The Amateur Footballer, Week 11, 2002

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Fostering FamiCr~ Footballsittce 1892

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Of$cial Journal of the VICTORIAN AMATEUR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIO N Registered for ostin as a Publlc:atinn_ C`ntPa .,rv R


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Carlton and United Incentive Program 2002 A, pi?rt of the CUB/VAFA sponsorship $1,000 has been allocated as a prize for a club of each senior section rc ;arding the Carlton and United Club Initiative. Clubs should refer to a letter to secretaries (2 April 2002) for all details relating to this initiative, however some key points are as follows: . :1 two-part submission is invited to be lodged with the VAFA by the end of August on which the assessment will take plac e • Part of the assessment requires proof that productfor club functions purchased is CUB product . • The major part of the assessment will centre around a Club Alcohol Policy which the club has to be able to demonstrate it has developed which promotes and enforces the responsible consumption and serving of alcohol. • Sponsorship Reward Plan points are allocated for each club's performance in this initiativ e • Clubs requiring more details should refer to the April letter or risit the VAFA website ( - Carlton and United Club Initiative 2002.

Protective Equipmen t Being the contact sport that it is, our game sometimes does, on occasions, leave painfullegacies necessitating protection for a player to continue in the game. 7 herefore equipment such as gloves, armguards, protective even ear are available in the market place . The VAFA's attitude to such equipment is clear. In relation to gloves, we do not agree with them being worn in VAFA matches . The only exception is if written medical c ilence demonstrates that a permanent injury requires itte protection that can only be provided by the wearing of a,love. Such a request may be then be considered . In ieral our belief is that a player recovering from a hand injury should only play if his injury can be protected by proper professional strapping . Alternatively the injury ,,iiortid be rested until the healing process is complete . All equipment intended to be worn must be submitted to thc \'AFA for approval well before it is ever contemplated caring it in a match . If approved, the player will be given a [ter which he must show each week to the umpires and rite opposition captain .

No approval . No letter, meaning any player not wearing roved apparel must be sent from the field by the umpire . "Amateur Footballer" front covers

will continue to be rotated . For the first three weeks of the finals, the seven (7) minor senior section premiers the teams that ended on top of the ladder after the eighteen home and away rounds - will be featured. On the last weekend of the Amateur season, the four A and B section grand finalists will be displayed .

Close of Perrnits/iiein ternents Applications for 200 2 When the mail is received on Monday morning and the letterbox at the backgate is cleared on Monday morning, these acts will signify the close of senior permits for the season . The only permits that can be lodged after June 30 are Under 19 permits . These will be processed each Friday afternoon and these players can only play Under 19 football for the remainder of the 2002 season . A great testament to the spirit that exists in Amateur football. "All at our club were disappointed to lose 2 ~^J nail biting games last weekend, (reserves by 2 points , seniors by 1 point), especially as it was the 250th game for captain and five times B and F winner Anthony Carbone, but we were delighted to stay and mix with Collegians, whose President put on a free drink for all our team in recognition of the great spirit in which the days games were played ." Norman Elliott, Whitefriars OCFC . Last round an unregistered reserves umpire wa s used by a club, who made a report . Not only does th e use of such (unregistered) umpires accrue fines for clubs, but in this case the report now has to b e referred to the club who must decide whether it wishes to lodge a club complaint (the same as club boundary and goal umpires).

Sport 927 Prize Vd"rnner. . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . ... . .... . . ... . ... .2 4 Ies' Clipboard . . ... . .... T^day's Umpires .. . .. . . .. . ..:. : . .. .. .,,::, . . .3X ,,,theLoveoftheGawe .. .... .... . . .. . ...... ...32-3 .,. ., .. . 483thePflsBa Week's Matches. . ... . . . .. . . . ... . ... . . . .. .. .,.. .,,,.51 wick Park Draw.. . . .... .... . . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ..6 2 ibunal & Inv~stigations .: . ... .. . ... . .::.. . ..:: ..... ...:. .62

V,1th finals fast approaching, the covers you see each week


June 29th, 2002 Price : $2.00 Q T


;L`,"tjA i'' , i?a ASSOCIATIO N

"u ®1. 02 N®.11

THE Elsternwick Park hoodoo for Old Scotch and Dale Tapping grew after last week's 49-point los s to University Blues . Scotch hasn't won at HQ since the 1998 preliminary final when it defeated St Bernards . Tapping, in his first year as coach of the Cardinals after crossing from Old Brighton, hasn't won at the home of the VAFA A Section finals since August 2000 . The result leaves Scotch virtually three games behind the double chance . It puts the Blues equal in fourth with St Kevins and Marcellin but with a virtual game behind on percentage . Maybe there is some correlation between Scotch and Brighton's home grounds being small compared to the wide spaces at EP . Scotch moved to Camberwell in 1995 and the sports ground is well protected but a tense Tapping said both teams had to overcome the windy conditions at EP. "We trained here (EP) on Monday (six days earlier) as a few guys hadn't played here," Tapping said . Asked if today's clash against the diving St Kevins, who have lost their past five despite being close in each game, was like a qualifying final, Tapping replied : "It's only round 11 and I just want to play well" . Tapping, who at EP has coached OB in a B Section flag, losing a B Section Grand Final after losing just one game for the year, and having Beaumaris come from five kicks down in time-on to defeat OB, said he hoped Essendon VFL full-forward Luke Hawkins would play three more games to qualify for the finals . Adam Nettleton, who works at the Alfred Hospital with fellow doctor and former Scotch full-back Rohan Price, is in form despite his work keeping him from training . Nettleton should be one of the keys in Scotch's rotations for today's match at Camberwell against SKOBs . St Kevs are coming off a physical encounter with Trinity which they lost by a point as Matt Collins marked and kicked a set shot to win with seconds remaining . Last time at Trevor Barker it was SKOBs by nine goals including six from Steve O'Connor. OT and De La go to HQ, and after tight losses to Marcellin, Scotch and a draw with St Bernards, the Ts come in with a new attitude . Last time at East Malvern it was the Ts by 10 goals including seven from Matt Greig . The Ds failed to score a goal in the second quarter last week against the Bernies even though they had four opportunities . This leaves the Ds having won only one second quarter for the year and that was by eight points

against the Ts . DLS's turnovers are down so it has some hope of causing an

upset as they try to avoid the R-Zone. Blues coach Michael Conlan said his team are a different outfit to the "rabble" that lost to Old Ivanhoe in the opening round by five goals . Today at Chelsworth Park three of the Hoers best from that match are out injured : Jarred Gieschen (three weeks with a check-bone injury), Jame ; Hope (posterior ligament a month) and Johr . Stevens (thumb a week or two) . OI come in after z four-goal win against MHSOB with Chri, Branigan again doing well in his new role at full• forward with six . It's been 28 years since University Blues became the last A Section tean to go through the season without winning . The Unicorns travel to Bulleen to meet Marcellir on the rebound from a 10-goal hiding to Xavs b h uHighpresdntColGikheBusmg keep the record for a while longer . "We are closf now and improving," Green said . "We have -~ (rebuilding) policy in place that will reap reward : in the longer term ." It's been 58 years sinci Blacks were the only team on record to beeom( VAFA Champions by going through a yea undefeated . There should be a terrific atmosphere around thi Snakepit when the Bernies try to stop that an( reverse the 17-point loss at Toorak Park . Dai Jordan, who went to Xavier College but play, with his brother Dan at the Bernies, has been ~ star this year with 41 goals to put him third oi the McKinnon Sports Medicine Sharpshooters What a twist with former college team-mates Niel McInerney or James McDonnell tipped to b, released from Port Melbourne to play on Danny The trio were keys to the 1998 Xavier First XVII but the Port boys are, you guessed it, defenders, ANNUAL UNI MERGER TALKS - MIDDLE PAGE beitzelb@alphalink 1

Old Ivanhoe v . University Blues Old Scotch v . St Kevin s Old Trinity v . De La Salle EP Saturday St Bernards v . Old Xaverians Marcellin v. MHSOB M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2 0C

CLU B Nr"+ ME A SECTION Greig Old Trinity Han,ey St Bernards Jordan St Bernards M. Giansiracusa St Kevins Treganowan Marcellin A RESERVE Griffiths St Kevins Gilmour St Bernards Osborne St Bernards 1v ;cMillan Marcellin R . Legudi St Bernard s

LST WK TOTAL 2 3 3 0 0

48 47 41 28 24

0 8 0 0 0

20 19 15 12 12

__ _________ ____________________•1

• Weekend Matches (Fri) • Umpires Appointments • Scores (Sat . night) -

presented by

t (charges may &~ hlgtkr from a mobile phone to this service ) L



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fax: (03) 9580 31 Q0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

MIISOB 2 .2 7.4 7.8 11.13 (79) OLD IVAPkiOE 6 .2 6.6 10.10 15.13 (103) MHSOB : Simpson 3 Adcock McIntyre G McCully S McCully Brookes McGrath Newton Gerner Best : Harper White Wight G McCully Limbrick S McCully. Old Ivanhoe: Branigan 6 Toovey 4 Orchard 2 Donaldson Lochran Hares. Best Donaldson Curatoto Toovey Tiernan Haros Branigan . Umpires: P. Simpson, J. McNtece (F), S . McKenzie. S. Caruso (B), V . Vescornl, M. Simpson (G) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .10 7.14 14.2216.23 (119) OLD SCOTCH 2.1 4 .6 6 .6 10 .10 (70) Universi ty Blues: Gleeson 5, Nallon 3, Ryan 3, Young 2, Callery 1, Sully 1 . Hayter 1 . Best- McLachlan, Young, Sturrock, Slinunon . Sully. Giresun. Old Scotch: Hawkins 2, Collins 1, Crow I, Kitchen 1, Hume 1, Mullins 1, Briesch 1 . Beranger 1 . Wigney 1 . Best: Finocchiaro, Robinson . Nettleton . Collins . Wigney, Beranger. Umpires : R. Sneddon, P. James (F), S. Fraser, R. Mutton (B), K . Segota, B. Jephson(G ) ST KEVINS 3 .2 5.5 7.11 10.14 (74) OLD TRINITY 5 .0 8.3 9.8 11 .9 (75) St. Kevins : Lucas 3 Olive 2 Lowerson 2 Greenham 2 Fraser . Best 0'Connor Hicks Lowerson Bowden B Doilman Greenham. Old Trinity: Greig 2 Ramsden 2 Clarke Collins Frost Hatfield C Kennedy Reynolds VanDerVemie . Best G Deane-Johns R Phillips C Phillips Collins Gnarl Hatfield . Umpires : S. McCarthy, J . Kvtru (F), P . Teasdale, B. Parsons (B), C. Arnol, R. Party (G) DE LA SALLE 2.1 2.6 6.10 8 .13 (61) ST BERNARDS 2 .1 6.4 7 .9 10.13 (73) St . Bexnanis : D Jordan 3 Harvey 3 Fielding Clarke O'Sullivan T Legudt . Best Byrne L Wilkinson D Jordan Fielding Thomas McLaughlin . De La Salle: Goodier 2 Johnstone Stinear Duggan Buckley S Hyland Morel . Best Morel R Bonnici Corm S Hyland Jolley Duggan. Umpires: R. Mayston . R Eastwood (F), H . Nation, C . Doyle (B) . B . Hoare. B . Dix (G) OLD XAVERL4NS 4 .8 7.11 10.15 15 .16 (106) MARCELLIN 1 .1 3 .5 4.6 6.7(43) Old Xaveriarns : Parton 4 Clarke 3 Richardson 2 Ellis P McDonald Drake Ruyg Howard A Biddleeombe Best Clarke Blood Ruyg A Biddlecombe Sassi Mollard. Marcellin: M arson 2 Browne 2 Dinneen O'Flynn Best Seabury Duncan Waters 0'Ftymi Jarred Cull. Umpires : W. Hinton, M . Sneddon (F), N. Woods, J. Vincent (B), R Owens, D . Napoli (G) RESEMM MHSOB 2 .2 2.3 3 .4 5 .5(35) OLD IVANHOE 5.2 7.7 8.10 10.12 (72) MHSOB: Not received. Old Ivanhoe: Not received. UNIVERSITY BLUES 5.1 6.4 7 .6 7.10 (52) OLD SCOTCH 4.3 5.4 6 .9 9.10 (64) University Blues: Quin 3, Versteegen 1 . Sudholz 1 . Haberfield 1, Gates 1 . Best Featherston, Versteegan . Hutchins, Zanos, Bennett, McAldon . Old Scotch: Hosking 6, Jwilceer 1, Stratos I . Smith 1 . Best Hooper. lser, Hosking. Leitl . Lipshut. Simon. ST KEVINS 4.1 8 .5 10.7 12 .10 (82) OLD TRINITY 2.2 4.4 6.5 7 .10 (52) St. Kevins : Curtis 5, Bowles 3, Marchesant 2 . Moore 2 . Best Purcell, Bowles, P. Bare, Curtis . Marchesani, Moore, G . Katavolos . Old Trinity; Mithen 2, Blackmore 2, Bullen, Andrews, Ward . Best A Andrews, S. Lauletta. L. Carter Busrard. S. Van der Ve me, F. Cameron . C. Ward. DE LA SALLE 1 .1 2.7 5.10 8.12 (60) Sr BERNARIxS 2 .3 6.6 8 .9 14.11 (95) Detesall e : Murray 3. M.Harber 2, S.Hyde, Mcberney,Picone. Best O'Brien, Browne . C.Hyde, Laragy, Spithill . Murray. St Bernards: Gilmore 8, Altis 4, Nutter 2 Best Ianarzo, James Mount, Nutter. Gilmore, Davis, Tankey. OLD XAVERIANS 6 .2 11 .5 16.8 21 .12 (138) MARCELLIN 0.1 0 .1 0.2 2.4(16) Old Xaverlans: Rennex 5, RJones 3, McDonnell 3 . Wood 2, Baker. Hannebery. James, Johnston, McDonald, Meehan, Oswald, Wilson . Best Remrex. Johnston. R Jones. Oswald. B . Coughlan, Hannebery. Marcellin : Cope. Ballantine. Best Godwin, Colville, Theisz . Cronin, Maguire- Dinneen .



M :.30 :



Coach: Paul Cooper Assist : Noel Jenkinson Res Coach: Terry Russell

Coach: Simon Dalrymple Res Coach: Peter Randall

Coach : Campbell Glover Assist: Terence Blythman Res Coach : Scott Robinson

Coach : Paul Fahey Assist: Darren Payne & Paul Northey Res Coach : Noel Spoor

Coach : Dale Tapping Assist: Andrew Smith Res Coach : John Atta Assist: Simon Tallent

1 L. Walker 2 R. Buckley 3 B . Corin 4 P. Murton (VC) 5 C. Swift

6 M . Harbor 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 9R C. Chester 10 T. Silvers 11 A . Evans(C) 12 D . Toohey 13 A . Johnstone 14 C . Bowker 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Coffey 19 D . Thomas 20 M. Picone 21 A. McKenzie 22 M. Mercuri 23 D . O 'Brien 24 J . Morel 24R C. Buick 25 C. Hyde 25 R. Walmsley 26 D. Spithitl 27 S . Thomas

28 N. Herber 29 C. Browne 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyde 32 R. Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 L. Williams 35 A . Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D . Hyland 37R D . Moore

38 D . McInerney 39 S. Kane 39R S. Hoy 40 C . Noseda 41 M. McHenry 42 P. Bourke 42R A. Bonnici 43 K. Brkic 44 K. Holden 45 P. Hesse 46 A. Skinns 47 A. Molan 48 D. Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 A. Boots 50 D. Alderuccio 51 L. Douanghosay 52 E . Phillips 53 L. Derbyshire ° 54 D. Buckley 55 L. Meehan 56 C. Worstellin 57 R . Marks 58 G. Wise 60 B . Hoy 61 L. Borella

1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D . Waters 4 G . Romanin 5 N . Godwin 6 D. Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 8 R. Frisina 9 D. Ballantine 10 A. Dale 11 D. Taylor (RC) 12 B . Cronin 13 S . Dinneen 14 D. Salce 15 M . Chun 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (VC) 18 D. Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 S . O'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 M. Edmonds 24 L. 0 'FIY nn RVC ( ) 25 R . Galati 26 D . McMillan 27 S. Theisz (VC) 28 D . Johnston 29 C . Moran 30 A. Treganowan (C) 31 C . Mason 32 M . Browne 33 G . Cull 34 D. Jarred 35 J. Frazer 36 D. Cope 37 L. Considine 38 M . Boyd 39 B. Colville 40 A. Wilkinson 41 J . Seabury 42 B. Dinneen 43 A. Duncan 44 L. Hanson 45 D. Theisz 46 J . Mathews 47 M . Becchetti 48 A . Gallagher 49 B . Gale 50 A. Ryder 51 M . Maguire 52 C. Moran 53 C. Mathews

54 A . Gallagher 55 J. Wallis 56 S . Maguire 57 N . Addison 58 J. Ibrahim 72 D . Cracknell

1 J. Barnett 2 S . McCully (SDVC) 3 A. Simpson 3 A. Angus 4 M . White 5 E. Raleigh 6 R . Joseph 7 P. Telfer 8 J. Dixon (RVC) 8 J. Gerner 9 D . Fairchild (SCapt) 10 D . Norton 11 D . Simmons 12 R . Banting 12 M. Feferkranz (RCapt) 13 C. Kelly

14 A. O'Brien 15 N. Adcock 16 J . Walker 17 R. Clowes 18 R. Limbrick (SDVC) 18 B. McGrath 19 A. Brookes

20 T. Harper 20 D. Nichols 21 R. Patterson 22 A. Svirskis 22 D. Armstrong 23 L. Taylor

24 S . Runde[] 25 N . Orchard 26 A . Vicendese 28 J . Brown 29 G. McCully

30 R . Newton 31 J. Davis 32 A Cassell SDVC ( ) 33 A. Saultry 33 S. Harrison 34 E. Thompson (SVC) 34 P. Rujevic 35 A. Mills (RVC) 35 S. Moore 36 P. McGrath 36 M. Ting 37 R . McIntyre

37 T. Harper 38 S. Robinson 39 S. Whittington 40 D. Membrey 40 W. Hayes 41 J . Anderson 42 P. Boyer 43 D. Vicendese 44 M . Hawkes 45 M . Brown 46 P. Wolnizer 47 R. Ware 48 G . Pollard 49 C. Duke 50 S . Osborne 53 P. Bai n

54 P. Willoughby 55 C. Wright 56 T. Wright 57 D . Cassell 58 D . Fox

70 M . Duggan



1 A . Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 A. Jenkins 4 B. Davis 5 T. Young 6 S. Kent 7 J. Geishan 8 T. Stevens (RC) 9 M. Karayannis 10 M. Crowley 11 S Tull y 1 2 C. Branigan 13 M. Orchard 14 C. Moore 15 L . Bolzan 16 C. Mooney 17 A. Corcoran 18 J. Hope (7C) 19 M . Tolley 20 D. Hawkes 21 R. Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros (DVC) 25 E. Byrne 26 P. Lillis 27 J . Weddle 28 S . Morris 29 R. Weddle (C) 30 A. Gilbert 31 J . Stevens (DVC) 32 P. Dowd 33 N . Pratt 34 A . Teman 35 M . Pollock 36 B . Spoor 37 M . Berry 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J. Keane 41 A . Clark 42 S . Low 43 L. Hunter 44 A . Karafili 45 M. Toovey 46 M. Tozer 47 G. King 48 M. Clark e 49 L . Shay 50 S. Brand t 51 N . Braddy 52 A. Clancy 53 S. Price 54 B. Guidera 55 A. Berezza 56 L . Courage 57 D . Harcourt 58 G . Mclsaac 59 J . White 60 S. Hill 61 C. Binney 62 J . Baker 63 T. Hibb s 64 C. Barker 65 B . Shadbolt


Spectrum Assurances Sires MENSWEAR

6YP Fabricators


All Home Loans

Snap, fs~`®~~I/~ LITTLATROBE


1 A. Nettleton 2 B. Phillip s 3 J . Ros s 4 T. Holt (C ) 5 S. Collins (VC ) 6 A. Crow (VC ) 7 J . Kitchen (VC)

8 B. Robinso n 10 C. Bk Smithe 11 R. Au 'ard 12 S . Hume

13 N. Hoope r

14 R. Mullin s 15 R. Eagle 16 D. Jenning s 17 D. Thoma s 18 L. Hawkins 19 R . Joseph s 20 S . Lillingsto n 21 J . Stratos 22 N . Addison 23 0. Crane 24 C . Pattende n 25 M . Saunders 26 T Downing (RC ) 27 J. Pilkingto n 28 S . Prendergast 29 M . GnaH 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leitl 32 J. Gerstman 33 J. McCarroll 33R T Wilson-Humphries 34 E. Olive r 35 P. O'Connor 36 A. Milla r 37 E. Moffatt 38 R . Ashto n 39 C . Steven s 41 M . Lipshut 42 M . Watts 43 R. Breisch 44 C . Evan s 45 M . Blenhei m 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger 48 S . Miles 49 M . O 'Brien 50 T. Hoskin g 51 L. Freema n 52 D. Knight 53 G . Junkee r 54 N. Simo n 56 C. Tallent 57 J . Cran e 59 D. Iser 60 T. Wigne y 61 6 . Jone s 62 N . Tassel l 63 P. Iser 64 N . Costello 65 C . Armstron g 66 A. Routledge 67 J . Pulvirent i 68 N . Gill 69 C . Neal 70 S . Thompson 73 M . Vojvodic 74 M . Rix 75 S . Troo n 76 N . Opie 77 C . Joyce

~ ~ . .;`i '

K2a5~} N. tA NA <<t-f,tk'•X t '

L'P2 Tuc nneA- .o cnnTOn~ i co onm


Coach : Leigh Carlson Assist. : Phil Gaut Res Coach: Craig Neave 1 2 3 4 5

Kennedy S(V/C) Hudson G Reynolds L Arrowsmith J Burrows D 6 Gnatt P 7 Van Der Venne T Frost C 9 Andrews A V/C 10 Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S 11 Gorman A 12 Pirouet N 13 Collins M 13 Cade J 14 Parkin A 15 Stephens T 16 H째I'째s C 17 Hatfield G Clarke L jg 20 Phillips C 21 Kennedy L 22 Deane-Johns G 23 Ramsden A C/C 24 Christopherson J 25 Cameron F 26 Donahoo B 27 Greig M 28 Hine A 29 Nesbitt L 30 McKinnon R 31 Burgess J 32 Connell J 33 Rogers D 34 Deane-Johns L 35 Pawsey M 36 Sutcliffe J 37 Van Der Vienne S(R/C) 37 Cochrane A

38 Phillips R C/C

39 Oberoi S 40 Beardsley D 41 Lauletta S 42 Armatas C 43 Dodgson B 44 45 T ead ell G 45 Morpeth T 46 Cooper S 47 Schultze D 48 Ward C 49 Carter-Buszard L(RN/C) 0 5 MithenPM 52 Heaven C 53 Plain G 54 Blackmore B 55 Taylor C 56 Best E 57 Oberoi A

58 Stebbins C

59 Cade T(R(V/C) 60 Manseur S 61 Cristiano D 62 Cokalis S 63 Cade 6 64 Kenna A 65 Medlin S 66 Perry T 67 Amiconi A 68 Hii A 69 Somerville W 70 Bullen M 71 Langdon S 72 Munroe H 73 Hildebrandt D 74 Thwaites M 75 Chisholm M 76 Matthews M

OLD XAVERIA Coach: Tim O'Shaughnessy Res Coach: Serge D'Angelo

S a'.


Coach : Peter Nicholson Res Coach: Joe Watkins



Coach : Mike McArthur-Alen Asst Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res Coach: Steve Williams

Coach : Michael Conlan Res Coach : Steve Carrol l

1 M. Blood 2 D. Orlando 3 L. Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan 5 S. Mollard 6 A. Oswald 7 S . Lethlean 8 P. McDonald 9 J . Hawkins 10 D. Rennex 11 Ad Jones 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 On Stoney

1 D. Baynes 2 D. Burrowes 3 R. Cousland 4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 C. Runnalls 7 S. Clarke 8 J . Evans 9 B. Jordan (VC) 10 N. Mitchell (C) 11 C. Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A. Thomas

1 N . Fraser 2 R. Grinter 3 D. Curtis 4 A. Ukovic 5 M . Dollman O C 6 P. O' Keefe (VC) 7 K. Gray 8 B . Dolman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J . Pangrazio 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenhorn 15 M . Olive (DVC)

1 Slimmon D(VC) 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J (VC) 4 Guengerich D(VC)

15 L. Ford (Capt)

15 T. Wilkinson

16 B . Garvey (VC)

15 Ryan L

16 N. Bingham 17 D. Richardson 18 M . Green 19 M . Callihan 20. M . Hardman 20. J . Scanlan 21 A. Parton 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 24 B . Coughlan 25 R. Carey 26 N. Baker 27 J . Drake 28 A. McDonald 30 T. Clarke (v.c) 31 L. Tuddenham 32 A. Brushfield 33 A. Sassi 34 R. Jones 35 A. Delaney 36 B . Dwyer 37 T. Maher 39 M . Meehan 40 W. Rolfe 41 A . Dillon 43 T. Woodruff 44 A . Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B . Dixon 47 T. Ruyg 48 J . McDonnell 49 T. Lowrie 50 . T. Biddlecombe 51 D. Walsh 52 P. Funder 55 J . Healy 56 A . Oswald 58 M . Mahon 63 R . Coughlan 66 A . Wilson

16 L. Turnbull 17 L. O'Sullivan 18 D. McLaughlin 19 L. Gollant 20 C. Gray 21 B. Loughli n 22 M . O'Riley 23 A. Mastropasqua 24 N. M .Smith 25 C. Osborne 26 J . Gollant 27 James Mount (RC) 28 P. Gilmour 29 L. Wilkinson 30 C. Trewin 31 B. Swan 32 T. Harvey 33 B. Allis 34 D. Byrne 35 L.CamPbell 36 R. Legudi 37 A. Catterall 38 J . Simpson 39 C. Baumgartner 40 D. Thomas 41 B . Overman 42 P. Kmniburgh 43 M . Stapleton 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 R. Pizzichetta 48 N. P.Smith 49 S . McCurry 50 C. Calthorpe 51 P. Romanin 52 A. Fewster 53 S . lannazzo 54 T. James 55 J . Lloyd 56 L. O'Brien 57 B . McManus 58 J . DeBlank 59 L. Evans 60 P. Mastropasqua 61 J . Mastropasqua 62 A. Bouzikas 63 H . Pekes 64 R. Pekes

17 D. Ryan 18 P. Gissin 19 D. Sheehy (RC) 20 K . Bowden 21 R. Maguire 23 S . Lowerson 24 H. Pride 25 B . Marusic 26 D. Sadler 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton (DVC) 30 M . Gargano 31 A . McGuinness 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire (RVC) 34 T. Hobart 35 M . Kavanagh 36 E . Sullivan 37 M . Pangrazio (RVC) 38 J . O'Brien 39 S . Gribble 40 N . Moore 41 G . Anderson 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G . Katavolos 46 J . Travaglia 47 A . Conlan 48 L. Harper 49 L. Kalesaran 51 D. Bare 52 J . Finch 53 J . Griffiths 55 E . Crohan 56 P. Natale 57 B . Quirk 58 J . Ferrari 59 R . Chivers 60 A . Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B . Hicks 64 T. Crowley 66 N . Marchesani 67 T. Purcell 73 P. Byrne 75 R . Campagna 79 G. O'Connor

16 Kordick M 17 18 McEwin A 19 Collins M 20 Gleason D 21 McIntyre T(VC) 22 Millard B 23 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Gates B 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M (RC) 29 30 Larkin A 31 Callery B 32 Suvoltos A 33 McKie M 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A 36 Brooke J 37 Kaso S 38 Wilson A 39 Birtley T 40 Hocking J 41 Quin L 42 Treloar B 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 Armstrong J 46 McKerrow M 47 Young R 48 Briggs A 49 Chamberlain L 50 Nailon H 51 Brown A 52 O'Donnell P 53 Versteegen R 54 Bennett S 55 Dalymore B 56 Irvine T 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholtz J 59 TooheY J 60 McKinley T 61 Coleman B 62 Taylor N 63 Hardcourt J 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 McKerrow R 67 McAoon D (RVC)

Simpsoo Coostr~ctioos

77 Kelly T


79 Treadwell C


78 Brady W

80 Adjemis J 81 P eggie A M Tuc - rci io cn-l i oo --


5 Gleason Q NC) 6 Pricker G 7 Rourke T 8 Hayter J 9 Meade S 10 Stockdale P 11 12 McLachlan G (C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C

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Once again the results of last evenness of this section, and yours week show the truly couldn't the pick the winner in a one horse any one of 7 or 8 teams could Jillrace!! The fact that the frnat four spots show how hard it is to pick winners in B Section. REVIE W At the home of footyEP, Mazenod became the giant killer, as they ended the run of NOBs by i I pts . There was very little separating the 2 teams all day, and not even a 15 pt deficit at half time could frighten the winners, as they wore down their dopponents . Best for an Morgan . NOBs M~e noduv served b y Hanley,

Maplestone and Halpin.


Out on Keilor Hill, the long trip out west didn't faze Old Ha4leYbury, as they pricked Old Essendon's balloon by 12 pts . Big Jack was forced to call out that larger lady at qtr time, as OH slammed on 7 goals to nil, and the contest was all but over . Jenke, White and Bourke went bananas for OH and Heritage, Caridi and Ryan did likewise for OE . Down beachside, I zigged instead of zagging when tipping Old Brighton, as Old Paradians spoiled the party when they prevailed by 17 pts . The margin at qtr time was almost identical to game's end, indicating it was a close contest for three qtrs . The OPs"Dad's Army' in O'Loughlin and Brabender were too wiley and cunning for their opponents. Lennox, Wardell and Mizzi were fine contributors for the home side . At B Section's Bowling Green, Old Nel b urnians turned up the heat on Ormond, and the visitors were found wanting, as OMs won comfortably by 44 pts. My old favourite (scoring shots) show OMs should have won by more, as they had double the pings of Ormond (28 to 14) . Roberts, Kinsella and Hawkins ensured that the home side had no troubles. Hall, Wilson and Miller battled hard for Ormond all day. The roar from Oak Park was as big as the one for Malu at Moonee Valley, as Therry carne from the clouds to record their first win at the expense of Hampton Rovers by 31 pts . A 10 pt deficit at the last change didn't faze Therry, as they went 'whooska', a la Super Impose, booting 10 goals in th e ~


-e--=- .--

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` i= A melee Is "Where an mci"ent takes place rnvol ✓ing I players pushing, srragging, Jutnping into packs throwing t each other to the ground or other similar such conduct- 1

6 __e._ ._-.- - - _`. ._- _ .®- _.- .®- - i

last stanza. Appieford, Castaldi (once again) and Grant were the toast of Oak Park in a bi g day. HR were left licking their wounds but Barker, Marlyn and Power stood tall . PREVIEW A big week for the oil companies as some teams put in the long drives. . . resurgen t wet omeOld Essendone(5 /4) in the first of several intriguing games . Dave "Merlin" Murray weaved his magic wand last week, taking a big scalp, as confidence and enthusiasm is in rather large quantities out there at present . Chris Bye has a few worries on his hands, as he will know that his side can't give away massive leads at this level and win . This could go either way, so I'll go the home side option and tip Mazenod by 10 pts, and pray that there's no phone call at 4 .50pm fro m you know who. . . . The almost next door neighbours of Old Haileybury and Old B righton lock horns at McKinnon . The bag of tricks that Mick Dwyer has produced the goods last week as his side arrested a mini slump to keep a top two finish within, reach . On the other hand, Stuart Glascott must be as perplexed as yours truly with his charges' form, dropping the last two (and at home to boot!!) after some previous good form . The visitors are quite capable of pinching this, but I'll go for the home side (OH), as they're back in winning form. OH by 18 pts .

Br Garvey makes the sangas and fills the thermos' as Old Paradians (9/4) play host to the ladder leaders in Old Melburnians (1 /3) . Matt Ryan would have been a relieved camper last week, as a loss would have made a possible finals' appearance very difficult indeed . Meanwhile, Erwin Leyden and his lads are charging along nicely and a win today would almost guarantee a top two finish . I'm tempted to tip a home side win, but I believe that the flag favs might just be a fraction too good . OM (3 pts) . s by a whisker The great man in E . E his tenants in Ormond. Gunn puts on the show as (2/7) don the blue shorts and let Therry (11 /4) through the gate . Mick 1o Knuppel vhisd team's previously fearsom e game his at ome ground advantage has not materialized so far this Year. You wouldn't find a bigger smile than the on e



adorning Wayne Harmes' dial and after last week's ice breaker, it may be the shanghai he째is after . It's time for a bolter (and this will please Mick!!), so I'm going to tip the white shorts brigade as I believe that last week's win was no fluke . The Therry show to roll on when they win by 8 pts, causing more disappointment for Mr Gunn . At tile home of Boss, we have second and secondlast facing the starter in the form of Hampton Rovers (4/1) and NOBs (1/5). Norm Goss has his worries, and plenty of them, especially after the loss in Rd 10 and he now finds himself and his lads in the hot seat for relegation. It was inevitable that Garry Foulds and his men would fall over at some stage, after a great run of 7 straight wins, but as we all know, you can't win every week. Norm would be filthy that NOBs lost last round, as they'll be mean and nasty on the rebound and give more grief to all at Boss' house. NOBs by 32 pts . MAGOOS `,fazenod (4/5) vs Old Essendon (4/5) hlaz by 10pts Old Haileybury (1 / 16) vs Old Brighton (14 / i) OH by 66 pts Old Paradians (6/4) vs Old Melburnialls (1/ 2) OM by 3 pts Ormond (7/4) vs Therry (2/5) Orm by I p t Hampton Rovers (5/ 1) vs NOBs (1 /7) NOBs by 39 pt s

`MAZENOD - Congratulations to Jerome Dunne from all at the club on playing his 100th game against NOBS at the Park. Jerome is a great player at both ends of the ground . Very tight in defence and a strong mark and kick for goal. Jerome is a great man always willing to help out when he has a game to play.




