L3 9)90' ADVISOR CALLS Ti' QUITS ~}vars as the top m an , Micliael Sneddon has advised me C, As it is time to "devote more time supporting Jane raising 3ren as they grow older." There is no doubt that Michael made a wonderful contribution to the VAFA and his ,:rtIring ciZarts have certainly been appreciated, with umpi ring ;, :!_rs dwindling and the community 's attitudes to umpiring a t
11 ;y low level, Iviichaets successor certainly will face a ing situation . 1,Lcljac1 will not be lost to the VAFA, as he intends to umpire the , ;1 Ir>atch, (when he feels he needs a break from raising the :,Ir :i :) an d he will also assist me in the role of talking to possible Michael on a job well done . 0EFIC'7AIS A1TlE2E
cns received throughout the season have demonstrated : ally a flagrant disregard by many dubs to ensure that watercarriers, runners and interchange stewards are [ i : attired in clothing as laid down by the Association. go to the expense of outfitting their o fficials correctly be out of pocket when others cho ose to disregards the r: ~ and VAFA dutv officers at finals have been asked to be ,.in diF,~-,nt in bringing incorrectly outfi tted officials to the jr mi(,, i of the VAFA
i:u~~u2y Players, are to be in the correct uniform, and this ludcs wearing approved bile shorts (if they have to be worn) ,re VAFA branded and flesh colored only. Where a large ,i:uil; r , "players in a team i gnore this ruling, a club will be asked cause why a certain amount should not be imposed under dations "conduct unbecoming rule" . ` :,,tr must be wearing jumper numbers that carrespand to Lsts printed in the "Amateur Footballer", and again an initial ..r ~, i_npc~~ r] for a variation which increases in value each week ti~e p'r,% r continues to wear the same numb er that do es not
,r~ ~ with the Amateur Footballer listing of numbers .
if worn, to be navy or black only. If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they mus t be flesh colored tights only. No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top-note that there can be no more than 4 water carriers. Thiners: VAFA white/blue top with navy or black track pants . Caps if worn must be purchased through VAFA Properties only. SUPPLY OF CLUB UI&IRS FOR
Any registered reserve umpire or dub boundary or goal umpire who would like to seek an appointment for the first couple of weeks of the finals is asked to contact the VAFA by either emai .ling phi~avafa .asn .au or sue avafa .asn.au Ta'IHOS.E WHO FINISH TODAY Today sees the end of the 2001 season for many . If this is so, I hope that the year has still been enjoyable and the challenge that missing out on the finals or being relegated brings also motivates dubs to begin vital planning for success in 2002 .
To those, where today marks the end ofan official involvement with a dub, good luck in the future and I hope that you will still "unofficially" stay with your club. TIFiOPv " UP / THUhM DOWN THUMBS UP The D3 reserves match played between UHSOB and Richmond Central was plaved in true Amateur 'spiri t despite the disparity in scores . All players and officials were correctly attired and the match reflected well on the Association and to both participating dubs. Well done .
THUM13S DOWN icket and media personality David Hookes, who blasted e VAFA's "no grog after two and until the game is aver " rule as an archaic rule .
For more on these stories and other VAFA new,
a taappeDw" visit tfte vMA we=te -
r adk : :t and purchashng enquiries ring Tony O'Callaghan P41813857 7
1,: ~o!lowing outlines the uniform requirements of the Association . 'mpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water ,-crs' and trainers uniforms before matches and if not up to ., slud the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field n! 1 at tir,i correctly. It is also important to ensure that all officials I'-okier than 15 years. Ru~: VAFA jade top and VAFA dub shorts . Track pants, if n, to be navy or black only . If it is cold the VAFA jade tracksuit ~ be worn . No other garments under/over the jade polo shirt te that there can only be one dub runner. A'ater Carri ers: VAFAgold top and VAFA dub shorts . Track pants ,
--~ == s
Looking Back .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ......20 Coaches' Clipboard ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... ..?.5 Todays Umpires . ..,,.. .. .. . .. .. .. .... . .. .. .. ..».,. .. . .. .. .»,. .. .. .. . ..,..». . .. ..31 For the Love of the Game .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ...... . ..... ... . .. .. --33 .... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .. ...F'maisVenu . ..34 Ffnals' Fmpillty . .. ... .. .. .. . .... . ... .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. . .... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ..48 Sport 927 Prize Winner . ... . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . A9 P amxt tVeek's Matches .. ...... . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . ... . ...... . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .. .. . ..51 Flsfernwick Park Draw ., . .. .. ... .... .. ..--62 . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .nal & Investigations. .. ... .. .. .. . ... ... .. . .. .. . .. ... .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. ...Trib> ...62 L-' I'm .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ..631&4
August 25t[---, '- ^ - 1
Price : $2 .00 Vol . 01 No . 18
OLD-- attempt to become the greatest team in the 109 4r= of this Association will be decided at Toorak Park ii~Ls afternoon . Foilrth placed Xavs host fifth placed t : id with two points separating them the winner g(us into the first semi . It is passe to remind us of what - avs are trying to do but for posterity it must be recorded . Winners of the past six A Section flags, Xavs have equalled University Blacks' tally set in 1949. Blacks made it to a seventh successive grand final in 1950 before losing to Ormond and this is a record that is in jeopardy today. Other records at stake : Old Scotch competed in 10 successive A Section finals series between 1926 and 1935 . Xavs are shooting for their ninth successive . If you had predicted at the start of the year that Xavs would have to win the last home-and-away game to make the four you would have been sent to therapy . Not once during the eight finals appearance, not even in 1996 when the Red-and-Blacks turned 2-7, did they have to win Round 18 to squeeze in . Xavs' form is not littered with conviction over the past six matches where they have split the ledger but the wins came against Uni Blues (three points) and the relegated Mazenod and Old Brighton . Travelling to Toorak for clubs used to by as daunting as it was for a first-home buyer looking to purchase in the area . This year Xavs have won four of seven games at home . On the flip side, MHSOB is yet to defeat Xavs since returning to A Section last year. In other games today, Scotch and Trinity both need to thrash each other and have OBG smash SI{t}BS to displace the Righetti Oval boys out of the four. With top placed Marcellin meeting second placed St Bernards, SKOBS could grab the double chance . Mazenod and Uni are playing for pride . ROUND-UP THE COACHES WHOSE TEAMS ARE OUT : SCOTC- -.'S Smith: What's worked : "Injecting new blood like Tim Finocchiaro, Cameron Smith, Hugh Thomas and Rob Aston and we played 45 guys this year which gi=ves them a chance ." What hasn't worked : "Not having the best team on the field week-in week-out and that's Amateur Football . It's no excuse ." On today against OT : "The season is pretty well over, but while there is a chance there we have to have a go" . TRINITTS Leigh Carlson: What's worked: "Throughout the 90s we've been in and out of A grade and it's been my job to help establish us as an A grade club and I think we are doing it .What's not worked : "I've been impatient and I think
we are still learning what it takes to be a top A grade club." On today against OS : "We're not out of the finals ye~ . Haven't done maths but we just want a win . "
)rs :
Asked who are the better coaches : "Mike McArtl Allen (where he puts his players), Tim O'ShaughnE (we both trained under Leigh Matthews), and impressed with Luke Soulos (he makes mo6~ would)" .
MAZENOD'S David Murray;
"Xavs and St Bernards are smart the way they s their VFL top-ups to Essendon and Carlton wl don't have reserve sides, whereas our boys g Springvale and it does. Therefore our best boys don't drop back to us if I don't make the senior team. We might have tc smarter next year as to where we send them ." ng:: 速f.i? BRIGHTON'S Dale Tapping "The past five years have been great fun and I've enjoyed this year." Asked about his future coaching: "I won't be rushing in - I don't know ." On today against SKOBS : "We've been playing footy over the past few weeks and but for 15 mini against Marcellin we would have won that too ." TIES WEEK'S PLAYER FOCUS : OBG'S SB WILLIAMS Captain for the past three years Simon, 26, said it an honor to be an A Section captain "no matter wl you are on the ladder" . Simon is passionate yet s of his team-mates, who played in last year's B gr final, didn't play this year. "It's part of Ama Football . We've got some educated guys at our c like Matt Dennis, and he went overseas with his w You have to respect that ." Never sent off or repoi Simon attributes his cool attitude to advice f umpire Hinton at the start of his career . "Wayne there is nothing worse for an umpire than dissent as we have a young side I have to set the exampli THISWEEK'S COACH FOCUS : MHSOB'S Lt SOULOS After playing in Prahran last VFA premiership Division Two in 1987 as a mid-fielder/flanker uw Brian Taylor, Luke started with junior developmei Carlton before becoming an assistant coach in VSFL with the Jets and the Cannons . Last yea took training mid-season for Old Brighton excellent reports filtered to South Yarra . Luke, 3 ! renowned for his preparation and taking the Unicc to new highs during pre-season.
pI<_-ed his for 'te ~ .ced=. :'ththeClub i
5 f
er of our 1997 Under 19 Premiership .s since gone on to be our regula r orWard in the senior side . Well done
les `re a -oducts of the Sc ] -)-c,- -, t4anies from
5 t :r future . This wee k oil ui'club Legend Tony plays hi s club . Stepping into Senior rar' : s lick has acquitted himself very well become a valuable member of the side . Again we look forward to many this your ,5 player . cor. ; :a1 ` "es
1_' Fisher on
;re ` leac it
is also to
re pie _ ed hi s would ^ to congratulate who achieves the milestone of 5 0 ga :3 . €.a for the Club thi s 'ell done Cam from all at Uni Blues .
ali, eur
ider it at t,t, . he an d
O C v . Univ; sity v . St . Bernards = ~3 ' "averians v .
()lc' Scotch v . Old Trinity
CI Marcellin 2 61 MHSOB 4 49 Old Scotch 0 48 St Bernards 2 47 St Bernarde 2 36 A RESERVE St Bernards 0 40 Marce(lin 0 24 Old Scotch 0 21 Old Xaverians 2 21 Old Xaverians 0 17
9 .11 :2 .1 1! (87) 2 .2 4 .1 4 .5 6.9(45 ) : A Gumati i ~ 4 Perry 2 Jackson 2 Ienn: : Reid Mizzi S aim. Best: Pirrie Raju N(ckas VanDenDungen Mini A Ginnavin . rSeehan Fisher Wallace Harrison Carter Hanley . Best : er Beard Fisher Dunne Wallace 0'Donaghue. Umpires : G . rhen W. Hinton (F) K . Segota B. McCarthy (G) 3 .5 5.9 8.14 12 .17 (89) 5 .2 4.4 7 .6 10.11 (71) s 2 Gorman 2 Greig 2 Parkin 2 Andrews Arrowsmit h den Stutelifte. Best: Hattleld Reynolds Ramsden Parkin R Phillip s R irrows . St. Kevins: Ferraro 2 J Gtansimcusa 2 Crohan 2 B Dollman Dollman Curtis Sadler. Best : O'Keefe Sadler Kempton Frase . ahoney Lynch . Umpires : J . Watson P. James (F) D . Cusack Bt R Parry K. Pitcher (G ) P ES 3 .6 3.6 7 .8 9 .11 (65) 1 .1 5.7 9.10 13 .16 (94) Slimmon 2 McEWin 2 J Hayter L Ryan C Ryan T u . .s. _, st: North DeCrespigny McIntyre Russell Situatio n 'oulloupas . : Johnston 3 Ibrahim 2 Treganoc-ran 2 0'Flynn Slattery Cox Browne Duncan . Best: Slattery Seabury Browne Sampimo n Dinneen Johnston . Ump : A. Damen M. Gibson (F) N. Woods T. Dodds 'B) C . Arnol B . Dix (G ) ST. BE tDS 4 .7 10.10 14.17 17.19 (121) C )X tIAPdS 2 .1 4.1 8,3 9.6(60) St . ; : Jordan 4 Clarke 3 T Harvey 2 N Mitchell 2 Taylo r omas s . irutchell McKeon Broadbent Turnbull . Best : Jorda n op us Loughlin McLaughlin Broadbent Thomas . C ans : Coughlan 4 Landrigan 2 Orlando McCarthy P 3 r-ld. Best: Coughlan A Dillon Landrigan Donati Hawkins BrusL !d. R. Sneddon A . Firlev (F ) 5.2 8 .7 12.9 15.15 (105) 'CIi 8.1 9 .2 12.6 14 .8 (92) nnert 4 White 3 Thompson 3 S McCtilty Joseph Taylor G . Best: Tav9or White Cassell Fairchild Limbckek G Old Scotch: H Thomas 4 Aujard 4 Wtgney 3 B Thomas Kitchen Angus . Best: Old Sea: Nettleton Aujard Robinson Finocchiaro D Thomas t? ,e~ i _ : J. Kvins R. Eastwood (F) T. Dornom B . Mutton (B) G . konmson . Hoare (G) / .4 9.11 11 .13 (79) : i 4.7 7.9(51) t: Billionis 3. 2, gley. Over . Walsh. Adanus, .amith . Williams. Billionis, Walsh , in : Ballenger. 2, Krom, McMullin . _ ney I.-, . ;,,rmo. Tilling. Nisbet, Grant, Murray . D 2 .1 3 .1 3.3 5.3 (33) 2 .2 3 .7 6.10 13 .12 (90) C ii-- Cornell 2 . Power 2, Lauletta. Best: Nisbet, S VanDerbenne, S Oberoi . Kenna . A Boyd, J Best. St Kevins: M Maguire 5, D Moylan 3. O'Connor, O'Shea . Ferra-i, Greenhalg. O'Brien . Best: O'Shea, Watght, Shelly. M Maguire . D Sheehy. O'Brien . LVEI2SPI°5 BLUES 1 .2 2 .3 4.3 5.3 (33) 1 .3 2 .8 4.11 9 .13 (67) Terrill, Hutchins . Karts, Brookes. Gray . Bes t Suvoltos• Larkin, Temple-Smith, Versteegen . Crawford, Brown . i a"In : Cope 2. Leffanue 2, Dlneen . Becehetti, Monson. Wilkinson . SnllLh. Best : Taylor, Thersz, Frisina. Wallis. 0'Flynn. Walker. S 2 .2 4.2 6 .2 7.2(44) OLD XAYE S 1 .1 5.4 8 .5 13.9 (87) St .Bernsrd's : Borg 2, McKay, Osborne, N .Smith• J.GoIlant . Caithorpe . Best: N .Smith. McKay, Stmpson, Pizzichetta, Catterall. Nathan. r% ' : R.Jones 5. Meehan 2, A .Jones . Oswald, Freer, HIlbert , eland . Best: R .Jones. Drake, R.Cough)xa .n . Stoney . Oswald , 2 .1 2.3 3 .3 3.3 (21) Cli 2 .2 7.4 12.10 15.18 (10$) :nnett Mills Rodder. Best : L Taylor Felerkram; Redder Davis Ks ,Barge . Old Scotch: P.atc)tffe 5 . Lipshut 3. E.Parthenidts 2 . RoiT 2 . Hooper 1, LaIlIligton 1• Beaurepaire l, Best : Ratclll'fe, Grigg, Hosking. Miles. L[pshut, Hooper .
A Sectio n M A R C EliJ N Coach : Simon Dalrymple Res . Coach: Peter Randall
. . .s .o. B . Coach: !-' , Soulos Res. Coach : Terry Blythman
1 . C . Slattery 2. 3. 4. 5.
A . Caffry D . Waters G. Romanin M . Moran
6. D. Sampimon 7. N. Godwi n 8. R . Frisin a 9. D . Ballantine 10 . C . Purcell 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12 . B. Croni n 13 . S . Dinneen 14. R . McMahon 15. M . Chun 16. L. McMillan 17. G. Cox (VC) 18 . D. Gartner 19 . D. Cooper 20 . S . O'Flynn 21 . N. Walker 22 . D. Marson 23 . P. Gleason 24 . L . O'Flynn 25. R . Galat i 26. N . Armstrong 27. D . Theisz 28. D . Johnston 29. P. Smit h 30 . A . Treganowan (C) 31 . S . Yee 32 . M . Browne 33 . G . Cull 34 . D. Jarred 35 . J. Frazer 36 . D . Cope 37. D . Moran 38. M. O'Sullivan 39. B. Colville 40. M . Leffanue 41 . J . Seabury 42 . B . Dinneen 43 . A . Duncan 44 . A. Wilkinson (RVC) 44 L. Hanse n 45 . D . Theisz 46. J . Wilkins 47. D . Ryan 48. A. Gallagher 49. D . Courts 50. A . Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52 . J . Mathews 53 . C. Mathews 54 . R. McMahon 55 . J . Wallis 56 . B . Norden 57 . M . Van Lint 59 . J . Ibrahim Yp rra Valley
Country Clu b THE BEEHIVE HOTEL Hawthorn
1 J Bamert (DVC)
2 S McCully 3 D Woodley
4 C Eabry 5 P Sherry 5 N Orchard 6 R Joseph 7 J Pertzel (C)) 7 A Angus 8 J Gerner 8 C Wright 9 D Fairchild (VC) 9 M Clowes 10 D Skinner 10 D Norton 11 K Krio s 12 A Simpson 12 M Feferkranz
13 J Gregson 13 C Kelly 14 L Simpson 15 Z Holden 16 F Davi s 17 R Clowes 18 R Limbrick 18 A David 19 R Ware 20 J Wilso n 20 D Nichols 21 R Patterson 22 D Armstrong 22 A Svirskis 23 C Harvie 23 L Taylor 24 D Styne s 24 A Clark 25 H Taylor 25 J Jackman 26 A Askew 27 S Dods 28 S Rodder 29 G McCully 30 R. Newto n 31 J Davis 32 A Cassell (DVC) 32 A Keys 33 A Saultry 33 S Harrison 34 E Thompson (DVC)
34 S Konstanty 35 A Mills 35 A Barge 36 M White 36 S Bennett 37 R McIntyre 37 M Ti n 38 S Robinson 40 D Membrey 40 W Hayes 41 D Simmons 42 B Cookman 43 J Burke 44 M Hawkes 45 M Webster 46 A O'Brien 47 L Hawkin s 48 B Jeffrey 49 C Pricop 50 S Osborne 51 J Newton 52 B McGrath 53 C Clowes 55 N Adcock 56 T Wright 57 A Tan g 58 M Cotter 59 L Jones
M A3EN®Q Coach: David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins 1 C . Harrison 2 A . Quinn 3 A . McIntyre 4 A. Hanley (C) 5 M . Quirk 6 J . Bayford
S. Morgan 8 D. Lancaster 9 S. Noble 10 M . O'Hara 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D . Hose 12 M . Murray 13 P. Goode n 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry
16 J . Kavanagh 17 J . Bear d 18 T. 0'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 20 C . Murray 20 T. Castricum 21 S. Polan 22 D . Ryan (DVC) 23 A . Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 25 D . Masakell 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 27 D. Kro m 28 P. Nelson 29 R. Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 P. Vine 33 D . Grant 34 M . Pollard (RVC) 35 R . Hawkins 36 D . Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 D. Linden 39 G . Kalber 40 S. Ryan 41 A. McDowell 42 P. Fotiniotis 42 C . Adams 43 A. Pers i 44 R . Mosbauer 45 P. Rice 46 B . Waldron 47 A . McDowell 48 G . Tilling 49 L. Halvy (RVC) 50 D. Carter 52 N. Nussbau m 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J. Persi
Sponsored by : Sires Menswear W.G. Miles & Co Pty Lt d Real Eastate - Ivanhoe Spectrum Assuranc e
~ ,~ Coach: Dale Tappin g Assist. : Justi n Cl a rkso n Res . Coach : Richard Class 1 A. Kryzwniak 2 A. Pirrie 3 C . Barrow (VC) 4 A . MacGillvray 5 N . Perry 6 R . Stewart 7 C. Brew 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox (VC) 11 L. Adamis 11 A. Fitzgerald 12 B. Williams 13 R . Kent 14 S. Williams (C)
®LD ~" ~ Coach : Andn Res . Coach: ack sr•. 1 A Ne#tleto~ 2 B Philli p s 3 C Hosking 4 T Holt 5 R Price 6 A Crow
7 J Kitche n 8 C Reid 9 R Aujard 10 J Kerr 11 M Angu s 12 S Crow 13 N Hooper 14 E Parthenides 15 M O'Brien 16 A Speed
15 D . Tymms (VC)
17 D Thomas
16 G. Earl 17 A . Van Den Dungen 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 S . Gadsden 20 M . L . Smith 21 T. Ewen 22 N. Biggin 23 N . Milat 24 M.J . Smith 25 S. Nickas 26 B. Stoneham 27 D . Paterson 28 J . Bradley 29 J . Dickerson 30 A . McLaughlin 31 A . Bristow 32 D. Begley 33 W. Carter 34 J . White 35 C. Stewart 36 B. Pollock 37 B. McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K . Kavanagh 41 J . Murchi e 42 C . Mzzi 43 R . Carte r 44 R . Sherma n 45 A. Mandylaris 46 M . Billionis 47 D. Wilson 48 R . Boxer 49 A. Ginnavi n 51 M. Fisher 53 D . Stracha n 54 A . Liptrot 55 M . Gamble 57 M . Moon 58 B . Scott 61 A . Wals h 62 A . Lynch 63 S . Davies 64 M .Reid
18 L Hawkin s 19 C. Smith 20 S Lillingston 21 J Stratos 22 N Addiso n 23 0 Cran e 24 C Pattende n 25 L Murph y 26 T Downin g 27 J Pilkingto n 28 B Robinson 29 M Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 C Ratcliff e 33 J McCarrol l 34 E Oliver 35 P O'Connor 36 S Prendergas t 38 R Ashton 39 C Stevens 40 A Warne r 41 M Lipshu t 42 J Ross 43 N Leitl 44 C Evan s 45 M Blenheim 46 J Beaurepaire
47 T Barenger 48 S Miles 49 R Mullens 50 51 D Richardso n M Saunder s 52 M Davison 53 C Joyce 54 N Simo n 55 G Sarkozy 57 J Crane 58 C Adam 59 D Brooke 60 T Wigney 61 D Leeds 62 E Sladen 63 S Tresise 64 L North 65 C Armstrong 66 H Thoma s 68 B Collins 69 M Parthenide s 77 S Grig g
G ro up
Regency Pharmac y
GVP Fabricators PTY LTD
Zitech Compute r
All Home Loans
1jr .11 I t
O L D -77 ._,T. ; in
1 Gaut
Cr Heav e <<~npedy S Huison G (RC) :=,eynolds L qrrowsmith J ows D n`_'., so n M ~ 1~n Der Venne T C ;:c ::oneri M r _ :igson B Frsst C c :,hbins C
c ;rFris A (VC) -St J
w'Jabrandt D z, =ughnessy M Qann S
? : man A .~r- j et N Ccl ios M G:^aJ porbinA Sr-hens T a ± .IiS Fiinp ~ n
H~tFlald G (VC ) - GeeiaJ G!er'„e L
Sir C C -. rter-Buszard L FnIPlips C Gi1{~tt R K-nnedy L Deane-Johns G
=Tsden A }i A meron F (RVC) ;b!nson D
u :-'Jr I
2r~ig M ,riar C tiasbitt L B'adeni S mell J r'rnross D a_ ;-rsD ? ,d M
aey M Si!Giffe J Van Der Venne S C~_hrane A Fh111ps R (C) 'ct ;nopoulos T lxre ;i W
! , J -tta S ard M osbridge D 'B f-,h A Tre=_dwell G ' .'-,rpeth T C-_r=r S S -r,mens A
"Jard C
~I~3emis J
Oanahoo B .larkus J ~ioyd G I c -ast E Ooeroi A Cade T (RVC) Ori ;tian0lo D
,' aro J
, an 3 A 3urr5ws R Lirnoli P rr,st M ek,r s A -h-holm M Treadwell C
: Ti i O'Shaughnessy Coach: Garry Foutds coach Res. Coach : Chris Res . Coach: David La w Mortensen 1 . D. Baynes 1 M Blood (C) 2 0 Orlando 2. L. Meehan 3 L Hannebery 3. J . Podsiadly 4 D Landrigan 4 . S . McKeon 5 . Joe Mount (DVC) 5 A. McDonald 6 . J. McKay 6 D. Donati 7. S. Clarke 7 S Lethlean (VC) 8. J . Evans 8 P McDonal d 9. B . Jordan (DVC) 9 J Hawkins 10 . N. Mitchell (VC) 10 S Mitchell 10. L. Campbell (R) 11 Ad Jones 11 . P. Capes 12 J Bowen 12. B. Hogan 13 C Ellis 13 . C . Mitchell 14 Dn Stoney 14 . A. Thomas 15 L Ford 15 . T. Wilkinson 16 S Skidmore 16 . L. Turnbull 17 D Richardson 16 . P. Capes (R) 18 S Tucke r 17. L. O'Sullivan 19 An Jones 18. D . McLaughlin 20 S Mollard 19. L. Gollant (C) 21 A Parton 20. S. Broadbent 22 M Rus h 21 . B. Loughlin 24 B Coughlan (VC) 22 . M .O'Riley 25 N Bingham 21 A. Mastropasqua 26 N Baker 24 . P. Harvey 27 J Drake 25. C. Osborne 28 B Cranage 26. J . Gollan t 29 D Galbally 27. A . Nathan (RC) 30 T Clarke 28. D . Croke r 31 L Tuddenham 29 . C . Trewin 32 A Brushfield 30 . James Mount 33 A Sassi(VC) 31 . A. Maggiore 34 R Jones 32 . T. Harvey 36 A Keyhoe 33 . B. Altis 37 T Freer 34. D. Byrne 39 M Meehan 35. P. Rahill 40 . S. Mullane 36. R . Legudi Al A Dillon 37. A . Catterall 42 N Irelan d 38 . J. Simpson 43 T Woodruff (VC) 39 . N . Smith 44 B Hilber t 40 . D . Thomas 45 J Scanlan 41 . B. Overman 46 M Callinan 42. M . Stapleton 47 J Kay 43. C. Davis 48 R Carey 44. S . Taylor 49 R Dillon 45. M . Tankey 50 M McCarthy 46. L. Wilkinson 51 D Wals h 47 . R . Pizzichetta 52 B Calman 48 . S. Burgyn 53 H . Davies 49 . S. Bor g 54 A . Gowers 50 . M . Polatajko 55 J. Healy 51 . P. Romanin 56 A Oswald 53. JP Kavanagh 59 S . Johnston 54. T. Carrick 63 R Coughlan 55. J . Cittarelli 66 A Wilso n 56. C . Bon d 58. D . Dugina 60 . A. Woolley 61 . M . Dowling 62 . P. Holland 63 . R. Brown 66 . A . Garvey
NORTH SUBURBAN C LUB 622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
ITY BLUE S Coach : Mike McArthur-Alle n Res. Coach : Mick Knuppel A . Callery I 2 S . Lowerson 3 D . Curtis 4 P. Greenhorn 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 M . Lucas 8 B . Dollma n 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 N . Frase r 11 J . Pangrazio 12 R . Grinter 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahoney 15 M . Olive 15 S . Fredericks 16 B . Garvey 17 S . Dawe s 18 A . Ferraro 19 D . Sheehy 21 R . Maguire 22 J . Macey 23 B. Quirk 24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 D. Sadler 27 R. Gross 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 M. Kempton 30 M. Gargano 30 P. Gissin g 31 A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 J. Chambers 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Dwyer 38 J . Bateman 39 S . Gribble 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 R . Sheehy 45 D. Weight 47 M . Chapman 48 L. Harper 49 P. Cleary 50 P. Cameron 52 J . Finch 54 S . Game 55 E. Crohan 56 M. Pangrazio 58 J. Ferrari 59 A. Rattle 60 A. Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B . Hicks 64 J . O'Brien 68 S. Moylan 69 P. Natale 72 M. Rigby 73 P. Byrne 76 M . O'Shea 77 G . Pickford 79 G. O'Connor 80 D. Dunn 82 R . Horrocks 84 C . Noseda 86 A. Nowel l
Simpson Constructions Red Eagle Hotel Discosource Australia
Coach : Lee Adamson Res. Coach : Terry Benal m 1 D Slimmon 2 T Hutchins 3 J Sturrock 4 D Guengerich 5 0 Gleeson 6 S Longley 7 D Hayte r 8 J Hayter 9 S Meade 10 A Davis 11 L North 12 G McLachlan 13 P Stockdale 14 C Roydhouse 15 L Ryan 16 C Stewart 17 G de Crespigney 18 A McEwin 19 A Lowcock 20 C Ryan 21 T McIntyre 22 23 T Wilcox 24 S Russell 25 A Solly 26 M Vasey 27 R Wilkie 28 M Thomas 29 J Coulloupas 30 M Coleman 31 J Quill 32 J Garnaut 34 L Fishley 35 A Baker 36 T McKinley 37 L Granger 38 A Wilson 39 T Gra y 40 C Brookes 41 R Crawford 42 S McConnell 43 A Cameron 44 R Featherston 45 J Armstrong 46 M McKerrow 47 R McKerrow 48 T Morga n 49 L Chamberlain 50 H Nailo n 51 A Brown 52 A Terril l 53 R Versteegen 54 C Beltrame 55 T Anderson 56 T Birks 57 T Irvine 58 A Larkin 59 L Fehring 60 A Suvultos 61 B Coleman 62 L Barrick 63 R Kelliher 64 S Kas o 65 E Roydhouse 66 B Gates 67 D McAloon 68 B Treloar 69 A Cook 70 P Busse 71 T McGrath 72 S Lansdell 73 J Brooke 74 J Chivers 75 L Qui n 76 W Temple-Smith 78 M Dowdi e
79 A Duncan
Well, here it is . The last round . Every game has an impact on either the four or relegation battles, which is a promoter's dream an d tipster's nightmare . Revie w It was a heart stopper out at McKinnon , the unbackable flag favourites i Iva nh o e con : ; from be: d at 3/,= ti:
for the visitors, and OH will book a date with EP on Saturday 1 September as thc, win by 42pts . T?cre iA an intei"e ; ;
th Park . as 0
get up over _ ' to win by 1
Crappy eveati :r ')t e scores rather I u The trio of ," s' in Tiem ; , fully and Toovey were the match winners for 01 . The home side's best were Fletcher, Harrop and Carson . At Malvern, De L ' ad a co acing jrin against the struggling , as they won easily by 109pts . An 11 fi A qtr gave the visitors no chance of c< sing an upset . Hall, Morel and Hyland had goot, games for the blue and golds, whilst their opponents were best served by the Captain Holt (again), Matulick and Boctor. The folks at Oak Pa gave themselves a big chance to avoid " n : downwards Zen Therry outgunned by 23pts . A 6--al 3rd qtr by the locals as where the d
over t, :.,
uoab by 181
Anotl :r fas inatino, time i Brt'ns :ait '
tl .
n oth
was done . Russell, Bole and Callagari e good players for Therry . Skene, Collins I Keenan were solid cor`r`butors for NOBs . ; did not help Out at Donvak, their relegation cam as they were walloped . An 8 goal 2nd qtr by 59pts by Old set up the G&Ps fa iy and from there on in it was one traffic . Porteous (8 goals), Stevens and Curran shone brightly for the winners . The losing side's better players were A . Pawlik, Phan and Campbell .
"inally, at the Junction Oval, the Old â&#x20AC;˘n lan z machine rolled on, when they steamrolled Ca ._- .Y by a mammoth 85pts . The home side outscored their guests in every qtr to give them no chance of victory . The 'Big Ms' came to the fore for OMs (Miller, Mulquiney and Mulligan - 7 goals) . Ormond's best included Robbins, Smith and Remman . Preview I'm either going to look like a genius thi s week, or a fool with no idea . What shall it be? At our B Section beachside haven, the home side in B eaYamaris (12/1) play host to their near-neighbours in old Haileybury (1/16) . Try as they will, the locals will be no match
si or ~re, 2001 . I'll tip the hor iake sure your E~sss an I . - . Gu _ host s
e _ vats
(1/ 4) . If the away side is to c :iu of year action, they mus t irre . -cc(ive of the home grour ._ ; , . aents possess . DLS to at N,-- .j, :_ ar win by a'poofteent: (I
2s G 2/5 OH 1/4 DLS 4/1 OP 3/1 OM 8/1 NOBs20/1 OH 1 0 /1 Orm 33/1 OP 12/1 TP 40/ 1 i ( 3 /1)vs OH (112a) OH by 01 (3/1) vs TP (1/5) T (1/8) vs White (13/2) FNOBs
by 30pts OP (1/4) vs OM (13/4) OP by 2E
r,,nnd ( 113) vs i?LS (314)
DLS b y c
l ;~t
holding their 1993 premiershi p 31st at th e 1 or all teams on August ~,rooms from 6-30p1~ . All supporter s me . Ring th e club on 9 571 0132 to rm your attendance for caterin g Cost $20 & c'-inks aC 13- Prices .
