The Amateur Footballer, Week 10, 2002

Page 1

V'icHealth Funded by the Victorian rMM Promotion Foveaanoe


.-1 lot to write about this week, so "From My Desk" c0r:cinues in today's edition on page 35.

icome any feedback on any of the issues I write o r about and can be contacted on emai l (p}li i - . a "_ or fax (9531 2050) . I enjoy givin g

v prizes for constructive mail received . I cm be heard talking "Amateur Footy" on Thursday iicrnoon on 88 .3 Southern FM (with John Kelly 3 .30 i ) >n}, Friday night on 98.9 North West FM (with Glen n >-' ;!rborough 7 pm), Saturday morning on 96 .5 Inner (9 am), Sunday morning on 88 .3 Southern FM ) with a weekend wrap (including a commen t u (, (elong's weekend performance) on 98 .9 North u c i FM (with Glenn Scarborough at 6 pm) . Pr t~t year the VAFA presidents arranged to meet t o rh,cuss issues of mutual interest with a view that ihc~e be presented to the Executive Committee in a co-ordinated way, rather than the previous h : :ph<izard way of individual clubs providing niunidual submissions to the VAFA which, in the ma is, would only seem to benefit an individual club .

t , at 's Forum could not be convened in time to fit u r':virh the Executive Seminar schedule. Ytii,,, car the Old Tri nity FC is hosting the Forum of Presidents and any club that has items for an agenda ,l,.auld send these to Old Trinity's Alan Burrows (e/32 Cochran Avenue, Camberwell 3124) . Tlie Forum will be held at the Cohen Centre (Bulleen i'L .ying Fields, Bulleen Road, Bu ll een) on Sunday August 4th from 10 am to 4 pm.

I .unch and morning tea will provided for the ,.u~,ndees 'at a cost of $25/head - mail names of !uc itiecs and cheques to Alan's address (above) , i i ,-,r write to Alan or email issues for the agenda to aburrowlCbigpond .net .au E, :-Ii club president as written to last month Li riming that the Rewards Plan will be continued fo r -ccond year. What still is to be forwarded to club s the individual targets for each sponsor to enabl e 3,2,1 (or bonus) sponsorship reward points to be ,rned . To enable these targets to be set, sponsor s



have been asked to provide club performance sheets t oddatebfrw so these and last `~ - - year's performances

can be used to enable realistic and fair targets to be set. Until then keep ordering from, and supporting the VAFA listed sponsors. Next week I will w ri te about the other incentive in place - the Carlton and United Incentive. To both the W ill iamstown CYMS and Bu lleen Templestowe Under 19 teams who have been struggling for success this season so far . A neighbouring Western Region club, reading of Gyilly's plight urged some of their excess players to register to help out . Due to the distance of travel involved the game last Saturday was late starting . Such was the great spirit between the teams and the umpires, a delayed start was amicably agreed upon and the result - a win for both sides (a drawn game)! Well done to all involved and best of luck to both teams for the rest of the season . Hang in there lads . PS: Willy, when you win, let's hope the Herald Sun will see fit to highlight your achievement !

Slow start after the break for umpires submitting matchday paperwork, with 12 matches paperwork outstanding on Monday. 2002 policy is for paperwork to be dropped into H/Q and not mailed . One umpire from a game to assume this responsibility . First poor response for year other rounds terrific .

okir. .- Back ... . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .20 Sport 92 7 Prize Wrinner. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .24 Coaches' Clipboard .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .25 Today's Umpirzs . ... . ... . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . ., .. . . .. . . . .. . .31 For the Love of the Game .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .32-33 Spot the Pulse Ball. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ..4 8 k's Matches . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .5 1 lsternwick Park Draw. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .62 Tribunal & Investigations. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . ... . . . .62 1, addz_'s. . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 53 . 1'

YOU could just about plan your gardening around University Blue's form. When they start to hit form it's normally the cold of the mid-season, so it's tim e to do the pruning to prepare for a spring bonanza . The Students' 34-point win over Trinity has put them a game and 34 per cent out of the four . Trinity though might become the discarded branch of A Section as they fall to a game and 30 per cent away from De La in the R-Zone . Quinton Gleeson's season continues to impress after he ran riot for the Blues after Travis Stephens went off injured in the first quarter and it took David Burrows to quell the midfielder's flow in the second half . Matt Greig booted another bag, this time eight goals and today against St Kevins Greig will be assisted with captain Rob Phillips, back from injury, and Leigh Clarke who missed due to a virus .

When they met in the opening round SKOBs won by five goals with Greig not registering a goal . Skevs' rollercoaster season, they won the first five and have lost their past four including last Saturday's 10point loss to St Bernards where Mick Stapleton is growing in stature each week in defence . While injuries are a factor for St Kevs, their latest challenge is beating the losing mentality . This might be eroded with the performances of Robin Bowles and Marcus Olive, returning from injury, in the Reserves . The Bernies travel to East Malvern . The last time they played DLS it was an eight-goal win to the Dogs with Tim Harvey kicking five . Liam Wilkinson is a find in the ruck for the Bernies and the Dees are going with youngsters too . First-gamer Lloyd Williams was impressive early in last week's 68point loss to Marcellin with fine disposal skills . Williams is the l lth first gamer used by DLS this season with 10 below 20 years of age . The NI-Eagles go to the happy hunting ground at Toorak Park . Xavs' dominance has coincided with their move to TP in 1995 yet Marcellin has won all three games it has played there since winning the 1998 B Section premiership . Captain Andrew Treganowan said for Marcellin to improve he had to lift and he did that last week with six goals against De La . Xavs though are potent . Dan Richardson equalled his personal best haul of 11 goals against MHSOB last Sunday. Riddled with injuries to his thumb, achilles, ankle and hamstring, over the past two seasons, Richardson showed the form that brought him 11 goals against Collegians in the first round of 1996. Later that year Xavs got up by five points against the Lions in the grand final . Last Sunday at headquarters, the on-field 2

entertainment was eclipsed by the offfield drama . Bernies' coach Peter Nicholson wa s spotted by Xavs coach Tim O'Shaugnessy standing underneath his elevated coaching box . "Peter had his clip board open but I didn't see him write anything - I don't know how to take that - is that a compliment or a criticism of my work"? TOS said with a laugh . Fog engulfed the ground and new Unicorns coach Cam Glover said he couldn't make out the guernseys on the far flank. "No one was mistakenly dragged," Glover said . The Xavs' Reserves had season first-gacners Alex McDonald (former Collingwood utility) and Simon Wood (one of their best on-ballers back after twoand-a-half years in England), and 1990 Hawthorn draftee Damien Stoney (back from hamstring problems) . The 2000 Nelson Medallist Adam Jones stretched a tendon in his ankle while training but is expected to play this week . At home today against Old Ivanhoe, the Unicorns might welcome back prime-mover Jules Gurner who also played his first game for the year in the Reserves last week. "We always go into a game with a positive attitude," Glover said .The Hoers crushed the High by 17 goals first time around but they have slipped to eighth spot . This should be a different 01 without John Stevens, Mark Orchard and James Hope . The Hoers used mid-fielder Paul Donaldson in a new role as a



A SECTION Greig Old Trinity Han~ev St Bernards Jordan St Bernards M . Giansiracusa St Kevins Tregaiiowan Marcellin

46 44 38 28 24

A RESERVE Griffith St Kevins Osborne St Bernards McMillan Marcellin R. Legudi St Bernards Gilmour St Bernards N .Simon Old Scotch

20 15 12 12 11 1



forward and he returned five goals in the three-goal loss to Old Scotch last week . Scotch had eight goals kicked by Luke Hawkins, who was on holiday from Essendon's VFL team . The Bombers are struggling in the VFL and that means the Hawk could be flying at HQ come spring.

Don't we just love winter ! FINAL FOUR : VAFA coach Nick Bourke, who has won six of seven representative games and guided Xavs to 27 wins from 32 starts including the 1996 and 1997 flags, gives us his : I Xavs, 2 St Kevs, as thcy have good depth and as the season wears on and injuries start to play a part, sides with the depth will hold up, 3 Bernies, as they have the two stars of the competition Tim Harvey forward and Danny B,,-rne running off half-back, and 4 Marcellin, because of their outstanding lnid-field . beitaeib r .a u

OLD TRINITY - gives a big salute to Ed Best who played his 100th game for the Club last Saturday . This game has been a long time coming for Ed as injuries have robbed him of many games over the vars . Ed is the true clubman, always willing to do me jobs required on match days and the initiator and thc person responsible for our great web site. Ed was a worthv winner of our "Best Clubman Award" last ason. Congratulations Ed and thank you .

MHSOB v. Old Ivanho e University Blues v . Old Scotch at EP Sunday St Kevins v. Old Trinity De La Salle v. St Bernards Old Xaverians v . Marcellin

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OLD IVANIIOE 6,0 8 .1 13,3 14.5 (89) OLD SCOTCH 3.1 6 .5 9.6 16.11 (107) Old Ivanhoe: Donaldson 5, Toovey 3, S Low 2 . Branigan 2, Spoor, Shay . Best S Low . Donaldson, Toovey. Spoor. Curatolo. Tiernan . Old Scotch : Hawkins 8, Wigney 2, Josephs 2 . O'Connor 2, Kitchen, Crew . Best Nettleton . Wigney, Ross, Breisch, Hume. Umpires : G . Hunichen, T. Sutcliffe (F), J . Vincent, C . Doyle (B), J. Robinson, R. Owens (G ) 6.3 13 .6 15,10 21,14 (140) UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD TRINITY 1 .0 3 .4 10,7 16,10 (106) University Blues: Baker 4. Briggs 3, Young 3. Wilkie 2, Nadon 2, Collins 2, McKinnon, Callerv . Ryan, McLachlin, Gleeson . Best: Gleeson, Collins . Ryan. McLachlan, Young. Baker. Old Trinity; Greig 8, Ramsden 3, Collins, Gorntan, Hatfield, C PtuIDps, Sutcliffe . Best: Collins . Burrows . Ramsden, Greig, S Kennedy, VanDerVenne . Umpires : P. Simpson . R. Eastwood (F), P. Teasdale. S . Caruso (B), V. Veseovi. K. Segota (G) ST BERNARDS 3.3 7 .7 9,11 14,13 (97) ST 1 EVBNS 4.4 6,10 9 .11 12 .15 (87) St. Bernards: D Jordan 7, Harvey 4, B Jordan 2, O'Sullivan. Best: D Jordan, Turnbull. Trewin, McLaughlin, B Jordan, Stapleton . St. Kevins: Fraser 3, Garvey 2. O'Connor. J P,vigrazio, Lowersan, Crowley, Gray . Bowden, Hobart Best lit Dolman, Grader . Bowden, Kempton, Hteks. Gray. Umpires : W. Hinton, A . Damen (F), R. Mutton, N . Woods (B), B. Dix, B . tloare (G) DE LA SALLE 1 .0 2 .6 3,8 6 .14 (50) MARCELLIN 6.2 8 .7 13.9 17.16 (118) De La Salle: Stinear 2. Bourke, Murton. Hyland. Morel . Best- Duggan, Morel, R Bonniei, Jolly, S Hyland, Silver. Mameilin : Treganowan 6, Gutterson 4 . Purcell 3 . Browne, Dttmeen, Moffatt, Ronianiu Best Jarred, Waters. Johnston, Frazer, Treganowan . Salce. Umpires: J . Kvins, S. McCarthy (F), B . Parsons, J . Abbott (B), C. Areal. M . Sunpson(G ) RII-ISOB 3.4 4 .8 5 .10 11 .13 (79) OLD XAVERIANS 4.3 10 .6 15.9 20 .14 (134) MHSOB : Simpson 3 . L'unbriek 2, Ware 1, Adcock 1 . McGrath 1, Clowes 1, Witte i . Svirskis 1 . Best* Thompson. Clowes, S . McCully, Walker, Litnbrick, Fairchild, Old Xaverians : Richardson 11 . Parton 2, Hawkins 2, Howard 1 . Let)ilean 1, Maher 1, McDonald 1, BrushHeld 1 . Best Richardson, McDonald, Ockleshaw, Drake, Ford . Dillon. Umpires: M. Sneddon. R. Sneddon (F), A Rechmtan, S. Fraser (B), D . Napoli, R. Parry (G) RESERVES 4.4(26) OLD IVANHOE 2 .1 2 .1 3.1 OLD SCOTCH 1 .6 6.8 8.12 11 .15 (81) Old Ivanhoe : Bradd_v 2, Prior. Davis . Best Prior. Price, Hunter. Guidera, Braddy . George. Ge. Old Scotch : Crane 2, Simon 2 . Hooper. Stratas . Addison. MeCarrol . Lipshot, Jones. Tailent Best: McCarrol, Tallent. Strahas. D.Iser, Hooper, Crane. UNIVERSITY BLUES 0 .3 3.6 10.10 14.11 (95) OLD TRINITY 4 .1 7.1 9.2 11.3 (69) University Blues : Larkin 3, Russell 3, Suvoltos 2, Quin 2 . O'Donnell 2 . Brown 1, Hutchins 1 Best: Kordick . Russell. Larkins, Guengerieh. Gates, Irvine. Old Trinity: Lauretta 3, Van Der Venne 3, Blackmore 1, Burgess 1, Dodgson 1, Hudson 1 . Mi[hen I Best : Van Der Venne, Burgess, Kenna, Andrews, Carter-Buzzard. Treadwell . ST I [EVINS 2 .1 91 3 11 .5 18.5 (113) ST BERNARDS 4 .1 6.2 9 .4 12.5 (77) St . Kevins : Griffiths 6, Olive 2 . Bowles 2, Marchesani 2, Shelley 2, Curtis 2 . Kalesamn. P. Bare . Best R. Maguire. Griffiths, Sullivan, Curtis, Harper, Bowles. St . Bemards : D. Thomas 2, Allis 2, NP. Smitli . Legudi. Holland . Iannazzo, Glee. .~n. Burrowes, Osborne. Caldtorpe . Best James Mount, Evans, Legudi . lannazzo . Gleeson, Holland. DE LA SALLE 2 .3 4.4 10 .5 11.5 (71) MARCELLIN 1 .2 3.4 7 .6 10.9 (69) De La Dalle: Johnstone 6, C.Hyde 2 . Brkic, Mercuri, Walker. Best Elliott, Kane, Johnstone. Brine, Hesse . O'Brien . Marcellin: Wilkinson 2 . McMillan, Beechen, Caffrey, Balantine. Boyd . Gale, Gartner, Cronin. Best Dinneen, Colville. Maguire, S.0'Flytm. Gull. Godwin . R7HSOB 1 .2 1.2 1 .4 1 .5(11) OLD XAVERIANS 3.3 7.7 12.14 18.18 (126) MHSOB: McIntyre Best: Brookes . Davis, Patterson, Gerner, Armstrong, Mc6uyre Old Kaverian s: Not Received .


DE LA SALLE Coach : Paul Cooper Assist: Noel Jenkinson Res Coach : Terry Russell 1 L. Walke r 2 R . Buckley 3 B . Cori n 4 P. Murton (VC) 5 C . Swift 6 M. Herber 7 P. Harrison 8 J. La Ragy 9 J. Moloney 9R C . Chester 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans(C) 12 D.Toohey 13 A. Johnstone 14 C. Bowker 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Coffey 19 D. Thomas 20 M . Picone 21 A . McKenzie 22 M . Mercuri 23 D. O'Brien 24 J . Morel 24R C. Buick 25 C . Hyde 25 R . Walmsley 26 D . Spithill 27 S . Thomas 28 N . Herber 29 C. Browne 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyd e 32 R . Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 L . Williams 35 A . Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D . Hyland 37R D. Moore 38 D . McInerney 39 S. Kane 39R S . Hoy 40 C . Noseda 41 M. McHenry 42 P. Bourke 42R A . Bonnici 43 K. Brkic 44 K. Holden 45 P. Hesse 46 A. Skinns 47 A . Molan 48 D. Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 A . Boot s 50 D. Alderuccio 51 L. Douanghosay 52 E . Phillips 53 L. Derbyshire 54 D. Buckley 55 L. Meehan 56 C . Worstelling 57 R . Mark s 58 G. Wise 60 B . Hoy 61 L . Borella 70 M . Dugga n

MARCELL9N Coach : Simon Dairymple Res Coach : Peter Randal l 1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D . Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwin 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 8 R . Frisin a 9 D . Ballantine 10 A . Dal e 11 D . Taylor (RC) 12 B. Cronin 13 S. Dinneen 14 D . Salce 15 M. Chun 16 L. McMillan 17 G . Cox (VC) 18 D. Gartner 19 D. Cooper 20 S. O'Flynn 21 N. Walker 22 D. Marson 23 M . Edmonds 24 L. O'Flynn (RVC) 25 R. Gala6 26 D. McMillan 27 S . Theisz (VC) 28 D. Johnston 29 C. Moran 30 A . Treganowan (C) 31 C. Mason 32 M . Browne 33 G. Cul l 34 D. Jarred 35 J . Frazer 36 D. Cope 37 L. Considine 38 M . Boy d 39 B . Colville 40 A . Wilkinson 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen 43 A . Duncan 44 L. Hanson 45 D . Theisz 46 J. Mathews 47 M . Becchetti 48 A . Gallagher 49 B. Gale 50 A. Ryder 51 M. Maguire 52 C . Moran 53 C . Mathews 54 A. Gallagher 55 J . Wallis 56 S. Maguire 57 N . Addison 58 J . Ibrahim 72 D. Cracknell

1 .1- : ,_ .

Coach: Campbell Glover Assist : Terence Blythman Res Coach : Scott Robinson 1 J . Barnet t

2 S . McCully (SDVC) 3 A . Simpson 3 A . Angus 4 M . White 5 E . Raleigh 6 R .Joseph 7 P. Teller 8 J . Dixon (RVC) 8 J . Garne r 9 D . Fairchild (SCapt) 10 D . Norton 11 D . Simmons 12 R . Banting 12 M. Feierkranz (RCapt) 13 C . Kelly 14 A O'Brien 15 N . Adcock 16 J. Walker 17 R . Clowe s 18 R . Limbrick (SDVC) 18 B. McGrath 19 A. Brookes 20 T. Harper 20 D. Nichols 21 R. Patterson 22 A. Svirskis 22 D. Armstrong 23 L Taylor 24 S. Rundell 25 N. Orchard 26 A. Vicendese 28 J. Brown 29 G . McCully 30 R. Newton 31 J. Davis 32 A. Cassell (SDVC) 33 A. Saultry 33 S. Harrison 34 E. Thompson (SVC) 34 P. Rujevic 35 A. Mills (RVC) 35 S. Moore 36 P. McGrath 36 M . Ting 37 R. McIntyre 37 T. Harper 38 S . Robinson 39 S . Whittington 40 D. Membrey 40 W. Hayes 41 J . Anderson 42 P. Boyer 43 D. Vicendese 44 M . Hawkes 45 M . Brown 46 P. Wolnizer 47 R . Ware 48 G. Pollard 49 C . Duke 50 S. Osborne 53 P. Bai n 54 P. Willoughby 55 C . Wrigh t 56 T. Wright 57 D . Cassell 58 D . Fox


All Home

OLD IvANH DE Coach: Paul Fahey Assist: Darren Payne & Paul Northey Res Coach : Noel Spoor 1 A. Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 A . Jenkins 4 B . Davis 5 T. Young 6 S . Ken t 7 J . Geishan 8 T. Stevens (RC) 9 M . Karayannis 10 M . Crowle y 11 S . Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 M. Orchard 14 C . Moore 15 L . Bolzan 16 C . Mooney 17 A. Corcoran 18 J. Hope (VC) 19 M. Tolley 20 D . Hawkes 21 R . Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros (DVC) 25 E. Byrne 26 P. Lillis 27 J . Weddle 28 S. Morris 29 R. Weddle (C) 30 A. Gilbe rt 31 J . Stevens (DVC) 32 P. Dowd 33 N. Pratt 34 A. Tiernan 35 M . Pollock 36 B. Spoor 37 M . Berry 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J . Keane 41 A. Clark 42 S. Low 43 L. Hunter 44 A. Karafili 45 M . Toovey 46 M . Tozer 47 G . King 48 M . Clarke 49 L. Shay 50 S . Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 A. Clancy 53 S . Price 54 B . Guidera 55 A . Berezza 56 L. Courage 57 D. Harcou rt 58 G. Mclsaac 59 J . White 60 S . Hill 61 C . Binney 62 J. Baker 63 T. Hibbs 64 C . Barker 65 B . Shadbolt 66 D . Worry

IITECf! Computers Spectrum Assurances Sires MENSWEAR

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Dale Tapping Assist : Andrew Smith Res Coach : John Atla Assist: Simon Tallent 1 A . Nettleton 2 B . Phillips 3 J. Ross 4 T. Hoft (C) 5 S . Collins (VC) 6 A . Crow (VC) 7 J. Kitchen (VC) 8 B. Robinson 9 D . Brooke t 0 C . Smith 11 R . Aujard 12 S. Hume 13 N . Hooper 14 R . Mullins 15 R. Eagle 16 D. Jennings 17 D. Thomas 18 L. Hawkins 19 R.Josephs 20 S . Lillingston 21 J . Stratos 22 N. Addison 23 0 . Crane 24 C. Pattenden 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing (RC) 27 J . Pilkington 28 S . Prendergast 29 M . Gnarl 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leit l 32 J . Gerstman 33 J . McCarrol l 33R T. Wilson-Humphries 34 E . Oliver 35 P. O'Connor 36 A . Millar 37 E . Moffatt 38 R . Ashton 39 C. Stevens 41 M . Lipshut 42 M . Watt s 43 R . Breisch 44 C . Evans 45 M . Blenheim 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger 48 S . Miles 49 M . O'Brien 50 T. Hosking 51 L . Freeman 52 D . Kniaht 53 G .Junkeer 54 N . Simon 56 C . Tallent 57 J. Crane 59 D .ISe r 60 T. Wigney 61 S.Jones 62 N . Tassell 63 P. Ise r 64 N . Costello 65 C . Armstrong 66 A. Routledge 67 J. Pulvirenti 68 N . Gil l 69 C . Nea l 70 S. Thompson 71 D . Jackson 73 M . Volvodic 74 M . Ri x 75 S. Troon 76 N . Coo 77 C Joyc e

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. .._ . . . .. .

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OLD TRINITY Coach : Leigh Carlson Assist : Phil Gaut .®s Coach : Craig Neave

Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res Coach : Serge D'Anoelo

Coach : Peter Nicholson Res Coach : Joe Watkins

1 M . Blood

7 Van Der Venne T

6 A . Oswald

6 C . Runnalls

Frost C 9 Andrews A VIC 10 Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S 11 Gorman A . . Pirouet N Collins M 13 Cade J 14 Parkin A

7 S . Lethlean 8 P. McDonald 9 J . Hawkins 10 D. Rennex 11 Ad Jones 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 Dn Stoney 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 N. Bingham 17 D. Richardson 18 M . Green 19 M . Callinan 20 . M. Hardman 20 . J. Scanlan 21 A. Parton 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 24 B . Coughlan 25 R. Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J . Drake 28 A. McDonald 30 T. Clarke (v.c) 31 L. Tuddenham 32 A. Brushfield 33 A. Sassi 34 R. Jones

7 S . Clarke 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan (VC) 10 N . Mitchell (C) 11 C . Davis

16 Hiil as C 17 Hatfield G 18 Clarke L

19 Barr C 20 Phillips C

1 Kennedy L - Deane-Johns G 23 Ramsden A C/C Christopherson J

C^rneron F Dunahoo B Greig M Hine A P bitt L l.t.:Kinnon R 31 Burgess J 32 Cornell J 33 Rogers D Deane-Johns L Pawsey M

Sutcliffe J

3 7,

Van Der Venne S(RiC) Cochrane A

38 Phillips R


39 Oberoi S 4 Beardsl.y D Lauletta S

2 Armatas C

Dodgson B Power B 4b Treadwell G S Morpeth T ?i Cooper S 41' Schultze D Ward C Caner-Buszard L(RNIC) Robison M

7i Mithen P

52 Heaven C 53 Plain G 54 Blackmore B 1 5 Taylor C Best E : Oberoi A F-q Stebbins C Cade T(W'V)C) Manseur S Cris6ano D Cokalis S F' Cade S Kenna A Medlin S

3 Perry T

e7 Amf ni A Hii A 69 Somerville W 70 Bullen M 71 Langdon S 7 2 Munroe H 3 Hildebrandt D 74 Thwaites M 75 ChisholmM 76 Matthews M

77 Kelly T

78 erady w


A>$emis J 0i PeggieA



Coach: Michael Conla n Res Coach : Steve Carroll

Res Coach: Steve Williams D. Baynes I 2 D. Burrowes 3 R . Cousland 4 D . Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC)

1 Kennedy S (ViC) 2 Hudson G 3 Reynolds L 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 6 Gnatt P

15 Stephens T

Coach: Mike McArthur-Allen Asst Coach: Andrew,' nerland

2 D. Orlando 3 L. Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan 5 S . Mollard

1 2 3 4 5

N . Fraser R . Grinter D . Curtis A . Ukovic M . Dollman (C) 6 P. O 'Keefe (VC) 7 K . Gray 8 B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J . Pangrazio 13 R . Bowles

1 Slimmon D(VC ) 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J(VC) 4 Guengerich D (VC )

5 Gleason Q(VC) 6 Fricker G

13 C . Mitchell 14 A . Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L. Turnbull 17 L. O'Sullivan

14 P. Greenhorn

18 D . McLaughlin

19 D . Sheehy (RC) 20 K . Bowden 21 R . Maguire

37 T. Maher 39 M . Meehan

19 L. Gollant 20 C . Gray 21 B . Loughlin 22 M . O'Riley 23 A . Mastropasqu a 24 N . M .Smith 25 C . Osbome 26 J . Gollant 27 James Mount (RC) 28 P. Gilmour 29 L. Wilkinson 30 C . Trewin 31 B . Swan 32 T. Harvey 33 B . Altis 34 D . Byrne 35 L.CamPbell 36 R . Legudi 37 A . Catterall 38 J . Simpson

40 N . Moore

7 Rourke T 8 Hayter J 9 Meade S 10 Stockdale P 11 12 McLachlan G (C)) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 18 McEwin A 19 Collins M 20 Gleeson D 21 McIntyre T (VC) 22 Millard B 23 24 Russell S 25 SollyA 26 Gates B 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M(RC) 29 30 Larkin A 31 Callery B 32 Suvoltos A 33 McKie M 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A 36 Brooke J 37 Kaso S 38 Wilson A

40 W. Rolfe

39 C . Baumgartner

41 G. Anderson

39 Birtley T

41 A. Dillon

40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overman 42 P. Kinniburgh 43 M . Stapleton 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 R . Pizzichetta

42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G. Katavolos 46 J . Travaglia 47 A . Conlan 48 L. Harper 49 L. Kalesaran 51 D. Bare 52 J . Finch 53 J . Griffiths 55 E . Crohan 56 P. Natale 57 B . Quirk 58 J . Ferrari 59 R. Chivers 60 A. Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B . Hicks 64 T. Crowley 66 N. Marchesani 67 T. Purcell 73 P. Byrne 75 R. Campagna 79 G . O'Connor

40 Hocking J 41 Quin L 42 Treloar B 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R

35 A . Delaney 36 B . Dwyer

43 T. Woodruff 44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B . Dixon 47 T. Ruyg 48 J . McDonnell 49 T. Lowrie 50. T. Biddlecombe 51 D. Walsh 52 P. Funder 55 J . Healy

56 A. Oswald 58 M . Mahon 63 R. Coughlan 66 A. Wilson


12 B . Hogan

48 N . P.Smith 49 S . McCurry 50 C. Calthorpe 51 P. Romanin 52 A . Fewater 53 S . lannazzo 54 T. James 55 J . Lloyd 56 L. O'Brien 57 B . McManus 58 J . DeBlank 59 L. Evans 60 P. Mastropasqua 61 J . Mastropasqua 62 A. Bouzikas 63 H . Pekes 64 R. Pekes

15 M . Olive (DVC) 16 B . Garvey (VC) 17 D . Ryan 18 P. Gissing

23 S . Lowerson 24 H . Pride 25 B . Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton (DVC) 30 M . Gargano 31 A . McGuinness 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire (RVC) 34 T. Hobart 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Pangrazio (RVC) 38 J . O 'Brie n

39 S . Cobble

Si mpsoe Constructio ns NORTH




45 Armstrong J 46 McKerrow M 47 Young R 48 Briggs A 49 Chamberlain L 50 Nailon H 51 Brown A 52 O'Donnell P

53 Versteegen R 54 Bennett S 55 Dalymore B 56 Irvine T 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholtz J 59 Toohey J 60 McKinley T 61 Coleman B 62 Taylor N 63 Hardcourt J 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 McKerrow R 67 McAloon D(RVC)

~/rs'(i OS'4G(f°GP


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The spate of upsets indicates that I'm either th etip ngfot, rwehaveon very vencompetion

. Many would think theformer, but f think we've got a humdinger of a section at the hatf way mark, and it even punters in Brisbane ta(kingrr It's has the looking like that the final four won't be settled until 5pm on Saturday 24 August. REVIEW At Central Reserve, Mazenod were too strong for a disappointing Old Hai2eybms, by 14 pts . Some mighty big cracks are starting to appear at McKinnon , On Keitor Hill, i copped yet another phone call as the circus out there rolls on, where Old Essendon gave old Paradians a licking by 32 pts . a ayrf omchotne E~~o~dy o~erran an thei Brighton by 14 pts .

Orun r inconsistent


At the Borvling Green, Old Melburnians rolled on when they disposed of a hapless Hampton Ravers by a fair bit pts), to get their flag aspirations back on track . Finally, Therry were dealt their very own "Death in Brunscviek" as NOBs effectively ended their hopes of staying in B Section in 2003 by 37 pts . PREVIE W NOBs (1 /4) are going for 8 straight against M azenod (7/2) at the home of footy, EP, and the way they're going, who am I to argue?? NOBs by 20 pts . On Keilor Hill, the presidential zanyness that goes with Old Essendon is tested again when they host Old HaAeYbury (7/4) (2/5). The Wheels and OE will prevail by 3 pts . are a lot steadier on the Hit) Down beaehside, the oil companies again win out as Old Brighton (4I6) welcome Old p~d,;~ (I f1), Tough one t o


Mulligan Old Melburnimi s Hakim Old Essendon 5 31 Porteous Old Paradians 0 28 6 Barker North Old Boys 28 Power H 2 ampton Rovers 2 2 56 B RESERVE E fsthatlnou Old Haileybury 6 Munro North Old Boys 8 34 27 Floyd Old Haileybury 2 22 Somata Old Haileybur y 18 Bains Old Melburnians 4 1


call, so Will go for home team (OB) by 8 pts . On the Bowling Green, Old R=tetburniazis (1 /5) host the Gunn-hatin g OTmond ( 4i 1). OMs to be too strong for a plucky Ormond by 16 pts . T2:erry (2i 1) roll out the red carpet to the long travellin g Hampton overs e curren t ullres , I llHbe able(to hearlithe celebrations frml gid .1Fe bolter (Therry) to salute by 10 Pis . Th ~,~~ . . . NOBs (1 /41 vs Mazenod (3r1 1) NOBs by 7pts Old Essendon (7/4) vs Old Haileybru-a, (2/5) OE by 2 pts Old Brighton (12/ 1) vs old Paradians (1 / 15) OP by E0 pts Old Meiburn, (I/12) vs Ormond (10,'1) O,;q by 55 pts Therry(3/1) vs Ham 4, t on Rovers (1 /4) HR by I pt

MID YEAR R,째ir "~`째 째 IliAhxPTOPd

ROVERS - a good start to the yea gave Norm Goss plenty to work with, but some heavy lossessincehave pill them into short odds for relegation . MAZENOD - injuries have made life tough for the VAl i~ coaching guru (Dave Murray), and whilst they aren`t going as well as 2000 . thev'Il give die four a shake . OLD BRIGHTON - Stuart Glascott must be going nuts trying to get some consistency into his side week, poor a ne . Great one gta the



xin the four is theirs .

ESSENDON - they're slowly getting used to the tempo of B Section, and Chris Bye has them playing good footp I'll never hear the end of it if they make the four, but their destiny is in their own hands .

OLD HAILEYBURY McKinnon the wheels are getting wobbly at , and Mick Ihvyer is going gangbusters trying to tighten the wheel nuts and get them back on the Might be a tough ask the way they're going right no w road .

OLD t~1ELBURIYIARlS - if the Bowling Green boys could Only kick straight, who knows bow far in front they'd be . Erwin Leyden knows there is a lot of work to do yet, although I say they'11 nearly N~,-in W ! OLD p~D~S just when you thought it was safe to say that the custodians of Bundoora are finals bound, along comes a loss, and Matt Ryan must be asking "why me". The talent is there . but is the application????? ORB~iOND - for some inexplicable reason, this mob can't beat an egg at home, and '

yet they're fearless awav . If Mick IORuppel can fix this. thendpre-season doomsayers will be the ones beating die egg of their faces! ! NOBS - the quiet achievers of 2002, as Garry Foulds an


his lads have cobbled together 7 in a row, which is a great effort. Odds on for a top two finish . TfiERRY - unfortunately, the lads from Oak Park are good things to head to C Section next year, but they've been closer than the results indicate . Wayne Harmes will persist with the youngsters, and stranger things have happened before . . . FLAG BETTING . . . 2s is Old Melburnians 111 Old Melburnians 1/2 NOBs 5/2 Old Haileybury 5/4 Old Paradians 7/1 Old Paradians 10/1 Old Haileybury 8/1 NOBS 12/1 Old Brighton 12/1 Old Essendon 33/1 ~,Iazenod 15/1 Mazenod 33/1 Old Essendon 33/1 Hampton Rovers 100/1 Ormond 50/1 Therry 500/1 Hampton Rovers 250/1 Old Brighton 500/1 Therry 500/1 Ormond 500/ 1

F1 ORM0ND - congratulates =< uiLi :ew (Myer) hScConviti for playing 200 games for his club . tatt has been a champion player for his Club beginning his career there in 1989 . He :ras a member of the 1989 and 1990 A Grade Premiership sides. Matt has been Club Champion on four occasions (1994, 1998, 2000 and 2001) and also Competition best and fairest three times (A Grade 1994 and 1995 an d B Grade 2001) He spent two years with VFL side Sandringham (1996 and 1997) to test his skills at a higher level. Since his return to the Club in 1998, the current Captain of the Club has been Ormond's number one nlekmall and prime mover . Congratulations Matthew from all at the Club on this particularly significant milestone . OLD HAILEYBURY - congratulate Scott Rowlands oil playing his 50th game for the Bloods against Mazenod last week . Having first played in '96 this milestone has been delayed due to an extended OS trip and a troublesome thumb fracture . A member of last year's reserve premiership team . Scott joins the long list of brothers to achieve games playing milestones at OH . Well done Scotty. tJ .3ZENOD - congratulates Rod Hawkins, Adrian Quinn and John Ballenger for playing their 100th games . Rod has been a great forward since coming up form the U 19's and has finally reached the seniors . He is a great left foot kick and is great for the team both on and off the field . Adrian is a great onballer and very tough down back and travels from Warragul each week to play . Jolm has retired twice and came back to help out the Club k171I1 but has made his way through to the seniors and is playing great football . Also congratulations to Nick Marine and Andrew Pickering on playing their 50th games with the club over the last two weeks . Both are great footballers and clubmen .

' MATCHES - , North Old Boys v . Mazenod at EP Saturday Old Essendon v . Old Haileybury Old Brighton v. Old Paradians Old Melburnians v . Ormond Therry Penola v. Hampton Rovers TIJC


ii~t!1 9.8 13.14 (92) ?, ::`$IZiiOB 1 .1 7 .4 6.3 7.4 11.5 12 .6 78) OLD HAILEYBURY Mazenod : Harley 4. Beard 3, 0`Dona,'.nie 2, J Dunne, Murray. S Morgan . Best: Beard, Fuller. Meehan, J Dunne . Parry, Veltman . Old Haileybury : Brooks 4. Kejna 2, Carson 2, McMahon, Jenke, Johnston, Ladd. Base D Lay, Brooks, Carson, Bourke, Fletcher, Ladd . Umpires: M. Taylor, L. Monerieff(F). L . Mav,opoutos . R. Dunstan (G) OLD ESSENDON 4 .1 9,5 14 .7 18.15 (123) 12.11 13.13 (91) OLD PARADIANS 3 .5 9.7 Old Essendon: Fleming 3, Biggs 2 . Caridi 2, McPherson 2 . DiPietro 2, Heritage 2, J Kavanagh 2, Podger 2, Ridley . Best- McPherson. Dragojola . Biggs, Heritage, Wilson, DiBlasi . Old Paradians: Porteous 6, Boyd 2, Sinclair 2 . Ciavota . Dallas, Reiner. Best: Curran, Ciavola, Por[eous, Loney, Dallas . Brabender. Umpires : D . Mousley (RDL), P.James (F), RDL, RDL (B), D. Napoli, (RDL) (G) 3.4 7 .5 9.7 11 .7 (73) OLD BRIGHTON ORMOND 3.0 5 .2 8.5 13.9 (87) Old Brighton: March 3, VanDenDugen 2, Marshall, Hendra, O'Neill, S Gitulavm . A Ginnavin, &9'rzi. Best: McMahon, Eu2rt, N. Williams, Murch, Edwards, VanDenDungen . Ormond : Grace 5. Robbins 3, Martin 2, Delidio 2„ Black Wilson . Best Smith, Murphy. Delidio. Marturov, McConvill . Umpires: C . Stevens, M. Jenkins (F) . R Nation, J. Kramer (B), K . Brewer, P. Maddocks (G) OLD RSELBURNIANS 1 .2 8.4 14.11 19 .16 (130) 4 .1 7.3 10.4 11.7 (73) HAMPTON ROVERS Old Melburn3ans: Mulligan 5, Hazell 4, Ja Miller 2 . Mulquiney 2, Thompson 2 . Berry, Hawkins. Kennon. Kinsella. Best. Smith, Kennon, Berry, Holme, Thompson, Mulquiney . Hampton Rovers; Davey 4, Power 2 . Barker, Busby. Connelly. Martyn, Wills . Best- McKellar, Browne, Power, Davey . Connelly, Dr Anderson . Umpires: M . Morrison, R Mayston (F) . R. Mayston (J), C. O'Shea (B). B . Jephson, L . Pell (G) NORTH OLD BOYS 5.3 9.6 12 .10 15.14 (104) THERRY PENOLA OB 4 .2 5 .5 8 .8 9 .13 (67) North Old Boys : J Barker 4, M Barker 3, Phyland'3 . Spurting 2, Sanders, Martin. Tehan. Best Collison, Spoiling, Tehan, M Barker, Phyland . Martin . Therry : Edwards 4, O'Connor 4, Castaldt . Best: Castahll, Grant, Carter, Henderson . 0•Camor, D Goodwin. Umpires: S . Morgan, L. Holmes (F), S. MeKetzzie (B). R. Seymour, K. Coughlan (G) RESERVES MAZENOD 1.1 3 .5 5.9 13.10 (88) 6 .2 10.4 12.7 15.8 (98) OLD HAILEYBURY Mazenod : Hawkins 4, Snart 2, Maskell, Fuller, Jones, S .Fisher, Strawhorn, Quinn. Hose. Best: Polan, Hawkins,Snarn. Quinn . Wilson, Gooden . Old Haileybury: Efstathiou 6, Somaia 4, L .Floyrcl 2, Goulden, Bell, Jayasekera. Best G.Snuth, RMitchell . Jayasekera, Pmmtney, L .Floyd, Goulden . OLD ESSENDON 3.5 4.7 5.13 7.15 (57) OLD PARADIANS 1 .0 8.3 10 .3 12,7 (79) Old Essendon: Healy 2, Morgan 1, Evans 1, Bariram 1, McGowan 1 . Salvo 1. Best- Papeail, Hexter, Healy, Rush, Walker, Evans . Old Paradlans : Dintonosante 3. Palermo 2, Paglia 112, Galloway 2, Tenson 1 . Cosgriff 1 . Dean 1 . Best: DSntinosante, Furze, Simpson, Ball, Stevens, Galloway. 7.5(47) OLD BRIGHTON 1.1 2 .3 5.3 ORMOND 3 .3 5 .4 7.9 12 .14 (86) Old Brighton: Ross 2, Scott 2, McKimrn 1. Maguire 1, Fox I . Best McNicrol, Maguire, Scott, McKtmm . Stewart . Reddin . Ormond : Stewart 3, Monashan 3. Lom 2. Cleary 1, A . Russell 1, Stephens l, Lelmer 1 . Bosh Putz, Casey, Wlielan, Farrell . Keleher. Stewart . OLD ASELBURNLANS 5 .1 10 .4 14.6 18.9 (117) 4 .5(29) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .2 2 .2 3.3 Old Melburnians: Magee 4, Evans 3, Rose 3,1Vhitehead 3 . Bains. Ray, ASimpson, RSimpson . Verge . Best: Evans, Rose, Magee. Verge, Waddell . Tsiotras. Hampton Rovers: Adams. Gray, Ricella, Redder. Beak Levy, S.Rodder, Almiento, Flynn, H.Spratt. NORTH OLD BOYS 8.4 16.8 19 .11 21.14 (140) 1 .1 2 .2(14) THERRY PENOLA 1 .1 1.1 North Old Boys : Munro 8, Bryar, Meehan Sleep, Collins, CasseliT .Kennedy . AKennedy, Sleep . . Cassel, Munro. Collins, Meehan 2, Monk 1 Best: Therry Penola: Mifsud 2. Best: Hollow, Kennedy. Christi, Moloney . Goodvnn . Moran.





