gNp OF SF.A.SOlY FOR REPRESEIYIATIVE MATCHES r,nda} s two fine victories capped off a memorabl e ,~ n for our senior and representative teams- no one can
,uc with a live out of five wins scoreline. Senior wins â&#x20AC;&#x17E;<i the South Australian Amateur Football League and e Victorian Country Football League, the C-D4
c~cntative team win against the West Australian ur Football League and the wins of the Under 1 9 against the NSW/ACT team and then the VMFL
n provided an extremely satisfying result for all ;c°rned players, coaches and officials alike . I ;c results of last Sundays matches were as follows : Sralm
q1: VAFA 4 .3 (VCFL 2 .0) Q2 : 9.5 (9 .2) Q3: 16 .9 (10.3) with , final score of VAFA 23.14 (152) to the VCFL 14.8 (92) VAFA goals: Luke Hawkins 7, Denver Ariz 4, Steve McKeo n
Daniel Donati 2, Nigel Credlin 2, Andrew Ramsden 2, L, n Cranage and Ben Jordan L '
1,f1FA best : Denver Ariz, Nigel Credlin, Daniel Donati, Ben ranage, Luke Hawkins and Dean Matthews.
under 1 9 9 1 :UAFA 1 .7 (VMFL 2.2) Q2 : 7 .9 (4 .4) Q3 : 12 .10 (11 .5) with d :e final score of VAFA 14.16 (100) to the VMFL 13 .6 (84) VAFA goals: Jeff Heath 2, Matt Hayes 2, Craig Bums 2, pz ;ales Cousland 2 and Sean Neeson, Tim Duggan, j: rkson Brooke, Michael Mulgtew, Paul Gloury and Troy I.egudi 1 . VAFA best: Scott Curatolo, Trent Hobart, Michael Mulgrew, Jack Healy, Craig Burns and Paul Gloury . I lild been hying to put into words praise for both teams ;chen I received an email from an avid supporter which I Lnr used to quote from which I believe sums up both formaices : wcnt to the football yesterday (last Sunday) and saw the ', : TA team comprehensively defeat the VCFL team . With all !lic pre-game controversy of player unavailability etc, it v:ould have been no real surprise to see the VAFA team "n19-4e. ri :eze were periods of the game when it appeared the VAFA mm- have been outclassed and been struggling to match it ;1.idi the opposition, lire players must be commended on their fantastic efforts. `.liat this tells me, confirmed by what I saw, is that the `.":TA team was incredibly spirited, very well drilled and ,uitplymore committed to winning than the opposition. But :ow did they get that way?
';irk Bourke must take a lot of the credit . No doubt he had at of good people helping him, but his preparation and aching to a game plan and having faith in it, paid
me dividends". Editor's note : I would support "Avid Supporter's" munents by saying that the same observations could b e
li=3 (_~ ~~~--~
applied to the Under 19 team's Tony Miller, his staff and players. Well
done to all imvlved . ORDERING TAPES OF MATCHES Please refer to the display elsewhere in today's 'Amateur Footballer' should you require a tape of last weekend's matches. AND FOR NEXT YEAR . . . . ??
Next week I'll write about plans for next year s state matches which at the moment look quite attractive . PLAYERS REINSTATED WISHING TO TRANSFER POST JUNE 30 One of the conditions of a player being reinstated is that he cannot apply for a transfer to another VAFA club until that club has participated i n 22 matches . When this period expires and is beyond June 30 the player can begin with his new club (after June 30), if the permit has been attended to (clearance signed) before June 30 . The players permit does not become valid until the 22 matches then pass . In the interim he either does not play or plays with the club from whom he wishes to ultimately leave . To make him stand out until permits open (next year) is not in the spirit of the reinstatement guidelines. The important thing is that the permit application must be made before close of permits - June 30. AND b7IYA1 LLY. . .. For more on these stories and all other VAFA news, views and happenings visit the VAFA website ON TAPES OF VAFA REPRESENTATIVE MATCHES 22/7/200 1 Tapes are available of the VAFA v VCFL and the VAFA (U 19) vVMFL (U18/19) . Costs: $25 per tape; $75 per tape (AFL/VFL Clubs) Cheque: For amount must be received by the VAFA (Made payable to VAFA) pioir to tape being ordered . 1}elivery: You will be phoned when tape is ready for pickup . NB . Tapes will not be posted .
Looking Back____. . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... . . . . .... . . . . ... .. . . . .... . . . .. . ..24 Coaches' Clipboard . . . .. . ... . . .. ... ... . . .... . . . . ...... . ... ... . . .. ...25 Todays Umpires .. . 31 For the Love of the Game . . . ... , ..33 Sport 927 Prize Wirmer .,_. . . ...._. .. ... .. .. . . .... ._. . . ..., . . ..._49 Elsternwtek Park Draw . . ... . . . ..... . . .. . ... . . . . .... .. . . ... .. . . . ..62 Tribunal & rnvestigattozrs . . . . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. 2 .... . . . .. .. .. . . . .... . . . . ... . ____63/64 Ladders . . . . .
.= am .i Wzm
July 2 8th, 2001
Price: $2 . 00 Vol . 01 No . 14
BB' .Tacksen, 26, will go into retirement for at least two years . "After four years at St Kilda and five years at Old t3righton. I want to spend more time with my two children Ben, two, and Adam, three months and my wife, Sue . "We have one car live and I live in Chelsea so this year I've only trained once a week . "This year has confirmed my decision . While I do running by myself, I've noticed the difference with my skills dropping off. "What I would like to do is take a few years off and when I'm 30 maybe have another go when my children can come . "It's hard for team-mates to relate as there are not many 26 year olds with two kids!" Matt said . -JACK SON, who requested not to play for the representative team, was allowed to play for OB (check For the Love of the Game p33 for details) in its 50-point loss to ivIHSOB at South Rd . Matt was one of the Redlegs' best and the forecast for OB could be to blood more youngsters as it prepares for demotion . Dan Woodley, showed he had no effects from a blow above an eye, kicking five of the High's 18 goals and his captain Jay,- .,- . continues to be the comp's best captain-on-baller picking up four goals . -UNI Blues put themselves three games out of the four with a 71-point win over St Bernards at Melbourne Uni . Uni had no players required for state duties (Gil McLachlan has an ankle injury) whereas the Dogs had five at Elsternwick Park who would have played in their seniors, and Simon Clarke was called up for I, Essendon because Ben Cranage and Luke Hawkins were needed for the Big V . Garry Foulds, the Bernies coach, said it didn't help . "I'm all in favor of state games, but this one is a bit late in the year and it puts a lot of pressure on as that game could have all sorts of effects . "It's gone so we have to move on . "Uni Blues are a bit hard to read . "We allowed them to run without pressure . "Talking with Lee Adamson (Uni Blues coach) he's happy and hopefully they can beat some teams around us on the ladder," Foulds said .
Old vs had nine changes but were able to handle Mazenod with a 25-point win at Central Reserve . Tim Clarke had a remarkable 24 hours, kicking four goals for OX and then he played off the bench for the state team and
he was handy too . -THE man with th e
golden boot, ' -- ----y Marcellin's . 째 '-째 '1'reg: in c _, put Old Trinity away with se majors - the last was the sealer in a six-p, win at Bulleen. -SKOBS doubled Old Scotch's score in a m final at Trevor Barker and over half of Saints shared in the goals . -TODAY, OB has a chance to sneak a win the inconsistent OS, SK OBS travel to Too Park in another mini-final and looking reverse the three-goal loss from Round M arceliin lost one of its three matches year to Mazenod and today the Nodders expect revenge, MHSOB must destroy Blues' finals hopes to keep their double cha alive, and OT's trip to Keilor is another n final for these clubs . PLAYER FOCUS, THIS SCOTCH'S LUKE HAWKIN S
THE 22-year-old full-forward kicked se goals in last week's state match . It's the ijumperLkhasdontiyerlg v the Cardinals and VFL Essendon's attire . " been training with Essendon three ti mwe kthisyear ndithasmademeam i better footballer ." Nicknamed Reidy Essendon after club doctor Bruce Reid, wh sons have played at OS, because "they thir am his illegitimate son"! Not great news for as Luke hopes to continue to get a game in VFL and maybe get picked up in the AFL Dr, COACH FOCUS, THIS t3E S' GARRY FOULD S
GARRY is one of three VAFA coaches into fifth consecutive year at the same club . pretty full on at this level," Garry, a 300-ga Bomber, said . "From the time the ga finishes you are going over it and co Monday you are thinking about next week.
Garry said the early finish last August g< him some extra time to reflect on 1 devastating loss in the Grand Final against and he will assess his job again after t season . "I just want to see how we finish i "With three children between 15 and 10 ye< of age we are getting busy with them ." SB 2:
c erts, like Ben dordan, and extroverts , : Mitchell, and Garry said "there are lo t .n ;ud games to get the best out of th e a" . "Got to learn how they will respond . of them are comfortable with me and i f are prepared to give their best shot an d , having a go then I'm happy." Garry wa s oaclled by Bill Stephen ("willing to give an ,I3portunity"), Des Tuddenham ("tough"), Barry D l ;,s ("a good thinker") and Big Kev. "I tend to raul some of his things that worked with ~l eeds and a few of the others," the laid-back GL,.I, ; said .
Ole ? ~on - congratulate Jos _z ieke rs~n, :,d~, ;r_ -'?r-ii an d Matt L. Smith on playing (}1,c 50th games for the club today . All three i,ave been great players for our club, during licir short careers, and all involved at Old Brighton wish you well today and in future clirs to come .
CLUB LST PI"zi TO ::lY ' . SENIORS Old Scotch 0 48 Marcellin 7 45 MHSOB 2 34 y St Bernards 2 3 2 Marcellin 1 2 3 hell St Bernards 0 2 3 A RESERVE St Bernards 6 Old Scotch 0 Marceilin 0 Old Scotch 2 St Kevins 0 Mazenod 0
34 21 17 16 16 16
OLD Bt2itiki0ia 3 .4 5.7 7 .11 10.12 (72) 14.9 18 .14 (122) 52F.~OB 3 .3 11.7 Old Bri~,aton : 1';:rzv 2 Jackson 2 Pirrie Gumavin Hendra Reid Bristow Williams. Best: M J Smith Barrow Jackson Hendra Pollock McMahon . MHSOB: Woodley 5 Pretzel 4 Saulay 3 Bamert 2 Limbrick 2 Corner Hawkins . Best: Woodley Joseph Cloves S McCully Pertzel Newton . Umpires: W. Hinton P. James (F) G . Robinson B. Dix (G) ST. KEYffVS 8 .4 13.7 19 .11 21 .16 (142) OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 3.4 5.8 10.11 (71) St Ifevins: Bowles 4 B Doliman 3 O'Connor 3 Kempton 2 Curtis 2 M Giansiracusa 2 Fraser Grinner O'Shea Crohan Sadler. Best: : Grinter O'Connor Sadler Byrne B Dolhnan Bowles. Old Scotch: Crow 2 Angus 2 P.atclifie 2 Brooke Gnatt Downing Aujard . Best: : Phillips Gnatt Stratus Brooke Aujard Blenheim .Umpires : A. Ftrley J . Kvins (F) D . Napoli J . Robinson (G) MAZENOD 3.3 9.5 10.6 12.9 (81) OLD XAVERIANS 3 .4 8.5 13.7 16.10 (106) Mazenol- Meehan 2Hanley 2 Beard 2 Polan 2 Waldron McIntyre Fotiniotis McMullin. Best: â&#x20AC;˘ Waldron Dunne McIntyre Hose Sharp Meehan. Old Xas ' : Moliard 5 Clarke 4 McDonnell 2 Bingham hlltchell Orlando Sassi Bowen. Best: Clarke Mollard Bingham Sassi B Coughlan Blood. Umpires : J . Miller A. Damen (F) It Nation B . Corcoran (B) K. Pitcher V. Vescovi (G) MARCELLIN 6.4 7.6 8.7 12.9 (81) OLD T'RINrI'P 2 .0 5 .1 9.9 11 .9 (75) : Treganowan 7 Romanin Purcell Frazer Johnston Sampimon . Marcellin Best : Frazer Godwin Armstrong Treganowan Ibrahim O'Flyrin . Old Trinity, Arrawsnllth 2 Gorman 2 Sutcliffe 2 VanDerVenne 2 Christopherson 2 C Phillips. Best : Frost Collins R Phillips R Burrows Stephens Clarke . Umpires: S . McCarthy M . Gibson (F) R . Mutton D . Cusack (B) B. McCarthy K. Segota (G ) UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.5 9 .9 13.14 21 .18 (144) ST. BERNARDS 3.2 6 .2 8.5 11 .7 (73) University Blues: Nation 5 J Flayter 3 Sharman 2 Glengerich 2 Lowcock 2 Wilcox 2 Gates 2 Hutchins Sturrock DeCrespigny . BesY: McIntyre North Fishley McConnell Russell Wilcox St Bernards :P Mclaughlin 3 J Harvey 2 Tumball 2 P Harvey 2 O'Sullivan Mansfield. Best: Lougtilln Tomball Mastropasqua McLaughlin S Taylor Wilkinson .n Umpires: J . _McNlece R Eastwood (F) C . Arnol S . Cajole (G ) RESERVES 5.3 10 .7 14.9 17.11 (113) OLD BRIGHTON Sr111SOB 2.1 4 .4 4.6 8 .11 (59) Mizzi 5 MacPherson 4 Scott 3 Stewart 2 Murehle 2 Wells Old Brighton : Walsh . Best: Mimi Walsh Stewart Gamble Murchie McPherson . AiEiSOB: Orchard 4 Hawkes McGrath Robinson Rodder. Best : Hawkes Ting Orchard Robinson Davis O'Brien . 5.9(39) ST. KEVII3S 0.0 2.2 2.4 OLD SCOTCH 5 .8 6 .11 12.12 16.14 (110) St. Kevin's: Chambers Rigby D . Moylan Greenhalg G . O'Connor. Best : Hicks Sullivan D . Moylan D . Sheehy R. Sheehy Greenhatg. Old Scotch : Joyce 3 Miles 3 Oliver 2 Upshot 2 Simon 2 Reid M. Parthenides Ross Beaurepaire . Best: Wllson-Humphries Lipshut D . Thomas Miles Beaurepaire Leif . 9.9(63) MAZENOD 2 .1 7.1 8 .4 OLD XAVERIANS 4 .3 5.4 11 .7 13.11 (89) Mazenod: Ballenger 3 McDowell 2 Nisbet Morgan Krom Smith . Best: Nisbet Halvy Wallace D'Rozario Rice Gr an t. Old Xaverians : Johnston 3 Meehan 3 Oswald 2 R .DUlon Skidmore Ireland Baker Wilson . Best : Calllnan Stoney Skidmore Wilson Scanlan R.Dillon . MARCELLIN 2 .4 2.6 4 :10 6.12 (48) 0.1 2.3 5 .7 9.10 (64) OLD TRINTTY Marcellbs: Duncan 2 Cooper Madigan Courts O'Connor . Best: Duncan Chun O'Ft}mn Thiesz Wilkinson Courts . Old Trinity: Barr 3 Boyd 2 Cade 2 Oberoi Ward . Best : Barr Oberot Ward Donahoe Lauletta Cade. 8.5(53) UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .2 4 .3 5.4 ST BERNARDS 3.2 6 .4 9.8 15.10 (100) . University Blues : Gray 2 Vasey 2 Brookes Suwltos Quinn M. Coleman. Best :Kaso Anderson Suwltas Chivers McAloon Gray . St Bernards : Legudi 6 Allis 3 Davis 2 Holland P. Capes Jim Mount Romanic . Best: Legudi Holland Davis Meehan Jim Mount Osborne .
TODAY'S MATCHES, A Sectio n Old Scotch v . Old Brighton at Elsternwick Park, Sunday Old Xaverians v . St . Kevins Marcellin v . Mazenod MHSOB v . University Blues St. Bernards v . Old Trinity
A Section MARCELLIN Coach: Simon Dalrymple Res. Coach: Peter Randall 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
C. Slattery A . Caff ~ D . Waters G. Romanin M . Moran D . Sampimon
7 . N . Godwin 8 . R . Frisina 9 . D. Ballantine 10 . C. Purcell 11 . D. Taylor (RC) 12 . B. Cronin
13 . S . Dinneen 14 . R. McMahon 15. M . Chun 16. L. McMillan 17. G. Cox (VG) 18. D . Gartner 19 . D . Cooper 20 . S. O'Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22 . D . Marson 23 . P. Gleeson 24 . L. O' Flynn 25 . R. Galati 26. N. Armstrong 27. D. Theisz 28. D . Johnston 29. P. Smith 30. A . Treganowan (C) 31 . S. Yee 32 . M. Browne 33 . G . Cull 34 . D. Jarred 35 . J . Frazer 36 . D. Cope 37. D. Moran 38. M . O'Sullivan 39. B . Colville 40. M . Leffanue 41 . J. Seabury 42. B. Dinneen 43 . A. Duncan 44 . A. Wilkinson (RVC) 44 L. Hansen 45 . D. Theisz 46 . J . Wilkins 47 . D. Ryan 48 . A . Gallagher 49. D . Coutts 50. A . Ryde r 51 . M . Maguire 52. J. Mathews 53. C . Mathews 54. R . McMahon 55 . J . Wallis 56 . B . Norden 57 . M . Van Lint 59 . J . Ibrahim
Yarra Valley ~ Country Club
M .H.S .O .R. Coach: Luke Soulos Res. Coach : Terry Blythman 1 J Bamert (DVC) 2 S McCully y 3 D Woodley
4 C Eabry
5 P SherrY 5 N Orchard 6 R Jose h 7 J Pertzel (C)
7 A Angus 8 J Garner 8 C Wright 9 D Fairchild (VC) 9 M Clowe s 10 D Skinner 10 D Norton
11 K Krios 12 A Simpson
12 M Feferkranz 13 J CGregson Kelly 14 L Simpson 15 Z Holden 16 F Davis 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 18 A David 19 R War e 20 J Wilson 20 D Nichols 21 R Patterson 22 D Armstrong 22 A Svirskis 23 C Harvie 23 L Taylo r 24 D Stynes 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 25 J Jackman 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R. Newto n 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell (DVC) 32 A Keys y 33 A Saultr 33 S Harrison
34 E Thompson (DVC) 34 S Konstanty 35 A Mills 35 A Barge 36 M White 36 S Bennett 37 R McIntyre 37 M Ting 38 S Robinson 40 D Membrey 40 W Hayes 41 D Simmons 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins 48 B Jeffrey 49 C Pricop 50 S Osborne 51 J Newton 52 B McGrath 53 C Clowes 55 N Adcoc k 56 T Wright
A Tang 58 M Cotter 59 L Jones
THE BEEHIVE HOTEL GVP Fabricators PTY LTD Hawthorn All Home Loans
M AZENOD Coach : David Murray Reserve : Tony Collins 1 C . Harrison 2 A . Quinn 3 A. McIntyre
4 A. Hanley (C) 5 M. Quirk 6 J. Bayford
7 S. Morgan 8 D. Lancaster 9 S . Noble 10 M . O'Hara 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D . Hose 12 M . Murray
13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J. Kavanagh 17 J. Beard 18 T. O'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T. Castricum 21 S. Polan 22 D. Ryan (DVC) 23 A. Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 D. Masskell 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 27 D . Krom 28 P. Nelson 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 P. Vine 33 D . Grant 34 M. Pollard (RVC) 35 R. Hawkins 36 D. Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 D. Linden 39 G . Kalber 40 S . Ryan 41 A . McDowell 42 P. Fotiniotis 42 C . Adams 43 A . Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 P. Rice 46 B. Waldron 47 A. McDowell 48 G . Tilling 49 L. Haley (RVC) 50 D. Carter 52 N. Nussbaum 53 A . Strawhorn 54 J . Persi
Sponsored by : Sires Menswear W.G. Miles & Co Ply Ltd Real Eastate - Ivanho e Spectrum A ssuranc e Grou p Regency Pharmacy
Zitech Computer Pe ri pherals
Coach : Andrew Smit h Res. Coach : Coach : Dale Tapping Gary Jackso n Assist : Justin Clarkso n Res . Coach : Richard Oboe 1 A Nettleton 2 B Phillip s 1 A. Kryzwniak 3 C Hoskin g 2 A. Pirrie 4 T Holt 3 C. Barrow (VC) 5 R Pric e 4 A . MacGillvray 6 A Cro w 5 N . Perry 7 J Kitche n
6 R . Stewart 7 C . Brew
8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox (VC) 11 L . Adamis 11 A. Fitzgerald
12 B. Williams 13 R . Kent 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D. Tymms (VC) 16 G . Earl 17 A . Van Den Dungen 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S . Gadsde n 20 M . L . Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 N . Biggin 23 N . Milat 24 M .J. Smith 25 S. Nickas 26 B. Stoneham 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Dickerson 30 A. McLaughlin 31 A. Bristow 32 D. Begley 33 W. Carter 34 J . Whit e 35 C. Stewart 36 B . Pollock 37 B . McMahon 38 J. Raju 39 K . Kavanagh 41 J. Murchie
42 C . Mlzzi 43 R . Carter 44 R . Sherman 45 A. Mandylaris 46 M . Billionis 47 D. Wilson 48 R. Boxer 49 A . Ginnavin 51 M . Fisher 53 D . Strachan 54 A . Liptrot 55 M . Gamble 57 M . Moon 58 B. Scott 61 A. Walsh 62 A. Lynch 63 S. Davies 64 M .Reid
8 C Reid 9 R Aujard 10 J Kerr 11 M Angu s 12 S Crow 13 N Hooper
14 E Parthenides 15 M O'Brien 16 A Spee d 17 D Thomas 18 L Hawkin s 19 C . Smith 20 S Lillingston 21 J Stratos 22 N Addison 23 0 Crane 24 C Pattende n 25 L Murph y 26 T Downin g 27 J Pilkington 28 B Robinson 29 M Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiar o 31 C Ratcliffe 33 J McCarrol l 34 E Oliver 35 P O' Conno r 36 S Prendergas t 37 M Parthenide s 38 R Ashto n 39 C Steven s 40 A Warner 41 M Li Upshot 42 J Ross N43 Leitl 44 C Evans
45 M Blenhei m 46 J Beaurepaire 47 T Barenger 48 S Miles 49 R Mullen s 50 D Richardson 51 M Saunder s 52 M Davison 53 C Joyc e 54 N Simo n 55 G Sarkozy 57 J Crane 58 C Adam 59 D Brook e 60 T Wign ey 61 D Leed s 62 E Sladen 63 S Tresis e 64 L North 65 C Armstron g 66 H Thomas 68 B Collin s 77 S Grig g
t, :
61DTR!-11y -, ; , ,y: Leigh Carlson <<st. Coach : Phil Gaut pe ; Coach: Craig Neave
1 Kennedy S
Coach: Tim O'Shaughnessy Coach: Garry Foulds Res . Coach: Chris Res. Coach: David Law Mortensen
ST KEVINS Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach: Mick Knuppel
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Lee Adamso n Res. Coach : Terry Benaim
I M Blood (C)
1 . D . Baynes
1 A. Callery
1 D Slimmon
2 D Orlando 3 L Hannebery 4 D Landrigan 5 A. McDonald
2 . L . Meehan 3 . J. Podsiadly 4. S. McKeon 5. Joe Mount (DVC)
7 Van Der Venne T
6 D. Donati
6. J . McKay
7 Canzoneri M 7 Dodgson B g ` , Frost C g Stebbins C g Andrews A(VC) g Best J q Hildebrandt D IQ Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S ; Gofman A
7 S Lethlean (VC) 8 P McDonald 9 J Hawkins 10 S Mitchell 11 Ad Jones 12 J Bowen 13 C Ellis 14 On Stoney 15 L Ford 16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson
7. S . Clarke 8. J . Evans 9. B . Jordan (DVC) 10. N . Mitchell (VC) 10. L. Campbell (R)
2 S . Lowerson 3 D. Curtis 4 P. Greenham 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'K ee fe 7 M. Lucas 8 B . Doliman 9 J. Giansiracusa 10 N . Fraser 11 J. Pangrazio 12 R . Grinter
2 T Hutchin s 3 J Sturroc k 4 D Guengeric h 5 Q Gleason 6 S Longley 7 D Hayte r 8 J Hayte r 9 S Mead e 10 A Davi s 11 L Nort h 12 G McLachlan
11 . P. Capes
13 R . Bowles
13 P Stockdale
12. B . Hogan 13 . C . Mitchell 14 . A . Thomas
14 L . Mahoney 15 M . Olive 15 S. Fredericks
14 C Roydhous e 15 L Rya n 16 C Stewart
2 Hudson G (RC) 3 Reynolds L 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 5 Robison M
~ ? Pirouet N
13 Collins M 13 Cade J
14 Parkin A
15 Stephens T 15 Natoli S 16 Hiillas C 17 Hattield G(VC) 17 Garcia J 18 Clarke L 19 Barr C 1 9 Carter-Buszard L 20 Phillips C 21 Gillett R 21 Kennedy J L 22 Deane- ohns G 23 Ramsden A 24 Boyd A =25 Cameron F (RVC) 26 Robinson D 2 6 T udo r l 27 Greig M 28 Butler C 29 Nesbitt L 31 Bladeni S 32 Cornell J 32 Kinross D 33 Rogers D Boyd M 35 Pawsey M 36 Sutcliffe J 37 Van Der Venne S
37 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R (C) 19 Antonopoulos T ao Jarred W 41 Lauletta S 2 Aylward M 3 Mainsbridge D » Po::ar B ~',laiyah A 45 T,eadwell G -:5 Morpeth T = Cooper S 7 Semmens A ' B :Jard ' C `,0 ~dgemis J =3 Donahoo B ; Markus J 55 Boyd G 8 Best E 57 Oberoi A 59 Cade T (RVC) Cristian0\o D "2 Mero J 64 Kenna A ^ Burrows R
~~7 Limoli P , e Frost M
18 S Tucker 19 An Jones 20 M Hardman 21 A Parton 22 M Rush 23 R Coughlan 24 B Coughlan (VC ) 25 J Lang 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Cranage 29 D Galball y 30 T Clarke 31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi (VC) 34 R Jones 35 J Dalton 36 A ICe hoe y 37 T Freer 38 R Hall 39 M Meehan 40 S . Mullane 41 A Dillo n 42 N Ireland 43 T Woodruff (VC) 44 B Hilbert 45 J Scanlan 46 M Callinan 47 J Kay 48 R CareY 49 R Dillon 50 M McCarthy 51 D Walsh 52 B Calman 53 H . Davies 54 A. Gowers 55 J. Healy 58 M Green 59 S. Johnston 60 J. McDonnell 61 A Oswald 63 B. Perry 66 A Wilson
s g ~~
15 . T. Wilkinson 16 . L. Turnbull
16 . P. Capes (R) 17 . L . O'Sullivan 18 . D . McLaughlin 19 . L . Gollant (C) 20 . S. Broadbent 21 . B. Loughlin 22 . M . O 'Riley 23 . A. Mastropasqua 24. P. Harvey 25. C. Osborne 26. J . Gollant 27. A. Nathan (RC) 28. D. Croker 29. C. Trewin 30. James Mount 31 . A . Maggiore 32. T. Harvey 33. B . Altis 34. D . Byrne 35. P. Rahill 36. A . Legudi 37. A . Catterall 38. J. Simpson 39. N . Smith 40. D . Thomas 41 . B. Overman 42 . M. Stapleton 43 . C . Davis 44 . S. Taylor 45 . M. Tankeyy 46 . L . Wilkinson 47 . R . Pizzichetta 48 . S. Bur n 49 . S. Borg 50 . M . Polatajko 51 . P. Romanin 53 . JP Kavanagh 54 . T. Carrick 55 . J . Cittarelli 56 . C. Bond 58 . • D. Dugina 60. A . Woolley 61 . M . Dowling 62. P. Holland 63. R . Brown 66. A . Garvey N ORTH SUBURBAN C LUB
16 B. Garvey
17 G de Crespigney
17 S. Dawes 18 A. Ferraro
18 A McEwin 19 A Lowcock
19 D. Sheehy 21 R. Maguire 22 J . Macey 23 B . Quirk 24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 D. Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M. Gargano 30 P. Gissin g 31 A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor 33 M. Maguire 34 J. Chambers 35 M. Kavanagh 36 E. Sullivan 37 M. Dwyer 38 J. Bateman 39 S. Gribbl e 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R. Sheehy 45 D. Waight 47 M . Chapman 48 L. Harper 49 P. Cleary ry 50 P. Cameron 52 J . Finch 54 S . Game 55 E . Crohan 56 M . Pangrazio 58 J . Ferrari 59 A . Rattle 60 A . Greenhaig 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B . Hicks 64 J . O'Brien 68 S . MoYlan 69 P. Natale 72 M. Rigby 73 P. Byrne 76 M. O'Shea 77 G . Pickford 79 G . O'Connor 80 D . Dunn 82 R . Horrocks 84 C . Noseda 86 A. Nowell Simpson Constructions
75 Chisho m M
622 Mt . Alexander Rd .
Red Eagle Hotel
79 Treadwell C
Moonee Pond s 9326179 9
3 Bradyw
20 C Rya n
21 T McIntyre 22 23 T Wilco x 24 S Russel l 25 A Solly 26 M Vasey 27 R Wilki e 28 M Thomas 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 Quill 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishle y 35 A Baker 36 T McKinley 37 L Granger 38 A Wilson 39 T Gray 40 C Brooke s 41 R Crawford 42 S McConnel l 43 A Cameron 44 R Feathersto n 45 J Armstrongg 46 M McKerro w 47 R McKerro w 48 T Morga n
49 L Chamberlai n 50 H Nailo n 51 A Brown A Terrill R Versteegen 54 C Beltrame 55 T Anderson 56 T Birk s 57 T Irvine 58 A Larki n 59 L Fehring 60 A Suvulto s 61 B Coleman 62 L Barric k 63 R Kelliher 64 S Kas o 65 E Roydhous e 66 B Gate s 67 D McAloon 68 B Treloa r 69 A Cook 70 P Buss e 71 T McGrat h 72 S Lansdell 73 J Brooke 74 J Chivers 75 L Qui n
76 W Temple-Smit h 78 M Dowdle 79 A Duncan
Are there any words to describe last weekend's results? I certainly can't think of any, so I won't bother trying. Review Bookies' result #1 . Old Melburnians travelled to McKinnon to tackle the 3rd placed Old Haileybury, and duly came away with the prize by 48 pts . 8 goals to 2 in the 2nd half was the back breaker for the home side . Mulligan went 'ape droppings' with 8 goals, and was helped out by Holme and Mulquiney . Johnston, Armstrong and Jenke battled hard for the home side . Bookies' result #2 . The locals' prayers were answered, as Ormond were brought back to earth with a thud, when Bea 's outlasted them by 4 pts . The second qtr was the big one for the home side, booting 7 goals to 1 to set up a big lead and make it very difficult from there on in . Fibbs, Edge and Atkins were superb for the winners, whilst Remman, MeConvill and Smith performed admirably for the losers . Bookies' result #3 . The wheels might be getting wobbly at Old Ivanhoe, as Old Paradians inflicted their second defeat in a row by 19 pts . The game was all but over at 1/4 time, as the white shorts brigade held a 5 goal buffer and held it from there on in . Heffernan, Reiner and Porteous (all with 4 goals) were superb for the victors. Branigan (5 goals), Price and Crowley were good contributors for 01 . Bookies' result #4 . At Brunswick, NOBs kept their final's hope alive and well, after disposing of 2nd placed De La Salle by 9 pts . Accurate kicking by the home side, and inaccurate shooting by the visitors was the order of the day . Booth, Casboult and Halpin were good players for NOBs, and Harrison, Mackintosh and Silvers battled hard for DLS .
The folks from Donvale are counting their sheep, cattle and horses, as W hitefriars prevailed over Therry at EP by 25 pts . A 9 goal to 2 third quarter by Whitefriars was the difference, as for the rest of the day, it was fairly even. M . Carbone, R. Pawlik and Power stood tall for the winners and Goodwin (6 goals), Elliott and Mills played well for the losers . Preview After last week, should I even bother trying to tip? Maybe I should ask George Bush to do it,
as he'd have a better chance than yours truly! ! At the home of our good friend, Mr. Gunn, the 'Jekyll and Hyde' 0=---n.,- (II/ roll out the welcome mat to Old
(1/4) . Ian Jackman would have been anti to kill the bugger who invented parties, as l: lads must have been still basking in t euphoria of the previous week's win . Mi Dwyer will be out on the hustings this wee bringing his players' focus onto this big garr. Not knowing which Ormond will turn up todc I'm banking on the one that beat the 1 favourites . Also, there's the home grous advantage and this is my bolter for the wee so the home side will win a tight one by 9 pt Quick, buy your Shell, Mobil and BP shares, the Old P di s (1/7) make what wou have to be one of their longest trips to EP tackle Beaumaris (5/1) . Jim Durnan's pray session worked big time last week, and he'll trying hard to sober up his charges after t great win last round . Meanwhile, Matt Ry< and his boys are fast becoming t; competition's giant killers, with another t scalp last week . I cannot possibly see the aw side dropping this one . In fact, if they do, mow Ronnie Nicholson's lawns for a month! { to march on by 36 pts.
Another intriguing contest looms Brunswick, as NOBs (3/1) face an out-of-for Old Ivanhoe (1/5) . Frank Dunell breath easier last week with good win, and he nc faces the mammoth task in revving his boys i for a big game this week . The coaching gun at Pine Lodge will be going gangbusters Y: week to repair the wobbly state of play th greets the flag favourites this week . Frank u need to revert to the eating of records (stapl and all) to inspire his team today, as 01 w tighten those loose wheel nuts, return to tl winners list and restore Karma. 01 by 32 pt : B section's bowling green (Junction Oval) is t] scene where Old Melburnians (1/4) he Therry (13 /4) . Erwin Leyden will be buoyed 1 the good win last week against a fina contender and would be wanting another those efforts today . Wayne Harmes and 1 lads can't take a trick at the moment, and evi though all is not lost yet, time is running oz
,,, ; ;~ve that OMs will win, but I can sme ll an ,,,"t on the horizon, and it wouldn't surpris e ", . , ., see Therry make a liar of me! OMs to their finals hope alive when they win by pt~ .
;1 1 , .-, -_ 3 La S e (1 /3) make the trip out to 1, ,l ;tiional park in Donvale, when they ar e ~co; :n d by ViThitefl-iars ( 9/4) . Greg Feutrill that a win today is a must, and he also , ,t ,n',' s that his club has an excellent recor d , ;n,~ their opponent . Paul Cooper will b e iat last week's loss smartens a few of up, as another loss today could b e Based on last week's results ,jhit-°friars win and DLS loss), I think that h ;,t1t clubs will have a reversal of fortunes ; ; . as DLS will bounce back by 18 pts . ,t ; mond ( 3/1) vs Old Haileybury (1/5) I b~-'30pt s
aum.aris ( 15 / 1) vs Old Paradians (1/ 20 ) )!' by 6opts `:( )Bs (1/3) vs Old Ivanhoe (9/4 ) yQBs by l5pts () 1d Rielburnians(1/1)vs Therry (4/6) ~]s by 5pt s vinotars (5/4) vs De La Salle (4/7) i ) l .S bv ipt
Old Pa-= ;7= - Congratutauo.-;> :om all to z1 B Ge<r; who played his 15J :h g ie for the Club last - :.(urcry. Michael began with the Unders in 1993 , s a stalwart of that team and a solid fixture at the t i l l . "Mick" is a great clubman to whom nothing is : trouble. Well done "Junior" ! De L-_ °r~te - Dale "Moose" Hyland, played is 1 00th
me <~ainst NOBS last week (21/7). Has a great atttre i.nfrontofhim.
