week's "Amateur Footballer", I reported that a to transfer from one club to another has bee n to a reinstated player in circumstances wher e scribed 22 week period expired after 30 Jun e . There is now some doubt as to the correctness of decision and the permit has been rescinded unti l -cudve Committee has considered the matte r s scheduled to do on August 2) and wher e uid determine whether such transfer was within -tiles of the Association . Because the Executive ^`-r this week's publication deadline, the decisio n cutive will be reported in next week's otballer. " ;ho believe they have recently retired players ve played a total of 300 senior, under 19 or :ative VAFA matches should advise the VAFA names and their games played will be checked. s are correct, players will be admitted to the 30 0 <_ a luncheon during the finals .
CTIVE EVENING successful evening last Wednesday. Terrific rice and ideas and many fine people who jed views and developed a shared desire to form te Research Collective . vv ue a summary of the evening's activities to ho attended shortly. Clubs who did not attend would like to have a nominated person added "-A Chapter data base please email or fax me rson's name, email, fax, address di ails . Mv details are fax 9531 2050 o srn.au JUNIOR FOOTY IN GO' ed to be in attendance at the St.1 ards ' tch luncheon last Saturday . Featured at th e
I hope to have some pictures ready for publication next week . FIRST 1€%?
Congratulations t o Tony Macgeorge (Ment o nc .:_-3 .:for being the first player to kick 100 goals this season . Tony reached the 100 in round 13 when he kicked 10 . He followed up with another 7 last week for a total to date of 114 . STATE IMATCM 200 2 It is hoped that beginning next year the three states (SA. WA and Victorian Amateur Associations) will begin a three ~artthree state National Amateur Cl
The Championship will get off the ground if a sponsor can be found Y-rho, 11 cover all costs associated with travel . The -- a matches is: 2602: SA.` -L v . --"FA (Adelaide) ; t?dAAFL v. SAAFL (Perth ) 2003: SAAFL v. WAAFL (Adelaide) ; WAAFL v . VAFA (Perth)
VAFA v . WAAFL (Melbourne); VAFA v . SAAFL (Melbourne) Four points - win ; 2 points - draw, with the team with the most points after three years becoming the National Amateur Champion . Matches for our C to D team, our regular senior matches against the VCFL and Under 19 teams are being planned as well and will be independent of this senior Championship .
re ex-FootscraV champion St _- . . and Bulldog' I tore . who both coach St . 'junior teams .
?ards were playing Old Trinity on the day an d lentally Steve Wallis is a former student of Grammar . Steve and Tony both spoke at th e on and truly were both magnificent examples o f ° putti ^ back into the game that made the m e . The classic comment from Steve Wallis
PrIcE m a
T, -
WITNESSED one of the best moments in my four years with the VAFA last Saturday at - i_ . Turn to page 33 and FTLOTG for the rej,~)rt . -IN A remarkable season, where the top half of the ladder has had teams rotating the spots, three matches will point to how the finals will line up . TODAY, top sides St Kevins and Marcellin clash and while the Eagles look to have ensured their first minor A Section premiership, SKOBS have won seven of their past eight . Nine rounds ago though it was a 2-4 ratio and my e-mail couldn't handle the criticism of coach - dl en . Last time at Bulleen, the Eagles nearly doubled SKOBS with half of Marcellin's score coming from their twin-tower s a( i id Chris . drew at South Yarra, when th e Bernies had 17 players in the last quarter, and now five per cent separates them . " kc째 handed the Blues a six-goal lesson with Lu' e kicking 10 but today, after Luke kicked four for Essendon in the VFL last week, he shouldn't be there . Blues coach Le e ar said regardless of Hawkins running out "we've got a certain game plan no matter who we play' . Last time Old Trinity defeated, )d by 39 points and vs cruised against O1 ;_- - :, . m .
WEEK, University Bit ' delivered on coach Lee Adamson's prediction that his list was back to its strongest with a remarkable burst of five unanswered goals in the first 10 minutes of the last quarter against MHSOB . Four of them were from C` in -1yan who ironically practises his goal kicking at -"elbourne High"I went down to MHS, which I live near, on the Friday," Christian revealed .With captain Gil McLachlan, off after aggravating an ankle injury, 196c m Nailon dominated the ruck in the last term and he helped double the Blues' three-quarter time score . The win sets up a mirror of last year where the Blues snuck into the finals . Adamson said : "We're lower than a 50 per cent chance to make the four . We want to win every game. "Over the past month our midfield, Jason Coulloupas, Tom Wilcox and Drew Slimmon have been doing the job . " -ST KEMS killed vs at stoppages to pound their way to second spot for the first time this season . Xavs switched Michael Blood an d Matt McCarthy from the ruck to centre-half forward such was the effort of Ryan Grinter. Steve O'Connor came of age dominating the centre . Xavs coach Tim O'Shaughnessy said the double chance wasn't an 2
issue . "We're just looking at making the four," O'Shaughnessy said . Daniel P`. kicked a snap-shot for Xavs from 40 metres on 1 boundary to register for Goal of the Year . =.v Mc mg-Allen said his tearn had been plarmi revenge since their round 51oss . _ '_Jarred and C' Purcell g, a height advantage at half-forward as the Eag fought off a determined od which had ni premiership players from Iast year in its team . J e, who played with Richmond last year, was excellent mid-fielder and there are more headaches sta ~)r sad, one of his Hawthorn heroes, Ca starred in the reserves. -N] ` )ffitcheifl rebounded from injury to register fi goals for St Ben r ; as the Dogs kept their seas alive while making 7 i` a' ; mission difficult. -OLD Scotch's ,'s five goals was t difference over C a, which mathematica could still avoid relegation, at EP . Scotch coa Andrew Smith said: "The higher sides play each oth and we play sides above us so if we can keep wirmu 1 fl! make the finals". _.AAY.~" it FOCUS, ' 3 TEEK : U . ' C ST-r --째_ .
Christian received a silver medal at the Sydn Olympics when he rowed in the eight at Penrith Lak finishing 0 .8 of-a-second behind Great Britain . This a year off for Christian, 24, so he's back playing too for the first time in five years, and he's picking up dozen kicks a game . "We had a 99 per cent good re and we needed a 100 per cent to take gold . "It was ~ unbelievable experience . "I've learnt a lot abo preparation and performing and I take a lot of th into my footy ." He does eight training sessions a wet - five are for rowing and the others for the Blue "Footy training at this level is easier ." COACH FOCUS, THIS WEEM ST KEVINS' PM MCARTHUR-ALLEN Mike, 47, has been coaching for half his life . It bega as a player-coach at BuIleen United . Despite h longevity Mike has only coached one club I premiership success and that was Ormond, and I picked up five A Section flags there in six years . Bor and raised in Carlton Mike's inspiration for coachir was Ron Barass! when he went to the Blues e playing coach . "At school when other kids wanted I be a Brocvnlow Medallist I wanted to coach . " b ;i a~aip com.au
Hate s _; milestone in the Clu b rday . ' 1 ;l .ers" who turned fifty thi s ,:es~ .lted :i e Club in all of the pas t s, he has also served as President, . Treasurer and is currently ou r .Aivrays happy and willing to do his bi t '{erS° is also one of our curren t
' / Club i$ umpires and this Saturday wil l " Iv swap, his footie jumper for his whites . ir_e "Stockers", keep up the good world! " __ - would like to congratulate the 2 players recently on achievin g the club . ."', associated at the clt=i l to , arlk _ or i
ser . ce over a nu er of •^ars . - would like to congratulate Tom who played his 100th senior/reserve the Club last Saturday agains t -, . Tow-, a product of the Club's successfu l 19 teams of the late 90's, has made a ie r~turn to the Club aftc ~ a` ig iy stin t done to ° senior game - co: -atulat
"cad on
; tod<_ .. egan playin g tedit' : :- - bee lea integral part side . __ter w~.l ' -his second B& F re spent three seasons overseas ig his career before returning this year up Where he left off. Plying in the centr e . Reidy thrives on getting the "hard as always giving 100% for his team and L ; t OBGFC look forcrard to many mor e J of itertainment both on and off he fiel d you the best of luck today
10 .10 14.18 (102) OLD Si ' "ti;'ri 4.2 . 7 .7 6 .3 8 .11 10.14 (74) OLD ~ Ni _ ~)N 4.1 Old-Scott t: H . Thomas 5 MeCarroli 2 A . Crow 2 Kitchen Ratcliffe Phillips Robinson Aujard . Best: Robinson Gnatt Phillips Aujard Kitchen Brooke. ' ikon: A. Ginnavin 3 Bristow 3 Gadsden Dickerson Barro w Ml--1, t : Lennox Raju A . Gmnavin Bristow Smith Jackson. Umpires: A. trrley . Hinton (F) T . Dornom R Nation (B) V. Vescovi J . Robinso n (G) OLD U.', _ S 3 .2 9.5 13 .6 16 .8 (104) 7 .6 12 .11 14.14 19 .16 (130) ST KEVINS Old Xaveriuns: Donati 3 McCarthy 2 Ellis 2 Clarke 2 B Coughlan 2 Lethiean Cowers A McDonald Blood Woodruff . Best :: McCarthy Donatt rowers A McDonald Brushneld Sassi . St Kevins : Fraser 4 J Giansiracusa 4 Groner 2 Bowles 2 O'Shea Sadler O'Connor B Dollman M Giansiracusa Crohan Byrne . Best :: Fraser Grinter Callery Lynch Sadler Byrne . Umpires : R. Sneddon J. McNiece (F) N . Woods B. Corcoran (B) R . Parry S. Cattle G ) :01CELL1Pd 4.5 9.11 12 .15 19.24 (138) .' . ENOD 4 .2 7 .2 11 .5 14 .7 (91) rceBin: Treganowan 7 Cox 2 Forced 2 Ibrahim 2 White 2 Jarred L.atterv Dinneen Romantn . Best: Slattery Seabury Cox Treganowan Godwin Jarred . .,. .snad: Tucker 3 Masketl 2 Meintvre 2 Beard 2 McMullin Parry Hantey Linden Fisher. Best : Sharp Linden McIntyre Hanley Parry Hose . Umpires : R . Eastwood T . Sutcliffe (F) J . Forsyth D . Cusack (B) C. Arcot K . Pitcher (G ) MHSOB 5 .1 10.4 14 .9 15 .12 (102) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .4 7.8 8.11 16 .15 (111) 3 Simpson 3 G McCully 2 S McCully Woodley Joseph AiI3SOB: Bamert Saultry White McIntyre Adcock. Best : Cassell McIntyre S McCully R Ciowes Simpson 4:'oodley . University Blues : C Ryan 7 Lowcock 4 Nation 2 Shannon North Wilcox . Best: Hutchins McEw7n C Ryan Nation McKie Gates . Unaniras: G. Curran J . Kvins (F) S . Caruso R . Mutton (B) D . Napoli B. McCarthy (G ) 4 .5 12 .9 17.14 23.17 (155) ST. BERYd.9RDS 13 .13 (91) OLD TIUNrrY 2 .2 4 .3 7.10 St Bernards: N Mitchell 5 Mansfield 4 Jordan 3 McLaughlin 3 T Harvey 2 Neeson Thomas Turnbull Loughlin Byrne Davis . Best: Jordan N Mitchell McLaughlin Byrne Wilkinson Mansfield . Old Trinity : Andrews 5 Greig 3 Ramsden 2 Clarke Frost Reynolds . Best: : Ramsden Andrews Parkin Hatfield Reynolds Greig . Umpires: G . Huntchen M. Gibson (F) S . McKenzie (B) K . Segota G . Robinson (G )
OLD SCOTCH 5.1 12.6 15 .9 18 .16 (124) 2.2 4.3 8 .4 9 .6(60) OLD BRIGHTON Old Scotch : not received Old Brighton : not received .12 (96) .5 5 .7 11 .10 14 OLD %AvE "S 5 5 .7(37) 1 .2 2 .4 4.4 ST KEVINS Old Rsv : Irelan d 3 R Jones 2 Stoney 2 Scanlan 2 Baker P. McDonald Johnston Skidmore Oswald . Best: Scanlan Ca)linan R Jones Ba er P McDonald Rush . St Kevins : Not received 4 .6 8 .10 12.15 17 .22 (124) P.§f..:ZCELLIPB 3.2(20) iENOD 0 .1 0.1 1 .2 eeBin: not received Mazenod : not received .14 (68 ) .5 7 .13 9 3013 3 .1 6 VERSITY BLUES 3.5 5.7 6 .11 9.12 (68 )
?rtarcellin 7 52 48 Old Scotch 0 MHSOB 3 37 St Bernards 2 3 4
Bernards 5 VE St Bernards 0 Old Scotch 0 Marcellin 0 Old Scotch 0 St Kevins 0 ;ins Mazenod 0
28 34 21 17 16 16 16
BOB L .Tavlor 2 Hawkins 2 Burke Mills Orchard Robinson Rodder . Best: L.Taylor Feferkranz Burke Hawkins Hawkes Rudder . Unit Blues : Brown 2 Brookes Terrill B .Coieman Chtvers Quinn . Best: Wilson Featherston McAtoon Crawford Brookes Raso . 6.4(40) 1.1 4 .2 6.4 ST.BER2eARD'S 4.3 6 .5 7.6 8.8(56) OLD TRINITY . Thomas. Best: St.Bernard's: Calthorpe 2 Tankey Overman Osborne D Rahiti Campbell Tankey James Mount Holland James . Old Trinity: Barr 3 T .Cade 2 Cornell 2 Lauletta . Best : Ward Shaughnessy T.Cade Cooper Lautetta Barr .
TODAY'S MATCHES. A Sectio n Old Brighton v . Old Xaverian s St . Kevins v . Marcellin at Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham (Saturday) . Old Trinity v . Mazenod
University Blues v. Old Scotch St. Bernards v . MHSOB
; Coach: Simon Dalrymple Res. Coach : Peter Randall 1 . C . Slattery 2 . A. Caffry 3. D. Waters 4. G. Romanin 5 . M . Moran 6 . D . Sampimon 7 . N . Godwin 8. R . Frisin a 9. D. Ballantine 10. C. Purcel l 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12 . B. Croni n 13 . S . Dinneen 14 . R. McMahon 15. M . Chun 16. L . McMillan 17. G . Cox (VC) 18 . D . Gartner 19 . D. Cooper 20 . S .0'Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22 . D . Marson 23 . P. Gleason 24 . L. O'Flynn 25 . R . Galati 26. N . Armstrong 27. D . Theisz 28 . D . Johnston 29 . P. Smith 30 . A . Treganowan (C) 31 . S . Yee 32. M. Browne 33 . G . Cull 34 . D. Jarred 35 . J . Frazer 36, D . Cope 37. D . Moran 38 . M. O'Sullivan 39 . B. Colville 40 . M . Leffanue 41, J . Seabury 42. B . Dinneen 43 . A. Duncan 44 . A. Wilkinson (RVC) 44 L. Hansen 45. D . Theisz 46. J. Wilkins 47. D . Ryan 48 . A. Gallagher 49 . D. Coutts 50 . A . Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52 . J . Mathews 53 . C. Mathews 54 . R. McMahon 55 . J . Wallis 56. B . Norden 57. M. Van Lint 59 . J . Ibrahi m
Coach : Luke "41 Ss .B Res. Coach lythman
Coach: David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins 1 C. Harrison
1 J Barnett (DVC) 2 S McCull y 2 A . Quinn 3 D Woodley 3 A . McIntyre 4 C Eabry 4 A. Hanley (C) 5 P Sherry 5 M . Quir k 5 N Orchard 6 J. Bayford 6 R Josep h 7 S . Morga n 7 J Pertzel (C) 8 D. Lancaster 7 A Angus 8 J Garner 9 S . Nobl e 8 C Wright 10 M. O'Hara 9 D Fairchild (VC) 11 T. Smith (RC) 9 M Clowe s 11 D. Hos e 10 D Skinner 12 M . Murray 10 D Norton 11 K Krios 13 P. Gooden 12 A Simpson 14 N . Meehan 12 M Feferkranz 15 N . Parry 13 J Gregson 16 J . Kavanagh 13 C Kelly 17 J . Beard 14 L Simpson 18 T. O'Donoghue (VC) 15 Z Holden 16 F Davis 19 S . McMulli n 17 R Clowes 20 C . Murray 18 R Limbrick 20 T. Castricum 18 A David 21 S . Polan 19 R Ware 22 D. Ryan (DVC) 20 J Wilson 23 A . Tucke r 20 D Nichols 24 D . Nisbet 21 R Patterson 22 D Armstrong 25 D . Masskell 22 A Svirskis 26 J. Dunne (DVC) 23 C Harvi e 27 D. Kro m 23 L Taylor 28 P. Nelson 24 D Stynes 29 R . Sharp 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 30 S . Fisher 25 J Jackman 31 N . Snarl 26 A Askew 32 P. Vine 27 S Dods 33 D. Gran t 28 S Fodder 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 29 G McCully 35 R . Hawkin s 30 R . Newton 31 J Davi s 36 D . Carter 32 A Cassell (DVC) 37 L . Morgan 32 A Keys 38 D. Linden 33 A Sau(try 39 G . Kalber 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (DVC) 40 S . Rya n 34 S Konstanty 41 A . McDowell 35 A Mills 42 P. Fotiniotis 35 A Barge 42 C . Adams 36 M White 43 A. Pers i 36 S Bennett 44 R. Mosbauer 37 R McIntyre 45 P. Rice 37 M Ting 38 S Robinson 46 B . Waldron 40 D Membrey 47 A . McDowell 40 W Haye s 48 G . Tilling 41 D Simmons 49 L . Halvy (RVC) 42 B Cookman 50 D. Carter 43 J Burke 52 N. Nussbaum 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 53 A . Strawhorn 46 A O'Brien 54 J . Pers i 47 L Hawkins 48 B Jeffrey 49 C Pricop 50 S Osborne 51 J Newton 52 B McGrath Sponsored by : 53 C Clowes Sires Menswea r 55 N Adcock W.G . Miles & Co Ply Ltd 56 T Wright Real Eastate - Ivanhoe 57 A Tang 58 M Cotter Spectrum Assnranc e Gro up 59 L Jones Regency Pharmacy THE BEEHn'E HOTEL GYP Fabricators P1Y I; Zitech Compute r Hawthor n All Home Loans Peripherals 4
Coach : Andre :r Smi Coach : Dale Tapping Res. Coach : Assist : Justin Clarks i Gary Jackse Res . Coach: Richard Obee I A Nettleton A. Kryzwniak 2 B Phillips 2 A . Pirtle 3 C Hosking C. Barrow (VC) 4 T Hol t A 5 R Price 4 . Macudlvray 6 A Crow 5 N . Perry 7 J Kitchen 6 R . Stewart 8 C Rei d 7 C. Brew 9 R Aujard 8 M . Gadsde n 10 J Kerr 9 S . Lennox (VC) 11 M Angus L . Adami s 12 S Crow A. Fitzgerald 13 N Hooper 2 B. Williams 14 E Parthenides 3 R. Ken t 15 M O'Brien 4 S . Williams (C) 16 A Speed 5 D . Tymms (VC) 17 D Thomas 18 L Hawkin s 6 G . Earl 7 A. Van Den Dungan 1 9 C. Smith 18 M . Jackson (VC) 20 S Lillingston 19 S . Gadsden 21 J Stratos 20 M . L . Smith 22 N Addison 21 T. Ewert 2 3 0 Cran e 24 C Pattenden 22Biggin 2 N. 25 L Murphy 3 N. M. ila 6 T Downing . M.J t Smith 227 J Pilkington 25 S . Nickas 28 B Robinson 26 B . Stoneham 29 M Gnatt 27 D . Paterson 30 T. Finocchiaro 28 J . Bradley 31 C Ratcliffe 29 J. Dickerson 3 3 J McCarrol l 30 A. McLaughlin 34 E Oliver 31 A. Bristow 35 P 0'Connor 32 D. Begley 36 S Prendergast 33 W. Carter 37 M Parthenides 34 J. White 38 R Ashton 39 C Stevens 35 C . Stewart 40 A Warner 36 B. Pollock 41 M Lipshut 37 B . McMahon 42 J Ross 38 J . Raj u 43 N Leit l 39 K . Kavanagh 44 C Evans 41 J. Murchie 45 M Blenheim 42 C . Mizzi 46 J Beaurepaire 43 R . Carter 47 T Barenger 44 R. Sherman 48 S Miles 45 A . Mandylaris 49 R Mullens 46 M . Billionis 50 D Richardson 47 D . Wilson 51 M Saunders 48 R . Boxer 52 M Davison 49 A. Ginnavin 53 C Joyc e M . Fishe r 54 N Simon 53 D. Strachan 55 G Sarkozy 54 A . Liptrot 57 J Crane 58 C Adam 55 M. Gamble 57 M. Moon 59 D Brooke 60 T Wigney 58 B . Scott 61 D Leeds 61 A . Walsh 62 E Sladen 62 A . Lynch 63 S Tresise 63 S . Davies 64 L North 64 M.Reid 65 C Armstrong 66 H Thomas 68 B Collins 77 S Grig g
Phil Gaut I nnedy S icon G (RC) ynolds L rrowsmith J ~urrows D Robison M V n Der Venne T C-nzoneri M I Jgson B Frost C Stebbins C ~~. strews A(VC)
st j I-labrandt D ~ii aughnessy M Dann S Gorman A ~ 2 Pr~uet N , allins M ade J a ;rkin A :phens T oli S ilas C 17 atfield G(VC) ;=-cia J ke L Barr C r- -,er-Buszard L = !lips C Gillett R ",nnedy l sane-Johns G msden A 'd A c- neron F{RVC) 5inson D ii,or 1 Greig M Butler C I=sbitt L Bladeni S nell J oD rs D )yd M rwsey M sutcliffe J ~n Der Venne S C . uhrane A Phillips R (C) a'- oaopoulos T -rred W Lauletta S [ward M ainsbridge D Power B '.' iyah A Trmadwell G !,' )rpeth T C- per S % Semmens A :'= rd C =-: J DUnahoo B %1z i kus J /d G >t E O::jroi A C>de T(RVC) Cnstian0\o D "'ro J Kenna A Burrows R
_ .. . -
Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Res. Coach : Mick Knuppel
2 D Orlando
2 . L. Meehan
1 A . Gallery 2 S . Lowerson
3 L Hannebery 4 D Landrigan 5 A. McDonald 6 D . Donati 7 S Lethlean (VC) 8 P McDonald 9 J Hawkins 10 S Mitchell
3 . J. Podsiadly 4 . S. McKeon 5 . Joe Mount (DVC) 6 . J. McKayY 7 . S. Clarke 8 . J. Evans 9• B. Jordan (DVC) 10 . N . Mitchell (VC)
3 D. Curtis 4 P. Greenham 5 M . Dallman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Gellman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 N . Fraser 11 J . Pangrazio
1 M Blood (C)
1 . D . Baynes
11 Ad Jones 12 J Bowen
10 . L . Campbell (R) 11 . P. Capes
13 C Ellis 14 On Stoney 15 L Ford y 16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson 18 S Tucker 19 An Jones 20 S Mallard 21 A Parton 22 M Rush 24 B Coughlan (VC ) 25 N Bingham 26 N Baker 27 J Drake 28 B Cranagg®e 29 D Galball Y 30 T Clarke 31 L Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi (VC) 34 R Jones 36 A Keyhoe 37 T Freer 39 M Meehan 40 S . Mullane 41 A Dillon 42 N I rel an d 43 T Woodruff (VC) 44 B Hilbert 45 J Scanlan 46 M Callinan 47 J Kay 48 R Carey 49 R Dillon 50 M McCarthy 51 D Walsh 52 B Colman 53 H . Davies 54 A. Gowers 55 J . Healy 56 A Oswald 59 S . Johnston 63 R Coughlan 66 A Wilson
12, B. Hogan C. Mitchell 14 . A. Thomas 15 . T. Wilkinson 16 . L. Tumbull 16 . P. Capes (R) 17 . L. O'Sullivan 18 . D. McLaughlin 19 . L. Gallant (C) 20 . S . Broadbent 21 . B. Loughlin 22. M . 0 'RileY 23. A. Mastropasqua 24, P. Harvey C. Osborne 26, J . Gallant 27. A . Nathan (RC) 28. D. Croker 29. C. Trewin 30. James Mount 31 . A . Maggiore 32. T. Harve y 33. B . Allis 34. D. Byrne 35. P. Rahill 36. R . legudi 37. A . Catterall 38. J . Simpson 39. N . Smith 40. D . Thomas 41 . B . Overman 42. M . Stapleton 43. C . Davis 44. S . Taylor 45. M . Tankey 46. L . Wilkinson 47 . R . Pizzichetta 48. S. Burgyn 49 . 'S. Borg 50. M. Polatajko 51 . P. Romanin 53 . JP Kavanagh 54 . T. Carrick 55 . J. Cittarelli 56 . C . Bond 58 . D . Dugina 60 . A. Woolley 61 . M . Dowling 62 . P. Holland 63 . R . Brown 66 . A. Garvey
Limoli P
Frost M hlakris A sholm M Treadwell C Brady W
C~,uch : Tim O'St sghnessy Coach : Garry Fouk Res. Coach : Chris Res. Coach : David Law Mortensen
12 R . Grinter
13 R . Bowles 14 L Mahoney 15 M. Oliv e 15 S. Fredericks 16 B. Garvey 17 S. Dawes 18 A. Ferraro 19 D . Sheehy 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 B. Quirk 24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic p6 D. Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Gargano 30 P. Glsaing 31 A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 J. Chambers 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Dwyer 38 J . Bateman 39 S . Gribble 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R. Sheehy 45 D. Weight 47 M . Chapman 48 L. Harper 49 P. Cleary 50 P. Cameron 52 J . Finch 54 S . Game 55 E . Crohan 58 M . Pangrazio 58 J . Ferrari 59 A . Rattle 60 A . Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B. Hicks 64 J . O'Brien 68 S . Moylan 669 9 P. Natale 72 M. Rigby 73 P. Byrne 76 M. O'Shea 77 G . Pickford 79 G . O'Connor 80 D . Dunn 82 R . Horrocks 84 C . Noseda 86 A. Nowell
Simpson Constructions
622 Mt. Alexander Rd .
Red Eagle Hotel
Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
Coach : Lee Adamson y Res. Coach: Terry Benai m 1 D Slimmon
2 T Hutchins 3 J Sturroc k 4 D Guengerich 5 Q Gleason 6 S Langley 7 D Hayter 8 J Hayter 9 S Mead e 10 A Davis 11 L Nort h 12 G McLachlan 13 P Stockdale 14 C Roydhouse 15 L Rya n 16 C Stewart 17 G de Crespigney 18 A McEwin 19 A Lowcock 20 C Ryan 21 T McIntyre 2 23 T Wilco x 24 S Russel l 25 A Sally 26 M Vasey
27 R Wilki e 28 M Thoma s 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 J Quill 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishle y 35 A Bake r 36 T McKinle y 37 L Grange r 38 A Wilso n 39 T Gray 40 C Brookes 41 R Crawford 42 S McConnel l 43 A Camero n 44 R Feathersto n 45 J Armstron g 46 M McKerro w 47 R McKerro w 48 T Morga n 49 L Chamberlai n 50 H Nailon 51 A Brown 52 A Terrill 53 R Versteegen 54 C Beltram e 55 T Anderson 56 T Birks 57 T Irvine 58 A Larkin 59 L Fehring 60 A Suvulto s 61 B Colema n 62 L Barrick 63 R Kelliher 64 S Kaso 65 E Roydhouse 66 B Gate s 67 D McAloo n 68 B Treloar 69 A Coo k 70 P Busse 71 T McGrath 72 S Lansdel l 73 J Brook e 74 J Chivers 75 L Qui n 76 W Temple-Smit h 78 M Dawdl e 79 A Duncan
It does appear that the top 2 positions are definitely decided, but the race is on for spots 3 and 4, with any two of five possibly being able to fill the breach . Review The great man himself, E . E . Gunn hosted the afternoon tea, as Ormond kept their slim final's hopes alive by accounting for Old Haileybury by 8 pts . There wasn't much in the game all day, as the qtr by qtr scores indicate . It was `Big M' day for the home side, as McConvill ran riot and was assisted by Martin and Miller . Graves, Pountney and Harrop battled manfully for the visitors . At the home of footy, EP, Old Paradiaass marched on their winning way, when they accounted comfortably for Beaumaris by 38 pts, and saved me from mowing Banksia Reserve with nail clippers!! A 7 goal 2nd qtr was the breakaway time for the OPs, and the contest was over at 1/2 time . Stevens, Richardson and Sinclair played well for the winners, whilst Black, Gibson and Bryce were good players for the losing side . It was certainly death in Brunswick last week . Possibly the death of N t1Bs' fmals chances, as they were pulverised by the juggernaut of B Section in Old Ivanhoe by 63 pts . It was all over at the main break with 01 holding a 35 pt lead . Oates, Tully and Young went bananas for the Brown and Whites and Vogels, Sanders and Booth stood tall for the Purple and Whites. At the Junction Oval, Old Melburnians kept their final four hopes alive with a come from behind win against the plucky Therry to fall over the line by 5 pts . OMs were staring down the barrel of a 25 pt deficit at 1/2 time, but 6 goals to 2 in the second half was enough to see them victorious . Treloar, Berry and Thompson were fine players for OMs . Therry s best were Appleford, Evans and Crotty. Finally, out at our very own tree-hugger's haven (Donvale), it efritt rs gave away a 10 pt lead at qtr time, and were overrun big time, as De La Salle ran riot and won easily by 79pts . An 11 goal 2nd term by DLS blew the home side to the shizenhausen, and that fat sheila sang very loudly at the main break. Hall, Harrison and Morel were good contributors for DLS and were opposed by M. Carbone, Northey and Wood who performed solidly for the vanquished . Preview Some belters greet us this week . And with yours truly spearing to the front again in the North West FM tipping contest with a 5, I'm on fire! !
This week you can buy those oil company shares, as Old Para dians (1 /2) do have to travel all the way to 6
McKinnon to tackle Old Hait eybazxy (6/4) . Mick Dwyer will be treating this as a mini final . Mat t Ryan and his charges contin : c o: t'= ir m ; Anyone who can topple the ilag faxou,iLvs twlce a who are in the form they are in right now deserve be, and white shorts or not, it will not stop the G machine . OPs by 19pts . There is definitely a game at our beachside i ~si er this week, as Beaarxrraris (5 / 1) host - ", 1f Jim Durnan will gather all his locals thi s one more prayer-a-thon, as today is the lest the dice - defeat today and unfortunately, if â&#x20AC;˘ s for 2401 . It ;vrill be joy for NOBs today as I think tl the home side will fall short and as much as it pai me to say it, fi nd themselves in C Section in 2 0C NOBs by 4 0pts . Do yourself a favour an d GET YOUR BACKSIDE ' MALVERN (Melways #69A2) . Here it is - t
hea-veight clash . De Salle (4/5) ~â&#x20AC;˘ :"/5) . Paul Cooper and his lac:3 yours truly) are camping at the club i : crunch time for DLS. Similarly, tii ~ co at Pine Lodge would desperately want the b- gi rights that go with top spot . I should be a,: .mp u c it a draw, but no, I'll put my gonads on the fine . to win 4 pts .
