O uit nokeFree
Wfir,;'''171 . Calling All Coache s
Melburnians ; C: St Bedes Mentone Tigers / St Bedes Mentone Tigers ; Dl : Mentone Amateurs / Mentone Amateurs ; D2 : Yarra
;, 1' .(cutive and myself were very disturbed to hear cl,,,rts of the possible demise of the Coaches' ation basically due to the difficulty in recruitin g ;cv ; and currently coaching members . The "old guard" „ike, Harry, Tim . Peter and Andrew) of Mike rhur-Allen, Harry Harisiou, Andrew Sutherland , P ti r Olivieri and Tim O'Shaughnessy are the only cu~1 coaches and represent the senior and/or higher rtions in the main . ur,e coaches from all sections to consider adding llc r weight to the AFCA/VAFA because if it fold s oaclies would have to go to another AFCA to maintain, _,ain the compulsory coach accreditation . c h :_ecutive and Administration see it as important ihai this sub-committee doesn't become dominated by , z-coaehes or administrators as the Association is a ,i osiunportant advisory group to tHe Executive in its dec ;5ion making process .
Valley / Yarra Valley ; D3: St Johns / St . Johns; D4: Rupertswood / Werribee . Interesting looking over the entries received from the 35 clubs who submitted entries for the Sportscover Pick the Seven Premiers Competition that if the current ladder leaders go on and become premiers seven (7) clubs will share the $10,000 prize ! !
Permits and fi n als eligibility. Now that permits have closed the next challenge ahead for clubs is to quali fy players for finals . The finals eligibility rules are outlined in the handbook and will soon appear each week in the "Amateur Footballer. " In regards to the handbook, the eligibility relating to Rese rves matches is not as printed as it was assumed that a proposed rule change would be approved by the Members which it subsequently was not . This means that to play reserves finals a player must be registered an d have played two ( 2) reserves matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches during the home and away season . Players who have been playing VFL football need to have played five (5) matches for the VAFA team they wish to represent in the finals - at least two of these to be played after June 30 . A player who is released for the first time after June 30, cannot play as permits have closed and his VAFA permit was invalidated by him playing VFL football. St. Bernards for putting on a fabulous pre-match ~ lunch last Saturday that featured "Slammin Sam" Kekovich as a most entertaining speaker . Club sponsor Castlemaine Hams and Bacons provided the food, raffle prizes and arranged the speaker. Clubs failing to support the requirement to supply the weekly Ground Inspection Sheets.The following clubs have completed and
Plcase contact either myself or Brett Connell if, as a coxch, you would like to add some new blood to our 1Ft ',/VAFA to enable succession planning to for the tu ure; would be willing to provide fresh and ,nicresting articles for Coaches' Clipboard and attend I,rofessional Development Evenings and dinners as pUnned .
Intarestin9 rounds ahead. t n last week's "Looking Back", Noel Rundle reported on mc 10 years ago, attempting to tip top teams for each ,rciion at the end of the home and away matches . '~oci's comment was "Pretty good effort, give it another d'~o here goes . A : St Bernards (to finish top) / St . Bernards (to become premiers) ; B : North Old Boys / Old Lookinh P~ek .. .. . . .. . . . : . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .._ ..... . ... .20 Sport 927 Prize Whiner . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 7-4 Coaches' Clipboard . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . :. .25" TocL3y's Umpires. . . .: . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .3t, For the Lave of the Game . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . .32r3 3
' .ext ~,ieeh's id'atches, .. ....., 51 lstertru4cl ; Park 1}rarv..:... . .. . ..... . .. ... ... .62 tibuual & Tnvestigations. .. . .. . ..... . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . .... .62
i 1_7
submitted less than the 50% of sheets required (abbreviations only so clubs know who they are) - H, MB, MG, OX, PH, St .L, 0 and St.M .
1) F '~~f5 )
L ;`1 ~ I ~I!!j4:T'u l~~l <<JL'E~~v~1 '
Dni9 61h, 2002 Price: $2.00
Vol. 02 O®.12
Bumper Sticker Competitio n ,
`• - ~ } ~ '
MEMORIES tend to be short-term when it comes to the best, but it's safe to go with this season being one of the better ones staged in the 110-year
history of the competition . St Bernards, second and first after the home-andaway in the past two seasons, showed they have the key to any premiership and that's depth when they ran away from the undefeated Old Xavs by nine goals . The Bernies used four under-19s Messrs Neeson, Clarke, Wilkinson and Smith and they helped replace the injured Andrew Mastropasqua and Nick Mitchell while Ryan Legudi and Chris Runnalls were required by Port Melbourne . The Xavs were without Messrs Parton, Bowen, Maher, Ockleshaw and Ellis and debutant Sam Johnston and Andrew Oswald did well . Oswald kept Dan Jordan to two goals . These teams have only lost a game each, and that was to each other, and both have more tests this weekend. Today the Dogs go to Marcellin which has squeezed back into the four with a nine-goal victory over MHSOB . The Eagles had 10 goal kickers and backmen Damien Sampimon and Nick Godwin added to their strength . Xavs have to negotiate Old Tri nity which brought up its first back-to-back wins for the season with a fivegoal win over DLS . "OT are a good guide to how you are going," Xavs coach Tim O'Shaugnessy said . The Ts look to be close to full strength with Lincoln Reynolds, Paul Gnatt and Sam Kennedy in form . De La continue to tantalise and Andy Evans and Ben Mannix make for a better combination.The Dees, which had one less s~,oring shot last week, host Old Scotch, which is back in form .
Kicking into the breeze in the first quarter against St Kevins the Cardinals set up their 32-point win by out scoring the undermanned SKOBs . Ruckman Andrew Crow, and ball-carriers Brad Robinson, Ryan Mullins, Tristan Beranger and Steve Hume will need to keep their form against the hard running DLS . Watch for Scotch's James Ross who kicked a terrific running goal last week . University Blues, who had 10 more scoring shots r-------------------------------- i
Weekend [Jatches (Fri) Umpires Appointments Scores (Sat . night )
than Old Ivanhoe yet lost by five points, travel to Melbou rne High . Hard to see the Unicorns getting up against the Blues who are desperate for points an percentage to crack the four . The High's stars Messi Cassell, the McCully brothers, Fairchild, Clowes an Limbrick made it into their best last week and th work the club is doing is sure to be rewarded soon . SKOBs have been decimated with injuries to Messi Olive, Ukovic, Marcus DoIlman, McGuiness an Hicks, and last week were forced to play Ma Kempton who had the flu . After winning the first Ili games of the year, the SKOBs have dropped the pa: six including the past two weeks to teams the defeated in the first round .
Is it possible they could be relegated such are the . injury concerns and the tightness of the season? Skevs players took a positive step and held a meetin last Monday to reconfirm their belief they have wha it takes. They did a similar thing three years ago an had sports psych Dr Paul Callery speak to them an it had immediate results . Dr Callery's nephew Adria was at the club then but this year he's at Springvai Also the good doctor's son Ben is now playing wit the Blues .
SKOBs host the Hoers, with Chris Branigan an Paul Donaldson kicking seven goals between th . Rover-winger Luke Lochran wa elastwk sensational with his pace and skills and Anthon Corcoran returned to form in his second week bacl Also Mark Orchard is nearing his early season forn beitzetb@alphalink .com .au
Greig Old Trinity Harvey St Bernards Jordan St Bernards M . Giansiracusa St Kevins Treganowan Mareellin A RESERVES Gilmour St Bernards Griffiths St Kevins Osborne St Bernards Hawkes Old Ivanhoe R . Legudi St Bernards
LST WK TOTA 51 49 43 29 26 23 20 15 15 14
C (clarg~ may & higher from a mobile Phone to this Service) ' ~'------------------------------J 2 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20C
,, . SALLE - Ben Mannix 150 Games : Achieved ✓ ust OT last Saturday & comprises 30 U1 9 12 Club 18, 6 Reserves and 102 Senior ( 81 "A" / 21 °g'), Ben's continuous running and superb marking make him a most valuable DLS player . Was Club Champion in 1998, the year he was Runner Up in the "A" Grade B & F . The following year Ben's performances were recognised when he was selected in the VAFA Representative Team . Also Nick Harber 100 Games: Achieved last Saturday against OT & comprises 35 Under 19 26 Reserves and 39 Senior (13 °A" / 26"B") . Nick has graduated from a very successful era in the Under 19 ranks and has been a courageous contributor to both the Senior and Reserves teams . A respected and honest performer whose training attendance and attitude is ,_cmplary. UNIVERSITY BLUES - congratulate Drew Slimman on reaching the milestone of 100 senior games with the club last Saturday against Old Ivanhoe . Well done Drew, a fantastic achievement given your demanding study commitments and some frustrating injury problems in the last few seasons .
St Kevins v. Old Ivanhoe De La Salle v. Old Scotc h Old Xaverians v . Old Trinity EP Sunday Marcellin v . St Bernards MHSOB v. University Blue s mm mm == ZMEM 9113133 mm == == = =
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OLD IVANHOE 3.1 7.2 10 .3 14 .4 (88) UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .3 9.8 11.10 11.17 (83) Old Ivanhoe: Branigart 4 Donaldson 3 Moore 2 Lochran Corcoran J Weddle Theodossi Curatolo Best: Lochran Roberts Donaldson Moore Bolz<vn Orchard . University Blues : Baker 5 Collins 2 Wilkie 2 McEvrin Solly. Best Ryan Soily Young Brooke McEwin Sturrock. Umpires : P. James, T. Sutcliffe (F). C. Doyle (B) . R. Parry, B. Hoare (G) OLD SCOTCH 4.3 9.6 13.12 17.14 (116) ST Ii3iVI1YS 2 .1 6.4 9.4 13 .6 (84) Old Scotch: Collins 3 O'Connor 3 Freeman 2 Hosking 2 Jennings Nettleton Hume Breisch Ross Cations Crow . Best : Beranger Collins Crow Robinson Fhiocchiaro Ross. St . Kevins : Garvey 2 Greenham 2 Lucas 2 R Maguire Lowerson Kempton J . Giansiracusa B Cullman Crowley Bowles . Best Greenham R Maguire O'Brien Fraser Bowles Hobart. Umpires : J . MeNiece, M. Sneddon (F), S. Fraser, N . Woods (B). M. Simpson, K, Degota (G ) OLD TR INITY 1 .4 10 .6 10.8 14 .11 (95) DE LA SALLE 3.3 6 .5 7 .15 8 .16 (64) Old Trinity: Greig 3 S Kennedy 3 Kenna 2 amore Clarke Collins Hatfield C Phillips Ramsden . Best Gnarl Hatfield Clarke VanDerVenne S Kennedy Kenna. De La Salle : Johnstone 2 Evans 2 Duggan Murton S Hyland Harrison . Best- Silvers Morel Browne Moloney S Hyland R Bonnici . Umpires : A . Firley. W. Hinton (F), C. O'Shea, S . Caruso (B), R Owens, C . Arno) (G ) ST BERNARDS 7 .2 13 .4 14.7 18.11 (119) OLD XAVERIANS 4 .1 7 .3 8 .11 9 .13 (67) St. BernanLS: Turnbull 4 Neeson 3 Byrne 2 Haney 2 D Jordan 2 B Jordan 0'Sullivan James N Smith Joe Mount . Best: A Thomas Joe Mount B Jordan Hogan Clarke Loughlin . Old Xaverians: Richardson 3 Lethlean 2 Johnston Clarke Drake Mollard . Best Brushfield Landrigan Blood Sassi Ruyg Clarke. Umpires : G . HmlicYhen, J. Kvins (F), R. Mutton, A . Rechtman (B) . D . Napoli . V. Vescpvi(G ) TSARCELLIN 5.4 11 .6 14.9 20.13 (133) MHSOB 2.5 5 .7 9.10 11 .12 (78) Marcellin: ": ranquilll 4 Marson 3 Purcell 3 Treganowan 21iFaters 2 Dinneen 2 Salce Sampimon Browse Cull, Best: Theisz Waters Dinneen Sampimon Jarred Godwin. MIISOB : Simpson 2 Barnett 2 Cassell Limbrlck Adcock G McCully Ware Gerner White. Best S McCully Cassell Fairchild G McCully Clowes Limbrick. Umpires: M . Gibson, R. Mayston (F), B . Jephson, J . Robinson (G) RESERVES OLD IVANHOE 2.1 5.1 10.4 10.8 (68) UNI BLUES 1.5 7.9 10.10 10.11 (71) . Bear 2, Prior 2, Morris Best- Brandt, Prior, Old Ivanhoe: Hawkes 5 Hawkes . Davis, Gilbert, George Ga . Uni Blues: Royrcihouse 3, Suvoltos 2 . Gates 2, Quinn, Haberfield, MeKerrow. BesC Roydhouse, Featherston, Wilcox, Kordrak, Versteegen, Thomas. OLD SCOTCH 3 .3 6.4 11.7 11.8 (74) 5.6(36) ST I3;VINS 1 .1 3.2 3.3 Old Scotch: C .Reid 4, Hooper 2, Jones 2, Joyce, Lillh gston, Watts . Best .Iser, Craig, Lillingston. Joyce, Lipshut, Watts . D St .Kevins : C .Rohan 2. Harper, K.Mclnerney. Marchesan . Best, Curtis, Griffiths, P.Bare, Moore, Kalesaran, Sullivan . OLD TRINITY 2 .5 4.8 5.13 5.14 (44) DE LA SALLE 3 .2 6.3 7 .4 13 .7 (85) Old Trinity: Mithen 2, S Oberot, Blackmore. Schultze . Best- CarterBuszard, S VanDerVenne . T Cade, Cameron, Burgess, A Oberoi . De La Safe : McInerney 4, Walker 2, O'Brien 2, Hadar, Janis, La Rag, Hoskins, A Bonnici . Best La Rag, McInerney, Thomas, Spithill, O'Brien. Pirnnne. ST BERNARDS 0.7 0.8 3.13 8 . 17(65) OLD XAVERIANS 2 .2 8.5 10 .9 13 .12 (90) St . Bernards: Gilmour 4, R. Legudi 2, Calthorpe . Campbell. Best Evans . Davis, James Mount, Lloyd, D . Thomas, lannazzo. Old Xavierians: Stoney 3, Meehan 3, Callinan 2, Baker, Bingti<vn, Coughlan, Jones . Wilson . Best: Coughlan . Callulan . Ireland, Scanlon, Stonev . Wilson . 1 .3 6.8 9.11 11 .16 (82) MARCELLIN 0.5(5) bwAiSOB 0.2 0.3 0 .4 Marcellin: Not received . h4ISOB: Not received. 8
DE LA SALLE Coach: Paul Cooper Assist: Noel Jenkinson Res Coach : Terry Russell 1 L . Walker (CR) 2 R . Buckley 3 B. Corin 4 P. Murton (VC) 5 C . SwiR 6 M. Herber 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 9R C . Chester 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans(C) 12 D . Toohey 13 A. Johnstone 14 C. Bovaker 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland 17 A. Ellio tt 18 A. Coffey 19 M . Goodier 20 M . Picon e 21 A. McKenzie 22 M . Mercur 23 D. O'Brien 24 J . Morel 24R C . Buick 25 C. Hyde 25 R. Walmsley 26 D. Spithill 27 S . Thomas 28 N. Herber 29 C. Browne 30 B . Mannix 30R S . Murray
31 S. Hyde 32 R. Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 L. Williams 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W . Jolley 37 D. Hyland 37R D . Moore 38 D. McInerney 39 S . Kane 39R S. Hoy 40 C. Noseda 41 M . McHen ry 42 P. Bourke 42R A. Bonnici K. Brkic 44 K . Holden 45 P. Hesse 46 A . Skinns 47 A . Molan 48 D. Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 A . Boots 50 D. Alderuccio 51 L. Douanghosay 52 E . Phillips 53 L. Derbyshire 54 D. Buckley 55 L. Meehan 56 C. Worstelling 57 R . Marks 58 G . Wise 60 B . Quinane 61 70 M . Duggan
Coach: Campbell Glover Assist : Terence Blythman Res Coach : Scott Robinson
1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D . Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwin
1 J . Bamert 2 S . McCully (SDVC) 3 A. Simpson 3 A. Angus 4 M . White
6 D . Sampimon
5 E . Raleigh
7 M. Rowe 8 R . Frisina 9 D . Ballantine 10 A. Dale 11 D . Taylor (RC) 12 B. Cronin 13 S. Dinneen 14 D . Salce 15 M. Chun 16 L . McMillan 17 G . Cox (VC) 18 D . Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 S. 0'FI nn y 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 M. Edmonds 24 L . O 'Flynn (RVC) 25 R . Gated 26 D . McMillan 27 S. Theisz (VC) 28 D . Johnston 29 C ' Moran 30 A. Treganowan (C) 31 C . Mason 32 M. Browne 33 G . Cull 34 D . Jarred 35 J. Frazer 36 D . Cope 37 L . Considine 38 M. Boyd 39 B. Colville 40 A. Wilkinson 41 J . Seabury 42 B. Dinneen 43 A. Duncan 44 L . Hanson 45 D . Theisz 46 J . Mathews 47 M. Becche tti 48 A. Gallagher 49 ' B. Gale 50 A. Ryder 51 M. Maguire 52 C . Moran 53 C . Mathews 54 A. Gallagher 55 J . Wallis 56 S. Maguire 57 N . Addison 58 J . Ibrahim 72 D . Cracknell
6 R. Joseph
Coach : Paul Fahey Assist: Darren Payne & Paul No rthey Res Coach : Noel Spoor 1 A . Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 A . Jenkins 4 B . Davis
5 T. Young
A. Nett leto n B. Phillip s J. Ros s T. Holt (C)
5 S . Collins (VC )
Coach : Dale Tappin g Assist: Andrew Smit h Res Coach : John Atta Assist: Simon Tallent 1 2 3 4
6 S . Kent 7 J . Geishan 7 P Teller 8 T. Stevens ( RC) 8 J . Dixon (RVC) 9 M . Karayannis 8 J . Gerner 10 M . Crowley 9 D. Fairchild (SCapt) 11 S . Tully 10 D. Nort on 12 C . Branigan 11 D. Simmons 13 M . Orchard 12 R. Ranting 14 C . Moore 12 M . Feferkranz ( RCapt) 15 L. Bolzan 16 C . Mooney 13 C. Kelly 17 A . Corcoran 14 A. O'Brien 18 J . Hope (VC) 15 N . Adcock 19 M . Tolley 16 J . Walker 2 0 D. H aw kes 17 R. Clowes 21 R. Robe rts 18 R. Limbrick (SDVC) 22 P. Donaldson 18 B . McGrath 23 K . Theodossi 19 A. Brookes 24 G. Hares (DVC) 20 T Harper 25 E . Byrne 20 D. Nichols 26 P. Lillis 21 R. Patterson 27 J . Weddl e 22 A. Svirskis 28 S . Morris 22 D. Armstrong 29 R. Weddle (C) 3 0 A . Gilbert 23 L. Taylor 31 J . Stevens (DVC) 24 S . Runde][ 32 P. Dowd 25 N . Orchard 33 N . Pratt 26 A. Vicendese 34 A . Tiernan 28 J . Brown 35 M . Pollock 29 G. McCully 36 B . Spoor 30 R. Newton 37 M . Ber ry 31 J . Davis 38 Ga George 32 A. Cassell ( SDVC) 39 Ge George 33 A. Saultry 40 J . Keane 33 S . Harrison 41 A . Clark 34 E . Thompson (SVC) 42 S . Low 34 P. Rujevic 43 L. Hunter 44 A . Karafili 35 A. Mills ( RVC) 45 M . Toovey 35 S . Moore 46 M . Toze r 36 P. McGrath 47 G. Kin g 36 M . Ting 48 M . Clarke 37 R. McIntyre 49 L. Sha y ~ 37 T. Harper 50 S . Brandt 38 S . Robinson 51 N . Braddy 39 S . Whitt ington 52 A . Clancy 40 D. Membre Y 53 S . Price~ 40 W. Hayes 54 B . Guidera 41 J . Anderson 55 A . Berezza 42 P. Boyer 56 L. Courage 43 D. Vicendese 57 D. Harcou rt 58 G. Mclsaac 44 M . Hawkes 59 J . White 45 M . Brown 60 S . Hill 46 P. Wolnizer 61 C. Binney 47 R. Ware 62 J . Baker 48 G. Pollard 63 T. Hibbs 49 C. Duke 64 C. Barker 50 S . Osborne 65 B . Shadbolt 53 P. Bain 66 D. Warry 54 P. Willoughby 55 C. Wright ggTE00 Computers 56 T. Wright Spectrum Assurances 57 D. Cassell 58 B. Fox MENSWEAR
QLG lo'~ :: : :
Coach : Simon Dalrymple Res Coach : Peter Randall
6 A. Grow (VC) 7 J. Kitchen (VC) 8 B . Robinson 9 D . Brooke 10 C . Smith 11 R . Aujard 12 S. Hume 13 N . Hoope r 14 R . Mullin s 15 R . Eagl e 16 D . Jennings 17 D . Thomas 18 L. Hawkin s 19 R . Joseph s 20 S . Lillingston 21 J . S tratos 22 N . Addiso n 23 0. Cran e 24 C . Pattenden 25 M . Saunders 25R S . Crai9 26 T. Downing (RC ) 27 J. Pilkingto n 28 S . Prendergast 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leitl 32 J . Gerstman 33 J . McCarroll Humphries 34 RE . Olive r 35 P. O'Connor 36 A . Millar 37 E . Moffatt 38 R . Ashto n 39 C . Stevens 39R A. Cowper 41 M . Lipshu t 42 M . Watts 43 R . Breisch 44 C . Evans 45 M . Blenheim 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Berange r 48 S . Mile s 49 M . O'Brie n 50 T. Hosking 51 L. Freeman 52 D . Knigh t 53 G. Junkeer 54 N . Simon 56 C . Tallent 57 J . Cran e 59 B . Iser 60 T. Wigney 61 S . Jones 63 P. Iser 64 N . Costell o 65 C. Armstron g 66 A . Routledge 68 N . Gil l 69 C. Neal 70 S . Thompson 71 D. Jackson 74 M . Ri x 75 S . Troon 77 C. Joyce
E? S F'i'
Ltlltt LAfROBt 6%
NtAh''aC=t :NiI:N T
Coach : Leigh Carlson
Assist. : Phil Gaut
E®'' i°Y BLUE S
OLD X Coach : Tim O 'Shaughnessy Res Coach : Serge D'Angelo
Coach : Peter Nicho on
Res Coach : Joe Wa :nins
19 Barr C
21 Kennedy L 22 Phillips 20 Deane-Johns C G
^-. Ramadan A C/C
24 Christopherson J 5 Cameron F u Donahoo B 27 Greig M 28 Hine A 29 Nesbitt L
30 McKinnon R
31 Burgess J 32 Cornell J 33 Rogers D Deane-Johns l 55 Pawsey M SutGfie J 37 Van Der Venne S(R/C) 3 7 Cochrane A 38 Phillips R C/C
3 Oberoi S
v U Beardsley D 41 Lauletta S 42 Armatas C 43 Dodgson B '- Power B 45 Treadwell G 45 Morpeth T
46 Cooper S
47 Schultze D 3 Ward C 9 Carter-Buszard L(RIV(C) 50 Robison M 51 Mithen P 52 Heaven C 53 Plain G 54 Blackmore B 55 Taylor C r,i Best E ;i Oberoi A ~`- Stebbins C 59 Cade T (RNIC)
60 Manseur S
6 1 Cris6ano D Cokalis S F Cade S = Kenna A CS Medlin S
i , Perry T
67 Am cn : A 68 Hii A 69 Somerville W 70 Bullen M 71 Langdon S 72 Munroe H 73 Hildebrandt D 74 Thwaites M
1 2 3 4 5
M . Blood D. Orlando L. Hannebery D. Landrigan S. Mollard
6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 P. McDonald g J. Hawkins 10 D . Rennex 11 Ad Jones 12 J. Bowen 13 C . Ellis 14 Dn Stoney 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 N . Bingham 17 D . Richardson 18 M . Green
19 M . Callihan 20 . M . Hardman 20 . J. Scanlan 21 A. Parton 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 24 B . Coughlan 25 R. Carey 26 N. Baker 27 J . Drake 28 A. McDonald 29 S. Wood 30 T. Clarke (v.c) 31 L . Tuddenham 32 A. Brushfield 33 A. Sassi 34 R . Jones
35 A. Delaney 36 B . Dwyer 37 T. Maher 39 M . Meehan 40 W. Rolfe 41 A. Dillon 43 T. Woodruff 44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B . Dixon 47 T. Ruyg 48 J . McDonnell
49 Ti Lowrie 50 Ti Biddlecombe 51 D . Walsh 52 P. Funder 55 J. Healy
56 N . McInerney 58 M. Mahon
I D. Baynes 2 D. Burrowes 3 R . Cousland 4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 C . Runnalls 6R S. lannazzo 7 S. Clarke 8 J. Evans 9 B. Jordan (VC) 10 N . Mitchell (C) 10R C. Calthorpe 11 C . Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A . Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L. Turnbull 17 L. O'Sullivan 18 D. McLaughlin 19 L. Gollant 20 L. Fielding 21 B . Loughlin 22 M . O'Riley 23 A. Mastropasqua 24 N.M . Smith
25 C. Osborne 26 J . Gollant , 26R A . Fewster 27 James Mount (RC) 28 P. Gilmour 29 L . Wilkinson 30 C . Trewin
31 C . Gleason 32 T. Harvey 33 B. Atis 34 D . Byrne 35 L. Campbell 36 R . Legudi 37 A . Catterall 38 J . Simpson 39 C. Baumgartner 40 D. Thomas 41 A. Bouzikas 42 P. Kinniburgh 43 M . Stapleton 44 S. Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 P.Holland 47 R . Pizzichetta 48 N . P. Smith 49 S. McCurry 50 J. DeBlank 51 P. Romanivr
63 R . Coughlan
52 J. Llyod
66 A. Wilson
53 T. Pearson 54 L. O'Brien 55 B . McManus 56 B . Swann 57 J . Delaney 58 L. Evans 59 H . Pekes 60 R. Pekes
Res Coach: Steve Carroll
1 N . Fraser 2 R. Grinter 3 D. Curtis 4 A. Ukovic 5 M . Dolman (C) 6 P. O' Keefe (VC) 7 K. Gray 8 B. Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M. Lucas 11 J . Pangrazio 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 M. Olive (DVC) 16 B. Garvey (VC) 17 D . Ryan 18 P. Gissing 19 D . Sheehy (RC) 20 K . Bowden 21 R . Maguire 23 S . Lowerson 24 H . Pride 25 B . Marusic 26 D. Sadler 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton (DVC) 30 M . Gargano 31 A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor 33 M. Maguire (RVC) 34 T. Hobart 35 M. Kavanagh 36 E. Sullivan 37 M . Pangrazio (RVC) 38 J. O 'Brien 39 S . Gribble
40 N . Moore 41 G. Anderson 42 T McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G . Katavotos 46 J . Travaglia 47 A. Conlan 48 L. Harper 49 L. Kalesaran 51 D . Bare 52 J . Finch
I Slimmon D(VC) 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J(VC ) 4 Guengerich D(VC) 5 Gleeson Q (VC) 6 Fricker G 7 Rourke T 8 Hayter J 9 Meade S 10 Stockdale P 11 12 McLachlan G (C)
13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 18 McEwin A 19 Collins M
20 Gleason D 21 McIntyre T(VC) 22 Millard B 23 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Gates B 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M (RC) 29 30 Larkin A 31 Callery B 32 Suvoltos A 33 McKie M 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A 36 Brooke J 37 Kaso S 38 Wilson A 39 Birtley T 40 Hocking J 41 Quin L 42 Treloar B 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 Armstrong J 46 McKerrow M 47 Young R 48 Briggs A
53 J . Griffiths
49 Chamberlain L
55 E. Crohan 56 P. Natale 57 B. Quirk 58 J. Ferrari 59 R . Chivers 60 A . Greenhalg 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 B . Hicks 64 T. Crowley 66 N . atarchesani 67 T. Purcell 73 P. Byrne 75 R. Campagna 79 G . O'Connor
50 Nailon H 51 Brown A 52 O'Donnell P 53 Versteegen R 54 Bennett S 55 Dalymore B 56 Irvine T 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholtz J 59 Toohey J 60 McKinley T 61 Coleman B 62 Taylor N 63 Hardcourt J
64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 McKerrow R 67 McAoon D (RVC )
75 Chisholm M 76 Matthews M
77 Kelly T 78 Brady W
79 Treadvrell C Adjemis J 81 Peggie A
Asst Coach: A- z ~ier~r~
Coach: Michael Conlan
Res Coach : Steve William s
Res Coach : Craig Heave 1 Kennedy S (V/C) Hudson G 3 Reynolds L 4 Arrowsmith J 5 Burrows D 6 Gnatt P 7 Van Der Venne T Frost C g Andrews A V/C 10 Shaughnessy M 10 Dann S 11 Gorman A 12 Pirauet N 13 Collins M 13 Cade J 14 Parkin A 15 Stephens T 16 Hiillas C 17 Hatfield G 18 Clarke L
Coach : ke hur ;4!!en
R EI ®
. : HOTE L
Results this week went pretty as per the form, with
the punters getting some money back in their kick after copping a pounding over the pastfew weeks . REVIE W At Central Reserve . Old Essendon were pole driven into the earth with a thud, as Mazenod were too strong by 20 pts . 7 goals to 2 after the main break show that the home side were too good for their guests . Pickering, Dunne and Murray played well for Mazenod, whilst Heritage, Ryan and Podger stood tall for the losing side . The near neighbours in Old Haileybury and Old Brighton played a heart stopper at McKinnon, as the home side (OH) got their noses in front when it counted and won by a measly 5 pts . Poor goal shooting from both sides added to the closeness of the contest . White and Mrs . Floyd's boys were superb for OH and Hendra, Pirrie and Stewart did themselves proud for OB. The famous Br Garvey saw a ripper game between Old Paradians and Old Melburnians, with the ladder leaders pulling away in the end by 19 pts . There was very little between the two sides all day, with the height of OMs proving to be the telling factor in the end . Helene, Evans and Hawkins led the way for the winning side (OMs) . The youngster in Richardson was well supported by the evergreen 'Dad's Army' pair of O'Loughlin and Brabender for the OPs . There were salutes galore at the home of the great E . E. Gunn, as Ormond finally celebrated a home win against Therry to the tune of an even 6 goals (36 pts) . Straight kicking by the locals, combined by the poor kicking of the visitors gave Mick no cause for concern, instead giving Wayne plenty of headaches . Ormond's Grace with 7 bickies had a field day, and was well supported by the big McConvill and Whelan . O'Connor, Elliot and Henderson tried valiantly to find the big sticks for Therry. It was more pain and agony at Boss' house, as the long trip and smelly camels made no difference to NOBs when they gave Hampton Rovers a spanking by 59 pts . Had the white shorts brigade kicked more truly, things could have been much worse for the home side, as NOBs had a whopping 14 more scoring shots!! For NOBs, Mrs Barker's boys bagged 10 between them with Joe gaining the bragging rights with 6 . McKellar. C, Martyn and Anderson . D had a real dip for HR but as my spy reports, they were shipped off to hospital with broken backs as they've had to carry the whole side once again!!! !
PREVIEW Sell your shares in the oil companies . There's not much travelling this week!!!
Down beachside, an interesting contest greets us, as Old Brighton (6/4 )
welcome Mazenod (1 /2) . Stuart Glascott and his charges know that a loss today would almost spell the end of any chances of action past Rd 18, as they would be 2 games behind today's opponent . Dave Murray knows the equation that confronts his team, and he has them in fine form going into the match . Eventually, they're going to have to win one at home, and whilst their recent form hasn't been flash, I believe that OB can bounce back today and make the race to the finals just that bit more interesting . OB by 5 pts. On our Bowling Green, it's first vs third, where Old M elburnians (1/3) play host to Old Haileybury (5/2) . Erwin Leyden has the flag favs going well, as they answer all challenges put to them, and today is a good test of their progress to date. Similarly . Mick Dwyer also has his men playing good footy, winning the last two and giving them plenty of confidence going into today's match. It is another great opportunity for OMs to show the competition that they are worthy premiership favourites, even though OH will dish it right up to them, the home side will prevail by 20 pts . Out at Oak Park, it's short trip down the ring road for Old Paradians (1/6), as Therry (9/2) roll out the red carpet . Wayne Harmes will still be spitting chips and the kitchen sink after missing out on the opportunity to win another one last week . Matt Ryan and his players also had their chances against the ladder leaders, but fell a fraction short after giving it their all . Given that they weren't far away against the yardstick last week, and with a big possibility of a spot in the finals, the OPs won't let this one slip . They'll get over the line by 29 pts . At the home of Boss, we have the out of form Hampton Rovers (2/ 1) and Ormond (1 /3) locking horns in what should be a good game . Norm Goss cannot seem to get a contribution from most of his passengers, who haven't tasted success for quite a while now . Mick Knuppel is breathing easy after their first home Mn, and would now be licking his lips at the prospect of another road trip. If Norm's lads want to sit at the back of the bus and enjoy the view, they may as well join me at the Caloundra Cup, as they'll go down again in a screaming heap, but if more are prepared to contribute and wash the windows, they can Mn . I'll go out on a limb here and say that the HR boys will cop the spray, and do something about it by extracting their digits, and win by a'poofteenth' . HR by 1 pt . Finally, another western derby in Mr Gillon's backyard, as NOBs (2/7) and Old Essendon (11/4) face the M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
,ulrier. After their great run of wins and subsequent Garry Foulds and his team bounced back had las t .C ,k, something you would expect from the second .,, . Chris Bye's up and down season continues and if ,ide ;ic can cobble some wins together finals maybe a slim possibility. The phone was very quiet last week at 4,50pm, and I'm tipping it will be again this week, as Big Jack scampers home With his tail between his legs wi(il Bruno giving him directions to Brunswick Rd, v; llen NOBs give OE some more grief. NOBs by 22pts . RESERVE S Old Brighton (5 / 1) vs Mazenod (1/ 7) biaz by 35 pts Old Melburnians (1 /3) vs Old Haileybury (9/4) 0,'tI by 18 pts Tilerry (4/1) vs Old Paradians (1/6) OP by 30pts Hampton Rovers (1 /2) vs Ormond (6/4) HR by 27 pt s
NOBs (2/7) vs Old Essendon (5/2) NOBs by 32 pts
OLi} MELBURNIANS - congratulate David Holme on playing his 100th game for the Club today . The tireless ruckman has been the stand-out big man in the club 1or the past few seasons, continually defeating opponents both at the centre bounces and around the rtround . Well done David, and we hope the famous cry oi "Holmer" will be heard emanating from our supporters' for many more games. " OLD PARADIANS - Congratulate Peter Cosgriff on 200 games with the Club . Began 1985, still going ,irong 2002 . Highlights: Premiership Player - Yes, Goal Kicker: yes a few, Trophy Winner: yes, Played in the Unders, Two's and the One's, Committee - yes, Cleaner upper - yes . around the club worker, shorts seller, subs collector yes and oh yes, a pretty good footballer as well, in fact an all round nice guy, Peter, thank you from everyone at the Club, a well earned Milestone . MAZENOD - congratulate Nick "Popeye" Parry on playing his 100th game for the club . Nick is a great running backline player who is very hard at the ball and his delivery to players up the field is second to none. Nick helps out off the field as well and is the clubman every club dreams of having and the club hope to have him around both on and off the field for many years to come .
NAM, E B SECTION Mulligan Barker Porteous Powe r Hakim B RESERVE
CLUB Old Melburnians North Old Boys Old Paradians Hampton Rovers Old Essendon
3 6 1 1 0
34 34 33 31 28
Efsthathiou Old Haileybury 1 37 Munro North Old Boys 3 33 Fl oyd Old Haileybury 0 22 Somaia Old Haileybury 0 21 Ballenger Mazenod 0 20 CtA
4 i}4~~~ L~
~ ------
5.2 6 .5 8.7 13 .10 (73) 1111A= ? . OLD Faai;irwN 1.1 5 .4 6.9 7 .11 (53) : r 3 Apollonio 3 Meehan Murray L Morgan Castricum. J,.:.zenod : Ba(len, Best: Pickering Parry Dunne Ballenger O'Donoghue Murray . Old Essendon: DeMorton 2 DiPietro 2 McPherson Podger Ryan . BesC Heritage Jinks Ryan Oxnam T DiBlasi Podger . Umpires: R Sneddon, N. Fennessy (F), R. Seymour, R . Richards (G) OLD HAILEYBURY 0 .1 1 .5 5 .7 7.13 (55) 1 .4 2.9 4.12 6.14 (50) OLD BRIGHTON Old Haileybury: Graves 3 Bourke Mason L Floyd Brooks . Best : White D Lay A Floyd L Floyd Mason Forsyth . Old Brighton: Hendra Marshall Murch Lennox Porte Ginnavin . Best HendraFirrie Marshall N!Villiams S Williams Stewart . Umpires: A Damen (R), L. Holmes (F). P. Teasdale, J. Abbott (B), C. Shipley. G. Clancy (G) OLD PARADIANS 5.3 7.4 9 .7 10.8 (68) OLD MELBURNTANS 3.3 7.4 8 .7 13.9 (87) Old Parad3ens: Reiner 2 Pratt 2 Bail Boyd Porteous Sinclair Stevens Galloway Best Richardson Loney Dallas 01 .oughrui Curran Brabender. Old Melburnians : Kennedy 5 Mulligan 3 Beaumont Evans Farquharson J N Miller Roberts Best Holme Berry Kennedy Evans Theodore Hawkins, Umpires : R Schuller (RDL), M . Jenkins (F). B . Monaghan, R Monaghan (B), K. Coughlan, L . Fairman (RDL) (G ) 7.0 11.0 17.1 22 .3 (135) ORMOND TH);RRY PENOLA 4.3 9 .9 10.14 14 .15 (99) Grace 7 Black 5 Beckett 3 Miller 2 Martin 2 Ferrari Wilson Ormond : Robbins Best- McConvill Moore Grace C Keleher Whelan Collins . Therry Penola O'Connor 6 D Goahtiii Edwards Boyle Henderson Best O'Connor C Bannister Elliott Castakll Henderson D Goodwin . Umpires : R Love, M. Cox (F), P. Maddocks, R, Dodd (G) HAMPTON ROVERS 1.4 3.6 8.6 10.10(70) NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .3 7 .10 13.14 19.15 (129) Hampton Rovers : S Anderson 3 Cave 2 Browne L Fletcher Ng Power S Redder Best, C McKellar Martyn D Anderson Barker Zampaglione Cave . North Old . Boys: J Barker 6 M Barker 4 Collison 4 Vogels 2 Phyland Casboult Tehan Best, Whiteside Hosking Collison Boyle Phyland Fitularenee . Umpires: M. Monty, M. Taylor (F) . A Zaicman, L. Mavropaulos (G) RESERVES MAZENOD 6 .4 8.7 8 .7 11.10 (76) OLD ESSENDON 0.1 1.3 1 .5 3 .5 (23) PRazenod: Smith 3. Gooden 2, Hawkins 2, Suan, Fisher, McDowell, McMullin. Best- Snart, Polan, McDowell, Fuller, Quinn, Carter . Old Ess€ndon: Hunter 2, Tilley, Best- Healey, Hunter, Barr . Obliubek, Newbold, Morrison . 6.7(43) OLD HAD.EYBURY 5.0 5 .1 6.7 OLD BRIGHTON 2.2 7.6 8.6 11 .7 (73) Old Hailcybury: Bell 2, EfstaUuou . P. Langford-Jones, W.Smith, Melin . Best: Curtain, Dimond, Gopu . Bell. Goulden, O'Donnell. Old Brighton : Dever 5, Scott 3, C. Stewart, Fox S. Mead. Best Krzyryvniak, O'Neill. S . Gadsden, McNicol, C . Stewart, Fax. 6.8[44) OLD PARADIANS 0.3 1 .5 3.8 OLD RIELBURiYIA1VS 0.1 0.1 1.2 1 .3(9) . Palermo, K Jenkins. t3esC J Old Parad3aas: J S ti1idon 3, Godfrey Swindon, Godfrey, Harford. Hart, J Dallas, S. Fantone. Old Melbruaians: Alder, Best- Wu, R Simpson, Magee, Theile, Grant . Ray. ORMOND 2 .4 3.7 6 .7 8.10 (58) THERRY PENOLA 3 .2 5.4 8 .8 10.11 (71) Ormond: Lehner 2, Monaghan 2, Stephens 2, D . Cleary, C. Cleary. Best Brennan. Everett, D. Cleary . Putz, Lehner, Farrell , Therry Pmola: Gorman 2, Higgins 2 . Kuret, O'Sullivan, Sacco, Maloney . L.Hollow 0'Meara Best- Weston, Christi, Sacco, P .GaronL L.Hollow, Smith. HAMPTON ROVERS 0.0 2.4 3 .6 7 .7 (37) NORTH OLD BOYS 3.5 4.7 7 .8 9.11 (65) Hampton Rovers: Warren 2, Nitschke, Fisher, Flahive . Best- Nitschke, Quon, Flynn, Levy, Wheeler . Fibadnrif. Almiento North Old Boys : Cameron 3, Munro 3, Sheehan 2, Steep 1 . Best, Maher, Carney, Cameron . Kennedy, Sleep . Deldney.
