The Amateur Footballer, Week 2, 2002

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Rlpi-1 by the VWw'6fl HeaM Pmr- on FowidatSon

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Flecor~i r

to round or 1,038 permits were to join teams in the VAFA .

ranted via the two processes that can obtain an automatic permit the definition of an Amateur as 1 'SFA Executive Committee - "An

-: who has not received at any time, eithe r , 1 rc tly, any remuneration or rewar d 2,er by way of match payments , ise in respect to his participation in played in professional competition s dlare (by the provision of a Form A) , - has been rewarded for playing . ,eived payment, whether it be illion dollars, may only be a permit should he fit one of the

1•- the Executive for the year enabling Aiateur status reinstated (hence the t").

e been knocked back for not being one of the conditions set down fo r esult they have become quite bitter at needs to be understood, I Executive, through offering ons, is offering clubs access to ot otherwise have. if it (The 11 -. •-^rs into our competition iTEUR ." rof p nt follows: " 25 years as at 1/4/2002 -A club of his choice . age or over as a t is connection to a club o f is coming to the VAFA directly fro m -1ub or the interstate competitio n u~ ; VFL competition may only be zb xv th which he had this previous

equivalent to the VFL competition may or ' .be reinstated to a club in the VAFA in B section or below .

-J A player who ha s ed at AFL . VFL level or at an inters ate level equ lent to the VFL competition and who has ra : ;ved money and who can establish that he has nrer played for gain may be reinstated to a club of his choice. Such a player must not have received any more than $2000 in any one year or more than S5000 over his total career and he must be able to justify money rec~i~ed tr°°elling to traini^I and matches at the rate D

o : 30 cen, ye - for the senior sections is abouu, awznning club in each section w°ill rec( 0 . The umpires of the day are asked to alloc< if from 0 to 5 for the ae and :- i ghip of and + _ s ,

and I ictory), 2 ), 3 and q(accep : to very good ) and 5 if, faultless) are allocz d. T Is 'I be monitored and umpires vn11 be asked to as~,z6L by cKplair'•~° why 0( I ratings were given as also why 5 ratings m re ;iven. This will allow feedback to be given to clubs. _-TC who has agreed to host this --ear um of Club Presidents which will prciao,e a submission for this year's Executiv e Seminar. Note: - this year the clubs and the VtWA are working together on co-ordinating a unified point of agreement to be considered by the Executive . To c ~ who become involved in melees ors and throwing them out o f ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .... . . . .20 ---l-. . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . ..3 2

years of age or over as a t no previous c to a clu b

ad who is coming to the '1 lirec-,; club or the comp :r ,n interstat e

TRAi I PP 'Jflt? )

It would take a bold individual to predict that an opening round could epitornise a season . The winners from the opening round and Marcellin, :,:ho are kicking themselves over their poor accuracy last week, would be giving long-range forecasters some assistance to back up claims they are the teams to watch . ivs did what they've done for the past seven years and watched the premiership flag being unfurled but this year there was a tzvist . It wasn't at Toorak Park but at Bulleen where the Eagles enjoyed the rewards of the past 18 months . It is the first A Section flag t2 . t has flovm at Marcellin and the ceremony was followed by a swift match . Xavs produced a fit Scott

ollard who played between half-forvard and halfback and kicked two goals . Mallard's career has been a journey, having played with Essendon reserves in 1993, Claremont, Collegians and Xavs' seconds last year. He had hamstring problems and went to London to try and get Tim Ockleshaiar to return . Marcellin's Bernie Dinneen has reshaped his body again over summer - the personal trainer has gone for a sleeker look and his mid-field dominance was as intense as last year. His centre-mates Dave Waters and Glenn Cox continued their form from last September to feed Andrew Treganowan . The captain had a terrific battle with Damian Stoney. Mark Browne and Mike Blood had another enthralling clash in the ruck, with the veteran doing the on-ball duties all game . The Eagles' shoo ting was the killer. They missed shots at the pavilion end in the second and final quarters. High-profile coaching debutant Michael Corilan was happy even though his Blues lost by 15 points to Old Scotch after kicking 1 .5 and 1 .6 in the last o quarters . "It was a terrific experience and Scotch were competitive and I couldn't be u . "Most definitely it waspwitherfomanc n o fault of anyone's accuracy as we played to pock, . "Next week (against the promoted Old Ivanhoe) we will play more through the mid-field," Corilan said . S t . Bernards recruiting from its juniors continues to pay off as the Bernies defeated the promoted Be La Salle by 47 points . A fit Nick Mitchell played in the mid-field and Ben Jordan's younger brother Danny debuted with three goals. When Danny lines up against Xavs today, Kevin O'Shaughnessy, Xavs CEO, will be grinding his teeth a little harder , Kevin coached Dan at Xavier in the APS including a school record of 15 goals in an APS match De La coach Paul Cooper said he was looking for consistency now that the club had to play good

teams ea c "I'm not 'th the

Coo- • =- d Stevei ~ who x . __r . The 1-110 on Tully Youn on each othe r Adam Simpso Unicorns lie s New Bernie s well balance d The highly c r talking abou t match . Mike iYlcArthi

match up his Andrew Ukovic Barker Oval . Anthony Par k continues with il4elbin•nian's c *Ea.o: . ,eek .n five s to r e

cc seas


ha ; 2 :vee UB : _r.-ISO (ivTrl') ; OT: NJA; C'-~~, :rioulder 2

,e on r BIr 20!4 . Sine becu one of die r section A .A strongl

amazing no. of po plenty of problen exceptional strong member of the prei r winner in 96 & member of the OI G lie can add a Secti o Old Scotch - congra and Tim Downin g milestones in Ro appointed captain o

Old I~• .; ;' 1viHSO B St Perna' -Old Ivanhoe St Bernards

Week . tnhaPAy effort," ggled to tag C3h - Ivaaaoe's John kicked . four goals in their 100-poini s Jason Baniert kicked five and pla : <<l during the first half . They last plain 1990 in D Section . Matt White and i should return this week when the Marcellin on the rebound . each Peter Nicholson said Xavs ar e

fter their recruiting ,

entialed coach said the players r ifting their intensity for the To d said Old Scotch would find it hard o star recruits Damien Ryan and in their match today at Treo ;

loe 4 rians 4

.As nards rnards


3 3 3

: . Old Ivanhoe . Old Scotch .

e La Salle v, Old Trinitv Xaverians v . St Bernards NII4'J`'OB V. Y +reeL- ,

❑ 's reinvention at Old Trini-. tim kicking a goaL The former OId eer looked to be over due to injury . in will get a differing prc. ueh is restricted to 600 words ,i ._ . dew and five to preview) with al l ne attention by the end of ti e round: Old Xavs : Richardr..on > ; SI3 : Ben Jordan concussion test, : none; 01 : none: OS : not available SKOBS: Grinter ankle 2 Wee`., . ctks; DLS : none ; P, t, N ,

ould lli ;(


ching 1 0~' c ,zas'aga u joining the club in 95 . Paul lias in reasons for the club's rise to r built onballer who collects al l sessions, Paul always provic i ; for the opposition 1 larking and raking long kicl a _ iership sides of 95 & 2001 . B Victorian representati,. < a Team of the century, lets h o

es °: Plaques e .g. ao s and all types o f and printing Football jumpers a Id Caps


A cup to a stellar career .

ulates Tim Wilson-Humon notching up 50 L J i,and also Tim on betuR the Reserves . 4 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20G :

Z 0fy©ift I



OLD 1`dPiOE 8 .3 14.5 18.10 C~ .18 (1 R3H ~'i3 2 .2 3.7 6.11 7.1 4 Old Iva ; ;loae: Branagan 5 Si-us 4 J Weddle 3 I.ochran 3 DonakLsr ; Harris 5 Low GeiscUen R Weddle Corcoran Price . Best, S Lorv Ster Geischen Hope Roberts R Weddle , MIiSUB : Bamert 5 Limbr!ek Fairchild . Best Harper Nov' oil Adcock Ban Walker G R4cCally. Umpires: J Kvins G Hrmlche n 1 .4 3.7 8.11 OLD SCOTCH 9.1211 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .1 4.5 5.10 6.16 (i Old Scotch: Wiptey 2 5 Collins Kitchell Robinson Hume Brooke Gerstm Watts . Best. Hume Wrgney Jennings Saunders Robutson Kitchen . Unit Blues : Nation 2 WSeLaehlan Pricker Ryan Brooke . Best R7CL'rs7n Sc Prlcliay I4atlon Hatter Gleeson . Umpires: R Sneddon S McCarthy OLD TRINITY 0 .5 2.7 5.11 8.11(5 ST KEVI2VS 3.3 5.6 7.8 13.12(9 01d Trinity: vanoerVenne 2 G Deane-Jotms Frost :i4cKvmon Par'xm Philips Board Lost : G Deane-Johns Clarke Stephens S Kenrtedy Ran>vsde D Burrows. St. Kecti-ts : O'Connor 3 M Gianslracusa 3 Lucas 3, Garvey K€npto Gissing Ryan . Best: O'Connor Garvey B Dollman P OTCete J . Pangrazio i Rv<at . Umpires: A t➢asnen A Foley ST BERNARDS 7.2 10.8 15.11 20.14 (134 6.8 8.11 12,15 {87 DE LA SALLE 4.4 St. F -3¢rds: Harrey 5 Burrows 4 D Jordan 3 Clarke 3 Lor . rtner : 0'Sutti r Turribul) N Mitchell, f3est: Harvcv 4?liktu~ : : :` .str{ squa D A11V Turnbeil Burrows. Ile: { sffey 3 Alderueeio `x Bonniei P rn Brksc D a n . Best, hiurton Harnson ;3i , _ . an. ; 1t7zir Tres: J McN,ece P James NIA .C ,LIN 3.3 6.8 8 .8 10.16 (76) OLD XRNTERIAbS A:? 5.8 11 .9 13.10 1 2rr-areeLia : Galati 2Mckttllan Johnston Rornanin B Dinneen Tregr all Waters `s'urcell Brorvne. Best: Harrsen Romanm Cox Tfieisz Jarred C n. Old Xaverians: Parton 2 Ruyg,2 Mallard 2 Orlando 2 Richardson Bmgtaan McDonald Scanlan. Best: Scanlon Stoney Brusl>field ;r1e(lard Blood Ockleshaw . Umpires: W Hinton :d Gibson RESERVES OLD IVANHOE 12 3.2 7 .3 8 .3(511 hiHSOS 1 .0 3.1 3 .2 4 .3(27) Old ivanhoe: Hawkes 4 . Shay 2, B.Lotiv, II-Clarke. Best: Shay, Davis, Gerry, George . t3atvkes, Charlie, Berry. St4FISIOH: McGrath 2, Rundle Patterson . Best: Orchard . Wngta, Feferkranz, t'dohrher, Taylor, Patterson . OLD SCOTCH 3.1 6.1 8 .4 11 .7 (73) UNIVERSE rY BLUES 1 .4 L5 4.8 6.9(45) Old Scotch: Leitl 2, Juakeer 2, iv.S}mon 2 . Beaurepaire, Li(-Shut, Mil d a r, Troon. Best- Nettleton . Routiedg . Leitl . S .Thompson N Ad t University ltiues: Coleman, Brown, Gates . Girdwood, Plois7nau, RoydUou ; . ; sc Featherston, Gates, Thomas . Roydhouse . Plotortan . itYteos 9.8 (62) OLD TRINITY 5,2 6 .5 8.7 9T F EvLNS 3.0 5 .0 5.0 9.2(561 Old Trinity : Mathews 2 .'P Cade . Cristrano, Poeeer, Arrotivsmttii. Blackrnore, Da-m, S'taughness}. Bnst: T Cade, A . Ok;eroi, SHaugimessy, Medlm. Colims. , rnaer. St rfls: Greentham 3 . t+iarcl:esanl 2. O'Connor 2, Kalec3ren, Griffiths . " G enham. Katesaren . Sullivan, :Kaml:esani. --?DS 2.5 4.7 5 .8 7-8 (50) DE LA SAI.LE 1.1 4 .4 6.5 9.6(60) St a s-ds: R. Lerud 3, Ost;or}e 3, Tani;ev. Best: J. Kraus, Taylor, N . Saudi. L. Wttkrc r. I : . ~,strarne. De La Satle: S r It, ~' !.e, Bonnici . Chesrer, Ilad ;er. Hvde. :v`mrrav. Hyland . , . . CI ter, Thomas . SOnear. Hv)and, NicHenry. hIAt2CELLIId 0.2 2 .2 4.2 4.2126 ) OLI . .f . .i 3 .1 5 .4 11 .5 16 .8 (104) Mure, an 2 . Mason . Piruira . Best t'lal)is . Wilkinson, Dale. Gartner. t _a :n . Old Xev; 3 s : E!!is 4, Green 2. Iuvnte 2 . Mailer 2 . Jones I, Drake, Meehan, t . . ..w .t, Baker, Rolfe. Best Wilson . Discnnt Horvard, Ellis, SL Joues Maher.

r t,c Nc - - --_irs ich : Terrv Russell 1 L. Walker 2 R. Buckle y

B . Corin 4 P. Murton (VC) 5 C . swift 6 M . Herber 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 9R L. Borella 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans(C) 12 D . Toohey 13 A. Johnston e 4 C. Bowke r 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland 17 A. Elliott 18 C . Mercun 19 R. Prezens 20 M . Picone 21 A . McKenzie 22 M . Mercuri 23 D . O'Brien 24 J. Morel 24R R. Marks 25 C. Hyd e 25 A . Bonnici 26 D . Spithill 27 S. Thomas 28 N . Harbo r

° 29 C. Browne 30 B. Mannix 31 S . Hyde 32 R. Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 L . Johnstone j5 A. Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D. Hyland 37R D. Moore 38 D . McInerne . Mola n y39A 1 39R S . Hov 40 C. Noseda 41 M . McHenry 42 L. William s

t2R B. Ouinane

~ K. Brkic 44 J . Garland 45 C. Chester 46 A . Skinns 47 A . Coffey ~ 47R G . Wise 48 D . Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 A . Boots 50 A . Alderuccio 51 L . Douanghosay 52 E. Phillips L . Derbyshire -9 D. Buckley 55 L. Meehan 56 C . Worstelljng 57 P. Hesse 60 B. Hoy 70 ' . Dugc

1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D. Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwi n

6 D . Sampimon 7 M. Rowe 8 R . Frisin a 9 D. Ballantine 10 A. Dale 11 D. Taylor (RC) 12 B . Cronin 13 S. Dinneen 14 D . Sales 15 M . Chun 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (VC) 18 D. Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 S. O'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D. Marson 23 P. Gleeson 24 L. O'Flynn 25 R . Galati 26 N . Armstrong 27 D . Theis z 28 D . Johnston 29 C. Mora n 30 A.Treganowan(C) 31 C. Mason 32 M . Browne 33 G . Cul l 34 D . Jarred 35 J . Frazer 36 N . Addison 37 B . Carmody 38 M . O'Sullivan 39 B. Colville 40 M. Leffanue 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen 43 A . Dunca n 44 A . Wilkinson (RVC) 44 L . Hanse n 45 D . Theisz 46 M . Laffanue 47 S . Yee 48 A . Gallagher 49 D . Coutts 50 A. Ryde r 51 M . Maguire 52 J . Mathews 53 C. Mathews 54 R . McMahon 55 J . Walli s 56 C . Beayni 57 E. Weeks 58 J . Ibrahim

1 J . Barnet t 2 S. McCully (SDVC )

Coach : Paul Fahey Assist: Darren Payne & Paull they Res Coach : Noel Spoor

1 A. Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 A. Jenkins 4 B . Davis 5 T. Young o" S . Ken t 7 F. Telle r 7 J. Geishan 8 J. Dixon (RVC) 8 T. Stevens (RC) 9 D . Fairchild (SCapt ) 9 M. Karayannis 10 D. Norto n 10 M . Crowley 11 D. Simmons 11 S . Tull y 12 R. Denting 12 C . Branigan 12 M . Feferkranz (RCapt ) 13 M. Orchard 13 C . Kelly 14 C . Moore 14 A. O'Brien 15 L . Botzan 15 N . Adcoc k 16 C. Mooney 16 J . Walker 17 A. Corcoran 17 R. Clowes 18 J . Hope (VC) 18 R. Limbrick (SDVC ) 19 M . Tolley 18 B . McGrath 20 D . Hawkes 19 A. Brooke s 21 R . Roberts 20 T. Harper 22 P. Donaldson 20 D. Nichol s 23 K. Tneodossi 21 R. Patterson 24 G . Hares (DVC ) 22 A. Svirski s 25 E . Byrne 22 D. Armstron g 26 P. Lillis 23 L . Taylor 27 J. Weddle 24 S. Rundel l 28 S. Morris 25 N. Orchard 29 R . Weddle (C) 26 A. Vicendes e 30 A. Gilbert 28 J . Brown 31 J . Stevens (DVC) 29 G. McCully 32 P. Dowd 30 R . Newton 33 N . Pratt 31 J. Davi s 34 A. Tieman 32 A. Cassell (SDVC) 35 M. Pollock 33 A. Saultry 36 B . Spoor 33 S . Harriso n 37 M . Berry 34 E . Thompson (SVC) 38 Ga George 34 P. Rujevi c 39 Ge George 35 A. Mills (RVC ) 40 J. Keane 35 S. Moore 41 A. Clark 36 P. McGrat h 42 S . Low 36 M . Ting 43 L. Hunter 37 R. McIntyre 44 A . Karafili 37 T. Harper 45 M . Toovey 38 S. Robinson 46 M. Tozer 39 S. Whittington 47 G . King 40 D. Membrey 48 M . Clarke 40 W. Hayes 49 L. Shay 41 J . Anderso n 50 S . Brandt 42 P. Boye r 51 N . Braddy 43 D . Vicendes e 52 A . Clancy 44 M. Hawkes 53 S. Price 45 M. Brown 54 B. Guidera 46 P. Wolnizer 55 A. Berezza 48 G . Pollard 56 L. Courage 49 C. Duke 57 D. Harcourt 50 S. Osborn e 58 G. Mclsaac 53 P. Bai n 59 J. White 55 C. Wrigh t 60 S. Hil l 56 T. Wrigh t 61 C. Binney 57 D. Cassel l 62 J . Baker 58 D. Fox 63 T. Hibbs 64 C. Barker 65 B . Shadbolt 66 D . Warry 3 3 4 5 6

A. Simpso n A. Angu s M . White E . Raleigh R .Joseph

OLD S C®TG Coach: Dale Tapj

Res Coach : John 1 A. Nettleton 2 B. Phillips 3 J . Ross 4 T. Hott 5 S . Collins 6 A . Cro w 7 J . Kitche n

8 B. Robinson 9 D. Brook e 10 C. Smith

11 S . Spide n 12 S . Hum e 13 N . Hooper

14 R . Mullan e 15 R . Eagl e 16 N. Tassel l 17 D. Thomas 18 L. Hawkin s 19 R.Joseph s 20 S . Lillingston

21 J. Stratos

22 N . Addison

23 O . Crane 24 C. Pattenden 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 J . Pilkingto n 28 S. Prendergast 29 M. Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N. Leitl 32 J . Gertsman

33 J . McCarrol l 34 E . Olive r 35 P. O'Connor

36 A. Millar 37 E. Moffatt 38 R. Ashton 39 C. Steven s 40 T. Collins 41 M. Lipshut 42 M. Watts 43 R . Breisc h 44 C. Evan s 45 M . Blenhei m 46 J . Beaurepair e 47 T. Barenger 48 S . Mile s

50 T. Husking

51 L . Freeman 52 D. Knight 53 G .Junkee r

54 N. Simon 55 M . Boudrie 56 C . Talfen t

57 J. Cran e

58 C . Ada m

59 D. Ise r

60 T. Wigney

61 S .Jones 63 P. Iser 64 N . Costello 65 C . Armstrong 66 A. Routledge 67 J . Pulvirenti 68 N. Gil l 70 S . Thompson 71 D. Jackson 73 M . Vojvodic 74 M. Ri x 75 S. Troon

77 C. Joyce

4 THF AA,1ATFi IM GnnTrani i co

Coach: Tim G anaughnessy

Res Coach: Serge D7 ao

3t. :

Coach : F e ' di Res Coach: Joe WE. as

1 ~Je 1 M. Blood 2 D . Orlando 3 L . Hannebery 4 D . Landrigan 5 S. Mollard 6 B. Dwyer 7 S. Lethiean 8 P. McDonald 9 J. Hawkins 10 D . Rennex 11 Ad Jones 12 J. Bowen 13 C . Ellis 14 On . Stoney 15 L . Ford(Capt) 16 N . Bingham 17 D . Richardson

(V/C) L 3 Venne T C M ,



18 M. Green ,C

19 M. Callihan 20 . M. Hardman 20 . J . Scanlan 21 A. Parton

sG A C/C an J

22 T. Ockleshaw (VC)

r B



sL 5(RIC) C/C D

a C B a 5 D



23 L . Howard 24 B. Coughlan 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J. Drake 28 A . McDonald 30 T. Clarke (VC) 31 L . Tuddenham 32 A Brushfield 33 A Sassi 34 R . Jones 35 A . Delaney 37 J . Healy 39 M. Meehan 40 W. Rotfe 41 A . Dillon 43 T. Woodruff (VC) 44 A . Biddlecombe 45 S . Johnston 46 B . Dixon 47 T. Ruyg 49 T. Lawrie 51 D. Walsh 55 J . Healy 56 A . Oswald 58 M. Mahon R. Coughlan 66 A . Wilson

1 D . Baynes 2 S.Neeson 3 R .Cousland 4 D .Jordan 5 Joe Mount 6 D .Burrowes 7 S. Clarke 8 CRunnaiis 8 J. Evans (R) 9 B. Jordan (VC) 10 N . Mitchell (C) 10 L . Campbell (R) 11 C .Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L . Turnbull 17 L . O'Sullivan 18 D . McLaughlin 19 LGoilant 20 L .Fielding 21 B. Loughlin 22 M. O'Riley 23 A. Mastropasqu a 24 N .M.Smith 25 C . Osbome 26 J. Gollant 27 James Mount 28 L .Wilkinson 29 D .James 30 C . Trewin 31 B.Ashton 31 B.Haynes 32 T. Harvey 33 B. 34 D . Byrne 35 P. Rahill 36 R . Le udi g 37 A. Catterall

✓ `C) D

1 Simmon D (VC) 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J OJC) 4 Guengerich D (VC) 5 Gleeson Q(VC) 6 Fricker G 7 Rourke T 8 Hayter J 9 Meade S 10 Stockdale P 11 12 McLachlan G (Capt) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17

18 McEwin A

25 B. Marusic


26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton (DVC) 30 M . Gargano 31 A . McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor 33 M . Maguire (RVC) 34 T. Hobart 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Pangraz o(RVC)

24 Russell S 25 Soli Y A 26 Gates B 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M{RC} 29 30 Larkin A 31 Callery B 32 Suvoltos A 33 McKie M 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A

38 J . O'Brien

36 Brooke J

39 S . Gribble 40 N . Moore 41 G. Anderson 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G. Katavolous 45 D . Weight 46 J. Travagiia

37 Kaso S 38 Wilson A 39 Birtley T 40 Hocking J 41 Quin L 42 Treloar B 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R

47 A . Conlan

45 Armstrong J

48 L. Harper 49 L. Kalesaran 50 P. Cameron 51 D . Bare 52 J . Finch 54 S . Game 55 E . Crohan 5 6 P. Natale 57 B . Quirk 58 J . Ferrari

46 McKerrow M 47 Taylor W 48 Briggs A 49 Chamberlain L 50 Nailon H 51 Brown A 52 53 Ver n R 54 en I S 55 C lymore B 56

59 R Chivers

~7 Pin 'n:

60 A . Rattle 60 A . Greenhaig



58 J .DeBlank

61 J .Lynch



59 L.Evans 60 PM ' opasqua 61 J .Me -rc ;oasqua 62 ABa!-as 63 H

62 B, Shelley 63 B . H 64 T. Crowi r 66 N ." ii 67 T Pt

61 Con nan B 62 Taylor N 63 Hardcourt J 64 B'' : T 65 Vdi rx E

38 J. Simpson 39 C .Baumgartner 40 D . Thomas 41 B. Overman 42 P.Kinniburgh

43 M . Stapleton 44 S. Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 P.Holland 47 R . Pizzicheita 48 N .P.Smith

49 S. Borg



53 J . Griffiths



i'V. } l.4cil in

73 P. B, C3~ , T~ °1 $~

~ "

1 N . Fraser 2 R . Grinter 3 D . Curtis 4 A. Ukovic 5 M. Doliman (C) 6 P. O'Keefe (VC) 7 K. Gray 8 B. Dollman 9 J. Giansiracusa 10 M. Lucas 11 J. Pangrazio 13 R . Bo^rrles 14 P. Greenham 15 M. Olive (DVC) 16 B. Garvey (VC) 17 D . Ryan 18 P. Gissing

19 Collins M 20 Gleason D 21 McIntyre T(VC) 22 Millard B

56 L.O'Brien 57 B .McManus


tael Ganla n

: Sicv4 .' uarriS

21 R . Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 S. Lowerson 24 H . Pride

55 C .Tarczon


icr ,

s t i : Steve C:

Cc>: . f P

19 D . Sheehy (RC)

50 C .Calthorpe 51 P. Romanin 52 A.Fewster 53 S .lanna?zo 54 T.James


ch : i e Arthur-Allen -, :S CM

U 1 US.,,

75 R. Ct.,, .,~ugn a 76 M . O 'Shea 79 G . O'Conno r



.~ . ., .. . R

t (FYrC)


We were treated to some great games in the opening round of 2002. The come from behind wins by Olds Paradians and Melburnians were the highlights . At C al Reserve, there wasn't much in it at ? time betv en hiazenod and NOBs, but a 4 goal to 1 last quarter by the locals blew the Brunswick boys and enabled them to win comfortably by 26 pts . Good players for Mazenod were Apollonino, Nelson and Morgan, whilst Maplestone, Martin and Boyle battled hard for NOBs.

One of the 2002 debutantes, Old Essendon, travelled down to McKinnon to tackle Old Haileybury, and were given a rude awakening as OH belted their visitors by a mammoth 63pts . O'Farrell, Carson and Lappage (5 goals) had a picnic for OH . Wilson, Caridi and Ryan were solid contributors for OE in a disappointing start to the season . At the home of football, EP (and not the Garvey - you idiot Carroll!!!), an even contest that had a somewhat controversial conclusion, Old Paradaans came from behind to snatch a 5 point win over Old Brighton . Debutante Dallas played well in his first game for the OPs, and was well supported by 'Keepers Arms' O'Loughlin and 'Rowdy' Boundy . For OB, Lennox, Williams and Nickas were fine contributors in a close contest. The backyard of E. E . Gunn was treated to a contest by halves . Ormond held an unassailable lead at half time (33 pts), only to see it wittled away by Old 7 •2elburnians . OMs getting home by 11 pts . 50 gamer Mulligan (6 bickies), Theodore and Miller were resolute for the winners . Keleher, Naughton (8 chocolates) and Murphy stood tall for the losers . Finally, Hampton Rovers unfurled their flag, and unfurled Therry in the process, when they ploughed through the slush and won eased down by 29 pts, after being the best part of 7 goals in front at one stage . Ruckman Duddy, Wilmott and Barker were the superior mud runners for HR . Therrt~s better players were Edwards, Freckleton and Faroldi .

how to play B Section footy when they prevail by 29 pts . Down at our resident beachside venue, Old Brighton (6/4) look to av€ :agc last . .eek's un loss when they host Old I~ :mc~~~y (1/2) . S Glascott must be scratching his head in amaze as to how his charges lost last week . On the hand, Mick Dwyer would have enjoyed a re1 ; beer or two after the fantastic win in Rd 1 . Form OH, but I have to pick a roughie this week, that's the home side . OB by 7 pts . The Junction Oval is the scene where Melburnians (4/7) lock horns with Old 1'ara€i (5/4). Erwin Leyden played his get out of jail card last week and caused all supporters to r for the heart pills!! Matt Ryan and his lads pul lanimproblevictryaswek,ndilo i better as the season wears on . This should be a game, but I think that the hold that OMs will ro by accounting for the OPs by 22 pts .

At EP, Therry (11/8) look to open their accs against another 2002 maiden in ( (4 Wayne Harmes will have to ensure they don't away too big a lead today, and will need to come rtmning . In contrast, Mick Knuppel c-11 be ho i j

that if they have a lead big enough to win the M Warrnambool bike race, they don't have a punc like last week!! Ormond will have enough spare the boot to get the money today by 10 pts. Lastly, .NOBs (4/6) open up tlie Brunswick gates welcome Hampton Rovers (1 / 1) . Garry Foulds be wanting to turn around last week's aberrat and his charges will be primed for the occas Norm Goss couldn't have hoped for a better star the season, and the confidence is sky high at Ca Boss. Back to earth today Norm, as Garry's char up the ante . NOBs by 18 pts . MAGOOS Old Essendon (5/2) vs Mazenod (1/3) h4azenod by 24 pts Old Brighton (4/1) vs Old Haileybury (115)

Not a bad start to the season in the tipping stakes . But can it last?? Old Essen don (4/1) welcome the pre-season flag favourites in Mazenod (1/5) . Chris Bve will be working his boys hard this week to find their first win. Meanwhile, Dave Murray would have to be very pleased to get a win on the board early. The misery on Keilor Hill will continue as Mazenod will show OE

OH by 3Opt s

Old Melburnians (4/13) vs Old Paradians (11/4 ; QIVlby22pts

Therry (4/6) vs Ormond (1 / 1) Therry by 2 pts NOBs (5/4) vs Hampton (4/7) NOBs by 8 pis 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2(

: i~ts Mc Z' u ~zc -, pl« ed his ~ old T te'.buIvlelburlnans in Round 1 . We ;ht old e ' qrtnl ; ,r „i<~,te'Pim Mulligan on 50 outstanding game s

ub . We hope that we see that majes tic in ac tion for m any more. iradi«a~s - All at OPs' congratulate self c,d "footba ll fanatic" Mark Cosgriff who th e 1 00 game mark (sorry) last Saturday old Brighton. Mark commenced with us in [he ripe old age of 15, played 79 Under 19 ju>t to start his career.

