6(24) 8 .5 13.9 19.11 (125) S a}po Duffy Johnson Nunan . .i?ou 10 May 2 Somata P.L gford-Jones. Best: n rs. 3.11 11.14(80) 3,9 ? .11 (53) phy id Sallatrank . ils: Bt3ckie 4 otter Gray Blackle. 3 ? .13 (55) 15. 7 (97)
Nish Fr att ` OR-T : ' OLD Iv,~~: ~. :
g Whela n ::a 3 LVx
dr 1-1 Stephen have all been OP footballers . Well cone - J . -.ve lool: forward to the ne _c 200.
0 c k
in Has
Old Ivanhc,~ 2 jt9litefriars 0 35 North Old Boys 1 3 5 Old HaIleybury 3 3 4 Therry Peno)a 0 3 2 B RESERVES Old Haileybury 10 5 6 De La Salle 3 3 2 North Old Boys 4 26 Ormond 2 24 Old Paradians 4 2 3 Tci iR cnn-rRai i PP ->nni
c (
Therry Peno 7
B Section BEAUMARIS Coach : Jim Duman Res Coach: Rod P1cNab I P. Brook 2 L. Gibson
3 J . Magee 4 A . Pra tt 4 J . Black 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L . Buller 7 D . Foley 8 A. Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Nicholson (DVC) 10 A . O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D . Whitaker 14 T. Coliins 14 D. Dew 15 A. Edge 16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 17 S . Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins 19 A. Low 20 L . Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L . Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt (C) 22 B . Tadgell 23 A . Catlin 24 B .Gray 25 M. Smith 26 B. Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R. Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulick 32 T. Arendarickas 33 G. Jury 34 S. Mitchell 35 N . Boctor 36 R . Deaton 36 A. Blackie 37 D. Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N . Conlan 42 J . Gerrand 44 H . Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D . McGrath 47 D . Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas 49 J . B ry ce
DE LA SA L EE Coach : Paul Cooper Asst.: Paul O'Dwyer Res : Damian Carroll
Coach: Frank Dunneli Res. Coach : Robinson
1 L Walker 2 R Buckley
2 . D . Keenan 3. A.Trimboli
3 B Corin
4. S.Sleep
4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Herber 7 P Harrison 7R B Baker 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland ( VC) 16RD Jarvis 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 19RT Shields 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24R8 Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Herber 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 5 Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 37RD Moore 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHen ry 52 A McKenzie 55 5 Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan
5. B.Devine 5 . D.Skene 6. N.Vogels DVC 7 . P.Booth 8 . B .Collison C 9 . H . Maplestone 10 . M.Nulty 11 . R . Morley 12 . S.Lock 13 . T.Halpin 14. D.Kingham 16 . D.Collins 17. J . Fitzclarence 18. C.Murray 19. P.O'Farrell 20. J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult DVC 22 . M .Connelly RC 23 . D . Coonan 24 . J .Barker VC 25 . G .Phyland 26 . M .Yandell 27 . W.McTagga rt 28. D.Joyce 29. D. Vsser 30. M .Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M.Barker 34 . J . S aa d 35 . M .Carney 36 . D.Tonkin 37 . S .Mikunda 39. C. Siotos 38. M .Amor 40. C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonkin 42 . A . Kennedy 43 . D .Zacek 44 . M.Drum 45 . B.Speed 46 . P.Daniels 47 . J . Barlow RVC 48 . N. Sanders 49. TKlouse 50. T.Drum 51 . N .Goonan 53 . S . Butcher 54 . M . Allouche 57 . C . Hosking 58 . D . Ada 61 . F.Lynch RDVC 62 . A. MacDonald 68 . P. B ry ar 77. S .Trenton B . Kean
Co; :h : i ck C : ryer Coach : Gercrd Shell y Re: . Coach: Andrew Bonwic k Asst. Cnach : Paul Fahey Res . Cc_.h : Noel : ;,,,ar 1 . C . Home 1 A. Oates 2. R . Kejna ( DVC) 2 L .Lochran
3. M . Hoffman
4. S . Langford-Jones 5. J . Bourke 6. A . White 7. Adam Hilton (C) 8. R . George 9 . S. Rowlands 10. C . Efstathiou 11 . M. Graves 12 . P. Dimond 13 . B. Harrop 14 . A. Forsyth 15 . A. Saunders 16, P. O'Donnell 17. Ash Hilton 18, C. Jayaskera 19. M. Armstrong 20. J. Wright 21, A. Jenke 22 . D . Mason 23 . M. Seccull 24 . A. Ross 25 . B. Johnston 26 . J . Bell 27 . R. Brandham 28. S . Walden (VC) 29. B . Carson 30. D . Warnes 31 . D . Lay 32 . B. Mitchell 33 . P. Wright 34 . P. Lanford-Jone s 9 35 . D. Lappage 36 . B. Lay 37 . G . Fletcher 38 . L. Floyd 39. D. Emerson 40. S . Davey 41 . S . Saunders 42. A . McMahon 43. C . Pountney 44. M. Wray (RVC) 45. T. Hilton 46 . A. Waxman 47 . R. Mitchell 48 . C. Moyle 49 . G . Finlayson 50 . R.Ladd 51 . P. Gebka 52. N . Biggs 53. L . Curtain 55. L . Byrns 56. M. Anderson 57. W. Mackenzie 58 . B. Langford-Jones 59 . M . Corderoy 60 . M . Somaia 61 . P. van Wyck
3 C.Allende r 4 B.Davis 5 T.Young 6 D.Spide n 7 E .McWilliam 8 T.Stevens (RC) 9 M .Karayannis 10 M. Crowley 11 S .Tull y 12 C .Braniga n 13 C .Barker 14 K.Theodoss i 15 L.Bolzon 16 M .Wood s 17 A.Corcora n 18 J .Hope (VC) 19 D.Warry 20 D .Hawkes 21 R .Robert s 22 P.Donaldson 23 A.Bareza 24 G .Haro s 25 A.White 26 P.Lilli s 27 J .Weddl e 28 S .Morris 29 R .Weddle (C) 30 A .Gilbert 31 TPerera 32 A .Gooley 33 N .Pra tt 34 A.Tieman 35 L .Mclea n 36 M . Polloc k 37 M .Berry 38 Ga Georg e 39 Ge Georg e 40 A .Gioll o 41 P.Malnoe y 42 L .Courag e 43 L .Hunte r 44 A.Karafil i 45 M.Toovey 46 M.ToIIey 47 J .Weir 48 B .Kolias 49 J .Risstro m 50 S .Brand t 51 B .Shadbol t 52 P.Armstron g 53 S .Pric e 54 B.Guider a 55 N .Miller 56 S.Aston 57 S. Ford 58 G .Mclsaac 59 B .Spoor 60 D.Bernet Sponsored by :
W.G. '.Iiles & Co Ptv Li d Spectrum, ;s .r e G Regency pharmac y
4 i _~ " r` ' L '
Ziteeh Compute r Peripherals
:T7R9ARS Errlin Leyden -ch: ia.icha°I Lovejoy
Coach: Matt Ryan Res. Coach : Pe r Stacik 1 P Pratt 2 P. O'Loughlin 2 B Smith (R) 3 D . Stevens 3 M Cosgriff (R)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
D. Mabbett D. Beckett E. Fraser A. Grace B. Turner
Bennett Theodore (C) Treloar Hazell Bunn
4 R Murray
6 . D . Whelan
Thompson Lovett
5 M Harford 6 B Lethborg
7 . S. Keleher (DVC) 8 . M . Miller (DVC)
h9 S
7 P. Cosgriff
9 . S . Grace
Roberts Gallagher Hewett Thiele Kinsella Rose Tucker Miller Fitzgerald Mulquiney Guest Boyd Waddell Berry Holcombe Thomas
10. D . Scanlon 11 . D . Robbins 12 . B . Deledio 13 . B . Stone 14 . S . James 15 . S . Naughton
25 C
28 A T 30 1 31 J 33 T 35 C 36 J 37, 5 T 40 Z G 42 P 43 E
Washington Mulligan McMullin Sallabank Ambler Ray Grant Murray Bryant Useinov Wilhelm Theodore Farquharson
8 A . Sinclair 9 J. Collins 10 P. Brabender 10 M Joyce (R) 11 A . Burns 12 B Galloway 13 D Loney 14 A Curran 15 S Fellowes 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 17 D Jenkins(R) 18 G . Porteous 18 M Anderson(R) 19 Jon Swindon 19 Mat Joyce(R) 20 M .Szewczuk 20 P Harris ( R) 21 A Farrell 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 P Zappa 26 M Geary(R) 27 B Holmes 27 K.Jenkins (R) 29 B Dintinosante 30 B Richardson 30 R Clark(R) 33 T Lombardi
44 P 45 C
Bartlett Murphy
34 B Finlay 35 S Simpson
46 D 7C C G J
Neeson Banks Jenkins Tsiotras Berry Righett i Campbell Beaumont Hecker Gooley
36 J M Swindon 40 C . Seckold 44 D Furze 47 N Ball 48 C. Watson
T 1 p A ~~~ B D I ; - J T --'~ J , L
L p
Coach: Ian Jackman Res. Coach : Peter O'Dea
B P S J °~ A
j+ J
9T B N iC
57 S Ciavola
16 . T. Stewart (RC)
17 . P. Joy 18 . W. Block 19 . D. Cleary 20 . M . McConvill (C) 21 . L. Wilson 22 . R . Block 23. T. Ashford 24. M . Abrahams 25. J . Dale 26. T. Harvey 27. T. Brennan 28 . A . Moore 29 . N . Courtney 30 . N . Wells 31 . H . Black 32 . R. Presser 33, M . Collins 34 . R. Remman (VC) 35 . G . Bailey 36. J . Monaghan 37. A. Guzzo 38. S. Herrmann 39. M. Ferrari
40. S. Cramey 41 . J . KoolStra 42. C . Keleher 43 . L Smith 44 . M . Mabbett 45 . J . Bridges
46 . C. Cleary 47 . T. Costello-Mannin g 48, L. Murphy 49 . S . Metz 50 . M. Heffernan 51 . A. Russel l 52. G . Hal l
53. G . Hammond
54. M . Wilson 55. J . Putz 56. M . Farrell 57. M . Broadhurst 58. B . Smith 59. P. Kostanty
Burdeu Reid Sampled Bowes
60 . G . Ritchie
61 . K. Anderso n 62 . D. Cas Casey e
63 . A. Kurzel ! i'.: '
CO ao7 J
Coach: Wayne Hermes Res. Coach : Brendan Smales 1 Petrevski M Finnigan M 2 3 Bannister A (VC)
1 C
Woo d
Elliot M
Carbon e
5 6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 13 14 15
Sacco S Taylor N Bannister 5 Hollow L
3 D 5 B 6 M
Fedel e Phan (Vc) Robinson
Bannister C Veins J
Thrush J Mitchell D
8 G 9 C
Clifford Maguire
10 A
16 17
Goodwin M Hotdstock G
18 19 20 21
Carter B Grant A Cl arke J Henderson G
22 23
Griggs S(C-Res) O'Sh ea A Evans R
11 R 12 R 12 J 13 T 14 T 14 M 15 P 16 J 17 A 18 C 19 M 21 K 21 B 22 T 24 R 25 M 26 C 27 L 27 B 28 C 29 A 30 M 33 D 34 D 35 C 35 D 36 D 38 C 39 M 40 M
Reidy (Ve) Pawlik Treyvau d Hilton Carrig g Duffy Campbel l Powe r Carbone (C) Fulton Jongebloe d Kennedy Winch Langford Mika Verna l Rya n Swain Sinclai r Eame s Glenn Power Reid Gloufche v Law Delzoppo ppo D 'sousa Carrigg gg Vandenboo m Cahill
24 25
O'Sullivan D(VC) Moran R McMahon A
Edwards P
26 28
Carbis G 0'Kearne M
31 32
Tadinac M H ollow S Sacco J
29 30 33 34 35
LaFontaine N Mcwhinney M M cKay A
3i 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Casaid t D Nancarow M eoyle S(C)
50 51 52 53 54 55
Mills A Candiloro D Weston D C-Res) Boscaglia Christofoli M Garoni M(DVC-Res)
Dunne P
Cares i P
Crotty M Gauci M Warren M Appleford P Carter M Stepien S Goodwin D Mc Au s
57 58 60 61 62 63
Weston S Griffiths t< Romanes O Ward D Caccamo D Lewis B
Van Engelen J
65 66 68 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 84 85
Seron G Culph~n Swindon A Lyons B
Johnson S O'Brien J Lees S Keenan R Lees C Forbes D Higgins T
89 93
Jones P Christie A Smith J Culph S
95 96
Hill M Reddan S
41 C
42 M 43 N 44 B 46 G 47 B 53 M 55 B 56 R 59 B 63 S 65 D
Northey Elliott O'conno r Johnso n Jones Winterbur n Kelseyy Murray Ward Clifford Eames
Russell G Stella S
La Corcia M
160 Luiudice J 104 Biddiestone G 166 Murphy P 1 03 Thomas D
111 K°ret L 119 Ratcliffe A
12 9 Boden D
66 . C . Everett
132 Costello R 134 Donohue M O'Hallaron S 139 Fenn A
67, R . Martin 68. S . Haines 69. N . Tassell
® J,- Cab-t6% fak,og
64 . A. Strauch 65 . L . Russell
Co :h: Greg F .-tril l Res Coach: Andy Dalrymple
1e6 ByrnesT
Lilydale Memorial Park CCnieta rY an d
9739 624 4 The Rose Hotel Napier Street Fitzroy
A -:!ek sure is a !or FEG found out this week ti : it c, rtainly did em no good at .' z' a ~e by St Bedes just shows on the day anyone c< n be beaten . Everythin^ el-e goes according to 1- and form . R! T. IN
or stern t _ front b- 7 Fields g :: Hampton convinc;
Brothers the Groa n Perhaps win last they shoui{ and the . : their cause away from week's d totaling ec'ipsing i - : . :>re fancit d r its making the ..,..Tigers players made a cu, ~-,, : } the better -'ayers were Glen ' "arinic, fvn('= `-- , '-)ose rricCraw, Daniel Poyritc and ivliehae c ntinued t .2ir for i ifnprovem { with e- , s-r over an urr , -, r ~- :-med
es ir _ , first h '.ar 2 quarters of i n „ i= .u..~c> : , e,1 by undisciplined a -s who shoul ay now that sirs ~s do no' ci their decisions. H e .o s how mar i es 'azrl Beddoe must hai nc °rs but they still turr Pt ked the footy and e : ons they were at i de who reall} Be er players fe n [rally, Haves-Dewar, o _." cs were pretty imp r d, Dave Gallagher and Tray
; ones today at both ends c s welcome St B1
o the Racecourse Oval . Shoul quj a c game between two pretty e1 an i s who play a similar brand of foot The Tigers have been strengthened in the past weeks with a few returns from overseas arid coupled with their better and more consistent I plus -c ' ,t thc-- must --An to keep final's hopes
Te : ho as usual just n . . sta, -~e c but cou' ' not match it with t e P= . '-E- . _~ their best side on t ,th_ with anyone. It was the o:
Panthers wit the veterans on Bournon and Drew Salev,a". their younger teammates . The de, were well served by Dean Chivers . Collegians played their best football for the year in the first half to be a match nm 14 ,~4oa?s r front at the long interval . > e a bit more aggressive in an outscored their opposition in e --c, h, but as usual the horse by then had bolted . Better players for the Lions were David MeGaughan and Stew Taylor in the middle, Glen Cooper who has really grabbed his chance, and Simon Piasente continued his excellent form and may be looking at the B&F . Ant Rosen with 6 out of 9 continued his 1'sne comeback, Brett Duzenman put in his best performance for the year 10
e side . ' er s :' :a -heir home groi as t' cc nes of Brindisi In t week would not b , hell-d tb.: zr cause nor suiied their running ga, one feels they will be back on the winning list tod, The ne 3 should be rippers . -°- m:.ke the short journey to Mac, em, the season on line tcr _y, they must knock of the 4th pia c o have any chance of replacing them . tin not motivation then I don't know wha t Conversely the home side would be just as keen win to knock, an adversary out of the way . Both sid are very strong up forzvard so it is going to con dow=n to who can hold who to the lesser scoi Perhaps a stronger midfield will just give Gilmer
;cns, and co more opportunities so in a toss of t,l its the home side . t ;t,n that dreaded word is on the line today as n and Ajax lock horns at Toorak Park in a „t„t win for both . Neither side has been able to take l : so far this year with injuries unavailability' s ic affecting their cause . Still should be a good this again it will come down to who has the rouger defense but I really feel that with Rosen, Freund and Rajch all lurking up there that th e as have more options and so will just win . ie ; .>ulale chance top spot available
e Harry Trot today as the visiting p p,overs try their hardest to reverse their defeat at the ;i, .tlds of Collegians in the first Round . Both evenly „ ;;itched all over the ground play similar styles so i;romises to be a ripper . Rovers not that impressive i n last couple of weeks while the Lions are I believe i,i prc t (y good touch and its on that premise and that 1,temise alone that I tip the home side to win. PRESS CORRESPONDENTS 10/ 10 again . Thanks guys . 1)i1l'l forget the numbers 9-553 1561 home phone ;uld fax, the mobile is 0400 991 995 or drop me an , ❑ lail . to braineo (l optusnet .com.au .
Old i.:entonians - players and supporters congratulate Drew Solley who kicked his 393tIl ~oal for the Club last week and joined only 3 other players who have done so for the Club . We also congratulate Adam Acreman who booted his 50th ,o<il for the year and the Club would like to thank F,ulleen-Templestowe for their show of respect and . pprcciation towards Adam by honouring him prior (o (lie game . Caulfield Grammarians -5fl Games Jas Jacobs . it has been a while coming for "Jakes" to play 50 ames, but it has been worth the wait . A hard in and .inder left footer, who has rarely played a bad game ior our club. Looking forward to your next 50 from ill your mates at CGFC .
'i :1h1E CLUB SENIORS 1 :111'-well St Bedes 5 7 Old Mentonians n 8 more Glen Eira 0 Old Essendon ev Collegians 4 C RESERVE r Collegians 0 Hampton Rovers 0 Prahran 6 Old Essendon 0 Old Mentonians 1
17 .14 B 5 Mppzrey 4 McKenzie 4 Unsv.uth Lt: McCaugivir Cooper Plasente Taylor Waters HarL4.honm. um ph,,- P.1Vithinaton T. Brooks (F) B . Stephens K. PiNha (R) (G) 2 .4 7.11 8 .13 11.23 (89) HAMPPON ROVERS 6.2 as 9.9(63) CAUL FIELD amnin. FdinaPSS: Artz 2 L. Holt 2 McKellar 2Borns7ale 2 B . Holt Lawrence Natall . Holt Mart}m. a • Gusset ftnva. Best Pletcher Woods L. Holt V8lnwtt B 2 G. HarrLwn 2 Gikall N . Craven Will ROStnai MargaL= .on. BesC Pearce N. Cra4En C"'-t.'1 G . Harrison Symnan VtO}aja . Umpirev : A. Thy"'It's M- Taylor (PI P. Wallis D. Munav (G) 5.3 11 .9 12.9 16 .14 (110) 9.8(62) 3.0 5.4 6.8 5 ScafxA 5 Zalua 2 Wmtle L wmtle P tit5nt!e M. ca-aw :s3ar0nicScaf di Guen 4'nt)e. : Evans 4 Fleming Howard Leask McPherson Podger. Best laji Hmvard Evans Om-am. Unipfim* A. Stubbs S. Morgan (F) P. P.'dtetteal(G) 9.9(63) 4.3 5.4 7.7 26S(164) 5.1 12.3 16.5 Bulk m Temlikstma Parton 2 D .MatIlhews 2 R1111}iams 2 Tehan Robertson Stella. E C D .Matthews Stella Chivas Btuiid le Humphrey Seturieder . Old Mentcalsar. • • Acranan 7 Bourne 6 Salley 4 Kuranoto 2 Palmer 2 Vick 2 N .F7shei' McKay Murpkiy. Best Bourne Sdk.y Aa'rnian Murphy McKay Fisher C. Stevens (S) D . Mott G. Clancy (G ) 4 .2 8 .8 15.9 20.15 (135) 7.8 11 .9 14.10 (94) 4 .7 : Gilmore SUarmairas 4 lkaz 2 Ryan 2 Canam Mark Dima.ehid Gal Sapatrhv Dianiond . Best Gilmore Mark Dhnashki Ryan HayesDea2r Gray Gcnan. Pr, bison Ballard 3 Gallagher 3 Beech Beer Pitts Cwt Taseff Perkins Marriott Best Pitts Hat&lge Ballard St Clair Rhodes Beech . Umpfi,= L . Katz C . Braghe'g (F) AJAX
1.1 IA.TdS 23
3 .7(25) 9.7(61 )
12 23 2 .3 7.7
MAX Jolson Lust BaIItin Best Gel iCein Leflcrntic Nev.stalt Er31ch Jartrner Kcasnostein. CollegLuts : Maxwell 3 Bader Donnelly HaLste Rose Gribble Muir . Best Hdste Florentine Lamb Ma+.v.eIl Moon McCann.
4 .1 9.4 13 .6 19B (122) HAMPTON ROVERS 2.5 4.7 (31) CAULFIELD 12 22 2 Brudar limpton Roma Marshall 4 Nitschte 3 Anderson 2 Duddy 2 Lanagan MarstiaIl Crowther Johnstone Kelly 1ib~ Best : Crowther Brudar Anderson Duddy NltscYle . • Thompson 2 Cramptern Smith Best- Jacobs Green Bow-es Anderson Richardson Emus . 22 2 .3 4.7 7 .8 (56) ST 3.1 613 8.4 11 .4 (70) OLD ESSENDON St Bodes Mentme : Rhoden 5 WaLh Moss. Best McColl Parsons Cunningham Russo Recupero Rhoden . Old Eaaeadmx Ridley 2 Clues 2 Morgan 2 Da.zidn 2 Jinks Morrison Ih%oajlo . Best Damson Parma~dtopokrus DsagaJb Milky Jinks . 22 32 8.3 93 (57) BULLEEN TBYt ~ , 2.3 6.5 8.9 12.11 (83) OLD plestowv. Walker 2 Mason 2 Stott 2 V)m(a .ani B.Todd S .Bayd. Best • BaUantinv 6 B .Todd Rosco Wallca Stott Glover PV,idnizec 0l 3 A9 en Ru .lmcxth 3 Cozens Davis Petr3e . Best Rushv.rrth D.we' BallantUfe Dnnan Cozens Kennedy. CdEdRtl 2.0 2.3 43 5 .4(34) 18 .13(121) 4.1 9.7 13 .9 2 Diawu McGaw K DtLnaddi. Best Pierez Pryde 7hanson Ree s : Duk!c 6 Stewart 4 Gti<g 2 Ktfleen 2 H Pitts 2 Steuart Fraser wcod Upton Gill Winrhklge.
~ ~'
9 - `
' r ~ ° ~°
C Section Collegians v. Hampton Rovers Caulfield Gr. v . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Essendon v. Bulleen-Templestowe Glen Eira v . Old Mentonian s Prahran v. AJAX
Coach: ~ . Res Coach : L: :d Marks
n Ander, a n .,:I , emel Dei e
1 0 . Rosman 2 B . Hal t
1 N Gold (C) 1 J Prior 2 J Ritterman 2 G, ;xander 2 A . Carver 3 B Davis (DVC) 3 S Youn g 3 C . Knight 4 M Dudakov (VC) 4 W Thompson (DVC) 3 S. Stevenson 5 M Raja h 6 P Graha m 4 M. Liddell 6 D Kalb 7 P Robertson (VC) 5 S. Kendal l 7 M Konsky 8 N Bon e 5. M . Pennycuick 8 A Krongold 9 Ch Parris 6 M . Harrison 9 A Rosen 11 G Chivers 6 N . Craven 10 G Dukes 12 A Parris 7 J. Cowtishaw 11 M Weisler 13 D TuOoch 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 12 J Basist 14 A Panou 9 W. Bowe s 13 A Freund 15 B Wolnizer 10 A. Will (VC) 14 Y Rapaport 16 S Smith 11 C. Deal 15 J Segal (VC) 17 C Darby 12 D . Pearce 16 M Segal (DVC) 18 K Burridge 12 S . Fryers 17 A Cukierman 19 L Stot t 13 J. Morvell 18 J Duke s 20 M Jones 14 M. Green 19 M Halphen 21 P Gannas 15 A.Docker 20 M Buckley 22 G McLaren 16 S . Sant 21 D Gelbart 23 D Matthews (C ) 17 G. Harrison 22 A Boc k 25 T Matthews 18 B . Baxter 23 B Ritterman 26 S Boy d 18 P. Anderson 24 J Sharp 27 J Hesti a 19 R . Buchanan 25 M Blashki 20 M . Klos e 28 P Wolnizer 26 B Duzenman 29 P Bon e 20 H. Vell a 27 S Sheezet 21 N. Brohier (C) 30 Darren Williams 28 P Watvish 31 A Shin e 22 T. Foste r 29 B Lukav 22 M . Richardson 32 R William s 30 A Lefkovic 23 D . As h 33 N Hamshare 31 M Barnett 24 N . Guyett 34 S Lambropoulos 32 D Janover 25 G.. Williams Evans 35 D Daskalo u 33 S Boon 26 S 36 P Hare 34 D Ones 26 S . Widjaja 37 L Thompson 35 S Roth 27 R. Keown 40 S Meadows 36 J Feldman 27 J . Ryan 41 R Le a 37 S Newstadt 28 J. Jacobs 42 P Edwards 38 D Gotdenfein 29 W. Brockett 43 M Mason 39 B Klein 30 D . Peterso n 44 R Schneider 40 M Borenstein 31 S . Craven 46 A Humphrey 41 A Godlewicz 32 M . Cutter 49 B Touriganis 42 E Rubenstein 33 C. McGrath 50 D Glover 43 M Measey 34 J . Margerison 54 S Dowtan 44 A Lust 35 S . Thompson 60 D Horvath] 45 0 Flamm 36 M. Cramphorn 46 T Weisman 37 M. Gurpinar 47 S Czarny 38 J . Restarick 48 B Erlich 39 J . Santiago 49 L Skolnik 40 R . O'Neil l 50 J Rockman 41 C . Nairn 51 J Jolson 42 D . Synman (DVC) 52 M Segal 43 J. Smith 53 A Halphen 44 N. Coutts 54 G Herzberg 45 D. Scott 55 A Lewin 46 R . Foote 56 P Naphtali 47 L. Salem 57 D Rubenstein 48 S. Varthalis 60 J Weinber g 49 J. Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 51 D. Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure 56 B. O'Callaghan Tai : - ~ _ : . Orley 57 P. Farme r 1,)rts 60 P. Senior 62 S. Goddard 69 K. McDonald ~ ~ : IS :daa¢i iran v,ev .! Ballttn 71 M . Cassidy 46 8808
Ceaoh : Tm Har Res .
