The Amateur Footballer, Week 5, 2002

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ngon Pire , be fillyd inlb~ o~j rOUnd inspeetions sl Pted by noting such et y ~t ~ and h~d ~ to the ~ Ponsibl e must Match Da his z befo aked t Official Report Sheet for ~~nt th the re"I o V~`~ ~fehpTh f SENIOR REP v~~ to de~A with include th mpires RE$,~RT~T/~~ s : iLr ~~twhere clubsmat heS Tllls iseet with The senior selectors ~yl TEAN M/ fIlcd ifneeded . were asked to different decide on the ~eet this Saturda ~ p ~,neihing for you to kee Jr :, ; tiivers to the foho hr these Ai stralPia ush de~t~~o be pia d a National ~mateug P~ derpo ove iSeen Adelaid :: :q situations o g or wha t o you kno w eC~anlcro , :~ to the followin to d ~e ntheci ~ at the Procedures b availableYso1~albeV tumneisquad call be chosen ~t'b secretaries l~yl be n our website, ~ ~ ble for ~ound to pl a MOTHEg $'er the weekend advised of and of i i~. eS are aetion~Who deeidas this p~~ ars who DAY wtshes Bes t rrowid is de m~re for game to b at suPPort to ~e Players the trqR e in so man illrin d if unsuitable all thegrea t A and its players for Alay)?Playe (if y PPens a ground b tivays r rns . I hope GUS MIFCHEl1. your day is officitnuals wel c, qroi n f oarmatch? There is a ica e-~so j~ble fo Whllst FANTASTIC. nsoon t l mo ne ed for instanc Sprinkle,, pop u n Part o . Gus, ot ~1es who ibeba Wishes, a sincere ge Of s t i'll give the o P and can't be are ~i thoughts of g~ness at the ~t~e ffici~ ,~•eSPons the Bern ,V a d Y~ourVAF ards/Fit Yoou . Keep s~o e give red' ,,t ra~ The prChensive writtend ~'hfte urinew > and will eitiY/Essendon spirit! nb that ~aSt addresses th to th e Soutll riMelbourne

rnost t$ 95,3I 2054) . ~e issues - Ph~~ se I receive t a

Greaf to magnjfcent Sout~ets AFC for Soutl~ g bee boys tell last week and see per alive! Year by the South meere their socks are this The Melbourne (~L) Past Players eac h u lv o{hcials fence on ~ The Energy who haven't had a go at ~~ rs a;, a llatfw a able to be s aver ~ SP°t the B ~ t box/P ovi veen the bo~ ding behind a line are fromg 60 en tries each ~mktztio We are See the tVickers ~ne andls Page 4$ in c :dr ~bout .~c Have a ou t 50 of these this e ry~~T n oach, im g ditio Greatprizes .nd ato be~euho sngce . 9f~~~ nee interchanged on b` instructions Night , football aI! at Head u K or ds to confe . If a doctor r or Reinstatement q ~ ters? The piacePlayer is to sit do~ tw~ the coach, the of next week Guidelinesrm As Report on li ")e field tun ~ wh~ist tbis eonference SdL . ends ChainPnP~ e for 200~~L eh folloivin Pire notices tha t v P Match v. nuIbe to haPPen - in t e j~tbeing i gnorefl T ----. ., ato okingg ~ o,e ss'Ort i nstan g .. :; Coaches' Ck .. . . n ~ d m'~e~ld otr ~ aft~ di g tearn ains warned SAort 92?prygboard 2Q -, n T b~ng ~vi~ •Tle bench is Pltes ~inner , 25 Today's wid oeeua kick fao~restarted whero r~e Um ... etore, but n•ence s Play iVa ~e offendu7g Fo 27 Ucil~ dus ~e ees the play again sto PPed . .A. Next i~Ik 's of the Came 3 I .. . .. . . .32-33 g club where ~eree kick goes to pped as Eisternwl matches. . . .. .. Trib~~ &~1'~+bw ra .. . . . . ............ . .... .. . . . .. . .. . . .52 p1aY was stopped . A ~nve~ .. Third . r mr! M2 . .. . . . .,$2 `ations. . . . Ladders-. . . . , .62 .. --~'____-•-_. . „ •~_ .63-$¢ j i - ,- rrit ucek's answer to Cvafa .asn .au (or fax provtsion of seafhn curly questio ;^:~,chddys is as n related t follows g insid e o th e

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ASSQCtqT I ----___--~p2 N® o~u .~ ~d .05 W r

OLD Scotch might be the last of six teams to be considered a chance for the finals after its come fro m behind draw with Old vs . Even though we are at round five of 18, Old Tr i and Uni Blues, both 1-3, are likely to need to win nine of the next 14 matches to squeeze into fourth . That might seem harsh but the figures mount a daunting task : they would need to change to a 66 per cent clip whereas they are running at 25 per cent . The Cardinals are fifth and the two points for the draw will be handy at the end of August . Xavs have been good in tight last quarters but last week's one goal to five goes against this . The result revived memories of the 1980 B Section Grand Final when Xavs got home by two points over Scotch . It also brings to mind Scotch's incredible run in A Section - currently the longest serving club - but with no ultimate success . A performance like this will create a vision to change that . James Gerstman picked up another four goals for OS and he must be a chance for the state squad and Tristan Beranger was named best on . Premiers Marcellin's run with close calls continues as they raced home with a five goal to no score to snatch a two-point victory from the OT-Eagles . A fornight ago Marcellin, sitting sixth, missed by three points to St Bernards and in the opening round cost themselves with poor kicking against OX . Marcellin's competitiveness is reflected in its percentage of 120 which is fourth best. M-Eagles coach Simon Dalrymple and Xavs Tim O'Shaughnessy might want to have a heart-test at McKinnon Sports Medicine! St Kevins have a two-point lead on the top of the ladder and with consecutive games against Melbourne High, which sits at the other end, and De La Salle, which like the High, is yet to win, so SKOBS should be undefeated come Round Seven . That is SKOB's showdown with Xavs at Trevor Barker. Xavs today have Old Ivanhoe, who repeated the B Section Grand Final dose on De La last week, and next week Uni Blues . Xavs might drop one of these but a promoter would love them to come in with similar form as SKOB's. The Cardinals and Marcellin game at Camberwell is the best of the round . With both showing some form and sitting in fifth and sixth it should be a ripper . The winner might even duck into the four . Daryl Marson and Jarrod Frazer have caught the eye again

this year for Marcellin. OT hosts St Bernards with the Bernie recruits Chris Baumgartner, Dan Jordan a Dan Burrowes making a difference. Chris Frost M eleotrie last week with five goals for Trinity . Uni hosts De La and this will be 13LS's chance! register a win. Shane Hyland and Phil Murt remain a couple of the Malvern boys' betl performers . SOB will want to call on the powers of posit thinking to overcome SKOBS . Maybe the small Yarra Street ground would suited to the super flood to restrict SKOB's . Apparently, it wouldn't be the first time the area h been swamped - the land along the riverbank w once a marsh . t,ai ::Z eCb~f a'-,)halink

OLD T~,ZWI ~ - congratulates Andrew ?ar,--s ~ who played his 150th game last week . Rambo h; had a distinguished amateur career with three cli best & fairests, three Premierships, a VAFA best, fairest in B Section, and has been a Sta representative for the past four seasons, beii Captain last year. Rambo also spent a year c Essendon's list in 1997 . This year he is Co-Capti2 of the club .


CLU B A SECTION Harvey St Bernards Stevens Old Ivanhoe M . Giansiracusa St Kevins Greig Old Trinity Orlando Old Xaverian s

20 15 15 14 1~'.

A RESERVE Hawkes Old Ivanhoe Greenham St Kevins O'Connor St Kevins N.Simon Old Scotch Osborne St Bernards

9 8 6 6 6


4 .3 6.6

has (oa)

11 . ~3 15.14 (IC S) Wen, ivSerctui, LaRa~ . Jolley. ie, Moloney. iros 3, Low, Donaldson, Tully, Brantgan . Orchard , as (FL V. Vescovi, B . Dix (G) 6.5 12 .7 15.8 16.11 (107) 2.1 5 .5 11 .10 16.11 (107) 5, Parton 2, Ruyg 2, Bingham, Blood, R Jones . , Scanlan, Best: Brushfield. Orlando , aid. or 3 . Finocchiaro 3, Phillips 2, Jennings 2 , Crowe . Phillips, Hume, Collins, Robinson . (F), T. Dodds, S . Fraser (B), B. Jephson , 2.4 4.8 9 .11 1414 (98) 2.6 8.6 15.6 15 .6 (96) . Salsee 3, Marson 2, Waters 2, Johnston. Walker, n4 ,1^-nston . Treganowan, Marson, Waters, Frazer . „etg 3 . L Deane-Jolms 2, Clarke. Collins, C Phillips, rest, Stephens, Ra nsden, C Phillips . L Deane-Johns , K. Mc:'liece (F), J . Vincent, R . nation (B), R. Parry, D . 3.2 9.5 11 .6 13 .8 (80) 6.3 11.8 22 .14 28.20 (188) Simpson 2 . Vicendese, McGrath, G McCully, Raleigh . : Ca ell, Clou•es . Faircltlco. Wright, Barnett, Newton . >t .nngartner 3, Burrowes 3 . B Jordan 3, J Smith Jordan 2, Clarke 2, Berne 2. Lougtilin, A Thomas, qua, Turnbull . Best : B Jordan, Baumgartner, Byrne . Lin, Mastropasqua. i. R. Love (F) . C. Arnol, R . Owens (G) 5.7 12.7 22 .6 28.11 (179) 2 .1 7.6 10.7 13.10 (88) 7, Greeriliarn 6 . Lucas 3, O'Connor 2, Kempton Lman . Garvey, Hobart, Gray. Best: J Giansiracusa , .rpton, M Dolln a :, P Greenham, T Hobart 1cLachlan 4 . tvailon. Millard, McEwrin . Collins, tker. R}-xi, S'Jilkie. Best: McEw3n, McIntyre, Wilkie, an, l ricker. in. P. Simpson (F), .A . Rechtman . J. Kramer (B), M . re (G)

-" ' I

DE LA S '--?; 4.0 5.1 9 .4 10 .7 (67) OLD IVANHOE 0.0 4.2 5 .4 8 .5 (53) De La Salle: Duggan 2, O'Brien 2, Hyde 2, C . Hyde 1, Walker 1, Hyland I. McInerney 1, Hesse 1, McLierney 1 . Best- McInerney, Hyde, Murray. Chester. Duggan . Hyland . Old Ivanhoe: Hill 2, Brandt 1, Courage 1 . Hawkes 1, Kent 1 . Low 1, Morris 1. Best- Price, George. Brandt, Braddy. Moore, Courage. OLD XAVERIAIdS 5.2 9.6 13 .9 16.10 (106) OLD SCOTCH 2.1 3.3 4 .5 7 .6(48) Old P>averiens: Wilson 4, Biddlecombe 2, James 2, Maher 2, Meehan 2, A . Biddtecoinbe 1, Baker 1, Low-ile I . McDonnell 1 . Best: Biddlecombe, Wilson. Maher, Howard, Mahon, Lowrie . Old Scoteh: Brooke 3. Hooper 1, Ross 1, Thompson 1, Watts 1 . Best: Ross, Knight. Crane, Tallent, Freeman, Mompson . MARCELLIN 1 .3 3.7 7.8 8.11 (59) OLD TR= 2.2 2.2 4.3 5 .4(34) rViarcellim Not received. Old Trinity- Not received. hU3SOB 1 .2 2.2 3.3 6.3[39) STBERNARDS 2.7 9.11 13.17 17.25 (127) MHSOB: Not received. St Bernards: Not received. ST KEVIPJS 4.4 8.4 9.5 10.6 (66) UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 .2 4.5 7.8 8.16 (64) St . Kevins : Marchesaazu 2, Griffiths 2, Pride, Sadler, M . Pangrazio. Anderson, Moore, Sullivan . Best : McGuinness, O'Brien, Hicks, Lynch, Anderson, Kalesaran, Sheehy. University Blues: Brown 2 . Coleman . Irvine, McA(oon, Quin, Russell, Thomas . Best: versteegan, Thomas, Rourke, Briggs, Hocking . Irvine.

Old Ivanhoe v. Old Xaverians Old Scotch v. Marcellin

Old Trinity v. St Bernards University Blues v . De La Salle MHSOB v . St Kevin s

The Giftwa;`e c~ Presentations Specialists Wholesalers

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Si co -''see : _ _' ' ) Al VAFA members . ContactAlisEwartlJoftn Birt for all of your trophy requirement s ' THE ATFUR POnTRALt ER 2002

DE LA SALLE Coach : Paul Cooper Assist: Noel Jenkinson Res Coach : Terry Russell 1 L . Walker 2 R . Buckley 3 B. Coli n 4 P. Murton (VC) 5 C. Swift 6 M . Harber 7 P. Harrison 8 J. La Ragy 9 J. Moloney 9R L. Borella 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans(C) 12 D. Toohey 13 A . Johnstone 14 C . Bowker 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Coffey 19 R. Prezens 20 M . Picone 21 A . McKenzie 22 M. Mercuri 23 D . O'Brien 24 J. Morel 24R R. Marks 25 R. Walmsley 25R C . Hyde 26 D . Spithill 27 S. Thomas 28 N . Harber 29 C . Browne 30 B. Mannix 31 S. Hyde 32 R. Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 L. Johnstone 35 A . Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D . Hyland 37R D . Moore 38 D. McInerney 39 S . Kane 39R S. Hoy 40 C . Noseda 41 M . McHenry 42 L . Williams 42R A . Bonnici 43 K. Brki c 44 J . Garland 45 C. Chester 46 A . Skinns 47 A . Molan 47R G. Wise 48 D . Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 A. Boot s 50 D. Alderuccio 51 L. Douanghosay 52 E . Phillips 53 L . Derbyshire 54 D . Buckley 55 L . Meehan 56 C. Worstelling 57 P. Hesse 60 B . Hoy 70 M . Duggan


MARGELLI N Coach : Simon Dalrymple Res Coach : Peter Randal l 1 . C. Purcell 2. T. Collins 3. D. Waters 4. G. Romanin 5. N . Godwin

6 . D . Sampimon 7 . M. Row e 8 . R. Frisina 9. D. Ballantine 10 . A. Dale 11 . D . Taylor (RC) 12. B . Cronin 13. S . Dinneen 14. D . Salce 15. M. Chun 16, L . McMillan 17 . G . Cox (VC) 18 . D. Gartner 19 . D. Cooper 20, S . O'Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22. D . Marson 23 . M. Edmonds 24 . L . O'Flynn (RVC) 25 . R . Galati 26 . N. Armstrong 27. S . Theisz 28. D. Johnston 29. C . Moran 30. A . Treganowan (C) 31 . C . Mason 32 . M. Brown e 33 . G . Cull 34 . D. Jarred 35. J . Frazer 36. N . Addison 37. B . Carmody 38. M . Boyd 39 . B. Colville 40 . A. Wilkinson 41 . J . Seabury 42 . B . Dinneen 43. A. Duncan 44. D. McMillan 44 L. Hansen 45. D . Theisz 46 . J. Mathews 47 . M. Becchetti 48 . A. Gallagher 49. D. Coutts 50. A . Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52. M . Hartnett 53. C . Mathews 54 . A. Gallagher 55 . J. Wallis 56 . C. Beayni 57. E . Weeks 58. J . Ibrahim 72. D . Cracknell

t,° : ,,C~,

Coach : Luke Soulos Res Coach : Scott Robinson

1 J . Barnet t 2 S . McCully (SDVC) 3 A. Simpso n 3 A. Angus 4 M. White 5 E. Raleigh 6 R.Joseph 7 P. Telle r 8 J . Dixon (RVC ) 9 D . Fairchild (SCapt) 10 D . Norto n


Coach: Paul Fahey Assist: Darren Payne & Paul Northey Res Coach : Noel Spoor 1 A. Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 A. Jenkins 4 B . Davis 5 T. Young 6 S . Ken t

7 J . Geishan

8 T. Stevens (RC) 9 M. Karayannis 10 M. Crowley 11 S. Tull y 11 D. Simmons 12 C. Branigan 12 R. Bantin g 13 M . Orchard 12 M . Feferkranz (RCapt ) 14 C. Moore 13 C. Kelly 15 L. Bolzan 14 A . O'Brien 16 C. Mooney 15 N . Adcock 17 A . Corcoran 16 J. Walker 18 J. Hope (VC) 17 R . Clowe s 19 M. Tolley 20 D . Hawkes 18 R . Umbrick (SDVC) 21 R. Roberts 18 B. McGrath 22 P. Donaldson 19 A. Brookes 23 K . Theodoss i 20 T. Harper 24 G. Haros (DVC) 20 D. Nichols 25 E . Byrne 21 R . Patterson 26 P. Lillis 22 A. Svirskis 27 J. Weddle 22 D . Armstrong 28 S. Morris 23 L . Taylo r 29 R. Weddle (C) 24 S. Rundell 30 A. Gilbert 25 N. Orchard 31 J . Stevens (DVC) 26 A . Vicendese 32 P. Dowd 33 N . Pratt 28 J . Brown 34 A . Tiernan 29 G. McCully 35 M . Pollock 30 R . Newton 36 B. Spoor 31 J. Davi s 37 M. Berry 32 A. Cassell (SDVC) 38 Ga George 33 A. Saultry 39 Ge George 33 S . Harriso n 40 J . Keane 34 E . Thompson (SVC) 41 A. Clark 34 P. Rujevi c 42 S . Lo w 35 A. Mills (RVC) 43 L. Hunter 35 S. Moore 44 A . Karafili 36 P. McGrath 45 M. Toovey 46 M. Tozer 36 M. Tin g 47 G . King 37 R. McIntyre 48 M . Clarke 37 T. Harper 49 L. Shay 38 S . Robinson 50 S . Brandt 39 S . Whittington 51 N . Braddy 40 D. Membrey 52 A. Clancy 40 W. Hayes 53 S. Price 41 J. Anderson 54 B. Guidera 42 P. Boye r 55 A. Berezza 43 D. Vicendese 56 L. Courage 44 M . Hawkes 57 D. Harcourt 45 M . Brown 58 G. Mclsaac 46 P. Wolnizer 59 J . White 48 G. Pollard 60 S. Hil l 61 C . Binney 49 C . Duke 62 J. Baker 50 S. Osborne 63 T. Hibbs 53 P. Bain 64 C. Barker 55 C. Wright 65 B. Shadbolt 56 T. Wright 66 D. Warry 57 D. Cassell 58 D. Fox

ZIT€DH Computers Spectrum Assurances Sires MENSWEAR

GVP Fabricators

All Home Loans

Coach : Dale Tapp ; Res Coach : John Att,; 1 A. Ne ttleton 2 B . Phillips 3 J . Ross 4 T. Holt (C) 5 S . Collins (VC) 6 A . CrowQ(VC 7 J. Kitchen C) 8 B. Robinson 9 D. Brooke 10 C. Smith 12 S . Hume 13 N . Hooper 14 R . Mullins 14R T. Reid 15 R . Eagle 16 D . Jennings 17 D . Thomas 18 L . Hawkins 19 R.Josephs 20 S . Lillingston 21 J . Stratos 22 N . Addison 23 0. Crane 24 C . Pattenden 25 M. Saunder s 26 T. Downing (RC) 27 J. Pilkington 28 S . Prendergast 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leit l 32 J . Gerstman 33 J . McCarroll 33R T. Wilson-Humphries 34 E. Olive r 35 P.0'Connor 36 A. Millar 37 E. Moffatt 38 R. Ashton 39 C. Stevens 40 T. Collins 41 M . Lipshut 42 M . Watt s 43 R . Breisch 44 C . Evans 45 M. Blenheim 46 J. Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger 48 S . Mile s 49 M . O'Brien 50 T. Hosking 51 L . Freeman 52 D . Knight 53 G .Junkeer 54 N . Simon 55 M . Boudrie 56 C. Tallent 57 J . Crane 59 D.Iser 60 T. Wigney 61 S .Jones 62 N . Tassell 63 P.Ise r 64 N . Costello 65 C. Armstrong 66 A . Routledge 67 J . Pulvirenti 68 N . Gill 69 C . Neal 70 71 73 74

S . Thompson D . Jackson M. Vojvodic M. Rix

75 S. Troon 76 N. Opie C.Joyc e 81 R . Aujard


/~~7atfo7a~D~g~~ ~~~~rr`r~


K2 A;,i: i' NtAN .5ic r; Mr.NT


OtD 78 ►NITY ~


R ~~~ XAVEFi I 1 M. Stood 2 D.Orlando 3 L . Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan 5 S. Mollard 7 S . Leihtea

P en

_; ;s ; V/C sy«r M ;nA ~

C Ellis 14 Dn. Stoney 15 L . Ford (Capt) 16 N. Bingham 17 D. Richar 18 M. Greendson 19 M. Callinan 20 M. Hardman 20 J. Scanla n 21 A

A ts T

19 !


C e ") edy L L = 1 ne•dohns G

-'ia nrsdenAC1C 5 C~me~ hhF on J D_nai)Oa 8 ; G're :g M l+a,eA° . ~~esbtJ*, L _

''cCrnnon R u'gess J c nep J ''3 Rogers D

e~e-Johns L 0 ~fiwseh~ t'6 Sctctirie J ~

37 ' trane qne S (qIC) r lc " Phillips 39 Oberoi $R CIC Arma as c Dd9son 8 power B l'readwell G OrPe kCooper S Schultze D

30 T (v c) 37 L 32 A. Tuddenham BrushBeld 33 A.. Syss i

34 Ft. Jones 35 A . Delaney y

37 T Maher

39 ~, Meehan a0 Rolt 41 A DIlione Woodrutf 44 Biddtecpmbe 45 L . Howar d 46 B

. Dixon ;8 Ward C 47 T.Ru 5 9 ,Ra~ebr`son ~ard L (RN1C) 49 T.Lowrie g t Heaven C 3 Plain G

5 4 Blakmore a

50 J.Heetey 55 Walsh J. Healy 56 A Oswald 58

~ F~yt~ C Mahon 7 Oberoi 63 Cou n _f Stebbins C s A . Wilson a .~j Cade ) 47anseu~ S/VIC ' E7 Crist ano D 6 037 Cokatis r~de S S ~ Kenna A ~ Merlin 6 6 67 H~A ni A

mervilte W 720 Lau~9don s Munroe a dt 74 Thwaites M D 5

76 C~ thews hews 77 ~9 Brady W 80 AdJemlSell C 81 Peggie A'

~®W@,8~; s

Rerrrurae..,or 13

ST MCoa~ Peter Nieholsan Res Coach Joe Watkins

CoachSMike~~~~S Qsst Coach: Mdrew Sutt,etiyd Res Coach: Steve Wiltiams 1 N . Frase

1 Bayn 2

D. Bunowe s 3 R. Cousland 4 D. Jordan

r 2 R. Grinter 3 D. Curtis 4 A• Ukovi c 5 M. Doltman (C) 6 P 0'Keete (VC)

5 Joe Mount (DVC ) 6 C. A~~ 7 S. Ciarke -'s 8 J• Evans

9 B. Jordan (VC) 10 N. Mitchell (C) 11 C. Davis

12 B. Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A . Thomas

Parton 22 23 S Ockleshaw (VC) Johnsto n 24 B• Coughla 25 R. Care n 26 N. Baker 27 J. Drak ( 28 A.C McD e enald


' ~ Evardsle D

8 P McDonald 9 J. Hawkins 10 D. Rennex 11 Ad Jones

12 J. Bowen



Serge D'Angelo


15 T Wilkinson 16 L. Tumbul t 17 L. O'Sullivan 18 D . McLaughlin 20 L . G aant y

21 B . Lough 22 M . O'Ritelin y . Osbom

26 J. Gollan t e 27 28 James Mount (RC) Gilmour 29 L . Witk1- _ 30 C. Trewin 31 Swan 32 T Harvey 33 B. Allis 34 D. Byrne 35 L.Cam be11 36 R. Leg di 37 A. Catieral 38 J. Simpso l n 1 39 C

Baumgartner 40 D.. Thoma s 41 B• Overman 42 R Kinniburgh 43 M. Stapleton Taylor 45 f 46 pM.Tankey Hollan d 47 R . PrZZfchetta 48 N• PSmith 49 S. McCurry 50 C. Cattho

51 R Roman ae 52 A. Fewster 53 S. lannazzo 54 r Jame s

55 J.Llod 56 L. 57 B . O'Brien McManus 58 J . De8 1 I 59 L. Evan~k 60 P Mastropasqua 61 J. Mastropasqua 62 A. Bouzika 63 H. Pek e s 64 R. P s ekes

7 Rourke T 8 Hayter J

1 J. Pan9razi o 13 R. Bowles 14 Greenham !S M. Olive (DVC . Garvey (VC) 776 B 18 p - Ryan


25 8• Marusic 26 D. Sadle r 27 R

. Gross 28 M. Gia n Siracusa 20 M Kem ton (DVC 30 M. Gargano ) 3Y A. McGuinnes s

32 S 33 . O'Conno r 34 TM Maguire (RVC) 35 M Hobart Kavanagh 36 E. .Sulliva n 37 M. Pangrazi o 38 J 0'Brie (RVC) 39 S

. Gribble 41) N. Moore 41 G- Anderson

42 T. McCann 43 R Bare

44 JG, Katavolos 46 . Travaglia 47 A- Conla n 48 L. Harper 49 L . Kalesaran 51 D. Bare 52 J . Finch 53 J. Gritfith 55 E. Crohans 56 P. Natale 57 B. Ouirk 58 J. Ferrari 59 R. Chiver s

60 q Greenhat 61 J-Lync g h62B . Shelle 63 B. y 64 T. Crowley 66 N

. Marchesani 67 Purcell 68 W. MeCann 73 R Byrn e 75 R 76 M. Campagna O'Shea

79 G . O'Connor

10 Sokdate P 11 12 McLachlan G (C) 13 Girdwood T

14 Roydhouse c 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17

18 McEwin A 19 20 Gteeson D 21 McIntyre T (VC) 22 Millard 8 23 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Gates 8 27 Wilkie R

28 Thomas M (RC ) 9 30 Larkin A 3 1 gwefY B 32 Oltos A

33 McKie M 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A 36 Brooke J 37 Kaso S 38 Wilson A 39 Binley T 40 Hocking j 41 Quin L 42 4eloar a `73 Cameron A

44 Featherston R 45 Armstrong J

4 6 McKerrow M 47 W 4 Briggs A 8 49 Chargns 50 Naiionbryerlain L 51 Brown A 52 O'Donnell P 53 Versteegen R 54 Bennett S

55 Dalymore a 56 Irvine T

I 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholtz j 59 Toohey J

61 Cofemaen B 4 62 Taylor N 63 Hardcoun J 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 McKerrow R


Steve Carroll

Stunock J (VC) 4 Guengedch D (VC) 5 Gleeson 0 (VC) 6 Fricker G

7 K . Gray ) 8 B . Doilman

24 H. Pride

23 A . Mastropasqua 24 N. M .Smit h 25 C

Res Coach:

1 Slimmon D (VC 2 Hutchins T )

9 J. Giansiracusa 10 M. Luca s 1

i9 D. G1~ing Sheehy (RC ) 23 S_ Maguire ) Lowers

UP1tVERSITY `' Sg~ Coach Michael Conlan

67 MaAloon D (RVC)

Some heart stoppers this pacemakers to work overtime.



REVIEW At the Bowling Green, Old Melburnians tightened the screws on an injury hit Mazenod, and won eased up by 32 pts. I heard the fat sheila from half way up St . Kilda Rd belt out her ballad at quarter time, as the OMs held an unassailable 41 pt lead, and the contest was over . Kennedy (4 goals), Berry and Hazell ran amuck for the winners . McIntyre, Sharp and Maskell battled hard all day for the losers. The travel to Oak Park didn't seem to bother the visitors, as Old Haileybury brought along their rugs, baskets and sandwiches and had a picnic at the expense of Therry by a whopping 80 pts . A potential danger game for the favourites never eventuated, as it was a rout pure and simple . The big man O'Farrell went ballistic with 5 bickies, and had assistance White and Armstrong . O'Sullivan, Faroldi and Castaldi battled hard all day for Therry . At the home of Boss, Hampton Rovers gave the bookies a good result, as they overran a wayward kicking Old Paradians by 5 pts . Bad shooting for goal for the OPs gave HR the leg in they needed, as 29 scoring shots to 18 at the last change indicates . Browne, Power (5 rolls) and Artz kept up the 'Energiser' (never say die) attitude for HR, whilst the visitors were well served by Stevens, Ciavola and Godfrey in a disappointing result for OP . Mr Gillen put on a ripper at Brunswick, as NOBs did a Bernborough and came from miles back to nail Ormond right on the post by 2 pts . Ormond once again had a lead big enough to win the Melbourne to Darwin foot race, being 31pts in front at the last change, but must have lost their shoes and socks, as they were overrun in the city limits . Trimboli, Boyle and Sanders were star performers for the locals, and the white shorts brigade had solid contributors in Martin, Wilson and Stewart .

At the home of footy, EP, Old Brighton outplugged Old Essendon and prevailed in the end by 7 pts. Reports from the game suggest it was like two old steeplechasers going head for head for the last niile, with OB 'half lengthing OE in the 3rd qtr to get their nose in front . Lennox and the two Williams' (S & B) were the 4 qtr stand outs for OB . OE had O.xilam, Kavanagh and Buckley as their good players on the day. PREVIE W The folks at Oak Park will need to top up their e-tag this week, as Therry (7/4) trundle forth to Central Reserve to tackle Mazenod (2/5). The form of the pre6




season flag favourites must be of real concern to Dave Murray, even though their injury list is a s

long as my belt is as . : ;ei! t_;ne ;?a' : travelling that flash either, as his youngsters con"tinzi, to struggle against all odds . This is a tough one t ( call, but with a few to return, and with the ho .flf ground advantage I'll tip Mazenod with no re a

confidence by 12 pts . The venue at McKinnon sees an intriguing c o

looming between the in-form teams Haileybury (1/3) and i Rovers (5I Dwyer and his lads rebounded in awesome last week, and their confidence would be h ' Calamity Stadium's roof. So too, would 'Bo sandhimery,tasingo _ few doubters (including yours truly) wrong. I t appear that Mick might have a top 2 side on nhadstiyear,ndomaterhowelNorm' , charges are going, it won't be enough. OH by 36 pts. Br Garvey gets another turn for lunching up, r ; 2 oi last week's losers face up to the starter . win oI d is (4/6) host "' 1 (1/1) . -,latt , would be a bitterly disaj )oix ed man after ;' .: ; ; away an almost certain victory last week throu `i ~ ad goal shooting. Mick Knuppel is another who )uld have been to Mass this week to try and resurr-[ his boys after another soul destroying loss . I thir~' i~" prayers will be answered, as Ormond have l ; i e wood over the OPs for a few years now, and that trend will continue . Ormond by 3 pts . Out on KeIlor Hill , Old Essendon (9/2) welcome the irresistible juggernaut of C ' - -- "" , (1 . >). Chris Bye knows that his team faces the ulti3 ite challenge today and would be hopi : 'his

will be up to the task . It would be 1-. ..r ,,, „ Erwin Leyden now has the new premiership f in B Section, as they have been doing ever 'iia to date . I wouldn't say OE has no ehance, b- L win, I'll entertain John Newbold (OE Presid, it in Brisbane for a weekend at my expense, min- _:re airfare . OMs will be too e :perienced by 30 pts .

Mazenod v. Therrv Penola Old Haileybury v . Hampton Rovers Old Paradians v. Ormon d Old Essendon Or v. Old Melburnians North Old Boys v. Old Brighton F(if1TRAi



battle awaits us at Brunswick, as NOBs ,,, ;,ome again, this time opening the doa r

0)d Srigllion (514) . The home side coach playe d nt of jail free eard last week, but, no more ~- Foulds, that's it for 2002. On the other Glasgott hasn't used his as yet, and `he last two, he might want to save it for lotner tough one to pick, so I'll go fo r to make it 4 in a row . NOBs by 16 pts . vs Therry (6/4) hfazenod by 10 prs 8) vs Hampton Rovers (7/ 1) OH by 48 pfs 0) vs Ormond (9/ 1) OP by 60 pts vs Old Melburnians (1 /5) 0'' by 50 pts vs Old Brighton (4/ 1) : ; OBs by 36 pi s

(},I) PaR:'~ i.??? ;S - ~-)ngratulations to Adam i=. -- c_e r

,-) ,t , d D1 eoid _ xrze (1999) who both passed th e ;0 clnni:: mark with Old Paradians' last wee k ,i,,,t ltampton, we look forward to the next an d r 50, well done boys. 0Ln IU' T.LL ?BURY - congratulate Sam _qforctJones :!a play-ing his 50th game for the club against

r'riiola last week. Sammy will continue the i! adtion at the Bloods and will no doub t Ihe playing achievements of father Bruce an d -1 idrew . U19 Captain in 2000 but has playe d

I~, i ~ 1 1 the 1 st XVIII either as a rover or r i idfielder . :',rll ' i~ite S-iminy .

Old :? u'adiamms - Regret the passing on

1 t u'day May 4 of Life Member Des Flynn Dr s had been with the Club for many years _.n1 was President of the Old Paradians Junio r Football Club since its inception in 1975 unt it 111 is joined with St Damians FC in 1982 .We 01 icr our deepest sympathy to Mrs Flynn an d the Flynn Family .

SECTION Old Melburnians 4 17 Old Essendon 5 17 Hampton Rovers 5 12

ighton Ormond 0 1 1 Li ;page Old Haileybury 3 1 1 B RESERVE i=(Sll7athiou Old Haileybury

5 Old Haileybury 3 Rriner Old Paradians 8 ania Therry Penola 0 lunro North Old Boys I

18 10 8 7 7

8 .2 10.5 10.12 13 .18 (98) OD 1 .3 4.5 6.8 9 .10 (64) Old P.Felln,sns: Kennedy 4, Mulligan 4, Betry. Grundy, Hazell, Kinsella, Rol s. Best Berry, Hazell, Mclieon . Kennedy, Theodore, Grundy. P r ad : Fuller 2, Morgan 2, Veltman 2, Apollonio, D Dunne, Hawkins . Best McIntyre, Beard, Sharp, Maskell, Fotiniotis, Fuller . Umpiu s: L. Holmes, T. Sutcliffe (F), R. Se}mour. R. Richards (G) PT ?v F ,EYBURY 5 .6 13 .11 22.16 24 .22 (166) 1 . . : ..? INOLA 3 .1 6.4 9.5 13.8 (86) Old ileybury: O'Farrell 5, Johnstone 4, Graves 3, Goodier 3, Lappage 3 . Kejna 2, Mason 2, S Langford-Jones, Armstrong . Best White, Armstrong, Gaxller, Forsyth, Graves, 0'Farrell . Therr,y Periods: Boyle 3. R Bannister 3, C Bannister 2 . Harries 2, Farolift 2, Peirevski Best 0'sullivan, R Bannister, Faroldi, Castaldi, Freckelton, Betanhi. Umpires: G. tYardrop, G. Thwaites (F) 1IABB'TOtd ROVERS 5.1 8.1 14.4 17.10 (112) OLD PARADIBNS 5.6 10.10 13.16 15 .17 (107) Hampton Rovers: Power 5, Davey 4. Nulling 2, D Anderson, P-rtz, Bromvme, Duddg, S Fodder, Wilmott . Best: Broune. Fairer. Ariz . Davey, Carr. S Atderson. Old Paradians: Boyd 5, O'Meara 2 . Ciavola 2. Dallas, Heffernan, Porteous, Connolly, Curran . Godfrey. Best, Stevens. Ciavvla, Dallas, Godfrey, Body, Pratt. Umpires: A. Stubbs, G. Curran (F), R . Mutton, P. Teasdale (B), K. Segota, C. Shipley (G ) NORTH OLD BOYS 4.4 7.8 10.10 16 .15 (111) ORMOND 5.1 9.1 16 .5 17.7 (109) North Old Boys: J Barker 3, Phyland 2, Hyde 2, Whiteside 2 . Spurting 2, CasLroult I . M Barker, Trimboli, Vogels, Zacek . Best Trhnboll, Boyle, Casbouit . Souders, Roberts, J Barker. Ormond: Black 3, Ferrari 3, Stewart 3, Wilson 2, Marttnov 2, Stone, Arnold, Smith, ?+^I2artin. Best: Martin . Wilson, Miller, Steraart, James, Keleher . Umpires: J. VanBeek, J. KvUUs (F), C. Doyie, S. McKenzie (B), P. Maddocks, K. Brevver (G) OLD BRIGHTON 3.4 7.6 11 .8 12.9 (81) 5.1 8.3 9 .7 11.8 (74) OLD ESSENDON: : Pirrie 4 . Salem 2, Mtui 2, Murch 1, Lennox 1, Exvert 1, N . Old Brighton Williams 1 . Best Lennox, S. Williams, B . Williams, McMahon, Mizzi, Pirrie . Old ESsendon: Hakim 5, Cooper 2. De Morton 1, P. Di Blasi 1 . Fleming 1, Heritage 1 . Best Oxi am, Ryan, P. Di Blasi, Kavanagh, Buckley, Hakim. Umpires: L. Gallagher, M. Cox (F), S. Caruso, N. Woods (B), V. Vescovi, P. Maddecks (G) RESERVES OLD .SfELB S 4.4 6.9 14 .11 20.16(136) fr1AZEPtOD 1.2 4.3 4 .3 6 .3(39) Old MelbvrniAns : Balns 5, Guest 5 . Murray 2, Gallagher, Grant, Murphy, Ray, Selby, Verge, Waddell, whithead . Best: Bains, Waddell, Guest, Campbell, Prowse, Jenkins. Mazenod. Ballenger, Jones, King. Quinn, Thomson, Wilson . Best Wilson, Tilling, Quinn, Morris, King, Pollard . 4 .5(29) 1`frTERRY PEIdOLA 0 .1 1 .3 2.5 OLD 13AII.EYBURY 3 .3 9 .6 12.10 17.13 (115) Therry Penola: L Hollow 2, Christie, H'rg-rrs 1 Best Grant . L Hollow, S.Hollolv, Christie, Henderson, Reynolds Old Hailebu ry: Efstathiau 5, Soma1a 4, A Floyd 3. P Langford-Jones 2, Brandham, J Saunders, Goulden 1 Best: P Wright, Fletcher, Davey, 0'Domiell, Goulden, P Langford-Jone s HAAB'TON ROVERS 2 .2 3 .2 6.5 9.9(63) OLD PARADIA%S 5 .0 9 .3 13.6 17 .7 (109) Hampton: Adams 3, Gray 2, David Anderson, Carson, Levy, Wills . Best Flynn, Lake, Quon, Lanagan . Midwinter, Hoare . Old Paradiaivs: Reiner 8, Palermo 2, Jenkins, Loney, Paglia, Murray . Simpson, Baker, Lombardi . Best: Reiner, Loney, Callaway, Palermo, Cosgruff, Ball . NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .2 10.5 10.9 18.12 (120) 1 .0 1 .4 2.6 2,6(18) ORMOND N o rth Old Boys: P.Bryar 4, Skene 3, Munro, Delaney, T.Cameron 2, Halpui,Clancy, Cassell, Butcher, D.Joyce 1 . Best Halpin. Bryar, Carney, Maher, Foraci, M .Kem edy Demand : Goals : Whelan, Everitt 1 . Best: Goonan, Farrell, Dimadamos, Whelan. Wiley, Brennan. OLD BRIGHTON 0.0 2.4 4.4 4.7 (31) OLD ESSENDON 6.4 10.6 12.6 13.9 (87) Old Brighton: Not reoeived Old E ssendon. Not received.

