The Amateur Footballer, Week 16, 2001

Page 1


e decision of the t the granting of

o was seeking e 22 ti ' ; period mately inst the


==iable for a ration. The il(er as it -esL in the

3by ° non I. F x the o'vthe Ti 0

'al to be considered on Committee is the at the rules our ;andrr chday

season but have asked me to make sure clubs follow this process rigorously and treat it

seriously and if there is any feature of a ground not in order don't start the match until it is corrected or alternatively find another venue or as a last resort don't play the game . ; . :_ .'.a- _,r . PION AIND AWARD S SMO-- , : .- . .__j r _!AY C - ?T'__::.___ :10) form _ly Imown as the VAFA Vote C(nmt Night and at this night the 3, 2 and 1 votes cast by the umpires for the final few rounds were read . This year the Executive has agreed to trial a new format whereby the top 4 vote-earners in each section will be unveiled one by one from 4th to finally the winner being announced and presented with his award. Other presentations will be made also, such as Umpire of the Year, Leading Goallackers . Coaches of the Year, SmokeFree Awards and the naming of the Coates Hire VAFA Team of th e

Y, Clubs will be contacted shortly with details of who is invited, including advice on how extra tickets can be secured. Each club's leading vote earner will be invited and if he wins his sectiori s award the club is not charged for this player' s n.

Apart from awards and presentations we plan a night of entertainment and excitement including video highlights of the season that was . Thanks to the support of Cand CUB, the Association has managed to keep costs a )dated in attending this not to an e: re ly reasonable level. S>' .,, .

. .svJ (7R 71-

Please refer elsewhere in today's "Amateur Footballer" to the promised pictorial highlights of St . F nards Junior club day (July 28).

on represen ) put submissions t o ions in my ban( b; ,y : svare of the need to fill in the fore matches. Many have . by in-, `JAFA to insist on this

mmed out comprehensively . me that in another

ar procedure that two club he day sn in Red as a r-~su'-t ot a fault in not noticed in the ground

dtunpue,, :oren_3

..... ... . .. . ... . :20

jard ... .... . ... . .. . . .. ... . . ... . ... . .. . .... . ... . .. . ... . :25 s. . . ... ..... .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . .... .. .. . ... . .. . . . . .31 the Game . . .. . . .. ... . . ... . ... . .. . . . ... .. .». . .., . .33 au ... . ... . ... ...._.. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .... . ... . ... . .. . . .. . .34 ')ility . ... . ... .... . ... . .. . ... ... .. .... ... . .. . . . ... ... . .. . ... . .48 4 ~i~ vVrrurer. . ... . .. . ... . .. .. ... . ... . .. . ..... ... . .. . ... . .48 :k P ark Braw,. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. ... . ... ... . .. .. . ... . .. . . .. . .62 esti~tic~s . . .. . ... . .. . . ... . ... . ... . . .» .. . . .62

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: $2.00 Vol . 01 _' g m 16

as resigned after five years as coach . O`G's expressed disappoir i t . "We want to express ou r deepest iks for Dale's outstanding dedication and commitment," OBG's spokesperson Stuart Murray- said .

re1eg a Con s places on ladder O B

Taps led his team to the 1 9 97 B Section pre iiership and tvi cc took the Tonners to A.

mo` : - O i

as '_y



; coa^

on `

k, E aged the comeback C = season kice .ing ÂŽ1 goals to top-side Ma 17-i's two in the last term at Trevor Ba ~~z ', :' trut unlike most comebacks, this one ne _,- : c( o. -e more (soal, and thus SKOBS dr( d a place to third . A four-goal breeze s_ i ) in the second half and the E~ ;dles live with it but it was SKGE' : ) iad of it doublir ~- 'T 'ccscore . Marcellin co< _ I said he didn't : 'ast t . "It was as t'ioz e lostt" Th e

EaL : :s, ) ve had a good ru ith injuries, had D ; a Sampion (away). D<=- `a-- s (flu), R - ard Frisina (hamstrir .I and L

Marson (stress fractures) out . played in the reserves again . "We're just ' patient with Greg, who hasn't played for a eourie of years, can come up that would be a boris," Dalrymple said . won't concede their season is over a . .L .niliating 94-point loss to Old The students are eighth and two-anda-half games behind fourth-placed Xavs . "Our team was up there with our best," Blues coach Lee Adamson said . "We lost on nearly every position on the ground . Oil-r normal ratio of conversion was halved ." cc was one of the Cardinals who deprived the Blues' of score . _ ..s

-ST BK took back second spot with a 34-point in r -____ i . - i the correspond' ; ~t . r' st at West Essendon, Ca elpi keep the Unicorns out of relc,~ation but last week ther e

no Eabry, who has retired, and tl ; ales put one of their better sides c d dipped into their stocks to fin c vho kicked six . The Bernies kicl 1 'o nil in the second quarter . .- snuck back into the four with a 37point win over Old Brighton, which will be

0i rs iz

his second •~< at the + -a c ."I don' jump the highest out of uie piayei5 in pre season measurements . Taking a big mark i~

'When Jaso n v "don't look as :r ,hen you are out are not designed . -e I istruc .d to ol


. Af „

t as d J games t .`i finals : If of the 196 6 . "Z

Lo .(`'') u 2 .3 .a 9 .5 4 .8 9 .12 14.15 17 .'? (119) : Richardson 6 Donau 4 Bowen Clarke Elli s cCarthv P 4cDonald Sassi Woodruff. Best: Donati Gower s Br, hfleld Landrigan A Dillon Richardson . Old Brighton : Jackson 4 Barrow 2 TyRnms 2 Bristow Mizzi S Ginnavin Paterson . Best: : Lennox Dickerson Barrow Jackson Tymms VanDenDungen . J. T atson G. Hunichen (F) S . Caple B . Dix (G) i 4 .1 6.5 9 .6 24,7 (127) -CELLI„ 6.6 13.9 18.12 20.13 (133) St . : s: M Giansiracusa 5 J Giansiracusa 3 Sadler 3 O'Connor 2 Ferraro 2 Grinter Kempton Greenham Bowles Crohan. Best : Grinter O'Keefe Fraser Byrne O'Connor M Giansiracusa . Marcellin : Treganowan 6 Ibrahim 6 Purcell 3Mc :viillan I Cox Chun Johnston White. Best: Ibrahim Cox Thiesz Slatterv Tre('-a( an 0'Flynn . Umpires: M . Gibson R. Eastwood (F) B . "ut " . Corcoran (B) B. McCarthy V . Vescovi (G)

3. 4 7 .5 12 .9 14.13 (97) 4.3 6 .7 8 .10 12 .12 (84) ' ndrews 5 Greig 3 Ward 3 Frost Hatfield Reynolds. On Collins Reynolds Andrews Hillas S Kennedy. 3 haskell 2 Fisher 2 Harrison 2 McIntyre Nelso n int~re S Ryan Parry Polan Fisher O'Donoghue. ? rn A . Ffriey (F) D . Cusack T. Dornom (B) K. 2 .1 4.2 9 .5 (59) : 0 .0 5 .4 11 .8 17 .10 23 .15 (153) z' eCrespigny 2 Lowcock 2 Slimmon McLachla n . Best: North Fishley Wilson Nation Gates

1 7

as 5 S Crow 3 Aujard 3 Brooke 3 A Crow 2 gus Phillips h9cCarroll G Smith Kitchen . Best: 11ios tVigriey Blenheim Finoechiaro. Umpires : (F),2 . woods P. Te ale (B) K . Segota B . 4 .3 1` ' -.8.12 (120) 3 .6 12 .14 (86 ) .ansfield 6 T Harvey 4 ,arnbull 2 Jordan ar :lin N Mitchell J Mount :es~n . Best : Loughlin u n Turnbull O'Ri?ey \4cLaug : . ::. . . .:U?SflB : Per tzel 3 S- :apson 2 Thompson 2Woodley Fairchild . Best: Linc . T or Simmons Davis Cassell Joseph. Umpires: T. Sut^l,.,c P . o mes (F) S . cKenzie S . Car uso (B) D . Napoli G . Robin~on (G)

3 r

3 3.5 4 .5 (29) 31.17 (203) 4 .8 22 .10 C . Ste} it . Over, 'r4ilat . Best: Pirrie 1in . _urchie, Earl, Handley. Old Xaver+ans: _la: .,. 6 . Galbally 4 . R . Jones 3, Meehan 3, Mitchell d. - kidmore . Walsh . Kav . Stoney . 5 .2 6.2 6 .4 7.5 (47) 0 .1 3 .4 8 .5 11 .6 (72) in 2, D . ]rtoylan 2 . Chambers 2, G . O'Connor. mnan, Shelley, waight . S . Moylan . Horrocks . 4. Colville . Coutts, Cooper. Armstrong, O'Flymn . Best: Yee, Armstrong, Leffanue . - L. O'FI_vnn . 6.2 10 .3 1fi .5 (1Q1) S .0 4 .2 5 .3 7.6 (48 ) r 3 . Power 2, Barr, Cornell . : A B-d, Clarke, Flisbett, Carter3!'-us-less Power . . . ) bte . D Rozarlo, Wallace, ~nart. Tilling, Varne Wallace, Smith, Snart, Nisbet, urra_v. 11 .11 (77) 3.2 5 .5 9.9 3.3 6 .9 12 .12 15 .14(104) Vascy 3 . Granger 2 . Larkin, Crawford, Kaso ,


iltle, guin. Best , .Z, SuVoltos .

: Granger, Chivers,

;YIcAloon .

tins : Ratcliffe 2, M. Parthenides 2, Lipshut 2 . Hosking . Pettenden, Downing . Ross . Letil, Beaurepairc . 1 ;on . Joyce, Grigg . Best : Beaurepaire, Richardson, Reid, M . Leitl . Downing.

Marcellin Old RaY,rians Old Xaverians

5 0 4 3 6

39 21 21 17 17

3 .3 9.7 10 .11 1 4 .18 (102) 3 .4 3.6 4. 9 4.9(33) L..6udi 5 .Calthorpe 4 .Catterali 2 . Meehan . Nathan , James Mount . Best : Meehan, Osborne, D .Thomas. Holland, Tarvey, Legudi . MHSOB: Feferkranz, Norton, Bourke, Bennett . Best : T .Wright. Feferkranz . Clowes, L.Taylor, Ting . Bennett .

C. Slattery


; Caffry D . Waters G. Romani n

5 . M. Moran

D . Samplmo n 7 . N . Godwi n R . Frisina D . Ballantine C . Purcell D. Taylor (RC) 2 . B . Cronin

S . Dinnee n 14 . R. McMahon 15 . M . Chu n 16. L. McMillan 17. G. Cox (VC) 18. D . C rtner 19. D . C cost 20. S.O'Flynn 21 . .' 22 . D . son 23 . P. G 3so n 24 . L .O'Flynn 25 . R . Galat i 26 . N . A; mstr ong 27 . D. T helsz D. Johnston Smith i reganovran (C) S . Yee 32. M . Browne 3. G. Cull . D . Jarred 35. J. Frazer 36. D . Cope 37. D . '.loran : I . O'Sullivan 39, B. Colville "~0 . M . Le„anue 41 . J . Seabur; 42 . B . Dinneen 43 . A . Duncan 44 . A . Wilkinson (RVC) 44 L. Hansen 45 . D . Theisz 46 . J . Wilkins 47. D . Rya n

. A. Gallaghe r 49. D . Courts 50 . A. Ryder Sr . M . Maguir e 52, J . Mathews C. Mathews R. McMahon J . "'alli s ' orden Lint him

1 J Barnett (DVC) 2 S McCull y 3 D Woodley 4 C Eabr y 5 P Sherry 5 N Orchard 6 R Joseph 7 J Pertzel (C) 7 A Angu s

8 J Garner 8 C Wright 9 D Fairchild (VC) 9 M Clowe s 10 D Skinner 10 D Norton 11 K Krios 12 A Simpson 12 M Feferkranz 13 J Gregson 13 C Kelly 14 L Simpson 15 Z 16 F C evis 17 r? Cl ~ >s 18 L 18 A 19 R v, 20 J 20 D P 21 R P 22 D 22 A S rirsrjs 23 C Fi < 23 11 Taylor 24 D Stynes 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 25 J Jackman 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Redder 29 G McCully 30 RtJe :ton 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell (DVC) 32 A Keys 33 A Saultry 33 S Harriso n 34 E "inompson (DVC) 34 S Konstanty 35 r=. Mills 35 A Barge 36 M White 36 S Bennett 37 R McIntyre 37 M Tin g 38 S Robinson 40 D P,fiembrey 40 W Hayes 41 D Simmons 42 B Cashman 43 J Burke 44 Ni Ha;-tkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkins AS B Jeffrey 49 C P(lcep 50 S Osborne 51 J Newton 52 B McGrath 53 C Clovres 55 N Adcock 56 T Wright 57 A Tang & I Cotter 59 L Jone s GVP Fabricators PTY LTD All Home Uans

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

C. Harrison A. Quin n A. McIntyre A. Hanley (C) M . Quirk J . Bayford S . Morga n D. Lancaster S . Nobl e

10 M . O'Hara 11 T Smith (RC) 11 D . Nose 12 PA. M urray 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 J. Kav'^' 1h 17 J. Bet 18 T. O11 a t . !VC) 19 S. 20 C. . CT : ., . m 21 S . PC 22 D. 23 { .. Tu . 24 l 25 J. . . .. i 26 J . Du, ,~ ie (DVC) 27 D . Krom 28 P. Nelson 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 P. Vine 33 D . Gran t 34 M. Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkin s 36 D . Carter 37 L. M organ 38 D . Linden 39 G . Kalber 40 S . Rya n 41 A. McDowell 42 P. Fotiniotis 42 C. Adams 43 A . Pers i 44 R . Liosbauer 45 P. Ric e 46 B . Waldron 47 A . t71a)c 311 48 G. TiII i 49 L. ` C) 50 D . Ca 52 N . Nu,sbaum 53 A. Str n 54 J. Persi

Res . Cr 1 A. Kr, 2 A. Pii =_ 3 C . Barrow C) 4 A. P9acGillvrav I 5 N. Perry 6 R, Stewart 7 C. Brew 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox (VC) 11 L. Adamis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 B . Williams 13 R . Ken t 14 S . Williams (C) 15 D . Tymms (VC) 16 G . Earl 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 M. Jackson (VC) 19 S. Gadsden 20 L. Sun i 21 T E :n:

26 B . Stoneham 27 Serson 28 J . C .idley 29 J . Dickerson 30 _t ; ilin 31 st o 32 33 34 rr, Ilock 37 B. .Wahon 38 J. Raj u 39 K. Kavanagh 41 J. Murchie 42 C . Mlzzi 43 - Carter 44 R . rerman ndyL ri:

ni s 47 L ~o n


55 Evi . =r,a 1 57 PA . °zic 58

B . Scot t

61 A . Walsh 62 A. Lynch 63 S. Davies 64 tal.Reid


Coac : An _ . . Res . isc^~h : Y JZ A Nettleton I 2 B Phillips 3 C Nosking 4 T Hol t 5 R Price 6 F. Crow 7 J Kitchen 8 C Reid 9 R Aujard 10 J Kerr 11 f ; Angus 12 S Crow 13 N Hoope r 14 E Parthenides 15 iv O'Brien 16 A Speed 17 D Thomas 18 L Hawkins 19 C . Smith 20 S Lillingston 21 i Shales 22 N Add an 23 O Cra 24 C P" r a 25 L

29 t 30 "i ^=-rcchiaro 31 C Ratcliffe 33 J fAcCarroEi 34 E Olive r 35 P O'Connor 36 S Prendergast 37 It Parthenides 38 F ^Shton 39 C :, ens •" t -net 41 t 43 A : Lew 44 C & ns 45 M Blenheim 46 J Beaurepaire 47 T arenger 48 S it s is 50 C at as 5i h,i Saunders 52 1, < son 53 C Joyce 54 N Simon 55 G Sarkozy 57 J Crane 58 C Adam 59 D Brooke 60 T Wigney 61 D Leeds 62 E Sladen 63 S TresiSe 64 L North 65 C Armstrong 66 H Thomas 68 B Coll!

77 S G(-g


Co^ch : Coc ,


.C _

S u (RC) > L >mith J D nM t;er Venne T -)r _!ri M on B

1 3k } 2 D Orland o 3 L Hannehery 4 D Landrigan 5 A . McDonald 6 D . Donat i 7 S Lethlean (VC) 8 P McDonald 9 J Ha,3akins 10 S Mitchell 11 Ad Jones 12 J Bos4en 13 C Elli s 14 Do Stoney 15 L Ford


jszard L L

is G ?ron F (RVC) ~,son D C L S -if J >D

16 S Skidmore 17 D Richardson 18 S Tucke r 19 An Jones 20 SL°- 'a l 21 A P o n 22 24 I VC ) 25 26 N r 27 .; ;7rc 28 3 Cron- le 29 D GGi ;1aq 30 T Clarke 31 L Tull--ham 32 A Brusl aid 33 P c , 1rE;) 3{E F I~

han S . h Ilk e AD 42 N Ir : i n 43 T 4V nn ii, (VC}

enne S



45 J 46 " na n 47 48 49

1 . D. B ncs 2 . L . Meehan 3 . J . Podsiadly 4. S.' "~on 5. d unt (DVC) 6. J . N!, ' ,- Y

7. S . CIE 8. J . Evans 9 . B . Jordan (DVC) 10. N . Mitchell (VC) 10, L . Campbell (R) 11 . P. Cape s 12 . B. Hogan 13. C . Mitchell 14 . A. Thomas 15. T. Wilkinson 16. L. Turnbull 16. P. Capes (R) 17. L. O'Sullivan 18. D . M^Laurahlin 19. L. Gt' ant 'C) 20. S Bres : . 21 . 3 .i ilm 22, i; 23 . A. M<< cpasqua 24 . P. Ha 1ey 25 . C .Osbome 26 . J . Gollant 27 . A. Nathan (RC) 28. D. Croker 29. C. Trewin 30. James Mount 31 . A . Maggiore 32. T. Har"veY B is D me

A. Ca >raii J. Sir, F n 39 . N . S n 40 . D. Thomas 41 . B .'° nFn 42 . In n 43 . C, Davis 44 . s . a r

xey son

52 53 54 A. Gowers 55 J . Healy 56 A Oss i

59 S . Johnston 63 R 95 A


D. Di. gin s niiey

G . wirin g P. Hollan d i tvek'

P -'

Ponds 799


r. MICR Kn u 1 A. Ca11ery 2 S. Lowerson 3 D . Curti s 4 P. Greenham 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keef e 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollma n 9 J . Giansiracusa 1 0 N . Frase r 11 J . Pangrazio 12 R . Grinter 13 R . Bowles 14 L . Mahoney 15 M. Olive 15 S. Fredericks 16 B. Garvey 17 S. Dawe s 18 A. Ferraro 19 0. Sheehy 21 R. Maguire 22 J . Macey 23 B . Quirk 24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 M. Kempto n 30 M. Gargano 30 P. Gissing 31 A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 J . Chambers 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Dwyer 38 J . Bateman 39 S . Dribble 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R . Sheehy 45 D .4:'aight 47 M. Chapman 48 L . Harper 49 P. Cleary 50 P. Cameron 52 J. Finch 54 S . Game 55 B . Cra .. : . -56 58 59 60 61 J . L; :h 62 B . Shelley s~ B . Hick s 64 J .0'Blen 68 S. Motion 69 P. Natale 72 t§ .4?igby 73 P. Byrne 76 M . O'Shea 77 G . Pickford 79 G . O'Connor 80 D. Dunn 82 R. Hcrrocks 84 C. Noseda A. Nowell

1 D Slimmon 2 T Hutchins 3 J Sturrock

4 D Guengerich 5 0 Gleason 6 S Longley 7 D Hayte r 8 J Hayter 9 S Meade 10 A Davis 11 L. Nort h 12 G McLachlan 13 P Stockdale 14 C Roydhouse 15 L. Rya n 16 C Stewart

17 G de Crespigney 18 A McEwin 19 A Lovrcock 20 C Ryan 21 T Mcln :¢ 22 23 T Wilcox 24 S Russell 25 A Sally 26 M Vasey 27 R Wilkie 28 M Thomas 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 J Quil l 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishley 35 A Baker 36 T McKinley 37 L Granger 38 A Wilson 39 T Gray 40 C Brookes 41 R Crawford 42 S McConnell 43 A Cameron 44 R Featherston 45 J Armstrong 46 M McKerrow 47 rrrc 48 'i t 49 L 50 l1 t,] 51 B 52 Ti 53 Y 54 C Be i e5TAndrso n 56 T Birks 57 T Irvine 58 A Larkin 59 L Fehrir`.g 60 A Suvultos 61 B Coleman 62 L Barrick 63 R Kelliher 64 S Paso 65 E Roydhouse 66 B Gate s 67 D McAloon 68 B Treloar 69 A Cock 70 P Busse 71 T McGrath 72 S Lansdell 73 J Brooke 74 J Chivers 75 L Quin 76 W Temple-Smith 78 M Dawdle 79 A Duncan

It's get ig rather crowded in and around third and fourth spot. I'm tipping these, as well as the one remaining relegation spot, will go right down to the ivire . Hope you've got a strong ticker, because it'll be some ride! ! Review Down at McKinnon, it was a 'no contest' after 1/4 time, as Old ey1n towelled up Old Paradians to the tune of 65pts . 36 scoring shots to 21 tell us that the OPs were belted, pure and simple . White, Armstrong and Harrop were fine contributors for OH, and the runners of Sinclair, Stevens and Galloway had a dip for the OPs. Down at our beachside haven, NOBs kept tY ( fu i's hopes alive by comfortably accounting for " by 40pts . It would appear that but for poor k the away side could have -won by more (37 shots to 22). Casboult, Skene and Booth stood out for the inning side. Matulick, Ensor and Holt played well for the home side . The match of the round wasn't quite T' spectacle we'd all hoped for, as a strong b to : nade conditions difficult. In the end ?v )t top spot when they outlasted i 1,;r :?pts. It was the last quarter that was the difference, as Di.S couldn't find the goals with the -wind, despite having the majority of the play . Hope, R. Weddle and Price led the way for 01, whilst the evergreen Mackintosh and youngsters Buckley and Harrison had a good day for DLS . It was a fair old belting at Oak Park, as Therry wiped the floor with Ormond by winning by 58pts, and moving themselves out of the danger zone for this week at least . The home side outscored their guests in every quarter, and with Ormond missing a number of players, that was all she wrote . Best players for Therry were Appleford, Elliott and Boyle . Best plavers for Ormond were Robbins, Wilson and Bla Finally, at the Junction Oval, -,re a little too strong for " , and end by l5pts . Accurate 1'c' no, by the visitors keDt them in the contest, especially me 3rd qtr, as .ey 2ed a deficit of 36pts at half time . Miller, Guest and Robinson performed admirably for the home team . Phan, Vandenboom and Reidy were fine players for Whitefriars . I'm t ;irming to wonder if it is possible for me to have any credibili ty with my tips after last week's debacle . Wonder if they'll let me speak to The gueen for her thoughts. . . At the home i footy, EP, it's on for young and old here, as (111) don the purple shorts and play


panel of chuckl;; wouldn have N going d : awav te: short Br Gan

Therry (15 , Road to Rv his que : Ha the vie 0 groan

reboi this c house <



e'h~ seer to be Ormond 4b'hitefr Park . Home ggoz

here, as Ormond Finally, : game a home to

to get f best {' ol consistcnt' ;-l, . . -. Meanwhile, Paul C

"P of hi s 5,8 ~ _ .10 17.10 1.2 . . .~ 7. 6 1 7 "---. . S Lanvirsd-Jones 3 L= W1 ..,. . ; smstrang Ad Hilton B 3 : Port, 5 (k-- . ;ay 2 Clativa 2 Hart . .. "Steven s t,: sway Porteous Richardson n . t G. Curran tr ) S . Leahy R. Richards (G) 6,3 7.6 10.9 97) 5.3 10.10 14.13 ::"(127) uli 2 ce 2 cc Catlin BC .;t F, .' .:r L .. . . : h :k - Holt race Edge E3r.,x, _:-, .':

. : better, t to keep my




L . : 6 .7 7.11 .. . , .. 6.4 6 .5 12 . i sh ;e 2 S}.ithill 2 Harbor Duggan Harrison h Buckley Elliott Swift Harrison : : .. ll . ( . . . 2', . sec 2 Tiilh, 2 J Weddle 2 Hope Met rc r Hares Price. Umpires: S. Alger, to. A.ui :u :i . 1, G. Napper, J. Robinson (R) (G). . : . : tL.4 5 .3 9.7 13 .1y 3 .1 6.6 7.7 M Gmd,i 3 Evans 3 C Bannister 3 Crattv . . . fllls Edvarrtc . E : Dtb , t


G) -j -4 t.3) 11 .10 15.13 (103) ^ ;, G "F~cme~v, Phan, i, Hilton, 2cbuv t / Kennedy

St .

