The Amateur Footballer, Week 9, 2002

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~ % ÂŁoR1AN AMATE W"posting as TPublication : Category B .



.endance at Adelaide's Woodvi lle Oval last uu . r witnessed a superb exhibition of football by the )rian team which triumphed 15.13 (103) to the ;,, ,AF'L's 6.5 (41) . . L n did not have a weak player. Goal scorers were ;_u'째crvey (a magnificent 6 goals), Matthieu Lucas 3 ,i -, ernard Dinneen, Tim Ockleshaw, Simo n L=thl Matthew Greig, Travis Ruyg and Damien Ca>: 1 goal each .

A's best were Danny Byrne (absolutely arking and clearing out of the backline) , Thompson (great comeback after th e ppointment of last year), Tim Harvey (a aendous old fashioned full forward performance) ,

:.y Pitts (a rock in defence), Travis Ruyg (a ballic .) and Dave Waters ( courage and non-sto p

;ri ~s were awarded to Danny Byrne (VAFA bes t by VAFA selectors), Tim Harvey (VAFA bes t

:i by SAAFL selectors) and the umpires awarde d Ne --l Rundle Meda llion for the player in the Ii s as best on ground to the dynamic inneen.

A did not start well, with foot and handpassin g c f arly and the ball was being turned over easily ar.rt SA to attack regularly, however the backline o f ::aters and O'Connor showed sureness and das h _ epel many of these attacks .

1, br .ed SA full forward Evan Arnold marked well _icked accurately to goal and shortly after giant S A i : n Sandford also grated from a free . 1FA at this stage seemed to have become a bi t

py and had lost a little concentration, but with ne dashing on a back flank, the ball came to Grei g g tip the ground who got the ball to Harvey who

and kicking ver yacurtelopsin . At the last change the VAFA was 13 .8 t o


SA's 5.2 .

With rain falling in the last term the ball became very greasy and scoring became difficult . A magnificent string of hadpasses took the ball the length of the ground and finished with Lucas who missed a shot, but was quickly followed by a Harvey goal and then Orlando goaled for the final score of the day . Coach Nick Bourke, his group of selectors and the support staff are thanked and congratulated for a great contribution, but especially to the players for their wonderful display of passion . teamwork and skill . For the record the team lined up as foltows :

B : Dave Waters (Marcellin) Murray Pitts (Beaumaris Steve O'Connor (St Kevins ) IiB: Danny Byrne (St Bernards) Alistair McEwin (Gni Blues) Lachlan Ford (Old Xaverians ) C : Ewan Thompson (MHSOB) Glenn Cox (Marcellin) Phil Murton (De La Salle )

HF : Damien Orlando (Old Xaverians) Nigel Credlin (Old Cambenvell) Tim Ockleshaw (Old Xaverians ) F: Matt Lucas (St Kevins) Tim Harvey (St Bernards) Matt Greig (Old trinity ) Rucks : Andrew Ramsden - cap (Old Trinity) Travis Ruyg (Old Xaverians), Bernard Dinneen (Mareellin) Interchange : Mark Browne (klarcellin), Simon Letlilean (Old Xaverians), Josh Kitchen (Old Scotch) . Simon Lennox (Old Brighton).

d nd at quarter time the VAFA was 4.2 to SA

lug Back . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . ..2 0 court quarter opened with strong play by Ruyg an d

Sport 927 Prize Winner. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .24

~Aorians were starting to dominate with Lucas and oaling, Thompson beginning to star on his wing ue Vies kicked 5.3 to 1 .2 for the quarter - half time s were VAFA 9.5 to SA 3.2 .

today's Umpires . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ..31 For the Love of the Game . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . .. .32-3 3

ri( i)rians controlled the second half, although SA' s :4iarcus Trimboli was unceasing in his efforts to his side. The VAFA showed great skill in changing il :rection of the ball to the advantage of the tea m


s' Clipboard . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . ..2 5 U19 Rep Squads . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. 5 0 Next Week's Matches, . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . 51 Elsternwick Park Draw .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . 62 Tribunal & Investigations. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . ... . . . . .. . .62 Ladders ., . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .63-64

E. : :`8 challenge of taking on all three of last year's fin alists in consecutive matches finishes today. It is 0-2 and needs to defea t

Sandringham to ensure it stays in the four. The results have spiced up interest in the ladder and it might force Skevs to rush back Andrew Ukovic (knee ligaments), Tom Crowley (twisted knee), Marcus Doilman (bruised knee), Marcus Olive (rotator shoulder) and Robyn Bowles (femur stress fracture) . The week's rest hasn't helped bring some of these stars back through the Reserves then again this important clash would have been brought forward a week . Watch for Crowley to pick up one of the finds of the season forward Dan Jordan and Paul Greenham should get a go at Dan's brother and onballer Ben Jordan . The Bernies' Luke Turnbull is in form amassing possessions in the midfield and Simon Clarke Mll be a headache in the key centrehalf forward or back positions .

Beware the club that replaces its coach was the mess, -e at Old Scotch a fortnight ago when pv : t former senior player Campbell Glove r into Ln'. w SQUlos's spot, This time last year the Unicorns were enjoying their best season in 30 years, tc'--r they are without a win and need to convert about half of their remaining matches to avoid i ion. President Col Green said he took due pr( ii ten lie was approached by senior players -Lat Soulos's message was not being conveye,l . "Luke ~idn't resign and lie wasn't sacked . "We all felt he N -n't getting as much out of the players so parted . "Luke noted our improved pe-for . . .- :ce ~:gainst Scotch and wishes the club all the be :.t for the rest of the season," Green said . Tod, 째- ie High hosts Old Xavs .In the corresponding no ch last year Xavs ran away in fine-on . The tint __d OX should lose a game sometime but c i the return of Unicorn fullforward Jason B< i째rt from tendon strains in his ankle and Roger f.ic_ntyre from work commitments shouh ". be enough against the even-money prone goal, nine points in the third terr .<-.insr '-obabiv shows they will be formidaule at lie to Scotch . The hard-running Cant Moore will get one of the Cardinals keys Steve Hume, Paddy O'Connor, Dave Jennings, Matty Blenheim or Josh kitchen . no an eye out for the Hoers' opportunist St :- _ _Ti :- defender got the call tip from the re., ,. ~ s ;us great in defence agai the Ts. had 26 scores to the Bern.ies' 29 whic h 9

reflects the history of the Students improving at the season continues . The game against the Ts at Parkville was goir.< to 1,a\ ruc '_sr 1 , Gill McLachlan and Andrew Ra...:,dc .i ga fro .. : ~~ac reps to opponents in the space of a week but unfortunately the Uni captain withdrew from the state squad. A win here will keep both clubs' goal for September action focused. Be La's competitive growth continues with its twogoal loss to Xavs . The Dees are coming off a five goal to two last quarter and that's about as good as most have been against the benchmark . If not for their poor conversion, where they kicked time behinds before goaling in the sr-ond qu :xrter, T I'S might have taken a second b ' - scalp in s many weeks. Chris Purcell hit form for MarceLii n agains +

ball and tackled mate Stephen spoiling and i( crashing bodies travel to Wa ,rl ( : . noti.;ned nuc! i . ?c l

Harvey t Bernards Greig Old Trini'y Jordan ds M . C'i >iracusa : Orla do 0' ' Luc< St 째 : A Griffith Osbor i klciti lian



Jo 5 6 31 2 28 2 20 3 20

Gilmour S L R. L, _tdi



De La Salle v . klarcellin e

MHSOB v . Old Xaverians ar j THE uPw'.:;T EIiR =OC

: 1cR 2002

ndy flanks and forward Jeff Morel . Justin orpedos from the back line inight be able te of few of those problems . who should finish in the Final Four.

congratulates Nick Fraser on hi s Game today! Flash, one of the fittest and most players at the Club, continues to inspire his i-mates and the supporters by his onfield courage, ( ~r-cheerful attitude and his great example at ling and on matchdays . As far back as 1986, whil e in of the St. Kevin's College First XVIII, Nick 째d : :veral games with SKOB in its senior team i n L) . tade, Over the next decade Nick went on a journey through the Amateurs in both Victoria and Sth . . Aralia - playing for De La Salle till 1993, then back to SKOB for half a year before transferring with his 1, lrk to Adelaide where he played for St . Peters in the , tateurs . He then returned to SKOB in 1999 , inning 2 B&Fs and a Runner-up B&F . Foreve r

ung Nick is a popular leader and a great contributor all the club's activities . All at SKOB wish Nick all the i for today and for the many years ahead in a , 1 _OB juniper! Enjoy your day, Flash. S, LE OCA PC congratulates - Andre w

1 2 0f3 Games: started in 1988 Macca played his 200th against Xavs His 200 comprise : 8 U19, 7 Reserves, and 143 ; 42 "A" / "B" grade Senior . Macca has done it all : Club champion 19 96/1996/2001 . B Sheehy . Outstandin g

-hivement 2001, State Rep 1997, Club Captai n '7, Member Premiership Teams : 1988 (U19) 1989 Grade & 1991 "A" Grade . Andrew has been a ittee member 1994 - 2000 in which capacity hi s contribution has been substantial. Also Ben Corirc .Z> Games: Started in 1996 Ben played his 100t h ;airlst Xavs . His 100 comprises 23 ti19, 7 Reserves and 40 / 30 "A" / "B" grade games. Ben who captained the 1998 VAFA U19 team has been a fine competitor and team player who has had to ruck against much i iller opponents . Despite several serious injuries Ben i :ls maintained his enthusiasm which inspires his team mates. Ben has also been on Committee for past seasons .

VANHOE - congratulate Tim Stevens and Gerry on reaching 1 50 games and I 00 games r~spectively. Tim, now captaining the reserves, is a -: troilgly built fonvard/rucknlan who has like the rest of the Stevens family, given great service to the club. A strong mark and hard to move physique, has in pas t -ions elevated Tim into the seniors throughout th e ies, injuries permitting . Now providing a markin g a~_et up at centre half fornvard, lets hope Tim becomes the third Stevens to pass the 200 game n!ark . Gerry, usually playing at centre half back in the reserves, is a straight ahead backman with pace and good disposal skills, who often initiates an attack into the fonvard line . He has often threatened senior ~cleetion in the past and we hope that soon he'll step ni> provide the same drive as lie has in the ressies' . , = ~ n going Gerrry. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

OLD TRINITY 4.1 9 .4 11 .5 17,5 (107) OLD IVANHOE 3.0 7 .1 8.10 12,12 (84) Old Trinity : Gre,- 5 Frost 3 Sutelttle 3 rkrowsmtllt C 3e Clarke GnaH L Kenned,v Ramstten . Best- Clarke L Kennedy Sutclltfe Greig Stephens Gnatt . Old Ivanhoe : J Weddle 3 Toovey 2 Hawkes Byrne Lochran R Weddle Moore Low Corcoran. Best: R Weddle Harros Moore Kent Crowley Bolzari . Umpires : J . MeN,ece, S. McCarthy (F), A. Rechtman, N. woods (B), M . Simpson, V. t'escora (G ) OLD SCOTCH 0,7 2,10 8.16 11 .20 (86) IrII1SOB 0.4 3 .6 6.6 9.9 (63) Old Scotch: Crow 3 O'Connor 3 Hosting Br,eseh Fmocchiaro Hume Mullins Best- Hume Jennings Briesch O'Connor Crow Kitchen . P+3IISOB: Simpson 3 Lmtbrick 2 Walker S McCully Brookes 17tompson . Best Netinon Thompson O'Bnen Clowes Simpson . Lunbnek . Umpires : R. Easrivod, J. Keels (F), R . Nation, J . Kramer (13) . R. Parry. J . Robinson (G) ST BERNARDS 5.3 9.3 17,7 21 .8 (134) UNIVERSITY BLUES 1,5 3,12 4 .18 4,22 (46) St Bernards: D Jordan 6 tlarvey 5 Turnbull 3 C Mitchell 2 Clarke O'Sullivan Taylor Hagan Joe Mount Best : N Smith Turnbull Byrne D Jordan Fielding Botuekas . But Blu: R}an Nailon Fneker Baker. Best: MeEtis9n Ryatr Wilkie Callery Mclnryre Brooke.

Umpires: M . Sneddon, G. Hwuchen (F), S . Fraser, P. Teasdale (B), R . Oweris, D . Napoli (G ) hiARCELLIPd 5.0 12.3 13 .6 14 .8 (92) 8T KEVTPiS 2,2 5,6 8 .9 11 .12 (78) Marcellin : Purcell 4, Marsen 2, Hanson 2, Dmi n'2, Duncan 1, Frazer I, Brov.7te 1, Mc'v3:llan Best: Waters, Browne . Dm,, . : . Cos. Tlte,sz. Seabury. . :..n I . "oisden 1, R}an 1, St Kevins : Lucas 3, Giansuacusa 2, Fn - 2 Greenhant 1 Best: Bowc'_en, Byrne Greenh ... . . - . ._ . ~ muess . tawersou, Fraser, Umpires: M . Gibson, T . Sutcliffe (F) . J . T Dodds (B). B. Hoare, C. Arnol(G)

OLD XAVERItllNS 3 .3 8.5 13 .7 15 .8 (98) DE LA SALLE 0,6 4.9 7.14 12,15 (87) Old Xavertans: Richardson 4 Lethlean 3 Orlando 2 Clarke 2 Bowen Mollard Ockleshaw Parton Best Ford Blood P McDonald Letlaean Rochardson Bowen . Be La c,.aller Murton 4 Morel 2 Bourke Skmns McHenry Dugan Harrison Coffey Best: Murton Duggan Morel Melntosh Hasrnson Bomuc, Umpires : A. Lauren, A. Firley (1'). S. Caruso. B. Parsons (B) . K, Segota, B. Jephson(G) RESERVES OLD TRINITY 0 .3 5 .4 7.6 10 .3 (69) OLD IVANHOE 1 .2 1 .5 1 .5 4.6(301 Old Trinity : McKinnon 2, Cameron 2, Gorman, MitJten . Cnstiano, Schultze, Ward. Burgess Best : Blaeknwre, Burgess, Mtthen, German, Dona}too, Cameron . Old Ivanhoe: ivng 2 . Prior 2 . Best: Bradd'y . Brandt. Clancy Jenkms. Rane,e, Courage. OLD SCOTCH 3 .3 8 .11 12.17 18 .21 (129) MHSOB 2 .1 2 .3 2.6 2.6 (18) Old Scotch : MeCar,oll 4, Hooper 3, Simon 3 . lujard 2. LeIII 2, Stratos, Lipshut, Junkeer, Thompson BesC Talle,iv, Cr,: : .: . Freeman, Leitl, McCarrolL Hoo)er. YII3sOB : Ting,13'olmzer t3est: Hawkes, Dakas, Patterso,t, Orchard 3kblnizer, Norto n

ST. BERNARDS 5 .4 11 .8 16.10 22 .11 (143) UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.1 2 .4 5.7 7 .10 (52) St. Bernard's: Gilmour 7, Catterall 2, Osborne 2, Tatkey 2. Burrowes 2, Llo}rc( 2, Iinmbwgh 1, Campbell 1, latma7zo 1, Calthorpe I . Pearson 1 . Best, Evans, Legud7, Tanke_v. Gilmour, Catterall, Calthnrpe. University Blues : gum 3. Harcourt 2. BrwMit 1 . Bourke I . Best: Kortick, Brown, Bennett . tart,: ::, Qum, Thomas . h1ARCELLIlY 0.2 3 .4 7 .6 11 .7 (73) ST IMVIN S 1 1 3.1 5 .2 6.3 (39) ft3arcellin: Wallis 2, M69dlan 2, Collins 2}3c eLem 1 . C~-r 1, Gale 1, Cope 1 . Galati I Best Collins . Gartner . Taylor. Cole, Cull . t'-'~:11,. St Hevins: 0'B -i en 3 . Magmre 1 . Gtssing I . Shelley l Best. Sr . :,-Sadler, Griffiths, Sullivan, Harper, Maguire , OLD XAVERIANS 2.4 6.6 8 .8 12 .10 (82) DE LA SALLE 3.0 4.0 7 .3 8.3 (51) Old Xaverians : Rennet 2, James 2, Baker, AB:ddlecombe . T .B :ddlecombe . Johnston, R.Jones, A.Jones Mahon . Meehan Best: Rennes, A . Bsddlecomtm, B .Coughlan, Wilson, Ham,eberiv. Harskius_ De La Sa lle: &nckec Holden. Mercurn picone, M_Ho,l}er, Hyde, Noseda, Walker. Best: O 'Brim. Brk,c. Marks . P : .one, Mercun :ti Harber.

-- ._ . Coach : Haut L Assist: Noel Jenkmson Res Coach : Terry Russell 1 L . Walker 2 R . Buckley 3 B . Corin 4 P. Murton (VC) 5 C . Swift 6 M . Harder 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Foggyy 9 J . Moloney 9R L. Johnston 10 T. Silvers 11 A . Evans(C) 12 D . Toohey 13 A . Johnstone 14 C . Bowker 15 P. Bowden ;6 S . Hyland 17 A . Elliott 18 A . Coffey 19 D. Thomas 20 M . Picone 21 A. McKenzie 22 M . Mercun 23 D. O'Brien 24 J . Morel 24R R . Marks 25 C. Hyde 25 R. Walmsley, 26 D . Spithill 27 S. Thomas 28 N . Harbor 29 C . Browne 30 B. Mannix 31 S. Hyde 32 R . Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 J . Kosche 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W . Jolley 37 D . Hyland 37R D. Moore 38 D . McInerney 39 S. Kane 39R S . Hoy 40 C . Noseda 41 M. McHenry ry 42 P. Bourke 42R A. Bonnici 43 K. Brkic 44 R . Prezens 45 C . Chester 46 A. Skinns 47 A . Molan 48 D . Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 A . Boots 50 D . Alderuccio 51 L . Douanghosay 52 E . Phillips 53 L . Derbyshire 54 D . Buckley 55 L . Meehan 56 C . Worstelling 57 P. Hesse 58 G. Wise 60 B . Hoy 61 P. Borella

Cason : Simon Dalrymple Res Coach : Peter Randall

Coach: CamF i Glover Res Coach : Scott Robinson

1 . C . Purcell 2 . T. Collins 3 . D . Waters 4 . G . Romanin 5 . N . Godwin 6 . D . Sampimon 7 . M. Rowe 8 . R . Frisina 9 . D . Ballantine 10. A . Dale t1 D. Taylor (RC) 12. B . Cronin 13. S . Dinneen 14. D . Salce 15. M . Chun 16. L. McMillan 17. G . Cox (VC) 18. D. Gartner 19. D. Cooper 20. S . O'Flynn 21 . N . Walker 22. D. Marson 23 . M . Edmonds 24 . L. O'Flynn (RVC) 25 . R. Galati 26 . N . Armstrong 27 . S . Theisz 28 . D. Johnston 29 . C. Moran 30 . A. Treganowan (C) 31 . C . Mason 32 . M . Browne 33 . G . Cull 34 . D . Jarred 35 . J . Frazer 36 . N . Addison 37 . B. Carmody 38 . M. Boyd 39 . B. Colville 40 . A. Wilkinson 41 . J . Seabury 42 . B. Dinneen 43 . A. Duncan 44 . D . McMillan 44 L. Hansen 45. D . Theisz 46 . J. Mathews 47 . M . Becchetti 48 . A. Gallagher 49 . D . Courts 50 . A. Ryder 51 . M . Maguire 52. M . Hartnett 53 . C . Mathews 54 . A . Gallagher 55. J . Wallis 56. C . Beayni 57. E . Weeks 58. J . Ibrahim 72. D . Cracknell

1 J . Barnett 2 S . McCully (SDVC) 3 A. Simpson 3 A. Angus 4 M . White 5 E. Raleigh 6 A. Joseph 7 P. Teller 8 J . Dixon (RVC) 9 D. Fairchild (SCapt) 10 D. Norton 11 D. Simmons 12 R. Ranting 12 M . Feferkranz (RCapt) 13 C. KellyY 14 A. O'Brien 15 N. Adcock 16 J. Walker 17 R . Clowes 18 R . Limbrick (SDVC) 18 B. McGrath ' 19 A. Brookes 20 T. Harper 20 D . Nichols 21 R . Patterson 22 A Svirskis 22 D . Armstrong 23 L. Taylor 24 S. Rundell 25 N . Orchard 26 A. Vicendese 28 J . Brown 29 G. McCully 30 R . Newton 31 J . Davis 32 A . Cassell (SDVC) 33 A . Saultry 33 S . Harrison 34 E . Thompson (SVC) 34 P. Rujevic 35 A . Mills (RVC) 35 S . Moore 36 P. McGrath 36 M . Ting 37 R. McIntyre 37 T. Harper 38 S . Robinson 39 S . Whittington 40 D. Membrey 40 W. Hayes 41 J . Anderson 42 P. Boyer 43 D. Vicendese 44 M . Hawkes 45 M. Brown 46 P. Wolnizer 47 R . Ware 48 G . Pollard 49 C . Duke 50 S. Osborne 53 P. Bain 54 P. Willoughby 55 C . Wright 56 T. Wright 57 D . Cassell 58 D . Fox

1 A . Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 A. Jenkins 4 B . Davis 5 T. Young 6 S . Kent 7 J . Geisha n 8 T. Stevens (RC) 9 M . Karayannis 10 M . Crowley 11 S . Tully 12 C Branigan 13 M . Orchard 14 C. Moore 15 L. Bolzan 16 C. Mooney 17 A. Corcoran 18 J . Hope (VC) 19 M. Tolley 20 D . Hawkes 21 R . Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros (DVC) 25 E . Byrne 26 P. Lillis 27 J. Weddle 28 S . Morris 29 R . Weddle (C) 30 A . Gilbert 31 J. Stevens (DVC) 32 P. Dowd 33 N . Pratt 34 A Tieman 35 . M. Pollec k 36 B . Spoor 37 M . Berry 38 Go George 39 Ge George 40 J . Keane 4t A . Clark 42 S . Low 43 L. Hunter 44 A . Karafili 45 M . Toovey 46 M . Tozer 47 G . King 48 M . Clarke 49 L. Shay 50 S . Brandt 51 N. Braddy 52 A. Clancy 53 S. Pric e 54 B. Guidera 55 A. Berezza 56 L . Courage 57 D. Harcourt 58 G . Mclsaac 59 J . White 60 S. Hill 61 C . Binne y 62 J. Baker 63 T Hibbs 64 ` . Barker 65 B . Shadbolt 66 D . Worry ~~~~~'~ ~Ot77pUlBfS

Spectrum Assurances


70 M, Duggan

~_-; Y( i'BLE V OR( :FORCE

Coach : Paul Fahey Assist: Darren Payne & Paul Norihey Res Coach : Noel Spoor

Coach : uaie Tappin g Assist : Andrew Smit h Res Coach : John Atta Assist: Simon Tallent 1 A . Nettleto n 2 B . Phillips 3 J . Ross 4 T. Holt (C ) 5 S . Collins (VC ) 6 A . Crow (VC) 7 J . Kitchen (VC} 8 B . Robinson 9 D . Brook e 10 C . Smit h 11 R . Aujard 12 S . Hume 13 N . Hooper 14 R . Mullin s 15 R . Eagl e 16 D. Jenning s 17 D. Thoma s 18 L. Hawkins 19 A . Josephs 20 S . LtlMgsto n 21 J . Strato s 22 N. Addison 23 0 . Cran~e 24 C. Pattnde n 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing (RC) 27 J . Ptlkington 28 S. Prendergast 29 M . Gnarl 30 T. Finacch aro 31 N . Leitl 32 J . Gerstman 33 J . McCarrol l 33R T Wilson-Humphnes 34 E. Olive r 35 P. O'Conno r 36 A. Milla r E. R . Ashton C St.,ven s -shu t 4'o n . B r 44 C . Evans 45 M. Blenhejm 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Berange r 48 S . Miles 49 M . 0Br :en

50 T. Hooking

51 L Freeman 52 D . Knight 53 G. Junkeer 54 N . Simo n 56 C. Tallent 57 J . Cran e 59 D. Iser 60 T. W~gne 61 S . Jone s 62 N . 63 Riser 64 N. Costello 65 C. Armstrong 66 A . R c 67 J . Pc i r 68 N. GI I 69 C. Neal 70 S. Thompso n 71 D . Jackson 73 M . Volvodic 74 M . Ri x 75 S. - roon 76 N . Opi e 77 C . Joyc e

{t~ ~icax

is eJ~째째' Lt7TL~ L r8u5t

1:' Atiti l ~t , < 1 liI .ti" t


Si'. KE V 9NS C ch : Le igh Carlson Assist. : Phil Gaut I s C, 3ch : Craig Neave 1 Kennedy S 0J,.C) 2 Hudson G 3 Reynolds L 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 6 Gnatt P 7 Van Der Venne T Frost C g Andrews A VIC 10 Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S 11 Gorman A

1 2 Proust N

13 Collins M 13 Cade J 14 Parkin A 15 Stephens T 16 Hidlas C 17 Hatfield G 18 Clarke L 1 9 Barr C 20 Phillips C 21 Kennedy L 22 Deane-Johns G 23 Ramsden A C?C 24 Christopherson J

25 Cameron F

26 Donahoo B 27 Greig M 28 Hine A 29 Nesbi tt L 30 McKinnon R 31 Burgess J 32 Cornell J 33 Rogers D 34 Deane-Johns L 35 Pawsey M 36 Sutcliffe J 37 Van Der Venne S ( RIC) 37 Cochrane A

38 Phillips R C(C 39 Oberoi S 40 Beardsley D 41 Lauletta S

43 Dodgson 44 Power B B 45 Treadwell G 45 Morpeth T 46 Cooper S 47 Schultze D " Ward C 49 Carter-Buszard L(RN(C) 50 Robison M 51 Mithen P 52 Heaven C 53 Plain G Blackmore B Taylor C 56 Best E 57 Oberoi A 58 Stebbins C 59 Cade T (RN?C) 60 Monsieur S 61 Cristiano D 62 Cokalis S 6? Cade S r' Kenna A ao Medlin S 66 Per ry T 67 Amiconi A 68 Fill A 69 Somerville W 70 Sullen M 71 Langdon S 72 Munroe H 73 Hildebrandt D 74 Thwaites M 75 Chisholm M 76 Matthews M

77 Kelly T 78 Brady W 79 Treadwell C Adjemis J Foggia A

Coach : Tim 0'Shaugnnessy Res Coach : Serge D'Angelo 1 M . Blood 2 D. Orlando 3 L. Hannebe ry 4 D. Landrigan 5 S. Mollard 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 P. McDonald 9 J . Hawkins

10 D. Rennes 11 Ad Jones 12 J . Bowen 13 C . Ellis 14 On Stoney 15 L . Ford (Capt) 16 N . Bingham 17 D . Richardson 18 M. Green 19 M. Callihan 20 . M. Hardman 20 . J . Scanlan 21 A . Parton 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 24 B . Coughlan 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J . Drake 28 A . McDonald 30 T. Clarke (v.c) 31 L. Tuddenham 32 A. Brushfield 33 A. Sassi 34 R. Jones 35 A. DelaneyY 36 B . Dwyer 37 T. Maher 39 M . Meehan 40 W. Rolfe 41 A. Dillon 43 T. Woodruff 44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L . Howard 46 B. Dixon 47 T. Ruyg 48 J . McDonnell 49 T. Lowrie 50 . T. Biddlecombe 51 D. Walsh 52 P. Funder 55 J. Healy 56 A. Oswald 58 M. Mahon 63 R. Coughlan 66 A. Wilson

Coach : Peter imcholson Res Coach : Joe Watkins 1 D. Baynes 2 D. Burrowes 3 R. Cousland 4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 C. Runnalls 7 S . Clarke 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan (VC) 10 N. Mitchell (C) 11 C. Davis 12 B . Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L. Turnbull 17 L. O 'Sullivan 18 D. McLaughlin 19 L. Gollant 20 C . Gray 21 B. Loughlin 22 M. O'Riley 23 A. Mastropasqua 24 N . M.Smith 25 C . Osborne 26 J. Gollant 27 James Mount (RC) 28 P. Gilmour 29 L . Wilkinson 30 C . Trewin 31 B . Swan 32 T. Harvey 33 B . Allis 34 D. Byrne 35 L.Campbel l 36 R. Legudi 37 A. Catterall 38 J . Simpson 39 C. Baumgartner 40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overman 42 P. Kinniburgh 43 M . Stapleton 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 R. Pizzichetta 48 N. P.Smith 49 S. McCurry 50 C . Galthorpe 51 P. Romanin 52 A. Fewster 53 S. lannazzo 54 T. James 55 J . Lloyd 56 L . O'Brien 57 B. McManus 58 J. DeBlank 59 L Evans 60 P. Mastropasqua 61 J. Mastropasqua 62 A. Bouzikas 63 H . Pekes 64 R . Pekes

Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Asst Coach: Andrea Sutherard Res Coach : Steve William s 1 N . Fraser 2 R. Grinter 3 D. Curt is 4 A. Ukovic 5 M . Dollman (C) 6 P. O' Keefe (VC) 7 K. Gray 8 B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J . Pangraz io 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenhorn 15 M . Olive (DVC) 16 B . Garvey (VC) 17 D. Ryan 18 P. Gissing 19 D . Sheehy {RC) 20 K. Bo,^,den 21 R . Magulre 23 S. Lowerson 24 H . Price 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sad Pr 27 R . Gross 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton ( DVC) 30 M . Gargano 31 A . McGuinness 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire ( RVC) 34 T. Hobart 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Pan9 razio(RVC) 38 J . O'Brien 39 S . Gribb!e 40 N . Moore

41 G . And -son 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G . Katavolos 46 J . Travaglia 47 A. Conlon 48 L. Harper 49 L. Kalesaran 51 D. Bare 52 J . Finch 53 J . Griffiths 55 E . Crohan 56 P. Natalie 57 B. Quirk 58 J . Ferrari 59 R . Chivers 60 A. Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch 62 B. Shelley 63 B. Hicks 64 T. Crowley 66 N . Marchesani 67 T. Purcell 73 P. Byrne 75 R . Campagna 79 G . O'Connor

Sim s o

(j 0 C o (~St ('(f C t10(~S r

Coach: creel Conlon Res Coach : Steve Carroll 1 Slimmon D(VC) 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J(VC ) 4 Guengench D (VC ) 5 Gleason Q (VC) 6 Pricker G 7 Rourke T 8 Hayter J 9 Meade S 10 Stockdale P 11 12 McLachlan G(C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 18 McEvrin A 19 Collins M 20 Giessen D 21 McIntyre T(VC) 22 Millard B 23 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Gates B 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M(RC ) 29 30 Larkin A 31 Callery B 32 Suvoltos A 33 McKie M 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A 36 Brooke J 37 Kaso S 38 Wilson A 39 Birtley T 40 Hocking J 41 Quin L 42 Treloar B 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 Armstrong J 46 McKerrow M 47 Young R 48 Briggs A 49 Chamberlain L 50 Haden H 51 Brown A 52 O'Donnell P 53 Versteegen R 54 Benne tt S 55 Dalymore B 56 Irvine T 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholtz J 59 7oohey J 60 McKinley T 61 Coleman B 62 Taylor N 63 Hardcourt J 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 McKerrow R 67 McAloon D(RVC )


. .