B SECTION Porteous Old Paradians `,fulligan Old Melburnians Power Hampton Rovers Hakim Old Essendon Barker North Old Boys B RESERVE

32 31 30 28 28

Old Haileybury North Old Boys Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Melburnian s

36 30 22 21 15

Efsthathiou .,iuIlIO

Floyd Somaia Bains

Mazenod v. Old Essendon Old Haileybury v. Old Brighton Old Paradians v. Old Melburnians Ormond v . Therry Penola Hampton Rovers v. North Old Boys 0 . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .2 9.3 10.4 12 .8 (80) 6 .6 9.8 13 .13 (91) MAZE;~~-JD 2.2 North Old Boys: Barker 2 Vogels 2 Cassell 2 Casboult 2 Barker Whiteside Boyle G Phyiand. Best- Cassell Hosking Coi(ison Maplestone G Phyiand Halpin Pdoxeaiad: Beard 3 Dunne 2 Murray 2 Castrlcum 2 Apollonlo Hanley Ballenger Morgan . Best Hanley Apollonio Party Murray Nelson Morgan. Umpires : M. Monty, R. Love (F) . T. Dodds, J . Abbott (B), L. Mavropoulos, G. Clancy (G) 0.2 3 .7 8.9 12 .1 5(87) OLD ESSENDON 14.15 (99) OLD F.AII.EYBURY 7 .3 11 .7 13 .14 Old Essendon : Flaherty 3 Heritage 3 Biggs DiPietro Dragojlo Fleming Podger _ Ridley. Best: Heritage Oxnatn Caridi Flaherty Ryan Panagiotopolous . Old Haileybury: Bourke 2 A Floyd 2 S Langford-Jones Brooks Kejna Jenke Mason Graves Fletcher D Lay B Mitchell, Best Jenke D Lay White S Langford-Jones Bourke Ladd . Umpires : A. Foley, M. Cox (F), K . Coug(ilan, K. Brewer iG) 1.1 3 .8 7.10 10.12 (72) OLD BRIGHTON 13.11 (89) OLD PARADIANS 4.4 7 .4 10.10 Old Brighton: Munxh 2 Lennox 2 Stewart 2 Homann 2 Marshall Pirtle . Best Lennox S Williams Wardell Mizzi Edwards Stewart . Old Paradians: Porteous 3 CiavoLn 3 Pratt 2 Curran 2 Boyd Reiner Dallas . Best 01ougilin Brabender Clavola Loney Curran . Umpires: S. Morgan . M . Gibson (F). A. Zalcman, K. Segota (G) OLD MELBURNIANS 2 .4 6.5 11 .10 13.15 (93) 7.7(49) ORMOND 1 .2 4.5 5.6 Old Melburnians : Ja Miller 3 Berry 2 Hicks 2 Kennedy 2 Mulquiney 2 McKeon Roberts. Best: Roberts Smith Mulquiney Hawkins Evans Kinsella. Ormond: Grace 4 Delidio Black Miller Best Hall Delidio Wilson Murphy Grace Miller. Umpires: L. Gallagher, C. Stevens (FI, A. Rechtman . C. O'Shea (B), L . Pell, C . Shipley (G) THERRY PENOLA 2 .4 4.9 8.13 18 .13 (121) 1110PTON ROVERS 2 .4 5.4 11.5 14.6 (90) Therry Penola: Kuret 4 O'Connor 4 Edwards 3 Henderson 3 Nancarrow Elliott Petrevski S Bannister. Best App(eford Castaldi Henderson Barron Grant Kuret. Hampton Rovers : Power 5 Browne 4 Davey 2 Duddy Raids Wilkinson . Best Barker Marlyn Fletcher Zamlxiglione Power Browne. Umpires: G . wardrop, M. Morrison (F), R. Dodd, R Seymour (G) RESERVES NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .4 3.6 6 .7 10.10 (70) MAZENOD 4 .2 7.5 10.10 12.10 (82) North Old Boys: Munro 3, Bryar. Collins 2, Maher, Delaney Butcher I . Best Delaney, Nulty. Carney, Collins, M.Joyce. Kooloos . Mazenod: Maskell 4, McMullin 3, Morgan. Quinn 2, Hawkins 1 . Best Maskell, Polan . Smith, Varney, Murray. Jones. 6 .3(39) OLD ESSENDON 2 .1 4.1 5 .2 OLD HHII.EYBURY 3 .1 4.2 9 .4 9 .4 (58) Old Essendon: Hunter 3 . Giidger 2, Oblivbek 1 . Best Healey, waIlcer. Salvo, De Morton, Papal, L . Kavanagh . Old Halleybury: P. Langford-Jones 3. Somata 3, Efstathlou 2, W. Smith 1 . Best W. Smith, Bell, 0'Donnell, Efstatlllou . Jayasekera, Somata . 2 .0 4.1 5 .1 6 .2(38) OLD BRIGHTON OLD PARflDIANS 2 .3 4.5 5.12 6 .16 (52) Old Brighton : Scott 2, Maguire 1, A Gumavin 1. ONeil 1, McKimm 1 . Best MeNicol, ONeill, McKirmn, Krzywmiak, Maguire, A Ginnavin . Old Paradlans: Palermo 2, Paglia 2. Lombardi 1, Swindon 1 . Best Harford, Godfrey. P. CosgrllT, Corcoran, Swindon, Duncan . OLD MELBURNIANS 4.5 5.8 9.11 11 .14 (80) ORMOND 5.1 7.3 9 .3 10. 5(65) Old Meibmvians: Dixon 2, ASimpson 2, Bains, Magee. Ray, Rose, Thiele . Waddell. Whitehead . Best ti'addell, Rose. ASimpson, Ray, Useinov, Dixon . Ormond: Beckett 4, Whelan 2 . Casey. Cleary, Lon, Monaghan . Best Everett. Beckett, Lom, Keleher, Casey, Russell. THERRY PENOLA 3.5 6.8 11 .10 13 .12 (90) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 2.1 3.2 4.5(29) Therry Penola: Hollow, Sacco, Green, McMahon 2, wykes, Moloney . Goodwin, Christi, O'Meara 1 . Best Christi, Sacco. VaIlia, Smith, P Garoni, McMahon. Hampton Rovers : Anderson, Bulmer, Nitschke. Warren 1 Best Nitschke, Rooerson . Bulmer, Roulent. Warren, C McGregor

~ .; HAMPTON RO VERS Coach : Norm Goss Res Coach : Tony Naumoff

1 A . Brudar 2 M . McKellar 3 D . Busby

4 5 6 7

S . Anderson (C) B . Marlyn T. Wilmott A . Dudd y

8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Barker 10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglione 12 B . Culling 13 G . Woods 14 P. Pike 15 A. Browne (VC) 16 D . Marshal l 17 D . Artz (VC) 18 S. Rodder 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 G. Carr 22 B. Hoare 23 S . Helliger 24 C . McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 S . Will s 27 M . Nitschke 28 A. Fisher 29 M . Fletcher 30 A. Quon

31 T. Pucell a 32 David Anderson (RC) 33 M. Lake

34 Daniel Andersen 35 J . Plodde r 36 M. Pearson 37 L . Holt 38 P. Adams 39 N . Goss 40 A . Wearmouth 41 M . Levy 42 M . Lanagan 43 44 B . Johnstone 45 C. Delosa 46 L. Woolrich 47 L. Wheeler 48 L. Carson 49 M . Flyn n 50 N. Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 J . Connelly 53 J . N g 54 J . Almiento 55 J . Prantzos 56 C . Wilkinson 57 S. Rose 58 C . Marinis 59 TWoodruff 60 C . Probyn 62 N . Deeming



MAZENOD Coach : David Murray Res Coach: Tony


1 D . Lancaster 2 A . Quin n 3 A . McIntyre 4 A . Hanley (C) 5 D. Maskel l 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R. Foss 9 P. Goode n 10 C.Jayaweera 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D. Hose 12 J . Ballenger 13 P. Fulle r

14 N. Meehan (DVC) 15 N. Parry 16 M . Apollonio 17 J. Beard 18 D. 0'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 20 C . Murray (RVC) 20 T. Castricu m 21 S. Polan 22 B . Chamberlain 23 A . Tucker 24 D. Nisbet 25 A . Pickering (VC) 26 J . Dunne (DVC) 27 D. Krom 27 P.Jones 28 N. Marmo 29 R. Sharp 30 S. Fisher 31 N . Snart (RDVC) 32 B. King

33 D . Grant 34 B. Chamberlain 35 R . Hawkins 36 D . Carter 37 L . Morgan 38 J . Fishe r 39 D . Bradshaw 41 A . Bouchereau 42 P. FotinioUs 43 A . Pers i 44 R. Mosbauer 45 B . Thomson 46 D. Dunne 47 P. Steinle 48 G . Tilling 49 L. Halvy (RDVC) 51 P. Reed 52 S. Veltman 53 A. Strawhom 54 J . Persi 55 L . Fuller 56 L . Rudling 58 D . Morri s

59 B. Corfe e

61 M . McDowell 62 M . Gonsalvez 64 A . Wilson



NTH OLD BOYS Coach: Garry Foulds Res Coach : Pat Brook s 1 2 2 3 4

J. Cassell D . Keenan D. Waters A . Trimboli RVC S . Sleep

5 D. Skene

6 N . Vogels DVC 7 P. Boot h 8 B . Collison C 9 H. Mapleston e 10 M . Nulty 11 T. Roberts 12 S. Lock 13 T. Halpin 14 B. Clancy 15 C . Faraci 16 D . Collins 17 J. Fiizclarence 18 C . Murray

19 P. O'Farrell 20 W. Martin 21 N . Casboult 22 D. Teha n 23 B . Whiteside 24 J . Barker VC 25 G . Phyland 26 P. Brooks 27 W. McTaggart 28 D. Joyce RC 29 C . Hosking 30 M. Leigh 31 L . Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M. Barker 34 M. Hyde 35 M. Carney 36 M. Polatajko 37 J . Eastaugh 38 M . Amo r 39 T. Docherty 40 C. Phyland 41 K. Ny e 42 A. Kennedy 43 D. Zacefi 44 T. Spurting 45 L. Meehan 46 P. Daniels 47 T. Kennedy 48 A. Munro 49 T. Kooloos 50 T. Drum 51 T. Brady 52 N . Sander s 53 S. Butcher RVC 54 D . Demarte 55 M . Joyce 56 D . Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 58 T. Cameron 59 C. Kennedy 60 M . Cribbes 61 G . Too k 64 L. Ryan 66 P. Bryar 67 S. Saad 68 J. Maher 69 J.Joyce 77 S. Trenton

OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Stuart Glascott Res Coach : Paul Dveyer 1 A . Krzywniak 2 A . Pirri e 3 C. Barrow (VC) 4 A . MacGillvray 5 T. Marshal l 6 R. Stewart 7 B . Logan 8 M . Gadsden 9 S. .Lennox (VC) 10 J . Mead 11 L. Adamis 11 A. Fitzgerald 12 B. Williams 13 N . Edwards 14 S. Williams (C) 15 C . Mizzi 16 J . Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A. Salem 19 S . Ginnavin 20 B . Gadsden 21 T. Ewert 22 N . Biggin 22 L O'Neill 23 N . Milat 24 25 S . Nickas 26 A. Ginnavin 27 D . Paterson 28 N . Williams 29 J. Dickerson 30 E. McCowan 31 A. Brown 32 D . Begley 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White

35 C . Stewart

36 M . Wardell 37 B . McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K . Kavanagh 40 41 M . Allen 42 L. Hendra 43 R. Carter 44 R. Sherman 45 C . McKimm 46 M. Billionis 47 S. Adam 48 B. Dever 49 B. Scott 50 X.Johnson 51 M .J .T. Smith 52 A .J . Paterson 53 L. McPherson 54 55 M . Gamble 56 57 J . Murch 58 59 60 61 A. Wals h 62 A. Lynch 63 S. Davies 64 M.Reid

OLD ESSENDO N Coach : Chris Bye Res Coach:

Robert O'Brien

1 J. Pannagiotopolous 2 S . Evan s 3 P. Lutterschmid t 4 D . Ryan 5 M .Oxna m

6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage

9 J . Goodge r 10 S . Bryant 11 B . Papal 12 J . Kavanagh 13 M . Boss i 14 B. Haki m

15 T. Di Blas i

16 S. McPherson 17 P. Hexte r 18 J. Walker

19 E . Healey 20 D . Hunter 21 S . Dale 22 . A . Merrington

23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazkiw

25 C. Morga n 26 S . Fleming 27 D. Barr

28 G . Steven s 29 S. Uebergang 30 M. Dragojlo 31 D . Caridi 32 J. Mansfield

33 A. Dawson

34 D . Podge r 35 L. Kavanag h 36 M . Burn s 37 M . Jink s 38 D. Whitfiel d 39 B . Newbold

40 C. Obliubek

41 S . De Morton 42 N . Bartram 43 N. Fitzpatrick 44 J . Rush 45 P. B arry

46 T. Cippoloni 47 S. Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 C . Clues 50 A. Nowlan d 51 A. McGowan 52 J. Williamson 53 T. Campbell 54 A . Morrison 55 B . Turner 56 S . Dart 57 W. Conlan 58 T. Williams 60 S . Ceti n

Ph : 9597 0166 vnvFV .hamptonrovers .com .au C~ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2W






Coach : Erwin Leyden Assist : Michael Lovejoy

Coach : Matt Ryan Res Coach : Peter Slack

Coach: Michael Knuppel Assist : Pat Mannix Res Coach : Peter O'Dea

Coach : Wayne Hermes Assist: Peter Appleford & Mark Finnigan Res Coach : Michael Bosank o 1 Petrevski M 2 Mills A (DVC ) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 B an nister C

Coach: Mick Dvryer Res Coach : Andrew Bonwick 1 A . McMahon 2 R . Kejna 3 P. Dimond 4 S. Langford-Jones 5 J. Bourke 6 A. White (DVC) 7 Adam Hilton g S. Rowlands 10 C. Efstathiou 11 M . Graves 12 B . O'Farrell 13 B . Harrop 14 A. Forsyth 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O' Donnell ( RVC) 17 Ash Hilton 18 C. Jayaskera

1 9 M . Armstrong (C) 20 M . Goodier

21 A . Janke 22 D. Mas on 23 G. Fletcher 24 A . Ross 25 B . Johnston 26 J . Bell ( R C) 27 R. Brandham 28 A . Shepherd 29 B . Carson (VC) 30 D. Warnes

31 D. Lay 32 B Mitchell 33 P. Wri ght 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D. Lappage 36 B . Lay 37 A . Floyd 38 L. Floyd 39 H . Brooks 40 S. Dave Davey 41 S. Saunders (RVC} 42 S. Durkin 43 C . Pountney L . Pitcher

45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden 47 R . Mitchell (RVC) 48 C . Moyle :9 G. Finlayson

50 P . Ladd 51 S. Richardson 52 G. Smith 53 L . Curtain 64 R . Saunders 55 , L . Byrns 6 M. Anderson 57 A. Morisi 53 B. Melin

ED 1.1. Somata 61 J. Miller E3 W. Smith T. Cute

1 Smith D 2 Theodore S (C) 3 Treloar A 4 H az ell M 4 Barrett N 5 Crawshay S 5 Woodford 0

6 Holme D (DVC) 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A


Marks D

9 Grant B 9 Simpson R 10 Robe rts T (VC) 10 M ar ks B 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 12 Hart J 13 Thiele B 14 Verge M 14 Kinsella D 15 Rose M 16 Lewski A 17 Miller J 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R (DVC) 19 Prowse M 20 Guest J 21 Keeble C 22 Waddell A (RC) 23 Ber ry M 24 Hawkins M

1 S . Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 M . Cosgrff

4 A. Curran 5 M . Harford 6 D. Stevens 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A . Sinclair 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 A. Bums 12 B . Gallovr Galloway a 13 B . Richar dson 14 B . Brabender 15 S . Fellowes 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Ha rt 18 G. Port eous 19 A . Dean 20 T. Brown 21 D . Loney 22 S. Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi

1 L. Wilson 2 D. Beckett 3 L. Murphy 4 A . Grace~C ) 5 M . Mart nov 6 D . Whelan 7 S . Keleher (VC) 8 M . Miller 9 G. Hall 10 R . Ma rtin 11 D . Robbins ~C) 12 B. Delidio

13 B. Stone 14 S. James

15 S. Naughton

26 D . Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 29 J. Dallas

16 T. Stewart (RC) 17 J . Bridges 18 S. Cramey 19 D . Cleary (RVC) 20 M. McConvill (C) 21 R. Wiley 22 G . Lehner 23 J . Knuppel 24 A. Goonan 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan (RVC) 28 A. Moore 29 M . Broadhurst

30 A. Boyd

30 G . Ritchie (RVC)

31 N . Dallas 32 P. Pratt 33 S. Ciavola 34 B. Hayes 35 S. Simpson (C-R) 36 B. Dintinosante 42 R . Murray 43 44 D . Furze 45 A. Paglia 46 R. Clark 47 N . Ball 48 S . O'Meara

31 H. Black 32 A. Low 33 M . Collins 34 A. Russell 35 L. Russell 36 D. Casey 37 C. Everitt 38 D. Broadhurst 39 M . Ferrari 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 J . Koolstra 42 C. Keleher 43 L. Smith

40 Useinov Z

51 A. Baker

44 N . Baldwin

42 Evans B 43 F arquharson E 44 Grundy P 45 Murphy C 46 Neeson C 47 Harrison T 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Simpson A 51 Kennon M 52 Campbell B 53 Berry J 54 Grscheska T 55 Gooley J 56 Mulcahy J 57 Bains A 58 Weir 1 59 Alder C 60 Power J

52 M . Joy ce 63 54 S . Yeo 55 60 J . Connolly

45 L. Breitkreuz 46 C. Clea ry 47 J . Monaghan 48 B . Healy 49 S . Metz 50 D. Geenock 51 D . McKenna 52 S . Betsy 53 G. Hammond 54 F. Melanie 55 J. Putz 56 M . Farrell 57 S . Stephens 58 T. Banks 59 P. Konstanty

25 Thomas P

26 Kennedy C 26 Walker C 28 Teelow A 29 Mulligan T 30 Miller J 30 Wu A 31 Sallabank J 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J 35 Rayy 36 Grant J 37 Murray S 38 Bryant T 39 Field D

25 A. Heffernan (C)

11 O'Sullivan D (VC) 12 Moran R 15 McMahon A (DVC Res ) 16 Goodwin M

17 O'Connor G

18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Reynolds L 25 Edwards P 26 Lewis B 27 Garoni M 29 Goodwin S 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J 34 McWhinney M 35 McKay A 36 Barron D 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancarrow M 39 Boyle S (C)

40 Garoni P

43 Warren M 44 Appleford P 45 Ca rt er M 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 McAuliffe A 49 Whykes B 50 Barron B 51 Candiloro D 52 Weston D

53 La Fontaine N 54 Riley S 55 Garoni M (VC Res) 56 Dunne P 57 Weston S 60 Sacco P 61 Sacco S 62 Caccamo D 63 Moloney A 64 O'Meara J

65 Stella S

66 Green A 67 Tsinaris G 69 Serong S 70 Kuret L

71 Lyons R

72 Johnson S 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 79 Higgins T 84 Russell G 87 Jones P 89 Christie A (C Res) 93 Smith J

96 Redden S 98 Hollow B

61 Berman J

62 Trim C

63 Quest G 64 Ledwidge B 65 Pruden J 68 Hicks M 70 WhdeheadH

Ehlurphg 6 Sons Ptg W

10 Veins J


99 La Corcia M 100 Loiudice J 104 Biddlestone G 106 Murphy P 108 Thomas D 119 Ratcliffe A 129 Boden D 132 Costello R 1135 0 HalharcS 139 Fenn A


Are the Friars in a mid season stump??? You would think so after 2 losses in a row but be warned all it's better to have them now and not in 10 weeks time. Old Camberwell keep their chances alive, a faint sn iff still exists for Glen Eira and everything else goes pretty much according to plan .

REVIEW Prahran and Beaumaris staged another close battle all day at Toorak Park. Injuries certainly did not help the Two Blues cause as they were down to 18 fit men by the first change . Having kicked 3 goals before Beatty got going it was always going to be hard to maintain this lead, but to their credit they refused to allow the Sharks to run away with the game and really made them fight for their victory . Dan Harders led the charge for the Two Blues with great assistance from Nick Evans and Dan Ballard . As predicted a bit of a let down befell the Tigers in the local derby against their old rivals the Panthers . The first term was an absolute shootout between the 2 sides with 13 goals between them . From there it became a hard slog on the smaller ground, with the home side 17 points up at the long interval . As has become the pattern this year it was the third that again cost Mentozuans as they allowed their opponents to slam on 5 unanswered goals to secure a comfortable buffer by the orange break . A tough slug in the final stanza saw the top side take the points. The Tigers were well served by Sammy Hecker, Nick Owen and Paul YVinile, while for the Panthers Michael McClosky and Nick Linford did fantastic job's on Hayes and Kingwell, and Michael Lawes was also strong .

16 shots apiece to 3/4 time with the scoreline showing Collegians 61 and Whitefriars 26 . An amazing inequality in accuracy. To tlus stage the Lions had played sonic really good football and thouroughly deserved their lead . Perhaps they then went a bit defensive too early to allow the Friars to get their game going for the first time in a fortnight as they slammed on 7 goals and hit the front . The Lions looked gone but a chain of unhindered kicks found their way to Ed Waters who put it through the middle as the siren went to rescue their -victory. Ed was the hero, but Brock Mooney with 5 out of Collegians 10 was the difference, and Johnno Dixon also played well . Rob Pasqualotto continued his stellar season receiving good support from Kennedy and Power. Glen Eira are back in town with an impressive 60 point victory away from home . At stages during the match the Bears played some of their best football for the season but just coul=' not make an impression on the determined Sainters who ,=cr the next couple of weeks will make a run at the top sides . Doc Neeson and Chris Massis set it up from the midfield, Clements, McGaw, King and Riehie Gilmore with a lary 5 were all good, while for the Bears none were better than Brad lYillmore, Heath McDermott and Luke O'Connell . The game between Old Camberwell and Caulfield Grammarians was a tight affair all day and a great spectacle to watch . The Fields started with the breeze and were full of running as they opened tip a 21 point break . By half time despite inaccurate kicking the Wells had whittled this back to 5 points so the game was up for grabs . The Wells needed a big third to be within range to launch an attack in the last. The Fields scored the first for the term but then it was the Wellers'

game as they hit the front and held on for an important 7 point win . Nigel Credlin was great providing option s everywhere, Brent Christie was again good on the ball, and Tim James stopped everything in defense . 4tfhat happened Wllc you issed for the first timei!! ! This time last round I only tipped 1 winner hopefully 9 week ; on it will improve.

The injury ridden Prahran welcome top of the table St Bede! te4entoneTigers to Toorak Park . Injuries have hit the 1\v( Blues hard and their depth will sorely be tested today . In thi past a bigger ground has not suited the Tigers but now witl their excellent balance of falls and smalls it holds no fears to them . Having carat top spot they are not going to give it awa and I feel the Tigers will be just too strong for the battlin ; Prahran today . Pat Hawkins realises his sides destiny belongs truly f themselves. They cannot afford to drop a game especially to : side below them . This is a danger game as the young Panther arc definitely on the improve and are learning very quickly, bu they must play 4 quarters, if they can then in front of thei home crowd are a big chance, but winning form, final incentive etc has me sticking with the Lions . Wh.itef:iiars after a couple of bad weeks should bounce bac with a win today against Banyule at Friar Park . The Bears wi take it up to the Friars and make them fight for every possessio. but unfortunately do not have the class to cause an upset . Another last roll of the dice game for Glen Eira as they welcom local rivals Caul field Grammarians to Packer . If they cam( win this one then even I will write them off as finals contender, Hopefully the return of a fetiv more players will see them at fu strength for this one . Grammarians would be disappointe with last week's performance and will be out to make: men to take pressure off themselves . Tough selection to make so will ~o <jainst the odds give Beddoe and the boys son impeur.- and tip em .

C SECTION 40 'Whitefriars C. Carrigg 33 Collegians Mooney 30 Glen Eira Vamvakis 29 St Bedes Mentonc Kingwell 28 Praluan Bamford C SER~IES 2E Dance 1k71itefriars 4 Margierson Caulfield 2 2째 Vance Beaumaris 5 2' Stevens Beaumaris 0 2' Hart Collegians 0 1 i 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20

Old Camberwell welcome Beaumaris to a big day at Gordon Barnard preceded by the President's Lunch. This is a must win game for both sides really as a loss wi ll nearly end the home side's chances of finals action, and a Beatty loss will slip them behind Collegians even further if the Lions win . Old Camberwell have been inconsistent while Beaumaris have been winning without really playing well . Even though I will be an enthustiastic guest at the lunch, I'm tipping my old side to win SELECTIONS ; St Bedes Mentone Tigers, Collegians, yVUtefriars, Glen Eira, Beaumaris PRESS CORRESPONDENT'S Another 8/10 this week with Caulfield Grammarians (first time) and Beaumaris yet again going awry .

Don'tforget your nominations for Player of the Round. I have a deadline of to submit this report to the VAFA so would appreciate your co-operation in having your reports to me by 8pm on Monday Nights please . Contact details are 9 553 1561 phone and fax at home, 0412 213 541 is the mobile . or email me at braine< .au as mention by 8pm ',`onday Nigllts . Thank uou and keep up the good work .

BANYULE - Congratulations to Paul Williams on playing his 300th game with the Bears last week. "Bluey" came out of retirement to help out the Ressies who found themselves short of players on the day. Paul amassed this incredible total, mainly as No 1 ruckman in the Reserves, rated by many as the best palm ruckman in the club, Paul joined Banyule in 1981 after spendin his Junior years at McLeod F .C . Avery popular player both on an~ off the field, all at Banyule congratulate Paul on this fine achievement and also for the 2 goals he kicked on the day . FJHITEFRIARS - would like to congratulate Anthony "Cuzza" Carbone on reaching the fantastic milestone of 250 games last v.~ek against Colle ians . 'Cuzza' first played with the cub in the Under 19s in 1989owever by 1990 he was a regular Senior player. Since then he's been very busy with 3 Senior Premierships, 5 x Best And Fairest, 4 Runner-Up Best and Fairest, State Representative in 1995, and last but not least Club Captain for the past thre e

.'Cuzza' has been the most consistent player in Friar histor y on at half back, on a wing, or in the pivot. He epitomises wha t being part of a football club is all about in terms of training and club function attendance and certainly leads by example in all facets . Congratulations Cuzza - now for the next 50! 1 . We also aalgratulate Michael Du, (fy on reaching the milestone of 100 qames in Round 10 in his last game for the season before he head s : rseas. 'Duff started with the club in 1997 and has been a ( :ki>tent performer in Under 19s, Reserves and Seniors with hi s 1 r : ._s attack on the football. He is also a consistent contributor to lal functions as lie nonnally has a bevy of beauties on his trail . ; v, i,-h him will on his overseas trip and trust it won't be too long I ;ore he's back in Friar colours . Good luck Dtill ? GLEN EIRA - congratulate David "Dunnie" Duntevie on reaching

9 00 games today against Caulfield Grammarians. David has been +~lrrart at the club since commencin m'90 "on the hi ll " . David I~:Âť shown himself to be a proven a~-rounder over the year s ;ving in defence, attack and on the ball . Dunnie is not onl y

Ilowned for his tough on field demeanour but also as a man wh o

!uts in the hard yards when it counts to social events and the Lt, night" venues around town. All at Saintland congratulate 1~ 1 rl and wish him every success in the next 200 .

Prahran v, St Bedes Mentone iigers Old Mentonians v. Collegian s Whitefriars v. Banyule Glen Eira v. Caulfield Gr . Old Camberwe ll v. Beaumaris 0

THE AMATFI iR Fnr)TRnl I Fp onm

BEAUlaTAR1s - . 1 8 .5 12 .7 17.10 (112) PRAI31SAN 4.2 5 .5 10 .7 13,9 (87) Beaumaris: Groves 8, A ns 3, N . Atk :s 2 . Buller 2, Pitts 2 . Best Groves, Pitts . L . Atkins, Talbot . Sherman, C . Martin . Pcalnrsi: Evans 5. Ballard 3, A Pitts 2, St Clair 2, Banford 1 . Best: Harders, Evans, Ballard, Norman, A . Pitts, Taseff. Umpires: D. Irons, C. Stewart (F) ST BEDES MENTGNE 7 .6 9.7 15.13 19 .18 (132) OLD MENTONIANS 6.0 7.2 8.4 11 .8 (74) St Bedes Mexrtone: Wintle P 2, Poynton 2, King ve112, McColl 2, Hayes 2, walsh, Porter, McCraw, Owen, Connolly, Kidd . Barnes, H3(nveli. walstab. Best: wintle P. Owen, Hecker, Poynton, Hayes, Walstab . Old Menton3ans: Bournon 3, Alexander 2 . Solley 2, Ballantine, Costello, Mae, wbrre0. Best: Kitto, Austin, Costello. Dart . Salley, Bournon. Umpires: G. Rowtungs (F ) COLLEGIANS 1.2 4.4 9.7 10.12 (72) WIBTEFRL4RS 1.3 2 .8 2 .14 9.17 (71) Coll egians : Mooney 5, waters 3 . Cooper 2. Bes t ;Nooney. Dixon, Waters, Certain, Heneberv, Harris . Nhitefriars : Anderson 3, Norntey 2, Pasqualotto, Crea, w'rtod, T . Carngg. Best* Kenrtedy, Power M . Pasqualotto, Power J, Alexander, wood . Umpires: G. Curran, T. Brooks (F), J . Kramer IB). G. Rollo, P, whltehead (G) BANYULE 2 .2 5.4 6 .6 11 .8 (74) GLEN EIRA 4 .4 9.7 15.10 20.14 (134) Banyvle: Baldac 4 . S . Playfair 4, B .w(1lmore 2. O'Connell, Best, B. wtllmore, H . McDermott, 0'Com7e11, D . witchell, Richardson. S. Playfair. Glen Elm: Gilmore 5, Vamvakis 3, M.Dimashki 3, L.Hall 2, McGaw 2 . Clement is 2, S .Dlamond, Massls, Ryan. Best- Massis . Clements, Neeson, M . Dimashkl, Doolan . Umpires : M. Wittman, L. Blackhall (RDL), (F), S . Grey (RDL), A Benison (RDL) (B), B . Jephson . D. Baulch (RDL) (G) CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 3 .3 4.5 6 .8 8.10 (58) OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .2 3.6 5 .9 9.12 (66) Caulfield : Harrison 2, Vella 2, Browne, Scott, Will, Sorensen, Best Sorensen. Folio. Docker. O'Neill, Vella, Baxter. Old Camberwell : Cadzov. 3, Christie 2, Heffernan, Gladman, Credlin . Clay. Besc Crediin, Mitchell, Christie . Vdtlltehead, Hardman, Gough . Umpires : S Stokes, D Peiris (F) . G Kemtedy (B), R Richards, R Dunstan (G) MERVFS BEAUMARIS 3 .5 5.7 7 .13 9 .15 (69) PRAl-IRt1N 2.0 5.5 6 .5 7.7 (49) Beaum aris: Vance 5, Gray, Foley, Coates S, Cotter . Best : Vance, Caries, Deluca, Foley, Presnell R . Jury G . Prahran: James 3, Rose 2 . Pitts H, Paleodimos . Best: Morgan . Quick, Rose. wirtdridge, James. Pitts H. ST BEDES MENTONE 2.7 4 .8 6.12 10 .15 (75) OLD MENTONIANS 0.1 3 .3 3.8 4.9(33) St Bedes Mentone : Napier 3, Parsons 2. Connor, Zahra, Strachan . Best: Zalua, Butts, Marshall. Chaplin, Saniva, Parsons . Old Mentonians: Clarke, Georgiadis. Haby, Mackay . Best: Haby, Moodie, Campbell. Fava . Georgiad s, Clarke . COLLEGIANS 2 .0 3.1 5 .4 7 .7(49) wHI TEFRIARS 1 .4 2.6 3.6 7.9 (51) : Clark 3 Collegians . Taylor, Hoist, Rowe. Moon . Best- Smith, Holst, Taylor, Clark, Harriing, Safstrom. white5iars : Dance 4, K . Kennedy, Grernac, Maeuiro . Best- Webb, Dance, Eames . Van Den Boom, Maguire, Treyvand . BANYULE 3 .2 5 .5 7,8 9 .12 (66) GLEN EIRA 1 .6 4.10 8 .13 10 .14 (74) Banyule: Tuckman 2, P . Williams 2 . P. wltehell 2, McCann, D. Wilson, A Nasrallah. Best Noonan, Small, P. Wltchell, McCann. P. Williams, D . Nasrailah. Glen Eira : Mascali 3, A Diamond 3, Loughran 2 . Zagame, Tsaghotis. Best: Zagame, Tsaglio5s. Loughran, A . Diamond, Mascali . CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 4.2 6.4 8.5 9.5 (59) OLD CAMBERWELL 3.1 5 .5 6.7 12.11 (83) Caul fi eld: Rynberk 2, Dalwrood 2, Margerlson 2, Restarick . Knen, Evans . Besc Jacobs, Restarick, Bannon . Deal, Evans. Coss,-Irt-Walsh . Old Camberwell : Ormsby 3 . Hallo 2, Murphy 2, Craven, R.Tempone, Kearney, Robinson. Best- Robinson . Craven, C .Williams . Scott, Munro, Kearney.

BANYULE Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res : Renato DnGnosante 1 T. Egan 2 D. Witchell 3 S . Kayrooz 4 B . O'Connor 5 B. Wilmore 6 S. Tuckman 7 J . Pearson 8 B. Cantwell 9 J . Plant 10 B. Moxin 11 S. Cross 12 J. Egan 13 C . Burk e 14 B . Woodloc k 15 S . Gray 16 A . Dooley 17 A . Small 18 J . Turnbull 19 P. Witchell 20 S . Playfair

21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 S. Gray 24 A. Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 P. Healy 28 D . Spoules 29 J. O'Callahan 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 B . Reed 34 C. Stevens 35 L. O'Connell 36 M . George 37 T. Thompso n 38 W. Keenan 39 A. Hopgood 40 N. Taylor 41 P. Job 42 C . Taylor

43 L . Farrel 44 A . Covery 45 M. Smith 46 D . Nasrallah 47 K . Scholes 48 P. McCann 49 G. Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J . Bott 52 D. Noona n 53 T. Cusack 54 B . Wilson 55 D. Williams 56 T. Jubb 57 K. Mahony 58 L. Orton 59 L. Richardson 60 L . Holt 61 B. Parkes 62 J. Gilham 63 D . Pla~air 64 S. Taylor 65 M. Thiveos 66 M . Vanpoeteren 67 C. West 68 M . Wilmore 69 C. Williams


Coach : Tim Rieniets John McNichotas Res Coach: Mick Carty

1 P. Brook 2 H . Gibson 3 M . Pitts (Vc) 4 M . Matulick 4 D. Porter 5 M . Ensor (Vc) 6 A . Spence 7 D. Foley 8 M . O'brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M. Lee

11 L. Stevens 12 L . Heal y 13 C . Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 A . Edg e 16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 19 A . Low 20 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J . Holt (C) 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray

25 D . Teesdale 26 Q . Groves 26 T. Broadbent 27 B. Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 C . Martin (Vc) 30 K . Alexander

31 J . Mcgeog h 31 P. Ott

32 B . Cairns 33 G . Jury 34 J . May 35 N . Boctor 35 S. Nish 36 R . Deaton 37 R . Presnell 38 J. Gerrand 39 D . Guidoli n 40 S. May 42 A . O'brien 43 B . Ferguson 44 J . Deluka 46 M . Talbot 47 M . Stanojevic 48 R. Corfield 49 J . Bryce 50 B . Presnell 51 S. Coote 52 N. Aprea 53 R . Rawlins 54 A. Thompson 60 C . Gionis

L ~-! 0

s,, .u uAU S Coach : Dean Anderson Res Coach: Martin Dicrosta 1 D. Rosman

COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook


Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach : Don Orr

2 A . Sorensen

1 J . Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B .Mooney

1 M. Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massi s

4 M . Liddell 4 T. Vinen 5 N. Guyett 5 S . Kendall 6 N. Craven 6 B. Minter 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R. Foote 8 S. Cossart-Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A. Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D . Pearce 12 S. Fryers 13 D . Gurr 14 S . Amiet 15 A . Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B . Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 W. Brockett 20 H. Vella 21 M. Pennycuick 22 C . McAssey 22 M. Richardson 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 G. Evans 26 S . Widjaja 27 R . Keow n 27 J . Ryan

5 R. Henebery DVC 6 S . Woolley 7 D. Surkitt 7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J . Fry 10 J. Lang 10 S. Harding 11 B. McKenzie 12 N . Harrison 13 N . Thomas 14 D . Phillips 15 L . Cottom 16 A . Fletche r 17 R. Hosking V C 18 T. Krotiris 19 A. Robertso n 20 H. Sallmann 21 C. Harris 22 S. Piasente 23 C. Mollard 24 B. Low 25 R . Muir 25 D . Gambaro 27 A . Shinkfield 28 N . McCann 29 A . Kenneally 31 N . Roach 32 D. Browning 33 B . Holst 34 A. Smith 35 S. Beilby

5 A . Tsiragiannis 6 J . Zagam e 7 S . Vamvaki s 8 M . Dimashk i 9 G . Hayes 10 G . Richard s 11 B . Clement s 12 B. King

2 B . Hall 3 C. Knight

4 D. Atkinson

28 J . Jacobs

36 G . Cooper

s Williamson . 9 30 D. Ellia 31 C. Veentjar 32 L. Browne 33 C . McGrat h 34 J . Margerison 35 S. Thompson 36 M. Cramphom 37 T. Messer 38 J. Restarick 39 J. Santiago 40 R . O'neill 41 M . Anderson 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith

r Foster 38 37 T. M. Dye 39 N . Hart 40 R . Bardwell 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 M . White 44 Y. Phillips 45 R . Lew 46 C. Rowe 47 R. Sztar 48 E . Waters 49 J . Clark 50 D. Vial 51 J B . Shadbolt 52 B. Gran t 53 J . Van Berkel 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cooks 56 B. Lumb 57 C . Peck 58 D . Smith


44 N . Courts

45 D. Scott 46 G . Erickso n 47 A. Desousa 48 N . Tassel 49 B. Gardner 50 C . Pearce 51 G . Robinson 52 A. Sinclair 53 P. Carter 54 T. Rynberk 55 C . Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 N . Joughin 59 P. Crocker 60 N . Fallu 61 N. Bannon 62 B . Goddard

60 D . Dowling 61 D . Cook 64 M . Gribble 65 C. Safstrom 66 S . Porter 67 D. Osborne 68 L. Wilson 70 T. Skurrie 77 L. Beardsley


13 G . Brown

14 C . Grey 15 F. Buckley 16 A. Taranto 17 A. Russo 18 M. Dimachki 19 K . Dimachki 20 A . Diamon d 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R. Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 R. Dimachki 30 L . Pryde 31 T. Aberline 32 M. D'Zilv a 33 A . Sheedy 34 L. Hall 35 J . Commerford 36 K . Daou 37 38 M . Lewi n 39 J . Egan 40 L. Doolan 41 H. Walls 42 J . Gusman 43 T Knowlan 44 S . Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 T. Evans 47 J. Serpanch y 48 J. Haliwell 49 M . Bento n 50 A . Dimashki

51 B . Zure k 52 A . Haine s 53 S . Rees 54 M . Kassar 55 L. McGaw 56 J . Kokkinoptili s 57 S . Hall 58 C. McMurrick 59 P. Merrick 60 A. Guzz o 61 M. Tkoc z 62 D . Sheehan 63 D . Dunlevie 64 A . Patan e 65 M . Dimou 66 J . Valkanis 67 N . Dao u 68 M . Merrick



4 D . Cassar

- -- ~




Assist Adrian Sheedy Res Coach : Justin McLean

Res Coach : Jamie Winduss

1 S Clay 2 T James (DVC) 3 N Robinson 4 N Lippiatt 5 L Cain 6 B Christie 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan (DVC) 9 J Goodale 10 M Hanson 12 R Kapoor (VC) 13 L. Galdman 14 R Whitehead (C) 15 C Munroe 17 N Credlin (VC) 18 M Mullen 19 A Hanso n 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 K Darby 24 B Tippe r 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Hillier 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Perryman 31 B Craven 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 35 G Weickhardt 36 S Deny 37 T Parkes T Hallo 39 S Fancis 40 J Cramer-Roberts 41 G Rowe 42 A Mackenzie 44 S Smith 46 D Daipran 47 T Kearney 48 J Derry 49 C Morley 50 J McKenzie 51 W Orvrin

1 A . Acreman 2 C. Twentyman 3 B . Murphy 4 D. Carroll 5 C. Mackay 6 C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 W. Ballantine 9 S . Boothey 10 S . Voigi 11 D. Solley 12 C. Dwyer 13 R. Ball 14 K. Campbell 15 J . Costello 16 D. Nock (VC) 17 N. Linford 18 T. Boumon (C) 19 A. Palmer 20 S . Mulli n 21 A. Drinan 22 L. Georgiadis 23 N. Moodie (R C) 24 A. Lowe 25 T. Fava 26 A. Martin 27 G . Katris 28 D . Kitto 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo 32 G . Herring 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis 38 B. Sherriff 39 T. Riley 40 T. McManus 41 S. Cozens 42 C . Rushwort h 43 M . Lawes 44 L. Sunter 45 M . Kennedy 49 M . Fisher 50 G. Richards 51 N . Fisher 52 D . O'Connor

52 G Ormsby 53 R Tempone

53 M . Stroud 54 D. Goodbody

54 A Margetts 55 C Morley 56 5 Jones 57 A Cantor 58 A Manuell 59 J Osborne 60 L Hancock 66 L Thomas

56 R . Harper 60 G. Shattock 61 B . Saunders 62 R. Johnson 64 M . Austin 65 M . Petrie 66 M . Mackay

Coach: Jarred O'Neill

34 P Eves

~-: ~~ I ~ _~° • L1dl~l ;~,


~ .~dss - ., ~ h_s aT_ nc urs

Coach : Jeff Costello

Coach : Derek Hine Res Coach : John Ross 1 D. Hardens 2 M . Harvey 3 P. Kelly 4 P. Quick 5 H . Pitts 6 A. Corboy 7 S . Pang 8 C. Bamford 9 A. Bunnett 10 B . Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 A Van Rooyen 13 C. Mclean 14 M . Evans 15 B. Sanderson 16 A. Rhodes 17 T Rankin 18 M . Windridge 19 A. Millican 20 J . Kellovr 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N . Roberts 23 S. Pickering 24 T. Fraser 25 L . Aitken 26 T. St.Clair 27 W. Watford 28 K. Walford 29 W. Taseff 30 M. Scicluna

31 T. Dukic

32 D . Ballard 33 A. Wood 34 L . Norman 35 B . Gallia 36 J. Killeen 37 M. Johnston 38 J . Macdonald 39 J . Lane 40 I . Dennis 41 J . Upton 42 T Maher 43 D. Decarteret 44 D. James 45 M . Vagg

46 M . Vear 47 S . Brewer 48 D. Decarteret 49 L. Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S . Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 B. Aisbett 54 C. Morgan 55 S. Ramage 56 S. Earle 57 S. Moylan 58 G . Finkelde 59 B. Klindworth 60 S. Mckenzie-Mcharg 61 A. Gellie 62 J . Belcher 63 C.Webb

