The Amateur Footballer, Week 1, 2002

Page 1

busiest tFme af the football year has justf the Ke+ 1_L- in to the routine o md now tvc 0 a ~d administering football matches. Coach Accreditatio n I worked our way through eS held Coaches Nights, run a night for our clubsb conducted registration nights for clu y" ;t P sponsors, umpires, held two nights for club registratio n Season ns and all enjoyed th eLaunch Dinner Dinner). r,i drnts', Secretaries, and Members' Dinner) for the action to e has whette evenone s appetit d ry, and l~hl h for the nzext six months zahead~~etations t,~cn so g there ar e t ~,~y~ park has undergone many changes, ll competitio n - ~es, there is a new interstate footba ammenced this year for the senior team, a newe a team representing all sections to play th e ~ h'for a new club into th uthern Football. League, Umpires' Adviser and some new etiuon, we have a o ;•tonsors offering wonderful incentives for clubs wh

features are inside today or will start up next week - Noel Rundle's -Looking Back" returns today . Coates Hire ~~~~ STEVENS i"Vreckair Most Valuabl e Players of the CHIEF EXECUTIVE R Round / Players of tile Yea, OFFICE

t s aore will be written about and presented to reader seeks ahead . runch of the new season last Monday night was a mosts . Traditionally known as our President ~nble night s Du~ner, the night not only give * etaries and Members launching the new season, but at the 6 :e opportunity of Memberships of the .ht we also present our Life this year to Jocka Nelson, Peter 0'Donohue ( kriationSharke), the VAFA Personality of the Year ( this I Keith , the Media Personality of the Year to Adam Acreman) ar Cam Voss) and numerous Certificates of Merit . if, this opportunity of wishing all clubs and evervOlle e best for the yea r led with their club all the ve ry a Winning is great, but to partiaiPate, enjay, develo pP ally and mentally as a result of playing the game o f :, alian Rules is the real reason for being involved . the 2402 SmokeF'ree VAFA SF.,ason*

mateur Football er"

is back, Many of the familiar

will debut next week, a n

exciting new (and potentially rewarding) weekly competition ° (remember the old Sunball) "Spot the pulse Energy 13 a 11 . Enjoy the °Amateur appears for the first time today Footballer', participate in the comcetitions, support the sponsors and advertisers and read from back to from each week. our website for resulis and news and remember Finally N1sit V-"'FA- if we to tell us what you like and dislike about Y°L1 your can make things better we will - we appreciate feedback. one begin 1 :1 veryone in position? Let round having the foresight To the St Kilda Football Club forrepresentative match v . VAFA SFL to support the Community Cup" . I can (June) for the "St Kilda FC flotvMg from this support of see m any Saints memberships . southern suburbs football in the evzr;'Jlurg i s ' ivo ' Th ;nbs this : umbs up" i°r the , ear al,ead


. . . .. .. . .. . . . .... . .. . . . ... . . ..20 L,ooking Back . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . .~} . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .25 . .. . ... . . . . Coaches, Clipboard . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . Tculays 13rr,pi,res_ . . ... . .... . . ... . . .. .14 . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .5 e . .. . .Garn For the Love Of tne F . ., .. . . . ., . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .„, ... . ... . . . Next iYee"k's:datcFres . .. . .... . . . ... . . .. . . .. . .82 Etsternwiek Park Draw 62 . , . . .,. . . . . b3 f~4 Tribunal & investigations . .. . . . .. . . 2002 Sections .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . ... -'A


. . 02 No . 0 13th, 2002 ric~~ Vol il




`>pening r for and Arour t Brad " suppi

"ote, that the Watc h been written by ation has been liibs are ranked by thei r

2001 fini s A new seetlu .l Lb,I Section issues : unday 6pm.

This column is pro(

aeh i

k x v Noel Rundle .

Last year ladder: 1, premiership Captain: Andrew Treganowan (second year) Coach: Simon Dalrymple, 34, (second year) ecruits: Rowe, Collins, Cronin (returning) ; Gutterson (Knights) Carlton Top -Up, Salce (Chargers) Losses : Caffry, Slattery, Madigap Practice match form : d Mazenod, d , draw ' avs, d Scotc h Goal: make finals Pre-season start: January Theme : never satisfie d AT : Dalrymple head hunted by fmal four rival? '.,'atch for: a slimmer Treganowan playing in the , :id-field.

Ladder: 3, 2 Captain : Marcus Dollman (fifth year) Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen (third vear) Recruits : Damien Ryan (Richmond-St Kilda), Andrew Ukovic (Essendon and Collingwood) ; Olive (O/S), Lowerson (O/S), *Jarred Travaglia (cricket . Jarred won the inaugural VCA Medal for the Premier Final a fortnight ago) **note, Mattieu Lucas v: ill play after doing a pre-season with Bai:kyn . Losses : Mahoney (O/S), Callery 2001 B&F (Springvale), Ferraro (Frankston), Fredericks (Springvale ) Practice match form : d Pr1HSOB, d De La, 1 OX Pre-season start : January

Goal: seven wins ASAP Theme : take one more step 6T: 2001 match committee gone . "They've all taken on senior roles, as they should, at other clubs," MA said . atch for : home games at Trevor Barker Oval in • in _ .i especially Rd 7 .

Lac r.z, 3

Cap1 i : ic'_ lel!-eplacesLuke Goliant(semiretired) captain . ; :• the past five years. 2

Coach: Pete rNicho1s n(Sprigvale)c s Garry Foulds (NOBS :)Recruits Baumgartner (Port), Fieldings (Sunbur Daniel Jordan (injury) . Losses : McKeon (work in Qld) Practice match form : d Blues, 1 Trini (played twice), d Bell Park (GFL) . Pre-season start: Novembe r Goal : finals Theme : raise the ba r AT: Foulds asked to sit an interv position? Not happy, Jan! Watch for : a fit Mitchell and a late se from a Gollant . 01 -" Ladder4, 4


Captain : Lach Ford replaces captain five years Michael Blood Coach: Tim O'Shaughnessy (fifth year) Recruits : Ockleshaw (O/S), (Sandringham), Tony Delaney StKi1 (GiA), Ruyg (Nth Ballarat) . Losses : McCarthy (Geelong), Gowei Donati (Noble Park), Cranage (Bahvyn), Practice match form : d De La,. draw SKOB S Pre-season start : January Goal : finish as high as possible . Theme: consistency. AT : The four-wise men have themselves . True .

Watch for: try distinguishing Delaney, Coughlan apart . F 01 Ladder : 5 Captain : TBA - last year Rob Phillips . Coach: Leigh Carlson (fourth year) Recruits : Paul Gnatt (retirement), Lw Johns (Xavs), Medlin (Army) . Losses: Jarred (retired) .

Practice match form : d OM, d St B MHSOB . Pre-season start : January Goal : progress past fifth (club's be,, VAFA) .

Theme: none . AT: Nothing in the traps . Watch for : Matt Greig's raking left-fc



Theme: accountable for personal and team performanc e - replacing captain of the past four C'ert ::el . ,joules (second year ) ,ing (Army), Raleigh (O/S), Dixon ? .nderson (studies) t , e 1 (triathlon), Skinner (coaching M t er (studies), Joseph (work) . form: 1 SKOBS, 1 Old Ivanhoe, 1 OT t: Novembe r iui higher. ii j takes on triathlon . Looking forward to

1 : i's courage in this Olympic sport . Bamert's breath-taking marks . OLD :CO '


i :ae Tapping (Old Brighton) replace s smith who is the assistant coach. TB" : - last year Tim Holt . J c :nnings, 'RTatts, Josephs (U19) , ney, Springvale ; Gertsmann, E. Ring , Hill, Briesch GFL. :V[ Parthenides (East Done .), O'Brie n r1 : Gi1att (cricket), Price (work) . i :rudh form : d Old Ivanhoe, 1 Marcellin, I lly committed . i :) a long-term coach . True . : iite Xavs home match. The best VAFA 'Oil l was played at Camberwell betwee n

AT : Some admin assistance to Mike Robin . True . Watch for : Monday mornings at the coffee machine at AFL House when McLachlan (AFL strategist) and Conlan (AFL corporate partnership manager) plot . OLD Fri

Ladder : B Grade premiers Coach: Paul Fahey (ass . coach last year) replaced Gerard Shelly seven weeks ago when he moved to Adelaide for work.

Captain: Rolian Weddle (captain for two years) . Recruits : John Stevens (Sydnev) ; Mark Orchard (Collingwood-Sydney)+, Jason Mooney ( SydneyOeelong)t, Byrne, Gieschen ( Port) ; Losses : Lillis (work) Practice match form: I Scotch , d MHSOB Pre-season start: November

Goal : same as theme . Theme : be as competitive as possible AT: Picked up AFL recruits . Tr~i e. Watch for : The AFL cla >s Mooney.

chard and

+to be reinstated . DE LA SALL E

Ladder: B Grade runner-up Captain : Andy Evan s second year Coach : Paul Cooper ( third year) Recruits : U19s. Losses: none. Practice match foran: I Pre-season start : aaa. .arv

P,lazenod .

Goal : finals Theme: NI A AT : The quiet achi(,


Watch for : B . U2:- .i:iZSi_ _ BLUES

re-invei t f


Gil McLachlan third year , ;icl,ael Conlan replaces Lee Adamson ollins (Koroit), Tim McKinnon (younge r _ nes), Millard (VCFL), and U19s. Lc ,%: cock ( Kangaroos top up), Wilcox, d e ~hley, North (all OIS) . form : I StB, d OS, undecided Old

:ien De ~

, 1 St J__

,t finisi :

ot goal, rBALLER . C

A SECTION Old Ivanhoe v. MHSOB I-I'd Scotch v. University Blues Old Trinity v. St Kevins -ernards v. De La Salle 3rcellin v. Old Xaverians :1 FOOTBALLER 2002

Tragic loss t' ' s

Aaron O'Keefe and David Lit both playe d Vl_[,'A Under 19s games : 2001 while studying Year 12 at St. Kevin', Cullege . In late March, these two fine young men were tragically killed in a car accident . Both were popular leaders in their group and both wer e fanatical, exciting footballers . Both came from strong, close-knit and football loving families . The huge loss to their families has also bee n ense loss to the whole St . Kevin's , ` community including the Old Boys Footbal l Club . All at SKOB have been rocked by thi s tragedy. SKOB also wishes to --:liowledge the ssions

Re,, , I 2 3 4 5 6

B. Cc i P. C . SV M.1-~~. sr P. 1,B.

1 J . Bamert 2 S . McCully

C. P u T. Collins D. V rters G . F nanin

A . Simpson 3 A . Angus 4 M. White 5 E . Raleigh 5 N . Orchard 6 R .Joseph 7 P. T Ife r

8 9 D. 10 11 D .'' 1 C

T. ;, ers A . Evans D. T 'y 3 A . J~ iston e

C . er P. 4 e n nd is

erc in Prezens 3hields

e n:

13 S. Dinr .n 14 D . Salce 15 M. Chun 16 L .P=i ;in 17 G . C r , C) 18 D . ~ r 19 D . i 20 S . C 21


25 26 27 ~ . 23 D . on 2c C . 3G 31 t ; . 32 e 3 ~ u.Cil a 34 D . J 35 J . Fi

ar i O' n vlorel Buick

8 J . Dixo n

12 B C. ,

2C 23 23 L . ' .'.

(C )

;h 'd D. ' re

J . Stinea r 39 M . Goodier 3R S . Hoy 40 J . Hughes 41 B . Quinane 42 J . Davies 43 K. Brkic 44 J. Garland 45 D. Thomas 46 A. Molan 47 47R G . Wise 48 D . Smith 49 A. Boots 55 S. Giblett 60 B. Hoy

70 M . Duggan

43 ~ 44 , .. . . .: .. ..s_ . (RVC) 44 L. Hansen 45 D. Theisz 46 M . Laffanue 47 S . Yee 48 A. Gallagher 49 D. Coutts 50 A. Ry6e r 51 M . h ire 52 J .

5~ C5 4 R. on 55 J . 5â‚Ź C. ni 57 E . 58 J . im

d son ) s r ioo ;nsan

9 D . Fairchild 9 M . Clowes 10 D . Norton 11 D. Simmons 12 R. Banting 12 M . Feferkranz 13 C. Kelly 14 A . O'Brien 15 N. A ok 16 J . Walker 17 R. C 18 R. Li ck 19 A. Brc as 20 T. Ha !r 20 D. Nichols 21 R. Pa ierson 22 A. Svirakis 22 D. Armstrong 23 L . Taylor 24 S . Rundell 25 H. Taylo r 26 A. Vicendese 28 D. Vicendese 29 G . P' - ~ally 30 R. N ton 31 J . D< !s 32 33 A. S i 33 S. H trrison 34 E. Thompson 34 P. Rujevic 35 A. Mills 35 S. Moore 36 S. Bennett 37 R . McIntyre 37 M . Tin g 38 S. Robinson 39 M . Brown 40 D . Membrey 40 W. Haves 41 J. Anderson 41 P. Selvay 42 P. Br-^ r 43 J . Bu e 44 fv9.I- >s 45 A. Cc 3 46 A . Hal l 47 A . N ~s 46 G . Po d 49 C . Duke 50 S . Osborne 52 B . McGrath 53 P. Bai n 55 C . Wright 56 T. Wright 57 D . Cassell

e ,, Pa. rau ;:orthe y Re_ _ . ._oh : Noel Spoor 1 A . Oates 2 L.Lochran 3 A . Jenkins 4 B . Davis 5 T. Young 6 S . Ken t

7 J . Geishan 8 T. Stevens (RC) 9 M. Karayannis 10 M . Crowle y

11 S . Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 M . Orchard 14 C. Moore 15 L. Botzan 16 C. Mooney 17 A. Corcoran 18 J . Hope (VC) 19 M . Tolley 20 D. Hawkes 21 R. Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros (DVC) 25 E . Byrn e 26 P. Lillis 27 J . Weddle 28 S . Morris 29 R. Weddle (C) 30 A. Gilbert 31 J . Stevens (DVC) 32 P. Dowd 33 N . Pratt 34 A. Tiernan 35 M. Pollock 36 B. Spoor 37 M. Berry 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J. Keane 41 A. Clark 42 S. Low 43 L . Hunter 44 A. Karafili 45 M . Toovey 46 M. Tozer 47 G . King 48 M . Clarke 49 L . Shay 50 S . Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 A . Clancy 53 S . Price 54 B . Guidera 55 A . Berezza 56 L. Courage 57 D . Harcourt 58 G. Mclsaac 59 J . White 60 S . Hill 61 C. Binney 62 J . Baker 63 T. Hibbs 64 C. Barker 65 B . Shadbolt 66 D. Warry

1 A . Nettleton 2 B. Phillips 3 J. Ross

4 T. Hol t 5 S. Collins 6 A . Crow 7 J. Kitche n

8 B . Robinson 9 D . Brooke 10 C . Smith 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume 13 N . Hooper 15 R . Eagle 16 N . Tassell 17 D . Thomas 18 L. Hawkins 19 R.Josephs 20 S . Lillingston 21 J . Stratos 22 N . Addison 23 O . Crane 24 C. Pat' landen 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 J . Pilkington 28 S . Prendergast 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N. Leitl 32 J . Gertsman 33 J . McCarroll 34 E . Oliver 35 P. O'Connor 36 A. Milla r 37 E . Moffatt 38 R . Ashton 39 C . Stevens 40 T. Collins 41 M. Lipshut 42 M . Watts 43 R . Breisch 44 C . Evans 45 M. Blenheim 46 J. Beaurepaire 47 T. Barenger 48 S. Mile s 49 R . Mullens 50 T. Reeking 51 L . Freeman 52 D . Knight 53 G . Junkeer 54 N . Simon 55 M. Boudrie 56 J . Mitchell 57 J . Crane 58 C . Adam 59 D . Iser 60 T. Wigney 61 S . Jones 62 S . Spiden 63 P. Iser 64 N . Costello 65 C. Armstrong 66 M . Ri x 68 N . Gil l 70 S . Thompson

ch: f «ge D`Ang to

,n J

1 M . Blood 2 D. Orland o 3 L. Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan 5 A . McDonald 6 7 S . Lethlean 8 P. McDonald 9 J . Hawkin s 10 11 Ad . Jones 12 J. Bowe n 13 C . Ellis 14 D . Stoney 15 L . Ford (C) 16 17 D . Richardson 18 S.Tucker 19 An.Jones 20 M . Hardman 21 A. Parton 22 23 R. Coughlan 24 B . Coughlan 25 R. Care y 26 N . Baker 27 J . Drake 28 29 D . Galbally 30 T. Clark e 31 L . Tuddenham 32 A . Brushfield 33 34 R .Jones 35 36 37 Troy Free r 38

