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lfatthecvs' Herald - Sun colunin last week Leigh tried to lead the way in burving the anti,, <,Iture that has existed virtually since the time the game began. culture, with remarks such as "that's the way its always been", whilst true, is a m , It on modern society and the so called enlightened football official and supporter . ; ,I in of umpire bashing at AFL level is probably not such an issue as the lari;e sums of bly make it worthwhile to develop a thick skin and also the fact that on many occasions •~ nothers the spectators derisive abuse . However in grass-roots football, where umpires ° ;MLI STEVENS
I I,ule in comparison and do it for the love of the game, the effect is catastrophic, CHIEF EXECUTIV E d of AFL football the League promoted its "Whistle in Harmony" campaign - did you OFFICE R pires wearing orange socks? As part of this campaign coaches and players shook hands with the umpires before th e utward gesture of mutual respect between the three major game participants - coaches, players and umpires . I;s? Orange is the color used worldwide to promote "Living in Harmony" . up to this our recently appointed Umpire Recruiting Manager Bill Delier and myself have come up with two initiatives w e :I i 1, . td the way in VAFA football . I, ~I j r upport of the AFCA/VAFA (our Coaches' Association) and the AFLUA (AFL Umpires' Association) we hope to proclaim a ~-.va °V,histle in Harmony Day" in die near future . The AFLUA, we hope, will donate to each VAFA umpire on the day (proclaimed ) , ir.nge socks to promote the day and we will encourage the toss of the coin to be completed minutes before the start of th e nd have both teams coaches and the two captains at the toss shake hands with each other . r : :l-;o looking at introducing the Bill Deller Awards . These awards will be made to six (6) VAFA umpires at the end of each month ill I,e based on positive reports received from coaches to the Association in the Umpire Feedback Sheets . The AFCA/VAFA this i L ) making a concerted effort to improve its members' relations with the men (and women) in white and the Bill Deller Awards ih-, positive relationship developed . ) :!l C}eller Award winners for April wi ll be featured in an "Amateur Footballer" edition early next month . Isn't we all try and barrack in a positive and harmonious way at the football today and everyday and not regard the umpires a s _e for abuse and derision . I I ic ka`t word to Leigh Matthews - "One thing is for certain - footba ll without an independent umpire would be a disaster."
Good umpires are not normally noticed but such a day will be a great opportunity to show the importance of the
umpires contribution to football" Brendan Carland VAFA Umpire Advise r "The 4 A FA has demonstrated over a long period of time its willingness to address important issues . Here is yet another example. Through its support of the Whistling in Harmony Program the VAFA is again at the front of
cultural change adding value to the quality of its competition and to the enjoyment and well being of all
part icirvets ." Rob Anderson, CEO, AFL Umpires' Association .
The V-9FA is to be congratulated on this initiative . This is an example of real leadership in action and sets a
standard for others to follow." Bill Deller. Ex AFLlVFL umpir e ! % :' ^:1 Umpire Recruiting Manager.
-tic should never lose sight of the broader picture which a game of Amateur football represents; the forging of friendships and relationships. This will be more easily achieved if tolerance, understanding and respect can be shown to one another - including the umpires who also love the game." Mark Gibson, VAFA Umpire of the Year 2000 - 200 2
"ite have the power to influence all members of our club community . Let's Lead the way, starting with this initiative . " i i~ ,fley . President of AFCA/VAFA (Coaches' Association)
WDEX Next Week's Matches . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . ... . .... . . .. . . .. . . .6 Coaches' Clipboard .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .... .- .. . . .. . . .. . . ...- . .. . .12 For the Love of the Game . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . ... . ... . .. .. . . .. 18- I9 Looking Back ... . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .... . ... . ... . .... . . ..34-35 . _,_ . . ... . ... . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . .. A0 Today's Umpires .. . . .. . . ... . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . ... ..SportscveAnaDw .59 Tribunal & Investigations- . ... . ... . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .59 Sportscover Spot the Pulse Ball . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . ... . . .. . . .62 Ladders . .. . . ... . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. . . . .. . . . .63/64
V 11 THE JOURNAL ?= TI-i -1-
April 2 th,
_M ML-=W
Price : $2 .00 Vol . 03 No . 03 vafa .asti .au
YOU II1`TLE ,'i:~째 - ' You couldn't blame old man John Giansiracusa if he poured himself a stiff drink and let a smile creep over his face as he sat down to reflect on the news at his Balranaid home . His twin sons, Michael and Josh, liad added nine goals in St Kevin's gripping win over Old Haileybury and his nephew, Daniel, had slotted a cool four for the VJestern Bulldogs, What's more, Michael's seventh and final goal was the sealer at Trevor Barker Oval and came with only minutes left to play. "I just tried to make the most of it," the understated fonvard pocket said, keener to laud the efforts of twin Josh . Josh kicked a couple of goals and racked up touches while roving. Michael spent Sunday night gas-bagging with his cousin, who has just become house mates with Michael and Josh's younger brother Luke . It has been somejourney for Michael : after junior footy up in Balranald, he played Teal Cup for NSW and with the Bendigo Pioneers before settling in Melbourne . He is a delightful mark for a little fella, has pace and a measure of cheekiness on the field .
The twins came to town for that famous football school, Assumption College, and are loving their time at St Kevs . As for old man John, you couldn't fault him if he topped up his glass .
his debut with Richmond . OH DEAR Old Ivanhoe is fumblin g for the key to its first points, falling to Old Meiburnia i 37 points . But it was rapt with the return to form by John Ste, who blanketed the ground, and classy Darren p around the packs. Matthew Hicks bagged five for OM to land the best-a votes ahead of Alistair McKeon, who also played well, They believe Hicks has a fine future down at Jun( Oval; he's a smallish forward who defies his light 1 ; with a strong pack grab . SEE YOU, NEIGHBOUR Marcellin outmuscled Old Trinity for the Bulleen Rd i with a 55-point win despite having the wobbly boots Marcellin mustered just 2 .8 with the wind in the sec but never squandered its lead . The midfield quartet of Mark Browne, Glenn Cox, Dz Johnston and Bernard Dineen was the difference t just spread out their blanket and had a picnic . ON THE BOARD Old Scotch collected its first pennant points beforf sizable crowd at Camberwell Sports Ground . Fit-as-a-farmdog Josh Kitchen covered the grou beautifully to be best on ground .
The man-of-the match gong in the Trevor Barker thriller was Robert Gross, a decorated VAFA player who has represented his state . Gross is built like the proverbial brick outhouse and is a fighter to the fingertips, playing tight and responsibly in the backline and shutting down taller spearheads . GRAND FINAL REPLAY
You can't write off those Old Xavs . Having turned over a massive amount of players and enlisted a new coach has done nothing to slow the traditional top-liner . The key moment came in the third quarter, when the Xavs kicked a string of five unanswered goals against the wind . Ruckman James Drake played a pearler of a game and was named best afield. Meanwhile in the AFL, former Old Xi : Tim Fleming made
N At .i A SECTION St Bernards Old Trinity St Kevin s Old Haileybury St Bernards Old Xaverians A RESERVE
La1't :': ; T! i..r!
D Jordan Cultera J O'Keefe Brooks Byrne Landrigan
St Bernards Allis Old HaIleyburv Efstathiou 63 Old Ivanhoe Koningen 6 University Blues McIntosh 6
11 8 8 7 7 7 10 10 6 6
are lukewarm favorites against th e . e l om ters in losse ?;icho" has put a th
ug been refreshed feGV after k th
: they missed nine senior I ^r.,ll only get better in tlleir Round 2 win . Scotch line up for what should be a arld old . ,. cru several old boys from the rival schools i h club after today's play wit ;(I one less winless Trinity drinking to its Srst success , or old
rds by 16 by 1 8 ~ by 7 hybury by 2 9
:up rt . >nd rid le~;
a nd
- Congratulate Club Captain old iiaiieyburiana' e ,.igttpew Armstrong on playing his 250th game for th against SKOB's last week . Matt has done it all, teams , uied the VAFA, member of 3 premiership F winner in 2001, and most other club awards & ic r B , the way, twice runner-up in VAFA B & F and wa s . Matt als o rded Life Membership of the club in 2000 Is the club record for most senior games played, and t his current form will pass the club games record nex _jr. Well done 'Matty' . Also congratulations to Luke f,o ,ad on playing his t00th game for the club last week, nt j 1 week behind his older brother Adam becoming the -tII set of brothers to reach this milestone for the : name the other 6) Co,;lnads.(Good trivia question F in 2001, Luke has sinc e v;inner of the reserves B & me a regular member of the senior XVIII . Well don e ; .ittle Floydy' . St . Kevin's - ALI at St. Kevin's congratulate Josh Giansiraeusa on playing his 50th game with the Club r lav . Josh had a stirling year with the Club's U19s in k~ ir 2000 Premiership season but missed the finals due n a broken wrist- in 2001 Josh won the Club's Rising ,tar Award, after playing all year in the Seniors, including i,ree A Grade Senior finals . In 2002, Josh won VAFA Kepresentation in the Amateurs team versus the Southern League . Have a good one, Josh !
TO AYIS MATCHES A SECTION St Bernards v Marcellin Old Trinity v Old Ivanhoe Old Melburnians v St Kevin s Old Haileybury v University Blues Old Xaverians v Old Scotch
at Sportscover Arena Saturday 0 TME AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
13 .14 (92) OLD :-:VERtl1N8 1 .0 4.3 10.5 .8 9,11(65) ST BL , s 3.3 6.5 8 Old Ravertann : McDonnell 3 McInerney 2 Landrtgan 2 Drake Pasceri J Bowen Chatfield Ryan Oclcleshaw . Best: Drake Ockleshaw McInerney Scanlan Ford Ross. Thomas . Best: St Bernw& : B Jordan 3 D Jordan 2 Neeson 2 Haney Wilkinson Cooney Thomas Neeson B Jordan Trewtn . : W Hinton T Sutcliffe (FI R Mutton C Brajtberg (B) V Vescovt T Sorti Umpires (G 1 [96) NIARCELLIId 4 .2 6.10 9.12 13.18 .10 5.11 (41) OLD TRINTy 2 .3 2.6 4 pdtarcellin: Browne 5 Johnston 2 S Dinneen Romanin Bortoloito Sier Wadsworth Addison . Best Browne Jarred Cox B Dinneen Johnston S Dinneen. : Gnatt Hlllas Deane-Johns Old Trinity: Andrews 2 Gnarl Ores Healey. Best Dann Healey Green. Umpires: P Simpson R Sneddon (F) R Nation S Fraser (B) M Simpson D Napoli (G ) 15.10 (100) OLD h2ELBURNiA1VS 4 .4 7 .6 12 .9 .8 8,15 (63) OLD iVANHOE 1 .4 3 .5 6 old i<qelar¢nlans : Hicks 5 Beaumont 3 Hawkins McKeon Magee J N Miller Pertzel Ray Thompson . Best : Hicks McKeon Beaumont S Theodore Muiquiney Guest . ssst. Best: Stevens Old Ivanhce : Donaldson 3 Stevens 2 Bereza Luxon Theodo Young Payne Bereza Curatolo Corcoran . Umpires: S McCarthy A F(rley (F) A Rechtman N Eddy (B) C Shipley C Arnol .10(124) (G) ST sEVUY`s I mm's 9 .4 13.6 19.15 (123) OLD HAREYWRy 7.4 8.5 11.10 18 20 SL Kevins : M Gianslracusa 7 J O'Keefe 2 J Pangrazto 2 J. GiansUacusa KataFrolos 2 Simpson Greenham P O'Keefe Garvey Best : Gross M . G1aresUacusa Crowley J Gtansiracusa B Garvey J O'Keefe 2 M Corrigan 2 Old HaBeybtup : 0'f'arrell 4 Dttterich 3 Brooks 2 Jenke Bourke 2 P Corrigazr S Langford-Jones Mason . Best: Bourke P Corrigan O'Fazrell White Brooks S Langford-Jones . Umpires: D Kramer J McNiece (F) M Luttke P Teasdate (B) B Jeph`on J Robinson (G) .13 (121) OLD SCOTCH 2 .0 8.3 13 .9 18 .16 (821 6.13 11 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .7 6.8 Collins Dennis Kitchen B Old Scotch: Hawkins 4 Hume 3 Ross 3 Crow 2 Phillips C Philips Saunders. Best: Kitchen Collins FYnecchWo Dennis Addison Saunders. University Btues: Young 2 Roydhouse 2 D Cresptgny 2 tAwcock 2 McLachlan Coleman Hayter . Best: McKinnon North Young Ryan L--k Royrllrouse. Umpires: ADamen MGibson (F) GTh saites CO'Shea (B) SHerbert RDodd (G) .8(44) OLD gApERIAtiS 4 .5 4 .7 5.7 6.12 (84) 12 ST. BERNARDS 1 .3 6.8 8.8 : Howard Hall Old I{avertana: Young 2 A.E. Jones Bkldlecombe Carey . Best Coughlan. Oswald Hulett Santalucf a . Legudi Jurtsekay . Smith T N St. Bavntds: B. Alts 3 A Smith 2 Mitchell 2 .ikas J . Mount Cousland D. Bouzikas Perason 1 . Best: T. Legudl Bout Gleeson JurLsckay 7 .13 .55 MARCE1dSN 215 6.9 7 .10 .4 10.5.65 OLD T'RIN111Y 2 .1 4.1 7 No details received .10(112) OLD IVANHOE 6.0 12 .3 13 .4 17 .7(37) OLD MELBOURNSANS 1 .1 2 .2 5.4 . 5 2 Gleschen 2, Old Ivanhoe: Koningen 6 . Mendota 3 . Cornelius 2 . 0' Dwyer . Gleschen . Morris . Hawkes. Dinakts. Best: Neilson, Koningen . Pratt, CJuirilan . Best : Billing, Old P ielbourn! -- : Betltey, Gooley, Matthews . O Brien, Rose O-Brien, Jenkins, Alder, Dixon, Wulff .3 4 .5(29) ST. KEVByS 2 .1 3,2 4.16 16.21 (117) OLD HAILEygURy 2 .9 3 .14 11 . Mahoney. Grifl3ths, SL Xevins: D. Mahoney 2 . Rigby. Moylan . Best: D McArdle, Rigby . Chard, Purcell. . Somata, Moyle . Old Haileybur9: Etstah7ou 6 . Lappage 4, Home 2 . Mclaughlan, A . Waxrrian . Best : Gopu . C. Waxman, George, Moyle, A Waxman . Erikson .9(51) OLD SCOTCH 3 .1 6.3 6.6 7 .18(120) UNIBLUES 5 .4 10.6 15.13 :17 C.Smith, Reid . Old Scotch : Millar 2 .Reid 2, Joyce . Breisch, Hooper. Best Hooper. Bretsch, Teasdale, B .Smith . . Habedield . Tanner, Doll Blues : McIntosh 6, Millard 3, Thomas 3 . Brown . Brookes, Miller. Quin . Best: Mcintosh, HaberHeld Maddison, Thomas Featherston 3