64 J. Bedford 65 M . Davies 66 G . Northwa y 67 O . Lappin 68 M. Kousal

69 P. Limoli

70 G . Casuedme 71 C. Weaver 72 M. Eastha m 73 J. Warr



ST. REDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach: Russell Barnes Res Coach: Danny Spencer 1 P. Wintle 2 L . Wintle (C) 3 C . Tesorerio 4 A . L'Huillier 5 S . Napier 6 A . Ryan 7 N . Owen 8 J. Cunningham 9 M . Terrell 10 M . Wintle 12 J . Kane 13 D . Goodchild 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A . Hipwell 18 S . Hecker 19 A . Drury 20 J . Drury 21 P. Fedderson 22 D. Poynton 23 D. Napier 24 T. Beasley 25 D. Samya 26 M . Hecker 27 S . Kingwell 28 M . Andrew 29 T. Marshal l 30 D. Falkingha m 31 D. Moss 32 D . Spencer 35 C . Barne s 36 A. Walstab 37 M . Connolly 38 A. Hayes 39 D . O'Brie n 41 R . Bignell 42 M. Wilson 43 S. Butts 44 J. Recupero 45 R . Gould 46 P. Lync h 47 T. Waters 48 A . Scafidi 49 S . Walsh 50 S . Kidd 52 M . Kurts

53 M . Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 A . Basham 56 J . Chaplin 57 M . Lomagno 58 M . Zakic 59 M . Zahra 60 N . Phipps 62 M . Dean 63 M . Mccoll 64 P. Scagliotti 66 R. Parsons 67 S . Meyer 73 L. Porte r 75 N . Connor 78 P. Newport 79 P. Russo

W HtTEPRIARS Coach: Greg Feutrill Res Coach : Connor Eames 1 C . Wood 3 M. Carbone 5 B. Phan 6 P. Campbel l 7 D . Brice 8 B. Janso n 9 C . Maguire 10 R . Pasqualotto 11 R . Reidy 12 T. Hughes 13 T. Hilton (DVC ) 14 T. Carrigg 16 J. Power 17 A . Carbone (C) 18 C . Fulto n 19 M . Jongebloe d 20 D . Reid 2 1 K . Kenned y 22 T Langford 23 E . Eame s 24 R . Mik a 25 M . Vernal (VC - Res) 26 C . Ryan 27 L. Swain 28 C . Eames (C - Res ) 29 A . Glen n 30 M . Power (DVC ) 31 M . Bake r 32 G . Kenned y 33 M . Duffy

34 D. Gloufchev 35 C. Law 36 D. Nolan 37 M .. Nuna n 38 C. Carrigg (VC ) 39 D. D'Sousa 40 M . Cahill 41 G O'Conno r 42 M . Northey 43 N . Elliott (VC - Res) 44 B. O'Connor 45 S. Cleve n 46 G . Johnso n 47 D . Crea 48 J . Treyvaud

49 C . Dance 50 M. Mallady 51 S. McClintock 52 A. Baggole y 53 C . Andrews 54 S. Gille n 55 D . Fedele 56 R . Murray 57 E. Stone 58 S. Alexander 59 N . Brisban e 60 R . Pawli k 62 J . Anderson

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by Barry I-Iie,ey CYAN PRESS

LAST WEE K CY's backs restricted Tony Mac to 2 goals only, bu t till the Vultures juggernaut rolled on! 150 gamer , Karl Gurtler was in great form for the winners, Matt Sullivan 's clearances round the packs were very effective with Jack Tully & Corey Stephens also doing well in defence . Scotty Wuchatsch was magnificent against Tony Mac, Ben Hynes was also strong in defence, and Bart Bartolo did well up forward. A great effort by CY, more wins are not far away . AJAX turned in a blinder of a last term to overtake Aquinas in a tension & merit filled performance . The Jackas had great games form Gabriel Dukes, through the middle, Ash Goldman rucking, plus the Segal brothers, Jack Sharp, and Gary Blieden providing the run to score a great win . Cam Colliver roved his heart out as usual for the Bloods, with Dan Den Braber brilliant on his wing . The Ashers emphatically beat a struggling Hoes via their mid-field establishing an early dominance and the forwards finally getting their target acquisition systems properly calibrated . Peter Westbrook had a super game on the ball for the Blues ; Grant Chessari had another great match at FB, with ist gainers, Scott Grace FP, and Lachie Beddingfleid on a wing, also doing well . The depleted Hoes had stalwarts in Shane Sampson, Peter Rawley and Peter Lee, on a dark, down day more Black than White . The Bullants pushed the Animals all the way in a hard physical game, which was in doubt until Nick Hodder s goal from the boundary sealed it for St Leos late in the 4th term . The Animals were pleased with Ashley Brown, Julian Hodder & Adam Krebs in defence, plus Brad Bird in his zone and Steve Buckle round the flanks . O'Donnell & Tulloch stood out for the home side, which must be wondering when their luck will turn . OGGS couldn't cope with Uni-Blacks' aerial dominance this time round, with the visitors looking impressive at this stage of the season . OGGs best were Hugh O'Brien in defence, Goldsworthy once more on his flank, and Henry Legoe in the Ruck . Andrew Costello again dominated the centre for the Blacks, Tom Chatfield did well at CHF and in the ruck, Paul Barry was effective in defence, plus Rob Dillon roving . TODAY

for both teams . The Vultures have really been models of consistency, and keeping them tha t way will be Tony Macgeorge's aim through the midseason minefield . The Bloods are wonderful at coming back from setbacks, and will throw everything at the Vultures today . I think the home ground factor will see Mentone through by 2 or 3 points . AJAX host Monash Blues in a fascinating match, which is pulsating with imponderables . Beating Aquinas last week was a major achievement for the young Jackas, and Phil Davis will be anxious for his charges to repeat the effort today . Bearing in mind that 9-1( 2 wins got the Blues into the finals in 1998, and that assessing probabilities in D1Section is a Discombobulated Poisson Process [where some elements are complex numbers, i .e . rotated by the square root of (-1), & in which previous performance means diddley squat]: the Ashers could still possibly make the finals! Bloody slim I'll grant you, but still conceivable. Which is a strange way of saying that this will be a ripper game, which could go either way, and for reasons which beggar description, I think the Ashers will win by a point ! Ivanhoe Assumption an d Bull een Templestowe meet in another gut wrenching encounter between two sides that fortune seems to have forsaken . Both will be desperate to get back into winning mode, and will be drawing on every reserve they have . I think the Bullants can take it out, but only by a few points . St Leos play Old Geelong in what should be a comfortable win for the Animals, especially at Bennettswood . But, as always in D1, you can never be too sure . University Blacks are at home to Williamstown, and will not be taking this one lightly . Having now stretched their winning sequence to an unheard of 3, the Blacks will be hell bent on extending it . The improving CY will make them earn it, but the home side should salute by 4/5 goals . Reserves winners should be : Aquinas, Monash b~ a few points after a great contest, Hoes, St Leos, 8' Blacks .

Correspondents the contacts are: 9889 1979 tH 8 F), 0409 172 558, bfhickey6Cbigpond .com

Mentone Amateurs meet Aquinas in a critical test M


ENTONE AMATEURS - congratulate David Perri n

on reaching 150 games in round 6, and Karl Gurtler for 150 games last week . Both have been great role models and leaders who have served the Club admirably . Well done David & Karl! ! ST. LEOS EMMAUS WP - congratulates John -Stun" Gay on reaching his 100th game in RdIO . Stun Gay a premiership player in '95 continues to Show his versatility playing from anywhere from ruck to wing and is a great asset to the Animals .



a"rteorge Mentone B \ L1ttIleWs ~, under s D1 RESERVES O'Brien fLulna ~ radshativ peqrce ; ;`, n_ rs


71 39 36 31 25

AJAX 2 St Leos 1 Bulleen Templestowe 2 Ivanhoe 2

Old Geelong University Blacks Aquinas Ivanhoe Mentone

21 20 20 18 16


Me one v . Aquinas AJAX v . Monash Blue s

Ivanhoe Assumption v . Bulleen Templestowe St Leos Emmaus v. Old Geelong University Blacks v. Williamstown CYMS

_J 0.5 2 .6 5.9 7.14 (56 ) 2.2 6 .7 11 .10 15.14 (104 ) Williamstown CYMS : Bartclo 4, Lee 2, Wouda . Best: Wuchatsch . Wheeler, B Hvnes, Cocks, J McCutcheon, Featherston . Mentone Amateurs : Wilkins 3, Barr 3, McGeorge 2, Johnston, Matt Sullivan, Mick Sullivan. Levett Tully, Gurtler, Fanning. Best: Matt Sullivan, Dixon, Fanning, Barr, GurUer, Sullivan . Umpires : G. Skandakumar (F( AJAX 2.5 4.7 4 .14 10 .16 (76) AQUINAS 3.4 4.8 8 .12 8 .14 (62) AJAX : Berger 2. Van Aken 2Joffe, Davis, Weisler, J .Segal, Miller, Sharp . Best J.Segal, Dukes, Blieden, Sharp, M .Segal, Duzenrnan . Aquinas : Colllver 2 Denbraber 2. Livingstone, John Jess, Bethune, 1Viiitehead Best: Denbraber, Colliver, Harkin, Jess, Hunter. Umpires : A . Conquest, S. SCully (F ( MONASH BLUES 6.6 8.10 16.16 24.18(162) IVAPtHOE ASSUMPTION 2 .2 5.3 7 .5 10 .8 (68) Monash: Holloway 6. Grace 4, S Hawkins 3, Greggory 3 . DeYoung 3, Neuman 2, Thompson , J Bolton, Westbrook, Best; Craven, De Young, Holloway, Berkting0eld, Westbrook, Grac e Ivanhoe: Flynn 3, Saunders 2, Lee, Gowan . Sloan . ShutUeworth, Emerson. Best, Sampson, Ravrley, Lee. McGowan. Tucker. Harley Umpires: L. Katz, D . Longworth (F) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 .4 6.8 8.12 9.13 (67) ST LEOS 5 .3 7.6 11.7 13.10 (88) Bu lleen Templestowe: Robertson 3, Matthews 2, G .Mciaren 2, Wlllianus, Lambro)bulos. Best : O'Donnell, Robertson, Snnth, Tutloch, Prior, N .Bone. St Leos: Price 4. McKenzie 3, Burgess 2, Manton, Bird, N .Hooper. Krebs. Best: N.HOoper, Price, Browli, Buckle, Zalakos, Bruce . Umpires : J . Lipson, L . Monerieff (R) (F) OLD GEELONG 1.3 4 .6 5.7 7.8 (50) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5.5 6 .6 10.8 15.9 (99) Old Geelong: Bayne 1, Cote 1, Fairbairn 1, McCarthy 1, Leislnnan 1 . MeKav 1, Stevens I Best H.0'Bnen . Goldsworthy, Legoe, McCarthy . Bayne, Sladen . University Blacks : Nether-cote 4, Wilson 3, Cumimgham 3, Dillon 2, Green 1 . Torney 1, Peck 1 Best: Dillon . Chatfield, Mackie, Peck, Howard, A.Costello. Umpires : R Semmens (RDL). D . Whiteley (F), A, GoudPe (RDL), B . Powell (RDL) (B), P. Maddocks, T. Grilles (RDL) (G) RESERVES WILLIAMSTOWN CYhZS 2.5 4.5 9 .5 11 .7 (73) RfENTONE AMATEURS 0.1 2.1 5.4 9 .6(60) Wi lliamstown CYMS: Matthews 4 . Holland . Pach, Dowsey. Simes, Jones, Mackety. Hann . Best : Matthews, Dovrsey, Kosmatos, Hann, Miller, Carter. Mentone Amateurs : Waters 4, King, Tresdder, Walsh.lVise, Rerazzo. Besk Joyce, King, Noonan. Janueson, Sullivan . AgUINAS 4.1 5.1 6 .4 8 .6(54) AJAX 3 .2 6.6 8 .8 13 .12 (90) AJAX : Boon 3, Kalb 3, Newstadt 2, Sevel, Janover, Lust . Zemski. Dudakov . Best : Boon, Zemski, Cukierman Newstadt,l2itterman, Rubenstein . Aquinas : Wooden 3, Slattery 2 Bradshaw 2 f+Sinogue. Best Chapman Harris. Wooden, Duchlield. Barrie, Rielly. MONASH BLUES 5 .11 9.13 12.18 16.21 (117) 0.0 1 .1 1 .3 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 4 .4(28) Monash Blues: Spencer 2, M Bolton 2, PJdliains 2, Blakely 2, Campbell, Peel, Carey, Mentha, Meehan, Main, Eley . Shields. Best Peel, Carey, M PayTe W4liams, Blakely, Main . Ivanhoe : J Pace, A Pace, Soubte. Hull-Brovm . Beso A Pace, Souble, HullBrown, Chazan, Stmttleworth . McFarlance. BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 .0 4.1 5 .3 5.3 (33) ST LEOS EhIIriAUS 3 .3 7.3 12 .4 17.11 (113) Bulleen Templestowe : R .Parris 2, D.Witliams, Massey, Driver, Beak Martin, Norbury, Hampshire, Morohi4itos, Thuenis5en, Lea . St Leos: S.McCann 4. B.Vaughan 3, Damello 2. Gay 2, Boyd, Flood, R 41cGlom, E.Mitehell, S .Pitcher, Simondson . Best : Voldi . D.Rtcher . Simancson, S .Pitcher. Flood, E.Mitehetl . OLD GEELONG 1 .5 1 .7 3 .8 4.9 (33) 3.4 5.10 9.13 (67) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .1 Old Geelong : D .0'Brten 2, Farris; 1, Fitzgerald 1 . Best Morley. Avery . Allen, Bayles . Waters, Wark . University Blacks: O'Donnell 3, N.Gconan 2 . Hanna 2, Ralph 1, AGoonan 1 Best: Jones, O'Donnell, Hamdion, N .Goonan, Ralph, Nih!11. S


AJAX Coach: Phil Davis Res Coach: Barry Simon 1 N. Gold (C) 2 M . Konsky 3 J. Sharp 4 M. Dudakov (VC) 5 B. Davis (VC) 6 D . Kal b 7 G. Samuel 8 B. Klei n 9 A . Rosen 10 G. Dukes

11 M . Weiser 12 D. Goldenfein 13 A. Freund 14 A. Butt 15 J. Sega l 16 M. Segal 17 A. Cukierman 18 J. K rzner 19 G. Blieden 20 M . Buckley 21 D . Gelbart 22 A ..Bock 23 B . Ritterman 24 J . Bra m 25 M . Blashk i 26 B. Duzenma n 27 J . Berger 28 A. Zemaki 29 A. Joffe 30 A . Lefkovi c 31 P. Glezer 32 D. Janover 33 S . Boon 34 B . Lewsk i 35 D. Miller 36 W. Seve l 37 S. Newstadt 38 B. Erlich (Res VC) 39 D . Vanaken 40 M . Borenstein 41 D . Goldberg E. Rubenstein (Res C) 43 E . Janover 44 A. Lust (Res VC) 45 Y. Attie 46 A. Goldman 47 48 A Friedman 49 M. Montag 50 A. Coope r 51 J . J ol son 52 A . Lewi n 53 A. Halphen 54 E . Goldman 55 J . Kaicer 56 L. Hare l 57 A. Osowicki 58 J. Besser 59 J. Blankfiled 60 J. Wajnberg 61 J. Freema n 62 D . Weislitzer 63 R . Silberman

AQUINAS O.C. Coach: Steve Box Res Coach : Howard Field 1 T Jess 2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards 5 M . Boland 6 D. Minogue 7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 8 S. Kelly 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 10 C . Field 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D. Denbraber 13 C. Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 M. Denavi 18 J. Hughes 18 D . Saliba 19 G. Whitehead

20 P. Woolen 20 P. Fares 21 C . Quinn 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 J . Livingstone 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 R. Weekes 27 S. Jones 27 C . Munro 28 G. Burch 28 J . Holly 29 J . Box 29 J . Wilson 30 C. Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M. Tarulli 35 R . Chapman 36 A. Everitt 37 G. Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 L. Sheffield

40 A. Cultrera 41 G Davies 42 R. Mora n 43 M. Slattery 45 M. Reilly 45 G . Coyle 46 M. Hope 47 D . Bower 48 R . Mazzanti 49 M . Hobbs 50 M . Ditchfield 51 A. Gerrish

52 J . Burden 53 S . Varone 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 P. Cruickshank 57 G. Cochrane 58 D . Robinso n

62 L. Bradshaw

lt=i~ 7 jt ~~(~' . . Coach: Doug Searl Res Coach : Mal Prior 1 J . Prior 2 D. Williams 3 S. Young 4 W. Thompson 5 S. McLaren 6 P. Graham 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bone 9 B. Todd 10 P. Tsokas 11 G. Chivers 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A. Panou 15 B . Wolnizer 16 S . Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burridge 19 L . Stott 20 M. Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G. McLaren 23 D . Matthews 24 D. Martin 25 T. Matthews 26 S . Boyd 27 J . O'Donnell 28 R . Parris 29 D . Bon e 30 D . Florence 31 A . Shine 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 L. Thompson 38 S. Meadows 39 J . Florence 40 S. Meadows 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M . Mason 44 R. Schneider 45 A. Tehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 C . Morivitis

48 A. Morivitis 49 B. Touriganis 50 D . Glover 51 T. Cattermole 52 J . Gunn 53 A . Boyd 54 S . Dowlan 55 N . Macrides 56 A. Theunisson 57 G . Vimpani 58 D . Tsokas 59 D . McNamara 60 D . Horvath




! ~1l1.t 3 1- r Coach : Brad Hall Res Coach : Colin McDonal d 1 S. Conley 2 M . Maud 3 C . Tucker 4 T. O'Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 T Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 M. Thackwray 10 P. Lee 11 D . Valkanis 12 L . Hull-Brown 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flynn 15 J . Curtin 16 P. Harris 17 S . Morri s 18 T. Scoble 19 D. Wood 20 J . Collins 21 D . Denby 22 N . Shuttleworth 23 D . Ryan 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 M . Emmerson 27 A . Jackson 28 J . Pace 29 C. Hocking 30 M . Sloan 31 D. McFarlane 32 L . Pearce 33 S. McGowan 34 B. Joyce 35 P. Kearney 36 C . Zeegers 37 P. Cotte r 38 R. Peoples 39 M . Ebbage 40 P. Marti n 41 C. McDonal d 42 B. Martin 43 M. Martine o 44 A. Pace 45 N . Farrel l 46 M . lacouangel o 47 E . Marino 48 R. Toogood 49 A. Rosenfeld 50 N. Clark 51 D. Pearce 52 S. Sampson 53 M. Chazan 54 J. Herbert 55 E . Healy 56 S . Saunders 57 J . Matthew 58 P. Manual 59 M . Fahour 60 T. Lupton

61 S. Butler 62 P. Merory 63 P. Cameron 69 J. Mazocc a 78 C . Brown

Coach: Tony MacgLorg e Res Coach: Darren Fenec h 1 2 3 4 5 6

S. Rowley R . Gallagher M. Dixon D . Emmett A . White C . Stephens

7 K . Gunte r

8 D. Perri n 9 P. Emmett 10 M . Hovey 11 C . O' Meara 12 M . Davies 13 M. Hayes 13 A. Kin g 14 M. Etcel l 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J . McCarth y 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sulliva n 24 X. Smith 25 G . Upti n 26 A . Rock 27 M . Wis e 28 C . Johnsto n 28 M . O'Brien 29 S . Barker 30 P. Dixon 31 S . Fanning 32 B. Colema n 33 N . Wilkins 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C . Ogie r 37 T. Macgeorg e 38 S . Perrazo 39 A . Fimste r 40 G . Simm s 41 C. Rock 42 T. Bar r 43 M . Bar r 45 C . Barr 46 C . Ross 47 J . Tull y 48 Mick . Wals h 49 A . Cousins 50 G . McMilla n 51 G . Hollingworth 52 K. McLeod 53 D. Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 C . Leifting 56 S . Sulliva n 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 Matt . Walsh 60 D . Fenech 61 K . Lockhart 62 N . Levert 63 S . Waters 64 A. Pothitos 65 T. Allinson 66 D. Cagney 67 M . Joyc e 68 D . Gillespie 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara


63 A . Barrie

9 Palermo St, * runction Room

70 C. Lyng

* Restaurant * PoFic s

68 J . Coghlan

71 G . Evans

9583 2841 ':-'



Coach: Tim Powell

Coach: Simon Bones

Res Coach : James Shady

Res Coach : Scott Harrington Club 18 : Sean Wilson

1 2 3 4 5

S . Chapman J . Baxter L. Holloway (C) G . Chessari J . Rosengarten

6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar

8 S . Thompson 9 E . Morrison 10 S . Webster (VC) 11 M . Spencer

6 C. McKay 7 B. Morris 8 T. Seymour 9 D. Salter (C) 10 W. Temple-Smith 11 L. Stevens

12 G. Smyth

12 N. Cameron

13 A . Herrman

13 S . O'Brien 14 D. Taylor 15 H. McCarthy 16 B . Couch 17 M . Goldsworthy

14 B . Merlin 15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Nind 18 K . Hendratta 19 L. Siapantas 20 M. Edsall 21 C . Gregory 22 T. Blackley 24 T. Craven

25 J. Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Young 28 J. Main (VC) 29 H . Graham 30 L. Creamer 31 S. Hawkins 32 R . Gundry 33 J. Smith 34 G . Rowley 35 D . Murchie 36 A. Williams 37 J . Bolton

18 J . Malpas 19 M . Avery (RC) 20 S . Cole 21 N . Bayne

22 J . Fitzgerald 23 Sam .Jones 24 . M. Jaugietis 25 G. Leishman 26 S . Lansdell 27 W. Paul (C). 28 A . Farrar 29 D . Bolton 30 M. Stevens 31 C . Fairbairn 32 N . Sladen 33 M. Fabri 34 B. Yates 35 A. Chubb

38 N. Brennan

36 T. HeaUey

39 M. Smith

37 T. Betts 38 M. LEslie 39 S. Clarke 40 H. Legoe 41 T. Ca~' 42 C. Chimsid e 43 D. O' Brien

40 Ma. Bolton 41 Mi. Bolton 42 G . Oldham -43 R. Feenaghn' 45 R. Walsh 146 A. Ryan 48 M . Carey

49 D. Payne 50 A. Clark 51 M . Payne 52 N. Moresi 53 J . Peel 54 R. Green 55 I . McCormick 56 L. Volkov 57 P. Munro 53 F. Eley 59 B . Carstein

6J S . Lloyd 62 L. Kats 64 J . Prosser 65 G . Polglase 66 A. Perry 67 A. McCann 68 M . Meehan 69A Burston 70 B . Rogers 7 2 B . Green

73 A. Forster-Knight

%'~ P. Westbrook 75 R. Turt on 81 S . Gundry


1 S. Rowan 2 H. Burbank 3 M . O'Brien 4 Steve.Jones 5 T. Redin

45 46 S. Collins 47 M . Strauch 48 D. Farris 49 S. Grffiths

50 J . Settler 51 J . Kilpatrick

52 J . Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 J . Brand 55 T. Stafford 56 A. Meek 57 J . Morley

58 M . O'Brien 59 J . Tooheyy 60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes 62 A. Waters 63 J . Weir

64 E . Fitzgerald 65 N . Cameron 66 T. Wolley

67 L. Teague 68 B . Grills 69 P. Miller 70 B . Cummins 71 A . Meagher 72 75

ST LEGS EMi'wuIUS WATTLE PARK Coach: Darren Turner

Res: Frank Dinicolantonio 1 D . Dinicolantonio 2 J . Hodder 3 E. Mitchell 4 A . Auliso 5 S. Buckle 6 J. Fennell

A. Burgess

8 B.Bird 9 A. Bethune 10 B. Mitchell 11 S. McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebs 14 J. Manton

15 P.Carey

16 A. Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R. McCann 19 A.Ma1' 0r 20 G .Rafferty 21 G . Simmondson

22 RRistevski 23 TBatty 24 D.Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E . McLaughlin

29 S . Darcy

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach : Paul 0'Shanassy & Michael Rizio 1 L. Nethercote 2 S. Chandler

3 M . O'Donnell 4 A. Evans 5 R. Mackie

6 C. Sanderford 7 B . Cunningham 8 A. Howard 9 C. Pekin 10 W. Hannah

12 M . Cunningham

7 B. Robinso n

8 B. Hann 9 J . Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 B. Twist 12(R) M. Canno n 12 A. Feathersto n

13 A. Mackle y

25 T. Chatfield

23 T Wheeler

26 D . Batten 27 A . Costello 28 D . Kean 29 M. Staunton 30 J. Ralph 31 B. Costello 32 M. Jones 33 T. Kitchen 35 J. Mirtschin 36 H . Peck 37 A. Gray

41 J . Zarb

39 J. Greenwood

42 M . Flood 43 B . Levins 44 A . Zalakos 45 S . i 46 A . Brown 47 M . McinernY 48 A . Daly 49 C . Hatfield 51 C . Bela k 53 A . Volpi

40 N . Martin 41 L . Rawnsle 43 C . Beaton y 44 R . McCa rthur 45 M. Coleman 46 A. Hyde 47 B. Murphy 48 D. Rudd 49 T. Bowers

54 M . Blundell

50 A. Goonan

55 S . Smith 56 T, Morrison 57 M . Place 58 J. Fjeldstad 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonald 61 J. Blandthorn 62 A . 64 D . Wood r 65 N . Foley 66 67 P. Farquhar 68 B. O 'Connor 69 S. Mescher D . Panetta 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 81 D . Behan 88 S. Pitcher 89 D . VJinduss 99 D . Lear

63 J . Weber 71 M. Nihill 73 S. Mackie



Coach: Darren Cadd y Res Coach : Warren Payne 1 D. Williams 2 J. Buttigie g 3 D. Williams 4 S. Wuchatsc h 5 D. Macleo d 6 N. Gran t

13 C. Baulch 14 J . Leech 15 L. Murphy 16 P. Caccaviello 17 A . Moffat 18 T. Wilso n 29 C. Franklin 20 A . Kooloos 21 C. Shilling 22 A . Nolan 23 P. Barry 24 N . Wilson

30 M . Ottore 31 M . Contesotto 32 L. Price 33 N .Kennedy 34 B . Henricus 35 J . Briggs 36 S . 8avage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Gay

tovacocu s


Res Coaches: Jim Trevaskis

34 S. Moody

14(R) A. Danie l 14 D. Ferris 15(R) P. Breguet 15 B . Gaborit 16 B . Joseph 17( Ra R. Plochin o 17 P. Hart 18 D. Oldham 19 P Dervan 20 P. Sadler 21 D. Macleod 22 M . Saunders 23(R) A. Bouras 24(R) C . Poch 24(R) J. McCutcheon 25 G. Freestone D 26 L. Grochowsk i 27 C . Mathews 28 A . Kosmato s

29 P. Vincen t

30 T. Turcinovich 31 A . Bartolo 32 X . Tob Y



Jones d 35 C . Bergin 36 A. Black 37 B. Hyne s 38 S. Smith 39(R) A . Carter 39 M. Holland 40 D . Pawlowsk i 41 T Campbel l 42 D . Wouda 43 B. Grant 44 M. Mannin g 45 J. Hyne s 46 T. Ferri s 47 F. Nuredini

48 P. Tirchett W. Kewi n 49 50 A. McCutcheo n 5 1 A. McKenzi e 52 R . Nisbe t 53 M. Oldham 55 J. Spezza 56 S. Calderwoo d 57 M. Saccocci o 58 A. Beard 59 K. Dowsey 60 D . Lee 61 S. McNerny 62 D . Orchar d 63 D. Temby 64 T. Ryan 65 S. Barlow 66 S. Phemiste r 67 A, Savoia 68 A. Houg h 69 B. Cambridg e 70 D. Sadler 71 F. Carona 72 F Luca 73 J. Sprague 74 J• Fr y 75 M . Mille r 76 M . Sim e 77 P. Geraght y 78 R. Cornis h 79 S . Mardesic 80 S . Freema n

81 T. Williams

And now to see how accurate Phil was : Well, Ormond in 'B' did not bounce back from their shock defeat to St Kilda/Sth Caulfield as they went down at South Yarra where victory to MHSOB put them in the four . MHSOB got on top early and should have buried the 'Monds' but for some sloppy kicking for goal . Final scores were MHSOB 13 .17 (95) to Ormond 9 .6 (60) and the best, Stewart McCully, Clinton Young, Jason Bamert, David Skinner (MHSOB) and Paul Joy, Andrew Jobling . Paul McDonald . Rod Block (Orm .) . In round 1 Marcellin (C) defeated Bull-Temp by 135 points . At home the Bullants were keen to reverse the result - and almost did in an exciting high quality game. To use the cliches, the last quarter was do-or-die, goal for goal, body on body football and with just four minutes to go the Bullants were up by 10 points . The home side could smell victory but a goal from Marcellin made the game a one quick-goal game. A crucial centre break from Marcellin's Slattery (remember his great on-and-off the bench game in 2001 grand final) forced the ball forward, a free kick to young forward Marson he kicked straight, the siren went, and Marcellin fans went berserk . Best were Dodorico, Chambers. Sampimon (Marc .) and Robertson, Williams, Prior (Bull-T) . The two top teams in 'D', Whitefriars and Old Geelong, both 9/1, met at Como, with umpires Chris Wallis and Sharon Alger . It was billed as a show-stopper but it turned out a fizzer. The 'Friars' kicked the first two goals and then did not score another until the 22nd minute of the third quarter. OG's won 21 .6 to 6 .9 with the best Wiffen (10 goals), Howells (7) and Wilkinson . Coaches' Clipboard featured "Eating Before A Game" by dietician Lisa Wright, and suggested pre-match meals as follows : Breakfast cereal with low fat milk and fruit, muffins and crumpets with honey or jam, pancakes and syrup, toast and baked beans or canned spaghetti, pasta with tomato based or other low fat sauces, baked potato with low fat filling (without the butter and sour cream), rolls or sandwiches with banana fdling, liquid supplement (i .e . Sustagen Sport . Exceed) or fruit smoothie . Actually its probably a diet that many of my veteran readers could benefit from . However knows how it may help them . (We may put the Association photographer on the diet . Have a look at him when you see him around the games .)

Phil Stevens climbed the goalpost and predicted the top team in each section at the end of home and away games .

A - De La Salle (second, 3 games behind Collegians), B - Old

Brighton (bullseye) . C - Kew (third), D - Preston (third), EDov~ton (on target again), F - St Leos (and again), U19 (C) - Uni Blues (third), U 19 (S) - Chirnside Park (yes) . All in all, a pretty good performance (Give it a go again this year, Phil - NR) . In a game played in appalling conditions at Old Scotch's home ground the visitors, St Bernards . came from behind to win by 3 points . When you look at the scores, it must have been a grueller : OS 0 .2 3 .6 3 .7 3 .8 (26) St. B. 2 .2 2 .2 2 .3 4 .5 (29)

Old Mentonians celebrated its 25th year in the VAFA with a Silver Jubilee Dinner Dance . 600 games at Collegians - 200 each for three great players, David "Coathanger" Hoyle, Stuart "Hangman" Hinchen and Chris "C .J :" Warner, and the club celebrated with a 61 point win against Marcellin, 16 .17 to 8 .4. Best were M . Galbraith, A. Parkin, M . Lake (Coll), and G . Williams, G . Booker, N . Bourke (Marc .) .

Parkside, on the bottom in 'B' without a win, were very unlucky not to score their first when they went down to fourth placed Banyule by 4 points . At the last change the scores were Parkside 11 .12 (74), Banyule 8.17 (65) . It was an 11 goal final term with scores at the siren, Parkside 15 .14 (74), Banyule 14 .24 (108) . Best were R . Cullen, M. Harte, J . Turnbull (Bany). And L. McNamara, G . Yoksich, M. Sherlock (Park.). Hampton Rovers in 'D' got home from Old Ivanhoe by a point, 14 .12 to 15 .7 and kept in touch with the four. Best were McKellar, Crawford (4 goals), Doukas, Dwyer . T_ I


In dreadful conditions 7th place Banytile (B) got home by 2 points against 3rd team . Therry 5 .8 to 4 .12 . Best were Hobbs . Gilliam, Holt, Short . Legge, Gibson (Banytile) and T. Holt . Nyman, P . Quinn . T . Taylor, Crotty, Biddlestone (Therrv).

'A' section sponsors were Bull/Temp (Templestowe Sports Trend), Collegians (Network Security), De La Salle (Macrae & Fallon) . North Old Boys (Joe Cahill Transport) . Old Paradians (Venture Smallgoods), Old Xaverians (Westons) . VAFA congratulated field umpire Sharon Alger on hei appointment to her first senior match . Second and fourth teams in 'A' section, Old Xaverians ant 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200;

De La Salle OC, played a 10 .10 draw . Best were Connolly, Hanrahan, M . Lowe (De La Salle) and VarcoefAtkins, King (Old Xavs). Old Cambenvell hung on to 4th place in 'D' section when they beat 3rd team, Old Ivanhoe 16 .8 to 15 .10 . Best were Smith . Mitchell, Inkster (Old . Carob .), and Karakaltsas . Dvson, Purcell (0 . Ivanhoe) Monash Blues congratulated coach Brian Ford on reaching 50 games. Former coach of Oakleigh and Dandenong in the VFA, and premiership coach of Springvale in Federal League, and a great player with Oakleigh, 'Fordy' had made a great contribution to Monash football . North Old Boys fma14 chances looked seedy after the easy victory gained by Ormond, 21 .16 to 9 .9 . Best were Schuhkraft (7 goals) . Kingston, P. Cox (Ormond) and Turnbull, Curili, Cahill (NOB's). Thomastowm, 6th in'C' section kept their hopes of the final 4 alive when they beat 3rd team, Old Melburnians 12 .13 to 12 .11 . Best for T'towm were Sinni . Pavera, Bloodworth, Lentini, Spinosa, Kalpakis . I

The team was picked to represent VAFA in the 1982 Perth Carnival was Doug Atkinson, Nick Burne, (Old Xavs), Brian Bourke . Shane Murphy (De La), Peter Brown . Peter Sherwen (0. Scotch), Rohan Brown, Rick Pisarski (O .Melb), Jim Bennett. Stuart Eason (Coll .), Gary Carroll, Geoff Dillon, Stephen Hibbert, Paul Considine, Mark Malone (North OB), Bernie Cooper. John Jones (Marc), David Honybun, Mark Lockie (Uni Blacks), Mike Jennings, Peter Yeoman (Uni Blues), Rick Marks (AJAX), Anthony O'Brien (St Bernard's), Rick Van Den Driest (But Temp) . Captain and Vice-Captain were Brian Bourke and John Jones . Coach John Fisher and Peter Nathan Team Manager . Ormond saluted their champion Bruce Bourne on his 250th game in a magnificent career of Amateur Football in which he had won all awards -'A' Section B and F, captain of Victoria from 1972 to 1975, and chosen in All Australian Amateur side on 3 occasions . Bruce was recruited from Huntingdale High School as was Ian (Wally) Kazlowski who played his 150th game. 200 games to Peter Hogan (St Bernard's) - member of 1975 .9' section Premiership team and whose awards included most improved, most consistent, most determined.


F ,

Ormond got a fright from Old Trinity, scraping home by a point from the bottom team, yet to 'break the ice' for the season . Scores were 7.9 to 8 .2 with Murphy, Naylor, J . Russ (Ormond) and Peers, Star. S . Emerson (0 . Trinity) best . Dreadful weather over recent weeks caused the closure of several grounds and 8 matches were not able to be played . Top goalkickers after 11 games were Bourne (Ormond) 33 (A) ; Urquhart (0 . Melb) 40 (B); M . Walsh (UHSOB) 43 (C) ; Priestley (Old Brighton) 40 ; P. Guatta (W. Bruns) 46 (E) ; Tenance (Bull-Temp) 59 (F) ; Woolfe (Ivan) 46 (J1); James ('h THF AAAATFI IR F(1f1TRAl I FR'X1f1q

(H . Rovers) 47 (J2). Blues were far too strong for Blacks, whining by 10 goals . Best were Hager, Standish, Carroll (Blues) and Lay, Cooke, Burke (Blacks) . Elsternwick 32 points down at half time, came back to defeat State Bank (D) by 5 points.

Only undefeated teams were Reservoir Old Boys (C section), Brunswick (D section) and Old Camberwell (F section) . "Medicine man" Steve Cordner organised a "trots night" for Umpires with Phillip Rowell turning out quite a punter and biggest winner for the night. Geelong (B section) suffered their 2nd successful defeat when they went under by 33 points to Ivanhoe. Geelong finished well, kicking 7 goals in the last quarter but they had given Ivanhoe too big a start and were 10 goals behind b 3/4 time . In another surprise Collegians (B) (17 .10). 7th on the list, trounced Uni Blacks (2nd) (7 .15). Reservoir continued their unbeaten run with a goal-kicking spree against Old Xaverians, kicking 33 .27 to 5.7 . Main scores were Martin 10, McCrohan 6 and Archer 5 . 150 games to Don Martin (St Kevin's) . Don also served on the committee for many years and was president for 3 years . Ormond veterans to also reach 150 were John Meeking and "Bobo" Finlayson .

After 8 straight wins Old Paradians 5 .13 crashed against MHSOB 14.12 - Harley 6 . Gilbert 3, who also bet them in the opening game . Old Scotch 11 .14 - G . McLean, 6, got a point right on the siren to draw with Collegians . Top goalkickers after 9 games were Sharkey (St Kevins-C) and Brady (ToorlMalv-S) with 52 each. B Section coaches were Les Hughson (Um Blues), Tom Biard (Foots Tech), John Maunseil(Geelong), Greg Keenan (St Kilda CBOC), Jim Francis (0 . Melb), Jack Ellis (UHSOB), Bob Spurting (NOB) . Ian McCann (Comm . Bank), Ted Farrell (Ormond) and Peter McCormack (De La Salle) . Stuart "Billy" Hayes played game 150 for Collegians while John Elliot set a club record for Old Carey with 146 games . 100 games to Ray Hewat (Foots Tech), Tony Dart (0 . Trinity), Ian Job (Kew), and Peter Lemon as trainer with OGG's .

~.~~ - - -- _- - -_ Shocking conditions continued - only 4 teams in 'A' section scored more that 50 points . John Thwaites, playing his 100th game for Uni Blues, starred on the half-back fl ank in their defeat of Collegi an s - 5 .4 .34 to 1 .7.13 . 21

Two thirds of the season has now been played and still the evenness of the three competitions is being revealed each und Surprise ro results are the order of the day and Round 10 results were no eaception, hfy success rate was down to 75,~ REVIEW OF ROUND 1 0

SECTION 1 St Kevin's hopes were dented by Prahran, who won by thirty points. St Kevin's had their opportunities, especially with the wind in th e Hwere unale t Prahran def nceeCCoeigar~" did at^ o an Sbevensl and~eft hi boots at home so that his s eight goals were kicked in threes quarters. Dave Green also had a day out on his wing . Travis Miller dazzled all with his display, especially with his goals of the millennium . Head Coach, Steve Ivak and rover, Justin Eve also were major Prahran contributors . Good players for St Kevin's were ; the consistent, "Bubs" Dillon, Louis Enrique, who was considered the potential match winner by all the Prahran Coaches and "Special Fried" Bryce . Eley Park, after a fairly even first half, really hit top form against Mazenod, whose defenders could not nullify full forward, Blake nor the half forwards wearin Nos 31 and 39 . Eley Park recorded a convincing victory by forty give points . Mazenod had good players in; the consistent, Adrian Holdsworth and Justin Grimmison, who were aided by Coach "Bar No (Troy Bridgland) with four goals and forward Mick Fothergili, wo booted five majors .

