The Amateur Footballer, Week 4, 2002

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VicHealth Funded b}j Victorian Hill

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L : : :npionship t=rraech One of the • the period (2002-2004 1 the WAAFL plays host to : d to each win at ihe end of the triermirmi will b e In Amateur Champion State .

nt at each Championship Match he three states and at the end o f an All-Australian Amateu r 91 also be named . At the end of ) years a Team of the Year W111 also Lempionship matches are as above. with

cL being the SAA F'S, v trP>FA match in

it the Sunday of the Queens Birthday 260 3

p Matches - SAAFL v WAAFL VAFA ( Perth) ship m atches - VAFA v LitAAF L

v SAAFL (Melbourne) . iing the Organising Committee i s a naming rir?hts sponsor for th e

u , major corn any reading this an d "I' t contact the writer .

aout the above initiative for 200 2 y . t-iubs whose players, supporters or, a rating of zero or one point (out of 51d officials r > totally unacceptable., will be advise ng tvas given . This will be done after the 1 ;llpire provides this feedback . Already a ubs have been provided with this feedbac k y to say that they have obviousl 1)leasd issues presented as scores have risen

The reasons are kept confidential between the club and the VAFA and are provided s ". an opportunity for the club to improve in the area higlilighted .

Where a trend of low scores is established the VAFA will invite the club in for a', chat'* to discuss the matters raised. Toi - r""ciplined Clu b And t ;t of all - S 1 ,000 to:fr'ÂŽ o " c .ofthes, 'et A sheet for every G round Inspection i' : ara VAFA match pla ;d is to be n ided to the umpire of

the day for ltimlher to forward to the VAFA with the matchday paperwork . An official from each club is to sign off the sheet which proves that an accurate be inspection was carried out . The umpires could involved in this inspection as well (if possible) . . Clubs Officials inside boundary fence during match are now more aware of the requirement that was presented at the Coaches' Nights this year . If the

following questions can be answered your club is "o n

the ball, " seatiaag? What is the rule regarding the provision of. How many (for people inside the fence on matchdaysl people are allowed to stand inside the fence? Who are they? Where must they stand? What will an umpire do if he notices too many officials inside the fence or standing - In the first instance? Second instance? A third or further instance ? week . Answers in this column in ful l next At AJAX pre match luncheon President Jeffreyt Jankie acknotvledging the contribution of las

's eoach Mark Saran in the development o f

. I mention this because it is ~,,, s elub's players the normal custom to blame the old coach for all problems faeing the club .

after Visiting clubs who leave rooms~ untidy tb ensurin g

nner. . ... .. . .. . . . . ... . . .. . .... . . . ... . . . .. .27

. . . . ... . . ...-. . ... . ... . . . ... . .. .. . . . ., .. . . . ..3i.

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9 ratv. . . ... . . .. . .. . ... . ... .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . 12

y matches . Hint : Home clubs to assis shovel and rubbish bins left ~ brooms . small ~ available for use . on Friday I can be heard talking Amateur football night's (North West FM 7pm} ; Saturday morning (Inner) givl 9 will, Sunday morning (Southern FM 9 .40 am

and Sunday night ( :tiorth West Flvi 6pm) . Time in, call the st,I' ion for a chat or tell me some of the things you would 1i'.:'mc to tell you '~out .

HE JOUF ;i`, ',1_ ~'F TI 'i VlC

hIELBOURNE High Old Boys, winless and with a percentage of 43, has prepared for its latest challenge against St Bernards today at South Yarr a a successful club fund raiser . Two hundred and fifty people turned up last Sunday to help raise $2000 for the Unicorns who are -without six experienced players from last year . "Our theme this week is our work ethic," MHSOB captain Drew Fairchild said . "We are a 10-goal better side when we can control the ball ." The Bernies are a different team this year to the one that went out in straight sets in last vear's finals series . Fairchild should get Tim Harvev, who continues to mature with his five goals last week being nearly half of the Bernies' score in their three-point win over Marcellin . Sporting clubs, at all levels, are complemented by their off-field work . The message sent to The Higli s players by the attendance at their pleasant Sunday was a confidence boost . An empty function is often the last rites for a club but there's some kick left in the Unicorns.

Watch for Danny Byrne, who featured on Almost Football Legends with a goal after taking a few bounces, doing the same but the rover will only need one bounce from the centre of the Yarra St oval . Another psychological boost but this time across Toorak Rd. A couple of years ago this column singled out Adam Jones, and in particular his jocular attitude at Old Xavs training, when he was continually injured. After rehabilitating . Jones won the Nelson Medal as Xavs equalled Uni Blacks' grand final record . Six months after that, Jones injured his groin while water skiing . This time round Jones's commitment during rehabilitation has been outstanding . He has run water each week while sidelined, even during practice matches, and he is readying himself for a comeback . 'When Jones gains his first stat, hopefully a trademark sky-scraping mark, all supporters should applaud . Xavs host Scotch that will welcome the return of Stephen Collins from suspension for not appearing as a witness at the tribunal for the Andrew Ukovic tripping charge . De La came within five goals of Scotch last week, which was probably its best performance this season . Captain Andy Evans nailed a couple of goals and he will need to be sharp when DLS hosts Old Ivanhoe on the rebound . A 10-goal lesson fr om SKOBS at EP -,vill have dinted the Hoers' expanding confidence and it adds some spice to the B Section Grand Final return . Mark Orchard debuted and made OI's best with the Hoers only having three goal scorers .

The Bulleen derby will decide the earlyseason fate o f 1` an d s they are 12 . In any competition you never, - n"t to') : !

50 per cent ratio let alone below 33. :,i ;:tt Greig i : eariv season fave to break the three-year hold Eagles have on the section's best and fairest . sparkling-left footer will see the Woodrow trio f Waters, Glenn Cox and Bernie Dinneen up Cl Wonder if Simon Dalrcnnple evill sacrifice one of tl in a tagging role on Greig?

St Kevins, like Xavs remain undefeated, are at for the second successive week and meet Uni F3'. who have boosted their stocks with a win. S ruckman Gill McLachlan is coming into forn centre-half fonvard, after a summer of playing s polo, and Quinton Gleeson is warming up with goals and being named for the second time . iBlues'bt

It's been a terrific start to the season wit hresult infour omfivematchesfaturingt e that should be the first to get to first base - six }? b 2 i L.e?`.:'F . ' , l : .co ; :z .a u

i :,".ii `.: Harve Greig O'Connor Purcell Stevens

cl'~I`? ^ uEGTlON St Bernards 5 Old Trinity 4 St Kevins 1 Marcellin 1 3 Old Ivanhoe


Hawkes Old Ivanhoe Greenham St Kevins O'Connor St Kevzns N.Simon Old Scotch Osborne St Bernards

2 4 1 2 3


De La S :ilt Old Ivanhoe Old Xaverians Old Scotc h Marcellin v . Old Trinitv MHSOB v . St Bernard s St Kevins v, University Blues - Elsternwick Park THE AMATEUR FOO T BALLEf

r,uzdy Evans ZUi> Games . And y pth game last Saturday Vs Old Scotch) . iy, footy distinctions including DLS 1 199 7 , RU : "A" Grade B & F 1993 &

1 . State Rep 1998 and Club Captai n C ngrats Andy

- congratulates Marcus DoUman on today! Dolly, in his fifth year as to be a great leader and to his team-mates and his Club . The t n a key contributor to SKOB's most

°riod - the rise from 'D' Grade in 199 4 1998, and 'A' Grade finals from 1999' ; journey, Marcus played in the 1996 iership, was VAFA'C' Grade Best an d 195 - and followed up with the VAFA 'B ' and Fairest in 1997 . Marcus has Amateurs at State level and in 200 1

JOC O'Connor Award. Marcus is a Aural leader and his well-earned ' brings the best wishes from all the rs, officials and supporters . Marcus also

success for the last 2 summers as Captai n XI of the St. Kevin's Old Collegian s :ub's two premierships. Have a good one ,

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PHCYFOS AND FUNDRAISING! Book now to raise funds for your clu b 3' : .US have photos that svi(1),st forever .

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DID ?`._': :,~3OE 2.5 4.6 5.10 8 .13(61) Si Y~EVL6 5.8 8.11 12.14 17.17(119) Old Ivanhoe : Stevens 3 Toovey 3 Low 2 . eat : Oates Young Lev; Orchard Hope Tully . St. Kevins: Fraser 4 Byrne 2 M Kempton 2 M Giansiracusa 2 Lucas 2 Garvey 2 Pride O'Keefe O'Connor . Best : Ryan Garvey O'Keefe Byrne M Dollman Bowles . Umpires: G. Hun:chen. A Damen (F), R. Nation (B), M .Lerttinl, L . Pviavropoulos (G) 3.5 8.9 11.13 15 .17(107) OLD SCOTCH DE LA SALLE 3.6 4.8 9 .9 13 .11(89) Old Scotch: Gersnnan 4 Mullins 4 Phillips 2 Crow 2 Nettleton O'Connor Breisch . Best: Mullms Nettleton Phillips Beranger Hume Crow . De La Sal2e : Johnstone 31Vannsley 2 Laragy 2 Evans 2 Buckley Mercuri Harnson Moloney . Best: Molonev Harrison Silvers McKenzie Johnstone S xvla td . Umpires: P. Simpson . M. Robbins (F). B . Mutton. T. Dodds (B), B . Jepluon, B. Hoare (C l 8 .12(50) OLD TRINITY 1.4 4 .5 7 .11 OLD XAVERIANS 2.2 5 .5 7 .9 12.9(81) Old Trinity: Greig 4 G Deane-Johns McKinnon Ramsden VanDerVenne. Best. G Deane-Johns Ramsden Stephens Burrows Collins Hatfield . Old Xaverians: Delaney 2 Drake 2 Orlando 2 B6rgfram Blood Bowen Clarke Ledilean Ruyg. Best: Clarke Ruyg Bingham A Dillon Bowerr Ford. Umpires: S. McCarthy, M . Sneddon (F) . R. Parry, V . Vescpvi (G) ST BERNArtDS 2.2 9 .5 10.7 11 .10(76) h?ARCELLIN 3.3 4 .5 9 .7 10.13(73) St. Bernanls: Hanev 5 B Jordan Byrne D Jordan Burrowes N Mitchell Mansfield. Best: J'rlount McLaughlin Harvey Loughlin Treti4'in N Mitchell . h3arcellin : Treganowan 4 Johnston 2 Dinneen Purcell Duncan Walker . Best: Browne Marson Dinneen Walker Duncan Dale . Umpires: R. Sneddon, R Eashvood (F), P. Teasdale, A. RechUnui (B), D. Webster. D. Napoli (G) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .3 11 .8 16.11 18 .16(124) hIIiSOB 1 .1 3 .2 4.4 6.10(46) University Blues: Collins 5 Gleeson 4 McErvan 3 Slumrton Nailon McLachlan Millard Wilkie Rvatt. Best: Collins Ryan Gleeson Millard Wilkie Featherston . RIIiSOB: Sauliry G McCully Barnert Thompson McGrath Newton . Best. Cassell Thompson G McCully Simpson Fairchild Wright , Umpires: A . Firley, P. James (F) . S. Caruso, J . Kramer (B), C . Arnol, M . Sunpson (G) RESERVES OLD IVANHOE 1 .5 3.5 5.10 7 .12 (54) 1 .4 5.8 7.11 17.13 (115) ST. KEVINS Old Ivanhoe: Davis 3 . Hawkes 2, Low, Morris. Best: Price, Clancy, Hunter. Berry, Davis, Hawkes . St Kevins : Greenhan 4, Calesaran 3, Griffiths 2, Curtis 2, Pangrazno 2, Sullivan, Hicks, Moore . 0Conner. Best: Bare. Greenhan. Lynch, McCann, Sheehm, Curtis. OLD SCOTCH 1 .1 3.6 3 .8 7.8. (50) DE LA SALLE 4.0 5.3 7 .5 10.7 (67) Old Scotch: N. Simon 2, Ross 2,T.Reid, Freeman, J. Crane . Best: Costello. Fr, man, Hooper, S.Thompson, Eagle, Ross. De La Salle : M . Duggan 2 . S .Hvde 2, D .Mehierney 2. L . Douangphasay, R. ." . .rks . D. Moore. L. Walker. Best: D. Hyland, N . Harbor, C. Hyde, M. .i ;etuy, R. Marks, M. Duglan . OLD TRINITY 0.4 0.4 3 .5 6.9 (45) 3.5 4.9 6 .10 10.11 (71) OLD XAVARIANS Old Trinity: Dann 2 . Donahoo, Hine . Schultze, Mtthen . Best: Dann, Hute, Power, Morpeth Medlin. Burgess. Old Xavazians : Dover 2, James 2, A Biddlecombe, T Biddlecombe, Hardman, Jones, NSahon . Meehan . Best: Dixon . Hotvard, James. Baker. Jones. Hawkins. 1.4 6.5 9 .8 12.13 (85) ST BERNARDS RZ4RCELLL^i 3.2 3.4 3 .6 4.11 (35) St Bernards : Osborne 3 . 0'Sulltvan 3, Tankey 2, Allis 1 . Campbell I . Legudt 1, De Blank 1. Best: Stapleton . Catterall, O'Sullivan, Davis, Hogan, McCurrv.

Marnellin : Cooper 1 . Boyd I . Edmonds I . Dowling 1 . Best: L. O'Flytm, tViiknsou, Cope . Cull, Theisz, Gibson . UNIVERSITY BLUES 2,5 7.6 10 .11 14.14 (98) MHSOB 1 .0 2 .0 3 .0 5 .1 (31) University Blues : O'Donnell 4. Plowman 2, Btrks 2, Bennett 1 . Girdivood 1, Imne 1 . Meatoon 1, Thomas I . Best: Briggs. Irvine . Thomas, Chamberlain, Birks. Batlev . &IIiSOB: Hawkes 1 . Robinson 1, Wright I . Best: L. Treloar, Fe Ferkrar>L, Svnrskis, Rundell . D. Cassell, It. Ting, 3

Ca .,.ch : Paul t;ooper Assist: Noel Jenkinso n Res Coach : Terry Russell I L. Walker 2 R. Buckley 3 B . Corin 4 P. Murton (VC) 5 C . Swift 6 M . Harbor 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 9R L . Borella 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans(C) 12 D. Toohey 13 A . Johnstone 14 C . Bowker 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hylan d 17 A . Elliott 18 A . Coffey 19 R . Prezens 20 M. Picone 21 A . McKenzie 22 M . Mercuri 23 D . O'Brien 24 J. Morel 24R R. Marks 25 R. Walmsley 25R C . Hyd e 26 D . Spithill 27 S. Thomas 28 N. Herber 29 C. Browne 30 B. Mannix 31 S. Hyd e 32 R. Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 L. Johnstone 35 A . Mackintosh 36 W. Jolle y 37 D. Hyland 37R D . Moore 38 D. McInerney 39 S . Kan e 39R S . Hoy 40 C . Noseda 41 M . McHenry 42 L. Williams 42R A. Bonnici 43 K. Brkic 44 J. Garland 45 C. Chester 46 A . Skinns 47 A . Molan 47R G. Wise 48 D. Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 A . Boots 50 D . Aldenuccio 51 L . Douanghosay 52 E . Phillips 53 L. Derbyshire 54 D . Buckley 55 L . Meehan 56 C. Worstelling 57 P. Hesse 60 B . Hoy 70 M . Dugga n

Co; :ir Simon u yiople Res Cc : Peter Randal l 1 . C . Purcell 2 . T. Collins 3 . D . Waters 4. G . Romanin 5. N . Godwi n

6. D . Sampimon 7. M . Rowe 8 . R . Frisin a 9 . D. Ballantine 10, A. Dal e 11 . D. Taylor (RC) 12. B . Croni n 13. S . Dinneen 14 . D . Salce 15 . M. Chun 16 . L. McMillan 17. G . Cox (VC) 18. D. Gartner 19 . D . Cooper 20 . S. O'Flynn 21 . N. Walker 22. D. Marson 23. M . Edmond s 24 . L . O'Flynn (RVC) 25 . R. Galati 26 . N. Armstrong 27. S . Theisz 28. D . Johnston 29 . C . Moran 30 . A. Treganowan (C) 31 . C. Mason 32. M . Browne 33. G. Cull 34 . D . Jarred 35 . J . Frazer 36 . N. Addison 37. B . Carmody 38. M . Boyd 39 . B. Colville 40 . A. Wilkinson 41 . J . Seabury 42. B . Dinneen 43 . A. Duncan 44 . D . McMillan 44 L . Hansen 45. D. Theisz 46. J . Mathews 47. M . Becchetti 48 . A. Gallagher 49 . D. Courts 50. A . Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52. M . Hartnett 53 . C . Mathews 54 . A. Gallagher 55 . J . Wallis 56, C . Beayni 57. E. Weeks 58. J. Ibrahim 72 . D. Cracknell


t: Paul Faney

Assi . Darren Payne v Paul Northey Res Coach: Noel Spoc

1 J. Bamert 2 S. tr9cCully (SDVC) 3 AA.Simpso n 3 Angus 4 M . White 5 E. Raleigh 6 A. Joseph 7 P. Telfer

1 A, Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 A . Jenkins 4 B. Davi s 5 T Young 6 S. Kent 7 J . Geishan

8 T. Stevens (RC)

8 J . Dixon (RVC)

9 M . Karayannts 9 D . Fairchild (SCapt) 10 Pth. Crowley 10 D . Norto n 11 S. Tull y 11 D. Simmons 12 C. Branigan 12 R. Bantin g 13 M .Orchard 12 M . Feferkranz (RCapt) 14 C . Moore 13 C . Kelly 15 L . Bolzan 14 A. O'Brien 16 C . Mooney 15 N. Adcock 17 A, Corcoran 16 J . Walker 18 J . Hope (VC) 17 R. Clowes 19 M . Tolley 18 R. Limbrick (SDVC) 20 D . Hawkes 21 R . Roberts 18 B. McGrath 22 P. Donaldson 19 A. Brookes 23 K . Theodoss i 20 T. Harper 24 G. Hams (DVC) 20 D. Nichols 25 E . Byrne 21 R . Patterson 26 P. Lillis 22 A. Svirskis 27 J. Weddle 22 D. Armstrong 28 S. Morris 23 L. Taylo r 29 R. Weddle (C) 24 S . Rundell 30 A . Gilbert 25 N . Orchard 31 J. Stevens (DVC ) 26 A. Vicendese 32 P Dowd 28 J . Brown 33 N. Pratt 34 A. Tieman 29 G . McCully 35 M . Pollock 30 R. Newton 36 B . Spoor 31 J. Davi s 37 M. Berry 32 A. Cassell (SDVC) 38 Ga George 33 A. Saultry 39 Ge George 33 S . Harriso n 40 J . Keane 34 E . Thompson (SVC) 41 A . Clark 34 P. Rujevi c 42 5. Low 35 A. Mills (RVC) 43 L . Hunter 35 S. Moore 44 A. Karafili 36 P. McGrath 45 M . Toovey 36 M . Ting 46 M . Tozer 37 R . McIntyre 47 G. King 37 T. Harper 48 M. Clarke 49 L . Shay 38 S. Robinson 50 S . Brandt 39 S. Whittington 51 N. Bradd y 40 D. Membrey 52 A . Clancy 40 W. Hayes 53 S . Price 41 J. Anderson 54 B. Guidera 42 P. Boye r 55 A. Berezza 43 D. Vicendese 56 L. Courage 44 M . Hawkes 57 D. Harcourt 45 M . Brown 58 G. Mclsaac 46 P. Wolnizer 59 J . White 48 G . Pollard 60 S. Hil l 61 C. Binney 49 C. Duke 50 S . Osborne 62 J . Baker 63 T. Hibbs 53 P. Bai n 64 C . Barker 55 C . Wright 65 B. Shadbolt 56 T. Wright 66 D. Warry 57 D. Cassell 58 D. Fox

Computers ct ~ i Assurance s f" 'ENSlNE 1 R


A. i .eiu~6v n B. Phillips J. Ross T. Holt (C) S . Collins A . Crow J . Kitchen B. Robinson D. Brooke C. Smith

S. Hume

13 N. Hooper 14 R. Mullins 14R C. Reid 15 R . Eagle 16 D. Jennings 17 D. Thomas 18 L. Hawkins 19 R .Josephs 20 S. Lillingston 21 J. Stratos 22 N. Addison 23 O . Cran e 24 C. Pattenden 25 M. Saunders 26 T Downing (RC) 27 J . Pilkington 28 5 . Prendergast 29 M . Gnarl 30 T. FinocG iaro 31 N . Leit l 32 J . Gerstman 33 J . McCarrol l 33R T Wilson-Humphrit 34 E . Olive r 35 P. O'Connor 36 A. Millar 37 E. Moffatt 38 R. Ashton 39 C . Stevens 40 T. Collins 41 M. Lip shut 42 M. Watts 43 R. Breisch 44 C. Evans 45 M . Blenheim 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger 48 S. Miles 50 T. Hosking 51 L. Freeman 52 D. Knight 53 G.Junkeer 54 N . Simon 55 M. Boudrie 56 C. Tallent 57 J . Crane 59 D. Iser 60 T. Wigney 61 S.Jones 62 N . Tassell 63 P. Ise r 64 N. Costello 65 C . Armstrong 66 A . Routledge 67 J. Pulvirenti 68 N. Gill 69 C. Nea l 70 S . Thompson 71 D . Jackson 73 M. Vojvodic 74 M. Rix. 75 S, Troon 77 C. Joyce




n 0'Shauy: . iessy It: Serge D'Angelo 1 M . rulood 2 D. Orland o 3 L. Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan 5 S . Mollard 7 S. Lethlean 8 P. McDonald 9 J . Hawkins 10 D. Rennex 11 Ad Jone s 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 On, Stoney 15 L . Ford (Capt) 16 N . Bingham 17 D . Richardson 18 M. Green 19 M. Callihan 20 M . Hardman 20 J . Scanlan 21 A Parto n 22 T Ookleshavi (VC) 23 S . Johnston 24 B. Coughlan 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J . Drake 28 A. McDonald 30 T. Clarke (v.c) 31 L. Tuddenham 32 A . Brushfield 33 A . Sassi 34 R .Jones 35 A. Delaney 36 B. Dvvyer 37 T. Maher 39 M . Meehan 40 W. Rolfe 41 A . Dillon 43 T. Woodruff 44 A . Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B.Dixon 47 T.Ruyg 49 T.Lovarie 50 J.Heeley 51 D Walsh 55 J . Healy 56 A. Oswald 58 M . Mahon 63 R. Coughlan 66 A . Wilson

Coach : ki iur-Allen Asst Coacrr ~,xr Seth bricl Res Coach : Steve 6am s 1 D . Baynes 2 D . Burrov:es 3 R . Cousland 4 D . Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 C. Runnalls 7 S. Clarke 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan (VC) 10 N. Mitchell (C) 11 C. Davis 12 B . Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L . Turnbull 17 L. O'Sullivan 18 D. McLaughlin 19 L. Goltan t

20 C. Gray

21 B . Loughlin 22 M .O'Riley 23 A Mastropasqua 24 N . M .Smith 25 C . Osborne 26 J. Gollant 27 James Mount (RC) 28 P. Gilmou r 29 L. Wilkinson 30 C. Trewin 31 B . Swa n 32 T. Harvey 33 B. Altis 34 D . Byrne 35 L .Campbell 36 R .Legudi 37 A. Catterall 38 J . Simpson 39 C. Baumgartner 40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overman 42 P. Kinniburgh 43 M. Stapleton 44 S. Taylo r 45 M. Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 R. Pizzichetta 48 N . P.Smith 49 S . McCurry 50 C. Cafthorpe 51 P. Romanin 52 A. Feaaster 53 S.lannazzo 54 T. James 55 J. Lloyd 56 L.O'Brien 57 B . McManus 58 J . DeBlank 59 L. Evans 60 P. Mastroasqua 61 J . Mastro asqua 62 A. Sobel as 63 H . Pekes 64 R . Pekes

1 N . Fraser 2 R . Griner 3 D . Curtis 4 A. Ukovi c 5 M . Doliman (C) 6 P. O'Keefe (VC) 7 K. Gray 8 B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J. Pangrazio 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 M. Olive (DVC) 16 B. Garvey (VC) 17 D. Rya n 18 P. Gissing 19 D. Sheehy (RC) 21 R . Maguire 23 S . Lowerson 24 H . Pride 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton (DVC) 30 M . Gargano 31 A . McGuinness 32 S, O'Connor 33 M . Maguire (RVC) 34 T. Hobart 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E. Sullivan 37 M. Pangra<io (RVC) 38 J. O'Brien 39 S. Gribble 40 N. Moor e 41 G . Anderson 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G. Katavolos 46 J . Travaglia 47 A . Conlon 48 L . Harper 49 L . Kalesaran 51 D . Bare 52 J . Finch 53 J . Griffiths 55 E . Crohan 56 P. Natale 57 B . Quirk 58 J . Ferrari 59 R . Chivers 60 A. Greenhaig 61 J. Lynch 62 B. Shelley 63 B. Hicks 64 T. Crowley 66 N. Marchesani 67 T. Purcell 68 W. McCann 73 P. Byrn e 75 R . Campagna 76 M . O'Shea 79 G. O'Connor

Simpsah copstroction

t,oa chael Conran i: Steve Carroll 1 Slimmon D (VC) 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J (VC)

4 Guengerich D (VC) 5 Gleason 0 (VC) 6 Pricker G 7 Rourke T 8 Hayter J 9 Meade S 10 Stockdale P 11 12 McLachlan G (C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 18 McEwin A 19 Collins M 20 Gleason D 21 McIntyre T (VC) 22 Millard B 23 24 Russell S 25 Belly A 26 Gates B 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M (RC) 29 30 Larkin A 31 Gallery B 32 Suvoltos A 33 McKie M 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A 36 Brooke J 37 Kaso S 38 Wilson A 39 Bir[ley T 40 Hocking J 41 Quin L 42 Treloar B 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 Armstrong J 46 McKerrow M 47 Taylor W 48 Briggs A 49 Chamberlain L 50 Nailon H

51 Brown A 52 O'Donnell P 53 Versteegen R 54 Benne tt S 55 Dalymore B 56 Irvine T 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholtz J 59 Toohey J 60 McKinley T 61 Coleman B 62 Taylor N 63 Hardcourt J 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 McKerrovr R 67 McAloon D (RVC)

Some more results for the satchel swingers indicate that we have a very even competition on our hands. In saying that, the residents at that Bowling Green in St . Kilda are looking very ominous. PREVIEW Out at Central Reserve, the previously winless and luckless Old Brighton scored a well-deserved will when they outpointed an injury hit Mazenod by 23 pts . It was the 2nd qtr that did the damage, as OB went ape droppings, booting 6.6 to 0.1 to hold a match winning lead that was never threatened . For OB, Pirrie (4 goals), Barrow and Ewert were the stars, whilst Chamberlain, McIntyre and Nelson battled hard for Ivlazenod . Down McKinnon way, the visitors (Old Melburnians) gave themselves the bragging rights of being the only undefeated team, when they ran away from Old Haileybury to win comfortably by 25 pts . It was all tied up at the last change, but 8 goals to 4 in the last stanza broke the shackles . Farquharson (4 goals), Roberts and Hawkins led the way for OMs in a good team effort . The home side were well led by Brooks, Kejna and Bourke . The life members of Br . Garvey were treated to a big lunch, and then a big victory, as Old Paradians spaced their opponents in Therry by a massive 55 pis . But for the old bad kicking mule being present, the OPs would have been further in front than 11 pis at the main break, and the final margin was more indicative of the gap between the 2 sides . Pratt, Burns and Harford put on a One show for the OP faithful, and O'Sullivan, Elliot and Edwards battled hard for Therry . The great man in E. E . Gunn ensured a fantastic day was had by all, as he turned on great weather and perfect conditions, but it wasn't enough for the locals, as Ormond were outpointed by a determined Hampton Rovers by 15 pis . A 4 pt lead at the last change by the home side wasn't enough incentive for them to continue on the work. "Toods, Ng, and Martyn shone like beacons for the victors, whilst Broadhurst . Smith and McConvill were fine contributors for Ormond . Finally, out on Keller Hill, the more experienced nuts of NOBs out-toughed their younger Old Essendon opponents and won comfortably by 18 pis . The margin could have, and should have been a lot more, as bad kicking for goal (that mule is on fire!!!) by NOBs allowed OE to stay in the game . The big man Barker (6 bickies) was impassable at FF, and

was well supported by Casboult and Trimboli . For ~ 1 ie

beaten brigade . giant youngster Hakim (6 snags) was good, aiong -wi, Cool : :r and Caridi .