- _ ~ _


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- ")P T ;


It seems to becoming a common occurrence whe n I say yet again the bookies were cheering . Bolters left right and centre were landing, sending the form students scurrying in embarrassment . Yours truly's tipping went like last week's pay!!

gave the home side plenty to cheer about and were great contributors .

REVIEW The GPs in Bundoora are wallowing in all the money they're getting from spectators, as once again, Ol d

Out at Central Reserve, 2 lasL round losers lock horns in the form of Mazenod (211) and Old Haileybury (113) . Dave Murray can't get his side to string a few wrins together and that will be important in the wash up and year's end . Mearnvhlle, Mick Dwyer will tear the page out of last week's calendar, throw it away and pretend it never happened - they were woeful . It's rebound day for either, and I think it will be the visitors, and even though the home side hasn't been far away of late, I believe OH will be an angry bunch of punters. OH by 18 pts .

Paradians were involved in a heart stopper, hanging on to beat Mazenod by a mere 4 pts. It was the OPs' 7 goal 3rd term that set up the win. Not even sleepless nights due to the World Cup could stop the big man O'Loughlin for the winners, and he was helped by the mosquitos of Sinclair and Loney . Parry, Veltman and Chamberlain battled hard for Mazenod.

It wasn't the result that was surprising, rather the margin, as NOBs took their wooden spoon and gave Old Haileybury an awful spanking to the tune of 44 pts. Had they kicked straight, NOBs would surely have sent OH to the north pole to visit Santa, as 35 scoring shots to 16 indicate . Eastaugh, Casboult and The Colonel (Sanders) had a big 20 piece feast for NOBs . White, Carson and O'Farrell were the better players in a disappointing OH side . I had a call as they were crossing the line in the last at Eagle Farm, and it was "Big Jack" calling to tell me to go forth and multiply as Old Essendon lan ded the chockies over Ormond by 21 pts. The home ground woes continue for Ormond, who were behind all day. Kavanagh, McPherson and Ryan revelled in the going for the winners . The Big Ms for Ormond (Murphy, Miller and Martinov) had a go for the losers . It was yours truly who copped the two fingers, and not Old Brighton, as they obliterated Hampton Rovers by a whopping 94 pts . OB were in a league of their own as they took the cane to their opponents, and ensured that HR shortened dramatically in the relegation market . Stewart, Phelan and Pirrie dished out lashings of their own for OB, and Duddy, Barker and Willmott fought hard for HR, but it was all to no avail .

The greatest upset in the history of football almost came off as Therry held a match wining lead against Old Melburnians, only to see it disappear from their eyes, as OMs prevailed by 17 pts. A 32pt lead at the main break gave the locals their biggest chance yet, but froze when it came to the crunch . Holme, Berry and Hawkins ensured OMs could breathe easy by playing well . Elliott, Castaldi (again) and Goodwin 6


An intriguing clash awaits us on Keilor Hill, where Old Essendon (514) put Old Paradians (4/7) on their fancy scoreboard as visitors . Chris Bye has his boys on a roll, winning the last 2 on the trot and finding some form . Matt Ryan also has his lads playing well, even though all the supporters are falling off their perches from heart attacks!! I don't want any more unbearable plione calls, so I'm praying like mad for a green and purple win - the world just couldn't cope with that president telling all and sundry about an OE victory. OPs by another heart wrecker - 6 pts .

Down beachside, Old Brighton (1l3) are starting to build themselves a big sandcastle and this week, it's Ormond (11/4) who is trying to knock it down . Stuart Glascott is going gangbusters right now and his charges are eating out of the palm of his hand . Mick Knuppel would be very plfased this game i s

17 '.A 1 :1 7-


B SECTION Hakim Old Essendon Mulligan Old Melburnians Power Hampton Rovers Porteous Old Paradians Barker North Old Boys

O'Farrell Old Haileybury

0 5 1 0 6


28 26 23 22 22 19


Efsthathiou Old Haileybury 2 28 Floyd Old Haileybury 0 20 . North Old Boys 5 19 Munro Somata Old Haileybury 2 14 Bains Old Melburnians 1 1 3 4 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 26J2

ray from home - their record at that supposedly feared venue is s a ! '1- able . Form says this week vv°ill be another f-di- n: " for the home side, but it won't be that easy as their opponents grow a leg a;vay, Beachside is not an easy venue to will at, and ,,cjth OB in form, they'll prevail by 15 pts . The Bowling Green plays host to Old ts (1,"i) and tlleir guests in Hamp ton f.sov ; (4/1) . Er Leyden would have been at Mass every da y

__ 'thanking the Lord for the small mercy D upon him in the last round. Norm Goss V,casn't a happy calliper last week, and was not pleased with the application shown by his team . Expect a more committed effort from HR this week , d they're a big chance as OMs are not going well, However, home ground advantage and lots of tails :,11 be enor''1 for OMs to get over the line by 24 pts . : I s anothel le western derbies in 2002, as the

lite-hot (1/10) welcome the w-inless, but certainly not useless, Tlaeray (8/1) . Garry Foulds ;s the in-for : i team of B Section at present and uld now be classified as our very own juggernau t .ilat's out of conuol . Unfortunately, at present, r}lle Harincs couldn't beat an egg, but if his ungsters perform like last week, they will shake te life out of the old Brunswick grandstand . NOB s i, ;ll ! t, b'.tt I don't think it will be by much (14 pts) .

nod {2 1) us Old Haileybury (4 /1 1) 011 by 30pts vij is~,i.ndon (5i4) vs Old Paradians (4/7) OP by l2pts Old Brighton (4i6) vs Ormond (1 ;11) OB by l5pts Old Melburn . (1 i 10) vs Hampton Rovers (911) Olv1 by 69pt s

Ts (? R) vs Therr} { 7 `1 ) YOB by 55pT s

OLDP..,, . ,1X.Z Old I'm :--is: r; ~d3fq ,

1J.13 t73) 10 .9 (69)

OZC 1¢r Sinclair Curran Re r.

Mao nod: Apollonto 2 Ballen_ r 2 Best- Parrv Veltrnan Chamber`a Ri r- ._ 110111 0 Umpires: RLove, C.Stenens,:I,S. :rzie . .i . s(B),R.SeNuou. G. Clancy (G ) OLD HAILEYBURY 6,1 8.3 9 .6 9.7(61) NORTH OLD BOYS 0,5 6.11 9 .17 14,21 (105) Old Flaileytnuy: A Flood 3 Kejna Graves O'Farrel l `MacKenzie Gc,ccher D

Lay . Best: White D Lay Carson O'Farrell , North Old Boys: M Barker 6 J Bar r 32 Tehan 2 Casboult . Best Fastaugh Casbouit Sanders 1~ rtirt .. ...e Vo;;els . Umpires: L. Holmes, M . Morrison (R) (F7, B. tiunon, C. Doyle (B), B . Dix, 11, Richards (G ) 4.1 6.3 9 .8 10.10 (70) ORMOND OLD ESSEf4'B(}N 5.3 9.4 11,9 13 .1--(91) Ormond: Gm- 82 Dianradamos Gn-.,!-4 co^'ffi Delicllo Robbins . Best: Brea r+l-st I_ :' . ~" r .-,Mrllcr' Roi-ins. Old Es,sendo.,: D,, ;o 2 Her r_2 J . n^anagh 2 Podger 2 Bariram E its :.'. .Pherson Panapotopoulos Hunter Ry:..-~. t-',' Umpires: L. G; HAMPTON ROY. 5 0. 2 1 .7 4 .10 5,17(47) OLD BRIGHTON 4.6 9 .8 14.11 21 .15(141) Hampton Rovers: Barker Busby Power W r . t. :3est Duddy Barker LVffmott Ng Connoliv M Fletcher . Old Brighton : VanDenDugen 4 Barrow 4 nrart 2 O'Neill Gadsden Hendra Williams Best: Ph-kin Ste .C .. . . i . .'. . : PirneWardeli . Umpires : D. Kramer. L. Moncrieff (F) TI-ERRY PEiOLA 3.2 12,3 15 .3 1 7 3 ( 1 0 5 ) OLD MELBURN1APxS 4.4 6.7 13,1 1 1 8 1 4 ( 1 2 2 ) Tlrerry : Edwards 5 O'Connor 3 C Bannister 2 R Bannister 2 Elliott 2 Goahisn Appleford Mills Best: Elliott R Barnuster Castakll Edwards Goodmri O'Connor Old Melburnians : Mulligan 5 Gruntlv 2 Hicks 2 Kennedy 2 Jo hliller 2 Beaumont Berry Hawkers Legoe Theodore . Best, I-tolme Berry Hawkins Guest Jo Miller Grundy. Umpires : M. Cox . M. Taylor (F) RESERVES

- congratulate on lg his : +z :a game for the club against NOB S on June 1 . Cap :ain of the U 19's in '98 and a member of the '01 reserve premiership team . A very popular clubman, "The Rock" keeps us all entertained with his football commentaries and of course his Allan Jear)s impressions . Well done "Belly".

enod v. Old Hailc' burv Old Essendon v . Old Paradians Old Brighton v . Ormon d Old Melburnians v. Hampton Rovers North Old Bovs v . Therry Penol a

i rolvil I~ co ie grouncf or oli

throwing 6 si tlftar stach conduct" I

- A6f,-ATFt 7R FGt3TRAt I FR P10p

OLD PflRADIftIdS 2.4 4 .4 9.6 12.9 (81) MAZENOD 0.1 2 .4 2 .6 6.7 (43) Old Paradizrvs: Palermo 2 . 2, Lawton. Tensan, Simusnn . Paplia . Lombardi, M Cc . ,,. Bvrce . Best: Chambers. Walsh . Galloway, Dtntiziosante. : .: -.. . Cc- ---an.

AYazsnod : Smith 3, Jayaweera, M McDowell, S Fisher . Best : Strarvhorn, Halvy, Reid, Morris, Tucker . Smil h OLD HAILEYBURY 4.0 4 .2 6.6 11 .8 (74) NORTH OLD BOYS 4.2 7 .3 10.7 12 .10 (82) Old Halleybury : Somaia 2, Efstatlnou 2, Ladd 2, S . Saunders 2, Drrnond, Jay=asekera . Wright . Best: Johnston . Davey . Pitcher, Efstatttiou . Jayasekera, S. Saunders North Old Boys: Munro 5, Joyce 2 .T. Kennedy 2. Brooks, Ddaney, Waters . Best A,unro . Brady. To ii, Bryar, Sieep . C . Kennrd v ORiriOND 3.1 4.4 8.4 10.5 (65) OLD ESSEND074 3.4 6 .8 11 .8 16 .13 (109) Ormond : 'it 2, " i 1 2 . C.C . it, St ohens . Brea ,an . , : c its, Q . nuur , .- C.( : Old Essendon : Makns 4. 3 -it ., ~ u . ' ''rri fitorgan . Howard Best : V ;er, ward . C a "rrSPTON ROVERS 3.3 9.6 11 .8 13 .12 (90) OLD BRIGHTON 6.1 6 .1 9.4 11 .5 (71) Hampton Rovers : Fisher 3. P. Adarns 2 . Nitschke 2, Corson, Hoare, Poster, guon. Redder, 4Voolrich Best: Adams, Carson, Nitsehl:e, Lake, Fl}zm, Rcv'-der. Old Brighton: Grant 4, Cochran 2, Over 2, Stcovart 1, A. Gmnavur 1, Adam 1 . Best, Allen. Stevast, Grant, MeNicol . Begley, Reddm . TFIERRY PENOLA 1.0 2 .0 3.0 4.0(241 OLD TAE LBURPd1AIdS 4.3 5 .7 10.9 14,15 (99 ) Theory Penola: Goodwin 2, ONeil. Vama 1 Best: Smith, Hollow . 0'Meara , Kennedy, La Fontarne. Christi . Old Rfelburnlans : Mrs, Campbell 3 . Dixon, Evans, K( Verge. Waddell. Whitehead I Best: Keeble. Jenkins, Ca,^ap_tl, Prov,es . `Aoddell . Evan s

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Norm Goss Res Coach : Tony NaumoY 1 A . Brudar 2 M . McKellar 3 D. Busby 4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Marlyn 6 T. Wilmott 7 A. Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Barker


Coach : David Murray Res Coach : Tony Collins 1 D . Lancaster 2 A. Quinn 3 A . McIntyr e 4 A . Hanley 5 D . Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R. Foss 9 P. Gooden

0L Coach : Garry Foulds Res Coach : Pat Brooks 1 J . Cassell 2 D. Keenan 2 D. Water s 3 A. Trimboli RVC 4 S. Sleep 5 D . Skene 6 N . Vogels DVC 7 P. Booth 8 B. Collison C

10 B. Holt

10 C. Jayaweera

9 H . Maplestone

11 J . ZamPa9lione 12 B. Culling 13 G . Woods 14 P. Pike 15 A . Browne (VC) 16 D . Marshall 17 D . Ariz (VC) 18 S . Redder 19 M . Lawrence 20 A . Power 21 G . Carr 22 B . Hoare 23 S . Helliger 24 C. McKellar 25 M. Davey 26 S. Wills 27 M. Nitschke 28 A. Fisher 29 M . Fletche r 30 A . Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson (RC) 33 M . Lake 34 Daniel Andersen 35 J . Redder 36 M . Pearson 37 L. Holt 38 P. Adams 39 N . Goss 40 A. Wearmouth 41 M. Levy 42 M. Lanagan 43 44 B. Johnstone 45 C . Delosa 46 L . Woolrich 47 L . Wheeler 48 L. Carson 49 M . Flynn 50 N . Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 J . Connelly 53 J . Ng 54 J . Almiento 55 J . Prantzos 56 C . Wilkinson 57 S. Rose 58 C . Marinis 59 TWoodruff 60 C . Probyn 62 N . Deeming

11 T. Smith 11 D. Hose 12 J . Ballenger 13 P. Fuller 14 N. Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 M. Apollonio 17 J . Beard 18 D . O'Donoghue 19 S. McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 B . Chamberlain 23 A . Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 A. Pickering 26 J . Dunne 27 D. Krom 27 P. Jones 28 N . Marmo 29 R . Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 B. King 33 D . Grant 34 B . Chamberlain 35 R. Hawkins 36 D. Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 J . Fisher 39 D. Bradshaw 41 A. Bouchereau 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 A. Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 B. Thomson 46 D . Dunne 47 P. Steinle 48 G. Tilling 49 L. Halvy 51 P. Reed 52 S . Veltman 53 A . Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L. Fuller 56 L. Rudling 58 D . Morris 59 B. Corfee 61 M. McDowell 62 M. Gonsalvez 64 A. Wilson

10 M . Nulty 11 T. Roberts 12 S . Lock 13 T. Halpin 14 B . Clancy 15 C. Farad 16 D. Collins 17 J. Fitzclarence 18 C . Murray 19 P. O'Farrell 20 W. Martin 21 N . Casboult 22 D . Tehan 23 B . Whiteside 24 J . Barker VC 25 G. Phyland 26 P. Brooks 27 W. McTaggart 28 D. Joyce RC 29 C. Hosking 30 M. Leigh 31 L . Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M. Barker 34 M. Hyde 35 M. Carney 36 M . Polatajko 37 J . Eastaugh 38 M . Amor 39 T. Docherty 40 C. Phyland 41 K. Nye 42 A. Kennedy 43 D. Zacek 44 T. Spurling 45 L . Meehan 46 P. Daniels 47 T. Kennedy 48 A. Munro 49 T. Kooloos 50 T. Drum 51 T. Brady 52 N . Sanders 53 S . Butcher RVC 54 D. Demarte 55 M . Joyce 56 D. Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 58 T. Cameron 59 C. Kennedy 60 M. Cribbes 61 G . Took 64 L . Ryan 66 P. Bryar


Ph : 9598 6444


Ph : 9597 016 6 vrvr~,i .hamptonrovers .com .au



9826994 9

67 S. Saad 68 J. Maher 69 J . Joyce

Coach : Stuart Glascott Res Coach : Paul Dwyer 1 A. Krzywniak 2 A. Pirri e 3 C. Barrow (VC ) 4 A. MacGilivray 5 T. Marshall 6 R . Stewart 7 B. Logan 8 M. Gadsden 9 S. Lennox (VC)

10 J . Mead

11 L. Adamis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 B . Williams 13 N . Edwards 14 S . Williams (C) 15 C. Mizzi 16 J . Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungen 18 A. Salem 19 S. Ginnavin 20 B. Gadsden 21 T. Ewert 22 N . Biggin 22 L O'Neill 23 N . Milat 24 25 S . Nickas 26 A . Ginnavin 27 D . Paterson 28 N . Williams 29 J . Dickerson 30 E . McCowan 31 A. Brown 32 D . Begley 33 P. Phelan 34 J. White 35 C . Stewart 36 M . Wardell 37 B . McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K . Kavanagh 40 41 M . Allen 42 L. Hendra 43 R. Carter 44 R. Sherman 45 C . McKimm 46 M. Biltionis 47 S. Adam 48 B. Dever 49 B . Scott 50 X . Johnson 51 M .J.T Smith 52 A .J. Paterson 53 L. McPherson 54 55 M . Gamble 56 57 J . Murc h 58 59 60 61 A. Wals h 62 A. Lynch

coach: Ghns dye Res Coach : Robert O' Brien 1 J . Pannagiotopolou s 2 S . Evan s 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D. Ryan 5 M . Oxna m 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritag e 9 J . Goodge r 10 S. Bryant 11 B. Papa l 12 J . Kavanagh 13 M. Rossi 14 B. Haki m 15'T ' Di Blasi 16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hexte r 18 J . Walke r 19 E . Heale y 20 D. Hunte r 21 S . Dale 22 A . Merringto n 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazkiw 25 C . Morgan 26 S. Fleming 27 D . Barr 28 G . Steven s 29 S. Uebergang 30 M . Dragojl o 31 D . Carid i 32 J . Mansfield 33 A . Dawson 34 D. Podge r 35 L. Kavanagh 36 M . Burns 37 M . Jink s 38 D . Whitfield 39 B. Newbol d 40 C . Obliube k 41 S. De Morto n 42 N . Bertram 43 N . Fitzpatrick 44 J . Rus h 45 P. Barry 46 T. Cippolon i 47 S . Howard 48 A . Salvo 49 C. Clue s 50 A. Nowlan d 51 A. McGowan 52 J . Williamson 53 T. Campbel l 54 A. Morriso n 55 B. Turner 56 S. Dart 57 W. Conla n 58 T. Williams 60 S . Ceti n

63 S . Davies 64 M .Reid

77 S .Trenton

- ~} . . . =aes ;,- ~ie

-------------- Tur= A A9IlTFi IR Ft1f1TRAi I FR 2002



1 A tvtcivtahon 2 R. Kejna 3 P. Dimond S . Langford-Jones 5 J . Bourke A White (DVC)

7 Adam Hilton 9 S. Rowlands 10 C . Efstathiou M . Graves 12 B . O'Farrell

13 B . Harrop

14 A. Forsyth 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell (RVC) 17 Ash Hilton 18 C . Jayaskera 19 M . Armstrong (C)

20 M . Coddler

21 A . Jenke 22 D . Mason 23 G . Fletcher 24 A. Ross 25 B. Johnston 26 J. Bell (R C) 27 R . Brandham 28 A. Shepherd 29 B. Carson (VC) 30 D . Warnes D. Lay B. Mitchell P. Wright

P. Langford-Jones b5 D. B Lappage

. Lay

a i A. Floyd 38 L . Floyd 39 H. Brooks 40 S . Davey 41 S . Saunders (RVC) 42 S . Durkin 43 C. Pountney L. Pitcher H. Gopu R . Goulden R . '.'ftchell (RVC)

C . Moyle G. Finlayson R . Ladd S . Richardson G . Smith L . Curtain R . Saunders

L . Byrne Anderson Morisi B. LSe6n M . Somaia J . Miller W. Smith T. Cute

Coaci -I Leycen Assist : ,ael Lovejoy 1 Smith D 2 Theodore S (Co C) 3 Treloar A

4 Hazel] M (Co C) 4 Barrett N

5 Crawshay S 5 Woodford D 6 Holme D(DVC) 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 8 Marks D 9 Grant B 9 Simpson R 10 Roberts T(VC) 10 Marks B 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 12 Hart J 13 Thiele B 14 Verge M 14 Kinsella D 15 Rose M 16 Lewski A 17 Miller J 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R(DVC) 19 Provrse M 20 Guest J 21 Keeble C 22 Waddell A(RC) 23 Berry M

24 Hawkins M 25 Thomas P 26 Kennedy C 26 Walker C 28 Teelow A 29 tvluiligan T 0 Miller, 30 Wu A J 31 Sallabank J 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J 35 Ray C 36 Grant J 37 Murray S 38 Bryant T 39 Field D 40 Useinov Z 42 Evans B 43 Farquharson E

44 Grundy P 45 Murphy C

Coach : Res Coach : Ft - - z~acik 1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 M. Cosgrrft 4 A. Curran 5 M . Harf ord 6 D . Stevens 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 A. Bums 12 B . Galloway 13 B . Richardson 14 B . Brabender 15 S . Fellowes 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 18 G. Porteous 19 A . Dean

20 T Brown 21 D . Loney 22 S. Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi

25 A. Heffernan (C) 26 D . Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B . Reiner 29 J . Dallas 30 A. Boyd 31 N . Dallas

32 P. Pratt 33 S . Ciavola

34 B . Hayes 35 S . Simpson C-R) 36 B . Dintinosante 42 R . Murray 43 44 D . Furze 45 A . Paglia 46 R . Clark 47 N . Ball 48 S . O'Meara 51 A . Baker 52 M. Joyce 63 54 S. "co 55 60 J . Connolly

46 Neeson C 47 Harrison T 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Simpson A 51 Kennon P i 52 Campbell B 53 Berry J 54 Grscheska T 55 Gooley J 56 Mulcahy J 57 Bains A 58 Weir I 59 Alder C

Coach : uppel Assisi I Res Coacw - C ea

1 L. Wilson 2 D. Beck 3 L. Murphy 4 A . Grace (VC) 5 M . Martinov 6 D. Whelan 7 S . Keleher (VC)

8 M. Miller 9 G. Hall 10 R . Martin 11 D . Robbins {VC} 12 B . Delidio 13 B. Stone 14 S. James 15 S. Naughton 16 T. Stewart (RC} 17 J . Bridges 18 S. Crame 19 D. Cleary {RVC} 20 M . McConvill (C) 21 R. Wdey 22 G . Lehner 23 J . KnuPPe! 24 A . Goonan 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan (RVC) 28 A. Moore





Res Coac,, : ai Bosank o 1 P-v` VC 2"'` ao R 5 SE . =) g 7,ster S 8 rr L 9 .annister C 10 Va' a 11 0 'n C (V C) 12 3 5 C Res? M 1 6 u,


17 v 18


20 21


225 20 i 29 30 31 S, 32 3a 3J


39 3%


29 M . Broadhurst 30 G. Ritchie (RVC) 31 H . Black 32 A . Lo m 33 M . Collins 34 A . Russel! 35 L . Russell 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everitt


C ag

38 D . Broadhurst

51 2

39 M. Ferrar i 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 J . Kooistra 42 C. Keleher

L 55 C Res)

cC D

43 L Smith 44 N. Baldwin 45 L. Breitkreuz 46 C. Cleary

S c v


47 J . Monaghan 48 B . Healy 49 S . Metz 50 D. Geenoc k 51 D. McKenn a 52 S . Betsy 53 G . Hammond

54 F. Melanie 55 J. Rutz 56 57 58 59

65 S


' S

72 S


M . Farrel l S . Stephens T. Banks P. Konstanq

es ) S

60 Power J

`La `_-'a''i 째J

61 Berman J 62 Trim C

63 Quest G 64 Bowes C 65 Pruden J

Emurplig 4 Sans Pig W

p (~ r.~ ~+ t IESVUt l l~ EJ




1 39



As predicted most results went according to plan in sides Round prior to a refreshing break for us all. The top . all recorded victories with the Collegians boys waiting in the wings for someone to slip, While for the others it is tough worh. from here as they just cannot afford to drop anymore games or it will be mothballs in ugust. A vcodcr :-' ring aR; Bedes --- e Tigers juniper was dr, ue hoodoo at Packer was finally broken nn -Dint u-o, over the injury . ridden 1 nr ,_- - . The game was hard hitting tight in clv,e -- h__ ound, with some great - . ] '--~ Sainters put on their marks est t be- : tx n with the seoreline no

1 the 2 teanis . Plenty o f are and plenty roruig Jon Kane , id Andrew Haves led the ~ ._ . ccszy anw iru BOG supported by Chris It .ss- Bongo ant on . Coll egi-n orded a good will in an important game ag~'msi an ot?t ;osirion still low in confidence after their sliellai rf us at panic stations yet for ibe W fret otjporttmit_y to regroup . Lions c'- other 7 in the third and : ccur, on ov more . CamlJnsvorth

v : - t}> >t Li( -y nlayed well, as did die dual

It 6 and Mooney With 4 was again good for Ol d i Jordan i [fernan both he first half even t ot 째o Y~mt lead with them ;, t'ne to - third quarter blitz settled the Sharks took total control . i saw the Panthers outscore tl !ir > .ae damage had well and tu, . . , --. ,a, --- v -vet again in wonderfu l

br Beaumaris as were big yon impressed Sammy) and lied Tony Bourlioll wa s consistent form continued t iop effort up forward . inc for the Fields up pretty well. but qtr time. The Bear s

Oil Cl

id to give dtemselves a n 2nd half-a>ith th e ze Bears at bay and eome rn of a few Senior player s r better results after the break . ,v'eid ~GfiJl youngsters Andre w

contmuuig to unpress. Better ore, Kristian Malioney,

The section leaders were too tall, too fast, too talented, and too good for a disappointing Prahran at a slippery Friar Park. 8 goals in the fir : 12 n,lt

tone for the day . and a lead a- - _ ehange had the match awarded tc ui e fact tbis was extended out to l i l t kick their first. Prahran actually o in the second but were stil l -1 l , 1 margin was increased by a second half. All ill all a pr " Friars . Ben Janson was the 1 to Buckets who lacked 7 the ground. with Tonu e

e. Dan Hard( and Aliy tif ?ing has been pretty consistent over the p( weeks but today will put we to the test with ouit e

games having the possibi---- : oj go it cot F sic w, iId not 1 i

asons so far. Pa..llers and I c,~rt a Blues play'foorak Park i and will will .