Old Brighton v . Mazenod Old Melburnians v. Old Haileybury Therry Penola v. Old Paradians Hampton Rovers v. Ormon d North Old Boys v. Old Essendon
Res Coach: Tony Naumoff 1 A . Brudar 2 M . McKellar 3 D. Busby 4 S . Anderson (C) 5 B . Marlyn 6 T. Wilmott 7 A. Dudd y 8 Drew Anderson 9 T. Barker
10 B . Holt 11 J . Zampaglione 12 B . Culling 13 G . Woods 14 P. Pike 15 A. Browne (VC) 16 D. Marshall 17 D. Artz (VC) 18 S.Rodder 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Powe r 21 G . Carr 22 B. Hoare 23 S. Helliger 24 C . McKellar 25 M. Davey 26 S. Wills 27 M . Nitschke 28 A. Fisher 29 M . Fletcher 30 A . Quo n 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson (RC) 33 M . Lake 34 Daniel Andersen 35 J . Rodder 36 M . Pearson 37 L. Holt
38 P. Adams 39 N. Gos s 40 A. Wearmouth 41 M . Levy 42 M . Lanagan 43 44 B . Johnstone 45 C. Delosa 46 L. Woolrich 47 L. Wheeler 48 L. Carson 49 M. Flynn 50 N . Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 J . Connelly 53 J. N g 54 J. Almiento 55 J. Prantzos 56 C . Wilkinson 57 S. Ros e 58 C . Marinis 59 T.Woodruff 60 C . Probyn 62 N . Deeming
THE OPTIMISE GROUP PTY. LTD Ph : 9597 0166 vrvNi.hamptonrovers .com .au
MAZENOD Coach : David Murray
Res Coach : Tony Collin s 1 D . Lancaster 2 A . Quin n 3 A . McIntyre 4 A . Hanley (C) 5 D. Maskel l 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R. Foss 9 P. Gooden 10 C. Jayaweera 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D. Hose 12 J . Ballenger 13 P. Fuller 14 N. Meehan (DVC) 15 N. Parry 16 M . Apollonio 17 J . Beard 18 D. 0'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMulli n 20 C . Murray (RVC) 20 T. Castricu m 21 S. Pola n 22 B. Chamberlain 23 A. Tucke r
24 D . Nisbet 25 A . Pickering (VC) 26 J. Dunne (DVC) 27 D . Krom 27 P. Jones 28 N . Marmo 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fishe r 31 N . Snart (RDVC) 32 B . King 33 D. Grant 34 B . Chamberlain 35 R. Hawkins 36 D. Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 J . Fisher 39 D. Bradshaw 41 A. Bouchereau 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 A. Pers i 44 R. Mosbauer 45 B.Thomson 46 D. Dunne 47 P. Steinl e 48 G . Tilling 49 L . Halvy (RDVC) 51 P. Ree d 52 S. Veltman 53 A. Strawhom 54 J. Persi 55 L . Fuller 56 L . Rudling 58 D . Morris 59 B. Corfee 61 M. McDowell 62 M. Gonsalvez 64 A. Wilso n
Coach: Garry Foulds Res Coach : Pat Brooks 1 J. Cassell 2 D . Keenan 2 D . Waters 3 A. Trimboli RVC 4 S . Sleep 5 D . Skene 6 N . Vogels DVC 7 P. Boot h 8 B . Collison C 9 H . Maplestone 10 M . Nulty 11 T. Roberts 12 S . Lock 13 T. Halpin 14 B . Clancy 15 C. Faraci 16 D. Collin s 17 J . Fitzclarence 18 C. Murray 19 R O'Farrell 20 W. Martin 21 N. Casboult 22 D. Teha n 23 B. Whiteside 24 J . Barker VC 25 G . Phyland 26 P. Brooks 27 W. McTaggart 28 D . Joyce RC 29 C . Hosking 30 M . Leigh 31 L. Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M . Barker 34 M . Hyde 35 M . Carney 36 M . Polatajko 37 J . Eastaugh 38 M . Amo r 39 T. Docherty 40 C. Phyland 41 K. Ny e 42 A. Kennedy 43 D. ZaceK 44 T. Spurling 45 L. Meehan 46 P. Daniels 47 T. Kennedy 48 A. Munro 49 T. Kooloos 50 T. Drum 51 T. Brady 52 N . Sanders 53 S. Butcher RVC 54 D . Demarte 55 M. Joyce 56 D . Sheehan 57 M. Delaney 58 T. Cameron 59 C . Kennedy 60 M . Cribbes 61 G. Took 64 L. Ryan 66 P. Bryar 67 S . Saad 68 J . Maher 69 J .Joyce 77 S . Trenton
OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Stuart Glascott Res Coach : Paul Dwye r 1 A . Krzywniak 2 A . Pirrie 3 C . Barrow (VC) 4 A . MacGillvray 5 T. Marshall 6 R . Stewart 7 B . Logan 8 M . Gadsden 9 S . Lennox (VC) 10 J . Mead 11 L . Adamis 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 B . Williams 13 N . Edwards 14 S . Williams (C) 15 C. Mizzi 16 J . Homan n 17 A. Van Den Dungen 18 A. Salem 19 S. Ginnavin 20 B. Gadsden 21 T. Ewen 22 N . Biggin 22 L O'Neill 23 N . Milat 24 25 S. Nickas 26 A. Ginnavin 27 D . Paterson 28 N . Williams 29 J . Dickerson 30 E .McCowan 31 A . Brown 32 D . Begley 33 P. Phelan 34 J . White 35 C. Stewart 36 M . Wardell 37 B . McMahon 38 J . Raju 39 K. Kavanagh 40 41 M . Allen 42 L. Hendra 43 R. Carter 44 R. Sherman 45 C. McKimm 46 M . Billionis 47 S. Adam 48 B. Dever 49 B. Scott 50 X.Johnson 51 M .J .T. Smith 52 A.J . Paterson 53 L . McPherson 54 55 M. Gamble 56 57 J . Murch 58 59 60 61 A. Walsh 62 A . Lynch 63 S . Davies 64 M .Reid
Coach: Chris Bye Res Coach : Robert O'Brie n 1 J. Pannagiotopolous 2 S. Evans 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D . Ryan 5 M.Oxnam 6 C . Ridley 7 J. Leas k 8 J. Heritage 9 J. Goodger 10 S. Bryant 11 B. Papal 12 J. Kavanagh 13 M . Bossi 14 B . Hakim 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hexter 18 J . Walker 19 E . Healey 20 D. Hunter 21 S . Dale 22 A . Merrington 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazkiw 25 C. Morgan 26 S . Fleming 27 D. Barr 28 G . Stevens 29 S. Uebergang 30 M . Dragoj4o 31 D . Caridi 32 J . Mansfield 33 A. Dawson 34 D . Podger 35 L . Kavanagh 36 M . Burns 37 M . Jinks 38 D . Whitfield 39 B . Newbold 40 C . Obliubek 41 S . De Morton 42 N . Bartram 43 N . Fitzpatrick 44 J . Rus h
45 P. Barry 46 T. Cippoloni 47 S . Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 C. Clues 50 A. Nowland 51 A. McGowan 52 J . Williamson 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 B. Turner 56 S. Dart 57 W. Conlan 58 T. Williams 60 S. Cetin
Coach: Mick Dwyer Re ; Coach: Andrew Bonwick A: McMahon 2 R . Kejna d 3 P.. Dimon 4 S Langford-Jones 5 J. Bourke 6 A White (DVC) Adam Hilton 9 S. Rowlands 10 C. Efstathiou 11 M. Graves 12 B . O'Farrell
ig B . Harrop
14 A Forsyth 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell (RVC) 17 Ash Hilton 18 C. Jayasekera
ig M . Armstrong (C) 21 A . Jenke 22 D . Mason ,3 G. Fletcher A. Ross 2b B. Johnston 26 J. Bell (R C) 27 R . Brandham 28 A. Shepherd 29, B. Carson (VC) 30 D . Warnes 31 D . Lay 32 B. Mitchell 33 . P. Wright 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D . Lappage 36 B. Lay 37 A. Floyd 38 L . Floyd 39 H . Brooks 40, S. Davey 41 S. Saunders RVC ( ) 42 S. Durkin 43 C . Pountney 44 L . Pitcher 45 H . Gopu ,6 R . Goulden RV C ;% R. Mitchell ( ) ;8 C. Moyle :9 B. Melin 50 R. Ladd 51 S. Richardson 52 G . Smith 3 L Curtain `-: R. Saunders ,_-5 L Byms -6 M . Anderson 57 A, Morisi _-3 W. Jeffries F D M . Somata Gt J . Miller 63 W. Smith T. Cute
Coach : Erwin Leyden Assist : Michael Lovejoy
Coach: Matt Ryan Res Coach : Peter Slack
Coach: Michael Knuppel Assist: Pat Mannix
Coach: Wayne Herme s Assist : Peter Appleford
Res Coach: Peter O'Dea 1 Smith D 2 Theodore S (C) 3 Treloar A 4 Hazell M 4 Barrett N 5 Crawshay S 5 Woodford D 6 Holme D (DVC) 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 8 Marks D 9 Grant B 9 Simpson 10 Roberts T(VC) 10 Marks B 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 12 Hart J 13 Thiele B 14 Verge M 14 Kinsella D 15 Rose M 16 Lewski A 17 Miller J 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R(DVC) 19 Prowse M 20 Guest J 21 Keeble C 22 Waddell A(RC) 23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Thomas P 26 Kennedy C 26 Walker C 28 Teelow A 29 Mulligan T 30 Miller J 30 Wu A 31 Sallabank J 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J 35 RayY 36 Grant J 37 Murray S 38 Bryant T 39 Field D 40 Useinov Z 42 Evans B 43 Farquharson E 44 Grundy P 45 Murphy C 46 Neeson C 47 Harrison T 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 51 Kennon M 52 Campbell B 53 Berry J 54 Grscheska T 55 Gooley J 56 Mulcahy J 57 Bains A 58 Weir I 59 Alder C 60 Power J 61 Berman J 62 Trim C 63 Quasi G 64 Ledwidge B 65 Pruden J 68 Hicks M 70 Whitehead H
E~la~phy 4 Sans PtU ltd A
u~ aA T~„~ ~ To , ~
1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 M. Cosgr'rff 4 A. Curran 5 M. Harford 6 D . Stevens 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 A . Bums
12 B. Galloway 13 B. Richardson 14 B. Brabender 15 S. Fellowes 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 18 G . Porteous 19 A. Dean 20 T. Brown 21 B. Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A. Heffernan C O 26 D. Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B . Reiner 29 J . Dallas 30 A. Boyd 31 N. Dallas 32 P. Pratt 33 S . Ciavola 34 B . Hayes 35 S . Simpson (C-R) 36 B . Dintinosante 42 R. Murray 43 44 D. Furze 45 A. Paglia 46 R. Clark 47 N . Ball 48 S . O'Meara 51 A. Baker 52 M . Joyce 63 54 S . Yeo 55 60 J . Connolly
1 L. Wilson 2 D. Beckett 3 L. Murphy 4 A. Grace (VC) 5 M . ManSnov 6 D. Whelan 7 S . Keleher (VC) 8 M . Miller 9 G . Hall 10 R. Martin 11 D. Robbins (VC))C
12 B . Delidio
13 B . Stone 14 S . James 15 S . Naughton 16 T. Stewart (RC) 17 J. Bridges 18 S . Cramey 19 D . Cleary (RVC) 20 M . McConvill (C) 21 R . Wiley 22 G. Lehner 23 J. Knuppel 24 A. Goonan 25 J. Dal e 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan (RVC) 28 A. Moore 29 M. Broadhurst 30 G . Ritchie (RVC) 31 H . Black 32 A. Lom 33 M. Collins 34 A. Russell 35 L . Russell 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everitt 38 D . Broadhurst 39 M. Ferrari 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 J. Koolstra 42 C . Keleher 43 L . Smith 44 N . Baldwin 45 L . Breitkreuz 46 C . Cleary 47 J. Monaghan 48 B. Healy 49 S. Metz 50 D. Geenock 51 D. McKenna 52 S. Betsy 53 G . Hammond 54 F. Melanie 55 J. Putz 56 M. Farrell 57 S. Stephens 58 T. Banks 59 P. Konstanty
& Mark Finniga n
Res Coach : Michael Bosanko 1 Petrevski M 2 Mills A (DVC ) 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 O'Sullivan D(VC ) 12 Moran R 15 McMahon A (DVC Res)
16 Goodwin M
17 O'Connor G 18 Carter B 19 Grant A 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Reynolds L 25 Edwards P 26 Lewis B 27 Garoni M 29 Goodwin S 30 Tadinac M 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J 34 McWhinney M 35 McKay A 36 Barron D 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancarrow M 39 Boyle S (C) 40 Garoni P 43 Warren M 44 Appleford P 45 Carter M 46 Stepan S 47 Goodwin D 48 McAuliffe A 49 Whykes B 50 Barron B 51 Candiloro D 52 Weston 0 53 La Fontaine N 54 Riley S 55 Garoni M(VC Res) 56 Dunne P 57 Weston S 60 Sacco P 61 Sacco S 62 Caccamo D 63 Moloney A 64 O'Meara J 65 Stella S 66 Green A 67 Tsinaris G 69 Sarong S 70 Kuret L Lyons R 772 Johnson S 74 Lees S 75 Keenan R 76 Lees C 79 Higgins T 84 Russell G 87 Jones P 89 r~„ij A (C Res ) 93 Sm 96 Redden S 98 Hollow B 99 La Corcia M 100 Loiudice J 104 Biddlestone G 106 Murphy P 108 Thomas D 119 Ratcliffe A 129 Boden D 132 Costello R 5 134 D0'onohue M 13 Hallaron S 139 Fenn A
Are the Fields now having their mid season slump . If they are from a stable position they now find themselves unde r the pump. Seven into four just does not go so the last 7 week's promise an enthralling finish to the 2002 season . REVIEW Prahran came out determined to match competition leaders St Bedes Mentone-Tigers at Toorak Park . But that was about all they did after an initial 2 goal burst they were totally outplayed all day by the Tiger side who proved without a doubt they can play on a big ground . The Tigers put up a terrific effort with players contributing from everywhere during the day . Jason Bristow made a fine debut, but Andrew Hayes was best afield with 7 twins, whilst Poynton, Spencer and Sammy Hecker were all valuable for the Tigers, who also welcomed back via the U19'S last year's goal kicking machine. For the Two Blues none tried harder than big Kip Walford, Tim Maher and Matty Vagg up from the Ressies . The young Panthers in front of their home crowd made a real tight contest of their clash against Collegians especially in the first half. But alas for some inexplicable reason just after half time the momentum and feel of the game suddenly changed as the Lions slammed on 5 unanswered goals to have it all wrapped up by orange time . An 11-2 second half was pretty impressive by Collegians who kept running a n d kept the pressure on. Dick Henebery, Nick Harrison and John Lang with 6 were terrific for the victors . Drew Solley put on an absolute vintage performance for the Panthers with some 40 possessions, Tony Bournon led by example and Justin Costello as usual was pretty good . The Friars were obviously ready to atone for their last 2 losses and had 5 majors on the board before the Bangers woke up . Banyule then steadied down a bit and got to within 10 points before the Friars again got their running game going, to eventually run out comfortable 63 point winners . Matt Power was a good Friar as was Buckets with 6, but it was the irrepressible Chris Wood in the ruck who took out the player of the match . Big Dave Williams, the Gloury Brothers and Chris Taylor back from injury all played well for Banyule . After last week's disappointing loss, Caulfield were stung into earlv action against Glen Eira, and kicking with the breeze hadya 5 goal lead at quarter time . However had one R .Gilmour kicked a bit straighter things could have been different . From then on a huge transformation came over the game as the Fields stopped running refused to man up, as a more desperate Sainters outfit clawed their way back into the game with strong in and under footy . They finally hit the front mid way through the last answered every challenge to score an injury free win over disappointing opposition . Leather poisoning for Chris Massis, with Clement . MeGaw and Tkoezy all pretty good. Caulfield had few winners on the day, however Andrew Sorensen, Dave Scott and Andrew Docker all held their heads up . Hope you have thawed out now Lavrso!! !
Rain held off and apart from the centre the game at Gordon Barnard was played in good conditions . Sorry I missed the lunch but had to tnnpire . For most of the day it was a tigh t 10
affair except for a period during the second stanza where the Sharks kicked 8 goals into the wind with Murray Pitts scoring 4 of
them . By then the damage had been done and the visitors held on for a hard fought 43 point victory . Braydn Haynes relished the conditions to win the BOG Award, Shermo and Holty were good down back and "The General" Tim Rieniets made a great debut. Brent Christie was best for the Wellers, with Luke Gladman and Jordan Heffernan also makink significant contributions . PREVI EW Another interesting Round with some real crunch games . Collegians welcome Prahran to Harry Trott . The Two Blues were the victors in the first Round but things have changed a fair bit since then . The Lions are in pretty good touch with Praliran ravaged by injury and an unfortunate suspension, The Lions can't afford to take the foot off the peddle and feel they owe their visitors one so will get across the line today. Battle of the cellar dwellers out at Warringal Park . The P anthers have not tasted victory since this clash in the firsi Round some 11 weeks ago now . Could have won a lot more i they could play a game out . Ban yule have been competitivf without winning and in front of their home crowd will toda} reverse the Round I result . Another crunch game out at Balwyn today sees O l Camberwell and Glen Eira in a huge head to head clash with plenty at stake and finals action out of the question for thf losers. Hard to judge either of them on form with a win on( week and a loss the next week . but on their day an injury fret Sainters are as good as anything on the paddock so I wit stick with em to %vvi one away from home . Absolute beauties these last 2.
Caulfield Grammar must win today or Collegians the doubl i
C . Carrigg Whitefriars 6 46 Mooney Collegians 2 35 Vamvakis Glen Eira 3 33 Kingwell St Bedes Mentone 4 33 Pitts Beaumaris 5 32 C RESERVE S Dance Whitefriars 0 26 Margierson Caulfield 1 26 Vance Beaumaris 1 26 Stevens Beaumaris 0 23 Skurrie Collegians 2 19 Fraser Prahran 4 1 9 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200i
rice and fourth spot could all pass them by . So is the < ;ure on the Fields or what. tVhitefriars are a good side, like the size of the Racecourse Oval, and will certainly c a great game of it. Have the utmost respect for the Friar s
uut motivation and the fear of failure is a great incentive and I feel that Dean Anderson maybe able to use that to his Icalltage to help get the boys across the line this week. r;cndly local rivals Beaumaris an d St Bedes MentoneTigers clash in another ripper at Oak Street . Rtorth going ,I tiles to see folks . The Tigers have not been beaten since their unlucky 3 point after the siren loss to the Sharks in Round 1, They would be keen to reverse that result todav and thu s
through a full round undefeated . Even though Beatunaris .L re at home and will have parochial support I think the Tigers u1 do it and take the points. Too much height and marking ength will win out on the day. 6ELECTI011iS; Collegians, Banyule, Glen Eira, Caulfield G,~alnmarians, St Bedes Mentone-Tigers.
:~ : NDENT' ~
10/ 10 last week a great effort as usual . Thanks guys . Don't forget your nominations for Player of the Round . I have a deadline to submit this report to the VAFA so would ,ppreciate your co-operation in having your reports to me by ~om on Monday Nights please . Contact details are 9 553 1361 phone and fax at home, 0412 213 541 is the mobile, or email me at brainco(itoptusnet.com .au as, mentioned by 8pm Sunday Nights .
Thank you and keep up the good work.
OLD C:` .LiBERIVELL - extend their full support and best v ; i,hes to fl2atty Austin and his family for a full recovery fro m broken neck suffered in last Saturday's under 19 match . V,', know the champion within will pull through in the end . WHITEFRIARS - would like to congratulate Matt "Swooper" Northey on his 100th game against Caulfield today. Swooper started with the club in 1997 and has been integral ulember of all sides he has played in, including the 1999 C Gr< .de Senior Premiership side, either on the ball or up wt-ward where he is known to enjoy a goal or two . Despite his quiet approach to most things, he is very popular and highly r ; -,sected amongst his peers at the club . Well done Swooper! OLD MENTONIANS - congratulate Daniel Mills who las t
lc represented the Club in his 50th game. Well done from all at Pantherland! C : ULFIELD GRAMMARIANS - 50 games - Andrew Docker & Sasha Krien Both Andrew & Sasha played their 50th e ane for the fields, Round 10 . "docks" has developed into a dour defender, who has risen to every challenge put to him u :i- season, whilst Sasha is a high flying utility, who `rforms well at either end of the ground . Both have progressed through the u19's, and whilst it has taken Sash a
bit longer than "Docks" to reach this milestone . all at CGFC IA forward to the next 50 front both of vou . - .d
Collegians v. Prahran Banyule v . Old Mentonians Caulfield Gr. v . Whitefriars Old Camberwell v . Glen Eira Beaumaris v. St Bodes Mentone Tigers
PRAEIltAN 2 .3 3.9 6.11 9.11 (65) 7 .4 10.8 17.10 20 .13 (133) ST BEDES RENTONE Prahram St Clmr ,f, B.Getlte 2, A.PUts 2, James. Mclean . Best- Evans, MaYher. Mclean . Macdonald, Taseff. Harders. St Bedes Mentone: Hayes 7, Kina vett 4 . L.159ni1e 2 . McColl 2 Bristow 2, M .Wtntle, M.Andrew, D .t'onyton. Best: D.Poynton. rlHayes. D.Spencer, S.Hecker, M.TerrelL L .Porter. Umpires: G . Rowllngs, T. Tingeri (RDL) ;F), A. Monaghan (RDL), S . Grey (RDL) (B), K. Brewer, 0. Matthews (RDL) (G) 6.8(44) OLD MENTONIANS 1 .3 4.6 5 .6 COLLEGIANS 3 .4 6,8 12 .9 17.9 (111) Old Mentonians: Bournon 4 . D.KUto, Solley Best. Salley. Bournon, Linford, Kttto, Dart, Dieter Co ll egians: Lang 6, Harris 2 . Mooney 2 . Fry, Hotst, Cottom, Cooper, Waters, Harrison, FIenehery Best: Elarnson. Fry, HoLst, Henebery-, Cononi . Harris Umpires: A Stubbs . L . Gallagher (F), J . Kramer . G . Kennedy (B) WHITEFRIARS 5 .5 9.6 14.10 18 .10 (118) 8.7(55) BANYULE 2 .1 4.1 7 .4 Whitefriazs: C . Camgg 6. Wood 2, Northey 2, M. Power, Darue, Eames, Janson, Gloukhev . Pawhk, Anderson. Kennedy. Banyule : T . Gta:ry 2 . S . Playfair 2 . O'Connell 2, O'Connor. Richardson. Best D. Williams, T. Gloury . P. Gloury, C. Taylor, H . McDermott, O'Connor. Umpires: L. Katzâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; C . Brajtberg (F), J. Maebus, R. Twist (B), P. Mitchell, E. Beat (G ) GLEN EIRA AFC 1 .6 6 .12 9.14 17 .17 (119) CAULFIELD 7 .3 8.5 11 .9 14.12 (96) Glen Eira: Clement 3, Gilmore 3. MeGaw 3 . Vamvakas 3, Carvana 2, Pryde 1, Diamond 1 . A Diamond 1 . Best: Macs :s, Clement. McGaw, Doolan, Diamond, Thocz. Caulfield : W:113, Pearce 2, Foster 2, Baxter I, Browne 1, Cowlishaw 1, Harrison i . Liddell 1, Sorensen 1 .1'asseil 1 . Best. Sorenson, Scott, Pearce, Browne, Harrison. Will , Umpires: M. W:ttmann (F) . G . Rollo, R_ Dunstan (G ) 6.7(43) OLD CAMBERWELL 0 .1 2.5 6 .6 BEALTriARIS 2 .2 10.4 12 .5 13.8 (86) Old Camberwe ll : Cadzow 3, Clay. Francis. Harrlmatt. Best: Christie. Heffernan, G(arLnan, Clay, Lipplatt, Hardman. Beaumaris: Pitts 5 . Groves 3, Lee, Atkins . NI . Atkins. L, Catlin, Me Geogh, Bese- Hayes. B. Martin. C. Sherman. P, Atkins . M . Atkins. L, Holt, J. Umpires: J . Lipson . J . Grossbard (F) RESERVES 2 .2 4.7 8.10 9.13 (67) PRAIi12A2f 5 .5(35) ST BEDES MENTONE 1 .2 1.4 3 .5 Prahran: Fraser 4, Rose 2, Aitken 2, Nortlnvav Best: Northwa_v, Rose, Smith . LWoal, Corboy, Fraser. St Bedes Mentone: Wilson, Latnb, Napier . Marshall, Phipps . Best : Parsons . Wilson, Butts . Tesonero. I'lupps. Samya . OLD RD;NTON7A .hS 1 .3 1.3 2 .5 3 .6(24) COLLEGIANS 4.1 9.5 11 .9 17.14 (116) Old Mentonians : Clarke. D.Fava, Wilson Best : Clarke. Moodie. Martin . T.Fava, Campbell, Appel Collegians: McKenzie 4 . Johnson 4. Moon 2. Skit me 2, Browning 2, Dotiv6ng. Wollev. Gnbble. Best: MeKenzie, Jolmson, Woolly, Dowling, Moon, Gobble . WHITEFRIARS 3.1 6.5 7.8 8 .11 (59) 1 .1 2.2 2 .5 3 .6(24) BANYULE Whitehiacs : Magu :re 2, Jones 2. Vernal 2, Brice, Reid, Best, Swain, Maguire. Re!d . Brice, Webb. Elliott . Banyule: 1Vitchett 2 . McCann- Best: D_ Playfa:r, Bott, SJ. Gray, Brockwett . Wnchell . Sni<dt. GLEN EIRA AFC 1 .2 3.6 4.7 8 .9 (57) CAULFIELD 6.3 8 .5 17.6 21 .6 (132) Glen Eira : DLoa :. Zagame 1 . Wait I, Aherhne 1 . A . Dunaehkt 1. Best Won, Dmne:te . Dnuou . N;crime. K. Dtmachk :. Caulfield: Contis 5, ~lsh 5. Evans 2, Hooper 1 . Deal 1, Bannon 1, Kendall 1 . Brockett 1, Ryn 1 . Robinson 1, Margerison 1 . Best., Erickson, Ash, Contts . Deal . Robeson. Evans . OLD CAMBERWELL 2.1 5 .3 8.5 10 .11 (71) BEAUNIARIS 4.3 4 .3 6.5 6.7(43) Old Camberwell : Sa ;(ar 2, Dap:ran 2, Craven 2, Me Kenzie 2, Tempone . R, Joyce. Best: Grant, Ormsby. Me Kenzie, Jetlis . Mackenzie, Eyes. Beaumaris : Quin, Foley. Teasdale, Vance, O'Brien . A, Cotter. Best- O'Brien. A. Deluca . Gray . Thompsun, Cairns, Coate .
Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res: Renato Dintinosante 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
T. Egan D . Witchell S . Kayrooz B . O'Conno r B . Wilmore S . Tuckman J . Pearson
8 B . Cantwell
9 J . Plant 10 B . Moxin 11 S. Cross 12 J . E an 13 C. Burke 14 B. Woodlock 15 S. Gray 16 A. Dooley 17 A. Smal l 18 J. Tumbull 19 P. Witchel l 20 S . Playfair 21 R . Dintinosanie 22 C . Taylor 23 S . Gray 24 A . Plant 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 P. Healy 28 D. Spoules 29 J . O'Callahan 30 D. Mutto n 31 C. Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 B. Ree d 34 C. Stevens 35 L . O'Connell 36 M. Georg e 37 T. Thompson 38 W. Keenan
39 A. Hopgood 40 N . Taylor 41 P. Job 42 C . Taylor 43 L. Ferral 44 A . Covery 45 M . Smith
46 D. Nasrallah 47 K . Scholes 48 P. McCann 49 G. Bel l 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J . Bott 52 D. Noonan 53 T. Cusac k 54 B. Wilson 55 D. Williams 56 T. Jubb 57 K. Mahony
58 L . Orion 59 L . Richardson 60 L . Holt 61 B. Parkes 62 J. Gilham 63 D . Pla~air
64 S. Taylor
65 M . Thiveos 66 M . Vanpoeteren 67 C . West 68 M . Wilmore 69 C. Williams
Coach : Tim Rieniets John McNicholas Res Coach : Mick Carty 1 P. Brook 2 H . Gibson 3 M. Pitts (Vc) 4 M. Matulick 4 D . Porte r 5 M . Ensor (Vc) 6 A . Spence 7 D . Foley 8 M . O'brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Bulle r 11 M 11 . Stevens 12 L. Healy 13 C. Gourley 14 Ti Collins 15 A. Ed ge 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins 19 A. Low 20 M. Mellon 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (C) 23 A . Catlin 24 B . Gray
25 D. Teesdale 26 Q. Groves 26 T. Broadbent 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin (Vc) 30 K. Alexander 31 J . Mcgeogh 31 P. Ott 32 B. Cairns 33 G . Ju ry 34 J. May 35 N . Boctor 35 S. Nish 36 R . Deaton 37 R . Presnell 38 J . Gerran d 39 D . Guidolin 40 S . May 42 A . 0'brien 43 B . Ferguson 44 J . Deluka 46 M . Talbot 47 M . Stanojevic 48 R. Corfield 49 J . Bryce 50 B . Presnell 51 S . Coote 52 N. Aprea 53 R. Rawlins 54 A. Thompson 60 C. Gionis
Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Marty Hook
GRAMMARIANS Coach : Dean Anderson Res Coach : Martin Dicrosta I D. Rosman 2 B. Hall 2 A. Sorensen 3 C . Knight 4 M. Liddell
4 T. Vinen 5 N . Guyett 5 S. Kendall 6 N . Craven 6 B . Minte r 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R. Foote 8 S . Cossart-Wals h 9 W. Bowe s 10 A . Will (C) 11 C. Deal 12 D. Pearce 12 S . Fryers 13 D. Gurr 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S. Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B. Baxter 18 P. Anderson 19 W. Brockett 20 H . Vella 21 M . Pennycuick 22 C . McAssey 22 M . Richardson 23 D. As h 24 J . Dalwood 25 G . Evans 26 S . Widjaja 27 R. Keown 27 J . Ryan
28 J . Jacob s 29 D . Williamso n 30 D . Ellias 31 C . Veentjar 32 L . Browne 33 C . McGrath 34 J. Margerison 35 S . Thompson 36 M . Cramphom 37 T. Messer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
J. Dixon M. Johnson B .Mooney D . Atkinson R . Henebery DVC S . Woolley D. Surkitt J . Fatley
8 C. Unsworth CAPT 9 J . Fry 10 J . Lang 10 S . Harding 11 B . McKenzie 12 N. Harrison 13 N. Thomas 14 D. Phillips 15 L. Cottom 16 A. Fletcher 17 R . Hosking V C 18 T. Krotiris 19 A. Robertson 20 H . Sallman n 21 C . Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 C . Mollard 24 B . Low 25 R. Muir 25 D. Gambaro 27 A. Shinkfield 28 N. McCann 29 A. Kenneally 31 N. Roach 32 D. Browning
33 B. Hoist 34 A. Smit h 35 5. Beilby
. Cooper
37 M. Foste r 38 T. Dyer 39 N . Hart 40 R . Bardwell 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 M . White 44 Y. Phillips 45 R. Lew
GLEN EIRA Coach : Paul Beddoe Res Coach: Don Or r 1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenk o 3 C. Massis 4 D. Cassa r 5 A. Tsirogianni s 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakis 8 M. Dimashki 9 G . Hayes 10 G . Richards 11 B. Clements 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 C . Grey 15 F. Buckley 16 A . Tarant o 17 A . Russ o 18 M . Dimachk i 19 K . Dimachk i 20 A . Diamo n d 21 P. Jones 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeso n 24 B . Mascali 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R . Gilmore 28 P. Commerford 29 R . Dimachk i 30 L . Pryd e 31 T. Aberlin e 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 L. Hall 35 J . Comme rford 36 K. Daou 37 38 M . Lewi n 39 J . Egan 40 L. Doolan 41 H . Walls 42 J. Gusman 43 T. Knowlan 44 S. Diamon d
38 J . Restarick
46 C. Rowe
45 A . Caruan a
39 J . Santiago 40 R. O'neill 41 M . Anderson 42 D. Synma n 43 J . Smith 44 N . Courts 45 D . Scott 46 G . Erickson 47 A. Desousa 48 N . Tassel 49 B. Gardner 50 C . Pearce 51 G . Robinson 52 A. Sinclair 53 P. Carter 54 T. Rynberk 55 C . Hooper
47 R. Sztar 48 E . Waters 49 J . Clark 50 D. Vial 51 J B. Shadbolt 52 B. Grant 53 J. Van Berkel 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cooks 56 B. Lumb 57 C . Peck 58 D . Smith 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Cook 64 M . Gribble 65 C . Safstrom 66 S . Porter
46 T. Evans 47 J. Serpanch y 48 J . Haliwell 49 M . Benton 50 A. Dimashk i
56 S . Krien
67 D . Osborne
57 P. Farmer 58 N . Joughin 59 P. Crocker 60 N . Fallu 61 N. Bannon 62 B . Goddard 71 M . Cassidy
68 L. Wilson 70 T. Skurrie 77 L. Beardsley
~ -~ South Melbourne
51 B . Zurek 52 A. Haines 53 S . Rees 54 M . Kassar 55 L. McGaw 56 J . Kokkinoptilis 57 S. Hal l 58 C . McMurrick 59 P. Merrick 60 A. Guzz o 61 M. Tkocz 62 D . Sheehan 63 D . Dunlevie 64 A. Patan e 65 M . Dimou 66 J . Valkanis 67 N . Daou 68 M . Merric k 69
!! `o-,~ 3
OLD MENTONIANS Coach : Jeff Costello
Coach : Derek Hine
Assist: Adrian Sheedy
Res Coach : Jamie Winduss
Res Coach: John Ross
1 A. Acreman 2 C. Twentyman 3 B . Murphy
4 D. Carroll 5 C. Mackay
6 C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 W. Ballantine
7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan (DVC) g J Goodale 10 M Hanson 1'2 R Kapoor (VC) 13 L Galdman 14 R Whitehead (C) 15 C Munroe 17 N Credlin (VC) 18 M Mullen 19 A Hanson 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 K Darby 24 B Tipper 25 A Hardenberg 26 C Williams 27 A Hillier 28 J Webb 29 D Gough 30 R Per ry man 31 B Craven 32 J Clyne 33 D Joyce 34 P Eves 35 G Weickhardt 36 S Deny 37 T Parkes 38 T Hallo 39 S Fancis 40 J Cramer-Roberts 41 G Rowe 42 A Mackenzie 44 S Smith 46 D Daipra n 47 T Kearney
9 S. Boothey 10 S. Voigt 11 D . Solley 12 C . Dwyer 13 R . Ball 14 K. Campbell 15 J. Costello 16 D . Nock (VC) 17 N . Linford 18 T. Boumon (C) 19 A . Palmer 20 S . Mullin 21 A . Drinan 22 L. Georgiadis 23 N . Moodie (R C) 24 A. Lowe 25 T. Fava 26 A. Marti n 27 G . Katris 28 D. Kitto 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo
32 G . Herring 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis 38 B. Sherriff 39 T. Riley 40 T. McManus
41 S . Cozens 42 C . Rushworth 43 M . Lawes 44 L. Sunter 45 M . Kennedy
48 J Derry
49 M . Fisher
49 C Morley 50 J McKenzie 51 W Orwin 52 G Ormsby 53 R Tempone 54 . A Margetts 55 C Morley 56 S Jones 57 A Cantor
50 G. Richard s 51 N . Fisher 52 D. O'Connor 53 M . Strou d 54 D. Goodbody 56 R. Harper 60 G . Shattock 61 B. Saunders 62 R . Johnson 64 M. Austin 65 M. Petrie 66 M. Mackay
58 A Manuel[ 59 J Osborne 60 L. Hancock 66 L. Thomas
1 D . Herders 2 M . Harvey 3 P. Kelly 4 P. Quick 5 H . Pitts 6 A. Corboy
7 S . Pang 8 C. Bamford 9 A. Bunnett 10 B . Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 A. Van Rooyen 13 C. Mclean 14 M. Evans 15 B. Sanderso n 16 A. Rhodes 17 T. Rankin 18 M. Windridge 19 A . Millica n 20 J. Kellow 21 G. Paleodimos 22 N . Robe rts 23 S . Pickering 24 T. Fraser 25 L. Aitke n 26 T. St.Clair 27 W. Watford
28 K. Watford 29 W. Taseff 30 M . Scicluna 31 T. Dukic 32 D. Ballard 33 A. Wood 34 L. Norman
35 B. Gellie 36 J . Killeen 37 M. Johnston 38 J. Macdonald 39 J. Lane
40 I. Dennis 41 J. Upton 42 T. Maher 43 D . Decarteret 44 D . James 45 M . Vagg 46 M . year 47 S . Brewer 48 D. Decarteret 49 L. Wood 50 T. Smith 51 S. Larkey 52 P. Rose 53 B. Aisbett 54 C . Morgan 55 S. Ramage
56 S. Earle 57 S. Moylan 58 G. Finkelde 59 B. Klindworth
60 S. Mckenzie-Mcharg ril = i <;' ., • ALL ELECTRICAL & GAS HOME APPLIANCES 98578061
61 A Gellie 62 J . Belcher
63 G. Web b 64 J . Bedford 65 M . Davies 66 G . Northway 67 O . Lappin 68 M . Kousal 69 P. Limoli
70 G . Casftedine -= wOn~I4 s AinL~,AT e ac E nr s
c?' -.