The Bowling Gri n sees the rampaging 01 =zalans (2/7) roll out the red carpet to . Em-in L den N tinjury-dle(1,4) his lads purring nicely and vri" i r ,conslidatehrp another victory today . i2eanv - 1e ' . ru Da Murray vvzll be delving into his' of icks th week to turn around the ii*ju tine that lr, befallen his club . Llnforfiin : Lie his mi . OldsswilcontueahCjrs !

30 pis . For the first time this year, _ie winle . are playing at home, and welcome the r~ .ouzrdi, Old Haileybury (1 l5) . Wayne Harmes is continui on his youth policy, and his faith in them will p dividends soon . Mick Dwyer knows his team isn't i off the mark but after last week's aberration, theri still more work to do . !'in tempted to go for the hot side, as thev ll go all out to belie the big odc however, I don't believe it will be enough, as OH v bounce back by 15 pis today . Do-i at the house of Boss, a pumped up Hampti Ro :_s (11 ; 8) host a similarly resurgent t7 ~(4I7) in what shapes to be an intrigu i

contest . Norm Goss steered his errant ship in t right direction in the previous round, after becomi a tad way-ward before that . Matt Ryan perform similar acts of captainship with his cI ~-g rebounding after a loss . The home ground ac'. .- 4 should give HR a big chance today, but I tlli= i favs will do just enough to score . OP by 101 , The respected Mr Gillen sees another eL ._ h interesting proportions . We have a rampant NO (1l4) warm up the pies and pasties for an Orn?.o (13!4) side desperate for a will . The chief in ch a at Brunswick, Garry Foulds, has his lads e!u g _hispaw,ndtey'bgia week. In contrast, Mick Knuppel will be I boys know in no uncertain terms this week ~ let slip a golden opportunity to go 2-1 . No ji for ivliek, as the home side goes 'bang' again . NC by 30 pis . At the home of football, EP. Old Brighton (2t5) t.

7`4) . There would be no mor e footy (except for Peter Schwab) than . after his team recorded a well

eanvrhile, Chris Bye would b e rue ing an opportunity lost, and no w , sitting second last as a his was beachside, OB would b e nfortimately for the OE president , is back!?! That's right, here's my veighing dowri. the OE bandwagon wit h ",ut I believe the younger OE will outrun big spaces of EP, and record their second

vs Mazenod (914) OMs by 22 pts vs Old Haileybury (219) OH by 38 pi s :'s (7/4) vs Old Paradians (2r) OP by 26 pt s vs Ormond (614)

NOBs 30 fits

vs Old Essendon ('7) C- by 8 pts

`'ratui'i imS t o

1<st F ~ - - :-2r at Old Paradian s he Club in 1999 playing with th e i as overcome a bad injury to join the last. Tony is a great clubman to who m ,tioblem . Well done Tony, we loo k 50 .

Old .lelburnians 4 Old Essendon 6 0 on Ormond Therry Penola 2 Old Haileybury 1

no Mazenod


on Old Melburnians 4 B RESERVE Iliou Old Haileybury 4 Old Haileybury 0 Therry Penola 0 Old Brighton 0 North Old Boys 2 Old Essendon 6

13 12 11 10 8 8 8 13 7 7 6 6 6

Old Melburnians v. Mazenod Therry Penola v . Old Haileybury Hampton Rovers v . Old Paradians

North Old Boys V . Ormond -ighton v. Old Essendon - Etsfernwick Park Sun.

3 .7 5.11 10.14(74) .-~ . I 8 .7 10.10 14.13 (97) ;.ieln., ., 2 ChamL.-. P Fuller Hz. . .' ins . invi-c Nelson reunions .

2 Salem 2 :+3arshall O:tieIll Barrow Murdt ie Barrow B williams Etivert McGowan Salenin . F), G. Clancy (G ) 5.4 8 .5 10.9 14.10 (94) 2.2 8 .6 10.9 18.11 (119) O'Farrell 2 Brooks 2 Goodier Jenke Johnston D Brooks O'Farrell S Langford-Jones Kejna Bourke B rri-~ns : Farquharson 4 Mulligan 4 Iiazell 2 Roberts 2 Berry Kennedy Kennon *riu?quiney Thonipson . Best : Farquharson ;uis B Grant Rose McKeon . is, W. Hinton (F), B . Dix, C . Shipley (G) 3 .4 6.8 11 .9 15.18 (108) 2 .1 5.3 6.4 8 .5(53) fllfl :"s: Sinclair 3 Dallas 2 Porteous 2 Dllitinosante Stevens Pratt . . . i Curran Harford . Best: Pratt Burns Harford Porteou s Gt~t ., ._ . ,


'Ineju .-! :(wards 2 Barnes 2 Goodwin Frecketton O'Sulliva n I 05tdlivan Elliott Edwards Smith Carroll Castaldi . Un - :-I,. Ho!ntes, G. Thtva-ites (F). C. Doy(e (B ) 6 .18 (54) 3 .4 4.7 6.14 2.6 6.10 9 .15 (69 ) ROVERS 1 .1 . Best: Broadhurst Moore Smith : L Smith 2 Stone 2 Delidlo Ferrari , ;r.aonel MeConvill. -n avers: Power 3 S Anderson Browne Carr Davey Marlyn C tv,r ds Broome Carr Ng Martvn Hellio r. ( n. C. Brajttmrg (F) R . Seymour, P. Maddocks (G ) 1 .3 8.4 10.5 12 .8(80) 3.7 5.9 9.14 13.20(98 ) 6 Podger 3 Bryant Buckley Fleming . Best: Haklln n C O-etia n Wilson. h r.;;_: J Barker 6 Spurting 2 Casboult Whiteside Kenna n J 5anders. Best: J Barker Casbout Trimboti Eastaugh Wlilteside R. Love, M . Jenkins (F), C. Stewart, G. Kennedy (B), R . Ch+reiys, K.

IT, .'EYtiflD l .s 4.6 10 .8 12.11 (83) lLD-RIGFrd'IO?d 3 .2 5.3 5 .4 7.5(47) Mazenod: Fe 3, Ja ra 2 . *m 2, Ba1(enoer 2 . Krom, McMullin, Quinn. Bost: % . :, frgai, Stn ;orn . Krom. Quinn, Snart. Old Brighton: Bristow 2 . Over 2, Scott, Biggain . Brovm . Best : Slrerman, Eduards, McKinn, Carter, Scott . Admits . OLD iaAII.EYBURY 1.3 4 .6 4.7 7.11 (53) OLD IELBURM7ANS 3 .3 7 .3 10.8 10 .9 (69) + 1 ite'zry : Efstathiou 4. Ross. S. Saunders. Somaia. Best: Ladd, ! Ii., J, R. Saunders, Hilton, Bell . Ross. Old rnisiis: J . Grant 2. Murray 2, Ray 2, Bains . Murphy, Useinov, ' t: e. Cooley . Murphy. t3addell, Tsiotras, Vdititehead . 9 .5 11.8 13.11(89) 4 .2 Or nP. .. . . . 1 .2 2 .3 6.6 10.6 (66) T_ r P. yd 4 . 3, Murray 2, Palermo, Lombardi, Loney . ;c Ball,. 1 R, i, 1 )Lou, Paglta. Galloway. on la: F s : 3, t tarke . Kuret Sacra J . Goodwin D. x :~enuersun, urrui[, ~ , Joe, Hollow, Goodwin Steve, Clarke. 2.2 4.4 6 .6 7.7(49) 7.14 (56) C ROVERS 2.4 7.7 7.9 ( nond: -^rzitt 2, Whelan 2, Kirkrig(rt, Stewart, Stephens . Best: Stewart, LYI a, Harvey. Farrell, Putz, Brennan . npton Rovers : Mdne 2. Woodruff 2, Gray 2, tt'ills. Best. Carson, AL,uonto .'-r4i(ne. Nitschke, David Anderson . Wilkinson. 9 .8 13.8 (86) OLD ESSEfiBON 3.4 5.4 8.7 9 .8 9.12 (66) NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .3 . Buckley 1, Fleming 1 . Best: Old Essendon: Hakim 6 . Podger 1, Bryant 1 Hakim . Ryan. Cooper, Caridi . Omani, Wilson. North Old Boys; Minim 2 . Berker 2, Iktan : 1 . Maker 1 . Nye 1, Docherty 1, Gribbs 1 . Best McCarney, Maker,!, _ ; Jog1e . Took . Ryan.

Pa,lrous a : ;: :io~ ii~i2d to bt^ingAtcohot into El _ :crnwick Park or Any VAFA Venue. 7

A Bruda r 2 M . McKellar D. Busby 4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Martyn 6 T. WNilmott 7 A . Dudd y 8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Barke r 10 B. Hol t 11 J . Zampaglione ~ 12 B . Cullin g 13 G . Woods 14 P. Pik e 15 A . Browne 16 D . Marshall 17 D . Artz (VC) 18 S . Rodder 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Powe r 21 G . Carr 22 B . Hoare 23 S . Helliger 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 M . Flahive 27 M . Nitschke 28 A . Fisher 29 M. Fletcher 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 Daniel Andersen 35 J . Rodder 36 M . Pearson = 37 L. Holt 38 B .Tenney ,39 N . Gos s 10 A. Wearmouth 1 G . Kell y 42 M. Lanagan 43 S. Wills 44 B. Johnstone 45 C. Delosa 46 L. Woolrich 47 L. Wheeler 48 L. Carson 49 M . Flynn 50 N . Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 M. Karakasis 53 J. N g 54 J . Almiento 55 J . Premises 56 C. Wilkinson 57 S . Rose 58 C. Marinis 59 T.Woodruft 60 C . Probyn 62 N . Deeming


_IL) .

1 D. Lancaster 2 A . Quinn 3 A . McIntyre 4 A . Hanley 5 D . Maskell 6 N . Marmo 7 S. Morgan 8 R . Foss 9 P. Gooden 10 C. Jayaweera 11 T. Smith 11 D. Hose 12 M . Murray 13 P. Fuller 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 M. Apollino 17 J. Beard 18 T. O'Donoghue 19 S. McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan 22 D. Fotiniotis 23 A . Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 24 J . Mackey 25 A. Pickering 26 J. Dunne 27 D . Krom 27 P. Jones 28 P. Nelson 29 R. Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N . Short 32 B . King 33 D . Grant 34 M . Pollar d 34 B . Chamberlain 35 R . Hawkin s 36 D . Carter 37 L . Morgan 38 J . Fisher 39 D. Bradshaw 40 S . Veltman 41 A . McDowell 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 A . Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 Thomson 46 B . Waldron 47 P. Steidl e 48 G . Tilling 49 L. Halvy 51 P. Ree d 52 T. Strawhorn 53 A . Strawhorn 54 J . Pers i 55 L. Fuller 56 L. Rudling 58 D . Morris 59 B . Carie s

61 M . McDowell

1 J. Cassell 2 D . Keenan 2 D . Waters 3 A. Trintboli (RVC) 4 S. Slee p

5 B. Devine 5 D. Skene 6 N. Vogals (DVC) 7 P. Booth 8 B . Collison (C) 9 H . Map!estone 10 PA. Nulty 11 T. Roberts 12 S. Lock 13 T Halpin 14 D. Kingham 15 C . Farac 16 D. Collins 17 J . Fit>_clarence 18 C. Murray 19 P.0'Farrell 20 W. Martin 21 N . Csboutt 22 D . -.. . -han 24 J.`r . ..rwC) 25 G . no 26 P. Brcoks

28 D. Joyce (RC) 30 'L-oh 31 L. Boyle 32 M . Phy4and 33 M . Barker 34 J Saari 35 M . Carney 36 M . Pclatatko 37 J . Eastaugh 39 T. Docherty 38 N1. Amo r 40 C . Phyland 42 A. Kennedy 43 D .Zacek 44 T. Sperling 45 B. Speed 46 P. Daniels 47 T. Kennedy 48 A. Munro 49 T. Kootoos 50 T. Drum

51 T. Brady 52 N . Sanders 53 S . Butcher (RVC) 54 D . Demari e

55 M, Joyce 56 D . Sheehan 57 C . Hosking 58 T. Cameron 6-0 M Crease 61 F. Lynch 62 J. Magrath 66 P. Bryar 77 S . Trenton

T.Ayerbe A . Chuck B . Ciancy I 0. C 3rk R . Evans S. Glover M. Hyde B. James A. Jorda n

P D. L. R

1 A . Krzynvaiak 2 A . Pirri e 3 C . Barrow (VC) 4 A.6rlacGillvray 5 N . Perry 6 R . Stewart 7 B. Logan 8 M . Gadsde n 9 S . Lennox 01C) 10 J . Mead 11 L. Adamis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 B . Williams 13 N . Edwards 14 S. Williams (C) 15 C . Mizz i 16 J. Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 19 S . Ginnavin 20 M . L. Smith 21 T. Ewen 22 N . Biggin 22 L O'Neill 23 N . t49ilat 24 M.J. T Smith 25 S. Nickas 26 A. Ginnavin 27 D . Paterson 28 N . Williams 29 J . Dickerson 30 A. Brown 31 J . Murch 32 D. Begley 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C . Stewart 36 M .l"lardell 37 B. McMahon 38 J. Raj u 39 K. Kavanagh 40 41 42 L. Hendra 43 R. Carter 44 R. Sherman 45 46 M . Billionis 47 48 49 B. Scott 50 51 52 53 54 55 M . Gambl e 56 57 58 59 60 61 A. Wals h 62 A. Lynch 63 S . Davies 64 M . Reid

1 J . Pan e 2 S. Eva.l s


3 P. Lutterschr 4 D . Rya n 5 M.Oxnam 6 C . Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage 9 J . Goodger 10 S . Bryant 11 B . Papal 12 J. Kavanagh 13 M . Bossi 14 B. Hakim 15 T. Di Blas i 16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hester 18 J . Walker 19 E . Healey 20 D. Hunter 21 S . Data 22 A . Merrington 23 J. Hughes 24 J. Dazki w 25 C . Morgan 26 S. Fleming 27 D. Barr 28 G . Stevens 29 S .Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D . Carid i 32 J . Mansfield 33 A . Davison 34 D . Podger 35 L .Kavanagh 36 M. Burns 37 M. Jinks 38 D. Whitfield 39 B. Newbold 40 C. Obliubek 41 S . De Morton 42 N . Bertram 43 N . Fitzpatrick 44 J . Rus h 45 P. Barry 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S. Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 C. Clues 50 A. Newland 51 A. McGowan 52 J . Williamson 53 T. Campbell 54 A . Morrison 55 B . Turne r 56 S . Dart 57 W. CoNan 58 T. Williams 60 S . Carlo

B . S, .,..:han Pv; grdto n U,. ' .' n'.:rhorst

THE Or Tit&E GROUP PTY. LT D Ph : 9597 0166 ynr'a.hamptonrovers .com .au


1 ,



OLD M I &n wick

1-)ones C) . I*n ds tu

as ;II

nzie :II {RVC}

::rong (C) 7+er

r on C) idham ~rd n{VC) s II ht xd-Jones ige d ks y .unders ( RVC) u wntn e Y ibher ?u

olden if. 1.`itchell (RVC) Moyle Finlayson L ;idd =, shardson =~ ,ir h 'crtain ;aunders :. Byrns L' ' nderson

I .'. )risi - omaia I .' iiler Cute Smith

Coach : Erwin ueyc. t Assist: Mick Lovejoy

Coach: Matt Ry an Res Coach: Peter Slacik

1 Smith D 2 Theodore S 3 Treloar A 4 H azell M 4 Barrett N 5 Crawshay S 5 Woodford D 6 Holme D 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 8 Marks D 9 Grant B

1 S . Vincent 2 P. O'Loughli n 3 M . Cosgr rf' f 4 A. Curran 5 M . Harford 6 D. Stevens

9 Simpson R

12 B. Galloway

10 Roberts T 10 Marks B 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 12 Ha rt J 13 Thiele B 14 Verge M 15 Rose M 16 Lewski A 17 Miller J 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R 19 Prowse M 20 Guest J 21 Robinson N 22 Waddell A 23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Thomas P 26 KennedY C 26 Walker C 27 Kinsella D 28 Teelow A 29 Mulligan T 30 Miller C 30 Wu A 31 Sallabank J 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J 35 Ray C 36 Grant J 37 Murray 5 38 B ry ant T 39 Field D 40 Useinov Z 42 Evans B 43 Farquharson E 44 Grundy P 45 Murphy C 46 Neeson C 47 Harrison T 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Simpson A 51 Kennon M 52 Campbell B

13 B. Richardson 14 B. Brabender 15 S. Fellowes 16 M. Godfrey 17 B. Hart 18 G. Po rt eous 19 A . Dean 20 T. Brown 21 D . Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A . Heffernan (C) 26 D. Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B . Reiner 29 J . Dallas 30 A. Boyd 31 N. Dallas 32 P. Pratt 33 S. Ciavola 34 B. Hayes 35 S. Simpson (C-R) 36 B. Dintinosante 42 R . Murray 43

7 P Cosgnfif 8 A. Sinclair 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brab2nder 11 A . Bums

44 D . Furze 45 A. Paglia 46 R . Clark 47 N . Bal l 48 S. O' Meara 51 A . Baker 52 M. Joyce 63 54 S . Yeo 55 60 J. Connolly

Coach : Michael Knuppel Assist: Pat Mannix Res Coach : Peter O'Dea 1 L . Wilso n 2 D . Becke tt 3 L. Murphy 4 A . G ,ace (VC) 5 M . Mar6nov 6 7 S . Keleher (VC) 8 M . Miller 9 G. Hal l 10 R. Martin 11 D. Robbins (VC) 12 B . Delidio 13 B . Stone 14 S . James 15 S . Naughton 16 T. Stewart (RC) J . Bridges 18 S . Cramey 19 D. Cleary (RVC) 20 M . McConvill (C) 21 R. Wiley 22 Y. Dimadamos 23 J . Knuppel 24 A. Goonan 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T Brennan (RVC) 28 A. Moore 29 M . Broadhurst 30 G. Ritchie (RVC) 31 H . Black 32 A . Low 33 M . Collins 34 A . Russell 35 L. Russell 36 D. Casey 37 C. Everi tt 38 D. Broadhurst 39 M . Ferrari 40 H . Brown 41 J . KoolsV a 42 C. Keleher 43 L. Smith 44 N. Baldwin 45 L. Breitkreuz 46 C. Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 B. Healy 49 S. Metz 50 M. Heffernan 51 D . McKenna 52 S. Betsy 53 G . Hammond 54 F. Melanie 55 J. Putz 56 M. Farrell 57 S . Stephens

53 Ber ry J

58 T. Banks

54 Grscheska T 55 Cooley J 56 Mulcahy J 57 Reid J 58 Weir I 59 Alder C 60 Power J 61 Berman J 62 Trim C 63 Quest G 64 Bowes C 65 Pruden J

59 P. Konstanry



C~~~~~ ~~~ ~}~ ~}t { L Ud




Coach: Wayne Hermes Assist: Peter Applefor d & Mark Finnigan Res Coach: Michael Bosanko 1 Petrevski M 2 Mills A ( DVC) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 O'Sullivan D(VC) 12 Moran R 15 McMahon A(D4 C Res) 16 Goodwin M 17 O'Connor G 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 2 0 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Reynolds L 25 Edwards P 26 Lewis B 27 Garoni M 29 Goodwin S 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J 34 McWhmney M 35 McKay A 36 Barron D 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancarrow M 39 Boyle S (C) 40 Garoni P 43 Warren M 44 App ;eford P 45 Carter M 46 Stepen S 47 Goodwin D 48 McAuliffe A 49 Whykes B 50 Barron B 51 Cand~Ioro D 52 Weston D 53 La Fontaine N 54 Riley S 55 Garoni M (VC Res ) 56 Dunne P 57 Weston S 60 Sacco P 61 Sacco S 62 Caccamo D 63 Moloney A 64 O'Meara J 65 Stella S 66 Green A 67 Tsinaris G 69 Serong S 70 Kuret L 71 Lyons R 72 Johnson S 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 79 Higgins T 84 Russell G 87 Jones P 89 Christie A(C Res) 93 Smith J 96 Redden S 98 Hollow B 99 La Corcia M 100 Loiudice J 104 Biddlestone G 106 Murphy P 108 Thomas D 119 Ratcliffe A

129 Bodes D

132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 135 0'Hallaron S 139 PennA

Talk about going from chocolates to boiled follies, 5 one week to 1 the next, boy is a week a long time in football. Believe Phil Stevens is looking for a new scribe, someone who knows something about C-Grade, I

F-_ :r an took the points eve Cin a game vitally important to both siaes . , was a keenly fought contest all day with no me than 19 points splitting the sides at any one stage . The Lions had a few injuries which took it's toll in the end but this is to take nothing away from the Two Blues who enjoyed their first win of the year . Travis St Clair was terrific all day, as was Aaron Rhodes in his 50th, whilst Harvey, and Van Rooyen slipped under Patty Hawkins guard . Cam Unsworth, Andrew Shinkfield and Nick Harrison were all pretty good fo1 Collegians . Ideal conditions out at Keysborough saw Old Mentonians bounce back from their shellacking last week to record a thrilling 8 point victory . The difference between the two sides was never more than 4 majors and for most part it was Avithin a 2 goal range which kept the game at a tense and exciting level . Banyule's poor kicking for goal through the middle stages of the game not helpful but a good confidence booster for the young Panthers . Shane Voight was BOG in a superb game, Drew Solley kicked 6 while Matty Austin against the odds played his heart out . Big Dave Williams is having a fine season yet again for the Bears, supported by Jason Plant, Brad Alillmore, and Luke O'Connell . Another close and tense 'c at Packer Park between Glen Eire and well ith Wells showing their foi Beauy . A strong wind did not mar theIwasnofluke ga n a spectacle as both sides u, re -:;le to score at either end of the ground. Perhaps in the end a more dominant forward line was enough to get the Wells home . The Sainters season is not going to plan at this stage but it would be foolish to write them off. Brent Christie was MVP for the Wells, Matthew Mullen rucked well Jezza Goodale kicked 5 and the Clyne Bros were tough nuts up back . Tsirogiannis, Tkocz and the Hyphen (thought you had retired mate) .v -e good Sainters .

at the main break . Championship quarters always so vital was again the case in the third as the Friars Licked 5 to 1 to have a handy i .rc they were able to maintain through the fin Tim Hilton was a deserved Player of the R o a great game in defense, Buckets kicked 5 veteran skipper Anthony Carbone was cool . -ol; O'Neill Chris Knight and the General all tried h for the Fields . Local rivalry made for a beauty at Brinrii where for the second week in a row the with a kick after the siren. No faint hearts i i ea supporters . All the Tigers in the first term d Beaumaris in the second had the large cro wondering what to expect in the third . The sm confines then took over as it became a presst game and the Tigers led by nine points at the orar break . The last was a classic home side extended i gap to 22 Beauy appeared flat and wdth 5 to go s 22 behind, 80 sees to go 3 points the differen, Somehow Nick Boctor took a strong mark a . From 45m out on a slight anglsirenoud e slit the midlle post high Beauy were home and t Tigers were gutted . Big Mike Matullick was great day for the Sharks as was Murray Pitts and you Sean Coate gave them plenty of options . For t Tigers their disappointment was too great to both to spi to me .

f I can get back to some consistency h ~

e the short trek across town to tackl : side desperate for a vrin . Will be buoyi confidence now the Two Blues and n o another one to keep finals within rang( . 'arenotplayingthabdlyand retou~•htc home but it's my old club to take the poin The Fields on the rebound and Old with nothing to lose clash at the Racecours( they might I just cannot see Jeff Costellc bo, getting over the line today as the Fields despi t . hlosare"dunit

A bear I sunny da•- iveleonred Cau3f'4 A14 G:_ . to the pic~int (1E hog at F ~ rPakfowetp['

star d ongly and r-handy break . Fir'i[ s played at breakneck ~,xcd : e,. :, i._cl pr_ .-' in

en Eira today as LL

The Sharks by ffl but remain her their cap . They love Sainters will be desperate

6 .4 6.6

thing at their opponent s

Iv ,

ot be enough. g째~utr for

1 3 .i1 (89) 12.9(81) ~

ullip- Holst . arth, Browning.

9 ait 5t Be e_opefully the ait. :_or ; : _ . )u t ninnent behind them an h e lave now proved they can matUn , d will bounce back to take the 4 be easy though as the Lions hav, and are playing good committed

10.4 13 .10(88) 10 .10 11 .14 (80) 1 . ( ostello. Voig . Best:

14.12 (96) 5.17 (65) S. Jolmsr3n. Pasqualotlo . C . Carrig. NorBiey, Rnver.

Prahran, Caul field Grammarians, umaris, St Bedes-Mentone Tigers .

I only the Tigers missing again . ort by 5pm Monday's guys . No t noon.

e to submit this report to the VAFA ppreciate your co-operation in having o me by 8pm on Monday Nights please . t_ :as are 9 553 1561 phone and fax at ~ 213 541 is the mobile, or email me at braincoti , opi:u5 net .eom .aia as mention by 8pm

10.8 8.9

n째 r2

Duustvr, K. Brewer (G ) 14.12 (96) s.15 (111 ) it )imashki 1 : Hall 1 : Haves-I?<aear: Pryde;



ST E :U: BEAUt :;R ! St Bede,,: P III Terrell, -


TIGERS 6 .3 7 .4 11 .8 14 .10 (94) C 0 .1 7 .7 9.11 14 .13 (97 ) ae : I maxi 3 . Havcs 2, Wintle Yi, Ysu1d . McCraw. R"mde ~retl, fv .cirevu Best Wattle M. I;Huti(ier . McCraw.

Beanie - a

thank you and keep up the good work .


Umpires : J . 7.6 14.6 (90) 5 .7 6.7(43) 2 . Palecdimos 2, Corb ov. Bu,rnett. PalmWnos ,

Gi _ t .'rlit,friars 5 14 Collegians 0 12 Glen Eira 7 11 Old Men'tonians 6 10 Caulfield 3 9 Old Cambenvell 5 9

C RESERVE S Beaumaris Collegians 'Whitefriars Collegians

son Caulfield

I 1 4 0


11 8 8 7 7

2.0 3 .2 4 .5 (29) 5.3 8 .8 10.11 (71) RoraJ!ko~ic. Jolmson . Lmford .


George, Van Poeteran . Cross. Sruth, Cross, S .Grav. B .Wilson. 4 .3 0 .2

7.6 0.8

10.12 14.12 (96) 1.8 4.10 (34) juu, Crea . Fcdele. :ennedv , at Rpm. Pearce.