3 .E 5 .4 Carbone 3, R ndenba n, Cr s:H2z, 1

Gli, at (F) A

4Lti 'not


OL)fV]; 5 .6 8,^rl " OLD 4.5 7 .6 11 1 Ot< Efstnthiou 4 n Langford-Jones. ShephP=d, C. We aaunders, P. C... ., G . Smith, Efstathlou, --i .rd. I 3n052nte 3, 12 . J vice, Curran, Rol is Curran, d , Ja is, P. Cosgrifi: 0 .0 2,2 2,2 . .I :) 17 .13 24 .14 (15E) Gay, Stevens, NieLen ,

asd3,L .~~3, c. Best : i k. 2 .2 3 .1 not r€c€i. TB OF C Th2rry C, i

4 .4 8.5 12.5 16.3 D :) 3 .1 3.2 7.4 7.6(48) 3, S. Hollow 3, fiiif~W 2, S. Vaine . A. gR nt, J . y, P. Garen. J . VauEngten, T. Higgns. O`St:ea, Henderson, biliulif(e, GcifHths . Broadhurst, Everett, Russell . Casea, Stexart . Fr„st '.. Barker, Cleary, Broadhurst . 1.1 3.2 4.3 7.7 (49) 't.a


4.5 6.4


U . aL aa .aYi

B S': u



r : Dance 2, D .Ean3es 2, D'Sousa, Glenn, Johnson . Ee~, : d , i, C .Eames, Johnson . Elliott, Dance. ( F ?WasJi an 2, _ uden, By, ne, Chariton, SalLahank . TI E . FV. 1r~uuea Cinov, Grant, Jenkins, T':xnas

North Old Boys v . Old Haileybury at EP ; Old Ivanhoe v. Beaurnaris - Old Paradians v . Therrv Penola Ormond v, Whitefciars Old Nielburnians v. Be La Salle

DE LA SAL tE Coach : Jim Duman Res Coach: Rod McNab 1 P. Brook 2 L. Gibson 3 J . Magee 4 A. Pratt 4 J . Black 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L. Buller 7 D. Foley 8 A. Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Nicholson (DVC) 10 A. O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschka 13 D. Whitaker

14 T. Collins 14 D. Dew

15 A. Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 17 S. Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N. Kennedy 19 M. Atkins

Coach: Paul Cooper Asst.: Paul O'Dwyer Res: Damian Carrol l 1 L Walker (RC) 2 R Buckley 3 B Corin

4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Harber 7 P Harrison 7R B Baker 8 J La Ragy 9 J Hall

9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans(C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland(VC)

16RD Jarvis 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens

19RT Shields 20 M Picone

22 J . Holt (C) 22 B. Tadgell

21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw

23 A. Catlin

26 D Spithill

24 B.Gray

27 S Thomas 28 N Harbor 29 P Hesse

19 A. Low

20 L. Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L. Healy 21 P. Sherman

25 M. Smith 26 B. Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulick 32 T. Arendarickas

33 G . Jury 34 S. Mitchell 35 N . Boctor 36 R. Deaton 36 A. Blackie

37 D . Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N . Donlan 42 J . Gerrand

44 H. Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D . McGrath 47 D. Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas

49 J . Bryce

30 B Mannix

31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker

34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 37RD Moore 39 M Goodier 39RS Hoy

t Coach: Frank Dunnefl Res. Coach : M< Robinson 2. D . Keenan

3. A.Trimboli 4. S.Sleep 5. B.Devine 5. D .Skene 6. N .Vogels DVC 7. P.Booth 8. B.Collison C 9. H . Maplestone 10 . M.Nulty 11 . R . Morley 12 . S.Lock 13 . T.Halpin 14 . D .Kingham 16 . D .Collins 17 . J. Fitzclarence 18 . C .Murray 19 . P.O'Farrell 20 . J.Sutherland 21 . N .Casbouft DVC 22 . M.Connelly RC 23 . D . Coonan 24 . J.Barker VC 25 . G .Phyland 26 . M.Yandell 27 . W.McTaggart 28 . D .Joyce

29 . D . Visser 30 . M.Leigh 31 . L .Boyle 32 . M.Phyland 33 . M.Barker 34 . J .Saad 35 . M.Carney 36 . D .Tonkin 37 . S .Mikunda 39 . C . Siotos 38 . M.Amor 40 . C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonkin

42 . A . Kennedy 43 . D .Zacek 44 . M.Drum 45 . B .Speed 46 . P.Daniels 47 . J .Barlow RVC

r Cc h Res. Coa ~' i: F . : 3vt BoiTM 1 . C. Hom e 2 . R. Kejna (DVC )

3. M . Hoffman 4 . S. Langford-Jones 5 . J . Bourke 6 . A. White 7 . Adam Hilton (C ) 8 . R. George

9 . S. Rowland s 10 . C. Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12 . P. Dimon d 13 . B. Harro p 14 . A. Forsyt h 15 . A. Saunders

16 . P. O'Donnell 17 . Ash Hilto n 18 . C. Jayasker a 19 . M . Armstrong

20 . J. Wright 21 . A. Jenk e 22 . D. Maso n 23 . M . Seccull 24 . A. Ross

25 . B. Johnston 26 . J. Bell 27 . R . Brandham 28 . S. Walden (VC)

29 . B. Carson 30 . D . Warnes 31 . D . Lay

32 . S. Mitchell 33 . P. Wright 34. P. Langford-Jones 35 . D . Lappage 36. B. Lay

37. G . Fletcher 38. L . Floy d 39. D . Emerson 40. S. Davey 41 . S. Saunders 42 . A. McMahon 43. C . Pountney 44 . M. Wray (RVC)

45. T. Hilton 46. A. Waxman 47, R . Mitchel l 48. C . Moyle

40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies

48 . N . Sanders

43 K Brkic

51 . N .Goonan

44 J Garland

53 . S . Butcher

46 A Molan 47 A Coffey

54 . M . Allouche 57 . C . Hosking 58 . D . Ada 61 . F.Lynch RDVC

52. N . Bigg s 53. L . Curtai n 54. G . Rowland s

62 . A . MacDonald

56. M. Anderson 57. W. Mackenzie

47RG Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy

64 A Boots 70 M Duggan


49 . T.Klouse

50 . T.Drum

68 . P. Bryar 77. S .Trenton

B . Kean

49. G . Finlayso n 50. R .Ladd 51 . P. Gebk a

55. L. Byrns

58. B. Lang ford-Jones 59. M. Corderoy 60. M. Somaia 61 . P. van Wyc k



ira n

3 C .A!!€ nder 4 E Davis 5 T.Young 6 D.Spiden 7 E.McWiI?iam 8 TStevens (RC) 9 €, . ; : ayannF: 10 t .' . Crowle y 11 ~ .1

14 15 16

1 t


17 xr 1~. . 1


_,1 21

25 26 27 29





32 33 34 35 '; 37 38

,~.GCO!ey A.Ti€ an L .Mc >a n

0 41 42 L .~ r Ey 43 LL .Hur ter 43 44 . . . . afi!f 45 M.Toavey 46 M.Tolley 47 J.Weir 48 B.KOlias 49 J.Ri m 50 S . 51 8. 52 P. ~ i 53 S. : 54 ! L ra 55 57 58


6 90

Coach :' . CL- ,Rgr - e I 1 P P. 2 c 3 D. F :


ili n

3 MCji(; (R) 4 R urray 5 , rd 6 B l . iborg 7 P. Co~, riff 8 A . Sinclair 9 J . Collins 10 P. Brabender 10 M Joyce (R) 11 A. Burns 12 B Galloway 13 D Loney 14 A Curran 15 S Fe!losves 16 M. Godfrey 17 B. Hart 17 D Jet is(R) 18 G . ous


i~ JOIi z, 19 NA , 20 M . 3zE 20P 1 A' P. , D. - y i ,y 25 A. iternan 26 P Zur,pa 26 t1 Geary(R) 27 B Holmes 27 K.Jenkins (R) 29 B Diniinosante 30 B Richardson 30 R Clark(R) 33 T Lot arch 34 B 1 iI : 35S on

J on 40 C. Set' old 44 D! jr. 47 N Bal l 48 C. Watson 57 S Ciavoia

1 . D. at ft 2 . D. Beckett 3. E . Fraser 4. A. Grace 5. B. Turner 6 D, elan 7. S . " r~r '-)VC) 8. M . irr (DV C) 9. S . Grac e 10 . D. Scanlon 11 . D. Robbins 12. B . Deledio 13. B . Stone 14. S . James 15. S . Naughton 16. T. Stewart (RC) 17. P. Jo y 18. W. Block 19. D . Cleary 20. M. McConvill (C) 21 . L . Wilso n 22, R . Block 23 . T. Ashford 24 . M. Abrahams 25 . J. Dale 26 . T. Harvey 27 . 1 Brennan 28 . A. Moore 29 . N . Courtney 30 . N . Wells 31 . H . Black 32 . R . Presser 33 . L1.3 In s 34 . R . Remman (VC) v J . her. 37 . A. tiu o 38 . S. :rrmann 39 . A1 . Ferrari 40 . S . Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42 . C. Keleher 43 . L. Si ' i

44 . M . 45 . J . 4 . C. 47 . T. anninr w . L. y

4: . S.

51 . . . ' -l 52 . G . Hall 53. G . N= , ;r=ond 5 )n 5j. J . F

56. M . Farrell 57. h1 . Broadhurst 58 . B . Smit h 59. P. 3ntV 6I. .

61 . K, son 52. D . CasEy 63. A . :! . .4. A . Strauch 65. L . Russell 66. C . Everett 67. R . Martin 68. S . Haines 69. N . Tassell

1 Petrevski M 2 Finni~an M 3 Bann ister R (VC) 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 6 Taylor N 7 Bannister S a Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaira J 11 O'Sullivan D {`:C) 12 Moran R 13 Thrush J 14 Mitchell D 15 McMat:on ia 16 Goodw in M 17 Hok.istock G 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Gr;ggs S (C-Res) 23 O'Shaa A 24 Evans R 25 Edwards P 26 Carbis G 28 O'Kearney id 29 Good uin. 5 . 30 -. . 31 t:cllc s S

S--_- J

,ro D stcn D (VC-Res)


G - ~- . '~ .. DVC-Res) Dun~~~ ::~ Y w e :...:,n G Gn 8 Romanes 0 Ward D Caccamo D Lewis B Van Engeien J Sarong S Culph PA Svn.nden, A Lvns B on S n J S n R

IG Stella S

1 C Wood 3 M Carbone 3 D Fedele 5 B Phan (Vc) 6 M Robinson 7 D Brice 8 G Clifford 9 C Maguire 10 A Pawlik 11 R Reidy (Vc) 12 R Pawlik 12 J Treyvaud 13 T Hilto n 14 T Carrigg 14 M Duffy 15 P Campbell 16 J Powe r 17 A Carbone (C) 18 C Fulto n 19 M Jongebloed 21 K Kennedy 21 B Winc h 22 T Langford 24 R Mike 25 M Vernal 26 C Ryan 27 L Swain 27 B Sinclair 28 C Eames 29 A Glenn 30 M Power 33 D Reid 34 D Gloufchev 35 C La w 35 D Delzoppo 36 D D'sousa 38 C Carria g 39 M Vandenboom 40 M Cahil l 41 C O'cannor 42 M Northey 43 N Elliott 44 B O'connor 46 G Johnson 47 B Jones 53 M Winterburn 55 B Kelsey 56 R Murray 59 B 'War d 63 S Clifford 65 D Eame s

7 Jones P

Chests A Smith J Culph S Hill ".i

Red us S

La C o :.. ~.~ Lol u Bs:! 1 Ttr^ ~. u s ftu :_l L 119 129 ; 132 C ..~-~. 13=+ L, : . 136 P,.139 Emi n 156 Byrnes T

~nus~ G atr:er v`'lt.ak:~g

.Lilydade Memorial Park Cemetary and Crematorium 9739 624 4

The Rose Hotel Napier Street Fitzroy

Glen I i C Grammarian s that a ' I b, i cks his sometimes c a Winne r er ; o i ,. 1 . ot t y wee ] ror , to go there are . )~ .'ty of dif ftha : ' :ely to h a

ook the foot o - tp --celia with so i player back e Anderso r _ :tily iznpresse y Dukes, Mari °isler and Mar

tha : c r =uble chance an (

go 'e ~ ,

:oa€ space f and the C :le of their less < to open wit 7.) a lead th z

or the rest of t of their tricks br in a disappointin ----ar had leathe nroverbial, abl

?' h po i

S--'- . _g~-- __ . .- . . iat I'm sure they feit ~ a v: ory in Lite four. But alas!!! . Bet,,-. Prahran were Wade Tasseff a 1. d tl n_< et eranout . ie T'

~van, Lewin an Flaherty w a

a number of roll up back an !re both good .

;??? ?

C rlean t the ; : . a ~ f at chan~. . 4 goal : ;ven second odds si"' Fields favoi , interval, , i a 6 to 1 pblew t1 •:, out of th e majors in ~ rears b y respectabili' was gaine ' ' ` sta : the visitors but all in all a~°orable victor y for the Fields -whose best arc .e -'~,~,,er, Will an d TI :General . Katris at Full Back, Flaskis and - -re ;ood ivlentonians and the Sla b € ic- ed a>ther lazv 6 . with a dominari t st hal f

had c gainc ~~ .n - ~ agains`


hal f

tim. Tot ; r e Jackas ca it

half time pretty determined and actu~ Ily won the second part of the game by outscoring the Rovers, in a good performance for a side

ay's game wit : beaten C -fl9 _ -, ight do it 7 `aii at the ix o ° n ob=.'ously af(fec'in xtent so again th e :>o in front of the i ore slabs to b thers . )- s back at home oi ask for an-- side, b u .n good for: . of late . T : -l certainly be looking to return ho-iesdt i their early season form as the finals draw nea while the Fields would like to finish on a higi

11, ( o . I will tip the Bombers at Teac Park but I they will need to play at close to their b 0 st . P,-lhran travel out to unfamili ar territory at r ;u lleen and will not have everything their own The Bullants have been playing pretty «,11 lately but so have the Two Blues who have been pretty competitive over some of the to p sides without actually getting over the line . plently of pride at stake for both sides here as they strive for a win before season's end P-ld today I'm tipping my old side to greet the judge . An absolute must win at home fo r

> A tubbs (F) 1&12. (120) 231.(83) P ia.Nuk

1lqenfon e Tigers today to keep those final's chances alive against an Ajax side who are not too far away I might add . But the game is at 'Brindisi Street and that gives the Tigers a definite advantage an advantage that I'm sure they will take to secure another vital 4 points and keep the pressure on the Sainters .

all, ~Iarh LD 3.

And what a game this one promises to be everything to gain and plenty to lose for both sides in a must win for them both . Sure to be a huge crowd at David Street to --"-,ess ¢ilis epic event . Can Glen Eira get the ; up again like last week and defeat at home its a tough ask and a tot- y t o answer. They will have confid -r_ce abilitv to do so now after . last -- s certainly take the game up to the Rovers their physical presence and hardness < ball, winning tipping is good tipping so I stay with the Sainters. 7773S CORRESPONDENTS This Weeks Black List ; St Bedes __Ti -er s Keep those reports coming in . The numbers are 9553-1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0412 213 541 or drop me an email t o

ra3-~~c!~e ~p•as~ ®~ .e ons .a~ . By 8p m Nights please .



Acreman Gilmore Kingwell 1'arnvarkis Mooney Bournon

Sr;IdiC :~ 9 Old Mentonians 6 70 Glen Eira 4 58 St Bedes 0 55 Glen Eira 4 45 Collegians 5 45 Old Mentonians 4 45 C RESERVE

Cooper Collegians 0 40 Dukic Prahran 5 38 Power Hampton Rovers 0 33 Grigg Old Essendon 1 21 0 17 Carver Caulfield

Old tRentor, v . t :'~ us Old Essend i v. Caulfield Gr. Bu(Ieen-Templestowe v . Prahran St . Bedes Mentone Tigers v . AJA X Hampton Rovers v . Glen Eira

1 N Gold (C) 2 J Ritterman 3 B Davis (DVC) 4 M Dudakov (VC) 5 M Rajch 6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky 8 A Krongol d

A Rose n 0 G Dukes M Weisfe r 2 J Basist 3 A Freun d

4 Y Rapapor t Segal (VC) 6 M Segal (DVC) 7 A Cukierman 8 J Duke s 19 M Halphen 20 M Buckley 21 D Gelbart 22 A Bock 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28 P Walvish 29 B Lukav 30 A Letkovic 31 M Barnett 32 D Janover 33 S Boo n

4 D Onas 5 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein 39 B Klein 40 M Borenstein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein 43 M Massey 44 A Lust 45 0 Flamm 46 T Weisman 47 S Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik

Coach:!' : ; ` '_,he Res C, Je :,n Stanton 1 J Prio r 2 G Alexander 3 S Young

4 W Thompson (DVC) 6 P Graha m 7 P Robertson (VC) 8 N Bone 9 Ch Parris 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulioch 14 A Panou 15 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 19 L Stott 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews ( C ) 25 T Matthews 26 S Boyd 27 J Hastie 28 P Wclnizer 29 P Bone 30 Darren Williams 31 A Shine 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshar e 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalo u 36 P Hare 37 L Thompson 40 S Meadows 41 R Le a 42 P Edwards 43 M Mason 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 49 B Touriganis 50 D Glove r 54 S Dowlan 60 D Horvathl

0 J Rockmar t Jolson 52 M Segal 53 A Haiphen 54 G Herzberg 55 A Lewin 56 P Naphtali 57 D Rubenstein 60 J Wajnberg

Pskns R :ckt 3

;: tF t'~I t:)t t: IT

9846 8808

Cccch : Tim k' r t Res . C , cc 1 D, Rosman 2 B. Hal l 2 A. Carver 3 C. Knigh t

3 S . Stevenson 4 M . Liddel l 5 S . Kendal l 5 . M, Pennycuick 6 M. Harriso n 6 N . Crave n 7 J. Cowlisha w 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (VC) 11 C, Deal 12 D. Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 J . Morvell 14 M . Green 15 A,Docker 16 S. San t 17 G . Harrison 18 B. Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 R . Buchanan 20 M . Klos e

20 H. Vell a 21 N . Brohier (C) 22 T. Foste r 22 M . Richardson 23 D . As h 24 N . Guyett 25 G . Evans 26 S. Williams 26 S. Widjaja 27 R . Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 W. Brockett 30 D. Peterson 31 S . Craven 32 M . Cutler 33 C . McGrath 34 J. Margerison 35 S. Thompson 36 M. Cramphorn 37 M . Gurpinar 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R. O'Neil l 41 C. Nairn 42 D . Synman (DVC) 43 J . Smit h 44 N . Courts 45 D . Scott 46 R . Foote 47 L . Salem 48 N. Tassell 49 J . Dalwood 50 A. Buchanan 51 D. Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure 56 B. O'Callaghan 57 P. Farmer 60 P. Senior 52 B. Goddard 69 K. McDonald 71 M . Cassidy

1 J .Dixon 2 M .Johnson 3 B,Mooney 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Henebery (DVC) 5 D, Greeves (RC ) 6 P.Davis 7 J .Farley

8 C. Unsworth (C) 9 J . Fry 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison (DVC) 13 THartshom e 14 R .Schober 15 L .Cottom 16 A.Fletche r 17 R. Hosking (VC) 18 T.Krotiris 19 M . Davi s 20 Andrew Farr 21 C. Harri s 22 S .Piasenle 23 C,Pollock 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S. Woolley 28 N . McCann 29 A. Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 J . Ros e 32 D. Thompson 33 M . Maxwell 34 ia .Smith 35 Ashley Farr 36 G. Cooper 37 M. Col e 38 T. Marxs 39 N . Har t 40 A. Wiseman 41 14. Baxte r 42 L. Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . White 44 A . Tarode 45 N . Lynch 46 D . Cocks 47 B,Lumb 48 E. Waters 28 B. Horshall 49 J . Waters 50 B. Jefferson (VC) 51 T. Donnelly 52 K .Jones 53 B. Grant 54 J . Haversberg 55 T. Cook s 56 L.Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D . Smith 59 R . Sziar 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Gambaro 62 S. i .» r 64 aq, rih ! e

Ccoch: Pau!',Res Cc . .6: : itl 1 M . Rya n 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massi s

4 D . Cassar 5 A, Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakis 8 P. Tsaglioti s 9 G . Hayes Dewar 10 G . Richards 12 B . King 13 G. Brown 14 M . Weilgosz 15 F. Buckley 16 S. Limnyo 17 A. Russo 18 M. Dimachki 19 J. Thrusfield 20 A. Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 C . Grey 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 A. Mills 30 L . Pryd e 31 T. Amberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A. Sheedy 34 R. Oldham

35 J . Commerford 36 P. Slifka 37 M . Pinniger 38 M . Lewin 39 G, Egan 40 K . Dimackhi 41 H . Walls 43 D . Psalia 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 M . Baraket 47 T. Evans 48 J . Haliwell 49 M . Benton 50 P. Waked 52 A . Haines 53 S . Rees 54 M. Migliorini 55 L . McGraw 56 H . Reddy 57 S. Hall 59 B. Stewart 60 S . Jankovic 61 M .Tkocz 63 D . Dunlevie 65 M . Dimou

lP sou,n :10moume

Buildin5 e aanstmcti®n S :19 i7fl7

1 2 3 5 6

J.Panr J.Ch; P.Lutterschmidt M C is 1 C GF

7 J.) 6 J S J . 5vr 10 S .Bryant 11 B .Papal 12 D .Ryan 13 PJ .Wollinglon 14 S.Evans

15 T.Di Blas i

rand 1e r

-,'Id Ia %nderson he - I Andersen ulme r

son _ Hot: Humphries cGregor

ston ~ -- fiy .Lanagan M . Flahive

Johnstone Singaran W^°'rich , . .heeler Wilmot', F>nn Wilson Midwinter

ackretl J. N g P. Gardiner J . Prantzos ' Crowther 'i:Prantzo s Vaughan 1:Woodruff L. Reeves

Ea ards Marinis

_ ~ RGUR'Pt'1: LTD. Ph: 9597 0166 rrtonrovess

16 S.McPherson 17 P.Hexter 18 J .Watker 19 E .Healey 20 D.Hunter 21 S .Daie 22 J . tsh 23 J .Hugh es 24 J .I 25 C . 26 S . -teming 27 D .E rr 28 D .Flaherty 29 S.Uebergang 30 S.Ceti n 31 T.Williams 32 J .P,fiansfield 33 A.Dawson 34 D.Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 S .Dart 37 A .tviorrison 38 D.Whitefield 39 M .Burns 40 M .Jink s 41 B .Newbold 42 M.Beard 43 J.Carter 44 Pvt.Burns 45 B.Turner 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S.Howard 48 C .Clues 49 P.Barry 50 P.Hammond 51 A .McGowan 53 L.Fleming 55 A .Leask 56 W. Conlon 57 G.Steven 58 J.Kavanagh 59 S .Emerson 60 G .Walsh 61 C .Hammon 62 S.Mui r 63 D .Greasley 64 J .Murray r<S pd.T'iltey ca D.Smith 67 R.Wright 71 M .Dragojlo