Coach: Russell Barnes
WHITEFRIARS Coach: Greg Feutrill Res Coach : Connor Eames
Res Coach: Danny Spencer
Res Coach : Justin McLean 1 S Clay 2 T James (DVC) 3 N Robinson 4 N Uppiatt 5 L. Cain 6 B Christie
71 C. Weaver 72 M . Eastham
73 J . Warr
1 P. Wintle 2 L . Wintle (C) 3 C . Tesorerio 4 A . L'Huillier 5 S . Napier 6 A . Ryan
1 C. Wood 3 M . Carbone 5 B. Phan 6 P. Campbel l 7 D. Brice 8 B. Janso n
7 N . Owen 8 J . Cunningham
9 C. Maguire 10 R . Pasqualotto
9 M . Terrell 10 M . Wintle 12 J . Kane 13 D. Goodchild 14 A. Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A. Hipwell 18 S. Hecker 19 A. Drury 20 J . Drury 21 P. Fedderson 22 D . Poynton 23 D . Napie r 24 T. Beasley 25 D . Samya 26 M . Hecke r 27 S . Kingwell
11 R . Reidy 12 T. Hughes 13 T. Hilton (DVC ) 14 T. Carrigg 16 J . Power 17 A . Carbone (C) 18 C . Fulto n 19 M . Jongebloed 20 D . Reid 21 K . Kennedy 22 T. Langfor d 23 E . Eames 24 R. Mik a 25 M . Vernal (VC - Res) 26 C. Ryan 27 L. Swai n 28 C. Eames (C - Res ) 29 A. Glenn 30 M . Power (DVC) 31 M . Baker 32 G . Kennedy 33 M. Duffy 34 D . Gloufche v 35 C . Law 36 D . Nola n 37 M. Nunan 38 C . Carrigg (VC) 39 D . D 'Sous a 40 M . Cahil l 41 C. O'Connor 42 M . Northey
28 M . Andrew 29 T. Marshall 30 D. Falkingham 31 D. Mos s 32 D. Spence r 35 C. Barnes 36 A . Walstab 37 M . Connoll y 38 A. Hayes 39 D. O'Brien 41 R. Bignell 42 M . Wilson 43 S . Butts 44 J . Recupero 45 R . Goul d 46 P. Lynch 47 T. Waters
48 A. Scafidi 49 S. Wals h 50 S . Kidd 52 M. Kurt s 53 M. Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 A . Basham 56 J . Chapli n 57 M . Lomagno 58 M . Zakic 59 M . Zahra 60 N. Phipps 62 M . Dean 63 M . Mccoll 64 P. Scagliotti 66 R. Parsons 67 S. Meyer 73 L . Porter
43 N . Elliott (VC - Res) 44 B . O'Connor 45 S . Cleven 46 B. Johnson 47 D. Crea 48 J . Treyvau d 49 C. Danc e
50 M . Mallady 51 S . McClintoc k 52 A. Baggole y 53 C . Andrews 54 S. Gilla n 55 D . Fedele 56 R . Murray 57 E. Stone 58 S. Alexander 59 N . Brisban e
60 R . Pawli k 62 J . Anderso n
75 N . Conno r
78 P. Newport 79 P. Russ o
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---. ---_-_-..__ --------------------(Old Scotch) AN D F: E-D.AI CROW
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,17 ~:~MY ~ RACE
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~ . ~ T' _ (RuPertsv~,rood) ; L ----------------------------------------------- --,..~~ 速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select hi s Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 M1/P's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .
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by Barry H",.Aey CYAN PRES S The top two are cruising at this stage, and Aquinas and Uni Blacks 2 game break over the three teams with hopes of catching them, is now looking a big ask to peg back . The next three rounds are all critical for the wannabes !
match . The Vultures have been so consistent all season they must be the choice to win, but they
will find the Rnd 12 Ashers vastly different from the Rnd 3 variety. Mentone should still salute by 3 goals,
Mentone proved too strong for Aquinas in spite of the visitors rocketing to an 8 goal lst term . The Vultures hauled them back in a most impressive display. Tony Mac was again outstanding for the home side, HB's Corey Stephens & Michael Dixon let little pass, and Steve Sullivan comman ded round the packs . Mike Starrett did well up forward for the Bloods, Tim Jess was strong at both HB & HF, and Sean Flynn was proficient through the middle .
Bulleen Temp takes on AJAX in a crucial match for both Clubs who have to win to maintain contact with fourth place . The Bullants should be in better mental shape following a win, as opposed to the Jackas, the magnitude of whose loss last week must have seriously dented their confidence. The more positive feelings and the greater depth of experienc eethBulanswikothgmesuld
AJAX was nigh on obliterated by Monash Blues ; thus rendering the Jackas' day highly forgettable . The Ashers all seemed to hit their straps together in a great team performance . The Jackas better players were Duzenman, M. Segal, Dukes and Onas. Peter Westbrook, roving, and George Smyth BP were outstanding for the Ashers, with Tom Craven on a wing, and Shane Chapman, in the centre, not far behind . Ivanhoe Assumption was undone by Bulleen Templestowe who established a 6 kick break in the first half, and even though the Hoes were within 10 points just after the 4th term started, the Bullants skipped away again to post a handy win . Damon Wood was terrific at FB for the Hoes, Chris Tucker rucked well, and Rees Harley was strong on his wing . For the Bullants, 'Tezza' burnt on his wing ; with Schneider and Tulloch both busy round the packs . St Leos Emmaus WP was too accomplished for Old Geelong and continued their progress towards a seemingly inevitable berth in the 2nd Semi . Luke Price and Brad Bird were again among the goals for the Animals, with James Manton & Jason Fennell dominating the midfield, and Hodder, Krebs and Ristevski being creative defenders .
University Blacks was pushed all day by a determined Williamstown CYMS, and it wasn't until the last term that it really established an ascendency. Blacks had top games from Wilson up forward, James Green on the ball and round the flanks, plus Ben Cunningham, roving . TODAY Monash Blues' clash with Mentone Amateurs will be interesting, regardless of the ladder relativities . The venue is in doubt as this goes to press, but no matter where it's played, this should be a terrific iF
them home ahead by 3 goals . Old Geelong and Ivanhoe Assumption meet at Como, and while the visitors' season hasn't gone as pear shaped as the home side's, the Hoes must be devastated by their slide out of the four in recen . Even so, they are travelling better tha ntweks OGGs and should take the points by 4/5 goals . Uni Blacks face up to a serious test against St Leos in the match of the day, which, in view of the skills levels of these sides, could well be one of the best games for the year. The Animals have to start favourites because of the sheer consistency of their performance this season, a lot of which is attributable to their back-line which has had 13% fewer points scored against it than the 2nd best defence, which happens to be Blacks'. In the Blacks favour is that they are the only side to topple Mentone to date, though that was not played at Optus Oval, as today's fixture is . The Animals by a goal . CY meet an Aquinas coming off two successive losses, and CY itself, with a creditable effort last week against Blacks, will come into today's game full of confidence . Even in defeat though, the Bloods still kick decent scores, and are averaging 112 points per game. CY will have problems countering the Bloods' firepower up forward, and the visitors should win by 4 goals or so . Reserves winners should be : Ashers, Jackas, OGGs, Blacks, & Aquinas . Correspondents the contacts are : 9889 1979 (li & F), 0409 172 558, bJhickey6@bigpond.com
Patrons are not permitted to bring Alcohol into Elsternwick Park or Any VAFA Venue . M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
on e in Round 11 . Ac! _ .!n pres .lits himself in
-sibl. pi_,sical condition each season an d contributed to him playing 100 out of a 10 3 gaines since his debut in 1997 . Rarely nior team, Adam has forged a career as d4ensive player. With such durability we t Adam to give further milestones a shak e t'1o dist~ , i~ t fn 1,lr :
MentoIle 9 80 AJAX 2 41 St Leos 4 40
~' s Bulleen Templestowe 1 3 2 ay Vlonash Blues 3 2 7 University Blacks 4 27 Aquinas Universitv Blacks Old Geelong Ivanhoe entone
5 2 0 0 0
c ionash Blues v . Mentone Amatet 's
Bulleen TemplestpYVe v. AJAX ,: -Old Geelong v . Ivanhoe Assumption University Blacks v . St Leos Emmaus at Optus Oval, Carlton North (29 G12) Williamstown CYMS v . Aquinas
Tur nM1A IlTFI
25 22 21 18 16
:ONE 3.5 11.8 14.14 22.17 (149) U : :AS 8.1 11.5 13 .9 16.12(108) done: MacGeorge 9, Matt Sullivan 3, Mick Sullivan 2, C .Barr 2, Wide, <- S.Sullivan. T.Barr.Farnting, Etcell, Best : Mick Sullivan . Matt Sullivan, S .Sulllvan, C-Sullman, Tully, MacGeorge. _ ilia : Starrett 6, Flynn 2, tYnutehead 2, T.Jess 2, Bethune . Williams, Livingstone . Tarnlli Best; Denbraber, Lorkm . Coillver, Tarulli, Williams, Starrett. Umpires : R. Eastwood (R) (r) 1 .0 2 .0 2.1 3 .2 (20) AJAX MONASH 6 .8 11.12 14 .15 16.18 (114) AJAX: Berger 2, Vanaken 1 Best: M Segal, Duzemuan, Dukes . Onas, Kagan. Sharp, Monash : De Young 3, Holloway 3 . Green 2, Craven, Grace. S Hawkins . J . Hawkins . Netisntan,l.loyrcl, Westbrook 2. Best Craven . De Young, Smyth, J Bolton, Crean-, Green Umpires: C. ., 'ens (R) (F), J . Kralevski (B), A . Esposito, P. Gait (G) IVANHOE A L : 'ION 2.5 3 .7 8.9 12 .13 (85) BULLEEId-'t II'LESTC WE 4 .2 9.6 11.7 17 .15 (117) Ivanhoe AsG++mption: Maud 2, Hull-Brown 2 . Morris, Saunders, N .ShutTlevrotw, I ce, Brown, Harley . Rawley, Sloan. Best : Wood, Tucker, Hariey, Saunders, Maud- Hocking . Bulieen-Templestowe: Tulloch 3, Humphrey 3, G .McLaren 2, Burridge 2. Daskalou 2. Lambropoulos 2. Schneider, Matthews, Tehan. Best 1-ehan, Daskalou, Schneider, Humphrey . Tulloch, Williams . Umpires: D. Irons . A. Conquest (F) ST LEOS ENi2alAttS 4.8 11 .12 15 .16 22.21 (153) OLD GEEL ONG 0.1 2 .2 2.3 5 .4 (34) St Leos Emmaus: Bird 4, Price 4. McKenzie 3, McCann 3, Burgess 2, McGloin 2, Donovan 1 . Hodder 1, Bruce 1, Pitcher 1 . Best; Manton, Burgess, Fennell, Bird, Price, McKenzie . Old Geelong: Bayless I . Leishman 1 . Redhi 1 . McKay 1, Fitzgerald 1 . Best Fauburn, Stevens, Malpass, Redtrt, O'Brien, McCarthy. Umpires : D. Longworth (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3.6 4.10 11.13 16.18 (114) 11 .5 13 .7 (85) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 0 .1 6.3 University Blacks : Wilson 4, Green 3, Chatfield 2, Netheroote 2 . O'Donnell 2, M.Cunningham, Dillon, Peck. Best: Wilson, McArthur, Dillon, B . Cunnuigham, Green, M . Cunningham. Williamstown : Williams 4, Bartolo 4, Barlow 2, Lee 2, Featherston Cox Best: Cox. Featherston, B .Hynes, Bartolo, Manning, \Y'uchatsch . Umpires : S. Mackie . K . McNiece (F), A. Bennison, B . Powell (B ) RESERVES 9.7(61) Rff;Iv'TOIdE 2.1 4 .1 6.6 1 1 .2 15.5 16 .8 (104) AQUINAS 2.1 Murphy 3, Smith 2, Tresidder 1, HeslIlte I, Joyce 1, Matt Walsh Mentoner 1 . Best. Sullivan, Joyce. Matt ti8alsh, Perazzo, Barker, Murphy . Aquinas: Bradshaw 5, Ditcltfield 3, Hope, Jones,VOlombello, Boland, Varone, Macklin . Gerr7sh, Bower . Best Barrie, Ditehfleld, Pierce, Jones, Bradshaw, Hope, Macklin . 6.8(44) AJAX 3.2 6.5 6.6 MONASH BLUES 2 .1 5.2 9.4 12.7 (79) AJAX : Buckley 2, Kalb, Szkolnik, Newstadt, Kaicer Best Zemskl, Israelsohn . Bucklev, Arousi . E Goldman, Artist, Dudakov . Monash Blues: Baxter 3, Katz 2, Rosengarten, Meehan, Blackley . Feenagthty, McCormick, Arnett, Bolton. Best Katz, Pa}tte. Baxter, Merlin. Main, Rosengarten. 1 .1 3.5 5.8 10.13 ('73) IVAPII-IOE ASSUMPTION 2.4 3 .5 4 .6 (30) BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 1 .4 Ivanhoe Assumption : Emerson 4, J .Pace 2. J.Scoble 2, Peoples, J.SIw2tleworth . Best Thackuray. Harris . APace, E .Healy, J.Pace, Marine. Bulleen-Templestowe: Thompson, Florence, Cattermole, S .Boyd. Best:Matthetvs, Mor)vifJs. Lea . Cattermole, Agrotis . 5.5 9.9 15 .15 19.17 (131) ST LEOS EMMAUS 2.3 4.5 4 .6 5 .10 (40) OLD GEELONG St Leos Emmaus : B.Vaughan 6. DAnteho 2, D .Dinicolantonio 2. E .Mitchell 2, Volpi 2, Bovd, Gay . McInerney, Simondson, Ymer. Best B .Vaughan,D.Dinlcolantonio,T.McCanrn,F(oal,Voini.Ebiltchell. Old Geelong : Chadder, Farr3s . Grills . MeKay, Platers . Best Clarke, Grills. Harrington . Kilpatrick, Carty. 9.4 17 .9 24.12 33.21 (219) UNIVERSITY BLACKS WIS,LIAA3STOWN CYMS 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 (0) University Blacks: Weber 5, Schilling 4, Evans 4, Leech 3. Clements 3, Scarlett 2, Ralph 2, Staunton 2 . Hanna 2. Ross 2, Wallace, Murphy, Ratisstsley, Nthitl. Best: Schilling, Hanna, Weber. Tehar,, Scarlett, Evans . Willia.msto w n: Best: Rouda, Mathews, WiEwF, Kennedv, Ryan . Carter.
AJAX Coach : Phil Davis Res Coach : Barry Simon 1 N. Gold (C) 2 M . Konsky
3 J . Sharp 4 M . Dudakov (VC ) 5 B. Davis (VC ) 6 D . Kal b 7 G. Samuel 8 B. Klei n 9 A . Rosen 10 G. Dukes 11 M . Weisler 12 D. Goldenfein 13 A Freund 14 A. Butt 15 J. Segal 16 M. Segal 17 A. Cukierman 18 J. Kirzner
AQUINAS O .C . Coach : Steve Box
Res Coach: Howard Field 1 T. Jess 2 C . Thoma s 3 S. Edwards
5 M . Boland 6 D . Minogue
7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 8 S . Kelly 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 10 C . Field 11 M. Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D. Denbraber 13 C. Jeffrey 14 A . Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J . Hunt
19 G. Blieden
17 M. Denavi
20 M . Buckley 21 D. Gelbart 22 A. .Bock 23 B. Ritterman 24 J . Bram 25 M. Blashk i 26 B. Duzenman 27 J. Berger 28 A. Zemski
18 J . Hughes 18 D . Saliba 19 G. Whitehead 20 P. Woolan 20 P. Paras 21 C . Quinn 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flyn n 23 J . Livingstone
29 A . Joffe 30 A . Lefkovic 31 P. Glezer 32 D. Janover 33 S. Boon 34 B. Lewsk i 35 D . Miller 36 W. Bevel 37 S. Newstadt 38 B . Erlich (Res VC) 39 D. Vanaken 40 M . Borenstein 41 D. Goldberg 42 E . Rubenstein (Res C) 43 E. Janover 44 A. Lust (Res VC)
45 Y. Attie 46 A. Goldman 47 48 A . Friedman 49 M . Montag 50 A. Cooper 51 J . Jolso n 52 A. Lewi n 53 A. Halphen 54 E. Goldman 55 J. Kaice r 56 L. Harel 57 A . Osowicki 58 J . Sesse r 59 J . Blankfiled 60 J . Wajnberg 61 J . Freeman 62 D. Weislitzer 63 R. Silberman
24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombell o 26 R. Weekes 27 S. Jones 27 C . Munro 28 G. Burch 28 J . Holly
29 J . Box 29 J . Wilson 30 C. Colliver 31 M . Hunter 32 J. Bleakney 33 C . Wooden 34 M. Tarulli 35 R . Chapman 36 A. Everitt 37 G. Macklin
38 B . Moran 39 L. Sheffield 40 A. Cultrera 41 G Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 45 M . Reilly 45 G. Coyle 46 M . Hope 47 D. Bowe r 48 R. Mazzanti 49 M . Hobbs 50 M. Ditchfiel d 51 A. Genish
52 J. Burdan 53 S. Varon e 54 M . O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 P. Cruickshank 57 G . Cochrane 58 D. Robinson 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie
68 J. Coghlan 70 C . Lyng 71 G. Evans
BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Doug Seed Res Coach: Met Prior 1 J. Prior 2 D . Williams 3 S . Young
Coach: Brad Hall Res Coach: Colin McDonal d I S . Conley 2 M . Mau d 3 C. Tucker
4 W. Thompson 5 S . McLaren 6 P. Graham 7 P. Robertson
4 T. O'Neill
8 N. Bone 9 B. Todd 10 P. Tsokas 11 G . Chivers 12 A. Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 A . Panou 15 B . Wolnizer 16 S . Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burridg e 19 L. Stott
8 J. Shuttleworth 9 M . Thackwray 10 P. Lee 11 D. Valkanis 12 L. Hull-Brow n 13 S. Narkiewicz 14 P. Flynn 15 J. Curtin 16 P. Harri s 17 S. Morris 18 T. Scobl e 19 D. Woo d 20 J . Collins 21 D. Denby 22 N. Shuttleworth 23 D. Ryan 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 M. Emmerso n 27 A . Jackso n 28 J . Pace 29 C. Hockin g 30 M . Sloan 31 D. McFarlane 32 L. Pearce
20 M. Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . Mctaren 23 D . Matthews
24 D . Marti n 25 T. Matthews 26 S . Boyd
27 J . O'Donnell 28 R. Parris 29 D. Bone 30 D . Florence 31 A. Shin e 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare
5 J . Scoble
6 T. Healy 7 P. Rawley
34 S . Lambropoulos
33 S. McGowan
35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 L. Thompso n 38 S. Meadows 39 J . Florence 40 S. Meadow s 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M . Mason 44 R. Schneide r 45 A. Tehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 C . Morivitis
34 B. Joyce
48 A. Morivitis 49 B. Touriganis 50 D . Glover 51 T. Cattermole 52 J . Gunn 53 A. Boyd 54 S . Dowlan 55 N. Macrides 56 A. Theunisson 57 G . Vimpani 58 D . Tsokas 59 D . McNamar a 60 D . Horvath
35 P. Kearney 36 C . Zeegers 37 P. Cotte r 38 R . Peoples 39 M . Ebbag e 40 P. Martin 41 C. McDonal d 42 B. Martin 43 M. Martineo 44 A. Pace 45 N . Farrel l 46 M . lacouangelo 47 E . Marino 48 R. Toogood 49 A. Rosenfeld 50 N. Clark 51 D. Pearce 52 S. Sampson 53 M. Chazan 54 J. Herbert 55 E . Healy 56 S . Saunders 57 J . Matthe w 58 P. Manual 59 M . Fahour 60 T. Lupto n 61 S. Butler 62 P. Merory 63 P. Camero n 69 J. Mazocc a 78 C . Brown
MENTONE r Coach : Macgeorge Res Coach : Darren Fenec h 1 S . Rowley 2 R. Gallaghe r
3 M . Dixo n 4 D. Emmett 5 A. White 6 C. Stephens
7 K. Gunter 8 D . Perrin
9 P. Emmett 10 M . Hovey 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davie s 13 M . Haye s 13 A. King 14 M . Etcell 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sulliva n
19 C . Stewart
20 P. Kring s 21 D . Kelly 22 P. Murph y 23 Matt Sulliva n 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A. Rock 27 M. Wise 28 C . Johnston 28 M. O'Brie n 29 S . Barker 30 P. Dixo n 31 S . Fannin g 32 B . Colema n 33 N. Wilkins 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnston e 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorg e 38 S . Perrazo 39 A . Fimster 40 G . Simm s 41 C. Rock 42 T Barr
43 M . Barr
45 C. Bar r 46 C . Ross 47 J. Tully 48 Mick. Walsh
49 A . Cousin s
50 G. McMillan 5 1 G . Hollingworth
52 K. McLeod
53 D. Noonan 54 D. Bray 55 C . Leifting 56 S. Sullivan 57 D . Fraser 58 J. Noonan 59 M 60 D aFeneoh h 61 K . Lockhart 62 N . Levett 63 S . Waters 64 A. Pothitos 65 T. Allinson 66 D. Cagney 67 M . Joyc e 68 D . Gillespie 70 T. Rogers 73 M . O'Meara N EN1bNE R .S.I. â&#x20AC;˘ 9 Palermo St, Mentone
* Function Room * Restaurant * Pokies
9583 2841
MONASH BLUES Coach : Tim Powell Res Coach : James Shady
Coach : Simon Bones Res Coach : Scott Harrington Club 18: Sean Wilson
1 S. Chapman 2 J . Baxter
1 S . Rowan 2 H . Burbank
3 L. Holloway (C)
3 M. O'Brien
4 G. Chessari 5 J. Rosengarten
4 Steve.Jones 5 T. Redin
6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar
8 S . Thompson 9 E . Morrison 10 S . Webster (VC) 11 M . Spencer 12 G. Smyth 13 A . Herrman
14 B . Merlin
15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Nind 18 K . Hendratta 19 L. Siapantas 20 M . Edsall 21 C . Gregory 22 T. Blackley 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Young 28 J . Main (VC) 29 H . Graham 30 L. Creamer 31 S . Hawkins
6 C. McKay 7 B . Morris 8 T. Seymour 9 D. Salter (C) 10 W. Temple-Smith 11 L. Stevens 12 N . Cameron 13 S . O'Brien 14 D. Taylor 15 H . McCarthy 16 B . Couch 17 M . Goldsworthy 18 J . Malpas 19 M . Avery Ave (RC) 20 S . Cole 21 N . Bayne
22 J . Fitzgerald 23 Sam.Jones 24. M. Jaugietis
25 G. Leishman 26 S . Lansdell 27 W. Paul (C), 28 A. Farrar 29 D. Bolton
32 R. Gundry
30 M . Stevens
33 J . Smith 34 G. Rowley 35 D. Murchie 36 A . Williams 37 J . Bolton 38 N . Brennan 39 M . Smith 40 Ma. Bolton 41 Mi . Bolton 42 G. Oldham 43 R. Feenaghty 45 R. Walsh 46 A . Ryan 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 D. Pane y 50 A . Clark
31 C. Fairbairn 32 N. S lad en 33 M . Fabri 34 B . Yates 35 A. Chubb 36 T. Heatley 37 T. Betts
51 M . Payne
48 D. Farris 49 S. Griffiths
52 N . Moresi 53 J . Peel 54 R. Green 55 I. McCormick 56 L. Volkov 57 P. Munro 58 F. Eley 59 B . Carstein 60 S . Lloyd 62 L. Kats 64 J . Prosser 65 G . Polglase 66 A. Perry 67 A. McCann 68 M . Meehan 69 R. Burston 70 B . Rogers 72 B. Green 73 A. Forster-Knight 74 P. Westbrook 75 R. Turton 81 S. Gundry
38 M . LEslie 39 S. Clarke 40 H. Legoe 41 T. Carty 42 C. Chimside 43 D. O'Brien
44 P. Simpson 45 46 S. Collins 47 M . Strauch
50 J . Sattler
51 J . Kilpatrick 52 J . Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 J . Brand 55 T. Stafford 56 A. Meek 57 J . Morley
58 M . O'Brien 59 J. Toohey 60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes 62 A. Waters 63 J. Weir 64 E. Fitzgerald 65 N . Cameron 66 T. Wolley 67 L . Teague 68 B. Grills 69 P. Miller 70 B. Cummins 71 A. Meagher 72 75
Coach: Paul O'Shanassy
Coach : Darren Turner Res : Frank Dinicolantonio
1 D. Dinicolantonio 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
J . Hodder E . Mitchell A. AW'so S .Buckle J .Fennel l A. Burgess B .Bird
9 A. Bethune 10 B . Mitchell 11 S . McCann 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebs 14 J . Manton 15 P.Carey 16 A. Rose 17 R. Parker 18 R. McCan n 19 A.Major
20 G .Rafferty
21 G . Simmondson 22 P.Ristevski 23 TBatty 24 D.Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 E. McLaughlin 29 S. Darcy 30 M. Ottobre 31 M. Contesotto 32 L . Price 33 N .Kennedy 34 B. Henricus 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B. Vaughan 40 J. Gay 41 J. Zarb 42 M. Flood 43 B. Levins 44 A. Zalakos 45 S. Ronchi 46 A. Brown 47 M. Mcinerny 48 A. Daly 49 C . Hatfield 51 C . Beljak 53 A . Volpi 54 M. Blundell
55 S . Smith
56 T, Morrison 57 M . Place 58 J . Fjeldstad 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonal d 61 J . Blandthorn Raynor 62 . 64 N 65 D . Foley 66 67 P. Farquhar 68 B . O'Connor 69 S . Mesche r 74 D. Panetta 75 T. Ymer 76 G. Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 81 D. Behan 88 S . Pitcher 89 D. Winduss 99 D . Lea r
Res Coaches: Jim Trevaskis & Michael Rizio 1 L . Nethercote 2 S. Chandler
3 M. O'Donnell 4 A . Evans 5 R . Mackie
6 C . Sanderford 7 B . Cunningham 8 A . Howard 9 C . Pekin 10 W. Hannah 12 M. Cunningham 13 C . Baulch 14 J. Leec h 15 L . Murphy 16 P. Caccaviello 17 A . Moffat 18 T. Wilson 29 C . Franklin 20 A . Kooloos 21 C . Shilling 22 A . Nolan 23 P. Barry m
24 N . Wilson
25 T. Chatfield 26 D. Batten 27 A . Costello 28 D. Kean 29 M . Staunton 30 J . Ralph 31 B . Costello
32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitche n 34 S . Moody 35 J . Mirtschin 36 H . Peck 37 A. Gray 39 J . Greenwood
40 N . Martin
41 L. Rawnsley 43 C. Beaton y 44 R. McCarthur 45 M . Coleman 46 A. Hyde 47 B . Murphy 48 D. Rudd 49 T. Bowers 50 A. Goonan 63 J . Weber 71 M . Nihil l 73 S. Mackie
WILLIAMSTOWN CYM S Coach : Darren Cadd y Res Coach : Warren Payne 1 D . William s 2 J. Buttigieg 3 D . William s 4 S. Wuchatsch 5 D . Macleod 6 N . Grant
7 B. Robinson
8 B. Han n 9 J. Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 B. Twis t 12(R) M . Cannon 12 A Feathersto n 13 A. Mackley 14(R) A. Daniel 14 D . Ferris 15(R) P. Breguet 15 B . Gaborit 16 B . Joseph 17(R) R. Plochin o 17 R . Hart 18 D . Oldham 1 9 P, Dervan 20 P. Sadler D. Macleod 22 M . Saunders 23(Rt A. Bouras 23 t Wheele r 24((R ( ~ C. Pach 24(R J. McCutcheo n
25 G. Burgess 25 D. Freestone 26 L. Grochowski 27 C. Mathews 28 A. Kosmatos 29 P. Vincent 30 T. Turcinovich
31 A. Bartolo 32 X . Toby
33 G. RicKard 34 B . Jones 35 C. Bergin 36 A . Blanes S . Smith 39(R) HC an d 40 D. Pawlowski 41 T. Campbel l 42 D. Woud a 43 B. Gram 44 M . Manning 45 J . Hynes 46 T. Ferris 47 F. Nuredin i 48 P. Tirchett 49 W. Kewin 50 A. McCutcheo n 51 A. McKenzi e 52 R. Nisbet 53 M . Oldham 55 J . Spezz a 56 S. Calderwoo d 57 M. Saccocci o 58 A. Beard 9 K. Dowse 60 B . Lee y 61 S. McNern Y 62 D . Orchar d 63 D . Temby 64 T. Ryan 65 S. Barlow 66 S. Phemiste r 67 A, Savoia 68 A. Houg h 69 B. Cambridg e 70 D . Sadler 71 F. Ceron e 72 F. Luca Spragu e 73 JJ. Fr 74 y 75 M . Miller 76 M . Sims 7 P. Geraght y7 8 R . Cornish7 79 S . Mardesic 80 S . Freeman
81 T. Williams
IY , Old Melburnians and Old Haileybury, in 'A' both needed the four points . Neither had a great percentage OH, fourth and under 100, and O .M . , 6th but not enough points to be complacent about where they would be in 1998 . And again, bad kicking cost one team two points . OM's kicked 8 .17 (71), 3 .5 in the final term, and OH were more accurate, 10 .11 (71), and 1 .1 in the final term . Prominent amateur personality, Carnival player, Dave Connell, was OH's best, supported by Armstrong, Hilton and P . Thiessen . Stuckey, Roberts, and Simon Theodore starred for OM's . Were St Bernards on the bottom in 'A' launching an "anti relegation" surge? Level at the last change, 11 .7. with Old Paradians, the boys from Aberfeldie kicked 9 .0 to 1 .6 to win by 41 points . Nick Mitchell (7 gls) was best on ground, and the Gollants, Luke Vassallo and Stephen Perrett were strong players . Pannam, Cosgriff, Farrell were OP's best . Marcellin were holding their annual Fancy Dress Night at the Gasometer Hotel . The theme was an Hawaiian Beach Party . I bet Chris Slattery and the aging Tony Caffry looked good in hula shirts!
Brett Duzenman played his 100th game for AJAX, following in the footsteps of his father, Stan, a fine player for the club . North Old Boys and St Bedes Mentone Tigers were 10/ 1 in 'C', and the NOB's had a percentage of 212 .54. There were some good goal kicking names in the McKinnon Sports Medicine Sharpshooters 'C' leaders - Adam Acreman (Old Mentonians) 60, Tony Macgeorge (St B. MT) 50, Vaughan (St Leos) and Andrew Treganowan (Marc .) both on 48 . Richmond Central congratulated Chris Barry on his great contribution to the club on and off the field as he left to take up a new job at Woomelang . Chris was among the best in the team's 38 point win over Hawthorn - a great way to finish up your career . time hospitality at #1 - De La Salle "Legends" enjoy the half DLS v Old Xaverians: Bernie Dunn, Bernie Hoy, Barry Lyon, Tony O'Callaghan & Peter Giles.
President VAFAUA Justin Toohey ,
celebrated his 200th ~ game . Representativ e umpiring, 'A' grad e Gr and Finals Justin had done it all . Willimastown, on top in `E' Cen tral, 11 / 10, almost went under to fourth placed UHSOB . They kicked 4 .14 in the final term to 4.0 to get home by 5 points, 12 .21 (93) to 13.10 (88). UHSOB were in front with six minutes to go but then a crucial free kick in the goal square (was it umpire Carrick or umpire K. Brewer who call ed it), an d "Miller" made no mistake. Best were Jackson, Wuchatsch, Featherstone, Lee (Will) and Gunthorpe, Skinns, Bowe (UHSOB ) ,`c~ ~ ; ~,
1 Coach Frank Dunell was pleased with St Bernard's display when they moved into second place in 'A' after overwhelming Ormond 19 .10 (124) to 13 .11 (89) . Gavin Keane ruck rover was BOG supported by the Capes brothers, Jason Gollant and Nick Mitchell (5 goals) and for Ormond, M . McDonald, B. Egan, D. McDonald. Gerard Biddlestone became Therry's first player to reach 200 games . Gerard had played in all sections, F to A. and interstate football. Old Brighton, on top in 'B', won a 'nail biter' against third bottom, University Blues . The game was close all day, played at South Road Oval .
Old Brighton 2 .1 6 .3 8 .5 10 .6 (66) 9 .10 (64) U . Blues 2 .4 6.4 8 .7
Total difference between the two teams at each change, and at game end was 8 points. Would this be a record low? Thomastown saluted Brett 'Jerka' Jenkins on his 200 games, 3 B & F awards and 3 premiership flags . St Kevin's O .B . celebrated Richard 'Titch' Callanan's 200 games with a 5 goal win over Mazenod . 'Titch' was once known as the fastest 'fat' bloke in the Ammos . Club stalwart and reliable 'G' grade backman, Steve Mackay, broke Bruce Ferguson's 312 game record for Collegians . "Talking Football" featured an article on "The Importance of Good Time Keeping" . Very important in football. (I seem to remember a last game of the season at Elsternwick Park when one of the two teams both competing for fourth place did not have a timekeeper. ) [T
- - --, 10 Ch(1TRA1 I FR'J(1(li
Old scotch kept their slim final 4 home alive when they held on to beat a fast finishing North Old Boys to win by 3 points - North trailed by 14 points at the final ch ange but with the advan tage of a s tr ong wind North looked good things! North kicked 6 goals but did not count on Old Scotch kicking 4. Peter Sherwin was relishing his ch ange to full back . Other stars for Old Scotch were Moir, Bones, A . McMillan, White. Borcich, Boyd an d Millet were North's best .
The Monash Blues selected their first ever set of twins, Jolm and Antony "who normally only share trendy clothes, flashy smiles, and fast girls" for their good play on half back flan ks. 100 games to University Blacks captain, Nick Clark, Fran k Gleeson and Phil Hammond (Old Paradian s), Greg Wood (St Bernard's) Brend an "Jack" Hall (Brunswick), Rob Schober (Kew). Umpires' Corner wondered if Wayne Hen ry was really past it? Had his hearing gone? Did Wayne really stop a match when a car horn sounded? Uni Blacks, fifth ui 'B' Sec ti on, at home, trailed fourth team Marcellin by 10 points an d then kicked 16 .5 to 2 .6 in the 2nd half. Players who led the surge to victo ry were Vaughan , Garde, Hyett, Heath (6 goals), while Paatsch, Slatte ry and Castagna were good players for the losers . Only undefeated team was Old Xave rians (Under 19 Section 1) .
Victoria won its first match of the carnival very easily when it defeated Tasmania 32 .12 to 9 .4, Geoff Dillon kicked 10 goals. In the battle of the two top teams in'A', North Old Boys and De La Salle OC, were 9 .10 each at the last change . North kicked 8 .2 to De La's solitary goal in the final term. 'A' Section umpires were D . Dodds, K . Segota, A. Hobson, R . Tracey, J . Smith, M . Haley, W. Hinton, B. Goodman, C . Mead, T. Flannery .
Top goalkicker for the season was Hristovski (La Trobe Uni) in 'F' with 61 goals. 150 games to Richard Loder, the third generation to play for Collegians .
q ( Coburg caused a real surprise in 'A' when after scoring only 3 goals in the 2 previous games they finished 15 points ahead of the Blues who had the chance to make themselves safe from the relegation . Best were Royal, P. O'Brien, McAuliffe (Cob.) and Pager, Carroll, Standish (Blues) . Old Paradians 3rd in 'B' section kicked themselves to a five point defeat against Old Scotch (I st) who won by 8 points, 8.7 .55 to 5 .17 .47 . Best were Currie, Morgan, Rogerson (Old Scotch) and J . Assetta, T. Considine, Lyons (Old Paradians).
Hampton Rovers (5th in 'C' section) kept their final four hopes alive when they annihilated AJAX, 3rd 22 .15 to 9 .10 . Best for Rovers were Slattery, Tregear and Blair . Alby Bolger celebrated his 200th game with Parkside 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
against Fawkner . In a quite remarkable performance Alby failed to get a kick ; however his club didn't let him down as they defeated the previously unbeaten Fawkner Reserves team. The 'scribe' reported that Alby, a life member (twice) had seen better seasons but was still trying .
Upsets were the order of the day when Old Trinity and Ivanhoe joint leaders in 'B' section, were both beaten . Old Trinity finished strongly against Old Scotch but went down by 9 points. Anderson, Keffort, Duffy (Scotch) and Just, Macaw, C . Fellows (Trinity) were best . Uni Blacks, trailing Ivanhoe by 3 points at the last change, kicked 6 .3 to 2 .2 in the last quarter . 'C' Cordner, McLean, Moffatt (6 goals) for the Blacks and Robinson, Berry and Hughes (Ivanhoe) starred . 'A' section Coaches were John Caspars (Caulf . Gramm), Alan Salter (Coburg), Ken Purcell (De La Salle), "Jocka" Nelson (MHSOB), Clyde Laidlaw (Monash Blues) Bob Spurling (North OB), Ted Farrell (Ormond), John Booth (Old Paradians), Gus Mitchell (St Bernard's) and Barry Johnston (Uni Blues) . The Umpires who bade farewell and thanks to Joe Jamieson who looked after them so well at Elsternwick for some years, and has also greatly assisted the Association . 200 games to Hampton Rovers veteran Dave "Brickie" Fullager who joined the juniors in the late fifties and had given great service to the club .
Collegians stopped Kew's winning run of 5 games straight when they led throughout to score by 3 goals. The 2 top teams in 'C' section St Bernard's and Alphington were both beaten by 1 point, by OGG's and Monash respectively. John Wood played his 250th game for Brunswick (John was last President of the club). Parkside, undefeated with 11 wins, were 3 games clear of Hampton Rovers and AJAX, in 'D' Seetion . In 'A" Section, Old Scotch, Ivanhoe and Old Xaverians were in the last three positions - yet only a game behind Collegians who were fourth.
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"Curley" Gemmell played his 150th game for Ivanhoe . 'A' Section captains were Phil McLaughlin (Old Paradians), Sam Birtles (Hampton Rovers), Evan MacGregor (Ormond), Harry Meredith (Uni Blacks), Geoff Sinclair (Uni Blues), Pere Adams (Alphington), Jack Thomas (Comm . Bank), R . Ferguson (Collegians), Peter Cox (Old Melb .) and Don Morone (Old Scotch) . Old Paradians with only one victory to their credit, went down to joint leaders Old Melburnians by only 5 points while Comm. Bank 4th, continued to be a hoodoo side for the other joint leader, Ormond as they led all day to defeat Ormond 7.11 to 5 .9 . Stars for the Bank were Alan Shiel, Miles Hurley and Don Malcolm . 21
Winning Edge Presentation s Four rounds remain and in two sections doubt linger s as to which clubs will contest the first semifinal on Sunday, August 4 . My success rate in Round 11 was 83% as surprise results again upset the status quo .