C1J .Dixon 2 M .Johnson 3 B .Mooney 4 D . Atkinson
5 R . Henebery (DVC) 5 D. Greaves (RC) 6 P.Davis 7 J .Farte y 8 C . Unsworth (C) 9 J . Fry 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N. Harrison (DVC) 13 THartshome 14 R.Schober 15 L.Cottom 16 A .Fletcher 17 R . Hosking (VC) 18 T.Krotiris 19 M . Davi s 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C .Pollock 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S . Woolley 28 N. McCann 29 A . Kenneatly 30 L . Moo n 31 J. Rose 32 D . Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 A .Smith 35 Ashley Farr 36 G. Cooper 37 M. Opi e 38 T. Marxs 39 N. Hart 40 A. Wiseman 41 N. Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . Whit e 44 A. Tarode 45 N . Lynch 46 D. Cooks 47 B .Lumb 48 E . Waters 28 B . Horshatl 49 J . Waters 50 B. Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnelly 52 K ,Jones 53 B. Grant 54 J . Haversberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L.Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D . Smit h 59 R. Sztar 60 D. Dowling 61 D. Gambaro 62 S . Mui r
64 M . Gribble
South 1,10b.-c
Coach: Paul 8eddoe Res Cc-h ; Phil Jonei 1 M. Ryan 2 N. Astapenko 3 C. Massis 4 D. Cassar 5 A . Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 S. Vamvakis 8 P. Tsagliotis 9 G . Hayes Dewa 10 G . Richards 12 B . King 13 G. Brown 14 M. Weilgosz 15 F. Buckley 16 S. Limnyo 17 A. Russo 18 M . Dimachki 19 J . Thrusfield 20 A . Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 C . Grey 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 A. Mills 30 L. Pryd e 31 T. Amberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 R, Oldha m 35 J. Commereord 36 P. Slifk a 37 M . Pinniger 38 M . Lewin 39 G. Egan 40 K. Dimackhi 41 H . Walls 43 D. Psalia 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 M . Baraket 47 T. Evans 48 J . Haliwelt 49 M. Benton 50 P. Waked 52 A. Haines 53 S. Rees 54 M . Migliorini 55 L. McGraw 56 H . Reddy 57 S. Hall 59 B. Stewart 60 S. Jankovic 61 M .Tkocz 63 D. Duntevie 65 M . Dimou
C :h: Chri R. Coach : $t Lynn
1 d.Pannagiotopo!;3us 2 J .Chapman 3 P.Lutterschmidt 5 M.Oxnam 6 C.Ridley :foli 7 J .Leask Duddy 8 J .Heritage Drew Anderson 9 J.Goodger B. Boyd 10 S. Bryant B. Holt 11 B .Papal J• Zampaglione 12 D . Ryan R, Dunball 13 M .Wollington ~, ; G• Woods 14 S .Evans Borradale 15 T.Di Blasi Browne 16 S .McPherson D. Marshall 17 P.Hexter 7 rJ . Ariz (VC) 18 J .Walker sly 19 E .Healey L, : ~rence 20 D .Hunter Power 21 S .DaIe ~irr 22 J . Rush " BuckleY 23 J,Hughes S Helli-,er 24 J .Dazkiw C: Scarlett 25 C.Morgan ',1 Dav y „ S ':','ills 26 S .Fleming I, ;>chke 27 D.Barr 3rand 28 D.Flaherty =1-Scher 29 S .Uebergang 0 ""~ntield 30 S .Cetin Falla 31 T.Williams D :~. : ' : .nderson 32 J .Mansfield ,, Lake 33 A.Dawson Cr: iel Andersen 34 D .Podger Bulmer 35 L.Kavanagh P_ _ son 36 S.Dart L . Holt 37 A.Morrison J Humphries 38 D .Whitefield .I ,Gregor 39 M .Burns 1t Cr=5ton 40 M .Jinks I ; ;,y 41 B. Newbold .' .I . Lanagan 42 M .Beard M. Flahive 43 J. Carter B. Johnstone 44 M .Burns I :, Singaran 45 B .Tumer L . Woolrich 46 T. Cippoloni este r 47 S .Howard 4Nrlmott • 48 C .Clues Flynn E D T Prantzo s 49 P.Barry R J ` .iic; ::mter 50 P.Hammond T . Wilson 51 A .McGowan J. Ng 53 L.Fleming .-' P. Gardiner 55 A .Leask = J. Prantzos 56 W. Conlon % Crowther 57 G .Steven M . Pucella 58 J .Kavanagh ughan 59 S . Emerson oodruff 60 G .Walsh Reeves .Hammon 61 E -~rards 62 S .Muir its 63 D.Greasley 64 J . Murray I rt °,i 10 : iY L[U . 65 M .Tilley 4 66 D .Smith R .Wright '.UST. p~ 67 71 M.Dragojlo 5~2 4=1 udar 1 . - Ilar -_ Busby =.nderson (C)
.,, .:EGR4t1PFC5:L1D .
9597 0166 hamptanrovers.com.au
Co ich Sow . r iil' Re C h : «,: .-i_
Coa h . Tc Res G Rc__ 3 . D. G 1LAGHER 2. A. BEAiIE r 3. J . LANE 4. P. QUICK 5 . H. PITTS 6 . D . PERKINS 7 . S. PANG 8 . I . HUNT 9 . A. BUNNEfi 10 . B. HODGSON 11 . A. PIT-IS 12 . M . BEER 13 . B . MCCLINTOCK 14 . M . EASTHAN4 15 . I . DENNIS 16. A . RHODES 17. G. ELVIN 19. S . CAMPBELL 20. J . KELLOW 21 . G. PALEODIEs9OS 22. N . ROBERTS 23. B . KAIROUZ 24. T FRASER 25. T. FREE 26. T. STCLAIR 27 . W. PYE 28. R. TRAEGE R 29 . W. TASEF F 30 . M . SCICLUNA 31 . T. DUKIC 32 . D. BALLARD 33 . P. HERRIDG E 34 . L. NORMAN 35 . B. GELLIE 36 . J. KILLEEN 37 . E. WILDE 38 . M. WINDRIDGE 39 . A. GRAY 40 . T. MCADIE 41 . J. UPTON 42 . K. WALFORD 44 . C . HENSHALL 45 . M. VAGG 46. M. VEAR 47. P. BUHNER 48. D. FOSSEY 49. L. WOOD N . GILL 54, J . SCANLO N 55. L. AITKEN 56. A . CORBOY 57. P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62. S . RICE 63 . R. MARRIOTT 64 . J . BELCHER 65 . D. HANLON 66, S. MASKIELL 67 . M . ERDIM 68 . G . AMY 69 . M . WARLAND
1 A Acreman 2 CTwentyman 3 8 Murphy (VC) 4 D Carro l 5 C Mackay 6 C Alexander 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newton 9 S. Kervin 10 p~ jemoto 12 C Dwyer 13 R Ball 14 K Campbell 15 J Costell o 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 N Liniord 18 T Bournon 19 A Palmer (VC) 20 S Mullin (C ) 21 A Drinan 22 D Home 23 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J Wi n d us s 25 w Salentine 25 T Fava 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hoga n 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 31 P Phevel (RVC) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrel l 34 P Flaskis 35 T MacNish 36 DAtexander 37 M Francis 38 B Sherrrf 39 T Riley 40 M tAannix 41 S Cozens 42 SBainbridge 43 M Lawes 44 L Sunter 45 10 Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fishe r 52 D O 'Conno r 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 A O'Reilly 56 R Harper 57 P Watson 58 K Widelski 59 M McCloskey 60 G. Shatteck 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones (RC) 6* M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Mackay 67 A Paterno 68 L Rule 69 J Rule 70 S Grzebieta 71 M Wane 72 R Crowe 73 P Ravel om#c.nei _~ .
KEA Australia Swan Hotel Richmond Tasman ! iquor Orrong tel . . . .. . Colin T -' -` . .
P1 Tal - t
Cor Res Cc _-yne ss 1 P Wintl e 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebir e 4 A L'Huillie r 5 S Napie r 6 A Ryan 7 N Owe n 8 J Cunningha m 9 G Marinic 10 M Wintl e
12 J Kane 13 D Gaodchiid 14 A Connoll y 15 T McColl 16 A Hipwell i 7 M Selling s 18 L Porter 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DVC 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynto n 24 T Beasle 25 D Samy ay 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwel l 28 S Boozer 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 C Barnes 32 J Dickinso n 34 C Meyer 35 B Silos 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M George 40 B Beasley 41 R Bignell 42 P Winterton 43 M Rhode n 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 T Water s 48 A Scafid i 49 S Wals h 50 S Kid d 51 S Meye r
52 B Sassier 53 M Ubert i 54 M McCraw 55 D Sticklan d 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 63 C Petratos 65 T Lam b 66 R Parson s 69 J Tomlinso n 73 M Pisasale 75 N O'Conno r 78 D Moss 79 P Russo 12 P _
OR? p --'ssures his of, tuar , toe
en' last w e
- Jarrod Weddle (OI) boots one of his 3 last week 3- . nthusiastie --ungsters urged Ormond to their I point win last i Jeek. Back: Ed, Stewart & Cody: red . nich
CYAN PRESS In spite of recent boilovers, the clubs currently constituting the four now look unlikely to be dislodged. There may be some positional changes after the Round 14 clash betwee n Banyule and Ivanhoe Assumption, but the four in residence look to be a cut above the rest . Yarra Valley OB went down to St Leos in a hectic last term, after the Bushrangers led narrowly at the final change . Andrew Burgess, Jimmy Manton, & Andrew Volpi dominated the centre after 3/4 time, enabling Brendan Vaughan to score 4 goals and seal the match for the Animals . Anthony McKenzie, who was stretchered off in mid quarter, departed in the ambulance to the strains of St Leo's victory song . Paul McGloin was also brilliant across HF for the Animals . Yarra Valley's best were U19-ers James Perry & Scott Fyffe, plus Chris Fraser at FB, well supported by Luke Taylor & Tim Fyffe in the centre . Old Camberwell beat Monash Blues with a strong first term, but was only able to build on that lead marginally for the rest of the game . For the Wells, Nigel Credlin was effective wherever he went, Tim James was again strong in defence, David Walker was great on his wing, and Luke Gladman ruled the middle . The Blues had top efforts from Sam Hawkins at FF, Sam Lloyd, and Shane Webster.
Old Carey found Banyule too tall and too disciplined to be a worry to the Section leaders . The Panthers had an outstanding 3rd term, but one quarter of football is insufficient against the top sides. The Bears looked very impressive, and had great games from Brad Willmore, Michael Natoli, Greg Shaw, Luke O'Connell, and the Egans, T . & J . The Panthers had good efforts from Daniel Sherr up forward, Joel Daniher on a wing, and Andrew Jackson at HB . University Blacks struggled against Ivanhoe Assumption's taller marking players in a wind affected match, and were beaten by a strong defensive third, and rattling attacking fourth term by the Hoes . The latter are playing very cohesive footy and Brad Hall has them going along nicely. Shane Sampson, Stuart Morris and Leighton Pearce managed to stand out in a very even Hoes' unit . Simon Smith on a wing, David Wilkinson at HF, Ben Cunningham roving, Peter Caccaviello RR, and is
Tony Wilson up forward, did well for the Blacks .
Aquinas OC an d ' Old Geelong wer e close all day until the E?oods produced a in the closing stages to take the points . Tre ; Harkin starred in the BP for the Bloods, . Bethune controlled the rucks, with Da, Boland & Bernie Moran also solid in defenc The Parris . Jim & Wil, were in everything f~ OGS, Marty Jaugietis had another top gam and Nathan Perrin did well up the sharp end TODAY'S GAME S
St Leos tackle Old Camberwell Bennettswood and will find the Wei something of a handful . The Animals wo2z ; have been relieved by their win last which broke a string of losses, and they i I determined to continue that turn round tc la The Wells should have too much ability roun the ground though and will win by 4-5 goals . Monash Blues & Old Carey meet in a cruei ; match for their respective futures . The talez fielded by both sides has not been seen to be advantage this year, but today's game shoul be a very attractive spectacle . There won't t much in it at the end, so I'll go with the hear and select Old Carey to win narrowly . Banyule take on iJniv.Blac&s in what appear to be a regulation four points for the Bear: Perhaps we are not out of the upset zon completely yet, but seeing the way the Bear went last week I would be very surprised if the went down today . The Bears are a very we balanced side, have got their fixed drills off pai and always have a receiver placed for the tigh situations . Blacks will go down fighting, b about 5 goals. Ivanhoe Assumption host Aquinas in th match of the day. The Hoes are travellin smoothly and at Ivanhoe Park will be very han to toss . The Bloods play a similar style of gam to the Hoes, and do have a more poten forward set up, so this game will go right to th wire . However, the Hoes defence has seei them through several troubled times this yea and I expect that to be the difference toda} The Hoes . by a kick . Old Geelong does battle at Como with Yarn
ATA r- - n . . .r1 , ,r, ,-,,,,T- ., , ,-â&#x20AC;&#x17E; -
iy,ey in another spectator's feast, if their round 4 meeting is any indication . Neither
warn has had the fickle finger of fate on its sid e tliis yeal', but of the two, OGS has adjusted better When it counts, and I expect that to be the case today. OGS by 3 goal s Keseaves winners should be : Old Camberwell, I3lues, Blacks, Hoes, & Yarra Valley (There you go Graham Kerr! ) Correspondents : note changed number : 9889 + Fax ; 1979 Ph bfllickeyCa?telstra .easymail .com .au . Deadline is 12 :00 Noon Mondays, with sometime Sunday preferred .
:-,U-ra Valley O B plays his 100th game today . A member of the i;ushrangers inaugural 1996 U19 side, ,n.dreW is a reliable, straight ahead defender, , a lued Club member. Well done Hardy !
DI St . Leos Emmaus V. Old Camberwell Monash Blues v . Old Carey Banyule v . University Black s Ivanhoe Assumption v . Aquinas Old Geelong v . Yarra Valley
1-3T `.:
CLd~ SEi;iORS .1cCann Vaughan E,- :n Lrrirgstone t'ulfera
St Leos
J'-r C, tree tie}h, e Lurbank '.1cKean
Old Camberwell Ivanho e Yarra Valley Old Geelong St Leos
St Leos Banyule Aquinas Aquinas Di RESERVE
41 36 35 35 33
33 27 22 21 20
PATROI :J " PE' ; i u i I- L Ii-1 1' O T. 0 i.IR )i),] ALG01 ; 5i 1F)TO E"_ST'0( :'.IC t,' ". :: OR IP3T0 A[!Y t!qFA VENUE
3 .2 4 .6 9.9 11 .9 (75) 8.10 14.11(95) 8TL` :'- L , ~ 3 .5 ' 7 .7 Y<..-: a V:.i:cI : M Laing 2 Middiin 2 Savage 2 R Thompson Valoppi Whitechurch R Drew Keem . Best : T Fyffe Fraser Valoppi R Drew R Thompson L Tayor. St Lem Emmaus: McCann 4 Vaughan 4 P McGloin 3 McKenzie 2 D McGloin . Best : Burgess P McGloin Vaughan McCann Volpi Buckle . Um rfire--: D. Irons N . Evans (F) OLD C. ,L 4.6 7.9 10.14 14 .19 (103) 1 .1 3.3 6 . 4 10 .6 (66) MONASH O'Neil 4 Hardman 2 Properjohn 2 Ham Old Car T r Heffernan Goodale Gladman Mc Lean Seeley. Best: Credlin James Hardman Walker D Heffernan Gladman . Monash Blue-,: Hawkins 5 Gregory Lloyd Maiden Moresi M Newman . Best: .lawkLns Lloyd Webster Newman M Gregory Holloway. Umpires : A. Ladd K. MeN!ece (F) 1 .2 1 .6 8.7 8 .11 (59) OLD CAREY T -NYULE 1.8 6 .13 10.18 17.19 (121) (#tI Carey : Sherr 3 M.Cohen 2 D .Shutie Mart Heppell Daniher. Best: Sherr Daniher Jackson Battley Mat Hart Banyule: O'Connell 6 D.Witchell 4 PlayFair J .Egan Kayrooz 2 Burke . Best: ""1lmore Natoli Shaw O'Connell T.Egan J.Egan. Um_ r , : D. Whiteley P. Jones (F) 7 .0 9 .1 11 .4 12.4 (76) 82 .4 8.8 11 .10 16.13 (109) U y e ,: Wilson 6 McArthur 2 Beaton Chatfield Costello Cunnin'Sam. Best: Cunningham Smith Wilson Caccaviello Sandiford Wilkinson .Ivanhoe : Saunders 6 Saunders Sampson 2 Pearce 2 Pace 2 Vall;arnis Nealey Martin Frisine. Best: Sampson Morris Pearce Markiewicz Healey Saunders. Umpires : S . Payton I Burgess (F) P. O'Reilly R . Richards 3.3 6 .4 12 .6 17 .10 (112) AgUINAS OLD GEELONG 4.1 6 .3 10.6 13 .8 (86) : Livingstone 5 Bambury 3Whitehead 2 Barrie 2 Aq Minogue Bethune Denbraber Weeks Wooden. Best: Bethune B Moran D .Boland Colliver Flynn Harkin .Old Geelong : Perrin 7 Salter 2 Burbank 2 McInnes W .Paul Best: Pen-in McInnes J.Paul Jaugietls Stinchcombe . Umpires- P. Tuppen J . Moore (F) 7.8(50) YARRA VALLEY 1 .0 6.5 6 .7 ST.LEOS 5 .5 6.6 7 .7 10.8 (68) "..rra Valley: Potter 3 Kehoe 2 Bell Reynolds . Best : Sturzaker Bell Kehoe Potter Drew Morrison . St . Leas : Gay 3 B Mitchell 2 Raynor 2 Tribe 2 Hughan . Best : Briggs McLau din Place Tribe Ymer Hugha n OLD C7 LL 9 .7 13 .16 23 .17 28 .21 (189) 1 .1(7) MO tT 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 01 C a, !eti : Hills 5 Inkster 4 SaiTar 4 Walker. T 4 Tipper . R Imberger Joyce 3 McCrea 2 Ormsby Hardenberg Tempone Kearney. Best : Tipper Hardenberg Kearney Ormsby Jells Safiar . Monash Blues: Walsh . R . Best : Me Cormack Newman D Droscher Carstein Meehan O'Sullivan . 1 .2 2 .2 2 .5 4.6 (30) OLD CAREY 3 .3 5.7 7 .8 12.10 (82) BANYULE Old Carey: Konstantinidis 2 McKinstry Winchester . Best : Konstantinidis Guerra Marshall P .Graham Ward R .Graham . Be n :: Gilham 5 Sproules Dyer 2 Noonan Ferral Dowlan . iom*son Hopgood O'Callahan Sproules Gilham Ferral . ICES 5 .3 12 .6 15 .8 19 .11 (125) Al '- ""ITOYd 1 .0 2 .1 3.3 4 .8 (32) : Milner 6 Schilling 2 Goonan 2 Kitchen 2 Metcalfe 2 Coieman Batten Board Peck . Best: Milner Wilson Schilling Goonan Stauhton Nolan . Ivanhoe : McFarlane 3 Scobie . Best: ..cFarlane Shuttleworth . A gUYNAS 3 .0 3 .4 4.7 7.12 (54) 5.9 (39) 0 .3 1 .5 5.9 OLD GEELONG : Bradshaw 2 Coyle Robinson Coghlin Lyng Mills Aq Best : Pierce Bradshaw Paras Robinson Lyng Barclay . Old Geelong : not received.
LE Coach : Laurie Aghan Res. Coach: Hot ird Field 1 R . Mills 2 C. Thomas 3 T. Vanderluis 5 M . Boland 6 D . Minogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J. Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 M. Barmby 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G. Whitehead 20 P. Fares 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flyn n 23 J. Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 R . Weeks 27 S. Jones 29 N. Davies 30 C. Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Heveran 37 G . Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 L . Sheffield 40 A. Cultrera 41 C. Bambury 42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G. Coyle 46 M . Hope 47 N . Moran 48 R . Register 49 P. Poynton 52 M. Corrie 54 M. O'Halloran 55 J. Crouch 56 J. Harrington 59 A. Bentley 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A. Barri e 64 T. Robinson 68 J . Coglan 71 G . Evans 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay
Coach : Greg Whitcroti Res Coach : Rohan Doherty 1 T. Ega n 2 D .Witchell 3 S.Kayrooz 4 M .Gilbert 5 B.Wilmore 6 W.Keenan 7 G .Shaw 8 B .Cantwell 9 J .Plant 10 B .Moxin 11 S .Cross 12 J.Egan 13 C .Burke 14 B.Woodlock 15 S .Gray 16 A.Dooley 17 T.Chapman 18 J .Turnbull 19 P.Witchell 20 S .Playfair 21 R.Dintinosante 22 N .Taylor 23 S .Gray 24 C.Wilks 25 L.Martin 26 H .McDermott 27 RHealy 28 D .Sproules 29 R .Kreskas 30 D .Mutton 31 C .Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A.Plant 34 C.Stevens 35 L.O'Connell 36 M .George 37 T.Thompson 38 G. .Bei l 39 A .Hopgood 40 C .Taylor 41 M .Natoli 42 C .Taylor 43 L .Ferral 44 P.Williams 45 B.White 46 D.Nasrallah 47 D.Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A .Small 50 M .Smith 51 L.Sheean 52 D .Noonan 53 K .Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D .Williams 56 P.Arnold 57 A.Covey 58 L.Holt
E~ ~"~C . . .
Coach : Brad Hal l Res. Coach: Colin McDonald 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
S . Conley M . Maud C . Tucker T. O'Neill J. Scoble
6 . T. Healy (DVC) 7 . P. Rawley 8 . J . Shuttlesworth 9 . E. Healy 10 . P. Lee (VC) 11 . D. Valkanis 12 . B . Finlayso n 13 . S . Narkiewicz (DVC) 14 . P. Flynn (C) 15. J . Curtin 16. R . Harley 17. S . Morris 18. T. Scoble 19. D . Wood 20. M. Sadoti 21 . L . Blackwood 22 . G . Raco 23 . D . Ryan 24 . B. Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26 . M . Emerson 27 . K. Smith 28 . J . Pac e 29 . C. Hocking 30 . M . Sloa n 31 . D. McFarlane 32. L. Pearce 33. S . McGowan 34. B . Joyc e 35. P. Whitehead 36. C . Zeegers 37. S. Saunders 38 . R . Peoples 39 . M . Ebbage 40 . P. Martin 41 . C. McDonald 43 . M . Evans 44 . A . Pac e
45 . D. Frye r 46 . M . Iacouangell 48. R .Toogood 49. A . Rosenfeld 50. D . Schulze 51 . D . Pearce 52. S. Sampson 53. M. Chazan 68. J . Mazocca 78. C . Brown 88 . N. Dykes 99 . G . Robertson
Coach : Tim Powel l Res Coach : Marcus Spencer 1 S.Chapma n 2 J . Baxter (VCR) 3 L. Holloway 4 G.Chessari 5 D. Rogers 6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar
8 S . Thompson 9 J. Godde 10 S. Webster(VC) 11 M. Spence r 12 G . Smyth 13 A. Herrman 14 B. Merlin 16 B. Tatterson 17 P. O'Neill 18 K. Hendratta 19 G . Gilbert 20 N . Sereda 21 C. Gregory 22 R . Karnphuis 23 G. Harry 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 B.Jondahl 27 N . De Young 28 J. Mai n 29 J . Ros s 30 L. Creamer 31 S. Hawkins 32 B. Boyer 33 J . Smith (C) 34 P. Maiden 35 D. Murchie 36 A . Williams 37 M . Donnelly 38 R . Anderson 39 C .Burley 40 M . Bolton 42 S.Young 43 R . Feenaghty 44 D . Teasdale 45 R . Walsh(CR) 46 A. Rya n 47 S. Mentha 48 K. McIntyre 49 R. Burston 50 A. Clark 52 N. Moresi(VCR) 53 J . Peel
54 R . Green 55 I. McCormick 56 R . Reit h 57 P. Munro 58 C . Strauss 59 B. Carstein 60 S. Lloyd 61 P. Campbell 62 B. Droscher 64 J . Sleiman 65 G . Polglase 66 N. Brennan 67 B . Rya n 68 M . Meehan 69 P. Grabiel 71 J . Sondhu 75 S . Edquist
LD CAMBERWEL L Coach : Jarred O'Niell Res Coach : John Harvey 1 J McLea n
2 T James 3 A Inkster 4 N Lippiatt 5 S Horskins 6 A Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanson 12 R Kapoor 13 L Gladman 14 R Whitehead 15 L Cai n 16 D Walker 17 N Credlin 18 A Browniess 19 J O'Neill 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 D Lilja 24 D Imberger 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Sheedy 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 S Ham 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 B Tipper 36 S Derry 37 A Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 A Hills 40 J Derry 41 L Rya n 42 A McKenzie 43 S Collins 44 S Smit h 45 A Taylor 46 R Heath 47 T Kearney 48 S Properjohn 49 J Hardman 50 B McKenzie 51 J Owe n 52 G Ormsby 53 R Tempone 54 A Margetts 55 J Gan 56 N Stevenson 57 A Bryson 58 P Triantafyilou 59 M Butterworth 60 B Mcilwai n 61 J Parker 62 J Miles 64 M Knowles 65 N Sat ta r 67 G Rowe 69 W Earl 76 D Brauer
(357 8 CS 1
Di Section OLD CAREY ch : Chris Hickey Ees, Coach: Paul Montgomery 1 , C. Angu s 2, D.Faehs g, M . Cohen 4, C. Esler 5, A.Jackson g, C. Campbell 7, R. Oppy B. D. Walsh 9. D. Shutie
10. K . Shrives
it . N . Everest 12 . L. Battley 1 3 . B . Hutchison 14, C. Phillips 15 . L. Chamberlain 16 . R . Graham
17 . J . Daniher
18 . C . Matthews 1g. R . Bardwell 20. J. Raftopoulos 21 . R . Leon g 22. S. Vtal i 23. T. Price 24. P. Unkles 25. N . Detarczynski 26. D . Sherr 27. N . Vasilopoulos 28. P. Nanc e 29 . S . Assim o 30 . A. Guerra 31 . J .Ward 32 . P. Graham '33 . J . Mai 34 . W. Giannikos 35 . S. Hard y 36 . B. Birkil l 37. D. Palmer 38 . I . Cohe n 39. P. Bennett 40. T. Fuggle 41 . A. Gates 42. P. Montgomery 43. D . Williams 44. C . Battl e 45. T. Bul l 46. H . Giannikos 47. A . Wilkie 48. C. Popplewell 49. W. Mudge 50 . A . Kent 51 . P. Drake 52 . H . Francis 53 . B . Harvey 54 . K. Giannikos 55 . A. Ross 56. B. Mali n .57. P. Konstantinidis 58. J. Boncher 59. C . Mason 60. T. Moulton 61 . A. McKinstry 62. S. MayY 63. T. Whitelaw 64. Mal Heppell 65. D . Elsner 67. C . Hickey 68 . S . Hart 69 . O. Winchester 70 . J . Marshall 71 . S . Feehan 72 . M .Yarnall 74 . M . Curry 77 . P. Dalton 88 . Mart Heppeii
OLD GEEL速NG Coach: Jon Edgar Res Coach : Jim Pearson Club 18: Sean Wilson I D .Salter 2 J.Nevins 4 C . Stinchcombe 5 T.Redi n 6 TO'Brien 7 J . Paul 8 T.Seymour
9 J .Foley 10 J .Smit h 11 L.Stevens H. Mclnnes 14 H.Power 15 H.MeCarthy
16 H.O'Brien 18 C .Bird 19 P.Broadbent 20 S.Cole 21 S,Jones 22 J.Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .Whitehead 27 W.Pau l 28 A Farrar 29 D.Bolton 31 D. Varle y 32 J . Cook 33 B .Collins 34 M .Goldsworthy 35 H .Burbank 36 A.Opie 37 J.Fanning 39 A.Farnsworth 40 M .Avery 41 T.Carty 42 H .Browning 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B .Parnell 46 J . Fitzgerald 50 M .Wilkinson 51 J . Kilpatric k 52 N. Kemp 54 L. Heine 56 M.Leslie 58 L .McDonald
ST LEOS EMMAUS U09VERSi'fY KS WATTLE PARK Coach: David Mille r Res Coach: Jason Fennel 1 D. Dinicolantonio 2 J . Hodder 3 E. Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S. Buckle 6 D. Carey 7 A. Burgess 8 M . Volpi 9 D. Lear A. Bethune 9 1 0 B. Mitchell 11 S. McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Huqhan 13 A. Kreb s 14 J . Manton 15 A. O'Reilly 16 A. Ros e 17 R . Parke r 18 R . McCann 19 B . Carey 20 D . Bruce 21 G. Simmondson 22 S . Willis 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. McKenzi e 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E . McLaughlin 0 29 S . Da r 3 M . Ottobre 31 N. Zannis 32 L Price 33 L. Moss 34 B. Henricus 35 R . Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodde r 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Ga 41 J . Za r 42 M . Flood 43 B . Levins 44 M . Dimble 45 S . Ronchi
46 M . Blundell 47 M . Renner 48 A. Daly 49 C. Hatneld 50 P. Humphrey s 51 P. McG loin 52 R. McGloin 54 A. Fenniell 55 S. Smith 56 D . Domik 58 J. Fedsiad 59 D . F~ Itche r 60 C . McDonal d 61 S . Edwards 62 A . Ra nor
63 P. Noes
64 D. McKean 65 N . Foley 66 J . Blandtho m 67 P. Farquha r 68 B . O 'Conno r 69 S . Mescher 70 D. McGloin 71 B. Allan 72 A. Burgdort 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donova n 77 C . Vaughan 78 M. Whitney 79 T. Tribe 80 H . Meehan 81 D . Behan 88 S . Pitche r 89 D . Winduss . ~ ' LovEtaeKS
9 ~' ~~
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Coach: Kane Bowden Res Coach: James Trevaskis 1 G Darroch 2 S Chandle r 3 W Martin 4 M Vaughan 4 D Wilkinson 5 R Mackie e S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pascoe 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles
11 K Bowde n
12 M Kohne 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jessen 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 L Brown 18 A Wilson 19 C Franklin 20 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilso n 25 T Chatfield 26 J Ryan 27 A Clements 28 A Costell o 29 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 J Mirtschm 36 H Peck 37 N Roberts 38 L Beaton 39 R Gre g 40 G Sullivan 41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gadd 43 C Beaton 44 R McArthur 45 M Coleman 46 R Board 47 B Murphy 48 A Motfatt 49 P Greenbank 50 J Healey 51 A Nevill e 52 C Schirmer 53 D O'Keefe 54 M Braszell 55 G Thomso n 56 D Wa ls h 57 K Begely 58 A Paton 59 0 Toose 61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaskis 66 N Howell 68 P O'Beirne 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihill 73 S Macki e 75 WTouzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evans 78 R Owen 79 R Drummond 80 M Tehan 81 A Dor e 82 C Baulch 83 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 B Weber 86 D Creek 87 A Cowley 88 N Abbott 89 pq~9s 91 A Whitlock
92 S Milner M
Metcalfe JA Mirtschin E Nolan R Moreton
YARRA VALLEY Coach : Tim Killworth Res Coach : Rowan Davis 1 R Pearc e 2 T Morri s 3 R Thompson 4 M Fung
5 A Dre w 6 D Howse 7 R Dre w 8 L Morri s
9 J Kee m 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvea n 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysela 14 E Krus e 15 N Pas k 16 L Taylo r 17 A Lain g 18 L Whit e 18 D Ross 19 S Thompson 20 T Hal e 21 M Wine s 22 B Drew 23 Arnold 24 M Davies 25 F Pella rin o g 26 J Longworth 27 S Savag e 28 B Reynold s 29 R Coutts 30 D Potte r 31 B Sturzake r 33 P Cremean 34 C Fraser 35 B Peak e 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morrison 39 J Tompkin s 40 T Fyffe 41 B Down s 42 A Ston e 43 H Par k 44 J Ho 45 S Tresside r 46 D Irelan d 47 D Lan g 48 R Davie s 49 S Seabourne 50 C Bo x 51 C Reynolds 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrat h 55 P Peterson 56 T Lloy d 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joine r 60 C Ross
61 P Valoppi 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurch 64 M Bate 65 R Lan g 66 D March 67 M Busc h 71 M Lain g
73 T Lloyd 74 A Midland 76 J Dickso n 79 S Tresside r
LOC'"r,, BACK by Na-1 Rundl e 5 YEARS AGO - 1996 It was all happening in A Section . Other than for Collegians. Old Xaverians defeated leaders Collegians 10.9 to 6.14 and were now only one game out of th e four and on the way to the finals. Old Scotch, Old Haileyburians, St Bernards and Old Xaverian s were all level on 28 points. Yes it happened in B Sec tion when Old Trinity fina lly lost a game. Old Brighton jumped them in the first term, 6 .3 to 3 .0 . The leaders came back, but then Old Brighton went right away, to win 19 .17 ( 131) to 9 .11 (65). Best were Lennox, Kryzwniak, Nickas, Fildes, (Old Brighton) and Cumming, Bladeni, Van Der Hoek, Norman ( Old Trinity). It was a day for defeats when top C Secti on team St Kevins went down to third team St Kilda/Sth Caulfield . The victors led a ll day and won 14.17 (101) to 11 .10 ( 76) in a performance that was promising a good finals se ries. The stars were Astapenko, HayesDewar, McGraw (StKilda/Sth Caulfield) an d Varasdi, Dolhnan, Brady (St Kevins). Leigh Matthews was the guest speaker at the 1996 VAFA/AFCA coaches Award Dinner. 1995 "Coaches of the Year" Kevin McLean (Senior) and Steve Carroll (U/19) received their awards . Steve was having a good 1996 - University Blues were on top in U/19 sec tion 14/0.