Old Melburnians gained a percentage rise of fifteen as a consequence of their one hundred and ten point victory over Old Essendon, whose winning run ended abruptly at one, The Old Melburnians can still make the finals if they can defeat the sides above them on the ladder . Leaders, Old Xaverians defeated De La Salle by thirty seven points in a low scoring game big percentage will assist De La Salle in their quest to stay in. Their the four . SECTION 2 - NORTH Theny Penola consolidated third posi tion by defeating Old Trinity by sixty five points an spirited first quarter contest, Ther ry Penola took con. After trol of the match . Inaccuracy troubled Old Trinity who scored only one goal for the game from nine scoring shots Best for Therry Penola were ; Steve 0'Halloran, John Chapman . Captain Mick Carter ( Game 200), Richard Heenan an d Paddy Gorman . Undefeated leaders, Old Ivanhoe continued on their winning way with an eighty nine point win over Fitzroy Reds . The victory was certainly a team orientated one for Old Ivanhoe for whom ten players kicked goals . Named as their best were ; ruck man , Geoff. Maclsaae, En gin Gemei (four goals) and the consistent, Julian Maycock and Captain Paul Sigley. Lack of a focal point in attack cost Brunswick dearly against Marcellin. In general play in the first half, Brunswick were at least the equal of Mareellin, whose kicking to positi on enabled them to lead by twenty one points at the long change . The second half saw the "Powers" rt inaccuracy continue and Marcellin was able to win comfo ably by forty eight points Marcellin's No 64, whose effo rt . The tackle of the day was laid by really kept the hall in the forward line . The problem was, he tackled a team mate! "Eagle's" ! Second placed, Old Xaverians, were able to defeat fifth placed, University Blacks by sixty three points ; a result which makes the Black's final chances well nigh impossible , SOUTH Hampton Rovers led a ll day against Old B righton and although visibly tired in the last qua rter, the Rovers hung on their lead an d won by fifteen points. The five goal burst in the third quarter against the wind proved the winning factor for Hampton 22

Rovers . Their best were ; Alan Brudar, Damian Divola and Stuart McDonald. Old Geelong must wish they could play Hawthorn Amateurs every week as for the second time this season they inflicted a heavy defeat on Hawthorn . The Old Geelong winning margin was ninety two points . It is a very unusual scenario that Whitefriars find themselves in the top four for one of the few times in their two season histo ry, VJhitefriars are in the top four. In windy conditi second placed Monash Blues by thirteen pointsons they defeated took an early lead, which Monash was able to over take. Whitefriars as the Blues led by six points at half time . Whitefriars strength told in the third quarter as they used the wind to advantage an d stopped Monash scoring any more th an one behind. The final quarter saw Monash fritter away oppo rt unities with inaccurate kicking, before Whitefriars steadied and with two late goals they won by thirteen points. Their best evere ; the big boys, John Bonneym an an d House" Naismith as well as Mark Lawrence, Chris. Ryan an d Tim. Haynes . Best for Monash were ; Riddle, Moir, Ben. and Mark Dods. Collegians never allowed St Leo's to con trol their game. Collegians set up their victo ry in the first quarter and at the )ast change they held a sixty point lead. St Leo's never gave up an d at the final siren they trailed by fifty three points. G players for Collegian s included; Danny Gambaro, 2001 Fisherood Medallist, Brend an Hains an d Dave Perkov. Best for St Leo's were ; Shannon Smith, Paul McGloin and Paul Levins .

PREVIEW OF BOUND 11 . SECTION I Second Placed Prahran should record their tenth victory for the season at the expense of Eley Park, whose overal l

MONASH BLUES - Today against St Leo's, determined half back Mark -

piays his IOOth game game for Monash blues .

The Dods family is an integral part of the Monash Club . Brother Steve played 140 games and Brother Ben, has played 40 . Their parents are regular barrackers . Congratulations Mark on your great contri bution to Monash .

Celebration s Penola. ~ Lyons and CaichBob e the proud parentts of onor Bob already visua lizes as a Ther ry arePenola footballer circa 2020. , who OLD I ANFIOE

V - congratulate David Veal and Leigh Taylor on reaching 100 games, against Fitzroy Reds last week . 'Vealy' has ce rtainly taken his time to reach this milestone, since his first game was way back in 19831 A B&F in the Under 19's in 84, David played on till 88, then took up umpiring throughout the nineties, with the odd game in the ressies . Now playing in the undefeated club 18 side, 'Vealy' sti ll shows a bit of the old speed. Well done, at this rate it will only be 2022 t ill you reach 200 games . Leigh also plays in the 'clubbies' and is a dependable back flanker/ wingman who is always at top fitness . A member of last year's premiership team, he will hopefully be in consecu tive winning ones with the possibi lity of more in the future. OLD TRAM - gained the sportsmanship points when they presented Theny Penola Captain, Mick Carter with a memento to mark his 200th game last Saturday . Mick, who is a dedicated team man epitomizes true dedication, love of the game and f ri endship. Congratulations Mick . All at Therry Penola await your next 100 games . 0


. i,1, .nt does not match that of Prahran UIiI Melburnians have another chance to bridge tKe gap between I i.~lselves and St Kevin's today as the O .M .'s opponent Mazenod n weakened by injury and player unavailability . I select Old )I,m.nialls to vnn this encounter by a wide margin, old Xaverians travel out to Keilor confident they can defeat old Essendon. who Will try to atone for their one

.ed and fifty nine point defeat by the leaders in Round 4 . 1 no doubt that Old Xaverians will win this match .

j ;j, )utcome of the De La Safe versus St Kevin's match will have lring on the final four in this section as well as a psychological ntage to the winner as these two sides are likely to meet in the , HE final on August 4 . In Round 4, De La Salle won by fort y a, cc points. Their best that day included Starvell Gift winner, J, ; ;on Richardson (three goals) as well as veterans Shane Rudd and pl»l. Brasher. St Kevin's are not in sparkling form so this may ln all that De La Salle will hold an early advantage . I select De La

lie to capitalize and go on and win . SECTION 2 - NORTH A potential final preview will be played on the Fawkner Oval when undefeated leaders, Old Ivanhoe visit j] any Penchi . There is no doubt that Therry Penola has improved sillce Old Ivanhoe beat them by twenty one points in Round 4 and this improvement coupled with the degree of difficulty visitors eil .rounter out in Oak Park (ask Old Melburnians and Hampton :vers in B Section or Old Xaverians in this Section) . I expect a

_aiic struggle befitting two likely finalists . It is difficult not to Pct Old Ivanhoe as they have carried all before them. Old

ulhr to win by less than six points is my selection . i uzroy Reds and Brunswick appear fairly evenly matched . Brunswick, who won their Round 4 game by fifteen points, trouble most sides with their ball winning ability. Unfortunately neither their kickin6 skills nor their match fitness match their ability to win the ball . The Reds will be all out to win to farewell their "Universalis Homo", Mick James, who i n


74 25 22 21 21

Cartlidge Prahran Terzlni St Kevin s R. George Old Xaverians Thomlinson Old Melburnians Butterworth Prahran CLUB XVIII NORTH Kingston Old Ivanhoe Stewart Old Ivanhoe Eastmure Therry penola ttall Marcellin Stoney Old Xavertans CLUB XVIII SOUTH Oaklev Collegians McMillan Hampton Rovers Monash Blues Collier Bulmer Hampton Rovers Monash Blues Muir


.®< ._- _ CLUB XVIII (1 )

31 19 17 16 15 27 24 22 19 19


Prahran v. Eley Park Mazenod v. Old Melburnians Old Essendon Grammarians v. Old Xaverians De La Salle v. St Kevins at SiIm erley Oval, East Malvern. CLUB XVIII (NORTH) Therry Penola v . Old Ivanho e Fitzroy Reds v. Brunswick at Ramsden Street Oval. Clifton Hill Marcellin v . Universit~, Black s Old Xaverians (2) v. Old Trinity CLUB XVIII (SOUTH) Old Brighton v. Hawthorn Amateur . tVhitefriars sGelongv Monash Blues v. St Leos Emmaus Collegians v . Hampton Rovers 0 THE AMATEUR

x4 .

CLUB XYtU 1 ST E vINS 2 .2 4.8 7 .8 11 .10 (76) 5 .3 7.3 12 .5 16 .6 (102) PRAHRAN St. RevYns : Terzull 5 . Mount 2. O'Keefe. L1Gq•, Oldaker, L . Eatavolos. Best: T Dill on . L . Katavolos, B . Quirk. Crowe . Terzini, Ries. Prahran: CarUidge 8 . Miller 3 . Ruiu 2, Delvizio . Macpherson . Butterworth. Best: Green, Mill er, Stawviski . H}l an d, Cartlidge . Iva, Umpires: P. Rapke . Club Umpire (F) 19.11 (125) ELEY PARK MAZENOD 12 .8 (80) Eley Park : Hawley 6, Smith 4, Jolly 2. Roodenburg 2, Trotter 2, Jackson, Nelson, Tynan Best. Gran t, Hawley, Diane, Jolly. Nelson . Arapo~i ou, Trotter, Ly. P.iazenod: Fothergiii 4, Bridgl an d 3, Jacobs Caulderone ~. Evans. Best : Holdsworth, Grimison, Jacobs, Busby . Fothergill. Bridgl an d. Umpires: M. Foard, Club Umpire (F ) OLD AIELBURNIANS 2 .11 6 .15 12.21 19 .23 (137) OLD ESSENDON 0 .1 1 .3 3,6 3 .9 (27) Old Melbnr"An s: Not received . Old Essendorn Not received . Umpires: R. Benson . Club Umpire (F) OLD XAVERIANS 2 .5 3.6 8 .8 9.11 (65) 4,4(28) DE LA SALLE 0 .0 2.2 2 .3 Old Xaverians: Curnaw 8, Perry. Best Hart. Hall, Rath geber, Curnow . Landrigan . Ockleshaw. De La Salle: Richardson, Janis . Thorn, Birnman. Best wise . Serong. Manni.c . Brasher. McNamra . Buick. Lalferty. Umpires: T. Hansen. T. Hegan (F ) CLUB XVIH NORT H 1 .8(14) 1 .0 1.2 1 .4 OLD TRINITY THERRY PENOLA 4.2 6 .4 10.6 14.11 (95) Old Trinity: S Cade. Best Langson . RUsh, Heaven . Thwaites, Chen, Hil . Therry Penola: Eastmore 3, Chapman 2 . Gorman, O'Hallor an 2. Avottns, Carter, Donohoe . Keay, Watson. Best Gorman . Carte, OTla llorarr, Chapman, Warren . Keenan. Umpires: J. Ciccotosto. Club Umpire (F ) OLD IVANHOE 6 .2 11 .4 17 .5 22.6 (138) 7.7(49) FTTIS20Y REDS 1 .2 3.3 6 .4 Old Ivanhoe: Engin 4,Craker 3 .Kingston 3,RLcs trom 3,Toll 2. M.Stewart 2, . Maaciuss, Maycock . Engin, Gemci . Mitas 2, Maycock. Sigley. Best Sigley Toll. M .Stewart. . Frinscorf. Best : Fitzroy Reds: Pengely 2, Savage 2. Currie, Vigilante, Frhiscorf. James, Pengely, Evens . Bonsto, Savage. Umpires: B. Noun, Club Umpire (F) BRUNSWICK 2.3 2 .6 4.9 5.11 (41) 1, :_ iRCELLIN 4.1 6 .3 10.4 13.11 (89) Brnnswiek: B .Lovttt, Noon an , Ellis. Smith, Gerdes . Best : w.Morgan. Ellis. Home, M.Loti2tt . Smith, Noonan MArr>ttin: Petroff 4. Russe ll 2, wall 2, McGree 2 . M.Dowiing, Magris . Goc. Best McGree , Magis. Alexandridis. Pe troff, Russell . Leardi Umpires: B. O'Ha lloran . R . Morgan (F) 5.5(35) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1.2 4.3 5.3 OLD XAVERTANS (2) 5 .4 11 .6 13 .7 15.8 (98) University Blacks : Not Received Old Xaverians (2): McGrath 7, McCarthy 2, N Quinn 2. Ailanan Hlgins, Ireland, Walsh. Best Speekm an . Frmder. Stoney. McGrath, Hoare, McCarthy Umpires: T. Robbins, Club Umpire (F), M. Carnillerl. J. Venables (G) CLUB XVIII SOUTH 8.6 13.6 14.7 (91) HAMPTON ROVERS 32 OLD BRIGHTON 3 .5 5.12 6 .15 10.16 (76) Hampton Rovers: Ridgway 5, Brudar 3 . Mantis 3 . MacfvlWan 2 . Boyle. Best: Brudar , Devola, Ridgway . McDonald, parish. Mather, Boyle. : Not rece4ied. Old Brighton Umpires: G . Hegan . L. McIntyre ( F 7 .6(48) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 0.2 3 .4 4.5 OLD GEELONG 1.8 5 .9 12.12 21.14 (140) Best: Pilkington, Hawthorn: Bogie 3. Z marella 2. 0'Harilon, Tsoumbris . Baynes . Lahilf. Williams, 0'Hanlan, Povey. Old Geelong: Slaflery 9. Riggall 3, Kraus 2. Lunn 2 . Edwards 2 . Toohey. Wilkinson . Bagga. Best: Kraus. Slattery. Lyons. Wolley. Lunn, Holmes. Umpires: T. Byrnes, Club Umpire (F) wIBTEFRIAR.S 3 .3 4.6 7.10 9.12 (66) MONASH BLUES 2 .1 5.6 5 .7 7.11 (53) Whitefriars : Pratt 2, O'Brien 2. Houston, Thomson, Murray, Bonnyman. G . Dalton . Best: Lawrence, S . Gloufchev. Dyer, Naismith, Murray, G . D al ton. Monash Blues : West 2. Brown . Johnston, Moir. Parson . Coughlin. Best Riddle, Dods . Moir, Woods. Johnston . Coughlin. Umpires: D . Windlow, Club Umpire (F) 6.8(44) ST LEOS EMMAUS 0.3 2 .4 3.5 COLLEGIANS 4.3 9.11 11 .17 13 .19 (97) St Leos Emmaus: McGloin 3, Blundell 1 . Mescher 1, Manton 1 . Best: Contesso . Farquhar, Dix. Smith, McGloin. Collegians : Gay 3, Cooke 2, Ross 2, Stedwe ll 2. Curtis 1, Grant 1, Lulmey 1, Sztar 1 . Best Gay. Ross, Pervmv, Brain . Day . Umpi res: P. Nail er, R . Parker (F)




From 5 .30-9am each weekday, Kevin Bartlett and Gary Honey serve up all the latest footy news and interview the players and coaches making the news.

Clubs have received Sport 9271 Crown bumper stickers recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporter. For your chance to win a weekly VAFA/Sport 927 Sports pack comprising a Sport 927 prize pack, a Quit SmokeFree Footy polo shirt and a"For the Love of the Game VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the VAFA. A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the Amateur Footballer . All entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize . 24

At the end of Rd 18 should your club have submitted the greatest number of entries for the season, from your club entries the winner of the Crown EntertainmentfVAFA Grand Final weekend package will be drawn . Package includes - two night's accommodation, dinner at Breezes Restaurant, breakfast and valet parking and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final . Winner announced in the Amateur Foothaller August Z ;,25.



A. F.C . I! ' . `~! il V.A .F.A. "Your Coaches' Association " the motions - a "no nonsense" attitude must prevail .

he prolonged successes of the Melbourne teams of t 1i 50's and 60's and the Hawthorn teams of the 70's, 80's and 90's were highlighted by one common igredient - DISCIPLINE . The successes of individuals and team in all facets of sport could not Lc achieved without DISCIPLINE. No individual or ~cam can optimise their ability if they are uudisciplhied .

To achieve the discipline necessary for success a coach has a major selling - yes selling - job to do on 1 is charges . He has to convince the players that crsonal and team discipline is not a punishment but something that is every bit as essential a s ,citing the ball . He must convince them that there a reward for practising discip line - SUCCESS. He doesn't have to go far to find examples to prove his point. All successful (and even not so successful) Olympians organise themselves to optimise the training time available to them - not easy to do when there are so many easy options available to them. in my office, I have a framed poster of a quotation from the doyen of all American football coaches Vince Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers . The quotation is "The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence rrgardless of his chosen field of endeavour" . I believe the coach must show an unrelenting ommitment to discipline if he is to get 100 % from hi; team .

ple, any coach who pre-season states tha t a policy of "no train - no play" must abide by that all ~cason despite the temptation for possible short i,rm gain by picking a non-trainer . He must ci(monstrate the same cast iron determination to can r. out his words as he expects of his players . V. are now a half way through the season and the co;:ch's "rules" should have been well and truly , n tlined by now but here's a brief checklist anyway . :ut in order of importance!). , Attendance at training i .e. "not train-no play. * Attention at training - not just going through


• Punctuality at training, matches and team meetings . • Diet and alcohol intake guidelines, should be set and monitored. • Procedures to enable injury recovery must be followed . • Personal on-field appearance.

Also there are many on field disciplines that are the coach's responsibility to outline to each player on each match day . Assuming the above has been set down as "rules", the coach must stick by them. He will be judged by sticking to the plan . His club can forgive a coach some elements of mistakes of judgement and of overall coaching skill errors but it will not forgive a lack of discipline by him . The coach must be subtle in dealing with breaches of discipline. I have never been a believer in punishing the whole team for the waywardness of just one player. I believe it is best to get the individual aside and discuss the breach with him . Listen to his side of the story and if a reprimand /penalty is still seen to be applicable do so discreetly - nothing is achieved by belittling someone in front of their mates . Convince him how he has let both himself and his team mates down . It is also particularly important that the "rules" apply equally to everyone - don't play "favourites" . Coaches must remind players that their lack of onfield discipline can have major adverse effects on the team such as down-field penalties : 25 metre penalties and, worst of all, being sent from the ground to "cool off' for 15 minutes and leave the team a man short . In summary, the coach is responsible for his team's discipline. He can't expect it if he doesn't practice it himself. It is the single most important ingredient of success . Reprinted Amateur Footballer Vol. 93, No. 5 . By Max Lyon - U19 Chairma n

Hugh Lyon KNITWEAR ROUND 10 - REVIEW Difficult winds and occasional showers were the recipe for interesting results between teams fighting for a spot in the four. Bentleigh secured the important fourth place on the D2 ladder with a hard fought victory over Old Carey . And Parkside stretched the gap to two wins between fifth and seventh place, with a nail biting six point win against La Trobe University. In other matches Salesian hit back with a solid victory against a committed Oakleigh, Peninsula were too strong for Kew, and Yarra Valley continued its dominance with a strong performance against the lowly placed Fitzroy Reds .

With only a couple of points in it at each change, Bentleigh came from 20 points down part way through the third quarter to run out 22 point winners against Old Carey . The game was an arm wrestle for the first half, until a six goal last quarter saw Bentleigh run all over the C's . Clark and D . Martin were the two standouts players in a solid team effort . Chris Angus in the middle and Lachlan MacFarlane on the ball were better players for the C's. Apparently the result has rocked Old Carey, who gave themselves a serious chance of winning and moving into the four. At Parkside, despite the weather the ground was in good condition allowing skilful football between the home side and La Trobe University . In the first quarter the Devils kicked to the scoring end and their small running brigade cut the Trobers up both around the ground and up forward . Utility Brad Hockey was in great touch, marking strongly and winning the hard ball, while Tristan Barlow cut La Trobe's onballers out of play, and Brad Robinson was a target at Centre Half Forward . However, the 3 .4 result didn't reflect their effort. In the second quarter the hard running took its toll on the Devils, and allowed the Trobers back in the match . The last change was filled with tension as La Trobe made a valiant effort to take the points kicking the first three goals of the quarter, until Parkside kicked the sealer . The final one goal margin indicated just how close the contest was. Yarra Valley's mosquito squadron, lead by Ash Drew in his 100th game set up the win in the first quarter against Fitzroy Reds . Stevenson lead the goal kicking with five and R . Drew chipped in with three . Best was ruck rover A. Drew, Centre Half Forward Stevenson, ruckman A Joiner, and rover Vallopi . For the Reds who were blown away in the first quarter registering only one goal to the Bushrangers seven, Clarke, Mitchell and Timm were better players . Peninsula full forward Payze kicked an 'electric' eight goals to be the difference in the match against Kew . His accurate kicking and long bombs from outside the 50 metre arc stopped any chance of Kew snatching a win . After a competitive first quarter, the Pirates midfield go t 5-R

on top and continually fed the ball forward to provide plenty of goal scoring opportunities . Strong grabs from key position players also contributed to the win . Kev : full fonvard Cullen was best for the losers, finishing with a classy six goals, well supported by Eaton at Centre Half Back and rover Fitzgerald . The 58-point win will be a much appreciated percentage boost for the Pirates, as they attempt to lock in third spot on the ladder . Salesian accounted for Oakleigh, winning by 50 points in a match marred by inaccuracy . The Krushers kicked themselves out of the game finishing with 3 .16. to Salesian's 12 .12. Only two points separated the sides at quarter time, but the class of the Salesian was two much for the struggling Krushers who now look a strong chance for relegation . However, Oakleigh will be pleased it's starting to play more competitive football, and also the form of Ashley Kitts who was best afield for the second week in a row was another positive .

' :1 - PREVIEW Pent :sula takes on heavy weight Yarra Va lley in match of the round . The Bushrangers have regained top form after some seemingly lacklustre performances recently, The Pirates sit in third spot but have yet to prove themselves against teams higher on the ladder . The class and midfield strength of the Bushrangers will see them win by five goals. In another tight game between Salesian and the fifth placed Parkside, my tip is the home side in a close one . The Devils have been inconsistent this season but won a hard fought match last week, and will take good form into the match . But with the Higgens, the competition sharp shooter up forward, I expect Salesian to win by 15 points . La Trobe University will be working hard to turn thei r


CLI! 3

D2 SECTION Sharp Bentieigh Ryan Parkside Higgins Salesian Payze Peninsula Tronese Fitzroy Reds D2 RESERVE S

R . Collett Yarra Valley Kane FitzroyReds Byrne Salesian Hale Yarra Valley Prior FitzroyReds

3 0 0 8 0

46 45 44 39 35

0 2 0 3 2

32 29 27 27 26


luck around after last week's disappointment in its match against Bentleigh . However, on their day the B's are a power house and should be able to secure the points - Bentleigh by six goals . Fitzroy Reds will be hoping the Red power and Korean luck at the World Cup will be on its side in its match against Oakleigh at Brunswick Street . The Reds were well beaten last week while the Krushers have started to regain key players and play competitive football . Fitzroy's home ground advantage should be enough to see them celebrate - Reds by four goals . In the final match, Kew takes on Old Carey in a game the C's need to win to maintain touch with the top four . Form players Yarnall, Angus and MacPharlane should see old Carey get home by five goals.

Old Carey - mover and shaker, John Raftopoulos (BJR), plays his 150th game in the Black, Gold & Blue against Kew today . BJR arrived from the School in 1989 and made an immediate impact with his one grab marks and uncanny ability to read the flow of play as a knock ruckman . A club seniors B & F winner in 92 & 93, BJR subsequently played with Old 14feiburnians in B & A Sections for-3 seasons. After sustaining `severe injuries and being out of football for several seasons Jotm returned in 1999 and has been a powerful influence as a player, social commandant, and committeeman . Along with his entire family, BJR is woven into Old Carey history, and we applaud his achievement, thank you! Also Cameron Mason played his 100th game recently after joining Old Carey 1996, and impressing initially as a dour, dependable Reserves defender, who was an integral part of the E East Reserves Premiership side in 1997 . Since then Cam has become a regular seniors player where his work ethic at training, on match days, and stamina on social occasions have made him ~t key thread in the fabric of the Old Carey community . Congratulations 'Mase', and thank you ! Benfleigh - congratulates Marlon Pirie who plays his 50th ,*ame this week . Marlon has slotted into the backline this year and is playing great footy, well done and good luck . l arra Valley OB - congratulations from all Bushrangers to Pete (Usher) Buryma on achieving 50 games last week . Pete has been fantastic on the wing and loves to go for a run even if it does involve a U turn. Iic.v - congratulates Lee Fitzgerald on recently reaching 50 ,,ames. Recruited from Nhill, 'Fritta' was a best first year award winner and has earned a reputation for his raking clearances irom defense. Well done Fritta and good luck for another 50 . Kew also congratulates Chris Kiriakou on snagging his 350th ;oal at Kew . Like all forwards, Chris loves a goal and we look iorward to many more during the seaso n Salesian - Daron "Biinka" Gheblikian plays his 100th game today . "Blinka" unlike his beloved Tigers this year have shown that with a bit of hardwork and determination anything can be achieved . Blinka maybe you should teach those boys down at Tigerland how to run through the lines and go hard at the ball iu t like your good self. Also John "Blah" Nannes plays his )0th game today. John has been in fine form this year, on and off the field . All at Salesian congratulate John and look forward !o more towering marks, dashing runs, and great clubmanship over the next few seasons.

SEW 4.5 7.6 9.9 11 .10 (76) 4.3 10.7 12 .11 20 .14 (134) PENINSULA Peninsula: Payze 8 . Goldthorp 2 . Prendergast 2, Torossi 2. Coghian 2, Pettit. Haley. Warner. Atchinson. Best Prendergast, Ferguson, Trawhitt . Crean, Kent, Payze. Kew: Cullen 6, Fitzgerald 2, wood. Dalrymple. Best Eaton. Cullen, Fitzgerald. Mainsbrtdge. Connolly. Blair. Umpires : P. Hoffman . M . Gilday (F) YARRA VALLEY 7.6 9.11 13 .14 17.15 (117) FITZROY REDS 1 .0 4.2 5.3 8.3(51) Yarra Valley OB: Stevenson 5, R Drew 3, Beal 2, Hancock 2, Gilltes, N Frisk, Cotsford, Yaloppt . Stone. Best A Drew. Stevenson, Vatoppi, R Drew . Beal, GWies. Fitzroy Reds : Quinn 2, Cantileri, C Andrew, Jackson, Lee, Timm, Mitchell . Best- Clarke, Mitchell, Timm, Polland . SinHeid, Camiller. Umpires: A. Damen (R) (F), R Twist. J. Maebus (B). E . Boal. P. Mitchell (G) OAHI.EIGH 3.1 3.7 3 .11 3 .16 (34) SAI.ESIAN 3.3 5.5 11 .7 12 .12 (84) Oaklelgh: Dooley 2 . Keating 1 . Lest Kitts . C. Marshall . S . Casa . Gec. T. Bromley. Tolley. Salesian: Not received Umpires: A. Ladd, P. Maebus (F), M. Ladd, R. Mayston (J) (B) PARKSIDE 3.4 5.6 9 .11 10.16 (76) LA180BE 0.2 4.7 6 .15 9 .16 (70) Parkside: Panjari 3, Marulli 2, M Wise 2. Hanley, Ware. R Wise. Best Hockey, Barlow, Robinson, Noble, Hanley, Gorman . Latrobe : Edwards 2, Farrant 2 . Brooks . Dunne, Mawdsley, Perry, Randell . Best Tliwaites. Cummings . Hill . White, Brooks, Perry. Umpires: G. Rolls (F) BENTLEIGH 1 .7 4.8 7 .10 13 .16 (94) OLD CAREY 2 .4 4.6 7.9 10 .12 (72) Belteigh: Sharp 3, Handfield 2 . D. Martin 2, Sice, ireson. Clough, Henry. Lane. Papanicotaou. Best Clark. Martin, Pirie . Miksad, Ireson. McCulloch. Old Carey: Comen 3. Angus 2, S . Wood, Heprill, Guerra, Vasa . Morrison . Best Mason, Vitalt, Morrison, T. 41bai, McFarlane, Smith. Umpires: J. Grossbard . P. Woods (F) RESERVES NEW 1 .3 3.5 4.7 5.8(38) PENINSULA 2.3 3.3 5.6 8 .11 (59) Peninsula: Raflman 2 . Haworth 2, Palmer, Clarhigbold, Franks, Wood . Best Abort, Powell. Wotfendon. Camion. Gardner, Claringbold. Kew: Watts 3, Makris 2. Best J.Dennis. Moussi, Allen, McArdte. P.Dennis, Hunter. YARRA VALLEY 2.3 3.5 4.9 7 .11 (53) FITZROY REDS 2.1 4.2 6 .5 9.8(62) Taira Valley OB : Hale 3, Simpson . Smith, Potter, M Laing. Best Simpson, R Thompson. M Laing, Laird, Batshaw, Smith Fitzroy Reds : Bare 2 . Prior 2, Kene 2, Crane, S Andrew, Grille . Best Everard, Holderhead . Virtre, B Cahill, Rotutll . Crane OAKLEIGH 4.3 8.8 10 .10 10 .13 (73) 3.2 5.4 8 .7 11 .13 (79) SALESIAN Oakleigh : Cooper 2 . Gant 2, Moutis 2 . Loiacano 1, Nguyen 1 . Papadopoulos 1, Varkatzos i Best Nguyen, Gant. Moutis, PapwrorUi, Papadopoutos, Cooke, Salesian: Not received. PARBSIDE 1 .2 3.7 3 .9 5 .10 (40) LATROBE 2.1 3.4 6 .6 9.7(61) Parkside: Allan 2. McGilllan 2, Chllcott Best: Allan. McGiiiazt. Chilcott . Boughton . P Romano . Latrobe : Craig 3, De)anot9c 2, Sampson 2 . OToole. Walker Best Walker. Ross, Phillis, Pitaro, Craig, Sampson . BENTLEIGH 3.6 6.8 6 .8 6 .11 (47) OLD CAREY 1 .0 3.1 5 .4 12.5 (77) Bentlelgh : D. KrotoIIl, Withina on, Strauch, Statics, Chiccerela . Walker. Best Lavrford. Sampson, Craven . Withington, C. Martin, Vivona. Old Carey: Rail 4, N . Bull 2, Hardy 2. ieong 2, Mai, Drevis . Best Raft . Shrives, Mai, L. Guerra, Drake. Marshall .

YS MATCHES - 2 Section Peninsula v. Yarra Valley Fitzroy Reds v . Oakleigh Salesian v. Parkside La Trobe University v. Bentleigh Old Carey v. Kew




BENTLEIGH Coach: Paul Dimattina Res Coach: Steve Hall 1 C . Sharp (C) 2 P. Morgan

3 A. Pittito 4 S. Sice 5 M . Eyles (C) 6 R . Weber 7 N . Lan e 8 C. Goette 9 I. Jackson 10 A . Henry 11 D. Martin 1 M . Barker 2 13 L. MPittito 14 P. Krassaris 15 B. McAliece 16 L. Aire y 17 J . Handfiel d 18 S. Adavray 19 R . English 20 R . Fishlock 21 B. Istead 22 F. Dimattina 23 S . Adams 24 P. Gallo 25 D. Gol d 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 A. Clough 30 A. Miksad 31 S . Crave n 32 J . Di Giorgi o 33 P. Withington

M. Fine 35 L. Ireson (VC) 36 M. B ackman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G. Beattie 39 G. Prigg 40 M. Walker 41 J. Nev e 42 A . Mikkelsen 43 C . Martin 44 A. Simon 45 A . Wade 46 R. Lawford 47 A. Strauch 48 F. Cavanagh 49 B. Clark 50 A. Stanes 51 S. Truffaut 52 L . Sampson 53 A. Sanfilippo 54 B. Gasser 55 G . Richards 56 C. Aitken

57 A. King 58 T. Caterson 59 D . Pittito 61 C . Par k 62 D . Krotofil

JMq yL,-HlH


Coach: Graham Burgen Has Coach: Andrew George Club 18 Coach : Greg Box 1 (a) M . Frisby 1 (b) S. Sukhar 2 A . Walsh 3 S . Dibendett o a(a) J. Haminon 4 )G . Vigilante 5~a) D . Kane 5(b) P. Diacogiorgis 6 J . Bennie 7 S . Andrew 8 A. Byrne 9(a) C•Prlor 10 L. Bryne 11 (a) B . Atherton 11 b) N . Krick ~ 12 Bramley

13 M. James 14 T. Clarke 15 J. Vernali 17 (a)B. Lee M (b) B. Foyne s ip 8 BHeena 19 P. Cook

20 T. Mitchell

21 C. Meighen 23 T. Jackson 24 A. Parson s 25 P. Jackson 26 R. Curtis 27 (a) J . Tornese 27 (b) B . Lee 28 J . Card 29 (a) D .East 29 (b) V. Cahill 31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S. Drury 34 M Zubak 35 D . Snaddon 37 (a) G. Hanlon

37 (b) M . Mehri

38 C . Evan s 39 M . Reid 40 G. Bance 41 R . Burgma n 42 I. Mc8urnle 43 A. Maroon 44 J . Abou-Ei d 45 M . Sinfield 46 (a) D . Tim m 46 (b) N . Man n 49 A. Puglia 48 N. Vaughan 50 B. Aggenbach 51 M. Cam s 52 B. O 'Conno r 53 S. Addicott 54 J. Parsons 55 N . Matthews 55 D . Atkin 56 (a (b) T. Madden 56 q N. C u .)Romemte 58 B . Cahill 59 R . Johnstone 61 G. Virtu e 62 N . Auden 63 C. Andrew 64 C . Johnson 66 D. Timms 67 R. Holderhead 68 A. Mon k 69 S. Pidotto 71 (a) P. Gun n 71 (b) T. Lesk e 72 M. Bennett 73 J. Bare 75 B. Pollar d 76 P. Everard 77 A. Grillo G 8~ a) ~Horridge 81 (b) C. Plazzer

86 M. Reid

87 C . Nave 911 B. Donovan 117 M . R osent h al

V aw

Coach: Rohan Doherty Asst Coach: Darren Searle Res Coach: Greg Crimmins 1 B . LaFranchi

2 L. Fitzgerald 3 B . Marchesani 4 G. Crimmins 5 A Makr s 6 N. Tnetti (DVC) 7 N. Lymn 8 D. Mainsbridge 9 A. Eaton 10 B. Cullen 11 B. Woodhouse 12 J. Growcott 13 C . Kyriakou 14 J. Looker 15 C . Bradley (C) 16 D . Wood 17 B . Allen ( RVC ) 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Dennis 20 A . Acfield 21 M . Ayres 22 C. Stevens 23 T. Aitken 24 D. Kinros s 25 C. Watts

26 S. Byrnes

27 T. Moore 28 M. Xuereb ( RDV} C 29 M. Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante (RC) 31 D . Cooking 32 A. Drago 33 D . Wayland

34 M. Fitzgerald

35 R . Bruno 36 S . Ryan 37 J . Landwehr (VC) 38 T. Connolly 39 N . Coluccio 40 G . Muckian 41 R. Livingsto n 43 G . Collyer 44 M . Raffaele 45 A. larossi 46 A. Pirona 48 L . Jensen 51 M. Blair

53 M. Bolls 54 R . Waller 55 D . Searle 56 T. Frith 61 S . Moussi 64 J . Cronin

LA TROBE UNVERSITY Coach: Brian Grills Res Coach : David Huffer 1 P. Farrant 2 S . Fredrickson

OAKLEIGH Coach : Paul Taylo r Asst Coach: Pat McKenn a Res Coach: Garth Dartnel l

1 B . Gee 2 V. Moen

3 D. Sheldrick (C) 4 C. Perry (VC)

3 D. MacKenzie (VC) 4 P. Papadopoulos

5 S . Adamthwaite 6 S . O'Toole 7 N. Dunne 8 J . Thorn 9 L. Walker 10 P. Morton 11 Josh Levy 12 K. Perry 13 T. Luderma n 14 L . Wakeling 15 S . Brooks 17 Jacob Levy 18 A .Hewitt 19 S . White 20 A . Murphy 21 D. Edmunds 22 P. Stewart 24 S . Edwards 26 B. Phillips 27 D . Gilmour 28 C . Ros s 29 A. Randall 30 J. Smith 31 M . Fannig 32 D . Hill 33 M . Watson 34 A . Murray 35 J . Eyre

5 D. Bromle Y 6 R. Dooley 7 M. Short (RVC) 8 R . Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 L . Thomas 11 S. Nicolosi 12 G. Treacy 13 S . Randle 14 R . Keating 15 G. Redford 16 K . Marshall 17 A . Hunter 18 J . Connellan (RC} 19 R. Cooper 20 J . Tolley 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S. Casa 23 J. Kerle y 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts (DVC) 27 G . Smit h 28 A. Khodr 29 D . Hall 30 A. Timmis 31 T. Bromley (C)

36 T Mawdsley

37 C. Porter 39 N . Rosengre 9renn 40 R. Slater 42 D. Gleeson 43 A. Poulton 45 D. McKeeki n 46 B. Launikonis 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 51 C . Franc as 52 T. Stauton 54 T. Peters 55 A . Cummings J . Laidlaw 66 A . Ballie 70 J . Dumaresq

32 J . Brown 33 34 35 36 37

M . Clark B . Varkatzo s R. Nuske M . Ryan P. Nikaki s

38 B . Papadopoulos 39 G . Dartnell 40 P. Tatterson 41 A. Rogers 42 S. Dalto n 43 R . Pa worth p 44 N . Smith 45 G. Chapma n 46 B. Nguye n 47 T. Nguye n 49 B . Evan s 50 P. Malcol m 51 . B . Gant 52. C. Cook e 53. C. Casa 54 O . Pa rto n 55 D. Moulan g 56 B. Kin g 57 A. Jury 58 M . Coppoc k 59 W. Ogilvie 60 V. Gr nte r 64 F. Loiacono

' Hf~'~

O F E7~ N

636 High St, Kew

9859 1631 E-mail :


9562 718 1 Contact Perry, Sam or Leo 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2402


Coach : Glenn Taylor Res Paul Montgomery 1, C . Angus (VC) 2, D . Faelis 3, N . Cohen ' 4- S. Vae6 5 S. McConnell 6: C, Campbell (C) ; H, Van Cuylenburg 7, A. Drever R 8, M . Cann 9, B . Shutie 10 . K . Shrives 11 . N . Everett (VC) 13 . M . Sontag 14 . M . Curry 15 . N . Bull 16 . R . Graham 17 . M . Yarnell i8 . C . Matthews 18 . B . Chiucharelli R 19 . T. Wood P. Drake R 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . R . Leong 22. C, Battle 23. T. Price 24. P. Unkles 25. N . Detarczynski 25. L . Chiucharelli R 26. D . Sherr 27. N . Vasilopoulos (C) 28. H . Morrison 29. S. Assimo 30. A. Guerra 31 . J. War . P. Graham d32 33. N . England 34, W. Gianniko s 35. S McConnell 35, S.Hardy R 36. S . Wood 37. D. Palmer 38. L. Guerra 39. M . ENins 40. T. Robison 41 . A. Gates 42. P. Montgomery 43. D. Joyce 44. A. White 45. T Bul l 46. H . Giannikos 47. S . Weill 48 . C. Popplewell 49 . W. Mudge 50 . A . Kent 51 . R . Hall 52 . A . Stevens 53 . A . Pitts 54 . K . Gianniko s 55 . L. Patterson 57 . P. Konstatinidis 58 . J . Boncher 59 . C . Mason 60 . L . Brain 61 . C . Davey 62 . P. Tompkins 63 . B. Rodrigues 64 . S. Sutton 65. D . Elsner 67. C . Hickey 68. S. Hart 69. O . Winchester 70. J. Marshall 71 . S. Feehan 72. J. Engwerda 73. C . Elliott 74. S. Mees 75. C . Smith 76. J. Vogel 7T. B. Spedding 78, N. Latham 88. Mart Heppell