CLUB LST WK TOT; SE : :: ; S Old Ivanhoe 3 49 Whitefriars 4 39 North Old Boys 2 37 Old Haileybury 2 36 Ormond 3 34 B RESERVE S U Old Haiieybury 5 6 1 De La Salle 1 33 North Old Boys 4 30 Ormond 3 27 Old Paradians 2 25
OLD IT '_?:~-IBURY 2.3 6.4 7.5 8.7(55) OLD : .`:'t ;BURPaTl.*6.1 8 .3 12.7 16.9 (105) Old HadeY-bucy: Mason 4 Lappage 2 Kena Armstrong . Best: Johnston Armstrong Jenke Mason Carson B Mitchell . Old Ti : Mulligan 8 Berry 2 Guest Kinsella ;leeson Rose Thompson Treloar. Best: Holme Mulquiney Berry Mulligan Guest Treloar. Umpim: M. Morrison L . Gallagher (F) S. Leahy G . Rapper (G) 2.5 9 .9 10.12 14 .14 (98) OF 3.4 4 .6 9.8 14 .10 (94) urn' Lee 3 Holt 2 Jury 2>latulfek 2 Sherman 2 Bryce F1bbs Wadham . Best::,,is Edge Atkins Lee Jury Kennedy . Ormond: Grace 3 Black 2 Block 2 Naugiton 2 Remman 2 Moore Scanlon Smith . Best: Remrnan McConvill Smith Hall Moore Courtney. Umpires: P. Dinneen D. Pettis T) OLD IY OE 1 .1 6 .3 9.5 13 .10 (88) OLD P IA.iS 6.1 9 .1 14.4 17 .5 (107) Old Ivanhm Branigan 5 leeway 3 Low 2 Haros McLean J Weddle . Best: Branigan Price Crowley Ltllis R 1t'eddle Tully. Old Penniless: Heffernan 4 Reiner 4 Porteous 4 Stevens 3 O'Loughlin Jenkins. Best: O'Loughlin Heffernan Reinder Sinclair Fellowes Porteous . Umpires: R. Mavston P. Wiffiington (F) M . Simpson K. Coughlan (G) NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .1 6.4 11 .5 14 .10 (94) DE LA SALLE 4 .6 5.10 5 .14 11.19 (85) North Old Boys: J Barker 2 Ca. .ehoult 2 M Barker 2 CollL.on 2 Skene 2 Logels Halpin Sutherland G Phyland . Best: M Drum Halpin Skene Boyle Booth Casboult. De La Salle: Buckley 2 Evans 2 Johnstone 2 Mackintosh 2 Cain Duggan N Harber. Best : Harrison Mackintosh Swift Silvers Evans Garland . Umpim.s: S. Alger J. Watson (F) A Long C. Shipley (G) 4 .3 6.3 8 .4 13 .10 (88) THERRY PENOLA WIRTEFRYiRS 2 .4 4.5 13 .9 17.11 (113) 'Ihesry= Penola: M Goodwin 6 Finnigan, 2 Petrevskf Bannister Evans McKay Nancarrow. Best: Goodwin Elliott Castald[ Mills Carter PetrevskL Whit : Carrigg 4 Reidy 4 M Carbons 2 Phan 2 D Eames E Eames Glouchev Kennedy Mika. Best : M Carbone R Pawlik Glaufrhev Power D PaW-Ilk Brice. Umpsses: C. Stewart G. Curran (F) J. Kramer S. Caruso (B) P. Curtis R. Richards (G ) OLD HAII.F.IBURY 1 .6 5.8 7 .10 10.13 (73) OLD NUMBURNIANS 1 .0 2.4 5 .9 7.10 (52) Old Ha1 . Etstathiou 5 Dimond 2 Bell Movie Brandham . Best: S. Rowlands Warnes EfstaUhiou Moyle Davey Betl.Old Mellromisum: Ray 2 Bryant Grant Thiele Washington We . Best : Thiele Wu Maroon Sallabank Humphris Simpson. BEA RIS 0 .0 0.1 0 .1 0.2(02) oRbioPdD 4 .7 8.9 12 .14 16.15 (111) Beamnaris : Steven L Fitzgerald Me Grath Smith Vance Blackie. Ormond : Dhnadamos 4 Metz 3 Stewart 3 Kunxl 2 Collins M Everett Barker Costello - Manning. Best : Broadhurst Collins M Dimadamos Keleher C Costello-Manning Stewart OLD IVA.- :- OE 11 .5(71) OLD F . .' )IAh'S 8 .5(53)
Old Iva: .: . -, Spiden 3 Doad 2Theodoss! 2 Hawkes Moore Tolley Low . Best: Woods Spiden Barker Moore Hunter Tolley. Old Paradmisn Curran 3 Pratt 2 Ciavala 2 DtnOnosate. Best: Pratt Walsh Ryan Cosgrtff Joyce Jenkins . NORTH OLD BOYS 6 .1 7.5 8 .11 9.11 (65) DE LA SALLE 1 .2 3.2 6 .4 8.8(W North Old Boys: Connolly 4 Jv_vice Zacek Sheehan Joyce Butcher Fitularence I Howard I . Best: Husking Barlow Daniels Zacek Devine Kennedy . De La Sells: Harker Walker. O'Brien 2 Hall Williams 1 . Best: Davies Bowker O'Brien Hall Smith Molan. THERRY PENOLA 0 .1 1 .3 5 .4 5.6(36) WHYIEFRIARS 2 .3 7.5 107 11.9 (75) merry Penots : McWhinney 2 OBrien 1 N , " s Christte. Best: Russell carom Weston MeWhinney Vama Chi- Hann Can'ig 2 Cahill 2 Swain 2 Elliott 2 Vernal Dunce Nunan . Best : Caring Glenn Swain Johnson Eames Reid .
TODAY'S MATCHES B Sectio n Ormond v . Old Haileybury Beaumaris v . Old Paradians at 1✓isterazwick Park, Saturday North Old Boys v. Old Ivanho e Old Melburnians v. Therry Penola 0 B Whitefriars v . De La Salle
B Section DEAUMARIS Coach : Jim Duman Res Coach: Rod McNab 1 P. Brook 2 L. Gibson 3 J . Magee 4 A. Pratt 4 J . Black 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L. Buller 7 D. Foley 8 A . Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Nicholson (DVC) 10 A . O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D . Whitaker 14 T. Collins 14 D . Dew 15 A . Edge 16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 17 S . Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins 19 A . Low 20 L . Tucker 20 M. Mellon 21 L . Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 22 B. Tadgell 23 A. Catlin 24 B.Gray 25 M. Smith 26 B. Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M. Matulick 32 T. Arendarickas 33 G . Jury 34 S. Mitchell 35 N. Boctor 36 R. Deaton 36 A. Blackie 37 D. Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N. Conlan 42 J . Gerrand 44 H. Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D. McGrath 47 D. Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas 49 J . Bryce
DE LA SALLE Coach: Paul Cooper Asst .: Paul O'Dwyer Res: Damian Carroll 1 L Walker 2 R Buckley 3 B Corin 4 L Hail 5 C Swift 6 M Herber 7 P Harrison 7R B Baker 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland (VC) 16RD Jarvis 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 19RT Shields 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Harber 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 37RD Moore 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan
Coach : Frank Dunnell Res . Coach: Mark Robinson
Coach : Mick Dwyer Coach: Gerard Shelly Res. Coach: Andrew Bonwick Asst . Coach: Paul Fahey Res. Coach : Noel Spoo r
2 . D . Keenan 3 . A .Trimboli 4 . S .Sleep 5 . B .Devine 5 . D .Skene 6 . N .Vogels DVC 7 . P.Booth 8 . B .Collison C 9 . H . Maplestone 10 . M .Nulty 11 . R . Morley 12 . S .Lock 13 . T.Halpin 14 . D .Kingham 16 . D .Collins 17 . J. Fitzclarence 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.0'Farrell 20 . J.Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult DVC 22 . M .Conneliy RC 23 . D . Coonan 24 . J.Barker VC 25 . G .Phyland 26 . M.Yandell 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . D .Joyce 29 . D . Vsser 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M.Phyland 33 . M,Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M.Carney 36 . D .Tonkin 37 . S.Mikunda 39 . C . Siotos 38 . M.Amor 40 . C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonkin 42 . A. Kennedy 43 . D .Zacek 44 . M.Drum 45 . B.Speed 46 . P.Daniels 47 . J .Barlow RVC 48 . N . Sanders 49 . T.Klouse 50 . T.Drum 51 . N .Goonan 53 . S. Butcher 54, M . Allouche 57 . C . Hosking 58 . D . Ada 61 . F.Lynch RDVC 62 . A. MacDonald 68 . P. Bryar 77 . S .Trenton B . Kean
1 . C . Home 2 . R . Kejna (DVC) 3 . M . Hoffman 4 . S . Langford-Jones 5 . J . Bourke 6 . A . White 7 . Adam Hilton (C) 8 . R . George 9 . S. Rowlands 10. C . Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12 . P. Dimond 13 . B. Harrop 14 . A . Forsyth 15. A. Saunders 16. P. O'Donnell 17 . Ash Hilton 18 . C . Jayaskera 19 . M. Armstrong 20 . J. Wright 21 . A. Janke 22 . D . Mason 23 . M. Seccull 24 . A. Ross 25 . B. Johnston 26 . J. Bell 27 . R . Brandham 28 . S. Walden (VC) 29 . B. Carson 30 . D . Warnes 31 . D . Lay 32 . B. Mitchell 33 . P. Wright 34 . P. Langford-Jones 35 . D . Lappage 36 . B. Lay 37 . G . Fletcher 38 . L. Floyd 39 . D . Emerson 40 . S. Davey 41 . S. Saunders 42 . A. McMahon 43 . C . Pountney 44 . M . Wray (RVC) 45 . T. Hilton 46 . A. Waxman 47 . R . Mitchell 48 . C. Moyle 49 . G . Finlayson 50 . R.Ladd 51 . P. Gebka 52 . N. Biggs 53 . L. Curtain 54 . G . Rowlands 55 . L. Byrns 56 . M . Anderson 57 . W. Mackenzie 58 . B . Langford-Jones 59 . M . Corderoy 60 . M . Somaia 61 . P. van Wyck
I A.Oates 2 L.Lochran 3 C.Allende r 4 B.Davis 5 T.Young 6 D.Spide n 7 E .McWillia m 8 TStevens (RC ) 9 M .Karayannis 10 M . Crowle y 11 S .Tully 12 C.Branigan 13 C.Barker 14 K.Theodoss i 15 L.Bolzon 16 M .Wood s 17 A .Corcora n 18 J .Hope (VC ) 19 D.Warry 20 D.Hawke s 21 R .Roberts 22 P.Donaldso n 23 A .Barez a 24 G .Haros 25 A .White 26 P.Lillis 27 J .Weddl e 28 S .Morris 29 R .Weddle (C ) 30 A .Gilbert 31 T.Perera 32 A .Goole y 33 N .Pratt 34 A .Tieman 35 L.Mclean 36 M .Pollock 37 M .Berry 38 Ga Georg e 39 Ge Georg e 40 A .Gioll o 41 P.Malnoey 42 L.Courag e 43 L.Hunter 44 A .Karafil i 45 M .Toove y 46 M .Tolle y 47 J .Wei r 48 B .Kolias 49 J .Risstro m 50 S .Brand t 51 B .Shadbol t 52 P.Armstrong 53 S .Pric e 54 B .Guider a 55 N .Miller 56 S .Asto n 57 S . Ford 58 G.Mclsaac 59 B .Spoor 60 D .Berne t Sponsored by : 77 _771 I77A
W.G. Miles & Co Pty :
Spectrum Assuran ro Regency Pharmae ; ZitechCompute i
G up
-- curauaaar a But
-- i . :1S
o,ch: Erwin Leyden Pes . Coach :
Michael Lovejoy t,A Bennett
U, r _!'_L-r : : Coach : Matt Ryan Res . Coach: Peter Slacik
1 P Pratt
TIIERRY PEROLA Coach : Ian Jackman
Res . Coach: Peter O'Dea
Coach : Greg Feutrill
Res. Coach : Brendan Smales 1 Petrevski M Finn ,'sana,M (, 2
Res Coach : Andy Dalrymple
2 S
Theodore ( C)
2 P. O'Loughlin
t . D . Mabbett 2 . D . Beckett
2 B Smith ( R)
3 . E. Fraser
,1 5 L 5 D
4 . A. Grace 5 . B. Turner 6 . D . Whelan
Bunn Holme
3 D. Stevens 3 M Cosgriff (R) 4 R Murray
7 . S. Keleher (DV C) 8 . M. Miller (DVC)
Moran R rnrush J Mitchell D
McMahon A
3 4 5 7
Thomson P Love tt
5 M Harford 6 B Lethborg
y R
7 P. Cosgriff
9 . S. Grace
T P 2A 13B
Robe rts Gallagher , Hewett Thiele
8 A. Sinclair
10. D . Scanlon 11 . D . Robbins
12. B. Deledio
14 D 1 .1 J 17 J ; fl T
Kinsella Rose Tucker Miller Fitzgerald
11 A. Burns 12 B Galloway 13 D Loney 14 A Curran 15 S Fellowes
,g R
16 M . Godfrey
19. D . Cleary
- J 3; L ^? P
Guest Boyd Waddell E_rry Holcombe Thomas Kennedy Washington Mulligan McMullin Sallabank Ambler Ray Grant :lurray Bryant Useinov Wilhelm Theodore Farquharson Bartlett t"urphy Neeson Banks nkins '( IOtras E-rry Ri~hatt i Campbell aumont I'_ ::ker
17 B. Ha rt 17 D Jenkins(R) 18 G . Po rt eous 18 M Anderson(R) 19 Jon Swindon 19 Mat Joyce(R) 20 M .Szewczuk 20 P Harris ( R) 21 A Farrell 23 P. Walsh 24 D. Digney 25 A. Heffernan 26 P Zappa 26 M Gea ry (R) 27 B Holmes 27 K.Jenkins ( R) 29 B Dintinosante 30 B Richardson 30 R Clark(R) 33 T Lombardi 34 B Finlay 35 S Simpson 36 J M Swindon 40 C. Seckold 44 D Fu rz e 47 N Ball 48 C. Watson 57 S Ciavola
20. M. McConvill (C) 21 . L . Wilson 22. R . Block 23. T. Ashford 24. M. Abrahams 25. J. Dale 26. T. Harvey 27. T. Brennan 28. A. Moore 29. N . Cou rtney
aL ?5 p 26 C 33 A =g ~ gp i 3i J ?3 T ;5 C 36 J 37 S 33 T :D 7 ;1 G a2 P 3E :P .15 C :6 D C :B C G
B 3 P ~: S
55 J
S 7J 5T P 3 i: ~4 C
Hunt Weir Ec.rdeu d Sampled E~we9
13. B. Stone 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
S. James S. Naughton T. Stewa rt ( RC) P. Joy W. Block
30. N . Wells 31 . H . Black 32. R . Presser 33. M. Collins
34. R . Remman (VC) 35. G . Bailey 36. J. Monaghan 37. A . Guzzo 38. S. Herrmann 39. M . Ferrari 40. S. Cramey 41 . J. Koolstra 42. C . Keleher 43. L Smith 44. M . Mabbett 45. J. Bridges 46. C . Cleary 47. T. Costello-Manning 8. L . Murphy 49. S . Metz 50. M . Heffernan 51 . A . Russell 52. G. Hall 53. G. Hammond 54. M . Wilson 55. J . Putz 56. M . Farrell 57. M . Broadhurst 58 . B . Smith
59. P. Kostanty 60. G. Ritchie 61 . K . Anderson 62 . D . Casey
63 . A . Ku rzel t• ' -`~ ?* : ~ . : CO
1 C 3 M
Wood Carbone
3 D
Fedel e
5 B 6 M 7 D
Phan (Vc) Robinso n Brice
$ G 9C
10 A
Pawli k
11 R 12 R
Reidy (Vc)
12 J
13 T
Hilto n
Evans R Edwards P Carbis G
14 T 14 M 15 P 16 J 17 A
~ ~~M
18 C
Tadinac M Hollow ~ LaFontaine N McWhinney M Mc'~ay A Barron D Castaldi D N ancarow M Boyle S (C) Garoni P Crotty M
19 M 21 K 21 B 22 T 24 R 25 M 26 C 27 L 27 B 28 C 29 A 30 M 33 D 34 D 35 C 35 D 36 D 38 C 39 M 40 M 41 C 42 M 43 N 44 B 46 G 47 B 53 M 55 B 56 R 59 B 63 S
Carrig g Duffy Campbel l Powe r Carbone (C) Fulton Jongebloe d Kennedy Winch Langford Mik a Vernal Ryan Swai n Sinclai r Eames Glenn Powe r Reid Gloufchev Law Delzopp o D'sousa Carrigg Vandenboo m Cahill O'connor Northey Elliott O'connor Johnson Jone s Winterburn Kelse y Murray War d Clifford
65 D
Barne s
Elliot M R Sacco S
Taybr v Bannlater S Hollow L
Bannister C
17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 8 4 85 87 89 93 94 95
Goodwin M Howstocl G Ca rter B
Grant A
Clarke J
Gri~s S(C-Res) O'shea A
Gauci M Warren M APPIeford P
Carter M gtepe g Goodwin D M cAu
~' ~
Mii s A Candiloro D ges~t•ao9iD (~C'Res ) Ch stotoii SM Garoni M(DVC-Res) Dunne P Weston S Griffiths K 0 wa r"'ad 0 s Caccamo D Lewis B Van Seen J Swindon C uIph M A Lyons B Johnson S O'Brien J Lees S K eenan R C Fwbes D Higgins stem s
Smith J Cuiph S Hill M
10e Thomas D 11 1 Kuret L 719 RatclAfe A
129 Bodes D
Costello R Donahue M O'Hallaron S
66 . C. Everett 67 . R . Martin
ta9 Fenn A
Pawli k
1104 g~iestone G 106 Murphy P
132 134 735
96 Reddan S 99 La Carcia M
64 . A. Strauch 65 . L. Russell
68 . S . Haines 69 . N . Tasseli
1 0 vaina J 11 O'Sullivan D (VC)
C g t,t
9` J . Collins 10 P. Brabender 10 M Joyce (R)
Coach: Wayne Hermes
156 Byrnes T ® rnure faa;R,r ~%t .ti g
Lilydale Memorial Park Cemetary an d Crematoriu m
9739 6244 The Rose Hotel
Napier Street Fitzroy
as ~~reat to see two C-Section footballers selected the VAFA Representative side that whipped th e VC 'L on the weekend . 7 tz from Hampton and Dean t.: ,vs from B aalleen-re both in the side and boy did the y per in, Denver being BOG with some 45 -, ;s: >sions and 4 goals, and Dean not too far behind him with a sterling game in the back pocket . Well done to you both you did yourselves, your clubs and the VAFA proud .
Glen E ra's loss opens the door for the two Mentone sid+s lust the Jackas loss now appears to have the 3 ed . Co, sis' 111 changes in their side from the pre ~h ust have really tested their would be prettv happy with th rfoz ~nce against t3 . c who obviously wo,.;d : .ave struggled a bit more than usual without Dean in the side . OEG incre< ed their margin at every change to come away with a comfortable victory . Evans kicked 9 and was a fine focal point, Leask was very good in the middle and Panagiotopoulos (that's a mouthful) made a good return to Senior Football.
The battle between Ajax and Prahran was to virtually decide who would stay up and it was a pretty even struggle up to half time with the Jackas just having their noses in front . After that with Wes Pye dominating in the ruck it was all the Two Blues as they ran in numbers through the centre corridors to kick 7 goals to 1 and in the context of the season record a pretty important victory. Wes Pye, Wade Taseff, Paul Quick and Andre Pitts were all pretty good for the victors, while for Ajax Mat Dudakov, David Geibart, Brett Duzenman and Michael Weisler all put in. After an open' m of 7 goals to 2 you would have thought that ere well on their way to a victory, and they , :re still some 5 in front at half time . Someone forgot to tell the Tigers that catch up footy doesn't work as they dominated the third to turn in front at the final break and then despite a spirited effort from the home side hold on for a good victory. Best players were Mark Seilings, Adam L'Huillier, and Luke Wintle with the ever reliable Tim Beasley also putting in a good one . Caulfield had few 4 qtr contributors and once again too few had to carry the load including Widge, Crackers and Pearcy . The vc'ie of free beer has certainly been well and tn y u d out to all of us as Adam Acreman oted a ~r to help set up a good victory for ~ over the Sainters. It was very hard to limit his opportunities on the "vast" expanses of in
Mackie Road. Game over. Peter Flaskis was at his match winning best for the L. victors supported by Ads, Carter in the ruck and Michael McClosky in b first true hit out at Senior level . For Glen Eira It better players were Gray (again) Mimo, Dimachl Emmett and Diamond . 1 V's 3 we were all looking for a big one and were n, to be disappointed . CA - won the first, Rove the second to by 3 twins i ) at the half. A rev froi Timmy Hart got the Lions going and they made u the difference in the championship quarter, and froi then on it was a ding dong battle where Collegiar kicked the last 2 to win by 14 points, in a ga iplayednf'sktmopherwaincut e for plenty. Cam Unsworth was great all day a gm captain's game, Simon Piasente keeps on keeping o and Ed Waters and Paul Davis were pretty . Ft Hampton Rovers none were better than Drew "Do Anderson with support from Anthony Browne an Boyd .
Caulfield Grammar travel across town to tackle th Bullants who will now be looking to the seasons en( Grammar have been getting close in most of the games but an inability to play out 4 quarters has co; them dearly . Today though even with the return c their coach I just cannot see the home side gettin over the line and confidently tip the Fields to win . Glen Eira will welcome the return to a bigger groun giving them a chance to get their running gain going. Every game is a must win for the Sainters nasltwek'oshaleft dorajfthe w Mentone sides. A~速~_ ;=ryll give a good account c Oorztirac_sei< c :e _
CLUB Acreman Kinb.:ell Gilmore Hakim Moonev
Cooper Dukic Power Grigg Petrie
Old Mentonians St Bode s Glen Etta Old Essendon Collegians C RFSERIVE Collegians Prahran Hampton Rovers Old Essendon Old Mentonians
10 1 3 0 2
u 48 38 36 40 33 33 20 16
mrs - 14 ~~ Vj' __ games fo r s y . Robbie has developed into a fr backline player and although slight i n i)J iid shows no fear . A player who displays ;,t courage and willingness to achieve th e goals Robbie played his 100th VAFA n un° against Collegians last week . Often his body on the line Robbie is also a clubman off the field and is capabl e ut ;izig in the hard yards at any social ;U,lction . Everyone at the Rovers wishe s congratulations on achieving thi s o_ ;e and look forward to many mor e Willmott . ~anies, : .3(}O Club Games for Ti ,F,,,1 i-_~cently played his 20 0 th club game for o-: lIrs which is a major achievement . Q,arting in the juniors Tim has shown great and determination in reaching thi s t ne . A player with good natural skill s as displayed great courage an d in ~ d with an improved work ethic will b e ' : ~anding senior player . Over coming ,- and frustration Tim now has develope d a player who can hold down a position a t - end of the ground but loves the thrill of -oals . Every one at the Rover s °s Tim on this milestone and ard to many more games . - In - - at has become an season for Old Mentonian s on full forward _ - t 2 re ara, all at again pay ti ute to their recor d ar when he plays his 250th gam e Club today. Not enough can be said or i about Adam an d today is testament to 1+,-7alty, dedication and absolute ~om :Ii_i ;nent to the Panthers over 15 years . It 'o ious to all through yet another super b _ that big Ads has some time left to :Tie goalsquare and provide supporters :ijoyment each week . Well Done Bi g _ :' tall the way from Bali! )
,ins -
10€3 game s
`ter a brief pre-seaso n --Funky" is back with his silk y skills and uncanny goal sense . An al member of last year's two's •rship, Harro has the ability to turn a c_f his own boot and regularly has ove r with the Fields . Congratulations on is well deserve milestone . - Bet today plays hi s with Prahran . Ben is a product ;uniors an joined us from them . ions from all at the club .
15 15 (1C6) 5.6 6.9 11 .13 2.2 8.11 11 .12 13.13(91) C ,=-_-~-~:: ~,t004 .y 2 Cooper 2 Sclicber 2 Urswath 2 Waters 2 Basking Atkin--a P,bdtey Hartshorne Henetery . Best Unswaffi Hartsliorrie, Waters • Power 4 Lawrence 3 S. Anderson 2 L. Piasente Dafts Tsylor. Hmaptm Holt blrSirliar Pucella Slien&eSd. Best D . Anderson Borrac)a)e Carr Rbcds Brrawme. Thapirm- M. Taylor T. Brooks (F) Y, Pay (B) B. Stepliens (G) CAUId'ID 7.3 9.8 10.11 14.14 (98) 2.0 5.4 11.8 16.10 (106) Cau L Sinclair 3 Guyett 2 Will 2 Hall 2 Mart ,%~aisen 2 Rcstarfck 2 Pearce 1 . B e a k ' , lJa;a N.Caren Pearce Restarick Sant G .Harrlson. 3s.Eceka: L.Hullier 4 Sellings 3 bttL7aw 2 2 Hiiugurll7a)va Bewley Napier P.Wintk Best Beasley Sellings L.Hut]tff hi .W2ntle Zahra Barnes. ifmgkes: S. Morgan L. Katz (F) D . Munay P. O'Reilly (G) OLD ESSFI,IDON 5 .5 11 .8 17 .10 25 .16 (166) 0.2 2.5 6 .7 9.7(61) BULLEEN-TEMPIESTOWE old Ea • Evans 9 D. Flahe'ty 3 S. Fleming 3 Leask 3 CM7n C5{4 '~oiiitl oak Most Jinks O.wtam Papal. Best Lams Leask DiBlasi S. Fleming Pa :~tnPaukls D . Flaherty Bali=Tempilestawa: Mllams 3 Pat= 2 Burridge Humpfit.•y Hare Smith Best Robertson Burr'cl? Hare Humphrey Conte Schneider Um '• P. Jones S . Payton (F) 8.6 9.9 11 .11(77) GLEN EiRA SATVTS 42 OLD NUMoPZtANS 6.1 11.5 13.8 17.11 (113) Glen '• Gilmore 3 Tnuts&eld 2 Ryan 2 Y'aimakas 2 Scrparu•lry Ti ;az. Best Gray hilrno Dtmachld Gm-an Emmett MTnond Tka z Old Meatcolame Ac,-enan 10 Baurnan 3 Dart Flaskts • Vick Best Fhaskds Acreman McCloskey SaLkry• KatrLs CamrteJl Umpirew N . Evans A Thwaites (F) 1.3 5,8 8.13 12.14 (SQ PRAHPAN AJAX 33 7.4 7.6 8 .8 (W Pcalvan: Fraser 2 APitts 2 Rhodes 2 Ballard Pang CamploeIl Gallagher Crowe Marriott Best Pang Pitts Tasffff Rhodes Gallagher P}'~ ' Davls 2 Rosen 2 Sharp 21;onsky 2. Best Dudakrn R.'a~ " Gdnrt thxwian Rosen. Umpires: A Stubbs R. Sneddon (F) J . Mason S. McKenzie (B) G. C)ancy P. t.3a•tdccks (F) 4 .1 9.4 11 .7 16.7 (103) :RO'4 4.3 4.5 5.7 7.8 (W Ham 4 Hoist 3 (reeves 2 Rose Maxwell[ Wise Tarode Gnbble Smit h Fk-reiii,e. Best Florewtlne Harris Mom Hoist Wise Bwdm-. flz m c!ca Romm Marshall 4 waclr6ch Ng t'Joodruff. Best Lake Marshall Bucl :- : Brudar ArAffson N
02 0.6 0.9 4.12 Pq 4 .3 8.7 12 .7 14.11 M . : Camma-'i"a'd Egan Jones B OIXsue➢. Best Ptenn Canmafazl B • BaIlannt9ni; 5 Kennedy 3 Richards. Brown Dunktic. Old D.A4urphy 3 Davis Ferguson Johnson Best Ferguson Saunders Ruslrworth Ba-mine Sh.attock I}h4~'. 2.1 4.3 7.4 8.7(56) PRIMIRM ALA% 1 .1 22 3.5 3.7 (25) Prolontm Stewart 4 Oliver Dolor Vow ltarland . Best Palcodimas Stewart Upton HcrL.Yk3Il wo~ \?~. Alwc Jolson 2 Ba)tNn . Best Buckley Gddenfein ON-wstadt D.Rutr:.r. ,teln Leihoi9c
_MATCHES C Section St . Bedes Mentone Tigers v. Collegians Bulleen-Templestowe v. Caulfield Or. Old Mentonians v. Old Essendon Hampton Rovers v. Prahran AJAX v. Glen Eira
OL E N Gold (C) 2 J =irterman B Davis (DVC ) 4 M Dudakov (VC) 5 M Rajc h 6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky A Krongol d 9 A Rose n
0 G Duke s t,1 th'eisle r 12 J Basist 13 A Freund 14 Y Rapaport 15 J Segal (VC) 16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukierman Duke s M Halphen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelba rt 22 A Boc k 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheeze! 28 P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 A Letkovi c
M Barnett 32 3 4 5
Janover Boon Ones Rot h Feldman 7 S Newstadt D Goldenieln
39 B Klein 40 M Borenstein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein 43 M Massey 44 A Lust 45 0 Flamm 46 T Weisman 47 S Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockmart 51 J Jolson 52 M Segal 53 A Haiphen 54 G Herzberg 55 A Lewin 56 P Naphtali 57 D Rubenstein 60 J Wajnberg
hes : i: aonn s co i J Prior 2 G Nexander 3 S Young
4 W Thompson (DVC) 6 P Graham 7 P Robertson (VC) 8 N Bon e 9 Ch Parris 11 G Ch'rvers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Panou 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stot t 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren
23 D Matthews (C) 25 T Matthews 26 S Boyd 27 J Nestle 28 P Wolnizer 29 P Bone 30 Darren Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 40 S Meadows 41 R Le a 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 54 S Dowlan 60 D Horvathl
C ".h : Dean Ander-n ; C h:Komei uachs 1 D . Rosma n 2 B. Hal l
2 A. Carver 3 C . Knigh t 3 S. Stevenson 4 M . Liddel l 5 S. Kendal l 5. M . Pennycuick 6 M . Harriso n 6 N . Craven 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W . Bowes 10 A. Will (VC) 11 C . Deal 12 D. Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 J . Morvell 14 M . Green 15 A.Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B. Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 R. Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H. Vell a 21 N. Brohier (C) 22 T. Foste r 22 M . Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 N. Guyett 25 G . Evans 26 S . Williams 26 S . Widjaja 27 R. Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J .Jacobs 29 W . Brackett 30 D. Peterson 31 S . Craven 32 M . Cutler 33 C. McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphorn 37 M . Gurpinar 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R. O'Neil l
41 C. Nairn
rre:x ms I : rcB<,x 1BM~nn .. . sc W.;sd Bm~eeo
4t :6 8808
42 D. Synman (DVC) 43 J . Smit h 44 N. Coutts 45 D. Scott 46 R. Foote 47 L. Salem 48 N . Tassell 49 J . Dalwood 50 A . Buchanan 51 D. Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure 56 B . O'Callaghan 57 P. Farmer 60 P. Senior 62 B . Goddard 69 K . McDonald 71 M . Cassidy
Coach: Tim Hart Res. Coo : Gary Irvine
Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach: Phil J+
1 2 3 4
1 M . Ryan
J .Dixo n M .Johnson B .Mooney D . Atkinson
5 R . Henebery (DVC) 5 D . Greeves (RC ) 6 P.Davis 7 J .Farley 8 C. Unsworth (C) 9 J . Fry 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison (DVC) 13 TNartshom e 14 R .Schober 15 L.Cottom 16 A .Fletche r 17 R . Hosking (VC) 18 TKrotiris 19 M . Davi s 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C .Pollock 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S . Woolley 28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moo n 31 J . Rose 32 D . Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 A .Smith 35 Ashley Farr 36 G. Cooper 37 M . Dole 38 T. Marxs 39 N . Hart 40 A . Wiseman 41 N . Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . White 44 A . Tarode 45 N . Lynch 46 D . Cooks 47 B .Lumb 48 E . Waters 28 B . Horshall 49 J . Waters 50 B . Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnell y 52 K .Jones 53 B . Grant 54 J . Haversberg 55 T. Cook s 56 L.Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D . Smith 59 R . Sztar 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Gambaro 62 S . Muir 64 M . Gribble
s-m Meit".me
2 N. Astapenko 3 C. Massis
4 D. Cassa r 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagam e 7 S. Vamvakis 8 P. Tsagliotis
9 G . Hayes Dewar 10 G . Richards 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 M . Weilgasz 15 F. Buckley 16 S. Limnyo 17 A. Russo 18 M . Dimachki 19 J . Thrusfield 20 A. Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Hasson 24 B. Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 C. Grey 27 R. Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 A. Mills 30 L . Pryd e 31 T. Ambedine 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A. Sheedy 34 R. Oldham 35 J. Commerford 36 P. Slifk a 37 M . Pinniger 38 M . Lewin 39 G . Egan 40 K. Dimackhi 41 H. Wall s 43 D. Psalia 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 M . Baraket 47 T.Evan s 48 J. Haliwe31 49 M . Benton 50 P. Waked 52 A. Haines 53 S. Rees 54 M . Migliorini 55 L . McGraw 56 H. Reddy 57 S. Hall 59 B. Stewart 60 S. Jankovic 61 M .Tkor? 63 D. Dunlevie 65 M . Dimn,,
f~t ., . .
all far dlar r arson (C) 5 Yn li Y derson 0=
~ :-p=_.Iicne
me hall (VC) 6 y rer ,r Ig %3 Sry __ ett
;hke L 3rand chat eId n( son Andersen =Jlmer 'i °arson ' oh umphries =.rego r CI _•,ston G 9LIy M, Lanagan -5 Flahive D . J ~nston e 3ran 5 L oolrich ,Ier mott I tzos ! inter son -dine r - - i _ F ntzos er • Ila ughan ` )dru(f ✓es ards 2 ^~~s ~ NI ' 110 F ;' LTD . 7
_ . . FIY.LTD. 016,5 ;, , orove ;
. .