,nd (1118} . Young
rith bright futures, congratulations . Did ; ;,_,~ese would like to congratulate Dre w d Drew, a n on reachin g , SP'`"
l ;tr-C in kirk a goal
rcome several injuries but now iouh s ior a solid senior career . -Ins - would like to congratulat e n playing his 200th gam e 'ainst Old Paradians . Zani, or th e U" as he's affectionately known, ha s ~ a great servant of the club, and his good e ,;,rtl, viid ability has seen him make stat t,i esentation and play in a premiership . Not tr~ stiek to the norm, Zani even retired fo r and gave umpiring a go! Zan i's been a asset for a little man, well done Zani o n hi~g your 200 games . Old -_= ry - congratulate club VC s :at on playing his 100th game for Shan,., last week . ;,,~ club against Old Ivanhoe ;ire played his first game while still in Y r ~I1 d
at school and has won an U 19 B&F an n runner-up B&F in the Sex `ors . We ali mes "Wal" . ,z: forward to the next IOC congratulations to DVC ~na on . 't.n.g his 50t .-. g< ne for tiIe club last week Il ne 3 "Ke3,.
`i :1 .' ;i
CLi; 58 Old Ivanhoe 2 0 Old Haileybury 47 Ormond 3 47 Old Melburnians 7 46 Whitefriars 1 44 B RESERVE S
74 5 : hiou Old Haileybury 8 ❑ eIly North Old Boys 6 4 40 2 Be La Salle Ormond 1 34 Old Paradians 0 31 Old lvtelburnians 2 3 1 O~ THE AM,?TFt IR F(XZTRdt 4 FR Or1C c1
1 .0
3. 1
.l ner - . ...~ --:SLangrord-Jcnesr . .vi2C :.r : 1 2iurke 2 B b3 tc- S Langfa'd-Jones H arop Carson vUte . Old Iv-111m Corcoran : TSeman Tully i crn'eg' Hams McLean 2 Toovrv 2 Lockett" Tulle R weddle. Best . Dtnneen tF) A. RechB. Young Corcaran . Um ' : M. Morrison P Corcoran (B) S. Izahy J. Robinson (G ) .21 (1&3) 11 .5 14.11 22.15 27 DE 1.4 SALLE .5 6 .6 ll .$ Cl4) .3 4 $EA~&M 1: 3 R4acktniosh 3 Morel 3 J}3a112 D Hylan d Be La Salle: Johnstone 6 biannL DAMorel 2 Evans 2 Buckley 2 McKenzie Bonnict Brkie Hani . 4 .onS ~tullcHh,2 Pratt Hy]=nd Silver, Johnstone trSanntx 23enuu+s,r~' Halt . Bw Holt 3atuLck Boctor ?vt C" Jury A OBr1en Jury Bryce Bcctor V . VesCa.9 (R) P. '' a„-( s(Gi O'Brien . 7yupires: P. WlthSngtan Pvi. Taylor (F) 9 (123) 4. 816 3 .5 rn ~~ . . , . . . =„a 15 .10 (IM) .4 9.7 6 ;.D DYS 31 NO7 ~. - O aldf 2 ~annSSter cs: M GoatR'in 6 C Baivtister § Cail~afl 4 Cast ,- . L Hollow C Bannister Bope v . B,, RusseSl 44 Goodwin Beyer 2 Sutherland 2 :M Barka' 3 Ske:e 3 Sleep 3 ,Old _vg. Best: Skene Collins CaL"ison Spuzlaig Xeenau J Barker . . Coughlan tG) .C Gallagher . Brajtberg fF) R. Seymour K 5.11 7 .15 11 .10 (82) 2 .7 2 .3 10.7 14 .11 21 .18 (131). 3, Northey 2 . Eames. 'FS.Carbane. Reidy, Campbell ,,, . . APawitk, RPawll.k, Mika. Cerri,t~. Camp Curran 2 . Po-- outs 8. Brabender 3, Ciatiala 3 . Sinindon .2,0'ItwP~'tiltn. Porteous, Curran :las'. Stevens. rest: Stevens. (G) s: G. 14rardrop G . Curran (F) R Richards D . f~lurray con, -au. .u . 19.14.128 10.12 4.4 7 .7 IN aLD : .43 .7 .5 6 ORr==OfiY3 4.1 4 .3 5 : Mulligan 7, Trekoar 4, t-[atiell2, hicMullin 2 . Ber'r. Noesori. Old MeNnue . TYeloas, Gallaghes . ;ngscn .ttIler, Mulquine},, Tho Ro6tus4n, S .'CI 3d< e . Besc P : Robbins, Smith, : S .Grace 3, Bk _':. u'tinrn:, No!xe. IIest h uIltgan. ft, titPbtes . A4a}5ton D. Pea-is (F) PA . :R iS .Kelcher. Remcnan. SfeCam'tll . N Simpso t G. Napper (GI .14(140) . .,Bl.~.., 5.u 11 .8 15.12 21 OLD -.5 (23) .3 1 .3 2.4 3 OLD B 0 . 1'larnes 2, Bell, Curtain, G_ 1~, y :Efstat}llou 5 . Jer 5, Xepaa 2 : . Lay, O'Donnell, Ross. Best Ross, Hellmann, P. Langford-Jones . B : Gutdera . P. lan~ord-Janes. Old Ivanhoe Jayase -a, D . La_v. tiarnes, Ftejna . : Gerry George, Gary George . Pollack, G31t eft. Moore, Berry 2. KaraBll . Best .21 (177) 8 .6 12.12 20 .15 26 BE LA SALLE .4 (16) .3 2 .3 1 BEA UP3S 0 .2 1
3, Davies 3, Walker 3, Walker 2 . Hall 2, Marks . Be La SO= Thomas 7. 013ric-a Best : ThonL3s. Smith. Davies . -alan . Williams . ODonnei . HeHeny. : Magee. Fitzgaald. Best: F9tz9aald . Hesse, Williams. Hall E . . Carry Blacki~ Dm McNtcholas, u . . p8210yA 0.2 2.4 6.6 8.11 (59) 15.7 17 . 113) 9 .4 13 . Grant, fv`,ffsud . marry c¢tm McWhiznmey 3, S Hollow, S So=, Gox2wtn t Garont, Gran i ;t : G min, Sacco . McAuliffe, Busanko, Joyce Dant eDanieis , ;- . ..1 . . Bc : Crnvia:ty 6. Y,rnvard 4. GS nytand 3B,.2o 4 1 . Best : Connc'1y. Dev ke. Hero ad i Bar4o~r4 .& (28) 3,3 6.6 7 .10 1i.12 178 1 . Best: Reid, Wintetbmn, Kelsey . in . D`Sousa Johnson. Crea M~~ :s. Crea.Ok1 Pazad3~..: Lombardi 3, D3ntinesant colons, Palermo . Best Holmes, Ces~` ' . Ry 40 6 .0 8.0 10.4.(54)O 5.7 .(37) .3 : :B 1.1 3 .2 5 rOR€+iC . Byrne. Farquhar~-on , zarians: Thiele 2. Ray 2 . Ambler, Barrett Old . . F3tzysald Humpuls Fitzgerald, Holcombe. Best : Farquharson, Jenkins,. Steuart . Best : Scanlon. Simpson, Thtele . Ormond : Scanlon 2, James, Russell Dale. Collins, Broadhurst . Casey, tBrennan .
B S, _ ,t` on Beaumaris V. Old Haileybury Old Ivanhoe v . Therry Penola North Old Boys v . Whitefriars Old Paradians v . Old NSelburnians Ormond v. Be La Salle
- .. ___
DE Coach : Jim Duman Res Coach: Ro d tdc Pda b 1 P. Broo k 2 L . Gibson 3 J . Magee 4 A . Pratt 4 J . Black 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 L. Buller
7 D. Fole y 8 A. Spence 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Nicholson (DVC) 10 A. O'Brien 11 M . Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 T. Grzeaschk a 13 D. Whitaker 14 T. Coliins 14 D. Dew 15 A. Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L . Atkins 17 S. Fitzgerald 18 T. Cotter 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A . Low 20 L. Tucker 20 M . Mellon 21 L . Healy 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 22 B . Tadgell 23 A . Catlin 24 B .Gray 25 M . Smit h 26 B . Spence-Bailey 27 B. Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 S. Blackie 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 M . Matulic k 32 T. Arendarickas 33 G . Jury 34 S . Mitchel l 35 N. Boctor 36 R . Deaton 36 A. Blackie 37 D . Golding 38 T. Blake 41 N . Conlan 42 J . Gerrand 44 H . Gibson 45 A. Thomas 46 D. McGrath 47 D. Condon 48 T. Arendarcikas 49 J. Bryce
h- ~
Coach: Paul Cooper Asst .: Paul O'Dwyer R es: Damian Carrol l 1 L Walker (RC) 2 R Buckley 3 g Corin 4 L Hall 5 C Swift 6 M Herber 7 P Harrison 7R B Baker
.. .
Coach : Frank Dunnell Res . Coach: be k Robinson 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8.
D . Keenan A.Trimboli S.Sleep B .Devine D .Skene N .Vogels DVC P.Booth B .Collison C
_ - . .-~
._ . .-- . . .
Cnach: Mick Dwye r I •--• Coach : 1 . C . Home 2 . R . Kejna (DVC) 3 . M . Hoffman 4 . S . Langford-Jones 5. J . Bourke 6. A. White 7. Adam Hilton (C) 8 . R. George
8 J La Ragy
9 . H . Maplestone
9 . S. Rowlands
9 J Hall 9R E Williams 10 T Silvers 11 A Evans(C) 12 D Toohey 13 A Johnstone 14 A Robertson 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland(VC) 16RD Jarvis 17 A Elliott 18 C Mercuri 19 R Prezens 19RT Shields 20 M Picone 21 D Jackson 21RM Joyce 22 M O'Donnell 23 D O'Brien 24 J Morel 24RB Buick 25 C Hyde 25RM Shaw 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N Harber 29 P Hesse 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici (VC) 33 C Bowker 34 P Grant 35 A Mackintosh 37 D Hyland 37RD Moor e 39 M Goodier 39RS Hoy 40 J Crowe 41 A Phillips 42 J Davies 43 K Brkic 44 J Garland 46 A Molan 47 A Coffey 47RG Wise 48 D Smith 49 G McHenry 52 A McKenzie 55 S Giblett 60 B Hoy 64 A Boots 70 M Duggan
10 . M .Nulty 11 . R . Morley 12 . S.Lock 13 . THalpin 14 . D .Kingham 16 . D .Collins 17. J . Fitzclarence 18. C.Murray 19. P.O'Farrell 20 . J .Sutherland 21 . N .Casboult DVC 22 . M.Connelly RC 23 . D . Coonan 24 . J .Barker VC 25. G.Phyland 26. M .Yandell 27. W.McTaggart 28 . D.Joyce 29 . D . Visser 30 . M.Leigh 31, L .Boyle 32 . M .Phyland 33 . M .Barker 34. J .Saad 35. M .Carney 36 . D.Tonkin 37 . S .Mikunda 39 . C . Siotos 38 . M.Amor 40 . C .Phyland 41 . N .Tonkin 42 . A . Kennedy 43. D.Zacek 44. M .Drum 45 . B . S pe e d 46 . P.Daniels 47 . J .Barlow RVC 48 . N . Sanders 49 . TKlouse 50. T.Drum 51 . N .Goonan 53. S . Butcher 54 . M . Allouche 57 . C. Hosking 58 . D . Ada 61 . F.Lynch RDVC 62 . A . MacDonald 68 . P. Bryar 77. S .Trenton B . Kean
10. C . Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12. P. Dimond 13. B . Harrop 14 . A . Forsyth 15 . A. Saunders 16 . P. O'Donnell 17 . Ash Hilton 18. C . Jayaskera 19. M. Armstrong 20. J. Wright 21 . A . Janke 22 . D. Mason 23 . M . Seccull 24 . A. Ross 25 . B. Johnston 26. J . Bell 27. R . Brandham 28. S . Walden (VC) 29. B . Carson 30 . D . Warnes 31 . D. Lay 32 . B . Mitchell 33 . P. Wright 34 . P. Langford-Jones 35. D . Lappage 36. B. Lay 37. G. Fletcher 38. L. Floyd 39. D. Emerson 40 . S . Davey 41 . S . S au n ders 42 . A. McMahon 43 . C . Pountney 44 . M . Wray (RVC ) 45. G. Smith 46. A . Waxman 47, R . Mitchell 48 . C. Moyle 49 . G . Finlayson 50 . R .Ladd 51 . P. Gebka 52 . N . Biggs 53. L . Curtain 54. G. Rowlands 55. L. Byrne 56 . M . Anderson 57 . D. Mackenzie 58 . B . Langford-Jones 59 . M . Corderoy 60 . M . Somaia 61 . P. van Wyck 62 . T. Hilton 63. W. Smith
~~p^ re~ 8rK* k
P(~'.~"TE : -t
~ xsa ra:
:c 21 c~a
Of .
.- .. __ . .. .p
Coach: Gerard Shelly Res . Coach : NoellSpoot 1 A .Oates 2 L.Lochran 3 C.Allender 4 B .Davi s 5 TYoung 6 D .Spide n 7 E.McWillia m
8 T.Stevens (RC) 9 M.Karayanni s 10 M . Crowley 11 S .Tully 12 C.Branigan 13 C. Barker 14 K.Theodoss i 15 L .Bolzo n 16 M. Wood s 17 A.Corcoran tg J,Hope (VC} 19 D .Warry 20 D .Hawke s 21 R.Roberts 22 P.Donaldso n 23 A.Barez a 24 G .Haro s 25 A.White 26' RLipis 27 J.Weddle 28 S .Morris 29 R.Weddle (C ) 30 A .Gilbert 31 T.Perer a 32 A.Gooley 33 N .Pratt 34 A.Tieman 35 L .Mclea n 36 M .Pollock 37 M .Berry 38 Ga Georg e 39 Ge Georg e 40 A.Giollo 41 P.Malnoey 42 L .Courage 43 L .Hunte r 44 A .Karafil i 45 M .Toove y 46 M .Tolley 47 J .Wei r 48 B . Kolias 49 J . Risstrom 50 S. Brandt 51 B. Shadbolt 52 P.Armstrong 53 S .Price 54 B .Guider a 55 N .Miller 56 S .Asto n 57 S . Ford 58 G .Mclsaac 59 B.Spoor 60 D .Berne t Sponsored by :
W.G . Miles & Co Pt } Spectrum Assura Grou p Regency Pharm a Zitech Comput a Peripheral s 11 - cnn1On 1 1 cc
OLD n L, den F•0~~ ~~ ; i.~ichael Lovejoy Bennett
61 q T p
p ,; ) T R J L A '•i = I0 v T i i C J S 3T oZ G .tl P E P C :• p d C 9G J B 3 3P S 3 A J T B N C
Cc ch : on Jackman Res. Coach : Peter O'Dea
I 2
2. D. Beckett
Treloar Hazell Bunn
3. E . Fraser 4. A . Grace 5. B . Turner
4 R Murray
6. D. Whelan
Thompson Lovett Simpso n Roberts Gallagher Hewett Thiele Kinsella Rose Tucker t .F[ler Fitzgerald Mulquiney Guest Boyd Waddell Berry Holcombe Thomas Kennedv Washington ulligan . :cMullin Sallabank Ambler Ray Grant Murray Bryant Useinov Wilhelm Theodore Farquharson Bartlett Murphy Neeson Banks Jenkins Tsiotras Berry
5 M Hartford 6 B Lethborg
7. S . Keleher (DVC) 8. M . Miller (DVC) 9. S . Grace 10 . D. Scanlon 11 . D. Robbins 12 . B . Deledio 1 1 B . Stone 14 . S . James 15 . S . Naughton 16 . T. Stewart (RC) 17 . P. Joy 18 . W. Block 19 . D. Cleary 20 . M . McConvill (C) 21 . L. Wilson 22 . R. Block 23 . T. Ashford 24 . M . Abrahams 25 . J . Dale 26 . T. Harvey 27 . T. Brennan 28 . A. Moore 29• N Courtney 30- N- Wells 31 . H. Black 32 . R. Presser 33 . M . Collins 34 . R. Remman (VC) 35 . G . Bailey 36 . J . Monaghan
57 S Ciavola
Campbell Beaumont Hecker GooleY Hunt Weir Burdeu Reid Sampieri Bowes
C rNr.r ~ i 5
& CO
HI iTF"LI'A1C g V r 6.I-I rYJ 1.~A
9670 OWI
7 P. Cos9rif f
8 A . Sinclair 9 J . Collins 10 P. Brabender 10 M Joyce (R) i 1 A . Burns 12 B Galloway 13 D Loney 14 A Curran 15 S Fellowes 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 17 p Jenkins(R) 18 G. Porteous 18 M Anderson(R) 19 Jon Swindon 19 Mat Joyce(R) 20 M .Szewczuk 20 P Harris ( R) 21 A Farrell 23 P. Walsh 24 D. Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 P Zappa 26 M Geary(R) 27 B Holmes 27 K .Jenkins (R) 29 B Dintinosante 30 B Richardson 30 R Clark(R) 33 T Lombardi 34 B Finlay 35 S Simpson 36 J M Swindon 40 C. Seckold 44 D Furze 47 N Ball 48 C. Watson
Coach : Wayne Hermes Res. Coach : Brendan Smales
1 . D. Mabbett
1 P Pratt 2 P. O'Loughlin 2 B Smith (R) 3 D. Stevens 3 M Cosgriff (R)
Coach: F It Ryan Res. Coach : Peter Slacik
37 . A. Guzzo
38 . S . Herrmann 39 . M . Ferrari 40 . S. Cramey 41 . J . Koolstra 42 . C Keleher 43 . L. Smith 44 . M. Mabbett
45 . J . Bridges 46 . G . Cleary 47 . T. Costello-Mannin g 48 . L . Murphy 49 . S. Metz 50 . M. Heffernan 51 . A. Russell 52 . G . Hall 53 . G . Hammond 54 . M. Wilson 55 . J. Putz 56 . M. Farrell 57 . M. Broadhurst 58 . B. Smith 59 . P. Kostanty 60 . G . Ritchie 61 . K . Anderson 62 . D . Casey
63 . A . Kurzel 64 . A . Strauc h 65 . L . Russell
66. C . Everett
5 6 7 8
Peirevski M Finr,igan M (VC) 0 Banmster R Elliot ASacco S Taylor N annister S
Hollow L
Bannister C
10 it 12
vaina J O'Sullivan D(vC) Moran R
1 3 14
Thrush J Mitchell D McMahon A
15 16 t7 18 19 20 22 23 24 25
Goodwin M Homstock G Caner t3 Grant A Clarke J Henderson G
Griggs S(C-Res) 0 'Snea A Evans R Edwards P Carbis G 0 'Kearne
29 30 31
Goodwin yS Tadinac M Hollow S
3 2 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2 4 43 44 45 46 47
LaFontaine N Mcwhmney M McKay A Barron D Castaldi D Nancarow, M Boyle S(C) Garoni P ~a~ M Warren M Appleford P Carter M Step en S
48 49 50
Goodwin D McAuliffe A wt ykes g Mills A
~ Weston NC-Res )
Christofioli SM
candiloro D
Caroni pM (DVC-Res)
57 58 60
Weston S Griffiths K
vta d oes 0 Caccamo D
63 64
Lewis B Van Engelen J
65 Be 68 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
Seron V C u lp n 8winden A Lyons a Johnson S O'Brien J Lees S Keenan R Lees C
84 85 87 89 93 94
Higgins Russell G Stella S Jones P Christie A Smith J Culph S
95 98
Hill M Reddan S
La Corcia M
too Loiudree J 104 Biddleslone G 106 Murphy P
1 08 Thomas D 11 1 Kuret L 119 Ratcliffe A
129 Baden D 132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 5 0'Hallaron S 139 Fenn A
67. R . Martin
15s Byrnes T
68. S . Haines 69 . N . Tassell
®T3r3:e Cat',r,~if ` k:„g
WHITEFRiARS Coach: Greg Feutrill Res Coach: Andy Dalrymple 1 C 3 M 3 0 5 B 6 M
Wood Carbone Fedele Phan (Vc) Robinson
8 G 9 C 10 A 11 R 12 R 12 J 13 T 14 T 14 M 15 P 16 J 17 A 18 C 19 M 21 K 21 B 22 T 24 R 25 M 26 C 27 L 27 B
Clifford Maguir e Pawli k Reidy (Vc ) Pawli k Treyvaud Hilton
28 C
29 A 30 M 33 D 34 D 35 C 35 D 36 D 38 C 39 M 40 M 41 C 42 M 43 N 44 8 46 G 47 B 53 M
Glen n Power Reid Gloufchev La w Delzoppo D'sous a Carrig g Vandenboo m Cahill O'conno r Northey Elliott O'conno r Johnson Jone s Winterburn
55 B
Kelse y
56 59 63 65
Murray Ward Clifford Eames
Carrigg gg
Duffy Campbel l
Power Carbone (C) Fulto n Jongebloed Kennedy Winc h Langford Mik a Vernal Rya n Swain Sinclai r
Memorial Park Cenetary a n d Crematorium
9739 6244 The Rose Hote l Napier Stree t
Hampton Ro Collegians pi Panthers F ;ra t lac
tf Men
"'" possessions be i prominent . `I. s who b :it ot . flu
..l l : ; .
sive 11 7
year and the I season for ' Ah runners svere : bagged 7 . J r Konsky, D
played a par to 5pm Ledo-, Spii o , up hope . C
midfielder ; their best °cd emphatic s7 -teir disal Dinti-, ; visitors. Credit to P rs who ' ~ _ Adam to just one 4allr „her led his ie by e.xample and he r, s, ,oort from _,_ :etraei Beer and Luke N)rm : ask is was courageous and dominant b tie support with Dart and Mullin ortl '€`h ad a handy but not insurmountable 2 goal brer_ at ' _ st changed which they quickly increased over the ne:d 2 quarters kicking some 14 goals with good strong tac'r"^ g and a high conversion rate a feature . Last t+ bit of a non event as the ; reach with the Fields game was out of '` going away happ hal, notched up another win for the season albeit a bit it - . Brent Baxter, skipper Andy Will and Drew Pearce are best for Caulfield, while for Glen Eira Astapenko, King and Lewin could hold their her-'s high . The local derby saw control the game all 'a; art from a little pate in the second term where .'^ ,; hit the front . The Rovers handled the di`dcult conditions better than their opposition a.u .ough they did turn the ball over with poor foot skills on occasions their handball at times was exceptional and set up many scoring opportunities. Michael the "Chief' Fletcher was his frightening best at CHB, and anything he mi .sed Gerard Woods in a welcome return from inju --cleaned up and the Anderson's, Stephen in' :i JArA game (well done mate) and the Doe witi . air. :--Tl ._
I for someon e
r t,e b<,,,e 1 `oc
Altho rele n is cone -neu tod; t( finish th ; "`he lo- ; journey out too much r , improve their foot pas
!ttled as far ~ s ill some inter ~sti
aga ist the Bullants
fir persistence has been < and they will be most t have just too mu( s A danger gan fa now in form" : of a disappointment o ' r i for i season took till last e now they eome up against the tc side who jusf
lose at Teac Park . A bit of interest .rith the a. . p' ., against his old side, you don't want to go into a I series with a loss undi or- belt and this v, happen today,,,d - OF, -°tti. v c the line. By gee if ( ly
consistency. they are bad _ i could be sa ` disappoi n the Jot ow,! ;
they ju. The form of
-n it around 510 5.10 (40 ) 20.18 [K- ) 7 .10 13.12 . Best : Harrison, Atltlnson, 2, on-y. Cooper, Rrot7ris ::Scces. Dixon. Old E don. : Lutterschmidt 4 , it 2, Evans 2, Cippolotu . Dale, Dragojlo. Flaherty, .iePeerson. OxenY>aot. Cippo2oni . Lutterschmidt, .째` . Cox S. McCarrti:v tRl (F) B. Smyth J . Mason 4.5 8 .5 9 .10 .(64) 18.14 21 .19 .(145) 11 .9
Lewin . Diamond, Emmett, Tsiogtamtis . King. Mar k :t 3 G Harrison 2, Liddell . Pearee , rce, Hall, C^adJaja. Scott. Umpires :
ave 3 of year s
he a,a ~
on d is
-e Club I< t Hit went through the Under 19's . A stru s plaver in the mid 1990's, he improved to i-- became a regular Senior player i n ' v 90's and v,w an intessral member o f an d 'or Piemiership team . "' , c A . .ou r-ound Av? -- G r s to a' 'ate CO
3 .3 8.3 13 .15 18.8 (116) 0.4 1.8 2 .12 3.15 (33 ) 3, "_,,,rd 3 this 2, Rhodes 2, Hodgson . Non n, Kellow, Campbell . Ballard, n. Flaskis. Best : Flaskis, Cozens. St. Sontv C . Garcia (F ) 10 .9 18.13 26 .20 (1761 5 .4 7.5 9.51591 Halphen 3, Buckley 2, Davis, i.y. Duzenman, Klein . J .Segal Humphrey 2.Prior. Thompson, Tulloch , net! . Latnbropoulos . Stott, L .Thompson , Thwaltes (F) 4 .4 7.9 11 .9 15 .12 (102) 2 .4 4.5 5 .5 8.7 (55) - 3, Arcz 2, i=u^ - 2 . Power 2, S . Anderson , I teher, Lawrence, Woods . :er 2, McCram . ScaHdi . McCraw, Drurv, McColl . 'ri . T. -xiffe (R) T . Brooks W) J . Kramer 1 .4 5 .7 5 .8 (38) 6.2 8 .4 13 .9 (87) Cooks . Gribble . Best : Dowling, don: Barr 3, Conlan 3 , r. Old 2. Rush . Best: Newbold, Rush. Goodger. 1 .1 6.0
2.2 7.4
3 .3 3.7 (25) 9.9 12 .13 (85 )
Pierez, J Commedard . A Diamond , h 2, Coons 2. Deal, Datwood . Best: M nphorn. 10.1 11 .4 (70) 5.7 7 .7 (49) '2, Bohn Betc . we t : Dukic . Indridge, : M. lackay 4, Dun,rr 2 , . . __ . O lt i~ Alexander. Ball. O'Connor. Dwyer, Shattoek. 9 .5 10.6 (66 ) 3 .1 5.3 9.51591 gUp,LEEN'1'E WE: 2 .2 4.3 6 .5 A.7.-- Silberman 4, Fetter 3, ftrasnostetn . Godlewicz . Balbtn Best : Fetter. Lefkovle, G, b v9ez . E .Rubenstetn . Rrasnostein . Finkel. Bulleen Ten-'tstowe: Edwards 2 . Daskalov 2, M.Jones 2, Walker. Meadows . Dodd . . . .._ ___~.__ rr~ond. B WoWzer. Mason, Jone s
2.5 3 .7 6.9 9.10 (64) 1 .1 1 .3 2.3 3 .5(23) David Anderson . Retligs. Le Grand, Ng. . Daniel Andersen . Scarlett. Le Grind . A . Drury . Best : Moss. A. Recupero . -ss'rIr s~S . 6 49 0 44 overs 0 33 on 0 21 Q 17 0 17 1 17
C Se, -. c Caulfield Gr. v. Collegian s Old ;'>;sendon v. Prahran Old -ritoflians v . AJAX ve v . Hampton Rover s ntone Tigers v . Glen Eira
----- --~---- _ . Coach: Sarau Res Coâ&#x201A;Ź u David Marks 1 N Gold (C) 2 J Ri~erman 3 B Davis (DVC) 4 M Dudako v (tJC) 5 M Rajch 6 D Kalb 7 M Konsky 8 A Krongold 9 A Rosen 10 G Dukes
11 M Weisler 12 J Basist 13 A Freund 14 Y Rapaport 15 J Segal (VC) 16 M Segal (DVC) 17 A Cukier man 18 J Dukes 19 M Halphen 20 t1 Buckley 21 D Colbert 22 A Bock 23 B Ritterman 24 J Sharp 25 M Blashki 26 B Duzenman 27 S Sheezel 28
P Walvish
29 B Lukav 30 A Lefkovic 31 M Barnett 32 D J anover 33 S Boo n 34 D Ones
35 S Roth 36 J Feldman 37 S Newstadt 38 D Goldenfein 39 B Klein 40 M Borenstein 41 A Godlewicz 42 E Rubenstein
43 M Measey 44 A Lust 45 0 Flamm 46 T Weisman
47 S Czarny 48 B Erlich 49 L Skolnik 50 J Rockmart
51 J Jolson 52 M Segal 53 A Halphen 54 G Herzberg 55 A Lewin 56 P Naphtali 57 D Rubenstein 60 J Wajnberg
Talbot Birner Morley Krongold Constructions ~~ Antler ~
. . .. ?n , C :1 erae1 Dachs c on i D. Rosman 1 J Pno r 2 B . Hail G A : r :r 2 A . Carver 3 S Young 3 C. Knight 4 VFr Thompson DV C' 3 S . Stevenson ( 6 Graha P m 4 M . Liddell 7 C) p R obertson (VC 5 S . Kenda l l ) 8 N Bone 5. M . Pennycuic k j i 9 Ch Parri ssar 6 M . H arri son 11 G Chrrers 6 N. Craven 12 A Parris 7 J . Cawlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Walsh 13 D T u!lech 14 A Panau 9 W. Bowes 10 A. 'Nill (VC ) 55 B Wolnizer 16 S Smith 11 C. Deal 12 D. Pearce 17 C Darby 18 K Burridge 12 S . Fryers 13 J . Morvell 19 L Stott 14 M . Green 20 M Jones 15 A.Docker 21 P Cannes 16 S . Sant 22 G McLaren < 17 G . Harrison 23 D~.~( MatthewsC) 18 B. Baxter 25 T Matthews 18 P. Anderson 26 S Boyd 19 R . Buchanan 27 J Hestia 20 M . Klos e 28 P Walnizer 20 H . Vella 29 P Bone 21 N . Brohier (C) 30 Darren Williams 22 T. Foster 31 A Shin e 22 M. Richardson 32 R Williams , 23 D . Ash 3 N Hamshare 24 N . Guy ett 34 S Lambropoulos 25 G . Evans 35 D Daskalou 26 S. William s 36 P Hare 26 S. ltidjaja 37 L Thompson 27 R . Keow n 40 S Meadows 27 J. Ryan 41 R Lea 28 J. Jacobs 42 P Edward s 29 W. Brocke tt 43 M Mason 30 D . Peterson 44 R Schneider 31 S . Craven 46 A Humphrey 32 M. Cutler 49 B Touriganis 33 C . McGrat h 50 D Glover 34 J. Margerison 54 S Dowlan 35 S. Thompson 60 D Horvathl 36 M. Cramphorn 37 M. Gurpinar 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R . O'Neill 41 C . Nairn 42 D . Synman (DVC) 43 J . Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 D . Scott 46 R . Foote 47 L . Salem 48 N . Tassell 49 J . Dalwood 50 A . Buchanan 51 D . Elias 52 T. RYnberk 53 S . Krien 54 P. Faure 56 B . O'Callaghan r . . ~ 57 P. Farmer . ..
cri g Coach : Tim Hari Res, Coach : Gary Irvine I J.Dixon 2 M.Johnson 3 B .Mooney 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Henebery (DVC) 5 D . Greeves (RC) 6 P.Davis 7 J.Farley 8 C . Unsworth (C) 9 J~
10 S. Harding 11 B . McKenzie
12 N . Harrison `DV ~ C) 13 T.Hartshome 14 R .Schober 15 L .Cottom 16 A .Fletcher 17 R . Hoskin g ~C) 18 T.Yrotiris 19 M . Davis 20 Andrew Farr
21 C . Harris 22 S .Piasente 23 C .Pollcck 24 T. KNox 25 R .Muir 26 S . Woolley 28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moo n 31 J . Rose 32 D. Thompson 33 M . Maxwell
34 A .Smith 35 Ashley Farr 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Opie 38 T. Marxs 39 N. Had 40 A. Wiseman 41 N N. Baxter 42 L. Vasdekis (DVC) 43 M . White 44 A. Tarode 45 N. Lynch 46 D. Cooks
47 B.Lumb 48 E. Waters 28 B. Horahall 49 J. Waters 50 B. Jefferson (VC)
51 T. Donnelly 52 K .Jones 53 B. Grant 54 J. Haversberg 55 T. Cooks 56 L .Gordion 57 R . Hartshorne 58 D . Smith 59 R . Szta r 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Gambaro 62 S . Muir 64 M. Gribble .. . . . .