PARKSIDE r Coach : Mark Rowe Res Coach: Glen Dunbabin 1 R . Adams 2 G. Davies 3 K . Noble 5 T. Stonehouse 6 S . Ware 7 J. Muscat 8 J. Chilcott 9 A. Constantini 10 A. Vita 11 B. Hockey (VC) 12 D . McCall 13 A. CoRley(RVC) 14 P. Hanley 15 D . Moodie (C) 16 M. Ross 17 A. Romano 18 M . Schwabl 19 T. Ryan 20 D. Singleton 2t J . Scholl 22 R. Wise 23 R. Beck 24 R. Marulli 25 M . McPherson 27 D. Matthews 28 R. Martinez 29 J . Libroaperto 30 T. Barlow 31 S . Hogan 32 J . McCall 33 K. Allan (RC) 34 M . Romano 35 G . Panjari 36 M . O'Connor 38 H . Byrne 42 P. Dean 43 B . Gorman 44 P. Soligo 45 B . McGillian 46 C. Welsh 47 C . Tyson 48 C . Ross 49 S . Pasco e 51 A . Valomidos 52 B . Cassano 53 P. Romano 54 S. Marino 55 M. Wise 56 T. Wise 57 B. Boughton 58 T. Mangos 60 J. Drako~ulos 61 P. Tascone 63 B . Jones 65 S. Carmody 66 C . Chioppi 70 S. Diver 71 A. Inglis

PE ; Coach: Rod Kerley Res Coach : Neil Franks 1 S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen (Vc) 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S. Murray 7 N . Franks (Res.) 8 P. Angus 9 M. Dentry 9 P. Krohn (Res .) 10 A. Haley 10 T. Trewhitt 11 S. Ferguson 12 C . Pettitt 13 T. Braden 14 S. White 15 A. Wood 16 S. Claringbold 17 J . Coghlan 18 J . Whelan 19 A McKinstry 20 S. Prendergast 21 A Macpherson 22 A Atchison O C 23 R. Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchison 26 P. Prendergast 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 G . Davies 32 H. Shorten 33 R. Stairdorth 34 M . Allen 35 R. Wolfenden 36 P. Serra 37 B . O'Neill 38 T. Coghlan 39 S . Barber 40 B . Mitchell 41 A. Vidotto 42 A Litilechild 43 G. Gardiner 44 A . Kelson 45 D. Baker 46 L. Prendergast 47 L. Palmer 48 A Bonner 49 C . Wilson 50 P. Arnold 51 R . Sharpi rRinn 52 T. Neal 56 P. Rittman 57 M . Conroy 58 D . Brennan 59 S. Foss 69 J. Muir



Coach : Gary Connolly Assist Coach : David Todd Res Coach: David Todd

Coach : Tim Killwarth Res Coach: Rowan Davi s

1 A . Stevens 2 A. Anderson

1 R. Pearce 2 T. Morri s 3 R. Thompso n 4 M . Fun g 5 A. Drew 6 R. Dew 7 C. Beal 8 L. Morri s 9 J . Kee m 9 C. Ross 10 T. Hancoc k 11 F. Macvean 12 J . Cremean

3 S . Sutherland


4 S . Bobeti c 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Forer 7 G. Gaspan 8 S . Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Oldfield 11 A. Davey 12 M. Bates 13 I . Bobeti c 1 4 J. Ngo 15 C . Ryan 16 G. Irvine 17 M. Ferwerda 16 D . Barry 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 A. Bates 22 R . Stevens 23 S. Nolan 24 A. Grace 25 M. Tambling 26 J. Nannes 27 A. Higgins 28 M. Byrne 29 C . Rose 30 M. Cook e 31 J. Shirley 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 D . Rao 35 P. Knott 36 D . Todd 37 S. Sinclair 38 T. Alligan 39 P. Pitts 40 M. Forer 41 J . Novello 42 P. Evans 43 E. Maillard 44 C. Hunt 45 S. Horvath 46 S. Porter 47 B . Bowma n 48 M . Bourke 49 G . Gleason 50 P. Allen 51 S . Parisi 52 R. Cincotta 53 B . Chalmers 54 D. Allen 55 E . Hanaphy 56 D. Stinear 57 D. Gheblikan S . Butle r 59 D. Blake 60 D. levoli 61 J . Radi 62 B . Kirchner 63 L. Seager 64 J . McClaren 65 A . Darcy 66 C . Clauson 67 A . Thain 68 A . Healey 69 B . Atkins 70 A . Chiappini 71 R . Cincotta 72 D . Oliver 73 A . Gaspe d 74 C . Roache 75 A . Sexton 79 S. Morrish 80 M . Forbes 81 P. Tudey 82 M . Smith 83 D . Bowman 84 W. Chapman 85 D . Sutherland

13 L. Dillie s 14 E . Kruse 15 N . Pas k 16 L. Taylor 17 A . Laingg 18 L . White 18 D . Ross 19 J. Strong 20 T. Hal e 21 D . Stevenson 22 B . Drew 23 R . Yeo 24 M . Davies 25 F. Pellegrino 26 J. Longwort h 27 S . Savage 28 B . Reynolds 29 R . Coutts 30 D . Potter 31 B. Sturzake r 32 J. Parry 33 P. Cremea n 33 D . Ireland 34 C . Fraser 35 B. Peake 37 D . Balshaw 38 B. Morriso n 39 J . Tompkins 40 H . Cotsford 41 B. Downs 42 A. Stone 43 H. Park 44 J . H o 45 A. Wingate 47 S. Collie 48 R. Davi s 49 S. Seabourn e 50 J . Peake 51 H. Clark e 52 A. Hartnett 53 S . Pas k 54 S . Simpson 55 S . Taylor 56 T. Lloyd 57 S . Kehoe 58 G. Kerr A . Joine r 60 S . Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Buruma 63 B . Whitechurc h 64 D. Smit h 65 M . Norrish 68 T. Collet 69 R. Collet 71 M . Lain g 74 A . Midlan d 76 J . Dickson

by Craig Brajtberg i3_a~-:_ 7r, Sponsor: Looking for a Home loan? Personal Mortgage Managers has been a major sponsor of the VAFAUA for 3 years and can find you the best home loan products to suit your individual needs, at the lowest interest rates with the least amount of fees and charges. Anthony Damen, VAFAUA President and A section umpire, is the Company Director . Go to www.personalmortgagemanagers .com .au or e-mail him at to arrange an obligation- free appointment.


Y1';," -77 WEEK :

"A true test of a person's character is how they treat people who can't do anything for them".

our training program . Which veteran field umpire decided he'd combine his postmatch warm down run with a dip in the bay after a recent game at Sandringham? A couple of weeks ago Rob and Michael Sneddon were going to come out after half time with miners hats on as the fog was so heavy. At least there wasn't much abuse from the crowd as it was impossible to see over the other side of the ground . Last week we asked whether two brothers have field umpired an A Section match together before . The answer is yes. We believe the Henry brothers field umpired an A Section match together some time ago.

CON60ATU TIO lia'sA IE INS: This week Jamie Kvins umpires his 200th VAFA game . Jamie will be umpiring the A section match between St .Bernards and Old Xaverians. Jamie started umpiring way back in 1985 in the Ballarat League - officiating in places diverse as Natte Bealiba, Marnoo and Moonambel - but he occasionally got a game somewhere near Ballarat. Those were the days when a footy match between two towns was the social event of the week and crowds of 3000 plus were common (also in the after match!!) but at 16 beer was a mystery - it seems he quickly solved the puzzle!! Upon arriving in the big smoke in 1989 he joined the Amateurs on recommendation this was the best football league in Melbourne. Living in Watsonia little did he realise Elsternwick was so far away. He would like to thank Peter Harris (Agate), Geoff Ridd and Norm Nugent for making sure he got home before midnight on training nights! Even Ron Lippold who at Powerhouse always made sure Jamie caught the last Tram home - not that he knew where he lived merely just put him on a tram . . .!!! In 1991 to 1993 Jamie had a brief flirtation with the AFL Development Squad then several years umpiring in the Diamond Valley. Midway through 1996 Jamie returned to the VAFA where he finished the year enjoying B and C Section football . Since '97 Jamie has been a regular A Section umpire where he has made many friends and particularly enjoys the quality of the football and people involved . "The support provided to the Umpires by the unsung volunteers in the clubs makes the match so much more enjoyable and Jamie would like to say thank you to all those people . Jamie would like to invite back friends and follow umpires to the St .Bernards after match where he looks forward to sharing a few ales with his hardest critics - the Bernies' faithful . r"&doLa~~~'s SNIPPETS: Congratulations to Merv Monty who umpired his first B Section match last week, and well done to Rob Mayston who was back in A Section after a lengthy break . Leah Gallagher would like to thank all the trainers and officials at the Old Melburnians Football Club who looked after her after injuring her ankle in the final quarter last week . Well done to Chris Stevens who ran the last five minutes on his own at the Junction Oval. World Cup fever hit Elsternwick Park last week for the Umpires training. Thanks to Lionel Katz who brought the soccer balls from school as it's a good time of year to have a little variety in

In the upcoming school holidays at Elsternwick Park VAFA Umpires Advisor Brendan Carland will hold an umpiring clime for years 9 and 10 students from the following colleges Wlvtefriars, St Pauls and Therry Penola who are now umpiring with us after completing the "Introduction to Umpiring" courses in their schools to recruit umpires . Brendan organised to do some skill drills for the boundary and goal umpires who will hopefully advance into the field in the future (2 to 3 years down the track). They will also have a few experienced field umpires give them some advice on umpiring, their diet and socialising. Well done to Brendan and the guys who are willing to give up their time .

' `:'

. ;ISION :

What should an official VAFA Boundary or Goal umpire do when he or she has a report? Send all entries to the below e-mail address and the first correct answ er will win a prize . Last week's winner is David Anselmi of the Elsternwick Football Club . Answer to last week's question: The player has been sent of for an audible obscenity and yes he can be replaced .



John Robinson : Nickname : Robbo, A Section Goal Umpire, Games Umpired: 717 (522 Field and195 Goals), AFL Team : Sydney Swans/Essendon, Best AFL Players: John Coleman, Hobbies : Cricket, Football, Stamp Collection and Travel . Luke Holmes: Nickname: Holmesy or Johnny, B Section Field Umpire, Games Umpired : 103 (Country) 9 VAFA, AFL Team : Carlton, Best AFL Player: Greg Williams, Best VAFA Player: Brett O'Farrell (O.Haileybury), Hobbies : Birdwatching, Rodeo Riding and Chess

Paul Lamble : Nickname : Pauly, C Section Field Umpire, Games Umpired : 83, AFL Team : Hawthorn, Best AFL Player : Michael Voss, Best VAFA Player Garry Norton (O .Mentonians), Hobbies : Cricket and Woodwork . Best Game Umpired: 1999: Inter Collegiate Grand Final Ormond v Newman . SOCIAL EVENTS: Trivia Night - (TONIGHT) Mid Year Dinner 26/8 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 22/9 Grand Final BBQ - 22/9 Presentation Night and Trip Away - TB A FOOTBALL UMPIRING-THE NON-CONTACT TEAM SPORT All correspondence to craighacompanysotutions .com .au rr, _ . .~ . . . .__, . . . ..,,,,r . . . . . ~ .. , .,.,,,,

Albie Firley

5 Chris Simon

5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max Wittmann


Paul Hoffman

6 Neil Woods

7 Paul Croxford

6 Dash Peiri s


Adam Conquest

7 Sean Scully

9 James Van Beek

7 Alan Ladd


Landan Blackball

9 Damian Lane

10 Tristan Bowman

8 Nick Evan s

10 Avi Wekselman

11 Alan Stubbs

11 Mitch Buxton

9 Nathan Carlyon

11 Luke Holmes

12 Mark Morrison

12 Jamie Kvin s

10 Robert McLeod

12 Daniel Mousley

14 Ash Hoogendyk

14 Michael Gilday

11 PaulTuppen

14 Kevin Alexander

15 Tim Doecke

15 Mark Jenkins

12 Simon Payton

15 Geoff Curran

16 Mervyn Monty

16 Craig Brajtberg

14 Tim Tingiri

16 Peter Woods

17 Peter Keogh

17 Cameron Leitch

15 Michael Sneddon

17 Mark Gibson

18 Peter Simpson

18 Tim Sutcliffe

16 Luke Moncrieff

18 Jason McNiece

19 Andrew Fyfe

19 Scott Mackie

17 Mick Robins

19 Steve McCarthy

20 Brian Woodhead

20 David D'Altera

18 George Paleodimos

20 John Ralp h

21 Gajanan Skandaktunar

21 Justin Grossbard

20 Norman Hitchen

21 Patrick Maebus

22 Chris Collins

22 Rick Love

21 David Iron s

22 Nick Fennessy

23 Peter Griffiths

23 Chris Stevens

22 David Longworth

23 Greg Rowlings

24 Leigh Dillon

24 Miles Argall

23 Robert Sneddon

3-4 Graeme Hunichen

25 Lionel Katz

25 Richard Eastwood

24 Jason Moore

25 Geoff Moor e

26 Daniel Dinneen

27 Euan Lindsay

25 Mat Taylo r

26 Andrew Shiels

27 Anthony Simpson

28 Leah Gallagher

26 Patrick Coulthard

27 Matt Cox

28 Ken McNiec e

29 Gerard Rolfs

27 PaulJone s

28 Paul Lamble

29 Peter Jame s

30 Simon Olive

28 Ron Martyn

29 Chris Garcia

30 Michael Phillips

31 Rob Schuller

30 Anthony Lffley

30 Justin Lipson

31 Robert Semmens

33 Simon Stokes

31 Tim Friedman

33 Robert Mayston

32 Anthony Damen

34 Jeremy Heffernan

32 Jarrod Aspinall

34 Graeme Morgan

33 Michael Forde

35 Graham ThNvaites

34 Daniel Stephens

째35 Jason Lane

34 Stephen Morgan

37 David Murray

35 Dianne Whiteley

36 Matthew Meier

35 Troy Brook s

38 Chris Stevens (S)

36 Ian Burgess 37 Gavin Roberts

37 Ken Walker

() ANNUAL UNIVERSITY MERGER TALKS : LAST week in the A Section column we wrote that you could set your calendar by the yearly trends in Amateur footy. When it's time to prune, that is winter, Uni Blues start their rise up the ladder as the Students get settled. What we should have added was the annual talks of a merger between the Blacks and the Blues begin around this time too. The new angle this year is former Uni Blue player, dual Essendon premiership player and president, and AFL Commissioner David Shaw is in his first year as president of Melbourne University Football Club, which oversees the teams from the Blacks and the Blues . Shaw replaced Bob Girdwood, who is also the Blues president, and the dormant MUFC has new life with Shaw not having been this involved since his AFL days. When University left the VFL in the 1914 it had so many players after WWI that it formed two clubs with us in 1921 and dominated until the past two decades . Both clubs still have plenty of players but they haven't won a highgrade flag since 1974 when the Blacks won A Section and in the same year the Blues were relegated to B without winning a game . The Blacks won flags in D2 in 2000 and E Central in 1997 . Girdwood is proud that the Blues are the only university club in Australian football that plays at the top level in community footy and he doesn't want to amalgamate . "We learnt a lot in 1974 and we realised you've got to work hard to stay up. Our players don't want it either," Girdwood said . Blacks president Simon Costello, inspired by Old Xavs' success, would like to see the merger talks blossom but can see that the Blues' attitude is going to be a hurdle . "Bob's

been an architect of the Blues' success and it is going to be a struggle to see it happening if he can't see any advantage," Costello said . 0 WINTER WARMERS : ON ONE of the coldest weekends this year we had two funny moments . Firstly, from the warm Bahamas former representative captain Rob Fuller, who is teaching at an international school, sent us in this picture with students getting into our column (it could be any of the cols in The Amateur Footballer but we will take the credit) . Wouldn't you love to be with Rob at the moment who keeps in touch by being sent an The AF

The Amateur Footballer - compulsory reading and now an integral part of the Bahamian Curriculum! Asiyah, Rhumer and Michaela enjoy their latest edition .

Rashid, Avante and Ben also catch up on the latest addition to the Bahamian curriculum.

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eekly and using wGtw.vafa 1_z~_ condly, Mazenod coach David Murrav must have thought he was with Rob as he wore shorts to a bitter EP last Sunday . L,,ing on the grass knoll all Dave needed was ,, me sunshine, lotion and a non-alcoholic cocktail to have completed the picture . `+) GRAND RETURN FOR ROVER? CHIP Le Grand made this column earlier in the year due to his misfortune at missing last year's Hampton Rovers C Section flag . The Australian sports journalist pulled his hamstring during training a couple of days before the big one . We can report that Chip was spotted at half-time at Princes Park (that's just outside Optus Oval) last week enjoying kick-to-kick . Chip's form was that good he should get back to Bluff Rd to help the Rovers' quvst to stay in B Section . WOMEN'S NETWORKING : VAFA club female presidents - Davina Connor-Calhaem (Old averians), Monica Lawson (Mount Lilydale) ,

Carol Nichols (Monash Gryphrons) and Priscilla Curtis (St . Johns) would like women that are in%olved with a VAFA club in any role, from secretary, trainer, member or water person, to form a network. The aim is to assist each other and build friendships . Contact Di Whiteley or 0407 327 780 for more . One of the get- togethers will be a VAFA and or an AFL Grand Final luncheon . 0 LION RELATIONS CONTINUE : THE Fitzroy Reds, that has support from the Fitzroy Football Club, last year received a letter of support signed by all the Brisbane Lions on the eve of their D3 Grand Final against Bentleigh. A week later the

e d


reciprocated for the AFL Grand Final . This year the Reds were sent training apparel from the Lions and when the Lions next play in Melbourne in July they will give the Reds their training balls .

They're hardly second-hand as Leigh Matthews prefer to train with near-nev : pills ju~t like those used in the games . C ..RTIFICATE OF MERIT VII : JOHN GRACE JOHN has been involved with Ormond AFC in varying roles since 1962.

He played 162 games as a rover and a half-for4vard between 1962-70 and was runner fo r the 1971 premiership team . John has been a prominent Join Grace - wonderful servant of contributor for t' the Ormond AFC. club off-field, le serving as president, vice president, team manager and selector. He was prominent in establishing the Monders' life members' association and has been an active participant since being included into the distinguished club in 1970 .

John's first year as President was also the club's last A Section premiership.


-ruF R0.-TFI IR Fnf1TRAI I FR 2002



John Saville Ea -, twoo d EJafe & ;,ercy & Ruby Hoddy Foundatio n -16-012-2 N 1:

Ge 'ong played Karingal on their own paddock and were unable to use their home ground advantage to stop Karingal's tall forwards. Karingal were to strong tnd ended up kicking 16 8 104 to Geelong 2 1 13 . In the other division one game Nth Ballarat were to strong for Mambourin Tigers who were unable to field their strongest combination . Nth Ballarat 11 .5 .71 defeated Mambourin Tigers 6 .6 .42. This round in division one Mambourin Tigers and Geelong should have a close game with perhaps Mambourin Tigers getting a few players back and being able to win a close affair . In the other game Nth Ballarat and Karingal should put on another close game but I think that Karingal will continue on their winning way.


Sth Yarra 1 may just get over the line . Ovens & Murray Jets travel to town to play Bendigo and look like having a long trip home. Ringwood and Moonee Valley will also have a close game but I think Ringwood will string two wins in a row together . Colac host Karingal 2 and may be able to post a win at home with Bulleen Templestovve having a hard task to defeat the inform Broadmeadows 1 .

__.__ T 3 : Broadmeadows were far to strong for a developing Ovens & Murray Jets and Parkside continued their good form against Sth Yarra 2 . Next week in division 3 it looks like Parkside will add another win to its tally for the year over the new Ovens & Murray Jets and Geelong 2 will be to strong for an enthusiastic Sth Yarra 2 .


Ecndigo and Moonee Valley Magpies put on an ,ntertaining match with Bendigo 10 9 69 to yioonee Valley Magpies 6 5 41 . Maribyrnong r,vere i ir to strong for Bulleen on the day and kicked away ii tlze last quarter kicking 12 7 79 to Bulleen Teinplestowe 2 2 14 . Karingal 2 had a late change to their venue and never quite recovered against an inform Sth Yarra 1 . Sth Yarra 1 12 7 79 to Karingal 2 6 2 38 . Ringwood posted a win against Colac and may be coming good towards the end of the season . f,.iugwood 14 6 90 to Colac 2 6 18. Finally Proadmeadows traveled to Wodonga and had no ill effccts from the trip -winning 20 12 142 to Ovens :md Murray Jets 1 2 8. This round in division 2 Sth Yarra 1 and Luibyrnong two top of the ladder teams play an d

CLUB 18 SECTION . . the renaissance tradition of Leonardo has done evervthinQ around iu,r club . A really close game should ensue and I lean towards a narrow Brunswick victory .

Ilin should ensure an August game by defeating University B!:ci ;s for the second time this season . In Round 4 the "Eagles" landed inc ,-point victory and today at Bulleen they should um again . 0, :l Xaverians should have another percentage building win over c :iith placed Old Trinity, who will try hard for a lot ofthe game tut ;,; ho don't possess the talent needed for victory over the second i'! ~_d side especially at the McHale Stadium. SOUTH Old Brighton should return to the winning list and maybe c top four as I believe they will prove too strong for Hawthorn aie us today at Brighton Beach.

hTdtefriars today have the chance to consolidate their hold on !--utb position because they play eighth placed Old Geelong on spaces of Como Park. I select Whitefriars to repeat their Rt'smd 4 victory over Old Geelong and so hold fourth place.

In Round 4 St Leo's ran Monash Blues to one point . Monash has faltered three times since and defeat today will threaten the Blue's hold on second place. Monash are not at their best when the game becomes physical. They prefer fast open football where the ball is moved by swift runners . What does today hold? Another slow start by St Leo's could see them fail again . Can Monash play out the full four quarters? All things considered, I select Monash Blues to ivin as their scoring avenues have proven safer. Can Hampton Rovers end Collegians winning run? The result may well hinge on match fitness as Hampton Rovers . although producing several bursts of good football, have been largely unable to sustain their good play ~or four quarters . I select Collegians, who have so far carried all before them, although I expect a big showing from the Rovers. Please team managers contact me by noon Monday with your details. "phone 9467 2857, fax 9467 2865 or e-mail .au. Thanks . To those readers under 60 -Footscray ruckman, Homey Stevens forgot his bootsfor the295 2 Grand Final. After a trip homeJor them he played his part in the only Footscray t!F.L. Premiership!!



An intense first quarter helped West Brunswic k snuff out any hopes of a Power House upset . Sam Pietch continued his fine form in defence for the Westies whilst Steve Benjamin was a livewire up forward . Hawthorn an d Monash staged a titanic struggle with the Hawks just in front when the final siren sounded. Cargill, Carle and Stevens were good for the victors whilst Wells and Flowerday starred for Monash.

Richmond Central lead Syndal Tally Ho at half time, but were unable to sustain their brave effort . O'Sullivan was outstanding once more with White and Smith also useful contributors . Murchie bagged eight, including four in the last as a new look Swinburne University combination ran over South Melbourne in the last quarter to win by 28 points . In the other game, St . Johns had a big win over Elsternvrick . .'HAT PETER ;'1YS :

St. John's Ov host ,::rnash Gryphons in a match the home side must feel confident of winning . The Gryphs may consider themselves unlucky last week but luck will only take you so far. If both team play to their full potential, this should be a fantastic contest, but I feel that St . John's will be victorious today . Hawthorn Amateurs and West Brunswick have the honour of "match of the day" status today . The last match between these two sides produced a thriller, and there is nothing to suggest a similar result being out of the bounds of possibility again today. While' the margin probably won't be as close as the first time around, I'll pick Hawthorn to make it a season double .

Power House meet South Melbourne Districts in the lakeside derby . South's may have dropped off the pace a bit recently but are in no immediate relegation danger, unlike their near neighbours . Either way, both teams still have plenty at stake besides local bragging rights . Today however, I think South Melbourne will get the job done . Syndal Tally Ho welcome Swinburne University in a match between two contenders for that much sought after fourth spot . Swinburne inflicted Syndal's first loss in over a season in their last matchup, and I wouldn't be surprised if they repeat the feat again today . Swinburne for mine . Richmond Central entertain Elsternwiaek in what

appears a formality in theory, but no t necessarily s o simple in reality . The Snakes may well crack it for a win soon, but at the moment, if there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it's most li kely an express train going to run them down. I'll go for Elsterm &k today . WHAT ED SAYS: Interesting times. The Jocs must now claim Premiership favouritism, whilst Swinburne is the other form team of the competition . Wins away from home in recent, against two quality sides, would suggest the Students are on song.

St Johns host Monash and are warm favourites to record a victory . The Gryphs struck a terrible injury patch early season an d whilst numbers continue to return to the fold, a finals spot is a ll but out of the question. Jocs for mine. Hawthorn an d West Brunswick . Not much between these two sides an d both will be keen to keep on the tail of St.Johns . The Hawks have been a bit of the boil in recent weeks whilst the Westies pride themselves on their away fr om home form . 8r'esties but only just .

Power House welcome South Melbourne in what looms as a crunch game for both sides . The House are starting to stare down the relegation zone whilst South needs to ensure a win to keep in touch with the finals race . The House have threatened at times to get their season together but haven't quite man aged to c li ck. Souths for me . Form side Swinburne visit Syndal on the back of two great away from home wins . Three in a ro:,.

liAG9c CLUB D3 SECTION Murchie Swinburne 8 55 Lauletta Hawthorn 2 44 Cheevers South Melbourne Districts2 32 Higgins Swinburne 0 30 A . Jones St Johns 1 27 Burney Elsternwick 2 27 D3 RESERVES

K. Currie Elsternwick 7 33 R. Heywood West Brunswick 4 24 Rosowski South Melbourne Districts3 15 Stroud Hawthorn 0 12 Walker Elsternwick 0 12

,,, ould be a great effort . Sydnais final's chances rest lie<l~iiy on this game . They have a clutch of home 1~anles in front of them but a loss here would put diem 3 games out with seven to play . Still, Swinny ,ire the story of the grade as far as I am concerned and should win . Richmond welcome Elsternwick . Finally, Richmond's hope of staying up appear remote but would be heartened that there was significant improvement in results from the first round . The Wicks are hanging in there in the final's race but like Syndal can't afford to drop too many more . The finals lure might be too strong, Wicks for me . Tipping rule number one is to select the home side . I have taken four away sides . Is this the week for D3 upsets? RESERVES pETE: JOCs, Pies, Bloods, Hoers, Wicks . ED: JOCs, Hawks, South, Syndal, Wicks . SOCIAL NOTES Hawthorn has their Bay Cruise after the South Melbourne game on July 6 . See Stroudy for more details. Calling all past and present players, committee members and supporters of the South Melbourne aistricts Football Club. We are celebrating our 90th t'car Anniversary with a Dinner Dance, on Saturday 34th of July at the Powerhouse Function Centre starting at 7 .30pm . The night will feature a three course meal (beer, wine and soft drinks will be served) . A live band will be there for your entertainment with members form The Nazz, Screaming Jets, Ice House and John Farnham . A raffle will be drawn on the night and first prize is a trip to Bali . For further details please contact Bernie Lazzaro on : 0412 126 469 .

VVEST BRUNSWICK - utility Troy "Crash" Thompson plays his 50th game for the club . He is most famous (or infamous) for meeting his wife at the inaugural club Ladies' Day in 1999 . Also, marquee name Adam Cannane reaches the milestone of 100 games . As well as being the nspirational club captain an d a VAFA representative for the last three seasons, Adam has also won the club Best and Fairest four times and his sectional award twice in his six seasons at ~'~`estern Oval . His dedication on the track sets the ,tandard for his teammates and is the man the opposition always set out to stop . Well done "Crash" and Adam from everyone at West Brunswick . Good luck to your club this weekend, and thanks to all who have sent us information. Any correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc., can be given (ideally by 5pm .tifonday) to Peter via phone on 9920 9054, fax on 9920 9097 or email Peter,PS.Williamso n centrelink or Ed via email on It would be terrific to hear from every team, every week during the season. Have a great VAFA. weekend! ! 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

ELS22'_'NWSCri 0.2 5 .7 6.11 6.15 (51) ST JOHNS 4.5 10 .9 15 .10 21.13 (139) Elsternwick: Burney 2. Perkins 2, C .Mahony 1, Curtain 1 . Be a CMahony, Curtain . Elvin . Brennan, Neill, S.Mahony. St Johns: Mills 5, Jones, Paterson 3 . Ryndquist S .Hlton, Hartnet 2, Dragwidge 1 . Walker 1, B.Hllton 1 . Dowsett 1 . Best; Paterson . Holmes, Koppens. Besley . Mills, Piekering. Umpires: P. Griffiths (F), J. Patrick, M. Luttke (B ) MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .4 2 .8 5.9 8.12 (60) HAWTHORN AMATUERS 3.0 6 .2 7.5 9.10 (64) Monash Gryphons: T Gilchrist 2, Gcoid, Wells, Pocock, Denyer, Blandford, Flowerday . Best Wells, Blandford . Denyer. Bourbon . Gross, Flowerday . Hawthorn Amatuers: Lauletta 2 . S Avery 2, Habel, Davies, Patterson, Pollock, Steele. Best Hayes, Cargill, Carle, Steele, Orchard, IIabel . Umpires: P. Jones, G. Ketly (F) WEST BRUNSWICK 7.6 9.8 13 .18 19.20 (134) POWERHOUSE 0 .1 1.4 1 .6 3.10 (28) West Brunswick: Camiane 4, S . Benjamin 4, King 2 . Brockley 2, Brookshaw 2, Lehmann 2. Sherry 2, Cootiln . Best: Plet..~ch, R Benjamin, S. Benjamin, Cannane. O'Brien, Coonan. Powerhouse: Boland 2, Hasseler Best Robinson . Senior. Robertson. Hasseler, Burt, Turner Umpires: M. Argall . J. Aspinall (F) SOUTH R1ELB DISTRICTS 5 .2 5.3 9.4 10.7 (67) SWINBURNE 2 .2 3.4 7.8 14 .10 (94) South Meth Distdets: AquilUia 3. Cheevers 2, Rowe 1, Hannan 1 . Johnson 1 . Baade 1 . Best Washington, Hannan, Rowe, Aquilina, McGee, Thonras . 5vinbusne: Murchie 8, Murphy 3, Jones 1, Morrison 1, Roberts 1 . Best: Murchte, Murphy, Jones, Sheerly, Fidler, Piotrowski, Umpires : T. Sutcliffe (R) (F) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3 .2 5.6 10.10 12 .11 (83) 6 .2 7.5 8 .5 10.5 (65) RICHMOND CENTRAL Syndal Ta lly Ho: Not received Richmond: Not received . Umpires : J . Lane (F) ELSTERNWICK 3 .3 7.7 10 .9 11 .11 (77) ST JOHNS 2 .2 3.3 5 .6 11 .07 (73) Eiste.mvtioY: K.Currie 7, Byrne 2, Stuchbery 1, 0'Lougliltrr 1 Best, Stuchbery. Byrne, K .Currie, Powell, Franken, Daniels . St Johns: Ritter 4, Hall 2, M .Ladson 2, Hancock 2, Johnson 1 . Best; Ritter, Hall, M.Ladson, Bally. Kiailis. Johnson. MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .1 2.1 2 .2 6.2(38) HAWTHORN AMATUERS 7 .2 8.6 12 .9 14 .10 (94) Monash Gryphons: R Gilchrist 2. Campbell 2, Leroy. Angel. Best, Jenkin, Warren, Holland. Stirling, Healy, Maddocks . Hawthorn Amatuers: Tyson 6, Parker, Moncrieff, Glover, Williams, Johnson, MeGlenchy. Rucicka, Broadley. Best Broadley, Jackomos, Tyson, Ricicka, Glover . Carter. WEST BRUNSWICK 4 .1 9.2 15 .2 20 .6 (126) 1.2 2.5 2 .7 3.7 (25) POWERHOUSE West Brunswick: Dishon 4, R Heywood 4, J . Heywood 3. Vitale 2, A Hamilton 2, Young 2. Russell 2 . Heppell . Best Darling. Dishon . J. Heywood, Heppell, McManus, Young. Powerhouse: Chapman, Elliott, J. Scotland . Best J. Scotland, Elliott. G . Scotland . Raylor, Duncan, Evans . SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 5.3 10.9 12.10 20.13(133) SWINBURNE 1.0 2.0 5 .1 5.2 (32) South Meth Districts : Thomas 4 . Marlin 4. Briglia 3 . E. Henderson 3, Rosowski 3 . Slade 3. Best Moojen . Doyle. McKerrow, Martin . Thomas, Briglia . S•.ainbume : Dobson 1 . Seudalls 1 . Roberts 1, Little 1, Collyer 1 . Best Reed, Anastassi, Benson, Fitzgibbon . Collyer. SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3.4 6.6 16 .8 21.9 (135) RICHMOND CENTRAL 1.5 1 .5 1 .5 2 .6(18) Syndal Tally-Ho : Not received. . Richmond: Not received

St Johns v. Monash Gryphon s Ha thorn Amateurs v. West Brunswick Power House v. South Melbourne Districts Syndal Tally-Ho v. Swinburne

Richmond v. Elsternwick 37

E LO I , _ . HV s.A

coach : t'eter Oliveri Res Coach: P McNally 2 A. Hankin 3 J . Yemm 4 A . Tille y 5 M . Whelan 6 D. Brennan 7 J . McAdam 8 S. Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartley 10 S. Liminyo 11 L. Missaglia 12 N . Wigmore 13 V. O'Connor 13 S . Soppe t 14 B . Mahony (VC) 15 M . Noonan 16 M. Surman 17 J. Perkins 18 A. Nei l 19 J. Hunter 20 K Currie 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G . Elvi n 23 S. Curtain (C) 24 A. Foste r

25 S Gordon 26 C . Mahony (VC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 R Mikkelsen 33 M . Cunningham 34 A . Straford 35 P. McNally 36 S . Mickkelsen 37 D Nolan 38 A Burney 39 R . Daniels 40 A . Paley 41 D Byrne 42 J . Litikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 C. Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 S. Ritchi e 47 Dale Brennan 48 M. Frankin 49 M Parraga 50 M . Battaini 51 K Mikkelsen 52 G. Powell 53 P. Roberts 54 S Kirkham 55 T Stanley 56 B Hilton 57 T. Byrne 58 M Bullard 59 A Appleman 60 M Cree k 61 M Hunt

Coach: Peter Tyson Res Coach : Ed Sil l 1 I . Baccini 2 C. Alexander 3a A. Knott 3b N . Patterson 4a S . Stevens 4b B . Glover 5a S . Ave ry 5b T Kerr 6a P. Ave ry 6b A. Tsoumbris 7 D. Moncrieff 8 J . Cargil; 9 R .Ogge 10 P. Orchard 11 M . Pollock 12 S . Banfleld 13aJ . Murphy 13bJ . Povey 14aD. Laule tt a 14bT Fitzpatrick 15 M. Tyson 16 C . Reed 17aB . Ruzicka 17bR . Steele 18 A . Collins 19 J . Law 20 S . Parker 21 P. Burke 22 C. Habel 23 J. Micheal 24 J. Jackomonis 25 M. Zaverella 26 N . Hayes 27 R. Lord 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barker 30 P. Phillips 31 L . Collins 32 D. McGowan 33 P. S tr oud 34 R . Johnston 35 S . Davies 36 A . West 37 M . Daou 38 B . Bruns 39 G . Carte 40 P. Rossi tto 41 J. Bogi e 42 D . McGlenchy 43 I . Che pa 44 B . Allder 45 B . Mountain 46 T.0'Hanlon 47 D. Lahitf 48 A. Brick 49 N. Tierney 50 J . Gourley 51 S. Signorini 52 C . Frost 53 M . Preston 54 J . Berry. 55 A. Saule 56 M . C oqlan 57 B . Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A. Doyl e 60 G . Saddington 61 M . Gray 62 A .Johnsen 63 D. Kealy 64 N . Kudeweh 65 G . Lilywhite 66 C. Lorenz 67 S. McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A . Patton 71 S . Williams 72 M . Waller 73 J . Williams 75 E. Sill 76 C. Pickett 77 A. Smith 78 D . Carter

Coach: Jack McDonald Res Coach : Phil Knigh t 1 S. Bourbon (C) 2 M. Healy 3 A . Grady (Vc) 4 N . Rutherford 5 T Gilchrist 6 J . Leroy 7 D. Walte r 8 J . Blandford 9 G . Wadley (Rvc) 10 P. Williamso n 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross (Vc) 13 J . Stratford 14 D. Rolle 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 J. Hetherington 18 C . Lovett 19 R . Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 A . Denyer 23 A. Long 24 C. Goold 25 M. Killmister 26 M. Carter 27 R . Gilchrist 28 M . Varcoe 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 S. Edwards 34 M . Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 G . Bloc k 37 A. Jenkin (Rdvc) 38 J . Bateman 39 P. Young 40 A. Perry 41 P. Rutherford 42 D. Kweitel 43 J . Harrak 44 L. Wells

45 J . Gonis (Rc) 46 G . Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 L . Martin 49 C . Robinson 50 S . Wilkinson 51 C. Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 M . Paolucci 54 F. Rizzo 55 J. Bingham 56 B. Tye 57 D . Bastian 58 P. Maddocks 59 A . Bel l

60 G . Campbell

PO W ER HOUSE Coach : Peter O'Connor Asst Coach : Jeff Scotland Res Coach : Roderick Marshall 1 A. Rolls 2 D . Bolan d 3 N . Pavlou (RVC) 4 B . Turner (C) 5 M . Braini 6 H. Clark e 7 C. Richardson 8 J . Clarke (VC) 9 A. Burt 10 J. Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 D. O'Connor 13 J . Harri s 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 J . Carrington 17 C . Macleod (RC) 18 F. Doyl e 19 J . Evans 20 B . Ryan 21 D. Miller 22 S . Evans 23 24 J. Taylo r 25 M. Driessen 26 J . Senior (VC ) 27 J . Robertson (VC) 28 D. Murrih y 29 R. Cassio 30 R. Duncan 31 R . Marshall 32 33 R . Taylor 34 J . Marshall 35 J . Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S . West 38 L. Deriman 39 D . Crawford 40 R . Keits 41 B. Plush 42 N . Deans 43 N . Duncan 44 R. Parker 45 D. Lewis 46 C. King 47 J. Parker 48 D . Smith 49 B . Urwi n 50 D . Chapman 51 J . Best 52 S . Rafferty 53 J . Sheehan 54 J . Blowfield 55 T. Chapel 56 J. Mahoney 57 J. Gourley 58 J . McClure 59 D. Reinert 60 61 62 A. White 63 I . Bracken 64 65 66 D. Wright 67 68 69 D . Galakos 70 75 E. Williams