. . __ .~
. .,
h: 1 ris € I C :St.Ln 1 J .Pannagiotopolous 2 J .Chapman 3 P.Luiterschmidt 5 P ll .O,nam 6 C.Ridley 7 J .Leask 8 J .Heritage g J .Goodger 10 S .8 ant 11 B .Papal 12 D_R an 13 M.Wollington 14 S .Evans 15 T.Di Blasi 16 S .ftAcPherson 17 P.Hexter 18 J.Walker 19 E.Healey 20 D .Hunter 21 S.Dale 22 J. Rush 23 J .Hu9he s 24 J .Dazkiw 25 C.Morgan 26 S.Fleming 27 D .Barr 28 D .Flaherty 29 S.Uebergang 30 S.Cetin 31 T.Williams 32 J .Mansfield 33 A.Dawson 34 D .Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 S .Dart 37 A.Morrison 38 D.Whitefield 39 P4 .Burns 40 M .Jinks 41 B .Ne :vbold 42 M .Beard 43 J .Carter 44 hi . Burns 45 B .Turner 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S .Howard 48 C.Clues 49 PBarry 50 P.Nammond 51 A .McGowan 53 L.Flemin 55 A .Leask g 56 W. Conlon 57 G .Steven 58 J .Kavanagh 59 S .Emerson 60 G.Walsh 6 i C .Hammon 62 S .Muir 63 D .Greasley 64 J. Murrav 65 M .Tlley 66 D .Smiih 67 R .Wright 71 M_Dragoflo
. : :_
S n 9s,o 'i.Jr ic
,ndc ;
I AAcreman 2 C Twentyman 3 B M irphy (VC) 4 D C rol 5 C ., 6C 7GF 8 RN-i-n 9 S. K , 10 B Ku o 11 D Sol 12 C Drry er 13 R I 14 .I ,, 15 JCc 15 C Davi s 16 D Nock 17 N Untord 18 TBaumo n 19 A Palmer (VC ) 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drinan 22 D Home 23 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J Windus s 25 W Ballantine 25 T Fava 26 G Dart 27 G Kairis 28 L Hogan 29 30AJ~k E r 31 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hol' v 33 S Worrell 34 P Ft 35 T ' Ch 36 D w under 37 M Frar38 B Shei,,,, 39 T Riley 40 M Mannix 41 S Cozens 42 S Bainbridge 43 M Lawes 44 L Sunter 45 M Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richard s 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbod y 55 A O' Reilly 55 56 R Harper 57 P Watson 58 KUfuielski 59 Pi McCloske y 60 G . S hatt°c k 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones RC) 64 M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Macka y 67 A Paterno 68 L Rule 69 J Rule 70 S Grzebieia 71 FdWatts 72 R Cro 73 P Flavet net .
_ . .
Coach: Tony Fr Res Coe h : 1 . D . GALLAGHER 2 . A. BEATTIE 3 . J. LANE 4 . P. QUICK 5 . H . PITTS 6 . D. PERKINS 7. S. PANG 8. I . HUNT 9, A. BUAlNETT 10 . B. HODGSON 11 . A. PITTS 12 . M . BEER 13 . B. MCCLINTOCK 14 . M . EASTHA"d 15 . I . DENNIS 16 . A.RHODES 17 . G . ELVIN 19 . S . CAMPBELL 20 . J . KELLOW 21 . G . PALEODIPhOS 22 . N. ROBERTS 23 . B . KAIROUZ 24. T. FRASER 25 . T. FREE 26 . T. STCLAIR 27 . W. PYE 28 . R .TRAEGER 29 . W. TASEFF 30 . M . SCICLUNA 31 . T. DUKIC 32 . D. BALLARD 33 . P. HERRIDGE 34 . L. NORMAN 35 . B . GELLIE 36 . J . KILLEEN 37 . E . WILDE 38. M . WINDRIDGE 39. A . GRAY 40. T.AJCADIE 41 . J . UPTON 42 . K . WALFORD 44. C . HENSHALL 45. M . VAGG 46. M . VEAR 47. P. BUHNER 48. D . FOSSEY 49. L. WOOD 50. N . GILL 54. J . SCANLON 55. L.AITKEN 56. A. CORBOY 57. P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62. S. RICE 63. R . MARRIOTT 64. J . BELCHER 65. D. HANLON 66. S. MASKIELL 67 . M. ERDIM 68 . G . AMY 69. PJ.WARLAPdD
Cc Di R€3 C 1 P 2 L tie (C) 3 J 4 A L'Huillie r 5 S Napier 6 A Rya n 7 N Owe n 8 J Cunningha m 9 G Marini c 10 M Wintle 12 J Kan e 13 D Goodchii d 14 A Connolly 15 T McOoEI 16 A Hipv eI l 17 M Sellings 18 L Porter 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DVC 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynton 24 T Beasiey 25 D Samya 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Bocza r 29 T Marshal l 30 D Falkingham 31 C Barne s
32 J Dickinson 34 C Meye r 35 B Silos 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M Georg e g 40 B Beasley 41 R Bi nel l 42 P Wignterto n 43 M Rhode n 44 J Recu pero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Wals h 50 S Kid d 51 S Meyer
52 B Sassie r 53 M Uberti 54 M McCraw 55 D Stickland 56 J Chapli n 57 M Lomagn o 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahr a
60 ~1 McCoi l 61 S Waters 63 C Petrato s 65 T Lam b 66 R Parson s 69 J Tomlinso n 73 M Pisasale 75 N O'Conno r 78 D Moss 79 P Russ o
Se i n
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D1 SECTION by Barry Hickey CYAN PRESS St Leos was overpowered by Old Camberwe ll after the 1st term, when the Well's power laden forwards broke loose and put to good use the bullets being fired their way by a dominant engine room . Ben Howar d had another great day at FF for the Wells, Justin McLean didn't let an opportunity pass in the middle, David Mitchell constantly fed his runners out of the ruck contests, and James McKenzie was a super CHF. No news from St Leos . Monash Blues were too strong for Old Carey, the latter being unable to match the Ashers' commitment in the last quarter, after an even game for the 1 st three terms . Sammy Hawkins, Liam Holloway, and Christian Gregory destroyed the Panthers with their marking, but they were just the top bubbles in a very effervescent Ashers unit. For Old Carey too much was left to too few, and there's a few pairs of socks require pulling up if the team is to salvage some pride from the wreck of this season . Banyule pulverized Univ .Blaeks in the last term after setting up a handy lead by half time . John Turnbull, Wade Keenan . Michael Natoli, and Brad WiIlmore all did well for the Bears. Blacks on baller, Richard McArthur was again prominent, Sam Milner 'stood in' well at FF, and Chris Sandiford the "Colonel", rucked heroically. A Blacks special mention to David Batten in his first Seniors game : David's father, Jack, captained the last Blacks A Section Premiership side in 197 4
Ivanhoe Assumption found Aquinas to be more than they could handle . This was a tight, enthralling arm wrestle from the opening bounce, with the Bloods always doing enough to stay just ahead in a tense last term . The Bloods had a wonderful game from that seasoned campaigner, Cam Colliver, Glen Whitehead was prominent at HFF, Adrian Williams was prolific on his wing, and 'Livo' stood tall at FF. Stuart Morris and A.McFarlane were those mentioned by the Hoes after their first loss for 8 weeks. . Old Geelong's up & down form continued against a fired up Yarra Valley who defended desperately when OGS had the run of play in the 3rd term, and kicked the critical goals when they themselves went fonvard. Mike Wines played a great game at CHF for the Bushrangers, Ash Midland and James Keem were true boots up fonvard, and Ricky Pearce launched many attacks off his HBF. Chris Stinchcombe across HB was OGS's star, ably supported by Haydn Burbank and Jacob Fitzgerald up forward. TODAY'S GAMES Old Carey meets St Leos on the Gramlick Oval today and after last week I couldn't seriously pick
them to win, which they could easily do if only they would apply their talent for an entire game. The Panthers' players know what is at stake, but St ' . ; should win this by 5 goals . University Blacks take on Monash Blues a will need to be on guard against the Blues, who b-, a very effective midfield set up, and their forwards, now quite capable of kicking big scores . Blacks are a bit of a trough, and today could produce a surpri with the Blues ahead by 2-3 goals at the siren . Ivanhoe Assumption and Banyule meet in t match of the day, doubly so, for being a local Der] plus the long awaited clash between 1st & 2nd! B Dave didn't appear with the Bears last week, a nhe'soutagintodaythiscouldeth Hoesinwt t big chance . Both teams have very proficie midfield/on ball contingents, and won't differ much aerial ability . The big variance between the Hoes a the Bears is the latter 's scoring power, and I think tl will the key factor today. Banyule by 3 goals . Old Camberwell host Old Geelong at the Gord Barnard, and with 2nd place awaiting if the Hoes down to Banyule today the Wells will not be coastiu They should have too much firepower for OGS a will win by 6-7 big ones . Yarra Valley tackles Aquinas today in what normally a fiercely contested affair. The riva between these Clubs is the stuff of legends, and it , be well worth a visit if you are in the vicinity of t Domeney Reserve. Regardless of the relative positio on the ladder, and that Aquinas knocked off the No Hoes last week, this game will be played as if ther no tomorrow . The Bloods are the obvious favouril and while the Bushrangers always pull out somethi special for these matches, the visitors should take t points by a kick or so . But anything is possible. Reserves winners should be : Old Carey, Blac] Banyule, Wells, & Yarra Valley. Old Carey had th first win for the year with a great team effort last we( and will be hoping to repeat it today to celebrate Jd~~ ~ EIliott's 250th . The Old Carey v St Leos Resen game is being played on Dunshea (No .1) Oval as curtain raiser to the Carey v Xavier School lst h~ match . Correspondents : note changed number: 98 1979 Ph + Fax; bfhickeyGfelstra .easymail .com.z Deadline is 12 :00Noon Mondays, with sometir Suriday preferred .
puts on 1 1 "c Black Gold itis ~s5z Th e
career took place betwee n zllc "3aliy as a hard running, long / centre man, and the dedicatio n IF sing toughness, which in time also is academic and business pursuits, uis from early in his first season, a pack and broke his team > collar bone! John was a membe r VAYA Premiership side in 1961 ,
BC ~ in 1961, and was Captain of the ]m 1962 to 1965. In his later playing o C tptain(Coached the Reserves . He ? Committee positions over the year s Jay as a Patron of the Club . To have Ir our game, to return to complete the s , ;ainst Banyule two week's ago and -e of 59, says it all! John, Old i the VAFA, salutes you!! Also plays his 100th game today , ° same blistering speed, precision ace that we have come to expect . Ge IT (a former Old Carey & Hawthorn
it x Denise, are integral parts of the Matt, a former Old Carey U 19, but out our friends at Old Scotch ! S C':1r1.gP i
- congratulations to Linto n s 50t.` for the club in St. Leos. Linton joined the club in '9 8 of our premiership winning reserve's s a successful year for the club . He 's of the ground either defending congratulate Dave as in Rd 13 . "Pitch" a te club, he interspersed his with study an d overseas trips, picking rgs in '92 and '95 and a senior B&F in Kec ; ) them coming Pitc, ; i .
St Leos
5 .1 _ 7.1 9 .4 11 .5(71) sly ia. :J? .:i,ihr ; OLD CII. 5 .2 12 .7 17.11 28 .15 (171) St Leos r raas : S. McCann 3 B .Vaughan 2 Buckle 2 M.Volpt Flood RMeGlo..i Willis . Best: C .Vaughan Willis Burgess T.McCann B .Vaughan M.Volpi. i .:_ _ • Howard 12 McKenzie 3 Properjohn 3 Heffernan 2 Inkster Gladman GoodaSe Hardman Ryan Hain . Best : Howard McLean Mitchell Hardman McKenzie, Perryman Umpires : C . Garcia K . MeNieee (F) 3 .5 8.7 10 .9 15 .12 (102) MONASH BLUES OLD C. 4 .3 8.7 9 .10 10.13 (73) onwBlues : Bolton 4 Hawkins 4 Gregory 3 Holloway 3 Tatterson . Best : Hawkins Holloway Maiden Gregory Bolton Merlin . Old Carey: Mai. Heppell 4 Kent 2 Campbell M. Cohen Mart. Heppell Shutle . Best: Mart . Heppell Campbell Shutie h'tal. Heppell Wtlltelaw Jackson. Um : I. Burgess (F) M. Sneddon (F ) BANYULE 9 .5 14.6 18 .11 94 .17 (161) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 .1 9.3 14 .5 15.6 (96) Bangulo: Turnbull 5 O'Connell 5 Kayrooz 3 J. Egan 3 Playfatr 2 T. Egan 2 Chapman 2 Wtllmore D . Wttchell. Best : Turnbull Keenan Natoli Willmore N. Taylor T. Egan . University Blacks: NOlner 7 Caccavtello 4 Me Arthur 2 Bowden M. Cunningham. Best : Sandiford McArthur Mitner B . Cunningham : M. Monty A. Ladd (F) R. Seymour D. Mott (G ) ' om a Martin . Um ON 4.3 7.6 11 .8 15.11 (101) 3.5 8.8 13 .14 16.18 (114) .Pearce 4 Saunders 3 Frisina 3 Fawley 2 Woo d pYion : D Sloan valkanis . Best : S.Morris D.McFarlane . Aquinas : Livingstone 4 Bambury 4 Thomas 2 Colltcsr Flynn Jess Williams Denbraber Whitehead . Best: : Whitehead Denbraber Colllvrr Harkin Glennte Barnbury. Umpires: P. Tuppen A. Chapman (F ) O1J? GEELONG 2.4 3.10 7.15 8.16 (64) YARRAVALLEY 6.1 9.4 11 .7 14.8 (92) Old Geelong: Whitehead 2 W.Paul 2 Salter I Stiachcome 1 Perrin I Burbank 1 . Best: Stinehrome Burbank Fitzgerald Redtn W .Paul Salter. Yarra Valley:Keem 4, Mlddlln 4, Cremean I . Laing 1, Parry I, Savage 1, Thompson 1, WTiltechurch i : Best: Wines Parry Taylor Va)oppi Pearce Cremean .U ircs: D. Whiteley D . Irons (F) 4.4 8.5 10.8 12 .9 (81) 3.2 7.5 12.7 19.9 (123) Set 3 .: Bethune 2 B .Mttchell 2 E .Mitehell 2 Ymer 2 Gay N.H-aer Mee37aughlln Prosser. Best: N .HOdder Hughan Parker Tribe D.McGloin Ym -. O1 Camberwell: Harvey 6 Hills 5 Saffar 4 Mackenzie 2 Orsby 2. Best : G: J. Derry Rowe Hills Hither Imbergm MONASH BLUES 2.1 4 .2 5.5 7.8(50) OLD CAREY 1 .2 4 .4 8.9 10 .11 (71) . Best Monash Blues: Ryan 2 Williams 2 Newman Strauss WaLsh : Williams McCormick Murchte Walsh O'Sullivan Prosser. Old Carey* McKinstry 4 Wiliam : 41. Cohen Marshall . Best: Curry Bull Williams McKiustry Marshall P. Graham. 2.1 2 .3 3.6 4.6 (30) iY BLACKS 1.0 1 .3 4 .6 7.10 (52) y ~_ Cross Gftm Noonan Dyer . Best: Cross Dyer Moran P. Williams Gilliam Pro4utton .Un3-vef&9ty Blacks ; Grieg 2 Hannan Leech Moffat Iwaniw Peck . Best: Hannan Straunton Roberts Neville Coleman Grieg . 6 .7 6.8(44) 1[TA,WIIOE ASSUMPTION 1 .3 3.6 2 .5 4.10 8.12 (60) AQUOM 2 .0 Be e Assumption : '[hackaTay 3 Shuttlearo°tkh Frew J .Scoble. Best : Shu .-, .uv:th T.Scoble J .S:oble Fryer FWayson Frew. Mills 2 Dltch6eld 2 Hunt Field Barmby Cogfdan. Best : Lyng . .: . Barclay Coghlan Boland . 1 5 .4 5.5[35 ) 'W :G ~ 0 .2 2.4 I lY 4 .4 5.6 6 .7 7.10 (52) i; ' :rten 2 Brown I Edwards I J .Clark I . Best: J .Clark . D.O1 S.Clark t'c P r Stafford Bayne . Yn .-cn Valley., Keogh 5 Larden I Kerr 1 . Best: Davies Hmc Keogh Potter Joiner Ross .
Old Camber rel) 12 40 Aquinas 4 39 Banyu)e 3 38 St Leos 2 38 Dl?2ESERY E
37 Old Camberwell 4 Yarra Valley 5 27 Ivanhoe 0 27 Old Geelong 0 21 St Leos 0 20
Old Carey v. St . Leos Emmaus University Blacks v. Monash Blue s Ivanhoe-Assumption v. Banyule Old Camberwell v . Old Geelong Yarra Valley v . Aquinas
~_S O .C .
Coach : Greg Whftcroft Coach : Tim Powell Coach : Jarrod 0'Hiell Coach: St hen Bo x Res Coach: Marcus Spencer Res Coach : John Harvey Res. Coach : Hoi iard Field Res Coach : Rohan Doherty Coach : Brad Hall 1 S 1 R. Mills 1 T. Egan .Cha Res . Coach: Colin McDonald pma n 1 J McLean 2 T Jame s 2 C. Thomas 2 D.Witchell 2 J. Baxter (VCR) . Conley 3 L 3 T. Vandersluis 3 S .Kayrooz 1• S . Holloway 3 A Inkster . Maud 4 G . Chessari 4 N Lippiatt 5 M . Boland 4 M .Gilbert 2• M 6 D. Minogue 5 B .Wiimore 3 . C . Tucker 5 D . Rogers 5 S Horskins . T. O'Neill 6 M . Newman 6 A Seeley 7 C. Glennie 6 W .Keenan 4 5 . J . Scoble 7 M Scott 8 J . Jess 7 G .Shaw 7 P. Farrar 8 S . Kelly 8 B .Cantwell 6 . T. Healy (DVC) 8 S . Thompson 8 J Heffernan 9 T. Harkin 9 J .Plant 7 . P. Rawley 9 J. Godde 9 J Goodale 10 S . Webster(VC) 10 M Hanson 10 D. Boland 10 B .Moxin 8 . J ..Shuttlesworth Healy 12 R Kapoor . E 10 C. Field 11 S .Cross 9 11 M . Spencer 13 L Gladman . P. Lee (VC) 12 G . Smyt h 11 M . Barmby 12 J .Egan 10 . Valkanis 14 R Whitehead 12 A. Bethune 13 C.Burke 11 . D 13 A . Herrman 15 L Cai n 13 D. Denbraber 14 B .Woodiock 12. B . Finlayson 14 B . Merlin 16 D Walker 13 C. Jeffrey 15 S .Gray 13. S . Narkiewicz (DVC) 16 B . Tatterson 17 N Credlin . P. Flynn (C) 17 P 14 A . Lorkin 16 A .Dooley 14 . O'Neill 18 A Browniess 15 A. Williams 17 T.Chapman 15 . J . Curtin 18 K . Hendratta 19 J O'Neil l . R . Harley 19 G 16 J . Hunt 18 J .Turnbuil 16 . Gilbert 20 D Mitchell 17 M . Denavi 19 P.Witchell 17 . S . Morris 20 N . Sereda 21 T Hardman 19 G. Whitehead 20 S .Piayiair 18. T. Scobie 21 C . Gregory 22 B Howard 20 P. Pares 21 R.Dintinosante 19 . D. Wood 22 R . Kamphuis 23 D Lill e 21 J . Pierce 22 N.Taylor 20 . M . Sadoti 23 G . Harry 24 D imberger 22 S . Flynn 23 S .Gray 21 . L. Blackwood 24 T. Craven 25 A Hardenberg 23 J . Livingstone 24 C.Wilks 22. G. Raco 25 J . Hawkins 26 C Williams 24 P. Harper 25 L.Martin 23 . D. Ryan 26 B . Jondahl 27 A Sheed y 24 . B . Frew . 28 J Web b 25 B . Volombello 26 H .McDermott 27 N . De Young 29 D Gough 25. J . Frisina 26 R. Weekes 27 P.Healy 28 J . Main 30 R Perryma n 26 . M . Emerson 27 S . Jone s 28 D.Sproules 29 J . Ross 31 S Ham 27 . K . Smith 29 N 29 R.Kreskas 30 L. Creamer 30 C. . Davies Coiliver 30 DMutton 29 28 . J . Pace 31 S . Hawkins 32 J Clyne . C. Hocking D Joyce 31 M . Hunter 31 C.Bassett 32 B . 33 Boyer 34 P McCrae 32 J . Bleakney 32 J .McDermott 30 . M . Sloan 33 J . Smith (C) 35 B Tipper 33 C. Wooden 33 A.Plant 31 . D. McFarlane 34 P. Maiden 36 S Derry 34 M . Tarulili 34 C.Stevens 32 . L. Pearce 35 D . Murchie 37 A Hillier 35 R. Chapman 35 L.O'Conneli 33 . S . McGowan 36 A . Williams 38 T Hallo, 36 A. Everitt 36 M .George 34 . B . Joyce 37 M . Donnelly 39 A Hill s 37 G. Macklin 37 T.Thompson 35 . P. Whitehead 38 R. Anderson 40 J Derry 38 B . Moran 38 G ..Bell 36 . C. Zeegers 39 C .Buriey 41 L Ryan 39 L. Sheffield 39 A .Hopgood 37 . S . Saunders 40 M . Bolton 42 A McKenzie 40 A. Cultrera 40 C.Taylor 38 . R. Peoples 42 S . Young 43 S Collins 41 C. Bambury 41 M .Natoli 39 . M . Ebbage 43 R. Feenaghty 44 S Smith 42 R. Moran 42 C.Taylor 40 . P. Martin 44 D. Teesdale 45 A Taylor 43 M . Slattery 43 L.Ferral 41 . C. McDonald 45 R . Walsh(CR) 46 R Heath 43 . M . Evans 47 T Kearne y 44 P. Glennie 44 P.William s 46 A . Ryan 48 S Properjohn 44 . A. Pace 45 G. Coyle 45 B .White 45 47 S . Mentha . Fryer 49 J Hardman .D 46 M . Hope 46 D.Nasraliah 48 K . McIntyre 50 B McKenzie 48 R . Register 47 D.Searle 46 . M . lacouangell 49 R. Bursto n 51 J Owen 49 D. Poynton 48 P.Starman 48 . R. Toogood 50 A. Clark 52 G Ormsby 49 . A . Rosenfeld 50 M . Ditchfieid 49 A .Small 52 N. Moresi(VCR) 53 R Tem one 52 M . Come 50 M .Smith 50 . D. Schulze 53 J Peel p 54 A Margetts 51 . D. Pearce 54 R. Green 55 J 54 M . O'Halloran 51 L.Sheean Ga n . Sampson 55 I . S 55 J . Crouch 52 D.Noonan 52 . McCormick 56 N Stevenson 56 J . Harrington 53 K.Scholes 53 . M . Chazan 56 R. Reith 57 A Bryson . Mazocoa 57 P . J 58 D . Robinson 54 G .Kemp 68 . Munro 58 P Triantafyllou 59 A . Bentley 55 D.Williams 78 . C. Brown 58 C . Strauss 59 M Butterworth 62 L. Bradshaw 56 PArnold 88 . N . Dykes 59 B . Carstein 60 B Mcilwain 63 A . Barrie 57 A .Covey 99 . G . Robertson 60 S . Lloyd 61 J Parker 64 T. Robinson 58 L.Hoit 61 P. Campbell 62 J Mile s 68 J . Cogian 62 B . Droscher 64 M Knowles 70 C. Lyng 64 J . Sleiman 65 N Saffar 71 G. Evans 65 G . Poigiase 67 G Rowe 72 M. Riley 66 N. Brennan 69 W Ear l 86 B . Barclay 67 B . Ryan 76 D Brauer 68 M . Meehan 69 P. Grabiel 71 J . Sondhu 75 S . Edquist
zi ~ ALL ELE( '~ L HOME .vrruAivi:ES
9 8 5 ^ ~'- ~~. 1
ol Section OLD GEELONG
OLD CAREY h: Chrfs Hickey eg. Coadt: Paul ontgomery M ~~ John Ellio tt 1, c. Angus 2. D. Faelis 3 M . Cohen 4. C. Esle r 5, A. Jackson g C Campbell
Coach: Jon Edgar Res Coacq: Jim Pearson Club 18: Sean Wilson
1 D .Salter 2 4 5 6
J.Nevins C .Stinchcombe T.Redin T.O'Brien
7, R.Oppy 8_ D. Walsh
7 J. Paul
g . D. Shutie 10 . K . Shrives 1 . N . Everest 1 2 , L. Battley 13 . B . Hutchison
9 J .Foley
14 . C. Phillips
15 . L. Chamberlain 16 . R . Graham 7. J . Daniher 18 . C. Matthew s 1 9. R. Bardwel l 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . R.Leo n ;22 . S . Vtal i g 23. T. Pri ce 24 . P. U nkl es 251 N. Detarczynski 26 .` D. Sherr 37. N. Vasilopoulos
28 . P. Nance
29 . S . Assim o ,30. A. Guerra 31 . J .Ward
32 ; P. Graham
33:,J . Mai =34. W. Giannikos
8 T.Seymour 10 J .Smith 11 L.Stevens
13 H . Mclnnes 14 H .Power 15 H .McCa rthy 16 H .O'Brien 18 C.Bird
19 P.Broadbent 20 S .CoIe 21 22 23 24 25 27
S .Jones J .Fitzgerald B .Couch M .Jaugietis S .Whitehead W.Paul
28 A Farrar 29 D.Bofton 31 D. Varley 32 J . Cook 33 B .Collins 34 M .Goldswo rthy
35. S . Hardy
35 H.Burbank
36. B. Birkill -37. D. Palmer 38 1 . Cohe n '39. P. Bennett 40:` T. Fuggle
36 37 39 40
41 . A. Gates 42. P. Montgome ry 43. D. Williams 44. C. Batt le 45. T. Bull 46. H. Giannikos 47. A. Wilkie 48. C. Popplewell
49. W. Mudge
50, A. Kent 51 . P. Drake 52. H . Francis 53. B. Harvey 54. K. Giannikos 55. A. Ross 56. B. Malin 57. P. Konstantinidis 58. J. Boncher 59. C . Mason 60. T. Moulton 61 . A. McKinst ry 62. S. May 63. T. Wh,elaw 64. Mal Heppell 65. D . Elsner 67 . C . Hickey 68, S. Ha rt
A.Opie J .Fanning A.Farnsworth M .Avery ry
41 T.Carty 42 H.Browning
43 H.Legoe 44 p,Simpson 45 B.Parnell 46 J . Fitzgerald 50 M .Wilkinson
51 J .Kilpatrick 52 N. Kemp 54 LHeine 56 M .Leslie 58 L .McDonald
ST LEOS EMMAUS UNlVERSITY BLACKS WATTLE PARK Coach : David Miller Res Coach : Jason Fennel 1 D. Dinicolantonio 2 J. Hodder 3 E. Mitchell . Aulis 5 4 SA. oBuckle 6 D Care ..7A Burgess 8 M . Volpi 9 D. Lear A. Bethune 9 10 B. Mitchell 11 S. McCann 12 T. McCan n 13 A. Hu han 13 A. Kre~s
14 J. Manton
15 A. O'Reilly 16 A. Rose 17 R . Parke r 18 R . McCan n 19 B. Care y 20 D . Bru ce 21 G . Simmondson 22 S. Willis 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E. McLaughli n . Dar ~ 30 S M. Ottoere 31 N . Zanni s32LPrice 33 L Moss 34 B . Henrkus 35 R . Briggs 36 S . Bavag e 37 S . M anto n 38 N . Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Gal 41 J . Za 42 M . Floo d 43 B . Levins 44 M . Dimble 45 S . Ronchi 46 M . Blundell M . Renne r 48 A. Dal
49 C. Ha~eld 50 P. Hu m hre s 51 P. McGPoin y 52 R. McGloin 53 A. Volpi 54 J . Fennel l 55 S . Smith 56 D. Domi k 57 M . Place 58 J . F'eldstad 59 D, F~itcher
6~ S. Ea`wardsd 62 A. Raynor 63 P. Nolan 64 D. McKean 65 N. Foley. . 66 J. Blandom 68 8. OCon or 69 S. Mescher 70 D . McGloin 71 B. Allan 72 A. Burgdo rf 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C . Vaugh an 8 M'Tn be Whitney 79 80 H . Meehan 81 D . Behan 88 S. Pitche r 89 D . Winduss
69 . 0. Winchester
70 . J. Marshal l 71 . S . Feehan 72. M .Yarnall
t. o V>: t D c K 5
74 . M . Curry
77. P. Dalton 88 . rvai Heppe ;;
www. benmac
. Coach : Kane Bowden Res Coach: James Trevaskis 1 G Darroch
2 S Chandler 3 W Martin 4 M Vaughan
4 D Wilkinson 5 R Mackie 6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 WPascoe 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 12 M Cunningha m 13 T Jessen
13 S Locke 14 J Leech
15 L Mellings 16 P Oaccaviello 17 L Brown 18 A Wilso n C Franklin
20 E Hannan
21 C Schillin g 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfiel d 26 J RYan 27 A Clements 28 A Costello 29 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 S Mocd~ 35 J Mirtsc in 36 H Peck 37 N Robe rts 38 L Beaton
39 R Greig
40 G Sullivan 41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gadd 43 C Beaton 44 R McArthur 45 M Coleman
46 R Board
ur h 7 48 BAM Moi~ate 49 P Greenbank 50 J Heeley 51 A Neville 52 C Schirmer 53 D O'Keefe 54 M Braszell 4
55 G Thomson
5~7 D Sagely 58 A Paton 59 O Toose 61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaski s 66 N Howell 68 P O'Beirne 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihill 73 S Macki e 75 WTouzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evan s 78 R Owen 79 R Drummor4 g0 M Tehan 81 A Dore 82 C Baulch 83 P Molloy
YARRA VALLE Y Coach: Tim Killwort h Res Coach: Rowan Davi s 1 R Pearc e
2 T Morri s 3 R Thompso n 4 M Fung 5 A Dre w 6 D Howse
7 R Dre w 8 L Morri s 9 J Kee m 10 T Hancoc k 11 F Macvea n
12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Krus e 15 N Pas k 16 L Taylor 17 A Lain g 18 L White 18 D Ross 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hale 21 M Wines 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davie s 25 F Pellegrino 26 J Lon 9wo rt h
27 S Savag e 28 B Re nold s 29 R Couy tts 30 D Po tte r
31 B Stu rz ake r 33 P Cremean 34 C Fraser 35 B Peake 37 D Balsha w
38 B Morrison 39 J Tompkin s 40 T Fyffe 41 B Downs 42 A Stone 43 H Park 44 J H o
45 S Tressider 46 D Ireland 47 D Lang 48 R Davie s 49 S Seabourn e 50 C Box 51 C Reynold s 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrath 55 P Peterson 56 T Lloyd 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joine r 60 C Ross 61 P Valoppi
62 P Buruma
84 W Dalton
63 B Whitechurch 64 M Bat e
87 A Cowley
65 R Lan g
88 N Abbott
66 D March 67 M Busch 71 7 3 T Llo yd 74 A Midlan d 76 J Dickson 79 S Tressider
85 B Webe r 86 D Creek 89 T Beggs
90 D Atki n A Wh i e2 S Milne~ r k _ A q Me ~iealfe J Mi rtschin E Nolan R Moreton
LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundle
3_._11, -1- 5 YEARS AGO - 1996 'A' sections second, third and fourth places were "up for straight kicking" . Collegians 44, Old Hai)eybury and Old Scotch 32 then five teams level on 28, Ol d Scotch, U. Blues, De La Salle, Old Xaverians, St Bernards, Old Melburnians . St Bernard's coach could not make the connecting flight back from the Olympic Games in Atlanta in time for the St Bernards v . Ormond clash . Well, the result would not have pleased him as Ormond got themselves out of tenth place with a 3 point win, 11 .10 (76) to 10 .13 (73) . Ormond's best was the polished Ashley On who returned to his best form of several years ago . Other Ormond stars were Darren Edgell and Michael Shepherd, while Jack Overman for St Bernards continued his excellent form. Old Haileybury were very disappointed after the game against Collegians and why not? 33 points ahead at half time, the Bloods lost the plot in the third quarter to score only one point, and led by only one goal at the last change . The final term was tough, OH missed some easy shots and when the siren went Collegians had won 11 .11 (77) to 10 .10 (70). Best were Kenneally, Galbraith, Deane-Johns, Wallace (Coll) and Seccull, Connell, Hucker, Rowlands (Old Haileybury)
The VAFA and Hampton Rovers were saddened to hear of the death of Fred Coldrey in CQueensland. 70 years association with Hampton Rovers, member of the VAFA executive from 1939 to 1982 manager of interstate teams, always on hand to do a job Fred was still helping at the VAFA office two weeks before his death mailing out the Amateur Footballer . 10 YEARS AGO - 199 1 Fifty games to young De La Salle wingman, Andrew Mackintosh - drink with him at the Prince Alfred Hotel and you'll wish you never started . A bit of an exception to the usual run of school captains at De La. Umpire Ken Coughlan whistled his 250th game also a great toiler for the VAFAUA . It was a dual celebration for Old Mentonians when senior captain Russell Maguire and player's representative, Dean Rogers, ran out for their 200th games . Russell had starred as a rover, and named his father, Fred as his boyhood hero and career influence and his greatest moment in football, Old Mentonians 1990 'C' Section premiership. Dean, as well as being treasurer, was most consistent twice and runner up best and fairest . North Old Boys continued their great form in 'A' section, one loss, when they were far too good for
sixth team, Old Scotch, 16 .11 to 10.15 . North's stars were Jones, Cahill, L Moloney, Egan (5 goals) . It was a traffic jam in 'B' section for third and fourt] positions, Banyule, Old Mentonians 28, Oli Xaverians, Old Paradians, Parkside 24, Old Trinit (44) and St Bernards (36) looked safe for top tw;, positions. U19 coaches were Phil Aarons (Coll), Denni; McGrory (De La Salle), Adrian Williams (Maz), Marl Swain (Old B'ton), Tony Gilchrist (Old Hail), Davic Way (Old Paradians),Terry Kendall (Old Scotch) Andrew Ralph (Old Xavs), John Veal (Ormond) an( Terry Davis (St Bernards) . 15 YEARS AGO - 1986 The Collegians machine continued to roll on wher they annihilated Ormond at the Harry Trott by 9( points, 22 points ahead at half time, Collegians weri too skilful, their passing, foot and hand, wa precise, and in a fairly physical game, Phil Kingstor and Russell Barnes came off second best in physica clashes . Collegians best were A . Ingleton, Bickford Irvine, Herman, Lemon, Pollock. Ormond's besi player was full back Mark Crampton who restrictec A' section leading goalkicker, Ian Roberts to 1 goal . 200 games to Warren Tuckey (C'wealth Bank), 15C games to Steve Morris (Ormond), Paul Bain (UHSOB), 100 games to Paul 'Freddy Forsyth (Ormond) and Greg Connolly (St Bedes), 150 games to umpire John Horwood .
Bernie Dunn was pleased with his boys at Them when they moved closer to the 'B' section four with a 42 point win over fourth placed Parkside, 19 .17 to 13.11 . Best were Gibson, Crotty, Biddlestone (Therry) and Williams, Glasgow, Papas (P'side) . Bulleen-United (E) were still undefeated. Old Essendon, on top in 'F lost their first game when they went down to second team, UHSOB, 10 .11 to 12 .14 . Best were Flavel, Buckman, Vestas (UHSOB) and Bishop, Bilby, Price (Old Essendon) . 250 games to Parkside's Robert Poyntz, 150 games to Gary Johnston (B'wick) and Steve Graham (MHSOB) . Uni Blacks saluted the 250 games played by Ross Perrett who commenced as a junior way back in 1972, played in 1974 'A' section premeirship team, captained the team in 1977 to 1981 and won many other honours . His smiling face and rugged football had won the respect of all .