39 M . Meehan 40 41 A. Dillon 42 N. Irelan d 43 E . Woodruff 44 45 46 M . Calliha n 47 48 B . Perry 49 50 51 D . Walsh 52 B. Calman 53 54 S. Johnston 55 J .Healy 56 57 58 S . Mallard 59 E . Morrison 60 T. Coughlan

61 A . Oswald 62 63 64 R . Ryan 65 66 A . Wilson 67 68 69 J.Scanlan 70 71


1 D. Ba+ 2 S .hJ :eson 3 R.Couslan d 4 D.Jordan 5 Joe Mount 6 D .Burrovres 7 S . Clarke 8 C .Runna!Is 8 J . Evans (R) 9 B. Jordan (<JC) 10 N . Mitchell (C) 10 L. Campbell (R) 11 C .Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L . Turnbull 17 L . O'Sullivan 18 D. McLaughlin 19 L.Gollant 20 L.Fielding 21 B . Loughlin 22 Pd .O'Riley 23 A. Mastropasqua 24 N .M .Smit h 25 C. Osborne 26 J Goilant 27 James tlount 28 L.Wilkinson 29 D .James 30 C . Tresvin 31 B .Ashton 31 B .Haynes 32 T. Harvey

I N . F, 2 R. G_ 3 D . Cu 4 A. t)k t 5 M. I I 6 P.{. 7 K. G 8 C 9 J. Gi 10 . Lu c 11 J . Pr 13 R. 14 ° r 15 16 ts . C 17 D . i, 18 P. G zing 19 D ." iy 21 R. . . . .guire 22 J. Macev 23 S. Lur ..on 24 H . Prid e 25 B. Marusio 26 D. Sadler 27 R. Gros s 28 M . Ginnsiracusa 29 M . Ktxr~ .n 30 h1 .G--, o 31 32 S . G ior 33 1 34 K a n 35 `-ranag h 36 E . z in 37 ^c no 38 J. 39 S . r"


2 H . : , ,.,3 i 3 4 iICh D

5 Gle-~on 0 6 Fri . G 7 Rnur:;e T 8 3rJ 9 e S 10 P 11 12 G (C) 13 f


L 16 17 18 Evi'i A 19 )n D 21 yre T 22 d 23 24 sseli S 25 Sollv A 26 Gates B 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M 29 30 Larkin A 31 Colic y B ~? A


33 B. Atria 34 D . Byrne 35 P. Rahil l 36 R . Legud i 37 A. Catterall 38 J . Simpso n 39 C.Baumgartne r 40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overman 42 P.Kinniburg h 43 M . Stapleton 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 P.Hoilan d 47 R . Pi zicheita 48 N .PSrr 49 S . Bt 50 C .C a 51 P. Rc I 52 A.F e 53 S.Iann~ 54 T.Jarnas 55 C .Tai

45 46 J . N 1 47 A. u ;,n 48 L. 49 L. in 50 P. C: 51 D. E 52 „ Fin,. n 53 J . Gri 54 S . G :.... .e 55 E .Crohan 56 R . Chivers 57 a 58 J.


H 51 S 52 53 r-an R uar+more B rks T

non E

;,o ;tz j

urt J

56 L.O a n 57 B .Mc Is 53 J .DeE 59 L.Evz is 60 P.Mastropasqua 61 J .h9astropasqua 62 A ." )uzikas 63 H .Pekes 64 R .Pekes

AcAloon D

ms to all, and welcome to I Greetings a l - .- footy . 4 newies and 6 another ye~_ of `oldies face the in what appears to be a very even line up . in saying that, my information has been a tad threadbare, as no involvement at club level this year fmds me feeling like a shag on a rock :'_s usual, I shall have a look at each club and their prospects for the year . And it would be remiss of me not to contact those mo-curling satchel siv: nf :-s to fuid out what the punters think . the 2001 C Section Premiers come up ag in this year in the hope that they can stay longer than their last soujourn . Coach Norm Goss saddles up again, and will be using last year's excellent season of 14-4 (Is) and 16-2 (2s), as a solid foundation for 2002 . A big year is expected from Boss James Reserve . Mazenod - on face value, 3? wins and relegation from the higher grade in 2001 appears to be a season of disappct `ment . However, the residents at Central Res € r . ,- by the coaching guru of the VA-FA in .were much more competitive me good A Section scalps in the pre-4 . laiches indicate that this inch are clearly ° o ;c to beat . NOBs - although 2001 would appear to a disappointing year after the promise shown in 2000, they weren't that far off the mark and big things are in store for the Brunswick boys . A totally new coaching structure is in place, headed by ex St . Bernards coach in Garry Foulds, and some promising recruits indicate that the 2001 pre-season flag favourites are a big chance this year . Old Brighton - it c of the 2 A Section relegants in 2001 r i to the section they dominated in 2 C-1 ' . s is another club that has and with the tearn undergone coa,', -,; headed up erieneed Stuart Glascott, one ean ,_1 -_- . t, four finish for our beachsid e residents .

'babies' of B Section find themselves in unzamiliar territory. Having not been this hi` 3, president John Newbold has ordered oxygen masks for all at the club!! Chris Bye will front up again and will be looking to consolidate in this section, as we have all seen how tough the higher sections can be . Old Haileybury - one of the semi finalists from Old Es


2001, OH will b selokingt2sp further this year. Mick Dwyer is having another go

this year and will be hell bent on keeping t} improvement curve going upwards . A top 2 fffii,~ is not out of the question . '°° ~lburnia .rns - with a more quieter pr se >n than the one before, the 2001 Prelimina Finalists will be wanting to erase tl disappointment of an opportunity to return to Section . Erwin Leyden has been busy in the ( season, landing some good recruits, and whc one combines their good practice match forr OMs could be in for a good year . Old Paradians - Matt Ryan dusts off his coact, board again and will be looking to gain son consistency from his charges who claimed son big scalps in 2001, but also lost to some of tl lower teatns . In saying that, the dogs are barldi about our north-eastern residents, they are a b street corner tip for 2002 . _- this proud club staved off tl re - rtion ,elves to remain in B Section in 200 Ne, coach Mick Knuppel and his crew have be( win king overtime to recruit and return to Section . Great efforts by the 2s and U19s shc that there should be enough depth to be mo than competitive this year.

Therry - another club to survive by the skin their teeth last year, but with a bit more lue could have won enough of the close ones to figu in the finals action . Wayne Harmes h~ restructured his coaching panel, and they' targeted youth to push forward their claims f finals. Won't be far away . TIPS I'm either a genius or a mug with tipping in Rd Most of you would think I would be the latter. I' going to buy shares this week in co npanies . . . . . . . mod (1/4) host NOBs (13/4) at the wi, e=_panses of Central Reserve . The guru and I lads will pack too many guns on the day f NOBs' new coach Garry Foulds . Mazenod t strong at home by 21 pts .

~,ssendoxa (6/4) get their 2 day trek N. < :innon out of the way early, when 0 ileybury (1/2) welcome one of the seetioz newcomers . OE have claimed more scalps in t THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2C

n -~iian Chief Big Foot, and will be my [ire week . OE by 4 pts . poun for the oil companies. Old (41 7 ) do f graclia, (` ~5/4) and OR Br Garvey's place . The home side ar e

momentum, and they'll erase the of 2 awful beltings suffered at the Jr, in 2000 when they prevail by 14 pts . in E . E . Gunn bears witness to (1) locking horns with t3lsi? (1/5) . Pre-season form and som e ~,cloE~r-'-' 1 : ups will ensure OMs get off to a good „ ii w-y account comfortably for the local s in your local service station! ! :u :e aloooooaong trip down to th,_ home of I i , e other B Section debutante in 2002 i .pton -Zovers (1!2) roll out the red carpet

rl their 2001 flag and new rooms . Have r;n this one . The dreaded Carroll Kiss of ,cs,on the home side!! HR by 2 pts .

Ivi< ud (113) vs NOBs (512) Mazenod by 26 pts Ol : (1/8) vs OE (7/1) OH by 43 pt s OP (2%5) vs OB (1518) OP by 22 pts OM by 36 pts Ormond 1 1) Vs OM (2/9) HR. (111) vs Therry (4(6) Therry by I p t

Y know I'll get abused for this . . . . . . Is


Mazenod 2 11 1 Old Brighton 411 Old Melburnians 5/1 OtdParadians 6/1 NOBs 9/1 Old Haiieybi!ry 10/1 Therry 25/1 Old Essendon 25i1 Hampton Rovers 33/1 Ormond 40l1

Old Haiieybu ry 3/1 Mazenod 4/1 Old Paradians 5/1 Old Brighton 6/1 Ormond 8/1 10/1 NOBs Old Melbrrnians 14/1 16/1 Therry Hampton Rovers 20/1 Old Essendon 25/ 1


F-l i"n

;enod v. Nor -i Old Boys Old -=..aileybury v . Old Essendon 1 : . J, i -is v. Old Brighton at Elsternwic k Park - Saturday Ormond v. Old Melburnian s c; : tlpton Rovers v . Therry Penola

~~ .

in-_ :Je: i :

invoMng plap,~,s pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground o r other or other similar such conduct " L

~ ' = =,' .'>'1TEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

c <. _



Goa~oc ~,uo~

~d.eray y Collins

1 2 3 4

2 3 D . ES,.

4 S. 5 "

10 C . j~ z eera 11 T. Smith 11 D .F 'a 12 1 13 F . 14 N . a 1 15 N . rv

,iion e

A .F 6 D . arshal l 7 D . Art z S . Rodde r 9 M . Lawrenc e 20 A. Powe r 21 G . Carr 22 B. Hoare 23 S. Helliger 24 C . McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 M . Flahive 27 M . Nitschke 28 A. Fisher 29 M . FI :_7--r 30 A.O,T.Pt . 2 Dlets it; . i 4 Da„ 5 J. f M .i7 L. f ,

B .T= n 39 N . Gos s 40 A . V'earmauth

41 G. Kell y

42 M . L an 43 S . Rc :

44 8 .Jc'

45 C . " 46 L .W , 47 L . N -~eele r 48 L . Cs ,on 49 M. ?= in 50 N . Fos 51 J . 52 53 J . Ni 54 P. 55 J . r r 56 A. C : 57 T.P r 58 I ` 59 T.'- sear, 60 G . Johns in

17 1 18 T n'Donoghue 19 S Ilin 20 C . arra y 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Pola n 22 D. R 22 D. Fom w is 23 A. Tu =.r 24 D i t 24 . ~ , ay ;ng i

coac- G .- dye Res Coach: Robert O'Br,j

RssC i : P A. Krzynwiak A. Pirrie C. Barrow (VC) A. MacGiltvray N. Perry 6 R. Stewart 7 B . Logan 8 M . Gadsden S . Lennox (VC) J . Mead 1 L . Adamis A . Fitzgerald 2 B . Williams N . Edward s 4 S . Williams (C) 5 C . Mizz i 16 J. Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 19 S. Ginnavin 20 M. L. Smith 21 T. Ewer, 22 N . Biggin 22 L O'Neill 23 N. Milat 24 M .J . T Smith 25 S . Nickas 26 A. Ginnavin 27 D. Paterson 28 N. Williams 29 J . Dickerson 30 A. Brown 31 J . Murch 32 D. Begley 33 P. Phelan 34 J . While 35 C. Stewart 36 M . Wardell 37 B . McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K . Kavanagh 40 Al 42 L. Hendra 43 R . Carter 44 R . Sherman 45 46 M. Billionis 47 48 49 B . Scott 50 51 2 . Gamble 57 58

1 J . Pannagiotopolous 2 S. Evans 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D. Ryan 5 M .Oxnam 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage 9 J . Goodger 10 S . Bryant 11 B . Papal 12 J . Kavanagh 13 M . Boast 14 B . Hakim 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hexte r 18 J. Walker 19 E. Healey 20 D . Hunter 21 S. Dal e 22 A. Merrington 23 J .Hughes 24 J . Dazki w 25 C . Morgan 26 S. Fleming 27 D. Barr 28 G . Stevens 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D. Caridi 32 J . Mansfield 33 A. Dawson 34 D. Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 M . Burns 37 M . Jink s 38 D. Whitfield 39 B . Newbold 40 C.Obliubek 41 S . De Morton 42 N . Bertram 43 N . Fitzpatrick 44 J. Rus h 45 P. Barry 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S. Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 C . Clues 50 A. Newland 51 A. McGowan 52 J . Williamson 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 B. Turner 56 S . Dart 57 W . Conlan 58 T. Williams 60 S . Cot tin

60 61 A. Walsh 62 A. Lynch 63 S . Davies 64 M . Reid



Aic e

ring t in Round 1 . 7 i do not have any s section so Ni -t, r ir appraisal ur rr(' y ,

bs is

s, personally I e final s material and ei r! , though they are away from hom e toda I'm tipping ty can take the local derby . °°° also ^^': afl-~r a couple of ye,--s up for G to make the long tr I u t to ! It Urchards. least it will be dry Ils -_ s der new C ach Pat Hawkins is -1 b to improve on their 4th placed finish las 11, They are young and Pat is eycellent coac ;-ag young kids as his record with the Xavs Under 1 9's proves, so they will be looking for a big showing . Have not heard much abouithesaon'pr t the Friars as they try to re-group after the disappointment of relegation . Never write them off especially at home so I'm just going on a hunch 1-°-e < ~-1 l stick with reappointed Coach Greg 1n rill . : 13 ; t the home side over the l"uie ,

Club's the very 11 enjoy it, be most of all pla y r Spirit .

lid as usual Roun d

side left from last seaso n o their new set up at Par'-er

Reser :, and -,,t new clubrooms re too . Promises to this one . 11 to secret that I ar a :

iters ,

the way they grou . ; difficulties of last ;ear to u Banyule had a pretty good stumbling at the final hurdle, and ": ill be kc

i 13to

ne fod °lz'

side to s have " to see i he visitors e the home side __ take the

a -__t , __r -i d elf is a goo d y has them to fin d f youth or a big year, less than

keep that momentum going fihrou~;'l thi • think they may have to wait another week ; _ Sainters who have not lost too many will be jt, a bit strong on their own dunghill . O l d Camberwel urn it their pri n pennant in front of _--- Gran= Gordon Barnard. The Fields had an indif year last season, but were really hi tsrapsat he ndandwer nearlythebes t around as we finished . You can't take away from the Wells they won everything i n last year, and I'm sure they are going to be a strength again . I think the visitors will be thereabouts at season's end but as the Fields are aware from last year a flag unfurling helps you grow an extra leg, so this will be enough to get bi d

Camberwell across e line . P S `, C

s? . ,I i18

At -.e 'ill be announcing the C- so as a prelude to this each c~k i ill be having the Mos t ,uarcl. So what I would like you to do when submitting your Match THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

e MVP with a brie f orman c f 5pm Monday Nights to to the -Vk1FA so would

co-operation in having you r _r on Sunday Nights please . 553 1561 phone and fax at mobile, or email me at a.r as mentioned by 8pm


