~ f ur.~ I j ~ .. .~ ~. ..
elco to the 2003 season, and for those people who think that football clubs and ;1 administrators spend day after day on the golf course over the ff-season thin k
; so much planning and preparation has gone on to hope,ully bnng another Cul season of Amateur football to everyone . ificance has been the elevation of Sportscaver Australia to the status of th et
a~ z f the V fi . Part of this sponsorship sees the Main Oval a d0fo as rtscover c Park b° . mg reSrre p o Arena and visitors to 6pa aver Arena
lii S CHIEF EXECUTIVE in no doubt about this when they see the gleaming green and gold Sportscover sign fence. who was the VAFA's major sponsor since 1988, continues as a level6 sponsor h n the ~ast the VAFA has j =illeb tS. omote many and vaned health messages, w ereas i role on behalf of VicHe _411 _{ . We look forward to the close ongoing relationship with VicHealth an d
A healthaa ¢enev ,to work closely Avith signe one ting its tremendous contribution to the improved health, mental and physical, of all Victorians . unent of ex champion VFL umpire and AFL Director of Umpiring Bill Deller to the part-time role of VAFA Umpue Fit Manager was an absolute coup for the VAFA . Fully funded by the VAFA, Bill will work with eight schools whot, z, u the VAFA, conducting programs'which ill see in years to come young people pursuing umpiring as their spor . in the VAFA. If Bill Deller cannot convince young people of the attractions of being an umpire, no-one can . Year 2003 sees the third and fourth match of the thre e A looks forward to a busy representative rogram Series with the VAFA travelling to Perth for its match against WAAFL in June (this match being a curtain-raiser to
. A ,,vin ia#ch Gwestern Bulldogs V. West Coast Eagles) and the week before this match the SAAFL hosts the WAAFL f A should see the Victorian Amateurs well positioned to become the fust Amateur National Champion at the end o
a curtain-raiser to a Telstra Dome St . Kilda u D prc~ ntative team plays the Southern Football League in June as either ll ey Football League . 3r,~ or at Moorabbin, whilst our Under 19 team takes on the Diamond Va . engagement later this year against the VCFL i i < : nior team also has an
continues this year in much the same format which has proved popular in recent years. M any ie "Amateur Footballer" an t to see big match :i=rs will bring a new style of writing to you . We have emphasised to our writers that we don't w with writers sticking their necks out and making : s each week, but more previews of each match in the round ahead ~ie ; dd :)redictions.
. No doubt we will see the use of the new red cards by the umpues ,k fonvard to a lot of the old and we welcome the new e we 1 come+I-,e n ew be replaced for 15 Minutes . W r;c : : ung a player has een reported ,is to be ordered-off and cannot . Kevins Emmett Dunne or new boys at senior level lik e a uc , . whether they be seasoned old football campaigners like St ~allc's Tony Miller.
ThePr sidents' Secretaries' and Members' Dinner) at Crown last Monday was a resoundin g e IF Lauae~ lyrr~e= { h c~s and thanks to all in attendance for making it memorable . To all members of the Executive for willingly assisting wit er n zions, and in particular the marvellous VAFA stall wh o r! : : ' so tirelessly to have the night in order I thank you . I woul d especially acknowledge the contribution of our temporar y Next Week's Matches . . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... . . .. . . . ... . . .. . .. ... . . .. . . . . .. . .6 ~nist/office assistant Angeline, who has given marvellou s Coaches' Clipboard . . ... . . .. . . . ... . . ... . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . ..12 For the Love of the Game. . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . .. 18-19 r::c to the VAFA in our time of need . Loolting Back . . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .... . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . ... . . .34-35 're world in turmoil it is hoped that the return of the grea t ` 11 give everyone a positive focus in their day to day lives .
all enjoy a tremendous season of Amateur football . cams, players, officials and spectators all the best an d ' to getting around and seeing as many clubs as ring the year.
Today's Umpires . . .. .. . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .... . . .. . . ... . . . .. . 40 Elstemwick Park Draw . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . .59 Tribunal & Investigations . .. . . .. ._ . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . .59 Sportscover Spot the Pulse Ball . .. . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .62 2003 Section-3 . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... .63 / 64
Vol . 03 No . 01 1
The sun is still burning our backs and there are several brown ovals across town, but there's a smell of liniment and the clatter of moulds from the rooms as we lace up for round one . Clubs have been up to the usuals : training camps, grueling pre-seasons, delightful beep tests and practice matches full of mind games . Read what you like from them - in the league, Carlton beat Sydney on the road in a practice match and we know what happened last weekend . We've been dealing with the usual catalogue of cliches from coaches . "We're a bit fitter than last year and have added a bit of bulk," they say, at all levels of the game . But when was the last time you heard a coach say : "We've been pretty lazy this summer -really, we've probably got five to 10 blokes who are carrying too much flab because of all the grog they've been getting through . ' Nevertheless, we've been nosing around the toptier amateur clubs and there are a few snippets to report . St Bernards, the team with the nippy band of men who last year hoisted the premiership, has had a super pre-season under premiership coach Peter Nicholson . Nicholson has this year been joined by Darren Handley, an ex-league player with Collingwood and Fitzroy . Handley was a teammate of Nicholson's during their days at Box Hill and will look after the twos and help out during the late game . St Bernards have played four practice games without loss and paraded a similar style : expect them to play on and create space with quick switches . They've lost a couple of big fellas in Damian McLaughlin and Brian Ashton but replaced the aforementioned with Tait Wilkinson and Steve McKeon . St Bernards play Old Scotch first up in a corker. Backmen around the comp will breathe a little easier when they learn Old Scotch have
lost Jame s Gerstman, who is going overseas. But the club has topped up . with Luke Hawkins, who's back fr Essendon, and Matt Dennis and is ready build on a gladdening season . Top-liner Old Xaverians looked to the sumr game when it replaced retiring 7 O'Shaughnessy, hiring distinguished crick( Michael Sholly for the senior coaching j Sholly is a 200-gamer in District ranks an leading player coach, winning flags with b University and Melbourne . But he has a p with the Xavs : Sholly combined the two spc until busting his knee in 1983 and has sta involved since, notably as the first Club X coach and assistant coach of the seniors . Old Melburnians are back in the highest gn after a watershed win ended a dark passage the club last year. The club's fortunes contim over summer, when former club secretary Pc Roach clubbed a maiden ton for Bushrangers to save Victoria's Shield prospe at the MCG .
Old Trinity has retained the services of forr league player Leigh Carlson, a quick wingmar Fitzroy and Collingwood, and announced leadership group early this year . Andz Ramsden continues as captain and will flanked by vice-captains David Burrows a Lincoln Reynolds . Old Trinity has turned o 13 senior players from last year and the worc that they're shorter but quicker . The club w to Anglesea for their pre-season trip, not from Old Scotch's journey to Torquay . Marcellin have had record numbers at traini often racking up 80-odd, and coach Vaug Cleary pointed to a couple of reasons . It h ahurt eyhadintroucealmntof I with a pre-season competition -- "a hal footballer is a good footballer," as Cleary say!
0 t
>tr~ as ! Ted III I
,es of gaelic football and soccer int o Cleary is also the coach of th e ti?, r,,,,'=ing it an easier transition for ,ild Boys . Marcellin has lost former 1 .--:,w Tranquilli to the Geelong com p ,d up promising tall Alex Wadsworth Oa' :leigh Chargers and Brett Dobson in basketball . Dobson, a nephew of p enthusiast Tony Shaw, has bee n .he Eltham Wildcats . Also new is a former Hawthorn rookie . , up from B Section, have picked Cat Paul Corrigan as assistan t ck Dwyer. Corrigan , a former school , played more than 50 games at e playing with Rythdale-Cardiniain the West Gippsland league last winter.
hn nt un 'py
Jesper Fjeldstad Mob : 0413 778 05 5
Email : fjeldstadj@mxnet.com .a u
rroll will be the new magnet-mover a t ;versity Blues following the resignation o f "` nlan, who stepped down because of i commitments in his new job . Carroll wa s assistant . Ycl Boys, led by Emmett Dunne, St :.n ed Luke Mahoney captain and Steve nor and Damien Ryan vice-captains .
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Old Ivanhoe is plotting for its first final after finishing fifth in its first year up last season . Paul Fahey stays on as a coach and they should have every chance, having improved markedly in the second half of the year . Tips for round 1 : St Bernards by 36 points Old Trinity by 17 points Marcellin by 9 points Old Ivanhoe by 21 points University Blues by 27 point s
TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTION St Bernards v Old Scotch Old Trinity v Old Xaverians Old Melburnians v Marcellin Old Haileybury v Old Ivanhoe University Blues v St Kevins
The Giftware & Presentation s Specialists Wholesalers
Honour Board Update s Standard & Designed Trophies & Plaques All types of quality giftware e.g. Crystal . . ., etc. Club & Corporate logos and all types of engraving styles and printin g Custom Framing - Football jumpers a specialty Club clothing and Caps Fundrasing ideas Showroom : Level 9, 230 Collins Street, Melbourne Phone: (03) 4911 Fax : (03) 9650 7106 Special c`sc速unt to all VAFA members. Contact Alistair Elvart/John Birt for all of your trophy requirement s 1TEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach : Tom Humphrey 1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D. Waters 4 G . Romanin 5 N. Godwi n 6 D. Sampimon 7 M . Rowe
8 R. Frisina 9 L. Considine 10 A . Dale 11 D. Taylor (RC) 12 B . Croni n 13 S . Dinneen 14 D . Salce 15 M . Sie r 16 L . McMillan 17 G . Cox (VC) 18 D . Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 5.O'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 A. Wadsworth 24 L . O'Flynn (RVC) 25 R . Galati 26 D. McMillan 27 S. Theisz (VC) 28 D. Johnston 29 C. Mora n 30 A. Treganowan (C) 31 N. Addison 32 M . Browne 33 G . Cull 34 D. Jarred 35 J . Frazer 36 D. Cope 37 L. Considine 38 J . Toohey 39 B . Colville 40 S . Yee 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen 43 A . Duncan 44 L. Hanson 45 D . Theisz 46 M . Gibson 47 B . Gutterson 48 S . Maguire 49 N . Milicia 50 D . Ballantine 51 M. Maguire 52 C . Mason 53 J. Mathews 54 C . Beayni 55 J. Wallis 56 P. Fiorenza 57 N . Addison 58 R . Beayni 72 . D . Cracknell
Coach : Paul Fahey Res : Dirk Jones 1 C. Home 2 R . Kejna 3 P. Corriga n 4 S. Langiord-Jones 5 J. Bourke 6 A. Whit e 7 M . Corrigan 8 R. George 9 M . Barker 10 C. Efstathiou 11 M . Graves 11 C. Waxman 12 B. O'Farrell 13 M . Peterson 14 A. Forsyth 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K. Ford 18 C. Jay askera 19 M . Armstrong 20 G. Fletcher 21 A. Jenk e 22 D. Mason 23 S .Loewe 24 A . Ross 25 C. Ditte ri ch 26 J . Bel l 27 L. Siapantas 28 S . Goldsworthy 29 B . Carso n 30 D. Warnes 31 D . Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 R . Mosbey 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D .Lappage 36 D . Connel4 37 A. Floyd 38 L . Floyd 39 H . Brooks 40 S. Davey 41 S. Saunders 42 M. Erikson 43 R . Plecher 44 M. Wray 45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden 47 R. Mitchell 48 C. Moyle 49 L. Pitcher 50 51 H . McLauchlan 52 R. Parker 53 L. Pfeiffer 54 R. Saunders 55 G . Stuart 56 P. Dimond 57 A . Waxman 58 T Hilton 59 C. Warfe 60 M . Somaia 61 A. Jones 62 M . Scaife 63 WSmith 64 D. Fossey 65 A . Kight 66 A . Herrmann 67 T. McLennan
I A.Oates 2 L.Lochran 3 A.Jenkins 4 B.Davis 5 TYoung 6 S.Kent 7 J .Geishan 8 T.Stevens 9 M.Karayannis 10 M. Crowley 11 S.Tully 12 C.Branigan 13 M .Orchard 14 C.Moore 15 L .Bolzan 16 C.Mooney 17 A.Corcoran 18 J.Hope 19 M .Tolley 20 D.Hawkes 21 R.Roberts 22 P.Donaldson 23 K.Theodossi 24 G .Haros 25 E.Byrne 26 P.Lillis 27 J .Weddle 28 S .Morris 29 R.Weddle 30 A.Gilbert 31 J .Stevens 32 P.Dowd 33 N.Pratt 34 A .Tieman 35 M .Pollock 36 B .Spoor 37 M .Berry 38 Ga George 39 Go George 40 J .Keane 41 A .Clark 42 S .Low 43 L.Hunter 44 A .Karafili 45 M .Toovey 46 M.Tozer 47 G.King 48 M.Clarke 49 L .Shay 50 S.Brandt 51 N .Braddy 52 A.Clancy 53 S.Price 54 B.Guidera 55 A.Berezza 56 L .Courage 57 D .Harcourt 58 G .Mclsaac 59 J .White 60 S .Hill 61 C.Binney 62 J .Baker 63 T.Hibbs 64 C.Barker 65 B .Shadbolt 66 D.Warry
OLD MELBU RH1ANS Coach : Justin Pickering Res: Hartley Ston e I D . Smith 2 S. Theodore 3 A. Treloar 4 M. HazeO 4 N . Barrett 5 S. Crawshay 5 D. Woodford 6 D. Holme
7 C. Thompson 8 A. McKeo n 8 D . Marks 9 B. Gran t 9 R. Simpson 10 T. Roberts 10 B. Mark s 11 P. Gallagher 12 J . Richardson 12 J . Hart 13 B. Thiele 14 M . Verge 14 D. Kinsella 15 M . Rose 16 A. Lewski 17 J . Miller 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 R. Mulquiney 19 M . Prowse 20 J . Guest 21 C. Keeble 22 A. Waddell 23 M . Berry 24 M . Hawkins 25 P. Thomas 26 C. Kennedy 26 C. Walker 28 A . Teelow 29 T. Mulligan 30 J . Miller 30 A . W u 31 J . Sallabank 32 E . Selby 33 J . Magee 34 J . Beaumont 35 C. Ray 36 J . Grant 37 S. Murray 38 T. Bryant 39 D . Field 40 Z. Useinov 42 B . Evans 43 E. Farquharson 44 P. Grundy 45 C . Murphy 46 C . Neeson 47 T. Harrison 48 C . Jenkins 49 G . Tsiotras 50 A. Simpson 51 M. Kennon 52 B. Campbell 53 J . Berry 54 T. Grscheska 55 J . Gooley 56 J . Mulcahy 57 A. Bains 58 1 . Weir 59 C. Alder 60 J . Power 61 J . Berman 62 C. Trim 63 G . Quest 64 B . Ledwidge 65 J . Pruden 68 M . Hick s 70 H. Whitehead
OLD SCO Seniors & Rose Coach : Dale 1 Res Coach : Sergi 1 A . Nettleton 2 B . Phillips 3 J . Ros s
4 T. Holt 5 S. Collins 6 A. Crow 7 J. Kitchen 8 B. Robinson 9 D . Brooke 10 C . Smith 11 M. Angus 12 S. Hume 13 N . Hooper 14 R . Mullins 15 S. Cations 16 N. Tassell 17 T. Wigney 18 L. Hawkins 19 T. Hosking 20 S. Lillingston 21 J . Stratos 22 N. Addison 23 O . Crane 24 L. McDonnell 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M . Dennis 28 A. Quai l 29 M . Gnat t 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N. Leitl 32 J . Gerstman 33 J . McCarroll 34 C. Phillips 35 P. O'Connor 37 E . Moffatt 38 R. Ashton 39 B . Fergusson 41 W. Lewi s 43 R . Breisch 44 D . Jackson 45 R . Teesdale 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger 48 S . Dumaresq 49 L. Kitchen 50 M. Walkom 51 L . Freeman 52 D . Knight 53 C .Joyce 53RG.Junkeer 54 N . Simo n 55 G . Prendergast 56 C . Tallent 57 J. Crane 58 A. Grant 59 D .1ser 60 J. Sheldon 61 T. Beatti e 62 W. Symington 63 P.Ise r 64 N . Costello 65 C. Armstrong 66 A. Routledge 68 M . Gai r 69 C. Nea l 70 S. Thompson 71 M . Ainge r 72 B. Smith 73 A. Bamford 74 S . Kings 75 S . Troon 76 J . Nickless
i ~€ d
ves I i apping ~ DAne<
aaut Maus
L'C R D ViC nne T -Sy M
C L,
ns G A Capt: nJ
A -Z ,ne S R/C
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Coach : Mic ie! Sholly Res. Coach : cnris Gawne 1 D . Orlando 2 3 L. Hannebery 4 D . Landrigan 5 S . Mollard 6 A . Oswald 7 8 9 J . Hawkins 10 11 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 15 L. Ford(Capt) 16 N. Bingham 17 18 M . Green 19 M . Callihan 20 M . Hardman 20 J . Scanlan 21 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 24 25 R.Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J . Drake 28 29 30 31 L. Tuddenha m 32 A. Brushfield 33 34 R .Jones 35 36 37 TMaher 39 M. Meehan 40 41 A Dillon
43 T Woodruff
d L R+V1 C 1,3
nK iR
44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L . Howard 46 B. Dixon 47 48 J. McDonnell 49 T. Lowrie 50 T. Biddlecombe 51 D . Walsh 52 P. Funder 55 J. Healy 56 N . McInerney 58 M . Mahon 63 R . Coughlan 66 A . Wilso n
ST. --- .,
Coach : Peter Nicholson Res: Darren Handley 1 S . McKeon 2 D . Gleason 3 R . Cousland 4 D . Jorda n 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 S .Neeso n 7 S . Clarke 7R S . Parrett 8 J . Evan s 9 B . Jordan (VC) 10 N . Mitchell (C) 11 C. Davis 12 J .P.Mount 12R B .Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L. Turnbull 17 L. O'Sullivan 18 T Cooney 19 A. Clos e 20 L. Fielding 21 B. Loughlin 22 D. James 22 R M. O'Riley 23 L. Wilkinson 24 N .M. Smith 25 T. Legud i 26 A. Fewster 27 James Mount 28 P. Harve y 29 G . McIntyre 30 C . Trewin 31 B. Ashton 31 R L . O'Brien 32 T. Harvey 33 B. Alti s 34 D . Byrne (DVC) 35 T. Pearso n 36 R . Legudi 37 A . Catterall 38 S.lannazzo 39 M. Juricskay 40 D . Thomas 41 A . Bouzikas 42 S . Mitchell 43 N . Basaraba 44 A . Anderson 45 M.Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 M. Hooper 48 N .P. Smith 49 S . Borg 50 A . Smith 51 D . Walsh 52 J . Lloyd 53 B . Ballarin 54 L. Hilbert 55 R.O'Flynn 56 S . Bugryn 57 N . Thomas 58 P. Harris 59 J . Harvey 60 J . Cittarelli
IIe W C iJ T S iK
MAJOR SPONSORS Bowens Remunerator
~ :'- '- .1ATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Coacn : Emmett Dun ne Asst . Coach : Owen Hourigan Res. Coach : Peter McBrearty 1 N. Fraser 2 E . Crohan 3 D. Cu rtis 4 L. Mahoney (C) 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 K. Gray 8 B. Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Luca s 11 J . Pangraz io 12 P. Kempton 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 M . Oliv e 16 B. Ga rv ey 17 D . Ryan (VC) 18 P. Gissing 19 D . Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R. Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 T. Simpson 24 M. Hanlon 25 B. Marusic 26 D . Sadler 27 R . Gross 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 M. Kempto n 30 M. Crowe 31 A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor (VC) 33 M . Maguire 34 J . O'Keefe 35 J . Coates 36 T. Duggan 37 M . Pangrazio 38 R . Chard 39 S . Gribble 40 M . Mulgrew 41 D . Moy lan 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G. Katavolas 45 G. Baggy 46 D .Mahoney 47 J .Griffiths 48 A . Conlan 49 L. Kalesaran 50 R. Horrocks 51 S . Mount 52 J . Finc h 53 L. Katavolas 54 A. Umbers 55 J . tviandoudis 56 D. Walsh 57 L. Coleman 58 D. McArdle 59 A. Greenhalgh 60 D. Makohon 61 J . Lynch 62 B. Shelley 63 D. Dun n
64 N. O'Halloran 65 D. Szab o 66 M . Strong 67 T. Purcell 68 G . Holland 69 R . Boyce 70 C . Didilis 71 P. Byrne 72 M.O'Shea
UNIVERSITY B LUES San : Steve Carroll Res : David Matthews
1 Butko P T 2 Hutchins 3 Sturrock J (VC) 4 Guengerich D (VC) 5 Tanner J 6 Maddison N 7 Young R J 8 Hayter 9 Lowcock A (VC) 10 Mart in R 11 North L 12 Gleeson Q (C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Haberfield D 19 Collins M 20 Coleman M 21 McIn ty re T 22 Sheehan P T 23 Wilcox 24 Russell 25 So(ly 26 Runnalls 27 Wilkie 28 Thomas 29 Katsaros 30 Larkin 31 Gallery 32 Suvoftos 33 Gates 34 McKinnon 35 Baker 36 Brooke 37 Kaso 38 Wilso n 39 Bi rtley T 40 Hocking J 41 Quin L 42 Fletcher S 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 McLachlan G 46 Brookes C 47 Millar A 48 Fulton L 49 Chamberlain L 50 McIntosh J 51 Brown A 52 Terrill A 53 Versteegen R 54 Benne tt S 55 Zanos M 56 I rvine T 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholz J 59 Pricker B 60 Thomas H 61 Cobbledick M 62 Callery M 63 Glass I 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 Griqg M 67 McAloon D 68 Ballie S 69 Hutchinson B 70 Meade J 71 Leeming M 72 Vallelonga A 73 Paul G 74 Robertson M 75 McCutcheon M
ON S PUS SwLL ATRS .£ TI_` ~ . ..n -:. W:
A SECTION Old Xaverians v St Bernards Marcellin v Old Trinit y Old Ivanhoe v Old Melburnians St Kevins v Old Haileybury Old Scotch v University Blue s
B SECTION North Old Boys v Hampton Rovers at Elsternwick Park - Saturday St Bedes Merit Tig v De La Salle Old B ri ghton v Whitefriars Mazenod 0 C v Old Essendon Gr MHSOB v Old Paradi an s C SECTIO N Glen Eira v Therry Penola 0 B Caulfield Gr v St Leos Emmaus WP Mentone Vultures v Beaumaris Ormond v Old Camberwell Collegians v Prahra n
DI SECTION University Blacks v Yarra Valley 0 B Bulleen Templestowe v Aquinas 0 C Monash Blues v AJA X Ivanhoe Assumption v Banyule Salesian 0 C v Old Mentonian s D2 SECTION Old Geelong v West Brunswick Williamstown CYMS v Old Carey at New Port Oval (55 J4) Hawthorn Amateurs v La Trobe Uni Oakleigh v Fitzroy Red s Peninsula 0 B v Bentleig h D3 SECTIO N Syndal Tally-Ho v Elsternwic k Werribee Amateurs v South Melb Districts Power House v Ke w Rupertswood v Swinburne Uni at St . James Par k St Johns 0 C v Monash Gryphon s D4 SECTION Old Westbourne v Bulleen Cobras St Marys v Albert Park Mt Lilydale v Eltham Collegians Box Hill North has the bye UHS-VU v Richmond Centra l North Brunswick v Brunswick Power
-1 9 SECTION I Old Xaverians v St Kevins Marcellin v Old Brighton De La Salle v Caulfield Or St Bernards v Old Scotc h
Old Essendon Gr v University Blues UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Trinity v Ormond Beaumaris v Old Ivanhoe
Old Melburnians v . Werribee Amateurs Change from original dra w Hampton Rovers v Old Camberwell Mazenod 0 C v Old Paradian s U -' 3 (S )
Old Carey v Rupertswood AJAX has the by e St Bernards (2) v MHSOB Therry Penola 0 B v Collegians Monash Blues v North Old Boys U
_ _-7 _B ( 2 ) BI.U E
Bentleigh v Oakleigh South Melb Districts v Glen Eira De La Salle (2) v St Bedes Merit Tig Mentone Panthers v Oakleigh Clays at Old M e ntcanian s
St Johns 0 C has the bye . UNDER-19 (2) RE D Fitzroy Reds v Yarra Vallev 0 B La Trobe Uni v Old Westbourne St Leos Emmaus WP v Bulleen Templestowe
Aquinas 0 C v University Blacks Banyule v Old Xaverians (2 ) CLUB XVIII (1) To Be Advise d CLUB XVIII (NORTH) To Be Advised CLUB XVIII (SOUTH) To Be Advise d
r your hunger for footy with AFL legend ti1in Ga;-~:at and his team of experts - i'ai 6a~a! Chrisiian, Stan Alves ,
a n, Leigh , : A Ba8me and Patrick Smith -on 'The Big Sports Breakfast' . Catch the latest footy news . Interviews with the leading coaches and players. Hot competitions . All from 5 .30-9am weekdays .