In appalling conditions at University Oval, Marcellin
l;cpt their hopes of avoiding relegation alive with a b, point win over Uni Blues . Best were M . Getson and J. Amad. 20 YEA RS AGO - 19 8 1 old Paradians saluted 200 games for Tony Johnson who joined the club as a junior in 1967, played in the club's 'B' grade flag, won the best and fairest in 1975 and captained the team in 1978 and 1979 and still kicks the occasional drop kick . :uid in the umpiring business, Brian (Benny) Goodman also reached the 200 mark - in 11 ~easons, 18 finals and 17 grand finals. And in case spectators might have queried Benny's football laiowledge, Benny played 105 games between 1965 aiid 1970 with Brunswick Amateurs, winning the club's best and fairest in 1968 and 1970 . A recurring shoulder injury curtailed his football career. De La Salle held on to fourth place and cost Ormond ,'second spot when they trounced the 'Monds, 10.5 to 6:I2. Best were Frantic, Brown, Connolly (De La) and Ritchie, Robertson, McCooke (Ormond). 01d Trinity bottom in 'D', beat Old Ivanhoe by 10 points in a high standard prolific scoring game, 22 .8 to, 20 .10. Stars were O'Shaughnassy (9 goals), Biirell, Wardrop (Old Trinity) and Eunington, K . Hogan, Marshall (Old Ivanhoe) . Coaches in 'E' section were P. Darvell (AMP),Garry Rosewarne (E'wick), Tony Sheehan (Latrobe), Wayne Kirby (Old Ment .), Danny Demir (N . B'wick), J . Carlyle (Princes Hill), Arthur R . Jackson (Thomastown), Brian Grace (Thury) and A. McNair (U.`Reds) . Who coached ANZ Bank, Beverly Hills, Old Geelong? 25.YEAR.S AGO - 1976 South Australia won their third successive AAFC Carnival when they beat Victoria, the hot favourites, lip 34 points in the final match on the Barton Oval. It'was a distinct reversal of form by the SA's who were not convincing in their win over Tasmania .
SA 3 .2 7 .3 15 .7 19.12 (126) Vic 5 .1 7 .2 9 .4 14.8 (92) Go,ds: Butcher 5, Hansen 4, Shepherd, Silberberg, Booth, Bourne, Griffiths . I3est: Griffiths, Hansen, Rice, Bates, Maguire, Bourne . FIT saluted veteran Geoff Fletcher who broke the club record of 245 games held by Robert Sharp . In his 18 years with the club, Geoff had at various times, been president, coach, captain and coach . 300 games to Collegians personality, Bruce Ferguson, a player with the club since 1960, and %'Fetorian representative in 1966. `7onash Blues, goalless at halftime, to St Bernards, 4 .6 and 21 points down at the last change, got up to Mn by 1 point, and allow De La Salle to take second l)lace in 'A' section. Best for Monash were, Black, O'Dwyer, Cheatly. Lc-'s Murray (North OB) kicked 10 goals in the club's 14 Point win over University Blues, 18 .13 to 16.11 . ca â&#x20AC;&#x17E;,.- . . .
Other stars were Horan, Butera (NOB) and Sharp, Sammon, Rabone (U . Blues) . 30 YEARS AGO - 197 1 200 games to John (Egg) Elliott the first Old Carey player to reach that number. Captain from 1962 to 1965, John won the best and fairest trophy in the club's 1961 premiership team. A double century also to Dennis Davies of St Kevin's Old Boys - as the scribe said "a bachelor, he is believed to be losing his grip of late" . Collegians and MHSOB staged a "relegation saver" game with high kicking 5 .2 to 1 .2 in the third quarter to seal the game and win by 19 points . Collegians suffered a setback when vice-captain Phil Pryor was carried off unconscious on a stretcher and taken to hospital after an accidental blow to the head . Vengeance was Old Trinity's when they easily defeated Assumption, 21 .9 to 8 .8 at Elsternwick Park . Fletcher, G . Fellows (5 goals) and Emerson were best while Stevens and Phil Cohen each kicked 6 goals . 35 YEARS AGO - 196 6 In the worst weather conditions for some years, 3 leading teams were defeated - Melbourne High, Old Carey (on top in 'D' section), and AJAX, who suffered their first loss for the season at the hands of Assumption who lead all day and won, 11 .6 to 8 .6 . Jackson, McMahon and Munari (Assumption) and Janover, Duzenman and Perelberg (AJAX) were best . Surprise of the day was hackman "Crash" McMahon's 2 goals .
Top 'C' section sides, St Bernards and Old Brighton staged a low scoring thriller with the home side victors 5 .6 to 5 .5 . Mudlarks were Reidy, K. Hampson, Mahoney (St Bernards) and Berry, Code and D. Mayers (Old Brighton) . 100 games to John Taylor (Kew), Bruce Ferrall (AMP) . Best "trueboot" performance of the round Geelong's Guy Wilson with 6 goals against Preston . 50 YEARS AGO - 1951 Commonwealth Bank continued their hoodoo run over Ormond who took a 1 point lead in time on only to see Bank clear the ball down to a certain ruckman who held the mark of the day and capped a magnificent display with the winning goal . (Gympie - 1951's press correspondent believed in anonymity - will your archives give the ruckman's name?). Or as Ormond scribe, Dr. J.R . Porter, penned "The fickle dame transferred her affection in our encounter with the Bank . A few chips light in that settlement" . Col Campbell, Ron McFarlane and Laurie Holman were Ormond's best . In 'B' section Geelong held off determined finish by visitors Alphington who kicked 3 goals and a poster in 4 minutes to get within 7 points when Tom Russell tore through to goal with a long punt . Alan Vizard with clever scouting, kicked 4 goals for the home side.
Winning Edge Presentations
Round 13 results followed my forecasts in 90% of matches, some of which were really close contests . Although the Section i four is virtually decided, the contest in Section 2 is still wide open . REVIEW OF ROUND 13 SECTION 1 A depleted Old Scotch proved no match for the stronger and more talented Old Melburnians, who won convincingly by seventy eight points. Forwards, A. Bains and C . Tomlinson as well as ruckman Michael Verge and on ball player S . Arden were best for Old Melburnians . For Old Scotch the best were ; S. Pryde and A Kyriakou . A dominant opening quarter by Old Brighton set up their victory over Brunswick. Brunswick players could not bridge the gap throughout the game, which gave victory to Old Brighton by forty points. Best for Old Brighton were ; half backs, Gil Norwood and Marcus Barber as well as wing man, Dane Bowden . Brunswick's best were ; ruck rover, Ray Mainelli, defender, Steve Kannegiesser and Captain, Vin Gaffy at centre half forward.
Prahran returned to top form against Therry Penola, who again fell down up forward, which must be frustrating for their defenders who win the ball well . Among the best for Prahran in their "Nelson" victory by one hundred and eleven points were; full forward, Nigel MacPherson, centre half forward "Ant"(Anthony) Lawrence, who kicked six goals, half back, Andrew Tucker and full back, Chris Morton. Old Xaverians who dominated all over the ground in their one hundred and nine point win over Mazenod, were well served by ; defender, Hall (No 5) and by 1997 Mason Medallist, Tim O'Sullivan . For Mazenod the best were; Dylan Evans, Mick Fothergill, Richard Bourbon (full back), and rover, Darren (The Freak) Harvey. A very inaccurate first quarter marred the victory by St Kevins over De La Salle . After only holding an eleven behind lead at half time, St Kevins did lift their standard in the second half as they recorded victory by thirty six points - more than double the De La Salle score. Best players for St Kevins were George and Louis Katavolas, Shaun Van Der Wert and Gerard Mulcahy . De La Salle had good performers in; Paul Fiume, Paul Fisicaro, Mark Rosel and Captain David "Bomber" Jennings, who according to "The General" was best on the ground!! SECTION 2
An undermanned, St Leos proved no match for Marcellin who won by forty two points after what was a lack lustre match . Their best were ; "Wogga", who also answer to Maurice Becchetti, Peter Sexton as well as the Matthews and Symes Brothers . St Leos were best served by ; Mark Blundell, Linton Thomas and Martin Contessotto.
Early in their game against Old Trinity, Collegians opened a commanding lead and
were never headed . Collegians ended up winning by fifty points . Aided by very accurate kicking and Donvale, Old Geelor proved superior to Whitefriars as the visitors won t fourteen points.
The University Blacks versus Old Essendon match W, a -very even contest where the outcome remained i doubt until the final siren. Old Essendon eventual triumphed by the minimum margin, despite ti University Blacks having a lot more use of the ba Again the Blacks forwards could not conve opportunities . Old Essendon have now entered the t< four for their first time and their final position is now . their own hands . Best players for University Blacl were; Nick Remfiy, Nick Howell, Darren Creek, D . aO'KefndTimLlw The Monash Blues versus Old Ivanhoe match was a ve even contest throughout . At half time Old Ivanhoe led 1 the minimum margin . Old Ivanhoe gained ti ascendancy during the third quarter before Mona Blues rallied as exhorted by coach, Glenn Trigg ai leveled the scores . As befitting the top side, Old Ivanh, rallied and survived a nail biting finish to win by eig points. Best players for Old Ivanhoe were ; Christoph Lynch and Andrew Weisz. Monash Blues were be served by, Ben and Mark Dods, Chris Howe, Matt Rodd and Bryce Collier. PREVIEW OF ROUND 14 SECTION 1 With their recent form being the better, I select a Brighton to overcome Old Scotch and win their thi match of the season, especially as the match will 1 played at Brighton Beach Oval .
It is no easy task to select the winner of the Ther Penola and Brunswick match . Neither side h impressed this season as each has found scort difficult . I select Therry Penola to win especially as U game will be played at Oak Park . De La Salle face a tough match against Prahran, who r into form last week . Prahran have some football tale and De La Salle can't expect an easy four points . Round 5, De La Salle triumphed by twenty nine poin Today I forecast a much closer outcome . I feel this coa be the upset of the round as I select Prahran . Old Melburnians should win again at the expense Mazenod. In what could be a Grand Final rehearsal, St Kevins hc Old Yaverians, who triumphed in their Round 5 mat( Even though St Kevins have led the section most of t season, I still rate the Old Xaverians highly and sel(
to win against St Kevins today . SGG TroN 2 who travel to Albert Park to play Collegians, . in round 5 ;; In to stay in final's contention n j :,r ellin won by twenty nine points . Since the llin have had a real topsy turvey season whereas . Marcellin Co((c,il.ns have enjoyed consistent success o touch with th e ithe wi n s a greatt motivator, mr, s today, I select -atecn~ ~intcellin . m able to defeat ;,1 G, elongn eat Como Par s should e , to recommend k ither side ha much bfor ;; our the home side, who are Old Geelong,,iiti- to University Blacks against Whitefriars could (i-,~,}t back in the top four . At home and despite thei r Blacks to win . 111, Ct;ve forward line, I tip Universitybe the Old Ivanho e ll Elimination Final wi ;1 :er vital Old Essendon match at Chelsworth Park . Old adon, went down by forty two points in round 5 and with their first final appearance a likely reward , -,,,III be desperate. However as the game is o n 1
De La Salle - Paul Fuisne played hi s game for the club last week (21/7) In the Mighty 'W's . The Fuime played in two Senior Grand Final sides in 92 & 93 and played in two winning u/ 19 p'ship teams in 88 & 89 along with a Reserves flag in 91 . Kev Mannix played his 100th game (14/ 7) against Therry, another Mannix with some different to offer on the field . Well done Seb 1 Steve Bolt 100 games against St Kevins (21/7), started in u/ 19s in 1988, a few years at tennis before his passion for footy got the better of him .
cont inued on page 62 A
-DA E9 S O
Club =II (1 ) Old Brighton v . Old Scotch Therry Penola v . Brunswic k Amateurs - to be played at Arn~ De La Salle v . Pra]r er Old Melburnians v. Mazeno d from ,t h.-. vins v Old Xaverians - game switched played Righetti Oval) . original draw C (to Club XVIII (2 ) Collegians v . Marcellin Old Geelong v . Old Trinity University Blacks v . Whitefriar s St. Leos Emmaus v . Monash Blues Old Ivanhoe v . Old Essendon
CLI,-,l is (IL
1 .3(g) 0 .0 1.1 1 .2 OLD SCOTCH 6.6 10.11 12 .15 (87) 0tp ,,rLgURNIANB 1 .3 .Leeds : Kydakou Gilchrist Thompson White D O:d Scotehe Gilchrist. Best :Batns3C .Tomlmson3RoseRiFgCoope' raAsLOld H€ R th ford r Rtg g : Burdeu Addnson u e ont J Tomlinson . Best ) i,, :~n mgues . ,'rf. Phiiltps T. Robbins (F.4 .5(29) . 4 „„qrtC 1 .2 2.3 2 10.9 (691 1C. HfON 6.1 7 .2 7.7 .Lovett e Cheyn vs;: B.Lovett 2 Sacco Gaily. Best: Forster Ltuzz! B n .li James . Old Brighton : Cochran 2 Dooley 2 Cochian 2 Rya d Robinson Pemberton . Best: Bowden Jenkm Robinson Norwoo . NAILER (F) Lb -ton Umpires : R. BENSON P 2 .5(17) t . .tOLA 19 141128) : Lawrence 6 MacPherson 3 Doud 2 Green 2 Pritchard 2 T • Goats roll Cooke Jones. Best: Lawrence Tucker MacPhersonerMorton s Loud Therry Penola: Lees Kuret. Rest- Lewis Ca rt Carbi . .., lannayzo O`fiearney Umpires : R. Parker MM- Umpire (F ) .1 4.3(27) S'ut :; 0.0 2 .0 2 1.7 2 .11 5 .13 8.15 (63) S1 .F;V5 s Cr_ La S_.Lt: Rudd Robinson McGrath Fiume . Best: P.Ftume D.Jenntngs2 .L : in P.Flsicaro A .Tucker. St.Kevina: Hourigan 3 L.Katavolas an der Wert Rattle . Best :: G .Katavolas Crowe Day -: :; Ratile. Umpires: D . ti'Tmdlow M. Thornhill (F) 3 .1 4.2(26) '0 .0 1 .0 3,5 7.9 15.12 20.15 (135) r;m F2M8 : Palamara Evans Harve y ,°ton. Best t'sazlerBiistonFlight HarNi< 6 B . Matthews 6 ,I GuStano Balloeh. old Xac'erinas: R. George .Carra)us R. George : C ey Fay Curnow O'Sulli+,an Best Fowler " B. Matthews Dalton . Umpires: L . Mcmtyre Mazenod Umplre (F)
Cartlidge Matthews Tomlinson George Katavoulo s Oakley Bonnyman Collier Holsm an Woods
LST WK TOTA L CLUB CLUB dVIII / 1 51 Prahran 39 Old Xaverians 32 Old Melburnians 27 Old Xaverlans 24 St Kevins CLUB XvI1i/2 27 Collegian s 20 Whitefrlars 19 Monash Blues 17 Collegians 14 Monash Blues
(68) MAReRLLIN 9 .14 ST LEOS EMMAUS WATI.LS PARK 2 .4(16) I Cal I l a,)o15t~Lem ble Gribbte D om I S1~P~t: Non-is BecchetU Sexton.Cull O'Halloran Best: Farqhar'17mmas only Emmaus Wattle Park: Thomas . Jackson (F) 3 . Jackson T Blundell Contesotto Ally G . Umpires .1 (19J : 2.1 P OLD ~ 4 .4 6.3 9 .8 10.9 (69) COLLEGIANSSCOLEGIAN : Dodgson Langdon Cokahs Stebbins Best Old Trinity: Cokalts 2 E Best.: Oakley 3 Grant 3 Cambaro Hams `hlolsman Heaven Chisholm . Ca . Um : M. Pass. Best: Hams Jones Grant Gambaro Lumley Jayatitake ) Cross Old Trinity Umpire (F .8(503 .6 7 6 WHITEFRURS 1 .2 4 .4 .4 (64 OLD GEELONG 6.0 7.0 8 .4 10 : Jackson)Best whitefrFars: Haynes 2 Rallis 2 Bomryman Davies Stilly~k 5 McDonald . Old O~ong° J .Houston Dalton Sully Haynes Keenahan . Umpires : A. 2 Ross Carter Calvert . Best: Ross Cook McDonald Wilkinson Barrington A . Barra (F ) 510 2 2.4 4. UNIVE STly BLACKS {411 .3 5 .452 R 21* N OLD ESSENDO . Best:: Remfry Latdtau : Howell 2 Chandler 2 Reentry University Blacks Turner O'Keefe Creek Howell Vaughan . Old don: Eddy 2 N.O'Conneli . Umpires : Beard Barry. Best: Burns N.O'Connell Barr Turner Poulton Eddy ) R. Windlow University Blacks Umpire (F 5.7(37) 3 .7 MONASH BLUES 2 .2 3.4 6.9(45) 1 .3 3.5 5.7 OLD IVANHOE : Cunnington M Riddle . Best Monash Blues: M . woods 2 hiontigue Collier Dods Coughlin Howe Riddle M Woods . Old Ivanhoe : Lynch 3 Kingston Risstrom Stoey. Best: S1giey Lynch Weisz Taylor Santos English Umpi[r.s: B. Nunn Monash Blues Umpires (F)
V.A .F.A .
"Your Coaches' Association"
Life After Coaching Part 2 (i) Adrian Hurley has coached at three Olympic Games and was the foundation basketball coach at the Australian Institute of Sport. He retired from elite coaching in 1997 to pursue a career in business management. How do you prepare yourself for life after coaching? In the previous article we looked at the skills that coaches possess which can prepare coaches for life after coaching . You can use these skills to take the steps listed below, to help prepare yourself for life after coaching. Educate yourself Read biographies . Biographies tell you a lot about how other successful people in sport, life and business have succeeded. These books provide coaches with a multitude of ideas for coaching and for their personal development . Read philosophies on coaching/teaching and life. I have found it very useful to read publications on philosophies of teaching and coaching . Nothing highbrow, simply what others believe about reaching the inner self for our athletes and ourselves . After one particular presentation to senior government my approach to life was described by a member of the audience as a mixture of Christian values and Zen Buddhism. Those teachings or beliefs can be most useful in coaching your athletes, in the media in writing and in business . Read books, watch business programs, and attend seminars and workshops . I'm sure all coaches have seen the mass of books available at airports on how to better our lives, excel, etc . Our peers write many of these books . The books written about business are most useful (for coaching) as well as for your move into business later in life . Some very useful ones are the quick MBA courses. Try them as they will help your coaching. Get computer literate . Coaching these days requires you to know how to use the Internet for research, scouting, and coaching. Work on your overall knowledge and skills - they will come in handy, whatever you do after coachin g Network you must develop the ability to move about and talk to people . Get to know them, and let them know you. You have a much better chance of pursuing a career in a field where you are known or well known . I know as coaches we sometimes don't have the time
or inclination for networking but it is a must these days . Train yourself in working with the media We all have experience in this area . Some of us are better at it than others . Working with radio or television is not easy and takes a lot of work . Get others to train you, or watch your interviews and work on the little things . I know one of my faults is that I talk to quickly and try to get too much information into answers. While the media prefers this to you having too little to say, it is important that we know our strengths and weaknesses . Write and publis h Though there is rarely much money in writing, it is a good skill to have . Work on putting your thoughts down, keeping diaries of travels, learning how to construct interesting anecdotes etc . I'm sure we have all seen publications from others and thought 'I could do that' and 'why would people read that?' We fail to realise that people want to read about coaches and what they have to say . Your writing might not always be of a technical nature. Remember that in every human being there is at least one good book . Know the share marke t This one might surprise you, but as coaches we are often too busy to invest, or take care of our finances . In this day and age every adult should know about the share market. Even if you don't invest your money personally on the market, and have others do it for you, it is a good thing to know how to check up on those investments . Besides, reading the market can help you on those long aeroplane trips . Provide for the future Invest in superannuation schemes etc. as early as you can . Many coaches are on a contract basis, and if you don't provide for yourself others will not . Have an investment adviser who can help you with taxation . Coaches need to know the best way to organise their business into consultancies, trusts, etc . You are also more able to assist your athletes and advise them on things that they should do with their money for their future . Let the professionals do the advising, but you can keep an eye on things or point them in the right direction . Make sure you are insured properly for injury, loss of wages and liability. We live in a litigious society and coaches are right up there to get sued . By Adrian Hurley Sports Coach Vol 23, No4, 2001
Hard-fought wins to Kew (over Salesian), Williamstown (Powerhouse) and Parkside (La . Trobe) altered the make-up of the four, with the CY's replacing Salesian in second place despite only narrowly defeating the winless Powerhouse. REVIEW Kew controlled the second and third terms against Salesian to lead by 20 pts and 36 pts at each change . Debut ruckman Ayres fed Kew runners Dennis, Blair and Landwehr to apply continual pressure around the ground and on the scoreboard . Bruno (CHB) repelled many attacks, however Salesian lifted a gear in the final stanza . Drive from Canavan and Davey and goals to Logan and Cincotta cut the lead to a kick before Kew hung on for a hard-fought win . Williamstown CYMS and Powerhouse were at opposing ends of the ladder but their fierce rivalry continued with the Piranhas coming out firing . The Burt bros. and Craven helped Powerhouse to a commanding 26 pt lead at qrtr time . The CY's regrouped in the second with Barlow kicking 3 but a deficit remained at the main change . Coach Williams instructed his charges to stick to the game plan, and despite injuries to Bartolo and Monkhorst, the momentum changed with the latter moving to FF and Dumbo into the ruck . The game remained in the balance with 10 minutes to go, but the Will forwards were able to stem the flow from the hard-numing Powerhouse backs to kick two goals and close out the match .
In slippery conditions at Bundoora, Parkside made better use of its early opportunities to lead La Trobe 6 .2 to 1 .7 at qrtr time . The visitors continued to dominate the play but relaxed their intensity and kicked a wasteful 2 .7 to keep the Trobers in the game . The Red Devils expected to cruise for the second half but were given a wake-up call courtesy of a hardrunning opposition whose mobile forwards began to cause problems . La Trobe was again on top in the final term, but Parkside was able to regain some composure to sneak home by two kicks . Santo Pino was best for the winners, while Soligo and Wise provided great run all day . Peninsula recorded an emotional victory over West Brunswick at Mt Eliza. The game was played with frenetic intensity and remained in the balance at the main change . The Pirates took control in the third qrtr by providing plenty of run and capitalizing on their forward thrusts . Payze (9 goals) was a standout in an otherwise even team effort as Peninsula overcame a dogged West Brunswick . It was a great win for the Pirates and a fitting tribute to the Kent family . Oakleigh continued its good form of recent weeks in the first qrtr against Mentone with some attractive
footy played and four goals apiece at the main change . From there, it was all Mentone as Tony Macgeorge booted his 100th goal for 2001 in the second qrtr to help break the Krusher's resilience with a 10 goal term . The Vulture's Rowley had an absorbing battle with Adamic in the ruck, while Dooley continued what has been an excellent month with five majors . Wilkins and Mick Sullivan were among Mentone's best and Perrin made a welcome return from injury. Bromley worked hard for the Krushers on a wing and in defence . PREVIEW The first and second placed sides again meet as Wiili sto hosts Mentone . The CY's play the Fearon well, but the Vultures are still running hot and I don't think they can he held for much more than a half. Mentone continues to have many goal kickers and will be keen to prove once again that the gulf between the two sides is considerable, and should win by 35 points . Salesian should avert a recent form lapse and register its first win in 3 weeks when it tackles Powerhouse at Chadstone . Salesian has had a couple of tough encounters and if Powerhouse can continue its improved form, this could be a good game . With the opportunity to regain second spot still a possibility, Salesian should win by 23 points . La Trobe's slim finals chances look to have gone Mth the four points against Parkside, however its good form and home ground advantage should see it overcome Kew . The Ks have again proved their capabilities but they enjoy a tighter brand of football than the Main allows . The Trobers by 4 goals. O eigla has been pretty good of late, save for last week's thumping at the hands of Mentone . The effect of that loss will determine its fortunes against Peninsula who returned to the winner's list last week . The Krushers are probably a touch ahead of the Pirates, but the result will be close. West Brunswick is due to cause an upset but I cant see this occurring at Parkside's expense . The Red Devils should have too much marking strength and provided last week's tiring encounter hasn't left them flat, enough run to offer their forwards opportunities . The Westies continue to be competitive but will need to apply more scoreboard pressure to prevent a 28 point loss . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Thanks again for all contributors - keep up the good work. Please remember that Milestone and Social info . should be sent directly to the VAFA.
?ay'i:s=c=e - =-n ; r i ;opsc~y 1 50 Games. Andy Copley has hardly missed a game in 8 years at Parkside, due to his fitness and dedication to training . "Grinder" is blessed with great pace which he uses to lay a gutsy tackle or kick an explosive running goal . He accepts occasional "bench warming" without complaint and is respected by his team mates for his great team spirit . More importantly, he provides the good oil on the greyhounds . Daniel McCall 100 Games. Dan McCall gave rugby union away six years ago, and has developed into Parkside's most valuable player. His great strength and football brain makes him the outstanding ruckman in D section, where he gives us first use of the ball . DMac is also a strong mark and reliable kick, and has been placed 1, 2 & 3 in the club best and fairest . He also enjoys the occasional beer. Warren Dean 1 00 Games . Dean Warren is one of the most skilled players at Parkside. He has natural marking and kicking skills, and mobility that enables him to play any position on the ground . Unfortunately, his job restricts his training and fitness which makes senior selection uncertain, but "Hollywood" is a staunch clubman who enjoys his mates at Parkside. Kew - congratulations to Alatthew Dalrymple and Brett Lafranchi, two good Kew clubmen who both play their 100th game today against La Trobe. Matty the strong marking reserve CHB played in the reserves '97 flag win, won Best Finals player trophy and capped it off with the B&F . Brett or "Scoops" usually plays a key fonvard post in the seniors, but due to a late start is the two's leading goalkicker, but no doubt will give the one's a nudge soon . Scoops is our current Treasurer and won Best Clubman in '98 .
4 .4 14.5 22 .10 3219 (211) n7i'?i.:G.11 4.0 6.1 8.6 9.7(61) ta¢z M3cGexge 10 Rowley 6 Matt Sullnan 3 Mick Sullivan 2 0'M1ieara 2 Lairs 2 ctmer2 Etcell W1llte Ferrm 1§'iIldns JWurstan Best : C .su➢ isan Rowiec Mirk Sullivan . I Emmett Johnston. • Ibuky 5 B.Papakopoutcs 3 Clark Best :
F - . Daol~ ,'yAdamic Dalton Taylor B. Papadopoulos. Umpires: B . Mrl.eod G. i(F) : ..l:: :R 6.2 8.5 11 .6 14.6 (90) :. :13dA . CY2.S4 1.6 6.9 8.14 1521 (111) Power Hause: M.Fliggns 4 N .Dodd 3 B .Turner 2 J.Clarke I H .Ctarke I Adrian Burt I ACcntrcra; I Flby}e I. Best: Seracm J.Marshall J.Clarke N.MiIla, Adrian Burt J .Roba3son W' • Barlow 5 Williams i2 Bartab 2 Ferris 2 Monkhurst 2 RAard I Thomsen . Best Barlow wucatsch tryffaikhhurst Munrox MacLeod Mattheas. Umpirm P. Griffiths R Marlyn (F) L b3nii C. 0' Shea (B) A Chin C . DaM (G )
SEW 4.5 9 .7 13.13 13.17(95) B.StMlsAi 52 6.5 8.7 13.11(89) Ser. StepheLS4Tmnet03CuIkn2faiuiuehrRa6alettbodN4odhot~se . Best: Ames Dennis Blau tandurhr Bruno Rbal Salman : Thahm 4 Logan 3 Cincotta 3 M. Fora D. Fom Cam-an . Best : Dam-, Stewn5 Cuamta Campbell Thatn M . Forger. Umpires J. Hefean3n G. Roberts (F) LA?°O6E 1 .7 3.7 9.11 10.12 ('72) PAI zME 6.1 8.8 10 .9 11 .14(80) LaTrohc Le41'2Edwards2CIcse2Pary2Ctmmwu,, ShHdrkk. BesCPemMurr-a v -- -+ ng Forrest Eduarcls. Partsade: Mood , 5 Few W. Beek Chikntt Fine Sohp Romano Adams StrinehouseNkCaM . G . Pakodmics (F) 5 4.2 7.5 13.10 19.13 (127) 3.4 6.5 7.6 9.11(65) (Peninsula PP}ze 9 A Persons 3 Franks 3 A Landry 2 ;ceison J Coughlan . Pa}zeGoSdthapeAAtctiumPownty&mcknCrean . West1hunswid a ' Edwards 2 Sleltcai 2 Dis}wn Bagnall Vence Lehmann Stewart, Best : Hc(pe11 Edwalds Tw}dord CannacBVia[('Ilarripson. Umpires P.14'oods C. Stettrvs (J) (F)
Congratulations and good luck to Matthew and Brett on your achievements for the Brown & Gold from all at Kew.
Peninsula - congratulate Steve White on playing his game this week. Steve has developed into a reliable senior player and popular clubman . His dedication to training is matched only by that to his personal grooming.
Macgeorge Williams Payze Thain Dooley Beck
::fentone 10 Williamstown 2 Peninsula 9 Salesian 4 Oakleigh 5 Parkside ) D2 RESERVE Powerhouse Williamstown Kew
Pav)ou Burgess Lafranchi Krohn Ross
Peninsula Parkside
TOTAL 107 83 45 41 34 34 31 27 22 17 16
TODAY'S DC"HES D2 Section Williamstown CYMS v . Mentone Amateurs Salesian 0 C v . Power House La Trobe Uni . v . Kew Oakleigh v . Peninsula 0 B West Brunswick v. Parksid e
P~.`~: ::1E$ Mizrim 12 4.7 10.10 14 .13 (51) OAHIEIGH 1 3 3.3 5 .4 6,5(41) Murphy 4 Pera•rzn 2 King 2 Lockhart 2 OBrien O'Meara Nidoals Fataums Bose Rack Murphy Ohkara Mini Walsh Smith Matt Walsh . Mkigh: Beans 2 R4aut5 Bruerton Randle Monaghan . Best: Head MoutCC Nikalds Atxlwropoubs Caurflart Redford POWER HOUSE 0.0 1.0 5.0 92 M WII11Ah57M CYI+ S 4 .4 7.5 11.5 14.7 (91) Purvey House: J .Malxinev 3 J.HaIl 3 ARdls 2 C.Jorres I . Besl: C.McI.eod w.Etiott S.Evans J.Mahwtey J.HaIl D .Occamer. Wiliamstowav Burgess 4 Black 3 MclSetze 2 Dvasey I Toby I Bnmuetl Smith I Jones I . Best: Saccoc.clo. Cambridge, Burgess. Cannon, Grieve, Hann KEW 4.1 6.4 9.5 10.5 (65) SUESIAN 22 4.4 5.5 10.8 (68) ICea : lafianelll 3 KvTlakw 3 Grffiths hiassi Watts %byland . Best Griffiths Dalrymple Gtansante htuckian Bolls La6anrlll . Selvian• Bowman 3 Cooke 2 Elks Kirchner Bates Maitlard Chapman . Best Barry Chalmers Seager Cooke Bowman RileyLA 1R6BE 0.0 0.1 0.1 12 (8) PARISSI6E 32 6.4 9.7 11.9 (75) La 7Yobi-- Storer. Best Buttes Sampson Peters Mc.Naamara roultan Cassidy Parkside: Cassar 4 G Pan}ari 2Warrai Stuart Stalked Healy, Carmody . BesC Copay Cacsar Boyne Muscat Carmody Drcc PENINSUTA OLD BOYS 1.3 4 .3 73 9S (59) WEST BRUNSWICK 1.5 3 .9 10.12 9.14 (68) Pmmsulz : Presley 4 Harding 2 Sinclair Angers Palmer. BesC Angus Fleshy Powell P Prendergast Hater Brown. West Briamnclic OBrien 2 Stewart Carmichael Slruiga Sherry Daniell 49t,~ile Baker . Best Miller Baker Lewis Ba. .~ham Hey'~ood Me\amars.