Simon Kayroos made a splendid debut for B anyule with 7 goals in their 26 .17 defeat of Bulleen Templestowe 12 .4 . The victors also celebrated with a reunion of their 1986 senior and reserve premiership teams. There was a real VAFA flavour at Melbourne Football Club . Former State and Old Xaverian coach Barry Richardson was chairman of selectors, 200 game and premiership player with Collegians, Steve Laussen is runner and Old Xaveri ans premiership player Andrew Leoncelli made his debut with Melbourne against Geelong at Kardinia Park. AJAX, continuing to slide, were unlucky to go down by 5 points to St Bedes Mentone Tigers, who were now cha llenging the "Jackers" for top posi tion . 10 YEARS AGO - 199 1 VAFA President David Scott was elected by AAFC to be AAFC President for the next three years which would terminate with the next carnival in Melbou rne in 1994 . Therry an d Old Scotch played for fourth position in 'A' section at Swan S treet . Well the boys from Therry came out in 'rocket' form, kicking 7 .4 to 0 .0 in the first term . Old Scotch gradually pegged them back, trailed by 27 points at the last change, kicked 5 .1 to hit the front, only to see Therry score a goal to hang on an d win by 5 points,14.13 to 14 .8. Match winners were Grocock,
Castaldi, Eastmure, Biddlestone, McCann, Matton, (Therry) - they must have been stars as they left out Zanetti who kicked 6 goals . Hunter, Keipert, Miller, Aujard B.Steele were Scotch's best . 150 games to David McDonald at Ormond one of onl} 4 players to have played in the club's five 'A' sectior flags in 1985, 87, 88, 89 and 1990 and to Parkside' ; Rod Shanahan key member of the winning senioi premiership team of 1982 . Old Paradians (B) helped champion rover and captain Frank Gleeson celebrate his150th with an easy win over Old Mentonfans that pushed the losers out and put themselves into the four . Jamie Geary, Franlt Gleeson, Steve Philp (Old Parad .), were stars in the victory, 18 .20 to 8.14 . It was the match of the day in 'D' when top team AJAX met St Kevins Old Boys (4th) . Tied at the last change, the Jackers went on to kick 4 .3 to SKOB's solitary goal. Zubin, Micmacher, Rozenberg (AJAX) and Gross, Arthurson, Fogarty (SKOB) were best . 15 YEARS AGO- 1986 Parkside (B),third, defeated top team Old Xaverians by 2 points after trailing by 25 points at half time . Final scores were 12 .9 to 12 .7 . Best were Sherlock, Yoksich, Griffiths (P'side), and Beattie, Summers, Peter Curtain (Old Xavs). Ormond held a very successful old players night with best and fairest winners a feature of the night . Those present were Havel Rowe (1947), Joe Sheehan (1950), Geoff Harris (1951), Ron "Hookey" Trevorrow (1955- all the way from QLD), Norm Pert (1959), John Burdekin (1960), Ken Davidson (1962), Brian Firilayson (1963, 67, 69), Kevin Ladd (1968), Roger Wood (1971), Bruce Bourne (1974, 76), Alan Naylor (1977), Bruce Corben (1978), Steven McCooke (1979, 81) and Guy Ritchie (1983-85) . 100 games to Old Trinity's David "Doughty" O'Shaughnessy, senior best and fairest in 1982 and 1984 . Caulfield Grammarians (A) with their second successive win, kept their survival hopes alive . It was a great victory as the 'Fields' trailed the 'Hoes by 3 goals at the last change, then kicked 4 .7 to 0.2 in the final term. David Matthews and John Kanis in their new roles in the ruck and centre dominated the game . Old Haileyburians (C) fell by the wayside yet again when they were thrashed by Kew, 8 .5 to 3 .6. It was a fairly rugged game. The best were Peric, T . Portelli, F . Haralambopoulos (Kew) and Smith, Holman, Paul (Old Halley.) .
Ormond went into second position in 'A' section when they handled Elsternwick Park's heavy conditions far better than Bulleen-Temp. The two Phils, Kingston and Mehrten, continued their Carnival form to dominate in Ormond's 38 point win, 12.15 to 6 .13, a real turn around as Ormond led by only one goal at half time. 20 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Merit Award winners for 1981 were Ida Marcon ([yanhoe), Bob Jenson (North Brunswick), Bob Coldrey (Hampton Rovers), Greg Tootell (Caul . Gramm), Allan McFarlane (Coburg), Brian Costello (Uni Blacks) and Colin Johnston (TAFL) . Centuries galore at Hampton Rovers when Don 'Village' Scarlett (later HR Senior coach), along with former club captain Steve "Lucky" Huckett thundered down the race for their 200th games, followed by lion hearted rover Alby Martin to play his 100th . The Executive expressed their thanks to Brighton City Council Parks and Gardens Supervisor, Tom New, and his assistants Greg Gianalfls and Clarrie Peel for keeping Elsternwick Park in great shape despite the heavy rains . 300 games to Elsternwick's Don Perkins and 150 games to Mick Convery. Marcellin kept in touch with 'A' section for when they annihilated second place Ormond, 16.8 to 6 .18. Best were Hesse, Bracher, Gartner (MarceIlin) and McAsey, Kingston, P. Mehrten (Ormond) .
St Kevins (C) kicked 12 .2 but still went down to Bulleen-Temp 13 .7. Stars were Bird, Van den Driest, Gilmore (B-Temp) and H annan , Olsen, Tempany (St Kevins OB) . in the battle for fourth place in C section, MHSOB kicked 4 .4 to Old Camberwell's 0.4 in the final term to win by 12 points, 13 .9 to 12 .3 . Best were Todd, Knight, Short (MHSOB) and Polglase, I . Rogers, Warner (0. C'well). 25 YEARS AGO 1976 The team to represent Victoria in the AAFC Carnival in Adelaide, was selected as follows : M~ Ritterman (AJAX), G. Fletcher, J . Griffith, J . Butcher (Cal. Gramm), P. O'Brien (Cob .), I . Rice (Coll), I. Davis (Geel), J . Gartner (Marc OC), R . Silberberg (MHSOB), R. Booth (Monash), S . Maguire (North OB), (C) J. Anderson (Old Scotch), (VC) C . Hansen (Old Trinity), B . Bourne (Orm), R. Sykes (Power House), M . Bates, R. Shepherd (ROB), P. Aughton, M. Drennan, G . Mitchell, P. Rackham, G . Wade (St Bernards OC), N . Burne, J . Clarke (U. Blacks), R . Hindle (U. Blues) . Peter O'Donoghue was coach with Brian Lauder, manager and Fred Coldrey assistant. Monash Blues (ninth) caused a major upset when they defeated top side North Old Boys . Better backing-up and aerial supremacy won the game for Monash . North, nearly 10 goals down at the final change, added 6 goals in good time but faded out towards the finish . Best were Moore, Bickford, Syme (Monash) and Fogarty, O'Keefe, O'Connor (North) . Undefeated teams after 10 games were Old HaIleybury (C), AJAX (D), West Brunswick (F), North Old Boys
(Junior 1)and Thomastown (Junior 2). Bennett (Hampton Rovers) kicked 10 goals in his team's (C section) big win against Power House, 24 .22 to 7.10 . 30 YEARS AGO - 197 1 In a high scoring game Ormond defeated leaders Caulfield Grammarians,21 .15.141 to 18 .13.121 . The defeat tumbled Caulfield from top place to fifth, on percentages, with the top five teams level on 32 points . Best were Morgan, Wood, Logan (Ormond) and Butcher (5 goals),Fox and Steve McLaughlin (Caulfield) . Don Bradshaw, OGG's captain (who traveled from Hamilton each week) played his 50th consecutive game . Peter de Luca in first 'A' section game kicked 8 fine goals from full-forward for St Bernards. Milestones - 350 games to Les Gordon (Power House), 200 to John (Pincus) Penhale (ANZ Bank),150 to Don Mullin (Kew), Peter Sierakowski (Ormond) . 100 to Allan Saxby (Amp Society), Rod Jones(Old Trinity), Brian Grindlay (Old Paradians) and Henry Halassa (De La Salle). 35 YEARS AGO - i MHSOB were now 2 1/2 games in front of Coburg while a further 1 1/2 games behind were Caulfield Grammar, Old Paradians, Old Scotch and Collegians . Old Carey welcomed back John Elliott from his overseas trip and commented 'the Chicago Wildcats are still recovering from the night John trained with them" . Youngest player for St Pats (Ballarat) is Ray Ball . (Ray later played for Richmond and South Melbourne and was later centre half back for Caulfield in the VFA) . Parkside ruckman Keith Johnson was his team's best player for the third successive week . 'A' section umpires were Loy, Posetti, Waites, Murphy and Mason.
50 YEARS A GO - 195 1 Blues and Blacks staged a great struggle for three quarters but Blues were too strong in the final quarter with 8.2 to 2.2 . Duncan Anderson (13 goals), John Jolley and Rick Morrison were outstanding for the Blues with Harry Meredith, Robin Farmer and Hugh Miller best for Blacks. Ormond managed to defeat Old Melburnians by 5 points to leave the teams in places 4 and 5 on the ladder with 24 points . Ron McFarlane, Ormond's angular ruckman and a wobbly kick, steered through 7 goals. St Andrews and Bellfield, battling for a place in "D" section four, staged a great game, with the home team stronger in the second half to win by 11 points . Rod Ellison on the backline was best a field for St Andrews while other stars were Ted Drinkwater, John Waller and Bob Stein . Caulfield Grammarians Juniors commented on Ted Marshall's two glorious dropkick goals - "Miracles, miracles" .
Winning Edge Presentations
Round 13 results, were another example of the glorious uncertainty of Amateur Football as Old Brighton won for the first time this season and two of the leaders in section 2 were defeated . My 80% success rate thus gives satisfaction . REVIEW OF ROUND 1 2 SECTION 1
Old Xaverians atoned for their round 3 loss to Old Scotch with an overwhelming victory by one hundred and three points . Old Melburnians held second place as they defeated Brunswick by thirty nine points . Old Brighton continued their improvement when they celebrated David Cochran's 300th game . It was Old Brighton's first win this seasons . Their best were; veteran, Marcus Barber, on a wing as well as the player of the day, David Cochran, who celebrated his milestone with multiple goals . Prahran also joined in the Cochran celebrations, which was appreciated by the host club . Captain, Ant (bony) Lawrence and the veteran Mick O'Dea as well as the injured Brett Cartlidge were their best . Fourth placed De La Salle had a tough contest with Therry Penola before they won by ten points. Leaders St Kevins with their running style of play were very impressive in their seventy nine point victory over Mazenod . The consistent forward, Meagher as well as they players wearing No 17 and No 32 were St Kevins best. Irrespective of his health, Bob Palamara, celebrated his selection in the best ever Mazenod team, with a great game . Others to do well for the losers were ; Troy "Barge" Bridgiand, Anthony "Spider" Smyth and the consistent, Cam Busby. SECTION 2
Leaders Old Ivanhoe gave a poor and undisciplined display against the ever improving Marcellin, who won a low scoring match by nineteen points . Best for Old Ivanhoe were ; Wade Ward and Steven Kingston . Old Trinity experienced little difficulty in defeating St Leos by fifty five points . Despite marked inaccuracy, Collegians made the double chance safer by defeating Whitefriars by forty points . University Blacks strengthened their hold on fourth place with a twenty nine point win over Old Geelong . A pleasing feature for the Blacks
would have been their increased scoring rate . A strong wind prevailed at Keilor
and with Old Essendon having first use, thei virtually won the match with six goals in the firs quarter. Once again the minds of several Monasl Blues were not focused on the job at hand . Bi kicking only three minor scores with the win( Monash Blues, found themselves outscore( again by Old Essendon, who led by thirty twc points at half time. The second half saw Monasl Blues improve their performance after stronj words from Coach, Glen Trigg . However thei failed to make any progress on the score board At the final siren Old Essendon recorded victon by thirty one points. Their best were ; Darrer Barr, Will Conlan and Luke Fraser. For Monash the best were ; Captain and half back Chris Howe ruck man, Steven Bennett, Paul Coghlin an( Mark Woods .
PREVIEW OF ROUND 13 SECTION 1 The pioneers of Australian Football, Old Scotcl and Old Melburnians meet at Camberwell Victory by Old Scotch will keep their slim fma chances alive . Old Melburnians need to win tc insure second place for the second successivf season . I favour Old Melburnians to win . Brunswick host the confident, Old Brighton . From my recent observations ,aFlemingPrk select Old Brighton, whom I believe will play o . utheigymnsbtr Therry Penola journey south to play the injurl depleted Prahran, who are ruing losi opportunities. Although Therry Penola do wir the ball around the ground, their forwards havc been able to win only two games . Forwards DC win matches and with Brett Cartlidge and MicH O'Dea doing well last week, I forecast a Prahrar victory. Leaders St Kevins should be able to defeat De L2 Salle comfortably . Old Xaverians make the long trip to Waverle} where they will meet a determined Mazenod . Thc depth of talent possessed by Old Xaverians wi . lenabthmowig SECTION. 2 Form side, Marcellin should be untroubled to wil
',gainst St Leos . MarceIlin will be anxious to build vital percentage in their quest for fourth place . Collegians should be able to defeat Old Trinity even on the unfamiliar environment of Bulleen . I ,,tipect Old Trinity to give spirited opposition and Collegians will not have things all their own way, ~t'lutefriars host Old Geelong, confident that they ~,-ill be able to avenge their eighteen point loss in pound 4 . Given their recent improvement, I select Whitefriars to win today . The University Blacks versus Old Essendon Match is a virtual Elimination Final because an old Essendon loss will put them two games to be played. Victory by Old Essendon will take them above University Blacks, who after holding fourth place in round 5, could find themselves in sixth place with two remaining rounds . The Crawford oval may not be any great advantage to either side and I forecast a close contest at whose conclusion I tip Old Essendon to be narrow Victors.
Leaders Old Ivanhoe have the opportunity to recover lost team work and momentum when they play the out of form Monash Blues at the University. In round 4 Old Ivanhoe won by thirteen points after a late resurgence by Monash Blues . Even though the game is at Monash, I favour Old Ivanhoe to win .
Ion s ~_cs - Today against Old Ivanhoe, c3diu will play his 100th game fo r Monash Blues . Mat, who has played with the Blues for six seasons, has rendered sterling service as an on ball player . Administratively, he has served as a club Vice President . Congratulations, Mat on your significant contribution to Monash Blues .
Cartlidge Matthews Tomlinson Mannix George Meagher
LST CLUB CLUB RVIII/ I Prahran 2 Old Xaverians 9 Old Melburnians 2 De La Salle 2 Old Xaverians 0 4 St Kevins
Oakley Bonnyman Collier Holsman Woods
Collegians Whitefriars Monash Blues Collegians Monash Blues
TODAY'S MATCHE S Club 18 (1 ) Old Scotch v. Old Melburnians Brunswick v . Old Brighton Prahran Amateurs v . Therry Penol a De La Salle v . St . Kevins Mazenod v . Old Xaverians Club 18 (2 ) Marcellin v . St . Leos Emmaus Old Trinity v. Collegians Whitefriars v. Old Geelon g L_liversity Blacks v . Old Essendon at Crawford Oval Monash Blues v. Old Ivanhoe
CLUB RS71 (1 1 0 : U%AVERIANS 8 .2 12.5 15 .6 18 .10 (118) 1 .0 1.2 1 .3 2.3(15) 6iD SCOTCH Old : . vraians: Matthew's 9 O'Sullivan 2 Erskine 2 Hardwick Perry Jones Bn Curnow. Best: C . Carrodus Matthews Erskine Stoney Perr y r. Old Scotch Thomas,Pr}^de . Best: Costello Kyriakou Colman pson Leeds Ireland . Umpires: M . Cross L. McIntyre (F) OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .2 3 .9 8.12 11 .15 (81 6.6(42))BRUNSWICK3 .1 3 .3 5.6 : Bains 3 C. Tomlinson 2 Cooper Moody Cordnet Atkinson Old f aim lliting . Best: Burden Utting Haynes Verge Ril+g Paine . Brunswlela Klkullen 2 Brunt Lovett Warburton Gaffy. Best: Kilcullen IJuffi Brunt Connor Forster Gaily. Umpires: M. Sneddon Old Metburnians Umpire (F) OLD BRIGHTON 3 .4 5.4 9 .8 10.10 (70) PRASII2A@t 1 .2 6.6 7.6 8.7(55) Old Brighton. A. Grant 3 Cochran 2 Hicks 2 Talbot Barber Pennell . BestTlouden Cheeseman Pemberton Barber Cochran Norwood . Prahr速n: MacPherson 3 Cartlidp4e 2 Odea 2 Browell . Best: Decks Odes -;Mt Dowd MacPherson Pritchard Umpires : M . Phillips D . Windlow (F) 8.6(54) THERRY PENOLA 2.0 3 .0 6.5 BE LA BALLE 3 .2 5 .7 7.8 9 .10 (64) Therry Psuola Keay 2 Cameron Keenan Dorian Springall Bosanko OSulltyan 1 . Best : Keay Cameron Springall Kelly. Be In Salle-- Robinson 3 Mannix 2 Hermann Brasher Fistcaro Ford 1 . Best: t.ewwin Brasher Tucker Mannix May Baker Umpires : A. Burro T. Jackson (F) 17.9 (111) ST. EE4IPiS 5 .4 11 .5 14.7 5 .2(32) MAZENOD 2 .0 3.1 5.2 St. Kevlns: Hourigan 4 Meagher 4 P . Manton 2 L . Katavolous 2 Rattle G . =~Uw'.ous Tretoar Morgan Moore. Best: Manton G.Katavolous Hourldan a - -- - ~ o,, -
TOTAL 51 33 29 22 21 21
24 19 18 17 14
Collins MooreMulcah ; ',-^=-yoc: Bzll 2 Bourbon 2 Evans. Best: Bell Evans Flight Perez Bourbon. Ump_- : A. Barrington St Kevins Umpire (F) CLUB ~VIII (21 1 .1 1.3 2 .4 3.5(23) OLD IVANHOE 2 .1 3.4 5.5 6. 6(42) MARCELLIN Old Ivanhoe ; Kingston 2To111 . Best: Ward Kingston Laycock Golding Toll LaN^cock, Marcellin : Betthettt 3 N.Mathews Tull Sexton. Best : Betthetti Sexton Yee C.Mathews P .SVmes M .Srznes .Umpires: R. Parker T . Robbins (F) 2 .6(24) 1 .2 1 .3 3.5 ST. LEOS EMMAUS OLD TRINITY 5.3 7 .6 8.6 11 .15 (81 St Leos: Not recewxd. Old Trinity : Not received. Umpires : R . Benson St Leas Umpire (F ) 2 .4 4 .10 6.13 9.18 (72) COLLEGIANS 5.2(32) WIB'13:FRIAI3S 2 .1 4.1 5 .1 Collegians: Ho]sman 3 Oakley I Cooke 1 Grant 1 CurOs .K I Gay,J I Ja}atLake I . Best: Treacy Gay.J Day Haim Lumley Cooke . Whit ' : Haynes,T I Davies .C I Bonnyman 2 Sully I . Best : Jackson O'6rlen Houston Haynes Spiteri. Umpires: P. Jackson R. Windlow (F) OLD G'. .ELONG 3.1 4.2 5.3 9 .5 (59) 3.3 7.6 11 .8 13.10 (88) U2 . :V' . ir1Y BLACKS Old C ' o ;: Not received . University Blacks: Not received. Umpires: T. Hall Old Geelong Umpire (F) 9.9(63) OLD ESSENDON 6.2 7 .6 7.7 MONASH BLUES 2 .0 2 .4 3.6 4.8 (32) Old - un: Barr 2 Coolant 2 Fraser 2 Eddy 2 Greastey . Best : Coolant Barr Turner N O'Connell P Barry Eddy. Monanh Blues: Parsons 2 Collier Moir. Best: Coughlin Woods Howie Cunnington Bennett Parsons . Umpires: P. Nailer Old Essendon Umpire (F )
mm ::_3 0-$ 'fl each wr, --xozj,, Kevin esartletc and Caary hverey serve up all U m latest foaty news and 'antrrrview the pldyers ar~!i caasii3s making the rtews.
A .F.C .A
-V.A.- .A .
"Your C .z_c:cs' f_ssociation "
n eo~- 'aes are accused of le . - good with the media, and we ca n selves in the foot from time to time . r we are good or bad at PR an d . z. e media we soon learn what works . a question of whether we learn to cop e - There are coaches who have careers i n as commentators, advisers (technical) , s ; id organisers . -reat skills required in any or in life is the ability to manag e Coaches are the masters of time ;ment . Every day, every hour o f ,ling is planned to maximise the time an d esults from time . Elite sport is all abou t puts in the most time, and who utilises "Ze best . my corporate talks to company itives are about leadership . Many r; organisations are self-made peopl e o have often climbed over others to ge t . :-e they are . They want to know abou t ership styles . Coaches cover the whol e ctrum of leadership . There are the quie t , the forceful leaders, the Machiavellia n s, the philosophers, the detailers, s by example the motivators and so on . oc that all styles work, in the right place â&#x20AC;˘ight time . Coaches are leaders by itic a . Pass that knowledge onto others i n -ir next career .
All coaches know about marketing. We market our athletes, our sport, and ourselves . We know how to convince others to support or sponsor us. We know how to sell our future dreams and visions . i i cf change: ' fsressurg : , ; F We all handle pressure and stress in differing ways and with differing degrees of success . But coaches really know what they are all about . Another topic I receive many requests to speak about is handling change . Ours is an everchanging society . The ability to cope with rapid change as individuals and organisations is a very precious : .Il to possess . Coaches spend much of their lives analysing form and structure . These are skills honed over time . This ability is a great asset in business and in management . Analysis of cause and effect is essential in helping others to improve, or to change direction . Ca
:atiora- :
Coac' es by necessity are good communicators . They may not always be great public speakers, in . they know how to get a message across . C These are some of the major skills that coaches possess . Many of us do not realise we possess these skills until it is too late . As we work through our coaching careers we must continue to build on these skills in such a way the we can utilise them in life after coaching . look at how coaches can fully ;elves with the skills described n Hurley Coach, Vol 23, No 3 2000 .
Results were in ke ing ssrith ladder positions, save .! :able draw between Salesian and ; . for a remLatrobe . The split points continue to keep WiIliamstow-n's top-two aspirations afloat, while halting the Trobers' surge towards the four . Parkside's big win over Peninsula looks to have well and truly paid for its final's ticket while the relegation battle is far from over . P,EVIEW Sadly no report from what was the match of the day at Bosco St . Needless to say, the drawn game throws up a few questions . Is Salesian tiring as the season goes on? Are some of its key players showing the signs of wear and tear having kept their side in second spot for so long? Or is La Trobe simply a good young side that took a while to get rolling but is now playing quality footy? Perhaps the home side felt its 3/4 time lead was sufficient . The answer is likely to be a bit of all these things, but on Saturday this much is known : the Trobers overcame a 4 goal deficit half way through the last qrtr to tie things up thanks to a strong mark and goal by Dean Sheldrick, who'd moved forward after the long break . West was co petitive everywhere except the scorebo A agai ist r Amateurs . In a bruising encounter, the Vulti es were held to a relatively sm 1'total - but so were the Magpies . Malone, J. Heywood and 'Ward were best for the A7esties while O'Meara and Dixon headed the list for Mentone . A quiet day for sharpshooter Macgeorge (5 goals), who has been forced to wait another week to reach triple figures .
D~ . was in 'fearsome form' against Powe: n-; and continued its tenacious attack on the ball from the previous week . An 8 goal into-the wind opening term laid the foundation for the carnage that ensued. Schultz, Hanley and the Papa bros . again enjoyed Budgie's ascendency while Dooley and MacKenzie polished off their good work . Bromley kicked 3 off HB as did Ash Kitts who was BOG off a wing. The ivin proved a just reward for the Krushers' improved work ethic in recent weeks . Wai<l s to CYMS squandered the use of the breeze against a determined Kew side, which prompted a rare spray from the CY's coach . His charges duly responded and kicked 6 goals to 1 to enjoy a 38 point buffer at the main break . Willi continued to create Kew turnovers which ultimately told on the scoreboard as it ran out comfortable victors and a position just 2 points shy of Salesian and the coveted double chance . Wheeler dominated at CHB and was well supported by Monroe and Monkhorst among others .
started slo ly agains t ' a2a , allowing its guest to kick the first three goals and play some confident football . The Red Devil weathered the early pressure an d clearly estab lishe their superiority in the second qrtr. Parkside had to much qua lity over the ground, with AReCaI: Stonehouse and others marking strongly and sma men Wise and Soligo getting plenty of touche, Andrew Parsons played an inspiring game in hi 150th for the Pirates .
will provide far stiffer opposition to Powerhouse, but that said, th , . .rushers have built their form and confidence of lat+ and can be expected to throw plenty at the much vaunted Vultures . Mentone hasn't faltered thus far and no one would predict them to drop this one particularly at home and with the coach on the vergt of the ton . Mentone by 46 points . Pow e : looked to be edging closer toward ; that elusive victory before last week's heavy loss, bu I wouldn't expect stown to offer muct sympathy . The CY's will be looking for a solid hit-or ahead of their upcoming clash with Mentone a nprovidethyavenoughplayrse dt c contribute this week, the result should be a formality . The visitors to prevail by a 63 point margin . Kew should prove difficult for Salesian to shake at Victoria Park, but the Chadstone lads have worked too hard to start falling in a hole now. The K's are good when they run but have shown some indifferent form of late . Salesian to retain 2nd spot with a 29 point victory . La 'I'robe is arguably at the peak of its form this season and should pose a few problems for 4th placed Parkside . This game should offer a reasonable indication of the gap between the finalists and the rest . Both teams possess some quality running players, with Parkside having greater marking options . Given reasonable playing conditions, I feel Pa' :side will win by 19 points . Peninsula hosts ' s ek in what is the key match in deciding the second relegation team . Both have been losing, so it's a case of judging losing form - with the Westies looking better over the past few weeks . They may show signs of a tough encounter last start, while the Pirates have something extra for which to play . Peninsula to win .