The folks at Oak Park put on their afternoon spree as Therry (2/ 1) roll out the red carpet to B Sectioa Jekyll (or is it Hyde this weeK?) in Ormond (i J3) . I ever coach out at Oak Park a ~_ain, it will her o from a hot air balloon, because I'm sure t obanedfrslctighoae _
The bookies i11 have it right, though < :d r o i will win todae )pts . Finallv, -.~ (5/2) he game at Dom to play _- -
at the home foe , EP. Even L b at OMs' second home ground ,,?), and I t' a bun Continued or --age 6 2
Old Haileybury v . 01 Paradians Beaumaris v . Nor_ Old "o~,-, De La Salle v . Old Ivanhoe Therry Penola v. Orm : ; VThitefriars v . Old Melburnians ; , ;-
T4lG BAflGTC11D C!1(1TOP_ I I CO ~~
on e club against Ormond dringharn U19's straigh t
2.2 7.4 10.5 1Y.7 (3 1 H: .7 :x :--- C Is 2.7 5.9 9.10 ' :' .1 1 Gm a 4 Stow 2 Scan2on 2 Hall 2*diller 2 L S mith Ralonan .
nith' utin S Keleher Moore P'cr. on I#afleyb ay: Lapgage 5liaue Bau : Graes Janke. Pest: S Raciarxls Graves ftwntney Lappag ~ Ifx hs : S. Alga P. P3llhingtau (F) P. Curtis C. Shipl,y (F7 3.4 6.6 9.9 12 .11 (53) 3.2 10.6 13.9 15.13 (121) 21tr4,tu1lck 2 Faiey. Be.st : Black Gibson Bryce Bocin r 4 Porteous 3 Harm 3 Stctirns 2 Glouglibn Sinclair as Hart. Best :: Stevens Ricluirclson Siro-rta;r Porteous Harked . V: P. Lvineen P. Sftnpson (F) P. T ' J. Mason ill) M. Skallson S,
ith OH in 95 and
e a regular member of the senior backline . "Force" from all at the Bloods . Congratulations on playing his 50th Well done `Brando".
- would like to con adulate Wood, ff3 r an d on playing their v . _I s e club . Also 1 00 Games - Round 13 and Andrew Glel~.~ play thei r es for the club against 'Merry. Ricbie' a of the Under 19s 1996 and Senior D Grade 1998 sides, and Andrew a member of the Under in great clubmen and have served the t 6 seasons . 150 meet-Today and Nor
0.6 1.8 2.11 5.14 (44) 4.7 6.13 10.15 15.16 (106) B a Keaian Ri B rer G F Co an . Best V~cls M Barka
TSpuu1Mg ( : Iva. . :c Bran in 3 fisted 3 R V,Wd.k 2 i S Low McLean Price Tot v TuIIy. Best : Oates Tully Young . : J.14a1 tL. R' ' (Fft.1xxgG.Ctancy(G ) 35 ~.3 6.13 10.17 (7'P) 2.1 9.3 10.5 11.6 ('72) 4 Berry 2 Kennedy ' Trd= Best Tr'--r 3 r=dae Tbonspson Smith Guest • Evans 4 Se.ratae 2t;nu .. . Cartaapl~ficrziGoodu.viaU7Ls.Best : AplMord
R b7aysian FA. Morrison (9 B. Hoare (R) G .,NWff (G)
play their
4.6 5.10 7.14 10.19 r(~9) 3.2 14.6 19.14 22.20 (152)
uie club. 'MaggsV stas t i with the du b and apart from a short stint in Europe in 1999, i a consistent member of both Senior and Reserv e
4 M Carbone 2 Power 2 Carzigg Rexi} . Bat: M Carlaonc P. y P,boli Ports. Ile La Salte: Gerrit-, 5 Duggan 3 taRa& 2 2 Cafi 2 Buckle Banns Em-dm Muistarse Mord J HaIl. Best J Evans Goodta D or, Urapires: D. PeSris RL Taylor (F) R . (G)
is best remembered for his running goals and at torment of opposition forwards. Wormy, a y skilled utility, started with the club in 1993 an d been a consistent performer for both Senior an d
5.6 7.9 10.11(71) 7.4 12.6 15.9 (99) 3.4 3 W.Block 2 C.E 12 YDnia(l,vnas Stewart Farrell. Best: C.1 her Costelloe-Manniligg D..".sat2ett W.BIock. Old Haileyburr. alt 3wplusal 3 P J~~ 2 OIAa~nnrIl Fletcher Ffo}d . Best P_ ~ > EGstafhdou Floyd RMitckel( Brandhan.
ve Grade sides. Maggsy and hTormy are always at ub functions and are very popular and well respected fo r ef ° rts for the Friars over the past decade. Well done
1.1 3.1 3.2 4.3(19) 3S 9.6 16.9 21.14 (140) 4 OBr= Pratt, Stevens,
e - Congratulations to The Big Box Man , ° F3u#-1, . Played his i5€1t31 game for the
3,Ja}w M3 .Fitilay
an. w~ a:
b Last week (28/7) for the Reserves . Started with the 19's in 1991, p1. many games with the W's as a sult of agoc d p 'Dck and no.v with the Ressies. Well
He i
nel ,;~-fell.a?
qlaa „t 147llte Spider Pratt La•hran L Best Tternan Maloney Berr y
Oid _`, ee - All at Old Ivanhoe would like to
4.4 5.5 9. 7 3.3 9.4 11.6(72 2 Boar Howard Kxnnedv 1 . Beat . ~,stcue tSmweayConnaiy F1 -L~a' rrnce.
3.4 4.4 1.1 6,
iLratulate the following players on achieving individual
limnpionsoftheUAFA,'.1' mt' Egg' Css aclC, 1 5 0 T.
1 _~, :y plying his re Vd goal opportunism in the •
. .
9.7(61) 10.9 (
53 f6 7.11 7.13 (5 .5) 3,2 1 .5 7.6 6.9(5i)
es, four time winner of our reserves goallockin g d1'Q ..
9' 7.^
ry 4 Bryant 2 Byrne kiurpY- C a tiVu Sa llabarik Rav. Tharry • Fk,tknv 4 Hendalmi 2 Misfud 2 Russell Hi_%hm liaxlerson 5 .f S hau.ien.
u,~ies . James Hope 50 games on 14/7 against
-mond, a state representative and one of the upcomin g
't) J-_'s,
Haril;es 4
xis n i t
:- - C3C n . a gutsy
and Chris F 50 one of th e
i,i,',<As of the reserves . Old ::` : ~Ab urrlias.as - Last Saturday "ated his 100th game. The players responded -lillgly for Geoff and pulled off a hard fought 5 poin t
, ,- . . r Therry. Geoff is a very popular guy at the footy lul), helping to organise dub social functions, an d
ig all with plenty of laughs with his rahacky sense llumour. After celebrating his Milestone with tea m
m .:tes, late Saturday night Geoff was struck by a car and , now in Intensive Care at the Alfred Hospital. The ,nnnittee, players and supporters of the Old burnians send their love and support to Geoffs family in this difficult time, everybody s till being in a state of '!Y-ek that this could happen to such a great person. Get ,:al sson Geoff, all the O .M'S are with you and your
~,T ~ . Toovey Lappage Reidv Barker Grace
Old Ivanhoe Old Haileybury Whitefriars North Old Boys Ormon d
Efstathiou Hail Connelly S . Ciavola Stewart
Old Haileybury 4 65 De La Salle 4 37 North Old Boys 1 31 Old Paradians 6 31 Ormond 1 28
52 41 40 38 38
Coach: Jim 1 Res Coach : Roo c@dab 1 P. Brook 2 L. Gibson 3 J . Magee 4 A . Pratt 4 J . Black 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L. Buller 7 D . Foley 8 A. Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Nicholson (DVC) 10 A. O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D. Whitaker 14 T. Coliins 14 D . Dew 15 A . Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L . Atkins 17 S. Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A . Low 20 L. Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L . Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 22 B. Tadgell 23 A. Catlin 24 B .Gray 25 M . Smith 26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B . Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R . Canfield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulick 32 T. Arendarickas 33 G . Jury 34 S . Mitchell 35 N . Boctor 36 R . Deaton 36 A. Blackie 37 D . Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N. Conlan 42 J . Gerrand 44 H . Gibson 45 A . Thomas 46 D . McGrath 47 D . Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas 49 J. Bryce
Coach : Paul Cooper Asst. : Paul O'Dwyer Res : Damian Carroll 1 L Walker 2 R Buckley 3 B Corin 4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Herber 7 P Harrison 7R B Baker 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans (C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland (VC) 16RD Jarvis 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 19RT Shields 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Herber 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 37RD Moore 39 S Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 46 A Molan 47 G Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan
Coach. Fr D_n :II Res Coach : 'rk Robinson 2 . D. Keenan 3 . A .Trimboli 4 . S .Sleep 5 . B .Devine 5 . D .Skene 6. N .Vogels DVC 7. P.Booth 8. B.Collison C 9 . H. Maplestone 10 . M .Nulty 11 . R. Morley 12. S .Lock 13. T.Halpin 14. D .Kingham 16. D .Collins 17 . J. Fitzclarence 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland 21 . N.Casboult DVC 22. M .Connelly RC 23. D. Carman 24. J .Barker VC 25. G.Phyland 26 . M .Yandell 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . D .Joyce 29 . D . Usser 30 . M .Leigh 31 . L.Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33. M .Barker 34. J .Saad 35. M .Carney 36. D .Tonkin 37 . S .Mikunda 39 . C . Siotos 38 . M.Amor 40 . C .Phyland it, N.Tonkin 42 . A. Kennedy 43. D.Zacek 44. M .Drum 45. B .Speed 46. P.Daniels 47 . J .Barlow RVC 48 . N . Sanders 49 . TKlouse 50 . T.Drum 51, N.Goonan 53. S. Butcher 54. M . Allouche 57. C. Hosking 58. D. Ada 61 . F.Lynch RDVC 62 . A . MacDonald 68 . P. Bryar 77 . S .Trenton B. Kean
Coach: ck I r P s. G ch 1 . C. Home 2. R. Kejna (DVC) 3. M. Hoffman 4 . S . Langford-Jones 5 . J. Bourke 6 . A. White 7 . Adam Hilton (C) 8 . R . George 9. S. Rowlands 10 . C. Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12. P. Dimond 13. B . Harrop 14. A . Forsyth 15. A . Saunders 16. P. O'Donnell 17 . Ash Hilton 18 . C . Jayaskera 19 . M . Armstrong 20 . J . Wright 21 . A. Jenke 22 . D. Mason 23. M . Seccull 24. A . Ross 25. B . Johnston 26. J. Bell 27. R . Brandham 28. S. Walden (VC) 29 . B. Carson 30 . D. Warnes 31 . D. Lay 32 . B . Mitchell 33 . P. Wright 34 . P. Langford-Jones 35 . D . Lappage 36. B . Lay 37. G . Fletcher 38. L . Floyd 39. D . Emerson 40 . S. Davey 41 . S . Saunders 42 . A . McMahon 43 . C. Pountney 44 . M . Wray (RVC) 45 . T. Hilton 46. A . Waxman 47. R . Mitchell 48. C . Moyle 49. G . Finlayson 50 . R .Ladd 51 . P. Gebka 52 . N. Biggs 53 . L. Curtain 54 . G . Rowlands 55 . L. Byrns 56. M . Anderson 57. W. Mackenzie 58. B. Langford-Jones 59. M. Corderoy 60 . M . Somaia 61 . P. van Wyck
c; - .Cc
1 A .Oate s 2 L.Lochran 3 C .Allender 4 B .Davis 5 TYoun g 6 D .Spide n 7 E.McWillia m 8 T.Stevens (RC ) 9 M .Karayannis 10 M . Crowle y 11 S .Tull y 12 C .Braniga n 13 C .Barke r 14 K .Theodossi 15 L .Bolzo n 16 M.Wood s 17 A.Corcora n 18 J .Hope (VC ) 19 D.Warry 20 D.Hawke s 21 R .Roberts 22 P.Donaldso n 23 A .Bareza 24 G .Haros 25 A.White 26 P.Lillis 27 J .Weddle 28 S.Morri s 29 R.Weddle (C) 30 A .Gilbert 31 TPerer a 32 A .Gooley 33 N . Pratt 34 A .Tieman 35 L . Mclea n 36 M .Polloc k 37 M.Berry 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 A. Gioll o 41 P.Malnoey 42 L.Courag e 43 L.Hunter 44 A .Karafil i 45 M .Toovey 46 M.Tolle y 47 J .Wei r 48 B.Kolia s 49 J.Risstro m 50 S.Brandt 51 B.Shadbolt 52 P.Armstron g 53 S .Price 54 B .Guidera 55 N .Miller 56 S .Aston 57 S . Ford 58 G .Mcisaac 59 B.Spoor 60 D .Bernet Sponsored by 速------
i'lv L - " ~',
Sp_ctrum fissuran c Grou p Regency Pharmacy Zitech Computer Peripheral s -- . . . . -
OLD €:1ELRURNIARS oach : Erwin Leyden R .S . Coach : Michael Lovejoy
Coach: Matt Rya n Res . Coach: Peter Slaci k 1 P Pratt 2 P. O'Loughlin 2 B Smith (R) 3 D . Stevens 3 M Cosgriff (R) 4 R Murray
Thompson Lovett Simpson Roberts
5 M Harford 6 B Lethborg 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair
;¢ D 15 M 16 J 17 J 18 T
Gallagher Hewett Thiele Kinsella Rose Tucker Miller Fitzgerald
9 J . Collins 10 P. Brabender 10 M Joyce (R) 11 A. Burns 12 B Galloway 13 D Loney 14 A Curran 15 S Fellowes
ig R
16 M . Godfrey
20 J 21 L 22 A 23 M 24 L 25 P 26 C 28 A 29 T 30 I 31 J 33 T 35 C
Guest Boyd Waddell Berry Holcombe Thomas Kennedy Washington Mulligan McMullin Sallabank Ambler Ray
36 J
37 S 38 T 40 Z 41 G 42 P 43 E 44 P
Murray Bryant Useinov Wilhelm Theodore Farquharson Bartlett
17 B . Hart 17 D Jenkins(R) 18 G . Porteous 18 MAnderson(R) 19 Jon Swindon 19 Mat Joyce(R) 20 M.Szewczuk 20 P Harris ( R) 21 A Farrell 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 P Zappa 26 M Geary (R) 27 B Holmes 27 K .Jenkins (R) 29 B Dintinosante 30 B Richardson 30 R Clark(R) 33 T Lombardi 34 B Finlayy
, 3 56
; C M gR 10 T 11 P
12 A 13 B
C 46 D 47 C 48 C 49 G 50 J 51 B B 53 P 54 S 55 J 56 A 57 J 58 T 60 B 63 N
Neeson Banks Jenkins Tsiotras Berry Ri9hett i Campbell Beaumont Hecker Gooley Hunt Weir Burdeu Reid Sampled
64 C
I~a,e~PP CLLtrFGI~1S .
LAWYERS 9670 0W 1
Coach: Wayne Herme s Res. Coach : Brendan Smales
35 S Simpson
36 J M Swindon 40 C . Seckold 44 D Furze 47 N Ball 48 C . Watson 57 S Ciavola
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
D . Mabbett D . Beckett E. Fraser A. Grace B . Turner D . Whelan
7 . S . Keleher (DVC) 8 . M . Miller (DVC) 9 . S . Grace 10 . D . Scanlon 11 . D. Robbins 12 . B . Deledio 13 . B . Stone 14 . S . James 15 . S . Naughton 16 . T. Stewart (RC) 17. P.Joy 18. W. Block 19. D . Cleary 20. M . McConvill (C) 21 . L . Wilson 22. R . Block 23. T. Ashford 24. M . Abrahams 25 . J . Dale 26 . T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan 28 . A. Moore 29 . N . Courtney 30 . N . Wells 31 . H . Black 32 . R . Presser 33 . M . Collins 34. R . Remman (VC) 35. G, Bailey 36. J . Monaghan 37. A . Guzzo 38 . S . Herrmann 39 . M . Ferrari 40 . S . Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42• C . Keleher 43 . L . Smith 44 . M. Mabbett 45 . J. Bridges 46. C . Cleary 47. T. Costello-Mannin g 48. L. Murphy 49. S . Metz 50 . M . Heffernan 51 . A. Russell 52 . G . Hall 53 . G . Hammond 54 . M . Wilso n 55 . J. Putz 56 . M. Farrell 57. M. Broadhurst
58. B. Smith
2 3 4
Finnigan M Bann~ster R(VC) Elliot M Sacco N
s 7 8 9 10
B nnister S Hollow L Bannister C Vaina J O'Sullivan D(VC) Moran R
11 12
13 14
Thrush J Mitchell D McMahon A Goodwin M Holdstock G
16 17
Carter B
19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Grant A Cl arke J Henderson G
Griggs S(C-Res) O'S hea A Evans R Edwards P
26 28
Carbis G
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Tadinac M Hollow S Sacco J LaFontaine N McWhinney M McKayA earron D Castaldi D Nancarow M Boyie S (C) Garoni P Crotty M
0'Kearne M 29 Gaadwin ~
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 84 85 87
Warren M Appietord P Carter M Stepien s Goodwin D McAuliffe A Whykes B
Mills A Candiloro D Weston D(VC-Res) Boscaglia S Christotoh M Garoni M(DVC-Res)
Dunne P Weston S Griffiths K Romanes 0 Ward D Caccamo D Lewis B Van Engelen J Seron S Cuiph~a Swinden A Lyons B Johnson S O'Brien J Lees S Keenan R
Lees C Forbes D Higgins T Russell G Stella S Jones P
89 93
Chrstie A Smith J
94 95 96
Cuiph S Hill M Redden S
La Corcia M
59. P. Kostanty 60 . G. Ritchie 61 . K . Anderso n 62 . D . Casey
160 Loiudice J to4 Biddlestone G
63 . A. Kurzel
129 Boden D
64 . A. Strauch
65 . L. Russell
66 . C . Everett 67 . R . Martin
1 3 3 5 6 7
Woo d Carbone Fedel e Phan (Vc) Robinso n Brice
8 G 9 C 10 A 11 R
Clifford Maguire Pawlik Reidy (Vc)
12 R 12 J 13 T 14 T 14 M 15 P 16 J 17 A 18 C 19 M 21 K 21 B 22 T 24 R 25 M 26 C 27 L 27 B 28 C 29 A 30 M 33 D 34 D 35 C 35 D 36 D 38 C 39 M 40 M 41 C 42 M 43 N 44 B 46 G 47 B 53 M 55 B 56 R 59 B 63 S 65 D
Pawli k Treyvau d Hilton Carrig g Duffy Campbel l Powe r Carbone (C) Fulton Jongebloe d Kennedy Winch Langford Mika Vernal Rya n Swain Sinclai r Eames Glenn Powe r Reid Gloufche v Law Delzoppo D'sousa Carrigg Vandenboo m Cahil l O'conno r Northeyy Elliott O'conno r Johnson Jone s Winterburn Kelse y Murrayy War d Clifford Eame s
Lilydal e Mentorial Park
1Q6 Murphy P 108 Thomas D
Cemetary an d
Crematoriu m 9739 6244
t atciateA
132 Costello R
134 Donohue O'HallaronM135 S 139
156 ByrnesT
68. S. Haines 69. N . Tassell
W NITEFRIARS Coach: Greg Feutril l Res Coach: Andy Dalrymple
Petrevski M
Bennett Theodore (C) Treloar Hazell Bunn Holme
Coach: Ian Jackman Res. Coach : Peter O'De a
~n~srr C~~rt cilft:„g
The Rose Hot el Napier Street
Firstly t like to t` a fro m Ben Saturd iy. ' )eir difficult ;, : :uu,ion . and will be back c weeks . Tigers keep their chan,vs a --e-° victory over Collegians, the ees are ended L ; (7--,'S, Rovers back the running for iance et c . PIEVIE, Olt Acreman on fire kicked the first 4 an upset was looming . But er 3 5 twins to 7 in favor of the visitors s a contest . OIvY'S controlled t~,e - ; -- ~ of the last quarter but could not y leeway or get closer enough to -_-• ;,ho secured a good win miles fro i home . McPherson dominated around the g:ounu, Luke Fleming quietened Acreman, and Flaherty Rush were good too . For the Panthers Dutchy is away and Sammy forgot to play . we started well in e cr y
ground and in the sunshine and this plus the Jackas good play may have contributed to their tardiness and slow start . But in the end hapf to secure the important 4 points . Bettf players were Gilmore, Massis and Mim Dimachki for his containing game on rampaging Rosen who with 5 was the Jacka best, Brad Davis was also dangerous an Marty Halphen and Jona Segal battled hard a day .
were ahead all day but were be< te : important centre clearances on h sM ro in . ic last term a s ut in a sensational effo_ - t come - om 5 goals behind to record a grea morale boosting 8 point victory and the chanc of fmal's action . Both Moose McCraw and Jute Wintle turned on match winning performance, and they were well supported by the likes a James Drury, Tim Beasley and Mark Sellings For the Lions Brock McKenzie was great all da, kicking 8, 5 of them in the third, witi Hartshorne and Knox working hard all day a : well .
quarter agaiist th e but just could not ke 3 i' .e momentun i g
as the Fields would get their runn' ig g< me going and were able to increase their margil~ at every stage to shrug off the determined Bullants and stay away from the dreaded "R" word . Caulfield's best were Blair Hall up forward, Liddell, and Nick Craven, while for the Bullants Patio with 6 was excellent backed up by Burridge and Hare .
I Albert Park C+ should bounce bael to i'le winning list rather quickly by defeatin€ the battling -, aplestowe . Believe the Bullants are doing the smart thing and blooding some of their Under 19's which augers well for their future but I don't thinli they are ready yet to defeat the might of the Lions v)must in to keep the Rovers at bay .
Prahran had plenty of the ball but an inability to capitalize and inaccuracy did not help their cause but they were competitive . But the Rovers played pretty well and moved the ball around crisply and sharply were more direct and will certainly improve in ensuing weeks when a few of their injured players return . Drew "Doc Anderson again would have collected some votes, with Steve Anderson, Timmy Wilmott and Carr also playing well . For Prahran their best were the Wizard Andre Pitts, supported by Joel Kellow and Luke Norman .
.; ians versus Old beL in the racecourse should be an interes"ng game . Both play similar styles an rely on their running game to beat their opposition . The Panthers would have been disappointed last week and may not be able to recover their momentum today, so I'm tipping the Fields to record another win .
Ajax put up a great display against Glen E ia•a at Albert Park leading at every stage but finally falling short by some 17 points .It had been a while since the Sainters had played on a big 10
St Bodes Mentone-Tigers make the small trek across town to Toorak Park to tackle Have become the giant killers in the last couple of weeks the Tigers knocking off the two top sides and now if another games result goes their way could see themselves in the four tonight . This will be enough incentive for them to win today although the Two Blues will tr y
ctAI I FR 9nnf
ir best to make it tough for them . l•omrstora Rovers will enjoy Albert Park as it is ,uilar to David Street in size and surface . ,~jax will certainly test them for a fair portion of the game especially if Rosen and Davis are on song, but having now bridged the gap on Collegians, Rovers will not let that slip by outting in a bad one today and will go home ;th the four points . Today's game at Mackie Road will be like a Grand Final for Glen Eira . They have been in the four all year but now if they go down today ~}1ey are out, a scenario that would not please cc,ach Beddoe . It is going to be hard for them ;, ; the B ombers have really done nothing ;,; rong although both their losses have been his side of town . Both sides will have players , ,turning from injury and it will boil down to vcho wants it more, and perhaps with their lislals chances on the line the Sainters will lift or the occasion and beat a side above them o n the ladder for the first time this year . . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS This Week's Black List ; Old Mentonians only . Please keep up the good work guys only another 4 weeks to go . The numbers are 9-553 1561 home phone and fax, 0412 213 541 is the mobile, or drop me an email to braialecr' optusnet .cozn .au .
A„F~ Congratulates defender L ' on reaching his 150 th ~a _ale with the Club last %veek . Mat started with the Club's Under 19's in 1994 an d has been a regular Senior player since 1995 . A dashing back pocket, Duda was : , vital member of the 1999 Senior Premiership Leam and he has also been a great Club m an heading the Social committee for m an y years . A. true champion, both on and off the field he is admired by a ll at AJAX who congratulate him on his milestone . Well done Duda .
CLUB SENIORS Old Mentonians iiingwell St Bede s Amore Glen Eira arnvarkis Glen Eira ey Collegian s ( ooper Dukic ?ower
64 55 54 41 40
C RESERVE Collegians 0 40 Prahran 0 33 Hampton Rovers 0 33 Old Essendon 0 2 0
9 .J 13 .11 19.1fi (130)
12 .u 18.8 19.8 (122) COLLEGL_- :-', 7.5 ~: : 1: :<' es i==ntone:'.'._nile 5 Scafldi 3 Settings 2 Beasley 2 Wintle M 2 WInBe : P Kingwell L Hullller Po}mton Zahra. Best McCraw WRntle L Settings Beasley Drury Connolly . Collegians : McKenzie 7 Mooney 4 Knox 3 Waters 2 UnswTfth 2 Fry. Best: Phillips Hartshorne, Wooley, McKenzie . Waters ;: C. Brajtberg W. Hinton (F) N . Lemmon J. Kramer (B) Pollock. Ua . 9 .3 12 .7 (79) BULL -. . h 77 L~ 9Ti AE 4 .0 7.2 13 .5 17 .10 24 .12(156) CAULFIELD G; ---~i 6.2 Bulleea Temp >t re: Panou 6 Tulloch 2 D .Matthews 2 Burrtdge D.Todds .: Best : Panou Berridge Hare Robertson Tulloch . Caulfield Grammezia nt Hall 7 Amiet 5 Green 4 Sinclair 3 Will 2 Brohier O'Neill Pearce . Best: N.Craven Rosman Liddell Hall Brohier G .HarrLson. Umpires: A . Chapman L. Katz (F) 5 .0 7.1 8.4 11.9 (75) OLD MENTONIANS 3 .2 8.5 11.8 15.12 (1 02) OLD ESSE1kZSON : Acreman 4 Bournon 2 Carter Campbell Z .Kuramoto Old Pflent ' McCloskey Palmer. Best : Murphy Dart Mullin C .RLaekay Bournon Palmer. Old Essendou : Evans 3 Heritage 3 DiBtasl 2 S .Fleming 2 D.Flaherty 2 DragotJo Jmks Leask . Best : McPherson Leask S.Fleming Howard Papal Heritage . Umpires: P. Jones N. Evans (F) V. Vescovi P . Whitehead (G) 4.0 10 .3 14 .6 17 .10 (112) N ROVERS 0.3 3 .5 5.10 6.12 (48) PRAHRAN Hampton Rovers: Power 4 B. Holt 4 Drew Anderson 3 Ariz 2 S . Anderson Lawrence Natoli Zampaglione . Best:: B. Holt Wilmott Drew Anderson Carr
Daniel Andersen S. Anderson Browne . Prahran : Beer 2 Pang Herridge Rhodes Campbell . Best:: Pitts Kellow Pang Rhodes Norman Beer . Umpires: T. Brooks S. Morgan (F) 13 .11 (89) AJAX 3.4 7.7 11.10 1 .6 6.9 8 .15 14 .22 (106) Glen Elm . Best : Halphen Davis AJAX : Rosen 5 Davis 4 Sheezel Konsky Dukes Kalb Rosen Dukes Welder Konsky . Glen Eire : Gilmore 6 VamFalUs 6 Massis Caruana. Best: Gilmore Massis Minis Dirnachki Govan Tkocz Gray . Umpires: S . Payton A . Thwaites (F ) MERVE`r 3 .0 6 .2 9.6 12 .7 (79) ST HEDES MEIdTOPtE 2 .2 3.3 5.6 6 .9 (45) COLLEGIANS St Bodes R3mtone: Gomez 2 Petratos 2 Bignell 2 Walsh Recupero Chaplin : Moss Parsons Drury Chaplin Waters T . Best Waters S Falkingham Moss Walsh. Collegians: Hoist Gordian Farr Moon Wiseman Baxter . Best: Gribble Hart Hoist Farr McCann Moon. 5.9(39) 1.3 1 .5 3.6 BULLEEN' [PLESTOWE CAULFIEI ) ( -.' RiAtdS 6.4 9 .7 9.10 12.13 (85) . Best: S.Bo}rcl Mason Bull r T- . . . . : .. towel Agasta 3 Teskey P.Wolnizer : Carver 3 Walker PA'tolnfzer ,osta Dowlan . Caulfield Grammarians Coutts 2 Elias 2 M .Harrison Docker Rynberk Cassidy Deal . Best: Thompson Jacobs Dalwood Rusher k,Carver S .Craven.
6.8144) 0 .2 2.5 4 .5 OLD MEh°1'4 S 6.2 9.3 16.7 17 .10 (112) OLD ES.4ENDOld Old h3entoaians : C .Alexander Ball M.Fisher Kennedy M .Mackay Merel . Best : Kennedv C Slexander Petrie Moodie Liaised Sunter . Old Essendon : Hexter 6 McGowan 3 Morgan 3 Lutterschmldt 2 Ridley 2 . Best : Hunter McGowan Ridley Newbold Niorgan .Burns. 10.8 15.11 (101) Pd ROVERS 1 .3 6.4 4 .1 6.3 6 .7 8.10 (58) PRABRAN Hampton Racers: Duddy 5 Marshall 3 Flahlte 2 David Anderson Lanagan McGregor Midwinter Nitschke. Best: Duddy D. Anderson Ftahve Wheeler Woolrich Lanagan. Prahran: W . Watford 2 Stewart 2 Killeen Fraser Lane Beattie . Best: Beatte Eastham Fraser Wtlde Stewart Kairouz . 1.4(10) GLEN EIRA 0.0 0 .0 1 .3 4.2 8 .6 15.7 18.8 (116) AJAX AJAY_ D .Rubenstein 4 Basist 4 Buckley 3 Lelkovic 2 Krasnostein 2 E.Rubenstetn 2 Jolson. Best : Buckley D .Rubenstein Roth Let}rovic Finkel Godlewlcz. Glen Eira: A . Game. Best: hlascali Richard Plerez Jones Dootan Egan.
T1' ; _ f "S MATCHE S C Section Collegians v . Bulleen-Templestowe Caulfield Gr. v. Old Mentonians Glen Eira v . Old Essendon Prahran Amateurs v . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers AJAX v . Hampton Rovers
r Caulfield 3 17 11
Section AJA X
3 B Davis (DVC) 5 M Rajch 6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky
8 A Krongold 9 A Rosen 10 G Dukes 11 M Weisler 12 J Basist 13 A Freund 14 Y Ra pap ort 15 J Segal (VC) 16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukierman 18 J Dukes 19 M Hal Phen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Boc k 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28 P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 A Lefkovic 31 M Barnett 32 D Janover 33 S Boon 34 D Onas 35 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein 39 B Klein 40 M Borenstein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein 43 M Measey 44 A Lust 45 0 Flamm 46 T Waisman 47 S Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockmart 51 J Jolson 52 M Segal 53 A Halphen 54 G Herzberg 55 A Lewin 56 P Naphtali 57 D Rubenstein 60 J Wajnberg
Coach: Tim Hart Res. Coach : Gary Irvine
Coach: Paul Beddoe Res Coach : Phil Jones
1 J Prior
2 B . Hall
1 J .Dixon
2 N. Johnson
I M.