I t_~ f. i- jAl
Welcome back and welcome to the start of the 2003 season . Lets forget all the happenings in the world around us and concentrate on ÂŤ,=hat should be another enthralling season of VAFA Football especially in B Section . We thank Damien Carroll for his efforts in writing this column over the last few years, I guess we welcome me, and I look forward to working with you all to make this column an enjoyable read . With my new role on the VAFA Executive as well I will be out and about all the time watching games introducing myself to you all, so of course any Luncheon invitations will most gladly be accepted. Good luck to you all and may the games be played in true VAFA Spirit . PROSPECTS Whitefriars ; Have kept nearly all their premiership players and picked up a couple of gun recruits especially one from Vermont . Expecting big things from a few Under 19 players as well . Practice match form is good with wins over Bahvyn and Therry a stand out . Will go well and have a great home ground advantage . Old Essen don ; Frank Dunell tells me that the boys have been training the track down since November building up their strength and fitness . All of last year's list has remained and with the influx of some handy Under 19 premiership players they should not be underestimated . Good form against Strathmore, NOBS, and Old Ivanhoe suggest they will be the big improvers.
definitely have more depth than last year also have an Under 19 premiership side
to filter through and really should go well . St B e des Mentone-Tigers; Newly promoted with Russell Barnes still at the helm have wveryhadosumtveafirdnkum c at B-Grade . Very young and enthusiastiac should not be taken lightly. Have the best 1 ground advantage in the section.
Rove rs ; Varying reports here practice match form has been excellent with st vic ories over Old Haileybury and Mazenod. recruited a good young ruckman to help Ant : Bro,.vne, have a couple of 2000 Premiership ph returning and under the astute guidance of P Goss will give a good sho t MHSOB ; Relegated after a disappointing ye~ 2001 will be looking to bounce back . Rum persist that Ewan Thompson is playing socc that is the case he will be a big loss . Past p David Skinner has taken over as Coach and w keen to get the boys back on track . Will re: judgement until a few rounds in. Mazenod; One of last year's finalists and we; by David Murray. Have a good blend of youth experience . Have been thereabouts for the couple of years and if the club concentrate playing football they just might be able to take extra st +
De La Salle; Under the guidance of State Under 19 guru Tony Miller relegated De La will be most competitive . A couple of retirements and overseas absences gives significant opportunities for Under 19 graduates to cement a spot in the Senior side, and with gradual improvement from the young ones blooded last year expect a bold showing-
01 :' P _ old school have been ver} ke- and are keeping things pretty close to chests . If they can start the year with momentum ::lev had at the end of 2002 the can expect them to really give a good accou themselves . Look forward to returning to the w Bundoora .
Old Bright on ; Jarrod O'Neill has impressed everyone at Old Brighton with his diligence knowledge and communication skills . A good sign for the season . A couple of losses and a couple of gains makes it hard to access chances, they
North " ; Again not saying much . But side coached by Gary Foulds is sure to be f tuned and ready to roll . Would have disappointed with their end to 2002 and wi looking to make amends. Most definitely one c major chances to make a return to the top sec
;?E ;rr v
i Round 1 making selections but here
elcome MHSOB to Boss James iaat~n P ove~' w
a ! ra6, an! o ;r,_ bu :
â&#x20AC;&#x17E; ; a good game in front of what is sure to b e Both are ex clubs of mine so makin g is very hard . But home ground advantag e Match form sways me to tip the Rovers . a1e ~velcome fellow Catholics and arch rival s '" avern in what promises to be a grea t ti 01 ', any in the season . Home ground ay just not be enough today as I expec t s to take the points . C Section Grand Finalists clash out a t ds . The two clubs built up a good rivalry d will again be testing each other ou t Spurred on by the unfurling of their fag an d home ground advantage I'm tipping th e et home . on clash with Old Essendon at Old
ror. , Zomr .ye :, form,
ours a,
~E 1D,,- ::r = .=vDonald - De La Salle Pete passed away in March 2003 long illness . He was a prominent iber of De La's first "A" Grade iiership team in 1977 who was noted his skill and tenacity . Deepest )athy to Kerrie and children Erin, d &, Simon .
Elsternwick Park in their first hit out for 2003 . Another tough game to pick between two evenly matched sides . Both did not have good 2002 seasons and will be looking to bounce back . With no confidence I will pick the visitors to wi n
And the final game of the Round sees Mazenod trek across town to the beautiful surrounds of the Garvey Oval . Have a healthy respect for the abilities of both sides and this too should be a pretty close encounter . Against all the odds I will select my old school to create the first upset of the season . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS ; I cannot write this report without your assistance . So I would request that you all send me a brief review of your games with a couple of better players and anything else of interest that you want published . My contact details are 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016 or send me an email to braincoCoptusnet .com .au . Look forward to your support .
TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTIO N Hampton Rovers v MHSOB De La Salle v North Old Boys Whitefriars v St Bedes Merit Tig Old Essendon Grv Old Brighton at Elsternwick Park Saturday Old Paradians v Mazenod 0 C
I led and Ias . s on thc?
low the 1 we it of id of
nely )een 11 be f the tion.
3 Section DE LA SALLE Coach : Tony Miller Asst : Mark Donovan Res: Mick Hagen 1 L . Walker 2 R . Buckley 3 B. Corin 4 L . Harrison 5 C . Swift 6 D . Alderuccio 7 P. Harrison 8 J. La Ragy 9 J. Moloney 9R C . Chester 10 T. Silvers 11 S. Hart 12 M . McHenry 13 A. Johnstone 14 C. Bowker 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland 17 A. Ellio tt
18 A. 19 M . Gottodier 20 M . Picone 21 A. McKenzie 22 P. O'Callaghan 23 D. O'Brien 24 J . Morel 24R C. Buick 25 C. Hyde 25 R. Walmsley 26 D. Spithill 27 S . Thomas
28 N. Harbor
29 P. Bourke 30 B . Mannix 30R S . Murray 31 S . Hyde 32 R. Bonnici (VC) 33 J . Stinear 34 L. Williams 35 A . Mackintos h 36 W. Jolley
37 D. Hyland 37R D. Moore 38 D. McInerney 39 R. Marks 39R B . Quinane 40 R. Sherman 41 B . Oakley 42 42R A . Bonnici 43 44 45 P. Hesse 46 A . Skinns 47 A . Molan 48 D . Smith 48R T. Fisher 49 50 51 L. Douanghosay, 52 E . Phillips 53 L. Derbyshire 54 D . Buckley 55 L. Meehan 56 57 58 G. Wise
1 T. Wilmot', 2 M . McKellar 3 A . Bruder 4 S . Anderson
5 B . Marlyn
6 B . Boyd 7 A . Duddy 8 G. Carr 9 T. Barker 10 D. Rayson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B . Culling 13 G. Woods 14 Daniel Anderson 15 A . Browne (VC)
16 N . Greenwood 17 D . Artz 18 J . McCarthy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A . Power 21 S . Crilly 22 G. Johnston 23 S . Helliger 24 C . McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 C . Scarlett 27 M . Flynn 28 A . Guthrie 29 M . Fletcher (C) 30 A . Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 35 A Fisher 36 37 L . Holt 38 R . Whitney 39 N . Goss
40 S . Burggraaff 41 L . Carson 42 M. McDermott 43 M. Levy 44 J. Keogh 45 C . Delosa 46 L . Woolrich 47 48 J. Humphries 49 50 N . Foster 51 J. Midwinter 52 53 J. Ng 54 55 J . Prantzos 56 C . Wilkinson 57 S. Rose 58 M. Gray 59 T. Woodruff 60 C . Prob n y 62 N . Deeming
1 D. Lancaster 2 A. Quinn 3 A . McIntyre 4 A . Hanley 5 D. Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R. Foss 9 P. Gooden 10 C. Jayaweera 11 T. Smith 11 D. Hose 12 J . Ballenger 13 P. Fuller 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 M . Apollonio 17 J . Bear d 18 D. O'Donoghue 19 S . McMullin 20 C. Murray 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 B . Chamberlain 23 A . Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 25 A . Pickering 26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 27 P. Jones 28 N . Marmo 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher 31 N . Snart 32 B . King 33 D . Gran t 34 B . Chamberlain 35 R . Hawkins 36 D . Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 J . Fisher 39 D . Bradshaw 41 A . Bouchereau 42 P. Fotiniotis 43 A . Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 B . Thomson 46 D . Dunne 47 P. Steinle 48 G. Tilling 49 L. Halvy 51 P. Reed 52 S . Veltman 53 A . Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L . Fuller 56 L . Rudling 58 D . Morri s 59 B. Co rfee 61 M. McDowel l 62 M. Gonsalvez 64 A. Wilson
Ph: 9598 6444
70 M. Duggan
Coach : David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins
60 B. Quinane 61
Tk Coach: Norm Goss Res Coach : Tony Naumoff
THE OPTIMISE GROUP PTY. LTD. Ph : 9597 0166 annv.hamptonrovers.com.au
Coach : David Skinner
Asst Coach : David Waterhouse Res Coach : Jamie Dixo n 1 J . Bamert 2 S . McCully 3 A . Howard 4 M . White 5 N . Orchard 6 A . Van Rooyen 7 N . Brooks 7 P. Telier 8 J . Dixon 8 J . Gerner 9 D . Fairchild 10 D . Norton 10 D . Waterhouse 11 P. Spottiswood 12 T. Blythman 12 S . Whittington 13 D . Rosman 14 A . O'Brien 15 N . Adcock 16 J. Walker 17 R . Clowes 18 R . Limbrick 18 D . Membrey 19 S . Glynn 20 A . Askew 20 P. McGrath 21 S . Sierakowski 22 A . Svirskis 22 D . Armstrong 23 L . Taylor 24 S . Rundell 25 C . Nailon 25 H . Taylor
26 A . Vicendese
27 C . Spottiswood 28 S . Moor e 29 G. McCully 30 R . Newton 31 A . Hogan 32 A . Cassell
33 A . Saultry 34 E . Thompson 34 P. Rujevic 35 S. Harrison 35 A . Mills 36 S . Bennett 37 T. Harper 37 M . Ting 38 S . Robinson 39 B. James 40 A. Lust 41 J. Anderson 41 T. Fraczek 42 M. Hamitton-Ho 42 S. Volkering 43 S. Dods 44 J. Newton 45 R . Czwarno 46 R Ware 47 D . Wilson 48 G . Pollard 49 D . Fox 50 P. Wolnizer 51 D . Learmont-Walker 52 B. McGrath 53 J. Sprague
Coach: Garry Fould Res: Mark Oraniuk 1 J . Cassel l 2 D. Keenan 3 T. Waters 3 A. Trimboli 4 S . Sleep 5 6 N. Vogel s 7 8 9 H . Maplestone 10 M . Nulty 11 T. Roberts 12 13 T. Halpi n 14 15 16 17 J . FRzclarence 18 C. Murray 19 P. O'Farrel l 20 W. Marti n 21 N . Casboutt 22 D. Teha n 23 24 J . Barke r 25 G. Phyland 26 P. Brooks 27 28 D. Joyce 29 C. Hosking 30 M . Leig h 31 L. Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M . Barke r 34 M . Hyd e 35 36 37 J . Eastaugh 38 M . Amor 39 40 C. Phylan d 41 K . Ny e 42 43
44 T. Spurtin g 45 46 47 T. Kennedy 48 49 50 51 T Brad y 52 53 S . Butche r 54 55 M . Joyce 56 D . Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 58 60 M . Cribbe s 61 G. Took 64 L. Ryan 66 P. Brya r 67 68 J . Maher
54 N . Strauss 55 C . Wrigh t 56 T. Wright 57 D . Cassell
58 C . Vlllan i 59 M. Najeeb 60 S. Jenning s FOOTBALLER
'1; a u H"
)'Neill n Bickett
H iiak
-"" (VC) ' i , , ray ; ra n'-~in 11all t
31 (VC}
n~ ~s I ., ,_â&#x20AC;&#x17E; ards S ;,; ams (C) en I,, ;; ;nn :Den Dungan n
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Coach Frank Dun Res: Craig Ridley
Coach : Paul Breen Res Coach: Peter Slac k
1 J. Pannagiotopalous 2 J. Buckley 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D . Ryan 5 M . Oxnam 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage 9 B . Hakim 10 S . Bryant 11 B. Papal 12 J . Kavanagh 13 M. Bossi 14 L . Wilson 15 T. Di Blas i 16 S. McPherson 17 D . Forrest 18 J. Walker 19 E. Healey 20 D . Hunter 21 S . Date 22 S . De Morton 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazkiw 25 D. Poulton 26 S. Fleming 27 J . Di Pietro 28 G . Stevens 29 S. Uebergang 30 M. Dragojlo 31 D . Caridi 32 M. Flaherty 33 D . Biggs 34 D . Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 A . Frazer 37 M . Jinks 38 D. Whitfield 39 B . Newbold 40 A. McKenzi e 41 S . De Morton 42 N. Bertram 43 M. Velardo 44 A. Parker 45 J. Weidner 46 M. 4 . Howard 48 7S A. Salv o 49 G. Collins 50 A . Nowland 51 B . Overman 52 B . Porker 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 D. Gradzki 56 M . Makris 57 J . Lloyd 58 T. Williams 60 C. Cetin
1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 M. Cosgriff 4 A. Curran 5 M. Harford 6 D . Stevens 7 P. Cosgriff 8 A . Sinclair 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 12 13 B. Richardson 14 P. Pratt 15 16 M. Godfrey 17 18 G . Porteous 19 A. Dea n 20 B. Robins 21 D . Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A . Heffernan (C) 26 D. Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 29 J . Dallas 31 N. Dallas 33 34 B. Hayes 35 S. Simpson (C - R) 36 B. Dintinosante 41 A. Swindon 42 R . Murray 43 P. Healy 44 D . Furze 45 A . Paglia 46 R. Clark 47 48 J . Swindon 51 A. Baker 52 M . Joyce 63
-7-CS TI~' ERS Coach: Russell Barnes
WHITEFRIARS Coach : Greg Feutril l Res . Coach: Connor Eames
Assistant Coach : Brad Berry
55 A. Boyd 56 60
Res: Mark Lomagno 1 P. Wintle 2 L. Wintle 3 C. Tesoriero 4 A. L'Huillier 5 S . Napier 6 A. Ryan 7 N . Owen 8 A. Scafidi 9 M.Terrell 10 M. Wintle 12 J. Kane 13 R . Sampled 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McCol l 16 A . Hipwell 18 S . Hecker 19 A . Drury 20 L. Porter 21 P. Fedderson 22 D. Poynton 23 D. Napier 24 S.Jurica 25 M.Kelleher 26 M. Hecker 27 S. Kingwell 28 M . Andrews 29 J. Bristow 30 J . Knuppel 31 D . Moss 32 G. Johnson 33 S . Zakic 34 D. Kinsella 35 C. Barnes 36 A. Walstab 37 M . Connolly 38 A. Hayes 39 M. McColl 40 J. Eadi e 41 S. Rose 42 M . Wilson 43 H . Dwyer 44 M . M'rfsud 45 R . Goul d 46 D . Pisasal e 47 J . De Groot 48 B . Hutchinson 49SWalsh 50 S . Kidd
51 G . Gomez
52 M . Towns 53 M. Uberti 54 M. McCraw 55 M. Ferris 56 J. Chaplin 57 C .Connolly 58 M . Zakic 59 M . Zahra 60 A . Pothitos 61 J . Wilson 62 C. Falkingha m 63 J . Pench i 64 J . Cunningham 65 R . Pierce 66 R . Parson s 67 A. Basha m
1 C. Wood 3 M . Carbone 5 B. Phan 6 P. Campbel l 7 D . Brice 8 B. Janso n 9 10 R . Pasqualott o 11 12 13 T. Hilton 14 T Carrigg 16 J . Power 17 A. Carbon e 18 C. Danc e 19 M . Jon ebloed 20 D . Rei dg 21 22 T. Langford 23 E. Eames 24 25 M . Vernal 26 C . Rya n 27 L. Swain 28 C. Eames 29 A . Glen n 30 M . Power 31 M . Baker 32 G . Kenned y 33 34 D . Gloufche v 35 C . Law 36 37 M. Nunan 38 C . Carrigg 39 40 M. Cahil l 41 42 M . Northey 43 N . Elliott 44 45 S . Cleven 46 47 48 49 J . Treyvau d 50 51 52 A. Baggoley 53 54 55 56 R . Murray 57 58 S . Alexande r 59 60 R. Pawli k 62 J . Anderson
Clearca Hairdressing
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SPORTS BOOK^ , "Your Coaches' Associ a
SEASON 2 003 With the commencement of the new season, as coaches, we are all going to play finals and consider ourselves a pretty fair chance to be premiers . The problem is that while all of our intentions are hopeful, the reality is that we cannot all do this and some of us will have seasons we would rather not remember.
So on behalf of all the executive members of the Coac hes Association the best of luck for 2003 . This year is an exciting time for the Coaches Association with a new executive group who commenced in the late part of the 2002 season ready to develop and improve one of the best Coaches Associations in Victoria . This year we will continue on with the Coach of the M onth and ultimately Coac h of the Year for both Senior and Under 19 coaches . This year the Coach of the Month has some very valuable sponsors. Melbourne Sports B oo ks - $20 voucher for C OM Village C inemas Century City will be sponsoring COM with a Double Pass to their Gold Class Cinema in Glen Waverley each month . (Value $80)
Village Cinemas Century City will al offering special deals for picture r during the season and your club will b, to use this as a fundraiser. AFCA are extremely grateful for sponsor's support and hopefully we support them in return .
We are in the process of arranging special Professional D evelop : Evenings that will incorporate sessions, Recovery sessions an d Ge knowledge sessions with experts in field - people to help all coaches develop skills .
Like always we are interested in preference or idea you may have in the of PDE . Coaches Clipboard will have articles year that hopefully will be informative challenging to all of us with authors cc from within the ranks and experts at thc level . Once again if there is a specific you would like to see discussed please l know and we will source the approl expert . Glenn Taylor AFCA/VAFA glenn . gaylor@shel1 .cosn . au
~ 03 982' 04VU 03 9827 025 7 mhsobaCmhsoba .asn .au
sonr -.ent S ':ill nezal theithei~ T
HydreGhern Centre The Mchen Place W1333ams & Co The Frame Shop Spitbrg Image Cate` De€:catess Moods Consulting Ply Ltd Terranat Landscape
Isciff Monte Coffee Sons Edward i Lynch Agencies cry Paul palsor i Beau re p aires
G/ 1 :1 E) 'sf' ; '--_7
`.l}C T1C3 ! ~ t D
DECADE STAR MHS TE A Alban on the Lake, Albert Park Saturday 28 June 2003 Fantastic auction item s
*Decade Star Teams from 0f-€S 1st XVEIIs " Exce:=ent meai and drinks All inclusive price of a65 ph or $120 a doubl e at The Bush inn from 7Pm . Players, sponsors d s=.,^porters all welcome, Great dinner and drinks .
4 20C : " -~ i= i,'tATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Welcome to a ;` pla_/ ;rs . sponsors and supporters of NIHSQB:=C for 2003 . Our hope is that all games are played in the spirit of amateur football by all clubs, irrespective of level . Season 200 3 brings with it a new deg ree of adr£1€rlistrau've u ;?certa4nty vaith changes to the reinstatement guidelines and a new Form S . We hope that these uncerlairt;es will not tarn ;sh the reason we are all involved with amateur football - to have fun and o play with one's mates.
in of, t"J€~{€t3g volu(1teers who had the necessary compassion -or their ovm c(ub.
Nowadays it does seem that a more 'full time' professional approach i s required . How clubs wi be able to cope wit h
Enjoyment through administering amateur football us_- rt to be the
these increased financial pressures remains "co be seen, Lei's hope we can all survive these challlenges .