SECTION 1 Prahran were simply too talented for Eley Park who went down by one hundred and twenty seven points . Prahran again fielded a star studded side and Coach Steve Ivak felt his movement of players was the only reason the two blues did not score two hundred points . Prahran's best were; "Old Man River" a .k.a . Terry Lucas, Justin Eve, Nigel Macpherson as well as Cartledge (8 goals) and Butterworth (6 goals ) Old Melburnians kept their final's hope alive when they scored a"Heini' victory over Mazenod - i .e . one by fifty seven points! Leaders, Old Xaverians kicked the sweep out at Keller where they completely outplayed Old Essendon, who managed only two minor scores in the game . Such was the "Crocodile" dominance that they won by two hundred and four points . An inaccurate De La Salle virtually kicked themselves to defeat by St Kevin's who won by thirteen points although De La had two more scoring shots. St Kevin's Coach, John Fogarty reported that the low scoring match was of a high standard . He was also mindful of my very inaccurate prediction . (I am not off your band wagon yet, "Foges") . St Kevin's, whose win took them to third place, had good players in ; "Special Fried" Bryce, Louis Enrique, Zippa' and McLardie . SECTION 2 - NORTH Out at Therry Penola the wind dominated the game as both the home side and the victorious Old Ivanhoe recorded very inaccurate scores . Undefeated leaders, Old Ivanhoe doubled the Therry Penola score when they won by thirty one points. The winners felt the score did not reflect the intensity of the game which developed into a tense struggle for supremacy . Conversely losing Coach, Bob Lyons felt Old Ivanhoe taught his players a lesson on how to play team football . Best for Old Ivanhoe were ; Chris Binney, Marty Veal, Julian Maycock and Jordon Risstrom . For Therry Penola the best were ; Peter Hewat and Richard Keenan . Fitzroy Reds led Brunswick until the third quarter when the visitors showed their best form of the day to build a four point lead at the last change. The last term was dominated by Fitzroy Reds, who lifted their game in honour of their stalwart Michael James, who was making his valedictory appearance . He was not to be denied his moment of glory as his long goal from the outer wing put his side well along their victory road . The Reds finally won by twenty five points. Their best were ; ruck man, Mark Frisby, Tony Jackson, Nick Mann and the ubiquitous Michael James . For Brunswick, Shawnee Davis, Travis Lovett, Richard Di Antonio and Wayne
Morgan were best. University Blacks, who suffered their annual malady, holday syndrome, proved n o match for Marcellin, who won by fifty nine points and moved back to third as a consequence . Best for the "Eagles" were, veteran forward, Gary Petroff, John Alexandridis and Ismail Goc . For the Blacks, ruck man, Andrew Powell, key defender, Travis Kelleske and Andrew Iwaniaw were best . Old Xaverians gave a most un Xavier display against Old Trinity, who numbered only sixteen . The game was a scrappy affair with turnovers common as the winds swirled around McHale Stadium . Only one score was made to the Yarra Falls end - a goal by Ol d
FITZROY REDS - Farewell to Amateur Football was bade by personality and former regular scribe, Michael James with a team lifting performance on a back flank against Brunswick . Michael has secured a position as a journalist with the A .B .C . in Mount Gambier . Stand by for a football script in which a back flanker in his last game streams down the ground to kick a long goal to lift his team to victory . What Michael achieved fits this script perfectly . Farewell Michael and thanks for your many seasons of involvement in the V.A.F.A . OLD IVANHOE - congratulate Dean Craker on reaching 150 games this week playing in the Club 18's. 'Deano' is a flamboyant wingman /forward with plenty of pace, who plays with with a heap of passion and has a liking for the running goal, many of which have come from outside the 50m mark with his trademark raking left foot . Now playing in the undefeated 'Clubbies, 'Deano' is playing for consecutive flags and is one of reasons for their success . Well done 'Deano' and keep roosting thru the big ones . DE LA SALLE - David "Bomber" Jennings 200 Games : Achieved last Saturday against St Kevins in the Club 18 and comprises 33 U19, 161 Club 18 and 6 Reserves games . "Bomber" has been one of the crucial drivers of the De La Warriors to whom his on and off field commitment is a critical component of that team's long standing success . Well done Bomber !! Dan Smith 150 Games : Achieved last Saturday gmst St Kevins in the Club 18 & comprises 37 U19 ,
Clubl8, 98 Reserves and 2 Senior "A" Grade . Dan has been a stalwart of the defence in DLS Ressies team where he has been an invaluable team man . His election to play Club 18 to free up a possie in the 2's illustrates what a great clubman Dan i s THERRY PENOLA - Births are becoming common among players and their wives . Last week we reported on the arrival of Conor Lyons . This week we can report on the arrival of Max Eastmure . Ronan Donohue and Lillie Saunders . There must be something in the Oak Park air !
Xaverians in the second quarter such were the conditions . Old Xaverians won a low scoring game by thirty one points . Best for the winners were; Jeremiah Ryan, Marcus Aikman, Nick Quinn and Will. Dwyer. For Old Trinity, Lucas Welsh, WiIl. Brady, Trent Perry and Mark Lindsay were best . SOUTH Old Brighton re entered the top four as a result of their percentage boosting win over Hawthorn Amateurs. Old Brighton, who dominated the match, won by one hundred and fourteen points. Although Whitefriars defeated Old Geelong by sixty sc~-en points they dropped to fifth place on percentage . On such a windy day the Whitefriars accuracy was in stark contrast to many other scores. TiIonash Blues were never headed by St Leo's in their match at the University. The last quarter effort by St Leo's added respectability to their score as Monash had dominated the first three quarters. The Monash winning margin of twenty two points, was lower than their lead at any of the first three breaks in play . Best for Monash included ; mid fielder, Matt. Johnstone, forward, Bryce Collier (6 goals), Chris . Howe and Matt. Riddle. For St Leo's, Paul McGloin (3 goals) inspired their last quarter revival . Others to well were; Wood, Tomkins and Winduss.
Leaders, Collegians showed my tipping in a poor liyht as they over powered Hampton Rovers to win by one hundred and three points . PREVIEW OF ROUND 12 . SECTION 1 Prahran are entitled to
Cartltdge Prahran Butterworth Prahran Hardwick Old Xaverians Terzini St Kevins R. George Old Xaverians CLUB XVIII NORTH
Kingston Old Ivanhoe titewart Old Ivanhoe P.:, 11 Marcellin I:nstmure Therry penola btoney Old Xaverians CLUB XVIII SOUTH (uldey Collegians illier Monash Blues 'ic.tillan Hampton Rover s Monash Blues Fbuimer Hampton Rovers
8 6 10 0 0
82 27 25 25 22 31 19 18 17 15 29 28 26 20 19
TS V, 777211S CLUB XVIII (1)
Old Melburnians v. Prahran Old Essendon v. Mazenod Old Xaverlans v. St Kevlns Eley Park v. De La Sall e CLUB XVIII (NORTH ) Brunswick v. Therry Penola Marcellin v. Fitzroy Red s versity Blacks v. Old Trinity at Melbourne University, Main Oval Old Ivanhoe v. Old Xaverians (2) CLUB XVIII (SOUTH) whitefriars v. Old Brighton Monash Blues v. Old Geelon g St Leos Emmaus v. Hampton Rovers Hawthorn v. Collegian s
CLUB XVIII! 1 10.4 14 .8 22.11 26.15 (171) PRAHRAN ELEY PARK 0.0 2 .2 3.2 7.2(44) PraLran : Cartlid~e 8. Butterworth 6. Lawrence 4 . Reni 2, Eve, Morton. N[geinotriends, koby, Rooboy . Green Best: Lucas, Carey . Pritchard, Cougar.Eve, Lawrence Eley Park : Not received. Umpires : B . O'Halloran. R. Parker (F) MAZENOD 0.1 1 .1 1.1 3.2(20) OLD MELBURNIANS 3.6 6.10 8.15 10.17 (77) Mazeaod: Fry, McKeon, Grknmison. Best : Collins. GrimmLson, Smyth, Holdsworth , Bourbon Old MeIlrurnians: Not received. Umldreg: T. Brideson . T. Hegan (F) OLD ESSENDON 0.0 0 .1 0.2 0 .2(2) OLD XAVERIANS 8.10 13.15 22.18 31.20 (206) Old Essendon: Not received. Old Xaverlens: L Hardwick 10, Calman 5, Ockleshaw 4, Erskine 4, Fowler 3. Davies, McHarg. Beetham. Fay. Salter. Best L Hardwick. Hart. Ockleshaw, Erskine. Catman, C Carrodus Umpires: B . Nunn . Club Umpire (F) DE LA SALLE 1 .1 1 .5 3.11 3 .12 (30) 6 .7(43) ST.KEVINS 2.5 3.6 4.7 De La Salle : MannLx. Bowden, Forsyth . Best Lafferty, Wise, McNamara. Mannix. Tucker. Molan, Jennings . St .Kevins: Day 2 . Fraser, Katarolous. Pivetta. Gribble. Best : T.Dillan. Katavolous, McArdle, Pivetta, Gribble, Shin k Umpires: R. Benson, T. Hansen (F )
CLUB XVIII NORTH THERRY PENOLA 1.4 1 .7 2,12 3 .13 (31) OLD IVANHOE 0 .2 3.6 5.9 8 .14 (62) Therry Penola: Not received . Old Ivanhoe: Not received. Umpir es: T. Robbins, Club Umpire (F) BITLRQY REDS 9.15 (69) BRUNSWICK 6.8(44) Fitzroy Reds; James 2, Wright 2 . Frinsdorf. Matthew. Mann. Krick, Curtis . Best: James, Sainsbury, Currie, Auden, Frisby, Wright . Brunswick AFC: Kemp, Pike . B Lovett. Hayes, S. Davis . Comley . Best: T Lovett, W Morgan . Diantonio. Hume . S Davis, Comley. Umpires: J. Ciccotosto, Club Umpire (F) MARCELLIN 5 .4 9.4 14.7 17.11 (113) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .3 3.5 5.6 8 .6 (54) Marceilin : Petroff 4, J. Mathews 2. Cracknell 2. Walt 2, PezzimentL Tino. McGree, O'Sullivan, Goc, S . Mathews, P. Dowling. Best J. Mathews, Alexandrklls . Kost. Leardi. O'Brien, 0'Connor . University Blacks: S. Beden 3, Rudd 2, Quinlan. Weber, Bowers. Best Kaiieske. Bahen. Weber, Coleman . Rudd . Marto. Umpires: D. Windlow. Club Umpire (F) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 3 .5 4.5 6.6 6.6(42) OLD TRINITY 0 .0 0.3 0.3 1 .5(11) Old Xaverians (2k O'Kane 2 . N Quinn 2 . Higgins. M Quinn. Best M Ralph . Robson, Francis, Del Huntv, N Quinn, Aikrnan . Old Trinity: Not Received. Umpires: P. Nailer, Club Umpire (F)
CLUB XY[tI SOUTH OLD BRIGHTON 5 .6 10.9 14.12 18 .21 (129) HAWTHORN 0 .0 2.1 2.3 2.3 (15) Old Brighton: Liptrot 5, Stockdale 3, Maddox 3, Almond 2, Marston 2 . Harris, Hooper, Barber. Best Bowden, Almond, Jerkin. Mad= Hooper, Whitelaw. Hawthorn: OT3arilon 2. Best: Gray . Saddington . Mountain . Patton . 0'hanlon . Ptace6:. Umpires: P. Rapke, Club Umpire (F ) OLD GEELONG 1 .1 3.2 5 .3 8.4152) WHITEFRIARS 6.1 11.2 12 .3 19.5 (119) Old Geelong: Farrer 4. McDonald 2, wicken 1, Nissan 1 . Best: McDonald, Baker, Nissen, Holmes . Southey . Whitefriars: white 4, Bonnemvyi 4, O'Brien 3 . Gloufelow 2 . Omen 2, Dyer 2, Thompson 1, Murray 1 . Best Spitted, O'Meara, Dyer . BonnermanMurray. O'Brien. Umpires : G . Hegan, T. Hall (F) MONASH BLUES 5.2 7.4 9 .5 9.6(60) ST LEOS EMMAUS 0.3 1.7 2 .8 5.8(38) Monash Blues : Collier 6, Johnstone 2 . Moir. Best: Johnstone, Howe. Riddle, Plehn. Collier. M.Dods. St Leos: P. McGloln 3, Blundell, P.Levins. Best Woody. TomkIIUs, tVinduss, P.McGloin, Fechner, C.McDonald. Umpires: T. Byrnes, Club Umpire (F) COLLEGIANS 5.2 10.10 16 .11 19.18 (132) HAMPTON ROVERS 2.3 2.3 3.4 4.5(29) Collegians: Grant 4, Christie 3 . Stedwell 3, Oakley 2. Beiiby 1 . Curtis 1 . Gay 1. Hairs 1, Osborne 1 . Ross 1, Stanley 1. Best Ross, Lumley, Perkov, Grant, Baxter, Christie. Hampton Rovers: MacMillan 2, Wilton 1, McDonald 1 . Best: Dilettoso. McDonald, Hall. Wilton, McGregor, Roulent . Umpires: S. Mason, Club Umprie (F)
~tj ett and Gary Honey s t i_ .iast ft :-;'y ne-:s and yers an :; coa : :'~,: s
Clubs have received Sport 922 71 Crown - , _ickeis recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporter. For your chance to win a weekly VAFAdSaort 927 Sports pack comprising a Sport 927 prize pack, a Quit SmokeFree Foot y polo shirt and a"For the Love of the Game VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the VAFA, A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the Amateur Footballer. All entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize.
~ ;ntRrilR ' !.uldwourclub h ; ::esubm l t number of entries for the season, tram your ciu u
Iha winner ni rh8 Grown Enterta[nrnentlUAFA Grand Fi r 3d { ackagewill be drawn . Package inctuoes - â&#x201A;ŹWo nignr s
acc m~rfation, dinner at Breezes Restaurant, hreakast an d
valet r- and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final .
"Your Coaches' Association "
r p, __ . .ie course of a season many coaches area faced h the daunting task of winning that important game against a unquestionably superior opponent . It could be for example to prevent relegation or to make the final four. Many coaches go into such games with the attitude of 'we have nothing to lose, so lets go for it' . In other words they are backing their ability against the ability of the superior opposition, and unless something extra -ordinary happens, are looking at a defeat . There is a better approach to these important games . With the correct strategy and mental attitude you can cause an upset. Apart from possessing a superior ability, the opposing team is often an amalgamation of exploitable psychological and emotional characteristics . These potentially vulnerable characteristics are the basis for the development of effective strategies employed to rupture the confidence of the opposing team and systematically shift the momentum to favour the underdog. Such characteristics include: ® They are prepared only for victory ; • They are often so skilled and accustomed to winning that they feel no urgency for the mundane tasks of defence ; • Having not been in the position, they often underestimate the motivation and hunger of the underdog to win ; ® They may tend to blame each other when the flow of the game does not go their way ; • Undisciplined, complacent, arrogant, bored and selfish are common individual traits sometimes found in players in such teanis ; o They often have a lower frustration level then the underdog ; @ Under the right conditions, they may self-destruct . Before formulating your strategies it would be advantageous to have some knowledge of your opponent . Gather as much information as possible from match reports and past results, if possible have a colleague scout the opposition the week/s before. When scouting an opposition team it is necessary to look into the team, not just at it . Important questions to ask are : B What are their most common and successful offensive and defensive manoeuvres ? • Do their star players perform poorly under pressure? ® Who is lazy, selfish, indifferent ? ® How do they react when the coach gives instructions ? 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
® Who probably won't quit, no matter what you do? • And probably the most important question, what would you do if you were the coach of the other team and had to develop a plan to exploit your weaknesses? Armed with this information you should now formulate the tactics to be used, remembering to keep them fairly simple. Experienced coaches have learned that you travel a long journey through knowledge before you reach simplicity . Your aim is to frustrate, confuse, annoy, harass, put them off your game . You and your players already know who the better team is, so don't sell any false issues . Your players must be aware of the fact that the only way you'll survive is for each player to adopt the attitude that they're alone in the very last line of defence . The underdog is playing for time . The longer the time left, the greater the advantage the opponent has . As the time grows shorter and the game is close, the opposition starts to feel the frightening consequences of losing and may tend to panic and self-destruct . Otherfactors to consider : ® Don't talk about winning. Be task orientated. ® Total concentration is required for the upset. ® You need things to cheer about . ® One stupid player on your team has the potential to cause more damage that three smart opposition players. Coaching characteristics to consider: 1 : Don't overcorrect errors ; 2 : Don't let a quick setback unnerve your team ; 3: Don't paralyse your players by overloading them with instruction ; 4: Don't take the game away from your players by over coaching ; 5: Don't forget, that win or lose, you've got to come out of this game a stronger team . Almost every week an upset occurs . If the favorites have their game reduced to 75% of its maximum and the underdog put out their finest physical and mental efforts, than there is a real chance of an upset occurring . As a coach, it will be one of the more memorial moments of your career, when you see the mind and spirit winning out over seemingly insurmountable odds and you experience coaching excellence . Reprinted from AF Vol. 93 No . 1 3 By Dave McCormack - Senior Coach Aquinas OC
Hugh Lyon
by Luke Derbyshire
KNITWE REVIEW - ROUND 1 1 Positions in the final four are ,
heating up with Old Carey ` keeping its September dream alive registering a massive 126 point win against Kew, and moving to fifth on the D2 ladder. In bitterly cold conditions at Bulleen, the C's were i dnomiusfradnte the game kicking eight goals in L .._ . the second quarter and keepin g Malt Calien (Old Carey) - 150 Kew scoreless, Peter Unkles was strong in the ruck, Sam
games and 8 goals
McConnell solid in defence, and forwards Matt Cohen and John Raftopoulos had great days in their respective 150ths . Raftopoulos was unstoppable in a best on ground performance, getting plenty of possessions and kicking six goals . Cohen was also potent bagging eight, while Morrison with four, Heppell three an dAngustwo,alcribed . John Raltopoulos (Old Carey) Kew was completely outclassed
150 games and 6 goals
but is to be commended for fighting to the end. Blair and Russo tried hard, and Mainsbridge finished with four goals to be the better players . The battle between Fitzroy Reds and Oakleigh was expected to be close, given the Krushers recent competitive form and the Reds inaccuracy of late . However, the Reds turned it on and finished with a percentage lifting 25 .8 to Oakleigh's dismal 8 .2. Reds spearhead Tornese was on target with eight goals, well supported by Atherton with four and Dibenedetto with two . Timm, Drury and Clarke provided run and controlled play around the ground, while V. Cahill and Meighan were solid in the air . The Krushers would be extremely disappointed after allowing the Reds to kick nine last quarter goals . The club now faces a strong possibility of being relegated . Clark and T . Bromley were solid however their performances were the only real positives from the 108 point loss . La Trobe University had a terrific ivin against the hot and cold Bentleigh, in a close encounter that saw the home side get up 14 points . Murray kicked three goals, while Edwards, White and Perry delivered the ball well . Bentieigh's indirect play on the big La Trobe ground was one factor that led to their demise, in contrast University were more direct and played the better football . Bentleigh now have a tough run and will need to lift if it hopes to play finals football . Fishlock. Dimattina and D. Martin all gave strong four quarter performances .
In the match between Salesian and Parkside, the Devils started well and had more of the play
in the first quarter with plenty of scoring chances . However, the blustery wind and poor kicking resulted in a disastrous 2 .9, in comparison Saldsian's finished with a tidy 5 .2, and a handy two goal lead . Salesian performed best in the second and third quarters, kicking a total of 8 .5 to 6 .6 and increased their lead to 22 points at the final change . Their tall players Nannes, Grace and Thain dominated in the air and allowed easy goals, while the Devils had to scrap around the packs for scoring opportunities . Parkside made a run at Salesian's in the last, but could only manage one goal . Better players were strong utilities Brad Hockey and Tristan Barlow - both standouts in recent weeks, and rovers Rob Wise and Rob Marulli . For Salesian, Thaui kicked six goals while Ferwerda, Canavan and Oldfield also had good games. Yarra Valley brushed aside the latest challenge from another D2 contender, becoming the first away team to win this year on Peninsula's home soil at Mt Eliza. It seemed the Bushrangers had a contest on their hands, leading by just a couple of goals in the shadows of half-time . Gun Pirate forward Shaun Payze had slotted four and staked his claim for mark of the year, but in time-on of the second quarter Yarra slammed on four goals in three minutes and for the Pirates this proved costly . Down by 32 points at the main break, Peninsula was unable to pose any realistic threat and through the agency of Keem and Stevenson and with strong support from Longworth, it was a rampant Bushrangers outfit, home by 68 points and priming themselves for finals action .
PRE VIEW - ROUND 1 2 The match of the round is between fifth placed Old Care y and La Trobe University in seventh . The C's had a
NAM E D2 SECTION Sharp Bent2eiglt Ryan Parkside Payze Peninsula Higgins Salesian Tronese Fitzroy Reds D2 RESERVES
2 0 6 0 8
48 45 45 44 43
R. Collett Yarra Valley 0 32 Byrne Salesian 4 31 Hale Yarra Valley 4 31 Kane FitzrovReds 0 29 Prior FitzroyReds 0 26 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
confidence boosting win last round, while the Trobers were equally impressive in its match against Bentleigh . At stake for the C's is a spot in the four, while the Trobers have the chance to get bridge the gap to only one game between the n: o sides . I expect the match to be a close and hard fought encounter, with Old Carey to eventually get home by 23 Cpints .
Bentleigh will be trying to hold on to forth place in its match against Salesian. The B's unexpected loss last week has thrown a spanner in the works, and coach Paul Dimattuya will be instructing his players to play more direct. Salesian have proven to be a class act this year and sit comfortably in second position . I expect them to deliver the B's successive losses and win by 18 points . In another close game between Parkside and Fitzroy, the Devils will want to reverse the result from earlier the in ar. They face an in form Reds unit that playe d entertaining football in a white wash performance last week. Tornese is a terrific focal point and Drury and Timm provide plenty of drive . However, the Devils at home are a tough assignment, and I expect them to stop the Reds inarch and win by eight points. In other matches Yarra Valley will be too strong for Kew, while Peninsula will consolidate against a struggling pakleigh .
PENINSULA OLD BOYS - congratulate Brad Taylor on reaching 100 games . 'BT' has been a popular and muchadmired clubman for many years and his determination and spirit is an inspiration to all at Pirate land. Well done Tayls . KEW - congratulate utility Chad Watts on his 50th game this week against Yarra Valley . A product of the Kew Juniors, Chad won our Reserve Coaches Trophy (1999) and his good early form gained him senior selection this season . Well done Chad . Also congratulations also to former skipper Brian Cullen who with a bag of six against Peninsula passed the 100 career goal mark. OLD CAREY - mercurial utility, Matthew Cohen, played his 150th game last week . After spending his university years at Monash Blues, Matthew returned to the Carey Community in 1995 as an accomplished midfielder and onbAler who was equally effective in defence or attack. A key member of the 1998 Premiership team, Matthew now concentrates his time up fonvard, where his regular 'bags' â?&#x2018;lake him a major contributor. Off the field, Matthew & wife ~ophie held key positions on the Committee for many years, mil no social function would be the same without the ,upport of the entire Cohen family. Congratulations ltatthew, and thank you! Mark Sontag achieved the 50 ^ame mark for the C's last week. In spite of Sonny's career <:nd travel commitments his approach to his football has remained exemplary . Well-done Mark! Andrew Drever plays his 150th in the Black, Gold, and Blue today after Joining Ihe Club in 1990 . Following 'retirement' for 2-1/2 seasons, it s been great to see 'Dros' return to complete this milestone, and to demonstrate he has retained the skills iilat made him such a valuable member of the 1997 Ccscrves Premiership side . An integral part of the social labrie of the Club throughout his playing days, it's terrific to 2cc him back again . Congratulations Andrew ! Correspondence : Luke Derbyshire, Mobile : 0407 524 407, Ernait : hotlywood_tad@yahoo.com 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
1 PENINSULA 3.4 7.7 11 .10 16.11 (107) YARRA VALLEY 7.1 14 .3 21 .8 27 .9 (171) Peninsula: Payze 6, Bonner 3. Trewhitt . S .Parsons. T.Prendergast, A.Atchison, Torossi, Goldthorp . S.Prendergast . Best : Trewhitt, S.Prendergast . Ferguson . T.Prendergast . Payze, Bowen. Yarra Valley: Keem 5. Stevenson 5 . Beal 3, P.Cremean 3, Hancock 3 . Gilles 2, Macvean 2, Middlin 2 . Collie. Valoppi . Best: Keem . Longworih, Hanock. Valoppi, Beal, Collie. Umpires: S. McCarthy (R) (F) FITZROY REDS 6 .2 11 .3 16.6 25.8 (158) 8.2(50) OAET.EIGH AFC 1 .0 3 .1 8.1 Fitzroy Reds: Tornese 8, Atherton 4 . Dibenedetto 2, Camilled 2, Cairns 2. . Best: Timm. Drury, Timm 2, Pollard, Bennie, A Parson, Rome, P . Jackson Clarke . V. Cahill, Meighan . Tornese. Oakleigh : Hall 3, C. Marshall 2, Mackenzie 2, Redford . Best: Calrk. T Bromley . Evans. Nicolosi, Tolley. Dec. Umpires: R Marlyn, G . Paleodimos (F), J. Thyer (B). S. Bogisich (G) SALESIAN 5 .2 9.4 13.7 16.8 (104) PARKSIDE 2 .9 5.11 8.15 12.16 (88) Salesian: Thaiu 6, Grace 2. Sutherland 2, Ferwerda 2, Porter 2. Irvine 1, Todd 1 . Best Thain, Ferwerda, Canavan, Old6eld, Nannes . Ryan. Parkside: Not received. Umpires: L . Moncrieff (R) (F), M . Luttke . B . Adamson (B) LA TROBE 0.4 4.7 8.10 11.16 (82) BENTLEIGH 3 .4 7.8 8.11 9.14 (68) Latrobe : Murray 3, Wesley 2. Dunne, White . Farrant, Sheldrick, Brooks. Mawdsley Bosh Edwards, White, Perry, Cummings, Adarnthwaite, Murray. BenUeigh: Sharp 2, Lane 2, Martin, Dimattina, Clough . Sice. Breson. Best Sice, Handfield, Dimattina. Adaway, Pine . Stanes. Umpires : J . Lane, J . Moore (F), B . Share, A. Borg (B), C. Kaleta (G ) OLD CAREY 5 .5 13.10 26 .12 30.17 (197) NEW 2.4 2.4 6.4 11 .7 (73) Old Carey: Cohen 8. Rafropoulos 6 . Morrison 4, Heppell 3, C Angus 2 . . Battle, MacFarlane . McConnell. Shutie . Vasllopoulos. Best Faells 2 Raftopoulos, Matthews . A Guerra, Konstanthiidis. T Bull, Mai. Kew : Moussi 4, Fitzgerald 2, Ayers, 0'Connor, Blair, Cullen, Eaton . Best Blair. Russo, Mainsbridge, Tinetti, Moussi, Marchesani . Umpires: P. Simpson (R) (F) RESERVES 1.3 2 .5 4.7 7.10 (52) PENINSULA 5.3 6 .3 10.7 11.8 (74) YARRA VALLEY Peninsula : McKinstry 2. Davies. Haurorth, Franks. Staintorth. Warner. Bosh Warner, Stainforth, Claringbald, Angus, Gardner, T .Cannon . Yams Valley : Hale 4. Yea 2, S.Pask 2, Laing 2, Potter . Best- Parry . Laing. Hale, Drew, Joiner, Lloyd. FITZROY REDS 4 .5 6.5 9.12 14.15 (99) 4 .5(29) OAKLEIGH 2 .0 2.2 3 .3 Fitzroy Reds : Not received. Oakleigh : B. Papadopoulos 2 . R Cooper 2. Best: Connellan. Nuske, Nikakis, Parton, B . Nguyen. Gant. 1 .0 4.1 6 .3 7.4(46) SALESIAN PARESIDE 1 .8 3.11 3.12 6.13 (49) Salesian: Byrne 4, Sutton 1, Shirley 1 . Smith . Best- Byrne, Shipley. Logan, Hanapy. Sutton, Mirams . Parkside: Not received . LA'IROBE 1 .3 2.4 4.4 4.4(28) BEIVTLEIGH 1 .4 3.6 3 .7 4 .10 (34) Lat robe : Craig, Samson . Griffin, Watson, Best McMeekin, Bullen, Ross, Smith, Griffm, Phillis. Bentleigh: Krotofil. Withington . Sampson . Strauch, Best- C Martin . Caterson, Strauch. withington, Padgham. Craven. OLD CAREY 4.2 6 .7 7.8 9 .13 (67) 5.8(38) KEW 1 .3 4 .3 5.5 Old Carey: England 4, Stevens 2, Weill 2, Curry . Best- England, Elsner. Robison. Curry. Shrives, Weill. Kew : Searle . Watts. Fabinyi, Symes, Bradley . Best- McCardle, Fabinyi, Hayes, Alen , IP Dennis, SyTnes.
--77-, ! 7 I : ~ .S - 02 Section Oakleigh v. Peninsula Parkside v . Fitzroy Reds Bentleigh v . Salesian Old Carey v . La Trobe University Kew v. Yarra Valley
BENTLEIGH Coach: Paul Dimattina Res Coach: Steve Hall 1 C . Sharp (C) 2 P. Morgan
3 A. Pittito 4 S. Sic e 5 M. Eyles (C) 6 R . Webe r 7 N . Lane 8 C. Goette 9 I. Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D. Martin 12 M . Barker 13 L . Pittito 14 P. Krassaris 15 B. McAliece 16 L. Aire y 17 J . Handfield 18 S .Adaway 19 R. English 20 R. Fishlock 21 B .Istead 22 F. Dimattina 23 S.Adams 24 P. Gallo 25 D . Gol d 26 B .Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 A. Clough 30 A. Miksad 31 S. Craven 32 J. Of Giorgio 33 P. Withington 34 M . Pirf e 35 L. Ireson (VC) 36 M. Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G. Beatti e 39 G. Prigg 40 M . Walker 41 J . Neve 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 C. Martin 44 A. Simon 45 A. Wade 46 R . Lawford 47 A . Strauch 48 F. Cavanagh 49 B . Clark 50 A. Stanes 51 S. Truffaut 52 L . Sampson 53 A. Sarin ippo 54 B . Gasser 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 A. King 58 T. Caterson 59 D. Pittito 61 C. Park 62 D. Krotofil
Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Andrew George Club 18 Coach : Greg Box 1 (a) M. Frisby 1 Cb) S. Sukhar 2 A. Walsh 3 S. Dibendetto 4 (a) J . Hamilton 4 b G. Vigilante 5 ((a)) D. Kane 5 b P. Diacogiorgis 6 J . Bennie 7 S . Andrew 8 A. Byrne 9 (a) Prior 10 L. Bryne 11 (a) B . Atherton 11 (b) N . Krick 12 S. Bramley 13 M. James 14 T. Clarke 15 J . Vernali 17 (a)B . Lee 17 (b) B. Foynes 18 M . Heenan 19 P. Coo k 20 T. Mitchell 21 C . Meighen 23 T. Jackson 24 A . Parsons 25 P. Jackson 26 R. Curtis 27 (a) J. Tornese 27 (b) B. Le e 28 J. Card 29 (a) D .East 29 (b) V. Cahill 31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S. Drury 34 M Zubak 35 D. Snaddon 37 (a) G. Hanlon 37 (b) M . Mehri 38 C. Evans 39 M. Reid 40 G . Bence 41 R . Burgman 42 I . McBurnie 43 A. Marron 44 J . Abou-Eid 45 M . Sinfield 46 (a) D. Timm 46 (b) N . Mann 49 A Puglia 48 N .Vaughan 50 B . Aggenbach 51 M . Cairns 52 B' O'Connor 53 S . Addicott 54 J . Parsons 55 N. Matthews 55 D . Atkin 56 (a) T. Madden 56 (b) N. Currie 57 R . Rom e 58 B . Cahill 59 R. Johnstone 61 G . Virtu e 62 N. Auden 63 C. Andrew 64 G .Johnson 66 D . Timms 67 R . Holderhead 68 A . Monk 69 S . Pidotto 71 (a) P. Gunn 71 (b) T. Leske 72 M . Bennett 73 J . Bare 75 B. Pollard 76 P. Everard 77 A. Grillo 80 G. Box 81 (a) J . Horridge 81 (b) C. Planer 86 M . Reid 87 C. Nave 91 D. Fitts ill B. Donovan 117 M . Rosenthal
KEW Coach : Rohan Doherty Asst Coach: Darren Searle Res Coach : Greg Crimmins 1 B . LaFranchi 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 B. Marchesani 4 G . Crimmins 5 A Makris 6 N. Tinetti (DVC) 7 N . Lymn 8 D . Mainsbridge 9 A. Eaton 10 B . Cullen 11 B . Woodhouse 12 J . Growcott 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J. Looker 15 C . Bradley (C) 16 D . Wood 17 B . Allen (RVC) 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Denni s 20 A Acfield 21 M. Ayres 22 C . Stevens 23 T. Aitken 24 D. Kinross 25 C. Watts 26 S . Symes 27 T. Moore
28 M. Xuereb (RDVC) 29 M. Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante (RC) 31 D. Cooking 32 A. Drago 33 D. Wayland 34 M. Fitzgerald 35 R . Brun o 36 S. Ryan 37 J . Landwehr (VC) 38 T. Connolly 39 N. Coluccio 40 G . Muckian 41 R. Livingston 43 G. Collyer 44 M. Raffaele 45 A . larossi 46 A Pirona 48 L.Jensen 51 M . Blair 53 M . Bolls 54 R. Waller 55 D . Searle 56 T. Frith 61 S. Moussi 64 J . Cronin
HARP OF ERIN 636 High St, Ke w 9859 1631 E-mail: vharpCnetspace . net .au
Coach: Brian Grills Res Coach: David Huffer 1 P. Farrant
2 S . Fredrickson 3 D. Sheldrick (C) 4 C . Perry (VC) 5 S. Adamthwaite 6 S. O'Tool e 7 N . Dunne 8 J . Thom 9 L. Walker 10 P. Morton 11 Josh Levy 12 K. Perry 13 T. Luderman 14 L . Wakeling 15 S . Brooks 17 Jacob Levy 18 A .Hewit t 19 S . White . Murphy 20 A 21 D . Edmunds 22 P. Stewart 24 S. Edwards 26 B . Phillips 27 D. Gilmour 28 C. Ross 29 A. Randall 30 J . Smith 31 M. Fannig 32 D . Hill 33 M . Watson 34 A . Murray 35 J . Eyre
36 T. Mawdsley 37 C. Porter 39 N . Rosengren 40 R . Slate r 42 D . Gleason 43 A . Poulton 45 D. McKeekin 46 B . Launikonis 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 51 C . Francias 52 T. Stauton 54 T. Peters 55 A. Cummings J . Laidlaw 66 A. Balli e 70 J . Dumaresq
Coach: Paul Taylor Asst Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach : Garth Dartnell 1 B . Gec 2 V. Moen 3 D. MacKenzie (VC) 4 P. Papadopoulos 5 D. Bromley
6 R . Dooley 7 M. Sho rt (RVC) 8 R . Marshal l
9 J . Moutis 10 L. Thomas 11 S . Nicolosi 12 G . Treacy 13 S . Randle 14 R . Keating 15 G . Redford 16 K . Marshall 17 A . Hunter 18 J . Connell an (RC) 19 R. Coope r 20 J . Tolle y 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S. Cas a 23 J. Kerley 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts (DVC) 27 G . Smit h 28 A. Khodr 29 D . Hall 30 A. Timmis 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J . Brown
33 M . Clark
34 B. Varkatzos 35 R . Nuske 36 M. Ryan 37 P. Nikakis
38 B . Papadopoulos 39 G . Dartnell 40 P. Tatterson 41 A. Rogers 42 S. Dalton 43 R . Papworth 44 N . Smith 45 G. Chapman 46 B . Nguyen 47 T. Nguyen 49 B. Evans 50 P. Malcolm 51 . B. Gant 52 . C. Cooke 53 . C. Casa 54 0. Parton 55 D. Moulang 56 B . King 57 A. Jury 58 M. Coppock 59 W. Ogilvie 60 V. Grinter 64 F. Loiacono
?ILE I po e
Pty Ltd 9562 718 1
Contact Perry, Sam or Leo
OLD CAREY Coach: Glenn Taylor Res Paul Montgomery 1 . C. Angus (VC) 2, D. Faeli s 3 . M . Cohen 4 . S . Vrtali 5 . S . McConnell 6 . C. Campbell (C) 7 . H. Van Cuylenburg 7, A. Drever R 8 . M . Cann g . B . Shutie 10 . K . Shrives 11 . N . Everett (VC) 13 . M . Sontag 14 . M . Curry 15 . N . Bul l 16 . R. Graham 17 . M . Yarnall 18 . C. Matthews 18. B . Chiucharelli R 19 . T. Wood 19. P. Drake R 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . R. Leong 22. C. Battle 23. T. Price 24. P. Unkles 25. N. Detarczynski 25. L . Chiucharelli R 26. D. Sher r 27. N . Vasilopoulos (C) 28. H . Morriso n 29. S. Assimo 30. A. Guerra 31 .J. Ward 32. P. Graham 33. N . England 34. W. Giannikos 35. S McConnell 35. S.Hardy R 36. S. Wood 37. D . Palmer 38 . L . Guerra 39 . M . Elvins 40 . T. Robison 41 . A . Gates 42 . P. Montgomery 43 . D . Joyce 44 . A . White 45 . T. Bull 46 . H . Giannikos 47 . S . Weil l 48 . C. Popplewell 49 . W. Mudge 50 . A . Kent 51 . R. Hall 52 . A. Stevens 53 . A. Pitts 54 . K. Giannikos 55 . L. Patterson 57. P. Konstatinidis 58 . J . Bonche r 59 . C. Mason 60. L . Brain 61 . C. Davey 62. P. Tompkins 63. B. Rodrigues 64. S. Sutton 65. D . Elsner 67. C . Hickey 68. S. Hart .69. 0 . Winchester 70. J. Marshall 71 . S. Feehan 72. J. Engwerda 73. C . Elliott 74. S. Mees 75. C . Smith 76. J. Voge l 77. B. Spedding 78. N . Latham 88. Mart Heppel l ~FRElGf,fTL'JlVER'
PARKSIDE Coach : Mark Row e
Res Coach: Glen Dunbabi n 1 R. Adams 2 G . Davies 3 K. Nobl e 5 T. Stonehouse 6 S . Ware 7 J . Muscat 8 J . Chilcott
9 A . Constantini 10 A. Vita 11 B . Hockey (VC) 12 D. McCal l 13 A. Copley (RVC) 14 P. Hanley 15 D . Moodie (C) 16 M. Ross 17 A. Romano 18 M. Schwabl 19 T. Ryan 20 D . Singleton 21 J. Schol l 22 R . Wise 23 R . Beck 24 R . Marull i 25 M. McPherson 27 D . Matthews 28 R . Martinez 29 J. Libroaperto 30 T. Barlow
31 S . Hogan 32 J. McCall 33 K. Allan (RC) 34 M . Romano 35 G. Panjari 36 M . O'Connor 38 H . Byrne 42 P. Dean 43 B . Gorman 44 P. Soligo 45 B . McGillian 46 C. Welsh 47 C. Tyson 48 C. Ross 49 S. Pascoe 51 A. Valomidos 52 B. Cassano 53 P. Romano 54 S. Marino 55 M. Wise
56 T. Wis e 57 B. Boughton 58 T. Mangos 60 J. Drakopoulos 61 P. Tascone 63 R .Jones 65 S . Carmody 66 C . Chioppi 70 S . Diver 71 A . Inglis
Coach: Rod Kerle y Res Coach : NO Frank s 1 2 3 4 5
S . Parsons A. Parsons M . Goldthorp E. Bowen (Vc) N. Kent
6 M . Warner 7 S. Murray 7 N. Franks (Res .) 8 P. Angu s
9 M. Dentry 9 P. Krohn (Res.) 10 A. Haley
10 T. Trewhitt 11 S. Ferguson 12 C . Pettitt
13 T. Braden 14 S. White 15 A. Wood 16 S. Claringbold 17 J. Coghlan 18 J. Whelan 19 A. McfGnstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A . Macpherson 22 A . Atchison (C) 23 R. Powne y 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchiso n 26 P. Prendergast 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 S . Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 G . Davies 32 H. Shorten 33 R. Stainforth 34 M . Allen
35 R. Wotfenden 36 P. Serra 37 B. O'Neill 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Barber 40 B. Mitchell 41 A. Vidotto 42 A. Littlechild 43 G. Gardiner 44 A. Kelson 45 D . Baker 46 L. Prendergast 47 L. Palmer 48 A . Bonner 49 C. Wilson 50 P. Arnold 51 R. Sharpin 52 T. Neal 56 P. Rittman 57 M . Conroy 58 D. Brennan 59 S . Foss 69 J . Muir
SALESIAN O .C . Coach : Gary Connolly
YARRA V EY Coach : Tim Killwort h
Assist Coach: David Todd Res Coach: David Todd
Res Coach: Rowan Davis
1 A . Stevens 2 A . Anderson 3 S . Sutherland 4 S . Bobetic 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Forer
1 R. Pearce 2 T. Morri s 3 R. Thompson 4 M. Fun g 5 A. Drew 6 R. Dew 7 C. Beal 8 L . Morris 9 J. Keem 9 C . Ross 10 T. Hancock 11 F. Macvean 12 J. Cremean 13 L. Gillies 14 E . Kruse 15 N . Pask 16 L. Taylor 17 A . Laing 18 L. White 18 D. Ross 19 J . Strong 20 T. Hale 21 D. Stevenson 22 B . Drew 23 R. Yeo 24 M . Davies 25 F. Pellegrino 26 J . Longworth 27 S . Savage 28 B . Reynolds 29 R. Coutts 30 D. Potte r
7 G . Gaspan 8 S . Loga n
9 A. Campbell 10 S.Oldfield 11 A. Davey 12 M . Bates 13 I . Bobetic 14 J. Ngo 15 C. Ryan 16 G . Irvin e
17 M. Ferwerda 16 D . Barry 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 A. Bates 22 R . Stevens 23 S. Nolan 24 A. Grace 25 M. Tambling 26 J. Nannes 27 A Higgins 28 M . Byrne 29 C . Rose 30 M . Cooke 31 J . Shirley 32 G. Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 D. Rao 35 P. Knott 36 D. Todd 37 S . Sinclair 38 T. Alligan 39 R Pitts 40 M . Forer 41 J . Novello 42 P. Evans 43 E. Maillard 44 C. Hunt 45 S. Horvath 46 S. Porter 47 B. Bowman 48 M. Bourke 49 G . Gleason 50 P. Alle n 51 S. Parisi 52 R . Cincotta 53 B. Chalmers 54 D . Allen 55 E.Hanaphy 56 D . Stinear 57 D . Gheblikan 58 S. Butler 59 D . Blake 60 D . levoli 61 J . Radi 62 B . Kirchner 63 L. Sea at 64 J . McClaren 65 A . Darcy 66 C. Clauson 67 A. Thai n 68 A . Healey 69 B . Atkins 70 A. Chiappini 71 R. Cincotta 72 D. Oliver 73 A. Gaspari 74 C. Roache 75 A. Sexton 79 S. Morrish 80 M. Forbes 81 P. Turley 82 M. Smith 83 D. Bowman 84 W. Chapman 85 D . Sutherland
31 B . Sturzaker y 32 J . Parr 33 P. Cremean 33 D. Ireland 34 C. Fraser 35 B. Peake 37 D . Balshaw 38 B. Morrison 39 J. Tompkins 40 H . Cotsford 41 B. Downs 42 A . Stone 43 H . Park 44 J. Ho 45 A . Wingate 47 S . Collie 48 R. Davis
49 S . Seabourne 50 J . Peak e 51 H. Clarke 52 A. Hartnett 53 S . Pask 54 S . Simpson 55 S . Taylor 56 T. Lloyd 57 S . Kehoe 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Buruma 63 B. Whitechurch 64 D. Smith 65 M . Norrish 68 T. Collet 69 R. Collet 71 M . Laing 74 A. Midland 76 J. Dickson
by Craig Brajtberg VAFAUA Sponsor: "q-7' m r"u.,t PRINT MINT 速 r ; 7:` Grant Wardrop, ex VAFA player and field umpire now with the VFL umpires, works at Print Mint, 45 Buckhurst Street South Melbourne and the company has always provided the VAFAUA fantastic printing services at extremely competitive prices . For any printing contact Grant on 9682 1555 o r grantwCprint-mint.com .au and let him know your VAFA connection .