Coach : ~ Res Coacn:
1 M . Rya n 2 N. Astap e 3 C. Massi s 4 D. Gassar 5 A. Tsirogianni s 6 J . Zagame 7 S . Vamvakis 8 P. Tsagliotis
9 G. Hayes
10 G . Richard s 12 B . Kin g 13 G . Brown 14 M . .Jeiigos z 15 F. Buckle y 16 S . Limnyo
17 A. Russ o 18 M . Dimachki
19 J. Threshe d 20 A. Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S. Emmett ~ 23 S. Hessen 24 B. Mascai i 25 P. Khazaa l 26 C . Gre y 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerfor d 29 A. Mills 30 L . P~d e 31 T. Amberlin e 32 M. D 'Zilva 33 A. Sheed y 34 R . Oldha m 35 J. Comme iord 36 P. Slifka 37 M . Pinni9er
38 M . Lewi s
39 G. Egan 40 K . Dimackh i 41 H . Walls 43 D . Psalia 44 S . Diamon d 45 A . Caruana 46 M . Baraket 47 T. Evans 48 J . Haliwel l 49 M . Benton
50 P. Waked 52 A . Haines 53 S . Rees 54 M . Migliorin i 55 L. McGraw 56 H . Reddy 57 S . Hal l 59 B . Stewart 60 S . Jankovi c 61 M . Tkocz 63 D. Dunlevie 65 M . Dimo u
,J I
60 P. Senior n wâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;a e n_ , i808
62 B . Goddard 69 K . McDonald 71 M . Cassidy
Buildin & s m titell
9419'. . a
C^ech : C~-.'-: Rye Res Coach : Steve L, 1 J .Pannagiotopolous 2 J .Chapman 3 P.Lutterschmid t
,-:on (C)
1 5 M .Oxnam 6 C .Ridley 7 J.Leask
dy 8 J. Heritag e
arson 9 J .Goodger 10 S.Bryant 11 B.Papal 12 D .Rya n 13 M .Wollington 14 S .Evan s 15 T.Di Blasi 16 S .McPherson 17 P.Hexte r 18 J .Walker 19 E .Healey 20 D .Hunter 21 S .Dale 22 J . Rush 23 J.Hughes 24 J.Dazkiw 25 C .Morgan 26 S.Fleming 27 D .Barr 28 D .Flaherty 29 S.Uebergang 30 S.Ceti n 31 T.Williams 32 J .Mansfield 33 A.Dawso n er, 34 D.Podger 1er 35 L. Kavanag h m 36 S .Dart 37 A .Morrison phries 38 D.Whitefiel d râ&#x201A;Ź - or 39 ' M .Bums ;ton 40 M .Jinks 41 B .Newbold ,igan 42 M .Beard 1iv3 43 J.Carter ln_ we 44 M .Burns n 45 B.Turner inch 46 T. Cippoloni ele r 47 S.Howard molt 48 C .Clues in 49 P.Barry ilson 50 P.Hammond lvrinter 51 A.McGowan ickrell 53 L.Fleming Nq 55 A.Leask urdlner 56 W. Conlon rantzos 57 G .Steven ~ her 58 J .Kavanagh ltzos 59 S .Emerson .ugha n 60 G.Watsh ruff 61 C .Hammon as 62 S .Mui r ,ards 63 D .Greasley 64 J.Murray 65 M .Tilley 66 D .Smith 67 R .Wright T. P~ 71 M .Dragojlo
1 2 3 4 D 5 C ac' v 6 C l8xanuef
7 G Ferguson 8 R Newto n 9 S. Kevi n 10 B Kuramoto 11 D Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 R Bal l 14 K Campbell 15 J Costello 15 C Davi s 16 D Noc k 17 N Linford 18 T Boumo n 19 A Palmer (VC) 20 S Mullin (C ) 21 A Drinan 22 D Home 23 N Moodie 24 Z Kuramoto 25 J Winduss 25 W Ballantine 25 T Fav a 26 G Dart 27 G Katri s 28 L Hogan 29 A Carter 30 J Vick 31 P h9evel (RVC ) 32 N Hollow 33 S Worrel l 34 P Flaski s 35 T MacNish 36 D Alexande r 37 M Francis 38 B Sherr+(f 39 T Riley 40 M PAannix 41 S Cozens 42 S Bainbridge 43 M La;ves 44 L Sunte r 45 M Kenned y 46 D Mill s 47 B Ferguson 48 J Whitford 49 M Fisher 50 G Richards 51 N Fisher 52 D O'Connor 53 PA Strou d 54 D Goodbody 55 A O'Reilly 56 R Harper 57 P Watson 58 K Widelski 59 'd McCloskey 60 G . Shattock 61 8 Saunders 62 R Johnson 4 63 M Jones (RC) 16 M Austin 65 M Petrie C6 M Mackay 67 A Paterno 68 L Rule 69 J Rul e 70 S Grzebieta 71 M Wafts 72 R Crowe 73 P Ravel
! Coact : Pus Cr . , . . . . i Ross 1 . D . GALLAGHER 2 . A. BEAii I E 3 . J. LANE 4 . P.OUICK 5. H. PITTS 6. D . PERKINS 7. S . PANG 8. I . HUN T 9. A . BUNNETT 10. B . HODGSON 11 . A . PITTS 12. M . BEER 13. B . MCCLINTOCK 14. M . EASTHAM 15 . 1 . DENNIS 16 . A . RHODES 17 . G . ELVI N 19 . S. CAMPBELL 20 . J. KELLO`Al 21 . G . PALEODIMOS 22 . N . ROBERTS 23 . B. KAIROUZ 24 . T. FRASER 25 . T. FREE 26. T. STCLAIR 27. W. PY E 28. R. TRAEGER ..' 29. W.TASEFF 30. M . SCICLUNA 31 . T. DU K 32. D. BALL D 33. P. HER .. ... 34. L. P -IF. 35. B . GELLIE 36. J. KILL -N 37. E. WILD E 38. M. WINDRIDGE 39. A. GRAY 40 . T. MCADIE 41 . J. UPTON 42 . K. WALFORD 44 . C . HENSHALL 45 . M .VAG G 46 . M . VEAR 47 . P. BUHNER 48 . D. FOSSEY 49 . L. WOOD 50 . N. GILL 54 . J . SCANLON 55 . L. AITKEN 56 . A . CORBOY 57. P. HAWKES 61 . J . BEDFORD 62. S . RIC E 63. R . MARRIOTT 64. J . BELCHER 65. D . HANLON 66. S. h3ASKIELL 67. M . ERDI M 68 . G .AMY 69 . M. WARLAND
1 P Wintle 2 L Wintle 3 J Sebir e 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 N Owe n 8 J Cunningham 9 G Marinicy 10 M Wintl e 12 J Kan e 13 D Goodchild 14 A Connolly 15 T McColl 16 A Hipsr.ell 17 M Sellings 18 L Porter 19 A Drury 20 J Drury DVC 21 P Fedderson 22 D Poynto n 24 T Beasley 25 D Betrays 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 S Boczar 29 T Marshall 30 D Falkingham 31 C Barnes 32 J Dickinson 34 C Meye r 35 B Bilo s 37 M Connolly VC 38 C Tesoriero 39 M Georg e 40 B Beasley 41 R Bignell 42 P Winterton 43 M Rhoden 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 G Gomez 47 T Waters 48 A Scafidi 49 S Walsh 50 S Kid d 51 S Meyer 52 B Sessler 53 M Uberti 54 M McCraw 55 D Stickland 56 J Chaplin 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 M Zahra 60 M McColl 61 S Waters 63 C Petratos 65 T Lamb 66 R Parsons 69 J Tomlinson 73 M Pisasale 75 N O'Connor 78 D Mos s 79 P Russo
LifeCvre is group of pit, sports medici
pledge to tri footballers , ,, tare and know3edge used to took after Australia's sporting professionals
LifeCare is Au< rges t
group of plu- , sports medicine p ices and pledge to treat Amateu r footballers with expert care and knowledge used to took after Australia's sporting professionals
1300(___- : I'~ahra n ° Ashi ) d HRS .
° Croydon ® I 9am- . ° At tma
CYAN PRESS Congratulations to the Wellers Hoes, Bears & Bloods who have made it through to this year's big matches . And we say farewell to those Clubs not involved in final's action . thanks for your competition and comraderie . The relegatees are not yet technically decided, with Yarra Valley still having a game break on Monash Blues & Old Carey . If all three lose today, the Ashers & Old Carey depart . If the Ashers can beat St Leos, they stay . St Leos Emmaus prevailed over Banyule in a terrific game that was close all day . Dave Pitcher excelled in his allocated tagging role for the Animals . Mick Volpi went well at CHF, and the three McCanns . Stephen at FF. Tim on a wing, and Ryan at HB were all outstanding in a memorable win . Dave Williams 'roved' brilliantly as usual for the Bears, Luke O'Connell burnt brightly up forward, with Clinton Burke and Jayson Egan in top form also . Aquinas survived against the luckless Monash Blues who attacked incessantly throughout a thrilling last term but couldn't convert their efforts into enough scores . Appropriately, the Bloods best were all defenders, John Jess, Dave Boland, and Craig Glennie . The Ashers were indebted to Aron Williams ., George in the ruck . Liam Holloway at CHF etc Smyth on a wing, and Nick De Young in defence . Old Geelong went down to Ivanhoe Assumption v,,hen the Hoes kicked 7 to Zip against the wind in the 1st term and were then able to cruise . Damon Wood starred in defence for the Hoes, ably supported by O'Neill & Narkiewicz . Adrian Farrer kicked OGS entire goal tally, with Hamish Melnnes & Nick Bayne plus Wil and Jim Paul all being strong throughout . Yarra Valley's inaccuracy was costly against University Blacks but the visitors always seemed to be able to surge ahead when threatened . Blacks had great games from Elliot Hannan at HB, Ben Costello on his wing, plus Glen Thompson & Ben Cunningham on the ball . Paul Cremean rucked well for the Bushrangers . Brad Peake was a busy on baller, Phil Valoppi a solid BP, and Luke Taylor had another fine game at CHB .
Old Camberwell crunched Old Carey with a 10 goal last term when they switched into top gear after being well held by the Panthers for 3 quarters . Once Nigel Credlin found some space, the game changed completely . Bubba McLean brilliantly lead a dominant centre line for the Wellers, Tim James was rarely beaten across HB, Shane Properjohn was a productive HF, and James Clyne was solid at FB . Old Carey's Nick Vas was back to his best on the ball . Jonny Mai rucked effectively, the peripatetic Mal
Heppell picked up kicks all over, Chris toughV gets Hickey won round man_" the ground with Chris Battle and Paul Graham doing well in defence . -S GAMES Bin s take on St Leos and will be despera to in to escape the horrid 'R fate . The Ashers ha pushed all the top sides recently, and the urgency their situation will make them a formidable w today. The Animals will be over the moon from th, big win last week and looking to finish the season style . This game should be close all day and contin so to the dead last second . St Leos by a kick . Bary ule completes its final's preparation against f Geelong, the team that inflicted the Bears first Ic this season in Round 9 . The chances of that be repeated today are remote, as the Bears want go t the finals on a winning note, and their form last wi was promising. The Bears should win by 6 goal s sumptioffi host y Valley and sho not be troubled to win comfortably today . The H will field too much height and experience for gallant Bushrangers .
, {¢y Blacks close their season agains t and it will be interesting to see if t can run the Wellers to as close a margin as they in Round 9 (2 points) . The Wellers looked sensati( when they fmaIlv got moving last week and ! should win convincingly today . Old Carey plays s and wori t be sad to see end of what has been a terrible year fo rAquinaswilhaveto muchtalen odaynds h win by 8 goals . - es winners should be : St Leos . Barr Ivanhoe Assumption, Old Camberwell, & Aqu' Well done to the Wellers, Blacks, Animals, and', (assuming there are no monumental boilover grabbing some finals action . Correspondents : note changed number : 9889 Ph + Fax; bfhickey(c-~-telstra easvmail.co Deadline is 12 :00Noon Mondays, with so Thanks to Se an nSudaypref F . (A , eas), Larry Stephens (Banyule), Pb ! (Iv lhoe Assumption), Andrew C (Zy sh Blues), Warren Earl (Old yg ims (Old Geelong), David Witne y Jack Clancy (Univ .Blacks), and Tim
(ya_rra Va lley) for their unfailing news and throughout this season . _ . ._ . . . . r.-, , ., r-.,n-nr r c
. ~ y - champion on field 'yapper' : plays his 50 'c -: 'laffic today . tI ;rninutive flanker, Nancey will tackle anything llzt moves, and his courage has been an „l,piration round the Club for years . An , iithusiastie supporter of every social function , cte has been a wonderful contributor to al l ,, ;pects of the Club's life . Also, bustling on ,t? r, T?nhn n BardweH , plays his 50th gam e Congratulations Nancey and Bards ! ti'~o : ;c- - - --- - Matthew Newman plays his 0e for the Club today, joining his bi g ;,,(_i-her Dave as an Ashes centurion . A I'r, miership player in 96, Chopper is a great clubman and a courageous, dependable playe r
iI d
has played in almost every position for the Club over the years . Well done Chopper, get us r the line today and well forget about the .luffy episode . Also Dale Murchie also makes he 100 game mark today . As one of the more , iii~ :natic characters down at Monash, Th e [)iser is a skilled on bailer who can dominate on lis day. Congratulations Dale. Oi•~ 11^T-be °el1 - congratulations to Davi d
__ . who played his 50th game for the clu b 11 7 T'.dI7 against Old Carey. Since joining the c!ub in '99 as an U19, Ditch has developed into a promising player . A free flowing player with a uong overhead mark he is able to play either in he ruck, or in key positions both in defence or iip forward . Well done Ditch on reaching this m (lestone .
INTO Ei_STFR(d':71C1 : OR INTO AN' tti . i "c 'UE
TO t.`_:- .
cSann St Leos 6 60 ughan St Leos 1 4 7 a tone Aquinas 4 4 5 Aquinas 1 44 Banyule 1 4 3 rnnell Banyule 6 4 3 Dl RESERVE Old Camberwell 3 52 Ivanhoe 0 35 Yarra Valley 3 3 4 n St Leos 4 31 Old Camberwell 5 25 ne Old Camberwell 0 2 3 Old Geelong 2 23 ay Ivanhoe 3 23
US 3.3 5 .4 9.7 13 .15(9 1 .1 4.5 9.9 I2 .11 (83 ) St Leos r :um-Tts : S.MeCann 6, Krebs 2. M.Volpi 2, B.Vaughan, Burgess, Bailey' Best : Bruce, T.McCann, Pitcher, S.MeCann. Bailey, M.Volpi . Banyule : O'Connel 6, Kayrooz 2 . Gilbert, J.Egan . Chapman, H.MeDermott. Best : D.WIDiams, O'Connell, J.Egan. Kayrooz, Cantwell . Umpires : J . Grossbard K. McNtece (F ) AQUINAS: 4.4 7 .9 8 .14 11 .18 (84) MONASH BLUES 5.4 6 .5 8 .10 10 .17 (77) AQUINAS :Livingstone 4,Flynn 2,Bambury 2,Cultrera .Barmby.Tarull1 . Best: Jess, Flynn, Glennie, Weeks . D .Boland. Co1llver .ASOIBASH BLUES :Holloway 3,Baxter 2, Gregory 2, Webster 2 .Smyth.Best :Willtams, Smyth.Gregory, DeYoung. Lloyd. Chessari. Umpires : N. Evans C. Evans (F) OLD GEELONG 0.3 3 .3 5.5 8.7 (55) 7.1 10 .2 12.6 14.8 (92) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Old Geelong: Farrer 8 . Best: Farrer, McInnes, Bayne, J. Paul, W. Paul, McCarthy. Ivanhoe Assuraption: Scoble 3, Iacouangelo 3, Maud 2, Flynn Healy Tucker Pearce Frisina Pace . Umpires: T. Bowman S. Stokes (F) YARRA VALLEY OB : 1 .5 3 .6 5.9 8 .15 (63) UNIVERSITY BLACKS: 2.2 5 .3 10.3 14.5 (89) Yarra Valley OB : Keem 3, Peake 3, P Cremean, M( .aing . Best: P Cremean, Vaioppi, L Taylor, Stevenson, Peake, Keem University Blacks : Coleman 3, Wilson 3, Chatfield 2, Evans 2, McArthur, Hannan, Cunningham, Leech . Best: Hannan, Costello . Chatfield, Cunningham, Thomson . Franklin Umpires : S. Alger (R) A. Hoogendyk (F ) OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .3 4 .7 6 .12 16.13 (109) OLD CAREY 0.0 4 .3 7.5 7.8 (50) Old Cam eB: Credltn 3. Perryman 2. Whitehead 2, Properjohn 2, Mc Kenzie 2, Gough, Clyne. Ltpptatt, Me Lean, Ham. Best: Mc Lean, James, ProperJohn, Clyne, Ham, Hardman . Old Carey: Hickey 3 . Cohen . M, Daniher. Mai, Vasllopoulos. Best: Vasilopoulous, Mai, Battle. Heppell . M, Hickey. Graham . P Umpires : J . Moore M. Wtttmann (F) ST LEOS E US 3.2 8 .3 10.51 0 .7(67) 2.1 3 .2 5.2 7 .3(451 BANYULE St Leos Emmaus : Mckean 4, Henricus 2 . D.MeGlotn 2, Lear, Raynor. . Mckean, Aullso, Tribe, Simondson. Banyule: Best: Ottobre . B .Mitchell Gilliam 4, Bell, Dowlan . P.WIDlams. Best: SJ Gray, Reed. S .Gray, Moran, Sproules, Smith . AQUINAS 1.4 7 .9 8 .13 1 3 .13 (91) MONASH BLUES 1 .1 1 .3 2.5 4.6(301 AQURdAS : Slattery 3, Mills 2, Lyng 2,R .Moran 2, O'Hallaran, Vandersluis, Coghian . Evans . Best: Evans, R.Moran. Barclay, Denavt, Slattery, Everitt. MONASH BLUES:Murehte 3,Clark. Best:Walsh, Spencer . Mentha, Meehan, Headberry, Murchie. OLD GEELONG 1.4 2 .5 3 .7 6 .7(43) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 4 .2 10.6 14 .8 20.12 (132) Old Geelong: Burbank 2, Stafford 2, O'Brien . Rossi. Best: Kilpatrick, Taylor, Bayles, Ross, Brown, Calvert . Ivanhoe Assumption : McGowan 4, Thackwray 3, whitehead 2, Clarke 2, Frew 2, Cotter, Curtain. Stdou Shuttleworth Finlaysan Peoples Chazan . Best : Chazan, Peoples, Frew, McGowan, Ebbage. Clarke UNI BLACKS 5 .0 7.7 11 .10 11 .12(78) YARRA VALLEY 1 .0 2.2 2 .3 5 .8(38) But Blacks ; Phcoe 3 . Peck 3, ALh : :':' . ^ Sullivan . Rest : Tehan, Neville, Sullivan, Beaton, Molloy, Murphy .Yarra Valley: Kehoe 3, Tompkins, Bell. Best : Longworth, Morrison. Hale, Drew . Dour, Whitechurch. OLD CAMBERWELL 9 .3 12.4 19.8 26.10 (154) OLD CAREY 0 .0 1 .0 2 .0 3.1 (19) Old CambexweB: Harvey 5, Inkster 5, Taylor 4, Saffar 3, Hills 2, Mackenzie 2, Kearney, Seeley . Walker. T. Best : Deny . S, Rowe. Heath, Saffar, Kearney. Taylor. Old Carey : KnostanOmdis . Gates, Israel. Best: Gates, Chamberlach, Shrives, Leong, Mudge, May .
TODAY'S MATCHES, D 1 S ecti o n Monash Blues v . St. Leos Emmaus Banyule v . Old Geelong Ivanhoe-Assumption v. Yarra Valley University Blacks v . Old Camberwel l
Old Carey v. Aquinas
a. CM h : Sti x Res . Conn: Ho ard Field 1 R . Mills 2 C . Thomas 3 T. Vandersluis
~c pfirs
BA N Y U LE Coach: Greg Ylhitcroft Res Coach : Rohan Doherty 1 T. Egan 2 D .Witchell 3 S.Kayrooz
5 M. Boland 6 D . Minogue
4 M .Gilbert 5 B.Wilmore
7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess
6 WKeenan 7 G .Shaw
8 S. Kelly 9 T. Harkin
8 B.Cantwell 9 J .Plant
10 D . Boland 10 C . Field 11 M. Barmby 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M . Denavi 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pares 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 R. Weekes 27 S . Jones 29 N . Davies 30 C. Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 A . Everitt 37 G. Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 L. Sheffield
10 B .Moxin 11 S .Cross 12 J .Egan 13 C.Burke 14 B .Woodlock 16 A .Dooley 17 T.Chapman 18 J,Turnbull 19 P.Witchell 20 S .Playfair 21 R .Dintinosante 22 N .Taylor 23 S .Gray 24 C.Wilks 25 L.Martin 26 H .McDermott 27 P.Healy 28 D .Sproules 29 R .Kreskas 30 D .Mutton 31 C .Bassett 32 J .McDermott 33 A.Plant 34 C .Stevens 35 L.O'Conneil 36 M.George 37 TThompson 38 G . .Bell 39 A.Hopgood
40 A . Cultrera
40 C .Taylor
41 C . Bambury 42 R . Moran 43 M. Slattery 44 P. Glennie 45 G . Coyle 46 M. Hope 48 R . Register 49 D . Poynton 50 M. Ditchfield 52 M. Corrie 54 M. O 'Halloran 55 J. Crouch 56 J. Harrington 58 D . Robinson 59 A. Bentley 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 64 T. Robinson 68 J . Coglan 70 C. Lyng 71 G . Evans 72 M . Riley 86 B . Barclay
41 M.Natoli 42 C .Taylor 43 L .Ferral 44 P.Williams 45 B.White 46 D .Nasrallah 47 D .Searie 48 P.Starman 49 A.Small 50 M.Smith 51 L .Sheean 52 D .Noonan 53 K.Scholes 54 G .Kemp 55 D.Williams 56 P.Arnold 57 A.Covey 58 L .HoIt
15 S .Gra Y
Coach : 6r ' Hall Res . Coach: Colin cDonald 1 . S . Conley
2• M . Maud 3 . C . Tucker 4 . T. O' Neill 5 . J. Scoble
6 . T. Healy (DVC) 7• P• Rawley 8 . J. Shuttlesworth 9 . E . Healy
10. P. Lee (VC) 11 • D . Valkanis 12. B. Finlayson
13. S. Narkiewicz (DVC) 14. P. Flynn (C) 15. J. Curtin 16. R . Harley 17• S. Morris 18. T. Scoble 19. D . Wood 20. M . Sadoti 21 . L . Blackwood 22• G . Raco 23. D . Ryan 24. B. Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26. M . Emerson 27. K. Smit h 28 . J . Pace 29 . C . Hocking 30 . M . Sloan 31 . D. McFarlane 32 . L. Pearce 33 . S . McGowan 34 . B . Joyce 35 . P. Whitehead 36 . C. Zeegers 37 . S . Saunders
38 . R. Peoples 39 . M . Ebbage 40 . P. Martin 41 . C. McDonald 43 . M . Evans 44• A. Pace 45 . D. Fryer 46 . M . Iacouangell
48 . R.Toogood y 50 . D. Schulz e 51 . D. Pearce 52 . S . Sampson 53 . M . Chazan 68 . J . Mazocca 78• C. Brown 88 . N . Dykes 99• G . Robertson
Coach : Tim F Res Coach :' Spencer 1 S . Chapman 2 J . Sayler (VCR) 3 L. Holloway
4 G. Chessari 5 D. Rogers 6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar
8 S . Thompson 9 J . Godde 10 S . Webster(VC) 11 M . Spencer 12 G. Smyth 13 A . Herrman 14 B . Merlin
16 B . Tatterson 17 P. O'Neill 18 K . Hendratta 19 G. Gilbert 20 N . Sereda 21 C . Gregory 22 R . Kamphuis 23 G . Harry 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 B . Jondahl 27 N . De Young 28 J. Main 29 J. Ross 30 L . Creamer 31 S. Hawkins 32 B. Boyer 33 J. Smith (C) 34 P. Maiden 35 D . Murchie 36 A. Williams 37 M. Donnelly 38 R . Anderson 39 C .Burley 40 M. Bolton
n3 l
Ct h all Res Coach : i H; „ 1 .! cLean 2 T Jame s 3 A Inkster
4 N Lippiatt 5 S Horskin s 6 A Seele y 7 M Scot t 8 J Heffernan
9 J Goodal e 10 M Hanso n 12 R Kapao r 13 L Gladma n 14 R Whitehead 15 L Cain 16 D Walke r 17 N Credlin 18 A Brownless 19 J O'Neil l 20 D Mitchel l 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 D Lilja 24 D Imberger 25 A Hardenberg 26 C William s 27 A Sheerly 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 S Ham 32 J Clyn e 33 D Joyce 34 P McCrae 35 B Tippe r 36 8 Derry 37 A Hillie r 38 T Hall o 39 A Hill s 40 J Derry 41 L Ryan 42 A McKenzi e
42 S. Young
43 S Collin s
43 R . Feenaghty 44 D . Teesdale 45 R . Walsh(CR) 46 A. Ryan 47 S. Mentha 48 K. McIntyre 49 A . Burston 50 A. Clark 52 N . Moresi(VCR) 53 J. Peel 54 R . Green 55 I . McCormick 56 R . Reith 57 P. Munro 58 C. Strauss 59 B. Carstein 60 S . Lloyd 61 P. Campbell 62 B. Droscher 64 J . Sleiman 65 G . Polglase 66 N. Brennan 67 B . Ryan 68 M . Meehan
44 S Smit h 45 A Taylo r 46 R Heat h 47 T Kearne y 48 S Properjohn 49 J Herdman 50 B McKenzi e
51 J Owe n 52 G Ormsb 53 R Tem on e p 54 A Margetts 55 J Ga n 56 N Stevenson 57 A Bryson 58 P Triantafyllou 59 M Butterworth 60 B Mcilwai n 61 J Parker 62 J Mile s 64 M Knowle s 65 N Saffar 67 G Rowe 69 W Ear l 76 D Brauer
69 P. Grabiel 71 J . Sondhu 75 S . Edquist
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1 . Gianniko s Wilki e
;. Popplee°ael l Mudg e mt
Drake i . Francis B . Harvey K . Giannikos
C :h : Res Cc :h: Jir- aai a C(ub 18: S nson
1 D .Salter 2 J .Nevin s 4 C .Stinchcombe 5 TRedi n 6 T.O'Brien 7 J. Paul 8 T.Seymour 9 J.Foley 10 J.Smith 11 L .Stevens 13 H . McInnes 14 H .Power 15 H .McCarthy 16 H .O'Brien 18 C .Bir d 19 P.Broadbent 20 S.Col e 21 S.Jones 22 J .Fitzgerald 23 B.Couch 24 M .Jaugietis 25 S .Whitehead 27 W.Paul 28 A Farrar 29 D.Bolton 31 D. Varley 32 J . Cook 33 B .Collin s 34 M .Goldsworthy 35 H .Burbank 36 A.Opi e 37 J .Fanning 39 A .Farnsworth 40 M .Avery 41 T.Carty 42 H .Browning 43 H .Legoe 44 P.Simpson 45 B .Parnell 46 J . Fitzgerald 50 M .Wilkinson 51 J .Kilpatrick 52 N . Kemp 54 L .Heine 56 M .Leslie 58 L.McDonald
A . Ros s
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C__vid'ller Res Ce_:i : : Jccon Fennel 1 D . Dinicotantonio 2 J. Hodder 3 E. Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S. Buckle 6 `D. Carey 7 A. Burgess 8 M . Volpi
9 D. Lear 9 A. Bethune 10 B. Mitchell 11 S. McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Hu an 13 A. Krebs 14 J . Manton 15 A. O'Reilly 16 A. Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R. McCann 19 B . Carey 20 D. Bruce 21 G . Simmondson 22 S . Willi s 23 P. Ristevski 24 A. Haddad 25 A . McKenzie 26 A . Prosser 27 P. Levin s 28 E . McLaughlin 29 S . Darcy 30 M . Ottabre 31 N . Zannis 32 L. Price 33 L. Moss 34 B . Henricus 35 R . Briggs 36 S . Savage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B .Vaughan 40 J . Gay 41 J . Zero 42 M . Flood 43 B . Levins 44 M . Dimble 45 S . Ronchi 46 M . Blundell 47 M . Renner 48 A . Daly 49 C . Hatfield 50 P. Humphreys 51 P. McGloln 52 R . McGloin 53 A . Volpi 54 J . Fennell 55 S . Smith 56 D . Domik 57 M . Place 58 J . Feldstad 59 D . ~~tcher 60 C . McDonald 61 S . Edwards 62 A . Raynor 63 P. Nolan 64 D . McKean 65 N . FoieY 66 J . Siandthem 67 P. Farquhar 68 B, O'Connor 69 S. Mescher 70 D . McGloin 71 B . Allan 72 A . Burgdort 75 T. Yme r 76 G. Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 78 M. Whitney 79 T Tribe 80 H . Meehan 81 D . Behar, 88 S . Pitch :r 89 D . Winouss
arshal l 3. Feeha n .1 .Yamal l Curry D, ! ton i i HCiJlJei i
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969 4 ~v.benmac.com .au
C:c- n : ,, Re~ Cos_ : _, ies Ti 1 G Darroc h 2 S Chandler 3 W Marti n 4 M Vaughan 4 D Wilkinson 5 R Mackie 6 S Smith
7 B Cunningham 8 W Pascoe 9 C Pekin 10 N Bowles 11 K Bowden 12 M Kohn e 12 M Cunningham 13 T Jessen 13 S Locke 14 J Leech 15 L Mellings 16 P Caccaviello 17 L Brown
18 A Wilson 19 C Franklin 20 E Hannan 21 C Schilling 22 A Nolan 23 S Beaton 24 N Wilson 25 T Chatfield 26 J Flynn 27 A Clements 28 A Costello 29 M Staunton 30 J Ralph 3t B Costello 32 M Jone s 33 T Kitchen 34 S Moody 35 J Mirtschin 36 H Peck 37 N Roberts 38 L Beaton 39 R Greig 40 G Sullivan 41 L Rawnsley 42 A Gad d 43 C Beaton 44 R McArthur 45 M Coleman 46 R Board 47 B Murphy
48 A Moffatt
49 P Greenbank 50 J Heale y 51 A Neville 52 C Schirmer 53 D O'Keefe 54 M Braszell 55 G Thomson 56 D Walsh 57 K Sagely 58 A Paton 59 0 Toose 61 A DePasquale 62 F Purcell 63 J Weber 65 J Trevaskis 66 N Howell 68 P 0'Beime 69 C Sandiford 70 S Prince 71 M Nihill
73 S Mackie 75 WTouzel 76 D Batten 77 A Evans 78 R Owe n 79 R Drummond 80 M Tehan 81 A Dore 82 C Baulch 83 P Molloy 84 W Dalton 85 B Weber 86 D Creek 87 A Cowley 88 N Abbott 89 T Beggs 90 D Atki n 91 A Whitlock 92 S Milne r - M BahQn A Metcalfe J Mirtschin E Nola n
R Moreton
Co :h: Ti 4 h Re Coach: Rc a Davis 1 R Pearc e 2 T Morris 3 R Thompson 4 M Fung 5 A Drew 6 D Howse 7 R Drew 8 L Morris 9 J Keem 10 T Hancock 11 F Macvean 12 J Cremean 13 0 Kysela 14 E Kruse 15 N Pask 16 L Taylor 17 A Laing 18 L White 18 D Ross 19 S Thompson 20 T Hale 21 M Wines 22 B Drew 23 C Arnold 24 M Davies 25 F Pellegrino 26 J Longworth 27 S Savage 28 B Reynolds 29 R Coutts 30 D Potter 31 B Sturzaker 33 P Cremean 34 C Fraser 35 B Peake 37 D Balshaw 38 B Morrison 39 J Tompkins 40 T Fyffe 41 B Downs 42 A Stone 43 H Park 44 J He 45 S Tressider 46 D Ireland 47 D Lang 48 R Davies 49 S Seabourne 50 C Box 51 C Reynolds 52 A Hartnett 53 S Pask 54 T McIlrath 55 P Peterson 56 T Lloyd 57 S Kehoe 58 G Kerr 59 A Joiner 60 C Ross 61 P Valoppi 62 P Buruma 63 B Whitechurch 64 M Bate 65 R Lang 66 D March 67 M Busch 71 M Laing 73 T Lloyd 74 A Midland 76 J Dickson 79 S Tressider
r~速 :
ei Rundl e 5 YEARS :'. "f.2-199 0
Old Melburnians and Old Scotch met in the final home and away game - the winner into the four the loser to pack up for the season . At half time the OM's led by 2 points, 8 points at the las t change, and then went away in the last quarter to win 11 .12 (78) to 8 .12 (60). Best were Strooper (7 gLs), OBrien, Ellinghaus (OM) and J. Hosking, Nettleton, T. Holt (Old Scotch. The last round in B' was a curtain raiser for the "real thing' two weeks later. Second team, Old Trinity, beat the minor premiers Old Paradians, 11 .17 to 7 .9. St Kilda/Sth Caulfield (C) finished 3 games in front of AJAX and confirmed their standing with an 85 point win, 21 .16 (142) to 9 .3 (57) . Best were Kerten, Gowan, Hayes-Dewar (St K/Sth C) and Jeremy Wrobel, P . Goldberg and Kirzner (AJAX) . It was a black day for Caulfield Grammarians in D' when they lost the'D second reserves semi final by a mammoth 112 points, 17.19 to 2 .7, and then there were three terms of tough finals football - scores at the last change saw Monash Blues 4 points in front . Well, the Fields stopped, the Blues ran everywhere to kick 5 goals to win 13 .18 (96) to 9.7 (61). The stars were Hogan, Coldwell, Alexander (Blues) and T . Royals, B . Royals and Whitnea (Fields). The E South second semi final featured Peninsula Old Boys and Powerhouse who had played and drawn in their second meeting for the year. Dead level at half time, the House 5 points ahead at the last change, and then they took over to win 14 .17 to 11 .9 . The stars were McCulloch, Friend, Craven (PH) and Trewin, Bowen and A. Landry (Peninsula ) De La saluted Mick Knuppel and Damain Toohey on their illustrious careers - premierships, best and fairests, captaincy. St Bernards were saddened at the death of one of the club's founding committee, Fred Nathan, father of life member and one of the club's founders, the inimitable Peter Nathan. There was a turn up in Under 19 Section 1 when Old Xaverians overwhelmed the undefeated Uni Blues,17.11(113) to Uni Blues 5 .11(41). Best were Donati (10 gis), Woodruff, Jones (Old X) and Ryan, Eastaugh, McIntosh (U . Blues). 10 ~,- `~, " ' 1"<1 -199 1 Ormond congratulated Paul Forsyth on his 200games, played mostly on the flank, at HB or HF where he used a great football brain to read the play very well . Can his score of 8 flags be beaten - U19 - 79, Reserves - 82, 84, 86 and'A' section - 85, 87, 88, 89? Umpires welcomed David Harford and Graham Thwaites to A' section status. Chris Freeman, Parkside's star forward, reached 150 games. Premiership player in 1982, leading goalkicker in'B' in1987 and 88, the scribe wrote "a well known identity not only at Parkside, but at Elsternwick Park, which he has visited on a number of Tuesday nights".