D2 Section KEW Coach : Serge D'Angelo Res.: Greg Crimmins 1 B Lafranchi
2 L Fitzgerald 3 G Horgan 4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradley 6 N Tnnetti
LA TuE U j V!- P Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res. Coach : Clinton Perry 1 . M . Bakogianni s 2 . S . Fredrickson 3 . D. Sheldrick 4 . C. Perry 5 . A. Randell
7 T Aitken
6 . B. Cameron
8 N Derrico
7 . S. Gemmola 8 . J . Cam m 9. L. Walker 10 . A. Hewitt 11 J . Levy 12 . M . Forrest 13 . T. Luderman 14 . L. Wakeling 15 . B. Auldist 16. S. Bray 17. S. Gloury 18. B . Grant 19. S . White (VC) 20 . A . Murphy 21 . D. Edmunds 22 . P. Stewart 23 . R. Storer 24 . S. Edwards 25. S. Brook s 26. B. Hewitt 27. D . Gilmour 28. C . Ross 29 . P. White 30 . J . Smith 31 . J . O'meara 32 . D. Hil l 33 . M . Watson 34 . S. Paterson 35. J . Eyre 36. T. Mawdsley 37. C . Porter 38. A . Willis (C) 39. N . Rosengree n 40. R . Slate r 41 . A . Samson 42 . D. Gleeson 43 . A. Poulton 44 . R . Mather 45 . D . McKeeki n 46 . D . Hartley 47. H . Girdwood 48. L . McNamara 49. M . Day 50. K . Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52. T. Stauton 53 . A. Tucker 54 . T. Peters 55 . A. Cummings 61 . B. Launikonis 63 . J. Laidlaw 65 . A. Hall 66. A . Balli e 70. J Dumaresq
9 A Eaton 10 B Culle n 11 B Woodhouse 12 J Growcott 13 C Kyriakou 14 J Looker 15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Shaw 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell (VC) 29 M Dalrymple 30 C Giansante (RVC) 31 K Gillam 32 A Drago 33 D Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 R Bruno (RDVC) 36 S Ryan 37 J Landwehr (VC) 38 J Beer 39 M Mc Inerny 40 P Durbridge 41 R Livingston 42 Sette 44 J Bell 47 S Byrnes 48 L Jensen 49 S Vidler 50 J Griffiths 51 M Blair 52 R Campagna 61 S Moussi 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers 66 J O'Kane 67 T Beattie 68 B Mc Gauchie 99 S Bruno
MENTONE Coach : Tony Macgeorg e Res . Coach: Phil Emmett
OAKLE9GH A .F.C . Coach: Russell Bruerto n Res Coach : Pad Nkalds
1 M . Hove y 2 R. Gallagher 3 M . Dixon e Emmett 45 DA.. Whit 6 C . Stephens
B . Gee I 2 A. Bloomfield
8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillma n 11 C. O'Meara 1 2 M . Davies 1 3 M . Hayes 13 A. King 14 M. Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 S . Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Roc k 27 M . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 M . Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B . Matlock 32 B. Coleman 33 N . Wilkin s 33 D . Andre w 34 D . Sheeha n 35 M . Johnston e 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perraz o 39 A. Fimster 40 C. Goddchild 40 D. Nichols 41 C . Roc k 42 S. May 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tully 47 G. Anslade 4 . Wals 8 49 L M. h McHugh 50 T. Peck 51 G . Hollingworth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D . Noonan 55 P. Dynes 57 D . Fraser 58 J. Noonan 61 K . Lockhart 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Mear a 74 S . Ponton 77 B . Fleming 78 M . Cerritelli
7 B. Hall 8 R . Marshall g J . Moutis 10 M . McHenry 11 C. Hanley 12 S . Day 13 S . Randle 14 A. Schultz 15 G . Redford 16 B. Arthu r 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan 1 9 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A. Monaghan 22 M . Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S. Kitts (C) 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 J . Knapper 28 A . Khodr 29 J . Sposito 30 A. Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B. Gant 33 M. Clark 34 L . Head 35 R . Nuske (RC ) 36 J . Tolley 37 P. Torpey 38 B . Papadopoulo s 39 M . Dordevi c 40 I . Moore 41 J . Bruerton 42 S. Dalton 43 J. Seymour 44 N . Smith 45 P. Lesli e 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 C . Little 48 A . McKenzie 49 G . Orlando 50 . P. Taylor 51 . J . Kerley 52 . M . Pitsos 53 . D . Pearso n 54 M. Coppock 55 C . Hogan 56 C . Hard y 57 R . Keating 58 L. Thomas 59 W. Ogilvie 60 S . Kay
7 K . Gurtler
MENTONE R.S .L.. 9 Palermo St , Mentone * Function Room
* Restaurant * Polies
95 8 3 2 841
3 D. MacKenzie 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T. lanchello
6 R . Dooley
Coach: Laurie Zaraf a Re s Coach: Mark Rowe
1 R Adam s 2 W Thomso n 3 S Pin o 4 D Warre n 5 T Stonehous e
6 A Stuart 7 J Musca t
8 J Chilcott 9 A Constantini 10 A Vit a 11 B Hockey (VC) 12 D 13 A Copleyy 14 V Romano 15 D Moodie (C) 16 M Ross
17 A Romano 18 A Reginato 19 C William s 20 D Singleto n 21 M Schwabl 22 R Wise 23 R Bec k 24 R Marulli 25 M McPherso n 26 S Ross 27 D Matthews 28 R Martine z 29 S Toffu l 30 M Yandle 31 S Hoga n 32 J McCall (RVC) 33 K Allan 34 M Romano 35 G Panjari 36 M Hoyn e 37 J Panjari 38 F Darrig o 39 K Noble 40 M Cassar 42 P Dea n 43 J Hubbard 44 P Solig o 45 B McGillian 46 C Welsh 47 C Tyso n 48 M Heal y 49 S Collie r 50 B Carman 51 G Davies 52 B Cassan o 53 P Romano 54 S Marino 55 J Eastwoo d 56 G Massett 57 C Ros s 58 T Mangos 59 S War e 60 J Drakopoulos 61 P Tascon e 62 J Willets
63 D Vivon a 64 T Thomas
65 S Carmody 66 S Staffor d 67 D Ingli s
70 S Dive r
71 A
D2 Section PENINSULA O .B . Coach: Chris Gawne Res Coach : Darren Fenech
S-7-7 ,
" Coach : Matt Sexton Asst .: D . Old field Res Coach : Jim Gianna
1 S. Parsons
Coach : Peter O'Connor Ass .Coach : Andrew Rolls Res Coach : Craig Richardson 1 A Rolls
2 A. Parsons 3 M. Goldthorpe 4 E.Bowen (Vc) 5 N.Kent 6 M .Wamer
2 J Hall 3 N Pavlou 4 B Turner 5 M Braini 6 H Clarke
7 S .Murray
7 C Richardson
8 RAngus 9 P.Krohn (Rvc)
8 J Clarke 9 Ad Burt
9 A Campbell 10 D Oliver
10 A .Haley 11 A . Landry 12 R .Powney 13 T. Braden 14 S. Jackson 15 B,Cook
10 Ash Burt 11 J Gill 12 N Dodd 13 J Harris 14 W Elliot 15 P Haseler
16 R . Huighson 17 J. Coughlan
16 M Higgins
11 A Dave 12 A Gaspari y 13 I Bobetic 14 C Roache 15 D levoli 16 P Turley 17 M Ferwerda 18 A Sexton
18 J. Whelan 19 T. Prendergast 20 S.Prendergast 21 A. Macpherson 22 A.Atchison (C) 23 A.Burke 24 S. White 25 J .Atchison 26 P. Prendergast 27 S .Payze :3 B .Taylor 2 3 G.Nelson ~0 A .Crean 0 R . Blood (Res .) 31 C. Lennon 32 T. Harding ~3 C . Wilson 34 M. Allen 35 R . Davies 2,3 N .Bowman 37 T. Stewart 33 R . Haworth 2 3 B.Cooper 40 A. Dillon 41 S.Farrow -2 A. Hanson 3 B.Jarett (Rc) A. Kelson ! 5 R. Martin 'o A.Oneil :7 -Palmer =3 A.Bonner :9 J .Crowder L. Saville 1 A . Jones ~2 C . Alexander B A . Piesley
17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 B Ryan 21 D Miller 22 S Evans 23 S Craven (C) 24 D Boland 25 S Cummins 26 J Senior 27 J Robertson 28 D Murrihy 29 R Cassio 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 A Benbow 33 R Taylor 34 J . Marsh 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 D O'Connor 38 C Wenlock 39 D Crawford 40 R Keits 41 J Rainey 43 S Considine 44 G Dean 45 A Contreras 46 B Harrahan 47 GParker 48 H Nelson . 49 B Urwin 50 C Jones 51 J Best 52 S Rafferty 54 J Blowfield 55 D Yates 56 J Mahoney
57 H . Shorten 9 A.Powell
57 R Kang 61 S McCrae
61 M.Natalizio ? P.Sinclair 9 J.Muir
62 A White 66 D Wright 71 L O'Sullivan 88 G Scotland
HARTNETC T ~CABINF ~,. .~ -''--5 Bardia Avenue Seaford Vic . 3198 Tel : 9785 2436
A Stevens
2 A Thain 3 S Sutherland 4 A Healey 5 M Canavan 6 R Cincotta 7 G Gaspari 8 S Logan
19 S Brown 20 A Seeger 21 A Bates 22 R Stevens 23 M Smith 24 A Grace 25 S Egan 26 J Nannas 27 N Synott 28 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cooke 31 M Bates 32 G Riley 33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Ellis 36 D Tod d 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clausen 40 M Forer 41 M Gunn 42 P Evans 43 E Maillard 44 C Hun t 45 S ath 46 D Foe 47 B Bowman 48 M Bourke 49 D Barry 50 S Morrish 51 S Parisi 52 D Hagerty 53 B Chalmers 54 S Nolan 55 E Hanaphy 56 D Bowman 57 B Atkin s 58 W Chapman 59 D Blake 60 D Sutherland 61 P Mallis 62 B Kirchner 63 L Seager Old?led 64 S 65 B Grant 66 ' B Pascoe 67 M McTaggart 68 S Rattray 69 M Stanton 70 A Chiappini 71 C Bartlett 72 B Porter
73 D Ogge 74 J Radi 75 J Hamilton 76 J McClaren 77 S Sinclair 78 C Warsling
WEST Coach : Paul Cook Res . Coach: Paul Weir 1 A Hamilton
2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppell 4 C. Lehmann 5 A Cannane 6 C . Lewis 7(a)F~tale 7 b)N . O' Brien 8 J. Heywood 9 A. Morphett 10 S Byrne 11 H . Bailey 12 B Clarke 13 S. Brockley 14 N Lampel 15 B . Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 R. Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Stringe r 20 B . Young 21 S McNamara 22 A . Steward 23 D Henderson 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R . Benjamin 27 D . Disisto 28 J Ward 29 M. Shepherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrmann 32 M . Carmichael 33 T Thompson 34 I . Twyford 35 K. Coventry 36 S . Campbell 37 N. Basham 38 S . Darling 39 X Thompson 40 B Baker 41 R Miller 42 M . Hoyland 43 J Tobin 44 N . Masters 45 J Smith 46 A Bandt 47 N Seal 48 M Moore 49 L. Stewart 50 A. Bagnall 51 L Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 J. Gross 54 R . Howell 55 G . Marazita 56 C. Riley 57 J . Draper
58 A. Rafter 59 C. Norman 60 0 . Kirby 62 S Dishon 63(a) D . Jelbart 63 (b) J . Gartlan 65 D. Simmond 66 M . Malone 67 A . O'Brien 68 C Stevens
WILL9AMST速WN (oyMS Coach : Darren Williams Res Coach: W Payne 1 D Williams
2 J Buttigie g 3 D Grieve 4 S Wuchatsch 5 D Macleod O C 6 N Grant 7 B Robinso n 8 B Hann 9 G Cas e 10 B Cock s 11 B Twist 12 A Featherston 12(R)M Canno n 13 A Mackley 14 D Ferris 14(R)A Danie l 15 W Phillip s 15(R)P Breguet 16 D Gilmarti n 17 R Hart 17(R) R Plochin o 18 D Oldha m 19 P Dervan (RC) 20 P Sadle r 21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunders 23 T Wheele r 23(R)A Bouras 24 J McCutcheon 24(R)C Pach 25 P Thomson 25(R)G Burgess 26 L Grochowsk i 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmatos 29 P Vincent 30 T Turcinovich 31 A Bartolo 32 X Toby 33 G Rickard 34 B Jone s 35 C Bergi n 36 A Black 37 B Hyne s 38 S Smit h 39 M Hollan d 39OA R Carter 40 J Munro 41 T Campbel l 42 D Woud a 43 B Grant 44 M Manning 45 J Hynes 46 T Ferris 47 F Nuredini 48 P Tirchett 49 W Kewin 50 A McCutcheon 51 A McKenzie 52 R Nisbet
53 M Oldham 54 J Payn e 55 J Spezza 56 S Calderwoo d 57 M Saccoccio 58 A Beard 59 K Dowsey 60 D Le e 54 S . McNern y 55 D. Orchard
69 R . Hussey
56 D . Temb y
70 D . Platt 72 L Ryan 75 M. Shelton 76 A. Shirley 77 D . Shirley
57 A . Ryan 58 S . Barlow 59 S . Phemiste r 60 A. Savoia 68 A. Houg h 69 B. Cambridge
CONGRATULATIONS : Congratulations to the following umpires who represented the VAFAUA last weekend VAFA vs VCFL - Tim Sutcliffe (F), Tim Dornom (B) & Bernie Jephson (G) . VAFA vs VMFL - Luke Moncrieff (F), Nigel Woods (B) & Rob Parry (G) . 250th GAME - Congratulations to Geoff Curran (VG) - No . 15 Red - upon reaching this milestone . VG joined the VAFA in the late 1980's. He umpired his first 'A' Section game in 1991 and hardly could walk the next day due to 47 goals being kicked between Old Melburnians and Ormond . In the same year, he umpired the grand final between Mazenod and Williamstown and he paid the "melee breaker" free kick in the final quarter!!! It was one of his best games / highlights!!! Best VAFA Players that VG respects (past and present) are Frank Gleeson (Parade), Jeremy Nicholls (Old Melburnians), Matt McConvill and Brett Connell (Ormond), Michael Blood (Xav's) and Bernie Dinneen (Marcellin) . Most respected umpires are Peter Gersch and Richard Simon . Most influential football 'legends' to VG are John Sutcliffe, Jim Chapman and Shane Carbines . He also supports Carlton Football Club!! He will be officiating at the match between MHSOB's and Uni Blues at Melbourne High today and invites all the umpires and friends etc back to Melbourne High for a celebration drink afterwards .
WHAT'S YOUR DECISION : LAST WEEK: Answer to June 2nd Question - The goal umpire will signal and wave the flag for a point . This week's winner is Mark Bullard Elsternwick AFC. Fax details to Phil Stevens on 9531 2050 to receive your prize . THIS WEEK : Players contesting for mark and an Old Essendon player marks the ball in the centre square . Collegians' player then pushes the player over then kicks the ball away in frustration . What is the Field Umpire's decision? From that decision, the Collegians player gives the umpire a mouthful of the french language' . What is the Field Umpire's reaction then?
M INgJ T" W I T T: : SIM速 . . . .
DHARSHAKA PE-, -- IS - (No . 6 Yellow) startcl in 1997, Nickname is Dash, 77 Games, AFL Team - Carlton, Umpires Moorabbin Saints (Juniors) on Sundays, Favourite Player - Steve Anderson (Hampton Rovers) ; ; - . NTS - (No . 12 Green - Skills Coach) started in 1989, 190 games, Best VAFA Footballer - Tony Fellows (Thomastown), Favourite Umpires - Peter Simpson & Anthony Damen, Umpires in A Section, Most memorable moment was being on 'Almost Footy Legends' on "The Footy Show" kissing the "Lovely Lorraine" ; MARK G IBSON - (No. 17 Red) started in the early '80's, 267 games, Nickname is Gibbo, AFL Team - Geelong, Umpires in A Section, and much more but the minute is up!!! !
BOUNCE OFF: The annual 'Bounce Off will be conducted in the next few weeks . If you have not already entered . . please do so asap . I wonder who will win it this year . . . .Kevin Segota . . . .Jason McNiece . . .Craig Brajtberg!!!! Good luck to all competitors .
MAJOR RAFFLE : Supplementary Field Umpires / Club 18 Umpires are requested to contact Mark Jenkins on 9576 7061 to get a raffle book issued to them to help raise money for the association . 1st Prize is a nifty trailer filled with assorted merchandise and goodies to the value of $1,500 .00 . Donated by Rick Love (Complete Freight Concepts) ; 2nd Prize is $500 .00 Cash Prize donated by Anthony Damen (Personal Mortgage Managers) and 3rd Prize is a weekend for 2 at the Rutherglen Motor Inn (North Victoria) - winery district . Donated by Dianne Whiteley . Annual Dinner - 27/8/01 at MCG ; Grand Final Brunch & BBQ - 23/9/01 ; Presentation FINALLY. . . .
All correspondence to ciiaaraaewhiY. eley~b3gnond enm a
.,nrri in cnnr- I CO nnM
YELLOW '1bie Firley
Sean Scully
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittmann
Sharon Alger
Paul Berry
6 Dash Peiris
Shalom Blustein
Damien Lane
10 Tristan Bowman
7 Alan Ladd
Mark Childs
1 0 Trent Foley
11 Chris Evan s
Nick Evan s
;rti Avi Wekselman
11 Alan Stubbs
12 Jamie Kvins
Nathan Carlyon
14 Glen Kennedy
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Giiday
10 Robert McLeod
1 5 Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Mark Jenkins
11 Paul Tuppen
16 Mervyn Monty
1 6 Craig Brajtberg
12 Simon Payton
~ 7 Mark Gibson
1 7 Peter Keogh
17 Cameron Leitch
15 Michael Sneddon
1 8 Jason McNiece
1 8 Peter Simpson
1 8 Tim Sutcliffe
16 Luke Moncrieff
!9 Steve McCarthy
1 9 Andrew Fyfe
20 David D'Altera
17 Andrea Thwaites
20 John Ralp h
20 Grant Wardrop
21 Justin Grossbard
1 8 George Paleodimos
21 Patrick Maebus
22 Chris Collins
22 Rick Love
1 9 Heath Little
23 Paul Dinneen
23 Peter Griffiths
2 3 Chris Stevens
21 David Irons
24 Graeme Hunichen
25 Lionel Kat z
24 John Miller
22 Ken Brewer
25 Cameron Stewart
26 Daniel Dinneen
25 Richard Eastwood
2 3 Robert Sneddon
26 Jim Papioanou
27 Anthony Simpson
2 6 Brad Clark
24 Jason Moore
27 Matt Cox
2 8 Ken McNiece
2 7 Euan Lindsay
25 Mat Taylor
2 3 Paul Lamble
29 Peter James
28 Leah Gallagher
2 7 Paul Jones
29 Chris Garcia
30 Michael Phillips
2 9 Gerard Rolfs
2 8 Ron Martyn
3 2 Anthony Damen
30 Simon Olive
30 Anthony Lffley
3 3 Robert Mayston
3 3 Michael Forde
32 Mark Fraser
31 Tim Friedman
34 Graeme Morgan
34 Stephen Morgan
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarrod Aspinall
35 Jason Lane
35 Troy Brooks
34 Jeremy Heffernan
33 Glenn Schipp
33 Matthew Meier
36 Ian Burgess
35 James Watson
34 Daniel Stephens
37 Alex Maggio
37 Gavin Roberts
36 Ron Smith
35 Dianne Whiteley
37 David Murray
37 Ken Walker
S Peter Woods
ustin Lipson
" 3 Chris Stevens (S) THF IlAAGTFI IQ Gl1f1TRG1 I GR'JfV11
Paul Withington
Each week a Coates Hire Player of the Week is announced on this page (one player each section) . Each player qualifies for Team of the Year selection Following the final round each month a Coates Hire Player for ic the Month will be announced . These players are c inclusion s in the Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Yea r 速 Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Year will be announced at the VAFA Vote Count Night . This night will also include the announcement of the Coates Hire Player of the Year. R OUND 13 COATES HIRE PLAYERS OF THE WEEK A: DAN WOODLEY (MHSOB ) B : ADRIAN HEFFERNAN (OLD PARADIANS) C : CAM UNSWORTH (COLLEGIANS ) D1 : SAMMY HAWKINS (MONASH BLUES) D2 : AARON STEVENS (SALESIAN OC) D3 : CHRIS LEETON (MONASH GRYPHONS) D4 : COREY BECKER (WERRIBEE ) PLAYERS OF TH E WEEKEND (STATE MATCHES) SENIOR : DENVER ARTZ AND LUKE HAWKINS UNDER 19 : SCOTT CURATOLO AND TRENT HOBART PLAYER OF THE MONTH (APRIL ) LUKE HAWKINS (OLD SCOTCH) PLAYER OF THE MONTH (MAY ) GRANT VANDERKRUK (SYNDAL TALLY HO) PLAYER OF THE MONTH (JUNE) DEAN MATTHEWS (BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE )
Phone : 13 15 52 -' :our E m erg e ncg 0418 333 11 8
Goes to the state game at Elstemwick Park against the Victorian Country Football League . FORMER PE teacher and VAFA footballer turned re,al estate salesman, John Clarkson, was invited to join the video commentary team by ABC TV's Ross Booth in the last quarter . His summation was excellent and he â&#x20AC;&#x17E;,,pped the show with this comment on a non-VAFA _ue : "I sold Malcolm Blight his home in Brighton (a torpedo from Elstemwick Park) for $1 .265m (the m is million) last March . "I will be calling him to see if I can ,t the sale from him first thing Monday," John said . THERE were eight changes to the VAFA team that wok on the VCFL from the one that defeated the South :lustralians eight weeks earlier at EP . No need to go ,,,,er the issues of player availability but the exclusion ,, i eight-time Big V representative Matt Jackson from Old Brighton is noteworthy . Matt, who played against We S.A,AFL this year, has announced a temporary reurement from the end of this year as he wants to >~~nd time with his two sons and wife . "I rang Nick t;ourke and explained that my form didn't warrant >.I :,,:tion as I've only been training once a week this cc :ar and over the past few weeks I haven't been ir :~~.ining as my three-month-old son Adam has bronchitis . "There are plenty of guys who would love to -,lay in the Big V and I wouldn't want to rob them o f Matt, who was cleared to play with OB last :._c' :end, said . C; A COUPLE of the guys that got into the team were Old Camberwell's Nigel Credlin and I3ulleenTemplc4owe's playing coach Dean Matthews, who I~L:n .d with Matt Jackson at StKilda in the mid 90s . Ti ev were promoted from the VAFA's C-D team and .Iong with C Section's Denver Artz and they were mon, the Big V's best. ~ STILL with a StKilda flavor, Loch Ford, who hla~cd on a wing for the VAFA, joined the Saints' ~,porate sales team at the start of the year . On the , :qarture of Blighty and how it will effect sales Loch ,zid : 1 don't know". Lach said corporate sales were u p per cent ($150,000) this year and last week at the ub was "tough". ~ NOEL Rundle's Looking Back just a month ago had !Ii, piece which has become newsworthy : "In 1996
Simon Meehan (St Kilda) joined the long list of former AFL-VFL players to be sacked as coach of Old Xaverians . Others were Jack Clarke (Essendon), Norm Brown (Fitzroy) and Grant Thomas (St Kilda) . Checked with OX president Rob Ralph who oversaw Thomas's one year in 1992 . "Grant resigned before going to North Melbourne, he was not sacked," Robert said . Old Xaverians finished in eighth position two wins clear of relegation. ONE of the most rarely invoked Laws of Australian Football was used at the start of the senior match when VCFL captain Travis Hodgson was asked if he was ready by the field umpire preparing to bounce . It is normally a formality as the ump has checked that all the players are in position . Not this time! The VCFL forwards sheepishly ran to the other end, as did their backmen, when it was noticed that they had lined up incorrectly! Well, modern footballers must be able to play in a variety of positions ! IN THE curtain-raiser the Victorian Metropolitan Football League's Under 18 & 19 team had the exciting Andrew Lovett flaying on a wing. Andrew is the nephew of the Coi",t --,' and Richmond player from the early 1980 s ONE of the B ' V's forays in the U19s was manufactured by the deputy-vice captain, vice-captain and captain . Now try broadcasting this : Hayes to Heath to ' Iobart . _'_ :dYONE that met the VAFA U19 coach Tony =,Iill<< will know that he is passionate about his footy. Reinforcing this was Tony's persona four hours after his t:;am comfortably defeated the VMFL . Tony was still euphoric ! OWE ALL know the VAFA "fosters family football" but St Bernards' Danny Byrne's youngest sister Gen, a Year 7 student, found Danny's outstanding first quarter off the half-back line "borina °"? Father Richard though had a ripping day as an usher at the MCG for that game between Essendon and the Roos before heading down to EP to learn of Danny's fortunes . Due to space, FTLOTG will return to its Benfleigh Amateur Football Club series next week.
:gal travelled to Bendigo and continue d Rood form for the year by posting a wi n inst a very competitive Bendigo . Karingal 9 93 against Bendigo Warriors 4 3 27 . F3a11arat 10 6 66 were far to good on the day Croadmeadows 1 1 13 and seem to be ;,i LU . I g form at the right end of the season. Dir 2 : M,,unbourin Tigers 7 13 55 were able to iccount for the fast improving Maribyrnong 4 6 3 n and the word's back to back have been i ,u-d on the streets of Werribee . Sth. Yarra 12 10 82 surprised everyone by easily iccounting for Ringwood Blues 1 1 7 . ;,iii_~ rood should see this as a hiccup in what ], ;I~'oeen a very successful season . Sth Yarra ua . be the danger side in division two when ihe finals come around . moo=iee Valley and Parkside played in front of big crowd at Ormond Park Moonee Valleys home ground . The crowd was entertaine d e,:i[h Moonee Valley 10 8 68 being the ,-ictors on the day with Parkside managing to 1cicb:.6 5 41 .
Colac and Hawthorn did not play due to round problems at Colac . D ~tisinrt 3 : 13roadmeadows once again showed that they re skilled when it comes to close games by dereating Geelong in a game played as a curtain raiser in Ballarat. Karingal travelled o Gippsland to play a new team that it ,:nrcring the competition next season . The !=lppsland team played Karingal in front of a iiuge crowd from the surrounding areas an d good time was had by all present on the lay. 1 Parkville Oval Sth Yarra were also playing .t new team who are playing next year . I3ulleen gave a good account of themselves r nd showed their many supporters that they %,:111 be very competitive next year . Congratulations to both these clubs on their cicbut and we wish them the best of luck for Ihe future . We also wish to thank Sth Yarra md Karingal for playing them and showing liem and their supporters what F .I .D .A . football is all about . RoF :nd 10 Selections : Div :siasn 1 :
Karingal look like finishing the season with a
win against a Geelong who have shown good form running into the finals . Bendigo also look like finishing the season on a positive note a~ inst a Broadmeadows side that never give,- 째 I ntil the final siren sounds . Ri !gr.,oou- Blues should be to strong for Colac who's form has been uD and down this season . Maribyrnong will finish full of running against Hawthorn who are rebuilding for season 2002 . Mambourin Tigers will finish the home and away season with a win against 1vloonee Valley who have shown that they will be a force in the not to distant future . Sth Yarra and Parkside could be the close one for division two with Sth Yarra most likely being the vie 'or in what will be a good hit out prior to the finals . Division 3 : Bendigo may find it hard with their inexperienced side to overcome the enthusiasm of Broadmeadows who are the masters of the close finish . Karingal will have enough goal kicking power to account for Sth Yarra and will finish the season wi'l a in . FiI3A~$
KARINGAL 9 8 1 0 484 137 353 .28 GEELONG 9 7 2 0 243 174 139 .65 Ni'1I BALLARAT 9 5 4 0 292 297 98 .31 BEND1GO 9 3 6 0 211 387 54 .52 BROAI1MFAM1?rS9 2 7 0 164 286 57 .34
32 28 20 12 8
P W 1, D F A % pis STH. YARRA 9 8 1 0 822 216 380 .55 32 MA .M139URMIG .9 8 1 0 622 252 246.82 32 RINGWOOD 9 5 4 0 497 402 123.63 20 MARIB 1LzG 9 4 5 0 388 377 102.91 16 PARKSIDE 9 3 6 0 264 385 68 .57 12 VO= VAUEY 9 3 6 0 310 545 56.88 12 COLAC 9 3 6 0 247 503 49 .10 12 HAWI'HORN * 9 2 7 0 224 608 36.84 8
DON' ON 51 h .F '3
t S START . S . - gC째i P
After a competitive first half against I_ leigh at The Zoo, the Students were decimated by injuries (including captain Farrelly) and the Demons wer e able to notch- a comfortable win . Debutant Adam Cusick was the best for the home side . Monash Gryphons were able to take control early in their clash against Hawthorn and hold off the Hawks for the rest of the game . Leeton and Hetherington were excellent while Gross was a steadying influence up back, the Charlie Watts in a team of Mick and Keefs . Banfield and Phil Avery were the best for the Hawks . Richmond Central scored a crucial win against fellow relegation strugglers Albert Park in a thriller at City Reserve. Andy Waters and Merv Shannon made a winning return to the Cobras seniors with Paul Byrnes the post-siren hero, while Allan kicked 7 for the Falcons . Fitzroy had yet another good win, this time at the expense of the Wicks . Finally, South Melbourne had a big win over St . Johns. ' ROUND 14 PREVIEW What Pete Says: M onash Gryphons host Elsternwick in an important game for both sides . The Gryphs will be looking to consolidate their spot in the four, while the Wickets try to escape the relegation trap door. I expect the Gryphons winning run to continue . Another big game at Thomas Carroll Reserve as St . Johns OC host Hawthorn. Both sides will be keen for redemption after heavy losses last weekend. A month ago, I definitely would have fancied the JOCs, but now, after much thought, I'll go for Hawthorn, just. Richmond Central welcome South Melbourne Districts to City Reserve where both teams will be in high spirits after important wins last Saturday. The Cobras are keen to avoid the drop while South's still have some finals aspirations . I'll pick Souths to win . UHSOB travel to Brunswick Street to take on The Juggernaut (copyright E . Sill 2001). The Students suffered further casualties last weekend while the Reds have no such worries in terms of numbers. Fitzroy for mine.
Bentleigh entertain Albert Park at Arthur Street in a game that won't be as easy for the Demons in reality as it is on paper. Still, I don't think there will be anything extraordinary about the end result .
Bentleigh to win . What Ed Says: Apart from the Juggies, Monash are the form side of the competition . Near enough the strongest midfield in the grade, they should be too strong for Elsternwick . St .Johns and Hawthorn clash in a must win for both sides . Both have been off the boil in recent times, not sure, maybe the Jocs. Richmond host South Melbourne with Richmond keen to make it two in a row . South have their best win of the year last week and not hard to see that form continuing . South for me. The J uggies host Uni High and the students will be keen to put on a better show than when they last met . Uni's pride will ensure they have a dip but the Juggies should record a convincing win. Bentleigh welcome Albert Park and should be too strong . The question is how will Albert Park fight back after last week's disappointing loss . Still think they might have a role to play in the final's makeup. None the less, Bentleigh for me . RESERVES Pete : Wickers, JOCs, Souths, Reds, Demons. Ed : Wicks, Hawks, South, Reds and Bentleigh SOCIAI . Bentleigh - is hosting its famous Auction night on August 4 (after the Fitzroy Reds game) with lots of sporting memorabilia and other great items up for grabs. Richmond Central - annual banquet auction is on July 28 . The club is expecting a massive turnout on this, its biggest function of the year. Tickets are $20 . For more information call Toby Guthrie on 0414 484 665 .
St . John's OC - hold their Golden Eagles, Sponsors and Supporters luncheon this Saturday (28th July), starting at midday. See one of your social committee for further detail or book your seat. South Melbourne Districts - will be holding their Dinner/Auction on Saturday 11 August at the Powerhouse Function Centre from 7pm until midnight . Any bookings or offers of items to auction can be made through Maureen McGee by
phone on 9690 1740 (h), 9856 2803 (w) or 0419 526 670 (m). VHBOB will hold a "Its a Knockout Evening' on Sat Aug 4 . Get your team together to compete in a series of novelty challenges, details in the rooms or contact Greg Catterall & Tim Cleveland On a totally unrelated note, I've just completed Writing a book about Anna Kournikova. However, it doesn't have a title yet . . . . . . . .. . . . . . (Pete's comment, not Ed's)
CONTACT Once again, I can be contacted via e-mail on peter.PS .Williamson~", (work) or psdtw5473 (home), phone on 9920 9054 or fax on 9920 9097 . Thank you to those who have submitted reports this week, please keep up the good work. Again, we'd like to hear from as many people as possible, so please contact either myself or Ed . Goo 4 luck to your t ~-P ela today, and have a grc : t VAFA wet cend i
Bentle?gh - stalwarts .au? "Dasher- 111-utchison and "Lucky" Phil Wort_ain ;ton both reach the milestone of 200 games against Albert Park today, a fine achievement indeed for two great clubmen who are a credit to the the game . Well done fellas ! A pair of JOCs now . . . . . . .. . . . .boom-boom! St . John's 4C - wish to congratulate Zack Monroe on reaching the milestone of 15 0 games against South Melbourne Districts last week, while fellow JOC Matt Ladson reaches the same milestone this week . Richmond Central - congratulates Chris "Codfish" Barry on playing his 100th game this a et tc after playing his first game for the club in 1993 . Coddy is VP and an excellent club man, and, my sources tell me, the self-proclaimed "Best Centre Half Back in the league!" . Have a big one, Coddy ; from all The Snake Pit .
LST WK TOTAL D3 SECTION Albert Park 9 75 Bentleigh 0 70 Iilt,n St Johns 4 65 lett a Hawthorn I 57 Amister Monash Gryphons 3 56 D3 RESERVE Fitzroy Reds 0 40 ,~e!1=h Bentleigh 0 2 4 I Hawthorn 2 2 0 Elsternwick 1 19 Albert Park 0 19
EI SI- >RNWICfi 1 .1 1 .1 1 .4 2.5 (17) FITZROY REDS 5 .5 8.13 13 .17 20.24 (144) Ei.stemwiek: Byrne Foster. Best : Missagtia Byrne Hartley Whelan Cunningham McNally. Fitzroy Reds : Roncht 4 Mitchell 4 Bennie 4 Pldotto 2 Nave 2 Timm Addlcott Jackson Clarke Bynes . Best : Urbanovic Cahill Bennie Mitchell Jackson Parsons. Umpires: T. Bowznan(F) MONASH GRYPHONS 6.2 9.7 14.12 16 .17 (113) HAWTHORN 2.1 4.5 6 .7 6.13 (49) Mon as.h Gryphons: N Rutherford 4 Leeton 3 Klltmister 3 T Gilchrist 2 Besk째e Floiverday Wells Bourbon . Best: Leeton N Rutherford Gross Wells Hetherington Biandford . Hawthorn: Haves S Avery P Avery Johnston Lauletta Delaney. Best: PAcery Bettlo Delaney Og$e Orchard Hayes. Umpires: J. Grossbard (F) SOUTH MELB . DISTRICTS 5.2 11.4 19.5 25 .7 (157) ST. JOHNS 2.2 6.8 7 .11 7.15 (57) South MeBoourne : Stepnell 5 Hannan 4 DAndrea 3 Daly 3 Davidson 3 King 2 Thomas 2 Aquilina 2 Lwdord . Best: Stepnell Luxford Powell Hannan Balshaw DAndrea. St Johns: Hilton 4 Hartnett Walker Horburv. Best: Walker Laekayne Hartnett Hyland Mttta Koppens . Umpires: L .. Dillon H. Little (F) J . Fagan N. Booth (B ) RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 .4 9 .4 14.6 18.7 (115) ALBERT PARK 4.3 11 .6 16.7 17.9 (111) Richmond Central : Brynes 6 O'Sullivan 3 Jacobs 3 C.Shannon 2 Macak White Kelly Zajac. Best: Kelly Macak Brynes C'Sullivan White Tilley. Albert Park: SAllen 9 Venabies 3 Paramansche 2 Mandylaris Chambers Robertson . Best: Taylor K .Daley McLellen SAllan Cunningham 4enables . Umpires : J. Pappas J . Ralph (F) B . Ralph E. Surdy (B ) UHSOB 1 .4 3:9 5 .11 7 .12 (54) BENTLEIGH 4 .0 7.6 16.8 24.14 (158) UHSOB : Collins 3 Rose Hastert J Maguire Cameron . Best: Cusick House Rose J Maguire Maher Farrelly. BentleigL.: Henry 7 English 4 Martin 3 Lewis 3 Eyles 2 Clough 2 Withington 2 Padgham . Best : Mlksad Pirte Henry Seeley Martin Sice Umpires : P. Lamble (F) RESERVE ELSTERNWICK 1 .0 1 .0 2.1 2.1 (13) FITZROY REDS 0.3 2 .7 6.10 6.17 (53) Eisternwick : Grandemange Hankin . Best: Ward Hankin Currie Grandemange Nolan Kirkham . Fitzroy Reds: Marcon Crowe Diacogiorgis Walsh Vernari. Best : Johnstone Doyne Frisby Marcon Maysnan Rome . MONASH GRYPHONS 3 .1 4 .4 5.8 6.9 (45) HAWTHORN 1 .4 3 .8 4 .9 7.11 (53) Monash Gryphons: Graydon Charleson Mastromanno Warren Jenkin Wadley. Best : Callus Charleson Rogers Block B Caxhead Varcoe . Hawthorn : Barker 2 OBrien 2 Lord 2 Daou . Best: C Collins O'Brien Barker Signomni West Daou . SOUrH MELB. DISTRICTS 3.1 5.1 8.7 10.8 (68) ST. JOHNS 4.1 7.3 8.5 9.9(63) South Melbourne: McCauley 2 Rosowski 2 Johnstone 2 MeKerrow Kent Doyle Henderson, Best: Doyle Johnson McKerrow Hermann Mooten . St Johns : Ladson 4 Gates 2 Waters 2 Hall . Best: Monroe Dragwidge Hall Ducancurino Bouiton Ladson . RICHMON CENTRAL 0.2 3 .3 4.4 5.6(36) ALBERT PARK 2.2 2 .4 5.7 8 .12 (60) Richmond Central: D.Shannon 3 Coomber Lane . Best : Birt Shannon Lane Bunshaw Coomber Guthrie. Albert Park.* Fairfield 3 Sutton 2 Tricario 2 McGuire Besi :Sutton Smith McRay Phillips Cramer M .Dowdte. UHSOB 2.3 5.6 11 .8 18 .11(119) BENTLEIGH 0.1 0.2 0 .3 1 .4(10) UHSOB: B Uebergang 7 Cavalierl 4 Mills 2 Sheperd 2 J O'Nei ll Ham Boyce . Best : Uebergang Catatieri Davidson Ludlow Holmes Catterall. Bentleigh: Sidney. Best: Wade Beattie Prigg Richards Psaras Cavanagh .