2 G Alexander 3 S Young
2 A . Carver 3 C . Knight
4 W Thompson (DVC)
3 S . Stevenson
6 P Graham 7 P Robertson (VC) 8 N Bone
4 M . Liddell 5 S . Kendall 5 . M . Penn cuic k y
3 4 5 5 6 7
9 Ch Parris
6 M. Harrison
11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Panou 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darb y 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews (C) 25 T Matthews 26 S Boy d 27 J Hestia 28 P Wolnizer 29 P Bone 30 Darren Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 40 S Meadows 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glover 54 S Dowlan 60 D Horvathl
Talbot Birner Morley Krongold Constructions Antler Luggage
Coach: Dean Anderson Res Coach :Kornel Dachs 1 D. Rosman
Coach : Dean Matthews Res Coach : John Stanton
2 J Ritterman 4 M Dudakov (VC
Coach: Mark Sarau Res Coach : David Marks
Rckcn ?.. .:k:: ; :
s ~m ,. ~:<s 8,xu. - 1:« n 98 h4 3 ~08a
6 N . Craven 7 J. Cowlishaw, 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (VC) 11 C. Deal 12 D . Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 J . Morvell 14 M . Green 15 A .Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G. Harrison 18 B . Baxter 18 P. Anderso n 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klose 20 H . Vella 21 N . Brohier (C) 22 T. Foster 22 M. Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 N . Guyett 25 G . Evans 26 S. Williams 26 S. Wid>a>a 27 R . Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 W. Brockett 30 D. Peterson 31 S. Craven 32 M . Cutler 33 C. McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphorn 37 M . Gurpinar 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R . O'Neill 41 C . Nairn 42 D . Synman (DVC) 43 J. Smith 44 N . Courts 45 D . Scott 46 R . Foote 47 L . Salem 48 N . Tassell 49 J . Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 51 D. Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure 56 B . O'Callaghan 57 P. Farmer 60 P. Senior
62 B . Goddard 69 K . McDonald 71
M . Cassidy
B .Mooney D . Atkinson R . Henebery DVC) D . Greeves (RC)) P.Davis J.Farley
8 C. Unsworth (C)
g J . Fry 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie Harriso 12N.N (DVC) n 13 T.Hartshome 14 R.Schober 15 L .Cottom 16 A .Fletcher 17 R . Hoskin9 (VC) 18 T.Krotiris 19 M . Davis 20 Andrew Farr 21 C . Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C .Pollock 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S. Woolley 28 N . McCann 29 A. Kenneally 30 L . Moon 31 J. Rose 32 D. Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 A.Smith 35 Ashle y FaR 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opie 38 T Ma xs 39 N . Hart 40 A . Wiseman 41 N . Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . White 44 A . Tarode 45 N . Lynch 46 D . Cooks 47 B.Lumb 48 E. Waters 28 B. Horshall 49 J. Waters 50 B. Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnelly 52 K .Jones 53 B. Grant 54 J . Haversberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L.Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D. Smith 59 R . Sztar 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Gambaro 62 S . Muir 64 M. Gribble ~ v3 ;
South MciMwmc
2 N. Astapenk o 3 C. Massi s 4 D. Cassar A . Tsirogianni s 6 J . Zagame S . Vamvaki s 7 8 P. Tsagliotis
9 G . Hayes Dewa r 10 G . Richards 12 B. Kin g 13 G . Brown 14 M . Weilgosz 15 F. Buckley 16 S. Limnyo 17 A. Russo 18 M . Dimachki 19 J . Thrusfiel d 20 A . Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 C . Grey 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerfor d 29 A . Mills 30 L. Pryde 31 T. Amberlin e 32 M. D'Zilva 33 A. Sheedy 34 Ti . Oldha m 35 J. Commerford 36 P. Slifk a 37 M . Pinnige r 38 M . Lewin 39 G . Egan 40 K. Dimackh i 41 H. Wall s 43 D. Psalia 44 S . Diamon d 45 A . Caruana 46 M . Baraket 47 T. Evans 48 J . Haliwel l 49 M . Benton 50 P. Wake d 52 A . Haines 53 S. Rees 54 M. Migliorin i 55 L . McGraw 56 H . Redd y 57 S. Hall 59 B. Stewart 60 S. Jankovic 61 M . Tkocz 63 D. Dunlevie 65 M . Dimo u
Dandenong Valle y Physiotherapy 9790 4266
APM Group p Building 8 Construction 94197707
C e ic: NAMPTON 11 3 Coach: Norm Goss Res Coach: Tony Naumoff 1 A. Brudar 2 M . McKellar 3 D. Busby = S . Anderson (C) 5 B. Marlyn 6 A. Natoli 7 A. Duddy
8 Drew Anderson
9 B. Boyd 10 B. Holt 11 J . Zampaglione 12 R. Dunball 13 G . Woods ~, ; N. Borradale 15 A. Browne 16 D . Marshall 17 D. Ariz (VC) 3 B. Healy 19 M . Lawrence - 0 A. Power
21 G . Carr
"? P. Buckley 23 S. Helliger
24 C. Scarlett 2S M. Davey 2v' S. Wills 27. M. Nitschk e 28 H . LeGrand 29 M. Fletcher -0 G . Shenfield 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson
OLD ES SENQON Coach: Chris Bye Res Coach: Steve Lynn 1 J.Pannagiotopolous 2 J.Chapman 3 P.Lutterschmidt 5 M .Oxnam 6 C .Ridley 7 J.Leask 8 J.Heritage
9 J.Good er 10 S .Bryant 11 B.Papal 12 D .Ryan 13 M .Wollington 14 S .Evans 15 T.Di Blasi 16 S .McPherson 17 P.Hexter 18 J. Walker 19 E .Healey 20 D .Hunter 21 S .Dale 22 J. Rush 23 J.Hughes 24 J. Dazkiw 25 C .Morgan 26 S .Fleming 27 D . Barr 28 D .FlahertY
29 S .Uebergang
34 Daniel Andersen 35` R . Bulmer 36 M. Pearson 37 L . Holt 19 J. Humphries 39 C . McGregor ;0 K. Chaston
30 S .Cetin 31 T.Williams 32 J .Mansfield 33 A .Dawson 34 D.Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 S .Dart 37 A .Morrison 38 D.Whitefield 39 M .Burns 40 M .Jinks
-1 G. Kelly
41 B .Newbold
a? M. Lanagan 1.3 M. Flahive .4 B. Johnstone 45 K . Singaran 46 L. Woolrich '7 L. Wheeler 8 T. Wilmott 48 M. Flynn 49 T. Prantzos 51 J . Midwinter 52 B . Mackrell J . Ng ~4 P. Gardiner c5 J. Prantzos 56 A . Crowther 57 M. Pucella :3 M. Vaugha n 59 T.Woodruff 60 L. Reeves 61 P. Edwards 62 C . Marinis
42 M .Beard 43 J .Carter 44 M . Burns 45 B .Turner 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S . Howard 48 C. Clues 49 P. Barry 50 P.Hammond 51 A.McGowan 53 L.Fleming 55 A.Leask 56 W. Conlon 57 G .Steven 58 J .Kavanagh 59 S . Emerson 60 G .Walsh 61 C.Hammon 62 S.Muir 63 D .Greasley 64 J .Murray 65 M .Tilley 66 D .Smith 67 R .Wrig ht
33, M. Lake
IMEF1pdAT10P1AL PP(. LTD. Ph: 9589 6444
NDU$~CM A(J$j Pf(,
° Ph : 9782 4300 11~OPT7' .aUEGROUP PIY.LTD. .. Ph: 9597 0166 ~atr.hamptonrovers.com .au
71 M .Dragojlo
OF , .~ Coach: Sven Samild Res Coach: Jamie Windlass 1 A Acreman 2 CTwentyman 3 B Murphy (VC) 4 D Carrot 5 C Macka y 6 C Alexander 7 G Ferguson 8 R Newton
9 S . Kervin
10 B Kuramot o 11 D Salley 12 C Dwyer 13 R Ball 14 K Campbell 15 J Costello 15 C Davi s 16 D Nock 17 N Unford 18 T Bournon 19 A Palmer (VC) 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drinan 22 D Home 23 N Moodie
_ . .__
8. I. HUNT
7 N Owen
9. A . BUNNETT to. B . HODGSON 11 . A . PITTS 12 . M . BEER 13 . B . MCCLINTOCK 14 . M . EASTHAM 15 . I. DENNIS 16 . A . RHODES 17 . G . ELVIN 19 . S . CAMPBELL 20 . J . KELLOW 21 . G . PALEODIMOS
8 J Cunningham 9 G Marinic 10 M Wintle 12 J Kane 13 D Goodchild 14 A Connoll y 15 T McColl 16 A Hipwell 17 M Sellings 18 L Porter 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DV C 21 P Fedderso n
25 J Winduss 25 W Ballantine
23 . B . KAIROUZ 24 . T. FRASER 25 . T. FREE 26 . T. STCLAIR 27 . W. PYE 28 . R. TRAEGER 29 . W. TASEFF 30 . M . SCICLUN A 31 . T. DUKI C 32 . D. BALLAR D 33 . P. HERRIDGE 34 . L. NORMAN 35 . B. GELLIE 36 . J . KILLEEN 37 . E. WILDE 38 . M. WINDRIDGE 39 . A. GRAY 40 . T. MCADIE 41 . J. UPTON 42 . K. WALFORD 44 . C . HENSHALL 45, M. VAGG 46. M. VEAR 47. P. BUHNER 48. D . FOSSEY 49. L . WOOD 50. N . GILL 54. J. SCANLON 55. L . AITKEN 56. A. CORBOY 57. P. HAWKES 61 . J.BEDFORD 62. S . RICE 63. R . MARRIOTT 64. J . BELCHER 65. D . HANLON 66. S . MASKIELL 67. M . ERDIM 68. G. AMY 69. M . WARLAND
26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 3 1 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrell 34 P Flaskis 35 T MacNish 36 D Alexander 37 M Francis 38 B Sherriff 39 T Riley 40 M Mannix 41 S Cozens 42 S Bainbridge 43 M Lawes 44 L Sumer 45 M Kennedy
46 D Mills
47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 A O'Reilly 56 R Harper 57 P Watson 58 K Widelski 59 M McCloskey 60 G. Shattoc k 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones (RC) 64 M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Macka 67 A Paternoy 68 L Rule 69 J Rule 70 S Grzebieta 71 M Watts 72 R Crowe 73 P Flavel omfc.net
Becton Cerperatlea Davis tseedtp S~erel~eo s Posaps ~ ] Eleven Zeettp laterlors
Ti -'!--RS
Coach : Russell Barne s Res Coach: Wayne Moss 1 P Wintle 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebir e 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napie r 6 A Ryan
24 Z Kuramoto 25 T Fava
Coach: Tony Free Res Coach: John Ross 1 . D . GALLAGHER 2 . A . BEATTIE 3 . J . LANE 4 . P. QUICK 5 . H . PITTS 6. D . PERKINS 7. S . PANG
KEA Australia Swan Hotel Richmon d
Tasman Liquor Orrong Hotel Colin Taranto Removals PFC TabarCt
22 D Poynton
24 T Beasle y 25 D Samy a 26 M Hecker y 27 S Kingwel l 28 S Bocza r 29 T Marshal l 30 D Falkingham 31 C Barnes 32 J Dickinso n 34 C Meye r 35 B Bilo s
37 M Connolly V C 38 C Tesoriero 39 M Georg e 40 B Beasley 41 R Bignell 42 P Winterton 43 M Rhoden 44 J Recupero 45 R Goul d 46 G Gome z 47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Wals h 50 S Kidd 51 S Meyer 52 B Sessle r 53 M Uberti 54 M McCraw 55 D Sticklan d 56 J Chapli n 57 M Lomagn gn o 58 M Zaki c 59 M Zahr a 60 M McCol l 61 S Waters 63 C Petratos 65 T Lam b 66 R Parson s 69 J Tomlinson 73 M Pisasale 75 N O 'Connor 78 D Mos s 79 P Russo
~.~i~fZt ti~ OZLt,ULWis11t [' •
1 .~ ?l T
I ~)
LifeCare is Australia's largest group of physiotherapy and sports medicine practices an d pledge to treat Amateur footballers with expert care and knowledge used to look after Australia's sporting professional s
130 65 076 6 • Prahran ® Ashwood • Croydon - Peninsula ® Altona
227 _ ` . `nnon Road 1 . `cKinno n
Level 1, Cnr Plenty Road and Kingsbury Drive Bundoora
Telephone : 9 5 7 8 3232
Telephone : 9473 878+ MELWAYS 68 E1 1
HRS : 8am-8pm Weekdays 1-IRS : 8am-8pm Weekda 3-6pm Sat ./Sun 9am-lpm Saturdays
l SECTION arr Hickey The struggle for entry into the 2nd Semi is more interesting than it was a few weeks back . Percentage only now divides the top three, with the Hoes having the softer run home compare d with that of the Bears or Wells . The Hoes meet no side presently in the four, while the Bears and Wells each play Aquinas . The Bloods look quite safe though, hard to see either the Blues or Panthers beating them at this stage . The John Elliott 250th went off without a hitch (apart from him being in a losing side!), and it was the largest crowd I've seen at the Bulleen Campus . Thanks go to the field Umps, Ian Burgess & Peter Griffiths, for their cooperation . Especial thanks to St Leos President, Kevin Witham, and his entire Club, who could hardly have been more helpful throughout, and whose participation in the biggest after match at Old Carey in years was superb . David Rimmington, the Carey Sports Complex Facilities Manager, was a tower of strength, as were the whole Mudge family . All in all, Amateur Football did itself proud . Old Carey went down fighting against St Leos in an entertaining match in which the Animals established a four goal break early in the 1st term and defended it effectively from then on . The Panthers had their chances in the 3rd when they controlled the ball but kicked 2 .10 to waste their good up field play. James Manton in the middle, David Pitcher on the ball, and flanker Matthew Flood, all did well for a very even bunch of Animals ; Travis Bull was a powerhouse at CHB & in the Ruck for the Panthers, Martin Heppell a dynamic on bailer, and Chris Hickey effective through the middle and at FF . University Blacks found the going hard against Monash Blues in the 1st & last terms, but did enough in the two middle segments to take the points and the Cowen Frearson Cup . Blacks had a host of good players with Jimmy Ryan having a ton of kicks on the ball, Sling McArthur similarly in the centre, and Moose Mackie was strong at CHB . For the Blues, Chopper Newman starred at HB and on the ball, Liam Holloway contested well at CHF, Sam Lloyd at HBF and Ben Merlin on a wing also had good ones . Ivanhoe Assumption had a gutsy win over Banyule, neither team being at full strength, but the Hoes' big 3rd quarter put them ahead after a torrid first half, and they were able to answer everything the Bears threw at them in the tense 4th term . Hoes U 19's skipper, Eilan Healy wa s 16
BoG in a magnificent tea m performance, with Tom Healy very effective up forward . Wade Keenan & John Turnbull were prominent for the Bears . Old Camberwell were too good for Old Geelong with dominating 1st & 3rd terms, and moved into 2nd place on the ladder. Wells were happy with Simon Ham up forward, Matt Hansen in defence, Justin McLean through the pivot, plus Travis Hardman on his wing . OGS best was defender David Bolton, with Fitzgerald & Jones both prominent in the forward line. Yarra Valley couldn't match the Aquinas machine, the Bloods gaining q break early and never looking back. Craig Thomas did the damage at the sharp end for Aquinas, Matt Hunter was lively at HF and on the ball, while Glen Whitehead was his consistent self at HB . The Bushrangers contested every possession all day but were let down by their turnover rate : their better players were Luke Taylor & David Stevenson on the back lines, Scott Fyffe on a wing, Phil Valoppi in the middle, and James Keem with 5 goals. TODAY'S GAMES
St Leos Emmaus battle University Blacks in a very interesting game; statistically, both still have a wisp of a chance of making the four, so neither will have the foot off the peddle today, just in case. Last time round, Blacks found the Animals' mosquito fleet hard to counter, and they'll have the same problem today . That, plus the odd geometry of Bennettswood, leans me towards the home side to take the points by a whisker. A prediction which should give Kane Bowden added ammunition! ! Monash Blues host Ivanhoe Assumption, an d, regardless of the Hoes injury woes, the visitors should be too desperate and committed to let this one slip . The Ashers' ground speed will stretch the Hoes to the limit ; but the latter's disciplined approach should give them a 5-6 goal win. Aquinas welcomes Banyule in a real test of how well the Bloods are travelling, and how the Bears are coping with injuries. Two weeks back, the Hoes found the Bloods' scoring power a handful, and so will the Bears today . By the same token Continued on page 62 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2001
: ,,, i ~ .
T coccn : . _rcus <,
Hun t 7 M . D, i < Whitehead 20 P. Pares 21 J. Pier 22 S. F( nn 23 J . L 24 P. 25 B. 26 R . 27 S. Jo t h' . a >
1 T. _ i 2 C Nitchel ! 3 S .: :_yroo z 4 M .Gilbert 5 B.YJilmore 6 W.Keenan 7 G .Shaw 8 B.Cantwell 9 J.Plant 10 B.Moxin 11 S.Cross 12 J .Egan 13 C.Burke 14 B.Vefoodlock 15 S Gray 16 A )ooley 17 T.Ch man J- ;-â&#x20AC;˘ Iul l 19 eIl 20 S Is ai r 21 R Di iosanie 22 N .Taylo r 23 S .Gray 24 C .Wilks 25 L .Marti n 26 H .McDermott 27 P.Heal y 28 D .Sproules 29 R .Kreskas 30 D A9utton 31 C .Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A.Plan t
34 C.Stevens
xan Sheffiel d CuFrera C . Bambur y Moran Slatter y
P. Glennis > G . Coyle 46 M . Hope 48 R. Register 49 D. Poynion 50 M . Ditchfield 52 M . Corrie 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 J . Harrington 58 D . Robinson 59 A . Bentley 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 64 T. Robinson 68 J. Coglan 70 C . Lyn n 71 G . Evans 72 M . Riley Barclay
35 L.O'Connel! 36 M .George 37 T.Thompson 38 G ..Bel l 39 A .Hopgood 40 C.Taylor 41 FJ .Natoli 42 C .Taylor 43 L .Ferral 44 P.Williams 45 B.White 46 D .Nasrallah 47 D .Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A.Smail 50 M .Smith 51 L.Sheean 52 D.Noonan 53 K.Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D.V1iIliams 56 P.Arnold 57 A .Covey 58 L.Hoft
1 S . Chapmc. i 1. 2, 3. 4. 5.
S . Conley M . Maud C. Tucker T. O'Neill J . Scobl e
6 . T. Healy (DVC) 7 . P. Hawley 8 . J. Shuttlesvvorth 9 . E . Healy 10. P. Lee (VC) 11 . D . Valkanis 12. B. Finlayson 13. S. Narkiewicz (DVC) 14. P. Flynn (C ) 15 . J. Curtin 16. R. Harley 17. S . Morris 18 . T. Bobble 19 . D. Wood 20 . M . Sadoti 21, L. Blackwood 22, G . Race 23 . D. Ryan 24 . B . Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26 . M . Emerson 27, K . Smith 28 . J . Pace 29. C . Hocking 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D . McFarlane 32. L. Pearce 33. S. McGowan 34. B, Joyc e 35. P. Whitehead 36. C . Zeegers 37. S. Saunders 38 . R. Peoples 39 . M .Ebbage 40 . P. Marti n 41 . C. McDonald 43 . M . Evans 44 . A. Pac e
45 . D. Fryer 46 . M . lacouangeil 48 . R.Toogood 49 . A . Rosenfeld 50 . D. Schulze 51 . D. Pearc e 52. S . Sampson 53. M . Chazan 68. J . Mazocca 78. C . Brown 88. N . Dykes 99. G . Robertson
2 J . Baxter (VCR) 3 L. Hollowa y 4 G . Chessari 5 D . Rogers 6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar
8 S . Thompson 9 J . Godde 10 S.'dVebster(VC) 11 M. Spence r 12 G . Smyth 13 A. Herrman 14 B. Merlin 16 B. Tatterson 17 P. O'Neill 18 K. Hendratta 19 G . Gilbe rt 20 N. Sereda 21 C. Gregory 22 R. Kamphuis 23 G . Harry 24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 B .Jondahl 27 N. De Young 28 J . Main 29 J . Ross 30 L. Creamer 31 S . Hawkins 32 B . Boyer 33 J . Smith (C) 34 P. Maiden 35 D . Murchie 36 A . W illiams 37 M. Donnelly 38 R . Anderson 39 C .Burley 40 M. Bolton 42 S. Youn g 43 R . Feenaghty 44 D . Teesdale 45 R. Walsh(CR) 46 A. Rya n 47 S . P7ientha 48 K. McIntyre 49 R. Burston 50 A . Clar k 52 N. M oresi(VCR) 53 J . Peel 54 R . Green 55 1 . McCormick 56 R . Reith 57 P. Munro 58 C . Strauss 59 B . Carstein 60 S . Lloyd 61 P. Campbell 62 B. Broacher 64 J. Sleiman 65 G . Polglase 66 N . Brennan 67 B. Rya n 68 M . M eehan 69 P. Grabiel 71 J .Sondhu 75 S . Edquist
,0 " ,:,ieshn j rey 1 J ;vVcLean 2 T James 3 A Inkster 4 N Lippiatt 5 S Horskins 6 A Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanson 12 R Kapoor 13 L Gladman 14 R Whitehead 15 L Cain 16 D Walker 17 H Credlin 18 A Brovrnless 19 J O'Neil l 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 D Lilja 24 D Imberger 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Sheedy 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 S Ha m 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 B Tipper 36 S Derry 37 A Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 A Hills 40 J Derry 41 L Ryan 42 A McKenzie 43 S Collins 44 S Smith 45 A Taylor 46 R Heath 47 T Kearney 48 S Properjohn 49 J Hardman 50 B McKenzie 51 J Owen 52 G Ormsby 53 R Tempone 54 A Margetts 55 J Gan 56 N Stevenson 57 A Bryso n 58 P Triantaiyllou 59 M Butterworth 60 B Mcilwain 61 J Parker 62 J Miles 64 M Knowles 65 N Saffar 67 G Rowe 69 W Earl
76 D Brauer
- . -- C. n,
_ ~ ,• .;- :
J a Cmo n lE .iYr r
Elliott ingus 'aelis
1 2 4 5 6 7
M. Cohen
C . Esler ;, A . Jackson C . Campbell R . Oppy
D . Walsh
" .Satte r , avins C. Stinchcombe T.Redin T.0' Brie n J. Paul
8 TSeymour
D . Shutie K . Shrives % N. Everest L. Ba ttleY B . Hutchison C. Phillips L. Chamberlain R. Graham J . Danihe r C . Matthews R . Bardwell l. J. Raftopoulos R . Leong S . Vitali T. Price P. Unkles ~ etarczynski oherr Vasilopoulos P. Nance "^ :imo -- •pa =- n t inikos He Birkill Palmer
nn :t t . i-u le .5 L. { ° dgomery u. Iliams C. le T. Bull 6. H . Giannikos 7. A . Wilkie 8. C. Poppievdell . .9 . W. Mudge n A. Kent P. Drake H. Francis .~ . B. Harvey Gianmkos Ross B. Malin -- :=. Konsfantinidi s P^'tcher son Y . Moulton M cKinstrY S . May T. Whitelaw al Heppell D . Elsner C . Hickey Ha rt i nchester arshall . S . Feehan ;. ~ .Yarnall Curry i-. Dalton a2H epp8i i ~
9 J.Foley 10 J.Smith 11 L.Stevens 13 H . Mclnnes 14 H .Power 15 H.McCarthy 16 H.O'Brien 18 C.Bird 19 P.Broadbent 20 S.Cole 21 S .Jones 22 J .Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .4Yhrtehead 27 W.Paul 28 A Farrar 29 D .Bolton 31 D . VarleY 32 J. Coo k 33 B .Collins 34 M .Goldsworthy 35 H .Burbank 36 A.Opie 37 J .Fanning 39 A. Farnsworth 40 h9.Avery 41 T.Carty 42 H .Brownin g 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B .Parnell 46 J . Fitzgerald 50 M .Wilkinson 51 J .Kilpatrick 52 N . Kemp 54 L•Heine 56 M.Leslie 58 L.McDonald
Coach : David 1 6L ::_s Coach : d_- , ,^ . .1 1 D . Dini co lantonio 2 J. Hodder
3 E. Mitchell
4 A. Auliso 5 S. Buckl e 6 D . Carey 7 A . Burgess 8 M . Volpi 9 D. Lea r 9 A. Bethune 10 B . Mitchell it S . McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Hug han 13 A J.. Krebs 14 Manton 15 A. O'Reilly 16 A. Ros e 17 R . Parke r 18 R . McCann 19 B . Carey 20 D. Bruce 21 G. Simmondson 22 S . Willis 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. M cKenzi e 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levine 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. D 30 gA. (:go~re 31 N . Zannis 32 L. Pric e 33 L. Mos s. 34 B . Henricus 35 R . Brigg s 36 S . Savage 37 S . Manton 38 N. Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J. Gay 4 1 J. Zero 42 M . Flood 43 B. Levine 44 M. Dimble 45 S. Penchi 46 M . Blundell 47 M . Renne r 48 A . Daly 49 C . Hatneld 50 P. Humphreys 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 A. Volpi 54 J. Fennell 55 S. Smith 56 D . Domik 57 M. Place 58 J . Peldsta d 59 D . itche r 60 C . McDonald 61 S . Sc -ards 62 A . Ra nor 63 P. P'}~an 64 D.I~an 65 N. I . 66 J. Bla . . tom 67 P. Farquhar 68 B. O 'Connor 69 S. i es~cher 70 D . .~ ..,~loi n 71 B. Allan 72 A . Burgdorf 75 T. Yme r 76 G. Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 78 M . Whitney 79 T. Tribe 80 H. Meehan 81 D. ~?ehan 88 S. nicher 89 D . Winduss
_ 1 G Darrech 2 S Chandia, 3 W Martin 4 M Vauohan 4 D Wilkinson 5 R Mackie 6 S Smit h 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pascoe 9 C Pekin N Bowles lI i K Bowde n it 1 2 M Kohne 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jesse n 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviel4o 17 L Brown 18 A Wilson 19 C Franklin 20 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beato n 2 4 N Wil so n 25 T Chatfield 26 J Ryan m 27 A Cleents p8 A Costello 29 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 S Mood y 35 J Mi rtschin 36 H Pec k 37 N Roberts 38 L Beaton 39 R Grei g 40 G Sullivan 41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gard q3 C Beaton 44 R McArthur 45 M Coleman 46 R Board 47 B Murph y 48 A Moffatt 49 P Greenbank 50 J Healey 51 A Neville 52 C Schirme r e 53 D O ' 54 M Braszell Keef 55 G Thomson 56 D Walsh 57 K Sagely 58 A P aton 59 0 Toose 67 A DePasquate 62 F Purcel l J Webe r 65 J 66 N Howel l 68 P O'Beirn e 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihil l 73 S Mackie 75 W Touzel 76 D Ba tten 77 A Evan s 78 R Owen 79 R Drummond 80 M Tehan 81 A ~ Ba lu ch
BENNISON MACKINNON 9e 94 5 0 0 0 www.benmac .com .au
g p C 83 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 B Weber 86 D Cree k 87 A Cowley 88 N Abbott 89 T 90 D Ak ' ~9s 91 A Whitlock 92 S Milner M Behan
A Metcarte
J Mirtachi n E N o la n R Moreton
_., 1 R Pearc e 2 T Morri s 3 R Thompso n
4 M Fun g 5 A Drew 6 D Howse 7 R Dre w 8 L Morris 9 J Kee m 10 T Hancoc k 11 F Macvean 12 J Cremea n 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Krus e 15 N Pas k 16 L Taylo r i'7 A Lain g 18 L Whit e 18 D Ross 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hal e 21 M Wine s 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davies 25 F Pellegrino 26 J Longwort h 27 S Savag e 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutts 30 D Potter 31 B Sturzaker 33 P Cremean 34 C Frase r 35 B Peake 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morrison 39 J Tompkins 40 T Fyffe 41 B Down s 42 A Ston e 43 H Park 44 J H o 45 8 Tresside r Irelan d 46 D 47 D Lan g 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 51 C Re nold s y 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pas k 54 T PJcllrath 55 P Peterso n 56 T Lloy d 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joine r 60 C Ross 61 P Valopp i 62 P Buruma 63 B Ydhitechurch 64 M Bat e 65 R Lan g 66 D March 67 M Busc h 71 M Laing 73 T Lloyd 74 A Midland 76 J Dickso n 79 S Tresside r
11 ; ( sc . .as on Old Haileyburians as -id lost three out of the last four . U . Blues Mvu= ugainst the Bloods sho ~d rm to lead 3 .1 to 0 .5 at the first chai, - : ~ F .ct,rn ~ :, it a + we tast ena_nge â&#x20AC;˘ f :' ', "' . - ;" -_ turned in a Yv. uv . -u ~_ LU , a_ . T is great earl y 90's form in finals and rep s . le was helped by Stephen Klrsenov, rv .iore derson ! Drew Slimmon for the Blues to to s by 15 points, 9 .14 (68) to 6 .4 (40). Byrns, Nic Morey, And Dave Coi net,' 9 in defeat for the Bloc : . A coi,nie of re<# in , . Th ~ IFC lege : 1 400 VA A c, j C No t space to record all C- .rr ; ,; . Not too m< <iy coaches chalk up 200 games h a clu b at Old Mentonians congratulated Bert Ca: ert. 1:s to Peninsula's strong leader Pete r a dual best and fairest and inspiration t o all . For -jre fourth successive season Old Scotch and Old Xaverians met in Club XVIII South Grand Final. In the three previous games in 1996, OX had scored 33 goals to OS's 7 goals . OX were red hot favourites . Well, at the last change the scores were OX 4 .5 (29) to OS 4 .2 (26) . OX were too strong and celebrated so well they failed to send in best ,1~-.yers and goalkickers . Old Scotch's best were ° ; ontgomery, Langley, Williamson . Final seor : ere OX 8 .7 (55) to OS 5 .4 (34 )
:aGt9 - 199 1 Old Hk f' eyburians beat second team Collegians by 5 points to be one game out of the four, final scores 17 .13 to 16 .14. Rick Schober kicked his 5th goal for Collegians at the 31 minute mark and then surged forward only to hear the siren . Best Were Schober . Mount, 'Wallace (Coll), and Old Haileybury saw wonderful performances by Andrew Walden (7 goals), Seccull, Williams . 'D' section scribe Peter Lemon returned from Africa and boasted to the other scribes that he had an International tipping record - 100% . He'd picked Italy to Win the first Italy v . Namibia Rugby test . Robin Martin, after 18 years became the first MHSOB player to reach 300 games which included 180 senior games . A wonderful clubman, Robin had been a member of the committee since 1977 . As the scribe said "a social 20
mogul" and "legend" MHSOB saluted Robin for his service . It was 300 game s and no more "'I""1
AJAX's champ'o _ ._~hae l e against Glej 4ichael's career includ times _ts a A MHSOB also . CIO . ions yon and o L . .t tea':- for d,Cir p C an in the Vic Hea l U19 championships, ; C oilingwood . 'A' section umpires v ?re Justin Toohev. Gen ; She<
Par' side
r 1 0 , ef the 'B' section four . . er L i ~,L3 114t ;n Fatvkner inflicted aaFln_ 4 poini defeat c : , he Red Devils, 11 .15 to 5 .8 . Bt, were Rhodes, Mitchell, Young (Facvkner) an Sturgess, Papas, Coleman (P'side) . 100 games to Collegians David Tadgell, noted fc his team spirit and courage and his willing set '-) out around the club . - 1 ` ' 3n + )ngratulated former te < ' on being a memb __ ;i, 8 hat won a gold medal at h , c ._L - tes . 250 games to -nl vfahony, one of the famou : -hony clan at El ernvrick (David, 200 plus anc Delegate) ar ' for Peter Ferguson (Presto n srong mat I great dash has been ar >et to the club . 0 g nes to Bt" f in captain Richar d o y, 7 times best and ,t, and 'E' sectio n d fairest for the - dears . officiated his 509 th game as a g a l 1 inci_uded 13 'A'section gran d and 7 other grand r , matches . Was won their fourth on ,p i n a sUWwilcn u .l oeteated second placed B u Teanplesto-we by 38 points . The' Fields s i very well when Alan Nalder kicked 5 goa l first term and they led by 24 points a t ti-ne, never to be challenged . Nalder fuii__iet 10 goals, with Kanis, Matthew, J . Stone, c and Royals good players . Old Pardians second in 'B' were far too goc for Uni Blacks, fourth 9 .9 to 2 .4 . Best were P. Wood, Spillane, Heffernan (Old Paradians) and Alexander, Marks, Hyett (Uni Blacks).
any club
- a 20 C Nor r social secretary over a =d their chairman o f 'izza" Wiese o n
do n annua l Sacred Heart C
it were Bro sr :)n d (--ell), no-,A p n d
ir 1 being n am, Old 1 14 ,en d r
were Scot
were level c > and re one win only La Salle Ol d ~ ea )r company . s in 1965 mad, th season- after se Blues a I ry Old ScotcY but )ense . ur Bl av . .J (later VFL Geeto on ti 1 'B sectio n
2 game s id :, .a (L .>s) and T the fou , place . ip his 200th gan for notched up his 1C ' fo .,-'- in 'A' Or, , ,= 3 ayed a ks : 1 .8 to eful ~r J~ ' : Gr
s ruckrr; to club's victory 13 . rivals St Bernaru's vC . a veteran of I I final s , and the club's bes t 57 . z .e the club's first 200 .*er. UH L- sir :, rt Reid 0- 1 974 fith life n „ , : _ ' -a h team r_i~- e Cc'.a op kick for goal, yed his 1~3rner starred Bc LLn, a fiel d ' goal umpire ~v-ith t< . ~ince is still on the job IF ). LIoif championship was is°r :apper David Dressir i umpiring and had a brief g
; o on ~ .ti, job for .ost le -ay . s; i u G con iitions Old Paradians in the "water g- " match against Geelong or as the scribe w )te "Gssie" Meehan opened proceeding s i > boat across the ground, donn . ' hi s go'ng overboard and takin~ !11 'its m the sticks, Atli Pere( o t to him wt~ :1 , ~: ~ has other ha-id , d. (C3ssie a d others of _, , tiecutive of t_he VA;A ;c. s) . MHSOB juniors defeated Murrt 28 .13 ' :iy (191) to 6. (18) Neff Roberts gav a ;
by and cati ~°d it all with 17 goals, abl . yBobSatKeihMrsl Leading , -i,',crs in 'A' were Duncan . (Um Biu °s) 78, followed by Sam Biriles (Harnpton Rovers) 38, Eaton (B'wick) 35, Evan McGregor (Ormond) 31, and Manson Russel (Old Scotch) .