1 A eran 2 C I+ r man 3 B F, rphy (VC) 4 D Carro t

5C l 6CF :r 7 Cl -on 8 RP jn 9 Si r i 10 B K rai to 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 R B31 1 14 K Campbell 15 J Costello 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 N Liniard 18 T Bauman 19 A Palmer (VC) 20 S Mullin (C) 21 A Drinan 22 D Home 23 N Moodie 24 Z K,iramoto 25 J +la ndacs 21, ,• no 2 i 2 ; G~ 27 G K 28 L Hoc 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 31 P Mevel (RVC) 32 N Hollo w 33 S Worrell 34 P Fl--''-. 35 T M&. - i 3Z DA rider 37 M Frar°'-, 38 B She , 39 T Rhey 40 M Mannix 41 S Cozens 42 S Bainbridge 43 M Lawes 44 L Sunte 45 M Kennedy 46 D Mills 47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 A O'Reilly 56 R Harper 57 P 'Nelson 58 K Widelski 59 &R McCloskey 6 0 G . Sherlock 61 B Saunders 62 R Johnson 63 M Jones (RC) 64 M Austin 65 M Petrie 66 M Mackay 67 A Patemo 68 L Rul e 69 J Rul e 70 S Grzebiefa 71 M Watts 72 R Crowe 73 P Flavel

amfo.r '

Coach: Tcr,Fi~ s Res Coaoh :,-mfi -. so 1 . D . GALLAGHER 2 . A. BEATTIE 3 . J. LANE 4. R. QUICK 5. H. PITTS 6. D. PERKINS 7. S . PANG 8. I. HUN T 9. A . SUNNETT 10. B . HODGSON 11 . A . PITTS 12. M .BEE R 13. B. MCCLINTOCK 14. M. EASTHAM 15 . I . DENNI S 16. A. RHODES 17 . G . ELVI N 19 . S. CAMPBELL 20 . J . KELLO W 21 . G . PALEODIMOS 22 . N. ROBERTS 23 . B . KAIROUZ 24. T. FRASER 25. T. FREE 26. T. STCLAIR 27. W. PYE 28. R . TRAEGER 29. W. TASEFF 30. M. SCICLUNA 31 . T. DUKI C 32 . D . BALLARD 33 . P. HERRIDGE 34 . L. NORMAN 25 . S . GELLIE 36 . J . KILLEEN 37 . E . WILDE 38 . M . WINDRIDGE 39. A . GRAY 40. T. MCADIE 41 . J .UPTON 42. K. WALFORD 44. C . HENSHALL 45. M. VAGG 46. M.VEAR 47 . P. BUHNER 48 . D. FOSSEY 49 . L . WOOD 50 . N. GILL 54 . J . SCANLON 55 . L. AITKEN 56 . A. CORBOY 57 . P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62. S . RIC E 63. R . MARRIOTT 64. J . BELCHER 65. D . HANLON 66. S . MASKIELL 67 . M. ERDI M 68 . G . AMY 69 . M. WARLAN D KFA Australia Swan Hotel Richmon d Tasman Liquor Orrong Hotel Colin Taranto Removals

PFC Tabaret

Cc i:t 8r~ C1 P intle 2 L Wintle (C) 3 J Sebire

4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 N Owen 8 J Cunningham 9 G Marini c 10 M Wintle 12 J Kan e 13 D Goodchild 14 A Connolly 15 T McCoII 16 A Hipvrell 17 M Sellings 18 L Porter 19 A Drury 20 J Drury i'', 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynto n 24 T r?aasley 25 D Samya 26 M her 27 S ell 28 S : ;zar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 C Barnes 32 J Dickinson 34 C Meye r 35 B Bilos 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M George 40 B Beasley 41 R Bignell 42 P Winterton 43 M Rhoden 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Walsh 50 S Kidd 51 S Meyer 52 B Sessler 53 M Uberti 54 M McCraw 55 D Stickland 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 63 C Petra' tos 65 T Lamb 66 R Parsons 69 J Tomlinson 73 M Pisasale 75 N O'Connor 78 D Moss 79 P Russo

_ :j

LifeC s group of physiotherapy and MF,--, sports medicine practices r.nd

pledge to treat Amateur footbaliers with expert care and knowledge used to loo k after Australia's sporting pra`째ss',~aals

227 N

LA TROBE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL C ENTRE Level 1, Cnr Plenty Road and Kingsbur y Drive Bundoor a Telephone : 9473 8780

MELWAYS 19 F6 ---8pm Weekday s HRS : 8am-8pm Weekday~ 3-6pm Sat ./Sun -aturdays .

Banyule fi i y relinquished the iVo .1 spot afte r 14 weeks, and it could well turn out that week's loss will also cost tl the se ( chance . The Wells have a to c the Bloods today though, and match may restore the Bear's :cs s accounted for sbyl, 3 goals against the d the lst term, w' li underpinned a hanc7 lee built in the 2nd, a l they stuck to Animals hard ru g small men were again Blacks undo . St Leos had to , g from the retu . ( y Donovan, & Burgess, plus the attacks launched defence by Steve Buckle & tYiichae' sealed the Blacks' fate in the last ters . Chatfield & Elliot Hannan defended well for Blacks, Stinger McArthur was again stror ., through the middle, with Tony Wilson performing heroic feats up forward . Mcarra: h :s scared the bejasus out of Ivanhoe ' >â‚Źanaplisssa by pushing them throughout the day and all the way to the last seconds of a frantic 4th term . The Ashers handled the tricky wind better than the Hoes . with fewer, more productive, forward forays . Defender, Stuart Morris, was a rock for the Hoes, Shane Sampson was active on the ball, and Simon Narkiewicz also did good work in the backs . Liam Holloway played a huge game for the Ashers, marking across HB and HF, with stints in the ruck, Justin Main did well at HB, and Grant Chessari was strong all day . Aquinas outlasted Banyule with little separating the sides throughout, until the Bloods broke clear in the final 10 minutes . The Bloods were pleased to celebrate Marchie Tarulli's 250th game (Great effort Marchie!) with a win, in which Dave Bolton had a terrific match at HBF, Al Bethune was a big influence in general play, and Sean Flynn had a top day in the middle . Adam Dooley and Heath McDermott defended stoutly for the Bears, Nick Taylor did well on his flank, as did Brad Willmore in the engine room .

01 . had a regulation win against Old Carey, w h the visitors once again capable of only one good term . OGS shut down the Panthers midfield drive and curbed the brilliant Martin Heppell in the 2nd half, with a good all-round display . Tom O'Brien was terrific in defence for OGS, ably supported by 16


t` be ha s for . . . :rL plus M defence . F did we a hi s

r;ite o. t it is hard

today, Th e last we : take over.

courier th 2 and ey sl . uic -

hos t ,GS tc bc i awa y ig 'theOGS c un , last week makt s r __aeks defence may t e ~ Ia: However, at home, Blac OR 2lco l Bul en an inles s letharg of the past 5 s . '> oae : 1 : y+ another :uss . Given w xecCi 1 i efforts I car, see the Panthers turniit round, and tl ; Bushra rs should ta he points by 2goals . a , clash in hich could easily be a .

t19A9iCI1fR Fnns-11-_ . 11

Grand Final . cause of their rel- ' i.l,aut a The B J c dless of -ae test stre ;i ) E;> t-ioâ‚Ź rs, Wells .

. . s,

note changed number : ~jtsd9 ,-a .easvmail .com .au, Deadline ,,,,_a : . :ondavs, with sometime *-1~ `erred .

to c a cas r e 2,

! - con& its )la >ed I ',, " ~ ;t Yarra ofourU19'sin`! ac~ . Sometimes 1 ~atr on the field, but h<.~a in nber of our se-ic- [ "so congratulati who plays his One of our pr '93 & part of the u ~ - i s r' of ~ Grade . Bubba .uv _:or cc the club, which he reh . s I ., ;-.h on and off the field . Congrats :i_g the half century .



?.1: 55


St Leos



2 St Leos id Old Camberwell 0 42 me Aquinas 0 41 Banyule 4 0 Aquinas 1 4 0


D: Old Camberwell 2 46 Ivanhoe 8 3 5 it Yarra Valley 0 30 St Leos 5 25 3 23 ne Old Camberwell

Univers y Blac' s v . Oi~? G long Old Carey v . Yarra VE .`ley Old Camberwell v . Aquinas

do< !3e<. cc; R. ills

2 C. T .-nor 5

1 T. E~a n >

T. Vanderslui s M . Boland

D . tvlinogu e 7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess S. Kelly T. Harkin D . Boland 0 C. Fie ;d Barmby 12 Bethune D. Denbraber 13 C. Jeffrey A. Larkin 15 Williams 16 J . Hun t

Denavi c G. Whitehead ?0 P. Peres J. Pierce 22 S. Flyn n 23 J. Livhastone 24 P. A r 25 26 R . 27 S . Jones 29 N. Gavies 30 C. Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden M . Tarulll i R . Chapma n

A. Everitt G . Mackli n

Moran ' L. Sheffield 40 A. Cultrera 41 C. Bambury 1 R . Mora n 43 Slattery P. Glennie G . Coyl e 46 M . Hope 48 R . Reaister 49 D . Poynton 50 M . Ditchfield 52 M . Corrie 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 J . Harrington 58 D . Robinson 59 A . Sankey 3 2 L . Bradshaw 3 3 A. Barrie T. Robinson 68 J . Coglan C. [_ rn g G . Evans Riley B . Barclay

2 D .V :chell 3 S.Kayrooz 4 M.Gilbert 5 B.Wilmore 6 W.Keenan 7 G .Shaw 8 B .Cantweii 9 J .Plant 10 B .Moxin 11 S .Cross 12 J.Egan 13 C .Burke 14 B.Woodlock 15 S Gray 16 A.Dooley 17 T.Chapman 18 J .Turnbull 19 P.Witchell 20 S .Playfai r 21 R.Dintinosante 22 N .Taylor 23 S .Gray 24 C .Wilks 25 LMartin 26 H .hicDermott 27 P.Heal y 28 D .Sproutes 29 R .Kreskas 30 D .Mutton 31 C.Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A .Plan t 34 C.Stevens 35 L.O'Connell 36 M .George 37 iThompson 38 G . .Bell 39 A.Hopgood 40 C .Taylor 41 M.Natoli 42 C .Taylor 43 L .Ferral 44 P.Williams 45 B.white 46 D.Nasrallah 47 D.Searle 48 P.Starman 49 A .Small 50 Pri .Smith 51 L .Sheean 52 D .Noonan 53 K.Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D .Williams 56 P.Arnold 57 A.Covey 58 L.Holt

n 2 3 L. c 4 G.CI 5 D . rs 6 man 7 P. Farra r 8 S. Thom on 9 Si . Godd e 10 S.4`debster(l1C) 11 M Spence r 12 G . Smyth 13 A . Herrman 14 B . Merlin 13. S . Narkiewicz (DVC) 16 B . Tatferson 14. P. Flynn (C) 17 P. O'Neil l 15. J. Curtin 18 K . Hendratta 16. R . Harley 19 G. Gilbert 17. S. Morris 20 N .Sereda 18. T. Scoble 21 C . Gregory 19. D . Wood 22 R . Kamphuis 20. M . Sadoti 23 G .Harry 21 . L. Blackwood 24 T. Craven 22 . G . Rac e 25 J . Hawkins 23 . D. Ryan 26 B .Jondahi 24 . B . Frew 27 N. De Young 25 . J . Frisina 28 J . Main 26 . M . Emerson 29 J . Ross 27 . K . Smith 30 L. Creamer 28 . J. Pace 31 S . Hawkins 29. C . Hocking 32 B . Boyer 30. M . Sloan 33 Si. Smith (C) 31 . D . McFarlane 34 P. Maiden 32. L . Pearce 35 D . Murchie 33. S. McGowan 36 A.'°"'Iiams 34. B . Joyce 37 Donnelly 35 . P. Whitehead 38 . --son 36 . C. Zeegers .r,_. . 39 37 . S . Saunders 40 iron 38 . R . Peoples 42 S, Young 39 . M . Ebbage 43 R. r-eenagh#y 40 . P. Marti n 44 D. Teasdale 41 . C . McDonald 45 R . Walsh(CR) 43 . M . Evans 46 A . Ryan 44. A . Pace 47 S . fyfentha 45. D . Fryer 48 K . McIntyre 46. H . lacouangel l 49 R . Burston 48. A . TOogood 50 A. Clark 49 . A. Rosenfeld 52 N r'nresi(VCR) 50 . D. Schulze 53 J. I 51 . D. Pearce 5^ t (` ree n 52 . S . Sampson .nrm :k ; I 53 . M . Chazan ; f .. .., 68 . Si . h7azocca 57 P. nro 78 . C . Brown 58 C. Strauss 88 . N . Dykes 59 B. Carsiein 99. G . Robertson 60 S . Lloy d 61 P. Campbell 62 B . Drescher 64 Si . Sleiman 65 G. Polglase 66 N .Brennan 67 B . Rya n 68 M. Meehan 69 P. Grabiel 71 J .Sondhu 75 S. Edquist 1 . :, . vonley 2 . M . aud 3 . C . Tucker 4 . T. O'Neill 5 . J . Bobble 6. T. Healy (DVC) 7. P. Hawle y 8. J . Shuttlesworth 9. E . Heal y 10 . P. Lee (VC) 11 . D. Valkanis 12. B . Finlayso n

9 J :Lean 2 T James 3 A Inkster 4 N Lippiatt 5 S Horskins 6 A Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanson 12 R Kopper 13 L Gladman 14 R Whitehead 15 L Cai n 16 D Walker 17 N Credlin 18 A Brownless 19 J O'Neill 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 D Lilja 24 D Imberger 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Sheedy 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 S Ham 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 B Tipper 36 S Derry 37 A Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 A Hill s 40 J Derry 41 L Rya n 42 A McKenzie 43 S Collins 44 S Smith 45 A Taylor 46 R Heath 47 T ; • _amey 48 S rr-)erjoh n

ca n .n 52 G Orrin 53 R Te 54 t a 55 J Ga n 56 N Stevenson 57 A Bryson 58 P Trianaiyllou 59 ivt Butterworth 60 B PAcilwain 61 J Parker 62 J Miles 64 M Knowles 65 N Saffar 67 G Rowe 69 Y' ~arl 76 D uiaue r


LE Y ill y r at ontgomery I ,7 hn Elliott C . Angus D . Faelis '? . Cohen 0 . Ester A. Jackso n 6 , G . Campbel l R . Oppy D . Walsh D . Shutie , p. K. Shrives 11 . N . Everest L . Battl e 12'. B. Hutchison y 13 14, C . Phillips i5, L . Chamberlain 16. R . Graham 17. J. Daniher j8, C . Matthews 19, R Bardwell 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . R . Leong 22. S . Vitali 23. T. Price ' 24. P. Unkle s 25. N . Detarczynski 6 D . Sherr 27. N . Vasilopoulo s P. Nance S . Assimo A . Guerra

Coach : Jon Edgar Res Cr :h: Jim Pear t Club 16 : i a WiI : I D.Salter 2 J .Nevins

4 C. Stinchcombe 5 T. Redin 6 TO'Brien

7 J . Paul 8 T.Seymour 9 J .Foley 10 J . Smith 11 L.Stevens 13 H . McInnes 14 H .Power 15 H .McCarthy 16 H .O'Brien 18 C'Bird 19 P.Broadbent 20 S .Cole 21 S .Jones 22 J.Fitzgerald 23 B .Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .Whitehead 27 W.Paul 28 A Farrar 29 D.Bolton

31 D. Valley

速~ : . . .

; . _ -.

Coach : David Miller Res Cason : Jason Fennel 1 D . Dinicolantoni o 2 J. Hodder 3 B. Mitchell 4 A. Aulis o 5 S. Buckl e 6 D . Carey 7 A . Burgess 8 M. Volpi 9 D . Lear 9 A . Bethun e 10 B . Mitchell 11 S . McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A . Hu ha n 13 A. Kre~ s 14 J . Manton 15 A. O'Reilly 16 A . Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R. McCann 19 B e 20 .. D Bruce 21 G.Simmondson 22 S. Willis 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levine 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. Darcy 30 M . Ottobre 31 N. Zannis 32 L Price 33 L . Moss 34 B. Henricus

P. Graham "' . J . Mai 94, W. Giannikos y 35 . S . Hard 36 . B. Birkill 37, D. Palmer 38 . I . Cohe n 39 . P. Bennett A0 . T Fuggle A. Gates

32 J . Cook 33 B .Collins 34 M .Goldsworthy 35 H.Burbank 36 A.bpie 37 J .Fanning 39 A.Farnsworth 40 M.Avery 41 T.Carty

D . Williams C . attic T. bull H . Giannikos 7 . ,r_ Wilkie C . Popplewell = . W. Mudge 50. A . Kent 7 . P. Drake 52. H . Francis B . Harvey _'- K . Giannikos on A . Ross B . FAelin 5 (. P. Konstantinidis `_ . J . Boncher C. Mason _! . T. Moulton 1 . A. McKinstry S Mayy T. Whitelaw, =' . Mai Heppell Fa . D. Elsner 67 . C. Hickey S. Hart 0 . Winchester 7U . J . Marshall 71 . S. Feehan 72 ..7^ M . Curry 7% . P. Dalton War, Heppe ;!

43 H .Legae 44 P.Simpson 45 B .Parnell 46 J. Fitzgerald 50 M .Wilkinson 51 J .Kilpatrick 52 N . Kemp 54 L. Heine

36 S. Bavag e 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodde r 39 B. Vaughan 40 J . Gat 41 J . Zar M Flood 43 B . Levine 44 M . Dimble 45 S . Ronchi 46 M . Blundell 47 M . Renne r 48 A . Daly 49 C . Haifield 50 P. Humphrey s 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 A. Volpi 54 J. Fennell 55 S . Smit h 56 D. Domi k 57 . Place 58 J. F'eldstad 59 D. F~itcher 60 C. McDonald 61 S. Edwards 62 A. Ra nor

56 M .Leslie

64 D . McKea n

P. Montgomery

I' ;~~~Rs~?NSflR SINCE 1''

42 H .Browning

58 L.McDonald

63 P. Nolan

65 N . Fol eiy 66 J. Blan thom 67 P. Farquha r 68 B. O'Connor 69 S. Mescher 70 D . McGloi n 71 B . Allan 72 A . Burgdorf 75 T. Ymer 76 G. Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 78 M . Whitney 79 T. Trib e 80 H . Meehan 81 0. Beha n 88 S . Pitche r 89 D. Winduss

9,pv r~ Lo : K s

BENNISON MACKINNON 9694 5000 www.benmac

i Co h : no 8, Res Coach : Ja. s TYev, iis G Cancan 2 S Chandle r 3 W Martin 4 M Vaughan 4 D Wilkinson 5 R Macki e 6 S Smith 7 B Cunningham 8 W Pascoe C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohne 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jessen 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Makings 16 P Caccaviello 17 L Brown 18 A Wilson 19 C Franklin 20 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfiel d 26 J R an 27 A Cements 28 A Costello 29 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 31 B Costello 32 M Jones 34 S Moody 35 J Mirtschin 36 H Peck 37 N Roberts 38 L Beaton 39 R Greigg 40 G Sulliva n 41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gadd 43 C Beaton 44 R McArthur 45 M Coleman 46 R Board 47 8 Mur hy 48 A Me att 49 P Greenbank 50 J Healey 51 A Neville 52 C Schirmer 53 D O'Keefe 5 4 M Braszell 5 5 G Thomson 56 D Walsh 57 K Begely 56 A Paton 59 Q Toose 61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaskis 66 N Howel l 68 P O'Beirne 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihill 73 S Mackie 75 W Touzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evans 78 R Owen 79 R Drummond 80 M Tehan 81 A Dore 82 C Bautc h 83 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 B Weber 86 AO Creek 88 N Abbott 89 T 90 D At ~g ki s 91 A Whitlock 9 92 S Milner - AMetcalfe J Mirtschi n E Nolan R Moreton

Coach: Tim Killwarth Res Coach : Rowan Davis 1 R Pearce 2 T Morris 3 R Thompson



Fun g

5 A Drew 6 D Howse 7 R Drew 8 L Morris 9 J Keem 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvean 12 J Cremea n 13 0 Kysel a 14 E Kruse 15 N Pas k 16 L Taylor 17 A Laing 18 L White 18 D Ros s 19 S Thompso n 20 T Hale 21 M Wines 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davie s 25 F Pellegrino 26 J Lon wort h 27 S Savag e 28 B Reynold s 29 R Coutts 30 D Potte r 31 B Sturzake r 33 P Cremean 34 C Fraser 35 B Peak e 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morrison 39 J Tompkin s 40 T Fyffe 41 B Downs 42 A Ston e 3 H Park 44 J Ho 45 S Tresside r 46 D Ireland 47 D Lang 48 R Davie s 49 S Seabourne 50 C Box 51 C Reynold s 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pas k 54 T Mcllrath 55 P Peterso n 56 T Lloy d 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joiner 60 C Ros s 61 P Valopp i 62 P Burum a 63 B Whitechurch 64 M Bate 65 R Lan g 66 D March 67 M Busch 71 M Lain g 73 T Lloy d 74 A Midlan d 76 J Dickson 79 S Tresside r

1996 Well, it happened at last, Old Xaverians won their ninth game in a row and moved into the 'A' section four for the first time - and put apprehension into the other final four dwellers . MHSOB held on to sixth position when they defeated second team Old Trinity 11 .8 (74) to 10 .11 (71) . It was close all day but MHSOB were too strong in the finish . Best were Pierce, Fairchild, A.rchdall (MHSOB) and Phillip, Sam Kennedy, Cumming (Old T). It was a great day for MHSOB as they celebrated the 300th game for club legend and premiership coach Ron Verma . OT's form was not encouraging. A bright spot was wingman and Sam Kennedy's game, 18 marks in a dominating display . 250 games to Elsternwicks Tony Heath - player, coach, committeeman, life member and a model of club loyalty . It was all happening at the Wicks' as Peter Mahoney will line up as his three sons, Shane, Craig and Brian . U 19 section 1 coaches were Mike Zemski (AJ AX), Eddy Galizi (Colleg), Terry Russell (De I,__ Salle), Terry Mills (NOB), Mark Zuker (CA Paul Digney (Old Parad), Pat Hawkins (Old Xavs), Kevin Mahady (St Bernards), Geoff Porter (Therry), Steve Carroll (Uni Blues) .

Top goalkicker of the round was Perry of Southbank who kicked 8 goals in his clubs win against Uni Reds, 12 .11 to 2 .3 . Jason Bamert (MHSOB) played his 100th game . Jason had come through to juniors and had been part of successful MHSOB teams recently .

Old Trinity congratulated a former club captain and representative footballer, Craig Robison, on his 300th game for the club . Craig's input into the club had been remarkable and an inspiration to all. 10 YEARS AGO - 199 1 Phil Stevens, a courageous tipster of unknown quality, went on record to pick the Premiers as follows : 'A' - North OB, 'B' - St Bernard's, 'C" Ivanhoe, D' - Old Geelong, 'E' - Williamstown, 'F' ANZ Bank, 'G Nth' - Old Scotch, 'G Sth' - Be La Salle, U 19/1' - De La Salle Blue . 'U19/North' Albanvale, 'U19/South' - St Bedes . (Phil was right in B, G South, U19/1, U19/North - he missed out in A: Be La Salle, C: Whitefriars, D : MHSOB, E: Mazenod, F: Elsternwick, G Nth: St Bernards, U19/Sth : Old Melburnians . Probably 3 out of 11 was a good performance N .R.) .