OLD F :-i

1 A . Brudar 2 M . McKellar 3 D. Busby 4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Martyn 6 T Wilmott 7 A. Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Barker 10 B. Hol t 11 J . Zampaglione 12 B . Culling 13 G. Woods 14 P. Pik e 15 A . Browne (VC) 16 D. Marshall 17 D. Artz (VC) 18 S. Rudder 19 M. Lawrence 20 A . Power 21 G. Carr 22 B . Hoare 23 S . Helliger 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 S. Wills 27 M . Nitschke 28 A . Fisher 29 M . Fletcher 30 A .Ouon 31 T. Pucell a 32 David Anderson (RC) 33 M . Lake 34 Daniel Andersen 35 J . Rodde r 36 M . Pearson 37 L . Holt 38 P. Adams 39 N . Goss 40 A . Wearmouth 41 M . Levy 42 M . Lanagan 43 44 B. Johnstone 45 C . Delosa 46 L . Woolrich 47 L. Wheeler 48 L . Carson 49 M . Flyn n 50 N . Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 J . Connelly 53 J . N g 54 J . Almiento 55 J. Prantzos 56 C . Wilkinson 57 S . Ros e 58 C . Marinis 59 TWoodruif 60 C. Probyn 62 N. Deeming

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

D . Lancaster A. Quinn A . McIntyre A . Hanley (C) D. Maskel l P. Nelso n S . Morgan R. Fos s 9 P. Gooden 10 C . Jayaweera 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D . Hos e 12 J . Ballenger 13 P. Fuller 14 N . Meehan (DVC) 15 N. Parry 16 M . Apollonio 17 J . Beard 18 D . O'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 20 C . Murray (RVC) 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 B . Chamberlain 23 A. Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 A. Pickering (VC) 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 27 D . Krom 27 P. Jones 28 N . Marmo 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N . Short (RDVC) 32 B . King 33 D . Grant 34 B. Chamberlain 35 R . Hawkin s 36 D . Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 J . Fishe r 39 D. Bradshaw 41 A. Bouchereau 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 A. Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 B. Thomson 46 D . Dunne 47 P. Steinle

I: . i ERNATIONAL PTY. LTD . Ph : 9595 64 ,


each : Garry Fould s Res C :h : Pat Brooks

Coach : David Murray Res Coach : Tony Collin s

Coach: Norm Goss Res Coach : Tony Naumoff

Ph : 9597 0166 wivw .hamptor:rovers .com .au

48 G . Tillin g 49 L. Halvy (RDVC) 51 P. Ree d 52 S . Veltman 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L . Fuller 56 L . Rudling 58 D . Morris 59 B . Code s 61 M . McDowell 62 M . Gonsalvez 64 A. Wilson


1 J. Cassell 2 D. Keenan 2 D . Waters 3 A . Trimboli RVC 4 S. Sleep 5 D . Skene 6 N . Vogels DVC 7 P. Booth s B . Collison C 9 H. Maplestone 10 M. Nulty 11 T. Roberts 12 S. Lock 13 T. Halpin 14 B . Clancy 15 C. Faraci 16 D. Collin s 17 J . Fitzclarence 18 C. Murray 19 P. O'Farrell 20 W. Martin 21 N, Casboult 22 D . Tehan 23 B . Whiteside 24 J . Barker VC 25 G . Phyland 26 P. Brooks 27 W. McTaggart 28 D . Joyce RC 29 C . Hosking 30 M . Leigh 31 L. Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M . Barker 34 M. Hyde 35 M. Carney 36 M. Polatajko 37 J. Eastaugh 38 M. Amor 39 T. Docherty 40 C. Phyland 41 K. Ny e 42 A. Kennedy 43 D. Zacek 44 T. Spurting 45 L . Meehan 46 P. Daniels 47 T Kennedy 48 A. Munro 49 T. Kooloos 50 T. Dru m 51 T. Brady 52 N. Sanders 53 S . Butcher RVC 54 D. Demart e 55 M. Joyce 56 D . Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 58 T. Cameron 59 C. Kennedy 60 M . Cribbes 61 G . Too k 64 L . Rya n 66 P. Bryar


67 S. Saad

68 J . Maher {~ 69 J . Joyce 77 S . Trenton


Coach: Stuart Glascott Res Coach : Paul D er 1 A. Krzvwniak 2 A. Pirrie 3 C . Barrow (VC) 4 A. MacGillvray 5 T. Marshall 6 R . Stewart 7 B . Logan 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox (VC) 10 J . Mead 11 L. Adamis 11 A. Fitzgerald 12 B. Williams 13 N . Edwards 14 S . Williams (C) 15 C. Mizz i 16 J . Haman n 17 A. Van Den Dungen 18 A. Salem 19 S. Ginnavin 20 B. Gadsden 21 T. Ewe n 22 N . Biggin 22 L O'Neill 23 N . Milat 24 25 S. Nickas 26 A. Ginnavin 27 D . Paterson 28 N . Williams 29 J . Dickerson 30 E . McCowan 31 A . Brown 32 D. Begley 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C. Stewart 36 M. Wardell 37 B. McMahon 38 J . Raj u 39 K . Kavanagh 40 41 M . Allen 42 L. Hendra 43 R. Carter 44 R . Sherman 45 C . McKimm 46 M . Billionis A7 S. Adam 48 B . Dever 49 B . Scott 50 X . Johnson 51 M .J .T. Smith 52 A.J . Paterson 53 L. McPherson 54 55 M . Gamble 56 57 J . Murch 58 59 60 61 A. Wals h 62 A. Lynch 63 S. Davies 64 M .Reid

Coach : Chris Bye Res Coach: Robert O'Brien 1 J . Pannagiotopolous 2 S . Evans 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D. Rya n 5 M .Oxnam 6 C . Ridley 7 J . Leas k 8 J . Heritage 9 J . Goodger 10 S . Bryant 11 B . Papal 12 J . Kavanagh 13 M . Ross i 14 B . Hakim 15 T Di Blas i 16 S. McPherson 17 P. Hexte r 18 J . Walker 19 E . Healey 20 D. Hunter 21 S . Dale 22 A. Merrington 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazkiw 25 C . Morgan 26 S . Fleming 27 D . Bar r 28 G . Stevens 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D . Caridi 32 J . Mansfield 33 A, Dawson 34 D . Podger 35 L . Kavanagh 36 M . Burn s 37 M . Jinks 38 D. Whitfield 39 B . Newbold 40 C .Obliubek 41 S. De Morton 42 N . Bertram 43 N . Fitzpatrick 44 J . Rus h 45 P. Barry 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S . Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 C . Clues 50 A. Nowland 51 A . McGowan 52 J . Williamson 53 T. Campbell 54 A . Morrison 55 B . Turner 56 S . Dart 57 W. Conlan 58 T. Williams 60 S. Ce6n


Coach : Mick Dwyer Res Coach: Andrew Bonwrick 1 A. McMahon 2 R . Kejna 3 P. Dimond 4 S. Langford-Jones 5 J. Bourke 6 A. White (DVC) 7 Adam Hilton 9 S. Rowlands 10 C. Efstathiou 11 M . Graves 12 B. O'Farrell 13 B. Harrop 14 A. Forsyth 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell (RVC) 17 Ash Hilton 18 C. Jayaskera C 19 M . Armstro n9{) 20 M. Goodier 21 A. Jenke 22 D . Mason 23 G . Fletcher 24 A. Ross 25 B. Johnston 26 J . Bell (R C) 27 R . Brandham 28 A. Shepherd 29 B. Carson (VC) 30 D . Warnes 31 D . Lay 32 B. Mitch," 33 P. Wri ght 34 F . Langford-Jones 35 D . Lappage 36 B. Lay 37 A. Floyd 98 L . Floyd 39 H . Brooks 40 S. Davey 41 S. Saunders (RVC) 42 S. Durkin 3 C . Pountney 4 4 L. Pitcher 45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden :7 R . Mitchell (RVC) 48 C . Moyle 49 G. Finlayson 50 R . Ladd 51 S . Richardson 52 G. Smith ~3 L. Cu rtain 54 R . Saunders 55 L. Byrns 56 M . Anderson 57 A . Morisi 58 B . Melin 60 M . Somaia 61 J . Miller 3 W. Smith 64T. Cute

,. .,



Coach : Erwin Leyden Assist: Michael Lovejoy 1 Smith D 2 Theodore S (C) 3 Treloar A 4 Hazell M 4 Barrett N 5 Crawshay S 5 Woodford D 6 Holme D (DVC) 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 8 M arks D 9 Gr ant B 9 Simpson 10 Roberts T(VC) 10 M ar ks B 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 12 Ha rt J 13 Thiele B 14 Verge M 14 Kinsella D 15 Rose M 16 Lewski A 17 Miller J 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R (DVC) 19 Provrse M 20 Guest J 21 Keeble C 22 Waddell A(RC) 23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Thomas P 26 Kennedy C 26 Walker C 28 Teelow A 29 Mulligan T 30 Miller J 30 Wu A 31 Sallabank J 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J 35 Ray C 36 Grant J 37 Murray S 38 Bryant T 39 Field D 40 Useinov Z 42 Evans B 43 Farquharson E 44 Grundy P 45 Murphy C 46 Neeson C 47 Harrison T 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Simpson A 51 Kennon M 52 Campbell B 53 Ber ry J 54 Grscheska T 55 Godley J 56 Mulcahy J 57 Gains A 58 Weir I 59 Alder C 60 Power J 61 Berman J 62 Trim C 63 Quest G 64 Ledwidge B 65 Pruden J 68 Hicks M 70 Whitehead H

Ehluq hg h Soss Pt g IN ~D THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

OL 5 :' ". ;" ~E ; _ Coach: Matt Ryan Res Coach : Peter Slack 1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 M . Cosgriff 4 A. Curran 5 M. Harford 6 D . Stevens 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A . Sinclair 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 A. Bums 12 B . Galloway 13 B . Richardson 14 B . Brabender 15 S . Fellowes 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 18 G. Porteous 19 A . Dean 20 T. Brown 21 D. Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A . Heffernan (C) 26 D. Boundy 27 K . Jenkins 28 B . Reiner 29 J . Dallas 30 A. Boyd 31 N. Dallas 32 P. Pratt 33 S . Ciavola 34 B . Hayes 35 S . Simpson (C-R) 36 B . Dintinosante 42 R. Murray 43 44 D. Fu rze 45 A. Paglia 46 R. Clark 47 N. Ball 48 S . O' Meara 51 A. Baker 52 M . Joyce 63 54 S. Yeo 55 60 J. Connolly



Coach : MichaelKnuppel Assist: Pat Mannix Res Coach: Peter O'Dea 1 L. Wilson 2 D. Becke tt 3 L. Murphy 4 A. Grace (VC) 5 M . Martinov 6 D. Whelan 7 S. Keleher (VC) 8 M . Miller 9 G . Hall 10 A . Martin 11 D. Robbins N) C 12 B. Delidio 13 B. Stone 14 S. James 15 S. Naughton 16 T. Stewart (RC) 17 J . B dges 18 S. Crame Y 19 D. Cleary (RVC) 20 M. McConvill (C) 21 R . Wiley 22 G . Lehner 23 J. Knuppel 24 A. Goonan 25 J. Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan (RVC) 28 A . Moore 29 M. Broadhurst 30 G. Ritchie ( RVC) 31 H . Black 32 A . Low 33 M . Collins 34 A . Russell 35 L. Russell 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everi tt 38 D . Broadhurst 39 M . Fenari 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 J . Kools tr a 42 C . Keleher 43 L. Smith 44 N . Baldwin 45 L. Breitkreuz 46 C . Clea ry 47 J . Monaghan 48 B . Healy 49 S . Metz 50 D. Geenock 51 D. McKenna 52 S . Betsy 53 G . Hammond 54 F. Melanie 55 J . Putz 56 M . Farrell 57 S . Stephens 58 T. Banks 59 P. Konstanty

' . ' '~NDLA

Coach: Wayne Hermes Assist : Peter Appleford & Mark Finniga n Res Coach : Michael Bosanko 1 Petrevski M 2 Mills A (DVC) 3 Bannister R 4 Ellio t M 5 Sacco S 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 0'Sullivan D(VC) 12 Moran R 15 McMahon A(DVC Res ) 16 Goodwin M 17 O'Connor G 18 Ca rter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Reynolds L 25 Edwards P 26 Lewis B 27 Garoni M 29 Goodwin S 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J 34 McWhinney M 35 McKay A 36 B arron D 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancarrow M 39 Boyle S(C) 40 Garoni P 43 Warren M 44 A C arter M P 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 McAuliffe A 49 Whykes B 50 Barron B 51 Candiloro D 52 Weston D 53 La Fontaine N 54 Riley S 55 Garoni M (VC Res) 56 Dunne P 57 Weston S 60 Sacco P 61 Sacco S 62 Caccamo D 63 Moloney A 64 O'Meaia J 65 Stella S 66 Green A 67 Tsmaris G 69 Sarong S 70 Kuret L 71 Lyons R 72 Johnson S 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 79 Higgins T 84 Russell G 87 Jones P 89 Christie A(C Res) 93 Smith J 96 Redden S 98 Hollow B 99 La Corcia M 100 Loiudice J 104 B:ddlestone G 106 Murphy P 108 Thomas D 119 RatclJ e A 129 Boden D 132 Costello R 134 Donohue M 135 0"Hallaron S

139 Fenn A


Firstly congratulations to all those from C-Grad e associated with the VAFA's win against the SFL Friday week . ago. You did yourselves, your club's and the VAFA proud Many thanks to all at St Bedes hqentone-Tigers for the kind invitation to Lunch on Saturday prior to the Whitefriars game. Your hospitality and welcome was truly most appreciated. It was great to see you win and you are certainly as a club headed in the right direction . Special thanks to Date, Mark, and Iviatt for looking after me Hope to catch up again before year's end.

R EVIEW Prahran really struggled all day to throw off an impressive Panthers lineup who produced their best football for the year. It was a tough struggle throughout the first half, but it was yet again the third term that cost the visitors as the Two Blues ran riot kicking some 8 goals to three to hold a handy 21 point buffer at orange time . This was whittled back to 9 but the home side steadied to win by 16 . Wily veteran Kip Walford was best for the victors, along with Craig Bamford who kicked 8 and Ben Sanderson . Justin Costello had the ball on a string to be BOG . Wes Ballantine made a sensational return and Tony Bournon was good . Banyule had 2 goals on the board the Well ers had scored and one felt perhaps this was going to be their day . and a 13 point lead at 1/4 time supported this theory. Great 2nd stanza had the difference 3 points in the Bears favour at the long break . Even third one had the lead in Old Camberwell's favour at the last change and then a burst of 6 unanswered goals saw them come away with a comfortable victory . Better players for Banyule were Luke Richardson, Brad Willmore and Travis Gloury . Wellers???? Perfect conditions at Banksia Oval saw Beaumaris get off to a strong start and lead by 3 goals at the first break . The Fields had done their sums though and learnt how to play the big ground and ran through the lines to bridge the gap and hit the lead on half time . This momentum continued into the third as opporamities were created and the goals peppered and the Sharks were under the hammer to the tune of some 4 twins heading into the last . Undetered the Grammarians kicked another 3 to lead by some 40 points before the Gold and Blues added 5 late ones to narrow the margin to 13 points short in a real crunch game . Browne, Fallu and Scott were all solid for the Fields, but it was difficult to single out anyone in a great team effort . Beauy???? We all wish Andrew Edge from the Sharks a speedy recovery from a serious injury suffered in this game . Perhaps Lawso you should stay under that table in Bali for the rest of the year as your absence certainl_y did not help youur team's fortunes . This was totally make or break for Glen Eira and they controlled the play all day, but unfortunately for them and this has been the tone of their season thus or. Collegians hit the front for the first time all day with some 6 seconds remaining . Unbelievable stuff heartbreaking for the more experienced Sainters and character building for the young Lions rewarded with 4th possie. Admit they stole it the Lions but 4 points are 4

points. Ed Waters was terrific all day, backed up by the winning goalkicker Cam Unsworth and youn g

Nick Abbott. Dimma continued his rep form to be the Saints best along with Weerden and the Big Angel Doc hTeeSon . And so to the top of the table clash in front of yours truly a large crowd and a bright sunny day at Brindisi Street . The Friars in different jumpers started well and got the first couple on the board. The Tigers once they settled kept coming back and she was anyone's ball game at the first change . The second term belonged to the home side as they played tough footy not allowing the Friars to get out in the open and run. Still up for grabs at the half, soon dispelled in the third as the Tigers were hungrier and had 4 more

twins on the board before the Friars realised they were ou t of the changerooms . Although the gap was narrowed slightly towards the end first blood in the psychological battle went to the Tigers. Along with it TOP SPOT. Andrew Hayes played a great game for the victors, Paul Wintle and Matt Connolly were miserly in defense and as usual Moose knocked up getting possessions. For the Friars Sam Alexander was their best Riehie Pawlik was always dangerous and Tommy Langford under the odds defended stoutly .

PREVIEW And so to the start of Round two and the second hatf of a very interesting season. Beanmaris were pretty impressed with Prahran first time around as they gave them a run for their money . Both sides have had mixed fortunes since and have suffered quite a few injuries so it is almost the survival of the fittest . Even away from home today I think the Sharks will win, they have to win in all reality to keep in touch . St Bedes Mentone-Tigers at home again welcome their close neighbours Old Mentonians Long term rivalry exists here so no quarters will be given by either side . The Tigers have to be a bit wary of a bit of a letdown, but Barney is smart enough to alleviate that and even though the young Panthers are improving its the Tiges for me .

Big game this one as Whitefriars make the trek into town to tackle 4th placed Coll egians. Round 1 at Friar Park was pretty close so again promises plenty . One side stole one last week, the other suffered their first loss . Patty Hawkins boys confident and nothing to lose and Greg Feutrill with plenty to work on . At their best the Friars Al win . Here we go again another tough contest between two tough uncompromising district sides . Banyule not too far away, while the Sainters are getting a few of their guns back now and working them back into match fitness . This is the visitors last roll of the dice and Paul Beddoe has the knack of getting them tip when it really matters so I will stick with Glen Eira. That oughta cost you a lunch Lawso . The Fields are in pretty good touch now and have opened a break on those underneath them, a margin they would 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

like to keep. The Wellers have been so inconsistent, promised much but delivered little, and again today I think they will struggle against a side who love to run and do play their home ground pretty well, The Fields for me . SELECTIONS ; Beaumaris, St Bedes Mentone-Tigers . Whitefriars . Glen Eira, Caulfield Grammarians .




S/ 10 last week the worst for the year with the Sharks and the Wellers being the eulprits. Don't forget your nominations for Player of the Round . I have a deadline to submit this report to the VAFA so would appreciate your co-operation in having your reports to me by Spirit on Monday Nights please . Contact details are 9 553 1561 phone and fax at home, 0412 213 541 is the >•.nobile, or email me at as mention by Spin. Monday Nights . Thank you and keep up the good work.

BgNYULE - Congratulations to David ,7itcfielT on playing iii~ 200th game with the Bears last week . "Witch" capped ni[ this great milestone by leading the team onto the field duough an avenue of players and supporters. David joined Ban}-'tile in 1990 after playing his junior years with McLeod and St klary's Greensborough . A good clubman who works hard on and off the field, all at Banyule congratulate you David on this fine achievement and hope you still have many more great games left in your legs . CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS - Congratulations from all at ax Fields to Mark Liddell, on playing his 100th game for our club vs Beaumaris . "Delly" who rarely has his colours ist,:, :red, has developed into an integral senior member of our club. Two time state rep for the VAFA, with inclusion it) the best players in both of these games, Mark's silky > ;oooth skills, marking and evasive ability are a delight to watch. Here's hoping mark's next 100 are as good as his first, from all your mates at the field s


11AW CLUB C SECTION Carrigg Whitefriars ,looney Collegians r:in -well St Bedes Mentone m :vakis Glen Eira Bamford Praliran C RESERVE S ,'ns Beaumaris , :"Tgierson Caulfield . <u l ' e Beaumaris Han Collegians :~l .urrie Collegians

2 2 0 3 8

39 28 27 27 27

0 23 5 23 1 20 0 18 7 17

Beaumaris v . Prahran St Bedes Mentone Tigers v, Old Ivientonians Collegians v. Whitefriar s

Banyule v . Glen Eira Caulfield Grammarians v. Old Camberwell k!O THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

PRaHRfu: 3.2 8,4 16,6 21,8 (134) OLDME2dT0i7A7 :3 4.4 9.8 12,9 18,10(118) Prahran : Bamford 8, :Lean 4, Ballard 3 . Pang 2, Brewer, K.Walfard, APitts, Rhodes . Best. Bamford, Ballard. Harders. Pang, McLean, Evans . Old Aientonians : Bailatrtine 5, Bournon 4, McClosky 2, Palmer 2, Solley 2, Clarke, D .kitto. Saunders Best- Costello, Austin, Ballantine, Bournon, D.Kitto, Dwyer. Umpires : D . Irons . S . Stokes (F), C. Shipley, G. Rollo (G ) ST BEDES MEPITONE TIGERS3.3 7.7 11,9 16.15 (111) wITEFRIARS 4.6 5.8 5.10 10.13 (73) St Bodes Mentone Tigers: Hayes 3, Napier 2, Paynton 2, Kidd 2, Owen, Andrew, Spencer, Porter, Wtnde M. McCraw . Best BeasleyT. Napier, wlnile P. Hayes, A Terrell . L'Huillier. Whitefr3ars : Pawlik 2, Carrigg 2 . Northey 2, Brice, Anderson, Janson. Kennedy. Best Campbell . Kemiedy, Anderson. Paw(ik, Sloufchen, Power. Umpires: C . Stewart, T. Brooks (F), M. Lu[ike (BL R. Richards, R Dodd (G) COLLEGIANS 3 .2 5.6 9 .8 13.11 (89) GLEN EIRA 3.3 6.6 11 .9 12.15 (87) Collegians: Cooper 4, Dlxon 3 . Mooney 2. Unsworth 2. Harrison. Phillips. Best: Waters, Shinkfleld, Ahtwtt. Cottom, Unsworth, Krotins. Glen Eire : Vannnkis 3, Ryan 2, McGaw 2 . Can:ana, S . Diamond, Hall, Ma s>s, Tkaz . Best M . Dimash!u. A Diamond, Hall, McGaw, Weerdon . Umpires: G . Skandakmnar . A. Stubbs (F), G . Kennedy (B). D. Melder, B. Stephens (G) BANYULE 6 .6 9.8 12.9 13.2 (90) OLD CAMBERWELL 4 .5 8.11 13.15 19 .18 (132) Banyule: Keenan 4. S .Playfair 3 . O'Connor 2, Natoli, J .Egan, Kayrooz, B .Wiihnore Best: Richardson, B .w:l6nore, Gloury, Keenan, Hopgood, O'Connor. Old Camberwell : Cam 3, Mitchell 2, Gooiale 2, Gough 2, Howard 2, w9utehead 2. Heffernan 2, Cadzow, Christie . Francis. Gladman. BestCrerilin, Christie. Mitchell, Heffernan. Derry. Whitehead Umpires: G . Curran, T. Tiagen (RDL) (F). R. Monaghan (RDL) . B . Powell (RDL) (B), G . Clancy. G. Wakehng (RDL) (G ) BEAUIaiARiS 5 .4 6.7 11 .8 16 .11 (107) CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 2 .4 6 .10 14.16 17 .18 (120) Beaurnarls: Pitts 5, Boctor 2 . Butler 2, Lee M, Healy . Teasdale, Haynes, Martin, McGeogh , Coote Best Pitts, Healy, Haynes, Talbot, Ensor, Martin. Caulfield: Amiet 5, Harrison 3. Baxter 2. Sinclair 2, Pearce D 2, Scott, Tasse 11, Rosman Best Brown, Fallu. Sorenson . Baxter, Scott, Harrison . Umpires: N. Fennessy . G . Rov:imgs (F) . R. Parry, A. 7,alcman (G ) RESERVES PRAlIlL1'd 3 .3 8.4 13.10 19 .18 (132) OLD EiENPONIANS 2 .0 2.1 2.4 2.4(16) Prahran: Rose 4, James S . Pickering 2 . Morgan 2 . Quick 2 . Killeen . Moylan, L'agg, year, L.ti'ecxi Best- Kellow, Morgan . Palealinus. Ouick, Rose, AWood Old RYentonians : Fava, M .Maekay . Best R.tllexander, Drinan, CampbelL A Worrell, Fava . L .Kennedv. ST BEDES R2ENfi0;dE TIGERS0 .2 6.4 7.5 10.6 (66) WITEFRIARS 4.2 6.2 11 .6 16.8 (104) St Bodes Mentone Tigers : Walsh 2 . Connor 2, HI)nvell . Hecker, Parsons. Phipps, Fedderson, Wilson. Best H7puell, Parsons, Walsh, L :omagno, Marshall. NewToln. Wliltefriars: Dance 7, Crea 3, McClintock 2, Reidv, Vernail, Garden, Mike . Best Dance, Anderson . Kennedy . Duffy, Law . COLLEGIANS 6 .2 12.4 20.10 26 .12 (168) GLEN EIRA 1 .1 1 .1 1 .2 2.3 (15) Collegians: Skurrte 7, Harris 4 . Clark 3, Roach 2 . Roberison . Taylor. Hoist, McCann, Gribble, I2ahi1(, Moraw-atz . Van-Rui! . Hart . Dowling. Best Robertson, Skurne, Dowling, Clark, Taylor . Harris . Glen Eira: Russo, Watt . Best Richards, Zagame. A. Diamond, Russo, Evans. BANYULE 2 .0 3.2 4.3 6.3 (39) OLD CANUIERWELL 3 .5 7.8 9.12 15 .16 (106) Banyule : Tuck man 2, 1'luveos, D .Wdson, McCann, Noonan. Best: Bassett. D.Piayfatr, Small . Bott, D.Nasrallatt, Sprotiles. Old Camberwell : McCrea 3, R.Tem(pue 3, Craven 3. D .Wdhams 2, Ormsrv. Bryson, Mackenzie, Eves, Best Clay, D .Wdliams . Munroe. Rowe. Cwdharns . Craven . BEAUAYARIS 0 .0 2 .3 4.6 8.9(57) CAULFIELD GRAAIA9AR1AiiVS 3.4 5.5 7.7 8.13 (61) Beaumaris: Brook 3. Deluca 2 . Groves Q . Vance. Gionis . Best Foley, Catlin, Deluca. Atkins L. Slav J . Caulfield : Margerison 5 . Bannon 2, Restarick Best: Evans . Ryan, Margenson, Restar3c4 . Bannon . R}azberk . .


DARYULE Coach : Greg Whitcroft

Res : Renato DinGnosant e


T. Egan

2 D. Witchell 3 S. Kayrooz 4 B. O'Connor 5 B . Wilmore 6 S . Tuckman 7 J . Pearson 8 B . Cantwell 9 J. Plant 10 B. Moxin 11 S. Cross 12 J . Egan 13 C. Burke 14 B . Woodlock 15 S . Gray 16 A. Dooley 17 A. Small 18 J. Turnbull 19 P. Witcheil 20 S . Playfair 21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 S. Gray 24 A. Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 P. Heal y 28 D. Spoules 29 J .O'Callahan 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 M . Natol i 33 B . Reed 34 C. Stevens 35 L. O'Connell 36 M. George 37 T. Thompson 38 W. Keenan 39 A . Hopgood 40 N . Taylor 41 P. Job 42 C. Taylor 43 L. Ferret 44 A. Covery 45 M. Smith 46 D . Nasrallah 47 K. Scholes 48 P. McCann 49 G. Bel l 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Bott 52 D. Noonan 53 T. Cusack 54 B . Wilson 55 D . Williams 56 T. Jubb 57 K. Mahony 58 L. Orto n 59 L . Richardson 60 L . Holt 61 B . Parkes 62 J . Gilham 63 D. Playfair 64 S . Taylor 65 M. Thiveos 66 M. Vanpoeteren 67 C . West 68 M . Wilmore 69 C. Williams


Coach : Tim Rieniets John McNicholas Res Coach: Mick Carty 1 2 3 4 4

P. Broo k H . Gibson M . Pitts (Vc) M . Matulick D. Porter

5 M . Ensor (Vc) 6 A. Spence 7 D . Foley 8 M .O'brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 11 L. Stevens 12 L . Healy 13 C . Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 A. Edge 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A . Lo w 20 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt (C) 23 A. Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D . Teesdale 26 Q . Groves 26 T. Broadbent 27 B. Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin (Vc) 30 K . Alexander 31 J . Mcgeogh 31 P. Ott 32 B. Cairns 33 G . Jury 34 J. May 35 N . Boctor 35 S . Nish 36 R. Deaton 37 R. Presnell 38 J . Gerrand 39 D. Guidolin 40 S. May 42 A. O'brien 43 B . Ferguson 44 J . Deluka 46 M . Talbot 47 M . Stanojevic 48 R . Corfield 49 J. Bryce 50 B . Presnell 51 S . Coote 52 N . Aprea 53 R. Rawlins 54 A. Thompson 60 C . Gionis




Coach : Dean Anderso n Res Coach : Martin Dicxosta 1 D . Rosman 2 B. Hal l 2 A . Sorensen 3 C . Knigh t 4 M . Liddell 4 T. Vinen 5 N . Guyett 5 S. Kendall 6 N . Craven 6 B . Minte r 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R. Foot e 8 S. Cossart-Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D. Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 D. Gurr 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S. Sant

17 G. Harrison

18 B . Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 W . Brockett 20 H . Vella 21 M. Pennycuick 22 C . McASsey 22 M . Richardson 23 D. Ash

Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hoo k

1 J. Dixo n 2 M.Johnson 3 B .Mooney 4 D. Atkinson

5 R. Henebery DVC 6 S. Woolley 7 D. Surkitt 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J . Fry 10 J . Lang 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzi e 12 N. Harrison 13 N . Thomas 14 D . Phillips 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Fletcher 17 R. Husking V C 18 T. Krotiris 19 A. Robertson 20 H . Sallmann 21 C . Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 C. Mollard 24 B . Low

24 J . Dalwood 25 G . Evans 26 S. Widjaja

27 R . Keovrn 27 J. Ryan 28 J .Jacobs 29 D. Williamson 30 D. Ellias 31 C . Veentjar 32 L . Browne 33 C . McGrath 34 J . Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphom 37 T. Messer 38 J . Restarick 39 J. Santiago 40 R .0'neil l 41 M . Anderson 42 D. Synman 43 J . Smith

44 N . Coutts 45 D . Scott

46 G. Erickson 47 A . Desousa 48 N . Tassel 49 B . Gardner 50 C. Pearce 51 G . Robinson 52 A. Sinclair 53 P. Carte r 54 T. Rynberk 55 C . Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 N. Joughin 59 P. Crocker 60 N . Fallu 61 N . Bannon 62 B . Goddard 71 M . Cassidy

25 R . Mui r 25 D . Gambaro 27 A . Shinkfield 28 N . McCann 29 A. Kenneally 31 N. Roach 32 D. Brownin g 33 B. Hoist 34 A . Smith 35 S . Beilby 36 G. Cooper 37 M . Foster 38 T. Dyer 39 N . Hart 40 R . Bardwell 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 M . White 44 Y. Phillips 45 R. Lew 46 C. Rowe 47 R . Sztar 48 E . Waters 49 J . Clark 50 D. Vial 51 J B . Shadbolt 52 B. Grant 53 J. Van Berkel 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cooks 56 B . Lumb 57 C. Peck 58 D. Smith 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Cook 64 M . Gribble 65 C. Safstrom 66 S . Porter 67 D. Osborne 68 L . Wilson 70 T. Skurrie 77 L. Beardsley


Coach: Paul Beddoe Res Coach: TBA 1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C. Massis 4 D. Cassar 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagam e 7 S . Vamvakis 8 M . Dimashki 9 G . Hayes 10 G . Richards 11 B. Clements 12 B. King 13 G. Brown 14 C . Grey 15 F. Buckley 16 A. Taranto 17 A. Russo 18 M. Dimachki 19 K . Dimachki 20 A . Diamond 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 B. Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R. Gilmore

28 P. Commerford 29 R. Dimachki 30 L . P ryde 31 T. Aberline 32 M . D'Zlva 33 A. Sheedy 34 L. Hal l 35 J. Commerford 36 K. Dao u 37 38 M . Lewin 39 J . Egan 40 L. Doolan 41 H. Walls 42 J . Gusman 43 T. Knowl an 44 S . Diamon d 45 A . Caruana 46 T. Evan s 47 J . Serpanchy 48 J . Haliwell 49 M. Benton 50 A . Dimashki 51 B . Zurek 52 A . Haines 53 S . Rees 54 M. Kassar 55 L . McGaw 56 J. Kokkinoptilis 57 S . Hall 58 C. McMurrick 59 P. Merrick 60 A. Guz= o 61 M. Tkocz 62 D . Sheehan 63 D. Dunlevie 64 A. Patane 65 M . Dimou 66 J. Valkanis 67 N . Daou 68 M . Merrick 69


0!!' CAMBERWELL : Jarrod O'Neill Goach

OLD M EliTON1AKS Coach : Jeff Costello

Coach: Derek Hine

Coach: Greg Feutrill

Res Coach: Jamie Wnduss

S Clay T James (DVC) N Robinson N Lippiatt L Gain B Christie Scott Ha=feman (DVC) g J Goodale

I A . Acreman

1 D. Herders

2 C . Twentyman

2 M. Harvey

2 L. WinUe (C)

3 M. Carbon e

3 B . Murphy 4 D. Carroll 5 C . Mackay 6 C . Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 W. Ballantine 9 S. Boothey

3 C. Tesorerio 4 A. CHuillier 5 S . Napier 6 A. Ryan 7 N. Owen 8 J . Cunningham 9 M . Terrell

5 B. Phan 6 P. Campbell 7 D . Brice 8 B. Janson 9 C . Maguir e 10 R . Pasqualotto 11 R . Reid y

in M Hanson

10 S . Voigt

3 P. Kelly 4 P. Quick 5 H . Pitts 6 A. Corboy 7 S. Pang 8 C . Bamford 9 A Bunnell

10 M . Wintle

12 T. Hughe s

,, Ft Kapoor (VC) i3 L Galdman 1-; R Whitehead (C) 15 C Munroe N Credlin (VC) 19 M Mullen 19 A Hanson 50 D Mitchell ?t THardman B Howard ~3 K Darb y >:; B Tipper 25 A Hardenberg 26 CWiIliams 27 A Hillier 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 B Craven 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyc e P Eves 35 G Weickhardt 36 S Derry 37 T Parkes 38 T Hallo 39 S Fancis 40 J Cramer-Roberts 41 G Rowe A Mackenzie : : S Smith 46 D Daipra n ; T Kearney 43 J Derry C Morley 50 J McKenzie 51 W Orwin 52 G Ormsby -3 R Tempone A Margetts 55 C Morley -6 S Jones 57 A Cantor 58 A Manuel 59 J Osborne ~ ; L Hancock i;u L Thomas

11 D. Solley 12 C. Dwyer 13 R. Ball 14 K. Campbell

12 J . Kane 13 D . Goodchild 14 A. Connolly 15 T. McColl

13 T. Hilton (DVC ) 14 T. Carrigg 16 J . Power 17 A . Carbone (C)

18 S. Hecker 19 A. Drury 20 J. Drury 21 P. Fedderson 22 D . Poynton 23 D . Napie r 24 T. Beasley 25 D . Samya 26 M . Hecker 27 S . fGngwel l 28 M . Andrew 29 T. Marshall 30 D. Falkingharn 31 D. Moss 32 D. Spencer 35 C. Barnes 36 A. Walstab 37 M. Connolly 38 A. Hayes 39 D . O'Brien 41 R . Bignell 42 M. Wilson 43 S. Butts 44 J. Recupero 45 R . Goul d 46 P. Lynch 47 T. Waters 48 A . Scafidi 49 S . Walsh 50 S . Kidd 52 M . Kurts 53 M . Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 A. Basham 56 J . Chaplin 57 M . Lomagno 58 M . Zakic 59 M . Zahra 60 N. Phipps 62 M . Dean 63 M. Mccoll 64 P. Scagliotti 66 R . Parsons 67 S. Meyer 73 L . Porter 75 N . Conno r 78 P. Newport 79 P. Russ o

19 M . Jongebloed 20 D. Reid 21 K. Kennedy 22 T. Langfor d 23 E . Eames 24 R. Mik a 25 M . Vernal (VC - Res) 26 C. Ryan 27 L. Swain 28 C. Eames (C - Res) 29 A. Glenn 30 M . Power (DVC) 31 M. Baker 32 G . Kennedy 33 M. Duff y 34 D . Glouf6hev 35 C . Law 36 D . Nola n 37 M . Nunan 38 C. Carrigg (VC) 39 D . D 'Sousa 40 M . Cahil l 41 C . O'Connor 42 M . Northey 43 N . Elliott (VC - Res) `i4 B . O'Connor 45 S . Clove n 46 G .Johnson 47 D. Crea 48 J . Treyvau d 49 C. Danc e 50 M . Mallady 51 S. McClintock 52 A. Baggole y 53 C . Andrews 54 S. Gillan 55 D . Fedele 56 R . Murray 57 E. Stone 58 S. Alexander 59 N . Brisban e 60 R . Pawli k 62 J . Anderson

c a ~


9857 80 61

15 J . Costello 16 D. Nock (VC) 17 N. Linford 18 T. Bouman (C) 19 A. Palme r 20 S. M u ll in 21 A. Drinan 22 L. Georgiadis 23 N . Moodie (R C) 24 A. Lowe 25 T. Fava 26 A. Martin 27 G. Katri s 28 D . Kitto 29 A . Carter 30 D . Russo 32 G. H erri ng

33 S . Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D. Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 B . Sherrill 39 T. Riley 40 T. McManus 41 S . Cozens 42 C. Rushworth 43 M . Lawes 44 L. Sunte r 45 M. Kennedy 49 M. Fisher 50 G . Richards • 51 N . Fisher 52 D . O'Connor 53 M. Stroud 54 D . Goodbody 56 R . Harper 60 G. Shattock 61 B . Saunders 62 R . Johnson 64 M . Austin 65 M . Petrie 66 M . Mackay

10 B. Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 A. Van Rooyen 13 C . Mclean 14 M . Evans 15 B . Sanderso n 16 A . Rhodes 17 T. Rankin 18 M . Windridge 19 A . Millican 20 J . Kellow 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N Hobert s 23 S . Pickering 24 T. Fraser 25 L. Aitken 26 T. St.Clai r 27 W. Watford 28 K. Watford 29 W. Taseff 30 M. SaGuna 31 T. Dukic 32 D . Ballard 33 A. Wood 34 L. Norman 35 B. Gellie 36 J. Killeen 37 M . Johnston 38 J . Macdonald 39 J' Lane 40 I. Dennis 41 J . Upton 42 T. Maher 43 D. Decarteret 44 D. James 45 M M . Va 46 M . Vearg 47 S. Brewer 48 D. Decarteret 49 L. Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S. Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 B. Aisbett 54 C . Morgan 55 S. Ramage 56 S. Earle 57 S. Moylan 58 G. Finkelde 59 B. Klindworth 60 S. Mckenzie-Mcharg 61 A . Gelli e 62 J . Belcher 63 C. Web b

64 J . Bedford

6566GM..Northway Davies 67 0 . Lappin 68 M . Kousal 69 P. Limoli

70 G . Castledine EsiFT. acsNrsc

71 C. Weaver 72 M. Eastham 73 J. Warr

Coach: Russell Barnes Res Coach : Danny Spence r

WH9TEFRI A RS Res Coach : Connor Eames

Assist: Adnan Sheedy Res Coach : Justin McLean ,

Res Coach : John Ross


1 P. Wintle

16 A. Hipwell

1 C . Wood

18 C. Fulto n

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1 5

CYAN PRES S Eerie similarities between the 2002

& 200 1

ladders, with the top three looking safe, and th e fourth spot up for grabs. Last year Aquinas came from a 4-5 front hatf to grab a 1st Semi berth ahead of St Leos and Uni Blacks . This year the Blacks are fourth on percentage with the Hoes, Bullants and Jackas breathing down their necks . Some seriously tense times ahead.