RICHMOND CENT S Coach : Mark Petrusc h Res Coach: Andrew Tilley 1 M. Smith 2 T. Quick 3 T O'Sullivan 4 R . Trotter 5 D . Tankovich 6 G. Bunshaw 7 P. Byrnes 8 G . Malcolm 9 J . McGrath 10 A. White 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 13 J . Dutton 14 C . Shannon 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Mouldy 19 S. Lynch 20 A. Quick 21 A. Jones 22 A . Flores 23 D. O'Brien 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Piani 26 S. Baillie 27 C .Adams 28 A. Waters 29 J . Stone 30 D. Green 32 M . Harris 33 P. Bermando 34 J . Brook 35 J. Howell 36 L . Newbery 38 M . Defreitas 40

41 T. Blotte r

42 C. White/S Hoare 43 45 K. Day 46 D . Hogan 48

50 S . Castieau

52 C. Andonopaulos 53 K. Pardy 54 S. Rawlings'C. Carri rcigh 55 M. Davey 56 A. Tilley 57 E. Hil l 58 J . Cavanagh 59 N . Somers 60 M . Tapley 62 64 65 B. Cantwell 67 J. Lan e 69 T. Melville 70 76 B . Phelan 78 P. Galk a 79 M . Coomber 84 M . Funston 85 G . Jacobs 87 . D. Ingli s 88 S. Griffiths


ST :

QtS o

Coach: Peter McBrearry Res Coach : Kevin Johnson 1 B. Powell (VC) 2 M. Hannan (VC) 3 M. Johnstone 4 S. Stepnell (C) 5 S. King

Coach: Bruce Mullane Res Coach : Mick Roberts 1 S. Ferguson 2 M . Ladson 3 S. Hilton 4 S. Holmes 5 C . Horbury

6 Way. Rosowski

6 L. O'Donnell

7 A. Hannan 8 S. Aquillina 10 G . McDonald 11 D. Hal l 12 M . McFarlan e 13 E. Henderson(C) 14 B. Slad e 15 B . Lazzaro 16 M . Thomas 17 M . Brady 19 A. Johnson-Reid 20 W. Brown 21 B. Johnson

7 E . Dizon 8 M . Hartnett 9 A . Jones 10 L. Mills 11 L. Merrigan 12 P. Walker 13 M . Jones 14 P. Sharp 15 A . Borgonha 16 A . Paterson 17 S. Cockayne 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton

23 B. Downing (RC) 24 G . Mijatovic

20 T. Hyland 21 S . Koppens

25 S. Quail

22 A . Dragwidge 23 B . Hilton 24 G. Besley 25 D . Waters 26 H . Wathan 27 R . Dowsett 28 J . Pickering 29 L. Johnson 30 D . Ritter 31 D . Rydquist 32 A . Rudd

26 S. Doyle 27 P. Cheevers 28 A. Flowers 29 War. Rosowski 30 C. Kent 31 S. Hermann 32 D. McGee (VC) 33 M. Doyle

34 M. Fenn 35 N. Moojen

36 J . Macaulay

33 A . Fonceca

39 A. Briglia 41 B. Martin 42 G . Gaylor ' 43 W. D Andre a 44 J. Raeburn 49 T. Sutherland (RC) 50 T. Hughes 53 P. Nice 54 S. McNamara 55 J. Pohlner 57 B. Glover 59 D . Walsh 60 N . Warszenski 66 D . McKerrow 71 T. Baade

34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 L. Adams 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 40 F. Mandrakis 41 M . Griffiths 42 T. Ducancubino 43 M . Van Houton

44 F. Montalto

45 A. Hall 46 B . Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 S . Pancione 49 M . Horbury q'

50 J . Brown

51 C. Santoni 52 M . Schonewille 53 J. Pi 54 B. Pollard 55 B. Pickering 56 A. Kizilis

57 N. Moore 58 J. Thomas 59 F. Auffray 60 K. Fraser 61 G . D 'Amelio 62 P. Roberts 63 G . Phelps

Coach : Derek Thoene Asst Coach : Jason Murchie Res Coach : David Murphy Res Asst Coach : Cameron Boytefl 1 A. Albert (Sen . C) 2 J . Sheedy (Sen . VC) 3 J . Piotrowski 4 A. Fidler 5 J . Demarte 6 B . Prior (Sen .DVC) 7 J . Murchie

8 M . Higgins 9 L. Morrison

10 M . Anastassi 11 D. Milano 12 B. Nicol l 13 M . Luckey 14 R. Goode 15 C. Thomas 16 S . Reynoidson 17 D. Pamcutt 18 A A. Fiumani 19 B B. O'Mara 20 S. Woodward

,'' --

1 J . King 2 P. Hamilton 3 G . Heppell 4 C . Lehman n 5 A. Cannane

6 V. Wong 7 A. Bums 8 R . Bennett 9 T. Fleming 10 T. Psinas A. Hallyburton 11 J. Rutter

6(b) S. Pietsch 7(a) F. Vitale 7 b) S. Benjamin 8 J. Heywoo d 9 A. Morphett 10 S Byrn e 11 H . Bailey 12 B . Clarke 13 S. Brockle y 14 N . Lampe ]

B. Dix

13 C . Martin 14 S. O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 D . Battaglia 17 S. Miller 18 S. Macfarlane

19 M. Glenister 20 C . Hall

21 B. Davison 22 D. Odlum 23 M . George 24 C . Connor 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Liston 27 D . Murphy 28 H . Dickson 29 R . Cavicchiolo 30 S. Fragiacomo 31 C . Kelly 32 C . Culph 33 N . Smith 34 C . Higgins 35 P. O'Connor 36 J. Carter 37 A. Reed 38 J. Carroll 39 H . Allen 40 J. Henry 41 T Drahtidis 42 M . Hudson 43 J . Roberts (Res . VC) 44 S . SGeng

D . Islip 46 J . Sandhu 47 J . Sevdalis 48 D. Little 49 T. Coleman 50 M . McCalman 51 P. James (Res . C) 52 S . O'Donnel l 53 L. Waters 54 S . Dobso n 55 S . Gallin a 56 I . Free 57 P. Jones 58 A . Roberts 59 A . Kliska 60 S . Rule

Coac Julian Siebrand Res Coach: Matthew Lewi s

1 J . Hannemann 2 I . Bingham 3 M . Joy 4 P. Henderson 5 D . Hannett

12 J. Morsel

I . Mackenzie 21 L . Fuller 22 M. Buckley 23 R . Holland

24 M. Macfarlane 25 C . Clark 26 A. Morrison 27 M . Harper 28 P. Fyiieltl

29 J. Allen

30 A. Frederick

31 A. Richardson 32 L . Hannemann 33 B. Holland 34 N . Hunter 35 C . Cachi a 37 T Bartholomew

38 M . Christiansen 39 D . Hallisey 40 E . Lew

41 M . Merest

42 J . D'Angelo 43 A . Brown 45 D. Richardson 46 M . Pane 47 J . Collins 48 D. Reynolds 49 D. Schuiling 50 A . Sneddon 54 P. Sheer

6(a) C . Lewi s

15 M . Russell

16 D . Ken t 17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus

19 M . Shelton 20(a) B . Youn g 20 ( b} D . Edwrds

21 S . McNamara

22 A . Stewar d 23 D . Henderso n 24 J. Jenkin 25 J. Siebran d 26 R . Benjamin 27 D . Disisto 28 J . Ward 29 D. Campbel l 30 M . Lewi s

31 S . Edward s

32 M . Carmichael

33 T. Thompson 34 I . Twyfor d 35 D JClbart 36 S . Campbell 37 T. Dempsey 38 S . Darling 39 R. West 40 B . Baker 41 R. Miller 42 C. Norman 43 J : Tobin

44 A. Hamilton

45 J . Smit h 46 A. Band t 47 A. Thompso n 48 M. Moore 49 L . Stewart 50 A. Bagnall 51 L. Sherry 52 B. Flanaga n 53 T. Gros s 54 B. Ratcliffe 55 G . Marazita 56 C . Riley

57 J . Draper

58 A. Rafter 59 L . Bake r 60 C . French 61 K. Hilto n 62 S. Dishon

63 J. Gartlan 64 W. Dunlo p

S ou th M e l b ourne Q/ L { tta v~

Coach : Kev Hannett Assist: Spr Beasley Res Caoch: Tony Psinas



5 Bur Hawth orn

65 S. Liuzzi 66 M. Malone 67 M Brookshaw 68 C . Stevens 72L .Ra n

76 A. Shirley 77 D . Shirley



-- WREST Hf .: NEC K








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After St.Mary's shock loss to UHS on the weekend, the gap has now widened to a seemingly impenetrable 2 matches between the top five and the rest of the field . It is now a case of how the make up of the finalists will be, and how the "also-rans" begin rebuilding for next season. UHS-VU went into the match against St. Mary's with a point to prove to D4 that on their day they can mix it with the best of them . From the opening bounce, th e

students blitzed the Saints and showed them they meant business . Against a strong wind, UHS-VU, through the great play of Fulton, managed to go into quarter time with a seven-point lead, and to build this to a five-goal lead at the major break . The dominance continued into the third quarter, with the students kicking the first three goals, however, the Saints decided to lift, and with Gffchrist and Hill working tirelessly, managed to claw back the lead to trail by fourteen points at the last break . In an epic final quarter, the students managed to keep their noses in front to take out a deserved 19-point victory . In what was always going to be a tough ask, Bull een travelled . to No rth Brunswick hoping to just be competitive. They did manage to do this for most of the day, however, fell away in the last quarter to North's class . For North Brunswick, Craig Rhook was in sensational form as he gathered kicks at will, while Cam Twaddle was also a solid contributor . Finally, North's James Murphy turned it on in the last quarter as he took one fantastic grab after another in his sides 97-point victory . Rupert swood made the long trip to Nit .Lilydale, with only a win on their minds . In what was described as a sensational match, both teams were within a kick of each other at three quarter time . The lead see-sawed in the final term, however, with the move of Rupo's Peter. Flynn into the ruck from CHF beginning to pay dividends and Lucas Plumber kicking some timely goals when the chips were down, the lads from Sunbury managed to edge in front to run out 25 point winners . Warrior Park is never a pleasant venue for opposition teams, but when the wind is howling and rain threatening, Albert Park must have been thinking they were in for a dirty day. Westbourne, inspired by some great work in the centre by 150th gamer, Glen Robson, got the jump on the Falcons, however, they could not managed to convert this dominance onto the scoreboard kicking five behinds in the opening quarter . With Sean Allan being well held by "Juice" Huntington, the Falcons looked to Shaun Venables for inspiration in their forward line . He duly delivered and with Julian Storey controlling the center bounces Albert Park managed to set up a match winning lead . The Warriors made a late charge in the final quarter and looked a chance to snatch the game, however, a timely play from

David Overend culminating in a goal relieved the pressure allowing the Falcons to regroup and saw them home by 15-points . Box Hill North, still searching for that break through win, must have wondered what they have to do as they once again played good footba ll , only to be beaten again on the scoreboard by a determined Eltham team . Control of the match swung between the teams throughout the match, however, the good work by Box Hill's Dave Mar ti ni in a top return in the ruck and Glenn Wilson on the wing and ruck was not rewarded on the scoreboard as their team kicked poorly for goal in their 18-point loss .

Werribee had the bye . PREV IE W VIERRIBEE AIvMTELJRS v UHS - VU Werribee, fresh from a week off, host a con fi dent UHS-VU team at Soldiers rese rve . Werribee coach, Tim E ll is will ensure that his troops do not take the students lightly, and with the great form of Uni s Gorringe, Fulton and star tagger Lapish, his troops had better take heed . However, the class of this po lished Tiger outfit should shine through, and with Todesco, Murphy and Fogarty on fire, it will be the Bee's in a solid win by 29 points . RUPERTSWOOD v NORTH BRUNSWICK In what promises to be one of the matches of the season, Rupertswood take on the fearless North Brunswick, who will be concerned with a number of injuries to key players . Rupertswood appear to be get ting better each week, and when the side can have players of the qua li ty of young Luke Spinner, coming into the team and starring, the rest of the competition should sit up and ------



BOX HILL NORTH - George Caoallo plays his 150th match today. George is one of the most accurate kicks the club has ever had and has been a top forward over his career. Currently captain of the seconds, he has also played a few matches in the seniors as well this season . S速CIAI . NORTH BRUNSWICK has their famous ( or is that infamous) cocktail night on the 29th of June . It will be a super night as Ange Sammartino DJ's in his own unique style. PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Seven reports out of ten is godd, although it makes it hard to comment on your teams when I do not get them in by Midday Monday . Send them to gavanfCacle an event.eom .au along with your player of the round nominations . AMATFUR FOOTBALLER 2002

take notice . Rupertswood will win this one in a tightly fought encounter by 11 points . ALBERT PARK v MT LILYDALE The Falcon's would be hoping for an improved performance as they return to their home turf against a Mt.Lilydale team on the rebound . Mount will be hoping for a better showing against Albert Park or else there is a danger of losing touch with the top three . Albert Park, on the other hand, will be relying on the likes of Richard Baker, Matt Hyams and Dave Barley to see their side home by 15 points . ELTIiAM COLLEGIANS v OLD WESTBOURNE Eltham iake on their old foes from the West in a match that matters for little else but pride . The Warriors showed signs last week that when at their best, they are a quality outfit . To be competitive, Westbourne need Barra, Jucka, Robbo and Co to be on their game while the Turtles, while Brian Doody's Turtles, although having an indifferent season, should be able to give a bit extra against the Warriors . In what should be a tight, physical match, I think Westbourne should be good enough to win by 9 points .

ST MARYS v BOX HILL NORTH You have to feel a little sorry for Box Hill North as they try to register their first win for the season. They have come close and shown good form in a number of matches, but have not been unable to deliver the goods where it matters most . players like Arfrim Odza and Rod Hutchison have shown good spirit, but when you match them up against the likes of St .Mary's Gillchrist, Hill and Ballantyne, its hard to look past the Saints . When you consider the ordinary effort last week by St .Mary's I cannot see them letting this one slip, especially at home and on the rebound, as they win by 39 points . Bulleen have the bye for the round. MUM! Werribee v. UHS-VU Bulleen Cobras - bye. Rupertswood v. North Brunswick Albert Park v. Mt Lilydale Eltham v. Old Westbourne St Marys v. Box Hill North





J. Dwyer St Marys S. Allan Albert Park Tate UHS-VU Gathercole Eltham 4Illor Box Hill North I34 RESERVES

1 1 5 0 0

37 33 32 31 24

Phillips Rupertswood a dieri UHS-VU Tsialtas North Brunswick fastras Albert Park 11z rding Werribee

3 1 3 0 0

26 24 24 22 20

..i'/ TUC nAanrci

1 cnnron, , rn nnnn

UHS-VU 5 .4 10.6 13 .6 18.7 (115) ST MARYS 4 .3 5.6 10.10 14.12 (96) UHS-VU: Tate 5, Wallace 3, Gorringe 2. Carrick 2 . Madragano 2, Shepard, Haynes . Lapish, Langendorf Best Gorringe, Fulton, Lapish, Shepard, Carrick . Langendort St Marys: HE 3 . Ryan 3, Webb 2, Schembri 2, P Harrison. Dwyer, Baltantyne. Best Gillchrist. Hill, Baltantyne . Purcell, Frail, Orme. Umpires : J . Moore, D . Stephens (F), D . Melder, B. Stephens (G) NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .4 9.8 12.11 20.18 (138) BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .0 2 .5 5.9 5.11 (41) North Brunswick : Murphy 5, Shepherd 4, Wallmeyer 3, Verga 2. Latouf 2. Twaddle . Pizzari, B.Carter. Rhook. Best: Twaddle. Rhook, Murphy. Pivari, Care, Heck. Bulleen Cobras : Mernach 2, T.Bourbon, Dalroglio, Soumelius . Best: Kellet. Fortune, Trinchi, Dall'oglio, Paatsch . Mastromanno. Umpires : G . Paleodimos, P. James (F). L . Pipe, A Borg (B), S . Bogisich, P. Love (G) MT LILYDALE 3.3 4 .6 9.12 11 .14 (80) RUPERTSWODD 3.5 8 .8 11 .10 15 .15 (105) Mt Lilydale: Gridley 3, Carolan 2, Varga 2. Anderson 1 . Dougherty 1 . Leonard 1 . Pearce 1 . Best Varga, Cunningham. McKenzie, Gridley, Carolan, Dougherty . Rupertswood : Plummer 3, Page 2, Spinner 2, Pettman 1, Carillio I . Baines 1, Flinn 1, Termning 1 . Clarke 1 . Ramsay 1, Hatty 1 . Best West. Clark, Baines, Plummer, Temming, Spinner. Umpires: A Hoogendyk (F) OLD WESTBOURNE 0.5 1.7 3 .10 8 .13 (61) ALBERT PARK 1 .2 6.3 10.6 11 .10 (76) Old Westbourne : Robson 3, Gigas 2, Lever 2, AHorsburgh . Best Robson, Huntington, Aquitina, J.Horsburgh, AHorsburgh, Fairfield , Albert Park: Venables 5, Roberton 2, Panjotou, Allan, Storey, Overend . Best Fleming, Venabies, Sutton, Storey . Baker, Hyams. Umpires: G. Hunichen (R), B. Carland (EDL) (F), J . Fagan . N. Booth (B). A Esposito, P. Gait (G) BOX HILL NORTH 5.5 7.13 12 .15 13 .22 (100) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5.1 9.3 14.8 18 .10 (118) Box Hill North: Sundt 3, Pietersen 2, Odza 2, Oldfield 1, Cook 1 . Marnmi 1 . Riscalla 1, Dick 1, Sallanotogku 1. Best Marmni, Smith, Riscalla . Sallanotogku, Cook, Garrett. Eltham: Brick 4, Mizzi 3. J. Bano 2. Mann 2, Panetta 2, Coonerty 1, Lutrek 1, Sandars 1, Stockdale 1, Tumey 1 . Best Doody . Brick . Daly, Savage, Mann. Robins . Umpi res: M . Taylor (R) (F) RESERVES UHS-VU 0 .4 1.5 3 .5 3.7(25) ST MARYS 3 .1 6.4 11 .6 14.9 (93) UHS-VU: Callejan, CaFalieri, Holmes Best Michael. J Uebergang, Kinnane, Thomas, Weber, Davidson St Marys: Rousis 4 . Boer 4, Bernadi 2, Evans 1 . Luce 1 Best: Boer, Vincent. C Goldsworthy. N Goldsworthy. Brown, Luce. NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .2 4.3 10 3 12 .7 (79) BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .1 6.5 6 .6 7 .9(51) North Bmnsivlck : H .Tsialtas 3, Papanikolou 3, Wemham 2, Briffa Gillard, Burrows, S.Tsialtas. Best: D.Carter, Ferrante . Giovanoglou . Robertson, H .Tsialtas . Papanikolou . Bull eea Cobras: Cimino 6. K.Burton. Best Cimino . Rodrigues, Biram. Cartledge . K.Bourton, Sullivan . MT LILYDALE 1 .3 7.4 11.8 16.10 (106) RUPERTSWOOD 2 .3 3.5 6.6 10 .6 (66) Mt Lilydale: Katere 5, Steer 3, Fraser 2, Costello 1, Holloway 1, Kennon 1, Kidd 1, Senior 1, Walsh 1 . Best, Holloway, Walsh, Fraser, Senior, Katene, Kennon. Rupertswood: Phillip 3, Boddington 1, Certo 1, McGrath 1, Morrice 1, Pettman 1, wikes 1 . McKenzie 1 . Best- Croxford, Certo, Morrice, Harty . McKenzie, McMahon . OLD WESTBOURNE 1.0 1 .0 5.3 5 .3(33) ALBERT PARK 7.2 11 .5 13.7 17.11 (113) Old Westbourne : B.Mattson 2, Stevens 2. Croswell. Best- O'Sullivan, Rivalland. Scholes, B.Mattson, Aqullina Wright. Alb ert Park: Green 4, Sullivan 3, Wier 2, Paemansche 2, Payne 2, Phillips, Tricarica, Fairfield . Houston. Best Dowdle, Harper, Sullivan . Payne, Toth. Williams. BOX HILL NORTH 2.3 4.4 7.6 8.8(66) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2.2 5 .8 9.8 12.13 (85) Box Hill North : KeIDor 7. Gmaz 1 . Best Ellsmore . Masashi, Ohambeplain. Ferris, Keillor, Doyle . Eltham: Smith 4, Decker 2, Jest 2, Glare 2, Barnett 1 . Watson 1 . Best Jeal, Glare, Jalevski . Donaldson, Barnett, Smith .

"n 7

ALBERT PARK Coach: John Ahern

Res Coach : Paul Shoppee I P. Smith (C ) 2 S. Robinson (s) 2 N . Pastras (r) 3 R . Baker 4 G. Parmansche 5 J. Hannett 6 J. Storey (VC) 7 S. Venables 8 C . Jackson 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 A. Fleming 12 C . Fehring 13 B. Payn e 14 S. Fairfield 15 D . Borley (s)

15 J. Snorasson (r) 16 C . Roberton (VC) 17 D . McLellan 18 J. Taylor (s) 18 H . Koop (r) 19 A. Steward 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 D . Overend 23 V. Surace 24 T Green 25 K . Daley 26 J. Hamath 27 M . Hyams 28 R . Buckley 29 J . Marinis 30 A . Mandylaris 31 S . McGuire 32 J. Robilotta 33 J. Murray 34 T. Houston 35 A . D'Mingo 36 M . Pearson 37 L. Hogan 38 J. Rowe 39 D . 'Odorico 40 M . Lapsley 41 T. Panayotou 42 J . Wie r 43 J. Tsoukas 44 C. Leorke 45 J. Bourne 46 S . AJlan 47 L. Tricarico 48 M . Dowdle 49 C. Wilson 50 S . Mellis 51 L. Miceli 52 A . Graham 53 M . Williams 54 W. Roe 55 S . Chisholm 56 D. Smyth 57 J. Sutton 58 J. Hoy .59 G, Irvine 60 1. Pignataro 61 J . Daley 62 A . Harper 77 S . Garcia 78 J . Norman 79 S . Toth

80 G . Bateso n

Rising-Sun . Hotel .+ n N, n

BOX HILL NORTH Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach: Ian Atkinson 1 Blackman J 2 Smith S 3 Odza A 4 PotterJ 5 Pietersen A 5a Hutchinson r 5b Jenkins A

6 Martini D 7 Stewa rt S 8 Lacey M 8a Chamberlain R 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Kennedy D 14 Gmaz R 15 Jimoulis T 16 Weston G 17 Cavallo G 18 Wilson G 19 Keillor L 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Ferris C 25 Michelle A 27 Thoi T 28 Brunning S 29 Rodgers M 30 Bolitho J 31 Ives C 32 Mortimer P 34 McCartin M 37 Woolridge D 38 Buckland G 38a Bennett G 40 Tsaclidis J 41 Jackson C 42 Tarulli A 44 Garre tt J 46 Cinar K 48 Marulli D 49 Ellis T 50 Tarulli M 53 Oldfield t 57 Woods P 69 Aguilar G 78 Steele P 80 Evans S 111 Armstrong P

BULLEEN COBRAS Coach : Angelo Lamanna Assist Coach: Scott Dodson Res Coach: Matt Bourbon 4 I. McLeod 4 N. Cartledge 5 M . 'Starrett 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B . Hoare 11 C. Borell i 12 D. Thompson 14 G . Pemberton 15 J . Trinchi (RC) 17 S. Reddish 19 S. Trapman 21 N. Lykopandis 22 M . Turne r 25 W. Olney 27 J . Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N. Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J. Mustica 47 S. Irvin e 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 51 R. Rodrigues 55 S. Wigney 61 D. Rennie T. Arnold P. Aslangul D. Beraldo H . Biram M. Bourbon D . Bourbon R . Cumino J. Clark T. Dennaoui G . Fortun e J. Hambridge T. Hurley A. Lamanna R . Lamanna Lamers G . Mandekic M. Mastromanno P. Mastromanno S. Mastromanno Nas r

C . Watson J . Todd B. Pollock B. Nei l T. Bourbon D . McMullin J. Rickett McCarthy Sullivan

ECTHAM O .C . Coach : Brian Doody

Res Coach: John Glare 1 C. Sandars 2 T. Duggan 3 E . Savage 4 B . Doody C/C 5 D. Bric k 6 T. Carter 7 B . Rashid 8 L. Sharpe 9 C. Watson 10 W. Bates 11 J . Mizzi 12 A. Tibballs 13 R. Bell 14 J . Kerkham 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 L. Dal y 18 S . Macdonald 19 S . Robins 20 J . Panetta 21 M . Hart 22 J . McKenzie 23 R. Watson 24 K. Drummond 25 C. Horsburg h 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Barnett 29 D . Howgate 30 M. Decker 31 B. Keleher 32 C . Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 D. Buller 35 G . Smith 36 L. Donaldson 37 J. Trumble 38 R . Beecroft 39 F. Coonerty 40 J. Baud 41 A. Mann 42 J. Howgate 43 J. Mann 44 T. Johns 45 R . Davies 46 48 B. Turney 49 B. Hespe 50 51 S. Maxfield 52 G. Stackpoole 53 54 P. Harding 55 G. Jenkins 56 J. Shannon 57 S . Gathercole 58 59 B. Evans 61 62 63 M. Luttick 64 S. Schafer


Coach : David Keas t Res Coach : Paul Cummerford

NORTH BRUNSWICK Coach : Ange Sammart no Res Coach: Gary Cutler



Coach : Tony West Res Coach : Shane McLauchlan

Coach : Ashley Casperson Res Coach : Stephen Leitch

2 Fox D . 3 Page S. 4 Croxford D .

1 G . Robson (VC) 2 A. Casperson 3 S . Depiazza

1 D. Johnson 2 P. Hayes 3 M. Brebner

1 Wemham S 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G

4 F Varga

4 Dimarco P

4 T. Gigas

5 Boddington P.

5 Ri McKenzie 6 M. Jelenc

5 McMahon W 6 Pizzari D

5 S. Hewitt 6 J . Horsburgh (VC)

6 Gallus S. 7 Whitehead B.

7 D . Hendrie 8 K. Maniscalchi (VC)

7 Magnuson D 8 Guppy D

7 A. Christo 8 A. Horsburgh

g A. Del Biondo i0 J . Gardiner

9 Sammar6no A 10 Fawcett W

9 K. Murphy 10 J. Wilson

11 Boudoloh J

11 S. Phillips

12 Cardillo K.

12 J . Commerford

12 Care S

12 N . Naidu

13 Sinnett B .

13 Ullo M

13 J. Cornea

14 Plummer L.

14 C . Walsh 15 A. Bullerjahn 16 D . Morrison 17 P. Beddaes 18 V. Steer 19 M . Leonard 20 J . Penhale

14 Newton D 15 Tsialtas H 16 Tsialtas S 17 Kyriazis A

14 S . Mattsson 15 A . Board 16 S . Christo 17 M . Aqualina 18 P. King (VC) 19 R. Aldridge 20 M . Houston

15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Mezzatesta M . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D.

11 C . Gibson 13 R . Kidd

21 M . Cunningham 22 M . Wells 23 B . Egan 25 A. Delahunt 26 T. Flanagan 27 N. Pearce (VC) 28 A. Costello 29 D. Hicks 30 A. Penhale 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C . Anderson 34 L . Kellett 35 D . Callanan 36 T. Roche 37 B. Dunn 39 L. Allanson 40 M . Rhodes 41 R . Katene 42 M . Pereira 43 D . Holloway 44 N . McConnell

18 Verge J 19 Famulari S 20 Closter L

8 PlummerT. 9 Clarke M . 10 O' Callaghan A. 11 Moule B.

21 Santacroce R

21 M . Christo

23 West M .

22 Freeman J 23 Briffa J 24 Aliani M 25 Duson W 26 Murphy J 27 Vaina M 28 Gillard S 29 30 Healey S 31 Heck J 32 Robertson B 33 Rotella J 34 Pisasale M 35 36 37 Shepherd S 38 Wallmeyer N 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Twaddle C 42 Papanikolou J

22 L. O'Sullivan 23 S . Huntington 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 M . Stapleton 26 P. Mesman 27 D. Billman 28 D. Slattery 29 D. Horsburgh 30 R . McMillan 31 M. Baulch 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D . Benn 34 P. Stewart 35 D . Rivalland 36 K . Pillsbury 37 A . Leitch 38 B . Mattsson 39 A . Robbins 40 S . Leitch 41 K. Miller 42 S . Roberts

25 Nike D . 26 Zarb D. 27 McMahon N . 28 McDonald D. 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 Glassey G . 35 Certo C . 36 Henry P. 37 38 Pettman B. 39 Walsh D . 40 Drago C . 41 Bowman P. 42 Swann B . 43 Phillips R . 44 Icely A . 45 Hum D . 46 Eden T. 47 Soutaris A. 48

45 K . Fraser

43 Page J

43 A. Runciman

49 0'Riley C.

45 N . McConnell

44 Grist S 45 46 47 Prestigiacomo N 48 Carter D

44 B . Slattery 45 S . Robertson 46 E. Sandstrom 47 T. Said 48 T. Scholes 49 R . Naidu 50 P. Habersatt 51 L . Stevens 52 D . Ball 53 S. Chaffey

50 Walsh D_ 51 MacPherson B. 52 Moskaljuk S. 53 Bugeja N . 54 Gibbs R . 55 Ramsay J . 56 Hatty G. 57 Moskaljuk P. 60 Price G. 62 McMahon A. 64 66 Mandouit L. 69 Bradbury H . 70 Temming L. 74 77 O'Callaghan M. 78

7 C. Lonergan 4 3 S . Dougherty ;9 J . Hoffman 50 T. Gamble 51 P. Bastick 52 B. Leek S3 D. Hicks 54 D. King ~5 H. Flanagan 59 A. Cox CO C . Carstens 63 D . Prest

64 D . Smith C5 D . Burrows E6 D . Turner 67 N . Senior

49 Lawton D 50 Ferrante F 51 Sorleto P 52 Brine P 53 Pokrajak A 54 Hill D 55 56 Cutler G 57 Hill M 58 Giovanoglou N

59 Motto L 60 Nabbs S

L. Proctor A . Burrett C . Varga

61 Goumas G 62 Carter B 63

G . Bird J. Kerr

64 McKenzie A 65 Rigazzi L

S. Taylor

54 M. Crosswell 55 D . Clowes 56 R . Skinner 57 M . Warren 58 I . Smith 59 A . Lipscombe 60 N . Aqualina

66 Pretty R

D . Van Duure n

L . Senior

Financial Services



ST. MARYS Coach : Michael Learmont h

U41SOB Coach: Pat Mackey

Res Coach : Tony Millar

Res Coach : Peter Dinnick

1 T.Brown 2 B.Boyes 3 J,Carra 4 N.Goldsworthy 5 J .Dwye r 6 S .Stone 7 A.Dwyer 8 A.Zsembery 9 R.Orm e 10 G .Koumantatakis 11 J .Bernardi 12 A.Webb 13 J .Hill 14 C.Goldsworthy 15 M .Purcel l 16 L.Anthony 17 P.West 18 B .Frail 19 V.Ryan 20 A.Lane 21 M .Gilchrist 22 R.Allen 23 F.Harrison 24 J .Oconnor 25 C.Bartlett 26 P.Mulcahy 27 M .Banks 28 J .Innes 29 P.Hamson 30 P.Watson 31 D.Thomson 32 P.Rheining 33 M .Ohalloran 34 A.Pakovski 35 G .Theoharris 36 E .Evans 37 L.Vincent 38 C.Handley 39 T.Millar 40 N.Luce 41 B .Graetzer 43 M .Chamberlin 44 M .Robinson 45 P.Ryan 46 S .Angus 47 P.Rousis 48 D.Morcom 49 G .Schembri 50 AWibawa 53 B .Armitstead 54 J .Wright 55 B .Perelberg 56 J .Vincent 57 D.Watson 58 B .Lewis 59 K .Mclennan 61 N.Jackson 63 P.Roseman 65 S .Roseman 66 C.Roseman 69 J .Hendy 80 J .Clarke 88 A.Ballantyr,e


Bust Steel Industries 46

1 M. Wright (vc) 2 B. Ueberang 3 A.Talarico 4 L . Gorringe 5 T. Fulton (vc) 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zulucki 8 D . Hasle tt (C) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J. Shepherd 12 B. Farrelly 13 N . Rose (vc) 14 J. Ham 15 S. Brown 16 J. Tate 17 C . Langendo rf 18 A. Hellner 19 J. Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 B. Abrahamsen 22 G . Mandali s 23 G . Ternes 24 N . Hahn 25 S. Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusic 28 V. Cavalieri 29 K. Weber 30 M. Butera 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michael 33 P. Greenbank 34 J. O'Neil l 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R . Lapis h 39 M. Rea 40 L . Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Percy 45 M. Crawley 46 C . Siotos 47 M. Kennedy 48 M. Davidson 49 M. Kinnane 50 B. D ry n e 51 R . Hortle 52 M. Collins 53 C . Eddy 54 R . Witnish 55 N .Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 G . Divenuto 58 J. Thomas 59 J. Barron 60 L . Turner 61 T. Stathopoulos 62 K. Rodgers 63 D . Parker 64 R . Middleton 65 J. Harris 66 S. Butera 67 M. De Luise 68 L . Holmes 69 S. Frost 70 E. Ricciuti 71 72 S. Duke 73 S. Devlin 74 D .Ryan 75 S. Mills 77 S. Rawolle 88 D. Fisher

WERRIBEE Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach: Paul Smit h

1 P. O'Connor 2 L. Kerr


3 D. Flack 4 J . Johns 5 P. Barsby 6 S .Lyons 7 T. Elli s 8 P. Dawes 9 M .Bradfield 10 M . Keogh 11 M . Green 12 M . Walsh 13 F. Mehmert 14 B . McMillan 15 A . Murphy 16 S . Fogarty 17 A . Tedesco 18 S . Pugliese 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 M .Johnson 22 A . Dibatista 23 J . Hoffman 24 J . Crick 25 A . Hovey 26 S .Parslow 27 P. Browning 28 D. Turner 29 S . Dole 30 B . Cadesso 31 B . Waters 32 M . Dolegowski 33 D. Owens 34 N . Lovel l 35 B . Cunningham 36 C. Ewards 37 J . Ayling 38 D. Velisha 39 L. Langfield 40 S . Fuller 41 G . Grogan 42 D. Ellis 43 L. Carson 44 D. Nedinis 45 J . Marinis 46 R. Hann 47 G . Fuller 48 M . Foote 49 E . Mahoney 50 K . Pace 51 B . Patton 52 C. Andrews 53 L. Djakovic 54 A . Casserta 56 Q . Walsh 57 D. Abbey 58 A. Cmerilla 59 A . Lonti




60 M . Czajkowski 61 D. Delany 62 63 64 65 66

S . Liangos A . Stewart G . McGowan S . Parslow M . Egan



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P' I's'i? Copy . ::w

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l'rt~ i~"9£r f"C OJ1 ` 5If? J (1ia 2rs^f~7 ~ 'r ;_ ~~ ° of :,Ofit.

(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service )

Weekend matches (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments ® Scores (Sat . night)

The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . ~1' THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002



--------------THE CHALLENGE : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES: (a) Weekly. 3 successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive a Pulse Energy T-shirt, a Pulse Energy cap and 1 dozen Pulse Energy golf balls . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . (b) End of Year. All 66 winners will go in a draw . At this draw should the one person drawn have "switched" as part of the "Switch To" initiative the winner will receive $2,000 worth of electricity, gas and petrol -$500 gas, $750 electricity and $750 fuel . Should the person not have switched the winner to receive $500 prize -$100 gas, $200 electricity and $200 fuel . HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears top Week Ro .iII: left of this page, fill in and mail to: 2 Winners . . . ES . . . (75 Entries) VA FA PO Box 359 Elstern wick 3185 GztngratrttatiOnsr or p/copy and fax to 95312050 . Jarrod Aspinall k`trAFA umpire ) Entry to be received by noo n N at han Kerr (Yarra valley) Tuesday following each round. 48




CHANGING SCHCOL DES!MGf='.,r;m THE NEED FO R C LlJ D "ESULDIN G Every dLb in amateur football, from time to ti[re, goes through a ve rebuilding and

Colin Fofe,f

of the current student base reflect a non-interest and non-invoIvemant ,,mth football . Parents do not seem to encourage ti-dr lads to take up

Aussie Rules . As a consequence there are very few boys playing weekend football . In our reju,a-tated U15 team there are only 6 boys from HS Year 9 out of 336 thkl are playing. The N,NSCBFC, which sponsors the (vbbourn e

Maxwell & New Order Williams Clothing Schweppes John White Tooheys Insuranc e Unicorns in the MISJFL, has had to look to the local community for support with its junior teams, both U15s and U17s . TheAusladc program vte a.xmer>ced in 2001 will take a few more years for lads to feed through, although an U11 and U13 team are on the cards in the next couple of years. Rebuildirg and restructuring takes time and resources, but it m.tst be done if M-SOBFC is to remain the vanguard for non-private school fccotball in the VAFA

Trivia Night ReLui ;s 22J-un ir ;2Q 0J 1 st - Table 7 : Clowes" 88 .5 (out of a possible 100) . 'Nell 'chosen partners Russell . 2nd - Table 9 : "Fef & JB". 85 . 3rd-Table 10 : Rowdy table" . 81 .5 .

77 :: 50 0

E J i.YNC [ : .-_C- =[', , =C Ted Lync h 9 5 92 03 4 0

rw-tCux :tirrg phase . Most of the private school dubs at least have a sigrintant feeder syste m

as all private schools foster football as a conpetitive sport dunng secondary school . This is not the case with rv'bourne l-ligh School . ti-cultural nix ic backgrounds


Then came T3-81 ; T6-76 .5 ; T1-75 .5 ; T4-72 ; T8-65 and T2-56 .5 . Table 5 was left scratching . Thanks to Merrin and Pauline, quizz masters and organisers .