A warm welcome is extended to new Senior Coach David Skinner who is returning to the club after a stint at Ivtt Waverley. He is joined by David Waterhouse as Assistant Coach, Jamie Dixon takes over
Reserves and is ju s 5 games away from playing his 200ti, Cadell Duke joins the senior club as coach of the Under 39s in addition to the Under 17s . Good luck fcsr 2003 to all coaches .
ROUND 1 - 200 3 Welcome to C Grade 2003 . A special welcome to the 4 new teams that have joined the g rOrmondandTher yPenoladownfromBgrade, while Mentone Vultures and St Leo's Emmaus WP are up from D gradeC Grade has long been the bridge that joins together the upper and lower grades . A club's fortunes are usually decided in this competitive comp, with teams on the up meeting former great teams on the way down . This year in Crunch grade is no -xception with Ormond joining old rivals Collegians, both clubs trying to halt the slide against teams like Caulfield Gr, Old Camberwell and Beaumaris who are trying to establish themselves in the higher grades . The season has already started with Caulfield Grammarians taking the prize for being the . After a "spruik" team of the pre-season disappointing finish to 2002, the Fields have . recruited coaching extraordinare, Merv Keane The former Richmond premiership player has a wealth of senior coaching experience in the SANFL and the VFL and was at the helm of the Western Jets in the Under l8s in 2002 . The Fields would be hoping that Merv, can provide that little bit extra to take them to the top and onto B Grade in 2004 .
Round 1, and no exposed form, can only mean a scribe's worst nightmare when it comes to trying r approached to pick a winner . ok a winne in an early 2 year old would trying pic race in Spring, have a word to the connections and try to make something of the trial of the early form . Below is a quick run down ; teams the praccy matches from Prahran - Lost to Hampton Rovers (B grade) & Caulfiel d Old Camberwell - Beat St .Leo's 8& Lost to Collegian s Caulfield or - Good results against Old Brighton (B grade) & Prahra n Collegians - Solid wins against Old Camberwell & Ormond ~_.- --- -
eat - m e Vultures Not exposing form against fellow C graders but beat East Brighton
Ormond -A first up loss to collegians e Glen 'ira - Pushed St .Bedes (B grade) and b East Doncaster Bt.l eo's - Lost to old Camb &, Monash Blue thrashed AJAX 'I'hea~r F'enola - Marginal losses to B graders Bedes & Whitefriar s ~ aum aris - Beat MHSOB (B grade) by a sm quickly realised th Looking at these results, I they weren't going to help me identify the like finalists or cellar dwellers .
, ,e Ammo's, if a club loses 5 senior players ar does not replace them it can spell disaster for tl upcoming year, while the recruiting of a couple, top quality liners may be the difference . So ne, move was to find out the player movements ft and losse each club . Here is a look at the gains For the year ; e prahran - Loyal clubman John Ross has tak a we reins of senior coach after Derek nine w
recruited to the AFL ranks with Collu?gwood . Th Two Blues have gained Shaun Campbe (Canberra), Ryan Marriatt, Peter Tryvo (both bac from o/s) and Rex Hunt (injury) . Losses includ : Ben Sanderson (o/s), Tony Van Rooyen, Mar Johnston (both to MHSOB) and Wayne Tasel (WA) .
Old Camberwell - Apart from the talented t319 ; coming through, gains include Adrian Sheedy (v1 Pt Melb), Linton Ryan (o/s) and Greg Weickhard (study), while Jeremy Goodale is off to WA . Caulfield Or - Apart from Merv and the load o under 19s, the Fields have Mark Frate (Sandy/Frank) after stepping ou~ukof foot y e Browne i, year and Dean Synman (injury) . off to the bush . Coile ;ians - Have achieved the impossible an (
it ill yl
f > t
, lv added Ben Couch (OGs) and Brad (Old Ivan), but have retained the of their senior list from 2002 . Vultures - The step up to C grade ha s entice former players Paul Sullivan gham) and Adam Gange (via Menton e back to the fold . Need to cover a huge loss in Mat t e(Syd FL), the multiple comp b&f has joined past coach Mick Knuppel in th e City . Dave Collins (Karingal) will help loss . a - Have a similar side to last year but Declan Lamb (De La) & Mimo Dimachki , U18s), there are also a few ex-Port Colts 7i-.e WRFL who are keen to impress . .,. ...Penola - Bolstered by the return o f Holdstock & Robinson with Ron Finlay el to offset the loss of club legend Chief et.) . The 2002 captain, Stephen Boyl e due to work and Harmes (Preston) & Crotty ur have moved on to the VFL. - Hoping the continual improvement o f U19 premiership side from 2000, Anthony 'i,.rd (U19s capt) & Dale Carz7 .m (country) will
loss of Jimmy Maton, Greg Rafferty (both Dom Dinni (inj) .
-__--~~ - " afli_a - 411/0~. - 1 ~-?/21â&#x201A;Ź98 r,rone connected with the Beaumari s ill Club was extremely saddened by the t tragic loss of one of our favourite sons Z :Aen Guidolin . "Guids" first displayed hi s all talent as a member of an U14 r,nii .ership side in '95 before playing two ws of soccer at quite a high level . He r -ned to join his mates in the U17's an d as recognised for his maturity, r :) skills and popularity with his by being named as co-captain of th e ual U19 premiership side of 2000 . By n his ability had taken him into the iors where he suffered a serious kne e j ury that saw him miss a year of playing the e he loved so much . However he worked d to comeback and be involved again las t and after a promising pre-season he was ng very optimistic about the coming son . Sadly that was not to be, and now we left to mourn the loss of his smile, his usiasm and friendship. We will not forget and today we dedicate the opening of the : ason to his memory . We pass on our .re condolensces to all members of the lolin family and hope that the high ire of esteem in which Damien was is of some comfort to you at this time .
Beaumaris - Another team banking on the improvement of successful juniors under the guidance of returning coach Brett Marchant, who has brought in Mick Lovejoy (OMs) as his assistant. After taking all that in I still needed further info to try to make sense of the season and importantly Round 1 . I recently received an e-mail from an unknown source based in Sydney, who had set a premiership market for the year . As Crunch Grade ammos football, is so popular with Sydneysiders I was therefore willing to take their word as gospel ; $3 .50 Caulfield Gr $4 .50 Therry $6 Beaumaris $7 Collegians $10 Glen Eira $13 Old Camberwell $21 St .Leo's $26 Prahran &, Ormond $34 Menton e
So, after evaluating all that pre-season news and gossip, I have come up with the following for this week's Rd 1 games . Therry to be too strong at home for Collegians . Glen Eira to spoil St .Leo's unfurling. Old Camberwell to welcome Mentone to C grade . Ormond to pinch an early win against Prahran . Match of the round - Beaumaris v Caulfield Gr, could be the preview to this year's GF . Will stick with .the spruik side and tip the Fields . N .B - Thanks to the press corro's for all your help for the above info . CORRESPONDENTS Match details and highlights to : Luke Mahoney - Luke-Mahoney'&ational .com.au
Ormond congratulates Damien ( ITicton s) Cleary for playing 150 games for his club . Damien played his junior football for St Peter's before progressing to Oakleigh in the VFA . He crossed to Ormond in 1995 where he saw a more secure footballing future . Damien rates the 1998 Reserve Premiership and the friends he has established at the Club as the highlights of his career . The unassuming and popular backman has also won the Reserves BU in 1996 and 1999 . Damien will now be remembered with a plaque on Ormond's Wall of Fame recently established by the Club for players who have achieved this significant milestone .
TODAY'S ULT-C C SECTION Therry Penola OB v Collegians St Leos Emmaus WP v Glen Eira reserves match to commence at 11 a .m . Beaumaris v Caulfield O r Old Camberwell v Mentone Vultures Prahran v Ormond 15
C Section BEAUMARIS Coach: Brett Marchant Asst : Mick Lovejoy Res : Mick Carty 1 S . Nish 2 H . Gibson 3 M. Pitts 4 M. Matulick 5 M . Ensor 6 A. Spence 7 D. Foley 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Cousin s 10 L . Buller 11 M. Lee
12 L . Healy
13 C. Gourley
14 T. Collins 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 N . Atkins
21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 R. Meilick 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C . Marti n 30 S. Hunt 31 J. McGeogh 32 B. Cairns 33 S. May 34 J. May 35 N. Boctor 36 R. Deato n 37 R . Pre sne ll 38 J . Gerrand 40 R . Rawlins 41 N . Conlan 42 O'Brien
44 C . Collins
45 J. Deluca 46 M . Talbot 48 W. Travers 49 J . Bryce 50 S . Lync h 51 S . Coote 53 J . Windebanks
54 A . Thompson 55 S. McNicholas 56 E. Leyden 57 H . McMillan 58 S. Fitzgerald 59 B. Griffiths 60 C. Gionis 62 A . Pratt 64 M . Carty 66 A . Coote 67 B . Gillespie 68 S. Doukas
G r. '~7_7 3ELD
e,, . ; : , .â&#x20AC;˘ : , ; ., _ ..: Coach: Merv Keane Res : Chris Mathieso n 1 D . Rosman
2 B. Hall
3 C . Knight 4 M. Lid el l 5 S. Kendall 6 N. Craven 7 J . Cow!ishaw 8 R. Foot e 9 M . Prefer 10 A . Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D . Pearce 13 A. Green 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G . Harrison 18 B . Baxter
19 T. Aylen
20 H . Vella 21 M . Pennycuick
22 C . Mc Assay
23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 N . Dorman 26 S. Widjaja 27 J. Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 G . Erickson 30 C. Fa an 31 T. Foster 32 A . Lawson
33 S . Fryers 34 R . Langfor d 35 S . Thompson 36 B . Cunningham 37 T. Messer 38 J. Restarick 39 A. Bosna 40 R. O'Neill 41 B Ku 42 D. Synp~ man 43 A . Bruhn `M L. Schneider 45 D . Scott 46 B. Scott 47 S. Jenkinson 48 N . Tassel 49 B. Gardne r 50 P. Delahaye 51 T. Mc Donald 52 A . Sinclai r 53 P. Carter 54 Rynberk C Hoope r 56 S. Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 T. Kavouri s 59 A. Beach 60 N. Fal! u 61 N. Bannon 62 C. Sheppard 63 G. Crathern
64 J . Foley 65 R . Keown
71 M . Cassidy 76 M. Harrison
Coach : Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook 1 J . Dixon 2 M. Johnson 3 B . Mooney 4 D . Atkinson 5 ery S. Woolle Woo e y 7 D. S urkitt 7 J . Farley 8 C. Unsworth C 9 J . Fry 10 J . Lang 11 B . McKenzi e 12 N . Harrison 13 N . Thomas
14 D, Phillips 15 L . Cottom
16 A. Fletcher
17 R. Hosking V C 18 T. Krotiris 19 A. Robertso n 20 21 C. Harris 22 S . Piasente 23 C . Mollard 24 B . Low 25 R . Muir 25 D . Gambaro
27 A. Shinkfield
28 N . McCann 29 A. K enneally 31 N. Roach 333 2 B . Holst 34 35 S . Beilby 36 G. Cooper 37 38 T. Dyer 39 N . Ha rt 40 R . Bardvre! I 41 N . Baxter 42 N. Abbott 43 M . White
44 Y. Phillips
45 R A. Lew 46 C. Rowe 47 R . Sztar 48 E . Waters 49 J. Clark 50 D . Vial 51 J.B. Shadbo!t 52 B. Grant 53 J. Van Berkel 54 B. Woolhouse ouse 5 . Lumb 57 C. Peck 58 D, Smit h 60 D . Dowling 61 D . Cook
64 M . Gribbl e 65 C . Safstrom 66 S. Porter 67 D . Osborne 68 69 70 T. Skurrie
71 73 74 75 76 77 L .Beardsley 78 79 80
Coach: Paul Beddoe Res . Coach : Anthony Strafford 1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassar 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakas 8 M . Dimashki 9 G . Hayes-Dewar 10 G . Richards 11 B . Clements 12 B . tGn g 13 G. Brown 14 M . Loughran 15 Mimo Dimachki 16 Danny Race 17 Declan Lambe
h: ;:'
:`i 'eJL : _ ~
Coach : Tony Macgeorge Res Coach: Darren Fenec
1 S . Rowley 2 R . Gallagher
3 M. Dixo n 4 M. Haye s 5 A. White 6 C. Stephen s
7 K. Gurtler
8 D. Perrin 8 K . Little 9 M . Meye r 10 M . Hovey 11 C . O'Meara 12 M. Davies 13 A. King
19 K. Dimachki
14 M Etcel l 15 Mick Sulliva n 16 P. Sullivan 16 J .. McCarth Sulliva y 17 C n 18 T. Sulliva n
21 S . Haines 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24
19 C . Stewart 20 P. Kring s 20 T. Smit h 21 D . Kelly 22 P. Murph y
18 R. Oldham
20 A . Diamond
25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsag!iotis
27 R . Gilmore
28 L . Shellard 29 R. Dimachki 30 L. Pryde 31 T. Aberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 L. Hall 35 S . Hollow
36 B. Zurek
37 P. Merric k 38 M. Lewin
39 40 L. Doolan 41 M . Merrick 42 J . Serpanchy 43 J . Gusman 44 S . Diamond 45 A . Caruana 46 T. Evans 47 48 J. Halliwell 49 50
51 52 A . Haines 54 55 L. McGaw 56 57 S. Hall 58 59 60 61 M . Tkocz 62 D. Sheehan 63 64 65 M . Dimou 66 67
68 69
23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith 25 G . Upti n 26 A. Rock 27 S . Hamilto n 28 C. Johnston 29 A . Gang i 30 P. Dixon 30 N . Freeze 31 M. Andrews 32 C . Blai r 33 N . Wilkin s 34 D. Sheeha n 35 M . Johnston e 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorg e 38 S . Perraz o 39 A . Fimster 40 G. Simm s 41 C . Roc k 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 C. Barr 46 C. Ross 47 J . Tully 48 Mick Wa!sh R. Bi ttne r 50 G. McMillan 51 D . Clarke 52 K. McLeod 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 G . Alla n 56 S. Sullivan 57 D. Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 Matt . Walsh 60 D. Fenech 61 A . Walsh 62 N . Levett 63 S . Water s 64 S . Hesline
65 T. Allinso n
66 R . Waterson
67 M. Joyce
68 A. Tresidder
73 M . O'Meara
1- .
THERRY PENfl LA Coach: Adrian Connolly Res. Coach : Peter O'Dea 1 S Handley 2 D. Beckett 3 J . Denning 4 A. Grace 5 M. Martinov 6 D . Whelan 7 S. Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 G . Hall 10 R . Martin 11 D . Robbins 12 B . Delidio 13 L. Wells 14 S . James 15 S . Naughton 16 T. Stewart 17 J . Bridges 18 W . Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D . te Hennepe 21 R . Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 B . Arnold 25 J. Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan 28 A . Clinch 29 M . Broadhurst 30 G . Richie 31 H. Black 32 A. Lom 33 M . Collins 34 A. Russell 35 L . Russell 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everitt 38 D . Broadhurst 39 S . McCarthy 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 J . Putz 42 C. Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 C. Talley 45 J . Franklin 46 C, Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 S .Whelier 49 S. Metz 50 S Dipasquale 51 T. Dipasquale 52 S. Betsy 53 C . Harvey 54 M. Ramsay 55 B . Payson 56 M . Farrell 57 R. Kentara 58 T. Banks 59 P. Konstanty 60 N. Hoare 61 B. Jones 62 B. Slater 63 C. West 64 M . Wood 65 S. Anderson 66 L . Dale 67 M. Mabbett 68 D . Clifto n 69 B . Cromack
Coach : Chris Bye Senior Coach : Jonn Ross Reserve Coach : Paul Quick Assist Coach : Jason Reddick Res. Coach : Gary Datson I Gorman P 1 D . Herders 2 Mills A 2 M. Harvey 2 Goodwin T 3 P. Kelly 3 Bannister R 4 P. Quick 4 Elliot M 5 H . Pitts 5 Sacco S 6 S. Tully 7 Bannister S 7 S. Pang 8 Hollow L 8 C . Bamford 9 Bannister C 9 A . Bunnett 10 Vaina J 10 P. Rose 11 O'Sullivan D 11 A . Pitts 12 Moran R 12 M . Beer 13 Atkinson D s 13 C. McLean 15 McMahon A 14 M . Evans 16 Goodwin M 15 B. Mair 16 Clifton D 16 A. Rhodes 17 O'Connor G 17 S. Campbell 18 Carter B 18 M. Windridge 19 GrantA 19 A. Millican 20 Clarke J 20 J. Kellow 21 Henderson G 21 L . Northway 22 W. Barber 21 Rizzo J- s 22 Reynolds L 23 R . Marriot 25 Edwards P 24 J . McDonald 26 Lewis B 25 L. Aitken 27 Garoni M 26 T. St.Clair 27 Thompson T 27 W. Watford 29 Goodwin S 28 K. Watford 31 Hollow S 29 P. Gartland 32 Sacco J 30 M . Muehlheim 36 Barron D 31 D . Decarteret 37 Castaldi D 32 D . Ballard 38 Nancarrow M 33 A. Wood 39 Boyle S 34 P. Treyvaud 40 Garoni P 35 B. Gallia 41 Martin A 36 J. Killeen 43 Warren M 37 A . Gellie ~~. >-ccl P 38 I . Hunt 39 S . Morris =n S 40 I . Dennis 41 Gcoc win D 41 J . Upton 49 Whykes B 42 D. Kelly 50 Barron B 43 C. Boyd 52 Weston D 44 D. James 45 M . Vagg 54 Riley S 55 Garoni M 46 M. Vear 56 Dunne P 47 J. Foster 57 Weston S 48 J. Vagg 63 Moloney A 49 L . Wood 59 Robinson T 50 S. Kennett 64 O'Meara J 51 O. Lappin 65 Stella S 52 D . Komen 66 Green A 53 B . Aisbett . Rafferty 67 Tsinaris G 54 S 69 Serong S 55 S . Ramage 70 Kuret L 56 A. Ryan 79 Higgins T 57 S . Moylan 84 Russell G 58 J . Foster 89 Christie A 59 S. Oliver 98 Hollow B 60 M. Popovski 99 La Corcia M 61 J. Bedford 62 C . Tooley 63 B. Vercoe 64 J . Belcher 65 S . Crai g 66 G. Northway 67 K . Centre 68 D. Stock 69 S . Whitford 70 C. Pricop
S T L EQ" E째.. ; P , Coach: Darren I urner Res : Frank Dinicolantoni o
1 D. Dinicolantoni o 2 J . Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S. Buckle 6 J . Fennel l 7 A. Burges s 8 B. Bird 9 A. Bethun e 10 B. Mitchel l 11 A. Ballard 12 T. McCan n 13 A. Kreb s 14 D . Camm 15 P. Carey 16 A . Ros e 17 M . D'Ameli o 18 R . McCan n 19 D. Carey 20 G . Rafferty 21 G . Simondso n 22 P. Ristevsk i 23 T. Batty 24 D. Bruce 25 A. McKenzi e 26 A. Prosse r 27 P. Levins 30 M. Ottobre 31 M . Contessott o 32 L. Price 33 L. Thomas 35 J . Briggs 36 S . Bavage 37 S . Manton 38 N. Hodde r 39 B . Vaugha n 40 J . Gay 42 M. Flood z' R I'' q s 46 A. Br n 47 M . .- .ern y 48 A . Dal y 49 D . Cox 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 A . Volpi 55 C. Hatfiel d 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitche r 60 C . McDonald 61 J .Blandthor n 63 P. Nolan 64 D . Wood 69 S . Meshcer 70 D . McGloi n 75 T. Ymer 76 G. Donova n 77 C. Vaugha n 79 T. Tribe 88 S . Pitcher 89 D. Winduss 99 D. Lear
F l l' a Ce`ffi
, 'C, i . . ., .t r Sponsor
visits VAFA matches each wei ! : end . In ea lumn I will name a vehicle which is s e For The Love Of The Game returns for another year, however with a new person at the controls . Each week various contributors will submit FTLOTG to me and I will edit this column this year . Any news, views and printable gossip should be sent to me on plrilCa a.asn.au or fax f,:_; 050. ~a _ 6 Today's match at Koonung Reserve, Bulleen (tvlelways 32F10) between Bulleen Cobras and North Brunswic k has been tagged "The Mem orial Match fo r tricz' ." Former Bulleen Cobras player Anthony Ste : :art was one of the many who was tragically killed r,n the bombing in October 2002 . Anthony played over 100 matches at senior level for the club between 1991 and 2001 before he moved to Perth where he was a T31,,,-r with the Kingsley Football Club.
pre-match luncheon at which VAFA president -' ]-wazns and vice-president J ohn Bell will be in dance will be followed by a minute's silence and a i brief speeches before the game . CI club is seeking a gold coin donation from all in attendance at the match with all proceeds going towards the ongoing Bali Appeal . <+T G urges all spectators in the area to get down to the ground, pay your respects and ma? . a donr:tion . If the club can raise $250 in gold coins this column ,vill ;ick-in a further 8100.
sporting of the 20 03 Sport 327/ Crol Entea ~ = SA club bumper stickers . I name the V, ~'A club named on the sticker and description of the car . To go into an end of season dr for a Crown Indulgence Package, the car owner nee to email FTLOTG (philtQ v afa .asra .asa) before no Tuesday, giving your name, address and c registration number. A Crown Indulgence Packa consists of dinner for two at a Crown restaurant, room for the night, followed by breakfast for two t next morning . Watch this s ace each week. 0 F ' st I" r ' y's Presidents' Secretaries' a i a dinner to launch the new seaso many people received awards recognising their pa e- :orts in particular those related to the 2002 seaso Each 2 c FTLOTG will profile one of those peopl First up +oda,> is Rh Lyon. Knitwear M ed I ' i , aner P Jesper Fjeldtad . Jesper who will this year write the A section column the "Amateur FootbaIler", came to the VAFA's noti with his excellent articles on the VAFA whilst writing i the Leader Group of newspapers . What endearf Jesper to us in those days were that his articles alwa, presented a balanced view of the issue . Current Jesper writes sport for mX newspaper, which is a pa of the Herald and Weekly Times . Jesper is also a play in the VAFA, previously with St Leos Emmaus WP at this year will turn out for St Mary's . By winning the Media Award Jesper receives a framc VAFA jumper which shows the color designs of all VAF clubs plus a flight to either Sydney, Adelaide or Hobar Congratulations Jesper, and we wish you well for tl year ahead and congratulate you on receiving iIr award .