Be realistic! Anyone watching the worlds best soccer referees being Less than impressive in their roles at the World Cup, must pause to consider that our Amo' Umps do a pretty damn good job by comparison. Apart from being an endangered species, our Umpires are relative treasures ; so let's appreciate them!!

LAST WEE K Mentone were given a run by AJAX but the overall skill of the Vultures won the day. Dukes, Berger, and Van Aken all impressed for the Jackas, with a special mention for Nick Gold who never gave up on the great Tony Mac . Vultures on ballers Steve and Chris Sullivan again racked up mega possessions, Nathan Wilkins was prominent, and of course there was that guy hovering round the goal square! Aquinas was too good for Ivanhoe Assumption in an impressive performance. Greg Evans had a great game in the ruck for the Bloods, with Mick Denavi at FB also doing well, plus Robbie Moran at CHB . Assumption OB, Baz Conley did well in his 1st game for the Hoes, with the veteran Tony Jackson doing a great job tagging a star Aquinas mid-fielder, whom I assume was you Flynny ! Monash's conversion rate cruelled any chance of them really troubling St Leos on the scoreboard, with the Animals putting the result beyond doubt with a huge 10 minute burst in the 3rd . Ashers were pleased with Paul Farrer's game on the ball and across HB, Chopper Newman did well against Brad Bird, and Sammy Hawkins had lots of touches up forward. All the usual suspects conspired on behalf of the Animals, Buckle, McKenzie, Price, Hodder . Hatfield, Donovan & Bird! Bulleen Temp and Uni-Blacks went hanuner and tongs in a high scoring game with Blacks establishing a gap in the 2nd term, which the Bullants could not bridge . Robbie Williams again starred for the Bullants, well supported by Daskalou and D .Bone . The Blacks' Luke Nethercote did well with 6 goals as did Tony Wilson with 5, and Andrew Costello (Onya Cossie!) was strong through the middle .

Williamstown CYNiS triumphed over OGGS in another open, high scoring game with CY

finishing the s tronger. Henry Legoe had a day out in the ruck for OGGS, McCarthy was again str ong round the packs, an d Goldsworthy con trolled his flank. Great team effort by CY, but special mentions to Phemister at midfield, an d Darren Wil liams, Lee, & McCutcheon for their ae ri al dominan ce. CY at home won't be a walk in the park for _ . :entone, but in spite of CY's improved recent form, it is a big stretch to see them troubling the Vultures, who should win by 6-7 goals AJAX welcomes Aquinas in a critical game for the Jackas, who must start winning to stay in touch with the four. The Jackas pace will trouble the Bloods, and the battle between the respective engine rooms should be fantastic . Aquinas' experience should tell in the end for them to win by a kick or two, but an upset here would not surprise . The Ashers & Hoes do battle at Springvale Reserve, and both teams will put everything into this match . Monash must start winning or that horrible "R" word will loom larger, and the Hoes have to stop the slump that slid them out of the four. While having the utmost respect for the Hoes ability to regrou p

I'll play a hunch that the Ashers forwards are going to start threading them through the two taller middle posts more consistently, if they do they'll win by 2/3 goals . The Bu ll ants and the Animals meet in anothe r




Dl SECTION 1}lacgeorge Ivlentone 8 69 Berger AJAX 6 37 Bird St Leos 2 35 Matthews Bulleen Templestowe 3 29 Saunders Ivanhoe 3 23 Dl RESERVE S A. Cooper AJAX 0 15 O'Brien Old Geelong 1 19 Pearce Ivanhoe 0 18 Hanna University Blacks 3 18 Bradshaw Aquinas 3 1 8 C% THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

f.<cinating game . St Leos convincingly won the Rnd 1 contest but that was before Bulleen Temp had rc iurned from holidays! This time round will be different with the home side much more settled and having a forward set up capable of kicking big scores . St Leo's are likely to have an edge through the middle though and they have a very mean set of backs, the latter being the turning point in the end . The Animals are likely to win by a kick. OGGS host Uni Blacks with fond memories of the first encounter this season, that victory turning out to be something of a milestone . While OGGS are obviously overcoming the effects of the trauma of a {c .v weeks back, Blacks have also disposed of the rlonkey on their back by winning ttivo in a row at their last two outings . Hard to see Blacks letting i! is one slip, and they should win by 3-4 goals . Reserves winners should be : CY, Jackas, Ashers, St Leos, & Black s Correspondents the contacts are: 9889 1 979 (H & F), 0409 172 558, bjhickey6@bigpond .co m

AJ'Z- - congratulates reserves . skipper 7,11liot Rubenstein who played his 100th game with the Club last week . After starting with the Club's tinder 19's, Elliot has been a strong Clubman and a born Icader. Injuries during his 8 years at AJAX has dragged out the ton, but all at AJAX congratulates a ,~reat guy and hope to see him around for man y ars to come . Also AJA)Cs Joey 6lrajnberg's 5 0th . .J;1X congratulates Joey Wajnberg on his 50th ;'ime last week, after 6 years at the Club . Joey is not the most talented footballer at AJAX, but what he lacks in talent is more than compensated by his determination to succeed. A great clubman and a trier on the field, Joey has many admirers at AJAX who hope to see him reach his ton.

Williamstown CYMS v . Mentone Panthers AJAX v. Aquinas game switched from original draw . Monash Blues v . Ivanhoe Assumption Bulleeri Templestowe v. St Leos Emmaus Old Geelong v . University Blacks

r ---------------------------

-------------------------------0 AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002


4.6 1 0 . 1 1 15.17 14~ .::0 (128 ) AJAX 3 .7 7.9 9.12 15 .14 (104) Mentone : ,." Gec, 8, Eteeil 2, ;. l att Sullivan 2, C.Suiln: n, While, Barker, Wilkins, Mick Sullivan, C.Barr Best: Fanning, Etcell . Wilkins, S.Sulltvan. C.Sullivan, Dixon . AJAX: Berger 6, Van Aken 4. Davis 2, Drv,enman, ZV`elsier, Miller. Best Dukes, Berger, Van Aken, J .Segai, Blieden, Onas _ Umpires: L. Katz. D . Longworth (F) . P. Plhltehead (G) AgUIitiAS 7.5 10 .8 14.9 20.10 (130) IVAM'HOE 3.2 4 .3 6.7 9.8 (62) Aquinas: Thomas 3, Whitehead 3, Starett 3, Tarulli 3, Harkin 2, Hunt 2, Flynn 1 . Livingstone 1, Hunter I . Davies 1 . Best: Denavd, Evan s, Hunt, Hughes, Colllver, Bell . Ivanhoe: Emerson 3, Saunders 3, Healy 1, Hawley 1 . Best: Narkiew9cz, Tucker, Conley . Sloan, Healy. Jackson . Umpires : A Hoogendpk. D . Perris (F), J. Martins, N . Brown (B) MONASH BLUES 3.2 6 .6 7 .11 9 .16 (70) ST LEOS EMMAUS 2.6 8 .7 13 .11 16.11 (107) Monash Blues: Farrar 3, Hollaway 2 . Greggory 2 . S Hawkins. J.Hawkins . Best: Newman, Holloway, Green, Bolton . Che.csari. Farrar. St Leos: Buckle 5, Bird 2, Donavan 2, McKenzie 2, Price 2 . Manton 2, Zalahos. Best: Buckle . McKenzie, Hodder, Donavan, McCann, Bird. Umpires : A. Ladd. G. Moore (F) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3.3 6.6 12.10 16.12 (108) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .3 8.5 11 .7 20 .8 (128) Bulleen Templestowe: R3Villiams 3, K .Brnridge 3, D.Matthews 3, D.Tulioch2, WThompson 2, G.Chivers, P.Robertson, D.Daskalou : Best RtVilliams, D.Daskalou, D.Tulloch, K.Burridge, J .Prior, N.Bone . University Blacks : Nethercote 6, 1V~ilson 5 . Dillon 2, B.Cunningham, M.Cunningham, Chatfield, r1 .Coste(1o, Batten, Murphy, Howard. Best Nethereote, Wilson, A .Costello, Chatfield, Moffatt, Macartnor. Umpires: B . Woodhead, A . Shiels (F) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5.1 8.4 16 .6 20.14 (134) OLD GEELONG 2 .3 6.9 11.14 15.16 (106) Wi lliamstown CYMS: Williams 6, Lee 3, V'ouda 3. Phemister 2, Barlow, MeCuteheon, Wheeler, Cocks, Bergin, Matthews. Best Phemtster, McCutcheon, J H}nies, Lee, Cocks. Williams . Old Geelong: Couch 4 . Fairbairn 2, Goldsworthy 2, Sladen 2, Cole, Leishma v, Stevens, S. O'Brien, M. O'Brien . Best McCarthy, Legoe, Goldsunrthy, M. O'Brien, Fairbairn, Jaugiehs. Umpires: C . Newcombe, S. Scully (F), J . Kralevski (B), M. Camillerl . J . Venables(G) RESERVES hiENTONE AMATEURS 4 .4 7.5 11 .8 11 .10 (76) AJAX 1 .2 6.6 10.7 16.8 (104) Mentone : Joyce 2, waters 2, M.Barr 2, Emmett, Smith, Suns, Murphy, Gunter. Best Perazzo. Joyce, M .Barr, Corder, Smith, Jarnieson AJAX: Goldenfem 5. Sevel 3, Snow 2. Boon 2, E.Goldman 2, Newstadt, Wajnberg . Best Konsky, Goldenfein . Boon, Newstadt, Sevel, Kaicer AgUIIdA.S 4.3 8.5 10.9 12 .11 (83) IVANHOE 1.3 4.6 6.7 10.12 (72) Aquinas: Bradshaw 3. Slattery2, Chapman 2, Boland 2, Barre 1, Wilson 1 . Gerrish. Best Gerrish, Harris. Slattery, Chap2tui, Mazzan[l . Ditchfleld . Ivanhoe: McGowan 2, Shutlleword 2, J . Shuttlcworth, Iaconangelo 1 . Frtsuta i, Pace 1, J . Scoble. Best: Thaek kTav, N. Shuttleworth, lanconangela, McGowan, Frisina, Farrell. MONASH BLUES 1.1 1 .4 2,7 3.9 (27) ST I.EOS EMMAUS 1.1 2 .4 3.5 3.6(24) Monash Blues : Carey, Feenaughty, Ro..engarten Best D. Payne . Williams, Menttha, Carey, M . Bolton, M. Payne, St Leos Emmaus: Dinicolaniths, Mclnerney, Smiodison . Best Simondison, Damelio . Pitcher. Mitchell . Presser. McGloin BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0.0 0 .1 0.1 1.1 (7) UNIVERSITY BLACHS4.5 8.7 9 .1011 .16 (82 ) Bulleen Templestowe : D.Marhn : Best Ttmnissen . D .Florance, Hampshire . Alexander, Edwards . University Blacks ; Hanna 3.11'oads 2, R.Wallace 2, St.aorttart, A.Goonan, H .Peck. B.Walsh, ll'.Touzel : Best Woods . Clements, Adams, S .Walsh, M .Jones. N_Goonan WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1 .2 2 .3 6.5 6.6 (42) OLD GEELONG 9.4 12 .6 15.9 22 .16 (148) Williamstown CYMS: Hann 2 . Joseph, Mackiey, McKenzie, Nisbet. Best Vincent, Mackley . Kosmatos, N. 4t-iP.~, Hznn, Carter, Old Geelong : Rowan 4, Fitzgerald 3, Yates 3. Bayles 3 . Avery 2 . Allen, Farns . Grills, O'Brien . J . Legoe. Ross . Best Griffiths . SatIler. Rowan. Wark, Bay ,es, J. Legoe . 17

Coach : Phil Davis Res Coach : B..rry Simon 1 N . Gold (C) 2 M . Konsky 3 J . Sharp 4 M . Dudakov (VC) 5 B . Davis N) C 6 D. Kalb 7 G . Samuel 8 B. Klein 9 A. Rosen 10 G . Dukes 11 M. Weisle r 12 D . Goldenfein 13 A. Freund 14 A Butt 15 J. Segal 16 M. Segal 17 A. Cukierman 18 J. Kirzner 19 G. Blieden 20 M . Buckley 21 D . Gelbart 22 A ..Bock 23 B . Ritterman 24 J . Bram 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 J . Berger 28 A . Zemski 29 A. Joffe 30 A Lefkovic 31 P. Glazer 32 D. Janover 33 S. Boon 34 B. Lewski 35 D . Miller 36 W. Seve l 37 S. Newstadt 38 B. Erlich (Res VC) 39 D . Vanaken 40 M. Borenstein 41 D . Goldberg 42 E. Rubenstein Res C 43 E. Janover ( ) 44 A . Lust (Res VC) 45 Y. Alfie 46 A . Goldman 47 48 A . Friedman 49 M . Montag 50 A. Cooper 51 J . Jolson 52 A. Lewin 53 A. Halphen 54 E . Goldman 55 J . Kaicer 56 L. Hare] 57 A. Osowicki 58 J . Sesser 59 J . Blankfiled 60 J . Wajnberg 61 J . Freeman 62 D. Weisliizer 63 R. Silberman

Lc . . : Steve Box Res Coach : Howard Field I T. Jess 2 C. Thomas 3 S. Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D . Mino9u e 7 C . Glennie 8 J. Jess 8 S. Kelly 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 10 C . Field 11 M . Barmby 12 A Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A . Lorkin 15 A . Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 18 D. Saliba 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Woolen 20 P, Peres 21 C. Quinn 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 R . Weekes 27 S. Jones 27 C . Munro 28 G . Burch 28 J. Holly 29 J. Box 29 J. Wilson 30 C . Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarulli 35 R. Chapman 36 A. Everitt 37 G . Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 L. Sheffiel d 40 A. Cultrera 41 G Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M. Slattery 45 M, Reilly 45 G . Coyle 46 M. Hope 47 D . Bower 48 R . Mazzanti 49 M. Hobbs 50 M. Ditchfield 51 A. Gerrish 52 J. Burden 53 S. Verona 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J. Crouch 56 P. Cruickshank 57 G. Cochrane 58 D . Robinso n 62 L . Bradshaw 63 A . Barrie 68 J . Coghlan

70 C. Lyng

71 G. Evans

h : Doug Searl 6 ;s Coach: Mal Prior 1 J . Prior 2 D . Williams 3 S. Young 4 W. Thompson 5 S. McLaren 6 P. Graham 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bone 9 B. Todd 10 P. Tsokas 11 G. Chivers 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A . Panou 15 B . Wolnizer 16 S . Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D. Matthews 24 D . Martin 25 T. Matthews 26 S. Boyd 27 J . O'Donnell 28 R . Parris 29 D . Bone 30 D . Florence 31 A. Shine

32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 L. Thompson 38 S . Meadows 39 J . Florence 40 S . Meadows 41 R. Lea 42 P. Edward s 43 M . Mason 44 R . Schneide r 45 A. Teha n 46 A. Humphrey 47 C . Moriviti s 48 A. Morivitis 49 B. Tourigani s 50 B . Glove r 51 T. Cattermole 52 J. Gunn 53 A . Boyd 54 S . Dowlan 55 N . Macrides 56 A, Theunisson 57 G. Vimpani 58 D . Tsokas 59 D. McNamara 60 D. Horvath

j Coach : Brad Hall Res Coach : Colin McDonald I S. Conley 2 M. Maud 3 C . Tucker 4 T. O' Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 T, Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 M . Thackwray 10 P. Lee 11 D. Valkanis 12 L. Hull-Brown 13 S . Narkievncz 14 P. Flynn 15 J . Curtin 16 P. Harris 17 S. Morris 18 T. Scoble 19 D. Wood 20 J. Collins 21 D. Denby 22 N . Shuttleworth 23 D . Ryan 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 M. Emmerson 27 A . Jackson 28 J. Pace 29 C . Hocking 30 M . Sloan 31 D. McFarlane 32 L. Pearce 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P. Kearney 36 C. Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 R. Peoples 39 M. Ebbage 40 P. Mar6n 41 C .. McDonald 42 B. Mart in 43 M. Martineo 44 A . Pace 45 N . Farrell 46 M . lacouangelo 47 E . Marino 48 R. Toogood 49 A . Rosenfel d 50 N . Clar k 51 D. Pearce 52 S . Sampson 53 M . Chazan 54 J . Herbert 55 E . Healy 56 S . Saunders 57 J . Matthew 58 P. Manual 59 M . Fahour 60 T Lupton 61 S. Butler 62 P. Merory 63 P. Cameron 69 J. Mazocca 78 C . Brown

Coach : Tony Macgeorg e Res Coach: Darren Fenec h 1 S. Rowle y 2 R . Gallagher 3 M . Dixon 4 D . Emmett 5 A . White 6 C . Stephen s 7 K . Gunte r 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 M . Hovey 11 C. O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M . Haye s 13 A . King 14 M . Etcel l 15 Mick Sulliva n 16 P. Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C. Sullivan 18 T. Sulliva n 19 C. Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D . Kelly 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Rock 27 M. Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M. O'Brie n 29 S . Barker 30 P. Dixon 31 S . Fanning 32 B . Coleman 33 N . Wilkin s 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogie r 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 A. Fimste r 40 G . Simm s 41 C. Rock 42 T MBBarr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J. Tully 48 Mick. Walsh 49 A . Cousin s 50 G. McMillan 51 G. Hollingworth 3 52 . McLeod 5 DK . Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 C. Leifting 56 S . Sulliva n 57 D. Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 Matt. Walsh 60 D. Fenech 61 K . Lockhart 62 N. Levert 63 S . Waters 64 A. Pothitos 65 T. Allinson 66 D. Cagne y 67 M . Joyce 68 D. Gillespi e 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Mear a , W ONE R ,S ,g „ 9 Palermo St, Mcnton e * Function Roo m

* Restaurant * Pokies



Coach : Tim Powell Res Coach: James Shady


Coach : Simon Bones Res Coach : Scott Harrington Club 18: Sean Wilson

1 S . Chapman 2 J. Baxter 3 L. Holloway (C) 4 G . Chessari 5 J . Rosengarten 6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar 8 S. Thompson 9 E. Morrison 10 S. Webster (VC) 11 M . Spence r . Smyth 12GG y~ 13 A. Herrman 14 B. Merlin 15 M . Tnkler 16 B. Nind 18 K. Hendratta 19 L. Siapantas 20 M . Edsall

1 S . Rowan 2 H . Burbank 3 M . O'Brien 4 Steve.Jones 5 T. Redin 6 C. McKay 7 B . Morris 8 T. Seymour 9 D. Salter (C) 10 W. Temple-Smith 11 L. Stevens 12 Cameron 13 S . O'Brien 14 D. Taylor 15 H. McCarthy 16 B . Couch 17 M . Goldsworthy 18 J . Malpas 19 M . Avery (RC)

21 C. Gregory

20 S. Cole

22 T. Blackley 24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N. De Young C 28 J. Main N) 29 H. Graham 30 L . Creamer 31 S. Hawkins 32 R. Gundry 33 J. Smith 34 G . Rowley 35 D. Murchie 36 A. Williams 37 J. Bolton 38 N. Brennan 39 M . Smith 40 Ma . Bolto n 41 Mi. Bolton 42 G . Oldham 43 R . Feenaghty 45 R . Walsh 46 A. Ryan 47 S. Mentha 48 M. Carey 49 D . Payne 50 A. Clark 51 M. Payne 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 R . Green

21 N. Bayne 22 J . Fitzgerald 23 Sam .Jones 24. M . Jaugietis 25 G . Leishman 26 S. Lansdel l 27 W. Paul (C), 28 A. Farrar 29 D. Bolton 30 M. Stevens 31 C. Fairbairn 32 N . Sladen 33 M. Fabri 34 B. Yates 35 A. Chubb 36 T. Heatley 37 T. Betts 38 M. LEslie 39 S. Clarke 40 H . Le9oe 41 T. Carty 42 C . Chimside 43 D . O'Brien 44 P. Simpson 45 46 S. Collins 47 M. Strauch 48 D . Farris 49 S. Grffiths 50 J. Sattler 51 J. Kilpatrick 52 J. Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 J . Brand 55 T. Stafford 56 A . Meek 57 J . Morley 58 M . O'Brien 59 J . Toohe y 60 A . Southey 61 A . Holmes 62 A. Waters

55 I . McCormick 56 L. Volkov 57 P. Munro 58 F. Eley 59 B. Carstein 60 S. Lloyd 62 L. Kats 64 J . Prosser 65 G. Polglase 66 A. Perry 67 A . McCann 68 M . Meehan 69 R . Burston 70 B . Rogers 72 B . Green 73 A . Forster-Knight 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton 81 S . Gundry

63 J . Weir 64 E . Fitzgerald 65 N. Cameron 66 T. Wolley 67 L. Teague

68 B . Grills 69 P. Miller 70 B . Cummins 71 A. Meagher

72 75

ST LEOS EN1 MAUS WATTLE PARK Coach : Darren Turner Res : Frank Dinicolantonio I D. Dinicolantonio 2 J . Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S.Buckle 6 J,Fennell 7 A. Burgess 8 B.Bird 9 A. Bethune 10 B. Mitchell 11 S. McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebs 14 J. Manton 15 P.Carey 16 A. Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R. McCan n 19 A.Major 20 G .Rafferty 21 G . Simmondson 22 P.Ristevski

23 TBatty 24 D.Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. Darcy 30 M. Ottobre 31 M. Contesotto 32 L . Price 33 N .Kennedy 34 B. Henricus 35 J . Brigg s 36 S. Bavag e 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B. Vaughan 40 J . Gay 41 J . Zarb 42 M . Flood 43 B. Levins 44 A . Zalakos 45 S . Ronchi 46 A . Brown 47 M . Mcinerny 48 A . Daly 49 C . Hatfield 51 C . Beljak 53 A . Volpi 54 M . Blundell

55 S . Smith

56 T, Morrison 57 M . Place 58 J . Fjeldstad 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonal d 61 J . Blandthorn 62 A . Raynor 64 D. Wood 65 N . Foley 66 67 P. Farquhar 68 B . O'Connor 69 S . Mescher 74 D. Panetta 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 81 D. Behan 88 S. Pitcher 89 D. Winduss 99 D . Lear


UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach: Paul 0'Shanassy Res Coaches: Jim Trevaskis & Michael Rizio

WILLIA MSTOWH CYMS Coach: Darren Cadd y Res Coach : Warren Payne 1 D . Williams 2 J. Buttlgie g 3 D . William s 4 S. Wuchatso h 5 D . Macleo d 6 N . Grant 7 B. Robinson 8 B. Han n 9 J. Munro 10 B . Cocks 11 B . Twist 12(R) M . Cannon 12 A . Featherston 13 A . Mackley 14(R) A. Danie l 14 D . Ferris 15(R) P. Breguet 15 B . Gaborit 16 B . Josep h 17(R) R. Plochino 17 R . Hart 18 D. Oldham 19 P. Dervan

1 L . Nethercote 2 S. Chandler 3 M.O'Donnell 4 A. Evans 5 R . Macki e 6 C . Sanderford 7 B. Cunningham 8 A . Howard 9 C . Pekin 10 W. Hannah 12 M. Cunningham 13 C . Baulch 14 J. Leech 15 L. Murphy 16 P. Caccaviello 17 A . Moffa t 18 T. Wilson 29 C . Franklin 20 A . Kooloos 21 C . Shilling 20 P. Sadler 22 A . Nolan . Macleod 23 P. Barry 21 22 D M . Saunders 24 N . Wilson 23(R) A. Bouras 23 t Wheele r 25 T. Chatfiel 24(R) C . Pach . Batten d26D 24( RG) J. McCutcheon 27 A . Costello 25 G . Burgess 28 D. Kean 25 D. Freestone 29 M . Staunton 26 L. Grochowski 30 J . Ralp h 27 C. Mathews 28 A. Kosmatos 31 B . Costello 29 P. Vincent 32 M .Jones 30 T. Turcinovich 33 T. Kitchen 31 A. Bartolo 34 S . Moody 32 X. TobY 35 J . Mirtschin 33 G . Rickard 36 H. Peck 34 B. Jones 35 C. Bergin 37 A. Gray 36 6 A. Bl a 39 J . Greenwood Hynes ne s 40 N. Marti n 38 S. 41 L. Rawnsley 39(R) A. Carte r 43 C. Beaton 39 M . Hollan d 40 D. Pawlowski 44 R. McCarthur 41 T. Campbel l 45 M . Coleman 42 D . Wouda 46 A. Hyde 43 B. Grant 47 B. Murphy 44 M. Mannin g 48 D. Rudd 45 J. Hynes 49 T. Bowers 46 T. Ferris 47 F. Nuredin i 50 A. Goonan 48 P. Trchett 63 J . Weber 49 W. Kewi n 71 M. Nihill 50 A. McCutcheon 73 S. Mackie 51 A. McKenzi e 52 R . Nisbet 53 M. Oldham 55 J. Spezza 56 S. Calderwood 57 M. Saccocci o A Beard 59 K . Dowse 60 D . Lee y 61 S. McNernY 62 D . Orchar d 63 D . Temby 64 T. Ryan 65 S . Barlow 66 S . Phemister 67 A, Savoi a 68 A . Hough 69 B . Cambridge 70 D. Sadler 71 F. Cerone

72 F Luca 73 J . Spragu e 74 . Fry 75 M . Miller 76 M . Sime 77 P. Geraghty 78 R. Cornish 79 S . Mardesi c 80 S . Freeman

81 T. William s

Kew saluted club record games holder John Brassil when he ran out for his 330th game for the Brown and Golds . Some other milestones - Rohan Aujard, 200 games for Old Scotch, Adam Lermen, U . Blues, 100 senior games, A Section goalkicking for last two seasons, Chris Hickey, Old Carey captain, 100 games, and Old W'estbourric captain and five times best and fairest Andrew Horsburgh, the first O .W . player to chalk up 100 games. St Kilda!Sth Caulfield, second bottom in 'B' shocked second top team Ormond when after an even first half they kicked 8 .5 to 2 .4 in the third term and then held on to win 16 .17 (113) to 15 .10 (100) . Best were Astapenko . Gilmore, Neeson (St KIlda/Sth Caulf) and Turner, Gilmore, Block (Orm) . Whitefriars in 'D', 8/10, met Parkside, 5th, confident of making it 9/0 . The Red Devils kept with the 'Friars' for the first three terms and then kicked truely 3 .1 to 1 .4, In the final term to win 12 .9 (81) to 9 .18 (72). Best were Hockey, Tessari, Harvey (P) and Pasqualotto, A. Carbone. Jenkins (White),

Michael 'Motto' Farrell played his 250th game for ANZ Albert Park, the 5th highest games in the club's history, and a great club man, on and off the field . Old Scotch faltered when they niet third bottom Uni Blues and missed the chance to put the club on top in 'A: section . Shocked they were! The Blues thrilled their home crowd when they kicked 8.2. O .S . kicked 4 goals to make it a 12 goal term. Lezmen, Stariski and Herald all starred for Blues. From the first change, O .S. fought baek, and the Blues sagged, kicking a woeful 8 points in the third term . O.S. had a chance but Richard Furphy and Brian Blood frustrated them and the Blues got home 11 .14 (80) to 11 .6 (72) . Fairbank and Stewart were among the best for Blues with Grigg, Wilson and Laird best for Old Scotch. Power House celebrated 50 years in the VAFA and were holding a reunion luncheon at the Ross Gregory Oval . Club founder, Wal Davie, and some members of the inaugural 1947 team would be in attendance . Power House's most celebrated football graduate is Geoff Southby who won the 1969 Keith Truscott best and fairest with the club before joining Carlton . (Regularly we hear from Peter Hutchinson, "and the VAFA interstate selectors missed him" - then again Hutch, in your position in 2002, you know how dif.`,rent it is .

One of Marcellni's greatest sons . '>iatt Getson a p~a~ c r respected by friends and fc , reached the 200 game mark . His honours included captain . 1989-1992, best and fairest

1988 and twice an interstate representative . Not only a great player but a great worker for the club . Old Haileyburians, second bottom in 'A' produced an out of I the bag performance to humiliate second top Ormond in the second half at the Mends home ground . Only a goal apart at half time, the Bloods kicked 9 .6 to 4 .6 in the second half . Best were centreman Chris McKenzie, Wes Byrns and Mark Orton while Paul Schukraft, Stephen Grace and Justin Clarkson at least were in the game all day for the losers . It was a sizzler in 'B' when top teams Old Trinity and Old Brighton met. The Trinity boys really starred, led 15 .3 to 5 .7 at half time and finished 67 points in front, 26 .8 to 14 .13 . Best were M. Turner, R . Phillips (8 goals), A. Dunn (OT) and B . Pollock, A. Grant, A . Pryor (OB).

St Kilda/Sth Caulfield congratulated the club spearhead, Ralph Bergman, on equalling the club goalkicking record of 16 goals against Bulleen-Templestowe . Umpires Corner profiled Wayne Hinton on his continued VAFA/AFL career of 300 games (and still going today in 1997 and going well - NR) . Next time you see that video of a VFL Reserves game where a player in stripes was reported for kicking an umpire, see if you can see Wayne . He was the other fieldie, and there's always been a question of whether he was moving in or moving out . His best amateur footballers seen, Phil Kingston and Michael Yeo . The Vicar of St Andrews . Rev Harlin Butterley, was a guest speaker at the Umpires Centenary Dinner .

Parkside was on top of'B' section . Was 1987 to be the year in which Parkside realised its ambition to be an'A' section team . However they suffered their second defeat when they went dotivRi by 9 points to 4th placed St Bernard's in a low scoring game, 6 .11 to 5.8. Best were K . Mahady . McAllister, Comito (St . Bern) and Wood, Williams, Shanahan (Parkside) . Old Paradians congratulated Brendan Considine on being the first Considine to play 150 games for the club . Leading goalkickers at the halfivay mark were 'A' Richard Herman (Coll .) 48 ; 'B' B . Freeman (Park) 48 ;'C' Mitchell (0 . Melb) 42; 'D' Collins (0 . C'well) 36 ; 'E' Jenkins (State Bank) 49 : 'F' Wl1elan (Aquinas) 41 . 'E' Section coaches were : Jim Flowers (B'wick), Brian Bond (Clayton), R. Thompson (Old Ess.), Greg Murray (0 . Geel). Rod Kerley (Penin OB), Ted Haberman (P .House), Vic Zani n THF AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

and '76, leading goalkicker in 1976 and Captain of 'D' section premiership team .

(UHSOB), Ken Bremner (State Bank), Peter Riordan (St Bedes) and Les Rliite ('MB'v :ick). • ` The VCFL defeated the VAFA at Lavington by 64 points . Country led by 62 points at half time, coach Bernie Sheehy was pleased with the VAFA's second half when they were only outscored by 2 points, final scores 18 .11 to 7 .13 . The team was:

Geelong, 'B' Section leaders :re badly beaten by Uni Blacks and dropp : d down to 4th with Blacks the ne., leader. S . Costello, McLean and Cussack (Blacks) and R . Foster, Hogarth and Wookey (Geelong) were best . Teams still to record a victory :e=ere De La Salle (A), UHSOB (B) . C'Wealth Bank (C), and Latrobe Reds (F) . The Spearheads had a good day - among the goals 9 to Butcher (Caul . Gr.), De Luca (St Bernards), D'Arcy (UHSOB), Roche (Latrobe Blacks) and 8 to Von Moger (Monash).

B: P. Matton (Therry), M. Deveson (De La), N . Burne (0. Xavs) FIB : R . Fuller (0. Scotch), (C), M. Summers (0 . Xavs), S. Hinchen (CoIl. )

C: C. Slattery (0 . Par), M. Atkins (0. Xavs), R . Barnes (Orm) (VC) . HF : P. Kingston (Orm), M . McDonald (Orm), B. Burden (Kew) . F: N. Heath (Uni Blacks), P. Mehrten (Orm), F. Gleeson (0 . Xavs). It. M. Yandell (U. Blues), B . Hodge (0. Scotch), M. Lowe (De La) I/C: S. O'Rourke (NOB), A. Witts (0 . Melb), J . Nichols (0. tielb), G. Kennedy (Ivanhoe).

Grace (6 goals) .was the star in Hampton Rovers' 3 goal vain over old Geelong . 200 games to popular dynamic Melbourne High captain Ian Turnbull . All Australia side in 1970, countless Victorian sides, 'A' section BF were features of Ian's great career, mainly in the centre and half forward .

Best were Summers, Burne. Kingston, Matton. Burden, Dc : eson. VAFA's nominated umpire was Cameron Swale .

The Association expressed great regret at the death of VAFA stalwart Jack McCann on 8th June, 1982 . Jack started his career with Collegians in 1925, was Secretary for many years, President for 10 years, and became Patron of the Club in the early 60's . When Collegians' new clubroom was officially opened in 1981, it was named "The J .S . McCann Room" . Jack was honorary Secretary of the VAFA Executive between 1933 and 1946 and was awarded Life Membership of the ANFC in 1960 and the AAFC in 1975 . Marcellin congratulated John Jones on his 100th game . Club B&F and Club Captain in 1981, John was a State player in 1981 and 1982 and Captain of the AAFC team in 1983. Only undefeated teams were North OB (A Res), Coburg (C Res), Old Mentonians (E Res), Brunswick (F Res), Ormond (Jnr 1), St Kilda CBCOC (Jrr 3) . F' ---!.fter a club record of 225 games De L< ille farewelled Col Glover, transferred in his employment to Tasmania . A -,reat worker, on and off the field . Col would be sadly missed . West Brunswick congratulated Bruce Ivey on his 150th game and his achievements since joining the club in 1969 - club B&F in 1972 and 1976 . Umpires' Corner featured Trevor Rowe (200 games), David Hindle (150 games) and Brian Goodman (100 games) . Old Camberwel) turned in a miserable performance against Old Brighton, scoring only 2 .6 to 8 .22 and dropped from 2nd to 4th . Best for Old Brighton were Draper, Levvey and Warnock. Old Xaverians' Captain Peter Naughton played his 100th game of an outstanding career with the club B&F in 1974 M THF AMATFFI IR Fn(ITRAI I FR

Another MHSOB veteran, Alan (Chook) Featherby played his 150th game . Alan had also doubled up as club secretary in 1971 .

~1ui 1 c3t, gave a great Ke ., wi C, t, :, lii,~. :.~ a display of wet ather footbt'i to oven, l ielm Coburg 12 .13 to 8.6 and moved into 2nd place in 'A' Section with Melb . High .

St Kilda CBOC junior suffered their first defeat for the season . In an extravaganza of scoring for a wet day, Fairfield kicked 18.9 to defeat National bank 16 .11 . Former Richmond plaver, Fran k Dunin (coach of Uni Blacks) was appointed coach of the Carnival team to play in Launceston, with Fred Coldrey as m anager and Harry Heathershaw as assistant manager. 100 games up to Jeff Birch (MHS), David Rhoden ( Kew) an d Frank Brennan ( Comm . B ank). Assumption (O'Connell 8 goals) swamped Reservoir OB, joint leaders in 'K' section 18 .16 to 10 .8 .

In the worst 'slush' for m~, :zt, cars Ormond Jnrs 11 .17 defeated 0 . Scotch 3 .8 to coi .tinue their unbeaten run stars were John Byrne (later VAFA Executive member), Brian Walsh (later to play with St Kilda) and Col Wilson (a member of the Melbourne 1950's premiership team) . Clubs were reminded that the VAFA had never cancelled a game while the tops of the goalposts were showing above water. There is no provision for canceling a full round . Old Xaverians 16 .14 were happy with victory in'C' Section over Glenhuntly 9.12 and were looking forward to Jim Ralph's return to the field.