It was down to the wire in A' section with Theny fourth to play Marcellin eighth and Ormond, two points behind, to play second bottom Uni Blues . It turned out to be the end of the season for Theny as they were never in the hunt, losing 7.8 to 14 .12, while Ormond had a13 goal win to get into the four for the first time for the season.
Would you like to be a betting man and take the odds that Collegians, in the four since round 3
would miss out? Well, it
was a big ask, as they played top team North Old Boys and on( went down by 4 points, 11 .8 to 11 .12. They were really unlucky Old Scotch and Old Halleyburians level on 36 points met . A N11 to OH would have left Collegians in the four on percentage, a M to OS meant that a Collegians loss would put OS in the four a percentage . Old Scotch were in control all day to win 14 .14 t i
8 .12. And the third, fourth and fifth percentages level on 4( points were: Ormond 135 .11, Old Scotch 115 .63, Collegian; 113 .89. No changes in the four for B, C, D, E and F for round 17 to rouu 18 .
All connected with Amateur football mourned the sudtle, passing of VAFA Patron and former President, Old Xaverian identity, legendary interstate manager and manufacturer of tib wonderful "Arena" football boots, a passionate lover of Amateu football and a gentleman, Lou Zachariali .
15 YEARS AGO - 1986 Old Scotch made A' section in 1987 a certainly when they wer, on top of Ormond (4th) all day to win 12 .9 to 8.10 . Best wen Ford, R. Senior, Moir (Old Sc) and Young, Russell, Boyanto3 (Orin) . In'D' Monash (on top) kicked very inaccurately against Balacla~s (2nd) to lose 14 .22 to 22.8 . Best were Dickson, S . Withers Angwin (Bala) and Sturgess, Connelly, Hay (Monash) . 100 games to Rodney Bryant (St Bedes), Steve Gibson (Theny; Mark Young (H. Rovers), Rick Friedman (AJAX), Tom Gan (Parkside), David O'Shaughnessy (Old Tr .). 200 games to AN Bank's living legend Harry Birkenfelds and Old Haileyburian country boy John Corrigan . 250 games to field umpire Richard Tracey, 28 finals, field umpin VCFL - AAFC Carnival in 1985, President, VAFAUA - Richar had been a wonderful man for Amateur football . Fawkner (5th in B') went down to top team Old Paradians by point, 8.11 to 8.12. Best were Busch, Grills, Nelson (Old Par, and Buckley, M . Barrett, Mitchell (Fawk.). Leading goalkickers wrere A - Roberts (Coll), B - J . Mitchell (Oh Melb) 45, C - O'Shaughnessy (Old Trin) 79, D - P. Hackney (Cot 54, E - Jenkins (State Bank) 69, F - Wilson (St Andrews) 77, G Hearn (Old Carey) 43. Caulfield Grammarians saluted one of their greats Wanvic] Watson on his 200th game. Warsvick's career include( captaincy, best and fairest, treasurer, club delegate and above al skilful and most determined football . 20 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Top goalkicker for year in Junior 2 was Grahame Osborne c Bulleen-Temp . 109 goals . Other top true boot artists were? Tony Jones (Marc) 92, B' John Priestly (Old Brighton) 74, 'C Devere (B. Temp) 70, 'D' Ryan (St Bedes) 68, Y S. Scullin UN Brunswick) 82, '' M. Legge (Banyule) 66, 'J .1' Corcoran (OR Parad.) 82,'J. 3' Goetz (Old Brighton) 66 .
1 50 :anes at Thomastown to Stephen Gerry and warren lu'rn2 ;1 an.
,, cmes to umpire Bob Dunstan, field and goal . ~,,,L<<rrlans and Ormond met to decide second place in'A'. In A11 ; game, Old Xaverians, 13 points down at the last licked 4.5 to 1 .1 in the final quarter to win by 9 points. ,t Were J. Pirrie, Corcoran, Meehan (Old Xavs) and Robertson, 5- ;ton and Buckley for Ormond . m went through the season without losing a game - one ,._ ; rtt irams were Coburg 'D' Thomastown'D' and Old Brighton G ~;~~wiar Junior 3 . on top in B' lost y et another game - flits time to Old , c ns 3.9 to 5 .9. Best were M . McCarthy, N. Hughes, ;or Old Paradians and wagstaff, G. Parsons and Baum CaLegia>.is. 25 YE A1 - 3 AGO-1976 n-,,nhoe kept their B ' section hopes for the four alive when they ed Old Paradians by 6 goals. It was areal form reversal as l .: . .:lans had beaten Caul field GranunariaiLs and MarceIlin die previous 2 games . Ivanhoe's best were C. Stewart, R.
rt, Stredwick and for Old Paradians, Johnson, Tellefson, -,'ames to Hampton Rovers' ruck mainstay Don 'Village" lc -biggest man in the club in both' d'uec tions. ( In 1995 F,u coached the Rovers to their first flag in 44 years). _ ; ,5 to Old Haileyfiurians' great clubm an Don Lord . 100 :mes ro Victor Tsakmalfls (Ttown), Richard Mullett (Old Carob), ',i;cr. .t-iLron (Marc.), John Zachariah (Old Xavs), John Meehan 61 Camberwell).
cI Trinity 4Ih in A" sec tion and 4 points ahead of Ormond and t r ; ursity Blues, met Ormond in the final game, while Uni Blues ;';" al z. cend bottom team, Monash Blues . Ormond beat Old " rliucy, but Blues were much too strong for Ivionash Blues and auned their place in the finals to go on to meet St Bernards in Cr~ t semi. I Scotch managed to win their first ever game at Queens Park, i to spoil the festivities at Geelong's Old Players Day by some real old timers - first captain coach Vic Proffi t ,26-1939), Ewen Laird (26-28), Roy Fidge (29-33), Pat Wheeler 39) and Bill King (30-31) . Congratulations went to Bo b Fn_dton (1937), Peter Robinson (1965) and Phillip Marshall L-5771 for their wonde.rful organisation .
F-~dUnt of the Umpires Association was Ken Jorgensen, a 째 player for over 5 seasons with Commonwealth Bank , ig interstate selection in his first year and representing the on 4 occasions. er for the season was Keith Findlay 69 points, wit h n Nugent runner-up, 3 points behind . 30 YFJ11tS AGO -197 1
L'crnards praeticaliy clinched a place in the final four whe n } v tired a decisive 45 point win over a sluggish an d G?~~g Coburg . The winners were best served by I%-an, Santarnaria and Hannaberry while warfe, Sullivan an d
rs'j n tried to keep Coburg in the game . Coburg trailed all day i were never a threa t t exciting game of the round was the desperate battle fo r Iiial between Old Xaveiians and Commonwealth Bank cond last and last in B' section) . No satisfaction to either - a --~~',t - 16.13 .109 to 15.19.109. Gowers, K. OShaughnessy (4) i P-tffa .ele (Old Xavs) and Dick, Torrens, Inebeny for Comm . ,u~k v,~e bes t kickers were 'A David Barkley (U . Blues) 81, B' I . Blacks) 52, 'C' Bevan (Toor.-Malv.) 88, D' Eccles
(Ipside) 85, 'E' Shannon (St Pats) 98, and 'F' Gartner (Marcellin) . First player to score 100 goals was Martin Bartlett of Powerhouse - 54 goals with the seniors and 52 with the juniors . Congratulations were passed onto goal umpires Bill Alum and Ralph Bridges, who were nominated for life membership of the Umpires Association .
35 YEARS AGO - 1966 University Football Club were celebrating the centenary even though recent research had shown the club was actually formed in 1859. The club joined the VAFA in 1921 with the Blues, and Blacks were immediately successfiil, Nvuming premierships in both 1921 and 1922 .
Footscray Tech had a big win in B' section kicking 16.22.118 to UHSOB's 8.11 .59 . As the scribe said "Outstanding feature in Footscray Tceh's win was the big fellows marketing . Namely Gary (Shorty) Dempsey . He must have had putty on his fingers" . B' section leaders . Kew showed its supremacy with a 10 goal win over De La Safe (5th) . Bri~s (4), Crowe and Fisher were Kmes best while Faul, Tame and Murphy starred for De La . 200 games to Kel Davidson (Caul. Gramm) - the first player to ever achieve that record with the club . In early years a star centre halfback, he has recently been a devastating forward pocket
John wall of National Bank also reached 200 and again was a first for the club. MHSOB regained top place in 'A' section follorcing Coburg's sensational defeat by Old Paradians . Coburg led Parade by 26 points at halftime after being well on top but a mucli more determined Parade blanketed them in the second half and won by 10 points . Coburg's only score after the interval was a goal just before the final siren . Proctor, Danaher and Mansfield were best for Old Paradtans and McIntosh, Scanlon and Dumayne for Coburg. Lowest scoring team for the round was ANZ Bank's 2 .1 .13 against OGG's 14.14.98 in 'D' section.
50 YEARS AGO - 1951 Veteran field umpire Jim Walsh retired after 21 years umpiring Amateur matches . Jim had also been honorary secretary of the Umpires' Association for many years and was remembered by many players as a wonderful umpire . In his playing days Jim used to kick goals for Brighton VFA team . (Readers may remember also Jim's sons, Jim (Junior) who played with Comm . Bank and Brian who starred for Ormond and later went on to play manywonderful games as aback pocket player for St Kikla) . In difficult wet and greasy conditions Old Scotch held on to 4th place in A' section with a sound win over Ivanhoe, Brian Thompson and 'Baron" Jim Perry (ruck) starred for Old Scotch, while Neil whittaker, Kevin Clarke and Len Irvin were best for Ivanhoe. Ormond Juniors, the only undefeated team in all sections, continued on their winning way with a massive victory over Caulfield GrammKatian .s, kicking 25.28 to 2.4 . Best were Bishop (7 gls), Cal Wilson (6), Lindsay Shannon and Frank Forbes . University Blacks (7th), trying to keep in touch with the four, beat 3rd placed Hampton Rovers by 9 points at half time . Hampton's poor kicking in the first half (6.12 to Blacks 6.2) contributed to their defeat Doug Arnold, Rus Warnett and Eric Pearson were best for Rovers. St Andrews kept their chances alive for the D' section four with a goal win over St Pats OC . Best were Frank Plummer, "Joe" Dorman and "Marbles" Ellison for St Andrews and Jack Callander, Kevin Currie, Noel Panetted for St Patricks .
W'ac,__ , g Edge Presentation s Today brings a very successful season of Club XVIII football to its conclusion with the playing of the Grand Final in each section . Nty tipping was correct in each section last week when the spect ; ors at Elsternwiek Park were entertained by two closely contested games . REVIEW t _ "A RY fa`IidAI .S
SECTION I The result of this match remained in doubt until the final siren as the chances of each team fluctuated throughout the course of play . Old Melburnians opened with the aid of a strong wind that however did not prevent De La Salle going into attack . For the second week in succession Old Melburnians were unable to utilise their first use of the wind as De La Salle were able to attack regularly . Active forwards Brad Robinson and Paul Baker led the goal scoring and at the first change De La Salle led by nine points . During the second quarter each side kicked three goals so that at half time, De La Salle still held a nine point lead . Ironically Old Melburnians scored more against the wind than with it . The third quarter was to prove the best by Old Melburnians, who mainly through the efforts of Robert Cooper and Ameet Bains were able to kick four goals to a single goal by De La Salle into the strengthening wind . At the last change, Old Melburnians held a ten point lead . Any thoughts De La Salle would coast to victory were soon dispelled as there was no score during the first seven minutes of the last quarter . Old Melburnians were holding De La Salle and when stalwart Keith Rutherford goaled, Old Melburnians went to a fifteen point lead . It was now the turn of De La Salle to attack, which they did for Brad Robinson to goal twice to bring De La Salle to within two points of the lead . Old Melburnians defence held firm, until with less than two minutes play remaining, Paul Fiume goaled from a long shot . This proved to be the final score although Old Melburnians went forward again but could not score . The siren sounded giving victory to De La Safe by four points . Best for De La Salle were ; Paul Fiume, Steven Bolt, Richard Ford and Phil Brasher. Brad Robinson with five goals was on target . Best for Old Melburnians were; Tim Burden . Keith Rutherford, Ridd and Robert Cooper, who kicked four goals . SECTION 2
University Blacks early ascendancy was negated by thei r inaccurate kicking . OnIy one goal wa s kicked in the opening quarter as each tez testing its opposition . Low scoring co throughout the second quarter and U n Blacks held a six point advantage dc ~ inaccuracy in front of goal . The third (, Collegians kick a goal before Univers i lifted to score six un answered goals to give twenty five point lead at the last change .
Collegians faced the daunting task of kicking m+ in one quarter than they had kicked in the fi three quarters . They could not do so as it kicked inaccurately and ) ity Blacks w able to kick two goals int : d. At theft siren University Blacks held :-, -enty point le which qualified them for t : . Grand Final . Best players for the t! rers were ; Darren Crc Matthc B ; 'en, nick 7 =1 : 1, i .lichaei Jones as i as di s chard ."lliaris and Captain, Si Mackie . Collegians best were ; Justin and Al C Lachlan Grant who l :s, : ; :d three of his team' s 째,)als : ad Simon D-
,'averians and De La Safe meet for ;h4 : : time in three seasons to decide the pre During the 2001 season they have met c o in round 9 on June 23 when Old Xaverians
sixty five points. Old Xaverians enter this game favoured to their sixth successive premiership . The key their success are their forwards led by Matthews . In Addition George and veteran, O'Sullivan each kicked four goals against D Salle in Round 9 . Mark Williamson must dev way of stopping these players if De La Salle win .
For Old Xaverians, the reliable defender, Rathgeber, Captain Tony Landrigan and the hitting "Sandgroper" Erskine did well last against De La Safe as they did in the second final. Can they stay again today ? De La Salle, whose players have survived physically hard finals, are an experienced who will not yield to Xaverian pressure . Robinson, Kevin NIann :x and Phil Brasher been keys to De La Salle's two final match vict
ust be negated today. rs stars for De la Salle have included elusiv e aid Paul Baker, Richard Ford and Ash Tucke r )f iom played well against Old Xaverians in '9. ct Old Xaverians because they will be th e eam and because they have played t form over their past matches 2 °':ay's opponents, Old Ivanhoe and University iilacks have met only once during the season i n uid 9 on June 23 when Old Ivanhoe won by rw points . Since then the Blacks have certainly ;,lpi uved while Old Ivanhoe has continued its fine c,tm. i 1, e size of the Black's players is daunting for thei r e . is and if prevailing conditions favour hig h ; the Black's chances will improve . Michael he ruck is always effective for the Blacks . ,Lid players for the Blacks over the past tw o have included ; Darren Creek, Tom Laidlaw nd',Tatthew Bahen as well as defenders, Richard tilaams and Scott Mackie . Another top ric rmance from them could see the Blacks as , rcmiers . The return of Tom Crawford from injury honld also bolster the Blacks running brigade . ~ )11 1var,iioe had a match winner in the Second - !ii, Final in key forward, Chris Lynch, who mus t
not be allowed to kick multiple goals if University Blacks are to win . Consistent players for Old Ivanhoe, who will need to be minded closely include "Boppa" Stewart, Ryan Hense, Albert Kobe and Captain Paul Sigley . It is difficult to select a winner as Old Ivanhoe will give away a lot of height and the Blacks may be the more tired as through their harder matches . Old Ivanhoe is my selection as they have done so well this season and they have a season's experience behind them. Nevertheless I expect University Blacks to be very competitive . Old Ivanhoe should win narrowly. Gvr~ ,t tz°,~tc~, John Be ll selec(s Old Xaveri an s aud Ol :i _T%-<>nilce Grammarian s . . ne -congratulate c;: -z o n reaching 5E, ga .-ies. A solid half back flanker, plays this week in the Club 18 grand final, and will no doubt play his usual big part in the 'clubbies' hopefully successful season's end . Well done boys, and lets see you make it to 100 .
G$ .i3v
?,Si '.7"11_=
CLU I-: :71 I71 1
TODAY' S CLUB 2C, C ' • ' 1
Old Xaverians v . De La Salle Eflsternwiuk 1 ._-lc - 2 p.m . SECTION 2 Old Ivanhoe v. Uni . Blacks To b,- .a: y~ a t.a , ac"c iC', ^~ :k - 11 .15 $ . 17 .
oLD 1, T_L;J 8 1 .3 4.3 8 .6 9.6(60) E L. 5.'_ZT : 3 .0 6.2 7.2 10,4 f64 ~ 'riang : Cooper 4, Bains 2, Rutherford 2, Arden, J . . Best: Burden, Rutehrford, Rigg . Cooper, Bains, "" L-a '--Me : Robertson 5, Fiume 2, R. Ford 2, Baker. Best: ' 13 ;, R. Ford, P. Brasher, K . Mannix, Rudd . t~Pkc : D . Windlow R . Windlow (F) A. Barro P. Nailer (B) G. ; I .C ;rter
Cartlidge Prahran 59 'Matthews Old Xaverians 51 'George Old Xaverians 36 °Tomlinson Old Melburnians 34 'Katavoulos St Kevins 30 *Includes finals goals CLUB XvIII/ 2 *Oakley Collegians 1 35 'Holsman Collegians 0 22 Bonn}man Whitefriars 0 21 Collier Monash Blues 0 21 L . Woods Monash Blues 0 1 6
COLLEGIANS 0 .2 2.3 3 .4 5.10 (40) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .4 1 .7 6.11 8 .12 (60) CoIl : Grant 3. Cooke, Oakley. Best: I . Gay, A. Gay, Grant, Day, Curtis, Cooke . University Blacks: J . Williams 2, M . Vaughan, M . Braszell, N . Howell, S . Mackie, B. Weber, L. Beaton . Best: D. Creek, M . Jones, M. Bahen, R. Williams, S . Mackie, R . Purcell. Umpires : T. Robbins A. Barrington (F) B . Nunn T. Jackson (B) T. Hall L. Collier (G)
~4 : ~~
~°4g T TY2 F
(r3 )
~ .
:s .SAN'S v. ®~ . ' . 'ALL E
1 Dalton D .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
2 MeMahon M . . . .. . . . . . 3 Jones M . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 4 Erskine G . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5 Hall P . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .
G B Coach: Mark Williamson 2 P Flume. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .
..... ..... . ... ..
3 P Baker . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . 4 P Proy . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..
5 B Svrne .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 7 C Orwin . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . ..
6 Perry B . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .
8 D Jennings . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 9 E Behan .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 10 C Bourke . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . -11 S Bolt . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 R Ford . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 13 B Robinson . . . . . . .. . . . . 4 M Rosel . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. ° . " 15 ATucker , . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 17 P Fisicaro . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .
7 O'Sullivan T . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 9 Rathgeber N . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . 10 Fay N (VC) . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . 11 Carrodus S .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . 12 George R . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . .. .
14 Curnow T . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ."" . ... 16 Poulis J . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 17 Beetham B . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 8 DrakeJ . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 20 Farrow T . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 23 Johnston T . . . . . .. . . . . . 24 Carrodus C . . . . . .. . . . . 27 King D . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 32 Hardwick J . . . . . . .. . . . . 33 Lally 5 . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 36 Stoney D . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 37 Landrigan T(C) . .. . . 43 Ockleshaw P. . . . . . . .. .
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....
1S D Grace . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 19 M Dobbs . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ..
.. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . 44 Hart N . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. 47 George P . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . 51 Fowler T . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 58 Matthews B . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .
~. =~
Coach: G David King
20 L Ftsicaro . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 21 J Wiglitman . .. . . . . . .. 22 A Cooper— . . . . .. . . . . .. 22 T Shields .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. 23 M Funnell . . . . . .. . . . . . . 24 D Bermann . . . . .. . . . . . 25 G Hynes . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 26 M McGrath . . . . . . .. . . . . 27 S Rudd . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . 28 B Brasher . . .. . . . . . .. . . .
.... . .. ..... ..... ..... . . .....
29 C Hynes . . . . .. . . 29 S Lewin . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 31 K Mannix . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 39 P Brasher . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 42 R Marks . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 46 M Hegan . .. . . . . .. . . . . . ..
. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ..
"" . . .. .
David Super
1 M . Wilson . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .
Darren Hayes 2 Chandler 5 . .. . . . . . . . .
2 P. Sigley (VC) . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . 3 V. English . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .
4 Vaughan M . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Laidlaw T . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 L. Tavlor . .. .. . .. . .. .. . 5 C. Lynch . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. 6 W. Ward . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. ..
6Sellenge S4B r .......... 9 Crawford T . . . . . . . . . .
7 M. Veal . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . 10 E. Lal:os . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . 11 B. VTilson. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . "
10 Atkin D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Kohne M . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Jessen T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Clements A. . . . . . . . . .
29 rites A . . . . .. . .. . . . ;A . . . .. . .. . ... .. . 33 ,?tenT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17 J . RL.cStrom . .. . .. .. .. . .. . 21 B . Yanwood. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . 22 P. Gelding. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . 23 M . Stewart .. .. . .. . .. .. . ..
35 Mirtchson J . . . . . . . . . . 37 Nolan E .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Beaton L . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 40 Walsh D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . ..
28 D. Toll .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .
47 Murphy B . . . . . . . . . . . .
30 A . Rabe . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. ..
. . .. .. 31 T. Carmack .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. 37 J M3yzock . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .
49 Bowerst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 O'keefe D . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Braszell M . . . . . . . . . . .
40 M. Hall .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . 42 D . Mansfield .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .
57 Segely K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Purcell F . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
45 G . Harrington . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . 47 J. ~ieir .. . . .. .. ... .. . .. .. . .. . ... .. . 55 R Stewart . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .
66 Howell N . . . . . .. . . . . . .
56 L . Vvaddell . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . 66 D. Super. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. 69 E . Gemci .. . .. ... .. . .. . .. .. 79 A. G§'eisz .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. 111 E . Cornet .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. ..
. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. ..
73 Mackie S .. . .. . . . . . . . . 78 Owen R . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 79 Benson A . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Weber B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Creek D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Abbott N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Whitlock A . . . . . . . . . . 95 Williams R . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Mirtchson J . . . . . . . . .
97 Williams J . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Bahen M . . . .. . .. . .. . .
531 Remfry N. . . .. . . . . . . . .
314t r e
.. ..
12 M. Tozer .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . 13 R Hense .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 14 R Weisz . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . --
58 T Ford . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 60 B Hoy . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
t2 t~
. .
. . . . .
u7i. ,h ~ . ,t. [cu°ar r it , I h to under: id and to :b'in .
_ :)nd the bounds of propriety, I ca n 1 r' or t rat coach's remoi cow n stuck with, and my ,ratee i Tort to .a . -ts toa ' ,d b s
I. Supt re prin
and l-Ling we child have the experience of a team and playing for a coach, even a one. It ought to be sc iring f the players to that the coach is s c' i`1 of them as ir sometirr b~ out tha t r
at -re
ne rough tl perspective of see as well , emphasised the need for a coach t o ., .. G-course, a big piece of this puzzle is A coach who doesn't demand respec t rs is s' ,ing away from the of coa~ ' but a coach who merely ith the demand for 1 to be worthy of it . 5t ' d who extends th.