~ .T



Ormond 8 Old Melburnialls 6 Old Haileybury 5 Old Brighton 5 RESERVES

Old Haileybury 7 Old Haileybury 6 Old Essendon 4


L c aL rs in custom printed tops ;l;ld shorts for your team . C,lil us for yef ir special needs :


4.2 8.6 lo.° 14.13 (97) 3.6 4.6 9.7 10 .11 (71) NU'-- : :3 Oi<ll .St,- ; ,1 . no 3 Foss 2 Maskell 2 Castricunt 2 Pickering Marm o Bouciiereau Beard Tucker . Best, Apollonino Nelson S,torgan Castricum Fuller Maskell . North Old Bays: Saunders 2 Collins 2 Tehz t Vogels Keenan J Barker Boyle Joyce . Best: Sanders Maplestone Martin Boyle Tehan Roberts . Umpires: P Simpson M Morrison OLD PUie-, vU:? 4 .2 8.5 13.11 19.15 (129) 3 .7 4.12 7.15 818 (66) OLD 7'DON Old fixilc,'=.jxy : Lappage 5 L Floyd 3 W9llte 2 O'Farrell 2 Graves 2 S LangCord-,iones Jenke Johnston BrOoks Durkin . Best, S Langford-Jones OTatrell D L-r, L Floyd Carson Lappage . Old Essendon : Hakim 2 Heritage 2 Cooper Fleming Leask Morgan. BesC Wilson Healy Carldi Evans Ryan Leask . Umpires : R Eastwood L Moncrieff 2.1 5 .6 9.7 12.9 (81) OLD PARADIANS OLD BRIGHTON 4.2 5 .4 10.6 11 .10 (76) Old Paradl3ns : Ciavola 4 HarCord 2 Heffernan Porteous O'Meara Reiner . Bess Dallas Vincent Hart Pratt 02otghlm Boundy . D-an Connollv Old Brighton: Dickerson 5 Barrow 2 Salem Gadsen Lennox Nickas . Best: L_nnox Homann Williams Dickson Nickas McConnor . Umpires: M Sneddon R Love 6.2 11 .3 13.4 13 .5 (83) ORMOND OLD bII;LBU- S 4.2 5.6 9.9 14 .10 (94) Ormond: Naughton 8 Martinov 2 Wiley Wilson Miller. Best: Keleher Nai ton Broadhurst Moore Hall Murph y 0117 sunxians : Mulligan 6 Farquharson 2 J Miller 2 Beaumont Berry Kenn i Roberts . Best: Barry Theodore Mulligan J Miller Holme Grundy . Um 5: M Robbins L Gallagher 1? 1 . -'?')N RrtvERS 5 .3 11.6 13 .7 14.9 (93 ) 'P- .~)LA 1 .2 2.3 6 .4 10.5(65) a Rovers: S Putderson 4 Davey 3 Browne 2 Carr 2 I7aluve Mart}Rl Best: Duddv C Mcitellar Drew Fvzderson W11mott Barker S Artderson. Petiole : Edwards 4 McKay 2 Faroldl2 O'Sullivan Goodivin. Best, I'eeckleton B Hollow Castaldi Faroldi Mills . Umpires : R Mayston C Stevens (S) RESERVES ENOD 1 .2 3.11 8 .16 9.18 (72) NORTH OLD BOYS 3.1 3 .4 4.4 5 .4(34) Mazentid : Not received. North old Boys : Fitzclarence 2. MeGrath, Polatayko, Cameron 1 . Best, Brady, D .Joyce, Kooloos, Halpin . Brooks. Demart e OLD H4ILEYBURY 7.3 9.5 12.6 16.9 (105) OLD --': SE N 1 .1 4.1 9.5 10.5 (65) Old Flalleybury: Efstathiou 7. A. Floyd 6, Jaya..ekera. Mason, Morisi . Best : A.':: 7 :atYtiou, Ladd. Goulden, Rowlands, Pitcher. ON -_ ::::3n : Newland 4, Podger 2, Bunts . Ridley. Collins, De Morton . . . .st C. .lhns, Dawson. liet;ergang. Ridley ° C :-D i:;R-ADIANS 3 .0 6.3 6.3 8.6 (54) SGHTON 3 .2 4.3 6 .5 7.6(48) u N re I. ton: itch 2, am 1,Doole3 I . McKimm 1, Scott 1, Edwards 1 . Bra i, Gamble, McKimm, Walsh . 2.5(17) 0.1 1.3 2 .4 OLD J NIANS 3 .3 4.10 7.15 12 .18 (90 ) O:•uo : Stone, Deledlo. Best : Baldwin, Goonan, Stone, Smith, Harvey . Lom. 07 or .ns: Bryant 2, Fitzgerald 2, Selby 2, Burman, Dixon . Murray. Pnr•'° . 1 Woodford . Best: Simpson, Fitzgerald, Rose, Campbell . ia.% }i oil VI M tvEF2S 2.1 4.3 5.5 6 .7 (43) OLA 0.1 1.3 2 .3 3 .7 (25) wers : David Anderson, Dunball, Fisher . Lanagan . Nitschke, Best: Flynn, Nitschke, David Anderson. Rose, Lanagan . Fisher , Penola: J. Sacco, Clarke, R . Grant. Best : Higu:s. McMahon , Russell, S . Sacco, J . Sacco, Grant .

Old Essendon v. Mazenod Old Brighton v. Old Haileybur y Old Melburnians v . Old Paradians Therry Penola v. Ormond at Etsternwick Park - Sat. North Old Boys v . Hampton Rovers 7

NAMPI -. . ; Coach : Norm Gos s

: :.scutt Res C ;ach: Peu, C~. yer

Res Coach: Tony NaumoY 1 A. Brudar 2 M . McKellar 3 D . Busb y

4 S. Anderson 5 B. Marly n 6 T. Wilmott 7 A. Dudd y 8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Barke r

10 B. Holt 11 J. Zampaglione 12 B. Cullin g 13 G . Woods 14 P. Pike 15 A. Browne 16 D. Marshall 17 D. Artz 18 S . Rodder 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 G . Carr 22 B. Hoare 23 S. Helliger 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 M . Flahive 27 M . Nitschke 28 A. Fisher 29 M. Fletche r 30 A. Quoin 31 T. Pucell a 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 Daniel Andersen 35 J . Rodder 36 M . Pearson 37 L . Holt 38 B. Tenney 39 N. Goss 40 A. Wearmouth 41 G . Kelly 42 M . Lanagan 43 S . Rose 44 B. Johnstone 45 C . Delosa 46 C .4yoolrich 47 L . Wheeler 48 L. Carson 49 M . Flyn n 50 N . Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 M . Karakasis 53 J. Ng 54 P. Gardiner 55 J. Prantzos 56 A. Crowther 57 T.Prantzos 58 M . Vaughan 59 T.Woodnff 60 G. Johnston



1 D . Lancaster 2 A . Quinn 3 A. McIntyre 4 A. Hanley 5 D. Maskell 6 N. Marmo 7 S . Morgan 8 R . Foss 9 P. Gooden 10 C . Jayaweera 11 T. Smith 11 D. Hose 12 M . Murray 13 P. Fuller 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 M . Apollino 17 J. Beard 18 T.O'Donoghue 19 S. McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T Castrlcum 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan 22 D. FotinioUs 23 A . Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 24 J. Mackey 25 A. Pickering 26 J . Dunne 27 D. Krom

27 P. Jone s 28 P. Nelson 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fishe r 31 N . Snart 32 B. KIn g 33 D. Grant 34 M . Pollard 34 B . Chamberlain 35 R. Hawkins 36 D . Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 J . Fishe r 39 D. Bradshaw 40 S. Veltman 41 A. McDowell 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 A. Pers i 44 R. P 1losbauer 45 Thomson 46 B . Waldro n

3 A. Trimboli 5 B. Devin e 9 H. Maplestone 11 M . Dru m 12 S . Lock 13 T. Halpin 14 D . Kingham 15 C . Farad 17 J . Fitzclarence 22 26 P. Brooks 28 D. Joyce 29 D. Visser 30 M . Leigh 33 D . Skene 35 M. Camey 40 C . Phyland 41 N . Tonkin 42 A. Kennedy 43 D. Zacek 46 P. Daniels 47 J . Barlow 48 N . Sanders 49 Troy Kooloos 50 T. Drum 51 A. Howard 53 S. Butcher 54 M . Allouche 56 0. Sheehan 57 C. Hosking 60 F. Lync h 66 P. Bryar 67 S . Bead 68 Tim Kooloos 77 S.Trenton

47 P. Steinl e

48 G . Tilling 49 L. Hal'vy 51 P. Reed 52 T. Strawhorn 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L. Fuller 56 L . Rudling 58 D . Morri s 59 B. Corfee 61 M. McDowell


1 A. Krzynwiak 2 A. Pirri e 3 C. Barrow (VC) 4 A. MacGillvray 5 N . Perry 6 R . Stewart 7 B. Logan 8 M. Gadsden 9 S. Lennox (VC) 10 J. Mead 11 L . Adamis 11 A. Fitzgerald 12 B . Williams 13 N . Edwards 14 S. Williams (C) 15 C . Mizzi

16 J. Homan n

17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 19 S. Ginnavin 20 M . L . Smith 21 T. Ewen 22 N . Biggin 22 L O'Neill 23 N . Milat 24 M.J . T Smith 25 S. Nickas 26 A. Ginnavin 27 D. Paterson 28 N. Williams 29 J . Dickerson 30 A . Brown 31 J. Murch 32 D . Begley 33 P. Phelan 34 J. White 35 C. Stewart 36 M . Wardell 37 B . McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K. Kavanagh 40 41 42 L . Hendra 43 R. Carter 44 R. Sherman 45 46 M . Billions 47 48 49 B . Scott 50 51 52 53 54 55 M . Gambl e 56 57 58 59 60 61 A. Wals h 62 A. Lynch 63 S . Davies 64 M . Reid

Coach : C . .,, ByE Coach : Robert O' 1 J . Pannagiotopol 2 S . Evan s 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D. Ryan 5 Pr1 .Oxnam 6 C . Ridlev 7 J. Leask~ 8 J. Heritage 9 J. Goodger 10 S . Bryant 11 B . Papal 12 J . Kavanagh 13 M . Bossi 14 B. Hakim 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S. McPherson 17 P. Hexter 18 J. Walker 19 E. Healey 20 D. Hunter 21 S . Dale 22 A . Merrington 23 J . Hughes 24 J. Dazki w 25 C . Morgan 26 S. Fleming 27 D. Barr 28 G . Stevens 29 S . Uebergang 1 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D. Caridi 32 J. Mansfield 33 A. Dawson 34 D . Podger 35 L . Kavanagh 36 M . Bums 37 M . Jinks 38 D. Whitfield 39 B . Newbold 40 C . Obliubek 41 S. De Morton 42 N . Bertram 43 N . Fitzpatrick 44 J . Rush 45 P. Barry 46 T Cippoloni 47 S . Howard 48 A Salvo 49 C . Clues 50 A. Nowland 51 A McGowan 52 J . Williamson 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 B . Turne r 56 S . Dart 57 V41. Conlan 58 T. Williams 60 S. Cetin




M ELDURNOANS 7 HAILEYBURY OLD Coach: Erwin Leyden Assist- Mick Lovejoy


1 Smith D 2 Theodore S 3 Treloar A .S Langtord-JOnes J Bcurk e ;, V ;rte (DVC)

P D i niond

P, George S Rowlands .0 C Efstathwu 11 ~,% Graves ;? E : 0'Farrell

P, Hazrop

' Forsyth

D, Mackenze

P O'Donnell (RVC) =s! i Hilton C Jayaskera

~,L Armstrong (C) I,1 G. adier a Jenke D Mason v FIctcher

Ross E Johnston J Bell (R C) , H. Brandham La ;, Shepherd

E Carson (VC)

~ D,,larnes ;~~y e Lti!diell - 3 r~, I ;Jright P Lang(ord-Jones

H- Lappage Lay Floyd L Floyd 9 H Brooks :o S, Davey a S Saunders (RVC)

:2 S Durkin :3 G. Pountney

L Pitcher 1 5 H. G^pu :6 R Goukden R . Mitchell (RVC)

:5 L Moyle

a9 G. Finlayson ;5 13 . Ladd 5 1 D. B'a~ng z 2 B Crawford -3 L Curtain : R Saunders ; L Byms :;5 tt Anderson 5 7 A. Morisi 6) M . Somaia 5t J' ;'iller 63 'Ili, Smith


Hazel[ M

4 Barrett N 5 Crawshay S 5 Woodford D 6 Holme D 7 Thompson C


McKeon A

8 Marks D 9 Grant B 9 Simpson R

10 Roberts T 10 Marks B 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 12 Hart J 13 Thiele B 14 Verge Rose MM15 16 Lewski A 17 Miller J 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R 19 Prowse M 20 Guest J 21 Robinson N

22 Waddell A

23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Thomas P 26 Kenne dy C 27 Kinsella D 28 Teelow A 29 M ulligan T 30 Miller C

30 Wu A

31 Sallab ank J 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J 35 Ray C 36 Grant J 37 Murray S 38 Bryant T 39 Field D

40 Useinov Z 42 Evans B

43 Farquharson E 44 Grundy P 45 Murphy C 46 Neeson C 47 Harrison T 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Simpson A 51 Kennon M 52 Campbell B 53 Ber ry J

54 Grscheska T 55 GaoleY J 56 Mulcahy J 57 Reid J 58 Weir 1 59 Alder C

OLD eAZPDI~?[!5 Coach : Matt Ryan

Res Coach : Peter Slacik 1 S . Vincent 2 P. 0'Loughlin 3 D. Stevens 4 A. Curran 5 M . Hartord 6 M . Cosgriff 7 P. Cosgriff

® R6~DUD

Coach : Michael Knuppel Assist: Pat Mannix Res Coach: Peter O' Dea L . Wilso n D . Beckett L . Murphy A . Grace (VC) 5 M. Martinov


13 B . Richardson

14 S . Fantone

14 S. James

15 S . Fellowes

15 S. Naughton

9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 A. Bums

12 B . Galloway

16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart . Porteous 18 9 G 1 20 M . Szewczuk 21 D . Loney

22 M. Mealy

23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A. Heffernan 26 D . Boundy 27 K . Jenkins 28 B . Reiner 29 30 D. Wright 31 32 S . Corcoran 33 S . Ciavola 34 35 S. Simpso n 36 B. Dintinosante

37 38

39 40 41 42 R . Murray 43 P. Healy

44 D . Furze

45 A . Paglia 46 R. Clark 47 N . Ball 48 49 50 A. Tensan 51 52 M. Joyce 53 54 S. Yeo 55 56 57 58 59 60 J . Connolly


Res Coach:

1 2 3 4

7 S . Keleher (VC ) 8 M . Miller 9 G. Hal l 10 R. Marti n 11 D. Robbins (VC) 12 B. Delidio 13 B. Ston e

8 A. Sinclair


16 T. Stewart (RC) 17 J. Bridges 18 S. Crame y 19 D . Clea ry (RVC ) 20 M. McConvill (C ) 21 R . Wiley 22 Y. Dimadamos 23 J . Knuppel 24 A . Goonan 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan (RVC) 28 A. Moore 29 M . Broadhurst 30 G . Ritchie (RVC ) 31 H. Blac k 32 A. Lom 33 M. Collins 34 A. Russell 35 L . Russell 36 D . C asey


37 C . Everitt

38 D. Broadhurst 39 M . Ferrari 40 H . Brown 41 J . Kaolstra 42 C. Keleher 43 L. Smith


44 N. Baldwi n

45 L . Breitkreuz 46 C . Cleary 47 J. Monagha n 48 B . Healy 49 S . Metz 50 M . Heffernan 51 D. McKenna 52 S . Betsy 53 G . Hammond 54 F. Melani e 55 J . Putz 56 M. Farrell 57 S. Stephens 58 T. Banks

~ e=

c; r

59 P. Konstanty

60 Power J 61 Berman J 62 Trim C 63 Quast G 64 Bowes C 65 Pruden J


E MurphU 5 SUBS Pty ltd




A® ruc nnanrci 10 cnnraei i cd onn)



1L" Chris T

?e game off `s=.`el to their inabit ' Con d

i il f

e Fieha h oltoJ


a bit of a )W soIn ,

P go v

s-lectin m~ ' e i by my next > across town to tali (

svee P t.he Tig _ s SeCtIQTS . d th;

Brindisi Street. Promises to be a t ) Blues took it right up to Beaumaris 1 improve on that effort . But I really

fhe best home ground advantage in ' in good form and should contin u


: : ason c - ~ but the Brain doe: i 1 111'1-dt~friars travel ; _. ;l lotrid be a cli ~1-i


en < d .s caps and bow

ready yet , to ee'. le Banvule ,?tt?ame . Both si~


EUi=tFOu 1 -


at sure the Wells are better than the j , ., . ., t : so the Sharks would be advised not Ll~;htly but it's still Beatty for me. P preview already??"? The Fields pumpe d :,,ien they last met at the end of 00 , so ll Te well aware of that and Will be lookir, n,' °hould be a great game hoperw, ~

' con 9itions to allow both sides to g e t I iuc: .ig game on show . It's a to- thr o s o

6 .5 9 .9(63) 12 .8 15.10 (100) Nock. Voigt. Best lo Haves 3 . M.Wint(e . Napier, M.1;'intle, M .

r but I will go with the _. u-i_ of aided by the return of Steve `. Tigers, Lions, Friars, Sharks L-1, tile

5 .7 8 .10 12 .14 (86) 5.5 5.7 8.13 (61 ) rtliey 2 . Nunan. Best: G.

aeat start with only Beaumaris led you already boys?? ?

king. Woolley . Bes t !ornas, ttoomaus

ominations for Player of the Round . re of Spin Monday Nights to submit thi s t VAFA so would appreciate your Co .


2 .2 8.7 11 .13 15 .17 (107) 7 .2 9.4 10 .7 13 .9 (87) 4. . King 3, IIall 2, @~toll, M . Dmlashki . Taranto . .,o. I anlond. Best: Dtn :ki, King. Astapenki . Zurak .

Iiav-ing your reports to me by Spin o n is please . Contact de Is are 9 553 156 1

, :d I : : at home . 0412 213 5,


is t° mobile, o r

:hell. Natoli, Willmore . 0.+nnell 3. ? . .~ .' 2 . m, Ta k . . „ rdson . Kayrooz. . Day (G) 2 .5 2 .9 3 .11 (29) 4 .6 8.9 1012 (72) Best: Cl}71e. J . Gmdale, Kapoor.

;t as mention by

Nights . keep up the good work .

Old Menton_~i^s - conr_ratulatr~

° Pearce 2 . Pemlvcutek, tt'tll. Harrison. G, SFmnkvl . Wtll. or. G. Rots (G)

-=sr,--*br;it -ho

i ti u<<Iy played his 50th game for the Panthers . 1, J, ,~Iso congratulates new Club Captain Ton y f3 :iurtlert . Senior vice captain Davi d rirocts, deputy

4,4 5.6 5.7 (37) 4.5 6.8 7.14 (54) Bar Morgan . Fraser, Butmett ,

tin Justin Costello and Reserves skipper )icic jItoa_tie on their appointments and ivish them Ii t- tiIe ~:son .

: .I - ,g*i- ris - 100 games - john Caulfieiii -Pnytra,cir„ ~ri. in, who joined our club as a ui i I si- iiili forWard, has developed into a consisten t i! :~* . high marking, senior player, who's 2000 11i specky, was the Week's Winner on "almost

,nds" on the footy show. Well done Margo ,

at the ~'°ields .

Whitefriars 6 St Bedes Mentone 4 Glen Etta 4 Banyule 4 RESERVES St Bedes Mentone 5 Collegians 5 Beaumaris 3 Whitefriars 3 Whitefriars 3 Caulfield 3 ~TEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

2 .2 2 .2 3 .4 (22) ^ 6 .12 10 .16(76) Phillips, C. Appel. Moodie.


2 4.9 8.11 11 .14 (80) 1 .6 4.7 7.10 7.11 (73) Ps: Swain 3, vernal 3, fuldeson 2 . Snsbane, Murray, Hugtles. A-rray. Tress°aud, Kennedy . Vernal, Anderson . irdwetl 5 . DI SkumU Best: Bardw"etl . Lamb, Sm1U1, g. Skurrio . 5.1 5.5 8 .8 9.12 (66) 2 .2 3.7 7 .8 9 .9 (63) a: Sheeahn 2, Commerford 2 Ts°°'~tls, serp° .hv. Ptyde . Evans. _in, Diamond. . 1 BusC Zagame, Emmett, Ir ford, Pn r, re,, it . Best: t)rrmott Gr,y, Tuc(-nlN, . 1, P1 .v.~.., l I nctt . S or Gdy 1 .9 3 .10 (28) OLD t' -- ~~. L 0.5 1.7 CiULFL,LDU . . 3.S 4 .6 4 .11 7 .11 (53) Old Cai ~rst 2,'.~:ir'.-_ r'°. : Hanson . A . Lockett, Webb . Tempone. R . Fr :is, Caulfield Granimirl Best. Buses. 6 ~ : .

St Bedr~ Nit ~~one Ti -, r . Prhran Collegians v . Old :. ~• ~ atonians Banytile v. tV)utefriars Caulfield Grammarians v . Glen Eira Beaumaris v . Old CamberWell 11

BANYULE Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res : Renato Dintinosante 1 T. Egan 2 D . Witchell 3 S. Kayrooz 4 B. O'Connor 5 B. Wilmore 6 S. Tuckman 7 J . Pearson 8 B . Cantwell 9 J . Plant 10 B . Moxin 11 S . Cross 12 J. Egan 13 C. Burke 14 B. Woodlock 15 S . Gray 16 A. Dooley 17 A . Small 18 J . Turnbull 19 P. Witchell 20 S. Playiair 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 S. Gray 24 A. Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 P. Heal y 28 D . Spoules 29 J . O'Callahan 30 D. Mutton 31 C. Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 B. Reed 34 C. Stevens 35 L. O'Connell 36 M. Georg e 37 T. Thompson 38 W. Keenan 39 A . Hopgood 40 N . Taylor 41 P. Job 42 C. Taylor 43 L. Ferral 44 A. Covery 45 M . Smith 46 D . Nasrallah 47 K . Scholes 48 P. McCann 49 G . Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J . Bott 52 D. Noonan 53 T. Cusack 54 B . Wilson 55 D. Williams 56 T. Jub b 57 K . Mahony 58 L . Orto n 59 L . Richardson 60 L. Hol t 61 B . Parkes 62 J . Gilham 63 D. Playfair 64 S. Taylor 65 M. Thiveo s 66 M. Vanpoeteren 67 C. West 68 M . Wilmore 69 C. Williams

is Rie s John :Nichols R ;C : Mick C ,,rty 1 P. Brook 2 H. Gibson 3 M . Pitts (VC) 4 M . Matulick 4 D. Porte r 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 A. Spence 7 D . Foley 8 M. O'brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 L . Healy 13 C . Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 A. Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A . Low 20 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gra y 25 D. Teesdale 26 Q . Groves 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin (VC) 30 K . Alexander 31 J. Mcgeogh 31 P. Ott 32 B. Cairns 33 G . Jury 34 J . May 35 N. Sector 36 R. Deaton 37 R . Presnell 38 J. Gerrand 39 D . Guidolin 40 S. May 42 A.0'brien 43 L. Tucker 44 J . Deluk a 45 A . Thompson 46 M . Talbot 47 M . Stanojevic 48 C . Furber 49 J. Bryce 50 B. Presnell 51 S. Coote 52 N. Aprea 53 R. Rawlins 54 N . Trakal 60 C . Gionis


-W S


Coach : Paul Bedc Res Coach : TS/

Coach: Dean, Jerson rtin Dicrosta Res Coach : 1 D. Rosman 1 J . Dixon 1 M. Ryan 2 B . Hal l 2 M .Johnson 2 N . Astapenko 2 A . Sorenson 3 B . Mooney 3 C . Massis 3 C . Knight 4 D . Atkinson 4 D. Cassa r 4 M . Liddell 5 R . Henebery (DVC) 5 A. Tsirogiannis 4 T. Vinen 6 Y. Phillips 6 J . Zagame 5 N . Guyett 7 D . Surkitt 7 S . Vamvakis 5 S. Kendall 7 J . Farley 8 M . Dimashki 6 N. Craven 8 C. Unsworth (C) 6 B. Minter 9 G. Hayes 9 J . Fry 10 G. Richards 7 J . Covrtishaw 10 J . Lang 8 R. Foote 11 B. Clements 10 S . Harding 8 S . Cossart-Walsh 11 B . McKenzie 12 B. King 9 W.Bowes 12 N . Harrison 13 G . Brown 10 A. Will (C) 13 N . Thomas 14 C. Grey 11 C . Deal 14 D . Phillips 15 F. Buckley 12 D . Pearce 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Taranto 12 S. Fryers 16 A. Fletcher 17 A . Russo 13 D . Gurr 17 R. Hosking (VC) 18 M . Dimachki 14 S . Amiet 18 T. Krotiri s 19 K. Dimachki 15 A. Docker 19 M . Foster 20 A. Diamond 16 S . San t 20 H . Sallmann 21 P. Jone s 17 G. Harrison 21 C . Harris 18 B . Baxter 22 S . Emmett 22 S. Resents 18 P. Anderson 23 S . Neeson 23 C . Mollard 19 W. Brockett 24 B. Low 24 B . Mascali 20 H . Vell a 25 R. Mui r 25 P. Khazaal 21 M . Pennycuick 25 D. Gambaro 26 P. Tsagliotis 22 C. McAssey 26 S. Woolley 27 R . Gilmore 22 M . Richardson 27 A. Shinkfield 28 P. Commerford 23 D. As h 28 N. McCann 29 R . Dimachki 24 J . Dalwood 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Pryde 25 G. Evans 30 L. Gormley 31 T. Aberline 26 S . Widjaja 31 N . Roach 32 M . D'Zilva 27 R .Keown 32 D.. Hois Browning t 33 A . Sheedy 27 J. Ryan 33 B 34 L. Hall 28 J .Jacob s 34 A. Smith 35 J . Commerford 29 D. Williamson 35 S. Beilby 30 D. Ellias 36 K. Daou 36 G . Cooper 31 S . Craven 37 37 A. Robertson 32 L. Browne 38 T. Dyer 38 M. Lewin 33 C . McGrath 39 N . Hart 39 J. Egan 34 J . Margerison 40 R . Bardwell 40 L. Doolan 35 S. Thompson 41 N . Baxter 41 H . Walls 36 M. Cramphom 42 N . Abbott 42 J . Gusman 37 T. Messe r 43 M. White 43 T. Knowlan 38 J . Restarick 44 J. Gregson 44 S . Diamond 39 J . Santiago 45 R. Lew 45 A. Caruana 40 R. O'neil l 46 C. Rowe 46 T. Evan s 41 M . Anderson 47 R. Sztar 47 J. Serpanchy 42 D. Synman 48 E . Waters 48 J. Haliwell 43 J. Smith 49 J . Clark 49 M . Benton 44 N . Coutts 50 D. Vial 45 D . Scott 50 A. Dimashki 51 J. Melbourne 46 G . Erickson 52 B. Grant 51 B. Zure k 47 A. Desousa 53 J. Van Berkel 52 A. Haines 48 S. Buckeridge 54 B. Woolhouse 53 S . Rees 49 B . Gardiner 55 T. Cooks 54 M. Kassar 50 A. Buchannan 56 B. Lumb 55 L. McGaw 51 G . Robinson 57 C. Peck 56 J. Kokkinoptilis 52 A . Sinclai r 58 D. Smith 57 S. Hal l 53 P. Carter 59 J . Miller 58 C . McMurrick 55 C . Hooper 60 D . Deviling 59 P. Merrick 56 S. Krien 61 D . Cook 60 A. Guzzo 57 P. Farmer 62 D . Drummond 61 M . Tkocz 58 N. Joughin 63 D . Rodgers 59 P. Crocker 62 D. Sheehan 64 M. Gribbl e 60 N. Fallu 65 C. Safstrom 63 D . Dunlevie 61 N. Bannon 66 S . Porter 64 A . Patens 62 B Goddard 67 65 M. Dimou 63 68 L. Wilson 66 J. Valkanis 64 67 N . Dao u 65 68 M . Merrick 71 M Cassidy 69 THE RACECOURSE HOTEL CNR . DANDENONG & WAVERLEY RD'S, MALVERN EAST


.L!_" ; .

Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Andrew Kenneall y

South Melboume TNF onen'rFi 10 cnnrQnr ~ co I

NL,, . r s edy n : '_`vlclea C0 -11 1 '(3)

(DVC) (VC) J(C) INC)


erg is

j, .