A replay of last years Dl GF Again both disappointed w t}rough away from home I iYa : but a Bears 'artery will not -째ilx:eleome Ca-t f, -Ii i i an imriortant aam e a tou,50 nut to crack and ar The tieids have been a bit r

putting the score on the b a :d . sides have a good blend oi c _osilythemgrunda Bearmiari 째 . Harry Trott sees anoti and _---. The Li( .--


" r is th

~playersbc ekleastno could go ei .~- r1 . go for die hon . `

i id so to the M. imitatio n

s the unbea~.~. ~ to Gkie the equally impr i*.ito have only lost 1 albe home ground advantage fo r Friars who like to run thc 1

,,-~od fonvards in Buckets and ing . Its a brave man who tip s on :orln you should go with the Friars to ;amble and tip the home side . Go

1(149 ) 10.10 (70) '.. Pawhk 2 . ( (oufcher .

an, Old Calnben.eIl . Beaumaris . c- ,--Tigers reat performance guys . : .uiauons for Plaver of the Round . ubmit this report to the VAFA so would

co-operation in having your reports to me by ,his please. Contact details are 9 55 3

1 .1 5 .1

5.3 9. 5

7 .4 13 .7 (85) 19 .8 24.12 (156) C tello. xenwdv.

on . D .R~, ~ .Is 5. La

home, 0412 213 541 is the mobile, or


2 . Holt 2. lfe,, :Y, dich. Sherman . 8 .5 12.7 10 .9 15 .1 5

q usnet.eom .an as mention by 8p m

2.5 4 .9 7.6 14 .6

on ound 8 pP -ed ir pi ~ om the Pe i and Lunclon to return in .'. : loved .38 ternsev. atball and sports in general . ire ~nongst the grandstand in c -guy to have around th e to t itch in when lie can and ?nt . All the Tiger supporters r 100 Andrew Hayes games . Prahran in '94 as reserves iniuries was forced to pul l

as played his 50th game for or > to this young fort y

.rnotltt .

2 .3 3.3

8.4 11 .6 5.4 6.5

3 .9

ian s

7 37 3 27 4 26 5 2 5 21 9 0 0 2 0

C.C 'g1a115 V. C ~. . .'

Ba le v . Old C :, mans v. Caulfie' d

I~an 1 s

23 19 18 18 15

5.14 (44) 17.10 (112) ;c MHCI IC)I.


6 .5 (41) 27.16 (17s) i f3esc tt'orreti.



Ca ch : Tim Pianists Jc., n Res Coach: Max Carty



' 2 D, ,.r !i

3 S . ayrcoZ 4 B . O'Connor 5 B . .'iimore 6 S . Tuckman 7 J . Pearson 8 B . Cantwell 9 J. Plant 10 B . Moxin 11 S . Cross 12 J . Egan 13 C . Burke 14 B. 4doodlock 15 S . Gray 16 A. Dooley 17 A . Small !8 J. Turnbull 19 P. Witchei! 20 S. Play(air 21 R . Dint nosante 22 C . Taylor 23 S . Gray 24 A . Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H htcdermott 27 P. Heal y 28 D . Spoules 29 J.O'Ca(iahan 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 M. Natoli 33 B. Reed 34 C . Stevens 35 L . O'Connell 36 M. George 37 T Thompson 38 W, Keenan 39 A. Hopgood 40 N . Taylor 41 P Job 42 C.T7-l or 43 L4 , A. Cc ~ry 45 14, Smith 46 D. isr .Iiah 47 K. Scholes 48 P. McCann 49 G . Bel l 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J . BOB 52 D. Noonan 53 T. Cusack 54 B . Wilson 55 D. Williams 56 T. Jubb 57 K . Mahony 58 L. Orton 59 L. Richardson 60 L. Hol t 61 B. Parkes 62 J . Gilliam 63 D . Pia,eir 64 S . Taylor 65 M . Thrveos 66 M . Vanpoeteren 67 C . West 68 M .Wiimore 69 C . Williams

i P. Brook 2 H . Gibson 3 M . Pitts (Vc) 4 M . h9atulick 4 D . Porte r 5 M. Ensar (Uc) 6 A. Spence 7 D . Foley 8 tv9 .O'brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L . Buller 11 M. Lee 11 L . Stevens 12 L. Healy 13 C. Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 A. Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L . Atkins 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A. Low 20 U . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 23 A. Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 Q . Groves 26 T. Broadbent 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin (V c) 30 K. Alexander 31 J . Mcgeogh 31 P. Ott 32 B . Cairns 33 G . Jury 34 J . May 35 N . Doctor 35 S . Nish 36 R. Deaton 37 R. Presneli 38 J . Gerrand 39 D. Guidolin 40 S . May 42 A . O'brien 43 B, Ferguson 44 J . Deluka 46 M . Talbot 47

M . CJIanOjeVlc

48 R . Cortieid 49 J . Bryce 50 B . Presnell 51 S . Coote 52 N . Aprea 53 R . Rawlins 54 A. Thompson 60 C . Gionis

Coach : Dean Hnderson Res Coach : Marlin Dicrosia 1 D . Rosman

2 B . Hal l 2 A . Sorensen 3 C . Knight 4 M. Liddell 4 T. Vinen 5 N . Guyett 5 S. Kendall 6 N . Craven 6 B. Minte r 7 J. Cowhshaw 8 R . Foote 8 S. Cossart-Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D . Pearce 12 S. Fryers 13 D . Gurr 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S. Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B. Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 W. Brockett 20 H. Vella 21 M. Pennycuick 22 C . McAssey 22 M . Richardson 23 D. As h 24 J . Daiwood 25 G . Evans 26 S. Widjaja 27 R . Keown 27 J . Ryan 28 J .Jacobs 29 D. Williamson 30 D. Eilias 31 C . Veentjar 32 L. Browne 33 C. McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphorn 37 T. Messer 38 J . Restanck 39 J . Santiago 40 R. O'neill 41 M . Anderson 42 D. Synman 43 J . Smith 44 N. Coutts 45 D. Scott 46 G . Erickson 47 A . Desousa 48 N. Tassel 49 B . Gardner 50 C. Pearce 51 G, Robinson 52 A . Sinclair 53 P. Carter 54 T. Rynberk 55 C . Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 N . Joughin 59 P. Crocker 60 N . Faliu 61 N . Bannon 62 B . Goddard 71 '" Cassidy

Coach: Pat Hawkin s Res : Andrew Kenneally 1 J. Dixo n 2 M. Johnson 3 B. Mooney 4 D . Atkinso n 5 R. Henebery (DVC) 7 D . Surkitt 7 J. Farle y 8 C . Unsworth (C) 9 J. Fry 10 J. Lang 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 N. Thomas 14 D . Phillips 15 L . Cottom 16 A. Fletcher 17 R. Hosking (VC) 18 T. Krotiris 19 A. Robertson 20 H . Sallmann 21 C. Harris 22 S. Piasente 23 C. A4ollard 24 B. Low, 25 R. Mui r 25 D. Gambaro 26 S . Woolley 27 A. Shinkfield 28 N. McCann 29 A. Kenneally 30 B . Shadbolt 31 N. Roach 32 D. Browning 33 B. Hols t 34 A. Smith 35 S . Beilby 36 G . Cooper 37 M . Foster 38 T. Dyer 39 N. Hart 40 R. Bardwell 41 N. Baxter 42 N. Abbe ' It 43 PJ1 . White 44 Y. Phillips 45 R. Lew 46 C.Rowe 47 R. Sztar 48 E . Waters 49 J. Clark 50 D. Vial 51 J . Melbourne 52 B . Gran t 53 J .Van Berkel 54 B . Wooihouse 55 T. Cooks 56 B, Lumb 57 C. Peck 58 D. Smith 60 D. Dowling 61 D. Cook 64 M . Gribble 6E C . Safstrom 6~ S. Porter 67 D. Osborne 68 L. Wilson 70 T. Skurrie 77 L. Beardsley

Coach : Paul Bcddoe Res Coach: TBA I M . Ryan 2 N. Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D. Cassa r 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagam e 7 S . Vamvakis 8 M . Dimashki 9 G . Hayes 10 G . Richards 11 B . Clements 12 B . Kin g 13 G. Brown 14 C. Grey_ 15 F. Buckley 16 A . Taranto 17 A . Russo 18 M . Dimachki 19 K . Dimachki 20 A . Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 R . Dimachki 30 L . Pryde 31 T. Aberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 L. Hall 35 J . Commerford 36 K . Daou E . I

40 L. L . 41 H . Walls 42 J. Gusman 43 T Knowlan 44 S. Diamond 45 A . Caruana 46 T. Evan s 47 J . Serpanchy 48 J . Haliwell 49 M . Benton 50 A . Dimashki 51 B . Zurek 52 A. Haines 53 S . Rees 54 M . Kassar 55 L .McGaw 56 J, Kokkinoptshs 57 S. Hal l 58 C . P4ct7iun'ick 59 P. Merrick 60 A . Guzzo 61 M .Tkocz 62 D . Sheehan 63 D . Dunlevie 64 A. Patane 65 M. Dimou 66 J. Valkanis 67 N . Daou 68 M. Merrick 69

South : -ibottrne A


Coach : JarfUd (: .di

Go, i =ito : Jamie b^linduss

Assist i Irian Sheedy Res Coach : Justin :.'.cLean

Res Gc

1 S Clay 2 T James (DVC) 3 N Robinson 4 N Lippiatt L Cain B Christie 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan (DVC) 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanson I- R Kapoor (VC) L Galdman R Whitehead (C) i, C Munroe N Credlin (VC) 18 M Mullen 19 A Hanson 20 D Mitchell T Hardman 22 8 Howard 23 K Darby 24 B Tipper 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Hillier 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 B Craven 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P Eves 35 G Weickhardt 36 S Deny 37 T Parkes 38 T Hallo 39 S Fancis 40 J Cramer-Roberts 41 G Rowe 42 A Mackenzie 44 S Smith 46 D Daipran 47 T Kearney 48 J Derry 49 C Morley 50 J McKenzie 51 W Orwin 52 G Ormsby 53 R Tempone 54 A Margetts 55 C Morley 56 S Jones 57 A Cantor -5 3 A Manuel l J Osborne L Hancock L Thomas

1 A. Acreman 2 C. Twentyman 3 B . Murphy 4 D. Carroll 5 C. Mackay 6 C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 W. Ballantine 9 S . Boothey 10 S . Voigt 11 D. Solley 12 C. Dwyer 13 R . Ball 14 K. Campbell 15 J. Costello 16 D . Nock (VC) 17 N . Linford 18 T. Boumon (C) 19 A. Palmer 20 S. Mullin 21 A. Drinan 22 L. Georgiadis 23 N . Moodie (R C) 24 A. Lowe 25 T. Fava 26 A. Martin 27 G . Karns 28 D . Kind 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo 32 G . Herring 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis 38 B. Sherriff 39 T. Riley 40 T. McManus 41 S . Cozens 42 C . Rushworth



43 M. Lames 44 L . Sun' ter 45 M . Kennedy 49 M . Fishe r 50 G. Richards 51 N . Fisher 52 D . O'Connor 53 M . Stroud 54 D . Goodbody 56 R . Harper 60 G. Shattock 61 B . Saunders 62 R . Johnson 64 M . Austin 65 M . Petrie 66 M . Mackay

G,-D.,ek Hine Res coach : John Ross 1 D. Harders 2 M . Harvey 3 P. Kelly 4 P. Quick 5 H . Pitts 6 A. Carboy 7 S . Pang 8 C. Bamford 9 A. Bunnett 10 B . Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 A. Van Rooyen 13 C. Mclean 14 M . Evans 15 B . Sanderson 16 A. Rhodes 17 T Rankin 18 M . Windrid ge 19 A. Millican 20 J . Kellow 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N. Roberts 23 S. Pickering 24 T. Fraser 25 L . Aitken 26 T St.Clair 27 W. Watford 28 K. Walford 29 W. Taseff 30 M. SciGuna 31 T. Dukic 32 D . Ballard 33 A. Wood 34 L . Norman 35 B. Gallic 36 J. Killeen 37 M. Johnston 38 J. Macdonal d 39 J. Lan e 40 I . Dennis 41 J. Upton 42 T. Mahe r 43 D . Decarteret 44 D . James 45 M. Vagg

46 M. year 47 S . Brewer 48 D . Decarteret 49 L. Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S . Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 B . Aisbett 54 C. Morgan 55 S . Ramage 56 S . Earle 57 S . Moylan 58 G. Finkelde 59 B . Klindworth 60 S . Mckenzie-Mcharg 61 A. Gelli e 62 J . Belcher 63 C. Web b 64 J . Bedford 65 M . Davies 66 G. Northway 67 O. Lappi n 68 M . Kousal 69 P. Limol i 0 71 C. Weaver 72 M . Eastham 73 J . Warr

7 G. Caseedine

C-a( s; Res e:c ..,: Janny Spencer 1 P. Wintle 2 L . Wintle (C) 3 C . Tesoredo 4 A. L'Huillier 5 S. Napier 6 A. Ryan 7 N . Owen 8 J. Cunningham 9 M. Terrell 10 M. Wintle 12 J. Kane 13 D . Goodchild 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A . Hip ^rell 18 S . Hecker 19 A . Drury 20 J . Drury 21 P. Fedderso n 22 D . Poynton 23 D . Napier 24 T. Beasley 25 D . Samya 26 M . Hecker 27 S . Kingv.ell 28 M. Andrew 29 T. Marshall 30 D. Falkingham 31 D. Moss 32 D. Spencer 35 C . Barnes 36 A . Walstab 37 M . Connolly 38 A . Hayes 39 D. O'Brien 42 M . Wilson 43 S . Butts 44 J . Recupero 45 R. Gould 46 P. Lynch 47 T Waters 48 A. Scafidi 49 S . Walsh 50 S . Kidd 52 M . Kurts 53 M . Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 A. Basham 56 J . Chaplin 57 M. Lomagno 58 M. Zakic 59 M. Zahra 60 N . Phipps 62 M. Dean 63 M. Mccoll 64 P. Scagliotti 66 R . Parsons 67 S. Meyer 73 L . Porter 75 N . Conno r 78 P. Newport 79 P. Russ o

s Co. cs Ca,_ ,r Eames 1 C. Woad 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Phan 6 P. Campbel l 7 D. Brice 8 B . Janson 9 C. Maguire 10 R. Pasqualotto 11 R. Reid y 12 T. Hughes 13 T. Hilton (DVC) 14 T. Carng g 16 J . Powe r 17 A. Carbone (C ) 18 C . Fulton 19 M . Jongebloed 20 D . Rei d 21 K. Kennedyy 22 T. Langfor d 23 E . Eames 24 R . Mika 25 M . Vernal (VC-Res) 26 C . Rya n 27 L. Swai n 28 C . Eames (C-Res ) 29 A. Glenn 30 M. Power (DVC) 31 L . Engley 32 G . Kennedy 33 M. Duty 34 D . Gloufche v 35 C . La w 36 D . Nolan 37 M . Nunan 38 C . Carrigg ~ C) 39 D . D'Sousa 40 M . Cahil l 41 C . O'Conno r 42 M . Northe y 43 N . Elliott (VC-Res ) 44 B . O'Conno r 45 S. Cleven 46 G. Johnso n 47 D . Crea 48 J. Treyvaud 49 C . Dance 50 M . Mallad y 51 S . McClintock 52 A . Baggeley 53 C . Andrew s 54 S . Gille n 55 D . Fedel e 56 R . Murray 57 E . Stone 58 S . Alexander 59 N . Brisban e 61 110 . Baker 62 J . Anderso n 64 M . Mead

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a u Hairdressin g


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BUX Real Estate




(ST f3EF3NA RD S) (OLD BRIGHTON) (SEAUMARIS) (ST LEOS ENIMAC1S VII) 3 L D CARE` ) WNB t1RNE CIIV I) (WERRIBEE) Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his team of the Year (after round 18). 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . g 2 1 lU1VP's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .

reprc dative of all s e ) - 7. )o tl)£ on Queen's Sirthday -,~_ek d .

gal 5


; local bet w the St Kilda Football' t;luts Ct u : - ; cup. The match was played at the ;r - Linton Street nround in Moorabbin and aitho2 l the lialiting arid ground were first class, the ~ .-ndy (later rainy) conditions made it difficult for the players . The prize at stake, as ~11

Amazingly however. the skill level was not affected and both teams put on a terrific display of football, where it was obvious that both teams were very proud to have been chosed to represent their league ; association . -`--a? scores saw the VAFA 10 .8 (6 8) defeat the 8FL 8 .8 (:" .i) . At quarter time the SFL lead well being 5 .3 (VAFA 2 .0) ; at half time the SFL lead 5 .3 (VAFA 5 . 2) and at threequarter time the VAFA hit the lead 8 .6 ( ."°L 7.6). The VAFA was beautifully coached ° Qeorge Voyage and the VAFA goals came from A a c or ; 5 (a s_ ong focal point up front all n' t), )o :y 2 . = -- best Wise, Nick Harrison anc 1 each . The VAFA selectors cho: t? ' 'eter -'_:rrison, skipper Dc an )des , chard Ho j ;, To : r rk Liddell, :att Cr_ if ant _ e

: ;onal Three Yea r .mches of ie onships the table is as follows . - Played I . Lost 0 . Champion,hip Points 4(251 .22% ) PI; ed 2 . Lost 1, Championship Points 4(79 .73%) Played 1, Lost 1 . Championship Points 0(58.44% )

ampionship Matches see the SAAFL i Adelaide and the VAFA play th e pl^:,ed this year, a Team of the each ?alne . The o teams are now ii_iounced.

The VAFA thanks SFL Pre ;idellt Tonv Troon and his Board for agreeing to the ,,,atch . Which we hope will continue well into the future . We also thank the St Kilda Football Club for their support of the event and thus recognising and providing for the dispay of senior talent at grassroots level . We especially thank SFL Executive Officer Kingsley Ellis for his exceptional organising of the match . Kingsleys friendly and easy to deal with manner and his thorough planning was a credit to himself and the SFL . Finally I thank the VAFA's coaching staff, support staff and players for giving a 100°o effort to this match .

My regular column will return next week . I thought it important this week to give due credit to the wonderful performances of two teams who did themselves . the ~ssociation and their clubs proud . Well don e to all, and on behalf of the Executive Ce, :_ntittee - ~ ; ank you,

C Y AN PRESS In years past, Mentone (The Vultures) might have had the Egyptian Vulture as their emblem . As vultures go, the Egyptian variety is an almost attractive bird, and one of the smatter of the family. Not so now, the 2001-2 Mentone Amateurs are dead set Nubians, 3 metre wing spans, metre long bodies, 1 5kg of mass, beaks that can rip through rhinoceros hide, and seriously aggro! Just a: k the Hoes !

tion was eviscerated by Mentone teT -~,, in a virtuoso display of slick bal l movement and rapid rebounding out of defence . Combined with yet another stellar performance from Tony Maegeorge, the Hoes just weren't in the hunt. Ross Toogood put in a top defensive game for the Hoes, with Chris Tricker effective in the ruck, and Damon Wood & Simon Narkie :.ricz were also strong in defence . AJAX was too accomplished for Williamstown after taking the lead during the 2nd term . CY persisted all day again but the Jackas were too skilled . Gold at CHB & Segal in a BP stood out for AJAX, ably supported by Dukes, Weisler (in his 150th), Blieden & Brain . CY had great games from B .Hynes, on-ball supremo Cocks, and forwards Bergin & Lee .

St ),os took the points very professionally agains t , first with a 6 goals blitz in the lst term , and thti by shutting down the Bloods' forwards . Brad Bird & Luke Price scored critical goals for the Animals, the engine room of Buckle, Ristevski, Burgess & Tribe were in fine form, as were defenders Adam Krebs, & Ashley Brown . The Bloods' best was John Jess as a HB & RR, plus Al Bethune continued his good form, and Craig Thomas made a welcome return at HF. University Blacks and Monash Blues fought out a dour and uninspiring game with the Blacks ascendant for most of the day on the scoreboard . while the Ashers found converting opportunities beyond them . Blacks were happy with Brad Carr up forward . Dave Higgins at HB . Andrew Moffatt RTG, and 013-er Rob Dillon. Ashers' President, Andrew Headberry, starred for his valiant attempt to abscond with the Cowan-Frearson Cup. whilst stand out pJ _ ,ers were 1 st gamer, Ben Green on his M1191 Sh~ ,ic `'-~bster at HB, and Paul Farrar at midfield & in c:(fe :~ce. Ge,long couldn't contain Bulleen 7e's forward firepower and blistering Is t

term, although OGCS did do well to match it wit h 16

the Bullants thereafter. Burridge, Prior & Tulloch were on fire for the Bullants. Fairbairn &

McCarthy were the eye catchers for OGGS. entone welcomes AJAX in a big test for the young Jackas, whose speed and enthusiasm will take the game right up to the Vultures . However the latter is a really class act and one of the few sides in the section whose leg speed matches the Jackas . Mentone also has a very experienced and balanced line up which will tip the balance in their favour. The Vultures should win by 4-5 goals . Aquinas and Ivanhoe meet with both still stinging from last week's losses, so this will be what is euphemistically known as a"physiea' game . Of the two, the Bloods are travelling a tad the better, but it would be unrealistic to expect a mature unit like the Hoes to permit the mini slump they're in to continue . The Bloods are hard to beat anyvhere, at home doubly so ; therefore I'll go for them by a kick or two. Monash takes on a St Leos side, which has to be brimming with confidence by virtue of their achievements to date . The Ashers are showing signs of playing to their real potential, and at the Linton Street oval will pose a challenge to the Animals, but not enough to prevent a 3-4 goals loss .

Bulleen Temp will give themselves a big chance ail.ainst Uni-Blacks on the Ted Ajani and, after a saittery start ; they are now plti_ i :ig with cohesion

Dl SECTION Niacgeorge '"(~ntone 10 61 Bird at Leos 5 33 Berger AJAX 6 31 Matthews Bulleen Templestolve 6 26 G . ;vieLaren Bulleen Temp)estorti째e 0 21 Flynn Ivanhoe 0 21 DI RESERVE S A . Cooper AJAX 1 15 Pearce Ivanhoe 4 18 O'Brien Old Geelong 4 18 Hanna University Blacks 0 15 Bradshaw- Aquinas 2 1 5 n THE AMATcUR FOOTBALLcR 2002

I? A. "Your Coac :e-' . _ = : ociation "

As football coac' .s we are always on the lookout for that new drill; that great idea that we can use with players at training that will really work . Over the last 17 years of my coaching rareer I have collected an extensive array of these ideas caned after having visited training sessions run by other coaches, purchasing comprehensive documents (such as David Wheadon's Training Drills and Skills) . flipping through AFCA handouts, attending AFCA courses and ~cnerally collecting any ulformation or useful ideas I could 1 ;>ssible get hold of. During my earlier years as a coach I relied on these drills as the main source of ideas for my training programs and often would prioritise a drill, because it was new - just to provide variety and keep die troops happy! With experience I have now come to realise that the priority must be to relate all training specifically to a well planned program . Clear objectives must exist for each training session and the organisation of sessions must be thought out well beforehand . The days of turning up on a Tuesday and Thursday evening and dipping into a bag of tricks are over . Whilst die resources I have collected over the vears have been helpful, they must always be considered as more resources - to be referred to when planning training. Most of the training drills I undertake with my players now do not come from any training book or other resource . Some of die better drills I undertake are just made-up drills that are triailed and then modified - all with one clear purpose - to suit the needs or objectives identified . The starting point for me is to decide with my coaching team what areas we need to work on ; in other words what do we want the training session to achieve . The factors that may influence our decision are varied and may include amongst other things : The set plays and patterns we want to practice -eg ball into die forward line; full back kick ins; Specific skills in need of attention - eg changing die pattern of play . centering the ball ; Forthcoming ground and weather conditions - eg Elsternwiek Park, a heavy ground/wet conditions ; • The style of play of the forthcoming team - eg defensive trategies and counter plays; Individual opponents of the forthcoming game - eg kick behind the play, tall marking n.ickmen ; An element of play that has been identified as a weakness out of the last game - eg working the fall, tackling etc . ; for the week is usually planned well before the 1st ° ask ourselves: What do we need to work on? isidering such issues as ii, ~rewe are playing? ill the conditions be like ? are we playing against ? do we need to improve and practice?

Usually a clear set of objectives can be developed for the week and the planning can take place . It is then a simple matter of taking a pencil and drafting drills that incorporate as many of the identified skills as possible and that Are realistic and stimulate the natural ball movement desired during a game ;

Use as much of the ground as possible: Can involve as many players as are at trauiing and work them at a significantly high work rate . I always clearly outline the purpose of each exercise and explain the relevance and die objectives to the players . Often I modify the drill as die need arises to improve it or to include another aspect fliat would further develop its value . If the exercise is well planned many elements relating to endurance, speed, skill, agility, co-ordination and flexibility can be incorporated and therefore the aim of a total training package can he achieved . I usually undertake power sessions via gym work prior to the warrn up (which usually Includes stretching . striding and simple repetitive hand/fool skills) .