A Section M ARCELLIN Coach: Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach : Tom Humphrey 1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D. Waters 4 G . Romanin 5 N . Godwin 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Row e 8 R. Frisina 9 M . Sier 10 A. Dal e 11 D . Taylor (RC) 12 B. Croni n 13 S . Dinneen 14 D . Salc e 15 M. Bortolotto 16 L . McMillan 17 G . Cox (VC) 18 D. Gartner 19 D . Coope r 20 S. O'Flynn 21 N. Walker 22 D. Marson 23 A . Wadsworth 24 L . O'Flynn (RVC) 25 R . Galati 26 D. McMillan 27 S . Theisz (VC) 28 D . Johnston 29 N . Addison 30 A. Treganowan (C) 31 B . Dobson 32 M . Browne 33 G . Cull 34 D. Jarred 35 J . Frazer (DVC) 36 D . Cope 37 L . Considine 38 P. Spence 39 B. Colville 40 C. Barto n 41 J. Seabury 42 B. Dinneen (DVC) 43 A. Dunca n 44 L. Hanson 45 D . Theisz 46 P. Dechellis 47 B. Gutterson 48 S . Maguire 49 N . Milicia 50 D . Ballantine 51 M. Maguire 52 C. Mason 53 J . Mathews 54 C . Beayni 55 J. Wallis 56 P. Fiorenza 57 A . Wilkinson 58 R . Beayni 72 D . Cracknell
OLD HAI[_": : :' : . :'
Coach: Mick Dwye r Res Coach : Andrew Bonwick
Coach: Paut Fahey Res: Dirk Jones
1 C. Home 1 A . Oates 2 R. Kejna 2 L . Lochran 3 P. Corriga n 3 S. Curatolo 4 S. Langford-Jones 4 B . Davis 5 J. Bourke 5 T. Young 6 A. White (DVC) 6 S. Kent 7 M . Corriga n 7 J. Geishen 8 R . George 8 T. Stevens 9 M. Barker 9 D. Payne 10 C. Efstathiou (RVC ) 10 M . Crowley 11 C. Waxman 11 M . Graves 11 S. Tully 12 B . O'Farrell 12 C . Branigan 13 M. Peterson 13 M . Orchard 14 A. Forsyth 14 C. Moore 15 D. Mackenzie 15 B .Lo w 16 P. O'Donnell 16 S. Price 17 K . Ford 17 A. Corcoran 18 C . Jayasekera 18 J. Hope 19 M. Armstrong (C) 19 P. Dinakis 20 G Fletche r 20 D . Hawkes 21 A. Janke 21 R . Roberts 22 D. Mason 22 P. Donaldson 23 S. Loewe 23 K. Theodossi 24 A. Ross 24 G . Hares 25 C. Ditterich 25 E . Byrne 26 J. Bell (RC) 26 A . Bereza 27 L. Siapantas 27 J. Weddle 28 S . Goldsworthy 28 S. Morris 29 B . Carson (VC) 29 R. Weddle 30 D . Warnes 31 D . Lay 30 P. Jolley 32 B. Mitchell 31 J . Stevens 33 R. Mosbey 32 M. Konnigen 34 A . Waxma n 33 N . Pratt 34 P. Langford-Jones 34 A. Tiernan 35 D . Lappage 35 M . Pollock 36 D. Connell . 36 B . Spoor 37 A. Floyd 37 M. Berry 38 L. Floy d 38 Ge George 39 H . Brooks 39 Ga George 40 S. Davey 40 J . Keane 41 S. Saunders 41 K . O'Dwyer 42 M . Erikson 42 S. Low 43 R . Plecher 43 W. Cornelius 44 M . Wra y 44 M . Luxon 45 H . Gopu 46 R. Goulden 45 M . Toovey 47 R. Mitchell 46 N . Butle r 48 C. Moyle (RDVC) 47 R . Griggs 49 L. Pitche r 48 M. Clarke 50 R . Ladd 49 L. McIGe 51 H. McLauchla n 50 S . Brandt 52 L. Pfeiffer 51 N . Braddy 53 R. Parker 52 D . Neilsen 54 R . Saunders 53 M . Mendola 55 G . Stuart 54 B. Guidera 56 P. Dimond 55 A. Clarke 57 A. Kight 56 L. Courage 58 A. Baker. 57 A . Gilbert 59 C. Warfe 58 L . Bolzan 60 M . Somaia 59 N . Giechen 61 D . Fossey 60 A. Alagona 62 M. Scaife 63 W.Smith. 64 T. Hilto n 65 A . Herrmann 66 T. McLennan 67 M. Stephens
OLD MELD19RNiANS Coach : Justin Pickering Asst: Andrew Pickerin g
Res : Hartley Ston e 1 D . Smith 2 S. Theodore 3 J. Pertze l 4 A. Mathews 5 L. Bunn 6 D . Holme 7 C . Thompson 8 A. McKeon 9 A. Simpson 10 T. Robe s (C) 11 P. Gallagher 12 J. Richardson rt 13 B. Thiele 14 B. Evans 15 M . Rose 16 A . Lewski 17 James Miller 18 T. Fitzg erald 19 R . Mulquinny (VC) 20 J. Guest 21 M . Hicks 22 J . Dixon 23 M . Berry (VC) 24 M. Hawkins 25 H . Whitehead 26 T. Costello 27 D. Kinsella 28 M . Billing s 29 M . Prowse 30 Jono Miller 31 L . Holcombe 32 E. Selby 33 J . Magee 34 J . Beaumont (DVC) 35 C. Ray 36 B . Wulff 37 N . Guy 38 J. Gooley 39 J . Tucker 40 H. O'Brien 41 N . Smith 42 P. Theodore 43 A. Wu 44 T. Harrison 45 C. Murphy 46 C. Trimm 47 C . Neeso n 48 C . Theodoulou 49 G . Tsiotra s 50 C. Jenkins (RC) 51 C. Richmond 52 O. Ward 53 S. Hawkins 54 J. Perry 55 I . Weir 56 L . Beilby 57 A. Baines 58 C. Alder 59 S . Carter 60 M. Jackson 61 B. Nicholls 62 J. Mathies 63 J . Ray
Coach : Dale Tappin Asst Coach : Andrew S Res. Coach : Serge D'A Asst Coach: Ray Bea 1 R . Mullins 2 B. Phillips 3 J. Ross
4 T. Holt 5 S. Collins (VC
6 A. Cro w 7 J . Kitchen
. Robinso n
9 C .B 8 10 C . Smith 11 M .Angus 12 S . Hume (C) 13 N . Hoope r 14 N . Ackroyd 15 S. Cations 16 S. Troon 17 T. Wigney . HHawkin 1189 LT. gsokin 20 S . Liilingston 21 J. Stratos 22 N . Addison 23 0 . Cran e 24 L. McDonnell 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M. Dennis 28 A. Quail 29 M. Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N. Leitl 32 J . Gerstman 32RR . Fullerton 33 E. Reid 34 C. Phillips 35 P, O'Connor 36 A . Millar 37 E . Moffatt 38 G. Prendergast 39 B. Ferguson 40 W. Symington 41 W. Lewis 42 T. Beattie 43 R. Breisch 44 D.Jackson 45 R . Teesdale 46 J. Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger (VC) 48 S. Dumaresq
49 L. Kitchen
L0 M . Wa mkom 551 . Frean le 52 D . Knight 53 C . Joyce 53RG . Junkeer 54 N. Simon 55 M . Waterson 56 D . Brooke 57 J. Cran e 58 A. Grant 59 D.Iser 60 J . Sheldon 61 M . Gai r 62 W. Symington 63 P.Iser 64 N . Costello 65 C . Armstrong 66 A. Routledge 67 M . Leeds 68 R . Addison 69 C . Neal 70 S. Thompson 71 M. Ain ger 72 B. Smith 73 A. Bamford 74 S . Kin s 75 C . Duf9our 76 J . Nickless 77 T.Page 78 T. Baker 81 G . Fordyce 88 A. McQueen
C. Murphy 6 Sons Childcare 4 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
n ^,
OLD RIf] ITY cmch: Le ;h i Gaut a Maus Ros ; "' ds V/C vs V/C „ r :r, De Vance h F ~' r OWS _' h ess RV/C g Y ;n : r 'Fl ~t s ~ H, ~„ :, c n stas ;;tr~ms ennedy G t?eane Jahns Rar ien Capt .,ho~«,pherson ~~j~ ButrCravriord n"cKnnon urg~ S Cuttrera ~ON~n Val -C-,Mire Si.- ~r Jan Der Venne R/C 4 D. Penf old : S . Lauletta S . Amore 3 J .Amare T. Morpeth RV/C G. Treadwell ~ S. Prr~ tty 48 C . Ward 49 L Cart er-Buszard 50 B. Blackmore 51 R . Gamble 52 C. Heaven 53 G . Plain 54 B. Chan 55 C. Taylor 56 E . Read 58 C. Stebbins 59 T. Cade 60 K. Condron 61 R . Condron 62 T. Kelly 63 S . Cade 64 J . Gra y 65 M. Robison 66 T. Gibson 67 A. Amiconi 68 A. Hii 69 M. Canzoneri 70 A. Brawn 71 S. Langdon 72 D. Parker 73 D. Hildabrandt 74 M . Thwaites 75 J. Best 16 B. Nicholas
ST. i: .~ : ', '- lS
ST. K EV1N'S O .B .
Coach: Michael Shelly Res . Coach: Chris Gawne
Coach: Peter Nicholson Res: Darren Handley
Coach : Emme tt Dunne Asst. Coach : Owen Hourigan Res. Coach : Peter McBrearty 1 N. Fraser 2 E . Crohan 3 D. Curt is 4 L. Mahoney O C 5 M . Dolma n 6 P. O'Keefe 7 K . Gray 8 B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 0 M . Luca s 1 J. Pangrazio 12 P. Kempton 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 M. Olive 16 B. Garvey 17 D . Ryan (VC) 18 P. Gissing 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R. Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 T. Simpson 24 M . Hanlon 25 B . Marusic 26 J . Rombotis 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Crowe 31 A . McGuinness 32 S . O'Connor (VC) 33 M . Maguire 34 J . O 'Keefe
San : Steve Carrol l Res: David Matthews
1 A. Fox 2 D. Orlando 3 L. Hannebe ry 4 D . Land ri gan (DVC) 5 S . Mollard 6 A . Oswald 7 M. Callinan 8 M. Holmes 9 J. Hawkins A. Bowen 11 S. Ross 12 J. Bowen 13 C . Ellis 14 S. Skidmore 15 L . Ford(Capt) 16 A.T.Jones 17 A. Chatfield 18 M . Green 20 M . Hardman 20 J . Scanlan 21 N. McInerney 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston C) 25 R. Carey 26 N. Baker 27 J . Drake 29 A .E. Jones 31 J . Pasoan 32 A . Brushfield 33 N . Bingham 34 R . Jones 36 D . Sapuppo 37 T. Maher 39 M . Meehan 41 A. Dillon 43 T. Woodruff 44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L . Howard 46 B. Dixon 47 P. Ryan 48 J . McDonnell 49 T. Lowrie 50 T. Biddlecombe 51 D. Walsh 55 J . Healy 63 R. Coughlan 66 A. Wilson
1 S . McKeon 2 D. Gleason 3 R. Cousland 4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 S .Neeson 7 S . Clarke 7R S . Perre tt 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan NC ) 10 N . Mitchell (C) 11 C . Davis 12 J .P.Mount 12R B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L. Turnbull 17 L. O'Sullivan 18 T. Cooney 19 R . Close 20 L . Fielding 21 B. Loughlin 22 D . James 22 R M. O'Riley 23 L . Wilkinson 24 N.M . Smith 25 T. Legudi 26 A. Fewster 27 James Mount 28 P. Harvey 29 G . McIntyre 30 C. Trewin 31 B . Ashton 31 R L. O'Brien 32 T. Ha rv ey 33 B . Attis 34 D. Byrne (DVC) 35 T. Pearson 36 R . Legudi 37 A . Catterall 38 S . lannazzo 39 M . Juricska Y 40 D . Thomas 41 A . Bouzikas 42 S . Mitchell 43 N . Basaraba 44 A . Anderson 45 M. Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 M. Hooper 48 N .P. Smith 49 S. Borg 50 A. Smith 51 D . Walsh 52 J . Lloyd 53 B. Ballarin 54 L. Hilbert 55 R. O'Flynn 56 S . Bug ryn 57 N. Thomas 58 P. Harris 59 J . Harvey 60 J . Cittarelli
77 T. Sadler
78 W. Brad Y 79 C. Treadwell 80 M . Feranda 81 G. Mitchell
82 S . Brosolo
83 W. Some rvill e 84 L. Boyd 88 A . Chyrs 89 J. Markus
MAJOR SPONSORS Bowens Remunerator
35 J . Coates
3 37 M . P angrazio 38 R . Chard 39 S. Gribble 40 M. Mulg rew 41 D . Moylan 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G . Katavolas 45 G . Beggy 46 D. Mahoney 47 J. Griffiths 48 A. Conlan 49 L . Kalesaran 50 R. Horrocks 51 B. Cheeseman 52 J . Finch 53 L. Katavolas 54 A. Umbers 55 J . Mandoudis 56 D. Walsh 57 L. Coleman 58 D. McArdle 59 R. CHivers 60 A. Greenhalgh 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 L. Sierakowski 64 N . O'Halloran 65 C. Didilis 66 M. Stron? 67 T. Purcel 68 G. Holland 69 R . Boyce g 70 C . Di [is 71 P. Byrne 72 M. O'Shea 73 D . Szarbo 80 D . Dunn
38 Wilson A 39 T 40 Hockm J 41 Quin g L 42 Fletcher S 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 McLachlan G 46 Brookes C 47 Millar A 48 Fulton L 49 Chamberlain L J 50 McIntosh A 51 Brown A 52 Terrill 53 Versteegen R 54 Bennett S 55 Zanos M 56 Irvine T 57 Plowman E 58 Sudholz J 59 Fricker B 60 Thomas H 61 Cobbledick M 62 Calle ry M 63 Glass I 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E 66 Grigg M 67 McAloon D(RC) 68 Battle S 69 Hutchinson B 70 Meade J 71 Learning M 72 Valletonga A 73 Paul G 74 Robe rtson M 75 McCutcheon M 76 Medlin T
77 S ty les
1 Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J(VC) 4 Guengerich D(VC) 5 Tanner J 6 Maddison N 7 Youn g R 8 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A (VC) 10 Ma rtin R 11 Nort h L 12 Gleason Q(C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Haberfield D 19 Collins M 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard B 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Runnalls L 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M ros 30 s?n A 31 Callery B 32 Suvoftos A 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Baker A 36 Brooke
SI 1 . : . ~ C0 ;o ;;T,tiB~®°@~~,y$
Quadri c
78 Harcourt
A SECTION Old Ivanhoe v St Bernards St Kevins v Old Trinity University Blues v Old Melburnian s Old Scotch v Old Haileybury Sportscover Arena Sunday Marcellin v Old Xaverian s B SECTION Old Brighton v Hampton Rovers Mazenod 0 C v De La Salle Old Paradians v Whitefriar s MHSOB v Old Essendon Gr Sportscover Arena Saturday
St Bedes Merit Tig v North Old Boys
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Werribee Amateurs v Ormond Hampton Rovers v Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians v Old Melburnians Mazenod 0 C v Old Camberwell Beaumaris v Old Trinit y
UNDER-19 SECTION 3 St Bernards (2) v Rupertswood Oval 2 St . Bernards Colleg e
Therry Penola OB v AJAX North Old Boys v MHSOB Monash Blues v Collegians Old Carey has the bye
C SECTION Mentone Vultures v Therry Penola OB Ormond v St Leos Emmaus WP Prahran v Beaumaris Collegians v Old Camberwell Caulfield Gr v Glen Eir a D1 SECTION Monash Blues v Yarra Valley 0 B Ivanhoe Assumption v Aquinas 0 C Old Mentonians v AJA X Salesian 0 C v Banyule Bulleen Templestowe v University Blacks D2 SECTION Hawthorn Amateurs v West Brunswick Oakleigh v Old Care y Bentleigh v La Trobe Uni Peninsula 0 B v Fitzroy Reds Williamstown CYMS v Old Geelong D3 SECTION Power House v Elstermvick Rupertswood v Werribee Amateurs Monash Gryphons v Kew St Johns 0 C v Swinburne Un i South Melbourne Districts v Syndal Tally-Ho D4 SECTION Mt Lilydale v Bulleen Cobras St Marys has the bye UHS-VU v Eltham Collegians Brunswick Power v Box Hill North North Brunswick v Richmond Central Albert Park v Old Westbourne UNDER-19 SECTION 1 De La Salle v St Kevin s St Bernards v Old Brighton Oval 1 St . Bernards College
University Blues v Caulfield Or venue TEA Old Essendon Gr v Old Scotc h Marcellin v Old Xaverians
UNDER-19 ( 2) BLU E De La Salle (2) v Oakleigh Mentone Panthers v Glen Eir a St Bedes Mentone Tigers has the bye
St Johns 0 C v Oakleigh Clays at Oval 2 Thomas Carroll Reserve South Melbourne Districts v Bentleigh UNDER-19 (2) RED St Leos Emmaus WP v Yarra Valley 0 B Aquinas 0 C v Old Westbourn e Old Xaverians (2) v Bulleen Templestowe at Camberwell Sports Groun d Banyule v University Blacks La Trobe Uni v Fitzroy Red s ROUND 3 CLUB 18 (1) Marcellin v Collegians Monash Blues v St Kevins Old Xaverians v Old Ivanho e Old Xaverians (2) v Bulleen Templestowe at Camberwell Sports Groun d De La Salle v Prahran CLUB 1S ( NORTH ) Bye v University Black s Old Trinity v Therry Penola OB Old Essendon Gr v Old Care y Fitzroy Reds v Old Xaverians (2) switched froz th e original draw
CLUB 1 8 (SOUTH ) St Leos Emmaus WP v Eley Park Whitefriars v Hawthorn Amateurs Mazenod 0 C v AJA X
Old Geelong v Old Brighto n
I i ;~ IlUtlg21 to( iLOlz l~<<~=~
.cf on 'The Big Sports BreakEast', Catch the latest ,. s -1 lit lat~ and .- . .30-gam weekdays . . Hot competitions . All from 5 Interviews with the leading coaches and players
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m ;: to win the At the end Of Rd 1 8 all entries go into the d Crown EntertainmentNAFA Grand Final vjeekend package will be drawn . Package includes - two night's accommodation, d dinner at Breezes Restaurant, breakfast and valet parking an {2} tickets to the AFL Grand Final .