What a promoters dream; the last round and neither four finalised. The surprise continued in round 14 as my success rate dropped to 60% . I hope for better fortune t : ay n
able to ''ek themselves to victory ove r by thirty five points. This contrasted with th r one goal total in Round 13 . The seaside air must have helped! , P ola had probably their best result of th e Zen with straight kicking they defeate d by fifty four points . Salle can thank their own second quarte r efforts as well as the inaccuracy ol °' ° in the second half, for their six point victory . match was a bit of a high standard and displayed many of the skills of Australian Football . Best for De La Salle were ; veterans, Phil Brasher and Brendan Boy as well as Captain, David "Bomber" Jennings and Stuart Lewin . Nigel MacPherson in the ruck was best for Prahran . He was assisted by Chris Belez, "Ant" (Anthony) Lawrence and Andrew Tucker . were impressive as they over 01 powered an under strength Mazenod by seventy eight points . '' ie "O.M's" were well served by No . 53 as a half forward and Michael Verge, whose odds for a second Mason Medal have shortened . Best for Mazenod were ; Sean Bilston, full back, Richar '. Bournon, Steve "Funky" Balloch and Cam Busby. After a close opening quarter. 01 gradually exerted supremacy over leaders, : who failed to convert opportunities and whose turnovers proved costly . The second half saw Old Xaverians draw right away and win by the "Heinz" margin - fifty seven points . Best Players for Old Xaverians were; Ben Perry, Chris Carrodus, ruck man, Nick Hart and until injured, veteran, Tim O'Sullivan . Although no one player stood out for St Kerins, Tom Collins, John Fogarty and George Katavolas tried hard . :cnt to the top of the ladder as a resul t of their thirty seven point victory over Marcellin, whose performance seemed flat after many weeks of virtual elimination finals. Early in the third quarter, Marcellin appeared to be closing the gap, but their efforts faltered and Collegians went onto record a comparatively easy victory . Their best players were; Phil Baxter, Simon Day, and Dave Perkov. Best for Marcellin were; Rod Becvni, Jeremy "Gooey" Golds
and Dar 'e . In the most even con°--' of "le round, , Ole
De, hav a 1' ;h player turnovel, = Blacks showed goou form to defeat V [ thirty two points . The last quarter tJniversity Blacks was encouraging a hs ~ f beater things to come . Their best v r afl A : Howell, Darren Creek and Ben Selle °r. nearly over came third placed who had to come from behin to s :en points. After an even first half, St - c the lead by the last change . They were u___ sustain their effort as the greater skill of the I` . Best for Monash were ; ma oplayerstiumhd L'Joods, Mick Crossland, Anthony Forbes, Ben Do and Mat To nason. O16 P- - oro=>Pr! +~ big and too talented for disappc ig , who were unable make up tneir forty two point half time de :ici' '°>p "winnin the seco half, which avoi€ i embarrassing landslide (Words from Old Coach, David Super) . Best for Old Ivanhoe ._ : Robert Weisz and Albert Kobe, back from Dubai . T final margin of twenty nine points ensured 11 Essendon retained fourth position. OF ROUND 1 5 At home, I expect that £3 will finish th season with a victory a r who ha found the challenge of : c on 1°}rond their 20 capabilities.
Be - "° : should be able to hone their ski against whose depth of talent has r been Si. "icient for a successful season . St Kev'- have the chance to regain momentum I the finals against who have disappoint during 2001 . Nothing would please Prahran play( more than defeating the section leaders. I select Kevins to win narro ly simply because of th greater depth of talen t enocl and - will be playing honour today as ne : zer h< enjoyed a success 2001 for assorted rea ons . At home I select Mazen to win a close contest. The reward for the winner of the Old Xaveria versus C'. - ls match will be participati in next Saturdav's Second Semi Final . In their rou 6 meeting Old Melburnians ran right away frorr,
it C
v thirty one points . Since ot suffered a defeat, whilst b-- St Kevins in roun d t Park, ? expect th e a tck of mobility by Old
d as a consequenc e tt double change . d conclude a frustrating season by
hos e xsorl . trai el to Cla; on to vhose recent form has l :tory would bolster Me-- ',sh Sundav's first Semi Fin I . . . .1 . to .,.
Old Scotch € Frunsi :
C'tlidge irrl 'r ~ 3 42 Ifattneivs Old s 1 33 I nil Totttlinson is 5 32 George Old : Katavoulos StI 2 5
t. Kevu'ls v. Prahran ZviazenoG :r. 01ci Brighton Old X~ e ri: r. Old Melburnians
C ',t [it, sea Col' Mon; s''
d9 3 C elon g Old Trim, acks Old Es : fri ir s ' . 'yOld
)1 )id s,
on Umgire (F )
: .2 9.3
15.6 (96)
k- 0 1 .3 2 .3 6.6(42)
S Less 5 Crotty 2 Doolan Bad:n 1<uuu3zzo Murphy Carte r 7a Kvset I . Best: Murphy Donohoe Crotty S Lees Lewis . .~ Lovett 4 Pearott Sikora 1 . Best: UmP' : R. T A
2 .0
7. 1
1 .3 3 .4 4'.0 3 Robinson 3 h7aiuifx I P Bra Ghel "'ard 1 r . . _a' ' ❑ I 'a . herson. 1 . A: Gree n (F)
6.5 2.7 t-- ) .1 2.2 3 Arden Bards! iont utherfar d tDe Fra€s s£ -kttBlack. a CPrm„statt (F)
4 .7 5.8 (3S) 'A8 14.a1 (95) . Bl Cr Collins Day .~. Allan 2 Fc ~ ~. _._. ney Footna 1-- C trge 5 Matitte-as ,. C. Can-adus OSulliszn Fc~ :r C. Carrodus Johnston S. is Ha ll Jones Ratha .U. Cr P. N ~ T. Robbins (F)
6 33 ? 2I 2 21
M Tn-:~ A @A~TFI P€2 FtS£17 R511 l=zi 9f l
A . F. C .A 1,
V.A.F.A .
:)ORT'S BOO K "Your Coaches' Association" Life After Coaching Part 2 (ii) 9ciriart Hurley has coached at three Olymp ic Garnes and was the foundation basketball coach at the Australian Institute of Sport . He retired frona elite coaching in 199 7 to pursue n career i n business management. Ho,:-i do you prepare yourself for life after coaching? Look into forming a consultancy It is the era of consultancy . Establish your own company, or at least be aware of how these work . The day you get fired or retire, then you have a rcady career to move into, as long as you have something to sell or offer. In preparing for 'life afdc.r coaching and to help you with your present coaching, you have to work on skills which might not be part of your everyday education in roaching. This education makes you a better ,rounded coach and person, as well as providing you with a broader base for 'life after coaching . Coaches must realis e -You are ready-made to pursue a career in business ,Coaching is one of the buzzwords in business these days . Businesses need people with the skills I have outlined . Leadership, building teams, making decisions, coping with change, planning etc. are in high demand in business . There is no better time than the present for coaches to get involved in business education and projects . While the stories of our great victories are nice to hear in speeches, it is really our management skills that are needed in business . Of course some of us are well positioned to start our own businesses in consulting, sports stores, fitness advisory, health clubs and sports instruction . You can work in the media Your knowledge of skills and tactics makes you well qualified to make comment in the media . I believe coaches are better equipped to do this than athletes are, even though athletes are the ones pursued by the media (mainly on the grounds of their profile, rather than their ability to commentate) . More coaches are needed as commentators to upgrade the standard of commentary and to avoid the embarrassment of seeing athletes pretend they know what they are talking about . You can't wait for the phone to ring, once you leave coaching
We all probably think that once we leave our coaching career we will be overwhelmed with interest, and all we have to do is wait by the phone . I can tell you that if you do this, you will be waiting a long time . The community doesn't realise your skills or abilities. After all to many people we are glorified Phys Ed teachers or exathletes who probably have few other interests or abilities . Hopefully you will have your avenues already prepared, but if you don't, then get onto the telephone and float your ideas with prospective employees . In many cases they are not aware of your interests . Going in to business for yourself is always an option The days of the sport shop or learn to swim might still be with us, but your options today are much more varied . Look around at the number of excoaches who have set up their own businesses in insurance, financial advising, media, public speaking, marketing, sales and management (as consultants of clubs and sports) . You don't have to give up coaching when you retire or change job s While you may not have the opportunity to elite coach on the track or court any more, you can do part time coaching with juniors and within development of your sport . There are opportunities to travel overseas to other countries to give lectures or clinics . These opportunities can be in Third World countries or with your world power opponents who want to secure your intellectual property . Again, don't wait for the phone to ring. Coaches are generally good administrators in any sport It's not that difficult for coaches to move to another sport . The principles are the same . Many clubs are looking for managers and CEOs to bring to their sports what you have given your sport . They see you as an opportunity to 'catch up' . You can have a future in the Olympic movemen t This can be a very good way to go . You only have to look at the recent Olympics to see how many excoaches have moved into the OAC or related activities . Of course this does take time, but if you plan the move many years ahead it may be possible . By Adrian Hurley Spogts Coach Vol 23, No4 , 2001
Hugh Lyon
D2 SECTION by Eivion Bowe n
KNITWEAR Williamstown CYMS hosted Mentone Amateurs in a forerunner to the finals . The CY's certainly prepared for the match as such, with Tim Watson taking training durinf-; the week. While they were able t o push the top side, the Vultures maintained their perfect record and registered what amounted to a ,nail biter' in the context of their barnstorming season to date . It was another test for Macgeorge's side ; another from which it has emerged supreme . Other winners were Salesian, Parkside, La Trobe and Oakleigh . REVIEW Mentone overcame 11Uiliianastown's two loose men in defence to set up a 17 point lead at qrtr time . The second term saw the home side apply some effective pressure to the Vultures and the 3 point difference at the main change reflected the closeness of the contest . With the use of the breeze in the third qrtr, Mentone was well held for most of the term before 3 late goals (2 to Macgeorge) extended the lead to 22 points at the final change . The CY's attacked early but were unable to convert and the Vultures steadied to close out the game . Cocks (wing), Munro (back pkt) and Wuchatsch were best for the vanquished, while White, Gallagher and Stephens were best for the victors . Salesian regained second position with a 7 goal win over Powerhouse. No report from the game, though Grace's haul of 7 continues a terrific season for him . La Trobe came home with a wet sail to over run Kew, who had led for most of the day . Kews second and fourth qrtrs netted just 1 .5 collectively which wasn't enough to stop the Trobers, whose 5 goal final term proved a match winner in an otherwise low scoring contest. La Trobe's best included Murray, Camm and Cummings while Kew was well served by Sam Bruno (CHB) and flanker Fitzgerald . Oakleigh and Peninsula played a good brand of football in their opening term, though the Krushers' 19 point lead at qrtr time could well have been more with better kicking. The Pirates kept the home side goalless in the second to take a 7 point lead into the long break . Cameron Marshall (16 marks) combined with Dooley and Bill Papadopoulos to dominate much of the 'premiership qrtr' to take what proved to be a decisive 16 point lead into the last . The Pirates had their chances early in the last but wasted their opportunities and were caught on the rebound by the likes of Bromley and Kitts, who helped the Krushers to a 34 point win . Payze, Powney and Goldthorp were Peninsula's best. Parkside started full of running and established an
early lead only to relax in the second as West Brunswick took control and used its better players to wi n the centre clearances and win back the lead at 1/2 time . Wise, Soligo and the other Red Devils' runners shifted up a gear in the third qrtr, with Marulli (6 goals) particularly damaging to help Parkside skip 5 goals clear and effectively end the contest. Bailey and Benjamin were again good for the Wests, while Shelton continues to impress . PREVIEW Another 'top two' clash with Mentone taking on Salesian at Southern Rd . The Vultures were made to earn the points last week, and today should be no different. Both teams have a pretty consistent level of talent, except Mentone possesses more match winners - which will again prove the key . Salesian simply can't match Mentone where it matters most on the scoreboard . Promises to be another tough contest, with the Vultures to win by 38 points . Powerhouse hosts La Trobe and is not without its chances. The Trobers have been the best team outside the four and should win, but the House will throw everything at the in what could be their last realistic chance at a win . I'm prepared to back them to cause a minor upset and get their first points by the narrowest of margins. Parkside is prone to lapses, and can't afford to do so against Kew (although the Ks are often guilty of the same sin) . Laurie Zerafa will be imploring his charges to put more four qrtr performances together knowing how crucial this will be in a few week's time. Kew will keep them honest, but the Red Devils have too much to look forward to and should win by a 5 goal margin, Peninsula has its work cut out againsi Williamstown, with the CY's knowing that a cvir could see them back in second spot . The Pirates wi â&#x201A;Źlenjoyaspiwhtrguesmaklon journey around the Bay, and will need to be at theb peak to push the Seagulls . Promises to be a harc fought encounter with the marking strength of thf CY's among the obstacles for the home side . West Brunswick takes on Oaklefgh and will idespratosntherwiandxtrceis l from the relegation . The Krushers have enjoye( generally good form of late but will lose if they take i easy today . The Westies will be hoping to compill some consistent qrtrs but probably lack the firepowe of the Oakleigh side, who should win by 27 points .
played his gr at the CY's . the burly full forward in the i,,.ro's who despite his size is a quick elusive player with great goal sense and accurate kick . Unfortunately like all full forwards his hand ball skills do lack . Always doing work around the club and especially behind the bar the club is wrapped to have a fine player and person reach this milestone . ~.rso Tim 'T' -g'~b' F°°°is has taken over 1 7 rne . Tim was snatched ars to reach his '_! from the Under 19's in 1984 to play in the premiership senior side . Tim's work in the film industry has seen him work in all places around the ~ ,: orld in the past decade, including the bright lights of Hollywood . He says there is nothing better than donning on the blue & gold jumper and playing footy with his mates . Took a long time but well done Tim . Tick tick tick pc ' :_ Peter Dean 150 games . Like his na:,_ .:sake at Carlton, Peter Dean is the leader of the pariskde backline . He is a proud and fearless footballer, and his close play puts an opposition star out of business every week . Occasionally, Peter minds an on-baller and gets the chance to display his fitness, skills and goal-kicking ability . Having overcome many injuries to reach 150 games, Peter should bolt in the next 50 . Vin Romano 100 games. Vin is a tough and strong utility player who stands out in heavy traffic. He covers his lack of pace with courage and fitness, and a good football brain . Vin sacrifices his body to assist his matches and is respected as the perfect team man . He was the first of Parkside's Italian contingent, and is the oldest o f
the four Romano brothers . Rob Wise & Alex Inglis 50 games . Rob is the best runner at Parkside and has clocked up hundreds of miles and two senior B&Fs in his fifty games . Alex is a tall and rangy backman in the reserves who was made VC as a reward for his consistent efforts . Both players should have long careers and many fine games with Parkside .
Macgeorge Williams Payze Thain Beck N . Pavlou Burgess Lafranchi Ros s Krohn
CLUB L.5` WK TOTAL D2 SECTION 114 Mentone 85 Williamstown 48 Peninsula 42 Salesian 38 Parksid e 92 RESERVE 31 Powerhouse 27 Williamstown 22 New 18 Parkside 17 Peninsul a
D2 Section Mentone Amateurs v . Salesian 0 C Power House v. La Trobe Uni . Parkside v . Kew Peninsula v . Williamstown CYMS West Brunswick v. Oakleigh
V,1iLL'-,~STO?R4C4'"B 2.2 6.5 8.6 10.8(68) 12.4 15.6 (96) 14 i-IrB 5.1 7.2 Rickards 3 Wi lliams 2 Matthews Barlow Thomson Ferris Twist Featherston. Munro Wuchatseh WilBa¢ s Thomson i>. Rs H :George 7 Wilkins 2 White 2 Johnston C .Barr Rowley M .SuIDaan. Gallagher Stephens Stewart Form, Umpires : M . 1'Jlttmvut G . s(F) L. Vinci N . thicken (B) D. Mott B . Jephson (R) (G) 9 .7 13.9 (87) 42 53 6S(44) rt . ;~r1 2FI0II"aE 2 .1 2.5 4 .6 ca • Grace 7 Ievolt 2 D Forer M Forer Cincotta Thain . Best D.Forer anavan Bates Grace Barry Stevens . Powerhout= Higgins 2 Burt Contreras asslo Senior . Best, Senior Robertson Crawn Boland Contreras 0 Connor Umpires : A. Simpson B. Mct.eal (F) LA TROBE 2.1 4 .3 5.7 10.9 (69) 3.4 3.4 6.5 7.9 (51 ) La Tn _-Close 3 Perry Camm Dutnaresq Sheldrick White Murray Forres t 3urr•ay Camera Cummings Edwards Brooks Auktist . Kea : Bell 4 Cullen Wood. Best: Btatr L Fitzgerald Crimmtns Bradley Bruno Moore . A. Dam= (R) J. Moore (F) 7 .8 7.11 12 .16 17.19 (121) JLAOB 5 .1 9.6 10.10 1214 (86) B. Papadopoulos 5 Bromky 4 Dooley 3 Taylor 2 Clark Marshall P . .,.au(os. Best: Marshall Head Bromlcy Clark Papadopoulos Hall . itn: Payr.e 3 White 3 Ponney 2 Atchison Cougtlan Goklthorp. Best: F. ner Goktthorp Parsons Page Ponnev Warner . timpfirts: T. Bowman S . Circe V, 1 ....rBRDIV'SWICK 2.2 6 .9 9.10 9.11(65) PARFt:4II E 5.4 6 .6 14.9 16.13 (109) Wed B• R Hevwvod 4 A Hamilton Ward Carmane Shelton Sicnmonds . Best Benjamin Hep(x]I Strz>monds R Heywood Cannane 44ard . Parkside: Marulli 6 Beck 4 Shonehouse R Wise S Ware V Rorzanal D. McCall ihansan. Best: Team Effort . Um(fivs: K Brewer A. Fyffc (F)
4 .3 7.8 10.14 12.18 (90) rr~i d,7A' :3T0WN CYMS 6 .5(41) p,-_F ? ; rOpig 1 .0 2.1 3 .2 Wmssc :. :o= Hann 3 Pach 3 Black 3 J .Payne Dowsey Bauras. Best Hann Dowsey Path Grieve Daniel Black . Mmtc= Ross 3 Peraazo SOlhmn Cousins . Best Stlllutan McMillan Perarzo Cousins T.SullNan. 2.1 4 .3 5.6 8.8 (56) SALESIAN 0.3 4 .6 4.7 6.10 (46) POWERHOUSE Salesim- D.Bou•man 3 Byrne 3 Chalmers 2 Chapman . Best: Atkins Anderson . Dean Urwin Considine Brain Rainey Chalmers Forbes Cooke BknvBetd . Best: Rainey Benbow Marshall Urwin Ryan Evan s 4.4(28) 3.2 LA •iROHE 02 2 2 8.8(56) 3 .3 3.4 7.4 NEW . Best: Fanning Hopkins Francis Storer Peters La Truism Storer 2 Watson 2 Smith . Kam Wayland 4 Perri 2 Symes Drago . Best Wayland Beattle Giansante Ryan Horgan Looker 6.6(42) 1 .1 2.1 2 .3 OAKLEIGH PENINSULA 0 B 2.3 7.4 8 .7 12.11 (83) : Hogan OgtPvie Oakkilpt McKenzie 2 Monaghan Mouiis Sposito Gook Best Mortis ConneIlan Nikalds Moore . PeaWsub. • Sampson 3 Altchiswi 3 Mitchell Hanson Muir. Best Powell Marma Hanson Palmer Sinclair Sampson . 42(26) 12 2.2 3.2 WEST BRUNSWICK PARg4SIDE 2 .4 3.4 8.7 13.10 (88) W~d • Carmichael 2 Baker Vitale . Best: M Lewis C Lewis Baker Bridges J Heyuaad McNamara . Padiskim M Ross 2 Hogan 2 Allan 2 G Panjart Cassar Tyson Mangos Martinez Singleton lsanen . Best: Team E(Iort.
D2 Section KEW Coach : Serge D'Angelo Res.: Greg Crimmins 1 B Lafranchi
LA TROBE UN I VERS ITY Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res. Coach : Clinton Perry
MENTONE Coach : Tony Macgeorge Res . Coach: Phil Emme tt
2 L Fitzgerald 3 G Horgan
1 . M . Bakogiannis 2 . S . Fredrickson
1 M . Hovey 2 R . Gallagher
4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradley 6 N Tinnetti
3 . D . Sheldrick 4 . C . Perry ry 5 . A. Randell
7 T Aitken 8 N Derrico 9 A Eaton
6 . B. Cameron 7 . S. Gemmola 8 . J. Camm
3 M . Dixon D . Emmett 5 A. White 6 C . Stephens 7 K. Gu rt ler
10 B Cullen 11 B Woodhouse 12 J Growco tt 13 C Kyriakou
9. L . Walker 10 . A . Hewi tt 11 . J . Le W 12 . M . Forrest
14 J Looker
13 . T. Luderman
OA KI.EIGII A .F.C . Coach: Russell Bruerton Res Coach : Pad Nfldds
PAR K RID E Coach: Lau ri e Zarata Res Coach: Mark Row e
1 B. Gec 2 A. Bloomfield
1 R Adams 2 W Thomson
3 D. MacKenzie 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T. lanchello 6 R. Dooley
3 S Pino 4 D Warre n 5 T Stonehouse 6 A Stuart
7 B. Hall 8 R. Marshall
7 J Muscat 8 J Chilcott
9 J . Moutis 10 M . McHen ry 11 C. Hanley 12 S . Day
9 A Constantin i 10 A Vita 11 B Hockey (VC) 12 D McCal l
13 A. King
13 S . Randle
13 A Cople y
14 M . Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C. Sullivan 18 T. Sulliva n C. Stewa rt 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 S . Barker 22 P. Murphy 23 Ma Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G. Uptin 26 A . Roc k 27 M. Wise 28 C . Johnston
14 A . Schultz 15 G. Redford 16 B . Arthur 17 A . Hunter 18 J. Connellan 19 P. Taylor 20 T. Adamic 21 A. Monaghan 22 M. Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S. Kitt s (C) 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitt s 27 J . Knapper
14 V Roman o 15 D Moodie (C) 16 M Ross 17 A Romano 18 A Reginato 19 C William s 20 D Singleto n 21 M Schwab l 22 R Wise 23 R Bec k 24 R Marulli 25 M McPherso n 26 S Ros s 27 D Matthews
28 M. O'Brien
28 A. Khodr
28 R Ma rtinez
29 M. Merfield 30 N . Freese 31 B. Matlock 32 B. Coleman 33 N . Wilkins 33 D . Andrew 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perr az o 39 A . Fimster 40 C. Goddchild 40 D. Nichol s 41 C. Rock 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J. Tully 47 G . Anslade 48 M . Walsh 49 L . McHugh 50 T. Peck 51 G . Hollingwo rth 52 G . Wyatt 53 D . Noonan
29 J . Sposito 30 A. Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B . Gant 33 M . Clark 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske (RC) 36 J . Tolley 37 P. Torpey 38 B . Papadopoulos 39 M . Dordevic 40 1 . Moore 41 J. Brue rton 42 S. Dalton 43 J. Seymour 44 N . Smith 45 P. Leslie 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 C . Little 48 A. McKenzie 49 G . Orlando 50 . P. Taylor 51 . J . Kerley 52 . M . Pitsos
29 S Toffu l 30 M Yandle 31 S Hoga n 32 J McCall (RVC) 33 K Alla n 34 M Roman o 35 G Panjari 36 M Hoyn e 37 J Panjari 38 F Darrig o 39 K Nobl e 40 M Cassar 42 P Dean 43 J Hubbar d 44 P Solig o 45 B McGillia n 46 C Wels h 47 C Tyson 48 M Heal y 49 S Collier 50 B Carma n 51 G Davies 52 B Cassano 53 P Roman o
53 . D. Pearson
54 S Marino
54 M . Coppock 55 C. Hogan 56 C. Hard Y 57 R . Keating 58 L. Thomas 59 W. Ogilvie 60 S . Kay
55 J Eastwoo d 56 G Massett 57 C Ros s 58 T Mangos 59 S War e 60 J Drakopoulo s 61 P Tascone 62 J Willets
8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emme tt 10 B. Sebrie 10 T. Stillman 11 C. O' Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes
15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Shaw 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell (VC) 29 M Dalrymple 30 C Giansante (RVC) 31 K Gillam 32 A Drago 33 D Wayland 34 Matt Fitzgerald 35 R Bruno (RDVC) 36 S Ryan 37 J Landwehr (VC) 38 J Beer 39 M Mc Inerny 40 P Durbridge 41 R Livingston 42 Sette 44 J Bell 47 S Byrnes 48 L Jensen 49 S Vidler 50 J Griffiths 51 M Blair 52 R Campagna 61 S Moussi 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers
14 . L. Wakeling 15. B . Auldist 16. S . Bray 17. S . Gloury 18. B . Grant 19. S . White (VC) ~) 20. A . Murphy 21 . D . Edmunds 22. P. Stewa rt 23. R . Storer 24. S. Edwards 25. S. Brooks 26. B. Hewitt 27. D . Gilmour 28 . C . Ross 29 . P. White 30 . J . Smith 31 . J . O'meara 32 . D. Hill 33 . M . Watson 34 . S . Paterson 35 . J . Eyre 36 . T. Mawdsley 37 . C. Porter 38. A . Willis (C) 39. N . Rosengreen 40. R . Slater 41 . A . Samson 42. D . Gleeson 43. A. Poulton 44. R . Mather 45. D . McKeekin 46. D . Hartley 47. H . Girdwood 48 . L. McNamara 49 . M . Day 50 . K. Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52 . T. Stauton
66 J O'Kane
53 . A . Tucker
55 P. Dynes
67 T Beatt ie 68 B Mc Gauchie 99 S Bruno
54 . T. Peters 55. A . Cummings 61 . B . Launikonis 63. J. Laidlaw 65. A . Hall 66. A. Ballie 70. J Dumaresq
57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noona n 61 K. Lockha rt 65 T. Allinson 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara 74 S . Penton 77 B . Fleming 78 M . Cerritelli
63 D Vivon a
64 T Thomas
9 Palermo St,
Mentone * Function Room * Restaurant * Potdes
95 83 2841
4 - ~ v-
65 S Carmod y 66 S Stafford 67 D Ingli s 70 S Diver 71 A Inglis
PgIINSUI.A O .R . co ;ch : Chris Gawne p, es Cc-., :h: Darren Fenech S. Parson s
2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goldthorpe .Bowen (Vc) E .Bowen
N .Kent
Coach: Peter O'Connor Ass,Cc h: Andrew Rolls Res Coach : Craig Richardson 1 A Rolls 2 J Hall 3 N Pavlou
1 A Stevens 2 A Thain
4 B Turner 5 M Braini
5 M Canavan 6 R Cincotta
6 M .Warner
6 H Clarke
7S .Murray 8 ppngus
7 C Richardson 8 J Clarke
g pKrohn (Rvc) 10 A.Haley
9 Ad Burt 10 Ash Burt 11 J Gill 12 N Dodd 13 J Harris 14 W Elliot
if A. Landry
12 R.Powney 13 T. Braden 14 S. Jackson 15 B. Cook 1 6 R . Huighson 1 7 J. Coughlan 18 J. Whelan 19 T. Prendergast <0 S .Prendergast
15 P Haseler
22 A .Atchison (C) 23 A.Burke 24 S . White ?5 J .Atchison 26 P. Prendergas t 27 S.Payze 28 B.Taylor 29 G .Nelson 30 A.Crean 30" R . Blood (Res .) 31 C . Lennon 32 T. Harding 33 C. Wilson 34 M . Allen 35 R. Davies
16 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle 19 J Evans 20 B Ryan 21 D Miller 22 S Evans 23 S Craven (C) 24 D Boland 25 S Cummins 26 J Senior 27 J Robertson 28 D Murrihy 29 R Cassio 30 N Miller 31 R Marshall (RVC) 32 A Benbow 33 R Taylor 34 J . Marsh 35 J Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson
36 N.Bowman
37 D O'Connor
37 T. Stewart 38 R. Haworth 39 B.Cooper 40 A. Dillon 41 S.Farrow 42 A. Hanson 43 B.Jarett (Rc) 44 A. Kelson 45 R . Martin 46 A.Oneil 47 -Palmer 48 A .Bonne r 49 J .Crowder 50 L. Saville 51 R . Jones 52 C. Alexander 56 A. Piesley 57 H. Shorten 59 A.Powell 61 M .Natalizio 62 P.Sinclair 69 J.Muir
38 C Wenlock 39 D Crawford 40 R Keits 41 J Rainey 43 S Considine 44 G Dean 45 A Contreras 46 B Harrahan 47 GParker 48 H Nelson 49 B Urwin
21 A. Macpherson
HARTNE7T CABINETS 3185 Bardia Avenue Seaford Vic Vic 3198 Tel : ..9785 243 6
SALESIAN Coach : Matt Sexton Asst. : D. Old field Res Coach: Jim Gianna
50 C Jones 51 J Best 52 S Rafferty 54 J Blowfeid 55 D Yates 56 J Mahoney 57 R Kang 61 S McCrae 62 A White 66 D Wright 71 L O'Sullivan 88 G Scotland
3 S Sutherland 4 A Healey 7 G Gaspari
8 S Logan 9 A Campbell 10 D Oliver 11 A Dave y 12 A Gaspari
13 I Bobetic 14 C Roache 15 D levoli 16 P Turley
17 M Ferwerda 18 A Sexton 19 S Brown 20 A Seager 21 A Bates 22 R Stevens 23 M Smith
24 A Grace 25 S Egan 26 J Nanna s27NSynot 28 M Byrne 29 M Forbes 30 M Cooke 31 M Bates 32 G Riley 33 K Richardson 34 A Anderson 35 A Ellis 36 D Todd 37 D Gheblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clauson 40 M Forer 41 M Gun n 42 P Evans 43 E Maillard 44 C Hunt 45 S Horvath 46 D Forer 47 B Bowman 48 M Bourk e 49 D Barry 50 S Mor ir h 51 S Parisi 52 D Hegarty 53 B Chalmers 54 S Nolan 55 E Hanaphy
56 D Bowman 57 B Atkins 58 W Chapman 59 D Blake 60 D Sutherland 61 P Mallis 62 B Kirchne r 63 L Seager 65 B Grant d 66 . B Pascoe 67 M McTaggart 68 S Rattray 69 M Stanton 70 A Chiappini 71 C Bartlett 72 B Porter 73 D Ogge 74 J Radi 75 J Hamilton 76 J McClaren 77 S Sinclair 78 C Warsling
WEST BRUNSWICK Coach: Paul Cook Res . Coach: Paul Weir
1 A Hamilton 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppel l 4 C. Lehmann
5 A Cannane 6 C . Lewis 7(a)FV'Raie
7 b)N . O'Brien 8 J.Heywood 9 A . Morphett 10 S Byrne
11 H . Bailey 12 B Clarke 13 S . Brockley
15 B . Howlett
W'. Llri is'fOW N ,
G~ +i S Coach: Darren William s Res Coach : W Payne 1 D William s 2 J Buttigie g
3 D Grieve 4 S Wuchatsch D Macleod (C) 6 N Gran t 7 B Robinso n
8 B Han n 9 G Case
10 B Cock s 11 B Twist 12 A Feathersto n
12(R)M Canno n
13 A Mackley 14 D Ferris
14(R)A Daniel
16 S Smythe 17 R. Heywoo d 18 M . McManus 19 M . Stringer 20 B. Young 21 S McNamara
15 W Phillips 15(R)P Bregue t 16 D Gilmarti n 17 R Hart
22 A. Steward
20 P Sadler
23 D Henderson 24 J Jenkin 25 G Malone 26 R . Benjamin 27 D. Disisto 28 J Ward 29 M . Shepherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrmann 32 M. Carmichael 33 T Thompson 34 I . Twyford 35 K . Coventry 36 S. Campbell 37 N . Basham 38 S . Darling9 39 X Thompson 40 B Baker 41 R. Miller and ~~Tobin 44 N. Masters 45 J Smith 46 A Bandt 47 N Seal 48 M Moore 49 L Stewart 50 A . Bagnall 51 L Sherry
52 B . Flanagan
53 J . Gros s 54 R. Howel l 55 G . Marazita 56 C. Riley 57 J. Draper 58 A. Rafter 59 C . Norman 60 O. Kirby 62 S Dishon 63(a) D . Jelbart 63 (b) J. Gartlan 65 D. Simmond 66 M . Malone 67 A. O'Brien 68 C Stevens 69 R. Hussey 70 D. Platt 72 L Ryan 75 M . Shelton 76 A. Shirley 77 D . Shirley
17(R)R Plochino 18 D Oldha m 19 P Dervan (RC ) 21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunders 23 T Wheele r 23(R)A Bouras 24 J McCutcheon 24(R)C Pach 25 P Thomson 25(R)G Burges s 26 L Grochowski 27 C Mathew s 28 A Kosmato s 29 P Vincent 30 T Turcinovich 31 A Bartolo 32 X Toby G Rickard 33 34 B Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A Blac k 37 B Hynes 38 S Smith 39 M Holland 39(R)A Carter J Munro T Campbel l 41 42 D Wouda 43 B Grant 44 M Mannin g 45 J Hyne s 46 T Ferris
47 F Nuredini
48 P Tirchet t 49 W Kewin 50 A McCutcheon 51 A McKenzi e 52 R Nisbe t 53 M Oldha m 54 J Payne 55 J Spezza 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio 5 8 ' A Beard 59 K Dowsey 60 D Lee 54 S. McNerny 55 D . Orchard 56 D . Temby 57 A. Ryan 58 S . Barlow 59 S . Phemister 60 A . Savoi a 68 A . Hough , 69 B . Cambridge
CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to the following umpires tha t have been promoted - E Pe- Is, r Paul With on - _ ' i; T. Andrew Chapman, Nick E , _ esra yt€sn 'C' Section . p - 'tied the Congratulations to Grant knot' on July 21st and now honeymooning!!! Apparently had a superb bucks night . . .ask A .D . or Rick Love and they will tell all. Grant can't remember much!!! ! VG (t : . :,'t ) would like t o and 1 for a great day last Saturday and to all those t io celebrated with him that night. L At last Thursday's Association Meeting, Ken er and Mark Gibson were voted in as Life
Members for the VAFAUA and will receive their Life Membership badges at the Annual Dinner in August. Between them they notch up 30 years of dedication and commitment to the association . We ll Done Guys ! COACHES CORNER : • Mark Fraser (AFL Recruit + No . 32 Green) is umpiring with the VAFAUA for the next two weeks . Over the past couple of weeks he has umpired in Division 1- EDL, umpired a QAFL game an d a game at the Under 18's Championships . He is also scheduled to do 2 VFL games . What a year he has had
already. . . .maybe this will infl uence other AFL players to take up umpiring . • Over the past two years quite a few junior umpires have joined the VAFAUA from other leagues and are slowly progressing up the grades slowly but surely to 'A' Section and adjusting well . Just to name a few - Simon Payton, Sean Scully (Essendon District), Paul Berry, Justin Lipson (Morrabbin Saints), Troy Brooks (Southern League), Tri stan Bower (Old Haileybury Reserves), Chris Collins, Andrew Fyffe (Yarra Va lley).