Tuesday night is generally a longer night with more emphasis on competitive aspects, fitness and power/strength work . On Thursday I tend to concentrate on sharpening exercises* where speed of delivery in set plays a priority. 4Vliilst these sessions are shorter that Tuesdays . the tempo is significant . In summary I would encourage all coaches to identify you r own specific needs, set objectives for [he week and invent suitable drills of your or4ni . Not only will you find it to be a rewarding challenge but you will find }'our players will enjoy the stimulation of something fresh and new . More importantly they will learn to appreciate your thoughtful planning and creativity while gaining a clearer understanding of training as it affects a match day

performance . Good hick and happy pencilling - don't forget to record your efforts in a journal which will become a great new resource . Re printed - Amateur Footballer Vol. 92, No. 9

Name : David Law

" .f. L'19 Re d

Playing Histc : Junior at St . Bernards (FDFL) ; '86 Aberfeldie; Ola - sendon'91-9 6 f;oachi - _

: St . Bernaids Juniors '917-GO . St, ;:o-01 ; IWRI`1 (Junior) Rep Coach ; St.

Serna y 02

sophy: To make very person involved in lure be ;nade to feel welcome and remain r after the small huigs and die big drug s " ition: To be involved in St . 3ernards O C cesses . 91;

Hugh Lyon REVIE W At the mid-season break we can reflect on some of the more remarkable individual and team performances i n 2002. Of course Bentleigh full-forward Chris Sharp's 18 goal haul is the pick of the bunch, followed closely by the Pirates big steal in round five coming from more than 50 points down in the third quarter to record victory. And Kew, written off as easy beats before a ball had even been bounced, have fought hard to record to two victories. The two-standout sides have been Yarra Valley and Salesian, who have played consistent and attractive football, winning seven out of eight games apiece . Its seems the goal posts between these two clubs and the rest is increasing each round, with Salesian comfortably disposing of third place Peninsula last week. In the battle for second spot, Salesian got the jump on Peninsula, taking the lead in the first quarter . The visitors suffered an early blow with the loss of nuggety halfback Andrew Parsons with an ankle injury, but more importantly the Pirates failed to apply scoreboard pressure and missed numerous opportunities to take control of the game in the second quarter. Marcus Dentry, playing his 100th senior game for Peninsula, was able to keep the Pirates afloat with another marvellous performance in defence, but the Bobetic brothers from Salesian again notched up plenty of possessions and delivered the ball beautifully to Grace . The home side, without D2's leading goal kicker Higgins on the park thoroughly deserved their 36-point victory, while it's back to the drawing board for the Pirates, who were clearly unable to mount a significant challenge . Bentleigh supporters who have been spoiled of late, could have been a little disappointed with full forward Sharp's four goals after his 18 the week before. But of more disappointment was the sides four point loss to fifth place Parkside, in the first match between the two clubs . In perfect conditions Bentleigh was on top in the first quarter, with good marking around the ground and moving the ball quickly into their forward line. Poor kicking cost them badly, with only three goals on the scoreboard . Parkside kept themselves in the game to score four goals but were not applying pressure on their opponents, and were fortunate to be level . After the main break ruckman Dan McCall, gave the Parkside onball brigade first use and they took advantage kicking three goals but deserved at least three more . More importantly, Parkside manned up Bentleigh and closed down their main kick getters. In a tense last quarter Bentleigh kicked six goals to Parkside's four and hit the front briefly. Parkside momentarily lost

e concentration until utility Brad Hockey marked strongly and aoaled to regain the lead. Matt Ross mad e a mighty leap in the goal square to touch a Bentleigh goa~ attempt to seal victory. Overall it was an even game with Bentleigh's poor early kicking the difference . Mark Schwabl was Parkside's best dominating in the backline, while rover Rob Wise, McCall in the ruck and Hockey also had solid games . For the B's, Sharp kicked four goals, and Eyles, D .Martin and Sice got plenty of the ball . Old Carey got back on the winner's list after easily accounting for the sadly undermanned Oakleigh . The Krushers are enduring tough times with more than 20 players injured or unavailable . Their effort to run the game out to the final siren is to be commended . The C's had great games from U 19's onballer, Al StewartHolmes, Tim Angus at Centre Half Forward, Matt Cohen kicking six goals and Spanner Hall booting five . For the Krushers who will be looking at refreshing during the break, B . Pappadopoulos, S . Dalton and Clark were better players . Yarra Valley put in a workman like performance against La Trobe University, winning by 32 points . The Trobers will take heart from the game, pushing the ladder leaders all the way until the final quarter when the Bushrangers kicked away with six goals. The Valley would have been nervous at three quarter time, with only eight points the difference, but good performances from the ever reliable Valoppi, A . Laing and T. Morris held the Trobers at bay . S . Brookes was in good touch kicking three goals and clocking up countless possessions, while C . Perry and S. White also worked hard for the Trobers. The Fitzroy Reds got over the undermanned yet bighearted Kew at Brunswick Street, winning by five goals . The result could have been a blow out had the home side kicked straight, amassing a frustrating 13 .21 . However, full-forward Tornese could be forgiven kicking seven goals for the day . Camilleri, Drury and Crowe played well for the winners. Kew's better players were Searle with three goals, '1'inetti, Blair. Cullen and Dennis.

PREVIEW In what could be a Grand Final preview, Yarra Valley takes on Salesian in the battle for outright lead of the competition . Both teams have proven to be outstanding this year, with Salesian's Bobetic brothers and leading goal kicker Higgens being instrumental . Th seBushrangvloditsfarhecnbuo M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

including Valoppi, A. Laing and Stevenson . In match of the round, my tip is Salesian to upset the homeside by 5 points . Peninsula will be looking forward to getting back to its home ground for its match against the Fitzroy Reds . The Pirates didn't fire last week and were disappointing in the game against Salesian . In contrast, Fitzroy were inaccurate but managed to get the four points . This is a game the Pirates need to vrin to consolidate their spot in the four, Peninsula by 32 . The mid-season break could not have come soon enough for the injury ravaged Oakleigh, who will hope its players are fresh and re-charged in its match against La Trobe University . The Krushers have really struggled in recent weeks, while the Trobers have started to play some good football and almost upset the Bushrangers last round . The Trobers to Win by 24 points . In other matches I expect Bentleigh to bounce back against the tenacious Kew, while in a close game at Pitcher Park, the home side Parkside should account for Old Carey. ---


PARKSIDE - Ken Allan 150 Games . He has captained the Seniors Parkside and won best and fairest in 1982, 1983 and 1993 . Ken has good football skills, but relies on courage, fitness and sheer determination to win his 20 kicks a game. There has never been a tougher player at Parkside . "Nudger" now earns the respect of younger players as captain of the reserves, and supports the Club as VAFA Member. SALESIAN - Mick Forer play's his 50th game for this week . Mick has been a shining light in the backline over the past couple of years and we look forward to many more of Miek's quiet but important work on and off the ground . BENTLEIGH - Congratulations to Andrew (Bart) ,Staines who played his 50th game a couple of weeks ago, Bart has been in good form over the last month as he tries to lift our reserves performance .

~1"l; D2 SECTIO N


Tfi igins Salesian `harp Bentleigh hsan Parkside ,'dnze Peninsula ironese Fitzroy Reds ``,irle Kew I}2 RESERVES

LST WK i 0iA1. 0 4 3 3 7 3

41 36 45 27 26 23

E'prne Salesian 4 27 Collett Yarra Valley 3 2 4 FitzroyReds 10 24 Yarra Valley 0 21 Peninsula 2 17 FitzroyReds 11 1 7 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

SALF.Sl A'I 2 .4 9.9 12 .10 (82) PL:7,r :5ULA 1 .2 3 .6 4.13 5.16 (46) Salesian : Grace 5, Sh-' 3, Nanues 2. R it 1 . Logan I . Best: Logan, Tambltng, Shirley. Ganaeatt Gaspan, BobeUC. Peninsula : Payze 3, Cook 1, Haley 1 . Best: Denalty, Trewtutt, Prentergast . Atchison, Downey, Pettltt . Umpires : S. Olive (F) FITZROY REDS 13.21 (99) KEW 10.9 (69) Fitzroy Reds : Tomese 7, Pollard 2 . Camitleri I . Cahill I . Dtbenedetto 1, Atherton 1 . Best : Camilieri, Drury . Crowe . J . Parsons, Lee. Cahill. Kew: Sear le 3, Cullen l, Mainsbridge I . Fitzgerald 1, Giansante 1, Blair 1, waHS 1, Woodhouse 1 Best: Tinetd. Blair . Cullen, Dennis, Eaton, Stephens . Umpires: P. James (RI (F) LA 'PROBE 2 .0 4.0 8 .5 10.6 (66) YARRA VALLEY 2.4 5.6 9 .7 15.8 (98) La Trobe : S.Brooks 3. R.Close 2, S.Wlrite. S .Edrtiards . Awesley. AMurphy, S .Adamthwaite Best . S.Brooks, C.Perrv, S .Wiute . D.SIteklrick. K.Perry. S .Adannhwaite Yarra VaIley: Midolin 4 . A.Drew 4, Savage 2 . &~-,I .Cotlie. RDrew, Longworth, Parry Best: Valoppi, A .Laing. TMorris .Midoliu . Stevenson. ADrew Umpi res: E . Lindsay, R. Sneddon (F ) OLD CAREY 4 .6 10.11 19.15 22.20 (152) OAKLEIGH 2 .5 4.5 5 .6 7 .7(49) Old Carey: Colten 6. fall 5, T .Angus 3, AGuerra . Stewart-Holntes. Hart 2, Vasilopoulos. Morrison . Best: Stewart-Holmes. Trittgus, Hart, McConnell, T,Waid, Vastlopoulos . Oakleigh : B .Pappadopoulos 2, P.Pappadopordos, S .Dalton . Redford, Perdikornatis R.Marshall Best: S.Dalton. Clark, Malcolm, Marshall, B.Pappadopoulos, Ryan. Umpires: M . Argall, A Simpson (F) BENTLEIGH 3.8 6 .13 6.15 12.19 (91) PARKSIDE 4.2 7.4 10.7 14.11 (95) Bentteigh: Sharp 4, Henry 2. Lane 2, Siee. Clark, Duuattlna, D. Martin. Best Eyles. D. Martin. Stmattina, McCulloch. Sice. Fishlock . Parkside: Ryan 3, M. Wise 3, Welsh 2, Hanlev . R, Wise, Sotigo. K . Noble. B. Hokey . Best: Schwab). Romano . R. Wise, B. Hockey, D. McCall, M . Wise . Umpires : L . Katz (P), J, Nicholson, J . Le Breton (B ) RESERVES SALESIAN 1 .2 3 .6 8 .8 10 .10 (70) PEM'INSULA 5.1 5 .2 10 .3 12 .6 (78) Salesian : Byrne 4, Riley 2, Sltebltkian 2, Novello i, Ngo 1 . Best: Byrne, Seager. J. Brennan, N. Brenn aii. Ngo, Blake. Peninsula: Coglilan 4, Krohn 2, Franks 2,117iite 2, Brown 1 . Stainforth 1 . Best: Coghlan . J . Cog2ilau, Stauifortfi . Bonner, Broxni- Mitchell . FITZROY REDS 28 .15 (183) KEW 2.2 (14) Fitzroy Reds : Prior 11, Kane 10. Bare 2, Maroon 2 . Leske 1 . Virtue 1, Holderbead 1 Best: Katie, Prior, Holc(crbead. Bratnley. C. Andrew. Campbell . Kew: Kiriakou 1 . I7dh 1 Best: Drago . DalnRnple Allen, Tarossi, Symes, Tancredt. LA TROBE 1 .1 1 .1 1 .4 3 .9 (183) YARRA VALLEY 2 .2 4.6 6 .7 8 .8(56) La Trobe: Watson . Samson, Craig . Best: Sola . Watson, Craig, Hopkins, Plullis, Samso n Yarra Va lley : Coffer 3. Pickering, B .Drew, Yeti . Potter, Kerr. Best : Davies, Thompson, Bununa, T . Collett, Joiner. B .Drew OLD CAREY 2 .2 9.8 9.9 10.12 (72) OAKLEIGH 2 .0 3.1 6.1 6.1 (37) Old Carey : Mal 4, Gates, B.Chmchiare(Ii . Hardy, P.Grahanr, Leong. Ward. Best- Mai, B.Chiuehtarelit, Drake . Gates, P.Graliam . Ward . Oakleigh: Verkatzos 4. Connellan, Moutas Best: Verkatzos. Connellan, Nuske, Sua[h . Jury. Moutis. BENTLEIGH 1.4 4,7 7.10 8.12 (60) PARKSIDE 2.2 7 .3 9.5 11 .10 (76) Bentieigh: Straucb 3. Krototil . A. Pttttto, %trdluugtou . Staines, Handfield. Best: Handfield, C . Martin . Craven, Wrtihma~ton, Caterson . Richards. Parkside: Panfari 3, Gresham 3, Cttdcott 3 . Roniano, McCall . Best: Panjari, McCzll, Cinlcott . rVlen, 1"israt . Gresltt.

Peninsu' ., . . Fitzroy F. _ .. Yarra Valli v. Salesian Oaldeigh v . La Trobe University Parksidc v. Old Carey Kew v. Bentleigh 27

BEN'PLEtGH Coach: Paul Dimariina Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 C. Sharp (C) 2 P. Morgan 3 A. Pittito 4 S. Sice

5 M. Eyles (C) 6 R. Webe r 7 N. Lane 8 C. Goette 9 J . Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D. Martin 12 M . Barker 13 L. Pittito 14 P Krassaris 15 B . McAliece 16 L. A rey 17 J . Handfield 18 S. Adaway 19 R . English 20 R . Fishlock 21 B.Istead 22 F. Dimattina 23 S. Adams 24 P. Gatto

25 D. Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M. McCulloch 29 A. Clough 30 A. Miksad 31 S. Craven 32 J. Di Giorgio 33 P. Withington 34 M . Pir e 35 L. Ireson (VC) 36 M . Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G. Beattie 39 G . Prigg 40 M . Walker 41 J . Nave 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 C. Martin 44 A. Simon 45 A. Wade 46 R. Lawiord 47 A. Strauch 48 F. Cavanagh 49 B . Clark 50 A . Stanes 51 S . Truffaut 52 L. Sampson 53 A . Sanfilippo 54 B . Gasser 55 G. Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 A . Kin g 58 T. Caterson 59 D. Pittito 61 C. Park

62 D. Krotofi l

iufi Acu o~i .,\ I

~,i I~ r (^( ~ ' ~



Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach : Andrew George Club 18 Coach : Greg Box

Coach: Rohan Doherty Asst Coach: Darren Searle Res Coach : Greg Crimmins

1 (a) M . Frisby 1 (b) 5 . Sukhar 2 A . Wals h 3 S. Dibendetto 4 (a) J . Hamilton 4 (b) G. Vigilante 5 (a) D. Kan e 5 (b) P. Diacogiorgis 6 J. Benni e 7 S. Andrew 8 A. Byrne 9 (a) C .Prior 10 L . B ryne 11 a) B. Athert on 11 ) N . Krick 12 0. Bramley 13 M. James 14 T Clar ke 15 J . Vernal 17 (a)B . Lee 17 (b) B. Foynes 18 M . Heenan 19 P. Cook 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. Meighen 23 T. Jackson 24 A. Parsons 25 P. Jackson 26 R. Curtis 27 (a) J. Tornese 27 (b) B. Lee 28 J . Card 29 (a) D.East 29 (b) V. Cahill 31 P. Crowe 32 A . Grant 33 S. Drury 34 M Zubak 35 D . Snaddon 37 (a) G . Hanlon 37 (b) M . Mehri 38 C . Evans 39 M. Reid 40 G . Bance 41 R . Burgman 42 I . McBurnie 43 A. Marcon 44 J. Abou-Eid 45 M. Sinfield 46 (a) D . Timm 46 (b) N . Mann 49 A. Puglia 48 N .Vaughan 50 B. Aggenbach 51 M. Cairns 52 B. O'Connor 53 S. Addicott 54 J . P arsons 55 N. Matthews 55 D. Atki n 56 (a) T. Madden 56 (b) N . Currie 57 R. Rome 58 B. Cahil l 59 R. Johnstone 61 S . V rtue 62 N. Auden 63 C. Andrew 64 G.Johnson 66 D. Timm s 67 R. Holderhead 68 A. Mon k 69 S . Pidotto 71 (a ) P. Gunn 71 (b) T. Leske 72 M . Benne tt 73 J. Bare 75 B . Pollard 76 P. Everard 77 A . Grillo 80 G. Box 81 (a) J. Horridge 81 (b) C. Plazzer 86 M. Reid 87 C . Nave 91 D. Fitts i11 B. Donova . Rosenthal n1 7M

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B. Lafranchi L . Fitzgerald B. Marchesani G. Crimmins A. Makris N . Tinetti N . Lymn

8 D. Mainsbridge 9 A. Eaton 10 B. Cullen 11 B. Woodhouse 12 J . Growcott 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J . Looke r 15 C. Bradley 16 D. Wood 17 B. Allen 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 J . Denni s 20 A . Acfiield 21 M . Ayres 22 C. Stephens 23 T. Aitke n 24 D. Kinross 25 C. Watts 26 S . Symes 27 T. Moore 28 M . Xuereb 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante 31 D. Cocking 32 A. Drago 33 D. Wayland 34 M. Fitzgerald 35 R . Bruno

36 S. Ryan

37 J. Landwehr 38 T. Connolly 39 40 G. Muckian 41 R . Livingston 42 43 G . Collyer 44 M. Raffaele 45 A. larossi 46 A. Pirona 47 48 L.Jensen 49 50 51 M. Blair

52 R. Campagna 53 M . Bolis 54 R. Waller 55 D. Searle 56 T. Frith 57

58 59 60 61 S . Moussi

LA TROBE UNVERSITY Coach: Brian Grills Res Coach: David Huffe r 1 P. Farrant

2 S. Fredrickson 3 D. Sheldrick (C) 4 C. Perry (VC) 5 S . Adamthwaite 6 S . O'Tool e 7 N . Dunne 8 J. Thorn 9 L. Walker 10 P. Morton 11 Josh Levy 12 K. Perry 13 T. Luderman 14 L . Wakeling 15 S. Brooks 17 Jacob Levy 18 A.Hewitt 19 S. White 20 A. Murphy 21 D. Edmunds 22 P. Stewart 24 S. Edwards 26 B. Phillips 27 D. Gilmour 28 C. Ross 29 A. Randall 30 J . Smith 31 M . Fannig 32 D. Hill 33 M . Watson 34 A. Murray 35 J . Eyre 36 T. Mawdsley 37 C. Porte r 39 N . Rosengren 40 R. Slater 42 D. Gleeson 43 A . Poulton 45 D. McKeekin 46 B . Launikonis 47 A .Samson 50 K . Hopkins 51 C . Francias 52 T. Stauton 54 T. Peters 55 A . Cummings J. Laidlaw

66 A . Ballie 70 J. Dumaresq

OAKLEIGH Coach: Russell Bruerton Asst Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach : Garth Dartnell I B. Gec 2 V. Moen 3 D. MacKenzie (VC) 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 T.lanchello 6 R . Dooley 7 M. Short (RVC) 8 R . Marshall 9 J. Moutis 10 L . Thomas 11 S. Nicolosi 12 G . Treacy 13 S. Randle 14 R. Keating 15 G . Redford 16 K. Marshall 17 A. Hunte r 18 J . Connellan (RC) 19 R . Coope r 20 B. Stirling 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S. Casa 23 J . Kerley 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Kitts (DVC) 27 G . Smith 28 A . Khodr 29 D. Hall 30 M . Nicolosi 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J . Brow n 33 M . Clark 34 B . Varkatzos 35 R . Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 P Torpey 38 B. Papadopoulos 39 G. Dartnell 40 M . Whaley 41 M . Grinter 42 C . Dalton 43 R . Papworth 44 N . Smith 45 G. Chapman 46 B. Nguyen 47 T. Nguyen 49 B. Evans 50 P. Malcolm 51 . A. Wood 52. C. Cooke 53 . C. Casa 54 O . Parton 55 D. Moulang 56 B. King 57 A. Jury 58 M. Coppock 59 W. Ogilvie 60 V. Grinter 64 F. Loiacon o

62 G. Aitkin 63

64 J . Cronin 65 66 67 B . Allen 68 S. McCardel 69 K. Tancredi 99 S . Bruno

''~" - - --pi in r_nnTRALLER 2tP

OLD CAREY Coach : Glenn Taylor Res Paul Montgomery

PARKSIDE f Coach: Mark Rowe Res Coach : Glen Dunbabin

; EUIt'SULA Coach : Rod Kerley Res Coach: Neil Franks


Coach: Gary Connolly Assist Coach : David Todd


Coach : Tim Killworth Res Coach: Rowan Davis

Res Coach: David Todd 1 C. Angus (VC)

2. D. Feels 3 M. Cohen

4 S. Vitali 5 S. McConnell 6 C. Campbell (C)

8 M . Cann

1 R. Adams 2 G . Davies

1 S . Parsons 2 A. Parsons

3 K. Noble

3 M . Galdthorp 4 E . Bowen (Vc)

5 T Stonehouse 6 S . Ware 7 J. Muscat

5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner

9 B . Shutie 10 K. Shrives 11 N. Everett (VC) 13 M Sontag 14 M . Curry 15 N . Bull 16 R. Graham 17 M . Yarnall 18 C. Matthews 18 B . Chiuchiarelli R 19 T. Wood 20 J. Raftopoulos

8 J. Chilcott

7 S. Murray

9 A . Constantini 10 A . Vita 11 B. Hockey (VC) 12 D. McCall 13 A. Copley (RVC) 14 P. Hanley 15 D. Moodie (C) 16 M. Ross 17 A. Romano 18 M. Schwabl

21 R . Leong

19 T. Ryan

22 C . Battle 23 T. Price 24 P. Uncles 25 N . Detarczynski 25 L . Chiuchiarelli R 26 D. Sherr

20 D. Singleton 21 J . Scholl 22 R . Wise 23 R. Beck 24 R. Marulli 25 M . McPherson 27 D. Matthews 28 R. Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 T. Barlow 31 S. Hogan 32 J . McCall 33 K. Allan (RC) 34 M . Romano 35 G . Panjari 36 M . O'Connor 38 H . Byrne 42 P. Dean 43 B . Gorman 44 P. Soli9o 45 B . McGillian 46 C. Welsh 47 C . Tyson 48 C . Ross

58 T. Mangos 60 J . Drakopoulos 61 P. Tascone 63 R . Jones

7 N . Franks (Res.) 8 P. Angus 9 M . Dentry 9 P. Krohn (Res .) 10 A. Haley 10 T. Tre rhitt 11 S. Ferguson 12 C . Pettitt 13 T. Braden 14 S. White 15 A. Wood 16 S. Claringbol d 17 J. Coghlan 18 J. Whelan 19 A. McfGnstry, 20 S. Prendergast 21 A Macpherson 22 A. Atchison (C) 23 R. Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 J. Atchison 26 P. Prendergast 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S . Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 G . Davies 32 H. Shorten 33 R. Stainforth 34 M . Allen 35 R. Woffenden 36 P. Serra 37 B . O'Neill 38 T. Coghlan 39 S . Barber 40 B. Mitchell 41 A . Vidotto 42 A. Lit tlechild 43 G. Gardiner 44 ~~Ison 45 D. Baker 46 L. Prendergast 47 L. Palmer 48 A. Bonner 49 C . Wilson 50 P. Arnold 51 R . Sharpin 52 T. Neal 56 P. Rittman

65 S. Carmody 66 C. Chioppi 70 S. Diver 71 A. Inglis

57 M. Conroy 58 D. Brennan 59 S. Foss 69 J. Muir

27 N . Vasilopoulos (C) 28 H . Morrison 29 S. Assimo 30 A. Guerra 31 J. Ward 32 P. Graham 33 J. Mai 33 N . England R 34 W. Gianniko s 35 S. McConnel l 35 S. Hardy R 36 S. Wood 37 D. Palmer 38 L. Guerra 39 M . Elvins 40 T. Robison 41 A. Gates 42 P. Montgomery 43 D. Joyc e 44 A. White 45 T. Bull

'46 H. Giannikos

47 S . Weill 48 C. Popplewell 49 W. Mudge 50 A . Kent 51 R. Hall 52 S . Weil l 53 A . Pitts 54 K . Giannikos 55 L. Patterson

56 B. Malin

57 P. Konstatinidis 58 J. Boncher

59 C . Mason 60 L. Brain 61 C . Davey 62 P. Tompkins 63 B. Rodrigues

65 D. Elsner 67 C . Hickey 68 S. Hart 69 O. Winchester 70 J. Marshall 71 S. Feehan 2 J. Engwerda 73 C. Elliott 74 S. Mees 7 5 C. Smith ,6 J. Vogel 71 B. Spedding 78 N . Latham E3 M. Heppell

49 S. Pascoe

51 A . Valomidos 52 B. Cassano 53 P. Romano 54 S. Marino 55 M. Wise 56 T. Wise

57 B. Boughton

1 A. Stevens 2 A. Anderson

3 S . Sutherland 4 S . Bobetic 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Forer


G. Gasped

1 R. Pearce 2 T. Morris

3 R. Thompson 4 M . Fun g 5 A. Drew 6 R. Dew

8 S . Logan 9 A Campbell 10 S. Oldfield 11 A . Davey 12 M . Bates 13 I . Bobetic 14 J. Ngo 15 C . Ryan 16 G. Irvine 17 M . Ferwerda 16 D. Barry 19 S. Brown

7 C. Beal

21 A. Bates 22 R . Stevens 23 S. Nolan 24 A. Grac e 25 M. Tambling 26 J. Nannes

18 L . White 18 D. Ross 19 J. Strong 20 T. Hal e 21 D. Stevenso n 22 B. Drew 23 R . Ye o 24 M. Davies 25 F. Pellagrin o 26 J. Longworth 27 S. Savag e 28 B. Reynold s 29 R . Coutts 30 D. Po tter 31 B. Sturzaker 32 J. Parry 33 P. Cremean 33 D. Ireland 34 C. Frase r 35 B. Peake 37 D. Balshaw 38 B . Morriso n 39 J. Tompkins 40 H. Cotsford

20 A. Seager

27 A. Higgins

28 M. Byrne 29 C. Rose 30 M. Cooke 31 J. Shirley 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 D. Rao 35 P. Knott 36 D. Todd 37 S. Sinclair 38 T. Alligan 39 P. Pitts 40 M . Forer 41 J . Novello 42 P. Evans 43 E . Maillard 44 C. Hunt 45 S . Horvath 46 S . Porter 47 B . Bowman 48 M . Bourke 49 G . Gleason 50 P. Allen 51 S . Parisi 52 R. Cinco tta 53 B. Chalmers 54 D. Allen 55 E . Hanaphy 56 D . Stinear 57 D. Gheblikan 58 S. Butler 59 D. Blake 60 D. levoli 61 J. Radi

62 B. Kirchner 63 L . Seager 64 J. McClaren 65 A. Darcy 66 C . Clauson

67 A. Thain 68 A. Healey 69 B. Atkins 70 A. Chiappini 71 R . Cincotta 72 D. Oliver 73 A. Gaspari 74 C. Roache 75 A. Sexton 79 S. Morrish 80 M. Forbes 81 P. Turley 82 M. Smith 83 D. Bowman 84 W. Chapman 85 D. Sutherland

8 L. Morris 9 J. Keem 9 C. Ross 10 T. Hancock 11 F. Macvean 12 J. Cremean 13 L. Gillie s 14 E . Krus e 15 N . Pas k 16 L. Taylor

17 A . Laing

41 B . Down s 42 A . Ston e 43 H . Par k 44 J . Ho 45 A . Wingate 47 S . Colli e 48 R . Davis 49 S . Seabourne 50 J . Peake 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Pask

54 S. Simpson 55 S . Taylor 56 T. Lloy d 57 S . Kehoe 58 G. Ker r 59 A . Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Burum a 63 B. Whitechurch 64 D. Smit h 65 M. Norrish 68 T. Collet 69 R . Collet 71 M. Laing 74 A. Midland 76 J. Dickson

y Craig Brajtberg lo ns速 r Complete Freight Concepts Rick Love, A Section Field Umpire is a Director of this Freight Brokering business . If you need things moved around Melbourne, interstate or overseas, Complete Freight Concepts can find you the best service with the lowest rates . Call them on 9326 9090 and mention your involvement with the VAFA . ES : CG, -, _' : . ;![.ATIO H S TO THE FCLC ._ 'G Richard Eastwood is umpiring his 300th VAFA Game at University Blues and Old Trinity with his good mate Peter Simpson, Richard invites all umpires back for a drink at the after match at Melbourne Uni after the game and are welcome to come out to dinner afterwards . Richard Joined the VAFA in 1987 after a playing career with State Bank Football Club, he says that his 300th game today will be the most memorable game he's umpired. Richard also enjoys playing basketball and going for a nice slow bike ride on Sunday mornings to warm down after his matches on Saturdays . Richard would like to thank his wife Karen and his two daughters Claire and Bridgette for all their support during his football career. We hope you have a great day . Mark Gibson who umpired the Senior Representative game in Adelaide last weekend . Albie Firley (Field), Neil Woods (Boundary) and Vin Vescovi (Goal) who umpired the Representative game at Moorabbin last week against the SFL. Gajanan Skandakumar on your promotion to C Section for the first time. Brendan, Justin and Dan would like to thank all those umpires who ran a one-umpire game two weeks in a row, WELL DONE GUYS!! VpFAL :1 .: Former A Section field umpire, Craig 0'Donoghue was recently back in Melbourne for his sister's 21st . He rang Brendan Carland (VAFAUA Advisor) a month before hand and told him that he would be happy to umpire a game, which was very much appreciated . He umpired the D1 match between Mentone and St Leos with David Irons . Craig joined the VAFA in 1992 and umpired 152 games before moving to WA . Saturday's game made it 153. He then joined the academy 1994 and was invited to trial with the VFL in 1995, 1996 and 1997 but couldn't trial in 1997 because lie got a new job with the Inside Football magazine . Craig made his A Section debut in 1997 as a 21 year old and umpired 39 A Section matches before moving to WA . Craig also won the Golden Whistle Award, which made a big year for him . Craig has been umpiring in the Western Australian Football League since the start of last season after moving to WA to take up a job as an AFL football writer for the state's daily paper "The Western Australian". He is also in charge of the WA umpiring web site (vnvw .umpiringlva .org) that is updated every Wednesday afternoon . Craig has been umpiring Reserve grade football over there and has also umpired one senior game to date . Some interesting facts are that the WAFL umpires wear a silver uniform apposed

to the traditional white and they also use yellow footballs, as their sponsors logo is red . The umpires in WA have an amazing sponsorship deal of their own with electrical retailer Rick Hart (who is also the Fremantle Football club's President) kicking in $160,000 over three years ! It was good to see you back Craig and we hope to see you again soon . An interesting comment came from last year's umpires advisor Michael Sneddon during a recent skill drill . Brendan was explaining that umpires can tap through the No . 2 umpire anywhere on the ground, Mick's response was that it worked well for him on the weekend, there's only one problem he was running the game on his own, I wonder who umpired better Mick or his partner! ! Santo went for a nervous one before the game at Elsternwick Park recently, he became more nervous when realised he was locked in the toilet when the door became stuck . Not even the throwing over a chair to help him would work, as he was still two feet short of the door, his partner eventually got him out . Get well soon Thwa9tsey after you unfortunate incident we hope to see you back on the track and running around soon . Everyone at the VAFAUA would like to send ihere best wishes to Dennis Webster, get well soon Dennis and we hope to see you waving those flags soon . Well done to Sean Scully who won the White Waeker last month, he won the award for punching the letterbox after an argument with his girlfriend, is she worth missing 4 games with a broken hand? ? Everyone at the VAFA and VAFAUA would like to send their condolences to Bernie Dix and his family on the recent passing of his sister. Who was that umpire going by the name of Kevin at last rounds A section match between Old Scotch and MHSOB? The two field umpires where Jamie Kvins and Richard Eastwood . Seems some of the spectators can't read all that well !