Coacn . Jen Costello Res Coach: Jamie Winduss

e n ~ .


we e


all ~ne ;k nas

_{ Ut ~ & GAS _ .: .CES 9 8 8 0$ 1 _

( ch: Rus_=11 Barnes

Coach. G j Feut ll Res Coach : Connor Eames

r s ach : Danny Spencer I A. Acreman 2 C. Twentyman 3 B. Murphy 4 D. Carroll 5 C. Mackay 6 C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 W. Ballantine 9 S . Southey 10 S . Voigt 11 D. Solley 12 C . Dwyer 13 R. Ball 14 K. Campbell 15 J . Costello 16 D . Nock (VC) 17 N . Linford 18 T. Boumon (C) 19 A. Palmer 20 S. Mullin 21 A. Drinan 22 L . Georgiadis 23 N . Moodie (R C) 24 A. Lowe 25 T. Fava 26 A. Martin 27 G . Katris 28 D . Kitto 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo 32 G . Herring 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D . Alexander

37 M. Francis -Roberts

Coach: Der_ . . Nine Res Coach: TBA

38 B. Sherriff 39 T. Riley 40 T. McManus 41 S. Cozens 42 C . Rushworth 43 M. Lewes 44 L . Sunter 45 M. Kennedy 49 M. Fisher 50 G. Richards 51 N . Fisher 52 D . O'Connor 53 M. Stroud 54 D . Goodbody 56 R . Harper 60 G. Shattock 61 B . Saunders 62 R . Johnson 64 M . Austin 65 M . Petrie 66 M . Mackay

1 D. Herders 2 M. Harvey 3 J . Lane 4 P. Quick 5 H. Pitts 6 A. Corboy 7 S . Pang 8 C. Bamford 9 A. Bunnett 10 B . Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 A. Van Rooyen 13 C. Mclean 14 B . Sanderson 15 I . Dennis 16 A. Rhodes 17 T. Rankin 18 M . Windddge 19 A. Millican 20 J . Kellow 21 G.Paleodimos • 22 N. Roberts 23 S. Glynn 24 T. Fraser 25 L. Aitken 26 T. St.Clair 27 W. Watford 28 P. Kelly 29 W. Taseif 30 M . Scicluna 31 T. Dukic 32 D. Ballard 33 S. Pickering 34 L . Norman 35 B. Gallia 36 J. Killeen 37 T. Anthony 38 J. Macdonald 39 G . CasJedine 40 A. Wood 41 J. Upton 42 T. Maher 43 D. Decarteret 44 D. James 45 M. Vagg 46 M. Vear 47 S. Brewer 48 D. Decarteret 49 L . Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S. Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 M. Evans 54 C . Morgan 55 S. Ramage 56 S. Earle 57 S. Moylan 58 G . Finkelde 59 C . McCamish 60 B. Klindworth 61 J . Bedford 62 S. McKenzie-McHarg 63 A. Gelli e 64 J . Belcher 65 C . Web b 66 C . Weaver 67 M . Davies 68 B. Aisbett 69 T Spierings 70 G. Northway

71 O. Lappin 72 M .KOUSa1

73 J . Warr

I P. Wintle 2 L . Wintle (C) 3 C . Tesorerio 4 A. L'Huillier 5 S. Napier 6 A. Ryan 7 N . Owen 8 J. Cunningham 9 M. Terrell 10 M. Wintle 12 J. Kane 13 D . Goodchild 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A . Hipwell 17 M . Sellings 18 S . Hecker 19 A . Drury 20 J. Drury 21 P. Fedderson 22 D . Poynton 23 D . Napier 24 T. Beasley 25 D . Samya 26 M . Hecker 27 S . Kingwell 29 T. Marshall 30 D. Falkingham 31 N . Connor 32 G. Strachan 34 C . Barnes 35 D. Moss 37 M . Connolly 38 A . Hayes

1 C. Wood 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Phan 6 P. Campbel l 7 D. Brice 8 B . Janson 9 C. Maguire 10 R. Pasqualotto 11 R. Reidy 12 T. Hughes 13 T. Hilton 14 T . Carrigg 16 J . Power 17 A. Carbone 18 C. Fulton 19 M . Jongebloed 20 D. Rei d 21 K. Kennedy 22 T . Langfor d 23 E. Eames 24 R. Mika 25 M . Vemal 26 C. Ryan 27 L. Swai n 28 C . Eames 29 A. Glenn 30 M. Power 31 P. Micallef 32 G . Kennedy 33 M. Duffy 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C . La w 36 D . Nolan 37 M. Hunan

39 D. O'Brien

38 C . Carrigg

40 B . Beasley 41 R. Bignell 42 M . Wilson 43 S . Butts 44 J . Recupero 45 R. Gould 46 R Lynch 47 T . Waters 48 A. Scafidi 49 S . Walsh 50 S . Kidd 52 M . Kurts 53 M . Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 A. Basham 56 J . Chaplin 57 M . Lomagno 58 M . Zakic 60 M . McColl 62 M . Dean 64 P. Scagliotti 65 T. Lamb 66 R. Parsons 67 S. Meyer 73 L. Porter 79 P. Russo

39 D . D'Sousa 40 M. Cahill 41 C . O'Conno r 42 M. Northey 43 N . Elliott 44 B. O'Conno r 45 S. Cloven 46 B . Johnso n 47 D . Cre a 48 J. Treyvaud 49 C . Dance 50 M. Mallady 51 L . Engley 52 A. Baggele y 5.3 C . Andrews 54 S. Gille n 55 C . Stat s 56 R . Murra y 57 E. Stone 58 S. Alexander 59 N . Brisban e 60 G. Sheane-Smith 61 M. Bake r 62 M. Evan s 63 S . Clifford 64 M . Mea d

Clearc~~ dressing i



¢m e Interstat Transport Service s 93969000

~_(~T '~ EV1lJS) A (ORMOND) (CAULFIELD GRAMM ) _ (IVANHOE A SSU M PT I O N) _ '---- - (LA TRQBE UNI) (HAWTHORN ) -LL) (OLD WESTBOURNE) Each section s Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). Each section 's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section .

21 HIF''s receive a co . ' Q and statuette at the VAFA v:ntation evening.


I'm sure I echo the thoughts of many Club officials by saying, "Thank heavens the preseason's over! "

LAST WEEK Mentone were too strong for Williamstown with the latter seeming a bit down on strength at this stage. Mentone had good performances from two rising stars from last year's U19s, P. Dixon & S. Sullivan, ably backed up by Tully, Perazzo, and of course "THE ACE" ! AJAX and Aquinas turned on a grand display, with the home side finishing the stronger to score a good win. The Bloods had top games from Al Bethune rueking, Glen Whiteside at the pivot, Mick Denavi at CHB & FB (Welcome back Mick!), and Justin Box with 5 goals . The JACKAS had a very busy man in Kalb, with 7 big ones, who was well supported by youngsters, Van Aken, Butt, & Berger. Ivanhoe were always in the ascendant in a hardhitting game against Monash, each time the Blues rallied, the Hoes were able to retard the charge and recover lost ground . The Hoes were pleased with defenders Simon Narkiewicz, Ang Pace, and Eilan Healey, with strong support from Steve Saunders in the ruck and up forward. St Leos conquered Bulleen Templestowe an d led at every break but they only broke away in the last term . Jason Fennell was great in his return game, & Don Dint & Brad Bird were steady in the 4th term . Univ. Blacks were brought undone by OGGs' strengthened backs and on baliers, which, added to their already potent forward set up should make them a serious worry for all opponents this season . Blacks were happy with efforts of Mark O'Donnell, Luke Rawnsley, Ben Cunningham, Tom Chatfield, and the ageless Peter Caccaviello . OGGs, who, with this victory, are the custodian's of the "Rob Hanna Trophy" , had great games from Fairbairn, Stevens, Couch, Goldsworthy, and Wil Paul . TODAY Aquinas takes on Mentone which will be a good early gauge of the relative strengths of last year's DI finalists, and D2 champions . Both teams opened the season with convincing wins last week, so this match should be a corker . With Mick Denavi back and in form, I guess he'll be given the job of curbing the rampaging Ton y 16

Maegeorge, and that's a big ask! The Bloods and the Vultures each have copious amounts of two other attributes, physical strength , "tieker", so this will be a ball tearer of a eont I'll go for the Vultures by 2-3 goals ! Monash and AJAX meet on Sunday Elsternwick Park, the broad acreage of which give full scope for the playing styles of these tearaway sides . While they both lost last we both were competitive against top units, today's game will be a corker . Monash by a ki Bulleen Temp . hosts Ivanhoe Assumption ~ though it's early days, the Hoes look the go( again this year . The Bullants are tough to beal home but I think the Hoes have the goods to ti by 5 goal s Old Geelong and St Leos is one of many testi matches today, and this should be top game watch . The Parks are a very quick side, whi will relish the open spaces at Como, but I'll still for the home side by 2-3 goals .

Williamstown CYMS will test Univ . Blacks at I. Fearon but I think the Blacks are more advanc right now and will have a talent edge sufficient give them a 3-4 goal win .

Reserves winners should be : Aquinas, AJA Ivanhoe, St Leos, and Univ .Blaeks. Correspondents the contacts are, 9889 1979 & F), 0409 172 558, bfhickey6@bigpond .com, 1 12 .00 noon please . VALE Old Geelong had two Club members pass away during the summer break . Their founding President & Life Member, Bill Mollard, who was the driving force behind the Club's birth in 1954 . And George "Geordie" McGregor, who commenced playing U19s with the club in 1997, and has since played Club 18 and Reserves football . Both will be sadly missed .

Patrons- are not permitted to bring Alcohol into Etsternwick Park or Any VAFA Venue . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

atinas v . N?c ;~wne Amateur s lues v. Ax.tAX Elsternwick Park - Star z

TempiestoWre v. Ivanhoe Assumptio n ) Id Geelong v. St Leos Emmau s ~naown CYTM4S v. University Blacks

23.9 (147 j 5.5 7.6[48) . ~.~~. 2 art Sullivan 2, . vC Ma ^Georg-e, C.Sullivan, ., irr, ve; ., C .:~ t, s L Ro G xn,011 .~.~.-a. nSuli own : Not received . Bes t: Wheeier. Cocks, tizluchatch, Bergin, Lee, Nist Use D . Whiteley. P. Words (F), A . 7alctnan . P. lVhiteitead (G) 15.17 20.22 (142) AQt 5 4 .6 9.10 2 .2 10.4 16 .8 18.10 (118) 4 . -?rulli 3, Cultrera 2, Mmcbue . Coglan, Cbraher. Best: t'-'tune, Box, Gtennie ,

and °st. at 'Vill wo ek, so ck! nd tds at

Q :~'. S

Mentone 9 AJAX 7 Aquinas 4 Old Geelong 4 Old Geelong 4 Old Geelong 4

RESERVES . 6 t' ler St Leos AJAX 5 University Blacks 4


. ..B. ,. .. i BLtli Ivanhoe Arson Ji Chazan . Toogaod . Hat Saunders . Flynn art PYonash Blues : S.1

Lloyd, Rc ga J oil

=n 2. B r : 2, Sharp . Samuels , C-old, Va 1~) ~.., ~. ~., Di¢enman, Sharp . .: tebus I . 2.3 7 .8 11 .14 15.15 (105) 2.0 5,2 8.4 11 .13 (79) °-unders 3, Maud 2, Flmn . Brown, rv. BeseAPace, Broim, G .Healy, I o4vav 2 . Neuman 2, Ma. Bolton, Creamer, Holloway, Lloyd, Farrar, Smvtlt ,

Rosengarten, Cl Umpires: " '. , . ._ 6.9 11 .16 (82) ST L )s n.r , ? '? 6.5 8.8(56) S' '11S9 .1 Lpitcher, L_ . . . ,_ . .. . . . _ . . _ . .. .. - ie. RtstrevsY.i, Donovan. ;,te ote, Burridge . Bulleen' Williams . Best.- Prior. 0'DotmeL Williams, Tehan . Schnieder, Smith .

Umpires: M. Cox (

ng to ch 90

3 .3 5.6 8 18 9.13 (67) UNIVERSITY BLACKS OLD GEELONG 5 .4 9 .12 12.17 17 .21 (123) University Blacks : Caccaviello 3. O'Donnell 2, B. Cunriftightun, Chatfield, Wilson, Murray . Best: Batten, Chatfield, B. Cunningham. 0'DOtmeth Caccav3ello, itn,u , . . . Old Geelong: Coo, ~, 4. Salter 4. Paul 4, Fairer 3. .Id. vorthy 1 . Stevens . Base Co-h . rr, n', .!1 . rns. Gold-or.l . ._ 0'BriPn. .. . X . > ._ . vague Umpire Ua-_are-! :.~ (f3). G. C ~ G l

ie °d to

WILIdA:'~4 STOW?I 14AeIltone: I{ll1G. JOhI

4.3 5.6 (36) 7.7 8 .13 (61 ) an. Best: Farming.

En T.Sult: .~. : ;. Lill nstown: )t r.. . K

y Specialists in Sports Pliotograpli y

PHOTOS AND FUNDRAISING! Book now to raise funds for your club PLUS have Photos th at will last forever . Call or fax Barbara on Telephone : 9894 817 7 Facsimile : 9894 8155 A-Oue Slmrts Plmtos Unit 4/6(,70 Railway Rmd Rlackhum Vic 31 :4 )

= nAAnrci 1 o cnnTRfli I F M 9nn9

3 .4 6.5 10.9 11 .12 (78) _ . . .."s 2 .4 4.6 5.7 8.7 (55) Cooper 5 . E . Goldman 2, Zer,skt, S.i°isler, Adler, Rfttennan . Best: Z- nski, A. Cooper, Ritterman, A . 1-tatphen . Lust. Rubenstein. Aquinas : Hunt 3, Munroe 2, Bradshaw 2 . Barne. Base Chapman . Verone, Bra itatmt VolanbeIlo, Jeffrey . 7.10 (52) NA 1 ~ t SUMMON 2 .2 5.4 6.7 3 .3 5.3 6.5 7.6(48) Paid . : :,BLI; 3S Ivanhoe Assumption: J.Pace 2, Pearce 2 . Fnsma Fallout, J .Shuttleworth . Best Jovice, Frtsnza, J.Pace, Kearns, Jackson, J .Shuttle vorth . ?Sonash Blues : Btack<ey, Etlept Forster-Knight, J .Havekans . McCormick, Walsh, Wills . Best: Wills, Shields, M.Pa}sie, Blaekley . Feenaghty, J .Hav;kins. ST LEOS ERL,fAUS 5.3 12.3 16 .4 23 .8 (146) 5 .8(38) BULLEEN TE ➢iPLESTOWE 2.2 2.3 4 .7 St Leas Emmaus : N. Ha r 6, '. : c 3, Otiobre 3, Hatfield 2, Stmmondson 2. Bavac C tessotto . McLaughlin, obre, S- Pitcher, Sininexidson, S. Pitcher. Prosser. Votpi. Be,, Contessotto, D'Ameho . Haider. Bull een Teniptestosae : McLa;en 2, Purea 2, Meadctivs. Best : r.r.vlmtzer, Matthews, Panou, Florence, McS,aren . Parris. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0 .3 3 .6 4.7 13.9 (87) OLD GEELONG : 1 .3 1 .7 3.9 5.10 (40) University Blacks Touzel 4, Hanna 3, Wo~,ris 2 . B. Weber. PoNrell, Sandiford .lVatlas . Best: J- t.tcber. Goenan, Tenan . Adams, R'oods,l9atrin. Old Geelong : Fabd 3, Betts (2). Best : tzgc~, Sattler, Kilpatrick, Farris, Griffiths, Betts . 17

1 Jess 2 C. Thoas m 3 S. T. Edr~a rds 5 M . Boland 6 D. tviinogue 7 C. Glenne 8 J. Jes s 8 S. Kelly 9 T Harkin 10 D. Boland 10 C. Field 11 M . Barmby 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 13 C. Jeffrey, 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J. Hun t 17 Fh1 Denavi 18 J_ Hughe s 19 G, Whitehead 20 P. Pores 21 J . Pierce 22 S, Flyn n 23 J . Li -rnstone 24 F'.Hail ._;, . 2 5 B.''; nl:, lo 25 R. ' as 27C. 2z J.

f 8 U. ; .u G' Samuel 8 B. Klein 9 A . Rosen 10 G. Dukes 11 M . Weisler 12 D. Goldenfein 13 A. Freund 14 A. Suit 15 J . Segal 16 M, Segal 17 A . Cukierman 18 J.fvrzne r t9 M . Halphen 20 fvi, Buckley 21 D. Gelbart 22 A. Bock 23 B, Ritterman 24 J. Bra m 25 M . Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 J . Berger 28 A. Zemsk 'i 29 B . Lukav 30 A. Lefhovic 31 R Glazer 32 D. Janouer 33 S. Boon 34 B . LeWski eY 35 D . Mitchman en 36 J. Feldman s4 i~ . 1~ :ullli 35 R. •nan 37 S. Nevtatadt 36 ; 38 B . Erlich JGiiti 37 G . P.9acelin 39 D. Vanaken 38 B. Moron 40 M . Borenstein 41 D . Goldberg 39 L. Sheffield 40 A. Culsera 42 E . Rubenstein 42 R. Moran `3 M. Measey 44 A. Lus t 43 M. Staitery 44 P. Gtenn7e 45 0 . Flamm 45 G. Coyle 46 A. Goldman 46 iiA, Hope 47 A. Silver 50 M. Ditch field 48 A. Friedman 49 J . Cooper 54 10, O'Halloran 55 J. Crouc h 50 E. Goldman 58 D• Robinson 51 J . Jolson 62 L. Bradshaw 52 A. Lewin 53 A. Halphen 63 A. Barri e 68 J. Coplan 54 Y. Allis 70 C . Lyng 55 J. Kaicer 7t G. Evans 56 L. Hotel 72 M. Riley 57 A. Qsowicki 58 J. Sesser 59 J. Btankfie(d 60 J. Weinberg 61 J. Freeman 62 J. Feldman 63 D . Adler 64 R. Bloom 65 S. Gutman


2 4 5

6 8

J. prior D. ba+iiam s

W. Thompso n S. tlcLaren P. Graham P. Robertson N, Bone

B. Todd

10 P. Tsokas 11 G. Chirers 12 A. Pa _s 13 D, Tulloct, A. P. 15 B . 16 S. Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M. Jones 21 1' Gannas 22 G . MeLaren 23 D. Matthews 24 D, P Min 25 T ' rws 26 S. jd 27 J . u D -jell 28 R, P< i s 29 D, B30D . F1; 'r31 A . St ne 32 R . lams 33 [J .i-1 :are 34 S. Laa, apoutos 35 D. Daskalo u

36 P. Hare

37 L . Thompson 38 S. Meadows 39 J. Florence 40 S. meadows 41 R . Le a 42 P Edwards 43 M. Mason 44 R. Schneider 45 A. Tehan 46 A, Humphrey 47 C. hloriviCis 48 A . =,orivitis 49 B. Tou,lani s 5 D, 5 . T( le 52 J . C,,, „ 53 A. C ) ; 54 S . [ wan 55 hJ. Macrides 56 A. Theunisson 57 G. Vimpani 58 D . 78oka s 59 D. McNamara 60 D . Horvath

Jay Fraud C. T„cker 4 T O'Neil l 5 J. Scoble 6 T Hea , 7 P Raw = v J . Shc= rill 9 M. 7 . 2

S. Young

E. H e

10 P, Lee 11 D.4~fkanis 12 L. Huff-Brov.~t 13 S . P~tarkierticz 14 P. Flynn 15 J. Curtin 16 P, Harris 17 S . Morris 18 T Scoble 19 D. Wood 20 J. Matthew 21 L. Blackwood 22 C,Cascun 23 D. Ryan 24 B. FreE~ 225 J. Frisina 26 ti. Emerson 27 P. Manuel 2& J. Pace 29 C . F;oe;ing 30 fi4 . Sloan 31 D. McFarlane 32 L. Pearce 33 S. McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P Kearns 36 C. Zeegers 37 P. Cameron 38 R. Peoples 39 M. Ebbage 40 P Marti n 41 C. McDonald 42 B . Marti n 43 T. Peake 44 A . Pace 45 D. Fryer 46 M. lacouangelo 47 A. Jac ;on 48 R . T nd 49 A F >,;, td 50 N . ShL 51 D. Pearce 52 S.S npson 53 B. Marino 54 A. Bubba 55 E. Healy 56 S. Saunders 57 P. Cotte r 58 N . Blainey 59 J . Herbert 60 M. Martineo 69 J . Mazocca 78 C Brow n9 G . Robertson


S. R~ : tey P GAtagher 1 M. Gr;,an D• Emmet t

A. White C. Stephens

7 K. Gunter 8 D. Perrtn 9 }? Enmett 10 M . Hovey 11 C .0'Meara 12 M . Davies 3 M. Hayes 13 A . King 14 Al. Bipel! 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P Sullivan 16 J . M~ cGarihy 1 7 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith 25 G. Uptin 26 A. Rock 27 Ni . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 „1 .O'Brien 29 S. Barker 30 P. Dixo n

31 S. Fanning

B . Coleman N . Witkins Sheahan 9. Johnstone

6 C. Ogle r

7 r. tvfacgeorg e 8 S. Perrazo 39 A . Fimster 40 G . Simms 41 C . Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 C. Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J. Tully 48 Mick, wash 49 A. Cousins 50 G. ft9cPs-0i!!an 51 G . 1-lo77ingwo h 52 K . McLeod 53 D. Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 C. LeifUng 56 S . Sullivan 57 D. Fraser 58 J. Noonan 59 Matt Walsh 60 D . Fenech 61 K. Lockhart 62 N . Lovett 63 S. Waters 64 A . Pothitos 65 T Allinson 66 D . Caqney 67 tvJo; '.e 8 D, Ot~lespie 70 T R rs 73 : . { =ara

MOrd P, S H CLUES .vell Coach: Ti in Po

p . ; Co~ch : James Shady

OLD GEELONG Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach: Adam Chubb Club 18 : Sean Wilson

c riianman Baxter {~loway(C) G Cl , ssan engarten i ;;,vman - p, F~~tTa r S Ttwmpson Morrison Webster(VC) yq. Spencer 2 G. Smyth A Hemnan B. Medin 15 p,9. Tnkler ~,6 B Hind 19 p`. ~Nendratta

1 S. Rowan 2 H. Burbank 3 M. O' Brien 4 Steve .Jones 5 T Redin 6 C . McKay 7 B. Morris 8 T. Seymour 9 D . Salter (C) 10 W. Temple-Smith 11 L . Stevens

19 Iuid p~t~ Edsall C . Gregory l : Blackley T. r, J . Hawkins P Wills

18 J. Malpa s

i De Young

J Main (VC) H . Graham L. Creamer 31 S . Hawkins R. Gundry ` 3 J. Smith G. Rowley D. Murchie A Williams 37 J, Bolton N. Brenna n 9 M. Smith ih f,4a. Bolton ,ii 'Ai. Bolton :2 G . Oldham ;3 R. Feenaghty 5 R. Walsh ,,is A. Ryan 47 S. Menth a °48 M, Carey 49 D . Payne 50 A. Clark 51 M. Payne 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 R . Green 55 I. McCormick CB L. Volkov 5 P. Munro cB F Eley - : B. Carstein 0 S. Lloyd 62 L. Katts 64 A . Prosser

65 G. Polglase

66 A . Perry 67 .i1 McCann 68 M . Meehan 70 B . Rogers 71 R. Burston

12 N . Camero n 13 S . O 'Brie n 14 D. Taylor 15 H . McCarthy 16 B . Couch 17 M . Goldsworthy 19 M . Avery (RC) 20 S . Cole

21 N . Bayne 22 J . Fitzgerald 23 Sam.Jones

24. M . Jaugietis 25 G . Leishman 26 S. Lansd el l 27 W. Paul (C) 28 A. Farrar 29 D . Bolton 30 M. Stevens 31 C . Fairbairn 32 N . Sladen 33 M. Fabri 34 B. Yates

35 A. Chubb 36 T. Heatley 37 T. Betts 38 M. LEslie 39 S . Clarke

40 H . Legoe 41 T. Cart y 42 C. Chirnside 43 D. O'Brien 44 P. Sim so n


45 46 S. Collins 47 M . Strauch 48 D. Farris 49 S. Grffiths 50 J . Settler 51 J . Kilpatrick 52 J. Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 J. Brand 55 T. Stafford 56 A. Meek 57 J. Morle y 58 M. O' Brien 59 A . Toohey 60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes 62 A. Waters

63 J . Weir 64 E . Fitzgerald 65 N . Cameron 66 T. Wolleyy 67 L. Teag ue 68 B . Grills 69 P. Miller 70 B . Cummins 71 A. Meagher 72 75

G'l T" UNIVERSITY BLACK S Coach: Darren Turner Res: Frank DiNcolantonio 1 D . Dinicolantonio 2 J. Hodde r 3 E. Mitchell 4 A . Auliso 5 S . Buckl e 6 J . Fennel l 7 A . Bur ess 8 B. Bif 9 A . Bethune 10 B . Mitchell 11 S . McCann 12 T. McC an n 13 A . Krebs 14 J . Manton 15 P. Carey 16 A. Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R. McCan n 19 A. MajOr 20 G . RaYferry 21 G . Simmondso n 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batty

24 D. Bruce

25 A. McKenzi e 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Lev ins

28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. Darcy 30 M . Ottobr e 31 M . Contesotto 32 L . Price 33 N . Kennedy 34 B . Henricus 35 J . Briggs 36 S . Bavage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Gay 41 J . Zarb 42 M . Flood 43 B . Levine 44 A. Zalakos 45 S. Ronchi

46 A. Brown

47 M. Mclnemy 48 A. Daly 49 C . Hatf ield 50 L Newey 51 C . Bel)'ak 52 R . McGloin 53 A. Volpi 54 M . Blundell 55 S . Smith 56 T. Morrison 57 M . Plac e 58 J. Fjeldstad 59 D . Pitcher 60 C. McDonald

61 J . Blandthom

Coach : Paul 0 ' Shanassy Res Coaches : Jim Trevaskis & Michael Rizio 1 L. Nethercote 2 S. Chandle r 3 M. O'Donnel l 4 A. Evans 5 R . Mackie 6 C. Sanderford 7 B. Cunningha m 8 A. Howard 9 C . Pekin 10 W. Hanna h 12 M. C un nin g ham

13 C . Baulch 14 J. Leech 15 L . Murphy 16 P. Caccaviello 17 A. Moffat 18 T. Wilson 29 C . Frankl in 20 A . Kooloos 21 C . Shilling 22 A . Nolan 23 P. Barry 24 N . Wilson 25 T. Chatfield 26 D. Batten 27 A. Costello 28 D. Kean 29 M . Staunton 30 J . Ralph 31 B. Costello 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitch en 34 S. Moody 35 J . Mirtschin 36 H . Peck 37 A. Gray 39 J. Greenwood 40 N . Martin 41 L . Rawnsley 43 C . Beato n 44 R . McCarthur 45 M . Coleman 46 A . Hyd e 47 B . Murphy 48 D. Rudd

49 T. Bowers

50 A. G oonan 63 J . Weber 71 M . Nihill 73 S . Mackie


CYMS Coach : Darren Caddy Res Coach: Warren Payne 1 D. Williams 2 J. Buttigie g 3 D. William s 4 S. Wuchatsc h 5 D. Macleo d 6 N. Grant 7 e. Robinso n 8 B. Han n 9 J . Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 B. Twist 12(Rk M . Cannon 12 Featherston 13 A . Mackley 14(% A. Danie l . Ferris 14 15(R) P. Br eg uet 15 B . Gaborit 16 B . Joseph 17(R) R. Plachmo 17 R . Hart 18 D . Old h am 19 P. Dervan 20 P. Sadler Macleod 22 M . Saunders 23(R) A. Bouras 23 7 Wheeler 24(R C Pach 24(R~J..McCutcheon 25 GGG . Burgess 25 D. Freestone 26 L. Grochowsk i 27 C. Mathews 28 A. Kosmatos 29 P. Vincent 30 T. Turcinovich Yol o A. 32 T 33 G . Rickar ob d 34 B. Jone s 35 C . Bergi n 36 A. Black 37 S. Hynes 39(R) A . Carte r 39 M . Holland 40 D . Pawlowski 41 T. Campbell 42 D. Woods 43 B . Grant 44 M . Manning 45 J . Hynes

46 T. Ferris

47 F. Nuredini 48 P. Trchett 49 W. Kewin 50 A. McCutcheon 51 A. McKenzie 52 R. Nisbet 53 M . Oldham 55 J . Spezz a 56 S. Calderwoo d 57 M. Saccoccio

58 A. Beard

62 A . Raynor 63 P. Nolan 64 D. Wood 65 P. Batty 66

59 K. Dowsey 60 D . Lee 61 S. McNern Y 62 D . Orchar d 63 D . Temby

68 B . O'Connor 69 S . Mesche r 70 D. McGloin 71 72 74 D . Panetta 75 T. Yme r G . Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 78 M . Whitney 79 T. Tribe 80 H . Meehan 81 D . Behan 88 S . Pitche r 89 D . Winduss 99 D. Lear

65 S. Barlow 66 S. Phemiste r 67 A, Savoia 68 A . Houg h 69 B . Cambridge 70 D . Sadler 71 F. Ceron e 72 F. Luc a 73 J . Spragu e 74 J . F 75 M . Miller 76 M . Sim e 77 P. Geraghty 78 R. Cornish 79 S . Mardesi c 80 S. Freeman 81 T. Williams

67 P. Farquhar

64 T. Ryan

5 YEARS AGO -1997 Coaches' Clipboard featured a few standout remarks on the role of coaches . Peter Sterling, Rugby League playe r of the 80's commented "Coaches sleep like babies . They wake up every two hours crying' - I wonder if he's since taken up coaching . Gerard Healy, 1988 Brownlow Medalist, said *'The coach's role as a mystical motivator is the most over rated aspect of football - a team's motivation is 85% players and 15% coacli', the essence of all performance in sport is being able to find motivation from within . What a heartbreak start for Garry Foulds and the St Bernards boys - collapsed in round 1, then came out against Old Paradians (a round I winner), trail by 3 goals at the last change, kick 5 .7 to 3 .3 in the last quarter to go down by 2 points, 11 .16 (82) to 12.12 (84) . Best were O'Loughlin, Brabender, Holland (Old . P.) and Wilkinson, Perrett, Chatfield (St . B's) . It really rained goals in 'B' Section - the aggregate points in the five games were 279, 289, 192, 297, 232, for a total of 1218, an average of 244 points per game . Can anyone recall a bigger 'gross'?. The 'gong went to the game at South Road . Q by g scores were: Old B . 6 .0 11 .5 23 .7 27 .11 (173) St Kevins : 5.6 11 .8 12 .10 18 .16 (124 ) Best were Reid, Perry (5 pts), McLachlan, Dennis (OB) and Olive, Brady, Dolman, Ryan (6 pts) (St Kevins) . The VAFA joined with Ormond in saluting Eddie 'Boomer' Buddlekin, who died peacefully aged 82 . Known for his words not just his voice, Eddie was a friend to many in Amateur Football . In 'D' Beaumaris and Old Essendon, strong round 1 winners met . Would Beaumaris be up to the high rating given by the other clubs? At the last change, after a strong 'premiership' quarter by the visitors, OE, Beaumaris trailed by 13 points . It was a real thriller in the final term . The 'Sharks' exploded kicking 5 unanswered goals . Then the Old Boys took off and got back to trail by 1 poinL, and went down by 2 points 15 .9 (99) to 15 .11 (101) . Best were Vaughan, Mahmoud (7), Sherwan (Beau) and Bishop, Goodger . Fletcher (Old Ess) . The scribe was proving a hard man to please as he wrote "In perfect conditions a very poor standard game saw neither side able to get with their game plan". 'A' section field umpires were Anthony Damen, Mark Gibson, Wayne Hinton, Richard Eastwood, Graham Thwaites, Justin Toohey, Daryl Dalgleish, Steve McCarthy, Martin Jackson, Heath Little . Representative football was back for 1997 . The senior team is set down to play South Australia at Elsterntviek Park on Queen's Birthday weekend, and then against Victorian Country Football League again at Elsternwick Park on July 27 . Neville Taylor was senior coach and Tom Johnston chairman of selectors . The C-E team (coached by George Voyage) and the U 19 team (coached by Chris Wade) will play against NSWAFL at Wagga . Bruce Ivey (C-E) and Steve Carroll (U19) guided the selectors. 20

10 YEARS AGO - 1992 The Association were very grateful to Carlton & United Brewerie s wno ceie>Jratea our Centenary Year wit h the gift of a set of full sized aluminum goal 1 suitably adorned with CUB corporate padding, identical in every way to those at the MCG . In 'A' North Old Boys beat De La Salle OC, 19,14 to 16 .14 (110), in an outstanding game, highlight( North's brilliant 9 goal third quarter into the wind . were T . Cahill, G . Phyland, P . O'Farrell (NOB) an McClounan, P. Rennie, D. Smith (De La) . Field uml were Russell Francis and Geoff Ridd. Ormond legend Russell Barnes played his 200th gz Captain of the club's premiership teams in 1985-87 Russell was seriously injured in 1989 but showed great courage to return as a member of the 1990 winning team . Russell was a carnival player silenced many interstate stars . It was a big day at MHSOB when the club unfurlec 1991 'D' Section Seniors and Reserves premiers flags . It was the club's first senior flag since 1961, its second reserves flag in a row . And celebrate they with both teams having big wins against Fawkner. seniors won 18.16 (124) to 10 .20 (80) and their b were Fairchild, Barnett (5 goals), Warburton, R. Newt, Adduci, Dawson . Dean Sheezel was on fire for AJAX goals in first round, and 1 I goals in the second agaii Thomas town. The club scribe concluded with "sh o the benefit of a solid pre-season preparation Sheeza!" . It was a thriller in E between Aquinas and ANZ Ban ANZ led all day and held off a strong last 5 goal quart to win 20 .6 (126) to 18.16 (124). Straight kicking do give a wonderful start to the season . For ANZ, Nicholc (10 goals), Jack McDonald, Paul Boyle (defence) we best players and for Aquinas, Chris Burder (rucY. Tarulli (r-r) and Colliver (rover). Glenn'Gladis' Roulent - 200 games with the Rovers, an more comebacks than Gary Ablett, as he started wit the Rovers back in 1970 .