ROB KENT committee, players and supporters of the V ._l hisula old Boys Football Club mourn the ,udd n passing of one of its great supporters, Ro b i Widely regarded as a passionate an d ~eous man who championed the cause of the ,,iderdog, Rob's sons Neil and Ian have displaye d
Joys FC: Recent milestones at the b ;C _ ?o ey ( 50 games) has been a ceiiacious and reliable on-baller who is a fine leader ,n and off the field . Andrew Atchison (150 games) has rucked tirelessly over many years. The senior captain and b&f winner is a courageous leader who is respected by teammates and r)pposition alike for his skill, consistency and jedication to his club . Neil Franks (25 0 games) iias been a skillful and selfless servant of the POBFC who has been a leader, mentor and premiership coach . A remarkable achievement r'rom a Pirate legend . Well done Franksy. Kew - congratulate reserves defender Rob Liâ&#x20AC;˘rin~s Yon who wears the brown and gold for the . "Livo" lOC'. .I time today against Salesian OC joined us in 1993 from Keon park and on the way has not only been a good clubman but won reserves trophies for most determined (1996) and 2nd B&F (1999) . Good luck for today and the future Rob from all at Kew .
2 .5(17) WEST FitUIdSWICK 1 .1 1.3 1 .4 5.4 7 .7 11 .9 14.11 (95 ) West Brunswick. Shelton R Heywood . Best: Malone J ood Ward Vance Norman Benjamin . Mentone: t cGeorge 5 O'Meara 3 Barr 2 Stephens 2 . Rowley D ixon. I. 0?11eara D ixon Sullivan Gallagher Rowley. Umpires: J . ll :ff, man A. Fyffe (F ) 0 :'1hLEIGH 8 .4 18.11 23 .14 31 .17 (203) PO VVL'R HOUSE 1 .7 5.7 7.9 9 .10 (64) OaFaei ;h : Dooley 7 H anley 5 MacKenzie 4 Bromley 3 Fitts 3 `r;y ;4 opoulos 3 Clark 2 ',Schultz 2 Adamic Khodr . Best : Kitts. ',Ii I i<nry Gee Papadopoulos Bromley Dooley. Powerhouse: r~vj: ford 2 Craven 2 Urwin Contr eras Mahoney Burt McRae . ': obertson Contrerasi Craven Clarke McRae Bol and. tnipires: C . Garcia L . Dillon (F) WILLIAbYSTOWN CYMS 4 .2 10.2 17.3 22 .6 (138) 2 .4 3.6 6.8 10.10 (70) KEW Williamstown CYR3S : Williams 8 Cocks 2 Ferris 2 Thomson ? Ct ::r:,lo 2 Barlow Rickard Wuchatsch Featherston Mathews h ._lcod. Best: Wheeler Munro Monkhurst Williams mister Cocks Wuchatsch . Kew : M. Fitzgerald 2 Cu ll en 2 Bell Bradley Landwehr Mackie hesani Moussi . Best: Bradley L. Fitzgerald Tinnetti : b Stevens Marchesani . pises : R. Sneddon (R) (F) C . O'Shea N . Hitchen (B) S ;il,._S~>S3 2 .1 9 .6 11 .9 13.12 (90) LS 7RC ;1 S UNI. 4.5 7 .5 8 .7 13.12 (90) Sai e>San : Not received. La Trobec Not received . Umpires: J . I srnsbard G . Roberts (F) K. Pay N . Lemmon (B) PARiiSIDE 4 .4 10.6 13 .14 21 .16 (142) Pr, :ii .r,SULA 5 .2 5.3 5.5 6.5 (41)
similar traits on and off the field for the Pirates over many years . Rob's dry sense of humour and generosity of spirit will be sorely missed . The Club extends its deepest sympathy to Glenda, Poss, Striker, Nicole and family .
Macgeorge Williams Thain Payze Bec k Pavlou Burgess Lafranchi Krohn Ross
CLUB LST~.7IC D2 SECTIO N Mentone 5 Wll)iamstown 8 Salesian 0 Peninsula I Parkside 4 D2 RESERV E Powerhouse Williamstown Ke w Peninsula Parkside
TOTAI. 97 81 37 36 33 31 23 19 17 16
TODAY'S TC ES D2 Sec tion Mentone Amateurs v . Oakleigh Power House v. Williamstown CYMS Kew V. Salesi an 0 C La Trobe University v . Parkside Peninsula 0 B v . West Brunswick
Parkside: Beck 4 Marulli 3 Stonehouse 3 Wise 3 McCall 2 Reginato 2 Ware 2 Romano Soligo . Best : McCall Pino Stonehouse Adams Soligo Wise. Peninsula: Coughlan 2 Prendergast 2 Payze . . Best: Bowen Franks Parsons T Prendergast Paulson Payze . Umpires: J . Lane P . Lamble (F) RESEktYE~ 4 .2 4.9 5 .13 6 .17 (53) WEST BRUNSWICK 7 .8(50) gIENT OlyE 2 .1 3.3 5 .6 west Brunswick : Vitale Steward A Hamilton Twvford Bagnall. A Shirley. Best: Vitale Steward Baker M Lewis Bagnall Moore Mentone : Smith 3 Murphy 2 Emmett Sims . Best : Rock Nichols M Walsh Smith Perazzo Sims . OAKLEIGH 0 .2 1 .5 1 .8 3 .9 (27) POWER HOUSE 3 .3 5.8 8 .11 11 .16 (82) Oakleigh: Hardy Head Redford . Best: head Kerley Nikakis Redford Odilvie Dordevic . Powerhouse: not received SVII.LIAhSSTOwN CYMS 2 .3 8 .7 9.10 13.17 (95) I EW 2.3 4 .3 7.6 7.6 (48) Williamstown CYMS : Burgess 5 Cambridge 2 Calderwood Dowsey Saunders Breguet Pach McKenzie . Best: Burgess Saccoccio Cannon Smith Calderwood Pach . Kew: Woodhouse 5 Perri 2 . Best : Woodhouse Livingstone Griffiths Nigro Bolls Perri . SALESIAN 1 .2 5 .4 7.9 10.12 (72) 3.2 7 .3 9 .4 10.5 (65) LA TROBE UNI . Salesian: Not received . La Trobe : Not received. PARKSIDE Received forfeit . Forfeited PENINSULA
D.1 coach. Sc to Ras. : Greg C, i ..! :95 1 B Lafranchi 2 L Fitzgerald 3 G Horgan 4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradley
in,l ry Bakc nnis S . Fredrickson D. Sheldrick C. Perry ~ A . Randall
7 T Aitken
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . B . Cameron
8 N Derrico
7 . S. Gemmola
6 N Tnnetti 9 A Eaton 10 B Cullen 11 B Woodhouse 12 J Growcott 13 C Kyriakou 14 J Looker 15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Shaw 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell (VC) 29 M Dalrymple 30 C Giansante (RVC) 31 K Gillam 32 A Drago 33 D Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 R Bruno (RDVC) 36 S Ryan 37 J Landwehr NC) 38 J Beer 39 M Mc Inerny 40 P Durbridge 41 R Livingston 42 Bette 44 J Bell 47 S S Byrnes 48 L Jensen 49 S Udler 50 J Griffiths 51 M Blair 52 R Campagna 61 S Moussi 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers 66 J O'Kane 67 T Beattie 68 B Mc Gauchie 99 S Bruno
8 . J. Camm 9 . L . Walker 10. A . Hewitt it . J . Le ~ 12 . M . Forrest 13 . T. Ludarman 14 . L. Wakeling 15 . B . Auldist 16. S. Bray 17. S. Gloury 18. B. Grant 19 . S. White (VC) 20 . A. Murphy 21 . D. Edmunds 22 . P. Stewart 23 . R . Storer 24 . S . Edwards 25. S . Brooks 26. B. Hewitt 27. D . Gilmour 28. C . Ross 29 . P. White 30 . J. Smith 31 . J . O'meara 32 . D. Hill 33 . M . Watson 34. S . Paterson 35. J . Eyre 36. T. Mawdsley 37. C . Porter 38 . A. Willis (C) 39 . N. Rosengreen 40 . R. Slater 41 . A. Samson 42 . D. Gleason 43 . A. Poulton 44. R. Mather 45. D . McKeekin 46. D . Hartley 47. H . Girdwood 48 . L . McNamara 49 . M. Day Y 50 . K. Hopkins 51, C. Francias 52 . T. Stauton 53 . A . Tucker 54. T. Peters 55. A . Cummings 61 . B. Launikonis 63 . J. Laidlaw 65 . A. Hall 66 . A. Ballie 70 . J Dumaresq
C( Res. cc, I I M . Hovey 2 R. Gallagher 3 M . Dixon D. Emmett 5 A . White
6 C . Stephens 7 K . Gutter 8 D . Perrin
9 P. Emmett 10 B. Sebrie 10 T. Stillman 11 C . O' Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M, Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 22 S . Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Roc k 27 M . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 M . Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B . Matlock 32 B . Coleman 33 N . Wilkins 33 D. Andrew 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 A. Fimster 40 C . Goddchild 40 D . Nichols 41 C . Rock 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C. Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tully 47 G. Anslade 48 M . Wals h L . McHugh 50 T. Peck 51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D. Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D. Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 K . Lockhar t 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara 74 S. Penton 77 B. Fleming 78 Cerritelli 01-90 jt me
}~~ _ :
Co vh : L Res Co .h .
B . Gee A. Bloomfield D. MacKenzie P. Papadopoulos
1 R Adam s 2 W Thomso n 3 S Pin o
5 T Ianchello
4 D Warren 5 T Stonehous e
6 R . Dooley
6 A Stuart
7 B. Hall 8 R . Marshall g J . Moutis 10 M . McHenry 11 C. Hanley 12 S . Day 13 S . Randle 14 A . Schultz 15 G . Redford 16 B. Arthur 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T Adamic 21 A . Monaghan 22 M . Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts (C) 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 J. Knapper 28 A. Khodr 29 J . Sposito 30 A. Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B . Gant 33 M . Clark 34 L . Head 35 R . Nuske (RC) 36 J. Tolley 37 P. Torpey 38 B. Papadopoulos 39 M . Dordevic 40 I . Moore 41 J . Bruerton 42 S . Dalton 43 J . Seymour 44 N . Smith 45 P. Leslie 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 C . Little 48 A. McKenzie 49 G . Orlando 50 . P. Taylor 51 . J . Kerley 52 . M . Pitsos 53 . D . Pearson 54 M . Coppock 55 C . Hogan 56 C . Hard Y 57 R . Keating 58 L . Thomas 59 W. Ogilvie 60 S. Kay
7 J Musca t 8 J Chilcott 9 A Constantin i 10 A Vit a 11 B Hockey NC ) 12 D McCal l 13 A Cople y 14 V Roman o 15 D Moodie (C) 16 M Ros s 17 A Romano 18 A Reginal d 19 C Williams 20 D Singleto n 21 M Schwabl 22 R Wise 23 R Beck 24 R Marull i 25 M McPherso n 26 S Ross 27 D Matthews 28 R Martinez 29 S Toffu l 30 M Yandle 31 S Hogan 32 J McCall (RVC) 33 K Alla n 34 M Roman o 35 G Panjari 36 M Hoyn e 37 J Panjari 38 F Darrig o 39 K Nobl e 40 M Cassa r 42 P Dean 43 J Hubbard 44 P Soligo 45 B McGillia n 46 C Welsh 47 C Tyso n 48 M Heal y 49 S Collie r 50 B Carma n 51 G Davies 52 B Cassan o 53 P Roman o 54 S Marin o 55 J Eastwoo d 56 G Massett 57 C Ross 58 T Mango s 59 S Ware 60 J Drakopoulos 61 P Tascon e 62 J Willets 63 D Vivona 64 T Thoma s
65 S Carmod y
~ aâ&#x20AC;˘unc tuu -n- 7
~ Restaurant
1 2 3 4
h sseli on C s :P
66 S Staffor d 67 D Ingli s 70 S Dive r ~ 71 A Inglis (RC)
t i:
Co h ter O'Connor C h : F ?olls „C:.~aiCivst ;E¢harr§son
Cc ch : n As D . Re _..,. ., iC.anna
Coz Items
RssE,,,6 o I D Williams I A Stevens 1 A Hamilton S, Parsons 1 A Rolls Parsons 2 J Hall 2 A Them 2 P Hamilton 2 J Buttigie g 3 D Grieve 3 S Sutherland 3 G Heppell Goldthorpe 3 N Pavlou 4 S Wuchatsc h 4 A Healey 4 C . Lehmann 4 B Turner _.Bovren (Vc) 5 M Canavan 5 D Macleod (C) 5 A Cannane 5 M Braini Ken t 6 R Cincotta 6 N Grant 6 C . Lewis Warner 6 H Clarke 7 G Gasped 7 B Robinson 7(a)F Vitale 7 C Richardson 8 S Logan 8 8 Hann C Murray 7 b)iJ O'Brien 9 A Campbell 9 G Cas e us 8 J Clarke . Hey;vood 8 J 10 D Oliver 10 B Cock s = --~hn (Rvc) 9 Ad Burt 9 A . Mcrpheii 11 A Davey 11 B Twist 10 Ash Burt Haley 10 S Byrne 12 A Gasped 12 A Feathersto n 11 H. Bailey 11 J Gill A. Landr y 13 1 Bobetic 12(R)M Cannon 12 B Clarke 12 N Dodd 14 C Roache 12 R.Powney 13 A Mac ;dey 13 S . Brockley 13 J Harris 15 D levoli 13 T. Brade n 14 D Ferri s 14 N Lampel 14 W Elliot 16 P Turley 14 S.Jackson 14(R)A Daniel 15 B. Howlett 17 M Ferwerda 15 P Hassler 15 W Phillip s 15 B,Cook 16 S Smythe 18 A Sexton 16 M Higgins 15(R)P Bregue t ~ 1 6 R . Huighso n 17 R. Heywoo d 19 S Brow n 16 D Gilmarti n 17 C MacLeod (RC) j7 J. Coughlan 20 A Seager 18 M . McManus 17 R Hart 18 F Doyle IS J. Whelan 21 A Bates 19 M . Stringer 17(R)R Plochino 19 J Evans 19 T. Prendergast 22 R Stevens 20 B. Young 18 D Oldham 20 B Ryan 23 M Smith S.Prendergast 21 S McNamara 19 P Dervan (RC) 24 A Grace 21 D~liller 22 A. Steward :1 A . Macpherso n 20 P Sadler ';hison (C) 22 S Evans 25 S Egan 23 D Henderson 21 L Monkhurst 26 J Hennes 23 S Craven (C) 24 J Jenkin 3urke 22 M Saunders 27 N Synott 25 G Malone 24 D Boland 23 T Wheele r White 28 M Byrne 26 R . Benjamin 25 S Cummins 23(R)A Bourse hi son 29 M Forbes 27 D . Disisto 24 J McCutcheo n t 26 J Senior Prendergas 30 M Cooke 28 J Ward 24(R)C Pach P 27 J Robertson 31 M Bates 29 M . Shepherd 25 P Thomson 32 G Riley 28 D Murrihy or 30 M Lewis 25(R)G Burgess 33 K Richardson J elso n 29 R Cassio 31 E Dohrmann 26 L Grochowsk i 34 A Anderson 30 N Miller 32 M . Carmichael 27 C Mathew s 35 A Ellis ; d (Res .) 31 R Marshall (RVC) 33 T Thompson 28 A Kosmatos 36 D Todd 32 A Benbow 29 P Vincent .L lnon 37 D Gheblikan 34 I . Tvdytord 30 T Turcinovich Harding 33 R Taylor 38 A Darcy 35 K. Coventry 39 C Clausen 31 A Bartolo 34 J . Marsh 36 S. Campbell Wilson 40 P,i Forer 32 X Toby 35 J Kilpatrick 37 N . Basham len 41 M Gunn 33 G Rickar d 38 S. Darling 36 A Robinson vies 42 P Evan s 34 B Jone s 3 9 X Thompson Bowman 37 D O'Connor 43 E Maillard 35 C Bergi n 40 B Baker C Wenlock S art 38 44 C Hunt 41 R . t"Ier 36 A Black H< !ort h 39 D Crawford 45 S Horvath 37 B Hyne s 42 per 40 R Keits 46 D Forer 4 JhlToto„ id 38 S Smith 47 B Bowman Dillon 41 J Rainey 39 M Hollan d 4 s 48 M Bourke 43 S Considine 39(R)A Carte r rro4v 4 J Sr•°.~ 49 D Barry 40 J~iunr o Hanso n 44 G Dean 46 A Band; 50 S Morrish 41 T Campbell 45 A Contreras Jan 3 (Rc) 47 N Seal 51 S Parisi 42 D Woud a Ison 46 B Harrahan 48 M Moore 52 D Hagerty 43 B Grant 47 GParker 53 B Chalmers 49 L. Stewart tin 44 tvManning M 54 S Nolan 50 A. Bagnall .Oneil 48 H Nelson 45 J Hynes 55 E Hanaphy 51 L Sherry ; [- .Palmer 49 B Urwin 46 T Ferri s 56 D Bowman 52 B. Flanagan inner 50 C Jones 47 F :din i 57 B Atkins 53 J . Gross 51 J Best 48 P' ;rhett Cr der „ R 58 W Chapman Saville 52 S Rafferty 59 D Blake ~ 5 .H :its 5G ,t ~ -heo n 54 J Blovriield J .?s 60 D Sutherland 56 C . F 51 nzi e 61 P Malls ;ander 55 D Yates 57 J. D52 R is -at 62 B Kirchne r -ley 56 J Mahoney 58 A. F~ 5 3 M Olc ia m 63 L Seeger Shorten 57 R Kang 59 C . Norman 54 J Payne 64 S Oldfied 61 S McCrae well 60 O . Kirby 55 J Spezza 65 B Grant 4 .Ptatalizi o 62 A White 62 S Dishon 56 S Calderwood 66, B Pascoe 66 D Wright 63(a) D . Jelbart 57 tuSaccoccio I P.Sinclair 67 M R1cTagga rt M 63 (b) J. Gartlan 58 A Bear d 69 J.Muir 71 L O'Sullivan 68 S Portray 69 M Stanton 65 D . Simmond 59 K Dovtsey 88 G Scotland 70 A Chiappini 66 M . Malone 60 D Lee 54 S. McNerny 71 C Bartlett 67 A . O'Brien 72 B Porter 55 D . Orchard 68 C Stevens 73 D Ogge 56 D . Temby 69 R. Hussey 74 J Rack 57 A . Rya n 70 D. Plat, 75 J Hamilton 72 L Ryan 58 S . Barlow 76 J McClaren 59 S . Phemiste r die Avenue 75 M . Shelton 77 S Sinclair 60 A . Savoi a 76 A. Shirley ord Vic. 3198 78 C Warsling 68 A . Houg h 77 D. Shirley Tel : 9785 2436 69 B . Cambridge
'I'â&#x201A;ŹTI.A'I'It}NS :
GRAEME HUNICHEN umpired his first 'A' Section game last weekend . A well deserved achievement, Graeme! Finally made it! Congrats!
stoppages w o u 1 d excessively : . delay the ' play to detriment of the game . WHAT'S YOUR DECISION :
LEAH G LAG IZ has been selected by the Advisors to represent the VAFAUA in Tasmania on the 'VAFAUA / NTFA Exchange an Umpire' Program next weekend. Leah will travel to Tasmania next Friday and return on Sunday . A NTFA representative was due to fly from Tasmania the same weekend but due to unforeseen circumstances he / she will not be visiting us until next year. I wonder which 'head' made that decision!! !
THE FOOTY SHOW: Was your vision good enough to pick up on our one minute superstars!!! The numbers on their tops gave it away . . . . . . . .do you know who the two umpires were on the video clip at Mentone when Adam Acreman was interviewed for his 1000th goal on the Footy Show!!!!! No . 17 Yellow and No . 16 Green were our superstars!!! Wonder if Adam will share some of his prize of a carton of beer for every goal he kicks for the rest of 2001 with Andrea and Craig!! ! COACHES CC
.: .1' :
After a clash in a recent game, we were asked why the umpire allowed play to continue whilst the player was on the ground unconscious . The umpire would normally be focused solely on the contest before him or her and in most cases aware of the player being down but oblivious to the extent of the injury.
LAST WEEK: The Boundary Umpires' decision is 'Out of bounds on the full' - This week's winner is Mr . David Mims - Old Geelong Grammians . Fax details to Phil Stevens on 9531 2050 to receive your prize . THI S WEEK : Old Trinity player has possession of the ball on 45 metre line . He dodges his opponent and kicks for goal . The goal square is cluttered with players trying to make contact with the football and they knock the goal umpire over. He does not see what happens with play. The boundary umpire and field umpires' view is obscured as well . What is the Goal Umpire's decision? Email Di Whiteley with your decision to win 2 tickets to an MCG match (not finals) . ONE MINUTE WITH SIMO .. . . NEIL WOODS - Boundary Umpire, started in 1992 (on / off since!!), Nickname is Woodsie, 200 Games, AFL Team - Hawthorn, Umpires in A Section, Favourite Hobby - Travelling; JAMES NICHOLSON - Boundary Umpire, started in 2000, 25 games, Nickname is Nicko, AFL Team - St . Kilda, Best AFL Player - Robert Harvey, Umpires in U19 Section, Favourite Hobby - Basketbal l
At the first opportunity, being a stoppage in play - ie : Field bounce, score, out of bounds etc ., either of the field umpires should stop play immediately to allow trainers to take the appropriate action .
TIM DODDS - Boundary Umpire, started in 1997, over 80 games, Nickname is Dodsie, AFL Team - Carlton, Umpires in A Section, Best Player in AFL - Andrew McLeod (Adelaide Crows), Favourite Hobby - Golf.
If the situation is dangerous or the player is in a very serious condition when the trainer attends to the player, common sense would prevail and after alerting the field umpire, they would stop play for the safety of all concerned .
Annual Dinner - 27/8/01 at MCG ; °' -nd ton Final Brunch & BBg - 23/9/01 ; Prese pNight - 28/9/01 ; End of Season 12/10/01 .
Players injured under normal circumstances do not justify a stoppage in play . Umpires are instructed to keep the ball in motion and such
All correspondence to dianneNvhiteley@bigpond .com
FINALLY. . . .
Max _ttmann
ayne Hinto n
, )ie Firley
Scan Scully
Sharon Alger
Paul Berry
Shalom Blustein
Damien Lane
10 Tristan Bowma n
7 Alan Ladd
Mark Child s
10 Trent Foley
31 Chris Evans
Nick Evans
10 Avi Wekselman
I 1 Alan Stubbs
12 Jamie Kvins
Nathan Carlyon
14 Glen Kennedy
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Giiday
10 Robert McLeod
15 Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Mark Jenkins
1.2 Paul Tuppen
1F Peter Woods
17 Peter Keogh
16 Craig Brajtberg
12 Simon Payton
17 Mark Gibson
IS Peter Simpson
1 7 Cameron Leitch
! 5 Michael Sneddon
1 9 Andrew Fyffe
18 Tim Sutcliffe
16 Luke Moncrieff
20 Grant Wardrop
20 David D'_Flltera
17 Andrea ThAvaites
20 John Ralph
22 Chris Collins
21 Justin Grossbard
is George Paleodimos
21 Patrick Maebus
23 Peter Griffiths
22 Rick Lov e
19 Heath Littl e
23 Paul Dinnee n
2 5 Lionel Katz
23 Chris Stevens
21 David Irons
24 Graeme Hunichen
26 Daniel Dinneen
24 John Miller
22 Ken Brewe r
:.a Cameron Stewar t
27 Anthony Simpson
2 5 Richard Eastwood
23 Robert Sneddon
28 Ken McNiece
26 Brad Clark
24 Jason Moore
29 Peter James
27 Euan Lindsay
2 5 Mat Taylor
30 Michael Phillips
28 Leah Gallagher
32 Anthony Damen
29 Gerard Rolls
33 Michael Forde
30 Simon Olive
Anthony Lilley
34 Stephen Morgan
32 Mark Fraser
31 Tim Friedman
3 5 Troy Brook s
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarred Aspinall
T_ison Lane
36 Ian Burgess
34 Jeremy Heffernan
33 Glenn Schipp
.',atthew Meier
37 Gavin Roberts
3 5 James Watson
34 Daniel Stephens
36 Ron Smith
35 Dianne Whiteley
37 David Murray
37 Ken Walker
Jason McNiece ,; Steve McCarthy
im Papioanou att Cox ble 'iris Garcia istin Lipso n ~rt Mayston
Paul Withington
6 Dash Peiri s
Paul Jone s
RIVALS is a is rd used freq ly in t but getting on_ in ' : D entleigh, in its second year wtuf the VAFft is a find. "I' South Melbourne Districts is it. SMD transferred from the Southern Football League at the same time d, Demons di d South wear the white jumper with the Big Red V like the Swans used to in the VFl., and are of its nicknames is the B"- . At Bentkigh they are "bloody South" because they snatched last year's D4 flag the Demons were favored to take . Tuesday night training is the first formal step for the week to re-visit the rnund I victory for the Demons over South. The how session is light in work load and numbers with about 330 players turning up. "Depth in number is our concern," coach Ron Gcrdon said "You can't over train the, players at this time of year" Ron gives some etra: ng words dm-i i Aar kdl-handling dril ls. Prior to training f t Brian Henry if ir -f . Brian is dressed in collar and tic with no it is single-digit weather. "Off to an im^estigation," Brian said It was oneof five r:' s of Brian's pe -ona 0 .' t in as many days. Club presitent,club cc k club bo .mdu}un ' ,fai ofstarmid-fielderAdam Hemy, You figure Er : 111 i a doing his t: -
The r of d~^-he si,ines in the d Dave's bright yet Dave's ideal hors! *1 bud ,lung as h* Amateur even &4, ; . , -, "Been here all my playir- fife 'r infomtal match-comm' . adiffeentside to the mnf tttrairer. Hewoflso;zrhi fit Dave plays at c tied 'f a=ntu,-ion goal keckec Their demeanor in LIP, informal meeting, conducted 'an "`•° -)1which doubles as sto-age area, is as cmntrasting oath r l } Cnris ki'cks kxick: with a t~er in one I a t1, wh' o ~r (away from oti ers as is the SmokeFree recvr ; .-ing who is available for next Saturday is sorted 0. ., of Ron's initiatives is going out for a half-price and pizza mei ] this. Dave is at dinner along with reserves coach Steve Hall and some, rF us. All from the club are welcome for the $10 meal-deal and Ron hop it become more popular. No atcohol is cc aid Ron points out: `5ha isn't a big d3inting dub' and thissits we l ti' h` C in!irkarian. Rc-t, a former sal at at SandrinJ>am Football G might be agoodtime to ia,°°of°~Jngathird n-`' Conversations of differin, are barely inieruce I Ron is disappointed : "I wnuld pWe to s,--us mus ont in wevEzren't well prepared enough" . This evening the Bentleigh AFC's three leacais, Ron, Brian : what is r ceckdl at any club by its leaders: examptts of siill uric which others resporal. Back at the restaurant Ron reminds the gati erin minutes. It clears the table . Wedne-sday remains a rest day, for now. In next week's FTL{7IY', we cover Thutsday night tminir l characters from this grass-roots club. nRd -- In
. Co
1 fil91
, rds ' ; ei-ruptea view of t i bat sour a -ly )all o -make re _ in the next edition of th e ti ler.
St - : " )ur . e : "., .the (ball) floated n the it t , 3d "C i . . .(Adam) would h< h . .,` tempts that it was a behind . ld pto be interpreted from this is that Ada m ve had many close calls go both ways during his
Each week a Coates Hire Player I - a ° `,--ek is announced on this page (one player each section) . '7-!cl~ Player qualifies for Team of the Year selection Fo`c -ir- the final rcau-7d each mc _ 'Ia Co_ : - d. ,r.'l be a -!, i, r the Cue _ ~ Hire ~ ~ C )i " -s ` "~e VAFA Team of the Year will be 3d at the i:,e VAFA Vote Count Night . This night will also ij Player o annocrrreerr3e,-, c ' .he Coates ;YE A : S . .le ; ' e -: ,- Y (OLD TRINITY) B : MATT Nr-~uGNVILL (ORMOND ) C : RICHARD GILMORE (GLEN EIRA) ® 1 : BRAD WILLMORE (BANYULE) D2 : RICHARD ©OC)LEY (OP,' ,'LEIGH) D3 : BRETT HILTON (ST JO '-!l ' S ) D4 : N AT HAN LOVELL PLAYER OF T~` " LUKE NAiNKIFS ( C'_ "H) p~ ~v1=. . Q := . ; TALLYHO) C :' . :'TVA N ®M A17 HEWS ( El-' ; - _ . '-TEMFLESTOWE)
r 0418 333 118
Divisio n 1 :
Moonee Valley play Parkside with Parkside looking like getting the points .
Ballarat ventured to Bendigo and the travel did them know harm at all . Ballarat 6 6 42 defeating Bendigo 3 5 25 .