ONE MINUTE WITH CRAI G Alan Stubbs No 11 Blue - Nickname : Stubbsy, C Section Field umpire, Games Umpired : 303, AFL Team : Hawthorn, Best VAFA Players: Gary Norton . Adam Aereman and Stephen Anderson . Best AFL Players: "Darrell Baldock and Leigh Mathews, Hobbies : Golf and Note taking . Craig 0'Donoghue Nickname: Donners or Scoop guest Field Umpire (25 .502), Games Umpired : 153 . AFL Team : Essendon, Best AFL Player: Gary Ablett . Best VAFA Player : Luke Gollant, Hobbies : Golf and night clubbing Bernie Jephson Nickname: BJ, A Section Goal Umpire . Games Umpired : 205, AFL Team : Collingwood, Best AFL Player : Michael Voss, Best VAFA Player lan MeMrdlin, Hobbies: Reading and Drmking Win e SOCIAL EVENTS Trivia Night - 29/06/2002 Pre Finals 26/08/02 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 22/9/02 Grand Final BBQ - 2219i02 Presentation Night and Trip away - TBA All correspondence to eraig bCacompanysolutions .com,au




5 Albie Firley

5 Chris Simon

5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max Wittmann

6 Paul Hoffinan

6 Neil Woods

7 Paul Croxfor d

6 Dash Pei ris

8 Landan Blackball

7 Sean Scully

9 James Van Beek

7 Alan Ladd

10 Avi Wekselman

9 Damian Lane

10 Tristan Bowman

8 Nick Evan s

11 Luke Holme s

11 Alan Stubbs

12 Jamie Kvin s

9 Nathan Carlyon

12 Daniel Mousley

12 Mark Morrison

14 Michael Gilday

10 Robert McLeod

14 Kevin Alexander

14 Ash Hoogendyk

15 Mark Jenkins

11 PaulTuppen

15 Geoff Curran

15 Tim Doecke

16 Craig Brajtberg

12 Simon Payton

16 Peter Woods

16 Mervyn Monty

17 Cameron Leitch

14 Tim Tingir i

17 Mark Gibson

17 Peter Keogh

18 Tim Sutcliff e

15 Michael Sneddon

18 Jason McNiece

18 Peter Simpson

19 Scott Mackie

16 Luke Moncrieff

19 Steve McCarthy

19 Andrew Fyfe

20 David D'Altera

17 Mick Robins

20 John Ralp h

20 Brian Woodhead

21 Justin Grossbard

18 George Paleodimos

21 Patrick Maebus

21 Gajanan Skandakumar

22 Rick Love

20 Norman Hitchen

22 Nick Fennessy

22 Chris Collins

23 Chris Steven s

21 David Iron s

23 Greg Rowlings

23 Peter Griffiths

25 Richard Eastwood

22 David Longworth

24 Graeme Hunichen

24 Leigh Dillon

27 Euan Lindsay

23 Robert Sneddon

25 Geoff Moore

25 Lionel Kat z

28 Leah Gallagher

24 Jason Moor e

26 Andrew Shiels

26 Daniel Dinneen

29 Gerard Rolfs

25 Mat Taylo r

27 Matt Cox

27 Anthony Simpson

30 Simon Olive

26 Patrick Coulthard

28 Paul Lamble

28 Ken McNieee

31 Rob Schuller

27 PaulJone s

29 Chris Garcia

29 Peter James

33 Simon Stokes

28 Ron Martyn

30 Justin Lipson

30 Michael Phillips

34 Jeremy Heffernan

30 Anthony Lilley

33 Robert Mayston

31 Robert Semmens

35 Graham Thwaites

31 Tim Friedman

34 Graeme Morgan

32 Anthony Damen

37 David Murray

32 Jarred Aspinall

35 Jason Lan e

33 Michael Forde

34 Daniel Stephens

36 Matthew Meier

34 Stephen Morgan

35 Dianne Whiteley

38 Chris Stevens (S)

35 Troy Brooks

37 Ken Walker

36 Ian Burgess 37 Gavin Roberts Q,

;THE NOBs sportspersons night attracted 3 00 people and raised raised $22,000 compared with $16,500 in its first two years . The panel of Terry Daniher, NOBs No . I Ticket Holder Mike Sheahan, Sam Neuman, Simon Madden, Paul Couch and Anthony Hudson was fantastic but it was the after party at the Purple Turtle that captured our attention . Seventy people made their enjoyable night an enjoyable, and we are happy to report, safe morning . Plans are in pizcc for a bigger nigh, n-= _,-ar.

the book For the Love of the Game records it . ~ to took the Rovers t o their only A Section flag in 1951 . When Boss passed away two decades ago they closed Hampton Street so bi . gwasthecor 'A STARS Ps: CREDIT to Channel 7 with Rex Hunt's Match of the Round tha t comes on around midnight (check your TV schedule a s

it fluctuates) on Saturdays . It is the , crfecc vay to cap a day of football and seeing VAFA personalities in their prime is terrific . Already spotted Paul Cooper, Andy Gowers and Michael Blood snr.

Michael Barker (Ni enjoy the Annual N,

, ;c,.6erJoisn (Havithorn) J

ROVE, RS G.„ IT: THE Boss James .11 be officially opened Reserve Club Rooms tonight in a joint function with the Hampton Cricket Club . The clubs have made the right choice with the name . The Hampton Rovers hail from the First Hampton Scouts which Boss James helped establish and run . It was the same Boss James, or Norm James as our big brother

These gentlemen are all to A Section clubs but if you want to e-mail me with who you have spotted from other sections and how they played . I'd love to run it . 0 EXECUTIVE ANSWER : IN OUR last edition we asked what was the name the name of Carlton Football Club's home ground prior to Optus Oval . Executive member John Bell gave this excellent answer- CFC is at its fifth home ground . The first ground was a sloping paddock situated off the west side of Royal Parade north of Gatehous e

ntion this ad for free extended warranty from three months to three years!

i between 1864 and 1876 . The sccond was a ssive occupancy granted by the Universit y bourne of a parcel of land in Madeline (now Swanston Street) known as th e 11~o~llan Catholic Reserve (where Newman College stands) . The third was an area in Royal Park Crawford Oval between 1879 and 1894 . ( : rlton then played at the University Oval . While the Blues succeeded in convincing the ,ard of Land and Works -to make a grant of 1 0 of land in the north of Royal Park to b e as the Carlton Recreation Reserve . The ><< ;c ;,1 opening of this reserve, Carlton's fifth i, e ground, was the Queen's Birthday holiday on 10 1611897, and is the current site of what : I : iovm as Princes Park and now Optus Oval . jr . :;ns a copy of Football Grounds of Melbourne nts of Melbourne Sports Books . NT'ON STATUE: THE Fitzroy Reds , .re applying to local and state government for ~ for a statue of the Haydn Bunton to b e ed outside their Brunswick St Ground where Dti>>i-oii often displayed his awesome talent fo r t

ING CEO: PHIL Stevens has t o

n ltil many tasks particularly around state rrpresentation time when he's helping with ~r,ining and selecting. Our leader wants to d o ~.,er it takes to keep the Big Vivinning . At a mining session leading up to the SAAFL game I ui week, the father of two grown up girls took a ,t(j) back 10 years when he became Mr Mum Te ; ,n physiotherapist Paul Trainor brought his. al Ella to EP and when a player require d

do we hear HQs preach that the VAFA is "Family

Football"? Phi l Stevens is a practising preacher !

C~ Y^ATE V. ALLAN AN GUS IN 1994 Allan was elected President of Peninsula Old Bovs AFC, a position he holds today. Initially it was to fill in but with Allan's guidance at the "bow of the Pirates' ship" it became permanent. His passion for the club is Allan Angus - Certificate of outstanding and Merit recipien t without it the club might not be in a strong position . Allan attends all training sessions and matches, is a regular at social functions and leads from the front . Allan's family contributes too with two rooms set aside in their home for the club equipment like the canteen goods, jumpers, medical gear, pie warmers and hot dog machine . His wife Helen is the treasurer, son Peter played 230 club games and daughters Sophie, does some physiotherapy and Katie helped with the canteen but she is now overseas . Allan knows every player by name and can recall all players who have played at the club since his involvement .

istance, Phil babysat for two hours . How often .au

LMCT 724 3

125 Montague Street South Melbourne 0 hone ~;~~!~~aw .~hecar~hol :~hs .corrm.a~ I

i~:!lon ;=1i 2-9 -- Sat, ~-3 P Sun 12-4

ROUND 5 MATCH REPORT. DIVISION 1 : Geelong hosted Nth Ballarat at home and in what was the closest game for the entire round were beaten by the smallest possible margin . Nth Ballarat 3 4 22 defeated Geelong 3 3 21 . Karingal 1 were far too strong for a seriously depleted Mambourin Tigers and ran away with the game Karingal 1 19 7 121 defeated Mambourin 2 0 12 . DIVISION 2 : Bulleen Templestowe were full of running and were able to account for a much improved Ringwood in what was a very entertaining game at Parkviile . Bulleen 10 12 72 to Ringwood Blues 5 5 35 . Ovens & Murray Jets travelled to Parkville to play an inform Maribyrnong and put in a commendable performance . Maribyrnong were just to quick on the day Maribyrnong 10 7 67 to Ovens & `,Iurray Jets 5 7 37 . Colac were unable to perform as well after their long trip and failed to busy the goal umpire at all against the inform side of division 2 Sth Yarra I . Sth Yarra 1 19 17 131 to Colac 0 0 00. `,[oonee Valley Magpies are slowly improving as the season progresses but were unable to account for Broadmeadows _ on the day . A victory seems just around the corner for the me:ipies. Broadmeadows 2 4 7 43 to Moonee Valley ',lagpies 2 2 14 . In the last game in division 2 Karingal '2 travelled to Bendigo and were unable to defeat the l;arriors on their home turf. Bendigo 11 10 76 to Karingal2 2 4 16 .

DIVISION 3: Ovens and Murray Jets 2 played Sth Yarra 2 at Parkville and both teams put on a fine display of F .I .D.A. teoiball . Sth Yarra 2 lead all day kicking 6 7 43 to Ovens u`.'urra}'s 3 3 21 . In the other game in division 3 Geelong hosted Broadmeadows 1 at home but were unable to trouble the scorer and went down to Broadmeadows 1 12 I4 86 to Geelong 2 0 0 00 . CITY V COUNTRY On Sunday 2nd June at Elsternwiek Pork F.I .D .A. held its second annual City V Country representative match. Last year the country side won and ! his year the city side was determined to reverse the ledger . 'I lie city side was coached by Bill Garland and Paul ~cwman with Darren Bath and Jarred Stanley looking after the country side. I lie game was hard fought all day with a place in the state ,ide traveling to Adelaide the following the week at stake. i he players once again showed great skills and made the asi; of choosing the best 15 players very difficult for the -cleetion panel . The end result of the day was a victory to ountry for the second year in a row but all players can be proud of the display of F.I .D .A. football that was put on for the crowd on the day. ue again this game was very popular with the teams and 1 be a permanent fixture on the F .I.D .A . calendar. STATE GAME The state side traveled to Adelaide on T

Sunday 9th June to play the Sth Australian representative side at tVoodville Oval . We had won the previous three encounters and had chosen what we considered to be a very competitive team for this eneounter. The team coach was Darren Bath and he was ably assisted by Bill Garland . We controlled the game from the first bounce with great team work and passing by both foot and hand being a standout feature for the entire game . We were able to kick away in the first quarter and the Sth Australians never really got back into the game . The team played a great brand of football and never took their eye off the ball and ran hard all day. The Sth Australians were unable to stop our running game but played the game right out never giving up and ensuring that we earned every kick . In the end our overall skills were to sharp on the day and everyone who took the field followed the coaches instructions to the letter . The side showed great self control and discipline and were fantastic ambassadors for F.I.D.A . football and Victoria .

The team did everything that was asked of them by the coaching staff and outscored the Sth Australians each quarter keeping the pressure on the Sth Australians until the final siren sounded . All of the players are to be congratulated for their efforts both on and off the field in Sth Australia . Their team mates and clubs should be proud of the way they represented their teams and competition whilst in Sth Australia, A special thanks to the Bendigo and Karingal team mates who made the trip and gave their support to the team it was great to hear some barracking for Victoria from the crowd . Victorian F.I .D .A. Team 2002 . Paul Brown Kevin Capovilla Rick Curtis Jade Dorogi Travis Dorogi Eric Faulkner John Greengrass Laurie Hammond Tony Howell David Marko Peter Phillips Adrian Rowe John Soles Dion Venning Jamie Wander s

FIDA LADDERS RD 5 F W L 0 F Agsf % Pts KARII1GA€.1 5 5 0 0 493 114 432.46 20 NORTH BALLARAT 5 2 3 0 184 264 69 .70 8 MAMBOURIN T1GEftS 5 2 3 0 217 359 60 .45 8 GEELONG 1 5 1 4 0 154 270 57.04 4

BROADS9EA©Ot"7S 1 5 5 0 0 514 14 3671 .43 20 M . YARRA 1 5 5 0 0 447 59 757 .63 2 .42 1 606ENDIG154320 fA"-RIBYRN0PdG 5 3 2 0 358 210 170.43 . 12 BULLEEN-TEMP 5 3 2 0 278 245 113.47 12 0 ;.1J 71 1 5 2 3 0 275 205 134.15 8 RlflGAt2 ° 5 2 3 0 181 274 66.06 8 AY ;,_',';J00 5 0 5 0 112 394 28.43 0 GULAG 5 0 5 0 114 474 24.05 0 ?r100NEEVALLEY 5 0 5 0 93 406 22 .91 0 *reeeivedforieit(astroun d


REVIEW Swinburne University won by a comfortable margin over Monash Gryphons . Matthew Higgins bagged six for the Razorbacks while Chris Leeton starred for the Gryphons . West Brunswick overcame a slow start to defeat Richmond Central in convincing fashion. Once again, the Westies defence stood firm. South Melbourne Districts took hold of their game by the scruff of the neck in the last quarter to finish over the top of Syndal Tally Ho. Hawthorn and Elsternwick staged a good old-fashioned game of suburban footy down at Rathmines Road . The Wicks got off to a great start, holding a solid lead late into the second quarter before Hawthorn, through the agency of Stuie Avery, managed to get a run on and get back into the game. The second half became an Indian arm-wrestle before the Hawks managed to just hold sway. Power House started competitively against St .Johns before the Jocs machine kicked into gear to record a big win .

PREVIEW What Pete Says : Match of the Day status goes to the clash of the titans between St . John's OC and Hawthorn . A lot of great names for both teams - Avery and Lauletta for Hawthorn, Koppens and Emery for the JOCs . A very tough one to call here, but with the home ground advantage, I'm going to stick my neck out here and tip the JOCs to upset Hawthorn's winning nm .

The underachieving Monash Gryphons should finally justify my faith in them and record a victory over Power House . Both clubs enjoy something of a rivalry, and this is sure to be another enthralling contest . Whilst both teams have been disappointing thus far this season, the Gryphons would probably have more reason to be confident this time around . West Brunswick take on Swinburne University in what should be quite an interesting affair . A few dodgy hamstrings for both teams, and each side's fortunes may well rest on these delicate muscle fibres . That said . both have impressed so far this season, but I•think West Brunswick have been as good as anybody this year and they should bring home the bacon today . South Melbou rne Districts welcome Richmond Central to Lindsay Bassett Reserve and will be looking fonvard to adding another notch to the "W" column . Men like Todd O'Sullivan will give there all for the Centrals cause, but the .Bloods are motoring along OK . The Snakes will give them a tough start, but I feel the Bloods will come through with the goods in the end . Finally, Elsternwick and Syndal Tally Ho square off in a contest between two very similar mid table teams .

Elsternwick especially are a difficult team t o judge, and takin g into account at least two close losses against Monash and Souths, would be significantly better off had even one of those been a win . Going with my instinct agaul . I choose the Wicks today .

What Ed Says: Big clash out Dandenong way as St .Johns welcome Hawthorn . The Jocs have only tasted defeat once this year whilst Hawthorns form has been steady all year. The clash of the game will be between the two big men . Koppens for the Jocs and Phillips for Hawthorn . Jocs . just . Monash and Power House meet in a game that has changed faced since the start of the year . The Gryphs have been disappointing . much the same can be said about the House . I still think both sides can get their act together and whilst finals might be a tough call . all other sides should be wary . Gryphs for me this time round .

West Brunswick host Swinburne . The Westies are hard to beat an}Iwhere, let alone out at the Western Oval . With an injury cloud over Murchie it will be even harder for th e Students . Westies for me . Adversity has created opportunity for South Melbourne as a long injury list caused the early promotion of som e

N(+ -I . ; E


D3 SECTION Murehie Swinburne 1 43 Lauletta Hawthorn 3 40 Cheevers South Melbourne Districts0 28 Higgins Swinburne 6 27 Smith Richmond 1 24 Horburv St Johns 1 24 A. Jones St Johns 4 24 D3 RESERVE S 21 Elsternwick K . Currie 18 West Brunswick R . Heywood 12 Hawthorn Stroud 12 Elsternwick Walker 11 St Johns Dowsett

- 3 SQPower House v . St Johns Hawthorn Amateurs v . Elstermvic k

Swinburne University v . Monash Gryphons Richmond Central v . West Brunswick Syndal Tally-Ho v . South Melbourne Districts

r,aented juniors . And how they have reacted to it all! Sc)utlr's current form is first rate, away from home wins are not easily achieved yet they have had two in a row! Richmond is still struggling but the faith in the youngsters will eventually pay off. None the less, South for me . Finally, Elsternwick host Syndal in a crunch game . The P: icks have had their share of `honourable defeats' this ,,,,ar, a tag this powerful club will be keen to throw off as quick as possible. Syndal have been OK all year, with out cver clicking fully into gear. Wicks to win . RESERVES : Pete: JOCs, Gryphons, Pies, Bloods, Wicks. Ed: Joc's, House, Westies, South, Wicks .

I-1.4WTHORN - Veteran Phil Avery clocks up his 100th taking the tally of Hawks to reach the mark to 5. Phil

has been a previous league B+F as well as twice having v, on the honour with the club . Member of the 1998 premiership side, Phil's contribution to the club, both on aid off the field has been exemplary. ;iiONASH GRYPHONS - fornvard Chris "Richo" Leeton this vveek joins the ranks of the centurion brigade as he plays his 100th game against Power House . "Leets" made his debut with the Gryphons back in 1994 when only 16 years old and has had an interrupted path to the ton due to his many other extracurricular activities. Good luck and well done Chris, from everyone at the Gryphons . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY - rover Brett O'Mara recently passed the milestone of 100 games . "Bretto" has been v; ith the Razorbacks since their inception in 1995, and has been a terrific clubman who has also been the club's VAFA member over the last few seasons, and is infamous for getting his shirt off at any opportunity . Congratulations Brett from all at the Razorbacks . ST. JOHNS - Congratulations from all, to Shaun "Barney" Cockayne on 150 games for the club . A fantastic effortv: ell done on the on-field achievement and thanks for all vour help off-field! Also congratulations from all, to Dave "Muddy" Waters and Matt Hartnett on reaching 50 ;.mes for the club. Well done and thanks, on the great onficld and off-field effort !

Once again congratulations on your achievements - we're all looking forward to many more games, in the future . SOCIAL ST. JOHNS - Our first Golden Eagles, Sponsors and Supporters luncheon will be held on this weekend, June 15, at Thomas Carroll Reserve . Arrival time 11 .30, for a start time of 12 .00 . The luncheon includes a 2 course lunch, with VFL/AFL Legend TOMMY HAFEY as guest speaker. Everyone welcome-contact a committee member for furtller details.