-----------------THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Certainly went from chocolates to boiled lollies in my . Fine weather set some tone for tipping from 4 down to one some great football with yours truly being lucky enough to witness three of the games through Round 2 . . The Tigers particularly good at home as were the Tonners h quarter a the m Rovers away win for OEG~ a good win at the Hig
got to play more than 20 minutes of football . Scott McPherson as usual was fantastic fo r the Bombers backed u p by May and Kavanagh, while Mazenod had gre contributors in Adam Hanley, Russel Sharp, an d Ma Murray . Who would have thought O' on top of the ladder aft . Well that is the scenario after they defea t Pound 2 r~~zvp on the pocket handkerchief in a hard foug . The visitors held sway all day until the Unicorns g battle to within 8 pis during the third to cause a few hearts . But led by Peter "Chook" O'Loughlin in his 200 flutter game the Paradians steadied the ship and consolidated .dell, Reece Bux, and the David's Boun great win . Brun and Stevens played well too . Drew Fairchild, Stu McCu and Russ Clowes were all good for MHSOB who were n too disheartened by the loss .
REVIEW had first use of the breeze down at Brindisi De La Salle Street but did not capitalize and only had 3 twins on the 7 points. The home board at the first change to the Tigers side opened the flood gates in the second slamming on 9 . DLS needed a goals to all but have it sewn up at the half big third term which was not to be and then the home side a who by now had it on a string slammed on another 8 for . Andrew Hayes was unstoppable all day, The great win Wintle Bros kicked 10 between them and I was impressed with Sampieri . Robbie Bonnici and Swan Hill duo BJ Quinane with 5 and Jarred Moloney put in good performances as did David Spithill . To all at St Bedes Another local derby worth going miles to see takes place . Mentone-Tigers thanks for lunch and your hospitality Boss James 0~ today nt front of a huge home cror on the beach as I headed back towards Sportscover Arena tackle Hampto n . Both will be full of confiden half with who are adverse to traveling Old Brighton had held sway for the .first But the visitors . Match i down the Friars buoyed by their victories of the previous Round inaccurate kicking letting kicking into the wind in the third took control and just pretty well and both sides have some excellent playei trailed at the final break coming home with the wind, OBS' Rovers rely a lot on Adam Power up forward to kick got Legend Andy 'Fish' Mullett when asked what he thought while the Tigers have the Wintle Bros and a few oth the end result would be and I quote 'Friars by 5' . Well how options up their sleeves, which in the long run wil s th d it was~ his own side by nearly 5 a . wrong he was in e en lenought"imae they dig deep into their reserves of strength, refused to Brighton travel out to Malvern to tad Old The unbeaten . Many good players for the victors . Tough times ahe~ concede and won well the so far disappointing Be La Sa11e with the old heads Williams, Nickas, and Kry for the Blue and Gold as they adapt to a new coaching sty 1 . Friars bad kicking is bad footy guys were well standouts but they must learn to stick to the game plan to served by Kennedy, Brian Phan, and Richie Pawlik . recorded a come from behind victory Hampton Rovers at a wind swept Elsternwick on over North Old Boys Saturday . Failed to capitalize on the breeze in the first and third quarters found the Rovers with their backs to the . In the last Hampton got their wall at the final change running game going and their man on man tactics unsettling the NOBS, with the move of Michael Davey up bLL s sv lB . The experienced trio of Cam forward a match vrinner Mazenod Maskell 5 1 8 McKellar, Denver Artz and Steve Anderson were excellent t 70WhitefrasB~13 all day for the victors while NOBS took their defeat to hear MHSOB and remained silent . St Bedes MT Terrell 5 7 would have been buoyed by their victory ou t Old Essendon B RESERVE . A tough game with neither side giving an Barker 469 ~ at Central Park North Old Boys M Harber 8 . I was the ability of the 0EG to stick to their game inch . De La Salle 4 plan and work hard that enabled them to get over the line Morgan 7 7 d Mazenod L Walke To use a quote wise heads and young legs held sway, an r De La Salle 1 belie^e have . 'azenod they will learn a lot from the game
tp S.
)s er
,,fill . jarrod O'Neill's never say die attitude ha s nff on his players and they just never give in . They ! ;,~ some pretty good footy, the old adage of winnin g ,od form must be adhered to and so I will stic k :7 }li TUtlners to win . .
5iazenod make that dreaded trip out to Park Orchards to l>e Whitefriars side who will be still smarting fro m e that got away last round . Although not yet puttin g outs on the board the Mazenod form has not bee n and hopefully with the break helping the return o f new recruits they w ill be ready to win . Bit I feel they , ;,ve to wait another week as the Friars do not lose a t in fact it is 2001 since they have. Friars for me . -<< rivals from school days Old Essendon and the Old Paradisns clash at Essendon today . Both in good form 1, the home side a bit stiff in Round 1 . Parade hav e of tall forwards which will test the OEGS' back line , ill play a similar style of running game so it should ,, great spectacle . I'm a real stickler for home ground anc3ge, but not today as I will go against the grain an d ;ith my old school. ,rOgg' were pretty disappointing in the end last week and râ&#x20AC;˘ Foulds rightly told them so . Can they bounce back ,,am that this week is the important question . I'm not sure. ~IgSOB were disappointed but not discouraged to get t, : aten at home, it doesn't happen often but also will be ,oking forward to the wider spaces of Gillen . Maybe a few i;~clusions into the Unicorns side this week that will make tn,rn better and again I will tip against a home side a go r my old club . pWS CORRESPONDENTS; much improved performance last week with 9/10 sides ,naking contact . Only North Old Boys not being able to find ,,ay contact numbers . Makes it so much easier to write so nIease keep up the good work. Sl,: contact details are 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016 or send me an email to brainco(_a)optusnet .com.au.
W~STQN ~ Old Paradians' - congratulate Senior Vice Captain Peter 0'1 iughlin on reaching the 200 game Milestone last Saturday against MHSOB . Peter joined the Club in 198 9 d has played with the Unders (16 games) the two's (2) and the remaining 182 have all been with the Senior side . Pcier is a stalwart at the Club, playing many games that ,could have seen a lesser person begging off through injury . Thank You Peter for your fantastic efforts over the years . Also congrats to James Collins on reaching 50 games for Old Paradians' last Saturday, resuming this season following a serious injury James is welcome sight back on the field . We all hope the next 50 are just around the Corner. Thanks James.
TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTION Hampton Rovers v St Bedes Mentone Tigers De La Salle v Old Brighton Whitefriars v Mazenod 0 C
Old Essendon Gr v Old Paradians North Old Boys v MHSOB ÂŽ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
441 NOR7 I i r ; :) BOYS 2.2 7.4 10.10 11.12 (78) HAMPau;. ROVERS 4.7 6.9 8.13 12.18 (90) North C! Boy s: Sutherland 3 Brown 2 Christie 2 Smith Eastaugh Bryar Vogets . Best: Power Amor Hosking Sutherland Brown Eastaugh . Hampton Rovers : Lawrence 3 S Anderson 2 Power 2 Ariz Davey L Fletcher Nutting Greenwood . Best : Ariz L Fletcher C McKellar Duddy Davey Boyd . NOB : Umpires: G Wardrop L Moncrteff (F) B Corcoran R Mayston (B) G Carter T GWies (G) ST BEDES MENIY)NE TIGERS 0.7 9.8 11.9 19.12 (126) DE LA SALLE 3.2 6.5 11 .11 14.13 (97) St Bedts Mentone'Tigets : L Wtntk 4 M Wintle 3 P WinOe 3 M Connelly 2 ScaOdt 2 Sampled 2 Kidd Terrell McCraw . Best: Hayes L Wintle McCraw A Connolly M Connelly ScnIldl . De La Salle- Juinane 5 O'Callaghan 2 Harrison Mannix Moloney Morel Bowden Atderuccto Bonnicl . Best : Bonnlct Moloney Cherman Sptttlll) Corin gulnane. Umpires: M Jenkins L Gallagher (F) B. Seymour (G) OLD BRIGHTON 5.3 7.6 10.7 15.10 (100) WfltfEFRIARS 0.6 2.14 7.16 10.21 (81) Old Brighton: MacGtltivray 5 Marshall 3 Mead Kent Leaf WIDlarns Perrett McCowan VanDenDungen . Best : Barrow Williams Krzywnlak McCowan Ginnlvan Nickas. Whitefr)ars: Cartgg 2 M Carbone 2 A Pawltk 2 R Pawllk 2 Janson Northey . Best: Kennedy Phan R PawHk Power Janson Woo d UmpirGs: JKvins MMonty (F) ADavVdson TDavidson (B) CDoyle RRlchards (G) MAZENOD 0 C 2 .0 7.4 9.7 11 .11 (77) OLD ESSENDON GR 3 .3 7.4 10.8 13.14 (92) Mszenod 0 C: Apollonlo 2 Mans 2 Beard 2 Maskell 2 Ballenger Faller M Chamberlain . Best: Murray M Chamberlain Hanley Sharp J Dunne Hose . Old Easendon: Podger 3 May 2 Kavanagh 2 Fleming 2 D Biggs DiPletro Hakim Heritage. Best: Ess : McPherson May Kavanagh Forrest D Biggs Podger. Umpires: R Mayston M Morrison (F) G Clancy L Mavropolous (G ) MILSOB 1 .6 3.8 8.9 9.10 (64) OLD PARADIANS 3 .1 9.2 10.7 13.11 (89) hgLSOB : Slerakowskt 2 Saultry 2 Fairchild 2 Bamert White Whittington. Best: Fairchild Cassell Clowns Harrison Saultry S McCully . Old ParadLms: Brundell 3 O'Meara 3 Boundy 2 Brabender Ludeman Paglla Sinclair D Stevens . Best : Box O'Loughlin Boundy O'Meara D Stevens Lethborg. Umpires: L. Blackhall (RFL) L Holmes (F) A and R Monaghan (RFL) (B) J Bretag D Hill (G) RESERVES NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .4 11 .6 14.7 18.10. HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .4 4.5 7.12 8.13. North Old Boys: M Barker 4 Ryan 3 m Phyland 3 Neville 2 Buthcer 2 davldson Cook Joyce S Caboult. Best : S Caboult Davidson Neville Budicer Hildebrand Nihlll .
Hampton Rovers: Burgraff 3 Fisher Scarlett Woo)rlch Anderson Quon . Best: Lake Burgraff Wootrtch Ng Quon Anderso n ST BEDES MENT TIGERS 1 .2 3 .5 3.5 7.6.48 DE LA SALLE 4 .3 8.3 14.7 16.9 .105 St Bedes 2deutone: Kelleher 2 . McColl . Rhoden . Hipwell. Towns, Napier. Best: Ferris, Walsh, Napier S. Kelleher, Drury. Hfpcrell. De Ln Salle D.C. : Rather M 6, Michell 4, O'Connell 3, Back . Murray. Hyde. Best: Hyde . Harber M. Harber N, Mitchell. Chester. Picone. OLD BRIGHTON 3 .3 4 .8 5 .11 11 .11 .77 WHIfEF7UARS 5 .2 6.3 6.4 6 .440 Old Brighton: Muz13, Franklin 3, Scott, Lynch, Allen, Phelan . Goldner Best: Phelan, Ewrrt. ParoLssien . Parnham. Franklin. Goldner. Whitefriars: Glenn 2 . T. Can1g,F. Crea Baggo)ey. R. Eames. Best: Cunningham . Brosolo, Power. Van Den Boom. Cahill, Alexander MAZENOD 3 .4 4.5 7.11 7.11 .53 OLD ESSENDON 3 .0 5.0 6.1 9.4 .58 Mazenod : L. Morgan 4, S. Morgan, Smith . Murray. Best: Bradshaw, L. Morgan. Massey, Persi, Veltman, Snari . Old Essendon: Whitfield 2, Weidner, Hughes, Stevens . McKenzie, Ridley, Salvo. Healy. Best: McKenzie, Healy. Salvo, Lloyd. Nicholas, Stevens M11SOB 0.0. 1 .1 2.5 .17 2.2 OLD PARADIANS 5 .5 8.8 16.11 20 .15 .135 MHSOB : Na11on Rosman. Best Rosman Rujevle Andeson Lust D Wilson Orchard. Old Paradians : S Simpson 5 Spinoso 5 Richardson 4 A Dean S Fontone Ludeman Robins Mitchell Pratt. Best: Richardson J Martin Lombardi Dore Godfrey Robins. 9
Coach : David Murray Baser a : To Collins
D Harber ° Hari an J . La fi&gy J. Moloney T. Silvers S. Hart 2 M . McHenry Johnstone Quinan e P. Bowde n 16 S. Hyland 17 A. Elliott
A. Coffey M . Doodle r
20 M . Picone 21 A. McKenzie 22 P. O'Callaghan 22r M . O'Donnell 23 D. O'Brien 23 R. Sherman 24 J . Morel 24 r 25 C. Hyde 25 R . tatmsley 26 D" Spit hil l 27 S . Thornas 28 H . Herber 29 R . Marks 30 S. Mannix 30R S . Murray 31 S. Hyde 32 R . Bonnici (VC) 33 J. Siinea r 34 L . Williams 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D . Hyland 37r D . Moore D. McInerney 39 C . Buick 39r 40 41 B . Oakley 42 P. Bourke 42r A . Bonnici 43 44 A . Moore 45 P. Hesse 46 A . Skinns 47 A . Molan 48 D . Smith
2 E. Phillip s L . Derbyshire D . Buckley 5 L . Meehan
1 T. ilmo€t 2 10. McKellar 3 t Brudar 4 S. Anderson 5 B. Mar'tyn 6 B. Boyd 7 A. Duddy 8 G . Carr 9 T. Barker 10 D. Payson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B . Culling 13 G . Woods 14 Daniel Anderson 15 A . Browne (VC) 16 N . Greenwood 17 D. Art z 18 J . McCarthy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A . Power 21 S . Crilly 22 G. Johnston 23 S. Helliger 24 C . McKellar 25 M. Davey 26 C . Scarlet 27 M. Flynn 28 A. Guthrie 29 M. Fletcher (C) 30 A. Quo n 31 T. Pucell a 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 L" Fletcher 35 A Fisher 36 C. Marinis 37 L. Hol t 38 R. Whitney 39 G . Kell y 40 S . Burggraaff 41 J . McNamara 42 M . McDermott 43 L. Carson 44 J . Keogh 45 S . Blick 46 L . Woolrich 47 J. Almhofer 48 J. Humphries 49 M . Lev y 50 N . Foster 51 J. Midwinter 52 C . Dairies 53 J. N g 54 J. McCarthy 55 J . Prantzos 56 C. Wilkinson 57 S . Rose 58 M . Gray 59 T. Woodruff 60 C. Probyn 62 N. Deeming 63 L. Cave AttSFftiE FOOD S It it,LTp . Ph : 9598 6444
D. Lancaster
2 M . Chamberlain 3 A . Tucker 4 A . Hanley 5 D. k~askell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R . Foss 9 P. Gooden D . Chamberlain T. Smith (RC) D . Hos e 2 M. Murray
P. Fulle r 4 N . Meehan (DVC) 5 N. Parry (DVC) 6 M . Apollonio 7 J. Beard 18 D. O'Donoghue (VC) 19 S . McMulli n 19 T. Steinfiort 20 C. Murray (RVC) 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan (VC) 23 C. Steinfort 24 C. Jayawaeera 25 C. MOrris 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 D. Kro m 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D . Hanse n 31 N . Snart (RDVC) 32 B . King 33 S . Castricum 34 M . Pollard 35 S. Stanley 36 D . Carte r 37 L . Morgan 38 G . Hamil l 39 D . Bradshaw 41 A. McDowell 43 A. Petal 44 R. Mosbauer 45 S. Thomson 46 D. Dunne 48 G . Tilting 49 L . Haley 51 P. Reed 52 S. Veltman 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 5 L. Fuller 6 L. Rudling 8 B. Cerise 1 M . McDowel l 62 M . Gonsaivez 64 A. Wilson
._ ._ -
N Coach : David Skinner Coach : Garry F Asst Coaach : Da,hdWatatbru;e Res Coach : Mark Res Coach: Jamie Dixon 1 J . Bamert 1 J . Cassell 2 S . McCully 2 D. Keenan 3 A . Howard 4 M . White 3 T. Waters 5 N . Orchard 3 A . Trimboli 6 A . Van Rooyen 4 S . Slee p
7 N . Brook s
7 P. Teller 5 R . Davidson 8 J . Dixon 6 N, Vogel s J . Gerner 8 J. Kendall D . Fairchild 9 H . Mapiestone 0 D . Norton 0 D, Waterhouse 10 W. Martin I P. S pott istimood 11 T . Robe rts 12 T. Blythman 13 T . Halpin 12 S. Whittington 13 D .Rosman 16 R. Kellihe r 14 A. O'Brien 17 J. Fitzclarence 15 N . Adcock 21 N. Casboult 16 J. Walker 22 D. Tehan 17 R . Ciowes 18 R . Limbrick 23 S . Cook 18 D . Membrey 24 J . Barker 19 S . 20 A. Askew 25 G. Phyland 20 P. McGrath 26 T . Brady 21 S . Sierakowski 27 P . Sondhu 22 A. Svirakis 28 D . Joyce 22 D. Armstrong 23 L. Taylor 29 C . Hosking 24 S . Rundell 30 J . Elms 25 C. Nailon 30 M. Leigh 25 H. Taylor 26 A . Vicendese 31 L. Boyle 27 C. Spottiswood 32 T . Roach 28 S . Moore 33 M. Barker 29 G. McCully 34 M . Hyde 30 R . Newto . Hogan n31A 35 M . Robins 32 A . Cassell 37 J . Eastaugh 33 A . Saultry 34 E . Thompson 38 M . Amor 34 P. Rujevic 39 D . Galletti 35 S. Harrison 40 C . Phyland 35 A. Mills 41 K . Ny e 36 S. Bennet