VAFAUA NEWS & SNIPPETS: Thanks to the St. Bernards (and Old Xaverians) last Saturday as they treated Jamie Kvins on his 200th game like a King, they introduced him to the luncheon, presented him with the match ball (signed by both teams) and they also made sure he had a drink in his hand . We thought it was about time we mentioned that last year our VAFA Goal umpires and Boundary umpires umpired the AFL legends game at Optus Oval. They were Kevin Segota and Bernie Jephson in the goals an d Peter Teasdale an d Santo Caruso on the boundary . This year we believe the game will be played under the roof at Colonial Stadium during AFL Grand Final week . John Sutcliffe has informed Kevin Segota that he needs to lose a few kilos before umpiring this year's game. It's was great to see Brian Woodhead (previous VAFAUA Advisor) umpiring with his son Brent Woodhead last week, good to see the umpires getting into the spirit of family football as the VAFA is home of family football .
VAFA UM PIRE and POWERLIFTER : Adrian Zalcman is a keen University student and a competitive powerlifter. He has been competing for a couple of years at a state and national level and last year on an international level. Adrian holds 23 Australian National records in all Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift and Total Lift, and is currently the Australian National Powerlifting Champion and World Cup Champion in his weight class . Adrian competed a number of months ago in Amberg, Germany, at the powerlifting World Cup and actually won GOLD in his weight class in both the 3-lift Powerlifting section and in the Bench Pressing section . The World Cup was actually shown on European television (Eurosport), which thus brings it an excellent promotional opportunity for someone to sponsor Adrian . Since the success of that competition, he has been graciously chosen to represent Australia at the World Cup Championships in Finland and Powerlifting World Cup, in Austria later this year.
of funding a trip of this calibre on his own, the total cost of the trip is aroun d $4829 if we go on last year's expenses . He is very eager to compete in these events, as he has a great opportunity to represent his country and has an excellent chance of actually breaking current world records .
Personal Mortgage Mangers has decided to help sponsor Adrian to the tune of $500 to help him compete, anyone who is interested in sponsoring Adrian can e-mail Adrian at azalcmanChotmail .com or call him on the following phone numbers (03) 9578 9090, Mobile : 0412 769 391 .
What should the Field umpire do if a Banyule player plays on after kicking out after a behind has been scored and the ball goes out of bounds with no one touching it? Please send all your entries to the below email address to win a prize . Last week's winner was Marc Bullard of the Elsternwick Football Club (AGAIN) . Answer: The official VAFA boundary or goal umpire should inform the field umpire that he or she has made a report at the next stoppage of play ie score, ball up or boundary throw in . Then the field umpire will inform the player he has been reported and send him from the playing field .
ONE M INUTE W ITH CRAIG: Ross Dodd : Nickname: Gunna, C Section Goal Umpire, Games Umpired : 5 (officially) 6 (unofficially), AFL Team : Geelong, Best AFL Players : Gary Ablett (SNR), Hobbies : Golf, Cricket (scorer) and Football . Gavin Roberts: Nickname : Gav or Bucky, D Section Field Umpire, Games Umpired : 31, AFL Team : Western Bulldogs, Best AFL Player : The very clean and tidy Tony Liberatore, Best VAFA Player : C .Sharp (Bentleigh), Hobbies : Bike Riding and Bush Walking. Ben Parsons : Nickname : Benny, A Section Boundary Umpire, Games Umpired : Approx 53, AFL Team : Hawthorn, Best AFL Player : Shane Crawford, Best VAFA Player : Brett O'Farrell (Old Haileybury), Hobbies: Basketball and Sports . Tuesday July 16th Training will be held at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC) at 6pm, all umpires are welcome to join us for a run and a swim to refresh the legs .
SOCIAL EVENTS: Mid Year Dinner - 26/8 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 22/9 Grand Final BBQ - 22/9 Presentation Night and Trip Away - TBA FOOTBALL UMPIRING-THE NON-CONTACT TEAM SPORT . All correspondence to
craigb@companysolutions .com.a u
As a full time University student, Adrian has no way &M2 Tuc nn,tnTC1 IQ Gh(1TRAI 1 FR 7(102
- .~
YCr 17
zo ED 5 Albie Firley
5 Chris Simon
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittmann
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Neil Woods
7 Paul Croxford
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
7 Sean Scully
8 Trevor Hansen
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackball
8 Tony Hegan
9 James Van Beek
8 Nick Evans
10 Avi Wekselman
9 Damian Lane
10 Tristan Bowman
9 Nathan Carlyon
11 Luke Holmes
11 Alan Stubbs
11 Mitch Buxton
10 Robert McLeod
12 Daniel Mousley
12 Mark Morrison
12 Jamie Kvins
11 PaulTuppen
14 Kevin Alexander
14 Ash Hoogendyk
14 Michael Gilday
12 Simon Payton
15 Geoff Curran
15 Tim Doecke
15 Mark Jenkins
14 Tim Tingiri
16 Peter Woods
16 Mervyn Monty
16 Craig Brajtberg
15 Michael Sneddon
17 Mark Gibson
17 Peter Keogh
17 Cameron Leitch
16 Luke Monerieff
18 Jason McNiece
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
17 Mick Robin s
19 Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fyf e
19 Scott Mackie
18 George Paleodimos
20 John Ralp h
20 Brian Woodhea d
20 David D'Altera
20 Norman Hitchen
21 Patrick Maebus
21 Gajanan Skandakumar
21 Justin Grossbard
21 David Irons
22 Nick Fennessy
22 Chris Collins
22 Rick Love
22 David Longworth
23 Greg Rowlings
23 Peter Griffiths
23 Chris Stevens
23 Robert Sneddon
24 Graeme Hunichen
24 Leigh Dillon
24 Miles Argal l
24 Jason Moore
25 Geoff Moore
25 Lionel Katz
25 Richard Eastwood
25 Mat Taylo r
26 Andrew Shiels
26 Daniel Dinneen
27 Euan Lindsay
26 Patrick Coulthard
27 Matt Cox
27 Anthony Simpson
28 Leah Gallagher
27 PaulJones
28 Paul Lamble
28 Ken McNiece
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron Martyn
29 Chris Garcia
29 Peter James
30 Simon Olive
30 Anthony Lilley
30 Justin Lipson
30 Michael Phillips
31 Rob Schuller
31 Tim Friedman
33 Robert Mayston
31 Robert Sernmens
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarrod Aspinall
34 Graeme Morgan
32 Anthony Damen
34 Jeremy Heffernan
34 Daniel Stephens
35 Jason Lan e
33 Michael Forde
35 Graham Thwaites
35 Dianne Whiteley
36 Matthew Meier
34 Stephen Morgan
37 David Murray
37 Ken Walker
38 Chris Stevens (S )
35 Troy Brooks
36 Ian Burgess 37 Gavin Robert s
速 CARRO'S FRONT-PAGE LEAD : GOOD to see the VAFA making the front page of "The Sunday Age" with an interesting story on the merger talks between University Blues and Blacks . Caroline Wilson wrote the feature on a merged team playing at Optus Oval and having former Melbourne High School player David Parkin managing the club . Last week this column referred to University fielding these two teams with us since 1921, and Executive member and historian John Bell adds that University fielded two sides prior to this . In 1893 it had a team with the VAFA and between 1905 to 1915 as the comp went into recess between 1916-1919 for WWI . Uni fielded a team in the VFL between 1908 and 1914. In 1919 Uni fielded A and B teams in the VFL Reserves and in 1920 only one team in the VFL Reserves with the other with the reformed VAFA comp (then known as the Metropolitan Amateur Football Association) . 速 MORE INTERNATIONAL INTEREST : NOT only has Rob Fuller been promoting the VAFA in
another country ("FTLOTG" 29/6/02) but Di Whiteley also shared her love of football with a group of 14 lads from a boys' home in Maesering, Thailand late last year. Di gave them six footballs donated by the VAFA . The boys played Aussie rules every day during Di 's stay . The deal was : Di had to teach footy skills and in return, the boys taught Di how to catch and eat crickets! Wonde r which Di preferred ? 0 PUMPS LUNCHEON A WINNER : THE VAFA past umpires (PUMPS), had a successful luncheon at HQ with guest speaker AFL field umpire Chris Mitchell . MC was Mike Murray, who this column hasn't seen perform for 15 years .Pleased to report Mike's repertoire was as slick as ever and Chris
Anthony Damen : VAFAUA lunch President and PUMP organiser .
delivered some funny anecdotes. Asked by Mike : "How did you get into umpiring"? Chris replied: "My dad suggested it when I wasn't going to make it as a footballer. Funny thing, dad hated umpires and still does"! It created laughter through the umpires' room . Also at the lunch was VAFAUA Life Member Dick Lee . "I'm fifth on the honor board," Dick said. "But I must b e Boys from Maesering in Thailand show off their footy skills.
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a~,u1g OK as the guys above me are all dead and number of the guys below me are gone too! " pick said when "Hey, Hey it's Saturday" was pumping he used to often get called Dickie Knee aitier the John Blackman voiced-over puppet . Our reports though tell us that Dick was a smooth runner with no knee problems . Congratulations to the VAFAUA team that staged the get together. I 1' ; the first time we've seen president Anthony Damen in an official capacity . Being an organiser of a function brings out differing reactions, but I3ameo was in his element. Can see a future for AI) when he hangs up the whistle (no need to email to say hurry up!) . Cl SEVEN'S 'VAFA' NEWS : TOP marks to Seven News for taking their sports segment to local clubs. VAFA locations, St Mary's Ferndale Park and Prahr an Amateurs an d Old Xavs' Toorak Park bobbed up . It's a great innovation . Got a feeling Old Haileybury, with ruckman Brett O'Farrell working for SN, an d Peter Mitchell being Peninsula OB's secretary, might get a run. When we checked in with Mitch the ch an ces of that were squashed . " Hate to be accused of a conflict of interest at such an early stage of my administrative career (Peter became secretary last year when he became the chief newsreader)," Peter said . 0 CERTIFICATE OF MERIT VIII : LEIGH CARLSON. The former Preston (VFA), Collingwood and Fitzroy (117 games) winger began his VAFA involvement with Collegians in 1991 . Leigh coached the senior team until 1998 and picked up back-to-back A Section premierships in 1992 and 1993 and the Lions
LMCT /243
were runners-up in 1994 and 1996 . His coaching career began in 1987 with a fouryear stint with Fitzroy Under-19s and in 1994 he was the AFCA(VAFA Senior Coach of the Year . Leigh, 44, took on the senior coaching position at Old Trinity in 1999 after rejecting an offer from Box Hill in the VFL. Th e tactical and prepared coach took the Ts to a
Leigh Cartson : proud and deserving recipient of a VAFA Ce`tif`cate of Merit.
VAFA record-equalling fifth B Section premiership in that year . In 2000 and 2001 the club finished fifth in A Section and this year Leigh is the first coach at Old Trinity to oversee three-consecutive years in A Section . Maybe Leigh's longevity can be put down to his philosophy: "In Amateur footy, your priorities are your family, your work and your footy comes third." One of the permanent fixtures of Leigh's coaching in the VAFA is his team manager, and some say minder, Ray Dean. Ray is` also Leigh's father-in-law. On receiving this certificate at the season's launch, you could tell the moment was as significant as any in Lethal's illustrious career . beitzel.bCautphatinc.com.a u
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ftn New % % increase Donors Donors Total M'ship Rod 5
Peninsula OB 7 53 60 60.6 49 .5 Ormond AFC 34 8 42 32.31 20 .01 Hampton Rovers AFC 18 3 21 14.5 9 .72 St BedeslMent . Tig. AFC 12 4 16 16.6 11 .4 Old Essendon Grammar 11 5 16 9 .25 4 .63 Werribee AFC 11 3 14 9 .52 9 .52 Yarra Valley FC 9 5 14 8.58 6 .13 `,farcellin OC 12 2 14 7.14 5 .61 Therry Penola OB 10 3 13 7.1 3 .83 Old Camberwell Gram . 8 5 13 6.95 5 .35 VAFAUA 12 1 13 6.5 3 .5 Hawthorn AFC 8 4 12 10.8 9 .91 St Bernards OC 12 0 12 7 .54 5 .66 De La Salle OC 9 3 12 5.12 4 .27 Old Ivanhoe Gram . 10 1 11 5.91 5 .38 :,1HSOB 6 3 9 6.57 4 .4 Old Mentonians 7 1 8 5.71 2.86 Old Paradians 8 0 8 5.55 4 .17 Williamstown CYMS 7 0 7 7 .07 4.04 St Mary's AFC 5 2 7 6.42 5.42 UHSOB 6 1 7 6.25 0 West Brunswick AFC 6 1 7 6 .25 6.25 Caulfield Grammarians 6 1 7 4 .37 3.12 Mazenod OC 7 0 7 3 .5 1 .5 Old Scotch 6 1 7 3 .36 3.36 Beaumaris AFC 5 1 6 3 .52 2.35 Old Brighton Grammar 6 0 6 2 .97 1 .98 North Old Boys AFC 5 0 5 3 .62 3.62 University Blues AFC 4 1 5 3 .52 2.82 Fitzroy Reds AFC 4 1 5 3 .38 2.03 St Kevins AFC 4 1 5 2 2 Salesian OC 3 1 4 4 .49 1 .12 BulleenlTemp. AFC 3 1 4 4 .3 4.3 Richmond Central AFC 4 0 4 3 .81 3.81 La Trobe Uni . AFC 4 0 4 3 .39 1 .69 Rupertswood AFC 3 1 4 3 .27 1 .64 Old Trinity 3 1 4 2 .35 1 .18 Collegians AFC 3 1 4 2 .17 2.11 Old Melburnians 4 0 4 2 .01 2.01
Reg New % % increase Donors Donors Total M'ship Rod 5
Old Xaverians 4 0 4 1 .91 0.48 Old Westbourne Gram . 2 1 3 3.84 3 .84 Bentleigh AFC 2 1 3 3.7 1 .24 Elsternwick AFC 3 0 3 3.45 2.3 Brunswick AFC 3 0 3 2.85 2.85 Old Haileyburians AFC 3 0 3 2.4 0.8 Prahran AFC 2 1 3 2.05 1 .37 Oakleigh AFC 1 2 3 1 .99 0.67 Syndal Tally Ho AFC 2 0 2 2.59 2.59 St Johns OC 2 0 2 2 .46 1 .24 Power House AFC 2 0 2 2 .06 1 .03 Monash Gryphons AFC 2 0 2 2 .02 2.02 Whitefriars OC 2 0 2 1 .65 0 Metone AFC 2 0 2 1 .45 1 .45 Sth. Melbourne Districts 1 1 2 1 .36 0.68 Banyule AFC 1 0 1 1 .33 1 .33 Box Hill North AFC 1 0 1 1 .07 1 .07 Swinburne Uni . AFC 1 0 1 1 .06 0 Kew AFC 1 0 1 1 .05 0 Ivanhoe/Assumption AFC 1 0 1 1 .02 0 Parkside AFC 1 0 1 0 .78 0 Old Carey Grammar 1 0 1 0 .75 0 Albert Park AFC 1 0 1 0 .72 0 .72 Aquinas OC 1 0 1 0 .7 0 St Leo's Emmaus WP 1 0 1 0 .57 0 .57 University Blacks AFC 1 0 1 0 .51 0 .51 AJAX AFC 0 0 0 Bulleen Cobras AFC 0 0 0 Eley Park AFC 0 0 0 Eltham OC 0 0 0 Glen Eira AFC 0 0 0 Monash Blues AFC 0 0 0 Mt Lilydale OC 0 0 0 North Brunswick AFC 0 0 0 Old Geelong Grammar 0 0 0 TOTAL DONATIONS 346 125 47 1 New Donor Rate 26%
Congratulations to Peninsula OB who receive 2 new Sherrin footballs from Spalding, and gift vouchers from Cadbury Schweppes and Great Southern Pies for being the leader after Rd11 and having the greatest percentage increase in donors. Clubs yet to register Captain Bloods are ineligible to win prizes - so sign up you r Captain Blood now - visit the VAFA website (vafa.asn .au) and join up now.
by Ed SM Peter Williamso n &
ROUND ELEVEN REVIEW St. Johns' OC scored a useful win at home over Monash Gryphons . Syndal beat Swinburne in a thriller. The Hoers' home advantage combined with the Razorbacks travel fatigue meant the visitors slowed down in the 4th quarter to drop a vital opportunity . O'Sullivan and Avery were valiant in the effort for Richmond Central as they went down against Elsternwick by a huge margin. West Brunswick scored a great win with a come from behind victory over Hawthorn. In a high class game, the Westies were able to rally late in the game with Adam "Stinger" Cannane dominant in his landmark game (his day was completed with the "Stinger Jig", a performance that would have made all "Hair" actors envious) . Steele was excellent for the Hawks. Finally, Power House recorded a great win in the local derby, with South Melbourne falling just short.
ROUND TWELVE PREVIEW WHAT PETE SAYS : West Brunswick host St. John's OC in the match of the day. Both teams picked up useful wins last week and continue to jostle for a spot in the top two . I said at the start of the year that these two teams will meet in the grand final, and there's no reason (Hawthorn not withstanding) why that shouldn't still be the case. Only because of the home ground advantage, I'll pick Westies today. South Melbourne Districts take on Hawthorn in a' key game for two teams keen to return to the winners' circle . The Bloods may still be entertaining pretensions of finals and will need every win they can, while the Hawks will want to rediscover the form that sent them on their eight game winning tear recently . All things considered-, I think Hawthorn shall take the points today. Syndal Tally Ho welcome Power House to Jordan Reserve (hopefully to a new pavilion) with both teams prevailing in absolute thrillers . The Hoers will be especially keen to take advantage of their run home and gather some momentum towards a finals push, while the Piranhas will be trying desperately to get the necessary wins to avoid a second successive relegation . The Hoers have been quite solid this year, and should take the spoils today .
Richmond Centra1 entertai n
Swinburne University at KB Reserve. Richmond are still yet to make that vital breakthrough, while the Razorbacks will be cut that they lost a heartbreaker to the Hoers last week. Having said that, this is the perfect opportunity for the Swine to get back in the saddle and add another notch to the "W" column . Swinny for mine. Elsternwick an d Monash Gryphons meet this week at Elsternwick Park main oval where I'm sure both teams will relish the wide open spaces . To be honest, it could turn out to be one of the games of the year, or an exhibition of absolute tedium . Some great talent on display nonetheless despite both teams position on the ladder . I do have the feeling that guest coach Thrillo might do something special and inspire the Gryphs to a hard fought win . WHAT ED SAYS:
Willo, swallow that dictionary, the honourable editor is starting to worry . Anyway, to preserve space, I like the Jocs to beat West Bransweik in the match of the year, Hawthorn to defeat South in a close one, Syndal to beat The House, Swinburne to ro ll Richmond and the Wicks to gather further momentum with a victory over the Gryphs . A quick season's review might be in order . The top three look pretty set and are all capable of defeating each other on any given day. Double chance the key! Fourth spot looked like a battle between South and Swinburne but both had surprise losses last round .
_J L
NAM E CLUB D3 SECTION Murchie Swinburne 0 55 Lauletta Hawthorn 5 49 Cheevers South Melb Districts 0 32 Burney Elsternwick 5 32 Higgins Swinburne 0 30 D3 RESERVE S K . Currie Elsternwick 6 39 R . Heywood West Brunswick 2 26 Rosowski South Melb Districts 0 15 Stroud Hawthorn 0 12 Walker Elsternwick 0 12
This has opened the door for both Syndal and Elsternwiek . Syndal have plenty of home games to look forward too whilst the Wicks healthy percentage will count for plenty at year end. The key will be the 'ability to beat one of the top three whilst of course 8 point games will be the order of the day! Finally, the Gryphs disappointing season can either end on a high note as they take some scalps with them or on a low note as they battle the House in the relegation stakes, I fancy the Monash boys might still have something up their sleeve. Richmond begun the ,rebuilding phase early and whilst the year maybe a long one, I always find it amazing how hard times build resolve and help to galvanise footy clubs!
ST JOHNS 14 .11 (95) MONASH GRYPHONS 8 .15 (63) St Johns : Not received. Monash Gryphons: Gilchrist 2 . Denyer 2, Flowerday 1, Harrak 1, Leeton 1 . Coxhead 1 . Best Gross. Wells, Denyer, Flowerday, Bourbon. Harrak. Umpires: A. Ladd (F), M . Ladd (B ) 4.3 9.5 11 .7 13.8 (86) HAWTHORN WEST BRUNSWICK 2.6 5.10 10 .12 14.14 (98) Hawthorn : Lauletta 5, Avery S 2. Babel 2, Steele. Davies. Bantield, Saulle. Best Steele, Cargill, Phillips, Saulle, Reed, Avery P . West Brunswick: Cannane 3, Shelton 3, King 2, Kent 2, Pietsch, S Benjamin, OBrien, Dishom. Best Cannane . Pietsch . West, Jetildn . R Benjamin, Shelton. Umpires : D. Perris (F) POWER HOUSE 3.0 4.5 10.8 14.14 (98) SOUITi LB DISTRICTS 2.5 9.7 13.8 14.12 (96) Powerhouse: ME Taylor 2. ARobinson 2, C .Richardson 2, J .Rainey 2 . P.Haseler 2 . ARolls 1, D .Boland 1, J.Clarke 1, J .GIi 1 . Best ARobinson, P.Haseler, ARolls. D.Boland, J.Taylor, J.Senior, J.Robertso n South Melb Districts: Cheevers 4, Hannan 2. Gosney 2, Burrows 2, McKerrow 2 . D'Andrea 1, Fern 1 . Best Burrows, Daalder . Brown, McGee, Hannan, Flowers . Umpires: P. Jones, P. Maebus (F), R. Place, C. Love (B), A. Tavilla . S. Vaiopoulos (G ) SYNDAL TALLY-H0 10 .16 (76) SWINBURNE 11 .8 (74) Syndal Tally Ho : Not retooled. Swinburne: Not received. Umpires : P. Woods, T. Doecke (F ) RICHMOND CENTRAL 3.2 3 .2 7.5 8.5 (53) ELSTERNWICK 3.3 11.12 17.13 28 .18 (186) Richmond: Macak 2. Maher 2. Smith . Day, O'Sullivan, Avery. Best 0'Sullivan, Avery, S .Lynch. Moulday. Smith, Trotter . Elsternwick: Hunter 7, Burney 5. Perkins 4 . Foster 3 . C .Mahony 2 . Nicol 2, Murphy 2, Curtain 1, S .Mahony 1, Avssaglia 1 . Best ; C.Mahony, Curtain, Neill, Hunter, Missaglia, Perkins. Umpires: S. Stokes (F) RESERVES ST JOHNS 14 .13 (97) 3.8(26) MONASH GRYPHONS St Johns : Not received. Monash Gryphons: Gonis 1, Leroy 1 . Tobin 1 . Best Tobin. Campbell . Warren, Jenkln.Leray, Graydon . HAWTHORN 2.3 4.8 5 .8 5 .10 (40) 6.4(40) WEST BRUNSWICK 2,0 2.1 4.3 Hawthorn: Tyson 2. B Collins, Barker, Ruzicka . Best L Collins, Broadley, Crivelli . West, Gourlay, Ruzicka . West Brunswick : Vitale 3, R Heywood 2, MeR'lanus . Best Harris, Weston, RHeywaod, Tobin, Norman, Brunt . 9 .6(60) POWER HOUSE 3.2 4 .3 5.4 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4.2 5 .5 7.8 9 .9 (63) Powerhouse: N.Pavlou 5, J .McCLure 2, J .BlowField 1, J .Harris I Best J .Harris, F.DOyle, L.Farrell, J.McClure, D .Chapple, W.Elliott South Melbourne Districts: Brady 3, McCAuley 2, D'Andrea 1, Rosowskl 1, Kidd 1 . Fern 1 . Best Johnson, Doyle, Yates, Pohlner . Brady, Mijatovic. SYNDAL TALLY-H0 16 .14 (110) SWINBURNE 4.7(31) Syndal Tally-Ho: Not received . Swinburne: Not received 5.6(36) RICHMOND CENTRAL 3.1 4.3 4.5 ELSTERNWICK 4.5 6.11 9 .12 11 .14 (80) Richmond: Jones, 13igliss. Harris, Porteus, Byrnes. Best: Dautovic, Harris, Jones, Hogan . Potions. Malcolm . Elsternwick : K .Currie 6, Hankin 2, McAdam 1, Heath 1, Lilikakis 1, Best Battatni, Whelan, K.Currie. Surman . MeAdam, Gordon .
RESERVES Pete: JOCs, Hawks, Hoers, Razorbacks, Wicks (watch for the possible match-up between "Curly' and "Grangey") .
Ed: Westies, South, Swinny, Syndal, Wicks . SOCIAL NOTE S Richmond Central will be holding their annual Banquet Auction at Leonda on the Yarra on Saturday July 13 (after the Power House match) from 7pm . All past and current players and supporters are invited to attend. Tickets are $75 and include a three course meal, beer, wine and soft drink between 7pm-lam, and entertainment . Tickets are available from Azza White (0409 257 401) or Whispa O'Sullivan (0438 515 842) . Those of you unable to attend can still bid for items via the Central website at http://skills .brinkster.net/Centrals or via the link -n the VAFA website .
RICHMOND CENTRAL - The Iceman Cometh president Gavin "Iceman" Bunshaw reaches his 100th game for the club this week . Gavin is often getting to the ground on a Saturday morning straigh t " from the airport after another o/s business trip, then running water or the boundary for the seniors . Gavin bleeds yellow and black and all at Richmond "Central look forward to the next 100 games . ST JOHNS - Congratulations and well done to Peter "Walks" Walker, last year's club Best and Fairest on 50 games. Thanks for your contributions, on and off field . We're looking forcvard to the next 50 games, Pete . Good luck to your club this weekend, and thanks to all who have sent us information . Any correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc., can be given (ideally by 5pm Monday) to Peter via phone on 9920 9034, fax on 9920 9098 or email Peter.PS .Williamson @centrelink .gov.au or Ed via email on Ed.Sill@laeker .com It would be terrific to hear from every team, every week during the season .
17,,- ) .__~f
La-MR; ~
West Brunswick v . St Johns South Melbourne Districts v . Hawthor n Syndal Tally-Ho v . Power House Richmond Central v. Swinburne University Elsternwick v. Monash Gryphons EP Saturday
Have a great VAFA weekend'! Im 11 1 . . . -
ELSTERNWICK Coach : Peter 0l'iveri
Res Coach: P McNally 2 A Hankin 3 J . Yemm 4 A Tilley 5 M . Whela n 6 D. Brennan 7 J . McAdam
8 S. Currie (RC) 9 T. Hartley 10 S. Liminyo 11 L . Missaglia 12 N. Wigmore 13 V. O'Connor 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahony (VC) 15 M. Noonan 16 M. Surman
17 J. Perkins 18 A Neil 19 J. Hunter 20 K Currie
21 P. Stuchberry 22 G. Elvin 23 S . Curtain (C) 24 A . Foster
25 S Gordon 26 C. Mahony (VC) 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony
30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 R Mikkelsen 33 M. Cunningham 34 A Straford 35 P. McNally 36 S. Mickkelsen 37 D Nolan
38 A Burney 39 R . Daniels 40 A Patey 41 D Byrne 42 J. Lilikakos
43 P. Clarke 44 C. Walker
45 R. Grandemange 46 S . Ritchie 47 Dale Brennan 48 M . Frankin
49 M Parraga 50 M . Battaini 51 K Mikkelsen 52 G . Powell
53 P. Roberts 54 S Kirkham 55 T Stanley
HAWTHORN Coach: Peter Tyson
Res Coach: Ed Sill
POWER HOUSE Coach : Peter O'Connor
Asst Coach : Jeff Scotland
RICHMOND CENTRALS Coach: Mark Petrusch
Res Coach : Andrew Tilley
Res Coach: Roderick Marshal l 1 A. Rolls 2 D. Boland 3 N. Pavlou (RVC) 4 B . Turner (C) 5 M . Braini 6 H. Clarke
1 M. Smit h 2 T. Quick 3 T. O'Sulliva n 4 R . Trotter 5 D . Tankovich 6 G. Bunshaw
1 S . Bourbon (C)
7 D. Walter
7 C. Richardson
7 P. Byrne s
6a P. Avery 6b A . Tsoumbris f 7 D. Moncrief 8 J . Cargil ; 9 R. pgge 10 P. Orchard 11 M . Pollock 12 S. Banfield 13aJ . Murphy 13bJ . Poveytt 14aD. Laule a 14bT. Fitzpatrick 15 M. Tyson 16 C. Reed 17aB. Ruzicka
8 J . Blandford 9 G. Wadley (Rvc) 10 P. Williamson 11 A Nichols 12 A. Gross (Vc) 13 J. Stratford 14 D. Bolle 15 A Clarke
8 J . Clarke (VC) 9 A Burt 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 D. O'Connor 13 J . Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler
8 G. Malcol m 9 J. McGrat h 10 A White 11 S . Lake 12 F. Maca k 13 J . Dutton 14 C. Shanno n 15 C. Barry
16 P. Rennison 17 J. Hetherington
16 J. Carrington 17 C . Macleod (RC)
16 J . Birt 17 R Carew
18 C. Lovett 19 R . Coxhead 20 D. Rogers
18 F. Doyle 19 J. Evans 20 B. Ryan
18 P. Mouldy 19 S. Lynch 20 A. Quick
21 P. Tobin
21 D. Miller
21 A Jones
22 A. Denyer 23 A Longg 24 C . Goold
22 S. Evans
22 A Flores 23 D. O ' Brien 24 T. Guthri e 25 A. Pian i
5b T. Kerr
17bR . Steele
18 A. Collin s 19 J. Law 20 S. Parker 21 P. Burke 22 C . Habel
2 3 4 5 6
M . Healy A. Grady (Vc) N. Rutherford T. Gilchrist J . Leroy
25 M . Killmister 26 M . Carter
23 24 J. Taylor 25 M . Driessen
26 J. Senior (VC)
26 S. Baillie
27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Varcoe 29 P.Warren
27 J . Robertson (VC) 28 D. Munihy 29 R. Cassio
27 C. Adam s 28 A Waters 29 J. Stone
30 P. Holland
30 R. Duncan
30 D. Green
32 D. McCaxa n 33 P. Stroud 34 R. Johnston 35 S. Davies 36 A. West
31 G . Roche 32 A Tolongos 33 S. Edwards 34 M. Graydon 35 P. Bateman 36 G . Block 37 A Jenkin (Rdvc)
31 R. Marshall 32 33 R. Taylor 34 J . Marshall 35 J. Kilpatrick 36 A Robinson 37 S. West
32 M . Harri s 33 P. Bermando 34 J . Brook 35 J . Howell 36 L. Newbery 38 M . Defreitas 40
38 J. Bateman 39 P. Young 40 A. Perry
38 L . Denman 39 D. Crawford
41 T. Slatter 42 C. White/S Hoare
41 J. gogie 42 D. McGlenchy
41 P. Rutherford 42 D. Kweitel
40 R . Keits 41 B. Plush 42 N . Deans
43 45 K. Day 46 D. Hoga n
43 I . Charm
43 J. Harrak
43 N . Duncan
44 B. Allder
44 L. Wells
44 R . Parker
45 J. Gonis (Rc) 46 G. Kent
45 D. Lewis 46 C. King
52 C. Andonopoulos 53 K. Pardy
47 T. Beslee
47 J. Parker 48 D. Smith
54 S. Rawlings/C. Cariwrig h 55 M. Davey
49 B . Urwin
56 A Tilley
50 D. Chapman 51 J . Best 52 S . Rafferty
57 E. Hil l 58 J. Cavanagh 59 N . Somers
53 M . Paolucci
53 J . Sheehan
60 M. Tapley
54 F. Rizzo 55 J . Bingham
54 J . Blovfield 55 T. Chapel
62 64
56 B . Tyo
56 J . Mahoney 57 J . Gourley 58 J . McClure
65 B. Cantwel l 67 J. Lan e
59 D. Reinert 60 61 62 A. White
70 76 D . Phelan 78 P. Galka 79 M . Coomber 84 M . Funston 85 G . Jacobs 87. D . Inglis 88 S . Griffiths
23 J. Micheal 24 J. Jackomonis 25 M . Zaverella N . Her a 27 R. Lo d s 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barker 30 P. Phillips
31 L. Collins
37 M. Daou 38 B. Bruns 39 G . Carle 40 P. Rossitt0
45 B. Mountain 46 T. O 'Hanlo n 47 D. Lahiff 48 A . Brick 49 N . Tierney
50 J. Gourley
51 S . Signonni 52 C. Frost 53 M . Presto n 54 J. Sau l e 55 A. ge 56 M . Caglan 57 B . Collins
56 B Hilton 57 T. Byrne
60 G . Saddington 61 M . Gray
59 A Appleman 60 M Creek 61 M Hunt
Coach: Jack McDonald Res Coach : Phil Knight
1 I. Baccini 2 C . Alexander 3a A . Knott 3b N . Patterson 4a S . Stevens 4b B . Glover 5a S . Avery
58 T. Dixon
58 M Bullard
59 A. Doyle
62 A. Johnsen 63 D. Kealy 64 N . Kudeweh 65 G . Lilywhite 66 C. Lorenz 67 S. McDonald 68 P. Nikoloa u 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A. Patton 71 S. Williams 72 M. Waller 73 J. Williams 75 E . Sill 76 C . Pickett 77 A . Smith 78 D. Carter
48 L. Martin 49 C. Robinson 50 S . Wilkinson 51 C. Leeton 52 A Flowerday
57 D. Bastian
58 P. Maddocks 59 A. Bell 60 G . Campbell
63 I . Bracken
64 65 66 D. Wright 67 68 69 D. Galako s 70 75 E . Williams
48 50 S. Castiea u
69 T. Melville
-, I 1 -roni I o0 onno
STH . MELBOURNE DISTRICTS Coach : Peter McBrearty Res Coach : Kevin Johnson 1 B. Powell (VC) 2 M. Hannan (VC) 3 M. Johnstone 4 S. Stepnell (C) 5 S. King 6 Way. Rosowski 7 A . Hannan 8 S. Aquillina 10 G. McDonald 11 D. Hall
Coach : Bruce Mullens Res Coach: Mick Roberts 1 S. Ferguson 2 M . Ladson 3 S. Hilton 4 S. Holmes 5 C . Horbury 6 L. O'Donnell 7 E . Dizon 8 M . Hartnett 9 A. Jones 10 L. Mills
12 M . McFarlane
11 L. Merrigan
13 E . Henderson(C) 14 B . Slade 15 B . Lazzaro 16 M . Thomas 17 M . Brady 19 A. Johnson-Reid 20 W. Brown 21 B. Johnson 23 B. Downing (RC) 24 G. Mijatovic
12 P. Walker 13 M . Jones 14 P. Shar p 15 A. Borgonha 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne 18 C . Emery 19 J. Cotton 20 T. Hyland 21 S . Koppens
25 S. Quail
22 A . Dragwidge
26 S. Doyle 27 P. Cheevers
23 B . Hilton 24 G . Besley
28 A . Flowers
25 D. Waters
29 War. Rosowski 30 C . Kent 31 S . Hermann 32 D. McGee (VC ) 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N. Moojen 36 J . Macaulay 39 A. Briglia 41 B. Martin 42 G . Gaylor 43 W. D'Andrea 44 J. Raeburn
26 H. Wathan 27 R. Dowsett 28 J . Pickering 29 L. Johnson 30 D. Ritter 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J. Sacco 36 L. Adams 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty
49 T. Sutherland (RC)
40 F. Mandrakis
50 T. Hughes 53 P. Nice 54 S . McNamara
41 M . Griffiths 42 T. Ducancubino 43 M . Van Houten
55 J. Pohlner
44 F. Monteiro
57 B . Glover 59 D. Walsh 60 N. Warszenski 66 D. McKerrow 71 T. Beadle
45 A. Hall 46 B. Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 S. Pancione 49 M . Horbury
50 J. Brown 51 C . Santoni 52 M . Schonewille 53 J . Pi 54 B . Pollard 55 B . Pickering 56 A. Kizilis 57 N. Moor e 58 J . 59 F. Auffraas 60 K. Frase r 61 G . D' Amelio 62 P. Roberts . Phelps 63 G
Coach: Derek Thoene Asst Coach : Jason Murchie Res Coach : David Murphy Res Asst Coach : Cameron 8o ~ ett 1 A. Albert (Sen . C} 2 J . Sheedy (Sen . VC) 3 J . Piotrowski 4 A. Fidler 5 J . Demarte 6 B. Prior (Sen.DVC) 7 J. Murchie 8 M . Higgins 9 L . Morrison 10 M . Anastassi 11 D. Milano 12 B . Nicoll 13 M . Luckey 14 R. Goode 15 C. Thomas 16 S . Reynoldson 17 D. Parncutt 18 A. Fiumani 19 B. O'Mara 20 S. Woodward 21 B. Dawson 22 D. Odium 23 M. George 24 C . Connor 25 T. Hourigan 26 T. Liston 27 D. Murphy 28 H . Dickson 29 R. Cavicchiolo 30 S . Fra9iacomo 31 C. Kell y 32 C. Culph 33 N. Smith
34 C. Higgin s
35 P. O'Connor 36 J. Carter 37 A. Reed 38 J. Carrol l 39 H . Allen 40 J. Henry 41 T. Drahtidis 42 M . Hudson 43 J . Roberts (Res . VC) 44 S. Stieng 45 D. Islip 46 J . Sandh u 47 J . Sevdali s 48 D. Little 49 T. Coleman 50 M . McCalman 51 P. James (Res . C) 52 S. O'Donnell 53 L . Waters 54 S. Dobson 55 S. Gallina 56 I . Free 57 P. Jones 58 A . Roberts 59 A . Kliska 60 S . Rule
Coach : Kev Hannett Assist : Spreos Beasley Res Caoch : Tony Psina s 1 J . Hannemann 2 I . Bingham (VC) 3 M . Joy M . Beckett 4 P. Henderson 5 D. Hannett B. Dix 6 V. Wong M. Buchanan 7 A. Burns 8 R . Bennett 9 D. Richardson 10 T. Psina s A . Hallyburton 11 J. Rutter (DVC) 12 J. Moresi 13 S . Mille r 14 S . O 'Boyl e 15 N. Murray 16 R. Holland 17 L. Fuller
18 S. Macfarlane
19 M. Glenister 20 C. Hall I . Mackenzie 21 A. Dance 22 M. Buckley 23 M . Harper 24 M . Macfarlane (R .C ) 25 C . Clark 26 A . Morrison 27 M . Leplaa 28 A . Frederick
29 D. Battaglia 30 B . Holland 31 A. Richardson (R.VC) 32 L. Hannemann 33 T. Bartholomew
34 N . Hunter
35 C. Cachia (C) 36 T. Fleming 37 B. Robinson 38 M . Christensen 39 D. Hallisey 40 J . Collins 41 M . Moresi 42 J . Allen
43 A. Brown 44 D. Raab
= C
M _ . .. . . . . -- 1- ..~ I - --
5 Burwood Road, Hawthor n (03) 9818 4991
Coach: Julian Siebrand Res Coach : Matthew Lewis 1 J . King ' n 2 P. Hamilto 3 G . Heppell 4 C. Lehman n 5 A. Cannan e 6(a) C. Lewis 6(b) S. Pietsch 7(a) F. Vitale 7 b) S. Benjamin 8 J. Heywood
t 9 A . Morphet
10 S Byrn e 11 H . Bailey 12 B . Clarke 13 S . Brockley 14 N . Lampel 15 M . Russel l 16 D. Kent 17 R. Heywood 18 M . McManu s 19 M . Shelto n 20(a) B . Young
20(b) D. Edwards 21 S. McNamara 22 A. Steward
23 D. Henderson
24 J. Jenki n 25 J. Siebrand 26 R . Benjami n 27 D. Disisto 28 J. Ward 29 D. Campbell 30 M . Lewis 31 S . Edward s 32 M . Carmichae l 33 T. Thompso n 34 I . Twyford 35 D Jelba rt 36 S. Campbel l 37 T. Dempsey 38 S. Darling 39 R . West 40 B. Baker 41 R . Mille r
42 C . Norma n 43 J. Tobi n 44 A . Hamilto n 45 J . Smith 46 A . Bandt 47 A . Thompso n
48 M . Moore
45 B. Watson 46 M . Payne 47 R . Allard 48 D. Reynolds 49 D. Schuilin g 51 C . Discombe 54 P. Sheer
South Melbourne 1111 7
FAยง7 Ef~L_ _
49 L. Stewart 50 A. Bagnall 51 L. Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 T. Gros s 54 B. Ratcliffe 55 G . Marazita 56 C. Riley 57 J. Draper 58 A . Rafter 59 L . Baker 60 C . French 61 K ' Hilton 62 S . Disho n 63 J. Gartla n 64 W. Dunlop 65 S . Liuzzi 66 M . Malone 67 M Brookshaw 68 C. Stevens 72 L. Ryan 76 A. Shirley
77 D. Shirley
e ~.l s ~ ~ ~~~.~ '6rts for the nrevention and treatment of SD'O'r~~ ~~jur~e's, 'I9rie~~on速 for long-term ct-,?i: 2istse wearer, comfol ~ ` . from le Clubs, contact C . . T- 9 c se
i auritism against Old Melburnians, vieo failed to nullify the dynamic duo, Cartledge and Butterworth in Round 5 when Praliran won by forty two points . what has changed? Old Melburnians must win to have any chance of playing in the first semi final . I don't think they will win because of the dominant Prahran forward line and the quick movement of the ball by the fast Prahran mid fielders. Old Essendon, despite their poor showing last week, are in with a real chance today against Mazenod, who have dropped in form and number over recent weeks. The long journey to the north west won't help Mazenod either. At home I select Old Essendon .