. Bc Old Mentonians v. St Bet? :s Y, Aone Tigers Whitefriars v . Coll(--ns

Glen Etta v, Ba: Old Camberwell V . Caulfield 'rammazians

Goa„, r

Ca c

Res : 1 T2 L ~ ~ll S . n Dz 4 B . 0 ;onnor 5 B. Wiimore 6 S. Tuckman 7 J . Pearson 8 B . Cantwell 9 J . Plant 10 B . Moxin 11 S . Cross 12 J . Egan

3 C . Burk e 4 B. Wcodlock 15 S. Gray 6 A. Dooley 7 A. Smal l J . Turnbul l 9 P. Witchell

20 S . Playfair

21 R. Dintinosante 22 C . Taylo r 23 S . Gray 24 A . Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 P. Healy 28 D . S¢oules 29 J . O'Callahan 30 D. Mutto n

F .s: A.ncar Kenr ally 1 D . I amen 2 B, f I I 3 C Knight 4 M . Liddell 5 N . Guyett 5 S . Kendall 6 N . Craven 6 M . Harrison 7 J. Cosvlishavr 8 R . Foote 8 S. Cossart-Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will ( C) 11 S . Amiet 11 C. Deal 12 D, Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 D . Gurr 14 M . Green 15 A.C r 16 S.S it 17 G . Harrison 18 B. r 18P., ron 19 W. Es , 20 . .. V

31 C. Bassett 2 M . Natoli 3 B. Reed

4 C . Stevens 5 L . O'Connell 6 M . Georg e 7 T. Thompso n 8 W. Keenan A .Hopgocd 40 N . Taylor 41 P. Job 42 C . Taylor 43 L . Ferral 44 A. Covery 45 M . Smith 46 D. Nasrallah 47 K . Scholes 48 P. McCann 49 G. Bel l 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J . Bott 52 D . Noonan 53 T. Cusack 54 B. Wilson 55 D. Williams 56 -1 . Judd 57 K . Mahony 58 L. Orton 59 L. Richardson 60 L . Holt 61 B. Parkes 62 J. Gilham 63 D. Playfair 64 S . Taylor 65 M . Thiveos 66 M . Vanpoeteren 67 C . West 68 M . Wilmore 69 C . William s

27 R 27 J . 28 ! '

29 D.'- :1 mson 30 D. E l 31 S . C 32 L. °•e is 33 C . 34 J. 35 S . ton 36 r-r pnom 37 i . sser 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 R. O'Neil l 41 M . Anderson 42 D . Synman 43 J. Smit h 44 N . Cou#is 45 D . Scott 46 T . Vinen 47 A. Desousa 48 S . Buckeridge 49 G . Erickson 50 A .Buchannan 51 G. Robinson 52 A . Sinclai r 53 P. Carter 54 B. Bowyer 55 C . Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 M . Gurpiner 59 60 N . Fallu 61 62 B. Goddard 63 64 65 71 I Cassidy



eh: sCo


1 J. Dixo n 2 M,Johnson 3 B. Mooney 4 D. Atkinson 5 R. Henebery (DVC) 6 Y. Phillips 7 D. Surkitt 7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsvoorth (C) 9 J. Fry 10 J. Lang 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N. Harrison 13 N. Thomas 4 D. Phillips 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Fletche r 17 R . Hosking (VC) 18 T. Krotiris 19 M. Foster 20 H . Sallmann 21 C . Harris 22 S . Resents 23 C. t7iollard 24 B . Lo w 25 R. Muir 25 D . Gambaro S, Woolley A . Shinkiield ~ann nneally rr, r 32 ng 33 'u . 34 A . 35 S . 36 G. Cc 37 . Ro38 T. Dyer 39 N . Ha 40 R . Bardwell 41 N. Baxter 42 N. Abbott 43 M . White 44 J . Gregson 45 R . Lew 46 C . Rowe 47 R . Sztar 48 E, Waters 49 J. Clark 50 D . Via l

51 J. Melbourne 52 B. Gran t

53 J . Van Berkel 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cooks 56 B . Lumb 57 C . Peck 58 D . Smith 59 J. Miller 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Coo k 62 D. Drummond 63 D. Rodgers 64 M . Gribble 65 C. Safstrom 66 S . Porter 67 68 L . Wilso n

S~rn1' .'zIbourne TFIF AA,AATFI IR FhnTROi I Gc n nn~

utril l


:h :

~ 1

2 M. Her e y 3 4 5 6 7 &

H .F!,-A. Cor_ ;y C . - -. ijrd

ny .

1 P. 1 2 L .t . .r (C) 3 C. Tesorerio 4 A. L'Huillier 5 S . Napier 6 A. Ryan 7 N . O :: - : 8 J . Cunningham 9 P.R i I

1 A. T. 2i 2

A. M n G. 28 D . D 29 A .C rter 30 D . Russo 32 G . Herring 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis 38 B. Sherrifi 39 T. Rile y

30 T. McManus 41 S. Cozens 42 C . Rushworth 43 M . Lewe s 44 L . Sumer 45 M . Kennedy 49 M . Fisher 50 G . Richards 51 N. Fisher 52 D. O'Connor 53 M . Stroud 54 D. Goodbody 56 R. Harper 60 G. Shattock 61 B . Saunders 62 R.Johnson 64 M . Austi n 65 M. Petrie 66 M. Mackay

T. 2j L. . 26 T. ; :, 27 W. ord 28 P. Kelly 29 Nl. Taseff 30 M. Scicluna 31 T. Dukic 32 D . Ballard 33 S. Pickering 34 L. Norman 35 B. Gellie 36 J . Killeen 37 T. Anthony 38 J . Macdonald 39 G . C; .dine 40 A. o 41 11' )n 42 T r 4= D. De teret 44 D. J; .,.s 45 M . Vagg 46 SIi . Vear 47 S . Brewer 48 D . Decarteret 49 L. Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S . Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 M . Evans 54 C . Morgan 55 S. Ramage 56 S. Earle 57 S. Moylan 58 G . Finkelde 59 C. ;71cCamish 60 B. Klindworth 61 J . Bedford 62 S . MlcKenzie-PSrcHarg 63 A. Gsllie 64 J . Belcher 65 C. Webb 66 C, Weaver 67 M . Davies 68 B . Aisbett 69 T. Spierings 70 G. Northway

71 O. Lappin

72 M . Kousal 73 J. Warr

eTM 1O cnflTO- on nnnn

i on 2, D. 24 T E ,iey 25 D. Samya 26 M . Hec.,ur 27 S . Kingwell 29 T . Marshall 30 D. Falkingham 31 N . Connor 32 G. Strachan 34 O. Barnes 35 D . Mos s 37 M . Connolly 38 A . Hayes 39 D . 0 Brien 40 B . Beasley 41 R . Bignell 42 M . Wilson 43 S . Butt s 44 J . Recupero 45 R . Gould 46 P. Lync h 47 T. Waters 48 A. Scafidi 49 S. Walsh 50 S. Kidd 52 M . Kuria 53 M . Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 A. Basham 56 J . Chaplin 57 M . Lomagno 58 M . Zaki c 60 M . McColl 62 M . Dean 64 P. Scagliotti 65 T. Lam b 66 R. Parsons 67 S . Meyer 73 L. Porter 79 P. Russo

1 C. Woo d 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Pha n 6 P. Campbell 7 D . Brice 8 B. Jana i 9 C . Maquire 10 R . P+ )tto 11 R . F 12THi 13 14 T .6 17 A. 18 C . r 19 U 9 20 F 21 22 T . 23 E . t" 24 ' 25 'aI 26 i . Ryan 27 L. Swain 28 C . Eames 29 A . Glenn 30 M . Power 31 P. Micallef 32 G . Kennedy 33 M. Duffy 34 D . Glouichev 35 C . Law 36 D . Nolan 37 M. Hunan 38 C . Carrigg 39 D. D'Sousa 40 M . Cahill 41 C. O'Connor 42 M . Northey 43 N. Elliott 44 B . O'Connor 45 S . Cleven 46 G .Johnson 47 D. Crea 48 J .Treyvaud 49 C . Dance 50 M . Mallady 51 L. Engley 52 A . Baggeley 53 C . Andrews 54 S. Gille n

55 C . Slats 56 R . Murray 57 E. Stone 58 S. Alexander 59 N . Brisbane 60 G . Sheane-Smith 61 M . Baker 62 M . Evans 63 S . Clifford 64 M . Mead

r recei, . ? media tei 3n

> i rrific book on grass-roots foot,,

; a pram, was among a throng of I< ;, after he booted the goal

w iiiiy flavor of the VA.I'A.

deo Productions, which electronic present= ions ,

gmentot start the ~ ~n :-i .

E째 ef ; _ i Gough was sound-d o,, ,lo, rding k1(,, ; -)usiness, but about his t-lore d

ton .

the former Blues CEO was concerned about their orm but :~ouldn't recall the last time they had to reliprll- .~1, a (,nach mid-season .

as it 1989 when S Gough was I

tion super highway must b e tne Executive rcco~nises th e our'. eosite . Grammar WE student and Hampto n

Luc I Rites, is about to have a second print run . O K, so the first run was 3000 copies, but when you consider Paul has researched, written; published and marketed the good read, yo u

i''~ 1 -~ ye VIA-PA recoL5nised him 2f 12-t r ll amner. P=`t'?'s con7P, ny is Black Duck Publications and uzis should be one of the first calls a club makes when it is thinking of producing a history . 0 BRENDAN Carland is our new umpires' advisor.

Brendan is a character. The former VFL field umpire has five children and wears a Nike gold ear ring - the one that Shane Warne made famous . 'Would love to know what VAF'A President Richard Evans thought when he was introduced to Brendan .

Lm Voss has set up vafa .asn .au as a to the VAFa and he deservedly received a

Pretty sure it's right to observe that Richard has conservative tastes.

old Coast as the Media Personality o f

When Brendan began blowing the whistle in the 70s such adornments were banned for the people in wlrii.e , 7 L001 ) Services (formerly the Blood B~ :=

ladders and history you ca n orms .

s given to Bru ; VAFA across fou r

three A. See "th Qi is the presic-it t': L- -CC . ave its logo on the VA 째 games that are staged eac h

os . .porting a hot pink shirt and tie , ut . d Benny Goodman will continue I' .ern FM VAFA Show on 86 .5FM at -days .

째 of tt sad s t i ` Simon . o er our specially to on (I-Ia r aclcs' gre< , est ts a


h, Kris, ~ i d Blacks also . :cords th congratulations to .uidv Sr<lif L

iple ion of 40 years of . . ' as for man ysZub :r md VAFA d :

atieurs v. `~

. 2our: 7 18 of cur,_-- ' ' ck 'jr -oal , member of the dub,

_, .n~ .~,ocvn CYNZS

om original draw .ioe Assumption v. _ onash Blues Leos Emmaus v . Bulleci? Templestowe University Blacks v . Old Geelong

~ ~__ .


7 clubs to join us were Mt Lilvdale a : _ _ Ho, guit's sponsorship ent- I r . In 1 996 only 15 ~ÂŁ nnr 76 e h : ad any form of a ;

W it ved mueh ,

mpires he 3d up and well in the and faced up to irement of many

s assistants were: ob_, Geoff Ridd, goal advisor nd boundary fitness Jill' Van Beek , ;ne i~tiincozvski . were Leigh Carlson (Collegians) , : La Salle), Simon Meehan (Ol d

hael Ford (Old Melburnians), Wayn e es (Old Scotch), Dale McCann (Old Paradians) , , ard Dunn (Old Trinity) . Nick Bourke (Old ;ians), Grant Williams (U . Blues) and Garry Qul__ (St Bernards OC). D Section scribe Peter Kelly asked club correspondents to nominate the season's final four . INine clubs nominated Beaumaris to finish on top . Aquinas and Parkdale showed their confidence by picking themselves for top spot . Actually no other club picked them to make the final faur . The votes as cast were Beaumaris (12) . Old Geelong (8), Caulfield, Whitefriars (7), Old Essendon, St Johns (4), Old Camberwell (3), Salesian (2) and Aquinas, Parkside (1) . (At the end of the season, the final four was Old Geelong (15/3), Beaumaris (14J4), Whitefriars (13/5) and the bolter Parkside ( 1018), and the premiers were Beaumaris who defeated Old Geelong in the grand final .

The cover for issue 1 was taken from 1996's Grand Final and featured Michael Holmes (Old Xaverians) from behind, punching the ball away as Brock I?ooney (Collegians) attempted a mark . There were 1892 new registrations to Round 1, made up of 1054 seniors and 838 under 19 . A round of applause, please, to the hard working Permit Committee who contributed as their predecessors had for many years . Total registrations numbered 8778 . The launch of the season was held at the Carlton Crest . 'Age' writer and author Martin Flanagan gave a stimulating and entertaining speech, and 'Percy and Dicky' were great entertainment .

Xaverians Old unfurled the flag at Toorak Park and then did a real 'demolition job' on St Sernards . Old Xaverians kicked 10 .12 to 0.0 in the first quarter, and then went on to win 26 .10 to 7.2 . (Can any reader recall a quarter of senior section football where one team has kicked 72 points more than the other team?). in `B' Ivanhoe and Old Ivanhoe staged their traditional tight contest . 'Olds' were a goal ahead at the last change, 11 .11 to 10 .11, but then ran away in the-last to win 16 .13 too 11 .16 . It was a big result for 'Olds' as they trailed by 15 points at half time . Best were Kent, Tully, Donaldon (Old I .) and Bulleen, Brown, Williams (Ivan . ) 10 YEARS AGO - 1992 Celebrations. The Centenary Year of the Association commenced in the Long Room at the Melbourne Cricket Ground with the new Great Southern Stand providing the perfect backdrop . M CC President Dr. Don Cordner and AFL President Ross Oakley combined to launch the Association's history, "For by Joseph Johnson, a the Love of The Gar " magnificent record of ,ars of Amateur Football and its role in e fe .