MUMTS YOUR D ECISION: LAST VXEK: Answer to July 28th Question - The field umpire will give the Collegian's player a 25 metre penalty and then issue the yellow card to the player or report him if the language was abusive etc towards the umpire . This week's winner is Mr. S .
Nichols - Old j Essendon 1 A F C supporter Fax details to Rill Stevens on 9531 2050 to receive your prize. . T Play is on the 45m line of Oakieigh's scoring end. Oakleigh is in control of play and no Mentone player is near play so the player runs . A whistle has blown . The second umpire has seen the full back for Oakleigh hit the full forward for Mentone 25 e es out from the Mentone scoring end . What is the Field Umpire's decision ? S E90. . . . - (Boundary) started in 2001, Nic'anar. _.- Normie, 12 Games, Umpires in 'D' Section, AFL Team - North Melbourne, Hobbies : Playing his Electric Guitar and loves umpiring ; MON - (Boundary) started in 1998, 50 games, Umpires in A - D Section, No Nickname, AFL Team - Essendon, Favourite AFL Player Dean Solomon, Hobbies - "Partying' ; JACK FORSYTH - (Boundary) started in 2040, 30 games, No Nickname, AFL Team - Essendon, Favourite AFL Player - Blake Caracella, Umpires in A Section, Hobbies - Athletics . If any member of the VAFA Football Community would like to buy a raffle ticket / book, contact Mark Jenkins on 9576 7061 or ask an umpire who is at your match . Great Prizes - lst Prize is a nifty trailer filled with assorted merchandise and goodies to the value of S1,500 .00 . Donated by Rick Love (Complete Freight Concepts) ; 2nd Prize is $500 .00 Cash Prize donated by Anthony Damen (Personal Mortgage Managers) and 3rd Prize is a weekend for 2 at the Rutherglen Motor Inn (North Victoria) - winery district . Donated by Dianne Whitelev . P CO: I =f"i ; . 30- i-0 :-;.',E
Annual Dinner - 27/8/01 at MCG ; Grand Final Brunch & BBQ - 23/9/01 ; Presentation Night 28 / 9/01 ; End of Season Trip to Albury 14/10/0 1 F= ,17..F.Y . . . All correspondence t o ,corn TuC n0.AATCi 1Q Cl1hTR41 I FR 'J(1(11
,:"': EN
Albie Firley
7 Sean Scully
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittmann
Sharon Alger
Paul Berry
8 Paul Withington
6 Dash Peiris
Shalom Blustein
9 Damien Lane
10 Tristan Bowman
7 Alan Ladd
Mark Childs
10 Trent Foley
11 Chris Evans
8 Nick Evan s
Avi Wekselman
11 Alan Stubbs
12 Jamie Kvins
9 Nathan Carlyon
Glen Kennedy
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
10 Robert McLeod
Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Mark Jenkins
11 Paul Tuppen
Peter Woods
16 Mervyn Monty
16 Craig Brajtberg
12 Simon Payton
Mark Gibson
17 Peter Keogh
17 Cameron Leitch
15 Michael Sneddon
Jason McNiece
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
16 Luke Moncrieff
Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fyfe
20 David D'Altera
17 Andrea Thwaites
John Ralph
20 Grant Wardrop
21 Justin Grossbard
18 George Paleodimos
Patrick Maebus
22 Chris Collins
22 Rick Love
19 Heath Little
Paul Dinneen
23 Peter Griffiths
23 Chris Stevens
21 David Irons
Graeme Hunichen
25 Lionel Katz
24 John Miller
22 Ken Brewer
Cameron Stewart
26 Daniel Dinneen
25 Richard Eastwood
23 Robert Sneddon
Jim Papioanou
27 Anthony Simpson
26 Brad Clark
24 Jason Moore
27 Matt Co x
28 Ken McNiece
27 Euan Lindsay
25 Mat Taylor
28 Paul Lamble
29 Peter James
28 Leah Gallagher
27 Paul Jones
30 Michael Phillips
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron Martyn
30 Justin Lipson
32 Anthony Damen
30 Simon Olive
30 Anthony Lilley
33 Robert Mayston
33 Michael Forde
32 Mark Fraser
31 Tim Friedman
34 Graeme Morgan
34 Stephen Morgan
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarrod Aspinall
35 Jason Lane
35 Troy Brooks
34 Jeremy Heffernan
33 Glenn Schipp
36 Matthew Meier
36 Ian Burgess
35 James Watson
34 Daniel Stephens
37 Alex Maggio
37 Gavin Roberts
36 Ron Smith
35 Dianne Whiteley
37 David Murray
37 Ken Walker
. 29 Chris Garcia
38 Chris Stevens (S) 74lC AA AeTFi
Each week a Coa,'es Hire Player of the Week is announced on this page (one player each section) . Each player qualifies for Team of the Year selection ® Following the final round each month a Coates Hire Player for the Month will be announced. These players are automatic inclusions in the Coates Hire 11AFA Team of the Yea r ® Coates Hire VAFA Team of the Year will be announced at the VAFA Vote Count Night. This night will also include the announcement of the Coates Hire Player of the Year. ROUND 14 COATES HIRE PLAYERS OF THE WEEK A : DANNY BYRNE (ST. BERNARDS ) B : ROBBIE BO N NICI (DE LA SALLE) C : SCOTT McPHERSON (OLD ESSENDON ) D1 : DAVID PITCHER (ST LEOS E MMAUS W/PARK) D2 : MATT CLARK (OAKLEIGH ) D3 : DA N IEL COLO N (ST. JOHNS) D4 : DAVID BOWER! (ELEY PARK) PLAYER OF TH :: : _ - . (APRIL) LUKE HAWKINS (OLD SCOTCH ) PLAYER OF THE M O N " : i '-.°' GRA NT VANDERKRUK (SYNDAL TALLY HO) PLAYER OF THE MONTH (JUNE) DEAN MATTHEWS ( BULLEE N TE M PLESTOWE) PLAYER OF THE MONTH (JULY) DE NVER ARTZ ( HA M PTO N ROVERS)
t 'horte : 13 18 52
_ 3► 0418 333 11 8
A column for everyon~ in Amateur Foot}l ; :Jith Brad Beitze l ~t,'HEN Mazenod selected Dale Grant, who was n with half a right arm, for his first A Section senior s last Saturday, it created one of the best moments had in 15 years of covering community sport . It is 1 :0kward reporting on this as Dale's family, mother ~ qu y, father Phil and girlfriend Bree, said he wants no ,ill-,,ling out . By writing about him it does, but I c~plained to the family this could be a first in our game rxi it should be recorded . On explaining this to Dale, ,i , he gave the all-clear for this piece to go ahead. The ,rtt-<econd pre-game address by Nodders coach David N ;urray best expressed the moment . Prior to speaking n, the group, the meticulous David individually talks to his charges but he took Dale into another room for a one-on-one . This was as a courtesy to clear with Dale that the address would highlight him . "I stand here as a proud man today," David said . "I've had some proud moments in my life, like last year when we won the nremiership. "Today though is different because prior to he start of the year Dale Grant came to my office and ,aid : `I want to get a senior game and I want it on my nerits' . "Well, today is that day . "Dale Grant has mcrcome the odds to make it into this team - can we do ihc same and overcome the odds and defeat Marcellin? ;Mazenod is second last and Marcellin is on top of the Lidder)." Some in the change room were sobbing such :);as the occasion. Dale's opportunity came about with his excellent fitness, he is a natural runner, good form in the seconds, and the established seniors ranks falling with injury. Like most debutants Dale had to wait until the second term to come on and he played the rest of the eame. After half-time Dale picked up Woodrow S1cdallist Dave Waters when he was resting at halfforward . Dale finished with four tackles, one smother, ,is%icks, four handpasses and two marks . "It might be hard to hold my place once we get some of the guys back," Dale said . The club checked with the umpire fraternity to clear what is a handpass for Dale, he strikes the ball with the bottom of his right arm, and the interpretation sat well with both parties . A right-foot kick, Dale negotiates the drop of the ball on to the boot in a natural rhythm . His marking and shepherding are predominantly with the left hand and a sensible use of his muscular body . The Nodders stuck with the Eagles until three-quarter time before the likely minor premiers charged away . Five years ago I saw Justin Rinaldi, who has one eye, win the national 800-metre championship and 15 years ago, at the Victorian swimming championships, a deaf woman competed . In the VFA, prior to WWII, there was a player at Williamstown who had half an arm and last week Gavin Davis, who has three fingers on a hand, made the Australian hockey team . 0 JOHN Elliott did like his nickname suggests and he pulled a big crowd to Old Carey last weekend and FTLOTG was among the 1500 who popped in to see the THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2001
1961 D Section premiership player return to raise $ 10,000 for the club. Congratulations to OC for the way it handled the match. Many parents of school children, who play at the fields in Bulleen, came across to watch Big Jack, or as one parent said "Fat Jack", play his 250th . There was no charge and half of the crowd seemed to be wearing Blues gear. -SOME other noteworthy moments at OC : former Old Ivanhoe coach Stuart Glascott was there and he said the standard was surprisingly high for D1 reserves . I asked Stuart about his three-quarter time address in the A Section first semi in 1999 in which he fired up . "It was a one off and I thought I would do it when it would count most ." Stuart left the club that year and he said : "I couldn't speak more highly of the players at OI ." -ONE of the most incredible sights was injured OC players Cal Phillips and Hayden Francis, who watched the game from the back of a ute, in a couch, while barbequing some snags and burgers ! -OK, this wouldn't be a FTLOTG without a Xavs reference, but the Big Jack is Back show was a curtain raiser to the Xavs school game! As one of the coaches of Xavs College said: "Forget the Old Xavs we're the Real Xavs" . COULDN'T believe my eyes when I went for a walk to De La's number two ground at Basil Reserve in East Malvern. There was Collingwood's Josh Fraser and Damien Adkins sitting in a car watching some Melbourne-based country players train and in particular their mate Matt Storer . I explained that I enjoyed Amateur football and Josh piped up that Xavs' fullforward Dan Richardson manages him at Elite Sports Properties . Told Josh Dan hasn't played much this year due to a broken thumb but Josh said he thought the latest injury was to Dan's wrist . Checked with Dan on his official reason for not playing: "Achilles problem" . Dan expects to be playing today . 0 AND you might recall last week we checked with former Old Xavs president Rob Ralph on whether StKilda coach Grant Thomas was sacked by OX when coaching there in 1992 . Rob said Grant resigned . Ironically, Mike Sheahan, wrote after that : " . . .their (OX) coaching arrangement turned sour (with Grant)" . So back we went to OX . Current president Andy McLean played under Grant and he said: "Players wrote to Grant regretting that he was going to North Melbourne . Grant Thomas was not sacked by us" . This week, we'll check in with Mike . . . as Mike says : "There's more to this story".
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>n 1 : ru,gal 6 4 40 managed to stay in front of a ;termined Geelong 3 9 27 in a very entertaining game . j3oth teams have made the finals and should _4ve good accounts of themselves in next weeks finals . Broadmeadows 6 5 41 defeated a fast finishing Bendigo 4 2 26 . Bendigo finished full of running but couldn't manage to catch the more consistent Broadmeadows who showed good form with the finals a week away . Division 2 : Ringwood Blues finished the season wntn a waix over as Colac failed to make the game on time . ,Hawthorn was decimated by the A.F.L. with half "their team at the M.C.G . instead of Ransford oval giving Maribyrnong a walkover as well. Hawthorn and Colac teamed together to play Maribyrnong an d had a good game with Maribyrnong posting a win . Mambourin Tigers 14 11 95 were far to strong for Moonee Valley Magpies 5 4 34 .
- Mambourin Tigers are looking strong as th e finals approach . Sth Yarra 27 11 173 showed that they are a huge threat in the finals by keeping Parkside
.~coreless. U v ` s 'on S : Broadmeadows finished the season with a wi n t Bendigo in a very entertaining game . I{aringal managed to stay in front all day against Sth Yarra and posted a win for the end of th e n. Bulleen played a match against Geelong and by all reports played quite well and look like being able to hold their own in their debut season next year . .on 1 : Karingal should carry their good form into this game and end Broadmeadows run that has lifted them from the bottom of the ladder and into fourth spot. Karingal has too many falls and Broadmeadows has been hit hard by injuries. Geelong and Nth Ballarat will be a closer game but it looks like Ballarat will be to good for Geelong on form running into the finals . The Geelong side has been playing well all year but Ballarat look like once again playing off on that middle weekend in August . THF AMATFLJR FOOTBALLER 2001
Mambourin Tigers should make the grand final for the second year running as Ringwood Blues have struggled towards the end of the season . Ringwood may surprise but if you go on form Mambourin should once again play in front of the big grand final day crowds . Sth Yarra have been the Essendon of the competition in the last half of the season . The Essendon that has been winning not the Essendon who played Port Adelaide . Maribyrnong has done well to reach the finals but may find it hard to hold the Sth Yarra forwards to a losing score . L C . s: Our new sides a ~ playing two games at 11 .15 a .m . on ovals 1& 2 . Please come and support the players from Bulleen , Gippsland , Albury and Karingal 2 . Two of the teams are playing their first game of F.I .D.A . football and some crowd support would be appreciated . To all those teams that have not made the finals come and support your peers and friends this week and next week on Grand Final Day . We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming presentation night at Hawthorn Town Hall on Friday 31st August .
P WLDF A % Pts KARINGAL 10 9 10 524 164 319 .51 36 10 7 3 0 270 214 126.16 28 GEELONG N1I-I BA1 I 11RAT 10 6 4 0 292 297 98 .31 24 BRGAD WS 10 3 7 0 2 05 312 65.70 12 BENDIGO 10 3 7 0 237 428 55 .37 12 A % Pts P WLDF STH . Yf1RRA 10 9 1 0 9~ 'i 216 460.64 3 6 GURIN T1G . 10 9 1 0 717 286 250.69 36 RINGWOOD * 10 6 4 0 641 419 152 .98 24 MARIBYRNONG * 10 5 5 0 388 377 102 .91 20 MCX?NEE UALL~,`Y 10 3 6 0 344 640 53.75 12 PARKSIDE 10 3 6 0 264 558 47 .31 12 COIAC 10 3 7 0 264 647 40 .80 12 HAWII-IORN 10 2 8 0 241 752 32.04 8
* received forfeit last round 35
Its back! By unpopular demand, the D3 team of the year will be announced in the round 18 record. It would be great to hear from some of the coaches with their opinions of opposition players who are worthy of reaching the ultimate, inclusion in the D3 Super Team! ROUND 14 RE" An undermanned - C's: 5 got over the line against E lste â&#x20AC;˘ in a match c ritical to their final's chances, with only UHSOB to play before encountering the "Dynamic Duo. "
Bt. J o s got back on the winner's list with a hard fought win against 1_~ . The Jocs e xploded fr om the blocks before the game settled into a bit of an Indian arm wrestle with the Jocs finally prevailing. The returning Dan Coulon was superb for the winners who were also we ll served by the Master, Scott Hilton . For the Hawks, teenager Rick Ogge starred whilst the evergreen veteran , Stuie Avery was also good . Uzi High improved on their first round effo rt s when faced with Fit zroy. A long injury list hasn't help the students however with the marvel Fatty Wallace and Josh Maguire playing well they remained competitive against the Ju ggtes. Finally, Rich and overcame S out h Melbourne whilst r --` ' xit Albert Park . ROUND 151 /IEW -rat P ete S , s : Elate c- host St . Johns' OC at mini-E-Park where both teams will have different motives for chasing victory today . The Wickers wi ll want to distan ce themselves from the relegation trapdoor while the JOCs are keen to consolidate their spot in the four. Although the home side have more at stake, I feel the JOCs wi ll continue their mini-revival. saa.wtBaorsa -welcome Richmond Central to Rathmines Road in what should be an intrui.ging contest . The Cobras continue to s lither from the relegation mire, while the Hawks sti ll have hopes of making the finals . Both ve ry important reasons for a victory, but at home, I just can't go against the Hawks. Albert Park entertain South Melbourne D95txiets in the derby match at the Falcons' Lair. Districts probably have only the siinunest of mathematical chances of making finals and will now be looking just to finish as high as possible, while Albert Park will continue to fight off relegation . The Falcons have more to play for, so Albert Park for mine . Monash Gryphons travel to The Zoo to meet UHSOB having narrowly kept alive their winning run, currently standing at six in a row. The students continue to struggle and to be honest, I cannot see an upset here today . After surviving last week with a weakened side, the Gryphs wi ll he keen to continue 36
their upward momentum . Gryphs to w; n. Finally, Match Of The Day sees the clash of the titans as Ben t' ' :, take on Fitzroy Reds at Arthur Street . It has b;.,,n a superlative season so far for the Reds, as inde I am struggling to find new words to describe them . Bentleigh, obviously, are no chumps either, and may fancy themselves on their home turf. After much delib -ation . I've plumped for the Reds . w . - host St.Johns in yet another crunch game for both sides . The Jocs are having a number of stars gradually returning to the fold and might have a bit too much up their sleeve . Richmond make the short trip over the Yarra in what has become a bit of a local derby. These games always produce a tight result and I can't see this going any other way. The Hawks but just . Albert Park and South Melbourne clash down by the lake . The Falcons have gone off the boil a bit in recent weeks whilst South are tending to mix their results a bit . Still, I have fancied that Albert Park would finish the year strong and I think a bit of an upset is on the cards . Falcons for me . Moraasb trek over to the Zoo, to take on Uni High. Monash had a few injury problems last week and will be able to compare notes with the students who have set up their own clinic such is the bad luck they have had this year . Too much to play for, Monash to win . Finally, in what can only be describe as an epic, blockbuster, gate shutter etc ., Fitzroy take on Bentleigh . The two sides have proven to be the best sides of the competition and many believe this will be a prelude of things to come . High potent forward lines will be on display with the twin peaks of Ronchi and Pidito a tough ask for any Fitzroy opponent . Everything suggests Fitzroy but I have hunch Bentleigh might just be primed for this . Bentleigh by 10 points . RESERVES Pete : JOCs, Hawks, Districts, Students, Reds . Ed : Wicks, Hawks, Districts, Students, Reds . SOCIAL
Bentleigh is hosting its famous Auction Night on August 4 (after the Fitzroy Reds game) with lots of sporting memorabilia and other great items up for grabs. More goods are always needed so please contact the club if you have something to offer . South 2~ Districts will be holding their Dinner/Auction on Saturday 11 August at the Powerhouse Function Centre from 7pm until midnight . This is a major fundraiser for all team s
from U9 to senior . Any bookings or offers of items to tnteti on can be made through Maureen McGee by phone on 9690 1740 (h), 9856 2803 (w) or 0419 526 670 (m) •
COi: TACT once again, I c an be contacted via e-mail on peter.PS .WilliamsonLa`centr elink.gov.au ( work) or psdtW547 3 (home), phone on 9920 9054 or fax on ~,920 9097 or Ed on ed.sillCa locker.com.au . A bit thin on the ground with report s this week, time we clicked ;Ick into gear! Again, we'd like to hear from as many l,. ople as possible, so please contact either myself or Ed. tc= :~ 7, a. ;_zl a Goc~ luck to yesr gri.U , V}=`~'A W e ~_ _ _-
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IIeslt? << i-'Ibis week marks the at )tll ~ ~ L, ~ for "^ : FrcoA," Dxv~~ _ in, a true champion both on and off the field . A delight to watch in action who at times has l ad the opposition clapping his aerial eTloits . Well clone and congratulations from all at Bentleigh . Monash Gryphons - champion Lee Wells also reaches the 100 game milestone this week. 'Vellsy" came to the club at the start of 1995 from the Bendigo region, and won four consecutive Best and Fairests between 1995 and 1998 . After only playing occasionally las t season, he was fully refreshed for the start of thi s season an d is still playing great footy at the grand old age of 25! Congratulations Wellsy from everyone at the ';Gtyphs .
TODAY'S MATC-7-7 D3 Section Elsternwick v. St. Johns 0 C Hawthorn Amateurs v. Richmond Central Albert Park v. South Melbourne Districts UHSOB v. Monash Gryphons Bentleigh Amateurs v . Fitzroy Reds
31'. 3v :~ :5 7.0 S'.4 13 .7 20 .10 (130) HA-.': THORN 4 .0 8.3 11 .4 15.6 (96) St J4' .~m : L : Coulon 9 Horbury 5 Hilton 3 Ern_i-y Hartnett Boulton . Best : Horburv Coulon Hartnett Burghona Emery Cockayne . Hawthorn: Lauletta5 Pekin 3 S . Avery 3 Davies Delany Jackamos Reed. Best : Avery Gourlay Oggi Lautetta Reed Burke. Umpires: T. Friedman G . Roberts (F) RICHMOND CENTRAL 5.4 6.7 11 .9 14.16 (100) SOUTH hIELBOUBPiE DISTRICTS0 .3 4.3 7.11 11.12 (78) Richmond CentraL Byrnes 4 Macak 3 O'Sullivan 3 S.Shannon 2 Birt Dutton . Best: Waters O'Sullivan ByTnes .A.t4'hite Kelly C.Whlte. Sth I,3 e: Jacobs 2 Daly 2 Gosney 2 McGee 2 Stepnell Powell Thomas . Best: Aqulllna Stepnell Thomas Luxrord Powell Rosowski . Umpires: J. Lane J . Heffernan (F) 25.26 [1767 18.20 ITZROYREDS 4.6 10 .12 2 .7(19) UHE0B 0.1 1 .3 1.7 Mitchell 5 Wharf 3 Bennie 3 Nave 2 Rawlings 2 Clarke Diacogrtous Byrnes Curtis Johnstone Add!crott Parsons J Debenedetto Doyle J . Best, Jackson P. Wharf Nave Mitchell Bennie Cahill V . UHSOB: Maguire Uebergang. Best: Wallace Maguire Hellner Parker Ludlow Zullokl . Um : R. Marty-n A. Shiels (F) J . Kralevski C. O'Shea (B) C . Dalli A. Chin (G) BENTLEIGH 5 .2 12.2 22 .4 26 .6 (162) ALBERT PARK 2 .0 7.1 9 .5 10 .12 (72) Bentl ' : not received Affiert ' not recefted Umpires: S . McCarthy MO H GRYPHONS 3 .4 7.7 8 .8 11 .14 (80) EISIERNW CS 1 .2 4.4 9 .8 11 .10 (76) M : Killm3ster 3 T ,Bourbon 2 Leeton Flowerday Stratford Healy B Coxhead N Rutherford . ~Best: Gross S Bourbon Blandford Wells Goold Flowerday. ElsYeavwick : O'Connor 2 Missa6lla 2 Brav[ngton 2 Daniels D Byrne Curtain Walker Lllllkakis. Best: Curtain D Byrne C Mahony B Siahony Neill Missaglta. Um : P. Libods T. Foley (F ) -i i ST. JOHNS • .. 1 5 .9 10.14 12.15 (87) HAWTHORN 2.3 6 .2 6.2 7 .6(48) St Johns: Ladson 4 Waters 3 Cotton 2 P,9eulenkamp Hancock Johnson . Best: Dragcvtdge s.arhouris Hall Ladson Koneca Monrow . Hawthorn Collins 3 Pollock 2 Alexander Lord. Best : West Signoriru Reuther Brick Callus Pollock. 0.0 1 .0 1.1 4.5(29) RICHMOND CENTRAL SOUTH MELBOURNE DIBTRICTS5.3 9.5 15 .7 17 .7 (109) Richmond Central: D Shannon 2 Coomber K . White . Best Summers Lane Phelan D.Shannon Funston. Sfh RR • S.Doyle 7 W.Rosowski 3 Baade 2 Henderson 2 McCaulry Maubley Fern . Best :S. Doyle Baade Johnstone M .Doyle Hoy. 7 .6 10.6 12.10 14 .14 (98) FITZROY 1{ED5 UHSOB 1 .1 1 .1 3 .2 3.4(22) Fitzroy Reds: Prior 4 George 2 Vernall 2 Marcon 2 Bance Parsons A . Holderhead Kerr. Best: Kerr Lee Crowe Holderhead Reid Cook P. UHSOB : Cavalien 2 Davidson. Best: Camallen Collins Oakley Davidson Dollence Holmes . 8 .7(55) BENTI GH 2 .2 5.4 6.5 2 .4 4.4 8.5 13.10 (88) AL' RT 'ARK . not receive d Ben :" : not received Albert Park 1 .2 2 .4 5.5 6 .5(41 ) 31 .'.-. GRY HOPIS 1 .1 4 .4 6.5 9.10 ( 64) 2 Leroy 2 Campbell Bagnall . Best : Campbell tromamio Holland Callus Harrah . ElsYerawiek : Hanktn 3 Mut ared 2 Ward B Franken T Byrne Hoskmg . Best: Ward T Byrne Surman B Currie Hankin R1 Franken .
D3 S . : TION
Allan Sharp Hilton Lauletta KiIlmister
75 Albert Park 0 70 Bentleigh 0 St Johns 3 68 62 Hawthorn 5 3 59 Monash Gryphons D3 RESERVE Kane Fitzroy Reds 0 40 English Bentleigh 0 24 Hankin Elsternwick 3 22 Lord Hawthorn 1 21 Gratis Monash Gryphons 2 20 Ladson St Johns 4 20
ion :I G H Coach: Jo-, ; Res. Coach : StE:a 1 . RSmith 2 . N .Pastras 3. J.Storey 4. G . Parmansche 5. S.Allan 6. J . Willox 7. J .Sutton 8 . C.Jackson 9 . P. Chambers 10. M.Phillips 11 . A . Fleming 12 . N .Langdon 13 . B.Payne 14 . S.Fairfield 15 . B.Adamson 16 . C.Roberton 17 . D. McLellan 18 . J . Taylo r 19. A .Steward 20. M .Abbott 21 . S .Waugh 22. S .Redpath 23. T.Faranda 24 . J.Murray 25 . J .Sutcliffe 26 . G .Finn 27 . S .Ridout 28 . R.Buckley 29 . TGoldsmith 30. A .Thomas 31 . S .McGuire 32. D .'Odorico 33. T. Murray 34. G .Meyer-Heinrich 35 . A. D'Mingo 36 . M.Pearson 37 . L.Hogan 38 . C.Lamont 39 . J .Robilotta 40 . M .Lapsley 41 . K .Weaver 42. S .Bolas 43. J.Tsoukas 44. B.Isard 45 . A.Gay 46 . D .MacKintosh 47 . W.Gauci 48 . M .Willis 49 . T.Houston 50 . D.McKay 51 . J . Costello 52. N .Strang 53. M .Williams 54. S. Kid d 55 . D .Allan 56 . P. Kemp 57 . A. Seek 58 . S .Toth 59 . B .Letchford 60 . S .Lawson 61 . C.Brockhouse 77. J .Robertson 78. A .Dee 79. J .Sgroi 80. B.Martyn 81 . TWalton 82. J.Stubbs 83 . C.Jeffrey 84 . D.Harris 85 . G .Daley 86 . H.Ross
Coach : Ron Gordo n Res . Coach: Steve Hall I C Sharp (C) 2 P Morgan 3 A Pittito 4 D Lewis (RC) 5 M Eyles 6 A Weber 7 5 Brown 8 L Martin 9 I Jackson 10 A Henry 11 D Martin (C) 12 L Codarin 13 G Prigg 14 C Martin 15 P Withington 16 P Jemmeson 17 J Psaras 18 H Dwyer 19 S Hall 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 23 S Adaway 24 L Holmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Padgham 27 J Seeley 28 M McCulloch 29 A Clough 30 A Miksad 31 R English 32 D Fishlock 33 M Effting 34 D Castro 35 L ireson 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beatt ie 39 L Pittito 40 J Bounsall 41 J Neve 42 A Mikkelsen 43 5 Sic e 44 G Saddington 45 A Wade 46 1 Picken 47 P Dimattina 48 M 0'Reilley 49 M Clark 50 A Stanes 51 M Pirie 52 L Sampson 53 M Sidney 54 G Richards 55 M Unsworth 56 C Aitken 58 T Caterson 60 F Cavanagh The Bentlelgh Club Licensed Premises Bistro , Gaming & TAB. Ph : 9557 7938
WE 7 : : ;
: .F.C.