Cramer-RoGens 1 : est: Francis : Scott ;

:an vvle Caulfield Or. v . Old Mentonians Old Camberwell v . Whitefriars Beaumaris v . Glen Eira ollrans v . St Bedes ?v째[entone Tigers

Co h : Greg' .,, Res : H nato D i<. I T. Ega n 2 D . Witchell 3 S. Kayrooz 4 B . O'Connor 5 B . Wilmore 6 S . Tuckman 7 J . Pearson 8 B . Cantwell 9 J. Plant 10 B. Moxin 11 S. Cross 12 J . Egan 13 C. Burke 14 B . Woodlock 15 S . Gray 16 A . Dooley 17 A . Small 18 J. Turnbull 19 P. Witchell 20 S. Playfai r 21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 S . Gray 24 A . Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 P. Heal y 28 D . Spoules 29 J.O'Callahan 30 D. Mutton 31 C. Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 B . Reed 34 C . Stevens 35 L. O'Connell 36 M . George 37 T. Thompson 38 W. Keenan 39 A. Hopgood 40 N. Taylor 41 P. Job 42 C. Taylor 43 L. Farrel 44 A . Covery 45 M. Smith 46 D . Nasrallah 47 K. Schotes 48 P. McCann 49 G . Bel l 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J . Boil 52 D. Noonan 53 T. Cusack 54 B . Wilson 55 D . Williams 56 T. Jubb 57 K. Mahony 58 L. Orton 59 L. Richardson 60 L. Holt 61 B . Parkes 62 J. Gilham 63 D . Playfair 64 S. Taylor 65 M. Thiveo s 66 M . Vanpoeteren 67 C. Wes t 68 M . Wilmore 69 C. William s

C ctt : lim Resets e John ;Nicholas Res Coach : Mick Carly 1 P Broo k 2 H . Gibson 3 M . Pitts (Vc) 4 M . Matulick 4 D . Porter 5 M. Ensor (Vc) 6 A. Spenc e 7 D. Foley 8 M .O'bden 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Le e 11 L . Stevens 12 L . Healy 13 C. Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 A. Edge 16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A. Lo w 20 M. Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 23 A. Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 Q. Groves 26 T. Broadbent 27 B. Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 C . Martin (Vc) 30 K. Alexander 31 J . Mcgeogh 31 P. Ott 32 B . Cairns 33 G. Jury 34 J . May 35 N . Sector 35 S. Nish 36 R . Deaton 37 R . Presnell 38 J . Gerrand 39 D. Guidolin 40 S . Ma y 42 A . O'brien 43 B . Ferguson 44 J. Deluka 46 M . Talbot 47 M. Stanojevic 48 R. Corfiefd 49 J . Bryce 50 B . Presnell 51 S . Coble 52 N . Aprea 53 R . Rawlins 54 A. Thompson 60 C . Gionis

GOLP.° :At Coach : Dean, derson Res Coach : Martin Dicrost a 1 D . Rosman 2 B. Hal l 2 A. Sorenson 3 C. Knight 4 M . Liddell 4 T. Vinen 5 N . Guyett 5 S . Kendall 6 N . Craven 6 B. Minter 7 J. Cowlishaw 8 R . Foote 8 S. Cossart-Walsh 9 W. Bowe s 10 A, Will (C) 11 C. Deal 12 D. Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 D . Gurr 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S. Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B. Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 W. Brockett 20 H . Vella 21 M . Pennycuick 22 C . McAssey 22 M . Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalvrood 25 G . Evans 26 S. Widjaja 27 R.Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J .Jacobs 29 D. Williamson 30 D . Ellias 31 S. Craven 32 L . Browne 33 C . McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphom 37 T. Messer 38 J . Restarick 39 J. Santiago 40 R . O'neil l 41 M . Anderson 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smit h 44 N. Courts 45 D. Scott 46 G . Erickson 47 A . Desousa 48 S . Buckeridge 49 B. Gardner 50 C . Pearce 51 G . Robinson 52 A. Sinclair 53 P. Carter 55 C. Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 N .Joughm 59 P. Crocker 60 N . Fallu 61 N . Bannon 62 B. Goddard 71 M . Cassidy

Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Andrew Kenneally 1 J . Dixo n 2 M . Johnson 3 B . Mooney 4 D, Atkinso n 5 R . Henebery DVC 6 Y. Phillips 7 D . Surkitt 7 J. Farle y 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J. Fry 10 J . Lang 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 N . Thomas 14 D . Phillips 15 L .Cottom 16 A. Fletcher 17 R . Hosking V C 18 T. Krotins 19 A. Robertson 20 H. Sallmann 21 C. Harri s 22 S . PGasente 23 C . Mollard 24 B . Lo 25 R . Muir w 25 D . Gambaro 26 S. Woolley 27 A. Shinkfield 28 N . McCann 29 A. Kenneally 30 L . Gormley 31 N. Roach 32 D. Browning 33 B . Hoist 34 A. Smrch 35 S . BeZy 36 G. Coope37 M. Foster 38 T Dyer 39 N . Hart 40 R . Bardwell 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 M . White 44 J . Gregson 45 R, Lew 46 C . Rowe 47 R . Sztar 48 E . Waters 49 J. Clark 50 D . Vial

51 J. Melbourne 52 B . Gran t 53 J . Van Berkel 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cooks 56 B .Lumb 57 C . Peck 58 D . Smith 59 J. Miller 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Cook 62 D . Drummond 63 D. Rodgers 64 M . Gr:bble 65 C Safstrom 66 S . Porter 67 D . Osborne 68 L . Wilson 70 T. Skurrie 77 L . Beardsley


South Ivlclbourne

Coach : Paul Be,,„ Res Coach : TBA 1 M. Rya n 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassar 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 S . Vamvakis 8 M . Dimashki 9 G. Hayes 10 G. Richards 11 B . Clements 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 C. Grey 15 F. Buckley 16 A . Taranto 17 A . Russo 18 M . Dimachki 19 K . Dimachki 20 A. Diamond 21 P. Jone s 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 B . Mescal 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 R . Dimachki 30 L . Pryde 31 T. Abetline 32 M. D'Zilva 33 A. Sheedy 34 L. Hal l 35 J . Commerford 36 K. Daou 37 38 M . Lewin 39 J. Egan 40 L . Doolan 41 H . Walls 42 J. Gusman 43 T Knowlan 44 S . Diamond 45 A . Caruana 46 T. Evan s 47 J . Serpanchy 48 J . Haliwell 49 M. Benton 50 A. Dim as hki 51 B. Zurek 52 A. Haines 53 S. Rees 54 M . Kassar 55 L. McGaw 56 J . Kokkinoptilis 57 S . Hall 58 C . McMurrick 59 P. Merrick 60 A. Guzzo 61 M. Tkocz 62 D . Sheehan 63 D. Dunlevie 64 A. Patane 65 M . Dimou 66 J . Valkanis 67 N . Daou 68 M . Merrick 69

F OLD U - ,~


r ;'lu

Coach t;ostelko E; ea Coach : tduss

-~ -

Coach: t~er~


.. T - . .- . ._~ Coach: Ru I Res Coach : Danny sF tcer 1 P. Wintle 2 L . WinUe (C) 3 C . Tesorerio 4 A. L'Huillier 5 S. Napier 6 A. Ryan

Coach: TBA

~r . 1 A. Acreman 2 C . Twentyman 3 B . Murphy !' Can o ~ . P! r^rIer S. E Q 1 11 D. Sc y 12 C . Dt ~r 13 R . Ball


n i

14 B. Sanderson 15 I . Dennis

ay J r .' :r enzie ':J Cr;.in G Ormsby

R mpone

54 D. Goodbody

A I .;-irgetts : t .loriey S Jones 'E Cantor % P.lanuel l J 0=borne L 1 : :ncock

56 R. Harper 60 G . Shattock 61 B . Saunders 62 R. Johnson 64 M . Austin 65 M . Petrie 66 M . Mackay

i o 1_ crner-Roberts n>ie t+i L S D ,.~ ;_ an T _ :rney

; r Thomas




AL & GAS APPLIANCES 98 5 7 a 0 6 1

--------- 71

6 A. Carboy 7 S . Pang 8 G, Bamford 9 A. Bunnett 10 B . Hodgson 11 A . Pitts 12 A . Van Rooyen 13 G . Mclean

15 J . Costello 16 D. Nock (VC) 17 N. Linford 18 T. Boumon (C) 19 A. Palmer 20 S . Mullin 21 A . Drinan 22 L. Georgiadis 23 N . Moodie (R C) 24 A . Lowe 25 T Fava 26 A . Martin 28 D . Kitto 29 A . Carter 30 D . Russo 32 G. Herring 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis 38 B. Sherriff 39 T. Riley 40 T. McManus 41 S. Cozens 42 C . Rushworth 43 M. Lawes 44 L. Sumer 45 M. Kennedy 49 M. Fisher 50 G . Richards 51 N. Fisher 52 D. O'Connor 53 M . Stroud


5 H. Pitts

14 K. Campbell

27 G. Katris in

1 D. Herders 2 M . Harvey 3 J . Lane 4 P. Quick

7 N . Owen 8 J . Cunningham 9 M. Terrell

10 M . Wintle 12 J . Kane 13 D. Goodchild 14 A. Connolly

15 T. McColl

16 A. Rhodes 17 T. Rankin 18 Mi . Windridge

19 A. Millican

20 J. Kellow 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N. Roberts 23 S. Glynn 24 T. Fraser 25 L. Aitken 26 T. St.Clair


27 W. Walford 28 P. Kelly 29 W. Taseff 30 M . Scicluna 31 T. Dukic 32 D. Ballard 33 S . Pickering 34 L. Norman 35 B . Gellie 36 J . Killee n 37 T. Anthony 38 J . Macdonald 39 G. Castiedine 40 A. Wood 41 J . Upton 42 T. Maher 43 D . Decarteret 44 D . James 45 M . Vagg 46 M . Vear 47 . S. Brewer 48 D . Decarteret

49 L . Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S. Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 M. Evans 54 C . Morgan 55 S. Ramage 56 S. Earle 57 S. Moylan 58 G . Finkeld e 59 C. McCamish 60 B. Klindworth 61 , 62 S . McKenzie-McHarg 63 A Gelli e 64 J . Belche r 65 C. Webb 66 C. Weaver

16 A. Hipwell 17 M . Sellings 18 S . Hecker 19 A. Drury 20 J . Drury 21 P. Fedderson 22 D. Poynton 23 D. Napier 24 T. Beasley 25 D . Samya 26 M . Hecker

27 S . Kingwell 29 T. Marshall 30 D . Falkingham 31 N . Connor 32 G. Strachan 34 C . Barnes 35 D . Moss 37 M. Connolly 38 A . Hayes 39 D . O'Brien 40 B. Beasley 41 R . Bignell 42 M. Wilson 43 S. Butts 44 J . Recupero 6 45 h Gould 4 R P.R . Lync 47 T . Waters 48 A. Scafidi 49 S. Walsh 50 S. Kidd 52 M . Kurts 53 M . Uberti

54 M . McCraw 55 A. Basham 56 J . Chaplin 57 M . Lomagno 58 M . Zakic 60 M . McColl 62 M . Dean 64 P. Scagliotti 65 T. Lamb 66 R . Parsons 67 S . Meyer 73 L. Porter 79 P. Russo

Goach : Greg Fe ,I I

s C ich: Q 'Eames 1 C . Woo d 3 M . Carbon e 5 B. Pha n 6 P. Campbell 7 D . Brice 8 B. Janson 9 C . Maguir e 10 R . Pasqualotto 11 R . Reidy 12 T. Hughe s 13 T. Hilton (DVC) 14 T. Carrl9 g 16 J. Powe r 17 A. Carbone (C ) 18 C. Fulton 19 M . Jongebloed 20 D. Rei d 21 K. Kennedy 22 T. Langford 23 E . Eames 24 R. Mik a 25 M . Vernal (11C-Res ) 26 C . Ryan 27 L. Swain 28 C . Eames (C-Res)

29 A . Glen n 30 M . Power (DVC) 31 L. Engley 32 G. Kennedy

33 M . Duffy 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C . Law 36 D . Nola n 37 M . Hunan 38 C . Carrigg (VC) 39 D . D'Sous a 40 M. Cahill 41 C. O'Connor 42 M. Northe y 43 H . Elliott (VC-Res) 44 B. O' Connor 45 S. Cleve n 46 G . Johnso n 47 D . Crea 48 J. Treyvaud 49 C . Dance

50 M . Mallady 51 S. McClintock 52 A. Baggeley 53 C. Andrews 54 S. Gillan 55 D. Fedel e 56 R. Murray 57 E. Ston e 58 S. Alexander 59 H. Brisbane 61 M . Baker 62 J . Anderson 64 M . Mead

67 M . Davie s 68 B . Aisbett 69 T. Spierings

70 G . Northway 71 O. Lappi n 72 M . Kousal 73 J . Warr 74 P. Limoli 74"M . Johnston

Clearcat Hairdressing IFCO




Transport Services


Eaci 1 se(-;Lion sAmareur Footbailer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 1 8) . Each sections coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 21 Ml/P's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the l,AFA Presentation evening.









=sntc :ie was too strong for Monash in a disappointing "stop start" affair, full of ant hea p packs, ball-ups & flooded defences . Perrin marked just about everything that came his way in defences for the Vultures, and what he didn't catch, Chris and Matt Barr swept away when it came to ground ; Corey Stephens also had a great day in his 100th game . The Ashers would prefer to forget a lamentable day. AJAX was surprised by Bulleen Temp, as was I. After the Jackas lead by 2 goals at half time, the Bullants bazooka-'d them with a 9 goal third and that was that . Michael Weisler, Brad Davis & Jona Segal persisted throughout for the Jackas, but it was a generally down day . For the Bullants, Thompson starred in the Ruck, as did on ballers, Tulloch & Chivers .

Ivanhoe went on their merry way against OGGS, starting with a 7 goals lead in the 1st and never looking back. Hoes skipper, Peter Flynn was unstoppable, as was Mark Emerson up forward, while Ben Joyce had a top game rucking. OGGS had good games from younger players, Fairbairn & McKay, with tall man Couch and Captain Salter also showing out . St Leos Emmaus and University Blacks fought out an even game with little really separating the two sides . Ben Costello played well for Blacks as a floating back man, as did Stinger McArthur in defence, plus on- balers, Rob Mackie & Matt Cunningham were also prominent . Brad Bird at F F for St Leos was probably the difference on the day, and he had great mid-field support from Anthony McKenzie & Jason Fennell, with Ashley Brown waging his own war of attrition across half back . Aquinas took the points from Williamstown at Ringwood Reserve and, after an even first half, was generally too strong thereafter . Jason Livingstone and Andy Cultrera were in fine form up forward, and newcomer, Gary Davies, had a day out on a wing . Hints of a turn round for CY in this match ; let's hope it continues . TODAY Bu ll een Temp will make Mentone work hard today, and I can't help wondering whether the Bullants are going to have a resurgence as they in 1999 after an iffy first few rounds . However the Vultures are a very well balanced unit, and a loss today would be a

serious boilover . But don't be surprised if the Bullants can turn the tables . Old Geelong and Ail, `

.,~ tl b zi 1 1contes,albihrdset l Edgar and Phil Davis respectively tvould like . OG will certainly have big edge in experience, and Como I expect them to cross the line about 4 gc ahead . Uni Blacks host Ivanhoe Assumption and probably a little way off their best yet to seriou threaten the Hoes . The latter is looking very v balanced, having a sold defence, potent forwar and an engine room second to none . Blacks taleni youngsters will trouble them for a while, but I exp, the Hoes to take the points by 5 goals in the end . Wi lliamstown at home to St Leos could easily another" Smokey" about reinvent itself, if t rumours are true that its forward line has be significantly bolstered by a returning star . St Le have done all the right things so far and it is hard pick against them . The Parks own forward set up looking ominously good and they should win by goals. Monash Blues take on Aquinas at the famoi Linton Street Oval and Tim Powell must I wondering when his talented group are going apply themselves for the entirety of a game . Th( will need to if they are not to be complete demolished by the Bloods, which is a Club on mission this season . Have to go with winning forn so the Bloods should win by 3 goals, but if tl Ashers "click" they could easily take it by the sam margin . RESERVES WINNERS should be : Bullants, Jacka : Blacks, St Leos, Ashers . Good effort by St Leos la< week to knock off the Blacks ; doesn't often happen Correspondents the contacts are, 9889 1979 (H F F), 0409 172 558, bfliickey61,-,

D1 Sectio n

Bulleen TemplestoWe v . Mentone Amateurs Old Geelong v . AJAX University Blacks v . Ivanhoe Assumption Williamstowni CYMS v. St Leos Emmaus Monash Blues v . Aquina s St . Kilda FG, Linton St, hfoo rabbi n


'ATEtTRS - satute Dan Bray's 50t€r,

Ciz ris 5ulturan's 100t 7 z, an d Matt Sullivan's 1 g()til today . Congratulations to all ! . LLOS EMMAUS WP - congratulates Anthony ST fcF era2ie on his 150th game for the club on April

•,rr:cca joined the Annuals in 93 under the astut e ,1,I tace of his father Don, becoming captain and ia U19's in 94 . Fo llowing a senior premiership i ud senior B&Fs in 99 & 01 Macca is a worth y (, ;ti ;pirational senior captain. Also Nick Hodder : its 100th game today. A former U19 captai n , ts a talented and dashing footballer and is no w his older brother how to play in the seniors. ,~ il iione Nikos .

CLUB DI SECTION George Mentone 4 l ;tld St Leos 8 Ivanhoe 5 ; :rtterson ultrera Aquinas 6 Iv an hoe 2 ~,Iunrlers , t tlil~ws Bulleen Templestowe 5 D1 RESERVE S P trce Iv anhoe 0 University Blacks 0 buz~-t Fxadshaw Aquinas 2 :, . Cooper AJAX 3 3 1 ,' :Lhune St Leos IJA', S E

3s to is

6 ts

3 .3 8 .8 10.11 12 .15 (87) MONASH BLUES 1 .2 3 .3 4.3 6.7(43) Mentone: MacGeorge 4 . Mick Sullivan 2, C.Sullivan 2, Tully. C.Barr. Matt Sullivan. Hovey. Best: M .Dixon. M.Barr, Gallagher, Stephens, Perrin, Tully. Monash Blues: Hawkins 2, Gregory, Thompson, Sapiatas. Best- Gregory, Sapiatas, Chessari. Williams, Lloyd, Farrar Umpires : R. Mayston (R) (F). R. Mayston (J), J. Nicholson (B) 11.6 13.8 (86) AJAX 1.1 7 .5 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 .4 5 .5 14.7 17 .12 (114) Bulleen Templestowe: Mattews 5 .G.MeLaren 2, Panov 2. Harris 2, Tehan, Schneider. R .Williams, Burridge. Humphrey, Daskalov. BesL Thompson, RWilliams, Schneider, O'Donnell . Tulloch, Tehan. AJAX: Davis 4. Gold 4, Berger 3, Goldenfein, Weisler Best Weisler, J .SegaL Davis. Bram, Duzenman, Butt, Umpires : G. Skandakumar, D . Whiteley (F), N . FBtchen . C . OShea (B), B . Stephens. S . Vaiopoulos (G ) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 8 .6 12 .10 17.12 19 .13 (127) OLD GEELONG 1 .2 4 .4 8.8 10.10 (70) Ivanhoe Assumption : FI}Rm 6, Emerson 5, Saunders 2 . Frisiua 2, Joyce. Maud, J. Pace . Lee. Best Lee, Flynn, Joyce, Narkiewicz, Sampson, Morris . Old Geelong: Salter 2, Stevens 2, Redin 2. Malpas . Couch, H.Legoe . Betts. Best : Bolton, Couch . Fairburn, McKay, Temple-Smith Salter . Umpires: L. Katz, J . Mousley (RDL (F), J . Vincent . B. Powell (RDL (B), R Richards, T. Giles (RDL) (G) ST LEOS EMMAUS 2 .1 9.2 12.6 14.7 (91) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .0 7.2 9.3 12.6 (78) St Leos : Bird 8, Donovan 2. Henricus 1 . Hatfield 1 . Fennell 1 . Lear I . Best: Bird Brown, McKenzie, RistevskL Fennell, Donovan . University Blacks: M. Cunningham 3 . Netlteroote 2, Wilson 2, Batten 1 . Caccaviello 1, Chatfield i . O'Donnell I . Leech 1 . Best: Sanderford. Mackie. McCarthru, Catten, B. Costello, Leech , Umpires: J. Kvins (R) (F). P. Wallis, A 7,alcman (G) A9UINAS 6 .2 8.7 15 .9 17.13 (115) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 4 .4 5.7 7.10 8.11 (59) Aquinas: Cultrera 6, Box 5, Livingstone 5 . Tarulli 1 . Best Jess. Livingstone, Cultrera . Flnm, Collive . Hunter. Wi ll iamstown: D. Williams 5. wheeler 2, Berghi 1 . Best, Wheeler, Featherstone. Bergin. B . Hyrtes. Wuchatsch . J . Hynes . Umpires: M . Taylor (F) RESERVES MENTONE AMATEURS 0.1 0.5 0 .5 3 .6(24) MONASH BLUES 2 .7 6 .10 10.13 15.16 (106) Mentone Amateurs: Not received. Monash Blues : Not received.



AJAX 5 .6 6.10 12.14 20.16 (136) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 .1 2.3 4 .4 5 .5 (35) AJAX: Miller 5, Lewski 3 . Cooper 3, Boon 3, Silberman 2 . Buckley 2. Glezer, E .Goldman Best: A Goldman, Zemski, Miller, Konsky . Boon, Sevel . Bulleen Templestowe : Martin 2, D .Williams, Florence, Bone, Best S. MeLaren D . Williams, Bone, J . Matthews, Macrides, Marti n

~pecialists in Australian Rules foo tball, h ockey, soccer and baske tball apparel . Leaders in custom printed tops and shorts for your team. Call us for your special needs : (03) 95 80 3122 or fax : (03) 9580 3199 '11 THP Ah1ATF1 7R Fn(-)TRAI I FR ?(ID?

IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 2.0 4.1 7 .3 8 .5 (53) OLD GEELONG 2.2 6.3 9 .7 11.10 (76) Ivanhoe Assumption: Valkatns 4, ONeil 2, Thackisray. McGowan . Best: Rosenfeld, Jackson . Valkan[s. O'Neil, N .Shuttleworth . Conley. Old Geelong: Farris 4, Leishman 3 . Grills 3. Burbank . Best Bayles . O'Brien . Wark. Stephens . Avery, J . Legoe. ST LEOS EMMAUS 1 .3 3.5 5 .8 10.8 (68) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3.0 4.1 7.5 9.8 (62) St Leos Emmaus: Bethune 3 .Contessotto 2.Price 2.Daly.Ottobre . Simondson . Best T. McCann, Tribe, Briggs . Petrie, McLaughlin, Ottobre . University Blacks: Murphy 2, Schilling 2, A .Costello, Delahunty . Green, Mrrtschin, P.'aite. Best : Jones . Green . Murphy. L. Costello, A Costello, Carr. AQUINAS 5.7 10.13 11 .16 15 .22 (112) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 0.0 0.0 4.4 5.6 (36) Aquinas : Quinn 5. Barry 4, R Moran 2. Bradshaw 2, M . Boland 1 . Gerrish I . Best: Gernsh, Volornbello, Harper, Quinn . Barry . Evans, Edwards, McKenna, Williamstown: Stairs, Smtth, Buttigieg, Hann, Ryan . Best: Oldham, Kosmatos . Bergin . Wyatt. Smith . Burgess 17



Res Coach : Barry Simon

Res Coach : Howard Field

Coach : Phil Davis 1 N. Gold 2 M . Konsky 3 J . Sharp 4 M . Dudakov 5 B . Davis 6 D. Kalb 7 G. Samuel 8 B . Klein 9 A. Rosen 10 G. Dukes 11 M. Weisler 12 D . Goldenfein 13 A. Freund 14 A. Butt 15 J. Segal 16 M. Segal 17 A. Cukierman 18 J . Kirzner 19 M . Halphen 20 M . Buckley 21 D. Gelbart 22 A Bock 23 B . Ritterman 24 J. Bram 25 M . Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 J. Berger 28 A. Zemski 29 B. Lukav 30 A. Lefkovic 31 P. Glezer 32 D. Janover 33 S . Boon 34 B . Lewski 35 D. Milchman 36 J . Feldman 37 S . Newstadt 38 B . Erlich 39 D. Vanaken 40 M . Borenstein 41 D . Goldberg 42 E. Rubenstein 43 M. Measey 44 A Lust 45 O . Flamm 46 A Goldman 47 A. Silver 48 A. Friedman

49 J . Cooper 50 E . Goldman 51 J . Jolson 52 A. Lewin 53 A . Halphen 54 Y. Atfie 55 J . Kaicer 56 L. Harel 57 A. Osowicki 58 J. Besser 59 J. Blankfield 60 J. Wajnberg 61 J. Freeman 62 J . Feldman 63 D. Adler 64 R. Bloom 65 S . Gutman

Coach : Steve Box

1 T. Jess 2 C. Thomas 3 S. Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D. Minogue 7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 8 S . Kelly 9 T. Harin 10 D. Boland 10 C . Field 11 M . Barmby 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M. Denavi 18 J . Hughes 18 D. Saliba 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Woolen 20 P. Fares 21 C. Quinn 21 J . Pierce 22 S. Flynn 23 J. Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 R . Weekes 27 S. Jones 27 C. Munro 28 G . Burch 28 J. Holly 29 J. 29 J . Wilson 30 C C. Colliver

31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarulli 35 R . Chapman 36 A. Everitt 37 G. Macklin 38 B. Moran

39 L. Sheffield

40 A. Cultrera 41 G Davies 42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 45 M . ReillyY 45 G . Coyle 46 M . Hope 47 D. Bower 48 R. Mazzan8 49 M . Hobbs 50 M . Ditchfield 51 A Gerrish 52 J . Burden 53 S . Varone 54 M. O'Halloran 55 J. Crouch 56 P. Cruickshank 57 G . Cochrane 58 D . Robinson 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 68 J . Coghlan 70 C. Lyng

71 G . Evans





Coach: Doug Searl Res Coach : Mal Prior I J. Prior 2 D . Williams 3 S. Young 4 W. Thompson 5 S. McLaren 6 P. Graham 7 P. Robertson 8 N. Bone 9 B . Todd 10 P. Tsokas . 11 G . Chivers 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A . Panou 15 B . Wolnizer 16 S . Smith 17 C . Darby 18 K . Burridge 19 L . Stott 20 M. Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D . Matthews 24 D . Martin 25 T. Matthews 26 S. Boyd 27 J . O'Donnell 28 R. Parris 29 D. Bone 30 D. Florence 31 A . Shine 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 L . Thompson 38 S. Meadows 39 J . Florence 40 S. Meadows 41 R. Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M . Mason 44 R. Schneider 45 A . Tehan 46 A . Humphrey 47 C. Morivitis 48 A . Morivitis

Coach : Brad Hall Res Coach : Colin McDonal d 1 S . Conley 2 M . Maud 3 C. Tucker 4 T. O'Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 T. Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J. Shuttleworth 9 M. Thackwray 9 E. Healy 10 P. Lee 11 D. Valkanis 12 L. Hull-Brown 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flynn 15 J . Curtin 16 P. Harris 17 S . Morris 18 T. Scoble 19 D. Wood 20 J . Matthew 21 L. Blackwood 22 C . Cascun 23 D . Ryan 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 M. Emerson 27 P. Manuel 28 J. Pace 29 C. Hocking 30 M . Sloan 31 D. McFarlane 32 L. Pearce 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P. Kearns 36 C . Zeegers 37 P. Cameron 38 R . Peoples 39 M . Ebba9 e 40 P. Martin 41 C . McDonald 42 B. Martin 43 T. Peake 44 A. Pace 45 D. Fryer 46 M . lacouangelo 47 A. Jackson