It was the year of The Premier's Cup which ended on the Saturday prior to the season opening when WA's Werribee defeated the VCFL's North Ballarat . Be La Salle represented the VAFA and those present at Frankston witnessed a superb game in which Be La went away to a long lead against VFA's Dandenong only to see that team get up in the last minutes of an incredibly long quarter . Major changes to our rules for the season were the reduction of the 50 metre penalty to 25 metre penalty and the abolition of the line across the centre circle . We welcomed three new representative coaches : Barry Richardson (senior coach], Ken Bremner (C-G Section coach) and John Simpson (BI9 coach) . To recognise our Centenary Year and to put Amateur Football on show before local football public, the VAFA Senior Team would play South Australia on gueens Birthday at Waverley Park as a curtain raiser to the AFL game Hawthorn versus Adelaide . Melbourne University Football Club mourned the loss of Harry Sharpe, life inember, Reds Official and ever present supporter . VAFAUA office bearers for the season : President Mike Murray ; Secretary Andrew Belcher ; Treasurer Stephen Hopper. Welcome to new Umpires' Advisor, former VFL umpire, Brian Bulluss . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002



1 987


~5~~he$ Year In St .~j~rn~f 1~cobs ~anny' Corecb° ~ o nej ~(r'a ui ~ d~ retu~ 11 een rern oran lOld e or .fomar r ),S _ t Pben ,,,vruz Old $o arz Salterdcires " fOld . (Uxrl. xsers me C011e 1 Ysl

train . rnafdh~ u run Was on Co11egE C~neld so ~a hts I~1~, .~x rtzesda onh Frlday V9 and klonas~ ve be ~ool. Three ua0' 1 w 4 i Pra 11~Ann~ t atsa t~ °Aerzd tioon 0n Ce fareh 27 h tes. agairzst Eitcbce pootb h~ to r, ,:_. . allIt "a thhoAeftzllv1, ntrat the tba` v, Ig9 ~ lubs b~Fided 1!; t . ship ~el~zzs 12 8n18 pl ~garnegoal l ico that the secti ~z~j br POO ~ . .' as foll s on. ub fne ~le' th u jt7116 ated. o;,,~lo°k jrVille ou t Yea ' Schober "ll jngletnFflnelzen ( y je11 Gepr~e s C . Preszd tnt ld f~ jns~a ~deen~al 2p ur club xr~ ROberts has be havent de A 's. Bi ~~ kfOrd hQ ~$ ~~3~p ej9g~redi~o th~t~~~ section bu sons 'k rcc hsor t ergo z p-L D was 'T 1408 ste on (CI p . mPxres,Cl' rn° z~ir the ho t Cl io°htini n 1(LCI ctchard,Nels Colzegt~x rffhlead ~8 Al oil t52ub lid .4 Brt 1[vho to dere1nrerslaj 8 eate A ve ~~ek ~en~z p Bus~~ ~nsxdln e 8' 1 S lfi4Y s7cteUd thelr re GQpdman off)1~sruort Off, ~d Af 1 ~est q eazzxst Old trrr7 to • ~. , 1 rzdSp 'xll, Corco a icfine Ideked 5 rzson " n here NQVIe,~averians sec4on t . U 1'°~ell ae Old erard Sholly ~lelb ~mas f0r the a~m~l~ old~ ~~6en 131~0 reserves ns Welco s (Coll ) xatc1. olts tGd~tted tter ~~e°n t~~ia °ach for Izgg Laurie A ~anna h e ~rst ~dRiclrmndCeasOC (1 ) (P~ksld°r Cotteand Ch- . to deseribe ~ f 1 87 th tra7 Bloods an d Vans S Ii gh~ as senio 9 1 an a'"ner r ;iki0d ~ fr~[,, ~ CENr e follotv he bth g Ing bf e ngdztuld Iv d5p gam Alao ~r~~ek Of l za Itfstedl ~AL p00r$L~cbmon r tlcze ~vrn preCleh nly s 250t~ ated anlz°e _ LUI~ ral: 1} . -' <crs'a t~rn'used magnl e~ntlvanho gaxneJot~r Snap AerresPorzden `ru^~ ZgertonArms ~e PQ° tbalz Cl n~eston Alayer to g boug Ct r xaug o t o? ;tirx ~tofz d A sotsecdOn Im rrjSS e~edrzesday dbn G~o gwas Ileld . .n~ ~allv e 8 the ~Hznton .Uenrvr~ f0r the Izave reach datha t aesdaYAclubs ~oated until e251g8s~as andt e n orge p~agust 1 a mittee t a meeti Closest J ~onvoo~lead 1 , opening n bpern~dg~te for ~e dOrgazz neryr~ g C ive j the rE est etc Ide Ric club~ o~ ke B CoulseLt~c p~ai e~ for sn are ~~nd Cen~ttee $ernards)~ Bren d 5Aha gon in 73 ' se~ o Sizzi~ m~ . it tt,as~ter dls~ ttende d -295 24 I w~~ cg Richm 'nond suv as the decided tussions 0 S), t~Q~~~ AoO bYG hmond ond m PAorter malorlt to ~ the rge P~a ~ntr W is~~ hes fors and ha ~°f th e .o1gx~~ P~ket ~redlet~l l~arnsh thet n 11'. (~Phrngtonst 1, b en Ivanhaeaugurai n the Lyon A rou oln 1 987 QAlgar3 schral season t yas 13 Ala~dectd I Fos t~e~e r th lers 72 ro °ol atten s rhe u~pl ~eretr~~ °otb j~ Cpu~ pps ual rroA re~ulted next t r~s d ed that th h ~a t couple On uPle of ey~dhav e~j ~ sponsor deliver' sever Side 1xz uee bad" ~rrift hz tshed 12ips thiSsl512 zdaIIr ~~ ~bu~neyT ~hv 9 g~s anm~ade ~ h~on~ grou dn age or h ? Won3 games r anov(St d0 club A sead Kzida C in",ch ~ r (Presi 13 nie~ JUniar also go~nzpst $ 1 Cerztr t~ednesd r~de~nt)d r SO and aireaso~~~C) finallv r C ISeetn at t 8- Y' Pe R~AuaryC~~Pus,a b gr0und4be~g Gen v°tes! °n eest B a clubests. 2dGwhich ReUea~cd

V ter (Secr t,eprge epInfiitt r anab'erU Jx~ins adrIIitted to ~°ezv~~ co~a~~ ~a~~1~nt an a


Aetingin H S~I~oand eT ~bs

and F~rest~t7 1d l OC :arae$tant ~ 1976 eIn 2e , from o M , aPA f.1 ta~~hg tv0n g' scored 1 G~t four tean ~ee . tvhe~t~ i Uni in Bltionsec~ n pre 1 ~ ~ theirIn C ~kna ~ts' Bestuets and tve~ Played on sectioetmn~ ato n ~~firs t 'z~dlsh, Ch goals 11 1 976 for ) an d HzeiDC pn~ 121

ber strre~ forh~~le ~e~ts~S


r-. 1 ._ . 1 nr. .



tr=~__,tare3ng, teaching and exhibiting the virtue of s;30= :sr,nnship . c ui u-ticle, 'Respect between players and coaches ' i Vol. 23 no 3), we talked about respec t s and coach . Coaches exhibit respect fo r d they merit the respect of their players b y zi~ d icaching the game. But the responsibility runs that. i . m' . about the nature of competition, and about its i,,r,, an educational setting, if you understand wha t te, you will recognise that respect for your e .s ;s, above all, taking responsibility for teachin g ~] n: principles of sportsmanship . How? on the age and the character of the players, th e A differ, but teaching sportsmanship will always ?me combination of explicit instruction, example, a.nities for practice . coach sceptical: if my job depends on winning the distric t I don't have time to set aside for sportsmanshi p inute I'm allowed to spend with my players - and iot enough time as it is - I need to be concentrating

p! .:~.irig die game as well . 'ill , if you think about what it means to play th e sportsmanship is part of playing it well . But we ,, , to be clear here: were not talking about setting zarate practice sessions on sportsmanship . In about explicit instruction, setting an example, and ng sportsmanship, what were really asking you to do o coach in light of the principles of sportsmanship - to ply them while you run your drills and practices an d h the games. It won't take extra time, and it won't -act from your efforts to win ; it might mean tat you'll do things you've always done differently, though . hir' by explicit instruction : talk about nanship. Explain it . Don't assume that kids can't i :md. Why should you treat an opponent with Because no opponent, no game . Do you want to : ;he game or not? Do you get something out of playin g e or not? Direct moral exhortation alone is not ro :gh, but in this age of compulsive psychological engineering, its often shortchanged . Tell them something's wrong or right, tell them why it's wrong or right, and say it like you mean it. Some times it's a real eye opener for them. When he was asked what he told his athletes, Brutus Hamilton, the head coach of the US track and field team for the 1952 Olympics Games said : The gist of my talks with the boys can be reduced by a fe w -rq le words, 'Honour yourselves, your country and your oi i ~nrizts with your very best performances and with your - ~- ~ [ behavior'. nding on the coach and the situation, saying it like you THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

mean it might involve a reserved seriousness - or it might involve some heartfelt shouting. If you do express anger at players, a good self check is to ask yourself if you're yelling at them because they lost a game or kicked a ground ball or because they did something un-sportsmanlike. Did they make a mistake or did they do something wrong? If they lost the game or dropped the fly because they made a halfhearted effort, that's an issue of sportsmanship ; but if they played the game or went for the ball with all of the skill they possess (that is, that you've taught them), and they still seem lost, then what's the point of treating them as if they did something morally wrong? Ask yourself if you're really mad at them because they did something wrong - or if you're mad because you didn't get to chalk up another one in the win column? Are you yelling at them to show everybody in the stands that its their fault, not yours - or to teach them? Teach by example : preaching without practising what you preach is better that neither, especially if you're occasionally honest enough to admit that you didn't live up to what you preach . But the example that coaches set in the arena of sportsmanship cannot be overestimated . If you insist that the players 'behave' - that is, at least on the surface, appear to respect opponents, teammates, officials and their coach but they see you treat others with nothing but disrespect, the lesson is all too clear. What they learn is that when they get to be the one in charge, they can treat any way they want to. It's only when someone, with power over them forces them to behave this way that they should do it, not because its better or because they'll be better human beings for doing it. Practising sportsmanship: if sportsmanship is a virtue, it can be praetised . Coaches have a responsibility to make the workouts as well as the games occasions for the practice of sportsmanship. Every good coach knows that even though an occasional light workout is a good idea, generally speaking, halfhearted practice translates into halfhearted efforts in competition. Likewise, even though occasionally allowing players to let of steam in practice is probably a good idea, if you allow your players to show disrespect for opponents, teammates, or the game in a daily practice you'll find that they have developed the habit disrespect . If its OK for them to throw their racquets when they're playing a teammate in a practice match, then how could it not be OK to do it during a match? Even if it's not OK, it's a tough habit to break . Not many people know that when Bjorn Borg started playing tennis as a teenager in Sweden, he had a bad temper . After one outburst on the court his coach sent him home for a couple of weeks and told him that when he came back one more episode would result in a permanent expulsion from the tennis club . As most people know, no tennis player in the history of the game conducted himself with greater dignity than Bjorn Borg during his career. Re printed - Sports Coach (Vol . 23, No 4 2001) 25

La Pa



La T Tie Uni awai t

r :placed I t .rill no doa i hUpand

11-^I,ison, B o hey will loc c . Kew on the rouble with

rife about their ~ res over fro m c4 -, ! -, big task of re!I Cuilen, Bradley and ck of youth could prove r eparation the Pirates Valley OB iake on Yarra Valley OB at home added impetus of unfurling their ship flag the Bushrangers will be u p it today. Graham Burgen will be keen t o in the right foot, while Tim Killworth wil l how important a good start in a ne w

3: e, hose poor results over previous years must frustrate th( coaching panel . Mark Rowe steps up to ref.:ace Laurie Zarafa and will add emphasis to strong, desperate but most importantly team oriented football . Their list appears to be stronger than 2001 and this may well be their year. La Trobe have heaps of numbers and with the usual late start may be a little underdone . New, coach Brian Grills is keen to have the players played committed, disciplined football, and increase their commitment to the club . The talent is there no doubt, but just how much time will tell . The size and the ground at Bundoor . is a real key and today the students will ai==, r sidP a shock of some proportions . £~iC


Old Ca~ , host uleigh and new OC's coach 1 rarir_- To go against a Glenn Taylor , ~ - :1 ~~ Bentleigh unit t~~ i all before it in it's short history in n . ~'outh will be a

key today for both tc< . ' , ) :the youth of each learn Henry and Seeley (B) and ' .ngus, Jrti and Battle (OC) will be t1 ;;° determhui!_o factor ~i what will be a high scoring, free floz ing match . The Demons to get the nod at the finish by no more than 2 majors .

after stru`°~ling in 2001 . ""ie "' ;ds will pressed co%_ ing the lo: s of Ub icic, have a,1_,i,>ra i' tt, w~ - e

s All, on ----cc,

0 op(

ieir account .

in what shapes as a a local derby. New coac h Garry Connolll 11 bring with him renewed rsence, and .r-th the experience of the B' :)eties, Turley and Grace Salesian will once ~- :-tin be a top four aspi :The Krushers have re-appointed Russell Bru_ ton and will be keen to see some iznpro i ;~;ults fro,n 2001 . The youth of the club i ; p! . .omenal and with an U19 team in place thei- ft:-ure seems assur1, add to *.=rs the value of the Kitts b-ot'- s, Schulz the Marshalls and they will d

eat than 2001 . The Krushers ' . 26

Peninsula v. Ke, , Fitzroy Reds v. Yarn, Valley Salesian v. Oakleigh

La Trobe University v . Parkside Old Carey v. Bentleigh


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FITZROY REDS Coach : Graham Bergen Res Coach : Andrew George Club 18 Coach: Greg Box

1 C. Sharp (C) 2 P. Morga n 3 A. Pittito 4 S . Sic e 5 M . Eyles (C) 6 R. Weber 7 N . Lane 8 C. Coette 9 I. Jackson 10 A . Henry 11 D. Martin 12 M. Barker 13 L. Pittito 14 P Karssaris 15 B . McAliese 16 L . Airey 17 J. Handfield 18 S. F.daway 19 S. Hal l 20 R . Fishlock 21 B.Istead 22 F. Dimattina 23 S .Adams 24 P. Gatto 25 D. Gold 26 B.Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 A. Clough 30 A. Miksad 31 R. English 32 J . Digadrgio 33 P. Withington 34 M . Piri e 35 L. Ireso n 36 M . Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G. Beattie 39 G. Prigg 40 M . Walker 41 J. Nav e 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 C . Martin 44 A. Simon 45 A. Wade 46 R. Lawford 47 S . Calagero 48 F. Cavanagh 49 M . Clark 50 A . Stanes 51 S . Truffaut 52 L. Sampson 53 A . Sanfilippo 54 B . Gasser 55 G . Richards 56 C . Aitke n 57 A. King 58 T. Caterson 59 D. Pittito 60 C. Parks


1 M . Frisb y 2 . A . Walsh 3 M . Wharf 3 L Mayman 4 J . Hamilton 5 D. Kane

6 7 8 9

J . Bennie J . Doyle A . Byrne G . Pr

10 A. Ur*3r 11 B . Dc Is 13 M. ilAr ; 14 l: C' 15 J ' , 16 G . Cl, y

17 B, Le ,

18 M. Hr ^ ian 19 P. Cook 20 T. Mitchell 21 A. Sainsbu ry 23 T. Jackson 24 A. Parsons 25 P.Jackson 27 D. Fennessy 28 J. Card 29 D. East 31 B Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S . Dmr y 35 A. Mackinnon ?8 C. Evan s 39 A. George 40 G. Bance 41 R. Burg an 42 1 . McBumie 43 A . Marcon 44 B . Har t 46 P. Heaphy 48 V. Cahill 49 A . Puglia 50 B . Aggenbach 51 J . Rawlings 52 B . O'Connor 53 S . A.dd icoH 54 J . Parsons 55 N . Mathews 55 L. Mayman 56 T. Madden 57 R . Rome 58 B. Nea l 59 R . Johnstone 61 G . Virtue

62 N. Auden 62 P. Discogiogis 63 J. Sack

64 D. Trindade 66 D. Timm s 67 R. Holderhead 68 B . Cahil l 69 S . Pldotto

70 S . Dibendetto 71 P. Gun n 72 M . Dikeukos 73 J . Bare 75 W. Daniel

76 D . Curtis 80 G. Box

81 J . Horridge 84 Z. Senburg s 86 M. Reid '.. 87 C . Nave '.. 88 S. Greenwood '. 97 P. Ronchi '.. 116 G . Schiavo 30 D. Barnwell 31 J. Eire 32 J. Dunne 33 E . Healy 34 C. Meighen 35 B . Dowse tt 36 J. Healy 37 M . Edmonds 39 A . Butler 40 J . Harman 41 A . Mercun 44 B . Ashton 45 G. Robe rtson 46 M. Ahe m 47 N . Blayney 48 N . Dykes 50 J . Simrk 52 E. Clayton 54 S. Sukkar 55 B. Foynes *' D . Cumm ins