-ant. A presenter is required to assi : its calls of VAFA matches this seasoi Email Ken Woolfe o rce.net .au
0 0 FTLOTG would also like to let you know what som e i ie ople 1 be doing in 2003 who have been involv e - "ar r - ma:- years, but who are no long e ir . 1eaa . 4
G-,r a 30 year period I have had the ver asional 1-2 year break . All up, I have coached for 2 ti :at time and over 500 games, so this yea r st _1; : a bit, recharge the batteries, see occasi :,r- : .i g<r:ne and maybe even go away for i or two in my wife, which is something I hav not been able to do for some time. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200
d A t.
vould not be foolish enough to say 'never ve the game and if the situation was right and )reached me I would at least discuss it wit h e, your VAFA career highlights.
" viously, my period at Ormond over 10 year s fortunate enough to have the great of coaching in 6 Grand Finals and winning -) s3^ar `-m as VAFA Rep Coach was
lenge I re ly enjo} J . coa(hizag in the he 80's and disagree, but I think player s ,sed to so much coverage of AFL footbal l r of them have become 'self-appointed' game and become increasingly difficult ers are clearly better prepared physically, so sure they are as committed to their There are so many distractions to diver t ?. career, social life, family, othe r ~a freqL ntly football is becoming less
ve c6.rched? ; There is no doubt in my mind that the bes t pie er I ever had the privilege of coaching was not necessarily the most naturally gifted or talented with pure footballing skill BUT he squeezed every last drop of performance out of himself with his courage, passion, and willingness to overcome any obstacle . Russell Barnes at Ormond, now coaching St Bedes, Mentone Tigers, never, ever, ever gave up. That's why he enjoyed so much success and lifted 4 Premiership Cups as Captain . Others include Phil Mehrten, Phil Kingston, Simon Eishold - all 3 became All-Australians plus Andrew Mackintosh at De La Salle was just an outstanding player. opposition player you have seen? ; Undoubtedly . Michael Yco from Uni Blues and Mick Greene and Mick Deveson at De La Salle . Sadly,for me, both had retired
by the time I coached De La . Best umpire you have seen and why? A split decision between John Horwood and Brian Goodman . Look at their records of A Section Grand Finals and Rep games . Their greatest strengths were their abilities to control a game without being dictatorial, have a beer after the game with coaches and players alike, admit to making a mistake (and these were rare), yet were totally professional and had the respect of players and officials, The VAFA were very well served by these 2 great Amateur men . Mark Gibson is by far the best umpire of recent times . Favourite AFL team and how will they go this year? 3orn and went to school in Carlton so naturally I am a life-long Blues supporter . They will struggle this year and maybe next as well . Denis Pagan must be wondering what he has walked into . Losing early draft picks means a shortage of talented young players and the salary cap fiasco means the club has been forced to hang on to some players that clearly are not up to the required level . Jack Elliott was running the club as his personal fiefdom and has a lot to answer for . The decision-making stopped with him despite his denials . With all their great history they will fight back but they cannot buy their way to success this time . It will have to be worked on assiduously and will take time so Carlton people shall have to be patient in our support . -- A~T , players ever seen? John Nicholls, Alex Jesaulenko, Leigh Matthews, Michael Voss, Andre w --` TE: .rthur-Allen coached VAFA clubs Ormond, De , ce La Salle and most recently St . Kevins . He enjoyed many successes as the senior VAFA representative team coach and his biggest run of success was in coaching Ormond to 4 A section premierships in a row and 5 i n
6 years .)
G Hope you enjoy the column . Please provide as much information as possible for FTLOTG to look at . 19
My early years were spent in a rural community on the Murray River during the worst drought this country had ever experienced . Once rich pasture and cropping land was reduced to powdery dust, and even the mighty River Red Gums were struggling to survive . The community was financially destitute, and, to make matters worse, for the last six years of that drought our nation was at war . The people only survived by banding together and helping each other out, regardless of background or creed . One of my then best mates was a member of the Bangerang, (one of the Murray/ Goulburn Indigenous Peoples) and we could occasionally refer to each other as black or white, female or male genital parts (colloquially expressed!), with never a hint of any slight intended or umbrage taken! In our present litigious, trans-national progressivism, and "thought police" riven times, I am proud to be part of the VAFA community because it reminds me of those far off days when fair dealing, mateship, and a common sense and purpose prevailed, even in the most stressful of circumstances! So. I am confident a cure will be found for "Form B-itis", and we can ge t
on with what we love, FOOTY! The really interesting thing about the Dl 2003 season is that the most intense battle appears to be fo r
positions 5 & 6 on the ladder! With one exception , the contestant Clubs seem focussed on having goo d solid years rather than going flat chat for a Flag . Well , that's what the scribe heard, and he believes everything he's told!
TODATS GAMES Last year D2 Grand finalists, Yarra Valley C3B and Salesian OC, clash in a reprise of
that game so comprehensively won by th Bushrangers . Tim Killworth continues directing th on field fortunes of YVOB, and while he has lost som of his stars from 2002, he will have enough talent t build a very competitive unit again this yeaj Salesian, under new coach Peter Turley, are lookin to consolidate on last year's sold result, and ar confident they are on the way to achieving that goa At home Yarra Valley should win by 5/6 goals . Aquinas and University Blacks play at Ringwooa and both are hoping to use last year's consistency t, sling shot them to higher things in 2003 . Aquina has a new coach in Gary Connolly, who will b blooding a group of youngsters brought in to replac some of the retiring stalwarts like Jason Livingston and Cam Colliver. Rumours of Al Bethune's boot being rested are not true ; the great man will again b giving his all at centre bounces . Blacks as usual hav lost a few, gained a few, and, in spite of Jack Clancy', masterful capacity to en-wool my eyes, they will be ~ better group this year, with Paul O'Shannass, continuing as coach. Black could be a little furthe ahead in their preparation, and should take out close match by a kick or so . plays Bulleen-Templestowe at Punt Roa (
TNE ~~"fiTEUR ;=DOT~~ :ILER 2r`:
Iliad these two sides are my tips to be the bi g 14 o rs this season . Phil Davis & Doug Searl will fit young teams to direct, and, by all both will be several goals per game mor e ; rlucu~e than in 2002 . Today's game should be a an d so close that a draw is on the cards, but g that the Bullan ts by a point! nanyvie host Monash Blues, under the on field ,,,,!an(, of Greg Whitcroft and Tim Powell ,pcciively. Banyule are pleased that the Club has l 119 going round this year and the new President , Brockwell, is confident that the generally upbeat ;,intosphere will translate into strong performances ,,,, match days to offset the disappointments of 2002 . ~ (, Dave Williams is going around for one more . j son, teaching a couple of apprentices what ruck ;co ;Ic is all about. Headers, who, craftiness-wise, is a unger version of Jack Clancy, assures me that "the [ lucs could or could not be several goals better than ,t vear, dependant on various contingencies" : that means! At home I think Banyule hould win by 2 goals ! old Mentonians are at home to Ivanhoe :Sssusnption, with both sides having new coaches ar : Peter Russo is back for Panthers, and Joh n takes the helm at the Hoes. Simon Appel is hh _+~d at so many old hands returning to man the un :ps of a Panther resurgence, and that spirit wil l lit~ely see them through for a good win today b y ! 5_,oals . The never say die spirit of the Hoes will tt, in earn eveny point though!
Reserves winners should be : Yarra Valley, Uni Blacks, AJAX, Monash, & Old Mentonians . Correspondents, the contacts are 9889 1979 & bfhickey6Ca,bigpond .com
I Blues - Cl 1 : :i a Gregory 100 ga-3es Gregors chalks up the ton today after many dazzling games in the Monash Guernsey . Christian has his photo under the entry for "mercurial" in any good dictionary and he continues to be one of the best players to watch in the VAFA when he's on fire . Well done to a valued player and thanks to Alan and Beryl for all your support of Christian and the Club . Great effort Gregors from all at the Frearson Oval .
D I SECTION Yarra Valley G .B . v.Salesian 0 C Aquinas O.C. v University Blacks Ajax v Bulleen Templestow e
Banyule v Monash Blue s Old Mentonians v Ivanhoe Assumption
LG .
Coach : Phil Davis Res. Coach : Barry Simon
Coach: Garry Connelly Res. Coach : Howard Field
1 N . Gold 2 M . Konsky
2 C . Thomas 3 S . Edwards
1 B . Reed 2 D . Witchell
7 C . Glennie
3 S. Yin
3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J. Ritterman 6 D . Kalb 7 G . Samuel 8 E. Raleigh 9 J. Berger 10 G . Dukes 11 M. Segal 12 D . Goldenfein 13 E. Janover 14 J . Kagan 15 J . Segal 16 J . Raleigh 17 A. Cukierman 18 J . Kirzner 19 G . Blieden 20 J . Sharp 21 D. Gelbart 22 D. Vanaken 23 J . Feldman 24 J . Brant 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 A . Spicer 28 A . Zemski 29 A . Joffe 30 A . Leficovic 31 A . Lewis 32 D . Janover 33 S . Boon 34 A . Lewin 35 J . Lewis 36 D . Weislitzer 37 S. Newstadt 38 B. Erlich 39 S. Chester 40 A. Cooper 41 A. Silver 42 R .Silberman 43 44 45 Y. Alfie 46 A. Goldman 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 J . Kaicer 56 57 58 59 J . Blankfiled 60 J . Weinberg 61 J . Freeman 62 63
8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 10 C . Campbell 11 M. Barmby 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Denbraber 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williams 16 J. Hunt 17 M . Denavi 18 J. Hughes 18 D. Saliba 19 G . Whitehead 20 M . Starrett 21 M . Hunter 21 J . Pierce 22 S. Flynn 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 R. Weekes 27 S . Jones 27 C. Munro 28 G. Burch 29 J . Wilson 32 J . Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 R. Kan 34 M . Tarulli 35 R . Chapman 36 A . Everitt, 37 G. Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 L. Sheffield 41 G Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M. Slattery 45 M. Reilly 46 M. Hope 47 D . Bower 48 R . Mazzanti 49 M. Hobbs 51 A. Gerrish 52 J. Burden 53 S. Verona 54 M. O'Halloran 55 J . Crouch 56 P. Cruickshank 57 G . Cochrane 58 D . Robinson 62 L. Bradshaw 63 A. Barrie 68 J . Coghlan 70 C. Lyng 71 G . Evans
Coach : Greg Whitcrof t Res: John Fraser
4 B . O'Connor 5 B. Wilmore 6 S. Tuckman 7 C . Taylor 8 B. Cantwell 9 P. Smith 10 S. Dean 11 D . Boyd 12 J . Egan 13 T. Ryan 14 B. Woodlock 15 S. Gray 16 A. Dooley 17 A. Small 18 J . Turnbull 19 M . Creak 20 S . Playfair 21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 S . Lorenzini 25 T. Baldack 26 H . Mcdermott 27 D. Rybicki Healy 28 L. Enright 29 B . McGregor 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 M . Gilbert 34 C . Stevens 35 L . O,Connell 36 J. Szeremeta 37 T Thompson 38 J . Redfern 39 A . Hopgood 40 N . Taylor 41 T. Prior 42 C . Taylor 43 L . Ferrel 44 A Nield 45 M. Smith 46 D . Nasrallah 47 J. King 48 P. McCann 49 G . Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Bott 52 D. Noonan 53 T. Cusack 54 13 . Wilson 55 D. Williams 56 A. Roethe 57 N. Sannholm 58 L. Orton 59 L. Richardson 60 J . Fraser 61 A . Thompson 62 M . Mitchell 63 D . Playfair 64 S . Taylor 65 S . Richardson 66 M . Vanpoeteren 67 R . Knight M . Wilmore 69 C . Williams
Co ; oug S e 1 ; c:_ Fcn : Mal Pnar 1 J. Prior 2 D . Williams
3 S. Young 4 W. Thompson 5 S. McLaren 6 P. Graham 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bone 9 B. Todd 10 P. Tsokas 11 G . Chivers 12 A. Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A. Panou 15 B. Wolnizer 16 S . Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D. Matthews 24 D . Martin 25 T. Matthews 26 S . Boyd 27 J . O'Donnell 28 R . Parris 29 D . Bone 30 D . Florence 31 A . Shine 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 L. Thompson 38 S. Meadows 39 J. Florence 40 S. Meadows 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M . Mason 44 R. Schneider 45 A. Tehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 C. Morivitis 48 A. Morivitis 49 B. Tourganis 50 D. Glover 51 T. Cattermole 52 J . Gunn 53 A. Boyd 54 S . Dowlan 55 N. Macrides 56 A. Theunisson 57 G . Vimpani 58 D. Tsokas 59 D. McNamara 60 D. Horvath
G It, Ri G; cn : L r.ScDonaW 1 S. Conley 2 M. rlaud
3 C . Tucke r
4 T. O'Neil l 5 P. Manue l 6 T. Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 E . Healy 10 P. Lee 11 D. Valkani s 12 L. Hull-Brown 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . Curti n 16 P. Harris 17 S . Morri s 18 B . Hall 19 D . Wood 21 N . Blaine y 22 N . Shuttleworth 23 D . Ryan 24 S . Fre w 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 J. Finlayson 28 S, Matthews 29 C . Hocking 30 M. Sloa n 31 T. Lupto n 32 L . Pearc e 33 S. McGowan 34 B. Joyc e 35 M. Seranni 36 C . Zeegers 37 P. Cotte r 38 R. Peoples 39 M . Ebbag e 40 P. Marti n 41 C. McDonald 42 B . Marti n 43 A. Shemshedin 44 A. Pac e 45 A . lacouange;o 46 fk1 lacouangelo 47 B . Waters 43 R. Too9aad 49 Matt Sloan 50 N . Clark 51 D . Pearce 52 S . Sampson 53 M . Chazan 54 E . Newbol d 5 5 J . Healy 56 S . Saunders 57 A . Conti 5 ; i . . emhe t 59 A. Fa .. ;rs 60 Jâ&#x20AC;˘, ueid 61 rso n ,rc ~ 62 6" J. C ~ur 64 . , ~ori~ i 66 J. Rivo F Mins 67 G . Step, en s 68 F. Yaghmoo r 69 J . Mazocca 70 K.. 1",e 71 A. Pe 72 K. i ,mez 73 D. r . ..,ett 74 S . HaI 78 C. B r
~. ,-. -
o .all Shady S . Caprnan Br der I!Iloway Chessan ma n ° :,rar . Thompson g -. G . OSulhvan 3m Lloyd Sr~ence r , , u, Su3yth sarlin ` ' . P. :lkler Nind J' Ilington 1nrtn Sounders Edsall aregory e' .ckley ldevill Craven v ikins J Wile De Young Aain ~r earner ;-,awkins -ddingfield rnah _ ;. rds . .y ~me ;I ;an nan ltn ~en ;.„hty = ._.
.S_r ?ha are y F a yn°., aYn e I .ioresi P :el u . Dodd I, ' .!,,Cormick
arstein P r ampbell L stts olgass i leehan
Co _h: P Russo Res . Coach : Jamie Winduss
Coac , : Peter Turley Res Coach : Adam Davey
I T. Mitsvalsky 2 C . Twwentyma n 3 R . Ba ll 4 D . C arrol l 5 C . MackaY 6 C . Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 C. Ferguson 9 W. Bal(antine 10 S . Voigt 11 D. Sol(ey 12 C. Dwyer 13 B. Heverin 14 M. Stroud 15 J. Costello 16 D . Nock (VC) 17 N . Linford 18 T. Bournon (C) 19 A . Palmer 20 D . O'Connor 21 J . O'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A . Drinan 24 A. Acreman 25 T. Rave 26 G . Dart 27 G . Katris 28 D . Kitto 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 M. Phillips 33 S. Worrell 34 M . Sunter 35 T. Mcnich 36 D . Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 P. Stubbs 39 M . Basile 40 R. Alexander 41 D. Stevens 42
I A . Stevens (vc) 2 A . Thain 3 S . Sutherland (c) 4 A . Healy 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Fore r
I L. Nethercote 2 S . Chandler 3 4 A . Evans 5 6 R. Mackie (C)
98 S . Logan 10 S. Oldt•ield 11 A. Davey 12 M . Bate s 13 1 . BobeS c 14
7 S . Jones 8(C18) B . Watch 9 (C18) C. Simon 10 W. Hanna 11 S. Sandiford 12 13 C . Baulch 14 15 16 17 A . Moffatt 18 T Wilson 19 L. Brown 21 C. Schilling 23 P. Barry 24 25 26 D. Batten 27 28 P. Otsuka 29 M . Staunton 30 J. Ralph 31 B. Costello 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitchen 34 35 Jas Mirtschin 36 37 A . Gray 39 S . White 40 41 L. Rawnsle Y 43 C Beaton 44 R. McArthur 45 46 R. Wallace 47 49 R . Dillon 49 (R) T. Bowers 50 A . Goonan 51 D . Higgins 51 (R) A. Neville 52 53 D. O'Keeffe 54 M . Braszell 55 S . Watch 57 K. B2 e) 58 D . Kean y 60 J . O'Sullivan 62 F. Purcell 63 J Weber 64 R . Adams 66 L, Costello 66 (C18) C. Curtis 67 N . Goona n 70 J . Green 71 M . Nihil l 72 D. Rud d 77 A. Costell o 80 M . Tehan 85 B. Weber 86 B. Collin s 88 N . Abbott 91 A. Whitloc k 93 M . Bulman 94 A . Powell 96 Jon Mirtschi n 98 M . Beha n
43 M. Lames
44 L . Sumer 45 M. Kennedy 46 47 48 49 M . Fisher 50 G. Richards 51 L. Stephe n 52 53 54 D. Goodbody 56 R. Harper 57 58 59 60 G . She' took 61 B. Saunders 62 P . Johnson 63 64 M . Austi n 66 M . Mackay 68 69 S . Altott 71 T. McManus 72
16 17 M, Fera~erda 18 D . Barry 19 S . Brown 20 A . Seeger 21 22 23 24 A. Grace 25 C. Ryan 26 JNannes . 27 Allen 28 M . M Byme 29 D. enl 30 M . Cooke 31 M. Smith 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 39 P. Pitts 40 M . Forer 41 R. Mirams 42 C. Rose 43 E. Maillard 441 $5 S. Horvath 46 M. Sutton 47 48 J. Logan
49 J . Radi 50 D . Taylor 51 52 P. Evans 53 54 S . Porter 55 E . Hanapy 56 57 58 S. Butler 59 60 S. Jinks 61 R . Cincotta 62 A. Chiappini 63 S . Parisi 64 65 66 S . Sinclair 67 D. Sutherland 68 69 8 . Kirchner 70 M . Forbes 7z D. levol i 73
arlow B. .ireen lestbraok Turton .Ids ar :UR FOOTBALLER 2003
74 R. Nahas 75 76 77 P. Dolaman 78 79 80 81 82 83 D . Stinear 84
Coach: Paul O'Shanassy Res Cot 1 Michael Rizio Club XVIII Ch : Craig Baulch
Coach : t im Kiorth Has Cr ch : Rowan Davis 1 R. Pearce 3 R. Thompso n 4 M . Fun 5 A. Drew 6 R . Dew 7 C . Bea l 8 L. Morri s 9 J. 9 C . Ross 10 T. Hancoc k 11 F. Macvean 12 J . Cremea n 13 L. Gillie s 14 E Kruse 1 5 N. Peak 16 L. Taylor 17 A. Lain g 18 L. Whit e 18 D. Ross 19 J. Stron g 20 L Ha e 21 D . Stevenson 22 B. Drew 23 R . Yea 24 M. Davie s 25 F. Pellegrin o 26 J . Longwort h 27 S . Savag e 28 B . Reynolds 29 R . Courts 30 D. Potter 31 B . Sturzake r 32 J . Parry 33 P. Cremean 33 D. Ireland 34 C. Frase r 35 B. Peak e 37 D. Balshaw 38 B. Morriso n 39 J. Tompkin s 40 H . Cotsfard 41 B . Down s 42 A . Stone 43 H . Par k 44 J . H e 45 A . Wingate 47 S . Colli e 48 R. Davis 49 S . Seaboum e 50 J . Peak e
51 H. Clarke 52 A. Hartnett 53 S. Pas k 54 S. Simpso n 55 S. Taylor 56 T. IJoy d 57 S. Kehce 58 G. Kerr 59 A . Joine r 60 S . Laird 61 P. Valopp i 62 P. Buruma hurc h 64 D. Smiih 65 M . Noris h 68 T. Collet 69 R. Collet 71 M . Laing 74 A. Midland 76 J. Dickson
. 0ZA
Stereo 974 Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am
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For news, views and previews, tune t o THE
.L 3MOW with Ken Patrucco, Nor::i SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9.00-10 .0c-, : ~
Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6 .30pm for reports and a complete full-time score service Live ." Section Football Broar';ast from 1 .45 p. n-. _.. ._,
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EASTE 째'~i T CG%agVL TJT'lIT" ' "in tune with the oL_~r east" VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00 -6.15pm each Saturday night.
VAFA i LTNDA Y 9.30 -10 .3C a. : TUNE M 9 . ::3 L =,
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dz 6 .{}0-8 .00 1 L ch at on all matters V -: A.
des u,ay chat On all matters WIFA.
The sa ibrious heights of D2! Who would have thought! There are many things out of our cuiitrol but the love of footv is not one of them . Let's hc e the new season brings plenty of enjo_ , o the thousands of Ammo supporters, p'iyers and officials .
It is time to roll out the first cliche for the year . 11 clubs begin the year on equal points , lost clubs would have similar ambitions with a place in the four the most obvious starting point however the realists at some clubs would k 'ready understand phrases such as rebuilding < id consolidating . I will leave it to my new colleague to eo into the details of sound s aanating froi nd iP traps but ' e are
, ear;<> the,,,
rew Says h:coa Paul Dimattina is very confident . The Demons hav e maintained the core of their senior list and 11 look for improvement from youngsters to help them take the next step . is probably the most ambitious club in D2 . 'ter a respectable sixth (8-I0) in their first season in D2, nothing short of a GF will satisf~, the club . Former state ruckman Andrew Ur'-- ncic is an impressive recruit . ` Wckeep a lid on it' is the official line out at --. The newly promoted Hawks have recr- lot of kids and coach Peter Tyson i s o that his troops can continue to improve .
hinges on gun forward Dan Lauletta . be were only a kick away from the GF las t year and new coach Tony Crisafulli is demanding more final's action . Their large ground should suit their fleet of fast and fit youngsters . Watch out for Heath Davies ! Oakleigh are looking to rebuild after a shocking 2002 . The Krushers have lost many senior players and coach Chris Moore will look to the likes of Clark, Bromley and the Kitts brothers to lead the way . relegated Old Geelong have a new coach c?iae1 Lockman and if he gets his way, the
ill become a`fair dinkum football club '
rough the Ps ;_side an d
to stav. This is a
initi~ drop! This team .