Division. 3 :
Geelong 9 6 60 were to good on the day for 13roadmeadows 2 5 17 . Division 2 :
Hawthorn must have painted the town red after last week's victory as they only managed 0 1 1 against an inform Sth Yarra 24 12 156 . Ringwood Blues played Moonee Valley with Ringwood winning on a forfeit and a very competitive scratch match being played at ,Ringwood's ground .
hTambourin Tigers 18 9 117 continued showing good form by defeating Parkside 1 3 9. Maribyrnong 12 15 87 got back on th e winning list by defeating Colac 0 0 00 . Colac obviously suffering from bus lag on the day . Division 3:
Geelong and Broadmeadows will be close but it looks like Broadmeadows will continue on their winning way . Karingal are playing a new side from Gippsland and Sth Yarra are playing another new side Bulleen both these games should be entertaining and we wish the new sides all the best for the first games in the F .I .D .A . competition .
F A % Pts
KARINGAL 8 7 1 0 391 110 355 .45 28 GEELONG 8 6 2 0 243 174 139 .65 24 NTH BALIARAT 8 4 4 0 226 284 79 .57 16 BENDIGO 8 3 5 0 184 294 62 .58 12 B1OADMEAIX7WS 8 2 6 0 151 220 68 .63
Karingal were too strong on the day fo r , Geelong and Broadmeadows managed to just stay in front against Sth Yarra . Broadmeadows seem to be the masters of th e close finish .
STH. YARRA 8 7 1 0 740 209 354 .06 28
11 Round 9 :
MAMBOURINTIG. 8 7 1 0 567 222 255 .40 28
PWLD F A % Pts
Division 1 :
RINGWOOD ` 8 5 3 0 490 320 153 .12 20
Karingal should be able to come away with a win from their game with Bendigo . Ballarat may be able to use their home ground advantage to also post a win against Broadmeadows .
MARIBYRNONG 8 4 4 0 317 254 124 .80 16
Division 2 : Mambourin Tigers and Maribyrnong will be a close game but at this stage of the season Mambourin may come away with a win . Sth Yarra and Ringwood Blues are playing his week's block buster and Sth Yarra may -wit get over the line in a close one . Hawthorn travel to Colac but may find it hard to overcome Colac's home ground advantage .
PARKSIDE 8 3 5 0 264 385 68 .57 12 COLAC 8 3 5 0 221 435 50 .80 12 MOONEE VALLEY8 2 6 0 242 504 48 .01 8 HAWTHORN 8 1 7 0 154 582 26 .46 4 * .received forfeit last round
__ . . ere t(, -, 1rr -,)r j---' r_dished out an old-fashione d vhJci- also hauls them out of e f time this season. t" tag, the injuryAlbert Park's arrc w- defeat at th e : ple~ z~d to -e I se d
) in as chasing a : at ,, defeated ° sst three qu-~ ter s ! sv-restle, but worth ,n21 term .
Ty-, he " e to get ' ., all see. son, while the Demons have cer ~~~zeir claims as promotion coral is . 2enfleigh for mine . zt the v 4 -- and will be starting to on ' out the dreadeu r~ word . Some wins are required soon but I can't see it the win coming this eveek . The twin towers of Penchi and Pidoto up fa A•< 'l are -otent and will be too hot to handle . the short trip up Burke Rd t o The Gryphs have a stron g likes of Wells, Ruthez d , He ; : eringbon a co . a tough combination o handle . The Hawks will welcome back C in Reed 'micir into their midfield whilst they :.. ., 3 he D and Carter in rare form. Hard to m- i . yks .
travel to Eit would be
one themselves, i f i r-oset, but ! ce -"t see nal drr.a ma : _, ; il could all si : s _iii a
at just these two :ve scored e.xceliez„ recently, but at home ,
2 on sl !pes as an interestin, c -o ~r. The lo-ring down the barrel iy in the last qu against Richmond before funding the cuim° fe 'it L st roll of the dice for South, fan c in an upset . st rk and like t abau< ihe dreaded drop . r P' eat guns at the moment should cor their winning ways . Finally, o . u avel to Uni M students he : had a year to forget as injuries crippled their campaign whilst Bentleigh >z back from their defeat the week before v win . Bentleigh are still part of the 'big tvJo' shou: I win.
elcome S . _ -_ P4 : : Reds, Gryphons, JOCs, Cobra . Stu >. I in a match I feel ?~>th dance of 4lzuzing. Souuis Eu. Reds, Hawks, South, Richmond, U . ~tly outside the four, but a SOCIAL ade their aspirations that Albert Park - A reminder that have the JOCs had been i n "Chris'-nas in July" tomorrow (Sunday 22nd ;pin until ' ;t week's victory. I' ll Please contact Dale Beachley on 9273 1940 . a t-iriller . , hosting its famous Auction night on .a'k fight it out Av 1 , Pr tine Fitzroy Reds game) with lo+q rd a match just s crucial, albeit for SF rL :)ilia and other great iterns u . r an . I ough to call, but I think th e shoikm more resilience as of late. i - hold their annual trivia z is, then. eZao is the venue for the clash between ICont ' tued on I ! 62
_ is reported . -L,- an recorde s r!It - e~ alcons, but it appears we 5infor ii Ied . Congratulations should go Pearson, and again, the clu b =.ledges you for your achievement as well 'o1 r continuing active support on and off the : ._ -veteran "M Joel Seeley is )th this ,veC Congratulation s 1,n your many entertaining performances and off the field since joining Bentleigh . lone EDDIE!) . - Congratulations from all at to Darren who played his 50th game last -week . A it F winner played his best game of th e his 50th and we hope there -will be a few ,in to come . congratulate two club legends on lis ;oucs this week . "Big" Dan Lauletta l'o-< .es 100 games (the last 99 in a row!) and 11 on his way too the magical 1000 goals recorded 386 goals so far . Grant celebrates his 50th with hi s l some calves finally allowing him back i me rare form. Well done you Crazy
c o'cannor. O'Cnnncr : E
~r. Lun .nvo. at - . . ~ s: J . L 5.7 8.9 0.3 3.4 :hi 5 Pidatto 3 Nave 2' kurv Bennie Rochi Cahill V . H,-e Jackomus Ban! ~ld Car . ~.~ 1~~ . .~ . . . : 2 .3
a.l ss . . ..L' in 3
rea TTromas t3 .1 3 .4
~.5 5. 4
Jon Hilton' - t, ens Ht ~ Rick 2 J: , 2 ite 2 Ou D Shannon Tt@ey Kelly Wlnit Cl 6.6 1.1
10 Will . t°
uar on.
t .,, .. -1 J.M Ire Urn ,W:
. . ~.
: :l a (R) (F
5 .6 6.7(43) 8.11 11 .12(781 . aunattina 2 Ric r i P:-aras. Bost: Caterson. 3e ' ran, Clark. Ri
,~ .~
ire 1 ate
5 .7
.~~ . ne 2 Han:dn : to i Davidson Hositing. ~. .. . Byrne D Byrne Gr ~u . .. . . : . . 3 ~ 7.4 1 5.16 . 0 .2 1 .2 2 .4 . . : ._e 2 ~ .~. con ~ .~.~s 4 t 3' P.e ... . _ . . ,: Barker Daou CaiiiP E . rker S an ~ . . n . . . ., O'Wznlo n
.- . ; ~ .~ ._ .. . .
. . . i 3 .2 .4 7. _7 . - .. ., . .. ~ .S ,, r)t5 . . .} : cis 1 . 17 m 2 Harrak 1'larr~ C:~ar!: )n r ._ ~.~ . f i arlesonCallus HollandBlx k R~ . , _ Thomas 3 Kent 2 Doh1~:i:,B : ~. . :: oYilner .. . .~: ~. McCauley Thomas . ., _ . . .._ 1 .2 5.3 C.7 1 .0 4 .1 6.3 ¢ ~ ) . 3 4 Ladson 3 Dr b:no 2 Johnson 2 z ;o , _ . Gates Hy~tand Door )ir.t :. d: I Fraitis 3lt Bu t . ~ . . . Lane BuvShaw Joncs .
. . ::
CLUE D3 SECTION Bentl,abh 0 7 0
Albert Park 10 6 6 Si Johns 3 61 Hawthorn 1 56 tvfonash Gryphons 4 53 D3 RESERVE Fitzroy Reds 1 4 0 Bentleigh 0 2 4 Albert Park 2 1 9 0 18 Hawthorn 0 18 Monash Gryphons Elsternwick 3 18
. . . ~. 2.2 F ..~ 2.3 d. Best : _i ft P rk : D'Ch'dirco 4 Payne 3 Pastrz- ~.~. .. . . DtXloricoPavneSutton FatrfieldE3ourne :~~.~- . . . . ~ - SC- =- k Cusick French Rees J .O'Neill Best: Cr ~. .' b'et~er J O'Neill Carr,ck.
1lhona:', .,_
Y. i
3C f v .
3 Coach : John Ahem Res. Coach: Steve Lawson
; S F _ )
째 X.C .
Coach: Ron Gordon Coach: Leigh Murphy Res. Coach : ~ we Hall Res Coach: Andrew Cu rtain
Senior Coa ' Gra,`ram Burge n Res Coach : Andrew George
Coach: P
Res Coach: P McLenna n
P.Smit h
C Sharp ( C)
1 . L. Murphy (C)
1 . M .Frisby
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
N . Pastras J .Storey
2 3
P Morgan A Pittito
2 . A. Hankin 3 . D . Fitzpatrick
la I . Baccini Hudso n lb B
G. Parmansche
D Lewis (RC)
4 . A . Tilley
S,Allan J . Willox
5 6
M Eyles R Weber
5 . M . Whelan 6 . D . Brennan
7. 8. 9.
J .Su tton C. Jackson P. Chambers
7 8
S Brown L Martin i Jackson
7 . J . McAdam S. S . Currie (RC)
2 . A Walsh 3 M .Wha rf 4 J .Hamifton 5 Dg nnie 7 J .Doyie
10 . 11 .
M .Phillips A. Fleming
12 .
N .Langdon
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 77. 78. 79. 80. 81 .
B.Payne S.Fai rfield B .Adamson C .Roberton D . McLellan J . Taylor A .Steward M .Abbott S .Waugh S .Redpath TFaranda J .Murray J.SutcliYe G .Finn S .Ridout R .Buckiey T.Goldsmit h A .Thomas S .McGuire D:Odorico T. Murray G .Meyer-Heinric h A. D'Ming o M. Pearson L .Hogan C . Lamont J .Robilott a M .Lapsley K .Weaver S .Boias J .Tsoukas B .Isard A.Gay D.MacKintosh W.Gauci M.Willis T.Houston D .McKay J. Costello N .Strang M .Williams S . Kdd D.Allan P. Kemp A. Soek S .Toth B.Letchford S.Lawson C .Brockhouse J.Robe rtson A.Dee J.Sgroi B .Marty n TWalton
9 10 11
9. T. Hartly 10 . R. Bravington 11 . L. Missaglia
A Hen ry D Mart in (C)
L Codarin
12 . N . Wigmore
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 60
G Prigg C Martin p Withington P Jemmeson J Psaras H Dwyer S Hall R Fishlock A Graham S Adaway L Holmesby D Gold B Padgham J Seeley M McCulloch A Clough A Miksad R English D Fishlock M Efftin g D Castro L Ireson M Backman P Hutchison G Beatt ie L Pittito J Bounsall J Neve A Mikkelsen S Sice G Saddington A Wade I Picken P Dimattina M 0'Reilley M Clark A Stanes M Pirie L Sampson M Sidney G Richards M Unsworth C Aitken T Caterson F Cavanagh
13. P. Stankovich 14. B. Mahony 15. M . Noonan 16. M . Surman 17 . J . Ward 18 . A . Neil 19 . A . Peasley 20 . K. Currie 21 . P. Stuchberry 22 . M . Mussared 23 . S. Cu rtain (VC) 24. A. Foster 25. B. Frankin 26. C . Mahony (VC) 27. M . Daniels 28. W. Davidson 29. S . Mahony 30. M . Nicol 31 . G . Devonshire 32 . M . Hunt 33 . M . Cunningham 34 . M. Hosking 35 . P. McNally 36 . P. McDonogh 37. L . Lambert 38. B . Currie 39. P. Allen 40. S . Bacon 41 . J . Yemm 42 . J . Lilikakis 43 . P. Clark 44 . C. Walker 45 . R . Grandemange 46 . S. Smith 47 . S. Ritchie 48 . M. Frankin 49. D .B Byrn y e 51 . M . Purcell 52. P. Roberts 53. B . Hilton 54. S . Kirkham 57 . T Byrne
"'a Club Licensed Premises Bistro, ~ming&TAB . Ph : 9557 7938
82. J .Stubbs ~
2a G
Broadle y
2b E 3a G
Sil l Jackson
8 A.Byrne 9 C.Prior 10 A.Urbancic
3b A 4 E 5a S
Kno tt
5b B 6a P
Ruzick a Avery
6b N
7 D Sa N Sb J 9 R 10 P 11 A 12 S 13 J 14a D
Moncrieff Haye s Mennie Ogle Orchar d Sil l Banfiel d Pove y Laulett a
B.Doyle M.James 14 T.Clarke 15 J. Vernal i
1 6 G.Ciohesy 17 B .Lee 18 M .Heenan 19 P.Cook 20 T.Mitchell 21 A.Sainabury 23 T.Jackso n 25 P. Jackson 26 A.Fennessy 27 J .Loft 28 J .Card 29 D .East 31 P.Crowe 32 A .Grant ~ S .Drury 35 A .Mackinnon 38 N . BishopP 39 A .George 40 G .Bance 41 R.Burgma n 42 I .McBurni e 43 A. Marco n 44 B.Hart 46 P.Heaphy 48 V.Cahill 49 A .Puglia 50 B .Aggenbach 51 J .Rawlings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S .Addicott 54 J .Parsons 55 N.Mathews 55 L. Mayman 56 T. Madden 57 R .Rome 58 B.Neal 59 R .Johnstone 60 A .Parsons 61 G.Virtue 62 N .Aude n 63 G. Makdes i 64 D.Trindad e 66 D.Timm s 67 R.Holderhead 68 B .Cahill 69 S.Pidotto 70 S.Dibende tt o 71 P.Gunn 72 M .Dikeuko s 75 W. Daniel 76 D . Cu rt is
80 G .Box 81 J .Horridge 84 Z.Senburgs 88 S .Greenwood 97 P.Ronchi 99 P.Diacogiogis 116 G .Schiavo Fitzroy Football Club Ltd
83 .
QJe ff rey
84 .
The Lord Newry Hot el
85 . 86 .
G.Daley H.Ross
F Bmnswid< % itzroy
14b T
Ave ry
Fitzpatric k
15 M Tyson 16a C Ree d Lahiff 16b D 17a D Zaverella 17b R Tongue 18 P Rya n 19 J Law Parke r 20 S 21 P Burke 22 A Collins 23a J Micheal 23b M Artin i 24 J Jackomoni s 25 M Zaverella 26 D Villani 27 R Lord 28 D Lackins 29a M O' Brie n 29b P Barke r 30 K McDougal Collins 31 L 32 P McLennan 33 S Stevens 34 R Johnsto n Carguil l 35 J 36 M Dao u 3 7 D Carte r 38 B Bruns Davies 39a S 39b D Pritchard 40 B Moore 41 A Donki n 42 T Dixon 43a A Bric k Chep a 43b l 44 B Allde r 45 A Burke 46 T O'Hanion 47 J Berry 48 C Alexander 49 D McGowa n 52 M Delaney 55 A Saull e
-- u, Fd r
S. Bourbon 1, Healy 3 A. Grady N . Rutherford T Gilchrist p, Becker D . Walter J, Blandford G. Wadley P. Williamson A . Nichols A . Gross g J . Stratford D. Hale
A. Clarke 1,3 D. Junkeer J. Hetheringto n C. Lovett R. Coxhead J G . Browel l Asbell B. Coxhead . Charleson D D . Kitchin M. Killmister - , M. Carter T R . Gilchrist ' t . Bourbon B. Lloyd E Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A . Tolongos 33 R . White 34 M . Graydon P. Bateman J . Watson
A . Jenkin G. Block t . - Mastromanno Salaj C. Archer .'_ C. Carlisle 3 C. Goold - L. Wells 5 J . Gonis - 6 G . Kent 7 T. Beslee :3 L. Martin J . Leroy D. Ratner C. Leeton B. Dorr ~3 I . Bagnall c t 1 .4 . Jones 5 P, Warren 5~3 J. Foster A. Corbett M 3 M. Buick C . Watson .-~ G . Campbell
r G : nh C
Co .: . II I Res C Ycn : : t r ancac k
5 S Shannon
5. C .Horbury
5 . S. King
6 G Bunshaw 7 P Byrnes 8 G Malcolm 9 P Karamichalos 10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak 13 J Dutton 14 C Shannon
6. L.O'Donnell 7. R .Back 8. R .Dovasett 10 . M.Courmadus 11 . S.Ham 12 . P.Walker 13. M .Jones 14 P.Sharp 15 A .Borgohna
6 . W, Rosowski 7 . A . Hannan 8 . B . Luxford 9 . B . Powell 10. S . Aquilina 11 . D . Hall 12. M. McFarlane 13. E . Henderson 14. P. Cheevers
6 S. Cracknel l 7 D. Zuluck i 8 D. Haslett (VC) 9 R. Smith 10 B. Carric k 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N . Rose 14 J. Ham 15 S. Maguire
16 G.Matheson
15. B . Lazzaro
16 J. Tat e
17 S .Coackayne 18 C .Emery 19 M .Hartnett 20 B .Rydquist 21 S .Koppens 22 A .Dragwidge 23 L.Merrigan 24 B .Ferericks 25 D.Waters 26 B .Hilton 27 L.Mills 28 D.Coulon 30 R.Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G .Saher 34 M.Hancock 35 J .Sacco 37 D .Christian 38 A.Fonceca 40 A.Rudd 42 TDucancabino
16, M . Thomas 18. K. Johnson (RCC) 19 . L. Hall 21 T. Jacobs 22 A. Brywon 23 B. Downing 26 S. Doyle 28 A. Flowers 31 S. Herman 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N . Moojen 36 J. Macaulay 37 M. Rosowski 42 G . Gaylor 46 M. Bellesini 48 M . Balshaw 49 T. Suther;and 50 T Hughes
17 S. Jackso n 18 A. Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 21 S . Mills 22 R .John s 23 P. Eltringham 24 M . Turvey 25 K . Webe r 26 H . Wajszel 27 D. Clark e 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Clevelan d 30 M . Buter a 31 P. Dolence 32 H. Starbuck 33 A. French 35 J . Mahe r 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 A. Boyce 39 M. Re a 40 L . Maguire
43 M .Van Hooten
53 C . Kent
45 A .Paterson 47 J .Cotton 50 J .Jiaming 51 C .Santori 52 A .Halls 53 B .Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 TSaharis 60 K .Hilton 61 D.Houlton
55 J . Pohlner
43 G Stobus 45 K Day 46 D Hogan 48 J Hickey 50 S Castieau 52 C Andonopoulos 53 K Partly 54 S Rawlings 55 M Davey 56 A TiUey 57 E Hill 58 J Cavanagh
59 N Somers
P. Daly M. Hannan M. johnstone S. Stepnell (C)
I M . Wrigh t 2 B . Ueberang 3 T. Camero n 4 T. Clevelan d
1. 2. 3. 4.
16 J Birt 17 S Conroy 18 M Zajac 19 S Lynch 20 B Page 21 A Jones 22 A Flore s 23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie 27 C Adams 28 A Waters 29 B Brown 30 J Munro 32 M Harris 33 P Bermando 34 J Brook 35 J Howell 38 M Defreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Slatter 42 C White
1. 2. 3. 4.
Co . : Pat :.:ackoy Res ,each: Peter Dinnick
1 M Smith 2 B Holmes 3 T O'Sullivan 4 D Shannon
15 C Barry
R. Hassain M .Ladson S .Hilton S .Holmes
C h: Peter-8r 'y Res Cc .'i : K Jahr on
17. T Baade
5 T. Fulton
41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Percy 45 N . Smit h 46 R . Killey 47 M . Kenned y 49 J . Oakle y 50 B . Rees 51 R . Pitruzzell o 52 M . Collins 53 A. Cusi c 54 M . O'Reill y
55 P. Thomas
56 J . Catli n 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigde n 59 J . Barron 60 M 61 P. Hoban 62 K. Rodgers 63 D . Parke r 64 C . Ramsdal e 65 A. Butera 66 S. Burets 67 M. De Luise 68 L . Holme s 69 S. Frost 70 E . Ricciuti
60 M Tapley 62 M Hutton 64 G Royal 65 A Newton 67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 76 D Phelan 78 V Kelly 79 M Coomber 84 M Funston 85 G Jacob s 88 S Griffiths
71 B. Stanton
72 D . Kirk 73 S . Devlin , 74 C . Longto n 75 J . Maguire 77. J. Bristowe
1-yles and prin
~ . :~~
'_ . S
ACCOUNTANTS CHARTERED Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Telephone : (03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 2379 P.O . Box 73 Malvern 3144 E-mail : info@scottp .com .au
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TI --° van Flowe r
Review Well after twelve rounds Mt.Lilydale have seemingly dropped out of contention, however, North Brunswick and Werribee Amateurs remain in touch in the hop e that one of the top five slips and they can take their place . Werribee Amateurs travelled to Warrior Park with their season on the line on Saturday. The Warriors came out full of running in the first quarter, however, the Bets defence through Keogh and Green stood tall to hold the opposition to only two goals for the quarter. Werribee totally dominated the second quarter, however, some atrocious kicking for goal kept the Warriors in the game. Westbourne then came out after the major break and played one of the quarters of their season with Glen Robson on fire across halfback: In the final quarter, Werribee came out with guns blazing, and when Matthews put through a goal that moved further off the deck than any Shane Warne leg break has, the Bees were home . To top off a great day for Werribee, McMillan took what would have to be considered the D4 mark of the year with an absolute blinder. The match of the day between Rupertswood and Bulleen was a closely fought battle all day. The first half was a very even tussle and thanks to some great work in defence by Justin Carmichael and Chris Orilev, Rupertswood went into the break 10 points ahead . Bulleen, however, were able to reassert their authority in the third quarter and with its ever reliable backline, and in particular Polities and Mark Dall'Oglio, the Cobras were able to reclaim a 15 point advantage going into the final quarter . The last quarter went goal for goal and in the end it may have been conversion in front of goal that cost the lads from Sunbury the match as the Cobras ran out 10-point victors . Its very tough to comment on the other matches as no reports were received from either teams, but Eley Park appear to get closer each week as they went down by 22 points, Syndal moved further ahead from Bulleen on percentage as they proved far too strong for St.Marys as they ran out 54 point winners and Eltham kept their top three hopes alive with a 14 point win against Mt.Lilydale . Swinburne had the bye for the week . Preview Mt .Lilydale vs . Old Westbourne Mt.Lilydale will be playing for pride as Westbourne make the 12 can trip out to the Quarry Road Sports Ground today . Mt.Lilydale have plenty of inspiration having lost to the Warridrs earlier this season, but with Andrew Horsburgh finding his kicking boots, the Warrior forward line has looked more potent and may
cause some trouble for the Mt.Lilydale defenders. However, with a distinct home
ground advantage it should prove enough as Mt .Lilydale win by 20 points, Eley Park vs . Werribee Amateurs Werribee Amateurs will be have to be on their guard as they travel to Eley Park today in an attempt to remain in contention for the finals. Eley Park has improved throughout every game this year and will be confident of causing an upset today . However, Werribee have too much at stake today and if they can improve on their conversion in front of goals they should be win by 31 points. North Brunswick vs . StAlarys North Brunswick host St .Mary's today and hope to turn around their terrible home ground form to remain in touch with the top five . St.MarYs have proven a danger to many sides this year and North will be well aware of this . Given the importance of the match, the experience of North's veterans should shine through as they register their second home win for the season as they win by 38 points . Syndal Tally Ho vs . Bull een Cobra s Well what can you W. One versus two, the prize for victory will almost certainly be top spot on the D4 ladder. This should be a ding-dong battle and give us all an indication as to who is going to be the side to beat come September. Syndal will be keen to keep their unbeaten record in tact, however, it is uncommon for a team in a competition as even as ours to maintain it for the entire season . Therefore, with this in mind, I think that if Matty D'Angelo, Dave Trinchi, Graham Bowen and Ian McCleod can deliver the drive we have come to expect from the Bulleen midfield, I think the Cobras will end Syndal's run as they cause a major upset to win by 2 points . Swinburne vs . Elthaff i In another fantastic match, Swinburne host Eltham knowing that the loser will have the likes of Werribee and North Brun§wick breathing down their necks . Swinburne was fortunate enough to have the week's rest last week and should have fresh legs to take on the determined Turtles . The result could go either way, but with the fresh legs and the home ground advantage, I think the Razorbacks will get home by the skin of their teeth as they pip the Turtles by 1 point . Rupertswood has the bye . Press Correspondents Email to gavanf@meg .com .au or fax to 9827-8001 before midday Monday .
Old Westbourne - Congratulations to Warriors Gary d~Idns ,n and Steven B =,' ~a ;. i who play their lgOth and 50th games respectively on Saturday. G ar r, otherwise known as " Grrrr" is a dour defender 0 hose dry wit an d love for bourbon is legend around ilie club, while young Dippy has continua lly improved y ; is a senior footba ller for the club, however, man i1 1 cin.bers are still waiting for his "after-match" form to Q11 >4v similar improvement.
gyndal Tally Ho - Congratulations to Matthew game this week. A Beckett of on playing his 1as~' highflying forward Matty has the abi lity of ),,, tog in the right spot to get plenty of the ba ll.
transformed himself from being an elusive wingman/ forward to now holding down fullback. Not forgetting that Frank lives in Caulfield . Congratulations Frankie, you are a remarkable clubman .
A '5 MATCHE S D4 Sectio n
Mt . Lilydale v. Old Westbourn e Werribee Amateurs v. Eley Park game switched from original draw North Brunswick v . St . Marys Syndal Tally-Ho v . Bulleen Cobras Rupertswood has the by e Swinburne Uni v . Eltham Collegian s
Weln'L _~e Amateurs - Well done also to Brendan Waters on playing his 50th match for today . It has 1)-ca a long time coming for Brendan who is currently ),laving the best football of his career.