Winning Edge Presentations Round 9 results included a couple of surprises, which limited my success rate to 66°b. It should be said that Old Essendon and Fitzroy Reds, for whom the season has not been easy, finally tasted victory. This may inspire them to more wins over the next six weeks. REVIEW OF ROUND 9 . SECTION 1 Prahran opened brightly against De La Salle, who came back hard in the second quarter to trail by twelve points at half time. Despite the bluste ry condi tions, Prahran was clearly the supe rior side in the second half . An expected De La Sa e fight back, aided by the wind, in the last quarter did not eventuate anlld Prahran won by thirty four points. Again my tipping was astray as I forecast a lesser mar in than in Round 2 and the margin proved to be one point more th an that for Prahran in Round 2 . Best players for die "Two Blues" were; rover, Justin Eve, centre half forward, "Carey" Dave Butterworth, wing man who rucked in the last quarter, Nigel Macpherson an d the Coach, Steve Ivak refreshed from his World Cup experiences . Don't go away too much Steve as I don't think Freeman Cobb had as m any coaches as Prahran did at Darling Reserve . For De La Salle, Captain, David Jennings, Ben . ("Sweat Box") Buick, Phil Brasher an d Olympic bronze meda llist, Tim.Forsythe were best. The first half of the St Kevin's and Mazenod match provided a fairly even contest with St Kevin's, nine points ahead at half time . The second half saw St Kevin's really take over an d run away to victo ry by sixty four points. Full forward, Terani (`Terrahawk") ~ain had a day out as he kicked an other seven goals for The Dogs" . No 5 in the mid field also played well as did ex coach, "Morgs", "Tlre Eater", and "Moe" Svzlak . For Mazenod, the best were; Justin "Grimmo" Grinm ison, in the centre, Andrew F ry, Adrian Holdsworth and half back, Andrew Smythe ("Spider" to his friends) . Old Essendon scored their first win when they defeated Eley Park by eleven points in the afternoon match at Keilor . No doubt the joys of victory were not lost on the dynamic Old Essendon duo . Luke Eddy and Gumby, (Mark Gumbleton) . Old Xaverians kicked the sweep against Old Melburni an s who finished one hundred and thirty five points in arrears. A third consecu tive final's appearance now seems beyond the capabilities of the Old Melburni ans. SECTION 2 - NORTH Old Xaverians joined the long list of teams, who have suffered defeat on the John Fawkner Oval in Oak Park when they went down to Therry Penola by fourteen points after a game which held a ll present enthralled as to its final outcome. The breezes blowing alon the Moonee Fonda Creek played havoc with the direction of the Old Xaverians kicking as they fa iled to goal in the first and third quarters despite having eleven scoring shots . At half time the Xaverians led by eight points before the Ther ry Penola stars started to shine. At the last ch an ge the home side led by twenty points . Old Xaverians, to their credit, recovered their second quarter accuracy and nearly snatched a late victory. Best for Therry Penola included ; defenders,-Kri s Watson and Michael Dono8hue as we ll as veter an forward, Tony Eastmure and Watson . For Id Xaverians, on ba ll players, Daniel Stoney and Matt Walsh as well as wing man Matt Conquest were best. Fitzroy Reds finally won on the ground when they proved too strong for a disappointing Old Trinity and recorded victo ry by twenty five points . Victory did not come easily as inaccuracy and the lack of match fitness made the Reds give everything in their quest for victory. Centre halfback, Chris Coates, on trader, Tony "Slug" Jackson an d veteran full back, Dave ("Axe") Atkin were best for the Reds, whose theme song must now be "On Eagle's Wings" be cause the four points from the Marcellin game have lifted the Reds from the bottom of the ladder . Marcellin slipped further away from the coveted double ch an ce when they lost to Old Ivanhoe by forty five points. The game was one of con trasting halves . Marcellin opened impressively and led by nineteen points at quarter time. Old Ivanhoe tlren fought back to be only one point down at half time. Marcellin tired badly as Old Ivanhoe continued to build their lead. Good players for Old Ivanhoe included Coach, Dav id Super, Marty Stewart ("Boppa" with seven goal s) an d the consistent Marty Veal . With Ther ry Penola's win, Marcellin now find themselves fourth instead of second. Administrative blunders are costly. Universitv Blacks gave their best performance of the season when they defeated Brunswick by thir ty s ix points . Their thirty seven point lead at quarter time proved decisive as Brunswick "won" the remaining thre e 22

quarters by one point. Best for the Blacks were: Jon Ralph (ruck), Charles Beaton, Nick Abbott and Marcus _J Coleman . Brunswick were well served by the consistent, Line Yowyeh, Wayne Morgan , Graeme McGowan and Richard D'Antonio. Could this win be the start of another Blacks surge to the finals ? They did just that last season before losing the Grand Final . SECTION 2 - SOUTH Inaccurate kicking was the feature of the Old Brighton versus Collegians match at the Brighton Beach Oval . Collegians won because they kicked more goals . Basic isri t it? Th e Collegians margin was s ix goals ( thir ty s ix points). The Old Geelong versus Hampton Rovers match was a close contest unt il Hampton Rovers broke away late in the last quarter to win by fifteen points. Their best were; Paul Mantis, Darren Wil ton an d Aiden Boyle . Hawtho rn thwarted Monash earlv in their game by= flooding their defence to prevent the Blues movin the bad freely in attack. The first half again saw Monash play lethargi~y in the first half although they led by twenty points at half time . After half time Monash dominated play and held Hairthorn to one minor score . Monash finally ran out winners by eighty nine points, such was their domiuance . Ruck men, Hugh Batrouney and Ben Dods, wing man , Luke Woods as well as dei'enders.~iat Cunningham and Chris Howe were best for Monash Blues . For Hawthorn, Shane McDonald. Brendon Mountain and Steve Mountain were best . Out east St Leos consolidated third place with a seventeen point victo ry over Wlritefriars. PREVIEW OF ROUND 1 0 SECTION 1 Another semi final preview will be played today between St Kevin's and Pralu an . Memories of their Round 3 clash must return to haunt "Dogs" Coach John Fogarty. Pralrran won that day by twenty seven points thanks l ar gely to s ix goals by "Cougar". Las t week it was his fellow forward "Carey", who caused problems for the De La Salle defenders. I know St Kevin's wi ll give a good account of themselves, but I can't see them outplaying all the forward op tions available to "Cobb an d Co ." I select Prahran. Mazenod should return to the winning list by defeating Ely Park at Box Hill . In Round 3 Mazenod t riumphed by sixty two points when Eley P ark could not contain the likes of Mark Fothergill and Adrian Holdsworth . I select Mazenod . Today Old Melburnians should be able to defeat Old Essendon an d in so doing bu ild percent a~e in the hope they can still finish in the top four. In Round 3 the Old Rielburni an s won by sixty points an d Tomlinson kicked six goals. Much the same could happen today . Tradi tional rivals, Old Xave rians and De La Salle meet at McHale Stadium . Based on last week's form the Old Xaveri ans must be selected to win . In Round 3 they won by sin2y, two points, with the Hardwick boys kicking three goals a piece. In their last meeting in 2001, Old Xaveri ans triumphed by fifty three points (2001 Grand Final), Little wonder I am sucking with the reigning premiers to win again today . SECTION 2 - NORTH In Round 3 Old Trinity ran Therry Penola to within five points on the Fawkner Oval, How the fortunes of each team have changed since! Even on the big Hudson Oval, I cannot see a repeat of the result of their previous meeting . Them Penola now seek second place and today will seek to build percentage . Veteran forward, Tony Fastmure did well in Round 3 an d today he c an rise further up the goal kicking ladder. I select Therry Penola to win comfortably. Despite their victory last week, Fitzroy Reds will see fi rst hand the standard required to be a leading side be cause they play undefeated leaders, Old Ivanhoe. With Kingston starrin at fu ll forward, Old Ivanhoe won by sixty one points in Round 3, Today~ forecast an other big victory for the leaders . Fourth placed Marcellin has the ch an ce to regain direction today against Brunswick, whom they defeated by sixty eight points in Round 3 to start their s ix game winning streak ( intermpted only by administrative error and by Old Ivanhoe) . Marcellin should again win comfortably as ÂŽ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

Brunswick seem to lack the fitness to run out a whole game.

Ln ;rersity Blacks have the opportunity to move closd to the four by d, ~ating Old Xaverians . The Blacks, who failed by nine points against the Xaverians in Round 3, have not produced the consisten t rformances that Old Xaverians has revealed . On the grounds of i sistency, I select Old Xaverians ,

SECTION 2 - SOUTH Old Brighton now cling to fourth place by one game and victory today against Hampton Rovers would help consolidate that spot, no doubt the Rovers are a better unit than the one whom Old Brighton defeated by twenty eight points in Round 3 . The small Ludstone Street, Reserve will enable the Rovers to close the game and prevent Old B ighton players running with the ball and kicking it to space . I lean to a l:arupton Rover's victory by a small margin . If I am proven correct, the c_vst for fourth place will be more interesting. .e r victory over Hawthorn in Round 3 was certainly the 'high water sk" of the Old Geelona season . The loss of these four points through an ineligible player set O7d Geelong's season back a long way. Today on ,i smaller Ratlmlines Road, Reserve, I favour Hawthorn to record a much needed win. t Whitefriars. I favour the visiting Monash Blues to again defeat the home side and in so doing prevent Whi[efriars from a late advance into the top four. r a semi final preview, Collegians journey east to play St Leos, who c<re devoured by the "Lions" in Round 3 . Todavs result will be much set and the game is a real danger one for the undefeated leaders . i; vertheless Collegians record warrants me making diem my selection . PERSONAL PAR All at Prahran wish keen supporter Pam Macpherson a speedy and complete recovery from her recent illness . Paris vocal support was noticeably lacking against De La Salle . Certainly the umpires missed her usual sagacious advice . The ;,'lcpherson family are real Prahran stalwarts . Nigel on the field and father Steve as the worried parent and busy team manager . We all hope to hear you barracking again soon, Pam , I c am Managers don't forget to contact me by noon Monday with your ;aatch details . Telephone; 9467 2857, fax 9467 2857 or email nkaugenffa iphatiak. c om . au

ilfi~r:]_' CLU¢ CLUB ==VII11 1

'~_t. _~ ;

Cartlidge Prahran R. George Old Xaverians Thomlinson Old Melburnians Butterworth Prahran Ely Park Blake Erskine Old Xaverians Terzini St Kevins CLUB XVIII NORTH Kingston Old Ivanhoe 1 Stewart Old Ivanhoe 7 Stoney Old Xaverians 0 Ciall Marcellin 3 4 1'astnurre Therry penola CLUB XV111 SOUTH Oaklev Collegian s McMillan Hampton Rovers Monash Blues Collier Hampton Rovers Buhner ;..uir Monash Blues

66 22 21 21 17 17 17

28 17 15 14 14 27 22 22 19 18

CLUB XVIII (1) St Kevins v . Prahran Eley Park v. Mazenod Old Melburnians v . Old Essendon Old Xaverians v . De La Salle CLUB XVIII (NORTH )

Old Trinity v . Therry Penola Old Ivanhoe v. Fitzroy Reds Brunswick v . Marcellt n Unl Blacks v . Old Xaverians (2) at McAlister Gold, Parleville CLUB XVIII (SOUTH ) Hampton Rovers v . Old Brighton Havrthorn Amateurs v. Old Geelong Whitefriars v. Monash Blue s St Leos Emmaus v. Collegians

6.7 10.8 14.13 (97) I--,v 5 .5 9 .9(63) 11 :'L, .-,LF 1 .3 4.7 6 .7 Ihalu : Coolidge 4 . Butterworth 4, RoaLrov 3 Buzz 2 , James . Lest: Geri, Eve, . CareY. ~cott. V"uulle. R9cky U De Ia SaIle: I3rasher 2, Tucker 2, Bowden, Janis, Forsyth, Rudd, Juffa. Best: Tuck Richardson, Botuke, Brasher, La Buy, Meehan . Umpires: T. B}nies, T. Hegan (F) 5.10 (40) 2.2 4.4 4 .5 15.14 (104) 2.3 5.7 11 .10 . EestL, Fry, Gruiums(N), Smyth, 11 2, Grtnunisan 2, Little, McKean bus arthur, Bourbon .Dffton . Best Fogarty , Terziui 7, Morgan 2, Meagher 2, O'Keefe 2, Allan, T earer, N;orgarL Tea¢u, Crowe Umpires, R Parker, Club Umpire (F) 11.13 (79) OLD ESSENDON 4.3 7 .7 11.11 ELEy PARK 2.1 4 .5 5.6 10.8 (68) Old Essendon: Not received , Eley Park: ' - • evict. Umpires : T. [,-its, Club Umpire (F) 51 5 6.7(43) OLD "°LB*roTM?'aNS 2 .1 5.3 6 .3 11 .10 16.14 27 .16 (178) OLD XAVI Old '.,bw . .. , received. Old X.averian~ Not recevied . Umpires: S. s in, B. iruim (F)

CLUB XVIIt NORTH T12ERR"t PENOLA 1 .3 3.4 7.6 12 .9 (81) OLD XAVER1AhS (2) 0.6 5.7 5.12 9.14 (68) Theory Penflla: Eastmure 4, 23nettt, Avomis, Chapman 2, Carter, Plaza I Best : Bitter, Donohue. Carter, Kelly, Gtatson, Zanettl . Old Xavereans (2) : McGrath 3, Hi~ lns 2, Francis, Ireland, McLean, Ryan. Best: Whlsh, Tuddenham, Stortey, tbhrrveland, Atkniati . Umpkes: D . \'r'indlow, Club Umpire (F) FTIZROY REDS 0,5 2 .6 5.7 6.13 (49) OLD TRINITY 1.1 3.2 3.5 3.6(24) Fitzroy Reds: Kyriatou 2 . Jackson 1, Sainsbury 1, Coates 1, Crime 1 . Best: Price, NIouickL Pengally, Kyriacou, Coates, Arkins . Old Trinity: Cade 1, Taylor L Stebbins I . Best L3ngdrnn . Mansour, Cooper, Re-Ish, Robinson, Thwaites . Umpires: T. Hall. Club Umpire (F) 31ARCELLLi 7.2 8 .6 9.6 9.9 6 3 OLD IVAlr'HOE 4.1 8.5 10.8 16.12 (108) Old Iv : Steuart 7, Barney . Tell, Kingston. Cormack, tiitas, Cipic. R(sstram . P°st Super, Stewart, Weisz, Birmev, veal . : ."ucellin: Petroff 3, V,aIl 3, Crackriell 2, kfilicia l . Best: Hogan, Yantd, t.iathevr, S, CraclnielL R.D Rooter, Noms, Aall, 2 .ll8cla . Umpires: A. Barrington . Club Umpire (F) BRUNSWICK 0.0 5 .0 7.2 8.4 (52) 12.16 (88) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5.7 7 .12 11.14 B • Davis 3, McGowan 2, w.:farg:ut, B.Lovett, T.Lotiett. Best Davis, . Hume. ?i1avett, h4cGe',aan, w.l4argan, Riaicrgan University Blac l s: Schilling 5, C.Beaton 2, Abbott 2, Ra)ph, A'eber, S.Beaton. Best: Ralph, Schilling, Abbott . weher, Powell, Buller. Umpires: J. Ciceatosto, P. Nailer (F ) CLUB XVJU SOUT H OLD BRIGHTON 2 .4 2.8 2 .11 2.14 (26) 0.2 2.5 4 .11 8.14 (62) COLLEGIANS Old Brighton : Cochran 2 . Best Crew•d.;on, Maddox. Norwood, i.rridge, Kennedy, Carta. CoLegiars: Hams 2. Bedby, Christie, Gambaro, Osborne . Ross, Sitar. Best: Osborne, Harms, Perko•r, Lumley, Gambaro, S .Day . Umpires: P. Rapke, Club Umpire (F ) 3.4 4 .6 7.8 10.11 (71) OLD GEELONG 8.8 13.8 (96) 2.1 6 3 HAMPTON ROYEP.S Old c e2iong, Slattery 2, Southev 2, Chadder 2, Chlmside 2, Meek I, Kraus 1 . Best: Southey, Kraus, Woolley, T.Ctumside, Holmes, Rtggall, Slattery . Hampton Rovers : Ridgeway 3, ititaa'*iillan 2, Buhner 2, Fhidlay 1 . Brudar 1 . Warren 1, Boyle i, Bamett I, Watson 1. Best : Mantis, Wilton, Boyle, Ridgeway , Gaudion, Hobso n Umpires : T. Hansen, Club Umpire (F) 12,5 18 .13 (121) MO,IASII BLUES 5 .8 83 2.0 5.1 5.2 5 .2(32) HAWTHORN Monash Birzes: Moir 5, Brown 3 . Parsons 3, Collier 3, West 2, Gangatharan, . O'Brien, Moir, L.11'nods, b4 .R6ods . O'Brien. Best: Cumurl~ton, Batrouney Harvtharn : McDonald 3, Fitzpatrick . Ptlkhigton. Best MScDonald, B .himmtam, S.P/wuntatrL Saddington, Gary, Johnsen . Umpires: T. BridesarL G. Hegan (F ) 7.5 8.7(551 WHITEFRIARS 4 .2 4,5 8.2 11 .6 (72) ST LF.OS EMMAUS 3.1 7 .1 Fthitefriacs: O'Brien 3, White 2, Bonmukvi 2 . Houston. Best: Toscana, Spited, O'Meara . Davies, Rtian, O'Brien. St Leos Emmaus: McDonald 3, Blundell 2, P. McGloin 2, D. McGloin, Mescher, Tvretti . Cotllesotto. Best: Haverkamp, P . bicGlom, Blundell, McDonald, P.'Illtams, Cox. Umpires : Si. Foard, A. Barra (F)


5 .30-2<:ro each weekday, ; .evin E_rtlett and Ca :y Honey serve up all the latest footy news and interview the p'aycrs and cc ches making the news .

Clubs have received Sport 9271 Crown bumper stickers recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporter. For your chance to win a weekly VAFA1Sport 927 Sports pack comprising a Sport 927 prize pack, a Quit SmokeFree Footy polo shirt and a째For the Love of the Game VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the VAFA. A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the Amateur Footballer. All entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize .

end of r 18 should your club hcsubmitted th e greatest numt of entries for k,a season, from your club entries the winner of the Crown EntertainmentfVAFA Grand Final weekend package will be drawn . Package includes - treo night's ~ accommodation, dinner at Breezes Restaurant, breakfast and valet parking and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final . `_':?ltiii :' :i;{lQl .' :1Ceii li? %r?~(1[f7<: : 3IIP T ::?iii3;i~r

L ---------------P4



: A.1:+.A, "Your Coaches' Association "

ook ":,Ientai Toughness

s; Achieving A4+~tetic Excellence", r.

k SELF DIRECTED He doesn' t to be pushed, shoved or forced from the outside . ection comes from within . He's involved to be, because it's his thing, no t TZt; He's not a complainer, a or a faultfinder . He's a builder, not a dcv--ot_r. His trademark is a blend of realism and optimism . His eye is always fixed on success, on what can happen, and on what is possible - not on their opponents . IN CONTROL OF H C S. Every player or competitor understands all too well the unfortunate performance consequences of poor emotional control. R^d refereeing, stupid mistakes, obnoxiou s

FULLY RESPONSIBLE He takes full responsibility for his own actions. There are no excuses . He either did it or he didn't . Ultimately, everything begins and ends with hun, and he is comfortable with that. He is fully aware that his destiny as an athlete is in his own hands . His future is his own .

The athletes who fit this description best dominate the world of sports . The world's greatest athletes give testimony to the reality of mental toughness everytime they perform . All the great artists of sport have exemplified this special kind of inner strength, a strength that goes well beyond the limits of their natural talent and skill. It is the thin line which separates the few who make it from thousands who don't . The deciding factor is always the same : your INNER STRENGTH makes the ultimate difference. REPRINTED: Amateur Footballer Vol . 92 No 1 5

ponents, poor playing conditions, etc, represen t ful triggers of negative emotion . Anger , str~ :iion and fear must be controlled, or they mos t ainly will control you . The tough competitor ha s ed the lion inside. D UNDER FIRE He doesn't avoid pressure, he's challenged by it. He's at his best when the pressure is on and the odds are against him. Being put to the test is not a threat. It's another opportunity to explore the outer limits of his potential. HTt=-- JPdERtAETIC & READY FOR FUN He is capabl e

if himself pumped up and energised for his best, no matter how he feels or how bad o r >s the situation. He is his own igniter an d io in spite of fatigue, personal problems, or ba d His sheer force of will to succeed in s started his beyond comprehension for who do not share the same vision . He is Ale, in his pursuit of his goals. Setbacks ar e tl :es in stride as he inches his way further forward . ivENTALLY ALERT & FOCUSED He is capable of long and intensive periods of total concentration . He i s

ible of tuning in what's important and tuning out s not. In short, he has attentional control . ,F CONFIDENT He displays a nearly

rable sense of confidence and belief in and in his ability to perform well. He rarely victim to his own or others' self defeatin g "s and ideas . As a consequence, lie is not atimidated . On the contrary, because of hi s . :, .:ent appearance, he often becomes the tmidator.

2TZGi T :

.-menced as i9yo urith - UIi`s, HFC 4th s n Districts / Citizen s f capt F prg 'im CCj' ISlf;aen ..ia ~o assis

vious 3 years kite '80s is Citizens, reserves 3 chig'98 HAF C

's To call on outside a process of improv nent . To ret b cc a negative with a positive . To always sak,'show how/what you should be better at. Remain positive. Encourage individuals to work to realise their potential. More challenges . Enjoyment and variety . To set realistic goals then put structures in place for the group to work together to reach them . FUTURE AMBITION., To continue to improve as a coach/ person and be a key component in improving the players and the club to higher ompetition within the IVARA .



ROUND 9 - -- -. ---7 Last week's bye was an obvious tonic for some of the lower placed clubs, with results going down to the wire.

Oakleigh managed a draw against its more fancied opponent La Trobe University with both sides being disappointed they couldn't pinch the win . The Trobers had five more scoring shots kicking a wasteful 14.17 . Farrant was again a strong focal point with seven goals . as was White with four and Perry and Edwards were also good contributors . For the Krushers who now have one win and a draw for the season, Dalton and Mackenzie kicked three each, with Clark and Kitts being their best . In what many predicted as the Grand Final preview between Yarra Valley and an, turned out to be as bigger disappointment as France and Argentina's performances in the World Cup . The Bushrangers won comfortably by an impr4Jsive 81 points . Again it was an even performance by the ladder leaders with Stevenson kicking five goals and Peake and Stone three apiece . These three were well supported by L Taylor and Pearce as the home side amassed a healthy 19 .16 to Salesian's 7.7 . The Bushrangers backline held league sharp shooter Higgins to only three goals, and nullified the Salesian midfield with numbers to the ball and committed football . Salesian coach Gary Connolly would have been looking for at least a competitive performance and would be extremely disappointed with the result, with the only positives being the form of Nannes and Seager. The Bushrangers have skipped to outright first position and more importantly gained a psychological edge over the second placed team . Bentleigh recorded a percentage boosting win against a lacklustre Kew . The B's overcame a slow and inaccurate start kicking eight goals in both the second and third quarters . With Ireson, Weber and Sice giving drive in the midfield and Henry, Lane and Sharp taking advantage up forward Bentleigh was able to eventually run out 75 point winners . Kew was well served by Stephens, Mainsbridge, Cullen, and Searle up forward with four goals . Peninsula managed to cling on to third place despite another less than impressive showing against eighth placed Fitzroy Reds . The Pirates jumped to a 24 point lead at quarter-time, but the Reds, slowly whittled that lead back to a gettable I1 points at the last change . Peninsula didn't help their cause by missing seven consecutive set shots at goal in the ?r

third term. In a heart stopping finish Fitzroy even had the opportunity to snatch an unlikely victory on the Pirates' home turf, but Peninsula has made a habit of w=inning'ugly' and was a point in front at the siren . Best players for the Pirates were S.Prendergast, Kent and Trewhitt. While for the Reds Tornese was terrific kicking nine goals, and Meighan, Pollard, and Cahill also played well . At Pitcher Park the match between home side Parkside and Old Carey produced spectacular football, with the marking of both sides being the standout . After a close first half, the C's used the breeze well in the third term to open up what turned out to be the winning break . The Devils came home with a solid last quarter but the C's kicked enough to finish with a 40 point margin . Parkside were injury depleted so it was a good effort by them to be competitive . The C's had their best team of the season on the ground, with Peter tinkles doing well in the ruck, Steve Vitali solid in defence, Hamish Morrison good on the half back line, and Matt Cohen and Spanner Hall again among the goals . Parkside's better players were Marulli and Stonehouse with four goals each, and Hockey and Welsh had plenty of possession .

: a - PREV IEW All clubs have completed the first part of the season playing each other once, with all eyes now focusing on the business end and finals action . League leaders Yarra Valley will aim to continue their dominance, while contenders Salesian, Bentleigh and Peninsula will also try and consolidate on their good starts . The match of the round will be at Bentleigh as the home side will work to atone for an earlier loss to Old Carey. The C's have been buoyed in recent weeks by the return of key players and coach, Glenn Taylor has the team playing committed football after enduring a tough period earlier in the season . However, Bentleigh on its day is a powerhouse and with Sharp, Dimattina and Lane in good form, should finish with four points and run out victors by 17 . Yarra Valley will play Fitzroy Reds, who were good last week against a more fancied opponent . The Bushrangers have given little away this season, so I exTect them to be dominant again and w-in by a solid 40 plus points . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

peninsula should get back to back wins in its match against Kew . The Pirates are in third position and will look to improve its recent form after almost handing victory to the Reds last week . In contrast, Kew was convincingly beaten and must lift, peninsula by 33 points.

other games Salesian should bounce bac k st Oaklei ;h, an d La Trobe to win against

Parkside .

p_rPLEIGH - congraullates Leigh Sampson for his 50th game this weet ;_ Leigh has been a regular in the twos over the past few years and the club wishes him well.

PENINSULA - Adam "Dogga" Crean - Plays his 150th game this week . Has transformed his game from the classic back-pocket plumber to a talented and gritty jack-of-all-trades. The POBFC would like to congratulate Adam on reaching this milestone and we look forward to many more games from a popular and much admired clubman . YARRA VALLEY 0 B - congratulate Ash Drew on achieving 100 games this week, Ash is an dynamic and exciting midfielder, under 19's best and fairest, duel Senior best and fairest winner, senior premiership player and former captain of the club, an exceptional trainer and model clubman, well done Ash. ,SALESIAN - congratulates Andrew Seager who today becomes only the second player in the Clubs history to play 200 games . "Eggy" is a tireless worker on and off the field, this year combining his role as Club President with the reserves captaincy. All at Salesian congratulate "the best tap ruckman in the comp" on his efforts over many years . A Past Players and Supporters Lunch will be held at our home game on 29/6/02 at 12.00pm to mark this occasion . Stuart Butter also plays his 50th game this week after a short stint defending our nation's shores with the ; vv . Well done to Andrew and Stuart .

H1:G1 7" CLUB D2 SECTION 1 tn Parksid e

Salesia n .~. :p f3entleig)1

0 3 7 9 4

45 44 43 35 31

Tronese Fitzroy Reds F, : Peninsula D2 RESERVES R . e .lleit Yarra Valley 8 32 ! ;, rue Salesian 0 27 FitzroyReds 3 2 7 :i1e Yarra Valley 3 24 :ior FitzroyReds 7 24

PENINSULA 7.2 11 .5 12,16 15 .17 (107) FITZROY REDS 3.2 8.3 12.5 16 .10 (106) Peninsula Payze 4, Torossi 4, Coghlan 2, Dentry 2. Crean, Goldtlrorp, T.PrendergasL Best S.Prendergast. Kent, Trewitt, Payze. Torossi, Bowen . Fitzroy Reds : Tornese 9, Pollard 4, Cairns . Clarke . Cahill . Best Meighan. Pollard, Tbrnese . Cahill, Drury, Clarke . Umpires: P. Jones, P. Woods (F) YARRA VALLEY 7.5 10.9 13.13 19 .16 (130) SALESIAN 2 .2 3.3 4.4 7.7 (49) Ya ra Valley : Stevenson S. B Peake 3, Stone 3, R Drew 2, A Drew 2. Savage, Keem. N Pask, Lon,worth Best: Stone, Stevenson, L Taylor, Pearce, A Drew, B Peake Salesian; A. Thahn 1, A Higgins 3, M. Byrne 1, D. Todd 1 . D . Ieovoli 1 . Best: J. Nannes. ASeager, G. Gaspari, M. Corer. D. Barry . Umpires: J. A1eNiece (R) (F), P. Nfitchell, E. Boat (G) OAKLEIGH 4 .3 9.5 14.8 15 .11 (101) 4 .4 8.7 11 .13 14 .17 (101) LATROBE Oakleigh: Dalton 3, Mackenzie 3, Bromley 1, Casa 1, Clark 1, Kitts 1, Malcolm 1, Perchkomatis 1, Smith 1, Timms 1 . Best: Clark, Kitts . Evans, Dalton, Mackenzie, Marshall . La Trobe : Farrant 7. White 4, McMeekin 1 . Randell 1, Sheldrick 1 . Best: Perry, White. Farrant, Edwards. Ludeman, Cummings. Umpires: P. Griffiihs. G. Kelly (F) PARKSIDE 3.4 8.4 10.5 15.7 (97) OLD CAREY 5.6 10,8 17.13 20.17 (137) Parkside :M anilli 4, Stonefiouse 4, Ware 2, Hockey 2, Wise 1, Soligo 1, Hanley i Best: Hockey, Manilii, Welsh. Romano. Old Carey: Cohen 6, Hall 6, Morrison 3. Cann 2. Battle 1 . Angus i, Fads 1 . Best Hart, Hall, Cann . Bull, Mason . Vitali. Umpires: J . Lane, P. Hoffman (F) KEW 2.1 3 .3 8,5 13.9 (87) BENTLEIGH 1.7 9.11 17.14 24.18 (162) Kew : Searle 4, Aitken 3. Wood, Ttnetti, Russo, Cullen, Eaton, Ayres. Best Stephens, Ma)nsbridge . Cullen, Woodhouse, Aitken, Eaton . Bentleigh: Sharp 7, Henry 6. Roles 2. Lane 2. Ireson 2, Sice, McCulloch, Goette, Jackson, Hutchison Best: Ireson, Site, Henry, Lane, Webber, Sharp. Umpires: M . Monty (F) RESERVES PENINSULA 1.4 4.5 6.8 7.12 (54) FITZROY REDS 6.1 9 .7 12 .11 17.14 (116) Peninsula O .B : Foss, J .Atchison, Angus. Claringbold, Vidotto, Muir, Haworth, Best, Vidotto, Ferguson, Powell, Gardiner, Cannon . Clariugbold . Fitzroy Reds: Protr 7 . Kane 3, Singh 3, George 2, Marcon, Crane . BesC Holderhead, Brarnlev, Bare, Prior, Walsh, Virtue, YARRA VALLEY 3.5 7.9 11 .14 15 .15 (105) SALESIAN OC 1.2 1 .3 1 .3 1.4 (10) Yarra Valley: R. Collett 8, Hale 3, Laing 2 . Yea, Reynolds . BesC R. Collett, Laing. Laird, Simpson, Thompson. Yee. Salesian: J. Logan 1 Best- S. Butler, E. Maillard, J. Novelle . N. Callaghan, Di . Sutton . OAKLEIGH 2 .1 7.2 10.5 12.6 (78) LA TROBE 4 .3 6.3 9.6 11 .10 (76) Oakleigh: Gant 3, Papadopoiilos 3. Mantis 2 . Brmvne 1, P. Papadopoulos 1, Varkatzos 1 Best: B. Papadopoulos. Gant, P. Papadopoulos . Cooke, Bronilev. Moutis. La Trobe: Watson 4, OTOOIe 3. Dumaresq 2. Wakelhig i, De Janovic 1 . Best WakeIlng. Pitaro, Walker, Hopkins, Bulleen, Ross. PARI{BIDE 2 .6 4.7 6.11 8.13 (61) OLD CAREY 1 .2 3.9 7.11 8.14 (62) Parkside : Copley 3, Panjari 1, Gresham 1, Allan 1, Romano 1, Robinson 1, Best: Robinson, Panjari, Allan, P.Romano . Old Carey: Drover 4, Guerra 1 . Konstantinidis 1 . Ward 1, Gates 1 . Best, Sontag, Drover, Gates. Ward, Brain . Speckling . KEW 0 .1 1 .5 1 .10 3.11 (29) BENTLEIGH 8 .6 13.9 19.11 28 .14 (182) Kew: Kinakou 1 . Moussi, Makris. Best: Ac(ield . Drago, Mousse Carman, O'Donnell . Stephenson . Bentleigh: Krotofil 6 . Strauch 4 . Stanes 3. PAnthington 3. Punter 3. Gatto 2, Truffaut 2, APittlto, Handfield, Clelerela. C"-rtm, Sampson. Best liandtle)d, Adams . C .Martin, Stanes. Strauch . Mchards. 91



Kew v. Peninsula Yarra Valley v. Fitzroy Reds reserves at 12 noon, seniors 2 .15pm . Oakleigh v . Salesian Parkside v. La Trobe University Bentleigh v. Old Carey


[_= [ Coach : Paul Dimattina Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 C. Sharp (C) 2 P. Morgan 3 A. Pittito 4 S . Sice 5 M . Eyles (C) 6 R . Webe r 7 N . Lane 8 C . Goette 9 I . Jackson 10 A . Henry 11 D . Marti n 12 M . Barker 13 L. Pi tt ito 14 P. Krassaris 15 B . McAliece 16 L. Airey 17 J . Handfield 18 S . Adaway 19 R. English 20 R. Fishlock 21 B. Istead 22 F. Dima ttin a 23 S. Adams 24 P. Gallo 25 D . Gol d 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M McCulloch 29 A . Clough 30 A . Miksad 31 S . Craven 32 J . Di Giorgi o 33 P. Withington M . Piri e 35 L. Ireson (VC) 36 M . Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . Beatti e 39 G . Prigg 40 M. Walker 41 J. Neva 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 C . Ma rtin 44 A. Simon 45 A . Wade 46 R . Lawford 47 A . Strauch 48 F. Cavanagh 49 B . Clark 50 A . Stanes 51 S . Truffaut 52 L. Sampson 53 A. SaMilippo 54 B . Gasse r 55 G . Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 A. King9 58 T. Caterson 59 D. Pittito 61 C . Park 62 D . Krotofil


'Ain I_I Lf ''

C e

; .^

Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Andrew George Club 18 Coach: Greg Box 1 (a) M. Frisby 1(b) S. Sukhar 2 A. Walsh 3 S. DibAndetto 4 (a) J . Hamilton 4 (b) G. Vigilante 5 (a) D . Kane 5 (b) P. Dtacrogiorgis 6 J . Bennie 7 S. Andrew 8 A. Byrne 9 ( a) C.Prro r 10 L. Bryne 11 (a) B. Athe rton 11 b) N. Krick 12 Bramley 13 M . James 14 T. Clarke 15 J . Vemafi n(a)B . Lee 17 (b) B. Foynes 1 8 M . Heenan 19 P. Cook 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. Meighen 23 T. Jackson 24 A. Parsons 25 P. Jackson 26 R . Curti s 27 (a) J . Tornese 27 (b) B . Lee 28 J . Card 29 (a) D. East 29 ( b) V. Cahill 31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S . Drury 34 M Zuba'r,. 35 D. Sna,. .do n 37 (a) G. Hanlon 37 (b) Pd . Mehri 38 C. Evans 39 M. Reid 40 G . Bance 41 R . 8uroman 42 I. Mc Bu rni e 43 A. Maroon 44 J. Abou-Eid 45 M. Sinfield 46 ta) D. Tim m 46 (b) N. Mann 49 A . Puglia 48 N . Vaughan 50 B . Aggenbach 51 M . Cairns 52 B . O'Connor 53 S . Addicott 54 J . Parsons 55 N . Matthews 55 D. Atkin 56 (a) T. Madden 56 (b) N . Curri e 57 R. Rome 58 B. Cahill 59 R. Johnstone 61 G . Virtue 62 N . Auden C . Andrew 64 G . Johnson 66 D . Timms 67 R . Holderhead 68 A. Mon k 69 S. Pido tt o 71 (a) P. Gun n 71 (b) T. Lesk e 72 M . Bennett 73 J . Bare 75 B . Pollard 76 P. Everard 77 A. Grillo 80 G . Box 81 {a) J . Horridg e 81 (b} C . Piazzer 8 6 M . Reid

87 C. Nave 91 D. Fitts

Ill B. Donovan 117 M. Rosenthal

[ 1


Coach: Rotten Doherty Asst Coach : Darren Searle Res Coach: Greg Crimmins 1 B . LaFranchi 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 B . Marchesani

4 G . Crimmins 5 A. Makris 6 N. Tinetti (DVC) 7 N. Lymn 8 D . Mainsbridge 9 A. Eaton 10 B. Cullen 11 B. Woodhouse 12 J.. Growcott 13 C . Kyriakou , 14 J . Looker 15 C . Bradley (C) 16 D. Wood 17 B . Allen (RVC ) 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Dennis 20 A. Acfield 21 M . Ayres 22 C. Stevens 23 T. Aitken 24 D . Kinross 25 C . Watts 26 S. Byrnes 27 T. Moore 28 M . Xuereb (RDVC) 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante (RC) 31 D. Cooking 32 A . Drago 33 D. Wayland 34 M . Fitzgerald 35 R. Bruno 36 S. Ryan 37 J. Landwehr (VC) 38 T. Connolly 39 N . Co!uccio 40 G. Muckian 41 R . Livingsto n 43 G. Collyer 44 M. Raffaele 45 A . larossi 46 A . Pirona 48 L. Jensen 51 M . Blair 53 M . Bolis 54 R. Waller 55 D. Searle 56 T. Frith 61 S. Moussi 64 J . Cronin

Coach : Brian Grills Res Coach : David Huffer I P. Farrant 2 S . Fredrickson 3 D. Sheldrick (C)

DAKLEIG N Coach: Paul Taylo r Asst Coach: Pat McKen n a Res Coach : Garth Dartn ell 1 B . Gee 2 V. Moen 3 D . MacKenzie (VC)

4 C. Perry (VC)

4 P. Papadopoulos

5 S. Adamthwwaite 6 S. OToole 7 N. Dunne 8 J. Thorn 9 L. Walker 10 P. Morton 11 Josh Levy K. Perr y 13 T. Luderman 14 L. Wakeling 15 S . Brooks 17 Jacob Levy 18 A .Hewitt 19 S White 20 ..A Murphy 21 D. Edmunds 22 P. Stewart 24 S . Edward s 26 B. Phillips 27 D. Gilmour 28 C . Ross 29 A. Randall 30 J. Smith 31 M . Fannig 32 D . Hill 33 M . Watson 34 A . Murray 35 J . Eyre 36 T. MawdsleY 37 G. Po rt er 39 N. Rosengre 9renn 40 R. Slater 42 D. Gleaso n 43 A. Poulton 45 D . McKeekin 46 B. Launikonis 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 51 C . Francias 52 T. Stauton 54 T. Peters 5 5 A . Cummings J . Laidlaw 66 A . Sallie 70 J . Dumaresq

5 D. Bromley 6 R. Dooley 7 M . Short (RVC) 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 L. Thomas 11 S. Nicolosi 12 G . Treacy 13 S. Randle 14 R . Keating 15 G . Redford 16 K. Marshall 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connellan( RC) 19 R . Cooper 20 J . Tolley 21 A. Perdikomatl s 22 S . Casa 23 J . Kerley 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Ki tts (DVC ) 27 G . Smith 28 A. KhOd r 29 D . Hal l 30 A. Timmi s 31 T. Bromley (C ) 32 J. Brow n 33 M . Clark 34 B . VarkatzOS 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 P. Nikaki s 38 B . Pa Padopoulo s 39 G . Dartnell 40 P. Tatterson 41 A. Roger s 42 S. Dalto n 43 R . Pa worth p 44 N . Smith 45 G. Chapman 46 B. Nguyen 47 T. Nguyen 49 B . Evan s 50 P. Malcolm 51 . B. Gant 52. C . Cooke 53. C . Cas a 54 0. Parton 55 D. Moulang 56 B . King