. you" ~de a
: the p1ayE,~ c ; i , r( ':~- to b e e: ~ct? You owe it t o
the game and to unders .tvirueofspmanh e sa , â&#x20AC;˘ in owe it to them to exhibit arid teach the . balance of seriousness and pl . yiulness tha t
if - part of a team cffort, mus t n ) , : :a 'f of the team, then they have to re . . ind that means no matter how well you k I, you owe it to the players to be a e game - of its new developments !d nuances . We know of no sport tha t a- one in( sduai has understood perfectly. Coaches must be students of the game in order to make coaching decisions based on sound knowledge, and they must be students of the game because they have a responsibility to teach the game to the players . Respect for the players as students of the game, as young --ople he potential to learn, means that coach( e at just recruiters. And indeed, one of the =cts of coaching young people i s __ ,,) as players. Every coach should the end of each year and ask thes e s, , ': ~, f, , ayers better at the game than they I im? iing of the year? Are their skills better? Do they understand it better? Have they learned the game ? That's not a i easy task, because teaching the game is not an easy, .^ - ie players want to learn and love to s are convinced that they know Some positively resist _= iously the practice drills efer to look cool rather tha n s' potential to learn, then, _atever they happened to u, t use sc ie c' them will want to play the game thout in ; it . The one advantage a coach has over other teachers, though is that there is a clearly defined goal that all of the players want - namely, to win . Tc
Despite some challenging conditions, no upsets this week, and the focus for the remaining round is on t .he battle for second spot between Parkside and Williamstown . Mentone and Salesian will both look for polished performances while all other sides aim to finish 2001 on a positive note . REVEEW Kew battled hard against the ladder leaders to restrict them to a relatively modest total . Bell and Growcott provided drive from HB while Bradley and Wood (in his 150th) found their way to the bottom of most packs . However, the Vultures machine kept rolling and now look certain to go through the regular season undefeated . Again they had 10 different goalkickers and many more scoring shots. Dixon, Perrin and Mick Sullivan were among Mentone's best. Parkside registered a 90 point victory over Powerhouse and were generally bigger, stronger and more experienced than their opponents . Despite blustery conditions the Parkers ran the ball well to set up an unassailable lead by half time, with tall fonvard Trent Stonehouse a standout . The Piranhas played better football in the second half but were outpointed in most contests . McCall (ruck) and Noble (flank) continued their good form. Inaccurate kicking and a determined home side ensured La Trobe earned the points against Peninsula . The Trobers struggled to shake the Pirates despite looking as though they would draw clear several times throughout the game . Defenders Atchison and Warner cleared the ball well for the Pirates, while the Coughlans and Goldthorpe also provided drive . Sheldriek marked well to boot 4 goals for the victors, with Casnm and Auldist also prominent . C3 eigh also rued some ordinary kicking during the opening term against Williamstown CYMS . The CY's kicked into gear in the second to open up a handy lead at the long break . The Krushers answered the challenge in the third through the efforts of Bromley (who continued his hot streak), Hanley and Taylor. The margin at 3/4 time was down to 7 points . With some early goals to Oakleigh's Dooley, an upset looked possible, however Williamstown settled and Darren Williams - well held by Bloomfield for most of the day - slotted through his 100th for the season and see the CY's home by 15 points . Fetaherston, Gilmartin and Wheeler were among
the Seagull's best . PREVIEW With the double chance up for grab s at Fearon Reserve, edliliaiias .o-N:'s gc against Parkside represents a'mini-final' . B teams play with a similar style that punctuated by running and high marking. CY's look to have been a bit sluggish of whereas Parkside have been a little . McCall and Wise should provid impresv few headaches, but Williamstown's consider, home ground advantage should ensure at iE an even contest, and with their better plaz returning to form I think they will win by points . Mentone should enjoy a relatively easy day at Albert Park against the winless PowerYsoa The Vultures will be hoping to get through one unscathed while Powerhouse has only p and next season's prospects to play for . Des the home side's efforts a big margin is ominc Kew hosts Peninsula and will be favoure( win although a good battle should take pl Both teams like it scrappy, and the K's wil lfondytheirscondhalfestiv whent y met the Pirates. Should be a closer result time around . La Trobe should comfortably account for V Brunswick at Bundoora . The Wests have fot bravely in recent weeks but will be overrur the Trobers who will be out to prove they're best side to miss out on the September act La Trobe by 38 points. Salesian must click today against Oakleigh is to mount a realistic challenge in next we semi final . The Krushers have edged close the better teams in the season's second half are not without a chance, though the home should get over the line by a four goal mar g
TODAY'S MATCHES. D2 Sectio n Power House v. Mentone Amateurs Kew v . Peninsula 0 B La Trobe Uni . v. West Brunswick Salesian v. Oakleigh Williamstown CYMS v . Parkside
oa . ise
Cflil (a5 '
ajili ,i& n.
ates or his cc on the half ba t nation and will t o to atch bigger an d
anto gets the occasional gan e forward, where he loves to sicking shills . -.1 < Parkside a
ark returned to football this year after a break of three years . At the age of 36, the former captain coach, is a bean pole ruckman is still sho4vin - the young guys a thing or two . Also the del;r` 'Ridgers' Robinson will play his this week . A product of the 1997 under i& sac :Brad has cemented his place in the niors . Tall, quick and extremely passionate player, his run off the half back line has provided many specia l lo m
pla; ; urdav st-bi in199<?
his games as a no v.*7th large calves . A) ., ( done played hi s est Brunswick last we' It ag gsy has been the key ) ~ club's !ce 1995 picking up the opposition's d every week and onlF= rarely bein g so b : n 71 n serving plays ci : 3
4 .6 1 .2 3 . . 4 .3 7. :"
' .3 5 :! 10 .5 12 .3 (80) 5 .8 8 .10 (58) :4.2 4 . 3 latt Wal i 2 . Sims . King, Johnstone, : Stillman, Emmett, Smith, O'Meara, d'ranchi 2. Griffiths 2, Acfletd . K4Tiakou Ryan, LaLranchi, Symes . Cronin 6,2 8.6 12 .9 15 .11 (141) 2 .1 3 .1 5 .3 5 .4 (34)
orge 5, White 3. Rowley 2, C .Barr, T.Ba s, Mick Sullivan . Stewart . O'Meara Best : ick Sullivan, Ogter. Davies, Rowley Kew : si 2 . Cullen, Horean, Tinetti Best: Dennis . Bradley. Wood, Cullen Umpires: J . Lipson 7,5 14 .11 18,17 21 .20 11461 2 .1 4 .4 5.7 8.8(56 ) 4 .4 7 .7 8.9 11 .9 (75) 2 .7 5 .15 8.23 11 .24(90 )
'oys: White 2. Coughlan, Crean, Burke . Payze , rner, Whelan, Harding, Franks . Best: A Atchison, T J Coughlan . Crean, Goldthorpe, Warner . Latrobe Idriek 4, Close 3, Camm, Farrant . Storer, White. Best : Camm, Autdist White. Perry. Sheldrick . Woods D. Irons (F) :K 2 .2 4 .3 5.6 6.1Q (46) 4 .1 6 .2 9 .7 14.9 (93 ) Cannane, Carmichael . Bandt, R Heywood, J :tlan . Miller. fanus, Bridger. G1ard, tovoli 3. T ^ 2, Cincotta 2, Brown 2 , )rcr, I u st: Cambell, Davey, Canavan . A. Simpson P. Jackso n 2 .7 . l 9 .14 13 .17 (95) 4 .1 8 .5 11 .9 16 .14 ~ 0) tooley 4, Bromley 3, Pap~7opoulos 3 , rk, outis . Best: Bromle BlcReld, Gee , 'illl8rnstown C? : '+' ;11 rnc 3, ` hi low 2, Rickard 2 . Inuns, Ferris . I rston . Gi artin, Wheeler. Rickard, ison, Mat', P. Rapke B . McLeod (F)
l .i 1 .1 3 .2 3 .2 (20) ;U 5.7 11 .9 12 .10(82) Pe ula Old Sa- : acpherson, Muir, Saville . Best : Glover, Macpherson, Hanson, ngus, Powell, Schmitt. Latrobe Uni: A Hewitt 2 . Watson 2, O'Toole2, Rosengren2 . McNamara . Slater. Launikonts, Correnti. Best : Rosengren . McMeekin, Correnti, Bullen, Laidlavr . Baillie . WEST BRUNSWICK 0 .1 2.6 3 .7 6.9 (45) SA" , . 2 .4 4 .7 6 .10 8.14 (58 ) :-tviclr : Smith 3 . Young, Dishon, Vitale . Best :
let, McNamara, Norman, Young, Moore . B-me 2. Pvlorrtsh 2. Maillard, Kirchner, Bowman, A: 1 mitlt Morrish . Seager, Ferxmrda . Atkins. 5.6 6.6(42 ) 1 .1 5 .4
6T0 . 3.1 5 .3 6.8 6.12 (48) C : Ogilvie 2, Nikal:is 2, Connellan . Monaghan . Best : OF Nikakis . Glbson .Connellan. Breuerfon . Gook . _a. . .own : Hann 2, Buttergrieg, Oldham, Dowsey , Burgess .Best : B Grant . C .rbrtdge . Saccaccio, Nisbet . Ryan, Carter.
D2 Section ..
KEW Coach : Serg e D'Angelo Res .: Greg Commin s 1 B Lafranchi 2 L Fitzgerald 3 G Horgan 4 G Crimmins 5 L Bradle y 6 N Tinnetti 7 T Aitken 8 N Derrico 9 A Eaton 10 B Cullen 11 B Woodhouse 12 J Growcott 13 C Kyriakou 14 J Looke r 15 C Bradley (C 16 D Wood 17 R Perri 18 N Nigro 19 J Dennis 20 A Acfield 21 B Sha w 22 C Stephens 23 R Baker 24 G Palmer 25 C Watts 26 M Stevenson 27 T Moore 28 D Cracknell (VC) 29 M Dalrymple
C ch : F 5utnerlario
Coach : Tony , :george Res. Coa. .i : Pmi Emmett
~ ~ .~.~a 3nIpnon ~ u 1: Vnem
. . .._ , Coach : Lz nA .- r, i
Res Coach : .' .t, ; t;,,. ,
R, C o: (Anton arr y
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
M . Bakogiannis S . Fredrickson D. Sheldrick C. Perry A . Randall
6. B . Cameron
1 2 3 4 5 6
M . Hovey R . Gallagher M . Dixon D. Emmet t A. White C. Stephens
1 2 3 4 5
B. Dec A. Bloomfield D . MacKenzie P. Papadopoulos T. lanchello
1 R Adams 2 W Thomson 3 S Pin o 4 D Warren 5 T Stonehouse
7 K. Guriler
6 R. Dooley
6 A Stuart
8 D. Perrin
7 B . Hall
7 J Muscat
9 P. Emmett
8 R. Marshall
8 J Chilcott
9. L. Walker 10 . A. Hewitt 11 . J . Levy 12. M . Forrest 13. T. Luderman 14. L . Wakeling 15. B . Auldist
10 B . Sebrie 10 T. Stillman 11 C. O 'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M . Etcell 15 Mi Sullivan
9 A Constantini 10 A Vita 11 B Hockey {VC} 12 D McCal l 13 A Cople y 14 V Roman o 15 D Moodie (C)
16. S. Bray
16 J . McCarthy
9 J . Moutis 10 M . McHenry 11 C. Hanley 12 S . Day 13 S . Randle 14 A . Schultz 15 G. Redford
16 B . Arthur
16 M Ross
7. S . Gemmola
8. J . Camm
17 C . Sullivan 17. S. Gloury 17 A Romano 17 A . Hunter 18 T. Sullivan 18. B. Grant 18 A Reginato 18 J. Connellan 19 C . Stewart 19. S. White (VC) 19 C William s 1 9 P. Taylo r 20 P. Krings 20. A. MurPh Y 20 D Singleton 20 T. Adamic 21 D . Kelly 21 . D . Edmunds 21 M Schwab l 22 S . Barker 21 A . Monaghan 22. P. Stewart 22 R Wis e 22 P. Murphy 22 M . Burt 23. R . Storer 23 Ma Sullivan 23 R Beck 23 P. Dickie 24 X . Smith 24. S. Edwards 24 R Marulli 24 S. Kitts (C) 25 G . Uptin 25. S. Brooks 25 M McPherso n 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Roc k 26. B. Hewitt 26 S Ross 26 A. Kit ts 27 M . Wise 27 . D. Gilmour 27 D Matthews 27 J. Knapper 28 C . Johnston 28 . C. Ross 28 R Martinez 28 M . O'Brien 28 A. Khodr 29 . P. White 30 C Giansante (RVC) 29 S Toftul 29 M . Merfield 29 J. Sposito 31 K Gillam 30 . J . Smith 30 N . Freese 30 M Yandl e 30 A. Moulang 31 . J . O'meara 31 B. Matlock 32 A Drago 31 S Hoga n 31 T. Bromley 32 B. Coleman 33 D Wayland 32 . D. Hill 32 B. Gant 32 J McCall (RV( 34 Matt Fitzgerald 33 . M . Watson 33 N . Wilkins 33 M. Clark 33 K Allan 33 D Andrew 35 R Bruno (RDVC) 34 . S . Paterson 34 M Romano 34 L. Head 34 ..D Sheehan 36 S Ryan 35 . J . Eyre 35 M . Johnstone 35 R . Nuske (RC) 35 G Panjari 37 J Landwehr (VC) 36 . T. Mawdsley 36 C . Ogier 36 J . Tolley 36 M Hoyne 38 J Beer 37 . C. Porter 37 T. Macgeorge 37 P. Torpey 37 J Panjari 39 M Mc Inemy 38 . A . Willis (C) 38 S . Perrazo 38 B . Papadopoulos 38 F Darrigo 40 P Durbridge 39. N . Rosengreen 39 A. Fimster 39 M . Dordevic 39 K Noble 41 R Livingston 40 . R . Slater 40 C. Goddchiid 40 I . Moore 40 M Cassar 42 Sette 41 . A . Samson 40 D. Nichols 41 J . Bruerton 42 P Dean 41 C. Rock 42. D . Gleason 44 J Bell 43 J Hubbard 42 S. Dalton 42 S . May 47 S Symes 43. A . Poulton 44 P Soligo 43 J . Seymour 43 M . Barr 44. R . Mather 48 L Jensen 45 C. Barr 45 B McGillian 44 N. Smith 49 S Vidler 45. D . McKeekin 46 C. Ross 46 C Wels h 45 P. Leslie 46. D . Hartley 47 J . Tully 50 J Griffiths 47 C Tyso n 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 G . Anslade 51 M Blair 47. H . Girdwood 47 C. Little 48 M Healy 48 M . Wals h 52 R Campagna 48. L . McNamara 49 S Collier 48 A . McKenzie 49 L. McHugh 61 S Moussi 49. M. Day 50 B Carman 49 G . Orlando 50 T. Peck 62 B Mc Gauchie 50. K. Hopkins 51 G Davies 50. P. Taylor 51 G. Hollingworth 51 . C . Francias 52 B Cassan o 64 J Cronin 52 G. Wyatt 51 . J . Kerley 65 M Ayers 52 . T. Stauton 53 D . Noonan 53 P Roman o 52. M . Pitsos 53 . A. Tucker 55 P. Dynes 54 S Marin o 66 J O'Kane 53. D . Pearson 57 D . Fraser 67 T Beattie 54 . T. Peters 55 J Eastwoo d 54 M . Coppock 58 J. Noonan 68 B Mc Gauchie 55 . A. Cummings 56 G Massett 55 C. Hogan 61 K . Lockhart 61 . B . Launikonis 57 C Ros s 99 S Bruno 56 C . Hard 65 T. Allinson y 63 . J. Laidlaw 58 T Mangos Rogers 65 . A. Hall 59 S Ware 58 L . Thomas 73 M . O'Meara 66 . A . Sallie 74 S. Penton 60 J Drakopoulo s 59 W. Ogilvie 70 . J Dumaresq 77 B. Fleming 61 P Tascon e 60 S . Kay 78 M . Cerritelli 62 J Willets
MENTONE I$.S .L.. 9 Palermo St, Mentone * Function Room * Restaurant * Pokies
9583 2$41
63 D Vivon a 64 T Thomas 65 S Carmod y 66 S Stafford
67 D Ingli s 70 S Diver
71 A Inglis (RC)
速nWEii HOUSE Ci u ; C- .me : Darren Fenc h S Parsons
p . rsons Goldthorpe Bowen (Vc)
nt Varner s . Murray pi .r gus p. ; :r,hn (Rvc) ,' Haley Landry Land R . Rowney T. Braden Jackson Ccok , ~uighson Coughlan J . Whelan
)acle : Peter O'Connor C h : irew Rolls _ C h : C, ..ig Richardson 1 A Rolls
Cr h: i Asst .: D . Old field Res Coach : Cam Hunt 1 A Stevens
Coach: Pa - I Has. Coach : ul'. :i r 1 A Hamilton
Coach: Darren Williams Res Coach : W Payne 1 D Williams
2 J Hall
2 A Thain
2 P Hamilton
3 S Sutherland 4 A Healey
2 J Buttigieg
3 N Pavlou 4 B Turner
3 G Heppell 4 C. Lehmann
3 D Grieve 4 S Wuchatsch 5 D Macleod (C)
5 M Bralni 6 H Clarke 7 C Richardson 8 J Clarke
5 M Canavan 6 R Cincotta 7 G Gaspari 8 S Logan 9 A Campbell
9 Ad Burt 10 Ash Burt 11 J Gill
10 D Oliver 11 A Davey 12 A Gaspari 13 I Bobetic
12 N Dodd 13 J Harris 14 W Elliot 15 P Haseler 1 6 M Higgins 17 C MacLeod (RC) 18 F Doyle
14 C Roache
5 A Cannane 6 C. Lewis 7(a)F Vitale 7bN . O 'Brien 8 )J. Heywood 9 A. MorPhett 10 S Byrne 11 H. Bailey
6 N Gran t 7 B Robinso n 8 B Hann
12 B Clarke
12(R)M Canno n
9 G Cas e 10 B Cock s 11 B Twist 12 A Featherston
13 A Mackle y 13 S . Brockley 15 D levoli 14 D Ferris 16 P Turley 14 N Lampel 14(R)A Daniel 17 M Ferwerda 15 B . Howlett 15 W Phillip s 18 A Sexton 16 S Smythe 15(R)P Br egu e t 19 S Brown 17 R . Heywood 16 D Gilmartin 20 A Seege r 18 M . tM;canus 17 R Ha d 21 A Bates 19 M. Stringer Prendergast 19 J Evans 17(R)R Plochin o 22 R Stevens 20 B. Young Prendergast 20 B Ryan 23 M Smith 18 D Oldham 21 S McNamara -_ ' pherson 21 D Miller 24 A Grace 19 P Dervan (RC) 22 A . Steward son (C) 25 S Egan 20 P Sadler 22 S Evans 23 D Henderson 26 J Nannas 21 L Monkhurst 23 S Craven (C) 24 J Jenkin 27 N Synott 22 M Saunders . White 24 D Boland 25 G Malone 28 M Byrne ',tchison 25 S Cummins R. Benjami n 1 29 M Forbes23 26T 23(R)A Boura s P. ?rendergast Wheeler 26 J Senior 27 D. Disisto 30 M Cooke 24 J McCutcheo o S Payze 27 J Robertson 31 M Bates 28 J Ward 24(R)C Pac h E iaylor 29 M . Shepherd 28 D Murrihy 32 G Riley 25 P Thomso n a~ .~ :-lson 29 R Cassio 33 K Richardson 30 M Lewis 25(R)G Burgess 34 A Anderson 31 E Dohrmann ." .Crean 30 N Miller 26 L Grochowski 35 A Ellis 32 M. Carmichael R . Blood (Res. ) 27 C Mathews 31 R Marshall (RVC) 36 D Tod d 33 T Thompson . Lenno n 28 A Kosmatos C 32 A Benbow 37 D Gheblikan 34 I . Tvryford 29 P Vincen t T. Harding 33 R Taylor 38 A Darcy 35 K. Coventry 30 T Turcinovich C. Wilson 34 J . Marsh 39 C Clauson 36 S . Campbell 31 A Bar olo :' . Allen 40 M Forer 35 J Kilpatrick 37 N. Basham 32 X Toby 41 M Gunn R Davie s 36 A Robinson 38 S . Darling 33 G Rickard 42 P Evans 7. Bowman 37 D O'Connor 39 X Thompson 34 B Jone s 43 E h taillard Stewart 38 C Wenlock 35 C Bergi n 40 B Baker 44 C Hunt R. Haworth 36 A Black D Crawford 41 R . Miller R 45 39 S Horvath 3 .Cooper 40 R Keits 46 D Forer 42 M . Hoyland 37 B Hynes 43 J Tobin 38 S Smith Dillon 41 J Rainey 47 B Bowman M Hollan d 39 S.Farrow 48 M Bourke 44 N . Masters 43 S Considine 39(R)A Carter 45 J Smith 49 D Barry Hanson 44 G Dean i 40 J Munro 46 A Bond 50 S Morris h 3 3.Jarett (Rc) 45 A Contreras 41 T Campbell 51 S Paris i 47 N Seal Kelson 46 B Harrahan 42 D Woud a 52 D Hagerty 48 M Moore ~ ~ . Marli 47 GParker 43 B Grant 53 B Chalmers 49 L. Stewart l nOei 48 H Nelson 44 M Mannin g 54 at Nolan 50 A . Bagnall 45 J Hyne s L Palme r 49 B Urwin 55 E Hanaphy 51 L Sherry 56 D Bowman 46 T Ferri s Bonner 50 C Jones 52 B . Flanagan 57 B Atkins 47 F Nuredin i Crowder 51 J Best 53 J . Gross 58 W Chapman 48 P Tirchett L Saville 54 R . Howell 52 S Ratfe ~ J R .Jone 59 D Blak e 49 W Kewin 55 G . Maraz ia s 54 J Blowfield 60 D Sutherland 50 A McCutcheon 56 C . Riley 2 C . Alexander 55 D Yates 61 P Mallis 51 A McKenzie 57 J. Draper ", Piesley 56 J Mahoney 62 B Kirchner 52 R Nisbet 58 A. Rafter - H . Shorte n 57 R Kang 63 L Seeger 53 M Oldha m A.Powell 61 S McCrae 64 S Oldfied 59 C . Norman 54 J Payne 60 0 . Kirby 65 B Grant "9 55 J Spezza 62 A White .Natalizio 66 D Wri ht ~~ B Pascoe 62 S Dishon 56 S Caldenaood P.Sinclair ght M McTaggart 63(a) D. Jelbart 57 M Saccocci o J .'~uir 71 L O'Sullivan 68 S Rattray 63 (b) J. Gartlan 58 A Beard 88 G Scotland 69 M Stanton 65 D . Simmond 59 K Dowsey 70 A Chiappini 66 M . Malone 60 D Le e 71 C Bartlett 67 A . O'Brien 54 S . McNem y 72 B Porter 68 C Stevens 55 D . Orchard Hp速~arc~ 73 D Ogge 69 R . Hussey 56 D . Temby 74 J Rad i 70 D. Platt 57 A. Rya n 75 J Hamilton 72 L Ryan 58 S. Barlow :'.5 8ardia Avenue 76 J McClaren 75 M . Shelton 59 S. Phemister aford Vic . 3198 77 S Sinclair 76 A 60 A. Savol a . Shirley 78 C Warsling : 9785 2436 77 D. Shirley 68 A. Hough
69 B . Cambridge
Did you guess who tb ;: umpire ki st weeks UC photo? ", s ; . . vith Phil Stevens and Robert Fu ller in 1990 . Richard i.
of our PUa 1 T' members a^ , 1 is no w u!-z ' Ormond se, res games but is still invo ^d A i JA. So_e of c ;~ o~-!~,r PUT -P ~)ers the V1 are : _ -Lives n o a i on i: for T Istra in Benalla; e franchise owner and u ; `.r Gâ&#x201A;Ź - Chairman t s ar 1 hosts VAFA Sur ' y on # i . < - Running a succes 3 ful fa "y r <1 Heights ; Davie - former V Committee an~ n-s his own business ; Ji - keepin ; fi t
2 laps) to liate the ess level ( e% ch ump e - c( ,aring . :ast v
es - Jan
-e - 3 x 2 .48, Cr<' ; ratjbt 3 x 4 .22 ; Father / ~ Jorucu Mayston (1-1 over the two tii! ~
-- seconds ii se e
]able .
lawlmo it ~~ ess ; Ron Lipfrald - Po uu : Club ; ,- Lives at Barwi n ids and princ of Christian College in Geelong; Colin Wills its on the VAFA Tribunal .
Cl , Congr< t o Saturd; . He is go ; T' arc( > St . Bernards game at Elsternwick P - . u 3 all umpires are invited b--,k to the eh_-rooms --,r the aftermatch to celebrate . Ken began umpiring in 1986 and had a total of 274 games to his credit before having 4 years off . He then decided he was too young to retire so he returned this year to fulfil his goal (achieving 300 games / to be in A' Section) and to get fit . Career highlights - 19 Grand Finals including 3'A', 5 'B' and 3'C' Section Grand Finals . Most memorable games - Ist 'A' Section Grand Final in 1993 (De La Salle vs Collegians) and rep game in 1995 (VAFA vs VCFL) . Lowlight o` career was when he collided with an Ormond player (Ormond vs Collegians - 1990) and it resulted in a fractured cheekbone and a stay in hospital . Ken has stated that he has had gre-` enjoyment throughout his career especially ge to know some fine people at various eL ')s umpiring/ associating with many great , o . within the VAFAUA. °, g)T 'R This lay night at the MCG starting 7 .00pm . Guest S-eaker - Mr . Brian Collis QC 11 AFL Tribunal Chairman (QC - Queens Counsel / Barrister - Admitted in 1967 (Vic / ACT /Tas), elected QC in 1992 . AFLTC since 1996 and Chaiman since 1998 )
7_ .__ __._ . Last week we had our second time trial (3 x 880m
Blue) - reta ! th; s ye,, ~r :. ne o : past umpire from V Ni, ai:i, has ; 1 :ij, over 16 Games, Umpira AFL Team - Collingtrrood, AFL s Banks (12), Hobbies - Gol f
29 Red) S L to Umpires ' . C Se c clung vs Banyuie wit Banyule by 1 poLn awthorn, Hobbies ; -- - (No. 25 Yellow) sto n iclmame - Matt, Ump . -13risbane Lions, Bes t
T,anhoe Assumption :> . orne (No . 13 Coll
.~ `
BLUE 7 Sean Scully
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittmann
Paul Berry
6 Dash Peiris
Shalom Blustein
Damien Lane
1 0 Tristan Bowman
7 Alan Ladd
Mark Childs
10 Trent Foley
11 Chris Evans
10 Avi Wekselman
11 Alan Stubbs
12 Jamie Kvins
9 Nathan Carlyon
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
10 Robert McLeod
15 Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Mark Jenkins
11 Paul Tuppen
16 Peter Woods
16 Mervyn Monty
16 Craig Brajtberg
12 Simon Payton
17 ',.lark Gibson
17 Peter Keogh
17 Cameron Leitch
15 Michael Sneddon
13 Jason McNiece
18 Peter Simpson
13 Tim Sutcliffe
1 6 Luke Moncrieff
19 Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fvfe
20 David DRltera
17 Andrea Thwaites
20 John Ralph
20 Grant Wardrop
21 Justin Grossbard
1 8 George Paleodimos
21 Patrick Maebus
22 Chris Collins
22 Rick Love
1 9 Heath Little
23 Paul Dinnee n
23 Peter Griffiths
23 Chris Stevens
21 David Irons
2? Graeme Hunichen
25 Lionel Katz
24 John Miller
22 Ken Brewer
25 Cameron Stewart
26 Daniel Dinneen
25 Richard Eastwood
2 3 Robert Sneddon
26 Jim Papioanou
27 Anthony Simpson
26 Brad Clark
24 Jason Moore
27 :slatt Cox
23 Ken McNiece
27 Euan Lindsay
2 5 Mat Taylor
28 Paul Lamble
29 Peter James
28 Leah Gallagher
2 7 Paul Jones
29 Chris Garcia
30 Michael Phillips
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron Martyn
30 Justin Lipson
32 Anthony Damen
30 Simon Olive
3() Anthony Lilley
33 Robert Mayston
33 Michael Forde
32 Mark Fraser
31 Tim Friedman
34 Graeme Morgan
34 Stephen Morgan
33 Simon Stokes
3 2 Jarrod Aspinall
35 Jason Lan e
35 Troy Brooks
34 Jeremy Heffernan
33 Glenn Schipp
36 Matthew Meier
36 Ian Burgess
35 James Watson
34 Daniel Stephens
37 Alex Maggi o
37 Gavin Roberts
36 Ron Smith
35 Dianne Whiteley
37 David Murray
37 Ken Walker
albie Firley g Sharon Alger
Glen Kennedy
Chris Stevens (S)
Paul Withington
Nick Evan s
Itundle mak a :dca printed for'1 5
is ago I've ' of
tch, e. A t 42 o of Ormon ;al ._ainer T= 7 p in I, dv'hity urli
durday b: t' let. It --cur. On
nto : on to E E Gun n
xona n locrd an :ntator anL
Park with - scouting for ,io a football r Carlton full-
eant . 'e have rA scribe to h the answer kling 1i,!_r ?
for i s d you n by =, b-
about suouwaan ~
a lot devoted to t's col u :1 .n-sc1 io cn .-a-p,*, ~ ~ .-r, .,,:,,.
~ - CTs i; . V_-I :ilE
Fli Y:__c,
S_- 1_7I 0 I : WE ,'~ E A Elsternwick Park Bstemwi,d< Park EItternwick Park E15-temwitk Par k
I at Semi 02-Sep 2nd Semi 09-jan Prelimirary 16-Sep Grand 23-Sep
Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
IstS€sni 01-Sep
2nd Serni 08-Sep Preliminary 15-Sep Grand 22-Sep
Saturday Saturday Saturday
C TBC McvvWbc FG Trelc C'd 17stemw ck Par k
2nd Semi 01-Sep IstS€rni 02-Sep
Saturday Sunday Saturday Saturday
2nd Semi 01-Sep Saturday let Semi 02-Sep Sunday Preliminary 08-Sep Saturday Grand 15-Sep Saturday
8srernwick Park TM%W Barkr 0121 Sara Elsternvrck Par'k
Box Hill City Oval Scamme!! Res. Box Hill City CNal ,Box Hill City Ova l
D2 McHale Stadium PEGS No2 McHale Stadium McHale Stadium
2nd Semi 01-Sep Saturday I st Semi 02-Sep Sunday Preliminary 08-Sep Saturday Grand I S-Sep Saturday
D3 Cheltenham FG Cheltenham FG
2nd Semi 01-Sep I st Semi 02-Sep
Cheltenham FG Chahenham FG
D4 Preston City CKal Preston City CKal Preston City Oval Preston CAY Oval Preston City Oval Presm City Oval U19(l)
2nd Semi OP -Sep I st Semi 09-Sep
Par Icdale Parl:dale
Preliminary IS-Sep Grand 22-Sep
Scammell Res. Wanawee Park Scammel Res . Warraw2e Park Trevor Rvimr C? al SarA
Sunday Sznj:Y4,
Qualifying 01-Sep Saturda Bimination 01-Sep Saturda 2nd Semi 08-Sep Sao.trda (stSemi 09-Sep SurKhy Preliminary IS-Sep Saturda Grand 22-Sep Saturda 2nd Semi 01-Sep Saturda let Semi 02-Sep Sunday Preliminary 08-Sep Saeurda Grand IS-Sep Saturda
U 19 (2) R Gan rOral Parad e
2nd Semi 01-Sep Saturda I st Semi 02-Sep Sunday Preliminary 08-Sep Saturda Grand 15-Sep Saturda
Gar,eq Oval Parade Gar-Y :/ Oval Parade Garve/ Oval Parade
U 19 (2) B Bent4 o Be 1&0
Pj ) (A-P Serai,- - Finals pi--D-r) (A-q U! 9 Finn~ (Grand Finals only)
Qual .fying 01-Sep Elimination 02-Sep
U 19 (2) WwTzNee Park
Saturday S3mday Preliminary 08-Sep Saturday Grand 15-Sap Saturday
FF-'JS . AE'~z S Qualifying 01-Sep Eliminaton 02-Sep 2nd Semi 08-Sep 1 ss Semi 09-Sep Preliminary IrSep Grand 22-Sep
$3 $4
3$ ~
t 째
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a :u clients? en perhaps you need to see us for a free no obligation consultatio n Scott Par+~p- sro-ide a comprehensive range of Business an d t ra,PesonlthipCmayorTus GST advice, advice on commencement of a ss, rec(, c)n of a business or winding up of a business, we Ip. - 'iave a d{-a-A rUation t : -.
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ac iieved what was in ;nd a comfortable victory over Mcsaras v despite le: than attractive conditions, and the absence of players such as "Mush" Jackson . The Reds did pretty much what was expected of them, bursting the Gryphons bubble in the process . S . . C scored an excellent win over ch also saw the JOCs leapfrog th e Demo :io :•cond spot with one game left before ie finals . The battle for second spot is still <.:.ve, and both teams have intriguing clashes this week . , fate i s finally sealed when they it do n tc c It was a bridge too far for the Falcons, w' ile the Hawks may rue some recent lost opportu~aiues . chalked up a vital win over So arth Districts but other result s confirmed that both sides avoided the mathematical possibility of the drop. ' C ° ensured their escape from on mire ith an emphatic triump h o- "ie already doomed UHSOB . I'm sure Gavin Hall would have been pleased with th e
vie' xy, nd that the Cobras celebrated long an d -ileF`or-~ "Cl " -'-Shannon . , Jcome -- to the intimate B confines of Rathmines Res , in a match, like most others, is purely of academic interest, but I'm sure both sides today will be going at it hard today, keen to finish off their season on a winning note . At home, I'll tip the Hawks . South Melbourne take on UHSOB at Lindsay Hassett Oval in another contest where neither team has any unresolved issues to amend, basically their season is already done and dusted . i think Districts are the better team, and as such, I'll pick them today . R' - mtral entertain : at City Reserve where the Demons, recently tipped out of second spot, will be keen to resolve that matter and notch a crucial win over the now safe Cobras . I think this will be more than enough mot' ation, so it's Bentleigh for mine . teds make the long trek to Thomas Carroll Reserve with the visitors keen to extend their undefeated record while the JOOs will want to hold on to second spot to ensure a repeat meeting with the Reds next week . I'm sure the JOCs may well be able to push the Reds, but I
iancy visitors will too strong . Finally, i 3st . at East Caulfield Reserve. Although 'Ibert Park are now relegated and ~ . , Gryphons are in the finals, 1'm sure that this will still be a fierce contest. it could be the perfect tonic for the Gryphons, and indeed, it is them I choose today . RESERVES Wickers (hello Grangey), Districts, Demons ( wi ll this be Jemmo's swansong, and will Brett Moffat make a comeback for this occasion?), Reds, Gryphons . SOCIAL Albert Park have their Annual Vote Count and $5000 Calcutta this Sunday (26th August) fr . o12natheAlbrPkCuoms
Monash 7 ~ hold their end-of-seasor, night tonifzt at the Gryph Inn from 8'til late . $5 entry with top DJ Nick "Pom" Rutherford, all the way from County Durham, spinning the decks (hopefully with some old skool funk somewhere in the mix) . T'-e-r the Gryphs have their votc count day on 'ie Sunday arvo from lprr on ards at E~ z] ield Reserve . hold their vote count tonighl at the Leinster Arms Hotel, Gold Street Couingwood . Be early for the cheap drinks Also, Presentation Night is on Friday 7 September at Kevin Bartlett Reserve . Tickets a . r$30pe-sold,5nthr CONTACT Once again, I can be contacted via e-mail or Peter .PS .WilliamsonCa,centrelink .gov.au (work) oi psdtw5473Ca)hotmail .com (home), phone or 9920 9054 or fax on 9920 9097 . Thank you tc those who have submitted reports this week please keep up the good work . Again, we'd like to hear from as many people as possible, sc please contact either myself or Ed . 4'orget ytaT°= "Team of The Y-,,' . Nt;eeile to say, it should " r € ver , riaioh may c< arts of :e not se e t : Donald Br .{ -si clubs a~
~LS': ➢ S:a`ICi ;
one, , , ark in IT e gai tg ark
;; reached ; Fitzroy Reds in
6, w :zile . scored the halfa last week against Hawthorn . Alber t congratulates ; ou both on your evement and look forward to your continuin g - First, the E' Dper, Steve irbSan plays his . ' me for ,:r joining at the st-, of 1999 from ©C . "Bourbs" has used his experienc e er level of footy to great effect, not onl y 1 :Ii,nself, as demonstrated by his captaincy ' Best and Fairest win in 2000, but also for his -113 shown by the club's form this season . ConLi-atulations from all at the Gryphons . Also , , . ~ilons cult figure al reache s milestone of > toc' ' . "Charlie" ed vTith the Gryphs in 1996 and after some , struggles, worked __ :s way into the twos and t tl.c ones, estab li shing himself as a useful and picking up a reserves' Best an d est --long the way . Increased depth has see n Dr, c play mainly twos this year, where he has in as captain on occasion . Well done fro m ng at the Gryphons . G€" ' - legend Chris "Chief" -t became the " rst Cobra to achieve the lil - 4one of 200 ties for the club, after the o c ; , :~ against UHSOB last week. This is a cotu,Jlendable effort in i tself, but to be the first t ; :r at a club to achieve such a feat is r s pecia lly so . Congratulations "Chief' fr om all players, committee an d supporters of Richmond ('ei,~L ral . Fell ow Cobra Frankie Macak plays ~ ;une number 1 0 0 this weekend. Frankie is a i,<s footballer with the awesome ability to take N _,; tnar ;,s and kick long goals on the run . Well ~ :oz,, from all at the Cobras, and we look forward to vc"~* next 100 .