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Norm Goss Res Coach : Tony Naumo((


Coach : David Murray Res Coach : Tony Collins

1 A. Brudar 2 M. McKellar

1 D. Lancaster 2 A. Quinn

3 D. Busby

3 A. McIntyre

4 S . Anderson (C)

4 A. Hanley 5 D. Maskell 6 N . Marmo 7 S . Morgan 8 R . Foss 9 P. Gooden 10 C . Jayaweera 11 T. Smith 11 D . Hose

5 B . Marlyn 6 T. Witmott 7 A . Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Barker 10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglione 12 B . Culling

13 G. Woods 14 P. Pike 15 A. Browne (VC) 16 D . Marshall 17 D . Arta (VC)

18 S. Rodder 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 G . Carr 22 B. Hoare 23 S. Helliger 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 S . Wills 27 M . Nitschke 28 A. Fisher 29 M . Fletcher 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 Daniel Andersen

12 M . Murray 13 P. Fuller y

14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 M. A pol lin o 17 J . Beard 18 T. O'Dono hu e g 19 S. McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan 22 D. Fotiniotis 23 A . Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 24 J . Mackey 25 A . Pickering 9

53 J . Ng 54 J . Almiento

26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 27 P. Jones 28 P. Nelson 29 R . Sharp 30 5. Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 B. King 33 D . Grant 34 M. Pollard 34 B. Chamberlain 35 R . Hawkins 36 D. Ca rter 37 L. Morgan 38 J . Fisher 39 D. Bradshaw 40 S . Veltman 41 A . McDowell 42 P. FOtiniOtls 43 A . Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 Thomson 46 B . Waldron 47 P. Steinle 48 G. Tilling 49 L . Halvy 51 P. Reed

55 J . Prantzos

52 T. Strawhorn

56 C . Wilkinson 57 S . Rose 58 C . Marinis 59 TWoodruffi

53 A. Strawhom 54 J . Persi 55 L . Fuller 56 L . Rudling 58 D. Morris 59 B . Corfee

35 J . Plodder

36 M. Pearson 37 L . Holt 38 P. Adams 39 N . Goss 40 A. Wearmouth 41 M. Levy 42 M. Lanagan 43 44 B. Johnstone 45 C . Delosa 46 L. Woolrich 47 L. Wheeler

48 L. Carson 49 M . Flynn 50 N. Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 J . Connellyy

60 C . Probyn

62 N . Deeming

61 M . McDowell

LD ~':S

1 J. Cassell 2 D . Keenan 2 D. Waters 3 A. Trimb°li (RVC) 4 S. Sleep 5 B. Devine e D. Skene 6 N. Vogels (DVC) 7 P.Both o 8 B. Couison (C) 9 H. Mapiestone

10 M . Nulty 11 T. Roberts 12 S . Lock T. Halpin 14 D. IGngham 15 C. Farad 16 D. Collins

17 J . Fitzclarenc e 18 C . Murray 19 P. O'Farrell

20 W. Mart in 21 N . Casb°ult 22 D . Tehan 23 B. Whiteside 24 J. Barker (VC) 25 P. Brook s d

28 D. Joyce (RC) 30 M. Leigh 31 L. Boyle 32 M . Phyland a3 M • Barker J. Seed 39 T 35 MDocherty . Carney

36 M . P°latalko 37 J. Eastaugh 38 M . A" °` 40 C. Phyland

42 A . Kennedy 43 D. Zacek 44 T. Spur ng 45 B . Speed 46 P. Daniels 47 T Kennedy 48 A . Munro 49 T. Kooloos 50 T. Drum 51 T.. Brad 52 N Sanders 53 S. Butcher (RVC) 54 D . Demarte 55 M. Joyce 56 D. Sheehan 57 C . Hoskmg 58 T. Cameron 60 M. Cribbes 61 F. Lvnch 62 J. r.nagrath 66 P. Bryar 77 S. Trenton T. AYerbe Chuck B. Clancy 0. Clark R. Evans S . Glover L1 Hyde B. James A. Jordan M. Kelley J . Maher L. Mehan J . Mullins P. O'Dwyer

M. Owen



Ph : 9598 6444



Coach : Garry Foulds Res Coach : Pat Brooks


D . Roda

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Coach : Stuart Glascatt

Coach : Chris u7 v Res Coach : Robert

A . Krzynwiak A . Pirrie C . Barrow (VC) A . MacGillvray N . Perry R . Stewart B. Logan M . Gadsden

I J. Pannagiotopolou 2 S. Evans 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D . Rya n 5 M . Oxnam 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leas k 8 J . Heritag e

Res Coach : Paul Dwyer

9 S. Lennox (VC) 10 J. Mead 11 L. Adamis 11 A. Fitzgerald 12 B. Williams 13 N. Edwards 14 S. Williams (C) 15 C. Mizzi 16 J . Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 19 S . Ginnavin 20 M . L . Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 N . Biggi n 22 L O'Neill

23 N . Milat 24 M .J . T Smith 25 S. Nickas

26 A. Ginnavin 27 D . Paterson 28 N . Williams 29 J . Dickerson 30 A. Brown 31 J . Murch 32 D . Begley

33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C. Stewart 36 M . Wardell 37 B . McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K . Kavanagh 40 41 42 L. Hendra 43 R . Carter 44 R . Sherman 45 46 M . Billionis 47 48 49 B. Scott 50 51 52 53 54 55 M . Gamble 56 57 58 59

9 J . Goodge r 10 S . Bryan t 11 B . Papal

12 J . Kavanag h 13 M . Bossi 14 B . Hakim 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hexte r 18 J . Walker 19 E. Healey 20 D . Hunter 21 S. Dal e 22 A. Merrington

23 J. Hughe 24 J. Dazki ws 25 C. Morgan 26 S. Flemin g 27 D. Barr 28 G . Stevens 29 S. Uebergan g 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D. Caridi 32 J . Mansfield 33 A. Dawso n 34 D. Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 M . Burn s 37 M . Jink s 38 D. Whitfield 39 B . Newbold 40 C . Obliube k 41 S . De Morto n 42 N . Bertram

43 N . Fitzpatrick 44 J. Rush 45 P. Barry 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S. Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 C . Clues 50 A. Nowlan d 51 A. McGowan 52 J . Williamson 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 B . Turner 56 S . Dart 57 W. Conlan 58 T. Williams 60 S . Ceti n

60 61 A . Walsh 62 A . Lync h 63 S . Davies 64 M . Reid

L. R an B. Syneeha n M. Sutto n

Vanderhorst C.M. Wood


Ph : 9597 0166


C t : cn i Leyden Assist: Michael Lovejoy

. .




ie . {RVC)

ng (C)

} tm -d ,n (VC) , If a;d-Jones ge d

.~y :rs (RVC) 1-1 In ] t;n- _~y ;er


>fden :II (RVC) loyle ilayson

rid chardson mi th rtain 9 . Saunders ms I nrson risi ;naia J' .' ier te Smith

G ch: Matt Ryan Res Coach: Peter Slacik I S . Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 M . Cosgriff 4 A . Curran 5 M . Harford 6 D. Stevens 7 P. Cosgnff 8 AA . Sinclai r 9 P. Palerm o 10 P. Brabender 11 A. Burns 12 B . Galloway 13 B . Richardson 14 B . Brabender 15 S . Fellowes 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 18 G . Porteous 19 A. Dean 20 T. Brown 21 D. Loney 22 S. Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A. Heffernan ( C) 26 D . Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 29 J . Dallas 30 A. Boyd 31 N . Dallas 32 P. Pratt 33 S. Ciavola 34 B. Hayes 35 S. Simpson (C-R) 36 B . Dintinosante 42 R . Murray 43 44 D . Furze 45 P. . Paglia 46 R . Clark 47 N . Bal l 48 S . O'Mear a 51 A . Baker 52 M . Joyce 63 54 S .Yeo 55 60 J . Connolly

1 Smith D 2 Theodore S (Co C) 3 Treloar A 4 Hazell M ( Co C) 4 Barrett N 5 Crawshay S 5 Woodford D 6 Holme D (DVC) 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 8 Marks D 9 Grant B 9 Simpson R 10 Robert s T (VC) 10 Marks B 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 12 Hart J 13 Thiele B 14 Verge 9e M 14 Kinsella D 15 Rose M 16 Lewaki A 17 Miller J 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R(DVC) 19 Prowse M 20 Guest J 21 Keeble C 22 Waddell A (RC) 23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Thomas P 26 Kennedy C 26 Walker C 28 Teelovv A 29 Mulligan T 30 Miller J 30 Wu A 31 Sallabank J 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J 35 Ray C 36 Grant J 37 Murray S 38 Bryant T 39 Fie1d D 440 Useinov Z 42 Evans B 43 Farquharson E 44 Grundy P 45 Murphy C 46 Neeson C 47 Harrison T 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Simpson A 51 Kennon M 52 Campbell B 53 Ber ry J 54 Grscheska T 55 Cooley J 56 Mulcahy J 57 Bains A 58 Weir I 59 Alder C 60 Power J 61 Berman J 62 Trim C 63 Quest G 64 Bowes C 65 Pruden J


~' [ ~~~(, [ [t L 'I Il


ftU [

, f~ ~/ €✓ ~/G4 .~i £~i

! },( ~!

-' _ _ ; ,. . ~ _ ,.- .,- ia



~ Coach : tviichael Knuppel As: ' :t: Pat Mannix Res Ct :h : Peter O'Dea 1 L . Wilso n 2 D . Becke tt 3 L . Murphy 4 A. Grace (VC) 5 M. Mar6nov 6 7 S . Keleher (VC) 8 M. Miller 9 G. Hall 10 R . Ma rtin 11 D . Robbins {VC) 12 B . Delidi o 13 B . Stone 1 4S S . Jame s 15 S . Naughton 16 T. Stewa rt (RC) 17 J. Bridges 18 S . Crame y 19 D . Clea ry (RVC) 20 M . McConvill OC 21 R . Wiley 22 Y. Dimadamos 23 J . Knuppel 24 A . Goonan 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan ( RVC) 28 A . Moore 29 M . Broadhurst 30 G . Ritchie (RVC) 31 H. Black 32 A. Lo w 33 M . Collins 34 A. Russell 35 L. Russell 36 D. Casey 37 C. Everitt 38 D. Broadhurst 39 M . Ferrari 40 H. Brown J . Kcolstr a 42 C . Keleher 43 L. Smit h 44 N. Baldwin 45 L . Breitkreuz 46 C . Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 B. Healy 49 S. Metz 50 M. Heffernan 51 D . McKenna 52 S. Betsy 53 G . Hammond 54 F. Melanie 55 J. Putz 56 M. Farrell 57 S . Stephens 58 T. Banks 59 P. Konstanty

AM Coach: Wayne Hermes Assist : Peter Appleford & Mark Finnigan Res Coach: Michael Bosanko Petrevski M 2 Mills A (DVC) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 Ban nister C 10 Veins J 11 O'Sullivan D(VC) 12 Moran R 15 Mct,fial~on A(DVC Res) 16 Goodwin M 17 O'Connor G 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Reynolds L 25 Edwards P 26 Lewis B 27 Garoni M 29 Goodwin S 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 3 2 Sacco J 34 McWhinney M 35 McKay A 36 Barron D 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancarrow M 39 Boyle S(C ) 40 Garonl P 43 Warren M 44 Appleford P 45 Carter M 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 4 8 McAuliffe A 49 Whykes B 50 Barron B 51 Canddoro D 52 Weston D 53 La Fontaine N 54 Riley S 55 Carom M(!C Res) 56 Dunne P 57 Weston S 60 Sacco P 61 Sacco S 62 Caccamo D 63 Moloney A 04 0 'Meara J 65 Stella S 66 Green A 67 Tsinaris G 69 Serong S 70 Kuret L 71 Lyons R 72 Johnson S 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 79 Higgins T 84 Russell G 87 Jones P 89 Christie A(C Res) 93 Smith J 96 Reddan S 98 Hollow B 99 La Corcia M 100 Loiud ice J 104 B iddlesione G 106 Murphy P 108 Thomas D 119 Ratcliffe A 129 Boden D 132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 135 0`Hallaron S

139 FennA


The Friars stamp themselves at the top of the tree, Sainters as usual when under the hammer find something and inflict Beauy's first loss, the Melds, Tigers and Two Blues are awesome, Panthers, Lions, and Bears disappointing, and 415 for me a vast ir^^rovement .

Warringal Park provided a pretty even contest up to the long interval, ith i 's haphazard handball keeping the injury hit in it . After that it was all the visitors as they completely dominated proceedings to come a1-_y 68 point victors Travis St Clair kicked 7 including 6 in the last, Dan Ballard was good, Pittsy put his mark on the game and Ben Sanderson burrowed in like a little Tiger . Good Bears were The Willmore Bros, Brett Wilson and Dave Mutton .

Racecourse Oval saw an even first quarter but after that it was a mere procession as the Fields overwhelmed the young, ,, . 9, 6 and 10 were the Fields output in the last 3 quarters while Mentonians kicked 3 in the last to at least maintain some respectability. Glen Harrison, Rohan O'Neill and Luke Browne were all solid for the Fields while Matt Kennedy in defense again stood tall for the Panthers with support from Shane Voight, and the skipper Tony Bournan . The Fields would like to remind all visiting sides that Rubbish Bins and Brooms are put in away roonis for a reason . Again another even tussle in the first half out at Camberwell had the Friars just in front at the main break. The Wells have been worried by their third term, but when Luke Gladman kicked a couple things were looking good. But the visitors had other ideas kicked 6 .9 to lead by 35 at orange time . After a blast from the coach the Wells made some leeway in the last but the damage was already done as the Friars disposed of another challenger . Matt Power, Sweeper Northey, and Matt Nunan all stood out for the victors as Jordan Heffernan in his 100th Jeremy Goodale and Glady were good Wells . Paul Beddoe certainly has a way of getting his charges up in the crunch games . He challenged his side to show their true form and character on the big ground . Until half time it worked perfectly, but then the Saints appeared to run outta gas allowing Beauy to take charge slam on 7 twins to be 3 points in arrears at 3/4 time . Another nail biter for the Sharks supporters was looming as they kicked first two of the last to hit the iront, but the Saints regrouped finished full of running with 5 late goals to end the home sides winning rim . Sheerly, Clement (Anzac Day all over again) were top Saints, while Beatty were pleased with Chris Martin with 10

McGeoch worthy of a mention, who had bee i pretty con titive in al l games leading into this Round were thumped b_ tj Tig~rs to the tune of some 68 points, Controlling it play from the start a 7 goal 2nd term and a 40 poll lead at half time was virtually the end of pet] sessions . Third term was all Moose's as lie alone ha 12 touches and 6 marks for the term. In the end tl . Tigers were too tall, too fast and too skilled for the disappointing opponents . Andrew Hayes kicked E Mouse Wintle kicked 5 to be potent forwards a n latt vlcCravr was obviously a standou Co1~ ', -is??? ma' :e the short trek acros

town to tackle - r, aâ‚Ź at Toorak Park . After a slo start the Two Bh s are starting to put their gall, together and will be no pushover for their visitor; But I think the Fields will be a fraction faster an this be enough to get them home . the disappointment of la s 'el fD : certainly be fired up in front of di . But I think they will find 01ehomcrwdtay i _ . .-- a tough nut to crack. The Wells forn has been pretty good they just haven't been able tÂą put 4 quarters together but against their younge opponents today they have the chance and will t . athe4poins Can Paul Beddoe or Greg Feutrill get both their side : up again . This question and many more will bt answered this arvo at Friar Park . It's a'tough ask fo the Saixrtezs out at Park Orchards but you have tt admire their character . I'm sure Paul will have then primed, but I i' c are rarely beaten at ho . mandwo'tbeyihr ' r- ~ come across town to be welcomed by t hrampntTiges e . This is a real tough ask for th Bears especially without Jason Plant . The Tiger,, play so well at home, they know all it's confines are in really good touch at the moment and will record another victory today against the Bears who will fight to the death . iris welcome Collegians to Oak Street. Both

losers last week, so will be keen to atone for that todav . The Sharks have yet to really hit their straps this season but still stand with a 3/ 1 win loss ratio still the sign of a good side. Collegians had been ve rcompetivunlaswkoperhtif m is not that good . At home in front of their vocal home crowd and me, I think Beaumaris will win. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

Grammarians, Old Cam be nvell, SIuLECTIOtiS ; Caulfield St 13edes Mentone Tigers, BeaLUnaris, RF,SPONDEPdT'S 9/10 last week Di d PIZESS COF2 I , " t,i ". number Pat?? ?

i~„1 ; our nominations for Player of the Round, , dc , ,dline to submit this report to the VAFA

ippreciate your co-operation in having 1 o r t, to me by 8pm on Monday Nights please . 1,•t ;iils are 9 553 1561 phone and fax at ( )_113 213 541 is the mobile, or email me a t,au

hnnk t ;mt aR>!i keep up the good work.

oi D I4qENTOIVIAAIS - celebrate one of the Club' s ;l success stories as Bobby Sherriff lines u p ,,, 100th game for the Panthers. Bobby walke d ;it, Club 10 years ago and has since become a ,A 1 11 1 : ;ure both on and off the field . Bobby ha s ,ciiird the Club in Senior an d Reserve football ,,,I o_tiched the reserves side, successfully, for two Bobby also helps out off the field and ha s been a great Clubman . Well done Bobby from ,t P:ultherland ! h, Club would also like to congratulate Rowan Fatt Fvho notches up his 50th game for the ,,nthcrs this week - well done Ballsy ! OLD c`AIABERWELL - congratulate Jordan tiejj-ernart who played his IOOt game for the club u i Whitefriars in RD4 . Since joining the club i n an U19, Jordan has been a member of our rand Final team in '98 and a premiership player in l . :'~ hard running utility player who shows his ,lu< i both ends of the field . Well done Jordan on , c,cliing this milestone.

I .fii IT, t0a! L


, :imVaK .9pe r cI ;_tle iiidd

.tnce > 4ain Slcurrie 13ardtvell , : argterson

C SECTIO N Whitefriars Glen Eira Collegians Old Camberwell St Bedes Mentone St Bedes Mentone C RESERVES Beaumaris Whitefriars Collegians Collegians Caulfield

17 14 12 11 11 11 15 12 8 7 7

Prahran v . Caulfield Or . Old Mentonians v . Old Cambenvell Whitefriars v. Glen Eira St Bedes Mentone Tigers v. Banyule Beaumaris v . Collegians ne - c, 11


3.4 4.9 5.13 8 .20(68) PRAIDUIN 4,1 7.5 12.7 21.10 (136) Banyule : B .LVilhnore 3, Batdac, Playfair, Job, D .V.'itchell. O'Connell. BestB .Willmore, BAYilson, N.Taylor, MA1>cllmore, Mutton, Hopgoai . Prabran: St Clair 7 . Bamford 4, A.Pitts 3 . Evans 2, Pang 2, Pickering 2 . Sanderson . Best Sanderson . B .Gellie. St Clair, A .Pitts, Pang, McLean. Umpires: S. Payton . J . Lipson (F) CAULFIELD 3.1 12 .4 18.7 28.11 (179) OLD MENTONIANS 1.5 1 .7 2 .12 5 .16 (46) Caulfield: Not receluecL Old Mentordarts: Not received. Umpires: R. Mayston, M . Taylor (F). R. Mayston (JL G. Kennedy (G ) OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .4 6.8 8.9 13.10 (88) IYFBTEFRIARS 3 .4 7.5 13.14 15 .18 (108) Old Camberwell : Gladman 5 . Goodate 2, Hardman 2, Christie. CredHn,Gough . Lippiatt. Best Christie, Goodale . Hanson . M, Heffernan, Lipplatt. Gladman . Whitefx4are: Carrig;;. C 3. Northey 3, Brice 2, Nunan 2. Pasqualotto 2, Eames, Gioufchen . Mika. Best Power . Janson, Eames . E. Langford, Nunan. Carbone. Umpires: L. Moncrieff. D . Peiris (F). G. Clancy. D . Mott (G ) BEAUMARSS L3 3.8 10.13 13.14 (92) GLENEIRA 5,6 8 .11 10.15 15 .21 (111) Beaumari5: Pitts 5 . Boctor 3, Buller 2, Coote 1, lee 1 . Giodoni 1. Best Martin McGeoch, Pitts, Lee, Nurman, Buller . Glen Eire: McCaw 3. Varrvakas 3. Hall 2, marshall 2. Ryan 2, Clement 1, Maghki 1 . Dootan . Best Sheedy, Trecz, Pryde, Weadon, Clement, McCaw . Umpires : N. Fennessy . S. Morgan (F) COLLEGIANS 0 .4 3.6 7.10 11 .11 (77) ST.BEDES MEN1bNE 3 .7 10.12 15.15 21 .19 (145) Collegians: Mooney 4, Woolhouse 2, Dixon 2, Hoist, Harrison, Sorkin . Best Harrison . Phillips. Atkinson, Fry, Hoist, McKenzie . St .Bedes Mentone : Hayes 6, M.Wintle 5, Kidd 3, Hippwe112, Kingwell2 . Povnton, L.Wintte, Spencer. Best: M.WinUe, Hayes . C'Hutlier, Kidd, Napier, McCraw. Umpires: D. Irons, B. Woodhead (F) . R. Benson (J) (B), L. Pell. R . Dunstan (G) BES1:8M BANYULE 1 .1 4.1 7 .3 9 .3 (57) PRAIIRAN 5.3 7.6 12 .8 14.12 (96) Banyule: H.McDermott 4, P.Witchell 3. George, D.tViison . Best M.Smith, Bott, Thiveos . Reed, Cross, CA§`il8ams . Prahran: Fraser 6, Kellow 2. James 2, Aisbett, Palealimos, Rose . Wmdrldge. Best Carboy, Kellow . Fraser, Quick, H.Pitts, Kindridge. CAULFIELD 7.4 12.10 17.14 23.19 (157) OLD MEM'OtYlANS 1 .1 1.2 1 .3 1 .3(9) Caulfield: Not receftied. Old Rfentonians:20ot recevied. OLD CAMBERWELL 3.4 6.4 11 .7 16.10 (106) WI-BTErRTARS 1 .2 7.3 10 .4 12 .5 (77) Old Camberwell: Cramer-Roberts 5, Tempone . R 2, Dapiran 2, Fogarty . Cantor, Hardenberg, Kearney, Margetts. Tipper. Eves . Best CramerRoberts, Margetts. Tempone. R, Derry. S . Tipper, Hardenberg. Whitefriass : Swain 4, Dance 3, Anderson 2. CahID, Glenn, Nolan. Best Maqu¢e, Eames, Swain, Glenn, Treyvaud, Reid . BEAUMARIS 1 .2 7-4 12 .6 19.12 (126) GLEN EIRA 1.0 3 .2 3 .3 4.5(29) Beaumaris : Colons 6, Vance 4, May 2. Nish 2, Gibson 2, Gourtay 1, Gionis I . Cairns 1 . Best Collins, Gbnts . Thompson. Gray, May. Dresnell. Glen Eira: Tsagliotis 2, Benton 1, Sheehan 1 . Best Pasca)i, Brown . Benton, Jones, Evans, Tsagliotis. COLLEGIANS 1.3 3 .5 7.9 8 .12 (60) ST.BEDES MENTONE 1.0 3 .2 3.2 4.5 (29) Collegians: T.Krotlris 2, Kemteatly 2, Abbott, Harding. Gregson, Safstrom. Best Abbott, White, Grtbble, Vial, Krotiris, Dowling . St .Bedes Mentone: Connor 2 . Parsons, Cunningham . Best Wilson, Marshall, Porter, Walsh, Dean, Drury .

I°_'eeE.end Matches ( .-ri) Umpires A ppointments Scores (Sat . night) 1 (charges ;nay ll° tgherlrom a mobile phone to Mrs service) L------------------------------1




„I ;t

I , - 7Res: , n . Witel l 2 D T! 3 S. Kayrooz 4 B . O'Connor 5 B. Wllmore 6 S. Tuckman 7 J. Pearson 8 B . Cantwell 9 J . Plant 10 B . Moxin 11 S. Cross 12 J. Egan 13 C. Burke 14 B . Woodlock 15 S . Gray 16 A. Dooley 17 A. Small 18 J . Turnbull 19 P. Witchell 20 S . Playfair 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C . Taylor 23 S. Gray 24 A. Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 P. Heal y 28 D . Spoules 29 J . O'Callahan 30 D. Mutton 31 C. Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 B. Reed 34 C. Stevens 35 L. O'Connell 36 M . George 37 T. Thompson 38 W. Keenan 39 A. Hopgood 40 N. Taylor 41 P. Job 42 C. Taylor 43 L. Ferrel 44 A . Covery 45 M. Smith 46 D. Nasrallah 47 K. Scholes 48 P. McCann 49 G. Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Bott 52 D. Noonan 53 T. Cusack 54 B . Wilson 55 D . Williams 56 T. Jubb 57 K. Mahony 58 L. Orton 59 L . Richardson 60 L . Holt 61 B. Parkes 62 J . Gilham 63 D. Playfair 64 S . Taylor 65 M. Thiveos 66 M. Vanpoeteren 67 C. West 68 M . Wilmore 69 C. Williams


Air : rg r

-ah : Tim Rieniets John McNicholas

Res Coach : Mick Carty 1 P. Brook 2 H . Gibson 3 M. Pitts (Vc) 4 M . Matulick 4 D. Porter 5 M . Ensor (Vc) 6 A . Spence 7 D . Foley 8 M. O'brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Le e 11 L . Stevens 12 L . Healy 13 C. Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 A . Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L . Atkins 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A . Lo w 20 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 23 A. Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 Q. Groves 26 T. Broadbent 27 B. Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin (Vc) 30 K . Alexander 31 J. Mcgeogh 31 P. Ott 32 B. Cairns 33 G. Jury 34 J . May 35 N . Boctor 35 S. Nish 36 R . Deaton 37 R. Presnell 38 J . Gerrand 39 D. Guidolin 40 S. May 42 A. O'brien 43 B. Ferguson 44 J . Deluka 46 M . Talbot 47 M . Stanojevic 48 R . Corfield 49 J . Bryc e 50 B . Presnell 51 S . Coote 52 N . Aprea 53 R . Rawlins 54 A. Thompson 60 C. Gionis


Coach : Dean Anderson Res Coach: Marlin Dicrost a t D . Rosman 2 B. Hal l 2 A. Sorensen 3 C. Knight 4 M . Liddell 4 T. Vinen 5 N . GuyeG 5 S. Kendall 6 N. Craven 6 B . Minter 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R . Foote 8 5. Cossart-Waish 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (C) • 11 C. Dea l 12 D. Pearce 12 S. Fryers 13 D . Gurr 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G. Harrison 18 B. Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 W. Brockett 20 H. Vella 21 M . Pennycuick 22 C. McAssey 22 M . Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 G . Evans 26 S .4Vidjaja 27 R. Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J.Jacobs 29 D . Williamson 30 D . Ellias 31 S. Craven 32 L. Browne 33 C . McGrath 34 J. Margerison 35 S. Thompson 36 M. Cramphom 37 T. Messer 38 J . Restarick 39 J. Santiago 40 R .O'neill 41 M. Anderson 42 D. Synman 43 J . Smith 44 N . Coutts 45 D . Scott 46 G . Erickson 47 A. Desousa 48 S . Buckeridge 49 B . Gardner 50 C . Pearce 51 G. Robinson 52 A. Sinclair 53 P. Carte r 55 C. Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 N . Joughin 59 P. Crocker 60 N . Fallu 61 N. Bannon 62 B . Goddard 63 64 65 71 M Cassidy

Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Andrew Kenneall y

oach: Paul Be,,,oe Res Coach: TBA

I J . Dixo n 1 M . Ryan 2 M .Johnson 2 N . Astapenko 3 B. Mooney 3 C . Massi s 4 D. Atkinson 4 D . Cassar 5 A. Henebery DVC 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 Y. Phillips 7 D . Surkitt 6 J . Zagame 7 J. Farley 7 S . Vamvaki s 8 C. Unsvrorth CAPT 8 M . Dimashki 9 J . Fry 9 G . Hayes 10 J . Lang 10 G . Richards 10 S . Harding 11 B . Clements 11 B. McKenzie 12 B . Kin g 12 N . Harrison 13 G. Brown 13 N. Thomas 14 D. Phillips 14 C . Grey 15 L.Cottom 15 F. Buckley 16 A . Fletcher 16 A. Taranto 17 R . Hosking V C 17 A. Russo 18 T. Krotiris 18 M . Dimachki 19 A. Robertson 19 K . Dimachki 20 H. Sallmann 20 A. Diamond 2t C. Harris 21 P. Jone s 22 S . Piasente 23 C . Mollard 22 S. Emmett 24 B.Lo w 23 S . Neeson 25 R . Mui r 24 B . Mascali 25 D. Gambaro 25 P. Khazaal 26 S . Woolley 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 A . Shinkfield 27 R. Gilmore 28 N . McCann 28 P. Commer(ord 29 A. Kenneally 29 R. Dimachki 30 L . Gormley 31 N. Roach 30 L. Pryde 32 D. Browning 31 T. Aberiine 33 B . Hoist 32 M. D'Zilva 34 A . Smith 33 A.Sheedy 35 S. Beilby 34 L. Hal l 36 G . Cooper 35 J . Commerford 37 M . Foster 36 K . Daou 38 T. Dyer 39 N. Hart 37 40 R . Bardwell 38 M. Lewin 41 N . Baxter 39 J . Egan 42 N . Abbott 40 L. Doolan 43 M. White 41 H . Walls 44 J. Gregson 42 J. Gusman 45 R.Le w 43 T. Knowlan 46 C. Rowe 44 S. Diamond 47 R . Sztar 48 E . Waters 45 A. Caruana 49 J. Clark 46 T. Evans 50 D . Vial 47 J . Serpanchy 51 J . Melbourne 48 J . Haliwell 52 B . Grant 49 M. Benton 53 J . Van Berke[ 50 A. Dimashki 54 B. Woolhouse 51 B. Zura k 55 T. Cook s 52 A . Haines 56 B . Lumb 57 C. Peck 53 S . Rees 58 D. Smith 54 M. Kassar 59 J . Miller 55 L. McGaw 60 D . Dowling 56 J . Kokkinoptilis 61 D . Cook 57 S . Hall 62 D. Drummond 58 C. McMurrick 63 D. Rodgers 59 P. Merrick 64 M . Dribble 65 C . Safstrom 60 A. Guzz o 66 S. Porter 61 M. Tkocz 67 D . Osborne 62 D. Sheehan 68 L . Wilson 63 D. Dunlevie 70 T. Skurrie 64 A . Patane 77 L. Beardsley 65 M. Dimou 66 J. Valkanis 67 N . Daou 68 M . Merrick 69

THE Of 7ECOF -- : HOTEL CNR. r--FE .- & 4'1AVEr`3LL .' Fo a. 6vERN EAST



E ~C C

Coach: Jeff, Costello Res Coach: Jamie Winduss

in C)

j`. j CVC)

C) d (C) (VC) I .

~ an

ri nberg

,an J 6',': C T


Robe rts rnzie S° n L r : csan s:r J C_r ry 9 : at enz e Orw1n G ("msby R mpone eis = r' 1 riay S Jones Cantor '' anue ll J )orn e Lncock L i i°, ~mas

Coach : Derek Hine Res Coach : John Ross



MENT( Coach : Russe

_; ;


Coach: Greg Feutnll Res Coach : Connor Eame s

Res Coach : Danny S1 rice r 1 A. Acreman 2 C . Twentyman 3 B. Murphy 4 D . Carroll 5 C. Mackay 6 C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 W. Ballantin e 9 S . Boothey 10 S . Voigt 11 D . Solley 12 C . Dwyer 13 R . Ball 14 K. Campbell 15 J. Costello 16 D . Nock IVC) 17 N . Linford

1 D. Herders 2 M . Harvey 3 J . Lane 4 P. Quick 5 H. Pi tts 6 A . Corboy 7 S . Pang 8 C . Bamford 9 A . Bunnett 10 B. Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 A. Van Rooyen 13 C . Mclean 14 B. Sanderson 15 I . Dennis 16 A. Rhodes 17 T. R ankin

18 T. Bournon (C)

18 MI. Wndodge

19 A. Palmer 20 S. Mullin 21 A. Drinan 22 L. Georgiadis 23 N. Moodie (R C) 24 A . Lowe 25 T, Fava 26 A . Ma rtin 27 G. Katris

19 A . Millican 20 J . Kellow 21 G. Paleodimos 22 N . R obe rts 23 S. Glynn 24 T. Fraser 25 L . Aitken 26 T. St .Clair 27 W. Walford

28 D . Ki tto 29 A . Ca rter 30 D . Russo 32 G. Herring 33 S. Wo rr ell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D. Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 B . Sheriff 39 T. Riley 40 T. McManus 41 S . Cozens 42 C. Rushworth 43 M . Lewe s 44 L. Sumer 45 M . Kennedy 49 M . Fisher 50 G. Richards 51 N . Fisher 52 D . O'Connor 53 M. Stroud 54 D . Goodbody 56 R . Harper 60 G . Shattock 61 B. Saunders 62 R. Johnson 64 M . Aus ti n 65 M . Petrie 66 M . Mackay y

28 R Kelly

29 W. Taseft 30 M . Scicluna 31 T. Dukic 32 D. Ballard 33 S . Pickering 34 L. Norman 35 B . Gallia 36 J . Killee n 37 T. Anthony 38 J. Macdonald 39 G. Castledine 40 A. Wood 41 J. Upton 42 T. Maher 43 D . Decarteret 44 D. James 45 M. Vagg 46 M. Vear 47. S . Brewer 48 D. Deea rteret 49 L. Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S . Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 M . Evan s 54 C . Morgan 55 S. Ramage S. Earle 57 S. Moylan 58 G . Finkelde 59 C. McCamish 60 B. Klindworth 61 . 62 S . McKenzie-McHarg 63 A Gelli e

1 P. Wintle 2 L . Wintle (C) 3 C . Tesorerio 4 A. L'Huillier 5 S. Napier 6 A. Ryan 7 N . Owen 8 J. Cunningham 9 M . Terrell 10 M . Wintle 12 J . Kane 13 D. Goodchild 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A . Hipwell 17 M . Sellings 18 S. Hecker

19 A. Dru ry 20 J. Drury 21 P. Fedderson 22 D. Poynton 23 D. Napier 24 T. Beasley 25 D. Samya 26 M . Hecker 27 S . Kingwell 29 T . Marshall

30 D. Falkingham 31 N . Connor 32 G. Strachan 34 C . Barnes 35 D . Moss 37 M. Connolly 38 A. Hayes 39 D . O'Brien 40 B. Beasle y 41 R . Bignell 42 M. Wilson 43 S. Butts 44 J . Recupero 45 R. Gould 46 P. Lynch 47 T . Waters 48 A. Scafidi 49 S . Walsh 50 S . Kidd 52 M . Kurts 53 M . Ubert i 54 M . McCraw 55 A . Basham 56 J. Chaplin 57 M. Lomagno 58 M. Zakic 60 M. McColl 62 M. Dea n 64 P. Scagliotti 65 T. Lamb 66 R. Parsons 67 S . Meyer 73 L. Po rt er 79 P. Russo

1 C. Wood 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Phan 6 P. Campbell 7 D. B ri ce 8 B . Janson 9 C . Maguire 10 R . Pasqualott o

11 R . Reidy

12 T. Hughe s 13 T. Hilton (DVC) 14 T. Carrigg 16 J. Powe r 17 A. Carbone O C 18 C. Fulton 19 M . Jongebloed

20 D. Rei d

21 K . Kennedy 22 T. Langford 23 E . Eame s 24 R . Mik a 25 M. Vemal ( VC-Res ) 26 C . Ryan 27 L. Swain 28 C . Eames (C-Res) 29 A. Glenn

30 M . Power (DVC)

31 L. Engley 32 G . Kenned y 33 M . Duffy 34 D. Gloufche v 35 C. Law 36 D . M . Nunan 37 C . Carrigg (VC) 38 39 D . D 'Sousa 40 M. Cahill 41 C . O 'Connor 42 M. Northe y 43 N. Elliott (VC-Res) 44 B. O' Connor 45 S. Cleve n 46 G . Johnson 47 D. Crea 48 J . Treyvau d 49 C. Danc e 50 M . Mallady 51 S . McClintock 52 A . Baggeley 53 C . Andrew s 54 S . Gillen 55 D . Fedele 56 R . Murray 57 E. Stone 58 S. Alexande r 59 N . Brisbane 61 M . Baker 62 J. Anderso n 64 M . Mead

64 J . Belche r 65 C. Webb

66 C. Weaver

',LL ELEt; i tticAL & GAS HOME APPLIANCES 9 8 5 7 8 0 61

67 M . Davies 68 B . Aisbett 69 T Spierings 70 G. Northway 71 O. Lappin 72 M. Kousal 73 J. Warr

74 P. Limoli L-

„„rE a rs

74 M. Johnston

Clearcut Hairdressing IFCO



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Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). ® Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ® 21 MVP's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .



Phone: 13 15 52 24 Hour Emergency 0418 333 11 8 M -0 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBAL I FR 9W



CV.-,h1 PRESS Two weeks back I mentioned, but did not name, three sides that were not far behind the Vultures, St Leos, and the Hoes in the Finals Stakes. One of them was Aquinas, now sitting 3rd, and the other two were AJAX & Uni. Blacks, both of which demonstrated their potential last week. As it usually does, D1 Section will provide a viciously intense competition for places in the Second Round action.

his HBF. The Blues best were Mark and John Bolton in the ruck, with Sam Thompson at HF, all making Headers less suicidal !


`one meet OGGs and it is difficult to see diet lettis this one slip . The Vultures have had such great start to their season and are obviously settled combination, whereas OGGs revarnpe del nee has yet to yield the expected benefits . Tli Vultures to wti by 5 goals .

Bulleen Temp shocked the socks off Mentone but the Vultures still continued their winning ways . Tony Macgeorge moved to the centre after half time to add some 'oomph' to the centre clearances and it worked. Other good players for the Vultures were all Sullivans Steve (OB), Mick (HB), Matt in his 150th, and Chris in his 100th . Most unwise to deck a Sullivan, I'd say! The Bullants best were 'Waxy 'Williams (You'll have to fi ll inc in on that one Robbie!), Chivers all over, plus Smith and Prior as usual in defence . Old Geelong went down to a revitalized AJAX, who led all day in a confidence building performance . The Jackas had winners everywhere, but Jonathan Berger up forward, defenders Grant Samuel & Matt Dudakov, & Gary Blieden roving, managed to stand out even so . OGGs had good efforts from McKay, Fairbairn, Betts and Redin , University Blacks had the size, pace, and coordination, to leave Ivanhoe Assumption reeling in a major upset . The Hoes were jumped in the 1st term and struggled thereafter on a day in which the Blacks allowed them little respite. The Cunningham brothers burned blindingly for Blacks, with winger Green, and on-haller Moss not far behind . Ross Toogood at BP was the Hoes' best, and Dwayne Denby and Colin Brown toiled hard on a horrid day for Rob, John, & Don, let alone Brad Hall and his squad. Williamstown found St Leos pace and strength a major problem, but only in the last term, when the Parks broke free and kicked 10 goals . It took the move of Brad Bird into the ruck to kick start the Parks in the end, when, ably supported there by Ashley Brown, and Andrew Burgess in defence plus Guy Donovan in mid-field, it all happened for the visitors. Good effort by C4', who cannot be far off a win ! Monash were unable in the end to counter the Aquinas machine but they had it seriously concerned even at the last break . Jason Coghlan was a brilliant on-baller for the Bloods, Daniel Den Braber's ex derriere post siren goal at ?-tiune was the match turn round point, and John Jess was safe on 16

takes on Uni. Blacks in the battle of th Latent Finals' Aspirants and what a terrific gam this should be . Hope the rain forecast for Frida doesn't glug up the Gary Smorgan so these talente teams can be seen at their best . Blacks will have height advantage, while the youthful Jackas' spee will see them first to the ball more often . A dead se toss up this one, so I'll defy convention by going to the Blacks by a few points, thereby ensuring m continued unpopularity in both cainps !

Ivanhoe will face St Leos Emmaus VVT with thei confidence severely dented from last week's loss, bu at Elsternwick Park, will make things hard for th~ visitors today . The Hoes could well have so ndifcultyopngwitheParks'bvyofquick s which I think will be the critical point today . Then won't be much in it, but I tip St Leo's will win a tigh match by a kick. 'nas (1C at home to Bulleen Temp will need tc ch ie Bullants who have lifted their gam( considerably in the past 2 rounds (I got the messag( Dean!). Both these sides have a'shoot out' approacl and are prepared to sacrifice defence in favour of al out attack . So far, the Bloods have been the mon consistent, but the Bullants could rightly say the} should be judged on their rounds 3 & 4 efforts, no the first two. Even so, you can't go past the Blood : by about 2 goals after a ripper game . Williamstown CY host Monash Blues, with bott desperate for their first four points to relieve tha wobbly winless feeling . Both have shown greal improvement in recent outings, but with the Blue~ having good players returning as well, they should win this one by a couple of kicks .

Reserves winners should be : Vultures, Jackas, Parks, Bloods, & Ashers . Correspondents the contacts are, 9889 1979 (H & F), 0409 172 558, b 'ckey6Cbigpond .corn 9 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2 W,

I lateurs v. Old Geelon g v. University Blacks umption v. St Leos Emrnaus of Eisfer i=wiCk Park Saturday .,, ; 0 C v. Bulleen-Templestowe - TEA CYMS v. Monash Blues

Di G~ :CTIOi : M entone 4 St Leos 2 Bulleen TemplestoWe 4 AJAX 7 Ivanhoe 0 Aquinas 1 AJAX 4 Dl RESERVES AJAX 4 Ivanhoe 0 University Blacks 1 2 St Leos



Bi . .., I . . . - 5.1 11 15.3 !; .' i112 Mi;",'i'G ; ; 5.5 8.8 12 .11 18 .: :(? Bulleen T : m owe: G .McLaren 5, D.23. hews 4. RWilliams 2. D.Daskalou 2, D.TuIlrxh, APanou. T.Cattermole, ATehan, G.Chkws. Best, Rl'Jilliams, G.Chivers, S.Smlth, J .Prior. T.Cattermote. G .&ScLaren. .*+ientone : T.MacGeorge 4, Matt Sullivan 3. S .Rmviey 3, T.Barr 2, D.Peerrinn. Mick Sullivan . S.Sullrian . RGatiagher, C.C gler. C.Sulli4-an. Best M.Dixon, Mick SUWuan. T.MacGeorge, M.Barr. S .Ulllvan, S.RowEey Umpires: P. James (R) (F ) 14 .14 (98) OLD GEELONG 21 .14 (140) AJAX Old Geelong: Salter 3, Fairbain 2, Farker 2 . McKay 1, Redin 1 . Goldsworthy 1, Jauguentis 1 . Malphs 1, Reran 1. Couch 1. Be tttay, Betta . Fairbain . Redin. ;en 1 . AJAX; Berger 7, Davis 4, Freund 2, Bb ien 2,' 2 . 1 .' Brain 1, Duzenman 1. Best: DaGis. Berg -. B! t. Sa :-nuei, t r. Dc akov . : P. Lamb (F) . M . Ladd (B) Um BI.a._ .5.3 7.8 12 .13 17.15(117) 7,6(48) 2.3 3 .4 5.4 University 1 :k<. 13, Chatfield 3, Cunningham 2. B. Cunningham . Best Chatfield. B. ; 2 O'Donnell 2, Nethe ,c 1 2, Green 2, Mos Cun'v gham. M . Clmnc ;Ikun . Green. Moss. ` :on. Ivanhoe Assumption: Frisina 3, Flynn 2, P 1, aunders 1 . Best Toogood, DenbyBrown, PtarkSe`s'icz, S n ; i.-ar s. Umpr : R . Semmeas (RDL), M. Wtttmarm (F) . B . Monaghan (RDL), A Goac L) (B). L. felawopeubs, T, Gilles (G)

8.6(54) 2.3 6.5 8.6 42 7.7 9 .11 19.15 (129 ) Bias an CYa"s5 : Wheeler 4, Holland 2, Munro 1, A Bergin 1 . t3~.:st GaLc it. Wuehat.4h, Cocks. Wheeler, B Hynes, Saunders . St Leos: . ennell 4, Buckle 3 . Bird 2, N Hodder 2, Krebs 2 . Burgese.e 2. Vaughan 1, Manton 1, Riste =ski I . J Hodder 1 . Best Donman, Ristesrski, Brown, Zalakos . McKenzie, J Hodder Umpires: R. Sneddon (R) J. Parksinscm (EDL) (F), N. Httchen, C. O'Shea (B) MONASH BLU"S. 1 .1 5.6 9.7 10.8 (68) AgU1PiAS O C 4 .2 5.4 8.9 16.13 (109) . Monash Blues: Lloyd 2 Webb 2 . Gregory 2, McGregor 2, McCormick 2, Thomr---en 1 . Best Wind, Bolton . Smythe. Gregory, Lloyd . Chesari. Aquinas: Tarulll 4, Flynn 2 . Litiungstone 2, Box 1, Denbraber 1 . Hunt 1, Chapman 1 . Coghlan 1 . Quinn, Whitehead 1, Cultrera 1 . Best Bethune, Cogtilan, Quinn . Denbra r, Tarulli, D r Umpires : S . Ollv+ , R . : (F) BULLEEN TF-MPLESTOFTE 1 .7 3.9 4 .10 4 .10 (34) 5.1 9.2 11 .7 12 .15 (87) MENTONE Boileau Templestorre: RParris. RLea, J .Florance . D.Williams. Best J.Matthews . D .&Iaarun. L.Norbury. P.Ederards, E .0'Halloran, N.Macrid~Mertone: P.Emmett 6. S.May 2. S.Waters 2, J.McCarttry. M.Joyce. Beat' P.Emmett, M.EtceIl, S.Barker, G .Uptin . M.Joyce. OLD GEELOlVG 0.1 0.4 0.5 2.7 (19) AJAX 13 5.6 8.6 13.7 (85) Old Geelong: Chubb 1, Cole 1 . Best Seymour, Clarke . Chubb. AJAX: Cooper 4. Cukierman 3 . Goldman 2, Goldellein 1, Ltew`i I, Erlich, Glezer 1 . Best: Glezer, I.;nsin, RÂątterman . Gelbart . Miller, Goklenfein . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 .3 6.8 8.9 12.11 (83) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 1 .0 2.3 5.3 &4 (40) University Blacks: Hanna 4. Mirtschin 3 . Woods 2 . Taasel 1, Goonan 1 . Powell 1 . Best wbOds . Torney, Koolcos, Gorman . Costello, Gray. Ivanhoe Assumption: Shuttlewnrth 2. Butler 2. Fahoor 1, Wood 1 . Best: Tucker. Wood, Butten. Curtain . Thackwray, Cotter. iSTOWiY CYMS 1 .2 3.6 4.9 4.11 (35) ST LEGS E US 4.4 5.7 11.9 17.11 (113) Williamstown Cyms: Burgess 1, Smith 1. Dowsey 1 . S'.Ouda 1 . Best Buttigieg, Saccocctio, C Bergin . Dowsey, fiingham, Tinham St Leos : M Contessotto 3, Bethune 2, Mitchell 2, Morrison 2, Prosser 2 . G Contessotto 1 . Mcinerney 1 . Parker 1, Raynor 1, Shrondson 1, Ymer 1. Best- G Contessotto, Mitchell, Morrison, Bethune, M Contessotto, Ymer hYOtYAS1I BLUES 2 .5 4.9 11 .12 16.15 (111) 5.8(38) AQUINAS 0 C 1.3 3.5 3.6 Moanash Blues: Shields 4, hawkuvs 3 . Forster-Kni.~~tt 2, Ttnkier 2, Green 1, 1; `1 J r . Baxter 1 . Kars 1 . Best Clark, payne. Forster-Knight, Shields . Tinkler, Hawkins . Aquinas: Gerrish 2, Jones 1 . Jeffrey 1 . Jess 1 . Best Gerrish, Edwards. Evans . hLvzanti. Jess. 17

3 bOx uward fIG''I d


Gold (C) : . :. Konsky

3 J . Sharp 4 M . Dudakov (VC) 5 B . Davis (VC ) 6 D . Kal b 7 G. Samuel 8 B. Klei n 9 A. Rosen 10 G . Dukes 11 M . Weisler 12 D . Goldenfein 13 A. Freun d 14 A. Butt 15 J . Segal 16 M . Sega l 17 A . Cukierman 18 J. Kirzner 19 M. Halphen 20 M. Buckley 21 D. Gelban 22 A.Bock 23 B . Ritterman 24 J . Bram 25 M. Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 J. Berge r 28 A. Zemski 29 A. Joffe 30 A. Letkovic 31 P. Glazer 32 D . Janover 33 S. Boon 34 B. Lewski 35 D. Miller 36 W. Seve l 37 S . Newstad t 38 B. Erlich (Res VC) 39 D . Vanaken 40 M . Borenstein 41 D. Goldberg 42 E . Rubenstein (Res C) 43 E. Janover 44 A Lust (Res VC) 45 Y. Attic 46 A Goldman 47 G. Blieden 48 A. Friedman 49 M. Montag 50 A. Cooper 51 J . Jolson 52 A. Lewi n 53 A. Haiphen 54 E. Goldman 55 J. Kaicer 56 L . Herat 57 A.Osowicki 58 J . Sesser 59 J . Blanktiled 60 J . Weinberg 61 J. Freeman 62 D. Weislitzer 63 R. Silberma n

I T. Jess 2 C. Thomas 3 S. Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D. Minogue 7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 8 S. Kelly 9 T Harkin 10 D. Boland 10 C. Field 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A. Larkin 15 A. Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 18 D . Saliba 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Woolen 20 P. Fares 21 C. Quinn 21 J. Pierce 22 S. Flynn 23 J. Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B . Valombelio 26 R. Weekes 27 S .Jones 27 C . Munro 28 G . Burch 28 J . Holly 29 J . Box 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J. Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarul( i 35 A. Chapman 36 A . Everitt 37 G. Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 L . Sheffield 40 A. Cuitrera 41 G Davies 42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 45 M. Reilly 45 G. Coyle 46 M. Hope 47 D. Bower 48 R. Mazzanti 49 M . Hobbs 50 M . Ditchfield 51 A Gerrish 52 J. Burden 53 S. Verona 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 P. Cruickshank 57 G. Cochrane 58 D . Robinson 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A. Berni e 68 J . Coghlan 70 C. Lyng 71 G. Evans

i : Doug Sear l R Cc h : Mal Prior I J. Prior 2 D . Williams 3 S. Young 4 W. Thompson 5 S . McLaren 6 P. Graham 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bone 9 B. Todd 10 P. Tsokas 11 G . Chivers 12 A. Parris 13 D. Tultoch 14 A . Panou 15 B. Wolnizer 16 S. Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D. Matthews 24 D. Martin 25 T. Matthews 26 S . Boyd 27 J, O'Donnell 28 R . Parris 29 D . Bon e 30 D . Florence 31 A. Shine 32 R. Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 L. Thompson 38 S. Meadows 39 J . Florence 40 S . Meadows 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M. Mason 44 R . Schneider 45 A. Tehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 C. Morivitis 48 A . Morivitis 49 B . Touriganis 50 D . Glove r 51 T. Cattermole 52 J . Gun n 53 A . Boyd 54 S . Dowlan 55 N . Macrides 56 A. Theunisson 57 G . Vimpani 58 D. Tsoka s 59 D. McNamara 60 D. Horvath

Coach : Brad Hail Res Coach : Colin Donal d 1 S . Conley 2 M . Maud 3 C . Tucker 4 T O'Neill 5 J. Scoble 6 T. Healy 7 P. Rawley

8 J . Shuttleworth 9 M . Thackwray 9 E . Healy 10 P. Le e 11 B . Valkanis 12 L. Hull-Brown 13 S. Narkiewicz 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . Cur' fin 16 P. Harris 17 S. Morris 18 T. Scoble 19 D. Wood 20 J . Matthew 21 L. Blackwood 22 C . Cascun 23 D . Rya n 24 B. Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 M . Emerson 27 P. Manuel 28 J . Pace 29 C . Hocking 30 M. Sloan 31 D. McFarlane 32 L. Pearce 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P. Kearns 36 C . Zeegers 37 P. Cameron 38 R. Peoples 39 M . Ebbage 40 P. Marti n 41 C. McDonald 42 B . Martin 43 T. Peake 44 A. Pace 45 D. Fryer 46 M . lacouangelo 47 A. Jackson 48 R. Toogood 49 A Rosenfeld 50 N . Shuttleworth 51 D . Pearce 52 S. Sampson 53 E. Marino 54 A. Bubba 55 E . Healy 56 S . Saunders 57 P. Cotter 58 N . Blainey 59 J. Herbert 60 M . Martineo 6 9 J . Mazocca ` 8 C Brown 99 G. Robertson

1 S . Rowley 2 R . Gallagher 3 M. Dixon 4 D . Emmett 5 A. White 6 C. Stephens 7 K. Gurtler 8 D. Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 M . Hovey 11 6 . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Hayes 13 A . King 14 M . Etcel t 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C. Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 P. Kring s 21 D . Kelly 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith 25 G. Uptin 26 A . Rock 27 M . Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M. O'Brien 29 S. Barker 30 P. Dixon 31 S. Fanning 32 B. Coleman 33 N. Wilkins 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 A. Fimster 40 G. Simms 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C. Ross 47 J . Tully 48 Mick. Walsh 49 A . Cousins 50 G. McMillan 51 G . Hollingworth 52 K. McLeod 53 D . Noonan 54 D. Bray 55 C. Leifting 56 S . Sullivan 57 D . Fraser 58 J. Noonan 59 Matt . Walsh 60 D . Fenech 61 K, Lockhart 62 N. Levett 63 S . Waters 64 A . Pothitos 65 T. Allinson 66 D . Cagney 67 M, Joyce 68 D. Gillespie 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara

MENTONE P .SJ.. 9 Palermo St, Mentone * Function Room r Restaurant * Pokies

9583 2841 18





1 S. Rowan 2 H. Burbank (C) =n

ean n ater IC) -

n ttta ntas tl1 y n ; t Yaung (VC) 1am C ner A ins

Jr t ry St,

3 M . O'Brien 4 Steve.Jones 5 T. Redin 6 C. McKay 7 B . Morri s 8 T. Seymour 9 D. Salter (C)

10 W. Temple-Smith 11 L. Stevens 1 2 N . Camero n 13 S . O'Brien 14 D . Taylor 15 H . McCarthy 16 B. Couch



Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Adam Chubb Club 18 : Sean Wilson

w ey

urch e 6 liams an ; nnan Sn i Bolton EtOn ~ am -at aghty

31- n Ryan tha Carey

9 Ll Payne i :`. Clark P ::,•ne

Moresi P-l Gr an I fhcCOrmick L VOlkov P. Munro 58 F. Eley 59 B . Carstein 30 S . Lloyd 32 L. Kats 64 J . Prosser 35 G. Pol lase 66 A . Perry 67 A . McCann 3 8 M . Meehan

39 R . Burston f0 B. Rogers 72 B. Green 3 A. FOrster-Knight 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton 81 S. Gundry

17 M. Goldsworthy 18 J. fvlalpas 19 M. Avery (RC) 20 S. Cole 21 N . Bayne 22 J. Fitzgerald 23 Sam .Jones 24. M . Jaugietis 25 G . Leishman 26 S. Lansdell 27 W. Paul (C) 28 A. Farrar 29 D. Bolton 30 M . Stevens 31 C. Fairbairn 32 N. Sladen

33 M . Fabri 34 B . Yates 35 A . Chubb 36 T. Heatley 37 T Bett s 38 M . LEslie 39 S. Clarke 40 H . Legoe 41 T. Car ty 42 C . Chimside 43 D . O 'Brien

44 P. Simpson 45 46 S. COllins 47 M. S trauch 48 D . Farris 49 S. Griiiths 50 J . Settler 51 J . K lpatr ck

52 J . Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 J . Brand

55 T. Stafford 56 A. Meek

57 J . Morley 58 M . O'Bri en 59 J . ToOhey

60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes 62 A . Waters 63 J . Weir 64 E . Fitzgerald 65 N . Cameron 66 T. Walley 67 L. Teague 68 B . G ri lls 69 P. Miller 70 B. Cummins 71 A. Meagher 72 75

Cot i : Darren I ~~--Res: ~ rank DiNcolantonio 1 D. Dinicolanton}o 2 J . Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S .Buckle 6 J .Fennell 7 A . Burgess g B .Bird 9 A . Bethune

10 B . Mitchell

11 S . McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A . Krebs 14 J . Manton 15 P.Carey 16 A . Rose 17 R . Par ker 18 R . McCann 19 A.Major 20 G .Rafierry 21 G . Simmondson 22 P.Ristevski 23 T.Baty 24 D .Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. Darcy 30 M . Ot obre

31 M . Contesotto 32 L. Price 33 N.Kennedy 34 B . Henricus 35 J . Briggs 36 S . Savage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Gay 41 J . Zarb 42 M . Flood 43 B . Levins 44 A . Zatakos 45 S . Ronchi 46 A . Brown 47 M . Mclnemy 48 A . Daly 49 C . Hatfield 51 C . Bel1ak 53 A. Volpi 54 M . Blundel l 55 S. Smith 56 T, Morrison 57 M. Pla ce 58 J. Fje4dstad 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonald J. Blandthorn 62 A. Raynor


D . ooelod 65 N y 66 67 P. Farquhar 68 B . O 'Connor 69 S . Mescher 74 D. Panetta 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 81 D. Behan

88 S . Pitcher 89 D. Winduss 99 D . Lear

v,a€ch : Paul O'Shar ;sy C s : Jim Trevaskis 4ich__ . Find 1 L. Nethercote 2 S . Chandler

3 M. O'Donnell 4 A. Evans

5 R . Mackie 6 C . SanderfOrd 7 B. Cunningham 8 A. Howard 9 C . Pekin 10 W. Hannah 12 M. Cunningham 13 C . Baulch 14 J . Leech 15 L. Murp hy 16 P. Caccaviello 17 A Moffat 18 T. Wilson 29 C. Franklin 20 A . Kooloos 21 C. Shilling 22 A. Nolan 23 p Barry

24 N . Wilson 25 T. Chatfield 26 D D. Batten 27 A . Costello 28 D. Kean 29 M . Staunton 30 J . Ralph 31 B . Costello 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitchen

34 S Moody

35 J. Mirtschin 36 H . Peck 37 A. Gray 39 J. Greenwood 40 N . Martin 41 L. RawnsleY 43 C . Beaton

44 R. McCarthur 45 M . Coleman 46 A. Hyde 47 B. Murphy 48 D. Rudd

49 T Bowers 50 A. Goonan 63 J . Weber 71 M . Nihill 73 S . Mackie

C :h : n Cadd y E; . , Coat; v ,arren Payn e 1 D . Will m s 2 J. Butt; _g 3 D . William s S. Wuchatsch 5 D . Macleo d 6 N . Grant 7 B. Robinso n 8 B. Han n 9 J. Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 B. Twist 12(R) M. Canno n 12 A. Feathersto n

13 A. Mackle y

14(R) A. Daniel 14 D. Ferr is 15(R) P. Breguet 15 B. Gabont 16 B . Joseph 17(R} R. Plochin o 17 R. Ha rt 18 D. Oldham 19 P. Derv an 20 P. Sadler 21 D. Macleod 22 M . Saunder s 23(R) A. Bcuras 23 T. Wheeler 24O R C. Pac h 24(R) J . McCutcheon 25 G. Burgess 25 D . Freeston e 26 L. Grochowsk i

27 C . Mathews

28 A. Kosmatos 29 P. Vincen t 30 T. Turcinovic h 31 A. Bartolo 32 X. Tob 33 G . Rar d 34 B. Jones 35 C. Bergi n 36 A. Black 37 B. Hynes 38 S. Smith 39(R) A . Carter

39 M . Hollan d

40 D. Pawlowski 41 T. Campbel l 42 D. Woud a 43 B. Grant 44 M . Manning

45 J . Hynes

46 T. Ferris 47 F. Nuredmi 48 P. Trchett

49 IN. Kewin

50 A. McCutcheon 51 A. McKenzie 52 R. Nisbet 53 M . Oldham 55 J . S ~zza 56 S . C Ia derwoo d 57 M . Saccncci o 58 A. Beard 59 K. Dovrse Y 60 D.Lee 61 S . McNern 62 D. Orchardy 63 D. Temb y 64 T. Ryan 66 S . Fhemister 67 A, Savoi a 68 A . Hou g h 69 B . Cambridg e 70 D . Sadler 71 F. Caron a 72 F. Luc a 73 J . Spragu e 74 J. Fr y 75 M. Mille r 76 M. Sim e 77 P. Geraghty

78 R . Cornis h

79 S. Mardesic 80 S. Freema n 81 T. Williams

.® ~97 A bi} '-It a lot of Old School emotion saw Old Scotc~ l home to Old Melburnians. OM's kicked away in t :- ., second term to lead by 20 points at half time - playing well, confident, and victory in sight . The Cardinails however had other ideas . Wilson, Collins and Aujard all took big marks and Scotch moved to a 17 point lead at the last change. OM's were scoreless in the third term. OM's carne back but could only kick one goal to go down by 10 points, 7 .13 to 9 .11 . Wayne Harmes thought it was his best win in his 3 years at Old Scotch. Best were Heath, Holt, Collins (Old Scotch) and Smith, Ellinghau .G ivTcKeon (Old Melb .) . What a it ibout in the 'B' section game, St Kilda South Cai 'd and Therry Penola OB . Can anyone give rr a i It where a team leads by 56 points at quarter tia and ends up losing by 29 points . Well, it happeneu . SKSC kicked 12 .3 to 3 .1 on the first term, and then were outscored, 19 .14 by 6 .7 to go down 18 .10 (118) to 22 .15 (147) . Wrigglesworth was sensational in the ruck for Therrv, Goodwin kicked 7 . And Reddick was everywhere . SKSC had good players in Green, Gilmore, D'Agostino .

St Bedes Mentone Tigers charged their glasses to honour former captain and B & F winner Peter Chopper Hannan on his 200th game for the club . 'B' Section captains were Dave Williams (Bany), Peter Hawley (Ivan), Mick O'Hara (Maz), Dean Comer (MHSOB), Mick Perry (Old B'ton), Marty Veal (Old Ivanhoe), Brett Connell (Ormond), Mark Brady (St Kevins), Mark Tkocz (St Kilda) and Dennis Castaldi (Therry) . Traditional rivals, Therry and North Old Boys battled it out in Under 19 (2) Red with NOB winning 13 .5 (83) to Therrys 12 .9 (81) . Best were Moustafa, McIlroy, Tonkin (NOB) and Goodwin, Smith, Walden (Therry) . Anthony Damen umpired his 150th game . 'A' section flagwavers and keepers of goalsquare peace were Geoff Grigg, Malcom Wenn, Dominic Napoli, Michael Lentini, Kevin Segota, Alan Bishop, Stuart B rd, Shannon Ryan, Bernie Hoare, Anthony S ipson . Old Xal ri : is got off the bottom in 'A' Section when they defeated Old Haileyburians in a high scoring game - between them, 15 goals in the first half, an d 20

21 in the second half with final scores OY 20 .19 to OH 16 .12. Doug Bailey was outstanding in th e

match for the victors, supported by Ridl ~ ard and Da ~vid McKay. A Bourke kicked 6 fo r in Pd or? i - hard to tell as OX was the onl y team not to have a team list in the A r Th e Footballer. berry


mourned the loss of founda tion comni =e member, John Biddlestene (it's wonderful t o son Gerard, after a fine career with the ncluding state Football, carrying on the f< y tradition) . A remarkable number of games with a University side, and it was 200 with Monash Blues for David Wood. A day of note it was at Old Mentoni an s when t icon of the club, Garry Norton, beat Ron - . , club record of 322 P : imes . Coaches of the t teams were Alan F> (Bulleen-Temp), : _ot c ), Graham T; (Old C '~Ve ll), C. Job .__ y), A . L(Thery),Ga Ka ll int' ; os ([, ! ! ; ~-riars )

Coaches Clipboard ran an article by Gamy Co n on Food for Sport . Worth repeating a couple of tinjcs . Increase water ° have at least one drink with meals and two between meal s ° before exercise, drink 1/2 cup every 15 minutes up to l l2 hour before exercis e ° drink PLENT'Y of water after exercise and especially BEFORE alcoho l Decrease alcohol ° alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and will slow reaction time, affect hand/eye coordination, accuracy and toleranc e drinking e night BEFORE a match also tends to dehydrate you which caused decreased blood flow to muscle . Congratulations to Pat (The Bouncer) Macbus - 350 games as goal, boundary and field during his VAFA career. Unw_feated t- :rns, Old Paradians and Ormond met at Gar? - -, oval, their first visit to the ground for many of the Ormond tea r-n . In a tight game, Ormon d 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2062

97 7 "Moose" Thomas, enthusiasti c

ran, started with the club in 196 2 ; ;ie. 11 i re by 2 points aga :4JAX to aten record, sco': s 15 .5 to . ; (0. lton, O'Sullivan, : :almus, S

(. ~JAX) .

eir tim -- r, Graeme ~ that role . ~r;uling St Bedes OC by 28 u 9.11 to 4 .3 in the secin d o retain `F' Section "Tipsters Tally'" . for their defeat 1, l It Old re rhen they ii,~d the . 'aradians by no i : ;s than uiiu, N . Beattie and Cleary (6 , season occurred in 'C' Section ms 17 .13 tied with Assumption 째 Howard, Naughton, Gowers (0 . Bristow, Pavone (Assumption) .

3 from S t 1 1977 h outofa" ~ . ~ _ ;~,a

e ncto: u< -Ti by" of b . ~i I to ave ctic g ship ~apidns were Andrew Sr (Bullid i .Iatthews (Caul . Gramm.), Stuart o-il .), hack Green (De La Salle), Paul t ?'), Russell Barnes (Orm), Steve Exto n Robert Fuller (Old Scotch), Simon 7 ;lues) . Who captained Old Xaverians? D') continued their unbeaten ru n ~fea ed State bank by 8 points, afte r the last change by 3 goals . Best wer e Dummett, Ball, J . Marshall, Purcell, Ge e i tal scores were 12 .20 to 12.12 . > to AJAX's John Hemish, Hampto n

ruckman Michael Malone and Blues' ckman, Mark Tyquin . ('A' Sectio n 97 - NR), officiated in his 250th game . resident of Umpires' Association in accuracy gave them the points against tho,y scored 15 .5 to 13 .16 . best were A . Duvlesksis, R . Warren (Ivanhoe) an d ay Rowland (Kew) . in 'D') got home by 5 points against S t 18.14 (122) to 17 .15 (177) . Stars were

Allen, D . Fletcher (5 goals), Milson, B . -dyth (Parkside).

;째째d his 100th game for Uni Blues . appointed coach of the Victorian

in Adelaide . l; 1 1 ) etcalfe reached 200 games with AMP . A t to 10 years of dedication .


; umpires were D.R . Dodds, Mason ,

Simpson and Harradence . - `67

es Lloyd Williams (no, not the casino in) (Ivanhoe), Frank Snell (Kew), Peter "Porl .y" Rhou-i (0 . Xaverians), John Wilson (Caulfield Grammarians), Brian Kann (MHSOB), Don Howell (0 . Scotch), Frank Dunhi (Uni Blacks), Alan Salter (Coburg) and John Booth (0 . Paradians) . George Mehl played his 131st consecutive game with AJAX. Top scorer in 'A' section - 0 . Scotch 17 .18 (G . =L 18 goals) defeated Ivanhoe (1 0 . 7) .

-1952 S-~m ? .!_,les (Hampton Rovers) was selected as captan of the interstate team; Manson Russel (Old Scotcii) (now a patron of the Association) was on the wing with Ken Melville (Uni Blacks) (later centre in 2 of Melbourne's premier teams) on the wing . Leaders, all undefeated after 4 rounds were, Old Melburnians (A), MHS Old Boys (B), East Malvern and Coburg (C) and St Kevins Old Boys and Caulfield Grammarians (D) .

1', as it ai, c<Jnc,-mattg warm day, which t sted the endurance of nioy~rs c1n of*l+nLs or am. I"ic. ~ ac-r judge of the c iI._; : of the oil ? sin was rate was

: 1 Ii all] L 11 lis-c of their in into that their runn, ; maintained ill "Cougar" prowled the forward line, where his resulted in fourteen goals . He received great supl E_ . . . ... "Carey'' aka Dave Butterworth, Justin Eve and from solid defenders Malcolm Cooke and Scott Heywood . Eley Park to their credit never relaxed their effo rts even though the leaders c.ron by ninety points, ' iazenod provided tough opposi ti on to Old Melburnians, who did not gain their winning break until we ll into the last quarter when a five goal burst saw them draw away to win by thirty six points . For Old Melburnians, Tomlinson again starred (so much that my Mazenod spokesman claimed, "he was the difference between the teams". For Mazenod the best : Adri an Holdswortti, "Gonza" Gonzales, Robbie Palaniara and wereNick "The Crow" Jacobs, who flies from Adelaide for his Club XVIII match each Saturday. On the confined space of the Hughes Oval at Trinity Grammar playing fields, Old Xaverian s did indeed have their'aftemoon in the surf as Old Essendon were never "in the hunt" to make the match a competitive one . Old Xaverians, despite fr equent rotations, never lost their rhythm nor surrendered their ascendancy, as they overwhelmed Old Essendon to win by one hundred an d fifty nine points . They were well served by ; Timmy Fowler, Peter Ockieshaw and Joost Parties . De La Salle kept themselves in the final's race be defeating St Kevin's by forty th ree points . St Kevin's coach John Fogarty thought that the De La Salle experience proved a vital factor in their victory over his injury depleted team, who sti ll sit fourth place on percentage from De La Salle . Best for St Kevin's were ; Purcell, Scarfo, Van Der Wert and Louis Katavolos . SECTION 2 NORTH A depleted Old Ivanhoe m anaged to maintain their unbeaten record with victo ry by twenty one points against Therry Petiole . Their greater accuracy saw Old Ivanhoe able to maintain their lead throughout the match. They had good players in Captain, Paul Sigley, Jordon Riss trom, " Egg" Cormack and Dean Craker while Shane Kingston kicked fi ve goals . This vrieto ry h as set up today's show down with Old Xaverians, A five goal burst in the second qua rter, set up Brunswick for their first victory, which came by fifteen points at the expense of Fitzroy Reds, who remain winless . Best for Brunswick included; Raymond Mainelli, Wayne Morgan an d Shawnee Davis while for the Reds; Manfred Rosenthal, Brendan Foynes and David Atkin did well. kRarcellin consolidated third place with a nine point victo ry over the continua lly inaccurate University Blacks, who had the ball in their scoring zone at least twenty five per cent more than did Mareellin. Need I write more!!