Uni Blues scored bottom in 'A', 5 'Win dsoutf14,rpie and, humiliate d second top team ~- --~ Collegians, 9 wins out of 14, wh :i they '_ pt them to 1 .5 in the second half and a pitiful 3. 8 for the garne against 9 .14. Best for Blues McCarty, Furphy, Hazeldine, Lennon, Matthews (5 goals) and Wallis . Names that kept recurring for Collegians in 1996 were their best : Wal-lace, Ten~lett, Galbraith. Old X,verians (4th in B) kept their double chance alive when they led top team Old Trinity all nay to iv Ln 16 .15 to 13 .11 . Stars were Curtain, I icCorkell, Holmes (Old X .) and Parkes, Vize, N. Beardslev (Old T.).

It was a different story in D ' where Phil's selection, Old Geelong lost their hope of finishing in I or 2 when they were thrashed by eighth team Old Camberwell, 7 .11 to 2 .' . Best for Old Cam, were Kyriacou, Pike, "allard, Guthrie, Beal. It was a good game :c `ai as it brought Old Camberwell to 5 vvins, the s : ze as the two teams below them, ::,lenhuntlv and i .a Trobe . To test your memory, the Van Winkles beat the Elitists to make it 15 straight . Yes ANZ Bank beat UHSOB . 250 games to North Brunswick's Stephen Gibbons, an original member of the team when it started in 1966 . A member of two premiership teams in 1974 and 1981, Steve answered the call to comeback a few years when North Brunswick was struggling. 200 to Shane Livingstone, second player to reach that number with Aquinas and a member of the club's three senior premierships .

Mike Murray, goal umpiring giant, had missed the last five games with a strainede knee injury . It could not have happened as he raced out to report a player - I suppose 20 stone was a good excuse for not getting close enough to report, or did he have eye trouble? The defence will be spirited. Merit , ;ard winners for 1981 were Ida Marcon (Ivanhoe), Bob Jenson (North Brunswick), Bob Coldrey (Hampton Rovers), Greg Tootell (Caulfield Gramm), Allan McFarlane (Coburg), Brian Costello (Uni Blacks) and Colin Johnston (TAFL) .

iton Rove-s when Don di forme; club captai n !d ~ -: __ t.-, e rac e ted ighton risor, Tom C eg C akis and P:vk in grea t s to Elsternwick's Don Perkins an- : e 5 0 ~k Convery. touch with 'A' seci n e, ur

second place C - 3, 7 .8 o re Hesse, I-re -t ., Gari , .ld McAsey, Kingston, P . Mehrten ins (C) kicked 12 .2 but still went down t o Temp, 13 .7 . Stars were Bird, Van Den `>ilsnore (B . Temp) (l~q'3 Capt, N.R) and sen, Temp ; • (" ' Kea' is OB) .

C section , to Cz r eli's 0.4 i n ito wiui by 2poi , 13 .9 to 12 .3 . )dd, Knight, Shot t kMHSOB) and P,,!_` I. ; )gers, Warner (O .C'well) . 10 - 1976 represent Victoria in the AAFC n Adelaide, was selected as follows :- M . ' i<<. i-_,an (AJAX), G . Fletcher, J . Griffths, J . r(Caul . Gramm), P . O'Brien (Cob), I . Ric e iil . I . Davis (Geel), J . Gartner (Marc 0Q, R .

;,erg (MHSOB), P . Booth (Monash, S . _e (North {}B), (C) . J . Anderson (Ol d -~Irot"+_) cTC) C . Hansen (Old Trinity), B . Bourne U; ❑ i r, _id), R . Sykes (P .;--rer House), M . Bates, R . ;.lierd (R.O.B .), 'r . i 1<-titon, M . Drennan, G .

10_ll, P. Racki:zd .i, . . ;s'ade (St Rernard s ',' . !3urne, J . Cla.i ke (U . Blacks), ; . (indl e Pb.^ 3) . Peter O'Donohue wa c - ? ;h Lauder,


and Fr ;, -~ol(-=ey

a Blues (ninth) caused a major upse t icy defeated top side North Old Boys. backing-up and aerial supremacy won the i~ic for Monash. North, nearly 10 goals down !li!° ~.nal change, added six goals in good tim e 1 out towards the finish . Best were `,ichibrd, Svme (Monash) and Fogarty, O'Connor 14orth. ated teams after 10 game- Old )uiy (C), AJAX (D), West B (F) , r L~( Old Boys (Junior 1) and inc astow n ' .l I T I r 2). nne i: (Hampton Rovers) kicked 10 goals in hi s (C Section) big win against Power Hous e

to 7.10 . a~ - 19'71.

In a high scoring game Ormond defeated leaders Caulfield Grammarians, 21 .15141 to 18.13 .121 . The defeat tumbled Caulfield from top place to fifth, on percentages, with the top five teams level on 32 points . Best were Morgan, Wood Logan (Ormond) and Butcher (5 goals), Fox and e¢eve McLaughlin (Caulfield) . Don Bradshaw, O .G .G's captain (who trag l from Hamilton each week) played a .is I i consecutive garne . Peter Be Luca in his first 'A' section game kicked 8 fine goals from full forward for St Bernards . Milestones-350 games to Les Gordon (Powerhouse) ; 200 to John (Pincus) Penhale ( AN Z Bank) ; 150 to Don Mullen (Kew), Peter Sierakowski (Ormond) ; 100 to Alan Saxby (AMP Soci°ty), Rod Jones (Old Trinity), Brian Grindlay (Old Paradians) and Henry Halassa (De La Salle) . ~~ - 1966 Mribt?B were now 2 1/2 games in front of Cebu-- ; while a further 1 1/2 games behind were Ca , :'` Ad Grammar, Old Paradians, Old Scotch __ _ ='ollegians. O ', < Carey welcomed back John Elliot from his overseas trip and commented "the Chicago Wildcats are still recovering from the night John trained with them" . Youngest player for St Pat's (Ballarat) is Ray Ball (Ray later played for Richmond and South Melbourne and was later centre half back for Caulfield in the VFA) . Parkside ruckman Keith Johnson was his team's best player for the third successive week. 'A' serrion umpires were Loy, Posetti, Waites, Murphy and Mason .


0-195 1

Blues and Blacks staged a great struggle for three quarters but Blues were too strong in the final quarter with 8 .2 to 2 .2 Duncan Anderson (13 goals), John Jolley and Rick Morrison were outstanding for Blues with Harry Meredith, Robin Farmer and Hugh Miller best for Blacks. Ormond managed to defeat Old Melburnians by 5 points to leave the teams in places 4 and 5 on the ladder with 24 points . Ron McFarlande, Ormond's angular ruckman and a wobbly kick, steered through 7 goals . St Andrews and Bellfl'eld, battling for a place in 'D' Section four, staged a great game, with the home team stronger in the second half to win by 11 points . Rod Ellison on the back line was best afield for St Andrew's while other stars were Ted Drinkwater, John Waller and Bob Stein . Caulfield Grammarians Juniors commented on Ted Marshall's two glorious drop kick goals "mitacles, miracles ."

What a finish! The final four in each section has a different configuration from any top four over the season . My success rate in the last round was 80% despite the continuing of surprising results . F0 ~, OF AOUND 1 5 e .rf olit, with an early goal led the slow to start Old Scotch at quarter time . From that point Old Scotch assumed control and the home side led by sixteen points at half time. Therry Penola failed to goal again and Old Scotch ended the game with a forty two point margin . La e set their victory over Brunswick with a five goal burst in the first quarter Although Brunswick battled hard, the superior fitness and skill of De La Salle enabled the visitors to draw away and win by forty two points. Good players for De La Salle were ; wing man, Paul Barker, veteran half back, Brendan Hoy, forward, Kevin Manntx and their captain, David "Bomber" Jennings in the and field . For Brunswick, wing man, Damian Sanders and full forward, Brian Lovett were prominent. A carnival like atmosphere pervaded Darling Park as Prahran farewelled many stalwarts in their match against second placed St Kevins . Beneath the air of jocularity, there lay a deep determination by Prahran to end a disappointing season on a high note . This was achieved as St Kevins were made to look a second rate side. After an even opening quarter, Prahran ran right away and showed what might have been in 2001 as their players did what they liked. A twenty three point half time lead was built to a fifty point margin by the final siren. Best for Prahran were ; Nigel MacPherson, "Poochy" (Ryan Pritchard), Geoff Scott, Craig Johnson and that mercurial flanker in the pink socks, Mick ODea in his farewell appearance. 'Daisy' (Ben Day) was the only nominated good player by the St Kevins hierarchy after what was a poor performance . a d started with three quick goals against Old '_ton and at half time led comfortably. Mazenod tired and Old Brighton rallied and gained the ascendancy . Their seven point victory took Old Brighton away from last place virtually for the first time this season . Again veterans, Marcus Barber and David Cochran did well for old Brighton as did defenders Norwood and Seoud. Mazenod were well served by youngster, Andy Fry, Sean Bilston, Dylan Evans and by ruckman Nick 'The Crow" Jacobs, who flies from Adelaide each week to play. For the first time this season old Xaverians find themselves at the top of the ladder as a reward for their thirty eight point victory over Old Melbum '~Ane . The wide expanses of Victoria Park aided the faster Xaverians against the slower Old Melburnians .

s 速N 2 Marcellin were left to contemplate - s they over ran 0 to record a ninety point victory. I am sure the k : -ons l_ arned in 2G _;'_ serve Marcellin well in seasons to come . University Macks made the quantum leap from fifth to third as a result of their one hundred and four point victory over Old Trinity, who have failed to live up to their promise during the season. The Blacks fielded once ol their strongest sides by kicking eight goals in the last quarter made Old Essendon's efforts irrelevant . P~sj players for the Blacks were ; Jes,son, Captain, Scotj Mackie, Andrew Nolan and Mark Vaughan . Despite their forty six point victory over . ,)U Essendon dropped to fifth on percentage . Old Essendor who started well were then curtailed by a ver} competitive, Whitefriars. Best players for Old Essendor were ; Darren Ban and Patrick Hayes . For Whitefriar; Peter O'Brien and John Bonneyman were best 01,, Essendon can reflect on a successful comeback to Clut XVIII, while several finalists are relieved Old Essendon i not one of their number . Whitefriars will be hoping fo greater success throughout their club in 2002. Leaders, Collegians with a forty four point victor continued the tale of woe for Monash es, whose forn has really tapered off as the business end of the season i here . Collegians jumped ahead right from the start wit] six unanswered goals. Monash Blues had no a.nswrer t three last quarter goals, which made Danny Gumbaro stand out for Collegians. He was assisted by wingma Vinny-no family name needed and centre half bad Alister Gay, whose football pedigree is beyond doubt an by Julian Holsman . . Monash Blues had good players i ruckman, Ed Burden, full back, Ark Woods, Mat Riddl and Captain Chris Howe in his one hundredth game. Old Ivanhoe although depleted by injury defeated competitive St Leas by forty nine points after a grit struggle until last in the match . Best for Old ivanh< included Roger Stewart and the Brothers Weisz ; Andre and Robert, as well as Leigh Taylor and Mark yVil..~oi Best for St Leos were; Captain, David Cox, Stuart Sava and Martin Contessotto .

PREVIEW OF SEMI FINALS SECTION 1 :'TT HEVINS IA SALLE FUIST SEMI Two weeks ago no one foresaw St Kevins participating this match, however their firm over the last two rounc has been ordinary to say the least De La Salle, who d not impress me in Round 11 against Old Brighton, ha continued to win matches with their veterans well to t]

Prahran 4 3 Old iverians George Old Xaverians 3 35 Tomlinson rJld ;clburnians 0 33 Cochran Old Br,ahton 4 27 :- .111/ 2 Coil , is 0 33 Oakley Ponwvrnan Whitefrfars 0 21 Cf iler Monash Blues 0 2 1 Collegians 4 21 onc h Blues 0 1 0


u'[re< 1 2. r° on (F)


7. 5


i')ns(F 0.1 1 .2 6 .3 69 10.5 10.5 s: Stoppa 2, M .tiroo 24 tloir 2 Best: Cunnt ts, Cot - G , Holsm:3n 4. Da= ,,< Tinslev, i, Gasnbare, Saraz ; . 25 G


4.7 2.2

?.3 3.3

!t, ^rni~

d Best : R. St(, art, . Is E us: I•'arqiil-. r :s, Sje Cox, Haddad, Conteaotto, ' : rmson.


THi =t7R F00TRL:t! FR 2001




~,,,,rn a, , ~-~ r,~„

ithat as a A their car - n a , financially (ensiire a severance ts) then the break does you job that conies_intohefrs al(

I .Ientone distancc - itself once again from the rest of the field with a convincing win over Salesian while Parkside and Williamstown maintained their form en route to the finals . Oakieigh's 5 point win over West Brunswick was the only close result, with La Trobe th e er nner.

a re : ia kabl fur . C In a excep"onal a ~ . the ` oL r t

t opened quite well against Mentone, .d despite the Vultures' 8 goal second ter m only 10 points separated the teams at the main break . A scoreline of 13 goals to 2 after half time told the story as Mentone travelled down its numerous avenues to goal . Salesian has dropped to fourth and continues to look a bit shaky, but has a relatively easy run home and should improve its standing .

beyond doubt . No r axe it a to tell, so I'Il gue. ; r-t Trobers fu rin and had a productive fc C' ~e . -ho ~lotted 7 .

Parkside outplayed Kew in the first qtr despite kicking into the wind and led by 3 goals at the break . The Parkers had plenty of contributors again in the second to greet half time with an 8 goal lead . The K's kicked just one goal against the wind for the day, and despite an improved 3rd term, they never really threatened to take the game . Romano, Wise, Hockev and McCall were the standout players for Parkside, while Growcott and Landwehr battled hard for Kew. C made the long trek down : 0 to and was hampered by the lethargy of its players after the previous aveeks' challenge and the Pirates' willingness to provide a contest around the packs . The first three qtrs were scrappy and marred by turnovers from both sides . The tap outs were contested by two fill-in ruckman, with Mark Cannon showing some of the form that helped him to a previous comp . b&f . Williams dominated the last qtr and featured in the best players along with Holland and McCucheon . The Pirates' best included Burke, Tom Coughlan and Warner in his 100t h N : k had shared (3 eigh and Wes t patches of dominance in the first half of their encounter with the difference just two goals at the main change . Renewed vigour from the Krushers helped open up a greater lead, with Clark (ruck) and midfielders Hanley, Bromley and Kitts creating opportunities up forward . Oakleigh's lead stretched to 7 goals early in the last before a stirring comeback almost clinched

Roo he I .


rn f ; put litoka-werfv

fc .r finals cor ~ ~J rs have an easy ru n :(at lea c id should act i t s todav.

nor: con : : ho . =•r: of r_; Ash i',

11crsus Rob 5 ' ise WO

intriguuig iiaL ec vaa Lsae L-1-4 3 . . .: Seamnzell Reserve . if the Red Dev: l dinkum, a 27 point margin should ensKew is normally pretty good at home , leads me to believe it will defeat Pa.

6 goals . However . as Fremantle proved las t , upsets can happen - even from the ess . The K's defence should be able to kee p ~:rs quiet, though with Parkside an d one to come, i .'!_e rouse is on its last roll e dice .

con ul who his last week . A ~,assionat e popular clubman, lick continues to develo p the senior team and has overcome multiple cries to enjoy his best season to date . congratulate CHB Sam Bruno on playin g e against PowerHouse today. Sam

;ni=.rzd us in '87 from Xavier College via North Kew d would have passed this milestone earlier apr , ; ni breaks for work and family reasons . Sam : : :i s :celled from A to E Section in the ruck or eti l L fender position . His high marking, "c' either foot, strength and coolness is a 2 , for our younger players . A regular t d - stent B&F poller, Sam has a 3rd B&F an d Consistent awards on his belt, Good luck nd for the future Sam we hope to see yo u e brown and Gold to reach the elusive 30 0

r, 7 . white 5, CBar, 3 . R ~ 3 . Cot e

b,stcAutiaiev. Matt Sullivan, Gall~,,.a, iJi;.on . O .a.era. am Grace 5, Brown 2. Ie4oli, Ferwerda Best : Cana:-an,

hain, Turley. Bates Ump;•rts: C . Stevens (J) P. Woods (F) P.

'lap (G)

2.4 4 .8 5 .13 7 .19 (61) 2.3 7.6 9,11 15 .1s (10&) H .Clarke 2. B .Turner 1, Ash Burt 1, ;»i .Htggins 1 , I . J.12.iney 1, Fi.Conireras 1 . Best: S.'~:ranen, J .Senior, risen, J .Clarke . D.Boland . H .Clarke La Trolac Cie : 7 . Storer 3 , ds 2. white 1, Sheldriek l, Perry 1 Best: T.Mat S.Ec 3rds . . 1? (F) H. mings, Auldtst. Sheldrick, Murray Um; n (B) C . Dalli A Clan (G) 4 .3 10.4 12 .' 20.9 (129) 1 .3 2.4 6... 6.11 (47 ) P : aod e 4, Copley 2, iarulli 2, Rg nato 2, Sloe house 2 , 2 ChIlcott, McCall. Pmo. Romano, Wire. S>t: T i Aouss, . Landssehr, 32. Bradley, Stevens . Best: Grosoiti . Mousst, Ti RIaEr.

C . Stevens (S) A . Fyffe (F) 2.4 4 .8 5 .1 7 . : 4.4 7.10 11 .1 : .16 ( C. MS Braden, J Coughlan, Go1d C ite 2, ;rner. irke, T Coughlan, Goldthorpe, Pt ii - hums , : Williams 9 . L4c:.'uthenn 4. C , Best: Holland . Williams, Munro ::, J . c Cutcheon , Ump : W. Hinton (R) (F ) .'" . I 4.3 6.5 7.8 6 .3 8.5 13 .9 in R Heywood 8 . Cannane 2, Shelton . A Her nitton, e, Ward, R Heywood. R Benjamin . " rne



121 94 48 43 42 40 31 27 22 21 19

a Trobe Unii ers °ntc te eunateur s

Kew v .

7er House

Salesian 0C v . ' e tinsula 0 B Williamstown CYIdIS v . West Brunswick

0-'7^igh v. Par' :s°.t',~

7 7 .€ 9.10 2.2 6.7 11.14 16 .16 (112)

All. sn 3 . Murphy 2 . Smith 2, Nichols, Sullivan Best : Ours sith, Sullivan . McMillan. Perazzo, Wise Saleslan : Byrne 5, in u{s 3. Bovvrman, Morrish, Chapman, Kirchner, Riley Best: Glditeld, R4orrish, Todd 2 .0 5.4 9.8 14.12(96) 2 .3 3.7 5.7 6.10 (46) G .Dean 4, A .Robinson 3, D.Yates 2 . R.Cassfo 2 , J .HaII I Best: R.Marshall, R .Cassio, nsiauae i . W,Elllot r ine, C .McL :od, AI'.Benbow . W.Elllot La Tmta. RStorer 2, itvon 2, D.Gilmour 1, P.Farrant I . Best: T.Bullen, K.Hopldnss, >rer. Ai.Rosengren, P.Far.att. C.Porte r 6.2 12 .9 16.14 22.20 (152) 0.0 1 .0 3 .3 3.5 (23) Castantiu- i 4 . Healy 4, Ross 3 . Carmody 2. McCall 2, Allan. :nano, Stafford, T:*son. Warren. Best: Team . . Cronin, t: F i, Drago. Wayland. h4uckian, Eaton. S},es. 2.2 4.4 .8(32) 1 .1 2 :L '("`.? ) C. 4S.S 5 .2 6.8 11.12 , Krohn. Best; Hale r is . Sharpin . N'l itchell in, Hines. Witliamstowa CY?§iS: Blaclc 1 :u n 3, . Calden?rocd. Markley, B .Grant B st: Biackk , uda. Oldham . Bergin . 16 .10 20.12 (132) 5 .4 11,6 1 .0 2 .0 4.0 4.1 (25) Steward 4, Daniels 4, Vitale 3. Carmichael 3 . Platt, a i . Lampel, Stringer. Smith. Best : Young . Carmichael . D : McKenzie 2. Rion4han, A Shirley . Baker, C Leivis .0a_kl st : Brown, Connellan, Noske, Bruerto, Nloutis, Ogilvie ..

ON12lgh: Dooley 4, Bromley 2 . Papadopoulos 2, Hanley . A. Kitts, S. C. Marshall, Taylor, Thomas. Best: Hanley, Bronmley, s . Kitts, k. E _oley, C. Marshall . Umpires: J . Heffernan G. Roberts (F) 27


L Lafranchi L F :gerE 1 G Horgan G Crimmins 3

L Bradle y N Tinnett i 7 T, :itken I Derrico A Eato n 0 B Cullen E ioodhouse

12 J Growcott 3 C Kyriako u 114 J Looke r 15 C Bradley ( C D Wood 7 R Perri N Nigro J Denni s 20 A Actield 2i B Shay) 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer

C Waits k9 Stevenson T ' loore D Cracknell (VC) Dalrymple C Giansante (RVC) K -ailla m A Drago D'Vayland 1att Fitzgerald Bruno (RDVC )

S Rya n Landwehr (VC) ee r 39 M Mc Inerny 0 P Durbridg e R Livingsto n

-'-2 Bette J ::el l 7 S Byrnes 8 L Jensen 9 S Vidler 0 J Griffiths 51 M Blai r 52 R Campagna 61 S t'ouss i 62 B Mc Gauchie 64 J Cronin 65 M Ayers 66 J 0'Kane 67 T Beatti e t8 B Mc Gauchie 3S9 S Bruno

9 CcZ :h: Res. cca. : r a 1 . h7 . giannis 2 . S . Fredrickson 3 . D. Sheldric k 4, C. Perry 5. A. Randall 6. B . Cameron 7. S . Gemmola 8. J . Cam m 9. L . Walker 10 . A . Hewitt 11 . J. Levy 12. M. Forrest 13. T. Luderman 14. L . Wakeiing 15. B . Auldist 16. S . Bray

17 . S . Gloury 18 . B . Gran t 19 . S . While (VC) 20 . A . Murphy 21 . D. Edmunds 22 . P. Stewart 23 . R. Store r 24 . S. Edwards 25 . S. Brooks 26. B. Hewitt 27. D . Gilmour 28. C . Ross 29. P. White 30. J. Smith 31 . J .O'meara 32. D. Hil l 33. M . We' son 34. S . Paterson 35. J . Eyr e 36 . T. Mavvdsley 37 . C. Porter 38 . A. Willis (C) 39 . N . Rosengreen 40 . R . Slater 41 . A. Samson 42 . D . Gleason 43 . A. Poulton 44. R . Mather 45. D . McKeekin 46. D . Hartley 47. H . Girdwood 48. L. McNamara 49. M . Day 50. K. Hopkins 51 . C. Francias 52 . T. Stauton 53, A. Tucker 54 . T. Peters 55 . A. Cummings 61 . B. Launikonis 63 . J . Laidlaw 65 . A. Hall 66. A. Balks 70. J Dumaresq


. Nov

2 R. GGii a .her 3 M . Dixon 4 D . Emmett 5 A . White

6 C. Stephens 7 K . Curlier

8 D. Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillman 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M. Hayes 13 A. King 14 M . Etce?l 15 Mi Sullivan 16 J. h"cC-thy 17 C . SL Ian 18 T, Sul an 19 C . ar t 20 F 21 D. I .. p 22 S . E r r 22 P. t, w r p „y 23 M a Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A. Rock 27 W .' ise 28 C . Johnston an 28 . 29 30 . . ---e 31 B . P itlc :k 32 B . ( •oler ian 33 N . Wilkins 33 D. Andrew 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogie r 37 T. M acgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 A. Fimser 40 C. l oc child 40 D . Is 41 C . Rn : k3 42 S. 1 4: , ' 41 C . 46 C . Ross 47 J . T 47 G. Anslade 48 M . 'Walsh 49 L. McHugh 50 TI ,~ k 51 G . iIi igvtorih 52 C 5< D I n 55 N. I 57 D. Fraser 58 J . Noonan 61 K. iact tar' , 65 T. Allinson 71, T. rs 73 ra 7. . S . on 77 R ing 78 , . Ai