North Brunswick - 100 games George Latouf. Well done George from everyone at North . A tough in an d under ba ll player George has an "educated" left foot % vhich his forwards appreciate . Well done . E)t'kaln - club would like to congratulate Frank Goonerty on reaching the 10 0 game milestone . Frank Ins been an outstanding contributor to the club since 1995 ; his achievements include playing in the clubs most recent reserves premiership in 99, winning the ,enior goalkicking in 97, holding the demanding position of club secretary since 1997 an d of course t)- :ing author of the weekly newsletter. Frank ha s
7.8 8.12 10 .17 (77) ELTHAM 4 .3 MT. LUYDALE 1 .3 2 .5 8 .9 8 .15 (63) Eltham: best 2 Jenkins 2 Macdonald 2 Ming Horsburgh Doody Mizzi . [,est: Horsburgh Fammarttno Mizzt Mackenzie Doody . iit Lilydale : Carolan 2 Cunningham 2 Gibson Hayes Kellett Leonard . C-st: Hayes Gibson Kellett Penhale Carstens Maniscalcht . Umpires: ,' . Rolls (F) OLD WESTBOURNE 2.2 3.3 9.5 9 .5 (59) W;RRIBEE 1 .5 4.15 5 .16 9.21 (75) Old Westburne: Horsburgh 4 Timothy 2 Robson 2 Bauich . Best: De P~~ :,a Aldridge Runciman Robson Gigas Leitch . Wern'bee: Ellis 2 ~ .1 .uinis 2 Lovell Becker Pace Walsh bicMllllan . Best: Keogh M . Walsh 'tatt Walsh Roleowksi Green Carson . Umpires: M . Forde R. Martyn (F) f . Vinci J. Kralevski (B) C. Dall! A. Chin (G) 3.2 4 .4 9.7 10.9 (69) ELEYPARK 14.7 (91) NORTH BRUNSWICK 5.1 8 .2 10.4 Eley Paz&: Heath 3 Alexandridis 2 Blake 2 Bowen Gerolemou Price . Cst : Cruse AteYandridis M .Payne Fukushima Blake Morrison. North Bnmstaick: Wernham 3 Lattouf 2 D .Newton 2 P.Sorleto 2 Grist 2 Famulart Pizzari Kyriazts. Best: Magnuson Care KyriazLs Puzart Allard, Divlta. Umpires: A. Chapman (F) ST. MARYS 4 .1 6.2 6.2 8 .6 (54) 6 .8 7.11 12.16 14 .24 (108) SYNDAL TALLY-HO St Marys: Dwyer 2 Hendy Boyes Ryan Dwyer Theoharris Bernardi . Lrst: Hendy Dwyer J . Dwyer Boyes Harrison Chamberlain . Syndal Tally Ho: Rutter 7 Thompson 4 bingham Caehia Van Der Fsuk . Best: J. Moresi M . Moresi Rutter Bennett. Umplres : G . Morgan 1 Pappas (F) 5.2 7 .5 12.8 14 .11 (95) BULLEEN COBRAS RUPERTSWOOD 4.2 8.10 9.12 12 .13 (85) 1 7uBeea Cobras: Pasmau 6 Pearson 2 Reeves 2 Orwin Trinchl D ~ ;^.Leod . Best: Polltes Dallog(to McLeod Trinchl D May Pasina0 . Rupertswood: Gallus 4 Whithead 3 Plummer 3 Gaunt . Best : IIrmiehael McDonald Prendergast West Gallus . Umpires : R . Smith E Undsay (F)
Nl :- L
Whitehead Badanjek Bes t Pasinati Demorto n
Papanikolou Bald i Harding Heath Carlesso
LST WK ;Ifl r >
Rupertswood Bulleen-Cobras Eltha m Bulleen-Cobras North Brunswick D4 RESERVE North Brunswick Bulleen-Cobras Werribee Elev Park Werribee
30 27 27 27 26 6 3 11 0 0
30 29 26 18 17
ELTHAlri 0 .2 4.3 7.11 8.12 (60) M'1; LILYDALE 1 .2 2.4 4 .4 4.5(29) Eltham : lacuone 4 Robins 2 Evans Smith. Best: lacuone Robins Duggan Davies Evans B . Evans L.Mt Lilydale : Delahunt Holloway Penhale Wells . Best: Weels Kidd Gardiner Delahunt Penhale Holloway . OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .0 3.1 4.2 6 .3 (39) WERRL9EE 4.3 7.4 11 .5 17.5 (107) Old Westbourne : Crosswell 2 Smith Evans Mattson Murphy . Best. : Harding Slattery Smith Scholes Moore Ri4allano Mattsson .W 11 Flack 2 Fenton Farrugia Torney Addamo . Best : Fenton Harding J . Adamo Patton Owens B. Waters. ELEY PARK 2.2 6 .2 9 .6 9.7 (61) NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.3 7 .8 12.11 17.18 (120) Eley Park: Jolly 3 Bowen 2 Turnbull 2 O'Brien Flower . Best : Newbound Drain Turnbull Pauagopoulos Anderson Oliver . North Brunswick: Fox 6 Papanikolou 6 Dimarlo 2 Ceravolo Gillard Bonney . Best : PLsasate Burrows Fox Healey Papanikolou Rtgazzt. ST. MARYS 3 .0 4.0 6.5 7 .10 (52) SYISDAI. TALLY-HO 2 .3 6.5 7.5 12.7 (79) St Marys: Rousis 2 Zsembery 2 Rousts 2 Roseman . Best: Zsembery West Jackson Evans Anthony Rousis Millar . Syndal Tally Ho : Schilling 4 Fyfield Richardson O'Boyle Beckett Wong Macfarle . Best : Hunter Marks Glenister Richardson . BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .3 8 .7 12 .11 15 .22 (112) 9.7[61) RUPERSTWOOD 6 .3 7 .6 8.7 Bulleen Cobras : Bald] 3 PetrIlll 3 Turner 3 Borrelli 2 Sette Starrett . : Petrilli Borrelli Starrett Trinchi J Reddish Iosiadis Thompson. Best Ruperstwood: Horn 2 Massaro 2 Phillips 2 Clarke Sinnett Surace . Best: Seidel Zarb Walsh DJ Sinnett Pettman M Surace
D4 Section DULLEEN COBRA S Coach : Joe D'Angelo Asst. Coach : G . Bowen Res Coach : Nicholas Cox
1 J . Pilipasidis 2 T.Orwin 2 S . Petty 3 G . Bowen 4 I . McLeo d 4 N . Cartledge 5 M. Dall'Oglio (VC) 5 M. Starrett 6 N . Cox 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B . Hoar e
10 A. Gencarelli 11 C. Borell i
12 D. Thompson 13 T.Johnso n 14 G . Pemberton 15 J. Trinchi (RC) 16 D . Trinchi (DVC) 17 S. Reddish 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N. Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 22 M. Turne r 23 J. Redfern 24 M. Opie 25 W. Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 N. Prestigiacomo 30 T. Pearson 31 S. McLaren 32 C . Clements 33 J. Elliott 34 M . D'Angelo (C) 35 T. Sette , 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 T. Vas s 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C . Cha n 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 G . Reeves 47 S . Irvin e 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 50 D .Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 L.losifidis 54 J . Biond o 55 S . Wigney 56 S . Whiteman 57 P. McVeigh 58 A. McKinley 59 P. Triandos 60 M.Vandam 61 D . Rennie
ELEY PARK Coach: Darren Hawley Res Coach: Grant Heath 1 S FISHER 2 T MORRISON 3 J BALDRY 4 S CRUS E 5 D ARUNDEL 6 D SMITH 7 J WHITE 8 D GAYNOR 9 K KIN G 10 11 12 13 14
ELTHAM COLLEGIAN S Coach: Brain Dowdy Res. Coach : J Glare 1 . D .FAMMARTINO 2 . T.DUGGA N
BULLEEN AUTOMOTIV E CENTRE 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105
Phone : 9852 1129
MT. LILYDALE Coach: David Keast Res Coach : Paul Commerfor d 1 . Daniel Johnson 2. Phil Haye s
3. Matt Brebner 4. Frances Varga 5. Greg Bird 6 . Matt Jelenc 7 . Dean Hendrie 8 . Kevin Maniscalchi (VC) 9 . Andrew Del Biondo 10 . Axel Bullerjahn it . Chris Gibso n 12 . Justin Commerford 13 . Richard Kidd 14 . Chris Walsh 15 . Daryl Morrison 17. Paul Beddoes 18. Marcus Gridley 19. Neil Whitehead 20 . Jeremy Penhale 21 . Matt Cunningham 22 . Billy Leek
23 . Bart Egan 24. Joe Hoffman 25 . Andrew Delahunt 26. Travis Flanaga n
27. Nathan Pearce (VC) 28 . Travis Crow e 29 . Peter Furlong 31 . Steven Taylor 32 . Pat Carolan (C) 33 . Chris Anderson 35 . David Callanan 36, Robert Di Nezza 37. Dan Hicks 38 . Damon Kennedy 39 . Lloyd Allanson 41 . Peter Varga 42 . Matt Pereira 43 . David Hollowa y 44. Nicholas McConnell 45. Rick McKenzie 47. Chris Lonergan 49. Joe Hoffman 50. Andrew Penhale 51 . Paul Bastick 52 . Mark Wells 53 . Mick Leonard 54 . Leigh Kellett 55 . Haydn Flanagan 56 . Dean Prest 60. Travis Wilson 63. Craig Carstens 64. Damian Smith 65 . Lochie Proctor 66 . Daniel Turner 67 . Neil Senior
Joseph Drago Timothy Grace Jason Gardiner Andrew Burrett Paul Caulfield Billy Jealous David Cicchiello Heath Gurrier-Sanderss Charlie Varga
JLY " Section NTH BRUNSWICK Coach: Craig Fox Res. Coach: Ange Samma rtino
Coach : Jeff Wilson C oach: Ken Balmer Res . Coach: Stephen Leitch R es. Coach : Shane Mct .aughlan
Coach : Peter Olivieri Res Coach: Michael L.earmonth
1 . J . Harrington 2. B. Boyes 3 . J. Carra
1 S . Wernham 2 D. Adams 3 G . Lattouf
1 . G . Robson 2. G . Flower 3. S . Depiazza
2 D Fox 3 S Carmody 4 S McLauchlan
4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon
4 . A. Niblo e 5 . S. Sutton
5 M Schwartz 6 S Gallus
6 D. Pizzari 7 D. Magnuson 8 D . Fenton
6 . J . Horsburgh (VC) 7 . A. Christo 8 . A. Horsbur9h
9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 P. Marin
9 . C . Villinger 10. J . Wilson 11 . V. Matthey 12 . T. Milne 13 . S . Hewitt
14 M . Newton
14 . S . Mattsson
15 J McGrath
15 R. Orm e
15 H . Tsialtas 16 L. Demorton 17 A. Kyriazis
15 . A. Board 16 . S . Christo 17 . M . Aqualina
16 P Clarke 17 D Walsh 18 C Nemeth
16 L. Anthony 17 P. Wes t 18 B. Frai l
18 P. Sorleto
18 . P. King (DVC)
19 M Mezzatesta
19 S. Famulari
19. R . Aldridge
20 M McKenzie
20 R . Divita
20. S. Cameron
22 K Quinn
21 M. Sorletto 22 J. Freeman 23 J. Briffa 24 M . Alliani 25 S . Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J . Heck 32 D. Newton 33 J . Rotella 34 M. Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A. Armstrong 37 D . DeMorton 38 A . Crosina 39 C. Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Page
21 . B . Dangerfield 22. W. Fleming 23. K .Sutton 24 . L. Fairfield (C) 25 . M .Stapleton 26 . P. Mesman 27 . D. Billman 28 . D. Slattery 29 . D. Horsburgh 30. R . McMillan 31 . D Evan s 32. G . Jenkinson 33. D . Benn 34. P. Stewart 35 . D . Rivalland 36 . K. Pillsbury ry 37 . A. Leitch 38 . B . Mattsson 39 . A. Robbins 40 . S. Leitch 41 . J . Dusting 42. S. Roberts
23 M West 25 H Bradbury 26 D Zarb 27 N McMahon 28 D McDonald 32 P Sinnet 33 W Glenn 35 C Carlo 36 P Henry 37 A Massaro 38 B Pettman 39 P Hastings 40 T Botten 41 P Bowman 42 B Swann 43 D Wardley 44 M Pettman 45 D Hum 47 A Seidel 48 A Stafford 49 C O'Riley 50 K Mandouitt
44 S. Grist 45 M. Pante 46 J. Polemicos
43. A. Runciman 44. B. Slattery 45. S.Huntington
51 B MacPherson 52 S Moskaljuk 53 W Gaunt
48 N . Oates 49 G . Skaf 50 B . Laoumtzes 52 P. Brine 53 S . MilroyY 54 D. Bonney 55 J . THompson 56 L. Patullo 60 W. Duson 61 S. Nabbs 62 D.Perdon 65 L . Rigazzi
46. J .Sportelli 47 . T. Said 48 . TSCholes 49 . M . Pillsbury 50 . P. Habersatt 51 . S.Kelly 52 . T. Robinson 53 S .Phillips 54 M . Crosswell 55. M.Baulch 56. C . Galvin 57. D . Halley 58 . M . Bavdek 59 . Adrian Lipscombe 60 . N . Aqualina
54 C Zevan 55 N Webb 56 P Fox 60 G Sexton 62 A McMahon 63 D Blenkiron 66 L Mandouitt 70 L Temming 77 M O'Callaghan
7 W Brad 8 B Prendergast 9 M Clarke 10 A O'Callaghan 11 B Moule 12 K Cardillo 13 B Sinnett 14 L Plummer
4 . N . Goldsworth y 5 . J. Dwye r 6 T. Burt
7 W. Ross 8 A. Zsembery 9 R . O'Shaughnessy 10 G. Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernardi 12 S . Benso n 13 A. Dwye r 14 C. Goldsworth y
19 M . Maschette 20 A. Lan e 21 Q. Norto n 22 R . Allen J Hil l 24 1. Goullet 25 D. Hutchin s 26 S . Ston e 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harriso n 30 P. Watson 31 D . Thomso n 32 A. Webb 33 J. Watson 34 M . Tindley 35 G. Theoharris 36 E , Evan s 37 L. Vincen t 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Milla r 41 J . Brennan 42 H . Joyce 43 M. Chamberlin 45 P. Rya n 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousi s 48 D . Morcom
49 G. Schembri 50 A . Worsno p 51 T. Bergin 52 T. Dunn e 53 S . McGurgan 55 B. Perelberg 56 J . Vincent 58 B. Lewi s 59 K. McLenna n 60 M . Scammel l 61 N . Jackso n 62 N . Goodieso n 63 P. Roseman 64 J . Ramsay 66 G . Pilikidis 67 J . O'Conno r 69 J . Hand y 70 T. Brown 73 D . Doyl e 76 T. Taho s 80 J. Clark e 88 A . Foskett A . Ballantyn e
Sponsored by : err lbee
M . Bank s
G . Sigley
M . Elli s J . Odorisi o S . Rac k
Z'; :I LtY HO Coach: Adrian Fidler Res Coach: Robert Cavicchiolo 1 C Freeman
2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidle r 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Morrison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nichol l 13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thomas 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiuman i 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merkel 24 D Debattista 25 T Hourigan 26 T Liston 27 D Murphy 28 S Gray 29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Tur k 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 c Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Roberts 44 N Morgan 45 D Isli p 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Allen 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 S O'Donnell 53 K. Dube 55 S Gallina 56 M . Waugh 58 A Roberts 60 D Debon o
Coach: Kevin Hanneii Res. Coach : Kevin Hannet 1 Hannemann .J 2 Bingham . I
2 Boume .S 3 Joy. M 4 Henderson .P 5 Dix . B 5 Hannett.D 6 Chasemore 6 Cotsis.J 7 Burns.A 8 Bennett .R 9 Kemper.S 10 Psinas .T 10 Van Derkruk .G 11 Rutter.J 12 Moresi .J 12 Miller 13 Taylor.D 14 O'boyle.S 15 Murray.N 16 Boucher.B 18 Macfadane .S 19 Glenister.M 20 HaII .C 20 Hannemann .B 20 Mackenzie .l 21 Thompson.A 22 Hoare. S 23 Beckett.M 24 Macfadane .M 25 Clark .C 25 Tillbum .S 26 Morrison .A 27 Kemper.G 28 Fyfield .P 29 Sheer.A 31 Richardson.A 32 Hannemann .L 33 Richardson.M 34 Hunter . N 35 Cachia.C 37 Dance .A 38 Christiansen .M 39 Hallisey 40 Leaver 40 Marks .T 41 Moresi .M 42 Findlay 43 Brown.A 44 Maestros .J 45 Richardson .D 46 Pane. M 47 Wong .V 49 Schuiling.D 49 Varnavas 50 Sneddon .A 54 Sheer. P
I Coach: Tim Elli s Res. Coach : Tom Andrews 1 . A. Albakis 2. S . McNamara 3. D . Flack 4. L. Brown 5. L Kerr 6. S. McGrath 7. T. Ellis 8. K. Pace (C) 9. C. Terzoglou 10. M . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12 . M . Walsh 13. F. Mehmert 14. B. McMillan 15 . J . Purton 16. P. Browning 17. S. Fulle r
18. E. Collier 19. J . Addamo (VC) 20. P. Albaki s 21 . R . Zulian 22. A. Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24. J . Crack 25. A. Hovey 26. P. Thomas (RC) 27. M . Brown (DVC) 28. D . Czajowski 29. S. Dol e 30. B. Carlesso 31 . B. Waters 32. M . Dolegowski 33. S. Parker 34. S. Camilleri 35. S . Alabacos 36. A . Addamo 37. J. Ayling 38. P. Dwaes 39. L Langfield 40. L. Carson 41 . G. Grogan 42. D . Ellis 43. E . Galizi 44. C . Albakis 45. J . Marinis 46. R . Hann 47. R . Portogallo 48. S . Pugliese 49. D. Lenoury 50. A . Fenton 51 . D. Turner 52. C. Andrews 53 . A . Trainon 54 . M . Jordan 56 B . Gibson
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Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpirf-~ a c, { z ter than half time af ni atch, Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show rr . Jt an ~I sumame. Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin.
cost of a local _(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
â&#x20AC;˘ Weekend matches (Fri) â&#x20AC;˘ Umpire s
ELSTERNWIC--The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open ev_ y rn ; _ :h day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park'No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
g 2 12 12.24 1{1.2
14 8 22 12.02 3.1 .47
T) e La Salle C3G
3 .67 7 4 11 7.91 5 .76
; u r~-i-Psrmod AFC
6 6 7.73 7,79
Hi crefT ~AT~ 1 North Old Bovs AFC 2 1 Fitzroy Reds AFC
2 1,59 0M 2 1 .5 2 0.76 2 1 .41 0
2. 1 .37 1. .37
3 1 .33 1 .33 2 1 .25 1 .25
3 14 4.88
9 7
5 .4 1 5 .26 5 .19
St Kevins AFC AJAX AFC Old T cin iLy , ilt.lek A
7 4.49 t3 .6" 1 .1 4
B Univef-sity Blues AFC C + I° '_d C---uMCiaz?S t :d 13.iik--tlrtu s AFC
5 3.31
1 .99
5 3.23 0 4 3.2t1 2 .40 3 3.13 3 .13 2 1 3 3,13 2,09 4 2 6 3 .11 2 .59
4 4 2.86 2 .86
Si Hampton Ro; s AFC
4 4 234 L42 4 4 2 .80 fl.7(3 3 3 2.73 {3.92
3 2 5 L3'#"rO}3e Uni. AFC'
2 2 1 .64
Old Car<_~y Grammar
2: F>.0 8
4cf :4eThtzrnians
4 I .79' 0.93 2 1 .77 1 .7 7
9 9 8.26
Rt : : -,:n-d €".e',fia,tA~ G
2.1 0
Sth~ IYi<
2 1 .23 1 .23 1 I .J:6 1 .1 6 2 1 .11 0 .56
,t;PC 2 a. c .J i. C' 2 Swnnhurne Uni. AF C 1
1 .11: 1
Uniw rsiiV :?c?resFC 2 2 1 . 0 6 0 .53 ? i-t +3s%vick A+~'" 2 0 2 0,94 0 Albert Parl ; :lFG 1 1 0.78 0
e AR: 1 1 0.78 0 .75 Old Mentonians 2 2 0.74 0 Hen#leigh .AFO Bulleen Cobras AFC Mey Park AFC Elthan OG Glen Eira AFC Kew AFC Meton e
Monash Blu e
i Bru
2 1 3 2 .61 I .75
2 4,1 2,45 2.45 2
2 2 .38 2.38 3 1 4 2 .23 I .67 2 2 2,22 2.22
d',VeStbOLliIle Grammar St Johns OC St Leo's Emmaus WP
3 0 3 2 .19 2.3 9
2 2,15 2.15 2 1 3 2 .11
"2(b 52272
1 2 2 .10 1 . 00 Congratulations to Wilhan-istowrrz GYMS who receive 2 in s Spalding for having the i 1_cs# number of donations, and Therry Penola who , vouchers from Cadbury Sc :h-;,eppes and Great Southern Pies for having the greatest percentage Increase from Rd7 .
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7r-',y '20, 200 1
A Sectio n Old Scotch v . Old Brighton at Elsternwick Park, Sunda y Old Xaverians v . St . Kevins ,~iarcellin v . Mazenod â&#x20AC;&#x17E;xHSOB v . University Blues St. Bernards v . Old Trinity
Under-19 Section 1 University Blues v . Old Scotch Mazenod v. Old Xaverians Old Brighton v . St . Kevins Collegians v. St . Bernards De La Salle v. Marcellin Beaumaris v . Old Melburnian s
F, Section Ormond v . Old Haileybury Beaumaris v . Old Paradians at Elsternwick Park, Satu:day North Old Boys v. Old Ivanho e Old Melburnians v . Therry Penola 0 B ttlutefriars v . De La Salle
Under-19 Section 2 Old Ivanhoe v . Old Haileybury Old Trinity v. Ormond Werribee has the bye Caulfield Or. v . Hampton Rovers St . Leos Emmaus v . Whitefriars Yarra Valley v . Old Essendo n
C Sectio n St . Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Collegians Bulleen-Templestowe v . Caulfield Gr. Old Mentonians v . Old Essendon Hampton Rovers v. Prahran AJAX v . Glen Eira
Under-19 (2 ) Blue Mentone Amateurs v . Monash Blues Glen Eira v . Oakleigh De La Salle (2) v . South Melbourne Districts MHSOB v . Old Xaverians (2) TBA AJAX v . St . Kevins ( 2) at 1 p.m.
Dl Section
Under-19 (2) Red
Old Carey v . St. Leos Emmaus University Blacks v . Monash Blues ivanhoe-Assumption v . Banyule Old Camberwell v . Old Geelong Yarra Valley v. Aquinas
Old Camberwell has the bye Therry Penola v . Old Paradians Aquinas v . University Blacks Rupertswod v . Bulleen-Templestowe Ivanhoe Fitzroy v . North Old Boys TB A
D2 Section Williamstown CYMS v . Mentone Amateurs Salesian 0 C v . Power House
Club XVH1 (1) Old Brighton v. Old Scotch Therry Penola v. Brunswic k De La Salle v. Prahran Amateurs Old Melburnians v . Mazenod St. Kevins v Old Xaverians .- game switched from original draw
La Trobe Uni . v . Kew Oakleigh v. Peninsula 0 B West Brunswick v . Parkside
D3 Section St. Johns 0 C v . Hawthorn Amateurs Richmond Central v . South Melbourne Districts Fitzroy Reds v . UHSO B
Bentleigh Amateurs v . Albert Park D4 Section
Eley Park v. Mt. Lilydale St. Marys v. Werribee Amateurs Bulleen Cobras v . North Brunswick Syndal Tally-Ho has the bye Swinburne Uni. v . Rupertswood Eltham Collegians v . Old Westbourne
Club XV111 (2) Coll egi an s v. Marcellin Old Geelong v. Old Trinity University Blacks v. Whitefriars St. Leos Emmaus v. Monash Blues Old Ivan hoe v. Old Essendon
(L19/1 & Blue) (U19/2 & Red)
째ek's matches were a rare combination of -op six in the section meeting the bottom with results neatly in favour of those place d r . Beaumaris did a good job restricting Scotch to only 3 goals after half time, hough the Scotchies' bench would have bee n uming at the 3 .11 2nd half yield . OS had top ~?ames from Kitchen, Freeman, & Moloney : Beaumaris were happy with Gillespie, Tuck, & Falkingham . OMs were suarezed (flogged by an infinity of finely split hairs) by the dominant OXs . University Blues were swamped by S t ns . :vlazenod were still in with a chance at 2) me, then St Bernard's went into overdrive iiat was that . Nesson with 4 goals did well St F rnards, ably supported by Campbell & Old Brighton had their worries L. against the fast finishing Marcellin, but survived for a 10 point win to keep them a game clear in 2nd place . Marshall, Hunter, & dwards stood out for Old Brighton : Gale, Dale, & Sheehan likewise for Marcellin . De La Salle's 12 goal 2nd term put paid to Collegians day . The upshot of all this activity was a single change in the top six, where St Kevin's huge win leap fro Tged them over St Bernard's into 3rd place . Ormond caused the upset of the day and is now out of the five by just percentage, after defeating Old Essendon by two points. The Dons trailed by 23 points at the final change and stormed 'iome, but just fell short . We are unable to bring you Ormond's best, but the Dons were well served by L Wilson, who booted six, goals, Slater, Biggs, M Flaherty and C Obliubek . Old Trinity remains in second position on the ladder after a thumping 73-point win over Hampton Rovers . Old Trinity led all day but busted the game open in the second quarter with five goals to nil . Gordon, Lancaster, Burgess and Pretty, who booted three goals, were best for the winners, while Burggraaff kicked three goals for the Rovers . Third placed Werribee was most impressive in disposing of struggling Whitefriars by 109 points . The Bees' eight goals in the second quarter ended the match as a contest . Tedesco, Jack and Kelly all booted four goals for the winners, while Whitefriars best were Janson, Purtell and Kennedy. Fourth on the ladder Caulfield flexed its muscles with a 135-
point demolition of St Leos . Caulfield booted 12 .6 to no score in the first term and from there just continued on its merry way. Foote was brilliant up forward for the winners booting I1 goals, while Pennycuick, Napier and Linford were other good players . Podbury, D'Amelio and Kelly battled hard for St Leos . Old Haileybury remains just one game out of the five after running out 10-goal winners over Yarra Valley . Old Haileybury led by just seven points at the long break, but booted eight goals to one in the second half . Hoffman was best on ground, while Shaw and Wright both booted three goals for the winners . Yarra Valley's best were Smith, Kehoe and Gates . Top side Old Ivanhoe had the bye . S BLUE The sides occupying 3rd, 4th & 5th spots all did the decent thing by each other by losing last week, which maintained the relativities in the battle for those places . This also increased [ :Ie .d splendid isolation of Mentone Amateurs AJAX at the top . AJAX eomprehemii ly defeated Monash Blues who must be affeete('')y mid year vacation absences . Wollner with 7 big ones was the Jackers best, well supported by Lewis & A.Goldberg. Blues had good games from Nind, Nevill, & Shields . MHSOB had a big win over Oakleigh in one of the two 'upsets' of the round . MHSOB gave the nod to Bevan & Davis with 9 goals between them, with Neilson not far behind in effectiveness : Oakleigh had hard workers in Cash, Reynolds & Britt . Mentone Amateurs continued their great season with a big win over South Melbourne Districts . Kelly, Rock & Hayes starred for Mentone : South Melbourne's stand out performers were Cooper, Wood, & Aquilina . DLS (2) had the expected percentage booster against Glen Eira : the winners were pleased with the games of Miller, Willman & Lowndes : Glen Eira's best were Fournaskis, I .Lampos, & L .Lampos . St Kevins (2) pulled off a coup by beating 0 Xavs (2) in the most even match of the round, and reduced the gap between themselves & Monash Blues to just one game . SKOBs stars were Mitchell, Hicks, & King: Xavs were happy with the efforts of Dillon, O'Kane, & Dynon .
SECTION (2) RED Old Camberwell remains a game clear on top of the ladder after defeating Uni Blacks by 21 points . Munro, Emmerson, Zemski and Moharic were very impressive for the winners,
Blacks' best were Rundell, Rawnsley and Therry Penola reclaimed second position ,i a 199-point win over the hapless Aquinas, could m an age just one behind for the t~ . Harmes booted 10 goals for Therry and 1 best on ground, while Gleeson, Green , ,:nolds and Atkinson all got plenty of the ball . Rnlanrl and C:nrhranP hnttled hard fo r
:lcluinas . North Old Boys went berserk in the 1,,~t quarter of their match against BuileenT,mplestowe, booting 10 .12 to run out winners i, ;r ? ~~ -I points . For the winners, Dean booted ,iin~ ~oals, Burley eight and James five, whil e
; i, . ell and Mullins were other good players . Pupertswood strengthened its grip on fourth position with a very impressive 54-point win , _r Old Paradians . Rupertswood did the damage in the second quarter, booting eight .0 :3ls to two . King kicked six goals and Hatty iour. for the winners, while Fistric, Dean and vc?_~.v were best for Old Paradians . Ivanhoe~ tzrov had the bye. Pre-. .SEC-, =ON 1 In Round 2 Old Scotch had a big win against old :,ielburnians and the way their respective "; asons have progressed it would be a huge iorm reversal for the Scotchies to lose today. OU - :averians versus University Blues looks <uricthing of a'put down your glasses' affair, v:ith Xavs being too well prepared to permit any rn ,, is . The St Kevins & Mazenod clash is too mportant for SKOBs to do anything other than v; tt, considering the log jamb positions 3-6 on thc ladder. St Bernards would have to be raol,~ ites to win against Old Brighton, s ;--cially since they triumphed in Round 2, unu they have a superior percentage . Marcellin looks too strong for Collegians, as does De La Salle for Beaumaris .
SECT !ON 2 Th,-, match of the round sees the much roved Ormond host Old Ivanhoe. The Hoes 1 irrently sit two games clear on top of the I : :du-_s and should be too strong for Ormond, i,ut ~i :e home side will be keen to show it can ,nacch it with the best . Old Haileybury host Old l ;s^cndon in another crucial match for both i(les . The Dons should take the points an d it just that bit harder for Old Haileybur y 1gure in the September action . Caulfiel d arians should sure up their position in e with a big win over Whitefriars, while ra Valley should taste victory for just the ime when they tackle St Leos . Hampton 7s host Werribee, but the home side will the Bees too strong. Old Trinity has the 2) BLUE Blues wi ll probably be reinforced by ~' ln! ing vacationers for the MHSOB game,
and, back to normal strength, should win . It's hard to see Oakleigh upsetting Mentone A .mateurs, the Sections leaders are rolling along nicely. South Melbourne Districts will not be taking it easy against Glen Eira, they have too much at stake protecting 3rd place to permit any lapses . De La Salle (2) & St Kevins (2) is the really interesting clash today, De La won their first encounter this season by 88 points, but SKOBs have been relatively big improvers since then, and should take the points in this game. Old Xaverians (2) & AJAX is the match of the day : the Jaekers were winners in a high scoring affair in Round 4, and have not done much wrong since, so they should take this one out as well . SECTION (2) RED Uni Blacks host Therry Penola in what is a crucial match for the home side. Blacks must win to keep their final's hopes alive and might just get over the line in a very close one . Top side Old Paradians host top side Old Camberwell and the visitors should have little trouble continuing on their winning ways . North Old Boys will get a handy percentage booster when they take on Aquinas . NOBs have really fired up in recent weeks, although Aquinas continue to battle hard every week . In the battle of the battlers, Bulleen-Templestowe host Ivanhoe-Fitzroy. Both sides have been on the end of some fearful hidings this season and recent form gives no indication as to who will get over the line . A draw would be a fair result. Rupcrts-ood has the bye .