Good luck to your club this weekend, and thanks to all vho have sent its information . Any correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc ., can be given (ideally 5pm Monday) to Peter via phone on 9920 9054, fax on `-920 9097 or email Peten PS. Williamson ,,entrelink or Ed via email on Ed .SillCalocker .com It would be terrific to hear from every learn, every week (luring the season . Have a great VAFA ureekendt! 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

POWER HOUSE 6 .0 8.2 9.2 9.3 (57) ST JOHNS 7 .3 10.9 16.11 23.17 (155) Power House; L.Derriman 3, D .Boland 2. J .Carrlltgton 1 . RParker 1, ARobinson 1, ARolls 1 Beak D .Miller. D.0'Connor, D.Boland, S.West . ARolls, J .Clarke . St Johns : S .Hilton 9. AJones 4, M.Harrnett 2, S .Koppens 2, ADragtsidge 2, P.Sharp 1 . L.htills 1, C .Horbury 1, B .Pickering 1 Best, P.Iialker, J .Brorvn . S.1-Iikon, AFonecca, S .Cockayne. C.Emery Umpires: J. Lane. K . MrNiece (F) . A. Vaiopouios. A. Tavilla (B) . S. Vaiopoulos (G) HAWTHORN 2 .2 8.7 11.121 16.19 (115) ELSTERNWICK 3 .3 7.5 12 .8 14 .10 (94) Hawthorn: Lauletta 3, S Avery 3. Ogge 2, Banfield 2, Jackomos. Preston, Davies, Saute, Carle, Burke . Best: Preston. Hayes, Saul)e. Phillips, S.Avery. McGregor. Elstemwick: Burney 4, Foster 3, B Mahony 2 . Perkins, McAdam . S.Mahony. R.Mikkelsen, Hartley. Best: Cunningham, C .Mahony, Elvin . Brennan, Curtain, Neill. Umpires : P. Jones, M . Gibson (F) SWINBURNE 5 .3 10.6 15 .9 21.14 (140) MONASH GRYPHONS 3 .4 7.9 10 .9 15.12 (102) Swinhurne: M. Higins 6 . Prior 3. Albert 3. Fragiaconto 2, Milano 2 . Roberts 2, Odium, Smith, Murchie. Best M. Higgins. I7agtaeomo . Prior, Roberts, Albert . Murphy. Monash G ryphons: Leeton 4, T. Gilchrist 3, Flo verday 2, P. Rutherford 2, Blandford, Denver, Goold, Bolle . Wells. Best Leeton, Gross . Bourbon, Welts, P. Rutherford, Coxhead. Umpires : S. McKenzie (F) RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 .1 2.2 3 .2 3.2 (20) WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .6 9.8 12.10 16.14 (110) Richmond Central : Smi@t, Avery . Gleeson, BesC O'Sullivan, Adams. Howell, AWhite . Trotter. Cart yTight . West Bnuuhwick : King 4. Shelton 2, Brookshaw 2. Clark 2. Kent. Sherry. Piet-sch, West . Gartlan, P.Hamilton . Best: West. Lehmatm, S.Benj . Jenkln . Ward. Shelton . Umpires: N . Fennessy (F) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3 .4 6.6 6.8 7.9 (51) STH MELS DISTRICTS 1 .3 2.6 3.12 11 .18 (84) Syndal Tally-Ho : Schtding 3. Rtrtter. Allard . J. Hannemann, Hallyburton. Best, M. Moresi, Hallyburton. Allard, Slicer. South Melbourne Dis tricts : Henderson 4 . Bell 4, Brown 1, D'Andrea 1 . Millena 1 Best- Aquilina, Brown . Henderson, A Hannan, D. Bell. Umpires: G. Kelly . A Ladd (F), M . Ladd, T. Casucelli (B) RESERVES POWER HOUSE 0 .0 2.1 6.1 8.1 (49) ST JOHNS 6 .8 9.12 11.15 15.18 (108) Power House : J .Blotwjield 3, S.Evans 2. D.Lewis 1 . J .McClure 1, D .Reinert 1 . Best- RKeats, J.Harris, L .Farrell. RMarshalt. J.Blo}vfleld . M.Brallv . St Johns : M.Hancock 4, A.Paterson 2, T.Eivland 1, M.Ladson 1, F.Mandrakis 1, RM1ta 1 . J.Jainting 1 . A.Rudd I . D .Rydquist 1, M .Sehonewille 1, H.Wathen. Best: A .Patterson . M.Hancock. M .Lad_mn. H .SI'aihan . AHaII, D .Rydquist HAWTHORN 3 .3 5.6 7.6 9.9 (63) ELSTERNWICK 2 .0 3.1 5 .2 6.3(39) Hawthorn: Tyson 3 . Monerieff 3. Dixon, Broadley, L .Colloms . Best: Broadley, Kerr. Knott. L.Collins. Carter. Parker. Elsternwlek: O'Loughlin 3, K.Cunie 2 . Nicol. Best ti'igrnore, S.Currie. Davidson, Daniels, Stratford . S.Mikkelse n SWINBURNE 2 .2 5.2 7 .2 9.5(59) MONASH GRYPHONS 2 .2 4.5 8 .8 9 .10 (64) SwSnhurne: A Roberts 2, Dobson, Gallina. Benson, Anastassi. Demarte, Nicoll, McCaiman . Best; Benson . Reynotdson, Farley . Morris, MeCalman . Nicoll . Aionash Gryphons: Campbell 4, Walter 2. Healy 2. Angel . Best Maddoeks, Healy, Stirling, Walter, Warren. Graydon. RICHMOND CENTRAL 0 .3 0.4 0 .4 1 .5 (11) WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .1 5.4 6 .5 11 .9 (75) Richmond Central : Dauto4w. Bes t: Dautovlc . McGrath . Somers, Carew, Pardy, T. Quick. West Brunswick: Vitale 3, RHtvwood 3 . Smith 2 . Tobin. Riley . Baker. Best, Metvlanus . T.Thompsou . Smith, Vitale . Bagnall. J.He}lvood . SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2 .2 4.5 7 .7 7.7 (49) STH bIELB DISTRICTS 2 .4 3.4 3 .7 6 .10 (46) Syndal Tally-Ho: Dance 3. Fredericks 2 . Murray, Damien. Best: B. Holland, A. Richardson . Hannett. Morrison, Clarke, Murray South Melbourne Districts : Yates 2 . E. Henderson 1 . Thomas I, Rosowski 1, McKillop 1 . Best: Henderson . MeKerrow. Brady. 37


Coach: Peter Oliveri Res Coach : P McNall y 2 A . Hankin 3 J . Yemm 4 A. Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 J. McAda m 8 S. Currie (RC) 9 T. Ha rt ley 10 S . Liminyo 11 L. Missaglia 12 N. Wigmore 13 V. O'Connor

13 S. Soppet

14 B. Mahony (VC) 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Surman 17 J . Perkins 18 A. Nei l 19 J . Hunter 20 K. Curri e 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G. Elvin 23 S . Curtain (C) 24 A. Foster 25 S Gordo n 26 C. Mahony (VC) 27 M . Daniel s 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 M . Nicho l 31 G . Devonshire 32 R Mikkelse n 33 M . Cunningham 34 A. Straford 35 P. McNally 36 S. Mickkelsen 37 D Nola n 38 A Burney 39 R. Daniels 40 A. Patey 41 D Byrne 42 J. Lilikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 C . Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 S . Ritchie 47 Date Brennan 48 M. Frankin 49 M Parraga 50 M . Battaini 51 K Mikkelsen 52 G . Powell 53 P. Roberts 54 S Kirkham 55 T Stanley 56 B Hilton 57 T. Byrne 58 M Bullard 59 A Appleman 60 M Cree k 61 M Hunt


HAWTHORN Coach: Peter Tyson Res Coach : Ed Sil l

M 0 FASF0 G_.YP H 0 :.S Coach: Jack McDonald Res Coach : Phil Knight

1 I . Baccini 2 C . Alexander 3a A . Knott 3b N . Patterson 4a S . Stevens 4b B . Glover 5a S. Ave ry 5b T. Kerr 6a P. Avery 6b A. Tsoumbris 7 D . Moncrieff 8 J . Cargil ; 9 R .Ogg e 10 P. Orchard 11 M . Pollock 12 S . Banfield 13aJ. Murphy 13bJ. Povey 14aD . Lauletta 14bT. Fitzpatrick 15 M . Tyso n 16 C. Reed 17aB . Ruzicka 17bR. Steele 18 A. Collins 19 J . Law 20 S . Parker 21 P. Burke 22 C . Habel 23 J . Michea l 24 J . Jackomonis 25 M . Zaverella 26 N . Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barker 30 P. Phillips 31 L. Collin s 32 D. McCowan 33 P. S troud 34 R . Johnston 35 S. Davies 36 A . Wes t 37 M . Daou 38 B . Bruns 39 G . Carte 40 P. Rossi tto 41 J . Bogie 42 D . McGlenchy 43 I . Chep a 44 B. Allder 45 B . Mountain 46 T.O'Hanlon 47 D. Lahiff 48 A. Brick 49 N. Tierney 50 J . Gourley 51 S. Signornni 52 C . Frost 53 M. Preston 54 J . Berry 55 A . Sautle 56 M . Cog lan 57 B . Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A. Doyl e 60 G . Saddington 61 M. Gray 62 A .Johnsen 63 D . Keal y 64 N . Kudeweh 65 G . Lilywhite 66 C. Lorenz 67 S. McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A . Patton 71 S . Williams 72 M . Waller 73 J . Williams 75 E . Sil l 76 C. Picke tt 77 A. Smith 78 D . Carter

1 S. Bourbon (C) 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady (Vc) 4 N . Rutherford 5 T. Gilchris t 6 J . Leroy 7 D . Walte r 8 J. Blandiord 9 G. Wadley (Rvc) 10 P. Williamso n 11 A . Nichols 12 A. Gross NO 13 J . Stratford 14 D . Bolle 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 J . Hetherington 18 C. Lovett 19 R. Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 P. Tobi n 22 A. Denyer 23 A . Long 24 C. Goold 25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M. Varcoe 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 S . Edwards 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 G . Block 37 A . Jenkin (Rdvc) 38 J . Bateman 39 P. Young 40 A. Perry 41 P. Rutherford 42 D . Kweitel 43 J. Harra k 44 L. Well s 45 J . Gonis (Re) 46 G . Ken t 47 T. Beslee 48 L . Martin 49 C . Robinson 50 S. Wilkinson 51 C . Leeton 52 A . Flowerday 53 M . Paolucci 54 F. Rizzo 55 J . Bingham 56 B. Tyo 57 D . Bastian 58 P. Maddocks 59 A . Bel l 60 G . Campbell

POWER HOUSE Coach : Peter O'Connor Asst Coach : Jeff Scotland Res Coach : Roderick Marshall 1 A . Roll s 2 D . Bolan d 3 N . Pavlou (RVC) 4 B . Turner (C ) 5 M . Braini 6 H. Clark e 7 C. Richardson 8 J. Clarke (VC) 9 A. Burt 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gil l


D. O'Connor

13 J. Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 J. Carringto n 17 C . Macleod (RC) 18 F. Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 B. Ryan 21 D . Miller 22 S. Evans 23 24 J . Taylor 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior (VC ) 27 J . Robertson (VC) 28 D . Murrihy 29 R . Cassio 30 R . Duncan 31 R. Marshall 32 33 R. Taylor 34 J . Marshall 35 J. Kilpatrick 36 A . Robinson 37 S . Wes t 38 L. Deriman 39 D. Crawford 40 R . Keits 41 B. Plush 42 N . Deans 43 N . Duncan 44 R . Parker 45 D. Lewis 46 C. King 47 J . Parker 48 D. Smith 49 B. Urwi n 50 D . Chapman 51 J . Best 52 S . Rafferty 53 J . Sheehan 54 J . Blowfield 55 T. Chapel 56 J. Mahoney 57 J. Gourlay 58 J. McClure 59 D . Reinert 60 61 62 A. White 63 I . Bracken 64 65 66 D. Wright 67 68 69 D . Galakos 70 75 E. Williams

RICHMOND CENTRALS Coach: Mark Petrusch Res Coach: Andrew Tdle y 1 M . Smith 2 T. Quick 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 R . Trotte r 5 D . Tankovich 6 G. Bunshaw 7 P. Byrnes 8 G . Malcolm 9 J . McGrath 10 A. White 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutton 14 C. Shannon 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Mouldy 19 S . Lynch 20 A . Quick 21 A. Jones 22 A. Flores 23 D . O'Brien 24 T. Guthrie 25 A . Pian i 26 S . Baillie 27 C. Adams 28 A. Waters 29 J . Stone 30 D. Green 32 M. Harri s 33 P. Bermando 34 J . Broo k 35 J . Howell 36 L. Newbery 38 M . Defreitas 40 41 T. Shatter 42 C . White/S Hoare 43 45 K . Day 46 D. Hogan 48

50 S. Castiea u

52 C . Andonopoulos 53 K. Pardy 54 S . Rawlings/C . Carhwight 55 M . Davey 56 A . Tilley 57 E . Hill 58 J . Cavanagh 59 N . Somers 60 M . Tapley 62 64 65 B . Cantwell 67 J .Lane 69 T. Melville 70 76 D . Phelan 78 P. Galk a 79 M . Coomber 84 M . Funston 85 G .Jacobs 87 . D . Ingli s 88 S. Griffiths


SIN . ~ aeP Coach : Peter McBrearty Res Coach : Kevin Johnson B . Powell (VC} 2 M . Hannan (VC) 3 M . Johnstone 4 S . Stepnell (C) 5 S . King 6 Way. Rosowski 7 A. Hannan 8 S . Aquillina 10 G. McDonald 11 D. Hall 12 M . McFarlane 13 E. Henderson(C) 14 B. Slade 15 B. Lazzaro 16 M . Thomas 17 M . Brady 19 A. Johnson-Reid 20 W. Brown 21 B. Johnson 23 B. Downing (RC) 24 G . Mijatovic 25 S. Quail 26 S. Doyle 27 P. Cheevers 28 A . Flowers 29 War. Rosowski 30 C . Kent 31 S . Herman n 32 D. McGee (VC) 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fer n 35 N . Moojen 36 J . Macaulay 39 A. Briglia 41 B. Martin .72 G . Gaylor 3 W. D'Andrea 44 J. Raeburn 49 T. Sutherland (RC) 50 T. Hughes 53 P. Nice 54 S . McNamara 55 J. Pohlner 57 B. Glover 59 D . Walsh 60 N . Warszenski 66 D. McKerrow 71 T. Baade


ST. JOHNS Coach : Bruce P7ullens Res Coach : Mick Roberts 1 S . Ferguson 2 M . Ladson 3 S. Hilton 4 S. Holmes 5 C . Horbury 6 L . O 'Donnell 7 E. Dizon 8 M. Hartnett 9 A. Jones 10 L . Mills 11 L . Merrigan 12 P. Walker 13 M . Jones 14 P. Sharp 15 A . Borgonha 16 A . Paterson 17 S . Cockayne 18 C. Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 T. Hyland 21 S . Koppens 22 A. Dragwidge 23 B . Hilton 24 G . Seeley 25 D. Waters 26 H . Wathan 27 R . Dowsed: 28 J . Pickering 29 L . Johnson 30 D . Ritter 31 D . Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Fonceca 34 M. Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 L. Adams 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 40 F. Mandrakis 41 M . Griffiths 42 T. Ducancubino 43 M . Van Houten 44 F. Monteiro 45 A. Hall 46 B. Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 S. Pancione 49 M . Horbury 50 J. Brown 51 C . Santoni 52 M. Schonewille 53 J . Pi 54 B. Pollard 55 B. Pickering 56 A . Kizilis 57 N . Moore J . Thomas 59 F. Auiiray 60 K. Frase r 61 G . D' Amelio 62 P. Roberts 63 G . Phelps

Coach : Derek Thoene Asst Coach: Jason Murchie Res Coach: David Murphy Res Asst Coach: Cerneron Boyket, I A. Albert (VC) 2 J. Sheedy (DVC) 3 J. Piotrowski 4 A. Fidler 5 J . Demarte 6 B . Prior 7 J . Murchie (C) 8 M . Higgins 9 L. Morrison 10 M . Anastassi 11 D. Milano 12 B . Nicoll 13 M . Luckey 14 R. Goode 15 C. Thomas 16 S . Reynoldson 17 D. Parncutt 18 A. Fiuman i 19 B. O' Mara 20 S. Woodward 21 B. Dawson 23 M. Georg e 24 C . Connor 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Listo n 27 D . Murphy 28 H . Dickso n 29 R . Cavicchiol o 30 S . Fragiacomo 31 C. Kell y 32 C. Culph 33 N. Smith 34 C. Higgins 35 P. O'Connor 36 J . Carter 37 A. Reed 38 J . Carroll 39 H . Allen 40 J . Henry ry 41 T. Drahtidis 42 M. Hudson 43 J. Roberts (RVC) 44 S. Stang 45 D . Islip 46 J . Sandhu 47 J . Sevdalis 48 D. Little 49 T. Coleman 50 M . McCalman 51 P. James (RC) 52 S . O'Donnell 53 L. Waters 54 S . Dobson 55 S. Gallin a 56 I . Free 57 P. Jones 58 A. Roberts 59 A. Kliska 60 S. Rule

South Melbourne

Coach: Kev Hannett Assist: Spreos Beasley Res Caoch: Tony Psinas 1 J. Hannemann 2 I . Bingham 3 M . Joy 4 P. Henderso n 5 D . Hannett B . Dix 6 V. Wong 7 A . Burns 8 R. Bennett 9 T. Fleming 10 T. Psinas A. Hallyburton 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Moresi 13 C . Martin 14 S. O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 D . Battaglia 17 S. Miller 18 S. Macfarlane 19 M. Glenister 20 C . Hall I . Mackenzie 21 L . Fuller 22 M . Buckley 23 R. Holland 24 M . Macfarlane 25 C. Clark 26 A. Morrison 27 M . Harper 28 P. Fytiel d 29 J . Allen 30 A. Frederick 31 A. Richardson 32 L . Hannemann 33 B. Hollan d 34 N . Hunter 35 C . Cachia 37 T. Bartholomew 38 M. Christiansen D . Hallisey 40 E. Lew 41 M . Moresi 42 J . D'Angelo 43 A . Brown 45 D . Richardson 46 M . Pane 47 J . Collins 48 D. Reynolds 49 D. Schuiling 50 A. Sneddon 54 P. Sheer

WEST BRUNSWIC K Coach : Julian Siebrand Res Coach: Matthew Lewi s 1 J. Kingg 2 P. Hamilto n 3 G. Heppel l 4 C . Lehmann 5 A . Cannane 6(a) C. Lewi s 6(b) S . Pietsc h 7(a) F. Vital e 7 b) S . Benjami n 8 J . Heywood 9 A . Morphett 10 S Byrne 11 H. Bailey 12 B . Clarke 13 S . Brockley 14 N . Lampel 15 M. Russel l 16 D . Ken t 17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Shelton 20(a) B . Young 20(b) D . Edward s 21 S . McNamara 22 A . Steward 23 D. Henderso n 24 J . Jenkin 25 J . Siebrand 26 R. Benjami n 27 D. Disisto 28 J . Ward 29 D. Campbell 30 M. Lewi s 31 S. Edwards 32 M. Carmichae l 33 T Thompso n 34 I . Twyford 35 D Jelbart 36 S . Campbell 37 T. Dempsey 38 S . Darlin g 39 R . West 40 B . Baker 41 R. Mille r 42 C. Norma n 43 J : Tobin 44 A . Hamilto n 45 J . Smith 46 A. Bandt 47 A. Thompso n 48 M . Moore 49 L. Stewart 50 A. Bagnal l 51 L . Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 T. Gros s 54 B . Ratcliffe 55 G. Marazita 56 C . Rileyy 57 J . Drape r 58 A . Rafte r 59 L. Baker 60 C. French 61 K . Hilton 62 S . Disho n 63 J . Gartla n 64 W. Dunlo p 65 S . Liuza 66 M . Malone 67 M Brookshaw

68 C . Steven s

The Whitehorse Iran ~.

5 Burvaood Road , Hawthorn

(03) 9 81 8 4991

72 L . Rya n 76 A. Shi rl ey 77 D . Shirley







e of sports @ nj 1T_-earer c Clubs,

Weston Heath burwood The Bush In n TVP Communications i 3rranat Landscap e I outh Yarra Sports Centr e Paul Pattison Evans Kerr AMP

Goldpats Accountants Rigby Cooke Lawyers John Peterson Bookselle r HydroChem The Kitchen Place Ted Lynch Aqencies Australia Wine Direct Williams & C o The Frame Shop

rsdori Keith's Pies E Warehouse Rod's Fruit & Vag ,'s Deli Bob Stewart Mensland / :' .~cBean Meats Beaurepaires Hotel Camp Australia Redlich & Sons Moody Consulting Ling Image Caterin g tn addition to the two special Thank the Sponsors' Nights, all ;cansors are welcome for drinks at the club on Thursday nights Of to each game from 5.30 pm.

1un2 `-Iome game luncheon v

; Ivanhoe, 12 noon irivia Night, Unicorn Club, 7 .30pm . All I ers and supporters most welcome . July 11 ~ game luncheon v

University Blues, 12 noon 20 End of Season Trip Party at The Unicorn Club. 7 .30 pm. All welcome , GH 'i째 The Unicorn Club 22 Jut : 7 .3 0 prn Great fun .

''"e have an off-field team at MHSOBFC so as VP-Finance, call me its team manager . The team is 37-strong . They are listed here and are all most worthy of our support . Recruiting Manager COLlN FOLEY worked a wonderful pre-season to select this invaluable team . Some are the equivalent of the on-field midfield, prominent, some the equivalent of interchange players, there when you need them, and like any successful club, they are all fantasti c contributors in our offfield team, all 37 of them . There are too many to mention individually but you all know who you are! Many thanks for a great effort this season fellas !

WE fly banners for some of the bigger members of our team every home gam e

Former Club Cap_,,, of 9 years, DEAN COMER, finally played his 200th game a couple of ,weeks ago in the Reserves . Hi s final B games have taken almost 5 years

down at Yarra Street and nine of our team is each `hero for a day' at our home day Iuncheons . The others are recognized on our clubroom walls and publicity material, including these pages . Like Teddy Whitten's on-field flick pass of the 1960s we have tried some off-field innovations this season, which has sparked a little interest and controversy in some quarters . It is all in an endeavour to create a win for our off-field team of 37 SPONSORS and for the betterment of MHSOBFC .

. ., ,,,; has been living and working in Sydney for all of 'hat time. We ar e II very proud of Dei, :,'s achievnents a t ~w1HSOQFC and in we VAFA.

Luke Sean Ben Pi Paul Gi, ;; 9 Trent H~ba L Paul K( -pton Idark >~ 'It Jason H: David

Ti ; Ed Josh File Josh 81 :,= Scot€ ` Cu ;- ; : i StizUt I Jame s Dar :` ` .' ,Jo,-, I'hc

5~1~ Cl~ster Elliott Wollner Lawence Ferrari Ryan Murphy Foster Tim, Troy Aylen Bourke Pat Williams Lloyd Nick Add :'~ --oil Chris D: ^n Cody Travis Trent Anthony R Him, Ryan David Keenan Daniel Zula Luke Dale Matt R----n Daniel Pre Pau : ::' D' .id jw11i: Chris


Id Gramm ve La Salle De La Salle Ietiarceltin OC Mareel"=_h:. O C Mazenod OC PvTeri~ ac Nor .' : Old Boys North Old Boys pakieigh (31d Brighton Old Brighton Old Caznbercvetl Old Camberwell Old Carey Old Essen in Old Ess i " in n Ol d Old Ha,,

Old Hail lurv

Rod Clint itiiar c Simon Amore Matt D~- . '-s Nick Gordon Jack Healey John Pasceri Stuart Ross Steve Williams Nick Ash Peter Barry Nathan Sullivan Craig Burns David James Pat Aughton Stephen Mount Anthony Ballard Andrew Martin Paul Baatko AJ °,-Cameron Adz~m Wilson

-5 Young Kelly Yassar Tin: Nunan Bell Crewe

; Penola Therry Penola Uni . Blacks Uni . Blues Uni . Blue s Left ! , ;-s OC

Old Old Old Old

Melburnians Paradians Paradiais Trinit y

Old 't'rinitv Old Trinity Old Trinity Old Xaverians O ld 1 ians Old ~ crians F~ cod r° el cod Ruper ood St. B, . r.<=rds OC St. Bernards OC St. Kcvins OB St. Kevins O B St. Leos Enunaus tVP Therry Penol a Uni . Blues Uni . Blues ljni_ Blues Uni. Blues N'Jerribee 'W'erribee 4flutefriars OC Yarra Valley OB 2

IIIHSOB v . Old Ivanhoe University Blues v . Old Scotch at EP Sunday St Kevins v. Old Trinity . De La Salle v . St Bernards Old Xaverians v. Marcellin

B Secti o n North Old Bovs v . ivlazenod at EP Saturday Old Essendon v . Old Haileybury

Old Brighton v. Old Paradians Old Melburnians v . Ormond Therry Pi iola v . Hampton Rover s

Beau iris v. Prahran

St Bedes .=,entone Tigers v, Old Mentonians Collegians v . Whitefriar s Banyule v . Glen Eira Caulfield Grammarians v . Old Camberwell

Unirsil Bks v. Caulfield Grammarians St Bernards v. De La Sall e

Old Melburnians v . Old Brighton Old Scotch v. Old Xaverians St K( 'is v . larcellin

2 Ormond v . Old Trinitv Hampton Rovers v . Old Haileybury Mazenod has the bye . Werribee v. Beaumari s Old Ivanhoe v . Old Essendon

'-1 9 S ection 3 St Leos Emmaus v . Therry Penola Yarra Valley v . Old Carey Whitefriars v . Rupertswood University Blacks v. North Old Boy s

at McAlister Oval, Parkville Old Camber II v . Old Paradian s

UnderWilliamsto, C . v1S v. Mentone Panthers AJAX Aquinas game switched from original draw, Monash Blues v . Ivanhoe Assumption Bulleen Templestolve v . St Leos Emmaus Old G long v . University Blacks

1' w v. P ' isul a 'sarra Valley v . Fitzroy Reds Oaldeigh v. Salesian Parkside v. La Trobe University Bent'-1i •T Old Carey


I42entone Panthers v. Bentleigh at hlentone AK De La Salle (2) v. Oakleigh

Monash Blues has the bye St Bodes Mentone Tigers v. AJAX at Oval no. 2 Turner Road Reserve, Highett (77 J10) 'I La Trobe Uniti rsity v. Bulleen Templestowe St. Bernards (2) v. MHSOB game switched from original draw Aquinas v . Old Westbourne

Old Xa~ rians (2) v. Williamstotial CYMS

C 1 L- a ,, i St Kevins v. Prahran Elev Park v. Mazeno d

Elsteu,,ck v. St John s aonash Gr.->hons v. Hawthorn Amateurs West Brsnsti~riek v. Power Hous e

South hlelb . Districts v. Sm=inburne Universitv S_ iidal Tallv-Ho v . Richmond Centra l

.Jon rribee has the bye UHS-V-U v. St Mary s North Brunswick v . Bulleen Cobras Mt Lilydale v . Rupertswood Old Westbourne v. Albert Park Box Hill North v . Elthazu

Old Melburnians v . Old Essendon Old X ; rians v. De La Sall e Old i iulity v . Therry Penola Old h nhoe v . Fitzroy Reds Brunswick v. Marcelli n University Blacks v. Old Xaverians (2) at "-cAtister Oval, Parkvill e

Hampton Rovers v. Old Brighton Hawthorn Amateurs v . Old Geelong Ghilitefriars v . Monash Blue s

St Leos Emmaus v. Collegians


I Are things starting to hot up section 1 h football tvlth a veritable log jam up i n there one th e ladder U19 wit

another quarter consistent performanc e North Old Boys ran allay from Yarra tra}leO By . V✓hitefiiars' good recent form came to an abrupt end at the hands of Old Paradians . Uni . Blacks felt the wrath of Old Camberwell on the rebound .

the top three teams leading on 24pts, the next two on 20pts and the next two only one game away . There were som h encounter s Rd . e shocks, some upsets and reall y what Coac OBee hado set o ut o~ ao andlg Brighto n lfie~id an absolute beiting . At hal f O .B d time, . were 10 goals up due mainly to the Herculean efforts of the big fu ll forward Smith had snagged 8 goals . After the SECTION main break . O.B. .who kept the ball moving quickly and long BLUE It is with deep sadness that we have to officially announce that the South Melbourne wfoasgiving boot another 8g 8pts to Caulfield's 3g lpt O .B . Gadsde n Districts Under 19 football team has ivitihdratr7l fi'om . plenty of drive around the ball . For the competition due to lack Of Caulfield, Tim Foster was unstoppable with over 40 nnmbers . it is very Possessions for the game . De La caused the upset with unfortunate that a number of these boys rvon't be Playing football each Saturday a last minute come from behind win against Uni Blues . This also leaves the at l1Javerley Rd competition with an univanted bye . •rln~z.ay . let's move . In fact, Be La only lead fo on and look at the top four -where' each team is approximately I minute 40 seeonds and fortunatel forr jockeying for position them it was at the end! Naughtin up front was g . Ajax has maintained their reat , 5g and was well supported position on top of the ladder with a hard fought game and with by Sloman, Williams, Nicholas, Nicholas Coac h over fourth placed Oakleigh . In fact, it was the Chargers muscle-building Callinan must have Xavs on a -building program because they absolutely gave who led by 7pts at three quarter time after som e the Undertaker's charges a and r third p of ge. Xavs opening quarter was outstanding at Xavier College. Butpl ta was the oeCr<nal all and ove Oakleigh in the final quarter to kick 4g 7 to one solitare eontinued through in the 2nd quarter to be 72pts up at : the main break major to Oakleigh . The last half was a lot tighter, due Best for Ajax were Goldblootri . Bryner and V0ollner.. For nlainly to some ~vaytvard kicking by Xavs . Best the Charg for Xavs started ers, best were Britt, s and Zula were Higgins, and Ross across the half . A very improved Mentone Panther fonvard line . ForSmallwood s St . Bernards, maybe Burns, Mitchell like they were there to play at Mentone and James . The Eagle s Grammar''s sports contple .x with a i i continued on their merrv way . The} were faster and harder in the first quarter and their big men dominated Sheehan lpt ~ictory over the undermanned p.M_'s . The Blues were playing like they had a hangover from. again was unstoppable up fonvard, helped b y Beayni, Considine and Brown . O.M last week's big gaiTie, only big Paul Neville was firing .'s best were s Hethrington o Webb and Wulf Coach Grace gave ii4onash a stirring quarter time . . Finally the Cardinals pu t themselve , int speech and made some changes lead a position to will in the third quarter to half time deficit of only 8pts . which resulted in a SKOSS by 17pts at the last break . But SKOBS . More Changes to the through 0'Keefe, Mahoney and Duggan fought Monash team after half tinue back i n . saw Beddingfield and a tense last quarter to win by Ipt Grace changing at CHF that seemed to imbalance the . For Old Scotch, best Panthers were Joyce, Nikless and Sutherland . IVientone could only manage lpt in the third . quarter, which proved very eostly SECTION 2 Ormond hung on to defeat Old Halieybur outwinners by3lpts . Finally, St . Monash finally ran - the Monds second quarter lead although challenged . Bedes vlentoneTigers and the Bentleigit Demo by the Bloods saw them through in the end . n out a sensat onal draw Brindini at is played St . file Tigers 1ed by I2pts at the las t Change Beaumaris moved back into winning form with a strong steam . but it was Bentleii"h that came home like a showing over the in-form Hampton Rovers - plenty to train in the end to manage a draw . Best for the Tigers were McMurray think about for Pau} Curry if and when finals arrive . Mcll~amara and McGettigan . For . Bentleigh, best were McFarlane Old Essendon easily accounted for Ivlazenod - shared . Mckenzie and Bro vn . SECTION RED Bulieen goal kickers the highlight for the tit=inners . Templesto~i=e challenged Old Old Ivanhoe returned t o Xaverians (2) but in the end fell short . t~Terribee the winner's list accounting for . Williamstown battled their backsides off but it was tIle Old Trinity had the bye. young Bernies who ran away with the tttatclz . La Trobe Uni y . only allowed old Wesfbourne one major REperts0ood in Therr for the day and hence won easilv . ttnup1o The r olpeninladde r g burst leaoder majors to 5 setting up the exciting finish . In a thriller aquinas and kIHSOB fouglit out a one point Old Carey. despite poor kicking defeated St match in favour of the home team . . Leos Emmaus . PREVIEW SECTION I There are three terrific games of football i n "",

-" '•- -1--, cnnr+ :~,t f Fq 3f02

Round 9 and if the results fall the way I predict then the ladder will tighten up even further. St . Bernards host an Old Brighton team that is gunning for the Undertaker's men at the Snake Pit with Smith firing up forward, with Adamis and Salem along side him 100pts score looks probable. The question is, can St . Bernards bounce back and get a'evin to maintain their ladder position? I think so! Caulfield Grammarians have a chance to regroup after last week's belting when they host De La at home. This could be a real danger game for Caulfield because De La were ecstatic with their win (still going at 11 .30pm) and v, III therefore, be pumped up with a chance to win two in a row . They won't! Xavs should have a field day against the undermanned O .PvI .'s at Albert Park . Coach Donovan knows that this is a real crunch game against Marcellin at Camberwell : lose this one and the final four is drifting too far away. They will have to contain Sheehan at CHF and on-ballers Considine and Addison . They will - just! Finally, SKOBS travel to the Uni to do some extra homework on some set plays. They should win this one fairly comfortably. Selections : Caulfield, St . Bernards, Xavs, Old Scotch and SKOBS . SECTION 2 Old Trinity should easily account for Ol d

Haileybury at home . Although the Bloods will be keen to exploit the two week lay-off for the OT's . Mazenod,Mll give it their all but face an uphill battle to roll Beaumaris .