49 B . Touriganis

48 R. Toogood

50 D . Glover 51 T. Cattermole 52 J. Gunn 53 A. Boyd 54 S. Dowlan 55 N . Macrides 56 A. Theunisson 57 G . Vimpani 58 D. Tsokas 59 D. McNamara 60 D. Horvath

49 A Rosenfeld 50 N. Shuttleworth 51 D. Pearce 52 S. Sampson 53 E . Marino 54 A. Bubba 55 E . Healy 56 S . Saunders 57 P. Cotter 58 N . Blainey 59 J . Herbert 60 M. Martineo 69 J. Mazocca 78 C Brown 99 G . Robertson


Coach : Tony Macgeorg e l

Res Coach: Darren Fenec' 1 S . Rowley 2 R . Gallaghe r 3 M . Dixon 4 D . Emmett 5 A . White 6 C . Stephen s 7 K . Gunte r 8 D . Perri Emmett nP 90 M. H ovey 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A. Kin g 14 M . Etcell 15 Mick Sulliva n 16 P. Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C. Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Kring s 21 D . Kelly 22 P Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X . Smith 26 A. Rock 27 M, Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M . O'Brien 29 S . Barke r 30 P. Dixon 31 S . Fannin g 32 B . Coleman 33 N . Wilkin s 34 D. Sheeha n 35 M . Johnston e 36 C. Ogie r 37 T Macgeorg e 38 S . Perrazo 39 A . Fimster

40 G . Simms

41 C . Rock 42 T Bar r 43 M. Bar r 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tully 48 Mick. Walsh 49 A. Cousins

50 G . McMilla n

51 G . Hollingworth 52 K . McLeo d 53 D. Noona n 54 D Bray 55 C. Leiftin g 56 S . Sullivan 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 Matt. Walsh 60 D . Fenech 61 K . Lockhart 62 N . Levett 63 S. Waters 64 A. Pothito s 65 T. Allinso n 66 D . Cagney 67 M . Joyce 68 D. Gillespi e 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara

MENTONE ILS.L 9 Palermo St , Mentone * Function Room * Restaurant * Pokie s

9583 2841


u. vnessa n J. Rasengarte n f t l fewman F Farrar C Ti~ompson E %lomson S. Webster ( VC) t Spencer G . Smyth Herrman B. tledin Tinkler

D B Hind

3 K Hendratt a .~+ L. Siapantas M . Edsall C. Grego ry T. Blackley : .T. Craven J , Hawkins p N. De Youn g J . M ain (VC ) H. Graham L. Creamer S . Hawkins R. Gund ry J . Smith G. Rowley 3Ci D. Murchie 36 A. Williams 3% J . Bolton ;3 N. Brennan M . Smith Ma. Bolto n a Mi. Bolton G. Oldham .3 R. Feenaghty ,5 R. Walsh ! i A . Ryan

:7 S. Mentha ;d MCare . y 9 D. Payne 50 A. Clark ~t M . Payne _-2 N . Merest -1 J . Peel R . Green 55 I. McCormick 5T i L. Volkov 57 P. Munro E3 F. Eley 59 B. Carstein 60 S. Lloyd 62 L. Kats % : J. Prosser 65 G. Polglase C,3 A Perry 67 A. McCann V M. Meeha n 6i R . Burston 0 B. Rogers 72 B. Green %3 A Forster-Knight 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton 81 S. Gund ry



Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach: Adam Chubb Club 18 : Sean Wilson

S 7 ` ~~G ~~ EI :7

ijmrA pQ~;,a Coach : Darren Turner Res: Frank Dinicolantonio


Coach : Paul 0' Shanassy Res Coaches : Jim Trevaskis & Michael Rizio

1 D . Dinicolantonio 1 L. Nethercote 1 S. Rowan 2 J. Hodder 2 H. Burbank 2 S . Chandler 3 E. Mitchell 3 M . O'Br ien 4 A. Aulis o 4 A. Evans 5 S. Buckle 5 R. Mackie 5 T. Redin 6 J. Fennell 6 C. Sande rford 6 C. McKay 7 A. Burgess 7 B . Cunningham 7 B. Morris g B. gird 8 A. Howard 9 A. Bethune 8 T. Seymour 9 C. Peki n 10 B. Mitchel l 9 D. Salter (Cl 11 S. McCann 10 W. Hannah 10 W. Temple-Smith 12 T. McCan n 12 M . Cunningham 11 L. Stevens 13 A. Krebs 13 C. Baulc h 12 N. Cameron 14 J. Manton 14 J . Leech 13 S. O'Brien 15 P. Carey 15 L. Murphy 14 D. Taylor 16 A. Rose 16 P. Caccaviello 15 H. McCarthy 17 R . Parker 17 A. Moffat 18 R . McCann 16 B. Couch 18 T. Wilson 19 A. MaJ'or 17 M. Goldswort hy 29 C. Franklin 20 G . Raiferiy 18 J . Malpas 20 A. Kooloos 21 G. Simmondson 19 M. Ave ry ( RC) 22 P. Ristevski 21 C. Shilling 20 S. Cole 23 T. Batty 22 A. Nolan 21 N . Bayne 24 D . Bruce 23 P. Ba Barry r 22 J . Fitzgerald 25 A . McKenzie 24 N. Wilson 26 A . Prosser 23 Sam. Jones 25 T. Chatfield 27 P. Levins 24. M . Jaugietis 26 D. Batten 28 E . McLaughlin 25 G . Leishman 27 A. Costello 29 S . Dar cy 26 S. Lansdel l 28 D. Kean 30 M . O ttobr e 27 W. Paul ( C) 29 M . Staunton 31 M . Contesotto 28 A. Farrar 32 L . Price 30 J . Ralph 29 D . Bolton 33 N . Kennedy 31 B. Costello 34 B . Henricu s 30 M. Stevens 32 M. Jones 35 J . Briggs 33 T. Kitchen 31 C . Fairbairn 36 S . Bavage 34 S. Moody 32 N . Sladen 37 S . Manton 35 J . Mirtschin 33 M. Fabri 38 N . Hodder 36 H . Peck 34 B. Yates 39 B . Vaughan 37 A. Gray 40 J . Gay 35 A. Chubb 39 J. Greenwood 41 J . Zarb 36 T. Heatley 40 N . Martin 42 M . Flood 37 T. Betts 43 B . Levins 41 L . Rawnsley 38 M . LEslie 44 A . Zalakos 43 C . Beato n 39 S. Clarke 45 S . Ronchi 44 R . McCarthur 40 H .Le 9ae 46 A . Brown 45 M. Coleman 41 T. Carty 47 M . Mcinemy 46 A. Hyde 48 A . Daly 42 C . Chirnside 47 B. Murphy 49 C. Hatfield 43 D . O'Brien 48 D . Ruddhy 50 L. Newey 44 P. Simpson 49 T. Bowers 51 C. Bel'ak 45 50 A. Goonan 52 R. Mc~loin 46 S. Collins 53 A . Volpi 63 J. Weber 47 M . Strauch 54 M . Blundell 71 M. Nihill 48 D . Farris 55 S . Smith 73 S. Mackie 56 T. Morrison 49 S. Gr(fiths 57 M . Place 50 J. Settler 58 J . F 'eldstad 51 J . Kilpatrick 59 D. Pitcher 52 J . Legoe 60 C. McDonald 53 T. Bayles 61 J . Blandthom 54 J . Brand 62 A. Raynor 55 T. Stafford 63 P. Nolan 64 D. Wood 56 A . Meek 65 P. Batty 57 J . Morley 66 58 M . O'Brien 67 P. Farquhar 59 J . Toohey 68 B . O'Connor 60 A . Southey 69 S . Mesche r 61 A . Holmes 70 D. McGloin 62 A . Waters 71 72 63 J . Weir 74 D . Pane tta 64 E . Fitzgerald 75 T Ymer 65 N . Cameron 76 G . Donovan 66 T. Wolley 77 C . Vaughan 67 F. Teague 78 M. Whitney 68 B . Grills 79 T. Tribe 80 H . Meehan 69 P. Miller 81 D . Behan 70 B . Cummins 88 S. Pitcher 71 A. Meagher 72 89 D . Winduss 75 99 D . Lear

- W I LLIAP~ST速W N cYMS Coach : Darren Caddy Res Coach: Warren Payne 1 D. Williams 2 J . Ba ttigieg 3 D. Wdliams 5 D. Macleod 6 N. Gran t 7 B. Robinson 8 B. Hann 9 J . Munr o 10 B. Cock s 11 B. Twist 12(R) M. Canno n 12 A. Feathersto n 13 A. Mackle y 14(R) A. Danie l 14 D. Ferri s 15(R) P. Breguet 15 B. Gaborit 16 B. Joseph 77(R ) R . Plochin o 17 R. Hart 18 D. Oldham 19 P. De rvan 20 P Sadle r 21 D. Macleod 22 M . Saunders 23(R) A. Bouras 23 T. Wheeler 24(R) C . Pach 24(% J. McCdtcheo n 25 G . Burgess 25 D. Freestone 26 L . Grochovrsk i 27 C. Mathews 28 A. Kosmatos 29 P. Vincent 30 T. Turcinovich

31 A. eartolo

32 X. Toby 33 G . Rickard 34 B. Jones 35 C . Bergi n 36 AB. Black 37 , 38 S. Smit h 39(R) A . Carter 39 M. Holland 40 D . Pawlowsk i 41 T. Campbel l 42 D . Wouda B. Gran t 44 M. Mannin g 45 J . Hynes 46 T. Fern s 47 F. Nuredin i 48 P. Tirchett 49 W. Kewi n 50 A. McCutcheo n 51 A. McKenzi e 52 R . Nisbet 53 M. Oldham 55 J . Spezza 56 S. Calderwood 57 M. Saccocci o 58 A. Beard 59 K. rs ey 60 D . ~e 61 S. McNernY 62 D . Orchard 63 D . Temb y 65 S . Barlo w 66 S. Phemiste r 67 A . Savoi a 68 A . Hough 69 B . Cambridge 70 D . Sadler 71 F. Cerone 72 F. Luc a 73 J . Spragu e 74 J . p 75 M . aIler 76 M . Slme 77 P. Geraghty 78 R. Cornish 79 S . Mardesi c 80 S . Freema n 81 T. Williams

51 .~.~__ :-'-_- `~I9 7 Old Brighton met Mazenod at home and the visitors put up "the worst performance in the clubs' 20 year history" . The home team annihilated them, 18 .27 to 1 .11 . Poor goalkicking - 19-38 for the day . 150 games to Old Haileybury's outstanding performance - Dave Connell, play him anywhere and he does the job, carnival player, interstate rep, many times, well done, Dave . It was a sad day at Ivanhoe as they mourned the death of one of their wonderful sons, Peter Quinlivan, a member of the 'Hoes 'B` section 1969 premiership team, 239 games, President, Captain, and Life Member - an Ivanhoe man through and through .

,.all ornament to the game" • Other social notes featured UHSOB christening the new club rooms with a 'Trivia Night' ( I' ll bet T.B. w , the comparer), ANZ Albert Park holding a Rat's Cock-tail Night, and Peninsula, up market, with an International Food an d Beverage Night.


'C' section coaches were, Phil Aarons (AJAX), Andrew Smythe (Bull-Temp), Don Scarlett (Hampton Rovers), Tony Paatsch (Marc .), Dave Rogers (U . Blues), Frank Dunnell (North Old Boys), Peter Murphy (Old Mentonians), Paul Beddoc (St Bedes Mentone), Mark Flack (St Leos) and Tony Fellowes (Thomastown) .

Old Scotch put a smile on coach Russell Greene's face for the first t'ne in 1992 when they went away in the first term to win 14 .13 to 10.12 . Andrew Millar starred for Old Scotch with 9 goals, and was helped by the good form shown by Andrew Smith . Mark Brady and Duncan McCall. Best for Marcellin were D, Everton . G . Williams, G . Booker . Milestones - 150 games . Ormond full forward, Paul Schuhkraft (A section leading goalkicker 1987-88-90), Mark Sherlock (Parkside) .

MHSOB (B) produced top goal scores for the day when Nathan Johns kicked 10 of the team's 19 in their 78 point win against St Kilda Sth Caulfield . Bruce Glover, and that reliable stalwart, Dean Comers were best.

Almost neighbours, 'C' section teams Ivanhoe and Bulleen-Templestowe turned on a goal scoring bonanza with the home side getting in by 3 points, 19 .2 to 19.17 . Best were Bulleen, Kennedy, Rowley (Ivanhoe) and T. Matthews, Driver, Shine (B-T) .

North Old Boys were regrouping in'C' with a 34 point over Hampton Rovers, 15 .7 to 8.5 . Best were McKay, Collison, Manassa (NOB) and Anderson, Scarlet, Helliger (H .R.). Closest game for the round was in 'D' when Salesian, 11 points up at the last change, against Old Essendon, kicked 3 .5 to E.E's 6 .2 and went down by 4 points. Lutterschmidt kicked the winning goal with seconds to go. Best were Greasley, Fletcher, O'Brien (O.E.) and Bourke, Boebetic, Sutherland (Sal .) . Sign of the times - Beaimlaris were holding a "Back to Stonehenge" 60's and 70's dance on 17 May featuring the Fabs (I'll bet they'd never heard of Frankie's and Nat King Cole NR). The Sharks congratulated John "J .T." Taylor on his 250th game. A courageous and respected player, John has won three club B & F's and been Senior Club Captain . The battle of the Uni . clubs in E central saw Uni Reds have a great first term to lead 7.4 to La Trobe 2 .3 . The air must be better out at Bundoora as the Trobers caine back and snatched victory by 5 points, 13 .15 (92) to 12 .15 (87). Best were Lewis, Hayward (5 pts), Cummings (La Trobe) and Hall. Shaw, Mershi (Reds) . It was 200 games at Oakleigh to the club's inaugural captain, Andrew Walsh, B & F, and as the scribe said ,

Ajax's Under 19 captain, Josh Hoppe, celebrated his senior debut with 7 goals in the club's 21 .23 to 13.11 defeat of Kew. Good players were D . Roth, Bendell, Gross (Ajax) and Clayton, M . Cord, Burden (Kew) .


Coaches of Under 19 section 1 teams were T . Carroll (Collegians), B . Brown (De La Salle), S. Christiansen (Marcellin), Shane tWaye (Mazenod), Tony Gilchrist (Old Haileybury), Terry Davis (St Bernards) . Who coached Old Melburnians, Old Mentonians and Ormond?

De La were delighted to welcome back Peter Leonard from a very young retirement, 5 years ago. It was a great final term when Ivanhoe trailing Uni Blacks, 11 .7 to 15 .8 at the last change kicking 7.2 to Blacks 4.3 to get up to will by 2 points . The 'Hoes called it a"team effort" with goals spread over 12 players. Best for Blacks were Rourke . A. Gray . Merrell .

0 -198 7 Ormond continued its unbeaten run, when, only foui points ahead of North Old Boys at the last ehaii__ they kicked 8 goals in the final term to win by ! points . Ross Booth praised Ormond full forward Paa Seiuzhkraft for the day and went on to say "he is t : ! and strong, in his early 20's, and seems to have foun , THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

coming up through the juniors and good players for the Monds wer e McDonald, Scott Taylor and Bret t former De La Salle coach, had bee n :ii, rstate coach, with selectors Ray Walsh

Ross Booth, John Pollard, Kevi n Brian Bourke (Football Manager) . ecaches were Mike Zemski (AJAX), Jeff (Bala), Ian Rice ( Hampton Rovers), Brett 1, Ray McGill (MHSOB), Brian For d

rk Saran (Old Brighton), Wayne Shand urians) . Alan Stoneham (Old Melb) and (Thomastovm) . er VFL players and their clubs . Can re the coach who went on to be a membe r ~ ion premiership team. ur players do go far. i ehan played his 300th game with Latrob e - . Tony who was a member of the club whe n 1967 in the Panton Hits FL, coached th e an 'E' Section flag in 1976 and has played ' intervarsity games . entary position did Tony go on to hold? to West Brunswick's Stephen Fyffe, no t t player for the club but also a wonderfu l ator - 1979 treasurer : 1981-84 secretary, )reGident . to Old Camberwell veteran Bob Green and )pular little rover Norm Pending (MHSOB) , fer e ll vice-captain Greg "Les" Morton, and at Len Tenace (Bulleen-Templestowe) . uc -3' accuracy and Old Xaverians' inaccuracy L1 _ s an easy victory, 21 .11 to 8 .26 . Best were o'se, Jennings (Blues) and Atkinson ,

be, Ryan (Old Xaverians) . arians in 'B' kicked 8 .1 to B.T's 1 .1 in 1 P rm but still went down by 10 points, 20.1 0 were King, Smythe, Pert (7 goals), (B .T) ,

, Bendall, Sisson (Caulfield Grannnarians) . on coaches were Graeme Weinert (AJAX) .

Pcrguson (Collegians), Neil Le Lievre (De La) , O'Donohue (Marcellin), Terry Scanlon (NOB) ,

Ftuad (Old Scotch), Gerard Shelly (Old Xavs) , .-urphy (Ormond), John Pollard (Uni Blacks) Sid u Blues).

25 `i - -- - 3 0 - 197 7 ~s to outstanding club man . Darryl Price _-B) ; David Wliitelaw (De La Salle), Bruce Bourn e m-,nd) and 200 to John Cooper (MHSOB) and Terry ! . Comm iBank). nli Old Boys and Ormond unbeaten in 'A' Section i , ~ 3 games met under the control of umpire G .M . 11 - n to decide 'A' Section leadership . - North were rol throughout and ran out easy winnerS by 5 Both teams kicked badly 12 .23 to 8 .17 . Best

were Welch . Wigney, Wilson (North) and Hardman, Murphy Lewis (Ormond) . West Brunswick remained undefeated in 'E' with a nine point win over Old Mentonians in a game that was close all day. Best were R . Brockwell, P. Guatta (6 goals). Ivey (West Brunswick) and Upham, Mounsey, Ziniaris (Old Mentonians) .

50 games to "sinuous, shifty, stalwart" from St Bernards Peter "Snake" Pearson, noted for his scanning, sharking, shepherding, spoiling, shouldering, shouting and smooth supporting. North Old Boys caused the season's biggest upset with a 40 point win over Coburg, Crouch, D . Ryan and Drying (North) and Leckie, Willoughby, N . Beatie (Coburg) were best. Ormond gained revenge on their defeat in 1971 Junior Section Grand Final when they over-whelmed University Blacks to win by over 10 goals . Best were Fitts, Hocking . Cater (Ormond) and Bouchler, Lyon, Forrest (Blacks).

Geelong swamped Kew in the final quarter, kicking 11 .3 to 1 .4 Casboult (8 goals), E . Smith and Bulleen were Geelong's best . Tuck (Assumption) continued his goalkicking spree with 8 goals for the second successive match - this time against Reservoir Old Bovs . L_ _ section Geelong scored a thrilling 1 point win over previously undefeated Commonwealth Bank . Gvookey, Dexter, L. Smith (Geelong) and Borraek, Chalk, O'Shea (Commonwealth Bank) were best .

'B' Section coaches were Ted Farrell (Ormond), Jim Francis (Old Melb), Tom Baird (FTCOB), Bob Spurling (North OB), Jack Ellis (UHSOB), John Maunsell (Geelong) . Ian McCann (Commonwealth Bank), Greg Keenan (St Kilda CBC, Peter McCormack (De La Salle) and Les Hughson (Uni Blues). Henry Jolson, 7 goals from centre half=fonv-ard was unbeatable in AJAX's ivin over Old Ivanhoe . UHS held North Old Boys to 1 point in the final quarter to win by a point with Peterson, Prosser, Nettleton (UHSOB) and L . Carney, CheeL Huggins (North) the stars .

r- 째'"

-30 -195 2

Kevin (Bluey) Clarke played his 100th game with Ivanhoe.

MHS Cadet Corps claimed 5 junior players for the day including the latter-day Melbourne star Brian Dixon and former State Cabinet Minister. Old Scotch kept their unbeaten record with a strong win against university Blues, Laurie Muir (Ruck), 'Sivish' Wilson and Tormny Taylor (wings) were best while Geoff Dahlenberg, John Jolley and John Thwaites kept the Blues within reach of victory all day.


Aiy round 3 selections yielded me an eighty three per cent success rate. Of more significance is the fact that already each ladder reveals the difference in success sectional sides. by the Each of the five undefeated sides must already be favoured to become finalists while those four without a win certainly have the task in front of them to become finalists , " rV6 EPd SECTION 1 Prahran remain the only undefeated side . Already they have defeated three of the last season's finalists to give notice they are to be reckoned with this season Prahran defeated St Kevin's by twenty seven points after an. even contest until half time . The second half saw Prahran tighten their defence and win the ball out of the centre Twenty eight scoring shots by Prahran to sixteen by St. Kevin's indicates the degree of "two blue" dominance after half time . Best for the winners included Micky G(Garoffolo), "Carey" Butterworth (he wears no . 18 and plays centre half forward), defender, Dave Green as well as the ubiquitous "Cougar" who kicked another six goals . Best for a depleted St Kevin's were "Bubs" Dillon (again), "Scarfo" and "Vanda" . Mazenod justified my faith in them when they Inflicted a sixty two point defeat on liley Park after a one sided encounter . To their credi t d rdouri Their persiste~ce defende was d rediva v ded late m7 in the gan esas they managed to lessen their losing margin . Best players for the winners were Scott Williams, Nathan Little . "Magic" Mick Fothergill and Ben Clifford . The "Big Bloke" no 3 was best for Eley Park . Old Melburnians returned to winning form with a sixty point win over Old Essendon . Only their Inaccuracy in front of goal prevented a bigger margin for the "O .M's" . y Old Xaverians proved their superiority over De La Salle with a convincing sixty two point victory . SECTION 2 NORTH Inaccuracy nearly cost Therry Penola victory against Old Trinity . After having five more scoring shots, Therry Penola could only manage victory by fiv points. Their first quarter lack of forward discipline nearive brought about a rare Therry Penola loss at home . Their best players included Tony Eastmure, Ton y . McAuliffe and the defenders who stood tali against m any late attacks by Old Trinity . Fitzroy Reds gave their best performance to date, although they went down to Old Ivanhoe by s ry one points ix . Reds stalwart Mick James tells me that the disparate group of Red's players is starting to become a unit so better results should become their norm . Mick indicated that better results will soon conic the wav of the Red's, who were well served by ruckman Manfred Rosenthal, half fonvard, Brendan Fowles, defender, Daniel East and the super veteran, David Atkin . For Old Ivanhoe the stars were Peacock, Snell, Mendola & Kingston with six goals . Marcellin niade a mockery of niv selection of Brunswick because in a complete reversal of form the "Eagles" defeated Brunswick by sixty eight points after a one sided ganie . Old Xaverians kept their unblemished record by accounting for University Blacks by nine points, The Blacks are obviously taking time to settle into their 2002 team plan . SECTION 2 SOUTH Old Brighton also proved my judgement to be way off the truth as they too showed a marked form reversal by defeating Hampton Rovers by twenty eight points. The victory lifted Old Brighton into third place, which should give their players more confidence in the coming weeks . The 22

Rovers first half proved to be their downfall as they were quite competitive in the last half until tiredness overtook many of thei r

nber. Best fo goals .

r Michael "Chief"Fletcher2apnd Richard Buln edr who kick


Club XVIII veteran Participant and statisician, Da, VJindlow believes the Old Geelong and Hawthorn Atnate aggregate score of one hundred and ninety sik points and t Old Geelong winning margin o otherwise? Of one hundred and twer eight points to be Club XVIII records, Who can sh< Monash Blues had to rely on their superior fitness to ga victory over Whitefriars by twenty six points . The match w, a 5 even contest during the first three quarters althou~ Ivionash's Inaccuracy did not help their cause . Best plavei for Mon ash were Jarred Parsons, Steve Dods, Rich Angle and Grant Moir. Although Collegians led St Leos by twenty six points at ha time, they were able to take control as the match progresse before recording victory by seventy four points . Last season; Fisher medallist . Brendan Hains along with captain coach David Lumley, David Taylor and Matthew Gribble were bes for Collegians . Nicholas Foley . Mark Blundell, David Thomat and captain, David Cox were best for St Leos . PREVIEW

SECTION 1 It will take the surprise of the season for Eley Park to defeat leaders, Prahran, who should further build their percentage at Box Hill today . Although Mazenod will approach their match against Old Melburnians with confidence, I believe Old Melburnians will prove too big and strong for their younger ,dsitors . Old Xaverians should build their comparatively low percent re gee today id e sat the expense of Old Essendon, wh m a n ath o in the section without victory in 2002 . St Kevin's and De La Salle met in the first semi final last season with victory going to the Malvern based side . St Kevin's stocks will be boosted if injured players can return although De La Salle form has not been great this season .I select St Kevin's as I suspect they are still regretting their 2001 fade out . SECTION 2 NORTH Old Ivanhoe should record another victory at the expense of Therry Penola, whose fonvard line is proving again to be their "weakest link" . Today one of the two sides yet to win will have a victory (barring a tie!) when Brunswick Power are at home to Fitzroy Reds . Brunswick have found the opposition harder than I expected after their debut agaiust Old Ivanhoe and they have not been able to convert opportunities . On the other hand there have been signs of promise shown by the Reds whom I select to have their first whi . Despite their big win last week, I suspect Marcellin will find tougher opposition today against University Blacks, who will be too tall for the "Eagles" players around the ground . University should win and so move up the ladder . Although Old Trinity showed glimpses of good form last Saturday, I cannot see them baking the ability to defeat the co leaders, Old Xaverians even on th e college playing fields . vast Truuty

SOUTH Old Brighton should continue on their St:CT10N' 2 ,,t,P PYnPnse of Hawthorn Amateurs . who ar e

ccxnpetition tough on their debut season. who who have gone from "rags to riches" in three ,,, , another tough challenge today agains t , at Donvale, which will be strange territory fo r old Geelong players . Whitefriars, have won th e u of several critics already this season and today a t „ Icci them to defeat Old Geelong . 1 r 1, Blues to continue their unbeaten run wit h „ , r St Leos, who lack the overall talent to hold out : icr ne hundred minutes . ci l~aders. Collegians face a comparatively tough ,,cdnst Hampton Rovers on the small Ludston e A lack of space will enable the home side to , titc ~ rame and it will prevent Collegians being able t o r,! t ; ound the flanks . I expect a close game although t'ollc ans to take the points mainly through their ; ll[t-c S .

CLUB XVIII /1 PRAIiRAN 4.1 6.5 10 .14 13.15 (93) ST KEVIN'S 4.2 6.3 7.6 10.6 (66) Prahran : Cougar 6, Carey 2. Jerry, Davies, ZZZZ. Kenny . Onewentstraight Best: Carey. Jerry, Cougar, G Man. ZZZZ, Blueandye)low St Kevins: Not received. Umpires: T. Byrnes . S. Mason (F) i44AZENOD 6.5 9.11 14 .13 14,18 (102) ELEY PARK 1 .2 2.3 2 .8 5.10 (40) Mazenod: Fisher 3, Fothergill3 . Patamara 2. Crozier 2. Bridgland 2, Coxson, Mitchell. Best: Fisher, Fothergill . Little, Williams . Collins, Holdsurorth.