1 B. C 2 A . ( Id 3 D . rzie 4 P. P< ~)puulos 5 T.lar >Ilo 6 R . Doo ey 7 B . Hal l 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M . McHenry 11 C. Hanley 12 S. Day 13 S. Randle 14 A. Schultz 15 G . Redford 16 B. Arthur 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan 19 P. Taylo r 20 T. Adamic 21 A. Monaghan 22 M . Burt 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts (C) 25 C. Marshall 25 A. Kitts 27 J .I ;apper 28 A. Khodr 29 J. Sposito 30 A. tJoulang 31 T. Bromley 32 B . Gant 33 M . Clark 34 L. Hea d 35 R. (RC) 36 J . To 37 P.', .r 38 B. P oulos 39 41 1 . 41 J. Brr an 42 S. Dalton 43 J. Seymour 44 N . Smith 45 P. L li e 46 P. idonopoulos 4, . 4 A . zie 49 G .i ando I, ' 50 . P. 51 . J . Kerley 52 . M . Piisos 53, D. Pearson 54 M . Coppock 55 C . Hogan 56 C . Hardy 57 R . ng 58 L . Thomas 5-'.(is

6 S.

Cozo : L°uri :

1 R Adams 2 W Thomson 3 S Pino 4 D Warre n 5 T Stonehouse 6 A Stuart

7 J Muscat 8 J Chilcott 9 A Constantini 10 A Vita 11 B Hockey (VC) 12 D McCal l 13 A Copley 14 V Romano 15 D Moodie (C) 16 M Ros s 17 A Romano 18 A Reginato 19 C Williams 20 D Singleton 21 M Schvrabl 22 R Wis e 23 R Beck 24 R MaruiS i 25 M. h1+ 'rerson 26 S Ross 27 D < > 28 F z 29 S To 30 MY< r a 31 S Hogan 32 J McCall (RVC) 33 K Allan 34 M Romano 35 G Panjari 36 M Hoyne 37 J Ponied 1 38 F Darrig o 39 K Noble 40 M Cassar 42 P Dean 43 J Hubbard 44 P Soligo 45 B F.9cGillian 46 C Welsh 47 C Tyson 48 M Healy 49 S Collie r

B Carman G Davies 52 B Cassano 53 P Romano 54 S Marino 55 J Eastwood 56 G Massett 57 C Ross 58 T Mangos 59 S Ware 60 J Drakopouloa 61 P Tascon e 62 J Willets 63 D Vivona 64 T Thomas 65 S Carmod y 3 S Stafford 67 D Inglis 70 S Diver 71 A Inglis (RC)


no on e

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ela n

,=-gas t ar (C) e

10 11 12 13 J H~ ris 14 ' :"iot 15 P ;eler 16 . . . .. .-ins 17 C ic i (RC) 18 F z 19 2ns 20 ion 21 D Miller 22 S Evans 23 S Craven (C) 24 D Boland 25 S Cummins 26 J Senio r 27 J Robertson 28 D FJurrihy 29 R Cassio (AVC) 30 N Miller 31 E 3rshall 32 < F bow 3

di r

son len

avies n T. R . i- tworth pe r A. Dillon

35 J wk 36 t :) oi, i n 37 E 0 38 C 1 nlf 39 D C 40 n =:uw

ro w Hnson ~tt (Rc) Ison R . r .earti n =iei l L.Palmer nne r 1.Cr ,eder dlle ies exander sley orten rel l italizio '.Sinclair

dine I ' as 46 E r ahan 47 GPar,<er 48 H Nelson 49 B Urr,vin 50

55 56 J or 57 F .arg 61 S :Crae 32 71 Lvz5 88 GE

'dia Avenue d Vic. 3i e

Tel : 9785 2436

5 6 47 8 S 9 10 it i2 13 14 C 15 D 16 P 17 18 19 S 20



21 22 R ate is 23 Sin 24 Gi 25 S E 26 J 27 " ' 28 r -ne 29 30 ~ 31 32 G R 33 ' F srdson 34 A F rso n 35 A -6 D T d 37 D G .,eblikan 38 A Darcy 39 C Clausen 40 M Fore r 41 M Gunn 42 P Evans 43 E Maillard 44 C Hunt 45 S Horvath 46 D Forer B Bowman M Bourke arry ( ' : S 9orrish S Parisi 52 D Hagerty B Chalmers 54 S Nolan 55 E Han 7y 56 D E' 57i 58 C an 59 L B 60 0 S n o 61 P 62 B ner 63 L 64 S 65 B 66 B 67 P 68 S R: 69 3J Sian(on 70 A C', nini 71 C B b 72 6 Per' tor 73 D Oaoe 74 J R L 75 J Hamilton 76 J F,9cClaren 77 S Sinclair 78 C Warsling

1 -nil n 2 P Hamilton 3 G Heppef l 4 C. Lehmann 5 A Cannane 6 C. L-is 7(a) F 7 b)N . C 8 Id 10 S 6urne 11 H . 12 B Clarke 13 S. Brockley 14 N Lamp-_l 15 B. Howlett 16 S Smythe 17 R. Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Stringer 20 B . Youn g 21 S McNamara 22 A. Steward 23 D Henderson 24 J Jenki n 25 G Malone 26 R. Benjamin 27 D. Disisto 28 J Ward 29 M . Shepherd 30 M Lewis 31 E Dohrmann 32 M . Carmichael 33 T Thompson 34 I. Twyfor d 35 K. Coventry 36 S. Campbell 37 N . Basham 38 S. Darlina 39 X Thompson 40 B Baker 41 R. Miller 42 M . Hoy!and 43 J Tobin 44 N. Masters 45 J Smith 46 A Bandt 47 N Seal 48 M Moore 49 L. Stewart 50 A . Bagnall 51 L Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 J. Gross 54 R . Howell 55 G . klarazita 56 C. Riley 57 J . Draper 58 A . Rafter 59 C. Norman 60 0. Kirby 62 S Dishon 63(a) D . Jelbart 63 (b) J . Gartlan 65 D . Simmond 66 M. Malone 67 A. O'Brien 63 C Stevens 69 R. Hussey 70 D. Platt 72 L Ryan 75 M . Shelton 76 A . Shirley 77 D . Shirley



2 J Its 3 DG r 4 S Lvucnatsch 5 D Macleod (C) 6 N Gran t 7 B Robinson 8 B Hann 9 G Case 10 B Cocks 11 B Twis t 12 A Featherston 12(R)M Canno n 13 A Mackley 14 D Ferris 14(R)A Daniel 15 W Phillips 15(R)P Breguet 16 D Gilmartin 17 R Hart 17(R)R Plochino 18 D Oldham 19 P Dervan (RC) 20 P Sadler 21 L Monkhurst 22 P,1 Saunders 23 T Wheeler 23(R)A Bouras 24 J hhcCutcheon 24(R)C Poc h 25 P Thomson 25(R)G Burgess 26 L Grochov ; :.:i 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmatos 29 P Vincen t 30 T Turcinovich 31 A Ban rol e 32 X Toby 33 G Rickard 34 B Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A Black 37 B Hynes 38 S Smith 39 M Holland 39(R)A Carter 40 J Munro 41 T Campbell 42 D 4Vouda 43 B Grant 44 M Manning 45 J Hynes 46 T Ferris 47 F Nuredini 48 P Tirchett 49 W Fe-win 50 A MeCutcheon 51 A McKenzie 52 R Nisbet 53 M Oldham 54 J Payne 55 J Spezza 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio 58 A Beard 59 K Dowsey 60 D Le e 54 S . McNerny 55 D . Orchard 56 D . Temby 57 A . Ryan 58 S . Barlow 59 S. Phemister 60 A. Savoia 68 A. Houg h 69 B. Cambridge

J€, IONS : .v (No . 6 Red) was on rotation the other !ek and the feedback is as follows -" Our umpire on Saturday, I believe her name is Sharon was absolutely terrific!!! This is not always easy to say when you lose, as would rather blame the umpire rather than our own performance . . . . .She was excellent at she communicated with the players, telling - ay she was giving the free kicks or why e didn't pay one . Also her consistency in the frees she was spot on . .. . ." Well Done Sharon. end up 1_i~ g the "Talk of the Ile :e at]- -~r week. Damien Town" i I t, ;ton Jones (NT , UA Coach) said that he was very impressed with her and "it was a great advertisement for recruiting female umpires and the responses I have had not only in reference to Leah's performance but from people showing an interest in umpiring have been fantastic" . We could not buy that sort of promotion . WELL DONE! We welcome anyone in the future to come down to the NTFUA . We look forward to next year's exchange program ." Leah got a write up in "The Examiner" (local paper in L'ton) as well as her photo taken . Leahs' report on the weekend is as follows -°On the last weekend of July, I had the good fortune of umpiring in Launceston on hopefully what will be an ongoing umpire exchange between the VAFAUA and the NTFUA . Umpiring between different grades can be a challenge, however to umpire in a different league is exciting . The two clubs of Uni-Mowbray and Hillwood were in division one of the Association and sitting fifth and sixth on the ladder . I expected the clubs to go hard at it all day, what I didn't expect was that both teams had the majority of burgundy colours in their jumpers as well as shorts and socks, which gives new meaning to jumper clash . Saturday was like great spring weather, no clouds and plenty of blue sky, the temperature got to a top of 17oC after a chilly -IoC in the morning . The pre match is slightly different between the Associations (as you would expect) . They only have one new Sherrin to use for the senior game . The spare ball is still being kicked around by the Magoos, so it's pointless in getting the captain to check it out . All the paperwork is completed prior to the game, where we check the number of players and officials that are on the sheet . The game starts at 2 .00pm, however if the reserves are still going then there is a wait . The Uni-Mowbray ground was lovely to run

whi ',.

a .'

. 1

you haven't pain usai o layed i n are the same . The game -, and the spectators enjoyed the game . Hiliwood got up by 13 points which ple a partner's wife, whose cousins were playin g Hillwood . Come the final siren both te< : ::, retreated to the one thing ft t is always constant bet en all assoc=ati( is < .''ia is th e AFTE \4ATc:H ." °h Done . - N: ist 3rd Question : layer for striking ,r ;' )rt e -1 and give the : ato ` zJl a free kick where the incident c -, _urred. This k's wirmer is Vicki Nicholl : ,- eigh supporter. Fax details to Phil Steven, -- 9531 2050 to receive your prize . . Salesian full forward has marked the TF. ball 40m from -oal. He lines up for his kick . As he does the V' Gi Brunswick full back shakes the goal post . t'hat ° ield Umpire's decision ? - (No . 24 Red) started in 2000, ie is Punshen Hunishen / Huno, . . ., Umpires in `A' Section, Best Game over 5 : - lf -L Grade Final Hawthorn vs Carlto n

- (No. 24 Green) started in 2000 , ov - 54 go 3 , Umpires in A Section, Nickname Johnny / Jono . Best Game - 1999 AI'NII, B Grade Grand Final ; - (No . 20 Red) started in 20014, over 30 games, Nickname - Ralphy, Funniest Moment lst Game . . . . forgot he had a whistle!, Umpires in D Section, P7L Team - Sydney, Best Game Richmond Ce: r'vs Albe ` Park in 20fl1 .

Annual Dir ier - 27/8/ 01 at MCG; Grand Final Brunch & BBQ - 23/9/01 ; Presentation Night-28 1 / 9/01 ; End of Season Trip to Albury - 14/ 10/0


' aton 8


Pa--l . _m--:3n

7 Alan Ladd

1â‚Ź3 Tre;

11 Chris Evans



12 Jamie Kvins

9 Nathan Carlyon

14 Michael Gilday

10 Robert McLeod

15 Mark Jenkins

31 Paul Tuppe n

16 Craig Brajtberg

12 Simon Payton

17 Cameron Leitch

15 Michael Sneddon

18 Tim Sutcliffe

16 Luke Moncrieff

20 David D'Altera

17 Andrea Thwaites

21 Justin Grossbard

1 8 George Pale os

22 Rick Love

19 Heath Little

23 Chris Stevens

21 David Irons

24 John Miller

22 Ken Brewer

20 6aa Chr


.:u rop o.. s

Richard Eastivood

ad Clark .att Cox

Euan Lindsay

30 Michael Phil';--,

J~stin Lip---

raeme D/ID


Jason Lane i11leier

bvrts is S ens (S )

Das :. Peiris

10 Tristan 1,owman


Chris Garcia




Nick Evans

23 Robert Sneddon 24 Jason Moore 2 5 Mat Taylor

28 Leah Gallagher

27 Paul Jones

29 Gerard Rolfs

28 Ron Martvn

Simon Olive

30 Anthony L'vley

ark Fraser

31 Tim Friedman

Si non Stokes

32 Jarrod Aspinall

Jeremy Heffernan

33 Glenn Schipp

35 James Watson

34 Daniel Stephens

36 Ron Smit h

35 Dianne Whiteley

37 David Murray

37 Ken 'Walker

F iNF At TIP F(?()iRI 1 FP ?t'd11


run our r one nt's

that iv; r le,a we'd} 'ion Ld_:.W: " . - . ___ .i be aware, last year's V_ Jo s is a big Sainter, and c

ctor -

gue for an Anr:~ I tit-: 't. At 'n "'q tub. Did m Ii o a :A good as had by ail," irce reported , was

two our

junior I J senior clubs but we have

the one presiden t and we get alon g

harmoniously. I n previous year s re had a junio r president but there


te EL Tre -)Yzl Sx-A Pr i iar-t I5-Sep irk Park Gr.. . d 22-Sep TBC TE`': TrE I

2nd Semi 01-Sep Iat Semi 02-Sep Preliminary 08-Sep Grand I5-Se p

Ul `

D I Box Hill City Oval 2nd Semi 0 TBC Iat Sem 0 y Box Hill City Oral Preliminar

Box Hill City Oval Grand 15- .

U 19 (2) .

D2 idcHale S--dium 2nd Semi 0I-Sep Sa ird y McHale Stadium I at Semi 02-Sep Sunday McHale Stadium Preliminary 08-Sep Saturday I S-Sep Saturday Me!-!ale Stadium Grand D3 Cheltenham FG - d째 ni 01-Sep Cheltenham FG Ist ii 02-Sep Pr_lim iary 08-Sep Cheltenham FG Cheltenham FG Grand I5-Seep



pre Gr_. . _

C kylll (1) Old Trinity Old Trinity Elst Park - 200pm Elst Park - 2.00pm



CX`dlll '

Preston City Oval Qualifying 01-Sep Saturday Preston City Oval Elimination 02 .S - ^ Sunday Preston City Oval 2nd Semi Saturday Preston City Ora.l I st Semi Sunday Preston City Oval PrelimiiF< - -p aturdsy Preston City Oval Grand 22-Sep Saturday

_t TuG 24AflT1=1 iG? FfiCiTRGI 1F :R 2G0 ;



. C . F ® Thomas Fund

d Albury : : .-; _ J on

e L iittin g

i, ~ ~1i 11 12 11 83 were to good on the day :-,,admeadows 2 3 15 . The boys from a d "come to play" and were able to n, ;; ;•~i : 3roadmeadows in all areas of the , ; . . 3roadmeadows were hit by injuries but , Lo ,,1d be happy with the way they finishe d i . .re season and they could be the danger , ;rl- n -:_t: year. F.=illarat 12 4 76 booked themselves f)i=(-e in the grand final with a convincing ill against Geelong 4 1 25 . The game was ~ ; n, i,ody's up to the last quarter when North L al ,_ :at kicked away from a tenacious r;eelong. Geelong were the surprise packet of 1 )i .-i :=.ion 1 and have a good base to build from : .;i season 2002 . D's 5i° :z 2 : M, u,zbourin Tigers 9 13 67 were far to strong 1-or Ringwood Blues 4 2 26 . Mambourin Ti, ;ers looked like running away with the ~~ .,ne but Ringwood rallied and played a big third quarter to get within a few goals of Ma nbourin . The last quarter was won ,onvincingly by Mambourin and they have ,he chance of winning back to back grand finals .

Sii7 Yarra 13 8 86 were far to strong for `.` .aribyrnong 0 1 1 . Sth Yarra showed impressive skills and ran hard all day and L c; excellent form as they prepare for next ,1: eeks grand final . Maribyrnong battled all da - and needed a bit of luck but can be cnngratulated on fighting the game out to the fmal siren . E : ~__ . ¢, " c :on Games: Gippsiand and Karingal played on oval two Karingal being a little bit to experienced [or the new Gippsland side . Gippsland cnjoyed the day and should give a good c ccount of themselves when they join the eompetition next year.

i (f ay . Both be valuable ason . Grant' Division 1 : Karingal and North Ballarat are contesting the Division 1 Grand Final in what should be a great exhibition of F.I .D A . football . Both sides have shown good form leading into the finals . I think that North Ballarat may finally win that grand final trophy they have come so close to over the years . Karingal have a few injured players and this may just give North Ballarat the edge in what will be a close game all day . Division 2 :

Mambourin Tigers and Sth Yarra play in the division 2 grand final and as in Division 1 this game will be very close as both teams have been in great form in the weeks leading up to the grand final. This is an extremely close game to call as both sides have great skills and play good clean football . If I have to pick a side I tend to lean towards Mambourin Tigers by a very narrow margin . anac:s : The e rision three sides do not have final's games but are playing on the day so come along and support them as they display their skills prior to both finals games . G®_~


The VA FA "Amateur Footballer" s proudly sponsored and printed by : L



CYAMPRESS-' 9 7 6 3 4 Q$ 8 1 ®®®® _j

S~- ;t Is -ao'_. _ enw, -

ave : lo ~ to play for , y y make up s-; - 'oUnd on 't ei id of e , -. : :anthor n m, ce the lor-- trek down to Th o

C . z ve for tne match against St . .d in reality, the trip back will prob - y f,-el even longer . This is an _,~portL_ii :; the JOCs must make the most of before finishing off the home and away season with The Doomsday Double . JOCs to win .

be, s!

St. Jo ,_i s Monash Gry-lr .ons v . ;en :igh Fitzroy Reds v. Albert Park

-- - - . ~,_

T.C .



r. .



Coat : L. .. .i v~alty Res t;e An M Cu rta3n


Reg . Cc -

1 . L . Murphy {C) 2 . A. Harkin

:Grab f t Andre. : u+crge 1 . M .Frisby 2 . A Walsh

1. 2.

P.Smith N.Pastr a

1 2

C Sharp ( C) P organ


J .Storey


A Pittito

3 . D . Fitzpatrick

4. S. 6.

G . Parmansche S.Allan J . Willox

4 5 6

D Lewis (RC) M Eyl es

7. 8.

J.Sutton C. Jackson

7 8

R V at S E an L n

4 . A. Tilley 5 . M. Whelan 6 . D . Brennan

9. 10 . 11 12.

R. C°3r `-rs


9 . T Hartly


I JE son

A. t

10 11




A Hen ry D6n (C) L "

10. R . Bravington 11 . L. Missaglia 12 . N . Wigmore 13 . P. Stankovich

1, 15. 16.

S. B, C .Rc .


D . Leitan

14 15 16

C P V .atin i P Jer n

14 . B . Mahony 15 . M . Noonan 16 . M . Surman

18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23.


J Psaras

17 . J . Ward

J . Tay it

18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26

H Dwyer S Hall R Fishlock A Graham S Adaway L Holmesby D Gold B Padgham

18 . A. Neil 19 . A. Peasley 20 . K. Currie 21 . P. Stuchber ry 22 . M. Mussared 23. S. Cu rtain (VC) 24. A. Foster 25. B. Frankin


J Seeley

26. 0 . Mahony (VC)

28 29 30

M McCulloch A Clough A Miksad

27. M . Daniels 28. W. Davidson 29 . S . Mahony

35 38 39 40


R English

30 . M . Nicol

32 33

D Fishlock M Efiting

G >r-I -nrich


D Castro


35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

L Ireson M Backman P Hutchison G Beattie L Pittito J Bourr-u J Neve A MM n S G S< n A

31 . G. Devonshire 32 . M . Hunt 33 . M . Cunningham 34 . M . Hosking 35 . P. McNa1I y 36 . P. McDonogh 37 . L. Lambe rt 38 . B. Currie 39 . P. Allen 40. S. Bacon 41 . J. Yem m 42. J. Lilikakis 43. P. Clark 44. C . Walker

4" 4~ i 4 5 51 52 53 54 55 56 5' 60

P a h9 M A M 1 L n M Si GR M Ungworth


n t

A.Stc . .ard M .Abbott S .Waugh S .Red ath p T.Faranda

. J .Murray ,5. 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 3' . 35. 3S, 37.

J .Suictitie G .Finn S .Ridou t R. Bucktey T. Goldsmith A.Thomas S. McGuire D.'0 rice ay T.


: L







ss h i

CI ` I . s~sn ~ ._ito

rd 61 . x7

JC u>e

r8. 79.

A. J .F roi


B rtyn TV an J .Stubbs

81 .


E' f}.h . riS 85 . G .Datey 86 .





7 . J . McAdam 8 . S. Currie ( RC)

1a 1 . Be cini

3 M .WharE

1b B


4 5 6 7

2a G 2b E

Broadle y Sill

J .Hamilto n D. Kane J .Bennie J .Doyle

3a G

Jackso n

8 A .Byrne 9 C.Prior

3b A



Betti o

10 A.Urbancic

5a S


11 B•Doyle

5b B Sc P


13 M .James 14 T.Clarke 15 J.Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 B.Lee 18 M .Heenan 19 P.Cook

6b N

Avery Tierney


Moncrief t

Re N 8b J 9 R

Hayes Menni e Ogle

20 TMitchell

10 P


21 A .Sainsbu ry 23 T.Jackson 25 P.Jackso n 26 A ,Fennessy t 27 J .Lof 28 J .Card 29 D.East 31 P.Crowe 32 A .Grant

11 A 12 S 13 J 1 4a D 14b T 15 M 16a C 16b D

Sill Banfield Povey Lauteita Fitzpatrick Tyso n Ree d Lahiff

33 S .Dru ry

17a D


17b R 18 P 19 J

Tongue Rya n La w

41 R.Burgman

20 S

Parke r

42 I .McBurnie 43 A.Marcon 44 B.Hart 46 P. Heaphy 48 V.Cahitl 49 A.Pugiia 50 B.Aggenbach 51 J.Rawlings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S .Addicott 54 J .Parsons 55 N .Mathews 55 L.Mayman 56 T.Madden 57 R.Rome 58 B .Neal

21 P 22 A

Burk e Collins



23b M 24 J 25 M 26 D 27 R 28 D 29a M 29b P 30 K 31 L 32 P

Artin i Jackomoni s Zaverella Villani Lord Lackins O'Brien Barke r McDouga l Collin s McLennan

45. R . Grandemange

59 R.Johnstone

33 S

Steven s

46. S. Smith 47 . S . Ritchie 48 , M . Frankin 49 . D . Byrne 51 . M . Purcell 52 . P. Roberts 53 . B . Hilton

60 A.Parsons 61 G .Virtue 62 N.Auden 63 G .Makdesi 64 D ,Trindad e 66 D .Timms 67 R .Holderhead 68 B.Cahill 69 S.Pidott o 70 S.Dibendetto

34 R 35 J 36 M

Johnston Carguill Daou

37 D

Ca rte r

38 B 39a S 39b D 40 B 41 A 42 T

Bruns Davie s Pritchard Moore Donki n Dixo n

72 M .Dikeuko s 75 W. Daniel 76 D . Cu rt is 80 G. Box 81 J .Horridge 84 Z.Senburgs

43a A

Bri c k

43b l


44 B

Alide r

45 A 46 T

Burke O'Hanlo n


88 S .Greenwood

47 J



97 P.Ronchi 99 P.Diacogiogis

48 C 49 D

Alexander McGowan Delaney Saulle


54 . S . Kirkham 57 . T. Byrne


T o t F


--. . .:. . Coach: Pc t Res Coach: : _ eni._. ,

A.Mackinnon N.Bishop A.George G .Bance

116 G .Schiavo

52 M 55 A

t C-, [-_ _ a

~3 .e : c in H f

Grady Fiuetheriord Giic ist rr

dl flii son Nichols Gross J . Stratford D. Hate Clarke D. Junkeer

J . Hetherington C. Lovett R . Coxhead Brovreli Asbell Coxhead

D . Charleson

3 4 5 3 7

D . Kitchin Kilimister Carter 9 . Gilchrist Bourbon D . Lloyd P. Holland G. Roche A . Tolongos } te Graydon r 1 Dn i!n E cb Mastromanno Salaj i, . Archer C . Carlisle C . Goold L . Wells J. Canis G . Kent T. Beslee L . Martin J. Leroy D. Ratner C . Leeton B. Derr I . Bagnall M . Jones P. Warren J. Foster A. Corbett Buick C. Wat )n

G . Can

1 S 2 B Holmes 3 T O'Sullivan 4 D Shannon 5 S Shannon 6 G Bunsha~r 7 P Byrnes 8 G Malcolm 9 P Karamichalos 10 AV 1 ,n

it F t

13 J Du,, : n 14 C Shar on 15 C Barry 1 6 J Sirt

17 S Conroy 18 M Zajac 19 S Lynch 20 B Page 21 A Jones 22 A Flore s 23 R Pren+ ~ce 24 T C he 26 S F If 27 C ; 28 29 B 3( J 3; 3, 3< J 35 j H II reitas Cor ry 41 T S!e 42 C : :e 43 G : ;us 45 K[ 4 €' 1 4t J Hic 5 1, C C-stiea_u 52 C i rnopoulos 53 K Pardvy 54 S RadAngs 55 M Dav56 A T :lay 57 E t"II 58 J t <'r Si 60 Y

1 . Hassain 2 . Ladson 3 . S .Hilton 4 . S .Holmes 5 . C .H ury 6 . L .C3'Don tell 7 . R .E :k 8. R.C 10. 1e1 .Courmadus 11 . S. H m 12. P.Walker 13. M.Jones 14 P.Sharp 15 A.Borgohna 16 G .Matheson 17 S.Coackayne

1 . P. Daly 2. . Hani n 4 . S. Stepnell (C) 5 . S. King 6 . W. Rcso.rski 7. A. H~ n n 8 . B. L. 1 9 . B. 10 . S. / uiiina 11 . F 12 . 13 . E. 14 . P. C ;s 15 . B. 1 16 . .1

10 B . Carrick 11 J . i 12 (C ) 13 N. ;e 14 J . 1 1 5 S . re 16 J . 17 S . ,

18 C .Emery

17 . "i: B,


19 M.Hartnet 20 B.Rydquist 21 S.Koppens 22 A.Dragwidge 23 L .h9errigan

18 . K. John in (HCC) 19 . L. Hall 21 T. Jr D 22 A. 23 B .