Coach : Rohn Doherty Asst Coach : ~drren Searle Res Coach : Greg Crimmins 1 B . Lafranch i 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 B . Marchesani 4 G. Crimmins 5 A . Makrs 6 N . Tinetti 7 N . Lym n 8 D. Mainsbridge 9 A . Eato n 10 B . Cullen 11 B . Woodhouse 12 J . Growcott 13 C . Kyriakou 14 J . Looker 15 C . Bradley 16 D . Wood 17 B. Alle n 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J. Dennis 20 A. Aciield 21 M. Ayres 22 C. Stephens 23 T. Aitke n 24 D . Kinross 25 C . Wafts 26 S. Byrnes 27 T. Moore 28 M . Xuereb 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 D. Cocking 32 A. Drago 33 D. Wayland 34 M . Fitzgerald 35 R. Bruno 36 S . Ryan 37 J . Landwehr 38 T. Connolly 39 40 G. Muckian 41 R. Livingston 42 43 G. Collyer 44 M . Raraele 45 A . larossi 46 A . Pirona 47 48 L.Jensen 49 50 51 M. Blai r 52 R . Campagna 53 M. Bois 54 R . Waller 55 D. Searle 56 T. Frith 57 58 59 60 61 S . Mouss l 62 G. Aitkin 63 64 J . Cronin 65 66 67 B. Alle n 68 S. McCardel 69 K. Tancredi 99 S. Bruno

C cm, -larllls Res C h : I'id Huffer 1 P. Farrant 2 S. Fredrickson 3 D. Sheldrick (C) 4 C. Perry (VC) 5 S . Adamthwaite 6 S . O'Toole 7 N. Dunne 8 J . Thorn 9 L. Walker 10 P. Morton 11 Josh Levy 12 K . Perry 13 T. Luderman 14 L. Wakeling 15 S . Brooks 17 Jacob Levy 18 A .Hewitt 19 S . White 20 A . Murphy 21 D . Edmunds 22 P. Stewart 24 S . Edwards 26 B . Phillips 27 D . Gilmour 28 C . Ross 29 A. Randell 30 J. Smith 31 M. Fannig 32 D . Hil l 33 M. Watson 34 A. Murray 35 J . Eyr e 36 T. Mav,dsley 37 C . Porter 39 N. n+osengren 40 R. 42 D. C 43 A. Poultt 45 D. McKee i 46 B . Launikonis 47 A.Samson 50 K . Hopkins 51 C. Francias 52 T. Stauton 54 T. Peters 55 A . Cummings J . Laidlaw 66 A . Ballie

70 J. Dumaresq

C cn : I sell Bruerton Res C _ _. .h : Pat 1cKenn a 1 B . Gec 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D. MacKenzie 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T. lanchello 6 R. Dooley 7 M . Short 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 L. Thomas 11 A . Monaghan 12 R . Keating 13 S . Randl e 14 A . Schultz 15 G. Redford 16 B . Stirling 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan 19 R . Cooper 20 K . Marshall 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 L. Georgiadis 23 J . Kerle y 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 G . Smith 28 J. Brown 29 D. Hal l 30 A. Moulang 31 T. Bromley 32 A. Khodr 33 M . Clar k 34 B. Varkatzos 35 R. Nuske 36 M . RYa n 37 P. Torpe y B . Papadopoulos G . Crrtnal ! - no 4L J . L .,n 43 J . Seymour Y N . Smith 45 G. Chapman 46 B . Nguyen 47 C . Little 48 A . McKenzie 49 B . Evans 50 P. Malcolm 51 . A. Woo d 52 . S. Cooke 53 . C. Casa 54 O . Parton 55 C . Hogan 56 B. King 57 A. Jury 58 M . Coppock 59 W. Ogilvie 60 D. Moulan g


_-------------- ~ Cs r Zar z

Res C ch : Mark Rowe

COL-1 : Res Co

rierley :h : Neil Franks

_ .~.

Coach ( ry Connolly Assist Coach : David Todd

Coac,, : rim xunvorth Res Coach : Ro^van Davis

Res C ch: David Todd I R. Adams 2 G. Davies 3 K . Noble 4 5 T Stonehouse 6 S. Ware

7 J. Muscat 8 J . Ct~' :ott

9 A Constantini 10

11 B y (VC)




Poulos n a m annikos dy

kil l r -- :ner ,a

n mery ams nnikos kie opplevaell 9e Kent L' ° 3` ,nikos A• 1 n rnstantinidis J . ncher ~ Mason .instry u Heppell =Isner ey chester >hall ~han nall >dding

i2 D . 13 A t. ;opley (RVC) 14 P. Hanley 15 D . Moodie (C) 16 M . Ross 17 A . Romano 1 8 M. Schwab l 19 T. Ryan 20 D . Singleton 21 J . Schol l 22 R. Wise 23 R. Beck 24 R . Marulli 25 M . McPherson 26 27 28 R . Martinez 29 J. Libroaperto 30 M. Yandle 31 S. Hogan 32 J. McCall 33 K . Allan 34 M . Romano 35 G. Panjari 36 T. Barlow 37 B. Boughton 38 H . Byrne 39 40 C . Chioppi 42 P. Dean 43 B. Gorman 44 P. Soli go 45 B. McGillian 46 C. Welsh 47 C. Tyson 48 R. Jone s 49 M . O 'Connor 50 S . Pascoe 51 A . Valomides 52 B. Cassano 53 P. Romano 54 S. Marino 55 M . Wise 56 T. Wise 57 C. Ross 58 T. Mangos 59 60 J. Drakopoulos 61 P. Tascone 62 63 D . Vivona 64 65 S . Carmodv 66 S . Stafford' 67 70 S . Diver 71 A . Inglis

1 S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen (Vc) 5 N . Kent 6 M. Warner

1 A. Stevens 2 A . Anderson 3 S . Sutherland 4 S . Bobetic 5 M . Canavan 6 D . Forer

7 S. Murray

7 G . Gaspari

7 N. Franks (Res.)

8 S. Logan

8 P. Angus

9 M . Dentry 9 P. Krohn (Res.) 10 A. Hale y 10 T. Trewhitt 11 S . Ferguson 12 C. Pegltt 13 T. Braden 14 S . White 15 A . Wood 16 S. Claringbold 17 J. Coghlan 18 J. Whela n 19 A. McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A. Macpherson 22 A . Atchison (C) 23 R. Powne y 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchison 26 P. Prendergast 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 G . Davies 32 H . Shorten 33 R. Stainfort h 34 M . Allen 35 R . Wolfenden 36 P. Serra 37 B. O'Neill

38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Barbe r 40 B. M itchel l 41 A. Vidotto 42 A. Littlechil d 43 G . Gardiner 44 A . Kelson 45 D . Baker 46 L. Prendergast 47 L . Palmer 48 A. Bonner 49 C . Wilso n 50 P. Arno ld 51 R. Sharpin 52 T. Neal 56 P. Rittman 57 M . Conroy 58 D . Brennan 59 S. Foss 69 J. Muir

9 A. Campbell 10 S . Oldfeild 11 A. Davey 12 M . Bate s 13 I. Bobetic 14 J . Ng o 15 C. Ryan 16 P. Turley ~~ M orwards,

.B 18 A. Sexton

19 S. Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 A. Bates 22 R. Steven s 23 M . Smith 24 A . Grace 25 M .Tambling 26 J . Nannas 27 A . Higgins 28 M . Byrne 29 M. Forbes

30 M. Cooke

31 J. Shirley 32 G . Riley 33 N. Callaghan 34 D. Rao

35 P. Knott

36 D. Todd 37 S . Sinclair 38 T. Alligan 39 P. Pitts 40 M. Forer 41 J. Novelle 42 P. Evan s 43 E. Maillard 44 C. Hunt 45 S. Horvath 46 S . Porter 47 B . Bowma n 48 M . Bourke 49 G. Gleason 50 S . Morris h 51 S . Parisi 52 R . Cincotta 53 B. Chalmers 54 S. Nolan 55 E. Hanaphy 56 D. Bowman 57 B . Atkin s 58 W. Chapman 59 D. Blake 60 D . Sutherland 61 J . Rad i 62 B. Kirchner 63 L . Seeger 64 J. McClaren 65 A. Darcy 66 C. Clauson 67 A . Thain 68 A . Healey 69 M . Stanton 70 A . Chiappin i 71 R . Cincotta

72 D . Olive r 73 A. Gasped 74 C . Roach e

75 A. Sexto n 76 D. Gheblikan

1 R. Pearce 2 T. Morris 3 R . Thompso n 4 M . Fun g 5 A . Dre w 6 R . De w

7 C . Bea l 8 L. Morri s 9 J. Kee m

9 C . Ross 10 T. Hancock 11 F. Macvea n 12 J. Cremean 13 L. Gillie s 14 E . Krus e 15 N. Pas k 16 L. Taylor 17 A . Laing 1 8 L. White 18 D . Ros s 19 J. Strong 20 T. H al e 21 D . Stevenso n 22 B. Drew 23 R. Yee 24 M . Davie s 25 F. Pellegrino 26 J . Longworth 27 S . Savage 28 B . Reynolds 29 R . Coutts 30 D . Pode r 31 B. Sturzaker 33 P. Cremean 33 D. Irelan d 34 C. Frase r 35 B . Peaks 37 D. Balshaw 38 B . Morrison 39 J . Tompkin s 40 T. Fyffe 41 B. Downs 42 A. Stone 43 H . Park 44 J . H e 48 R. Davi s 49 S . Seabourn e 50 J . Peake 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Pas k 54 T. Mcllrath 55 S. Taylo r 56 T. Lloy d 57 S . Keho e 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joine r 61 P. Valo i 62 P. Bur mpa 63 B . Whitechurc h 64 M . Bate 65 D . Smith 71 M. Laing 74 A. Midland 76 J . Dickso n

Oh Boy!! again! How time flies when are having , l . : .: ~,come to the new and rerun . . .~ joined the . . .i ii.- V Ares j l, .,

u r

iueludin_ _cen-n, Gre! 1,

a r _ d Dennis 1-i cr. 1 als~~ i :-ei•ger) to Umpires Corner . Simpson for assisting me last yezs. ;'c sr ; that he is too busy to a sist this year- see why below ! Ilmp` r

s on Brendan - 1979- :

dde; 1982 - 1993 VFL/AFL It-, . 2 -9 3 nes) ; 1986 VFL Reserve Grade Gr :d Final ; 19 2001 Director of VTL Umpiring Academy - mainly in coaching role. Justin Toohey - Assistant F'/LT Adviso r Top VAFA umpire from 1986 to 1997 including an A Section Grand Final . Became an assistant umpires advisor in 1999, and here we are today! His aim is to make umpiring in the VAFA enjoyable and rewarding, so that all our umpires are motivated to have a long term association with the VAFA and perform to the best of their potential .

: L:u Azaarant - Assistant F/U Advisor Few stats about Dan's footy career - 1988 VFA Reserve Grade . U/19 Finals; 1989 -1993 VFL/AFL - AFL Reserve Grade, AFL U/19 Finals ; 1990 - 1991 TFL Senior Grade, Tiwi Island Grand Final ; 1994-1999 VFL Assistant Academy Director Reservoir / Royal

Park . ' CD

!i. . Yi -


br his 6th year. Sh


for his z. -u year. FAREW , Farewell to the following members and thank- you all for your support and conunitment during 2001 and prior - James Watson (VFL), Andrea Thwaites, Sharon Alger (hopefully only temporary with the ladies - both are going to be 'mum's'), Mark Fraser (AFL) and Paul Dineen (England) . . .just to name a few.

12 at 3 7 Grab ) , 2001 , and ( = on Ural : ! _ . . ,. ., _ e long - 3r!L - First 'A' Section L; ever wiu : : :L1ccliin Long Old Haileyburians by a goal aftei t]= , siren and being asked by Tony Fellows (Thomastowzi and VAFA legend) to umpire his 350th game and then try and keep up with him at the 'after match'. Peter would like to thank his wife Tanya, family and friends for all their support during hi s

ing career . A ; to to the Caulfield Swimming Pool was und ' ten for the running of this year's aquathon on 14 i~ - -ch 2002 . The competition was run in two heats, with the overall winners triumphing by a few seconds . Congratulations to Scott Mackie and Dianne Wtuteley on winning the event. Special thanks to Agate, Ted and Brendan (timekeepers), Justin Toohey for supplying his barbeque (once more) and Anthony Simpson for cooking the food for the participants after the event . SOCIAL Golf Dav- 28/d/02 10 Pin Bowling Night- 25/5/02 Trivia Night-29/6/02 tvlidYear Dinner -26/8/02 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 22/9/02 Grand Final BBQ - 22/9/02 Presentation Night - TBA ; End of : ..son Trip - TBA . All correspondence to

CONGRATULATIONS Busy pre-season for many this year!!! Congratulations to Lionel Katz on his marriage to Karen on 17 March 2002. Congratulations also to Anthony Simpson (and Anne) and Gavin Roberts (and Marg) both coining engaged late last year (both parties are getting married later on this year) . However, double congrats goes to Grant Wardrop who received notice that he has been accepted on the Senior VFL squad last month after a dedicated and hard preseason as well as his wife giving birth to a bouncing baby boy in November 2001 . 30


7 Sean Scully


5 1 Wiiimann

8 PauLBerrv

7 F 112roxfbrd

6 Dash Peiri s

9 Damian Lane

8 Paul WitY!ington

7 Alan Ladd

10 Trent Foley

9 James Van Beek

8 Nick Evans

11 Alan Stubbs

10 Tristan Bowman

9 Nathan Carl von

12 Mark Morrison

11 Chris Evan s

10 Robert McLeod

14 Ash Hoogendyk

12 Jamie Kvins

11 Paul Tuppe n

15 Tim Doecke

14 Michael Gilday

12 Simon Payton

16 Mervyn Monty

15 Mark Jenkins

14 Tim Tingiri

17 Peter Keogh

16 Craig Brajtberg

15 Michael Sneddon

18 Peter Simpson

17 Cameron Leitch

16 Luke IvZoneriet`f


19 Andrew Fyfe

18 Tim Sutcliffe

17 Mick Robins


20 Neil Dickson

19 Scott Mackie

18 George Paleodiznos

21 Patrick Maebus

21 Gajanan Skandakumar

20 David D'Altera

19 Heath Little

22 Nick Fermessv

22 Chris Collins

21 Justin Grossbard

20 Norman Hi2chen

23 Greg Rowling s

23 Peter Griffiths

22 Rick Lov e

21 David Irons

24 Graeme Hunichen

24 Leigh DiIlon

23 Chris Stevens

22 Ken Brewe r

25 Geoff Moore

25 Lionel Katz

24 Sascha Koffman

23 Robert Sneddon

26 Jim Papioanou

26 Daniel Dinneen

25 Richard Eastwood

24 Jason Moore

_,'7 Matt Cox

27 Anthony Simpson

26 Brad Clark

25 Mat Taylor

.,'8 Paul Larnble

28 Ken McNiece

27 Euan Lindsay

26 Patrick Coulthard

~9 Chris Garcia

29 Peter Jame s

28 Leah Gallagher

27 Paul Jone s

ustin Lipso n

30 Michael Phillips

29 Gerard Rolls

28 Ron Martyn

obert Mayston

31 Robert Semmens

30 Simon Olive

30 Anthony Lilley

32 Anthony Darnen

31 Rob Schuller

31 Tim Friedman

33 Michael Forde

33 Simon Stokes

32 Jarred Aspinall

34 Stephen Morgan

34 Jeremy Heffernan

33 Glenn Schipp

35 Troy Brook s

35 Graham Thzvaites

34 Daniel Stephens

36 ian Burges s

36 Dominic Farrell

35 Dianne Whiteley

37 Gavin Roberts

37 David Murray

37 Ken Walker

ur mes usley ;urran

Gibson I


Craeme Morgan ison Lan e U 1_.ew Meier




Each week a coates and Wreckair Player of the Week is announced on this page (one player each section) .

速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 1 8). 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ~ 21 MVP's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .

Phone : 13 15 52 24 I, :) ur Emergency 0418 333 11 8


i- D ;,a~ Hore-Lacy guest speakerat,, :arnigh ; rlinner 2 - Bruce Church responds after being recognised for his services to the Association after retiring in 2001 as the Association's Auditor 3- Jock and Betty Nelson celebrate Jock's Life Membership 4 - Peter and Margaret 0'Ilonohue enjoy Peter's Life ,"9embership 3-!; eith Sharkie another proud Life Member of the Association B- Certificate of Merit winners - (L to R) John Grace (Ormond), Laurie Aghan (Reservoir, Old Scotch, Bulleen-Templestowe, Old Melburnians, Aquinas, VAFA), Paul Mallon (Therry Penola), Leigh Carlson (Collegians, Old Trinity), Howard Bishop (Old Carey), Paul Grime (Commonwealth Bank, State Bank, Southbank, Prahran), Allan Angus (Peninsula OB) - absent Robert Ralph (Old Xaverians) & Ron fdfc;!olson (Beaumaris) .


; ;s to an Doctor 24 hours a da y rompt ~- 1 -_' :;sion to Hospital (if required ) ity fee payabl e

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Pro udly func' 2 d by

_Ireemasons ospita.I `the more caring alternative ' 0 '"c AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002 35

i - 20C _ ,

nagic for ule up-.iI~- .; probably continue thei r may carry them into 2 is, every club is sa: ? this is their best pre-season ever, that _'--_ have a great bunch of hot new recruits, and i_ ;at s IS the year. . Johns and West Brunswick probably loom a s ,'e "Big Two" this year, while teams such a s onash Gryphons, Hawthorn, Power House , zth Melbourne Districts and Syndal Tally H e all possible contenders for the finals as well . opular opinion (so not mine, the") seems to dictate that the two relegation spots will be "contested" between Elsterntv-ick, Richmon d xal and Sr 'nburne University . At least for as, 1 ho ° they prove their critic -wrong . ilio, don't e fooled by popular opinion! Elsternwick arid Richmond will rebound from cisappointing years in 2001 whilst Swinburn e ' finished the year going from strength to s+-Doing the form in D3 is a bit, like studyi L Race 3, the 5yo Maiden Plate from Bendigo l'iday. Chances galore! ! The VAFA grapevine has been hard at work . Th e torn toms beating loudest are for West E tun : bd Monash Gryphons, The Wcsfies he d Julian Seibrand as coach and welcome back ~v 1 travellers Steve Benjamin and Dave Eduards . ',Icy were far from disgraced last year in D2, plenty of informed money sees them as favourites . The Gryphs have recruited a numbe r of key position players to supplement their E midfield and will be a force this year . =,s for my predictions, have to go With the r_--ape vine on the Westies . As for B+F, can't go past my 36

is t.he clash between .__ __'l'homas Carrol l Re : le JC? regarded in some qua rs as unluc' ~- ) e prornoted, malile the Wicks najlaged to - - i~ a very torrid season . The jOCs are my e rly season premiership favourites, ~ ~, 1 fancy them to win comfortably today.

Az7O -

:l h

3 of

. o sea to be a hot con : _,s t

versus oad . These two tea


:'-s' .-Yfor some time now Zai- ezjoyed a~~ zE : ) day's rna d be a bottler . Th e aivks have a k r ; ,_. up and-comers rvhil e the Gryphs vvill _, ° bo . c .y the return of severa l key veterans. Not rnuc's in this, but for the sake of self-preservation from fellow supporters, I'll go Monash . s from D2 meet La+ . ., s two rd l welcome in y ( al . Tough t o a game last year, r nsuick to have a and 1 big say in the sh al of the competition this 7 have several of their season, bui at horne, if 1' ° hosts today . old stars r€ urn, .l : U niversify 2001 L . ° i s at St. entert< n James Pa grandia is Newcastle United's ground 'ac same but a damn sight cosier) . The Razorbacks will still be abuzz from their promotion, but I fancy the Bloods, who had an indifferent season in 2001, will be too

strong today. F'i a' j, reigning D4 Premiers Syndal 'I y-Ho City Reserve to take on Richmond The visitors will still be full o f .aomentum after their phenomenal 2001 season, while the Cobras will want to improve on their las t

season's effort . Another tricky result to pick, bu t Hoers in a thriller. 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 2

) get the dreaded "your report is all from the editor so I will keep it

:)r me ! to kick start ~ year at th e ebuilding Po

in a bit of < i upset . It seems advantage counts for more at --e year . Might be an interestin g earcher ! 'ai start the seaso n a iv, i against Sy nda1 .

d, and indeed for the entire )s competing this year . Any regarding social notes , can be given (ideally by 5pm Tself via fax on 9 920 909 7 or email mson(q.centreIink (work) . E d d via ed.sill((ilocker .corn .au It fic to hear from every team, every Lson.


St Joims v. ElscernGrick Hawthorn v . Monash Gryphons Power House v. West Brunswic k

Swinburne v. South Melbourne Districts Richmond v . Syndal Tally Ho

_ ~,,,a_--. - - _

~ _-Coach :

€ t cH


R Coach :

foati~ Jt.,cG

Res Cason : Phil Knight

_ ~s ~

------- • r

G, - Cc : r

.r Mar.; Petru,


a Coach : Andrew 1 M. Smit h

1 L. Murphy 2 A. Hankin 3 B. Frankin 4 A. Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D. Brennan

1 S . Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady 4 N. Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 J . Leroy

2 3 4 5 6

8 S. Currie 9 T. H r 10 R, Hon 11 I 12

8 J . Blandford 9 G. Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross

8 G . Malcolm 9 10 A. White 11 S . Lake 12 F . Macak

B , 1 ., y ii J,~._ ;, 18 ; J . ,_Am uur e ° Si ;nberry Mr mred

17 J. Hetherington 18 A. Denyer 19 R . Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 A. Lasky 22 P. Rennison

18 P. Mouldy 19 S . Lync h 20 A. Quic k 21 A. Jones 22 A. Flore s

23 A. Long

23 D. O'Brien

24 C . Goold 25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Varcoe 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 A. Perry 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 G . Block 37 A . Jenkin 38 J . Bateman 39 P. Young 40 P. Tobin 41 C. Archer 42 D . Kweitel 43 P. Rutherford 44 L. Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L. Martin 49 C . Watson 50 S . Wilkinson 51 C . Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 B. Wright 54 J. Harrak 55 J. Bingham

24 T . Guthrie 25 A. Piani 26 S . Bailli e 27 C. Adams 28 A . Waters 29 30 D . Gree n 32 M . Harris 33 P. Bermand o 34 J . Brook 35 J. Howel l 36 L . Newbery, 38 M . Defreitas 40 41 T. Slaite r 42 C . White/S Hoare 43 45 K. Day 46 D . Hoga n 48 P. Gulka 50 S. Castieau 52 C . Andonopoulos 53 K. Pardy 54 S . Rawiings%C Cartwrigh t 55 M. Dave y

7 J. McAdam

51 K . Mikkelsen P. Roberts S. Kirkham T. Stanley

B. Hilton T Byrne M. Bullard A. Appleman M. Creak M. Hunt

7 D. Walter

7 P. Byrnes

13 J. Stratford

13 J . Dutto n

14 D . Bolle 15 A. Clarke

14 C. Shanno n 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt

16 S. Edwards

Cur tin

A . Foster S. Gordon 26 C . Mahony 27 M. Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 M . Nicol 31 G . Devonshire 32 R Mikkelsen 33 M . Cunningham 34 M . Hosking 35 P. McNally 36 M . Purcell 37 D. Nolan 38 A. Burnie 39 P. Allen 40 V. O'Conner 41 D. Byrne 42 J . Lilikakis 43 P. Clark 44 C. Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 S . Ritchie 47 Dale Brennan 48 M . Frankin 49 M . Parraga 50 R . Daniels



T. Quic k T . O 'Sullivan R . Trotter S. Shannon G . Bunsha w

56 B. Tyo

57 A. Corbett 58 M. Buick 59 A. Bell 60 G . Campbell

17 P. Carew



56 A. Tilley 57 E. Hil l 58 J . Cavanag h 59 N . Somers 60 M . Taple y 62 64

65 A. Newton 67 J . Lane

69 T. Melville 70 76 D. Phelan 78 V. Kell y 79 M . Coombe r 84 M . Funsto n 85 G . Jacobs

88 S . Griffiths


I .ev rannett t : Spr _ s 2easle y s Cc~ht Tony Pair


)an rna .= I Dnal d II 1cFarlan e


1 R . Hassain 2 M . Ladson 3 S. Hilto n 4 S. Holmes 5 C. Horbury 6 L. O'Donnell 7 R. Back 8 M . Hartnett 9 A.Jones 10 L. Mills 11 L. Merrigan 12 P. Walker 13 M. Jones 14 P. Shar p 15 A . Borgohna 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 T. Hyland 21 S . Koppens 22 A. Dragwidge 23 B . Hilton 24 F. Mandrakis 25 D. Waters 26 A . Mile 27 R . Dowsett 28 D . Coulon 29 L.Johnson 30 D . Ritter 31 D . Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 L. Adams 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 39 M . Schonewille 40 J . Brow n 41 S . Ferguson 42 T. Ducancubino 43 M. Van Houton 44 F. tvionteir o 45 J . Thomas 46 F. Auffray 47 A. Kizilis 48 K . Fraser 49 G . D'Amelio 50 M . Roberts 51 C . Santoni 52 A . Hall 53 J. P i 54 M . Griffiths 55 B. Pickering 56 P. Harris 57 G . Besley 58 H . Wathan 59 J . Pickering 60 K. Hilto n 61 D. Houlton 62 G . Phelps 63 D. Beauchamp 64 N . Moore 65 E . Dizon

1 J . Hannemann 2 I . Bingham 1 A. Albert (1JC) 2 J . -1 .ieedy (DVC) 3 J . Piotrowski 4 A. Fidler 5 J . Demarte 6 B . Prior 7 J . Pvlurchie (C) 8 M . Higgins 9 L. Morrison 10 M . Anastassi 11 D . Milano 12 B . Nicoll 13 M . Luckey 14 R . Goode 15 C . Thomas 16 S. Reynoldson 17 D . Parncutt 18 A. Fiumani 19 B. O'Mara 20 S . Woodward 21 B . Davison 23 M . George 24 C, Connor 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Listo n 27 D . Murphy 28 H . Dickso n 29 R . Cavicchiolo 30 S. Fragiacomo 31 C . Kelly 32 C . Culph 33 N . Smith 34 C . Higgins 35 P. O'Connor 36 J . Carter 37 A . Reed 38 J . Carroll 39 H . Allen 40 J . Henry 41 T. Drahtidis 42 M . Hudson 43 J . Roberts (RVC) 44 S. Stien g 45 D . Islip 46 J. Sandhu 47 J. Sevdalis 48 D. Littl e 49 T. Coleman 50 M . McCalman 51 P. James (RC) 52 S . O'Donnell 53 L. Waters 54 S . Dobson 55 S . Gallina 56 I . Fre e 57 P. Jones 58 A. Roberts 59 A. Kliska 60 S. Rul e

5 Burwoo, load, Hawthorn

F) IR FCll1TRA1 1 FR ~nnn


M . Joy

4 P. Henderson 5 D. Hannett B. Dix 6 V. Wong 7 A. Burns 8 R. Bennett 9 T. Fleming 10 T. Psinas A . Hallyburton 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Moresi 13 C . Martin 14 & O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 D . Battaglia 17 S. Mille r 18 S. Macfarlane 19 M. Glenister 20 C . Hall 1 . Mackenzie 21 L. Fulle r 22 M . Buckley 23 R. Hollan d 24 M . Macfarlane 25 C. Clark 26 A . Morrison 27 M . Harper 28 P. Fyfield 29 J. Alle n 30 A . Frederick 31 A. Richardson 32 L . Hannemann 33 B. Holland 34 N . Hunter 35 C . Cachia 37 T. Bartholomew 38 M . Christiansen 39 D. Hallisey 40 E . Lew 41 M . Moresi 42 J . D'Angelo 43 A . Brow n 45 D . Richardson 46 M. Pane 47 J. Collins 48 D, Reynolds 49 D . Schuiling 50 A. Sneddon 54 P. Sheer

1 J . King 2 P. Hamilton 3 G . Heppell 4 C. Lehmann 5 A. Cannane 6(a) C . Lewis 6(b) S. Pietsch 7(a) F. Vital e 7 b) S . Benjamin 8 J. Heywood 9 A . Morphett 10 S Byrn e 11 H . Bailey 12 B . Clarke 13 S. Brockley 14 N . Lampel 15 M. Russell 16 D . Ken t 17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Shelton 20(a) B . Young 20(b) D . Edwards 21 S . McNamara 22 A . Steward 23 D. Henderson 24 J . Jenkin 25 J . Siebrand 26 R . Benjamin 27 D . Disisto 28 J. War d 29 D . Campbell 30 M. Lewis 31 S. Edwards 32 M . Carmichael 33 T. Thompson 34 I . T•,v}tord 35 D Jelbart 36 S . Campbell 37 T. Dempsey 38 S . Darling 39 R . West 40 B . Baker 41 R . Miller 42 C . Norman 43 J. Tobi n 44 A. Hamilton 45 J. Smit h

46 A. Band , 47 A. Thompson 48 M . Moore 49 L. Stewart 50 A. Bagnall 51 L. Sherry 52 B . Flanagan 53 T. Gross 54 B . Ratcliffe 55 G. Marazita 56 C . Riley 57 J. Draper 58 A. Rafter 59 L . Baker 60 C . French 61 K. Hilton 62 S . Dishon 63 J . Gartlan 64 W. Dunlop 65 S . Liuzzi 66 M . Malone 67 M Brookshaw 68 C . Stevens 72 L. Ryan 76 A . Shirley 77 D . Shirley






C= ;hr I n, ern Res (;each : Haul Shoppee, P. Smith S . Robinson R. Baker G. Parmansche S . Allan

J. Storey S. Venables C.Jackson P. Chambe r M . Phil ; F1

~ . K_ __ath J. Surace

L4 T. Green 25 K. Daley J. Norma n 27 W. Roe 28 R. Buckley 29 J . Hartnett 30 M. Dowdle 31 S. McGuire 32 D .'Odorico 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 A . D'Mingo 36 .9 . Pearson 37 L . Hogan 38 J . Rowe 39 J . Robilotta 40 M . Lapsley 41 A . Mandylaris 42 M. Hyams 43 J . Tsoukas 44 N. Strang 45 S . Chisholm 46 S . Mellis 47 L . Tricarico 48 M. Willis 49 N . Langdon 50 D. Mickey 51 J . Costello 52 R . Allan 53 M . Williams 54 M. Tomazic 55 D. Allan 56 D. Smyth 57 J . Sutton 58 S. Toth 59 B. Adamson 60 A. Dowdle 61 M . Cooper 62 N. Pastras 63 G. Irvine 64 C . Lamont 77 J. Hoy

BOX HILL NORTH Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Ian Atkinson 1 Blackman J 2 Smith S 3 Odza A 4 Potter i 5 Pietersen A 5a Hutchinson r 5b Jenkins A

6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 8 Lacey M 8a Chamberlain R 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Kennedy D 14 Gmaz R 15 Jimoulis T 16 Weston G 17 Cavallo G 18 Wilson G 19 Keillor L 20 OIdBeId K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Ferris C 25 Michelle A 27 Thoi T 28 Brunning S 29 Rodgers M 30 Bolitho J 31 Ives C 32 Mort imer P 34 McCart in M 37 Woolridge D 38 Buckland G 38a Bennett G 40 Tsaclidis J 41 Jackson C 42 Tarulli A 44 Garrett J 46 Cinar K 48 Marulli D 49 Ellis T 50 Tarulli M 53 Oldfield I 57 Woods P 69 Aguilar G 78 Steele P 80 Evans S

111 Armstrong P

HULLEI: j Coach : Angelo Lamann a

Assist Coach : Scott Dc ison Res Coach : Matt I uroon 4 I. McLeod 4 N. Cartledge 5 M . Starrett 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B. Hoar e 11 C. Borelli 12 D. Thompson 14 G. Pemberton 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 17 S. Reddish ,19 S. Trapman 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M . Turne r 25 W. Olney 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N . Polkas 41 . R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 47 S . Irvine 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 51 R . Rodrigues 55 S . Wigney 61 D. Rennie T. Arnold P. Aslangul D . Beraldo H. Biram M . Bourbon D. Bourbon R. Cumino J . Clar k

T. Dennaoui G . Fortune J . Hambridge T. Hurley

A . Lamanna R . Lamanna Lamers G . Mandekic M . Mastromanno P. Mastromanno S . Mastromanno Near C . Watson J. Todd B. Pollock B . Neil T. Bourbon D . McMullin J. Pickett McCarthy Sullivan

ELTHAM O .U . Coach : Brian Doody Res Coach: John Glare Sanders ' C 2 T. . Duggan 3 E. Savag e 4 B. Doody C/C 5 D. Brick 6 T Carter 7 B . Rashid 8 L . Sharpe 9 C . Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 A. Tibballs 13 R. Bell 14 J . Kerkham 15 L. White 16 D . Barnett 17 L. Dal y 18 S . Macdonald 19 S . Robin s 20 J . Panetta 21 M . Hart 22 J. McKenzie 23 R . Watson 24 K. Drummond 25 C. Horsburg h 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdal e 28 T. Barnett 29 D . Howgate 30 M. Decker 31 B. Keleher 32 C. Baud 33 A . Howgate 34 D . Buller 35 G. Smit h 36 L . Donaldson 37 J . Trumble 38 R. Beecroft 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Bau d 41 A . Mann 42 J. Howgate 43 J . Mann 44 T. Johns 45 R. Davies 46 48 B. Turney 49 B. Hespe 50 51 S . Maxfield 52 G. Stackpoole 53 54 P. Harding 55 G . Jenkins 56 J . Shannon 57 S . Gathercole 58 59 B. Evans 61 62 63 M . Luttick 64 S . Schafer

78 G . Foster 79 J . Bourn e




TuGnanATCiin .- .,. .r .. . . . ... .- .