15 YEARS AGO -1987 Legendary VFL footballer, media and television sta Jack Dyer replied to his invitation to the Media Launcl Lunch as follows , Mrs Sue Anderso n J .R, Dyer, VAFA, 3 Donbirn Way, South Vermon 20/3/87 Dear Sue , I would like to thank you for your invitation to your forthcoming luncheon. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend . I would like to however take the opportunity to wish you and yourAssociation all the best for the coming season . I believe the Victorian Antateur Football Association is th e 0 THE AMATF IR Fnrlrnn1, 1-----'~

me . -88. IuS flag and it,~ hiF tnd lid . 'hc es( ) n, ,vs go k. er 째s si -e 1, d h


-, fthe game with players playing for the love of the game. h, as produced champion players of outstanding quality ~anship and I trust in the long run these qualities will r and restore the image of our great game . ,! wish you all the best of tuckfor the future. ~ rety, It compliment to Amateur Football . ion must have been very strong in 1986 as th e r ; - up Old Xaverians celebrated their return to 'A' VJu v;ith a 53 point win over 'A' Section runner-u p Old Boys . Old Xaverians kicked 10 goals in the nci quarter - "big bad" Steve Curtain kicked 11 fo r with 5 in the second term. ard certificates were awarded to Harry Thomas 111 _ , 1, Keith Sharkie (Nat. Bank, Old Paradians an d u eh Peter Lemon (Old Geelong), Leon Flegeltaub ,~OB), Shane Maguire (NOB), Laurie Taylo r 1ava), George McTaggart (MHSOB and VAFA) and It Holmes (Elsternwick) . , ~ "sey, guest speaker at the Presidents', r,r :ries' and Members' Dinner, gave a memorabl e ss . The Association, in recognition of Ron's grea t Iiriuution to Amateur football presented Ron with a ;ed print of Carbine, "from one great stayer to 1 ;1,ciriars celebrated the Official Opening of their new i,1 i2ooms . .U: ', officials for the season were Ron Lippol ; Ken Coughlan, Secretary; Steve McCarthy dcat :, ,urer. Scotch were far too strong for Caulfiel d .nnarians with Darren Campbell kicking 5 for the

. . uurs . 11id congratulated Phil Kingston on his 100t h , (Phil went on in the next five years to be a ni8cent player for both his club and the state - N .R. ) tv:nn U119 Best and Fairest in 1980 . csI game was in 'B' when Fawkner beat Uni Blacks ints . 20.14 to 19.16 . Best were Young (6 goals) , Barrett, Korp (7 goals) for Fawkner and Marks, and Keelar for Blacks .

20 YEARS AGO - 198 2 r, Harris played his 400th game for Alphington . i, r went on to become a VAFA umpire of renown if not ,fl, and an Association Life Member . .1c : a tight three quarters, Blacks ran away from Blue s last quarter to win 16 .11 to 8,21 . Best wer e ,tun, Birch, Le Deux (Blacks) and Yeo, Yeoman, a (Blues) . ones to Bob Green (West Brunswick), 250 games ; I Spence (St Kilda CBOC) 200 games, Peter I (St Kilda CBOC) 100 games. ~oalkicker for the day was Rindzevicius (Brunswick ) i ~, goals in the team's 19 .16 victory against Monash 10.14. _ 1 .est sco ring game for the day was Old Melburnians "1 victory against Old Brighton Grammarians 16 .14 . ~ tvvere Brown, McMullin (4 goals), P. Thompson (Old d Priestly, Bedded, James (Old Brighton) . :tion captains were M . Zemski (AJAX), S. Talien t Scotch), S . Gill (Uni . Blacks), I. Rice (Collegians), M ish (North OB), D . Corcoran (Old Xavs), B. Bourke

(De La Salle), J. Gartner (Marcellin OC) and M . Sleeman (Uni Blues) . Who captained Ormond in 1982? 25 YEARS AGO - 197 7 'A' section coaches were Frank Goode (Caul . Gramm) ; Lance Rikey (Coburg) ; Bernie Sheehy (De La Salle) ; Ray Walsh (Marcellin OC), George Moloney (NOB) ; David Barclay (Old Trinity) : Ian Cameron (Ormond) ; Gus Mitchell (St Bernards) ; Bob Beynon (Uni . Blacks) and Alan Salter (Uni . Blues) . 100 games to Club Captain Ian Paroissien (Old Brighton) ; Barry Curley (NOB) ; Don Bradshaw (Old Geelong) and Ray Stewart (Ivanhoe). 'A' section umpires were Rowell, Simpson, Hindle, Wills, and Rowe . 'C' section runner-up Old Haileyburians celebrated their 'B' Section debut with a convincing 24 point win against Old Scotch after trailing by 17 points at quarter time . Best were Campbell, Code, Hattam (Old H) and Kefford, Duffy, Anderson (Old Scotch) . Monash Juniors had an outstanding victory against Ormond, 31 .17 to 9 .5 . Hodge, Grutzner and Rodger (10 goals) were best for Monash . 30 YEARS AGO -197 2 Closest game was in 'B' Section where Geelong's straight kicking, 16.7 gave them a 1 point victory over home team Old Trinitv, 15 .12. Best players were R . Trevaskis, R . Foter, Lindquist (Geelong) and Johnson, Kennedy, Fletcher (Old Trinity) . 150 games to Old Haileybury stalwart, Russell Hare ; 100 games at Kew to Terry Hayes and Chris Biggs . Marcellin and Ivanhoe, newcomers to 'E' Section, had an easy wins against AJAX and ANZ Bank.

35 YEARS AGO -1967 A 3 goal burst in the second quarter gave Melbourne High a commanding lead over Old Paradians and they held off a determined last quarter burst to win by 20 points . Best were Wood, Pearson, Gilbert (MHS) and Foster, Pickett, Tudor (Parade) . 'A' section coaches were Frank Snell (Kew), Geoff Hibbins (Collegians), Brian Kann (MHSOB), Lloyd Williams (Ivanhoe), Don Howell (Old Scotch), John Wilson (Caul . Gramm), Frank Dunin (Uni . Blacks), John Booth (Old Paradians), Alan Salter (Coburg) and Peter Rhoden (Old Xaverians). 100 games up to "Lumpy" Moran (Ormond) and Murray Peden (Old Melb) . Geelong celebrated their return to 'B' Section with a crushing win over De La Salle who then entertained Geelong at a very successful Barbeque at which Vin Pilkington performed as usual - he rendered "Stand up and Fight" just as capably as on any other occasion over the past 10 years.

50 YEARS AGO -1952 A player to make his name in football made his debut ,,vith Ormond Juniors - Laurie Mithen -'A' Section best and fairest in 1953, and star centreman of Melbourne's premiership teams in the 1950's . Among the clubs were Myer, East Malvern, Murrumbeena, Parkdale, Balwyii, Caulfield Teacher's College, Bellfield, Brighton and E .S & A. Bank .

Winning Edge Presentation s For me the opening round results were predictable as my selections yielded a 92% success rate . However from the point of view of many clubs there must have been warning signs of difficulties to be faced for the next fifteen weeks . Review of Round 1 . SECTION 1 For the second successive season, Prahran convincingly defeated reigning Premiers, Old Xaveri ans. After a fairly evenly contested three quarters, the superior depth of available players enabled Prahran to take control and win by twenty five points . For the winners, "Cougar' did prowl around the forward line to kick eight goals including four in the last quarter. Other goo~ Prahran players included ; Nigel Macpherson and three recruits namely ; Jason Storer, Justin Eve and Justin Geri who rotated between forward and on ball duties. De La Sa ll e showed they will again be a force as they dominated their match against Mazenod to the extent of a victory by eighty two points. After an evenly contested first half the superior rumlhig fitness of De La Salle took over and Mazenod slipped from the contest . Kevin Mamiix did well for the winners while Steve "Dermott" Noble on a wing, Richard Bourbon (full back) and with a"Big Show" John Ballenger all tried hard for Mazenod . St Kevin's found no diffict>lty out at KeIlor where they accounted for Old Essendon Grammarians by sixty seven points. Eley Park proved no match for Old Melburnians, who won a very one sided game by one hundred and twenty points . SECTION 2 NORTH University Blacks became the first casualty in 2002 at Oak Park, where Therry Penola through greater accuracy won an evenly contested match by sixteen points . In the heavy conditions Therry Penola took until the final minutes to gain control . Significant contributors for the winners were ; Paid "Ferret" Garoni, Aaron Maloney and Steve Reddan . The continued inaccuracy by the Blacks must be a concern for Coach Darren Hayes . Old Xaveriaszs (2) quickly asserted themselves as Not in the section when they overwhelmed Fitzroy Reds by one hundred and twelve points . Near neighbours, RfarceBirr and Old Trinity did have a close contest in which the "Eagle's" greater accuracy saw them home by five points . Defending premiers, Old Ivanhoe proved too fit and fast for a determined Brunswick, whose supporter base urged the "Power" to better efforts throughout the match, which Old Ivanhoe won by seventy six points . This victory was achieved through a great team effort by Old Ivanhoe . Those who stood out included ; Julian Maycock, Jordon Risstrom, the Weiss Brothers, Andrew and Robert as well as Captain, Paul Sigley . SECTION 2 SOUTH Old Brighton, at home, secured another scalp when they defeated St Leos by twenty nine points. Early in the match Old Brighton set up victory as they handled the slippery conditions much better . To their credit, St Leos never conceded and although they finished the stronger, the Old Brighton lead was too great for Old Brighton included ; Mark Jenkin, veteran,. Best Marcus Barber and Mick Ryan . Best for St Leos included ; Chris. Landy and Tim Batty. Coll egians showed their class early when thev ¢7flicted a one hundred and fifty four point defeat on Old+ Geelong, who failed to kick a goal during the match . Without an Under 19 side, Collegians now have several unexpected recruits wh o 22

may help the club atone for last season's final's fade out. Monash Blues started the season in fine style ,with a one hundred an d two point victory over debutants, H mpton Rove.s in whose players were short of match practice after season hiatus . The Blues were able to exploit the Rover of match fitness by running hard throughout the Better players for the Blues included ; Luke Woods, O'Brien and Damien West . Rovers Coach, Andrew McG named ruck man Stuart McDonald, key defender, Ar Hunter and Ian "Rabbit" Boyle as best . Nick McMillan i ruck also did well according to my match reporter . Way out east W hitefriars had little difficulty in defe newcomers, Hawthorn forty one po'ints . The early suited Hawthorn , who started brightly to lead by nine p at the first change . For the rest of the match, 1Nhitei reigned supreme in front of their large home crowd . Cc Peter O'Brien, Darren Murray and Tim . Haynes were be Whitefriars . For Hawthorn, the best were Ivan Cl ; Tim.Fitzpatrick and Paul Barker .

Preview of Round 2. SECTION 1 This round should tell us much about comparative strength of Uie teams this season . At Darling Park, the co - tenants, Be La Salle an d Pral meet . Prahran are confident of victory even without forcvard, "Cougar" while De La Salle have demonstrated e season form . A close contest can be expected . I believe De La Salle will win narrowly. St Kevin's should defeat RSazenod, who have lost sc stalwart players . Newcomers to the Section, Eley Park an d Old Esseni meet at Whitehorse Reserve . It is difficult to assess I strong Eley Park will be given their interrupted start to season. The long trip east may not prove palatable to Essendon although I suspect they will be talented enougl take the points.

At MeHale Stadium last season's second semi finalists in s .7Laverians and Old Melburnians meet, Old Xaverians w victories in successive weeks late last season stoppe d quest for success. Last week's results may h~ flattered Old Melburnians while David King will be anxic that his "Crocodiles- avoid another last quarter fade oui expect Old Xaveiians to field a stronger side and on the wi expanses of McHale Stadium I believe they will win . SECTION 2 NORTH In the morning match I expect a ha fought contest between Old Xaverians ( 2) and Ther Penola . The Xaverians were flattered by last week's sec board and they will find Therry Penola a tough opponent . select Old Xaverians as I don't know if Therry Penola ha overcome their 2001 forward deficiency , Old Trinity should open their winning account at it expense of Fitzroy Reds, who will find te going tough c the big Trinity Oval . Last year's Premiers, Old Ivanhoe will be buoyed by the flag tmfurling and I expect they will be too talented for the visitors, blarcellin , University Blacks will need to improve their accuracy t over come a determined, Brunswick Power. Fitness wi prove to be a key to the Black's success as will be the .

.4 2.5(1'7) .,.12 14.15 (99) Noble, Bourbon, ti4ili1aurvs .

5 .3 5,5(33) 10 .8 15 .10 (100) Bes t: Walker . Eddy . 2 . L . Katavoulos 2 . J . : :3rgan . Van Der Wert . 10.8 15 .11 21 .13 (139) 0.2 0 .4 2.7 (19) 4 . Paine. Best, Paine. Anderson ,

2.3 (15) 1 '19 (127)

. P~t~~ Lou v,~'i n . Slddlecambe .

Goliegians v . or '1BA Hampton Rev rs v . Old Geelong Amateurs v. nzonash Blues - 12 noon Leos Emmaus v. Whitefriars



= ; I) ils'.NE Pt)d?~S BOOKO

. F_A_ ,,Your Coac : :es' -ssociation"



P - Part 2

. Su`.,gcstions for teaching sportsmanship i ;,e include three app ro aches to the teaching of sportsmeneiiip : ( 1) teaching by licit ins n (2), tcaciring by example, and (3) practising sportsa1a1ship• How much you depend on explici t -u ; .:on, and how much you depend on hatin 6 vour csactise sportsmanship, is a function of the age iilc.-ers (the older they are, the more you ca n e ::-?lain to them) and your own abilities an d of your personality as you try to get player s the habit of sportsmanship, you Il have t o in a variety of approaches . The most obviou s tle use of the rules and punishments for th e i rules . But remember that respect for others , n(.rstone of sportsmanlike behavior, requires firs t ,)st the perspective to see things fro m int of view. And many of the activities tha t I te habit and perspective of sportsmanship post-garne handshake - are not activitie s t . rules, but by custom and tradition . They ire character of meaningful rituals that become u a part of the sport as the rules . Remember can develop, even invent, rituals that ca n rt of the sport - or at least a part of your it s a series of general guidelines for ~rar[smanship to young players .

GuPdelir3s fo : teaching sportsmanship. I - .' a?ood role model - As a coach you mus t b, keep in mind that your actions do, in fact , der than your words . No matter what you say, do will have an effect on your players. Yo u ~ iy-fhing you can to show your plavers what 7 , be a good sport by treating opposition end coaches, officials, and team members wit h ~.n obvious corollary: admit to your players an tall short of your own sportsmanship ideals. ,hasise sportsmanship from the beginning - Th e of 'coaching for character' should start early , r first contact with players . If you're recruiting r to come out for the team or a player comes t o C! -_,uss trying out, what you say will set the tone ur relationship with that player . At the first tea m ~~ with your players you should explain how --m value sportsmanship . Tell them what your ions are, how you understand that basi c :r,ies of sportsmanship, and why these principle s .iii- Drtant. 3- Talk about combining seriousness and playfulness , r the principles of sportsmanshi p are based on the i : :ure of sport, and sport is a form of competitive , : :plain to your players that sport is 'serious fun' . them understand that bad sportsmanship is ofte n tcr of being 'too serious', of forgetting that there's io sport than winning and, in some cases, a of not being serious enough, of forgetting that to be excellent and striving to win within rules stoms of the game are essential parts o f on. show this balance in vour own attitude and in

your comments . Be serious when it's called for ; cut up , kid around, and have fun when it's ca lled for. How you express this balance will in part depend on your own personality, but the need for balance between playfulness and seriousness is not a matter of personal preference or personality . It comes from the nature of the activity your engaging in, competitive play. Take your responsibilities seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously. 4 - Talk about the re; .ationship between sportsmanship and success - Make sure your players understand the success' in sports is not merely a matter of achieving victory, and that victory without sportsmanship, dignity, and honour is ho ll ow . At the same time, try to show your players that respect for the team and y our sport, as well as respect between the players and the coach, might help develop habits and talents that will improve your chances of winning . 5- Regularly use the language of sportsmanship - The langua ge of sportsmanship should become a regular p art of your coaching vocabulary. Don't leave this l an guage behind after the first team meeting. The language of 'respect' should be heard by your players often. If you earn their respect,` the language you use around them will become a part of their way of looking at things . Never underesti mate the power of language . The right words make it possible to understand things we couldn't otherwise understand. 6 - Expect sportsmanship in practice as well as in games - Since we are encouraging you to develop the habits of good sportsmanship in your players, don t reserve instructi on for games only. Expect good behavior - the habit of showing respect - in prac ti ce . 9- Establish team rules, customs and tradi ti ons that reinforce the principles of sportsmanship - While it is crucial to talk about the basic principles of sportsmanship, it is probably even more important to be specific about your expecta ti ons. Estab li sh specific team rules that promote good sportsm an ship . It's a good idea to list the rules and place them in the conte x t of the principals of sportsmanship . If you demand 100 percent effort at all times than explain this demand with reference to respecting your opponents, your teammates an d the game. As much as possible, be specific about how you expect your players to relate to opponents, officials and each other . W hen the opportunity arises, try to develop customs with traditions that will promote sportsmanship . Some customs and rituals you can simply demand, li ke the post-game handshake. Others develop out of the special relations and situations ; the players develop some of them on their own . Take advantage of those developments . 8 - Encourage players to take the perspec tive of other par ticipants in sports - Since sportsmanship demands proper perspective, help players to understand and imagina tively to appreciate others' points of view . This is analogues to the moral education of a child, when a parent sometimes says something li ke, "How would it make you fell if someone did that to you?" Talk about the '"'ver rule' . Talk about how opponents and officials might look at -u and your players. u :ch (Vol . 23 No . 4, 2001)

round of the 2002 D2 season was played in and slippery conditions, a steep contrast to th e dry, hot pre-season the clubs endured during the , miner months . Old Carey hung on for a nail biting one point victory o . ,_,r Bentleigh . The C's were well served down back . : ,~h Steve Vitali and Chris Battle repelling several a acks. The Demons tried valiantly to snatch victory but poor kicking and some basic skill errors would have frustrated new coach Paul Dimatina . However the good form of Frank Dimatina, Chad Goette and Paul Hutchison v~re positives . Home side La 'i'robe ', took the four points in a polished performa :, .. aga ;nst Parkside. A hardened University was Si in around the packs and moved the ball well . Parkside's lack of match practice proved vital as the side made poor decisions and missed targets . In the second half Parkside outscored La Trobe kicking five goals, but couldn't make up the difference . Better players for Parkside were Rob Wise, Brad Hockey and recruit Tristan Barlow . Amid torrential rain goals were hard to come by in a scrambly affair between Kew and Peninsss .Pa . A solid third quarter saw Kew hit back at the Pirates giving themselves a chance going into the last, but the home team did enough to hold on and win by 29 points . Best players for the winners were Braden, Bowen and R . Cannon . For Kew . Searle and Blair toiled hard .

Yarra Valley controlled the game after quarter time against the Fitzroy Reds, winning by a solid 65 points . The Valley opened the game up in the second quarter with six goals to nil . Stevenson, Stone and Cotsford were inspiring, while Cahill . V. Lee and Clarke were among the better players for the Reds . Yarra Valley shared its goals with Taylor being the best kicking three . Salesian finished comfortable winners over the Krushers with a 55 point win. Superior ball handling in the slippery conditions proved vital as they piled on 12 goals in the second half. The Krushers were 1sert d by Marshall kicking four goals, and Clark "''---as impressive around the ground .

be enough to hold off the boys from Peninsula in their captain, Andrew - ~ ~Atchison'150 . Peninsula by 19.

Oakleigh v Fitzro y After a disappointing start to the season both tean, will be looking for a win . The Krushers at lion should get the points . Oakleigh by 7 . Parlesirle v Salesian Parkside will be desperate for a first win in its batt against the classy Salesian . However the lion ground advantage won't be enough to get over tl . line. Salesian by 34 .

Bentleigh v La Trobe Expect a pumped up Bentleigh this Saturday in it match against La Trobe, as it goes all out to turn th tables on its round one result . In a tight contest, m tip is only a goal or two will decide victory . Bentleig: by four . Kew v Old Carey

The young legs of Kew will push Old Carey all th, way, however the proven class and experience of thi C's will win out . The C's by 27 . Press Correspondents : Luke Derbyshire - hollywood 2adCyahoo .corn,at c_- ( ;`) C = W 5`,: -'. 0 7

Higgins Searle C .Marshall Sharp Ryan

Levoli Krohn Kirakov

; :;N 501 9 Salesia n Kew Oakleigh Bentleigh Parksid e RESERVES Salesian Peninsula Kew

10 4 4 4 4 7 4 A

"---ey v Peninsul a Both sides are coming off comfortable vvins, so expect the skills to be quick and the action fast . In a tight contest Yarra's home ground advantage won' t 26 THE AMATEuR Fnnraa1jco . n„.

T 7.4 7.9 2,4 5.6 r 2, PsicKt . .: .zt, t'kx '., C . Best: K:rea .Den .- : 0.4 1.2 ,,di 1,1 " . . al e

2 .6 4.11 2 .5 3. 6

D. Poite7. BesL C. Fmser, S- Col:

3 .5 6 .10 0 .5 7 .7

Yarra Oa .

. i'euirsui a

zrov Reds I v. Satesiasi La Trobe Lnitfersit ;

. Old Care v

14 Team)

me 9 VAF ( ["eszior) - Woodville Ova (2 .90pm ) (Soth Australia) (Difflon, Sim s Sunday July 21

; "~ f1 -1 1 9 E 1;~ , (L;19) - Elsterimick Park (11 .3Qazn )

- Elsterz7wiek Park (2 .00pm)

Coach : Ra n Doneny id = , George Asst Coach : Darren Searle a: Crag Bo x Res Coac.,c Greg Crimmins 1 B. Lafranch i ari7 oUrge n

son 0 째. ,enry 11 D. In 12 M . 째nrf 13 L. i 14 P. } 15 B .1 16 L, Ai 17 J. Fi4 . ... Ield 18 S . Adaway 19 S. Hall Fishlo:J c . Istea d vin ina

16 G . C ~y 17 B L : 1a ., . t 19

2, T 2, A `G



2; 28 J.

29 11 E 31 P. C : 32 A Cni 33

35 A k38 39 4e G 41 ft t~u r 4 ; !.

30 1 2 3-3

A.t 3 R . English J . Di.^-~drgio P. 'a i gton

4: a= 4E

4 M. P. S- n G. 1

G . 1 .,y G



we 42 A . F alsen ~ 43 C.t A. W 4t R . L E d 4 ; S. Cala , ~ro 4E F. C 44 50 A . ., > 1 S. T

52 L. B A. Be


8 B, f ser

55 G. I ...;hards i C .6


57 A. King 3 T. Caterson 59 D . Pit'aYo

C . Park

6S N 55 4

a=' T 5; gx

59 61 6< 6: 6

GW N A P. D J. E


2 L. Fitzgerald 3 B . Marcthesani 4 G . Crimmins 5 A. Makris 6 N. Tinettl 7 N. Lym n 8 D. Mainsbridge 9 A . Eaton 10 B . Cullen 11 B . Woodhouse 12 J . Growcott 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J . Looke r 15 C. Bradley 16 D. Wood 17 B . Allen 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Denni s 20 A . Acfield 21 M . Ayres 22 C . Stephens 23 T. Atken 24 D . Kinross 25 C . Watts 26 S. Byrnes 27 T. More 28 M. XL eb 29 M. C nple 30 C . Gk nte 31 D .C fig 32 A. Dr o 33 D . Wa,,and 34 M. Fitzgerald 35 R . Brun o 36 S. Ryan 37 J. Landwehr 38 T. Connolly 39 40 G . tvtuckian 41 R. Livingston 42 43 G . Co(iver 44 M. Raffaele 45 A. larossi 46 A. Pirona 47 48 L Jensen 49 50 51 M. Blair 52 R . Campagna 53 M. Bolis 54 A. Waller 55 D. Searle 56 T. Frith 57 58 59 60 61 S . Mouse

62 G . Aitkin 63

64 J . Cronin 65 66 67 B . Allen 68 S . McCardel 69 K Tancredi 99 S . Bruno


Coach : Brian Grills Res Coach : David Huffer I P. Farrant 2 S. Fredrickson 3 D. Sheldrick (C) 4 C . Perry (VC) 5 S . A.damthwaite 6 S . O'Toole 7 N. Dunne 8 J . Thorn 9 L. Walker 10 P. Morton 11 Josh Levy 12 K. Perr y 13 T. Luderman 14 L.4Vake4ing 15 S . Brooks 17 Jacob Levy 18 A.Hear'stt 19 S . White 20 A. Murphy 21 D . Edmunds 22 P. Stewart 24 S. Edwards 26 B . Phillips 27 D . Gilmour 28 C. Ross 29 A . Randall 30 J. Smith 31 rrA . Fannig 32 D . Hill 33 M . Watson 34 A . Murray 35 J. Eyr e 36 T. Mawdsley 37 C . Porter

39 N . Rosengren 40 R . State r 42 D . Gleason 43 A. Poulton 45 D . McKeekin 46 B. Launikonis 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 51 C . Francias 52 T. Stauton 54 T. Peters 55 A. Cummings J. Lafdiaw 66 A. Balii e 70 J. Dumaresq

Coach: Rust I Bit Res Coach ., Fat Mc 1 B . Gec 3 D. Mackenzie 4 P. Papadopoul 5 T.lanchello 6 R. Dooley 7 M . Short (RVC 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Mouus 10 L. Thomas 11 S . Nicolosi 12 G. Treacy 13 S . Randle 14 R . Keeling 15 G . Redford 16 K. Marshall 17 A . Hunter 18 J . ConneNan (RI 19 R . Cooper 20 B . Stirling 21 A . Perdikomatis 23 J . Kerley 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kids (DVC) 27 G. Smit h 28 A. Khodr 29 D . Hall 30 M. Nicolosi 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J. Brown 33 M. Clark 34 B. Varkatros 35 R, Nuske 36 M. Ryan

37 P. Torpey 38 B. Papadopoulos 39 G. Gartneil 40 M . Whaley 41 S. Bar 42 S. Dalton 44 N . Smith 45 G . Chapman 46 B. Nguyen 47 T. Nguyen 49 B. Evans 50 P. Malcolm 51 A. Wood 52 S. Cocks 53 C. Casa 54 O . Parton 55 D. Moulang 56 B. King 57 A. Jury 58 M . Coppock 59 W. Ogilvie 60 V. Grinter 64 F. Loticono


Co.,;.h : Laune „u Res Co : Mark I awe 1 R. Adams 2 G . Davies 3 K Noble 4 5 T Stonehouse 6 S . Ware 7 J . Muscat 8 J . Chilcott 9 A . Constaniini 10 A. Vita 11 B . Hockey (VC) 12 D. McCal l


tt y


13 A. Copley (RVC )


n ti


r ,

14 P. Hanley 15 D. Moodie (C) 16 M . Ross 17 A. Romano 18 M . Schwabl 19 T. Ryan 20 D. Singleton 21 J . Scholl 22 R. Wise 23 R. Beck 24 R. Marulli 25 M . McPherson 26 27 28 R . Martinez 29 J. Libroaperto 30 M. Yandl e 31 S. Hogan 32 J. McCall 33 K. Alle n 34 M. Romano 35 G . Panjari 36 T. Barlow 37 B. Boughton 38 H . Byrne 39 40 C . Chioppi 42 P D n 43 B. C rman 44P.S 45 B. A n 46C . V 47C .T ~ 48 R . J ~s 45 SC o.F 51 A. ' 5, B. o' 53 P. E 0 54 S.i' ) 55 Sc 1. 57 5£ i

5£ 6( 61 r. ". 62 6; D .' 6r 65 S . 6E 5 67 70 71 M .

3ry C

Res C

:h : n'eil F ik s

1 S . Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goidthorp 4 E . Bowen (Vc) 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S . Murray 7 N. Franks (Res .) 8 P. Angus

9 M . Dentry 9 P. Krohn (Res.) 10 A. Hale y 10 T. Trewhitt 11 S. Ferguson 12 C. Pettitt 13 T. Braden 14 S. White 15 A. Woo d 16 S. Claringbold 17 J . Coghian 18 J. Whelan 19 A. McKinstry 20 S. Prenc.,,:gast 21 A. M< l :rson 22 A. Ate =n (C) 23 R . Pc t 24 T Prer:-r. 26 P. Fre n 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Tcrc i 30 .ACrean 31 G. D 32 H . S an 33 R . S r _i 34 hq. Ano n 35 R . W er ,en 36 P. Ser 37 B. O i 38 T C 39 S.1 40 B. 41 A. v 42 ' L 43 44 45 D . -46 L. 4; !