In Round 5 Old Xaverians defeated St Kevin's by one hundred and eight points, Today at McHale Stadium their margin will be less simply because of the size of the ground . I select Old Xaverians, whom I believe will prove too talented all over the ground. -T~, La Salle face a danger game against Eley Park, whom they defeated in Round 5 by thirty two points . Last week's poor display can spur De La Salle or it can return to haunt them especially should inaccuracy occur early in today's match . I select De La Salle without any great conviction . SE;C`fl'ItiN 2-NOR'PT-I Therrv Penola should return to the winning list at the expense of Brunswick, who ill not have the running fitness to compete with their visitors for the entire four quarters.
Marcellin should win again against Fitzroy Reds, who are steadily improving . Second place beckons for Marcellin and today could see the "Eagles" regain their "paradise lost" . The University Blacks and Old Trinity players will appreciate the chance to play on the picturesque University Oval . In Round 5 the Blacks had a thirty seven point win over the bottom side. Will the Blacks be strong enough to win again today on the big -round ? I have doubts after their performance at ; iarcellin last Saturday . However Old Trinity haven't shown sparkling form either! At home I select University Blacks . I THF AMATEl7R FOOTBALLER 2002
The big game of the day is the potential Grand Final rehearsal at Chelsworth Park between undefeated leaders, Old Ivanhoe and second placed Old Xaverians . Old Ivanhoe, who won on May 11 should do so again today on their home ground, which will be new territory to the Xaverians. An early break will set up the Old Ivanhoe victory . It did in Round 5 . Also the depth of Old Ivanhoe talent continues to be shown on different weeks . Today is the day David Super and his Captain Paul Sigley hope all play well . SOUTH The Whitefriars versus Old Brighton match result could well decide fourth place . In Round 5 at home, Old Brighton triumphed by forty three points. Since then the fortunes of the two sides have fluctuated as has their hold on fourth place over the past few weeks.
At home, aided by local knowledge and the long easterly journey faced by Old Brighton I select Whitefriars to win and regain fourth place once again . Monash Blues should again prove far too strong for Old Geelong, who failed by one hundred and nineteen points against the Blues in Round 5 . St Leo's need to win over Hampton Rovers or they may find themselves struggling to qualify for the first semi final. Despite their loss to the Rovers in Round 5, St Leo's, at home, should return to the winning list after consecutive defeats . Leaders, Collegians should record another convincing victory over Hawthorn Amateurs, whom the "Lions" defeated by one hundred and four points in Round 5 . It will be business as usual for Club XVIII press correspondents on Monday next as we do not have a split round . With only one issue of the Amateur Footballer over the July, 13 and 20 weekends, I am still required to have my copy with our editor by 5 p .m. on Monday, July, 8 . For the issue to be dated, July, 27 it will be necessary for me to review Rounds 13 and 14 as well as preview our final round. Please send your news to me as normal on each Monday via (467 2857 ('phone), 9467 2865 (fax) or by e- mail to nknugentCalphalink,com . au 41
BDF-_Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
P ound 1 1 We have now reached the time of the season where every team has played everyone else and we can have a true indication of where each team is
positioned . St .Mary's have shown that they are not going to lay down without afight and have continued to up the pressure on Mt.Litydate, while the cream has risen to the top, with pre-season top three favo ri tes, Werribee, Rupertswood and Albert Park Iooking set for the double chance. REVIEW iTHS-VU made the trip to Werribee in what was always going to be a tough encounter against the league leaders . The student's inability to find the training track caught up with them as they took a hiding from the in form Bees . Werribee, kicking with the breeze slammed on four late goals to kick seven for the quarter . The good form continued for Werribee in the second quarter, with Pace and Ellis working well to open up a six goal lead at the major break . In a sensational third quarter, the Bees kicked thirteen goals to three to put the game beyond doubt . Lovell and Marinis with six goals each for Werribee were amongst their best, while Rose, Carrick and Lapish put in a good contribution for the students in their 112-point drubbing . Rupertswood were brimming with confidence and with the sting of last year's defeat still fresh in their minds looked to destroy North Brunswick in a battle for a top three position . With the return to the side of their prodigal son Daniel Burrows, Rupertswood blew North out of the water in the first quarter . Rupo let it slip somewhat from that point, in particular with their poor kicking, and this allowed North, with some good work by Care and Murphy to get within four goals in the third quarter . In the end though, with the likes of Old Salty back from Sunbury and Matt Pettman starring, Rupo buried North by 53 points. The battle for a top three berth turned into a non-event as Albe rt Park issued a message to the rest of the competition with a resounding win against Mt .Lilydale . Mount managed to stay in touch with the Falcons for three quarters thanks to some good defending from Steer, Maniscalchi and Gridley. However, a nine goal barrage in the final quarter put to bed the demons of their previous week's fadeout, and with Sean Allan, Kristian Daley and Shaun Venables unstoppable for the Falcons, it was a percentage boosting win by 87 points . Westbourne made the road trip to Eltham, playing for little else but pride. After a good opening five minutes from the Warriors, the more determined Turtles completely dominated proceedings. While Dippy did well covering Eltham danger man Brian Doody effectively, the remaining Warriors showed plenty of
their cellar dwelling form of last season as they collapsed like a deck of cards to lose by a flattering 41-point margin .
St .Mary's at home is always a tough road trip, but for the winless Box Hill No rt h, it must have seemed like a nightmare . The Saints were brilliant from the opening bounce with a ten goal opening quarter. Box Hill tried hard to remain competitive through some good work by Phil Ellsmore and Simon Cook, however, the class of Hendy and O'Halloran was always going to shine through and with Dwyer, Hill and Ryan firing in attack, the Saints remained in touch with the top five with a comprehensive 132 point win . Bulleen had the bye. Two special mentions in the reserves this week . Firstly, to Rupertswood for their excellent support provided to North Brunswick's Peter Dimareo after a serious collision . Secondly, to the four players from Japan who were all amongst the best players for Box Hill North . In particular Masashi Takeshita was very gutsy and reliable in defence whilst Hoshi Yusuke was outstanding up forward and kicked two excellent goals . PRE V IEW ST MARYS v WERRIBEE AMATEURS St .Mary's are a different team on their postage stamp of a ground and to be a finals contender will have to beat the D4 yardstick. The Bees have been ruthless in the destruction of any team that gives them a sniff and the Saints will have to be at their best to match the Werribee stars of Ellis, Keogh and Murphy . In what may be a closer match than many pundits would anticipate, Werribee should be too good as they win by 21 points . BULLEEN COBRAS v UHS-VU Bulleen, fresh from a week off, will be looking at this match as a chance to pull itself out of the cellar . The students were extremely disappointing last week and will need a vast improvement on the training track if they are to challenge . In what will be an interesting match, UHSVU will rebound strongly as they win by 34 points . ALBERT PARK v NORTH BRUNSWICK Albert Park was awesome last week and will want to cement a double chance this week against contenders North Brunswick . North will be hoping for Fawcett to have another good day and will look to Pizzari for another valuable contribution, however, the Falcon machine will have all the answers today. Expect another big game from Chambers and a bag from Allan as the Falcons take a step closer to the big one with a 29-point win, ELTHAM COLLEGIANS v MT LILYDALE Eltham host THF AMATFI lR FnnTRAI I PR 2002
lalt.Lilydale in a must win match for Mount . Elthan: will be buoyed by their win last week however, Mount are too good a team to let this match slip . The Mt .Lilydale fonvards Hayes and livewire Anderson will be hard to control for the Turtles and with Penhale adding ,; ,duable drive, Mount will be too good to win by 18 points. BOX HILL NORTH v OLD WESTBOURNE Westbourne hit its lowest point last week, which has resulted in this match being a potential battle for the bottom of the ladder. Box Hill would have been eyeing this match off as their chance to break the duck for some time now and with surprise sensation John Tsaclidis in the Box Hill back line, may have the desire to win . Coach Ashley Casperson will give his troops a caning on the track this week and if the Warriors have any character at all, they will keep themselves off the bottom with a 12-point win . Rupe rt swood has the bye.
ALBERT PARK - congratulations to Nick Pastras on playing his 150th this Saturday . Nick and his family are great club people and the Falcons wish him every success in this game and his continued involvement with the Club.
PRESS CORRESPONDENTS A special mention from all the boys at Turtle Park for Frank Coonerty to pull his finger out and get some reports into me so the lads can get a mention! To everyone else, keep up the good work, nine reports out of ten is a great result . Get them into me by midday on a Monday to gaoan,ttracleaneuent.com.au and don't forget your player of the round nominations .
T® T'~~ ~ .l=u ; 3 i', IS - 114 S, St Marys v. Werribe e Bulleen Cobras v . UHS-VU Rupertswood - bye Albert Park v . North Brunswick Eltham Collegians v. Mt Lilydale Box Hill North v . Old Westbourne
NAPi1E CLUB D4 SECTION J. Dwyer St Marys 45 S . Allan Albert Park 42 Tate UHS-VU 36 31 Gathercole Eltham Lovell Werribee 26 D4 RESERVES Pastras Albert Park 2 28 Phillips Rupertswood 1 27 H . Tsialtas North Brunswick 1 25 Cavalieri UHS-VU 0 24 Harding Werribee 3 23 9•® THF AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
WERRIBEE 7.3 11.7 24.9 28.11 (179) UHS-VU 1 .2 4.3 7.3 10.7 (67) Werrihee: Lovell 6, Marinis 6 . Ellis 3, Keogh 3, Murphy 3• Hovey 2, McMillian 2, Tedesco 2 . Schembri. Best Lovell . Marinis. Ellis, Murphy. Keogh, Pace. UHS-VU: Tate 4, Madrigrano. Haynes, Fisher, Carrick. Halm, Cusick. Best Rose, Lapish• Fisher, Cusick, Carrick, Cree k Umpires: S . Morgan (R) (F), J. Fagan (B) 17 .27 (129) RUPERTSWOOD 6.7 9.18 10 .22 NORTH BRUNSWICK 0.3 3.5 7 .10 11 .10 (76) Rupertswood : Baines 3. Burrows 3 . PLummer 3, Ramsay 3, Spinner 2, West. Price, Page . Best Pettman• Spinner. Baines, Page, Trebilcock . Nth Brunswick: Verga 3.Newton 3, Wallmeyer 2. Duson, MurphyLattouf. Best Pizzari, Fawcet. Care . Murphy. Guppy. Rhook . Umpires: C. Stewart (F) ALBERT PARK 5.1 8 .2 14.5 23.7 (145) 2.3 3 .7 7.9 8.10 (58) MT LILYDALE Albert Park: Allan 9 . Venables 4• Smith 3, K.Daley 2, Hannett 2, Panayotu . D'Ordiroco, Chambers . Best: Chambers, M .Dowdle, Allan, Robllotta. Storey Taylor. Mt.Lilydale: Hayes 3. Anderson 2, Carolan, Leonard .. J Penhale. Umpires: P. Griffiths (F), J. Wigiell, A. Valopoulos (B) . P. Love, N. Murphy (G) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2.3 5 .7 6.11 10.13 (73) 4.8(32) OLD WESTBOURNE 2.2 3 .2 3.5 Eltham: Coonerty 2, Daly 2 . Richardson 1, Mann 1 . Sandars 1, Sharpe 1 . Chapple 1 . Best Mann, Doody, Sharpe, Daly. Carter, Robins. Old Westbourne: Horsburgh 1, Hudson 1 . Board 1, Leitch 1 . Best. DePiazza, leitch, Board, Slattery, Fairfield, Huntington . Umpires : P. Lan ble (F) ST MARYS 10.3 15.7 20.13 25.20 (18S) BOX HILL NORTH 0.1 2 .5 6.9 7.14 (56) St Marys : Dwyer 8, Hill 6• Ryan 4 . Harrison 4, Carta 4, Zsembery 1, Watsson 1 Best Hendy, Gilchrist, Dwyer, BE, 0'Halloran, Webb . Box Hill No rth : Hos)U 2, Blackman 1 . Best Masashi, Valeski . Blackman, Hoshi, Woods, Mortimer. Umpires: J. Ralph (1), B. Ralph (B) RESERVES WERRIBEE 4 .4 7.8 11 .8 13 .11 (89) UHS-VU 0 .0 1 .1 1 .1 2.2(14) Werribee: Cartesso 5, Dimasi 3, Harding 3, Pugliese, Hoffman . Best . Collier, Grogan . Camilleri . Pugliese, Dimasi, Carlesso UHS-VU: Not received . 7.6(48) RUPERTSWOOD 1 .1 2.2 4.3 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .1 4.2 5.7 9.8(62) Rupertswood : Jordan 3 . 0'callaghan 2• Morrice, Phillips 1 . Best Elliott. Mcgovern . Morrice . Bishop, Pettman, 0'callaghan . North Brunswick: GiIlard, Papanikolou 3 . Dimarco, Tsialtas. H. Rotella 1 . Best Magnuson, Robertson . Varna. Carter B, Ferrante . Wernham. ALBERT PARK 3.2 8.6 10.7 12 .10 (82) 5.5(35) MT LII.YDALE 1 .2 2.2 3:5 Albert Park: Parmansche 2, Green 2 . Pashas 2• Mandylaris 2 . Fairfield 2. Grace, McGuire. Best Jackson, Grace, Hogan, Tsoukas. McGuire. Mandylaris Mt. Litydale: Holloway, Kidd Leek, Smith, Walsh Best Smith, L .Senior, Johnson, Holloway, Hicks, Jelene. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3.2 7.4 8.5 8.6 (54) 7.6(481 OLD WESIBOURNE 2 .5 5 .5 6.6 Elttu m: Lees 3, Wright 2, Smith 1 . J. Howgate 1, Evans 1 . Best : White, Lees. Evans, Glare, Bernett, Howgate . Old Westbourne: Rtvalland 1• Leitch 1, Murphy 1, Stapleton 1, Habersatt I . Smith 1, Crosswell 1 . Best Smith, Wright . McMillan, Rivalland• Seholes, Stapleton. ST MARYS 5.4 10 .5 14.7 20.10 (130) 3.9(27) BOX HILL NORTH 1.3 2 .5 3.5 St Ma rys : Bernardi 9, Rousis 5, Koumantatakis 2, Harrison 1, Banks 1• Evans 1, Ttreoharris 1 . Best Bernardi, Harrison, Handley Magchette, Jackson, Vincent. Box Hill No rth : Eltsmore 2. Cook 2, Riscalla 1• Smith 1, Cavallo 1 . Best Eltsmore• Cook. Tsaclidis. Odza, RiscaIla• Wilson .
I A melee is 'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each othe r to the ground or other or other similar such conduct" ~ L®---------s-_®®-®-eo j 43
Coach : John Ahern Res Coach: Paul Shoppee
Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Ian Atkinson
1 P. Smith (C) 2 S . Robinson (s) 2 N . Pastras (r) 3 R . Baker 4 G . Parmansche 5 J. Hannett 6 J. Storey (VC) 7 S. Venables
8 C . Jackson 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 A. Fleming
12 C. Fehring 13 B. Payne
14 S. Fairfield 15 D. Borley (s) 15 J . Snorasson (r) 16 C. Roberton (VC)
17 D. McLellan 18 J . Taylor (s) 18 H. Koop (r) 19 A. Steward 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 D. Overend 23 V. Surace 24 T. Green 25 K. Daley 26 J . Hamath 27 M . Hyams 28 R. Buckley 29 J . Marinis 30 A . Mandylaris 31 S . McGuire 32 J . Robilotta 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 A . D'Mingo 36 M. Pearson 37 L . Hogan 38 J. Rowe 39 D . 'Odorico 40 M. Lapsley 41 T Panayotou 42 J. Wier 43 J. Tsoukas 44 C . Leorke
45 J . Bourne 46 S. Allan
47 L. Tricanco 48 M . Dowdle 49 C. Wilson
50 S . Mellis 51 L. Miceli 52 A. Graham 53 M . Williams 54 W. Roe 55 S . Chisholm 56 D. Smyth
Coach: Angelo Lamanna Assist Coach : Scott Dodson Res Coach: Matt Bourbon
Coach: Brian Doody Res Coach : John Glar e
1 Blackman J 2 Smith S 3 Odza A 4 Potter J 5 Pietersen A 5a Hutchinson r 5b Jenkins A 6 Martini D
4 I. Mcleod
8 Lacey M 8a Chamberlain R 9 Sallantioglu A
15 J. Trinchi (RC) 17 S. Reddish 19 S. Trapman
10 W. Bates 11 J. Mizzi 12 A. Tibballs
21 N . Lykopandis 22 M . Turner
13 R . Bel l
7 Stewart S
10 Cook S
11 Kennedy D 14 Gmaz R 15 Jimoulis T 16 Weston G 17 Cavallo G
4 N. Cartledge 5 M .Starrett 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 9 B . Hoare 11 C. Borelli 12 D. Thompson
14 G. Pemberton
25 W. Olney 27 J. Cartledge 28 A Foskett 36 P. Dall'Oglio
18 Wilson G
37 J. Paatsch
19 Keillor L 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Ferris C 25 Michelle A 27 Thoi T 28 Brunning S 29 Rodgers M 30 Bolitho J 31 Ives C 32 Mortimer P 34 McCartin M 37 Woolridge D 38 Buckland G 38a Bennett G 40 Tsaclidis J 41 Jackson C 42 Tarulli A 44 Garrett J 46 Cinar K 48 Marulli D 49 Ellis T 50 Tarulli M 53 Oldfield I 57 Woods P 69 Aguilar G 78 Steele P
38 G . Brown 39 T. Vass 40 T. May 41 N. Polites 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J . Mustica 47 S. Irvine 48 M . Soumildes 49 G . Anderton 51. R. Rodrigues 55 S . Wigney 61 D. Rennie T. Arnold P. Aslangul D. Beraldo H. Biram M . Bourbon D. Bourbon R. Cumino J . Clark T. Dennaoui G. Fortune J . Hambridge T. Hurley A. Lamanna R . Lamanna
80 Evans S
111 Armstrong P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C . Sandars T. Dugga n E . Savage B . Doody C/C D . Bric k T. Carter B. Rashid L . Sharpe
9 C. Watson
14 J. Kerkha m 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 L. Dal y 18 S . Macdonald
19 S . Robins
20 J . Panetta 21 M . Hart 22 J . McKenzie 23 R. Watson 24 K . Drummon d 25 C. Horsburgh 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdal e
28 T. Barnett
29 D. Howgate 30 M . Decker 31 B . Kelehe r 32 C . Baud 33 A . Howgate 34 D . Bulle r 35 G. Smith 36 L. Donaldso n 37 J . Trumbl e 38 R . Beecroft 39 F. Coonerty 40 J . Bau d 41 A . Man n 42 J . Howgate 43 J . Man n 44 T. Johns 45 R . Davies 46 48 B. Turney 49 B. Hespe
G. Mandekic M. Mastromanno
51 S. Maxfiel d 52 G . Stackpool e
P. Mastromanno
S. Mastromanno Nasr
54 P. Harding 55 G . Jenkin s
C . Watson J. Tadd B. Pollock B. Neil T. Bourbon D. McMullin J. Rickett
57 J . Sutton
58 J . Hoy
Sulliva n
56 J. Shannon 57 S. Gathercol e 58 59 B. Evans 61 62 63 M . Luttick
64 S . Schafer
.59 G . Irvine 60 I . Pignataro 61 J . Daley 62 A . Harper 77 S . Garci a 78 J. Norman
79 S. Toth
80 G. Bateson
Rising Sun Hotel RICHM 0 ND
04 Section M7 LILYDALE O .C.
NORTH BRUNSWICK Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Gary Cutler
~ach : Da~cd Keast Res Coach: Paul Cummerford
OLD WESTBOURNE Coach: Ashley Casperson Res Coach : Stephen Leitch 1 G . Robson (VC)
Coach : Tony West Res Coach : Shane McLauchlan 2 Fox D . 3 Page S .
D Johnson ? P Hayes M Brebne r 4 F Varga
1 Wemham S
2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P
2 A. Casperso n 3 S. Depiazza 4 T. Gigas
5 1 R McKenzie 6 M Jelenc 7 C. Varga 8 K Maniscalchi (VC) g A Del Biondo 10 J Gardiner 1 C Gibson 12 J Commerford
5 McMahon W 6 Pizzari D 7 Magnuson D 8 Guppy D 9 Sammarhno A 10 Fawcett W 11 Boudoloh J 12 Care S
5 S. Hewitt 6 J . Horsburgh (VC) 7 A . Christo 8 A . Horsburgh 9 K. Murphy 10 J . Wilson 11 S. Phillips 12 N. Naidu
13 Ullo M
13 J. Cornea
14 Plummer L.
14 Newton D 15 Tsialtas H
14 S. Mattsson 15 A. Board
15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P .
13 R Kidd 14 C Kennon 15 A Bullerjahn
16 D Morrison 17 P Beddoes 18 V Steer 19 M Leonard 20 J Penhale
21 M Cunningham 22 M Wells 23 B Egan 24 Luke Merrett 25 A Delahunt 26 T Flanaga n 27 N Pearce (VC) 28 A Costello 29 30 A Penhale 31 T Hansfor d 32 P Carolan (C) 33 C Anderson 34 L Kellett 35 D Callahan 36 T Roche
16 Tsialtas S
17 Hatty R.
17 Kyriazis A 18 Verga J 19 Famulari S 20 Closter L
17 M . Aqualina 18 P. King (VC) 19 R. Aldridge 20 M . Houston
18 Pettman M. 19 Mezzatesta M . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D.
21 Santacroce R
21 M . Christo
23 West M .
22 Freeman J 23 Brrffa J 24 Aiani M 25 Duson W
22 L. O'Sullivan 23 S. Huntington 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 M. Stapleton
25 Nike D . 26 Zar b D. 27 McMahon N . 28 McDonald D . 29 Barnes M. 32 Sinnet P. 33 Glassey G.
26 Murphy J
26 P. Mesman
27 Vaina M 28 Gillard S
27 D . Billma n 28 D . Slattery
29 30 Healey S 31 Heck J 32 Robertson B 33 Rotella J 34 Pisasale M 35
38 39 L Alanson 40 M Rhodes 41 R Katene 42 M Pereira
37 Shepherd S 38 Wallmeyer N 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B
43 D Holloway
42 Papanikolou J 43 Page J 44 Grist S 45 46 47 Prestigiacomo N
48 S Dougherty 49 J Hoffman 50 L Senior 51 P Bastick 52 B Leek 53 D Hicks 54 D King
55 M Gridley 56 57 C Walsh 59 A Cox
60 C Carstens 63 D Prest 64 65 D Burrows
41 Twaddle C
48 Carter D 49 Lawton D 50 Ferrante F 51 Sorleto P 52 Brine P
29 D. Horsburgh 30 R. McMill an
35 Certo C. 36 Henry P.
31 M . Baulch 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D. Ben n 34 P. Stewart 35 D. Rivalland
37 38 Pettman B . 39 Walsh D. 40 Drago C. 41 Bowman P.
38 B . Mattsson 39 A . Robbins 40 S . Leitch 41 K. Miller 42 S . Roberts 43 A. Runciman 44 B. Slattery 45 S. Robertson 46 E. Sandstrom 47 T. Said
43 Phillips R. 44 Icely A. 45 Hum D. 46 Eden T. 47 Soutaris A. 48 49 O'Riley C. 50 Walsh D. 51 MacPherson B . 52 Moskaljuk S. 53 Bugeja N .
36 K. Pillsbury 37 A. Leitch
48 T. Scholes 49 R. Naidu 50 P. Habersatt 51 L. Stevens 52 D. Ball
53 Pokrajak A 54 Hill D
53 S. Chaffey 54 M. Crosswell
55 56 Cutler G
55 D. Clowes 56 R . Skinner
42 Swann B.
54 Gibbs R . 55 Ramsay J . 56 Hatty G . 57 Moskaljuk P. 60 Price G . 62 McMahon A.
64 66 Mandouit L . 69 Bradbury H .
57 Hill M
57 M. Warren
70 Temming L .
58 Giovanoglou N 59 Mollo L 60 Nabbs S
58 I . Smith 59 A . Lipscombe 60 N . Aqualina
74 77 O'Callaghan M . 78
66 D Turner
61 Goumas G
67 Damian Smith 68 Neil Senior
70 Mark Matter Lochie Proctor Andrew Burrell: Greg Bird Jarron Kerr Steven Taylo r Daniel Van Duuren Trevor Gamble Matt Alderman
6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B . 8 Plummer T. 9 Clarke M . 10 O'Callaghan A . 11 Moule B . 12 Cardillo K . 13 Sinnett B.
16 S . Christo
37 B Dunn
44 N McConnell 45 K Fraser 46 N McConnell 47 C Lonergan
4 Croxford D. 5 Boddington P.
62 Carter B 64 McKenzie A
65 Rigazzi L 66 Pretty R
° Financial Service s
Werribe e YUNDAI
ST. MARYS Coach : Michael Learmont h Res Coach : Tony Milla r 1 T.Brown 2 B.Boyes 3 J.Carra 4 N.Goldsworthy 5 J .Dwye r 6 S .Stone 7 A.Dwyer 8 A.Zsembery 9 R .Orm e 10 G .Koumantatakis 11 J .Bernard i 12 A .Webb 13 J.Hill 14 C .Goldsworthy 15 M.Purcel l 16 L.Anthony 17 P.West 18 B .Frail 19 V.Ryan 20 ALane 21 M.Gilchrist 22 R.Allen 23 F.Harrison 24 J .Oconnor 25 C .Bartlett 26 .Mulcahy 27 M.Banks 28 J .Innes 29 P.Harrison 30 .Watson 31 D .Thomson 32 P.Rheining 33 M.Ohalloran 34 A.Pakovski 35 G .Theoharris 36 E .Evans 37 L.Vincent 38 C .Handley 39 T.Millar 40 N.Luce 41 B.Graetzer 43 M .Chamberlin 44 M .Robinson 45 P.Ryan 46 S .Angus 47 P.Rousis 48 D .Morcom 49 G .Schembri 50 A.Wibawa 53 B .Armitstead 54 J.Wrigh t 55 B.Perelberg 56 J.Vincent 57 D.Watson 58 B .Lewis 59 K .Mdennan 61 N .Jackson 63 P.Roseman 65 S.Roseman 66 C.Roseman 69 J .Hendy 80 J .Clarke 88 A .Ballantyne
Bust Steel ladustrie s 46
Coach : Pat Mackey
Res Coach : Peter Dinnic k 1 M . Wright (vc) 2 B . Ueberang 3 A.Talaric o
4 L . Gorringe
5 T. Fulton (vc) 6 S . Cracknell 7 D . Zuluck i 8 D . Haslett (C) 9 R . Smith 10 B. Carrick 11 J . Shepherd 12 B . Farrelly 13 N . Rose (vc) 14 J . Ham 15 S . Brown 16 J. Tate 17 C. Langendorf 18 A. Hellne r 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madrigrano 21 B. Abrahamsen 22 G . Mandali s 23 G . Temes 24 N. Hahn 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusic 28 V. Cavalieri 29 K . Weber 30 M. Butera 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 P. Greenbank 34 J . O'Neil l 35 A . Butera 36 A . Pend4ebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R. Lapis h 39 M . Re a 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C . Percy 45 M . Crawley 46 C. Siotos 47 M . Kennedy 48 M . Davidson 49 M . Kinnane 50 B. Dryn e 51 R. Hortle 52 M . Collins 53 C. Eddy 54 R . Witnish 55 N . Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 G . Divenuto 58 J. Thomas 59 J . Barron 60 L. Turner 61 T. Stathopoulos 62 K. Rodgers 63 D. Parker 64 R. Middleton 65 J . Harri s 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L. Holmes 69 S . Frost 70 E. Ricciuti 71 72 S . Duke 73 S . Devlin 74 D .Ryan 75 S . Mills 77 S. Rawolle 88 D. Fisher
Coach: Tim Ellis Res Coach : Paul Smith 1 P. O'Connor 2 L. Ker r 3 D. Flack 4 J. Johns 5 P. Barsby 6 S.Lyons 7 T. Ellis 8 P. Dawes 9 M .Bradfield 10 M . Keogh 11 M. Green 12 M. Walsh 13 F. Mehmert 14 B . McMillan 15 A . Murphy 16 S. Fogarty 17 A. Tedesco 18 S. Pugliese 19 J . Addamo 20 P. Albakis 21 M . Johnson 22 A. Dibatista 23 J. Hoffman 24 J . Crick 25 A. Hovey 26 S .Parslow 27 P. Browning 28 D . Turner 29 S. Dol e 30 B. Carlesso 31 B . Waters 32 M . Dolegowski 33 D. Owens 34 N . Lovel l
35 B. Cunningham 36 C . Ewards 37 J. Ayling 38 D. Velisha 39 L. Langfield 40 S . Fuller 41 G. Grogan 42 D . Ellis 43 L . Carson 44 D . Nedinis 45 J . Marinis 46 R. Hann 47 G. Fuller 48 M . Foote 49 E. Mahoney 50 K. Pace 51 B . Patton 52 C. Andrews 53 L. Djakovic 54 A. Casserta 56 Q . Walsh 57 D. Abbey 58 A. Cmerill a 59 A . Lonti 60 M . Czajkowski 61 D . Delan y 62 S. Liangos 63 A. Stewart 64 G . McGowan 65 S . Parslow, 66 M . Egan
Original and pink copy trltisz be lodged with t ,. ttr pi res no later, L,fznti 'ia ly t itrte of any f,tofc3a., Each player must sigtt the original clearly ~jpsic?e name 1.vriich must s l w w,-IYs t ayici s m~tro ;•tle, Die copy tilt4stae handed to opposition captain at toss of cQia G,.__, . .'.._ - __® --- _r. ...
I 1 :_i ii
(presented by Quit)
(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service )
® Weekend matches (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments ® Scores (Sat . night)
-® The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
--------------- J
THE CHALLENGE : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRiZES: (a) Weekly. 3 successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive a Pulse Energy T-shirt, a Pulse Energy cap and 1 dozen Pulse Energy golf balls . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . (b) End of Year. All 66 winners will go in a draw . At this draw should the one person drawn have "switched" as part of the "Switch To" initiative the winner will receive $2,000 worth of electricity, gas and petrol - $500 gas, $750 electricity and $750 fuel . Should the person not have switched the winner to receive $500 prize -$100 gas, $200 electricity and $200 fuel . HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person, F Tear on entry section which appears top left of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA P0 Box 359 Etsternwick 3185 or p/copy and fax to 95312050. Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round.
C* t3l ?ti
Colin Foley C =Am) 57~. 50i}
7' [ Peter Archbold 9 827 36 1 0 New Order Cl 速 t Fii n J速hn White Insurance Weston Heath Burwood Rigby Cooke Lawyers TVP Communications Terranat Landscape South Yarra Sports Centre Paul Pattison Evans Kerr AMP
Goldpats Accountants JB's Purified Water John Peterson Bookseller HydroChem The Kitchen Place Ted Lynch Agencies Australia Wine Direct Williams & Co The Frame Shop
Beiersdorf Keith's Pies Club Warehouse Rod's Fruit & Veg Kimo's Deli Bob Stewart Mensland Gary McBean Meats Beaurepaire s Bell's Hotel Camp Australia Julius Redlich & Sons Moody Consulting Spitting Image Caterin g In addition to the two special Thank the Sponsors' Nights, all sponsors are welcome for drinks at the club on Thursday nights prior to each game from 5.30 pm. ..' r~-..',
Ressies stalwart Billy Hayes plays his 100th game for the Unicorns today against Uni Blues. Billy has contributed significantly over th e
years, none more so
. ..'i
0C. g m a a
when his'gotden' boots scored goals from the forward flank . All at MHSOBFC than k Billy for his contribution and wish him well in th e seasons ahead .
Every amateur Football Club faces the same issue year in and year out . Do we have enough people to fill the myriad of roles required to field an "A" Grade side and the other teams necessary to give depth to the Club ? As management advisor to the Club part of my role is to ensure that the immense workload is spread evenly so that all involved are able to enjoy their football . Unfortunately, the workload tends to fall to the usual few, tireless workers who have been with the club for many years . We need an injection of new blood into the administrative roles within the Club .
ls :/3
having someone willing to complete one small task each week makes the running of the Club so much easier. To be a success on the field teamwork is but one factor, off the field it is essential . So ask yourself the question, "Am t involved?"
The involvement does not have to be great, Yv
. .!`J . l
If you are able to put something back into the Club, in whatever capacity, contact me on (M) 0414 729 560 or (W) 9689 0422 .
C u C', i i; :200<'. Augus t
"-w' ; . G
July 6 Home game luncheon v University Blues, 12 noon . Home Game Hero : Maxwell & William s 20 Club Revue:'Ptayers Paradise' at The Unicorn Club. 7 .30 pm . Great night. All welcome.
3 Home game luncheon v old Trinity, 12 noon . Home Game Hero: The Kitchen Place 17 Home game luncheon v old Scotch, 12 noon . Home Game Hero: Julius Redlich & Sons
T~ S e ctio n
Old Ivanhoe v. De La Salle Old Trinity v . Marcellin
University Blues v . St Kevins
sectio n
Mazenod v . Old Melburnians EP Saturday Old Haileybury v . Therrv Penol a broughtforward from July 20th. Old Paradians v . Hampton Rovers Old Essendon v . Old Brighton
31- section
Prahran v. Banvule Old Mentonians v . Caulfield Grammarians St Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Collegians
A section
Ivanhoe Assumption v . University Blacks St Leos Emmaus v . Williamstown CYMS Aquinas v. Monash Blues
E 2 Section Peninsula v . Parkside 8slesian v. Old Carey Iarra Valley v. Oakleigh I13 3 Se cti o n St Johns v. South Melbourne Districts Power House v . Richmond Central , tonash Gryphons v. West Brunswick E 4 Sectio n
Wail Hii ii® k6wii®i ) Old Brighton v . Monash Blues Old Geelong v. St Leos Emmaus Collegians v . Whitefriar s Hampton Rovers v. Hawthorn Amateur s
'm ~,
20 JULY. 2
Old Scotch v . Old Xaverians St Bernards v . M HSOB EP Saturday e s ectio n Ormond v. North Old Boys 0 sectio n Whiteiriars v . Old Camberwell Glen Eira v. Beaumari s
®1 s ecti o n
Menone Amateurs v . Bulleen Templestorve AJAX v. Old Geelon g
®2 S ecti o n
Fitzroy Reds v. Bentleigh La Trobe University v. Kew ®3 s ection Svndal Tally-Ho v . Hawthorn Amateurs game switched from original draw Swinburne University v . Elsterneviek
Werribee v . Bulleen Cobras Albert Park - bye
Mt Lilvdale v . Box Hill North
04 sectio n UHS-VU v . Rupertstivood North Brunswick v . Eltham Old Westbourne v. St Mary s
,under-19 Secti on 1
Under-19 Section I
Caulfield Grammarians v . Old Scotch Old Brighton v. Marcelli n
St Bernards v. Old Melburnian s
U nder-19 Section 2 Old Trinity v. Werribe e Old Haileybury v . Old Ivanhoe obrought forwardjrom July 20th Old Essendon - ye . Hampton Rovers v . Mazeno d
un d e r-19 - >r :--. : 3
Therry Penola v . Universitv Blacks Rupertswood v . Old Paradians Yarra Valley v . Whitefriar s
J u d e r-19 =BI :_ ; Oakleigh v. St Bedes Mentone Tigers AJAX - bye .