, not for them taki n
than a social club . With good numbers at g, the club should appreciate the drop in
j ' â&#x20AC;˘bt . . . . g of their
not s e - pc
an d .s?
ciass. __itm- nduring an injury-riddled 2002 (7th, 810 1 . coach Glenn Taylor has put his pla_ i-s through a torrid but structured preseasc, program . If lucky with injuries, OC wil l
r'r 50th anniversary with Septembe r
that the two in D3 have plav ud u"nal s
ar : my picks for the GF ; it about 9 B+F's in a
to shr ~ got "6cking
ab+ .
< ach Julian Sill is 'quietly confident ' ; team's prospects . The Pirates ar e lother big season from Shaun Payz e bu : the loss of club champion
' -k coach Julian Siebrand is th: . his team can be competitive th : :: o,=inning the D3 flag last year, the jes are aiming to finish in the top half o f 'der. relegated is shaping as th e ,k horse . The club has its share of AFL rinections through Leigh Monkhorst (brother Damian) and Tim Wheeler (son of Terry) . If Dene Macleod can persuade dynamic duo William s 1and Steve Saunders to play, th e v1S could be very exciting . 3 EB.F2! S 1 . Fitzroy, 2 . Old Carey, 3 . Bentleigh , iamstawn . id 1 Tip s ula 6pts 1 Carey 26pts
Trobe 2 pts 30 pts 50 -t s
ils and highlights to : - ea .silitqiocner .com .a u , ; u - .vuev4'~~hotmail .com
est Bruns, ic' - Pe ,- sula 0 B Old Geelong v Old C d fro m La TrObe t7ni v WilliamsLj째. . n CY .A S Fitzroy Reds v Hawthorn Amateurs I?-nt'eigh v 4aklein1,
..~. . . ~i . - . . . -
coach : Paul Dimattina Res . Coach : Steve Hall 1 C . Sharp 2 3 A . Pittito 4 S . Side 5 M . Eyles (C) 6 R . Weber 7 8 9 I . Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D . Martin 12 13 14 15 16 L . Airey 17 J . Handfield 18 S. Adasvay 19 20 R. Fishlock 21 A. Graham 22 23 S . Adams 24 P. Gatto 25 D. Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 A . Clough 30 A . Miksad 31 S . Craven 32 33 P. Withington :-1 M . Fine 35 L . Ireson (VC) 36 M . Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 39 G . Prigg 40 M . Walker 41 J. Neve 42 43 C . Martin ~ 45 46 R. Lawford 47 A. Strauch 48 9 B . Clar k 50 A. Stanes 51 52 L. Sampson 53 54 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 58 T. Caterson 59 P. Ciccarela 61 62
._ ..• r , - _.. ..
Coach : am Burgen Res. Coauh: Darren Kane Club 18 C^ : ch: Greg Box 1 D. Hannam 2a B. Holderhead 2b A. Walsh 3 S . Dibenedetto 4 B . Pollard 5 P. Diacogiorgis 6 D. Curtis 7a S . Andrew 7b L. Byrne 8 A . Byrne 9a H . Fletcher 9b C. Prior 10 A . Urbanic 11 B . Atherton 13 S . Pidotto 14 T. Clarke 16 G . Crane 17 B . Lee 18 M . Baker 19a C . Andrew 19b C. Quinn 20 T. Mitchell 21 C . Meighen 22 C . Sullivan 23 D . Knowles 24 A. Parsons 26 C . TemPe rl eY 27 J . Tornese 29 V. Cahill 30 C . Little 31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S. Drury 34 S. Heree3 36 M . Reeves 38 A. George 40 G . Bunco 42 I . McBurney 45 J . Bennie 46 D. Timm 51 J . Rawlings 53 S. Addicott 54 J . Parsons 57 R. Rome 61 G. Virtue 62 N. Auden 7 R. Holderhead 73 J . Bare 76 P. Everard 77 A . Grillo 97 D . Ronchi
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C roh PE Tysen G . Coach : Ed Sill I A . Collins 2 G. Broadley 3a A. Knott 3b N . Patterson 4a S. Stevens 4b B. Glover 5a S. Avery 5b T Kerr 6a P. Avery 7 C . Alexander It J. Cargil[ 9 R . Ogge 10 P. Orchard 11 M. Pollock 12b A . Tsoumbaris 13a J .Murphy 13b J . Povey 14a D. LauleYta 14b T Fitzpatrick 15 M . Tyson 16 C. Reed 17 B. Ruzicka 18 P. Phillips 19 J ,Law 20 S. Parker 21 K. Brockman 22 C. Habe i 23 L. Coffins 24 J . Jackomonis 25 M . Zaverell a 26 N. Hayes 27 R. Lord 28 T. Crivell 29 P. Barker 30 31 32 33 P. Stroud 34 R . Johnston 35 S . Davies 36 A. West 37 M . Daou 38 B . Bruns 39 G. Carle P. Rosstto 411 J . Bogi e 42 D . McGlenchy 43 I. Chap s 44 B. Alder 45 B. Mountain 46 T. O'Hanlon 47 D . Lai 48 A. Brick 49 N . Tierney 50 J. Gourley 51 S. Signorini 52 C . Frost 53 M . Pre : i 54 J. Berry 55 A. Sc 56 M . Cc" i 57 B. Cc s 58 T Du on 59 A. Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M . Gray 62 A .Johnsen 63 D. Kealy 64 N . Kude•Neh 65 G. Lilyvrhlt e 66 C . Lorenz 67 S . McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov, 70 A . Pattor. 71 S . Williams 72 M . Waller 73 J. Williams 75 E. Sil l 76 C . Pickett 77 A. Smith 78 D . Carter
. _
io Crif°`u1li rs; Dt. i iuiier 1 . P. Morton 2 . S . Fredrickson 3 . D. Sheldrick 4 . N. Dunn e 5 . S . Adamswaite 6 . M, Watso n 8 . M . Correnti 9 . L. Walker 10. S . Davis 11 . A . Murray D. Harris 13 . P. Moon 15 . S . Brooks 16 . A . Brenna n 7 . J . Brodie t 8 . A . Hewitt 19, S . White 20 . A. Murphy 21 . D . Edmunds 22 . S. Wilcock 23 . S. Craig 24 . S. Edvdards 25 . M. Fanning 27 . S. Pruscmo 28 . C . Ross 29 . A. Pendell 30 . J. Smith 36 . T. Mauadsley 39 . N . Rosengren 40 . R . Slater 42 . D . Gleason 43 . A. Poulton 44 . S. Linehan 45 . D. McMeekin 47 . A. Samso n 48 . L McNamar a 50 . K. Hopkins 54. T. Peters 5~5 . A. Cumming sNeild 57. A. Woolmer 63. J. L aidiaw 69. M . Hagan 70. J. Dumaresq 75. S. Gellert A. Benton A. Bright ,nohue ,mmala D r ne ce S m ; F. na A. ._ . .,= R. S . 31and ~.~ Bowden B . C I. erb ck M . Cr oulos H. C N . r ^7°ic T S Y E re J .. E
M. Forrest
C . Francis D . Gilmour J . GrP D Hd R H, D . ;S. JG Rn C. n g'OiL ' -i's Jua F, uT. fc,)t "Z=i ~ C ~nell SC e A C F. H R-sseil ~
3"r r
... .-_ .. . F C n. . . .A
Coach : Chris Moor e Pat McKenna
1 B. Go o 2 V. Moe n 3 D. MacKenzi e 4 B. Varkatzo s 5 B. Theohar s 6 R. Dooley 7 M . Short 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Mouti s 10 L. Thomas 11 C. Hanley 12 13 D . Britt 14 P. Malcol m 15 G. Redfor d 16 M . Bel l 17 A . Hunter 18 J. Connellan 19 20 J. Tolley 21 A . Perdikomati s 22 S. Ear 23 J. Kerle y 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshal l 26 A. Kitts 27 G . Smit h 28 29 C . Kokkino s 30. P. Holde n 31 T Bromle y 32 J . Brown 33 M . Clar k 34 B. Evans 35 R. Nusk e 36 M . Ryan 37 P. Torpey 38 S mis s 39 A.. Mulholland Carr 40 J . Gaal 41 M . Cash 42 S . Dalion 43 B . Gan t 44 45 46 B . Nguye n 47 M . Stevenson 48 . A . McKenzie a9 S . Collins 50 51 . L. Kennedy 52 . C . Cooke 53 • 54 O. Parton 55 A . Gook 56 J. Pag e 57 P. Illma n 58 E. Bennett 59 60 M . Vongsykeo 61 62 63 A. Jury 64 M. Ogilvi e
.,1 --rr is Coach : Julian Siebran s: Damien Sh r 1 S. Maloney 2 S. McMahon 3 J . Fitzclarenc e 4 C . Sticnchcombe 5 M. Vickers-Willis 6 J . Bell
7 J . Paul
~aso n brain Davey
mpkins S. outton D . Elsner C . I ckey S . Hart O. Winchester J . Marshall S .Feehan S . Mees C. Smith
B . Spedding
T. Seymour D . Satte r 0 M. Avery 1 L . Steven s 12 N . Perrin 13 S. O'Brien 14 D . Taylor 15 H . McCarthy 16 T. Fallaw 17 M. Goldsworthy 18 J . Malpas 19 B . Grills 20 S . Cole 21 N . Bayne 22 J . Fitzgerald 23 C. Fairburn 24 A . Munro 25 G. Leishman 26 S . Lansdell 27 W. Paul 28 T. Carey 29 G. Allan 30 M . Stevens 31 T. Woolley 32 N, Betts 33 T. Pau l 34 B. Yates 35 P. Johnstone 36 T. Ayerbe 37 T. Betts 38 M . Leslie 39 S. Clarke 40 H. Legoe 41 P. Winter 42 A. Kettle 43 D. O'Brien 44 A. Dhillon 45 S. Morgan 46 L . Knight 47 M. Strauch 48 S. Greed 49 S. Grifiths 50 L. Teague 51 J . Kilpatrick 52 J . Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 T. Daniel 55 D . Harris 56 A . Meek 57 J . Huxter 58 B . Brueren 59 D . Brueren 60 A . Southey 61 A . Holmes 62 J . Morley 63 D . Huggins 64 X . Fitzgerald 65 A. McLachlan 66 R. Merriman 67 T. de Steiger 68 H . Browning 69 T. Mayhall 70 J . Cole 75 P. James 76 H. Peck 77 C . Pritchard
1 S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M. Goldthorp 4 E. Bowe n 5 N . Kent 6 M. Warner 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angus 9 M. Dentry 9 P. Krohn (res.) 10 A. Haley 11 J. Sil l 12 S. Ferguson 13 B . Cook 14 S. White 15 J. Davi s 16 S . Claringbold 17 J . Coghlan 18 M . Merric k 18 J . Whelan (res .) 19 A . McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A . Teelow 22 A . Atchison (C) 23 R . Powne y 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchiso n 26 A. Murphy 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 S . Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 B. Grant 32 B. Liuzzi 33 R . Stainforth 34 M. Falkiner 35 T. Trewhitt 36 N . Claringbotd 37 J. Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Barbe r 40 B. Mitchell 41 A. Victoria 42 M. Barron 43 B. Dunne 44 C . Maclea n 45 L . Prendergast 46 D . Brennan 47 L . Palmer 48 G. Lethbridge 49 A . Minchin 50 P. Arnol d 51 L. Gilder 52 J . Zarb 53 S . Jay 54 D. Porra 55 R. Cannon 56 A . Tunks 57 S . Smith 58 P. Mangan 59 S . Foss 60 S . McMahon 69 J . Muir
1 M Drain /A Hamilton 2 P. Hamilton 3 G . Heppell 4 C . Lehmann 5 A. Cannane 6 S. Pietsch 7 S. Benjamin 8 P. Batters 9 A . Morphett 10 S . Byrne 11 H . Bailey 12 B . Clarke 13 M . Ritchie 14 P. Norman 15 M . Russell 16 P. Harris/7 Maguire 17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Shelton 20 T. Houlden 21 S . McNamara 22 A. Steward 23 G. Leahy 24 J . Jenkin 25 J . Siebrand 26 R. Benjamin 27 D. Disisto 28 J . Ward 29 C. Sheedy 30 M . Lewis 31 S. Edwards 32 M . Carmichael 33 T. Thompson 34 I . Twyfor d 35 D. Jelbart 36 S. Campbell 37 T Dempsey 38 S. Darling 39 R . West 40 R . Baker 41 R . Touzez 42 C . Norman 43 J. Tobin 45 J. Smith 46 A. Bandt 47 A. Thompson 48 M. Moore 50 A. Bagnall 51 L. Sherry 54 D . Coonan 61 K. Hilton 62 S . Dishon 63 J . Garden 64 L. Stewart 69 R . Hussey 70 D . Weston 71 M . Brookshaw 75 P. Brunt 85 T. Gross
C , , is Macleod Res Coat , : 4amaron McKenzie 1 D. Williams 2 J. Buttigieg 3 D . Williams 4 S. Wuchatsch 5 D . Macleod 6 N . Grant 7 B. Robinson 8 B. Han n 9 J. Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 B. Twist 12(R} M. Cannon 12 A. Featherston 13 A. Mackley 14(R) A. Danie l 14 D . Ferris 15(R P. Breguet 15 R. Gaborit 16 B. Joseph 17(R) R . Plochino 17 R . Hart
18 D . Oldham 19 P. Derv an 20 P. Sadler 21 D . Macleod 22 M . Saunders 23(R)A. Bouras 23 T Wheeler 24(R) C. Pack 24(RG} J . McCutcheon 25 . Burgess 25 D. Freestone 26 L. Grochowski 27 C. Mathews 28 A. Kosmatos 29 P. Vincent 30 T. Turcinovich 31 A. Ba rtolo 32 X. Tob y 33 G . Rickard 34 B . Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A. Black 37 B. Hynes 38 S. Smith 39(R) A. Cart er 39 M . Holland 40 D . Pawlowski 41 T. Campbell 42 D . Wouda 43 B. Grant 44 M. Manning 45 J. Hynes 46 T. Ferri s 47 F. Nuredini 48 P. Tirchett 49 W. Kewi n 50 A. McCutcheon 51 A. McKenzie 52 R . Nisbet 53 M. Oldham 55 J. Spezza 56 S . Calderwood 57 M . Saccoccio 58 A . Beard 59 K . Dowsey 60 D . Lee 61 S . McNerny 62 D.Orch ard 63 D. Temby 64 T. Ryan 65 S . Barlow 66 S . Phemister 67 A. Savoia 68 A. Hough 69 B . Cambridge 70 D. Sadler 71 F. Cerone 72 F. Luca 73 J . Sprague 74 J . Fry 75 M . M~IIer 76 M . Sime 77 P. Geraghty 78 R . Cornish 79 S. Mardesic 80 S. Freeman 81 T. Williams
Su rf1 ap'le.
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The _ - : (Glenhuntly F:oad) is ope n The rear gate (c St . .(ilda Street) will only be open when there are no matche s scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2Šval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that woul d allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and th e club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tic' :ats for ;,,'ayers and officials . 30
i : Name the senior VAFA coach GLIHE/SRCQAL N (un-jumble) Fill out the answer and contact details (to the left) and mail Aypswer_ YOUR NAr = : ._ . ... .--.__. .. ... . ._ ... .. .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..---------- . ..__ ._- . to "VAFA Ben Hogan Competition, PO Box 359 Eisternwick 3185" by noon Tuesday following the match ADDRESS : P HON IE ; for your chance to win . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
~ Each week a coates and Wreckair Player ci` the Week is announced on this page (one player each section). ~ Each section 's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18 ). ~ Each section 's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ~ 21 M11F's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .
- n- i - rVV i -LLCM 4 Ui/3
morn Amateurs . and i Reds td s' ed lnnks dbourne I r tough return to A Section for Old Brighton Grammarians, -h from their B Section 1ag, when they tripped across tow n to :13erfeldie to meet St Bernnards, keen to impress new coach C'u'rv Foulds and recover from a disappointing 1997 season . Scores were 6 .6 level at half time, the home team led by 5 points at the last change, and then were too s tr ong in the last to go on and win 15 .12 (102) to 12 .10 (821 . Best were Vassallo (7gls), L Gollant, J Gotiant (St B's) and Lennox, 'ilderton, Oakley (Old B) . Rover Andrew Pryor reached his 200th game in a distinguished career for Old Brighton winch features tjAFA interstate representation six times and club best and fairest three times, It was a thrilling finish when 1997 B section runner-up . St Kevins were at home to Old I-Iaileyburians who reached the preliminary final in 1997 . The home team led 7 .8 to 72 at half time, and then the visitors swamped them in the third term, deking 9 .1 to 1 .1 to lead by 42 points at the last change. I t was a perfect day, no wind and Old Haileybury looked certain to start the season with 4 points. It tuned out to be a harrowing half hour for the visitors, as their accuracy 16 .3 in the first three quarters, deserted them and they kicked 5 behinds to St Kevins 7.6 . One of those behinds got O .H . over the line as they won by the solitary . 16.8 (104) to 15 .13 (1 0 3). A storybook start to the season at Ivanhoe where Mazenod led 14 .7 (91) to 1113 (8 ,5) at the last change, then kicked three goals at the start of the final term and appeared to be certainties for a big win . The 'Hoes fought back with TaglieriSclocchi and Joyce both scoring, Ivanhoe rover Giles scored a noal in the dying seconds to tie the scores . Centre bounce scrimmage, Mazenod got the ball forward and wobbled a behind through to win the game 18 .10 (118) to 17 .15 (117), Best were Marino, 0'Donoghue, Oeehiuto (Maz) and Tucker, Tagliari-Sclocchi . Scoble (1c=an) . In B Therry met Old Paradians and in a remarkable display of accuracy their score read 4 .0, 10 .0, 12 .1 . 20 .2 . Not good enough as Old P kicked 8 .8 in the first half and then kicked 13.4 in the second half to win 21 .12 (138) to 20.2 (122). Best vere Brabenber. Paimam, Bruiis, McMahon (6 gls) (Old P) and Elliott, Kuret, Crotty (T-P). Goals to behinds 1778 % , perhaps a record in a game where total points scored were in excess of 250 . Milestones at Peninsula Old Boys to Jason Bleashe (150 games) and Adam Landry (100 games) . Try your knowledge on these two questions that were part of C.U .B's first Trivia Competition for the year : I . The V-.AFA introduced the centre 'StsUARE' in 1973 . Gvlrat was unique about the 'SQUARE'? 2 . Name the odd man out for two reasons : Robert Diperdomenieo (Hawthorn), Ross Smith (St I{iida), Neil Roberts (St Kilda), Gary Dempsey (Footseray and North Melbourne) . Ian Law (Hawthorn), Don Cordner (Melbourne). TliIZ : UPSIDE DOWN .ri 'a.n0 an _ ; "_101atrr . I lot auo iiuO acp saw arI IL r5 s urrs 01 . ; c ., MM, ,Y"1 ' 7 'C>1tiOi4'VIQ ztoa'. it!
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Extensions to Elstermviek Park administration offices had been carried out over the summer an d the official openin g ceremony took place before the De La Salle OC v . St Ber OC game . The Brighton City Band performed before the and at half time . The 1993 season was launched at the P.S .M . Dinner Southern Cross Hotel by incoming President David Bu Toni Haley was guest speakerCanterbtuy North Balvyn, Balwya Combined, Yarra I G.S. Old Boys joined the Association, Oakleigh came up U19 to seniors, and Camberwell and Old Westbourne Jr the seniors for G section . Certificates of Merit were awarded to Alby Bolger (Parksidej Egan (Therrv), Ian England (Old Carey), Tim Gallop ( MH; Ted and Norma McNamara (Uni . Blues) and Matt S (Ormond) . Brian Woodhead and Brett Connell had joined V. Administration.