TODAY'S MATCHES. D3 Section St . Johns 0 C v. Hawthorn Amateurs Richmond Central v. South Melb . Districts Fitzroy Reds v. UHSO B Bentleigh Amateurs v . Albert Park Monash Gryphons v Elsternwick
Coach : '- vi i Res. Cc :: : :i : Steve 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
.Smit h UP N .Pastras J .Store y G. Parmansche S .AIIan J . Willox J .Sutton C.Jackson P. Chambers
0 . M .Phillips 1 . A . Fleming 12 . N.Langdon 13 . B.Payne 14 . S .Fairfield 15 . B.Adamson 16 . C .Roberton 17 . D . McLellan 18. J. Taylor 19. A .Stedvard 20. M .Abbott 21 . S .Waugh 22. S,Redpath 23. TFaranda 24 . J .Murray 25 . J .Sutclifife 26 . G .Finn 27 . S .Ridout 28 . R.Buckley 29 . TGoldsmith 30 . A.Thomas 31 . S.McGuire 32 . D .'Odorico 33. T. Murray 34. G .Meyer-Heinrich 35. A . D'Mingo 36. M .Pearson 37. L.Hogan 38. C.Lamont 39. J .Robilotta 40 . M .Lapsley 41 . K.Weaver 42 . S .Bolas 43 . J .Tsoukas 44 . B.Isard 45, A.Gay 46 . D .MacKintosh 47 . W.Gauci 48. M .Willis 49. THouston 50. D .McKay 51 . J . Costello 52. N .Strang 53. M .Williams 54. S . Kidd 55 . D,Allan 56 . P. Kemp 57 . A. Seek 58 . S .Toth 59 . B.Letchford 60 . S.Lawson 61 . C .Brockhouse 77 . J .Robertson 78 . A.De e 79 . J.Sgroi 80. B .Martyn 81 . T.Walton 82. J .Stubbs 83. C .Jeffrey 84. D .Harris 85. G .Daley 86. H .Ross
Coach: Ron Gor :' , Res. Coach : Ste" H :'l 1 C Sharp (C) 2 P Morgan 3 A Pittito 4 D Lewis (RC) 5 M Eyles 6 R Weber 7 S Brown 8 L Ma rtin 9 I Jackson 10 A Henry 11 D Ma rtin (C) 12 L Codarin 13 G Prigg 14 C Mart in 15 P Withington 16 P Jemmeson 17 J Psar as 18 H Dwyer 19 S Hal l 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 23 S Adaway 24 L Holmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Padgham 27 J Seeley 28 M McCulloch 29 A Clough 30 A Miksad 31 R English 32 D Fishlock 33 M Effting 34 D Castro 35 L Ireson 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Bea ttie 39 L Pittito 40 J Bounsall 41 J Neve 42 A Mikkelsen 43 S Sic e 44 G Saddington 45 A Wad e 46 I Picken 47 P Dimattina 48 M O'Reilley 49 M Clark 50 A Stanes 51 M Piri e 52 L Sampson 53 M Sidney 54 G Richards 55 M Unsaro rth 56 C Aitken 58 T Caterson 60 F Cavanagh The nub Licensed Premises Bistro,
Gaming & TAB. Ph: 째 ~57 7938
r C i: Leigh F: Cw : E , iCurtain 1 . L. Murphy (C ) 2. A . Hankin 3. D. Fitzpatrick 4. A. Tille y 5. M . Whelan 6 . D . Brennan 7 . J. McAdam
8 . S. Currie (RC) 9 . T. Hart(y 10. R . Bravington 11 . L . Missaglia 12 . N . Wigmore 13 . P. Stankovich 14 . B . Mahony 15 . M . Noonan 16 . M . Burman 17 . J . Ward 18 . A. Nei l 19 . A. Peasley 20 . K. Curri e 21 . P. Stuchberry 22. M. Mussared 23. S . Curtain (VC) 24, A . Foste r 25 . B . Frankin 26 . C . Mahony (VC) 27 . M . Daniel s 28 . W. Davidson 29 . S . Mahony 30 . M . Nico l 31 . G . Devonshire 32 . M . Hun t 33 . M . Cunningham 34. M. Hoskin g 35. P. McNally 36. P. McDonogh 37. L . Lambert 38. B . Currie 39. P. Allen 40. S . Bacon 41 . J . Yemm 42. J . Lilikakis 43 . P. Clark 44 . C. Walke r 45 . R. Grandemange 46 . S . Smith 47 . S. Ritchie 48, M. Frankin 49 . D . Byrne 51 . M . Purcell 52 . P. Roberts 53. B . Hilton 54. S . Kirkham 57. T. Byrne
Sznicr C : h : G R-, Coach :, ~ 1 . M .Frisby 2 . A Walsh 3 M .Whar f 4 J.Hamilton 5 D .Kane 6 J .Bennie 7 J .Doyle 8 A .Byrne 9 C.Prior 10 A.Urbancic 11 B .Doyle 13 M .James 14 TClarke 15 J .Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 B.Lee 18 M .Heenan 19 P.Cook 20 T.Mitchell 21 A .Sainsbury 23 TJackson 25 P.Jackson 26 A .Fennessy 27 J .Lof t 28 J .Card 29 D.East 31 P.Crowe 32 A.Grant 33 S .Drury 35 A.Mackinnon 38 N .Bishop 39 A.George 40 G .Banc e 41 R .Burgman 42 l .McBurnie 43 A .Marcon 44 B .Hart 46 P.Heaphy 48 V.Cahill 49 A .Pugli a 50 B .Aggenbach 51 J .RavAings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S.Addicott 54 J .Parsons 55 N .Mathews 55 L .Mayman 56 T.Madden 57 R .Rom e 58 B .Neal 59 R .Johnstone 60 A .Parsons 61 G.Virtue 62 N .Auden 63 G .Makdesi 64 D.Trindade 66 D.Timm s 67 R,Holderhead 68 B .Cahill 69 S .Pidotto 70 S .Dibendetto 71 P.Gunn 72 M .Dikeukos 75 W .Daniel 76 D . Curtis 80 G .Bo x 81 J.Horridge 84 Z.Senburgs 88 S .Greenwood 97 P.Ronch i 99 P.Diacogiogis 116 G.Schiav o
Fiitzroy Football Club Ltd The Lord Newry Hot,' . BrunsFVick St, Fizroy
Coach: P or Tyson Res Coach: P A9c u 1a I . Baccini lb B Hudso n
2a G Broadley 2b E Sill 3a G Jackson 3b A Knott 4 E Baltic 5a S Avery 5b B Ruzicka 6a P Avery 6b N Tierney 7 D Moncrietf Sa N Hayes 8b J Mennie 9 R Ogle 10 P Orchard 11 A Sill 12 S Banfleid 13 J Povey 14a D Lauletta 14b T Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16a C Reed 16b D Lahiff 17a D Zaverella 17b R Tongue 18 P Ryan 19 J Law 20 S Parker 21 P Burke 22 A Collins 23a J Micheal 23b M Artini 24 J Jackomonis 25 M Zaverella 26 D Villan i 27 R Lord 28 D Lackins 29a M O'Brien 29b P Barker 30 K McDougal 31 L Collins 32 P McLennan 33 S Stevens 34 R Johnston 35 J Carguill 36 M Dao u 37 D Carter 38 B Bruns 39a S Davies 39b D Pritchard 40 B Moore 41 A Donkin 42 T Dixon 43a A Brick 43b1 Chepa 44 B Allder 45 A Burke 46 T O'Hanlon 47 J Berry 48 C Alexander 49 D McGowan 52 M Delaney 55 A Saulle
Coach: ucc ~ Alens Res Cc r.M H[nr. . ; :;
1 S. Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N. Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 0. Becker 7 D . Walte r 8 J . Blandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A . Nichols 12 A . Gross 13 J. Stratford 14 D. Hale 15 A. Clarke 16 D. Junkee r 17 J . Hetherington 18 C . Lovett 19 R . Coxhead 20 G . Browell 21 M . Asbell 22 B. Coxhead 23 D. Charleso n = D. Kitchin 25 M . Killmister M . Carter 27 R . Gilchrist 28 M . Bourbon - B. Lloyd 30 ' P. Holland 31 G. Roche :2 A . Tolongos 33 R . White 34 M. Graydon 35 P. Batema n Watson ' A. Jenkin 5 G. Block 39 M . Mastromanno 40 M . Salaj C . Archer C . Carlisle C . Goold Wells Goni s
G. Kent T. Besle e Martin J. Leroy D . Ratner C. Leeton Derr Bagnal l
Jone s 5 P. Warren J. Foster 57 A. Corbett M . Buick C. Watson G. Campbell
1 M Smith 2 B Holmes 3 T O'Sullivan 4 D Shannon 5 S Shannon 6 G Bunshaw 7 P Byrne s 8 G Malcol m 9 P Karamichalos 10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak 13 J Dutton 14 C Shannon 15 C Barry 16 J Birt 17 S Conroy 18 M Zajac 19 S Lynch 20 B Page 21 A Jones 22 A Flores 23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie 27 C Adams 28 A Waters 29 B Brown 30 J Munro 32 M Harris 33 P Bermando 34 J Broo k 35 J Howell 38 M Detreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Staffer 42 C White 43 G Stobus 45 K Day 46 D Hogan 48 J Hickey 50 S Castieau 52 C Andonopoulos 53 K Pard y 54 S Rawlings 55 M Davey 56 A Title y 57 E Hill 58 J Cavanagh 59 N Somers 60 MTapley 62 M Hutto n 64 G Royal 65 A Newton 67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 76 D Phelan 78 V Kelly 79 M Coomber 84 M Funston 85 G Jacobs 88 S Griffiths
I. R. n 2 . M.Ladson 3 . S.Hilton 4 . S.Holmes 5 . C.Horbury 6. L.O'Donnell 7. R.Back 8 . R .Dowsett 10. M.Courmadus 11 . S.Ha m 12 . P.Walker 13 . M .Jones 14 P.Sharp 15 A .Borgohna 16 G.Matheson 17 S.Coackayne 18 C .Emery 19 M.Hartnett 20 B.Rydquist 21 S .Koppens 22 A .Dragwidge 23 LMerrigan 24 B.Ferericks 25 D .Waters 26 B.Hilton 27 L.Mills 28 D.Coulon 30 R.Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G.Saher 34 M .Hancock 35 J.Sacco 37 D.Christian 38 A.Fonceca 40 A .Rud d 42 T.Ducancabino 43 M .Van Hooten 45 A.Paterson 47 J.Cotto n 50 J.Jiaming 51 C.Santori 52 A .Halls 53 B .Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K.Hilton 61 D .Houlton
Coach : F- : '. Res C_ . ch : [ 1 . P. Daly 2 . M . Hannan 3. M. johnstone 4. S. Stepnell (C) 5. S . King 6. W. Rosowski 7 . A . Hannan 8 . B . Luxiord 9 . B. Powell 10 . S. Aquiline 11, D, Hall 12 . M . McFarlane 13 . E . Henderson 14. P. Cheevers 15. B . Lazzaro 16. M. Thomas 17. T. Baade 18 . K. Johnson (RCC) 19 . L. Hall 21 T. Jacobs 22 A . Brywon 23 B . Downing 26 S . Doyle 28 A. Flowers 31 S. Herman 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fer n 35 N . Moojen 36 J . Macaulay 37 M. Rosowski 42 G . Baylor 46 M. Bellesini 48 M . Balshaw, 49 'i: Suther ;and 50 T. Hughes 53 C. Kent 55 J . Pohiner
, -n
1 M. Wright 2 B. Ueberang 3 7 Cameron 4 T. Cleveland 5 T. Fulto n 6 S . Cracknell 7 D. Zuluck i 8 D. Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N. Ros e 14 J . Ham 15 S . Maguire 16 J . Tate 17 S. Jackson 18 A. Hellner 19 J. Uebergang 21 S. Mill s 22 R.Johns 23 P. Eltringham 24 M . Turvey 25 K . Webe r 26 H . Wajszel 27 D . Clarke 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 M . Butera 31 P. Defence 32 H . Starbuck 33 A . French 35 J. Maher 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 A. Boyce 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Percy 45 N . Smith 46 R. Killey 47 M . Kennedy 49 J . Oakley 50 B . Rees 51 R . Pitruzzello 52 M. Collins 53 A . Cusi c 54 M. O'Reilly 55 P. Thomas 56 J. Catli n 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigden 59 J . Barron 60 M . Hayes 61 P. Hoban 62 K. Rodgers 63 D . Parker 64 C. Ramsdale 65 A. Butera 66 S . Buter a 67 M . De Luise 68 L. Holmes 69 S. Frost 70 E. Ricciuti 71 B. Stanton 72 D. Kirk 73 S . Devlin 74 C. Langton 75 J . Maguire 77. J . Bdstowe
The Giftware & P resentation s XfJOrT"' Specialists Wholesalers * * * * * * *
Honour Board Update s Standard & Designed Trophies & Plaque s All types of quality giftware e .g . Crystal . . ., etc. Club & Corporate logos and all types of engraving styles and printing Custom Framing - Football jumpers a specialt y Club clothing and Caps Fundrasing idea s Showroom : Level 9, 230 Collins Street, Melbourne Phone : (03) 9654 4911 Fax : (03) 9650 7106 Special discount to all VAFA members . Contact Alistair EwartlJohn Birt for all of your trophy requirements
BDF Beiersdorf Australia Ltd Don't worry D4ers we haven't lost Gavan Flower (superscribe) . He's just laid up a little with a badly broken leg received in last Saturday's match . A speedy recovery from all in D4 Gavan - look forward to your prose come Rd 15 . Syndal make it 100% from 13 while Rupo, Swinburne, the 'Bees, North and Mt. Lilydale remain in the hunt . Review Mt . Lilydale sent ()td Westbourne packing and they would have needed the 12 can trip to drown their sorrows after failing to come out after 1/4 time . The visitors through Slattery, King and Jenkinson took it right up to the home team in the first stanza, howevei- left it in the huddle as Cunningham and Kennedy did what they liked up forward, due to the good work of Smith, Periera and Celic for the remainder of the match . Mt . Lilydale slamming hofne another 21 goals to the visitors 4 to win handsomely and boost their percentage . Werribee had to battle hard for three quarters before they could shake off a determined Eley Park . The Sharks with Payne, Nelson and Blake in everything, surprised the 'Bees who without the assistance of Andrews, Marinis and Becker could well have found themselves on the receiving end of a loss. However after half time the 'Bees took control through greater fitness and the desire to remain in the hunt for a final's spot and ran out winners . Bad kicking is bad football is what Craig Fox will be ramming home to his players this week . North had 1 more scoring shot than the Saints but it was the greater accuracy in the finish that separated the teams . 3 .12 to 7 .6 told the story at half time and despite getting better in the second half (6 .3) the damage had been done . Sorletto bagged 3 for North, while Dwyer won the honours with 5 majors for the Saints who were best served by Carra and Frail . In the match of the round STH took control in the second term to gradually pull away from the Cobras inch by inch. The match was played at a frantic pace with both teams hell bent on gaining the ascendancy - it was the STH who did so and with a number of multiple goalkickers had too many scoring avenues up forward . Add to the fact that the brothers Hannemann (J & L) as well as Henderson and Bingham were in fine touch and the Cobras were simply outclassed in the end . Clements, Dall'Ogio & May fine contributors for Bulleen .
separated themselves from the pack with a . iard fought win against L'" 2e ITni . the first quarter was the difference as the Turtles found themselves 3 up at the break and then set about adding to th :s across the afternoon . An even contest after the initial attack on goals leaves prospective final's matches a tipster' nightmare (good luck Gavan) . For the vanquished Higgins, Albert and Allen stood out, while good Turtles were Coach Doody, Harding and Luttick . 速 twood had the bve . Preview y Park v Mt. L Last time around it was Mt . Lilydale who easily accounted for the Sharks at home . Twelve weeks on and the Sharks are an improved unit and so I expect the margin to be less than triple figures as it was last time . The Payne brothers, Trotter and Blake will make life difficult for the visitors, however the added incentive for Periera, Gibson and Penhale will be final's football . Mt . Lilydale by 10 majors . St . Marys v Werribe e Werribee travel to Glen Iris in the knowledge that while the Saints have improved, the last time they met the 'Bees were too good at home . The Saints form has been soundin the second half of the season and the visitors need to be on their mettle today to not only get the points but stop the Saints from shaping the final four - as they did last week to North Brunswick . Overall the 'Bees with Pace, Green and DiBattista in good form should get the points by less than two kicks . c Bulleen v dort The moment of truth for North . Bad kicking let them down last week and given the same amount of opportunities this week they need to kick a winning score . The Cobras on the other hand will be snjarting from last week's loss and keen to atone today . The margin was massive last time, but with North's season riding on the result and Fawcett, the Sorletto's and Newton in solid form they will take the match right up to the home team, however the Cobras will pack too much punch up forward with too many avenues to goal . Bullen Cobras by 36pts . S b e Uni. v Rupertswood Swinburne Uni face a rested Rupertswood (following the bye) and this match should go down to the wire . Rupertswood were too good a t ,,,,,. 1 ., 1 - -,
home in Rd3, but the Uni have been consistent for the main portion of the season . The match is an eight pointer for both as it will lock one into the four quite soundly, while the loser will need to pull out all stops in the remaining weeks to make the play-offs . Whitehead had a day out last time for Rupo, while for Uni . Sheedy, I?ebono and Prior were prominent . On scoring potential the winners should be the boys from Sunbury, but at home and with better recent form I feel Swinburne Uni : will win a tight tussle by 5 pts . Eltham v Old Westbourn e Elthalrl OC host Old Westbourne who will be sick of the eastern side of town given recent ventures have not been successful . If OW can begin well and maintain their intensity they will trouble Eltham who battled hard for four qtrs last time they met before getting the points . Luttick, Doody and Mizzi are keys to the Turtles, add to that group strong performances from Gathercole and Horsburgh and the form line reads a win to Eltham, but OW should not be discounted with the likes of Rivalland, Horsburgh and Lietch able to turn matches if all fire on the one day . Today the result will be in favour of the home team, not only due to the final's incentive but home ground advantage but not by more than 2 straight kicks. Syndal Tally Ho has the bye .
Press Correspondents: Email to ,g or fax to 9827 8001 before midday Monday
TODAY'S MATCHES D4 Section Eley Park v. Mt. Lilydal e St . Marys v . Werribee Amateurs Bulleen Cobras v. North Brunswick Syndal Tally-Ho has the bye Swinburne Uni . v. Rupertswood E)tham Collegians v . Old westbourne
SENIORS Best Whitehead Rutter Demorton Badanjek
Papanikolou Harding Ba)di Carlesso Heath
Eltham Rupertswood Syndal Tally-Ho North Brunswick Bulleen-Cobras D4 RESERVE North Brunswick Werribe e BuIleen-Cobras Werribee Eley Park
34 34 30 29 27 7 10 0 6 0
37 36 29 23 18
fi 7 .5 14.7 20 .8 28 .14 (182) NIT.LILYDALE OLD WESTBOURNE 6 .0 8.2 9 .4 10 .7 (67) '4t Lilydale: Cunningham 5 Carolan 4 Penhale 3 Hases 3 McKenzie 2 !inderson 2 Gibson 2 Kennedy 2 Delahunty Lenard Varga Gridley Kellett . t3est: Kennedy Anderson Perara Celle Smith Leonard . Old Westboume: 1.f owe 3 Horsburgh 2 Robson 2 Chrtsto Gigas A . Horsburgh . Best : King Slattery Leitch A. Horsburgh Depiazza Jenkmson .Umpires: J . Lane P. Slaebus (F) J . hiaebus (B ) WERRIBEE 2 .2 8.5 12 .11 20.14 (134) 2 .4 4.4 5 .8 6 .9 (45) ELEY PARK Werribee: Martnts 6 Ellis 3 Andrews 3 Martin Walsh 2 Becker 2 Addamo Mehmett McMillan Cammillera . Best: : Andrews Becker Cammlllera Bowen Drane Gerolemo Heath Ellis Marinis Pace . Eley Park: Itaddmgton Smith. Best: Payne Nelson Blake Alexandrtdis Cruse Drone . Umpires : K . Brewer A . Shlels (F ) NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .5 3.12 5 .14 9 .15 (69) ST. MARYS 3.2 7.6 10.8 13 .10 (88) Yorth Brunswick : Sorletto 3 Magnusson Hook Wernham Fenton Latouf Care. Best : Kyriazis Care Pizzarl Adams P. Sorleto LatouL St Marys: Dwyer 5 Bernardi 2 Ryan 2 Carra 2 Zsembry Boyes . Best: Dwyer O'Connor Frail Carra Chamberlain Dwyer. Umpires : G. Rotfs (F) SYNDAL TALLY HO 2.2 6 .8 9 .10 13 .13 (91) BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .2 4 .4 6.7 8.8 (56) Syndal Tall y Ho: Dix 3 Rutter 2 Thompson 2 Bingham 2 Carina 2 J .Hannemann Moresi . Best : Bingham Henderson L .Hannemann J :Hannemann . Bu lleen Cobras: Starrett 4 Baldi Clements Mcleod Narson . Best Dall'oello M . Pearson May Starrett Clements. tlmpires: A. Hoogendyk (F) SWINBURNE UNI 3.3 6 .3 8 .5 11.9 (75) Ei.THAM COLLEGIANS 6 .3 8 .5 13 .6 17.6 (108) Secinburme: Murchle 3 Liston 2 Fidler 2 Cav(echtolo Andrinopoulos Allen Milano. 'Best: Higgins Albert Cavtcchloto Piotrowski Allen More . Ettham: Jenkins 3 Conerty 2 Best 3 Horseburgh 2 MCDonald 2 Rigont 1)aody . Best : Doody Harding Horseburgh Fammartino Bell Luttick . Umpires : S . Stokes (F)
RESERVES 3 .3 5.6 5 .8 10.13 (73) MT. LILYDALE OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .4 6.4 16 .5 17.5. 107) Mt LBydnte: Holloway 2 Prestly 2 Hoffman Del Btondo Kidd Wells Penbale Drago. Best: Wells Del Biondo Lonerlan Johnson Holloway Taylor. Old Westbourne : Evans 4 Murphy 3 Crosswell 2 Habbersatt 2 Chaffrey Phillips Leitch Huntington Mattson Scholes . Best: Rtvllland Murphy Flower Evans Huntington Crosswell . WERRIBEE 8 .5 15 .12 23 .16 30 .22 (202) ELEY PARK 1 .0 1.0 1 .0 2 .1 (13) Werribee: Harding 10 Carlesso 6 Flack 4 B . Waters 3 P.Alakabis 2 Crick Fenton Hovey C.Alabakis Browning. Best: Flack Fenton P.Atabakis Grogan Owens Delany . Eley Park: Jackson Pauagoulos . Best: : Newbound Thomas Greig Jackson Flower Turnbull . NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .0 6.2 10.8 13 .11 (89) ST. MARYS 2.1 3.1 3.6 6.9 (45) North Brunswick. Papantkolaou 7 Evans 4 Patullo P. Tancredt. Best : Healey Burrowa P.Tancredl Papaniko)aou Evans S. Tancredl St Marys: Rousts 2 Morcom 2 Tahos McGurgan. Best: Evans Brown 0'Shaughnessy Koumantatakis Imes Morcom. SYNDAL TALLY HO 5.2 8 .3 12.4 14.6 (90) BULLEEN COBRAS 1.0 2 .3 6.4 10.9 (69) Syndal Tally Ho: B.Hannemann 4 Beckett 3 S .Macfartane 2 Murray Halilsey M .R(chardson Hannett Schuiling : Best: Hannett Fylield Kalpakis B.Hannemann Hunter. Bull een Cobras : T.Sette 4 MeKtney 2 Petrilh Soumildes Rlgoni Bortlh. Best: Reddish Trapman Borilli Petrilii Rigoni. SWINBURNE UNI 7.1 9 .3 11 .7 13.11 (89) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3 .0 4 .1 6 .2 7.3 (45) Swtnburme: Demarte 5 Canfield 4 Reed2 O'Donnell Trainor. Best: Bermarte Reed Canfield Nicoll Gains O'Donnell . Eltham : Jeal 2 Daley 2 Glare Barnett White. Best: Davies Carter Daley Evans Barnett Jeal .
D4 Section E311LLEEN COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo Asst. Coach : G. Bowen Res Coach : Nicholas Cox
ELEY PARK Coach : Darren Hawley Res Coach : Grant Heath
ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Coach : Brian Dowdy Res . Coach: J Glare
MT. LILYDALE Coach: David Keast Res Coach : Paul Commerford
1 J . Pilipasidis 2 T. Orwin 2 S . Petty 3 G . Bowen 4 i. McLeod 4 N. Ca rtledge 5 M . Dall'Oglio ( VC) 5 M . Starre tt 6 N . Cox 7 F. Baldi
8 T. Mazzarella
1 . Daniel Johnso n 2. Phil Hayes 3. Matt Brebner 4. Frances Varg a 5 . Greg Bird 6 . Matt Jelenc 7 . Dean Hendri e 8 . Kevin Maniscalchi (VC ) 9 . Andrew Del Biondo
9 B. Hoare 10 A. Gencarelli 11 C . Borelli 12 D . Thompson
10. Axel Bullerjah n
11 . J .MIZZI 12. A.MANN 13. R .BELL VC 14. S.JUSTICE
11 . Chris Gibson 12. Justin Comme rford 13. Richard Kidd 14. Chris Walsh
15 . Da ryl Morrison 17. Paul Beddoes
18 . Marcus Gridley 19 . Neil Whitehead 20 . Jeremy Penhal e
20 . P.RIGONI 21 . M .HART
21 . Matt Cunningham 22 . Billy Leek
13 T. Johnson 14 G . Pembe rton 15 J . Trinchi ( RC)
16 D. Trinchi (DVC) 17 S . Reddish
18 R. Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran
21 N . Lykopandis
22 L
22 R . Pasinati
23 . R .WATSON
26 . Travis Flanagan
27. Nathan Pearce (VC )
28. Travis Crow e 29. Peter Furlon g 31 . Steven Taylo r 32. Pat Carolan (C) 33. Chris Anderson
22 M : Turner
23 J. Redfern 24 M. Opi e 25 W. Olney 26 J. D'Angelo 27 J. Ca rtledge 28 A. Foske tt 29 N . Prestigiecomo 30 T. Pearson
31 S. McLaren 32 C. Clements 33 J . Elliott 34 M . D'Angelo (C) 35 T. Sette , 36 P. Dall' Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C . Chan 44 B. Saaksja rvi 45 J. Mustica 46 G . Reeves 47 S. Irv ine 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Ande rton 50 D. Weinert 51 R. Rodrigues 52 T. Stewa rt 53 L. losifidis 54 J . Biondo 55 S . Wigney 56 S . Whiteman 57 P. McVeigh
58 A . McKinley 59 P. Triandos 60 M. Vanda m 61 D . Rennie
BULLEEN AUTOMOTIVE CENTI2E 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105 Phone : 9852 1129
23 . Bart Egan 24 . Joe Hoffma n
25 . Andrew Delahunt
35. David Callanan 36. Robert Of Nezza
37. Dan Hicks 38 . Damon Kenned y 39 . Lloyd Allanson 41 . Peter Varg a 42 . Matt Pereira
43 . David Holloway
44 . Nicholas McConnel l 45 . Rick McKenzi e 47 . Chris Lonergan 49 . Joe Hoffman 50 . Andrew Penhale 51 . Paul Bastick 52. Mark Well s 53. Mick Leonard 54. Leigh Kellett 55. Haydn Flanagan 56. Dean Pres t 60. Travis Wilso n 63 . Craig Carsten s 64 . Daian Smith 65 . Lochie Procto r 66 . Daniel Turne r 67 . Neil Senior Joseph Drag o
59 . B.EVANS
Timothy Grace
Jason Gardine r
62 . G .SMITH
Andrew Burrett
Paul Caulfi el d
FU~carpett 11
Billy Jealous David Cicchiell o Heath Gurrier-Sanders Charlie Varg a
D4 Section BRUNSWICK Coesh:: Craig Fox Coach Res. Coach : Ange Sammartino
I S. Wernham .2 D. Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D. Pizzari 7 D . Magnuson 8 D . Fenton 9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh
12 S. Care 13 P. Marin 14 M . Newton 15 H. Tsialtas 16 L. Demorton 17 A . Kyriazis
18 P. Sorleto 19 S. Famulari 20 R . Divfta 21 M. Sorletto
22 J. Freeman
OLD ~VESTBOURNE Coach : Jeff Wilson Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch
1 . G . Robson 2 . G . Flower
3 . S. Depiazza 4. A. Nibloe
5. 6. 7. 8.
S . Sutton J . Horsburgh (VC) A . Christo A . Horsburgh
9. C. Villinger 10 . J. Wilson 11 . V. Matthey 12. T. Milne 13. S. Hewitt 14. S. Mattsson 15. A. Board 16. S . Christo 17 . M . Aqualina
RUPERTSWOOD Coach : Ken Balmer Res. Coach: Shane ldcLaughlan
2 D Fox 3 S Carmody 4 S McLauchlan 5 M Schwartz 6 S Gallus
7 W Brad 8 B Prendergast 9 M Clarke 10 A O'Callaghan 11 B Moule 12 K Cardillo 13 B Sinnett
14 L Plummer 15 J McGrath 16 P Clarke 17 D Walsh 18 C Nemeth
ST. MARTS Coach : Peter 0iivieri Res Coach : Michael Learmonth
1 . J. Harrington 2 . B. Boyes 3 . J. Carra 4 . N. Goldsworth y
5 . J. Dwye r 6 T. Burt 7 W. Ross 8 A. Zsembe ry 9 R. O 'Shaughnessy 10 G. Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernard i 12 S . Benson 13 A . Dwyer 14 C . Goldsworthy 15 R . Orm e 16 L . Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frai l
18 . P. Kng (DVC)
19 M Mezzatesta
19 M . Maschette
19 . R . Aldridge 20 . S . Cameron 21 . B . Dangerfieid
20 M McKenzie 22 K Quinn 23 M West
20 A. Lane 21 Q . Norto n 22 R. Allen
23 J. Briffa 24 M . Alliani 25 S. Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J . Heck 32 D . Newton 33 J . Rotella 34 M. Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A. Armstrong 37 D . DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C. Rhook 40 B. McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Page
22. W. Fleming
25 H Bradbury
23. K.Sutton 24. L . Fairfield (C) 25. M.Stapleton 26. P. Mesman 27. D. Billman 28 . D. Slattery 29 . D. Horsburgh 30 . R. McMillan 31 . D Evans 32 . G. Jenkinson 33 . D . Benn 34 . P. Stewart 35. D . Rivalland 36. K. Pillsbury 37. A. Leitch 38. B. Mattsson 39. A. Robbins 40. S. Leitch
26 D Zarb 27 N McMahon 28 D McDonald 32 P Sinnet 33 W Glenn 35 C Certo 36 P Henry 37 A Massaro 38 B Pettman 39 P Hastings 40 T Botten 41 P Bowman 42 B Swann 43 D Wardley 44 M Pettman 45 D Hum 47 A Seidel 48 A Stafford
41 . J. Dusting
49 C O'Riley
44 S . Grist
42 . S. Roberts
50 K Mandouitt
43 . A. Runciman
51 B MacPherson
23 J . Hil l
24 I . Goullet 25 D. Hutchins 26 S . Stone 28 J. Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 D . Thomso n 32 A. Webb 33 J . Watso n 34 M . Tindley 35 G . Theoharris 36 E, Evans 37 L. Vincen t 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Millar 41 J . Brennan 42 H . Joyce 43 M . Chamberli n 45 P. Rya n 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousi s 48 D . Morcom 49 G . Schembri 50 A. Worsnop
45 M . Pante 46 J. Polemicos 48 N . Oates
44 . B . Slattery
52 S Moskaljuk
45 . S .Huntington
53 W Gaunt
51 T. Bergi n
49 G . Skaf
46 . J .Sporteiii
54 C Zevan
52 T. Dunn e
47. T. Said
55 N Webb
53 S . McGurgan
48. 49. 50. 51 .
56 P Fox 60 G Sexton 62 A McMahon 63 D Blenkiron
55 B . Perelberg 56 J . Vincen t 58 B . Lewis 59 K . McLennan
50 B. Laoumtzes 52 P. Brine 53 S. Milroy 54 D. Bonney
55 J . THompson 56 L. Patullo 60 W. Duson 61 S . Nabbs 62 D . Perdon 65 L . Rigazzi
T.SCholes M. Pillsbury P. Habersatt S.Keliy
52. T. Robinson
66 L Mandouitt
53 S.Phillips 54 M . Crosswell 55 . M .Baulch C. Galvi n 57 . D. Halley 58 . M . Bavdek 59 . Adrian Lipscombe 60. N . Aqualina
70 L Temming 77 M O'Callaghan
60 M . Scammell
61 N . Jackso n 62 N . Goodieson 63 P. Roseman 64 J. Ramsay 66 G . Pilikidi 67 J . O'Connor s 69 J . Hend y 70 T. Brown 73 D. Doyl e 76 T. Tahos
80 J . Clarke
88 A. Foskett
Sponsored by :
Werr ib ee Hyundai
A . Baiiantyn e M . Banks M . Elli s
J. Odorisio S. Reo k G . Sig ley
D4 Section SWIBBDRBE UNIVERSITY Coach: Adrian Fidler Res Coach : Robert CavicchiWo 1 C Freeman
2 J Sheed y 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Morrison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nicholl
13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thomas 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiumani 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merkel 24 D Debattista 25 T Hourigan 26 T Liston 27 D Murphy 28 S Gray
29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Turk 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 c Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Roberts 44 N Morgan 45 D Isli p 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Alle n 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 S O'Donnell 53 K. Dube 55 S Gallina 56 M . Waugh 58 A Roberts 60 D Debon o
SYNDAI TALLY HO Coach : Kevin Hannett Res . Coach: Kevin Hannet 1 Hannemann.J 2 Bingham .l 2 Bourne S 3 Joy.M
gro1ldy s tt sponsored by : Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthom (03) 9818 4991 Robbie's Meat s
2. S . McNamara 3. D. Flack 4. L. Brown 5. L Kerr 6. S . McGrath 7. T. Ellis
4 Henderson .P 5 Dix .B 5 Hannett.D 6 Chasemore 6 Cotsis.J 7 Bums.A 8 Bennett.R 9 Kemper.S 10 Psinas .T 10 Van Derkruk.G 11 Rutter.J 12 Moresi .J 12 Miller 13 Taylor.D 14 O'boyle .S 15 Murray.N 16 Boucher.B 18 Macfadane.S 19 Glenister.M 20 Hall. C 20 Hannemann .B 20 Mackenzie.] 21 Thompson .A 22 Hoare. S
8. K. Pace (C) 9. C . Terzoglou 10. M. Keogh 11 . M. Green 12. M . Walsh 13. F. Mehmert 14. B. McMillan 15. J. Purton 16 . P. Browning 17 . S . Fuller 18 . E . Collier 19 . J . Addamo (VC) 20 . P. Albakis 21 . R. Zulian 22 . A. Dibatista 23 . C. Becker 24. J . Crack 25 . A. Hove y 26. P. Thomas (RC) 27. M. Brown (DVC) 28. D . Czajowski 29. S. Dol e 30. B . Carlesso 31 . B . Waters 32 . M . Dolegowski 33 . S . Parker 34 . S . Camilleri 35 . S . Alabacos 36 . A. Addamo 37 . J . Ayling 38. P. Dwaes 39. L Langfield 40. L Carson 41 . G . Grogan 42. D . Elli s 43. E. Galizi 44. C . Albakis 45. J. Marinis 46. R . Hann 47. R. Portogallo 48. S . Pugliese 49 . D. Lenoury 50 . A. Fenton 51 . D. Turner 52 . C. Andrews 53 . A. Trainon 54 . M. Jordan 56 B. Gibso n
23 Beckett.M 24 Macfarlane .M 25 Clark .C 25 Tillburn .S 26 Morrison .A 27 Kemper.G 28 Fy6e1d .P 29 Sheer.A 31 Richardson .A 32 Hannemann.L 33 Richardson .M 34 Hunter .N
35 Cachia .C 37 Dance. A 38 Christiansen.M 39 Hallisey 40 Leaver 40 Marks.T 41 Moresi.M 42 Findlay 43 Brown.A 44 Maestros.J 45 Richardson .D 46 Pane. M 47 Wong .V 49 Schuiling.D 49 Vamavas 50 Sneddon.A 54 Sheer. P
Coach: Tim Ellis Res. Coach : Tom Andrews 1 . A . Albaki s
315 Stephensons Rd Mt . Waverley 9888 3177 McDonald's Homesgien
i .li rime Of arl{ inaL'ch, ili"Si
and Su!T1 ame .