Werribee host Old Essendon and on form OEG will get the points. Ormond host Old Ivanhoe and with injured players having returned OIG fancy themselves in the second half of the year. Visitors by 5 majors. Hampton Rovers have the bye . SECTION 3 Therry Penola confident from their last round result will continue their good form and knock off Old Carey in another thriller . Yarra Valley face the toughest test of facing Rupertswood on the rebound . Even at Ringwood Rupo by plenty. The ÂŤthitefriars North Old Boys match has the Match of the Round billing. NOBS recent form has been excellent, while the Friars despite losing last round are tough at home . Friars for mine. Uni . Blacks will struggle to contain a rampant Old Paradians forwardline . OP's by 7 majors .

St . Leos Emmaus WT despite all of their best intentions will go down to Old Camberwell .

rrND" :2 19/1 mu 7 Old Briliton St Kevins 07zeeie Old Scotch Cations Old Xaverians Doxey St Bernards Mansfield Marcelli n Shitehan 19/2 UNDER Morris Maaenod Ferarri Beaumaris Forrest Old Essendon Hanlon Old Haileybury fairer Old Trinity

31 26 24 22 21 21 3 32 6 31 4 23 5 22 0 18

u~ :DER 19/ 3

~ . .~:1-vetta 1'dhitefriars Old Paradians Old Paradians Old Camberwell Rupertswood Old Paradian s 19/2 BLU E Monash Blues Bentleigi i d Monash Blues Zvionash Blues St Bedes Paienton e .a Oakleigh :,DER 19/2 RED '. .owski itiSHSO B St Bernards Old Xaverians *'HSOB Si=-ernard s

Ur'DER-19 SECTION I Caulfi°Id Grammari,is v. De La Sll e St Bernards v . Old Brighton Old Melburnians v . Old Xaverians Old Scotch v . Itiiarcelli n University Blues v. St Kevins UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Trinity v. Old Haileybury Hampton Rovers - Bye Mazenod v. Beaumari s

rribee v. Old Essendon at Price Reaeraz,

2 4 5 2 2 5

31 24 23 19 17 17

29 26 25 25 22 22 0 0 3 2 0

33 18 18 17 15

SECTION BLUE Bentieigh play host to the ladder leaders Ajax, at Bentleigh Reserve . Ladder positions dictate that Ajax should win comfortably, but I would not completely write the Demons off just yet . Oakleigh are at home to the Mentone Combine in a game, which could go right to the wire . If Mentone can actually run out a game of football, they could actually cause an upset in this game . Finally, Monash plays De La who is fresh from two weeks rest . De La had better run hard all day and share the ball ; otherwise Monash will absolutely slaughter them, instead of just winning well . SECTION RED Bulleen Templestowe will defeat Williamstown CYMS, but not before the Seagulls take the challenge right up to the Bullants .

St. Bernards (2) at home will be too strong for La Trobe Unit. Old Westbourne host MHSOB and on form the High will triumph . Aquinas' winning form will continue today against Old Xaverians (2) .

Old Iv :- ihoe - RETRACTION - Milestone from Vol 02, No .8 showed Old Ivanhoe U19 coach as h2i%un~ been Captain Coach of Brunswick VFA, and having coached Uni . Blacks . Steve never was captain-coach of Brunswick VFA, but lie did coach Uni . Blues U19 as opposed to Uni . Blacks.

Beach Road Werriluce South (209 F11). Ormond v. Old Ivanhoe UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Therrv Penola v . Old Carey Y'arra Valley v . Rupertswood whitefriars v . North Old Bovs University Blacks v. Old Paradians at McAlister Oval. Parkvitle (29 F10) St Leos Emmaus v . Old Camberwell at Camberwell Sports Ground at 11 .40 am. UNDER-19 (2) BLU E Bentleigh v. AJAX

Mentone Panthers v. Oakleigh - switched from original draw to be played at Mentone AFC Monash Blues v. De La Salle (2) St Bedes Mentone Tigers - bye UNDER-19 (2) RE D

Bull : ,n Templestotire v . Williamstown CYIMS Butteen Park No. 2 Oval. St Bernards (2) V . La Trobe University to be played at 11 .30 a.m .

Old Westbourne v . N9HSOB Old Xaverians (2) v . Aquinas at McHale Stadium, 2 p.m.


7.1 13A 18.8 21 .12 (138) OLD L:_.SGHTON 1,1 3.3 7.4 ~' :i) CBUL`emLD1 .0 Old Br3ghton: P.Snuth 9' . ::iua 4 . SzJent 2, I'dchardscnt 2, L}nch, Parkes, Ea.stgate, Gamble . Best: C sdat. Smit}t, Furzer. Adanus, Parous,en, Lyttch . Caulfield Granmmartans, CL _, 3, Carbone, 0'nelll . Aslen . Unfold . Best: Foster, Roeo-lmgs Axlen, Or r German.

Umpires: G. M o r g a n , D 1 :'. . y(F), J . Patrick. J. Gregory (B) DE LA SALLEI.2 4.3 8,6 11 .12 (78) UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 .6 6,12 7 .14 10.16 (76) De La Salle: Nauglthn 5,Slotttatt 3 . Williams . Padilla. Aldentcao . Best: Stomatt, Willlatns, Nicholas, Naughtut . Macleish, Melon. University Blues: RattkBt 2, Moore 2, Meagiter 2. Ca➢erv, Tanner, Matthews, Marriott. Best. htiller, Tanner, Macpha?(,1Pilson. Maddtson, Rankin , Umpires: D . Lane, P. Rapke (F ) OLD XAVERIAiYS 9.3 16 .8 20.17 22 .21 (153) 1 .4 3 .5 4.6 9 .7 (61) ST BERNARDS Old Xeverians: Doxey 5 Pasceri 3 Heelec 3 Satttim><3rla 2 Ross 2 Bowen 2 H :ggluts I Low-rte 1 Br}-,e 1 Santaluaa 1 . Best: Higgins Smallwood Ross H€eley Blevttt Lmane . St Bernards: Basabara 41?ansfie)d I Bums I Ruenett 1 J Anderson I Crockett I Best: Bums Mireltell James Crockett N Thomas A hiahew^, . Umpires: D. Penis, M. Meier (F), B. Adain.son (B ) 5 .4 9.10 17 .14 21 .17 (143) MARCELLIN OLD h1ELBURNIIAItiS 0 .2 0.2 1 .2 5.4 (32) ESareellin : Sheehan 6 . Annstrong 3, Braun 3, Barite : 2. 2 . - .'.. 2. P.iastores 1, tieal 1, D.2naa 1 . East: Beaszd . ConMd . -akat . fetnstrong_

Old blel`msnisns : Ylatthews 2, Rush 1, Rollestone 1 . Defegl; I . . t, 48ebb,lt'utf, Ray, Fatillater,Rush Umpires: C. Co➢ ms (F), S. Coll .ns, R. Brown (B ) ST KEYIIdS 4 .5 8 .6 10.9 14 .10 .,-1 3.1 8-5 13.8 14 .9 (93) OLD SCOTCH St. Aevins: 6keeie 5 . Ga.lBter 3, Dempsey 3 . R1rur, . :anHltan, Ryon . Best: Mahcne-j. Duggan . Kempton, Hanulten, 0'keet ' d . - .-tdt, Cair, Grant . Old Scotch: Taft 6. Carious 2, Gooiitellow 2 . Auel ` Best: 3oece.Nihless, Sutherla<nd . Aurel-Santh. T ""m. :,. ., (G) Umpires: T. Sutcliffe, R. Benson (S) (F), P. Love, H 1JND°,.^ 19 2 3 .3 10 .9 15,10 (100) OLD HAILEYBURY OF--pyD 9 . t 1 .6 16.10 (106) 5, 1' , .. ' 2 . Urcot, A Jones, Mott. Old try: F wax I tan. P„att, ~G, Baker.

Ozma....: ., . .ne:-: . ~. ;ak 4. I- ...~- ..ll 4, Amald 2. Johnstone, Cove . Best: Cove . Arnold, Fr w:hn~ :: ~ . , . . r ',uueli Umpires: T. LEi;ev (F) BEAUhZARIS 4.5 5 .9 131 3 18.14 (122) fiARB'TON ROVERS 1 .3 4 .6 5.9 9 .11 (65; B e a u m a r L s: Ferrari 6, Betrv 2, Raw-lkts 2 . ,5 2 5 2 C . . :_t 1Vutdelxink 2, . .. 1so:l. M . Body, Cothns. B-estCCo ➢ins .VJllson S, G1Ltespl :_ r Hampton Rovers: Bur,,graa03, Fletcher, Weever . S; :<+u . Caution . Eliss . Turech. Best: Fletcher, Burggraaff, Henry,Blangarda Banks . K .:, . .,;. Umpires: M . Jenkins (R) (F) 5.3 9.9 17.9 23.12 (150) 01D ESSENDON 818(56) '_':ZENOD 1 .6 2.6 3.8 0_d Essendon: Forrest 4,Frazer 4. llamas 4. Balla h 3, . . 3, Meotas . .Frazzer, Bacash, K"•, rrresL Dawson, Hareuwcod . Best: 1Lartva hiezenod : C .Morrts 3, Castneum 2, Powell 2, Ha((et . B ?ansc-n . ?kryrer, :rLatt3lWmt, Franks iicKay. Dunne , Umpires : D, D'iiltet'a (F), P . Xuereb, A Borg (B) . C Kaleta (G ) 19.11 2717 (179) 4.2 12 .6 OLD IVANHOE 5 .1 6 :2 9 .6(60) WERRIBEE2 .1 . D~~^kis i . R" it 2, it Old Ivanhoe: Alagona 7, Mendolz 7 Snell 2. Peacock, BaGiord . Best: Dmal:, . :.'.. . .._ . ._ „_ ... B 4 P, cock, `7r~,cribee: &iomsey 3, Jack 2, Kely 2, WIllert, a. Best: Temn e Umpires: P. Simpson. A Barrutgtat (F) UNDER 19 5ECiIpN 3 5 .1 9.5 13.10 15.11 (101) RUPERTSWOOD THERRY PENOLA 8.2 12 .4 15.6 16 .7 (103) Ru l xt Do d : Elttott 4, Costantllte 2, Potter 2, Tenutwtg 2 . Dole, Howard, F^°'-, Me Go ii . Stdhsan . Best: 2vicGotem, EIHotL Broughton. Kac,a, I trd, Arthurson .

Therm Fola: Rtao 3, Faroldi 2, S)te})prd 2. Fettton 2, Callegan 2 .'I.+ t . Fre .. S hitJs, R'fartin. Leach Best : Atkuzron, Fenton . Far Pre jeton. Crook .

Umpires: J. Ralph . `J. Gtldav (F). B. Ralph (B) 4,9 7.15 11 .24 16-d (1-4) OLD CAREY ST LEOS EM1SRf31US WP 3 .4 6.7 7.8 9.11 t65) Old Camp : :Vankents 4, Adam. Aats :netiakis. Macdernmtt, 0'Rei ➢ y 2, Bow!ev .

eParlane, Moto . Davey . Best : Trunioull, Bamett . Bouaey. MacFarlane . ;~.drews, Davey.

Fox, '.~:. . Umpiss,.~:~ . nOR IH 0ILD --t;-_~ _v - 11 .10 15, 14 (104 ) 2,5 5 .9 OR YARR.',T-~ L 1-- : North r. .., ;:~ -~ - - - ~ ~ '• . u gvan . Curtis, .. . .. .. . kis.D.Ryavt, .._ . . .~ cook .

( Umpims: R. :c : L Pipe (B). S 12 .8 2 . :0 (1881 OLD PARADIAhS 53 J . ., 1.3(,F? p ----I1T--1p." 0.2 2 .P

N~~.~ . o.D 1 4& iuif Br Ur 01U





. .

.~. ., 2 . D

OLD Por ® 0 Coach : Denis Baston Coach : ch- 06 .._,o n 1 Napier B 2 FosterT 3 Gerrand T 4 Schneider L 5 Scott B 6 Townsend M 7 Fagan C 8 Aylen T 9 Frost W 10 Crathern G 11 Carboni B 12 Schattner D 13 Rowlings J 15 Jenkinson S 16 Niven J 17 Linford R 18 0'hoy B 19 Franklin-Jones T 20 Trigg M 21 Young P 22 Lawson A 23 Margiannis M 25 Dorman N 26 Colosimo G 27 Grigg M 28 0'Niell C 32 Argyros S 37 Jess Z 39 Glass I 52 Sinclair A


1 C. Mitchell 3 J . Hughes 4 M . Roberts 5 E . Sims-Lucas 6 P. Bourke 8 T. Woodlock 9 A. Skinns 10 B . Oakley 11 D. Browning 12 T. Molan 14 S. Byers 16 M . Hayes 18 L. Williams 19 A. Roberts 20 S. Brown (C) 21 B. Quinane 22 M. Naughtin 25 R . Walmsley 26 R . Sherman 27 B. Pedula 30 T Nicholas 33 C . Rice 35 J. Hennessy 41 A . Element 42 M . Nankervis 44 A . McLeish 49 D . Pinwell 50 D . Alderuccio 54 L. Johnston

Coach: Gavin Walsh 3 N . Addison 4 L. Considine 5 C . Moran 6 B . Billingham 7 D. Armstrong 8 L. Money 10 A . Dale 11 M . Voska 12 D. Beattie 13 T. Zappulla 14 D. Salce 15 R. Hayne 16 M . Doyle 17 P. Farrelly 18 B . Carmody 19 N. Brown 20 E . Weeks 21 T. Sheehan 22 J . Neal 23 M . Chong 24 K. Barden 25 M. Mastores 26 C . Dignan 27 J. Wise 28 J. Toohey 29 A . Schoepman 30 D . Carson 40 S . Welch 43 B . Wignell 45 C . Beayni

Your r Ole'vd01~ii0rCF

Coach: Richard Obee 1 L. Ross 2 N. Gamble 3 S . Jackson 4 M . Franklin 5 M . Ryan 6 L. Dale 7 D . Meade 8 B. Gadsden 9 A. Clarke 10 J . Hogarth 11 C . Adams 12 S. Eastgate 14 E. McCowaan 15 A. Thistlethwaite 16 C . Tootell 17 B. Furzer 18 A . Salem 19 J. McCowan 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 T. Lamb 23 B . Aburrow 25 P. Smith 26 B . Finlayson 28 N . Williams 29 B . Richardson 30 E . McCowan 31 A. Paroissien 32 W. Williamson 34 T. Gibson 35 J . Lynch 44 R . Fisher

Coach : Owen Lalor 1 J . Knight 2 E. Townsing 3 E. Tucke r 4 G . Kauye 5 N . Guy (C) 7 S. Harari 8 J. Ray 9 J. O'Dwye r 10 G. Rofleston 11 C . Burgess (VC) 12 R . Faulkner 13 W. McDonal d 14 B . Kubi s 17 S . Guest 18 W. de Fegel y 21 R . Matthews 23 N . Robinson 24 R. Galbraith 30 J . Miller 32 C. Hanchett e 34 J . Beaumont 36 B . Whitechurc h 37 E . Matthias 38 T Le Goe 40 B . Wulf 42 B . Faulkne r 44 O . Web b 45 E. Ryan 48 D . Littl e (p ~.1t1~~ ~~~ ~ SQ ;~ ( ii~~






071o5_ i P.asist : U< H„

I A Cr 2 ~ . L''<a, om (VC1 4 A . Sutherland 5 C . Swan 6 M.Mor . . t 7 J Sp c _ a 8 c R d

9 S C her '0 -ton 11 n `' } +.aie VC} is in C,r 9 s S . 7 ft Parkinson ~ . T omps' n

C i) : Cailioan Cor ,in (2} : James Fay Fo z ' S 4 5 6 0 7 d a A "n z ;~ 13 -s s 14 1 M 15 Gor 16 a°~"PT 17 GFVn" yn A 21 ~, P 22 R,n,. 23 r, C

T unron C,maresq C . Lc aan A . Ot .ail Jc yce P,endergast Clinch F Ilerton C, innell nioneY J SP>Idon tvi. Ray,m=r

25 F< 2e ~ vs 27 ~,An rt 28 ° nell J % 29 it 31 ( -1 G 32 J 33 Fo~~ 3a Jones A Sa~ta ar~a J 3s ~n o v ,o n tr = J

A u~el Smith C,ATalent A Routed9c S. Troon B. Goodfellow

39 ~R 41 RC S 'I A 42 43 CE R s Ml 44 L: s rv 45 Srnttn J 46 uoxey A ,17 C"`a D M U J 50 s M 51 ran;on M


Coach : Ferer Foster 1 D. Elliot 2 S . Neeson 3 C. Goullet 4 C. Burns 5 J . Smith 6 A. Matthews 7 N Thomas 8 A. Anderson R. James 11 S . Glenn 12 L . Thomas 13 L . Mansfield 14 B. Calle a 15 A. Crockett 16 17 18 L . Fielding 19 N . Basaraba 20 21 A. Bentick 22 N . Serrano 23 D . James 24 S. Campbell 25 T. Legud i 26 S. McCurry 27 P. Harris 28 C . Keuna n 29 S . Kilkenny 30 31 B . Ashcroft 32 J . Harvey 33 N . Vascrava 36 D . Heskett 40 D . McManus 43 S . Mitchell 44 K . Walker 47 M . Hooper

Coach : Bi,an Brown 1 J. Dempsey 2 T. Duggan {C) 3 L . Giansiracusa {VC} 4 J. P. Mount 5 J. O'Keefe 7 P. Murray 9 T Simpson (VC) 10 D. Mahoney 11 J . Ryan 12 P. Kempton 13 N . Hutton 14 A . Hamilton 16 C. Didilis 17 D. Makohon 18 D. Prior 19 C. Underwood 20 W. Dun n 22 G . Holland 23 L. Sierakowski 24 E . Waldron 25 A. Mulkearns 26 M . Shannon 27 P. Aughton 29 S. Mount 30 P. Ghoug assian 32 B. Hughes 33 S. 0' Connor 34 S. Mitchell 36 J. Coates 38 R . Chard 42 A . Grant 43 W. Gullifer 46 C . Wilkinson 53 M . Hauser • Simpson Constructions • Discosource Australia • RED EAGLE Hotel • Quadric •

Coach: Tim Une s 1 Millar A(C ) 2 Nicholls (G ) 3 Rankin T 4 Trail N 5 Tanner J(VC ) 6 Sibley S 7 Young R 8 Morgan B 9 Jensen R 10 Medlin T 11 Heathcote N 12 Jacobs R 13 file T 14 Rice N 15 Moore L 16 Bennett C 17 Maddison N 18 Burke P(VC) 19 Provis A 20 Callery M 21 Wood J 22 Herbert L 23 Bradley C(VC) 24 John E 25 Matthews J 26 McKerrow J 27 Hatsveell D 28 Howson A 29 Chamberlain T 30 Derrij F 31 Mcphail D 32 Gibson S 33 Stearns R 34 Touhey M 35 Sondhu P 36 King J 38 Wilson A 55

Coach: Paul Curry

coach : Mick Deaki n 1 P. Irons 2 L. Mulquiney 3 M . Eady 4 T. Shugg 5 B. Bird 6 D . Gargaro 7 S . Lynch 8 S . Croft 9 S . Wilson 10 C. Buckley 11 T. Fitzgerald 12 C . Collins 13 C . Tuck 14 P. Berry 15 A . Edge 16 T. Groves 17 C. Evans 18 J. Windebank 19 S. Doukas 20 R . De w 23 T. Woolnough 24 D . Gillespie (DVC) 25 B . Bowke r 26 S . Wilson 27 T. Bore am 29 L . Wonnacott 30 L . Ferrari (VC) 33 S . McNicholas (VC) 35 S . Le e 41 J . McGeoch 42 A. Poll 53 R . Rawlings 55 B. Deaton (C)

2 B . Cantlon 3 S . Seleto 4 T. Jewett 5 A. Blak e 6 C . Malthouse 8 J . Tipping 10 J . Vaughan 11 J . Almhofer 13 J . Laing 14 S . Weaver 15 P. Cambell 16 G . Giasoumi 17 T. McNamara 18 S . Burggraaff 19 K . Spratt 20 B . Kez'das (C) 21 J . McCarthy 22 B . Henry 23 L . Fletcher 24 R . Turnbull 25 S . Daly 27 A . Banks 28 C . Padman 29 A. Murray 30 J . Connelly 32 L . Cave 33 M . Ellis 34 D . Andersen 35 M. Terech 37 T. Richards 39 C . Harrigan 40 B . McCallum 46 J . Almahofier 49 B . Smith 50 J. Kelly 52 D . Hebard 58 J. LeVeque 59 S . Blangardo 60 G. Carr 61 M . Davies 62 D.Dawe s vrww . h a m p t o n r ov e rs . c a m . au


Coach : Steven sing 1 A. Alagona 2 J. Bayford 3 J. Binney 4 N . Blayney 5 A . Braddy 6 M . Bottos 7 R. Butter 8 N . Butter 9 G . Bry ant 10 M . Chivell 11 W. Colemen 12 S. Curatolo 13 G. On Krester 14 P. Dinaki s 15 T. Finlay 16 C. Gecrg~ou 17 N. Giescnen 18 A. Grainger 19 C. Halfpenny 20 I .Loughnan 21 S. Low 22 M .Luxon 23 S. Mcdufne 24 J . McBrid e .. 25 E . McVJilliam 26 M . Mendota (VC) '. 27 D. Meredit h 28 B . Nagel 29 D. Nelson 30 K. O'Dwyer (VC) 31 M . Paine 32 R . Pearce 33 D . Peacock 34 R . Raffoul 35 A . Read 36 K . Sheehan 37 S . Snel l 38 L. Stillman 39 N . Theodossi 40 M . Verocch i




r assnr iz

Real E- re Professionals REGENCY Pharmacy

Coach: Dean Peters 1 Gibson T 2 Brown S 3 Aitken J (V/C) 4 McDonald E 5 Pretty S 6 Russell S 7 Davies M (C(C) 8 Healy J 9 10 Hill R 11 12 Stebbins N 13 Gordon N (C/C) 14 Troon R 15 Amore J 16 Amore S (V!C) 17 Hillas R 18 Sparsi M 19 Duell R 20 Coxon N 21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chilly E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J 29 Crawford M 34 Hider B

Coaah:John LeGran d 1 A Bouchereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fuller 4 A. Powell 5 C. Morris 6 N. McKay 7 D . Dunne 8 P. Guiliano 9 G. Massey 10 A . Filippelli 11 M . Ballenger 12 B . C . Kennedy 13 C . Agius 14 M. Power 15 A . Manjikan 16 M . Duthil 17 B . J. Kennedy 18 L. Del Mastro 19 A. Coo k 20 M. Regan 21 D . Hansen 22 D . Hallet 23 A . Stagliano 24 S . Castricum 25 T. Bourbon 26 L . Franks 27 B. Thomas 28 S . Devoy 29 D . Devlin 30 C. McDade 31 J . Discala 32 D . Norman 33 B. Waldron

Coach: A

Coach : 1 A . Frazer 2 A. Parker 3 S. Balloon 4 J. Duggan 5 W. Nunlist 6 S . Dawson 7 L. Wilson 8 S . Underwood 9 B . Hobart 10 M. Flaherty 11 J. Buckley 12 J . Harewood 13 P. Rogash 14 P. Bacash 15 D. Forrest 16 J . Nicolas 17 J. Lloyd 18 M. Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D. Messo 22 J . Weidner 23 M . Leptos 24 R . Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Huriston 27 M . iUng 28 J . Di Pietro 29 D. Symons 30 T. Hamza 33 D . Hardy


1 L . Boughton 2 G . Chipperfield 3 D . Shannon 4 H . McLauchlan 5 T. McLennan 6 T. Arche r 7 J. Hanlon (VC) 8 B. Duperouzel 9 A. Herrmann 10 J. Kimpton 11 C. Waxman (C) 12 P. Shakespeare 13 M . Pitt 14 E . Mars h 15 R . Goodbody 16 A. Kigh t 17 M . Erikson 20 C . Hayes 21 R. D'Silva 22 B . Newby 25 M .Jones 27 T. Norton 28 . A. Groot 29 J . Glanville 30 C . Wane 33 R. Mosbey 39 A.Jones 58 A. Baker


Coach: Adrian Connolly Asst Coach: Chris Thomas 1 R . Quiney 2 S . Wheller 3 M . Wood 4 C. Hassell 5 A. Clinch 6 Y. Spivak 7 D . Black 8 J . Muzzell 9 J . Franklin 10 L. Wells 11 B . Arnold 12 C . Johnstone 13 J. Longmuire 14 S . Davis 15 B . Cromack 16 S . Misslop0los 17 P. Brown 18 M . Ramsay 19 Vl. Cove 20 R . Lemer 21 B . Upstill 22 B . Rayson 23 T. Naylo r 24 M . Anderson 25 R . Make r 26 D . Dte Hennepe 27 C . Domingo 28 B . Harris 29 30 A. Jirov 31 A. Bukala 32 L . O'Brien 33 A . Cook 34 S . Ramsay 35 B . Slatter 36 M . Hamilton 44 B. Robbins

Coach : Steve L 1 S . Mot


2 M. O'Donnell 3 C . Gauch i 6 S . Kid d 7 R. Saunders 8 C. Jack 9 Junstin Russo 10 C . Kell y 11 C . Mahoney 12 A . Elrouby 13 S . Eisenberg . 14 J . Mason 15 A. Carson 16 C . Yasser 17 S . Morrisey 18 N . McGuane 19 J . Bake r 20 D. Lowe 21 N. Gauchi 22 J. Purton 23 Joshua Russo 25 A . Shepherd 27 T. Davidson 28 30 A . Borg