VVeston Heath Budd The Bush Inn NP Comn.tnications Terranat Landscape South Yarra Sports Centre Paul Pattison Evans Kerr AVP 3?eiersdarf Club Warehouse wrro's DrA i Cary VtBean Meats Bell's Fbtel Julius Rsdich & Sons Spitting Image Catering

~ JB's Prified Water John Paterson Boaksdler Hyd1 OChÂŁ m

The Fitdhen Plaoe Rc by Cooke Lawyers Pistdia Me Drect V1di(iarrs & Co The Frarre Sho p Kzith's Pies Rod's Fruit & Veg Bob SteAart tvensland Beaurepaires Carrip Australi a Nbo* Consultin g

In addition to the two special Thank the Sponsors' Nghts, at sponsors arewdcorre for drinks at the club on Thursday nights prior to each gains from 5 .30 pm tl â‚Ź'.) i~hE..'47iY33a}a o QCi<# ~47~i~'%~~

July 6 iHolm gare lund)eon v lktitesify Bues, 12 noon l-lonx Catre Flero: Nbxvrell &VG4iliarr o 20 ErxlcfSeasariTripPaty at The lhocrn aub. 7.30 pm Great nigit All welooni-_

August 3 Hare garre luncheon v ad Trinity, 12 nom Flame C-arre Hero: The Kitchen Place 17Naregarre lurd,,em v ad xoctdh,12 mm Ho1rie Game Hero: Julius Redlich & Sons

, nnTRal I FR


A Section

St Kevins v. Old Ivanhoe De La Salle v. Old Scotch Old Xaverians v . Old Trinity E P Sunday Marcellin v. St Bernards MHSOB v. University Blues

Sectio n

0 Old Brighton v . Mazeno d Old Melburnians v. Old Haileybury Therry Penola v. Old Paradians lampton Rovers v. Ormon d North Old Boys v . Old Essendo n

C sect io n Collegians v. Prahran [3anyule v . Old Mentonians Caulfield Or. v. Whitefriars Old Camberwell v. Glen Eira t3eaumaris v. St Bedes Mentone Tiger s 01


Ionash Blues v. Mentone Amateurs 13ulleen Templestpwe v. AJAX Old Geelong v. Ivanhoe Assumption University Blacks v. St Leos Emmaus at Optus Oval, Carlton No rth (29 G12)

Williamstown CYMS v . Aquina s

02 Section Oakleigh v . Peninsula P,u-kside v . Fitzroy Reds I3eiutleigh v . Salesian Old Carey v . La Trobe University ficw v. Yarra Valley

03 Sectio n West Brunswick v. St Johns Sottih Melbourne Districts v . Hawthorn S- vndal Tally-Ho v. Power Hous e

~ ~-~ I Section 1

Old Melburnians v . Caulfield Grammarians Old Scotch v . De La Salle St Kevins v . Old Brighton Marcellin v. Old Xaverians University Blues v . St Bernards

' :; :', _~~r- ;=~ Section 2

Mazenod v. Old Trinity Werribee v. Old Haileybury Old Ivanhoe - bye Old Essendon v. Beaumaris Ormond v. Hampton Rovers r,

=aJ Section 3

Whitefriars v . Therry Penola University Blacks v. Old Carey at Melbourne University, Main Oval Old Camberwell v. Rupertswood Old Paradians v . North Old Boys St Leos Emmaus v. Yarra Valley

Under-19 [2l

Bentleigh - bye. Monash Blues v. Oakleigh St Bedes Mentone Tigers v. Mentone P anthers De La Salle (2) v . AJAX

Under-19 121 Re d Aquinas v. Bulleen Templestowe Old Westbourne v . St Bernards (2) Old Xaverians (2) La Trobe University MHSOB v . Williamstown CYMS clash with seniors - TBA Club Hill [I] Old Melburnians v. Prahran Old Essendon v . Mazenod Old Xaverians v. St Kevins Eley Park v . De La Salle

D4 Section

G째~n am .am v ~ - __i .o Brunswick v . Therry Penola Marcellin v . Fitzroy Reds University Blacks v. Old Trinity at Melbourne University, Main Oval Old Ivanhoe v . Old Xaverians (2 )

~[ Marys v . Werribee 13ulleen Cobras v . UHS-VU ~~tipertswood - bye Ubert Park v . North Brunswick 1i11am Collegians v . Mt Lilydale ~'% Hill North v . Old Westbourne

Club Hill [South) Whitefriars v. Old Brighton Monash Blues v . Old Geelon g St Leos Emmaus v . Hampton Rovers Hawthorn v. Collegian s

Richmond Central v . Swinburne University I=lsternwick v . Monash Gryphon s EP Saturday

3PATE[IR FnnTRel I PD onno

CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies

(U19 -1 & Blue)

Brett Connell

(U19 - 2, 3 & Red )

SECTION 1 Is this the start of a foot in mouth epidemic for this scribe with two upset wins - Old Scotch and St . Kevins? It just goes to show you two things, firstly, how tough and close is it between the top 9 teams and secondly, how proud these clubs are when you give them a bit of stick! St . Kevins come out firing in a torrid opening quarter to lead Marcellin by a mere four points . Both sides were having a real dip at each other, but it was SKOBS who drew away to lead by l9pts at half time . The last half was the same as the first. The difference between the two sides was O'Keefe, who is back in town with 7 majors . but beautifullv fed by Mount, Kempton and Simpson . That Vhispering magician' did it again when he conjured up another win over old rivals, Xavs . Could it be that the Cardinals have it all over Xavs or that Coach Donovan's consistency message has finally got through? Maybe this new feeling of self-belief will continue into next week's blockbuster . Anyway, Xavs held a 2g lead at halftime, but there was a definite feeling that Scotch was coming at them . And that is exactly what happened . The Cardinals only allowed Xavs 5 majors, whereas they booted 9 for a great win by 13pts . O.M .'s unfortunately faced a revrved up Old Brighton outfit, hell bent on hitting top spot on the ladder . They kept O .M.'s scoreless until the last few minutes to score an emphatic 105pt victory. But more importantly, increased their percentage by l4pts to lead the table by 15 .42% . St Bernards had a hard fought victory over a gallant De La by 39pts . The lead at half time was 33pts, but the La fought doggedly on in the second half to be only outscored by 1 goal . Uni Blues is marching towards the four after another impressive display of running football. Coach Giles has this team sharing the ball around with six players being multiple goal scorers . Caulfield kept fighting on though in the last, outscoring Uni by nine points .

SECTION 2 Ormond's test against Old Trinity proved to be a great tip . The Models began well with captain Muzzell and Clinch in everything, however found themselves down at the half. Poor kicking in the last half from OT allowed the Models to assert themselves to add 9 majors to 4 to run out 16 point . winners . Better OT's Stebbins and Gordon . Hampton Rovers won a thriller when a fast finishing Old Haileybury failed by two points to reverse their round 2 result . The Rovers who have plenty of U19 players in the seniors due to injury were well served by Tipping and Ellis taking their opportunities, while good players for the Bloods included Mosbey and McLaughlan . Werribee stung the Sharks to death at home with a strong four quarter performance . The Bees jumped away from the Sharks with McGowan (4) and Joshua Russo on song early . Although the Sharks hit back through the good work of Gillespie and Early giving the Bees a start was costly, dropping from second to third . Old Essendon sured up second spot with a solid win over Old Ivanhoe. OIG began well however OEG with King . Hurlston and Frazer going up a gear in the second the visitors banged on 12 goals to 8 in the remaining three quarters to win well . Mazenod had the bye . SECTION 3 St . Leos Emmaus ~4'P with Garstein and Munro

leading from the front began well against Therry Penola but coul d not find the big sticks. TP on the otherhand were on target and went on to win well . Faroldi and Harmes rested from senior duties added valuable contributions . Old Carey sured up a spot in the four with a strong start against Yarra Valley . Andrews, Foster and Howatt did the damage for OC, while the Bushrangers acquitted themselves better in the final three quarters, Battle and Pargeter leading the way . Ripper game at Donvale with a goal the difference at the half . A bench of one did not help the Friars who found Rupo's Pe . Barry (5), Howard and Lane a handful in the second half . Cursio (5) stood out for the Friars along with Morrison and Rees . North Old Boys sounded a warning that the second half of the season tivill see their continued improvement . They disposed of Uni. Blacks in a withering first half with D . Ryan and Davidson leading the way . For the Blacks none tried harder than Ross, Black and Scarlett . Old Paradians stamped themselves as the pace-setter as they out-gunned a determined Old Camberwell in the second quarter to set-up a match whining lead . Leading from the front Buv, Hughes and Brundell set the tone and despite the strong efforw from Hanson, Hillier and Sigalas the OP's finished the better . SECTION BLUE Mentone Panthers are creeping ever so cle-c to that fourth position with a win over the dangerous Bentlci .'i Demons. This was a real danger game because a loss here would have meant there was really no chance of making it . The Combine was more consistent than Bentleigh and far more accurate at goal to win by 36pts . Kelly, Russo and Carroll set best for Mentone whereas Murphy, Lee and Tarranto were bt- : for Bentleigh . De La hosted the Krushers at Darling Park in a game they were hoping to be competitive . But Oakleigh kna,: that Mentone is breathing down their necks in fourth position, so they had a timely 115pt victory. From the opening bounce the Knishers were relentless in the pursuit of the football, especially Briggs, Cammiss and Earl . For De La, Smyth, Met . Finally, St . Bodes hosted AjaxeandMitchlwork . Turner Reserve where they would have hoped that their hor . ground advantage could have got them across the line . At hgtime only two points down they were in with a real show, but the Jackas got their game going to boot 18g to 3g in the last half SECTION RED La Trobe Uni had a battle on their hands in ti c first quarter against Bulleen-Templestowe, however after that the Students went up a notch. While the Bullants remained competitive they simply ran out of gas in the end unable to match the Students on the large confines of the Main Oval . St. Bernards (2) moved into top gear after quarter time to win well over MHSOB . The High never gave in and through the. efforts of Blay, Fox and Raleigh were far from disgraced Johnson and Govan did as they pleased for the winners . Aquinas locked away second spot with a strong performance against Old Westbourne. The Bloods final seoreline helped by a . goal last quarter haul . The Warriors despite losing kept at it all da}` M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20002

.,, 1,,1,m:town CYMS continued their improvement with a four r ; r p rformanee against Old Xaverians (2) . Mizzi, Koch an d Gulls who never gave in. Xavs best Freer and Cato, '.lemselves within striking distance of the top four . SECifO A I What an absolutely fantastic round of matches we t;l;, week. There are three games in which you could toss -Ill for tlle winner and in one other game there could be an ~i . Bernards make the long journey down to Caulfield i n thtv would expect to win . But if they took this game the Grammar Boys could pull off an upset victory - I nh not! De La host O.M-'s at home and should win this game 1ifortably. Old Brighton v . Old Scotch is the blockbuster o f rjluld and a win to the Cardinals would put them back in j ;, :ulal four mix. The big question is who is going to handle big bloke? Smith should boot six for them to win by 3g . and St. Kevins are set for a sensational battle at McHal e ;, ,.cutun. If Ross can hold O'Keefe to a couple and Kempton & ~unt eontained to a few possessions - Xavs are home . Finally. ,, ; ,rccllin play the rampaging Uni Blues - lucky theyre at home . ;, i ,r this reason only that I will pick them . Sheehan, Addison 111 Considine better perform or 'goodnight'. Selections: St. ; t- lards, De La, Old Brighton, Old Xavs and Marcellin . SECTIOfI 2 Hampton Rovers face a tough assignment today " ;y travel to Old Trinity to take on the ladder leader stil l

NA~~ ;E titiDER 19/1 ri{rrCc ~~uuh

CLUB St Kevins Old Brighton Old Xaverians

LST WK TOTA L 7 0 3 0 1

35 34 29 27 25

,!,hi an Marcellin iuons Old Scotch UNDER 19/2 rri Beaumaris 6 44 ris Mazenod 0 3 8 Old Essendon 2 32 il1n!on Old Haileybury 2 28 1 zni~ . e l Ormond 4 23 UNDER 19/ 3 Old Carey 32 - i-inevakis ta wh[tefriars 32 30 Old Cambenvel l 28 :kland Old Paradian s i s Old Carey 27 UNDER 19/2 BLUE Monash Blues 36 %idingfield Monash Blues 32 ! .~i,lr Mentone 32 It Monash Blues 31 id Bentleigh 27 UNDER 19/2 RED

rkowski MHSOB ok MHSOB Old Xaverians St Bernard s Bulleen Templestowe

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 ulileld Grammari is v . St Bernards De La Salle v. Oia Melburnians Old Brighton v. Old Scotc h Old Xaverians v. St Kevins Marcellin v. University Blues UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Trinity v . Hampton Rovers Old Hailevburv v. Mazenod

3 2 0


39 21 19 18 17

smarting from their loss last week . Add to this the fact that a couple of regulars are in the seniors and its OT for mine . Mazenod will be certain to make up for lost ground today with a win over Old Haileybuly. The Nodders will realise a win keeps them very much in contention and that to drop today's game signals virtually the end. Despite the Bloods strong showing last week and their 2 point loss last time around die Nodders will wul . Beaumaris host Old Ivanhoe and will be keen to get back to the whiner's list. A most important match for OIG today as another loss means three in a row and surely a severe dent in finals' aspirations. Last time it was the Sharks who were humbled at Chelsworth Park, today they will reverse die result and avenge tlleir round 2 loss .

Ormond's tests just keep on coming. Today they face form team Old Essendon at Keilor. Despite great recent form OEG at home and on a roll are tough to defeat . A superior fonvard line capable of kicking a winning score will determine the result and in this case OEG are a smidgeon in front. Werribee has the bye. SECTION 3 Yarra Valley defeated Theln, Penola in round 2 and today should be a beauty . The Bushrangers form has dropped off, while TP have improved steadily . On form TP but a Bushranger victory would not surprise . LVllitefriars improvement to date will be measured when they face Old Carey at Bulleen. The Friars in Brosolo, Nunan, Rees and Eames have been in good form, but so have StewartHolmes, Trumbull and MacFarlane from OC . Friars in an upset. North Old Boys host rivals Old Camberwell and another test of a team's improvement will come at 5pm today . Last round it was the Wellers by plenty, although recent form suggests NOBS have improved while the 8lellers have stagnated . School holidays may well release some added numbers for the tYellers, but despite this at home NOBS to continue their improvement. Old Paradians will defeat St . Leos Emmaus WP at home. Rupertswood and Uni . Blacks have transferred this rourid's match to July 20.

SECTIOP! BLUE Bentleigh play De La down at Bentleigh Reserve, where they should have a comfortable 44pt win . At home, Bentleigh are a six goal better side and De La just lacks some depth in their team . Monash Blues host St. Bedes Mentone at the Universitv after their weeks rest . Monash will have benefited greatly from the rest because a number of their players were carrying a number of injuries . That is why I believe they will win by 58pts. I can't see St. Bedes being able to hold down die Blues 816 players, especially the ruckmen . Finally, Ajax is back at home against Mentone Panthers . Both teams are coming off good victories and it will be Ajax Ulat will continue in this mode. They have too many goal kicking fonvards and onbatters - Yudleman, Wollner, Janover, Siberman . Ajax by 28 points . SECTION RED MHSOB on the rebound will be keen to get bac k on the winner's list when they take on

werribee - bye . Beaucnaris v. Old Ivanhoe Old Essendon Grammarians v . Ormond UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Therry Penola v. Yarra Valley Old Carey v. Whltefriars Rupertswood v. University Blacks to be played on 20 July North Old Boys v. Old Cambenvell { Old Paradians v. St Leos Emmaus

T UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Bendeigh v. De La Salle (2 ) Oakleigh - bye . onash Blues v. St Bedes Mentone Tigers AJAX v . Mentone Panthers

UNDER-19 (2) RED Bulleen Templestowe v. &n3SO B St Bernards (2) v. Aquina s

Old ll'estbourne v . Old Xaverlans (2) Williamstown CYMS v. La Trobe University


_ --_ UNDER 19 SECTION 1 14.7 17.9 (111) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4.4 8 .5 CAULFIELD 2.5 3 .6 6 .11 10.14 (74) University Bknes: McKerrow 4. Rankin 3. Moore 2, Meagher 2, Herbert 2 . McPhail 2, Bradley 1 . Marriott 1 . Best: Rankin, Millar, Bradley. McPhail, Mcfierrow, Maddison . Caulfleid: Young 2, Niven 2, Foster 1, Lawson 1, Napier 1, Glass 1, Avten 1, Schneider 1 . Best: Lifford, Crathern, Rowlings, Foster. Lawson . Young. Umpires: A. Fyfe. K. McNiece (F ) ST. BERNARDS 5 .4 10 .6 12.12 16.16 (112) DE LA SALLE 3.2 5 .3 10.4 11 .7 (73) St. Bernard's : Crockett 5, Elliot 2, S. Mitchell 2, Neeson 2, Maggiore. Formica, Kuenan. Burns, HesketL Best: Calleja, Crockett, Elliot. Heskett, Burns, S. Mitchell. De La Salle : Alderccio 3, Naughtin 3, Plalmsley 3, Roberts 2 . Best: Alderccio, Shinns, McLeish, Woodtock, Nicholas, Nanker ;is. Umpires: B . R'oodhead, B. Woodhead (F), M. Slodyczka. P. Xuereb (B), C. Kaleta (G) OLD MELBURNIANS0 .0 0.0 0.0 1 .1 (7) OLD BRIGHTON 5 .6 7.10 11.12 16 .16 (112) Old Melbtuvians: Not received

Old Brighton: Not received . Umpires : R. Martyn (F) . J. Wignell . C. Love(B), J. Talavera (G ) 3 .1 4.5 10 .6 13.7 (85) OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 6.5 8 .5 11.6 (72) OLD XAVERIANS : Reid 3, Taft 2, Thompson 2, Goodfellow 2, Teasdale, Cations . Old Scotch Kitchen, Nickless . Best Auret-Smith, Nickless, Moloney, Clutch, Prendergast . Goodfellow . Old Xaverians: Doxey 3 Ross 2 Pasceri 2 Bongiorno 1 Williams 1 Barrett 1 Santamaria 1 . Best: Scanlan Smith Jones Ford Bongiorno Pasceri. Umpires: M. Meier (F), L. Dalton, J. Cook (B), N . Murphy. H. Cosgiff (G ) ST E'EVINS 4.4 10 .4 14.6 18.7 (115) 4.0 7.3 8.4 12,8 (80) MARCELLIN St . Kevins: O'Keete 7 . Chard 2. Coates 2 . O'Connor 2, Dempsey 2, Kempton, . Grant, Mount, Dempsey, Kempton, Simpson . Mahoney. Mount. Best: O'Keefe Old Trinity : Sheehan 4, Wise 2, Considine 2, Schaepman, Barden, Digttan . Best: Dignan, Moran. Doyle, Schaepman, Wignell . Neal. Umpires: M . Forde, P. Rapke (F). J . Whitespear, R. Benson (J) (F) UNDER 19 SECTION 2 ORMOND 3 .3 3.5 5.7 12 .12 (84) 1 .1 5.4 9.12 9 .14 (68) OLD TRINITY Ormond: Quincy 4 . Arnold 2, Robbins 2, Rayson 2, Cook, Davis . Best: Naylor, Rogash, teHennepe. Muzzell, Clinch. Old Trinity: Hlllas 3, Hill 2, Aitken 2, McDonald 2. Best: Healy. Davies, Aitken, Stebbins, Gordon . Mcdonald. Umpires : T. Lilley (F) IIABiPTON ROVERS 4.6 8.8 10.10 10.10 (70) OLD HAILEYBURY 2.3 3.5 5.6 10 .8 (68) Hampton Rovers : Burggraaff 3, Banks . Blake, CanOon, Ellis, GiasoumL Jewett. Tipping . Best: McCarthy, Glasouml, Campbell, Tipping. Ellis, Turnbull. Old Heileybury: Shannon 2,' .4a.xman 2. McLauchlan 2, Hanlon 2, Archer, Mosbey. Best: V.aman, Haiilon, Erikson, Mclaughlan, Shannon, Mosbey . Umpires: P. Callil, M. Buxton (F) . J . Le Breton . J. Nicholson (B ) WERRIBEE 7 .3 14 .6 16.7 18 .10 (118) BEAUTr3ARIS 2.5 4,8 6.13 11 .16 (82) Werribee: McGowan 4, Kelly 3, Fustuca 3 . Palnrington 2, Cameron Yaser 2, Kidd 2, OBrien, New. Best Joshua Russo, McGouan, Fustuca, Kelly, Cameron, Y'aser, Kidd . Beaumaris: Ferrari 6, Collins 2, ~14olnough 2. Mutquiney . Best Gillespie, Early, Ferriari, %boinough, Berry, M . Wilson . Umpires : A. Shirts (F), R Place, A. Vaiopoiilos (B) . S. Vaiopotdos, A Tavilla (G) OLD IYANHOE 4 .5 4.9 9 .11 12.13 (85) OLD ESSENDON 3 .6 8.12 12 .15 15.19 (109) Old Ivanhoe: Not received . Old Essendom King 3. Forrest 2, Velardo 2, Flaherty, tieidner. Dawson, Bacash, Rankin, Buckley. Hanva. Balloch . Best: King. Hurlston . Forrest, Frazer. Buckley . Balloch . Umpires : B. Numi . K. Walker (F)


Yarra Valley OB : Crowe 2. Pargeter 2, Hume 2, Sloan, Moore, Henson . Walker Buttner Best: Pargeter. Coleman. Tsouparikouils, Moore, Rocklld, Battle . Old Carey: Angus 6, Howatt 3, 4Vhitelaw 2, Katsaneuakis 2 . O'Reilly, Holmes, Simson, Adam, Nankervis. Best: Trumbull . Holmes, Andrews. Foster. Howatt, MacDermott . Umpires: L . Holmes (R) (F ) WHITEFRIt1RS 4 .3 7.8 10.9 15.10 (10p) RUPERTSWOOD 4 .2 8.8 13.14 16 .20 (116) Whitefriars: Ctssio 5, Di Virgilio 3, Nunan 2 . Rees 2, Brescia 2, Morrison, Best Brosolo, Morrison, Cursio . Nwian, Rees. Di Falco. Rupertswood: Fe. Barry 5 . McGovern 3. Potter 2, Sullivan 2, Anderson, D. Ash, Lane. Monzall . Best : Pe. Barrv . Balmer, Lane, Broughton, Johnson, Howard . Umpires: D. Window, G . Roberts (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .2 5.5 6.9 7.12 (54) NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .4 10.9 14 .10 17.10 (112) North Old Boys: Cook 4, Keenan 3, Lias, Mathews 2, Dobson . Dalton, Davidson, Carlton, Clarke, Perry . Best: Las, Keenan, Dobson . Sheehan, Davidson, D . Rtan . University Blacks: Rick 2. Ross 1, Slattery 1, Milson 1, Black 1 . Best: Ross, Prince, Scatted. Whately, Black. Umpims : K. McNiece, A. Fyffe (F) 1 .3 3 .4 6.8 8.11 (59) OLD CAMBERWELL OLD PARADIANS 2.3 7.9 7.13 12.15 (87) Old CambenveB: Ryan 3 . MAntrood 2, B'ureli Hedley. Mac Callum . Best: Sigalas . Rogers, Hogan. Hanson . D . Sclunidt, Hiller. B . Old Par.sdians: Bux 3, Hevett 2. Yea, Strickland. D . Harney, Strickland . S. Bryce, Me Kay, Allen . Best: Bux, Mc Kay . Brundell, Hughes, O'Meara, Drummond . Umpires: M. Jenkins, J . Ralph (F), B. Ralph (B) UNDER 19/ 2 BLU E MENTONE PANTHERS 4 .1 7.7 11 .11 15.15 (105) BENTLEIGH 1 .3 4.8 5.13 9 .15 (69) Mentone Panthersc hionatincic 3, Little 3, Kelly 3, Clarke 2. Fisher, Bittner, Fairbanks, Meyer. Best. Kelly. Russo, Carroll, Hamilton, Fisher, O'Connor. Bentieigh: Mann 3, Lee 2, Murphy 2 . Krotofil. Best: Murphy, Lee . Taranto, McKenzie, Dimachici. Umpires: G . Morgan (F), J. Gregory, B . Adamson (B) DE LA SALLE (2) 1 .0 1.4 1 .5 3 .6 (24) 7.3 11.9 17 .14 20 .19 (139) OAKLEIGH De La Salle: Dunkertey. DeRekider, Saunders. Best- Smyth, McLeod, Mitchell, tiblton, Tyier. Nicholson. Oakleigh: Briggs 4,Ciavarella 4, Kennedy 4, Jordan 3, Bando 2, Ead . Plaukovits, Wilts, Best: Briggs. Camntiss, Earl, Holden . Kennedy, Willis, Umpires: A. Stubbs (F ) 4.4 8 .6 10.12 11.12 (78) ST BEDES MENTONE


3.5 8 .8 15.12 26.17 (173 )

St Bedes Mentone: Moss 3,McNamara 2 . L'Huillier 2. Terrell, McMurray, Kelleher, Ciestak. Best: Buck, McMurray, Grasby, tieedon, Waters . Mac:. Morgan. AJ .AX: Yudleman 8 . Siberman 5. Nissen 3, Chester 2, Janover 2, Seidl 2, Wollner 2, Gotdbloom. Sacks . Best- Silberman . Krasnostein, Goldbioom, Yudleman, Spilberg, Nissen. Umpires: L . Dillon, P. Coulthard (F )

UNDER 19/2 RED LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3 .4 8.8 14 .13 22 .18 (150) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 .2 4.3 5 .9 7.12 (54) La Trobe: Not received . Bulleen Templestowe: Not received . Umpires: D. Dinneen . A. Price (F), B. Share, R. Goodman (B) ST. BERNARDS (2) 3.9 7.10 9 .13 13 .26 (104) MHSOB 3.1 4.5 6 .6 8 .8 (54) St. Bernards : Oxetfford 3, Haney 3, tanazzo 2, Johnson 2, Egan, Garth . Matthews . Best: Johnson . Govan . Hughes, Levides, Rvan . lanazzo. MHSOB: Sierakowski 3, Bowen 2, Fraczek 2, Gowan . Best: Holienburg, B)ay, Sierakowski. Fox, Raleigh . Villain Umpires: S . Mackie. V. Laboda (EDL) (F). N . Brown (B ) AQUINAS 4.2 10.7 14.9 21 .8 (134) 2.3 3 .7 7.7 8.8(56) OLD WESTBOURNE Aquinas, Not received. Old Westbounie: Not received . Umplres: C . Newcombe, C. Collins (F). S. Collins (B) 14.23 (107) OLD XAVERLINS ( 2) 4 .5 7 .12 10.20 5.3(331 WILLIA144STOWN CYMS 1 .0 2 .0 3.2 Old Xaverfans: Baker 5, Nolan 3, Outhred 2, Rogan 1, Harley 1, Silk I . Gly;m : Freer, Cato. Baker, Ouflued, Nolan . Glynn . 1 . Best Williamstown: Koch 1 . Luca 1, Street 1, Freeman 1, MeCutehemi 1 . Beg; Taylor, Koch . Street. Starptris. Mizzi . Elber t Umoires: D. D'Altera (F)

ST LEOS EhA4AUS 0.8 5.10 11 .12 15.16 (106) 25.13 (163) THERRY PENOLA 6.4 11.10 17.11 St Leos Emmaus: Munro 5, Landy 3 . Varney 2, Chun 1, Ballard 1 . Phyland . Chun, Fox, Landy, Varney. 1, Wilkinson 1, Fox 1. Best- Garstein, Munro Therry Penola: Harnies 10, Freckleton 2, Callegari 2 . Skiatttitis 2. Thompson 2, Fenton 2, Mat 2. Faroldi 1 . Goodwin 1, Owen 1 . Best- Faroidi. Hara :Ps, Atkinson, Freckleton, Sheppard, Fenton. Umpires: A Simpson, D . Murray (F) YARRA VALLEY OB 0.3 6 .5 9.10 11 .16 (82) OLD CAREY 3.4 11 .4 13.8 18 .14 (122) sa C


Cr ULFiELD ~„ ; ;".RIAN$ Coach : Chris Matheson 1 Napier B 2 Foster T 3 Gerrand T Schneider L 5 Scott B 6 Townsend M 7 Fagan C 8 Aylen T 9 Frost W 10 Crathem G 11 Carboni B 12 Schattner D 13 Rowlings J 15 Jenkinson S 16 17 Linford R 18 O'hoy B 19 Franklin-Jones T 20 Trigg M 21 Young P 22 Lawson A , 23 Margiannis M 25 Dorman N 26 Colosimo G 27 Grigg M 28 O'Niell C 32 Argyros S 37 Jess Z 39 Glass I 52 Sinclair A


BE L " ~7 ' LE Coach : Denis Biiston 1 C. Mitchell 3 J . Hughes 4 M . Roberts 5 E . Sims-Lucas 6 P. Bourke 8 T. Woodlack 9 A . Skinns 10 B . Oakley 11 D . Browning 12 T. Motan 14 S. Byers 16 M. Hayes i g L . Williams 19 A. Roberts 20 S. Brown (C) 21 B. Quinane 22 M. Naughtin 25 R. Walmsley 26 R . Sherman 27 B. Pedula 30 T. Nicholas 33 C. Rice 35 J . Hennessy 41 A. Sloman 42 M . Nankervis 44 A. McLeish 49 D. Pinwell 50 D. Alderuccio 54 L. Johnston

,1 0 " RIGHTON Coach : Gavin Walsh 3 N . Addison 4 L . Considine 5 C . Moran 6 B. Billingham 7 D . Armstrong 8 L . Money 10 A. Dale 11 M. Voska 12 D. Beattie 13 T. Zappulla 14 D. Salce 15 R. Hayne 16 M . Doyle 17 P. Farrelly 18 B . Carmody 19 N. Brown 20 E . Weeks 21 T. Sheehan 22 J . Neal 23 M . Chong 24 K. Bardon 25 M . Mastores 26 C. Dignan 27 J . Wise 28 J . Toohey 29 A . Schoepman 30 D . Carson 40 S . Welch 43 B . Wignell 45 C . Beayni

Your Hexmle WorMorce

Coach: Richard Oboe 1 L . Ross 2 N . Gamble 3 S. Jackson 4 M. Franklin 5 M. Ryan 6 L . Dale 7 D . Meade 8 B. Gadsden 9 A. Clarke 10 J . Hogarth 11 C. Adamis 12 S . Eastgate 14 E . MCCowan 15 A. Thistlethvraite 16 C. Tooteli 17 B . Furzer 18 A . Salem 19 J . McCowan 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 T. Lamb 23 B . Aburrow 25 P. Smith 26 B . Finlayson 28 N . Williams 29 B . Richardson 30 E . McCowan 31 A . Paroissien 32 W. Williamson 34 T. Gibso n

35 J. Lynch

44 R . Fisher

OLD SCOTCH 2 M . Waikom (VC) A. Sutherland

Gooch: Owen Lalor

1 J. Knight 2 E . Townsin g 3 E. Tucker 4 G . Kauye 5 N . Guy (C) 7 S. Harar i 8 J. Ray 9 J. O'Dwye r 10 G . Rolleston 11 C . Burgess (VC) 12 R . Faulkner 13 W. McDonal d 14 B. Kubi s 17 S. Guest 18 W. de Fegely 21 R. Matthew s 23 N. Robinson 24 R. Galbraith 30 J . Mille r 32 C. Hanchette 34 J . Beaumont 36 B . Whitechurc h 37 E . Matthies 38 T. Le Goo 40 B . Wulf 42 B . Faulkne r 44 O . Webb 45 E . Ryan 48 D. Littl e

E. I~~rphy 6 So~s Ltd VILLAGE BELLE


Coach : Mark Donovan Assist: David Hughes I A . Grant




Coach (1): Peter Callihan Coach (2): James Fay I Fox A

Coach : Peter Foster

2 Hulett P 3 Pasceri J

5 C. Swan 6 M. Moffatt 7 J . Spraque 8 E . Reid 9 S . Daniher 10 W. Symington 11 A . Wllkinson 12 A. Philatay 13 W. Lewis tC) 14 R. Teasdale (VC) 15 S . Cations 16 D. Jennings 7 M. Gair 19 S . Taft I N. Parkinson 1 L. Thompson ? L Kitchen T Munro S. Dumaresq C. Logan 6 A. Quail

4 Santamcia C

53 G. P e dergast 31 M. C linch = R . Fullerton C. Purnel l T Molon Moloney e _'- J . Sheldon M. Raymer A . Brookes T Aural Smith C . Tallent ? A . Routledge J S . Troon B . Goodfellow

3~ Icoagan T 32 Hardwick J 33 Ford D 34 Jones A 3e Santamaria J 36 Sapuppo D 37 Bongomo D 38 Trescovnhick J 39 Freer S 40 Harley R 41 Ross S 42 Deehan A 43 Rogers M 44 ta 1r ins N 45 Sm m J

I 1-2A SSET %6 i vqE ;NT

46 Came a D 48 EIf!ey M 49 D rron J 50 Synwos M 51 Naughton M

5 LeoneeUi T s Furtetti D

7 Harr K 8 C at o C 9 Barrett A 10 Hi ns D n sak~erT 12 Bowen A 13 wiiiiamsS 14 Scanlan M 15 O'Meara T 7s Rogan T 17 Glynn P

g Lynch T 19 n~cKinle A 20 Triaca cY 21 Smallwood P 22 Ryan P 23 t~o~n C 24 taii K 25 Bryce M 26 Conkia W 27 Mclaren R 28 white J 29 Craceneit M


1 C. Burns 2 S. Neeson 3 N. Thomas 4 M . Wals h 5 J . Sm ith 6 A. Matthews 7 N. Thomas 8 J . Anderso n 9 A. Mitchel 10 R.James 11 S . Glenn 12 J . Madden 13 L. Mansfield 14 N . Serrano 15 A . Crockett 16 B . Garth 17 A . Anderson 18 L. Fielding 19 N . Basaraba 20 A . O'Dea 21 D . Elliot 22 S . Campbel 23 D . James 24 B . Calleg a 25 C . Govan 26 F. Mastropasqua 27 P. Harris 28 C . Kuenan 29 S . Kilkenny 31 D . Heskett 32 J . Harvey 33 A . Marian 39 J. Hughes 40 M. Maggiore 42 S. Matthews 43 S. Mitchell 44 K. Walker 45 B. Johnson 47 M. Hooper I D . Mcus Ma 49 n



Coach: Brian Brown

Coach : Tim Gile s

1 J. . Dempsey Duggan(C) 2 T 3 L. Giansiracusa (VC) 4 J . P. Mount 5 J . O 'Keefe 7 P. Murray 9 T. Simpson (VC) 10 D. Mahoney 11 J . Ryan 12 P. Kempton 13 N . Hutton 14 A . Hamilton 16 C . Didilis 17 D. Makohon 18 D . Prior 19 C . Underwood 20 W. Dunn 22 G. Holland 23 L . Sierakowski 24 E . Waldron 25 A . Mulkearns 26 M. Shannon 27 P. Aughton 29 S. Mount 30 P. Ghougassian 32 B. Hughes 33 S. O'Connor 34 S. Mitchell 36 J . Coates 38 R . Chard 42 A. Grant 43 W. Gullifer 46 C . Wilkinson 53 M . Hauser • Simpson Constructions • • Discosource Australia • • RED EAGLE Hotel • • Quadric •

1 Millar A(C) 2 Nicholls (C ( )) 3 Rankin T 4 Trail N

5 Tanner J(VC ) 6 Sibley S 7 Youn R g B 8 Morgan 9 Jensen R 10 Medlin T 11 Heathcote N 12 Jacobs R 13 ihle T 14 Rice N 15 Moore L 16 Bennett C 17 Maddison N 18 Butko P (VC) 19 Provis A 20 Callery M 21 Wood J 22 Herbert L 23 Bradley C(VC) 24 John E 25 Matthews J 26 McKerrow J 27 Hatswell D 28 Howson A 29 Chamberlain T 30 Derrij F 31 Mcphail D 32 Gibson S 33 Steame R 34 Touhey M 35 Sondhu P 36 King J 38 Wilson A 11


HAMPTON 'L OVERS Coach: Paul Curry

Coach : Mick Deato n

1 P. irons 2 L . Mulquiney 3 M . Eady 4 T. Shugg 5 B . Bird 6 D. Gargaro 7 S. Lynch 8 S. Croft 9 S . Wilson 10 C . Buckley 11 T. Fitzgerald 12 C. Collins 13 C . Tuck 14 P. Berry 15 A . Edge 16 T. Groves 17 C. Evans 18 J . Windebank 19 S. Doukas 20 R . De w 23 T. Woolnough 24 D . Gillespie (DVC) 25 B . Bowker 26 S . Wilson 27 T. Boreham 29 L . Wonnacott 30 L. Ferrari (VC) 33 S . McNicholas (VC) 35 S . Lee 41 J . McGeoch 42 A. Pall 53 R . Rawlings 55 B . Deaton (C )

2 B . Cantion 3 S . Seleto 4 T. Jewett 5 A. Blak e 6 C . Malthouse 8 J . Tipping 10 J .Vaughan 11 J . Almhofer 13 J . Lain g 14 S . Weaver 15 P. Cambell 16 G . Giasoumi 17 T. McNamara 18 S. Burggraaff 19 K . Spratt 20 B . Kezilas (C) 21 J . McCarthy 22 B . Henry 23 L . Fletcher 24 R . Turnbull 25 S. Daly 27 A . Banks 28 C . Pediment 29 A . Murray 30 J . Connelly 32 L . Cave 33 M . Ellis 34 D . Andersen 35 M . Terech 37 T. Richards 39 C. Horrigan 40 B . McCallum 46 J . Almahoffer 49 B. Smith 50 J . Kelly 52 D . Hebard 58 J . LeVeque 59 S . Blangiardo 60 G . Carr 61 M. Davies 62 D . Dawes www . ham ptonrovers . com. a u

OLD IVANNOE Coach : Steven King 1 A. Alagona 2 J. Baylord 3 J . Binney 4 N . Blayney 5 A. Braddy 6 M . Bottos 7 R. Butler 8 N . Butler 9 G . Bryant 10 M. Chivell 11 W. Colemen 12 S . Curatolo 13 G. De Krester 14 P. Dinakis 15 T. Finlay , 16 C. Geor io 17 N . Giesc~teun 18 A. Grainger 19 C . Halfpenny 20 I . Loughnan 21 S . Low 22 M . Luxon 23 S . Mcduffie 24 J . McBride 25 E. McWilliam 26 M. Mendola (VC) 27 D . Meredit h 28 B . Nagel 29 D . Neilso . O'Dvryn30K er (VC) 31 M . Paine 32 R. Pearce 33 D. Peacock 34 R . Raffoul 35 A. Read 36 K .Sheehan 37 S . Snell 38 L. Stillman 39 N . Theodassi 40 M . Verocch i


Coach : Dean Peters 1 Gibson T 2 Brown S

3 Aitken J (V/C) 4 McDonald E 5 Pretty S

6 Russell S 7 Davies M (C/C) 8 Healy J 9 10 Hill R 11 12 Stebbins N 13 Gordon N (C/C) 14 Troon R 15 Amore J 16 Amore S (V/C) 17 Hillas R 18 Sparsi M 19 Duell R . 20 Coxon N 21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chiffy E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J 29 Crawford M 34 Hider B MEES BUS LINES

f~~,{'E ~T/lIN (~ &


Mt:S ~ CO. Real Estate Professionals REGENCY Phallitriatty

P.i [,,7ER0D0 D .C . Coach : John LeGran d

1 A Bouchereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fuller 4 A. Powell 5 C. Morris 6 N . McKay 7 D . Dunne 8 P. Guiliano 9 G . Massey 10 A. Filippelli 11 M . Ballenger 12 B. C. Kennedy 13 C . Agius 14 M . Power 15 A . Manjikan 16 M . Duthil 17 B. J . Kennedy 18 L . Del Mastro 19 A. Coo k 20 M. Regan 21 D. Hansen 22 D. Hallet 23 A. Stagliano 24 S. Castricum 25 T. Bourbon 26 L. Franks 27 B . Thomas 28 S . Devoy 29 D. Devlin 30 C. McDade 31 J. Discala 32 D . Norman 33 B . Waldron