Club Hosking 1'latts Ferrari Cations McDonnell
UN-'--:! 19/1 Old Scotch Old Scotch Beaumaris Old Scotch Old Xaverian s
39 34 25 23 22
UNDER 19/2 Foote Mendota Russo Yeo
Matthew s Cheevers Cooper Haves Winters Littl e
King Dean Darby Sandiford Hanna
Caulfield 11 38 Old Ivanhoe 0 36 Werribee 0 35 Yarra Valley 0 33 Old Trinity 0 31 UNDER 19/2 BLUE South Melbourne 2 44 MAX 3 43 Mentone 7 36 South Melbourne 1 26 Mentone 1 26 UNDER 19/2 RED Rupertswood 6 37 North Old Boys 9 32 Old Canibenvell 2 31 University Blacks 2 31 University Blacks 2 27
7; ,4UM .4RIS : 2 .0 5.3 6 .3 8.6 (54) DID SCOTCH 6.2 12.8 14.16 15.19 (109) Beaumads: Fen-art 3 Kurta 2 Blac)miore Ibrahim Thompson . Best: Gllkspie Tuck Falldngham Ceote A Dealer Me bllllan. OW S w teb: Daniha 4 Cations, 2 Hosldng 2 Jase.hs 2 Clinch Jennings Walhom Vats, TraY1a)e . Best: Kitchen Freeman Moloney 11a(kornMltchell Simon. Urapdres: T. Friedman (F) OID b1ELBURNIAA`5 1 .3 1.3 5 .3 5 .4(34) OIA %AVERIANS 1 .5 5.14 10.17 15.24 (114) Old Mitlunahmir reccimed Old • Ross 44h'aLch Dtxon Leoncdli McArd)e 2 Mahon Lopresii Smith 1 . Best Mahon LopresO Farraiv MrArdk Ross Leonmlli. Umpires : P. Jac,k.wn R 142adimv (F7 E. Surdy R. Benson (B) UNIVF.RSrIYffiAES 0.0 0.0 3 .1 5.2(32) ST. RIiVINS 6.7 11.14 21 .22 27.25 (187) University Slim- Not received. St ficvina: Not receKed. Umpirm K. Brewer S . Caruso (F) MAZENOD 3.3 5.3 7.6 8.6 (&I) 5T. BERNARDS 2.4 6.9 9.12 16.19 (115) Maztnoib Ma:kell3 Dehnastro 2 Fuller OkJm .•m Bouchereau . Best: Fader Fminkins Veltmvr Chamberlain h4askett Delmstro. St Bernaift Neeson 4 Sian 3 Smith 2 MansIIek3 2 Wheelan 1 O'Donnell I Burns Mitchell Legudt . Best: Neer,on Campbell Mitchell Suan Matthews Caite)a . Umpires: M. Mw in OLD BRIGHTON 4.4 6 .7 11.10 13.10 (88) MARCELLIN 1 .0 4 .4 8.4 12-6(78) : Maguire 4 Mead 2 Saleru 2 Lawrence Battista Fry Hay Edwards . Best: Old Brighton Marshall Hunter Edwards L1wraFce Mead Maguire . Maredlim Sheehan 2 McMillan 2 CaiSdine 2 Hanson 2 Gak Addison Gartner Mastmas. Best Gate- Date Sheehan Gartner Addison Hanson . Ump'ses : D. VAndbiv M. Plains (F) COLLEGIANS 4.4 4 .4 8.6 9.8(62) 5.4 17.9 20.13 29.21 (195) DE LA SAILS • Net receu2d.be In Salle: Not recewfd.U ' • D . Stephens J . t>splriall IF) L . Harris III) UrmER-19 SFt't_T_Oa 2 5.9 6.10 6.11 (47) YARRA VASdEY 2.2 OLD IIAILIT,YBURY 2.7 6.10 9.17 14 .23 (107) Ymxa Valley : Urbano 2 Ditties Peake Beat Smith. Best Smith Kelm Gates S Britt Crv,rc C Britt. Old flaileybury: Shaw 3 Wright 3 Hoffman 2 Jones Pollock Mackenzie SVzuenan McGauran Koet-er . Best Hellman McKairie Brooks Hanlon, Shaw Vfight. Umpaea P. 6t,.~ehus C. Collins (F) J. h8eebus (B ) DID ESSENDON 0.2 4.7 7.8 12.8 (80) OR}bOND 4.3 8.7 10 .13 11.16(82) Old Essendom L. Wil.aan 6 M . Flaherty 2 C . Obiiubelc 2 C . Heritage I Salvo I . Best : L bison Slater Biggs M.Flakerty C .Gbllubek J.LM^1d. Ormond :Fertart 4 Martin 2 Cam Hassall hL3rtlnnv.Mcmahan VkII& Best: Martin Clinch Ferrari Wells Russell Cove . Umpi¢u M. GtkLay (Fl OLD 122II4nY 4.0 9.3 10.9 15.10 (100) HAMPTON ROVERS 1.2 1 .2 2.6 3 .9(27) Old Trinity: Pretty 3 Burgess 2 S Amore 2 Gordon 2 A9then 2 Bullen Deviation, Kelly Plain. Best Gordon Lancaster Burgess Pretty J Amite Mithet . Hampton Rovevs: Burggraaff 3. Best: Andersen Connelly Turnbull Satdeckyf Nmhofer Davies . Umphte : D . Pars (R) (F) WERRMEE 4.5 12.9 16.15 21 .21(150) WIInEF1UARS 2.4 3.9 4.11 5 .11 (41) Wernb= Tedesco 4 Jack 4 Kelly 4 Mahoney 2 Hdfman 2 Grwdos 2 Toussaint ARus.m Kidd . Best: Tedesco Gradm ARusso Kelly Hdfrnan Kidd . &hitdriaxs: Calatititta 2 Janson 5iarren-Smith Bakere. Best : Janson Purtell Kennedy Brosolo Saaashy Baker. Umpaee: P. Hadrian D . IYAltera (F) CAUiFRESD 12 .6 17.6 25 .8 27.10 (172) 0 .0 2.3 3 .5 5.7(37) ST. LEOS C-Ifteld Foote I I Glass 4 Pamycutrk 3 Sinclair 3 Roberts 2 Grigg Trig Northway Front. Best : Pennycuick Foote Napier Lhiford Erickson Schnieder . St. Leoi : Hatbnds 2 Lardy Podbury Stephens. Best: Podbnry D'Ametio Kelly Petrie Clarke Carste6n. Umpires, N . Carben M. Jenkins (F)
TODAY' S Under-19 Section 1 Old Scotch v. Old Melburnians Old Xaverians v. University Blues St . Kevins v. Mazenod 0 C St. Bernards v. Old Brighton Marcellin v. Collegians De La Salle v. Beaumaris Under-19 Section 2 Old Haileybury v. Old Essendon Ormond v. Old Ivanhoe Old Trinity has the bye Hampton Rovers v. tVerribee Amateurs 4Jhitefriars v. Caulfield Gr . St. Leos Emmaus v. Yarra Valley at 2 .30 p .m . at St . Leos
I -i ??;R-19 (2) R 14.10 19 .14 (:A RUPERTSWOOD 4.3 12Z .7 OLD PARAUTANS 4.1 6.1 8.7 11-8[74) Rupeasnoodi King 6 Flatly 4 Tanning 3 Ramsay Elliott McGovern Heath Zalua Glenn. Best MoskatJuk Aibants Elliott Ramsay Glenn Flatly Old Paradlux Dean 5 Torre 3 Lynns 2 McKay. Best: Fisttic Dean McKay Corcoran Cleary Lyons . Umpirm J.Ralph (F)BRalph (B) OLD CANIDEItft'E1Z 3.7 5.9 13.11 15 .11 (SOl) UNIVERSIY BIAGI;S 1.1 3.8 6.9 11.14 (N Old Camberwell:- Temprnie . P 5 Roan 4 Darby 2 Craven 2 Me Qvalter Parker . Best: htunro Earner" Zemskl Moharic Cottrell Craver. University Blacks: De Pasquak 2 Gwai2FLannn32SandfCDr2SontlhuRundellMansFeiki. Best RundeltRauvrisleypoe, Umphm: M . Gilasn (R) (F) THERHY PII8O1.A 10.9 16.13 24.17 30M (20~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1.(I) AQUINAS 'tixaxy Penola : Harmes 10 Green 6 Sheppard 4 Goodain 3 Atkiruon Barran Comb Gleesim Owen Reynolds Wheeler 1 . Best: Harmes Gliison Green Reynolds Ath7nsor Famkll . Aquinas Best : Logan Boland Cochran- Goodfellow Hall Tapp ;ey Umpires : T. Jack~ A. Barro (F) NORTH OLD BOYS 9 .3 16.9 21 .17 31 .29 (215) 47E 0 .3 1.3 2.3 3 .3(21) North Old Boys: Dean 9 Burley 8 Jones 5 Mullins 3 Dalton 2 Roach Davidson SkCeIlan Trtgwell I. Best Trigwel) Burley Own James Mullins Dalton . Bu4em Tempkst~ M McGrath 10 Hill I P Tsokas 1 . Best D Martin 0 Hill p Harding J Matthews D McMahan A Paraftio. Umpuzs.•G. Paleorkmos S. Scully (F) UNDER-19 f2l TRUE MAX 6.6 11.15 15.20 20.28 (14 81 2.0 2.1 3 .4 3 .4(4 MONASH BLUES MAX- Wollner 7 Coupa 3 Butt 2 Gtvont 2 Berger 2 Fetter Miller Lewis GieeP . Best. t~bltner Lewis A. Goldman Butt Gh4nt Van Akai Blum, Beeson Grace Shkids Best : N[nd A'tvill Shk]ds Rogers Ross Hickey Unqrssm : P. Grtffiths A Shads (F) N . Booth J. Fingim (B ) MHSOB 4.8 16.10 21 .15 24.20 (164) OAffiF.IGIi 4.3 6.3 9.6 15.9(9% MRSOB. • Davis 5 Bevan 4 Harper 4 A Vkendese 3 Fr-.ttzek 2 Svtrskts 2 M Brown Glanmilds Harding Walker. Best: Bevan Davis Neilson Nirens SvIrssky Harding. '• Cash 4 Gcchud 3 Britt 2 Georgiadls Kokkiaos MoulangStetvL-~m Vissa Wills. Best : Cash Reynolds Britt R Symmon.s Rose Stevenson. UmPiceac T. L4ky IF) 3.3 8 .11 10.15 17.24 (126) 2.3 2.3 6.9 7.11(53) SOUTH UELBOURNE Meatonz Hayes 7 AOxstan 3 Moran Rock Allan Dixon Little Wilson Krtngs. Best: tieLp Rock Hayes Atherton Sullivan Barker.Swrth Maimr= Aquffina 2 Chien-m 2 VrSnters SkhuLs Kidd. Best: Cooper µbal Aqulliua Rocco Bardan VAntersVinparew T Ba`m3n D. Farrell (F) S. h'kho'son J Nicholson (B ) GLEN EIRA 1.1 12 1 .3 2.3(15) I F LA SAIIE 8.3 14 .13 19.16 27.24 (185) Gina Eire: Faravalds Williams, Best: Faunaraltls I.Lampcs L .Lsmpos J. McDOnaH Sherry Williams. Be La Salle: Nicholas 5 Arbon 4 Sfms-Lucas 3 Heffernan 2 tk7tmann 2 Borden 2 Station 2 Byers AlderMembrey Kknhuis Conway I.Mardes.k S .Mandesic. Best: Mffler witmann Locvndes S .hiardesic Sims-Lucas Btm. Umpum: C. Evans P. Rapke (F) SE KEVB4S (2) 21 6.4 8.5 10.7 (67) OLD XAVERSANB (2) 2.2 2.2 5.4 6.5(41) SL Kevin's: Meyer 3 0"Ke$e 3 Dktifts 2 Anderson Campbell . Best : Mitchell Hicks Bog McInerney Marwroai S~akanski . Old Rinrs3aaa: I1}mon 3 Cr@y 2 Carmody. Best: Dilbn 07{ane Dymn McColl Bolon De6'laria . Umpire= R. Benson A . Barringtai (F)
TCHES Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues v. MHSOB Oakleigh v. Mentone Amateurs South Melbourne Districts v . Glen Eira De La Salle (2) v- St . Kevins (2) Old Xaverians (2) v. AJAX at 11 .30 a .m . Under-19 (2) Red Rupertswood has the by e Old Paradians v. Old Camberwell University Blacks v . Therry Penola at Crawford Oval Aquinas v . North Old Boys Bulleen-Templestowe v . Ivanhoe Fitzroy
=--- r
IE LA SALLE Coach: Brian Brown
, n
Wastrels Coach : Marty Huck
B. G;ilesp:e tj y~U"~ SL.Doukas
c ari (C) H PJ Jtil J~y C, Beastand B. Gasms (VC) A. sperce J . Faikirrgham
W, Kelly
ra De--Mg c . Collins D . Tuck s . Lynch A . E ckmwe .J
LA D end M, ins
t_TL er L. I s y J . c : swell T. wo*-ugh S . W ::Jcea p,Th-nEp ;,on
1 B Wallard 2 K McKay 4 A Shinktield 5 D Carcor 7 S Taft 8 N Unsworth 9 T Skarrie 10 D Vail 11 D Fotheringham 12 R Turner 13 A HickeyY 15 N Roach 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clark 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiris 30 WFowler 31 N Herman 33 C Rowe
1 J Kean 2 R Buckle y 2 R W~~1eY
3 J Hughes 3 T Malan 4 M Brasher 5 H Handley 6 M Brown 7 P Harrison 7 A McLeish 8 T+Naadlock Mlafferty 10 A Coffey 10 A D mble 11 J Bowden 12 C Moran 12 MNaughtjn 13 J Roberts 1 4 J M em b rey
14 C Mitchell 15 J Stinear
16 WJolley 17 D Thomas 19 S Brown 21 S Byers 21 B Quinane 22 D Alderucao
E C, -,Per r~ Tre.c ca A C In (DVC) t<Fena" A`' ms 8 . A~cNichoias (DVC) S, Le e MKuria
MfCoach : Dai t Merton
1 . D. Cracknel) 3. N. Addison 4. M . Mastores 5. C. Dignan 8. L. Considine 11 . B. Gale 13 . B. Skeen 14 . D. Coghlan 15 . T. Sheehan 18 . D . Gartner 19 . S. Birrell 20 . D . Salce 22 M. Voskersensky 23 . J . Neal 24 . J . Stempe l 25 . E. Weekes 40 . D . Welch 44 . D . McMillan
24 J Garland 26 D Spithill 30 M Krezel 31 S Hyde 32 A Bonnici 49 D Coggins 55 S Giblett
F, Conchp
. -, 8 1 don (DVC)
-- .-~ -
Coach : Andrew Pickering
1 . D. Bonnici 2. D. Fotiniotis 3. P. Reed 4. L Rudling 5. P. Ryan 6. S. Veltman 7. A. Wilson 8. B. Thomas 9. B. Thompson 10 . D . Maskell 11 . L . Fuller 12 . M. McDowell 13 . C . Clegg 14 . D . Cle9 g 15 . A. Burrows 16 . A. Longmuir 17 . C . Meehan 18 . P. Del Mastro 19 . S. Bickers 20. P. Dugdale 21 . D . Armansin 22. C . Aguis 23 . D . Aguis 24. J. Thomas 25. D . Hansen 26. D . Stagliano 27. C . Fame 28. D . Devli n 29. M . Thompson 30. S. Cox 31 . C . McDave 32. G. Nash 33. D . Malloy 34. A . Murray 35. J . Schiano 36. D . Oldman
Coach: Brad Barry
1 . M. Fry 2. C . McKimm 3. T. Mattesti 4. A. MacGillivray 5. N . Gambl e 6. L . Dale 7. C . Reddi n 8. C . McNichol 9. J. Doole y 10 .A. Morley 11 .C . Adamis 12 .J . Mead 13 . N . Edwards 14 . E . McCowan
15 . J . Hunter 16 . J . Homann 17 . J . Walsh 18 .A . Salem
19 . P. Angelini 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 A . Hughe s 23 N . Gamble 24 C. Alcock 25 D. Hartman 26 C. Baxter 27 J . Maguir e 28 N. William s 31 G . Sim m 32 A. Goldner
37. G. Kennelly 38. B . Chamberlain
0!p Coach: Rob walker D Smith
E Townsing 3 E Tucker C Burgess D Woodford 6 S Guest 7 M Kennon e C Trim r N Guy
.' 10 B Marks J O'Dwyer . _^ J Richardson A Simpson ~ A Richards
B Wulf N -'-arreG
S Carter M Prowse :0 E Ryan N Robinson
J Rush N Kent 4 D Marks MHorgan C Walker J Jewell -' J Mulcah y '- E Selby
Coach: Mark Donovan 1 L Freeman
2 M Walkom 3 D Knight
Coach : ( 1) Manny Nicnioai Coach: (2) Jamea Fa y 1 G,.,nH P
4 D Logan
2~~,n N 3 Mawt,an G 4 tadtenzie C
5 A Catchlove
5 McKenze-64d{ary
7 J Spraque 8 N Coleman 9 S Daniher 10 R Craven 11 R Josephs 12 J Rodski
13 W Lewis
14 R Teesdale 15 S Cations
16 D Jennings 17 D Robertson 18 A Quail 19 S McQueen 20 T Hosking 21 N Costello 22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett 26 G Fordyce 27 R Davies
28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell
30 G Prendergast 31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T 35 B.
Maloney Keck
36 S Marash 38 M Raymer 39 M Leeds 41 M Watts
44 J Simon
OLD X["---
6 cato J 7 oKa„eM 8 h4cDa
aeli J
9 Ra.phJ 10 mow D 11 Fanoa I . 12 Dan J 13 NdenA
ta chamtrenam F 75 Dame 16 Gr ;g S 17 ~0 78 t1resS
i9 Jabour P 20 Howard I. 21 Smair++o-ai P
22 t .ea,cxti T
23 Carmody S
24 6 T 2' PL* MG 26 Denton 27 Wynn P 28 McGrath .1
29 Gil P 30 SRJ
31 Fox A
32 p,l cCartiy IJ 33
Coach: Larry Davis
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
D. D Elliot S . Neeson A . Bouzikas (C) C. Burns S . lannazz0 A. Matthews S . Monteleon e S . Mitchell J . Smith
10. R. James
11 . S . Wheeler 12 . M . O'Donnell 13 . L. Mansfield 14 . N. Thomas 15 . J . Formica
16 . C. Mitchell 17 . D. Swan 18 . D. Walsh
19 . M . Moretti 20 . S . Cxampbell 21 . N. Whelan 22 . B . McManus 23 . J . Mckay 24 . B . Calleja 25 . T. Legudi 26 . A. Anderson 27 . L. Evans 28 . L. Calleja
29 . C. Goullet
34 er~"~~`~ . : zne A S 35 6.a;tyA
30 . C . Trewin
36 B``^%~-'=`be A 37 raJ
40 C:, . J
38 N. Smith 39 C. Kevnan 40 R . Cousland
38 ; :.M 3 FuiD 41 Smah J
42 ~t~d~ MonD N 43 60 Cause u
SI KEVINS Coach (1): Paul 0'SP rn
Coach (2):Stephen Clarks 1 J Dempsey 2_ T. Duggan
3 . i• Umbers . Fox
5 . M Hicks 6. J. Harris 7~ L~eSar ~d g; yy_ o Macdonal 10. M: M= 1 2. D . tdcLay 13. S. Manvood 14. B Marchesani 16. D . Bar e 16. KDidtlis
17. D . Makohon 78 . M. Anderso n 79. W. Macdonald 20 . M, Mui rew 21, D,y~ ~ W 22 . G. Hoar 23 . A. Jenkins 24 . G. Nolan 25. J .Deaco n 26 . J . Knuppel
27 . Lclahesy 28 . P 29 . C .Ddma r
30 . P. Giss~ng
31 . M. Courtney 32 . J . Cox 33 . L Meyer 34 . S . Mrtchen 35 . N . O'H alloran 36 . T. Purcell 37 . P. Clancey 33 , R . Chard 39 . M. Caimey 40 . T.Newton 41 . B . Evans
E' 1 ._1ES Coach: Steve Kin g 1 . A . Millar
2, C. Nicholl s 3. M . Aibetthorpe
4. J . Bromwich 5. T. Birtley ®
6. 7. 8. 9.
J . Sudholz L. Menlo W. Austberry M . Brookshaw
10. J . Pameii 11 . G Fricker . 12. R. Jacob
13. T. Girdwood (VC) 14. N. Ric h 15. R. Hall 16. K Alexande r 17. A. Briggs 18. P. Burco
19. E . Wilcox (VC )
20. J. Culley 21 . J. Brook 22, D. Hatswell 23. J. Gume r
24. 25. 26. 27.
R. Holmes (VCC ) J. Tanner ) A. Wilson J. Wrigh t
28. L . Rya n
29. A. Camero n 30.
J. Chambers
31 . M . Robertson 32. S. Adam s
31 . L. O' Brie n
42 . M. Stonehouse 43 . M. Tschler
32 . A. Smith 33 . B. Baliarin
44 . J . Kinq 45 . N . Wails 46 . C . Wilkinson
34. Z. Rudd 35 . R. Kercheva l 36 . C. Walsh
42 D. James 43 K. Walker
50 . TL ss 51 . C .~Shaughnessy
33. E. Matties
37. R. Sweeney
53 . T. Slmpson 56 . A . Calie~lari
38 . A. Sheehan 39 . A. Gooney
58 . A . Thompson 61 . D .James 62 . KMcinerney
40 . A. Tymms 41 . S. Monahan
1 A. Sinclair 2 A . Amo s 3 G. Erickson 4 T. Vinen 5 B . Gross 6 Z. Jes s 7 P. Roberts 8 S . Tucker 9 W. Frost 10 G . Crathern 11 C. Fagan 12 J. hiellington 13 L . Browne 14 B. SCott 15 S.Jenkinson 16 J . Amp t 17 R . Linfiord 18 B . C'Hoy 19 I . Glass 20 M . Trigg 21 A . Be h 22 T. Fo.«r 23 L uY 24 25 r'. . n 26 M. P( nnycuicr 27 A~1. G ' 28 T. Franklin-Jones 30 A. Pelma n 31 T. Nobel 33 C . Hooper 34 H . Baker 35 K . ` ;eh m A. uhn L. Schneider 46 R. Foote 50 S. . orri s
1 2 3 4
B. B. Canton J . Connelly T. Jewell K . Johnstone 6 C. Ma"'iouse 7 A. Be', ms 8 ^ Carr 9 B. 10 . , 11 J. Almhoter 12 8. Ke "as 13 A. Fisher 14 N . Goss 15 D . Molina 17 B . Smith 18 S . Burggraatt 19 S . Ravtlings 20 H. Kerde l 21 L. Cave 22 B. Henry 23 C. Prcbyn 24 R . Turnbal! 27 S. Weaver 28 D . Davies 29 A . Murray 32 C . Sendackyj 34 L. Kennedy 35 M . Davie s
i J risen 2D n 3 C Obliubek 4 M Velard o 5 S Be Morton 6 D Slater 7 L Wilson 8 L Kavanagh 9 A Fraze r 10 M Flaherty 11 J Buckley 12 `vV Nunlist 13 A Carrozza 14 A Parker 16 M Nicolas 17 B King 18 D Flaherty 19 N Fitzpatrick 20 A Provdse 21 N Bariram 22 T Logan 23 C Devereux 24 J Duggan 26 B Falcke 28 S Falcke 29 7 Campbell 32 B Hakim 34 J Marines 35 W Higgin s
1 . K.0'Dvryer 2 . M.Paine 3 . S.Laa: 4 . C .Binney 6 . S .Curatolo 7 . N .Braddy 8. T.Grieve 9. C.Lynch 8.T. Pollock 10. S .Jenkins 9.R . D'Silva 11 . T.Hibbs 10 .S . Capron 12. J.Saker 1 U. Glanville 13. J. Bayard 12 .A. Fletcher 14 . C .Levais 13 .A. Kozik 19 L.Phc€Ge 14 .f=. Marsh 20 M.Clarke 15.R . Goodbody 23 1.Lougnnxn 16.H . Brooks 25 D.B n 17.R . Plummer 31 D.C 18.N . Rose 32 .C 19.C . Waxman 33 D.tv :nson 20.J . Wright (C). tedith 34 DAN 21 .D. MacKenzi~e e (VC) 35 49.h=r -o 22 .A. Clarke 36 T.Finlay 23 .B . Koets3er 44 L .Stillman 25 .J . Shakespeare 50 E . PJcV`illiam 27 .D. S+vanton 1.3 J .0'Dea 28 .B.Hunter 29.T. Arche r 30.A. Shaw 33.R . t9osbey 39.A. Jones 43.M. McGowan 55.N . Swab y nn 2 .L. Pitcher (VC) 3 .V. Jayasuriya 4 .11. McLauchlan 5.8. Crawford 6.S. Durkin (VC) 7.J. Hanlo n
i: Tim Pr;. .
11. Russell 2 .S. Wheller 3 .M . Wood 4 .C.Hassall 5 .A. Clinch S .M . Luba 7 .R . Wiley B.J . Muzzell 9.J . Fran klin ..' iO .L. Wells 11 .T. McMahon l2 .L. Er - tkreuz i<: .. . . M ertinov 14 .D . Jewett 15 .A. Goonan 16.D . McKenna 18.RA . Ramsay 19.W. Cove 20,R . Lerner 22.8 . Rayson 24.A. Lom 25.R. Maker 26 .T. Harvey t 27 .J . hloske 28 .7. Naylor 29 .B.Cromack 31 .S. Barker 33 .A. Cock 39.h9. Ferrari 50. P~9 .Heifernan 5a.~. W(ison 71 .R . Presser
1 B Petrie 2 H Gyles 5 R Gale 6 P Boyd 7 P Podbury (VC) 8 A Holland s 9 T Ste-)hens 10 N Cu n 11 P Sar =^^ 12 P t 13 D (C 14 J `Jon 0 15 PCs (C) 16 A Kelly
17 H Evans 18 S `Nilson 19 A Rooks 20 IM McHug h 21 A Ballard (DVC) 22 N Carstei n 23 G Brear€ey .' 24 R Varney .. 27 A Dix 28 C Beljak 29 S Train 38 A Flanagan 41 D t"+o3d 44 C Clarke a6 P Alton 61 N Kennedy 64 D Tompkins
1 . S . Muraca 2. C. Kelly 3. t.1 .B< d 4. S . Eisenberg 5. P. " van I 6. S. 7 . B. Da. . leis 8 . C. Jack 9 . A. R--so 10 . A. Borg 11 . J . Toussaint 12 . C . Smith 13. D . Groulos 14. T. Davidson 15. fil . Walsh 16. C. Yasar 17. A. Tedesco 18 . B. Cunningham 19 . R. Rose 20 . D. Lowe 21 . N . Gaud 22 . S. Blanco 23 . J . Russo 24. M . O'Donnell 25. J . P }n 26. C. t ,dr is 27. 28 . 29 . L. Simmons 30 . C. P ney 31 . B. r^,4 . . . ihurk
I . S . Brescia 2. B . Warren - Smith 3. C. Ventura 5. P. AAicallefi 6. J . Morriss 7. R . Nolan 8 . C . Welch 9 . P. Tobin 10 . A. Hill 11 . A . Cursio 12 . M. Sowersby 13. M . Bake r 14. J . Treyvaud 15. T O'Shea 17 . P. Furness 21 . M . Calavetta 22 . L . McGuiness 24 . P. Weston 27 . R. Hil l
28 . 29 . 30. 33. 34. 37. 38.