. Harper t37T 43 J. Nihil l 37 M. Ting 44 T . Spurtin g
38 S. Robinson 46 K. Hilderbrand 39 B. James 40 A. Lust 47 T. Kennedy 41 J. Anderson 49 G . Took 41 T. Fraczek 50 M . Phyland 42 M. Hamilton-Ho 42 S. Volkering 52 N . Barden 43 S. Dods 53 S . Butcher 44 J . Newton 54 C" Dobson 45 R. Czwarn o 46 R. Ware 55 M . Joyce 47 D. Wilson 56 D. Sheehan 48 G. Pollard 57 M . Delaney 49 D. Fox 50 P. Wolnizer 58 S . Casboult 51 D. Learmont-Walker 60 M . Cribbes 52 B . McGrath 61 A . Neville 53 J . S prague 64 L. Ryan 54 N . Strauss 66 P. Bryar 55 C. Wright 56 T. Wright 67 M. Perry 57 D" Cassell 68 J. Mahe r 58 C . Villani 59 M . Najeeb 60 S . Jennings f ljor Sponsors
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o TL C,::ch : J_ 'rod O'Neill
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OLD ESSENDON Coach : Frank Dunell Res: Craig Ridley
1 J . Pannagiotopolous 2 J . Buckley 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D . Rya n cGillivray 5 M. Oxnard nklin 6 C . Ridley al l 7 J. Leas k sari (dvc 8 J. Heritage n )ra 9 B. Hakim din 10 S . Bryant Ilicol (C . res) 11 B . Papal ~ !ennex 12 J . Kavanagh j '-ad 13 M . Bossi !-9arnis 14 L. Wilson : d-mis F, 1111 3m S 15 T. Di Blas i Edwards 16 S . McPherson nt 17 D . Forrest - ;ikiams (C) 18 J. Walker 6 . Gadsden 19 E. Healey r G. Tc-telt 20 D . Hunter J Homann 21 S. Dale :, . Van Den Dungen 22 S . De Morton P . Salem 23 J . Hughes S . Ginnavin 24 J . Dazkiw J i'.Cowan 25 D. Poulton _Smii h 26 S . Fleming E,-Irt 27 J . Of Pietro L Biaain l 28 G. Stevens 0" il L ill 1-- t 29 S. Uebergang S Gadsden 30 M. Dragojlo 5 S . Nickas 31 D . Caridi _a A. Ginnavin 32 M . Flaherty D . Paterso n 33 D. Biggs 5 3 N . Williams 34 D. Podger , 8 A. Bristow 35 L. Kavanagh 2~ J. Dickerson 36 A . Frazer 30 E. McCowan 37 M . Jinks 31 A . Paroissien 38 D . Whitfield 32 D. Begley 39 B. Newbold 32 A . Goldner 40 A. McKenzie 33 L Dal e 34 J. White 41 S. De Morton 42 N . Bertram 35 C . Stewart (R . vc) 36 R. Henderson (R . dvc) 43 M. Velardo 37 D. Hughes 44 A. Parker 38 J. Raju 45 J . Weidner 39 B . Pamham 46 M . Beard 40 J . Maguire 47 S . Howard 41 M . Allen 48 A . Salvo 42 L Hendra (dvc) 49 G. Collins 43 R . Carter 50 A . Nowland 44 R . Sherman 51 B. Overman 45 C. McfGmm 52 B. Porker 47 S. Ada m 53 T. Campbell 48 B. Dever 54 A. Morrison 49 B. Scott 50 W. Leaf 55 D. Gradzki 51 J . Lynch 56 M . Makris 52 W. Hebard 57 J . Lloyd 53 M . Dubyna 58 T. Williams 54 J . Dooley 60 C. Cetin 55 M. Gamble 56 C . Over 57 J. Murch 58 J. McBriar 59 S. Mead 60 A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B. Pearce 63 S . Davies 64 M .Reid 65 66 67 68 69 70 ~ `.;~T THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003 xniak
OLD PARADIAN Coach : Paul Bree n Res Coach : Peter Slaci k 1 S . Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin (VC) 3 S . O'Meara 4 A . Curra n 5 W. Connelly 6 D . Stevens 7 M. Cosgr'rft 8 A. Sinclair 9 N. Brundell 10 P. Brabender 11 J . Collin s 13 B . Richardson 14 P. Pratt 15 D . Hayes 16 M . Godfrey 17 L . Dore 18 G . Porteous 19 A. Dean 20 B. Robins 21 D. Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombard i 25 A . Heffernan ( C ) 26 D . Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 30 B. Lethborg 35 N. Dallas 36 S . Corcoran 37 S . Simpson ( C- R) 38 B . Dintinosante 39 A . Chambers 41 A . Swindon 42 R . Murray 44 D . Furze 45 A. Paglia 48 J. Swindon 52 M . Joyce 54 M . Ye a 55 A. Boyd 60 M . Joyce
_ -j
Coach : Greg Feutrill Coach : Russell Barnes Res. Coach : Connor Eames Assistant Coach : Brad Berry Res: Mark Lomagno 1 C . Wood 1 P. Wintle 3 M. Carbone 2 L . Wintle 5 B. Phan 3 C . Tesoriero 6 P. Campbell 4 A. L'Huillier 7 S . Brosolo 5 S. Napier 8 B . Janson 6 A. Ryan 9 A . Pawlik 7 N. Owen 10 R . Pasqualotto 8 A. Scafidi 11 T. Wallace 9 M . Terrell 12 B. Vandenboom 10 M . Wi'ntle 13 T. Langfor d 12 J . Kan e 14 T Carrigg 13 R . Sampled 16 J . Power 14 A . Connolly 17 A. Carbone 15 T. McColl 16 A. Hipwell 18 C. Dance 18 S. Hecker 19 A. Hill 19 A. Drury 20 P. Hennessey 20 L . Porter 21 B . Jones 21 P. Fedderson 22 N . Cunningham 22 D. Poynton 23 E. Eames 23 D. Napier 24 A. Cunningham 24 S .Jurica 25 M. Vernal 25 M .Kelleher 26 S. Alexander 26 M . Hecker 27 L. Swai n 27 S . Kingwell 28 C. Eames 28 M. Andrews 29 A. Glenn 29 J . Bristow 30 J. Knuppel 30 M . Power 31 D . Moss 31 M . Baker 32 G . Johnson 32 G. Kennedy 33 S. Zakic 33 C . Fulto n 34 D. Kinsella 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C. Barnes 35 C . Law 36 A. Walstab 36 T. Nunan 37 M . Connolly 37 M. Nunan 38 A . Hayes 38 C. Carrig g 39 M . McColl 39 M . Vandenboom 40 J . Eadi e 40 M . Cahil l 41 S . Rose 41 M . Leahy 42 M . Wilson 42 M . Northey 43 H . Dwyer 43 N. Elliott 44 M. Mifsud 45 R . Gould 44 R. Eames 46 D. Pisasale 45 S . Cleven 47 J . De Groot 46 D. Jones 48 B . Hutchinson 47 49 S Wals h 48 J. Treyvaud 50 S . Kidd 49 T. Hilton 51 G. Gomez 50 D . Crea 52 M . Towns 51 53 M . Uberti 52 A. Baggoley 54 M . McCraw 53 B. Wilson 55 M . Ferris 54 J . Morri s 56 J. Chaplin 55 P. Tobin 57 C .Connolly 58 M. Zakic 56 R. Murray 59 M. Zahra 57 L. McGuinness 60 A. Pothitos 58 61 J . Wilso n 59 62 C. Falkingham 60 R . Pawlik 63 J . Ronchi 61 C . Slats 64 J . Cunningham 62 J. Anderson 65 R . Pierce 66 R . Parsons 67 A . Basham
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FOOTBALL SPECIFIC FITNESS GAME S Dr Noel Duncan - Strength & Conditioning Coach RFC When training turns its focus to strategy and skill, you don't want the hard-won achievements of the preseason going to waste .
After a long preseason your fitness levels leading into the early part of the season should be at a premium . It's important to have strategies to maintain this fitness as the season progresses and this is where games tailored to Australian Rules football can help . General Guidelines : These four games can be implemented at the end or start of core training sessions and scheduled for either all players or those who require extra work . Numbers should be kept to 56 per side to ensure each team member has a responsibility to run . The size of the field can be modified depending on what you're aiming to achieve ; a smaller playing area for more physical contact, a larger area to increase the distance each player has to cover. 1 . Two goal run Field set up : In a rectangular field approximately 35m x 25m, two sets of goals are placed at each end of the field with one in each corner . Each of the four goals (marked by plastic cones) is approximately 1 .5m wide . Rules : Football rules apply in this game, but there is no kicking the ball . The players can run, shepherd, tackle and handball as often as they like . Scoring: A goal is scored when the ball is handballed through either goal at the end of the field . The ball must bounce at least once before it goes through the goals (i .e . goals can't be scored on the full) . A ball is placed behind each of the four goals so that when a
goal is scored the opposing team can play immediately . The team with the highest score at t end of the game wins. Time : Because the high intensity of this game, hah of between 4 and 7 minutes are recommended, vritt 2 to 3 minute break . Tips : Ensure the `umpire' keeps the game flowing much as possible so there are no ball ups and pacl If a pack forms, the umpire uses another football restart play and the ball in the pack is dead . 2. Swap ball - Field set up : This game can be play in any size field . Rules: Football rules apply but there is no kicking t ball . Players can run, shepherd, tackle and handball often as they like .
Scoring: One point is scored every time the ball handballed to a team-mate . Six points are scored if t team with possession of the ball can swap the ball play for a ball which is placed randomly on the field the `umpire' . This `swap' ball should only be placed the field three to four times per half and is or available for 30-45 seconds . Only the team wi possession of the ball can swap the ball . The ball play must be placed next to the swap ball before t new ball can be brought into play . The team with t highest score at the end of the game wins . Time: Because the high intensity of this game, 5 tc minute halves are recommended . Tips: Ensure the `umpire' keeps the game flowing much as possible so there are no ball ups and pacl If a pack forms the umpire uses another football restart play and the ball in the pack is dead .
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There is increasing pressure on the ability nf amateur clubs to act and retain players`, competition from professional suburban
leagues . other sporting activities and the pace of life in general, al l pact on the playing ist of each club . At MFfSOBFC we have recognised the need to include Player Welfare as a fine stream within management strucure of the Club . Within Player Welfare we assist players with such issues as finding suitable employment, accommodation issues for those lads moving to Melbourne for study or employment, fitness issues, injury treatment and rehabilitation and the associated insurance claims ; in fact any area which may distract them from their aame.
By accessing the resources of both the Football Club and the whole of the N1 ;iS Old Boys' Association network we are able to take some of these headaches away from the player so he can concentrate or.. what he does best, playing our great game': This is an important initiative and we are committed to providing our players every support to ensure they enjoy the game to the max .
If any of our readers can further assist the club in any of the matters raised please let me know . Ring (}414 729 560 or leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can .
$1,000 Draw Day
Sunday 27,' }ril 92 .00 to 3.00p m Food & drink included in cost of lucky ticket (max. $10.O 0)
$1 ,000 E7 won
Uil :i v:
iush Inn Evans ::err MAP South Yarra Snorts Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpais Accountants Ric;by Cooke Lawyers TVP Communications
HytfroCi tem The Kichen Race Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spiting linage Catering Ryder Commercial
E12stoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Julius Redlich & Sons Bell's Hotel & Brewery Ceith_s Pies Austm)- Wine Direct
Deilcatess Moods Consulting Ply Ltd :erranat Landscape Monte Coffee
Edward J Lynch Agencies Pau? PatEison Beaurepaire s
rd, af#e : z number of years overseas , made a we€cor return to MHSO6FC this year_ He played his 50th game for the club last week in the Reserves against Old Paradians .
Jason B amert and Jamie Dixon are just a few games away from their 200th?
The mini season has been completed and the Easter eggs and hot cross buns have been consumed . The Easter break has always allowed teams to regroup after a long pre season and start focusing on the season ahead . It is also a welcome relief for players to get over their early sore spots from the flint hard grounds . Crunch grade has only two teams (Old Camberwell & Beaumaris) that have achieved early season goals of winning the first two before the break and restart their year in great positions . While at the other end of the spectrum, Ormond & Mentone will use the break to get back some injured players and target that first win . The Sportscover, Match of the Round was over at quarter time as the Fields kept St .Leo'a goal less and booted 4 themselves to set up an 8 goal half time lead . The Animals, lifted in the third thanks to Pecora & Carse, but with "Crackers" Caven and "Axel" Foley carving on their respective vdngs, the result was always safe . The close one was fought out at Mentone, with the Vultures again getting so close to that elusive C grade win . A scoreless second term did not help the cause as the aumaris midfield of Haynes, Buller & Talbot got on top . The Vultures came out hard after the break with Shane Rowley covering the loss of CaptainCoach Tony MacGeorge booting 3 in the term . But the experience of Beaumaris was the difference in the end with an inspiring ten minutes from Murray Pitts . The VRC have advised that the swab results were negative as Glen Eira, turned their season around in one week knocking off Therry, by 4 goals. After finding themselves in a similar position to round 1 at half time, a fighting third qtr into the breeze set up their first win for the year. The Saints were again well led by skipper Massis and Mimo Dimachki . Therry would be disappointed with the result but were pleased with the form of Hollow & O'Sullivan . Luckily for Prahran, the Richmond kicking coach did not turn up to Collegians training during the week as 43 scoring shots to 16 could
have easily seen the 77 point margin turn into three figures . Injuries to key players didn't help the Two Blues chance but Aaron Rhodes was again a good contributo : The forward line of Jono Dixon (8 goals) an Shura Taft with seven ensured the result was healthy one . Old Camberwell had another good day with convincing win over Ormond . A trip to Guni Reserve is always a tricky one and a sensations start from OC with the wind put the Monds i catch up mode for the remainder . Jordai Heffernan dominated the backline for OC an, helped set up Paul Tempone with 5 majors David Robbins good form continued trying han all day in the midfield but the running game c OC was a telling factor in wrapping up th, match. PREVIEW The Sportscover Match of the Round is to b fought out at Carnegie with the Saints at hom to the in form Collegians . Coach Beddoe will b hoping that the Rd 2 Glen Eira team is the on (
C ; ;C'TION Beaumaris Richardson Collegians Dixon Mentone Vultures Rowle y St Leos E WP B Vaughan Therry Penola O'Connor Prahran Rhodes Mentone Vultures T Bar r
C RESERVE Beaumaris Rawlins 7 Old Camberwell Francis 3 Beauniaris Catlin 4 St Leos E IVP E Mitchell 2
Prahran James
10 8 7 6 6
a a
s up to take on the potent Collegi a Both teams will be keen to get the the positive but with so many i ions and Brock Mooney running int o an away win to Collegians will help
ir year. men get out the day pass and travel City Link to take on Therry Penola . ilenroy boys are always a lot better at and will provide the Fields with stiff ition . This game is another early crunc h or both sides and is a toss of the coin t o
-inner. Will again tip C )t, ~ much confidence .