On the big Hudson Oval, Old Trinity proved no match for the bigger and fas ter Old Xaverians, who prevented Old Trinity scoring from the first few minutes until into the last quarter. By remaining undefeated, Old Xaveri an s have set the stage for their show down with the reigning premiers, Old Ivanhoe today. SECTION 2 SOUTH Hawthorn managed the biggest surpri se so far this season when they defeated Old B ri ghton by four points after a fairly even contest . In their three various matches . Haw thorn had given no hint that victo ry was near. Well done Hawthorn . Whitefriars started we ll against Old Geelong, who we re not really in the contest as they trailed by forty five points at the last 22

ere must har ,I iediing in their because, Old mg nearly stole tii c points with thc r!ia;-fla .s ; quarir째 ri_iir!srs mana: l i e > : time White;rian, .,, :lo;: in the t ~d by; Chris Harris (half forward),' Scot _ forward and captain, Tra ; Jackson accoutre half b Geelong had good players in ; Adam Hesketh, Solon t (full forward) and Cam Watson . Monash Blues received a real fright against St L accurate kicking saw them fail b y Monash had a lot more use of the ball but their players fully utilize their opportunities . Leaders, Collegians were untroubled to defeat Hampton Rovers by one hundred and thirty eight points . Changes each week to playing personnel are making the task of Rovers Coach, Andrew McGregor very difficult. In addition several senior Rovers lacU^d the necessary match fitness to extend the younger and fitter Collegian pl ; ers . B st for the Rovers were ; Andrew McGregor, Richard Bulmer and Adrian Warry . SECTION 1 Undefeated leaders, Prahran should pc i' ~ necessary talent and stamina to enable them to d , __.t O d Melburnians, who do not appear to have the strength to keep "Cou ar" caged all game as well as having to stop . Butterworth and ~ve accumulating possessions . I select Prahran to will comfortably. Mazenod should win their second game by defeating Old Essendon, who are finding Section I a real challenge . St Kevin's face a real challenge to defeat Old Xaverians . Even at full strength St Kevin's would find the "Croc" difficult to defeat . At Righetti Oval, I select Old Xaverians, who were not extended last week and who will be enthusiastic about winning today. De La Salle should be able to return to the winning list today at the expense of Eley Park . SECTION 2 NORTH Today is the turn of Brunswick to make the dreaded journey to Oak Park to face the rampant (at home) Therry Penola, who are clinging to fourth place . Victory today te to the home side as well as strengthening thei r == place. Despite Brunswick having tasted victory, I still select Therry Petiole. Up to last week I though Old Trinity were the unlucky side in the section, because they had lost twice by a margin of five points . Last Saturday they were simply outplayed . Today they have the chance to redeem themselves at the expense of the erratic University Blacks, who are capable of winning if they kick straight! Over the four rounds little separates the sides and so selecting the victor is a real gamble . Without any conviction, I select University Blacks, who won the first Send Final on the Hudson Oval in 2001 . Third placed Marcellin make short trip west to Clifton Hill to play Fitzroy Reds, who have yet to open their winning accomit. I can't see flieni winning today as Rlarcellin have too much too lose in terms of their season, if they let todav s opportunity slip . In what now appears a likely Grand Final scenario, old Xaverians play Old Ivanhoe at McHale Stadium, Abbotsford . Neither side has yet been beaten so it is difficult to judge how each will fare under pressure . Old Ivanhoe, who were down on numbers last week, will need every player to concentrate on this task as no one can do anything off the ground . In Kingston, Ivanhoe has a reliable spearhead, who must be watched carefully.

d enthusiasm played four matches ~r the Old X.averians , ti four points. on F?eae11

itch in hair

ie : won over. 10 nes out of g the finals . ance to prove ; find i t

, who were unlucky ng the opposition difficult rs will be too fast for many >onnel would help the Rover g way at the e:~pense egians depth of talent will .en I opponents . At this on, Collegians are snaping as the likely premiers . >)tondents please co i' et me by one of my available nc an on Monday . I can be contacted by telephone , , by fax 9467 2865 or via email a t

9.3 10,5 (65) 5 .7 6.8(44) RS w' M.St-.wart. Best: Sigly,

nknu9ent ~ainha?in':

.u I. Best : Keay, Crotty. Plnnell.


Old Ialelburnians St Kevin s Eley Park Old Xaverians CLUB XVIII NORTH

14 0 0 3 3

;,.2 7.8 9 .9 12 .10 (82) 2.1 5.4 9 .5 9.7(67) argot 2 . B .Lrncit 2, D .H as 2. D.w'ise. J .Comley. is, F.Ptke . F.MeIIlln. J. .tiax 2, J .Abu-Eid 2, tt. 6 C.] is . N.Cmrle, M. t. Best: C.Prkc, R.Cur-, G.E ...»„~h. D.Atlun. N .bYarm '(F) 5 .4 6.4 6.9 7.14 (56) 1 .0 7.1 8.3 10 .5 (65 ) ,wrs 2. Chandler, Abbott Best: Colernan ,

34 14 il 11 10

Old Ivanhoe 5 16 Old Xaverians 3 10 Old Ivanhoe 0 8 Marcellin 3 8 Therry penola 4 7 CLUB XV171 SOUTH Collegians 22 Collegians 11 Monash Blues 10 Old Geelong 9 Collegians 8 Hampton Rovers 8

LIT]- xll .

eera LIT]- s I' , > . YannL Best Milicia. it id in. C . B . Nunn . T. Hob OLD ': I OLD . . - . -'"-- 1) Be' R .: unrr- 1


1 .0 1 .0 1.0 3 .1(19) 4 .3 7.7 12 15.11(101) ;, Kinross. Best: la at G Tri adwell, Stebbins .

Stoney 3, OT McGrath . In, 9uum. Bs,. xLkn . .,ue ... LanQuest, CLUB 1.6 3.10 6 .11 9.16 (70) 3.4 ; 8 .10 9.12 (66) 3. B .Ca4ins 2, an 2, Parker, Dixon. Best: P *ry, :,:ZavareIla. B .C^fl7ns. . . . : id'ngtnn . t - . . . * CccIrsn 5 . Knncuy . T: . -. :daddm: Eest: Cochran , p, it

Prahran v . Old Melburnians Mazenod 0 C v . Old Essendon St . Kevins v. Old Xaverians Be La Salle v. Eley Park at IT.a vertey Park Therry Penola 0 B v. „runsvoick Fitzroy Reds v . Marcellin at !msden Street Reserve Old Trinity v. University Blacks Old Xaverians (2) v . Old Ivanhoe GLUR i$ (SOUTH) Old Brighton v. Whitefriars Old Geelong v. Monash Blues Hampton Rovers V. St . Leos Emmau s Collegians v. Hawthorn Amateurs


Tha-i nhill (F) 5.3 7.5 10 .13 11 .14 (80) iG 1 .1 3.2 4 .4 10.8 (68) dte 4 . Harris 3 . Rafts 2, Bannyntan. Murray. Best Spiterl. Harris. P~"hite. Gloufcilev. Ti ie 5, Rossi 3. Chudder 2. Best., ?.gar. Heshett, Teague. w, R. iVlnd!ow (F) 4 .1 8.1 9.2 1L5 (71) 3 .1 4.4 7.11 10 .12 (72)


3 .2 4.4 4.5 4 .5 (29) 5 .4 10 .11 18.17 23.24 (162 ) re m Buhner 3. Gaud;nn Best: A. McGregor, Buimt-r. Gaudion. S. L tt, I t,-ry.1. Boyle C-'t C a.kkcv 5, Gay 3, Pellm+r 3, Morawetg 2, Osborne 2, StanFey 2, -id 2. Burn. Ciuio, Sztar. Ress Rzst: Bratn, Harris. D . Taylor, Staley, A Gay. C aklev. Umpus: T.Hail (F)

From 5 .30-gam each rGekday, Kevin Bartlett and Gary Honey serve up all the latest footv news and interview the players anci coac :ies making the news.


ATKLE~7' 7

(Part 2)

By, Lynn iiidmaa, Christchurcti College of Education, NZ and David Hadfield, idassey University, NZ. Reproaricedfrom the New Zealand Coach (200) Vol. 8 published by Coaching New Zeatan& iirr si~nifieant use of the empowering approach is < :b .1in to develop a shared vision and values within r ;,u or individuals being coached. For athletes to cmpowered, they must be able to contribute t o i ; 1 tci1rccuon of the team . ch's role is to guide and facilitate, but the ~rision lr. t red with and owned by the athletes . Theres a 'Pcople will rise to the challenge if it is their rl .Ilc~ibe' . The empowerment approach, is a most ,fi,ruce tool in enabling athletes to take mutua l ncrship of the direction of the team as we ll as their '. ( arning.

Skill learning . It,empov:ering approach emphasises the manner of :<<di~_ :ck given to atliletes in skill execu ti on . T o ~L_r!ce skill execution, questions asked in th e

rment approach enable coaches to promp t and compare their actions to an ideal model of ce . This is what Hadfield refers to as th e qucry dheory . ;vi ule words are different to bodily feelings and are a-o_iated with different parts of the brain, athletes n u st answer questions (such as 'what happened to ",)Ior I 1~ips when you played that shot?') from knowledge p sed to their brain by their proprioceptive sensors. TLc b:sis of this approach is to increase kinaesthetic l, tiy and sensory) awareness of appropriate skill c :e_uiion and to allow decisions about what strengths to rep and what weaknesses to fix (and how to fix tli(nu) . In plain language, if athletes cannot feel it, they root change it. o ; tin kinaesthetic awareness, athletes need a strong >>euual image of the skill, through observation o f ,urate live or video demonstrations . The coach serves and analyses the athletes and identifie s ~tre n,ihs and faults . The coach then aids the athlete in omparing their action with the ideal model by usin g rat', 'where', 'why and 'how' questions leg 'What h,tppened to your hips when you played that last shot? P,'here was your racquet head when you hit the ball? V,iiy do you hips move that way? How did your arms fecl when you did that sommersaulff) . If athletes are naware of what their bodies are doing, the coach >liould assist by asking'shaping' questions which are d(:signed to move the athletes towards self awareness eg'The ideal model showed that its important to keep ,,our hands close to your body. How close were your hands to your body?') . Then the coach might say 'Lets play the shot again and I want you to be aware of how close your hands are to your body . After the next performance, the question would be asked again. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

Coaches can also help by asking athletes to rate their actions on a 1-10 scale . A perfect execution would be a ten, while an inferior performance would rate one . Quizzing athletes as to why they gave the score they did can encourage further awareness (eg'You gave a seven . Why not a nine or a ten?').

Tactical learnin g To improve tactical awareness and decision making, the same type of questioning is used . Open ended questions need to predominate, to allow athletes to develop and create ideas. An open minded question is one that encourages more than one answer, eg'why or 'how?' A closed ended question encourages a response with one answer, eg tivhat' or'where?' To use the athlete empowerment model for tactical awareness, coaches should set up tactical situations as problem solving exercises . Asking 'hovi and 'why questions will help to solve tactical problems and enhance understanding . Examples of some useful questions might be, 'Given a two on three situation, how would you get around the defensive players?', or 'How would you finish the race in the last 100 nietres?' Of course, this tactical approach is most useful when physically performing the situation provided . By performing tactical drills, athletes solve problems and seek solutions through practice and by trying various alternatives .

Developing the sha red vision A successful team is one where athletes and coaches are vision driven . To develop this shared vision, coaches should facilitate a discussion with their athletes at the beginning of the season. Find out their reasons for participating in the sport, what direction they see as important . what values are driving them, what do they perceive as fun an enjoyment and how they will get to where they decide to go. Together, the vision is designed, ownership of the vision is shared and mutual acceptability is obtained . Indentifying and mutually accepting a common vision provides a direction to put systems and processes in place . Smother the vision in values, and the outcome is a quality group of athletes who have a common direction and purpose for the team . This shared vision ensures that there is satisfaction in the team and as a result, quality performance follows . In summary, athletes should be coached in a manner where they are encouraged to be self aware and self determining to be able to make both skill execution and tactical decisions. An effective coach is one who is confident enough to know that while the responsibility of the team,/individual is theirs, giving 'performance' power to athletes leads to superior athlete performance . Sporting bodies who are responsible for appointing coaching positions should consider carefully the implications of appointing autocratic, prescriptive coaches . An athlete empowerment approach is more likely to result in great athlete motivation, self awareness and self responsibility which in turn provides a positive learning environment and increases the decision making ability by athletes . 25

: ro m 5,3 0-9am each s;eekda„ in Bartlett and Gary Honey serve up all the latest footy news and interview the players and coaches ma!Jng the news ,



AYt9~~ V El- C'r~'J 1 .

速 (Part 2)

Bv Lynn Iii Liman, Christchurch Colle; of Education, yZ and David Fladiielfl, " sey University, NZ . f,,pruducedfrom the New Zealand Coach (2 00) Vol. 8 No 4, Uul,tished by Coaching New Zeatand. ri nificant use of the empowering approach i s :oaitc Go develop a shared vision and values within (- ;, :u or individuals being coached. For athletes to , cn :l?owered, they must be able to contribute t o

:, ~ c uon of the team. , , oach's role is to guide and facilitate, but the vision ,iL,Cd with and owned by the athletes. There's a `Pcople will rise to the challenge if it is thei r I!et~,c'. The empowerment approach, is a most tool in enabling athletes to take mutua l r_!iip of the direction of the team as well as thei r

n '.earning.

Skill leal'ning . cimpowering approach emphasises the manner of L_ :ck given to athletes in skill execu ti on. T o nlr :nce skill execution, questions asked in the , ;, :; ;=crment approach enable coaches to prompt nlct , and compare their actions to an ideal model of crminee . This is what Hadfield refers to as th e ~a, :ci~ ~heorv . vt"itilc v,ords are di fferent to bodily feelings and ar e Kit,d with different parts of the brain, athletes Utust :nswer questions (such as 'what happened t o his when you played that shot?') from knowledge ,-(=1 to their brain by their proprioceptive sensors. c i ;,43s of this approach is to increase kinaesthe ti c :;nd sensory) awareness of appropriate skil l ~;ccution and to allow decisions about what strengths }:eco .and what weaknesses to fix (and how to fix In plain language, if athletes cannot feel it, they change it . An kinaesthetic awareness, athletes need a strong mein- :1 image of the skill, through observation of rate live or video demonstrations . The coach obscr,.es and analyses the athletes and identifies ~,tr(ngths and faults . The coach then aids the athlete in ~ i, paang their action with the ideal model by using :,:i,,~, 'where', 'why and 'how' questions (eg 'What h_ :npened to your hips when you played that last shot? I . here was your racquet head when you hit the ball ? V, in do you hips move that way? How did your arms iccl when you did that sommersault?') . If athletes are lui :evare of what their bodies are doing, the coach -'tould assist by asking 'shaping questions which ar e i9ned to move the athletes towards self awareness ;'Ilie ideal model showed that its important to keep ~ur hands close to your body. How close were you r 11;:uds to your body?'). Then the coach might say *Lets the shot again and I want you to be aware of how o r your hands are to your body' . After the nex t 1=1 formance, the question would be asked again . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

Coaches can also help by asking athletes to rate their actions on a 1-10 scale. A perfect execution would be a ten, while an inferior performance would rate one . Quizzing athletes as to why they gave the score they did can encourage further awareness leg 'You gave a seven . Why not a nine or a ten?') .

Tactical learning To improve tactical awareness and decision making, the same type of questioning is used . Open ended questions need to predominate, to allow athletes to develop and create ideas . An open minded question is one that encourages more than one answer, eg'why or 'how?' A closed ended question encourages a response with one answer, eg'what ' 'what'or 'wTo use the athlete empowerment model for tactical awareness, coaches should set up tactical situations as problem solving exercises . Asking 'hoiv and 'why questions will help to solve tactical problems and enhance understanding . Examples of some useful questions might be, 'Given a two on three situation, how would you get around the defensive players?', or 'How would you finish the race in the last 100 metres?' Of course, this tactical approach is most useful when physically performing the situation provided. By performing tactical drills, athletes solve problems and seek solutions through practice and by trying various alternatives .

_ -pi n g t he s hared visi o n A successful team is one where athletes and coaches are vision driven. To develop this shared vision, coaches should facilitate a discussion with their athletes at the beginning of the season . Find out their reasons for participating in the sport, what direction they see as important, what values are driving them, what do they perceive as fun an enjoyment and how they will get to where they decide to go. Together, the vision is designed, ownership of the vision is shared and mutual acceptability is obtained . Indentifying and mutually accepting a common vision provides a direction to put systems and processes in place . Smother the vision in values, and the outcome is a quality group of athletes who have a common direction and purpose for the team . This shared vision ensures that there is satisfaction in the team and as a result, quality performance follows . In summary, athletes should be coached in a manner where they are encouraged to be self aware and self determining to be able to make both skill execution and tactical decisions . An effective coach is one who is confident enough to know that while the responsibility of the team/individual is theirs, giving 'performance' power to athletes leads to superior athlete performance . Sporting bodies who are responsible for appointing coaching positions should consider carefully the implications of appointing autocratic, prescriptive coaches . An athlete empowerment approach is more likely to result in great athlete motivation, self awareness and self responsibility which in turn provides a positive learning environment and increases the decision making ability by athletes . 25

In a round with more teeth than a Peter F'ilandia kiss, the major upset was Kew beating La Trobe, and the daunting form of Yarra Valley as the Bushrangers continued their rampaging form . qVIE W

superior as the Bushrangers set the scene for a thrashing at Oaleleigh last week. The~ Yarra Valley Football Club has stamped its authority on the D2 competition this season . A dominate forward line and hard running back half saw the Valley flex its musc'® winning comfortably by more than 12 goals The outstanding performances from Kern with five, Dr, id MacVean were the major highlights, For O~ , Bromley, Dooley and Mackenzie worke d e y, but the Krushers will need to go baci : to the' ' uving board if they are to keep season 200 2

Peninsula d Parkside On a beautiful autumn day the Pirates defeated Parkside by five goals . The good conditions enabled the home side to jump the Pirates with five goals to nil in the first quarter . Peninsula worked their way back into the clash wah a solid second term, but Parkside still held sway by 20 points at the main break . The Pirates blew the game wide open with an eight goal to two third term, and with superior fitness and attack at the ball i i out convincing 30 point winners . Kent, Ferg~

and A. Parsons were among the better play( *s, Payze 4, and Torossi 3, again provided th hl the goals. Bentleigh d Fitzroy Reds Bentleigh were too strong for the Reds, sending the Roy boys to the bottom of the ladder with a 51 point win . A solid four quarter performance gave the B's the four points, helped by stopping Fitzroy's running game and the good play by Eyles, D . Martin and Dimattina . The Reds were well served by Pollard, Lee and Atherton . Salesian d Old Carey Salesian destroyed a lack lustre Old Carey with a massive 85 point win . Higgens kicked seven goals up forward and was well supported by Grace with six and Logan and Bobetic kicking three each. Capping off his good goal kicking, Bobetie was best on ground in a dominant display. His hard running and commitment to get the hard ball was an inspiration to his teammates . Salesian looks dangerous and now sits in second spot on the D2 ladder. Old Carey is at the crossroads with a two from two record, and will need a lift from more players to support the hard w°orking Konstantinidis and Yarnell . T .Bull was a bright spark tip fonvard kicking five majors . Kew d La Trobe The upset of the rour,' saw Ke w get the chocolates against its more fanciicl opponent La Trobe University, ;vith an exeithi{; 6 ;- i,i vie~ frv. Kew took the game by the scruff of the 7 -c° in the first quarter kicking six goals . From tl: :1 i t . as a matter of playing smart football and ha!u- 1 s on for a much needed four points . Searle v,s mv_i iifcnt up forward kicking eight goals while Cullen snagged three and Woodhouse racked up countless possessions . For La Trobe the unexpected loss would have damped the teams spirits . Adanlwaithe was again a focal point kicking three while better players were Brooks and White . T Valley d Oakleigh The skills from full back to full forward were crisp, precise and definitely 26

.-a v Bentleigh Third placed Peninsula Bentleigh who are coming off a good cvin las t The home side should look to consolidate thei r position on the ladder, however will be tested by a talented yet inaccurate B's . The chance to establish themselves as a real contender will see Peninsula gci the points . Peninsula by 17 . Fitzroy Reds v Old Carey Both teams desperately need the win, and the Reds at home should ha% c enough to get over the line . Don't be surprised if the C's push the Roy Boys all the way, but Pollard etid Lee's form has been good of late and should carry Fitzroy home - 11 point winners .

Salesian v La Trobe Salesian will be far too strong for University. With Higgens and Grace firing up forward, University will have their work cut out. Salesian by 44. Yarra Valley v Parkside In two words - Yarra Valley! The Bushrangers are yet to be challenged, although on their day Parkside is a worthy contender, their form has not been up to it in recent weeks . The Valley by 60 points . Kew v 41 eigh Kew started the ball rolling last week with a terrific one goal victory, while the Krushers are coming off a disappointing loss . Expect the momentum to keep going Kew's way - 11 point winners . Contact : ,uke Derbyshire hollvwood_lad( _ •ahoo .com - Mobile : 0407 52440 7


Peninsula v. Bentleigh Fitzroy Reds v . Old Carey Salesian 0 C v. La Trobe University Yarra Valley v . Parkside Kew v . Oakleigh AP.A~TFI 10 Cnnron~ r rn n

OLD C= - Nick vasrtopouIos, plays his 150th Vas is a former U19 Seetion and D2 ;, << 1" w'inner, a VAFA U19 & C-D4 Rep .side

v. inner of multiple Club B&Fs, Coach's , C'ItiL;nan Awards . Currently a Co-Captain o f r,,i,,, t, am, Vas has been an ornament to the o :1c since arriving from the Carey Gramma r , , ucl ~,'and always wi ll be a Club legend. Well n td to you and your family, THANK YOU! " hEI

L l- r on i-atulate winger Matty Blair on playin g 50th -,~:une today. From Most Promising Reserve s

,,ii 1998 to Most Consistent Senior trophy _'O01 . Well done by a great clubman . "


3Y V ~ eal`R t

Salesian 7 25 La Trobe 2 13 Parkside 4 13 Kew 8 13 Peninsula 4 12 1)2 RESERVE S r. Yarra Valley 9 21 Salesian 1 14 Yarra Valley 0 10 FitzroyReds 1 10 FitzroyReds 7 1 0

~, ii-ire received Sport 9271 Crown bumper sticker s rly antl have been asked to distribute amongst clu b ( _ . (uorte c o ur chance to win a weekly VAFA/Sport 927 Sports pack I~~ -i 'u ng a Sport 927 prize pack, a Quit SmokeFree Footy --11- °hnirt and a"For the Love of the Game VAFA history book, i ply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the I :A i ner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in ;'r )ateur Footballer. !i ,ntries will remain in contention for the weekly prize . -- end of Rd 18 should your club have submitted the t number of entries for the season, from your clu b ~i the winner of the Crown EntertainmentNAFA Gran d , I „ . ~cend package will be drawn . Package includes - two -i l`it's accommodation, dinner at Breezes Restaurant, breakfast Yfd valet parking and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final . Winner announced C in the Amateur o < Footballer i xtAugust 24/25.



PARKSIDE 5 .2 8.4 10.6 11 .8 (74) PENINSULA 0 .3 4.8 12.15 15 .15 (105) Parkside: Ryan 4, Beck 2, Schwab! 2, Hanley, Noble, Ware . Best: Romano, Martinez, Hockey, Barlow . Moodie, Schwabl . Peninsula: Payze 4 . Torossi 3 . J . Cogtilan 2, J. Atchison . Crean, A. Parsons. Powney, T. Prendergast, While. Best A. Parsons . Cannon, Warner. Pa}ze, Bowen, Kent. Umpires: R. Schuller (RDL) . S . Stokes (F), E . Garwood (RDL). S . Grey (RDL (B) . K. Coughlan . G . wakehng (RDL) BENTLEIGH 1.3 5 .9 12 .13 14 .15 (99) FITZROY REDS 1.1 1 .3 4.9 6 .12 (48) Bentleigh: Lane 3 . Eyles 2 . Dimattina 2, Morgan, Jackson, Sharp, Gold . Henry, Sice, lYeson . Best Eyles D. Martin Dimattina Seeley Sharp Goette Jackson . Fitzroy Reds: Tornese 2, Drury, C. Andrew, Atherton, A Byrne. Best: Pollard, Lee, Atherton, Drury, Meighan. A . Parsons . Umpires : P. Jones, D. Longworth (F), A. Wekselman (B) . P. Whitehead (G) OLD CAREY 5.0 12.5 13 .6 15.9 (99) BALF.SIAN 11 .5 13.8 21.13 28 .16(184) Old Carey: T.But15 . Hall 4, VasIlopoulos 2, Cohen . IInktes, L .Guerra, Vitali. Best Konstantlllldis, Yarnall, Mason, P .Graham, L . Guerra, AGuerra . Salesian: Higgtns 7, Grace 6. Logan. I .Bobetic 3 . Knott, R.Stevens 2. Sthtear, A .Stevens. Otdtietd . Best: I .BobeOc . AHiggi<ts, Irvine. Tambting. Nannes . Umpires: A Simpson . A. Shiels (F ) KEW 6 .1 9.7 14 .8 17.10 (112) LA TROBE UNI 3 .5 6.9 10.12 15 .16 (106) Kew. Searle 8. Cullen 3 . Blair 2, Woodhouse, Fitzgerald. Looker, Aitken. Best Searle, Rbodhouse, Looker. Connolly, Wood, Ttnetti . La 1Ynbea Adamthuaite 3, Shektrick 3, Farrant 2 . Moreton. Wesley, Elliot, white, McMeekin, Ludeman, C.Perry. Best- Brooks, White. Adamthtivaite, McMeekin, CPerry, Edwards. Umpires: C. Stewart, G. Kelly (F) OAIiLEIGH AFC 3.2 7 .7 8.7 10.15 (75) YARRIt. VALLEY O B 7.2 12 .7 17 .15 22.19 (151) Oakleigfi: Keating 3, Hunter 2, Mackenzie 2, Dalton i, Bromley I . Perdikomatis I . Best Bromley . Dooley, Mackenzie, Treacy. Knits. Keating. Yarra Valley: Keent 5, Stone 4. MacVean 4 . L. Taylor 3 . A Middlin 3 . R. Drew 1 . Parry 1 . M. Laing 1 . Best: Drew. MacVean. Vatoppi, Stone, Middtin, Parry. Umpires : G. Skandakumar, P. Woods (F) RESERVES PARICSIDE 4.3 6.5 7 .8 11.11 (77) SALESIAN 1 .1 5.2 5 .5 7.6(48) Pariiside: Colosimo 4 . Gresham 3, Cttllcott 2, Adams, Costantini . Best Copley, Allan, McPherson . Adams. Colosimo. Peninsula: MeI{lnstrv 3, T. Cogtttan, Gardner, Krohn, Stainrorth . Best Plood, Mitchell . Barber, Krohn, Gardner . Taylor. BEPiTLEIGH 3 .0 5.1 5 .1 8.5(53) FITZROY REDS 4 .4 8.6 15.13 16 .17 (113) Bentleigh: D . Krotofll 2, English, Istead . Wt[ttington, Walker, Krassaris. Adants. Best: A. Prttito. C. Martin, Wade, Adams, Krassaris . Fitzroy Reds : Maroon 7, Bennett 4, Kane, Auden . J . Parsons, Leske . Beak Marcon, Bennett, Grillo, Everard, Hamilton . S . Anrews . OLD CAREY 2 .2 7.7 7.9 7.14 (56) SALESIAN 2.3 2 .4 2.6 5.7 (37) Old Carey: Rarropoiilos 3 . Sontag 2, Weill, Hardy . BesL Raft, Drake, Gates, tS'eiU, Sontag. Davey. Salesian: Cincotta 3, Todd, Ngo, Byrne . Best : timsin, Parker, Shirley, Seager, Callaghan, Marinkovi c KEW 2.0 3 .8 4 .11 7 .12 (54) LA'IROBE UNI 4.6 7 .7 11 .11 15.14 (104) Rem Symes 2, Denton 2, Lhsngston, Carman. Kiriakou. BesG Marchesani, Water, P.Demus. Symes. Denton . Lhnngston. La Trobe : Hewitt 5, Dumaresq 3 . Rosenbren 2 . Watson: 2, Griffin, Craig. Best* Hewitt, Dunne. Griffin, Cray . Watson, Walker. OAILLEIGIi AFC 2.1 2.2 4 .3 4 .3(27) YARRA VALLEY O B 5.4 13.8 15.11 22.12 (144) Oakleigh: Brown 1, Moen 1 . Nguyen 1 . Redford I . Best- Hall . P. Papadopoulos, Conneltart, Parton. Varlatzos. Nuske. Yarra Valley: Collett 9. Yea 3, Drew 2 . Smith 2. Gillies 2, Balshaw 1, Davies I . Strang 1, Tomskdts 1 . Best Bhnama, Collett, Dac ;cs. Drew . Joiner, Lang .

BE NTLE1GH Coach : Paul Dimattina Res Coach: Steve Hall 1 C. P. Sharp (C) 2 Morgan 3 A. PitBto 4 S . Side 5 M . Eyles (C) 6 R . Weber 7 N . Lane 8 C . Goette 9 1 . Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D. Martin 12 M. Barker 13 L . Pittit o 14 P. Karssaris 15 B . McAliece 16 L. Airey 17 J. Handfield 18 S.Adaway 19 S. Hal l 20 R. Fishlock 21 B . Istead 22 F. Dimattina 23 S. Adams 24 P. Gatto 25 D. Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 A. Cloug h 30 A. Miksad 31 R. English 32 J. Digadrgio 33 P. Withington 34 M. Pirie 35 L. Ireson 36 M . Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . BeatSe 39 G . Pri g g 40 M . Walker 41 J . Neve 42 A . Mikkelsen 43 C . Marti n 44 A. Simon 45 A. Wade 46 R. Lawtord 47 S . Calagero 48 F. Cavanagh 49 M. Clar k 50 A . Stanes 51 S . Truffaut 52 L . Sampson 53 A. Sanfilippo 54 B . Gasser 55 G . Richards 56 C . Aitke n 57 A. Kin g 58 T. Caterson 59 D. Pittito 60 C . Park

Jeff Hind Smash Repair


FI 速Y R E U- S

Coach: Graham Burgen Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Andrew George Asst Coach : Darren Searle Club 18 Coach: Greg Box Res Coach: Greg Crimmins 1 a ) SS M.Frisby 1 ) ukhar 2 Walsh 3 S. Dibendetto 4 a J HamiHon 4 b G Vigilante 51 a D.Kan e 5 P Diacogiorgis 6 Bennie 7 S. Andrew 8 A.B~yrne 9 (a) C .Prior 10 LB ryne 11 (a) B. Athe rton 11 b ) N Kric k 12 Bramley 13 P,1.James 14 TClarke 15 J .Vernali 16 G .Clohesy 17 (a) B.Le e 17 (b) B Foynes 18 M. Heenan 19 P. Coo k 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. Meighen 23 T. Jackson 24 A . Parsons 25 P. Jackson 26 R . Curti s 27 (a) J . Tornese 27 (b~ B Le e 28 J. Card 29 (a) D .East 29 (Pb) V. Cahill 31 Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S. Drury 34 M . Zubak 35 0 Snaddon 37 a) G . Hanlon 37 b) M . Mehri 38 C .Evans 39 M. Rei d 40 G . Bance 41 R. Burgman 42 I . McBurnie 43 A . Maroon 44 J. Abou-Eid 45 M. Slnfield 46 (a) D . Timm 46 (b) . N Mann 49 A . Puglia 48 N .Vaughan 50 B .Aggenbac h .. 51 M. Cairns 52 B. O'Connor 53 S . Addicott 54 J . Parsons 55 N . Matthews 55 D . Atkin 56 (a) TMadden 56 (bj N . Currie 57 Rome 58 B . Cahil l 59 R . Johnstone rt 61 G. Vi u e 62 N . Auden 63 C. Andrew 64 G Johnson 66 D. Timms 67 R . Holderhead 68 A. Mon k 69 S. Pido tto 71 (a) P. Cunn 71 (b) T. Leske 72 M . Benne tt 73 J . Bar e 75 B . Pollard 76 P. Everard 77 A. Grillo 80 G . Bo x 81 a J.Horridge 81 b; C. Plazzer 84 Z. Senburgs 86 M. Reid 87 C . Nave 88 S. Greenwood 91 D. Fins 97 P. Ronchi 111 B. Donovan 116 G. Schiavo 117 M. Rosenthal

1 B. Lafranchi 2 L . Fitzgerald 3 B. Marchesani 4 G . Crimmins 5 A . Makri s 6 N . Tinetii 7 N . Lymn 8 D. Mainsbridge 9 A. Eato n 10 B . Cullen 11 B. Woodhouse 12 J. Growcott 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J. Looke r 15 C. Bradley 16 D. Wood 17 B . Alle n 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J. Dennis 20 A. Acfield 21 M . Ayres 22 C. Stephens 23 T. Aitken 24 D . Kinross 25 C. Watts 26 S . Symes 27 T. Moore 28 M . Xuereb 29 M. Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 D. Cocking 32 A. Drago 33 D. Wayland 34 M. Fitzgerald 35 R . Brun o 36 S. Ryan 37 J . Landwehr 38 T. Connolly 39 40 G . Muckian 41 R. Livingston 42 43 G. Collyer 44 M. Raffaele 45 A. larossi 46 A. Pirona 47 48 L.Jensen 49 50 51 M. Blair 52 R. Campagna 53 M . Solis 54 R . Waller 55 D . Searle 56 T. Frith 57 58 59 60 61 S. Moussi 62 G . Aitkin 63 64 J . Cronin 65 66 67 B. Allen 68 S . McCardel 69 K . Tancredi 99 S. Bruno

Coach : Brian Grills Res Coach : Dae Huffer 1 P. Farran t 2 S. Fredrickson 3 D . Sheldrick (C) 4 C. Perry (VC) 5 S . Adamthwaite 6 S . O'Tool e 7 N . Dunne 8 J. Thorn 9 L. Walker 10 P. Morton 11 Josh Levy 12 K. Perry 13 T Luderman 14 L. Wakeling 15 S . Brooks 17 Jacob Levy 18 A.Hewitt 19 S. White 20 A. Murphy 21 D. Edmunds 22 P. Stewart 24 S . Edwards 26 B. Phillips 27 D . Gilmour 28 C. Ross 29 A . Pendell 30 J . Smith 31 M . Fannig 32 D . Hill 33 M . Watson 34 A. Murray 35 J . Eyre 36 T Mawdsley 37 C .PortQ r 39 N . Rosengren 40 R . Slater 42 D. Gleeson 43 A . Poulton 45 D . McKeekin 46 B. Launikonis 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 51 C. Francias 52 T Stauton 54 T. Peters 55 A. Cummings J . Laidlaw 66 A . Battle 70 J. Dumaresq

Coach: Russell F Asst Coach : Pat f7

Res Coach : Garth u 1 B. Gec 2 V. Moe n

3 D. MacKenzie (VC) 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T lanchello 6 R . Doole y 7 M . Short (RVC) 8 R. Marshal l 9 J . Mou ti s 10 L. Thomas 11 S. Nicolosi 12 G . Treacy 13 S . Randle 14 R . Keating 15 G. Redford 16 K. Marshall 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan (RC) 19 R. Cooper 20 B . Stirling 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S. Casa 23 J . Kerley 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Kitts (DVC) 27 G . Smith 28 A. Khodr 29 D. Hal l 30 M . Nicolos i 31 -C Bromley (C) 32 J. Brown 33 M. Clar k 34 B . Varkatzos 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 P. Torpey 38 B. Papadopoulos 39 G . Dartnell 40 M . Whaley 41 M . Grinter 42 C . Dalton 43 R . Papworth 44 N. Smit h 45 G. Chapman 46 B . Nguyen 47 T Nguyen 49 B. Evans 50 P. Malcolm 51 . A . Wood 52. C . Cooke 53 . C . Casa 54 0 . Parton 55 D. Moulang 56 B . King 57 A . Jury 58 M . Coppock 59 W. Ogilvie 60 V. Grinter 64 F. Loiacono






Coach: are Rowe Res Coach: n Dunbabin

a a

Coach: Rod t ley Res Coach : Neil Franks

~,~ESIAN O .C .