24 B.,=erericks

26 S . Dr

25 D .ddaters 26 B.Hilton 27 L.M17ilis 28 D .Coulon 30 R .Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G .Saher 34 Fi .Hancock 35 J .Sacco 37 D .Ghristian 38 A.Fonceca 40 A.Rudd 42 TDucancabino 43 M .Van Hooten 45 A.Paterson 47 J .Gott4n 50 J .Jiaming 51 C.Santori 52 A.Hails 53 B .Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K.Hiiton 61 D.Houlton

28 A . t=1c s 31 S . 32 D. 33 34 rn 35 N. 36 J . 37 d 42 G . C 48 ni 48 .i 49 T. Si 50 T. H 53 C. Kent 55 J . Pehlr

19 J . L rig 21 S. Hills, z2 R . A s 23 P. r m 24 . Tur 25 K. We 26 H . 27 D 28 A. 29 T. C and

3 . M. johnstone

1 1Nri • 2 B . U, g 3 T. Camero n . Clevela J1 4 T 5 T. Fulton 6 S . Cracknel l 7 D. Zulucki E D, HasteYt (VC)

9 R. Srr" )

30 M. 31 P C 32 H . ark 33 A. Fr° 35 I( ury tter . ce ~a 40 L gUif 41 ri. ! ilc we 42 D . Wal lace 43 M. t)'NeiN 44 C. Perc y 45 N . Smith 48 R . K ie y 47 M. ~nnecly 49 J . _" f 50 B. 51 R . U : Ito 52 M. 53 A, C°`` ' 54 Sty 55 r. . 56 J . Ca, ~75 G . Di ~d~ o



65 )n

~ J. E

~~ T vill e 70 C n 7€ Phelan 7E 7: r



67 ' !





Co o r : Res a- c:c

C as



~ ,



70 c &i 71 e, it 72 D. 73 74 G. ur! . . . 75 J. 77 . J . Bristowe

. .

Official Supplier of Spon,

Products to

B eierSd Orl' Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623) 7 Maurice Street, i'unawading Vic 3 131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 157

After vo weeks laid up I have been able to pull to once again comment a exciting finish to s are still four s' ~s contested 5th positi . go, it is still anyone's gu coveted prize of a in .al s The I gest ups thus fa is ic effort of ' bird loss for str..,s breeze, the Cobra s an continued this int hold an 18-pob it quarter that s outscoring the Cobra's into some fantastic work around .. . Andrews, Karl Pace and Tim

ran over the too with the wind in to remain contenders with a mo point victory. Another team playing the m were Eley Park against -

not won a match this seasc :, i have pencilled this match in as 1 asice to get off the duck and they were not Q 1 their loyal supporters down . A: _et E_ _ _ __ __ half, Eley Park put the game beyond doubt ith a back breaking third quarter. The Hor,i,urgh brothers tried hard for Westbourne, as they have all season, but it was not enough as Eley Park a an out convincing 42-point winners . Rupertswood continued their ci )r a chance as they accounted fc r"' Saturday. Both teams' defer :es in particular Carmichael Rupertswood and Wayne Bates for ' : s . was not until the second q ia ~ . that Rupertswood were able to establish a defendable lead . With Fammartino and Doody playing well for the Turtles after half time it looked as though their side might hit back, however . with Whitehead, Gaunt and Glenn on fire in the thire : Rupertswood drove home their advantage ancE kept their top three chances alive with a resounding 58-point victory . ;ept their In the other two matches ` . :: . . final's chances alive with a 17-point r :Lo _ against S t . Mary's while Gy-l ke^T: unbeaten run intact with a 71-point wi; ;

a -ri

.'rc I -

CFInT^~AI 1 cP 9h`)',

-. - The "monl : ::y-man " ,.u his match for the cl::b ek . : escribed as having one of th e backs in D4, Phil has been a great and clubman for the club over th e 3ver's" Rivalland als o -s . Also r : i his u ., . : ..latch for Westbourne last David is one of the nice guys of the t•O„1in°_ition imho loves to kick a goal when give n i_ opportunity . Although small in size, he mor e iis takes up for this with his endeavour an d on the field both in the seniors an d

:C BuIleen Cobras v . Mt. Liivdale Werribee Amateurs has the bye Swinburne Uni . v. North Brunswick Rupertswood v . Syrldal Tally-Ho Old Westbourne v. St . Marys

ilI tham Collegians v. Eley Par? ,


y He : lee r plays his 50th „amc for the club " ds week. Adri an is an nally fine back man with enormou s r : .,~e and an ability to clear the ball from the ea to the team's ad antage . , Foe o his ° for t: Cobras i ° 13th rounil vs I T< -ly ) . Joe has be n vith the Cobras the clubs inception in 1996 and has bee n crL :cial to the success of the club both on and off Id . [tic i_ratulations and well done fellers .

1(112) SST. iti:_T~ALT 57. : ,711: E1,3 14-ill (95) 1ti . e;ilyctale: Gibson 4, Anderson 2, Penhale 2, Varga 2, Hayes 2, ;'; II,;, Leonard, Kellett, Brebner. Best : Bird . Brebnor, !' :mningham . Gridley, Wells, Hayes. St. Marys : Ryan 6, Anthony Bernardi 2. Boyes 2. P. Harrison, Carra . Best : Ryan, : mberlin, Boyes . Carta, A. Dwyer. Umpires : G . Rolls R. Smith (F) 4 ; 1 :='TE ::E 3 .1 3.7 6.11 11 .16 .82 COBRAS 4 .4 6.7 8.11 9 .13 .67 v,'c-r'.lc_ :Marinis 3, Alabaeos 2 . Andrews 2, Ellis 2, Camillera, _ - Iny. Best : Andrews, Pace. Keogh. Ellis, McMillin . Carson . Bu''- -n Cobras: Clements 3, Starrett 2, Saaksjalvi 2, Badanwek , n . Best: Bowen, May, Stakkett . Dall'Ogho . Trinehi. McLaren . lhnptrea: K. Brewer J . Ralph (F) B . Ralph J. Kralevski (B ) S i:?DAL TALLY-HO 4 .3 11 .4 16.7 21 .11 137 5'': i : URr - U'43 2 .3 5 .4 7.5 10 .6 66 S, n- 'y-Ho : J . Hannemann 6, VanDerKruk 4, Rutter 3, Di x Henderson 2 . B. Hannemann, S . Kemper, Cactus, Thompson . st: G . Kemper, Henderson, Bennett, S. Kemper, J . •1resiSstinburne Uai : Murchte 5 . Milano . Morrison, Thomas, i! zmtiton, Sheedv. Best: Morrison, Murchie, Sheedy, Piotrowski, no . Caricciolo Umpires: J . McNiece (R) (F) P.Ui'ERT3WOOD 3 .3 8.7 13 .11 19.15 (129) ELT _ ;: : : COLLEGIANS 3 .4 3 .6 6 .8 10 .11 (71) Rur,~rt >oad :Whithead 4,Gaunt 3,Glenn 3,Plummer 3, Maylor 2 , es 2, Prendergast . Clarke. Elthsm Collegians : Rigoni 2, onald 2. Bell 2 . Jenkins, llhngworth, Carter , Hart .Ump3res: rore (F) E7_- ? P;,gE 3 .2 8.5 15.15 19.18.132 7;SBO 1 .7 4 .10 7.14 12 .1890 Park: Hawley 6, Alexandridis 2, Blake 2, Smith 2, Bowen , er, ' iorrison . D.Murray, M.Payne, Reddington .Trotter. Best : on, M .Pavne . D .Murray. West, Hawley .Trotter . Ol d e: Rivalland 3. S .Christo 2, Dangerfield 2, A .Horsburgh illman, Gigas, B .Slattery. D m, :r_~ :: A. Hoogendyk (F)

Whitehead Thompson Best

Rupertswood Syndal Tally-Ho Eltham Syndal Tally-Ho Rutter Macdonald Eltham t34 Harding Werribee 4 0 Papanikolou North Brunswick Carlesso Werribee 0 F. Baidi Bulleen-Cobras 0 Heath Eley Park 2

of 40 34 36 32 48 42 41 29 23

5 .11 ( .) . T. LILYDAI ST. I i.rtRYS 6 .13 (49 ) Mt . Lilydale : Commerford, Hollaway, Varga. Morrison, Prest. Best : A. DelBiondo, Leek, Flanagan, Varga, Holloway, Allanson . St. Marys : Rousis 2 . Kouhantatakis. R. Watson, perelberg, Evans . Best: Perelberg, McLennan. C . Goldsworthy. Webb. Evans, Rousisl . 3 .4 5.6 7 .7 8 .10 .58 AS 3 .1 7.3 8 .5 9.5 .59 rd 3arding 4, Fenton 2, C.Alabakis. Thomas. Best: Owens . A.Alabakis, Ayling . Fuller, Harding, Zullian . Bulle t Cobras: Thompson 2, Trapman 2, Petrillis 2 . Rodriglies 2 . Dam. Best: Trapman, Petrilli . Rigoni, Whiteman . Rodlguez, Biondi SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2 .3 3 .4 5.6 7.12 (54) SWINBURNE U N1 1 .7 4 .8 6.14 6,14 (50) Syndal Tally-Ho : Gienister 2, M. Richardson. Wong, Burns. Morrison. Hallisay . Best : Christiansen, Morrison, Kilpakis, Hallisav, Hannett Swinburne Uai : Roberts 2, MeCahnan, Andrinopolous . DeMarte, Reynoldson. Best : Lucky, O'Donnell, Culphy, Reynoldson, Snow . Hartley Rupertsaroad 3.5 6 .9 9 .9 18 .16 .124 Eltham OC 1 .2 3 .3 3 .4 3 .7 .25 Goals Rupertsw : D. Jordan 6: R. Phillips 4 : D. Horn , J . McGrath 2, M O'Callaghan 2, D . Walsh . N. Webb . Best M . Pettman . L . Temming, D. Jordan, M . O'eallaghan . P. Sinnett, N . Webb Goals Eltham O .C: L. Daly . G. Stackpole & G . Smith. Eltham O.C: L . Dalv . S. Robins, T. Johns . P. Morrow, B. Rashid, J . Stockdale ELEY PARK 1 .3 2.6 7.10 9 .13 . 67 2 .1 7.5 9.5 11.8.74 OLD WESBOURNE Eley Park : Heath 2, Gaynor 2, Smith 2 . Fukushima, Gerolomou, S .Payne. Best : Thomas, Newbound, Heath, Gerolomou, Fukushima . Pauagopoulos . Old Wesbourne : Cluffey 2, Crosswell 2, Hewitt 2, S .Leitch 2 . Evans, Huntington . Murphy. Best: Scholes . Huntington, Murphy, N .Aqutlina, Smith, Evans .

E . ^ca :h: Asst . Cason: C . Res Cc :h : i s Cox

I J . Pilip idi s 2 T. Orw2 S. Petty 3 ~~~~

4 N . Cartledge 5 M. Dall'Oglio (VC) 5 M . Starrett

Coach : Darren Haw! Res Coach : Grant H


7 . B . RAS IID


8 . L.SHAI


9 . C .V.

9. An(

7 F. Baldi





10. W.I ES 11 . J.MI2 I 12 . A.MHiJN 13 . R .BELL VC


1 . Daniel J, i~ a n 2 . Phil Haye s 3 . Matt Brebner 4 . F i : Varga 5 . G Bird 6,

10 . AXE i b 11 . Chris 12. Justir 13. Ric I 14. Chris W; 15. Daryl Morriso n 17. Paul Beddoes 18. Marcus Gridley 19 . Neil Whitehea d 20 . Jeremy Penhal e 21 . Matt Cunningha m 22 . Billy Leek 23 . Bart Ega n 24 . Joe Hoffma n 25 . Andrew Delahunt 26 . Travis Flanaga n 27. Nathan Pearce (VC) 28. Travis Crow e 29. Peter Furlon g 31, Steven Taylor 32 . Pat Carolan (C) 33 . Chris Anderson 35 . David Callanan 36 . Robert Di Nezz a 37 . Dan Hicks 38 . Damon Kenned y 39 . Lloyd Allanson 41 . Peter Varg a 42 . Matt Pereira 43. David Hollowa y 44. Nicholas McConnel l 45. Rick McKenzi e 47. Chris Lonerga n 49. Joe Hoffman 50. Andrew Penhal e 51 . Paul Bastick 52 . Mark Well s 53 . Mick Leonard 54 . Leigh Kellett 55 . Haydn Flanaga n 56 . Dean Prest 60 . Travis WIlso n 63 . Craig Carstens 64 . Damian Smit h 65. Lochie Procto r 66. Daniel Turner 67. Neil Senio r Joseph Drag o Timothy Grace Jason Gardiner Andrew Burrett Paul Caulfield Billy Jealous David Cicchiello

Heath Gurrier-Sanders


Charlie Varg a

1-3 Greenaway St,

Bulleen 3105 Phone: 9852 1129

Coa D: Re s

1 . D .FAMMARTINO 2. l:DUGGAN 3. E . SAVAGE 4 . B .DOODY C/C 5 . M .BEST 6 . T.C" `lTER


10 A. Gencarelli 11 C. Borelli 12 D. Thompson 13 T. Johnson 14 G. Pemberton 15 J. Trinchi (RC) 16 D . Trinchi (DVC) 17 S. Reddish 18 R . Badanjek 19 S. Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N. Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 22 M . Turner 23 J . Redfer n 24 M . Opie 25 W. Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 N . Prestigiacomo 30 T Pearson 31 S. McLaren 32 C . Clements 33 J . Elliott 34 M . D'Angelo (C) 35 T Sette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C . Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 G . Reeves 47 S . Irvine 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 50 D. Weinert 51 R . Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 L. losifidis 54 J. Biondo 55 S. Wigney 56 S. Whiteman 57 P. McVeigh 58 A. McKinley 59 P. Triandos 60 M . Vandam 61 D. Rennie