, but
„3 Final replay time at St .- ~c - as the j1,ures seek revenge for their D grade defeat . i Y;e Vn' tures have been playing some great t, V: ithout gaining the 4 points and will use notivation from 2002 to knock the boys off '.'aitle Park in an upset . Look out for the ;,! iii :an brothers who were on fire last round - . entone . The Two Blues used the Easter break to get a back from injury, but will need to be fit and ring travelling to North Baiwyn to meet OC . O C i'ave had a solid start to the year and have their () ;g guns firing early, which can only spell danger for Prahran . The last game sees Ormond, in desperate need of victory face the daunting task of travelling to geaialnari$ . Unfortunately for the Mends, the Wilson Pride boys have a huge day planned with a triple header of games and a large crowd expected . BFC will ensure they impress their army of supporters and remain undefeated .
23 .225 (1§t3) 5 .5 12.14 18 .15 7 .0 7.1 10 .2 11 .5 (71) 9. Hoshing, Couch, Sh!'seki. Y. C-_ ,. ___n 8, Taft 7. Uivswor? 2 . PhIllips. Best. Mooney, Dixon. Taft. "Tison . B. }Iolst . . .:, F . St . Clzl. Him A. Pral t : Rhodes 4, Mullins 2- D Pitts, Rhodes. D. Kelly, H , Drm - : D Irons G Cn7 , a (G)
Pi .B There is no doubt that the Crunch grade press corros are the best in the league with another near perfect week.
3.10 4 .10 .34 3 19 .14 .12$ 5 Reynolds 3 Darn 1 ? . 'roar 2 Clifton _ ._et S GK__ .~. Ru all Clarke. Best: Rf .nddr Kuret Russell In11V .
- congratulat e
Iri ;;r_tone Vu!'-iz
Sullivan on 15 6 senior games. Micks stats include 184 career goals and 10 finals (3 Grand Finals) including the 2000 D2 Premiership . Mick has also served on the committee . Congratulations Mick, from all at the Vultures Nest.
_-~"1 . -, ,'
Z.2 2.5 3 13 .1 1 (77) C :=a7.G A 7.10 (32) 5T. ^ 2.3 8.6 5.6 Caul Gram M .Harr2sr,z 3. t?ah3'ood 2 . Kendall 2, Foster 2, D.-Scott 2 . Best:vella. ;vSeAssey, G.Harrisan• O'Neill . D.Sec Ash. 9t.7 E.Bittcbell 2. Simondson 2. C a. R .McGloin. McInerney .. his _ Carey. C .Vaughan . Fe E . no . .., i .5 (5) 3T TU"RFS 0.0 7.3 ts : Nil Best: Lmtt, ct his 7. Catlin 4, Car is. .Collins, Lee. Best ; Cons ; .
1 .0 ._. . . . .- . 0 .7 Stew-aft 3, Evereit3.Mona _ . . .in 2 . : ~ . . .. .. . ., . . ...-ton. I. C.C(eary . Monaghan. D.( ,
~ C S EC'I`I0 _ ' Therry Penola OB v Caulfield G r St Leos Emmaus WP v Mentone Vultures Beaumaris v Ormon d
Old Camberwell v Prahran Glen Eira v Collegians THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Old C
. : c9 will,
: Francis 3, le 3, R .Tea
:. .--'diarc its. ~ is Best : Grant. Ryan. Francis, Mac . .. . .: 0 .2 S .o 6.1 2 Co:: 2 .3 3.3 5. 3 s : T. Cook 2, Hart 2 . T . Skurrie, Low. hrot r, Roech,l at. Grlbble . Cook, T. Skurme, Tnomas . Prahrbn: C. Boyd 3 . S. Campbell 2, J. Upton. Be W. WalCord. Ferrero, P. ;fellv, Brnd . 15
C Sectio n BEAUNtARIS Coach: Brett Marchant Asst: Mick Lovejoy Res : Mick Carly 1 S . Nis h 2 H . Gibson 3 M. Pitts (C) 4 M. Matulick (DVC) 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 A. Spence 7 D. Foley 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M. Lee 12 L . Healy 13 C . Gourley 14 T Collins 16 A. Qui n 17 L. Atkins 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 N . Atkins 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (VC) 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D. Teasdale 26 R. Meilick 27 B . Haynes (DVC) 28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin 30 S. Hun t 31 J. McGeogh 32 B. Cairns 33 S. Ma y 34 J . May 35 N. Boctor 36 R . Deaton 37 R . Presnell 38 J. Gerrand 40 R . Rawlins 41 N . Conlan 42 O'Brien 44 C. Collins 45 J . Deluca 46 M . Saxton 48 W. Travers 49 J. Bryce 50 S. Lynch 51 S. Coote 53 J. Windebanks 54 A. Thompson 55 S . McNicholas 56 E . Leyde n 57 H . McMillan 58 S . Fitzgerald 59 B. Griffiths 60 C . Gionis 62 A. Pratt 64 M . Carty 66 A. Coote 67 B. Gillespie 68 S . Doukas
COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res : Marty Hook
Coach: Merv Keane Res: Chris Mathieso n 1 D . Rosman 2 B. Hall 3 C. Knight 4 M . Liddell 5 S . Kendall 6 N. Craven 7 J . Coviishaw 8 R . Foote 9 M . Frater 10 A. Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D . Pearce 13 A. Green 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G. Harrison 18 B . Baxter 19 T. Aylen 20 H . Vella 21 M. Pennycuick 22 C . Mc Assey 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 N . Dorma n 26 S . Widjaja 27 J . Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 G. Erickson 30 C . Fagan 31 T. Foste r 32 A. Lawson 33 S. 34 R . Langford 35 S. Thompson 36 B . Cunningham 37 T. Messe r 38 J . Restarick 39 A . Bosna 40 R . O'Neill 41 B . Kuppe 42 D . Synman 43 A. Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 45 D. Scott 46 B . Scott 47 S . Jenkinson 48 N . Tassel 49 B . Gardner 50 P. Delahaye 51 T. Mc Donald 52 A. Sinclair 53 P. Carter 54 T. Rynberk 55 C. Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 T Kavouris 59 A . Beach 60 N . Fallu 61 N . Bannon 62 C . Sheppard G . Crathern 64 J. Foley 65 R. Keow n 71 M . Cassidy 76 M . Harrison
1 J. Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B. Mooney V C 4 D. Atkinson 5 R. Henebery 6 S . Woolley 7 D. Surkitt 7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT . Fry 9 10 J J. Lang 11 B. MacKenzie 12 N . Harrison V C 13 N. Thomas 14 D. Phillips 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Fletcher 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S . Taft 19 N . Herman 20 B. Couch 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 C. Mollard 24 B . Low 25 R. Muir 26 D. Vial 27 A . Shinkfield 28 D . Dowling 29 A . Kenneally 30 L . Moon 31 N . Roach 32 C . Blumfield 33 B. Holst 34 J .Youn g 35 R. Turner 36 G . Cooper 37 C. Holst 38 S . Taft 39 N . Hart 40 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 44 Y. Phillips 45 N. Craig 46 J . Round 47 R. Sztar 48 E . Waters 49 50 51 J.B. Shadbolt 53 54 B. Waolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B . Lumb 57 58 D. Smith 60 61 64 M . Gribble 65 C . Safstrom ~ 67 68 70 71 72 73 74
Coach: Paul Beddoe Res. Coach : Anthony Strafford 1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D . Cassar 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakas 8 M . Dimashki g G . Hayes-Dewar 10 G. Richards 11 Bâ&#x20AC;˘Clements 12 B . King 13 G. Brown 14 M. Loughran 15 Mimo Dimachki 16 Danny Race 17 Declan Lambe 18 R. Oldham 19 K . Dimachki 20 A . Diamond 21 S . Haines 22 S . Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 25 P. Khazaat 26 P. Tsaglioti s 27 R. Gilmore 28 L Shellard 29 R. Dimachki 30 L. Pryd e 31 T. Aberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A . Sheedy 34 L . Hall 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zura k 37 P. Merrick 38 M . Lewin 39 40 L. Doolan 41 M . Merrick 42 J. Serpanchy 43 J. Gusman 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 T. Evans 47 48 J . Halliwell 49 50 51 52 A . Haines 53 54 55 L . McGaw 56 57 S. Hall 58 59 60 61 M . Tkocz 62 D. Sheehan 63 64 65 M. Dimou 66 67 68 69
Coach : Tony Macgeorge Res Coach: Darren Fenect I S . Rowley 2 R . Gallagher 3 M . Dixo n 4 M. Haye s 5 A. White 6 C . Stephens 7 K. Gunte r 8 D. Perrin 8 K . Little 9 M . Meye r 10 M . Hovey 11 C . O'Mear a 12 M . Davies 13 A. King 14 M. Etcel l 15 Mick Sulliva n 16 P. Sullivan 16 J . McCarth y 17 C. Sullivan 18 T. Sulliva n 19 C . Stewart 20 P. Kring s 20 T. Smit h 21 D . Kell y 22 P. Murph y 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith 25 G . Upti n 26 A . Rock 27 S . Hamilton 28 C . Johnston 29 A . Gangi 30 P. Dixon 30 N . Freeze 31 M. Andrew s 32 C . Blai r 33 N. Wilkin s 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnston e 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorg e 38 S . Perraz o 39 A. Fimste r 40 G . Simm s 41 C . Roc k 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 C. B arr 46 C. Ross 47 J . Tully 48 Mick Walsh 49 R. Bittner 50 G. McMillan 51 D . Clarke 52 K . McLeo d 53 D . Noona n 54 D . Bray 55 G . Alla n 56 S. Sulliva n 57 D. Fraser 58 J . Noona n 59 Matt. Walsh 60 D. Fenec h 61 A . Walsh 62 N . Levett 63 S. Waters 64 S.. Hesline 65 T. Allinso n 66 R . Waterson 67 M . Joyc e 68 A. Tresidder 73 M . O'Mear a
ecti速n OLD
g & Ke n qssts : "at(new :Hogg ;ab Res Andrew s T Ja?~199o 3 N Robinson Cain B. Ch ri stie
1 Scott
g J . Heileman Tymmons Hanson (C) . S Cadzow . Kapoor 2R 3 (.- Gladman R. Whitehead 15 D. Clyn e 1a D. Pike 17, N. Cred6n S . Marwood g P. Tempone 20 D. Mitchell 21 T. Hardman 22 B . Howard 23 K. Darby 24 B . Tipper 25 A. Hardenberg 26 A. Whela n 27 A. Sheedy 28 29 D. Goug h 30 R. Perryman 31 B . Craven 32 G. Ormsby 33 D. Joyce 34 D. Schmidt 35 C. Munroe 36 S . Derry 37 A . Hillier 38 T. Hall o 39 G. Rowe 40 J . Cramer-Roberts 41 L. Rya n 42 A . Mackenzie 44 S . Smit h 45 G. Weickhardt 46 L. Hancock 47 T. Kearney 48 J . Derry 49 C . Morley 50 J . McKenzie 53 R . Tempone 54 A . Margetts 56 S . Jone s 57 A . Cantor 60 M . Pay 61 N . Payne 62 S . Gregory 63 N . Warner 64 B . Ryan 66 70 M . Shanks 71 C . Rogers 72 T. Gossling 73 L. Weaver 74 D. Hanson 75 M . Langford
c ,rq I i
OR M OND Coach: Adrian Connolly Res. Coach : Peter O'De a 1 S Handley 2 D. Beckett 3 J . Denning 4 A. Grace 5 M . Martinov 6 D. Whelan 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Mille r 9 G . Hall 10 R . Martin 11 D. Robbins 12 B. Delidio 13 L. Wells 14 S. James 15 C . Telly 16 T. Stewart 17 J . Bridges 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D . te Hennepe 21 R . Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 B. Arnold 25 J. Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan 28 A. Clinch 29 J. Clifton 30 G . Richie 31 H . Black 32 A. Lom 33 M. Collins 34 A. Russell 35 J. Putz 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everitt 38 D . Broadhurst 39 S . McCarthy 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 T. Banks 42 C . Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 A . Broadhurst 45 J. Franklin 46 C . Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 S . Wheller 49 S . Metz 50 S . Dipasquale 51 T. Dipasquale 52 S . Betsy 53 C. Harvey 54 M . Ramsay 55 B . Rayson 56 M . Farrell 57 R . Kentara 58 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 B . Jones 62 B . Slater 63 C. West 64 M . Wood 65 S . Anderson 66 L. Dal e 67 M . Mabbett 68 D. Clifton 69 B . Cromack
PRAHRAN Senior Coach : John Ross Rese rv e Coach : Paul Quick 1 D . Harders 2 M. Harvey 3 P. Kell y 4 P. Quick 5 H . Pitts 6 S. Tully 7 S. Pang 8 C . Bamford 9 A.Bunnett 10 P. Ros e 11 A. Pitts 12 M. Beer 13 C . McLean 14 M . Evans 15 B. Mair 16 A. Rhodes 17 S. Campbell 18 M . Windridge 19 A . Millican 20 J. Kello w 21 L. Northway 22 W. Barber 23 R . Marriot 24 J. McDonald 25 L. Aitke n 26 T. St .Clair 27 W. Watford 28 K . Watford 29 P. Gartland 30 M . Muehlheim 31 D . Decarteret 32 D . Ballard 33 A . Wood 34 P. Treyvaud 35 B . Gellie 36 J . Killeen 37 A . Gellie 38 I . Hunt 39 S . Morris 40 I . Dennis 41 J . Upton 42 D. Kelly 43 C. Boyd 44 D. James 45 M . Vagg 46 M . Vear 47 J . Foster 48 J . Vagg 49 L. Wood 50 S . Kennett 51 0 . Lappin 52 D. Komen 53 B . Aisbett 54 S . Rafferty 55 S . Ramage 56 A. Ryan 57 S . Moylan 58 J . Foster 59 S . Olive r 60 M . Popovski 61 J . Bedford 62 C . Tooley 63 B. Vercoe 64 J. Belcher 65 S. Craig 66 G . Northway 67 K. Centre 68 D . Stoc k 69 5. Whitford 70 C . Pricop
ST LEOS EMMAUS W P Coach : Darren Turner Res: Frank Dinicolantonio
1 P. Carse 2 J . Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S . Buckle 6 J . Fennell 7 A. Burgess 8 B . Bird 9 D. Lear 10 B . Mitchell 11 B. Carey 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebs 14 P. Pollard 15 P. Carey 16 A. Rose 17 M . D'Amelio 18 R. McCann 19 A. Kelly 20 A. Ballard 21 G . Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batty 24 D . Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levin s 28 H . Giles 29 S. Darcy 30 M.Ottobre 31 M. Contessotto 32 D . Camm 33 L . Thomas 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B.Vaughan 40 J. Gay 42 M. Flood 43 B. Levins 44 A. Zalakos 45 S. Ronchi 46 A. Brown 47 M. Mclnerny 48 A. Daly 49 D . Cox 50 A. Volpi 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 53 T. Pecora 55 C . Hatfield 56 T. Morrison 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonald 61 J . Blandthorn 63 P. Nolan 64 D . Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S . Meshcer 70 D . McGloin 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C.Vaughan 79 T Trib e 88 S . Pitcher 89 D. Winduss
Coach: Chris Bye Assist Coach: Jason Reddick Res. Coach: Gary Datso n 1 Gorman P 2 Mills A 2 Goodwin T 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 O'Sullivan D 12 Moran R 13 Atkinson D s 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M 16 Clifton D 17 O'Connor G 18 Carter B 19 GrantA 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 21 Rizzo J - s 22 Reynolds L 25 Edwards P 26 Lewis B 27 Garoni M 27 Thompson T 29 Goodwin S 31 Hollow S 32 Sacco J 36 Barron D 37 Castaldi D 38 Nancarrow M 39 Boyle S 40 Garoni P 41 Martin A 43 Warren M 44 Appleford P 45 Carter M 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 49 Whykes B 50 Barron B 52 Weston D 54 Riley S 55 Garoni M 56 Dunne P 57 Weston S 63 MoloneyA 59 Robinson T 64 O'Meara J 65 Stella S 66 Green A 67 Tsinaris G 69 Serong S 70 Kuret L 79 Higgins T 84 Russell G 89 Christie A 98 Hollow B 99 La Corcia M
GYW-Ck Fibre Cement 2 0 03 Major Sponsor
I 17
~j Stevens F' t FTLOTG visited games out east last weekend . The vehicle seen sporting one of the 2003 Sport 927/ Crown Entertainment VAFA club bumper stickers was a late model green Falcon the last three numbers on the plate were 195 with a Marcellin sticker affixed . To go into an end of season draw for a Crown Indulgence Package, the car owner needs to email FTLOTG (phil@vafa .asn .au) before noon Tuesday, giving your name, address and complete car registration number . 0
FTLOTG's spy in the Permit Committee room reports that to date this season 2,315 new permits have been issued taking the total number of players registered to 9,532 . By the close of permits the VAFA total normally reaches approximately 10,500 registered players .