LST ~"` :
St Johns 3 85 Albert Park 1 84 Bentleigh 8 81 r Monash Gryphons I 68 ! Metta Hawthorn 2 66 D3 RESERVE Fitzroy Reds 3 52 Elsternurick 5 35 UHS4B 1 29 Bentleigh 0 24 Albert Park 0 2 3
G .3 11 .4 11p)2) SO7B.DI67iC=3 1 .4 6 .8 i .? 8.1?.(60) L' ,~- ; .- ' lnssard 3. Hartley 2, B Mahony 2 D Byrne 2 Murphy 2
Cur i 2 C Mahony Branington. Best: Branington, Curain, Micsaglia, Tilley " d'y, Murphy . South Melbourne Districts : Henderson 6, L>>,-G 1iannan. Best: fireman, King, Henderson. Hannan McGee . tones (F ) . .- . .- . - . - " 3 .5 4.8 5.14 6.16 (52) HAY, ~ : : . s - . . . 4I. 2 .2 4.5 9 .7 13 .11 (89) Al t > 3 .Fairfleld 2, S .Allan Best: DiMingo, Storey, Mci .e)lan, Bal-„ amith. Lapsley Hawthorn Central: Bonfield 5,J ohnston 2. La ' ta 2, Dekin 2, Davies, Delaney Best : Bonfield, S.Avery, Dr''ney. Orchard, Dektn, Stevens Umpires : R . Marlyn P. Griffiths (F) A. ;doooulos L. Vinci (B) U3S2 .4 2 .6 3 .8 7.9(51) RIC . .. 7.4 9 .6 13.10 19 .15 (123) IT B: Can eron 2, Wallace, Ludlow, Starbuck, B Uebergang, Hastert Best : Rose, L Maguire, Maher, Starbuck, Fulton, Zulleki Richmond : D Shannon 3, Jacobs 3, C Shannon 3, Macak 3, O'Sulllvan 2 . Dutton 2, Adams . Smith, Byrnes Best : C Shannon. Adams, O'Sullivan, Macak, Com•ery, S Shannon Umpires : P. Lamble (F ) BENTLEIGH AMATEURS 3.3 5 .6 9.10 11 .11 (77) ST. JOHNS 6.2 8 .5 12.8 18.11 (119) Bentleigh: Sharp 8, Sice. Graham, Henry. Beest: Sharp, Sice, Awaway, Ireson. Withington. St. Johns : D . Coulon 7, Hilton 3, Hartnett 2, Sharp 2, Holmes, Horburv, Jones, Back . Best: Back, Coulon, P . Walker, Holmes, Hilton, Koppens . Umpires : G . Roberts A. Ladd (F) P. Whitehead P. O'Reilly (G) FITZROY REDS 3.5 4.10 8 .16 12.17 (89) MONASH GRYPHONS 0.5 1 .5 2 .7 4,9(33) Fitzroy Reds: Dibendetto 4 . Rawlins 3 . V. Cahill, Mitchell, Timm, Rome, Curtis . Best : Fawlins, Calthill . Di'oendetto, Drury, Greenswood, Addicott. Gc :hons: Wells, Leeton, Killmister, Rutherford. Best: Gross Het rington, Bourbon, S . Rutherfod, Y . Stratford . R . Coxhead U ' s: K . Walker G . Paleodimos (F) G . Clancy D . Mott (G) ELSTE CB 4 .1 5.2 6 .2 7 .3 (45) SOUTH MELB . DISTRICTS 1 .2 3.7 6 .10 7.14 (56) Elsternwick: Hanlon 5, Currie Ward. Best: Ward, Currie. Harkin, Devonshtrt, Kirkham . Davison . South Melbourne Districts: Rowoski 3, Pohlner 2, Lazzaro . McCauley. Best: MlJajovic, slade, Briglia, Lazzaro, Kent .
ALBERT PARK 0 .2 1 .7 2 .9 3.12 (30) HAWTHORN CENTRAL 4 .1 6.1 8 .5 9.6(60) Albert Park : Parmansehe 2, Murray Best : Sutton. Pastras, Weaver, A. Dawdle, Smythe, Pearson Hawthorn Central : Tyson 4 . Barker 2, Ballini, Dave, Sill Best :West, L .Colifns . Senile. Tyson, Davy, Dunkin UHSOB 6 .5 11 .10 13.14 16.16 (112) RICHMOND 1 .1 2 .3 4 .5 6,5(41) UHSOB: French 4, Rea 3 . J O'Neill 3, WaJszel, Frost, Cavalieri, Wright, Cleveland, M Butera Best : Wright, Weber, Oakley . Cleveland . J O'Neill, French, Rea Richm .i : Birt, GuUrerie, Bunshan . Coomber, Griffiths, Munroe Best : Day, Guwerie, Cockburn, Birt, Bunshan, Kerr . BEftTLEIGIi AMATEURS 1 .1 1 :2 1.2 3.3 (21) ST. JOHNS 2 .4 6 .5 10.8 11 .10 (76) Beatieigh Amateurs : D . Pittito, Pickering, Jemmenson . Best: Beatie, "ade, Jackson, Dimmatina, Codrain, Dwyer . St. Johns: D . Cristlan 4, M. Hancock 3, L. Johnson, C Muelencamp, Forces, Hall . Best: K . Hilton, D . Cristian, A . Forces, Muelencamp, L . Johnson, D . Hall . I FITZROY RI aS 2 .4 4 .7 4 .10 7 .13 (55) MOI;F- . :-. G?HOtS 1.2 1 .3 2.3 4 .5 (29) Fitzroy ; : Kane 3, Walsh 2, Vernal, Lee . Best : Card, T. Jackson, F[ennan . Frisby, Walsh. McBurney. Monash Gryphons: Campbell 2 . Tyna1L White . Bst : Kent. Charleson, White, Harrak, Callus, Rodgers .
' ,L-D3 SeogicHawtYior : Amateurs v . Eisterm, . :ck South Melbourne Districts v . UHSOB Richmond Central v. Bentleigh St Johns v . Fitzroy Reds Monash Gryphons v. Albert Park
r' = c Has. u :n : Steve L.
1 . P.Smith 2. N.Pastras 3 . J .Storey 4 . G . Parmansch e 5 . S.Allan 6 . J. Willox
7 . J.Sutton 8 . C .Jackso n 9 . P. Chamber s 10. M .Phillip s
11 . A . Flemin g 12. N .Langdon 13. B .Payne 14. S .Fairfiel d 15 . B .Adamson 16 . C.Roberto n 17 . D. McLellan 18 . J . Taylo r 19 . A.Stewar d 20 . M .Abbott 21 . S.Waug h 22 . S.Redpat h 23 . TFaranda 24 . J.Murray 25. J.Sutcliifie 26. G .Finn 27. S .Ridout 28. R .Buckley 29. T.Goldsmit h 30. A .Thoma s 31 . S .McGuire 32 . D.'Odorico 33 . T. Murray 34 . G .Meyerâ&#x20AC;˘Heinrich 35 . A. D'Ming o 36 . M .Pearson 37 . L .Hogan 38 . C .Lamon t 39 . J.Robilott a 40, M.Lapsley 41 . K .Weaver 42. S .Bolas 43. J .Tsouka s 44. B .Isard 45. A .Gay 46. D .MacKintos h 47 . W.Gauc i 48 . M .Willi s 49 . T.Houston 50 . D.McKa y 51 . J . Costello 52 . N.Stran g 53 . M .William s 54 . S. Kidd 55 . D.Allan 56 . P. Kem p 57 . A. Soe k 58. S.Toth 59. B.Letchford
60. S.Lawso n 61 . C .Brockhous e 77. J .Robertson 78. A .Dee 79. J .Sgroi 80. B .Marty n 81 . TWalto n 82. J .Stubb s 83. C.Jeffrey 84. D .Harris 85 . G .Dale y 86 . H .Ross
BENTlE1CH Coach : Ron Gordon Res. Coach : Steve Hall 1 C Sharp (C) 2 P Morgan 3 A Pittito 4 D Lewis (RC) 5 M Eyle s 6 R Weber 7 S Brown 8 L Martin 9 I Jackson 10 A Henry 11 D Martin (C) 12 L Codarin 13 G Prigg 14 C Martin 15 P Withington 16 P Jemmeson 17 J Psaras 18 H Dwyer 19 S Hal l 20 R Fishlock 21 A Graham 23 S Adaway 24 L Holmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Padgham 27 J Seeley 28 M McCulloch 29 A Clough 30 A Miksad 31 R English 32 D Fishlock 33 M Bitting 34 0 Castro 35 L Ireson 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beattie 39 L Pittito 40 J Bounsall 41 J Have 42 A Mikkelsen 43 S Sic e 44 G Saddington 45 A Wade 46 I Picken 47 P Dimattina 48 M 0'Reilley 49 M Clark 50 A Stanes 51 M Pirie 52 L Sampson 53 M Sidney 54 G Richards 55 M Unsworth 56 C Aitken 58 T Caterson 60 F Cavanag h The Bentleigh Club Licensed Premises Bistro , Gaming & TAB . Ph : 9557 7938
each : Res C ( :n : Ni
y .x Curve s
1 . L.urphy (C) 2 . A . Hankin
3. D. Fitzpatric k 4. A. Tilley 5. M . Whelan 6. D. Brenna n 7. J . McAda m
8 . S. Currie (RC) 9 . T. Hartly 10 . R . Bravington 11 . L . Missaglia 12. N . Wigmor e 13. P Stankovich
14. B . Mahon y 15. M . Noonan 16. M . Burma n 17 . J . Ward 18 . A. Nei l 19 . A. Peasley
20 . K. Curri e 21 . P. Stuchberry 22 . M . Mussared
23 . S. Curtain (VC) 24 . A. Foster 25 . B. Franki n 26. C . Mahony (VC ) 27. M. Daniels 28. W. Davidso n 29. S . Mahon y 30. M . Nico l 31 . G. Devonshire 32 . M . Hunt
33 . M . Cunningham 34 . M . Hosking 35 . P. McNally 36 . P. McDonogh 37 . L . Lambert 38 . B. Curri e 39 . P. Allen 40 . S. Baco n 41 . J . Yem m 42. J . Lilikakis 43. P. Clark 44. C . Walker
45. R . Grandemang e 46 . S . Smit h 47 . S . Ritchi e 48, M . Franki n 49 . D . Byrne 51 . M . Purcel l 52 . P. Roberts 53 . B . Hilto n 54 . S . Kirkham 57 . T. Byrne
nes Cc ~ . n , . .
1 . F.1 .Frisby 2 . A Walsh 3 M .Wharf 3 L .Mayman 4 J .Hamilton 5 D .Kane 6 J .Bennie 7 J .Doyle 8 A .Byrne 9 C.Prior 10 A .Urbancic 11 B .Doyle 13 M .Jame s
14 TClark e
15 J .Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 B.Lee 18 M.Heenan (RC ) 19 P.Cook 20 T.Mitchell 21 A .Sainsbury 23 T.Jackson 24 A .Parsons 25 P.Jackson 27 D .Fennessy 28 J .Card 29 D.East 31 P.Crovre 32 A.Grant 33 S .Drury (C) 35 A.Mackinno n 38 C.Evans 39 A.George 40 G .Bance 41 R.Burgma n 42 I .McBurnie 43 A.Marcon 44 B.Hart 46 P.Heaphy 48 V.Cahill 49 A .Pugli a 50 B .Agaenbac h 51 J .Rawlings 52 B .O'Connor 53 S .Addicott 54 J .Parson s 55 N .Mathew s 55 L.Mayman 56 T.Madden 57 R.Rom e 58 B .Nea l 59 R .Johnstone 61 G .Virtue 62 N .Aude n 62 P.Diacogiogis 63 J.Blac k 64 D .Trindade 66 D .Timm s 67 R .Holderhea d 68 B .Cahill 69 S .Pidotto 70 S .Dibendetto 71 P.Gun n 72 M .Dikeukos 73 J .Bare 75 W.Daniel 76 D. Curtis 80 G,Box 81 J .Horridge 84 Z .Senburgs 86 tvl .Rei d 87 C .Nave 88 S.Greenwood 97 P.Ronch i 116 G .Schiavo
'cech : Peter T Ce->n :P`~ _ 1a I . Baccini 1b B Hudsnn 2a G Broadley 2b E Sil l 3a G Jackson 3b A Knott 4 E Bettio 5a S Avery 5b B Ruzicka 6a P Avery 6b N Tierney 7 D Moncrieff 8a N Hayes 8b J Mennie 9 R Ogle 10 P Orchard 11 A Sil l 12 S Banfield 13 J Povey 14a D Lauletta 14b T Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16a C Reed 16b D Lahiff 17a D Zaverella 17b R Tongue 18 P Ryan 19 J Law 20 S Parker 21 P Burke 22 A Collins 23a J Micheal 23b M Artin i 24 J Jackomonis 25 M Zaverella 26 D Villani 27 R Lord 28 D Lackins 29a M O'Brien 29b P Barke r 30 K McDougal 31 L Collins 32 P McLennan 33 S Stevens 34 R Johnston 35 J Carguill 36 M Daou 37 D Carter 38 B Bruns 39a S Davies 39b D Pritchard 40 8 Moore 41 A Donkin 42 T Dixon 43a A Brick 43b1 Chepa 44 B Allder 45 A Burke 46 T O'Hanlon 47 J Berry 48 C Alexander 49 D McGowan 52 M Delaney 55 Saulle
P°P :`"_' . ;h ; Jack McDoi ' I Coach: Dave Ra oer
r-cc F- G
~~, , A , F-y
S . Bourbon M . Healy
I M Smith 2 B Holmes
A . Grady
3 T O'Sullivan
N . Rutherford
4 D Shannon
g T. Gilchrist
5 S Shannon
d O . Becker D . Walter
6 G Bunshaw 7 P Byrnes
J . Blandford G . Wadley u P. Williamson f A. Nichols 2 A. Gross
1 3 J . Stratford 1 :• D. Hale 15 A . Clarke 1 3 D. Junkeer 1 7 J . Hetherington 18 C . Love tt 1 9 R . Coxhead 20 G. Browell
M . Asbell 22 B. Coxhead -- D . Charleson 24 D . Kitchin M. Killmister 'd M. Cart er 27 R . Gilchrist ^ 3 M . Bourbon B. Lloyd ) P. Holland 31 G . Roche 2 A. Tolongos 3 R. White M . Graydon 5 P. Bateman
J3 J . Watson ' A . Jenkin 38 G. Block 9 M . Mastromanno 40 M . Salaj 41 C . Archer 42 C . Carlisle 43 C . Goold 44 L . Wells ' 5 J. Gonis 46 G . Kent 7 T. Beslee 3 L. Ma rtin 49 J. Leroy 50 D. Ratner 51 C. Leeton `•2 3 . Dorr I . Bagnall = M . Jones 55 P. Warren :S J . Foster 57 A . Corbett ::3 M . Buick Eg C . Watson 0 G. Campbell
8 G Malcolm 9 P Karamichalos 10 A White 11 M Newton 12 F Macak 13 J Dutt on
14 C Shannon 15 C Bar ry 16 J Bi rt 17 S Conroy 18 M Zajac 19 S Lynch 20 B Page 21 A Jones
Coach: Bruce titans Res Coach: M rsancock 1 . R . Hassain 2. M .Ladson
STN MELB Coach: Peter McBrearty Res Coach : K Johnston 1 . P. Daly 2. M . Hannan
1 M . Wright 2 B. Ueberang
3. S .Hilton
3. M . johnstone
3 T. Came ro n
4. S .Holmes
4. S . Stepnell (C)
4 T. Cleveland
5. C.Horbu ry
5 . S . King
6. L.O'Donnell 7. R.Back
6 . W. Rosowski 7 . A . Hannan
8. R .Dowsett 10. M .Courmadus
B . B . Luxford 9 . B . Powell
11 . S .Ham 12. P.Walker 13. M .Jones
10. S . Aquiline 11 . D . Hall 12. M . McFarlane
14 P.Sharp
13. E. Henderson
15 A .Borgohna 16 G .Matheson 17 S.Coackayne 18 C .Eme ry 19 M,Hartnett 20 B.Rydquist 21 S.Koppens
14. P. Cheevers 15. B. Lazzaro 16. M. Thomas 17. T. Baade 18 . K. Johnson (RCC) 19 . L. Hall 21 T. Jacobs
22 A.Dragwidge
22 A. Brywwon
23 R Prentice 24 T Guthrie 26 S Baillie 27 C Adams 28 A Waters 2 9 B Brown 30 J Munro 32 M Harris 33 P Bermando 34 J Brook 35 J Howell 38 M Defreitas 40 K Convery 41 T Slatt er
23 L.Merrigan 24 B.Ferericks 25 D.Waters 26 B .Hilton 27 L.Mills 28 D.Coulon 30 R.Walker 31 N .Gates 32 G .Saher 34 M .Hancock 35 J .Sacco 37 D .Christian 38 A .Fonceca 40 A .Rudd
23 B . Downing 26 S . Doyle 28 A. Flowers 31 S . Herman 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N . Moojen 36 J . Macaulay 37 M . Rosowski 42 G. Gaylor 46 M . Bellesini 48 M . Balshaw 49 T. Suther;and
42 C White
42 TDucancabino
50 T. Hughes
43 G Stobus 45 K Day 46 D Hogan 48 J Hickey 50 S Castieau 52 C AndonoPoulo s 53 K Pardy 54 S Rawlings 55 M Davey 56 A Tilley 57 E Hill 58 J Cavanagh 59 N Somers 60 M Tapley 62 M Hu tton 64 G Royal 65 A Newton 67 J Lane 69 T Melville 70 C Deegan 76 D Phelan 78 V Kelly 79 M Coomber 84 M Funston 85 G Jacobs 88 S Griffiths
43 M .Van Hooten 45 A .Paterson 47 J.Cotton 50 J.Jiaming 51 C .Santori 52 A.Halls 53 B.Boulton 56 P.Harris 57 T.Saharis 60 K.Hilton 61 D .Houlton
53 C . Kent 55 J . Pohlner
22 A Flores
U .H .S.O .B . Coach: Pat Mackey Res Coach: Peter Dinnic k
5 T. Fulto n 6 S . Cracknel l ~7 D. Zulucki
8 D. Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smit h 10 B . Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly (C) 13 N . Rose 14 J. Ham 15 S. Maguire 16 J. Tate 17 S.Jackson 18 A. Heline r 19 J. Uebergan g 21 S. Mill s 22 R.Johns 23 P. Eltringham 24 M . Turve y 25 K. Weber 26 H. Wajszel 27 D. Clark e 28 A. Clarke 29 T. Cleveland 30 M . Butera 31 P. Dolence 32 H . Starbuck 33 A . Frenc h 35 J . Maher 36 A . Pendlebury 37 G. Ca tteral l 38 A . Boyce 39 M . Rea
40 L . Maguire 41 A. Ludlo w 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Percy 45 N . Smith 46 R . Rile y 47 M. Kennedy 49 J. Oakley 50 B. Rees 51 R. Pitruzzello 52 M . Collin s 53 A. Cusi c 54 M . O'Reilly 55 P. Thomas 56 J . Catli n 57 G . Divenuto 58 M . Pigde n 59 J . Barron 60 M . Hayes 61 P. Hoban 62 K . Rodgers 63 D. Parker 64 C . Ramsdal e 65 A . Buter a 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L. Holme s 69 S. Frost 70 E. Ricciuti 71 B. Stanton 72 D . Kirk 73 S. Devli n 74 O. Longto n 75 J. Maguire 77 . J. Bristowe
Invites (r the Ser_ir
P 1' , l
All 2 S,narF 3rc Ph . ( A Acations
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':'?ell it has finally arrived, the last round of the season and section D4 is still to have a finalised top five . ,emented their second positi n on t~ ladder .y pulvr=-ised a hapless (" at or Park. TT e Cobras se t una 3swered , ':l the wind in . . . - ~ - - ter and never Ica a ' from there . <-' :<~ : ~ , F _-. and Craig Clements I v,-ell f r ' Cobras and aLiough Warrior - 1 F~+ . : _r 1 ar-l King tried hard they wer s; un th -, went down ,_: °5 points . 3. in what was t o a fight for a firs -t . U ortur~ itely for the Bees , • were ne .- rL_, a thrt._' - om the openin g bounce, as the Razorback defence in Adrian Fiumani , John Sheedy and Robert Cav3eciolo proved netrable . Once again for Werribee, Li ; Carson <,,,:1 Matt Keogh tried hard, but wher " . ° lally 1" :e the goal drought in the last quarter, r al's elst- _ces were all but gone, and iv-ith E nbui e's Jason Murchie on fire at full forward, Sw :ii rue set up a classir ', iowdowfn with Mt.Lilydale ner_t,ith -rtishin? P n po1-t victory . had a crushing 134 point vict,- lst in what can only be described as a n also lost a couple of other pia, °r s and will now have to regroup as the y !s: their first final's c^-p^'^^.. Care once again hard for North but i :ve, going to be enoug h the quality of t' '. line up. e other match, , top _)osition and rushed : j into ; eliminati i -inal as they ran era 39 point victors, and __ .,, . __ pulled themselves off the botto of the ladder with a resounding 29 poin t
sc seri ous football a! >t Werribee in i lead into iuAals. The Bees Nvould be bitterlv disappointed with th fade out of final's conti would be keen to m<' up for that today, h ( her to go pa the u u de of the cor 1 c C1
dal be b ing to minimise ear and tear c p' _ is as Uey tackle North today . North ha, had an indifferent season, and will struggle against tj premiership favourites . Although it can be assurf DiVita and Care will give their all for North, there wo a--°.aa- little t-r co-d do to counter the like s '-uh d H: amann as Svndal take out u
I irk ill ; ecstz. to have climbed so if bottom of We lauder and have the chance ' i bi fi next season as they meet Bulleen today. B will play in the Qualifying Final next wee Duld t been to avoid any injuries in today's match !d, nothing to lose, this may be the break Eley F' Fovf=",er, with the class of Bananjek and Co u .t , f a it would be a brave man to tip against the ! >hould win by 22 points.
Eltham hr ° t mi disappointing of late and wou : r to go into the finals on a whining no t St.Marv's season has not seen much success, an d d be a great way to finish off an or" i a season. Always five goals better at home, this one be a tough battle for the Turtles, howeve , class of Bell, McDonald and Doody, Elth in , Lti
bring home the bacon with a 28-point victory. lir'-: their wounds for F°ason 2001 as "N
This match could be considered the first of the finals in D II as the winner will take out the remaining position in the top five. Mt.Lilydale's form throughout the season has been inconsistent, however, they did have Swinburne's measure the last time they met . Last time though, new Razorback sensation, Jason Murchie wasn't playing and with the rampant form of coach , Adrian Fidler, combined with Ben Prior, Jason Piotrowski and Kieren Higgins, the Razorbacks will be tough to beat. Therefore, I think Ssrinburne will make their --at finals s ies 'a the clubs seven-year history iarrl frn 'it 1 R-^oint victory .
a tori ❑ cour 1 : last 5 ek, Rusw - it I' 1 appre 'ate h~ ing ' : : op i ort uty to _ tV - i a to
nish o-- - i the bye .
S nburne University v. c. Lilydale Rupertswood v . Werribee Amateurs Syndall Tally-Ho v. North Brunswick Old Westbourne has the bye Bulleen Cobras v . Eley Park St . Marys v. Eltham Collegians
club and is a c_,- < -~ by c hers to follora . Also natch for the Cobras uas= - -jck -the club and his elusive ; yle --lay op- -)sition learns for years . pl -lys his 50th match today . 19's, Cory has played the ors rith a runner i °'& F i I. ~. pl- ys li fo r ;ek. A trem€ dously skilled pl r, he 21 kicl ing to l, repertoire this y° Th e reciate his work in running the bar -=°tes, Wang plays game nurnber
injured early this season, Victo r tball . Victor is also a club that is eady appre fed . so plays l . ~ g as ; u xciting pl.., -,r : . :(' I d long kicks a highlight . A .: . . ? canwholysgiveb,
about .
0 .2 7 .5 ~r. .. -ell Best: Keogh. Ellis, Pace, Carson, P t i: Murehle $ . Fidler 2 . Cavieck to .,Surchle, Prior, Higgins, Fidler, Piotrawsf ; umarif. rinriao (F) N. Booth J . Fagan (B) C . DaIli Chin (G) 7.6 (48) i.t} 43 5,5 x 6 .6 13.9 22 .13 27 .2C (182 ) M .5orleto 2, Van sa 2, D .~tewton, Pisasale . D. Adams. Care, Vaina, Irl .Sorleto, Sa;n~mnartino, Jordan 8, Baines 4, WhiU7ead 3, Pr gast 3 . . 3, i9aylr 3, Gaunt 3 . Best :Prender; st, irhael . :0 Id, "' ;st,B Sinnett . Gaunt, Cardillto, Jordan . Forde(F) 9.5 10 .7 LY €tD 4 .4 2 .1 4.1 8 . 3 n y-Ho: Dance 5, Dix 4, t 2erKruic 2 . J . Hanneman . Dance, r Best VanDerKru . L . Hannemann . J . ?.5nresi d . Kemper Elthan C -- uas Best playes an ckers not receive d J . MeHiece (R) (F) 0.1 1 .2 2.2 4.4 .t28) tr.: 19.I7.{113) 15 .10 S : 6 .7 9 . 7 Gigas, Moore . Rivalland, Slattery Best : Aldridge, g, Fairfield, Robson . A.Horsburgh «s D'angela 4 . Clements 3, Badanjek 2, Wi,ney 2 , eleod, Saaks)arvi . 3orelli, Bowen . Dalloglto . Best: its, Bowen, Pemberton, Polites, Mclaren . Trapman Umpires: er A. Shiels (F) J . Kralevskt N . Hitehen (B) 1 .2 6,5 9.5 14.8 (92) 8 .15 (63 ) 8 . 1! 2 .6 5 .8 Blake 6, Trotter 4, Drane, Heath, D . Murray, Smith . on, D . Murray, Blake . M . Pane, Grant , J c ;3: F. Harrison 3, Orme 3,Boyes, Wm~orv A . man . Orme, Frail, N . Goldsia~orthy. Umpires :. D, 071
C, ;i tons to Abe for ; =d ; 150 gai :s . A coac dr-~ 3 Abe is the id !t tootballer who can plu,' in a va :ety of positions . --though used mainly at fullback, a position he 'enjoys' Abe has also been used as a key fovrard, onba'ler & midfielder . A terrific clubman Abe is svell respected as a hard nbr*° fair ish to s- . well done to Abe .
2 head Ru . ;ce 3 5 2 Thompson Syndal Tally-Ho 0 4 36 Syndal Tally-do Q J4 Rutte r BesC e.ltham Maedonald Eliham 0 34 B . Hannemann Sy :xial Ta""-Ho 0 34 Harding Werribee 0 48 : 3 48 Papanikolou North Err : 2 43 Carlesso ttterribee F. ??aldi Bulleet-Cobras 0 293 '° ath ,eyp0 2 0 23
o. l sso 2 . Fenton 2, Flaek, CamillerS, Thomas, : Fenton, (3rvens, Flaek, Kerr, Zulian, DiBa1 >tz tler . 5est .Roherst . Dept~ler, tslip. Tho ais . rzae t7nl: Can[teld 2, A .i'Donnelt, Sevdalls . Canfteld, Sand.hu, Iiemarte. Best: GaT r K 1 .3 6.6 9 .9 i3 .11 (89) 3,2 5,6 8,12 1G .25 (75) a 4 . Grist 3, Papanikolaou 3, P .Tancredi, T40 Y . os na. at: Riaook, Grist, Rigazzi, PSorleto, Healey Evans. Nabhs . r x 4, 1d.Philtps 3, Mezzatesta, .Phillips, D .Fox, Surz ezz : :esta, Gallus, Walsh, R
2 .4 4 g ?,Id 9 .13 (67y g I .4 i.4 I .1 (?) 2 . Murray. lvi . Sv t S . cFarlas 4, Thompson Cotsis . Taylor. Burns, A . Riehar Best: Christiansen, . Best: .m C oc Glare Ric ud u. acFarla__Sto-cda xrou, 1Vatson, Barnett. Johns .1 8.i .(49j G&i) yC_ ._ .E : 5.0 6.1 8 g1 - Ci SBRAS : 1 .1 2.5 4 .6 6 .IQ.(46) Baulch Best: G1d. ~t: Crosvreel 2, Sutton 2, Ev'ans, McnllAan, . Murphy Bcsiloen Schotes, Baulch . Evans . is5esman, Robbins : Pinpasids 2, Lckopandis, Dam, Pettrih, Rigont Best : C= . Pettrilli, Rigani, Rodrigue z R, i . Trincht, Brown 4 .6 3.1 3 .3 3 .6 (241 4.9 5 .18 10 . 1 14 .29 (I11) : Anderson, Keovm, LicCann . Best: a . Murray, Keovrn. s:u . r thony 3, IV ound, McCann . Fui..ishtma. Oliver. . Lervis, Rousis 3, Schembri 2, J . Vincent. L. !c urns . Roseman. Koumantatakis . Besst: Schembri, Ynor son, Antliony tVest. Bergin . 0'shaughnessy .