Eley Park: Blake 2 . Price. Smith, Tynan . Best: Blake, Gerolomou . Jackson . Ly. Nelson . Price. Umpires : T. Hall, Club umpire (F ) OLD ESSENDON 1,0 3.3 4.5 4.5(29) OLD fl1ELBURNIANS 3.2 8.4 8 .12 12.17 (89) Old Essendom Fraser 2, Hardy, Muir . Best: Barr, O'Connell . Mansfield . waish, Campbell. Christou Old Me1Munlans: Tomlinson 6, Dixon 2 . Power 2, S Paine, Barret. Best: Dixon . Salibattk. Scartett . Anderson, Tomlinson . Umpires: B . Nunn. Club umpire (F) DE LA SALLE 1 .2 3.2 4 .4 5.5 (35) OLD XAVIERIANS 3 .5 8.9 10 .13 14.13 (97) De La Salle: Rudd 2. McNamara 1 . Shaw 1, MattnLx 1, Best: Dabbs• Brasher. Manni.x• Serong.

tuti : sil ~LUES - congratulate Glen Trigg and Verity Cuntmings on their recent marriage . The tea m -ent hopes that with his nuptials behind them wil l > all on the field.



CLUB XVIII (1 Prahran


son Old Melburnians 6 0 ri7an St Kevins Eley Park 2 ?rge Old Xaverians 0 CLUB XVIII NORTH Old Ivanhoe 6 Old Ivanhoe 2 Old Xaverians 0 F-I li T ! l'.en OldTrinity 0 Old Ivanhoe 0 Old Trinitv 0 Old Ivanhoe 0 CLUB XVIII SOUTH Collegians 2

s Monash Blues ) Old Geelong 9 Collegians 2



. .



20 14 11 8 7 11 8 7 5 5 5 5

17 10 9 8

. .c)

Club kVlll (1) Eley Park v. Prahran Old Melburnians v. Mazenod Old Xaverians v. Old Essendon at Trinity Grammar Schdol St Kevins v. De La Salle at 12 noon

Club XVIII ( North) Old Ivanhoe v. Therry Penola Brunswick v . Fitzroy Reds University Blacks v. Marcellin Old Trinity v . Old Xaverians (2 ) Club XVIII (South) Hawthorn Amateurs v. Old Brighton at Victoria Road Reserve, (45G10) at -12 noon Whitefriars v. Old Geelon g St Leos Emmaus v. Monash Blues at 2pm., Hampton Rovers v. Collegians

Old Xavierians : L Hardwick 3, J Hardwick 3 . Curnow 3, Fay 2, George 1. Ireland 1 . McMahon 1 . Best: Hart. C Carrodus. Ratttgeber, Landrigati. L Hardwick. Fay. Umpires: J . Ciccotosto . T . Robbins (F) CLUB XVI II ( 2

THERRY PENOLA 2 .7 2.8 5 .10 5 .10 (40) OLD TRINITY 0 .0 3.4 4.4 5.5(35) Therry Penola : Eastnture 3 . McAuliffe 2. Best: Barrow, Carter, Pinnek, McAuliffe, Eastrmtre, Chapman. Old Trinity: Lauletta 3. Robbo 1, Cochrane 1 . Best: Mansour. Cokalis. Heaven, Munroe. Robinson. Lauletta. Umpires: M . Jackson . P. Jackson (F) F'ITZROY REDS 4 .3 4.5 6.6 7.9(51) OLD IVANHOE 3 .1 6.3 13.6 17 .10 (112) Fitzroy Reds: Foynes 2, Atkin . Adov-eid. Zaccardl, Krick. Best; Foynes, Box. Atkin. 7accardi. Krick, Bance. Old Ivanhoe ; Kingston 6 . T. Corntack 4. hiendola 2, D Toll 2 . G. Bryant 2 . R Pearce. Best D Peacock, Snell . Mendola• Kingston . Nagai. Bryant. Umpi res: R. Benson, T. Hegan (F ) MARCELLIN 13 .11 (89) BRUNSWICK 3.3(21) Marcellin : P.all 5, Russell 2 . 05ulliran 1 . Matthews 1, tieekes 1, Barker 1, McCann I . PessintenU 1 . Best: Ho~an. Russell. 0'Sidlltian. Matthews. Wall. Costas. Brunswick : La•ett 2, Gerdes i . Best Mofllut, Davis, Hume. Yew Yeh, Pike, Wise. Umpires: A. Barrington . A Barro (F ) OLD XAVERIANS ( 2) 2 .2 6.3 7.7 10 .10 (70) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .2 3.3 6.6 9.7(61) Old Xaverians (2): Funder 2, Hulett 2• Quinn 2, Stapleton 2, McCarthy, McGrath . Best: Alkrnatt, McGrath, Funder, Hulett. Hoare . McCarthy University Blacks: Greenwood 2• Rudd 2, Chandler 2, Coleman. C)etrcenLs, B. Weber . Best: Neville, Tehatt, Coleman. Greenwood. Braszell, Murphy Umpires M . Phillips . D. windlow (F) CLUB XVIIt/ 3 OLD BRIGHTON 4 .1 7.5 11.7 13 .13 (91) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .3 2.7 6.8 9.9(63) Old Brighton Liptrot 5. Stockdale 2 . Kilburn 2 . Maddox Bowden, Crewdson. Marston. Best: LiptroL Jenkiu, Coghlatt . Hooper. Kovak . Katsouranis . Hampton Rovers: Buinter 5 . Findlay. Fletcher. Gaudion, Payton . Best: Payton, &dnter. Fletcher, Melnjaic . Hobson, Gaudion Umpires: D . kk1ntdlow . Club umpire (F) OLD GEELONG 9 .3 16.9 23.11 30 .16 (196) HAWTHORN 1 .1 4.3 8.6 10.8 (68) Old Geelong : Yates 9 . McDonald 6, Barraclou~1t 4. Ross 3 . Calvert 3 . Collins 1 . Best: Yates . McDonald. Collins, Barradough . Hesketh, ftallev. Hawthorn: Zaverella 3, Nikolazci 2, Patterson 1 . OT3anlon 1, F~itzpatrick 1, Povey 1 . Best Patterson, 'Lavere➢a. Saddittgton. Healy McDonald . Nikolaoci . Umpires: B. O'Halloran. Club umpire (F ) MONASH BLUES 1 .3 4.7 6.10 9 .13 (67) WHITEFRIARS 1 .1 4.4 5.4 6.5(41) Monash Blues : 0'Shaugttnessy 3. Brown 2 . Parsons, MAk`oods, Moir. Stoppa Best : Parsons, Coughlin . S . Dods . B. Dods, Angley . L. N,bods . Whiterriars: Bonnyittan 3. Davies, White, O'Brien . Best: Bonnyman . Gibson, 0'Brien, Jackson, Toscuto, Houston . Umpires: R. Wiudlow. Club Umpire (F) COLLEGIANS 3 .2 7.6 10.7 17 .11 (113) ST LEOS EMbtAUS 1 .3 3.4 4.8 5.9 (39) Collegians: Stedwell 4, Gribble 3. Oakley 2. Burn 2, Gay J 2. Day S 1, Lumley 1, Morawetz 1 . Tudor D I . Lunilev. Taylor D, Gribble, Cook . Stedwell . Burn. St . Leos : Battv T 3 . Blundell M 1, BlandOtortt J 1 . Foley N. Tinetti A. Dix A. Thomas D . Batty, T. Haverkavtp P. Umpires: P. Nailer, Club umpire (F)

From 5 .30-9am each weekday, Kevin Bartlett and Gary Honey serve up all the latest footy news and interview the players and coaches making the news .


bv being allowed to -lpowerlilent is Itnd . A number ith and David

ion style the y encourage s -Ution and coachinO o n

The coach ,

d A 7

I increase il l owledoe an d Cr o f e .:ectrt on t o

vid'ulg opportizni t their I 17e

beeai .e ing how their apply tactical i other words , hletes learn to take i'?hren coaches ask id am . This

of the



b b fore jo .in,~ 4 -and fhlal, rus uc;

is (Old Mentoni e has never had a ' , pirii I cause of the can .~pires, friendshi t

clubs, the love ol - all Al ;s . I n 1 wishes to '--- and sons Al nrrian for support . Alan irr umpires and it join him in celebrating his )Oth at the H i overs Football Club after th e Y - °' - '3iY a, 7 Fathe; Son 'teams ' in Al Ti a e Richard/Richard (J) 7an chael I Id, P< /James I~riaebus , Robbie fvlavston, john/Brendan Ralph, Matthew Simpson, Bruce/Daniel Stephens . (Anthony traiopoulos .They are continuing tradition, past FiS teams include Joh n Hinton, John & Marcus Horwood, Pa , I Maebus, Ken &- Stephen Pitcher, Davi Harford, Graham & Peter Simpson , ;' - `ota and Don & Tim Dodds . Wgt>i! but .a is more . . . The Field Umpire will only bounce th e

centre to begin each quarter or after a been scored. For all fie?d contests. the

I will be thrown in the air. YOU HEAR . . . • One fellow field umpire has pointed out that may,be the UC scribes should be shown the 'yellow card'!!! Last week in the UC we summarised 'Field Umpire' a s FU!!!!! a Lionel Hatz gave i' , goalie a special "all clear " late in the third i~:~~~~ . ~ "r .~ : a goal . Lionel ran up t goal umpire : .~~,d him a couple of gentle pats on 3 , mirth of all bar the aforesaid ral umpi ~ . to

decision - - ,E when movin 30

hc~ 째 nt on for th e . One thing i t awesonie . ; John "Jock째 , nd 1973 Joc k fiSO' <,id 째. . as a

1 960 C . 1 I3,19 6 ~ cl in 1 9 65

Section Grand Final im in 1993 . On was a VAFA

-Lor and since 1983 li e member of the zal .


')uick Gripe. Thanks to Peter . an `?runswick for being the ONLY xtr - i ~ uer'_s D3 re T; -)rt. --, aur club will benej -or _ ;-ibution.+!

scor~ I a fantastic win over fello w sourite St . Joazn's â‚Ź3C at Thomas --arrol l

Reser The Westies were well served be "~e fierc e defence of Edwards and Heppel lLehman,DisodCew . rudfiel _z Gryphons brc,' 'ason in

cra were bc ~whilst C<u ;"1 contini backline . In the other gam- ;, ;---'-' col

House whilst Si : continu+ season form with a b'- in ove r So what does all th4, mean? tVell , had a small set back but still remain ti Hawthorn and St .Jolms appear to 1L ~ Monash,Mll have been happy to b :e! _ : and can expect some relief from j . Souths _i d ithewksocm appear to be very competitive wh ` fpromtedsinSval` acclimatised very quickly!! Por Richmond are struggling early bu t

proud to let that continue for mu , ti -

and can •titk ; will be D3 for t

host what is s u be a fired up St . John's OC combination . ;1 1theBlodsarcmpivet,'shard "JrCsdop1ainw . St. John's Syndal 7 [o Line up match swap d from Jordan I Road. Both ms are coniiii- o : . wins but with the home ground : the Hawks to continue their unbe~ : ~ Richmond Central welcome Pot Snake Pit . A bit tricky this one.

were both soundly defeated in thei r week. I have a hunch that the House % 1 1thisocean,wvr . Els 36


17 .15 (117 )

9 .5 Jot. : >

around .ed by the

6, Le Al i 1 . C:a .nane k ma ~: .~.i, `.~~ rd, R. But me. I! t.oda (F)

.g 2. Shelton 2 , D. Edwards, West ,

11 .8 18.13 24 .16 160 6 .8 10.10 14.15 9 1, Steele Ce2,Phillips2 ,

nks to a„t r

. milestones Lit iviviiuzlv) to Pe ter ) 97 or emai l

-- .! not(

m (work) or Ed It -olcld be terrific v week during the

st: Steele, Sla; . :, McGee, Cheerers. N'_... - . ~ annart . 1.2 4 .5 5.6 6.6(42) 4.3 6 .7 11 .9 13 .14 (92 )

5.5 17 .1 1

(B), L 4 21 .14 7.9 (5


6 .6 6 .7

11 .10 14 .16 (100) 91 9 13.13 (91 ) 7 T Gilchrist, iv l (is, Goold, N

tey 2, 0 Connor 2, AlcViarn, alany, S 1}Zaticm, Cunningham.

1 .4

8.8 2.7

8.8(561 4.9 (33 )

1, Johnson 1 ,

L Johnson. Bagneli, 5 .3 7.7 6 .5 10. 9

9.8 (62) 11 . :" (30)

0.4 3 .9 5.12 6.17 (53) 4.4 4 .5 6.6 8.6(54)

4.1 7,3 9.3 11.7 (73 ) 1.3 4 .3 . 8 .10 (58 ) 2, Dobson . .as.rt Benson , . (Jr iv . Best: Lane, 6.4 7.5 (47) 7.8 7.10 (52 ) R C . hnet . Clarke. Best : Dar: . .~',. S.Cur~: e,

;?i { '_ vV11 ~'A

D. 7 u.


S. Cutter (RC ) T. H e

0 S. Limrnyo 11 L. Missaglia 12 N. S""gmore 13 V.O'r )r 13 S t

rman ns

1 I . Bac;in i 2 G . Broad!ey 3 A. Knott 4 E. Betruo 5 S . Avery 6 P. Avery 7 D. PdlonCneff 8 N . Haye s 9 R . Ogl e 10 P. Orci ~ 11 1 " poll( 12 S. Ban 13 J. Pt :y 14aD . f --re 1 14bT rick 17 I Ti igue 18 P. in 19 J . .. . 20 S 21 f



7 D.

1 F 2 D . L„ and 3 N. Pavlou (RVC) 4 B . Turn- (C ) 5 fvi . Brai i 6 H . Clar is 7 C.

8 J . € rd

8 J . Cl

9 (Rvc )

9 A . Burt 10 J. Rain: 11 J. Gil l 12 D . O'Connor 13J.

2 3 4 5 6

A. N. Rt T. J. L

10 11 F: . ; : I s 12 F. Gro-, of 13 J. S~ra~ 14 D . Bolle 15 A. Clark e 16 P. Renni; 17 J. Hew r o n 18 C.(. 19 R

14 1A `cl7iot 15 P. >r

16 J .

20 21 22 23 24 25

F. C J. B. D. e r S . c v, J. T< ' M. C , J. J.

2~ S . 2° C.



2 G . Ru z : . ..

33 S . Ste', xns 34 R . Johns6 i 35 J. Carguill 36 M . Daou 37 D . C< 36 E Bn i E 41 A ~ 42 T. C t 43 I. Ch t


Perry 1 1 P. F '--terPer d D 1,eree l J . Hartk

R. J . iail 35 J . nu; 36 A. Rc tson 37 S. 38 L . Denman 39 D. Cr- ford 40 B.I

44 B . 45 n.

T don J. n

61 HL

C. D . ,t owan 50 N . Tierney 51 C . Lorenze 52 G . Morri s 53 J. Williams 54 D. Kealy 55 A Saul(e

1. R. 5 D. 6 G . Bur. 7 P. Byrne 8 G . Fdalca i 9 J. McGrath 10 A. White 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutto n 14 C. Shannon 15 C. Barr v 16 J . Birt 1' P. Circa 16P. „iy 19 S, t rr A. J c 22 A- FI-es 23 D .( ;n 24 T. ~ rrhrie 25 A. F


29 J . St c 30 D. G n 32 t,1 . H; s 33 P Bert Lndo 3 J 3 J. 3 L. 38 4

41 T E 4? C. ' ,; I , 43 45 K . Day 46 D. Hogan 48 51 S. au 5; C . nof i, 53K.

5, S n heehan 54 J. F eId 55 T. Chape l 56 J . Mahoney 57 J . Gourlav 58 J . McClure 59 D. Reinert 60 61 62 A . White 63 I . Bracken 64

65 66 D . Wright 67 63 69 D. Galakos 70 75 E . Williams

55 Po. L ey 56 ii. Trtley 57 E . Hill 58 J, Cavanagh 59 N. Somers 60 M . Tapley 62 64 65 B . Cantwell 67 J, Lan e 69 T. Melville 70 76 D . Phelan 78 P. Galka 79 M . Cocmber 64 (s9 . Furston 85 G .Jacobs 87. D . Inglis 88 S . Griffiths

he 1 S . Ferguson 2 F1 . Ladso n 3 S . Hilton 4 S . Holme s

5 C. Horbury 6 L. O'Donnel l 7 E . Dizon 8 M . Hartnett 9 A, Jones

10 L. Mill s

11 L. h9errigan

12 P. Walker 13 M . Jones 14 P. Sharp

15 A. Borgonh a 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 T. Hyl 21 S. K~F ~e 22 A. D" 23 B. f• , 24 C. Be > t

25 D . WE 26 H . Wathan 27 R . Dowsett

28 J . Pickering 29 L.Johnso n

30 D. RiC-: r 31 D. Rydqutst 32 A..Ru 33 A. F c 34 F r 35 J .E 36 L. 37 D. C-38 t.9

11 42 1 . UL __ C U1110 43 M . ,n Hcite n 44 F. .-nc-ro 45 A. Hal l 46 B. Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 S. Pan ione 49 M. Her try 50 J. Brc 51 (' .£ 52 53 J. 54 B. P i 55 B. Pit ing 56 I :i 57 58 J . I 59 F.r :ai y 60 K . Fr<-,yr 61 G. D'rnelio 62 P. Roberts 63 G . Phelps

,as( Res) ,E 1 2 3 4

1ut hy . + c 7ae

A. , --n (VC) J . Shoddy OVQ J . Piotrowski A. Fidler

5 6

. Jr narte P

7 (C ) 8 gins 9 L. omso n 10 f,' Arastassi 11 D. Milano 12 B. Nicol l 13 M . Lucke y

14 R . Good e 15 C. Thoma s 16 S. Reynoldson

17 D. Pamcutt 18 A. Fiuman i

19 B. O'Mara 20 S, Woodward 21 B. Davison 23 t9. Georg e

24 C . Connor 25 T. Hourtie_ . Usk n -26T 27 D . tJu 28 H . C 29 R . C

35 F. 36 J . Ca. 37 A. Reed 38 J . Carrol l n 39 h . 40 J HE, 3



47 J.S° . 48 D . L 49 T. Cc' a -in 50 L ' 51 NJah 52 S. C 53 L . ? 54 S BE on

55 S. Ga~,-a 56 I . Fre€,

57 P. Jones 58 A . Roberts 59 A . Klisk a 60 S . Rule

3 [Su

fI : I

1 J . Han. 2 I. Bingham 3 M . Joy 4 P. Henderson 5 D."`nnet t B

6 V. .

7 8 R E 9 T. Flemi j 10 T. Psi r

A H~ 11 J . R 12J . a ', i 13 C. d n 14 S . U -o 15 H . Jr 16 D 17 S. 18



C 'ersdorf Australia Lt d

Well what afantastic round offootbatt we have had in D4. Werribee have shown they are a real threat, while Albert Park, St.b4ary's, North Brunswick and Mt. Lilydale have all made serious claims on a finals >rth.

1 i e rerribee versus Rupertswood match lived up to its top billing and has been described as one of the best D4 match in years . After an even first half, Rupertswood was able establish a slight lead to be five points in front at three quarter time . In a sensational final quarter, the Bees had nine shots at goal and kicked two while only one goal was kicked from Rupo's five shots to see Werribee home by four points . Better players for Werribee were "Spud" Murphy around the mid-field and half forward, "Teddy' Tedesseo either on ball or resting on the forward line, "Captain Karl" in the ruck and Justin Johns on the wing . -lbert Park started strongly against UHS-VU at the Zoo and had opened up a four-goal lead by quarter time . The students staged a strong fight back in the second quarter to be only 9 points down at half nine . After a relatively even third quarter, the Falcons ran riot with Craig Roberton dominating across the back line and Shaun Venables, Art Mandylaris and Vimiy Surace kicking accurately . The final result was a seven goal to zip final term as Albert Park ran out 11 goal winners . North Brunswick and Box Hill North played a close game all day with neither team able to establish a large lead. In the final quarter, Box Hill was able to hit the front, however. North were then able to gain the ascendancy with Magnusson and Sheppard proving a handful . Also starring for North was Simon Care . His return to the side proved the difference with a sterling performance as North won by 22 points . For Box Hill North Blackman, Tsaclidis, Velovski and Oldfield all played well . It Lily dale met Westbourne at home and was shocked by the horrific broken leg in the first quarter to player Mark Wells . At that time Mt .Lilydale were two goals in front, but with Wells unable to be moved until the ambulance arrived, play was held up for some 50 minutes. Westbourne hit back hard after the extended break through some fine work by Glen Robson and Kristian Pilsbury, however, were not able to capitalise on opportunities and were still behind at three quarter time. In the final quarter . Mt .Lilydale played some inspired football kicking into the wind and with Rich Kidd, Kym Fraser and Dave Callanan all playing solidly Mount were able to win by 17 points . Bulleen has been a graveyard for St Mary's in recent time, however, they were able to seize the initiative early in the match and establish a comfortable margin through some great work by Paul Harrison and the Dwyer brothers and hold this for the match . To the Cobra's credit, they never gave up being undersized and undermanned all day and in particular, the form on new Cobra Youngsters Bill Feutrill and Tun Bourbon (gotta 42

love that name!) was particularly pleasing . Eltham had the bye . C3av's Tips : Seniors 4/5 (Season 11 / 15) . Reserves 3/5 (Season 9/15) In erribee's second big test of the season they meet Aibert Park who are still trying to gel as a team . The Falcon's Richard Baker . Phil Chambers, newcomer Dave Overend and the ever exuberant, Johnny Tsoukas will need to put in another big game for their team to challenge the new D4 prodigy, however, I think that all the signs are there for the Bee's and I want to get on their bandwagon while there is still room and therefore it's Werribee for me by 8 points . The students have been ravaged by injuries with a toll of two knee injuries, two broken wrists, a broken nose and three bad hamstrings, while the Turtles should be as fresh as daisies coming off their bye . Both sides are yet to win a match and will therefore be keen to break the duck, however, I think that with the week's break, Doody's Turtles should have the extra gas in the tank to see them home by 18 points . The Warriors have shown signs that they can be a goo d team in recent loses but as has been the case in recent years, have not travelled well . Playing at Warrior Park will see them a five goal better side and with the return to the team's stars "Jucka" Horsburgh and "WhyBoard, the Warriors look primed . North will be looking to Cameron Twaddle to be the rock in defence and fo srthevoingDayGuptcreonisfh fonvards, however, i think the Warriors will return to the ~,vinners list with a 6-point victory. Mt . Lilydale travel to the "Postage Stamp" after some good recent results, but will have their natural running game curbed by the nature of the ground . The SE, :nt s

Tate Keillor J. Dwyer Whitehead Carta H . Tsialtas Ullo

Gigas Crawley Nabbs Theoharris Djakovic

D4 SECT-ON UHS-VU' 1 Box Hill North 5 St Marys 4 Rupertswood 3 St Marys 3 D4 RESERVES North Brunswick 2 North Brunswick 6 Old Westbourne 0 UHS-VU 0 North Brunswick 2 St Marvs 3 Werribee 8

10 14 10 9 9 11 9 8 8 8 8 8

-ruc -AT.- cnrrroni . cn -

W-r,Iand have been brilliant in their past two d : : ill be inspired to make it three on the trot 1> i they are the real deal. In a close match I ~ ;nu, will be too good as they win by 1 1


ilicen ar going through a rebuilding phase at th e „id will be ruing having to face a Rupertswoo d still be recovering from t~ ;e rebound, Rupo will ,,"ling match against Werribee and will have to , i ce of the danger of Dall'Ogho for the Cobras , win comfortably t;e ice good for Bulleen as they : Hill North has the bye . :30> 1, ,_e~,cs winners wi ll be Werribee, ~ .Lilydale and Rupertswood .


._ ~

G~ HILL NORTH - In a superb effort, John Tsaetidis play's 300th straight match today . John started in 1985 and has :ca and coached the club, winning the B&F and ha s premiership team. Off the field he has been totally ;o the success of the club and has been key perso n es and bad .

OLD WESTBOURNE - Adrian "Why" Board plays his 150t h !, this Saturday against North Brunswick . Boardy has vr: ;h the club since its inception and his patente d ,,, u:1, like a rabbit in a spotlight" on the field has become - around the club . His work off the field as treasure r ~ug as anyone can remember has also been fantastic . Ragsy" Hewitt also plays his 100th match today . s been a great inspiration to many around the club d f ~ h , determination and never say die attitude by persistin g e and improving to now be a regular senior player. He ous for his love of Choppa-Chops . Finally, Roger )ICSfillan plays his 50th match today . Roger is best known d the club for his legendary posters stuck inside th e :ii, before a match and his "alternative" warm up 1m ;ues . NORTH BRUNSWICK - 50 Games Lino Rigazzi. Well done to on reaching 50 games with North Brmiswick .A big strong nonsense hackman he has filed in as a ruckman & also u p rd to try & sneak a goal . Popular around the club everyone -iie , him all the best . ELTHAr,: - Brendan 'Kongo' Evans reaches 100 games for i,l recIu Brendan has been an extremely long serving club mCer having first pulled on the jumper in 1991 . Brendan da few years football in the mid 90's however returned in :d despite injuries, work commitments and living in he has been a tremendous elubman, committe e n .1 :uber and has certainly been most determined to bring up ,L 1 'ton. Con ratulations 'Kanga' from all at Eltham . It'e([ done to at ~ SOCIAL ALBERT PARK - has changed the venue for the Ball to be held : the 4th May to the Aqua Lounge in St .Kilda to allow for m : reased numbers. MT, LILYDALE - is holding a "Pleasant PJ Day" on Sunday 26th This will be a breakfast fundraiser to raise money for lla; who broke his leg last week .