Mike Murray and Andrew 1{iiner were President and secre of the VAFAUA . 'A' Section field umpires were J . Toohey, P. Gersch, R . Sin W. Hinton, A . Kilner, D. Dalgleish, M. Jackson, S. MeCarthp Cherry, R. Bell . Old Scotch charged home in the last term against College only to go down by i point . 12 .8 to 12.9 . Best were D . Hot A. Dulmanis, M . Lake (Coll .) and J. Handbury, C. Reid, Stokes (Old Scotch) . It was a sad day for Old Mentonians when their iegend~ footballer and official Ron Sungey, passed away at age 43 . R was a founding member of the club, and after missing t club's first game due to a wedding conmiitment, played fl next 237 games of his 361 game career consecutively Therry were in great form in 'B' when they annihilated 0 Paradians > .16 to 8 .9. Best were M. Petreti-ski, P. Motion, Zanetti (9 goals) and O'Loughlin. S :~: indon, M. Geary (0 ,
:u m ,asual vacancy caused by tu sh, "to had returned to his clul ftiareeiltn Old Coliegians. Tom became the third Parksid member to serve on the Executive, his predecessors weri Lionel Pepper (1946-62) and Brian Lauder (1975-79). Jim Hawkins again led the Association as President tivitY Richard Elliot, Executive Chairman. After his speech at the Umpires Pre-Season Dinner at Brighton Yacht Club, the umpires were not sure whether Jim was a Golf Pro or Businessman . 1988 Umpire advisor, Neville Nash, had been appointed by the VFL as Umpires` Administrator in Brisbane . His successor was David Levens, former VFL umpire, whose experience In football included a stint as President of the Warracknabeal Football Club. txZayare Henry, on meeting David, suggested that the 1988 A' Sectlon Grand Final team could be Wayne Henry, Sa m THE AMATEUR F00TRALLER 2003
, Robert Bell, with Noel Rundle to help out . (Wha t about David Levens' appearanee?) provided the surprise in Round i when they 37 grand Ittrial defeat by Ormond. One goa l ete . O.X . kicked 10 .2 to 4,6 in the second half. re Nick Bourke (9 goals) . Anthony Callan, Sa m L, may Meagher, Rick Marks (former VAFA and AJAX ,1 Laurie Meehan . Gilmore, Best and Sutherland served well. Ormond newcomers, Andrew Jobling an d "noon, made quiet debuts. 1987 'C' Premiers Ivionash home in 'B' Section by 7 points in a'thrflier` agains t Id Grammarians, 13 .11 to 12 .10 . Best were Zacharidis. Slurgess, (1v1 .B.) and Armstrong, Royals, Bettany ne was in 'D' where Bulleen-United, 25 pis ahead o f Brunswick at the first change, saw their lead whittle d Iuarter by quarter and then managed to hang on to win s. 13 .9 to! 3 .7 . The stars were Empey, Jenkins . Graham i anu Balazsy . Samatore, Nirosi (N.B.) . rou :i!I 'A' Section umpires were Mark Bushfield, Steve Justin Toohey . Steve Clinch, Paul Chen . Cameron ardre,v McRae, Ken Coughlan, Greg Hardiman ,
I r, :6 on Jou...u me Association's Junior iuLst Assumption Old Collegians withdrew from th e i! on the eve of the season . Former Reservoir Old Old scotch and 1983 Old Melburnians coach Lauri e 3d been appointed coach of the interstate team. i f tssa, Peter Murphy and Gavin White, and Executive David Scott were appointed as state selectors . Peter nad joined the Association as General Manager. Jim as Chairman of the Umpires' Committee (oh - to ' .is men can rise - Jim became VAFA President in . . .chard Tracey was President of the Umpires ' in. Doug Cutiriss created club history at Old Ivanho e up for his 300th game capping a distinguished career 3 he won two club best and fairests and was a membe r 1 73 premiership team . Collegians shocked 1982 s . North Old Boys with a seven goal win, 19 .10 to 13 .8. r~~ Daff, Cook, Griffiths (Collegians) and Considine, r (North r3 .B3. I oi Season 1978 saw a nv: _I1~ ; . i :r,~ . J,i c . Fullerton retiring after 2 1 ' , ;ro oi dcdicaied Taking over as Secretary was All Ream, :chose ion in amateur football started in 1940, and who ha s )led and active member of his club, MHSOB sinc e Russel and Alex Johnson had been appointed t t in Executive Chairman respectively. A' Section saw the introduction of two field umpires . i!istr â&#x201A;Źement Committee had been in operation using the tructured definition of amateurism. nohue was appointed State Coach for the matches d in Melbourne on Queen's Birthday weekend . of Selectors was Don Mcgueen . Clayton made its iateur Football . tch and Ivanhoe returned to 'A' Section with stron g Ormond and :.-arceIlin OC . zuti square , with di ;:~, -, tal half forward and a tre half back, and other _ig. : clubs F~ kner and Thornbury : r e e-appearances were made by University Reds
(F) and Old Paradians, Parkside (Junior) . St Bernards reported on their 1972 grand final breakfast at which Peter Hutchinson of Power House received a presentation as Amateur Football Personality of the Year . John Landy . 1956 Olympian and former Old Geelong player, was the guest speaker. Geelong was the first club in Club Histories. The club was formed in 1926 with three men, P .L. Williams, K .W. Nicholson and V.H. Profitt playing vital roles . It was a late start in that year with the first match on May 1st. The club also placed in 'A' Section, the other teams being Uni A, Uni B, Old Scotch, Old Melburnians . Caulfield Grammarians, Hampton (later the Rovers), Elsternwick, Sandringham , TPache=s Col!rne . '.furrumbee n â&#x20AC;˘.atielbourrre High veteran narrte ~,ie'nald plar d',ris 200th game (and went on to play more), Common .. : ;alth Bank veteran Alan Kirby had retired . Tributes were paid on the passing of Harry Heathershaw, Executive Conunittee Member, 1954 - 1968 first coach of Commonwealth Bank and president of that club for seven years . Old Paradians unfurled their 'A' Section pennant, 'A' Section umpires were Geoff Thomas, Alan Thorp, Brian Hagarty, Harry Marks and Gavan Marshall . Uni Blues and North Old Boys returned to 'A' Section with decisive victories over Old Scotch and Collegians respectively David Hughes, 8 goals out of the team's tally of 10, was Ol d F-0.,, , Cluh ;: uasurers r ere aavlsee, oat aiiiliation fees tor the season re :,' and'B' 8140 . with other sections $130 . With 14 team s in Junior Section, the Association had a record number of 64 teams playing. Collegians unfurled their 1957 .A' section pennant in front of runner-up Uni Blues, with umpire Arvidson in charge . Collegians were far too strong, 18 .14 to 7.4, Mansfield Bennett (9 goals) and Sunderland were best for Collegians while Shaw, Howden and Charles Langley held the disappointing Blues together . Life Memberships were conferred on Pere Matthews, Ossie Meehan and Fred Coldrev . Old Geelong made their first appearance in 'B' Section after successive premierships in 'D' and 'C' in 1956 and 1957 . Alplilgton awarded life membership to Pere Adams for long and meritorious service . Executive Committee were Pere Matthews, Jack Cordner, Harry Heathershaw, E .J . Lane, Jack McCann, Lionel Pepper and All Perrin . Ian Cleland had been re-appointed Umpires Coach . New teams were Huntirgda':e and St Kilda (P,^ Old Boy s 11 Inc season opened on 24 April .4' ~5e,' in (10 teams) . 'B` Section (10 teams), 'C' (8 teams), 'D' (7 tearns) and Junior (9 teams). University Blacks played Collegians and unfurled their 1947 'A' Section pennant. Hampton Rovers made their first appearance in A' seetion . Old Scotch and Melbourne High drew - the Cardinals kicking 9.23 . their opponents 11 .11 . Top goalkicker for the day was Tom Hogg 9 goals for Uni Blues against Elsternwiek . 'A' Section teams were Coburg, Collegians, Hampton Rovers . Ivanhoe, MHS Old Boys, Malvern, Old Melburnians, Old Scotch, Ormond and University Blacks .
for instant promotion . As far as . Tal -r d
Hello D3! ! Welcome to the first weekly report for the 2003 season . I can say with all honesty (in my opinion anyway) that the competition in D3 for the upcoming season promises to be one of the most even, on paper at least, in recent times .
concerned, they should c -tainly at the ver least be competitive . There are a lot of team similar to each other, and it will be th results they get against each other that wil be most influential that will decide their fat . ,
Last year's favourite, > . J 's OC, lost coach Bruce Mullen and a swag of players to MPNFL club Dingley . Club stalwart Steve Koppens takes over the reins as playing coach, and is quite keen on a youth push . If it is as successful as Hawthorn's efforts last season, expect the JOCs to be in the mix again .
On to the match previews . Match of the Day status goes to E 3sterra 'c? and St . John's O0 at mini E-Park. The tw "leftover" finalists from D3 last year will botl naturally be striving to take that extra stel or two, but with player changes on botl sides, fortunes could well differ from las year. Nonetheless, both teams still hav, plenty of class with the likes of Walker Koppens and Hilton for the visitors, and th, Mahony boys for the Wickers . Tough call especially this early in the season, but wi ' thomegrundav,ITotheWic today .
Brett Devlin is in the hot seat for Power =louse, who gained a late reprieve from relegation to D4 thanks to Parkside joining the DVFL . The Piranhas have enlisted a raft of new players, the biggest coup being exSandringham/ Melbourne list player Tom Marshall . Understandly, the House will be looking for bigger and better things in 2003 .
Newly promoted I : . " e host Sync- . 째:' He at Soldiers Reserve in what should be closely fought contest . The Hoers are ah :_y ; a reasonable side, while the Bees will still & abuzz (ugh!) from their promotion . Again, don't know too much about either side a this point in time, but if the Hoers have he ionthelksofCachindRuter,Ihav E
:lsternw ic k have displayed encouraging practice match form, and while they have had a few ins and outs in the player personnel department, will nonetheless strive to improve on last year's fourth place finish .
_:Ionasb Gryphons have had mixed form on the practice match front, and will hope that their latest intake from the university adds that extra spark for a finals push this season . As for the rest of the teams , and W erribee will be looking to continue their upward momentum, and it will `~e interesting to see how the travel factor affects both these teams and their opponents . i,e-: , by contrast, will be looking
the feeling they might just be good enough t< gain the points a a rew, -d for an epic roac trip . Kew entertain =.e
at J .J . Higgins Reserve . Unfortui 1 Ay, really don't know enough about either t etogivahrupew . However, if Ricl
Cheevers is still with the Bloods, I think hF can be a factor, and therefore, I'll plump fo . South toc < y .
:r ,
s Par" . The Piranhas will b e
i th their collection of new recruits the Razorbacks will be looking t o nue the progress they made unde r
Derek Theone last season . The urne forward combination of Murchi e ggins were excellent in 2002 and i f
are intact this season, the Razorback s d_ gain be in the mix for finals. Razors e today . niers . m< ke the journey Caulfield Reserve to lock horns wit h Gryphons coach Jack ald has been impressed with the sid e hed by fellow Brunswick VFA alumnu s West, and will certainly be in for a ge . I know nothing else about the .len, thus am compelled to go with the now . Gryphons, but not by much . 1y : . a the season progresses, I'll get t o le teams better and offer a greate r i of detail .
Elsternwick v St Johns 0 C Werribee Amateurs v Syndal Tally-H o
Kew v South luZelb Districts Swinburne Uni v Power House Monash Gryphons v Rupertswoo d
Good luck this weekend, and indeed for the entire season to all the clubs competing this year. Any correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc ., can be given (ideally by 5pm Monday) to myself via fax on 9920 9097 or email Peter . PS . Williamson@centrelink .gov .au (work) . It would be terrific to hear from every team, every week during the season . Have a great VAFA
e e ke nai?i
"The Qwill "
r':e >- All at Kew congratulate winger Brian Cullen on playing his 200th game today against South Melbourne Districts . Since joining out U19's from Murchison way back in 1990 Bongo has been an evergreen with consistent high scoring in the Club B&F, including 2nd B&F twice and Best in Finals, 1990, but not bringing home the chocolates . However, Brian was captain for four years and also a winner of the Best Club Person Trophy . Brian is now our diligent Club Secretary . A true Kew boy and a good bloke . Congratulations once again Brian from all the Kew boys and god luck for the next 100 .
Coi ;i : Ruon Doherty Ass . Coach : Darren Searle Res. Coach : Greg Crimmins L. Murphy 2 A. Hankin 3 J . Yemm 4 D .Hagg 5 M. Whelan 6 J. Beaumont 7 J. McAda m
S. Currie (RC )
9 T. Hartley 10 M . Boulton 11 L . Missagiia 12 N . Wigmore 13 V. O'Connor 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahony (VC) 15 S. Rosengarten 16 M . Burman 17 J . Perkins 19 J . Hunter 20 K. Curri e 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G . Elvi n 23 S. Curtain (C) 24 A. Foster 25 S. Gordon 26 C. Mahony (VC) 27 M . Daniel s 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 M . Nicho l 31 G . Devonshire 32 M . Goldma n 33 M . Cunningham 34 Y. Alf-e 35 P. McNally 36 A. Lewis 37 D. Nolan 38 A. Burney 39 D. Hohaiha 40 A. Patey 41 D. Byrne 42 J . Lilikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 C. Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 47 Dale Brennan 48 M . Frankin 49 50 M . Battain( 51 52 G. Powell 53 54 55 T. Stanley 56 B . Nikon 57 58 M . Bullard 59 60 Cre 61
1 2 3 4 5
N. Lymn L. Fitzgerald B. Marchesani G . Crimmins A. Makris
6 N. Tinetti (DVC) 7 G . O'Connor 8 D. Mainsbridge 9 A. Eato n 10 B . Cullen 11 B . Woodhouse 12 K. Tancred i 13 C. Kiriakou 14 J .Looke r 15 C. Bradley (C) 16 D. Wood 17 B . Allen (RVC) 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 J . Denni s 20 A . Ac4ield 21 M . Ayers 22 C. Stevens 23 T. Aitken 24 J . Delahunty 25 C. Watts 26 S . Byrnes 27 T. Moore 28 M . Xuereb (RDVC) 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante (RC) 31 D . Cockin g 32 A . Grego 33 D . Wayland 34 J . Hunter 35 R . Bruno 3"o S . Ryan 37 J . Landwehr (VC) 38 T. Connolly 39 N . Colucclo 40 D . Russo 41 R . Livingston 42 P. Dennis 43 L. O'Donnell 44 M . Raffaele 45 A . Iarossi 46 A . Pirona 47 J . Denton 48 S .49irrou 49 L. Bradley 50 A Carman 51 N . E1 r 52 D -', . 53 . .=nson 54R .' .r 55 D . arle 56 T. rlth 57 R . Doherty 58 P. Thornley 59 D . Fabinyi 60
61 S. Moussi 62 63 64 J. Cronin 65 D . Kinross 66 S. McCardel 67 68 G . Black 69
Coaar, Ja mcDonald _ t Coach : Phil Knight 1 S . Bourbon 2 M . Heal y 3 A. Grad y 4 N. Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D. Baxter 7 D. Walte r 8 J . Blandford 9 G. Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A . Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 D. Belle 15 A. Perry 16 P. Rennison 17 J . Hetherington 18 J . Harrak 19 R. Coxhead 20 D. Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G. Harrak 23 A . Mckenzie 24 C. Goold 25 A . Trot' car 26 S . Arena 27 R . Gilchrist 28 M . Malone 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A . Tolongos 33 J . Park 34 M . Graydon 35 A . Moffat 36 G. Block 37 A . Jenkin 38 J . Watson 39 M. Paolucci 40 M. Bourbon 41 P. Rutherford 42 G. Sim s 43 M. Cleary 44 L. Wells 45 J. Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 M. Ange l 49 C . Robinson 50 P. Patrick 51 C . Leeton 52 A . Flovverday 53 D . Whitfield 54 L . Volko v 55 J. Bingham 56 T. Bain i 57 W. Pocock 58 T. Arvanitis 59 A. Yanni 60 G . Campbell 61 C . Yann i 62 S. Yamamoto
C -ach: Peter 0 Conner =-,t Cc :h: J, 3a _ .nd Res Co3ch: Roderic . Marshal 1 A. Roll s 2 D . Boland 3 N . Pavlou (RVC) 4 B. Turner (C) 5 M. Braini 6 H. Clark e 7 C. Richardson 8 J . Clarke (VC) 9 A. Burt 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gil l 12 D. O'Connor 13 J . Harri s 14 W . Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 J . Carrington 17 C. Macleod (RC) 18 F. Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 B . Ryan 21 D. Miller 22 S . Evans 23 24 J . Taylor 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior (VC) 27 J . Robertson (VC) 28 D. Murrih y 29 R. Cassio 30 R. Duncan 31 R. Marshall 32 33 R. Taylor 34 J . Marshall 35 J . Kilpatrick 36 A . Robinson 37 S . West 38 L. Deriman 39 D. Crawford 40 R . Keits 41 B . Plush 42 N . Deans 43 N . Duncan 44 R . Parker 45 D . Lewis 46 C. King 47 J . Parker 48 D . Smith 49 B . Unvin 50 D . Chapman 51 J . Best 52 S . Rafferty 53 J .Sheehan 54 J . BloWfield 55 T. Chapel 56 J . Mahoney 57 J . Gourley 58 J . McClure 59 D . Reinert 60 61 62 A . White 63 1. Bracken 64 65 66 D . Wright 67
-ar .- tony West v. C :h : Shane McLat ilan 2 Ashman R. 3 Page S . 4 Croxford D . 4 Spinner L . 5 Boddington P. 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B. 8 Ramsay J . 9 Clarke M . 10 O'Callaghan A. 11 Moule B. 12 Cardillo K. 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B. 14 Plummer L . 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Portman M . 19 Mezzatesta M. 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M . 25 Price G . 26 Zarb D . 27 McMahon N. 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 Glassey G . 35 Certo C. 36 Henry P. 38 Perlman B . 39 Walsh D. 40 Burrowes D . 41 Bowman P. 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R . 45 Hum D . 46 Eden T. 47 Soutaris A. 49 McGrath J. 50 Walsh D. 51 MacPherson B. 52 Bishop T. 53 Gardiner D . 54 O'Riley C . 55 Trebilcock B. 56 Harty G . 60 Jordan A. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 66 McDonald M. 67 Bottom T. 68 Woodall D. 69 Bradbury H . 70 Temmir,g L . 77 O'Callaghan M .
68 69 D . Galakos 70 75 E . Williams
Cosoh: --- Koppens Ledson Roberts 1 B. Pickering 2 M.Ladson 3 B. Aberjaron 4 S. Holmes 5 C. Horbury 6 T. Hyland 7 R. Bac k 8 L. Johnston 9 A. Jones 10 M . Courmadious 11 L. Merriga n 12 P. Walker 13 M . Jones 14 P. Shar p 15 A .Borgonha 16 A . Paterson 17 S . Cockayne 18 C . Emery 19 J. Cotto n 20 G. Bosley S. Koppens A. Dragwidge B. Hilton H . Wathan D . Waters G . Waters R. Dowsett 28 K. Arnol d 29 J . Hargraves i D. Rate r , D. Rydquist A.,dd A. Fonceca M .i ;ancoc k i!5 J . Sacco _ .- L. Adams 37 A . Dean 38 M . Batty 39 A . Kizili s 40 F Mandrakis M . Schonewille J. Fernando Van Houten Gate s Hall B. Callery 41 G . 째oston e i )ore .Phaedonos J . Brown - C. Santoni 52 F. Auffray 53 J . Pi 54 E . Dizon 55 J . Kelly
Coach : Brendan makney Coach : Derek i i }en e Res . Coach: Darren Duscher Asst C:i: di: Anthony Albert 1 J . Washington Res: David Murphy 2 M . Hannan Res . Asst : Matthew Higgins 3 M . Balshaw 1 A. Albert (SenC ) 4 A . Bryson 2 J . Sheedy (SenVC) 5 S . Kin g 3 J . Piotrowski 6 Warren Rosowski 4 A. Fidler 7 A . Hannan 5 J . Demarte 8 X . Kidd 6 B . Prior (SenDVC) 9 B . Powell 7 J . Murchie 10 G. McDonald 8 M . Higgins 11 L . Este r 9 L. Morrison 12 S. Rocc o 10 M . George 13 E. Henderson 11 D . Milano 14 D . Bel l 12 C. Higgins 15 B. Lazzaro 13 C. Thomas 16 M. Thomas 14 R . Goode 17 P. D'Andrea 15 M. Howat 18 B. Martin 16 S . Reynoldson 19 A. Rei d 17 J. Roberts (ResC) 20 W. Brown 18 A . Fiuman i 21 G . Rowe 19 B. O'Mara 23 B. Downing 20 C . French 24 J . Raeburn 21 M. Eley 25 P. Hannan 22 D . Odiu m 27 P. Cheevers 23 S. Fitzgibbon 30 M . Brady 24 M. Littl e 31 S . Hermann 25 M. Whiting 32 D. McGee 26 T. Liston 33 M . Doyle 27 D . Murphy 34 M . Fern 28 J . Farley 35 N . Moojen 29 N . McCalman 36 J . McCauley 30 S . Fragiacomc 37 M . Roso^rski 31 S . Eage r 38 S . Byrnes 32 C. Culph 39 A . Briglia 33 J . Hanrahan 40 G. Cox 34 L. Watt s 42 G. Gaylor 35 K. Abbott 43 W. D'Andrea 44 C . Daalder 36 J . Carte r 37 A . Reed (ResVC) 47 N . Pantzopolous 38 M . Trick y 49 T. Sutherland 39 R . Roberts 53 E. Bouchard 40 J . Henry 55 J. Pohlner 41 D . Clair 59 Wayne Rosowski 62 S. Aquilina 42 M . Hudson 63 B. Slade 43 J. Andrinopolous 44 P. Beynon 65 D. Thomas 45 D . Islip 66 D. McKerrow 71 T. Baade 46 J. Sandhu 47 T Morris 48 D . Little 49 H . Allen 50 J . Berry 51 P. James 52 D. Harmer 53 P. Dodds 54 S . Dobson 55 S . Gaihna 56 J . Gower 57 C. . Flack a58M 59 A . iska 60 S . Rule 61 B . nzies 62 S . Iary 63 S . Ryan 64 J . Thompson 65 P .Erjavec 66 S . . )lo
2 I . Bingham 3 M. Joy 4 P. Henderson 5 D . Hannett
6 V. Wong 6 M. Buchanan 7 A. Burns
8 R. Bennett
9 D. Richardson 10 T. Psinas 10 A. Hallyburton 11 J . Rutte r 12 J . Moresi 13 S . Miller 14 S, O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 R . Holland 17 L. Fuller 18 S . Macfarlane 19 M . Glenister 20 C . Hall 20 I . Mackenzie 21 A . Dance 22 M . Buckley 23 M. Harper 24 M. Macfarlane 25 C. Clerk 26 A. Morrison 27 M. Leplaa 28 A. Frederick 29 D . Battaglia 30 B. Hollan d 31 A. Richardson 32 L. Hanr,emann 33 T. Bartholomew 24 N. Hunte r 35 C. Cachia 36 T. Fleming 37 B . Robinson 38 M . Christiansen 39 D. Hell say 40 J . Collins 41 M . tv9oresi 42 J . Allen 43 A . Brown 44 D . Raab 45 B . Watson 46 V P :ne 47 Fr . ; ard 48 D . 49 D . ntluEg 51 C . Discombe 54 P. st or T Turpin R . Avery
1 D . Nedinis 2 C . Kelly 3 D . Flack 4 S. Kidd 5 B. Cunningham 6 M. Wals h 7 A. Murphy 8 R . Hann 9 J. Ayling 10 M . Keogh 11 M . Green 12 J . Baker 13 F. P,lehmert 14 J . tJarinis 15 J . Wallert 16 C. Yaser 17 A . Tedessco 18 D. Velisha 19 J . Addamo 20 E. Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A . Dibatista 23 C . Becker 24 R . Stonehouse 25 F. Dimasi 26 P. Thomas 27 L. Djakovic 28 D . Czajovrski 29 S. Dol e 30 B. Carlesso 31 M. Smith 32 Pv1. Dolegowski 33 D . Owen s 34 J. Hoffman 35 S.Alabacos 36 R . Bel l 37 R . Uatiszig 38 T. Towers 39 L . Langtieid 40 B. Paton 41 G . Grogan 42 43 L. Carson 44 T Johnson 45 C. Alabakis 46 A. Carson 47 A. Camisleri 48 E . Collier 49 B . Grogan 50 K. Pace 51 I . Kennedy 52 C. Andrews 53 A . Grogan 54 55 56 57 58 59 M. Kennedy 60 M. Czalowski 61 T. Johnston 62 63 E. Collier 64 R . Bell 65 F. Dimasi 66 D . Fraser.