Coach : Leigh Min hy Res Coach: Andft aa Curtain 1 . L. Murphy (C)
2. A . Hanki n 3. D . Fitzpatrick 4. A . Tille 5. M . Whelan y 6. D . Brennan 7 . J . McAdam 8 . S. Currie (RC) 9 . T. Hartl y 10 . R. Bravington 11 . L. Missaglia 12 . N. Wigmore 13 . P. Stankovich 14 . B . Mahony 15. M . Noonan 16. M . Surman 17. J . Ward 18. A . Neil 19. A . Peasley 20. K. Currie 21 . P. Stuchberry 22 . M. Mussared 23 . S. Curtain (VC) 24 . A. Foste r 25 . B . Frankin 26 . C. Mahony (VC) 27. M . Daniel s 28. W. Davidson 29. S . Mahony 30. M . Nicol 31 . G . Devonshire 32 . M. Hun t 33 . M. Cunningham 34 . M. Hosking 35 . P. McNally 36 . P. McDonogh 37 . L. Lambert 38. B . Currie 39. P. Allen 40. S . Bacon 41 . J. Yemm 42. J. Lilikakis 43. P. Clark 44. C . Walke r 45 . R. Grandemange 46 . S . Smit h 47 . S . Ritchie 48 . M . Frankin 49 . D. Byrne 51 . M . Purcell 52. P. Roberts 53. B. Hilton 54. S. Kirkham 57. T. Byrne
Senior Coach: Grah -n &'-gePt Res Coach : Andrew Geo ge 1 . M .Frisby 2. A Walsh 3 M .Wharf 4 J .Hamilton 5 D.Kane 6 J .Bennie 7 J .Doyle 8 A .Byrne 9 C .Prior 10 A.Urbancic 11 B.Doyle 13 M .James 14 T.Clarke 15 J .Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 B .Lee 18 M .Heenan 19 P.Cook 20 T.Mitchell 21 A .Sainsbury 23 T.Jackson 25 P.Jackson 26 A .Fennessy 27 J.Loft 28 J.Card 29 D .East 31 P.Crowe 32 A.Grant 33 S .Drury 35 A.Mackinnon 38 N .Bishop 39 A .George 40 G.Banc e 41 R .Burgman 42 I .McBurnie 43 A .Marcon 44 B.Hart 46 P.Heaphy 48 V.Cahill 49 A.Puglia 50 B .Aggenbach 51 J .Rawlings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S .Addicott 54 J .Parsons 55 N .Mathews 55 L.Mayman 56 T.Madden 57 R .Rom e 58 B.Neal 59 R .Johnstone 60 A.Parsons 61 G .Virtue 62 N.Auden 63 G .Makdesi 64 D.Trindade 66 D.Timm s 67 R .Holderhead 68 B .Cahil l 69 S .Pidotto 70 S .Dibendetto 71 P.Gun n 72 M.Dikeukos 75 W.Daniel 76 D. Curtis 80 G .Box 81 J .Horridge 84 Z .Senburgs 88 S .Greenwood 97 P.Ronchi 99 P.Diacogiogis 116 G.Schiavo
Coach : Peter Res Coach : P sui nnan 1 a I . Baccin i lb B Hudson 2a G Broadley 2b E Sill 3a G Jackson 3b A Knott 4 E Baltic 5a S Avery 5b B Ruzicka 6a P Avery 6b N Tierney 7 D Moncrieff 8a N Hayes 8b J Mennie 9 R Ogle 10 P Orchard 11 A Sill 12 S Banfield 13 J Povey 14a D Lauletta 14b T Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16a C Reed 16b D Lahiff 17a D Zaverella 17b R Tongue 18 P Ryan 19 J Law 20 5 Parker 21 P Burke 22 A Collins 23a J Micheal 23b M Artin i 24 J Jackomonis 25 M Zaverella 26 D Villan i 27 R Lord 28 D Lackins 29a M O'Brien 29b P Barker 30 K McDougal 31 L Collins 32 P McLennan 33 5 Stevens 34 R Johnston 35 J Carguill 36 M Dao u 37 D Carter 38 B Bruns 39a S Davies 39b D Pritchard 40 B Moore 41 A Donki n 42 T Dixon 43a A Brick 43b1 Chep a 44 B Allder 45 A Burke 46 T O'Hanlo n 47 J Berry 48 C Alexander 49 D McGowa n 52 M Delane y 55 A Saulle
_. Jack McDc Id C^ach : Dave trainer S. Bourbon Z M. Healy 3 A. Grady
4 N . Rutherford ,5 T. Gilchrist
, 6 0 . Becker 7 D . Walter 8 J. Blandford G . Wadley 9 y 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J. Stratford
14 D . Hale
15 A . Clarke
16 D . Junkeer 17 J . Hetherington 18 C . Lovett 19 R . Coxhead 20 G. Browell 21 M. Asbel l 22 B . Coxhead 23 D . Charleson 24 D . Kitchin
25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Bourbon ^29 B . Lloyd 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 R. White 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 J . Watson 37 A. Jenkin 38 G . Block 39 M . Mastromanno 40 M . Salaj .41 C. Archer 째42 C. Carlisle 43 C. Goold 44 L . Wells 45 J. Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L . Marti n 49 J. Leroy 50 D. Ratner 51 C. Leeto n 52 B. Darr 53 I . Bagnall 54 M. Jones 55 P. Warren 56 J. Foster ' 57 A. Corbett 58 M . Buick 59 C . Watson 60 G . Campbell
C~h: f s. Ca c A i f
.. ..
Coach : Bruce Hultens Res Coach: :' r.ncoak
_ Co- r Peter McBrearty Re ; Co~ h : K Johnston
Coach : Pat ke y Res Coach: -ter Dinnic k 1 M . Wright 2 B. Ueberang 3 T. Camero n
M Smith 2 B Holmes 3 T O'Sullivan
1 . R . Hassain 2 . M .Ladson 3 . S.Hilton
1 . P. Daly 2, M. Hannan 3 . M. johnstone
4 D Shannon
4. S .Holmes
4 . S. Stepnell (C)
5 S Shannon
5. C .Horbury
5 . S. King
6. L.O'Donnell 7. R .Back
6 . W. Rosowski 7 . A . Hannan
8. R .Dowsett
8 . B . Luxford
10 . M .Courmadus
9 . B . Powell
11 . S .Ham 12 . P.Walker 13 . M .Jones 14 P.Sharp
10. S . Aquilina 11 . D . Hall 12. M . McFarlane 13. E . Henderson
8 D . Haslett (VC) R . Smith 9 10 B. Carrick 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N . Rose 14 J. Ham
15 A .Borgohna
14. P. Cheevers
15 S. Maguire
16 G .Matheson
15. B . Lazzaro
16 J. Tate
17 S .Coackayne
16. M . Thomas
17 S. Jackso n
18 C.Emery 1 9 M,Hartnett 20 B .Rydquist
17. T Baade 18. K . Johnson (RCC) 19. L. Hall
21 S .Koppens
21 T.Jacobs
22 A.Dragwidge
22 A . Brywon
18 A. Hellne r 19 J . Uebergan g 21 S . Mills 22 R .Johns 23 P. Eltringha m 24 M. Turvey 25 K . Webe r 26 H . Wajsze l 27 D. Clark e 28 A . Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 M . Buter a 31 P. Dolenr--32 H. Starbuck 33 A. French 35 J . Mahe r 36 A. Pendlebury
6 G Bunshaw 7 P Byrnes 8 G Malcolm
P Karamichalos
10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak 13 J Dutton
14 C Shannon 15 C Barry 16 J Birt
17 S Conroy 18 M Zajac 19 S Lynch 20 B Page 21 A Jones 22 A Flores 23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie 27 C Adams 28 A Waters 29 B Brown 30 J Munro 32 M Harris 33 P Bermando 34 J Brook 35 J Howell
38 M Defreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Statter 42 C White 43 G Stobus 45 K Day 46 D Hogan 48 J Hickey 50 S Castieau 52 C Andonopoulos 53 K Pardy 54 S Rawlings 55 M Davey 56 A Titley 57 E Hill 58 J Cavanagh 59 N Somers 60 M Tapley 62 M Hutton 64 G Royal 65 A Newton
67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 76 D Phelan 78 V Kelly 79 M Coomber 84 M Funston 85 G Jacobs 88 S Griffiths
23 L.Merrigan
23 B . Downing
24 B.Ferericks 25 D.Waters 26 B.Hifton 27 L.Mills 28 D .Coulon 30 R .Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G .Saher 34 M.Hancock 35 J.Sacco 37 D .Christian 38 A.Fonceca 40 A.Rudd 42 T.Ducancabino 43 M .Van Hooten 45 A .Paterson 47 J .Cotton 50 J .Jiaming 51 C.Santori 52 A .Halls 53 B .Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K .Hilton 61 D.Houlton
26 S . Doyle 28 A. Flowers 31 S . Herman 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N . Moojen 36 J . Macaulay
37 M. Rosowski 42 G . Gaylor 46 M. Bellesini 48 M. Balshaw 49 T. Suther ;and 50 T. Hughes 53 C . Kent 55 J. Pohlner
4 T. Clevelan d 5 T. Fulton
6 S. Cracknel l 7 D . Zuluck i
37 G. Catterall
38 A. Boyce 39 M . Re a 40 L Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallac e 43 M . O'Neil l 44 C. Perc y 45 N. Smith 46 R. Kiley
47 M . Kennedy 49 J. Oakle y
50 B. Rees 51 R . Pitruzzello 52 M. Collin s
53 A. Cusic 54 M. O'Reilly
55 P. Thomas 56 J . Catlin 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigden 59 J . Barron 60 M. Hayes 61 P. Hoban 62 K . Rodgers 63 D . Parker 64 C . Ramsdal e 65 A . Butera 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luis e 68 L. Holmes 69 S . Frost 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B . Stanto n 72 D. Kir k 73 S . Devlin 74 C. Langton
75 J. Maguire 77 . J . Bristowe
The Giftware & Presentations Specialists Wholesalers ~ Honour Board Update s ~ Standard & Designed Trophies & Plaque s ~ All types of quality giftware e .g . Crystal . . ., etc . * Club & Corporate logos and all types of engraving styles and printing * Custom Framing - Football jumpers a specialt y * Club clothing and Caps * Fundrasing ideas
Showroom : Level 9, 230 Collins Street, Melbourne Phone: (03) 9654 4911 Fax : (03) 96 5 0 7106 Special discount to all VAFA members . Contact Alistair Ewart/John Birt for all of your trophy requirements
rirsc h~ u , f uzeir n a i take tY ~ match up half the horse had 1>1 going goal for goal w."' t - r to half tim , F 'angel u Brel r
very se rt > conten i hold fa:--- hopes, a1be: : remaining matches . The I r hom e to F . .< ts r1 i 'ay and r a e the run at or 5- ,
re to the effo!~ ~ Stone . Tim kills must Is at the m~ :,n break as Saints in the second i points with 8 minutes to
goal from the Saints car of -'-°°'--ig forti---es of te-
[offman . ped by a fired u p . ._id foun -' v -=selves behind at the - s this they banged or 1" goals to it (8) the difference ' is the two te; uns. North now find themselve -)a, L the : .i :: r_ d will need some luck to reach t e p h Cobras to shine were Polites, May 4-__ _ while t r the vanquished Newton (4) & Adams ga,,® nn once again . In a m tch all day, at was from all accounts a great bat entaily and physict "y, re -toys from -;ured up a final's berth by slamming home 6 f')a s to 3 in the final term . threw everything a t Ruperts=xoc kitchen sink in the first half and while ~rts-vood withstood the challengc the ph_ c of -2e match took its toll on th e home team who finished the game with 17 fit players . A da; out for the respective fonvards with ivlunccie (10 - SW) and Whitehead (9 - R) having a shoot out at opposite ends . A great game between two potential finalists with Rupertswood victorious this time around . As prec"^ted 4 "' f ewere no pushovers against -, last week . At the half it was, the Turtles by 3 points, but with Rigoni and ett -Bi
; . __e , L
Cobras a` h---i e de. L-e ' c f Ellis, Carson and L res sill favour last round's result. . l c to 're 'Bees will severely dent their ch e competing in finals despite their brill ;ar: tl~ se-~n. With !„^s f?=;ng :n G a - and D 'A- - - :, t: _e Cobra s
inbi : U will be keen to assess the coy LOU alLer last vree' :'s bruising aft ir r t Ruperts-aaood, and 1' be hcpefiul of t ie r aCavic ol toatempt o pentheHo's10 : account. Last time
. i ._: Milano, Eager ai
Esvinburne led at 3/4 time, only to sc t = home with 10 majors in t e n, Thompson and Dix doing the dar on r - >ard . Given last week's 1'l encc ca; mot see Swinburne sittiu `ndering this week. They will give it thei radtheoveral talentofSTHtoharcto
_ of a ga: .ie ~. 3i ., today with both teams that a in , here sets up a real chance of grabbing the doubie cnance at season's end . ' . a fluctuating game the lead changed numerc :s times with McDonald and Gallus the stanc fonwards on the day for their respective te~- > . . Whitehead and O'Callaghan will need to watched closelv and at the other end for Rltha ;i}
ce'n -- +I°ir 0 ^.° r'An boot a il- E
. It .~...a
i to some
e it to
tbt r irise s ,n ,-~ closest -e o f a Rupo win oy 1€ ss han
Brig car L(. big - ins in Rivalland, Christo and arriors have not travelled well this ?r fading out badly last week will iai ably today to get the points form in this game is crucial :ir g billed as a "real" FZ ° Sharks they will get the --ge boost to their el )y 15 points . .ck have the bye. St. Itharys, Werribee, Syndal °- C: .f . ,=r+rou e
- ti . .- . . 1 3 .'_`: (97) 11 .6 17.8 a 3.10 (148) Flo'~ .~, r 4 G_ : , ~omou 3 BI ' e 2 Bowen Short Trotter . Best: or tiower Nelson Drone D .i`,{urray. Mt Lilydale: Brebne r s 3 Varga 3 Anderson 2 Lonergan 2 Gibson Gridley Haye s nard Maniscatchi MeKenzie Penhate . Best : Gridley Carstens Maniscatchi Gibson Brebner . Umpires: J . Grossbard D . F) B . Stephens L. Pell (G) 3 .3 5.11 9 .15 10.18 (78) 2 .5 3.6 5 .8 8.13 (67? rBm^es Brown Theoharris Heady Harrison Zsembery . r Hendy Stone zsembery Goldsworthy . 2 Lovell 2 Ellis 2 Carson Arbacks Ariarhtis. Best: Hc Zan Pale Browne Carson . Umpires: A. Stubbs (R) 3.2 7 .3 10.4 13.71-a i 4.5 6.6 9 .9 10 .10 (70; Si tett 8 Clements M . Dfsngelo Genearelti Potitis D . . ,. Tru,ehi Starrett Potites Bowen May M . D'Angelo . Neu°ton D 4Sorteto P Newton M Care Grist Boudiah . are Boudloh Adams Newton D Freeman . Umpires : S . 15 .P (58) idl 3 .2 4.2 12 .6 16.12 (108 ) D 3 .1 5 .7 10.8 9Surchie 10 Fidler 2 Hamilton More Dehcno . Best: r,otrc :rskt Higgins Murphy Allen Morrison. : Whitehead 9 Baines 3 Ftpnn 2 Plummer Page . Best: ia Baines Carmichael McDonald Prendergast. Ump : A. ;k (F) LEGZANS 2.7 4.8 9.10 18 .16 (124) 1 .1 2.2 4 .5 5.7 (37) it 5 McDonald 5 Duggan 3 Luttick 2 Jenkins Ccwnerty, t: McDonald Doody Luttlck Rigoni Sandpars Horsburgh . rne : Christo Croswell Horsburgh Timothy WaIland . Best : : (d "'ng Robson Horsburgh J. Horsburgh Randiman . Umpires : P. es (R) (F) 7
:k 5 42 Papanikolou North I 7z: Harding GzJerribee 0 36 10 33 Carlesso Werribee F. Bald! Bulleen-Cobras 0 2 9 E) Y Pa ' 3 2 1
. ..15 Py,A . 3.3 , . ..13.11 (89) 4.4 8.6 11 .7 h 3 O'Brien 3 Gavnor T'ro^r3s te . Best: Oliver . .: Commerford 3 'homas Jolly n-~~und. Lit , .,, .ntor Wells. Best : ;: zza J .Flan: . ...n "i . i o,, : L 10.8 13 .8(86) 3 .3 6 .6 3 .1 6 .1 10.4 13.4 (82) n 5 Anthony 3 Scammetl Burns 0'Shaughnessy Bernardi 1 st: Peseiberg Ryan 0'Shaughnes-s-y Vincent Anthony . rere C=rTesso 10 Fenton Nedinis Pilahacis . Best: Owens Carlessel Zullan Brown . 2 .2 5.6 7 .11 10.12 (72) 15 .8 (98 ) 2.1 7.3 12 .3 ,,iompson 3 Sette 2 R4citi .nley 2 Dam Reddish 'etrlili Thompson Triandos Rigani Cites McKinley. apanikolov 5 Evans 4 Tsialtas 3 Gtllano Rigazz l alcy'r3eck Rigazzi Papaniko2ov Swans Oates . 1.1 1 .1 4.3 7.11 (53) 6.4 16.6 19.12 19.15 (129) :: Carroll 2 Anatassi 2 Andrinopoutos McCalm :an Canfield. roll Ktiska Anastassi Andrinopoulos Re4ymoldson RieCalman . n Jordan 9 Cardillo 2 Mezzatesta 2 Clarke Gibbs Pettma iish ;ebb . Best : Clarke Jordan Webb Cardillo Zarb Gibbs. 2 .3 6.3 7 .3 8 .3 (51 ) 15 .17 (107) 5 .7 9.9 11.12 OLD --Bit] 3 Howgate Keleher Sharpe Schafer Leys . Best : Daly white r,vans -~narpe Glare . Old iVesti uxae : Chaffer 5 Evans 3 Crosswell 2 Clowes Hewitt Leitch Murphy Phillips. Best : Phillips Evans Murphy Chaffey Hewitt Smith.
: Darren .'-nth: Grow 1 1 2 2 3 4
J . Pill- is T.Orwin S . Pe" I G. t I . @'^t. N .Lar 5 M. C 1'oql;o (V{
5 M. F' i `i N . nr P. T. slla 9 B
10 = 11 C. ~ rc ;!'s 12 D. i nompson 13 T. Johnson 14 G . Pemberton 15 J. Trinchi (RC) 16 D . Trinchi (DVC) 17 S. Reddis h 18 R. Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N. Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 22 M . Turner 23 J . Redfern 24 A1 .Opie 25 W. Olney 26 J. DAngelo 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Fosket t 29 N. Prestigiacomo 30 T. Pearson 31 S .69cLaren 32 C. Clements 33 J . Elliot t 34 M . D'Angelo (C) 35 T. Settle 36 P. Dall'Og1io 37 J. Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 T Vas s 40 T. May 41 N. Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 G. Reeves 47 S. Irvin e 48 M. Sournildes 49 G .Andarton 50 D . Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 L .los'rfidis 54 J . Biondo 55 S. Wigney 56 S . Whiteman 57 P. McVeigh 58 A. McKinley 59 P. Triandos 60 M.Vandam 61 D . Rennie
BULLEEN AUTOMOTIV E CENTRE 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105
Phone : 9852 1129
. G J Glare
1 . I .F Al1ARTINO 2. T.DUGGA N 3. E. SAVAGE 4. B.DOODY C/C 5 . M .BES T 6 . T.CARTER 7 . B . RASHID 8 . L.SHARPE 9 . C .V TSON 10. W. TES 11 . .' ,I 12 . , 13 .f .L VC 14 . S .JUSTICE 15 . L.WHITE 16. D .BARNETT 17. G.LEYS 18. S.RIACDONALD 19. S.ROBINS 20. P.RIGONI 21 . M .HART 22. J .MCKENZIE 23. R.WATSON 24. L. IACUONE 25 . C.HORSBURGH 26 . J .GLARE RES C/C 27 . J .SMYTH 28 . T.BARNETi' 29 . D .HOWGATE 30 . M .DECKER 31 . TTODARO 32. C .BAU D 33. A.HOWGATE 34. D. BACHER 35 . E . SAVAG E 36 . L.DONALDSON 37 . D.MITHEN 38 . D . h9ONIGAiTI 39 . F.COONERTY 40 . J .BAUD 41 .A .MANN 42. J.HOWGATE 43. J.MANN 44.TJOHNS 45.R .DAVIES 46. J .STOCKDALE 48 . B.TURNEY 49 . B .HESPE 50 . B .KELEHER 51 . S .MAXFIELD 52 . G.STACKPOOLE 53 . S .BARRA S 54. P. HARDING 55. D .WESTON 56. J.SHANNO N 57. S.GATHERCOLE 58 . G .JENKINS 59 . B.EVANS 61 . C.BARUHAS 62 . G .SMITH 63 . M .LUTTICK 64 . S .SCHAFE R
1 . Daniel Johns c 2 . P-I Hayes 3 . € 3rehner 4 . - ., . ),_rga 5 . 3ird
15. C ryl 17. Faua . 18. Marcus f flay 19. Neil Wa.,,,head 20 . Jeremy Penhale 21 . Matt Cunningham 22 . Billy Leek 23 . Bart Egan 24 . Joe Hoffman 25 . Andrew Delahunt 26 . Travis Flanagan 27. Nathan Pearce (1 28. Travis Crowe 29. Peter Furlong 31 . Steven Taylor 32 . Pat Carolan (C) 33 . Chris Anderson 35 . David Callanan 36 . Robert Di Nezza 37 . Dan Hick s 3B . Damon Kennedy 39 . Lloyd Allanson 41 . Peter Varg a 42. Matt Pereira 43. David Holloway 44. Nicholas McConnell 45 . Rick McKenzie 47 . Chris Lonergan 49 . Joe Hoffman 50 . Andrew Penhale 51 . Paul Bastick 52 . Mark Wells 53 . Mick Leonard 54. Leigh Kellett 55. Haydn Flanagan 56. Dean Prest 60. Travis Wilson 63 . Craig Carstens 64 . Damian Smith 65 . Lochie Proctor 66 . Daniel Turner 67 . Neil Senio r Joseph Drago Timothy Grace Jason Gardiner Andrew Burrett Paul Caulfield Billy Jealous David Cicchiello Heath Gurrier-Sanders Charlie Varga
Coaon : Tony V, t Res. Coach: Sh< : I Laughlan ivainham Adams
G. LaÂŤoui P. Dimarc o 5 W. McMahon 6 C, . Pizzari
7 D . Magnuson 8 D . Fenton 9 A. Sammartin o 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 P. Marin 14 M. Newton 15 H . Tsialtas : L . Demorton 17 A. Kyriazis IS P. Senate 19 S. Famulari
7 R. Divita â&#x20AC;&#x17E;t. Sorletto 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Bri9t a 24 M. Allied 25 S. Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M. Vaina 28 S. Gillard 30 S. Heale y J . Heck 32 D. Newton 33 J . Retells 34 M. Pisasale 35 P. Dow sett 36 A. Armstrong 37 D . DeMorton 38 A. Crosina 39 C . Rhoo k 40 B. McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 42 J . Paoanikolou 43 J . Pag e 44 S. Grist 45 M . Pante 46 J . Polemicos 48 N. Oates
49 G . Skaf
50 B. Laoumtzes 52 P. Brin e 53 S . Milroy 54 D. Bonney 55 J . THompson 56 L. Patullo 60 W. Duson 61 S . Nabbs 62 D.Perdon 65 L. Rigazz i
1. 2. 3. 4.
G. Robson G. Floe x S . Depiazza A . Nibloe
2 Fox D
3 Carmody S 4 McLauchlan S
5. S . Sutto n 6. J . Horsburgh (VC) 7. A . Christo S. A . Horsburgh 9. C . Villinger 10 . J . Wilson 11 . V. Mat they 12 . T. Milne 13. S. Hewitt 14. S . Matteson 15 . A . Board 16. S . Christo 17. M. Aqualina 18. P. King (DVC) 19. R . Aldridge 20. S . Cameron 21 . B . Dangerfiield 22. W. Fleming 23. K .Sutton 24. L . Fairfield (C) 25. M.Stapleton 26. P. Mesman 27. D . Billman 28. D . Slattery 29. D . Horsburgh 30. R . McMillan 31 . D Evans 32. G . Jenkinson 33. D .Benn 34. P. Stewart 35. D . Rivalland 36. K . Pillsbury 37. A . Leitch 38. B. Matteson 39. A . Robbins 40. S. Leitch 41 . J. Dusting 42. S . Roberts 43. A . Runciman 44. B. Slattery 45. S.Huntington 46. J.Sportelli 47. T. Sai d 48. T.SCholes 49. M. Pillsbury 50. P. Habersatt 51 . S.Kelly 52. T. Robinson 53 S.Phillips 54 M . Crosswell 55. M.Baulch 56. C . Galvin 57. D . Halley 58. M. Bavdek 59. Adrian Lipscombe 60. N . Aquaiin a
Sponsored by : 1
5 Schwartz M 6 Gallus S 7 Brad W 8 Prendergast B 9 Clarke M
10 O'Callaghan A 11 Moule B 12 Cardillo K 13 Sinnett B 14 Plummer L 15 McGrath J 16 Clarke P 17 Walsh D 19 Mezzatesta M 20 Flinn P 22 Quinn K 23 West M 25 Bradbury H
26 Zarb D 27 McMahon N 28 McDonald D 29 Baines M 32 Sinnet P 33 Glenn W 35 Carlo C 36 Henry P 37 Massaro A 38 Pettman B 39 Hastings P 40 Botten T 41 Bowman P 42 Swann B 43 Phillips R 44 Pettman M 45 Hum D 47 Seidel A 48 Stafford A 49 O'Riley C 51 MacPherson B 52 Moskaljuk S 53 Gaunt W 54 Gibbs R 55 Webb N 56 Fox P 57 Carmichael J 62 McMahon A 63 Blenkiron D 64 Jordon D 66 Mandouitt L 70 Temming L 74 Page S 77 O'Callaghan M 78 Webb B
Coach : r C ResCa .n : :t
1 . J . Harrington 2 . B . Boye s 3 . J . Carra 4 . N . Goldsworthy 5 . J. Dwyer 6 T. Butt 7 W. Ross
8 A .2sembery 9 R . O'Shaughnessy 10 G. Koumantatakis 11 J. Bernard i
12 S . Benson 13 A . Dwyer 14 C . Goldsworthy 15 R . Orm e 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frail 19 M . Maschette 20 A . Lan e 21 Q. Norton 22 R . Allen 23 J. Hill 24 I . Goullet 25 D . Hutchins 26 S. Stone 28 J.Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 D . Thomson 32 A . Webb 33 J. Watson 34 M . Tindley
35 G. Theoharris 36 E, Evan s 37 L .lincent 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Millar 41 J. Brennan 42 H .Joyc e
43 M . Chamberlin 45 P. Rya n 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 49 G. Schembri 50 A. Worsnop 51 T. Bergi n 52 T. Dunne 53 S. McGurgan 55 B. Perelberg 56 J. Vincent 58 B. Lewis 59 K. McLennan 60 M . Scammell 61 N . Jackson 62 N . Goodieson 63 P. Roseman 64 J. Ramsay 66 G. Pilikidis 67 J. O'Connor 69 J. Handy 70 T. Brown 73 D . Doyle 76 T. Tahos 80 J. Clarke 88 A . Foskett A. Ballantyne M . Bank s
M . Elli s
J. Odorisio S. Rack G. Sigley
1 C rr nan 2 J Shea 3 J P9otrowsKi 4 A Fidle r
nan Dmann. J 2 r ' am .I 2 bourne .S
5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield T 7 A 8 I no 9 L son 10 IV
4 Henderson .P 5 Dix .B 5 Hannett .D 6 Chasemore 6 Cotsis.J 7 Bums. A
Benneti .R 9 Kemper.S 10 Psinas.T
13 A 14 R l de 15 C Thoma s
16 S Reynoidso n 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiumani 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merkel 25 T Hourigan 26 T Liston 27 D Murphy 28 S Gray 25 -I Cavicchiolo 30 P Turk 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 c Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry
10 Van Derkruk .G 11 Rutter.J
2 Moresi.J 12 Miller 13 Tayior.D 1 1 O'boyle .S 15 iurray.N 16 i}oucher.8 18 Macfariane .S 19 Glenister.M 20 Hall. C 20 Hannemann .B
Mackenzie. I 21 Thompson .A H 7ara.S P ' RA 2-r ne. :J 25 "til um.S 26 N orrison .A 27 K :m ~r.G 28 F leld .P A ) n .A mann.L ) n .FA
D !sli p J an ihu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Ail s 50 MGIX n 51 P , 52 S O'C ri i 53 K . Du!
55 S Gall i 56 J . Murchie 58 A Robe rts 60 D Debono
35 C 37 C ic 38 C 39 Hallise 40 Leaver 40 Marks.T 41 MoresLM 'indlay 43 Srosvn .A 44 Maestros.J 45 Richardson.D 46 Pane, M 47 Wong .V 49 Schuiling .D 49 Vamavas
Sneddon .A 54 Sheer. P
McLonald's }-3omesglen
Gosch : Tra !'Ja s Res . C==-; : Tciii E' Jr= 1 . A . Albakis
2 . S . McNamara 3 . D . Flac k 4 . L Brown 5 . L Kerr 6. S . McGrath 7 . T. Elli s 8 . K . Pace (C) 9. C. Terzoglou 10 . M . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12 . M . Walsh 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . B. McMillan 15 . J . Purton 16 . P. Browning 17 . S. Fulle r 18. E. Collier 19. J. Addamo (VC) 20. P. Albaki s 21 . R . Zulian 22. A . Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24 . J . Crack 25 . A . Hovey 26 . P. Thomas (RC) 27 . M . Brown (DVC) 28 . D. Czajowski 29 . S . Dole 30 . B. Carlesso 31 . B. Waters 32 . M. Dolegovrski 33 . S. Parker 34 . S. Camilleri 35 . S. Alabacos 36. A. Addamo 37. J. Ayling 38. F. Dwaes 39. L. L angfield 40. L Carson 41 . G. Grogan 42 . D. Ellis 43 . E . Galizi 44 . C. Albakis 45 . J . Marinis 46 . R. Han n 47 . R. Portogallo 48, S. Pugliese 49 . D.Lenoury 50 . A. Fenton 51 . D. Turner 52 . C . Andrews 53. A. Trainon 54. M. Jordan 56 B. Gibson
Ti e Th ,I~t e .reet} wili or _ .ie rr for Elste >> l . . :hen a`...ng in the =a b .hind the grandst< rk in a manner that allow cars around you o ave . Players and officials who do not producc 째'c :s ` :s ill be counted and ti-Ie club invoicE ' cor 째 Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
Finals e 55of t
, ith
senior round) .-3laying o must only seniors or team s sam e Sunday - re same day) . Un P
b3Cgâ&#x20AC;˘ 9
hoid e of more must ha~ during ti:â&#x20AC;˘ . havi: p mate es senior te <
then eligible to play U . :m ai. Where a team
{ Iubs t, .r.c ri .ei v cd 5rort 9L27 , Cro :'n cum r sttr'..~r, rec-atl, a tl h<< c~,~n asti :eti to dtstTbut;: ~s€ chit, SuE;~)riir. ;or ~<;ur t.i,arcc to ., ui a\ .°cel~~~,P~ . ~T~rt 9'- 5, ;ris pa ; . cnmhrtstr~ ~ l~r~s Spun t2/ a { t( Sr ;io r . .e 1 i; fv p, ln r.iTi, t and : I'( , tl<e i_,)v;: nr the Game `ti'A1 :" lvsior l : o' , simply cimi;lcte :ia, slip of the tf6 :c.r ~md mail to the VAFA .
will -, ., dr"RvIl and 2tnllOl~i1C~1 cacti t Li~2 1; in thw Anl«tdUr YC,otD ;lllc'd'. nll ent es will rzrnttiuin contention for th we-' ;1 pr~e. At titG -lid of RdI8 shoulil ;our club have submitted the greatest z~umber ai cntnes for th;, sL~«ron, trom yo r IIRRCr
C icb entries tlte winnerof the Cro wn Fntert ainntent(UE1FA Grand Final ~ ~ :t end package x ill b~ drawn. t' ic .'-a e includes- two night's accommodation, dinner at Breezes Restaurant int,, L=A-fast and valet parking and (3) tickets to the AFL Grand Final . ~
Gd'mner announced in the Amateur Footballer September 22/23. Last Week's winner: Andrew Philalay Club : Old Scotch
With an PA rnorr'c3 Fohip you can also help your ARPV> will also donate $5 to you r lo ;a1 footy club and enjoy great savings from thew club for every new ARPA rn e nbe rl supporters. To join visit www.arpa.com.au or fill i n thM application form on the back . S e a vjwwarP-,.com.au for detail s CGU - M®
6 ®®®®®®®®®®®® - ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ,a 61 THP eMATFI in CnnTRn1 1 co onn ,
~~~~~ ., . ~cۥr
~m®m®®mm®®mmm®m® ®m®m®m®®®®m®®m®m m ®
everyone can join & heLp their own iocnt cLub
r❑ ❑ W E
V; ~ ~ N O
J Q U d ts°.