Coach : Gary Connolly Assist Coach: David Todd

Res Coach: David Tod d



1 R. Adams 2 G. Davies 3 K. Noble 5 T. Stonehouse 6 S. Ware 7 J. Muscat 8 J. Chilcott

9 A. Constantini

7 N. Franks (Res .)

10 A. Vita 11 B . Hockey (VC) 12 D. McCall

8 P. Angus 9 M . Dentry 9 P. Krohn (Res.)

13 A . Copley ( RVC)

elli R

14 P. Hanley 15 D . Moodie (C) 16 M. Ross 17 A. Romano 18 M. Schwabl

19 T. Ryan

acozynski arel6 R poulos .(C) "its .!i no 'a

ar ~ nnikas

~annell R

1 S. Parsons 2 A . Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen (Vol 5 N . Kent 6 M. Warner 7 S. Murray

20 D. Singleton 21 J . Scholl 22 R Wise 23 R . Beck 24 R . Marulli 25 M. McPherson 27 D . Matthews 28 R . Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 T Barlow 3 1 S . Hoga n 32 J . McCall 33 K . Allan (RC) 34 M . Romano

35 G. Panjari

10 A Haley

10 T. Trewhi tt 11 S. Ferguson 12 C. Pettitt 13 T. Braden 14 S. White

15 A. Woo d

16 S . Claringbold 17 J . Coghlan

18 J. Whelan

19 A. McKinstry 20 S. Prendergast 21 A Macpherson 22 A. Atchison (C) 23 R. Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchison 26 P. Prendergast 27 S . Payz e 28 B . Taylor 29 S . Torossi

30 A Crean 31 G. Davies

I A. Stevens 2 A. Anderson 3 S. Sutherland 4 S. Bobetic 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Forer 7 G. Gasped 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S . Oldfield 11 A Davey 12 M. Bates

13 I . Bobetic


Coach : Tim Killwo rth Res Coach : Rowan Davis 1 R. Pearce 2 T. Morri s 3 R . Thompson 4 M. Fung 5 A. Dre 6 R. Deww 7 C. Beal

8 L. Morris 9 J . Keem 9 C. Ross 10 T. Hancoc k

11 F. Macvean

14 J. Ngo 15 C . Ryan 16 G . Irvine 17 M. Fenaerda 16 D. Barry 19 S . Brvm 20 A Seager 21 A . Bates 22 R . Stevens

12 J. Cremean 13 L . Gillies 14 E. Kruse 15 N. Pask 16 L. Taylor 17 A . Lain g 18 L. White 18 D . Ros s

24 A. Grace 25 M. Tambling 26 J. Nannes 27 A. Higgins 28 M . Byrne 29 C. Rose 30 M . Cooke 31 J . Shirley 32 G' Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 D. Rao 35 P. Knott

20 T. Hal e 21 D . Stevenson 22 B. Drew 23 R. Yeo 24 M . Davies 25 F. Pellegrin o 26 J . Longworth 27 S . Savage 28 B . Reynolds 29 R . Coutts 30 D . Pott er

23 S. Nolan

36 D . Todd 37 S. Sinclair

19 J. Strong

31 B. Stu rzake r 33 P. Cremean

36 M. O'Connor 32 H . Shorten 38 T. Alig an 33 D. Ireland 33 R. Stainforth 38 H . Byrne 39 P. Pitts 34 C. Fras er 34 M. Alen 40 M. Forer rra 42 P. Dean 35 B. Peake 41 J . Novello 35 R. Wolfenden , 43 B. Gorman 37 D. Balshaw 42 P. Evans 36 P. Serra 44 P. Soligo 38 B. Mor riso n an 43 E . Maillard Neill 37 B. O ' =s 45 B . McGilli an 39 J . Tompkin s 44 C. Hun t 38 T. Coghlan nt ame ry 46 C. Welsh 40 T. Fyffe 45 S . Horvath g 39 S . Barber 47 C. Tyson 41 B . Downs 46 S . Porter 40 B . Mitchell 47 B. Bowman 42 A . Stone !te 48 C . Ross 41 A . Vido tto 43 H . Park 49 S . Pascoe 48 M. Bourke 42 A. L CJechild i n ! os 49 G . Gleason 44 J. Ho 51 A. Valomidos 43 G. Gardiner 50 P. Allen 48 R . Davi s 52 B. Cassano all 44 A. Kelson 51 S. Parisi 49 S. Seabourn e lO' 53 P. Romano :ge 45 D . Baker 52 R. Cincotta 50 J. Peake 54 S. Marino 53 B . Chalmers t 46 L . Prendergas t 51 H. Clarke ~I 55 M . Wise 54 D. Allen A7 L. Palmer 52 A. Hart nett 56 T. Wise "ill 55 E . Hanaphy 48 A. Bonner 53 S . Pas k 57 B . Boughto n 56 D. S6near 49 C. Wilson 54 T. Mcllrath 57 D. Gheblikan 58 T. Man gos z nikas 50 P Arnold 55 S . Taylor atterson 60 J. Drakopoulos 51 R . Sha 58 S. Butle . Blake 56 T. Lloyd r61P . Tascone 52 T. Neal~ m 5960D 57 S . Kehoe D . levoli a6nidis 63 R . Jones 56 P . Rittman 61 J . Radi 58 G. Kerr ;r 65 S. Carmody 57 M. Conroy 62 B. Kirchner 59 A. Joiner

m 66 C. Chioppi 58 D . Brennan 63 L . Seeger 61 P. Valopp i

70 S . Diver 59 S. Foss 64 J . McClaren 62 P. Buruma nstry 71 A . Inglis 69 J . Muir 65 A . Darcy 63 B . Whitechurch skin . Clauson 64 M . Bate s gues 66 C 67 A . Thai n 65 D. Smith H e p~ll 68 A Healey 71 M . Laing C, Etaner 69 B . Atkins Hi okay 74 A . Midlan d 70 A. Chiappini q 76 J. Dickson 71 R . Cincotta . nchester 72 D . Olive r arshall 73 A Gasped eeh an 74 C. Roache Engvrerda 75 A. Sexto n 79 S. Morrish El kOtt 째s 80 M . Forbes 81 P. Tudey mith el 82 M . Smith 83 D. Bowma n Jing

84 W. Chapman

85 D. Sutherland

by Dianne Whiteley & Craig Brajtberg :A ILESTONES ANTHONY SIMPSON - 200th Game today . He is umpiring the Yarra Valley vs Parkside game at Park Orchards with his brother, Peter and the goal umpires are his father Graham and nephew, Mathew . All Anthony needs is his fiancee, Ann and Peters wife, Tanya to run the boundary to make the milestone a'family affair as well as one for the history books. Anthony began umpiring in 1993 . He goal umpired for 7 seasons and 2 years as a field umpire . His first game was at Ajani Reserve with his father, Graham (who was there to teach him the ropes) and his first field umpire appointment was an Under 19's game at Old Carey and on his own!!! . One funny incident was when his father forgot to pack his black trousers!! Anthony said that he was always forgetting one piece of item that was to be packed but to see this happen to his Father! Made him think twice after that . Anthony invites all umpires and friends to join him in celebrating his 200th at Park Orchards after the game or at Daisys in Ringwood for dinner from 7 .00pm. BERNIE JEPHSON cont . . .celebrated his 200th game in Round 3 . . 1 . This is his 11th year with the VAFAUA . 1978, 1982-83, 1994-1996 and 1998 until the present . He started umpiring with the Goulburn Valley Umpires in 1976 as a field umpire . After leaving Shepparton, he moved to Melbourne and commenced goal umpiring with the VAFA in 1978 . He also goal umpired with the Central Australian Umpires in Alice Springs in 1985 and 1986 and umpired a number of school football matehes . In total, he would have umpired well over 500 matches . He is a'mad' Collingwood Supporter! Bernie wishes to say THANKS to the guys who came back to Camberwell to celebrate his 200th and to the Old Scotch Football Club for their presentation and wonderful hospitality . Thanks to the other goal umpires who continue to be great mates and a real support for each other. Thanks to Gary Baumgarten, John Hall, Michael Lentini and Shane Herbert, the Goal Umpires Advisors who have given him advice and direction over his years umpiring . VAFAUA 째DR OND GOLF" GOLF DAY A crisp, still morning greeted the golfers last Sunday for the annual golf day, down at Brighton Links golf course . What followed was hours of tracking through bushes, cursing and the odd club being thrown as the umpires showed their skill at the ever relaxing game of golf . At the end of the day, after the final bunker had been raked and the last putt holed, the winner was Dash "Vijay" Peiris who beat, playing partner, Simon Stokes by a solitary stroke . The winner received a Wilson golf bag, which was graciously donated by Dave Flanagan of Drummond Golf, Cheltenham . Afterwards the players enjoyed a BBQ at Dendy Park with drinks kindly donated by Joe Segota of Sargeants - Chelsea, Property Transfer Agents . Other notable Awards : Nearest to pin Dave Flanagan (both times) ; Longest Drive - Peter Buchanan ; NAGA - Bob Seymour. VAFAUA EXECUTIVE The VAFAUA Executive members that have been elected to represent the VAFAUA during 2001-2002 are Anthony Damen (President), Peter Simpson (Senior Vice President), Mark Jenkins (Junior Vice President), Troy Brooks (Secretary), Graham Thwaites (Assistant Secretary), Paul Jones (Treasurer), Dianne Whiteley an

(Assistant Treasurer), Dash Peiris (Social Secretary), Andrea Thwaites and Anthony Simpson (Me n Therefore if you wish to book a function at the clubrooms or have an umpiring issue to discuss, plf Anthony Damen . SPONSORS The VAFAUA would like to THANK all tI, _ ;r sponsors for their continuing support to the VAFAUe, in 2002 . The sponsors are Schweppes, Sportscover, Persona( Mortgage Managers . The VAFAUA also, welcomes CBD Cycles as a sponsor in 2002 . Personal Mortgage Managers director, Anthony Damen would like to congratulate two of his clients Nic Pavlou - Powerhouse FC and Ge :erd Malcolm - Richmond Central on their miles,one achievements noted in the A .F last week. KEEPING FOOTY IN THE FAMILY. . . Continuing on . . Wayne & Leisa Henry (father/daughter) ; Nancy & Peter McTaggar (father/son) ; Graham & Suzi Cavanagh (father /daughter); Justin & Therese Toohey (husband/wife) ; Richard & Karen Eastwood (husband/wife) ; Graham & Andrea Thwaites (husband /wife) .. .but wait. . .there is more. . . WIIATS YOUR DECISION!! Answer to LAST WEEKS Question : Field Umpires decision - B . Blow time on and bounce ball at top of the goal square : The winner is Mrs . Denise Kelly from Mazenod . Please contact Phil Stevens on 9531 8333 to collect your prize . THIS WEEK'S Question : Prahran and Old Camberwell players are contesting for the ball . The ball goes to ground . Field Umpire calls for a ball up . As he/she throws the ball up, they see that a Prahran player is being shepherd by an Old Camberwell player 10 metres away from where the contest is occurring . What is the Field Umpires decision? Email your answers to diannewhiteleyCbigpond .com to win a prize. ONE MINUTE WITH CRAIG.. .. . RICK LOVE - Nickname : Lovey, B Section Field Umpire No . 22G, games umpired : 81, AFL Team : Richmond, Best AFL Player : Wayne Carey, Best VAFA Player: Chris Percell, Hobbies : Water Sports (all). ROBERT PARRY - Nickname : Pazza, A Section Goal Umpire, games umpired : 106, AFL Team : Essendon, Best AFL Player : Tim Watson, Best VAFA Player : Luke Hawkins, Hobbies: Essendon matches every week, Current Affairs. MATT COX - Nickname : Courtney, B Section Field Umpire - No. 27R, games umpired : 90, AFL Team: Geelong, Best AFL Player : Austin McCrabb, Best VAFA player : Darren 'Big Kev Moncrieff and Shane' How high?' Banfield (Hawthorn Amateurs D3) Hobbies : Cleaning the pea in my whistle . SOCIAL 10 Pin Bowling Night - 25/5/02 Trivia Night 29/6/02 Mid Year Dinner - 26/8/02 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 22/9/02 Grand Final BBQ - 22/9/02 Presentation Night - TBA ; End of Season Trip - TBA . FINALLY... All correspondence to diannewhitetee alrigpond .com


hris Simon



~ ; ;~ :i I ;utmu~n

6 Neil tVoods


, . i .~u~d~~•~i ~~i~,~ ::nz .Il

7 Scan Scully

8 Paul Wi°iliington

7 Alan Ladd

9 Damian Lane

9 James Van Beek

8 Nick Evans

10 Trent Foley

10 ` an Bowman

9 Nathan Carlyon

Paul Croxford

ubbs 12 Mark- Morrison 14 Ash Hoogendyk


6 Dash Peiris

10 Robert McLeod

ael Gilday

11 PaulTuppen

enkin s

12 Simon Payton

15 Tim Doecke

16 Caig Brajtberg

14 Tim Tingiri

16 Mervvn Monty

17 Cameron Leitch

15 Michael Sneddon

JM-:on McNiece

17 Peter Keogh

18 Tim Sutcliffe

16 Luke Moncrieff

Stcrc McCarthy

18 Peter Simpson

19 Scott Mackie

17 Mick Robins

•'0 John Ralp h

19 Andrew Fyfe

20 David D'Altera

18 George Paleodimos

' I Pairick Maebus

20 Brian Woodhead

21 Justin Grossbard

19 Heath Little

Nick Fennessy

21 Gajanan Skandakumar

22 Rick Love

20 Norman Hitchen

Greg Rowlings

22 Chris Collin s

23 Chris Stevens

21 David Irons

23 Peter Griffiths

25 Richard Eastwood

22 David Longworth

24 Leigh Dillon

27 Euan Lindsay

23 Robert Sneddon

26 Jim Papioanou

25 Lionel Katz

28 Leah Gallagher

24 Jason Moore

37 iliatt Cox

26 Daniel Dinneen

29 Gerard Rolls

25 Mat Taylo r

2,~ Paul Lamble

27 Anthony Simpson

30 Simon Olive

26 Patrick Coulthard

29 Chris Garcia

28 Ken McNiec e

31 Rob Schuller

27 Paul Jone s

30 Justin Lipson

29 Peter James

33 Simon Stokes

28 Ron Marlyn

33 Robert Mayston

30 Michael Phillips

34 Jeremy Heffernan

30 Anthony Lilley

17 % 1ark Gibson

I Graeme Hunichen Geoff Moore

Graeme Morgan

31 Robert Semmens

35 Graham Thwaites

31 Tim Friedman

35 Jason Lane

32 Anthonv Damen

37 David Murray

32 Jarred Aspinall

36 Matthew Meier

33 Michael Forde

34 Daniel Stephens

33 Chris Stevens (S)

34 Stephen Morgan

35 Dianne Whiteley

35 Troy Brooks

37 Ken Walker

36 Ian Burgess 37 Gavin Roberts

EAGLE : FOX FM is running a promotion for the Perfect Man and here is our suggestion : MarcelIin's Dave Waters . The courageous #1 - Marceflin's Dave Waters (Ideal Mm?)

1999 A SeCti0i1

best-and-fairest is well mannered and his neat skills are matched by his appearance . Dave even comes out of pack looking groomed! It's this anecdote though that gives the on-baller our nomination . When Dave hangs out the washing he uses the same color pegs to match the color of the garment . 0 OVER SUMMER III : FORMER VAFA president Andrew Langford-Jones refereed the New Zealand Open - the championship that hosted Tiger Woods . The final round was climatic when ALJ

was called on for the ! correct lie for Michael Campbell after his ball had ended up in a handbag under the stand behind the 17th . The local hero hadn't been smiling as his lead was reduced but it was great to see Campbell raise a smile when ALJ hit th e green . Can't


t, L



what it was that the Old Hailel !)„r` . supporter said, but as those who ha~-e experienced ALJ's company, even after a StKilda heart-breaker, he has a knack of making you laugh. 0 SIX-DEGREE S OF SEPARATION : FOR the past couple of years VAFA Administration Officer Sue Anderson's office has proudly displayed a framed and signed Collingwood jumper . Interesting to see one of the signatures of Mark Orchard who a fortnight ago lined up for his debut with Old Ivanhoe. 0 CUTE PROMOTION: NOBS put on a terrific sportsperson night and next Wednesday (May 15) at the San Remo Ballroom in North Carlton, they have these celebrities : Mike Sheahan, Paul Couch , Terry Daniher, Simon Madden and Sam Newman . What caught our eye on the promotional flier were the descriptions of each personality. For instance Sam is described as a "former Geelong player and current media personality" . Been a while since I've heard Sam described in such a pleasant way. Cost : $70, $55 for VAFA players for a three-course meal, beer, wine and soft drinks . Anthony Hudson will MC. Ring Bruno Conti : W 9659 7003, H 9380 8639 or 0439 033 518 .

Andrew Lanqford-Jones -quick witte d

32 M THF AAtnTPi t o cnnro - , ,- ., ., .. ..,,

TEMPTING I OEI. : Nick Russian, one of [lie likcly ]ads from Old Ivanhoe, has been oi, the Australian version of Temptation l,l~und . In the good ol' days Nick was on the ClIannel 31 VAFA Game of the Day, so we ca n sav that's where he got his break int o a high-level production TI is . . . but lilcc most I'm not mean t to know about that cos I don't watch such rubbish'. So how did 1 knovc about the show, I can hear you ask? %t'cll somebody had to watch it to see Nick . PS : If anyone can get us in contact with ,N: ich , and his partner - if they survived, we'd love to interview them .

seri( 3 of broken bones, tears and damaged joints . The former APS High Jump Champion struggled to come to terms with landing on harder surfaces other than mats after attempting too many spectacular grabs . After that he took on goal umpiring where he has officiated in 482 club games . Howard has been a committeeman since 1985 holding all of the executive positions of president, member, treasurer and secretary . He is an Old Carey Life Member and this is his 32nd year of continuous involvement. .au

v FAREWELL DAMIAN? SAD to report B Secuon scribe Damian Carro ll won't be with its as he is taking a career move north . Damian is off to Brisbane to work on a Rio Tinto project . Ahh, you think we've read the last of his B Section columns . . . think again as DC is going to use the wonders of technology and his fighting spirit to keepon-keeping on as the B-grade scribe . 0 KEEN FOR ANECDOTES : THIS column is for all levels of the VAFA and we are happy to run something you would like to raise, Aether it be good or bad . Brief e-mails get the best ch an ce of a run, and if you have a picture you can deliver electronically, then that would be even better . i'/ CERTIFICATE OF MERIT I : HOWARD BISHO P Howard joined Old Carey Grammarians from school in 1970, however his playing career was tragically cut short due to a

#3 - Howard Bishop - wonderful club servant

Tasos Petousi s

Phone : 03 - 9889 1775 M obile : 041 2 050 1 16 Email : techsuppor t- au@nac .com

TATTERS t~L'$'3)

Cnr Clarendon & Albert Streets East Melbourne (Melway Reference 2G D2


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IXINNON CENTRE - 227 McKinnon Roa d MELWAYS 68 Ell -~ -;,- ;

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Better result from the clubs this week. Also, lets introduce the one drink/one raffle ticket per player from visiting clubs in D3. It can make all the difference for you opposition footg clubs.

3 OUND FOUR REVIEW West Brunswick managed to shake off a persistent Monash Gryphons after the last change to record a comfortable win at home. West, Benjamin . Cannane and Edwards were all influential in the Pies' cause, while Bourbon was great for the Gryphons . Despite four goals each from Murchie and Higgins, a disappointing Swinburne University lost to Elsternwiek by 33 points, with the Wickers doing the damage in the second quarter. Richmond Central lost to Power House by seven goals, but can be encouraged by the form of youngsters Trotter, Avery and White . In a game witnessed by a large crowd (including a real family feel) at Rathmiues Rd Reserve, Hawthorn was able to shake off a persistent Syndal. Scores were tight at the last break before the Hawks managed to get on top. The home side were best served by 50 gamer Chris Reed and Pat Burke whilst the Hoers best included goals sneak Schulling and Cachia . Finally, St .Johns comfortably accounted for South Melbourne .

ROUND FIVE PREVIEW What Pete Says: St . John's welcome Syndal Tally Ho to Thomas Carroll Reserve . The JOCs returned to the winner's circle iast week while the Hoers suffered another tough loss . I don't expect any respite for them this week, as the JOCs should record another victory . Hawthorn host Richmond Central in what would appear on paper to be a foregone conclusion . I'm sure however the Cobras' endeavour won't be found wanting and that Peter Tyson's men won't take it for granted either . However, I still think the Hawks are too strong. Hawthorn it is then . Power House take on Swinburne University . Swinburne has surprised many this season and could quite rightly be considered favourite to take the points today . With the Razorbacks' Matthew Higgins facing his old side, I certainly think so . Swinburne for mine. Monash Gryphons entertain South Melbourne Districts in the first of a three game homestand for the Gryphs . The home side have started slowly, but did the same last year and still made the finals with

a fortnight to spare . Will they do the same this season ? This game will be a tough hitout, but just the kickstart the home side needs . Gryphons to win in a close one . West Brunswick travel to E-Park number two fcr their clash against Elsternvrick . The boys from Par1 Street have looked tidy in their last tAvo games against fellow fmals contenders while the baysiders also scored a handv win last week. The Pies showed a fortnight ago that travelling isn't a problem and I fancy them to score another win today . What Ed Says: St .Johns host Syndal with the visitors surely suffering the effects of being on the road" . St.Johns have had only one hiccup so far and hard to see them faltering here. Don't underestimate Sydnal though. They are a well-organised and well-drilled unit. In a local Derby, Hawthorn host Richmond with these clashes over the years having a history of close results. Richmond would be disappointed with their slow start to the year however they historically get their motors running about this time . The Hawks, with virtually a full list to choose from, should get the points . Pete, you are right, Swinburne have been the surprise packets. They seem to have got their act together and with players of the standing of Murchie and Higgins will be a constant threat . The House on the other hand, continue to rebuild after the 2000 premiership. I have a high regard for the House and fully expect them to gain momentum as the year progresses but Swinny should have their measure on the weekend. Monash host South in a crucial match for both clubs. Monash have certainly been in the tough half of the draw but none the less, Jack McDonald is sure to be urging the fact that a repeat of last year's barnstorming finish is not a fait accompli . Still rate the Gryphs highly and they should get the points on Saturday. Finally, the Wicks host West Brunswick in the match of the round. This will be a great indication as too how the year will unfold . It would not surprise if the home side took it right up to the Westies, however still fancy the Brunswick boys to prevail . "RESERVES"

Pete : JOCs, Hawks, House, Bloods, Pies (will we see

:nion of "kissin' cousins" Angus "Hammer " ~ 1,„1I11un vs . Keith Currie??)


L5 ; ~- :lne as for Pete! SOCIAL NOTES

~Tanas3 Gryphons wish to remind their players and p,,rters of the Players Revue Night next Saturday ~tii Rlay) at ihe Gryph hill from 7 .30pm . Cost i s Hawc?norn is having a Past Players and Parent s

icheon at Elsternwick Park in two weeks . See Si, ~,udy or Ed for more details .

- wish to congratulate the ng players on reaching the milestone of 50 gan:es in the first month of this season: Paul Hnrris, John Jenkin, Chris Lehmann, Julian Scuth and Lttirze Stemczrt.

to your club this weekend, and thanks t o ,, : ilo have sent us information . Any i spondence regarding social notes, milestone s can be given (ideally by 5pm Monday) to Peter fax on 9920 9097 or emai l cr.PS .WilliamsonCcentrehnk (work) or Ed sail on Ed .SillCalocker .com It would be terrifi c l i . . r from every team, every week during the -on. TIQL' c a ,irc . . . W-,~~_

J' 1~ ~X TION Swinburne South Melb .Districts Richmond Elsternwick St Johns

24 20 17 15 14

St Johns v. Syndal Tally-Ho Hawthorn Amateurs v. Richmond Centra l Power House v . Swinburne Universitv Monash Gryphons v . Sth Melbourne Districts Elsternwick v. West Brunswick


DISTRICTS 2 .4 3.6 9.6 9.8(62) JOHNS 6 .2 11 .5 14.8 19 .12 (126) South Melbourne Districts: Cheevers 5 . Hall 3, King 1 . Best Baade. McGee. D'Andrea. Hannan, Cheever, Daadler. St Johns: Horbury 5, Jones 4 . Vanlbluten 2, Dragwidge 2, Ladson 1, Hilton 1, Hartnett 1, Koppens I . Ritter 1, Walker 1. Best Jones, Walker. Sharp, Hilton, Horburv. Pickering. Umpires : D. Whiteley, P. Griffiths (F), R Place, J . Kralevski (B). H. Cosgriff, P. Love (G) HAWTHORN 8.6 10.9 14.15 24 19 (163) SYDIDAL TALLY HO 5 .3 10.5 13 .6 147(91) Hawthorn: Lauletta 9, Banfield 3. Pollock 3, Preston 3, Ogge 2, Baccini, Burke, Johnson . Steele, Best Reed, Burke, Bantield . Hayes, Saulle . Preston. Syndal Tally Ho : Schulling 5 .Hanttemann 2, Martin, Cachia, Henderson, Harper, Allard, Wong Dix Best Schulling, Cachia, Harper. Umpires : A Hoogendyk (F) RICHMOND CENTRAL 4.6 8.8 9 .10 13 .14 (92) POWERHOUSE 5 .5 8.6 15 .10 20.14 (134) Richmond Central: Smith 5,Gleeson 3 . Marak 2, But, C.Wtnte, AvervBest Trotter, Smith. C.White. 0'Sullrian, Avery, Barry. Powerhouse: Clarke H 3, Rainey 3, Boland 2, Derriman 2, Pavlou 2, Robertson 2. Rolls 2, Miller, Parker, Robinson, Ryan . Best Burt . Robinson. Robertson. Hase)er; Boland, Rainey . Umpires: T. Brooks, S. Rothe (EDL) (F) ELST"`nRNWICK 4.4 11 .5 14.8 19.13 (127) SWINBURNE UNI 4.3 6 .7 9.9 14.10 (94) Elsternwiek: Hunter 5, Foster 4, McAdam 3, Hankin 3, Burney, Mlssaglia, Curtain, B.Maltony. Best- Neill. S Riaaltony, ML.csagila, Mcnally, Foster. C,Mahony S' e Uni; Murchie 4, M.Higgins 4, Goode 2 . Albert, Morrison, Calder . Liston . Best M.Higg ns. Milano, CHiggins, Albert . Murphy, Jones. Umpires: H . Alexander (F), P. Wallis, G. Rollo (G) WEST BRUNSWICK 3.4 8.5 13.10 17.13 (115) MONASH GRYPHONS 3.1 5.5 7.7 9.10 (64) West Brunswick. R@st 3, S .Benjanlln 3, Kent 2, Cannane 2 . Lehmann 2 . Petsch, P.Hamilton, Carmichael . Miller, Shelton . Best: S .Benjanttn. Cannane, Edwards, P.Hamilton. Jenkin, West. Monash Gryphons: Denyer 3, Flowerday 2, wells, Bourbon, Edwards, N.Ruthertord . Best Bourbon, N .Ruttterford. Flowerday, Goold, Wells, Cross . Umpires: P. Marlyn, G. Pa)eaiimos (F), L. Pipe, B. Share (B), C . lialeta, A Borg (G) BESt<8lm SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 1 .3 1 .3 3 .6 6 .7(43) ST JOHNS 0 .1 1 .6 4.7 7.9(51) South Melbourne Districts: Laaaro 3, Rosowski 1 . Downing 1, Doyle 1 . Best : Doyle. Briglia, McCauley, Downing, Lazzaro, McKerrow . St Johns: 0`Dannell 1, Hyland I . Schoneville I, Hall 1, Dowsett 1 . Handeock 1, Harbory 1 . Best Dowsett. Hall. Brown, Handcoa .k, Pi, Wathen, SYNDAL TALLY H03 .1 5.5 5.6 5 9(39) HAWTHORN 4.4 8.8 8 .11 814(62) Syndal Tally Ho: Frederick 2, Buckley, Burns, Richardson . Best ARichardson, D .Richardson, Frederick, Hannett Hawthorn : Stroud 3, Signoruti 2, Doan, hicglenchy, Williams . Best A.Collins, Mcglenchy, Moncrteff, Vest . Rossitto, Strou d RICHMOND CENTRAL 3 .3 7.4 10.8 13 .8 (86) POWERHOUSE 0 .1 1 .2 2.2 7.7(49) Richmond Central Lake 3, Gray 2, Pntscino 2, Gutlterie 2, Dautouvic 2, Bunshaw. Best: Gu[herie. DAutovic, Lynch. Webster, Melville, Carew. Pow-erhouse: King 2 . Blowfield, Cassio . Harris, Marshall, Williams. Best Cassio, Letivis, Wright, Marshall, Evans J, Harris . ELSTEI2NtVICR 4 .2 8 .6 9.8 12 .11 (83) SWINBURNE UNI 3.2 3.3 5 .7 5.9(39) Elsternw4ck: Walker 4 . Heath 3, Lillkakis 3, Paley, Stuchbery . Best Sh chbery, Nicol, Walker, Daniels . Heath, Battaini Swinburne UnL Dobson 2 . Little, Gallina, ORiara. Best; Culph. Little . Demarte, RRoberts. Allen, J.Roberts WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .1 6.5 10.10 12.13 (85) MONASH GRYPHONS 1.1 4.1 5.1 8.2(50) West Brunswick: Disisto 4, Baker 3. Harris. RHeywood, Brockley . Smith, Clark . Best: Brunie. Disisto, Baker . Brunt, Brockley, Young. Monash Gryphons : Gains 4. Williamson 2, Clarke, Tobin . Best Callus. Polock. Warren, Robinson, Tobin . Leroy.

Pr, Frons are not permitted to bring Alcohol into Flsterrrwick Park or Any VAFA Venue .

ELSTERNWICK Coach: Peter Olives Res Coach : P McNally 2 A Harkin 3 J. Yemm 4 A Tilley 5 M. Whelan 6 D. Brennan 7 J . McAdam 8 S. Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartley 10 S. Liminyo 11 L. Missaglia 12 N. Wigmor e 13 V. O' Connor 13 S . Soppet 14 B . Mahony (VC) 15 M . Noonan 16M M . Surman 17 J . Perkins 18 A . Neil 19 J . Hunter 20 K . Currie 21 P. gtuclhberry 22 G. Elvin 23 S. Curtain (C) 24 A. Foster 25 S Gordon

26 C . Mahony (VC) 27 M. Daniels

HAWTHORN Coach: Peter Tyson Res Coach : Ed Sill

i.7ort ~ so G, ~:

.~: rs

Coach: Jack McDonald Res Coach: Phil Knight

POWER HOUSE Coach : Peter O'Connor Asst Coach : Jeff Scotland Res Coach : Roderick Marshal l


1 I. Baccini 2 C . Alexander 3a A . Knott 3b N . Patterson 4a S . Stevens 4b B . Glover 5a S. Avery 5b T. Kerr 6a P. Avery 6b A. Tsoumbris 7 D . Moncrieff 8 J. Cargil ; 9 R . Og e

1 S . Bourbon (C) 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady (Vc) 4 N . Rutherford 5 Ti Gilchrist 6 J. Leroy 7 D . Waiter 8 J. Blandford 9 G. Wadley (Rvc) 10 P. Williamson 11 A Nichols

1 A. Rolls 2 D . Boland 3 N . Pavfou (RVC) 4 B. Turner (C) 5 M. Braini 6 H . Clarke 7 C. Richardson 8 J. Clarke (VC) 9 A. Burt 10 J. Rainey 11 J. Gill

1 M . Smith 2 T. Quick 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 R. Trotter 5 D. Tankovich 6 G . Bunshaw 7 P. Byrnes 8 G. Malcol m 9 J . McGrat h 10 A . White 11 S . Lak e

12 A. Gross (Vc)

12 D. O'Connor

12 F. Maca k

11 M. Pollock 12 S. Banfield 13aJ. Murph y 13bJ. Povey 14aD. Lauletta 14bT. Fitzpatrick 15 M. Tyson 16 C. Reed 17aB . Ruzicka 17bR. Steele 18 A Collins 19

13 J. Stratford 14 D . Bolle 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 J. Hetherington 18 C. Lovett 19 R. Coxhead 20 D. Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 A Denyer 23 A. Long 24 C. Goold 25 M . Killmister

13 J. Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 J. Carrington 17 C. Macleod (RC) 18 F. Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 B . Ryan 21 D. Miller 22 S . Evans 23 24 J . Taylor 25 M . Driessen

13 J . Dutton 14 C . Shannon 15 C. Barry

26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist

26 J . Senior (VC) 27 J . Robertson (VC)

26 S. Bailli e 27 C. Adams

2 8 M . Varcoe 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A . Tolongos 33 S . Edwards 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 G. Block 37 A. Jenkin (Rdvc) 38 J. Bateman 39 P. Young 40 A Perry 41 P. Rutherford 42 D . Kweitel

28 D . Mumhy 29 R . Cassio 30 R . Duncan 31 R . Marshall 32 33 R . Taylor 34 J. Marshall 35 J . Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 S. West 38 L. Deriman 39 D. Crawford 40 R. Keits 41 B. Plush 42 N. Deans

28 A. Waters 29 J . Ston e 30 D. Green 32 M . Harris 33 P. Bermando 34 J . Brook 35 J . Howel l 36 L. Newbery 38 M . Defreitas 40 41 T. Slatter 42 C. White/S Hoare 43 45 K . Day 46 D. Hogan

10 P. Or~ard

. Parker

21 20 P S. Burke 22 C. Habel

23 J . Micheal 24 J . Jackomonis



Coach : Mark Petruscn Res Coach : Andrew Tilley

16 J . Girt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Mouldy 19 S. Lynch 20 A. Quick 21 A. Jones 22 A. Flores 23 D . O'Brie n 24 T. Guthri e 25 A. Piani

28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 M. Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 R Mikkelsen 33 M. Cunningham 34 A. Strafiord 35 P. McNallyy 36 S. Mickkelsen 37 D Nolan 38 A Burney 39 R. Daniels 40 A. Paley 41 D Byme 42 J . Lilikakos

25 M . Zaverell a 26 N, Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barker 30 P. Phillips 31 L. Collins 32 D . McCowan 33 P. Stroud

43 P. Clarke

43 I . Chepa

43 J. Harrak

43 N. Duncan


44 C. Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 S . Ritchie 47 Dale Brennan 48 M . Frankin 49 M Parraga 50 M . Battaini 51 K Mikkelsen 52 G. Powell 53 P. Roberts 54 S Kirkham 55 T Stanley 56 B Hilton 57 T. Byme 58 M Bullard 59 A Appleman 60 M Creek 61 M Hunt

44 B. Allder 45 B. Mountain 46 T. 0' Hanlon 47 D. Lahiff 48 A. Brick 49 N. Tierney 50 J. Gourley . 51 S. Signormi 52 C. Frost 53 M . Preston 54 J .Be 5 5 A. Saulle 56 M . Coglan 57 B. Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A. Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M . Gray 62 A.Johnsen 63 D. Kealy 64 N. Kudeweh 65 G. Lilywhite 66 C. Lorenz 67 S . McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov

44 L . Wells 45 J. Gonis (Rc) 46 G . Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L . Martin 49 C . Robinson 50 S. Wilkinson 51 C . Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 M. Paolucci 54 F. Rizzo 55 J . Bingham 56 B. Tyo 57 D. Bastian 58 P. Maddocks 59 A. Bell 60 G . Campbell

44 R. Parker 45 D. Lewis 46 C. King 47 J. Parker 48 D. Smith 49 B. Urwin 50 D. Chapman 51 J . Best 52 S. Rafferty 53 J . Sheehan 54 J . Blowfield 55 T. Chapel 56 J . Mahoney 57 J . Gourley 58 J . McClure 59 D. Reinert 60 61 62 A . White 63 I. Bracken

50 S . Cas6eau 52 C . Andonopoulos 53 K. Pard y 54 S. Rawlings/C . Cartvm9 h 55 M . Davey 56 A. Tilley 57 E. Hil l 58 J. Cavanag h 59 N . Somers 60 M. Tapley 62 64 65 B. Cantwell 67 J. Lan e 69 T. Melville 70 76 D. Phelan 78 P. Galka 79 M . Coomber 84 M . Funsto n


85 G . Jacobs




34 R . Johnston

35 S. Davies 36 A. West 37 M. Daou 38 B. Brun s 39 G. Carle 40 P. Rossitto 41 b J . Bogi e 42 D . McGlerichly o


87. D. Inglis

70 A . Patton

66 D. Wright

88 S . Griffith s

71 S . Williams 72 M . Waller 73 J . Williams 75 E . Sill 76 C . Pickett 77 A. Smith 78 D . Carter

67 68 69 D . Galakos 70 75 E. William s







STH . MELBOURNE DISTRICTS coach : Peter McBrearty Re; Coach : Kevin Johnson


P. Daly

M. Hannan H. johnston e S. Stepnell S. K ng 6 Way. Rosowsk i A. Hannan g :: S . Aquillina 9'" B . Powell 0 G. McDonald 1t~ D . Hal l ? M. McFarlane 13 E. Henderson