or Sponsors :
LLC W 5 Albie Firley
5 Chris Simo n
5 Wavne Hinton
5 Max Wittman
6 Paul Hoffman
7 Sean Scully (jnr)
6 Not Available
6 Dash Pettis
7 Adam Conquest
9 Damien Lan e
7 Paul Croxford
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackball
12 Mark Morrison
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evans
9 Mark Taylor
14 Ash Hoogendyk
10 Tristan Bowman
9 Nathan Carlyon
10 Avi Wekselman
15 Tim Doecke
11 Mitch Buxton
11 Paul Tuppe n
11 Luke Holmes
16 Mervvn Monty
12 Jamie Kvins
14 Tim Tingiri
12 Daniel Mousley
17 Peter Keogh
14 Michael Gilday
15 Michael Sneddon
1 Sharon Alger
18 Peter Simpson
15 Mark Jenkins
16 Luke Moncrieff
15 Geoff Curran
19 Andrew Fyfe
16 Craig Brajtberg
17 Michael Robins
16 Peter Woods
20 Brian Woodhead
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 George Paleodimos
17 Mark Gibson
21 Gaj Skandakumar
19 Scott Mackie
21 David Iron s
18 Jason McNiece
22 Chris Collin s
20 David D' Altera
22 David Longworth
19 Steve McCarthy
23 Peter Griffiths
21 Justin Grossbard
23 Robert Sneddon
20 John Ralph
24 Leigh Dillon
22 Rick Love
24 Jason Moore
21 Patrick Macbus
25 Lionel Kat z
24 Miles Argall
25 Matthew Taylor
22 Nick Fennesy
26 Daniel Dinneen
25 Richard Eastwood
26 Patrick Coulthard
23 Paul Dinneen
27 Anthony Simpson
27 Euan Lindsay
27 Paul Jone s
24 Graeme Hunichen
28 Ken McNiece
28 Leah Gallagher
28 Ron Marlyn
25 Geoff Moor e
29 Peter Jame s
29 Gerard Rolls
30 Anthony Lffley
26 Andrew Shiels
30 Michael Phillips
30 Simon Olive
32 Jarred Aspinall
27 Matt Co x
31 Robert Semmens
31 Rob Schuller
34 Daniel Stephens
28 Paul Lamble
32 Anthony Damen
33 Simon Stokes
35 Dianne Whitelev
29 Chris Garcia
33 Michael Forde
34 Jeremy Heffernan
30 Justin Lipson
34 Stephen Morgan
35 Graham Thwaites
33 Robert Mayston
35 Troy Brooks
37 David Murray
34 Graeme Morgan
37 Gavin Roberts
35 Jason Lan e 36 Matthew Meier
CONGI2FiTL"'TI02<5 , 70Lr d_-
2~ ri„ pG that have ,oi n to the new an' reLw=-~~ ~~eeII who is back UA this Year including pulled the plug
overseas, Peter Liddell who ha s us th h . Johns Club an aromePov~ rtHouse)FADh e,tdS lena. ScotLsn ~(,®ns Rpn Bracken, L11ke on, GI arn~ -- , d many `young guns' . Great to see ! . If you are keen there is always room for more loeemoney ~and train ~ sday and T h4 u~sdayrnniga ;he VAFAU A . Cal the VAFA on 9531 8333 . prn} at Elsternwick Park L . Toohep> actually that is not quite correct to Justin Hithdraum from his commitmeA e to bu t Alon ~p~ng on the supplementary list Farew (moved to Tasmania), Adrian Jt .>tisa er woods, Den ~ ~~ Brendpo Ralph, Pte ii inury d others that have retired due to
Congratul< , Fiuthong Sisn', Anne} and - R ` a g~d Marg) W- co~p ` and family members had got married late last 1-' looking at our website Nfl ?hot( by n fantastic time . You ca v vvtiv vafa a asn . `CerGficate of for receiving a VAFAUA at the Congrats to Justin Toohep Service' for dedication and commitm ~hoo h the been pr mo~ed to N VAFA AGM. Congrats e7dd an d Paul '`uPtsen' back on to the VFL and also to Ale nthetrackafterkne injuries . GET WELL to BOB DUI~S''?~d> our oldest and longest Get 1~Je11 wishes got . He is recovering from an operation and wzll serving member . be back 'waving the flags in AP"l / May 2003
C :- :i a ndan and his troops lead the VAFAUA Goo d into another Hope{ully, it will be smooth sailing' A, c ot Dan U Advisor, :,n C~~nd- Field Umges Advisor, j UT Assistant F ve L F j U Advisor, Ric Shaf ie k itca Boundary L'mpires Advisor, s ~ Graenre Hunichen - Fitnes mpires Advisor
lude Avthon Damen ~ elected for 2003 mc Mark a - Senior Vice President, Secretary Junior Vice Pre sident, Geof£ Cur ` es -Assistant Secretary, -, -"7 : easurer, Si-on " - Social. ~alla,her Assistant Treasurer, nembers . . mfssori and : r . Gl tAI. DAY JS - for the VAFAUA, even if th e ful da as a very success 3 'Nell done to Peter Europe! in . was away on holiday . Dodd!) who hel pe d n and all members gcludin s ~ Mrs the day memorable . Not surefr ~ t~~ ~~oug a r much by the tnne th~o umpired in the A Sectio n alations to all u ~.npues w and peter n Final especially Michael Sneddon (MS) a I heard from (PJ) who did an excellent job from what h -4tics!! The brunch was well attended, wit k slea ood food, wine an d wlistening to guest y an excellent all re entertained b ',Viel Conlan . Then to n BBQ drinks wer e of footy . Afterwards, food -was pu from the bar as they were free All enjoy played some v hik the band pa yo ; and fnends mmglmg ° Kirsten music . NV, even got the pleasure of listening s t i from `Quit' who pushed the lead singer out of th e watchin A g the } M . . ing a song (was not too ba et members dance was Agate, Phil and other VAFA w'mnp~s - ;! Good to see them join in and have some r of th was when MS decided t~aaeb ~ nbea e hug- .and I stifl stan d ng' g n by about 15 guys. .. . a bigl He w as squashed
--ter :
SPONSORS VAFAUA thanks all the sponsors for continuing to support n the : sponsors for the associatio ~;S ~otel ' association in 2003 . Nev The To~au FIal1 liotel' (South tv'Ielbourne }, ,,no assists (praluaz} A big hank you' to Stephen Morgan . Check our website for anagg the hotels, successfully m,, c info or stay taned to the UC . nw~ t issue RESULT S TRIATHLON & T= T UMPS PROFILES pistol, AFL (Field Umge) Nickname 11 . -. All PETER LIDDEI L Team - Richmand, lst year umP re> Best PlayerCamping, ~A Wheel Dnsnn Four the St. John Players, Hobbies Fishing (Boundary Umpire) Nickname is GRowin t GAVENS pire,AFLTeam -Geelong,Hohbies cling, g ° t~n~nr„ hasn't ot one, g L~ D~qyOl~ - (Goal Umpire), Nickname . Kilda, Hobbies - Golf . AFL Team - St Golf y- 27/4/03 10 Pin Bowling Night - 18/5/03 21,16/03 PUMPS Function Cocktail Night JBand J02 Mid Year ODiruze j03 Trivia Night 29J 6 rand 22f6 l 18/8/03 A21eg2Grd Fina Final BBQ - / /0 ru~ ALT.X .... .c orrespondence to diannewhitelet~bi nd w,v;vv .vafaua.asn .au
3eiersdorf Australia Ltd
Hello and welcome to another season of D4 . After last year's close finish, we saw the promotion of Werribee Amateurs and Rupertswood, and the reshuffling of teams in higher divisions had Richmond Centrals come down and join us from D3 . Also joining the division is the Brunswick Power who are up from Club 18 .
20 0 3 Season Preview Albert Park has once again started the season at a high standard with over seventy players taking part in their preseason training . Many key players have trained well throughout the summer with the club losing only a couple of last year's players due to interstate moves or work changes . With training interrupted due to the Grand Prix until late April, the boys have been calling Port Melbourne their home away from home until their return to Oval 20, 1 will still however, be tipping a top three finish for Albert Park this season . Box Hill North's preseason form suggests they will be big improvers in 2003 with a convincing performance two Sunday's ago against South Yarra . The match provided a fantastic opportunity for the 15 new recruits to, show their wares to the coaching staff that included Japanese recruits, Musashi Takeshita and Taishi Tsukagosho who shone . While I expect improvement on last season's performance, I do not expect a finish any higher that 8th on the ladder. I%szan.swiek Power will be looking to build on their promotion into D4 by building on their moderate preseason numbers . While their form in the pre-season has been average, new coach Rick Baxter, who has come to the club from Craigieburn, will be looking to continually improve with his young group throughout the season . I would expect the Power to finish in the bottom three for the season .
3u2leen Cobras, like the phoenix, has risen from the flames and looks as though it will return as a power in 2003 with a sensational pre-season . Starting the ransformation has been the return to the club of Senior Coach, Joe D'Angelo and with him, many of the old faces whom other clubs have feared . Combining well with the players from last season, Bulleen's practice match form has been good . I would
expect Bulleen to be threatening the top five this season . Eltham has see n much change over the summer with a new coach assistants, players and attitude . Senior coach, Scot Harrington, who has come from Old Geelong, has pu the players through one of the club's hardes preseasons in some years and their practice matct form has been good . With a number of retirements the Turtles have seen an influx of young players When combined with the older heads of Brian Doody David Brick and Jarrod Mizzi the Turtles should b~ pushing for a final's berth in 2003 . Mt .Lilydale have done well to retain the services o David Keast as their Senior Coach and have addec Paul Commerford as his assistant . With their pr+ season commencing in December, Mount havi trained productively to improve greatly on their 200 : fitness . Having won both practice matches they hau played, Mt .Lilydale, look as though they have los none of their 2002 form and with new talent in Malta Rhodes and Jelenc added to the mix, I am tipping top three finish .
North Brunswick has had a good start to the _vea with plenty of new faces around the track with ; badly needed injection of youth . Ange Sammartin, has worked his troops hard in the off-season, an( with Simon Care and James Murphy at the peak c fitness, I arn expecting big things from North . A to five finish is not out of the question if things go thei wayRichmond Centrals will be looking to reverse thei 2002 form and have shown faith in their coach fror last season, Mark Petrusch to do this for them . Th club has addressed the shortage of players it had las year with the recruitment of players like with Bra Cox, Troy Scott as well as an influx of a youngei fitter players, such as 20-year-old Centre Half Bac Ryan Trotter, or the dangerous Carlton Quay . Th club's practice match form has been good, and would expect them to be pushing for a final's spc this season .
3t .Mar-s are honing to reverse last year' disappointing performance in the elimination fina
-1 have gone about their preseason with a quie t mination . Michael Learmonth who returns as ~-aior coach, has put together a settled ination for round one . With some solid hit out s inst D3 opposition, the Saints are looking every a finals contender. With everyone involved with club champing at the bit for the first the first znce in 2003, 1 would expect them to finish in the top five .
coaching pressure now relieved from Eltham's Brian Doody, it is likely his game will be further enhanced and will prove a problem from the Falcon's big men, however, Albert Park should have too many runners for the Turtles to counter. I believe it will be the Falcons that will make their mark on the 2003 season against a gallant Eltham team as they win by 12 points. BOX HILL NORTH v MT LILYDALE
~,,,h little to no information, being given away from Uni High School - VU (was it something I said last year), it is a little difficult to predict their form . As with any student team, form can fluctuate from season to season, however, it would be expected that
Box Hill North are still building a great club with their focus towards their youth and looking to the future . Mt .Lilydale on the other hand, are still smarting from their near miss in the 2002 season and will be extremely confident of going one better this season . With a wealth of talent at their disposal, Mount will have winners all over the ground against their more inexperienced opponents and will go straight to the top of the ladder with a 58-point victory .
match against Shane Mottram's chargers would tough encounter. With that said, I am tipping the in the green and tan to be a 7th to 9t h )sition in the upcoming season . pl(~. Westbourne has seen a total changing of th e d in its coaching staff this season with th e
n to coaching by Jeff Wilson who is assisted by ie return of Old Westbournian, Mick Christo . The ~ eason training regime at the Warriors has been
' to that undertaken by our military fighting i n ,;ulf, and the core team will be fitter than any ior side done before it . With that said, recruitin g 'ie club has been minimal with Wilson hoping t o
ld from within with a number of Under 19 players promoted . Practice match form has been solid uld expect the Warriors to finish just outside !'VC this season .
v IORTH BRUNSWICK I;=: CE : host the confident North Brunswick in what redicted to be a very tough encounter for both Both clubs have had great pre-seasons i n
nt and in practice matches and will be 1g to start the season on the right foot. In what a grueling battle of strength, I believe that n ill throw down the gauntlet to the rest of D 4
a solid 28-point victory . v 3LI) WESTBOURNE smarting from their early exit from the 2002 series, St.Marys will be looking to keep their ed home record against the Warriors in tact .
s have been ver_v unassuming in their pre,ns and however, the pressure will be on the ne w
taff at Westbourne to deliver results. With of Fairfield and "Jucka" Horsburgh likely t o e the aerial duals, the Warriors are a chanc e e srr all ground, however, I believe the Saints wil l
r too many winners on their forward line to d will register their first .vin for the year by
S v ALBERT PARK es have had the best preseason in recen t - d will be brimming with confidence as they more highly fancied Albert Park . With the
BRUNSWICK POWER v UHS-VU The new kids on the block will host the students in what will be an interesting encounter . Both teams will have a contingent of new players taking the field and will be keen to flex their muscles early in the match. While Brunswick will improve as the season goes on, I cannot see them having the firepower to match the student's runners and as such, I am going with Uni High to romp home by 50 points .
Richmond Centrals has the bye . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS I appreciate everyone's input and will endeavor to print as much of your contributions as space will allow . So get your reports or comments to me by 9am on Monday to be included . The email address is gavanfvcleanevent .com .au . SOCIAL Bulleen Cobras - will be having a special memorial match today to honour Anthony "Fester" StewartGvho was killed in the Bali Bombings . The club is holding a special lunch, and supporters will be asked to make a gold coin donation to go towards the Bali fund . A minute's silence and other activities will be held on the day to commemorate the occasion . Anthony played over 100 games between 1991 & 1996, and 2001 . He was a great character who will be sadly missed around the club.
TODAY'S -&r'_
S 速 __% 速
D 4 SEC'---' N
Bulleen Cobras v North Brunswick St Marys v Old L'Jestbourne Eltham Collegians v Albert Park at Elsternwick Par k Sunday Box Hill North v Mt Lilydale Richmond Central has the bye Brunswick Power v UHS-VU 43
D4 Section ALBERT PARK Coach : John Ahem Res: Paul Shoppee
1 P. Smith 2 S . Robinson (S) 2 N. Pashas (R) 3 R . Bake r 4 G . Foster 5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S . Venables 8 C. Jackso n 8 M. van Elewoud (R) 9 P. Chambers 10 M . Phillips 11 A . Fleming 12 T. Fraser (S) 12 D. Overend (R) 13 B. Payne 14 M .Hyams 15 D . Borley (S) 15 J . Snorasson (R) 16 C. Roberton 17 D . McLellan 18 J. Taylo r 19 A . Steward 20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J . Hannett 23 B. Harries 24 T. Green 25 J . Wier 26 L. Hopkins 27 J . Breen 28 R. Buckley 29 J. Norman 30 V. Surace 31 S. McGuire 32 A . Di'Mingo 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 S. Toth 36 J. Delbin 37 L. Hogan 38 J . Rowe 39 D.'Odorico 40 A. Graham 41 B. Gould 42 K . Daley 43 J .Tsoukas 44 B . Isard 45 T. Bennetts 46 N . Strang 47 L . Tricarico 48 T. Panayotou 49 K . Gannon 50 S . Mellis 51 M . MacLeod 52 M. Smith 53 M . Williams 54 J . Harnath 55 A . Mandylaris 56 J . Guzman 57 J . Sutton 58 M. Sullivan 59 J. Bentley 60 M . Dowdle 62 A. Harper 77 S. Garcia 78 N. Neumann 79 D . Quinlan
BOX HILL NORT H Coach : Peter Armstrong Res: Warren Drew 2 S . Smith 2a A. Manno 3 A.Odza 3a S. Evans 4 J. Potte r 5 A . Pietersen 5a A. Hutchinson 5b A. Jenkins * 6 D. Martini 7 S. Stewart 8 M. Lacey Be R . Chamberlain 9 A . Sallantioglu 10 S . Cook 12 A. Dick 14 L . Perry 17 G. Cavallo 18 G. Wilson 19 L. Keillor 20 K. Oldfield 21 J . Hopes 22 A. Steele 23 J. Naumovski 24 C. Ferri s 27 T. Thoi 28 Z . Veleski 29 M. Rodgers 31 C . Newbegin 32 P. Mortimer 33 W. Drew 34 M . McCartin 37 D . Woolridge 38 G . Bennett 40 J . Tsaclidis 41 M . Takeshita 42 A. Tarulli 43 R . Doyle 44 J. Garrett 49 T. Ellis 50 M. Tarulli 53 I. Oldfield 55 J . Pratt 57 P. Woods 65 C. Riscalla 78 P. Steele 80 C . Callis 86 M . Heyes 111 P. Armstron g
P. Burley
Assist . Coach : Ross Morgan Res : Greg Lovett
Asst. Coach : Robert Pasinati Res. Coach : Jamie Redfern
Coe ;~i :,'
. . Br :_er
1 R . Baxter 2 J. Hardaway 3 B . Price 4 D. Hayes 5 L. Hope 6 B. Baksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D . Gerdes 9 L. Yowyeh 10 B. Bottomley 11 N. Harrison 12 G . Dow 13 B. Hamilton 14 C. Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J. Lovett 17 B. Brett 18 R . Diantonia 19 N . Bu x 20 J . Cooper 21 B. Lovett 22 J. Mcgrady 23 M . Lovett 24 G. Mcgowan 25 J . Slate r 26 M . Smith 27 A. Walsh 28 B. Noonan 29 J . Griggs 30 L. Brett 31 M . Crane 32 P. Gall 34 E . Lovett 35 F. Pike 36 T. Lovett 37 B. Brett 38 S. Kemp 39 L . Brett 40 R .fCrby 41 L. Stephens 42 S . Davis 43 J . Comley 44 R . Mainelli 45 F. Moffiin 46 G. Frye r 47 M . Robinson 48 R. Morgan 49 R . Green 51 P. Laming 52 D . Davis 53 D. Hume 54 P. Brett 55 S. Weston 56 T. Warburton 57 R . Sikora 60 G . Murray 61 T. Holden 62 J . Clayton 63 R . Dantonia 64 A . Davi s 65 L. Griggs 66 S. Islay 67 T. Lovett 68 M . Bond
Coach: Joe D'Angel o
I S. Fisher 2 T.Onain 3 S . Wigney 4 N. Cartledge 4 I . Mcleo d 5 R . Pasinati 6 I . Baccini 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Aslangu l 10 C . Powderham 11 G . Fortun e 12 J. Schemmeding 13 N . Edga r 14 A. Dejong 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 B . Wilson 18 J . Lowrie 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M. Turner 23 J . Redfern 25 W. Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 K. Kellett 31 S . Mclaren 32 C. Clements 33 A. Cook 34 M. D'Angelo 35 M. Unwin 36 P. Dall'oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 41 R . Rigoni 43 C . Chan 44 B . Saaksjarvi 46 G. Reeves 48 M . Soumelidis 49 G . Anderton 51 R . Rodrigues 56 T. Mehre z 69 L. Ditchbur n
D4 Section ELTHA M O .C .