Coach: Marshall Fisher ? A. Frazer 2 A. Parker 3 S. Balloch 4 J . Duggan 5 W. Nunlist 6 S . Dawson 7 L. Wilson 8 S . Underwood 9 B. Hobart 10 M . Flaherty 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Harewood 13 P. Rogash 14 P. Barash 15 D . Forrest 16 J. Nicolas 17 J . Lloy d 18 M . Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D . Messo 22 J. Weidner 23 M . Leptos 24 R . Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Huriston 27 M. King 28 J. Di Pietro 29 D . Symons 30 T. Hamza 33 D. Hard y

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach: Andrew Lynch

1 L. Boughto n

2 G. Chipperfield 3 D. Shannon 4 H. McLauchlan 5 T. McLennan 6 T. Archer 7 J. Hanlon (VC) 8 B . Duperouzel 9 A. Herrmann 10 J . Kimpto n 11 C . Waxman (C) 12 P. Shakespeare 13 M. Pitt 14 E. Marsh 15 R . Goodbody 16 A . Kight 17 M . Erikson 20 C, Hayes 21 R. D'Silva 22 B. Newby 25 M .Jones 27 T. Norton 28. A . Groot 29 J . Glanville 30 C . Warta 33 R . Mosbey 39 A .Jones 58 A . Bake r


TRAINING SOLUTIONS 9 8 26 994 9 ORMOMD Coach : Adri an Connolly Asst Coach: Chris Thomas 1 R . Quiney 2 S. Wheller 3 M . Wood 4 C. Hassell 5 A. Clinch 6 Y. Spivak 7 D . Black 8 J. Muzzell 9 J. Franklin 10 L. Wells 11 B . Arnold 12 C . Johnstone 13 J . Longmuire 14 S. Davi s 15 B . Cromack 16 S . Missiopolos 17 P. Brown 18 M . Ramsay 19 W. Cove 20 R . Lemer 21 B. Upstill 22 B. Payson 23 T. Naylor 24 M . Anderson 25 R. Matter 26 D . Dte Hennepe 27 C . Doming o 28 B . Harris 29 30 A . Jirov 31 A. Bukala 32 L, O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 S. Ramsay 35 B . Sla tter 36 M . Hamilton 44 B . Robbins

WERRIBEE Coach : Steve Lovell 1 S . Muraca

2 M . O'Donnell 3 C . Gauch i 6 S. Kidd 7 R . Saunders 8 C. Jac k 9 Junstin Russo 10 C. Kell y 11 C . Mahoney 12 A. Elrouby 13 S . Eisenberg. 14 J . Maso n 15 A. Carson 16 C. Yasser 17 S. Morrisey 18 N . McGuane 19 J . Bake r 20 D. Lowe 21 N. Gauchi 22 J . Purto n 23 Joshua Russo 25 A . Shepherd 27 T. Davidson 28 30 A. Borg

&-,t - naneTGi iraLLER 2002



Coach : Brendan Smales 1 J . Williams 3 P. West 4 G. Pritchard 5 J. Dalton 6 N. Abdallah 7 C. Dobso n 8 A. El -Ter'rfi g R. Davidson 10 R. Curtis

11 S. Cariton

12 M . Harris 13 M . Potton 14 R. Citroen 15 B . Youn g

16 J . Kendal l

1 7 A . Height 19 J .P. Matthews 20 B. Knight 21 A. Felemonow 22 R . Kirk

23 M. Petty 24 S. Cook (C) 23 B. OBree 26 M. Ruff 27 B. Watt 30 A. Lies (VC) yan 36 D. Ryan 37 A.Trivsonno

"39 S . McGinley 40 R. Francis

67,Y Sated >>,


1 M . Little 2 3 5 7 8

L. Weaver N . Payne P. Tempon e B. Ryan J. Vince

9 A Crame r 10 M. Cott rell


1 2 3 1

5 C. Phyland 9T- Stephens 10 N. Carstein 11 M . Levins (dvc) 13 R. Vamey 15 S . Cox 19 P. Landy (dvc) 22 N . Cullen 24 A. Haplin 27 J. Kirk 46 A. Sawitsch 74 G . Haddad M. Argus B. Crosthwaite R. Forte

A. Kennedy D. Lawler R. Mintern N. Romney P. Sampson

t c v e I. 0 c~ a

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

T. Whitelaw L. MacFarlane D . Macdermo tt A. Simso n B. A ndrews N . Sulman

7 . C. Adam 8. A. Stewart-Holmes 9 . J. Booth 10. A. Leonard 11 . D. Bowley 12, J, Choon 13. R. Daveyg 14. C . O'R eill y 15 . J. Nankervis 16 . T. Angus 17 . T. Connell 18 . N . Pump 19 . C . Buchanan 20 . S. Bennett 21 . T. Rossignuolo 22. G . Trumbull 23. N. Katsanevakis 24. C. Baird 25. C. Ingham

54 J . Brown

26. C. Bruce

55 L. Siberus

27. E . Bull 28. S . Jacobs




~ r~ . . )_ •- I


1 Corrigan B2 Goodwin T(VC) 3 O'Neil P 4 Skiathi6s R

5 Ferguson D 6 Hermes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T 12 Leech S 13 Atkinson D (C) 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Slawitschka J 18 Slawitschka A 19 Arkin M

20 Capewell C (DVC) 21 Rizzo J 22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 25 Hutchinson B 27 Thompson T 28 Carroll A 29 Heane R 32 Cooper J 33 Freckleton J 34 O'Connell S 40 B rosnan J

41 MartinA

59 Robinson T 6 c

2 Ca camo D


Coach : Steve Maus

11 D. Pike (C) 13 M. Austin 15 A. Whelan (VC) 17 D. Clyne (DVC) 20 J . Agotanovi c 21 C. R ers 23 H . Hogan ~ 27 B . Hillier 30 A . Macallum 33 N . Wamer 34 D . Schmidt 35 M. Shanks 38 J. Pettit 39 A. Emmerson 43 T. Sigalas (DVC) 51 S. Gegory 52 T. Nisbett 53 H. Bradshaw


Coach : Paul Gregor A. Ballard (C) A. Hollands (VC) L. Fox D. Chun


Coach : Michael Sigalas

98 5 7 8 0 6 1 ~ A~ k~




29. S . Assimo 30 . L . Stotfo 31 . J. White 32 . S. Ewa n 33 . M. Vardy

34 .T Evans 35 . S. Foster

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Peter Hansen Anthony Quinn 1 A. Harvey 2 A. Hughes 3 M. Lyons (DVC) 4 N. Allan 5 M . Keeling 6 R. Bun 7 D. Dean (C) 8 D. Strickland 9 N . Brundell 10 S . Strickland 11 L. Drummond 12 B . Hewett 13 S . Maher j 6 S. O Meara (DVC) 17 S. Graham 18 M. Spinoso 19 W. Connelly 20 M. Dri 21 D . Kalviskis 22 G . Loftus 23 C. Duncan 24 B . Hayes 25 P. Senzo 26 S . Fistric

1 Ash D. 3 Albanis J . 4 Spinner L. 5 Ash N . 6 Howard R. J. 7 8 Elliot K.. 10 Wilson T. 12 Temming M . 13 Barry Paul. 14 Sullivan N. 15 McGovern N . 16 Monzall R . 17 Potter C . 19 Johnson R . 20 Nolan M. 21 Assourd M . 22 Dale S . 23 Balmer V. 24 Barry Peter 25 Anderson J . 27 Kosta M . 28 Boxall T.

N . Brycey 29 D. Fantone

57 Dressler E. 58 Lane M.

30 D . Caple

59 Cariss P.

31 T. Crotty

63 Silvester J .

14 J. Roberts 5 S. q


32 P. Gloury

71 Broughton T. Watson C. 73 A rthurson M .

WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrymple 1. 3. 5. 8.

30 Jaeger R .

64 Constantine B . 65 Murphy B .

33 A . Smith 35 M. Yeo 36R .Ullan o 39 B. Young g 40 L. Dore (VC) 42 D. Garga n 48 M . Hyde


Coach : Glenn Jowett Asst Coach: Lachlan Beaton 1 L. Crossley 2 J . Mapleson 3 A. Ross 5 S . Bloodworth

RUPERTSW®OD Coach : Michael Phillips

S . Brosolo (C) C. Ventura P. Micallef (VC) R . Di Falco

YARRA VALLEY Coach : Peter Battl e

1 2 3 4

C . Taske r A. Pargete r C . Goug h T. Morde n

6 S . Henty 7 K . Prestidge

9 . T. Nunan 10. A. Hill (VC)

5 B. Crow e 6 N . Peters

8 E . Duncan 9 M . Turner 10 P. Slattery 11 J. Milsom 12 S . Noelker 13 J. Black 14 M. Stewart 19 L . Nicholas 20 E. Buckingham 21 M. Bellairs 22 A. Aylett 23 T. Mayali 23 R. Westerhotf

11 . A . Cursio 12 . P. Hennessy 14 . A. lacuone 17 . T. Wallace 18 . S . Phelan 21 . M . Calavetta 22 . A . Williams 25. C. Janson 26. A . Wenke 28. T. Kotsopulos 29. B . Drinkwater 32. G. Murphy 37. B. Morrison

8 M . Rokicki 9 N. Battl e 10 S . Middleton 11 B . Clarke 12 C. Britt 13 J . Ebsworthy 14 P. Ross 15 S . Gilli n 17 J. Hum e 18 P. Jarvi e

24 C. Barter 39 D. Harris 40 S . Prince 41 Z. Rudd 43 R. O'Sullivan 45 R . Scarlett 54 B . Owen 56 J. Fuller 72 C . Stubbs 75 S. Lorensini 76 R . Whatle y

40. A. Stone 41 . A. Corry

42. P. Rees 44 . R . Eames (VC) 55 . P. Vlahandrea s 65 . D. Tillig


77 T. Brumby-Rendel l

Interstate Transport Services Pty Lt d

9396 9000

20 D . Wrigh t 25 B. Seeger



Coach : Ga ry 81uszt ein Asst Coach: Phil Rozen I R. Silberman 2 J . lsraelsohn

3 R . Rotemberg 4 A . Lewis 5 B . Rose

1 L. Holmesby 2 N. Aitken 3 N. Dimachki 4 G . McFarlane 5 J. Robertson

6 J . Kestenberg 7 P. Bryner

6 L. Forrest 7 S . Holmesby


8 B. Holden

9 L . Fetter

9 B . Hyrons


11 D . Gubereck 12 A. Silver 13 D . Rozenbes 14 D . Hershan 15 J. Gottlieb 16 J. Hain 17 J. Kagan

1 8 N . Bardea 19 D . Seidl 20 J. Thurin 21 D . Arousi 22 23 S. Nissen 24 A. Joffee 25 B. Goldbloom 28 J. Givoni

29 E. Rath 32 L . Peters 33 B. Yudelman

35 D . Spillberg


Coach : Kerry Murphy

10 B . Reid 11 J . Monk 12 T. Wright 13 D. Ferdinands 1 4 M . Margiannis

15 J . McKenzie

Coach : Rob Smith 1 C. Mitchell 2 M . Francis 3 T. Beliomo

4 D. Lowther 4 C. McMahon

16 K. Smyth 17 G . Walton

19 M . Hayes

21 V. Maraventano 22 B . McLellan 23 M . Wilson 24 T. Krotofi l 25 A. Lee O C 26 J . Sayers 27 D. Marsh

35 S . Meehan 42 M . Sheehan 47 J . Greatorex 46 K. De Ridder 5 0 A. Nicholson 5 1 H. La Ragy 52 D. Bean


30 G . Vitagliano

~-p I VI A

39 A. Wollner

Your Flexible Workforce ~

OAKLEIGH Coach : Chris Moore

2 C . Jones 3 L . Fechner

4 G. Chessad 5 K . Cummins 6 A. Costley

8 B. Lull 9 M . Edwards 10 S. O'Donnell 11 L. Northway

2 3 4 5 6

3 4 5 6

9 A . Vsser

10 A . Mulholland

30 D. Hizhmiko v 31 M. Byrn e 32 K. Regan

33 P. Hardman 34 t: Costell o 37 B. Kaplan 38 R. Diner 39 M. Basil e

15 P. Holden 16 J . Gaal 17 S . Bando 18 J . Bunworth

16 S . Birol 19 A. Paterson 20 M . Ferris 22 N. Worsno p

31 H . Evans 33 L . Beddin9field

24 L. Cieslak (VC)

34 G . Rowley 35 M. Sharkie

19 A . Ciavarella 20 N. Wills 21 J . Briggs 22 T. Orchard (VC)

36 A. Hickey

23 D. Zula 25 J . Nevezie (C)

43 L. Smith

A. Hanson

44 50 61 74

M . Jordan M . Cummings




12 T. Cunningha m

14 S . Cammiss

24 J . Reynolds


to M . Hilton

19 G . Gilbe rt 20 J . Fairley 23 P. Nevill 24 A. Francis

42 S. Young

---- -

35 T. Smiih 36 G . Moran

11 N. Weedo n

16 T. Huggins

75 R .Turton

27 S. Hall 28 T. Kendall 29 R . Ironmonger

7 P. Grasby 8 J . Morgan 9 M . Kelleher

11 W. Plaukovits 12 D. Sowersby 13 S . Collins

S. Grace S. Morris M. Spence P. Westbrook

25 B. Lane 26 A. Roc k

G . Cleary D. L'Huillier (C) D. McNamara B . Buck

12 M. Tennant 13 J . Oswald 14 G . Roney

.39 D. Taylor

21 D. Kelly 22 J. Poole 23 Groo m M.

Coach : Glenn Alford

1 M . McGett igan

7 M . Stevenson 8 R. Symmons



1 A. Murray L. Kennedy D. Britt S . Ear l C. Kokkinos M . Cash


12 T. Mitvalsk y t3 M. Haye s 14 C. Schtoeffe i 15 D. Fava 16 D. Russo 17 A. DKantos 1 9 S. Hamilto n 20 P. Krings


Coach: Dennis Grace S. Chapman

11 M. May

rrutctiarr Room Restaura nt * Pokies



MENTONE R .S.L. 9 Palermo St, ;v4enion c


40 E. Wollner 42 J. Pask (C)


G . Allan

5 G . Shanoc k 6 N . Fishe r

1 0 A. Erskine

25 A . 0'Shannessy 28 D. Thompson



10 B . Oakley

1 2 S . Moloney 14 S . Byers 15 S . Smyth

1 9 L. Curtis 20 M . Sidney

36 A. Sacks 37 D . Krasnostein

& Sven Samild M. Meyer 21 S Suii van 3 D. O 'Connor

7 D. Clarke g K. L~taets

21 J . Hennessy 23 A . Dunkerley 23 D. Nomikos

31 L. Hogan

Coaches: Dean Andrew

8 L. Jarvis 9 J . Saunders

16 K . Pereira 17 H. McKenzie 18 I . Jordan

28 S . Radoni 29 D. Couniham


13 L. Jone s 14 L. McMurray 15 M . O'Bri e n

15 T. McColl

23 J . Lync h

25 C. Connolly 26 L. Terrell 27 D. Water s


28 M . Andrews

31 D. Moss 36 A. Walsta b

39 J . Petrovic 41 R. Bignell 48 A. Scafidi

~j~Glltr1R!/~G/*2SS(/(~ +FC Q

; ~






coach : Terry McEvoy

Coach : Jerome Jackman

Coach : Harry Harisiou 1 L . Toomey 2 C White

3 R . Kogelman ; A. Boland 6 L. Stafford 7 C. Crozier

,8 R. Wilson g P. race

10 D . Weegberg 1j L . Pierce 12 A. Pringl e 13 V. Hal l

i5 N. Sturma 6 L Gardiner 17 M . Adams 11 B . Beech ',2 M. Parker 13 S. Domo m 21 P. Scognamilio ,5 J. McMullen 23 S. White 29 D. Afford 30 J. Tapply 33 P. Stone 6 G. Cameron 74 D . Dew


Coach : Tony Christofu0 i

1 M . Benic 2 D. Buccachio 3 A. Bums 4 R. Carrucan 5 G. Taylor 6 P. Ganiatsas 7 M. Daskalou 8 R . Conte 9 F. Paol a 10 J. Hassan

1 D. Learmont-Walker

11 C. Eva

62 M . Paull

12 B . Jorgensen

12 S . Foley (DVC) 13 D. Fox 14 R . Rea d 15 T. Fraczek (Capt) 16 J. Robertson

63 J . Laidlaw 64 P. Marozzi 67 A. Place 68 S. Davis 69 J. Han k

11 M. Hennessey 13 G . Keranidopoulos 14 A . Nicho l 15 G. Macrides 16 A . March 17 P. Margin 18 R . Lee 19 A. Mihalos 20 J. Newman 21 L. Maso n 22 P. Hardinge 23 N. Papaziakas 24 J . Paraskeva 25 M . Perri 26 J. Ryan 27 N . Scaglione 28 W. Collis

2 M . Brain (VC) 3 D. Henzl 4 P. McGrath 5 B. Geveaux

6 J. Raleigh

7 T. Wogan-Browne 8 O . Henzl 9 R . Tomes 10 M . Bowen

17 D . Slucki

19 A. Edwards 20 G . Saultry 21 S. Sierakowski 22 D. Nguyen 23 J . Sprague 24 C. vllani 25 D. Hollenberg 26 T. Middieton 27 G. Blau 28 B. Ramsay 29 A. Orchard 30 J. Davi s 31 T. Couslan d 32 N. Adcoc k 33 R. Whitehous e

13 T. Luderman 16 P. Farrant 25 S. Brooks 31 M. Fanning 40 R . Slate r 58 T. Duggan 59 R. Butcher 66 0 M . McDonald Neild

=d C'~

fi: '


71 M. Milla r 72 D. Butler 73 R. Hosking

74 N. Milla r 75 S . Gellert 76 H . Davie s 77 P. Ha m 78 C . Knee 79 C . Keane

34 S. Moore 35 R. Cassell

GVP Fabricators

All Home Loan s

OLD WESTBOURNE Coach : Cliff Lever Asst Coach : Lee Johnston I B. Gera ce


2 K. Lawson

2 Hui a S

3 A. Maluccio 4R.Cabalo S G. Walker 6 B . Payne 7 F. Pavez

4 santalucia C

& H.


C g O 9 D . Nikola 10 J. Braham

it R. Stein 1 2 P. Johnston 13 T. Best : D. Hudson 15 D. Ollenbuttel t6 N . Dean 17 D . Taylor 18 T. Vaughan 19 D . Corp [QA. Mokfusch

21 L. Hudson (C) :2 A. Glen 23 M . Pilsbury 24 P Nevill e

3 5 J . Chambetlaine

ro R . Nadu 27 M. Monohan ~g D . gall 9 B. Merriweather

E. Sandstrom


Coach (1): Peter Callinan Coach (2) : James Fay 3 Pasceri J

5 Leonceni T 8 Fudet6 D

7 Ha K a Cato C

9 Banen A to wgghs o 1t Baker T 12 Bowen A

3 Williams s


Meara T^ 16 RoganT

17 Grynn P

18 l nch T 19 hXoneyA a

20 Triaca C

21 Smallwood P 22 ~az'PC 23 Nolan 24 Hall K 25 Bryce M

26 Conkie w 27 McLaren R 28 White J

29 Crackneu M Ireland G 31 Corrigan T 32 Hardwick d 33 Ford D 34 Jones A 3 5 Bantamaria J 36 Sapuppo D 37 Bongomio D Trescowthick J 3389 Freer s

40 Harley R 41 RossS

42 Deehan A 43 R°gers M 44 larkins N J 46 Daxey 47 Camera D 49 p El~sleyM 50 Shiens M 51 Naughton M


Coach : David Law 1 2 3 4 5

F. Mas tropasqua D. Hurley J . Anderson C . Mitchell J. Hughes

7 B. Runnal s 8 S. Matthews 9 D . Evans

10 B. Garth 11 A. Marian 12 J . Madden 13 L. Thomas 14 B . Ryan

15 G. Jose h 16 P. Oxenford 17 G. Campbell

18 M. Maggiore 19 P. Keo h

20 A. O'Dea 22 A. Mitchel 23 D. lannazzo 24 L. Levides 25 C. Govan 32 J .


34 M . Walsh 36 S . Cox 38 J. Egan 44 K. Walker

45 B. Johnson 49 D. McManus

WILLICAV~$ S ®WN Coach : Matthew Imms 1 A . Bartolo 2 A McCutcheo n 3 B Elliott 4 B. Koc h 5 D . Pawlowski 6 D . Mizz i 7 F. Luca 8 i .Arandez 9 J . Sprague

-_ ~

G =3 1 -

10 J . Bennett 11 J . Digrazi a

12 L. Couper

ia M .Brag in 15 P. Starpins 16 P. Trchett

17 R . Ashcrof t 18 S. McFad e n

19 S. Freeman

20 T. Bell 21 M . Browne 22 M . Cini


23 T. Clements 24 B . Davies

.- 1

-- -

25 S . Dun n

28 M . Fox

27 L. Good 28 N . Graham 29 B . Gr ay

30 B . Ha n 31 J . Henderson 32 J . Henderson 33 F. Henry 34 L . Henry 35 R . Hodge s 36 D. Jago

(~ I ` .

37 L . Keatin g 38 S. Maher 39 J. Majernik

45 C . Sandri b 46 M Shiell 47 J Springe r 48 A Tomkms


-- { _ .J

40 C. Perra

41 G. Ramsay 42 M . Reid 43 el l S . Rob



--- -


Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m

For news, views and previews, tune t o THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Norm Nugen t & panel SATURDAY o n 96.5 - 9.00-10 .00am Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6 . 30pm for reports and a complete full-time score service Live A Section Football Broadcast from 7 .45 p . m . every Saturday It -15I NE T- - `D;nTC V S3.

ASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS " i n tune with the outer east"

VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and ne ws of local VAFA teams b etween 6.00 -6.15pm each Saturday night .

VAFA segment with Brad Beitze l


This weeks guest 1y Z; c ._ (President, Uni. Blacks) M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2G~ ."%

1 rylenn ;~ ~cu; o ; ough with guests from . . . ernards, St. Re ` s (A), old E ssendon, Old Paraclians , Therry Penola (B) , LaTrobe Unt (D2), 'West Brunswick (D3) , North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4 ). REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .04 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAF`A .

The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, p.eviews the Sunday Match of the Day and Paul T',affey reviews the competition in Monday's Age in his column Town & Country .

~~ .<i~? i~. ~,.?:~•~a o

presented by Glenn Scarborough with g us ts from. . . St Bernards, St Hevins (A), Old Essendon, Old Paradians, Therry Penola (B), LaTrobe Uni (1) 2j, West Brunswick (D3), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4) PREVIEWS Friday 7.40-8.0O pm - Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.

~'eekend Game Promoti on






~I = 8 TO Go., ___ Norm with top 7 still in touch for the points

}1 1 <_ ~; ,~_'

caking past Brad to take on SCRIBE

Norm Nugent D3 Peter Williamson D3 Brad Beitzel A Ed Sill D3 Gavan Flower D4 Tom Brain C Barry Hickey D1 Tony Miller U19-1 Damian Carroll B Luke Derbyshire D 2


i`,.-~ `





7S Ca ~C~ 1al4~ u - n;

&.Ei "


74AS wee7 . .. .

Rnd 11 Sat June 29 Old Tri nity V De La Salle Sun June 30 FIDA Matches N ext We ek.. .

Rnd 12 Sat July 6 Elsternwick V Monash Gryphons Sun July 7 Old Xaverians V Old T ri nity Rnd 13 Sat July 13 Mazenod V Old Melburnians Sun July 14 FIDA Matches

Rnd 14 Sat July 27 Hampton Rovers V Old Haileybury Sun July 28 St Kevins V MHSOB Rod 15 Sat Aug 3 Sun Aug 4

No Game Rostered FIDA Matches

GH7aZ - R®ur-T Yi~~~ LATE SCORES First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100) ; each subsequent offence ($100). Seniors/i119 failure to RQser ves/C1 8 failure to phone scores by 2.30pm provide final scores by 5pm Kew (R) Elsternwick (S ) Parkside (R) West Brunswick (S) Mt . Lilydale OC (R) Syndal Tally Ho (S) Old Melburnians (U) Old Ivanhoe (U) Phoned incorrect scores Rd 9 De La Salle (S), Parkside (S), Old Melburnians (U), Yarra Valley (U), Uni . Blacks (U)

Bulleen Templestowe today . The Bullants have improved markedly since the first round and while they will challenge the High at home the High will hold too many keys and win . Aquinas travel to St. Bernards and will be keen to show how much they have improved today . Parker, Stone and Pringle will need to be in top form today for the Bloods to challenge the Bernies . However with Madden, lanazzo and Mastropasqua in good touch the home team will win, but not by as much as last time around. Crucial match for both Old Xaverians (2) and Old Westbourne today with the winner closing in on the four . Nine points separated the sides last time around with Silk and Martin prime movers for the Xavs . Pavez and Walker were shining lights for the Warriors in the first round and will today need to be on the their game if they are to challenge the Xavs. With better recent form the Warriors with Dean and Gerace due to produce will get home today by 2 majors. Williamstown CYMS host La Trobe Uni and with uni holidays beginning the Gulls have a great opportunity to continue their recent improved form . They were given a touch up last time at the Uni, and while today's game is at home and their form has been on the improve I still cannot see them finishing in front, however they will fair far better than they did in the first round . La Trobe Uni . by 8 goals .

TRtB Utl nt RFS6ILTS - TUESDAY JUNE 25 James Miller, Old Melburnians .


Headbutting, 6 matches . Andy Cultrera, Aquinas . Abuse of umpire, 2 matches .

Todd Sigalas, Old Camberwell (Under-19) . Charging, 2 matches . Scott Saunders, Old Haileybury ( Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches . * Ryan Curnmingham, Whitefriars (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches . * Tim White, Aquinas (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches . $ Jamie Rigg, Old Melburnians (Club 1 8 ) . Abusive language, 2 matches . * Accepted Prescribed Penalty

INVESTIGATIQN RESULTS - TUESDAY JUNE 25, 2 Old Brighton's senior coach, Stuart Glasscott was charged with using abusive language towards both umpires at the end of the Old Brighton and Ormond senior match on June 15th at Brighton. Charge proven. Club fined $500 . Oakleigh's under-19 coach Chris Moore was charged with verbally abusing the field umpire during the Oakleigh and Salesian under-19 match on June 15th at Chadstone . Charge proven . Club fined $300 . $150 suspended for two years .

-~ i r~ ~ ► 1 1 ~ 11 1 ~ ~ ° ~_ `-~ Patrons are not permitted to bring AlCOho i into Etsternwitit Park or Any VAFA Yent: e . M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002


WY 9 8 7 6 5 5 5 2 2 1

L 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 8 9

D For Agst % Pis 0 673 301 223 .59 36 0 811 479 169 .31 32 0 814 379 214 .78 28 0 736 535 137 .57 24 0 749 630 118.89 20 0 595 577 103.12 20 0 596 607 98.19 20 0 566 876 64.61 8 0 481 1058 45.46 8 0 279 1048 26.62 4

U19 SECTION 3 P W L D For Agst % PLs OLD PARADIANS 10 8 2 0 1261 682 184 .90 32 RUPERTSWOOD 10 8 2 0 1163 712 163.34 32 OLD CAREY 10 8 2 0 1056 854 123 .65 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 6 4 0 1093 572 191 .08 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 6 4 0 710 774 91 .73 24 WHITEFRIARS 10 4 6 0 829 1028 80 .64 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 10 3 7 0 813 1028 79 .09 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 3 7 0 703 1088 64 .61 12 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 3 7 0 696 1272 54 .72 12 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 10 1 9 0 659 1271 51 .85 4


W 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1

1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

U19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agst % Pis 0 1048 632 165 .82 36 AJAX 10 9 1 MONASH BLUES 10 8 2 0 1062 486 218 .52 32 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG 10 6 3 1 918 779 117 .84 26 OAKLEIGH 10 6 4 0 877 738 118 .83 24 MENTONE PANTHERS 10 5 5 0 894 836 106 .94 20 DE LA SALLE (2) 10 3 7 0 335 1499 22 .35 12 BENTLEIGH AFC 10 2 7 1 690 954 7233 10 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 .00 0

For Agst % Pts 813 385 211 .17 36 902 361 249 .86 32 729 710 102 .68 28 580 553 104 .88 24 706 638 110.66 20 625 703 88.90 20 521 548 95.07 16 686 723 94.88 12 523 934 56.00 8 368 969 37.98 4

D3 RESERVES P W L D For Agst % Pts WEST BRUNSWICK 10 9 1 0 807 300 269 .00 36 ST JOHNS 0 C 10 9 1 0 829 379 218 .73 36 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 10 6 4 0 717 477 150 .31 24 ELSTERNWICK 10 6 4 0 650 641 101 .40 24 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 10 5 5 0 658 564 116.67 20 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 10 4 6 0 495 618 80 .10 16 SWINBURNE UNI 10 4 6 0 456 767 59.45 16 *POWER HOUSE 10 3 7 0 426 729 58.44 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 10 2 8 0 467 693 67 .39 8 RICHMOND CENTRAL 10 2 8 0 403 930 43 .33 8 *Ineligible player Round 1 0 94 RESERVES P WERRIBEE AMATEURS 10 'NORTH BRUNSWICK 10 ALBERT PARK 10 UHS-VU A F C 10 MT LILYDALE 10 ST MARYS 10 OLD WESTBOURNE 10 RUPERTSWOOD 10 BULLEEN COBRAS 10 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 10 BOX HILL NORTH 10

W 10 9 8 6 6 6 5 5 2 2 1

L 0 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 8 8 9


W 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 3 2 0

L D For Agst % Pis 3 0 1014 690 146 .96 28 3 0 1083 841 128 .78 28 3 0 960 793 121 .06 28 3 0 1035 869 119 .10 28 4 0 986 719 137.13 24 4 0 948 906 104.64 24 5 0 864 895 96.54 20 7 0 715 988 72 .37 12 8 0 771 1088 70.86 8 10 0 486 1073 45.29 0


W 9 7 7 6 5 5 4 3 1

L 1 2 2 4 5 5 5 6 9

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For Agst % Pts 1051 372 282 .53 40 794 476 166 .81 36 980 416 235 .58 32 782 550 142 .18 24 659 519 126 .97 24 569 585 97.26 24 679 707 96.04 20 709 797 88 .96 20 499 812 61 .45 8 346 965 35.85 8 236 1283 18.39 4

D For 0 997 1 1068 1 916 0 818 0 832 0 578 1 589 1 713 0 532

Agst % PIS 513 194.35 36 758 140.90 30 784 116.84 30 796 102.76 24 912 91 .23 20 728 79.40 20 908 64.87 18 925 77.08 14 1073 49.58 4


U19 (2) RED P W L D For A gst % Pis ST BERNARDS ( 2) 10 10 0 0 1457 362 402 .49 40 AQUINAS 0 C 10 8 2 0 829 531 156 .12 32 MHSOB 10 6 4 0 871 671 129 .81 24 LA TROBE UNI 10 5 5 0 777 555 140 .00 20 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 10 5 5 0 871 838 103 .94 20 OLD WESTBOURNE 10 4 6 0 776 711 109 .14 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE10 1 8 1 493 1364 36 .14 6 *WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 0 9 1 277 1661 16 .68 2 *Ineligible player Round 1 0 CLUB 18 - 1 P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD XAVERIANS 10 9 1 0 1186 449 264 .14 36 PRAHRAN AFC 10 9 1 0 1134 617 183 .79 36 DE LA SALLE 10 6 4 0 952 590 161 .36 24 ST KEVINS 10 6 4 0 862 694 124 .21 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 5 5 0 830 790 105 .06 20 ELEY PARK AFC 10 2 8 0 616 1020 60 .39 8 MAZENOD 0 C 10 2 8 0 618 1078 57 .33 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 1 9 0 348 1308 26 .61 4 CLUB 18 - NORTH P sy L D For Agst % Pis OLDIVANHOE 10 10 0 0 1007 397 253 .65 40 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 10 7 3 0 788 435 181 .15 28 THERRY PENOLA OB 10 7 3 0 631 485 130 .10 28 MARCELLIN 10 7 3 0 570 524 108 .78 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 4 6 0 600 632 94 .94 16 BRUNSWICK AFC 10 2 8 0 463 769 60 .21 8 FITZROY REDS 10 2 8 0 384 887 43 .29 8 OLD TRINITY 10 1 9 0 356 764 46 .60 4 CLUB 18 - SOUTH P w L D For Agst % Pts COLLEGIANS 10 10 0 0 1177 319 368 .97 40 MONASH BLUES 10 7 3 0 961 494 194 .53 28 ST LEOS EMMAUS 10 6 4 0 652 628 103 .82 24 WHITEFRIARS 10 4 6 0 675 738 91 .46 16 OLD BRIGHTON 10 4 6 0 577 648 89 .04 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 4 6 0 608 1001 60 .74 16 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 10 3 7 0 451 993 45 .42 12 4 OLD GEELONG 10 1 9 0 388 1053 36 .85 ~




1 I I

z :i


Presented by 速 Weekend Matches (Fri) ~ ; ;,n {y s Umpires Appointments L ~ ~- , ~ Scores (Sat . night) --- charg~s may be igher 6om a mobik phone lo tnis service) 1 ---- ------------------




'~Lr_'_1 uf~ ~ A SECTION


W L 9 8 6 5 5 5 4 4 2 0





8 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 1


For Agst % Pts

0 1 1112 837 132 .86 38 1 1 1199 849 141 .22 34 3 1 954 970 98 .35 26 5 0 1084 855 126 .78 20 5 0 958 854 112 .18 20 5 0 934 996 93 .78 20 5 1 993 953 104 .20 18 6 0 919 964 95 .33 16 8 0 755 1007 74 .98 8 10 0 686 1309 52 .41 0



For Agst % Pts

2 0 970 733 132 .33 3 0 974 850 114 .59 4 0 1014 867 116 .96 4 0 886 911 97 .26 5 0 812 732 110.93 5 0 930 867 107.27 5 0 893 884 101 .02 6 0 856 883 96.94 7 0 805 1090 73.85 9 0 785 1108 70.85

P w L D

32 28 24 24 20 20 20 16 12 4

For Agst % Pts

ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 9 1 0 1268 726 174 .66 36 WHITEFRIARS 10 8 2 0 1092 755 144 .64 32 CAULFIELD GR 10 7 3 0 1013 784 129 .21 28 COLLEGIANS 10 6 4 0 949 776 122 .29 24 SEAUMARIS AFC 10 6 4 0 1016 858 118 .41 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 5 5 0 897 886 101 .24 20 PRAHRAN AFC 10 4 6 0 921 1078 85.44 16 GLEN EIRA AFC 10 3 7 0 854 1005 84.98 12 BANYULE 10 1 9 0 771 1379 55 .91 4 4 OLD MENTONIANS 10 1 9 0 728 1369 53 .18 D7 SECTION P







4Y L D For Agst % Pts 9 9 8 6 6 4 4 3 1 0 W 9 8 8 8 7 5 5 4 3 2 1

1 0 1223 699 174 .96 36 1 0 1149 829 138 .60 36 2 0 1003 514 195.14 32 4 0 1080 862 125.29 24 4 0 907 1063 85 .32 24 6 0 1081 1026 105 .36 16 6 0 820 936 87 .61 16 7 0 851 924 92 .10 12 9 0 666 1149 57 .96 4 10 0 718 1527 47 .02 0 L D For 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 6 7 8 9

0 1020 0 1196 0 1013 0 1006 0 930 0 1029 0 718 0 723 0 595 0 651 0 465


Agst % Pts 531 192 .09 36 656 182 .32 32 607 166 .89 32 838 120.05 32 689 134.98 28 987 104 .26 20 996 72 .09 20 994 72 .74 16 789 75 .41 12 1139 57 .16 8 1190 39 .08 4

For Apt % PLs

10 9 1 0 919 394 233 .25 36 OLD XAVERIANS ST KEVINS 10 8 2 0 837 576 145 .31 32 ST BERNARDS 10 7 3 0 821 570 144 .04 28 MARCELLIN 10 6 4 0 683 616 110 .88 24 DE LA SALLE 10 6 4 0 671 636 105 .50 24 OLD TRINITY 10 5 5 0 609 591 103.05 20 OLD SCOTCH 10 4 6 0 657 593 110 .79 16 OLD IVANHOE 10 3 7 0 462 675 68 .44 12 *UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 2 8 0 514 814 63 .14 8 MHSOB 10 0 10 0 302 1062 28 .44 0 *Ineligible player Round 8

L D For Agst % Pts

MENTONE AMATEURS 10 9 1 0 1184 BOB 146 .90 36 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 10 9 1 0 1027 764 134 .42 36 AQUINAS 0 C 10 7 3 0 1125 853 131 .89 28 UNtVERSiTY BLACKS 10 6 4 0 911 816 111 .64 24 AJAX 10 5 5 0 972 1034 94 .00 20 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 10 5 5 0 879 989 88.88 20 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWEIO 4 6 0 989 990 99.90 16 MONASH BLUES 10 2 8 0 819 912 89.80 8 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 2 8 0 748 1191 62.80 8 OLD GEELONG 10 1 9 0 824 1123 73 .37 4 L)2 SECTIOfl! P




Agst %


P w L D For Agst



OLD MELBURNIANS 10 9 1 0 884 401 220 .45 36 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 8 2 0 893 555 160 .90 32 OLD PARAD(ANS 10 7 2 1 705 615 114 .63 30 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 6 3 1 900 497 181 .09 26 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 6 4 0 723 618 116 .99 24 MA2ENOD 0 C 10 6 4 0 673 666 101 .05 24 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 3 7 0 438 842 52 .02 12 THERRY PENDLA OB 10 2 8 0 491 797 61 .61 8 ORMOND 10 1 9 0 458 850 53 .88 4 OLD BRIGHTON 10 1 9 0 423 796 53 .14 4


YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 9 1 0 1327 657 201 .98 36 SALESIAN 0 C 10 8 2 0 1083 822 131 .75 32 PENINSULA 0 B 10 7 3 0 964 952 101 .26 28 BENTLEIGH AFC 10 6 4 0 1114 793 140 .48 24 PARKSIDE 10 5 5 0 1032 988 104.45 20 OLD CAREY 10 5 5 0 921 990 93.03 20 LA TROBE UNI 10 3 6 1 887 924 96.00 14 FITZROY REDS 10 3 7 0 741 969 76.47 12 KEW 10 2 8 0 739 1173 63 .00 8 OAKLEIGH AFC 10 1 8 1 798 1338 59.64 6


W 1 D For Agst % 8 6 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 0

1 1 909 514 176 .85 1 3 903 541 166 .91 2 1 819 653 125 .42 4 0 791 544 145 .40 4 1 517 566 91 .34 5 0 724 547 132 .36 6 0 814 540 150.74 7 0 571 782 73.02 7 0 450 1006 44 .73 10 0 259 1125 23 .02

34 30 30 24 1 22 20 16 12 1 12 0


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