57 A. Jury 58 M . Coppock 59 W. Ogilvi e 60 V. Grinter 64 F. Loiacon o


. " .. .e

gZ, ; :

" (}i~ LAN 636 High St, Kew

g$59 1 631 E-mail :



Pty Ltd

9562 71 bi Contac t

Perry, Sam

Or Leo

coach : Glenn Taylor

Res Paul i )ntgcme ry 1 . C, Angus (VC) 2, D. Faeli s 3 , M . Cohen 4, S. Vrtal 5, S, McConnell 6, C . Campbell (C ) 7, H . Van Cuytenburg 71 A. Drover R 8, M. C ann 9, B. Shutie

10, K. Shrives

11, N . Everett (VC) 13, M . Sontag 14. M. C u r ry 15 N . Bull 16. R . Graham 17. M . Yarnel l 18 . C . Matthews 18, B . Chiucharelli R 19 . T. Wood 19 . P. Drake R 20, J, Rafto pou4o s 21 . R . Leong 22 . C . Battle 23, T. Price 24, P Unkles 25, N . Detarczynski 25 . L. Chiucharelli R 26, D, Sherr 27 , N . Vasilopoulos (C) 28, H. Morrison 29. S . Assimo 30. A. Guerra 31 . J, Ward 32. P. Graham 33, N . England 34. W. Giannikos 35. S McConnel l S.Hardy R 36, S. Wood 37. D . Palmer 3S. L . Guerr a 39, M . ENins 40 . T. Robison 41 . A . Gates 42 . P. Montgomery 43 . D . Joyce 44, A, White 45 , T. Bull 46 . H . Giannikos 47, S . Weill 48 . C. Popplewell 49 . W. Mudg e 50 , A. Kent 51 , R. Hall 52, A, Stevens 53 . A. Pitts 54. K. Gi annikos 55, L. Patt erson 57. P. Konstatinidis 58, J . Boncher •-59, C. Maso n 60, L . Brain 61 . C . Davey 62, P. Tompkins 63. B . Rodrigues 64, S . Sutton 65 . D . Eisner 67 . C . Hickey 63 . S . Hart 69 . 0. Winchester 70 . J . Marshall 71 . S . Feehan 72, J . Engwerda 73, C. Elliott 74, S . Mees 75 . C. Smith 76 . J . Vogel 77 . B . Spedding ° N . Latham Mart Heppell ~

. --~ ® :. l

Coa t : Mark Rowe Res Coach : C' n Dunbabin i R. Adams 2 G . Davies 3 K. Noble 5 T. Storehouse 6 S. Ware 7 J Muscat 8 J. Chitcott 9 A. Constantini 10 A. Vita 11 B. Hockey (VC) 12 D . McCall 13 A. Copley ( RVC) 14 P. Hanley 15 D . Moodie (C) 16 M . Ross 17 A . Roman o 18 M . Schwabl 19 T Ryan 20 D . Singleton 21 J . Scholl 22 R. Wise 23 R. Beck 24 R. Marulli 25 M . McPherson 27 D. Matthews 28 R. Martinez 29 J. Libroape rt o 30 T. Barlovr 31 S. Hogan

COB-: Hcu ey Res Coach : Ne -ranks 1 S . Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M. Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen (Vc) 5 N . Kent


M. Warner

7 S. Murray 7 N . Franks (Res.) 8 P. Angus 9 M . Dent ry 9 P. Krohn (Res .) 10 A. Haley 1 0 T. Trewhitt 11 S . Ferguson 12 C. Pettiti 13 T. Braden 14 S . White 15 A . Wood 16 S . Claringbold 17 J . Co9hlan 18 J . Whelan 19 A. McKinst ry 20 S. Prendergast 21 A. Macpherson 22 A. Atchison (C) 23 R . Powney

24 T. Prendergast 25 J. Atchison 26 P. Prendergast 27 S. Payze

32 J. McCall

28 B. Taylor

33 K. Allan (RC) 34 M. Romano 35 G. PPanjari 36 M . O'Connor 38 H . Byrne 42 P. Dean 43 B . Gorma n 44 P. Soligo 45 B . McGillian 46 C. Welsh 47 C. Tyson 48 C. Ross 49 S . Pas coe 51 A. Valomidos 52 B. Cassano 53 P. Romano 54 S. Marino 55 M. Wise 56 T. Wise 57 B. Boughton 58 T. Mangos 60 J. Drakopoulos 61 P. Tascone 63 R . Jones 65 S . Carmody 66 C . Chioppi 70 S . Diver 71 A. Inglis

29 S. Torossi 30 A . Crean 31 G. Davies 32 H . Short en 33 R. Stainforth 34 M . Alen 35 R. Wolfenden 36 P. Serra

37 B . O 'Neill 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Barber 40 B. Mitchell 41 A. Vidotto 42 A, Liniechild 43 G. Gardine r 44 A. Kelson 45 D . Bake r 46 L . Prendergast 47 L . Palmer 48 A . Bonner 49 C . Wilson 50 P. Arnold 51 R . Sharpin 52 T. Neal 56 P. Rittma n 57 M . Conroy 58 D. Brennan 59 S . Foss 69 J . Muir

Coach : Gary Connolly Assist Coach: David Todd : David Todd F ; Cc

Coach : Tim rdilwort h Res Coach : Rowan Davis

1 A. Stevens 2 A. Anderson 3 S. Sutherland 4 S. Bobetic 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Forer 7 G . Gasped 8 S. Logan g A. Campbell 10 S. Oldtield 11 A. Davey 12 M. Bates 13 1 . Bobetic 14 J . Ng o 15 C . Ryan 16 G. Irvine 17 M . Ferwerda 16 D . Barry 19 S . Brown 20 A . Seeger 21 A . Bates 22 R . Stevens 23 S . Nolan 24 A . Grace 25 M . Tambling

I R. Pearce 2 T. Morri s 3 R . Thompson 4 M. Fung 5 A. Drew 6 R . De w 7 C . Beal 8 L . Mor ri s 9 J. Kee m 9 C . Ross 10 T. Han cock 11 F. Macvean 12 J . Cremean 13 L. Gillie s 14 E . Kruse 15 N . Pask 16 L. Taylor 17 A. Laing 18 L. White 18 D. Ross 19 J . Stron g 20 T. Hale 21 D. Stevenso n 22 B. Drew 23 R . Yea 24 M. Davies 25 F. Pellegrino 26 J. Longworth 27 S. Savag e 28 B. Reynold s 29 R . Coutts 30 D . Potter 31 B . Stu rz ake r 32 J . Parry ~ 33 P. Cremea n 33 D. Ireland 34 C. Fraser 35 B . Peake 37 D. Balshaw 38 B. Morrison 39 J . Tompkin s 40 H . Cots ford 41 B. Downs 42 A. Stone 43 H . Park 44 J. Ho 45 A . Wingate 47 S . Collie 48 R . Davis 49 S . Seabourne 50 J . Peak e 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . P ask 54 S . Simpson 55 S . Taylor 56 T. Lloyd 57 S . Kehoe 58 G. Kerr 59 A. Joine r 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Buruma 63 B. Whitechurc h 64 D. Smith 65 M . Norris h 68 T Collet 69 R . Collet 71 M. Laing Lai n 74 A. Midland 76 J . Dickson

26 J . Hennes

27 A. Higgins 28 M . Byrne C. Rose 30 M . Cooke 31 J. Shirley 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 D . Rao 35 P. Knott

36 D . Todd

37 S. Sinclair 38 T. Alligan 39 P. Pitts 40 M . Forer 41 J . Novello 42 P. Evans 43 E . Maillard 44 C. Hunt 45 S . Horvath 46 S . Po rter 47 B . Bowman 48 M . Bourke 49 G . Gleason 50 P. Allen 51 S. Parisi 52 R . Cincotta 53 B. Chalmers 54 D . Allen 55 E. Hanaphy, 56 D . Stinear 57 D . Gheblikan 58 S. Butler 59 D . Blake 60 D . levoli 61 J . Rad i 62 B . Kirchner 63 L. Seager 64 J . McClaren 65 A. Darcy 66 C. Clauson 67 A. Thain 68 A. Healey 69 B . Atkins 70 A. Chiappini 71 R. Cincotta 72 D. Oliver

73 A. Gasped 74 C. Roache 75 A. Sexton

79 S. Morrish 80 M. Forbes 81 P. Turley 82 M. Smith 83 D . Bowman 84 W. Chapman 85 D . Sutherland

VAFAUA Sponso r CBD Cycles at 50 Bourke Street, Melbourne is a proud sponsor of the VAFAUA and offers us 10% off Retail and 20% off running shoes due to our involvement with Adam Conquest, former A section boundary umpire, who last year was a VFL boundary umpire and is now umpiring in the field with the VAFA . Mention your involvement with the VAFA to Anthony Moustakas (anthonyLcbdcycles .com .au). for discounts . Thanks to Adam and his Triathlon club for organishlg this Sponsorship .

VAFAUA NEWS & SNIPPETS : Football or Umpire? A new arrival to either the footballer or umpire world is a son (Nick) to semi-retired umpire Sharon Alger. Baby boy weighed in at a tidy 8 pounds on 31st May 2002 . Baby is doing fine, mum wishes for her figure to return . Congratulations to Sharon, Tony and Alex . Well done Clive "Skip" Shipley who today umpires his 100th VAFA game as a Goal Umpire, Skip as everyone knows him has been umpiring for 5 years, he says that's he enjoys umpiring with all the goals umpires as they're all good blokes . Richard Eastwood was so excited celebrating his 300th game he forgot to take out the ball after the half time break . Wonder if Richard snuck it into his bag so he can keep a piece of memorabilia from the game . Last week saw Michael and Robert Sneddon field umpire the A Section match between Old Xaverians and MHSOB at Elsternwick Park on Sunday . Can anyone tell us whether this is the first time two brothers have field umpired an A Section match together? Umpiring brothers, Michael & Robert Sneddo n

Jim Taylor, St Bernard's legendary supporter, father of Sam No . 44, has turned to the white side . Fancy the renowned umpire-c ri tic joining the ran ks and goal umpi ri ng in the twos . Welcome to the family Jim. Eve ryone at the VAFAUA wishes to extend their sincere condolences to Ron Marlyn and family on the recent passing of Mick. Ron's much-loved and respected brother . RUCK CO NTESTS: The players who sole objective is to contest the ruck shall be permitted to do so .

15 .4 .5 A player makes prohibited contact with an opposition player if he : - pushes, bumps or blocks an opposition player who is contesting a throw up by a field umpire or boundary throw in. Infringements that umpires would pay are holding, bumping out, shepherding, high tackles (hit in the face with the leading hand) push in the back and raised leg . In addition a player who interferes with the bounce, knocking the ball out deliberately and the ruckman taking possession would be penalised . The umpire shall back out quickly after a throw up and at boundary throw ins he or she sliall tri~er before the contest . Your standing on the hill at Elsternwick Park and a player is leaving the ground after the field umpire holds tip a yellow card, can you tell me why the player is leaving the ground and whether he can be replaced? Send all entries to the below e-mail address and the first correct answer will win a prize.

ONE M INUTE W .o . . ~


Clive Shipley: Nickname : Skippy, B Section Goal Umpire, Gaines Umpired : 100th TODAY . AFL Team: Richmond, Best AFL Players : Ian Stewart, Hobbies: Cricket . Football and Bike Riding.

Anyone who may be thinking of ordering any gear for the second half of the year is advised to let myself Craig Brajtberg or Leah Gallagher know as soon as possible so you can run in the gear sooner rather than later . Anyone who is interested in buying a Rugby top ($30) or Polo shirt ($18) with the VAFAUA logo on the front is to inform Peter Teasdale at training on a Tuesday or Thursday night as they are great to wear to VAFA games .

Marl Gibson Nickname: Gibbo, A Section Field Umpire . Gaines Umpired: 295 . AFL Team : Geelong, Best AFL Player : Phil Stevens/Polly Farmer, Best VAFA Player : Rohan Price (O .Seotch)1Frank Gleeson (O .Paradians), Hobbies: Photography . Piano. Tennis and Watching games of Amateur footbal l Craig Arnol Nickname : Knowledge, A Section Goal Umpire . Games Umpired : 58, AFL Team : Kangaroos, Best AFL Player : Wayne Carey/ Gary Ablett (SNR), Best VAFA Player Andrew Treganowan (Marcellin) . Hobbies : Footy, Drinking and Eatin g SOCIAL EVENTS PUMPS Lunch 23!6 Trivia Night - 29,"6 Mid Year Dinner - 2618 A Section Grand Final Brunch 22/9 Grand Final BBQ - 22/9 Presentation Night and Trip Awav - TBA

All correspondence to

5 Albie Firley

5 Chris Simon

5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max Wittmann

6 Paul Hoffman

6 Neil Woods

7 Paul Croxford

6 Dash Peiri s

7 Adam Conquest

7 Sean Scully

9 James Van Beek

7 Alan Ladd

8 Landan Blackhall

9 Damian Lane

10 Tristan Bowman

8 Nick Evan s

10 Avi Wekselman

11 Alan Stubbs

12 Jamie Kvin s

9 Nathan Carlyon

I1 Luke Holmes

12 Mark Morrison

14 Michael Gilday

10 Robert McLeod

12 Daniel Mousley

14 Ash Hoogendyk

15 Mark Jenkins

11 Paul Tuppen

14 Kevin Alexander

15 Tim Doecke

16 Craig Brajtberg

12 Simon Payton

15 Geoff Curran

16 Mervyn Monty

17 Cameron Leitch

14 Tim Tingiri

16 Peter Woods

17 Peter Keogh

18 Tim Sutcliffe

15 Michael Sneddon

17 Mark Gibson

18 Peter Simpson

19 Scott Mackie

16 Luke Moncrieff

I8 Jason McNiece

19 Andrew Fyf e

20 David D'Altera

17 Mick Robin s

19 Steve McCarthy

20 Brian Woodhea d

21 Justin Grossbard

18 George Paleodimos

20 John Ralph

21 Gajanan Skandakumar

22 Rick Love

20 Norman Hitchen

21 Patrick Maebus

22 Chris Collin s

23 Chris Stevens

21 David Iron s

22 Nick Fennessy

23 Peter Griffiths

25 Richard Eastwood

22 David Longworth

23 Greg Rowlings

24 Leigh Dillon

27 Euan Lindsay

23 Robert Sneddon

24 Graeme Hunichen

25 Lionel Katz

28 Leah Gallagher

24 Jason Moore

25 Geoff Moor e

26 Daniel Dinneen

29 Gerard Rolls

25 Mat Taylor

26 Andrew Shiels

27 Anthony Simpson

30 Simon Olive

26 Patrick Coulthard

27 Matt Cox

28 Ken McNiece

31 Rob Schuller

27 PaulJone s

.-, 8 Paul Lamble

29 Peter James

33 Simon Stokes

28 Ron Martyn

29 Chris Garcia

30 Michael Phillips

34 Jeremy Heffernan

30 Anthony Liffey

30 Justin Lipso n

31 Robert Sermnens

35 Graham Thwaites

31 Tim Friedman

3 Robert Mayston

32 Anthony Damen

37 David Murray

32 Jarred Aspinall

14 Graeme Morgan

33 Michael Forde .

34 Daniel Stephens

35 Jason Lane

34 Stephen Morgan

35 Dianne Whiteley

36 Matthew Meie r

35 Troy Brook s

37 Ken Walke r

is Stevens (S)

36 Ian Burgess 37 Gavin Roberts

. . . .r.-„~ I- n~ I - 1-



-- A

- EWAN Thompson lost his luggage for the match against the SAAFL. It arrived on the next flight, and our multi-skilling CEO Phil Stevens (read 22/6/02) went back to the airport to pick it up . Fully equipped, Ewan collected 36 possessions . - FANTASTIC to see so manv families travel to Adelaide to support the FIDA team and the senior representative team. - BERNIE Dinneen commented just before half-time that lie was "zapped" but he went on to be picked best on ground by the umpires . Wait a second, was that the same 3D vho was the last man standing the next morning at five o'clock ?

Voyage . He is one of the - arn, sc pc :sonaiiti ; in the VAFA . On Channel 31, dur'-g the S---weekly shoiv, they showed . GV revving up the VA.FA during three-quarter time . The SFL host immediately stuck a microphone under GV's nose . It was a shocked GV who went from tyrant to media crooner in 1(} seconds! Later at ;},-

casino a player shouted a round and George , citing to be impolite, drank one . Shoul d seen the face he pulled - George is a non-c ' :. . _[`y C F )use Reserves player Jason Fs organises

inc Sacred Heart Mission Community Cup , founded in 1993, to raise money for its mission in Grey Street St Kilda . Jase is a bit concerned that the St Kilda Football Club Community Cup, V-,-was struck for the inaugural- match between VAFA and the SFL on . egueen's Bi-: .

~oAn executive membe r a ernari; Dinneen P 6Ra indte met Bernie arriving bac k Qer d1° " „datist at the motel as he wa s

leaving for his morning jog! Now, we know that Bernie is a personal trainer, any chance the Woodrow Medallist might have supervised the run? - FORMER VAFA president Andrew LangfordJones was trying to impress the selectors at halftime by showing his footy skills . ALJ was finding it hard though to stay focused when his opponent was a woman . - SELECTOR Bruno Conti was asked if he ever ironed his gear as his trousers were creased. Bruno : "They are Italian trousers, you don't iron such quality type pants! " MOOT

- YOU'

:iot to like representative coach George

Community coaches : Traces :: utchison, Barnard.

W'eekend, might be confused with the cup being played for tomorrow (Sunday) at Punt Road Oval . The Espy Rockdogs made up of Melbourne Muso's, plays the Triple R-PBS FM Megahertz, which consist of announcers on Melbourne's

communi P;radio stations (bc_ . try g their name in a cliff hange~!) . "La.s e raised over $34,000 and pulled a crowd over 5000," Jase e-mailed us . "Uni Black' s t, ny Wilson, who does breakfast on Triple R, i s full forcvard."Ajax full-forward Ant Rosen is also in that side . "Power House are there, helping to run the day with sausage sizzle and canteen and there will be a band . "Tracee Hutchison, of AB C Radio and Triple R, is coaching the Megahertz and Rebecca Barnard the Rockers . "The Age's Rohan Connolly picks the Steve Connolly Medal, named after his late brother who played guitar for Paul K-llv. " ---use's Football C, ,)unds of vlbourne, Habel, president of Prahran Amateurs . ipliment in his review of Toorak Park wher e share the venue with Old Xavs . "Unde r guidance, the debts of the old Prahran Il Club were paid off and Tim has worke d senior and junior football back to th e ntrea and in conjunction with the Tabaret, . . .strong financial support has to Prahran Amateurs, Prahran Junio r 'I Club and Toorak Park .After all those nights worrying about creditors your job ?n completed . Arise Sir Tim Habel! " regarding TP, should also 1 1 to co-tenants Xavs, as they are -- :;ipii~,r, the City of Stonnington, to renovate Rd venue . a FZOI3Td D IS THAT? Rt}BFP T

Jomenico's weight loss advertisem ts Dipper exercising in a football ch <

roo :.. ould a r 1 : . Ie to email which VAFA , .:--rue it is.

Laurie p1 .

premiershi p Port Melbourne t1FCin1957.A•~ar later he retired and he has olaved and coached in' excess of 500 games . On

most occasic s Laurie coached senior and reserve teams on the

_urreA 113n ee171J,eat afIY119 r1t


same day. He first coached Reservoir OB from 1969-1974, where they wen t from E to A Section in five years . In C Section they we=-e premiers and champions. He then moved Old Scotch coaching from 1976-80, where )n B Section premierships in 1977 and I~~,': -_d fl Section in 1978. He returned to coach h :s on in their U19s in 1986 . He was also named Old Scotch's Coach of the Century in 2000 . Laurie coached Old Melburnians from 1981-82 winning the B Section premiership in his final year. Bulleen Templestowe in 1984 and more recently Aquinas (2000-2001) retiring mid way through 2001 due to asthina . He also coached the VfZFA senior representative team on seven occasions, winning six times . Laurie coa-hr-1 for '9 - s and won a remarkable 14 premiers] is .

LMCT 7243

125 Montague Street Sou t- h Melbourn e

ir- ratings for the first 8 rounds are presente d AV.

LEGEND - Team (alphabetical order) - 3 scores 1, players' ratiragsl total 2 . Officials' ratings/total g, spectators' ratings/total. In brackets after each the lowest score received to date is shown . A score of 4 and 1 is totally unsatisfactory, 2 is nn satisfactory. The top team in each section is , ._ali ~=hted . 57CTI(1N. De La Salle 37 (4), 37 (4), 37 (4) : i_era-Ilin 36 (3), 40 (5), 37 (4) ; MHSOB 31 (3), 34 (3), (0) ; Old Ivanhoe 31 (3),32 (0), 29 (0) ; Old Scotch ': :, 37 (3), 34 (3) ; Old Trinity 33 (2), 37 (4), 34 (2) ; i Xavs 35 (4) . 36 (3) . 35 (3); St Bernards 36 (3), 40 35 (2) ; St Kevins 34 (2), 38 (3), 35 (3) and Uni 13lues 35 (3), 40 (5), 39 (4) . 6 SECTION . Hampton Rovers 32 (1), 35 (1), 30 (1) ; a::-enod 32 (3), 38 (4), 35 (3) ; NOBs 32 (2), 32 (3), I'J ; Old Brighton 34 (3), 35 (3), 28 (1) ;Old ;ndon 28 (3), 34 (3), 26 (2) ; Old Haileybury 29

(3), 28 (2);Old Melburnians 29 (3), 34 (2) 29 Old Paradians 35 (3) ;37 (4), 32 (3) ; Ormond l 21 . 34 (3), 29 (2) . C Si,C'TION. Banyule 30 (3), 32 (2), 30 (2) ; tr: :naris 31 (3), 35 (3), 33 (3) ; Caulfield 32 (3), 3 6 ',j, 35 (3) ; Collegians 33 (2), 37 (4), 35 (3) ; Glen Eira 3), 31 (2), 32 (3) ; Old Camberwell 33 (3), 36 (4) , ri~• Old Mentonians 30 (3), 36 (4), 36 (4) ; Prahran 28 (2), 30 (2) ; St Bedes M/Tigers 31 (3), 36 (4) , itefriars 36 (3), 38 (4), 37 .(4) .

the completion of the two Championship lu , for 2002, the 2002 Australian Amateu r ~~ .,~ball Championships Team of the Year has been

<<:)N. Ajax 34 (3), 37 (3), 33 (3) ; Aquinas 35 (4) . 30 (1), 28 (1); Bull-Temp 36 (3), 35 (1), 32 (1) ; Ivanhoe-Assumption 29 (2), 32 (2), 29 (2) ; Mentone 31 (0), 38 (4), 38 (4) ; Monash Blues 34 (3), 31 (0), 35 (3) ; Old Geelong 32 (3) . 33 (3), 34 (3): St Leos E!"tVP 34 (3), 37 (4), 37 (4) ; Uni Blacks 36 (4), 36 (3), 36 (3) ; Ltrilliamstoval CYMS 28 (0) . 31 (2), 31 (3) .

D2 SECTION . Bentleigh 32 (2), 35 (2), 27 (1) ; Fitzroy Reds 33 (2), 36 (3), 35 (1) ; Kew 35 (4), 37 (4), 36 (4) ; La Trobe 35 (3), 36 (4), 36 (3) ; Oakleigh 32 (3) . 37 (3), 37 (3) ; Old Carey 30 (3), 35 (3), 36 (4) ; Parkside 28 (2), 32 (2), 25 (2) ; Peninsula OB 35 (3), 35 (3), 34 (0) ; Salesian OC 33 (3), 35 (2), 37 (4) ; Yarra Valley 35 (4), 37 (3), 34 (2). D3 SECTION, ElsternwAck 28 (3), 31 (2), 29 (2), Hawthorn 30 (3), 36 (3), 31 (3), Monash Gryphons 30 (0), 33 (2), 34 (3) : Power House 35 (3), 38 (4), 33 (2); Richmond C'tral 37 (4), 38 (4), 38 (4) ; St Johns 30 (1), 30 (2), 30 (0) ; Sth Melb 30 (3), 30 (3), 28 (2) ; Swinburne 36 (3), 37 (2), 33 (1) ; Syndal Tally Ho 33 (3) . 31 (2), 35 (4) ; West Brunswick 35 (3) . 34 (3), 34 (3) . D4 SECTION (some clubs have had their bye*) Albert Park* 26 (1), 32 (4), 29 (3) ; Box Hill Nth* 23 (2), 28 (4), 25 (1) ; Bulleen Cobras 28 (2), 34 (4), 32 (3), Eltham* 24 (1), 32 (4), 31 (4) ; Mt Lilydale* 28 (3), 33 (4), 31 (4) ; Nth Brunswick* 26 (3), 30 (3), 31 (3) ; Old Westbourne* 28 (3), 28 (1), 25 (1), RupertsGVood* 27 (3), 31 (4), 25 (1) ;St Marys* 25 (2), 27 (2) . 28 (3) ; UHS VU 28 (1), 26 (1), 27 (2) ; Werribee 30 (3), 35 (3), 34 (3) .

Each player named will receive a trained certificate at his League / Association's end of year Presentation Dinner. Selection in a Team of the Year makes each player a nominee for the AAFC All- Australian Team, chosen at the end of the three year championship s RUCKS: Andrew Ramsden (V) Wayne Weidemann (SA)

ROVER: Bernard Dinneen (V) INTERCI-I ANGE: Steve O'Connor (V) Darren Chandler (SA) Daniel Pdakelin (SA) Troy Williams (SA) Steve Haselhurst (WA )

Al Gary Eilz.a u 35

ET~~{~~~fi : AT k SPOP.TING PRiCE

anasfa G-1 gave themselves some respit e from the threat of relegation with a comfortable will over drop zone dwellers P ower House. Tim Gilchrist bagged seven for the home side . A thriller at Western Oval as Swinburne University pipped West Brunswick by a goal . The Razorback duo of Ivfurchie and Higgins combined for seven, while a barren second quarter was costly for the home team. Elsternwick got over the line in a hard but fair, and evenly matched contest with S dal Tally H o . The Hoers can be pleased though with the continuing emergence of youngsters Robinson and Miller . St .Johns -went to the top of the tree with a strong -,vin over the previously undefeated Hawthorn . The Jocs got off to a great start tvith Koppens, Hilton and Walker driving the ball forward on numerous occasions . The Hawks were best served by Cargill and Carle.

Finally, Si s( â‚Źe maintained their position in the f-r with aqnlid rin over Richmond . p PE


) . ! rternwick host St . J ohn's

a;sc, at mini-E Park in the first game for preview . The JOCs halted the winning run of Hawthorn while the

Neither team has really gil. : n me any reason to pick against, but having a bit more '.nowledge about the Swine and what they're capable of . I'll plump for Swinburne . Tally Ho welcome Finally, i j Central to Jordan Reserve in what on pape r to be a formality for the home side . Nonetheless, the Hoers should not handle the Snakes liglri'y . The possible match up of Rutter (Syndal) vs . "ZkThispa" O'Sullivan (Richmond) is a promoter's dream . on r, though, I feel the Hoers will win today . SAYS : Looks like you have had the i' c tints out this week Willo! With word limits in place, I will keep my comments to a bare minimum! Elstern 'ck hosting the Jocs . Interesting game, the Jocs might have a bit of a let down after last weeks match of the round whilst the Wicks will be keen to turn those honourable defeats into a great t.iti . Itlight be tight but any side -,vith the legendary Scott Hilton (don't worry Scotty, more mentions to come!) should scrape home ! Hawks should rebound against the Gryphs but wouldn't want to take it for granted. With Gilchrist back in goal kicking form the Gryphs certainly h< c

Wicks also got the four points last week . Both team s have their share of class players such as Koppens, Emery and Hilton for the JOCs and the Mahony clan for Elsternwick . Today though, I'll be going for St . John's . Hawthorn travel to East Caulfield Reserve to resume their rivalry with Monash Gryphons . The Hawks' winning streak came to an end last week, while the Grvphs kept their faint finals hopes alive . The potential match up of Avery (Hawthorn) vs . Leeton (Monash) is worth the price of admission alone. Hand on heart, I've love to see the Gryphons win, and it certainly wouldn't be impossible . Hov,ever, pragmatism wins out in the end, so Hawthorn for mine . The Western Oval this week sees West Brunswick take on Power House . The Magpies will be keen to redeem themselves after last week's result while the Piranhas are struggling to avoid the relegation trapdoor. West Brunswick isn't the type of side you can keep down for too long, and with the class of Adam Cannane and co ., should be too good today . A rematch of the Round One thriller between South Melbourne Districts and ne University takes place this week at Lindsay Hassell Oval . The Razorbacks have gone on to impress many observers, Nvhile the Bloods are also still in the mix .


4 ~ I~Iurchie Swinburne Lauletta Hawthorn 2 42 Cheevers South Melbourne Districts2 30 Higgins Swinburne 3 30 26 A. Jones St Johns 2 D3 RESERVE S 26 K . Currie Elsternwick 5 20 R . Heywood West Brunswick 2 12 Stroud Hawthorn 0 12 Walker Eisternraick 0 12 Rosowski South ",`~lbourne Districts4

Elsie nwick v . St John s Monash Gryphons v . Hawthorn Amateurs Vest Brunswick v . Power Hous e South Melb . Districts v . Swinburne University Syndal Tally-Ho v . Richmond Central

options up forward but Hawthorn welcome '., Davies an d Avery for the match . ,, ; un,wickmll be seething after their second oss for the year and make take it out o n :)use. The House need to get their moto r ~F or the dreaded R word might start to figure. jes for me . and Swinburne meet in what should be a ame. Both sides have had very competitive rs and will be eyeing off a spot in the four . I have on Swinburne's bandwagon for quite awhile get the feeling South might be the quiet crs . South, but only just! Syaldial host vrith a win a mus t -) finals dreams alive . Syndal have a swarm o f i,ome games in a row and might be a bit of a ti,, ;r~_iorse . Syndal for me ! ~rS 'VD' S Pete: JOCs, Hawks, Pies, Bloods, Hoers. Edr .?(,cs, Hawks, Westies, South and Synda l ; i ot :~slt G r ions hold their annual trivia night Iil[- Saturday (22nd June) at the Gryph Inn fro m )pm . $15 gets you entry, finger food, the unity to win some fantastic prizes and th e i; of entertainment that Heals and Dutchy have t o tier (OK, I admit it, that last part isn't much . . . . . ., . . .). 'I!iis is always a well attended event, so don't mis s it . See Heals or Dutchy for further information .

' j GRYPHOF:S v-teran i

HectiJ becomes the third player in Gryphons history in rcaeh the milestone of 150 games . "Heals" was club president for four seasons as well as holding le,.dersllip positions in both the senior and reserve ic,,ms, and his hunger for the spotlight is endless . Cheerio and hoorah from everyone at the Gryphons . ST. JOHNS OC - A slew of milestones for the JOCs ]lc_e. Firstly, well done to Aaron Dragwidge on .,chl~ving the milestone of 50 games for St . John's Old Collegians . Next, Jeff "Cotto" Co tton reaches the 100 game mark . Finally, stalwarts Stephen "Koppy" Koppens and John "Lovey" Sacco both play their 150th games for the JOCs . Well done to all of you uom the JOCs, your on-field efforts and off-field e-ntributions are much appreciated. RICHMOND CENTRAL would like to congratulate Steele Baille on reaching his 50th game this week . St?ele is a valuable club member on and off field, and tll at Central wish him the best of luck and look 1,rward to at least another 50 games . Good luck to your club this weekend, and thanks to (tit who have sent us information . Any nrrespondence regarding social notes, milestones o ., can be given (idealiy by 5pm Monday) to Peter via

hone on 9920 9054, fax on 9920 9097 or emai l

Iri~r-PS-WiihamsonCacentrelink .gov .au or Ed via r1,i ;i1 on Ed.Silldocker .com It would be terrific to :, r from every learn, every week during the season . 1k: ue a great VAF'.4 weekendPP G'T1 -rut= aneArFi in FCtC1TRA ; I ER 2002

,r; .

1 .3 2.7 5.10 7,12 (F S) St Johns: 5 . HIlton 3. Jor-.32, Harn ~ 2, R'.,s 2, Drag ,2 . P, tDn 1, Sharp 1 . Do~vsett i, waters 1, B. Hilton 1 . brst: Kop)ans . k4(ker . Emery. Jones, M. Jones, S . Hilton. Hawthorn : Lauleta 2 . Pollock 2, Banfield 1 . Phillips 1, Hayes 1 . Best Cargill, Banfleld, Phillips, Hayes . Stevens . Steele . Umpires : A. Foley (R) (F ) MONASH GRYPHONS 2.4 6 .11 11 .14 14 .20 (104) 1.2 2.7 4.11 5.16 (46) POWERHOUSE Monash Gryphons: T GIlchnst 7 . Denver 2, Flowerday 2 . Bourbon, Blandford, Stratford Best Blandford, Baxter, Flowerday, T Gilchrist, Kent . Denver. Pou erhouse: Robinson 2, Marshall, Richardson . West. Best, Senior, Parker, Marshall, Boland, West, Rolls . Umpires: R. Love (R) (F) 7 .3 10.4 (64) WEST BRUNSWICK 4.0 4.1 2.2 6.4 8.4 11 .4 (70) SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY West Brunswick : Brooksha,v 3 . S Benjamin 2, Kent, Clark, P Hamilton, Cannrute, Shelton. Best: Ward, Jenkin, Brooksha :v . Camtane, Ptetsch- R Benjamin . Swinburne : Murclue 4, M Higgins 3, Liston, 0'itiSara, Prior, Milano . Best Fragtaeomo . Prior, Murphy, Flumanl, Roberts, Eager . Umpires: G. Paleodimos, M . Gilday (F) SOtPPH 31ELB DISTRICTS 4 .7 9.10 14.13 23.18 (156) RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 .6 9.11 10.15 15.18 (108) South Melbou rne Districts: Henderson 5, Cheevers 2, Hannan 2, Powell 2, King 1 MelHna 1, D-Andrea 1, W . D'Andrea 1, Bouchard 1 . P. Hannan . Best : Aqualuta, McGee, Hannan, Henderson, Meltuta, P . D'Andrea. Richmond : Barry 1, Gray 1, Bailey 1, Parteus 1 . Best : McGrath, Harris, Doutavic, Porteus. Carew, Lynch . Umpires : A. Simpson, J. Ralph (F), R. Place, B. Ralph (B), V. Vaiopoulos. S . Vaiopotilos(G ) ELSTERNw1CK 7 .6 10 .12 11 .13 15,18 (108) 6 .8 9.12 13.15 (93) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2.4 Elsternwlek: Burnev 7. C.Mahot:y 3, K.Mllckelsen 2 . Murphy 2, S. Mahony 1 . Best: Burney C .,'+Iahony, liMikkelsen, Clarke . Brennan, Cunningham. Syndal Tally Ho: J.Hannematt 6 . Dtx 3, Schulling 1, Joy 1, Holland 1 . Raab 1 . Best, Dlx . Robinson, Merest, Bennett, J .Hatnteman, Fleming. Umpires: S. Mackie (F)

~'~~ M 7.9(51) ST JOHNS 3 .1 6.5 6.9 2 .1 2.2 3.3 4.3 (27) HAWTHORN St Johns : Hancock 2, Gardner 1, Hall 1, Johnson 1, Pi 1, R}dquist 1 . Best: Adams, Batty, Rydquist, Pollard, Auf(ray, waters . Hawthorn : Habel 2, Davy 1, west 1 . Knott 1 . Best : Collins, MeGinchy, A1Mer, tl'est, Habel, Rossitto . MONASH GRYPHONS 3.3 3 .5 3.7 6.10 (46) 1.2 5,5 6 .7 9.13 (67) POWERHOUSE Monash Gryphons: Campbell 3 . Gonis. Edwards . Graydon . Best: Pocock, Jen13n, Warren, Long, Holland . Leroy. Powerhouse: Pavlou 2, Verberne 2 . Scotland 2, Taylor, Harris, Dreissen . Best Gerberne, Crawford, DreL.sen, Marshall, Duncan, Elliot.

WEST BRUN S'[CK 3 .1 4.2 6.8 17.12 (114 )

1 .1 2.2 5.2 5.2 (32) SwI UT : UInfi-RSITY West Hour ck:' Je 3, Russell 3, R Heywood 2. J Heywood 2. Harris 2, Brunt, Smith, O'Brien, Coonan, Baker . Best: Coonan . Russell, Brunt. Vitale . O'Brien. Baker. Ssvinbwne : Demarte 2, Galluta 2, Drahitis . BesC Woodward, Reed, Reynoldson, Culph, isflp, McCalu m 5.6 9 .12 13.16 19.21 (135) SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4 .4(28) RICILASOPaD CENTRAL 1 .0 3.1 3,1 : Rosowskt 4, Slade 3, Rowe 3, Thomas 2 . South Melbourne Districts Flowers 1, Brady 1, Stepnell 1 . Md{erow 1, Briglla 1 . Fern 1, Pohlner 1 . Best: Rae -2:Serrolv, Slade, Johnson . Rocco. Rosowskl. Richmond : Barry 1, Gray 1, Porteous 1, Bailey 1 . Best: McGrath, Dautovie, Phelan. 3.4 6 .6 12.7 14.7 (91 ) ELST . . . 13.9 (87) -Z-) 2.1 4 .6 8.7 SYIVilAL ELsterawink : K .Curr:e 5 . Mussared 4 . p7,ouglilm 3 . Perry 1 . D O .Connor. Du .,dson. K.Curne, Powell . Daniels, Franke". Syndal Tally Ho: Thompson 4 . Murray 3, Dance 2, Fredericks 2, Buckley 1 . Harper 1 . Best: Murray, AR,;lrardson . Fredericks, Bireanin, Harper. Leplaa . 37

uoach: Peter Oliven Res Coach : P McNally

Coach : Peter 7y< Res Coach: Ed iII

2 A. Hankin 3 J . Yemm

1 I . Baccini 2 C, Alexander

4 A . Tilley 5 M . Whelan 6 D. Brennan 7 J . McAdam

3a A. Knott

3b N . Patterso n 4a S. Stevens 4b B. Glover

8 S . Currie (RC) 9 7 Hanley 10 S. Liminyo 11 L. Missaglia 12 N. Wigmore 13 V. O' Connor 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahony (VC) 15 M . Noonan 16 M . Burman 17 J . Perkins 18 A. Neil 19 J. Hunter 20 K. Currie 21 P, Stuchberry 22 G . Elvin 23 S. Curtain (C) 24 A. Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C. Mahony (VC) 27 M. Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 M. Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 R Mikkelsen 33 M. Cunningham 34 A. Straford 35 P. McNally 36 S. Mickkelsen 37 D Nolan 38 A Burney 39 R . Daniels 40 A Patey 41 D 8 Yrne 42 J. Lilikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 S . Ritchie 47 Dale Brennan 48 M . Frankin 49 M Parraga 50 M . Battaini 51 K Mikkelsen 52 G. Powell

5b T. Kerr 6a P. Avery 6b A. Tsoumbris 7 D . Moncrieff 8 J. Cargil ;

53 P. Roberts 54 S Kirkham 55 T Stanley 56 B Hilton 57 T. Byrne 58 M Bullard 59 A Appleman 60 M Creek 61 M Hunt

5a S. Avery

10 P. arc hard i 1 M . Pollock 12 S . Banfield 13aJ . Murphy 13bJ . Povey 14aD . Lauletta 14bT. Fitzpatrick 15 ki Tyson 16 C. Reed 17aB . Ruzicka 17bR. Steele 18 A . Collins La` 19 v 20 JS . Parker 21 P. Burke 22 C. Habel 23 J . Micheal 24 J . Jackomonis 25 M . Zaverell a 26 N. Hayes 27 R. Lord 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barker

30 P. Phillips

31 L. Collins 32 D. McCowan 33 P. Stroud 34 R. Johnston 35 S . Davies 36 A. West 37 M. Daou 38 B. Bruns

39 G . Carle

40 P. Rossitto 41 J .Bogie 42 D. McGlenchy ~ 43 I . Chepa 44 B. AI(der 45 B. Mountain 46 T. O' Hanlo n 47 D . Lahiff 48 A. Brlck 49 N . Tierney 50 J. Gourlay 51 S. Signorini 52 C . Frost 53 M. Preston ~~ SaU~e 56 M . Coglan

57 B . Collins

58 T. Dixon 59 A. Doyle 60 G. Saddington 61 M . Gray 62 A .Johnsen 63 D . Kealv 64 N . Kudeweh 65 G. Lilywhite 66 C . Lorenz 67 S . McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A . Patton 71 S . Williams 72 M . Waller

73 J . Williams 75 E . Sill 76 C. Pickett 77 A. Smith

78 0. Carter

Coach : Jack McDonald Res Coach : Phil Knight

Coach: Peter O'Connor Asst Coach: Jeff Scotland Res Coach : Roderick Prlarsha!!