.h: Da-" --h: Dsr : Tc 1 A. Stevens 2 A. Anderson 3 S . Sutherland 4 S . Bobe6c 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Forer 7 G . Gasped 8 S . Logan 9 A . Campbell 10 S .Oldfiield 11 A. Davey 12 M . Bates 13 I . Bobetic 14 J . Ngo 15 C. Ryan 16 G . Irvine 17 M . Ferwerda 16 D. Barry 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seager 21 A . Bates 22 R. Ste •°ns 23 S . Nc in 24 A Gr = 25 M . , 26 J . P!° 27 ' 30 M. 31 J . : 32 r 33 an 34 D, F 35 P._, . 36 D . Trl 37 S. Sir 39 P. 40 Fo 41 J. Nov, i 42 E: s 43 E. Mail 44 r : H

e 1 R. Pearce 2 T. Morris 3 R . Thompson 4 M. Fun g 5 A. Drew 6 R. Dew 7 C. Beal 8 L. Morris 9 J . Keem 9 C. Ross 10 T Hancock 11 F. Macvean 12 J . Cremean 13 L. Gillies 14 E. Kruse 15 N . Pask 16 L . Taylor 17 A. Laing 18 L . White 18 D . Ross 19 J. Stn j 20 T Ha! 21 D . St, in 22 B. D 23 R,' 24 .) 25 F. Pell no 26 J. ' ht 27 S. 28 7- . 29 "t , . 30 D P 31 .: 33 P. Cr 33 D . It 34 C . F 35 B. F 37 D . E 38 _ . r , 39J.Tons 40T.Fy" 41 D

This i q

Graeme has b,, i t appointed 71 -oe,t - cycled about T 1_1 n - professionai below) . ~e - trained dailv . ., . runnin ,tikes we tired just wTi a The

Advisor for nd year in a row. For presea: trainiii- ' 7i 1 the Vic Athletic League ( runnui club) and concentrated on running I t

aad - A. Damen . D . Napoli

A. Simpson, V . Vescovi, C . Brajtberg &,

merr, Ball 16 1 '4 Gr blue

. Ae won 3 ^!fts - Bacchus Mar , d ; ei!or. Over 1' : >ter, he competed i n Stowell. i ; c2 !~ second. Well Do maybe n yc . . will receive t rot td and new umpire to ' a`pat on 1 i ;e back' for his very g( ,etween Ajax a

McCarthy - slip / slop I slap o n ~ )caches . . . . . . . .

li :,son t l&!,

Section game last wee old . 'NG EiS SOCIATI# andering who is : , 31 Green, 10 Yellow and e ed on the next page ' s from the RFUA and every w i noires will be umpiring VP " by 2 of their boundary an d -es longside our VAFA field u Ep: is happening is due to -,I] F hil Stevens, late la :

~ ,n!. Golluit { umpi ri ng ; (-oundan, il --='p ~rjljg in mot it - Essenc n ,

,~bb .,s - f-Ieav_ - _ ~i

a bitr not going to be

._. .. . v

it's stand alone Umpi, a contingentpl lost to foo , -- . F d. ft c ~_ RFL d

ason, hoj NT - -

l that after all h~

, teaningful reli

D; sl?

. As a result

jotbail association a



SPOI?TSCOVE R ~lbie Firley

BLUE 7 Scan Scully

~=.N 5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max V4?ittmann

paid Hoffman

8 Paul Berry

7 Paul Croxfor d

6 Dash Peiris

Landan Blackball

9 Damian Lane

8 Paul Withington

7 Alan Ladd

ark Childs

10 Trent Foley

9 James Van Beek

8 Nick Evans

i a'ckselma n

11 Alan Stubb s

10 Tristan Bowman

9 Nathan Carlyon

1 i Lut:c Holmes

12 Mark Morrison

I 1 Chris Evans

10 Robert McLeod

12 D~urtel Mousiey

14 Ash Hoogendyk

12 Jamie Kvins

11 Paul Tuppen

15 Tim Doecke

14 Michael Gildav

12 Simon Pavton

GcoCi Curran

16 Mervyn Monty

15 Mark Jenkin s

14 Tim Tingiri

Pctrr Woods

17 Peter Keogh

16 Craig Brajtberg

15 Michael Sneddon

~1<,rk Gibso n

18 Peter Simpson

17 Cameron Leitc h

16 Luke Moncrieff

Jz~= on McNiece

19 Andrew Fyfe

18 Tim Sutcliffe

17 Mick Robins

1,) Sicve McCarthy

21 Gajanan Skandakumar

19 Scott Mackie

18 George Paleodimos

20 John Ralp h

22 Chris Collins

20 David D'Altera

19 Heath Little

23 Peter Griffiths

21 Justin Grossbar d

20 Norman Hitcheii

24 Leigh Dillon

22 Rick Love

21 David Iron s

25 Lionel Katz

23 Chris Steven s

23 Robert Sneddo n

Grrunie Hunichen

26 Daniel D'ulneen

25 Richard Eastwood

24 Jason Moore

Gculf ~Aioor e

27 Anthony Simpson

26 Brad Clar k

25 Mat Taylor

28 Ken McNicce

27 Euan Lindsay

26 Patrick,-,, i Ithar d

29 Peter Jame s

28 Leah Gallagher

27 Paul Jo it , ,

30 Michael Phillips

29 Gerard Rolls

28 Ron Mari_n


in Alexander

2 1 Pau-ick Maebus c Fennessy 2 3 rcL,, Rowlings

2 r, Jim Papioano u

Cr, _ P :iuI Lamble

- 30 Simon Olive


30 Anthony Li ll ey

24 Clm~ Garcia

31 Robert Scmmens

3J Jusr[n Lipson

32 Anthony Damen

31 Rob Schuller

31 Tim Friedman

33 Robert Mayston

33 Michael Forde

33 Sim( i ces

32 Jarre d

34 Gracrne Morga n

34 Stephen Morgan

34 Jei

34 Da

J~i- Lane

35 Troy Brooks

35 Or

i,L itlic :c Meier

36 Ian Burges s

37 Dal



37 Gavin Roberts

1 ii : i, Si, ~-ens (S)


- isar_ uh•at Vi_-' i , r : . where he watches hi s _,,,, 1Qti iiua at SKOBS . The 197 5 Medallist began his senior c" ;-eer with VAFA club Footscray Tcch : i ical School Old Boys - alas that club no longer features . Gary, a skill s coach with the 'Western Bulldogs, never misses Josh playing even when the Dogs pla Y on a Saturday afternoon . "The U19s is a good comp. "I love the concept of be' !ig 19 years old and still playing `Ifyo, ~ , C e good

with Brad Beitzel . enough you can play senior footy but thi ; way, if you are a bit under developed, yot can play against a similar standard,' Gary said . Josh is a second-year sportG diploma student at the South Melbourne campus of Victoria University and he isn't fussed at being the son of a champion . "Doesn't worry about it," Gary said . "I come along as there isn't enough support for the boys and I want to be here if one of them gets a knock and needs a lift home or some other assistance . " 3 OVER SUMMER I : RAN into m any Amateur people during the break . . '•t the Australian Open Mark Gibson, the VAFA's premier field umpire, said he had spent part of his break doing some work for Aboriginal Legal Aid in the Northern Territory. There was symmetry, w ith the guest speaker Dyson Hore-Lacy at the season-opening dinner listing a stint with a similar legal service in WA . OVER SUMMER II : Luke ~~wkins s :"-ho features on the front cover of the 000 2 handbook, has put on some weigh t ter doing a weights at the Genesis Gy m in Oakleigh . "I'm on the top-up list again j : ith Essendon," Luke, who was a svelte fe_-ward last year, said . Also working out at Genesis was new Ormond coach Mic k ~nuppel . A school teacher, persona l trainer, assistant coach at SKOBS for the past four years, and a father since the start of the year, Mick said : "You migh t

1 _~ri rc ~~ ~ - =!_~ER z ,:

say I grA a buzz out of helping people" . Setting the standard of behaviour is half the role of a team leader and Mick, it's always good chattin g

with you . JAC K QC -.-as spotted at McHal e

Luke Hawrrins - bee ;ed UP Stadium a ago coniisuin,~ his support for Monday he had put .on his silks

;11d loo! : on . and won, against British and ~nicrican Tobacco . ~'l LITF KEITH S ~-~.-

- _R


years of continuou s _~crcicc to ii .? VAFA began w it h ~arionr~l Bank football team in 1~ 552 . 195-1 ib~_ club joined the VA_FA. Keii1i ~.-

an E~ccuii'.<~ Member bet-,. -,:ee n 19851 on the Umpire C(-Ari-_ii*Li•_ 1966-1981 . chaired the conu)ltree between 19 ;1 2-

Crr011nca committe e P.einsiritcin~~t Gommit L ec 1 Q ; 8 2 . 111C SL2Ildards CGmP.l__i ,

Club .3 an d om»iitiec-,v1 d c1 ,, he ch:-!i?•ed 1983-

Promotions committee

1985 and r~°~~ei~.ed a G~rtificate of Merit in 1987 . While serving on the Executive, National Bank went into recession and Keith joined Old Paradians . He's been president and secretary, he oversees their U19 under-19 matches and he is the Duty Officer at VAFA finals when they are at Old PE-racaans .

--e - - _-- y


_ A.

Cnr Clarendon & Albert S tree t s 1t ~ -ast Melbourne (Afelzuay Reference 2G D2) ~ OPEN 24 HOURS

2?7 IV


I 1

home ground but were unable to use their home ground advan tage against an enthusiastic Bulleen Templestowe. Bulleen Templestowe 10 4 64 to Moonee Valley Magpies 4 3 27.

F0s ROLr;1


r,und 1 of F.I.D.A. football has been completed ~s relishing the chance to play afte r through long torturous pre-seasons . e played at Parkville, lv!oonee Ponds, Sth ._nd '.Vangaratta . There were a number o f rcoresenting new sides after what was a son of player trading in F .I .D .A. circles . er was perfect for football and th e i(l~ were in good condition. itrin Tigers and Geelong played the seaso n igaratta. Mambourin Tigers chose to rl er to acclimatize to the condition s

p ~=d dividends with Mambourin Tigers 5 53 to Geelong 5 7 37 . at and Karingal played at Park-4FiIle and ith both sides showing some in a lot of promise for the rest o f gal 10 11 71 defeated Nt h !hi- :t 28. DitiI5i 0 1 1 2 :

lley Magpies opened the season at their








Bendigo played their first game in Division 2 after dropping down from first division and were to strong for Karingal 2 on the day . Bendigo Warri ors 13 9 87 to liaringal2 1 1 7. Broadmeadow s 1 played Maribyrnong at Par kville with both sides showing that they had put in the hard yards prior to the season commencing . Broadmeadoc=rs had a few to many tall players and went on to kick 12 12 84 to Maribyrnongs 1 1 7.

Sth Yarra 1 played host to F - *rood Blues and 1=-ere able to use their local I c to their advantage. Sth Yarra 12 10 82 to Ri D od 31ues 2 5 17 . Ovens and Murray Jets won + i a forfeit with Colac it, 'e to make the trip up the highway . ong 2were too strong and experienced for C ns And Murray Jets even though they had to travel to Wangaratta .

Stn Yarra played host to Parkside but were unable to push home their home ground advantage with Par1;:-:1- coming out in front at the end of the day .

37 28

Pis US-1 % 28 253 .57 4 37 143 .24 4 53 69. 81 0 71 39.44 0


A.1St 1

71 53

P W L 1 1 0


, ~, i'sADOWS 1 1 1 0


1242,86 4 1200 .00 4

0 1 1 0 0

14 564 .29 4 32 17 482 .35 4






..'LESTOWE 1 1 0






0 1

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

P i IONG *

1 0 1 0

ast round



64 27 237 .04 4 27 64 42 .19 0 17 82 20 .73 0 14 79 17 .72 0 7 84 8 .33 0 7 87 8 .05 0

F ;! ~ , It to technical difficulties, Ed was not submit a report, so I' ll do the best I can Eu k the information I hp- Y째^eived at time of nc ( publication deadli >e .

tedious affair at R : ;lzat many migh ~ h i rie match of the Co llingriwood t' ( c -iercvalsp C sg m ni

no iliei : 1 to'

liuch as I fanc v cc atenders, I fancy Vves t d especially at home, I

o square . Both

a ~e leaquarLers, ( i!zem in, before a t: teams saw the visi . quarter

91 3 12 .6 lo.i0 ( i lO,Fil- 3) 6.4 7 .~ --i2.Harm- 2' : .Jo ~ .-,1 . : B. Pickering, S . Hilton. P. ley 2, Isasrkrni . C. Fiahony . TiLev, ;Jklula m 10.6 13.11 15.17 {107} 10.8 1 4.9 (93} 3 1 -auk ta, Avery . Burke, Hayes . _.,r . lohnson, Lauletta. k aerford N, Healv, ~ _ . . Bourbon, Leeton . .2 (20) 2.2 2 .2 3.11 (65) 9 8.9 J .Gill . B Turner. J .Scnior, S . Dishion 2, D . Gelba=t on . J . SL'ard. .1 Carinane. 13. 10 16.12 ( 148) : .12 16 .15 (111) tIPh, M. Higgms, C. , . ; . C.Hi9011s . Liston . n 3. Slade 2, Prrveil 2. pquflkna, Brum e

4 .8 7.9 ,9HM13 [91) 3 (127) 8.7 34. ~ . ,4acak . © .r .~. ; . 13CsC SnUtli , Dix 3. rlane .

11 .2 12.3 (75) 7,5(47 1 6.4 ,xk. Bury, Pi, Riiter. . S. Currie, K . Currie. 6.10 8.13 (61) 6 .8 6 .10 (46) ;u :rzbrvs. Monc,rzefl, T}-an . 5-° Rucizka, CriveiHa . , Tchin, Warren . Bea k 2 .ea (221 2 .7 2.5 3.5 (23 ) . Crasvlpord. D. 1. D 7et .

Best: L.

6.10 (46) 8 .17 (65) a y,ny. Best: o-lnastassi, , Paniher . eCau)ey, King . 5.6 6.12 (48) 7,5 9 .6 i6o) one, Bunshaw . LtYm oc}: . `ottms, Murray . Lest: IA .

ATFt jR Fnt3T? .xi

r Mt retrt-n :a '3: An :v mley P)t 1 L. Murphy 2 A . Hanki n B . , r al' ;i n P . Tille y

A . Rolls

2 D. Bolan d ford

5 "i

. IC-lis t

o" J. Ler , 7 D. svaieer 8 J. l3iandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A . Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 D. Bolls 15 A . Clarke 16 S. Edwards 17 J . Hetherington 18 A. Denyer 19 R .Coxhead 20 D. Rogers 21 A. Lasky 22 P. Rennison 23 r '_o 7 24 G. dd 2c, a ••,:Ster


35 P. all y 36 M. ;II 37 D . Nolan 38 A. Burnie 39 P. Allen

40 V.O'Conne r 41 D . P,-e ? J . L. d3 P. Claro

P. Rc S.

T. Star B . Hilt- i

T. Byn,~

M . Bullar d A . Applema n M. Creak Id. Hunt

3 N . Pavlou (RVC) 4 B. Turner (C) 5 M . Braini 6 H . Clarke 7 C . Richardson 8 J . Clarke (VC) 9 A. Burt 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 D. O'Connor 13 J . Hare s 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 J. C )n 17 C . Mac . (RC) 18 F. Doyl e 19 J . Evans 20 B. Ryan 21 D. Miller 22 S . Evans 23 24 J . Taylor 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior (VC) 27 J . Robertson (VC) 28 D . frlurrihy 29 R . Cassio 30 R. Duncan 31 R Marshall 32 3-3 R. Taylor 34 J . ~ hall J

son 7 S. L. 1 ~~ ran D . Cr= ford 40 R . Keits 41 B. Plush 42 N . Deans 43 N . Duncan 44 R. Pai' ir 45 D. I__ eS C. n J . PE r D, c ,~ ~~50 C an ~ J. 52 S. u J. j 5 T.C >I 5 J . l ey 57 J .s-ourlay 58 J . I :lure 59 D. ~-- art 60 61 62 A . White 63 I . Bracken 64 65 66 D . W right 67 68 69 D . Galakos 70

75 E . Williams

1 Pvt. Smith 2 T Quick 3 T . O'Sullivan 4 R. Trotter 5 S . Shannon 6 G.Bunshaw 7 P. Byrnes 8 G. Malcolm 9 10 A. White 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 13 J. Dutton 14 C. Shannon 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Mouldy 19 S . Lynch 20 A . Quick 21 A . Jones 22 A . Flores 23 D . O'Brien 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Piani 26 S. Baillie 27 C . Adams 28 A. Waters 29 30 D. Green 32 M . Harris 33 P. Bermando 34 J . Broo k 35 J . Howell 36 L. Newbery 38 M . Defreitas 40 41 T. SlaBe r 42 C . 4'JhitelS Hoare 43 45 K Day 46 D. Hogan 48 P. Gulka 50 S . Castiea u 52 C. Andonopoulos 53 K . Pard y 54 S. Rawimg ; C 55 M . Davey 56 A. Titley 57 E. Hil l 58 J. Cavanagh 59 N. Somers 60 M . Tapley 62 64 65 A Newton 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melville 70 76 D . Phelan 78 V. Kelly 79 M. Coomber 84 M. Funston 85 G . Jacobs 88 S. Griffiths




SjH ~js )~ , :{ j

1 R. H assain 2 M . Ladson 3 S . Hilton 4 S . Holme s 5 C. Horbu ry

H , . ; ; an ne , .;,-

d ;,_n na alf n_-id r~ne raan L_ , =aro Tc_mas r,

1 g S u: i 5C

er; rs 3cr _ -' .i

S h '. ~nan

c ~e

D, . F, : ev

6 L. O' Donnell 7

R . Back

8 M . Hartnett 9 A . Jones 10 L. Mills

11 L. Merrigan 12 P. Walker

13 M . Jones 14 P. Sharp 15 A. Borgohna 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne 18 C. Emery 19 J. Cotton 20 T. Hyland 21 S. Koppens

22 A. Dragwidge 23 B. Hilton 24 F. Mandrakis 25 D. Waters 26 A. Mita 27 R. Dowsett

28 D. Coulon

29 L. Johnson 30 D. Ritt er

31 D. Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 L. Adams

37 D . Christian i


38 M . Batty 39 M . Schonewille

40 J. Brown iaw .-Hand = r

rr v

Coach : Derek Tt an-Asst Coach : Jason Murchie


Coach :

,~i i3

Coach : Bru ce Mullens Res Coach: M. Hancock


41 S . Ferguson 42 T. Ducancubino 43 M. Van Houten 44 F. Monteiro 45 J. Thomas 46 F. Auttray, 47 A. Kizilis 48 K. Fraser 49 G . D'Amelio

50 M. Roberts 51 C . Santoni 52 A. Hall 53 J Pi

54 M. Griffiths 55 B. Pickeri ng 56 P. Harris

57 G . Beesley 58 H. Wathan 59 J . Pickering 60 K. Hilton 61 D. Houlton 62 G . Phelps 63 D. Beauchamp 64 N. Moore 65 E . Dizon

Res Coach : David Murphy Res Asst Coach : CameronBoyke« 1 A . Albe rt (~1C) 2 J . Sheerly ( DVC) 3 J . Piotrowski 4 5 6 7

A . Fidler J . Demarte B . Prior J . Murchie (C)

8 M . Higgins 9 L. Morrison

10 M . Anastassi 11 D . Milano 12 B. Nicoll 13 M . Luckey 1 4 R . Goode 15 C . Thom as 16 S. Reynoldson 17 D . Pamcutt 18 A. Fiumani 19 B. O'Mara 20 S. Woodward 21 B. Dawson 23 M . George 24 C. Connor 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Liston 27 D. Murphy 28 H . Dickson

Coach : Kev Hannett Assist: Spreos Beasley Res Caoch : Tony Fairies 1 J . Hannemann 2 I. Bingham 3 M . Joy 4 P. Henderso n 5 D. H annett

B . Dix

10 T. Psinas

9 A. Morphett

A, Hallybu rt on 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Moresi 13 C . Martin 14 S. O' Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 D . Batt aglia 17 S. Miller 18 S. Macfarlane 19 M. Glenister 20 C . Hall

10 S Byrn e 11 H . Bailey 12 B. Clark e 13 S. Brockley 14 N . Lampe l 15 M. Russell 16 D. Ken t

45 D . Islip 46 J . Sandhu 47 J . Sevdalis 48 D . Lit' Ile 49 T. Coleman 50 M. McCalman 51 P. James ( RC) 52 S. O'Donnell 53 L . Waters 54 S. Dobson 55 S. Gallina 56 I . Free 57 P. Jones 58 A. Roberts 59 A. Kliska 60 S. Rule

7(a) F. Vital e 7 b) S . Benjami n 8 J. Heywood

1 7 R. Heywood 18 M . McManu s 19 M . Shelto n 20(a) B. Youn g

20(b) D . Edward s

21 L. Fuller 22 M . Buckley 23 R. Holland

21 S . McNamara 22 A . Steward 23 D. Henderso n 24 J . Jenkin

25 C. Clark 26 R. Morrison 27 M . Harper

25 J . Siebrand

28 P. Fyfeld

44 S . St eng

6(a) C. Lewi s

6(b) S . Pietsch

24 M . Macfarlane

31 C. Kelly 32 C. Culph 33 N . Smith 34 C . Higgins 35 P. O'Connor 36 J . Carter 37 A . Reed 38 J . Carroll 39 H . Allen 40 J . Henry 41 T. Drah6dis 42 M . Hudson 43 J . Robe rts (RVC)

1 J . Kin g 2 P. Hamilto n 3 G. Heppel l 4 C . Lehmann 5 A . Cannane

6 V. Wong 7 A . Burns 8 R. Benne tt 9 T. Fleming

i, Mackenzie

29 R. Cavicchiolo 30 S . Fragiacomo

Coach: Juli- n Siebrand Res Coach : wiatthew Lewis

29 J . Allen 30 A . Frederick 31 A . Richardson 32 L. Hannemann 33 B . Holland 34 N . Hunter 35 C . Cachia

26 R . Benjamin 27 D. Disisto

28 J . Ward 29 D . Campbel l

30 M . Lewis 31 S . Edwards

39 D. Hallisey 40 E . Lew 41 M . Moresi 42 J . D'Angelo 43 A . Brown 45 D . Richardson 46 M . Pane

32 M . Carmichael 33 T. Thompson 34 I . Taryiord 35 D Jelba rt 36 S. Campbell 37 T. Dempsey 38 S. Darling 39 R . West 40 B. Bake r 41 R . Mille r 42 C . Norman 43 J. Tobi n 44 A, Hamilton

47 J . Collins

45 J. Smith

48 D . Reynolds 49 D . Schuiling 50 R. Sneddon 54 P. Sheer

46 A. Bandt 47 A. Thompson 48 M. Moore 49 L . Stewa rt 50 A. Bagnall 51 L . Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 T. Gross

37 T. Bartholomew 38 M . Christiansen

54 B. Ratcliff e

55 G . Marazita

56 C. Riley 57 J . Drae r

58 A. Rafte r

59 L. Bake r 60 C. French 61 K. Hilton

62 S . Clario n 63 J . Gart lan 64 W. Dunlop 65 S . Liuzzi 66 M . Malon e 67 M Brookshaw



5 Burwooi

68 C. Stevens : E'T


f~~j ; -i • ~~

72 L. Ryan

76 A . Shirley 77 D. Shirley







Round one v .ith a ='.i< :

~~run s b ,

the signs for well in the Pace were also goo ;, 'the LIHS- V iJ vers . abandoned in the

circumstances . t1IiS-tdOI h< Bulleen troubled the : fought back with thre . After half tizT_e, <quarte , opened up a five-goal !,a( : called off. For UHS-VU, Tatf,. . . l new players Langendorf_ A vCobraswnldhavetobehap y, players T' "~ourboni and ? :~,)b ? started against a m+ re fancied the Falcons fought bac' i n

kicking saw them dov i ~ Albert Park rallied Lhro i Smith and Chamber s < , .1 the third quarter . Albert Par ' weather football" in th e allowed North to take contr o . . proi >d on the u, going to be a ir.---over : . The i v.1 ii ag, ast . in the last quar -, lrowever, M1 .I,i' . -, to be a force th ,havetorsY out for a memorable victory . Leigh and Je z the s' - rs for Mt .Lilydale in their 10-point _. _ I i the b4=e . 42

You reports to = AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 2

,11( ,cleanevent .com .au by no later than Monday 'ti,i,ig (with Sunday night as a preference). Can t),o please forward me your nominations for the s lVreckair player of the round as well as any ,,,l,, ;to les or club functions you want plugged .

it park - Congratulations to Mark "Captain" philqps who is playing his 150th match and Chris ,/ackson on his 50th. }1t .Lilydale - Happy birthday to a couple of the ,,,,,~ lads in Jarryd Del Biondo and Jackson hcast. Described as fantastic kids, their hard work iIly appreciated by everyone at the club . ,;orth Brunswick - Well done to Sof Tsialtas on ,,, ;,lly reaching his 200 games . It has taken him a ~',~ars to travel from 195 to the double century . nu~h no compromising hackman Sof has been a ~si welcome addition to the North Brunswick ct:Iine . A former captain & best & fairest Sof ha s returned to the green & golds this year to try & ,chieve that elusive premiership for the club . There ,;1I be a few fowards that will know his fearsome n o p1,1`' by the end of the season. Well done Sof & welcome back .

7 .5 8.8 13'." 15.13 (103) y; 2 .1 6.2 8 .3 11 .8 (74) . ti Cart 3, Ellis 3 . Lovell 2 . Parslow, Addamo, urphy, Fastuca . p_ Fuller. Jotms . Best Pace, Barsby, Murphy. DiBattista, Tedesco , =_rys: J. D ayer 2, Bernard 2, West, Orme . A. Dwyer, Hill, Carra . t, FHarrison . Best J.Dwyer. Bernardi, Hill, Handley. F.Harrison , L'mpir,s: M. Forde, A Sitlels (F), L. Vinci, C. O'Shea (B) L'tIS VU 6 .2 9.4 13.7 (85) ➢ ULL6e :vCOBRAS 0 .2 6.5 8.8(56) Game Abandonded

L°!s'Tate 7, B Uebergang 3. Cusick . Halm, Collins . Best Tate . rrG Pendlebury, Brown, Gorringe, Wright L

Cobras: McCarthy 2. T Bourbon 2, A Lamanna. R Lantamta, Trinchi. Best: T Bourbon, Dalloglio, Aslangul, R Lamatuta,

Unphes: S, Morgan (F ) ';ORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .2 9.4 12 .5 15 .7 (97) ALBERT PARK 2 .2 4.9 10.12 11.14 (80) 'i orth Brunswick : Guppy 3, D.Newton 3. S .Wernham 3. Magnusson 2, 9n h«, Kyriazis, Samntartino. Boudoloh . Best: Murphy, Duson, ' :' h . Adams, S .4lernham, Magnusson .