AMA ® - neenrci io cnnTRei i rG 9(}flt
section :,iarcellin v . Old Brighton ,lazenod v. St. Kevin s ()Id Xaverians v . University Blues Old Scotch v. St. Bernard s ,, IISOB v. Old Trinity B Oecioar ;;arth Old Boys v. Old Haileybury at EP Sat ay Old Ivanhoe v . Beaumaris old Paradians v . Therry Penola Ormond v . Whitefriar s Old Melburnians v . De La Salle
c, Sectio n
Under-19 Section 1 Old Brighton v. Old Scotch Collegians v . Old Xaverians De La Salle v. St . Kevins Marcellin v . St . Bernards Old Melburnians v . Mazenod Beaumaris v . University Blue s Under-19 Section 2 Werribee Amateurs v . Old Haileybury Caulfield Gr. v . Ormon d St . Leos Emmaus has the bye Whitefriars v. Hampton Rovers Old Essendon v. Old Trinity -' i'o be played on Oval 1 (PEGS) Yarra Valley v . Old Ivanho e
Old Mentonians v . Collegians Old Essendon v . Caulfield Gr . Bulleen-Templestowe v . Prahran St . Bedes Mentone Tigers v . AJAX Fiampton Rovers v . Glen Eir a
Under- 1 9 (2) Blue De La Salle (2) v . Monash Blues to be played at Waverley Park at 11 .3 0 a.m.
Dl Section Ivanhoe Assumption v. St. Leos Emmaus Banyule v . Monash Blue s
MHSOB v . St . Kevins ( 2) to be played at Righetti Oval (59 D3)
University Blacks v . Old Geelong Old Carey v . Yarra Valley Old Camberwell v . Aquinas D2 Section La Trobe University v . Mentone Amateurs Kew v. Power House Salesian 0 C v. Peninsula 0 B Williamstown CYMS v . West Brunswick Oakleigh v . Parksid e
D3 Sectio n Richmond Central v. Elsternwic k South Melbourne Districts v . Hawthorn Amateur s St. Johns 0 C v . UHSOB Monash Gryphons v. Bentleigh Fitzroy Reds v . Albert Park D4 Section Bulleen Cobras v. Mt. Lilydale Werribee Amateurs has the bye Swinburne Uni . v. North Brunswick Rupertswood v . Syndal Tally-Ho Old Westbourne v. St. Marys Eltham Collegians v. Eley Park "a T4lC A~Al.TCI IO C(111TR~1
South Melbourne Districts v. Oakleigh Glen Eira v. Old Xaverians (2) Mentone Amateurs v . AJAX
Under- 19 (2) Red Aquinas has the bye University Blacks v . Old Paradians Therry Penola v. Bulleen-Templestowe Old Camberwell v . Ivanhoe Fitzroy Rupertswood v. North Old Boys to be played at Eric Broadman Reserve (381 G5 )
Club XVIII (1 ) lst Semi Final - Sunday August 12 - Trinity Grammar Playing Fields (2 .00pm ) 2nd Semi Final - Saturday August 11 - Trinity Grammar Playing Fields (2 .00pm)
Club XVH1 (2 ) 1 st Semi Final - Sunday August 12 - Trinity Grammar Playing Fields (11 .15am ) 2nd Semi Final - Saturday August 11 - Trinity Grammar Playing Fields (11 . l5am )
CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies
by Ton
(U19/1 & Blue)
~® ® a au~r ~1C I (U19/2 & Red)
Review SECTION 1 Firstly, I would like to thank Barry Hickey for writing the Under 19 Section 1 and Blue articles over the past two weeks due to my coaching commitments with the VAFA Under 19's . Secondly, I would formally like to thank all of the Under 19 Coaches for their terrific support and encouragement towards the Under 19 Representative Team. A ll 4 Under 19 sections & 1 senior team were represented, with players coming from 6 Section 1 clubs, 1 Section Blue, 4 Section Red clubs and 1 Senior club . Finally, on behalf of the Coaching Panel and VAFA Executive, I would like to thank all of the players from the original squad of 60, down to the final 22 for their commitment, passion and initiative . This round provided a number of surprises . Beaumaris got back onto the winning list with a terrific win over O .M .'s at home . Their 2nd & last quarters proved the difference . Coach Berry must have thought his team was in one of the crypt scenes in 'Tomb Raider' from the way he witnessed Coach O'Shannassy direct his charges into dissecting Old Brighton's running game, closing them down completely. Xavs trounced Mazenod as expected, but the efforts of VAFA Rep player McDonnell with 16 goals at FF, was simply outstanding . St. Bernard's had a good win over Collegians, as did De La over Marcellin. Finally, Old Scotch proved far too strong for Uni at home, with Hoskings finding form up forward with 6 majors . SECTION 2 Old Ivanhoe remains a game and percentage clear on top of the ladder after destroying Old Haileybury by 193 points . Of the Hoes' 14 goalkickers, Hibbs and Luxan led the way with five each, while O'Dyer and Lynch were other good players for the winners . Hoffman, Brooks, Pieter and Pollock battled against the tide for Old Haileybury . Old Trinity cemented its place in the five and put the brakes on Ormond's challenge for a fmal's berth, with a thrilling one-point win . Ormond was 18-points down at three quarter time but just fell short . Matthews booted four goals for Old Trinity, while Pretty, Hillas and S Amore were among the best players. Hassall and Heffernan both kicked three goals for Ormond, while Goonan, Muzzell and Russell were impressive contributors . Caulfield continued its tremendous late-season form, thrashing Hampton Rovers by 113 points . Pennycuick slotted through seven goals for the winners, while Foote is now the leading goalkicker
in Section (2) after kicking six . Browne and Fagan also shone out in a great effort from Caulfield, while Cantlon, Cave and Davies battled all day for Rovers. A sensational 10-goal performance from Hakim ensured Old Essendon remained in fifth place, the Dons thumping Yarra Valley by 70 points . Nicholas, Frazer and DeMorton were other great players for Old Essendon, while Kehoe, Crowe, Simpson and Peake were best for Yarra Yalley. St Leos grabbed just their fourth win of the season with a 32-point victory over the hapless Whitefriars . Landy kicked five goals for the winners, while Brearley and Podbury each booted three. Calavetta, Janson and Brosolo were among the best for Whitefriars. Werribee had the bye . SECTION (2) BLUE The top 3 positions in the final four are settled ; the only suspect position is Xavs in fourth . In the upset of the rounds MHSOB, gave Xavs an absolute belting to the tune of 97pts. The triple treat of Brown, Harper and Fraczek each booted 4 goals and were well fed by Walker, Svirakis and Hording. This win has a two-fold effect - firstly Xavs are now reachable and secondly, MHSOB are B .I .T. Mentone continued on their merry way with another big win over the Blues . Mentone plays a consistent 4-quarter game, never letting up and although Monash battled on, they were never in the hunt. Oakieigh had a good win over a very competitive Glen Eira team . Only l5pts separated the teams at 1/2 time, but it was Oakleigh that ran away with the game kicking 12g 5 . Best for Glen Eira were Clark, Fernando & Baraket and for Oakleigh - Brett, Reynolds & Orchard . The Swans goal-kicking machine rolled on with Cheevers and Winter booting 9 & 8 respectively . Best for South were Skinns, Wood, Cheevers & Winter ; for De La best were Lowndes, Arbon & Wilmann . Finally, the Jackers smashed an inept SKOBS by 248pts . Cooper with 8g and Givoni with 7g were unstoppable up forward. Ajax had 13 goal kickers in a fantastic team effort. For St. Kevin's, put this game behind you and move on . SECTION (2) RE D
North Old Boys continued their sensational late season form with a 245-point massacre of IvanhoeFitzroy . NOBs booted 39 goals and had 65 scoring shots but unfortunately the details of their efforts were not available . Meighen and Bire battled a s , , . . . . .T. , ,.,------ - on -„
best they could for Ivanhoe-Fitzroy. There was ;uiaiher destruction at Rupertswood, the home ,ide defeating Bulleen-Templestowe by 235 points, :rfter booting 38 goals for the match, including 21 ill the second half. King booted 10 goals, while Hatty and Zahra were outstanding contributors for the winners . Mathews and Hill battled hard for ©ulleen . Uni Blacks also continued their good form with an 89-point win over Aquinas, but remain out of the four by two points . Old 1,,ffadians hold down fourth spot after hanging on to record a three-point victory over Therry Penola, %~ho fell from fourth to seventh . Therry trailed by 3 7 points at the final change, but stormed home and just fell short of a memorable and muchneeded victory . Zivkovic, Tenson and D Dean were impressive contributors for Old Paradians, while Re~-rnolds, Faroldi and O'Connell were among the best for Therry. Old Camberwell had the bye . Preview SECTION 1 old Scotch host Mazenod at home in a game Coach Donovan will want to win well, because their % is only 7 .16 behind St . Bernard's and 16 .39 behind De La . % will mean everything come final's time . Rampaging Mannis' Xavs host Old Brighton at home . Coach Berry knows this is crunch time . A win here will be the positive injection his team ❑ eeds to begin their run into the finals . But alas, xavs have too many goal kickers and should win b}• 32pts . SKOBS should have a comfortable win over the Lions . Another strong performance could ~e.c 'you know who' jump back on that bandwagon as O'Shannassy heads towards final's action . The match of the round sees St . Bernard's host De La . Loth forward lines are evenly matched but De Las defence is a shade better. But with O'Donnell and Lrsudi back in amongst the goals, I feel they will vet up in a nail biter by 8pts . Beaumaris will continue on their winning way over Marcellin and Coach King will have Uni Blues back on track over Old Melburnians .
SECTION 2 old Essendon face their biggest challenge of the ;cason, when they meet top side Old Ivanhoe . The Dons are hanging onto fifth place on the ladder and o, ill not want to drop this one, but the Hoes' look a fraction too strong all over the park . Ormond will have to upset Werribee to stay in final's contention . Ormond's poor percentage means they are literally tv, a games out of the five, so a win over the Bees is %ital . At home, Ormond might just get over the G te. Hampton Rovers should account for St Leos ;airly comfortably. while Yarra Valley should taste victory for just the sixth time this season when they meet Whitefriars. In the last match, Old Trinity will continue its surge towards the finals with a big win over Old Haileybury . Caulfield have the bye . SECTION (2) BLUE The match of the round sees Ajax host MHSOB at
Albert Park. I believe this game will be much closer than what everyone might think . MHSOB play a hard physical game, which could upset the Ajax forward line . They also know that a win here could see them in a real position to have a shot at 4th position . Good luck! Old Xavs host the ladderleaders at the college, where Mentone will walk away with another 100pt plus win . SKOBS meet the goal-kicking Swans machine at Righetti Oval . SKOBS is a strong and proud club, so I know they will put in a very spirited team performance . Oakleigh are at home to De La and a win here will put this team in final's contention . Monash Blues play Glen Etta at the University and after their win, they go to 28pts - only % out of 4th spot . This season is really heating up! SECTION (2) RED The match of the round sees second-placed North Old Boys host fifth-placed Uni Blacks . This is a crucial match for both sides and the home ground advantage might just get NOBs over the line . The other three matches threaten to be blow-outs, with top side Old Camberwell meeting BulleenTemplestowe, third-placed Rupertswood tackling Ivanhoe-Fitzroy and fourth-placed Old Paradians hosting Aquinas . With the finals just around the corner, all matches hold great significance with Blacks and Therry still a big chance to sneak into the four. Hopefully all sides nearer to the bottom of the table can be competitive and gain some confidence before the end of the season. Therry Penola have the bye .
UNDER 19/1 Hosking Watts Gissing McDonnell Cations Foote Mendola Yeo
Velardo J . Russo Matthews Wilson Cheevers Cooper Hayes Little Winter s King Dean Darby Sandiford Hanna
Old Scotch 6 47 Old Scotch 0 40 38 St Kevins 2 38 Old Xaverians 16 Old Scotch 4 30 UNDER 19/2 Caulfield 6 44 Old Ivanhoe 4 43 Yarra Valley 1 38 Old Essendon 2 37 Werribee 0 35 Old Trinity 4 35 Old Essendon 1 35 UNDER 19/2 BLUE South Melbourne 9 53 AJAX 8 51 Mentone 3 39 Mentone 2 35 South Melbourne 8 34 UNDER 19/2 RE D Rupertswood 10 47 North Old Boys 0 36 Old Camberwell 0 33 University Blacks 0 31 University Blacks 0 27
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21 .9 (135)
UfvT BLUES 4.11 (35) Old Scotch : Hooking 6 Callous 4 Rodsld 3 Ja:ephs 2 Cinch Costello Daniber Barnett Jennings Teasdale. Best : Barnett Prendergast Kitchen Josephs Caulker Costello . Dot Blum, Sprtrr(, 2 Ryan Girdv;ood- Best: Ryan Cameron Gtrdwood Cully Brooke Birde r Umpires: B. Clark E . Lindsay (F) ASAZEnOD 1 .0 1.1 2.1 2 .3 (15) OLD BAVERIANS 9.7 17.10 26.16 34 .16 (222) ldaxtstod: Strawthorn Delmastro. Best: Castrtcum Strawlhorn Khudburgh Fotinaltis Wilson Delmastro. Old Raver(ana: McDonnell 16 Loprestt 3 McArdte 3 Dixon 2 Lecna]li 2 Hoa+and 2 Dinardo 2 A. Biddle-omhe James Green Fox. Best: McDonnell Thomas Leoncelli McArdte Loprestt Howard . Umplreo: A highs M . Jenkins (F) OLD BRIGHTON 0 .1 4.7 4,8 5 .10 (40) ST. AEV3TiS 2 .3 4.6 6.12 8 .13 (61) St Eertns: Gissing2 Mulgew 2 Mu(greN Bare Purcell Hobart. Best: Duggan Cox Knuppel Mutgrew Bare Dempsey. Old Brighton: Salem 3 Homarm 41acGWrizay. Best: Reddin Edwards Homann Battista Hunter Evans . Umpires: P. Calk] J. Lipson (F) B. Dix (R) P. Maddocks (F) COLLEGIANS 0.4 0.12 5.14 9.21 (75) ST. BF.R[VARDS 3 .4 9.8 12 .11 20.15 (135) Collegiam: Taft 3 Roach 2 Rowe I Boarh g I Skrurrie 1 Robertson I . Best: Realists Vial Taft Slmrte Rahitl Turner. St Bernards : Keeran 4 0'DonneIl 4 Coustand 3 i.egudi 3 Campbei2 Mitchell I Moretti I Aktakat I Smith 1 . Hest : Campbell Smith Burns Cousland Thomas Keenan, Umpires: M. Phillips D . Windlo'w IF) J . Fagan N . Booth (B) DE LA SALLE 6 .5 13.6 14 .9 17.11 (113) &fARtELLrtt 1.4 3.5 4 .7 6.9 (45) Aiarrsllin: Hansen 2 Addison 2 T.Sheehan 2 . Best : Dale Hansen Moran B Sheehan Vaskresenshy T. Sheehan. De La Soft= Simon Hyde 6 Mitchell 2 PlnwiO 2 Coffey 4 05ullivan 2 Kean 1 . Best: Alderuccto Bannict Dimble Jolley Pinball W3lmestey. Umpirrs: C.Stevtns (J) BEAUMARIS 0.5 5.8 7 .10 9.15 (69) OLD MELBUR1Alr'S 2.3 2.7 5.13 5.14 (44) Beacerearbe Ferrari 4 Btackmore 2 Conte S May Groves . Best: Tucker S Caste 35c Cnnchte A Coate Ferrari Thompson . Old : Not received . Umpirea: A Wdsetman T. LWey (F) MER-19 sEenON 2 OLD IVANHOE 34.23 (227) OLD RAILERBURY 4.10 (34) Old Ivanhaz Hibbs 5 Luxan 5 Mendola 4 McWtlliam 4 O'Dyer 4 Binnry 2 Braddy 2 Jeokias 2 Barnes INnakis Meredith O'Dea Stlliman Lynch . Best: Luxan O'Dyer Lynch McKie Meredith Stillman . Old . Glanville Wacanar Jones McGuaran . Best: Hoffman Brooks Pieter Pollock McGuaran Fletcher . Ump3rm: A. Barro T. Jackson LF) OLD TRRiriY 1 .2 5 .2 8.5 11 .5 (71) 0814051) 2.1 3 .7 5.9 10 10 (70) Old 1linltp: Matthews 4 S Amore 2 Davies Donahno Hine Kelly Mtthen. Best Pretty Hittas S Amore Matthews Christopherson Blaeknrore . Ormond: Hassall 3 Heffernan 3 Welis 21.arr Martinav. Best: Goonan Muzzeil Russell Novice Heffernan Ramsay. UmPirm, C . Collins D. Dinneen (F) CAU1AIIELD 3.5 10 .8 13.13 22.19 (151) HAMPTON ROVERS 2. 4 .4 4.5 5.8(3s) CmilfiekL Pennyeukk 7 Foote 6 Trigg 3 S :ntt 2 Gross 2 Browne Hooper. Best: Browne Fagan Jess Erickson Foster Foote . Aampion : Caution Cave Davies Probyn Weaver. Best: Almirofer Carillon Goss Kennedy Weaver Davles .Umpirea: P. Berry (F) ST. LE08 E31EdAU8 14.18 (102) HdERTEF7UAR.4 10.10 p o) St Leta: landy5 Brearley 3 Podhury 3 CuIlen 2 Carey 1 . Best: Kennedy Landy Hollands Kelly Brearley Clarke. Whitrftiars: Calavetta 5 Ventura Hill Welch Schneider Baker . Best: Catavetta Jnson Brosab Warren-Smith Ventura Hill. Ump3rt.s: J . AsptnaIl R. Benson IF) R . Benson (J) (B) YARRA VALLEY 1 .2 6.3 9.4 11 .6 (72) OLD ESSENDOtI 8,3 12 .8 19.10 21 .16 (142)
TODAY' S Under-19 Section 1 Old Scotch v . Mazenod
Old Xaverians v. Old Brighton St. Kevins v. Collegians St. Bernards v. De La Salle Marcellin v . Beaumaris University Blues v. Old Melburnians Under-19 Section 2 Old I-Iaileybury v. Old Trinity Ormond v. Werribee Amateurs Caulfield Or. has the bye Hampton Rovers v. St. Leos Emmaus Whitefriars v . Yarra Valley Old Ivanhoe v. Old Essendon 54
Yam Valley: G0es 3 The Gough Push Hume Urbane Ben SLMI Kehoe Crave Simpson Peake Gilles Urbane. O'3 Ec- , date He 4 tetardo 2 Kavanagh 2 Flaherty l411son Ohiiubek . Best: Niche, DehSorton Obhubek Kavanagh. Umpircs: P. Coulthard P . Machos i=„~?ER-1q L2i BZIip MENTORS 6.4 15.5 23 .11 MO,'IASH BLUES 3.1 5.3 7-5 t8ttitone: Dixon 6 Wigrave 3 Hayes 3 Letfting 3 Little 2 Krings 2 SE71<.on Barker Corr Pothitos Rickards . Best: Rickards Pothitos Kf McLeod. Mannish Blum- Gilbert 2 Young 2 Grace Thompson Hind G Rosengarten Vogler Young Gilbert Shears . Umpires: C. Evans D. F GLEN EIRA 3.5 4 .6 7.8 OARI.EIGH 2.3 6.9 12.11 Glen Eh= Sk'lliams 3 Fournarahts 2 Kasar 2 Sheehan 2 Clark Rose . Clark Fernando I .Lampos Sheehan Sherry. • Orchard 5 . 2 Gterpiadts 2 Wills 2 Britt Kelly McPhee Moutang. Best: Britt Rel Malcolm Wilts Briggs, Umpfiea: G. Morgan LF) DE LA SAA1d.E (2) 0.1 2 .2 3.4 SOUTH MELBOURNE 6.5 11 .7 23.12 De la Salle : Mulholland Roberts Beynon. Best: Iasvndes Arbon P Jade Bowden. South Melbrmna~ Chees•ers 9 Winters 8 Wood 4 D'Am 2 Brown 2 Kidd Grundy. Best: Slams. 1Vood, Cheevers. Winters Umpires. S. B(ustetn (F 7 biIISOB 5.6 10 .8 15.11 OLD eYAVER1ATiS 1 .1 1 .2 3.3 1d1iSOB: M .Brown 4 Harper 4 Fraczeh 4 Walker 2 Sv i~irskis 2 Bowen D Best: Walker Svirskts J.Browv Harding Bou'en M.Browu. Old Sawn Ump3ree: S. Scully M. Forde (F) AJAX 9.6 18 .9 29.14 S1:IfEVItiS (2) 0.0 0 .0 0. 1 h1AE: Cooper 8 Ghront 7 Gutman 4 Lewis 4 Hershan 3 Miller 2 Van, 2 Butt 2 Kagan (.ewski Janover Gelbart. Best: Gutman Hershan Coo Givont Lewis St .Revins (2) Best : Nolan McCann MareaMW Willem Umpires: M . Metes (F) L . Harris (B ) UNDER-122( RED 7HERRY FENOIA 4 .0 6.2 7.6 OLD PARADIANS 6 .7 7 .9 12.13 merry Pmela: Harmes 3 Farakitt Green Robinson 2 Atkinson O'Col Sheppard I . Best: Reynolds Faroldi O'Connell Fenton Frecfdeton KG Parsdisrev Boundy 4 Lyons 3 La Torre 2 Dimino A. Dean D Dean Russt Zhkm3c Tenson D Dean Broady F7strk Gtoury Umpires: R. Wtndlaw B AQUINAS 5 .0 8.1 10.3 ON] BLACKS 4 .6 8.11 14.15 23 A.ztulnaa: Munro 4 Mazzantt 3 Varone Guthertdge Jenktnson McA bL3ckouski Varane Boland Gutheridge Tapply hiurrro . Uni B : Sale Torney 4 Donovan 3 StackIIeki 2 Ross 2 Hamilton Sharp Brnigtornn Sc Best: Ross Grigg Torney Detahunty. Umphts: R . Smith (F) RUPE1ri5W060 8.5 17.15 27.15 38. BULLEEN TE2dpi1*4TOTE 1 .0 1.0 2. 1 Ru • King 10 Moska(Juk 5 Potter 5 Zahra 4 Harry 4 Price 3 1 Rarnsay Elliott Koala Heath Cook Glerm. Best : King Rally 7ahra Heath ED Built= Tempkietawc Lee. Taylor. Best : Mathews Hill Martin Stee, Harding .c . Umpirea: M . Gtiday (F) QVANROE-FIrZROY 0.3 0.3 1 .3 NORTH OLD BOYS 8.5 21.12 32.17 39.2 Ivaahae-Pftaroy: Stralbell Fttaro. Best: Metghen tare Dykes Black Arnup North Old Boys: Not received. Umpires: J. Ralph B. Ralph (F)
Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues v. Glen Eira Oakleigh v. De La Salle (2 ) St . Kevins (2) v . South Melbourne Districts to be played al Righetti Oval at 11 .30 a .m . Old Xaverians (2) v. Mentone Amateurs to be played at vi College, v. MHSOB to be played at 1 p.m . Under-19 (2) Red Theny Fenola has the bye Old Paradians v . Aquinas b C North Old Boys v. University Blacks Bulleen-Templestowe v. Old Camberwell Ivanhoe Fitzroy v . Rupertswood to be played at Peterson Ova THE An,MnTc o -
19 ® Section COLLEGIANS n G~ wu10 i
Coach : Marty Huck
Ill J. ;. ;
A land s (VC)
srell (Fi ll . 18.12 Best: takr~~.~ "
L' ' E
31.1( p ;
~~ rea - ,
s ~Tuc =r
19.1 s
ii ugh ~ a - 3r npsan e c C~rer N, Trcdcal C_ :. (DVC) L Frri
38 .21 0 .1
1 B Wallard 2 K McKayy 4 A Shinkfield 5 D Carcor 7 S Taft 8 N Unsworth
9 T Skarrie 10 D Vail 11 D Fotheringham 12 R Turner 13 A Hicke y 15 N Roach 18 M Davis 19 A Zent 20 T Clark 21 N Chamlers 26 P Krotiris 30 WFowler 31 N Herman 33 C Rowe
C Burgess 5 D Woodford
6 S Guest 7 M Kennon 8 C Trim 9 N Guy 10 B Marks J O'Dwyer
2 J Richardson :3 A Simpson ' A Richard s 1 J 1 Weir 16 B Wulf 17 N Barrett
S Carter 19 M Prowse
,0 E Ryan 21 N Robinson 22 J Rush 23 N Kent ? : D Marks 25 M Horgan 26 C Walker 27 J Jewell 31 J Mulcahy 32 E Selby
9 M Lafferty 10 A Coffey 10 A Dimple 11 J Bowden
12 C Moran 12 MNaughGn 13 J Roberts 14 J M embrey 14 C Mitchell 15 J Stinear 16 WJolle Y
13 . B. Skeen 14. D . Coghlan 15 . T. Sheehan 18 . D . Gartner 19. S. Birrell 20. D . Salce 22 M. Voskersensky 23. J . Neal 24. J . Stempel 25. E . Weekes 40 . D . Welch 44 . D . McMillan
Coach: Mark Donovan
1 L Freeman 2 M Walkom 3 D Kni h g t 4 D Logan
5 A Catchlove 7 J Spraque 8 N Coleman 9 S Daniher 10 R Craven
11 R Joseph s 12 J Rodski
13 W Lewis 14 R Teesdale 15 S Cations
16 D Jennings 17 D Robertson 18 A Quail
19 S McQueen 20 T Hosking 21 N Costello 22 L Kitchen 24 S Dumare ~
25 J Barne tt 26 G Fordyce 27 R Davies 28 A Wilkie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prendergast 31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T Maloney 35 B. Keck 36 S Marash 38 M Ramer y
39 M Leeds 41 M Watts 44 J Simon
-' Coach: Andr . . : Pickering
1 . D . Bonnici 2 . D . Fotinioti s 3 . P. Reed 4 . L. Rudling 5 . P. Ryan 6 . S . Veltman 7 . A . Wilson & B . Thoma s 9 . B . Thompso n 10. D. Maskell 11 . L. Fuller 12. M . McDowell 13. C. Clegg 14. D. Cle g g 15. A . Burrows 16. A . Longmuir 17. C. Meehan 18. P. Del Mastro 19. S . Bickers 20. P. Dugdale 21 . D. Armansin 22. C. Aguis 23. D. Aguis 24 . J. Thomas 25 . D . Hansen 26 . D . Stagliano
27 . C . Rains 28• D . Devlin 29 . M. Thompson 30 . S. Co x 31 . C . McDav e 32 . G. Nash 33 . D . Malloy 34 . A . Murra y 35 . J . Schiano 36 . D. Oldman 37 . G. Kennell y 38. B . Chamberlain
31 S Hyde 32 A Bonnid 49 D Coggins 55 S Giblett
3, Deaton (DVC)
3 E Tucker
8 T Woodlock
D. Cracknell N. Addison 4 . M . Mastores 5 . C. Dignan 8 . L . Considine 11 , B. Gale 1.
30 M Krezel
M` Kuria P 'dCCanchie
D Smith 2 E Townsing
1 J Kean 2 R Buckley 2 R Wa msley 3 J Hughes 3 T Molan 4 MBrasher 5 H Handley 6 M Brown P H arrison 7 7 A McLeish
19 S Brown 21 S Byers 21 B Quinane 22 DAlderucGo 24 J Garl an d 26 DSpithill
5" .Nmhwas (DVC) ' Los
Coach: Rob Walker
MARCELLIN Coach : Danet Morton
17 D Thomas
kW Is
DE LA SALLE Coach : Brian Brown
Coach: ( i) Manny Nlcolosi Coach : (2) James Fay
Coach: Larry Davis
Coach (7) : PaulO'Slmnnassy Coach (2) ; Stephen Clarke I . J . Dempsey 2 . T. Duggan 3 . A. Umbers 4 . L. Fox 5 . M. Hicks 6. J . Hanis 7 . L Kalesaran 8. D . Macdonald 9. W. Mccann 10 . D 4 1t . M. Hutton M 12 . D . Mc4'Y 13 . S . Marnood
3 Manahan G 4 k,~~~ C
1 . D. Ellio t 2. S . Neeson 3. A . Bouzikas (C) 4. C. Burns
5 M(enziE-lP.cYZrg
5. S . (annazZO
6 Ca€o J 7 0 •~ M
6. A. Matthews 7. S . Monteleone 8. S . Mitchell 9. J . Smit h
i Carter P 2 oucur N
g M~,o,ry J 9 Rzp~h J 10 McCoN D It Farm L
10 . IR. James
12 Dc.onJ 13 NaenA
11 . S. Wheele r 12 . M . O 'Donnel l
14 Chambaf~ F 15 Mon 8 It Grigg 5 tt~ C 18 Ross S
13 . L . Mansfield 14 . N. Thomas 15 . J. Formica
14 J,t~curP
16 . C. Mitchell 17 . D. Swan
20 Ha,vard L
18 . D. Walsh
21 smalt~rocd P 22 Lea,c°riT 23 Cannody 5
24 Bdaec°mbeT 25Denim P~` HG 26 27 Glynn P 28 McGrath J
zo GO P 30 5`'x J
31 Fox A 32 McCarthy M
33 BudreridgeS 34 sp3iane A 35 Bu9hbyA 36 B'dmecanb°- A 37 OeMariaJ 38 wafsh M 39 Fudett . D 40 Dy~~ J
41 Srrr~ J 42 Ba1ai M ~~`~~ 60 dmardoNl
19 . M . Moretti 20 . S. Cxampbell 21 . N . Whel an 22 . B. McManus 23 . J . Mckay 24. B. Calleja 25. T. Legudi 26. A. Anderson 27. L. Evans 28. L Calleja 29. C . Goullet 30. C . Trewin 31 . L. O'Brien 32. A . Smith 33. B . Ballarin 38 N . Smith 39 C. Kevna n 40 R. Cousland
14 . B Mamhesan i ~5 . D . Bare
16. K Did,lis 17. D . M ak oho n 18' 8 M' Anderson 1 9 W. Macdonald 20. M . Mulgrew 2t D.yod9e e 22. G. HWland
23. A. Jenkins
24. G. Nolan 25. J.Deacon 26, J. Knuppel
27. I-Ciohesy 28. P.~ndy 29, c. Damar 30. P. Gissing 31 . M . Courtney
32. J. Cox 33. L Meyer 34. S. Mitchel l 35. N. O'Halloran 36. T. Purcell
37, P. Clanc,_y
38. R. Chard 3g. M . Cairney, 40. TNewton 41. B. Evans
42. M. Storwhouse
42 D. James
43. M. Tischle r J. 45_ via ts 4 6' C . Wdk;nson 50 . TL ass 51. C . O'Shaughnessy 53 . L Simpson 56 . A . Collegian 57 . M. Hinsley 58 . A . Thompson
43 K. Walker
sz . ~ Mcin~neY
41 M . Kavanagh
Coach: Brad Barry
1 . M . Fry 2, C. McKim m 3 T Mattesti 4 . A. MacGillivray 5 . N. Gamble 6 . L. Dale 7 . C. Reddin 8 . C. McNicho l 9 . J. Dooley 10.A. Morle y 11 . C. Adami s 12.J. Mead 13. N. Ed wards 14. E. McCowa n
15. J. Hunte r 16.J. Homann 17. J . Walsh 18.A. Salem 19. P. Angelini 20 W. Leaf
21 T. Marshall 22 A. Hughe s 23 N . Gambl e 24 C . Alcock 25 D. Hartman 26 C . Baxte r 27 J . Maguire 28 N . William s 31 G . Sim m 32 A. Goldne r
UNWEIM BLUES Coach: Steve Kin g 1 . A. Millar 2 . C . Nicholls
3 . M. Albettharp e 4' 5. 6. 7.