Mentone Panthers v. De La Salle (2) at Mentone Grammar, Keysborough
Rlrader-19121 Re d Bulleen Templestowe v. Old Westbourne broughtforward one week from original fixture of July 20th . St Bernards (2) v . Old Xaverians (2) to be played at 11 .30 a.m . Williamstown Cl'MS v . Aquina s La Trobe University v . MHSOB Mull XV 111111 Prahran v. Old Essendon ?4azenod v . Old Xaverian s De La Salle v . Old Melburnians at Waverley Park, East Maluern St Kevins v. Eley Park
Club XVIII [North] Therrv Penola v . Marcelli n Fitzroy Reds University Blacks at Peterson Oval Old Xaverians (2) v. Brunswic k Old Trinity v. Old Ivanhoe
De La Salle v . St Kevins
Old Xaverians v. University Blues
C er-19 Section 2 Beaumaris v . Ormond
r-19 section 3
Ruperts vood v. University Blacks Round 11 fixtured match
Old Carey v . Old Camberwell North Old Bovs v . St Leos Emmau s
Under-19 1 2 1 91 U e
Bentleigh v . Monash Blue s
- -- ^ S': - 20 JULY. 2002 t -111111 azenod v . Prahran Old Essendon v. De La Salle Old Melburnians v. St Kevins Eley Park v . Old Xaverians Club XVIII [North] Fitzroy Reds v . Therry Penola at Ramsden Street Oval Marcellin v. Old Xaverians (2) Brunswick v . Old Trinity
Old Ivanhoe v . University Blacks III [South ] Oia Geelong v. Old Brighton Collegians v . Monash Blues game switchedfrom original draw Whitefriars v . Hampton Rovers clash with seniors • TEA Hawthorn v. St Leos Emmaus
CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies
by 1°crâ&#x2013;şy ML,",-2r (U19 - 1& Blue) Brett Connell (U19 -2,.3 & Red )
REVIEW SECTION 1 As Eddie Maguire would say "What a big week it ha s
been in footba ll!". That is true football, the lifeblood of the VAFA,
the U19 Football competition . Two upset wins and another by a surprising margin sees the "deck chairs" shuffling in the top four with the perennial finalist still unable to get back into the four . 2nd moves to 4th, 3rd moves to 2nd, 4th moves to 3rd and lst, well they just stay on top - phew! . Remember, don't write off 6th and 7th yet, nor 8th after last week's performance . Confused? I know I am! Caulfield caused the upset of the round with a fantastic display of hard running football . The Grammar Boys were able to get a few back for this game, which shows the rest of the competition - do not take them lightly . For St. Bernards, they had the chance to win just before the siren sounded but another behind proved costly. OM's had a real dip at De La in the Ist quarter with Hancehtte, Turner and Tucker providing plenty of headaches and at the main break they were only down by 20 pts . But after halftime, a new De la appeared "scrooge like" only
allowing OM's 17 more points whereas they booted 68 . Naughtin outstanding with six well fed by Alderuccio and Quinane . The Cardinals had a chance to move within percentage of the four but failed to come out after halftime . The defensive game was good, but they never looked like scoring enough goals - the premiership quarter (goalless) proved costly . For OB's, coach Obee has his team (and me) just motoring along for some September action . Best wishes to Phil Smith who unfortunately did his knee against OM's . Are wish him well - stay positive . What a fantastic game of football with SKOBS leading, then Xavs pulling away by three quarter time, lead by 5g in a low scoring game . Coach Brown wielded the changes, introduced more run and SKOBS broke the Xavs shackles to slam on 6g to lg to get up by lpt . Sensational! Back in town - maybe! F'maIIy, Mareell'm put a stop to Uni . Blues surge to the four with a commanding 49pt win . Uni . jumped then early, but by halftime, the Eagles were double their score . The Marcellin small men were too quick for their Uni counterparts and Sheehan again chimed in well with another 6 . SECTION 2 A strong opening quarter from Old Trinity set the scene for their match against Hampton Rovers . Despite a determined second stanza ~rom the Rovers led by Seletto, Spratt and Jowett, OT managed to keep their noses in front from go to whoa. Better Ot's Coxon and Stebbins. Mazenod jumped Old Haileybury at McKinnon with a nine goal straight first term. From here on in through the good play of Castricum, Mallet and McKay they extended their lead at every change. For the Bloods Kimpton and M . Jones never gave in . Old Ivanhoe gave Beaumaris a start and at Banksia Reserve this spelt the beginning of the end. With Buckley in the midfield in everything the Sharks built on their lead in every quarter . Well supported by Early and Collins (4) the Sharks re-affirmed as second place candidates . For Old Ivanhoe Dinakis, Nielson and Blayney were standouts, although had few good players after this . Ormond's poor kicking let it down against second placed Old Essendon and Kei(or . Seven scoring shots to 2 in the first quarter could well have set the game up ut that was not to be . OEG with May, Mezo and Flaherty on song booted another twelve goals in three quarters to the Mends ten to win by five points . Naylor, Cove and Rogash were fine performers for the Monds . Werribee had the bye . SECTION 3 Therry Penola got a fright from Yarra Valley when at half time the visitors held a handy 4 goal lead . However after the 52
break the home team banged home fourteen
goals to 4 t o record a telling victory and keep their slim finals chances alive, Old Carey began well and were never headed against Whitefriar, who began behind the eight ball with only 17 players . It looke( pretty grim at half time for the Friars down by sonic ten oals however through the efforts of DiFalco an d Keen an in d A nee an d Brosolo up forward they added some respectability to th scoreline kicking eleven goals to ten in the second half. OC's be s included Trumbu ll (again) and Andrews down back and 0'ReIlb on his wing . After and relatively even first half Old Camberwell went up notch and banged home seven majors while keeping North Ok Boys scoreless to sew up their match . School holidays affectec NOBS moreso than the Wellers . For die victors outright fourtl spot with Weaver, Birre ll an d Rodg ers firing, while NOBS werf best served by D. Ryan an d Sheehan, with special mention tc West who cut short a holiday to shine on the day . Old Paradians marched on their merry way against St. Leo; Emmaus WP. The Animals were in everything from start to finish with Logan . Fox and Varney leadin g the way but had n swers to the might of S Strickl an d A. Dean an d Hughes . oan Rupertswoal play Uni. Blacks on July 20 . SECTION BLUE Last week's round saw a couple of major upsets involving four of the top five teams . These results mean that the four is starting to really bunch up with the finish looming. AJAX after las t weeh's drubbing is by no means safe on top . Monash had the chance to hit the lead but couldn't. St . Bedes Mentone with the pressure of Oakleigh and Mentone Pan tehrs behind them did what they had to do and that was to just win. Bentlei h had an outstanding game of unrelenting four qua rter footb, against a very undermanned De La . From the first bounce, the Demons continually drove the ball forward to the likes of Krotofil (12g), Robertson ( 7g) and Murphy ( 6g). For De La, Walton battled hard as did Smyth an d Thompson. Boys, just keep batt ling on an d try to improve in sonic areas each week . The Blules v Tigers game was an absolute cracker, and so it should have been with both teams not giving an inch (bone crunching inch that is). The Blues led by l3pts at quarter time, then the Tigers by 6pts at halftime, then the Blues again by l2pts at the last change. Then St. Bedes defence tightened even further an d with Scofidi dominating up forward, ran out by 15pts . Fina lly, the bug upset of the round saw the Panthers give ladder leader a she llackin to the tune of 95pts . The most import an t thing that happened in this result is twofold - AJAX's percentage drops 24% an d Mentone's goes up by 11% . The Pantehrs second and third quarters were sensational, which set up this bi win, Moyer (6g), Cochran e (6g) were terrific an d Mitvalsky was fantastie. SECTION RED MHSOB had a hard fought win over Bu lleen Templestowe last Saturday . The High's best included Blau, Ternes and Middleton, wh ile better Bull an ts Mihalos, G aniatsas and Miritis . While the High built on the lead at eve ry ch ange the Bull an ts never let their opponents get an easy possession. Aquinas surprised St . Bernards (2) with a solid first half and at the main break the ladders leaders were in unfamiliar territory behind. However the Bloods White, Pringle ( again) an d Parker had given their all in the first half r an out of assistance as the (?d THE
g rues added nine second half goals to two to win comfortably . llcIirr Berates Ryan, Hughes and A. Mitchell (3) . old Westbourne must have got some sort of rocket after their or fust quarter, as the came out fuing in the next three quarters to overrun Old Xaverians (2) . With Naidu, Cabalo and j9hristone in fine touch the Warriors out bustled and out played the Xavs to keep their final's hopes alive . Dynon, Martin and Frecr never gave in for the vanquished . As ,xpected Williamstown CYMS gave a good account of themselves against La Trobe Uni at home, with Jansz, Starpins and Hall continuing their good form . However they found the students hard to hold down for four quarters with Slater (10), Clarke and Keane prime movers in the strong win .
the four. Finally. Uni. Blues win, equal points with St . Bernards, only percentage separates fourth . St . B's win and they go to second or first . Selections : Caulfield, Old Scotch, St. kevins . Old Xavs and St ., Bernards. SECTION 2 Mazenod will go into today's game against Old Trinity chock full of confidence after a strong recent month . They will give a far better account of themselves today, with Kinniburgh and Hansen in ood touch, than round 3, although I feel the greater evenness of the OT side will see them through . Werribee will realise a solid win today against Old Haileybury will put them right back into final's contention. The Bloods have been well served by Hanlon, Waxillall and Baker, but need a more even spread to trouble the Bees at home.
PREVIEW SECTION 10M's face an uphill battle against Caulfield at home at Albert Park. Caulfield know they need a big win . For OM's though, if you play hard, running football as a team for four quarters you might just surprise yourselves and me! Old Scotch has a must-win game written all over this match. Win this and they are still a chance, although slim . The next three games are absolutely sensational final four shapers. Are. St. Kevins back on e e tra.cl:, or Ri new foun d Oval dnalow thebladd heavy gomg at ghett i continue their surge to the finals? Xavs travel to Marcellin in another must win game. A loss here and their percentage advantage will diminish further again . A win could see them in
Old Essendon and Beaunlaris takes match of the round status with the winner the spoils of outright second . The Sharks have been pretty consistent as too OEG . Up forward the Sharks with Ferrari and OEG with Forrest both teams have key players, but what surrounds each may well have a bearing on today's result. Collins, Tuck and Rawlins (Beaumaris) will need to be watched closely, as too will Velarado and Balloch (OEG). Last time and it was all tied up at the bell, today in a close one Beaumaris by less than a kick . Ormond will be keen to maintain their good recent form to not only hold onto fourth spot but also extract some revenge from round three where the Rovers rolled the Monds by 2 points . With Te Hennepe, Naylor and Muzzell (Ormond) getting plenty of the ball of late the Moulds should hold too many aces today, although with Spratt . Burggraaf and Murray amongst others the Rovers will make the Monds fight every inch of the way .
Old Ivanhoe have the bye. NAME
UNDER 19/1 36 O'Keefe St Kevins 35 Old Xaverians Dozey 34 Smith Old Brighton 33 Marcellin Shhehan 25 Cations Old Scotch 25 Mansfield St Bernards UNDER 19/2 Ferarri Beaumaris 3 47 Morris Mazenod 9 47 Forrest Old Essendon 3 35 Hanlon Old Halleybury 0 28 Quincy Ormond 5 28 UNDER 19/3 Strickland Old Paradtans 9 37 Ryan Old Camberwell 5 35 P:atsanevakis Old Carey 2 34 Angus Old Carey 6 33 Callavetta Whitefriars 0 32 UNDER 19/2 BLU E
Krotfil Bentleigh 12 39 Grace Monash Blues 0 36 Gilbert Monash Blues 2 33 Little Mentone 1 33 Beddingfleld Monash Blues 0 3 2 UNDER 19/2 RED 4 43 Sierakowski MHSOB 5 26 Fraczok MHSOB 4 21 Verga Bulleen Templestowe 2 21 Silk Old Xaverians 3 19 A . Mitcell St Bernard s
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Melburnians v . Caulfield Grammarians Old Scotch v. De La Salle St Kevins v . Old Brighton Marcellin v . Old Xaverians University Blues v . St Bernards UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Mazenod v. Old Trinity Werribee v . Old Halleybury C4 TUF GAAATFI IQ
SECTION 3 A crucial match between Therry Penola and Whitefriars takes place today with tlle loser likely to wave goodbye to any chance of competing in finals . Both teams did not begin well and of recent times the Friars form has tapered off . At home the Friars do perform well, however with injury concerns and a less than convincing June return TP will start favourites and return across town with the points . Old Carey had to battle hard last time against Uni . Blacks. This time the form of OC is far superior to the Students and will see them over the line convincingly. Old Camberwell and Rupertswood clash for the first time in 2002 after the yVeliers forfeited last time around . Rupo are by no means safe in the four, nor the Wellers, with a win today suring up either teani s chances of September action . The Wellers through Schmidt. Shanks and Ryan have plenty of avenues to goal and a solid defence, for mine they will prevail by two majors . North Old Boys travel to Bundoora to take on Old Paradians and seek revenge for last time tlley met . A slow start by NOBS last time around was costly and with Keenan, the Ryans and Lias in good touch OP's will not have it all their own way - but at home OP's by three majors . St. Leos Emmaus went down to Yarra Valley last time around by one kick and despite recent form indicators pointing directly at a Bushrangers win I feel Fox. Landy and Fraser will make certain the Animals register their second Will
Old Ivanhoe - bye Old Essendon v. Beaumaris Ormond v . Hampton Rovers UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Whitefriars v . Therrv Penola University Blacks v. bid Carey at Melbourne Uniueisity, Main Oval Old Carnbenvell v. Rupertswoocl Old Paradians v . North Old Boys St Leos Emmaus v . Y'arra Valley
UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Bentleigh - bye . Monash Blues v. Oakleig h St Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Mentone Panthers De La Salle (2) v . AJAX UNDER-19 (2) RE D
Aquinas v. Bulleen Ternplestowe Old Westbourne v . St Bernards (2) Old Xaverians (2) La Trobe University MHSOB v . Williamstown CYMS to b e played at 6.30 p.m. on Friday night at MHSOB
UNDER 19 SECTION I CAULFIELD 2.3 6 .7 9.9 11.10 (76) ST BERNARDS 1 .4 5 .7 7.12 10.15 (75) Caulfield: Duncan 3, Niven 2, Frost 2, Jones . Murphy . Glass, 0'Hoy. Best: Foley, Litfford, Glass . Jones. Fagan, Lawson .
St Bernattis: Goullet 4. Mansfield 2 . Crockett, Calleja, Harris. Best: Campbell . Matthews. Maggiore, Johnson, Callege. Umpi res: N . Evans. M . Meier (F )
DE LA SALLE 3.1 7 .5 11 .6 16.7 (103) OLD MELBURNIANS 3.1 4 .3 4.6 6 .8(44) De La Salle: Naughen 6 .Walnuley 2,Oakley 2,Qtdnane 2, Mitchell, Lowlier, Alderuccio, Skums. Best Aldenieeio, Quunarre, Naughtin, Haves- Mitchell . Molan. Old RSelhumlans: Turner 3, Malone. Mathtes, Webb . Best- Harictiefte, Turner, Tucker, Ray, Leggee, Faulkner. Umpires : R . Benson, T. Hattsen (F) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .2 3.10 4 .11 6.17 (53) OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 2 .2 3.9 3.10 (28) Old Brightom ti'arnock 2 . J.Salem, Edge . Gadsden, Hughes . Best: Warnock. Hughes, Mccoivatt, Gadsde, Edge . Aburrow. Old Scotch : Thompson 2, Goodfellow . Best: Reid, Auriel-Sntith, Drunaresq, Goodfellow, Thompson . Sheldon . Umpires : P. Rapke, G. Morgan (F) . J . Gregory, J. Patrick (B) OLD XAVERL9NS 1 .3 6.6 10.7 11.7 (73) ST HEMS 3 .2 3.5 5.7 11.8 (74) Old Xaverlans: Doxey 6, Hulett 2, Heeley 1 . O'Meara 1, Santamaria 1 . Best : Higgins . Ryan . Hall, Hulett. Santamarta, Scanlan . St Kevins: Gissing 4 . Kempton 2,Ham)lton 1. Holland 1 . Liberatore 1 . O'Keefe 1 . Pope 1 . Best: Simpson. Kempton, Undenvrood, Mount . Grant, G'u,esing. Umpires : D . Dinneen, G . Rolls (F), P. Wltitehead (G) MARCELL IN 2 .2 10.4 14.5 18.12 (120) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .0 5.2 9 .9 10.11 (71) Marcellin: Sheehan 6, Wadsworth 3, Coghlan 3, Fioretua 2, Addison 2 . Farrelly 1, Dorbello 1 . Best: Dignai, Derbollo, )3eayani, Fiorenza, Sheehan . Gibson .
University Blues: Her be rt 2, Meagher 2 . McKerrow 1, McPhail 1, Sibley 1, Couper 1, Rice 1, Bradley 1 . Best: Catneron, Grigg, Gibson . Meagher. Kuig, Wilson . Umpires : P. Hoffman, D . W"indlow (F). R. Benson (J) (B) UNDER 19 SECTION 2 OLD TRINITY 6 .2 7.3 8 .8 11 .15 (81) HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .3 5.7 6 .7 7.8(50) O ld Trinity : Hillas 3, Hill 2 . McDonald, Gordon, Crawford. Stebbins, Aitken . Pretty. Best: Healy. Gordon, Gibson. Stebbins . Coxon, Davies. Hampton Rovers: McCallum 4. Burggraaf7. Ellis. Laing. Best: Seletto, Giasoium . McCarthy, McCallum, JoNv'ett . Spratt.
Umpires : A. Simpson (F), J. Whitespear. L. Dalton (F ) OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .0 4.1 5 .2 11 . 6(72) MAZENOD 9 .0 11 .6 15 .10 20.13 (133) Old Haazleylrury: Archer 2, Chipperfield 2. Erikson 2, Glanville 2, V.a.xinan 2, Baker. Best- Waxrnan, Baker, Mosbey, Kunpton . Erikson, M . Jones. Mazenod : C . Morris 9 . B. Kennedy 4, Devlln 2, B. Morris 2, Castriaun, DuOhil, Powell . Best : Castricmn. McKay, Stanley . C. Morris . Duthil. Hallet . Umpires : J . Asp'viall, M. Buxton (F) BEAUMARIS 4.8 8.9 11 .14 18.19 (127) OLD IVANHOE 1.2 4.5 5 .5 8B(56) Beuumaris Collins 4, Rawlins 3, Ferrari 3, Boreham 2, Berrv 2, Croft . Windebatilc, Wilson, M. Irons. Best: Buckley, Fady . Collins, Wilson M . Berry . Pall. Old Ivanhoe: D'uiakis 2, Alagona 2, Blayney. Mendola. O'Dwyer, Bryant Best D'utalds, Nielson, Blayney, Ge-orgiou . Bryant, Snell . Umpires: M. Morrison (R) (F), J . Nicholson. J. Le Breton (B) OLD ESSENDON 0.2 5.4 8 .7 12.10 (82) ORMOND 1 .6 4.8 8.11 11 .11 (77) Old Essendon : Balloch 4, Forrest 3, Dawson 2, Flaherty . Mav .Cerantonio . Best : May. Wilson, Cerantonto- Mezo . Velardo, Flaherty- Ormond: gurney 5 . Arnold 2 . Te Hemnepe, Wells, OBrien, Cook. Best: Naylor, Franklin . Cove, Lerner, Rogash, Wells . Umpires: B. Knott . D. D'Altera (FI . L . Pipe. R. Goodman (B) UNDER 19 SECTION 3 THERRY PENOLA 6.4 10.6 18 .9 24.13 (157) YARRA VALLEY 7 .3 14 .5 15 .8 18 .8 (116) Theory Pearls : Not received . Va Yarns lley: Not received . Umpires: B . Woodhead. B. Woodhead (F) . M. Slodyczka, P. Xuereb (B) OLD CAREY 8.7 14 .13 19.14 24 .17(161) WIBTEFRIARS 2 .1 4 .7 10.8 15 .10 (100) Old Carey: Foster 9, Angus 6, Adam 3, Katsartevis 2, Stewart-Holnr€s 2, O'Reilly, Sirrsan. Best: Trumbull, Andrelvs, Davey . O'Reilly. Angus, Foowr, Whitefiiars: Brosolo 4. Divirgilio 3. Wallace 2. Morrison 2 . Hill. Nunan.
Eames, Hemse=<y. Best: Brosolo, R ;. V.~ llace. Difalco, Kerman, .lRurphy. Umpires: A FyGe (F ) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .1 2.4 2 .5 4.7(31) OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .1 5.8 12.11 16,14 (110) North Old Boys: Dalton, Davidson, Carlton, Ruff 1 . Best: D. Ryan, Sheehan, West, Dobson, Perrv. Davidson.
Old CamberwelL• Ryan 5. Tempone 3, Shanks. Pike 2, Weaver, Whelan, Schmidt Payue. Best : Weaver, Schnudt, Shanks, Hogan, Birrell, Rodgers . Umpires: M . Forde, D . Murray (F) OLD PARADIANS 3 .3 11 .7 16.15 21 .19 (145) ST LEOS•EMMAUS 0 .2 1 .3 3 .3 4.4 (28) Old Paradians : S Strickland 9, Dean 2, O'Meara 2, Hewed 2, Haves, Dnmunond, Spuioso. McKay, Hughes, Duncan. Best: Dean, Hayes, Hughes, S Strickland, O'Meara, McKay. St Le os-Emmaus: Hollands, Kelly, Brookes, Wilkinson . Best: Logan. Fox. Iaudy. Ballard, Fullarton. Varney .
Umpires: S. Scully (F), S. Movlan . B . Movdan (B) UNDER 19/BLUE BENTLEIGH 7.3 14 .8 23.13 34 .20 (224) DE LA SALLE 0.0 1 .1 2.3 3 .3(21) Bentleigh: T. Krotofil 12, Robertson 7, K . Murphy 6, H. McKenzie 2. Taranto, . Wright, Dimachki R . Murphy, Pereira Wilson, Aitken . Best: Robertson, R . Murphy, Lee- K. Murphy, H . McKenzie, T. Krotolll . De La Salle: li'alton 3. Best: Walton. S. Smyth . Thompson, K. Smyth, Nicholas. Henersey .
Umpires : D. Stephens (F) . B. Stephens . L. Pell IG) MONASH BLUES 3.5 4 .5 8.12 8.13 (61) ST BEDES RiENTONE 1.4 5 .5 7.6 11.10 (76) Monash : Fairley2, Gllberl2, I-lickey2, Rowley, Turton . Best: Nevill, Hickey, Morris, Francis, Turton, Huggins .
St Belles: Scafidl 5, Moss, Waters, McMurray . Best: Scafidi .moss, 0aters,McMurray, Grasby, Connolly . Umpires : G. Curran (F) AJAX 2.1 4 .1 5.4 8 .8(56) MENTONE PANTHERS 5.8 11 .12 18.13 22.19 (151) AJA%: Yudelman 3 . Landberg 2 . A Lewis 2, Nissen. Best : A Lem-is, Silberman, Goldbloom, A Wollner, Krasnostein . Rose.
Mentone: Meyer 6, Cochrane 6 . Clare 3. A9tualsky 2, Date 2 . Regan, Little, Russo Best: Mihtalsky, Cochrane, Meyer, Russo . Hamtlton, Date. Umpires : D . Whiteley (F) UNDER 19/RE D BULLEEN TEMPI.ESTOWE 1.3 3 .6 6.10 9.13 (67) MHSOB 3.4 7 .8 11 .13 15.18 (108) Bulleen Temp: Verga 4 .Ganiatsas 2, Scaglione, S.Dipasquale . T .Dipasquale . Best: Milialos, W`llkie, Newman, Jorgenson . Benic. GaniaLsas, Miritis. MHSOB: Fraczek 5. Sierakowski 4, Trenes 2, Bowen, Hollenberg, Sluchi . W'hltettouse . Best: Blau, Fraczek, Middleton . Ternes, Learmont, Raleigh . Umpires: T. Lilley (F) ST BERNARDS (2) 1.3 2 .4 6.6 11 .8 (74) AQUINAS 2.5 3 .6 4.8 5.11 (41) St . Bernards : A. Mitchell 3 . C. Mitchell . Joesph, Egan, Ryan, D'Arcangelo, McManus . Best: Ryan. Hurley. Hughes, A. Mitchell. Evans, Levides . Marina. Aquinas: Appley 2, Twoomey, Pierce, Stafford Best : Parker, Alford, tt7tite . Pringle.
Umpires : G. Roberts (F ) OLD WESTBOURNE 0.3 3 .8 5.11 10.12 (72) OLD XAVERIANS(2) 4.2 4 .2 5.5 7.6(48) Old Westtaourne: Pilsburv 3 . Pavez 2, Gerace, Merritiveather. Vaughatt . Stein, Dean . Best:1'Jalker. Naidu . Neville, Cabalo . Gerace, Johnstone. Old Xaverians: Harley 2, Filk 2 . Armstrong, Nolan . Outhred. Best: Dymon . Arnistrong. Rogers . Nlartin. Oudired, Freer .
Umpires: A Shiels (F), J. Talavera, D . Melder (G) WILLIAMSTOWN CYi,iS 1 .0 4.1 4.2 5.7(37) LATROBE UNIVERSITY 5.4 9.6 17.10 23.13 (151) Williamstown CYMS: Rowland . McCutcheon . Koch, Bell, DiGrazia. Best : Jarnsz, Mizzi. Starpins. Koch, Hall, Taylor. Latrobe University : Slater 10, McDonald 3, Butler 3. Millar 2 . Place. Hogan . Neild . Paul. Iaidlaw. Best : Clarke, Slater, Hogan. Davis. Hosk[ng. Keane. Umpires: G. Skandaktmnar (F)
Patrons are not )ermitted to bring Alcohol into Efstern wick Park or Any VAFA Venue.
Coach: Denis Bilston
Coach: Chris Mathieso n 1 Napier B 2 Foster T 3 Gerrand T
1 C . Mitchell 3 J. Hughes 4 M. Roberts 5 E. Sims-Lucas 6 P. Bourke 8 T. Woodlock 9 A . Skinns 10 B . Oakley 11 D. Browning
4 Schneider L 5 Scott B 6 Townsend M 7 Fagan C 8 Aylen T 9 Frost W 10 Crathem G 11 Carboni B 12 Schattner D 13 Rowlings J 15 Jenkinson S 16 Niven J 17 Linford R 18 O'hoy B 19 Franklin-Jones T 20 Trigg M 21 Young P 22 Lawson A 23 Margiannis M 25 Dorman N 26 Colosimo G 27 Grigg M 28 O'Niell C 32 Argyros S 37 Jess Z 39 Glass I 52 Sinclair A
12 T. Moan 14 S . Byers 16 M . Hayes 18 L Williams 19 A. Roberts 20 S. Brown (C)
21 B. Quinane
22 M. NaughSn 25 R . Walmsley 26 R . Sherman 27 B . Pedula 30 T. Nicholas 33 C . Rice 35 J . Hennessy 41 A . Sloman 42 M . Nankervis 44 A. McLeish 49 D. Pinwell 50 D. Alderuccio 54 L. Johnston
::l>'.RC ELL, :'
Coach : Gavin Walsh
Coach : Richard Obee 1 L. Ross
3 N . Addison 4 L . Considine 5 C . Moran 6 B. Billingham 7 D . Armstrong 8 L. Money 10 A . Dale 11 M. Voska 12 D. Beattie 13 T. Zappulla 14 D. Salce 15 R. Hayne 16 M . Doyle 17 P. Farrelly 18 B. Carmody 19 N. Brown 20 E. Weeks 21 T. Sheehan 22 J. Neal 23 M. Chong
2 N . Gambia 3 S . Jackson 4 M . Franklin 5 M . Ryan 6 L. Dale 7 D . Meade 8 B. Gadsden 9 A. Clarke 10 J . Hogarth 11 C . Adamis 12 S. Eastgate 14 E . McCowan 15 A . Thistlethwaite 16 C . Tootell 17 B . Furzer 18 A . Salem 19 J . McCowan 20 W. Leaf 21 T. Marshall 22 T. Lamb 23 B. Aburrow 25 P. Smith 26 B. Finlayson 28 N . Williams 29 B. Richardson 30 E . McCowan 31 A . Paroissien 32 W. Williamson 34 T. Gibson
24 K. Bandon 25 M. Mastores 26 C . Dignan 27 J . Wise 28 J . Toohey 29 A . Schoepman 30 D. Carson 40 S . Welch 43 B . Wignell 45 C. Beayni
Your Flexibl lexibleeF Workforc e
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : Owen Lalo r 1 J . Knigh t 2 E. Townsing 3 E. Tucke r 4 G . Kauye 5 N. Guy (C) 7 S. Haran 8 J. Ray 9 J. O'Dwyer 10 G . Rolleston 11 C . Burgess (VC) 12 R . Faulkne r 13 W. McDonald 15 R . Hetheringto n 17 S . Guest 18 W. de Fegely 21 R. Matthews 22 A. Rush 23 N. Robinson 24 R . Galbraith 30 J. Miller 32 C . Hanchette 34 J. Beaumon t 36 B. Whitechurch 37 E. Matthies 38 T. Le Goo 40 B . Wulff 42 B . Faulkne r 44 O. Webb 45 E . Ryan 48 D. Littl e
E• ~~~
44 R. Fisher
hu 5 Sons ~ W
Coach : Mark Donovan
Coach (1) : Peter Callihan
Assist: David Hughes 1 A. Grant 2 M. Walkom (VC) 4 A. Sutherland 5 C . Swan 6 M. Moffatt 7 J . Spraque 8 E. Reid 9 S . Daniher 10 W. SYmington 11 A . Wilkinson 12 A. Philaiay 13 W. Lewis C S} {VC} 14 R. Teasdae 15 S . Cations 16 D . Jenning s 17 M . Gair 19 S. Taft 20 N . Parkinso n 21 L. Thompson 22 L . Kitchen 23 T. Munro 24 S. Dumaresq 25 C. Logan 26 A. Quai l 28 A. JoYce 30 G. Prendergast 31 M . Clinc h 32 R. Fullerton 33 C . Purnell 34 T Moloney 36 J . Sheldon 38 M . Raymer 42 A . Brookes 44 T. Aurel Smith
56 C . Tallent
66 A . Routledge 75 S . Troo n 99 B. Goodfellow
Coach : Peter Foster
ST KEVIRS O .D . Coach: Brian Brown
U N IVERSITY BLUES Coach : Tim Gile s
Coach (2): James Fay 1 Fox A
2 Hulett S 3 Pasceri J 4 Santamcia C
5 Leonceui T 6 Furletti D
7 Harry K a Cato C
9 Barre tt A
10 Highs D 11 Ba~CerT 12 Bowen A 13 Williams 8
14 Scanlan A9 15 O'Meara T
16 Rogan T 17 Glynn P 18 Lynch T 19 PlcKinie A 20 Triaca Cv
21 Smallwood p 23 rRioian 0 24 Halt K 25 Bryce M 26 Conrc~e w 27 a~ctaren R 26 White J 29 Craokneu M 30 Ireland G 31 Corrigan T 32 Hardwick J 33 Ford D 34 Jones A 3s Sapup~r0 J 37 Bongomo D
38 Trescow,hck J 39 Freer s 4~ RQ~ySR 42 Deehan A 43 Rogers M 44 tans N 45 SmithAJ 46 Doxey 47 Camera 0
48 elstey M
49 Dynon J
50 Stens M 51 Naughton M AAdATFI
1 C . Burns 2 S . Neeson 3 N . Thomas 4 M . Walsh 5 J . Smith 6 A . Matthews 7 N . Thomas 8 J . Anderson 9 A. Mitchel 10 R. James 11 S . Glen n 12 J . Madden 13 L . Mansfield 14 N . Serrano 15 A. Crockett 16 B. Gart h 17 A . Anderson 18 L . Fielding 19 N . Basarab a 20 A . O' De a 21 D . Elliot 22 S . Campbel 23 D. James 24 B . Callega 25 C. Govan 26 F. Mastropasqua 27 P. Harris 28 C . Kuenan 29 S. Kilkenny 31 D . Heskett 32 J. Harvey
33 A . Marian
39 J . Hughes 40 M . Maggiore 42 S . Matthews 43 S . Mitchell 44 K . Walker 45 B . Johnson 47 M . Hooper 49 D. McManus IR
1 J. Dempsey 2 T. Duggan (C) 3 L. Giansiracusa (VC) 4 J. P. Mount 5 J . O'Keefe 7 P. Murray 9 T. Simpson (VC) 10 D. Mahoney 11 J . R an 12 P. Kempton 13 N. Hutton 14 A. Hamilto n 16 C. Didilis 17 D. Makohon 18 D. Prio r 19 C . Underwood 20 W. Dunn 22 G . Hollan d 23 L. Sierakowsk i 24 E. Waldron 25 A . Mulkearn s 26 M . Shanno n 27 P. Aughton 29 S . Mount 30 P. Ghou9assia n 32 B . Hughes 33 S . O'Connor 34 S . Mitchell 36 J . Coates 38 R. Chard 42 A. Grant 43 W. Gullifer 46 C . Wilkinson 53 M. Hauser • Simpson Constructions • • Discnsource Australia • • RED EAGLE Hotel •
Quadric -
1 Millar A (C ) 2 Nicholls (C ) 3 Rankin T 4 Trail N 5 Tanner J(VC) 6 Sibley S 7 Young R 8 Morgan B 9 Jensen R 10 Medlin T 11 Heathcote N 12 Jacobs R 13 Ihle T 14 Rice N 15 Moore L 16 Bennett C 17 Maddison N 18 Butko P(VC) 19 Provis A 20 Gallery M 21 Wood J 22 Herbert L 23 Bradley C (VC ) 24 John E 25 Matthews J 26 McKerrow J
27 Hatswell D
28 Howson A 29 Chamberlain T 30 Derrij F 31 Mcphail D 32 Gibson S 33 Steame R 34 Touhey M 35 Sondhu P 36 King J 38 Wilson A ?n0?
U1 2
BEAUMARIS Coach: Mick Deaton 1 P. Irons 2 L. Mulquiney 3 M . Eady 4 T. Shugg 5 B . Bird 6 D. Gargaro 7 S . Lynch 8 S. Croft 9 S. Wilso n 10 C . Buckley 11 T. Fitzgerald 12 C. Collins 13 G. Tuck 14 P. Berry 15 A . Edge 16 T. Groves 17 C. Evans 18 J. Windebank 19 S . Doukas 20 R . Dew 23 T. Waolnou 9h 24 D . Gillespie (DVC) 25 B. Bowke r 26 S. Wilson 27 T Boreham 29 L. Wonnacott 30 L. Ferrari (VC) 33 S . McNicholas (VC) 35 S . Lee 41 J . McGeoch A . Poll 53 R . Rawlings 55 B . Deaton (C)
Coach : Paul Curry
2 B. Carillon 3 S. Seleto 4 T. Jowett 5 A. Blake 6 C . Matthouse 8 J . Tipping 10 J . Vaughan 11 J . Almhofer 13 J . Lain g 14 S . Weaver 15 P. Cambell 16 G. Giasoum i 17 T. 18 S . BBurggraaff ~a 19 K. Spratt 20 B. Kezilas (C) 21 J. McCarthy 22 B. Henr y 23 L . Fletcher 24 R. Turnbull 25 S . Daly 27 A. Banks 28 C. Padman 29 A . Murray 30 J . Connelly 32 L. Cave 33 M . Ellis 34 D . 35 M . Terechen 37 T. Richards 39 C . Horrigan 40 B. McCallum 46 J . Almahoffer 49 B. Smith 50 J . Kelly 52 D. Hebard 58 J . LeVeque 59 S . Blangiardo 60 G . Carr
61 M . Davies 62 D .Dawes
www. ham ptonravers .com . a u
Coach: Steven King
2 A. Bay~o d 3 J. Binney 4 N . Blayney 5 A. Braddy
6 M . Bottos 7 R. Butle r 8 N. Butler
9 G . Bryan t i~ M . Coieme n 12 S . Curatolo 13 G. De Kreste r 14 P. Dinakis 15 T. Finlay i6 C . Geo iou 17 N . Giesc~nen 18 A. Grainger 19 C . Half~enny 20 I. Loug nan . ~uxon
23 M 22 S. Mcdutti e 24 J. McBride 26 M . Mendota (VC )C)
27 D. Meredit h 28 B . Met 2 9 D. Ne~son 30 K . O'Dwyer (VC ) 31 M . Pein e 32 R . Pearce 33 D . Peacock 34 R . Raffou l
35 A . Read
3 . Sheehan 37 6 K S. Snell . 38 N Theodossi 39
40 M . Verocchi
I W EES BUS LINES Dar c~~ss e ie
NZIES a 00
Real Estate Professionals
REGENCY Pharmacy 56
D .C .