Albert P :_irz: Fairfield 3.Venables 2 . Mandylarls 2,Green 2, Stnith, Hannon . ',nth . Borley, Chambers, Green . Venables . Hannett L'mpires: G . Paleodimos, M . Argall (F) "LT LII.YDALE 5 .3 6.8 9.10 10 .12 (96) LLifilAfiq COLLEGIANS 1 .2 2.6 6 .7 9.8(62) tttydale: Penhale 3, Cunningham 2. Kellett 2, pearce 2, Anderson . ~ 1. I,mc : ,an. Prest, Wells, Penhale. Leonard, Fraser. e10h uu Jenkins 3, Rashid 2, Sandars 1 . Brick 1, Gathercole 1, Bates I . '-' Luttick . Brick, Savage, Bates, Daly,Carter . i mplres : A Hoogendyk (F) t3LD 1 , S1BOURNE 4 .3 8.7 13.11 14 .12 (96) LOX HILL NORTH 3 .3 6.4 8 .7 10 .10 (70) Old . ;tbonrne: Said 3, A Horsburgh 2, J. Horsburgh 2, Bess 2, Fairfield , King, Leitch, Phillips . Best Fairfield, King, Leitch. Depiazza, trgh, Robson had North: Keillor 3, Odza 3, OldIleld 2 . Weston . Wilson . Best Garrett , Tscaldis, Pietersen, Keillor, Oldfield J. Heffernan, P. Hoffman (F), A Spitert (B)

D4 S -:e lon Bulleen Cobras v. Werribee Rupertswood v. UHSOB Albert Park has the bye Eltham v. North Brunswick Box Hill North v . Mt Lilydale St Marys v . Old Westbourne





RD 1



Christo Old Rlestbourne 7 Hoffman Werribee 5 H. Tsialtas North Brunswick 4 Gigas Old Westbourne 4 Mattson Old Westbourne


RESERVES WERRIBEE 5.4 8 .6 10 .12 16 .15 (111) ST.MARYS 1 .2 1 .3 1.3 2.4 (16) Weslbee: Hoffman 5, Marinis 2, Flack 2 . Waters. Pugliese . Meltmet, Andrews. Djakovic, Dole, Nedinis . Best- Marittis, Andreus. Djako ic. Hoffman, Meltmet, Owens. St Marys: Ryan, Schembri. Best Watson. Evans, Schembri . VicenL Lewis. hines. IIlI5-4U 2.3 2 .7 5 .10 11 .11 (77) BULLEEN 1 .1 3 .1 3.7 3.7(25) IIHS-VU: Ca aliert 3, Eddy 2 . Carrick 2, Stratltopoulos. Devlin, J Thomas. J. O'Neill. Best Carrick, Parker, Camithers, P Thomas, Middleton, Davidson Bulleen Cobras: Lykopattdis 2 . P Mastromanno. Best Ingram, Pollock. Sullivan, Tsichilingura, Cartledge, Hurley NORTH BRUNSWICK 4.2 6 .4 8.8 12.11 (83) ALBERT PARK 1 .3 4.10 6 .11 7.14 (56) North Brunswick; H.Tsialtas 4, Ullo 3, Nabbs 2, Twaddle,P.Sorteto, Gitlard. Best Robertson, Santecroce, H.Tsialtas, Ullo, Briffa .Rotella Albert Park: Pastras 2, Parmansclte 2 .Steward 2. Tsoukas. Best: Steward. Tsoukas . Fleming, Harper . Dowdle, Toth MT LBYDALE 4.7 6.11 10 .15 13.19 (97) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .1 4.2 4 .3 7 .4(46) Mt L3Yydale: Holloway 3, Proctor, Commerford, Kidd, Costello. Delahunt, Katene. Best Hollov.ay, Senior. Costello . Kidd, McConnell . Morrison. Eltham: Schafer 3, Decker 2 .Smltit 1, Watson I . Best: Keleher, Monigatti, Mann, 4.atson, Glare, Evans. OLD WESTBOURNE 6.6 13.12 17 .17 24 .22 (166) BOX HI LL NORTH 1 .3 2 .4 2.5 2.8 (20) Old Westbourne : Chrism 7, Gigas 4, Mattson 4, Croswell 3, Rivalland, Leitch, Smith, D.Slatterv, Habersatt, Clowes. Best: Chrism, Rivalland. Smith, D.Slattery, Bauldi, Leitch Box Hill No rth: Johnson, Tarulli. Best: Hutchinson, Bennett. OldHeld, Steinart, B. Johnson, Woods, i=




j A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jue,tping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "


L - ®® .ov®®®®v - ®® - ®®®®®®~3


Coach : John Ahern Res Coach: Paul Shoppee I P. Smith 2 S . Robinson 3 R . Baker 4 G.Parmansche 5 S. Allan 6 J. Storey 7 S. Variables 8 C . Jackson 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 A. Fleming 12 C . Fehring 13 B. Payne 14 S. Fairfield 15 D . Borley 16 C . Roberton 1 17 D . McLella n 18 J. Taylor 19 A. Steward 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 S . Redpath 23 V. Surace 24 T. Gree n 25 K . Dale y 26 J . Norman 27 W. Roe 28 R . Buckley 29 J . Hartnett 30 M . Dowdle 31 S . McGuire 32 D .'Odorico 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 A. D'Mingo 36 M. Pearson 37 L . Hogan 38 J . Rowe 39 J . Robilotta 40 M. Lapsley 41 A. Mandylari^, 42 M.Hyams 43 J.Tsoukas 44 N. Strang 45 S. Chisholm 46 S. Melli s 47 L. Tricarico 48 M . Willis 49 N. Langdon 50 D. Mckay 51 J . Costello 52 R. Alla n 53 M . Williams 54 M . Tomazic 55 D. Allan 56 D. Smyth 57 J. Sutton 58 S . Toth 59 B. Adamson 60 A, Dowdle 61 M. Cooper 62 N . Pastras 63 G.lrvine ,64 C . Lamont 77 J. Hoy

BOX HILL NORTH Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Ian Atkinson I Blackman J 2 Smith S 3 Odza A 4 PotterJ 5 Pietersen A 5a Hutchinson r 5b Jenkins A 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 8 Lacey M 8a Chamberlain R 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Kennedy D 14 Gmaz R 15 Jimoulis T 16 Weston G 17 Cavallo G 18 Wilson G 19 Keillor L 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Ferris C 25 Michelle A 27 Thoi T 28 Brunning S 29 Rodgers M 30 Bolitho J 31 Ives C 32 Mortimer P 34 McCartin M 37 Woolridge D 38 Buckland G 38a Bennett G 40 Tsaclidis J 41 Jackson C 42 Tarulli A 44 Garrett J 46 Cinar K 48 Marulli D 49 Ellis T 50 TaruUi M 53 Oldfield 1 57 Woods P 69 Aguilar G 78 Steele P 80 Evans S 111 Armstrong P

BULLEEN COBRAS Coach: Angelo Lamann a Assist Coach: Scott Dodson Res Coach: Matt Bourbon 4 I. McLeod

4 N. Cartledge 5 M . Starrett 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B. Hoare 11 C . Borell i 12 D . Thompson 14 G. Pemberton 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 17 S. Reddish 19 S. Trapman 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M. Turner 25 W. Olney 27 J. Cartledge 28 A.Foskett 36 P. Dal1'Oglio 37 J. Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N. Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 S . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 47 S . Irvin e 48 M . Soumildes 49 G. Anderton 51 R. Rodrigues 55 . S . Wigney 61 D. Rennie T. Arnold P. Aslangul D. Beraldo H . Biram M . Bourbon D. Bourbon R . Cumino J. Clar k

T. Dennaoui 6 . Fortune J. Hambridge T. Hurle y A. Lamanna R. Lamanna Lamers G . Mandeki c

M . Mastromanno P. Mastromanno S . Mastromanno Nasr C. Watson J . Tod d B . Pollock B . Neil T. Bourbon D . McMullin J . Rickett McCarthy Sullivan


Coach: Brian Doody Res Coach : John Glare 1 C. Sanders 2 T. Duggan 3 E . Savage

4 B. Doody C/C 5 D . Brick 6 T. Carter 7 B. Rashid 8 L. Sharpe 9 C. Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 A. Tibballs 13 R. Bell 14 J . Kerkham 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 S . Macdonald 19 S . Robins 20 J . Panetta 21 M . Hart 22 J . McKenzie 23 R. Watson

24 K . Drummond 25 C. Horsburgh 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Barnett 29 D. Howgate 30 M . Decker 31 B . Keleher 32 C . Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 D . Butter 35 G. Smit h 36 L . Donaldson 37 J. Trumble 38 R. Beecroft 39 F. Coonerty 40 J. Baud 41 A. Mann 42 J. Howgate 43 J. Mann 44 T. Johns 45 R. Davies 46 48 B . Turney 49 B . Hespe 50 51 S . Maxfield 52 G. Stackpoole 53 54 P. Harding 55 G. Jenkins 56 J . Shannon 57 S. Gathercole 58 59 B. Evans 61 62 63 M, Lutbck 64 S. Schafer

78 G . Foster 79 J. Bourn e





pan aI Johnson

1 S. Wemham


2 D. Adams


3 G . Lattouf

r, , ,,~ s Varga

R,ch I•1cKenzie Jelenc

4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 6 D. Pizzari

Cean Hendri e

7 D. Magnuson

,,,,drew Del Biondo

9 A SammarGno

a Kean Manisealchi (VC)


Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach: Gary Cutler

Coach ; David Feast Cummerford s coach : P

8 D. Fenton

Coach: Ashley Casperson Res Coach : Stephen Leitch


Coach : Tony West Res Coach : Shane McLauchlan

1 G. Robson (VC)

2 Fox D

2 A . Casperson 4 T. Gigas

3 Page S 4 Croxford D 5 Boddington P

5 S .Hewitt 6 J. Horsburgh ( VC)

6 Gallus S 7 Whitehead B

3 S . Depiazza

7 A. Christo

8 Bradbury H

8 A. Horsburgh

9 Clarke M

9 K. Murphy 10 J. Wilson

10 O'Callaghan A

10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudolo h 12 S. Care 13 P. Mahn 14 M. Newto n 15 H. Tsialtas 16 17 A. Kyri azis 18 P. Sorleto 19 S . Famulari 20 R. Divita 21 M . Sorletto 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Br'rffa 24 M . Alliani 25 S. Tancredi

11 S. Phillips 12 N. Naidu 13 J . Cornea 14 S . Mattsson 15 A . Board 16 S . Christo 17 M . Aqualina 18 P. King (VC) 19 R . Aldridge 20 M. Houston 21 M. Ch ri sto 22 D . Evans 23 S. Huntington 24 L. Fairfield (C)

26 P. Tancredi

25 M . Stapleton

27 Nathan Pearce (VC) g Andrew Costello 3,

27 M. Vaina

26 P. Mesman

28 S. Gillard 29 30 S. Healey

27 D. Billm an 28 D. Slattery 29 D. Horsburgh

30 Andrew Penhale 31 Steven Taylor

31 J. Heck 32 D. Newton

32 Pat Carolan ( C) 33 Chris Anderson

33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale

30 R. McMillan 31 M . Baulch

37 38 Pettman B

35 P. Dowsett

32 G. Jenkinson 33 D. Benn

39 Stevens D 40 Drago C

34 Leigh Kelle tt

35: David Callanan

36 37

34 P. Stewart

41 Bowman P

36 37 38 39

43 Phillips R 44 Icely A 45 Hum D 46 Eden T 47 Soutaris A 48 49 0'Rile Ch 50 Wals h D 51 MacPherson B 52 Moskaljuk S

jzzon Gardiner rf ,,s Gibson 12 Ju,un Commerford , chard Kidd : Chris Walsh Axel Bullerjahn o Daryl Mor rison 17 Paul Beddoes L1 ;chael Leonard ~7 Jeremy Penhale , i t.tatt Cunningham L'ark Wells ? ; Bart Egan

Terence Roche Andrew Delahunt

- 6 Travis Flanagan

36 Robert Di Nezza 37 Dan Hicks

38 39 Lloyd Allanson

-40 Michael Rhodes 41 Roylind Katene 42 Matt Pereira 43 David Holloway 44 Nathan McConnell 45 Kym Fraser 46 N ichol as McConnell 47 Chris Lonergan 49 Joe Hoffman 50 Trevor Gamble 51 Paul Bastick 52

,53 55 Haydn Flanagan 56 Dean Prest 60 Travis Wilson 63 Craig Carstens 64 Damian Smith 65 Lochie Proctor 66 Daniel Turner 67 Neil Senior

52 P. Brine 53 S . Milroy 54 55 56 L. Patullo 57 60 W. Duson 61 S. Nabbs 62 65 L . Rigazzi

Joseph Drago Timothy Grace Andrew Burre tt Heath Gurrier-Sanders

K. Pilsbury A. Leitch B B. Mattsso n A. Robbins

40 S. Leitch 41 K. Mille r 42 S. Roberts 43 A. Runciman 44 B . Slatte ry 45 S . Robertson 46 E . Sandstrom 47 T. Said 48 T. Scholes 49 R. Naidu 50 P. Habersatt 51 L. Stevens 52 D . Ball 53 S.Chafiey 54 M. Crosswell 55 D . Clowes 56 R . Skinner 57 J . Smith

58 I . Smith 59 A. Lipscombe 60 N. Aqualin a 66 A. O'keef e

Charlie Varg a

Greg Bird Marcus Gridle y Neil Whitehead


Billy Leek

Joe Drago TravisCrowe Peter Furlong

Werr i be e

~ ,~® s ~

rrnancia€ Service s

23 West M 25 Nike D 26 Zarb D 27 McMahon N

28 McDonald D 29 Baines, M 32 Sinnet P

33 Glassey G 35 Certo C 36 Henry P

42 Swann B

35 D . Rivalland

38 A. Crosina 39 C. Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J. Page 44 S. G ri s t 45 46 J. Polemicos 47 48 N . Oates 49 50 51

11 Moule B 12 Cardillo K 13 Sinnett B 14 Plummer L 15 Webb N Clarke P 17 Hatty Ft 18 Pettman M 19 Mezzatesta M 20 Flinn P 22 Walsh D

53 Bugeja N

54 Gibbs R 55 Ramsay J 56 Hatry G 57 Moskaljuk P

60 Price G 62 McMahon A 63 64 66 70 Temming L 74 77 O'Callaghan 78

UHSQR IVERRIREE ST. M ARYS I Coach: Tim Ellis Coach : Michael L, month Coach: Pat Mackey Res Coach: TBA Res Coach : Peter Dinnick

I T.Brown 2 B.Boyes 3 J.Carra 4 N.Goldaworthy 5 J .Dwye r 6 S .Stone 7 A.Dwyer 8 A.Zsembery 9 R.Orme 10 G.Koumantatakis 11 J .Bernard i 12 A .Webb 13 J .Hill 14 C .Goldsworthy 15 M.Purcell 16 L.Anthony 17 P.West 18 B.Frail 19 V.Ryan 20 A.Lane 21 M.Gilchrist 22 R .AIIen 23 FHarrison 24 J,Oconnor 25 C .Bartlett 26 P.Mulcahy 27 M.Banks 28 J .Innes 29 P.Harrison 30 P.Watson 31 D.Thomson 32 P.Rheining 33 M .Ohalloran 34 A.Pakovski 35 G .Theoharris 36 E .Evans 37 L.Vincent 38 C.Handley 39 T.Millar 40 N .Luce 41 B .Graetzer 43 M .Chamberlin 44 M .Robinson 45 P.Ryan 46 S.Angus 47 P.Rousis 48 D .Morcom 49 G.Schembri 50 A.Wibawa 53 B.Armiistead 54 J.Wright 55 B.Perelberg 56 J.Vincent 57 D .Watson 58 B.Lewis 59 K.Mclennan 61 N .Jackson 63 P.Roseman 65 S.Roseman 66 C.Roseman 69 J .Hendy 80 J .Clarke 88 A.Ballantyne


Oust Steel Industries

1 M. Wright 2 B. Ueberang 3 A.Talarico 4 L . Gorringe 5 T. Fulto n 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zulucki 8 D. Haslett (VC) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly (C) 13 N. Rose 14 J . Ham 15 S . Brown 16 J . Tate 17 18 A . Heliner 19 J . Ueberg an g 20 G . Madrigrano 21 B . Abrahamsen 22 G. M an dalis 23 G. Temes 24 N . Hahn 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusic 28 V. Cavalieri 29 K . Weber 30 M. Butera 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michael 33 A. French 34 34 J. O'Neill 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 A. Boyce 39 M. Rea 40 L. Mag uire 41 A. Ludlow D. Wallace M . O'Neill C. Percy P. Dinnick C. Siotos M . Kennedy M . Kinnane B . D ry ne R. Killey M . Collins C. Witnish R . Witnish R . Hortle D . Creek G. Divenuto J. Thomas J. Barro n 60 N . Thomas 61 P. Hoban 62 K. Rodgers 63 D . Parker 64 R . Middleton 65 T. Strathopoulos 66 S. Butera 67 M. De Luise 68 L. Holmes 69 S. Fros t 70 E. Ricciuti 71 B . Stanton 72 S . Duke 73 74 75 77 88 D. Fisher

Res Coach : Paul Smit h

1 R O'Connor 2 L. Ke n 3 D . Flack 4 J.Johns 5 P. Barsby 6 S.Lyons 7 T. Elli s 8 P.Dawes 9 M.Bradfield 10 M. Keogh 11 M. Green 12 M. Walsh 13 F. Mehmert 14 B. McMillan 15 A. Murphy 16 S. Fogarty 17 A. Tedessco 18 S. Pugliese 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Abakis 21 M .Johnson 22 A. Dibatista 23 J . Hoffman 24 J . Crick 25 A . Hovey 26 P. Thomas 27 P. Browning 28 D. Turner 29 S . Dole 30 B . Carlesso 31 B . Waters 32 M . Dolegowski 33 D . Owens 34 N . Lovel l 35 B. Cunningham 36 C . Ewards 37 J. Ayling 38 D . Velisha 39 L . Langtield 40 S. Fuller 41 G . Grogan 42 D . Elli s 43 L. Carson 44 D. Nedinis 45 J . Marinis 46 R. Hann 47 G . Fuller 48 M . Foote 49 E . Mahoney 50 K. Pace 51 B . Patton 52 C. Andrews 53 L. Djakovic 54 A . Casserta 56 Q. Walsh 57 D. Abbey 58 A . Cmerilla 59 A . Lont i 60 M . Czajkowski 61 D . Delany 62 S . Liangos 63 A . Stewart 64 G. McGowan 65 S. Parslow 66 M . Egan


~ (Sat. night)

are no matche s in -i manner that would allow

~s will be counted and the clu b

Ocf _ ~_ 4FOO--` .L~_-:~?ÂŁ ::~)2

a''ars and officials.



; /va :ii'Q Lie m as in the original ph c i will 1¢daLe n Pu4se E squa, .. in which the majority of~ae Energy T-shirt, a Pulse Energy cap an d sho.=aingr ':r The winners' names and original photo1 („Am appear in each subsequent issue ofi t 7a . (b) End or Year . All 66 winners will go in a c in e one person drawn have "switched" as par? o i

ta) Mek1y.3 successiul entrants who cor

winner will receive $2,0W werth ot electn

$754 electricity and $750 WO . ~l'~oo4t ~ winner to receive S500 prize -$ 10 6 ._ One entry per per . NO' appears do .. .I sight hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO 359 to Cistern f 185 9531205 4 or ptcapy Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . aa


MHSOBFC Senior Coach : Luke Soulos d~is drticle at the ,:[ of the 2002 A Grade ~ i, season which is ful l c ~ pectation and in doin g `lect on our thoroug h ation beginning with -e-Xmas session s ig through the pr e on campaign including practice matches . r .:ctice match form Lien pleasing wit h rtunities arising to try it list players, emergp'ayers from ourjunio r sand new recruits, al l to prove themselves. the opportunity to atulate Drew Fairchil d F„an Thompson (VC) , ny Cassell, Rhy s rrCck and Stuart McCully iaVGs} and Michae l ;~~r :ranz (Reserves capiii :ho were announced enior team leaders for 1 ason 2002 . appreciation is extended

Colin Foley 0403 574 50 0

to the Match Committee for their involvement and support in the forthcoming year . I congratulate th e MHSOBFC Committee for their progressive thinking and initiatives which sees our Club in a sound viable position off field . However the season unfolds members, sponsors and supporters should know that we have a playing list which is committed, united and relentless in their approach and passion for the MHSOBFC to succeed in 2002 .

Up Coming Club Social Event s April Home game luncheon v ':'arcellin, 12 noon %~ 11 .000 Draw Day May I!ome game luncheon v S1 Bernards, 12 noon Home game luncheon v St Kevins, 12 noon Thank the Sponsor's ; ,t .Unican Club, 5.30prn ayers, Sponsors and S,. ;pporters Dinne r June i 'nnk the Sponsor' s

i .;'tt .Unicorn Club, 5.30{xn z2 Home game luncheon v 0Id Ivanhoe, 12 noo n =ZTrnvia Night, Unicorn Club

Our Generous Sponsors in 200 2

$1,000 Draw Day Sunday 28 Apri l 12 noon at the Clubrooms Yarra Street, South Yarra $1,000 cash to be won

All basic drinks included in cost of entry ticket.

Players, Sponsors & Supporters Dinne r BELL'S HOTEL South Melbourne 18May7p m $30 ph - all welcome Book 9824 0480


Maxwell & Williams New Order Clothing Schweppe s Tooheys John White Insuranc e Weston Heath Burwood The Bush Inn Evans Kerr, AMP Terranat Landscape South Yarra Sports Centr e Paul Pattiso n JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants

Rigby Cooke LaWyers TVP Communications John Peterson Bookseller HydroChem The Kitchen Place Ted Lynch Agencies Australia Wine Direct Williams & C o The Frame Sho p

Beiersdorf Keith's Pies Club Warehouse Rod's Fruit & Veg Kimo's Deli Bob Stewart Mensland Gary McBean Meats Beaurepaire s Bell's Hotel Camp Australia Julius Redlich & Sons Moods Consulting Spitting Image Catering In addition to the two special Thank the Sponsors' Nights, all sponsors are welcome for drinks at the club on Thursday nights prior to each game from 5 .30 pm.

This Week's Club Milestones 20 Years Ago Today game for the club against In Round 2 of the 1982 Fawkner . season club stalwart and Ron later coached the later games record holder seniors to the D Grade Ron Verma played his 50th premiership in 1991 .





. . : THE :- ; .'-"-:'.~EURF0OT='- 1E .~~

A SeGti~~i~

. St Kevins at Etsternwiek: Park - ixztnrday •. De La Salle ,.Old Xaverian s rcellin )lues v. MHSOB

B Sec :.i<~- t . Old Brighto n r v. Old Melburnian s , v . Therry Penola Hampton Rover s n v. North Old Boys

C Sec~ :~•i

: oll jan s ians v. Banvul e

ulfield Grammarian s . Old Camberwel l . : xtone Tigers v . Beaumaris

i, teurs v . Monash Blue s

ull~_~n Templestowe ,-. ;uuption v. Old Geelong aus v. University Black s `:lliamstoran CYMS

Cal "ield Grammarians v . Old Melburnians De La Salle v. Old Scotch Old Brighton v . St Kevins Old Xaverians v. MarceIlin St Bernards v . University Blue s Under-19 Section 2 Old Trinity v . Mazenod Old Haileybury v . Werribee Old Ivanhoe has the bye Beaumaris v. Old Essendon Hampton Rovers v . Ormon d U nder- 1 9 Section 3 Therry Penola v. Whitelriars Old Carey v. University Blacks Rupertswood v. Old Carnbenvell North Old Boys v . Old Paradians Yarra Valley v. St Leos Emmau s _ . . . . . . ( - ) Sl ue Bentleigh v. Mentone Panthers Oakl ;h v . De La Salle (2 ) Monash Blues v . South Melbourne Districts AJAX v. St . Bedes Mentone Tigers at 1 p .m .

Under-19 (2) Re d D2 S o L, !D B v . Oakleigh v. Parkside L,utleigh 'niversity V . Old Carey Kew

S it Brunswick teurs v . South Melbourne Districts Syndal Tally Ho University v . Richmond Central ~hons v . Elsternwick

D4 Sec':: .. n Rupertswood to be played at Chirnsicle Park, a<ton St. Werribee (205 I19) I : .FC v . Albert Park

the bye i ;k v. Box Hill North Old Westbourne i , v. St Marys

Bulleen Templestowe v . La Trobe University St Bernards (2) v. MHSOB Old Westbourne v. Aquinas Williamstown CYMS v . Old Xaverians (2) Club XV111 (1) Praluan v. St Kevins Mazenod V . Eley Par k Old Essendon v . Old Melburnians - TBA (clash with seniors) De La Salle v. Old Xaverians Clu :, . . . . . - ••) Ther,-y - Penola v . Old Trinity Fitzroy Reds v. Old Ivanhoe at Ramsden Street Reserve Marcellin v . Brunswick Old Xaverians (2) v . University Black s

Club XVIII (South) Old Brighton v . Hampton Rovers Old Geelong v. Hawthorn Amateurs Monash Blues v . Whitefriars Collegians v. St Leos Emmau s




another time goal s to four to run out couviit cin g inners in th e end. Better OEG

REVIEW SECTION 1 It is simply unbelievable! We have now had th s results in, coachers and press correspondenteopnigrud, having time to devour all of the stats and not ane entail to say ho wendthe Ballach, Forrest t7eir p~etilar dub went. like t~ha etsome ir putdinto thi s and Weidner. invitation to players if the y article,l can' t promise everything will be said each week, but 1 will 2ziazenod had the bye . . Les Emmaus WP batted ou t cover most comments . . You SECTION 3 Therry Penola and St Back to last week? Well four selections out of five wasn't bad great matchatOakPark .iThe} grag llycla~ .~e just can't write off those Cardinals or should I question some of the first things were lookin g. do m the Udrrel information that is fed to ne? `Wltispers Donovan went into great depth as to how this team was tinder done, no one at training, 110 their way back into everything managed to outlastda co TPnuautgflan ll t e ell serv d7b comnutment, lack, of enthusiast,, - first quarter BANG ."•1 Six goals . . Rizzo and Quinn culminated from scintillating football in wet and greasy conditions One quarter of football was the difference out at BixIleen where 01 07 was to Carey booted eight goals to Yarra- Valley's two in the second quarte , Old Xavs was Shell-Shocked o p steady . Katsanevakrs bagged (6) for the da .andke his troops Scotch scoreleOs in theiseco d tebZm t to effectively seal the nratch the Bushranger be only down by 12pts at half time . The last ~o b nke a r nases and ode ably em-down affair witlr the Cardinals wearing . 1 ere better than Croweand Clarke For v another couple of injuries that will keep the players out for a couple g T after th) am . Old Xavs threw everything at them but Scotch held out Gyhitefriars travelled to ni a nice dlto~c la rlup e of weeks boys from Ruts) ga th at the half and it appeared very bleak for the Friars, despite then for a 2pt will. were sevezell Welcome to section 1 football - Urn Blues told the Caulfield final two quarter' they . At half time, Caulfield nlaking a better fist of theand Ash Spinner delivering the goods fo . Grammar boys as they went onto a 6g will t . Murphy, N outgtumed . lie still in the , bu Rupo, wldle Wallace and Rees battled hard for the Friars were down b~v 11 pts eanlead outUt o I cla . iyrd quarter was the i d~ference, pushing th ,Bluesih I. Blacks and North Old Boys fought out the first quarter II ( and it was not until the second where the Students game 30pts . don, . Through I eemuig and Ross who were unstoppablf ou De La tra . At ~alf time scores wer e the ascendency . Better players for NOBS werf tquare4gvoldf resulting in a 5pt lead . But Coach Foster was the Blacks powered ahead to will well level and anything could obviously happen . half to run out comfortable 6g winners Ryan and YoungClosest game of the round was played out at Bundoara where 2 able to invoke a 12g second from Stratlunore in the ruck, slow to start Old Paradrans caine rushing at the finish t fall shorte Best for St . Bernards was the big fella . lqooper and for De La - Bourke, Slams and Nicholas . Having scored no goals at half time th by the barest of margms Coach Obee re-enters Section 1 Under 19 football ned home 8 majors, ylule Old Camberwell who hegali the therehis at Downafter u . OP"s ran nlrnagt"~~drl~:~ successful stint coaching Old Brighton reserves better had trouble finding their targFtteka have seen .'s ventured to find a sandy oval g . It eotdd be said strai South Rd. O .M or coould fm~e . half-time puddles (the rain bucketed down oneharFriday nigll wit s s b back wiell~to and 39yaher OP's fought . Kilda curator?), Thi hbentS a0ss stance of thi among others held on for the and plr~i d al defu~e, butrit Was andbut Larrgford y : s providing a ver OM. s superior numbers at the ball and overa ll skill that well then' no avail as Warner O .B L'Jellers. t the day . . Kevins team and the one huge w i in this round with the Finally, Marcellin hosted Coach Brotivirs St SECTION Byt F There was first half was a very even tussle until SKOBS booted two late goals Monash Blues disposing of the Mtentcou ler f likelby big goal krcker sr of 9 goals to 4 provided the m p Grace seems to have found ano ier . Add another 7 in the second quarter . SKOBS last half the in Bedd'utgfreld with 6 majors and 0'lk tmell with 4 . For with a comfortabl ato be a real thrus ~it smarter and withrbetter dry . goal plucker 1_11 they j e need t use t tts and lromnonge~ year s anthers, bedsth wrHlanrigtn~ W 2 Old Trinity jumped Ormond from the start and wer wn to Bentleigh Recreational quarte efirst SECTION St. Bedes Mentone Tigers traveled do . This game was evenly o rnetliadf~post7elO,andSAmor e Reserve to meet for the first time Bentleigh poised at the main break with Bentleigh holding a slender 12pt Cioxon was'. For dangthe vanquished Captain Muue>I and Black were lead, The 3rd quarter saw Coach Alford wield the changes and after outstanding an inspirational speech at the main break, the Tigers came out prominent . A close game between two local rivals was played out at ~nhons fu'ing 13 shots at goal only resulted in 4 majors so at the last break OH played catch-up football all d~yeazin ~ slippery att (4) hard the Tigers led by just makiuson last moees and openhigttle 'found their opponents especially la ersyfor the home Murphy g with Coach . Bentleigh was able to win the ball tune and again out of .xmian, and the Jones' were key p to cover. Wa game up and subsequently booted 6g 6behinds to run out wumers the center team . After an even first quarter Beaumaris moved into top gear and . by 39pts . nines banged on 4 goals to zero in the next to hold a handy half-time lead Oakieiglr and Ajax fought out a fantastic battle up to the . Both coaches would have been pleased with their respective Steve Sharksomanaged to nia nntani their h alfethne lead plustoneogoal a t breal: performance with the wet and greasy conditions at Scamrncll teams . But it was Coach Bluzsteiuis Ajax that was able to break the final siren . Reserve . Oakie gh came back hard at Plenty of goals out at PEGS No2 although not in favour of the(5) home away in the third to grab a 27pt lead and . Best for . Old Ivanhoe started like a whirlwind and with Dfnakis them in the last but could only bridge the gap by 8pts . OEG lifted team . Best for the Jackers were O'Dwyer (4) on song Old Essendon faced an uphill battle Oalleigtr were Zola, Earl and Reynolds ramming home six goals to four in the next quarter to be withing Silver, Fetter and Iskaelson• striking distance at the half, but to no avail with OlG addin FOOTBALLER 2002 THE AMATEUR


d De La fought out an enthralling hard in it being in the balance right up until the end . )ring affair, this match was played in terrifi c La were De Ridder, Ballomo and Vickers . Best for

urne were Cooper, Ester an d Mill ing. : C TIO N R=D Bulleen-Templestowe faced an uphill battle against (2) and while the young Bullants battled manfully in Verga, Taylor an d Newnian, they were simply strong, conunitted running team well served b y and Silk (4) . l}oted a cricket score against a Williamstow n gave their all from start to finish. Luca dobbed the Seagulls who were well served by Ashcroft , ir . For the victors none were better than Mitchell d Marian. and La Trobe Uni faced off and it was the Student s - out of the blocks . The lead was maintained all day I, n-hearted Old Westbom-ne team led by Mokrusch (3) , and Hudson playing catch-up football the Trobers tLir first U19 Nvul for many years . Better Trobers Ham , latch MHSOB confirmed they will be one to watch with over a committed Aquinas will . Down by 4 goals at Bloods played inspired footy to take the match righ t i .me team, however with Ternes, Blau and Raleigh in ;lie home team began die season on the right foot. pREVIE .=1 ~cCTION 1 The Grammar boys travel out North West to St .

id face a monumental task to overcome them. The St. ; will be too big, too strong and will have too many for Caulfield to contain . With Harper dominating the - the ball to Burns, Neeson and co., a win is a certainty, n•r tans play De La at lionie, and will have to improv e ~ outpoint die De La boys. De La even in their loss last

9 goal kickers - this will provide the difference. of the round sees Old Scotch hosting Old Brighton at This should be a sensational game! Super Coach 'nst the up and comer, "take no prisoners" Coach t time these two sides played at Camberwell, Ol d ,ce them a thrashing (thanks Richard), This match I'm 1'Il toss a coin, the honie side - just. Old Xavs down at Righetti Oval in a game Coach 11 be desperate to vrin. This will be a very tough and a -~unter- I just have this feeling that Xavs will come u p n eco weeks in a row. reiuvenated and reinvigorated Urn Blues meet Mareelli n

CLUB RD 1 TOTAL UNDER 19/ 1 isa St Kevdns 6 UntversityBlues 5 Old Brighton 5 UNDER 19/ 2 Old Ivanhoe 5 Old Ivanhoe 5 Hampton Rovers 4 Old Essendon 4 Beaumaris 4 UNDER 191 3 kis Old Carey 6 Old Carey 5 Yarra Valley S UNDER 19/2 BLUE

iad Morrash Blues Bentleigh Monash Blues Monasb Blues UNDER 19/2 RED Old Xaverians St Bernards St Bernards Old Xaverians St Bernards St Bernards

6 4 4 4 9 7 5 4 4 4

at the Uni. The Eagles will need to play all four quarters to have any chance - I just can't see that - Um for me . Selections : St . Bernards, De La Salle, Old Scotch, St . Kevins, Utu Blues . SECTION 2 Hampton Rovers at home to Old Trinity pits two winners from Rdl against each other . Both teams will be very keen to maintain their wining ways and while at home the Rovers are tough to topple I feel the OT's will win a close one today. Mazenod will be raring to go after having the bye last week as to will Old Haileybtuy who fell short by a couple of kicks . The Nodders are an unknown at this stage and given their Section 1 experience from 2001 they should leave the Bloods winless after today . Old Ivanhoe who were big winners last week host a Beautnaris team full of confidence after winning well last week . Mick Deaton will need to control a potent forward line and an OIG team who run hard and straight . At home OIG to get the points in die match of the round.