Coach : Mark Petrusc n Res Coach : Andrew Titley

I S. Bourbon (C) 2 M. Healy

1 A. Rolls 2 D . Boland

1 M . Smith 2 T. Quick

3 A. Grady (Vc)

3 N . Pavlou (RVC)

3 7 O'Sullivan

a N . Rutherford

4 B. Turner (C)

4 R. Trotter

5 T. Gilchrist 6 J . Leroy

5 M. Braini 6 H . Clarke

5 D. Tankovich 6 G . Bunshaaa

7 D . Waiter 8 J . Biandford 9 G. Wadley (Rvc)

7 C . Richardson 8 J. Clarke (VC) 9 A. Burt 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 D . O'Connor 13 J . Harris 14 W. Elliot

7 P. Byrnes 8 G . Malcolm 9 J. McGrath 10 A. White 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 13 J. Dutton

10 P. Williamson 11 A . Nichols 12 A. Gross (Vc)

13 J . Stratford 14 D. Rolle 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 J . Hetherington 18 C. Lovett 19 R. Coxhead 20 D. Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 A. Denyer 23 A Long 24 C. Goold 25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Varcoe 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 S. Edwards 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 G . Block 37 A. Jenkin (Rdvc) 38 J. Bateman 39 P. Young 40 A. Perry

15 P. Haseler 16 J . Carrington 17 C. Macleod (RC)

41 P. Rutherford

41 B. Plush

42 D . Kweitel 43 J. Harrak 44 L . Wells 45 J. Gonis (Rc) 46 G . Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L, Martin 49 C . Robinson 50 S. Wilkinson 51 C . Leeton 52 A . Flowerday 53 M . Paolucci 54 F. Rizzo 55 J . Bingham 56 B . Tyo 57 D. Bastian 58 P. Maddocks 59 A. Bell 60 G. Campbell

42 N . Deans 43 N . Duncan 44 R . Parker 45 D . Lewis 46 C. King 47 J . Parker 48 D. Smith 49 B . Urwin 50 D. Chapman 51 J . Best

18 F. Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 B . Ryan 21 D. Miller 22 S . Evans 23 24 J . Taylor 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior (VC) 27 J . Robertson (VC) 26 D. Murrihy 29 R. Cassio 30 R. Duncan 31 R. Marshall 32 33 R . Taylor 34 J. Marshall 35 J . Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S. West 38 L . Deriman 39 D . Crawford 40 R . Keits

52 S . Rafferty 53 J . Sheehan 54 J . Blowfield 55 T. Chapel 56 J . Mahoney

57 J . Gourley 58 J . McClure

59 D. Reinert 60 61 62 A. White 63 I . Bracken 64 65 66 D . Wright 67 68 69 D . Galakos 70 75 E. Williams

14 C . Shannon 15 C . Barry 16 J. Bi n 17 P, Carew 18 P. Mouldy 19 S . Lynch

20 A . Quick

21 A . Jone s 22 A . Flores 23 D . O 'Brie n 24 T. Guthrie 25 A . Pfani 26 S . Bailli e 27 C. Adams 28 A . Waters 29 J . Stone 30 D. Green 32 M . Harris 33 P. Bermand o 34 J . Broo k 35 J . Howel l 36 L. Newber y 38 M . Delreitas 40 41 T. Slatte r 42 C. White/S Hoare 43 45 K. Day 46 D. Hogan 48 50 S. Castieau 52 C. Andonopoulos 53 K Pardy 54 S. RawlingsiC. Cartrricfi 55 M. Dave y

56 A. Tilley 57 E. Hil l 58 J. Cavanag h 59 N . Somers 60 M . Tapley 62 64

65 B . Cantwel l 67 J . Lan e 69 T. Melville 70 76 D . Phela n 78 P. Galk a 79 M . Coomber 84 M . Funsto n 85 G. Jacobs 87. D . Inglis

88 S . Griffith s

I B. Powell (VC) 2 ". Hannan (VC) 3 M. Johnstone 4 S . Stepnell (C) 5 S . Kin g 6 'A'ay. Rosowski 7 A . Hannan 8 S . fi.qui,Iina to G . PAcDonald 11 D. Hal l

12 M, McFarlane 13 E. Henderson 1C) 14 B. Slad e t 5 B . Lazzaro 16 M . Thomas 17 FA . Brad y 19 A . Johnson-Reid 20 Vi. Brow n

21 B. Johnson

23 B. Downing (RC) 24 G . Mijatovi c

-s S. Quai l S . Doyl e P. . Cheevers Fir rers

FernP c)jen itauley

Briglia rtin aylo r fJ. D'P.ndrea J .RaeGurn T. Sutherland (RC) T Hughes

P. New S. McNamara J. Pohlne r

9. Glove r J . Wals h szenst+i

D . iyicKerroav T.- ade

b5 C . razita 56 C. ,ley 57 J . Dr tr P.. r 59 L . 60 C . I inc h

77 R She






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Well the gap continues to widen between the top five side s in D4 and it looks as though only some rather extraordinary circumstances could see the top fcue teams displaced, tthouqh St.bfary's may beg to differ in this regard.

Albert Park hosted Box Hill North and the match was effectively over in the first quarter as the Falcons kicked 15 goals to Box Hill's 3 . With Julian Storey and Dave Borley dominating, the Falcons piled on a further 22 goals to five and while Corey Riscalla and Shannon Smith did their best for Box Hill in defence, their side were defeated by a massive 187 points. The highlight for the match was Albert Park's Sean Allan . Playing in his best game of the season up forward, he came within one goal of a club record by kicking 16 majors for the day . St .Mary's, fresh from an extended two-week break, hosted Eltham and put in a sterling team performance . The Saints out pointed Eltham all over the ground and with Jeremy Dwyer completely unstoppable up forward, both in the air and on the ground, the Turtles were never in the hunt . Gilchrist and Hill racked up possessions at will to feed Dwyer and enabled him to kick a massive 17 goals for the day as the Saints won by 142 points . Werribee hosted North Brunswick with the opportunity to go a game clear at the top of the ladder. The Bees jumped away to an early lead to be 27 points at up at quarter time . North managed to stay in touch through some good work up fonvard by Wallmeyer and Simon Care in defence, however, Werribee's McMillian lead the back line to repel many fonvard thrusts . North then seemed to run out of legs as Werribee's Lovell, Fogarty and Murphy dominating the forward line allowed the Bee's to pile on six goals to one to run out winners by sixty points . Westbourne put on a brave performance against a quality Rupertswood as they went down by 56 points . The Westbourne side may be short of the premiership contenders but the eventual margin would have seemed flattering to Rupo . Once again led by Tommy Gigas up fonvard and the hard working Ray Aldridge and Glen Robson, the Warriors trailed all day and despite threatening at some stages were outclassed by their more fancied opponents. Mount Lilydale took on the undermanned Bulleen and played good, strong football. Accurate kicking from Mount's Varga and Hansford who were among the eleven goal kickers helped build a considerable margin . With Hayes, Pearce and McKenzie dominating the midfield . Mount was never challenged, and won by a massive 114 points. The highlight of the game goal kicked by Jezza Penhale, which in the words of Bruce McAvenie was "special" .

Uni High-VU had the bye . R EVIE W UHS-VU v ST MARYS Coming off a massive win last week, St.Mary's will be hoping to stay in touch with the top five and build on their percentage as they take on a refreshed

UHS-VU . Coming off a long break, the students should show some improvement, however, they will be har d pressed to match the Saints good form, highlighted by newcomers Nick Proctor and Matt Robinson last week. In a tighter battle this week for the Saint's . they should be too good for the students as they win by 21 points .

NORTH BRUNSWICK v BULLEEN COBRAS Coming off a loss last week, North Brunswick will be keen to return to the winner's list against a battle weary Bulleen today . North will look to the high work rate of Sammartino and Care to provide opportunities for their forwards . and there should be many of these today . Bulleen are still trying to rebuild their shattered club, however, I cannot see anything but more misery for the Cobras as North continue their woes and inflict a 99 point hammering . MT LILYDALE v RUPERTSWOOD Rupertswood have to make the "mother of all road trips" as they make the journey out to Mt.Lilydale today . Rupertswood appear to be getting better each week, while Mount continues to surprise the critics with there "never say die" attitude . Mount's drive from the centre through Pearce an d

OLD WESTBOURNE - Congratulations to the umpires best match on the friend, Glen Robson, who plays his 150th weekend. A big hit with the ladies as well as the men in white, Robbo has been a stalwart of the Warrior on ball brigade for countless years and is a past captain and best and fairest winner of the club . BOX HILL NORTH - captain, dual B&F player and Iffi'0 stalwart, Afrim 0dza plays his 150th this weekend . ALBERT PARK - well done to Jodie Taylor on achieving his 50th game last week . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Thanks to my regulai contributors who make my life easier and allow me to makf some detailed comments on your games . To the others please send me your reports so I can give your valued player; a mention each week . Reports to gavanfCacleanevent .com .ac by no later than Midday Monday .

SOCIAL Westbourne is holding its trivia night at thi clubrooms after this week's match where participants eal challenge the brains trust of Ragsy and Chinner . Box Hill North is holding its Casino Night after this week match. Also, special mention to all the guys who will be going to th trip this year for Westbourne after it took out the major priz at the clubs recent "Reverse Raffle" . Celebrations still continuing some two weeks later! aprently St Mary's Trivia night - Saturday June 29th, organise a .tab' of ten & exercise the grey matter . It a great night for all Mt( the Box Hill North game. - 1o ~nnzaAl i FR 20t

IylcKellaie Will be a key to the match, but the strength and ,mining game of Rupertswood will be tough to counter. In what will be a tightly fought battle, I think Rupertswood will have just enough in the tank to get over the line by 8 points. OLD WESTBOURNE v ALBERT PARK Albert Park has to pack the thermos and woolen rug as they make the journey to Warrior Park today. The Warriors are a five goal better side at home, and when the wind is blowing in cyclone proportions, opposition sides are always under threat . The Warriors will be relying on the older heads in Robson, Horsburgh and Gigas to provide scoreboard pressure, however, Albert Park's talent will overcome this drive . With die Daley brothers on fire and Shaun Venebles kicking goals at will, Old Westbourne will realize how far they have to go as they are beaten by 49 points . BOX HILL NORTH v ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Eltham will still have trouble sitting down from the whipping they copped last week and will be looking for blood as they take on the winless Box Hill North . Buoyed by their recent win at the Sugadaira Cup held near Nagano in Japan, Box Hill will be hoping replicate the form here, however, I think that Doody and his Turtles will be a lot tougher opposition. In a match that could go either way I believe that Eitham will have a little too much experience for Box Hill as they win by 19 points .

Werribee has the bye.

34 an Werribee - by e UHS-VU v. St Marys North Brunswick v . Bulleen Cobras Mt Lilydale v . Rupertswood Old Westbourne v. Albert Park Box Hill North v . Eltham


NAME CLUB D4 SECTION Cate UHS-VU J Dwyer St Marys ~ . Allan Albert Park G athercole Eltham ncIllor Box Hill North

0 17 16 1 1

27 36 32 31 24

D4 RESERVES (- ~ivalieri Phillips i'astras 11 "€'sialtas Iiarding

0 5 11 3 6

23 23 22 21 20

UHS-VU Rupertswood Albert Park North Brunswick Werribee

TcothaU Grounds of Melbourne" ,-QQRIVS BOOKS

WERRIBEE 6.5 9.11 13.17 19.20 (134) NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.2 4 .8 9.13 10.14 (74) Werribee : Lovell 5. McMillian 2, Marinis 2, Ellis 2, Bradfield 2 . Baker, Tedesco, Murphy, Addamo, Keogh, Walsh . Best- Lovell, Fogarty, Murphy, Ellis, Tedesco, McMillian . North Brunswick: Wallmeyer 3, Verga, Closter, Murphy, Rhook, K}Tiazts . Best Murphy, Guppy. Care. Sammantino, Fleeman, Kyriazis. Umpires : M. Argall . J. Moore (F). J . Fagan. N. Booth (B), A Esposito . P. Gait (G) BULLEEN COBRAS 1.2 2 .5 3.10 3 .10 (28) MT LILYDALE 4.1 10 .3 13.9 21 .16 (142) Bull een Cobras : Not received. Mt Lilydale: Not received. Umpires : S. Olive (F) RUPERTSWOOD 6.3 13 .7 19.11 21 .16 (142) OLD WESTBOURNE 2.5 6 .7 9.11 12 .14 (86) Rupertswood: Flinn 4, Price 3, lemming 3, Ramsay 3 . Hatty 2 . Edon 2, Baines 2, Ocallaghan. P Sinnett Best West, Clarke . Flinn, Price, Temnting, Edon. Old Westbourne: Gigas 4, Depiazza 2, Aldridge 2, Benn. S Horsburgh, Robson, Cornea. Best Aldrtdge . Lever. Gigas, Said, Fairfield. Robson. Umpires : G. Rolls (F) ALBERT PARK 15.1 22.8 30.14 37 .18 (240) BOX HILL NORTH 3.1 3 .2 7.5 8.5 (53) Albert Park: Allan 16, Venab)es 4, K.Daley 3 . Overend 2 . Mandytaris 2, Roberton 2 . D'Odoricep 2 . Hyazns, Chambers, J .Daley, Sutton, Fleming. Baker. Best Allan, Borley. Storey, KDaley, Baker, Hyam s Box Hill North: Odes 2, Smith. Keillor, Manno, K .Oldfield, A Sallantagliou . Cavallo. Best K.Oldfield, Thoi, Smith,Tsallidis. OIza . Garrett. Umpires : J . Aspinall (F) . J . Wignall . A. Vatopoulos (B) ST hiARYS 6.1 13.4 22.6 32 .12 (204) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3.4 5.4 7.8 9.8 (62) St Marys: Dwver 17. Hill 3 . Ryan 3, Hendy 2, Harrison 1, Frail 1, P . Harrison 1, Carra 1, Proctor 1 . Walson i . Orme 1 . Best Dwver, Gilchrist, Hill, Robinson. Proctor, Ryan . Eltham Collegians: Mizzi 2, Panetta 2, Mann 2, Gathercole . Baud, Sandars. Best: Mann, Doody, Stockdale, Luttick, Mizzi, Daly. Umpires: C. BraJtberg (F) RESERVES WERRIBEE 2.1 5.5 5.5 12.5 (77) NORTH BRUNSWICK 6.1 7.2 10.3 11 .5 (71) Werribee: Harding 6. Ho("man, Pugliese 2, Fuller, Hovey. Best Harding. Schembri, Pugliese . Dolegowski . Carson, Kerr . North Brunswick: Papantkolou 4, Tsialtas 3, lWrnham 3. Shepherd. Best Heck, Shepherd, Sorlen, Vaina, Wernham, Cutler . BULLEEN COBRAS 2.4 4.4 5.8 5.8(38) MT LILYDALE 1 .3 4.4 6.5 9.6(60) Bulleen Cobras: Not received . Mt Lilydale: Not received. RUPERTSWOOD 5.5 12.7 14.9 19 .11 (125) OLD WESTBOURNE 3.1 3.4 6 .10 11 .11 (77) Rupertswood : Boddington, Phillips 5 . Jordan 3, Flinn, McMahon 2, Bradbury, Walsh l . Best Boddington, O'Callaghan . Jordan, Walsh Jrir. McMahon, Phillips . Old Westbourne: Stevens . Miller 3. Skinner 2, Rivalland, B. Slattery, S. Christo 1 . Best D. Slattery, Habersatt. Rivalland. Skinner, Robertson, osullivan ALBERT PARK 11 .5 23.10 28 .14 33.22 (220) BOX HILL NORTH 0.0 0.1 0. 0.3(3) Albert Park: Pastras 11,Payne 5.Parmansche 4.Green 2 .Harnath 2, Bourne 2, Tricarico 2, PhIllips,M.Dowdle, Jackson, Murray Sullivan . Best Pavne . Pastras . M.Dowdte, Harper, Green, Jackson. Box Hill North: Best, Takeslvdo. B Evans . P.Woods, P Mortimer, Dovle, Courts. ST MARYS 3.2 6.6 8 .7 11.12 (78) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .0 2.2 3 .5 7 .6(48) St Marys: Bernardi 4. Boer 3, Purcell 1, Anthony 1, Weller 1, Vincent 1 . Best Goldsworthy, Bernardi, Purcell, Anthony. Vincent . Graetzer, Eitham Collegians : Smith 3. Jeal 2, Chapple, Decker. Best Chapp)e, Drummond. Jeal, White, Barnett. Glar e

80 Fffndrr7 Stn;r;t . r.1 ~ i h ourHe

A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct" E________v_e_v-__s®®-®J


Coach: John Ahern Res Coach: Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith (C) 2 S. Robinson (s) 2 N . Pastras (r) 3 R . Baker 4 G. Parmansche 5 J . Hannett 6 J . Storey (VC) 7 S . Venables 8 C . Jackso n 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 A . Fleming 12 C . Fehring 13 B . Payne 14 S . Fai rfield 15 D. Borley (s) 15 J . Snorasson (r) 16 C . Robe rton (VC) 17 D . McLellan 18 J. Taylor (s) 18 H . Koop (r) 19 A. Stew ard 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 D .Overend 23 V. Surace 24 T. Green 25 K. Daley 26 J . Hamath 27 M . Hyams 28 R. Buckley 29 J. Marini s 30 A. Mandyla ris 31 S. McGuire 32 J . Robilotta 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 A. D'Mingo 36 M . Pearson 37 L. Hogan 38 J. Rowe 39 D . 'Odorico 40 M . Lapsley 41 T. Panayotou 42 J . Wie r 43 J,Tsoukas 44 C . Leorke 45 J. Bourne 46 S . Allan 47 L. Tricarico 48 M . Dowdle 49 C. Wilson 50 S . Mellis 51 L. Miceli 52 A. Graham 53 M. Williams 54 W. Roe 55 S . Chisholm 56 D. Smyth 57 J . Su tton 58 J . Hoy .59 G . Irvine 60 I . Pignataro 61 J. Daley 62 A . Harper 77 S . Garcia 78 J . Norman 79 S. Tot h 80 G . Bateson

Rising SUR Hote l RICHM0ND

BOX HILL NORTH Coach: Peter Armstrong Res Coach: Ian Atkinso n 1 Blackman J 2 Smith S 3 Odza A 4 PotterJ 5 Pietersen A 5a Hutchinson r 5b Jenkins A 6 Ma rtini D 7 Stewart S 8 Lacey M 8a Chamberlain R 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Kennedy D 14 Gm az R 15 Jimoulis T 16 Weston G 17 Cavallo G 18 Wilson G 19 Keillor L 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Ferris C 25 Michelle A 27 Thoi T 28 Brunning S 29 Rodgers M 30 Bolitho J 31 Ives C 32 Mo rtimer P 34 McCartin M 37 Woolridge D 38 Buckland G 38a Benne tt G 40 Tsaclidis J 41 Jackson C 42 Tarulli A 44 Garrett J 46 Cinar K 48 Marulli D 49 Ellis T 50 Tarulli M 53 Oldfield I 57 Woods P 69 Aguilar G 78 Steele P 80 Evans S 111 Armstrong P


Coach : Angelo Lamanna Assist Coach : Scott Dodson Res Coach : Matt Bourbon 4 I. McLeod 4 N. Cartledge 5 M . Starrett 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B. Hoare 11 C . Borell i 12 D. Thompson 14 G . Pemberton 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 17 S. Reddish 19 S. Trapman 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M. Turner 25 W. Olney 27 J . Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N . Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J. Mustica 47 S. Irvine 48 M . Soumildes 49 G. Anderton 51, R. Rodrigues 55 S. Wigney 61 D. Rennie T. Arnold P. Aslangul D . Beraldo H . Biram M . Bourbon D. Bourbon R. Cumino J. Clar k T. Dennaoui G. Fortune J . Hambridge T. Hurley A. Lamanna R. Lamanna Lamers G. Mandeki c M . Mastromanno P. Mastromanno S . Mastromanno Nasr

C. Watson J . Todd B. Pollock B. Nei l T. Bourbon D. McMullin J . Rickett McCarthy Sullivan


Coach : Brian Doody Res Coach: John Glare I C . Sandars 2 T. Duggan 3 E . Savage 4 B . Doody C/C 5 D. Brick 6 T Carter 7 B. Rashid 8 L . Sharpe 9 C . Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 A . Tibballs 13 R. Bell 14 J . Kerkham 15 L . White 16 D . Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 S . Macdonald 19 S . Robin s 20 J . Panetta 21 M . Hart 22 J . McKenzie 23 R . Watso n 24 K . Drummond 25 C . Horsburg h 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Bamett 29 D. Howgate 30 M. Decker 31 B. Keleher 32 C . Bau d 33 A . Howgate 34 D . Buller 35 G. Smith 36 L. Donaldson 37 J. Thimble 38 R . Beecroft 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Bau d 41 A . Mann 42 J . Howgate 43 J . Mann 44 T. Johns 45 R. Davies 46 48 B. Turney 49 B . Hespe 50 51 S . Maxfield 52 G . Stackpoole 53 54 P. Harding 55 G. Jenkins 56 J. Shannon 57 S . Gathercole 58 59 B . Evans 61 62 63 M. Luttick 64 S . Schafe r


T LILYDALE D .C. Coach : David Keas t

Res Coach : Paul Cummerford 1 D .Johnson 2 P. Hayes 3 M . Brebner 4 F. Varg a 5 Ri McKenzie 6 M . Jelenc 7 D. Hendrie

8 K . Maniscalchi (VC) 9 A . Del Biondo 10 J. Gardiner 11 C. Gibson 12 J . Commerford 13 R. Kidd 14 C . Wals h 15 A . Bullerjahn 16 D . Morrison 17 P. Beddoes 18 V. Steer 19 M . Leonard 20 J . Penhal e 21 M . Cunningham 22 M . Wells 23 B. Ega n 25 A. Delahunt 26 T. Flanagan 27 N. Pearce (VC) 28 A . Costello 29 D . Hicks 30 A. Penhale 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C. Anderson 34 L. Kellett 35 D. Cailanan 36 T. Roche 37 B . Dunn 39 L . Allanson 40 M. Rhodes 41 R . Katene 42 M . Pereira 43 D. Holloway l N . McConnell 45 K . Fraser 46 N . McConnell 47 C . Lonergan 48 S. Dougherty 49 J. Hoffman 50 T. Gamble 51 P. Bastick _? B . Leek 53 D. Hick s

D . Kin g 55 H . Flanagan ~9 A. Cox

C 7 C. Carstens Cl D. Prest

e t D. Smith cS D. Burrows c5 D . Turner 67 N . Senio r

L. Proctor A. Burrett C. Varga G. Bird J. Kerr S. Taylo r D. Van Duuren L. Senior

NORTH DRU NSVICR Coach: Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Gary Cutler 1 Wemham S 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P 5 McMahon W 6 Pizzari D

7 Magnuson D 8 Guppy D 9 Sammartino A 10 Fawcett W 11 Boudoloh J 12 Care S 13 UIIo M 14 Newton D 15 Tsialtas H 16 Tsialtas S 17 Kyriazis A 18 Verga J 19 Famulari S 20 Closter L 21 Santacroce R 22 Freeman J 23 Briffa J 24 Aliani M 25 Duson W 26 Murphy J 27 Vaina M 28 Gillard S 29 30 Healey S 31 Heck J 32 Robertson B 33 Rotella J 34 Pisasale M 35 36 37 Shepherd S 38 Wallmeyer N 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Twaddle C 42 Papanikolou J 43 Page J 44 Grist S 45 46 47 Prestigiacomo N 48 Carter D 49 Lawton D 50 Ferrante F 51 Sorleto P 52 Brine P 53 Pokrajak A 54 Hill D 55 56 Cutler G 57 Hill M 58 Giovanoglou N 59 Mollo L 60 Nabbs S 61 Goumas G 62 Carter B 63 64 McKenzie A 65 Rigazzi L 66 Pretty R

OLD 1VESTDOURNE Coach : Ashley Casperson Res Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 G . Robson (VC) 2 A . Casperson

3 4 5 6 7

S . Depiazza T. Giga s S. Hewitt J. Horsburgh (VC) A. Christo

8 A. Horsburgh 9 K. Murphy 10 J . Wilson 11 S . Phillips 12 N . Naidu 13 J. Cornea 14 S. Mattsson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M . Aqualina 18 P. King (VC) 19 R . Aldridge 20 M. Houston 21 M. Christo 22 L. O'Sullivan 23 S. Huntington 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 M . Stapleton 26 P. Mesman 27 D . Billman 28 D . Slattery 29 D. Horsburgh 30 R. McMillan 31 M . Baulch 32 G. Jenkinson 33 D . Benn 34 P. Stewart 35 D . Rivalland 36 K. Pillsbury 37 A. Leitch 38 B . Mattsson 39 A. Robbins 40 S . Leitc h 41 K . Miller 42 S. Roberts 43 A. Runciman 44 B. Slattery 45 S. Robertson 46 E . Sandstrom 47 T. Sai d 48 T. Scholes 49 R . Naidu 50 P. Habersatt 51 L. Stevens 52 D. Ball 53 S .Chaffey 54 M . Crosswell 55 D . Clowes 56 R . Skinner 57 M. Warren 58 I . Smith 59 A. Lipscombe 60 N. Aqualin a

Werribee HYUNDAI


Coach: Tony West Res Coach : Shane McLauchlan 2 Fox D . 3 Page S . 4 Croxford D. 5 Boddington P. 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B. 8 Plummer T. 9 Clarke M. 10 O'Callaghan A. 11 Moule B. 12 Cardillo K. 13 Sinnett B. 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N. 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R. 18 Pettman M. 19 Mezzatesta M . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M . 25 Nike D . 26 Zarb D . 27 McMahon N . 28 McDonald D. 29 Baines M. 32 Sinnet P. 33 Glassey G . 35 Certo C. 36 Henry P. 37 38 Pettman B. 39 Walsh D. 40 Drago C. 41 Bowman P. 42 Swann B . 43 Phillips R . 44 Icely A . 45 Hum D. 46 Eden T. 47 Soutaris A . 48 49 O'Riley C. 50 Walsh D: 51 MacPherson B . 52 Moskaljuk S . 53 Bugeja N . 54 Gibbs R . 55 Ramsay J . 56 Hatty G . 57 Moskaljuk P. 60 Price G . 62 McMahon A . 64 66 Mandouit L. 69 Bradbury H . 70 Temming L . 74 77 O'Callaghan M . 78

ST. M ARYS Coach : Michael Learmonth

U~iSQB Coach : Pat Mackey

Res Coach : TBA Res I Coach : Peter Dinnick

1 T.Brown 2 B .Boyes 3 J .Carra 4 N.Goldsworthy 5 J .Dvrye r 6 S .Stone 7 A .Dwyer 8 A.Zsembery 9 R.Orm e 10 G.Koumantatakis 11 J .Bernardi 12 A .Webb 13 J .Hill

14 C.Goldsworthy 15 M .Purcel l 16 L.Anthony 17 P.West 18 B .Frail 19 V.Ryan 20 A .Lane 21 M .Giichrist 22 R.Allen 23 FHarrison 24 J .Oconnor 25 C.Bartlett 26 P.Mulcahy 27 M .Banks 28 J .Innes 29 P.Harrison 30 P.Watson 31 D.Thomson 32 P.Rheining 33 M .Ohalloran 34 A .Pakovski 35 G.Theohan s 36 E .Evans 37 L.Vncent 38 C.Handley 39 TMillar 40 N.Luce 41 B .Graetzer 43 M .Chamberlin 44 M .Robinson 45 .Ryan 46 S .Angus 47 P.Rousis 48 D.Morcom 49 G .Schembri 50 A.Wibawa 53 B .Armitstead 54 J .Wright 55 B .Perelberg 56 J .V ncent 57 D.Watson 58 B .Lewis 59 K.MGennan 61 N.Jackson 63 P.Roseman 65 S .Roseman 66 C.Roseman 69 J,Hendy 80 J .Clarke 88 A .Ballantyne



Rust Steel Industries

1 M . Wright (vc) 2 B. Ueberang 3 A.Tatarico

4 L. Gorringe

5 T. Fulton (vc) 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zuluck i 8 D . Hastett (C) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly 13 N . Rose (vc) 14 J. Ham 15 S. Brown 16 J. Tate 17 C . Langendori 18 A. Hellne r 19 J. Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 B. Abrahamsen 22 G . Mandali s 23 G . Ternes 24 N . Hahn 25 S. Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusic 28 V. Cavalieri 29 K. Weber 30 M. Butera 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michael 33 P. Greenbank 34 J.O'Neilt 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R . Lapis h 39 M. Rea 40 L . Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Percy 45 M. Crawley 46 C . Siotos 47 M. Kennedy 48 M. Davidson 49 M. Kinnane 50 B. Dryn e 51 R . Hortle 52 M. Collins 53 C . Eddy 54 R . Witnish 55 N . Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 G . Divenuto 58 J. Thomas 59 J. Barron 60 L . Turner 61 T. Stathopoulos 62 K. Rodgers 63 D . Parker 64 R . Middleton 65 J. Harris 66 S. Butera 67 M. De Luise 68 L . Holmes 69 S. Frost 70 E. Ricciuti 71 72 S. Duke 73 S. Devlin 74 D .Ryan 75 S. Mills 77 S. Rawolle 88 D. Fisher

WERRIBEE Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Paul Smith 1 P. O'Connor 2 L . Kerr 3 D. Flack 4 J. Johns 5 P. Barsby 6 S.Lyons 7 T. Elli s 8 P. Dawes 9 M,Bradfield 10 M. Keogh 11 M. Green 12 M. Walsh 13 F. Mehmert 14 B. McMillan 15 A. Murphy 16 S. Fogarty 17 A. Tedesco 18 S. Pugliese 19 J. Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 M.Johnson 22 A. Dibatista 23 J. Hoffman 24 J. C rick 25 A. Hovey 26 S.Parslow 27 P. Browning 28 D . Turner 29 S. Dol e 30 B. Cadesso 31 B. Waters

32 M. Dolegowski 33 D . Owens 34 N . Lovell 35 B. Cunningham 36 C . Ewards 37 J. Ayling 38 D . Velisha 39 L . Langfield 40 S. Fuller 41 G . Grogan 42 D . Ellis 43 L. Carson 44 D . Nedinis 45 J. Marinis 46 R . Hann 47 G. Fuller 48 M. Foote 49 E. Mahoney 50 K. Pace 51 B. Patton 52 C . Andrews 53 L . Djakovic 54 A . Casserta 56 Q. Walsh 57 D . Abbey 58 A. Cmerifia 59 A. Lonti 60 M. Czajkowski 61 D . Delan y 62 S. Liangos 63 A. Stewart 64 G .McGowan 65 S. Parslow 66 M . Egan



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(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service )

es Appointments - Scores (Sat. night)

The main ( :_ ; (Glenhuntly Road) is open every m atch day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No. 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .


--------------® J


THE CHALLENGE : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES : (a) Weekly. 3 successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive a Pulse Energy T-shirt, a Pulse Energy cap and 1 dozen Pulse Energy golf balls . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer° . (b) End of Year . All 66 winners will go in a draw . At this draw should the one person drawn have "switched" as part of the "Switch To" initiative the winner will receive $2,000 worth of electricity, gas and petrol -$500 gas, $750 electricity and $750 fuel . Should the person not have switched the winner to receive $500 prize -$100 gas, $200 electricity and $200 fuel . HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person . Spot the Dulse MIX, Tear off entry section which appears top Wek e Ro ©92 Winners . . C2 . . . (71 Entrie s left of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA P0 Box 359 Elsternrvick 3185 Congratulations: or plcopy and fax to 95312050 . Shaun Soppe t (Elstennwick) Entry to be received by noon Veigha Seaborne (Yarra'dalley) Tuesday following each round .

~vC'z t ~.~.+ :

Tooheys vIeston Heath BurWood The Bush In n TVP Communications Terranat Landscape South Yarra Sports Centre Paul Pattison Evans Kerr AMP

Goldpats Accountants JB's Purified Water John Peterson Bookseller HydroChem The Kitchen Place Ted Lynch Agencies Australia Wine Direct Williams & Co The Frame Sho p

rsdorf Keith's Pies ub Warehouse Rod's Fruit & Ve g rEo's Deli Bob Stewart Mensland Ss :7 McBean Meats Beaurepaire s s Hotel Camp Australia !.i ; Redlich & Sons Moody Consulting ;~ ;, ating Image Caterin g in addition to the two special Thank the Sponsors' Nights, all sponsors are . . elcome for drinks at the club on Thursday nights prior to oaeh come from 5.30 pm .

_ , . r -, ; `~, >:.;u= i.i<i "') in 2 G < June July i~ ;ne game luncheon v 6 Home game luncheon v 00 r1 Ivanhoe, 12 noon . University Blues, 12 noon . cme Game Hero: Home Game Hero: %ustralia Wine Direct . Maxwell & William s Ti ,ria Night. Unicor n 20 End of Season Trip Party `ub, 7 .30pm . All at The Unicorn Club. L:yers and supporters 7 .30 pm . Great night . ~Ee most welcome . All welcome.


The ressies, the seconds, the magoos . : Whichever way you look at it, the Reserves are an integral component o f any successful football club.

As captain of the MHSOBFC Reserves team, I believe we have a number of responsibilities to the club . . . 1 . To represent the club each week in a competitive and spirited manner, setting a positive theme for the senior team . 2 . To apply pressure on the senior players - to constantly be pushing up so that the senior players value their spots in the senior team . 3 . Most importantly, to develop the young players in the club, the next generation . Many of these players have graduated from our Under 19's and are yearning to play senior A

Grade football . As one of the elder statesmen of the Reserves, I am delighted with the number of young players in our Reserves team . I hope that we can create the right atmosphere for these players to grow and improve, and to remain with our club for many years . In what has been a difficult year to date, our coach Scott Robinson and the team should feel proud that we continue to show true spirit and determination each week . We will achieve success because we have a terrific group of young players who really do deserve it .