The â&#x2013;ş r,_ : :3 .(Glenhuntly Road) is open eâ&#x20AC;˘ .- ct4- ;-:h day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
Finals eligibility rules are found under Rules 5155 of the Association . Below is a brief summarv. Senior -(ist XVIII teams) Any registered player with a permit can play finals (except AFL/VFL players with a permit - see below ) Reserve - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be registered and must have played at least two (2) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (1 0) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) . Where both first and second A-Vill's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify . For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend (ie . Ist semi Saturday, 2nd semi .. Sunday - read as above teams playing on same day) . Under-19 teams - Players must be regist e hold a permit . If a player has played an ag e of more than 5 senior and reserve must have played more than 5 Under-1 9 during the season . If a player is ineligible ie to having played more than 5 senior and reser :e matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final. Where a team has (2) U19 teams or is
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uh cniri~! s the %vinnerof the Crown EnterTainment/YAFA Grand P;-al ._' n' )ackage will be drawn. i 1 u cs - t"",) nights accommodatiorx, dinner at Breezes F_.. , :.reakfast and valet parking and :a> (?)[ ic'::cts to the AF1. Grand Final . t.`i =r announced in the Amateur Footballer September 22/23. ._asz Week's winner: Bob Lyons `` iiii) : Therry Penola
Sireet Fitzroy F
: 03 9417 7419
'-n v . Old Xaverian s arcellin at Trevor Barker Oval, irday) . n ;, 'i ;s ,ilty . . ;. . azenod ity Blues v . Old Scotch nards v. MHSOB l;
() le '-?aileybury v . Old Paradians ( ;, -~ u rta.ris v. North Old Boys alle v. Old Ivanhoe Penola v . Ormond v. Old Melburnians at Elsternwic k day .
s v . Bulleen-Templestowe C ; n : eld Gr . v . Old Mentonians Gi~ _ Eira v . Old Essendo n 1'r ,u_ran Amateurs v . St. Bedes Mentone Tigers v. Hampton Rover s D1 C .--tion i .eos Emmaus v . University Blacks ~tnuash Blues v. Ivanhoe Assumption Aquinas v. Banyul e
oi ;l Geelong v. Old Carey ':'rra Valley v . Old Camberwell
Under-19 Section 1 Old Scotch v. Mazenod Old Xaverians v. Old Brighton St . Kevins v. Collegians St . Bernards v. De La Salle Marcellin v. Beaumaris University Blues v . Old Melburnians Under-19 Section 2 Old Haileybury v. Old Trinity Ormond v. Werribee Amateurs Caulfield Gr. has the by e Hampton Rovers v . St. Leos Emmaus Whitefriars v . Yarra Valley Old Ivanhoe v. Old Essendon Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues v . Glen Eira Oakleigh v . De La Salle (2) St . Kevins (2) v. South Melbourne Districts Old Xaverians (2) v . Mentone Amateurs to be played at Xavier College, Kew. AJAX v . MHSOB Under-19 (2) Re d Therry Penola has the bye Old Paradians v. Aquinas 0 C North Old Boys v. University Blacks Bulleen-Templestowe v . Old Camberwell Ivanhoe Fitzroy v . Rupertswoo d
Du " :!etio n '.1- ntone Amateurs V. Salesian 0 C Pcr, : er House v . La Trobe Uni .
P .r',side v . Ke w sula v. Williamstown CYMS `,'.? st Brunswick v. Oakleigh
Club XVIII (1 ) Old Scotch v . Therry Penola Brunswick v. De La Salle St. Kevins v . Prahran Mazenod v. Old Brighton
Old Xaverians v . Old Melburnian s tion k v. St . Johns 0 C Lhorn Amateurs v. Richmond Central ert Park v. South Melbourne District s SOB v . Monash Gryphon s [3 i ztleigh Amateurs v. Fitzroy Reds D== 3 :ction
: . Lilydale v. St . Marys , sibee Amateurs v . Bulleen Cobra s i'~ Brunswick has the by e dal Tally-Ho v. Swinburne Uni . rEswood v . Eltham Collegian s Park v . Old Westbourne
Club XVIII (2 ) Marcellin v. Old Geelong Old Trinity v. Universi ty Blacks Old Essendon v . Whitefriars Monash Blues v . Collegi an s Old Ivanhoe v . St . Leos Emmaus
~~ew SECTION I Games went with service last week, ; id havin g the five teams below Old :- vs loc' It 'ethe r azing on 10 - 3winllosses i a t ~ -nals series to ; spectacle . What a m< look forward to . Scotch . scrunched OM s with Watts having a produci ive day up forward, and Jennings and Lewis doing well in support : Wilson did well to kick half of OMs goals, with good games also from Faulkner & Richardson . Xavs built their percentage up to an even more improbable level against Univ .Blues. SKOBS never let Mazenod into the game with Gissing snaring a bag full, plus Meyer & Holland turningâ&#x20AC;˘ it on : Strawtorn, DelMastro, & Castricum were the Nodders best . St Bernards took out the closest contest of the round against Old Brighton and having O'Donnell kick 5 was a huge help as well as Bouzakas & Campbell having top matches : the Tonners were well served by Mead, Marshall, & Leaf . Macellin triumphed over Collegians as expected . DLS had a tougher time winning against Beaumaris than planned with both defences on top in the 2nd half : De La's . and T,Woodlock M .Goodier, Walmsley impressed : while Deaton, MeNicholas & S .Coote did the same for Beauey .
SECTION 2 Sixth placed Ormond caused the upset of the season to date, defeating top side Old Ivanhoe by 37 points . The margin could have been greater, had Ormond not finished the match with 2 .8 in the last term . Russell, Wiley, Harvey and Martinov were among the best for Ormond, while McWilliam booted four goals and Mendota three for Old Ivanhoe, who remain one game and percentage clear at the top of the table . Third placed Werribee had to work hard for the point in its match against Hampton Rovers, the Bees eventually prevailing by 20 points . Jack and Toussaint both booted three goals for the winners, while Kelly, Borg and O'Donnell were other good players . Spratt, Almhoffer and Cave were Rovers' best . Caulfield Grammarians continued their winning ways with a 53-point victory over Whitefriars . Caulfield led by just 15 points at the long break but powered away in the second half . Pennycuick was on fire up forward for the winners booting six goals . while
Jess, Boehm, Napier and Northway were o r good players . Brosolo, Janson and Sc' were among the best for Whitefriars, Calavetta kicked five goals . Old Essen( Old Haileybury a football lesson, with f running out 97-point winners on the in ' 10-goal last quarter . Flaherty bagged i and Velardo five for the Dons, while Mat e Waxman and Pollock were among the best for Old Haileybury . Yarra Valley recorded their fifth victory of the season with a 49-point win over St Leos . Clarke, Kehoe and Peake stood out for the winners, while the best for St Leos were D'Amelio, Rooks and Clarke . Old Trinity remain in second place after having the bye . SECTION (2) BLUE A couple of unexpected results last week with MHSOB biting Monash Blues, and DLS (2) giving St Kevs (2) a belting. An MHSOB 10 goal 3rd term put paid to the Ashers chances of winning a top match : Middleton, Svirskis, & Fraczek starred for MHS : Nind, Rosengarten, & Hickey were the Monash Blues best . Mentone crushed Oakleigh with Duggan, Kelly & Little with 7 goals all to the fore : Oakleigh's best were Britt, Stevenson & Rose . Sth Melbourne received a forfeit from Glen Eira . DLS (2) had a big win over St Kevins (2) with Kean, Pearse, & Beynon looking good : and SKOBS best being McClay, Mitchell, & Lyness . Old Xavs (2) couldn't trouble AJAX .
SECTION (2) RE D Old Camberwell continues to top the ladder after recording another thumping win, this time by 59 points over Old Paradians . Munro, Craven and Cottrell were among the best for the winners, while Old Paradians were wel] served by Tenson, Lyons and Aiello. Un'~. Blacks are just one game out of the four aftel defeating Therry Penola by 24 points . TBlacksledbyjustfivepointsa helongbrea l but streaked away in the second half Donovan, Prince, Healey and Delahunty wen outstanding for the Blacks, while Delany Harmes and Atkinson were among the best to Therry . North Old Boys jumped into seconi place after defeating Aquinas by 130 pointE Burley was on fire up forward for NOBs bootin seven goals, while Dean chipped in with fou Trigweel and Davidson were other good player for the winners, while Aquinas' best wer Boland, Gutheridge, Varone and Jenkinsor
D â&#x20AC;&#x17E;1? : n-Templestowe recorded a confidence ~oo~tuig 61-point win over Iv anhoe-Fitzroy . tilarsh kicked eight goals for Bulleen, in a very ;rl pressive display, while D Tsokas, Martin ,11d Lee were other good players for the ,s-i, i ners . Meigin, Foynes, Smirk and Kelly were , Inong the best for Ivanhoe-Fitzroy. 1, 111) -rtswood had the bye. prev :~w SEC-10N 2
, cii .l3lues will find Old Scotch too strong in ;,;,i a t should be a regulation win for the ~t~itess . :lazenod won't be able to impede Old -=,<<er :an s progress towards September action '111ci Tie margin could be massive . Old gri ,hl on & St Kevins will be a much closer itas, the Tonners will bounce back after last eek s loss and at home should take the point s a~_~oal or so . Collegians will be out of their ept}t < :.gainst St Bernards, who are shaping , 11) o I ?iinously well and should salute with a 5; l;oa!s lead . De La Salle should take the 4
S E CTION (2) RED One sided matches will be the order of the day, with the top half of the ladder meeting the bottoin half. Therry Penola will get back on the winners' list at the expense of Old Paradians, while Uni Blacks should continue their good form with a big win over Aquinas . Rupertswood will be freshened up after the bye and they will have no trouble accounting for Buileen-Templestowe, while in the final match, North Old Boys will remain in second place on the ladder after thumping Ivanhoe-Fitzroy. Top of the table Old Camberwell have the bye.
a nts over Marce llin, but this game is not a mrle' and De La's winning gap will only be a ~~,up!e of kicks . Beaumaris will trouble Old>urnians at home but OMs should have uon ~_, h in reserve to win by 4 goals . sECSSD-
()Id Ivanhoe should get back on the winners' ; , t this week when they meet Old Haileybury . he I ices' shock loss to Ormond last round wi ll :,o du >>'_ fire them up . Old Trinity host ,rinoi:d in what should be a beauty . The Âťe - ide will be freshened up after the bye :ould narrowly take the points . Caulfield ru,gling Hampton Rovers and should io keep the pressure on the three - id~s :! head of them . St Leos have the chance %,.-m L eir fourth match of the season whe n ; v i .<j st cellar-dwellers Whitefriars . St Leos ,houi-1 lie too strong . In the last match Yarra i ost Old Essendon and the visitors wi ll lay out . Werribee has the bye . i, 2j BLUE -u(;:.ty Mentone Amateurs should n . their winning way against Monas h :s . ; iil_ough how much they win by i s 's guess . Glen Eira will struggle '?eldeigh who should go home with 4D LS (2) don't look to have the fir e co - rorry South Melbourne District s and the latter should win by 6/7 goals . ll give Old Xavs (2) a bit of stick for t Xavs should win in the end by 3- 4 ` should be too tough a nut for S t i3i a scheduled start time of 1 .00pm, a little disconcerting; even so the iould be ahead by 5-6 goals at the
Hosking Watts Gissing Cations Harris
Mendola Foote Ye a J. Russo Velard o Cheevers Cooper Hayes Little Grace Winters King Dean Darby Sandiford Hanna
Old Scotch Old Scotch St Kevin Old Scotch St Kevins
UNDER 1912 Old Ivanhoe Caul"bd Yarra Valley W__ Old I 12 BLUE South Me] urne 0 44 AJF 0 43 Mentone 0 36 ;+le i .one 7 33 Monash Blues 2 26 South Melbourne 0 26 . - . 1 /2 D Rul t =ood 0 37 Norz Old Boys 4 36 Old Camberwell 2 33 University Blacks 0 31 University Blacks 0 27
OLD SCOTCH 1.2 10.11 12 .12 17.15 (117) OLD ME3SU,:i;IA,'1., 12 2.3 6.5 8.8 (56) Oid Scotch: WaOS 6(:a(kats 3 Hoskhvg2 fOtcten 2IAUns+resti J=phs Rendm9ast Ra}tre . Best: Watts, Jennings Levis Prm3erpst Frcanan Juscphs . Old Mexandars, Wilson 4 Fau(larr 2 Morgan 2, Best: Fau)kra7 Rk}uud.on Robinson Simpson Bmg= Dick=. Umphex D. D'Aftera M . Philips IF) 20 .16 (I3s) OLD %Rt+F.RIAtfB 4.0 9.5 14.9 UNIVERSITY $UE3 22 3.3 43 5.4(341 Old Xaverhm T Riddiecornbc 5¢+unn 4 LecasJll 3 Dmarda 2 Hov2rd Dimn Mdtrd k Fm Smrih. Be,,f : :,t~ Ttarnas McArdk A. Bk4dlecombe T 8 2 .>e Qtttrm.Uai Cu+3en2s}+rit42Hall.8esi :TxxttaSheehaz+W6mxttT~anBtm&q Cu11en. w M. Fonda R. Benson in R . Benson L. Ha" (8) 6.3 12.6 I6.10 23.13(151 ) ILAZENOD 1.1 1 .3 2.4 3.5 (23) $t. Re&`x Closing 7 tLVris5 hkyer 4 Chard 3 Gultder 2 DempscyFar . Best : Meyrr f k:tac M r'kud G'satttiQ, Jffilss.s. 3dazcm3: Mask€il Kfrin2nugit (`astrltvm . Best: Sttawtwn ..-c C:si+k,iw hkDsxt31 tYdsmr 6.wdrer'can, that b . . D. Sfepbeas J . Pspinall (h1 4.7 7.8 1211 12.13 f t OLD C21Gir10:t 3.1 7.2 9 .4 11.4(70) St . c b7Jcnnd1 5 Kttu+an 3 Whelan Eavakas 2. Bcst : Bmuak."cs Carnpbd Oik; rtell. R. Pckes. H. Pekes OW • Fry 4 Loaf Mead 2 Marshall lahsence Huntm Bcst : 11„at k4-rshati Leaf Fry • hi.115tinmrm (1'0 T. Friednann in B. Clark (G) UARCELEIN 18.18 (114) COLFE01,11t8 4.15 PO) Maceght: Hiosta+ 6 J. Sheehan 4 Shed= 2 Gartner 2 hksan DVuuL Best : T. 3lceett<nn Ga~af'~tsddk,onfkal. Ch,sukKrs2VeilCarbur. B^st: RahdtRocertsnn Sh&tk*M Clark Vt3l Cnriour . Umpires, P. Jwkson T. Jackson (F) DE 1A 431 .1E 5 .3 8.4 10 .9 11 .13 (79) 3 .1 4.6 4 .7 5.8(38) BEALTMARIS Eeaunaw. Deaton 2 2 Tincrnpoxt I . Best : l .Deaton MaYshoms S CaNeA Coate 50c, C Mflchel2 S Hyde 2 D Tayior 2 S Brawn I A Bmnle1 I 8 Pinw7ll Kelty Huckett Do La 1 T Nklwdas I Best l.M Good4s Watras3ry T Woed'rock S Braan A Dintrk M Brashs. Unspbm T. Lccy (P) O3I1I3AII.EYSURZ 1 .0 4.0 5.4 10. 9(69) OLD ESSENDON 4 .9 9.12 15.15 25.16 (166) OW . Hanlon 3 Waxman 2Jonrn 2 Cxr,d;ady toAxk ftoLnann . Bzst : Miskenzle LY=iafl Pe3Fack Hank. Capron Flunter. old Usecdoo:- Fta)mty 101htudo 5 B . FaM_ke 3 Buckley 2Firzpatrkk 2Gtr}wt&DeTJortan Frauct. Best: PahaTyStater De, B .Fakke J. ' * Frazs. Ucsptrrs: A Watuelawn, C . Evans (F) ORMOND 2.3 7.6 12.10 1416(102) O DPV 3.2 4.4 8.10 9.31(65) Ozmaml : McMalm 2 Russe9 2 NkUS 2 Cisnch Core Ferrari tLaasa4 McKenna Pressrr Wik-y lbttsm . Best : Russell W6cy Barney Martinw CGr+dt ,'A^-Kenna. Old Peazhoc MeWlilinrn 4 Msadoh 3 Hfts McKie . Best : Grieve Bar-nus Lynch Hblfs Clarke Rairst.Upirew C. Blans 0.4 3.4 5.8 10.6 (66j 4.6 7.14 1120(m WIURIMM 12 Aaeas Cantart 3 Jutettt 3 Ptobga+ 2 Turnbu@ 1N,asa. Ersi :: Spratt Ah+rh.&~ Care Knttut(, Mslt(muse Ktri(ae . 3 Toussaint 3 Rose Tedesco A. Rosso Kidd Cra+ioecs . best: Toussaint Kelly Borg O'Darvrct! D3+Xdsn Tedesco DenyKiern P. Rapke P. HWTcuut (F) K. 6,vtus J. Goodai7 (8) 0.1 5.5 7.7 11 .8 (74) WHH?xFJARS OD ChULFT1D 5.4 7.8 13.10 19.13 (127) '`.'r Calvicetta 5 Bross3o 3 EvnEs S-sby Sc}vcelia . Best : Brsdo Janson S~zSa :~_++dryl!cGnLresaAt$5ns.0l3 •Pemptfl&6Rdets3Faaer2TdW 2 Vlach 2 rra,t Uael :a+ Schnede.r )3W. Best: PcsuWcukk Jars Bodun N2ykr M1cfihway Foutes 11.-1:rc: A 5,rr" A, Harm (F) 0.3 3.5 7.13 (73) ST. LEAS Fl^SM YARRA VA32-°16 5.5 9.9 12 .11 18.14 (122) St L~ Rec's 4 Petrie 3 Culten Lundy PeJbury. 6"est D'Amntto Barton Clarke F& :llar+ds Patine Kelly. Aim VaBtg: Yeo 4 Peake 3 Ben 3 Rns8 2 Ur6acw Gates Bc-- Oaks Martin Crauglu Bost: Clarke Ke!»e Peak, Britt CYa~ Mara-I. • J. Lpam (F)
+3BL13 a .7 7.10 15.7 2.4 5.8 N6n96Bnrky2G~ 2Green FlickegTinxn(=. Ben N I Fitekey Grace Rogrcs VrKta. • Bawzn 4 Walker 2 Nelson 2 Fr,rsk 2 t 2 Harper Sstsl3s Viar d~ D. Best: Middleton `aaskl% Fra=k Walker Fdy thtVirm M. Jmklns 8. Nunn (F) O,AHI2IGH 3.2 3.5 5.6 6.4 14.9 20.1 5 MEIVTM 2 Mm+Lu+d 2 StC,mmn . Best Bolt St~ rea~s: Rc:.e Je . tattle 7 t}athtim 3 Ba,7 3 Bima 2 Dcm 2 Wilson 2 P!lJ, . .. Geamgatris Mcwtosc~ Barker Dttgpn 1Angnc . Best : Duggan ttetty LtttB Su9t,a : FWUtas Bsicer. thaphes, • P. Berry (F) SOtl13i ISIZOLIM DI3'Li21Cf9 (17.13 (115) GLEN EIRA F (7.12 (54) Unspires: M.Way IF N.L&.chenJ.Kndsv-4,1 (B ) HE 1,A SAt7.E 5.5 9.11 13.13 15.17 ( IOp7j ST MEVVIS 02 2.4 4.7 n0 iMI .a I3eyra :n5A" ty-ey3" ~rtsA.kiaJ~P~rse r iAt . Peruse Bc}1nmLo,:tttks :' &c 1. , Brst: hKlay MitduB L}~ hS4Wwn D ?Vat OLD XWERMNS (2) 02 1 .5 5z AJAX 2 .4 Old • Cii➢y 2' .j~ D,? i Ot ;ar.e. Burt,' WColt (7t9y Bryzz D OHrue^. AJAX- }In Pk.„ 21 iwhn 2 Cooped 2 Hash- Gme .all . I A Gd3ntan Butt Miller Gu' . n Gkzer. Unsph= K . Walker (F 7 On dcr.19(21 End OLD A 'S 12 3.2 4.3 OLD CAbRIERRM 3 .3 6:3 11 .7 Okl Paradirawn [aTare 2 D7num H..+1 L}= Terwn. 13K3: T, on Drummond Sorata Maras. Old • Cra'arm 3 CatVe112 Tem( ~ 2 Carty 2 In 12 bt .AV-t,, Best: Munro Crl:cn Control Warner c:ntw ft . U Scully in 4.2 6.4 13.5 TfERgR PLT,iOIA 4.1 5.5 8S L'aittlicEssm Lbram3n 4 Sondhu 3 Ccs6eti 2 Sh.rp 2 Stck*W 2 Runc4d l Bet : Danocalt Prtrme Hedey Delahuniy 54atuu, Nanna Boos mosey Pt : Pax--,o&, 2 Atkmxn Crony Shepirrd gutnn Caxton Cufton Fentonn . B : C Atkins.rn. Crotty. Rtynraids.0'COnne'J . Usophtsc R. Windiw B . Clark (F) ,:^tTHAB 2.0 3.0 4.1 I ._A1ti 0£D BCPa'$ 7 .4 13.11 18 .14 : . .ass, Munro 2 Ma~~anti JenAtsxmn. &st: &+tamJ GutiaerE1y:15ra,;e JenF no ;L -h+^g.North OW Bay. Burky 7 Durn 4 Dav&iaon 3 J,cn°s 2 Rmch,^ 2 r d 21 nk 7 .- . ,., Hancr^•s . Best: TrVa^ee{ Burley d- F.w!•Ire Mark . -• R. Szntth N . Carlyrn (F) 18.11 SP 94( T 5.2 12.6 4.4 5.6 6.1 1 8 . -m Marsh6iee 2Tay'a2 FFereacc24!rM-"-n S<»r. 8cG: D.TsJ,as M r..,+.r.s 2 Biack 2 MeW Kd]y^. Bmt Mei23n Fa~,= Snnrk Kelly • C. CuPtres (Si
Under-19 Section 1 University Blues v. Old Scotch Mazenod v. Old Xavertarls Old Brighton v . St . Kevins Collegians v . St . Bernard s De La Salle v. Marcellin, Beaumaris v . Old Melburnian s
Under-19 (2) Blue Mentone Amateurs v. Monash Blue s Glen Etra v . Oakleigh De La Salle (2) v. South Melbourne Districts MHSOB v. Old XaverSans (2) i be played at Jock M
Under-19 Section 2 Old Ivanhoe v. Old i-Iaileybury Old Trinity v. Ormond Vderribee has the bye Caulfield Or. v. Hampton Rovers St. Leos Emmaus v. Whitefriars
Under-19 (2) Old Cambenvell has the bye merry Fenola v. Old Paradians Aquinas v. University Black s Rupertswod v. Bulleen-Templestowe Ivanhoe Fitzroy v. North Old Boys to be played at Rams Street Reserve (2D C3)
AJAX V. St. ins ( 2) at I p .m.
.. ~
qLnmy H. Mchtittan (C) J. ~~ C. eeasian d B. c- ins (VC) A. Spence J. Pa"kgham vy K' It, IS. Deeming C. C- fins C. Tuck = s. Lynn e s D. F d Pans L Tu dcer LH :y J Bramwell T yv~u9h S. HuAen A -mpson CoAe a E . Cooper :, TrackaP A Coate (DVC) L Ferrari = S :' _Prcwaas (DVC)
Coo h :
Coach : Brian Brown irty Huck
1 B Wallard 2 K McKay 4 A Shinkfield 5 D Carcor 7 S Taft 8 N Unsworth 9 T Skarrie 10 D Vail 11 D Fotheringham 12 R Turner 13 A Hicke 15 N Roachy 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clark 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiri s 30 WFowier 31 N Herman 33 C Rowe
S. M Kuria
F .,_Concme ~PVC)
Cc :ch :8 bJI . .,
Coach,. Mark Donovan
Coach : Danet Merton
1 J Kea n 2 R Buckley 2 R Walmse y 3 J Hughes 3 T Malan 4 M Brasher 5 H Handley 6 MBrovan 7 P Harrison 7 A McLeish 8 T Woodfock 9 M Lafferty 10 A Coffey 10 A D(mbte 11 J Bowden ~ 12 C Moran 12 MNa~htin 13 J Roberts 14 J Membrey 14 C Mitchell 15 J St3near 16 WJalley 17 D Thomas 19 S Brown 21 S Byers 21 B Quinane 22 D Alderuccio 24 J Garland 26 D Spithili 30 M Krezel 31 S Hyde 32 A Bonnici 49 DCoggins 55 S Gib4ett
1 . D . Cracknell 3 . N . Addison 4 . M . Mastores 5 . C . Dignan 8 . L. Considine 11 . B . Gal e 13. B . Skeen 14. D . Coghlan 15. T.Sheehan 18 . D . Gartner 19 .. S. Birrell 20 . D . Salce 22 M. Voskersensky 23 . J. Neal 24 . J . Stempel 25 . E. Weekes 40 . D . Welch 44 . D . McMilla n
OL Coach: (I) Money Nicolosi Coach : (2) James Fay
C r.L. ;yC . .
(7 P 2 t .y 3 t.. G
1 . D. Elliot 2. S . Neeson 3. A. Bauzikas (C)
4 tA .. ._nzRC
4. C. Burns
6,-McI`'x9 51 6 C__ J 7 O Ka,-,e M 8 md~ J a Rzfiph J 1 0 R"v^Cca D
5. S . Iannazzo 6. A. Matthews 7. S . Monteleone 8. S . Mitchell 9 . J . Smith 10. R . James 11 . S . Wheeler 12. M . O'Donnell 13. L. Mansnetd 14. N . Thomas 15. J. Formica 16. C . Mitchell 17. D . Swan 18. D . Walsh 19. M . Moretti 20. S . Cxampbell 21 . N . Whelan 22. B. McManus 23. J. Mckay
D Smith E Townsin 9 3 E Tucker ' C Burgess 5 D Woodford 5 S Guest 7 M Kennon C Trim " N Guy B Marks 1 1 J O'Dwyer '2 J Richardson 3 A ~mpson < A Ri~ards
1 L Freeman 2 M Walkom 3 D Knight 4 D Logan 5 A Catchlove 7 J Spraque 8 N Coleman 9 S Daniher
5 I :"deir 6 B Wulf 1 7 N't::rrett
17 D Robertson 18 A Quail 19 S McQueen 20 T Hosking 21 N Costello 22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett 26 G Fordyce 27 R Davies 28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prendergast 31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T Maloney 35 B. Keck 36 S Marash 38 M Raymer 39 M Leeds
19 ~ P p µ vaL 21 sma„-aaP 22 Leas:OT
33 B+~ccv 8 34 .et'A 35 P.u~,ayA a~~~ A 37 Detaa>ia J 38 y.~y„~, M 39 Fur ffi D 40 We J 41 ST~ J
29 . C . Gouliet
41 M Watts
42 ~~0n M ~~~ N 60 Dmamo L
42 D . James 43 K. Walker
'~a S Carter MProwsa
E Ryan } Robinson J Rush N t_M D ~.`.~tks
MFlaga't C .' :aiker J '_,ve8 J' ; Icahy -=' E PeIby
10 R Craven
1 R Josaphs 12 J Rodski 13 W Lewis 14 R Teesdale
in Farrow L
15 S Cations 16 D Jennin9s
16 Gru~ s 17 ~C III R¢ss 5
44 J Simon
2 D~J 13 Nolen A 14 Chrmt~a~ F 15 Oncc e
23 Cr-r9yS
24 e T 25 f,~.~ G 25 O 27 Ggsu : P
a a~ ~n J 29 GO P
30 SR J 31
Fex A
2 k'"~'~'y~
24. B. Ca!le') a
25 . T. Legudi 26 . A. Anderson 27 . L . Evans 28 . L . Calteja 30. C . Tre~ari n 31 . L . O' Brien 32 . A. Smith 33 . B. Ballarin 38 N . Smith 39 C . Kevnan 40 R. Cousland 41 M . Kavanagh
Co ;h : Andr r Pickering
Coach : Brad Barry
1 . D. Bonnici 2. D. Fotiniotis 3 . P. Ree d 4. L. Rudlin 5. P. Ryan g 6. S . Veltman 7 . A . Wilson 8 . B . Thomas 9 . B . Thompson 10. D . Maskeli 11 . L. Fuller 12. M . McDowell C . Clegg 14. D . Cleg g 15. A. Burrows 16. A. Longmuir 17. C . Meehan 18. P. Del Mastro 19. S. Bickers 20. P. Dugdale 21 . D . Armansin 22 . C . Aguis 23 . D . Aguis 24 . J. Thomas 25 . D . Hansen 26 . D . Stagliano 27 . C . Raine 28 . D. Devlin 29 . M . Thompson 30 . S. Cox 31 . C. McDav e 32 . G . Nash 33 . D. Malloy 34 . A. Murray 35 . J. Schian o 36 . D. Oldman 37 . G . Kennelly 38, B . Chamberlai n
1 . M . Fry 2 . C. McKim m 3 . T. Mattesti 4 . A. MacGillivray 5 . N. Gamble 6 . L Dale 7 . C. Reddin 8. C. McNicho l 9 . J . Dooley 10. A. Morley 11 . C. Adami s 12 .J . Mead 13 .N. Edwards 14 .E . McCOwan 15.J . Hunter 16 . J . Homann 17 . J . Walsh 18 .A . Salem 19 .1a. Angelin i 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 A . Hughe s 23 N . Gambl e 24 C . Adcock 25 D . Hartman 26 C . Baxte r 27 J. Maguire 28 N . Williams 31 G. Simm 32 A. Goldner
ST. KEV' , Coach (1) :_10' : . . Coach P : 5 Mi ,
_ , .' r._' . ? . , ~S ' ,
Coach: Steve King
7 . J . Dempssy
1 . A. Miller 2. C. Nicholls
4• L Fox 5. M. HM
3. M . p.tbeltho~
2. T. D ug9~ 3. A. urr~ s 6. J . H~ 7 L K~ a9.. w D . '. 10. D . t 1 . M. H
4. J. Bromwich S. T. Birtley 0 6. J. Sudholz 7. L Marla 8. W. Austberry 9. M . Brookshew 10. J. Parnellii 11 . G. Frisker NC) 12. R. Jacob 13. T. Girdwood (VC) 14. N . Ric h 15. R . Hall 16. K . Alexander
t2. D . Ha
13. S. M;
14.8Mavn-- ~J ' 5. K D : 1 6. . Dt e . 117. D .. rz.