P. Poutney D . Adkins B.Janson B . Sheals A . Biviano G. Kennedy A . Corry
>c 1 A i .dddlin 2 . M Norrish 3 . N . Pask 4 . R .Bett 5. P `aaloppi 6. D Lloyd 8. R Drew 9 . B.Kehoe 10 . J.Seeger 11 . Z.Webb 13 . LGillies 14, G.Thompson 15. D .Smit h 16. C .Holdsworth 17. A .Pizzey 18. C.Beal
19. A.Coleman 20. D.Seneratne 21 . J .Tompkins 22 . J. Peake 23 . T. Collett 24 . G .Coutts 25 . F. Pellegrino 27 . S .Savage 29. D .Bel l 30. J .Strong 31 . S .Urbano 32. J .Parry 34. S .Britt 37 . D. Sims 44 . N .€9artin
1 Peggie A 2 Hine A (C) 3 Langdon S 4 Taylor C 5 Pretty S 6 Burgess J 7 Davies M (DVC) 8 Amiconi A 9 Jackson N 10 Blackmore B 11 h4f)hen P 12 Kelly T 13 Gordon Pd 14 Thwaites P.-; 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Duell R 20 Oberoi S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D 23 Hillas R 24 ru7J~,C 25 Lucas C 27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoo Pv# (VC) 28 Condron K 29 Crawford Ni 30 Bullen M 44 Lancaster M, 53 Plain G 75 Matthew M
=r ann
Coach: G c . :nYine 1 B Ha as 2 L Browne
M Miller
B D Wood 7 D Taylor
8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailon 11 S Alder
10 B . Rogers
12 R Burrows 12 B Scanlon
13 P Arbon 14 A Dimble
"an r
15 J
K )m
nostein man i nan
lly Rose
L. Georgiadis .~. C . ~ ,A kinos A. Ci3varella
R . Symmons A . Ysser McPhee P. Malcol m B . Evan s 15 D . .- .7ulang A, ;ays
" . Cash ,.9 D. Britt J. Briggs -..'- S . Johnson - 3 S . 3ndo "
:-~ R. 311Y JX A. H3i71ayJa y Stevenson =j
C. Symons T. Orchard
B. HYrons J. Reynolds J. Gael
D. 2
J. Nevezie (Cj HeSl op
S. GreenWay --> A. Bye Wills
2 Quinn N 3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C 5 McKenzie-McHarg 6 Cato J 7 0'Kane M 8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J 10 McColl D 11 Farrow L 2 Dillon J 1 Nolen A 13 14 Chamberlain F 15 Dixon B 16 Grigg S 17 Doyle C 18 Ross S 19 Jabour P 20 Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T
23 Carmody S 24 Biddlecom be T 25 Pietryk M
26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 28 Mc G rath J 29 Gill P 30 Silk J
31 Fox A 32 McCa rt hy M 33 Buckeridge S 34 Spillane A 35 Bushby A 36 Biddlecombe A 37 DePAaria J 39 Walsh M 39 Furiefli D 40 Dale J 42 Smith J 44 Bolton PA 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L
20 W. Little 22 B. Green (VC) 24 T. Graven 26 B. Jondahl 29 J. Ross 30 J. A9ellingtan 31 S. Hawkins 35 M. Sharkie 39 C . Burley 41 J . Ryan 42 S. Young 48 G . Clugsion
Coach : Sl r.ne O'Connor 1 .Pti. Meye r 2. S. Sullivan 3 . P. Dixon 4. G . Alla n 7. T. Bar r 8 . K Little 9, K. McLeod 11 . B. Athe rto n 12 . M . Wilso n 13 . M . Haye s
14. P. Rock e 17. S . Casacelli 19. S . Hamilto n 20. P. Krings 21 . D. Kelly 22. S . Barke r 24. M . Duggan 2 6. A. Roc k 30. A. Pothito s 31, C . Jamieson 33 . R . Hami l 34 . M. Wingrave 35 . T. Smith 36 . G . Mora n 37 . C . Johnstone 38 . R . Bitner 41 . S . Alexande r
45 . R . Connar d 56 . S . Rickards
Coach : (7) Manny Nicotosl Coach : (2) James Fay
t Carer P
11 M . Vegter (VC) 12 R. Shears 13 M Care y 14 Z . Wright 15 B. Nind 18 A. Shields 19 G . Gilbert
16 M . Roberts 17 J Bowden 17 B Keinhaus 18 R Quirk 19 S Allan 20 J Shone 21 M Beynon 22 M Conway 23 H La Ragy 23 B Reid 24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clifton 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken 29 G Walton 42 E Sims-Lucas 57 D Jad e 59 S Sharpies ~
C¢ .. h: Dennis Grace 1 S. Chapman 3 J .Rosengarten ( C) 4 G. Chessa r 5 R . Buckingham 6 A . Hickey 7 S . Knight 8 S . Th 9 P. Nevili
3 D Hyd e 4 S Meehan
5 ° en
Coach : John Howard
Coach: Darren srilop I J.Rc 2 P. G~ur,g Y 3 J. Raebum 4 M . Wood
5 A. Davison 6 x K~
7 R. winters 8 A. Shlnns
16 S. Rocco L Ester 11 12 J. McDonald 13 l°d.$rmrm 15 S. Atherion 16 J. Leeman 17 P. DA.roJrea 18 G . Rave 18 J. Stephens 19 K. garden 21 D . Bell 22 A Nie ;tl 23 J . Fidogi~.Jtnis 24 K Ferguson 24 G. Tsicadaris L Baq 26 27 P. Cheevers 30 H . McFadden 32 J . Clyne 63 S. Aquiana
M .H .S .O .B .
._ . . . , _. - . - , .
W. Hooper
Coach : (1) Paul O'Shannassy Coach: (2) Ste an Clarke
1 . J. Dempsey
2. T. Duggan 3. A. Umbers 4 . L Fox 5. M, Hicks 6. J . Hams 7. L. KaVesaran 8. D . t.lacDOnatd s. vy. McCann 10 . D . Mahone y 11 . M. H utton 12 . D . Mclay 13 . S . Marwaod
14 . B Marchesani
15 . D. Bare 16. K Didlis 17 . D. Makolwn 76 . M . Anderson 19. W. MacDonald 26. M . MuVgrex 22. G. Holland 23. A. Jankins 24. G. Nolan 26. J. Knuppel 27. D. Kerr 28. P. tandy' 29. P. Fogarty 30. P. Giss~ng 3t . M Courtney 32. J. Cox L.
35. N . O'Hallora n 36. T. Purcel l 37. P. Clancy 38. R . Chard 39. M. Carney
40. R, ecy;e
47 . e. Evan s 42. M. stanehause
Coach- Jerome Jackma n
1 . P. Rujevic 3. D. Bevan 4. M . Brown 5. M . Hal l 6. A. Viscendes e
7. C. Kennedy 8. B. Brown 9. J. Walker (C ) 10 . T. Cousland
11 . M . Bignall 12 . M. Bowe n 13 . T. Harper 14 . A. Nirens
15 . T. Fraczek 16 . M. Neilsen 17 . G . Pollard 18 . J. Saigal 19 . D . Giannakos
20 . S . Fole y 21 . Dav . Fox 22 . J . Brow n
23 . J . Davis 24 . Dan Fox 25 . C . Owe n 26 . T. Middleto n 28. A . Lesion 29. D. Vscendes e
43. >.t. Ts.^hier
30. E . Hin d
44 J 5 . N . Watl s 46 . C . Wilkinson 50 . J . Gullifer 51 . C . o'shaughnessy 53T. Simpson 55'A . Marsh 57 . M. Hinsl-ay as . A. Thompson 62 . K Mclnerny 65 . R . killer as . J . Deacon 66 69 . C . Hilliard
31 . K . Hardin g
Coach: i Apr 2 R . Klogeman 5 A. Bolan d
1 . S. ._ .-rsh 2 . D . Florence 3 . A . Paradise 4 . 0. Hil l 5. G Taylor 6, M Same 7. M . McGrath 8, R. Conti 9 . M. Bickerdike it . J. O'Donnell (C) 13 . R Lee 14 . P Harding 16. D. Charles 18. A DeSimone 19. J Hasan 20. J Paraskeva 22 . M Perri 23 . D . Tsokas 25 . D Stee r 26 . D . Martin (VC) 31 . T. Walter s 33. P. Gordon 34. M Tollit 35, P. T okas
6 P. McNiff 7 A . Jenkinson 9 M . Guthridge 10 L. Mackovrski 12 A. Corrigan 13 V. Hal l 14 A. Hayes 15 S. Verona 17 J . See 19 D . Sinclair 20 S . Collins 21 P. Stone 22 G . Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D. Dew 25 C . Tavalli 27 C . Munro 28 J . Holly 29 B . Miller 30 J . Tappley
Coach: tiichard Grummett 30 D Barnwell 31 J Bire 32 J Dunne 33 E Healy 34 C Meighen 35 B Dowse' It 36 J Healy
37 M Edmonds 39 A Butler 40 J Harman 41 A Mercuri 44 B Ashton 45 G Robertson 46 M Ahem 47 N Blayney 48 N Dykes 50 J Simrk 52 E Clayton 54 S Sukkar 55 B Foynes ** D Cummins I C Grose '째 J Kelly '* A Powell ** B Stafford *' G Waug h
Cr ch : Peter Ha i
2 M Spinoso 3 M Lyons 4 A Harvey 5 A Dean 6 S Fistric 7 L Drummond 8 E LaTorr e
9 B Reiner 11 S Connelly 14 S Fantone 15 D Dean 18 L Aiello 19 A Paglia (DVC) 21 L McMahon 22 R Priest 23 C McKay 24 G Loftus 26 M Keeling 27 D Caple 28 S Russell 28 C Duncan 29 R Hall 34 P Gloury 39 J Zrqkovic 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenses (C) 51 T Crotty
56 D Bound y 63 S Corcoran (VC) 75 P D'Intino
Coach : Ken - Inter
1 R Zahra 2 5 Pace 3 V Scerri 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 8 K Elliot 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 15 J Teller 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnson 20 P Flinn 21 D Heywood 22 A Carlo 24 G Price 25 R Hatty 27 M Koala 28 P McMahon 29 G Hewat 31 M Assouad
Cocch : Tony Cro Assist : Phil Ryan 1 Faroldi M 2 Goodwin T 3 Reynolds L 4 Barron B 5 Kiernan M 6 Mullane P 7 Hermes J 8 Quinn L 9 Gleason L 10 Crotty J 11 McCarthy L 12 Serratore F 13 Comb M 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Palazzolo M 18 Freckleton J 19 Green A 20 Capewell C 21 Atkinson D 22 Goockwin D 23 CaGegari D 25 Carroll A 26 Sheppard T 27 Thompson T 34 O'Connell S 59 Robinson T 72 Johnson S 81 Delaney D
1 T. Roach 2 J . Mullins 3 S . Haynes 4 M . Owen 5 L. Byrne 6 S. Nolan 7 M . Kelly 8 S. Bermingham 9 R . Davidson 10 M. King 11 D .Keenan 12 N . Hahn 13 D. Budey 14 L. Barnes 15 R. Evans 16 N . Trigwell 17 B. Burrows 18 J . Dalton 19 D . McLellan 20 A . Chuck 21 M . Kurec 22 M . Curzio 23 H . Ryan 24 S. Cook
25 J . Hughes 26 M . Vandedlorst 27 N . Barry 28 H. Monk 29 T. Dean 30 T. James 31 A. Saad 32 M . Saad 33 S . Saad
Coach : John BushbY M Ballads I 2 S Bloodworth 3 D Bongiomo 4 J Corbett 5 C Delahunty 6 T Donavan 7 P Donelan 8 N Ebner 9 5 Flood 10 P Fowler it J Greenwood 12 M Grigg 13 R Hamilton 14 W Hanna 15 D Higgins 16 E Hinde 17 R Mansfield 18 T Mayall 19 R Moreton 20 D Gconnel 21 R Osullivan 22 B Owen 23 V Parkinson 24 S Prince 25 L Rawnsley 26 J Rivett 27 A Ross 28 S Rundle 29 M Sale 30 S Sand'rford (C) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R 5carleff N Sharp P Sondhu 5 M Stockfeld 6 A Torney 7 J Walker D Watson 9 R Willa
1 . in, Little
2. 5, 6. 7.
D . McOualter P. Tempone B . Christie B. Ryan
8 . C . Morley 9 . A. Cramer 10 . K . derby (C) it . D . Pik e 12. G. Weickhardt 13. T. Proswe 14. C. Munro 15 . S. Jones 16 . A. Cantor 18 B. Craven 19 B . Larrichia 23 H . Hogan 25 A. Zemski 26 D. Lin g 39 A. Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas 50 J. Agatanovic 51 M . Brooke 52 M . Cottrel 53 J . Cucinotta 54 L. Enright 55 M . Gilbert 56 A. Moharic 57 S. Morritt 58 J . PetCitt 59 D . Schmidt 60 N . Warner 61 T. Parkes
`;"EY+lUE: VAFA - Elstemwick Park, Glenhurafly Roa4, Elstertawick f ATE :
Weqnes4ay 25t' July. .2003
:(ME- 7:GCJprn SPEAKERS: Leiding Physiother~Pist5 AFL Trainer s ENTRY: A gold coin donation to help cover the cost. RSVP : lVednesday 18 July, 2001 Emma Hraw,7 rd «DFSpvH5 R fer/icfnel m obile : tJ4t)8 273 78 8 Work: 9874 6 53 3 Rob l,urrQn 6club ~~rehQuseJ Mobile : O4C781b2 219 Work: 9419 7344-
OLD 7 'N : ',Y 7 MUL E
on alt in ors
_ y and revif
ffl(fQ® 93p n-o L70 ° ~ F nA wa
i,a'rrcaDe ll . {1)z), , pert m (sa'), €saa E& duciy 7M-8 .00 pm Inch '.es u ekly chat on all matters VAFA.
0,?4 7 2, w 1
mn (C) .
oc 711 y : v -,s: VAFA v VC,, (Senior) VAFA v V (U19) dians Sat : July 28 Beaurnarls v Olt Sun: July 29 Old Scotch V Aug 4 whiteL-iars v 0E___nin as Aug 5 FIDA Send-Final s Aug i l North Old Boys v Old Haiieybuy Aug 12 FIDA Grand Final s
July 21 July 22
Aug 18 14ISOB v Old Scotch ug 19 C(ub ;"':lP :ci :: Final s
Continued from. -age
this Saturday (21st July) at the Gryph Inn . The event is scheduled to commence at 7 .30pm, with a $15 entry fee . Contact Heals on 9557 7270 or Willo on 9569 8712 for more information . ~ac ÂŽ~ci Central's - annual banquet auction is coming up on July 28. Tickets are 520. For more information call Toby Guthrie on 0414 484 665 . St . John's OC - A couple of upcoming social functions - Saturday 21st July (that's tonight!) at 7 .30pm sees the drawing of the Reserve Raffle . Also, next Saturday (28th July), starting at midday . is the Golden Eagles, Sponsors and Supporters luncheon . Again, see one of your social committee for further detail or book yo--- seat . :c :- will be holding Soul r e : their Dinner/Auction on Saturday 11 August at the Powerhouse Function Centre from 7pm until midnight . Any bookings or offers of items to auction can be made through Maureen McGee by phone on 9690 1740 (h), 9856 2803 (w) or 0419 526 670 (m) .
CONTACT Once again, I can be contacted via e-mail on Peter.PS.WiUiamsoiiCa,centrelink .gov .au (work) or psdtw5473 (home), phone on 9920 9054 or fax on 9920 9097. Thank you to those who have submitted reports this week, please keep up the good work . Again, we'd like to hear from as many people as possible, so please contact either myself or Ed (ed .sillCalocker.com.au) . Good luck to your team today, and have a great VAFA weekend!
,T; , 17, -. : - , amish Bailey, West Brun : ick . Attempting to il:e, did not appear . Suspended pendin g satisfactory explanation . Adrian Neill, Elsternwick . Attempting to strike, 1 match . Mark McCulloch, Bentleigh . Striking, 4 matches . *Pat Gallagher, Old Melburnians . Striking. 2 matches . *1'ia31 Emmett, Mentone (Reserves) . Disputing ° umpire's decision, 1 match. On tsa er, L . Lilvdale (Reserves) . Abusive iage, 2 matches . olding, Old Ivanhoe (Club 18) . Audible enity, I match . i Stewart, Old Ivanhoe (Club 18) . Abusive '.tino, language, 2 matches .
ascribed Pent' , July 11, : 01 A report alleging that during half time in the Ormond and Yarra Valley Under-19 match played on Saturday June 30th the Yarra Valley under-19 coach Rod Penaluna allegedly used abusive language towards the field umpires. Charge amended to conduct unbecoming by Yarra Valley in that their Under-19 Coach Rod Penaluna abused a field umpire . Finding of guilty, club fined $500 and Mr . Penaluna severely reprimanded . Mazenod charged with conduct unbecoming in that their supporters abused a goal umpire during their match against St . Bernards on Saturday June 30th at St . Bernards . Mazenod found guilty of misconduct and fined $750 being that its supporters abused the goal umpire . Findings of fact that the goal umpire acted inappropriately were referred to the VAFA Executive Committee for consideration . The goal umpire was severely reprimanded for his behaviour on the day but was given the benefit of the doubt due to the number -i mitigating circumstances .
cc ( $5); second offence ($2."); 5 ) ; fourth offence ($100) ; each ~ffi-nce ($1 00) . Senisars/U : . --ire osE -P (C ) 'ollegiar__ (C) Old Geelong (C) Old Essendon (C ) Incorrect scores phoned - Rd i l
Old Paradians (S), Sth. Melb. Dist. (R), Old Trinity (C), St . Marys (R)
% P45 Dl pj- 5ERVE P W L D For Agst ^ SPIT BLACKS 12 11 1 01120 413 271 .19 44 OLD G'-,23ERWELL 12 11 1 0 1231 537 229 .24 44 8 4 0 652 529 123.25 32 5L'r"51JLE 12 US WP12 7 5 0 757 678 111 .65 28 51 LEOS Z p;:1'<I :0EASSUNiPTION12 7 5 0 891 804 110.82 28 --I) GEELONG 12 5 7 0 730 750 97.33 20 VALLEY O B 12 5 7 0 613 788 77.79 20 I' . ~ S O C 12 4 8 0 682 800 85.25 1 6 ?SH BLUES 12 2 10 0 578 1055 54 .79 8 12 0 12 0 338 1273 26.55 0
W L D For Agst % Pts 11 1 0 949 430 220 .70 44 1cILLL%S=STOWN CYMS12 11 1 0 939 490 191 .63 44 12 8 4 0 700 597 117.25 32 pOViF.1? HOUSE 12 8 4 0 762 665 114.59 32 S.4I.i;SLi'i0C ,. ;:,T BRUNSWICK 12 6 6 0 562 677 83.01 24 12 5 7 0 666 726 91 .74 20 4 8 0 674 748 90.11 16 L1 TFOBE UNI 1 2 O B 12 3 9 0 470 843 55.75 12 'dO,EIGH AFC 1 2 3 9 0 380 718 52.92 12 1 11 0 579 969 59.75 4 ,,TONE AMATEURS 1 2
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % P#s OLD XAY£ S 12 10 2 0 1441 647 222.72 40 OLD BRIGHTON 12 10 2 0 1161 630 184.29 40 ST KEVINS 12 9 3 01236 625 197.76 36 ST BERPd.ARDS 12 9 3 0 1376 727 189.27 36 DE LA SALLE 12 9 3 01384 741 186.77 36 OLD SCOTCH 12 9 3 0 1213 743 163 .26 36 MARCELLIN 12 5 7 0 952 1275 74.67 20 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 4 8 0 768 1038 70.59 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 4 8 0 672 987 68.09 16 COLLEGIANS 12 2 10 0 707 1381 51 .19 8 BEAURYARIS AFC 12 1 11 0 487 1314 37 .06 4 MAZENOD 0 C 12 0 12 0 359 1598 22 .47 0
03 R`3ER6'E P P,1FJ ;SZDE 12
D3 R;-=~RYE P W FII'Li'.~JY REDS 12 11 $T JOti :<S O C 12 11 ELSILIS::YICK 12 8 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 12 !'II S 0B
, ` ::'SH GRYPHONS 12 5 F:7 .11EIGH AFC 12 4 ;l,IISIONDCENTRAL 12 4 L :`::-fHORN AMATEURS 12 3 ~1,1 7ERTPARK 12 1
L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 1222 415 294.46 44 1 0 881 583 151.11 44 4 0 865 629 137.52 32 8 4 0 747 658113.5332 7 0 740 699 105.87 20 7 0 656 657 99.85 20 8 0 791 937 84.42 16 8 0 572 1192 47.99 16 9 0 583 916 63.65 12 11 0 584 991 58.93 4
D? r,~9ZPBE P W L D For A gst S]7,ZTAL TALLY-HO 12 12 0 01086 303 358.42 48 64111D1310E AMATEURS12 10 2 0 983 611 160.88 40 ST',:0F1YS 12 9 3 0 920 558 164.87 36 NORTH BRUNSWICK 12 8 4 0 86.4 709 121.86 32 13nLL0=: COBRAS 12 8 4 0 639 628 101.75 32 ~, :.tiCBURNE UNI 12 7 5 0 740 587 126 .06 28 d1 I :RTSWOOD 12 6 6 0 725 727 99.72 24 Si71~' ;; COLLEGIANS 12 4 8 0 529 909 58.20 1 6 trl LILYDALE 12 4 8 0 490 1001 48.95 16 ID WESTBOURNE 12 3 9 0 486 798 60.90 12 PARKAFC 12 1 11 0 469 1262 37.16 4 CLUB I8 ( 1) P W L D For Agst % Pts ST 1xv- 'IS 12 11 1 01012 477 212.16 44 OLD 56 ;. 3URPIIANS 12 '10 2 0 793 490 161.84 40 OLD :_ :,', ;RIAPIS 12 9 3 01098 368 298.37 36 DE LA S°':LLE
12 9 3 0 818 669 122.27 3 6
, 5 `OTCH 12 7 5 0 736 658 111 .85 2 8 C 12 4 8 0 699 698 100 .14 1 6 )D O C 12 3 9 0 489 754 64.85 1 2 ~K AFC 12 3 9 0 403 1064 37 .88 1 2 )LA OB 12 2 10 0 501 857 58 .46 8 s[1GHTON 12 1 11 0 356 1117 31 .87 4
% W L D For Agst PIS 10 2 0 812 452 179.65 4 0 9 3 0 789 351 224.79 36 8 4 0 628 469 133.90 32 7 5 0 538 544 98.90 28 6 6 0 614 611 100.49 24 6 6 0 390 493 79.11 24 5 7 0 472 599 78.80 20 3 9 0 449 652 68.87 12 3 9 0 530 854 62.06 12 2 10 0 448 968 46.28 8
12 11 1 0 1226 604 202 .98 44
OLD TRI2UI i'Y 12 9 3 0 1028 581 176 .94 36
2 9 3 0 1259 720 174 .86 36 12 8 4 0 916 565 162 .12 32 OLD I il)DN G R 12 8 4 0 1076 830 129 .64 32 ORMC) 12 8 4 0 973 936 103 .95 32 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 7 5 0 815 810 100.62 28 YflRRA VALLEY 0 B 12 4 8 0 902 1140 79 .12 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 12 4 8 0 775 1156 67 .04 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 12 3 9 0 621 1503 41 .32 12 WHII'EFRIARS 12 1 11 0 636 1382 46 .02 4 CAUId ~ .. . ~ ,D GR
19 (2) BLUE P W L I) For Ags4 % P2s . TE 12 12 0 01671 511 327 .01 48 MAX 12 11 1 01512 596 253 .69 44 lUTEi MELB DIST. 12 8 4 0 1296 788 164 .47 32 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 12 7 5 01124 796 141 .21 28 MONASH BLUES 12 6 6 0 1104 956 115 .48 24 ST KEVINS (2) 12 5 7 0 825 1039 79 .40 20 DE LA SALLE (2) 12 4 8 0 860 1347 63 .85 16 OAKI .EIGH 12 4 8 0 959 1545 62 .07 16 ,vSHSOB 12 3 9 0 988 1328 74 .40 12 GLEN EIRA AFC 12 0 12 0 560 2010 27 .86 0 P W L D
FigsT % PLs
12 10 2 01233 587 12 9 3
0 1252
210 .05 40
646 193 .81 36
NOR' : . .' . . 12 9 3 0 961 583 164 .84 3 6 RU'. . . .~. . . ~~ 12 8 3 1 1365 599 227 . OLD P, DL !S 12 8 3 1 1085 722 150 .28 34 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 7 5 0 1263 627 201 .44 28 BULLEEN TEMP 12 4 8 0 399 1315 30 .34 16 IVANIIOE FITZROY 12 2 10 0 414 1567 26 .42 8 AQUINAS 0 C 12 2 10 0 342 1720 19 .88 8
L D For Agst I Pt, 0 0 1654 453 365 .12 48 2 01506 797 3 1 1430 1130 126 .55 34 5 0 1222 1121 109.01 28 5 0 1176 1167 100.77 28 8 0 916 1260 72 .70 16 8 0 900 1245 72.29 16 8 1 1133 1387 81 .69 14 9 0 820 1482 55.33 12 ll 0 743 1458 50 .96 4
Pts W L D For Agst % 9 3 0 1240 WO 137 .78 36 7 4 1 1216 1046 116 .25 30 7 4 1 1122 1066 105 .25 30 7 5 01070 1015 105.42 28 7 5 0 1004 955 105 .13 28 6 6 0 973 929 104.74 24 6 6 0 1063 1082 98.24 24 4 7 I 973 1121 86.80 18 3 8 1 993 1296 76 .62 14 8 1 9 2 852 1150 74 .09
P W L D For Apt % PIS 12 10 2 0 1186 623 190 .37 40 12 10 2 0 1371 908 150 .99 40 12 8 4 0 1116 986 113 .18 32 12 6 6 0 926 943 98.20 24 12 6 6 0 1083 1114 97.22 24 12 6 6 0 828 872 94 .95 24 12 5 7 0 1022 1205 84 .81 20 12 4 8 0 896 1069 83 .82 16 12 3 9 0 1056 1196 88 .29 1 2 BEAUMARIS AFC 12 2 10 0 769 1337 57 .52 8
L D For Agst % PLq 0 0 1437 683 210 .40 48 1 0 1228 670 183 .28 44 4 0 909 759 119.76 32 4 0 939 818 114.79 32 5 0 1055 824 128.03 28 5 0 868 1074 80.82 28 6 0 771 935 82,46 24 7 0 926 950 97 .47 20 8 0 952 1094 87 .02 16 9 0 615 935 65 .78 12 11 0 589 1619 36 .38 4
L D For Ags t 1 0 1107 559 198.03 441 3 0 1032 687 150.22 36 1 3 0 909 683 137.10 4 0 844 748 112.83 5 0 877 706 124 .22 7 0 731 724 100 .97 20 8 0 724 851 85 .08 8 0 622 796 78 .14 16 9 0 621 1092 56 .87 12 12 0 571 1212 47 .11 0
L D For Agst % Pts
P W L D For Agst % PIS C SECTION 12 10 2 0 1211 799 151 .56 40 COLLEGIANS OLD ESSENDON GR 12 10 2 01233 820 150.37 40 HAMPTON ROVERS 12 10 2 0 1333 1004 132.77 40 GLEN E1ftA AFC 12 8 4 01235 1076 114.78 32 ST BEDES MENT TIG 12 6 6 0 1314 1107 118 .70 24 OLD MENTONLFSNS 12 6 6 0 1169 1212 96 .45 24 CAULFIELD OR 12 4 8 0 1112 1064 104 .51 16 PRAHRAN AFC 12 3 9 0 922 1146 80 .45 12 MAX 12 2 10 0 892 1292 69 .04 8 BULLEEN TEMP 12 1 11 0 871 1772 49 .15 4 P W L 12 10 2 2 OFd12 10 OLD CAMBERWELL 12 9 3 AgUINAS 0 C 12 7 5 ST LEOS ENA9AUS WP 12 6 6 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 6 6 OLD GEELONG 12 5 7 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 12 3 9 OLD CAREY 12 2 10 MONASH BLUES 12 2 1 0 DI SECTION
D For Agst % Pts 0 1499 852 175.94 40 01240 896 138.39 40 0 1243 997 124.67 36 01413 1178 119.95 28 0 1195 1150 103 .91 24 0 1042 1182 88 .16 24 0 1079 1306 82 .62 20 0 869 1200 72 .42 12 0 950 1330 71 .43 8 0 918 1357 67 .65 8
Pts P W L D For Agst % 1 2 12 0 0 1641 734 223.57 48 9 2 1 1232 893 137.96 38 12 2 9 3 0 1320 896 147 .32 36 8 4 01183 971 121.83 32 12 5 6 1 1010 1099 91 .90 22 LA TROBE UNI 12 12 5 7 0 956 1092 87 .55 20 4 8 0 1195 1265 94 .47 16 OAKLEIGH AFC 12 4 8 0 886 1455 60 .89 16 PENIlVSULA O B 12 3 9 0 783 1107 70.73 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 12 0 12 0 695 1389 50.04 0 POWEP. HOUSE 12
1 0 1189 559 212.70 44 4 0 1006 666 151.05 32 4 0 952 704 135.23 32 5 0 994 643 154 .59 28 5 0 737 694 106 .20 28 6 0 723 780 92 .69 24 7 0 685 757 90 .49 20 8 0 671 944 71 .08 16 9 0 523 863
60.60 12
11 0 472 1369 34.48
L D For Agst % Pts 1 01196 559 213.95 44 2 0 967 526 183 .84 40 4 0 1027 562 182.74 32 4 0 881 643 137 .01 32 6 0 762 624 122 .12 24 7 0 744 704 105 .63 20 7 0 767 895 85 .70 20 8 0 454 664 6837 IL 10 0 384 1324 29 .00 E 11 0 464 1302 35 .64 4