;ti速I l

Old Ivanhoe v. University Blues Old Scotch v . St Kevin s

Old Trinity v . De La Salle EP Saturday St Bernards v . Old Xaverians Marcellin v. MHSOB

U Sectio n Mazenod v. Old Essendo n Old Haileybury v. Old Brighton Old Paradians v . Old Melburnians Ormond v. Therry Penola Hampton Rovers v . North Old Boys

C Sectio n Prahran v . St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Mentonians v . Collegians Whitefriars v . Banyule

Glen Eira v. Caulfield Gr. Old Camberwell v . Beaumaris D1 Section Mentone v . Aquinas AJAX v. Monash Blue s Ivanhoe Assumption v . Bulleen Templestowe St Leos Emmaus v. Old Geelong University Blacks v. Williamstown CYM S

172 Sect io n Peninsula v. Yarra Valley Fitzroy Reds v . Oakleigh Salesian v . Parkside La Trobe University v . Bentieigh Old Carey v . Kew

03 Sectio n St Johns v . Monash Gryphons Hawthorn Amateurs v . West Brunswick Power House v. South Melbourne Districts Syndal Tally-Ho v . Swinburne Richmond v . Elsternwick D4 Section Werribee v. UHS-VU Bulleen Cobras - bye . Rupertswood v. North Brunswick Albert Park v . Mt Lilydale Eltham v . Old Westbourn e St Marys v. Box Hill North

Under-19 Section 1 Caulfield Grammarians v . St Bernards De La Salle v . Old Melburnian s Old Brighton v. Old Scotch Old Xaverians v. St Kevins Marcellin v . University Blue s

Under-19 Section 2 Old Trinity v . Hampton Rovers Old Haileybury v. Mazenod Werribee - bye . Beaumaris v. Old Ivanho e Old Essendon Grammarians v . Ormon d

Under-19 Section 3 Therry Penola v. Yarra Valley Old Carey v. Whitefriars Rupertswood v . University Blacks to be played on 20 July North Old Boys v. Old Camberwell Old Paradians v . St Leos Emmaus Under-19 (2) Blue Bentleigh v. De La Salle (2) Oakleigh - bye . Monash Blues v. St Bedes Mentone Tigers AJAX v. Mentone Panthers

Under-19 (2) Re d Bulleen Templestowe v. MHSOB St Bernards (2) v. Aquinas Old Westbourne v. Old Xaverians (2) Williamstown CYMS v . La Trobe University

Club Xvlll (1) Prahran v. Eley Park Mazenod v. Old Melburnian s Old Essendon Gramm . v. Old Xaverians De La Salle v . St Kevins

at Waverley Oval, East Malvern. Club X V111(North) Therry Penola v. Old Ivanhoe Fitzroy Reds v . Brunswick at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hill Marcellin v . University Blacks Old Xaverians (2) v . Old Trinity

Club XV111(South ) Old Brighton v. Hawthorn Amateurs Old Geelong v. Whitefriars Monash Blues v. St Leos Emmaus Collegians v . Hampton Rovers



CLUB Sports & Medica l Supplies

by Rny ~AJ i' l E<째 & Brett Connell

(U19 -1 & Blue) (U19 - 2, ,3 & Red )

Valley . The Bushrangers SECTION 1 We are now into the second half of the season and it is through the time to assess the performance of the teams and look to where they efforts o f . Coach Tsouparikovitis, Crowe and R ockiki threw everything at Rupo an d might finish . Marcellin has been the big improver this year . They Walsh has his men playing hard and fast running football never gave in, but with B almer, Plummer and Peter in fine touch have a solid defense, strong on-ball players and a quality forward . they were too s tr ong in the end . Xavs after a disastrous start have come on like a steam train . They A ripper match at Donv ale where a more accurate NOBS won by . Old are on a roll and I can't see it stopping in the near future nine points . It was the Friars who attacked the goals but poor Brighton are up and down like the proverbial yo-yo, but remember shooting saw them unable to stretch their lead at each of the first t this bov has been on their bandwagon from the start and after las three breaks. Enter Keenan, whose three last quarter goals were the . Bernards, what can you say? d Citroen (NOBS), week's efforts, I'm not getting offl. St difference. He was well supported by West an l, relentless in their They used to be hard an d tough at the b al while for the Friars Rees relished his move up forward, with day. second and third efforts but not anymore . But like Arnie Micallef, DiF al co, Brosolo and Nunan playing well all Swartzenager, the Vll be back! St. Kevins is a team loaded with Old Paradian s with the Strickl ands on fi re up forward were too tal ent, yet unable to fully get their game going for four quarters in a strong for Um . Blacks . The win consolidating OP's top billing for the winners, match . This inconsistency has cost them dearly in a number of section . Yeo, Hughes and Bux were in good touch for the . Uni Blues could be the big movers in Section 1 over the Rudd and Mapleson never gave in for the matches Nicholas, while coming weeks . They have now s tr ung a number of wins together vanquished. ith and are now only one game from second spot . They are playing w Old Camberwell continued in their steamro ll ing form accounting for confidence and will be looking forward to playing the some real quarter where they scored St . Leos Emmaus VJP after a super first is a team not endowed . Look out! Old Scotch teams more fancied of the damage, ably assisted twenty times . Ryan with eight did a ll with champion players like last year, but are a committed unit, by Hedley and Rodgers. For the Animal s who persisted all day none Section 1 for the although inconsistent . Caulfield have done well in e does not have w ere better then Varney and Fox. . De La Sall rst time and will surprise some teams fi SECTION BLUE The mid season review in Blue Section, sees the great depth but when playing at home ahvays hard to beat. O.M.'s unfortunate demise of South Melbourne Districts and the . Now to really are struggling as Nv e ll ; they just don't have the depth intr oduction of a bye . We see the top three teams entrenched in the put my foot in it! Final Four - Old Xavs, Old Bri ghton, Marce llin, d 6th wIlI be separated by Four, but that 4th position is up for grabs . Oakleigh have it at the St. Bernards . Note : 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th an so moment, but the Mentone P anthers are close behind them . I al percentage only . e, or Bentleigh because when their te off De La Sall would not wri SECTION 2 Old Trinity had little trouble acclimatising back to ll of players are fully fit they are very competitive . Ajax has a team fu football with a withering ten goal first quarter to set up their big win and have a quali ty full ll very quickly ; they move the ba runners over Old Haileybu ry. A good indication of an even team is the way ong, when they forward . Monash Blue is physica lly big and str in which they share the ball and go als, for the OT's Crawford and hard to stop around the ba ll and they move ry muscle up they are ve and Waxman Aitken stood out . Once again for the Bloods Hanlon Mentone Tigers the b all beautifully through h al fback. St . Bodes were in everything. combine both the physical and running styles, they are a ve ry even Beaumaris had a battle on their h ands against Mazenod at Central team, which is their greatest strength . The Krushers also are a ve ry . When they move Reserve, where the Nodders allowed the Sharks to get away early physical team, but have some good ta lls as well s to ten in the remaining three an d despite matching them eight goal down the corridor, they are ve ry dan gerous . I would the ball direct seven majors . These teams lack quarters were unable to finish in rout. Ferrari bagged bracket Mentone, De La and Bentleigh together . Better Sharks. . Final Four and was well supported by Berry and Gillespie over all size, but are ski ll ed - what they lack is depth Stanley and the Mor ri s' . . Bedes an d Mentone. Monash, Ajax, St ith a strong Old Essendon consolidated their position in the four w Bentleigh was simply outst an ding in the first quarter last week, antage. four quarter performance against Wer ribee . The Bees best served by jumping the ladder leaders to hold a 27pt quarter time adv Kidd, Carson and Davidson . The 2nd an d 3rd quarters, the Demons kept the pressure up and at Not too sure what coach Connolly said to his players before the the last change scores were level . Then the Jackers showed why they're on top with 7g $pts to 4g in the last . The Mentone Panthers game (maybe the written word was enough!) but they blew Old Ivanhoe away with some ten shots to six in the first quarter - from combine came out to play on Saturday with a 59pt demolition job themselves tastic which OIG never recovered . The Moods in doing so find on fourth placed Oakleigh . Mitvalshy and Hamilton were f an . The for Oakleigh . in the four an d gave their percentage a he al thy shot in the arm for Mentone, where as Stevenson an d Britts did we ll appreciated as the Monds best served by Clinch, Robbins (4) an d Arnold. Finally, the week's break must have been well Monash Boys turned it on at home to down De La Sa ll e by a Hampton Rovers had the bye . from the massive 240pts . At almost full strength, they teamed we ll SECTION 3 Old Carey and Therry Penola fought out a tight game e in the ruck, start an d kept the pressure up all day . Paul Nevill with nothing much separating the teams all day . TP went in with a Grace and Beddingfield up forward, were unstoppable . small lead at the half due to a ripper second quarter, however a fired SECTION RED You could not have scripted it better . Both the up OC's unit (courtesy of a sizeable blast from coach Maus) got their . chance of act into gear in the fin al half to get ahead an d maintain their lead Bullants and the Gull s went into battle with a rea li stic d despite a great start by d Davey were w=irrning. Neither side gave in a ll day, an OC's Onball t ri o MacFarlane, Stewart-Holmes an in good form, the outstanding, well supported by Trumbu ll , while TP's best included the Bullants with the Lees, Verga ( 5) and Neivin an Gulls fought their way back into the match through the great work Goodwin, Faroldi an d Callegari . ack with a strong showing against Yarra of Koch, Hal l and McCutcheon . Twelve goal s after quarter time Ruoert swood ~ot back on tr


would not be enough for the Gulls, as the Bullants added seven majors (and plenty of points) to manage a draw. Well done to both teams . La Trobe Uni . did themselves no favours by kicking poorly in the first quarter against ladder leaders St. Bernards (2) . From then on the Students were behind the eight ball despite great efforts from Fanning and Davis. Better Berates included Garth, Govan and Ryan . Old Westbourne continued their up and down form as they began well and jumped away from MHSOB from the start of their match . With Nikola, Payne and Pavez all firing the Warriors looked set fo r = an upset, however the High through Biau, Hallenberg and Paley rammed home eight goals while restricting the Warriors to three to win by one kick . Aquinas proved too strong for Old Xaverians (2) with a solid second quarter from which they never looked back. Stone, White and Parker did as the y pleased for the Bloods, while Glynn and Nolan were better Xavs .

PREVIEW SECTION I Uni Blues under Coach Giles are really enjoying their football and tllese feelings should continue after their 8g win over Caulfield . St . Bernards will be in a very mean mood after last week's loss. They won't lose 4 in a row . Old Brighton should have a good win against O .M.'s, especially as their second tier players like Fisher and Paroissien are doing well, and they see the return of a rnuple of stars . Old Scotch will another tough contest fo r

CLUB LST WK TOTAL NAME UNDER 19/1 34 Old Brighton 3 Smith 2 28 St Kevins O'Keefe 6 27 Shhehan Marcellin 26 Old Xaverians 4 IIo :ey 0 24 Old Scotch Canons TINDER 19/ 2 Morris Mazenod 6 38 Fcrarri Beaumaris 7 38 Hanlon Old Haileybury 4 26 Forrest Old Essendon 0 23 Robbins Ormond 4 19 Quincy Ormond 5 1 9

UNDER 19/ 3 Callavetta Whitefriars Strickland Old Paradians Ryan Old Camberwell Spinoso Old Paradlans Potter Rup ertswood 1 :aisanevakis Old Carey UNDER 19/2 BLU E Grace Monash Blues Beddingfield Monash Blues C :itbert Monash Blues Krutfll Bentle( h Jordan Oakleig~ UNDER 19/2 RED Sierakowski MHSOB fctczok MHSOB '+ayg(ore St Bernards Silk Old Xaverian s Verga Bulleen Templestowe a -7 ' 째'-



; t~

7 ;1 :1

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Universitv Blues v. Caulfield Grammarians Si Bernards v . De La Salle Old Melburnlans v. Old Brighton Old Scotch v. Old Xaverians St Kevins v . Marcellin UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Ormond v. Old Trinitv Hampton Rovers v . Old Haileybury Mazenod - bye .


32 27 27 26 22 22


36 32 31 26 24

3 2 0 0 5

36 19 18 18 17

7 7 6


Xavs but Xavs wi ll this time turn the tables . The match of the round sees SKOBS v. The Eagles in a very tough and tor ri d encounter, Marcellin by l3pts. Selections: Unit Blues, St. Bernards, Old Brighton, Old Xavs, and Marcel lin . SECTION 2 Today Ormond's improvement will be measured when they host Old Trinity at Gunn Reserve . The Monds will need to avoid a slow start and will need to be mindful of Pretty, Healy and S . Amore who shone last time around . In saying that the Monds will be a han dful up forward if not watched closely. OTs by 3 majors . Hampton Rovers took some time to shake Old Haileybu ry in Rd I and today after an extended break will be keen to return to their form in May. At home the Rovers by 6 goals. Beaumari s will be keen to not take Werribee too lightly today as the Bees have been on the improve recently and will surprise if underestimated . Expect Shugg and Collins to lead a win for the Sharks. Testing time for Old Ivan hoe. Failed miserably last week and wi ll relish the return to Chelsworth Park . However their opposition in Old Essendon will be keen to atone for their round 1 loss . Balloch and Frazer will be key OEG players to shutdown, but even doing so they will have enough winners on the day to send OIG spiraling further down the ladder. Mazenod has the bye . SECTION 3 Therry Penola's recent good form today will be rewarded if they c an continue in the same vein as previous weeks . St. Leos Emmaus WP will face today's game with the con fidence knowing they defeated TP in Rdl, however their recent form of late sees them as underdogs today. Old Carey wi ll realise another strong showing today could well set up their season. Yarra Va lley will give it their all but will find the likes of Sulm an, Bennett and Pump too good today. Old Carey by 8 majors. Whitefriars host Rupertswood and on recent form this should be a beauty. The Friars know a win against the top side will make plenty sit up and take notice and with Brosolo, Rees, Micalleff and laeuone in great form Rupo will need to be on song . Rupo will need to have the likes of Sullivan , Spinner and Balmer on their game to get the points - especially at Donvale. Friars by less th an a kick in a tlulller. Uni . Blacks' form since they last defeated North Old Boys has turned a half circle while NOBS has done likewise for the better . On recent form NOBS to win and keep in touch with the top four . Old Paradian s ran Old Camberwell to two points last time around. No ch ange this time except OP's sit on top of the ladder and the WeIlers have been in some mighty form . Home ground advantage counts for a bit, as too does the form of Marwood, Lyons and Sigalas for the Wellers - at home the Wellers s trong form to continue . SECTION BLUE The Mentone P an thers Combine play host to the Bentleigh Demons . Both teams played well last week so this game should be a real cracker. The Demons do harbor some well-founded ambitions to make the final four, so this is the team they have to beat for an 8pt turnaround. But I feel that the Panthers are just a bit too strong and should win by 20pts. De La Salle is really up against it this week playing Oakleigh . Although they are at home, the Chargers will be all over them from start to finish to win by 58pts . The match of the round sees St . Belles Mentone Tigers play Ajax at Turner Reserve. This is a poll

Werribee v. Beaumarts Old Ivanhoe v. Old Essendon UNDER-19 SECTION 3 St Leos Emmaus v. Therry Penola Yarra Valley v. Old Carey at Domeney Reserve at 9.30 am. Whitefriars v. Rupertswood University Blacks v. North Old Boys at Melbourne University main owl at 11 .40am Old Camberwell v . Old Paradians

UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Mentone Panthers v. Bentleigh at 7dentone AFC De La Salle (2) v . Oakleigh Monash Blues - bye St Bedes Mentone Tigers v. AJAX at oval No .2 Turner Road Res, Highett (77 JI0) UNDER-19 (2) RE D La Trobe Uni v. Bulleen Templestowe St. Bernards (2) v . MHSOB game switched from original draw Aquinas v. Old Nbestbourne Old Xaverians (2) v. Williamstown CY1viS 53

R 19 SECTION 4.2 4.6 6 .12 12 .14 (86) CAULFIELD DE LA SBLLE 5.2 7.7 10 .10 11 .14 (80) Caulfleld: Lawson 3, Franklin-Jones 2, Avlen 2. Niven 2, Schneider, Carboni . Foster. Best: Fagan, Alen, yLawson, O'Neill . Foster, Crathern. De La Salle: Quinane 4, Rblmsley 3. A'aughtin 2, Oakley, Browning. Best Nicholas . Aldemccio, Molan. Skiruis. Macletsh, Sbntan . Umpires: T. Doecke, P. Maebus (F), P. Patrick, J. Gregory (B) ST. BERNARDS 3 .5 5.11 7.14 10.18 (78) OLD BRIGHTON 3.3 5.4 8.9 12.12 (84) St .Beraanls: A. Maggiore 2. L. Mansfield 2, S, Mitchell, M . Maggiore, N . Thomas. D . Elliot, A Crockett . C . Bums . Best, A. Maggiore, S . Mitchell, D. Elliot. S. Campbell, M . Maggiore. Old Brighton; Smith 3, Lynch 2, Salem, Fisher, Paroissien, Furzer, Eastgate. Jackson, Gadsen Best: Richardson, Fisher, Paroissien, Hughes, McGowan, Adanus. Umpires: A. Conquest, M. Cox (R) (F), P. Xu(rc-b, M. Stodyczka (B). C. Kaleta tG) OLD MELBURNIANS 7,13 (55) OLD XAVERIANS 21 .17 (143) Old Me]bumfaas: Matthews 2, Legoe, Miller. Kauye, Turner, Rnllestan . Best: Miller, tVul6, Ray . Rush, Beaumont, Burgess . Old Xaveriaru: Bowen 4 Pasceri 4 Ross 4 Daxev 4 Brnre 2 0Nfeara 2 Lowrie I Hester 1 . Best Bowen Higgins pasted Ford Bryce O'Meara . Umpires: D. Stephens, B . Nunn (F), S . Bogisich, H. Cosgriff (G) 7.2 7.5 9 .8 12.11 (83) OLD SCOTCH MARCELLIN 5.2 7.6 14,6 14.11 (95) Old Scotch: Parkinson 3, Smith 1, Lewis 1 . Teasdale 1, Taft 1, Clinch 1 . Goodfellow 1 . Galr 1, Quail 1, Aurel-Smith 1 . Best: Teasdale, Moloney. Lewis, Clinch, Prendergast. Parkinson Nlxmeilin: Sheehan 6, Amcstrong 2 . Addison 2, Gibson 1, Doyle 1, Neal 1, Brnynj I . Best: Toohey. Addison, Beayml, Wignell, Considine, Sheehan. Umpires, K. &icliece, ;i . Gibson (R), L . Dalton, R. Benson (B) UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .3 10.3 12 .6 16.9 (105) ST KEVINS 3.4 4.9 6 .15 9.18 (72) University Blues: h4cKerrow 4, Marriott 2, Moore 2, Tanner 2, Bradley 1, McPhail 1. Rankin 1, Jacob, 1, Rice 1, Meagher 1 . Best: Rankin, Bradley, kfaddison, Meagher, McPhail, Butko. St Eevins: Mahoney 2, O'Keefe 2, Clark 1, Gissutg 1, Hamilton 1, Hollard 1, Murray I. Best: Underwood, Hamilton, Holland. Dempsey, Mulbeam . Umpires: D. Whiteley, It Sneddan (F)

UNDER 19 SECTION 2 OLD TRINITY 10 .4 14.8 17 .12 20.19 (139) OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .1 43 4 .3 5.3 (33) Old Trinity; [fill 5, Pretty 4, Christy 3, Betas 2, Goldenberg, Kinross, McDonald . Aitken. Parker, S Amore. Best Davies, S . Amore, Troan . Aitken, Hill, Cmwiord . Old HaBcytwxy: Hatilort 4, wbanan . Best Baker, Houton, Rb.xman, Erikson, Masbey, Archer. Umpires: A. Fyffe, M. Sneddan (F) MAZENOD 2 .2 3.5 6.9 10.11 (71) BEAUMARIS 5.7 10.10 13.12 15 .18 (108) h7azmod : C .Morris 6. McKay, Hansen, Devlin, Stanley . Best: Stanley. B.Morris, Hansen, Kennedy, C,Morris, Castrictmt Ballenger. Beaumazis : Ferrari 7, Ben), 3. h4cNicholas 2, Rawlins, Gillespie, Croft. Best: Berry, GAlespie, Ferrari, Rawlins, Evans. ,Y4ulquhiey. Umpires: G. Roberts, A . Price (F) WERRIBEE 1 .6 3.7 3.8 8.14 (62) OLD ESSENDON 3.5 9.9 1333 20,17 (137) WenS6ee: Kelly 2. OBrien, Jack, Yaser, Joshua Russo, Palmington. Best: Joshua Russo, Bianco . Kidd, Carson, Davidson . Old Essendon: Forrest 7, King 3, Bacash 2, Nmtlist 2,Flaher[y , Hurlston, Daw onMeriardo. Frazer, May. Best: Forrest, Frazer. vvf<iy, Balloclt,Lloyd, Bacash. Umpires hi. Forde (F ) ORMOND 6.4 14 .10 21 .13 28,21 (189) OLD IVANHOE 2.6 5.6 5.7 7.7 (49) Ormond.- Cook 6 . Qulney 5, Robbins 4, Arnold 4 . &Su7zell 3, Franklin.B 2. Nayk7r. OBrien, Johnstone, Rayson. Best: Clinch teHennepe, O'Brien, Robbins. Cook . Cove, Arnold. Old Ivanhoe: Not recieved Umpires: G. Morgan, D. Murray (F). B . Adamson (B) UNDER 19 SECTION 3 THERRY PENOLA 14.12 (96) DID CAREY 17.12 (114) Theny Penola Faroldi 4, Shepherd, Fonton, Ferguson 2, 0:1ell, D Goodwin, Akin, Skiathitis 1 Best T Goodwin, Owed, Faroldi, Ferguson . Atkinson, Callegari.

Old Carey., I{atsanevalds 6, MacFarlane, Shnson 3. Angus . Bennett. Nankervis . Foster, Stewart-Holmes I Best MacFarlane . Ste«art-Holmes . Davey, Trouble, Bennett, KatSanetiakis Umpires: D. t4'rndlow (F), R Goodman (8) YARRA VALLEY 1,0 7.2 7 .3 (45) 5.1 RUPERTSWOOD 7.5 13 .7 17.10 19,12 (126) Yarrn Valley: Tsouparikor5us 1, Peters 1,14inford I, Pargeter 1, Nicholsd I . Seeger

1, Janie 1. Best: Pargeter . Tsouparikrnitis, `: ! Was. Rockiki, Crowe, Janie. Rupertswoad: Potter 5, Elliot 4, Sullivan 3, Spinner 2, Peter 1, Howard 1, Jass, 1, McGovern 1, h4orue ll 1 . Best: Sullivan, Pofter,Johnson, Balmer, Barry. Peter, Plummer. Umpires: L . Gallagher (R) (F) WHITEFRIARS 3 .5 6.7 8.9 8.12 (6o) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .1 4,1 8 .1 11 .3 (69) 1Vhitefriars: Rees 3, Calar•etta . Eames, Nunaan . Brosolo, Morrison. Best: *Sicallef, Phelan, Di Falco, Hill . Brosolo, Nunan . North Old Boys: Keenan 6, Davidson 2, Sheehan, Lias, Potion, Best.- Ruff, Citroefl, tt'est, Keenan, OBree, Dobson. Umpires C. Collins, A. Baron (F), S. Collins . R Twist (B) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4. 8 (32) OLD PARADIANS 18.16 (124) University Blacks. Scarlett, Block, ,-14apleson . Rudd . Best: Nicholas. Ross, Scariett, Stewart, Black . lw4aplesan, Rudd. Old Paradians: Strickland D 4, Strickland S 3. Hyde 3. Bux 3, Seom 2, Spinoso 2 . Hughes . Loftus . Bnmdrell . Best: Bus, Yee, Bnmdell, Hughes, D Stfckland Umpires: D . D'Attera (F) STLEOS EHIhiAUS 0.1 1,3 3.5 6.5 (41) OLD CAMBERWELL 10.10 15.13 22.17 24.17 (161) St Leos Emmaus: Fordyce 2, Munro 1, Phyland t, Landy 1, Sheldon 1 . Best: Varney, Fordyce, Fax . Levins, Sheldon, Landy. Old CamberarIl: Ryan 8, Hedley 4, Austin 3, Meravod 2, Cottrell 2, Tempone 1, Middleton i, tons 1, Vince I . Sigalas I . Best: Ryan, Hogan, Cottrell, Hedley, Rodgers. Umpires: K McNiece, M. Gibson (F) MER 19/2 BLUE BEhTLEIGH 5.5 6.7 8.10 12.11 (83) AJAX 1 .2 6.5 8.10 15.18 (108) BENTLEIGH: Brown 3. Reid 2, Robertson 2, Holden . McKenzie, K Murptry, Taranto, Ferdinands . Best. hicKeriBe, Robertson. McClellan, I. Hohnesby, Brown, Aitken . AJAX : Arousi 3, Chester 3, Seidl 2, Spicer, Silver, Jalwves, Fetter, Silberman, Rotemberg, Kestenberg Best : Fetter, Seidl, Kagan, Arousi . Chester, Spilberg.andIleld. Adamsh . Umpires: M . Meier. P. Rapke (F) OAIII,EIGH 2.1 4.5 7.11 10.16 (76) MENTONE PANTHERS 6.8 12.9 14.13 20.15 (1351 Oakieigh: Britt 3 . Briggs 2, Jordan 2, Ciaarella 1, Kennedy 1, Orchard 1 . Best. Stevertshi, Edits, Canuniss, Collins, Holden, Kemiedy . Meatone Panthers: Little 5, Clarke 4, Bithier 4, Fisher 3, Kelly 2, Hortantincic 1, Russo 1 . Best:Mltvalstcy. Hamilton, Russo, Little, Meyer, Bittner. Umpires: J . Lipson (F ) MONASH BLUES 9.5 18.10 30.14 39.19 (253) DE LA SAId.E 0.1 0.1 1 .1 2.1 (13) HIonssh Blues: Beddinfield 7, Grace 7, Gilbert 6, Rowlev 6, Turton 6 . Odanell 4, Cummins 2, Oswald 1 . Best Nekill, Torten, Rowley. Grace . BeddingGetd, Cotter. Be La Salle: Samider I . Byers 1 . Best: Saunders, Roberts, Thompson. Nicholson, Byers, DeRidder Umpires: L Dillon (F) UNDER 19 12 RED

BULLEEN TEh1PLESTOwE 4.6 5.9 7.16 11,23 (89) WLLIAhISTO6VN CYhIS 1 .4 8 .8 9.9 13.11 (89) Bulieen Templestowe: Verga 5, Daskalou 2, Depasquale, T,Lee. Taalibhas. btihalos. Best: RLee, Verga, Newman, Wilkie, T .Lee, Burrts. Williamstown : Bartolo 4, Luca 4, McCidcheon 2, Kodt Bell, Arande . Best: Koch, Bartolo, Taylor, McCutdteon. Hall, Rowland. Umpires: T. LIDey (F), J .1lhitespear, J . Cook (B) ST. BERNARDS 5.2 9.7 12.11 18.16 (124) LATROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .6 3.9 6.11 8.13 (61) St,Bauards: Harvey 3, whtsh 3. Ryan 3. Johnson 2, Joseph 2, A Mitchell, Hughes, Govan, Lvrauo. Best: L . LeFides, B. Garth, J . Hughes, C . Govan. B. Ryan. D . McManus, D . lanazzo. Latrobe : Clutterbuck 2 . Haute 2, McDonald . Clark. Farming, Slater. Best. S. Gellert. M. Hogan. H. Davis, M . Famioig. S. Daris. Umpires: M. Cox, A. Conquest (F) A Borg (B) OLD WESTBOURNE 4.1 7.6 7 .9 10.14 (74) 0.1 4.2 9 .2 12.8 (80) MHSOB Old West6ourne : Dean 3 . Pilsbury 2, Pat•ez, Gerace . t}hiker, Naidn, Payne. Best: L .Hudson. Gerace, Johnston, Payne, Pavez. Nikola MHSOB: Sierakowski 3 . Bowen 3. Frascek 2, J .Raleigh 2, Temes. 4.7titehouse. Best Frascek, O.Heruel . Hallenberg. Temes, Blau . Fole y Umpires: M. w tthnan (F) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 2.0 2.1 4.1 5.1 (31) AQUINAS 3.3 9.9 9.13 11.21 (87) Old Xac•erians: Harry 2. \olan 2 . Baker 1 . Best : Rogers . Barrett, Glynn. Nolan, Dyirm,Rogan. Aquinas: Toomey 3 . T 1Vhite 3, Beech 2, Sorace 1, Tapply I . Failla I . Best: Stone T. tt7tite. Stafford. Scogramillo . Sarace, Parker. Umpires: J . Grassbard (F) M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002


Coach : Chris Mathieson

DE LA SALLE Coach : Denis Bilston

21 Young P

22 Lawson A 23 Margiannis M 25 Dorman N 26 Colosimo G 27 Grigg M 28 O'Niell C 32 Argyros S 37 Jess Z 39 Glass I 52 Sinclair A


4 M . Franklin 5 M . Ryan 6 L. Dale

4 G. Kauye 5 N . Guy (C) 7 S . Haran

9 A . Skinns 10 B . Oakley 11 D. Browning 12 T. Molan 14 S. Byers 16 M . Hayes

10 A. Dale 11 M. Voska 12 D. Beattie 13 T. Zappulla 14 D. Salce 15 R . Hayne 16 M . Doyle 17 P. Farrelly

7 D. Meade 8 B . Gadsden 9 A. Clarke 10 J . Hogarth 11 C. Adamis 12 S. Eastgate 14 E. McCowan 15 A. Thisttethwaite

8 J . Ray

20 S. Brown (C)

18 B . Carmody

16 C. Tootell

18 W. de Fegely

21 B. Quinane 22 M. Naughtin 25 R . Walmsley 26 R . Sherman 27 B. Pedula 30 T. Nicholas 33 C . Rice 35 J. Hennessy 41 A . Sloman 42 M . Nankervis 44 A . McLeish 49 D. Pinwell 50 D. Alderuccio 54 L. Johnston

19 N . Brown 20 E . Weeks 21 T. Sheehan 22 J . Neal 23 M . Chong 24 K. Bardon 25 M . Mastores 26 C. Dignan 27 J. Wise 28 J. Toohey 29 A. Schoepman 30 D. Carson 40 S. Welch 43 B. Wignell

17 B. Furzer 18 A. Salem 19 J. McCowan 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 T. Lamb 23 B. Aburrow 25 P. Smith 26 B . Finlayson

21 R . Matthew s 23 N . Robinson 24 R . Galbraith 30 J. Miller 32 C . Hanchette 34 J. Beaumon t 36 B. Whitechurch

18 L. Williams 19 A. Roberts

45 C . Beayni



' ~ S . Cations

16 D . Jenning s 17 19 M. S Gair . Taft u N . Parkinson 21 L . Thompson 22 L. Kitchen 23T.Munro S . Dumaresq C . Logan A . Quail A . Jo Yce G . Pren dergast M . Clinc h R. Fullerton `3 C. Purnell T. Moloney i J . Sheldon 3 M. Raymer A. Brookes T Aurel Smith Tallent A. Routledg e S , Troon I B. Goodfellow r-' ASSET „ . .. _ ._ _ . . tr!# I HP DAAGTr I in

10 G . Rollesto n 11 C. Burgess (VC) 12 R. Faulkne r 13 W. McDonal d 14 B. Kubis 17 S. Gues t

37 E . Matthias 38 T. Le Go e

40 B . Wulf

29 B . Richardson 30 E . McCowan 31 A. Paroissien 32 W. Williamson

42 B . Faulkner 44 0. Webb 45 E . Ryan 48 D. Little

34 T. Gibson 35 J . Lynch 44 R. Fisher

Your Flexible Workforce

9 J . O'Dwyer

28 N . Williams

E(~(~h(~ ~ S6C15 ~ ~~



Coach : Mark Donovan Assist: David Hughes I A. Grant 2 M. Walkom (VC) 4 A. Sutherl and 5 C. Swan 6 M . Moffatt 7 J. Spraque 8 E . Reid 9 S. Danihe r W. Symington it A. Wilkinson 12 A. Philalay 13 W. Lewis tC) -. R . Teasda e(VC)

1 J . Knight 2 E . Townsin g 3 E . Tucke r

6 B. Billingham 7 D. Armstrong 8 L. Money

7 Fagan C 8 Aylen T g Frost W 10 Crathern G

19 Franklin-Jones T 20 Trigg M

Coach : Owen Lalor

5 E . Sims-Lucas 6 P. Bourke 8 T. Woodlock

4 Schneider L 5 Scott B 6 Townsend M

12 Schattner D 13 Rawlings J 15 Jenkinson S 16 Niven J 17 Linford R 18 O'hoy B


1 L. Ross 2 N . Gamble 3 S . Jackson

1 C . Mitchell 3 J. Hughes 4 M . Roberts

11 Carboni B

Coach : Richard Obee

3 N. Addison 4 L . Considine 5 C. Moran

2 Foster T 3 Gerrand T

1 Napier B



Coach : Gavin Walsh

OLD XAVERIANS Coach (1): Peter Callinan Coach (2) : James Fay 1 Fox A

2 Hulett S

Pascen J ~n~l~ ;a 0

5 Leonceiii T

6 Furletti

7 HarryK


g ga~ett A

to Mine D 11 aa~er T 12 8owen A 13 wiuiams S

14 Scanlan m 15 O'Meara T

16 Rogan T 17 ~ Glynn ta rich PT 19 hY,ctGni Ot A 20 Tr ac a 21 3maqv..ood p

za Ryan C 24 Hall K 25 Brycer7

26 Cordae w 27 Md.aren R 28 White J 39 Crackneil M

30 Ireland G 31 Corrigan T

32 Hardwick J 33 Ford D

34 Jones A . 35 Samamar ~a J 37 ~ngom~oo

38 Trescrovrthch J

39 Freer S

40 Harley R S

ehan A

De 43 a2 R 5 M 44 tar ~ ksns N 45 Smith J 46 Doxey A 47 camera o 48 Els;ey M 49 o non J 50 S X ens M

51 Naughton M


Coach: Peter Foster

1 C . Burns 2 S . Neeson 3 N . Thomas 4 M . Walsh 5 J . Smith 6 A . Matthews 7 N . Thomas 8 J . Anderson 9 A. Mitchel 10 R. James 11 S . Glenn 12 J . Madden 13 L . Mansfield 14 N . Serran o 15 A. Crockett 16 B. Garth 17 A. Anderso n 18 L . Fielding 19 N . Basaraba 20 A. O'Dea

21 D. Elliot

22 S. Campbel 23 D. James 24 B. Callega 25 C . Govan 26 F. Mastropasqua 27 P. Harris 28 C . Kuenan 29 S . Kilkenny 31 D. Heskett 32 J . Harvey 33 A . Marian 39 J . Hughes 40 M . Maggiore 42 S . Matthew s 43 S . Mitchell 44 K. Walker 45 B .Johnson 47 M . Hooper 49 D. McManus




Coach: Brian Brown

Coach : Tim Giles

1 J. Dempsey 2 T. Duggan (C) 3 L . Giansiracusa (VC) 4 J. P. Mount 5 J. O'Keefe 7 P. Murra 9 T. Simp (VC) 10 D . Mahoney on 11 J. Ryan 12 P. Kempton 13 N . Hutto n 14 A . Hamilton 16 C. Didilis 17 D. Makohon 18 D. Prior


19 C. Underwood

20 W. Dun n 22 G . Holland 23 L.Sierakowski 24 E. Waldron 25 A. Mulkearns 26 M . Shannon 27 P. Aughton 29 S. Mount 30 P. Ghou9assia n 32 B. Hughes 33 S. O' Connor 34 S. Mitchell 36 J. Coates 38 R . Chard 42 A. Grant 43 W. Guilifer 46 C . Wilkinson 53 M . Hauser - Simpson Construction s • Discosource Australia • - RED EAGLE Hotel • -

• Quadric •


1 Millar A (C) 2 Nicholls (C) 3 Rankin T 4 Trail N 5 Tanner J(VC )


7 Young R g 8 Jensen R 10 Medlin T 11 Heathcote N 12 Jacobs R 13 Ihle T 14 Rice N 15 Moore L 16 Bennett C 17 Maddison N

18 Butko P (VC) 19 Provis A 20 Caller yy 21 Wood J 22 Herbert L 23 Bradley C(VC) 24 John E 25 Matthews J 26 McKerrow J 27 Hatswell D 28 Howson A 29 Chamberlain T 30 Derri F 31 Mcphail D 32 Gibson S 33 Stearne R 34 Touhey M 35 Sondhu P 36 King J 38 Wilson A





Coach: Mick Deaton 1 P. Irons 2 L. Mulquiney 3 M. Eady

4 T. Shugg 5 6 7 8

B. Bird D . Gargaro S. Lynch S. Croft

9 S. Wilson 10 C . BuckleyY 11 T Fitzgerald

12 C . Collins 13 C . Tuck

14 P. Berry 15 A. Edge 16 T. Groves 17 C . Evans 18 J. Windebank 19 S. Doukas 20 R . Dew 23 T. Woolnough 24 D . Gillespie (DVC) 25 B. Bowker 26 S. Wilson 27 T. Boreham 29 L. Wonnacott 30 L . Ferrari (VC) 33 S. McNicholas (VC) 35 S. Lee 41 J. McGeoch 42 A. Poll 53 R . Rawlings 55 B. Deaton (C)


Coach : Steven King I A. aa9ona

2 J. eayrord 3 J. Binney 4 N. Blayney

5 A . Braady 6 M . eUtier a N. Butler 9 G. Bryan . Ch veltt10M

11 W. Colemen 12 S . Curatolo 13 G. De Krester 14 P. Dinakis ~e T. Finlay 16 C. Geor io u 17 N. Giesc`~,en 18 A. Grainger

19 C. Half nny 20 I . Loug,nan 22 SM . ~uzon

23 S . Mcduffie 24 J. McBrid e 25 E . McWilliam

26 M . Mendota (VC) 27 D. Meredith 28 B. Nagel 29 D. Nei son 30 K. O' wyer (VC ) 31 M . Paine 32 R. Pearce an D. Peacock 34 R. Ratfoul 35 A. Read

36 K. Sheehan 37 s . Snel l 38 L. Stillman

39 N. Theodossi 40 M. veroccni M E ES BUS LINES

HAM PTOi! RQV~ ." Coach : Paul Curry

2 3 4 5 6

B . Cantlon S . Seleto T. Jowett A. Blake C. Malthouse

8 J . Tipping

10 J . Vaughan 11 J . Almhofer 13 J . Laing 14 S . Weaver 15 p Cambel l 16 G . Giasoumi 17 T. McNamara 18 S . Burggraaff 19 K . Spratt

~i~i~QDi? Q.C. Coach: John LeGrand

LLD ESSENDON Coach : Marshall Fisher

OLD HdAHLEYH$tHRY Coach : Andrew Lynch

1 A Bouchereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fuller

1 A. Frazer 2 A. Parker 3 S . Balloch

I L . Boughton 2 G . Chipperfield 3 D . Shannon

5 6 7 8 9

5 W. Nunlist 6 S . Dawson

5 T. McLenna n 6 T. Archer 7 J. Hanion (VC) 8 B. Duperouzel 9 A. Herrmann 10 J . Kim ton p 11 C. Waxman (C) 12 P. Shakespeare 13 M. Pitt

4 A. Powell

C . Morris N . McKay D . Dunne P. Guiliano G. Massey A. FilippelliY

11 M . Ballenger 12 B . C. Kennedy 13 C . Agius

4 J . Duggan

4 H . McLauchlan

7 L. Wilson 8 S. Underwood 9 B. Hobart 10 M . Flaherty

11 J . Buckley

12 J . Harewood 13 P. Rogash

20 B . Kezilas (C)

14 M . Power

14 P. Bacash

21 J . McCarthy 22 B . Henry 23 L. Fletcher 24 R. Turnbull 25 S . Daly 27 A. Baks 28 C. Padman 29 A . Murray 30 J . Connelly 32 L. Cave

15 A . Manjika n 16 M. Duthil 17 B. J . Kennedy 18 L . Del Mastro 19 A . Cook 20 M . Regan 21 D . Hansen 22 D . Hallet

15 D. Forrest 16 J . Nicolas 17 J . Lloyd 18 M. Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D. Messo 22 J . Weidner 23 M . Leptos 24 R. Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Hurlston

30 C. Warfe

27 M . King9

33 R. Mosbey

33 M . Ellis

34 D. Andersen 35 M . Terech 37 T. Richards

39 C. Horrigan

40 B . McCallum 46 J . Almahoffer 49 B . Smith 50 J . Kell y 52 D. Hebard 58 J . LeVeque 59 S . Blangtard0 60 G . Carr

61 M . Davies 62 D.Dawes .au

23 A . Stagliano

24 S. Castricurn 25 T. Bourbon 26 L . Franks 27 B . Thomas 28 S . Devoy 29 D . Devlin 30 C . McDade

31 J. Disca(a


5 Pretty S 6 Russell S

7 Davies M (C/C) 8 Healy J 9 10 Hill R 11

28 J . Of Pietro 29 D. Symons 30 T. Hamza

33 D. Hard y

2 3 4 5 6

S. Wheller M . Wood C . Hassall A. Clinch Y. Spivak

7 D . Black 8 J. MuZZell

9 J. Franklin 10 L. Wells 11 B . Arnold


Coach: Steve Lovel l 1 S. Muraca 2 M. O'Donnel l 3 C. Gauch i 6 S. Kidd 7 R. Saunders 8 C. Jack 9 Junst+n Russo

10 C. Kell y 11 C. Mahoney 12 A. Elrouby

12 Stebbins N Gordon N 13 (C/C)

12 C . Johnstone 13 J. Longmuire 14 S. Davis

13 S. Eisenberg . 14 J. Mason 15 A. Carson

14 Troon R 15 Amore J 16 Amore S (V1C) 17 Hillas R

15 B. Cromack 16 S . Missiopolos 17 P. Brown 18 M . Ramsay

16 C . Yasser 17 S. Morrisey 18 N . McGuane 19 J. Baker

18 Sparsi M

19 W. Cove

20 D . Lowe

19 Duell R

20 Coxon N 21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D

24 Goldenbergg W 25 Chiffy E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J

29 Crawford M 34 Hider B

39 A. Jones 58 A. Baker


Coach : Adrian Connolly Asst Coach: Chris Thomas I A . Quiney

4 McDonald E

29 J . Glanville



2 Brown S 3 Aitken J (V/C)

16 A. Kigh t 17 M. Erikson 20 C. Hayes 21 R . D' Silva 22 B. Newby 25 M. Jones 27 T. Norton 28. A. Groot

32 D . Norman 33 B. Waldron

Coach: Dean Peters 1 Gibson T

14 E. Mars h 15 R. Goodbod y

20 R . Lerne r 21 B. Upstill 22 B . Rayson 23 T. Naylor 24 M . Anderson

25 R . Matter 26 D . Die Hennepe 27 C . Domingo

21 N. Gauchi

22 J. P u rton 23 Joshua Russo 25 A. Shepherd 27 T. Davidson 28

30 A. Borg

28 B. Harris 29 30 A . Jirov 31 A . Bukal a 32 L . O 'Brie n 33 A. Cook

34 S. Ramsay Real Estate Professionals REGENCY Pharmacy

35 B . Slatter 36 M . Hamilton 44 B . Robbins THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Brendan Smales 1 J. Williams 3 P. West 4 G . Pritchard 5 J. Dalton 6 N. Abdallah 7 C. Dobson 8 A. EI-Terifi 9 R. Davidson 10 R. Curtis