NORTH RR :' Coach: Ange Samn lino Res Coach : Gary Cutler

Res Coach :

1 S. Wernham 2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D. Pizzari 7 D. Magnuson 8 D . Fento n 9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S . Care 13 P. Merin 14 M . Newton 15 H . Tsialtas 16 17 A. Kyriazis 18 P. Sorleto 19 S. Famulari 20 R. Divita 21 M . Sorletto 22 J . Freeman 23 J. BriYa 24 M. Alliani 25 S. Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 29 30 S. Healey 31 J. Heck 32 D . Newton 33 J . Rotelia 34 M . Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 37 38 A. Crosina 39 C . Rhook 40 B. McCallum 41 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Pag e 44 S. Grist 45 46 J . Polemicos 47 48 N . Oates 49 50 51 52 P. Brin e 53 S . Milroy 54 55 56 L. Patullo 57 60 W. Duson 61 S. Nabbs 62

65 L. Rigazzi

:inanziai services

.'H F nrn e - ci i o cnn-r- ,,- ., ,., .,.,.

Coach : Res Coach :

Coach : Tony West I Res Coach : Share McLauchlan 2 Fox D 3 Page S 4 Croxford D 5 Boddington P 6 Gallus S 7 Whitehead B 8 Bradbury H 9 Clarke M 10 O'Callaghan A 11 Moule B 12 Cardillo K 13 Sinnett B 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N 16 Clarke P 17 Hatty R 18 Pettman M 19 Mezzatesta M 20 Flinn P 22 Walsh D 23 West M 25 Nike D 26 Zarb D 27 McMahon N 28 McDonald D 29 Baines, M 32 Sinnet P 33 Glassey G 35 Carlo C 36 Henry P 37 38 Pettman B 39 Stevens D 40 Drago C 41 Bowman P 42 Swann B 43 Phillips R 44 Icely A 45 Hum D 46 Eden T 47 Soutaris A 48 49 O'Riley Ch 50 Walsh D 51 MacPherson B 52 Moskaljuk S 53 Bugeja N

54 Gibbs R 55 Ramsay J 56 Hatty G

57 Moskaljuk P 60 Price G 62 McMahon A 63 64 66 70 Temming L 74 77 O'Callaghan 78

grid square i n Energy T-shirt, a ukc [: I The winners' names appear in each subsec M End of Year . ^.'! E'' one person dra winner will race $750 electricity < c ;r;;g ;1 . ; winner to rece' ; ~00 prize - $1Q J HOY-' " : . . . : One entry per person. appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PQ Box 359 Elsternrrick or plcopy and fax to 95312 ~ ; Enfry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . AR

Cooke Lavqer s , Communications n F '.erson ier `le m

a s T11 Kitchen Plac e re Ted Lynch Agencie s , 1 Pattison Australia Wine Direc t -i i~d Water Williams & C o C nts. T- T` - Frar-- S'

:iEUR FOOTB :_LcR :- 0Q2

as v . Glen Eira benvell nateurs

)e E naus University Black s

e_ n . La Trc e Jniversity Old Carey

Unrersi L,lacks v. - : Old C---ben : -,It v . N__ ___ Ol d St Leos Emmaus v . Old Parac!a TJNDE R-1 9 (2) BLUE AJAX v . Bentleigh Mentone Panthers v . Oakleigh De La Salle (2) v. Monash Blues St . '-des Mentone Tigers v. South Mell )urne Districts L 1 9 ( 2 ) I3

V✓illi< nstown V . Bulleen Teznplestc La Trobe University v . St P°-° +° MHSOB v . Old Westbourn ~- . Old Xaverians (2) v. Aquinas CLUB =II ( 1 ) De La Salle v, Prahran St Kevins v. Mazeno d Old Scotch v. Old Essendon Old Xaverians v, Old Melburnians

is v. ) I bou : ie = icts v . Power House

rne U<.ivUisi,,~ v . Syndal Tally Ho i wick v. Richniond Central

CL Old Xaverians (2) v . Thern lola

at 10 a .m. ae: aAcH ' ` Old Trinity v . Fitzroy F .eds Old Ivanhoe v . Marcellin University Blacks v. Brun: c k CLUB XVIII (SOUTH) Collegians v . Old Brighton Hampton Rovers v. Old Geelor Hawthorn v. Monash Blues St Leos Emmaus v . Whitefriars




0 19 football! Goaci' d_ . ._ : the road to d is looking forward to the

-=- 1 I uU L oau -,vith SKC?BS Th

Pr 째 ce ,~ iatch forzn has been good with even . `hit-e or - 'against -VS and De La . On a serious note , on behalf of the VAFA Under 19 teams I would like to offer our condolences to the families an d friends of the boys involved in that horrifi accident, St. Kevin's is a fantastic club! With it' c G~ pngd3 and support the club will move o s n 011911 this, and on Saturday the boys will b playing for a couple of mates and especially forr one who is recovering in hospital

"cellin an d heaps of

-e muscle and greater i stronger and mor e . That is at ut all I y bond' . Old : hlz'T1 :

erves to the l bloo d __all . No doubt h e up for round 1, so l c Vi O .M .'s, they hav e each and word has i t

. Our pravers are With You . And finally, Uni Blues under new coach Tim Giles has seen some sensational numbers down there at training since Uni got back . The rumor i "~le has it that Uizi is back in town and wili be a real force in Section I footy . only time will inii Setections this week - Uni Blues, St . Bernards, Old 10 9 .

Brighton, Old Xavs and St . y,e ills ,

. ~ ~ - e c'1 il

w qPSrnen,t for

.died lc>el1, culminatin,, in a

L-C u l Lneir last practice match . 3t off to a slow start (the whol e last couple of weeks ha s of players . Coach Donovan is again with a probable line up ohs and Wilkinson across ill- 'vhY not? The whisper is they re :I class against Old Ivanhoe last ; coach Pete Gallinan, has his bov . just like an Aston Martin, He hass

Ch' Iges zn teams for this section are as follows, t - lost St . Leos Enuuaus jVP, Yarra VaIIQr, and Whitefriars to Section 3 and Caulfield Grammarians to Section 1 . Have gathered Beaumaris, Mazenod and Collegians from section 1, but on the eve of the season th e Lions withdrew due to a lack of numbers . So its 9 left and here we go with Rd 1 . Two sides who had up and down years face off THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 2

Old Trinity were finalists and with a little :ould have gone a few steps further in 2001 , r Dean Peters they will be looking to g o p le better. The Mends just missed the final s playing a majority of the top teams in th e section. At home the OT's should get th e local derby with Old Haileybury hosting ton Rovers at McKinnon . Andrew Lynch w-M

p_ to get a few more numbers on boar d :)rrpared to 2001, and the Rovers unde r %,* be keen to show their 2001 for m a true indication of this proud distric t s nyone's but the Rovers by 2 twins . Section 1 in 2001 the boys from Beaumari s ve,-y keen to bounce back with a strong in this section . Hurt badly last year b y call-ups Mick Deaton's boys will be ones to I feel this season . They should account fo r side battling to get a full contingent on a_ r last year's successful taste o f .12 footy . At home the Sharks , endon v Old Ivanhoe at PEGS and ther e no love lost in this one . Marshall Fisher ate renewed vigour with the senior team 5 off in B section - the chance to promot e is a key. Steve King (ex Uni . Blues) takes th e OIG and while they were a talented last year - who knows this year. Their list s but then so do most 619 lists at this ne . In a toss of the coin OEG for min e s. news for th e

sec on created to assist in the evening ou t )r.-petition takes effect today . We'll only ell we've rated teams at the conclusio n '3son, but every indicator suggests more ontests across the board than experience d t 2001 .

I --imaus WP make the journey to Therr y Ia . While the home side will definitelv hold h'antage the visitors have a happy knack o f ! :ally struggling for numbers - while at the irne being quite competitive . Paul Gregor 1 keen to get off to a good start following a impressive 2001, while Therry Penol a coach Phil Ryan will be keen t o T.e ' ieir excellent finish to the 2001 seaso n 1, rs-up after ending up fourth . Therry to ieir account with a strong win .

rev return with a vengeance . No learn in - Section 3 the next . With Steve Maus LY the whip you can be assured of a ed, team oriented unit to boot . Old rivalry ,el4vith Yarra Valley OB may influence

the clubs' thoughts, I_sz punting on the OC's to get the points . Across the top for Whitefriars who travel to Sunbury to take on Rupertswood . Rupo have improved with each year in the competition and their added stability and numbers will give them an edge over the Friars at home .

An old battle looms for North Old Boys as they host neighbours Uni . Blacks . A changing of the guard at Blacks and NOBS - coaching vvise gives both teams a huge lift. Brendan Smales (N) is a planned thinker, Glenn Jewett (U) a reserved coach with plenty to offer . Toss of the coin and although this may appear strange - it will be a battle of the students th the one's housed at the Parkville campus hr 'ing home the bacon . Old Paradians ho : _ 1 _ry successful (of late) Old Camberwell . OP's have reeri d well and all the talk is of their new founa hu: r at the club, the Wellers don't give mu ', but if the seniors are any indication the cli going in the right direction quicklv . A great iarch on paper with the Wellers thc t~_- based on nothin gthan 9 001 form . En : breitCv 1-fh any

There has be , a number of changes sinc witnessed that epic 2001 Gr and Fi a l Ajax & Mentone Amateurs, where the Jac 'ot up by 1 point! Four teams are missi g f

year's line up, we have one Ie : competition, we have two new team s Blue Under 19 competition and one cc team from last year between ivSentone __ __ . and the reconvened Old Mentonia_Y s bo incidentally v, ill be coached by both Dean d and Sven Saanild. The first game up for discussion is betw : new teams into Section Blue with B -e hosting St . Bedes 1,4entone Tigers d ) i Bentleigh Recreational Reserve, Arthur f F Kerry Murphy coaching Bentleigh and + inZ Alford looking after St . Bedes Mentone Tigers , want to get the season off to a good start . T I has not been a lot of ne ws going aro u concerning either club, but I was down at . . . Ross Gregory to watch some of the Li ;l , :' : : Premiership Under 19 VAFA Competition . I c . :is able to witness a couple of St. Bedes games ~:.._id they did impress me with the way they moved the ball into their forward line . Given the big open spaces that can be created down at the Bentleigh Oval, I believe St . Bedes might just get up in a hard fought contest . Oakieigh are at home to Premiership holder, Ajax . at Scammell Reserve, One of the great things about Under 19 football is that each year there is a terrific inilux of new

Old Westbou r

cz snot Wi . be


and his Ajax

as a very . here at _h battle, but I just -it - e Jackers will get ser_ja called the Mentone o : j . 2 Oval at Monash the Blues . Coach Grace -,AU a very difficult game for his new Mentone Panthers outfit mced coaches and if they play -~y should push the Blues al l the Blues will have too much . new coach Trevor Masterton L South Melbourne, with the La Salle (2) under new coach a has had some fantastic aining and rumor has it they are ave a'bumper' season this year. eat first up test for Be La, because tin is chock full of confidence, ze and ability . The Swans should e end of the year and is one .

[3ulleen-Templestoive s numbers have no t '11 have a strong resolve coach Harry Harisiou. sct . - ie points - but not by a s 'd think . ost Williamstown CYMS . The d creditably in the U19 Lip last Sunday and while th e mpetition overall today is the season proper . Bernies by 7

Premiership tc :- . : players to 1 1 hampered il Thev face La sheer ability

In the final ma h High will be ke c club' standing in ttze cwill be no pushovers, coach and is sure to i n desire to earn respect e Bloods will hold the act > li be o

Ther- F io : Old Carey v . Rupertswood v . North Old ?~ s Old Par

Bulleen - inplestc St Bernards (2) v . Old Westbourne v. La Tro < ;l-ISOB v .

, in Australian Rules football, hockey, sue t Leaders in custom printed tops and short s Call us for your special needs : (( . , or fax : ((5j ) :

3 N. 2 3 J. 3 T 4 5 n. 6

7 P.9 7 째 8 T. 9 10 10 .L 11 J .12C .

12 1 J .1 J. 1 C. 1!> J . 16 17 D . ~S 19 S . E vn 21 S . 21 B. inane 2; D . 2< J. 24 30 31 32 49 55

D. b ,r ll M . Kre S . Hp,., A . Bonnici D. Coggin^ S . Gilaleft

26 C 27 J. 28 J. l 29 S 30 J. C 40 43 45 C.

35 35 37

D . ties'r,en

38 39 40 D . 41 42


46 47 M . Ht per




-~~c ~,~a .. ~ ~, i~ _F, .