D4 Section Albert Park v. Arerribee Eltham v. UHS-VU Box Hill North - Bye Old Westbourne v. North Brunswick St Marys v . Mt Lilydale Bulleen-Cobras v . Rupertswo o uc neea-roi,o -11- . co onnn

WERRIBEE 3.6 5.9 8 .13 10 .20 (80) RUPERTSWOOD 3,3 5 .6 9 .12 19 .16 (76) Werribee: Martins 3. McMillian 2 . Ellis 2. Lovell, Addamo, Fastuca . Best R3urphy, Tedessco, Pace, Johns, Fastuca, Green. Rupertswood: ti49iitehead 3, Gallus 2 . Ptununer 2, Price, McDonald, Hastt}t Best Flinn. West, MeDoald, Clarke, Rantsay . Umpires: A Sttiets . G . Roberts (F), J . Fagan . N. Booth(B ) UHS-VU 1.3 6 .4 7.7 7.10 (52) ALBERT PARK 5 .4 7 .7 11 .11 18.13 (121) UHS•VU : Crawley 3, Tate, Butera, Madragrano, J O'Neill . Best Dolence, Zulieki, Ludlow . Langendorf. Crawley, Madragrano. Albert Park: Venabtes 5, Mandylaris 4, Sorace 3, Harmed 2 . Overend, Storey, Baker, Fair6eld. Best Roberts::, Balky, Chambers, Tsoukas, Baker, Sorac e Umpires: A McIade (EDFL), G . Rolls (F) NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .2 10.5 14.9 20,13 (133) BOX HILL NORTH 4 .0 11.1 13.7 19 .9 (111) North Brunswick: Magnusson 4, Guppy 3, Murphy 3, Shepperd 3, Care . Twaddle. Sammariino, Verga . PizzarL Adams. Freeman . Best: Care, Magnusson, Murphy, Adarns, Sanunartio, Twaddle. Box FIil1. North: Kei(lor 5, K.Oldlleld 2, Bolitho 2 . Evans 2, Gmaz 2, Cook . Odza . Thai, Saltantioghi . Best: Tsaclirlts, Keillor. Blackman. K. OldBeld L. Perry. Gmaz. Umpires : M. Argall. B. Woodhead (F) MT LILYDALE 3 .6 3 .8 5.12 7.16 (58) OLD WESTBOURNE 1.2 2 .5 3.6 5.11 (41) Mt Lilydale: Kellett 2, Callanan 1, Cunningham 1, Holloway 1, Leonard 1, F. Varga 1 . Best- Kidd, Fraser, Catlanan. Kellett, Maniscalchi, Leonard. Old Westboume : Griggs 1 . S. Christo 1, R. Naidu 1, Mesman 1, Said 1 . Best bouich, A Horsburgh, Fairfield. Hewitt . Benn, Robson . Umpires: P. B4aebus, A Simpson (F) BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .2 5.5 8 .8 11 .12 (78) St . MARYS 5 .4 9.11 17.12 21.18 (144) Bu lleen Cobras: Paatsch 3, Brown 2. T Bourbon 2, McCartney 2. S tiVigney 2. Best Brown, Feutrill . Dalt'Oglio, T Bourbon, Paatsch, Smit h St Marys : J Dwyer 4. P West 4. J Carta 3 . R Allen 3, P Harrison 2 . A Dwyer, A Zembery. R Critic, F llArnson, C Handley . Best P Harrison, A Dwyer, J Hill . A Webb, A Lane . M O'Halloran Umpires: J. McNiece (R) (F) RESERVES WERRIBEE 6.2 11 .5 16.7 18 .14 (122) 6.9(45) RUPERTSWODD 1 .2 1,5 5.7 Werribee : Djako ic 8. Pugliese 2 . Walsh 2 . Flack 2, Waters, Andrews . P. Alabakts, Mehmet. Best: Djaekovie, Mahoney . Pugliese. Andrews. Dolegowskl . Rupertswood: Phillips 4. Cerro . Fox. Best: Temming. Hatty, Boddington, Phillips. Certo, Barry . UHS-VU 2 .0 3.2 5 .4 8 .6(54) ALBERT PARK 3 .6 7 .10 9.16 12.18 (84) UHS-VU: Catlejen, Cavalleri. Fisher, Middleton, Michael, PencIlebury. Rleciuti, Shepard Best Holmes, Catterall, Creek . Horde . SHepard. P. Thomas. Albert Park : Allan 5 . Phillips 2 . Dodorico 2, Pastras, Payne. Tricanco. Best Hyams, McGuire. Harnath. Payne, Harper. Allan NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .5 5.8 9 .19 17,22 (124) 3.4(22) BOX HILL NORTH 0.1 1.3 1 .3 North Brunswick: Otto 6, II .Tsiattas 2, tii`allmeyer 2 . Giltard 2, Nabbs 2, B.McCatlum. Lawton . B . Carter. Best: Alliani. Rigazzi, Ullo, Nabbs. M. Sorteto, lVaitmeyer . Box Hi ll North: A Webster. S . Snllth . Cavallo. Best Belernans, S . Smith, Woods. Manno. Doyle . B. Evans. MT LILYDALE 3.3 7.5 12.9 15 .13 (103) OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .5 1 .7 3.12 4.15 (39) Mt Lilydale: Walsh 4, Katene 3. Commerford 2, Delahunt 2, Costello 1 . Dunn 1 . King 1 . N . Council! .. Best,lk'aLsh, Lonergan, Johnson, Dougherty, Katene, Detahunt . Old Westboume: Clowes 1 . R:valland 1 . Scholes 1, I. Smith 1 . Best Rivalla:xl, Clowes. Scholes, Runeimen, S . Robertson. 3 .3(21) BULLEEN COBRAS 0 .0 0.1 1 .1 14 .10 (94) St MARYS 3 .4 7.6 11 .7 Bu lleen Cobras: Ricketts, Hoare . Inane . Best: Feutrill . Intne, Burton, Rodrigues. Soumeliadis, Sullivan St Marys : Rousos 5, Theoharris 3 . Ryan 2, Anthony, Braw», Willer, Luce. Best P Watson. D Watson . Rousos. L Anthony. Weller Theotharris . 43

Coacn : John Ahern Res Coach: Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith (C) 2 S. Robinson (a) 2 N . Pastras (r) 3 R . Baker 4 G . Parmansche 5 J . Hartnett 6 J . Storey (VC) 7 S . Venables 8 C. Jackson 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 A. Fleming 12 C . Fehring 13 B. Payne 14 S. Fairfield 15 D. Borley (s) 15 J . Snorasson (r) 16 C. Roberton (VC) 17 D. McLellan 18 J. Taylor (a) 18 H . Koop (r) 19 A. Steward 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 D. Overend 23 V. Surace 24 T. Green 25 K . Daley 26 J. Nemeth 27 M . Hyams 28 R . Buckley 29 J. Marinis 30 A. Mandylaris 31 S. McGuire 32 J . Robilotta 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 A . D'Mingo 36 M . Pearson 37 L . Hogan 38 J. Rowe 39 D . 'Odorico 40 M. Lapsley 41 T. Panayotou 42 J . Wier 43 J . Tsoukas 44 C. Leorke 45 J . Bourne 46 S . Allan 47 L . Tricarico 48 M. Dowdle 49 C . Wilson 50 S. Mellis 51 L. Miceli 52 A. Graham 53 M . Williams 54 W. Roe 55 S . Chisholm 56 D . Smyth 57 J. Sutton 58 J. Hoy 59 G . Irvin e 60 I . Pignataro 61 J . Daley 62 A. Harper

77 S . Garci a

78 J . Norman 79 S . Toth 80 G. Bateso n


BOX Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Ian Atkinson 1 Blackman J 2 Smith S 3 Odza A 4 Potter J 5 Pietersen A 5a Hutchinson r 5b Jenkins A 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 8 Lacey M Be Chamberlain R 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Kennedy D 14 Gmaz R 15 Jimoulis T 16 Weston G 17 Cavallo G 18 Wilson G 19 Keillor L 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Ferris C 25 Michelle A 27 Thoi T 28 Brunning S 29 Rodgers M 30 Bolitho J 31 Ives C 32 Mortimer P 34 McCar6n M 37 Woolridge D 38 Buckland G 38a Bennett G 40 Tsaclidis J 41 Jackson C 42 Tarulli A 44 Garrett J 46 Cinar K 48 Marulli D 49 Ellis T 50 Tarulli M 53 Oldlield I 57 Woods P 69 Aguilar G 78 Steele P 80 Evans S 111 Armstrong P

r Coacn Angelo Lamanna Assist Coach : Scott Dodson Res Coach : Matt Bourbon 4 I. McLeod 4 N . Cartledge 5 M. Starrett 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarelia 9 B. Hoare 11 C. Borelli 12 D. Thompson 14 G . Pemberton 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 17 S . Reddish 19 S. Trapman 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M. Turner 25 W. Olney 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 47 S . Irvine 48 M . Soumiides 49 G. Anderton 51 R. Rodrigues 55 S . Wigney 61 D . Rennie T. Arnold P. Asiangul D . Beraido H . Biram M. Bourbon D. Bourbon R. Cumino J . Clark T. Dennaoui G. Fortune J . Hambridge T. Hurley A. Lamanna R . Lamanna Lamers G . Mandekic M . Mastromanno P. Mastromanno S . Mastromanno Nasr C . Watson J. Tod d B. Pollock B. Neil T. Bourbon D. McMullin J . Rickett McCarthy Sullivan


Coach: Brian Dood y Res Coach : John Glare 1 C . Sanders 2 T. Duggan 3 E. Savag e 4 B. Doody C/C 5 D. Brick 6 T. Carter 7 B . Rashid 8 L. Sharpe 9 C . Watson 10 W. Bate s 11 J. Mizzi 12 A. Tibball s 13 R. Bell 14 J . Kerkha m 15 L. Whit e 16 D. Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 S . Macdonald 19 S . Robin s 20 J . Panetta 21 M. Hart 22 J. McKenzi e 23 R . Watso n 24 K. Drummond 25 C. Horsburg h 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdal e 28 T. Barnett 29 D. Howgate 30 M . Decker 31 B . Kelehe r 32 C . Bau d 33 A. Howgate 34 D . Buller 35 G . Smith 36 L. Donaldson 37 J . Trumbl e 38 R. Beecroft 39 F. Coonert y 40 J . Bau d 41 A . Man n 42 J. Howgate 43 J. Man n 44 T. John s 45 R . Davies 46 48 B. Turney 49 B . Hesp e 50 51 S . Maxfield 52 G. Stackpoole 53 54 P. Hardin g 55 G . Jenkins 56 J. Shannon 57 S. Gathercol e 58 59 B. Evans 61 62 63 M . Luttick 64 S . Schafe r

® @d






~i (VC) ~ .. , ord

hn n s nard = =1e gham 1

C runt a in I, ;=- (VC) I--. _;- 0 D. iiick s ?enhale F i_oche Caralan (C) C. Anderso n L Kellett D. Callana n Rt. 'u"i Nezz a B Dunn L. Allansan Rhodes R . '. atene ;. !. Pereira 3 D . Holloway :t N . McConnell

,: "a K. Fraser

46 N . McConnell ~~ C . Lonergan 3 S . Dougherty t3 J . Hoffman ) T. Gambl e 51 P. Basfick 3 B . Leek 53 J . Kerr ° 1 D. King 55 H. Flanagan 58 A. Cox 60 C. Carstens 3 D . Prest 4 D . Smith 65 D . Burrows 66 D . Turne r 67 N . Senior J. Drago


.. _ . . . i9


Coach : Mge Sammartno Res Coach : Gary Cutler

Has Coach : Stephen Leitch

I S. Wernham 2 D . Adams

1 G . Robson (VC) 2 A. Casperson

3 G. Lattouf

3 S. Depiazza

4 P. Dimarco W. McMahon 6 D. Pizzari 7 D. Magnuson 8 D. Fenton 9 A. Sammar8no 10 W. Fawcett 11 J . Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 P. Marin 14 M. Newton 15 H . Tsialtas 16 17 A. Kyriazis 18 P. Sorleto 19 S . Famulari 20 R . Divita 21 M . Sorletto 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Briffa 24 M . Alliani 25 S. Tancredi 26 P. Tancredi 27 M . Vaina 28 S. Gillard 29 30 S. Healey 31 J. Heck 32 D . Newton 33 J. Rotella 34 M. Pisasale 35 P. Dowsett 36 37 38 A . Crosina 39 C. Rhook 40 B . McCallum

4 T. Gigas 5 S.Hewitt 6 J. Horsburgh (VC) 7 A. Christo 8 A . Horsburgh 9 K . Murph7 10 J . Wilson 11 S . Phillips 12 N . Naidu 13 J . Cornea 14 S . Mattsson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M. Aqualina 18 P. King (VC) 19 R . Aldridge 20 M. Houston 21 M . Christ o 22 D . Evans 23 S . Huntington 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 M . Stapleton 26 P. Mesman 27 D. Billman 28 D. Slattery 29 D. Horsburgh 30 R. McMillan 31 M. Baulch 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D . Benn 34 P. Stewart 35 D . Rivalland 36 K . Pilsbury 37 A . Leitch 38 B . Matteson 39 A . Robbins 40 S . Leitch 41 K. Miller 42 S . Roberts 43 A. R unc im an 44 B. Slattery 45 S. Robertson 46 E. Sandstrom 47 T. Said 48 T. Scholes 49 R . Naidu 50 P. Habersatt 51 L. Steven s 52 D. Ball 53 S . Chaffey 54 M . Crosswell 55 D. Clowes 56 R. Skinner 57 J . Smith 58 I . Smith 59 A. Lipscombe 60 N. Aqualina 66 A. O'keefe

41 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Page 44 S. Grist 45 46 J. Polemico s 47 48 N . Oates 49 50 51 52 P. Brine 53 S . Milroy 54 55 56 L. Patullo 57 60 W. Duson 61 S. Nabbs 62 65 L . Rigaz2i


Coach : Ashley Casperson

T. Grace

L. Procto r

H . Gurrier-Sanders C. Varg a G. Bird N . Whitehead J. Drago S . Taylor

\~ / ~U ta€z . :- al gs'CsriC es


RUPERTSWOOD Coach : Tony West

Res Coach : Shane McLauchla n 2 Fox D . 3 Page S .

4 Croxford D . 5 Boddington P. 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B. 8 Plummer T. 9 Clarke M. 10 O 'Callaghan A. 11 Moule B. 12 Cardillo K. 13 Sinnett B . 14 Plummer L . 15 Webb N. 16 Clarke P. 17 Harty R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Meaatesta M . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M . 25 Nike D. 26 Zarb D . 27 McMahon N . 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 Glassey G . 35 Carlo C. 36 Henry P. 37 38 Perlman B . 39 Walsh D. 40 Drago C. 41 Bowman P. 42 Swann B. 43 Phillips R. 44 Icely A. 45 Hum D. 46 Eden T. 47 Soutaris A. 48 49 O'Riley C. 50 Walsh D . 51 MacPherson B. 52 Moskaljuk S. 53 Bugeja N . 54 Gibbs R . 55 Ramsay J . 56 Harry G . 57 Moskaljuk P. 60 Price G. 62 McMahon A . 64 66 Mandouit L. 69 Bradbury H . 70 Temming L. 74 77 O'Callaghan M . 78




Coach : Michael Learmon th Res Coach: TBA 1 tBrown 2 B.Boyes 3 J.Carra 4 N.Goldsworthy


J . Dwyer

6 S .Stone 7 A.Dwyer 8 A.Zsembery 9 R.Orme 10 G .Koumantatakis 11 J .Bernardi 12 A .Web b 13 J .Hill 14 C .Goldsworthy 15 M .Purcell 16 L.Anthony

17 1 8 B. Fra It 19 V.Ryan 20 A. Lane 21 M. Gilchrist 22 R .Allen 23 F.Harri son 24 J.Oconnor 25 C.Ba rtlett 26 P.Mulcahy 27 M .Banks 28 J.Innes 29 P.Harrison 30 P.Watson 31 D.Thomson 32 P.Rheining 33 M .Ohalloran 34 A.Pakovski 35 G.Theoharris 36 E .Evans 37 L.Vincent 38 C.Handley 39 T.Millar 40 N .Luce 41 B .Graetzer 43 M.Chamberlin 44 M.Robinson 45 P.Ryan 46 S.Angus

47 P.Rousis 48 D .Morcom 49 G .Schembri 50 A.Wibawa 53 B.Armitstead 54 J .Wri ght 55 B.Perelberg 56 J .Vincent 57 D.Watson 58 B.Lewis

59 KMclennan 61 N.Jackson 63 P.Roseman 65 S .Roseman 66 C.Roseman 69 J .Hendy

80 J .Clarke 88 A



Coach: Pat Mackey Res Coach: Peter Dinnick 1 M . Wright (VC) 2 B . Ueberang 3 A .Talarico 4 L. Gorringe 5 T Fulton (VC) 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zulucki 8 D . Haslett (C) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly 13 N . Rose (VC) 14 J . Ham 15 S. Brown 16 J . Tate 17 C. Langendo rf 18 A. Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 B . Abrahamsen 22 G . Mandalis 23 G. Temes 24 N . Hahn 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusic 28 V. Cavalieri 29 K . Weber 30 M . Butera 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michael 33 P. Greenban k 34 J. O' Neill 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R . Lapish 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Percy

45 P. Dinnick 46 C. Siotos 47 M . Kennedy 48 M . Davidson 49 M . Kinnane 50 B . D ryne 51 R . Hortie 52 M . Collins 53 C . Witnish 54 R . Witnish

55 56 D . Creek 57 G. Divenuto 58 J. Thomas 59 J. Barron 60 L. Turner 61 Ti Stathopoulos 62 K. Rodgers 63 D . Parker 64 R. Middleton 65 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise

68 L. Holmes 69S .Frost 70 E . Ricciuti

Hest Stee l Industries 72 S . Duke

73 S . Devlin 88 D . Fisher



WI_ " 10EE

Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach: Paul Smith

- _®

1 P. O'Connor 2 L. Ker r 3 D . Flac k 4 J . Johns 5 P. Barsb y 6 S. Lyon s 7 T. Elli s 8 P. Dawes 9 M.Bradfield 10 M. Keog h 11 M. Green 12 M. Wals h 13 F. Mehme rt 14 B. McMillan 15 A. Murph y 16 S. Fogarty 17 A. Tedessco 18 S. Pugliese 19 J . Addam o 20 P. Albaki s 21 M . Johnson 22 A. Dibatista 23 J . Hoffma n 24 J . Cric k 25 A. Hovey 26 S .Parslow 27 P. Browning 28 D. Turne r 29 S . Dole 30 B . Carlesso 31 B . Water s 32 M. Dolegowski 33 D . Owen s 34 N . Lovel l 35 B . Cunningham 36 C . Ewards 37 J. Ayling 38 D . Velisha 39 L . Langfiel d 40 S. Fulle r 41 G . Grogan 42 D . Elli s 43 L. Carso n


44 D. Nedini s

45 J . Marini s 46 R. Han n 47 G . Fuller 48 M . Foote 49 E . Mahoney 50 K. Pace 51 B . Patton 52 C. Andrews 53 L. Djakovic 54 A . Cassert a 56 0. Wals h 57 D. Abbey 58 A . Cme rill a 59 A . Lonti 60 M . Czajkowsk i 61 D . Delany 62 S. Liango s 63 A. Stewart 64 G . McGowan 65 S. Parslow 66 M. Egan


°° a f

oi tg iri rii r Each

The main gai:e (Glenhuntly Road) is open every malatoh day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .

flnneTGI IQ GnnTaOI I FR 7nn7



Name the grid square ,,here yo u think the ball was in the original photo. PRI!::x~: (a) Weekly. 3 successful entrants who correctly nominate the gri d square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive a Puls e Energy T-shirt, a Pulse Energy cap and 1 dozen Pulse Energy golf balls. The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) wil l appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . (b) End of Year. All 66 winners will go in a draw. At this draw should the one person drawn have 째switched" as part of the "Switch To" initiative th e winner will receive $2,000 worth of electricity, gas and petrol - $500 gas , $750 electricity and $750 fuel . Should the person not have switched th e winner to receive $500 prize - $100 gas, $200 electricity and $200 fuel . NOV' "- :'째째 : One entry per person . Tear off entry s .lion which app( irs dight hand side of this pag~_ fill i t VAf. 3 or i(1, Entry to }y nL-i Tuesday follo ig each round .

Giu YS of n finding them

recru :_,,Ig o

to t' corr , not faced by club~ in pr ofessior;,, ,

leagues. Of cours e Clubs with a n affiliation to a

ush In n )ii, Kerr, AMP t,-,nat Landscape Yarra Sports -lure

-at,l Pattison ~:s Purified Water -'Jpats Accountants ,rehouse Del i is ,Bean Meats -lotel Redlich & Son s

Rigby Cooke Lawyers TVP Communications John Peterson Bookselle r HydroChem The Kitchen Place Ted Lynch Agencies Australia Wine Direct Williams & Co The Frame Shop Keith's Pies Rod's Fruit & Ve g Bob Stewart Mensland Beaurepaires Camp Australia Moody Consulting

ng Image Catering !n addition to the two special Thank the Sponsors' Nights, all sponsors are welcome for drinks at the club on Thursday nights prior to each game from 5 .30 pm.

a 'ome game luncheon v t Bernards, 12 noon -lome game luncheon v St Kevins, 12 noon Thank t h e Sponsor's N ight (1) Unicorn Club, 5 .30pm

18 Players, Sponsors and Supporters Dinner Jun e 13 Thank the Sponsor's Night (2) unicorn Club, 5 .30pm 22 Home game luncheon v Old Ivanhoe, 12 noon

ployment whic h gives the opportunity of a prospecve career, and not merely a job which provides an income during tile football season . -7 We have success-

school attract former students, but cannot afford to rely on this pool alone , particularly if football is not a major sport played at the school. Clubs must therefore source recruits from e(sewhere, and in doing so, sell' the positives of Amateur football to simpl y

If you are looking for such an opportunity, call Bryan Thomas on 9321 7836 or [in] 0417 326 094 .

The :'' iSQBFC curr itiy has available three professional jobs with excellent prospects for quality footballers . Do th ese fit with your aspirations? JOB 1 : Company Accountant required for medium sized industrial services company. Location Moorabbin .

2 : Accountant, Public Practice, Principal . New practice to be supported by owner's related businesses. BuRvood area . JOB 3 : Mortgage Broker, experienced or trainee . Eastern Suburbs . Call Bryan Thomas o n (w) 9321 7888 or (m) 0411 303 703 .

Thursday 16 iAay 2002 6.3 0 pm at MHSOBFC All supporters welcome.

fully placed players in diverse occupations as engineering, accountancy and marketing .

Players, Sponsors & Supporters Dinner BE L L 'S #i O`CEL. South Melbourne 1 8 May 7 pro $30 ph - all welcom e Book 9824 0480

Ale want -)r a Study investigating a new reatment for hamstring pain .

For m o re in fn r m;af- i rm Please r-i 11 Dr L e es a H u g ue n in

Cen tre fo r


Edu c at i on


v. Old Xaverians . Marcellin St Bernard s flues v. De La Salle , i Kevins

,,t v, Therry Penola i lr-,. bury v . Hampton Rover s

n-> v . Ormon d ndon Or v . Old Melburnian s [ -,otis v. Old Brighton

Caulfield Gr . tans v. Old Camberwell v. Glen Eira entone Tigers v . Banyrl e v. Collegians

nateurs v . Old Geelon g . University Black s , lirr? 1 .ssumption v . St Leos Emmaus a t

i,i, i ii,-ick Park Saturday 0 C v . Bulleen-Templestowe Lamstown CYMS v. Monash Blues

;~c i in isulav. Bentleigh r! [ rroy Rcds v . Old Carey tlc,ian 0 C v . La Trobe University i a Valley v. Parkside , v `lakleig h

Caulfield Gr . v . [. Kevins De La Salle v, arc lli n Old Brighton v . Old Xaverians St . Bernards v. Old Scotc h Uni, rsitv L-lues v . Old Melburnian s

Old 1Yinit, v . Old 7 .anho e Old Haileybury v . Old Essendon Beaumaris has the bve Hampton Ro--,--s v . Werribee Ormond v . Mazenod O C

Therry Penola 0 B v . Old Camberwell Old Carev v. Old Paradian s Rupertswood v. North Old Boys clash wit h seniors Yarra Valley 0 B v . University Black s

St. 1 .os mm~ 1 is v . Whitefriar s

. South Melbourne Districts Oaklei~~~ i : . [ 1 o n; sh Blues 14Iu :t~n, P;! nthers v . St . Bedes Menton e

Ti, r. tone Grammar playing fields a E Ile (2) at 1 p .m . AJP

Bull i-Tii 1 owe v . Aquinas 0 C St . L, rna .ds (/-) v. Old Westbourne La Trobe Uni . v. Old Xaverians (2) Williamstown CYNiS v . MHSOB clash with seniors

j.d G.lelburnians

• j- !rns v. Syndal Tally-Ho iz, . 1 1 iorn Amateurs v . Richmond Central er House v. Swir_burne Universit y mash Gryphons v . South Melbourn e 1j!,triets El>,~ernwick v. West Brunswick

":(~ rr :bee Amateurs v. Eltham Collegians

l !i 1S-VU v . Box Hill North Old 1-,'estbourne has the bye :~ ~i =.Ii Brunswick v. Mt Lilydale 'lbert Park v . Bulleen Cobras upertstvood v . St Marys


St . -

. .- ~

De U '- ~ 1

v. Old Essendo n Old Xaverians . - '. y Park at Waverley Park

1 nerry Penola 0 B v . Brunswick Fi roy Reds v . Farcellin at Ramsden Street Reserve

Old Trinitv v. University Blacks Old Xai rians (2) v . Old Ivanho e Old E ;r .: non v . Whitefriars Old C or v. onash Blues Hampton Rovers v . St . Leos Emmaus Collegians v. Hawthorn Amateur s






Brownie and Walshie tions last week, Only 2 in, I did say a 4-quarter one ; and Marcellin did quarter heroics in only ial and then to boot 4 g I. I ., . - ntistic! Qui ns must now be asked abou t ivs conuuitn nit! Cong : atulations to the Grammar Boys for winning their first Section 1 win over O.M.'s . I would like to give a terrific detailed account of what happened but alas, no report . De La faced the daunting task of beating the Cardinals at home and at ? time, they were only l3pts down. But fellas you do need to play out the four quarters especially against Denman 's boys . Old Scotch slammed on 4g 5 to run out comfortable winners by 36pts, in what could have been a danger game. St. Bernards, continue with their fantastic form with a 41pt demolition job on Uni Blues . Up until ? time the game was still in the balance . Coach Foster called on his charges to be more effective and to lift their intensity and they dutifully produced another avalanche of point scoring with 8g 8 to 3g 6 . Outstanding! Finally, the match of the round was down at South Rd ., and it was St . Kevins that got the jump in the first quarter . With the aid of a 4-5g breeze, SKOBS slammed on 8g 6 to ig i to set up a 47pt deficit at quarter tune . The game was now over! O .B .'s tried valiantly to breach that gap and in the last quarter, with the aid of a sizeable parochial crowd . came home with the proverbial wet sail. But for a couple of poor disposals in the last five minutes, they may have even got up for an improbable win. Thanks David! SECTION 2 Old Trinity sent a warning to all clubs that they mean business in 2002 . Booting a cricket score they outpointed Mazenod in all departments . Oliver and Pretty' bagged 5 each and were standouts . For the Nodders none tried harder than Frank and Stanley. Werribee returned to the winner's list with a strong showing at McKinnon against Old Haileybury . The Bees led by Eisneberg. Carson and Lowe proved their Round 1 loss was a mere stumble. For the Bloods Hanlon and Baker stood out. Match of the round and a draw at Banksia Reserve with a game of two halves . Old Essendon jumped out of the blocks through Parker and King to lead by 7 goals at half time, they then went to sleep while Early, Collins and McNicholas of the Sharks fired and raced home to tie it up at the finish . 27 shots to 22 might see the Sharks having kicking practice this week as well . 'Another close game with the Mends finishing strongly in their match against the Rovers, but not fast enough . Ellis, McCarthy and Spratt led the way for the Rovers in the first three quarters, while Naylor and Cormack impressed for Ormond . Old Ivanhoe had the bye . SECTION 3 An even match was played out between Therry Penola and Whitefriars . TP finishing better to get the points . For the Friars Captain Brosolo showed great leadership . while Wallace and Ventura battled hard in defence . Old Carey could well have won by a lot more than they did 52

against Uni . ( Blacks had they k i c k e d straighter. The on ball division of Davey, Sies :3rt-Holm, s and were the difference between the tWo icams, wi Blacks Ross, Barter and Prestige . Old Paradians began the better at Gillen Oval agai n and were never headed. Although they finished we] will need to wait another week to open their account . In a beauty at Yarra Valley GS the home side hung to ir m thriller - despite not kicking a goal in the last quarter, Behind at every change St . Leos finished strongly but time ran out . Old Camberwell forfeited to Rupertswood. SECTION BLUE Benfleigh hosted the Mentone Panthers combine at Bentleigh Recreational Reserve in a match that at first looked like it would go down to the wire . At quarter time only a goal separated the sides, but the last three quarters saw the combine kick 13g 15 to Bentleigh 6g 7 . Last year's VAFA State U19's representatives in Hayes and Rock booted lOg between them, with young Rocky being B .O .G . for Bentleigh . Lee Aitken and L . Holmesby were best . Oakleigh hosted Be La at Scammell Reserve, with the Krushers performing well for a second week in a row . Reynolds up in front with 9 goals was outstanding . Their log effort in the third quarter was fantastic . They were running well in numbers, transferring the ball well and going direct dovai to goal . For Be La, they did battle the game out, matching the Krushers in the last quarter -well done! Mitchell, Jarvis and Greatorex were best! The Blues did what they do best against the undermanned Swans team - kick a lot of goals and keep the opposition to a miserly score . The Blues have unearthed another goalkiekuig sensation in young Scott with 10 majors. For th etSwans,thybldoranfughtelsqro well . Best were Maloney, Quinn and Bell! Finally, die Jackets hosted the Tigers at Albert Park . I was surprised to see Ajax blast out of the blocks to lead by 45pts and ? time . The Tigers fought the game out but were never really in the hunt after the first quarter. SECTION RED La Trobe Uni . defeated Bulleen Templestowe after getting away to a good start . Keane, Morozzi and Butler were stand outs for the winners, while none tried harder for the Bullants than Conte and Newman . St. Bernards (2) had no trouble with the tight certifies of Melbourne High School running out convincing winners . Getting away to a strong start with the good play of Hughes and Runnels the young Bernies are yet to be defeated . For the High Ternes and Gevaux battled manfully . Old Westbourne got their first points with a good win against Aquinas . With Gerace, Mackrush and Dean in everything the home team held the Bloods at bay after half time. Better Bloods Beech and Alford. As predicted a fired up Old Xaverians (2) booted away early and were never headed against a determined and courageous Williamstown CYMS . Rogan and Harley led the Xavs charge, with E . Jansz and Pilling giving their all for the Seagulls. (9 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

AI ',L .u~ieson has the unenviable task of Ci ie ( :irdinals in Camberwell . Coach u:ind games early by talking to his 1 ~ match de-briefing that he had heard ropping their U 19 players in the Senior team . because the Seniors had a relatively easy )ld tilentonians . What the . . . .? SKOBS are I : . at Righetti Oval in what should be a very ;,tiate game. Coach Brown will not take D e Irut with Warmsly still up in the seniors ; D e Lard task in kicking enough winning goals. his Eagles team absolutely pumping after -in against Xavs last week . (But remember beaten XavsJ They now face the tough ule Old Brighton team. No doubt Coach : that call) has sent a very clear message o f _u iie v, ctl, so I don't think there will be a blo w I am tempted to pick the Eagles . but I can' t , , ad wagon yet . Uni Blues host a Xavs team , ilably one more loss away from being labeled Csach Giles in his first year will be really u p ,i t'u :ce(,k, although they are at home . I still can't ;, that Xavs could lose four in a row . Finall y urnians face the all-conquering St . Bernards der the superb tutorage of Coach Foster. Too tall , strong - 58pts . Selections: Old Scotch, St . () ;i Brighton, Old Xavs, and St . Bernards . SECTION 2 A huge test for Old Trinity when it faces up t o r-up Werribee at home. The Bees will b e t ;ll confidence and will be well aware their acid , ~r day. At home the Bees are hard to knock of f -ecord to date is impeccable - OT's just. , n'nce coming off the bye v, ill hold too many big gun s u[c ,bury. ., ill need to have everything go in their favour t o Sharks today. If they have their kicking boots o n I Beaumaris should win well . _ .)st Hampton Rovers and will be keen to alert all - iry that their recent form is but a sturnble . The _ J be aware that a win can sure up a spot in th e : cts by 4 goals. Old Essendon has tlle bye . SECTION 3 Uni. Blacks and Therry Penola clash in a game tve one side a closer look at the four than th e , ,Iter side has set the world on fire and not muc h - c ch in terms of defence and attack. Coming off s last week I feel Blacks form warrants my tip . berwell host Old Carey in what will be a no holds given their traditional rivalry. The Wellers will need rengthened by a few after forfeiting last week, whil e continue to move along nicely . For this reason it's s for mine . iradians host "neighbours" Rupertswood where the an will be keen to inflict Rupo's first loss for the it . While the OP's have won well on two occasions I feel 1,', they vill encounter a far stronger opposition . Rupo by i :lOrS.