Ormond host Old Essendon at Gunn Reserve and although both teams are coming off defeats neither will be dwelling on die fact . Adrian Connolly at home will have his charges fired, however OEG will have more firepower up forward and win by 3 majors . Werribee has the bye . SECTION 3 Yarra Valley host Therry Penola with both teams keen to record their first win. TP worked their way into a winning position last week but could not hit die front, while die Busluangers were run ragged by Old Carey. TP's start to the season showed more promise than die Bushrangers and the visitors should get the points today. Whitefriars will be keen to atone for last tveek's poor showing and at home against Old Carey will need all their guns blazing . With a few new faces from Rdi the Friars will give it a shake but the OC's will be too good today. Uni . Blacks host Rupertswood in what will be the match of die round . Rupo had a training run last week while the Students battled a determined NOBS outfit, The Students will be keen to keep up their winning ways and will win today by 5 goals . Old Camberwell and North Old Boys have established over the years a healthy rivalry and today it should continue . The Welters usually slow to start would have been given a nice shock last week by OP's and would not want to run out of gas against NOBS, whose consistent four quarters last week saw them unlucky not to get the points . At home the Wellers but I would not be surprised with an upset .

~'~iLl~fnl( :-~ Under-19 Section 1 St Bernards v. Caulfield Grammarians Old Melburnians v. De La Salle Old Scotch v. Old Brighton St Kevins v . Old Xaverians University Blues v. Marcellin Under-19 Section 2 Hampton Rovers v . Old Trinity Mazenod v. Old Haileybury Werribee - has the bye Old Ivanhoe v. Beaumaris Ormond v . Old Essendon Under-19 Section 3 Yarra Valley v. Therrv Penola Whttefriars v . Old Carey University Blacks v . Rupertswood Old Camberwell v. North Old Boys St Leos Emmaus v. Old Paradian s Under-19 (2) Blue AJAX v. Bentleigh Mentone Panthers v. Oakleigh De La Salle (2) v . Monash Blues St . Bedes Mentone Tigers v . South Metb . Districts TBA Under-19 (2) Re d Williamstown v . Bulleen Templestowe TBA La Trobe University v. St Bernards (2) MHSOB v . Old Westbourne - 9.30am Old Xaverlans (2) v . Aquinas

C6ULFiELU uii1-,'.1tiAR1•'_;5

2.1 7.2 9.5

UNI BLUES 4.4 8 .7 13.8 17 . 1 CauIP :-"al GmJnmarians Glass 3, Franklin-Jones 2, Foster 2, Arc .ros Schneider 2, t :ari:otu . Best: Townsend, Gerrand, Glass. Argros, , Carboni . Rapier. But Blues: t.feKerrow 5, Medlin 3, Moore 3, Tanner 2 . Butko 2 . biaddison, Rankin . Best: McPhail, Medlin, Young . Maddison, Cameron, Morgan . Umpires: G . Roberts, T. Doecke (F ) DE L,4 SALLE 4 .2 7.4 10.8 13,8 (86) ST RNARDS 1 .5 6.10 13.12 18.14 (122) De La F^lle : L . Johnstone 2, Skinta .s 2, Brown 2, Auinarte 2, Browning . Bourke, .T ,,v, Hughes, Roberts . Best: Bourke, Sitars, Jolmstone, Brotvn.

.`Quhu3ne. arts : D . James 3. \eeson 3, Hooper 2, James 2 . R. James 2 . Crockett 2, t comas, L. Thomas, Campbell, M an sfleld, Walker. Best: Hooper. D. James, F t, Calte¢a, Burns, Mitchell . Umpue,s : A Sttnpson, C . Simon (F) OLD BRIGHTON 5 .1 6.8 10.9 11 .10 (76) OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .1 2.2 4 .2 4 .4(28) Old Brighton: Smith 5, Furzer 2, Lynch, Tooted, Ross . Jackson. Best . Leaf, Adarnis, Lynch, Gamble, Smith, Mon.

Old R3elburn3.ns : Faulkner. Sarripson, Guest, Fagan. Harar, t+iatthews, Kauve, htatthies. Umpires: P. Rapkc , S. Mackie (F )

Best . Webb, Burgen,

OLD XAV:RL4NS 1.0 4.2 5 .7 7.7(49) OLD SCO CCii 6 .2 6.2 7 .3 8.3(51) Old wien,€ O'Meara 2 Pascen 2 Ross 2 Higgins 1 . Best Sapuppo Hall Ryan i , Ross

G<u • atu 3 Gair 2 Sheldon 1 Taft i Thompson 1 . Best Quail Philolay Slit I Dumresq Cations Lewis . Um~: S. Payton, S. Scully (F) [•_-.PrcLLL: 2.2 4.7 6 .9 8.11 (59) 6T ;wviS 4.1 8.2 11 .4 17.8(110) 1i.: -PL, tl:: tell 2, 4Pse 2, Armstrong, Addison, Barden, Brown. Best:

ce, pardon, Addison., loran. cuss 6: J. 0'Keefe 3 ; W. Guil[fer 2; P. Murray 2; N . Pope 2; S. nmt Best: P. Kempton; L. Giansiracusa ; JP. Mount; T. Simpson;

U, van; Y. Au~hton . Um,. D. Ste hens, N. Wards (F), R. Benson (J). J. Whtte, .qp:ar (B). B. Stt~ hens . L. Pell (~). Ii;?D ,R IF~2 OLD TRINITY 5.4 8.8 11.8 13.11 (89) ORMOND 1 .0 3.1 4.1 5.4(34) Old Totally : Con 3, Oliver 2, S Amore 2, Davies, Aitken, Chtffy, Ctawfiord, Spars, C--,- ..o. Best Gordon, Dasies, Pretty, Healy, S Amore, Ivtken. Ora-': its 2. Quarter, Arnold, Davis . Best Arnold . Cove, Muzzell, Con, __, Upaud . Black .

Umpires: A. Barrington, J. Aspinall (F)

OlnuerrEYBURY 4 .1 4.2 7.2 8.4(52) F : : !ROYRS 3.3 5 .9 8.13 10.17(77) . . .:ry: Erikson 2, Glanville, Goodbody, H.^Ktght, Mctauclilan, t:J Ron .. r;esc McLauchlan, M . Jones, Erikson, man, Eight A Jones .

Hampton Rovers Splatt 4, Fletcher 2, Coot lly, tr, Laing . Carillon . Best : Centrally, Fletcher, Elhs . Almahoi7er, McCarthy Umpires: G . Skandakmnar (F) BE.QU""ARIS 4.3 8 .4 11 .9 11 .12 (78) WE1dlLI E 4.1 4.3 7.5 7.6(48) Beaur^^sis : Ferrari 4, Collins 3, Sltu g 1 . Berry 1, Gillespie I . Groves I . Best:

"•' " "ulquinev, Deakin, Bower Shugg, Collins . .. . . : ri etved Unit t. Ld y°(F)

OLE VDON 0.1 6.6 6.7 10 .10(70) OLL : .: . tOE 4 .6 8.7 14 .13 17.21 (123) 6.d, For' = t 4 1 -- 3 . King, Gotardo, lb'etdner. Best: Palloeh,May, Tom— For. :- c Old I n.:,:_- 3ca= ,, Oio.7,. .r 5, Bottos 3, Lumn 2, MendoLa, Nielson . Best:

Bavford . Stilltnan, :: .'n, O_wyec Br}ant, Georgb u Umpires: P. Jackson. B . Dive r UNDER 19 SECTION 3

TIIERRY PENOI.A 2,5 5.5 7 .8 8 .10 (58) ST. LEOS 0.1 2.3 7 .5 10,8 (68)

merry Pencda : Callegan 4. Skiattuhs, Sheppard, Cooper. Stawitschka 1 . Best: Fenton, Quinn. Ferguson, Thompson, Rir<n, Cooper .

St Leos: Ballard, gtephens, Carstein, Fox 2, Callen . Wilson 1 . Best: Chun. Varney . Lc„att Phvland . Lavins, Fox Umpires : A. Bano, D. D'Ntera (F ) OLD CAREY 5.1 13.5 18 .6 23.11 (149) YARRA VALLEY 3.1 5.4 9 .7 11.7 (73) Old Carey: Katsanevakis 6 . Rowley 5, Sutrnan 4, Macdemmtt 3, Pdhttelaw 2, Ar~sus, Sansan, Bennett. Best: St tram, 4Vtutelarv. 'riacFarlane, Katsanevakis . Bennett, Rnnp Yarra V'alley Moore 5, Crave 2 . Coleman, Britt, Middleton, Gough. Best Moore, Nich atas. V ngirt, Crowe . Ross, Clarke.

NORi tOl .l)D'JFd 23 4 .5 6.5 8 .8 UPt1VFt:SS1Y BLACKS :.~. : 9 .5 12.!s 15 .9 North 01 3 Boys B Sheehan 4 . P. West 2, S . Cook, J.P. '. itthevrs 1 . B . Prri,rd, D. Rtan, Bloun a oCk,AFsG Unit Blacks : A Goonai 4, Z . Rudd 3, B. thven. K. Preshdb , A. Bass Grigg 2 . Best A. Ross. Z. Rudd . R. Scar(ett, M. Leenvng

Umpires: S . Caruso (F) . ir., Hitchen, A l'a)opoutos (B)

OLD PARADIANS 0.1 0,2 4.6 9 .8 OLD CAMBERWELL 1.8 6 .13 8 .15 8 .16 Old Parah;RnQ : Brace 3 . Bnmdell 2, Lyons. D Strickland, McKay Hughes, I McKay, BnmdeiL &faher, Huktles . Lyons, Graham Old CandreinveIl: Mankrortl3 Ryan 2 . Headley 2, Langford 1 . Best McDeco

Payne, t4arner, Lyons, Weaver, Latgford . Umpires : L. Katz (F).

L?t??tER 191? BI.UB BENTLEIGH 3 12 9 .6 12.6 19 . t(1 ST BEDES 9SENTONE TIGERS 2.7 6,12 10.21 1' It Bentim'^h : Krotolii 4. Robertson 3, Mclfetuae J 3, Holmesr~- . 2.

McIie, . H 1 . Brown i, Hoiden 1, Cox 1, Forest I . Best: ear ._, Helm- Holmesby S. St 1W atone Tigers: Rbrsnop 2. LT3ullier 2, Mor~n 2, Hilton 1 . .,:a' Fens 1 . Porter 1 . Best:'fJorsnop, ~LMurzay, Terrell, ;ra CI,*m Mc :,,unara . Fe , Porter . Umpires : M . Meier, K Walker (F) O.AKLEIGH 5.4 7,5 8 .11 12 .13 AJAX 5.3 7.7 13.8 16.8 (1 Oad:- Orcla.ard 3, Reynolds 3. Britt 2, Briggs 1, Cash, Kennedy . Best, 2 Earl. kouits, Britt, Reywlds, Kennedy,

1 3 . Israelsolm 2, Thivtn, A Lewis, Silver. Yudetman, Gottlieb, B jig, Rath. A Wollner, Pask . Best Silver. Fetter. Lewis, Iskael i.

Umpires: L. Holmes (F) ASOt: . --a BLUES 2 .4 5.9 2 .11 21.15B C„v :,~~PANTHERS 1 .4 1.6 1 .7 2.7 it Pines : BeddIDgJield 6,0Domaell 4. Torten 4, Evans 2. Chessari, The Ge C wa(d. Truman. Best: Beddmgfield, Tatter, Francis, ODom rook. Evans. ar ne anthers: Kelly, Little . Brst: Hamilton. Watts, MRvatsky, Iromt€oa , Rock .

Umpires: D . Wndlow, P. Cotilthard (F) SOUTH MELB. DISTRICTS 2 .1 315 4 .8 5.9 DE LA SALLE (2) 3 .3 5.3 6.4 7.51 South Melbourne Districts: D'Andrea, Adgamis . Cooper, Garment Bouchard . Best Cooper, Ester, Melllnq. Maloney, Turner, Kidd. De La Salle (2): Bellonao 2, Saunders 2; Evers 2, De Kidder 1 . Best: De Rid Belkomo, Maloney. Mitchell, Byers, Vickers .

Umpires: B . liktadhead, A.36eksehnan (F) . J. pagan . N. Booth (B), D . 3aP!r9er UNDER 19/2 RE D BULLEEN TE&iPLESTOIFE 2.1 5 .3 7.6 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 6.6 14 3 22.1a Bulleen Templestowe: Burnctuo 2. Ver~a 2, Gatuatsas, i ..ctw) .

7.71 . i(1

Lee, Taylor, Bucc7chm, Daskalou, irer~a n Old kas~exinn.g (2): Ireland 9. Silk 4, iv'o: n3 r3 . Cracknell 3, tt 2, Mcl.aren 2, Bortgiorno 1 . Bc x : - Bryce, I andT2,Bare , Silk, Marhn . Umpires: D. Longwarth, D . Murray (F) ST BERNARDS (2) 10.8 20 .15 32.20 40.27(2 WII,LIAt+'iSTOWN CYMS 0 .1 0 .4 0.4 1 .4( St Bemards: A ivtitcell7, Magore 4, Johnson 5, Hu ties 4. R}~art 3. Leside Anderson 3, Matthew; 2 . Oxenford 2, Ianaszo 2, MaRianus 2. Cox 2, Egv Btnt: Johnson, Hughes, Iazuazzo, A Mitchell . Marian, R}an .

Williamstown: F. Luca . Best. R . Ashcroft, P, Starpu7s, D taylor, J. Rowlandt. Luca, B. Koch. Ump3res: R. M.artyn ( F), L, Pipe, B. Share (B ). C Kaleta (G) OLD WESTBOURNE 1.1 2.1 4.1 6 .2( LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 4 .3 5.6 8.9 8.10( Old Westboruue; Mokraspl t 3, Rzlker, Payne, Stern. Best: Hodgson LHuds Dean, Tavlor, Aioknasch. Johnston

La Tmhe UnL• McDonald 2. Clatterback, Hogan, Fanmng, R.But)er, Gr4! Place . Best: Gellert, M.Miller. Keane, D .Bu[ler ~iam . Slater Umpires: J. HefFenan, P. Hellman (F}, J . Kralevski. T. ?(B ) MHSOB 2.4 6.9 6.10 11.1 , AgUINAS 1 .4 2.6 4 .8 6.' ` F4EISOB: Whitehouse 2, J. Raleigh 2, It .mven 2 . Fraczek 2, Stucki. Sierakow;ki . Best: Sterakowski, J . Raleigh, Blau, Ha(lenberg . 'd . .. . , . . Ternes. Aquinas : Not received Umpires : E_ Lindsay (F)

Umpires: J. fame, C . Collins (F) M Brown, S . Collins (B )

RUP 2 -YOOD 5.1 12 .6 16.11 23,17 (155 )

. . . is 0.2 1 .2 1.8 4.9(33) od : N Ash 4, Murphy 4. Potter 3, Sullivan 3, Peter Barry 2, Sprinte r D^'° . Howard, Monszell, Wilson. Best : Murphy. Sullivan, Peter Barry, t, Spinner. .one, Brescia, C,alavetta, Wallace. Best : Nmaan, R. Eames . . B rosolo, Rees.

ph (F) B. Ralph (B) 54


,v r}uston 1 J. an 2 R . ttucaley 2 R . Walmsley 3 J. Hughe s 3 T. Mola n 4 M. Brasher 5 H . Handley 6 M. Brown 7 P. Harrison 7 A. McLeis h

8 T. Woodlock 9 M . Lafferty 10 A. Coffe y

Jones T

IS &

10 A. Dimbl e 11 J . Bowden 12 C. Moran 12 M . Naughtin 13 J . Roberts 14 J . Membrey 14 C. Mitchell 15 J . Stinear 16 W. Jolley 17 D. Thomas 19 S . Brown 21 S . Byers 21 B . Quinane 22 D. Alderucco 24 J . Garland 26 D. Spithill 30 M . Krezel 31 S . Hyde 32 A . Bannici < 3 D. Coggin s 55 S . Giblett

ac ;

„nard t-

, . sh

3 N. A ison 4 L. Considine 5 C. Moran 6 B. Billingham 7 D. Armstrong 8 L . Money 10 A. D 11 M . Vo°12 D. BeE 13 T Za 14 D. S a 15 R. H . -n e 16 N7 . C .., ...~ 17 P. Farrelly 18 B . Carmody 19 N . Brown 20 E . Weeks 21 T. Sheehan 22 J . Neal 23 M . Chong 24 K . Barden 25 M . Mastores 26 C. Dignan 27 J . Wise 28 J . Toohey 29 A . Schoepman 30 D . Carson 40 S . Welch 43 B . Wignell 45 C . Beayni


L . RnS,

2 N . Gamb'e 3 S. Jackson 4 M, Franklin 5 M. Ryan 6 L . Dale 7 D. Meade 8 B. ( isaen 9 G,=r' 10 J . H-. 11 C S ..12 : 13 J . 14 E . 15 A. 16 C. I

17 B . Fu 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

J . Lynch W. Leaf T. Marshall T. Lamb B . Aburrow

25 A . Parkes 26 B . Fnlayscn 27 28 N . Williams 29 B . Richardson 30 31 A . ParoissiEn W. VJiOiamsan 33 34 T Gibso n

35 36

2 E . Townsing 3 E . Tucker 4 G . Kauye 5 N . Guy 6 S . Guest 7 S . Harari 8 J . Rav 9 J . O'Dwyer 10 G. Rolleston 11 C . Burgess 12 R . Faulkner 13 W. McDonald 14 B . Kubis 17 M . Barrett 18 W. de Fegely 21 R . Matthews 23 N . Robinson 24 R . Galbraith 30 C . Miller 32 C .Hanchette 34 J. Beaumont 36 B. Whitechurch 37 E. PAat'thies 38 T. Le Goe 40 B. Wulf 42 B. Faulkner 44 0 . Webb 45 E. Ryan 48 D . L'i'e

37 38

39 40 41

42 43 44 R . Fishe r

'f F-IS, EAST.


ill . ~

+ ach James Fay 1 F - ^, 2 3 Pas .enJ 4 yantalt,cia C 5 Lc-oncellr T 6 Furlett, D 7 Harry K Cato C 8 9 EarreY A 10 Mina D 11 Baker T 12 Bov:enA 13 NTI l!ems S 14 Scanlon M 15 C'•--aT 16 R, T 17 r P 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

~o 41 42

D k

1 D . El l 2 S. Hessen 3 C . Goullet 4 C . Burns 5 J. Smith 6 A. Matthews 7 N . Thomas 8 A. Anderson 9 10 R . James I 'l S . Glenn 12 L . Thomas 13 L. Mansfield 14 B . Calieja_ 15 A. Crockett: 16 17 18 L. Fielding 19 N . Basaraba 20 21 A. Bentick 22 N . Serrano 23 D. James 24 S . Campbell 25 T. Legudi 26 S . McCur ry 27 P. Harri s 28 C.Keunan 29 S . Kilkenny 30 31 B . Ae rOfi 32 J . Her, 33 N . V,- - r . a 36 D He . s III 40 P a3

1 J . Dem ;y 2 T. Duggan (C ) 3 L. Giansiracusa (VC) 4 S . Mount 5 J . O'Keefe 6 P. Greco 7 R Murray 8 D . Macdonald 9 T. Simpson (VC) 10 D . Mahoney 11 J. Rya n 12 P. Kempton 13 N . Hutton 14 A" Hamilton 15 J. Coates 16 C . Didib 17 D .P,fiakohon 18 D . Prio r 19 C, Underwood 20 W. Dunn 22 G . Hollan d 23 L . Sierakoavski 24 M. Hause r 25 A. Prtulkearns 26 M, Shannon 27 P. Aughton 28 T. Elmaneh 29 JP. Mount 30 P. Ghouga,ss an 32 B" Hug hes 33 S.0'Connor 34 S. I . chell 38 R Onar ~ d an t 46 53

1 °'lllar A (Capt) 2 Nicholls C 3 Rankin T A Trail N 5 Tanner J (VC) 6 Sibley S 7 Young R 8 Morgan B 9 Jensen R 10 Medlin T 11 Heathcote i'd 12 Jacobs R 13 this T 14 Rice N 15 Moore L 16 Bennett C 17 Maddison N 18 Burke P (VC) 19 Pro v is A 20 Ca!le ry M 21 Wood J 22 Herbert L 23 Bradley C (VC) 24 John E 25 Matthews J 26 McKerrow J 27 Hatsw ell D 28 Howson A 29 Chamberlain T 30 Derrij F 31 Moored D 32 Gibson S 33 Siearne P. 34 Touhey M 5 Sondhu P A -A um ;Y-Rende!{ T

iflTtRAI I FF nnq






Coach: Mick Deaton

Coach : Paul Curry

Coach: John LeGrand

1 P. Irons 2 L . Mulquiney 3 M. Ead y 4 T. Shugg 5 B. Bird 6 D . Gargaro 7 S. Lynch 8 S. Croft 9 S. Wilson 10 C . Buckley 11 T. Fitzgerald 12 C . Collins 13 C . Tuck

14 P. Berry 15'A. Edge 16 T. Groves 17 C . Evan s 18 J. Windebank 19 S. Doukas 20 R . De w 23 T. Woolnoug h 24 D . Gillespie (DVC) 25 B. Bowker 26 S. Wilson 27 T. Boreham 29 L . Wonnacott 30 L. Ferrari (VC) 33 S. McNicholas (VC) 35 S. Lee 41 J . McGeoch 42 A. Poll 53 R . Rawlings 55 B. Deaton (C)


Coach : Steven King 1 K .O'Dwyer 2 M .Paine 3 4 5 6 S .Curatolo 7 8 9 S.Jenkin s 10 11 J. Bayford 12 13 19 23 I .Loughnan 25 32 WColeman 33 D .Neilson 34 D .Meredith 35 M.Mendolo 36 TFinlay, 44 L .Stillman 50 E. McWilliam

3 S. Seleto 4 T. Jowett 5 A. Blake 6 C, Maflhouse 8 J . Tippin g 10 J .Vaughan 13 J . Laing 14 S. Weaver 15 P. Cambell 16 G . Giasoumi 17 T. McNamara 18 S. BurggraaB 19 K. Splatt 20 B. Kezilas 21 J . McCarthy 22 B. Henry 23 L. Fletcher 24 R . Turnbull 25 S. Daly 27 A. Banks 28 R . Joseph 29 A. Murray 30 J . Connelly 32 L. Cave 33 M. Ellis 34 D. Andersen 35 M. Terech 37 T. Richards 38 B. Cantlon 39 C . Horrigan 40 B. McCallum 46 J . Almahoffer 49 B. Smit h 50 J . Yelland 57 A. Thorne 58 J . LeVeque 59 S. Blangiardo 60 G . Carr 61 M. Davies 62 D . Dawes 63 R . Rawling


Coach: De an Peters 1 Gibson T 2 Brown S 3 Aitken J (V/C) 4 McDonald E 5 Pretty S 6 Russell S

7 Davies M (C/C) 8 Healy J 9 10 Hill R 11 12 Stebbins N 13 Gordon N (C/C) 14 Troon R

15 Amore J 16 Amore S (V/C) 17 Hillas R 18 Sparsi M 19 Duell R 20 Coxon N 21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D

24 Goldenberg W 25 Chilly E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J 29 Crawford M 34 Hider B

1 A Bouchereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fulle r 4 A. Powell 5 C . Morris 6 N . McKay 7 D . Dunne 8 P. Guiliano 9 G . Massey 10 A. Filippelli 11 M. Ballenger 12 B. C. Kennedy 13 C . Agiu s 14 M. Power 15 A. Manjikan 16 M. Duthi l 17 B. J . Kennedy 18 L . Del Mastro 19 A. Coo k 20 M. Regan 21 D . Hansen 22 D . Hallet 23 A. Stagliano 24 S. Castricum 25 T. Bourbon 26 L . Franks 27 B. Thomas 28 S. Devo y 29 D . Devlin 30 C . McDade 31 J. Discala 32 D . Norman 33 B. Waldron

ORMOMD Coach: Adrian Connolly Asst Coach: Chris Thomas 1 R . Quiney 2 S. Wheller 3 M. Wood 4 C . Hassell 5 A. Clinch 6 Y. Spivak 7 D . Black 8 J. Muzzell 9 J. Franklin 10 L . Wells 11 B. Arnol d 12 C . Johnstone 13 J. Longmuire 14 S. Davis 15 B. Cromack 16 S. Missiopolos 17 P. Brown 18 M. Ramsay 19 W. Cove 20 R . Lemer 21 B. Upstill 22 B. Rayson 23 T. Naylo r 24 M. Anderson 25 R . Matter

26 D. Die Hennepe 27 C. Domingo 28 B. Harris 29 30 A. Jirov 31 A. Bukala 32 L. O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 S . Ramsay 35 B . Slatter 36 M . Hamilton 44 B . Robbins


Coach: Marshall Fishe r 1 A . Frazer 2 A . Parker 3 S . Balloch 4 J . Duggan 5 W. Nunlist 6 S . Dawson 7 L. Wilson 8 S . Underwood 9 B . Hobart 10 M . Flaherty 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Harewood 13 P. Rogash 14 P. Bacash 15 D . Forrest 16 J . Nicolas 17 J . Uoyd 18 M . Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D . Messo 22 J . Weidner 23 M . Leptos 24 R . Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Hurlston 27 M . King 28 J . Di Pietro 29 D . Symons 30 T. Hamza 33 D . Hardy

WERRIBEE Coach : Steve Lovel l


OLD HAILEYBURl Coach : Andrew Lynch 1 L. Boughton

2 G . Chipperfield 3 D. Shanno n 4 H. McLauchlan 6 T. Archer 7 J . Hanlon (VC) 8 B . Duperouzel 9 A. Herrmann 10 A . Baker 11 C. Waxman (C) 12 P. Shakespeare 13 M . Pitt 14 E . Mars h 15 R. Goodbody 16 A. Kight 17 M . Erikson 20 C. Hayes 21 R. D'Silva 22 S . Pieterson 25 M . Jones 26 T. McLennan 27 T. Norton 29 J . Glanville 30 C. Warfe 33 R. Mosbey 39 A .Jones 59 D. Swanton

1 M . Little 2 L. Weaver 3 N . Payne 5 P. Tempone 7 B. Ryan 8 J . Vince 9 A. Cramer 10 M . Cottrell 11 D. P i '_.a (C) 13 M. Ausiin

(VC) C)

1 N . Pump 2 J . Sinclair 3 D. Pocock 4 A . Simson 5 B . Andrews 6 N . Sulman 7 C . Adam 8 T. Rossignuolo 9 A. Holme s 10 D. Bowley 11 J. Booth 12 S. Bennett 13 C . Buchanan 14 T. Connell 15 R. Dave y 16 T. Angus 17 N . England 18 C . O'Reilly 19 N . Katsanevakis 20 A. Leonard 21 L. MacFarlane 22 D. McDermott 23 J . Nankervi s

^4 A . Stewart-Holmes 5 G . Trumbul l a T. Whitelaw L. Chiuchiarelli B Chiuchiarelli

L:,---h : Heter Hansen Anthony Quin n 1 D . Caple 2 D . Dean 3 C . Duncan 4 F. Fistric 5 A. Harvey 6 M. Keeling 7 G . Loftus 8 M. Lyons 9 A. Smith 10 N. Stephens 11 J . Zivkovic 12 W. Connelly 13 L. Dore 14 M . Dri 15 S . Egan 16 D. Fantone 17 S . Fairbairn 18 S . Graham 19 B . Hewett 20 D . Kalviskis 21 S . Maher 22 S. O'Meara 23 P. Senzo 24 A. Tabrah 25 M. Yea 26 N . Allan 27 R . Bux 28 D . Gargan 29 J . Roberts 30 D. Strickland 31 S . Strickland 32 R. `sllano 57 N . Bryce


t: h


1 Ash D 2 3 Albanis J 4 Spinner L 5 Ash N 6 Howard R 7 Plummer J 8 Elliot K 10 Wilson T 12 Temming DA 13 Barry P 14 Sullivan N 15 McGovern N 16 Menzel] R 17 Potter C 18 19 Johnson R 20 Nolan M 21 Assourd 11 ; 22 Dale S 23 Balmer V 24 Barry P 25 Anderson J 27 Kosta M 28 Boxall T 29 30 JaegerR 58 Lane M 64 Constantine B 67 Freeman R 71 Broughton T 72 Watson C 73 Arthurson M 69 Heath J 57 Glenn S 58 Becker L 59 Constantine B 67 Certo A

Coach: Peter Battle

ccecti 1 S. Brosolo 3 C . Ventura 5 P. Micalleft 6

7 8 9 10 A. Hill 11 A. Cursio 12 13 14 15 17 21 M . Calavetta 22 24 P. Weston 27 R . Hill 28 29 30 33 S. Sheets 34 37 38 A. Corry

Interstate Transport Service s 9396 9000

1 C . Tasker 2 A. Pargeter 3 C. Gough 4 T. Morden 5 B . Crowe 6 N. Peters 8 M . Rokicki 9 N. Battle 10 S . Middleton 11 B . Clarke 12 C. Britt 13 J . Ebsworthy 14 P. Ross 15 S . Gillin 17 J . Hume 18 Pa, : ! 20 D . r.aht 25 B . 3ger



Coach : Mick Deaton 1 P. Irons 2 L. Mulquiney 3 M . Eady 4 T. Shugg 5 B . Bird 6 D. Gargaro 7 S . Lynch 8 S . Croft 9 S . Wilson 10 C. Buckle y 11 T. Fitzgerald 12 C. Collins 13 C. Tuck 14 P. Berry 15 A. Edge 16 T. Groves 17 C. Evan s 18 J . Windebank 19 S. Doukas 20 R . Dew

23 T. Woolnough 24 D . Gillespie (DVC) 25 B. Bowker 26 S. Wilson 27 T. Boreham 29 L . Wonnacott 30 L . Ferrari (VC)

33 S. McNicholas (VC) 35 S. Lee

41 J. McGeoch

42 A. Poll 53 R . Rawlings 55 B . Deaton (C)

Coach: Paul Curry

MAL NODO O .G . Coach : John LeGrand

OLD ESSENDON Coach: Marshall Fisher 1 A. Frazer 2 A. Parker 3 S. Balloch 4 J. Duggan 5 W. Nunlist 6 S. Dawson 7 L . Wilson 8 S. Underwood 9 B. Hobart 10 M. Flaherty 11 J. Buckley 12 J. Harewood 13 P. Rogash 14 P. Bacash 15 D . Forrest 16 J. Nicolas