J. Bromwic h T. Birtley ® J. Sudhol z L. Mann
8 . W. Austberry 9 . M. Brookshaw 10 . J . Parnel l
11 . G. Fricker (VC ) 12 . R . Jacob
13 . T. Girdwood (VC ) 14 . N . Rich 15 . R . Hal l 16 . K. Alexander
17 . A . Brigg s
18 . P. Burco 19. E . Wilcox (VC )
20. J . Culley 21 . J . Broo k 22. D. Hatswel l
23. J . Garne r 24. R. Holmes (VC) 25. J. Tanner 26. A. Wilso n
27. J. Wrigh t 28. L. Ryan
29. A. Cameron 30. J. Chambers 31 . 32. 33. 34.
M . Robertson S. Adam s E. Matties Z. 35 . R. Ker d heva l 36 . C. Walsh 37 . R. Sweene y 38 . A. Sheehan
39 . A. Gooney 40 . A. Tymm s 41 . S. Monahan
Under-19 - Section 2 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Coach: Chris • 1 A . Sinclair 2 A . Amos 3 G. Erickson 4 T. Vine n 5 B . Gross 6 Z.Jess 7 P. Roberts 8 S . Tucker 9 W. Frost 10 G. Crathem 11 C. Fagan 12 J . Mellington 13 L. Browne 14 B . SCott 15 S . Jenkinson 16 J . Ampt 17 R . Linford 18 B . 0'Hoy 19 I. Glass 20M M . Trigg 21 A . Beach 22 T. Foster 23 L. Northway 24 B . Napier 25 N . Dorman 26 M . Pennycuick 27 M . Grigg 28 T. Franklin-Jones 30 A . Pelman 31 T. Habel 33 C. Hooper 34 H . Baker 35 K . Boehm 43 A . Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 46 R. Foote
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Paul Curry 1 B . Culling 2 B . Canton 3 J . Connelly 4 T. Jowett 5 K . Johnstone 6 C . Malthouse 7 A . Battams 8 G. Carr 9 B . Jowett 10 M . Stafford 11 J . Almhofer 12 B . Kezilas 13 A . Fisher 14 N . Goss 15 D . Molino 17 B . Smith 18 S . Burggraaff 19 S . Rawlings 20 H . Kerdel 21 L. Cave 22 B . Henry 23 C . Probyn 24 R . Turnball 27 S . Weaver 28 D. Dawes 29 A . Murray 32 C . Sendeckyj 34 L. Kennedy 35 M . Davies
OLD ESSEND®N Coach : Marshall Fisher 1 J Williamson 2DRyan 3 C Obliubek 4 M Velardo 5 S De Morton 6 D Slater 7 L Wilson 8 L Kavanagh 9 A Frazer 10 M Flaherty ~ 11 J Buckley 12 W Nunlist 13 A Carrozza 14 A Parker 16 M Nicolas 17 B King 18 D Flaherty 19 N Fitzpatrick 20 A Prowse 21 N Bartram 22 T Logan 23 C Devereux 24 J Duggan 26 g Falcke 28 S Falcke 29 T Campbell 32 B Hakim 34 J Marinos 35 W Higgins
oach : Marty Veal
Coach: Andrew Lynch 1 . M. Hoffmann 2 .. L . Pitche r 3 . V. Jayasuriya 4 . H . McLauchlan 5 . B. Crawford 6 . S. Durkin NC) 7 . J. Hanlon T. Pollock 9 . R . D'Silva 10 . S. Capron if. J. Glanville 12 . A. Fletcher 13 . A. Kozik 14 . E. Marsh 15 . R . Goodbodyy H . Brooks 17 . R . Plummer t8 . N . Rose 19 . C . Waxman 20 . J. Wright (C) 21 . D . MacKenzie (VC) 22 . A. Clarke 23 . B. Koetsier 25 . P. Shakespeare 27 . D . Swanto n 28 . B. Hunter 29 . T. Archer 30 . A . Shaw 33 . R . Mosbey 39 . A. Jones 43 . M. McGauran 55 . N . Swaby 62 G. White
1 . K•0'Dwyer 2 . M . Pain e 3 . S. Low 4 . C .Binney 6 . S.Curatolo 7 . N .Braddy 8 . T.Grieve 9 . C .Lynch 10 . S.Jenkins 11 . THibbs 12 . J .Baker 13 . J . Bayford 14 . C .Lewis 19 L,McKie M. Clarke 23 I. Loughnan 25 D .Barnes 31 D .Coggan 32 W.Coleman 33 D .Neilso n 34 D .Meredith 35 M. Mendol o 36 T.Finlay 44 LStillman 50 E. McWilliam 53 J•0'Dea
50 S . Morris
Coach : Tim Hille
Coach: Paul Gregor
1 .L Russell 2 .S. Wheller 3 .M . Wood 4 .C.Hassall 5 .A. Clinch 6 .M . Luba 7 .R. Wiley 8 .J. Muzzell 9 .J. Franklin 10 .L . Wells 11 .T McMahon 12 .L Breitkreuz 13 .M. Martinov 14 .D . Jowett 15 .A. Goonan 16 .D . McKenna 18 .M . Ramsay 19 .W. Cove 20 .R . Lerner 22 .B. Payson 24 .A. Lom 25 .R . Matter 26 .T. Harvey 27 .J. Noske 28 .T. Naylor 29 .B.Cromack 31 .S. Barker 33 .A. Cook 39 .M . Ferrari 50 . M .Heffernan 54 .M . Wilson 71 .R . Presser
1 B Petri e 2 H Gyles 5 R Gale 6 P Boyd 7 P Podbury (VC) 8 A Hollands 9 T Stephens 10 N Cullen 11 P Sampson 12 P Landy 13 M DAmelio (DVC) 14 J Montano 15 P Carey (C) 16 A Kelly 17 H Evans 18 S Wilson 19 A Rooks 20 M McHugh 21 A Ballard (DVC) 22 N Carstein 23 G Brearley 24 R Varney 27 A Dix 28 C Beljak 29 S Train 38 A Flanagan 41 D Wood 44 C Clarke 46 P Altoft 61 N Kennedy 64 D Tompkins
Coach: Steve Lovell
Coach: Tim Pratt
1 . S . Muraca 2. C. Kelly 3. M . Bradfield 4. S . Eisenberg 5. P. McGowan 6. S . Kidd 7. B . Daniels 8. C. Jack 9. A. Russo 10. A . Borg 11 . J . Toussaint 12. C. Smith 13. D. Groulos 14. T. Davidson 15. M . Walsh 16. C. Yasar 17. A. Tedesco 18. B . Cunningham 19. R. Rose 20. D. Lowe 21 . N. Gauci 22. S . Blanco 23. J . Russo 24. M . O'Donnell 25. J . Purton 26. C. Andrews 27. R. Fastuc a 28. T. Dean 29. L. Simmon s 30. C. Mahoney 31 . B . Vandenhur k
1 . S . Brosolo 2. B . Warren - Smith 3. C. Ventura 5. P. Micalleff 6. J . Morriss 7. R . Nolan 8. C. Welch 9. P. Tobin 10. A . Hill 11 . A. Cursio 12. M . Sowersby 13. M . Baker 14. J . Treyvaud 15. T. O'Shea 17. P. Furness 21 . M . Calavetta 22. L. McGuiness 24. P. Weston 27. R. Hill 28. P. Poutney 29. D. Adkins 30. B . Janson 33. B . Shoals 34. A . Biviano 37. G . Kennedy 38. A. Corry
YARRA VALLEY Coach : Rod Penaluna 1 . A Middli n 2 . M Norrish 3 . J Gates
4 . R Belt
5 . B Crowe 6 . N Peters 8 . S Simpson 9 . B Kehoe 10. R Ye o 11 . A Wingate 12 . A Wines 13 L Gillies 14 H Clark 15 D Smit h 17 S Fyffe 18 C Beal 19 N Lear 22 J Peake 23 T Collett 24 G Coutts 30 J Stron g 31 S Urban o 32 J Parry 34 S Britt 37 J Hume 44 N Martin
Coach : Dean Peters 1 Peggie A 2 Hine A(C ) 3 Langdon S 4 TaYIor C 5 Pretty 6 Burgess J 7 Davies M D 8 Amiconi A( V~ 9 Jackson N 10 Blackmore B 11 Mithen P 12 Kelly T 13 Gordon N 14 Thwaites M 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Duell R 20 Oberoi S 21 Kinross A 22 Furphy D 23 Hillas R 24 J 6q 25 Lucas C 27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoo M(VC ) 28 Condron K 29 Crawford M 30 Bullen M 44 Lancaster M 53 Plain G 76 Matthew M
CoaC i: 1 B Ha :' .' 1s 2 L Browne 3 D Hyde
_ : :h: C _ nnis 1 S, Chapman 3 J,Rosengarten (C) 4 G. Chessar i 5 R. a-kiro ham 6 e
4 S Meehan 5 Mi Miller 6 D Wood 7 D Taylor 8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailed 11 S Alder 12 R Burrows 12 B Scanlon 13 P Arbon 14 A Directs 15 J Hughes 16 M Roberts 17 J Bowden 17 B Keinhaus 18 R Quirk 19 S Allan 20 J Shone 21 M Beynon 22 M Conway 23 H La Ragy 23 B Reid
7 8 S.1 ^pscn 9 P.i`
10 B. Rogers 11 k1, Vegler {1fC) 12 R. Shears 13 M . Carey 14 Z. Wright 15 B. Nind 18 A. Shields 19 G . Gilbert 20 W. Littl e 22 B . Green (VC) 24 T. Craven 26 B .Jondahl 29 J. Ross 30 J. Meliington 31 S . Hawkins 35 M . Sharkie 39 C. Burley 41 J. Ryan 42 S. Youu y 48 G . C!ugsto n
24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clifton 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken '.. 29 G Watton 42 E Sims-Lucas 57 D Jad e 59 S Sharpie s
Coach : (1) Pa, , Coach: (2) Step, a or .: r ; .e
Cc--h : (1) iny Nicoloai Coach : (2) Jsn r
L, Kelly B. Ros e L . Georgiadis C . Kokkinos A. Ciavarella R. Symmons A. Visse r McPhee P. Malcolm B . Evans D. Moulang A . Keays M . Cas h D. Britt J. Briggs S.Johnson S. Sande R . Kelly A. Cox A . Hathaway M . Stevenson C . Symons T. Orchard 41 B . Hyrons 3 J, Reynolds J . Gael D. Bank s J . Nevezie (C) S. Heslop S. Greenway A.Bye N . Wills
P 2 Quinn N
3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C .4cHarg 5 McKenzie-0 6 Cato J 7 O'Kane M 8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J 10 McColl D 11 Farrow L 12 Dillon J 13 Nolen A 14 Chamberlain F 15 Dixon B 16 Grigg S 17 Doyle C 18 Ross S 19 Jabour P 20 Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T 23 Carmody S 24 BiddlecombeT 25 Pietryk PA 26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 28 McGrath J 29 Gill P 30 Silk J 31 Fox A 32 McCarthy M 33 Buckeridge S 34 Spillane A 35 Bushby A 36 Biddlecombe A 37 DePdaria J 38 Walsh M 39 Furletti D 40 Dale J 42 Smith J 44 Bolton M 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L
2 . S . Sullivan 3 . P. Dixon 4. G . Allan 7. T. Barr B. K. Little 9. K. McLeod 11 . B. Atherton 12. M . Wilson 13. M . Hayes 14. P. Rocke 17. S . Casacelli 19. S . Hamilton 20. P. Krings 21, D . Kelly 22 . S. Barker 24, M. Duggan 26 . A . Rock 30 . A . Pothitos 31 . C . Jamieson 33 . R . Hamil l 34, M . Wingrave 35 . T. Smit h 36, G . Moran 37. C. Johnstone 38. R. Bitne r 41 . S. Alexander 45 . R . Connard 56 . S. Rickard s
Coach:l ren t'sKiltop I JAOyIe 2 P. Gnmdy 3 J. Ra^bum 4 ki . wood 5 R. Damon 6 X. Kidd 7 R. Winters 8 A Skinns 10 S. Rocco 11 L Esler 12 d , tAToeaald 13 W . Bro;+n 15 S. AtheCmn 16 J . Leeman 17 P. D'Andrea 18 G. Row e 18 J. Stephens 19 K Bardon 21 D, Beil 22 a Niskd 23 J. Fv}ogiannis 24 K Ferguson 24 G_Tsicadans 26 L Beil 27 P. Choosers 30 H tlcFadden 32 J . Clyne 63 S . Aquihna F9 W. Hooper
1 . J . Gemps7 2. T. Duggan 3. A . Umbers 4. L. Fcx 5_ tA PGzrs 6 J.';arns 71 L.ale
a . . - . :-d
20 . 22 . 23 . 24 .
.'. G. Y~.- . : nd A.j G. I J . Knuppel 26 27. D Kerr 28. P.Landy 29. P. Fogarty 30. P. G .ssma 31 . M . Courtney 32. J Cox 33. L Meyer 34. S. Mi;che'.I 35. N .O'Haltoran 36. T. Purcell 37. P C!zr~cY 38 . R . Chard 39- M. Cairney, 40 . R Boyse 41 . 6 . Evans 42 . M . Stonehouse 43 . 6i Trschter 44 . J . Kong
1- P. Rujevic 3. D. Bevan 4. M . Brown 5. M . Hai l 6 . A. Viscendese 7 . C . Kennedy & B. Brown 9 . J. Walker (C) 10 . T. Cousland 11 . M . Bignall 12 . M . Bowen 13 . T. Harper 14. A . Nirens 15. T. Fraczek 16. M . Neilsen 17. G . Pollard 18. J . Saigal 19. D. Giannakos 20 . S. Foley 21 . Dav. Fox 22 . J. Brown 23 . J. Davis 24 . Dan Fox 25 . C . Owen 26 . T. Middleton 28. A . Lieske 29. D. Viscendese 30. E . Hin d 31 . K. Harding
;5 . NkVaGs 46. C.lYilk ,ascn 50. J. Gu:Lfer
51 . C. O'Shaughnessy 53. T. 5lmpsoh 55, A. M arsh 57. U . Hmsley 5& A. Thompson 62. K PAclnemy 65 . R Miller 68 .J . Deacon 69 . C . Hdhard .ri7
/ Cc
: John Ryan
2 R . Klogeman 5 A . Boland 6 P. McNiff 7 A . Jenkinson
9 M . Guthridge 10 L. Mackowski 12 A . Corrigan
13 V. Hall 14 A . Hayes 15 S . Verona 17 J . See 19 D . Sinclair 20 S . Collins 21 P. Stone 22 G. Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D . Dew 25 C . Tavaili 27 C . Munro 28 J . Holly 29 B . Miiler 30 J . Tappley
Cc :h: i c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5,
2 M Spirmso_ 3 1,9 Lyons 4 A Harvey 5 A Dean 6 S Fistric 7 L Drummond 8 E LaTorre 9 B Reiner it S Connelly 14 S Fantene 15 D Dean 18 L Aiello 19 A Paglia (DVC) 21 L McMahon 22 R Priest 23 C McKay 24 G Loftus 26 M Keeling 27 D Caple 28 S Russell 28 C Duncan 29 R Hall 34 P Gtoury 39 J Zivkovic 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson (C) 51 T Crotty fi D gouundy 63 S Corcoran (VC) 75 P D'Intino
I-` .
7, 8. 9.
30 31 32 33 34
M. McGrath R . Conti M. Bickerdike
D Barnwell J She J Dunne E Healy C Meighen B Dowsett
36 J Healy 37
M Edmonds
11 . J. 0'DonneJl (C)
39 A Butter
13 . 14 . 16 . 18, 19 . 20 . 22 . 23 . 25 . 26 . 31 . 33 . 34. 35.
40 41 44 45 46 47 48
R Lee P Harding D . Charles A DeSimone J Hasan J Paraskeva M Perri D . Tsokas D Steer D . Martin (VC) T. Waiters P. Gordon M Toiiit P. Tsokas
Coach: K Inner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 57 58 58 59 67 69 71 72 73
Zahra R Page S Albania J King J Ramsay J Shaklers B Hatty R Elliot K Potter C Temmir.g M MosKai7uk P McGovern N Webb A Geuds M Fielding L Johnson R Flinn P Heywood D Cook G Balmer V Price G Anderson J Koala M Neville H Baines M Barry P Glenn S Stafford D Becker L Constantine B Carlo A Heath J Cariss P Murphy B Wassyl N
O!! [ . . . , Coach: Michael Siguias
Coach : Richard Grummett
S. 3rs h D . Florenc e A. Paradise 0. Hill G Taylor
SO 52 54 55
1 Coach : Peter H i n
Coach: David Zappuia
J Harman A Maraud B Ashton G Robertson M Ahern N B!ayney N ptrkes J Simrk E Clayton S Sukkar B Foynes D Cummins C Grose J Kelly A Powell B Stafford G Waugh
Coach : Tony Crotty Assist : Phil Ryan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 34 59 72 81
Farotdi M Goodwin T Reynolds L Barron B Kiernan M Mullens P Hermes J Quinn L Gleeson L Crotty J McCarthy L Senators, F Comb M Fenton J Owen B Clifton D Palazzolo M Freckleton J Green A Capewell C Atkinson D Goodwin D Caiiegari D Carroll A Sheppard T Thompson T O'Connell S Robinson T Johnson S Delaney D
1 T. Roach 2 J. Mullins 3 S. Haynes 4 M. Owen 5 L . Byrne 6 S. Nolan 7 M. Kelly
8 S. Bermingham 9 R . Davidson 10 M. King
11 D .Keenan 12 N . Hahn 13 D . Budey
14 L . Barnes 15 R . Evans 16 N . Trigwell 17 B. Burrows 18 J. Dalton 19 D . McLellan 20 A. Chuck 21 M. Kurec 22 M. Curzio 23 H . Ryan 24 S. Cook 25 J. Hughes
1, 2. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9,
m. Littl e D. McOuaRer P. Tempone B. Christie
B. Ryan
C. Morley A. Crame r
10 . K. derby (C) it . D. Pike 12 . G . Weickhardt
13 . T. Proswe 14 . 15 . 16 . 18 19 23 25 26 39 43 50 51 52 53
C. Munro S. Jones A. Cantor B. Craven B. Larrichia H . Hogan A. Zemski D . Ling A. Emmerson T. Sigalas J . Agatanovic M. Brook e M. Cottrel J . Cucinotta
26 M. Vanderhorst
L. Enrigh t
27 N . Barry 28 H . Monk 29 T. Dean 30 T. James 31 A . Saad 32 M. Seed 33 S. Seed
55 56 57 58 59 60 61
M. Gilbert A. Moharic S. Morrill J . Pettitt D . Schmidt N . Warner T. Parkes
C, ; :
: . _: :Tp速
Coach : John Bushb y I M E'aris 2 S Bloodworth 3 D Bongiomo 4 J Corbett 5 C Delahunty 6 T Donavan 7 P Donelan 8 N Ebner 9 S Flood 10 P Fowler 11 J Greenwood 12 M Grigg 13 R Hamilton 14 W Hanna 15 D Higgin s 16 E Hind e 17 R Mansfield 18 T Mayal l 19 R Moreton 20 D Oconnel 21 R Osuliivan 22 B Owe n 23 V Pafkinson 24 S Princ e 25 L Rawnsle y 26 J Rivett 27 A Ross 28 S Rundl e 29 M Sale 30 S Sandrford ' (C) 31 JP Santama a 32 R Scarfed 33 N Sharp 34 P Sond u h 35 M Stockfeld 36 A Torney 37 J Walker 38 D Watson 39 R Willis
ruc waen-_i 1o cnnsr ai ~ co 1-
From matches Jul 2 1 Mathew Best, 5 citlaiu . DiLU)g. 8 ;,,ai From matches July 2 8 Blair Hall, Caulfield Or . Abusive language, 2 matches . Rob Schnieder, Bulleen-Templesto5;T. Striking, 2 matches.
Paul Papadopoulos. Oaldeigh . Abusive kln' and threatening behaviour towards an umpire, 5 r stein Simon 'eal, Marcellin (Club 18). Hea'.'.,ci,'-matches . Jon Smirk . Ivanhoe l itzroy (Under-19) . Abur
Aug18 v01d~ tell Aug 19 Giuls vui Pre'ivi. ru7als Aug 25 1*larceIlin v St . Bernards
langu~ -~. 2 *Gerry O`Br ,
,Aug 26 Club XVIII Grand Finals ~Pnt 1 I, Section lst Semi
>ark (y -ves) . Sts.il~i;ag, 2 mat
2 A l~ mli
A report alle_ ng Power House an at Power Hous ; , continually abu: that the Pov~ not assist v Charge pro . ---. Continued fro .- & ,age 1 6
the Bloods will have their work cut out dealing wit the potency of the Section's best forward set up . And then there's BIG Dave! Right now, and inti„pnced 1-;; their recent defeat of the Hoes at Ivanhoe Pa I _ the Bloods are going b",r -,i - - "
Sal, C . , ", is (U
., -
will enable t°m to 1 n 0 to
. the home s :ve ._ 1 . the Par hers the opposil ch ance of avoiding t in four qua rters of conv has seemi!d beyond 1' comfort oly.
n < !d ti e
it t : Uomeney, meets all heir ende< ;, o, . . . --t t be able to i ri lliance of the `',i1s . '~ look more &- more to tre one ` te an d fi :! _1 ,ts in 2t,ul . `'acks . Hoes, Aquinas ,
OGS, and Wells . Last ;_ .' :, St Leo's beat Old Carey in a entertaining game, in which the Panthers seriously pushed the Animals . T ic star of the match may have had 0 kicks, 0 handbr "`s, ~1 ° 0 marks, but John Elliott did apply an expert s' ~rd which led to the Panther's lst goal, and did oLe useful tackles, before discretion 1 : ac i half way through the 2nd term . a y :
Ph + Fax ; --Deadline is 12 :OONoon Mondays, with some .ne Snnrinv nrPfPrred-
got off the e's ;'-.e bolter for ~ on a seek and destroy r: eauty by 10 pts. 4) vs
Old Paradians (13/4)
(0/1) =up -s De La :' Ile (415) DLS by lOpts
vs NOI3s ( 1110 )
Therry (5l4) Ormond by l5pts
vs Ormond (417 )
E ,a N uv ,
Old Ivanhoe (415 )
old Melburnians (1 1
I)uld like to s~d ate best wishes of everyone in t° V_AFn to 2 - ople involved in B Section . Col Glover from De La Salle entered hospital last weekend and is on the mend as we speak. Similarly, Ormond's Ian Jackman was unable to coach last week following an accident . Get well fellas.
DIftESERVE P W L D For AgSt % pis UIMTRSITY BLACKS 14 13 1 0 1284 482 266.39 52 OLD CA ;~"3ERWELL 14 13 1 0 1515 648 233 .80 52 5,,,^ TiOE ASSUMPTION14 8 6 0 1020 911 111 .96 32 L_9PdYULE 14 8 6 0 729 666 109 .46 32 i LEOS EMMAUS WP 14 8 6 0 910 860 105 .81 32 ~.,WINAS O C 14 6 8 0 808 900 89 .78 24 )ARRA VALLEY O B 14 6 8 0 721 889 81,10 24 ,LD GEELONG 14 5 9 0 795 963 82.55 20 .fJNASH BLUES 14 2 12 0 667 1238 53.88 8 ~~DCAREY 14 1 13 0 468 1395 33.55 4 D2 ?:LS :LPVE P W L D For Agst % Pte p.;121iS IDE 14 13 1 0 1112 464 239 .66 52 F7LLIAR3STOWN CYMS14 13 1 0 1120 587 190 .80 52 s ~1LSIAN O C 14 10 4 0 886 776 114 .18 40 POWERIiOUSE 14 8 6 0 802 744 107 .80 32 7 ti: :>T BRUNSWICK 14 7 0 656 824 79 .61 28 14 6 8 0 787 822 95.74 24 L1 fROBE UM 14 4 10 0 710 879 80 .77 16 IE`:INSULAOB 14 4 10 0 612 953 64 .22 16 %.i4.EIGHAFC 14 3 11 0 463 898 51 .56 12 .'E'.TONE AMATEURS 14 2 12 0 717 1100 65.18 8 D3N.`° W F;VE P W ,Frrz :',OY REDS 14 13 .' ST JOHNS OC 14 12 c~ Lill MELB DIST. 14 10 ELST~a31dWICR 14 9 tI1SOB 14 6 `, : ;,NASH GRYPHONS 14 5 aE :-ti.EIGH AFC 14 4 G~WTHORN 14
OND CENTRAL 14 .?~-i ;ERT PARK 14 ligible player Rd 11
4 3
L D For Agst % Ptg 1 0 1329 450 295.33 52 2 0 1031 - 699 147.50 48 4 0 924 750 123 .20 40 5 0 942 723 130 .29 36 8 0 881 807 109 .17 24 9 0 742 774 95 .87 20 10 0 856 1144 74.83 16 10 0 684 1048 65.27 16 10 0 637 1361 46.80 16 11 0 732 1082 67.65 12
P W L D B For Agst % Pis MR 21176 372 316.13 56100 .00 1 1267 710 178.45 44 76 .92 ST I,i_2F5 13 9 4 0 1 1051 729 144.17 40 69 .23 ti17-: :'_,tTNSW1CH 13 9 4 0 1 1051 826 127 .24 40 69.23 S V,;i7rBURNE UNI 13 7 6 0 1 882 761 115.90 32 53 .85 7IERTSWOOD 12 7 5 0 2 854 780 109 .49 32 58.33 ~1LLEENCOBRAS 13 7 6 0 1 780 816 95 .59 32 53.85 SDWEST BOURNE 13 4 9 0 1 700 922 75 .92 20 30.77 SfI II!.YDALE 13 4 9 0 1 6521177 55 .40 20 30.77 L Ti ;-'=A 13 310 0 1 625 I 105 56 .56 16 23,08 .RK AFC 13 013 0 1 5511553 35 .48 4 0 .00 ratio - actual games played divided by wins excluding byes . St"v"D :17, TALLY-HO 12 12 0 0 57: -,~7UBEE 13 10 3 0
CLn 18 (1) P W L OLD 2 :!,- LB S 14 12 2 ST KEVII4S 14 12 2 OLD i~•i S 14 11 3 nF LA SALLE 14 10 4 ' ) SCOTCH 14 7 7
FII2AN AFC 14 5 9 9OD O C 14 4 10 1,-RRY PENOLA OB 14 3 1 1 NSW(CK AFC 14 3 11 1) BRIGHTON 14 2 12 Jf~~ ligble player Rd I I
D For Agst % Pts 0 977 518 188 .61 48 01113 599 185 .81 48 01328 432 307 .41 44 0 909 788 115 .36 40 0 790 807 97 .89 28 0 883 779 113 .35 20 0 534 986 54.16 16 0 614 1027 59.79 12 0 474 1229 38.57 12 0 487 1243 39-18 8
CLUB 18 (2) P W L D For Agst % Pts COLLEGIANS 14 11 3 0 930 405 229 .63 44 OLD IVANHOE 14 11 3 0 914 575 158.96 44 MONASH BLUES 14 9 5 0 734 567 129 .45 36 OLD ESSENDON OR 14 8 6 0 741 708 104 .66 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 8 6 0 649 624 104 .01 32 •MARCELLIN 14 7 7 0 493 581 84.85 28 OLD TRINITY 14 5 9 0 538 718 74 .93 20 OLD GEELONG 14 5 9 0 644 951 67 .72 20 #ST LEOS EMMAUS 14 3 11 0 496 789 62 .86 12 WHITEFRIARS 14 2 12 0 537 1103 48 .69 8 *Ineligible player Rd 9 kIneligible plater Rd I 1 " UNDER-19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD XAVERIANS 14 12 2 0 1799 696 258 .48 48 ST REVINS 14 11 3 01448 688 210.47 44 DE LA SfiL1.E 14 11 3 01576 824 191.26 44 ST BERNARDS 14 11 3 0 1596 872 183.03 44 OLD SCOTCH 14 11 3 01465 833 175.87 44 OLD BRIGHTON 14 10 4 0 1271 776 163.79 40 MARCELLIN 14 6 8 0 1111 1427 77.86 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 4 10 0 771 1173 65 .73 16 UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 4 10 0 837 1359 61 .59 16 COLLEGIANS 14 2 12 0 821 1630 5037 8 BEAUMARIS AFC 14 2 12 0 594 1437 41 .34 8 "MAZENOD O C 14 0 14 0 359 1971 18 .21 0 'Ineligible player Rd 1 1 UNDER-19 SECTION 2 P W L D B For Agst % Pts MR O L D I V A N H O E 13 11 2 0 1 1518 740 205 .14 48 84 .62 OLD TRINITY 12102 0 21099 651 168 .82 44 83 .33 WERRIBEE 12 9 3 0 21345 786 171 .12 44 75.00 OLD ESSENDON 13 94 0 11384 971 142 .53 40 69.23 CAULFIELD OR 13 940 11194 676 176 .63 40 69.23 ORMOND 13 8 5 0 1 11451072 106 .81 3661 .54 OLD HAILEYBURY 13 6 7 0 1 9181203 76 .31 2846 .15 YARRA VALLEY O B 13 4 9 0 1 10961355 80.89 20 30 .77 ST LEOS EM,y1 WP 13 310 0 1 7961695 46 .96 1623 .08 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 310 0 1 8781393 63 .03 1623 .03 LVHITEFRIARS 13 013 0 1 7801611 48,42 4 0 .00 Match by wins excluding byes, UNDER-19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst % Pts MENTONE AMATEURS14 14 0 0 1927 656 293 .75 56 AJAX 14 13 1 0 1838 634 289.91 52 SOUTH MELB 1)1ST. 14 10 4 0 1613 865 186.47 40 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 14 7 7 0 1193 1002 119.06 28 MONASH BLUES 14 6 8 0 1254 1246 100 .64 24 MI-ISOB 14 5 9 0 1230 1453 84.65 20 'DE LA SALLE (2) 14 5 9 0 1038 1509 68 .79 20 OAKLEIGH 14 5 9 0 1121 1786 62 .77 20 ST KEVINS (2) 14 5 9 0 872 1395 62 .51 20 GLEN EIRA AFC 14 0 14 0 690 2247 30 .71 0 *Forfeited match Rd 1 1 UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD CAMBERWELL 14 12 2 0 1334 629 212 .08 48 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 11 3 0 1377 624 220.67 44 RUPERTSWOOD 14 10 3 1 1615 614 263 .03 42 OLD PARADIANS 14 9 4 1 1219 912 133 .66 38 'UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 9 5 0 1483 784 189 .16 36 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 9 5 0 1428 849 168 .20 36 BULLEEN TEMP 14 5 9 0 542 1632 33 .21 20 IVANHOE FITZROY 14 2 12 0 496 1955 25 .37 8 AQUINAS O C 14 2 12 0 438 2035 21 .52 8 *Ineligible player Rd 11
P W L D For Agst
14 11 3 0 1459 1066 136 .87 44 14 9 5 01276 1130 112 .92 36 14 8 5 1 1444 1281 112.72 34 14 8 5 1 1346 1249 107.77 34
14 8 6 0 1280 1226 104 .40 32 OLD : AVERIANS OLD SCOTCH 14 7 7 0 1236 1298 95 .22 28 UTti'iYERSI1Y BLUES 14 6 7 1 1228 1296 94 .75 26 OLD TRINITY 14 6 8 0 1139 1165 97 .77 24 14 3 10 1 1165 1540 75.65 14 MAZENOD 0 C 14 1 11 2 998 1374 72.63 8 OLD BRIGHTON i'
L -
14 11 3 0 173 .29 44 :8•75 4 4 14 11 3 0
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