0 0 0 VAFA Ben Hogan T rivia Competition results from last week ( Answer : 1985 . Question was : Which year saw the opening round being only played by A section teams?) . The winner of the dozen golf balls was Rick Western (Old Scotch) . (Rick, you can pick up your prize from VAFA H/Q) . Rick's name will go into the end of season draw for the major prize along with one other person's name who provided the correct answer for round 2 . Please refer to the display elsewhere in today's "Amateur Footballer" for the round 3 trivia question . 0 0 0 Fines - late scores . With each club having enjoyed a home game in the first two rounds it's good to see that the VAFA 18
Landrigan & Bowen (above) : Old Xavs stars hav similar live s
has been a little lenient regarding fine for late scores . FTLOTG has been tol that the deadline for final scores (5 pn for C -U19 clubs and 5 .15 for A and I section clubs (all match details) has beei waived for the first two weeks as long a the scores were phoned in . FTLOT( advises that fines for all late details wil apply for round 3 on .
0 0
The VAFA web site continues to go fron strength to strength . On the Mondai following round 1 the site was visitec 1,618 times . Results had 784 visits ladders 515, news articles 338, fixture; 327 and club details 323 . Crazy (that's E clue) we haven't got significani sponsorship for the web site yet . However watch this space for an announcement soon .
w. v a . a SI1 . a1a1 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200,1
Brain joining the Executive recently . The two "defections" have prompted Wickers' president Adam Hankin to seek transfer fees for each - Molly maybe, but we thought we were doing the Wickers a favor in taking Tommy on board . 0
Executive Chairman Bruce McTaggart has taken to calling Tommy Brain "Eddie" . With Tom's Executive presence and media profile our boy could well become the Eddie McGuire of the VAFA .
Landrigan (above) & Bowen : Old Xavs stars have similar live s 0 0
One of FTLOTG's investigators reports that Old Xaverians' stars John Bowen an d David Landrigan in 1971 were born one day apart . They schooled together,were each other's best man, have played 430 games for OX and gathered 11 premierships . On November 29 2002 they both became fathers . No doubt Will Bowen and Tom Landrigan will combine their twenty-first parties in 2024 !! Brain: The VAFA's answer to Eddie McGuire?
0 0
The VAFA has announced that Molly May has won the vacant Receptionist / Office Assistant job at H/Q . Molly, a trainer with Elsternwick AFC will start with the VAFA on April 22 . Molly is the second high profile person recruited from the Wickers with To m 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
In the interests of your eyesight, this column is now in 12-point font size, meaning fewer words & less crap! Henceforth chaps, please play thin football, it will help to fit it on the page ! F2C?tTNI? 2 Uni . Blacks lost to Yarra Valle y 's overall pace and forward marking power in a good game in the swirling breeze . Rob Mackie & Paul Kempton were great in defence for Blacks, with Pat Barry also strong . Rob Drew and Andy Laing had stellar games for Yarra, while Luke Taylor stood tall in defence . Monash Blues went down to AJAX, whose accuracy was admirable in the wind . The Jackers looked good with Nick Gold a top defender, Mark Segal strong OtB, and Gab Dukes again had loads of kicks . Tim Powell wasn't exactly chuffed with his Ashers in general, but Paul Farrer played well in a BP, and Spider Smith was solid at HB . Bulleen-Templestowe beat Aquinas with smart possession football, which the younger Bloods found hard to counter. Marchi Tarulli played as though he was half his age for Aquinas, with strong backup from Al Bethune and Captain, Dan Den Braber. The Bullants had Tehan and Chivers in great form in defence, ably supported by flankers Schneider & Robertson . Ivanhoe-Assumption handed over the Blackwood-Gillies Trophy to Banyule in a seesawing, highest scoring game in DI last week . Eilan Healy, Travis O'Neill, and Ange Pace starred for the Hoes . The Bears best were Brett Cantwell, Heath McDermott, & Simon Dean .
Salesians gave Old M entonians a run for their money at Bosco Street, with the latter happy to scramble a win in the blustery wind . Panthers' wingers, Rowan Ball &
Justin Costello, both had good days, with Trent Mitvalsky &I
Lachlan Steven top defenders . Flanke. Adam Healy was on fire for Chaddy, Anthon Grace did well at FB, plus the consister John Nannes at CHF . TODAY'S GAMES Yarra Valley at home to Bulleen Templestowe will hope to continue thei, dream return to D 1 football . In a contest ( the Bushrangers dash versus the Bullant guile, the "dash" should see the home sid win a great game by a few points . Aquinas tackle Monash Blues and will fin the Ashers too big a handful today, in spit of the Bloods' grit and homeground comfor Monash should have too much oomph u forward and take the points by 3-4 goals . A, TAX Ivanhoe Assumption always pla interesting matches, but the Jackers ar taking all before them this year and shoul be too pacy for the bulkier and resolut Hoes . Although it won't be walk in the par for AJAX, they should win by 4-5 goals .
(1nFdE D1 SECTION AJAX Old Mentonians
CLUB Kirzner Basile
LST C;'( TO T fa 5
Monash Blues Holloway 2 Ivanhoe Ass N Shuttleworth 4 D1 RESERVE University Blacks University Blacks Aquinas Aquinas Ivanhoe Ass
15 9 6 6
Hanna Hanna Hughes Hunt Pearce
and will B3~yule Ineets ol d M eY4t°nians the Panthers on the confines of h poad . The Bears may not matc ~,lans run though, and the visitors l take out a hard fought game by a " ,l( ouple of goals .
ks will be troubled by Urllvc ;81ty Blac not to the point of losing , Szlesqa~s but s
~ ttled they play to their own strength . The Bosco Street Boys not toChaddy's probably stiff not to have won a game yet , on the big Main Oval will find a it ened Blacks a tough ask . Blacks to i tl~ ngth , •tttrn to the winner's circle by 4 goals
: YVOB, Ashers, Reserv es winners should be (,tckers, panthers, & Blacks .
Cnrrespondents, the contacts are 9889 1979 ;, bfhickey60-blgpond .co m
~-~- -
today ~-~'©b i30se" Ir~ac-.ie . In his 2nd year ;I -s his 100th game today , as Captain, and the rock on which the 'Blacks' defence is built, Moose's consistent play at CHB has marked him as one of the . A great Clubman outstanding players in Dl and fine leader, all at the Blacks, where a Gentul-y of games is still rare, congratulate Rob on a great achievement ! rh: Segal, played his 100tt1 game . `Chooka" started against Monash Blues with the t319 in 1997, and was a member of . A the Reserve Premiership side in 1999 regular senior since then, he now one of the team leaders, and his dashes out of defence . Hopefully, are a highlight of the game Mark's hard work ethic will reap him the . Congratulations Mark ! rewards he deserves
D I SECTIO N Yarra Valley 0 B v Bulleen-Templestowe Aquinas 0 C v Monash Blue s AJAX v Ivanhoe Assumption to be played at Richmond Cricket Ground, Punt Rd, Richmond Banyule v Old Mentonian s University Blacks v Salesian 0 C
..__ .___- .__ .------------0
.9 9.14.68
.4 2.5 4 E'.P.C'ri:i .16 14 .18.102 YAMA Vr1L'-'Y O B 3 .2 8 .10 i3 . Best T,ini Evans 2 Jones 2 Dllbn Hallam Price Rauzvstey RonuJn Markle Barry Xempton Moffatt Dillon Prlce . Earn 2 Laing 2 Simpson 2 Beal A Drew Hale Yams paliey: Collett 2 :Cites . R Drew Laing L Taylor Cremean Jarvte . Best Stone Thompson P McKay Umpires: A Conquest (F) A Goudie E Garnrood (B) A Martin 14.13.97 ,~ ~ 6.4 10.7 13.9 7 BULLEEN .12.54 .6 4 .9 AQUII~A.B O C 1.2 2 S . K .Burridge 2, Buiieeu Templesta$re : R .Wiitianis 4 . D.MatUiews. Best: . .Chivers G .SchneSder. S.Snuth D.Florance 2, J .Mailhews, R .Morohhitis . . C .Tehan, J .Mattlrews ;tor, A D.Ftorance, J .P : Tarulli, 2, G)ennte . Best Aquinas : TaruM 2, Wooden 2, Denbraber . Toomey. Whitehead. Denbraber, Pterce . Bethune SScniltyjnr (F) MNettty b1Hafi7er (B) MFttleiil EBoal (G) Umpires : MWittrnan .14 (56) 2.3 4 .9 6.12 7 &iONt3SH BLUES .5 9.7 12 .E (80) 2 .5 7 MAX . BY=ickle_v . TiuYon. Best : p.donwah Blues. Holloway 2 . Grace 2, Hawkins . Ches.sart. . Nmd. WiVliams . Smith . Turion Farrar . Berger, Bram . Dukes. Best : Blkden, MAX: y,ircner 5. Bfleden 2 . M.Segal2 Gold, M.Segal, Berger . KUzner, Dudakrn' Umpires : S Stokes D 1lhiteleV (F ) IVANIIOE t3SSt1i*YP2`SON i~l~
2 3 5 .8
12 .10 17.13 (115)
. P.Rawley 2. Ivanhoe Assumption : N .Shuttleworth 4 . D .Wood 4 .Sampson . S.McGoIAan 2. R .Pcoptes. A .tacxiuangelo. S.Jayce . A.tacouang-k) . .Wocd . B Best : E .Healy, T.O'Neil . A.Pace . D . M.Ta}ior 2 . P.SnrSth, J .Iiing. A.Rothe. Banapule: H .b5cDermoit 5 . T .Gloury 3 ➢more . .VJttebell. B.1Vi .Cantwell, D S.Playfatr, B .McDermott, N .Sarilro)me. P.Snllth Best : B.Cantwell . S .Dean. T.G)our}', H Umpires: R Hocking and B Rich (RFL) IF) 5 Rich and G Contartno (RFL) (B) J Correll and A Matthews (RF-) (G) 11 .18.74 SR[ ESSAFo C 11.21.87 S PZCONiA% OLD R1 E . Nannes, Quinn . Oldfield. Riley Sidtsinn: Greeiy 3. Sutherland 2.11iain 2 . Cooke. Best: guirm . Oidfield, Pobetic . Healey, Grace. Bournon . Ba1S2ntins . Fisher, : So4c}' 3 . Costello 3, Dart 02d Rpient .y, Fairbanks, Ball. Stephen Russo , Voigt. Best: Carroll. Pa)m--,'~Iitua)sl MeNtece P Dinneent(P) . . . ,, Umpires : K .10 11.10.76 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.3 4 .5 7 .4 6.7 .43 YARRA VALLEY O B 2 .1 3 .3 4 Nolan 3 Can 2 Hana 2 HetriertrUaton N Csoonan Powell Ross . Uni Blacks: Best Tehan A Goonazi Jones Sc ..'uiett Hanna Ross . . B, wt: Burma Mcltwratth Yam Valley : D Smith 3 Mcth.raith Laer those Lear 4 .4.28 Clarr D. Smith Laird .2 2.3 BULLEEN ~ Y~E 0.2 1.12 17 .13 20.15.135 .6 10 AgUINAS 0C 4 . A.Boyd, J.Neartnan . Best: . N.Linford D .Horvarth Templesto we: Bulleen . S.Bopd, P.Tsokas . R.Conte, J .Newman, A .Parrls• D.Honarth . Tapph' 2. Sorace, Kaa . AquWast Hughes 5 . Harris 4, Hunt 4, Jeffery 2 . Kan. Vanderslu)s . Best: Sorace. Hughes. Harris, Hunt .3 5.7 7.7 (49) MONASH BLUES 0 .2 1 .5 3 .5 6 .9 (45) 02 2 AJAX y. Cavicch9olo . Best: Payne. . Dempse . Thompson 2 : Rats 3 p.5on€v;h . Feenaghty. Hickey. Thompson, Dempsey, Lloyd . Kalb, Konshy. Best: WeisUtzer. Cuklerman , MAX : Chester 2 . Goldenfein 2 Onas . Gcdlewirz . J .Leais. Kagan .6 8 .12 (601 IVANHOE A6SU@il'1TOId: 3.2 5 .4 6.10 17 .12 (1141 5.2 8.5 13 UI~.Nemtsas. 4, D .Pearce . P .Cameron, J Ivanhoe ption: A.Shenvshedin .Aboueid. J .Mazocca . Td-Sloan . M.Ebbage. J,Atwueid . Best : A .Shemshedm . J G .Stephens. .ie~artpeeteren 3, S.7tickman 3, Banguie: J .Turnbull 4, M .Creak 4. M19 . Best : J.Turnbull. L.Enright. B.Reed . .Comerford .Enright. D S.Nasrallalr, L .FerraIl Bell . L .Vanmocteren, G. NI 1.7.13 SALFSINO C 16.12.108 MEIM oI,D ,ams .rolt. Foley, Smith. sa}asjAn: Level, Best: Hanton. S:ager, ic dMurph y Best: Murphy. D Al hexander. Clarke, OiBrieMnmL Sa u~ter . 31Sr~int rrSarm . R Alexander . Rcyer Stevens 21
Dill Section AJA X Coach : Phil Davis Res. Coach : Barry Simon 1 N .Gold (C.) 2 M .Konsky 3 B. Davis 4 M. Dudakov 5 J . Ritterman 6 D .Kalb (C.R.) 7 G .Samuel 8 E. Raleigh 9 J. Berger 10 G . Dukes 11 M . Segal (D .V.C.) 12 D. Goldenfein 13 J . Raleigh 14 J . Kagan 15 J . Segal 16 E . Janover 17 A . Cukierman (V CR) 18 J . Kirzner (V.C.) 19 G. Blieden 20 J . Sharp 21 D . Gelbart 22 E . Wollner 23 J. Feldman 24 J. Bram 25 M. Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 A. Spicer 28 A. Zemski 29 P. Bryner 30 A. Lefkovlc 31 A. Lewis 32 D. Weislitzer 33 S . Boon 34 A. Lewin 35 J . Lewis 36 J . Israelsohn 37 A . Sapar 38 B . Erlich 39 D . Vanaken
40 D . Ones 41 A . Silver 42 A. Cooper 43 S. Chester 44 J. Geffand 45 A. Godlewicz 46 A. Goldman 47 A. Silver 48 J . Pask 49 A. Lasnitzki 50 A. Benedykt 51 Z . Levreki 52 D. Norich 53 J . Mordech 54 1 . Same 55 J . Kaicer 56 D .Seidl 57 D . Spilberg 58 B. Yudelman 59 R . Rotemberg
60 J. Weinberg 61 J. Freeman 62 J . Gottlieb 63
AQUiNAS O .C . Coach : Garry Connelly Res . Coach : Howard Field
BANYU L E Coach: Greg whitcroft Res : John Fraser 1 B. Reed 2 D. Witchell 3 N. Taylor 4 T. Gloury 5 B . Willmore 6 S . Tuckman 7 C. Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 P. Gloury 11 D . Wilson 12 J. Egan 13 T. Ryan 14 B. Woodlock 15 S. Gray 16 M. Gilbert 17 A. Small 18 J. Turnbull 19 N. Sannholm 20 S. Playfair 21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 L. Richardson 25 J . Szeremeta 26 H. McDermott 27 A . Nield 28 L. Enright 29 P. Smith 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 S . Dean 34 S. Lorenzini
35 L . O'Connell ` -)
36 D . Playfair 37 T. Thompson 38 J. Redfern 39 A. Hopgood 40 M . Smith 41 T. Prior 42 M . Vanpoeteren
43 L. Ferrel
44 S . Yin 45 D. Boyd 46 D. Nasrallah