HAMPT速:' R01tE['U
Coach: Dean Peters
1 Gibson T 2 Brown S 3 Aitken J(V(C) 4 McDonald E 5 Pretty 6 Russell S 7 Davies M(C(C) 8 Healy J 9 10 Hill R 11 12 Stebbins N 13 Gordon N(C1C ) 14 Troon R 15 Amore J 16 Amore S(V(C) 17 Hillas R 18 Sparsi M
19 Duell R 20 Coxon N 21 Kinross A 22 23 Parker D 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chiffy E 26 Oliver D 28 Cusamano J 29 Crawford M 34 Hider B
Coach: John LeGrand 1 A Bouchereau 2 B Kinniburgh 3 P. Fuller 4 A . Powell 5 C . Morris 6 N . McKay 7 D . Dunne 8 P. Guiliano 9 G . Massey 10 A. Filippelli 11 M . Ballenger 12 B. C. Kennedy 13 C. Agius 14 M . Powe r 15 A. Manjikan 16 M . Duthil 17 B . J. Kennedy 18 L. Del Mastro 19 A . Cook 20 M. Regan 21 D . Hanse n 22 D . Hallet 23 A. Stagliano 24 S. Castricum 25 T. Bourbon 26 L . Franks 27 B. Thomas 28 S. Devoy 29 D. Devlin 30 C. McDade 31 J . Discala 32 D. Norma n 33 B . Waldron
C_ I ESSENDOR Coach: Marshall Fisher 1 A . Frazer 2 A . Parker 3 S . Balloch 4 J. Duggan 5 W. Nunlist 6 S. Dawson 7 L. Wilson 8 S. Underwood 9 B . Hobart 10 M . Flaherty 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Harewod 13 P. Rogash 14 P. Bacas h 15 D . Forrest 16 J. Nicolas 17 J. Lloyd 18 M. Velardo 19 P. Rankin 20 T. Couch 21 D. Messo 22 J . Weidner 23 M . Leptos 24 R. Cooper 25 P. May 26 J . Hurlston 27 M . King 28 J . Di Pietro 29 D . Symon s 30 T. Hamza 33 D . Hardy y
OLD IIAILEYDUR Y Coach : Andrew Lynch
1 L. Boughton 2 G . Chipperfiel d 3 D. Shannon 4 H . McLauchlan 5 T. McLennan 6 T. Arche r 7 J. Hanlon (VC) 8 B. Duperouzel 9 A. Herrmann 10 J . Kimpton 11 C . Waxman (C) 12 P. Shakespeare 13 M . Pitt 15 R . Goodbody 16 A . Kight 17 M . Erikso n 20 C . Hayes 21 R . D' Silva 25 M . Jones 26 A. Lee 27 T. Norton 28 A. Groot 29 J . Glanville 30 C. Warfe 33 R. Mosbe y 39 A . Jones 58 A . Bake r
ORMOMD Coach : Adrian Connolly Asst Coach: Chris Thomas
1 R . Quiney 2 S. Wheller 3 M . Wood 4 C. Hassall 5 A. Clinc h 6 Y. Spivak ' 7 D. Black . Muzzell 8 J 9 J . Franklin 10 L . Wells 11 B. Arnold 12 C . Johnstone 13 J. Lon gmuire 14 S. Davis 15 B. Cromack 16 S . Missiopolos 17 P. Brown 18 M . Ramsay 19 W. Cove 20 R. Lerner 21 B . Upstill 22 B . Ralson 23 T. Naylor 24 M . Anderson 25 R . Matte r 26 D . Otte Hennepe 27 C . Domingo 28 B. Harris 29 30 A. Jirov 31 A. Bukala 32 L. O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 S. Ramsay
Coach : Steve Lovel l
1 S . Muraca 2 M . O'Donnel l 3 C . Gauchi 6 S. Kidd 7 R . Saunder s 8 C . Jack 9 Junstin Russ o 10 C. Kell y 11 C. Mahoney 12 A. Elroub y 13 S . Eisenberg. 14 J . Mason 15 A . Carson 16 C . Yasse r 17 S . Morrisey 18 N . McGuane 19 J . Bake r 20 D . Lowe 21 N . Gauch i 22 J. Purton 23 Joshua Russ o 25 A. Shepherd 27 T. Davidson 28 30 A. Borg
35 B . Slatte r
36 M . Hamilto n 44 B . Robbins
T!-IF 6RAfTCi i . CllllT- I co --
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Brendan Smales
OLD CAft !
Coach : Michael Sigalas
1 J . Williams 3 P. West 4 G . Pritchard 5 J . Dalton 6 N . Abdallah 7 C. Dobson 8 A. EI-Terifi 9 R. Davidson 10 R. Curtis 11 S . Carlton
1 M . Little 2 L. Weaver 3 N . Payne 5 P. Tempone 7 B . Ryan 8 J . Vince 9 A . Cramer 10 M . Cottrell 11 D. Pike (C) 13 M . Austin
13 M . Potton 14 R. Citroen 15 B . Young 16 J . Kendall 17 A . Heigh t 19 J .P. Matthew s 20 B . Knight 21 A . Felemonow 22 R . Kirk 23 M . Perry
17 D . Clyne (DVC) 20 J . Agotanovic 21 C. Rogers 23 H . Hogan 27 B . Hillier 30 A . Macallum 33 N . Warner 34 D . Schmidt 35 M . Shanks
12 M . Harris
24 S . Cook (C)
25 B . O'Bree 26 M . Ruff 27 B . Watt 30 A . Lias (VC) 34 H . Ryan (VC ) 36 D . Ryan 37 A .Trivsonno 39 S . McGinley 40 R . Francis 67 Y. Saad
15 A . Whelan (VC)
38 J . Pettit 39 A . Emmerson 43 T Sigalas (DVC) ry 51 S . Gegory 52 T. Nisbett 53 H . Bradshaw 54 J . Brown 55 L. Siberus eâ&#x20AC;˘ ALL EieG ~iCAL & GAS HOME APPLIAPdCES
9 8 e 7 8 0 e 1
I RE,-'ESrA, ~
Coach : Paul Gregor 1 A . Ballard (C) 2 A . Hollands (VC) 3 L. Fox 4 D . Chun 5 C. Phyland 9 T. Stephens 10 N . Carstein 11 M . Levins (dvc) 13 R. Varney 15 S . Cox 19 P. Landy (dvc) 22 N . Cullen 24 A . Haplin 27 J . Kirk 46 A . Sawitsch 74 G. Haddad M . Argus B . Crosthwaite R . Forte A . Kennedy D . Lawler
Coach: Steve Maus 1, T. Whitelaw 2. L. MacFarlane 3. D . Macdermott 4. A . Simson 5. B . Andrews 6. N . Sulman 7 . C . Adam 8 . A . Stewart-Holmes 9 . J . Booth 10 . A . Leonard 11 . D . Bowley 12 . J. Choong 13 . R . Davey 14 . C . O'Reilly 15 . J. Nankervis 16 . T. Angus 17 . T. Connell 18, N . Pump 19, C . Buchanan
20 . S. Bennett 21 . T. Rossignuolo 22 . G . Trumbull 23 . N . Katsanevakis 24 . C . Baird 25 . C . Ingham 26 . C . Bruce 27 . E. Bull 28 . S. Jacobs 29 . S. Assimo 30 . L Stolfo 31 . J. White 32 . S. Ewan 33 . M. Vardy 34 . T. Evans 35 . S. Foster
Coach: Peter Hansen Anthony Quinn 1 A . Harvey 2 A . Hughes 3 M . Lyons (DVC) 4 N . Allan 5 M . Keeling 6 R. Bux 7 D. Dean (C) 8 D. Strickland 9 N . Brundell 10 S . Strickland 11 L. Drummond 12 B . Hewett 13 S . Maher 14 J . Roberts 15 S . Egan 16 S . O'Meara (DVC) 17 S . Graham 18 M . Spinoso 19 W. Connelly 20 M . Dri 21 D. Kalviskis
22 G . Loftus
23 C. Duncan 24 B . Hayes P. Senzo 26 S . Fisiric 27 C.. McKay Bryce 28 N y 29 D. Fntone 30 D. Caple 31 T. Crotty 32 P. Gloury 33 A . Smith 35 M . "co 36 R. Villano 39 B . Youn g 40 L. Dore (VC) 42 D. Garga n 48 M . Hyde
Coach : Glenn Jowett Asst Coach : Lachlan Beato n 1 L. Crossley 2 J . Mapleson 3 A . Ross 5 S . Bloodworth 6 S . Henry 7 K . Prestidge 8 E . Duncan 9 M . Turner 10 P. Slattery 11 J . Milsom 12 S . Noelker 13 J . Black 14 M . Stewart 19 L. Nicholas 20 E . Buckingham 21 M . Bellairs 22 A . Aylett 23 T. Mayall 23 R . Westerhoff 24 C . Barter 39 D . Harris
Coach : Andy Dalrymple
1 Corrigan B 2 Goodwin T(VC) 3 O'Neil P 4 Skiathitis R 5 Ferguson D 6 Harmes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T 12 Leech S 13 Atkinson D (C) 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 16 Clifton D 17 Slawitschka J 18 Slawitschka A 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C (DVC) 21 Rizzo J
R . Mintern
22 Goodwin D
40 S . Prince
N . Romney P. Sampson
23 Caliegari D 25 Hutchinson B 27 Thompson T 28 Carroll A 29 Heane R 32 CooperJ 33 Freckleton J 34 O'Connell S 40 Brosnan J 41 Martin A 59 Robinson T
41 Z. Rudd 43 R . O'Sullivan 45 R . Scarlett 54 B . Owen 56 J . Fulle r 72 C . Stubbs 75 S . Lorensini 76 R . Whatley 77 T Brumby-Rendell
ibv ~~ o e~t s
OLD [' :'',tiAD1AUS
62 Caccamo D
1 . S . Brosolo (C) 3 . C. Ventura 5. P. Micallef (VC) 8. R. Di Falco 9. T. Nunan 10 . A . Hill (VC) 11 . A. Cursio 12 . P. Hennessy 14 . A . lacuone 17 . T. Wallace 18 . S . Phelan 21 . M . Calavetta 22 . A. Williams 25 . C. Janson 26 . A. Wenke 28 . T. Kotsopulos 29 . B . Drinkwater 32. G . Murphy 37. B . Morrison 40. A . Ston e 41 . A . Corry
42 . P. Ree s
44 . R. Eames (VC ) 55. P. Vlahandreas 65 . D. Tillig
Interstate Transport Services Pty Lt d
9396 9000
Coach: Michael Phillips 1 Ash D . 3 Albanis J . 4 Spinner L. 5 Ash N . 6 Howard R. 7 Plummer J . 8 Elliot K . 10 Wilson T. 12 Temming M . 13 Barry Bar Paul. 14 Sullivan N. 15 McGovern N . 16 Monzall R . 17 Potter C. 19 Johnson R. 20 Nolan M . 21 Assourd M . 22 Dale S. 23 Balmer V.
24 Barry Pete r 25 Anderson J . 27 Kosta M. 28 Boxall T. Jaeger R . 57 Dressler E. 58 Lane M. 59 Cerise P. 63 Silvester J . 64 Constantine B. 65 Murphy B . 71 Broughton T. 72 Watson C . 73 Arthurson M .
YARRA VALLEY Coach : Peter Battle I C . Taske r 2 A. Pargete r 3 C . Goug h 4 T. Morde n 5 B. Crowe 6 N . Peters 8 M. Rokick i 9 N . Battle 10 S. Middleton 11 B. Clark e 12 C . Britt 13 J. Ebsworth y 14 P. Ros s 15 S. Gilli n 17 J. Hume 18 P. Jarvi s 20 D . Wrigh t 25 B. Seeger
AJAX Coach: Gary Blusztein Asst Coach : Phil Rozen 1 A . Silberman 2 J . Israelsohn 3 R. Rotemberg 4 A. Lewis 5 B . Rose 6 J . Kestenberg 7 P. Bryner 8 99 L. Fette r 10 11 D . G ubereck 12 A. Silver 13 D. Rozenbes 14 D. Hershan 15 J. Gottlieb 16 J. Hain 17 J. Kagan 18 N. Bardea 19 D. Seidl 20 J . Thurin 21 D. Arousi 22 23 B . Nissen 24 A . Joffe 25 B . Goldbloom 28 J. Givoni 29 E . Rath 32 L. Peters 33 B. Yudelman 35 D. Spillberg
Coach : Kerry Murphy 1 L. Holmesby 2 N . Aitken 3 N . Dimachki 4 G . McFarlane 5 J. Robertson 6 L . Forrest 7 S. Holmesby 8 B. Holden 9 B. Hyrons B. Reid 11 J . Monk 12 T. Wright 13 D. Ferdinands 14 M . Margiannis 15 J. McKenzie 16 K . Pereira 17 H . McKenzie 18 I . Jordan 19 L. Curtis 20 M. Sidney 21 V. Maraventano 22 B. McLellan 23 M. Wilson 24 T. Krototil 25 A. Lee (C) 26 J . Sayers 27 D. Marsh 28 S. Radoni 29 D. Couniha m 30 G . V@agliano 31 L. Hogan ÂŤg
DE U.SALLE Coach : Rob Smith 1 C. Mitchell 2 M . Francis 3 T. Bellomo 4 D. Lowther 4 C. McMahon 8 L. Jarvis 9 J. Saunders 10 B . Oakley 12 S . Moloney 14 S . Byers 15 S. Smyth 16 K. Smyth 17 G. Walton 19 M. Haye s 21 J. Hennessy 23 A. Dunkerley 23 D. Nomikos 25 A. O'Shannessy 28 D. Thompson 35 S. Meehan 42 M . Sheehan 47 J . Greatorex 46 K. De Ridder 50 A . Nicholson 51 H . La Ragy 52 D . Bean
Your Flexible Worklorce
36 A Sacks 37 D. Krasnostein 39 A. Wollner 40 E. Wollner
; ;-1
42 J. Pask (C) EM-7
MONASH BLUES Coach: Dennis Grace
1 A. Murray 2 L . Kennedy
3 D. Britt
4 D. L'Huillier (C )
4 G . Chessari 5 K Cummins 6 A . Costley 8 B . Luff 9 M . Edwards 10 S. O'Donnell 11 L . Northway 12 M. Tennant 13 J. Oswald
4 S. Earl 5 C. Kokkinos 6 M . Cash 7 M . Stevenson 8 R. Symmons 9 A Visser 10 A Mulholland 11 W. Plaukovits 12 D. Sowersby
5 D. McNamara 6 B . Buck 7 P. Grasb 8 J . Morg an 9 M . Kellehe r 10 M . Hilton 11 N . Weedon 12 T. Cunningham 13 L. Jones 14 L. McMurray
13 S . Collins
15 M. O'Brie n
14 S. Cammiss 15 P. Holden 16 J. Gaal 17 S. Bando 18 J. Bunworth 19 A. Ciavarella
15 T. McCol l 16 S. Birol 19 A. Paterson 20 M . Ferri s 22 N. Worsnop 23 J . Lynch
33 L. Beddingfield
20 N . Wills
34 G. Rowley 35 M . Sharkie 36 A . Hickey 39 D. Taylor
21 J . Briggs 22 T. Orchard (VC) 23 D. Zula 24 J . Reynolds
42 S . Young 43 L. Smith 44 S. Grace 50 S. Morr7s 61 M. Spence 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton
25 J . Nevezie (C) A. Hanson M . Jordan M . Cummings
23 M~. Du~ an 25 B. Laneg 26 A. Rock 27 B. Hall 28 T. Kendal l 29 R. ironmonger 30 D. Hizhmikov 31 M . Byrne 32 K. Regan 33 P. Hardman 34 T. Costello 35 T. Smit h 36 G. Mora n 37 B . Kaplan 38 R . Bitner 39 M . Basile
R ~--' ~j
MENTONE RS.L. 9 Palermo Si . Llenton c Function Room * Restaurant Pokres 9583 284 1
Coach: Glenn Alford 1 M . McGettigan 3 G . Cleary
3 L. Fechner
16 T. Huggins 19 G . Gilbert 20 J . Fairley 23 P. Nevill 24 A. Francis 31 H. Evans
Coaches : Dean Andrew & Sven Samil d I M. Meyer 2 S. Sulliva n 3 D. O'Connor 4 G . .Nla n 5 G . Shatiock 6 N. Fishe r 7 D. Clarke 8 K. Little 9 M . Watt s 10 A. Erskine 11 M . May 12 t Mitvalsky 13 M . Hayes 14 C. Schloeffel 15 D. Fava 16 D. Russo 17 J . Date 18 A . Kiantos 19 S . Hamilto n 20 P. Krings 21 D. Kelly 22 J. Pool e
Coach: Chris Moore
1 S . Chapman 2 C. Jones
14 G . Roney
24 L. Cieslak (VC) 25 C. Connolly 26 L. Terrel l 27 D. Waters 28 M . Andrews 31 D. Moss 36 A . Walstab 39 J. Pe t rov ic 41 R . Bignel l 48 A . Scaftd i (j~GUt~J(!l/ Pl`PnPSj!(~ ( FC O
BUXTON Real Estate
Coach : Jerome Jackman
Coach : Terry McEvoy Coach : Harry Harisiou I M. Benic 2 D. Buccachio 3 R . Burns 4 R . Carrucan 5 G . Taylor 6 P. Ganiatsas 7 M. Daskalou 8 R . Conte 9 F. Paola 10 J. Hassan 11 M. Hennessey 12 B. Jorgensen 13 G . Keranidopoulos 14 A. Nichol 15 G . Macrides 16 A. March 17 P. Margin 18 R . Lee 19 A. Mihalos 20 J . Newman 21 L. Mason 22 P. Hardinge 23 N . PaPaziakas 24 J . Paraskeva 25 M. Perri 26 J . Ryan 27 N . Scaglione 28 W. Collis
1 L. Toomey 2 T. White 3 R. Kogelman 5 A. Boland 6 L. Stafford 7 C. Crozier 8 R. Wilson 9 P. Sorace 10 D. Weegberg 11 L. Pierce 12 A. Pringle 13 V. Hall 14 B . Cooper 15 N. Sturma 16 L. Gardiner 17 M . Adams 11 B . Beech M . Parker 13 S . Dornom 21 P. Scognamillo 25 J . McMullen 28 S . White D. Alford 30 J . Tapply 33 P. Stone 56 G . Cameron 74 D. Dew
1 D. Learmont-Walker 2 M . Brain (VC) 3 D. Henzi 4 P. McGrath 5 B . Geveaux 6 J . Raleigh 7 T. Wogan-Browne 8 0. Henzl 9 R. Ternes 10 M . Bowen 11 C. Eva 12 S . Fole y ( DVC ) 13 D. Fox 14 R. Read 15 T. Fraczek (Capt) 16 J . Robertson 17 D. Slucki 19 A. Edwards 20 G . Saultry ry 21 S . Sierakowski 22 D. Nguyen 23 J . Sprague 24 C. Villani 25 D. Hollenberg 26 T. Middleton 27 G . Blau 28 B . Ramsay 29 A . Orchard 30 J . Davi s 31 T. Cousland 32 N . Adcock 33 R. Whitehouse
Coach : Tony Christofull i 13 T. Luderman 16 P. Farrant 25 S. Brooks 31 M . Fanning 40 R . Slate r 58 T. Duggan 59 R . Butcher 60 M . McDonal d 61 J. Neild 62 M . Paul l 63 J. Laidlaw 64 P. Marozzi 67 A . Place 68 S. Davi s 69 J. Han k 71 M . Millar 72 D . Butle r 73 R . Hoskin g 74 N . Milla r 75 S. Gellert 76 H . Davies 77 P. Ham 78 C . Kne e 79 C . Kean e
~ .I `„ -
34 S . Moore 35 R. Cassel l
'. _
UP Fa bri cato rs All Home Loan s CID W E E"~~~~
. _-_
Coach : Cliff Lever
Asst Coach : Lee Johnston
1 B . Gerace 2 K. Lawson 3 A. Maluccio 4R R. Cabalo 5 G. Walker 6 B . Payne 7 F. Pavez 8 H. Hodgson ( C) 9 D. Nikola 10 J . Braham 11 R. Stein 12 P. Johnsto n 13 T. Best 14 D. Hudson 15 D. Ollenbuttel 16 N. Dean 17 D. Taylor 18 T. Vaughan 19 D. Corp 20 A. Mokrusch 21 L. Hudson (C) 22 A. Glen 23 M . Pilsbury 24 P. Neville 25 J . Chamberlaine an R. Naidu 27 M . Monohan 28 D. Ball 29 B . Merriweather 30 E . Sandstrom
~PM CI ~ 1P.P ® - ..
._~ . . . . . . _ .
ST. _
OLD XA1 Coach (1): Peter Callinan Coach (2) : James Fay 1 F. A 2 Hulett S ' 3 Faces" J 4 Santamo .a C 5 LeaneeAi T 6 Futter, D
7 Harry K
8 Oato C 9 BanettA
Higgins D
111 2
Baker 7 Bowen A
1 3 wanams S
Scanlan M 14 OMearaT 15
1 6 Ro ganT 17 Glynn P 78 L nch T
tg n ~y A 20 Tnaca C
21 Smaiiwaod P 22 Ryan P
23 24 25
Nolan C
Hall K B ryce M
26 Conine w 27 Mclaren R
28 Wh ite J 29 Cracknen M
30 Ireland o 3z Har~ ac k J
34 Je~zsOA j 3s Santamana 36 SaPupo D 37 Borrg¢rnio D 38 TresarNhicic J
39 40
Freer S Harle Ross sR 42 Deehan A 43 Ro~ers M 44 Lar ms N 45 Smith J
46 Doxet A 47 Camera D 48 Esle y M
Gg Dynon J 50 Smells M 51 Naughton M
W3L1 :: . ~ ~ ]
Coach: David Law
F. Mastropasqua
1 A. Bartoi o
Coach : Ma tthew Imm s
2 D. Hurley 3 J . Anderson 4 C. Mitchell 5 J . Hughes 7 B . Runnals 8 S . Matthews 9 D. Evans 10 B . Garth 11 A . Marian 12 J . Madden 13 L. Thomas 14 B . Ryan 15 G . Joseph 16 P Oxenford 17 G . Campbell 18 M . Maggiore 19 P Keogh 20 A . O'Dea 22 A . Mitchel 23 D. Iannazzo 24 L. Levides 25 C. Govan 32 J . Harvey 34 M . Walsh 36 S . Cox 38 J . Egan 44 K . Walker 45 B . Johnson 49 D. McManus
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. McCutcheo n B. Elliot t B. Koch D. Pawlowsk i D. Mizzi F. Lura I . Arandez
- .,
9 J. Spragu e 10 J. Bennett 11 t Digrazi a
12 ~. Coppe r 13 L. Pilling 14 M. Brai n
15 P. Starpins 16 P. T rchet t 17 R . Ashcroft 1s S. M cFadyen
19 S. Freeman 20 T. Bell 2 1 M. Browne
22 M. Cini 23 T. Clements 24 B. Davies 25 S. Dunn 26 M. Fox
27 L. Gou d 28 N . Graha m
29 B. Gra~
31 J. Henderso n 32 J. Henderson 33 F. Henry 34 L Henry
35 F . Hodges
~ r, _--
36 D. Jag D 37 L . Keat in g 38 S. Mahe r 39 J. Majerni k 40 C. Perra 41 G . Ramsay 42 M. Reid 43 44 45 46
S. Rendell S. Rot h C.Sandri M Shiell
47 J Spring e r 48 A Tomkms
~-~ f_
:® Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m
. C 0 F1 1
For news vi?ws and nreviews. Mop to
from 6.30pm Then to LOC,... for reports and a c 111-time score servic e
sl, "in tune y, -* V A "s z.L,s 1_ , ~ Scores, chat a nd news of lo c: VAFA teams between 5 . 00 -6 .15pm each Saturday n ight.
VF.Fi® SU1 9 .14 - 10.30 a.m. TUNE IN 9 .30 EACH SUNDaY . : : .- . : 1= R BENNY GOODMA N AND TOMMY €3RAI1 _ _ - ? VAFA NEW S
This weeks auest,
' IFA Executive)
, Old Para (D2) , S wICK
N orth Br .
.wa t_
• ck, Rupertswood (D4) .
REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UA FA ,
T': ? Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron o~s writes B' )ut Saturday VAFA matches, . s t112 - - 1 y, Match of the Day and Pau l ;y •eviews co : npetition in Monday's Age in his c(,- , . Town & Couratty .
by L t~r~4~ Sca :,orouJh w . L t L guests frctrre . . . S t Bernards, St Iievins (A) , Old Essendon, Old Paradians, T herry Penola (B), L, ,robe Uni (I) Bj, West Brunswick (D3), North Brunswick, Rupertswood (D4 ) P' "";: Friday 7.00-8 .00 pm - Includes w eekly chat on all matters 1AFA.
~~~~ ~
Weekend Ga = .'®
A -1
, I
!11 :, 1/4 has thro SLigE Norm Nugent D3 Gavan Flower D4
$18' down lead a:'
LC,ST ; . cc4 l u~. _ 2 . 4
Tom Brain C 5 Barry Hickey D1 5 Peter Williamson D3 2 G~ Brad Beitzel A 3 Ed Sill D3 2 Damian Carroll B 4 Tony Miller U19-1 0 32T Luke Derbyshire D2 0, 2 "
(J U ' -I - _% ; G 1.; :>l) This weelL. . Rnd 12 Sat July 6 Elsternwick V Monash Gryphons
Sun July ? Old Xaverians V Old Trimly Rnd 13 Sat July 13 Mazenod V Old Melburnians Sun July 14 FIDA Matches
Rnd 13 Sat Julv 20 St Bernards V MHSOB Sun July 21 VAFA (U19) V DVFL - 11 .15am VAFA (U 19) V VCFL - 2pm
End 14 Sat Julv 27 Hampton Rovers V Old Haileybury Sun July 28 St Kevins V MHSO B
- __, , . _<_ . ._ .
L ATE SCORES First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100) . Reserves/C18 failure to SenioWU19 failure to phone scores by 230pm provide final scores by 5pm Old Mentonians (R) Peninsula (S ) St. Mary's (R) St. Mary's (S) Old Essendon (C) Therrv Penola (U) De La Salle (C ) Old Xaverians (2) (C) Phoned incorre ct scores Rd2 0 Old Melburnians (U), St. Kevins (U), Yarra Valley
dJ 13 SEC Tid1N ., today.
j> 0>
SECTION BLUE Monash host the Krushers who should be refreshed after their week's rest, but I can't see them getting past the Blues when at home . AJAX should get back on the winning list with a decisive win over De La . The match of the round sees St. Bedes host the Mentone Combine at Brindisi St, 3rd plays the ever-closing Panthers . In an upset . Mentone should get over the Tigers to stake their claim on fourth position .
Bentleigh has the bye . SECTION RED Aquinas will be seething after letting St . Bernards (2) off the hook last week, so look out Bulleen Templestowe today . Although I might add Harry's Bullants will be no pushover with Verga, Lee and Newman giving their all weekly, but today the Bloods will prevail with the likes of Alford, Stone and Beech in good touch . St . Bernards (2) gave Old 4Vestbourne a nice old welcome last time around, and while today's result will be in favour of the Bernies the margin will be a lot closer, given the v6'arriors improved form .
Old Xaverians (2) host La Trobe Uni and in doing so must win to keep their faint hope of playing finals alive . Freer, Barrett and Cato (Old Xaverians) will prove handfuls for the Students, who have their own guns in Davies and McDonald . On recent form the Students for mine today. MHSOB take on Williamstown CYMS underlights at the High School this Friday. Akhou h a Gulls win would be an upset they will give a keen account of themselves and make the High earn their victory . 62
Rnd 15 Sat Aug 3 No Game Rostered Sun Aug 4 FIDA Matches
Rnd 16 Sat Aug 10 Ormond V Mazenod Sun Aug 1 I Club XVIII Prelim
_:~. RES_ti .iS T~ " T r e - ; ~12 .2902 David L'Huillier, St. Bedes Mentone Tigers (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches. Lachlan Smith, Monash Blues (Under-19) . Failed to appear, 2 matches . * Ben Corin, De La Salle . Striking, 2 matches . * Justin Tolley, Oakleigh . Striking, 2 matches . * Daniel Schmidt, Old Camberwell (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches . * Chris Keay, Therry Penola (Club 1 8) . Striking, 2 matches . 째 Accepted Prescribed Penalty
INVESTIGATION RESULTS - TUESDAY JULY 2 2002 South Melbourne Districts and Swinburne University were both charged with a melee in their senior game played on Saturday, June 22 at Albert Park . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $300 (second offence in a three-year period for both clubs) . AJAX and Aquinas OC were both charged with a melee in their senior game played on Saturday, June 22 at Albert Park. Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty. AJAX, $100 (first offence in a three-year period) and Aquinas OC, $300 (second offence in a three-year period) .
W L D For Agst % Pts
10 8 B 7 6 6 5 2 2 1
W L D For Agat % Pts i0 1 0 912 414 220.29 40 9 2 0 976 413 23632 36 7 4 0 647 591 109 .48 28 7 4 0 781 784 99.62 28 6 5 0 755 684 110 .38 24 5 6 0 671 752 89.23 20 4 7 0 720 751 95.87 16 4 7 0 549 582 94 .33 16 2 9 0 552 1033 53.44 8 1 10 0 406 1036 39.19 4
W 10 9 7 7 5 5 4 3 2 2
W L D For Agst
11 10 9 7 6 6 5 5 3 3 1
1 0 752 3 0 1033 3 0 855 4 0 867 5 0 853 5 0 669 6 0 635 9 0 627 9 0 481 10 0 309
L 1 1 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9
D 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
For 926 847 780 730 698 605 487 486 493 439
345 217.97 4 0 379 272.56 32 558 153.23 32 575 150.78 28 691 123.44 24 637 105.02 24 708 89.69 20 980 63.98 8 1277 37.67 8 1121 27.56 4
Agst % Pts 405 228.64 40 340 249.12 38 537 145.25 28 677 107.83 28 604 115.56 22 649 93 .22 20 877 55 .53 16 792 61 .36 12 790 62 .41 8 1010 43 .47 8 %
Pts 0 0 1140 386 295 .34 44 1 0 856 524 163.36 40 2 0 1062 451 235.48 36 4 0 699 612 114.22 28 5 0 796 639 124.57 24 5 0 694 601 115 .47 24 6 0 727 761 95 .53 20 6 0 757 859 88 .13 20 8 0 499 812 61,45 12 8 0 400 1013 39 .49 12 10 0 263 1413 18 .61 4
U1 9 SECTION 1 P W 1 D For Agst % Pts OLD BRIGHTON 11 8 3 0 1067 718 148 .61 32 MARCELLIN 11 8 3 0 1080 864 125 .00 32 ST KEVINS 11 8 3 0 1109 942 117 .73 32 11 7 4 0 1158 917 126 .28 28 STBERNARDS OLD XAVERIANS 11 6 5 0 1059 793 133 .54 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 11 6 5 0 1019 1026 99 .32 24 OLD SCOTCH 11 5 6 0 892 948 94 .09 20 CAULFIELD GR 11 4 7 0 791 1063 74 .41 16 DE LA SALLE 11 3 8 0 874 1132 77.21 12 OLD MELBURNIANS 11 0 11 0 530 1176 45 .07 0 U19 SECTION 2 P W 1 D For Agst % Pts OLD TRINITY 11 10 1 0 1078 563 191 .47 40 OLD ESSENDON GR 11 8 2 1 1150 835 137 .72 34 BEAUMARIS AFC 11 8 2 1 1043 840 124 .17 34 ORMOND 11 6 5 0 895 878 101 .94 24 MAZENOD 0 C 11 5 5 1 722 980 73 .67 22 OLD IVANHOE 11 5 6 0 888 1039 85 .47 20 HAMPTON ROVERS 11 5 6 0 628 809 77 .63 20 WERRIBEEAMATEURS 11 4 6 1 713 925 77.08 18 OLD HAILEYBURY 11 1 10 0 604 1206 50.08 4 (9 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
U19 SECT/ON 3- P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD PARADIANS 11 9 2 0 1406 710 198 .03 36 OLD CAREY 11 9 2 0 1217 954 127 .57 36 *RUPERTSWOOD 10 8 2 0 1163 712 163 .34 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 11 7 4 0 1203 603 199 .50 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 11 6 5 0 741 884 83.82 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 11 4 7 0 970 1144 84.79 16 WHITEFRIARS 11 4 7 0 929 1189 78 .13 16 *UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 3 7 0 703 1088 64 .61 12 YARRA VALLEY 0 8 11 3 8 0 812 1429 56.82 12 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 11 1 10 0 687 1416 48.52 4 *Game to be played July 20 U19 (2) BLUE P W L D For Agsf % Pts AJAX 11 9 2 0 1104 783 141 .00 36 MONASH BLUES 11 8 3 0 1123 562 199 .82 32 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG 11 7 3 1 994 840 118 .33 30 OAKLEIGH 11 7 4 0 877 738 118 .83 28 MENTONE PANTHERS 11 6 5 0 1045 892 117 .15 24 BENTLEIGH AFC 11 3 7 1 914 975 93 .74 14 DE LA SALLE (2) 11 3 8 0 356 1723 20.66 12 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 7 0 7 0 0 0 0.00 0 U19 (2) RED P W L D For
Agst % Pts 403 379 .90 44 ST BERNARDS (2) 11 11 0 0 1531 AQUINAS 0 C 11 8 3 0 870 605 143 .80 32 MHSOB 11 7 4 0 979 738 132 .66 28 LA TROBE UNI 11 6 5 0 928 592 156 .76 24 OLD WESTBOURNE 11 5 6 0 848 759 111 .73 20 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 11 5 6 0 919 910 100 .99 20 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWEI1 1 9 1 560 1472 38 .04 6 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 11 0 10 1 314 1812 17.33 2 CLUB 1s-1 P OLD XAVERIANS 11 PRAHRAN AFC 11 ST KEVINS 11 DE LA SALLE 11 OLD MELBURNIANS 11 ELEY PARK AFC 11 MAZENOD 0 C 11 OLD ESSENDON GR 11
W 10 10 7 6 6 2 2 1
11 8 8 7 4 3 2 1
1 D For 1 0 1392 1 0 1305 4 0 905 5 0 982 5 0 907 9 0 660 9 0 638 10 0 350
Agst % Pts 451 308 .65 40 661 197 .43 40 724 125 .00 28 633 155 .13 24 810 111 .98 24 1191 55.42 8 1155 55.24 8 1514 23.12 4
W 1 D For Agst % Pts 428 249 .77 44 0 0 1069 3 0 830 446 186 .10 32 3 0 683 578 118.17 32 4 0 662 547 121 .02 28 7 0 654 745 87 .79 16 8 0 453 931 48 .66 12 9 0 507 838 60.50 8 10 0 367 806 45 .53 4
W 11 8 6 5 5 4 3 1
L D For Agst % Pts 0 0 1309 348 376 .15 44 3 0 1021 532 191 .92 32 5 0 690 688 100.29 24 6 0 706 663 106.49 20 6 0 794 790 100 .51 20 7 0 637 1133 56 .22 16 8 0 466 1122 41 .53 12 10 0 440 1172 37 .54 4
ITT,14 1
1 1 1~ i
® Weekend Matches (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments
presented by
• Scores (Sat . night)
(rwnamabileph r~ro thissevice) __J L __~_ (chargsmayCehig~ ~----'------~_ -63
9 9 7 6 5 5 5 5 2 0
L D For Agst % Pts 1 1 1318 916 143 .89 38 1 1 1179 956 123 .33 38 3 1 1070 1054 101 .52 30 5 0 1091 932 117 .06 24 5 1 1088 1017 106.98 22 6 0 1168 971 120 .29 20 6 0 1007 1047 96.18 20 6 0 1017 1084 93 .82 20 9 0 819 1102 74 .32 8 11 0 764 1442 52 .98 0
W L D For Agst 째o Pts 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 3 1
2 0 1057 3 0 1103 4 0 1069 5 0 1003 5 0 954 6 0 862 6 0 991 6 0 946 8 0 875 10 0 884
801 131 .96 920 119 .89 917 116 .58 920 109 .02 998 95.59 787 109 .53 982 100.92 957 98 .85 1219 71 .78 1243 71 .12
36 32 28 24 24 20 20 20 12 4
P by L D For ~gst f Pts
ST BEDES MENT TIG 11 10 1 0 1401 791 177 .12 40 WHITEFRIARS 11 9 2 0 1210 810 149 .38 36 COLLEGIANS 11 7 4 0 1060 820 129 .27 28 CAULFIELD GR 11 7 4 0 1109 903 122 .81 28 BEAUMARIS AFC 11 7 4 0 1102 901 122 .31 28 OLD CAMBERWELL 11 5 6 0 940 972 96 .71 20 GLEN EIRA AFC 11 4 7 0 973 1101 88 .37 16 PRAHRAN AFC 11 4 7 0 986 1211 81 .42 16 BANYULE 11 1 10 0 826 1497 55.18 4 4 OLD MENTONIANS 11 1 10 0 772 1480 52 .16 Dl SECTION
P tv L D For
ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 11 10 1 0 1180 798 147 .87 40 MENTONE AMATEURS 11 10 1 0 1333 914 145 .84 40 AQUINAS 0 C 11 7 4 0 1233 1002 123 .05 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 11 7 4 0 1025 901 113 .76 28 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE11 5 6 0 1106 1075 102 .88 20 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 11 5 6 0 964 1106 87 .16 20 AJAX 11 5 6 0 992 1148 86 .41 20 MONASH BLUES 11 3 8 0 933 932 100.11 12 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 11 2 9 0 833 1305 63 .83 8 4 OLD GEELONG 11 1 10 0 858 1276 67 .24 D2 SECTION
P W L D For agst v PIS
YARRA VALLEY 0 B 11 10 1 0 1498 764 196 .07 40 SALESIAN 0 C 11 9 2 0 1187 910 130 .44 36 PENINSULA 0 B 11 7 4 0 1071 1123 95 .37 28 BENTLEIGH AFC 11 6 5 0 1182 875 135 .09 24 OLD CAREY 11 6 5 0 1118 1063 105 .17 24 PARKSIDE 11 5 6 0 1120 1092 102 .56 20 LA TROBE UNI 11 4 6 1 969 992 97 .68 18 FITZROY REDS 11 4 7 0 899 1019 88 .22 16 KEW 11 2 9 0 812 1370 59 .27 8 6 OAKLEIGH AFC 11 1 9 1 848 1496 56 .68
For 1318 1101 1235 1154 1003 1267 896 914 764 771 L D For
762 172 .97 40 600 183.50 36 927 133.23 36 938 123.03 24 1161 86 .39 24 1079 117 .42 20 1010 88 .71 20 1019 89 .70 12 1245 61 .37 8 1713 45.01 0 Agst
% Pts
WERRIBEE AMATEURS 11 10 1 0 1199 598 200 .50 40 RUPERTSW00D 11 9 2 0 1325 732 181 .01 36 ALBERT PARK 11 9 2 0 1158 665 174 .14 36 NORTH BRUNSWICK 11 8 3 0 1082 967 111 .89 32 11 7 4 0 988 834 118 .47 28 MT LILYDALE ST MARYS 11 6 5 0 1217 1043 116 .68 24 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 11 5 6 0 796 1026 77.58 20 UHS-VU A F C 11 5 6 0 785 1175 66 .81 20 OLD WESTBOURNE 11 3 8 0 627 862 72 .74 12 BOX HILL NORTH 11 2 9 0 707 1327 53 .28 8 8 BULLEEN COBRAS 11 2 9 0 465 1190 39 .08 L D For Agst / Pts A RESERVES P W OLD XAVERIANS 11 10 1 0 1009 459 219 .83 40 ST KEVINS 11 8 3 0 873 650 134 .31 32 ST BERNARDS 11 7 4 0 886 660 134 .24 28 11 7 4 0 765 621 123 .19 28 MARCELLIN DE LA SALLE 11 7 4 0 756 680 111 .18 28 OLD SCOTCH 11 5 6 0 731 629 116 .22 20 OLD TRINITY 11 5 6 0 653 676 96 .60 20 OLD IVANHOE 11 3 8 0 530 746 71 .05 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 11 3 8 0 585 882 66 .33 12 0 MHSOB 11 0 11 0 307 1144 26 .84 % Pis P W L D For Agst 11 9 2 0 893 445 200 .67 36 OLD MELBURNIANS OLD PARADIANS 11 8 2 1 749 624 120 .03 34 OLD HAILEYBURY 11 8 3 0 936 628 149 .04 32 1 965 534 180 .71 30 NORTH OLD BOYS 11 7 3 MAZENOD 0 C 11 7 4 0 749 689 108 .71 28 OLD ESSENDON OR 11 6 5 0 746 694 107 .49 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 11 3 8 0 562 855 65 .73 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 11 3 8 0 475 907 52 .37 12 OLD BRIGHTON 11 2 9 0 496 839 59 .12 8 4 ORMOND 11 1 10 0 516 921 56 .03 B RESERVES
C R E S E R V E S P P J L D F o r Agst ro
11 9 1 1 980 557 175 .94 OLD CAMBERWELL WHITEFRIARS 11 8 2 1 878 677 129 .69 BEAUMARIS AFC 11 6 2 3 946 612 154 .58 PRAHRAN AFC 11 7 4 0 858 579 148 .19 CAULFIELD GR 11 6 5 0 856 604 141 .72 ST BEDES MENT TIG 11 5 5 1 552 633 87 .20 COLLEGIANS 11 5 6 0 930 564 164 .89 BANYULE 11 3 8 0 595 841 70 .75 GLEN EIRA AFC 11 3 8 0 507 1138 44 .55 OLD MENTONIANS 11 0 11 0 283 1241 22 .80
38 34 30 28 24 22 20 12 12 0
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