~ ~ ~ _~ .,~ .,,a

.r eve Mau s 1 M . Little 2 L. Weaver 3 N . Payne

5 P. Tempon e 7 B. Ryan 8 J. Vince 9 A. Crame r 10 M. Cottrell 11 D. Pike (C ) 13 M . Austi n 15 A. Whelan (VC) 17 D. Clyne (DVC) 20 J . Agotanovic

21 C. Rogers 23 H . Hoga n 27 B . Hillie r 30 A. Macallu m 33 N . Warne r 34 D . Schmidt 35 M. Shank s 38 J . Petti t 39 A. Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas (DVC )

51 S . Gegory

52 T. Nisbett 53 H . Bradshaw 54 J . Brow n 55 L. Siberu s

1 N . Pump 2 J. Sinclair 3 D . Pocock 4 A. Simson 5 B . Andrews 6 N. Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 T. Rossignuolo 9 A . Holme s 10 D . Bowley 11 J . Booth 12 S . Bennett 13 C . Buchanan 14 T. Connell 15 R . Davey 16 T. Angus 17 N. England 18 C. O'Reilly 19 N. Katsanevakis 20 A. Leonard 21 L. MacFarlane 22 D. McDermott 23 J . Nankervi s 24 A . Stewart-Holmes 25 G. Trumbul l 26 T. Whitelaw 27 L. Chiuchiarelti 32 B. Chiuchiarelli

Coach : veter Hansen Anthony Quinn 1 D . Cable 2 D . Dean 3 C. Duncan 4 F. Fistric 5 A. Harvey 6 M . Keelin g 7 G. Loftus 8 M . Lyon s 9 A . Smith 10 N, Stephen s 11 J. Zivkovic 12 W. Connelly 13 L . Dor e 14 M . Dri 15 S . Egan 16 D. Fantone 17 S . Fairbair n 18 S . Graham 19 B . Hewett 20 D . Kalviski s 21 S . Maher 22 S. O'Meara 23 P. Senzo 24 A. Tabra h 25 M. Yea 26 N. Allan 27 R. Bux 28 D. Garga n 29 J . Roberts 30 D. Stricklan d 31 S . Strickland 32 R . Villan o 57 N . Bryce

D I Phillips


Ash D

2 3 Albanis J

4 Spinner L 5 Ash N 6 Howard R 7 Plummer J 8 Elliot K 10 Wilson T 12 Temming M 13 Barry P 14 Sullivan N 15 McGovern N 16 Monzatl R 17 Potter C 18 19 Johnson R 20 Nolan M 21 Assourd M 22 Dale S 23 Balmer V

24 Barry P

25 Anderson J 27 Kosta M 28 Boxall T 29 30 Jaeger R 58 Lane M 64 Constantine B 67 Freeman R 71 Broughton T 72 Watson C 73 Arthurson M 69 Heath J 57 Glenn S 58 Becker L

59 Con

:ntine 8

67 Carlo A tioach:

C 3cn:

At1TC11o cnnr - ~ ~n nnn n

Coach : Glenn uoe;-„ ;st Cc h : Lachlan Beato n 1 C . McClure 2 H . Elli s 3 T. Nisbet 4 M . Stern 5 L. Kaye 6 A . Martin 7 J . Chia 8 A . Groot 9 C . Holt 10 S . Gibson 11 Ed . Duncan 12 K. Bezak 13 A. Herrmann 14 R. Wenzel 15 D. Higgins 16 A. 'oss 17 M . Burt 18 A . Morton 19 R . Spiers 20 L. Herbert 21 A. Fitzpatrick 22 E. Buckingham 23 R . Scarlett 24 A. McIntyre 25 J . Black 26 J . Mapleson 27 S . Taylor 28 J . Milsom 29 C. Barter 30 B . Owe n 31 O. Sear 32 L . Nicolas 33 E. Thompson 34 R . Mansfiel d

each : Andy Dalrymple 1 S . Brosolo 3 C. Ventura 5 P. Micalleri 6 7 8 9 10 A. Hil l 11 A. Cursio 12 13 14 15 17 21 M . Calavetta 22 24 P. Weston 27 R . Hill 28 29 30 33 B. Sheets 34 37 38 A. Corry

Interstt . iidnspor t SBtVICB S

9396 9000

tot r rete r 1 C . Taske r 2 A. Pargete r 3 C. Goug h 4 T. Morden 5 B . Crowe 6 N . Peters 8 M . Rokicki 9 N . Battle 10 S. Middleto n 11 B. Clarke 12 C . Britt 13 J. Ebsworth y 14 P. Ross 15 S . Gillin

17 J . Hum e 18 P. Jarvis 20 D. Wright 25 B . Seeger

'J er-1 AJAX Coach: Mark Zuker 1 R. Silberman 2 J . Israelsohn 3 R. Rotenberg 4 D. Harris 5 J . Berger 6 E. Janover 7 P. Bryner 8 D. Van Akan 9 D. Miller 9 L. Fetter t0 G. Blieden 11 D. Guberek

12 A. Silver

13 D. Rozenbes 14 D. Hersha n 15 J. Gottlieb 16 L . Fetter 16 J. Hain 17 J. Kagan 18 N. Battles 19 20 21 D. Arous i 22 G . Gelbart 23 B. Nissen


25 B. Goldbloo m 26 A. Cooper 27 J. Lewis 28 J. Gvoni 29 E. Rath 30 31 32 L . Peters

g3 34

35 J . Dvash 36 A. Sacks 37 J . Hoppe 38 J . Lewski 39 A. Wollne r 40 E. Wollner 41 42 J . Pask 50


7 ; _ _ 'JE DE LA SALLE


1 L. Holmesby 2 N . Aitke n 3 N . Dimachki 5 J . Robertson 6 L. Forrest 7 S . Holmesby

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 B . Holden

8 B. Pinwell

9 B . Hyrons 10 B . Reid 11 J . Monk 12 T. Wright 13 D. Ferdinands 14 M . Margiannis 15 J . McKenzie 16 K. Pereira 17 H. McKenzi e 18 I. Jordan 19 L. Curtis 20 M . Sydney 21 V. Maraventano 22 B. McLellan 23 M . Wilson 24 T. Krotofil 25 A. Lee 26 J . Sayers 27 D . Marsh

9 B. Nathan 10 C . Nailon 11 S . Alder 12 R . Burrows 12 B . Scanlon 13 P. Arbon 14 A . Dimble 15 J . Hughes 16 M . Roberts 17 J . Bowden 17 B . Keinhaus 18 R . Quirk 19 S . Allan 20 J . Shone , 21 M . Beynon 22 M . Conway 23 H . La Ragy 23 B . Reid 24 C. Mitchell

4 G. McFarlane

Coaches : Dean Andrew & Sven Samil d 1 M . R9eye r 2 S . SullNan 3 D. O'Connor 4 G. Allan 5 G. Shattock 6 N . Fisher 7 D. Clarke 8 K. Little 9 M . Watts 10 A . Erskine 11 M . May

B. Hawkins L. Browne D . Hyde S. Meehan M. Miller D . Wood D . Taylor

28 S. Radoni

25 J . Murphy

29 D . Couniham 30 G . Vitagliano 31 L . Ho an g ( -~

26 J . Clifton 27 S . Byers 28 N. Aitken 29 G . Walton 42 E . Sims-Lucas 57 D. Jade

~~il1Jf'1 t'iCt'filt~


Coach : Rob Smith

Coach: Kerry Murphy

59 S .

---- -- _---

~ -

12 T. Milvalsky

13 M. Hayes 14 C. Sch oetfe l 15 D. Fava 16 D. Russo 17 J . Date 18 A. Itiantos


19 S . Hamilton

20 P. Kring s 21 D. Kelly 22 J . Pool e 23 R. Groom 24 M . Duegan 25 B . Lan 26 A. Roc k 27 B. Hall 28 T. Kendall 29 R. Ironmonger 30 D. Hizhmikov 31 M . Byrne 32 K. 33 P. Hardman

-m _

~ .~


34 T Costello 35 T. Smith 36 G . Moran 37 B. Kaplan 38 R . Bitne r 39 M. Basile

' '--- - -- . , , '-- - -

MENTONE RS.L. 9 Palermo Si, Menton e Function Room


' Restaurant * Pokies

55 '


Coach: Dennis Grace



Coach: Chris Moore


T'~ tE S Coach : Glenn Alford

9583 2841




1 J. Landsberg

1 M . McGettigan

1 W. Cooper

2 3 4 5 6

2 L. Kennedy 3 B. Rose 4 A . Murray 5 C . Kokkinos 6 J. Bunworth

2 3 4 5 6

2 E . Bouchar d 3 E . Ooi 4 M . Woo d 5 K. Palmer 6 X. Kidd

7 G . Rooney 8 M. Spence

7 M . Stevenson 8 R . Symmons

9 R . Turton 10 M . Tennant 11 P. Westbrook 12 K. Cummins 13 J. Oswald 19 G . Gilbert 23 P. Nevill 31 H. Evans 33 L. Beddingfield 34 G . Rowley 35 M . Sharkie 36 A. Hickey 42 5. Young 44 S. Grace

9 A . Visser 10 S . Earl 11 S . Cammis 12 D . Sowersby 13 S . Watson 14 W. Plaukovitis 15 P. Holden

16 J . Gael 17 S . Bando 18 A . Ciavarlla 19 D . Britt 20 N . Wills 21 J . Briggs 22 T. Orchard 23 D. Zula 24 J. Reynolds 25 J . Neverzie C. Shang A . Hanson C. Kozminsky A. Mulholland M . Cash

D . McNamara G . Cleary D . L'Huillier P. O'Reilly B. Buck

7 P. Grasby 8 J. Morgan

9 M. Kelleher 10 D . Porter 11 N . Weedon 12 W. Parker 13 J. Samya 14 L . McMurray 15 T. Laver 15 T. McColl 16 R . Lovelock 17 L . Rouillion 18 A. `hIalstab 19 A. Paterson 20 M . Ferris 21 L. Quir k 22 N . Worsno p 23 J. Lync h 24 L. Cieslak 25 C . Connoll y 26 L. Terrell 27 D . Waters 28 M . Andrew s 35 D . Moss 36 A . Walstab 41 R . Bignell 48 A . Scafid i


Coach: Trevor Masterto n

I S . Chapman C . Jones L . Fechner L . Buckton A. Costley S. Morris



8 A. Skinns 9 J . Stephen s

10 S . Rocco 11 L. Esler 12 J . MacDonald 17 P. D'Andrea

18 G . Rowe 19 K. Barden 21 D . Bel l 22 A. Niel d 24 K. Ferguso n 26 L. Bel l 30 H . McFadden

(1 )


~ ~

GlwCa&4.eesl~~ IFCO 58 r THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

T) ' .'cEvoy ian F 7 A . Jenkinson g 3 M. Guthridge 10 L . Mackowski

12 A. Corri gan 13 V. Hall 14 A. Hayes 15 S. Varone 17 J. See

Coach : Jerome Jackman Coach: Harry Harisiou 1 M . Benic 2 D . Buccachio 3 R . Burns 4 R . Carrucan 5 G . Taylor 6 P. Ganiatsas 7 M. Daskalou

8 R . Conte

1 9 D. Sinclair 20 S. Collins 21 P. Stone 22 G . Cochrane 23 M . Patterson 24 D. Dew 25 C. Tavalli >7 28 J . Holly,

29 B . Miller 30 J . Tappley

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

D . Learmont-Walker M . Brain D. Henzi P. McGrat h B. Geveaux D. Fox T. Wogan-Browne

;- ..

8 O . Henzi

9 F. Paola 10 J . Hassan

11 M . Hennessey


® Coach : TBA

12 B. Jorgensen 13 G . Keranidopoulos 14 A. Nichol 15 G . Macrides 16 A . March 17 P._ Margin 18 R. Lee 19 A . Mihalos 20 J . Newman 21 L. Mason 22 P. Hardinge

23 N . Papaziakas 24 J. Paraskeva 25 M . Perri 26 J. Ryan 27 N . Scaglione 28 W. Collis

9 R. Terne s 10 S . Foley

11 C. Eva 12 D. Hollenberg 13 M . Bowen 14 R . Rea d 15 T. Fracze k 16 A . Orchard 17 B. Ramsay 18 J . Raleig h 19 T. Couslan d 20 G . Saultry 21 S. Sierakowski 22 T. Middleto n

~ =-'

23 J. Sprague 24 C. Villan i



c ~

25 D. Sluck i 26 R. Whitehous e 27 G . Blau 28 D. Nguyen 29 C. Foley 30 A. Edward s 32 S . Whittington 35 S . Moore


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Coach : C


S T. '. .' .

Coach: James Fay

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Cc h: David law Coach : Hahnevr Imms 1 J. E g a n 2 D. Hurley 3 J. Anderson 4 C. Mitchell

'•a -

5 J . Hu phes 6 A. O`Dea 7 J . Madde n 8 S . Matthews 9 G. Joseph 10 B . Garth

- -

- J

. -: -..

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71 A . Marian

12 B . Runnals 13 14

- ..-


15 16 17 G. Campbel l 18 M. Maggiore 19 20 21 22 A. Mitchell 23 D.lanazzo

-- -

24 25 C. Govan

2 7 D. Evans 28 P.Oxenford 29 30 31






32 J . Ha rvey 33 34 35 B Ryan 36 37 38

( .


. _ ._ .

, .



40 41

42 43 44

45 B.Johnson

--"- ---- -






Sr.-,-~emk째r 75th . 20L1 . *Adam Ryder, Marcellin (reserves) . Kicking, 6 matches. *Justi n Russo, Werribee (U19) . Abusive language, 2 matches . *Accepted prescribed Penalty.

April 8th . 200 2 *Luke Holt Hampton Rovers . Abusive Language, 2 matches .

*Accepted prescribed Penalty .

This week Sat Apr 13 Old Paradians V Old Brighton (B) ' Sun Apr 14 No Game Rostered

Next week Sat Apr 20 Therry Penola V Ormond Sun Apr 21 Monash Blues V AJAX Rnd 3 Sat Apr 27 Old Ivanhoe V St . Kevins Sun Apr 28 FIDA Matches Rod 4 Sat May 4 St Nevins V University Blues


LOOKING BACK . . Old Xaverians celebrated their promotion to 'C' section with a 73 point win over Hampton Rovers . Commonwealth Bank player Tony Borrack completed an unusual feat by having now played in every section of Amateur football as well as representing Victoria in Amateur football . (Can readers give me names and details of others with comparable records?). 30 YEARS AGO - 197 2

Mrs Norma Fullerton was honored with life membership of the Association . Ormond who reversed their second semi-final defeat by University Blues to triumph by 4 goals in the Grand Final unfurled the 'A' section flag, their first since 1950 .

'A' section Umpires were Hagarty, D . R. Dodds, Kollmorgan, Rowe and Marshall. Executive of the Umpires' Association were Graham Simpson, Norman Sharpe, Ken Jorgensen, Lindsay Thomas and Phillip Rowell, with Brian Nicholls in charge of social activities . Beverley Hills made their entry into the Association in Junior Section 2 . 35 YEARS AG O - 196 7 The Association moved to Elsternwick Park as its permanent home .

It was the Associations third 'central' ground . The first was Olympic Park, 1957 to 1961, and St Kilda Cricket Ground, 1965, the second . President of the Umpires' Association was Kevi n 62

Sun May 5 Old Brighton V Old Essendo n

McKay, with John Posetti as secretary . Geoff Hibbins returned to the Amateur scene as coach of the Collegians . Missing from the Executive was prominent identity, Mac Toliday, former secretary of Commonwealth Bank (in 2002 a director of the Brisbane Lyons), who had been transferred to Sydney. Old Ivanhoe welcomed former Richmond full forward Bob Dummett as coach . It was a great thrill for AJAX to unfurl their first premiership flag with "Bunty" Davis, wife of President Harold Davis, unfurling the flag . Young Coburg Juniors ruckman, Rod MacFarlane, 16, made a spectacular debut, kicking 9 goals and was best afield. 50 YEARS AGO - 195 2 Hampton Rovers unfurled their first ever 'A' Section pennant. Captain was Sam Birtles . Doug Arnold who had captained the 1951 'A' section team had been appointed coach replacing premiership coach, 'Boss' James who had retired. Old Paradians reappeared in 'A' Section first time since 1933 . Former test cricket selector Sam Loxton had taken over as coach of Collegians . 'A' section captains were : Pere Adams (Alphington Evan Macgregor (Ormond), Sam Birtles (Hampto : Rovers), Jack Thomas (Commonwealth Bank), Kei ; . Lewis (Collegians), Peter Cox (Old Melburnians), Ph: : McLaughlin (Old Paradians), Harry Meredit! . (University Blacks), Geoff Sinclair (University Blue~' Jim Lillie (Old Scotch) . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2 00 ~







KEY * Promoted up a section(s) from 2001 ** New teams for 200 2

# Dropped down a section(s) from 200 1

















H ow will yo ur affect yo ur life?

4 9



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