47 J . King 48 D . Rybicki 49 G. Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Bott 52 D . Noonan 53 M. Creak 54 C . Williams 55 D . Williams 56 A. Roethe 57 B. McGregor 58 L. Orton 59 M . Mitchell 60 D. Hassett 61 S . Dowlan 62 T. Jubb 63 A . Plant 64 S . Taylor
Coach: Doug Seed Res.Coach: A Parris I J . Prior 2 S . Yates 4 W. Thompson 5 D . Bone 6 A . Tehan 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bone 9 J. Matthews 10 P. Tsokas 11 G . Chivers 12 A. Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A. Wilke 15 B . Wolnizer 16 S . Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K . Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G. McLaren 23 D . Matthews 24 J . Newman 25 R . Lee 26 S. Boyd 27 J. O' Donnel l 28 P. Milesi 29 D . Williams 30 D. Florence 31 L . Norbu ry 32 R. Williams 33 N. Hamshare 34 S. Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 P. Ganiatsis 38 N. Scaglione 39 D. Buccachio 40 A . Foley 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M. Daskal ou 44 R . Schneider 46 A. Humphrey 47 C . Morivitis 48 A. Morivitis 49 B. Touriganis 50 D. Glover 53 A. Boyd 60 D. Horvath
Coach: John Matthew Res Coach : Colin McDona k 1 S. Conley 2 M . Mau d 3 C. Tucker 4 T. O'Neil l 5 P. Manue l 6 T. Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J . Shuttlewort h 9 E . Healy 10 P. Le e 11 D . Valkanis 12 L . Hull-Brown 13 S. Narkiewic z 14 P. Flynn 15 J. Curti n 16 P. Harri s 17 S. Morri s 18 B. Hall 19 D. Woo d 21 N. Blainey 22 N. Shuttleworth 23 D. Ryan 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisin a 26 P. Camero n 27 J . Finlayson 28 S . Matthew s 29 C . Hocking 30 M . Sloa n 31 T. Lupto n 32 L . Pearc e 33 S. McGowan 34 B. Joyc e 35 M. Seraftni 36 C . Zeegers 37 P. Cotte r 38 R. Peoples 39 M . Ebbag e 40 P. Marti n 41 C. McDonald 42 B . Martin 43 A . Shemshedin 44 A . Pace 45 A . lacouangelo 46 M . lacouangelo 47 B . Waters 48 R . T oo d
49 Matt Sloa n 50 51 D . Pearc e 52 S. Sampso n 53 M. Chazan 54 E. Newbold 55 J . Heal y 56 S. Saunder s 57 A. Conti 58 T. Memhet
59 A. Fakers
60 J . Aboueid 61 M . Anderson 62 P. Merory 63 J . Crappe r 64 M . Migliorini 66 J . Rivott-Min s
67 G. Stephen s
68 F. Yaghmoor 69 J. Mazocca 70 K. Wise 71 A. Pearce 72 K. Maghamez 73 D . Dummet t 74 S. Hall 78 C. Brown 22 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002
~t (-' 1-1 c~i速n BLUES PAORJP. SH Coach : Tim Powell : James Shady Hes S. Chapman
J. Baxter
L Holloway G . Cheese s ~1 r 6 M . Newman 7 p Farrar Thomson 8 S. Thompso 9 C. O'Sul Sam Lloyd to 1 M . Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 14 B. Merlin 1 6 M .Tinkler 1 6 B . Nind 17 J . Mellington 1 8 L. Smith jg M . Sounders 20 M . Edsall 21 C. Grego ry 22 T. Blackley 23 P. Nevill 24 t Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N. De Young 28 J . Main 29 30 L. Creamer 31 S . Hawkins 32 L. Beddingfield 33 J . Smith 34 M . Edwards 35 A. Hickey 36 A. Willams 37 J . Bofton 38 N. Brenna n 39 M . Smith 40 M . Bolton 41 M. Bolton 42 A. Cooper 43 R. Feenaghty 44 S. Grace 45 R . Walsh 46 47 S. Mentha 48 M. Carey 49 D . Payne 50 51 M. Payne 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 G . Dadd 55 I . McCormick 56 57 58 59 B. Carstein 60 61 P. Campbell 62 L . Katts 63 64 65 G . Polgase 66 67 68 M. Meehan 69 70 D . Barlow 71 72 B. Green 73 74 P. Westbrook 75 Ti . Tu rton 76 77 78 A . Shields 79 80 P. Manohar
Coach: P Russo Res. Coach : Jamie Winduss
Coach: Peter Turley Res Coach : Adam Davey
1 T. Mitsvalsky
1 A . Stevens (vc) 2 A. Thai n 3 S . Sutherland ( c ) 4 A. Healy 5 M . Canavan 6 D. Fore r 7 D. F oley 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Oldfield (vc ) 11 K. Richardson 12 M . Bates 13 I . Bobeti c 14 M . Cooke 15 B. Quinn 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D. Barry 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 D. Verccillo 22 S. Greely 23 M. Smith 24 A. G race 25 C . Ryan 26 J. Nannes 27 P. Allen
2 C . Twentyman 3 R . Ball 4 D . Carroll 5 C . Mackay 6 C . Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 G. Ferguson 9 W. Ballantine 10 S . Voigt 11 D . Soliey 12 C. Dvryer 13 B . Heverin 14 M . Stroud 15 J . Costello 16 D. Nock (VC) 17 N . Linford 18 T. Boumon ( C) 19 A. Palmer 20 D. O'Connor 21 J . O'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A. Drinan 24 A. Acreman 25 T. Flava 26 G . Da rt 27 G . Katris 28 D. Kitto 29 A. Cart er 30 D. Russo 31 M . Elliott 32 M . Phillips 33 S. Worrell 34 M. Sumer 35 T. Mcnich 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis 38 P. Stubbs 39 M. Basile 40 R . Alexander 41 D . Stevens 42 43 M. Lewes 44 L . Sunter 45 M. Kennedy 46 47 48 49 M . Fisher 50 G. Richards 51 L. Stephen 52 53 54 D . Goodbody 56 R . Harper 57 58 59 60 G. Shatt ock 61 B . Saunders 62 Ti. Johnson 63 64 M . Austi n 66 M . Mackay 68 69 S . Allott 71 T. McManus 72
28 M. Byrne
29 D . Allen 30 K. Woodma n 31 A Lucas 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 T. Nagle 35 P. Knott 36 S. Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 M . Ferwerda 39 P. Pitts 40 M . Furor 41 M . Cleary 42 C . Rose 43 P. Evans 44 D . levoli 45 S . Horvath 46 A . Chiappini 47 D. Oldfiel d 48 J . Logan 49 D. Stinear
50 D. Taylor
51 A. Foley 52 P. Hanlon 53 E . Maillard 54 S . Porter 55 E . HanaPy 56 M . Loughnan 57 P. O'Halloran 58 S . Way 59 S. Pansi 60 A. Bates 61 R. Cincotta 62 D. Blake 63 B. Chalmers 64 B. Bowman 65 J. Radi 66 S. Sinclair 67 D. Sutherland 68 M. Sutton 69 B. Kirchner 70 Mick Forbes 71 R . Mirams 72 C . Hun t 73 A. Kelly 74 A. Davey 75 R . Nahas 76 P. Turley 77 S. Butler
Coach: Paul O 'Shanassy Res Coach: Michael Rizio Club XVIII Ch : Craig Baulc h I
YARRA VALLEY Coach : Tim IGIlwo rth Res Coach : Rowan Davis
L. Nethercote
2 S. Chandle r
3 4 A. Evans 65 R . Mackie (C ) 7 S. Jones 8(C18) B . Watch 9(C18) C. Simon 10 W. Hanna 11 S. Sandiford 12 13 C . Baulch 14 15 16 17 A. Moffatt 18 T. Wilson 19 L . Brow n 21 C . Schillin 23 P. Barry g 24 25 26 D . Batt en 27 28 P. Otsuk a 29 M . Staunton 30 J . Ralph 31 B . Costello 32 M . Jone s 33 T. Kitchen 34 35 Jas Mirtschin 36 37 A Grayy 39 S . White 40 41 L. Rawnsley 43 C. Beato n 44 R. McA rthu r 45 46 Ti. Wallace 47 49 Ti. Dillon 49 (Ti) T. Bowers 50 A. Goonan 51 D. Hi Higgins 51 (R) A. Nevill e 52 53 D . O'Keeffe 54 M. Braszell 55 S. Watc h 57 K. Begel y 58 D . Kean 60 J. O'Sullivan 62 F. Purcel l 63 J Webe r 64 R . Adams 66 L . Costello 66 (C18) C . Curtis 67 N . Goonan 70 J. Green 71 M . Nihill 72 D . Rud d 77 A . Costell o 80 M . Tehan 85 B . Webe r 86 B . Collin s 88 N . Abbott 91 A. Whitlock 93 M . Bulman 94 A. Powel l 96 Jon Mirtschin 98 M . Bahen
Z . 0®1 o .GJ Q- Im Stereo 974 FM Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m
puma .corn
For news, views and previews, tune t o THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Norm Nugent & panel SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00a m Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6 .30pm for reports and a complete full-time score service Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m. every Saturday L OLD TRINITY V OLD IVANNOE OL7 V'? D :91LET ;L~ f
EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS " in tune with the outer east" VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6.00 -6.15pm each Saturday night.
6 ®~~tm
7 ®~ D ®I:~ y 1;1
••• This week's guest : Leigh Carlson (Old Trinity - Senior Coach)
p GirIl'sj CTiL )
St Bernards, St Kevins (A), Old Essendon, Old Paradians, (B) , Therry Penol (C), . I`robe Uni (1)2), "mt Brunswick (1)2), , No -- - , ~ 'K 04 )
- P Sunday 6.00-8 .00 p m Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA,
The Sunday Age VArA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and Paul Daffey reviews the competition in Monday's Age in his column Town & Country.
pm,;-nted by Glenn Scarborough with ;ucsts from St Bernards, St Ke速ins(A), Old Essendon, Old Paradians(B), Therry Penola (C), LaTrobe Uni (1)2), West Brunswick ( 1)2), Rupertswood (D3), North Brunswick (I)4).
PREVIEWS Friday 7.00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all inatters u, A .
if Andrew
at Ed Says : An interesting round '1'z the bug surprise being the form of in their defeat of Bentleigh. The is"ors w~ â&#x20AC;˘e coming off a resounding win first up and would have made the trek down the road with some enthusiasm! The results suggest that Peninsula may be the dark horse however after results like that, the cloke of darkness won't last to o long! The other games saw open their account at the _Dense of ong with debutants Sheedy and Siebrand particularly noticeable . -. .~ r-r made it two in a row with a win over Ol d Carey whilst Fitzroy also made it back to back wins against Oakleigh. Finally, La is was able to overcome a deficit during *?^e last quarter to record a solid win against' 1 To the week ahead! Match of the day status belongs to West Brunswick as they host B . Both sides will continue to welcome back key players over the next few weeks and improvement is likely . The Westies home ground advantage is significant and I fancy them in a close one . After Round 1, the Fitzroy and Bentleigh clash loomed as a ripper . A disaster for Bentleigh in round 2 however they are a better side the result suggests . Hard to see them beating the Burgen inspired Reds though .
Brunswick playing-coach Julian Siebrand i s
happy with his team's start to the season . With senior players still to return and winnable games over the next few weeks, the Magpies have a tremendous opportunity to consolidate a position in the top four. Williamstown coach Dene Macleod was full of praise for flu-ridden key-forward Dave Lee who was outstanding last round . If the paper work is cleared, Macleod will soon have the services of former state 400m athlete Lloyd Thomas . Despite narrowly losing their first two games, Old Care y coach Glenn Taylor is not overly concerned though he did stress that it would be "crunch time" for the club if they lost this week . Taylor played over 200 games at Hawthorn so this week will be a trip down memory lane for him . Hawthorn coach Peter Tyson stressed that there are "no honourable seconds" in football but was pleased with his team's effort against La Trobe . Remarkably, Tyson and OC coach Glenn Taylor have both coached each other . La Tro b e's win against Hawthorn was soured by the news that former club champion Simon Fredrickson may have played his last game after seriously injuring his knee . On a
Peninsula will look to maintain their great start with a win over Old Geelong . I am still trying to get a line on OG's form whilst Peninsula's form stands out. Three in a row for the ladder leaders. Oakleigh trot off to La Trobe hoping to build on their spirited showing against Fitzroy . Still, Latrobe kick started their year last week and should be able to make it two in a row . Finally, Old Carey play host to Hawthorn with Old Carey coach Glenn Taylor having started his coaching career successfully at Hawthorn a number of years ago (he managed to turn this scribe from a slow half back flanker to a slow back pocket!) . Hawthorn are still finding their feet and knowing full well Glenn's motivational propensities, OC for me!
D2 S :CTYON Fitzroy Reds Bentleigh W'tovm CYMS Bentleigh Old Geelong
Tornese 5 13 Grace 3 12 D Lee 6 10 Sharp 7 Vickers-Willis 3 7
D2 RESERVES Fitzroy Reds Old Geelong La Trobe Uni Bentleigh Hawthorn
Pidoto Perrin Sampson Punter Tyson
4 12 3 7 6 6 5 5 5
hri,hter note, La Trobe had 11 new players in rtheir t),eit- side t used t o round (,laccrs g Play~ g mwill wl h each othe pakleigh have a marathon road trip to La ,1t,be but should be heartened by their i,,,proved showing against Fitzroy . With more ;,nprovement to come, Oakleigh will be more },ltn competitive this week. a major fillip for Fitzroy, their Round 15 cl,ish against West Brunswick may be ,ransferred to the MCG and be played as a curtain raiser to Collingwood's Round 19 match against the Brisbane Lions . Round 19 is the AFL's Foundation Week and will see all clubs play in their original jumpers . (The match is yet to be sanctioned by the VAFA) . For Bentleigh coach Paul Dimattina, "Easter couldn't come at a better time" . However, after the Demons' horrific 124-point loss to peninsula, he could do without having to face Fitzroy, a team he highly respects. The two teams played off in the 2001 D3 Grand Final and have developed a fierce rivalry over the last couple of years. old Geelong coach Michael Lockman felt that a few of his team's deficiencies were exposed in their loss against Old Carey . Lockman said that it was important that OG put up a good performance at home against Peninsula this week . peninsula coach Julian Sill thought that his team's 124-point win against Bentleigh was not a true reflection of the match . Sill was happy with newly promoted Rob Stainforth's effort to be Peninsula's highest possession winner .