Under-19 Section 1 Old Scotch v. Caulfield Or. 11 Kevins v. De La Salle at 2 .20pm 11i . ;rcellin v. Old Brighton Ietiverstty Blues v. Old Xaverians Uld Melburnians v . St Bernards

St . Leos Emmaus have worked hard in all of their matches for only 1 win, while NOBS have been slow to start . Today the NOBS have the opportunity to open their account if they play four quarters of consistent football, if not the Animals will will well . Locals clash in Whitefriars and Yarra Valley at Donvale . While the Friars have not registered a win they have made continual improvement each week and if the Bushrangers relax they will get a fright . At home the Friars to steal a thriller. SECTION BLUE De La Salle is at home to Bentleigh at Righetti Oval in a game that they will struggle to win . The BenUeigh -team has too many avenues to goal and their defence is stronger. If Reid, Murphy and Wright get clear, they should will by 35pts. South Melbourne Districts are at home on Saturday afternoon to the Oakleigh Krushers. The Swans are going to find this game very tough to win . their opponents have found some real form and with Reynolds in front, aided by Jordan, Brett and Sowersby, they should win by 52pts . St. Bodes Mentone Tigers face the all-conquering Monash Blues doval at Mentone Reserve . The Tigers will have to try and contain the dangerous Scott, Gilbert and Beddington in front of goals. They will also need G'~='orsnop . Terrell and McGettigan to get some space in front of goals and do some damage to ha,, ai _, chance . The Blues by

Giansiracusa O'Keefe Cations Mansfield Smith


!!'.DER 1911 St Ke• r, s St Kevins Old Scotch St Bernards Old Brighton UniversityBlues UNDER 1972

10 10 9 8 8

Ferarri Forrest O'Du,ver Robbins Velardo

Beaumaris 4 15 Old Essendon 3 11 Old Ivanhoe 0 8 Ormond I 8 Old Essendon 3 8 UNDER 191 3

Katsanevakis N .As h Sullivan macdermott Potte r

Old Carev 3 13 Rupertswood 0 9 Ruperts"Zod 0 7 Old Carey 0 6 RupertsEVood 0 6 UNDER 19/2 BLUE

Reynolds Scott Orchard Terrell Britt

Oakleigh 9 12 Monash Blues 10 10 Oakleigh 2 9 St Bedes Mentone -. 9 Oakleigh 3 9 UNDER 19/2 RED Old Xaverians 4 11 Old Xaverians 0 10 Old Xaverians 8 8 LaTrobe 6 8

Silk Ireland Furletti McDonal d

Under-19 Section 2 Werribee v. Old Trinitv Old Ivanhoe v . Old Haileybury Old Essendon - Bye Ormond v. Beatnnaris Mazenod v . Hampton Rovers Under-19 Section 3 University Blacks v. Tlterry Penola Old Camberwell v. Old Carey Old Paradises v. Rupertswood St Leos Emmaus v . Nth Old Boys 11 .40am Whitefriars v . Yarra Vallev

Under-19 (2) Blu e De La Salle (2) v . Bendel h South Melbourne Districts v. akleigh St Bedes Mentone Tigers v. Monash Blues Mentone Panthers v . AJAX at Mentone AFC Under-19 (2) Red

MHSOB v. Bulleen-Templestowe Clash with seniors - TBA Aquinas v. St Bernards (2) Old Xaverlans (2) v. Old Westbout-)e at Trinity Grammar, Hughes Oval 12.30pm La Trobe Uni v. Williamstown CYINSS

CAUL Na Old'_

Knight, Inn Umpi : C

5. .66OLD5 76.6 98.9(57) 11 2, Foster. Best: Aylen, Schneider,

Guy, Lemoe. Best Matthetvs, Legoe, 44'ulf"i,

DE Li. S.'IT 1.5 5.8 8.16 9.16 ('70) OLD ; 3.8 7.14 10.17 14.22 (106) On La ; .'e : -' . Om:•-di 3 . Browning 1, Quinane I . Best- 15511iaais. Skinn F , ::: ell, Rcbcrts. Old S otw: 4, rt 3 . Carious 2, Gair 2 . Parkinson 1, Reid 1 . Wallet 1. .s. Spr 'tie, Taft . Swan, Kitchen, Dmnaresc( . Umpi S (Pi . T. C,uceili . A tVeksehnan (B ) OLD fTDtd 1 .1 5.5 5 .5 10.8 (68) :. ' i : . . : 8 .6 9.7 11.10 11.10 (76) Old P irzer 2, E s le, Adatnis, Gantble, Lynch, Hogarth , it, C I rk. :a . ,, J.Mccowan, Richardson, Le . 2 . Gur ❑ ~ isa 2. & I each to Rvan, Hamil ton , - r.kotvski. BesC Mount, Dempsey . Hut : : ? , . . G' r, C Umpires : G. b:~.: OLD XAYEPSA7 :~ 2 .0 6.1 7 .5 8 .6(54) PfiARCELLIY" 4 .1 5.1 6 .5 10 .8 (68) Old Xaveriar'°: Nc . 9h han 2, fiovne, Sc^haepmart 1, Dorlaolto Sdarcellin: l 3 .~~ : te, Brown . 1 . Be . 1 . ._ _ . . T : :~ , ( Umpires : L 6.8 8 .12 14.16 (100) 5.5 7 .9 8 .11 (59) 1, Thomas Anderson ,

QN--, .7 24.12 27.14 (176) !! .4 IL 0 .0 . 0 2 .3 2 .4(16) : : : .ano 2, Htllas 2 Coxon 2, Olu ___ 5 . Oliver 5. S Troon rd a. Fter' i .-arsi. Best, h . 'Davie :, a~ lrtazznod: Dut: e Y. Iiirutiburgh. ` Umpires : Al LOLD HAILEYBURY 2 .5 4.5 8,8 9.9 (63) WERRIBF.E 3 .2 7.11 12 .13 20.15 (135) Old I dleylnuy : G.amnan 2, Ct ipperfield, Kight A . Jones . Jones, McLauchlan, Hanlon . Baker, Mesb Hanlon. rg 4 . Kelly 4. Low 3 . McGuane 2, Baker 2, Yasar, Rare, c Eisenberg, Yasar, Kelly, Carson, Muraca, Lave . L:~p .~ . . ~ .~~ lr ) L .4 6 .4 10 .11 15,12 (102 ) (Fi:l l 5.1 13 .2 16.6(102) "ms, Tuck, De= , .,t, trans, Lee, Buckley, tolas, 'itts . ^-It, .,, . Collins . 01d Fort 3, D i, sit, Tumay, _ . K.._ C . . ._ .ro, r.u .;er, Bal!ccli . Umplres: HAMPTON --4.3 5 .5 7.12 7.16 (58) ORhTOND 1 .0 2 .7 4.9 7.14 (56) Hampton R ers : nu2 M . Battks . Can+ton . Ellis. Spratt. Best Ellis. McCarthy, Henry, nanlcs ., a Ormond: Cook 3, Arnold, I . ti(: I est : Cove, lipsOll. Navhr. Arnold, O'Brien, Con:._ U.: . s : T.Lt' , (F) :" :OLA 3.2 4 .3 5.8 9.16 (70) 2.2 4 .7 7.8 7.13 (55) 2 . ""tul i, Sheplsard 1, Huteturr t I SWmduss i , in 1, t i 1 . , ? st: Not received. 3 1.('Aa," -, ',nunaatl .Brr ,i .?'enturat .



ura . V, 11 ~.. .~ . . ipe . B . St : .~. ~.


>> .r. i S! ,.-,~rar t Umpires : D . ) :~:~t,T.l eP~ J. ij -,(•r,J .Cc .,- . RUPERTSWOOD riefeated OLD CA.PrSBEI ..:'ELL due to furfei t Umpires: D. Dt11 ra, J. Ralph (F), B . Ralph (B) NORTH OLD )YS 1 .1 3 .2 7.4 OLD PIiRfS.D : iS 4.5 8.9 13.12 No rth Old B, , ^slton 3, West 2, Williams, Pritchard . P, Young, it i , D. Ryan, Francis 1 . Best D . R France . D 0'B' Old Paradians: : .ot received. Umpires: R . tr•at, G. Kerr (EDFL) (F), RGcodnran, P . Cesgriff. P. Love ( G 4 .3 9.5 13.11 YARRA VALLEY 7.8 11 .8 ST LEOS ER94SAUS WP 3 .4 Yarra Valley: Not received . St Leos: Not received. Umpires: L. Gallagher IF)

UNDER 19/BLUE BENTLEIGH 5 .3 5.7 10.10 11, 49 MENTONE PANTHERS 6 .3 13.6 14.1 0 Be,ntleigh : T. Krotefil 2, Cu rt us 2, Lee, Robe rt son, McFarlane, McKenzie, Marvent :to, L. Hohnesby. Best- Lee, Aitken, L . B ro tm, Rohe-'`-n. 1 .rC :t. Mentone Panthers : 1 f, ; 5, Little 5, Rock 5, Meger 1, Kntnnp I Haulton . Besc Roc1: c ,tar, Ha4es, Little. Umpires: J. Ralph i" 1, B . Ralph (F3 i OAKLEIGIi 6 .3 11 .9 21.13 26.16 [ 172', DE LA SALLE (2) 1 .4 3.5 5 .6 8.6 (5" Oakleigh : Reynolds 9. Jordan 5, Britt 3 . Sowersby, 2, Holden 2, 0 : Kenttedv 1, Ciavare((a 1, Hanson 1 . Best: Breitt, Catnmis . Earl, a 'Svinmos,Zul On Be Salle : Saunders 3. Greatercx 2, Jarvis 1, Dunker] 1 , Best* Mitchell . Jarvis, Greatorex. Hayes, Nicholson, Hennessy. Umpires: J. Lipson (F) MONASH BLUES 8 .2 17.10 22.17 27.(1F'I STfI MELB DISTRICTS 1 .1 1 .3 3 .5 ~.7'31i Rfonash: Scott 10. Gilbert 5, Beddlnpn ?, Young 3, Os`-'4 2, Francis. Hickey. Best. Grace.louq~, Costley, Beddtngfield. r o South Melbourne: Melluta. Granellis, Maloney, D'Futdrea . 1 s Quinn, all . Cooper, Ma(Iina . Brook : R. 1'timdlotv, D . Murray (FsUmpire .6 )AJX1 7.8 10.10 11 .15 (81 a ST.BEDES ASEaYT03E TIGERS 0 .5 1.7 2.12 6.14 (50j AJl!v : Ttnuin 2 . Lewis . Israelsoh(t, Silver, Rozenbes, Gtvoni, Ratu KP> . :rn :rg. Arousi . Sacks Best Rose . A1Vollner. ArousC, Fetter, G, : ,b, Yutelntan St.Bedes: McGettigan 2, Terrell 2, Mc.Murray, Hilton. Best, lr,orstiop an . BignalL Buck. Mc.Murray, Mc.Gettigan UNDER I9/RED BULLEEN TE&SPLESTY)WE 1 .1 2.3 3 .8 7.10(4 4.8 8.13 13.17 18.20 (12S LATROBE UNIVERSITY Bulleen Templestowe: Conte 2, Verga 2, D ~uale, Newman, Taller Best: Tavlcr. L- lonte, Mason, Newm-, Bit ( Latrobe Unh ity: McDonald 6, Kear ;. Miller Fannina , K ane, _rozzi. Bt-er. Butler. BestUmpua=: A. . : . ~. Collins (F), N. Brovnt, S. Collins (B) MHSOB 0.3 1.3 5.4 8 .4(52 ST BE["~ ::ItL'S l_'! 2.4 7.9 9.9 16.15(111 MHSO B: Fr ::_ .! . .',, Getiatix 2, Raveigh 2. Stucki 1 . Best- Terne C tt>x D. Hen , iteltouse, Ha(lenberg. St Bernards :e 3 . Mastropast)ua 3, Ikatker 3, Runnals 1, Gar_t i, . .- .d 1 . Got-an 1, Egan 1 . Best- Ryan, P"- -_ _ Jotmstou, lil Runnels . Umpires : D . ~tutera (b') OLD WESTBOURNE 4.4 4 .7 11 .8 11 .8(74 AQUINAS 1 .3 4 .10 4 .12 6 .14(50 Old Wa,tL.,urne: Pilsburv 3, Chatnberlatne 2, Braham 2, V ~ ' i Cat:alo 1 . l .aez 1, Best I . Best: Macknasch, Geraee. L . Nudss,, . , I n h s ~ u B r a m . ilquh 12 . Alford I . Tapply t, Toomey I, Stafford 1 . Crcner _"~.'. ri . Tc,ontey, Beech, Tapply. Umpirc .= : .-Si':, 7 ckie (F) ILr' .~ :5 0.? 4,4 5. 4 OLD . - . ., i 11 .7 17,1 1 , .<t?s, ., .;? r,


Co-: :


3 J . Hu--S 4 M . Roberts 5 E . Sims-Lucas 6 P. Bourk e 7 R . Vlalmsley 8 T. Woodlock 9 A . Skinns 10 B . Oakley 11 D . Browning 12 T. Mola n 14 S. Byers 16 B. Quinane 18 L . Williams 19 A. Roberts 20 S. Brown (C) 22 M. Naughtin 26 H . La Ragy 27 B. Pedula 30 T. Nicholas 33 C. Ric e 35 J . Hennessy 42 M . Nankervis 44 A. McLeish 49 B. Pinwell 54 L. Johnsb n

Your Icn+C~'~~ : .Q(niOrCe

3 N. AdE;aon 4 L. Considine 5 C. Moran 6 B . Billingham 7 D. Armstrong 8 L . Money 10 A. Date 11 I' VC 12 D. B e 13 T. Zap pile 14 D. Sales 15 R . Ha}ne 16 M . Doyle 17 P. Farrellv 18 B . Carmody 19 N . Brown 20 E . Weeks 21 T. Sheehan 22 J . Neal 23 M . Chong 24 K . Borden 25 M . Mastores 26 C . Dignan 27 J . Wise 28 J . Toohey 29 A .Schaepman 30 D . Carson 40 S . Welch 43 B. Wignell 45 C . Beayni

DNG & RD'S, E 3T.

va n

=rland n

At r r-:que niher

inso n i alay e 1 )

ai r


arkinson L, Thompson L . I i :che n i Munro Dumaresq Logan Quail Goodiellows Joyce Prenderqast Clinch y Fullerton Purnell T. '. bloney Pldon

Coacn (1)r u,_ r Calhnan Cc- :h 1 Fay 1 Fo

2 H 3 P, :_nJ 4 ~r aC 5 L th T 6 F .~~,~ D ' H yK S C 9 ett A 19 nsD 1i T 12 •A 13 Y sS 14 5. .., ..n"' 15 0



21 22

?d P


S 9 10 J 11 C


in ^n ,r+a.!e

16 C 17 E F u


19 J . Lynch 20 W Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 T. Lamb 23 B Aburrc.v, 24 25 A . Parkes 26 S . Finkayson 27 28 N .4Yilhams 29 8 Richardson 30 31 A . Paro+ssien NJ Williamson 33

34 T. Gibson 35 '6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 R Fishe r

.. . .

17 18 L.Fe g 19 N . Basaraba 20 21 A. Bentick 22 N . Serrano 23 D. James 24 S . Campbell 25 T L egud + 26 S . McCurry 27 P. Harris 28 C Keuna n 29 S 30

2 E . Towns . . _g 3 E . Tucker 4 G. Kauye 5 N . Guy 7 S . Harari 8 J. Ra y 9 J. O'Dwyer 10 G . Rolleston 11 C . Burgess 12 R . Faulkner 13 W. McDonald 14 B. Kubi s

17 S. Guest

18 W. de Fegely 21 R . Matthews 23 N . Robinson 24 R . Galbraith 30 C . Miller 32 C . Hanchette 34 J. Beaumont 36 B. Whitechurch 37 E. Matthies 38 T. Le Goe 40 B. Wul f 42 B. Faulkner 44 O . Webb 45 E. Ryan 48 D. Little

G A -NAN ,cTimC

Coach : er Fu . 1 D . Elliot 2 S. Neeson 3 C. Goullet 4 C. Burns 5 J . Smit h 6 A. Matthews 7 N. Thomas 8 A. Anderson 9 10 R, James 11 S . Glenn 12 L T,_ : ~as 13 L 14 15 ,', 16

18 L T 19 I~ A

I L Rt 2 N . Gamb'e 3 S. Jackson 4 tA Frsnk6n 5 R Ryan 6 L. D_ r

1 J . Dempsey 2 T. Duggan (C) 3 L. Giansiracuss (VC) 4 S . Mount 5 J . O'Keefe 7 P. Murray 9 T Simpson (VC) 10 B. Mahoney 11 J . RVa n 12 P. K~mpton 13 N . Hutton 14 A . Hamilton 15 J . Coates 16 C . Didilis 17 D . Makohon 18 D . Prior 19 C . Underwood 20 VV. Dunn 22 G. Holland 23 L . Sierakowski 25 A . Mulkearns 26 M . Shannon 27 P. Aughton 29 JP. Mount 30 P. Ghougassian 32 B, Hughes 33 S. O'Connor 34 S. . tcheil 38 ° Chard



1 Mille. ,3 (C) 2 Nicholls C 3 Rankin T 4 Trail N 5 Tanner J (VC) 6 Sibley S 7 Young R 8 Morgan B 9 Jensen R 10 Medlin T 11 Heathcote N 12 Jacobs R 13 Ihle T 14 Rice N 15 Moore L 16 Bennett C 17 Maddison N 18 Butko P (VC) 19 Provis A 20 Callery M 21 Wood J 22 Herbert L 23 Bradley C (VC) 24 John E 25 Matthews J 26 Pa9cKerrow J 27 Haswell D 28 Howson A 29 Chamberlain T 30 Derrij F 31 `^~~h " D ii-on S 33 Ste-r ; R P

• as

laon A CamE'. )n A Brumby-Rendell T

Goacn: ueaton 1 P. Irons 2 L . Mulquiney 3 M. Eady 4 T. Shug99g 5 B. Bird 6 D . Gargaro 7 S . Lynch 8 S. Croft 9 S . Wilso n 10 C . Buckley 11 T. Fitzgerald 12 C . Collins 13 C . Tuck 14 P. Berry 15 A . Edg e 16 T. Groves 17 C . Evans 18 J . Windebank 19 S . Doukas 20 R . Dew 23 T. Woolnough 24 D. Gillespie ( DVC) 25 B . Bowker 26 S . Wilson 27 T. Boreham 29 L. Wonnacott 30 L. Ferrari (VC) 33 S . McNicholas (VC) 35 S . Lee 41 J . McGeoch 42 A . Poll 53 R. Rawfings 55 B . Deaton ( C)


, ~n , .,, Ig

1 K.O'G,yer 2 M .Paine 3 4 5 6 S.Curatolo 7 8 9 S.Jenkins 10 11 J . BaYIord 12 13 19 23 I .Loughnan 25 32 W.Coleman 33 D .Neilson 34 D .Meredith 35 M.Mendolo 36 T.Finlay 44 L .St llman 50 E . McWilliam BUS LINES ~rfJCrrT ~ ?jnA/ p i1 L O y //V!~ ?` uf째t18Ses째%e




Coach: raul wrry 3 S. Seleto 4 T. Jowett 5 A. Blake C, Maithouse 8 J. Tipping 10 J.Vaughan 13 J. Laing 14 S. Weaver 15 P. Cambeil 16 G . Glasoumi 17 T. McNamar a 18 S. Burggraa4 a 19 K. Spl tt 20 B. Kezila s 21 J. McCart h y 22 B . Henry 23 L . Fletcher 24 R . Turnbu l 25 S . Daly 27 A . Banks 28 R . Joseph Joseph 29 A . 30 J . rConnelly 32 L. Cave 33 M . Ellis 34 D . Andersen 35 M . Terech 37 T. Richa ds 38 B . Can n m 40 B . Mc, 4 6 J . AIm let . Sml+ 49 B 50 J . Yelland 57 A . Thorne 58 J . LeLeq u e 59 S . Biangiarda 60 G Carr 61 M . Davies 62 0. Dav a s 63 R. Pawling wvrw .harnptr ran s .com .au ~ Ce ach : Dean F s 1 Gibson T 2 Brown S 3 Aitken J (V1C) 4 McDonald E 5 Pretty S 6 Russell S 7 Davies M{C;C) 8 Healy J 9 10 Hill R 11 12 Stebbins N 13 Gordon N(Cr`C) 14 Troon R 15 Amore J 16 Amore S (Y/C) 17 Hillas R 18 Sparsi M 19 Duell R 20 Coxon N 21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chiffy E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J 29 Crawford M 34 Hider B

1 A Bs _hereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fuller 4 A. Powell 5 C. Morris 6 N . McKay 7 D . Dunne 8 P. Guiliano 9 G . Massey 10 A. Filippelli 11 M. Ballenger 12 B. C. Kennedy 13 C . A.gius 14 M. Power 15 A. Manjikan 16 M. Duthi l 1 7 B. J . Kennedy 1 8 L . Del Mastro 19 A. Cook 20 M . Regan 21 D . Hansen 22 D . Hallet 23 A . Stagliano 24 S . Castricum 25 T. Bourbon 26 L. Franks 27 B . Thomas 28 S . Devoy 29 D . Devlin 30 C. McDade 31 J. Discala 32 D. Norma n 33 B . Waldron

C.,,:ch : Aonan (,unnclly 65st Coach : Chris Thomas 1 R. Quiney 2 S . Wheller 3 M . Wood 4 C. Hassall 5 A. Clinch 6 Y Spivak 7 D. Black 8 J . Muzzell 9 J . Franklin 10 L. Wells 11 B. Arnold 12 C . Johnstone 13 J . Longmuire 14 S. Davis 15 B. Cromack 16 S. Missiopolos 17 P. Brown 18 M. Ramsay 19 `>rl. Cove 20 R . Lemer 21 B. Upstill 22 B. Payso n 23 T. Naylor 24 M. Anderson 25 R . Malter 26 D . Die Hennepe 27 C . Domingo 28 B . Harri s 29 30 A . Jirov 31 A . Bukala 32 L. O'Brie n 33 A . Cook 34 S . Ramsay 35 B . Blotter 36 M . Hamilton

Coach : I .- rshatl 1 A. Frazer 2 A. Parker 3 S. Balloch 4 J. Duggan 5 W. Nunlist 6 S. Dawson 7 L . Wilson 8 S. Underwood 9 B . Hobart 10 M . Flahe rty 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Harewaod 13 P. Rogash 14 P. Bac as h 15 D . Forres t 16 J . Ni col as 17 J . Lloyd 18 M . Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D. Messo 22 J . Weidner 23 M . Leptos 24 R. Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Hurls on 27 M . King 28 J . Di Pietro 29 D. Symons 30 T. Hamza 33 D. Hard y

co t 1 L. Boughton 2 G . Chipperfield 3 D. Shannon 4 H. McLauchla n 5 T. McLennan 6 T. Archer 7 J . Hanlon (VC) 8 B . Duperouze l 9 A. Herrman n 11 C . Waxman {C) 12 P. Shakespear e 13 M . Pitt 14 E . Mars h 15 R. Goodbody 16 A. Kight 17 M . Erikson 20 C. Haye s 21 R. D'Silva 22 B . Newb y 25 M . Jones 27 T. Norton 29 J . Glanvill e

30 C. Wade 33 R. Mosbe y 39 A. Jones 58 A. Baker

Coach : Ste - L _ 1 S. Muraca 2 M. O'Donnel l 3 C . Gauch i 6 S. Kidd 7 R . Saunders B C . Jac k 9 Junstin Russo 10 C . Kelly 11 C . Mahoney 12 A . Elrouby 13 S . Eisenberg . 14 J. Maso n 15 A . Carson 16 C . Yasse r 17 S . Momsey 18 N . McGuane 19 J . Bake r 20 D. Low e 21 N . Gauchi 22 J . Pu rton 23 Joshua Russ o 25 A. Shepherd 27 T. Davidso n 28 30 A. Bor g

44 B . Robbins ICi CClf1TRt I 1 FR 'Jr1 ',

'>l"T~! ~`R~ BUYS Coach ~


CANIBER J L h: Michael Sigaa V Es

1 . Little 2 L M. Weaver 3 N . Payne 5 P. Tempone 7 B. Ryan 8 J. Vince 10 M Cottrell 11 D. Pike (C) 13 M . Austin 15 A. Whelan (VC) 177 D. Clyne (DVC) 20 J . Agotanovic 21 C. Rogers 23 H. Hogan 27 B . Hillier 30 A: Macallum 33 N . Warner 34 D. Schmidt 35 M. Shanks 38 J. Pettit 39 A~ Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas (DVC) 51 S. Gegoty 52 T. Nisbett 53 H. Bradshaw 54 J. Brown