Coach: Bruce Mullens Res Coach : Mick Roberts

1 S. Ferguson 2 M . Ladson 3 S . Hilton 4 S . Holmes 5 C. Horbury 6 L. O' Donnell

7 E. Dixon

8 M. Hartnett

9 A. Jones 10 L. Mills

2 2 A. Bryson ~; B. Downing ,-t W. Brow m ~J S. Quai l

11 L. Menigan 12 P. Walker 13 M . Jones 14 P Sharp 15 A . Borgonha 16 A . Paterson 17 S. Cockayne 18 C . Eme ry J. 20 T. Hyland 21 S. Koppens 22 A. Dragwidge 23 B. Hilton

37 P. Cheevers 28 A. Flowers 2 9 War. Rosowski

25 D. Waters 26 H . Wathan 27 R . Dowsett

!t 15 B . Lazzaro 16 M . Thomas 17 M . Brady i8 G. Mijatovi c 21 L Hogan

3J C . Kent

31 S. Herman 32 D . McGee M. Doyl e 3•1 M. Fern 35 N. Moojen J . Macauley j 7 M . Rosowsk i 39 A. Briglia :1 B . Martin -:2 G. Gaylor ;5 M . Bellesini .3 M. Balshaw 49 T. Sutherland ~D T. Hughes : 5 J. Pohlner L6 D. McKerrow %1 T. Baade

28 J . Pickering 29 L. Johnson 30 D . Ritter 31 D . Rydquist 32 A. Rud d 33 A. Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 L. Adams 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 40 F. Mandrakis

41 M . Griffiths 42 T. Ducancubino 43 M. Van Houten 44 F. Monteiro 45 A. Hall 46 B. Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 S . Pancione 49 M . Horbu ry 51 C. Santoni 52 M . Schonewille 53 J . Pi 54 B. Pollard 55 B. Pickering 56 A. Kizilis 57 N . Moore 58 J . Thoma s 59 F. Auffray 60 K. Frase r 61 G . D'Amelio 62 P. Roberts

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Coach : Derek Thoene Asst Coach: Jason Murchie Res Coach : David Murphy Res Asst Coach : Cameron E0111

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. Albert (VC) J . Sheedy DV J . Piotrowski C( ) A . Fidler J . Demarte B. Prior J. Murchie (C)

SYRDAL TALLY HO Coach: Kev Hannett Assist Spreos Beasley Res Caoch: Tony Psina s

1 J . Hannemann 2 I. Bingham 3 M . JoY 4 P. Henderson

5 D. Hannan B . Dix 6 V. Wong 7 A. Bums


Coach : Julian Siebrand Res Coach: Matthew Lewis 1 J . Kin g 2 P. Hamilto n

3 G. Heppel l 4 C . Lehman n 5 A. Cannane 6O a C . Lewi s 6(b) S. Pietsch

8 R . Bennett 9 T. Fleming

7(b) b) S . Benjamin 8 J . Heywood

18 A . Fiumani 19 B. O'Mara 20 S. Woodward 21 B. Dawson

10 T, Psinas A. Hallyburton 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Moresi C . Marti n 14 S . O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 D . Battaglia 17 S. Miller 18 S. Macfarlane 19 M. Gleniste r 20 C. Hall I . Mackenzie

9 A. Morphett 10 S Byrne 11 H . Baile y 12 B . Clarke 13 S . Brockley 14 N . Lampe l 15 M. Russell 16 D . Kent 17 R . Heywood 18 M. McManu s 19 M . Shelton 20(a) B. Young 20(b) D . Edwards

24 C. Connor 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Liston 27 D. Murphy 28 H . Dickson 29 R . Cavicchiolo 30 S . Fragiacomo 9acomo 31 C . Kelly 32 C . Culph 33 N . Smit h 34 C . Higgins 35 P. O'Connor 36 J . Carter

23 R. Holland 24 M . Macfarlane 25 C . Clark 26 A . Morrison 27 M . Harper P. Fyfield 29 J. Allen 30 A. Frederic k 31 A. Richardson 32 L . Hannemann 33 B. Holland 34 N. Hunter

22 M . Buckley

22 A . Steward

8 M. Higgins 9 L. Morrson 10 M. ,Mastassi 11 D. Milano 12 B . Nicoll 13 M . Luckey 14 R. Goode 15 C . Thomas 16 S . Reynoldson

23 M. George

37 A. Reed 38 J . Carroll 39 H . Allen

40 J . Henry 41 T. Drahtidis 42 M . Hudson 43 J. Roberts (RVC) 44 S. S ti eng 45 D . Islip 46 J . Sandhu 47 J . Sevdalis 48 D. Littl e 50 M . McCalman 51 P. James (RC)

52 S . O'Donnell 53 L . Waters 54 S. Dobson 55 S. Gallina 56 I . Free 57 P. Jones 58 A. Roberts 59 A. Kliska 60 S . Rule

63 G . Phelps

35 C. Caches

37 T. Bartholomew 38 M . Christiansen

39 D. Hallisey 40 E . Lew 41 M. Mores i 42 J . D'Angelo

43 A. Brown 45 D . Richardson 46 M. Pane

47 J . Collins 48 D. Reynolds 49 D. Schuiling 50 A . Sneddon 54 P. Sheer

23 D. Henderso n 24 J. Jenki n 25 J. Siebrand 26 R . Benjami n 27 D . Disist o 28 J. Ward 29 D . Campbel l 30 M . Lewi s 31 S . Edwards 32 M . Carmichael 33 T. Thompson 34 I. T ord 35 D Jel bart 36 S . Campbell 37 T. Dempsey

38 S. Darling 39 R . West 40 B. Baker 41 R. Miller 42 C. Norman 43 J . Tobin

44 A . Hamilto n 45 J . Smith

46 A . Bana l 47 A . Thompson 48 M . Moore 49 L . Stewart 50 A. Bagnal l

51 L, Sherry 52 B. Flanaan 53 T. Gros s 54 B . Ratcliffe 55 G . Marazit a 56 C. Riley 5 7 J . Draper 58 A . Rafter 59 L. Baker 60 C . Frenc h

61 K . Hilton

62 S. Dishon

63 J. Garden 64 W. Dunlo p

65 S. Liuzzi

66 M . Malone 67 M Brookshaw

5 Burwood Road, Hawthorn

68 C. Stevens 72 L. Ryan 76 A. Shirley

(03) 9818 4991

77 D. Shirley

The Whitehorse Inn

(Queen's Birthday weekend )

Under lights e Kilda

it ?Y ` ,, .

'~r7^i`C, ..~ ._.i ~ t'u4lt7~e Y

:'~nottier great round of football in D4, and the results have indicated that this is going to be one of the most open seasons in recent times . Ttie match of the day between Werribee and Albert Park lived up to its top billing with an even first half. Werribee failed to take advantage of some easy shots and although Martin Walsh had his kicking boots on, the Bees went into half time two points in arrears . In the third quarter Albert Park came out with all guns blazing, and with Kelvin Grace and Jason "Bushy" Hannett starring, the Falcons kicked to a four goal lead and from that point on it was catch up football for the Bees. The Falcons had some errant kicking of their own in the second half, however, they managed to keep their noses in front to win by eleven points . It was perfect conditions for football as UHS-VU travelled to Eltham and living up to their names, the Turtles once again started slowly . If not for the busy work of Stockdale in the Eltham defence who was busier than a Baghdad bricklayer, the half time margin may have been greater than the nine goals on the board. Eltham did fight back hard to get within four goals thanks to some sensational work up forward by Gathercole who kicked nine, however, the match was never in doubt, and if not for some errant kicking by the students, the margin may have been a lot more . Good players for UHS-VU were Tate, Dolence and Langendorf. Old Westbourne came out with a point to prove against their old foe, No rth Brunswick, and started brilliantly through some fine play by the Horsburgh brothers and opened up a five-goal lead at half time . After the major break, the momentum changed and with Simon Care filling in the hole in the Warrior fonvard line, the supply lines were cut and North were able to peg the margin back to two goals going into the last . North's David Newton was sensational in the final quarter, kicking six goals and sending the Warriors crashing to an eight-point loss . It was a real arm wrestle for the first three quarters of the St .Mary 's versus Mt .Lilydale clash with no team able to gain the ascendancy with Jason Hill, Nick Goldsworthy and Paul Harrison working hard for the Saints . However, after a heavy bump took out one of the Mt . Lilydale big men the side was able to rally and with Cunningham, Callanan and Kidd on fire, Mount overtook the Saints and ran out twentyfour point winners . The Rupertswood versus Bu ll een match saw the first use of the flood in D4 and the tactic proved frustrating to Rupo early in the match . Rupertswood, through some solid performances by Paddy Clark, Jess Ramsey and Lukas Plumber, were able to smash open the Cobra defence and begin to pile on the goals . Young guns, Nick Ash and Mark 42

Temming were also blitzing their opposition as Rupo ran out comfortabl . e81pointwrs Box Hill North had the bye. GAVS TIPPING Last week's round was harder to pick than a broken nose !

Seniors 1/5 (Season : 12/20), Reserves 3/5 (Season : 12/20 ) WE EE AMATEURS v ELTFfA COLLEGIL :S Eltham will be hoping to start better than they have in previous weeks, but they meet Werribee on the rebound at Soldiers Reserve . The Turtles will need Sharpe and David Brick to win the ball out of the middle if their side is to be a chance, however, with D4 stars Tedessco and Matt Keogh in scintillating form for the Bees, it will be a return to the winn, ; s list for Werribee with a 38-point win . UFISOB-VU v BOX HILL NORTH Box Hill North will be looking to register their first win on the scoreboard against an ever-improving UHS-W today . The students have improved every week and would appear to have the numbers in their favor today. If Uni can hold down the goal kicking of Keillor then it should be two in a row for the students as they win by 33 points . NORTH BRUNSWICK v MT LILYDALE The match of the round sees North Brunswick hosting Mt .Lilydale in a battle for supremacy at the top of the table. North was simply brilliant in their second half last week and will be looking for a stronger start today if they are to challenge Mount. Mt .Lilydale have also been dazzling and if they can hold the North legends in Care and Newton then they are a chance to win . However, North with the return of a number of star players will be too good and win a close one by 11 points . ALBERT PARK v BULLEEN COBRA S

It is a tough assignment for the rebuilding Cobras today as they meet an Albert Park team that appears to be getting better with every passing week . The Falcons surprised all with their strong win last week and with the welcome return of Sean Allan to full forward, the goals should be plentiful . If Albert Park can break the Bulleen flood tactics, then it should be a goal kicking bonanza as they win by 86 points . RUPERTSWOOD v ST MARYS St .Mary's make the long road trip to Sunbury to take on a Rupertswood side still looking to reach its form of last season . Losing at home last week will have struck hard at Sainstville and meeting Rupo in Sunbury is never going to be easy . Carra will be looking to stamp his influence on the game for the Saints, however, the young guns at Rupo are getting better each week and should win by 18 points . (D THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2Q02

7.1(} 10.16 (76)

9.11 (>;) . :;ra; .L, W ; .ue. Li:-,

siLlon ~ilg, Dav - nas i mark of the v„ar on rv_.. .,:ous - ~d tap ruckman & also good on th e v en as asset to the Green & Gold years now. Originally a country boy to city life -writh little fuss. All at ly more games & maybe one da y :Ci' . - would like to congratulate

Cbaeh on reaching the Z Gt T ganle 1~uhs one. Brian has been an outstandin g ,i, ~',uuor to the club since 1995 ; his achievement s ~imm°rous both on and off the field, being a thre e d fairest wtnrler, Captain since 1998 , litteeman and now inspirational coach. i, .i-, i, 1l: ;'11y respected by all at the club and indeed opp aents for his undoubted abi lity and for the ,uaiiner in which he approaches the game . coi",r<ahdations Brian, you are a remarkable clubman.

4.2 10.E 12 .9 16 .9 (105) 2.3 5.E 10.9 17.u (113) . Rot an 2. Hoisburgh rgh 4, G'-?s' st Brnilc,, . . W HunJng' ton, Fairfield , D. i 7 no lino, 6Valkmeyer, Care . Be, are, C Ad=ms, D .tiea-con, Twaddle. impires : .. Fc . P. . F.offman( B. Ra , T. Casucelll (B). D. Mekler (G ) ,?` ; .'_ . . . 3.6 8.11 13 .14 15 .15(105) MT LYLYDALE 6.5 9.9 12 .13 18 .21 (129) St Marys: Dwyer 5 . West 2 . Zembery 1 . Webb 1 . Bernardi 1 . Hill 1, Dayer 1, Ornie 1, 2. °ohaazris 1. Goldsworthy 1 . Best Harrison, Hill. Morcom , tVebb . Dwyer, hzrris. 3, Dougherty 2, haves 2. Penhale 1, Brenner t 1, F 1 . Kellett 1 . Katene 1 . Best: Lonergan . -ga, Callanan . Kidd . n (F) 2.2 3 .4 5.9 5 .10 (40) RG~ %sD 3 .4 9 .5 12.9 18 .13 (121) Bill , .. .. . : ..s: Bolero Cobras: T Mazzarella 2, T Bourbon . C Chan, V Tc n° irian Best: V Tehithn uirian, P AsLangul, P Dall'Ogfo, Fortune. B sr.:,u,. rum Rugertscvood: Asti 4, Price 4. Ramsay 2, Gallus 2. Baines. B Sinnett, Nicole, Eden . Batty . Flynn Best B Sinnett. Plummer, O'Callaghan . Asti . Price, Eden Umpires : G . Hunichen (R) (F) Al

L r

UHS-VU 5 15 er St Marys 5 1 5 Box Hill North 0 14 North Brunswick 7 12 Albert Park 4 1 1 H . Tsialtas C`. % ilieri 6110 ; ioffman

D 4 RESERVE S North Brunswick UHS-VU

North Brunswick Werribee Werribee

Werribee Amateurs v. Eltham Collegians UHS-VU v. Box Hill North

Old Westbourne has the bye North Brunswick v. Mt Lilydale Albert Park v . Bulleen Cobras Rupertswood v . St Marys c AnaATGi 10 cnnrani I co --

15 10 9 9 9

IT PARK 0 .3 6 .5 9.6 9.9(63) 11 2 .8 3 .10 5.19 8.21 (69) 1 :rk: Pastras 4.Trlcarico 2, Harper, Norman, Bourne. Best- Philllls. J.D~'ev. Stetaard. Norman, McGuire V : : I-" ffman 3.Ellis 2 . Djakovic. Flack, Hervey. Best Edwards. Jones. G.Puller, P.j ..abakis. Towers, Owen s i i"r 1Ai 1 .0 2 .0 6.3 8.3(51) 5 .4 7.7 8.11 14.16 (100) UliS-VU ElEham : C. Watson 5, Keleher. Smith. T.Barnett . Best, Watson . Keleher, Turney, D.Barnett. Mann, Smith . tkT.S-VU: Mandatts 5, Cavaliert 3. Fisher 2. Rae . Dryne . Weber. M. O'Neill. Hest Fisher. Holt s, Mandalis. Callejen, P. Thomas . K. tteber. OLD W. 11 6 .1 7.2 11.4 14.6 (90) 1doRTit1 . .-. . .iCK 4 .5 7.9 11.11 13.13(91) Old 9 estbourne: Slattery 6, Naidu 1 . Leitch 1, Murphy 1, Gosswell 1, Phillips 1 . Said 1 . Stevens 1, O'Sullivan 1 . Best: Slattery, Seholes. Said, Gosswell, Naidu . Riraliand. North ick: H .Tsialtas 4. P.Sorleto 3, B .Carter 3, Gillard, C .Pokrajak. Santecroce. Best: Santecroce . RPretty, Healey, Briffa, B .Carter, Burrows. ST MARiS 3 .1 5.1 5.4 8 .8 (56) MT LILYDALE 3 .1 3.2 5.2 7 .4(46) St Marys : Banks 3 . Rousis 2 . Ballantyne 1, Handy 1 . Watson 1 . Best Hendie, Baltant}ne . Brown . Banks. Watson, Evans . Mt Lilydale : Costello 2. Walsh 2, King 1 . Varga 1 . Commerford 1 . Best Dunn, Johnson, Bullerjahn. Hicks, Bun-ows . Morrison. BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .1 6.4 7.5 9 .8(62) RUFERTSWOOD 4 .3 8.6 12 .9 15.11 (101) BnIleen Cobras : M Bourbon 2. K Burton 2. A Burton, J Ricketts, A Sullivan, D McMullin. R Rodrigues Best A Sullivan . R Rodrigues, A Burton. K Burton . J.Todd. R Cimin o Rupertswood : H Bradbury 4. M Mckenzie 3. M Mezzatesta 2, R Phillips 2, DSteeens 2. B Pettman. D Walsh Best D R'alsh. T Bottom . D Stevens, MMezzatesta. H Bradbury, C Corte, B Pettman, M McKenzie da

;i11, Gw : , : Peter- % R : Coa-'i : Ian m 1 P. Smith (C) 2 S. F.c ,';nson (s) 2 r;. Pastras (r) 3 ~i. c,2l-:er 4 G ParmansClt 4 5 J . H2nnct t 6 J . Storey t iC) 7 S. Venab'as 8 C 13-,S,-,-1 R Cnam" rs 0. " s G. . 3 B.-i-'a 4S.F i

15 D. 8 -; I, y (s) 15 J . Snomyscn (r) 16 C. . ~ ~cn (VC) 1'7 D- Ilan 18 J . 18 H . Kt 19 A. ai

20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 D .Overend 23 V. Surace 24 T. Green 25 K. Daley 26 J . Hamath 27 M. Hyams 28 R. Buckley 29 J . Marini s 30 A. Mandylaris 31 S . McGuire 32 J . Robilotta 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 A . D'Mingo 36 M. Pearson 37 L . Hogan 38 J. Rowe 39 D . 'Odorico 40 M. Lapsley 41 T. Panayotou 42 J . Wier 43 J .Tsoukas 44 C. Leorke 45 J . Bourne 46 S . Allan 47 L. Tricaricb 48 M . Dowdle 49 C. Wilson 50 S . Mellis 51 L. Miceli 52 A. Graham 53 M. Williams 54 W. Ro e 55 S. Chisholm 56 D . Smyth 57 J. Sutton 58 J. Hoy 59 G . Irvine 60 I . Pignataro 61 J. Daley 62 A. Harper 77 S . Garcia 78 J . Norman 79 S . Toth 80 G. Bateson

1 Blackman J 2 Smith S 3 Odza A 4 P J 5 1A 5=. H ;on r sb J =_n csA 6 Mzrmi D 7 S'-. 3 L C S. 10 C 1 V. 4 G ;T

Cc--h : Ar ,y, ) Assist Coach: Sc t Dr Res Coactr: h' it r,


4 I. McLeod 4 N . Cartled -; 5 M. Starrett 7 F. Bald ' 8 Ti: az; t 9 B. Hoare 11 C Eore- . 12 D.T n scn 1q . P.

dT T

6s', nG 7 C . . -o G iG L ) Gii 1 Hi


.f K J


23 Naumovski J 24 Ferris C 25 Michelle A 27 Thoi T

28 Brunning S 29 Rodgers M 30 Bolitlio J 31 Ives C 32 Mortimer P 34 McCartin M 37 Wootridge D 38 Buckland G 38a Bennett G 40 Tsactid'rs J 41 Jackson C 42 Tarulli A 44 Garrett J 46 Cinar K 48 Marulli D 49 Ellis T 50 Tarulli M 53 Oldfield 1 57 Woods P 69 Aguilar G 78 Steele P 80 Evans S 111 Armstrong P

41 N . N es 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 47 S . Irvine 48 M . Soumildes 49 G. Anderton 51 R. Rodrigues 55 S . Wigney 61 D. Rennie T. Arnold P. Aslangut D . Beraldo H . Biram M. Bourbon D . Bourbon R . Cumino J . Clark T. Dennaoui G . Fortune J . Hambridge T. Hurley A Lamanna R. Lamanna Lamers G. Mandekic M . Mastromanno P. Mastromanno S. Mastromanno Nasr

C . Watson J. Todd B. Pollock B. Nei l T. Bourbon D. McMullin J . Rickert McCarthy Sullivan

23 R. , 24 K . Drumn id 25 C . Horsburgh 26 J. Glare Res Cr`C 27 J. Stockdal e 28 T. Barnett 29 D . Howgate 30 M. Decker 31 B. Keleher 32 C. Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 D. Buller 35 G . Smith 36 L. Donaldson 37 J . Trumble 38 R. Beecroft 39 F. Coonerty 40 J. Bau d 41 A . Mann 42 J. Howgate 43 J. Mann 44 T. Johns 45 R . Davies 46 48 B. Tumey 49 B. Hespe 50 51 S . Maxfield 52 G . Stackpoole 53 54 P. Harding 55 G. Jenkins 56 J . Shannon 57 S . Gathercole 58 59 B . Evans 61 62 63 M. Luttick 64 S. Schafe r

速~6 TtJC AA,1M1TCt 10 Cl1ft'i'on~

~ cn nnnn

NORTH BIU : ;C~~"^ :C Coach: Ange Sammarano Res Coach : Gary Cutler 1 Wemham S 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P 5 McMahon W 6 Piaari D

7 Magnuson D 8 Guppy D 9 Sammattino A 10 Fawcett W 11 Boudolah J 12 Care S 13 Ullo M 14 Newton D 15 Tsialtas H 16 Tsialtas S 17 Kyriazls A 18 Verge J 19 Famulati S 20 Closter L

21 Santacroce R 22 Freeman J 23 Briffa J N. F arce (VC) A. CcAello D. F :-ks Penhal e

he Carolan (C) 'r Jerson

, 'left C: 'lanan Cn Nezz a 3, Dunn L . I_ nSOn

s rt i~~.iiG le

Pereira D. ; . oway M -lonnell

ser - 3annel l nergan aghetty man nbl e


H, Flanagan C stens ;t

C!. S 1t c5 D. Bu„oere Turner

or i Drago T: Grace L . Proctor H. Gunier-Sanders C. Varg a - Bird N. Whitehead J. Drago

S. Taylor

24 Aliani M 25 Dusan W 26 Murphy J 27 Vaina M 28 Gillard S 29 30 Healey S 31 Heck J 32 Robertson B 33 Rotelia J 34 Pisasale M 35 36 37 Shepherd S 38 Wallmeyer N 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Twaddle C 42 Papanikolou J 43 Page J 44 Grist S 45 46 47 Prestigiacamo N 48 Carter D 49 Lawton D 50 Ferrante F 51 Sorleto P 52 Brine P 53 Pokrajak A 54 Hill D

55 56 Cutter G 57 Hill M 58 Giovanogiou N 59 Mollo L 60 Nabbs S 61 Goumas G 62 Carter B 63 64 McKenzie A 65 Rigazzi L 66 Pretty R

0 L-` WESTSOUFtNE Coach: Ashley Caspersen Res Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 G. Robson (VC) 2 A . Casperse n 3 S . Depiazza 4 T. Giga s 5 S. Hewitt 6 J. Horsburgh (VC) 7 A. Christo 8 A. Horsburgh 9 K. Murphy 10 J . Wilson 11 S . Phillips 12 N . Naidu 13 J . Cornea 14 S. Mattsson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M . Aqualina 18 P. King (VC) 19 R. Aldridge 20 M . Houston 21 M . Christo 22 L O'Sullivan 23 S . Huntington 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 M. Stapleton 26 P. Mesman 27 D. Billman 28 D. Slattery 29 D. Horsburgh 30 R. McMillan 31 M . Baulch 32 G. Jenkinson 33 D. Ban n 34 P. Stewart 35 D . Rivalland 36 K. Pillsbury 37 A. Leitch 38 B. Matteson 39 A. Robbins 40 S . Leitch 41 K . Miller 42 S . Roberts 43 A . Runciman 44 B. Slattery 45 S. Robertson 46 E. Sandstrom 47 T. Said 48 T. Scholes 49 R. Naidu 50 P. Habersatt 51 L. Stevens 52 D . Bal l 53 S . Chaffey 54 M. Crosswell 55 D. Clowes 56 R. Skinner 57 M. Warren 58 I . Smith

59 A. Lipscombe 60 N . Aqualina

~Werribee ~ ÂŽr


RUPERTSWOOD Coach : Tony West

Res Coach : Shane McLauchla n 2 Fox D. 3 Page S .

4 Croxford D. 5 Boddington P. 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B . 8 Plummer T. 9 Clarke M. 10 O'Callaghan A . 11 Mou4e B. 12 Cardillo K. 13 Sinnett B. 14 Plummer L 15 Webb N. 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Mezzatesta M . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M. 25 Nike D.

26 Zarb D. 27 McMahon N. 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 Glassey G . 35 Certo C . 36 Henry P. 37 38 Petiman B. 39 Walsh D. 40 Drago C. 41 Bowman P. 42 Swann B . 43 Phillips R . 44 Icely A. 45 Hum D. 46 Eden T. 47 Soutaris A . 48

49 0'Riley C. 50 Walsh D. 51 MacPherson B. 52 Moskaijuk S. 53 Bugeja N. 54 Gibbs R. 55 Ramsay J. 56 Hatty G . 57 Moskaljuk P. 60 Price G. . 62 McMahon A. 64

66 Mandoutt L. 69 Bradbu ry H . 70 Temming L. 74 77 O'Callaghan M. 78


n Ellis

G ;1 : lackey Res Goas i : Peter Dinnick

Coach : uearmo-nth Res : TBA I T.Brovm 2 B .Boyes 3 J .Carra 4 N .Goldsworthy 5 J .Dveye

1 2 3 4 5

6 S .Stone

6 S. Cracknell

6 S . Lvons

7 D. Zulucki

7 T. Ellis

7 A .Dsryer

8 A.Zsembery 9 R.Orme 10 G.Koumantatakis 11 J .Bemardi 12 A .Webb 13 J .Hill 14 C.Goldsworthy 15 M .Purcell 16 L.Anthony 17 P.West 18 B .Frail 19 V.Ryan 20 A. Lane 21 M .Gilchnst 22 R .Allen 23 FHarrison 24 J.Oconnor 25 C .Bartlett 26 RMulcahy 27 M .Banks 28 J.Innes 29 P.Harrison 30 P.Watson 31 D .Thomson 32 P.Rheining 33 M .Ohalloran 34 A.Pakovski 35 G.Theoharris 36 E.Evans

37 L .Vincent 38 C .Handley 39 T.Millar 40 N .Luce 41 B.Graetzer

M . Wright (VC) B. Ueberang A.Talarlco L. Gorringe T. Fulton (VC)

R C Paul Smith

8 D. Haslett (C) 9 R. Smith

10 B. Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly 13 N. Rose (VC) 14 J . Ham 15 S. Brown 16 J . Tate 17 C. Langendorl 18 A. Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madrigrano 21 B . Abrahamsen 22 G. Mandalis 23 G. Temes 24 N. Hahn 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusic 28 V. Cavalieri K. Webe r 30 M . Butera 31 P. Dolence

32 J . Michael 33 P. Greenbank 34 J . O'Neill 35 A. Butera

36 A . Pendlebury 37 G. Cat' retail 38 R. Lapish 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire

43 M.Chamberlin

41 A. Ludlow

44 M.Robinson 45 P.Ryan 46 S.Angus 47 P.Rousis 48 D.Morcom 49 G .Schembri 50 A.Wibawa 53 B.Armitstead 54 J .Wright 55 B.Perelberg 56 J .Vincent 57 D.Watson 58 B.Levris 59 K.Mdennan 61 N.Jadcson 63 P.Roseman 65 S.Roseman

42 D. Wallace 43 M . O 'Neill 44 C. Percy 45 P. Dinnick 46 C . Siotos 47 M. Kennedy 48 M. Davidson 49 M. Kinnane 50 B . Dryne 51 R . Hortie 52 M. Collins

66 C.Roseman

59 J . Barron

69 J .Hendy 80 J .Clarke 88 A.Ballantyne


U t Ste

fl S

el Industries

S3 C . Witnish 54 R . Witnish

55 56 D . Creek 57 G. Divenuto 58 J . Thomas 60 L. Turner 61 T. Stathopoulos 62 K . Rodgers 63 D . Parker 64 R . Middleton 65 66 S . Butera 67 M. De Luise

1 2 3 4 5

P. O'Connor L. Kerr D. Flack J . Johns P. Barsby

8 P. Dawe s 9 M .Bradl 'iel d 10 M . Keogh 11 M . Gree n

12 M . Walsh 13 F. Mehmert 14 B . McMilla n 15 A. Murphy 16 S . Fogarty 17 A. Tedessco 18 S . Puglies e 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 M . Johnso n 22 A . Dibatista

23 J . Hoffma n 24 J . Crick 25 A . Hovey 26 S .Parslow 27 P. Bro wning

28 D. Turner 29 S . Dol e 30 B . Cadesso 31 B . Water s 32 M . Dolegorrsk i 33 D . Owens 34 N . Lovel l 35 B . Cunningham

36 C . Ewards 37 J. Aylin g 38 D . Velisha 39 L . Langfield 40 S . Fuller 41 G. Groga n 42 D . Ellis 43 L. Carson 44 D . Nedinis

45 J. Marinis

46 R . Hann 47 G. Fuller 48 M . Foote 49 E.. Mahone y 50 Pace 51 B. Patto n

52 C . Andrew s 53 L . Djakovic

54 A. Casserta 56 O. Wals h 57 D . Abbey 58 A . Cmerill a

59 A. Lont i 60 M . Czajkowsk i 61 D . Delan y 62 S. Liangos 63 A. Stewart 64 G. McGowan 65 S. Parslo w 66 M. Ega n

63 L . Holmes 69 S. Fros t 70 E. Ricduti

72 S. Duke

73 S. Devli n

88 D . Fisher THF AM,ATFt 7R F()C7TRA1 t FR 2C5)2


r r f t ? ,r •i lt,t.e' ~sy, '~ , s ~~~ ~ t'is'tfl"~';: i t~tr'iti t and ,~,Pi'C {'J~iy ; i :J° n :: )O~it~n~ f1G frt!~t iri~?tt :tC'~; "t:tr`it° o t; .r;Jiu :%`?. 5 !j:1 i>'t. e o:'•7g tr1f~ l d%ai{,#1 Imtc?C'ril'.riI", ta''a?d t i?t`R ~tt"t?!~>f f If'S~ ~'!t t fo lt?~€ 2 ?tfu1r~°rt t0 opposition fCs ;i£ "7ii i r -i6 .;5 (} 1-!7 co



I L~

(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service )

- Weekend r~~tf,- .~ es (Fri) - !!mpires Appointments - Scores (Sat. night)

- ~ - - The main gat e (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials.


~ c=~ ~ 째 `~a3


0 o "G-

Name the qrid souare where vou

rninn ine oati was rn the original photo .

3: (a) Weekly . 3 successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive a Pulse Energy T-shirt, a Pulse Energy cap and 1 dozen Pulse Energy golf balls . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . (b) End of Year. All 66 winners will go in a draw . At this draw should the one person drawn have "switched" as part of the "Switch To" initiative the winner will receive $2,000 worth of electricity, gas and petrol - $500 gas, $750 electricity and $750 fuel . Should the person not have switched the winner to receive $500 prize -$100 gas, $200 electricity and $200 fuel . ;" : f TO ENTER : One entry per person . Tear off entry s째^tion which appears down right hand side of this r- page, fill in and mail to : VAFA P0 Box 359 Elsternwick 318 5 or p/copy and fax to 95312050. Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . 48


Ri b Coo~e Lawyers

ush Inn 'ans Kerr, AM P =rranai Landscape South Yarra Sports Centr e Paul Pattiso n JB`s Purified Water Goldpais Accountants Beiersdorf Club Warehouse Mime's Dol i Gary McBcan Meats Bell's Hote l Julius Redlich & Sons Spit ting Image Catering

TVP Communications John Peterson Bookseller NytlraChem The Kitchen Place Ted Lynch Agencies Australia Wine Direct Williams & C o

The Fr


Kelth's i-ies Rod's Fruit & Veg

Bob Stewart Mensland [3ea urepaires Camp Australia Moody Consulting

As Inc leaders of 1,A HSC" .-C, are aiming to cre : an en ironn:ent where all players ca;l contribute tc - .~fds the future of csur club - ours to shape, ours to M,l . With our seniority and expee, we believe it our ponsibiiiiy, to set an example to our younger team mates of the application and dedication required to be a competitive and successful A-Grade club, Although we have had a poor start to the 2002 season, ,we feel that as w e n to play to ,acll other s

:hs, our irrent young ove with

t(y has _Ile thr ! ro(ess7 nal ilua -,dith excellen t

is (,,r quality

hese fit 3tiâ‚Ź3i3s?

iasiy required for ii Justria l

ddition to the two s>ecia i

each game : laying the building blocks for a bright future at Putl tSOBFC . We appreciate our s.pporters continued encouragemerit and support, and guarantee that they can look forward to more cocnand suu:ess(uI perormances in the remainde r of the sr son .

I Location

:, i"-c~eunt2 ~= .

Public Practice, Principal, ;e4 practice to Ga support11 a".aler,5 relate d busines° s . Burwood area . Mortgage .r, experienced or trainee. Eastern Suburbs . II Iryan Thomas o n (': ? 9321 7'? ;a or (m) 0417 32E; or ' .