ve .Coach: 81 1 Do Res. Coach : J 0


6 N. Cox 8 T. Mazzareila 9 B. Hoare


~~~~~ ~~_ omsu ~

1 =: : . C , Craig i-ox F, - c- .ch : I , S, Wemham

E if


Coach: Jeff Wilson Res. Coach : Stephen Leitch

RUPEC T Coach: Tony West Res. Coach : Shane fdcLaughlan

ST. MART S Coach: Peter Olivler i Rea Coach: Michael Learmonth 1 . J . Harrington

1 . G . Robson

2 Fox D

2 . G . Flower

3 Carmody S

2. B . Boyes

4 McLauchlan S 5 Schwartz M

3. J . Carra 4. N. Goldsworthy

W. McMahon 6 D. Pizzari - D. Magnuson ~ D. Fenton g A. Sammartino

3 . S. Depiazza 4 . A. Nibloe

5 . S . Sutton 6 . J . Horsburgh (VC) 7 . A . Christo 8. A . Horsburgh 9. C. Villinger

6 Gallus 5 7 Brad W 8 Prendergast B 9 Clarke M 10 O'Callaghan A

:o W. Fawcett ;1 J . Boudoloh

10 . J . Wilson 11 . V. Matthey

11 Moule B 12 Cardillo K

12 S . Care

12. T. Milne

13 Sinnett B

; P. Marin 14 M . Newton

13. S . Hewitt 14, S . Mattsson

14 Plummer L 15 McGrath J

14 C . Goldsworthy 15 -R . Orme

15. A . Board

16 Clarke P

16 L . Anthony

2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf P. Dimarco

15 H . Tsialtas L . Demorton A. Kyriazis i P. Sorleto 9 S. Famulari 20 R . Divita M . Sorletto ? J . Freeman ; J . Briffa 24 M . Alliani 25 S . Tancredi 3 P. Tancredi M . Vaina S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J . Heck 32 D . Newton ' - J . Retells Pisasale 5 P. Dowsett A. Armstrong 37 D . DeMorton - ; A. Crosina C . Rhook 40 B. McCallum 41 J . Elasmar 2 J . Papanikolou J . Page S. Grist Pante J . Polemicos N. Oates 49 G . Skaf B . Laoumtzes P. Brine -3 S . Milroy :4 D . Bonney 55 J. THompson 56 L . Patullo 60 W. Duson 61 S. Nabbs D .Perdon 65 L . Rigazzi

16. S. Christo 17. M. Aqualina 18. P. King (DVC) 19. R . Aldridge 20. S. Cameron 21 . B. Dangerfield 22 . W. Fleming 23 . K. Sutton 24 . L. Fairfield (C) 25 . M .Stapleton 26 . P. Mesman 27 . D. Billman 28 . D. Slattery 29 . D. Horsburgh 30 . R. McMillan 31 . D Evans 32 . G. Jenkinson 33 . D . Bern 34 . P. Stewart 35 . D . Rivalland 36, K . Pillsbury 37. A . Leitch 38. B . Mattsson 39. A . Robbins 40. S. Leitch 41 . at. Dusting 42. S. Roberts 43. A. Runciman 44. B. SIa -ttery 45. S.Huntington 46. J .Sportelli 47. T. Said 48. T.SCho!es 49. M . Pillsbury 50. P. Habersatt 51 . S.Kelly 52 . T. Robinson 53 S .Phillips 54 M . Crosswell 55 . M .Baulch 56 . C. Galvin 57 . D . Halley 58 . M . Bavdek 59 . Adrian Lipscombe 60, N . Aqualina

17 Walsh D 19 Mezzatesta M 20 Flinn P 22 Quinn K 23 West M 25 Bradbury H 26 Zarb D 27 McMahon N 28 McDonald D 29 Baines M 32 Sinnet P 33 Glenn W 35 Certo C 36 Henry P 37 Massaro A 38 Pettman B 39 Hastings P 40 Botten T 41 Bowman P 42 Swann B 43 Phillips R 44 Pettman M 45 Hum D 47 Seidel A 48 Stafford A 49 O'Riley C 51 MacPherson B 52 Moskaljuk S 53 Gaunt W 54 Gibbs R 55 Webb N 56 Fox P 57 Carmichael J 62 McMahon A 63 Blenkiron D 64 Jordon D 66 Mandouitt L. 70 Temming L. 74 Page S 77 O'Callaghan M 78 Webb B

5. J . Dwyer 6 T. Burt 7 W. Ross 8 A . Zsembery 9 R . O 'Shaughnessy 10 G. Koumantatakis 11 J. Bernardi 12 S . Benson

13 A. Dwyer

17 P. West 18 B. Frail 19 M. Maschette 20 A. Lan e 21 Q . Norton 22 R . Allen 23 J. Hill 24 I . Goullet 25 D. Hutchin s 26 S . Stone 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watso n 31 D. Thomson 32 A. Web b 33 J . Watson 34 M . Tindle y 35 G . Theoharri s 36 E, Evan s 37 L. Vincent 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Millar 41 at . Brennan 42 H . Joyce 43 M . Chamberli n 45 P. Rya n 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousi s 48 D . Morcom 49 G . Schembri 50 A. Worsnop 51 T. Bergin 52 T. Dunne 53 S. McGurgan 55 B. Perelberg 56 at. Vincent 58 B. Lewis 59 K. McLennan 60 M . Scammel l 61 N. Jackson 62 N. Goodieson 63 P. Rosema n 64 at . Ramsay 66 G . Pilikidisy 67 J . O'Connor 69 at . Hand y 70 T. Brown 73 D. Doyl e

76 T. Tahos

80 J . Clarke 88 A . Foskett

Sponsored by: 1째I ~~

y llllda i

A . Ballantyn e

M . Bank s

M . Elli s J. Odorisio S . Reck ' G. Sigley

~n Fic'~ Co i: I vin Han ! C ch : Robert Cavicchiolo Res. Coach : Kevin Hanse l

Co = h : Tim Eilis Res.C .ch :T~ nA e

1 C Freeman 1 Hannemann. J 2 J Sheedy 2 Bingham .l 3 J Piotrowski 2 Bourne S

1 . A . Aibaki s 2. S . McNamara 3 . D . Flac k

4 A Fidler 3 Joy.M

4. L. Brown 5 . L. Kerr

5 J Demarte 4 Henderson . P 6 B Canfield 5 Dix .B

7 A Hamilton 5 Hannett. D 8 M Debono 6 Chasemor e 9 L Morrison 6 Cotsis .J 10 M Anastassi 7 Burns .A 11 D Milano (C) 8 Bennett .R

12 B Nicholl 9 Kemper.S 13 A Albert 10 Psinas .T 14 R Goode 10 Van Derkruk .G 15 C Thomas 11 Rutter . J 16 S Reynoldson 12 Moresi .J 17 J Andrinopolous 12 Mille r 18 A Fiumani 13 Taylor. D 19 B O'Mara 14 O'boyle .S 20 M Trainor 15 Peiurray.N 21 S Parsons 16 Boucher.B 22 P Foster 18 Macfarlane . S 23 R Merkel 19 Gienister. M 25 T Hourigan 20 Hall . C 26 T Liston 20 Hannemann. B 27 D Murphy 20 Mackenzie . l 28 S Gray 21 Thompson .A 29 R Cavicchiolo 22 Hoare .S 30 P Turk 23 Beckett .M 31 S Eager 24 Pdaciariane .E~h

32 C Culph 25 Clark . C 33 N Smith 25 Yllburn .S 34 c Higgins 26 Morrison .A 35 M Banks 27 Kemper. G 36 J Carter 28 Fyfieid . P 37 A Reed 29 Sheer.A

38 J Carroll


Richardson .A

39 B Prior 32 Hannemann. L 40 J Henry 33 Richardson .M 41 T Drahtidis 34 Hunter N 42 A Jones 35 Cachia. C 43 J Roberts 37 Dance .A

44 N Morgan 38 Christiansen .M 45 D Islip 39 Hallisey 46 J Sandhu 40 Leaver 47 J Sevdalis 40 Marks.T 48 G Deppeler 41 tdoresi .M 49 H Allen 42 Findlay 50 M Goodwin 43 Brown .A 51 P James 44 Maestros.J 52 S O'Donnell 45 Richardson.D 53 K. Dube 46 Pane . M 55 S Gallina 47 Wong .V 56 J . Murchie 49 Schuiling .D 58 A Roberts 49 Varnavas 60 D Debono 50 Sneddon .A 54 Sheer.P

81.ep i,:e B1SOYiS Rd Waverley

poll, ",-5-^-- 2- a tiS`7

3i 5

V t" or 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn

98 88 317 7

(03) 981 8 +1



0413 539 501



6. S . McGrath 7. T. Elli s 8 . K. Pace (C) 9 . C . Terzoglou 10 . M . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12. M . Walsh 13. F. Mehmert 14. B. McMillan 15. J . Purton 16. P. Browning 17. S. Fuller

18. E. Collier 19. J . Addamo (VC) 20. P. Albaki s 21 . R . Zulian 22. A. Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24. J. Crack 25. A. Hovey 26. P. Thomas (RC) 27. M. Brown (DVC) 28. D . Czajowski 29. S. Dol e 30. B. Carlesso 31 . B. Waters 32. M. Dolegowski 33. S. Parke r 34. S. Camiileri 35. S. Alabacos 36. A. Addamo 37. J. Ayling 38. P. Dwaes 39. L . Langfield 40. L Carson 41 . G . Grogan 42. D . Elli s 43. E. Galizi 44. C . Albakis 45. J. Marinis 46. R . Han n 47. R. Portogallo 48. S. Pugliese 49. D . Lenoury 50. A. Fenton 51 . D. Turner 52 . C. Andrews 53 . A. Trainon 54 . M . Jordan 56 B. Gibson

_ i'e no matches -i manner that would - layers s v+il! be counted and the Clubs

1- :~ ~ ~ ~)er of tickets for players and officials .

Finals eligibility rules are found uncci- Rules 5155 of the Association . Below is a brief summarv . Senior -(lst XL`III teams) Any registered player with a permit can play finals (except A .FL/VFL players with a permit - see below)

:1~eserve -(2nd XVIII teams', Players must be registered and must have played at least two (2) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round). Where, both first and second XVIII's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify . For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend (ie . 1st semi Saturdat.r, 2nd semi Sunday - read as above teams playing on the same day) . Under-19 teams - Players must be registered and hold a permit . If a player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season . If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a te ; n has (2) U19 teams or is

involved in -iybrid arrangement, : fallowing shall apply. Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U19 1 side to play in the (2) team. To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not including finals . C Players must be registered and have pl<<ed in at least four (4) Club h'VIlI matches and not have played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round . An AFL or 1, listed player will be eligib' play in the finals for his VAFA club as to-hasplayed a minimum of five (5) VAFA matcl

the team he wishes to represent in the fina played after June 30th .

l east wo(2)ofthes matchesmusthaveb e n

A TAC Under 18 player must have played five (5) VAFA matches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of ches after June 30th.










, 1

'. eOwill be-C_ in 2t )I P You love your football rght? Wors .i:. your team until the very end? Look forward to every weekend just to breathe and feel that excitement ? %, ., :! . . _ . -- , -,U!!! Presenter of When Saturday Comes, Francis Leach is looking for - la's Fo If you think you've got what it takes, simply log onto local,abc .netau/mei Ourne then put yourself through the paces with an online twenty question quiz . (People without internet access ci call 1300 360 774 to have the questions sent out) Each week two brains will battle it out in the When Saturday Come's Footy Quiz live on-air with Francis Leach . So, are you ready to prove you're the Footy Brain of 200 i ? If you think you've got what it takes (or know someone who does), log onto the web and tune into When Saturday Comes every Saturday f r o m 10 .00am on 774 ABC Melbourne and hear fellow f o o t y brains battle it c The prize?? Apart from being crowned Footy Brain of the Year, you'll receive the only prize fit for a foot ; br "I

A 1= L

. . .- . - , ' ; Leach - ' on ,s I 0 .00am - ! _ :soo n .-,ourn e F) r ~ nn re inicnnaoon contact Shannon ft - 1, Promotions and Publicity Coordinator, ~.

Local Radio %1(0?? 9626 160 9

Z ~ ~


~' . a go




~ LL7

A Sec"on ')1,1 Brighton v. Mazenod 01d Trinity v . St . Kevins ,]i-rcrsity Blues v . Marcellin ;i . Eernards v . Old Xaverians `t I ISOB v. Old Scotch at . EP Saturday Se ctio n

,id Haileybury v . Old Ivanhoe La Salle v. Beaumaris Tl er y Penola v . North Old Boys ;~; hitefriars v. Old Paradian s id Melburnians v. Ormond C Sectio n (,,11e~ians v . Old Essendon Gle i Eira v . Caulfield Gr. Pr,hran v. Old Mentonians \J `=~ v. Bulleen-Templestowe Il ;;i, pton Rovers v. St . Bedes Mentone Tigers D1 q-cctio n

~ . Leos Emmaus v. Banyule lauinas v . Monash Blues Old Geelong v. Ivanhoe Assumption 1'arra Valley v. University Biacks 01d Camberwell v. Old Carey D2 Section %tentone Amateurs v. Kew arkside v . Power House Peninsula v . La Trobe Uni.

Under-19 Section 2 Old Haileybury v . Caulfield Gr . Ormond v . St . Leos Emmas Whitefriars has the bye Hampton Rovers v . Yarra Valley at Castlefield Reserve, Ludstone St ., Hampton (76 J5) Old Essendon v. Werribee Amateurs Old Ivanhoe v. Old Trinity Under-19 (2) Blue Monash Blues v . Sth Melb Districts St. Kevins (2) v . Oakleigh - TBA Old Xaverians (2) v . De La Salle (2) at McHale Stadium 11 .30am AJAX v . Glen Eira MHSOB v. Mentone Amateurs at MHSO B Under-19 (2) Re d University Blacks has the bye North Old Boys v. Old Paradians Bulleen-Templestowe v . Aquinas Ivanhoe Fitzroy v. Therry Penola Rupertswood v . Old Camberwell Club 1S (1 ) Preliminary Final to be played at Elsternwick Park, Sunday 19th at 2 p .m . Club 18 (2 ) Preliminary Final to be played at Elsternwick Park, Sunday 19th at 11 .15 a .m.

;':,ast Brunswick v . Salesian 0 C Oakleigh v . Williamstown CYMS D3 Section

Elsternwick v . South Melb Districts Albert Park v. Hawthorn Amateurs ❑ HSOB v. Richmond Central Bentleigh Amateurs v. St. Johns 7itaroy Reds v. Monash Gryphons Er4 Section ~it . Lilydale has the by e Werribee Amateurs v. Swinburne Uni ~'orth Brunswick v . Rupertswood Syndal Tally-Ho v . Eltham Collegians did Westbourne v. Bulleen Cobras Mey Park v. St . Mary s Under-19 Section 1 Old Scotch v . Collegian s Old Xaverians v . De La Salle St . Kevins v . Marcellin - TBA

St . Bernards v . Beaumaris to be played at 1 p .m . at St . Bernards Old Melburnians v . Old Brighton University Blues v . Mazenod 0 C


®c _ t ~aa< -1 . .~ ~ _~

Invites applications for all C©achirlg positions 2002 B Grad e B Reser ve Grad e 1I 1 3rd ( I ub) J unior Sectio n I Applications & CV to : The Secretar y PO Box 3056, Dendy Post Office Hampton Street, Brighton 3186Pax : 9593-1008

Aeview 3E IOH 1 Section 1 Final Five is in a r ! Ath all positions ul >r - C 'B i king on the door for _' : at huge percenu.6x , team that looks to have T osition. Well done Manni, but only afford to drop I game; so no 0onovan's Cardinals crucified th : Camberwell with Watts, Hos' . ; dominating. They played a v a slight blemish due to -- r quarter. Their % increas( them up from 5th to 3r , a tough game, Old : ~ - , d cruising 57pt win . Xav ji mped 0161 half to lead by a massh . . LUpts, whi . csenatiol8gdqure Old actually fought the game out but the not an : -d '.le to be asleep in the lst half. S . " , C Lions a complete shellacking, as expc eteu, by 94pts , upping their percentage by a valuaLe° 7°h, (`vVhere did L. Giansiracusa come from? - can play} . I thought 8pts, but never 40pts? St. Bernard's are B.I .T. sv-ith their State reps dominating . For De La, 3rd - 5th and now vulnerable! Marcellin through Cracknell, Gale & Hanson, did the job on Beaumaris by 37pts and Uni Blues got in front of O .M .'s after half time to pinch the game by 3pts . Maybe goal-kicking practice could be part of O .M .'s training this week! SECTION 2 Old Ivanhoe holds top spot on the ladder by just 12 percentage points after suffering an upset 51-point loss to Old Essendon . The Dons in fact now find themselves in fourth spot, but only percentage off top. Hakin was a star up forward for the Dons with nine goals, while Velardo booted four and Fraser three . Wilson and Cavanagh were other good players for the winners, while Old Ivanhoe was well served by Clarke, Luxan and Baker. Old Trinity hit top form with an 82-point thrashing of Old Haileybury . Davies, Donahoo, Hine and Burgess were all outstanding contributors for Old Trinity, who set up their win with a nine goals to one first quarter. Wright, Brooks and Hanlon battled hard for Old Haileybury. Werribee came from five goal s down at half time to defeat Ormond by 22 p o a tough and rugged encounter . Ormond now find themselves one game out of the five, while the Bees hold down third position on the table and could easily finish the season on top if results go their

to in •easc points of U__ outstandir " Packer B(ys Fernando ° -o%tc _. . out a fant; Lst ., g< ie with it by a sc' :`, . De La can train but or -- kicking cc s t the Krishe s :re Orchard, S the De La-- c .ll, Brasher put up an o 3: effc 31p+~ . At 3/4 u, St. I{e do and sti`l ith a et a

i nd putted away. C' 't of the season; . 7pts c

t at 3/4 time - b chancs

a_. R s' poed in to pu the 25pts. :st for Xavs : ere Carter, Bra for ivlcntone --rir?s & Dixon . . In

went ~ a spree and d n 1 Iv SC' r . Dimer with 8 major s . Cc4 r destroyers. Best for' 3 ? Fracek. ;ame clear on top of th e ladder after Liras ~en-Templestowe b 1 72 points . Old Cam 1-goal first quart t up the huge victory. wirmers, Ryan b ' 10 goals and Munro oix, node Cottrell and Pa were other good players . Marsh, Hill and were among the best players for Bu °eaTemplestov=ie. North Old Boys and Uni Blacks at blow for blow at Brunswick in a fantastic match, with NOBs eventually prevailing by 10 points . Ryan, Roach and Trig-well were among the best Old C€ 7 i il

NOBs . who ren an~_'


e on Old hoi ?

iI v

aplenty for Hea"-. six

,er b thui agh three . " s sen goals . :of ._ . had no ; onto fourth ,da_r _-_ , quinas by 169 coted riners and st on in, McKay

re c er r~r' 1 !butors for ,,es to Aq for " : Log four goal s half, white l .,atLir,g against the tide . xi and Varone were the best player s berry Penola had the bye .

bird time of 11 .30am . After their terrific performance last week and in front of a big home crowd, this game will go close to the v.-ire . But the Blues forward line has too many goal kicking options and they have a shot at 4th spot. The Swans host a rejuvenated Oalcleigh Krishers at Albert Park . You would think that with their forward line led by Cheevers they should win well . But I feel that this game will be tough and hard - definitely a game to watch. The Glen Eira Boys should get right behind their kilometer crunching coach and have a real dip at Xavs at Packer Reserve . You never know, a bit of pressure, straight hard running and who knows what might happen. Mentone and Ajax play the top of table, Grand Final preview at Southern Reserve .

If the Jackers can hold Hayes and Krings they will be on their way - but no . Finally MHSOB meet St.

Kevin's at Rig .hettl Oval where SKOBS should win just!

i Super Sa an 1 Brighter a i s forec

ntch of the otch . Th e ,)ns, so it T'd,


11 O' d 0 ive . s avs to , Tottto

j ce on rc . e crunc gs L< no S l 7 -red -

Pt to see n;=Pctor X~

s UL iJ


coaches le . :umor itasy on a w' z here "jeopardy ip a ver, s . but Larr}r's be back on the _ <__,count fo r

SECTION Round 16 sees s Zsatlonal clashes, which wil l both have a hu : ipact on the race for positions in the top four. Uni Blacks have their season on the line when they host Old Paradians in Parkville. 00s, 째vho oecu-- r four"i spot on the ladder, are six is ahead of laced Blacks, courtesy of an ,on draw. At home, Blacks should move striking c tance of a final's berth . The se - i blockbuster sees third-placed Rupertswoosl host second-placed North Old Boys . In a classic, NOBs might just take the points . Old Camber-well will have little trouble keeping top spot when they meet Ivanhoe-Fitzroy, while Therry Penola will tro :ce ~ illee- -Te -h'estc : e could return to _ ie .~._ OPs . to four if

ohnts ,don host Old rrty in the match of the sid > :y impressive last n} " tc spot on the ladder tie will just get over ! ;pot with a win breathing fire loss to tl au ? . Werribee will ou , fia_ laiieybury but

:ord a cru 1 es will move s ~end on ~.. ;_ `--nt Old going i: c f and tiail: a :u match on sa nst O: i ' 1 has brought s undone duri3 the sf 3-son so we'll go fo r A . The final m sees t3 meet 1 Rovers in a battle of tl ie b s . -Zovers s, , home . St Leos have the bye . J

host the Blues at Waverley Park at the early

Hosking Watts

McDonnell Gissing Cations

Old Scotch Old Scotch Old Xaverlans St Res-ins Old Scotc h UNDER 19/ 2

54 48 46 40 34

Mendola Old Ivanhoe 2 45

Foote Caulfield 0 44 Velardo Old Essendon 4 41 Yco Yarra Valley 0 38 Matthews Old Trinity 2 37 19/2 BLUE Cheerers South Ibourne 5 58 Cooper AJAX 5 58 Hayes Mentone 7 51 Winters South Melbourne 2 36 Little .Ytentone 0 35 UNDER 1 912 RED Dean North Old Boys 1 55 King Rupertswood 7 54 Darby Old Camberwell 3 36 Heath Ruperiswood 6 32 Sandiford University Blacks 0 31

6-3 17.7 27.12 33.18.216 OLD SCOTCH 1.1 1 .1 3.4 5.4.34 MAZENOD 3, Raymer 2. Rodski Goats Old Seoteh: W ,tts 8 . Hosking 7 . Cations 4, Costello an , Jenni.ngs. Quail. Mitchell. Moloney. Best- Freeman, 2, Clinch, Dardher, Freeman, . Mazzlock Costello, Prendergast, IH3o~nch~cT eav~Cham bertain, Khvuhur~gh. Chamberlain.~N,~n at'et~man. . Benson ( F) E. Sporty R. Veltman, Fotinoitls, Deknastro. Umpires: A. Barrington R

Benson (B)

13.12 17.15 (117) 4.3 12.7 OLD SAVERIANS .5 9.6 (60) OLD BRIG1YfON 1 .0 3 .3 5 . Mclvdle, Quinn, . Howard 2, Ross 2, Green Old Rs : McDonne ll 8 ll , Loprestl, A.Btddtecombe . Lopresti . Best : McGrath, Howard, McDonne Gamble, Morley. . Old Brightom Mead 2, Ateock 2, Salem, ABtddkcombe, Ross Hamann, Edwards. Ump3re8 : Evans, Fry. BesC Matt st, Williams. BatOsta Mead . M . Phillips D. Wlndtva' IF) .17 18.24 (132) ST. EEtRN'S 3 .6 7.8 13 .6 5.8(38) COLLEGLqir-S 3 .2 3 .3 5 . Far 2, Chard 2 . GLssh4; 2, St . Bevln's: L . Gianslracusa 4, Callegart 3, Mulgrew 2 sacusa. Fa:c. L. Gk m . Anderson, C= Meyer. Purcell. Bare. Best : Catlegart Courtney. : Roach. Murawttz, Carcour. CoIleglr,s : Davis, Rowe, Taft . Welard, Shinktteld . Best Hernia:' Taft. Davis. Umpires: M. Her P. Tuippen IF) 16 .13 19.19.133 5.5 ST.SE 6.3 9.4 12,7 13,9. 87 DE IA SALLE .Smith Legudi Kennon 2, Formica ll Burns 3 . J : Swan 5. O'Donne ST.B wan, J .Smtth, Legudl DE LA Copeland 1 . Best: Burrs, Cousland . D. James, S Ptnwill Ailderuccio Kean I . Brown Moran Preset 2. Naughton SALtE: ZHyde 3, S. : M . Witimamt S. Best: O'Sullhan, Jollev, Pinwlll. Nicholas. Brown, Rice Umpires