=R 2002

RUP E C( In Brendan Smaies J.'''dliams 3 p West q G . Pritchard 5 J. Dalton 6 N. Abdallah 7 C. Dobson g A. EI-Ter i g R . Davidson ~0 R . Curtis 11 S. Carlton rj2 M . Harris i3 M . Potton 14 R. Citroen B . Young9 to J . Kendall A. Height J .P. Matthew s B . Knight A. Felemonow R. Kirk j i.t . Perry Cook (C) O'Bree tA Ruff B . WaG A Lias VC) R y an (VC) D. Ryan A .Trivsonn o S. McGinley .7 R . Francis Y. Saad

coaci, : : . ..,;hael Sigalas

1 M . Little 2 L. Weaver 3 N. Payne 5 P. Tempone 7 B, Ryan 8 J . Vince 9 A . Crame r 10 M . Cottrell 11 D. Pike (C) 13 M . Austin 15 A . Whelan (VC) 17 D. Clyne (DVC) J . Agotanovic 21 C . Rogers 23 H . Hogan 27 B . Hillier 30 A . Macallum 33 N . Warner 34 D . Schmidt 35 M. Shanks 38 J . Pettit 39 A. Emmerson 43 T Sigalas (DVC)

51 S. Gegory 52 T. Nisbett 53 H . Bradshaw 54 J. Brown 55 L . Siberus

Coach : Sieve Maus 1 T. Whitelaw 2 L. MacFarlane 3 D . Macdermott 4 A . Simson 5 B . Andrews 6 N . Sulman 7 C . Adam 8 A . Stewart-Holmes 9 J. Booth 10 A . Leonard 11 D . Bowley 12 J. Choong 13 R . Davey 14 C . O'Reilly 15 J . Nankervis 16 T. Angus 17 T. Connell 18 N. Pump 19 C. Buchanan 20 S. Bennett 21 T. Rossignuolo 22 G . Trumbull 23 N. Katsanevakis 24 C. Baird 25 C. Ingham 26 C. Bruce 27 E . Bull 28 S . Jacobs 29 S . Assimo 30 L. Stolfo 31 J . White


ÂŽ" -

--- ;9ARs

i Coach :

C^_ ch: Paul Gregor 3allard (C) Hollands (VC) L . Fox r Chun f°hyland i Stephens Carstein Levins (dvc) H . Varney C,ix Landy (dvc) ' ullen iaplin Saw;itsch C, Haddad Argus Crosthwaite " Forte nnedy Lawler 'vlintern Romney Sampson




Coach : Peter Hansen Anthony Quinn 1 A. Harvey 2 A. Hughes 3 M . Lyons (DVC) 4 N. Allan 5 M . Keeling 6 R. Bux 7 D. Dean (C) 8 D. Strickland 9 N . Brundell 10 S . Strickland 11 L. Drummond 12 B . Hewett 13 S . Maher 14 J . Roberts 15 S . Ega n 16 S . O 'Meara (DVC) 17 S . Graha m 18 M . Spinoso 19 W. Connelly 20 M . Dri 21 D . Kalviskis 22 G . Loftus 23 C . Duncan 24 B. Hayes 25 P. Senzo 26 S. Fistric 27 C . 28 N . Bryce 29 D . Fanton e tone 30 D . Caple 31 T. Crotty ~ 32 P. Gloury 33 A. Smith 35 M. Yeo 36 R . Villano 39 B. Young 40 L . Dore (VC) 42 D . Garga n 48 M . Hyde

1 Corrigan B 2 Goodwin T(VC) 3 O'Neil P 4 Skiathitis R 5 Ferguson D 6 Harmes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T 12 Leech S 13 Atkinson D(C) 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Slawitschka J 18 Slawitschka A 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C (DVC) 21 Rizzo J 22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Hutchinson B 27 Thompson T 28 Carroll A 29 Heane R 32 Cooper J 33 Freckleton J 34 O'Connell S 40 Brosnan J 41 Martin A 59 Robinson T 62 Caccamo D

Coach: Glenn Jowett Asst Coach : Lachlan Beato n 1 C. McClure 2 H . Ellis 3 T. Nisbet 4 M . Stern 5 L . Kaye 6 A . Martin 7 J . Chia 8 A . Groot 9 C . Holt 10 S . Gibson 11 Ed . Duncan 12 K. Bezak 13 A. Herrmann 14 R . Wenzel 15 D . Higgins 16 A. Ross 17 M. Burt 18 A. Morton 19 R . Spie s 20 L . Herbert 21 A. Fitzpatrick 22 E. Buckingham 23 R. Scarlett 24 A. McIntyre 25 J . Black 26 J . Mapleson 27 S. Taylor 28 J . Milsom 29 C. Barter 30 B . Owen 31 Q . Sear 32 L. Nicolas 33 E . Thompson 34 R. Mansfield

Coach : Andy Dalrymple 1 S. Brosolo (C) 3 C. Ventura 6 P. Micallef (VC) 8 R. Di Falco 9 T. Nunan 10 A. Hill (VC) 12 P. Hennessy 14 A. lacuone 17 T. Wallace 21 M . Calavetta 22 A. Williams 25 C. Janson 26 A- Winke 28 T Kotsopulos 29 B . Drinkwater 32 G. Murphy 38 A . Corry 40 A . Stone 42 P. Rees 44 R . Eames C 55 P. Vlahand eas 65 D . Tilli g


Interstate Transport Service s 9396 900 0

Coach: Michael Phillips 1 Ash D . 3 Albanis J. 4 Spinner L. 5 Ash N . 6 Howard R . 7 Plummer J . 8 Elliot K . 10 Wilson T. 12 Temming M . 13 Barry ry Paul , 14 Sullivan N . 15 McGovern N . 16 Monzall R . 17 Potter C . 19 Johnson R . 20 Nolan M. 21 Assourd M . 22 Dale S . 23 Balmer V. 24 Barry Peter 25 Anderson J. 27 Kosta M . 28 Boxall T. 30 Jaeger R . 57 Dressler E . 58 Lane M . 59 Cariss P. 63 Silvester J . 64 Constantine B. 65 Murphy B. 71 Broughton T. 72 Watson C . 73 Arthurson M .

YARRA VALLEY Coach : Peter Battl e

1 C . Taske r 2 A. Pargete r 3 C . Goug h 4 T. Morde n 5 B . Crowe 6 N. Peters 8 M . Rokicki 9 N. Battl e 10 S . Middleton 11 B . Clarke 12 C. Britt 13 J . Ebsworthy 14 P. Ross 15 S . Gillin 17 J . Hum e 18 P. Jarvi e 20 D . Wright 25 B . Seege r

AJAX Coach: Gary Blusztein Asst Coach : Phil Pozen 1 R . Silberman 2 J .Israelsohn 3 R. Rotemberg 4 A. Lewi s 5 B . Rose 6 J. Kestenberg 7 P. Bryne r 8 L . Fette r 10 11 D. Gubereck 12 A. Silver 13 D. Rozenbes 14 D . Harahan 15 J. Gottlieb 16 J . Hai n 17 J . Kagan 18 N . Bardea 19 D. Seidl 20 J . Thurin 21 D . Arousi 22 23 B . Nissen 24 A . Joff e 25 B . Goldbloom 28 J . Givoni 29 E . Rath 32 L. Peters 33 B. Yudelman 35 D . Spillberg 36 A . Sacks 37 D. Krasnostein 39 A. Wollne r 40 E. Wollner 42 J . Peak (C)

Coac -is : Dean ; 1 L. Holmesby 2 N . Aitke n 3 N. Dimachki 4 G . McFarlane 5 J. Robertson 6 L . Forrest 7 S . Holmesby 8 B . Holde n 9 B . Hyrons 10 B . Reid 11 J . Monk 12 T Wright 13 D . Ferdinands 14 M. Margiannis 15 J . McKenzie 16 K . Pereira 17 H. McKenzie 18 I. Jordan 19 L . Curbs 20 M . Sidne y 21 V. t+9araventano 22 B. McLellan 23 M . Wilson 24 T. Krotofil 25 A .Lee(C) 26 J . Sayers 27 D. Marsh 28 S. Radoni 29 D . Couniham 30 G . Vitagliano

1 L . Hoga n

Coach : Dennis Grace 1 S . Chapman 2 C.Jones 3 L. Fechner 4 G. Chessari 5 K . Cummins 6 A. Costley 8 B . Lui f 9 M . Edwards 10 S . O'Donnell 11 L. Northway 12 M. Tennant 13 J. Oswald 14 G. Roney 16 T. Huggins 19 G . Gilbert 20 J . Fairley 23 P. Nevill 24 A. Francis 31 H . Evans 33 L . Beddingfield 34 G. Rowle y 35 M . Sharkie 36 A. Hickey 39 D. Taylor 42 S. Young 43 L . Smith 44 S . Grace 50 S . Morris 61 M . Spence 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton

I A. Murray 2 L . Kennedy 3 D . Britt

4 S . Earl

5 C. Kokkinos 6 M . Cash 7 M . Stevenson 8 R . Symmons 9 A. Ysser 10 A . Mulholland 11 W. Plaukovits 12 D. Sowersby 13 S . Collins 14 S. Cammiss 15 P. Holden 16 J. Gaal 17 S . Bando 18 J . Bunvaorth 19 A. Ciavarella 20 N. Wills

21 J . Briggs

22 T. Orchard (VC) 23 D . Zula 24 J . Reynolds 25 J . Nevezie (C) A . Hanso n

M . Jordan M . Cummings

& Sven Sr 1 M. ~='.eyer 2 S. Sullivan 3 D . 0 Connor 4 G. Allan 5 G. Sherlock 6 N . Fisher

1 C . Mitchell 2 M. Francis 3 T. Bellomo 4 D . Lowther 4 C . McMahon 8 L. Jarvis 9 J . Saunders 10 B. Oakley 12 S. Moloney 14 S . Byers 15 S . Smyth 16 K . Smyth 17 G . Walton 19 M . Hayes 21 J . Hennessy 23 A. Dunkerley 23 D . Nomiko s 25 A .O'Shannessy 28 D. Thompson 35 S . Meeha n

42 M . Sheehan 47 J . Greatorex 46 K. De Ridder 50 A . Nicholson 51 H . La Ragy 52 D. Bean

Yourri'ttrle .-

7 D. Clarke 8 K. Little 9 M. Watts 10 A. Erskine 11 M. May 12 T Mitvalaky '3 `J. Hayes , 14 C. Sch}oeirel 15 D. Fava 16 D. Russo 17 J. Date 18 A. Kiantos 19 S. Hamilton 20 P.Knngs 21 D . Kell y 22 J . Poole 23 R. Groom 24 h.9 Duggan 25 B. Lane 26 A. Rock 27 B. Hall

28 T Kendal l


Coach : Glenn Afford 1 M . McGettiga n

3 G . Cleary

4 D. L'Huillier (C) 5 D. McNamara 6 B. Buck 7 P. Grasby 8 J . Morgan 9 M . Kelleher 10 M . Hilton 11 N. Weedon 12 T. Cunningham 13 L .Jones 14 L . McMurray 15 M . O'Brien 15 T. McColl 16 S . Birol 19 A. Paterson 20 M . Ferris 22 N . Worsnop 23 J. Lynch 24 L . Cieslak (VC) 25 C . Connolly 26 L. Terrell 27 D. Waters 28 M . Andrews 31 D. Moss 36 A. Waisted 39 J. Petrovic 41 R . Bignell 48 A . Scatid i

G~..tzt~Glt e tt O✓i 4 S8/~~ IFCO BRIGHTON ' BUXTON Real Estate

29 R . Ironmonger 30 D . Hizhm :kov 31 M. Byrn e 32 K . Regan 33 P. Hardman 34 T Costello 35 T. Smith 36 G . Moran 37 B. Kaplan 3s R Elmer 39 M. Basile

Coacn : Frevor Masterton 1 W. Coope r 2 E . Bouchard 3 E .Ooi 4 M . Wood 5 K. Palmer 6 X. Kidd 8 A. Skinn s 9 J. Stephens 10 S . Rocco 11 L. Este r 12 J . MacDonald 17 P. D'Andrea 18 G . Rowe 19 K. Barden 21 D Bell 22 A . Nield 24 K . Ferguson 26 L. Bell

30 H. McFadden

, . . : <. C_ion . ,erry McEvoy

Coach J?romeJt-_nan Coach : Harry Harisiou

1 L. Toomey 2 T. White

1 M. Benic 2 D . Buccachio

5 A. Boland

4 R . Carrucan

3 R . Kogelman 6 L . Stafford 7 C . Crozier 8 R . Wilson 9 P. Sorace 10 D. Weegberg 11 L. Pierce 12 A. Pringle 13 V. Hall 14 B . Cooper

15 N. Storms

16 L. Gardiner 17 M . Adams B . Beech 12 M . Parker 13 S . Dornom 21 P. Scognamillo J . McMullen S . White

<9 D . Afford 30 J. Tapply - P. Stone 56 G . Cameron 74 D . Dew

Coa- : Iony Christdull i 1 D. Learmont-Walker

2 M . Brain (VC) 3 D. Henzl

3 R . Burns

4 P. McGrath

5 G . Taylor

6 P. Ganiatsas 7 M. Daskalou 8 R . Conte 9 F. Paola 10 J . Hassan 11 M. Hennessey 12 B. Jorgensen 13 G . Keranidopoulos 14 A. Nichol 15 G . Macrides 16 A. March 17 P. Margin 18 R. Lee 19 A . Mihalos 20 J . Newman 21 L. Mason 22 P. Hardinge 23 N . Papaziakas 24 J . Paraskeva 25 M . Perri 26 J . Ryan 27 N . Scaglione 28 W. Collis

13 T. Luderman 16 P. Farran t

25 S . Brook s 31 M . Fanning

5 B . Geveaux

40 R . Slate r

6 D. Fox 7 T. Wogan-Browne 8 O . Henzi 9 R. Temes 10 S . Foley (VC) 11 C. Eva 12 D. Hollenberg 13 M . Bowen 14 R . Read 15 T. Fraczek (Capt) 16 A . Orchard 17 B . Ramsay 18 J. Raleigh 19 T. Cousland 20 G. Saultry 21 S. Sierakowski 22 T. Middleton 23 J. Sprague 24 C . Yllani 25 D . Sluck i 26 R . Whitehous e 27 G . Blau 28 D . Nguyen 29 C . Fole y 30 A. Edwards 32 S . Whittingto n

58 T. Duggan 59 R . Butcher 60 M . McDonal d 61 J. Neild 62 M . Paul l

63 J. Laidla w 64 P. Marozz i 67 A. Place 68 S. Davi s 69 J. Han k 71 M. Milla r 72 D . Butle r 73 R . Hosking 74 N . Millar 75 S. Gellert 76 H. Davies 77 P. Ham 78 C. Knee 79 C. Kean e

35 S . Moore

GVP Fa bri cat o rs All Home Loans




Coach : Cliff Lever Aat Coach: Lee Johnston B. Gerace 2 K. Lawson

Coach (1): Peter Callinan Coach (2) : James Fay I FoxA 2 Huien S 3 Pascer, J

3 A.

4 Santaiuc+a C 5 Leonce(S; T 6 purie1p D


4 R. Cabalo 5 G . Walker 6 B. Payne 7 F. Pavez 8 H. Hodgson (C) 9 D. Nikola 10 J . Braham i F . Stein

2 P. Johnston T. Best

D. Hudson D. Ollenbutte l to N. Dean

17 D. Taylor T. Vaughan

D. Corp


A . Mokrusch -1 L. Hudson (C) A . Glen ' ' . Pilsbury

= P. Neville

J . Chamberlains

'~ R . Naidu M. Monohan D . Ball B. Merriweather

E. Sandstrom

Harry K

a Cato c 9 earrer. A

in N1 . 2's D 72 AS 13 c, .. :.,~:ns 14 15 OMesra T 16 a3an T 17 CnnP 7a L nch T i9 r~ K,nieyA

20 ,7aa c 21 Snallwocd P 22 No1an Ryan Pc 23 24 Hall K 25 Bryce M 26 conk,. w 27 ibtcLaren a 2e whrte J 29 Crackna PA

30 1e land G 3i Corny3nT Harcr,nckJ 32 33 Ford D

35 S ntamana a 36 Sapuppo 0

Coach: David Law 1 2 D . Hurley 3 J . Anderson 4

14 M. Brain 15 P. Starpin s

15 16 S . Cox 17 G . Campbell

6 D . M¢z i 7 F. Luca

8 L Arandez 9 J . Spragu e 70 J. Bennet t 11 J. D,graza t2 L . Coupe r

13 L . Filling

16 P.Trchet t

17 R . Ashcrof t 18 S. tAcFadya n

23 D . lanazzo

j9 S. Freema n 24 T. Bell 21 M. Browne 22 M. On 23 T. Clements 24 B. Dawe s 25 S. Dunn

24 25 C . Govan 26

26 M . Fox 27 L. Gou d 28 N. Graham

18 M. Ma giore 19 C . M[c ell 20 D . Jilla

21 22 A. Mitchell

27 D . Evans 28 P. Oxenford 29


45 B . Johnson

47 Car s D 46 48 EFSi yM

Pawlowsk i

13 14

s0 ~ -. ~~ • . .

39 Freer s ao aarie~ a y 41 RossS 42 Deehao A rs rt 43 For 44 Lrcins N 45 Brnnn j

4 B. Koc h

5 D.

49 CM, J

37 Bongcrn .o D 38 res: cvRhick j

Coach : :ttheer Imm s 1 A . P-toio 2 A . McCutcheo n 3 B . Elliot t

5 J . Hughe s 6 A . 0' Dea 7 J . Madde n 8 S . Matthews 9 G. Joseph 10 B . 11 A . Marian 12 B . Runnals

32 J. Harvey 8 334 M . Walsh 35 B. Ryan 36 37 38 J . Egan 39 40 41 42 43 44

Dxev A

, _ ..• ,. ._ . _s ~ ,_


29 B. Gra

30 B. H e

32 J . Henderson 33 F. Henr y 34 L. Henr y 35 R. Htidges 36 D. Jdg O

37 L. Kee 38 S . tMvahnla er 39 J . Maierni k

40 C . Reline

41 G. Ramsay 42 M . R ei d 43 S . Rendel i 44 S . Rob b 45 C . Sand i 46 M Shell 47 J Springe r 48 A Tomkins

~ .

Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am

p u In a . c ° m

For news, views and previews, tune t o

Then to v® from 6 .30pm for reports and a complete full-time score s ervice 1. "5 p. M.

E -SA '-


< ' ~n tune with the outer ~a~ :~9 VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00 -6 .15p m each Saturday night .

VkFA segment with w .~ P-7 in

TUNE I N 9 .5 1~AC. S i AN E 'C . :, .:'`


This weeks quest A~= :w- . .: .' =- {De La

(A), Old E&

~-1 ~ av ag ~ Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.

The Sunda,, . '-ge V Noakes -

pr ' St Bernards, St ~ a u s, 速 v _ ~ Penola Brunswick, (B), LaTrobe U Ruperts wa s PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 put - Includes weekly chat on all matters t ,AFA.



. :.d - ;atzel A !~rm Nugent D3 E d Sill D3 To m Brain C Peter Iffilliamson D3 Barry Hickey D1 ~ ;avan Flow er D4 amian Carroll B 2 Tony Miller U19-1 I f!ke Derbvshire D2 0

,~ .

. Ile i o

De La Salle V Maecellin ivun'sOB V Old Xaverian s

R:i :1 IO June z Z North Old Boys V Mazenod Sr~ ae23 University Blues V Old Scotch Rnd 11 Sat June 2 9 Old Trinity V De La Sall e Sun June 30 FIDA Matche s Elsternwick V Monash Gryphons Red 12 Sat Julv 6 Old Xaverians V Old Trinity Sun July 7 izenod V Old `": lbun ians Paid 13 :, ' ', 13 Sun, . .1' FIDA tche s

- ,u,lure to ,tu, : l U 2.30pm al scores by 5p m I

Old '1` . C

Old IL s+ burv (U ) Old E->!i!oil (U)

Rohan Aujard, Old Scotch (Reserves) . Striking, 6 matches. From June 1

Adri McIntyre, NSazenod . Abusi e language, 3 matches . so

igham, Old Xaverians . - " matches .

, MHSOB . Striking, 2 matches . liniversi Blues (Under-19) .

~r'ss OC and Old Camberwell were bot h chmaed,::ith a mels in their Under-19 game played on Saturday May 25, 2002 at wrhitefriars . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $300 (second offence in a three year period for both clubs) . St. Bernard's plaver No .44, Kieran Walker was

charged with misconduct in the Marcellin versus St. Bernard's Under- 19 match played at St . Bernards on Saturday, May 25 . Charge proven and player suspended for the remainder of the 2002 season .

j ! 'sh6 ; scr ~ Ji ;~ jutnpit,~ r C .:_, tiVowing f er to we grow .; I or o a,er sirrtilc; siaO cot it~I is~t" ) THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 2


/ 7 1 6 2 5 3 5 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 2 6 1 7 1 7

t B l fi, 0 529 249 212 .45 28 0 617 349 176 .79 24 0 665 339 196.17 20 0 599 475 126.11 20 0 496 407 121 .87 20 0 612 468 130 .77 16 0 414 468 88 .46 16 0 430 699 61 .52 8 0 366 850 43 .06 4 0 239 853 28 .02 4

w 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 0 W

L i3 1 ' - - pis 0 0 818 2, . 294.24 32 1 0 744 289 257.44 28 2 0 616 6 110.79 24 3 0 605 515 117.48 20 4 0 536 525 102.10 16 4 0 441 445 99 .10 16 5 0 384 430 89.30 12 6 0 457 617 74 .07 8 7 0 372 779 4735 4 8 0 316 911 34.69 0 L a For Argsf % Pts

8 7 4 4 4 UNI 8 4 LY-HO 8 7 Gi PHONE 8 2 HOUSE 8 2 8 2 P W

0 0 705 275 256 .36 3 1 0 567 243 233 .33 2 4 0 537 475 113 .05 16 4 0 449 417 107 .67 16 4 0 482 481 100.21 16 4 0 427 520 82.12 16 5 0 273 509 53.63 12 6 0 383 532 7199 8 6 0 383 557 6816 8 6 0 357 660 54.09 8 L II For Agsf % Pis


8 8 0 0 974 301 323 .59 32 8 8 0 0 644 348 185 .06 3 2 6 2 0 647 380 170 .26 24 5 3 0 757 457 165 .65 20 5 3 0 569 469 121 .32 20 4 4 0 493 415 118.80 16 4 41 0 518 614 8436 i 4 4 0 398 512 77.7 3 2 6 0 410 673 60.92 8 1 7 0 213 831 25.63 4 1 7 0 177 978 18_10 4

P i"i L LT For s?gs3 % pis 8 6 2 0 785 595 131 .93 24 8 6 2 0 893 684 130 .56 24 8 6 2 0 848 684 123 .98 24 8 5 3 0 818 605 135 .21 2 0 3 8 5 3 0 763 579 131 .78 2 0 4 UES 8 4 0 732 760 963 2 1 6 3 4 4 0 696 728 95.60 16 8 2 6 0 555 797 69.64 8 8 2 6 0 618 890 69.44 8 8 0 8 0 424 810 52 .35 0 P W L,7 For Agsi ''o F t,.c 8 8 0 0 790 396 199 .49 32 8 6 1 1 726 595 122 .02 26 8 5 2 1 822 617 133 .23 22 8 5 3 0 698 614 113 .68 20 D 8 4 4 0 545 679 80 .27 1 6 0 C 8 3 4 1 518 800 64 .75 1 4 ROVERS 8 3 5 0 508 660 76 .97 1 2

iATEURS 8 2 5 1 539 706 76 35 1 0 BURY

8 1 7 0 431 864 49 .88 4


P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

W 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1

2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7

L rJ For . ,o 0 1036 s90 175 .59 24 0 921 567 162 .43 24 0 820 676 121 .30 24 0 873 444 196 .62 20 0 529 660 8015 16 0 669 843 79 .36 16 0 616 838 73 .51 12 0 569 1024 55 .57 12 0 554 808 68 .56 8 4 0 512 947 54 .07


11 For Agst _1. pis 0 767 471 1 62 .85 28 0 809 473 171 .04 24 1 840 606 138 .61 22 0 662 579 114 .34 20 0 654 691 94 .65 12 0 298 1107 26 .92 12 1 538 741 72 .60 10 0 0 0 0 .00 0 IJ For .AgsP___ Pis 8 8 0 0 1229 245 501 .63 32 8 6 2 0 608 444 136 .94 24 8 5 3 0 735 493 149 .09 20 UNl 8 4 4 0 566 377 150 .13 1 6 8 4 0 643 '37 129 .98 16 8 4 4 0 733 718 102,09 1 6 1 7 0 ; 31 .11 4 8 0 8 0 i 10 .72 0 eligible playe



8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

7 6 5 5 3 3 2 0

7 7 6 5 4 2 1 0

1 2 2 3 5 5 5 7

1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

943 378 2s . : ` 935 478 195 .61 28 861 428 201 .17 24 682 552 123 .55 20 650 585 111 .11 16 498 849 58 .66 8 423 861 49113 4 242 1103 21 .94 0

§`,~ L II For .9gsP P#s OLD C= 6 8 0 0 761 285 267 .02 32 OLD ; :AVER!: 8 6 2 0 622 319 194 .98 24 . ° 1 1 ': 8 6 2 0 418 375 111 .47 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 5 3 0 455 403 112 .90 20 UNIVERSI TY BLACKS 8 3 5 0 477 482 98 .96 12 BRUNSWICK AFC 8 2 6 0 370 592 62 .50 8 40LD TRINITY 8 1 7 0 318 620 51 .29 4 FITZROY REDS 8 1 7 0 286 725 39 .45 4 leligibie pla r Ro 5 >" Ineligible player Rd 6 W L D For Agsf_ % pis 8 8 0 0 1018 249 408 .84 32 8 6 2 0 787 396 198 .74 24 LEOSi is 8 5 3 0 536 476 112.61 20 OLD BRIGHTON 8 4 4 0 475 495 95 .96 16 WHITEFRIARS 8 3 5 0 554 613 90 .38 12 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 8 3 5 0 371 732 50 .68 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 2 6 0 431 854 50 .47 8 OLD GEELO JG 8 0 8 0'?? 91O 19 .26 0





D For , as# s

OLD XAVERIANS 8 7 0 1 872 715 121 .96 ST BERNARDS 8 6 1 1 1029 701 146 .79 OLD SCOTCH 8 5 2 1 777 762 101 .97 ST KEVINS 8 5 3 0 923 683 135 .14 MARCELLIN 8 4 4 0 797 697 114 .35 OLD TRINITY 8 3 4 1 812 739 109 .88 OLD IVANHOE 8 3 5 0 727 778 93 .44

30 26 22 20 16 14 12

UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 3 5 0 675 820 8232 12 DE LA SALLE 8 2 6 0 643 816 78 .80 8 0 MHSOB 8 0 8 0 528 1072 49 .25


L D For


2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 8



P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


% Pfs IN L D For Ags t 8 0 0 948 572 165 .73 32 7 1 0 1025 579 177 .03 28 6 2 0 835 611 136.66 24 5 3 0 797 651 122 .43 20 4 4 0 788 618 127 .51 16 3 5 0 699 738 94 .72 12 3 5 0 700 848 82 .55 12 2 6 0 633 842 75 .18 8 1 7 0 607 1113 5454 4 4 1 7 0 536 1103 4859

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H o w will y o ur sm.kiri affect yo ur life?


Vic ealffi


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