~ :ilCt$r

(? ) U -iC e,5 .` _i Players, S1 nsors and Supporters Dinner

(2) U 22 Home game luncheon v Old Ivanhoe, 12 noon 22 Trivia Night, Unicorn Club, 7 .30pm

South Melbourne 1 8 M ay 7 p m $30 ph - all welcome 3ook 9824 0480


~~ U


ACh! 006 637 903

Suite 41 E , 190 Jells Road, Wheelers Hill Phone : (03) 95 61 7577 Fax: (03) 95 61 7566

,l<<reellin v. Old Ivanhoe si Bernards v . Old Scotch Old Trinity v . MHSO B Old kaverians v . University Blues p, La Salle v . St Kevin s

I Lunpton Rovers v . Mazenod Ormond v . Old Haileybur y Old Paradians v. North Old Boys Tirerry Penola v. Old Essendon Old Melburnians v . Old Brijghto n to be played at Etstern.wick Park old Camberwell v . Prahran Glen Eira v . Old Mentonians Whitefriars v . Beaumari s Caulfield Grammarians v . St Bedes Mentone Tigers Banyule v . Collegians

Marcellin v . Caulfield Gr. Old Xaverians v . De La Salle Old Brighton v . University Blues St Kevins v . St Bernard s Old Scotch v. Old Melburnian s Old Essendon v. Old Trinity Beaumaris v . Old Haileybury Bye v. Ormond Old Ivanhoe v . Hampton Rovers Werribec v . Mazenod

Old Paradians v. Therry Penola North Old Boys v . Old Carey Rupertswood v. St Leos Emmaus Old Camberwell v . Yarra Valley University Blacks v . Whitefriar s of

w 1 9 12181110

Monash Blues v . Bentleigh University Blacks v . Mentone Amateurs St Leos Emmaus v. AJAX Ivanhoe Assumption v . Williamstown CYMS Old Geelong v. Aquinas Bulleen Templestowe v . Monash Blue s

Old Carey v. Peninsul a La Trobe University v . Fitzroy Reds Salesi an v . Kew Bentleigh v . Yarra Valley Parkside v . Oakleigh

03 Section

Richmond Central v. St John s

St Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Oakleigh South Melbourne Districts v . AJAX De La Salle (2) v . Mentone Panther s

Old Westbourne v . Bulleen Templestowe clash with seniors Old Xaverians (2) v . St Bernards (2)

to be played at hleFlate Stadium at 9.3 0 a .m. Aquinas v, Williamstown CYM S

MHSOB v . La Trobe University I-

.速 n [1l

Old Essendon v. Prahran Old Xaverians v . Mazeno d Old Melburnians v . De La Salle Eley Park v . St Kevins

Swinburne University v . Hawthorn Amateurs Power House v . Elsternwick

Syndal Tally-Ho v . Monash Gryphon s to be played at East Caulfield Reserve, East Caulfield (68 G2) Sth Melbourne Districts v . West Brunswic k

速4 secti on

Box Hill North v . Werribee Old Westbourne v . UHS-VU Mt Lilydale v . Bye St Mary s v. North Brunswick Eltham v . Bulleen Cobras Albert Park v . Rupertswood

Marcellin v . Therry Penola University Blacks v . Fitzroy Reds Brunswick v . Old Xaverians (2) Old Ivanhoe v . Old Trinity

Monash Blues v. Old Brighton St Leos Emmaus v . Old Geelong clash with seniors - TBA Whitefriars v . Collegians clash with seniors - TBA Hawthorn Amateurs v. Hampton Rovers


F ;Iarts & ;dical ' upplie s

SECTION 1 This was a much better round for m e tipping stakes with 4 from 5 matches . My only miss wa s choosing Old Brighton over Marcellin. As I discussed the eoming game with coach Walsh, I expressed to him my thoughts that this game would be close but O .B. would just get up. How wrong was I? That 32 point win was f an tastic, especially when you realize that O .B . came back at them twice in the 3rd & 4th quarters. They got to within 10 points an d 12 points respectively, yet they were able to han dle the pressure an d move away each time. This team is the real deal! Tim Sheeh an was outstanding with 6 majors! Just how good is this St . Kevins team? After an even and interesting openin quarter, SKOBS demolished the opposition with an i l goa~2nd quarter and an 8 goal 3rd . Outstan ding footba ll with O'Keefe (8g) and another unstoppable one from Gian siracusa (5g). Fina lly, coach Callin an must be a re lieved man now that Xavs have finally won their first game . The first quarter was sensational with lOg being scored - 5g each. Uni went to the first break with a 2pt lead, pumped up and ready for action . The 2nd was again very even, but Unit's wavwward or Xavs s traight kicking proved the difference with Xavs now holding a 15pt lead . After ? time, ALL XAVS - Ross, Doxey, and Scanlon taking control of the game, result - 4 0pt win . Old Melbourni ans put up a great effort against the ladder leaders until ? time, but could not maintain the same intensity. St . Bernards ran over the top of them with 22 shots to 9 in tile last half, to win by 70pts . Neeson outstanding! Caulfield put up a great effo rt against the Cardinals at Camberwell until ? time, only 12pts down . But Scotch's last half was terrific, resulting in a 66pt win. SECTION 2 As predicted a close game was played out between Lยง'erribee and Old T rinity at least in the first half . After that the OT's with Aitken, Gordon and Stebbins on son g ban ged on 8 goals to 4 to outlast a determined Bees unit well se rved by Carson and Muraca. Old Ivanhoe ran rampan t at home so much so that half of the starting eighteen booted goals wit h Alagona ( 7) an d B ryan t doing all the damage up forward. The Bloods battled hard all day an d had better players in Hanlon (4) and Waxznan . Beaumaris did not have their kicking boots on yet still man aged to take the points against Ormond . 40 shots to 21 told the tale, although straighter kicking could we ll have seen a wider margin. Hampton Rovers proved yet again that they c an run out a d ame overrunning Mazenod at Central Reserve . The Nodders ~e at eve ry chan ge except when it counted an d had prime movers in C. Morris ( 6) and Castrieum. Never say die Rovers Ban ks, Kelly an d Henry . Old Essendon had the bye SECTION 3 Poor kicking will be reiterated at Therry Penola this week after having more of the leather due to the good work of Quinn an d Capewell TP could not get the ball through the big sticks, while the Blacks who kicked straighter were well led by De an , Ross an d Mapieson. Old Camberwe ll returned to the playing fi eld an d did so with a vengeance . With midfielders Pike and McCallum dominating and providing plenty of ha ll to Ryan (9), Old Carey were powerless to stop the rot . Other notables for the Wellers were H anson, Lvons and Hillier. Better OC's were Macfarlane, Adams and Bowley. Old Paradians battled their backsides off against ladder leader Rupe rt swood to ?o down by 4 points in a great game . The lead ch anged regularly and even with Drummond an d Lyons in fine form as sisting a 5 goal to 2 last quarter the 52

home team Caine up short . They however gave warning for the return bout. Albanis and Boxall stood out for the victors . In another tight game North Old Boys played the required 4 quarters of consistent football to outlast St . Leos Emmaus, The Animals with prime movers Joyce, Cullen and Sawitsch began well, however with the tireless efforts of Pritchard, Davidson and Cook NOBS took the points in a well deserved will . In a hiah standard game GVhitefriars with Captain Brusolo, Micallef and Wallace in form won their first for the year against Yarra Valley . With the difference between the two sides no more than 2-3 goals all day the match was a fine spectacle. For the Bushrangers Battle starred on the fonvardline along with Jarvie who will be ruing missed opportunities . SECTION BLUE What a big week it has been in football! From chocolates to boiled follies - only 1 win from 4 picks pathetic! What a sensational game at Bentleigh Reserve with De La getting up to win by ipt. Actually, this was a close contest all the way, very physical . After ? time, De La came out firing, booting 6 majors to 2g in the premiership quarter, to lead by l7pts . The last quarter saw some sensational heroics from both teams, but particularly from Be La . With only 17 men left on the park and the Demons coming at them with a force, the young fellows were able to maintain a ipt advantage at the end . A special mention to the De La halfback line - fantastic work rate, and to the goal umpires keeping cool under pressure! In the upset of the round, the Ti ers beat the Blues at Mentone Reserve . After an even ~rst quarter, the second saw the stronger and quicker Tigers pile on lOg to 3g, which ultimately proved the difference . Monash were better in the air, but it was the St . Bedes on-ballers that did the damage at ground level . The Swans were no match for the Krushers at Albert Park . They played well in the first stanza, but Oakieish ~ot their game going with a 9g second quarter, which tooC the wind out of their sails . A 9g to 3g second half saw Oakleigh cruise to a 104pt win . Best for the Swans were Quinn, Rocko and Masterton . Finally, Mentone Panthers nearly caused the upset of the round by losing to the Jackers by lpt . The 2nd quarter saw Mentone slam on 6g 6 to 3g 4 to lead at? time by 4pts . Some wayward kicking proved costly. The last half was a fantastic battle with the Panthers maintaining the ascendancy until just before the end . SECTION RED MHSOB returned to the winner's list this week at the expense of a dogged Bulleen Templestowe outfit. From the outset the Bullants threw everything at the High with Grorgoulas, Lee and Verga setthi fine examples, however with greater overall depth an ~ Sierakowski (7) unstoppable up forward the home team won well . Aquinas found St . Bernards (2) too much to handle at home . The young Bernies bounced out of the blocks and never looked back . Madden, Mastropasqua and Ianozzo were outstanding contributors all day for the Bernies, while Parker, Pringle and Pierce battled manfully for the Bloods . Old Xaverians (2) had to battle their way back from a slow start to get the points against Old PJestbourne. A better last quarter where they booted 4 majors to 1 the telling tale . La Trobe soundly defeated a gallant Williamstown CYMS . PREVIE W SECTION 1 The match of the round sees Old Brighton host Xavs at South Rd, in a must win for coach O'Bee's team . Old B . is under an enormous amount of pressure with anothe r M THF AAAATFI IR FfN1TR6i I FR ~Inn9

wwffl~_ l ciug 3 in a row. They get back Smith fro m but I fear that will not be enough . I'm now off :do_gon, too unstable, too rickety when the roads ge t r; ;h - bum got too sore! Xavs back in town, main ding form - 23pt win. The Grammar boys fact th e :, task of matching the all-conquering superstars of ~,~ction 1 football, St . Kevins . Like their W4VF is, they will be too big, too stron g an d too angry for me opponents . De La host the Eagles at Waverley er must win game . Coach Bilston knows that o n urf they are hard to beat, but Marcellin wit h iring up forward should be in front at the end b y Coach Giles has an opportunity for Uni Blues t o n their touch with the top 4 by defeating O .M .'s at the I , oval. But if coach Lalor can get his charges to play four .,,,, ?ned quarters of running football this game could g o way. Finally, Whispering Jack (I mean Donovan) i, to the Snake Pit to challenge the WWF All Stars, ,,_1uticently managed by "The Undertaker", coach Foster . Leriiards have been pumping up and body slamming other in preparation for this week . These Scotch boys III not know what hit them when St . B . 's come out to play. ; , : .)ns: SKOBS, Marcellin, Xavs, St . B ., Uni Blues. SECTION 2 Top of the table clash at Trinity GS where th e ic u:atn will be keen to establish a break over the rest of ,ection with a win today . Old Ivanhoe will have othe r and while coming off a confidence boosting win last the OIG forwards will fmd opportunities scarce today majors . rile-bury face everyone coming off the bye and this tlvait Old Essendon . OEG are locked in a middle of th e ble crush at present and will be keen to separate :cn ;~clves from the pack . OEG to win well . mafon Rovers' form has been great of late and today the y a real test. Werribee on the rebound will be fired up to aitain touch with the four, while the Rovers will be keen t o ~_I imi ue their good form . The Bees in a close game . i; ; iiunid have their best chance to kick start their season i : :I :r,• when they face off against Mazeond at home . The lers have failed to finish games recently, while the Monds lacked the ability to shut down rampant forwards . In a of the coin the ivtonds to open their account . 1~e,itunaris has the live . SI:CTION 3 Therry Penola will be raring to go today in more , than one. They will be keen to extract some revenge on 0!d Camberwell who defeated TP for last year's Red Section pr, mtership last year, they will also be ruing their couple o f losses to date and hence their lowly ladder position . The .rs bounced back well last week to sure up secon d >iiion. Today it will be TP at home to get the points . iic Old Carey and Old Paradians clash will be one wort h 14. OP's know a win will consolidate a top four position , o inc OC's who need to bounce back hard after las t 's poor showing. Nothing much separates the two sides it OP's better defence, and for this reason I feel the OP' s ek the greater score . ulr<rtswood wi ll continue their good form and defeat North !i!d Bo=,,s at home, despite NOBS solid win last week they will i r.d ;,ie ladder leader too strong up forward . uia Valley will have no respite when they come up against u n-form Uni . Blacks. Both teams sit 2/2 with a win today !!u . [ ag one of the sides within striking dist an ce of the four. i' ;r the other the job will be ahead of them if they lose today

AS I " , Eft-19 SECTION 1 Caulfield Or. v. St . Kevrin s De La Salle v. Marcellin Old Brighton v . Old Xaverians St . Bernards v . Old Scotch iic,rsity Blues v. Old Melburnians UNDER-19 SECTIDU 2 Old Trinity v. Old Ivanhoe uld Haileybury v . Old Essendon

- as they will be losing ground with the top sides . The Bushrangers possess more firepower up forward and if on song will get the points by 2 straight kicks . St . Leos Emmaus. WP will still be licking their wounds and no doubt Paul Gregor will have the boys concentrating for the full 100 minutes today . The Friars have been on the improve and with last week's win boosting confidence I feel they will take the points today. SECTION BLUE Bentieigh are at home again to South Melbourne in a game they must be desperate to win . Having lost the close one last week, and another 4pts as well, I can't see them losing this one. Oakleigh at Scammell Reserve will be a very difficult opponent for coach Grace's Blues to overcome. Rumor has it that both skipper Neville and V.C . Young, are both out with injury, which leaves the Blues very vulnerable . For this reason, Oakleigh having stormed into the four last week will begin cementing their spot this week . The local derby is on at Mentone Grammar Sports fields with the Panthers V. Tigers . Both teams have found terrific form and with Krings back in the team, I'm tempted to pick them . O.K . I will, but Rocky another B .O .G. from you will be needed . Finally, the Jackets host De La with an early 1 .00pm start.

1E O'Keefe Giansiracusa Cations Medlin McKerrow Glass

CLUS UNDER 19/1 St Kevins St Kevins Old Scotch UniversityBlues UniversityBlues Caulfield

18 16 14 11 10 10

UNDER 19/ 2

Ferarri Beaumarls 0 15 O'Dwyer Old Ivanhoe 4 12 Forrest Old Essendon 0 11 Oliver Old Trinity 4 1 5 Morri s Mazenod 6 10 UNDER 19/ 3 Callavetta Whitefriars 8 16 Katsanevakis Old Carey 0 13 Ryan Old Camberwell 9 13 Calavetta Whitefriars 8 12 N. Ash Rupertswood 0 9 Potter Rupertswood 3 9 Terrell Reynolds worsnop Krotfil Scott Jordan

St Bedes Mentone 6 15 Oaklelgh 0 12 St Bedes Mentone 3 11 Bentletgh 5 11 Monash Blues 0 10 Oakleigh 5 10

Silk Maggiore Pringle Ireland Furletn Verga

Old Xaverians 3 14 St Bernards 5 12 Aquinas I 1 11 Old Xaverians 0 10 Old Xaverians 2 10 Bulleen. Templestowe 3 1 0


Beaumaris has the bye Hampton Rovers v. Werribe e Ormond v. Mazenod 0 C UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Therry Penola 0 B v. Old Camberwell Old Carey v. Old Paradians Rupertswood v. Nth Old Boys at Ocnl 3 Eric Boardman Memorial Resem, Sunbury 381 G4 Yarra Vallev 0 B v. Universitv Blacks St. Leos Emmaus v . 4Vhitefriars

UNDER-1 9 (2) BLUE Bentleigh v. South Melbourne Districts Oakleigh v. Monash Blues Mentone Panthers v. St.Bedes Ment. Tigers at Mentone Grammar Pkujin9felds AJAX V. De La Salle (2) at Ig.m. UNDER-19 (2) RED Bulleen-Templestowe v . Aquinas 0 C - TBff St . Bernards (2) v. Old 'Westbourne La Trobe Uni . v . Old 7aver3an.s (2) Williamstown CYMS v. MHSOB at Spotswood Boni, Spatswoodll KI I


I 1= [_, OLD SCOTCH 3.7 6 .8 9.17 16 .25 (121) CAULFIELD 1.4 4.8 7.12 7 .13 (55) Old Semtrh: Cations 4,Taft 3, Quallm 2, Reid 2, Clinch 1 . Gair 1. Goodfeltows 1, Moloney 1, Thompson 1 . Viatkam 1 . Best Parkinson, Lewis, Kitchen. Purnell, Taft. Pflllalav. Ca:ilfl -- d: Glass 3. Ayfen 1 . Argvrco 1, Niven 1, Franklin-Jones 1 . Best Aylen, Foster, Napier, Gerrard, Fagan, To~ .vnsend . Umpires : G. Moore (F ) ST KEYIIdS 5 .3 16.7 22.11 26.19 (175) DE LA SALLE 3.5 5.6 8.7 12 .10 (82) St. Keains: 0'Keefe 8, Giansiracusa 5, DidIDs 3 . ttaldron 3, Sierakorvski 2, Kempton 2, Guilder, Hamilton, Mitchell, Simpson . Best Gaither . O'Keefe, Simpson, Hutton, Mtilkeanrs, Kemptan . De La Salle Sloman 4 . Brown, Brow•:llng, Aldeniccio. M . Roberts, Strums, N. Roberts. Padilla, Hughes. Best- Haves, Oakley, Stonrarr, Aldemecio, Mohan. Naughton. Umpires: P. ivtaebus, R . Benson (F) 5.5 9.8 13 .12 17.14 (116) MARCELLIN OLD BRIGHTON 4 .2 8.6 9.9 12.12 (84) Marcellin: Sheehan 6, Home 3, Farreity 3, V7ise 3, Armstrong 2 . Best: Sheehan, Neal, Addison, Considine. Schaepman, Hoyne. Old Br~htom Jackson 5 . Leaf 3. Parkes 1, F:uxer i, Clark i, Hogarth I. Best: Dale, Crark, Jackson, Fuaec Aslanlls, Paroissien. Umpires: C. Collins, D . Dinneen (F). S. Collins, N. Brown (B) UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .2 7.5 11 .6 14 .6 (90) OLD fiAVERiANS 5 .0 10.2 14 .6 20.10 (130) University Bluei : Ran in 5, MeKerrcra• 3, Medlin 3 . Callen 2, Tanner 1 . BesC Youna, Bradley. Butko, titi~l, Herbert, Rankin . O1dX~averlans :r 7P--, 4Heeiey4Baker 2Faseei20`Meara1 .Best. Ross Pascen Scanlan Py Her Ryan. Umpires: S. ? c D. Ar . ._,Iant (F) OLD DB;LBURNL9NS 1 .3 4.5 4.9 7 .11(53) ST BERPJARDS 0.5 6 .10 10.17 17 .21(123) Old &4eItnrrnL3ns: Not rgce 'v.:edSt Bernards : Not received. Umpires: A FvHe, P Rapke (F) UNDER 19 SECTION 2 WERRIBEE 3.3 4 .5 6.6 9.11(65) OLD TRINITY 3.2 5 .7 9.12 13.14 (92) Werribee; Kelly 2, Eisenberg 2, Justin Russo, N .Gauchi . Morrisey, Muraca, Jack. Best: 0'Dormell, Carson, .'.iuraca, Justin Russo. Old Trinity: Oliver 4, Sparsi 2, Hill 2, ClllGey2, Adken, Pretty . Gorden. Best. Aitken, Crawford. Stebbins, Healy, McDonald, Gordon . Umpires: J . Heffernan, J . Ralph (F), A Vaiopoulca, V. Vaiopotilos (B), S. Vaopo:iloa A . Tavilla (G) OLD IVANHOE 8 .6 13.11 22 .16 27.21 (183) OLD 12AILEYBURY 2 .1 5.3 7 .6 11.8 (74) Old Ivanhoe: Alagana 7. Bryant 5, 0'Rkyer 4, Bonus 3, Mendola 3, Read 2, Dinakis 1, Nielson 1, Finlay I . Best Brvant, Alagona, ODs:ti•er, Geoagiou, Bayford, Neagle . Old HaiSeybury: Hatilon 4, A Jones 3 . Goodbody 1, Dasilra 1, Boucher 1, Kite 1 . Best- Hanlon, Max man, McLauchlan, Kite, Goodbody, A Jones. Umpires: A Barren, A. Barrington (F) ORhiOPdD 13.8 (86) 18 .22 (130) BEAUMARIS Ormond: Not received. Beaurnaris : Not received. Umpires: D . D'Altera (F ) MAZENOD 5.2 7.7 10.9 12 .11 (83) HAMPTON ROVERS 2.3 6.5 7.10 12 .14 (86) C.Marris 6. Del Mastro 2, B.Morris, Strawhorn. House, Powell . BestC .MO,-ris, Castricum, Franks, Kinmbtu2}t, House, Power . Hampton Rovers : Banks 2, Jewett 2. $urggraff, Campbell, Fletcher, McCarthy . Murray, Selletto, Sprott, VJeaver. Best: Fletcher, Banks, McCarthy, Kelly, Turnbull, Hein Umpires: C . Sin:on, D. Murray (t7 3NDER 19 SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12. 11 (83) THERRY PENOLA 9.16(70) University Blacks : Owen 3, Dean 2. Ncelker 2, Started, Miisan . Black, Mapteson, Ross Best Dean, Mapleson . Ross, Crossley. merry Penola Cooper 2, Moron 2, W'mduga . Crook, CapewelL Callegar i. Fenton . Best Fenton, Quinn, Caliegari, Bowcock, T Gordon: . Capewell Umpires : M . Meier, N. Barney (EDL) (F) OLD CAMBERWELL 8.3 17.6 23.13 27.16 (178) OLD CAREY 4.0 5.3 6 .4 7.7 (49) Old Camberavelh Ryan 9, Austin 3 . Sigalas 2, 441ietan 2 . Manrood 2, Pike 2, Hillier. B, Heffernan . J . L}rons. Vince, Ra nsay, Cottr ell, Birreti . Best : Hanson. D . Ramsay, Ryan , Pike. Austin, Birrell. Old Carey: Angus 2 . Stear t-Holmes, Suhnan, €vankenls . Ingram. Best: MacFarlane . Bennett, Stewart-Holmes, Adams . Bewley, Connell , Umpi res: C. Stevens (R) (F) 54

OLD . .---DL'_;3 4.1 8.9 13-19(E RUPERY QOOD 1.1 8.4 12.6 14.10 Old P: -. .rctiens: Spmaso 4 . Gargan 2, S SMek.zra 2, Senso, M Yen, DD .: : Han-ey, Bux Best: D Dean, Drummond, Buy b Jtrickland, Lyons, Sense, Rupertswoo (b Wilson 5, Potter 3, Spinner 3, Barry 2, Sutllhan . Best- Albat Spimrer, Boxall, Barry . Johnson Umpires: J . Moore . V. La Bear (EDL) (F), R . Goodman, P Xaereb (B ) ST, LEOS EM&IAUS 4 .4 8.6 11.7 13 .7 (8 5j NORTH OLD BOYS 2.3 7.6 10.7 13.11(89j St Leas : Fraser 4, Fox 3, Mintem 2, Cullen 2. Ballard 1, Chun 1 . Best- Ballard Fo.x, Cullen, Stephens, Sau4tsch, Joyce. . No rth Old Boys: Francis 3, Dobson, Pritchard 2, Williams, 11'est, Datiidsan, 0'Bree, bras, D .R}an . Best Pritchard, D.Ryan, Davidson, Cook . bias. Dalzrat Umpires: L. Ka1z, M. Phillips (F) WHI1'EFRIARS 7 .3 11 .7 16.14 21 .16 (142) YSI2ILA VALLEY 5 .3 11.7 16.14 19.18 (132) Whitfrlars: Calavetta 8, Hill 2, Cin'sio 2, Brosolo 2 . Rees 2, Micallef 2 . Phelat, Lacuone, Eames. Best Calavetta . Brosa:o, Wallace, lacuone, Nunan, MieaiteC Yarra Valley: Sloan 5, Battle 4, Pargeter 3, Houston 2, Janie 2, Colman, Croryp, Gough. Best: Battle . Crowe, Pargeter, Ross, Janie . Houston. Umpires : R. l1 ndlow, D.1Mndlow (F), J . Maebus, R.'Raist (B) UNDER 1912 BLUE DE LA S.9LLE (2) 4.3 7.6 13.10 16.11(107) BENTLEIGH 2 .3 8.7 10 .11 15.16 (lOfi) Be La SaBf-- Dunkiey 4 . Saunders 4, De Reidder 2, Hennessy 2, Byers 1, Jarvis 1, Molony 1, Lowllrer 1 . Best- Jarvis, Lowther, Mo?ony, Byers. Smyth, S . Sm}itt, Bentkig n: Reid 5, Krotofli 5. Lee 2, Brown 2, McFarlane 1 . Best. Lee, Reid, Robertson. Davenport, Cox, Aitken . Umpires: T. Lilley (F) SOUTH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS2 .2 4 .3 5 .5 7.7(49) OAKLEIGB 1 3 12 .9 15.13 23 .15 (153) South Melbourne Districts ; Rocko 2, D.andrea 1, Ester 1, GiarmelQs 1 . Bouchard 1 . Rowe 1 . Best: Quinn, Ra.ko, R'iasterton, Gia mellis, Rowe," Oaldelgh: Jordan 5. Mulholland 4, Holden 3 . Ciavarella 3 . Nevezie 1 . Besc tan, Zula. Mulholland, Collins, Kokkinos . Nevezie. Umpires: D. Stephens, M. Cox (F) ST BEDES MEN TORE 5.6 15 .9 17.10 23 .15 (153) 4.2 7.3 11 .5 16,S (104) MONASH BLUES St Bedes &ientone: Terrell 6. Ceislak 3, Varsnop 3, Kelleher 2 . Buck 2 . Jones 2, MeGettigan 2, Morgan, Gibb, L'Hutllier. Best McGettigan, Terrell, uorsnep, McMurray, Morgan. Buck Monash Blues: Grace 6, Beddingfield 2, Fairley 2, Huggins 2, Gilbert, Oswald, Tayior. BesC Hickey, Grace, Oswald, Taylor. Costley, Edwards , Umpires : S. McCarthy (F), J. Nicholson B ) MENTONE PANTHERS 2 .4 8.10 11.14 12.16 (88) AJAX 5 .2 8.6 1(110 12.17 (89) Clarke 4 Little 2, 0'Connor, Fisher. Krings, Rock, Bitttter. Mentone Panthers: Honattneic Best: Rock, Fisher, Mitvalskv. Meyers. Kelly, Psratts AJAX: Thurure 2. Rose 2, LaeLcolm, Kestenberg, Chester, Fetter Hershut, Guterek, Nissen, Goidbloom . Best: Rose, Gottleib, Chester, Yudleman . Silbennan, Fetter Umpires: J . Grossbard, G . Morgan (F) UNDER 19/2 RED 1311500 4.7 9.15 14 .20 22.23 (155) BULLEEN-TF M 'LESTOWE 2.1 2.2 5 .5 10.6 (66) MHSOB : Sierakowski 7 . Fraczek 4, Stucki 3, Raleigh 2, Bowen 1 . Edwards I . Gevaux 1, Leamtant-4Jalker 1, Ternes i, Whitehouse 1 . Best- Tert :es, Sierakowski, He7uel, Fraczek . Raleigh, Slucki, Read . B -Templestow•e: Verga 3 . Lee 3, A Askatow 2, Di Pasquale 2. Best Grorgoulas, Daskalaw, Lee, Taylor, Mitialos, V-erga . Umpires: M. Jenkins, K. Walker (F) 2.2 3.3 4 .3 7.7(49) AQUINAS ST BERNAR7IS (2) 6,4 13.11 20.17 23 .20 (158) Aquinas: Prin~1e 11, Pierce 1, Toomey 1 . Stone 1, Whine 1, Sorace 1 . Best Mc~1u ➢en, Parker, Toomey . Stone, Pringle, Pierce . St Bernards : Maggiore 5, Madden 3 . Egan 3, Johnson 2, Govan 2, C . Mitchell 1. Mastropasqua 1, A Mitchell 1, Marion 1 . Garth I . McManus 1, Hurley 1. Besc Ianaun. Madden, Johnson, Masnopasqua. Runnalls, Evans. Umpires: N1 . Monty OF) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 1.4 3 1 7.8 11 .11 (77) 3 .3 3 .5 9.8 10 .80) OLD WESTBOURNE Old XavierIans: Silk 3, Bongiorno 2, Furletti 2, Barrett 2, Riordan, Trescoualrlek . Best, Cookie, Freer. Barrett, Silk, Martin, Harrv . Old Westbourne: Pavez 3 . Neville 2, Memweather 2, Nikola Vaughan . Pilsbiuv. Beat Waiker, lkan . :iikola, MohTUsch, Pavez, Gerace . Umpires : J. Lane (F ) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 7 .7 11 .12 25.15 30.21 (201) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1 .2 1 .3 2.3 3.5 (23) La Trobe University: Not received. Will iamstown GYMS: Not receftect, Umpires: L. Dillon . N. Woods (F) THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002


~, Ca ~ it : 41aG „cson

- ! rT G ;, ; and T cilrseider L Sc,,t B Townsend M p ,~ 3an C Ay3en T

Frost W Crt-tem G ; Get Coni B Sch3ttner D

Coach : Denis Biiston 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

J . Hughes M . Roberts E . Sims-Lucas P. Bourke R . Walmsfey T. Woodlock A . Skinns

10 B. Oakley 11 D . Browning 12 T. Molan 14 S. Byers 16 B. Quinane

3 N . Addison 4 L. Considine 5 C. Moran

6 B. Gillingham 7 D. Armstrong 8 L . Money 10 A. Dale 11 M . Voska

12 D. Beattie 13 T. Zappulla 14 D. Salce

Rawlings J

18 L . Williams

15 R . HaYn e 16 M . Doyle

Jer : .inson S Niven J Linford R O'hoy B Franklin-Jones T Tr?g M

19 A. Roberts 20 S. Brown (C) 22 M . Naugh6n 26 H. La Ragy 27 B . Pedula 30 T. Nicholas 33 C. Rice

18 B . Carmody 19 N . Brown 20 E . Weeks 21 T. Sheehan

35 J . Hennessy

24 K. Barden

son A = t,larglannis M Dorman N Cabsimo G G39 M O'Niell C Ar,ryros S 1-S Z

G as I -.3 Surdair A

42 M . Nankervis 44 A . McLeish

49 B . Pinwell 54 L. Johnston

Your rlexibie VvurKforce


17 P. Farrelly

22 J . Neal

23 M. Chong 25 M. Mastores 26 C . Dignan 27 J. Wise 28 J. Toohey 29 A. Schoepman 30 D. Carson 40 S. Welch 43 B. Wignell 45 C. Beayni

OLD SCOTCH 1 A. Grant M . Walkom

C. Swan 6 M . Moffatt

7 J . Sprague 8 E. Reid 9SS . Daniher i t A. Wilkinson 1? A . Philalay W. Lewis (C) 14 R . Teesdale 15 S . Cations 16 D . Jennings 17 M. Gai r 20 N . Parkinson 21 L . Thompson ?'? L . Kitchen T. Munro zn S. Dumaresq =5 C.Logan o A. Quail 27 B. Goodfeilows 3 A. Joyce s0 G . Prenderg ast 31 M . Clinch

32 R. Fullerton 33 C. Purnell

34 T. Moloney 36 J . Sheldon 37 S . Taft 38 M . Raymer 41 T. Aurel Smith 42 A . Brookes 56 C . Tallent FP A . Routledge S . Troon

OLD ME L Coach : Owen Lalor

1 L. Ross 2 N. Gamble 3 S. Jackson 4 M. Franklin 5 M. Ryan 6 L . Dale 7 D . Meade 6 B. Gadsden 9 A. Clarke 1o J. Hogarth

1 J . Knight 2 E . Townsing 3 E . Tucker 4 G. Kauye 5 N . Guy (C)

12 S . Eastgate 13 J . McCowan 14 E . McCowan 15 A . Thistlethwaite 16 C. Tootell $ B . Furzer

11 G . Burgess (VC )

11 C. Adamis

i9 J . Lynch 20 W. Leaf

21 T. Marshall 22 T. Lamb 23 B . Aburro w 24 25 A . Parkes

26 B . Finlayson 27 2 . William 8 29 B. s Richardson 30 31 A. Paroissien W. Williamson 34 T. Gibson 35 36


3940 38

7 S . Harald 8 J. Ray

9 J. O'Dwyer 10 G. Rolleston 12 R . Faulkne r 13 W. McDonald 14 B. Kubi s 17 S. Guest 18 W. de Fegel y 21 R . Matthew s 23 N . Robinson 24 R . Galbraith 30 J. Mille r 32 C. Hanchette

34 J . Beaumont 36 B . Whitechurc h

37 E . Matthias 38 T. Le Goe 40 B . Wulf 42 B . Faulkne r 44 0. Webb 45 E . Ryan 48 D. Littl e

[.Moog 6 S m N W


44 R . Fisher


Coach (1) : Peter Callihan

Coach (2) : James Fay

4 A. Sutherland


Coach: Richard Ooee

41 42


Coach : Mat Donovan


Coach: Gavin Walsh

1 Fox A

2 Hulett S 3 Pasceri J 4 Santaiucia C 5 t.eoncelii T 6 Fudeui D 7 Cato C s Barrett A 0 Hi ins D t ea~erT 12 ern++en A8 3 Williams

1 114 Scanlan M 5 O'Meara T

1 6 Roaan 'r 17 Glynn P 18 Lynch T 19 MctGnle A 20 Triaca GY 21 Smaln,rood P 22 Ryan P 23 No Ian C 24 Hall K 25 Cry onkieW 27 McLaren R 28 WhiteJ

29 Cracknell M 30 Ireland G

31 Corrigan T

32 Hardwick J 33 Ford D 34 Jones A

35 santamara J 3 6 saPuRPo D 37 Eongormo D 38 rre~ J 39 Freer 8 40 Hadey R 41 Ross S 42 Deehan A

43 Ro rs M 44 t,'r~ns N 45 Smith J 46 Doxey A 47 Camera D qg Sisley jt S~ieiis r 51 50 Nauqhton M



Coach : Peter Foster

Coach: Brian Brown

1 D . Elliot 2 S. Neeson 3 C . Goullet 4 C . Burns 5 J. Smith

6 A. Matthews 7 N . Thomas 8 A. Anderson 9 10 R . James 11 S . Glenn 12 L. Thomas 13 L. Mansfield 14 B . Calleja 15 A. Crocke tt 16 17 18 L. Fielding

1 J . Dempsey 2 T. Duggan (C) 3 L. Giansiracusa (VC) 4 S . Mount 5 J . O'Keefe 7 P. Murray

7 Young R

10 D. Mahoney 11 J . Ryan 12 P. Kempton 13 N . Hutton 14 A . Hamilton 15 J. Coates

8 Morgan B 9 Jensen R 10 Medlin T 11 Heathcote N 12 Jacobs R 13 Ihle T 1 4 Rice N 15 Moore L 16 Bennett C 17 Maddison N 18 Butko P(VC) 19 Provis A 20 Gallery M 21 Wood J 22 Herbert L 23 Bradley C(VC ) 24 John E 25 Matthews J 26 McKerrow J 27 Hatsweil D 28 Howson A 29 Chamberlain T 30 Derrij F 31 Mcphail D 32 Gibson S 33 Steame R 34 Tou h ey M 35 Sondhu P 36 King J

16 C . Didilis

22 N . Serrano 23 D . James 24 S . Campbell 25 T. Legudi 26 S . McCurry 27 P. Harris 28 C . Keunan

26 M. Shannon

27 P. Aughton 29 JP. Mount 30 P. Ghougassian 32 B . Hughes 33 S . O'Connor

29 S. Kilkenny

34 S . Mitchell

30 31 B. Ashcroft 32 J. Harvey 33 N . Vascrava 36 D . Heskett 40 D . McManu s 43 S. Mitchell 44 K. Walker 47 M . Hooper

38 R. Chard 42 A. Grant

19 N . Basaraba

1 Millar A (C) 2 Nicholls C 3 Rankin T 4 Trail N 5 Tanner J ~C 6 Sibley S )

9 T. Simpson (VC)

17 D . Makoho n 18 D . Prior 19 C . Underwood 20 W. Dunn 22 G . Holland 23 L . Sierakowski 25 A.Muikearns

20 21 A . Bentick

TY BLUES Coach : Tim Giles

43 W. Gullifer 46 C. Wilkinson 53 M . H ause r - Simpson Constructions • Q scosource Australia RED EAGLE Hotel • Quadric •

38 43 Ca m eron A 77 Brumby-Rendell T

_ .._ . _ _




Coach : Damon

i;oach : Paul curry

I P. Irons 2 L. Mutquiney 3 M . Eady 4 T. Shugg 5 B . Bird 6 D. Gargaro 7 S . Lynch 8 S . Croft 9 S . Wilson 10 C. Buckley 11 T. Fitzgerald 12 C. Collins 13 C. Tuck 14 P. Berry 15 A . Edge 16 T. Groves 17 C . Evans 18 J . Windebank 19 S . Doukas 20 R . Dew 23 T Woolnough 24 D . Gillespie( DVC ) 25 B . Bowker 26 S . Wilson 27 T. Boreham 29 L . Wonnacott 30 L . Ferrari (VC) 33 S . McNicholas (VC) 35 S. Lee 41 J. McGeoch 42 A . Poll 53 R . Rawlings 55 B. Deaton (C)

3 S . Seleto 4 T. Jowett 5 A. Blake 6 C, Malthouse J $0 J . Vaughan p 13 J . Laing 14 S . Weaver 15 P. Cambell 16 G . Giasoumi 17 T. McNamara 18 S . Burggraaff 19 K. Splatt 20 B . Kezllas (C) 21 J . McCarthy 22 B . Henry 23 L. Fletcher 24 R. Turnbull 25 S . Daly 27 A. Banks 28 A . Joseph 29 A . Murray 30 J . Connell y 32 L. Cave 33 M . Elli s 34 D . Andersen 35 M . Terech 37 T. Richards 38 B . Cantlan 39 C. Horrigan 40 B . McCallum 46 J . Almahoffer 49 B . Smith 50 J . Yeliand 57 A . Thorne 58 J . LeVeque 59 S . Blangardo 60 G . Carr 61 M . Davies 62 D . Dawes wwtu.hamptonroeers .com . a u

速L Coach : Steven King


----._ . G on :

.in LeGrano

1 A Bouchereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fuller 4 A . Powell 5 C . Morris 6 N . McKay 7 D . Dunne 8 P. Guiliano 9 G. Massey 10 A . Filippelli 11 M. Ballenger 12 B . C. Kennedy 13 C . Agius 14 M . Power 15 A . Manjikan 16 M . Duthil 17 B. J . Kennedy 18 L. Del Mastro 19 A. Cook 20 M. Regan 21 D . Hansen 22 D . Hallet 23 A. Stagliano 24 S. Castricum 25 T. Bourbon 26 L . Franks 27 B. Thomas 28 S. Devoy 29 D . Devlin 30 C . McDade 31 J. Discala 32 D . Norman 33 B. Waldro n

---__C 3cn : 5nan risner 1 A. Frazer 2 A. Parker 3 S . Balloch 4 J . Duggan 5 W . Nunlist 6 S . Davison 7 L. Wilson

8 S . Underwood 9 B . Hobart 10 M . Flaherty 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Harewood 13 P. Rogash 14 P. Bar-ash 15 D. Forrest 16 J . Nicolas 17 J . Lloyd 18 M . Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D. Messo 22 J . Weidner 23 M . Leptos 24 R. Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Hurlston 27 M . King 28 J . Di Pietro 29 D. Symons 30 T. Hamza 33 D. Hardy

. ,


uoacn : ) ,evr L . I L . Boughton 2 G . Chippertleld 3 D . Shanno n 4 H . McLauchlan 5 T. McLennan 6 T. Archer 7 J. Hanlon (VC) 8 B. Duperouzel 9 A. Herrmann 11 C . Waxman (C) 12 P. Shakespeare 13 M . Pitt 14 E . Marsh 15 R. Goodbod y 16 A. Kight 17 M . Erikson 20 C. Haye s 21 R. D'Silva 22 B . Newb y 25 M . Jones 27 T. Norton 29 J . Glanvill e 30 C. Were 33 R. Mosbe y 39 A . Jones 58 A . Baker

---- Coach: D

.n Peters

Coach : Adrian Connolly

Coacn : StE Lovell

Asst Co ch: Chris Thoma s 1 K.O'Dwyer 2 M.Paine 3 4

1 Gibson T 2 Brown S 3 Aitken J(V1C) 4 McDonald E


5 Pretty S

6 S.Curatolo 7 8 9 S. Jenkins 10 11 J. Bayford 12 13

6 Russell S 7 Davies M(CIC) 8 Healy J 9 10 Hill R 11 12 Stebbins N

6 Y. Spivak 7 D . Black 8 J Muzzell 9 J. Franklin

13 Gordon N(C(C)

14 S. Davis

15 A . Carson

15 B. Cromack 16 S. Missiopolos 17 P. Brown 18 M. Ramsay 19 W. Cov e 20 R . Lerner 21 B. Upstill 22 B. Ra son 23 T Naylor 24 M . Anderson 25 R. Matter 26 D. Dte Hennepe 27 C. Domingo 28 B. Harris 29 30 A. Jiro,., 31 A. Bukala 32 L. O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 S. Ramsa y 35 B. Slat' te r 36 M . Hamilto n 44 B. Robbins

16 C. Yasse r 17 S . fv9orrisey 18 N . McGuane 19 J . Bake r 20 D. Lowe 21 N . Gauchi 22 J . Puran 23 Joshua Russo 25 A . Shepher d 27 T. Davidso n 28 30 A . Borg


23 I .Loughnan 25 32 W. Coleman 33 D .Neilson 34 D .Meredith 35 M.Mendolo 36 TI-inlay 44 L.Stillman 50 E. McWilliam

MEES BUS LINES QJ ~ J & ""78 {

~f~r dt e Profe-~ 21s flEGL - .