D4 Section ,BU LEEN COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angeto Asst. Coach: G. Bowen Res Coach: Nicholas Co x 1 J. Pilipasidis 2 T Orwi n 2 S. Petty 3 G . Bowen 4 I . McLeod
4 N . Cartledg e 5 M . Dall'Oglio (VC) 5 M . Starrett
6 N . Cox 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B . Hoare 10 A . Gencarelli 11 C. Borelli 12 D. Thompson 13 T.Johnson 14 G . Pemberton 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 16 D. Trinchi (DVC) 17 S. Reddis h 18 R . Badanjek 19 S. Trapman 20 J. Mora n 21 N . Lykopandis 22 R . Pasinati 22 M . Turne r 23 J. Redfern 24 M . Opie 25 W. Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 N . Prestigiacomo 30 T. Pearso n 31 S . McLaren 32 C. Clements 33 J . Elliott 34 M . D'Angelo (C) 35 T. Bette 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 T. Vas s 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C . Cha n 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 46 G. Reeves 47 S, Irvin e 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 50 D. Weinert 51 R. Rodrigues 52 T. Stewart 53 L.Iosifidis 54 J . Biondo 55 S. Wigney 56 S. Whiteman 57 P. McVeigh 58 A. McKinley 59 P. Triandos 60 M. Vandam 61 D . Rennie
T. LILYDALE COLLEM : [ .; Coach : Brian Dowdy Res. Coach : J Glare 1 . D .FAMMARTINO 2. T.DUGGA N 3. E. SAVAGE 4. B.DOODY C/C 5. M.BEST 6. TCARTER 7. B . RASHID 8. L.SHARPE 9 . C .WATSON 10. W.BATES 11 .J .MIZZ1 12. A.MANN 13. R .BELL VC 14. S.JUSTICE 15 . L .WHITE 16 . D .BARNETT 17 . G .LEYS 18 . S .MACDONALD 19 . S .ROBIN S 20 . P.RIGONI 21 . M .HART 22 . J .MCKENZIE 23 . R .WATSON 24 . L. IACUONE 25 . C.HORSBURGH 26. J .GLARE RES C/C 27. J .SMYT H 28. TBARNETT 29. D .HOWGATE 30. M .DECKER 31 . T.TODARO 32. C .BAU D 33. A.HOWGATE 34. D . BACHER 35. E. SAVAGE 36. L .DONALDSON 37. D .MITHE N 38. D . MONIGATTI 39. F.COONERTY 40 . J .BAUD 41 .A .MANN 42 . J .HOWGATE 43 . J .MANN 44 .TJOHNS 45 .R.DAVIES 46 . J .STOCKDALE 48 . B .TURNEY 49 . B .HESP E 50 . B.KELEHER 51 . S.MAXFIEL D 52. G .STACKPOOLE 53. S.BARRAS 54. P. HARDING 55. D .WESTON 56. J.SHANNO N 57. S.GATHERCOLE 58. G.JENKIN S 59. B .EVANS 61 . C .BARUHAS 62 . G.SMITH 63 . M .LUTTICK 64 . S .SCHAFE R
BULLEEN AUTOMOTIV E CENTRE 1-3 Greenaway St, Bulleen 3105
Phone : 9852 1129
Coach: David Keast Res Coach : Paul Commerfor d 1 . Daniel Johnson 2 . Phil Hayes 3 . Matt Brebner 4 . Frances Varga 5 . Greg Bir d 6. Matt Jelenc 7. Dean Hendri e
8. Kevin Maniscalchi (VC) 9. Andrew Del Biondo 10 . Axel Bullerjahn 11 . Chris Gibso n
12 . Justin Commerford 13. Richard Kidd 14. Chris Walsh 15. Daryl Morrison 17. Paul Beddoes 18. Marcus Gridley 19 . Neil Whitehead 20 . Jeremy Penhale 21 . Matt Cunningham 22 . Billy Leek 23 . Bart Egan 24 . Joe Hoffman 25 . Andrew Delahunt 26 . Travis Flanaga n
27 . Nathan Pearce (VC) 28 . Travis Crowe 29 . Peter Furlong 31 . Steven Taylor 32 . Pat Carolan (C) 33. Chris Anderson 35 . David Callanan 36. Robert Di Nezza 37. Dan Hicks 38. Damon Kennedy 39. Lloyd Allanson 41 . Peter Varg a 42. Matt Pereira 43. David Hollowa y 44. Nicholas McConnell 45 . Rick McKenzi e 47 . Chris Lonergan 49 . Joe Hoffman 50 . Andrew Penhale 51 . Paul Bastick 52 . Mark Wells 53 . Mick Leonard 54 . Leigh Kellett 55 . Haydn Flanagan 56 . Dean Prest 60 . Travis Wilson 63 . Craig Carstens 64. Damian Smith 65 . Lochie Proctor 66. Daniel Turner 67. Neil Senio r Joseph Drago Timothy Grace Jason Gardiner Andrew Burrett Paul Caulfield Billy Jealous David Cicchiello Heath Gurrier-Sanders Charlie Varga
Jection [J-H-1 BRUNSWICK Ccach : Craig Fox Rc>. Ccach: Ange Sammartino 1 S . Wernham 2 D. Adams 3 G. Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D . Pizzar i
7 D . Magnuson 8 D . Fenton 9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S . Care 13 P. Marin 14 M . Newton 15 H . Tsialtas 16 L. Demorton 17 A . Kyriazis 18 P. Sorleto 19 S. Famulari 20 R . Divita 21 M. Sorletto 22 J. Freeman 23 J. Briffa 24 M. Alliani 25 S. Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S. Giilard 30 S. Healey 31 J . Heck 32 D. Newton 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 A . Armstrong 37 D. DeMorton 38 A . Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 J. Elasmar 42 J. Papanikolou 43 J. Page 44 S. Grist 45 M . Pante 46 J . Polemicos 48 N. Oates 49 G . Skaf 50 B . Laoumtzes 52 P. Brine "3 S . Milroy 54 D . Bonney 55 J. THompson 56 L . Patull o 60 W. Duson 61 S. Nabbs 62 D .Perdon 65 L . Rigazzi
OLD WESTOOURH E Coach: Jeff Wilson Res. Coach : Stephen Leitch
RUPERTSWOÂŽD Coach: Tony West Res. Coach : Shane McLaughian
1 . G . Robson
2 Fox D
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
3 Carmody S
G . Flowe r S . Depiazza° A . Nibloe S . Sutto n J . Horsburgh (VC) A . Christo
8 . A . Horsburgh 9 . C . Villinger 10. J. Wilso n 11 . V. Matthey 12. T. Milne 13. S. Hewitt 14. S. Mattsson 15. A. Board 16. S . Christo 17. M . Aqualina 18 . P. King (DVC) 19 . R . Aldridge 20 . S . Cameron 21 . B . Dangerfield 22 . W. Fleming 23 . K .Sutto n 24. L . Fairfield (C) 25. M.Stapleton 26. P. Mesman 27. D . Billman 28. D. Slattery 29. D. Horsburgh 30. R. McMillan 31 . D Evans 32 . G .Jenkinson 33 . D. Ben n 34 . P. Stewart 35 . D. Rivalland 36 . K . Pillsbury 37 . A . Leitch 38 . B . Mattsson 39 . A . Robbins 40 . S. Leitch 41 . J . Dusting 42. S. Roberts 43. A. Runciman 44. B. Slattery 45. S.Huntington 46. J.Sportelli 47. T. Sai d 48. T.SChoies 49 . M . Pillsbury 50 . P. Habersatt 51 . S .Kell y 52 . T. Robinson 53 S .Phillips 54 M. Crosswell 55 . M .Baulch 56. C. Galvi n 57. D . Hatley 58. M. Bavde k 59. Adrian Lipscombe 60. N . Aqualin a
Sponsored by : Werribee Hyundai
4 McLauchlan S 5 Schwartz M 6 Gallus S 7 Brad W 8 Prendergast B 9 Clarke M 10 O'Callaghan A 11 Mouie B 12 Cardillo K 13 Sinnett B 14 Plummer L 15 McGrath J 16 Clarke P 17 Walsh D 19 Mezzatesta M 20 Flinn P 22 Quinn K 23 West M 25 Bradbury H 26 Zarb D 27 McMahon N 28 McDonald D 29 Baines M 32 Sinnet P 33 Glenn W 35 Carlo C 36 Henry P 37 Massaro A 38 Pettman B 39 Hastings P 40 Botten T 41 Bowman P 42 Swann B 43 Phillips R 44 Pettman M 45 Hum D 47 Seidel A 48 Stafford A 49 O'Riley C 51 MacPherson B 52 Moskaljuk S 53 Gaunt W 54 Gibbs R 55 Webb N 56 Fox P 57 Carmichael J 62 McMahon A 63 Blenkiron D 64 Jordon D 66 Mandouitt L 70 Temming L 74 Page S 77 O'Callaghan M 78 Webb B
Coach : Peter Olivierl Res Coach : Michael Leannonth 1 . J . Harringto n 2 . B. Boyes 3 . J. Carra
4 . N . Goldsworthy 5 . J. Dwye r 6 T. Burt 7 W. Ros s 8 A. Zsembery 9 R. O'Shaughnessy 10 G . Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernardi 12 S . Benson 13 A . Dwyer 14 C. Goldsworthy 15 R . Orm e 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frai l 19 M. Maschette 20 A. Lan e 21 Q . Norton 22 R . Allen 23 J . Hil l 24 I. Goullet 25 D. Hutchins 26 S . Stone 28 J .Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 D. Thomson 32 A . Webb 33 J. Watson 34 M . Tindley 35 G. Theoharris 36 E, Evan s 37 L Vincent 38 F. Harrison 39 T. Millar 41 J . Brennan 42 H . Joyce 43 M . Chamberlin 45 P. Ryan 46 M . Knight 47 P. Rousis 48 D. Morcom 49 G . Schembri 50 A . Worsnop 51 T. Bergin 52 T. Dunn e 53 S . McGurgan 55 B . Perelberg 56 J. Vincent 58 B. Lewis 59 K. McLennan 60 M. Scammell 61 N .Jackson 62 N . Goodieson 63 P. Roseman 64 J . Ramsay 66 G . Pilikidis 67 J . O'Connor 69 J . Hend y 70 T. Brown 73 D. Doyle 76 T. Tahos 80 J . Clarke 88 A . Foskett A . Ballantyne M . Banks M . Elli s J. Odorisio S. Rack G . Sigley
coach: 0
1 C Freeman 2 J Sheerl y 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 B Canfield 7 A Hamilton 8 M Debono 9 L Morrison 10 M Anastassi 11 D Milano (C) 12 B Nichol l 13 A Albert 14 R Goode 15 C Thomas 16 S Reynoldson 17 J Andrinopolous 18 A Fiuman i 19 B O'Mara 20 M Trainor 21 S Parsons 22 P Foster 23 R Merkel 25 T Hourigan 26 T Liston 27 D Murphy 28 S Gra y 29 R Cavicchiolo 30 P Turk 31 S Eager 32 C Culph 33 N Smith 34 c Higgins 35 M Banks 36 J Carter 37 A Reed 38 J Carroll 39 B Prior 40 J Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 A Jones 43 J Roberts 44 N Morgan 45 D Isli p 46 J Sandhu 47 J Sevdalis 48 G Deppeler 49 H Allen 50 M Goodwin 51 P James 52 S O'Donnell 53 K. Dub e 55 S Gallina 56 J . Murchie 58 A Roberts 60 D Debono
colr :', . : 1 Hanr-mann .J 2 Bingham .] 2 Bourne . S 3 Joy.M 4 Henderson .P 5 Dix. B 5 Hannett .D 6 Chasemore 6 Cotsis .J 7 Burns .A 8 Bennett.R 9 Kemper.S 10 Psinas. T 10 Van Derkruk.G 11 Rutter.J 12 Moresi .J 12 Miller 13 Taylor.D 14 O'boyle.S 15 Murray.N 16 Boucher.B 18 t'ccfariane.S 19 Glenister.M 20 ,311. C 20 Hannemann .B 20 i-ckenzie.I 21 Thompson .A 22 Hoare .S 23 Beckett .M 24 Macfadane.M 25 Clark . C 25 Tillbum .S 26 Morrison .A 27 Kemper.G 28 Fyfleld .P 29 Sheer.A 31 Richardson.A 32 Hannemann .L 33 Richardson.M 34 Hunter . N 35 Cachia .C 37 Dance. A 38 Christiansen .M 39 Hallise y 40 Leaver 40 Marks .T 41 Moresi .M 42 Findlay 43 Brown .A 44 Maestros .J 45 Richardson .D 46 Pane . M 47 Wong .V 49 Schuiling.D 49 Varnavas 50 Sneddon .A 54 Sheer. P
5 Bt )d Rd, Haw : . .orn
(03) iZabi 's Meats 0411 539 501
McDonald's ,-'`=iTlÂŁ'SL'IE'tl
1 . A. Alb ' ; s 2 . S. McNamara 3. D . Flack 4. L. Brown 5. L . Kerr
6. S. McGrath 7. T. Elli s 8. K. Pace (C) 9. C. Terzoglou 10 . ;/ . Keogh 11 . M . Green 12 . M . Walsh 13. F. Mehmert 14 . B . McMillan 15. J . Purton 16. P. Browning 17. S . Fuller 18. E . Collier 19. J. Addamo (VC) 20. P. Albakis 21 . R . Zulian 22 . A. Dibatista 23 . C . Becker 24 . J . Crack 25 . A. Hove y 26 . P. Thomas (RC) 27 . M . Brown (DVC) 28 . D . Czajowski 29 . S. Dole 30 . B. Carlesso 31 . B . Waters 32 . M . Dolegowski 33 . S . Parker 34 . S . Camilleri 35 . S . Alabacos 36 . A . Addamo 37 . J . Ayiing 38. P. Dwaes 39. L. LangBeld 40. L. Carson 41 . G. Grogan 42. D . Ellis 43. E . Galizi 44. C . Albakis 45. J. Marinis 46. R . Han n 47. R . Portogal(o 48. S. Pugliese 49. D . Lenoury 50. A. Fenton 51 . D . Turner 52 . C . Andrews 53 . A. Trainon 54 . M . Jordan 56 B . Gibson
The r 9'-- i~. . :_nhunt!y m;r ad} is o~ -m , It :, a y. The rear ga t e (off St . FCi : _; _E treefi) will only be on when : : . . are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 C}vE' . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that woul d allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and th e club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issue' iLi~ an :iE:~ . nun : sr of tickets for players
Finals eligibility rules are found under Rules 5155 of the Association . Below is a brief summary . Senior - (ist XVIII teams) Any registered player with a permit can play finals (except AFL/VFL players with a permit - see below ) Reserve -(2nd XVIII teams) Players must be registered and must have played at least two (2) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) . Where both first and second XVIII's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify. For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend lie . lst semi Saturday, 2nd semi Sunday - read as above teams playing on the same day) . Under-19 teams - Players must be registered and hold a permit . If a player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season . If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a team has (2) U19 teams or is
involved in hybrid arrangement, the following shall apply . Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U19 1 side to play in the (2) team. To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not including, f : . : Club XVIT- - Players must ' ; r
and have played in at least four (- ; matches and not have played in more than a u, of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round. An AFL or I, listed player will be eligible to play in the finals for his VAFA club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 30th . A TAC Under must have played five (5) VAFA matches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 30th . * Please note players who played in represent at ive teams on July 22 will have these games counted towards finals eligibility for their respective clubs.
Invites applications for the position o f
U19 Coach for season 2002. Please send applications/CV to: Stephen Le Ge t President Yarra Valley Old Boys EC . 1/11 Lorienne Stree t He .ithmont 3135
~~ . : Y~~u- .r :,.~to ~vina weekly `~.i -i~r :'t?7Sports pack -i<ii u aSpnrt 9" % seyree Footy polo 3-! I',1 rot- 1 ;-- '' oaf the G )" 째" )j Y complete th ,
slip otthe sticker a m^;Itothe 1 , : inner will be drawn weekly and announced v _: in t u Eootbal3er. ,1[c :u, :_~swillremain in c:ontentiwzforthe wee' :Iy f ;~ t, :c ~;nd of Rd18 should 'your club have submitted L- ist number - - `1, ;~ : ; ~ s_ tr n your dub entries the winner of the Crown Enteriainment,lV' .7A ~md :-inaI v~ ' , . ;II " dr ge includes - two night's accommodation, dinner at T~rc, zes Restaurant, brea' ::Fa .st a_n :? ual parking and i'_ ; tics_,.ts to the AFL Grand Final. V, inner announced in the Amateur Footballer September 22123 . Veek's wi n n er: Paul McGregor ~_u'3 :St. Leos Emmaus WPs
11 .3fl a.m. - Sepier?ber 31, 200 1 Park, Elsternuick - 2 ~.'n . ""Wick - 1 1 .30 a .m .
~tember 02 . 2001 >raioAoc - 2 p .m , 0 a .m . sei --, Mordiallov - 11 .3
, 2001 Abbotsford - 2 p .rr-di i?n, Abbotsford - 11
September 02 . 2001 East Keilor - 2 p_m .
- 1 1 .30 a .m .
! 19/1 & Blue) (U 19/2 & Red)
Firstiy, a quick thank you to Ron Lippold for stepping in and writing last week's article for Section 1 and Blue Under 19's. ll, tv째hat a big week it has been in football, as Eddie , acquire -,vould say! Old Xavs secured top spot (o;aciallv) and put the second-last nail in the coffin for De La's claim to September action . Old Brighton is back in town with a final five shot and Mazenod came home with a roar in the upset of the round, to score their first win of the season . Donovan's Cardinals continued on their goal-kicking spree with an emphatic 86pt victory over the Lions . An opening blitzkrieg of 17 shots to 1 in the quarter proved decisive . Xavs lOg to De La ig in the last half must have Manni smiling from ear to ear and Coach Brown wondering what his side will do next . This loss has made the difference between De La & Old Brighton to be only 3 .02% . St . Kevin's put a stranglehold on second spot with a strong ,vin against a very determined Marcellin . It was the second quarter that gave them their big break . St . Bernard's maintained their shot at the double chance with a hard-fought win over a rejuvenated Beaumaris . Straighter kicking and the result could have changed . Old Brighton's strong win over O.M .'s has them now primed to make their assault on the Five. And Coach Pickering must be shouting from the rooftops with their fantastic win over Uni Blues . Their last half l Og to 3g was superb ! SECTION 2 The jostling for positions within the five continued with most results as expected . Old Ivanhoe continues to hold top spot on the ladder after defeating Old Trinity by 38 points . Mendola continued his great season up forward for Old Ivanhoe tis-itl : four goals . while Curatola, Dinakis and Lewis were among the best plavers. Old Trinity was well served by I-line . Pretty and Davies. Werribee kept the pressure right on the top side after running out nine-point winners over Old Essendon in a sensational game . The Bees set up the win with a six goals to one first quarter. Jack and A . Russo both booted five goals for Werribee, with Biggs, Cerantonio and Wollington among the best for Old Essendon, which slipped to fourth on the table . Caulfield Granunarians sit in the third spot after scoring a hard-fought 27-point win over Old Haileybury . Caulfield led by seven goals at the long break but to Old Hailey-bury's credit they fought back strongly in the second half. Foster booted five goals, while Napier. Fallu and Jess were among the best players for Caulfield, Brooks, Clarke and Capron were
impressive contributors for Old Haileyburv, Although out of finals calculations . Ormond fired up to thrash St Leos by 70 points . Naylor, who booted four goals . Wells, McMahon and Wiley were "-e best players for Ormond . while Kennedy, DAm lio and Landy battled hard for St Leos . Hampt c held out Yaria Valley in a high-scoring affair . no, Weaver. Johnstone were among the best for o ers, who earned their sixth win of the season, while .arm Valley's best were Kehoe . Peake and Smith. Wit, friars had the bve . U t ) BLUE As the pressure builds towards finals time, there were a number of interesting results with a couple of teams stepping up and a couple showing they are not as invincible as first thought! The Blues Boys put themselves back in the game with a resounding 61 pt vzctory. Grace and Burly were unstoppable up forward and were well supported by Craven, Young and Chapman . They were able to hold the dangerous Cheevers, Winters, Skinners and Aquilina : shutting down their goal-kickers. SKOBS had an impressive win against a very determined opponent in Oakleigh . St. Kevin's got a couple back from the seniors and with Marwood and Stonehouse proving elusive up forward, was finally too strong. For Oakieigh, best were Bando . Stevenson and Gaal . Old Xavs increased their percentage over the Blues with a terrific 164pt victory against De La . Dyson with 7 majors and Chamberlain with 5 were the mainstays. Ajax gave themselves a chance to finish minor premiers with a percentage boosting 229pt win over Glen Eira at Albert Park . The Jackets as expected were far too accomplished for the Packer Boys, although, McDonald, Lampers and Clark were impressive . MHSOB caused the upset of the round and showing the final four combatants that Mentone are not invincible. IvIHSOB plaved hard, aggressive football, a superb effort. Well done!
SECTION (2) RED Old Cambertivell sewed up top spot in the table with a six-goal win over Rupertswood . it was all one way traffic for Rupertswood in the first quarter as they set up a 36-point lead, but Old Camberwell gradually fought back and booted seven goals to one behind in the final term to take the points . Old Camberlvell's better players were Larrachia, Munro and McQualter, while Zalua, Geurts and Elliott were among the best for Rupertswood, which sits precariously in fourth spot . North Old Boys remain in second place after defeating Old Paradians by 28 points . NOBs held a 3-4 goal advantage for most of the day, although Old Paradians never gave up . Mullins, A .Hughes and Davidson were impressive
i~ors for NOBs, while Dean . Tenson an d e among the best for OPs . The battle of °rs saw Bulleen-Templestowe hold ou t s to win by four points . Bulleen was well by Taylor, Steer and Martin, while Aquinas ' !re Verone, Cockerane and Logan . Therry sured their place in the finals action with a thrashing of Ivanhoe-Fitzroy. Harmes t goals and Sheppard five for Therry, wit h . . Qi .uu1 and Thompson also managing to nv of the ball. Meighen, Robertson and re among the best for Ivanhoe-Fitzroy . Uni had the bve .
ch of the round sees De La at home to Old Can De La stop the Scotch goal-kickers i n ,,, Hosking, Rodski and Cations? Can Scotc h ne Darling Park and the mercurial Thomas , -a-holic Bonnici and Captain Stinnear? Old h, just! The Eagles face the awesome Xavs uni t ,ll finish the minor premiers after a 65pt win , i? :,rnard's host SKOBS in the prelude to th e _ Lfving final! These teams are so evenly matched , hard and relentless at the hall an d man! Both match winners - Cousiand, Neeson Burns , Hobart, Mulgrew, Duggan, an d siracusa- St . Bernard's - just! Old Melburnian s -ld account for the Lions and Beaumaris should r~unt for the rejuvenated Nodders in a toug h ii«er. Finally. Old Brighton face Uni Blues a t i h Road with their finals chances firmly in thei r t hands . A win here and an increase of 3.0 3%
Therefore . you look to the defenses of both teams and you see that the Swans are slightly stronger . De La play the inform Jacka Boys and with a chance at top spot there for the taking, I don't believe they will take this game lightly . MHSOB face Glen Eira at Packer Reserve and should finish their first year in Section Blue with a comfortable win . Finally, Mentone have the chance to maintain top spot by defeating St. Kevin's at Southern Reserve. SKOBS is a very proud club and they won't just lie down. They have a real chance to finish the season off well and to change the top positions . But I just can't see them doing" Mentone have too many match winners. S_ _ ~ED TI .- match with the greatest significance sees Therry Penola host Rupertswood, With the visitors needing to win to stay in the four, as fifth-placed Uni Blacks play Bulleen-Templestowe, with the Blacks certain to take the points . On form shown during the year, it appears TherTy will be too strong allowing the blacks to snatch fourth spot but as we all know football is a funny game and anything could happen . The other blockbuster for the round sees Old Camberwell host PvOBs . Amazingly the two sides wi ll meet again next weekend in the second semi-final and they will no doubt be looking for a psychological advantage to take into that match . It is impossible to tip against Old Camberwell at this stage, as they have certainly been the best side all season . The 'trial match sees Aquinas host Ivanhoe-Fitzroy . Both sides will be desperate to end the season on a winning note but Aquinas seem the stronger side at this stage . Old Paradians have the bye .
,;, , r De La and they will sneak into fifth position, no ;>>tii r what happens at Basil Street. And they will . SZfTiON 2
uple of very important matches take place this ,. :end, With the top four sides all playing each , -her. Old Ivanhoe host Werribee in the battle for to p ith the Hoes and Bees level on points . The nner will claim the minor premiership and earn a nd off when the finals get underway next nd . Old Ivanhoe at home should take th e is . In the second blockbuster, Caulfield host Old don. with the winner to be rewarded with a i e chance . The Dons will be smarting after their i1Tow loss to Werribee last weekend and might just , me out on top. Fifth placed Old Trinity host Yarr a and although the visitors will be competitiv e Old Trinity should ensure they enter th e ith winning form. In the other matche s end should be far too strong for Wlutefriars , Old Haileybury should overcome St Leos . 1 lampton Rovers have the b_ve . SE--TION (2) BLUE e three fantastic matches, which will have a [ impact on the final four. Firstly. Oakleigh fac e "Ines at Searruneli Reserve and aWin would put 1 it Boys out of the race; but alas - the Blues for y, the Swans host Old Xavs at Alber t 'd plays 4th). This will be a goal shoot-ou t - teams having so many avenues to goal.
Hosking McDonnell Watts Gissing Cations
UPIDI? " 19/1 Old Scotch Old Xaverians Old Scotch St Kevins Old Scotch UNDER 19/2
Mendola Velardo Foote Matthews J . Russo Wilso n Cheevers Cooper Hayes Winters Little Dean King Darby Sandiford Heath
LST l 3
0 3 4 0 2
TO' :, I. 56 56 54 40 37
Old Ivanhoe 4 67 Old Essendon 5 49 Caulfield 0 44 Old Trinity 2 44 Werribee 0 42 Old Essendon 0 42 UNDER 19/2 BLU E South Melbourne 1 62 AJAX 2 60 Mentone 0 55 South Melbourne 3 41 Mentone 1 40 UN DER 19/2 RE D
North Old Boys 2 60 Rupertswood 2 58 Old Camber.v°ell 3 50 University Blacks 0 37 Ruoertswood 1 33
id 1-Iampt Caulfield Gr. v. Old D
,G n E
h Blues s(2)
South Melbourne Die De La Sak (2) v. A---Glen Eira v. NIf )B a t Mentone Amateurs v
Old Par-ac Uni ersity Black: . V. RupeftS'.Vcod '7.1v{1'77)
O l d Cam ,ry l v . -, Lh Old Bo,,--,
cs J 12 K McKay 4 A Shinkfiield 5 D Carcor 7 S Taft B N Unsworth 9 T Starrie 10 C Vail
17 C =+ eringha 12 ' , 13 15
2 3 J 3 4 B 5 !i Her,
i 3. P. 4. L. 5. P. 6. 1 . S. G
6 own 7 P .:rr, i
13 . B. S : n
7 A L t 8 T -
14 . D. Cc ilan ! F . T. S E ~@ha n
18 . D . or 19 . S . -A 20. D . S
17. 18. 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 11
nsl :al
6 P i as or
N Herman C Rot a
21 Sr ~rs 21 2ane 22 D AJderucde 24 J Garland 26 D hiil 30 @ e e l
31 32
IE TUC~~ .- r
>e an obinso n j lush I Kent LI Marks -Iorgan C Nalker J Jewell J Iulcahy E Selby
1 L Fr 2 t= 3 D Kn i 4 D Logan 5 A Ca'. :hlove 7 J Sps 8 N Co l 9 S D 10 R Cr : 11 R Josephs 12 J Rotski 13 Ad Lewi s 14 R Teesdal e 15 S Cation s 16 D Jennings 17 D Robertson 18 A Quai l 19 S McQueen 20 T Nos'x,ing 21 N Costello 22 L KP.che n 24 S Dumaresq 25 J Barnett 26 G Fordyce 27 R Davies 28 A lh9;kie 29 J Mitchell 30 G Prenderga.;r. 31 M Clinch 32 R Fullerton 34 T Maloney 35 B. ;k 36 S ;h 3,, 4+
44 J
6 . L. i 7. C.F 8. C. 9. J.
7. 8. ~ 9 . c. :0 . D. T' 11 . L . 12 . 13 . c. 14 . 15. A iS.
C P. S,u, C . :~ ... 1
26 C . 27J . 28N .iA no 31 G. Sirnm 32 R. Goldner
~~ alazi 'ay
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
D . ~-'JC< S. I . _A. So_ C . Burn s :
> (C)
zo avrs iteleon e
8 . - tell 9. h
2 . C . Nn^r .: 1 3. 4 . J. LยงrOm : 5. T. Birtlep 6. J.Sudr ., . 7. I_
er mnell of
uca 16 . C all 17 . D. lan 18 . D. alsh 19. areifi 20. S .( npbell
21 . Gian 22. B . Jones 23. J . ,., .,+<ay 24. B . Calleja 25 . T. Legudi 26 . A. Anderson 27 . L . Evans 28 . L . CaIleja 29 . C. Goullet 30 . C. Trewln 31 . L~ Q'f3
32. 33 38 39 40
A . Sn B. N. ` C ;I
P. co
. E . ~ax (VC) 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 .
J . Culley J . Brook D. Hatswell J . Gurnar R . Holmes (VC) J . nner A . -on J L
.. ..
... .. ..,.
.._ ._ . . .
~ . .
._ ..
, .._
1 2 3 4
A. Sinclair A. Amos G . Erickson T. Vinton
5 B
..6Z Jess r s 7 P. Roberts 8 S. Tucker 9 W . Frost 10 G . Crathem 11 C . Fagan 12 J . Mellington 13 L . Browne 14 B. SCott 15 S. Jenkinson 16 J. Amp t 17 R . Li n for d 18 B. 0'Hoy
19 I . Glass 20 M. Trigg 21 A . Beach 22 T. Foster
Coach: Paul Curry
1 B. Cullingg 2 B. Canton 3 J. Conneily 4 T Jowett 5 K. Johnstone 6 C . Malthouse 7 A. Battams 8 G . Carr 9 B. Jowett 10 M. Stafford 11 J. Almhofer 12 B. Kezilas 13 A . Fisher 14 N . Goss 15 D . Molino 17 B . Smith 1z1 S . Burggraafi 19 S . Rawlings 20 H . Kerdei 21 L. Cave 22 B . Henry 23 C . Probyn 24 R . Turnball
23 L . Northway 24 B . Napier 25 N . Dorman 26 M . Pennyouick 27 S . Weaver 27 M . Grigg 28 D. Dawes 28 T. Franklin-Jones 29 A Murray 30 A . Pelma n 31 T. Habel
33 C. 34 H . 35 K . 43 A .
Hooper Bake r Boehm Bruhn
32 C. Sendeckyj 34 L.Kennedy 35 M . Davies
1 J . amson D Rya n 3 C Obliubek
4 M Velardo 5 S De Morton 6 D Slater 7 L Wilson 8 L Kavanagh 9 A Frazer 10 M Flaherty rt}'
11 J Buckley 12 W Nunlist 13 A Carrozza 14 A Parker 16 M Nicolas 17 B King 18 D Flaherty 19 N Fitzpatrick
20 A Provrse
21 N Barnum 22 T Logan
23 C Devereux 24 J Duggan 26 B Falcke 28 S Falcke 29 T Campbell 32 B Hakim 34 J Marinos 35 W Higgins
1 . M. Hoffmann 2. L Pitcher (VC) 3. V. Jayasuriya 4. H . McLauchlan 5. B . C rawford 6. S . Durkin (VC) 7. J . Hanlon T. Pollac k 9. R . D'Silva 10. S . Capro n 11 . J . Glanvil le 12. A. Fletcher 13. A . Kozik 14. E . Marsh R. Goodbody
16. H. Srooks 17. R. Plummer 18 . N. Rose 19 . C. Waxma . J. Wright (C) n20
21 . D. MacKenzie (VC) 22 . A. Clarke 23 . B. Koetsier 25 . P. Shakespeare 27 . D . Swanton 28 . B.Hunter 29 . T. Arche r 30 . A. Shaw 33 . R . FAosbey 39 .A.Jones 43 . M. McGaura n
Coach : Tim Hille
Coach : Paul Gregor
Coach : Steve Lovell
Coach: Tim Pratt
1 .L . Russell 2 .S. Wheller 3 .M . Wood 4 .C .Hassall S .A. Clinch 6 .M. Luba 7 .R . Wiley 8.J . Muzzell 9 .J . Franklin 10.L. Wells 11 .T. McMahon 12.L. Breitkreuz 13.M . Martinov
1 B Petrie 2 H Gyles 5 R Gale 6 P Boyd 7 P Podbury (VC) 8 A Hollands 9 T Stephens 10 N Cullen 11 P Sampson 12 P Landy 13 M D'Amelio (DVC) 14 J Montano 15 P Carey (C)
1 . S . Maraca 2. C. Kelly 3 . M . Bradfield 4 . S. Eisenberg
1 . S . Brosolo 2. B. Warren - Smith 3. C. Ventura 5. P. Micalleff 6 . J. Morriss 7 . R . Nolan 8 . C . Welch 9 . P. Tobin 10 . A. Hill it . A. Cursio 12 . M. Sowersby 13 . M. Baker
14.D. Jewett
16 A Kelly
15.A. Goonan 16.D. McKenna 18.M . Ramsay 19 .W. Cove 20 .R. Lerner
17 H Evans 18 S Wilson 19 A Rooks 20 M McHugh 21 A Ballard (DVC) 22 N Carstein 23 G Brearley 24 R Varney 27 A Dix 28 C Beljak 29 S Train 38 A Flanagan 41 D Wood 44 C Clarke
22 .B . Payson
24 .A. Lom 25 .R. Malter 26 .T Harvey 27 .J . Noske 28 .T Naylor 29 .B.Cromack 31 .S. Barker 33 .A. Cook 39 .M . Ferrari 50 . M .Hefternan 54 .A1 . Wilson 71 .R . Presser
1 . K.0'Gr,,ar , 2 . M . Pain e 3 . S. Lo w 4 . C .Binne 6 . S.Curatolo 7 . N .Braddy 8 . T.Grieve 9 . C .Lync h 10 . S.Jenkin s 11 . THibbs 12 . J,Baker 13 . J . Bayford 14 . C .Lewi s 19 L,McKi e
20 23
M. Clark e I .Loughnan
25 D .Barnes
31 D .Cogga n 32 W.Coleman 33 D .Neilson 34 D .Meredith 35 M .Mendolo 36 T.Finlay 44 L. Stillman 50 53
E . McWlliam J .0'Dea
46 P Allah
61 N Kennedy 64 D Tompkins
5 . P. McGowan
6 . S. Kidd 7 . B. Daniels 8 . C. Jack 9 . A. Russo 10 . A. Borg 11 . J. Toussaint 12 . C. Smith 13 . D. Groulos 14 . T. Davidson 15 . M. Walsh 16 . C . Yasar 17 . A. Tedesco 18 . B. Cunningham 19 . R . Rose 20 . D . Lowe 21 . N . Gauci 22 . S. Blanco 23. J . Russo 24. M. O'Donnell 25. J . Purton 26. C . Andrews 27. R . FastuCa 28. T. Dea n 29. L. Simmon s 30. C . Mahoney 31 . B . Vandenhurk
14 . J. Treyvaud
15 . T. O'Shea IT P. Furness 21 . M. Calavetta 22 . L. McGuiness 24 . P. Weston 27 . R . Hill 28 . P. Poutney 29. D. Adkins 30. B . Janson 33. B . Shoals 34. A . Biviano 37. G. Kennedy 38. A . Corry
. - . .