55 L . Siberus Al;

s s



C~'ch: Paul Gregor A Ballard (C )

yolfands (VC) L. Fox D. Chun G- Phyland

T..Stephen s N. Carstein Levns (dvc)

H . Varney

5, Cox

P Landy (dvc) 1 N. Cupen A. Haplin J, Kirk Savritsch

G. Haddad M . Argus

B . Crosthw ite . Pone aR A, Kennedy D. LasAer R. Mintern N. Romney P Sampson

nn»azcr ,o



RUPERTSWy 00 t Coach' Peter Hansen Anthony Quin n Coach: Michael Phillip s 2 L . MacFarlane D. Capte 3 D. Macdermott 2 D . Dean 1 Ash D. 4 A . Simso n 3 C. Duncan 3 Atbanis j, 5 B. Andrev,~s 4 4 F Fistric . 6 N . Sutman 5 A. Harvey 5 A~h 1nVer L 7 C. Adam 6 M. Keelin g 6 Howard A . G t-ottus 8 A. Stewart-Holmes 7 7 Plummer J. 9 J. Boo th 8 M. Lyons 8 Elliot K. 10 A. Leonard 9 A. Smith 10 Wilson T. 11 D. t3owtey 10 N. Stephens 113 2 Temming N . 12 J. Choong 1 1 J.2ivkovic 13 R. Davey 1 12 W Connelly Sullivan NI 14 C. O'Reilly 13 L . Dore a McGovern N 15 . 1 5 J. Nankenris 14 M . Dri 16 Monzall R . 1 16 T. Angu s 15 S. Egan 17 Potter C . 17 T. Connell 16 D. Fantone 19 Johnson R , 18 N. Pum 1 7 S. Fairbairn 20 Nolan N . p 19 C. Buchanan 18 S. Graham 21 . 20 S . Bennett 19 B . Hewett 22 Date oS h cvi 21 T. Rossignuoto 20 D. Katviskis 23 Balmer V. 22 G. Trumbull 21 S• Maher 24 Barry peter 23 N. Katsanevakis 22 S. O'Meara 25 Anderson J. 24 C. Baird 23 P. Senzo 27 Kosta N. 24 A. Tabrah 25 C, Ingham 28 Boxalt T. 26 C . Bruce 25 M. Yea 30 Jaeger R , 27 E . Bul l 26 N. Allan 57 Dressler E. 28 S.Jacobs 27 R. Bux 58 Lane M . 29 5. Assimo 28 D. Gargan 59 Cariss p 30 L . Stotto 29 J. Roberts 63 Sitvester J 31 J. White 30 D. Strickland 64 Constantine B . 31 S. Strioktand 65 Murphy B. 32 R . Viltano 71 Broughton T 54 N. Bryce 72 Watson C. 73 Arthurson M. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach:


Jotvet t 7EFR1AR5 Asst CoachGlenn Coach: Andy Dalrympl : Lachlan Beaton YARRA VALLEY e I C . McClur Coach: Peter Battle e2H . Ellis 1 S. Brosolo (C) 3 T. Nisbet 3 C. Ventura 1 C. Tasker N. Stern 6 P. Micatlef (VC) 2 A. Pargeter 5 Kaye A . 3 C. Gough 8 Di Falco 6 A. Marli n 9 T, Nunan 4 T Morden 7 J. Chia 10 A. Hill 5 B. Cro;ve 8 A . Groot 6 N. Peters 12 P Hennessy 9 C. Holt 14 A.tacuone 8 M. Rokicki 10 S. Gibson 9 N . Battle 17 T Wallace 11 Ed. Duncan 10 S . Middleton 21 M. Calaveta 12 K. Beza k 22 A. Williams 11 B . C 13 A. Herrmann 12 C . Brttte 25 C. Janson 14 R . Wenzel 13 J. Ebswort hy 26 A. Wink e 14 P. Ross 15 D, Higgins 28 T KOLSopUto 16 A. Ross 15 S. Gitlin 29 B. Drink+,vaters 17 N . Bun 17 J . Hume 32 G. Murphy 18 A . Morton 18 P Jarvie 38 A. Corry 19 R. Spiers 20 D . Wright 40 A. Stone 20 L . Herbert 25 8- Seeger 21 A . Fitzpatnck 42 P Rees 44 R . Eames ( V 22 E. Buckingham C) 55 P. \qahandreas 23 R . Scar]ett 65 D. Ti@ig 24 A . McIntyre 25 J. Black 26 J. Mapleson 27 S . Taylor 28 J. Milsom 29 C. Barter 30 B .Owen 31 Q . Sear 32 L. Nicolas lnterstate lr•anspO7t 33 E. Tho,mpson Services 34 A . Mansfield 9396 9000

1 Corngan B . 2 Goodwin T (VC) 3 ONeil P 4 Skiathitis R 5 Ferguson D ti Hermes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T 12 Leech S 13 Atkinson D (C) 14 Fenton J 15 Owen g 16 Clifton D 17 Savritschka J 18 Staswitschka A 19 Arkin M 20 Capewetl C (DVC) 21 Rizzo j

22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Hutchinson g 27 Thompson T 28 Carroti A 29 Heane R 32 CooperJ 33 Freckteton J 34 O'Connell s 40 Brosnan j 41 Marlin A 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D

rnnrRn+ , c


Coach :

OtD CAREY Coach: Steve Maus




Coach : Gary Blusztein

Coach : Kerry Murphy

1 R. Silberman 2 J. Israelsohn

I L. Holmesby 2 N . Aitke n 3 N . Dimachki 4 G. McFarlane 5 J. Robert son 6 L . Forrest 7 S. Holmesby 8 B. Holden 9 B . Hyrons 10 B . Reid 11 J. Monk 12 T. Wright 13 D . Ferdinands 14 M . Margiannis 15 J. McKenzie 16 K. Pereira 17 H . McKenzie 18 1 . Jordan 19 L. Curtis 20 M . Sydney 21 V. Maraventano 22 B. McLellan 23 M. Wilson 24 T. Krototil 25 A. Lee ( C) 26 J. Sayers 27 D . Marsh 28 S. Radoni 29 D . Couniham

3 R. Rotenberg 4 0. Harris

5 J. Berger 6 E . Janover 7 P. B ryner

8 D. Van Akan 9 D. Miller

9 L. Fetter

10 G . Blieden 11 D. Guberek 12 A. Silver 13 D. Rozenbes

14 D. Harshen

15 J. Gottlieb 16 L. Fetter 16 J. Hain 1 7 J . Kagan 18 N. Bardea 19 20 21 D. Arousi 22 G. Gelbart 23 B . Nisse n 24 25 B . Goldbloom 26 A. Cooper 27 J . Lewis 28 J . Gr<oni 29 E . Rath 30 31 32 L. Peters 33 34 35 J . Dvash 36 A . Sack s 37 J . 38 J . Lewskei 39 A . Wollner 40 E . Wollner

4 C. Mcmahon

6 N . Fisher

8 L. Jarv is 9 J . Saunders 10 B . Oakley 12 S . Moloney

Littl e g ~~, Watts

14 S . Byers 15 S . Smyth 16 K . Smyth 17 G. Walton 19 M . Hayes 23 A . Dunkerley 23 D. Nomikos 25 A . O'Shannessy 28 D. Thompson 35 S . Meehan 40 M . McLeish 42 M . Sheehan 46 K . De Ridder 50 A . Nicholson ~'."^' . . .._ . g : . ,. YCUt r18t1I7/'d DlkfCtGB

._, `-

. .. .

---_ _---- -

7 D. Clarke

. ._

'- -- -

10 A . Erskin e 11 M . May 12 T. Mitvalsky 13 M . Hayes 14 C . Schloeffel

15 D. Pave

16 D. Russo 17 J . Date 18 A . Kianto s 19 S . Hamilto n 20 P. Krings

21 D. Kelly

22 J . Pool e 23 R . Groo m 24 M . Duggan 25 B . Lan e

-- -

26 A . Rock

27 B . Hal l 28 T. Kendal l 29 R . Ironmonger 30 D . Hizhmikov 31 M . Byrne 32 K . Regan 33 P Cosde t on 35 T. Smit hl 36 G. Moran 37 B . Kaplan 38 R . Bitner 39 M . Basile

_ . ..' - . ..


-- -




9 Palermo St, h4enton e rmtion m R-uurast' kirs

)wIAbN ~.-t L ~~„~I ` t

50 55

UES G h: uenns Grace I S . Chapman 2 C . Jones 3 L . Fechner 4 G . Chessari 5 K. Cummins 6 A. Costley 8 B. Luii 9 M. Edwards 10 S . O'Donnell

11 L. Northway 12 M . Tennant

13 J. Oswald 14 G . Roney 16 T. Huggins

19 G . Gilbert 20 J. Fairley 23 P. Nevill 24 A. Francis

31 H . Evan s 33 L . Beddingfield

75 R. Turton

1 C. Mitchell 2 M . Francis 3 T. Bellomo 4 D. Lowther

:- a N E F

Coaches : Dean Andrew & Sven Samild 1 M . Meye r ' n 2 S . Sull va 3 D. O'Connor 4 G. Allan 5 G. Shattoek


42 J . Pask

74 P. Westbrook


30 G . Vitagliano 31 L . Hogan


34 G . Rowley 35 M . Sharkie 36 A. Hickey 39 D. Taylor 42 S . Young 43 L. Smith 44 S . Grace 50 S . Morris 61 M . Spence

LL 11

Coach: Rob Smith


9583 - . :



Coach: Chris Moore 1 A. Murray 2 L . Kennedy 3 D . Britt 4 S. Earl 5 C . Kokkinos 6 M. Cash 7 M. Stevenson 8 R . Symmons 9 A. Visser 10 A. Mulholland 11 W. Plaukovits 12 D . Sowersby 13 S. Collins 14 S. Cammiss 15 P. Holden

16 J. Gael 17 S. Banda 18 J. Bunvrorth 19 A. Ciavarella 20 N . Wills 21 J. Brigg s 22 T O rch ard (VC ) 23 D . Zula 24 J. Reynolds 25 J. Nevezie (C) A. Hanson M. Jordan M. Cummings

Coach : Glenn Alford 1 M . McGett igan 2 D . McNamara 3 G. Cleary 4 D . CHuillier 5 P. O'Reilly 6 B . Buck 7 P. Grasby 8 J . Morgan 9 M . Kelleher 10 D . Porter 12 W. Parker 13 J . Sarnya 14 L. McMurray

15 T. Laver 15 T. McColl 16 R. Lovelock 17 L. Rouillion 18 A . Waisted 19 A . Paterso n 20 M . Ferri s 21 L. Quirk 22 N . Worsnop 23 J . Lync h 24 L. Cieslak 25 C. Connoll y 26 L. Terrell 27 D . Waters 28 M . Andrew s 35 D . Moss 36 A . Walstab 41 R . Bignell /48 A . Scafd i t/~t.G1`G[ttrlR(4cSd'l~t


Coach: Trevoi 9as terton 1 W . Cooper 2 E . Bouchard 3 E . Ooi

4 M . Woo d

5 K. Palmer 6 X. Kidd 8 A. Skinns 9 J . Stephen s 10 S . Rocco 11 L. Ester 12 J . MacDonald 17 P. D'Andrea 18 G . Rowe 19 K. Barde n 21 D . Bel l 22 A. Niel d 24 K. Ferguso n 26 L . Bel l 30 H . McFadde n



4111 ®`


ad i

At~UtPLA S 1

TEfViPtES D W Coach . Harry HarisiauE Ri . Benic


Goach : Jerome Jackman

2 D. Buccachio D r 3 R, Burns 2 6. h .. L-earrnont+7kalke Brarn C) 4 R . Carrucan Henz! 5 G. Taylor 4 P McGrath 6 p Ganiaisas B . Gefea ~ 7 iv1. Daskalou 6 D. Fox 8 R . Canto 7 i Wogan•Browne 9 F. Paola 8 O. Hen°t 10 J. Hassa n g R. Ternes 11 M .Hennesse i 0 S . Foley (vC) 12 B .JCr ensen 11 C. Eva 13 G . Ke anid i 12 D . HolIenberg o 1 4 A. Nichol poulos 13 M .Bowen 15 G. Macride s 14 R. Read 16 A, March 15 T Frazek {Capt) 17 P, Margin 1 6 A. Orchard 18 R . Le e 17 B i A . Mihalos .Ramsay 20 J. Ne4rman 18 J. Raleigh 1 9 f. CSouslr 21 L. rlason and 229 P. Rardinge 20i Gaulty 23 N. PaPaziakas 2 1 S• Sierakowski 22 24 J, Paraskeva 23 J S teton 25 h%. Perri 26 J. Ryan 24 C . Ultan Prague i 25 D . Stucki 27 N. Scagtione 26 R. Whitehouse 28 4N Collis 27 G . Bla u


S ;-ace

~A TROBE WivERsarY Coach : TEA

28 D . Nguyen

29 C, Foley 30 A . Edwards 32 S. Nhittington 35 S. Moore

OLD VIESTBfl€f qtj Coach : Ciifi Leae r


t Coach: Lee Jchnst o

Coach (1): Peter C nan l Coach (2): James Fay Fax A -al

B. Gerace

A. Glen



i. Cabal a ~i Walke r s. Payn e


Pavez H .Hodasnn

H ! tt S PaSC ~

Sana vc~, C I-eane.etf* T Fyyen; o Han}•K oato c 8ar; eN A

Baker T D 72 73 ~ cnA 4 c RSS ;E

a, Mackey

Lever Stein Johnsto n ,3 7: Best

'T 17 is 9

4 D, Hudson !5 A. Mundy 3 N . Dea n ' D. Taylor T, Vaugha DCorp "' R. Lawson 21 L• Hudson A . Mokrusch



s 27 28 29 $0 31 32

`' M. Pltsbury J. Spanaier J• Chamberlain `0 B. Mundy


tiyan P a~an C Hap K $+Y~e PA ank.z yy

F on es A

-- -=aasa[a ;7I®!": All Horne Loan,s ST

2 D. 34 Anderson 5 6 A. 0 Deas 7 J. Madden 9 S. Aatthews . ' 77 10 Ag G . Marian j V B. Runnals 14 15 16 S. Cox 17 G. Campbell 78 hi (~(a ~ 19 C. hiircheltre 20 D. Jdla 2t 22 A. Mitchell 4 D lanazzo 2 C Govan 6 2 P. Evans 27 Oxen;ord ~

PFb D ~rnro D 38 re 39 40 41 Ress S

2f h,, Monaghan P Neville

43 Dee#><n,q 44 ar`es N ?5 Sm4n,!


Doxey A Camera D

D 5



WttlEAMST~ WN Coach .~Matthew Imms

Coach : David Law

33 J. Harvey 34 M. V 35 B Ryan 37 39 J. Egan 40 41 2 45 B. Johnson

7 A . Ba rtoto McCutaheon 32 A. EWort 4 B '

D6 Pa owski D f''+z2r

7 F. Luca 8 IArande> 9 J. SPracue i b J. Bennett 12 JDr rara i' prPer 14

A Sr

P Sgar~g 76 ° TrrcfiEj{s 18 S. Ashcroft U Fadyen IQ . nD ~ 8ereteman 21 tA Browne 22 H. Cini

-V i .4 l tr -_~ A~ il`t~ i li Y,' l r

23 i. Ctements 24 B. Davies 25 S n <"o A1.. Dun fox 27 L Gaud 28 N Graham 29 B. Gray 3~ ~°rso n 32 BHe J Hentlprso n 33 F.. HeR -1d . Henn -~L 35 R . Hod es 3 37 LD.•K~atn 38 S !'Raher9 39 J. .Mernr 4 0 'J C. Perm .k

G . 4amsa~ 42 M. Reid f 43 S. Rentlpll 44 S . Robb y 45 C.Santln 46 M Shiel alQ7JSpr

8 A 7c .mkm ser


.. := AMATEUR i-UUl bF3LLt ' 10



Beitzel A G2 n Flow er D4 " Barry Hicke D 1 F:' r uA ugent D3 lot,, Brain C 1 on fi~iller U191 2 C rnian Carroll B 3 ~uke Derbyshire D? " Peter Williamson i Ed Sill



,Oh' : L-- (U )

Oal le[_ (U ) Old bourne (U) :o ; ;ct scores Rd2

Bull a- apt towe (S), St . Y(R), Out. Blacks (C) . Oil b (U), Uni . Blues (U)

lI1 E 48pfs . Finally, the it 'anthers Combine ph _host to the Ajax at Southern . inc Combine is on fire mid brimming with con once and it is with this reason that tL will cause the ups __ of the rotmd . Good luck Hayesy in England! Sete( tions: Bentleigh, Oakleigh, Monash .

Be duti; he Ber xds played on April 1 1 1 . Dan Baynes, No .l reported for all, stri ig Hyde to the face ~kith a clenct es a, p . :-il d penalty (2 matches) . 2 . Ben 1,, . a.'> for allegedly callir.a tl .,, umpire a ct .« . die final siren . Charge proven an d

reprimand. adjourned to a date to be fixecl.

ng t it du ring the i'_~' ". . su D N :3 B 11 return to the winner's list ast Bullet i - although not before the you ig Bullant:, on( e eir all. Aquinas host St . Bernal and will be aware thev will need to cut down th. nu.-s to themselves a chance today . With a good blend of 1 ~ -'A and skill the Bloods will be no pushover at home, a id if coach :alcEvov can shut down the young Bernies key forwards I'm tipping an upset . Bloods by 2 majors . Old Xaverians (2) host Old 1A'estbourne at Trinity GS in what shapes as the maYch of the round . Both teams coming off good wins in Rd3, OW will be keen to continue their improvement, while Xavs will be keen to consolidate a top four position . OW by less than a kick today . Williani : . C .5 travel to Bundoora to !ie on La Trobe Uni a . , .r_ ;1 knr it,, 't ni, rrt a___ , tnda„ on fl-


Bu] _ j. me on April 13 : 1 .1 i r r, No .2 t3uff . . 1:131- :S& '~ : ~ I to fl :~~ hea(.. T11 .° . :~c :.: umpire h 1 r0nw> . :u q . r r. o. z rsuueen t- ~)ra1u ~ . t,a iuta etl No. 18 U .ISOL .ell,ler in a he : .,:(ock and repeatedlt, struel . ; ~,a in tl ie face . Bot h charge: %--e provpn and player suspended for the rana.nder e 20Q2 season. 2 . In die saine mc" Bulleen Cobra ,] ver Glen lianderk: c al at struck plaper UI trt3 tv'o . l ina~V e,


suspended for ~ i '.pri( 27,"10( Bu lleen Cobra: club

rder of


) f tiah h ,




l[ 08 MAUS Wp AS O C 4x FriSltT eLACKS

3 3 0 0 ~ 2 1 0 397 1150 196.00 1 2 S€ F'~1 a c ,a j~'JS .,__CTj 43 e 3 !'_..t! L p rOLDFRTSt90p" ~'~~es 289 141 204 96 8 ' 3 2 1 233 CAREY 3 3 'tyln7lDN 2 }0p 175 20261 p"" FOf A$st 8 OLO PARADIANS 3 3 0 366 ~° t f 5 95 188,42 8 7 0 23179 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 2 0 0 355 181 202 .21 12 N CYhqS 3 1 2 0,6 1$ 1 155.63 8 YARRA VALLEY 0 8 y 0 315 ~3 156.39 12 -AMATEURS 2 3 3 1 2 0 130 220 75 .45 8 UNIVER 4 141.26 p pCESTO> ~ 3 288 VE 3 BLACKS 3 2 00 208 178 4514 THERRYS'~ 320 11685 8 11 3 1 2 300 AENOLA OB 07 RE5£I~~t~ 3 0 100 3 28 .620 4 93.7s 8 EMMAUS w p 3 I 2 239 269 ' NORLE OS 4i2 2427 0 OLD BOYS HrzflOYREDS P w 88.85 3 1 0 212 D For YARRA VALLEY 3 W/HITEFRIARS 3 p 2 0 225 257 82 3 .49 4 0B pts SALESIAN 0 C 32 78 OldCambe 0 167 289 77.85 4 3 3 3fi7 CARitY 3 2 0 8 294 rweffforfeitedlhe 0 3 776 284 58.80 4 ,yO 335 52 . 22 0 265 2 0 B .54 p U 7~-j~ BLIl€ 9ame 6 28.72 8 3 2 t 190 . 'AFC 152 125. p 8 MDNASH BCUES ' _ p w ( !T 1 0 255 .23 '°UNt AJAX 8 OAKLEf6H 12 2 193 229 t~28 3 3 0 0 529 ~~ °- - t'ts 5AFC3 STSEDES 5 813.85 12 3 2 0 134 i08 .21 t1ENTONE TlG 8 2 0 0 298 1 7 .3 MENTONE PANTHERS 1 2 173.26 , s 0 3 018 140 203 89 .16 4 0 358 1 ; t131T~€f16t€ 2 4 3 2 BENTLEtGH 251 1 2 0 343 310 142.63 3 3 0 3 0 725 305 43.48 DE LA AF CSALE 110 3 1 2 00 r ST JORryS 0 Q 40.98 p (2) C SOUTH 7 244 318 76 .65 .73 q MELB DISTRICTS 3 I 2 0 239 332 WEST TH MELB DISTRlCTS 3 0 p - or Agit `go (2) 30 BRUNSWICK 3 3 0 ELSTFRNW/CK 0 194 96 239.58 3 0 173 437 27.95 Q 2 128 12 rRNA h RDS p~ 1 d c_ _ 2 167 120 151.5 12 39'59 0 I OLD 9H _'p 0 3 2 ' LA TRDB "'~Hr~iB (2 ='-__ vqst 0 183 165 139.17 8 ) AtLY H0 419, 3 2, FG 110.97 S 169 1 SOB E UNNt t~ORNAhtA EURS 3 2 97 60 2 0 424 z p 5 51 ;~HOUSE 3 1 1 51 110563 0 &435 12 OLD WESTBOURNE 23 0 ND 000 1 221 13 1 116 AOUIN'00C CENTRAL 3 0 3 237 8 .70 8 3 2 1 8 209 168 3 69621 BULLEEN TE 3 6 3 2 0 18t 224 93.30 0 3 0 i 9 21 1 86 WItLtAMSTOESTOWE 3 2 0 O4f1ES€RY€DNS 97 2 8 2 3 W~ 210 .37 4 7 6866 0 1S' CYMS 3 ~ERR[SEE .8552 4 0 3 0 D'L 272 5141 AM~ATEU S 380 50 00 C~E'/$ ~T 1331 ~RTH BRUNSWICK ,)18 3 3 p F°r qgst 25,68 ~~LlLYDALE PRAHRANAF~ 0 ~lY L 3 3 p 339 s~ ~ .., 3 3 OLD 7 -!f 2- 4 2 106 OLDN -•, L y 0 u 2 91 .51 ST EAV$ ~Ap~B NS 3 2 ~ 45` 199 ,4 ~ P~ 3 !BERTPARKURNE 0 228, 52 11 253.15 12 2 1 0 126 194 12 DECA SALLE ST'l4RYS 3 2 0 309 189 149 .11 12 0 212 8 MAZENOD 0 C 152 ~ 8 ~ eRTSW000 33 2 25 8 3 ? 146 T37 145.75 8 0 258 160 164.47 ELEy PARK 1 2 0 192 161 5 AFC 3 ' LLEENCOtLEGIANS 3 1p2 236 0 199 84 706 .57 8 OLD 205 on. 93'j2 .32 q ESSENUDN GR 3 1 2 0 153 23i GXHiCt NOR7HS r 2 0 99 .7q 4 NHOF 1 2 0 735 66.23 - ..-+~ 3 p 3 7q 199 40 3 0 3 0 303 44 .55 4 lq 124 265 71 277 OLD~ r$lAp~` © 46.79 04 79S€pJ"IfT1~ .63 0 3 0 3 6 8 37 1 25. uEjq 0 18 OL DAR ~VERIANS (2) 3 3 3~'--- L_ D Fo~ 0 3J ~~f KEVINARDS 700t 3 THERRY PENO 0 327.00 OLD BRIGS 2 0 265 30 0 3 2 pt 369 _ s_ 90 ~g~444 72 ON 3 20~ Ft OLD TRtNtiy ~ OB I UNtVERSTY 151 180 0 1 1 29 6 12 UNIVERSI OLD SCOTCR UES 3 2 2 ~ 287 218 735 .780 22 TyBLACKS 1 03 168 1 2 0 y92 130 7q . ~ 8 1 164 1 OE LA SACLf BRUNSWICK 8 1 0 262 262 175. 00 8 FlTZRO AFC 3 1 2 132 ! :tARCECClN 155 195 95 4 REDS 33 2 1 3 0 1D0 217 0 3 0 i 7 2 282 82'008 CAUtFtELD GR .97 q 3 2 1 0 267 Ctfl~ 0 7g 3 0 3 0 94 280 11 0 i OLD kAVER7ANS 8 COLL f SQ~/T 86,71 3 1 2 0 272 3p1 q357 33.57 0 254 IANS ~~~~ 37 .93 p 83,46 ` DLDMECBURNIANS 3 0 3 0 203 377 h1DNASH a~4 3 3 9s 194 ~ 0 U 79 2 OLDBRIGHTONS 3 8 0 402-A f'ts 0 3 p 58 229 3 3 2 OLD g~ WHfFFPRIARS 0 0 355 ,65 591.18 12 7RINITY --- P- ~_ L 247 63.97 0 3 2 OLD IVANHOE 3 - A?~7 0~ 3 8 308 0 ,70 2 HAMPTO N O EN FRRIBEE 0 3 3 7 2 ~ 180 .73 3 71 ,85 1 ST LEOS E .ROVERS ;1h9PT0 N Ah1ATFURS 3 p 357 110 324 .55 282 220 973 8 MAUS 0 1 2 ROVERS HAWTHORN 342 82 3 0 2 h7AZNOD 0 C 2 2 1 p,83 138,79 165 1 p AMATEURS 3 1 224 3 20 70 .46 q 141 129.79 12 0 15 1 .00 I 4 23 4 1 ! ! 3 ~ 3 0 29 4 7 0 6453 0 109 Zs 97 .50 E 3 z Cl D E~SRNDON GR / - ~_ 31.46 0~ 1 8 HAlCEYBURY 3 1 275 256 40'82 nRMOND 3 p 7 1 308 1 07.426 3 312 305 28 3 6854 0 62,54 p 7H E R Po DACLER 20020 1 06

A ~-19

I~, ~


ke !' ® U p sM atctteS (Frii ~t ire AQpoinf

ores (sat "lents)

~ ~z1Gi;~4'hR`7c~JOlhs



P W L II For Qgst % Pis ST :V1 3 3 0 0 339 202 167 .82 12 OLD) WERIANS 3 3 0 0 306 256 119,53 12 OLDlVANI ;CE 3 2 1 0 318 244 130 .33 8 ST BERPlARDS 3 2 1 0 330 297 111 .11 8 OLD SCOTCH 3 2 1 0 255 271 4410 8 MARCELLIN 3 1 2 0 323 255 126 .67 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 1 2 0 245 213 115 .02 4 OLD TRINITY 3 1 2 0 259 235 110 .21 4 DE LA SALLE 3 0 3 0 240 381 62 .99 0 MHSOB 3 0 3 0 193 454 42 .51 0 ---OLD MELBURNIANS



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.9gst % Pis

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