14 Troon R 15 Amore J 16 Amore S(V1C) 17 Hillas R 18 Sparsi M 19 Duetl R 20 Coxon N 21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chifty E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J 29 Crawford M 34 Hider B

1 R . Quincy 2 S. Wheller 3 M. Wood 4 C . Hassell

5 A. Clinch

11 B. Arnold 12 C . Johnstone 13 J. Longmuire

1 S . Muraca 2 M . O'Donnel l 3 C. Gauchi 6 S . Kid d

7 R. Saunders 8 C. Jack 9 Junstin Russo 10 C. Kell y 11 C. Mahone 12 A . Elrouby y 13 S . Eisenberg. 14 J . Maso n




OLs ::

Coach: Michael Sigalas

--i Smales

1 M. Little Fnre',ard r1,.


Dc n !=1-1- i i: Davidson ~ R. Curtis

S . Carlton Harris

Potion H. Citroen B. Young J! "endall Hei ht g F. Matthews , B Knight A Felemonow R . Kirk L ? Perr y > Cook (C) B. O'Bree

Ruff b. Watt

?J A. Lias (VC) t H . Ryan (VC) 33 D. Rya n ATrivsonno

S. McGinley Francis

2 L . Weaver 3 N . Payne 5 P. Tempone 7 B. Ryan 8 J. Vince 9 A. Crame r 10 M. Cottrell 11 D. Pike (C) 13 M . Austin 15 A. Whelan (VC) 17 D. Clyne (DVC) 20 J. Agotanovic 21 C. Rogers 23 H. Hogan 27 B. Hillier 30 A Macallum 33 N. Warner 34 D. Schmidt 35 M . Shanks 38 J . Pettit 39 A. Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas (DVC) 51 S . Gegory 52 T. Nisbett 53 H. Bradshaw 54 J . Brown 55 L. Siberus 77r s , .

Y. Saad Htr 9 a~ ~



.13 WP Coach : Paul Gregor 1 A. Ballard (C) 2 A. Hollands (VC) 3 L. Fox 4 D. Chun 5 C. Phyland 9 T. Stephens 10 N . Carstein 11 M . Levins (dvc) 13 R . Varney 15 S . Cox i9 P. Landy (dvc) 2 N . Cullen A. Haplin J . Kirk 46 A. Sawitsch i : G . Haddad M. Argus B. Crosthwaite R. Forte A. Kennedy D. Lawler R. Mintern N. Romney P. Sampson


1 Corrigan B 2 Goodwin T(VC) 3 O'Neil P 4 Skiathitis R 5 Ferguson D

6 Hermes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T

10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T 12 Leech S 13 Atkinson D (C) 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Slawitschka J 18 Slawitschka A 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C (DVC) 21 Rizzo J 22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Hutchinson B 27 Thompson T 28 Carroll A 29 Heane R

32 Cooper J LO V ~°~'

- :.A . -A

33 Freckleton J 34 O'Connell S 40 Brosnan J 41 Martin A 59 Robinson T

62 Caccamo D


CO nnnn

Coach : Steve Maus 1 T. Whitelaw 2 L. MacFarlane 3 D. Maodermott 4 A. Simson 5 B . Andrews 6 N . Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 A. Stewart-Holmes

9 J . Booth 10 A. Leonard 11 D. Bowley 12 J . Choong 13 R . Davey 14 C. O' Reilly

15 J . Nankervis 16 T. Angus 17 T. Connell

18 N . Pump 19 C . Bucanan 20 S . Bennett 21 T. Rossignuolo 22 G. Trumbull 23 N . Katsanevakis 24 C . Baird 25 C . Ingham 26 C . Bruce 27 E. Bull 28 S.Jacobs 29 S. Assimo 30 L . Stolfo

31 J. White


Coach : Glenn Jowett Asst Coach: Lachlan Beaton 1 C. McClure 2 H. Ellis 3 T. Nisbet 4 M . Stern 5 L. Kaye 6 A. Martin 7 J . Chia 8 A. Groot 9 C. Holt 10 S . Gibson 11 Ed . Duncan 12 K. Bezak 13 A. Herrmann 14 R. Wenzel

15 D. Higgins 16 A . Ross 17 C . Bu rt 18 A. Morton 19 R. Spiers 20 L. t ;erbert 21 A . Fitzpatrick 22 E . Buckingham 23 R . Scarlett 24 A . McIntyr e 25 J . Blac k 26 J. Mapleso n 27 S . Taylor 28 J. Milsom


Coach : Peter rfansen Anthony Quin n 1 D . Caple 2 D . Dean 3 C . Duncan 4 F. Fistr9c 6 M. Keeling 7 G . Loftus 8 M. Lyons

1 Ash D. 3 Albanis J . 4 Spinner L. 5 Ash N . 6 Howard R. 7 Plummer J. 8 Elliot K. 10 Wilson T.

9 A. Smith

12 Temming M .

10 N . Stephens 11 J. Zivkovic 12 W. Connelly 13 L . Dore 14 M . Dn 15 S. Egan 16 D. Fantone 17 S. Fairbaim 18 S. Graham 19 B. Hewett 20 D. Kalviskis 21 S. Maher 22 S. O'Meara 23 P. Senzo 24 A. Tabrah 25 M . Yeo 26 N. Allan 27 R. Bux

28 D. Gargan

13 Barry Paul . 14 Sullivan N. 15 McGovern N. 16 Monzall R. 17 Potter C . 19 Johnson R. 20 Nolan M . 21 Assourd M. 22 Dale S . 23 Balmer V. 24 Barry Pete r 25 Anderson J . 27 Kosta M. 28 Boxall T. 30 Jaeger R . 57 Dressler E. 58 Lane M. 59 Cariss P. 63 SilvesterJ .

29 J . Roberts

64 Constantine B .

5 A. Harvey

30 D. Strickland 31 S . Strickland 32 R. Villano 54 N. Bryce


Coach : Andy Dalrymple 1 S . Brosolo (C) 3 C. Ventura 6 P. Micallef (VC)

8 R. Di Falco 9 T. Nunan 10 A . Hill (VC) 12 P. Hennessy 14 A . lacuone 17 T. Wallace 21 M. Calavetta 22 A . Williams 25 C . Janson 26 A . Winke 28 T. Kotsopulos 29 B . Drinkwater 32 G. Murphy 38 A . Corry 40 A . Stone 42 P. Ree s 44 R . Eames (VC) 55 P. Vlahandrea s 65 D . Tilli g

29 C . Barte r 30 B . Owen 31 Q. Sear 32 L . Nicolas

33 E. Thompson 34 R . Mansfiel d


Coach : Michael Phillip s

Interstate transpor t Services

9396 900 0

65 Murphy B . 71 Broughton T. 72 Watson C. 73 Arthurson M .

YARRA VALLE Y Coach: Peter Battle 1 C. Tasker 2 A . Pargeter 3 C. Gough 4 T. Morden

5 B . Crowe

6 N . Peters 8 M . Rokicki 9 N . Battle 10 S . Middleto n 11 B . Clarke 12 C . Britt 13 J. Ebsworthy 14 P. Ross 15 S . Gilli n 17 J. Hum e 18 P. Jarvi e 20 D . Wrigh t 25 B. Seeger


Coach : Gary BlOSztein Asst Coach : Phil Rozen 1 B. Silberman 2 J . Israelsohn 3 R. Rotemberg 4 A . Lewis B. Rose 6 J. Kestenberg


P. Bryner

8 9 L. Fe tter 10 11 D. Gubereck 12 A . Silver 13 D. Rozenbes 14 D. Hershan 15 J. Gottlieb 16 J. Hain 17 J. Kagan 18 N. Bardea 19 D. Seidl 20 J . Thurin 21 D. Arousi 22 23 B . Nissen 24 A. Joffe 25 B. Goldbloo m 28 J. Gi voni 29 E. Rath 32 L. Peters 33 B . Yudelman 35 D. Spillberg

36 A . Sacks


Coach : Kerry Murphy 1 L. Holmesby 2 N. Aitken 3 N. Dimachki 4 G. McFarlane 55 J. Robertso n 6 L . Forrest

7 S. Holmesby

8 B. Holden 9 B. HyrOnS 10 B. Reid 11 J . Monk 12 T. Wright 13 D. Ferdinands 14 M . Margiannis 15 J. McKenzie 16 K. Pereira 17 H . McKenzie 18 I . Jordan 19 L. Curbs 20 M . Sydney 21 V. M araventano 22 B . McLellan 23 M . Wilson 24 T. Krotofil 25 A. Lee (C)

26 J. Sayers 27 D. Marsh 28 S. Radoni 29 D. Couniham 30 G . Vitagliano 31 L.Hogan


Coach : Rob Smith 1 C . Mitchell 2 M. Francis 3 T. Bellomo 4 D . Lowther 4 C . Mcmahon 8 L. Jarvis

9 J . Saunders

10 B . OakleyY 12 S . Moloney 14 S . Byers 15 S . Smyth 16 K . Smyth 17 G . Walton 19 M. Hayes 23 A. Dunkedey 23 D. Nomikos 25 A. O'Shannessy 28 D. Thompson 35 S . Meehan 40 M . McLeish 42 M . Sheehan 46 K. De Ridder 50 A. Nicholson


Your Flexible Worklorce

1 S. Chapman 2 C. Jones 3 L. Fechner 4 G. Chessari 5 K. Cummins 6 A. Costley 8 B. Luff 9 M . Edwards 10 S . O 'Donnell 11 L . Northway 12 M . Tennant

13 J . Oswald 14 G . Roney 16 T. Huggins 19 G . Gilbert 20 J . Fairley 23 P. Nevill 24 A. Francis 31 H . Evans 33 L. Beddingfield 34 G. Rowley 35 M. Sharkie 36 A. Hickey 39 D . Taylor 42 S. Young 43 L. Smith 44 S . Grace 50 S . Mor ri s 61 M . Spence 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton

~~(~51 j ncr in

OAKLEIGH Coach : Chris Moore 1 A. Murray 2 L. Kennedy 3 D. Bri tt 4 S . Earl 5 C . Kokkinos 6 M. Cash 7 M. Stevenson 8 R. Symmons 9 A. Visser 10 A. Mulholland 11 W. Plaukovits 12 D. Sowersby 13 S . Collins 14 S. Cammiss 15 P. Holden 16 J. Gael 17 S. Bando 18 J . Bunworth 19 A. Ciavarella 20 N. Wills 21 J . Briggs 22 T. Orchard (VC) 23 D . Zula 24 J. Reynolds 25 J. Nevezie (C) A. Hanson M. Jordan M . Cummings


Coach : Glenn Alfor d 1 M. McGettigan 2 D . McNamara 3 G . Cleary 4 D. L'Huillier 5 P. O'Reilly 6 B . Buck 7 P. Grasby 8 J . Morgan 9 M . Kelleher 10 D . Porter 11 N . Weedon 12 W. Parker

13 J. S~mya 14 L . McMurray 15 T. Laver 15 T. McColl 16 R. Lovelock 17 L. Rouillion 18 A. Walstab 19 A . Paterson 20 M . Ferris 21 L. Quirk 22 N . Worsnop 23 J. Lynch 24 L . Ciesla k 25 C . Connolly 26 L. Terrel l 27 D. Waters 28 M . Andrews 35 D. Moss 36 A . Walstab 41 R . Bignel l 48 A. Scafid i

~i~ear eut{faiwc~e~si~r~


~ -- '


32 K. Regan

33 P. Hardman 34 T. Costello 35 T. Smit h 36 G. Mora n 37 B . Kaplan 39 M. Basil e MENTONE RS.L. 9 Palenno Si, Mentone "FuncrioTt Room * Restaurant * Pokies 95S32841

39 A. Wollner

MONASH BLUES Coach : Dennis Grace

Coaches : Dean Andrew & Sven Samild 1 M . Meyer 2 S . Sullivan 3 D . O'Connor 4 G . Alan 5 G . Shaitock 6 N. Fishe r 7 D. Clarke 8 K. Little M . Watts 10 A. Erskine 11 M . May 1 M 13 M.Ha esi ky 14 C . ScfYloeffiel 15 D . Fava 16 D . Russo 1 7 J. Date 18 A. Kiantos 1 9 S. Hamilton 20 P. Kring s 21 D. Kelly 22 J. Pool e 23 R. Groom 2 4 M . Dugga n 25 B . Lan e 26 A. Rock 27 B. Hal l 28 T. Kendall 29 R . Ironmonger 30 D. Hizhmikov 31 M . Byrne

38 R . Bitner

37 D . Krasnostein 40 E. Wollner 42 J. Pask (C)



SOUTH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS Coach : Trevor Mastert o n 1 W. Cooper 2 E . Bouchard 3 E . Oct 4 M . Wood 5 K . Palmer 6 X. Kid d 8 A. Skinns 9 J. Stephens 10 S. Rocco 11 L. Esler 12 J . MacDonald 17 P. D'Andrea 18 G. Rowe 19 K . Bardon 21 D. Bell 22 A . Nield 24 K. Ferguson 26 L . Bel l 30 H. McFadden

' ----!






--- ~~

me Jackman E D Bu o 3 R . Bui, > 4 R. Carn, in 5 G . Tayk ;; 6 P. Ganiatsas 7 M . Daskalou 8 R. Cont e 9 F. Paola 10 J . Hassa n 11 M . Hennessey 12 B. Jorgensen 13 G . Keranidopou!os 14 A. Nicho l 15 G . tr9acrides 16 A. March 17 P. Margin 18 R, Lee 19 A . Mihalos 20 J . Newman 21 L. Mason 22 P. Hardinge 23 N . Papaziakas 24 J . Paraskeva 25 PA . Perri 26 J . Rya n 27 N . Scaglione 28 W. Collis

1 D. Learmont-VJalker 2 M . Brain (`✓C) 3 D. Henzl 4 P. McGrath 5 B . Geveaux 6 D. Fox

7 T. NJogan-Browne 8 0. Rena l 9 R . Temes 10 S. Foley (VC) 11 C . Eva 12 D . Hollenberg 13 M . Bowen 14 R . Read 15 T. Fraczek (Capt) 16 A. Orchard 17 B. Ramsay 18 J. Raleigh 19 T. t island 20 G . Saultry 21 S. ako-uski 22 T. ;(eton 23 J . S , gue 24 C . ani 25 D. Sluck i

Coe : iony Christofulli 13 T. Luderman 16 P. Farrant 25 S. Brooks 31 M. Fanning 40 R . Slater 58 T. Duggan 59 R . Butcher 60 M. McDonald 61 J . Neil d 62 M . Paull 63 J . Laidlava 64 P. P.9arozzi 67 A. Place 68 S . Davis 69 J . Hank 71 M . Millar 72 D. Buffer 73 R. Husking 74 N . Pslillar 75 S . Gellert 76 H . Davies 77 P. Ham 78 C. Knee 79 C. Keane

26 R . Whitehouse 27 G . Bla u 28 D . Nguyen 29 C. Foley 30 A. Edwards 32 S . Whittington 35 S . Moore UP

All Home Lc is Coach: Oa r 1 2 D . Hurle y 3 J . Anderson e

.Pa . 3z

L' dgson (C) ; ;ckey

, ;.Lever

Stern mston t udson

und y !.Dea n - Taylor C. TVaugha n D .Corp K .Lawson L.Hudson (C) A .P4lokrusch i .Pilsbury J .Spangler

! `:h= iberlaine

Mundy ~iorsghan Vle J Braham 'Hick .Ollenbuitel .N' :ol a rrnrieathe r flar

,-:i rrl {'1©n

5 J . Huqees 6 A.0'Dea 7 J . dan 8 S. rs 9 G .dc°°ph 10 B.G , 11 A. P4 . . . .an 12 B. Runnals 13 14 15 16 S. Cox 17 G Campbell 13 19 t; D 21 22 A. ieII 23 D.Ianaz.o 24 25 C. Govan 26 27 D. Evans 28 P.Oxenfard 29 30 32 J . Harvey 33 34 M . Walsh 35 B . Ryan 36 37 38 J . Egan 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 B . Johnson

Coach : Mb, 1 A i DIo


2 A.iutcheon 3 B.L i t

4 B. Koc h 5 D . Pawlowski 6 D. d,9izzi

7 F. Luc a

8 I . Arandez 9 J. Sprague 10 J. Bennett 11 J. Digrazia 12 L. Couper 13 L. Pilling 14 M . Brain 15 P Starpms 16 P. Tirchett 17 R. Ashcroft 18 S .P6cFadyen 19 S . Freeman 20 T. Bel l 21 M Bro:°ane 22 M . Gn i 23 T. Clements 24 B . Davies 25 S . Dun n 26 4§ . Fox 27 L. Goud 28 N . Graham 29 B Gray 30 8 Hart

31 J . Henderson 32 J Henderson 33 F. Hen ry 34 L. Hen ry 35 R . Hodges 36 D .Jago 37 L. Keating 38 S . Maher 39 J . iv4alernik 40 C . Perra 41 G. Ramsay 42 M . Reid

43 S . Rendell 44 S. Robb 45 C .Sandn 46 &t Shiell 47 J Springer 45 A Tomkins

U :-,I a . C 0 rra

Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am

For news, views and previews, tune t o

Then to L :. ; ` from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live .

7.45p ,

"in ft Scores,,--

.~ ,'







t - . - e Gsi 9

VAFA SEGMENT _ ncw s ofImc_ - W _

be - - l - . - - . 15 prn eac h S ~~.e _

V,' : F

' 9.30 - 10 .30 a .m. TUNE "7 9.

EACH SU t -.

..9O®&689iP66 8

dE I

This weeks guest --a - ,

' A .eiTS

, (, !N° ~cQich)

vick, : - mod (N) . Sunday 6 . 00 -8 .00 pm Inc1r,des weekly chat on all matters VAFA,

TheSunday Ame VAFA sportswriter Cameron : doakes writes s', o at Saturday VAFA matches,

~vie~~s the'--- 1y Match of the Day and Paul ey reviews Lie competition in Monday's Age _ ~.. : . o l _ ;Vs co' --,-nn Town L_, C速c' :'itiq.

presented by Glenn S c rborough wit 1, c St Bernards, S t Kevins (A), Old Essendon, Old Fc:rad:an :>, Therry Penola (B), LaTrobe Uni (D2) , West Brunswick (D3), Nor th Brn r swiek,

Rupertswood (D4 ) PREVIEWS Friday 7 .OQ-8.00 pm - Includes weekly chat on all matters 11AFA .


A Brad Beitzel Ed Sill D4 No rm Nugent D3 C Tom Brain Tony Miller U19-1 j Peter W illiamson D 3 D4 1 Gavan Flower D1 2 Barry Hickey 3 Damian Carroll B Luke Derbyshire D2 3

First offence (S5) ; s~ :e,r= third offence (S50) ;fou, : each subsequen t Heserv 1B failure to phone scores by 2 .30pm Monash Blues (R) Bentleigh (R) Sth . Melb- Dist. (R) Hampton Rovers (C)

orn'4' Power He .o v,u : s cndon V HampLUn Rt, June 1 Old Haileybury V^torh Old f oy s Sun June 2 -Ntarcellin V St . Felons Rnd 9 Sat June 15 De La Salle V Maccellin Sun June 16 Nfi-ISOB V Old Xaverian s Sru

: ($25); ice ($ 100) ; , failure to

provide final scores by 5pm Collegians (S ) Monash Blues (S) Old Carey (S) Richmond Central (S) St. Marys (S ) Therry Penola (S) Marcellin (U) Old Scotch (U) Mazenod (U) De La Salle (2) (U) Old xavs(2)(U ) Phoned incorrect scores -'d 3 : .Drth Old Boys (U) .

E119 SECTION . . ia Ajax should win this, but after last week's h mlbench to use, De La in a nail-biter. : and SECTION RED Neighbours Bulleen Templcc' Aquinas clash with the young BuIlants bou ito 111L a solid account of themselves I cannot see the 0' dropping this one, as they push to remain in touch with the top four . St. Bernards (2) at home will prove too strong for Old Westbourne whose continued improvement will come to fruition in the second half of the year. The young Bernies are establishing themselves as the teani to beat at present, while OW will push them the ladder leaders will continue their winning streak . The La Trobe Uni Old Xaverians (2) clash will pit two very even teams a arnst one another . While the Xavs score more heavily they a~so have a defence that is nowhere in the league of the Students . This is where the battle will be won . Will the Students be able to hold Silk, Ireland and Furletti (given they all play of course), and at the same time boot a winning score themselves? At home the wide expanses of the Uni will suit the Students who will get the nod today . Williamstown CYMS host a rampant MHSOB who returned to the winner's list last week with a vengeance . Make no mistake the Se ;ul :, : : ?1 - :e of ! i :eir all and the youn' ta , s are makin continual m,procment under Matt Inu__ , but the overall strength of the High will pro, too much.

David Rev, _es, Old ;' iverians . S!iling, 2 matches .

Bruce Phillips, Old Scotch. Charging, 2 matches . Steve Brow°n, Salesian 0 C. Striking, 2 matches. Scott Castricum, Mazenod --- "er-19) . Striking, 2 matches . Mick Lovett, Brunswick (C matches .

. Striking, S

Brendan F--ies, Fitzroy Rc-u (Club 1 8) . Strikinl and failed to appear 4 matches . § St., , South Melbourne Districts . Stri i iatches . . South Melbourne Districts. * pr i 4 matches.

t rribce (Reserves) . * Ac

_.__.__~ V __ _? W L D Oi RESE: 0 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4 4 0 0 0 ~, j 0 1 l 11 SH BLUES 44 34 0 AJAX 1 0 UtJIVERS 0 C BLACKS 4 2 2 ASSUMPTION 4 1 3 4 1 3 0 i ONE AMATEURS GEELONG 4 1 3 0 UAMSTOWN GYMS 4 1 3 0 FEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 0 4 0 3UL ' player Rd I • ir;: ,g,+ble

For 407 290 318 372 349 223 176 145 165 134

Agst 185 133 134 181 254 234 345 305 401 499

220.00 218.05 237.31 205.52 137.40 95.30 51 .01 47.54 41 .15 26.85

Pts 16 16 12 12 8 4 4 4 4 0

P W L D For Agst % Pts 92 PESE.BVE FITZROY REDS 4 4 0 0 352 185 19 0.27 16 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 4 3 1 0 438 136 322.06 12 OLD CAREY 4 3 1 0 246 189 130.16 12 LATROBEUNI 4 2 2 0 249 188 132.45 8 S,,LESIAN 0 C 4 2 2 0 302 262 115.27 8 SIDE 4 2 2 0 258 251 102.79 8 ?E ~ . ''1SULA 0 B 4 2 2 0 303 312 97.12 8 B6ITLEIGH AFC 4 2 2 0 246 342 71 .93 8 =',4 4 0 4 0 179 409 43.77 0 EIGH AFC 4 0 4 0 167 466 35.84 0 D3 HESEf3 VE P W L D For Agst % Pts ST JOHNS 0 C 4 4 0 0 281 139 202.16 16 t'IEST BRUNSWICK 4 3 1 0 252 170 148 .24 12 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4 3 1 0 237 179 132.40 12 ELSTERNWICK 4 3 1 0 266 204 130 .39 12 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 2 2 0 235 266 88 .35 8 -,W,, iHORN AMATEURS 4 2 2 0 227 276 82.25 8 S';;'IN3URNE UNI 4 2 2 0 162 243 66.67 8 DAL TALLY-HO 4 1 3 0 130 213 61 .03 4 HOUSE 4 0 4 0 144 212 67.92 0 ?SH GRYPHONS 4 0 4 0 159 297 53 .54 0 -ii :: !grble player Rd I P W L D For Agst % Pts C4 RESERVE ~ ERRIBEEAMATEURS 4 4 0 0 408 149 273 .83 16 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 4 0 0 400 196 204 .08 16 4 3 1 0 327 167 195 .81 12 MT LILYDALE UHS-VU A F C 4 3 1 0 352 220 160 .00 12 OLD WESTBOURNE 4 2 2 0 399 303 131 .68 8 ALBERT PARK 4 2 2 0 209 206 101 .46 8 ST MARYS 4 2 2 0 255 282 90.43 8 RUPERTSWOOD 4 2 2 0 200 305 65.57 8 E'_THAM COLLEGIANS 4 1 3 0 125 299 41 .81 4 BOX HILL NORTH 4 1 3 0 68 371 18.33 4 "ULLEEN COBRAS 4 0 4 0 108 378 28.57 0 ' ineligible player Rd 1 Pts U-19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % ST BERNARDS 4 4 0 0 492 258 190 .70 16 ST KEVINS 4 4 0 0 471 300 157 .00 16 OLD SCOTCH 4 3 1 0 338 317 106 .62 12 OLD BRIGHTON 4 2 2 0 371 280 132 .50 8 .1 ;,RCELLIN 4 2 2 0 328 338 97 .04 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 2 2 0 352 392 89.80 8 OLD XAVERIANS 4 1 3 0 324 319 101 .57 4 DE LA SALLE 4 1 3 0 343 476 72 .06 4 CAULFIELD GR 4 1 3 0 258 438 58 .90 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 0 4 0 211 370 57.03 0 U-19 SECT/®H 2 P W L D For Agst % Pts 4 0 0 449 175 256 .57 16 OLD TRINITY 4 4 4 0 0 412 239 172 .38 16 OLD IVANHOE BEAUMARIS AFC 4 2 1 1 405 342 118 .42 10 OLD ESSENDON GR 4 2 1 1 308 312 98 .72 10 8 :7ERRIBEE AMATEURS 4 2 2 0 248 233 106 .44 8 '.' .1PTON ROVERS 4 . 2 2 0 204 283 72,08 0 192 353 54.39 8 'ENOD 0 C 4 2 2

D 4 0 4 0 263 413 6 168


F~AILEYBURY 4 0 4 0 228 488 46-72 L ;~ player Rd I - Unregistered player Rd I


U-19 SECTION 3 P W L D For Agst % Pis RUPERTSW00 0 4 4 0 0 450 271 169.74 16 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 3 1 0 386 227 170 .04 12 OLD CAREY 4 3 1 0 404 405 99 .75 12 OLD PARADIANS 4 2 2 0 405 317 127.76 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 2 2 0 322 339 94 .99 8 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 4 2 2 0 432 462 93 .51 8 THERRY PENOLA OB 4 1 3 0 282 340 82 .94 4 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4 1 3 0 310 378 82 .01 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 1 3 0 256 369 69 .38 4 WHITEFRIARS 4 1 3 0 318 467 68 .09 4 U-19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst % Pts AJAX 4 4 0 0 387 260 148.85 16 MONASH BLUES 4 3 1 0 633 218 290.37 12 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG. 4 3 1 0 409 288 142.01 12 *OAKLEIGH 4 3 1 0 426 300 142.00 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 4 2 2 0 223 521 42 .80 8 MENTONE PANTHERS 4 1 3 0 332 407 81 .57 4 *BENTLEIGH AFC 4 0 4 0 219 439 49 .89 0 *SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS4 0 4 0 183 590 31 .02 0 *Ineligible player Rd f U-19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst % Pts ST BERNARDS ( 2) 4 4 0 0 577 146 395.21 16 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 4 3 1 0 501 298 168.12 12 *LA TROBE UNI 4 2 2 0 364 154 236.36 8 *MHSOB 4 2 2 0 285 290 98.28 8 OLD WESTBOURNE 4 2 2 0 249 263 94 .68 8 AQUINAS 0 C 4 2 2 0 215 311 69 .13 8 *BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE4 1 3 0 218 535 4015 4 *WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 4 0 4 0 146 719 20 .31 0 *Ineligible player Rd 1 CLUB 18 (1) P W L D For Agst % Pts PRAHRAN AFC 4 4 0 0 422 247 170 .85 16 OLD XAVERIANS 4 3 1 0 438 181 241 .99 12 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 3 1 0 363 208 174 .52 12 ST KEVINS 4 2 2 0 315 260 121 .15 8 DE LA SALLE 4 2 2 0 292 262 111 .45 8 MAZENOD 0 C 4 1 3 0 235 349 67 .34 4 ELEY PARK AFC 4 1 3 0 183 441 41 .50 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 4 0 4 0 153 453 33 .77 0 CLUB 18 (NORTH) P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD XAVERIANS (2) 4 4 0 0 366 109 335.78 16 OLD IVANHOE 4 4 0 0 392 144 272 .22 16 MARCELLIN 4 3 1 0 216 224 96.43 12 THERRY PENOLA OB 4 2 2 0 141 195 72.31 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 1 3 0 228 220 10164 4 OLD TRINITY 4 1 3 0 211 233 90 .56 4 *BRUNSWICK AFC 4 1 3 0 145 347 41 .79 4 FITZROY REDS 4 0 4 0 181 439 41 .23 0 *Ineligible player Rd i CLUB 18 (SOUTH) P W L D For Agst % Pts COLLEGIANS 4 4 0 0 564 97 581 .44 16 MONASH BLUES 4 4 0 0 427 186 229.57 16 WHITEFRIARS 4 2 2 0 260 253 102 .77 8 ST LEOS EMMAUS 4 2 2 0 193 248 77.82 8 *OLD GEELONG 4 1 3 0 343 422 81 .28 4 *OLD BRIGHTON 4 1 3 0 179 290 61 .72 4 *HAMPTON ROVERS 4 1 3 0 205 482 42 .53 4 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 1 3 0 199 476 41 .81 4

------- - - - - --- - ----------------~

~ ~ Weekend Matches (Fri) Umpires Appointments Scores (Sat . night) ~ (ch ~~nkyt hig~ hona~bfaPk~etetht : t'------------------------------rf~

Pis P W L D For Agsf % ST KEVINS 4 4 0 0 518 290 178 .62 16 OLD XAVERIANS 4 3 0 1 413 363 113 .77 14 OLDIVANHOE 4 3 1 0 422 307 137 .46 12 ST BERNARDS 4 3 1 0 518 383 135 .25 12 OLD SCOTCH 4 2 1 1 362 378 95 .77 10 MARCELLIN 4 2 2 0 422 351 120 .23 8 OLD TRINITY 4 1 3 0 355 334 106 .29 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 1 3 0 333 392 84 .95 4 DE LA SALLE 4 0 4 0 303 485 62 .47 0 0 MHSOB 4 0 4 0 279 642 43 .46 A v.:CTION


P aff




Of 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1

L D For Agst % Pts 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

399 296 134.80 16 471 328 143.60 12 408 367 111.17 12 355 354 100 .28 12 351 331 106 .04 8 311 311 100 .00 8 327 350 93 .43 4 339 396 85 .61 4 323 383 84 .33 4 280 448 62.50 0

L D For Agst % Pts 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

464 301 154 .15 16 458 248 184.68 12 459 301 152.49 12 344 331 103.93 12 353 360 98 .06 8 376 377 99 .73 4 290 340 85 .29 4 284 432 65 .74 4 322 505 63 .76 4 4 254 516 49 .22

L D For Agst % Pts W PdENTONEAMATEURS 4 4 0 0 498 331 150 .45 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4 4 0 0 394 272 144.85 16 AQUINAS 0 C 4 3 1 0 494 381 129 .66 12 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 4 3 1 0 414 362 114.36 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 2 2 0 367 312 117 .63 8 AJAX 4 2 2 0 434 433 100.23 8 OLD GEELONG 4 1 3 0 375 426 88 .03 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 1 3 0 378 430 87 .91 4 MONASH BLUES 4 0 4 0 269 391 68 .80 0 0 WILLIAMSTOWN GYMS 4 0 4 0 211 496 42 .54 D7 SECTION P




L D For Agst % Pts

YARRA VALLEY 0 B 4 4 0 0 615 224 274 .55 16 SALESIAN 0 C 4 3 1 0 554 408 135 .78 12 PENINSULA 0 B 4 3 1 0 374 374 100 .00 12 BENTLEIGH AFC 4 2 2 0 370 314 117 .83 8 LA TROBE UNI 4 2 2 0 397 366 108.47 8 OLD CAREY 4 2 2 0 287 408 70 .34 8 PARKSIDE 4 1 3 0 365 400 91 .25 4 OAKLEIGH AFC 4 1 3 0 422 502 84 .06 4 KEW 4 1 3 0 249 441 56 .46 4 FITZROY REDS 4 1 3 0 250 446 56.05 4






4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 0

L D 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For A_ ;t


491 343 143 .15 357 205 174.15 398 317 125.55 488 359 135.93 495 383 129 .24 380 396 95 .96 378 492 76 .83 294 355 82 .82 329 419 78 .52 317 658 48 .1 8

P w c D For Agst Prs

4 4 0 0 406 297 136 .70 16 MT LILYDALE NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 4 0 0 447 382 117 .02 16 RUPERTSW000 4 3 1 0 377 173 217 .92 12 WERRiBEEAMATEURS 4 3 1 0 380 256 148 .44 12 4 3 1 0 277 214 129 .44 12 ALBERT PARK ST MARYS 4 2 2 0 457 392 116 .58 8 BOX HILL NORTH 4 2 2 0 200 280 71 .43 8 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 4 1 3 0 236 302 78 .15 4 UHS-VU A F C 3 1 2 0 231 389 59 .38 4 *OLD WESTBOURNE 4 0 4 0 228 375 60 .80 0 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 0 3 0 148 397 37 .28 0 'Ineligible player Rd 1 P W L D For Agst % Pts A RESERVE OLD XAVERIANS 4 4 0 0 375 167 224 .55 16 ST KEVINS 4 3 1 0 315 239 131 .80 12 1 0 240 218 110 .09 12 DE LA SALLE 4 3 8 ST BERNARDS 4 2 2 0 310 228 135 .95 MARCELLIN 4 2 2 0 226 249 90 .76 8 OLD IVANHOE 4 2 2 0 224 249 89.96 8 OLD TRINITY 4 2 2 0 206 232 88 .79 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 1 3 0 247 236 104 .66 4 OLD SCOTCH 4 1 3 0 230 296 77.70 4 MHSOB 4 0 4 0 123 382 32.20 0 C RESERVE



L D For Agst %


OLD MELBURNIANNS 4 4 0 0 385 140 275 .00 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 4 3 1 0 315 204 154.41 12 OLD ESSENDON GR 4 3 1 0 318 260 122 .31 12 OLD PARADIANS 4 3 1 0 283 267 105 .99 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 2 2 0 317 219 144 .75 8 MAZENOD 0 C 4 2 2 0 252 297 84 .85 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 2 2 0 205 280 73 .21 8 THERRY PENOLA OB 4 1 3 0 232 279 83 .15 4 OLD BRIGHTON 4 0 4 0 167 266 62 .78 0 ORMOND 4 0 4 0 116 378 30 .69 0


P Y✓

L D For Agst % Pts

CAULFIELD GR 4 3 1 0 392 153 256 .21 12 PRAHRAN AFC 4 3 1 0 298 192 155 .21 12 2 0 2 325 213 152 .58 12 BEAUMARIS AFC 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 2 1 1 318 269 118 .22 10 COLLEGIANS 4 2 2 0 346 207 16715 8 WHITEFRIARS 4 2 2 0 325 274 118.61 8 BANYULE 4 2 2 0 272 263 103.42 8 ST BEDES MENT TIG 4 1 2 1 196 210 93 .33 6 GLEN EIRA AFC 4 1 3 0 164 429 38 23 4 OLD Po1ENTONIANS 4 0 4 0 68 494 1377 0

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