11 S. Carlton

12 M . Harris 13 M . Potion 14 R. Citroen

15 B . Youn g 16 J . Kendal l 17 A. Height 19 J .P. Matthews

20 B . Knight 21 A . Felemonow 22 R. Kirk 23 M . Perry 24 S . Cook (C)

25 B . O'Bree 26 M. RulT

27 B . Watt 30 A . Lias (VC) 34 H . Ryan (VC) 36 D. Ryan 37 A .Trivsonno 39 S. McGinley CO R . Francis 67 Y. Saad


6oach : Michael Sigalas

1 M . Little 2 L. Weaver 3 N. Payne 5 P. Tempone 7 B . Ryan 8 J . Vince 9 A. Cramer 10 M . Cottrell 11 D. Pike (C) 13 M . Austin 15 A . Whelan (VC) 17 D. Clyne ( DVC) 20 J . Agotanovi c 21 C . Rogers

23 H . Hogan

27 B . Hillie r 30 A : Macallum 33 N . Warner 34 D . Schmidt 35 M . Shanks 38 J. Pett it 39 A . Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas (DVC) 51 S. Gego ry 52 T Nisbett 53 H . Bradshaw

54 J. Brown 55 L . Siberus

ALL AS Ht s 9 a a 1

--r :fac dana


T,''- : PI~~ .XA


Coach :

Coach: Paul Gregor 1 A. Ballard (C) 2 A. Hollands (VC) 3 L . Fox : D. Chun 3 C. Phyland 9 T. Stephens 10 N. Carstein 11 L . Levins ( dvc) 1 3 R. Varney ' ,5 S. Cox 19 P. Landy ( dvc)

N. Cullen

A. Haplin '_ % J . Kirk ~ 6 A. Sawitsch -= G. Haddad M . Argus B . Crosthwaite

R. Forte

A. Kennedy D. Lawler

R. Mintern

N, Romney P. Sampson

i o'r ¢a c r,


Corrigan B

2 Goodwin T(VC) 3 O'Neil P 4 Skiathitis R 5 Ferguson D 6 Harmes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T 12 Leech S 13 Atkinson D (C) 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Slawitschka J 18 Slawitschka A 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C (DVC) 21 Rizzo J

22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Hutchinson B 27 Thompson T 28 Carroll A 29 Heane R 32 Cooper J 33 Freckleton J 34 O'Connell S 40 Brosnan J 41 Mart inA 59 Robinson T

62 Caccamo D

0 iP:r 7Y Coach : Steve Maus 1 . T. Whitelaw 2. L. MacFarlane 3. D. Macdermo tt 4. A . Simson 5. B . Andrews 6. N . Sulman 7. C. Adam 8. A . Stewa rt-Holmes 9. J . Booth 10 . A . Leonard 11 . D . Bowley 12 . J . Choong 13 . R . Davey 14. C C . O' Reilly 15. J . Nankervis 16. T. Angus 17. T. Connell 18. N. Pump 19. C. Buchanan 20. S . Benne tt 21 . T. Rossignuolo 22. G . Trumbull 23. N. Katsanevakis 24. C. Baird 25. C. Ingham 26. C. Bruce 27. E . Bull 28. S . Jacobs 29. S . Assimo 30. L. Stolfo 31 . J . White 32. S . Ewan 33. M . Vardy 34. T. Evans 35. S . Foster

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach : Glenn Jowett

Asst Coach : Lachlan Beato n 1 L. Crossley 2 J . Mapleson 3 A . Ross

C'. L,' ? 3AD9AtdS Coach : Peter Hansen Anthony Quinn 1 A. Harvey 2 A. Hughes 3 M . Lyons (DVC) 4 N. Allan 5 M . Keeling 6 R. Bux 7 D. Dean ( C) 8 D. Strickland 9 N. Brundell 10 S . Strickland 11 L. Drummond 12 B . Hewe tt 13 S . Maher 14 J . Robe rts 15 S . Egan 16 S . O 'Meara (DVC) 17 S . Graham 1 8 M . Spmoso 19 W. Connelly 20 M . D ri 21 D . Kalviskis 22 G. Loftus 23 C . Duncan 24 B . Haye s 25 P. Senzo 26 S . Fistric 27 C . McKay 28 N . Bryce y 29 D . Fantone 30 D . Caple 31 T. Crotty 32 P. Gtou ry 33 A . Smith 35 M. Ye o 36 R . Villano 39 B. Youn 40 L . Dore ~!C) 42 D . Gargan 48 M. Hyd e

WH ITEPRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrymple

6 S . Henty 7 K . Prestidge 8 E . Duncan 9 M . Turner 10 P. Sla tte ry 11 J. Milsom 12 S. Noelker 13 J. Black 14 M. Stewart 19 L . Nicholas 20 E. Buckingham 21 M. Bellairs 22 A. Aylett 23 T. Mayall 23 R . Westerhoff 24 C. Barter 39 D. Harris

1 . S. Brosolo (C) 3. C. Ventura 5. P. Micallef (VC) 8. R . Di Falco 9. T. Nunan 10. A . Hill (VC) 11 . A. Cursio 12. P. Hennessy 14. A . lacuone 17. T. Wallace 18. S . Phelan 21 . M . Calavetta 22. A . Williams 25. C . Janson 26. A . Wenke 28. T. Kotsopulos 29. B. Drinkwater 32. G. Murph y 37. B. Morriso n 40. A. Stone 41 . A. Cony

40 S. Prince

42. P. Rees

41 Z . Rudd 43 R. O'Sullivan 45 R. Scarle tt 54 B. Owe n 56 J . Fuller 72 C. Stubb s 75 S . Lorensini 76 R. Whatley 77 T. Brumby-Rendell

44. R . Eames (VC) 55. P. Vlahandreas 65. D . Tilli g

5 S . Bloodworth


Interstate Transport Service s

9396 900 0

RUPERTSVJ00 D Coach : Michael Phillips 1 Ash D .


Albania J .

4 Spinner L. 5 Ash N . 6 Howard R. 7 Plummer J . 8 Elliot K . 10 Wilson T. 12 Temming M. 13 Barry Paul. 14 Sullivan N . 15 McGovern N . 16 Monzall R . 17 Potter C. 19 Johnson R . 20 Nolan M. 21 Assourd M . 22 Dale S . 23 Balmer V. 24 Barry Peter 25 Anderson J. 27 Kosta M . 28 Boxall T. Jaeger R. 57 Dressler E . 58 Lane M . 59 Cariss P. 63 Silvester J. 64 Constanti ne B . 65 Murphy B . 71 Broughton T. 72 Watson C . 73 A rthurson M.

YARRA VALLEY Coach : Peter Battl e 1 C . Taske r 2 A. Pargete r 3 C . Goug h 4 T. Morde n 5 B. Crow e 6 N . Peters 8 M. Rokick i 9 N . Batt le 10 S. Middleton 11 B. Clarke 12 C. Britt 13 J . Ebsworthy 14 P. Ross 15 S. Gillin 17 J . Hume 18 P. Jarvie 20 D. Wright 25 B . Seege r


AJAX Coach : Gary Blusztein Asst Coach : Phil Rozen 1 R. Silberma n 2 J .Israelsohn 3 R . Rotemberg 4 A. Lewi s 5 B. Rose 6 J. Kestenberg 7 P. Bryner 8 9 L. Fetter 10 11 D. Gubereck 12 A. Silve r 13 D. Rozenbes 14 D. Hershan 15 J . Gottlieb 16 J . Hain 17 J . Kagan 18 N. Bardea 19 D. Seidl 20 J. Thurin 21 D. Arousi 22 23 B. Nissen 24 A . Joff e 25 B . Goldbloom 28 J . Givon i 29 E . Rath 32 L . Peters 33 B. Yudelman 35 D. Spillberg 36 A. Sacks 37 D . Krasnostein 39 A . Wollne r 40 E . Wollner 42 J . Pask (C)

MONASH BLUES Coach : Dennis Grace 1 S . Chapman 2 C.Jones 3 L . Fechner 4 G . Chessari 5 K. Cummins 6 A . Costley 8 B . Luf f 9 M . Edwards 10 S . O'Donnell 11 L. Northway 12 M . Tennant 13 J . Oswald 14 G . Roney 16 T. Huggins 19 G. Gilbert 20 J. Fairley 23 P. Nevill 24 A . Francis 31 H . Evans 33 L. Beddingfield 34 G . Rowle y 35 M. Sharkie 36 A. Hickey .39 D. Taylor 42 S. Young 43 L. Smith 44 S . Grace 50 S . Morris 61 M . Spence 74 P. Westbrook 75 R.Turton


Coach: Kerry Murph y 1 L. Holmesby 2 N. Aitken 3 N . Dimachki 4 G. McFarlane 5 J. Robertson 6 L. Forrest 7 S . Holmesby 8 B . Holde n 9 B . Hyrons 10 B. Reid 11 J . Monk 12 T. Wright 13 D. Ferdinands 14 M . Margiannis 15 J. McKenzie 16 K. Pereira 17 H. McKenzie 18 I . Jordan 19 L . Curbs 20 M. Sidney 21 V. Maraventano 22 B. McLellan 23 M . Wilson 24 T. Krotofil 25 A. Lee (C) 26 J . Sayers 27 D. Marsh 28 S. Radoni 29 D. Couniham 30 G. Vitagliano 31 L . Hoga n



Coach : Rob Smith 1 C . Mitchell 2 M . Francis 3 T. Bellomo 4 D. Lowther 4 C. McMahon 8 L. Jarvis 9 J. Saunders 10 B. Oakley 12 S. Moloney 14 S . Byers 15 S . Smyth 16 K. Smyth 17 G . Walton 19 M. Hayes 21 J. Hennessy 23 A . Dunkerley 23 D . Nomikos 25 A . O'Shannessy 28 D. Thompson 35 S . Meeha n 42 M . Sheehan 47 J . Greatorex 46 K. De Ridder 50 A. Nicholson 5' H . La Ragy 52 D. Bea n

Your Flexible Workforce

Coaches: Dean Andrew & Sven Samil d 1 M. Meyer 2 S. Sullivan 3 D . O'Connor 4 G. Allan 5 G. Sherlock 6 N. Fishe r 7 D. Clarke 8 K. Little 9 M. Watts 10 A. Erskine 11 M. May 12 T. Mitvalsky 13 M . Hayes 14 C. Schloeffel 15 D. Fava 16 D. Russo 17 J. Date 18 A. Kiantos 19 S. Hamilton 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 J . Poole 23 R . Groom 24 M . Duggan 25 B . Lane 26 A. Rock 27 B. Hal l

28 T. Kendal l 29 R . Ironmonger 30 D. Hizhmikov 31 M. Byrne 32 K . Regan 33 P. Hardman 34 T. Costello 35 T. Smith 36 G . Moran 37 B. Kaplan 38 R. Bitner 39 M. Basile MENTONE R.S.L. 9 Palermo Si, Mcntone * Function Room


* Restaurant * Pokies 9533 2841


Coach : Chris Moore 1 A. Murray 2 L. Kennedy 3 D. Britt 4 S. Earl 5 C. Kokkinos 6 M. Cas h 7 M . Stevenson 8 R . Symmons 9 A. Visse r 10 A. Mulholland 11 W. Plaukovits 12 D. Sowersby 13 S. Collins 14 S. Cammiss 15 P. Holden 16 J. Gaal 17 S . Bando 18 J . Bunworth 19 A. Ciavarella 20 N. Will s 21 J . Briggs 22 T. Orchard (VC) 23 D. Zula 24 J. Reynolds 25 J. Nevezie (C) A. Hanso n M . Jorda n

M. Cummings

ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Glenn Nford 1 M. McGettigan

3 G. Cleary

4 D . CHuillier (C) 5 D. McNamara 6 B . Buck 7 P. Grasby 8 J . Morgan 9 M. Kelleher 10 M. Hilton 11 N . Weedon 12 T. Cunningham 13 L.Jones 14 L. McMurray 15 M . O'Brien 15 T. McColl 16 S. Birol 19 A. Paterson 20 M . Ferris 22 N . Worsnop 23 J. Lynch 24 L. Cieslak (VC) 25 C. Connolly 26 L. Terrel l 27 D. Waters 28 M. Andrews 31 D. Moss 36 A. Walstab 39 J. Petrovic 41 R . Bignell 48 A . Scafid i

G~P.R/`G ! l~ r 7 Q t l`G J~ P.~ P 8/7~ I FC O BRIGHTON Nissan BUXTON Real Estat e

- 'a- ' :E N -


Le 3 [OWE

Coach : Terry McEvoy

Coach : Harry Hansiou 1 M . Genic

1 L. Toomey 2 T. White 3 R . Kogelman 5 A . Boland 6 L. Stafford 7 C . Crozier 8 R . Wilson g P. Sorace 10 D . Weegberg 11 L. Pierce 12 A . Pringle

2 D. Buccachio

3 R . Burns 4 R . Carrucan 5 G. Taylor 6 P. Ganiatsas 7 M . Daskalou 8 R . Conte 9 F. Paola 10 J. Hassan 11 M . Hennessey 12 B. Jorgensen y

13 V. Hall

13 G . Keranidopoulos 14 A. Nichol 15 G . Macrides 16 A. March 17 P.' Margin 18 R . Lee 19 A. Mihalos 20 J. Newman 21 L . Mason 22 P. Hardinge 23 N . Papaziakas 24 J. Paraskeva

14 B. Cooper 15 N . Sturma L . Gardiner 17 M . Adams 11 B. Beech 12 M . Parker 13 S. Dornom 21 P. Scognamillo 25 J. McMullen 28 S. White ' 3 D. Alford

30 J. Tapply

25 M. Perri

33 P. Stone 56 G . Cameron 74 D. Dew

26 J. Ryan 27 N . Scaglione 28 W. Collis

='_S Coach : Jerome Jackman


Coach : Tony Christofull i 1 D. Learmont-Walker 2 M. Brain (VC) 3 D. Henzl 4 P. McGrath 5 B. Geveaux 6 J . Raleigh 7 T. Wogan-Browne 8 O . Henzl 9 R . Ternes 10 M. Bowen

11 C. Eva

12 S. Foley (I7VC) 13 D. Fox 14 R . Read 15 T. Fraczek (Capt) 16 J . Robertson 17 D. Slucki 19 A. Edwards 20 G . Saultry

21 S. Sierakowski 22 D. Nguye n 23 J . Sprague 24 C. Villani 25 D. Hollenberg 26 T. Middleton

27 G . Blau

13 T. Luderma n 16 P. Farrant 25 S. Brooks 31 M. Fanning 40 R . Slate r 58 T. Dugga n 59 R . Butcher 60 M. McDonald 61 J. Neild 62 M. Paul l 63 J. Laidlaw 64 P. Marozz i 67 A . Place 68 S. Davi s 69 J. Han k 71 M. Millar 72 D. Butle r 73 R . Hoskin 74 N . Milla r g 75 S. Gellert 76 H . Davies 77 P. Ha m 78 C . Kne e

=- J

79 C . Kean e

28 B . Ramsay 29 A. Orchard 30 J . Davis 31 T. Cousland 32 N. Adcock 33 R. Whitehous e 34 S . Moore 35 R. Cassel l

GV P Fabricators All Home Loan s

Rl WESTBOURNE Coach : Cliff Lever

Asst Coach: Lee Johnston 1 B. Gerace 2 C. Lawson 3 A. Maluccio 4 R. Cabalo 5 G . Walker 7 F Pavez 8 H. Hodgson (C) 9 D. Nikola 10 J . Braham

Coach: David Law

5 Leorrelli T 6 Furletll D

7 Harry K

is Regime D 7z Baker AT s 13 wai:ams

~4 Scanlan M ~ 5 O'MearaT 16 RoganT 17 Gynn P 1 e L nchT 1 s nXcianieyA 2o Tnaoa c 21 Smanw.ood P 22 Ryan P

11 R. Stein 1^ P. Johnston 1 :. T. Best 14 D. Hudson 15 D. Ollenbuttel 16 N. Dean 17 D. Taylor 18 T. Vaughan 19 D. Corp LJ A. Mokrusch 21 L. Hudson (C)

23 Nolan C 2s Bryce M

26 canoe w 27 McLaren R

28 Whrte J 29 Cr&knen M 30 Ireland G 3t Corr~an T

=2 A . Glen

32 Hardwmk J

3 3 Ford D

= M . Pilsbury 2; P. Neville J . Chamberlaine d R. Naidu J M . Monohan

34 Jones A 5 Sanramaria J

36 sapuppo D

37 Bongorn,o D ;,5 Tresca4lhic; J

39 Freer s 40 Hadey R 41 Ross S

3 D. Ball

B . Merriweather

42 DeehanA

a = MN 45 J

E. Sandstrom

46 Doxcy A 47 Cam=_ra 0 48 Deity W,

, /

rihr1 P


3 Cato C s aarrettA

6 B . Payne

~JVQr o ri r~

OLD XAV ERIANS Coach (1): Peter Callinan Coach (2) : James Fay t F. A 2 Hulen S 3 Pascen J 4 sam.awcaa C


Mon 5051 NaughtjonM M 49 Dynon

1 F. Mastropasqua 2 3 4 5

D. Hurley J. Anderson C. Mitchell J. Hughes

7 B . Runnals

8 S . Matthews 9 D. Evans 10 B . Garth 11 A . Marian 12 J. Madden 13 L. Thomas 14 B . Ryan 15 G. Joseph 16 P. Oxenford 17 G. Campbell 18 M . Maggiore 19 P. Keogh 20 A . O'Dea 22 A . Mitchel 23 D. lannazzo 24 L . Levides 25 C . Govan 32 J. Harvey 34 M. Walsh

36 S. Cox 38 J. Egan 44 K. Walker 45 B. Johnson 49 D. McManus




Coach: Matthew Imms I A. Bartolo 2 A. McCutcheon Elliot t . 4D B. PavAOwski 5 6 D Mizzt . 7 F Luc a 8 I . Arandez


9 J. Sprague to J. Bennett 11 J. Digrazia 12 L . Couper 13 L Pillin g 14 M . Brain

15 P. Starpins 16 P. Tirchett 17 R. Ashcroft 18 S. McFadyen 19 S. Freeman 20 T Bel l 21 M . Brown e 22 M . Cini 23 T Clements


r ~•, , . _.

- - -- .


24 B. Davies

25 S' Dun n 26 M . Fox 27 L. Gould 28 N. Graham 29 B. Gray

30 B. Har t 31 J . Henderson

p, ~ ; -- . - ,

32 J . Henderson 33 F. Hen ry 34 L. Henry 35 R. Hodge s 36 D. Jago 37 L. Keating 38 S . Maher 39 J . Majernik

40 C. Perra G. Ramsay 42 M

S . Pendel l

44 S . Robb 45 C. Sandn 46 M Shiell 47 J Springer

48 A Tomkins

( .


L ; ~J

Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am p uni

For news, views and previews, tune t o J Petrui;_

,I ~ 136 . L from 6.30pm for reports and a complete 'ci1-time score service

Then to LOCa -7

"_-TS F

1.45 p. in. o ur



COMMUNITY " in tune with the outer east "

VAFA SEGMEN T S cores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00 -5 .151Sm eac h Saturday night .

segment with ~- ': r acl'

速 ~,~

. :

TNDAY 9 .30 - 10 .30 a.m. TUNE IN 9 .3i9 = lY . oF: AK .: Td_ :,_ . .Y


This weeks guest.,




(Old Melburnisn s)

,- rood (D4) . Sunday 6 .00- 8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UAFA .

The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Camel : on Noakes writes ; 째 : ;al~ Saturday VAFA matches, reviews the - -, - ~ -y -.latch of the Day and Paul

~affey reviews I- competition in Monday's Age in his column Town & Country.

prt - e,aiec_ by Glenn Scarborough with guests from. . . St Bernards, St =:eAns (A), Old Essendon, Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), LaTrobe Uni (D 2 ), West Brunswick ( D3), North Brunswick , Rupertswood (D4) PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-5.00 pm - Includes u:eekly chat on all matters UAFA.



New ( .':. the Zeav Finn the field at short odds'

to the home straight and takes LA; SCRIBE

' Tom Brain C



Norm Nugent D3 4 Brad Beitzel A 2 Ed Sill D3 4 33


Peter Williamson D3 4 Gavan Flower D4 5 Bar Hickey D1 4 Damian Carroll B 2 2 Tony Miller U19-1 2 21 Luke Derbyshire D2 0 25

d 10 Sat June 22 North Old Boys V Mazenod Sun June 2 3 University Blues V Old Scotch

OM. . . ---! d 11 Sat June 29

Old T rinity V Be La Salle

Sun June 3 0 FIDA Matches

I Rod 12 Sat July 6 y Sun July 7 Rnd 13 Sat July 1 3 Sun July 1 4 Rnd 14 Sat July 27 Sun Julv 28

Elsternv,rick V INIonash Gryphons Old Xaverian V Old Trinity Mazenod V Old Melburnians FIDA Matches Hampton Rovers V Old Haileybur~1 St Kevins V MHSOB

LATE SCORES First offence ($5); second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($I00); each subsequent offence ($100). Reserves1C18 failure to Seniorsti119 failure to phone scores by 230pm provide final scores by 5pm St. Marys (R) Collegians (S) Old Essendon (C) Park-side (S) Fitzroy Reds (C) Old Scotch (U) Old Geelong (C) Werribee (U ) Old Xaverians (2) (U ) Phoned incorrect scores Rd 8 Fitzroy Reds (R), North Old Boys (U), Williamstown CYMS (U), Hawthorn (C) .

1119 SECTION . . must win for St . Bedes because Oakleigh will be within 2pts afte r Saturday. Unfortunately the Jackets don't quite see it that way and will win by 28pts . Monash has the bye - fortunate - exams are on! SECTION RED Bulleen Templestowe coming off a morale boosting performance last week will be no pushover to day against La Trobe Uni. A good start is what will be required by both and the added incentive of maintaining and establishing fourth spot will be incentive enough for the Students to get the points, although not as easy as the first round . St . Bernards (2) host MHSOB and last time I tipped a win at home to the High . Hard to see anyone challenging the young Bernies whose all over the ground strength will be hard to match. The High will give it their all but a Bernies win seems odds on . Aquinas will be keen to make certain they reverse their round I result against Old Westbourne for two reasons . It will move themselves pretty much well clear in second position, and at the same time make the Warrior's task of competing in this year's finals more difficult. With Alford, Beech and Stone in good form the Bloods for mine. While Old Xaverians (2) wi ll be keen to dispose of Williamstown CYMS as quickly as possible today to maintain touch with the four. although I expect a far more committed showing from the Gulls after adding a few extra players over recent weeks and having improved significantly in the last month . Belt, Koch and McCutcheon continue to lead from the front and will give their all . aÂŤin here would not surprise after their confident showing last week. Roughie Gulls by two kicks .

TRI-UNAL RESULTS - Ti ; 'Sr' ;".•f JUNE 18, 20G 2 FROM JUNE 1

Chris Phyland, North Old Boys (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches . FROM JUNE 1 5

Aaron Rhodes, Prahran . Striking, 4 matches. Dean Betl, South Melbourne Districts . Shaking a goal post, abuse of an umpire, spitting , 7 matches . Anthony Panou, Bulleen-Templestovre . Striking, 2 matches . David Campbell , West Brunswick, Striking, 2 matches. * Matt Pollock, Old Ivanhoe (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches. * Chris Tetikis, Swinburne University (Reserves) . Abusive Ianguage, 2 matches . * Accepted Prescribed Penalty

a A melee is 'Where an incident takes place involving i players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing t each other to the ground or other similar such conductu t L -------------------- J n THE AMATEUR FO0TBALLErR 2V


P W L D For Agst % Pts (j1 RESERVE MONASH BLUES 9 8 1 0 556 273 203 .66 32 AJAX 9 7 2 0 721 425 169 .65 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9 6 3 0 747 346 215 .90 24 AQUINAS 0 C 9 5 4 0 695 540 128 .70 20 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 9 5 4 0 623 502 124 .10 20 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 9 5 4 0 568 490 115 .92 20 OLD GEELONG 9 5 4 0 562 510 110 .20 20 MENTONE AMATEURS 9 2 7 0 506 803 63 .01 8 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 9 1 8 0 408 998 40 .88 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 9 1 8 0 246 935 2631 4

% Pts U19 SECTION 3 P W L D For At OLD PARADIANS 9 7 2 0 1160 622 186.50 28 RUPERTSW00 0 9 7 2 0 1047 612 171 .08 28 OLD CAREY 9 7 2 0 934 772 120 .98 28 OLD CAMBERWELL 9 6 3 0 1034 485 213 .20 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 9 5 4 0 598 720 83 .06 20 WHITEFRIARS 9 4 5 0 729 912 79 .93 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9 3 6 0 648 962 67.36 12 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 9 3 6 0 614 1150 53 .39 12 THERRY PENOLA OB 9 2 7 0 650 922 70 .50 8 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 9 1 8 0 553 1108 49.91 4

P W L D For Agst % Pis D2 RESERVE FITZROY REDS 9 9 0 0 934 332 281 .33 36 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 9 8 1 0 849 299 283 .95 32 PENINSULA 0 B 9 6 3 0 670 672 99 .70 24 PARKSIDE 9 5 4 0 666 577 115 .42 20 OLD CAREY 9 5 4 0 503 506 99 .41 20 SALESIAN 0 C 9 4 5 0 546 630 86.67 16 BENTLEIGH AFC 9 3 6 0 639 646 98 .92 12 LATROBE UNI 9 3 6 0 460 508 90.55 12 OAKLEIGH AFC 9 2 7 0 450 855 52.63 8 KEW 9 0 9 0 345 1093 31 .56 0

U19 (2) SLUE P W L D For Agst % Pts AJAX 9 8 1 0 875 554 157 .94 32 MONASH BLUES 9 7 2 0 1062 486 218 .52 28 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . 9 6 2 1 840 606 138 .61 26 OAKLEIGH 9 5 4 0 738 714 103 .36 20 MENTONE PANTHERS 9 4 5 0 789 767 102 .87 16 DE LA SALLE (2) 9 3 6 0 311 1360 22.87 12 BENTLEIGH AFC 9 2 6 1 621 849 73 .14 10 0 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 .00

P W L D For Agst % Pts D3 RESERVE ST JOHNS 0 C 9 9 0 0 756 302 250 .33 36 WEST BRUNSWICK 9 8 1 0 681 275 247 .64 32 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 9 5 4 0 584 445 131 .24 20 ELSTERNWICK 9 5 4 0 573 568 100 .88 20 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 9 4 5 0 564 526 107.22 16 'SWINBURNE UNI 9 4 5 0 424 634 66.88 16 POWER HOUSE 9 3 6 0 450 603 74.63 12 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 9 3 6 0 360 600 60.00 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 9 2 7 0 429 599 71 .62 8 RICHMOND CENTRAL 9 2 7 0 385 795 48 .43 8 *lneligible player Round 7 P W L D For Agst Pts D4 RESERVE % WERRIBEEAMATEURS 9 9 0 0 1051 372 282.53 36 NORTH BRUNSWICK 9 8 1 0 715 425 168 .24 32 ALBERT PARK 9 7 2 0 867 383 226.37 28 UHS-VU A F C 9 6 3 0 757 457 165 .65 24 9 5 4 0 553 453 122.08 20 MT LILYDALE OLD WESTBOURNE 9 5 4 0 646 594 108 .75 20 RUPERTSW000 9 5 4 0 643 691 93 .05 20 ST MARYS 9 5 4 0 476 560 85 .00 20 BULLEEN COBRAS 9 2 7 0 448 733 61 .12 8 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 9 1 8 0 261 909 28 .71 4 POX HILL NORTH 9 1 8 0 180 1198 15 .03 4 Pts U1 9 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst ! MARCELLIN 9 7 2 0 880 678 129 .79 28 OLD XAVERIANS 9 6 3 0 908 634 143 .22 24 OLD BRIGHTON 9 6 3 0 902 683 132 .06 24 STBERNARDS 9 6 3 0 971 768 126 .43 24 ST KEVINS 9 6 3 0 920 789 116 .60 24 1-' .!VERSITY BLUES 9 5 4 0 837 832 100 .60 20 ''_u SCOTCH 9 4 5 0 779 823 94 .65 16 =1JLFIELD GR 9 3 6 0 641 877 73 .09 12 8 = :LA SALLE 9 2 7 0 698 976 71 .52 ..D MELBURNIANS 9 0 9 0 479 955 50.16 0 U 19 SECTION 2 P W L D __for Agst % Pis 9 9 0 0 929 429 216 .55 36 OLD TRINITY BEAUMARIS AFC 9 7 1 1 834 666 125 .23 30 O LD ESSENDON GR 9 6 2 1 959 679 141 .24 26 ORMOND 9 5 4 0 734 728 100 .82 20 -,CI IVANHOE 9 5 4 0 747 803 93 .03 2 0 'TON ROVERS 9 4 5 0 508 660 76.97 16 NOD 0 C 9 3 5 1 589 908 64.87 14 ~I8EE AMATEURS 9 2 6 1 601 843 71 .29 10 dAILEYBURY 9 1 8 0 464 1003 46.26 4

% Pts U19 (2) RED P W L D For Agst 9 9 0 0 1353 306 442.16 36 ST BERNARDS (2) AQUINAS 0 C 9 7 2 0 695 475 146 .32 28 MHSOB 9 6 3 0 815 567 143 .74 24 LA TROBE UNI 9 4 5 0 627 501 125 .15 16 OLD WESTBOURNE 9 4 5 0 720 577 124 .78 16 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 9 4 5 0 764 805 94 .91 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 9 1 7 1 439 1214 36 .16 6 2 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 9 0 8 1 246 1554 15 .83 Pts CLUB 18 - I P W L D For Agst % OLD XAVERIANS 9 8 1 0 1121 421 266 .27 32 PRAHRAN AFC 9 8 1 0 1032 541 190 .76 32 DE LA SALLE 9 6 3 0 924 525 176 .00 24 ST KEVINS 9 6 3 0 786 592 132 .77 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 9 4 5 0 693 763 90 .83 16 MAZENOD 0 C 9 2 7 0 538 953 56 .45 8 ELEY PARK AFC 9 1 8 0 491 940 52 .23 4 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 9 1 8 0 321 1171 27 .41 s Pts CLUB 18 - NORTH P W L D For Agst 9 9 0 0 869 348 249 .71 36 OLD IVANHOE 9 6 3 0 690 400 172 .50 24 OLD XAVERIANS (2) THERRY PENOLA OB 9 6 3 0 536 471 113 .80 24 MARCELLIN 9 6 3 0 481 483 99 .59 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9 4 5 0 565 534 105,81 16 BRUNSWICK AFC 9 2 7 0 422 680 62 .06 8 FITZROY REDS 9 2 7 0 335 749 44.73 8 4 OLD TRINITY 9 1 8 0 342 669 51 .12 o Pts CLUB 18 - SOUTH P W L D For Agst COLLEGIANS 9 9 0 0 1080 275 392 .73 36 MONASH BLUES 9 7 2 0 908 428 212 .15 28 ST LEOS EMMAUS 9 6 3 0 608 531 114 .50 24 OLD BRIGHTON 9 4 5 0 501 557 89 .95 16 88.91 12 WHITEFRIARS 9 3 6 0 609 685 HAMPTON ROVERS 9 3 6 0 517 925 55 .89 12 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 9 3 6 0 403 853 47 .25 12 OLD GEELONG 9 0 9 0 248 1005 24 .68 0 r-------- `---------- ~ --' ~ 1


Weekend Matches (Fri)

~ ~ i i ~ J_, .presented by

Umpires Appointment (Sat . night ) sScore

(chargrsrr~yC~:higt~erlromarnobrlephanetothiss__-_e) 1 ~-------------------------------- J


L D For Agst % PIS P W A SECTION OLD XAVERIANS 9 8 0 1 1006 794 126 .70 34 9 7 1 1 1126 788 142.89 30 ST BERNARDS OLD SCOTCH 9 6 2 1 884 851 103 .88 26 ST KEVINS 9 5 4 0 1010 780 129 .49 20 MARCELLIN 9 5 4 0 915 748 122 .33 20 UNIVERSITY BLUES 9 4 5 0 815 926 88 .01 16 OLD TRINITY 9 3 5 1 918 879 104 .44 14 OLD IVANHOE 9 3 6 0 816 885 92 .20 12 DE LA SALLE 9 2 7 0 694 934 74 .30 8 0 MHSOB 9 0 9 0 607 1206 50 .33 t Pts P W L D For Agst B SECTION OLD MELBURNIANS 9 7 2 0 877 684 128 .22 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 9 7 2 0 894 759 117 .79 28 OLD HAILEYBURY 9 5 4 0 915 780 117 .31 20 OLD BRIGHTON 9 5 4 0 740 643 115.09 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 9 5 4 0 806 785 102 .68 20 OLD PARADIANS 9 5 4 0 797 839 94 .99 20 MAZENOD 0 C 9 4 5 0 839 787 106 .61 16 ORMOND 9 4 5 0 807 790 102 .15 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 9 3 6 0 715 969 73 .79 12 0 THERRY PENOLA OB 9 0 9 0 664 1018 65 .23 C SECTION


6Y L D For Agst % Pts 8 1 0 1084 648 167 .28 32 8 1 0 1085 769 141 .09 32 7 2 0 869 486 178 .81 28 6 3 0 840 969 86 .69 24 5 4 0 986 795 124 .03 20 4 5 0 1030 887 116 .12 16 3 6 0 791 860 91 .98 12 3 6 0 737 871 84 .62 12 1 8 0 638 1015 62 .86 4 0 0 9 0 653 1444 45 .22

P av L D For Agst ^o Pts

WERRIOEE AMATEURS 9 8 1 0 1020 531 192.09 32 RUPERTSWOOD 9 7 2 0 1091 576 189 .41 28 ALBERT PARK 9 7 2 0 937 546 171 .61 28 FAT LILYDALE 9 7 2 0 850 584 145 .55 28 NORTH BRUNSWICK 9 7 2 0 868 797 108 .91 28 ST MARYS 9 5 4 0 933 872 107 .00 20 UHS-VU A F C 9 4 5 0 603 900 67 .00 16 OLD WESTBOURNE 9 3 6 0 534 713 74 .89 12 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 9 3 6 0 605 894 67 .67 12 BOX HILL NORTH 9 2 7 0 551 1021 53 .97 8 4 BULLEEN COBRAS 9 1 8 0 424 1052 4030

P t~ L D Fa Agst % Pts

ST BEDES MENT TIG 9 8 1 0 1136 652 174 .23 32 WHITEFRIARS 9 8 1 0 1021 683 149 .49 32 CAULFIELD GR 9 7 2 0 955 718 133 .01 28 COLLEGIANS 9 5 4 0 877 705 124 .40 20 BEAUMARIS AFC 9 5 4 0 904 771 117 .25 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 9 4 5 0 831 828 10036 16 PRAHRAN AFC 9 4 5 0 834 966 86 .34 16 GLEN EIRA AFC 9 2 7 0 720 931 77 .34 8 BANYULE 9 1 8 0 697 1245 55 .98 4 4 OLD MENTONIANS 9 1 8 0 654 1237 52 .87 D l SECTION P


% Pts P y✓ L D For AgsP A RESERVE OLD XAVERIANS 9 8 1 0 781 378 206 .61 32 ST KEVINS 9 7 2 0 755 524 144 .08 28 ST BERNARDS 9 6 3 0 726 510 142 .35 24 MARCELLIN 9 6 3 0 667 478 139 .54 24 DE LA SALLE 9 6 3 0 611 541 112 .94 24 OLD TRINITY 9 5 4 0 557 509 109 43 20 OLD SCOTCH 9 3 6 0 593 541 109 .61 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 9 2 7 0 514 750 68.53 8 OLDIVANHOE 9 2 7 0 390 640 60 .94 8 0 0 267 990 26 .97 MHSOB 9 0 9

L D For Agst / Pts

MENTONE AMATEURS 9 8 1 0 1080 750 144.00 32 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 9 8 1 0 939 697 134 .72 32 AQUINAS 0 C 9 7 2 0 1063 777 136 .81 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9 5 4 0 812 766 106 .01 20 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 9 5 4 0 811 827 98 .07 20 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 9 4 5 0 922 902 102 .22 16 AJAX 9 4 5 0 896 972 92.18 16 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS '9 2 7 0 692 1087 63 .66 8 MONASH BLUES 9 1 8 0 657 844 77 .84 4 4 OLD GEELONG 9 1 8 0 774 1024 75 .59 Q2 SECTION


P 1•y L D For Agst 1 Pts

YARRA VALLEY 0 B 9 8 1 0 1210 606 199 .67 32 SALESIAN 0 C 9 7 2 0 999 788 126 .78 28 876 94.75 24 PENINSULA 0 B 9 6 3 0 830 721 141 .47 20 BENTLEIGH AFC 9 5 4 0 1020 OLD CAREY 9 5 4 0 849 896 94 .75 20 PARKSIDE 9 4 5 0 956 918 104 14 16 LA TROBE UNI 9 3 5 1 817 848 9634 14 FITZROY REDS 9 3 6 0 690 852 80 .99 12 KEW 9 2 7 0 663 1039 63.81 8 OAKLEIGH AFC 9 1 7 1 764 1254 60 .93 6


P w L D For Agst 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

1 0 804 8 2 0 835 7 6 2 1 830 2 1 653 6 3 0 684 6 5 4 0 59 1 6 0 409 3 1 8 0 401 1 8 0 385 1 8 0 393

336 239 .29 516 161 .82 415 200 .00 577 113 .17 560 122 .14 596 99 .16 54 .39 752 768 52 .21 744 51 .75 51 .04 770

°a Pts L D For Agst C RESERVE P W OLD CAMBERWELL 9 7 1 1 826 455 181 .54 30 BEAUMARIS AFC 9 5 1 3 834 492 169 .51 26 WHITEFRIARS 9 6 2 1 768 604 127_15 26 PRAHRAN AFC 9 6 3 0 742 475 156 .21 24 CAULFIELD GR 9 5 4 0 665 464 143 32 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 9 4 4 1 442 533 82 .93 18 COLLEGIANS 9 4 5 0 765 489 15644 16 BANYULE 9 3 6 0 505 708 71 33 12 GLEN EIRA AFC 9 2 7 0 376 940 40 .00 8 0 OLD MENTONIANS 9 0 9 0 226 1050 21 .52 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

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