.~ &M I19. Wid z0. C 2t . D. 22. G . ~ '. 23. A . 24. G- ;, .--n 25 . J.D: -_~ 2f J
17. A . Briggs
18. P. Burns 19. E . Wilcox (VC ) 20. J . Colley 21 . J . Broo k 22. D . Haiswe~ i 23. J . Gorner 24 . R . Holmes (VC) 25 . J . Tanner
27 LC 2E P.L 2E . C C 30. P G 31 M a.
32. J. Cox 33. LMFrrr
26 . A. Wilson 27 . J . Wright 28 . L. Ryan
34 _ S. Mi,_ _ n
35. N. O 'H_ ran 35. T. Purc
37 P. 01
29 , A. Cameron 30 . J . Chambers
40. TP, ,, ' e 41B~ Evr ~ 42. M . Sr us 43 . M .T 44 . J. 4 5 . N. n
31 . M. Robertson
38 R.G- J
~; 7~~ , 51 . C. b' 51 j`~
~'. A .C` 57 . M Hi ."., ..,,, 58 . A Thompson 61 . D.Janws 62 . K McInerney
32 . S. Adams 33 . E. Mottle s 34 . Z. Rudd 35 . R . Kelcheva l
36 . C . Walsh 37 . R . Sweeney 38 . A. Sheehan 39 .' A. Gooney 40 . A. Tymm s 41 . S. Monahan
®LD ESSENa~3N ~t ~ A . Sinclair F 2A . Amo s G. Erickson 4 T. Vinen 5 B. Gross 6 Z . Jess P. Robe rts 8 S . Tucker 9 W. Frost
10 G. Crathem
11 C . Fagan 12 J. Mellington 13 L . Browne 1 4 B. SCott 15 S. J6Mcinsotl 18 17 R. AUr'nford 18 B . 0'Hoy 19 I. Glass 20 M . Trigg 21 A . Beach 22 T. Foster 23 L . Northway 24 B. Napie r 25 N. Dorman 26 M . Penn ycu(ck 27 M . Grigg 28 T. Franklin-Jones 30 A . Pelman 31 T. Habel 33 C . Hooper 34 H . Baker 35 K. Boehm 43 A. Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 46 R. Foote 50 S . Morri s
Coach : Psul Curry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B. Cullin 9 B. Canton J. Connell y T. Jowett K. Johnstone C. Maithouse A. ~tl~s G. Carr
S . Jowefl
1 0 M. Stafford 11 J. Almhofer 12 B. Kezilas 13 A. Fisher 14 N. Goss 15 D. Marin o 17 B . Smith 18 S . Burggraaff 19 S. Rawlings 20 H . Kerdel 21 L Cave 22 B. Hen ry 23 C. Probyn 24 R. Turnball 27 S . Weaver 28 D. Dawe s 29 A . M urray 32 C . Sendeckyl 34 L Kennedy 35 M. Davies
Coach : FAarshail Fisher 1 J Ydlliamson 2 D Ryan 3 C Obliubek 4 M Velardo 5 S De Mort on 6 D Slater 7 L Wilson 8 L Kavanagh 9 A Frazer 10 M Flaherty 11 J Buckley 12 W Nunlist 13 A Carroza 14 A Parker 16 M Nicolas 17 B King 18 D Flaherty 19 N Fitzpatrick 20 A Prowse 21 N Bart ram 22 7 Logan 23 C Devereux 24 J Dug 26 B Falcke 28 S Falcke 2 9 T Campbell 32 B Hakim 34 J Marinas 35 W Higgins
_ .. C-ch : Fim Hire
oach: Marty val
Coech : Andrew Lync h 1 M . Hoffmann 2 . L. Pitcher (VC) C) 3. V. Jayasuriya 4. H . McLauchlan 5. B . Crawford 6. S . Durkin (VC) 7. J. Hanlon 8 . T. Pollock
1 . K.0'Dwyer 2' M'Paine 3. S. Low 4. C. B nney 6. S .Curatolo 7. N .Braddy y 8. T.Grieve 9 . C .Lynch
9 . R. D'Siiva
1 0. S. Capron 11 . J . Glanville 12. A . Fletcher 13. A . Kozik 14. E . Marsh 15. R . Goodbody 16 . H . Brooks 17 . R . Plummer 18 . N . Rose 19. C. Waxman 20. J. Wright (C) 21 . D. MacKenzie ( VC) 22. A . Clarke 23. B . Koetsie r 25. P. Shakespeare 27. D . Swanton 28. B.Hunter 29. T. Archer 30 . A. Shaw 33 . R. Mosbey 39 . A. Jones 43. M . McGauran 55. N. Swaby 62 G. White
. h: G,
i .L Russell 1 8 Pet, ti 2.S . Whet#er 2 H Gyles 3.M. Wood 5 R Gale 4 .C .Hassall 6 P Boyd 5A. Clinch 7 P Padbury (VC) 6 .M. Luba 8 A Hollands 7 .R. Wiley 9 T Stephens 8.J . Muzzell 10 N Cullen 9.J . Franklin 11 PSampson 10.L. Wells 12 P Landy 11 .T. McMahon 13 M D'Ame!io (DVC) 12.L Breitkreuz 14 J Montano 13.M. Mart(nov 15 P Carey (C) 14.D . Jowett 16 A Kelly 15.A. Goonan 17 H Evans 16 .D . McKenna 18 S+Nlson 18 .M• Ramsay 19 A Rooks 19.W. Cove 20 M McHugh 20.R. Lerner 21 A Ballard ( DVC) 22.B . Rayson 22 N Carste#n 24.A . Lam 23 G Breadey 25.R . Matter 24 R Varney 26.T. Harvey 27 A Dix 27 .J. Noske 28 C Belfak 28 .T. Naylor 29 STrain 29 .B.Crornack 38 A Flanagan 31 .S. Barker 41 D Wood 33.A. Cook 44 C Clarke 39.M . Ferrari 4 6 P AftoB 50. M.Heffernan 61 N Kennedy 54.M . Wilson 64 D Tompkins 71 .R . Presser
aoacr : : La. 1 . S . Murat a 2. C. Kelly 3. M . Bradfield 4. S . Eisenberg 5 . P. McGowan 6 . S. Kidd 7 . B. Daniels 8 . C . Jack 9. A. Russo 10. A. Borg 11 . J . Toussaint 12. C. Smith 13. D. Groulos 14. T. Davidson 15. M. Walsh 16, C . Yasar 17, A. Tedesco 18 . B. Cunningham 19. R. Rose 20. D. Lowe 21 . N. Gaud 22, S . Blanco 23 . J . Russo 24. M. O'Donnell 25 . J . Putton 26. C. Andrews 27 . R. Fastuca 28 . T. Dean 29. L . Simmons 30. C. Mahoney 31 . B. Vandenhurk
Coach : Tim Pratt 1 . S. Brosolo 2. B. Warren - Smith 3. C. Ventura 5. P. Micalleff 6. J . Morriss 7 . R . Nolan 8 . C . Welch 9 . P. Tobin 10. A. Hill 11 . A. Curcio 12 . M . Sowersby 13 . M . Baker 14 . J. Treyvaud 15. T. O'Shea 17. P. Furness 21 . M . Calave tt a 22. L McGuiness 24 . P. Weston 27 . R . Hill 28 . P. Poutney 29 . D. Adkins 30. B. Janson 33 . B. Sheals 34. A. Biviano 37. G. Kennedy 38. A . Corry
10. S.Jenkins 11 . T.Hibbs 12 . J.Baker 13 . J. Bayford 14 . C. Le•mlis 19 L. McK(e 20 23 LLou g h an 25 D . Barnes 31 D .Cogga n 32 WColeman ~ D .Neilso n 34 D.Meredit h 35 M .MendoE o 36 TFinlay . 44 L.Stillma n 50 E . McWdlia m 53 J .0'Dea
° .' .l.EY Coach : Ra Penaluna 1 A Middli n 2. M Norrish 3. N. Pask 4. R.Be tt 5. P Vatopp i 6. D Lloyd 8 . R Dre w 9 . B.Kehoe 10 . J.Seeger 11 . Z.Webb 13. LGi4tie 14. G .1't n 15. D.Smith 16. C.Holdsw th 17. A .Pizzey 18. C .Bea l 19. A .Colema n 20 . D .Seneratn e 21 . J.Tompkins 22 . J. Peake 23, T. Collett 24. G .Coutt s 25. F. Pellegrino 27. S .Savag e 29. D.Bel l 30. J.Stron g 31 . S.Urbano 32. J.Parry 34 . S.Britt 37 . D. Sims 44 . N.Mart: n
c Cc~: r 1 Peg g:e A 2 Hine A (G ) 3 L~9don S 4 Taylor C 5 Pretty S 6 Burgess j 7 Davies M (DVC) 8 Amx;on A 9 Jackson N 10 Blackn~e B 1 t Mi~en P 1 2 Kelly T 1 3 Gordon N 14 Tttv~aite ; M 15 Amore J 16 Amore s 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Duell R 20 Oberci S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D 23 Hillas R 24 Ct, J( . 25 Lucas C 27 Cokal is S 26 Donation M 28 Corrdron K 29 Crawford t1 30 Buren M 44 Lancaster M 53 Plain G 76 Matthew M
Linder-19 - Section (2) Blue AJA X ccach : M .rk Zuker L Goldman J Israelsohn Z Lewski A Butt E Goldstone E Janover S Gutman DVan Men D G Miller g(t,de 1 Balbi n J Blankfield J Kozminski D Hershan 5 D Finkel L Fetter ii J Kegan i E Jo fe kima n .~ M Snowr " J~~er 21 A Leivin ? G Gelbart ~3 J Berger P Glazer :5 B Goldbl oom ,-6 A 27 J L~evns 28 J G ivani 29 A Goldman 32 L Peters 33 JuFeklma n 34 M Snow 35 J Rapke 38 A Sacks 37 D Krasnostein 38 R Silberman 39 G New 40 E Wro~Meer r 41 J Pask SO G New 55 R Silverman
OARLEIGH Coach : Chris Moore
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B.
L. Kelly B. Rose L. Georgiadis C. Kokkinos A. Ciavarella R. SymmonS
DE LA SALLE (Gold) Coach: Greg Buntine 1 B Hawkins 2 L Browne 3 D Hyde 4 S Meehan 5 M Miller 6 D Wood 7 D Taylor 8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailon 11 S Alder 12 R Burrows 12 B Scanlon 13 P Arbon 14 A Dimble 15 J Hu hes 16 M Roberts 17 J Bowden 17 B Keinhau s 18 R Quirk 19 S All a n 20 J Shone 21 M Beynon 22 M Conway 23 H La Ragy 23 B Reid 24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clifton 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken
1 Carter P
A. ~SSe r
M . McPhee
10 McColl D
12 P. Malcolm 14 B. Evans
11 Farrow L
22 S. Johnson 23 S. Bando
29 R . Kelly 32 A. Cox 34 A. HathawayY 35 M. Stevenson
36 C . Symons 39 T. Orchard 41 B. H ylOnS 43 J. Reynolds
46 J. Gaal 47 D . Banks
48 J. Nevezie (C) 52 S. H eslop
57 S. Greenway 58 A. Bye 63 N . Wills
Coach: (1) Manny Nicolosl Coach : (2) James Fay
18 M . Cash 19 D. Brit 21 J. Briggs
~ q
Coach: Dennis Grace 1 S. Chapman 3 J .Rasengarten (C) 4 G . Chessar i 5 R . Buckingham 6 A. Hickey 7 S. Knight 8 S. Thompson 9 P. Nevill 10 B. Rogers 11 M. Veg er (VC) 12 R . Shears 13 M. Carey 14 Z. Wr ht 15 B . Nind 18 A . Shields 19 G. Gilbert 20 W. Little 22 B . Green (VC) 24 T. Craven 26 B . J ond ahl 29 J . Ross 30 J . Meli ngton 31 S . Hawkins 35 M. Shad ie 39 C. Burley 41 J . Ryan 42 S . Young 48 G. Clugston
42 E Sims-Lucas 57 D Jad e 59 S Sharpies
16 A. Keays
29 G Walton
2 Quinn N 3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C 5 McKenzie-McHarg9 6 Cato J 7 O'Kane M 8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J
15 D. Moulang
GLEN EIRA Coach: John Howard
12 Dillon J 13 Nolen A 14 Chamber(ain F 15 Dixon B
16 Grigg S 17 Doyle C 18 Ross S 19 Jabour P 20 Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T 23 Carmody S 24 Biddlecombe T 25 Pietryk M 26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 28 McGrath J
29 Gill P
30 Silk J 31 Fox A 32 McCarthy M
Coach : Darren McKillop I
J.Royle 2 P. Grundy 3 J. Raebum
4 M . Wood 5 R. Davison 6 X. Kidd 7 R. Winters 8 A Skinns 10 S. Rocco
11 L Este r 12 J. McDonald 13 W. Brown 15 S. Atherton 16 J. Leeman 17 P. D'Mdrea 18 G . Rowe 18 J. Stephens 19 K. Bardon
21 D . Bell 22 A Nield 23 J . F' iannis
24 K Ferguson 24 G. Tsicadaris 26 L Bel l 27 P. Cheevers 30 H . McFadden 32 J . Clyne
33 Buckeridge S
~ S. Aquiline
34 Spillane A 35 Bushby A
69 W. Hooper
36 Biddlecombe A 37 D¢Maria J 38 Walsh M 39 Furtetti D 40 Dale J 42 Smith J 44 Bohon M 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L
MENTONE Coach : Shane O'Connor 1 .M . Meye r 2, S . Sulliva n 3. P. Dixon 4. G . Alla n 7. T. Barr 8. K . Littl e 9. K. McLeod 11 . B. Atherto n 12 . M. Wilson 13 . M. Hayes 14 . P. Rocke 17 . S . Casacell i 19 . S . Hamilton 20 . P. Kring s 21 . D . Kelly 22 . S . Barker 24 . M. Duggan 26 . A . Rock 30 . A . Pothitos 31 . C . Jamieson 33 . R . Harril l 34 . M . Wingrav e 35 . T. Smith 36 . G. Moran 37 . C. Johnston e 38 . R . Bitne r 41 . S . Alexander 45 . R . Connard 56 . S . Rickards
M .H .S .O .B .
ST. KEVINS OB Coach : (1) Paul O'Shannassy Coach: (2) Stephen Clark e
J..J Dempsey 2 . T Duggan 3 . A. Umbers 4 . L. Fox M. Hicks 6 J. Harris 7 . L. Kalesaran
8 . D . MacDonal d 9. W. McCann 10. D . Mahoney 11 . M. Hutton 12. D. Mctay 13. S. Marwood 14. B Marchesani 15. D . Bare 16 . K Didns 17. D . Makohon 18 . M. Anderson
19. W- MacDonald 20. M M. Mu grew . Holland t2 ,G 23- A. Jankins 24 . G. Nolan 26 . d Knuppel 27. D , Kerr 28 . P. Landy' 29 . P. Fogart . Gissingy30,P 31 . M. Courtney 32 . J . Co x 33 . L Meyer 34 ' S . Macheu 35 . N . O'Halloran 36 . T. Purcell 37 . P. Clanc~ 38 . R . Char 39 . M. Caimey, 40 . R . Boysc 41 . B . Evans 42 . M. Stonehouse 43 . M. Tischier 45 . ta. wans 46 . C. Wilkinson as . J . Gullfrer 51 . C. O'Shaughnessy
55, A. Mamrsh 57 . M . Hinsiey 58 . A . Thompson 62 . K Mclnemy
65 . R. Mille r
68-J . Deacon 69 . C. Hilliard
Coa ch : Jerome Jackma n 1 . P. Rujevic 3. D. Bevan 4. M . Brown
5. M . Hall 6. A. Viscendese 7. C. Kennedy 8. B . Brown
9. J . Walker O C 10. T. Cousland 11 . M . Bignal l 12. M . Bowen 13. T Harpe r
14. A. Niren s 15 . T. Fracze k 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 .
M . Neilsen G. Pollard J . Saigal D. Giannakos
20 . S. Foley 21 . Dav. Fox 22 . J. Brown 23 . J. Davi s 24 . Dan Fox
25 . C. Owen 26 . T. Middleton
28 . A. Liesk e 29 . D. Viscendese 30 . E. Hind 31 . K. Harding
- -~
- ---
Coach : ri 2 R. Kloy~ma n 5 A. Boland 6 P. McNiff 7 A . Jenkinson 9 M. Guthridge
10 L . Mackowski 12 A. Corriga n g 13 V. Hall 14 A. Hayes 15 S . Varone 17 J . See 19 D . Sinclair 20 S. Collins 21 P. Stone 22 G . Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D. Dew 25 C. Tavalli 27 C. Munro 28 J . Holly 29 B. Miller 30 J. TaPPIe y
_ ..
. .__-~- . .- . .
Coach: Peter Hansen 2 M Spinoso 3 M Lyons 4 A Harvey 5 A Dean 6 S Fistric 7 L Drummond 8 E LaTorre 9 B Reiner 11 S Connelly 14 S Fantone 15 D Dean 18 L Aiello 19 A Paglia (DVC) 21 L McMahon 22 R Priest 23 C McKay 24 G Loftus 26 M Keeling 27 D Capte 28 S Russell 28 C Duncan 29 R Hat! 34 P Gloury 39 J Zfrovr • 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson (C) 51 T Cro~ 56 D~~ 63 S Corcoran (VC) 75 P D'Intino
Cc i : It
4 . 0. Hill 5 . G Taylor 6. M Beni c 7. M . McGrath 8. R. Conti 9. M . Bickerdike it . J . O'Donnell (C) 13. R Lee 14 . P Harding 16 . D . Charles 18 . A DeSimone 19 . J Hasan 20. J Paraskeva 22. M Perri 23. D . Tsokas 25. D Steer 26. D . Martin (VC) 31 . T. Walters 33 . P. Gordon 34 . M Tollit 35 . P. Tsokas
30 D Barnwell 31 J Bire 32 J Dunne 33 E Heaty 34 C MeaJ a n 35 B Dawsett 36 J Healy 37 M Edmonds 39 A Butler 40 J Harman 41 A Maraud 44 B Ashton 45 G Robertson 46 M Ahern 47 N Blayney 48 N Dykes 50 J Simrk 52 E Clayton 54 S Sukkar 55 B Foynes '* D Cummins " C Grose " J Kelly ~ A Powell B Stafford G Waugh
Coach : Ken Balmer
1 T Roach 2 J. Mullins 3 S . Haynes
1 . in. Littl e 2. D. MeQualter 5. P. Tempnne
4 M . Owen 5 L. Byrne 6 S. Nolan 7 M. Kelly 8 S. Bermingham 9 R. Davidson 10 M . King 11 D.Keenan 12 N. Hahn 13 D. Burley 14 L. Barnes 15 R . Evans 16 N . Trigwetl 17 B. Burrows 18 J. Dalton 19 D . McLellan 20 A. Chuck 21 M . Kurec 22 M . Curzio 23 H . Ryan 24 S . Cook 25 J. Hughes 26 M. Vanderhorst 27 N . Barry 28 H . Monk 29 T. Dean 30 T. James 31 A . Saad 32 M . Seed 33 S . Bead ._
L _v__ .® . .
Coach: Mich ' tea
Coach : Richard Grummet t
1 . S . Marsh 2. D . Florence 3 . A . Paradise
.~. .
. . .®. ., . .rm . :_
Coach: Tony Crotty Assist: Phil Ryan Coach : John Bushby
1 R Zahra 2 S Page 3 V Seem 5 J Ramsay 6 B Shalders 8 K Elliot 11 A Jamieson 12 M Temming 15 J TQtfer 16 D Stafford 17 L Becker 18 L Fielding 19 R Johnson 20 P Flinn 21 D Heywood 22 A Carlo 24 G Price 25 R Hatty 27 M Kosta 28 P McMahan 29 G Hewat 31 M Assouad
i Farotdi M 2 Goodwin T 3 Reynolds L 4 Barron B 5 Kiernan M 6 Mullane P 7 Hermes J 8 Quinn L 9 Gleason L 10 Crotty J 11 McCarthy L 12 Senaiore F 13 Comb M 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Palazzolo M 18 Freckleton J 19 Green A 20 Capewell C 21 Atkinson D 22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Carroll A 26 Sheppard T 27 Thompson T 34 O'Connell S 59 Robinson T 72 Johnson S 81 Delaney D
OE _
Coach : Da id Zappula
I M Ballads 2 S rth 3 D Bo iomo 4 J Corbett 5 C De(ahunty 6 T Donava n 7 P Donela n 8 N Ebner S 90 P F~ 11 J Greenwood 12 M Grigg 13 R Hamilto n 14 W Hanna 15 D Higgins 16 E Hindl e 17 R Mansfield 18 T Mayal t 19 R Marston 20 D Qconnet 21 R Qsullivan ~ B Owen 23 V Parkinson 24 S Prince 25 L Rawnsley 26 J Rivett 27 A Ross 28 S Rundl e 29 M Sale 30 S Sandford (C) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R $carlett 33 N Shar p 34 P Sondhu 35 M Stockfel d 36 A Tarney 37 J Walker 38 D Watso n 39 R Willis
6. B . Christie 7. B . Rya n
8 . C . Morle y 9 . A. Cramer 10 . K. derby (C ) 11 . D. Pike 12. G . Weickhard t 13. T. Proswe 14. C. Munro 15. S . Jones 16. A . Cantor 18 B. Craven 19 B. Larrichia 23 H . Hogan 25 A. Zemski 26 D. Lin g 39 A. Emmerson 43 T. Sigala s 50 J . Agatanovi c 51 M . Brooke 52 M. CoiVe l 53 J . Cucinotta 54 L. Enright 55 M. Gilbert 56 A. Moharic 57 S. Morritt 58 J. Pettitt 59 D. Schmidt 60 N. Warner 61 T. Parkes
, a sales 1. 2.
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' - current EFL cfor es Manager
.hiBe salt o ragoa r
ecessary a: ; - e,i . ing
Call the . '.;out the job . -'=~43 993 3 .
EFL ] st Div. PI >r
sz sr to C
find out n: m .au or fa :_
~ .~ _i - 1
U .a e ~_ ;71 Stereo Y74 r M Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00arvo
For news, views and previews, tune to The Ammos Show with Kenn Woolfe , Barnaby Willis & Adam Soffer SATURDAY on 96 .5 FM - 1 p .m. -1 .45pm . Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p...._- . every Saturday 2 8 JULY IVANHOE ASSUMPTION V 4 AUGUST OLD TRINITY V
Half Time and Full Time Score Servic e EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS "in tune with the outer east " VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6.00 -6 . 15pm each Saturday night .
V'-FA segment with Brad Beitze l
9.30 - I0.30 a .m.
TUNE IN 9 .30 EACH SUND AY MORNING FOR BENNY GOODM A N AND TOMMY BRAIN WITH ALL THE VAFA NEWS This weeks guest : y Sleeth (6arahtan - General Manager) an
- 7eSt
~ ?w,, CV
y ~(3p-- t
presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests fro m St Bernards (A), Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, LaTrobe Uni (1) 2), North Brunswick, Rupe rtswood (D4), Old Essendon (C) .
REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Paul Da ffey writes about Saturday VA FA matches, previews the Sunday Match o f the Day and revie ws the competition in Monday's Age.
Brad Beitzel reviews Saturday's matches hi his Sunday Herald
Offl(foo 009L70
Radio Advert Promotion . !'~Ta~r~ -. t~ W LA-rav2~~7 , 1~ Footy -L _vp速 presented by Glenn Scarbo ro ugh with guests from
St Bernards (A), Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), West Brunswick, LaTrobe Uni (1)2), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4), Old Essendon (C) . PREVIEWS Friday 7.00-8.00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
G~ffi(fo ft ~p O 1?0 ~~ F a W.
Weekend Game Promotio n
. Attempting t o
nded pending
~- _ not ry explan-e club ii zed
ended to 1 matc h Ay 24, 20E) 1 , 2 matche s -eadbutting, 6 matches ..a Salic (Under-19) .
Ac : ,da inc . l ew Best, Ft-
s (Under-19). Interferin g
am Cursio , ;aplz_.:r k
Aug 11 No-'-'l Old v 9Ha Aug 12 FIDA Gra nals Aug 18 RiHSOB v Old Scotch Aug 19 Club XVIII Prelim . Finals Aug 25 Marcellin v St . Bernerul Aug 26 Club :^ 711 Grand ' , s
theitzselves but will coin- :e up s"ort in 1ic end. h e to travel across tin i to meet a C buoya*1L --3 who have no ,,in 3 in a row and are knocking on the door . It is 3 ;, :=:c( ;-1' s 250th game for his club, -II done mate so the-all the motivation . Ladder -ositions tell me I : tip the visitors as the-- a or near the t never being one fo coi ion is going to ;et and ? home side to cause a b finals chances Two of my old ch and meet at the BluffRoad Oval tod, y . he Rovers ave lost their last 2 against the 2 top :(es but he at been disgraced nor at full strength I might add . Two Blues would be disappointed with their season t o date but with the pressure of relegation eased e y can now concentrate on th "r footy . Tough c, to pick between the 2 but home ground z and more consist icy ie to d o St Bedes lcome the smaller B it St C't . An ab: win for the Tigers against i ie top pla ~ed are in terrific form so it should be an (._ . They have a huge home ground ~__ do the Tigers and play it so well, Don't azo, if ma :-T of the Collegians players have even seen it let alone play on it, and this may tell ^-inst them, so much to my mate Tim Hart's deli .-it I'm going for another upset, with the Tigers to g! o, r' )'ne . This weeks Black List ; BL- --en-Tempiestowe (most unusual Stesvart )
Keep up the good work the rs are 9-553 1561 home phone or fa : 0 12 -3 or drop me an email to
f, : goal, (player did not
appear) 3 mat e 6 'Ben Hogan, S . '
ds . Attempting to trip, 1 niatch . *Sam Sacco, Therry Penola ( Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches . *Aobert Livingston, Kew (Reserves) . Striking, 2 hes . BPuarin, St. pernards (Under-19) . tc i~l ct, 2 aatches.
% ($25) ;
ourne Uni (S ) iards (U) :ib . (U ) - __~ 12
('`?) but te Uni (R) St . Lens (C ) Ci
23 vanhoe have so far proven the win this vital match . ere. This week I have been ; ;d three umpires and I also . Thus there is a lot more a me by phone 9 46 7 285 7
e- .. ..-]
nday with your details.
Saturday August 11 - Trinity Playing unday August 12 - Trinity Playing : unday August 19 - Elsterry*ic k Sunday August 26 - Elsternwick Par k 2) - 11 .15aYn matches; Club XVIII (1) -
atches throughout finals
P W L D For Agst % Pts 12 1 0 1172 443 264.56 48 12 1 0 1354 618 219.09 48 13 8 5 0 682 581 117.38 32 13 7 6 0 935 864 108.22 28 13 7 6 0 838 801 104.62 28 13 6 7 0 665 823 8( .80 24 13 5 8 0 765 802 95.39 20 13 5 8 0 742 844 87.91 20 13 2 11 0 628 1126 55.77 8 13 1 12 0 409 1323 30 .91 4
W L D For Agst % Pis 11 2 0 857 489 175.26 44 10 3 0 858 370 231 .89 40 8 5 0 665 514 129.38 32 7 6 0 655 651 100.61 28 7 6 0 578 585 98.80 28 7 6 0 458 509 89.98 28 5 8 0 491 668 73.50 20 4 9 0 594 904 65.71 16 3 10 0 465 720 64.58 12 2 11 0 498 1032 48.26 8
P W L D For Agst % Pis 13 12 1 0 1024 438 233.79 48 13 12 1 01030 546 188.64 48 13 9 4 0 830 730 113.70 36 13 8 5 0 756 688 109.88 32 13 7 6 0 630 736 85.60 28 13 5 8 0 731 794 92.07 20 13 4 9 0 682 823 82.87 16 13 3 10 0 529 911 58.07 12 13 3 10 0 421 815 51 .66 12 13 2 11 0 676 1010 66.93 8
W L D For -t % Pis 11 2 0 1577 681 231 .57 44 10 3 0 1387 648 214.04 40 10 3 0 1463 779 187.80 40 10 3 01461 797 183.31 40 10 3 0 1231 715 172.17 40 10 3 0 1330 798 166.67 40 6 7 0 1066 1314 81 .13 24 4 9 0 727 1104 65.85 16 4 9 0 802 1224 65.52 16 2 11 0 746 1495 49 .90 8 1 12 0 525 1393 37.69 4 0 13 0 382 1749 21 .84 0
L D For Agst % Pt€c Ratio 2 01291 706182.86 44 84.62 3 01028 581176.94 40 76.92 3 01345 786171 .12 40 76.92 4 01043 639163.22 36 69 .23 4 01242 899138.15 36 69.23 4 010751001107 .39 36 69 .23 6 0 884 976 90.57 28 53 .85 8 01024 1213 84 .42 20 38 .46 9 0 841 1242 67 .71 16 30 .77 10 0 694 1625 42 .71 12 23 .08 12 0 710 1509 47 .05 4 7 .69
W L D For Agst % Pks 13 0 01836 551 333.21 52 12 1 01589 633 251 .03 48 9 4 01411 842 167.58 36 7 6 01161 873 132.99 28 6 7 0 1197 1069 111 .97 24 5 8 0 871 1146 76.00 20 5 8 0 967 1393 69.42 20 4 9 0 1101 1421 77.48 16 4 9 0 999 1710 58.42 16 0 13 0 614 2125 28.89 0
W L D For Agst % PLs 11 2 0 1334 629 212.08 44 10 3 0 1117 609 183 .42 40 9 3 1 1365 599 227.88 38 9 4 0 1339 757 176.88 36 8 4 1 1127 823 136 .94 34 8 5 0 1374 714 192.44 32 5 8 0 527 1382 38.13 20 2 1 1 0 481 1 695 28.38 8 2 11 0 368 1876 19.62 8
D ~, RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts P7IZROY REDS 13 12 1 01275 428 297.90 48 ST JOHNS 0 C 13 11 2 0 944 651 145.01 44 SOUTH PAELB DIST 13 9 4 0 815 721 113.04 36 ELSTERNWICK 13 8 5 0 878 682 128.74 32 U H S O B 13 6 7 0 859 709 121 .16 24 MONASH GRYPHONS 13 5 8 0 701 710 98 .73 20 BENTLEIGH AFC 13 4 9 0 801 1056 75.85 16 HAWTHORN AMAT 13 4 9 0 636 961 66.18 16 RICHMOND CENTRAL 13 4 9 0 608 1252 48 .56 16 ALBERT PARK 13 2 11 0 644 1027 62 .71 8 D4 RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts Ratio SYZdD9I. TALLY-H013 13 0 01176 372316.13 52 100 t', L RRIBEE AMAT 13 11 2 01185 624 189.9 44 84 .62 ST MARYS 13 9 4 0 965 647149.15 36 69 .23 ,iT4 BRUNSWICK 13 9 4 0953 754126.39 36 69 .23 S UR1dE UNI 13 8 5 0829 632131 .17 32 61 .54 BULLEEN COBRAS 13 8 5 0 708 718 98 .61 32 61 .54 RWOOD 13 7 6 0 725 727 99 .72 28 53.85 OLD WBOURNE 13 4 9 0 593 871 68 .08 16 30.77 ELTHfl2t1 13 4 9 0 574 998 57 .52 16 30.77 MT LILYDALE 13 4 9 0 563 1108 50 .81 16 30.77 ;~LEYPARK 13 1 12 0482 1464 32 .92 4 7.69
CLUB 18 (1) P W L D For Agst % Pts ST KE,'VIDIS 13 12 1 01075 504 213 .29 48 OLD NIELB S 13 11 2 0 880 499 176.35 44 OLD XAVERIANS 13 10 3 0 1233 394 312 .94 40 DE LA SALLE 13 9 4 0 845 732 115.44 36 OLD SCOTCH 13 7 6 0 745 745 100.00 28 l r'-'J IR.AN AFC 13 5 8 0 827 715 115 .66 20 %!`:?ENOD O C 13 3 10 0 515 889 57.93 12 BRUNSWICK AFC 13 3 10 0 432 1133 38 .13 12 T IERRY PENOLA OB 13 2 11 0 518 985 52 .59 8 OLD BRIGHTON 13 2 11 0 425 1146 37.09 8
VAFA PREMIERSHIP LISTS 200 1 A SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts MARCELLIN 13 10 3 0 1321 975 135 .49 40 MHSOB 13 8 4 11244 1138 109 .31 34 ST REVBQS 13 8 5 01146 1026 111 .70 32 OLD XAVERIANS 13 8 5 0 1176 1096 107 .30 32 ST BERNARDS 13 7 5 1 1289 1190 108 .32 30 OLD TRINITY 13 6 7 0 1048 1010 103 .76 24 OLD SCOTCH 13 6 7 0 1134 1224 92 .65 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 13 5 7 1 1117 1194 93 .55 22 MAZENOD O C 13 3 9 1 1074 1402 76 .60 14 OLD BRIGHTON 13 1 10 2 924 1272 72 .64 8
W L D For Agst % Pts 13 0 0 1798 470 382 .55 52 11 2 0 1664 851 195 .53 44 8 4 1 1487 1287 115.54 34 8 5 01335 1170 114.10 32 7 6 0 1225 1280 95.70 28 5 8 0 1057 1302 81 .18 20 4 9 0 933 1404 66.45 16 4 9 0 935 1593 58.69 16 3 9 1 1244 1502 82.82 14 1 12 0 797 1616 49.32 4
B SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts OLDIVANHOE 13 10 3 01274 730 174.52 40 BE LA SALLE 13 10 3 0 1456 1002 145.31 40 OLD HAB,EYBDRY 13 8 5 0 1171 1091 107 .33 32 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 7 6 0 933 927 100 .65 28 OLD PARADIANS 13 7 6 0 1033 1031 100.19 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 13 7 6 0 1177 1199 98.17 28 ORMOND 13 5 8 0 1116 1303 85.65 20 W1IIT'EFRiARS 13 4 9 0 1169 1284 91 .04 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 13 4 9 0 984 1182 83 .25 16 BEAUMARIS AFC 13 3 10 0 867 1431 60.59 1 2
L D For Agst % Pts Ratio 0 01528 739206.77 52 100 2 01284 761168.73 44 84 .62 4 01047 893117.25 36 69.23 5 01055 824128.03 32 61 .54 5 0984 867113.49 32 61 .54 6 0 905 980 92.35 28 53 .85 6 0 937 1162 80.64 28 53.85 7 011081017108 .95 24 46.15 8 010401163 89 .42 20 38.46 10 0 682 1117 61 .06 12 23.08 12 0 634 1753 36 .17 4 7.69
W L D For Agst % Pts 12 1 0 1196 622 192.28 48 10 3 01142 726 157.30 4 0 9 4 0 957 727 131 .64 36 9 4 0 944 801 117.85 36 7 6 0 930 806 115 .38 28 6 7 0 795 772 102 .98 24 5 8 0 735 855 85 .96 20 4 9 0 763 961 79 .40 16 3 10 0 684 1181 57 .92 12 0 13 0 630 1325 47 .55 0
C SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD ESSENDON GR 13 11 2 0 1399 881 158 .80 44 COLLEGIANS 13 11 2 0 1316 890 147 .87 44 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 10 3 0 1424 1109 128 .40 40 GLEN EIRA AFC 13 8 5 01312 1189 110.34 32 ST BEDES MENT TIG 13 7 6 0 1420 1205 117 .84 28 OLD MENTONIANS 13 7 6 0 1282 1289 99 .46 28 CAULFIELD GR 13 4 9 0 1210 1170 103 .42 16 PRAHRAN AFC 13 4 9 0 1008 1202 83 .86 16 AJAX 13 2 11 0 948 1378 68 .80 8 BULLEEN TEMP 13 1 12 0 932 1938 48 .09 4
Dl SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts BANYULE 13 11 2 0 1660 948 175 .11 44 IVANHOE ASS 13 10 3 0 1341 1010 132 .77 40 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 10 3 0 1414 1068 132 .40 40 AgI11NAS O C 13 8 5 01527 1279 119 .39 32 ST LEOS EMM WP 13 6 7 0 1266 1321 95 .84 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 6 7 0 1138 1343 84 .74 24 OLD GEELONG 13 5 8 0 1143 1398 81 .76 20 YARRA VALLEY O B 13 4 9 0 961 1264 76 .03 16 MONASH BLUES 13 3 10 0 1020 1430 71 .33 12 OLD CAREY 13 2 11 0 1023 1432 71 .44 8 D2 SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pis MENTONE AMAT 13 13 0 0 1852 795 232 .96 52 W'STOWN CYMS 13 10 3 0 1431 986 145 .13 40 SALESIAN 0 C 13 9 3 1 1321 988 133 .70 38 PARKSIDE 13 9 4 0 1263 1043 121.09 36 KEW 13 6 7 0 1051 1181 88 .99 24 LA TROBE UM 13 5 7 1 1082 1179 91,77 22 PENINSULA O B 13 5 8 0 1013 1520 66 .64 20 OAKLEIGH AFC 13 4 9 0 1256 1476 85 .09 16 WEST BRUNSWICK 13 3 10 0 848 1234 68 .72 12 POWER HOUSE 13 0 13 0 785 1500 52.33 0
W L D For Agst % Pis 12 1 01262 611 206 .55 48 9 4 0 1117 668 167 .22 36 8 5 0 1005 775 129 .68 32 8 5 0 788 836 94 .26 32 7 6 0 1030 718 143 .45 28 6 7 0 744 767 97.00 24 5 8 0 741 822 90 .15 20 5 8 0 746 980 76 .12 20 4 9 0 594 916 64.85 16 1 12 0 474 1480 32.03 4 W L D For Agst % Pts 11 2 0 1085 539 201 .30 44 11 2 0 1246 662 188.22 44 9 4 0 1130 612 184.64 36 9 4 0 957 675 141 .78 36 7 6 0 817 649 125.89 28 6 7 0 862 931 92.59 24 5 8 0 776 780 99.49 20 4 9 0 479 719 66.62 16 2 11 0 397 1442 27.53 8 1 12 0 500 1397 35 .79 4