1 Peggie A 2 Hine A (C) 3 Langdo,t, S 4 Taylor C
5 Pretty S 6 Burgess J 7 Davies RA (DVC) 8 Amiconi A 9 Jackson N 10 Blackmcre B 11 Mithen P 12 Kelly T 13 Gordon N 14 Thwaites M 15 Amore J 16 Amore S 17 Armatas C 18 Heaven C 19 Duell R
20 Oberoi S 21 Kinros s A 22 Furphy D 23 Hillas R 24 J~ Chnslophason 25 Lucas C 27 Cokalis S 26 Donahoo M (VC) 28 Condron K 29 Crawford M 30 Sullen M
44 Lancaster M 53 Plain G 76 Matthew M
62 G. White
46 R. Foote 50 S . Morris
Coach : Andrew L nch y
55 . N . Swaby
44 L. Schneider
-- .
oach 3rth
Fisher _c 1 : C[ dxi
._ .. . . .~Pe
YARRA VALLEY Coach : Rod Penatuna 1 . A Middlin 2. M Norris h 3. J Gates 4. R Bell
5. 8 Crowe 6. N Peter s 8. S Simpson 9 . B Kehoe 10 . R Ye a 11 . A Wingat e 12 . A Wines 13 L Gillies 14 H Clark 15 D Smit h 17 S Fyffe
18 C Bea l 19 N Lear 22 J Peake 23 T Collett 24 G Coutts 30 J Strong 31 S Urban o 32 J Parry 34 S Britt 37 J Hum e 44 N Martin
9 rs ' ?uker t 6~4man 3 s;::Jsahn r E,t ki 'stone arcver GJtman n Aken
= '
eden ~`h'n j E'ankfield J Kezminsk i D ! ershan D F„nkef L Fetter J rF~Idma c}an m n J Na V~-,o•# A t'~n G Gefban J r rger P G'=zer B Goldbloom A J I"MS . J Gi,roni E Rath A C-ldman L Frters ',?Feldman Y Snow J Rapk e A ;-,ks D I•c snostein
R E :manna I' -'y EG Wollner A Sir~r J Pas k G t '- ,v R : "-erman
Coach : Greg Buntine 1 B Hawkin s 2 L Brovrne 3 D Hyde 4 S Meehan 5 M Miller 6 D Wood 7 D Taylor 8 B Pinwell 9 B Nathan 10 C Nailon 11 S Alder 12 R Burrows 12 B Scanlon 13 P Arbon 14 A Dimble 15 J Hughe s 16 M Roberts 17 J Bowden 17 B Keinhaus 18 R Quirk 19 S Allan 20 J Shon e 2 1 M Beynon 22 M Conway 23 H La Ragy 23 B Reid 24 C Mitchell 25 J Murphy 26 J Clifton 27 S Byers 28 N Aitken 29 G Walton 42 E Sims-Lucas 57 D Jade 59 S Sharpie s
OAMLEIGR C :~h: Chris Moore
L. Kelly B. Rose
L. Georgiadis i C. Kokkinos A . Ciavarella R . S mmon S y A. Visser
11 M. McPhee 12
P. Malcolm B. Evans
15 D.
'~hA. Keays c M . Cash
D . Britt
~~=t J . B riggs -2
S. Johnson
:3 S. Bando .3 R. Kel Kelly l A. Cox A.
` 5 M . Stevenson C. Symons
=? T. Orchard B. H rons y 3J
. Reynolds
D. Banks
31 J . Nevezie (C) ' S . HeS10 p S . Greenway
A . Bye N
~ E~,~~~d}
i1RA Coach : John Howard
p' n . e1 1
S TU .
Coach: (1) Manny Nicotosi Coach: (2) James Fay
1 Ca rter P 2 Quinn N 3 Monahan G 4 McKenzie C 5 McKenzie-McHarg 9 6 Cato J 7 O'Kane M 8 McDonnell J 9 Ralph J 10 McColl D 11 Farrow L 12 Dillon J 13 Nolen A 14 Chamberlain F 15 Dixon B 16 Grigg S 17 Do yle C
18 Ross S 19 Jabour p 20 Howard L 21 Smallwood P 22 Leoncelli T 23 Carmody 24 Biddlecombe T 25 Pietry k M 26 Denton G 27 Glynn P 28 McGrath J 29 Gill P 30 Silk J 31 Fox A 32
McCarthy M
J. Raahum
4 M. Wood 5 R . Davison 6 X. Kidd rs 7 R. Winte 8 A Skinns 10 S. Rocco 11 L Este r
. McDonald 13 W. Brown 1 5 S . Athenon 16 d Leeman 12 J
17 P. DAndrea
t8 G. Rowe 18 J . Stephens 19 K. Borden
22 A Niatd 23 J. Fido-giannis 24 K Ferguson 24 G, Tsicadaris 26 L Bell 27 F. Cheevers 30 H. McFadden 32 J . Clyne S. Aquiline
69 W. Hooper
Spillane A
1 J.Roy4e 2 P. Grund y
33 Buckeridge S 35 Bushb y A 36 BiddleCOmbe A 37 DeMaria J 38 Walsh M 39 FurleHi D 40 Dale J 42 Smith J 44 Bolton M 49 McArdle N 55 Dinardo L
Coach : Shane O'Connor
Coach : Dennis Grace 1 S. Chapman 3 dRosz ng arten (C) 4 G. Chessari 5 R. Buckingham 6 A . Hickey 7 S . Knight 8 S . Thompson 9 P.Nevill 10 B, Rogers 11 M. Vegter (VC) 12 R. Shears 13 M . Care y 14 Z . Wright 15 B. Nind 18 A. Shields 19 G. Gilbert 20 W. Little 22 B . Green (VC) 24 T. Craven 26 B. Jondahl 29 J. Ross 30 J. MelMgton 31 S. Hawkins 35 M . Sharkie 39 C. BurleyY 41 J. Ryan 42 S . Young 48 G. Glugstcn
1•ftA- Meye r 2 . S. Sullivan 3. P. Dixon 4. G . Alla n 7. T. Barr 8. K. Little 9 . K. McLeo d 11 . B . Atherton 12 . M . Wilso n 13.Ph .Hae y s 14. P. Rock e 17. S . Casacelli 19 . S . Hamilton 20 . P. Kring s 21, D . Kell y 22 . S. Barker 24 . M. Duggan 26, A. Roc k 30 . A. Pothitos 31 . C. Jamieso n 33. R. Hamil 34. M . Wingrave 35 . T Smit h 36 . G. Moran 37 . C. Johnston e 38 . R . Bitne r 41- S . Alexande r 45 . R . Connar d 56 . S. Rickard s
'; 7 :
Coach : Darren McKillop
Coach : (7) Paul O'Shannassy Coach : (2) Stephen Clarke 1 . J. Dempse y 2 . T Duggan 3. A. Umbers 4, L Fo x M . Hicks
6. J . Harris
Z L. Kalesara n 8 D . MacDonald
9. W. McCann 10 . D . Mahoney tt . M. Hutton 12 . D . Mctay 13. S. Marxood
14. B Marchesani 15. D. Bar e 18. K Didil~s t7. D. Makohon t g M . Anderson
79. W. MacDonal d 20. M . Mulgrew 22. G. Holland 23. A. Jankms 24 . G. Nola n 26. J. Knuppel 27 . D . Kerr 28 . P. Landy' 30 . P. Gissmg 31 . M. Cou rt ney 32. J . Cox 33. L. Meyer 34. 5. Mitchell 35. N. O'Hancran 37. P. Oian I~ 38. R. Char 39. M . Cairney 40. R. Boy. 4t . B . E van
. M. Stonehouse s42 43 . M. Tischler 44 . J . King 45 . N . Watts 46 . C . Wilkinson 50 . J . Gu lhre r 51 . C . O'Shaughnessy 53. T Simpson 55.A. Mars h
5Z M . Hinsley 58. A. Thompso n 62. K Mclnern y 65. R. M tqe r 68 . J. Deaco n 69. C. Hd9ard
M .H .S.O.B . Coach'. Jerome Jackma n
1• P. Rujevic 3 . D . Bevan 4 . M. Brow n
5 . M. Hall 6 . A. Viscendese 7. C. Kennedy S. B . Brown 9. J . Walker (C ) 10. T. Cousland 11 . M . Bignal l 12. M . Bowen 13, T Harper 14, A . Nirens 15. T. Fraczek 76 . M. Neilse n 17 . G . Pollard 18 . J. Seige l
19, D. Giannakos 20 .
S . Foley
21 . Dav. Fo x 22. J . Brown 23. J . Davis 24. Dan Fo x 25. C . Owen 26. T. Middleto n 28 . A. Liesk e 29 . D . 4 iscendese 30 . E. Hin d
Coach: John Ryan 2 5 6 7
R . Klogema n A. Boland P. fyScNiti A. Jenkinson
9 M . Guthridge 10 L. Mackowski 12 A. Corrigan 13 V. Hall 14 A. Hayes
15 S . Verona 17 J . See 19 D. Sinclair 20 S . Collins 21 P. Stone 22 G. Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D . Dew 25 C . Tavalli 27 C . Munro 28 J . Holly 29 B . Miller 30 J . Tappley
Coach : Ma rotis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11 . 13 . 14. 16. 18. 19 . 20 . 22 . 23 . 25 . 26 . 31 . 33, 34 . 35 .
Coach: David Zappula
S . Marsh D. Florence A . Paradiso 0. Hil l G Taylor M 8enic M . McGrath R . Conti M . Bickerdike J . O'Donnell (C) R Lee P Harding D . Charles A DeSimone J Hasan J Paraskeva M Perri D . Tsokas D Stee r D . Martin (VC) T Walters P. Gordon M Tollit P. Tsokas
30 31 32
D Barnwell J Bire J Dunne
33 E Healy 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 :,q 45 46 47 48 50 52
54 55 *' *" =` *` "
C Meighen B Dowsett J Healy M Edmonds
A Butler J Harman A Mercuri B Ashton G Robertson M Ahem N Blayney N Dykes J Simrk
E Clayton S Sukkar B Foynes D Cummins C Grose J Kelly
A Powell B Stafford G Waugh
1 T. Roach
2 J. Mullin s 3 S. Hanes y
a M. Owen
5 L . Byrne 6 S. Nolan 7 M . Kelly 8 S. Bermingham 9 R . Davidson 10 M . King 11 D .Keenan 12 N. Hahn
13 D. Burley 14 L. Barnes 15 R. Evans 16 N. Trigwell 17 B . Burrows 18 J . Dalton 19 D. McLella n 20 A . Chuck 21 M . Kurec 22 M . Curzio 23 H . Ryan 24 S . Cook 25 J . Hughes 26 M . Vanderhorst 27 N . Barry 28 H . Monk 29 T. Dean 30 T. James
31 A . Bead 32 M . Saad
Coach :
Coach : Richard Grummett
33 S . Seed
2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 18 19 23 25 26 39 43 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
Sigu '
m. Liitl e D . McOualte r P Tampons B. Christi e B. Ryan C . Morley A. Crame r
K. derby (C)
D. Pike G . Weickhardt T Frosw e
C. Munro S. Jones A. Cantor B. Crave n B. Lanichia H. Hoga n A. Zemski D. Lin g A. Emmerson T Sigalas J . Agatanovic M . Brooke M . Cottre l J . Cucinotta L. Enright M . Gilbert A . Mohari c S . Morritt J . Pettft t D. Schmidt N . Warner T. Parkes
Coach : Peter Hansen 2 M Spinoso 3 M Lyons
4 A Harvey 5 A Dean
S Field-, 7 L Drummond 8 E LaTorre 9 8 Reiner
11 S Connelly 14 S Fontana 15 D Dean 18 L AieIW 19 A Pa lia DVC )
Coac h : Ken Balmer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 15 16
g ~ 21 L McMahon
22 R Priest
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 57 58 58 59 67 69 71 72 73
23 C McKay 24 G Loftus 26 M Keeling 27 D Caple 28 S Russell 28 C Duncan 29 R Hall 34 P Gloury 39 J Zivkovic 42 N Stephens 50 E Tenson (C) 51 T Crotty 56 D Boundy 63 S Corcoran (VC) 75 P D'Intino
Zahra R
Page S Albania J King J Ramsayy Shalders B Hatty R Elliot K Potier C Temming M MosKaljuk P McGovern N Webb A Geurts M Fielding L Johnson R
Flinn P Heywood D Cook G Balmer V Price G Anderson J
Koala M Neville H Baines f.R Barry P Glenn S
Stafford D Becker L Constantine B
Cents A Heath J Cariss P Murphy B Wassyl N
Coach : Tony Crotty Assist: Phil Ryan
Coach : John Bushb y
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Faroldi M Goodwin T Reynolds L Barron B Kiernan M Mullens P
1 M Bellaris 2 S Bloodwort h 3 D 8onglomo 4 J Corbe tt 5 C Delahunty
Hermes J
Gleason L
10 11 12
Crotty J McCarthy L
7 P Donetan 8 N Ebner 9 S Floo d 10 P Fowle r
Comb M
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 34 59 72 81
Fenton J Owen 8 Clifton D Palar<ob M Freckleton J Green A Capewell C
Quinn L
Serralore F
Atkinson D Goodwin D Caliegad D Carroll A Sheppard T Thompson T
O'Connell S Robinson T Johnson S Delaney D
6 T Donava n
11 J Greenwoo d 12 M Grig g 13 R Hamilton 14 W Hanna
15 D Higgins
16 E Hinds 17 R Mansfiel d 18 T Mayall 19 R Moreto n 20 D Oconne l 21 R Osullivan 22 B Owen 23 V Parkinso n 24 S Prince 25 L Rawnsley 26 J Riveti 27 A Ros s 28 S Rundl e 29 M Sal e 30 S Sandiford ( C) 31 JP Santamaria 32 R Scadett 33 N Sharp 34 P Sondhu 35 M Stockiel d 36 A Torr.ey 37 J Walker 38 D Watso n 39 R Willis TLJC
V$FA N[: : 3' macsr Coach)
(D 2 ;,
w,~~ Sunday 6 .0v- - .00 pin tnctu d~s weekly chat on all ai ters t~.~ PA.
r Pa--' T
° ibout
s the
S T F:1
'~Z ~Po gf~a ON T
= Bt B €:r ( , C3" ' is, ' tar -r t'ev a, unswick, LaTrobe Uni (D2), North Brunswick, Rapertswood Old Essendon (C) . PREVIEWS Friday 7.00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
atthew P o
efriars . Abusive or 2 Latche s
nsulting la; _ Ben Boulton, St . Shaun Huckett, umpire's decisic Steven Mitchell, Disputing u? " Chris S Undza?y ed
is . Striking, 2 ris rrra p s r,
ion l-
9 15
A z ion 2-1 6 C .,.etionG3nr l
~ 16
A Section F In nal Sept 22 B Section C -i( E 1)t 23 _ Sec~=on Gi-,, ( i
Wes' -ik i at s . ase, Eley Park . ~, ._i: .ing, 2 matches . *T3i-Old C , r i . ; _ ., (-J 19), Chargi rr _ ,- , es .
Tu! ELSi'. b ( ;) , St
11 ung si , . E, sure they will 6iv8 a gcc aCcou iy -Chug is t ( 11 1
)Ur reports a1 I it ita.S made I7 d e it a pleasure to wri .rs id all the best for next seaso Zed and Michael keep up the go( ough inals . Don't forget '> 9-553 1561 home phone fax, the nr( 213 541 or dron me an em;
P W L B For AgSt % PtS
Lll L-i--iia~VIELL 17 16 1 0 1925 735 261 .90 6 4 BL1iCKS17 15 2 01444 677 213.29 60 L03 ?::,i`:IFiUS6HP17 11 6 01143 1014 112.72 44 7I0S ASS OIV17 10 7 0 1306 1029 126.92 40 17 9 8 0 890 879 101 .25 36 O C 17 8 9 0 1024 1102 92.92 32 ,'0 B 17 7 10 0 905 1105 81 .90 28 NG 17 5 12 0 941 1231 76.44 20 BLUES 17 2 15 0 750 1519 49 .37 8 17 2 15 0 569 1696 33 .55 8 pi !r Rd . 15 RE;E : VE
W L D For Agst % Pis .,i1,S1DE 1 7 16 1 01540 528 291 .67 6 4 ILLL4" S7Y1:7N 1 7 16 1 0 1395 718 194 .29 64 ~',LESIAN 0 C 1 7 13 4 0 1145 935 122 .46 52 HOUSE 1 7 10 7 0 993 944 105.19 40 17 BRUNSWICK 8 9 0 890 1042 85.41 32 :,~.. iE UNI 1 7 6 11 0 930 1016 91 .54 24 17 6 11 0 921 1114 82 .68 24 OB 1 7 4 13 0 714 1216 58.72 16 17 3 14 0 882 1362 64.76 1 2 17 3 14 0 537 1254 42 .82 1 2 P W L B For Agst C-3 째FSi:7LVE % Pis i-n-,SOvP.iCD3 17 16 1 0 1655 490 337 .76 64 51, d03 1 6 0 C 17 15 2 0 1259 828 152 .05 60 ~(7C17? t,i-l,7 DIST 17 13 4 01176 895 131 .40 52 11SI1?~LY,9ICli 17 10 7 01152 886 130 .02 40 ,, 13 17 8 9 0 1099 964 114 .00 3 2 I i GRYPHONS 17 6 11 0 890 909 97 .91 2 4 17 6 11 0 888 1187 74.81 24 Li :1GHAFC 17 4 13 0 909 1426 63.74 16 !'7D CENTRAL 17 4 13 0 738 1697 43 .49 16 PARK 17 3 14 0 838 1402 59.77 12 D. Ca-SERVE P W L D For Agst % Pts MR 5]'`~'D :ll.'C:9LLY-HO 15 14 1 01365 520 262 .5 56 93 .33 15 11 4 01395 803173 .72 44 73 .33 11 4 01250 945132 .28 44 73 .33 16 11 5 0 1271 860147.79 44 68.75 [iC1! :COBRAS 16 9 7 0 917 941 97 .45 36 56.25 '-rOOD 15 8 7 0 1144 962118.92 32 53 .33 TBOURT3E 16 7 9 0 888 1095 81 .1 28 43 .75 NE UM 15 6 9 0 1010 995101 .51 24 40 15 411 0 712 1258 56.6 16 26 .67 16 412 0 773 1319 58 .61 16 2 5 C 16 016 0 665 1854 35 .87 0 0 ~LLT,. 18 (1) P W L D For P.gst % Pis 17 R96d5 15 12 3 01414 478 295.82 48 ,ln1,B S 15 12 3 01023 604 169 .37 48 71117148 15 12 3 01150 686 167.64 48 1<1 SALLE 15 11 4 01000 837 119.47 44 iCH 15 8 7 0 846 819 103 .30 32 i b-1N AFC 15 6 9 0 970 816 118 .87 24 D O C 15 4 11 0 583 1042 55 .95 1 6 VOLA OB 15 3 12 0 626 1083 57 .80 1 2 !' ;HTON 15 3 12 0 543 1292 42 .03 12 WICK AFC 15 3 12 0 481 1320 36 .44 1 2 : glayer Rd 14
L D For fig .,: % Pis 3 0 1015 446 227 .58 48 3 0 996 608 163 .82 48 6 0 779 650 119 .85 36 6 0 775 652 118 .87 36 6 0 826 747 110.58 36 7 0 640 632 101 .27 32 10 0 564 848 66.51 20 10 0 695 1098 63.30 20 12 0 505 871 57 .98 12 13 0 576 1188 48.48 8
L B For Agst % Pts 2 0 2205 802 274 .94 60 3 01754 811 216 .28 56 3 0 1864 952 195 .80 56 3 01952 1107 176 .33 56 6 0 1741 1147 151.79 44 6 0 1495 1005 148.76 44 10 0 1294 1684 76.84 28 12 0 969 1429 67 .81 20 12 0 987 1684 58 .61 20 14 0 828 1647 50.27 12 15 0 853 2062 41 .37 8 16 0 565 2315 24.41 4
D For AgA % Pis M 01854 967191 .73 48 80 016511020161 .86 48 80 01381 822 168 44 73 .33 017221267135.91 44 68 .75 01435 955150.26 40 66 .67 014151309 108 .1 36 56.25 012341628 75.8 24 37 .5 011521585 72.68 24 37 .5 013621683 80.93 20 31 .25 0 919 1897 48 .44 12 20 0 866 1858 46 .61 0 0
UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE P W L B For Agst % Pis PhEPPt`OSdE AMATEURS17 16 1 0 2197 866 253.70 64 AJAX 17 15 2 0 2283 802 284 .66 60 SOUTH MELB DIST 17 12 5 0 1854 1056 175.57 48 OLD XAVE S(2) 17 9 8 0 1587 1124 141 .19 36 MONASH BLUES 17 9 8 0 1684 1376 122 .38 36 MHSOB 17 7 10 0 1490 1737 85 .78 28 ST KEVINS (2) 17 6 11 0 1046 1640 63.78 24 OAKLEIGH 17 6 11 0 1286 2048 62 .79 24 DE LA SALLE (2) 17 5 12 0 1159 1896 61 .13 20 GLEN EIRA AFC 17 0 17 0 750 2808 26,71 0 UNDER-19 (2) RED P W L B For Agst % Pis OLD CAMBERWELL 17 15 2 0 1813 717 252 .86 60 #NORB'FI OLD BOYS 17 13 4 0 1579 794 198 .87 52 TH ERRY PENOLA OB 17 12 5 0 1832 932 196 .57 48 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 17 12 5 0 1586 828 191 .55 48 RUPERTSU`OOD 17 11 5 1 1906 870 219 .08 46 OLD PARADIANS 17 10 6 1 1527 1138 134.18 42 BULLEEN TEMP 17 6 11 0 635 2055 30 .90 24 AQUINAS O C 17 3 14 0 515 2285 22 .54 12 'IVANHOEASSUMPTION17 2 15 0 603 2543 23 .71 8 *Ineligible player Rd 14 #Ineli gible player Rd 15 (please previous notice to club secretaries - North Old Boys now adjusted.)
A SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts MARCELLIN 17 14 3 0 1777 1343 132 .32 56 ST B S 17 10 6 1 1764 1507 117 .05 42 17 10 7 0 1579 1452 108 .75 40 ST 11EVBdS OLD XAVERIANS 17 10 7 0 1540 1507 102 .19 40 MHSOB 17 9 7 1 1630 1566 104 .09 38 OLD SCOTCH 17 9 8 0 1561 1541 101 .30 36 OLD TRINITY 17 9 8 0 1430 1413 101 .20 36 UNI4E RSITY BLUES 17 6 10 1 1430 1624 88 .05 26 Iv1AZENOD O C 17 3 13 1 1394 1829 76 .22 14 OLD BRIGHTON 17 2 13 2 1252 1629 76 .86 12
D3 SECTION P W L D For A . % Pts FITZROY REDS 17 17 0 0 2261 655 345.19 68 12034 1565 129 .97 50 ST JOHNS 0 C 17 12 4 BEtv째rLEIGH AFC 17 12 5 02032 1269 160,13 48 MONASH GRYPHONS 17 11 6 01690 1461 115 .87 44 HAWTHORN 17 9 8 0 1605 1679 95 .59 36 SOUTH MELB DIST 17 6 11 0 1414 1692 83.57 24 ELSTERN6V[CK 17 6 11 0 1264 1746 72 .39 24 RICHMOND CENTRAL 17 6 11 0 1344 1917 70 .11 24 ALBERT PARK 17 4 12 1 1541 1951 78 .99 18 U H S O B 17 1 16 0 964 2214 4354 4
% Pts B SECTION P W L D For Agst 01711 968 176 .76 56 OLD IVANHOE 17 14 3 DE LA SALLE 17 12 5 0 1916 1344 142 .56 48 01340 1187 112 .89 44 OLD MELBURNPANS 17 11 6 OLD HAII.EYBURY 17 10 7 0 1572 1388 113 .26 40 OLD PARADIANS 17 10 7 0 1533 1409 108.80 40 NORTH OLD BOYS 17 8 9 0 1505 1620 92.90 32 THERRY PENOLA OB 17 6 11 0 1369 1581 86 .59 24 ORMOND 17 6 11 0 1405 1757 79 .97 24 WHITEFRIARS 17 5 12 0 1533 1765 86 .86 20 BEAUMARIS AFC 17 3 14 0 1175 2040 57 .60 1 2
% Pts MR D4 SECTION P W L D For Apt SYNDAL TALLY-HO 1514 1 01814 1017178.37 56 93.33 BULLEEN COBRAS 1613 3 01646 1023 160.9 52 81.2 5 RUPERTSWOOD 1510 5 01629 1094 148 .9 40 66,67 ELTHAM 16 9 7 01403 1261111 .26 36 56, 25 SWINBURNE UNI 15 8 7 01351 1208111 .84 32 53 .33 MT LILYDALE 15 7 8 01450 1306 111 .03 28 46. .64 28 46.66WERIB157802 7 NORTH BRUNSWICK 15 6 9 0 1134 1535 73 .88 24 41 ST MARYS 16 6 10 0 1374 1512 90 .87 24 37.Z ELEY PARK AFC 16 313 01061 2158 49 .17 12 18 .7E OLD WESTBOURNE 16 2 14 0 915 1584 57 .77 8 12,1-
C SECTION P W L D For Agst % Pts 01840 1211 151 .94 56 OLD ESSENDON GR 17 14 3 HAMPI'ON ROVERS 17 13 4 01834 1420 129.15 52 COLLEGIANS 17 12 5 01695 1359 124.72 48 GLEN EIRA AFC 17 11 6 0 1729 1588 108 .88 44 ST BEDES MENT TIG 17 9 8 0 1775 1578 112 .48 36 OLD MENIONIANS 17 8 9 0 1589 1728 91 .96 32 CAULFIELD GR 17 7 10 0 1728 1516 113 .98 28 PRAHRAN AFC 17 6 11 0 1340 1537 87 .18 24 MAX 17 4 13 0 1369 1723 79 .45 16 BULLEEN TEMP 17 1 16 0 1243 2482 50 .08 4 PW BISECTION OLD CAMBERWELL 17 14 IVANHOE ASS ON17 14 BANYULE 17 12 A gUINAS O C 17 11 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 17 9 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 17 9 OLD GEELONG 17 6 YARRA VALLEY O B 17 4 MONASH BLUES 17 3 OLD CAREY 17 3 D2 SECTION P h4ENTONE 17 WILLIAMSTOWN 17 PARITSIDE 17 SALESIAN 0 C 17 LA TROBE UNI 17 KEW 17 OAKLEIGH AFC 17 PENINSULA 0 B 17 WEST BRUNSWICK 17 POWER HOUSE 17
L D For Agst % Pts 3 0 20 M 1334 150.37 56 3 01725 1308 13 1 . 88 56 5 02021 1365 148.06 48 6 01949 1657 117.62 44 8 0 1672 1675 99.82 36 8 0 1524 1628 93.61 36 11 0 1434 1846 77.68 24 13 0 1207 1771 68 .15 16 14 0 1338 1786 74 .92 12 14 0 1334 1840 72 .50 1 2
W L D For Agst % Pts 17 0 0 2353 1049 224.31 68 13 4 01846 1308 141 .13 52 13 4 0 1809 1300 139.15 52 12 4 1 1663 1287 129.22 50 8 8 1 1421 1510 94 .11 34 7 10 0 1372 1582 86.73 28 6 11 0 1655 1923 86 .06 24 5 12 0 1304 1950 66 .87 20 3 14 0 1101 1643 67 .01 12 0 17 0 1028 2017 50 .97 0
P W L D For Agst % PG A RESERVE OLD XAVERIANS 17 16 1 01699 801 212 .11 64 OLD SCOTCH 17 14 3 0 1591 938 169 .62 .41 5MARCELIN17340285 01194 1090 108.62 4i 5STBERNAD170 OLD TRINITY 17 9 8 0 1129 987 114 .39 31 UNIVERSITY BLUES 17 7 10 0 1175 1162 101 .12 21 ST KEVINS 17 6 11 0 1052 1187 88.63 2 OLD BRIGHTON 17 6 11 0 919 1340 68 .58 2 MAZENOD 0 C 17 3 14 0 828 1600 51 .75 1'. MHSOB 17 1 16 0 728 1745 41 .72 B RESERVE P W L D For Agst % P t OLD IIA II.EYBURY 17 14 3 0 1591 870 182 .87 5 OLD PARADIANS 17 11 5 1 1337 933 143 .30 4 01219 1024 119 .04 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 17 11 6 17 10 7 0 1365 993 137.46 4 ORMOND THERRY PENOLA OB 17 9 7 1 1308 988 132 .39 3 DE LA SALLE 17 8 9 0 1075 1026 104 .78 3 OLD MELBURNIANS 17 8 9 0 996 977 101 .94 3 OLD IVANHOE 17 7 10 0 892 1205 74 .02 i WHITEFRIARS 17 5 12 0 938 1289 72 .77 : BEAUMARIS AFC 17 1 16 0 582 2070 28.1 2 C RESERVE P W L D For Agst % P HAMPTON ROVERS 17 15 2 0 1679 779 215 .53 1 OLD ESSENDON OR 17 13 4 0 1393 768 181.38 : 17 13 4 0 1265 822 153 .89 : CAULFIELD OR COLLEGIANS 17 11 6 0 1506 820 183 .6 6 PRAHRAN AFC 17 10 7 0 1119 902 124 .0 .06STBEDMNIG1709356 OLD MENTONIANS 17 6 11 0 1021 1349 75 .6 9AJX1760453 .296GLENIRAFC172506483 `BULLEEN TEMP 17 2 15 0 561 1807 31 .05 'Ineligible player Rd . 15
0 4 3
0 2 2 4