Snotty IF)

.14 .80 °R{'. ..' 3 .2 5.7 6.8 11 mzAU: . . . 1 .1 2.4 5.7 6.7 .43 1, Gartner 1 . Coglan I, Moran God ldaz: Constdine 3, Addison 3, Hanson i, Weeks e t: Mars 1 Deep; Collins 2 . Cairns 1 . Blackmare 1, Gillespie I . Thompson I B : Huckett, Tucker. Deaton. Cracimell. Gate . Hanson, Considine, Neal, Mastoras B. Nunn (F) McNicholas Umpires: A. Burro Thompson, 5.7 8 .10 10.13 (73) 3 .3 UNiyggarfq BLUES .8 7,10 9.16 (70). OLD SJELBi1BNIANS 3 .5 5 ll e:, Brookshaw . UNI BLUFS : Wilcox 2. Ball 2, Spring, Ryan, Birtky, Girdwvod, Cu W'Ilcnx. OLD MELBURNIANS . Wright, Cameran, Spring, Adam Best: Robertson, . Dillon (F) Not Available . Best : Not Available . Umpires: A Maggio L titd 2FR-19 SBS"r't0'h 2

1.1 5.2 7.3 11.4 ( 70) OLD HAILEYBURY 9.6 12.6 20 .12 23.14 (152) OLD qRIN pp'y rooks. Hofrmann, Pollock, Wright . Old Hsileybury*- Rase 3. Jones 2, Hanlon 2, B Jones . Matth~ 2,H~cr .~n . ~2.Rthen, 4,~Butlen 3t Cokalls3, Hine3 n Taylor 3 ~, Langdon Umpires, J . Plain. Best: Davies, Baraboo. Hine, Burgess, Armatas, Blackmore Lipson (F ) .5 11 .8 (74) ORMOND 3 .2 9 .5 9 .9 14.12 (96) WERIUME AMATEURS 3 .6 4 .7 12 McMahan, Presser, Wiley. Best: Ormo nd : Hassell 3, Russell 3. Hefienian . Lem, Wernim Amataun:Tedesco Marttnov, Clinch, McKenna. Russell, Naylor. Franklin, . Best: Russo ARose, 3, Kelly 2 .Russo A 2, tduraea2 . Jack 2. Kidd, Rose, Mahoney P. Ber ry IF) 70 Umpires: G . Morgan Maraca . McGowan, Kelly, GaucL .6 (66) 8.6 HAMPTON ROVERS 7 .4 8.9(57 1 .4 5.6 1.1 3 ST. LEGS . Johnstone Hampton Rumors Proh}m 4. Burggraaft 2, AlmhaHet, Carillon, Goss Sampson 4, Best: SendeckyJ . Mallno . Connettv, G oss . Weaver, T. Jowttt . St. Lecen . Kennedy, Landy 2, Breark.y. Gytes. Best: Rooks, Podbury . Brearley, Sampson, A

jM R- 1 -1 n 1 :% %ONASH BLUES : 6.5 14 .10 17.17 25.2',17 :: 1.1 2.2 5 .3 5,6,364GLENR Monvsh Blues: Rind 7, McWhae 4, Gilbert 3, Grace 3, Jondahl 2, Thompson 2 Green Hickey .Rogers .Shields 1 . Best: Ntnd,Grace,McVThae,Ne+ill.Young,GitL,. : Clark, Fernando . Han7ngt~ Glen Etra: Sheehan 3.Sherry, Williams 1 Best . Evans (F Nasar. Lampos ],Sherry . Umpires: A Wekselman, C .15 9.15(6% .EIGB 6.3 7 .8 8 )OAKi .4 3 .8 4.9 9.14((% DE IA S,41.LE (2) 1 . Best : StecTn,,, Oskleigb : Orchard 4, GeorgiadLs 2, Britt, McPhee, Malcolm . Jade, Ryan, Ar Orchard, Britt, wills, Coal . Evans . De La Sol e: Mitchell 4 Lare~~, Beynon . Best : Brasher, Mitchell, Lowmdes, Jude. Miller, Boa~ Umpires : M. Forde (F) .4 5.5 3 .6 (36j ST. KEVIN'S 2 .3 3 3.3 5.9 7.11 11 .11 (77) SOUTH MELBOURNE : Holland, Marwocd, Lyn= , p_ St. Bevin'a : Mar-wood, 3, Tischler . Walker. Best : Cheevers 5, Bell 4, Winters 2 Macdonald. Makohan, Walker . South Melbamve : M . Meter P. Tupper, (F) Best: Stairs, Gerguson, Grundy . Borden . Umpires .3 8 .5 10.7167j .1 7 OLD RAVIERTANS 2 5.3 6.5 9.6 14.819 :11 MENTONE . Chamberlain. Dynon . Silk. Bet, Old XnalrrtenR : Crilll 3 . O'Kane 2, Ryan 2 : Hayes 7, Wingave 2, Patilltas Carter, Bryce . Cato, 0'Kane . CriW, Nolen . Mentoae : Krings, Haves, Dixon, Ke lly . Leitting, McLr d 2, Krtngs . Atherton . Letffing . Best Umpires: T . LtlSey J. Pappas (F ) 6.6 9.8 17,9 23 .161154) AJAX .3 9.41581 A4HSOB 1.1 4.2 5 . Lewis 2, Van Aken 2 . J.Fek9mac AJAB: Wollner 8, Cooper 5, Hershan 3 . Janav'er, Wollner, Hershs, Gotdhloam. Gutman . Rath.Best : Goklbtoom, Cooper L .Goldman . Davis 2 Best:RuJevtc . Harding, Froc MHSOB : Walker 3 . Neilson 2.Fraezek 2 Shiels P. Griffiths (F) L . Harris L Svirskts. Neilson, D .Viscendese . Umpires: A. Smyth U)

Llnder-14 Red Stat€o w .7 25 .14 31 .18 (234 OLD PARADIANS 11 .5 17 1.2 3.4 5.5133 0.0 . RgUBdAS OC : Tensors 10,D Dean 4, Pagha 4 .MeKay 3 .LaTaae 3,Lym Old Paradisms .Best: Tenson, D Dea 2 .Sptnoso 2, Fantone .A Dean, Drummond .Glaury,Zivkavic McKay,Lyons :Mazzantl 2,Munro 2,Kogelrnan Best: Patterson, Woal.Varone, Tappi Munro, Maaantt Umpires : D . D'Altera (F) .8 8110.5 NORTH OLD BOYS 2.2 3.7 5 .6 7.6.4 UNI BLACKS 2 .2 3.5 5 . Hancock 1 . Best : Ryan. 11«c NOBS : Mullins, James 2, Dean, Ctohesy, Hahn Trigwrll, Haynes, VanDerHorst, Clohesy University Blacks: not r€eeie Umpires: P. Dinneen IR) C . Collins (F) .2 1.3 1, BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE: 0.1 1 .2 1 .11 27.19 (18 OLD CAMNEERWELL 11 .2 16.7 20 : Mash, Hill, Martin, liarding, Ste . Best : Tolht Bn4een Templeatowe DeSimane . Old Camberwelh Ryan 10, Munro 6, Darby 3 . Cottrell 2, McQuatter 2, J . Best: Cottrell, Ryan . Munro, Parkes, Meguak aLrichl,CsteMoba Hogan. Umpires: G . Wardrop .8 7.10(5 nyANBOE-iTCZROY 1 .2 1.6 4 .15 26 .20 (17 RUPERTSWOOD 6.4 12 .10 17 . Best: Meighen, Healy. But Ivanhoe-Fitzroy: Healy 4 . Butler, Edmonds, Arnett . Arnott, Butler Ru ,' King 7, Heath 6, Elliot 3. Potter 3, Rath Black : Elliot, McGovern, Heath, King. Poi Wasyl, Ramsay . Price, Cook, Becker . Best . Maebus (B) .Saebus IF), J . Coutthard . P. . ' Anderson. Umpires: P

Kelly F) WIBTEFRIARB Umpires: D. Dinneen P. Callll (F) S . Nicholson C . Nicholson ( determined. versus YARRA VALLEY • Match abandoned. Result to be .7 1111 (77) 1 .2 5 .4 7 OLD IVAPeaiOE 5.1 8 .3 16.8 18 10 (128) OLD ESSENDON . Luxan. Baker, Neilson, Lewis. OM Ivaaltoe : Bonney 2, Braddy 2. Mendota 2.0'Dyer OM Essendarn Haktn 9, Best: Clarke. Luxan. Baker, Binney . Curatala, Neilsen. . Frazer, Cavanagh, Ha1dn Velardo 4, Fraser 3, Nuptial. Oblhbek . Best: Wilson, Slater, Nkholas .Umpirta: T. Friedman R . Windlov% (F)

TODAY' S x9 Old Brighton v. Old Sootch v. Oki Xac~tian.s Do La &k v.SLK'-vhns Ntarcel}u i v. SL Pm>ards Old Mebtirnialis V . Mamlal Beautnaris V. Urtfiersity Bhles _` t2 7Waritoo tvlnteurs v. Old t&tileSbLiry Cauf1 d Or. v. onnond St Leos EnBDaus ` : the bye Whiteftiats v. Hampton Faws Oid Essmu2ori v . Old Trinity - To be played an Oval 1 WEGS) Yarra Vailey v. Old Ivanhoe


-- -zs ~l-_ Bhiestol_ 1'11 lBt :'. DeLaSete(2)v. 11.30 a.m. South Melbourne Districts v . OalddgT G&ti Etta v. Old Ya%eriaris (2)

MantOne, AnlaffiLn v. AJAX MI-ISOB V. St I{i•vins (2) to be t -79 0 Arpluias has the bye

University BWcs v. Old Paradmis to be played at Cnv7RKd Gvs nary R'31G1a v . Bufloai-T e Old (wbenveIl v. IvaDhoe Fltu W Rtlpsts«vod v. North Old Boys to be played at F & Reserve (381 G5)

.- _ _,

-. - ._-

„ ., Woodsoffe lam e L" u qwney S .Dakas nan c} H, I , J .PA may

C . eeavand B, Coons ~c} ~,C) A . S ence xingnam Fe a J. W i ='v C -em"' g c Collins C. T c A ^

~e a-~TOre

L . c~ns D Bid M . ;kns LTucker L . Heal y Bramwell T. 4°rcelnougn S. H,x ee A Thompson

S Costs E Gcnper N . Tra6 ai

.. ~, . . _- . .~


Coach : Brian Brown Coach : Marty Huck

.J _ , . . . -

- . .

Coach : Danet lerton


_ r

.~. .., _ ..

Coach: Brad Barry

1 J Kean 1 . D. Bonnici 1 . M . Fry D. Cracknell 2 R BuckleyY 2. D. Fotiniotis 1 B Wallard 2 . C. McKim m 3. N. Addiso n 2 R Walmsley 3. P. Reed 2 K McKay 3 . T. Mattesti 4 . M . t~astores 3 J Hughes 4 . L . Rudling 4 A Shinkfield 4. A. MacGillivray 3 T Molan 5 . C. Dignan 5 . P. Ryan 5 D Carcor 5. N . Gamble 4 M Brasher B . S. Veltman B . L . Considine 7 S Taft 6. L . Dale 5 H Handley 7 . A. Wilson 8 N Unsworth 11 . B. Gale 7. C . Reddi n 8 . B. Thomas 6 F.1 Brown 9 T Skarrie 13 . B. Skeen 8. C . McNicho l 9 . B. Thompson 7 P Harrison 10 D Vail 9. J. Dooley 14. D . Coghlan 10. D . Maskell 7 A McLeish 11 D Fotheringham 10 .A. Morley it . L . Fuller 15 . T. Sheehan 8 T Wocdleck 12 R Turner . McDowell 11 . C . Adamis 12. M 13 A Hickey 9 M Lafferty 18. D . Gartner 13. C . Clegg 12 .J . Mea d 10 A Coffey 19. S. Birrell 15 N Roach 14. D . Clegg 13 .N . Edwards 10 A Dimble 20. D . Salce 15. A . Burrows 18 M Davis 14 . E . McCowa n 11 J Bowd'n 16. A . Longmuir 19 A Zent 22 M . 15 . J . Hunter 12 C Moran . Meehan 17. C 20 T Clark Voskersensky 16 .J . Hamann 12 MNaughtin 18. P. Del Mastro 21 N Chamlers 17 .J . Walsh 23. J . Neal 13 J Roberts 19. S . Bickers 26 P Krotiris 18 .A. Salem 24. J . Stempel 14 J Membrey 20. P. Dug d ale 30 W Fowler 19 . P. Angelini 14 C Mitchell 25 . E . Weekes 21 . D. Armansin 31 N Herman 20 W. Leaf 22. C. Agui s 15 J Stinear 40 . D . Welch 33 C Rowe 21 T. 23. D. Agui s 16 WJolley 44 . D. McMillan 22 A. Hug he s 24. J . Thomas 17 D Thomas 23 N. Gamble 25. D. Hansen 19 S Brown . Stagliano 24 C. Alcock . D 21 S Byers 26 27 . C . Raine 25 D. Hartman 21 B Quinane 28 . D . Devlin 26 C. Baxter 22 D Alderu~io 29 . M. Thompson 27 J. Maguir e

A . Caere ( OVC}


L Ferran ^t o s S . McN n as (DVC}



26 D Spithill 30 M Krezel 31 S Hyde 32 A Bonnici 49 D Coggins

S . Lee

' ! ~ u. hi cConc~hie 8 . Donlan CVC)

30 . S. Cox 28 N . Williams

31 . C . McDave 32 . G . Nash 33 . D . Malloy 34 . A . Murray 35 . J . Soriano

31 G . Sim m 32 A. Goldner

37. G. Kennelly 38. B . Chamberlai n

Coach : (1) Manny Monica! Coach Larry Davis Coach: (2) James Fay 1 . D. Elliot I L Freeman D Smith 1 Carter P 2 . S. Hasson 2 M Walkom 2~~ N E Townsing 3 . A. Bouzikas (C) 3 D Knight 3 Mmah:n G E Tucke r 4 . C. Burns 4 6lc.Keaz;a C Logan 4 C Burgess45D McKennc•McHarg 5 . S. lannazzo 5 A Catchlove 5 D Woodfor d 6 Gaol 6 . A. Matthews 7 J Spraque 7 OK -M 6 S Guest 7 . S. Monteleone 8 N Coleman -, M Kennon Kennon s I't"~IJ 8 . S. Mitchell 9 S Daniher 9 Ralph J 8 C T ri m 9 . J . Smith 10 tdcCat D 10 R Craven N Guy 1 Far m L 10 . R . James 11 R Josephs 11 . S. Wheeler 10 B Marks 12 DmbnJ 12 J Rodski 13 r:aeaA 12. M. Q'Donnell 11 J O'Dwyer 13 W Lewis 4 Cnam dzm F 13. L. Mansfield '2 J Richardson R Teesdale 15 colon 8 14. N . Thomas , A Simpso n 15 S Cations 16 Gr '99 S 15. J . Formica A Richards 16 D Jennings 17 ~rieC 16, C . Mitchell 18 Rc~s, S I 17 D Robertson 17. D. Swan 19 Jabcur P 6 B Wulf 18 A Quail 18. D. Walsh 20 H,. .,w~rd L 17 N Barrett 19. M . Moretti 19 S McQueen 21 Sn>c!r~ooi P S Carter 22 LaarcsEi T 20 T Hosking 20. S . Cxampbell M Prowse 21 . N . Whelan 21 N Costello 23 Ca'T'odYS 24 e~dd'~..wr~baT ' 0 E Ryan 22 . B . McManus 22 L Kitchen ~1 N Robinson 25 P~t~ 14G 23 . J J. Mckay 24 S Dumaresq 26 Coal. 24B . Calleja - 2 J Rush 25 J Barnett 27 Glynn P . T Legudi 25 23 N Kent 2a McGrath J 26 G Fordyce 29 UP 26 . A. Anderson -4 D Marks 27 R Davies . 27 . L Evan s 3v 5AJ ^5 M Horgan 28 A Wilkie 31 Fax A 28 . L. Calle Calleja 'a C Walker 29 J Mitchell 32 g 29 . C . Goullet ~ ~Y Mg J Jewell 30 G Prendergast ~ 30 . C . Trewin 31 J Mulcahy 31 M Clinch 34 Sprm..r.z A 31 . L . O'Brien 35 Busntr~ A 32 E Selby 32 R Fullerton 32 . A. Smith 36 0'ddlecuraen 34 T Maloney 37 DetdanaJ 33 . B . Ballarin 35 B. Keck 38 Wa;h M 38 N . Smith 36 S Marash 9 Fuses : o 39 C . Kevnan 38 M Raymer 40 Dale J 40 R . Cousland 4 1 e~ J 39 M Leeds 41 M . Kavanagh 42 ~m M 41 M Watts 42 D. James 43 Rob Walker


Coach : Anc w Pickering

~:' D' ova-

44 J Simon


IJ~d~ N Din ardo L

43 K . Walker

Coach (1) : F 165hanru€ssp i(2) : S . CL 1 . J . Dempsey

Coach : Sieve King 1 . A . Millar

2. T. Duggan

2. C. Nicholl s

s W. M1:ccann

7 L . Melts

3. A. Umbers 3. M . Albefthorpe 4. L. Fox 4. J . Bromwich 5 M. Hicks 6. J . Harris 5. T. Birtley 0 7 L Kalesara n 6 . J.Sudholz a. D . Macdonald 10. D . Mahorwy 11 . U. Hvtton 12. D. McLay 13. S . Marwood 14. B Marchesanl 15. D. Bare 16. KDidllis 17. D. Makohon 16. M Anderson 19. W. Macdonald 20. M . Mulgrew 21 . DNodaea 22. G . H of?and 21 A. Jenkins 24. G .Nolan 26. J. Deacan 26. J. Knuppel

27. LCionesy

26. P. LandY 2g. C .Dnmar 30. P. Gissmg 31. U. Courtne y 32 . J . Cox 33 . L Meyer 34 . S . MnchNl 35 . N . O'Halloran 36 . T Purcell 37 . P. Ciancey 38 R . Chard M. Cairney 40 . TNewton 41 . B . Evans

42 . M. Stonehouse 43 M . Tschler 5 . N. WWra1s 4 46. C. W~Ikmso n 50. TL ~ness Sr . C. nau 9n essY 53. T. Simpson 56. A. Cal an 57. U . H~nsey 56. A. Thompson 61 . 62. K D McInerney

S . W. Austberry 9, M . Brookshaw 10. J. Parnell it . G . Frcket (VC)

12. B . Jacob 13 . T. Glydwood (VC) 14 .. 15 . 16 . 17 .

18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 .

N . Rich R . Hall K . Alexander A . Brigg s

P. Burco E . Wilcox (VC) J . CulleY J . Broo k D. Hatswel l

23 . J .Gurner 24. R. Holmes (VC) 25. J . Tanne r 26. A. Wilso n 27. J. Wright

28. L . Rya n 29_ A. Camero n 30. J. Chamber s 31 . M . Robertson 32. S. Adam s

33. E. Mathes 34. Z. Rudd 35 . 36 . ' 37 . 38 . 39. 40 .

R. Kercheval C . Walsh

R . SweeneyY A. Sheehan A. Gooney A. TYmm s

41 . S. Monahan

t: 1 A. Sinclair 2 A. Amos 3 G . Erick son 4 T- Vtnen 5 B Gross 6 Z.. Jess 7 P. Roberts 8 S . Tucker 9 W. Frost 10 G. Crathem 11 C . Fagan 12 J. Mellington 13 L . Browne 14 B. SCott 15 S. Jenkinson 16 J. Ampt 17 R . t.infard 18 B. O'Hoy 19 I . Glass Y 20 M . Trigg 21 A. Beach 22 T. Foster 23 L. Northway 24 B . Napier 25 N. Dorman 26 M . Pennycuick 27 M . Grigg 28 T. Franklin-Jones 30 A . Pelman 31 T. Habel 33 C . Hooper 34 H . Baker 35 K. Boehm 43 A. Bruhn 44 L . Schneider 46 R . Foote 50 S. Morri s

Coeur : Tim Hiile 1 .L . Russell 2 .S. Wheller 3-M- Wood 4 .C.Hassall 5 .A. Clinch 6 .M . Luba 7.R. Wiley 8.J . Muzzell 9.J . Fran klin 10 .L. Wells 11 .T. McMahon 12.L. Breittcreuz 13.M . MarBnov 14.D. Jewett 15.A . Goonan 16.D. McKenna 18.M . Ramsay i t9.W. Cove 1 20.R . Lerner i U.S. Payson 24.A. Lom ~ 25 .R, Matter 26.T. Harvey 27 .J. Wake 28 .T. Naylor 29 .B.Cromack 31 .S. Barker 33,A. Cook 39 .M . Ferrari 50 . t7i .F -n an 5 At in 7i .R. Presser



1 B . Culling 2 B . Canton 3 J . Connelly 4 T- Jowett 5 K . Johnstone 6 C . Malthouse 7 A. Batt ams 8 G . Carr 9 B. Jewett 10 M. Stafford 11 J. Almhofer 12 B. Kezilas 13 A. Fisher 14 N. Goss 15 D. Moline B . Smith 18 S . Burggraaff 1 9 S . Rawlings 20 H . Kerdel 21 L. Cave 22 B . Henry 23 C . Probyn 24 R . Turnbaii 27 S . Weaver 28 D . Dawes 29 A. Murray 32 C . Sendeckyj 34 L . Kennedy 35 M. Davies

Coach : i Gr x 1 B I 4 ie 2 H Gyles 5 R Gale 6 P Boyd 7 P Podbury (VC) 8 A Hollands 9 T Stephens 10 N Cullen 11 P Sampson 12 P Landy 13 M DAmelfo (DVC) 14 J Montano 15 P Carey (C) 16 A Kelly 17 H Evans

18 S Wilson 19 A Rooks 20 M McHugh 21 A&allard (DVC) 22 N Carstein 23 G Brearley 24 R Varney 27 A Dix 28 C Beljak 29 S Train 38 A Flanagan 41 D Wood 44 C Clarke 46 P Altoft 61 N Kennedy 64 D Tompkins

Coucn Marsl - I FG 1 J Williamson 2 D Rya n 3 C Obliubek 4 M Velardo 5 S De Morton 6 D Slater 7 L Wilson 8 L Kavanagh 9 A Frazer 10 M Flaherty 11 J Buckley 12 W Nunlist 13 A Carrozza 14 A Parker 16 M Nicolas 17 B King 18 D Flaher ty 19 N Fitzpatrick 20 A Prowse 21 N Bertram 22 T Log an 23 C Devereux 24 J Duggan 26 B Falcke 28 S F al cke 29 T Campbell 32 B Hakim 34 J Marinas 35 W Higgins

Caaai S

e Lovell

1 . S . Muraca 2 . C. Kelly 3 . M. Bradfield 4 . S . Eisenberg 5 . P. McGowan 6 . S . Kidd 7, B. Daniels 8 . C . Jack 9 . A. Russo 10. A. Borg 11 . J. Toussaint 12- C . Smith 13- D. Groulos 14. T. Davidson 15. M . Walsh 16. C. Yasar IT A. Tedesco 18. B . Cunningham 19. R. Rose 20. D. Lowe 21 . N . Gauci 22 . S . Blanco 23 . J . Russo 24 . M . O'Donnell 25 . J . Purton 26 . C . Andrews 27 . R . Fastuca 28 . T. Dea n 29 . L . Simmons 30 . C . Mahone y 31 . B. Vandenhur k

me ® Coach :

r Coach :

idrew Lynch

1 . M. Hoffmann 2 . L . Pitcher ( VC) 3 . V. Jayasuriya 4 . H. McLauchlan S . B. Crawford 6 . S. Durkin (VC) 7 . J. Hanlon 8 . T. Pollock 9. R. D'Siiva 10. S . Capron 11 . J . Glanville 12. A . Fletcher 13. A . Kozik 14 . E . Marsh 15- R . Goodbody 16. H . Brooks 17. R . Plummer 18 . N . Rose 19 . C . Waxmar. 20 . J. Wright (C) 21 . D . MacKenzie (VC) 22 . A. Clarke 23 . B. Koetsier 25 . P. Shakespeare 27 . D. Swanton 2 8 . B.Hunter 29 . T. Archer 30. A. Shaw 33. R. Mosbey 39. A. Jones 43, M . McGauran 55. N . Swaby 52 G. White

Coach: Tim 1, S . Brosolo 2. B . Warren - Smith 3 . C . Ventura 5 . P. Micalleff 6 . J. Morriss 7 . R . Nolan 8 . C . Welch 9 . P. Tobin 10 . A. Hill 11, A. Cursio 12 . M. Sowersby 13 . M . Baker 14. J. Treyvaud 15. T. O'Shea 17. P. Furness 21 . M . Cal ave tta 22. L. McGuiness 24. P. Weston 27. R. Hill 28. P. Poutney 29. D. Adkins 30. B . J anson 33. B . Sheets 34. A . Biviano 37. G. Kennedy 38. A. Corry

1 . KK.O'Dwyer 2. M .Pain e 3 . S. L o w 4. C.Binney 6. S .Curatolo 7. N.Braddy 8. T-Grieve 9. C.Lynch 10. S .Jenkins 11 . THibbs 12. J .Baker 13, J . Bayford 14. C .le~ais ~ 19 L.McKie 20 M.Clarke 23 I,Loughnan 25 D .Barr:es 31 D .Coggan ,Caggan 32 W.Coleman 33 D .Neilson 34 D .Meredith 35 M . Mendolo 36 T. Finlay 44 L-Stillm=n " 50 E. McWliiam 53 J.0'Dea

C 1 Pc ~ 2 Hine A (C ) 3 Langdon S 4 Tayier C 5 Pretty S 6 Burgess J 7 Davles M (DVC) 8 Ami:.oni A 9 Jackson N 10 Bladcmore B 11 RfiRhen P 12 Kelly T 13 Gordon N 14 Thwailes F,1 15 Amore J 16 1 rmatas C 7A Heaven C 19 Duell R 20 Ohtroi S 21 Kinross A 22 Furpb D 23 H " yR 24 25 Lucas C 27 Cok S 26 D ona hoo .l {VC) 28 Condron K 29 Crawford M 30 Sullen M 44 Lancaster M 53 Plain G 76 Matthew M

Coae i9 °ena3una 1 . A Midci :

2. M Parrish 3, J Gates

4. R Belt 5. 8 Crowe 6. N Peters 8. S Simpso n 9. B Kehoe 10. R Yee 11- A Wingate 12. A Wines 13 L Gillies 14 H Clark 15 D Smith 17 S Fyffe 18 C Beal 19 N Lea r 22 J Peake 23 T Colle tt 24 G Courts 30 J Strong 31 S Urbane 32 J Parry 34 S Bri tt 37 J Hum e 44 N Ma rti n

.', .',

1 M . 2 .,,er 2 . S . Sullivan 3 . P. Dixon 4 . G. Allan 7 . T. Barr



6 J. 7 S. S. on

D D 8

8 . K . Littl e 9 . K . McLeod 11 . B . Atherton 12. M . Wilson 13. M . Hayes 14. P. Rocke 17. S. Casace-11i 19, S. Hamilton 20. P. Krings 21 . D. Kelly 22. S. Barker 24. M . Duggan 26. A. Rock 30. A. Pothitos 31 . C. Jamieson 33. R. Hamil 34. M . Wingrave 35. T. Smit h 36. G . Moran 37. C. Johnstone 38. A. Bitne r 41 . S . Alexander 45. R. Connard 56. S . Rickards

M. .

I 2 T. 3.

1 . P.-JGVic 3. D. jan 4. M . Bro . .n 5. M . Hall 6. A . Viscendese 7. C. Kennedy 8. B . Brown 9. J . Walker (C) 10. T. Cousland 11 . M . Bignail 12. M . Bowen 13. 7. Harper 14. A . Nirens 15. T. Fraczek 16. M . Neilsen 17. G. Pollard 18. J . Saigal 19. D . Giannakos 20. S . Foley 21 . Dav. Fox 22 . J . Brown 23 . J . Davis 24 . Dan Fox 25 . C . Owen 26 . T. Middleton 28 . A . Lieske 29 . D . Viscendese 30 . E . Hind 31 . K . Harding



1 Y. H 2 . ui lms 3 S. H 4 C n 5 6 7

8 iam m 10 ii D . 12 hi . H ~ 13 I? . Bud 14 L. Barnes 15 R . Evan s 16 N. Ttigvtell 17 S . Burrows 18 J . D2i2on 19 D. M an 20 A. r 21 22 , ., . Cureio 23 H . Ryan 24 S . Cook 25 J. Hughes 26 M. vanaamort 27 N . Ba ~ 28 H. Mc ` 29 30 T. . 31 :.. 32

S nL; .,. .e P.4 Sale S SanUirfard (C) JPSan 3 R Sca: en


:o van 19 D. uarrichia 23 H. F ,an 25 A . Zemski 26 D. Lin g 39 A . EmmErr n 43 i. . as 50 , 51 52 53 J. Cu 1 541 L . ir-" 55 M. :I 1 56 A. 57 : 59 60 61

-; ---- -

rrom 1 .45 P.m. v -,- . iaiJGLIa a ':,째) SCOTCH ~ ST. BFA IJGIJSS I' . .a..s :~OB ~ OLD SCO Half Time and Full T- Serv i

IJ NI-,'"a' IR tune -with ti : VAFA SEGMT" 7 Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6. 00 -6 .15 n -n each Saturday night.

_-, -_' A seg : ile^" ' 'P

j 9.3 0 - I 0.3 0 TUNE IN 9.30 EAC[_ :

- _- -


AND TOM .' : ;- ,_'176i -s weeks guest. 11 - e Collins (St. Bee


(A) , Old', ;re, = is, LaTrobe Lfai (D

; vv'G Sunday Includes weekly chat on all ma z -rs

Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter 71^ vay and revi . j ' c

~ ffl(foo c ,:3roa7a



S# Bernards (A), 8 ; : I,aTrobe Uni ( D2) , N :f i rcM v, . . . .aay i . - i pm Includes u ~ek[y eh. t, C mat rs t!4FA.


-Tame Promotion

p w . . % Pts ~ ~ . 15 14 1 : ." .2 .81 56 15 13 C 15 9 c ., .. . . .. . . . 15 9 . 6 £1 ~.: ~.. .. . ~ 15 8 7 0 ; at . 15 7 ., 0 915 3 ~-S 15 6 9 0 771 3 77 .18 24 15 5 1 0 3 : . . ,, 83 .01 20 15 2 i,` 0~ . . . 8 15 2 i3 0 ', 6.19 8

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Support the C o m pa n y w h o su pp orts th e VAFA P

h Fo r o r de rs p hone 933 9 633 9


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