3 S . Seleto 4 T. Jowett 5 A . Blake 6 C. Malthouse 8 J . Ti ~n 10 J . Va gh9an 13 J . Laing 14 S . Weaver 15 P. Cambell 16 G . Giasoumi 17 T. McNamara 18 S . Burggraafi 19 K. Splatt 20 B. Kezilas 21 J. McCarthy 22 B. Henry ry 23 L. Fletcher 24 R. Turnbull

I A Bouchereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fuller 4 A. Powell 5 C. Morris 6 N . McKay 7 D. Dunne 8 P. Guiliano 9 G . Massey 10 A. Filippelli 11 M . Ballenger

25 S. Daly

17 B. J . Kennedy

17 J. Uoyd

18 L. Del Mastro 19 A. Cook 20 M. Reg an 21 D . Hansen 22 D . Hallet 23 A. Stagliano 24 S. Castricum 26 L . Franks 27 B. Thomas 28 S. Devoy

18 M . Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D . Messo 22 J. Weidner 23 M . Le tos p 24 R . Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Hurlston 27 M . King 28 J . Di Pietro

29 D . Devlin

29 D. Symons

30 C . McDade

30 T. Hamza

27 A. Banks 28 R. Joseph 29 A. Murray 30 J. Connelly 32 L. Cav e 33 M. Ellis 34 D. Andersen 35 M. Terech 37 T. Richards 38 B. Cantlon 39 C . Horrigan 40 B. McCallum 46 J. AlmahoHe r 49 B. Smith 50 J. Yelland

57 A. Thorne

58 J. LeVeque 59 S . Blangiardo 60 G. Carr 61 M. Davie s 62 D . Dawes 63 R . Rawlin g



Coach : Steven King

Coach : Dean Peters

12 B . C . Kennedy 13 C. Agiu s M . Power 15 A. Man J ikan 16 M. Duthil

25 T. Bourbon

31 J. Discala

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Andrew Lynch

1 L . Boughto n 2 G . Chipperfiel d 3 D . Shannon 4 H . McLauchlan 6 T. Arche r 7 J. Hanlon (VC)

8 B. Duperouzel 9 A. Herrmann 10 A . Bake r 11 C . Waxman C O 12 P. Shakespeare 13 M . Pitt 14 E . Marsh 15 R . Goodbody 16 A . Kight 17 M . Erikso n 20 C . Hayes 21 R . D'Silva 22 S . Pieterson 25 M . Jones 26 T. McLennan 27 T Norto n 29 J . Glanvill e 30 C. Warfe 33 R. Mosbey 39 A. Jones 59 D. Swanto n

33 D. Hardy

32 D . Norman 33 B . Waldro n



Coach : Adrian Connolly

Coach: Steve Lovel l

Asst Coach : Chris Thomas 1 K.O'Dwyer 2 M .Paine 3 4 5 6 S .Curatolo 7 8

9 S.Jenkins

10 11 J . Bayford 12 13 19 23 l .LOUghnan 25 32 W.Coleman 33 D.Neilson 34 D.Meredith 35 M.tvtendolo 36 T.Finlay 44 L.Stillman 50 E. McWilliam

1 Gibson T 2 Brown S 3 Aitken J(V(C) 4 McDonald E 5 Pretty S 6 Russell S

7 Davies M(C/C) 8 Healy J y 10 Hill R

11 12 Stebbins N 13 Gordon N(C/C)

14 Troon R 15 Amore J 16 Amore S(V/C ) 17 Hillas R 18 Sparsi M

19 Duel R 20 Coxon N

21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D

24 Goldenberg W 25 Chiffy E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J 29 Crawford M 34 Hider B

1 R. Quiney 2 S . Wheller 3 M . Wood

4 C. Hassel l 5 A. Clinch 6 Y. Spivak 7 D. Bl ack 8 J . Muzzell


9 J . Franklin 10 L. Wells

11 B . Arnold 12 C. Johnstone 13 J . Longmuire 14 S . Davis

15 B . Cromack

16 S . Missiopolos 17 P. Brown 18 M . Ramsay 19 W. Cove 20 R. Lerner 21 B . Upstill 22 B . Rayson 23 T. Naylo r 24 M . Anderso n 25 R. Malter

26 D. Dte Hennepe 27 C. Doming o 28 B. Harris 29 30 A. Jirov 31 A. Bukala

32 L. O'Brien

33 A. Cook 34 S. Ramsay

35 B. Slatter 36 M. Hamilton

44 B. Robbins M


- nrci io cnnrani i

1 ~ L e 2 L . Weaver 3 N . Payn e 5 P. Tempone 7 B. Ryan

8 J. Vince 9 A. Cramer 10 M . Cottrell 11 D. Pike (C) 13 M . Austi n 15 A. Whelan (VC) 17 D. Clyne (DVC) 20 J . Agotanovic 21 C. Rogers 23 H . Hogan 27 B . Hillier 30 A . Macallum 33 N . Warner 34 D. Schmidt 35 M . Shanks 38 J . Pettit 39 A . Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas (DVC) 51 S. Gegory 52 T. Nisbett 53 H . Bradshaw 54 J . Brow n

55 L. Siberus

1 N. Pump 2 J . Sinclair 3 D. Pocock 4 A. Simson 5 B . Andrews 6 N. Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 T. Rossignuolo 9 A . Holmes 10 D. Bowley 11 J . Booth 12 S . Bennett 13 C . Buchanan 14 T. Connell 15 R . Davey 16 T. Angus 17 N . England 18 C . O'Reill y 19 N . Katsanevakis 20 A. Leonard 21 L . MacFarlane 22 D . McDermott 23 J. Nankervis 24 A. Stewart-Holmes 25 G . Trumbull 26 T. Whitelaw 27 L. Chiuchiarelli 32 B. Chiuchiarelh

C i : GI in Jowett A Coach : Lachlan E ston 1 C . McClure 2 H . Ellis 3 T. Nisbet 4 M. Stern 5 L . Kaye 6 A. Martin 7 J. Chia 8 A. Groot 9 C . Holt 10 S. Gibson 11 Ed . Duncan 12 K. Bezak 13 A. Herrmann 14 R. Wenzel 15 D. Higgins 16 A. Ross 17 M . Burt 18 A. Morton 19 R. Spiers 20 L. Herbert 21 A. Fitzpatrick 22 E . Buckingham 23 R. Scarlett 24 A . McIntyre 25 J . Black 26 J . Mapleson 27 S . Taylor 28 J . Milsorn 29 C . Barter 30 B . Owen 31 Q. Sear 32 L. Nicolas 33 E. Thompson 34 R . Mansfield

Coach : Heter Hansen Anthony Quin n 1 D . Caple 2 D . Dean 3 C . Duncan 4 F. Fistric 5 A. Harvey 6 M. Keeling 7 G . Loftus 8 M. Lyons 9 A. Smit h 10 N . Stephens 11 J. Zivkovic 12 W. Connelly 13 L. Dore 14 M . Dri 15 S . Egan 16 D. Fantone 17 S . Fairbairn 18 S . Graham 19 B . Hewett 20 D. Kalviskis 21 S . Maher 22 S . O'Meara 23 P. Senzo 24 A . Tabrah 25 M . Yee 26 N . Allan 27 R . Bux 28 D . Gargan 29 J . Roberts 30 D . Strickland 31 S. Strickland 32 R . Villano 57 N . Bryce

1 F hD 2 3 Albanis J 4 Spinner L 5 AshN 6 Howard R 7 Plummer J 8 Elliot K 10 Wilson T 12 Temming M 13 Barry P 14 Sullivan N 15 McGovern N 16 Monzall R 17 Poi ter C


19 20 21 22

Johnson R Nolan M Assourd M Dale S

23 Balmer V 24 Barry P 25 Anderson J 27 Kosta M 28 Boxall T 29 30 Jaeger R 58 Lane M 64 Constantine 8 67 Freeman R 71 Broughton T 72 Watson C 73 Arthurson M 69 Heath J 57 Glenn S 58 Becker L 59 Constantine B 67 Certo A

Coach : Andy Du..,,nple 1 S. Brosolo 3 C. Ventura 5 P. Micalleff 6 7 8 9 10 A. Hill 11 A. Cursio 12 13 14 15 17 21 M. Calavetta 22 24 P. Weston 27 R . Hill 28 29 30 33 B . Sheets 34 37 38 A. Corry

Interstate Transport Services 9396 9000

1 C . Tasl . r 2 A. Pargeter 3 C. Gough 4 T. Morden 5 B. Crowe 6 N. Peters 8 M . Rokicki 9 N. Battl e 10 S . Middleton 11 B . Clarke 12 C. Britt 13 J . Ebsvrorthy 14 P. Ross 15 S . Gitlin 17 J. Hume 18 P. Jarvie 20 D . Wright 25 B. Seeger

DEN ®L 9-


Coach : Gary Blusztein 1 R. Silberman 2 J . israelsohn 3 R . Rotenberg 4 D. Harris 5 J . Berger 6 E . Janover 7 P. B ryner 8 D. Van Akan 9 D . Miller 9 L. Fetter 10 G. Blieden 11 D . Guberek 12 A . Silver 13 D . Rozenbes 14 D . Hershan 15 J. Gottlieb 16 L . Fette r 16 J. Hain 17 J. Kagan 18 N . Bardea 19 20 21 D . Arous i 22 G . Gelban 23 B. Nissen 24 25 B. Goldbloam 26 A. Cooper 27 J. Lewis 28 J. Givoni 29 E . Rath 30 31 32 L. Peters 33 • 34 35 J . ash 36 A . Sch s 37 J . Hoppe 38 J . Lewski 39 A . Wollner 40 E . Wollner 41 42 J . Pask 50



Coach : Kerry Murphy 1 L . Holmesby 2 N . Aitken 3 N. Dimachki 4 G . McFarlane 5 J . Robertson 6 L. Forrest 7 S . Holmesby 8 B . Holden 9 B . Hyrons 10 B . Reid 11 J . Monk 12 T. Wright 13 D. Ferdinands 14 M . Margiannis 15 J . McKenzie 16 K . Pereira 17 H . McKenzie 18 I. Jordan 19 L. Curtis 20 M . Sydney

Coach : Rob Smith 1 B . Hawkins 2 L. Browne 3 D. Hyde 4 S . Meehan 5 M . Miller 6 D. Wood 7 D. Taylor 8 B . Pinwell 9 B . Nathan 10 C . Nailon 11 S . Alder 12 R . Burrows 12 B. Scanlon 13 P. Arbon 14 A. Dimble 15 J. Hughes 16 M Roberts 17 J. Bowden 17 B. Keinhaus 18 R . Quirk 19 S. Allan 20 J . Shone 21 M. Beynon 22 M. Conway 23 H. La Ragy 23 B. Reid 24 C. Mitchell 25 J . Murphy 26 J . Clifton 27 S . Byers 28 N. Aitken 29 G . Walton 42 E . Sims-Lucas

21 V. Maraventano 22 B. McLellan 23 M . Wilson 24 T. Krotofil 25 A. Lee ( C) 26 J. Sayers 27 D . Marsh 28 S. Radoni 29 D . Couniham 30 G . Vitagliano 31 L . Hogan


57 D. Jade n C Nh i


59 S . Sharpies



Coaches : Dean Andrew F Sven Samild 1 M . Meye r 2 S . Sullivan 3 D. O'Connor 4 G. Alan 5 G. Sherloc k 6 N . Fisher 7 D . Clarke 8 K . Littl e 9 M. Watts 10 A . Erskine 11 M. May 12 T. Mitvaisky 13 M. Hayes 14 G C . Schloeffel Schloefiel 16 D . Russo 17 J. Date 16 A. Kiantos 19 S. Hamilto n 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 J. Poole 23 R. Groo m 24 M. Duggan 25 B. Lane 26 A. Rock 27 B. Hall 28 T Kendal l 29 R. Ironmonger 30 D. Hizhmikov 31 M . Byrne 32 K. Regan 83 P. Hardman man 34 T. Costello 35 T. Smit h 36 G. Moran 37 B . Kaplan 38 R. Bitner 39 M . Basile

~-' ~- - i

---- =

, '.. -- -

•` r-~ ---- -

; -- ----- ,.,

MENTONE R .S.L . 9 Palermo St, A3enton e Fnnction Room '" Restaurant * Pokies

~ '. ~. .

9583 2841

MONASH BLUES Coach: Dennis Grace


Coach : Chris Moore


SOUTH MELBOURN E DISTRICTS Coach : Trevor Masterto n

1 S . Chapman

1 A. Murray

1 M . McGe ttigan

1 W. Cooper

2 C. Jones 3 L. Fechner

2 L. Kennedy 3 D. B ri tt

2 D . McNamara 3 G. Cleary

2 E . Bouchar d 3 E . Ooi

4 L. Buckton 5 A. Costley 6 S . Morris

7 G . Rooney 8 M . Spence

9 R. Turton 10 M . Tennant 11 P. Westbrook 12 K. Cummins

13 J. Oswald

19 G. Gilbert 23 P. Nevill 31 H . Evans •33 L . Beddingfield 34 G . Rowley 35 M. Sharkie 36 A. Hicke y 42 S. Young 44 S . Grace

4 S . Earl

4 D . L'Huillier

5 C. Kokkinos 6 M . Cash

5 P. O'Reilly 6 B. Buck

7 M . Stevenson 8 R . Symmon s 9 A . Visser 10 A . Mulholland 11 W. Plaukovits

12 D . Sowersby 13 S. Collins 14 S. Cammiss 15 P. Holden 16 J . Gaal S. Bando 18 J. Bunworth 19 A. Ciavarella 20 N . Wills 21 J. Bngs 22 T. Orchard (VC) 23 D. Zula 24 J. Reynolds 25 J. Nevezie (C)

A. Hanson

M . Jordan M . Cummings


P. Grasby

8 J. Morga n 9 M. Kelleher 10 D . Porter 11 N . Weedon 12 W. Parker 13 J . Samya 14 L. McMurray 15 T Laver 15 T. McColl 16 R. Lovelock 17 L. Rouillion 18 A. Waisted 19 A. Paterson 20 M . Ferris 21 L. Quirk 22 N . Worsnop 23 J . Lynch 24 L. Cieslak 25 C. Connoll y 26 L. Terrell

4 M . Woo d 5 K . Palmer 6 X . Kid d

8 A . Skinns 9 J . Stephens 10 S . Rocco 11 L. Ester 12 J . MacDonal d 17 P. D'Andre a

18 G. Rowe 19 K. Barden 21 D . Bel l 22 A. Nield 24 K. Ferguso n 26 L Bel l 30 H . McFadden


27 D. Waters

28 M . Andrews 35 D . Moss 36 A . Walstab 41 R . Bignell 48 A. Scafid i


CPear rwt1{a4efsl~j

I FC O 58



C - ich : Jero : Ham; ri , 1 'enic . 7uccachio 2 u 3 R . Burns 4 R . Carrucan 5 G. Taylo r 6 P. Ganiatsas 7 M . Daskalou 8 R . Conte 9 F. Paola 10 J. Hassan 11 M . Hennessey 12 B, Jorgensen 13 G. Keranidopoulos 14 A . Nichol 15 G . Macrides 16 A . March 17 P. Margin 18 R . Lee 19 A . Mihalos 20 J . Newman 21 L. Mason 22 P. Hardinge 23 N . Papaziakas 24 J . Paraskeva 25 M . Perri 26 J . Ryan 27 N. Scaglione 28 W. Collis

. Jackman Coach :TBA

1 D. Learmont-Walker 2 M . Brain (VC)

3 D. Henzi 4 P. McGrath 5 B. Geveaux 6 D. Fo x 7 T. Wogan-Browne 8 0 . Henzi 9 R . Temes 10 S. Foley (VC) 11 C . Eva 12 D . Hollenberg 13 M. Bowen 14 R . Read 15 T. Fraczek (Capt) 16 A. Orchard 17 B . Ramsay 18 J. Raleigh 19 T. Cousland 20 G. Saultry 21 S . Sierakowski 22 T. Middleton 23 J. Sprague 24 C . Vllani 25 D . Slucki 26 R .Wn(tehouse 27 G. Blau 28 D. Nguyen 29 C. Foley 30 A . Ed ards 32 S . Whittington 35 S . Moore

All Home Loan s C_--h: uav. .. Law Coach : Hatthew Imms 1 2 D. Hurte v 3 J . Ander'son J . Hu hes A,0' ea 7 J . Madden 8 S . Matthews 9 G .Joseph 10 B . Garth 11 A. Marian 12 B. Runnals 13 14 15 16 S. C-

17 r C -np'-~ll 18 i - r e 19 G 20 D diiia 21 22 A. .' . 23 D . 1-'''- 24 25 C . Govan 26 27 D . Evans 28 P. Oxenford 29 30 31 32 J . Harvey 33 34 M, Walsh 35 B . Ryan 36 37 38 J .Egan 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 B . Johnson 59

UR F(1nTRAl I FR 9(u19

/ :;

Pralhran (R ) Old rnentonians (R) Uni . Blacks (R) Salesian (R) Therry Penola (C)

Siw_nburne Uni . (S) De La Salle (1) (U) Old Xaverians (1) Bentleigh (U) St. Bernards (2) (U) Sth . Melb Dis . (U) Old Ivanhoe (S)

o . . F ' :Aa . adbu~ .i , 6 mLs; Brenton Holt, Har. Din Rovers . Striking. 2 matches. St e Brouzi . Sale an 0 C . Failing to appear as a tvitnes s 1 match . g Lamamm, Bulleen Cobras . Striking, 4 matches. mash Blues . Striking . 2 nratches .

Ir-nhoe Assumption . Striking, 2 !ph, S.vinburne. Charging an opponent, Id :

.ians (t tder-19). Misconduct, 2 Old Sit " , 1 match . 7er ell(Under-19). Striking , don (Club 1 8). Charging, 2

St . Leos E lairs S P face another ton i Paradians wh - ; late run last v^e+' aime L points at home . A better forward set-up will tip the scales towards OP's in this match, but the Animals can never be discounted and with the Old Scotch influence assisting greatly the march should be a beauty. OP's by 7 points . SECTION BLUE Coach Blusztein :aill have noticed that Benfleigh had 10 different goal kickers last week and his spies :could have also noticed how quickly they move die ball into the forward line . The Jackers will have to be right on their game to ~ei over this confident Bentleigh ouffit. In a bit of an upset I feel t at Beaideigh

will get the points -jusi. The Panthers will need a much bigger ' r stent performance to beat the Krushers at home cc get a couple of their best players back this week, thc ch e. But

I think I will go for the more experience outZt 0 . : Down at Darling Park, De La faces the goal seen . r ' i Blues c .- : Blues machine . The gromzd being wet and heavy ' . sold Sl, down a fraction, but not enough to lose this game. . South Melbourne travel south down to slentone Finally Recreational Reserve to face St. Bedes Itilentone Tigers. Both teams have yet to open their account this year so either 4emn will be desperate for a Tin. The home team for me ! Selections - Bentleigh, Oakleigh . Pflonash Blues, St. Bedes ktentone . SECTIO N RED Williamstown MNgS host Bulleen-Templestowe or what will be a very ci I It teanis battled manfully last week against sup erior op, 3 it and will be keen to continue to build on their solid Rd! F o nanees. At home the Scagulls will prevail .

A clash of the titans of sorts with St. Bernards (2) bound to fn greater resistance today against La Trobe Uni. The S L ad s are gelling zucely and while die Bernies trounced a :z S, r today wi ll be a different proposi ti on . With i and experience on their side die Students wi ll bring the Berl ack to earth . MHSOB host Old tVestbourne u- what will be a keenly contested match . Tile High began die season well , wh ile 0111 will be been for the return of key players from injury . Jerome Jackman is aware ihe importance of a good start to sure up the season, while Cliff Lever will be still finding the right mix with his new team . At home die High by 3 kicks . Old Xaverians ( 2) =Il -nproach today's opposi ti on (Aquilias) with sonic relish after Its, . , a d .zam start to die se ason in Rdl . Aquinas cannot a.fford w be "en lightly and I'm sure James Fay will be doing his utmost to bring his young team back to earth . Terry McEvoy and the ;. ;ung Bloods will also assist, my tip the Bloods in the match of die round by 7 points . 62

P . L D For Ig,t °a Pis 1 1 0 0 14 6 38 384.21 4 1 1 0 0 87 40 217 .50 4 1 1 0 0 61 36 169 .44 4 1 1 0 0 78 55 141 .82 4 1 1 0 0 52 48 108 33 4 1 0 1 0 48 52 92 .31 0 1 0 1 0 55 78 70 .51 0 1 0 1 0 36 61 5902 0 1 0 1 0 40 87 45 98 0 OWE 1 0 1 0 38 146 26 03 0 P 6Y L 0 For AM t Pts 1 1 0 0 113 45 251 .11 4 1 1 0 0 90 60 150.00 4 1 1 0 0 53 36 147.22 4 1 1 0 0 43 37 116 .22 4 1 1 0 0 70 66 106,06 4 1 0 1 0 66 70 94 29 0 1 0 1 0 37 43 86.05 0 1 0 1 0 36 53 67 92 0 1 0 1 0 60 90 66 .67 0 1 0 1 0 45 113 3982 0 P IN L D For Agst ! Pis 1 1 0 0 75 47 159 .57 4 CTS 1 1 0 0 65 46 141 .30 4 1 1 0 0 61 46 132 .61 4 1 1 0 0 60 48 125 .00 4 1 1 0 0 23 22 104,55 4 1 0 1 0 22 23 95 .65 0 .TRAL 1 0 1 0 48 60 80 00 0 IONS 1 0 1 0 46 61 7541 0 1 0 1 0 46 65 70 77 0 1 0 1 0 47 75 6267 0 P 6Y L D For AM % Pts 1 1 0 0 166 20 830 .00 4 1 1 0 0 9 1 1 16 693 .75 4 1 1 0 0 77 25 308 . 00 4 1 1 0 0 97 45 210.87 4 1 1 0 0 83 56 148 .21 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 000 4 1 0 1 0 56 83 6747 0 1 0 1 0 46 97 47 .42 0 1 0 1 0 25 77 3247 0 1 0 1 0 16 111 1441 0 1 0 1 0 20 166 1205 0 :CTIOt31 P Yd L D For Agst % Pts 1 1 0 0 76 28 271 .43 4 1 1 0 0 110 59 186 .44 4 1 1 0 0 113 77 146 .75 4 1 1 0 0 122 86 141 .86 4 1 1 0 0 51 49 104.08 4 1 0 1 0 49 51 96 08 0 1 0 1 0 86 122 7049 0 1 0 1 0 77 113 6814 0 1 0 1 0 59 110 53 64, 0 1 0 1 0 28 76 3684 0 2 P 6'd L D For Agst % Pts 1 1 0 0 89 34 261 .76 4 1 1 0 0 123 70 175 .71 4 1 1 0 0 78 48 162 .50 4 1 1 0 0 77 52 148 .08 4 --~D aOC 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 4 JRY 1 0 1 0 52 77 6753 0 1TEURS 1 0 1 0 48 78 6154 0 JGR 1 0 1 0 70 123 5691 0 1 0 1 0 34 89 38 20 0 .iATFI IR Ff1nTRai I r=o --

UDDER-19 SECTiU : s 3 P'. . 1 D For k,r,3t % Pts AUPEDTSLd000 1 1 0 0 155 33 469 .70 4 OLD CAREY 1 1 0 0 149 73 204 .11 4 UNIVERSITY OLACXS 1 1 0 0 99 56 176 .79 4 51 LEOS EMMAUS WP 1 1 0 0 68 58 117 .24 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 1 0 0 64 82 103 .23 4 OLD PARADIANS 1 0 1 0 62 64 9688 0 THERRY PENOLA OR 1 0 1 0 58 68 8529 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 1 0 56 99 5657 0 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 1 0 1 0 73 149 48 .99 0 17HITEF8IARS 1 0 1 0 33 155 2119 0 U -19(: BLUE P W L 0 For AM % Pts R!" T : ! UES 1 1 0 0 141 19 742 .11 4 8E 1„ IGU AFC 1 1 0 0 126 87 144 .83 4 AJAX 1 1 0 0 104 85 122 .35 4 BE LA SALL E (2) 1 1 0 0 47 39 120.51 4 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 1 0 1 0 39 47 82 .98 0 OAKLEIGH 1 0 1 0 85 104 8133 0 ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 1 0 1 0 87 126 69 .05 0 MENTONE PANTHERS 1 0 1 0 19 141 13 .48 0 UNDER-19 ( 2) RED P IN L D For AM ! Pts ST : (2) 1 1 0 0 267 10 2670 .00 4 01 S(2) 1 1 0 0 194 49 395.92 4 0011806 1 1 0 0 79 44 179 .55 4 LA 18100 : U 1 1 0 0 58 38 152 .63 4 OLD WESTBOURNE 1 0 1 0 38 58 6552 0 AOUINAS 0 C 1 0 1 0 44 79 55 70 0 BULLEENTEA'PLESTOWE 1 0 1 0 49 194 2526 0 WILLIAP.iSTWN CYMS 1 0 1 0 10 267 3 75 0 CLUB 18 (1 ) OLD A9ELOUDPd1ADS BE LA SALL E ST KE69MS PftAHBAU AFC OLD XAVERIANS OLD ESSENDON GR MAZENOD 0 C ELEY PARK AFC CLUB 18 (NORTH) LVERIANS (2 ) OLD lVAPd9i OE TtiERRY PEUOLA OR MARCELLIN OLD TRINITY UNIVERSITY BLACKS BRUNSWICK AFC FITZROY REDS CLUB 18 (SOUTH ) C0LLE1 .OE S UTON ST LEOS EMMAUS HAWTHORN AMATEURS HAMPTON ROVERS OLD GEELONG

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

W L D For AM % Pfs 1 0 0 139 19 731 .58 4 1 0 0 99 17 582 .35 4 1 0 0 100 33 303.63 4 1 0 0 100 75 133 .33 4 0 1 0 75 100 7500 0 0 1 0 33 100 3300 0 0 1 0 17 99 1717 0 0 1 0 19 139 1367 0

P W L 0 For Agst % Pts 1 1 0 0 127 15 846.67 4 1 1 0 0 107 31 345 .16 4 1 1 0 0 43 27 159 .26 4 1 1 0 0 44 39 112 .82 4 1 0 1 0 39 44 8864 0 1 0 1 0 27 43 62.79 0 1 0 1 0 31 107 2897 0 1 0 1 0 15 127 11 81 0 P W L 0 For AM % Pts 1 1 0 0 161 7 2300.00 4 1 1 0 0 150 48 312 .50 4 1 1 0 0 76 35 217 .14 4 1 1 0 0 58 29 200 .00 4 1 0 1 0 29 58 5000 0 1 0 1 0 35 76 4605 0 1 0 1 0 48 150 3200 0 1 0 1 0 7 161 435 0

Pc~ronS (7Pe not perml ~,-L.,,d to bring Alcohol into ElsfertayrfcFc Park or Any VAFA Venue.

F L D For Pts 1 1 0 0 1:j ;, 278. 4 1 1 0 0 134 . . . .. 4 1 1 0 0 90 a~ . .. 4 1 1 0 0 66 52 1 4 4 , 1 0 0 83 76 115 79 0 1 0 76 88 86 36 0 1 0 1 0 52 65 78 .79 0 0 1 0 59 SO 65 56 0 0 1 0 87 134 6493 0 1 0 1 0 5& 156 35 90 0 P VI L 0 For Agst 째1< Pis 1 1 0 0 129 OS 1-- 4 1 1 0 0 93 4 .. . 4 1 1 0 0 97 1 1 0 0 94 03 113 .25 4 1 1 0 0 81 76 '.. 4 1 0 1 0 76 81 9383 0 1 0 1 0 83 94 983,9 0 1 0 1 0 71 97 7320 0 1 0 1 0 65 93 6989 0 0 1 0 66 129 5116 0 P 1. 0 For Agst a Pts VJ 1 1 0 0 72 - . . 4 1 1 0 0 100 4 1 1 0 0 91 oq 1 19 4 1 1 0 0 00 61 4 1 0 0 107 87 122 99 4 i ; 1 G 87 107 81 .31 0 1 0 1 0 61 86 70 .93 0 0 1 0 6", 91 70 33 0 0 1 0 63 109 6300 0 f 0 1 0 29 72 =10 28 0 P Yl L 0 For Agst l Pts 1 1 0 0 147 48 4 1 1 0 0 123 "' 4 1 1 0 0 82 4 1 1 0 0 105 79 ' . . 4 1 0 0 142 118 120 34 4 0 1 0 118 142 83 10 0 , 0 1 0 79 105 75 24 0 0 1 0 55 82 6829 0 0 1 0 67 123 54.47 0 1 0 1 0 48 147 3265 0 P W L 0 F o r A gst ro PEs 1 1 0 0 104 39 ' 4 1 1 0 0 69 4 1 1 0 0 140 05 t .71 4 1 1 0 0 94 78 '. 51 4 1 0 0 63 62 101 61 4 1 0 1 0 62 63 98 41 0 0 1 0 78 94 82 48 0 0 1 0 85 140 60 71 0 1 0 1 0 40 69 57 97 0 0 1 0 39 104, 3750 0



0 0 106 5 1 1 0 0 127 t 1 1 0 0 107 SOUINI iS 1 1 0 G 111 103 10278 S1 0 1 G 11,18 111 9730 6 10t1S 1 0 1 0 93 107 8692 RIC i 0 1 0 91 127 7165 ELSTi 1 0 1 0 66 106 6226 0 Fh ;SE , 0 1 0 20 65 3077 g P W L 0 Fo r AOSt 째a POs 1 1 0 0 103 74 139.19 4 I 1 0 0 96 70 147.14 4 . ., . . . . . 1 1 0 0 97 80 121 .25 w 1 1 0 0 72 62 115.13 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 0.013 E , 0 1 0 82 72 8611 c 1 0 1 0 80 97 8247 J 320 1 0 1 0 70 96 72,92 ,, 71 2u 0 S . S 1 0 1 0 14 103 `t 'I CC RAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 00fi 9 'UtiS- AFC 0 0 0 C 0 0 0CIO 0 4. .

. . . P Yi ! 0 For Agst ,a Pts 1 1 0 0 104 26 0.00 4 i 1 0 0 51 27 188 .89 4 1 1 0 0 73 45 152.22 4 1 1 0 0 90 50 120 .00 4 Y 1 1 0 0 62 56 110 71 1 0 . 0 59 62 9032 S'! DS 1 0 1 0 50 c0 9333 0 L' >ITY BLUES 0 , 0 4 ,, 73 6164 G 81i508 1 0 1 ~.1 27 51 5294 0 R9NRCcLLi' 1 0 1 0 26 104 25 C O


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