Reserves Coach : John Glare
Res. Coach : Paul Cumme ll ord
Coach: Scott Harrington
1 J. Baud
Coach : David Keast
Coach : Ange Sammartino
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson
Res. Coach : Gary Cutler
Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch
1 D. Johnson
1 S. Wernham
1 G. Robson
2 S. Robins
2 P. Hayes
2 D. Adams
3 E. Savage
3 M . Brebner
3 G . Lattouf
2 L. Johnston
4 B, Doody 5 D. Brick 6 T. Carter 7 B. Rashid 8 L. Sharpe 9 C. Watson 10 B . Marshall it J . Mizzi 12 L. McDonald 13 M . Luttick 14 K. Nelson 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 M . Chapple 19 20 S . Jeal 21 M . Hart 22 J. Mckenzie 23 R . Watson 24 K. Drummond 25 R . Thomas 26 J. Glare Res C/C 27 J. Stockdale 28 T. Barnett 29 D . Howgate 30 M. Decker 31 B. Keleher 32 C, Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 J . Howgate
4 F. Varga 5 R. McKenzie 6 M . Jelenc 7 C. Varga 8 K . Maniscaichi (VC) 9 A . Del Biondo 11 C. Gibson 12 J . Commerford 13 A . Kidd 14 C . Kennon 15 A . Bullerjahn 16 D . Morrison 18 V. Steer 19 M . Leonard 20 J. Penhale 21 M . Cunningham 22 M. Wells 23 B. Egan 24 Luke Merrett 25 A. Delahunt 27 N . Pearce (VC) 28 A. Costello 30 A. Penhale 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C. Anderson 34 L. Kellett 35 D. Callanan 36 T. Roche 37 B . Dunn 38 T. Van Duuren 39 L. Allanson 40 M . Rhodes 41 R . Katene 42 M . Pereira 43 D . Holloway 44 N . McConnell 45 K . Fraser 46 N . McConnell 47 C . Lonergan
4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 5a G . Cutler 6 D. Pizzari 7 D. Magnuson 8 D . Guppy 9 A . Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S . Care 13 M . Ullo 14 D . Newton 15 H . Tsiaftas 16 S. Tsiattas 17 A. Kyriazis 18 J. Verga 19 S. Famulari 20 L . Closter 21 R . Santacroce 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Briffa 24 M . Aliani 25 W. Duson 26 J . Murphy 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S . Healey 31 J . Heck 32 B . Robertson 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 36 D. Carter 37 S . Shepherd 38 N . Wallmeyer 39 C . Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 C . Twaddle
35 G . Smith
36 T, Goonan 37 J . Gilbert 38 A. Tardif 39 F. Coonerry An E. Baud A. Mann
D. Buller P. Mann
48 S . Dougherty 49 J. Hoffman
s D. Wright : . Jarvis ' B . Turney 5 B. Richardson
D Monagatti Todman A . Love S Gathercole B. Evans J. Panetta
50 L . Senior 52 B. Leek 53 D . Hicks 54 D . King 55 M. Gridley 56 H . Flanagan 57 C. Walsh 59 A. Cox 63 D. Prest 65 D. Burrows 66 D. Turner 67 Damian Smith 68 Neil Senior
70 Mark Matter
41a G . Burrows 42 J. Papanikolou 43 J. Page
44 S. Grist 45 W. Kaadan 46 J. Polemicus 47 N . Prestigiacomo 48 A. Pokrajak 49 D . Lawton 50 F. Ferrante 51 P. Sorleto 52 P. Brine 53 C. Pokrajak 54 D. Hill 55 M . Hill 56 R. Salloum 57 D. Ceravolo 58 N. Giovanoglou 59 L. Molloy 60 S . Nabbs 61 G . Goumas
62 B . Carter
Major Sponsors
64 A . McKenzie 65 L. Rigazzi 66 R . Pretty
3 S . Depiazza 4 C . Lever 5 S. Hewitt 6 J. Horsburg h 7 A. Christo 8 A. Horsburg h 9 K. Murph y 10 J . Wilson 11 M. Christo 12 B. Mattso n 13 J . Braha m 14 T. Said 15 A. Board 16 S . Christo
17 M . Aquilin e 18 D. Nikol a
19 R. Aldridg e 20 K . Johnso n 21 L. Hudson 22 S . Anderson 23 S . Huntington 24 L. Fairfield 25 J . Akaran a 26 P. Mesman 27 D . Billma n 28 D . Slattery 29 D . Horsburgh 30 R . McMilla n 31 M . Baulch 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D . Ben n 34 S. Robert s 35 D . Rivalland 36 K. Pilsbury 37 A. Leitch 38 J . Semmens 39 M . Oldha m 40 S . Leitch 41 K. Mille r 42 D. Ollenbuttel 43 A. Runciman
44 B . Slattery
45 R. Wintl e 46 R. Skinner 47 M . Pilsbury 48 T. Schole s 49 B . Robinso n 50 P. Habersatt 51 L. Stevens 52 T. Best 53 J . Bourk e 54 M . Crosswel l 55 A . Morrison 56 S . Chaffe y 57 T. Edwards 58 I . Smit h 59 A . Lipscombe 60 N . Aquilina 61 A. Gatt
62 D . Twomey
63 P. Kin g 88 H . Hodgson
F6taancia! Service s ;',1ATEUR
'194 Section 11CHMOND CENTRALS Coach : Mark Petrusch Asst Coach : Res : Steven Lake 1 B. Cox 2 T. Quick 3 T O'Sullivan 4 R . Trotte r 5 D . Tankovich 6 G. Bunshaw 8 G. Malcolm 9 J . McGrath 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A . White 11 S . Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quay 20 A. Quick 21 A . Jones 22 A . Flores 24 T. Guthrie 25 A . Piani 26 S . Baillie 28 D. Green 29 J . Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M . Berimano 34 J . Brook 35 J . Howell 38 M. Defreitas 41 T. Slatter 42 C . White 42 S . Hoare 45 K . Da y 46 D . Hogan 53 K . Pard y 54 C. Cartwright 54 S . Rawlings 56 A. Titley 57 E. Hill 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melville 76 D . Phelan 79 M. Coomber 85 G.Jacobs 86 G. Porteus 87 D .Ingliss
Coach : Michael Learmonth
1 T. Brow n 2 B . Perelberg 3 J . Carra- Capt 4 N . Goldsworth y 5 J . Dwyer - V1Capt 6 A . Lan e
7 A . Dwyer
8 A. Zsembery 9 R. Orme 10 G . Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernard i 12 A. Webb 13 J . Hill 14 C. Goldsworthy 15 M. Purcel l 16 L . Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frail - Dvc 19V.Ryan 20 C . Handley 21 M . Gilchrist 22 R . Allen 23 F. Harrison 24 A . Latimer 25 C. Bartlett 26 P. Mulcahy 27 M . Banks 28 J. Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 D . Thomson 32 P. Rheining 33 M .Ohalloran 34 A . Pakovski 35 G. Theoharris 36 E . Evan s 37 L. Vincent 39 T. Milla r 41 B . Graetzer 43 M . Chamberlin 44 M . Robinson 45P.Ran 46 J . Vincen t 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 49 G . Schembri 50 A . Wibawa 51 M . Deboer 52 C . Weller 53 B . Armitstead 54 J . Wright 55 B . Boyes 57 D. Watson 58 B. Lewi s 59 K. Mclennan 60 G . Mille r 61 N . Jackson 62 G . Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 64 M . Elli s 65 S . Roseman 66 C . Roseman 67 M . Maschette 68 N . Procto r 69 J . Handy - Dvc 70 N. Luce 71 S . Amoore 76 J . Wedrien 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne
Q rrn+ Q$nn I 114ir, *
Coach : Shane Mottram Res. Coach: G .Temes Assistant : G .Mandalis 1 M . Wrigh t 2 R. Thorp 3 J . Nation 4 L. Gorringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zulick i 8 M.Gerolemou 9 10 P. Burns 11 D . Forbes 12 W. Smith 13, N . Rose 14 M . Butera 15 J .Jacks 16 J . Tate 17 C.Langendorf 18 A. Hellne r 19 J . Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 G .O'Gradie 22 G . Mandalis 23 G . Ternes 24 N . Hahn 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusick 28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K. Webe r 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 JJ.. Strangio 34 O'Neill 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G. Catterall 38 R . Lapish 39â&#x20AC;˘M . Re a 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 45 46 C . Siotos 47 H . Gilles 48 M. Davidson 49 50 B . Warren 51 R . Hortle 52 C . Edd y 53 B . Uebergang 54 C. Witnis h 55 N. Thomas 56 D. Creek 57 C.Thomas 58 J . Thomas 59
60 G . Costas
61 T. Stathopoulos 62 63 64 65 J . Harri s 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L. Holmes 69 A . Dowdell 70 E . Ricciuti 73 S . Devlin 74 D. Rya n 75 S . Mills 77 R . McCormick 88 D . Fishe r 99 W. Hircoe
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CLUB .' '3 E E Sports & Medica l Supplie s SECTION 1 Forget about Shane Warne and put those golf clubs away for another six months, as finally the pre-season slog is behind us and we get down to business . Footy's back, and it kicks off this afternoon with the first instalment of what promises to be an exciting and very even season ahead . Old Melburnians are the only casualties from 2002 and Old Essendon Grammarians now enter the fray . Old Brighton attempt to become the eighth team to record back to back J .S Mc Cann Cups and they have suffered an interrupted campaign with the resignation of last season's Premiership Coach, Richard Obee, five week's ago . Today, they host the last team to win two flags in a row, Old Xaverians . The visitors have had strong numbers during the off season and are looking to eclipse the memories of last year's preliminary final loss . I believe that will be enough incentive for them to win . Watch for Scanlon and Corkoran to be prominent. St .Kevins are at home to the only new side for 2003, last year's Section Two champs, Old Essendon Grammarians . It's always a tough assignment stepping up the grades and the lads from Keilor can expect a physical welcome to the top flight at Righetti, this afternoon, with the Skevvies still smarting from its Grand Final thumping . The home side is on a mission and today there will be no slip up .
The Caulfield Grammarians boast former AGrade Coach, Geoff Reilley, at the helm this season, and are the likely big improvers . Their opponents Marcellin, last year's Elimination finalist, will again be thereabouts and this should be a cracking contest . Both teams possessing many small, hard running, silky skilled players . The Fields will use the Racecourse advantage and win, by a nose . Old Scotch and De La Salle face off at Camberwell and both teams will be keen for a victorv to kick start their season . The Scotchies have impressed new coach Lachlan Waterman, with their enthusiasm and energy at~
on the t r a c k, Nickless and Ackroyd a couple o f
standouts . Dennis Bilston's De La, always provide physical opposition and every Scotch possession will be hard earned, however the home team will be just a shade more polished, and claim the points . Uni Blues and St. Bernard's square off in a repeat of last week's practice game . I am sure both coaches have emphasised last week's result is irrelevant and the real stuff starts today. The Blues have a host of players from last season including Bradley and McPhail, and will run the game right out, but I feel it will be the Bernie's, who were not far away from finals action last year that will be too strong. SECTION 2 Section two kicks off this weekend with a number of exciting fixtures, as new coaches and new players aim to impress in their fir . soutingfhea Riding a wave of success after claiming their fourth consecutive premiership, Old Camberwell enter the unfamiliar territory oi section two, hoping to continue an impeccable run of form into the new season . The eastern suburbs club has seen several notable personnel changes in the off-season including the departure of award-winninf coach Michael Sigalas from the youth ranks Filling the void will be club great Ansor Brownless, who should have little troublf continuing Ziggy's legacy, as Camberwel meets Werribee at home .
Also new to section two are the Old Paradians who face a rousing initiation in round one, a home to Hampton Rovers . The Rovers boas considerable squad depth, yet the match is oi the Paradians' home turf, and in a clos contest, the home team should victor .
Elsewhere across the city Beaumaris play Ol : . and 'ould have littl Melbu=niar, - -
00l-S4LLER 20C
trouble overcoming lesser opposition ; the recently relegated Melburnians still suffering from a humiliating season up in the top flight. Narrowly missing the opportunity to contest for the 2002 title, Old Trinity face a tough round one challenge, away to Old Ivanhoe . In a game that could go either way, Ivanhoe have a substantial list to choose from, while Trinity have shown promising pre-season form, and in what looks to be a tight battle, Trinity should sneak home . The final game of the round pits last year's runner-up Ormond, against Mazenod OC . Undoubtedly eyeing off a top two position this season, the Monds should avenge a disappointing show on grand final day last year, and record a comfortable victory over the Glen Waverley based club . SECTION THREE An amalgamation of teams from last seasons section three, blue and red, will compete for the 2003 title this coming year, as well as newcomers Collegians Football Club, who reenter the under nineteen's competition under the leadership of Andrew Kenneally . Tireless endeavor during the off-season has ensured that the Wesley-based club will be able to take to the field this season, and what better reintroduction to the competition than a meeting with St Bernards (2), red section premiers in 2002 . Despite fielding their second rate side, St Bernards go into the match as overwhelming favourites, and should kick start season 2003, with an impressive away win . Also promoted to section three, the Monash Blues, with premiership-winning coach Dennis Grace still at the helm, meet losing preliminary finalists Rupertswood, in what should be one of the rounds most entertaining fixtures . The Monash Blues are the reining blue-section premiers, yet Rupertswood have the experience, and subsequently Rupertswood should victor, in a nail-biting encounter.
Elsewhere, AJAX will struggle as they entertain Old Carey at home, while the No rth Old Boys should overcome Therry Penola, in a close and exciting affair. Finally with the withdrawal of Whitefriars from the 2003 competition, MHSOB spend an extra week on the training track, p ri min g selves for their seasons start next week . I
SECTION BLUE What a BIG off season it has been in Under 19 Section Blue since the Premiership decider last September . No less than SIX team changes from the EIGHT that contested last year's pennant . The 2002 Grand Final combatants, Monash Blues and Ajax are no longer Blue Boys, having both moved into Section Three . We introduce the Oakleigh Clays and St .Johns into the mix, and welcome back John Howard, and the lads from Glen Eira, for another tilt at the title . On the negative side, we have the recent departure and withdrawal from Old Geelong, meaning a nine team competition . Picking winners from week to week, and eventual Champions, is going to be no easy feat and the only certain thing I can tell you, is that the Mentone Panthers, will not lose in Round 1, they have the BYE . The Oakleigh Krushers kick off the year with a home game against new boys, St . Johns . The K's have lost a few players from last season but the Preliminary Finalists are looking to mount a serious title assault in 2003 . They will be eager for some strong showings from big Daniel Zula, numerous hard ball gets from Sean Earle and the lively goal sense of Michael Jordan (not that one) . The Jocs are looking forward to testing themselves on the beautiful Scammell Reserve, with midfielders Kano and Chalky, likely to be in the thick of it . The Doveton boys will try hard and get better as the season progresses, but I reckon the Krushers will have enough experience today .
After standing out of the 2002 season, Packer Reserve is once again home to Glen Eira, Under 19 football, Today, the boys from Bentleigh, take a hop, step and a jump to line up in their season opener against the Sainters . The B's struggled for much of the season last year and will be keen to put in a strong performance and build some momentum for the year ahead . You can be assured that Glen Eira coach, John Howard's side will be passionate and have a fierce attack on the ball, at the end of the day I believe it will be The Sainters to again sing the song, and "March In" . The Tigers host South Melbourne Districts this afternoon and the visitors are looking to improve on last years dismal showing . Unfortunately, Brindisi Street is never an easy venue to go to and take the points, especiall y 49
from a team likely to be one of t 3 of the competition . Last seasu .='s finalists to win comfortably .
favourites for the titl e Old Xaverians away, and =ital away points, with a
Another of the new tear , the Oa'- ' make their debut not have the best o f will be eager to reve -s e Oakleigh Clays Will be ' first up performanc e enough vim and vigo . - t fillip for the remainder e :' - - 'D The c -) -tu -e of the le forces to section thre . h < air of optimism zrou .section red title race r, :as roum` one gets
e Yarra Va.':ley C section Gnree . sided affair ,
rnietc :
advantage of th ; Crazy Bears a remember . .nother bunch o :cthe round's Reds nieet Old' under nineteen si Reds are likely to : before the Warriors < .~ In the first of t v
university based te< Bulleen Templestovie , trouble overcoming th . spent most of last season table .
. ;;lb District s
(2) at Clayton Reser w n(79B2) : P~ .thers
In the other matc'i AustrF football club, tJr,' 1 --i_y Bla St Leos Emaaus i :i ___e lovely su city-based ground, a convinci r ensure both university teams rc~iue_ half of the ladder at the round's co,
1 Proud VAFA Life frPemhers David Cook, John Wilson & Ross Booih . 2 Bernice & David Cook. 3 John & Liz Wilson .
4 Over 400 people enjoyed the Season Launch .
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FOOTBALL INTEGRATION DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION SEASON 2003 The F.I .D .A . season kicks off this week at Parkville . We have all teams playing at this venue and look like having a big day of F.I .D .A . football . This season we have amalgamated division 1& 2 into a new bigger division 1 with 11 teams and a smaller division 2 that has four sides .
rebuilding process this year. Ovens and Murray Jets are now established in the competition and look like having a red hot go this year. Maribyrnong have a new team structure and are busy recruiting new players as this article is being written . Bulleen Templestowe have also put in a big preseason and should hit the ground full of running . Ringwood have also restructured and could be the surprise packet of the competition .
sides have been putting in a bi g preseason from all reports and should be well drilled and ready to go . Division 1 has had many changes, Karingal has both sides in the one division and should prove to once again be a power house in the competition . Last year's premiers in Division 1 Ballarat look like continuing there good form and Broadmeadows have been recruiting and may be able to take the next step and get onto the ground on that final day in August . My spies tell me that Parkside have been putting in the hard yards on the track as have Port Colts the former Sth Yarra Lions and Division 2 premiers .
Division 2 has four sides and all of them look like having an even competition this season . Broadmeadows could be the form side if they can continue with last year's momentum . Port Colts will also be a likely contender and Ovens and Murray Jets may also give it a shake this year as their players can now draw on last season's experiences to get them through . The smokey of the season could be Moonee Valley as word has it that they have recruited well and have some past players making a comeback to strengthen their ranks .
Mambourin Tigers have had a big clean out of players from last year and are in a
The executive wishes all teams the best of luck for the upcoming season .
esuits of Tribunal - September 24, --J0 2
This Sat: Old ssendon v . Old Brighton This Sun : Eltham.OC v. Albert Park North 0~ : B(ys v . Hampton Rovers N
April 26 Old Xave째'ans v. Old Scotch
I'IDA Match OR _ . Old Es-tdal
Scott Mollard, Old Xaverians . Unduly rough play, 3 matches . Timothy Ellis, Werribee . Tripping, 4 matches . Justin Hoffman, Werribee (Reserves) . Kicking, 6 matches . *Justin Wallis, Marcellin (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches . *Accepted Prescribed Penalty
Jasc_ = erinell, St . Leos Emmaus . Striking, 4 matches . Will Gullifer, St . Kevins (Under19) . Misconduct, 2 matches .
rns 0 C aril South Melbourne Districts charged with a melee in their reserve match played on Saturday September 14, 2002 at Cheltenham Reserve .
Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $ 100 (first offence in a 3 year period) .
_ :'
1J ;Jt
Winning Edge Presentations
CLUB XVIII FOOTBALL - 200 3 There has been recent necessary changes to the structure of Club XVIII football for 2003 . The following is a statement regarding the process to date . In October of each season clubs are asked to advise the VAFA of the number of teams, in all sections within the VAFA, that they are planning on fielding the following season . Clubs are also asked to indicate which section they would prefer to field U19 and Club XVIII teams . ThIS preliminary planning is done to assist with the drafting of all VAFA fixtures given Senior, U19 and Club XVIII fixtures on many occasions need to compliment one another to assist clubs and ground usage .
In February 2003 after discussions with a number of Club XVIII stakeholders all clubs who had indicated their intention to field a team in Club XVIII in 2003 were surveyed with a two options in relation to the structure of the sections . In essence clubs were given the opportunity to choose between playing either in a graded competition with ( 3) sections determined by ability, or have a Section 1 with two geographical sections. Of the (24) clubs who would have been competing in either the geographical sections (North 8U South) or the graded sections (2&3) (11) indicated they would prefer the geographical option, (6) indicated they would prefer to play in the graded system and (7) teams withdrew as required before the March 3 deadline . 60
On this basis fixtures wer e planned an d discussion took place with a number of clubs regarding promotion to Section 1 following relatively strong performances over recent years .
The goal was to have an (8) team Section 1 . The geographical sections were then planned as two sections of (10) teams . This was not to be case and after much negotiation a (6) team Section 1 was drafted, with a view for 2004 that Section 1 would become a (10) team fixture with the promotion of both North and South section Grand Finalists . Monash Blues and Old Ivanhoe were advised they would not be promoted to Section 1 an d so joining their respective South an d North sections . Fixtures were then finalised and distributed to clubs . Old Geelong withdrew from South Section making it a (9) team draw with a bye. Old Scotch (Section 1) and Old Paradians (North) withdrew leaving a (5) team Section 1 and a (9) team North Section . This was an unworkable situation and further negotiation took place to fill the void left by the withdrawal of Old Scotch with a team from North Section . The offer was refused . Old Geelong asked to be re-included in South Section and hence were accepted .
The situation with two weeks before the beginning of the scheduled season was we had a (5) team Section 1, (9) team North Section and a (10) team South section . Twenty four clubs in three uneven sections, in terms of numbers was an undesirable situation and hence the decision was made to have three sections of (8) . Old Melburnian s advised the VAFA they ;Till not be fielding team on March 31 . Marcellin was promoted from North Section to Section 1 along with the other 2003 geographical Gr and Finalists Old Iv an hoe, Collegians an d Monash Blues . A bye being created in North section . Clubs were advised of the new structure an d the reasons behind the ch anges. The season was put back a week an d would commence on April 12 to allow for fixturi ng and clubs to find alternative venues where clashes exi st . The structure of relegation promotion would be that teams finishing in 7th and 8th position in Section 1 would be relegated to their respective geographical sections in 2004, while the (4) Grand Finalists from the two geographical sections would be promoted to Section 1 for 2004 - creating a (10) team competition . The above structure was based on club feedback gained in late February of this year. CLUBS IN THE MAIN REQUESTED TO PLAY IN A GEOGRAPHICAL FORMAT AS OPPOSED TO RELATIVE ABILITY. All clubs were advised of the VAFA's decision and moreso were advised that for 2003 the abovementioned structure would remain in place - it was non-negotiable based on the February survey of clubs and the urgency to have the Club XVIII season begin . Clubs are welcomed to submit a collective u::/ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
submission to the VAFA Executive Seminar for consideration of the structure of Club XVIII football for 2004, and we encourage that clubs do so collectively . At the end of the day however we must cater for the majority of clubs in this case . Club XVIII has never had a formalised relegation promotion system, mainly due to the fact that the competition itself had a "social" philosophy to it. The competition has evolved and serves many different purposes for clubs, some social, others as a serious third senior side . Clubs are asked to consider seriously what the philosophy of their Club XVIII side is and will be for the future . The VAFA is more than willing to meet club requests in relation to the future structure, however based on information received from clubs in February of this season the structure for 2003 is set and will remain in place until a submission is received, considered and accepted to override the current system which would only be implemented for the 2004 season - at the earliest . Phil Stevens on behalf of VAFA CHAIRMAN
TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB XVIII (1 ) Prahran v St Kevins
Old Melburnians v Old Xaverians Old Scotch v De La Salle CLUB XVIII (NORTH) Old Carey v Old Trinity Old Ivanhoe v Fitzroy Reds Old Essendon Or v Marcellin University Blacks v Old Paradians Old Xaverians (2) v Therry Penola O B
CLUB XTIII (SOUTH) Eley Park AFC v Monash Blues Hawthorn Amateurs v Mazenod 0 C Old Brighton v Whitefriars AJAX v St Leos Emmaus WP Collegians v Bye
o Name the grid sqr~-,re where yo u think the ball was in the original photo . ,~ i : (a) Weekly. Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive in the mail a Sportscover voucher which, when presented at the canteen a t Sportscover Arena (Elsternwick Park) will entitle the bearer to either one Schweppes drink or one Four 'N' Twenty pie with any other purchase of a Schweppes drink or Four 'N' Twenty pie . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) wil l appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . 째NTE R: One entry per person . Tear off entry section whic h appears down right hand side of this page, till in and man 'to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternrvick 3185 or p/copy and fax to 95312 050 . Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . Prizes for the Sportscover Spot the Ball Competition are kindly donate d by Four 'N' Twenty Pies and Schweppes .
째 u- [21 BLUE ;3 G' : TLEIG H DE LA SALLE (2)
* promoted up a section(s) ** New teams for 2003 # dropped down a section(s)
CLUB XVIII 121 South
111 [2l o
PARKSIDE - withdrew from 200 2 $ - Promoted # - Relegated 64
VicHealth 0
Cyan Sporting amages
~ .~