ilh! OLD GEELONG: 6.4 9.4 12.7 14.10.94 WEST BRUNSWICK : 1 .1 5.2 12.2 23 .4 .142 Old Geelong: Goals: N.Betts 3. Vickers-Willis 3, Goldsworthy 2 . Salter 2, Fa ;rbairn 2 . Fitzctarence . McCarthy. Best : N .Betts. Goldsworthy, Munroe. McCarthy. Lansdell . Griffiths . West Brunswick ., not received Umpires : J Lane G Roberts (F) B Cooper G Adamson (B) B Connell L Boccabella(G ) WII.LIAMSTOWN CYMS 8.4 9 .7 13 .14 14.19 (103) OLD CAREY 1.1 7 .3 9 .4 14 .5 (89)
Goals - WIl1:D .Lee 6, Elias 3, Burgess 2 . Thompson, Wouda. Dowsey
Goals - Old Carey : R.Hall 4, D.James 2, Munroe 2, Unkles, Hollands, Bennett. Parton . Guerra, Cohen Best - Will: D .Lee. Elias, Dowsev. Cocks, Munroe, Monkhurst Best - Old Carey: Bennet, Hall, Rossi. Geunp, Graham . Munroe Umpires: D Wardley and R Adamson (RFL) (F) J Wignell M Camillerl (B) L Vinci [G) HAWTHORN 2.5 4.11 8.15 10.17 (77) LATROBE 2.2 5.9 9.11 14 .16 (100) Hawthorn Amateurs : lauietta 5, Avery S 2 . Garlick. Ogge . Davies Best : Ogge, Carle, Raper. McGlenchy, Lauletta Latrobe: D.Patience 4, T .Maudstey 4, S.Whlle 2, M .Darcy. P.Morton, D.Sheldrick, S .Pruscino Best : Maudsley. Patience, Shetdrtek. Davies, McMeekin, Edmunds Umpires : A Simpson M Sneddon (F) T Wtndlow (B) S Bogasich H Cosgrift(G) OAKLEIGH 3 .6 6.7 7.10 10 .12 .72 FITZROY REDS 4 .2 10 .6 14.8 20 .13.133 Oakleigh: Bromley 2 Dalton 2 Britt Carnnllss Cash Evans Kennedy Mackenzie . Best: Mackenzie A Kitts Dalton Britt Cammiss Clark . Fitzroy Reds : Tornese 5 Addtcott 2 Diacogiorgis 2 Parsons 2 Rawlins 2
Reeves 2 Baker Cahill Byrne Hannani . Best : Cahill Clarke Meigben Rawlin s R-- DlacogiorgLs. Umpires: B Rankin P Jones (F) M Ladd (B) PENINSULA 0 s 8 .0 11 .4 20 .10 28.17.185 BEt7tLEIGH 3 .1 5.4 7 .6 9 .7.61 Peninsula . Payze 5. Murphy 5 . S.Prendergast 3. Dunne 3 . Growcott 3 . T.Cogtilan 2 . Maclean 2, SID 2, Claringbo(d, Murray, J .Coghlan. Best: Dentry. Stalnforth, Maclean, Murphy, Payze, Sil l Bentidgh: Grace 3, Handfle(d 2 . Punter. heson, D.Martm, Mtkfad . Best: HanfleM, D. Martin, Scanlon, Meeuloch . Eyles, Robertson Umpires: P Liddell P Woods (F) RFR_F. N_ _ER
TIPS Andrew
West Brunswick 2pts
Peninsula Old Carey La Trobe Fitzroy
West Brunswick 10 pts
Peninsula 20 pts
l2pts 24pts
Old Carey 1 pt
Latrobe 27 pis Fitzroy 15 pi s
Ed can be contacted via ed .sill@locker .com .au whilst Andrew is available on u,uey42@hotmail.com
TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTION West Brunswick v Williamstown CYMS Old Carey v Hawthorn Amateurs La Trobe Uni v Oakleigh Fitzroy Reds v Bentleig h Old Geelong v Peninsula 0 B
OLD GEELONG: 7.2 12.5 14.8 18.12 .120 WEST BRUNSWICK 0.0 1.1 2.2 2.4.16 Old Geelong: Goals: Johnstone 4, Perrin 3 . Didion 3, Allen 3 . Bayles 2, Morgan, O'Brien, Kilpatrick. Best : Johnstone, Dfllllon. Strauch, Seymour, Allen . McMahon . West Braa-+,wick : not received WI1ddAMSTOWN CYMS 1 .1 1 .6 2.8 6.13 (49) OLD CAREY 2.3 2.4 5.5 5 .6(36) Goals - WIILâ&#x20AC;˘ B.Grant 2, J.Mecutcheon 2, A.Mccutcheon, Oldha m Old Csrey: Hardy 2. Chiuehareli(. Sontag, O'rellly Best - Will: A.Mcadcheon, J .Mecutcheon, N.Grant. Bergin, Robinson, Hann Old Carey : Mason, Sontag, Gates, Steer, Konstan tirilos, R.Graham HAWTHORN 3 .1 5.5 6.8 8 .11 (59) LATROBE 4 .1 8.3 11 .8 14 .8 (92) Hawthorn Amateurs: Tvson 5, Jackomos . Malais. Horenau Best: Tyson, MakrLs. Moresh. Jackomos, Newto n Latrobe Uri: A.Santpson 6 . A.Woolmer 3, P.Moon 2. J.Nield .C .Bowden. M.CorrenU Best: J.Brodle . A .Cunmllngs . A.Heutt, A.Murphy . C .Bowden, J.Griffl n OAKLEIGH 1 .3 2 .4 3 .5 4 .5.29 FITZROY REDS 2 .2 7 .8 10.10 12.13.85 Oskleigh : B Papadopoutos 2 Ogilvie Varkatzos . Best Ryan Parton B Papadopoulos Connellan Nuske P Papadopoulos . Fitzroy Reds : Pidoto 4 Foster 3 Bare J Evans George Van Bei kel Walsh . Best: Faster Crane Bare Rome J Evans George , PENINSULA 0 B 3.1 7 .3 8.6 10.12.72 BENTLEIGH 1 .3 4 .4 6.7 6.0.45 Peninsula - Crean 3, Minchin 2, Krohn 2, MekinsUy, Brennan . JAtchLson, Warner . Best: White, Crean, Warner. Liuzzt, Bowen. Cook. Bentidgh - Beane, Holmesby, Reid, Ferris, Clark. Best : Perrone, Hutchison. Holmesby. Withington, Harbotfle
D2 Section BENTLEIGH Coach : Paul Dimattina Assistant: Steve Grace Res . Coach: Steve Hall 1 C. Sharp 2 D . Ferguson 3 A . Pittito 4 S . Sice 5 M . Eyles 6 R . Weber 7 J. Robertson 8 J. Handfield 9 I . Jackson
10 A. Henry 11 D . Martin 12 N . Aitken 13 14 B. Reid 15 S. Grace 16 L. Airey 17 C. Martin 18 S . Adaway 19 B . Clark 20 R. Fishlock 21 A. Graham 22 A. Smith 23 G. McFarlane 24 L. Holmesby 25 D. Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 H . McKenzie 30 A . Miksad 32 A. Strauch 31 S. Craven 33 P. Withington 34 M. Pirie 35 L . Ireson (C) 36 M. Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . Beattie 39 G . Prigg 40 J. Harbottle 41 J. Neve 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 A. Ferris 44 G . Holland 4 5 46 R . Lawford 47 M . Scanlon 48 P. Dimattina 49 L. Vrvona 50 A . Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 A. Banks 54 R . Coyle 55 G . Richards
Coach : Graham Burgen Res. Coach : Darren Kane Club 18 Coach : Greg Box 1 D. Hannam 2a B. Holderhead 2b A. Walsh 3 S. Dibenedetto 4 B. Pollard 5 P. Diacogiorgis 6 D. Curtis 7a S . Andrew 7b L. Byrne 8 A. Byrne 9a H. Fletcher 9b C. Prior 10 A. Urbanic 11 Bâ&#x20AC;˘ Atherto n 13 S . Pidottc 14 T. Clarke 16 G. Crane 17 B . Lee 18 M. Baker 19a C. Andrew 19b C. Quinn 20 T. Mitchell 21 C . Meighen 22 C . Sullivan 23 D . Knowles 24 A. Parsons 26 C . Tem rl eY Pe 27 J . Tornese 29 V. Cahill 30 C. Little 31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S . Drury
34 S . Herceg 36 M . Reeves 38 A . George 40 G. Bence 42 I . McBurney 45 J. Bennie 46 D . Timm 51 J. Rawlings 53 S . Addicott 54 J. Parsons 57 R . Rom e 61 G . Virtue 62 N . Auden 67 R . Holderhead 73 J. Bare 76 P. Everard 77 A. Grillo 97 D. Ronchi
56 C . Aitken
57 A. Cantsilieris 58 T. Caterson 59 S. Kennedy 60 R. Punter
Ti l e Importers
1 A. Collins 2 G. Broadley 3a A. Knott 3b N . Patterson 4a S . Stevens 4b B . Glover Sa S . Avery 5b T. Kerr
6a P. Avery 7 C . Alexander 8 J. Cargil; 9 R . Ogge 10 P. Orchard 11 M. Pollock 12b A . Tsoumbaris
13a J .Murphy 13b J . Pove y taa D. Lauletta 14b T. Fitzpatrick 15 M . T so n 16 C. Re ed 17 B. Ruzicka 18 P. Phillips 19 J. Law 20 S. Parker 21 K. Brockman 22 C. Habe l 23 L. Collins 24 J. Jackomonis 25 M . Zaverella ~ N. Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barker 30 31 32 33 P. Stroud 34 R . Johnston 35 S. Davies A. West ~ M. Daou 37 38 B. Bruns 39 G . Carle
40 P. Rossitto
41 J . Bogie 42 D . McGlenchy 43 I . Chepa 44 B. Allder 45 B. Mountain 46 T. 0'Hanlon 47 D. Lahdt 48 A. Brick 49 N. Tierney 50 J. Gourla yy 51 S. Signo ni 52 C. Frost
53 M . Preston
54 J. Berry 55 A. Saulle 56 M . Coglan 57 B . Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A . Doyle 60 G. Saddington 61 M. Gray 62 A .Johnsen
63 D . Kealy
Sponsor Scoble's Nurse ~
HAWTHORN Coach : Peter Tyson Res . Coach : Ed Sill
64 N . Kudeweh 65 G. Lilywhite 66 C . Lorenz 67 S . McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T Papamarkov 70 A. Patton 71 S. Williams 72 M. Waller 73 J. Williams 75 E. Sill 76 C. Pickett 77 A. Smith 78 D. Carter
LA TROBE UNVERSITY Coach : Tony Crisafulli Res: David Huffer 1 . P. Morton 2. S. Fredrickson 3. D. Sheld ck 4. N . Dunne 5. S. Adamswaite 6. M . Watson 8. M . Correnti 9. L. Walker 10. S. Davis 11 . A. Murray D. Harris 13. P. Moon 15. S . Brooks 16. A . Brennan IT J . Brodie 18 . A . Hewitt 19 . S . White 20 . A . Murphy 21 . D . Edmunds 22 . S . Wilcock 23 . S . Crai g 24 . S. Edwards 25 . M. Fanning 27 . S. Pruscino 28 . C . Ross
29 . A. Randall
30 . J. Smith 36 . T. Mawdsley 39 . N . Rosengren 40. R . Slater 42. D . Gleeson 43. A. Poulton
44. S. Linehan
45. D. McMeeki n 47. A. Samson 48. L . McNamara 50. K. Hopkins 54. T. Peters 55. A. Cumming s 56. J . Neild 57. A. Woolmer 63. J . Laidlaw 69. M . Hogan 70. J . Dumaresq 75. S . Gellert A . Benton A . Bright M . Donohue S . Gemmola D. Patience S . Patterson S . Rumbokl F. Tiernan A . Baill e R . Baker S . Bland C . Bowden T. Bulle n B. Clutterbuck M. Cotsopoulos H . Davie s N . De1'anovic T Dugga n S. Dumsday
J. Elliott
J. EYre M. Forrest C. Franci s D. Gilmour
J. Griffin
D. Hil l R. Hosking D. Huffer S. Jackson C. Knee B . Launikonis Jacob Levy Joshua Levy
P. ties
T. Liqhtfoot A . Nfan n P. Marozzi M . Millar X . O'Donnell S . 0'Toale M . Paul l B . Phillis S . Pitaro A . Porter HC Russel l I.So ' la P. Stewart J. Thor n R . Walke r
Coach : Chris Moore Res . Coach: Pat McKenn a 1 2 A . Bloomfiel d 3 D . MacKenzie (VC) 4 B . Varkatzo s 5 B . Theoharris 6 R . Doole y 7 M. Short 8 R. all 9 Mouti 10 L. Thomas s 11 C . Hanley 12 13 D. Britt 14 P. Malcol m 15 G . Redford 16 M . Bel l 17 A. Hunter 18 J . Connella n 19 20 J . Tolley 21 A. Perdikomati s 22 S . Ea r 23 J . Kerley 24 S . Kitt s 25 C. Marshal l 26 A. Kitts (VC) 27 G. Smit h 28 29 C. Kokkinos 30 P. Holde n 31 T Bromley (C ) 32 J . Brow n 33 M. Clark 34 B . Evans 35 R . Nusk e
36 M. 37 P. Torpe pe y 38 S. Cammiss 39 A. Mulholland 40 J . Gae l 41 M. Cash 42 S. Dalton 43 44 G . Smit h 45 G . Chapma n 46 B . Nguyen 47 M . Stevenson 48 A. McKenzi e 49 S . Collins 50 P. Papadopoulos 51 L. Kenned y 52 C. Cooke 53 V. Vujicic 54 O. Parton 55 A . Gook 56 J . Pag e 57 P. Illma n 58 E . Bennett 59 B . Papadopoulo s 60 M . Vongsyke o 61 62 63 A. Jury 64 M. Ogilvi e
D2 Section pLD CARE'f
Coach: Glenn Taylor Res Paut Montgomery
Coach : Michael Lockman Res: Ben Dunn
i C, Angus (c) D. Faelis (vc) Cohen D. James Konstantinidi s P. C. Campbell (c)
7 R . OPPY (VC) 8 M . Cann
g B, Andrews 10 K. Sh rives 1 1 N . Everett 12 C. Davey 13 B. Hutchison 14 M . Mahon 15 N. Bull 16 R . Graham 17 A . Parton
18 B. Chiuchiarelli 19 T. Wood 19 P. Drake (Cr) 20 J. Raftopoulos 21 T. Collins 22 C. Battle 23 C. Pattenden 24 P. Unkles 25 L. Chiuchiarelli (vcr) 26 A . Wood 28 D . Biondo 29 C . Munro 30 A. Guerra 31 J. Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N. England 34 H. Thomas 35 S . Hardy 36 S . Wood 37 3 . Jessup 38 L. Guerra (vcr) 39 C . O'Reilly
S. Angus
41 A. Gates (cr) 42 P. Busse 43 D. Joyce 44 N. DetarczYnski
45 T. Bull
46 H . Giannikos 50 J . White 51 R . Hall
55 J . Boag 58 J . Boncher 59 C . Mason 62 P. Tompkins 64 C. Smith 65 D. Elsner 67 C. Hickey 68 S. Hart 69 O . Winchester 70 J . Marshall 71 S . Feehan 74 S . Mees 75 C. Smith 76 D . Grinzi 77 B . Spedding 82 D . Paul
1 S . Maloney 2 S . McMahon 3 J . Fitzclarence 4 C. Sticnchcombe 5 M. Vickers-Willis 6 J. Bell 7 J. Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 D . Salter
10 M. Avery
11 L. Stevens 12 N. Perrin 13 S . O'Brien 14 D. Taylor 15 H . McCarthy 16 T. Fallaw 17 M . Goldsworthy
18 J . Malpas 19 B. Grills 20 S. Cole
21 N . Bayne 22 J. Fitzgerald 23 C . Fairburn 24 A. Munro 25 G . Leishman
26 S . Lansdell
27 W. Paul 28 T. Carey 29 G. Allan 30 M . Stevens 31 T. Woolley 32 N . Betts 33 T. Paul 34 B. Yates 35 P. Johnstone 36 T Ayerbe 37 T. Be tts 38 M . Leslie 39 S . Clarke
40 H. Legoe 41 P. Winter 42 A . Kett le 43 D. O'Brien 44 A . Dhillon 45 S . Morgan 46 L . Knight 47 M. Strauch 48 S. Greed 49 S. GrffBhs 50 L . Teague 51 J . Kilpatrick
52 J . Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 T. Daniel 55 D. Harris 56 A . Meek
57 J . Hunter 58 B . Brueren 59 D . Brueren 60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes 62 J. Morley 63 D . Huggins 64 X. Fitzgerald
65 A. McLachlan 66 R. Merriman 67 T. de Steiger 68 H . Browning 69 T. Mayhall 70 J . Cole
.. . .
75 P. James 76 H . Peck 77 C . Pritchard
Coach: Julian Sill Res. Coach : Brian Cronin
W EST BRUNSWICK AFC WILLIAMSTOWN CY MS Coach : Julian Siebrand Res : Damien Shaw
Coach : Dens Macleod
Res Coach: Cameron McKenzie I A . Bergin
1 S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons
3 M. Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen 5 N. Kent
6 M . Wanner 7 S . Murra 8 P. Angusy 9 M . Dent ry 9 P. Krohn (res. ) 10 A . Haley 11 J. Sil l 12 S. Ferguson 13 B. Cook 14 S. White 15 J. Davis
3 G. He PPet l
4 5 6 7 8 g
C . Lehmann A . Cannane S. Pietsch S. Benjamin P. Batters A. Morphett
10 5. Byrne
16 S . Claringbold
11 H. Baile y 12 B . Clarke 13 M . Ritchie 14 P. N orman 15 M . Russell 16 P. HarrislT Maguire 17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus
17 J. Coghlan 18 M . Merrick 18 J . Whelan (res .) 19 A . McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A . Teelow 22 A . Atchison C 23 R . Powney O
21 S. McNamara 22 A. Steward 23 G . Leahy 24 J . Jenkin 25 J . Siebrand 26 R. Benjamin 2 7 D. Disisto
24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchison 26 A. Murph y 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 B. Grant 32 B. Uuzzi 33 R. Stainforth 34 M . Falkiner 35 T. Trewhitt 36 N . Claringbold 37 J . Growcott 38 T. Co9htan 39 S . Barber
40 B . Mitchell 41 A. Vdotto 42 M. Barron 43 B. Dunne 44 C . Maclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 D. Brennan 47 L. Palmer 48 G . Lethbridge 49 A. Minchin
50 P. Arnold 51 L. Gilder 52 J . Zarb 53 S . Jay 54 D . Porra 55 R . Cannon 56 A. Tunks 57 S. Smith 58 P. Mangan 59 S. Foss 60 S . McMahon 69 J . Muir
3 4 5 6 6
1 M Drain /A Hamilton 2 P. Hamilton
19 M. Shelton 20 T. Houlden
28 29 C. Sheed y 30 M . Lewis y 31 S . Edwards 32 M . Carmichael 33 T. Thompson 34 I . Twyford 35 D . Jelbart
36 S. Campbell 37 T. Dempsey 38 S . Darlin g 39 R. West 40 R. Baker 41 A. Touzez 42 C. Norman 43 J . Tobin
45 J . Smith
46 A . Band[ 47 A . Thompson 48 M . Moore 50 A. Bagnall 51 L . Sherry 54 D . Coonan
61 K. Hilton
62 S. Dishon 63 J. Ga rtla n 64 L. Stewart R69 Hussey R. 70 D. Weston 71 M . Brookshaw 75 P. Brunt 85 T. Gross
D. wouda S . wuchatscn T. Wheele r N . Grant D . Griev e
7 B. Robinso n 8 B. Hann 9 J Munr o
11 B. Tw'st 1 D. i
A. Featherston
13 2 A. Mackle y 14 J. w att 15 L Monkhurs t
15 D. Ta br 15 s .P ~n mste r h 17 A . Bouras
1e D . Oldham 19 S . Barlow 19 P. Dervan 20
A. McKenze
23 J. Hynes 25 G . Burgess 25 p~mson
27 B. Grant 28 A. Kosmato s 30 Kirk Dowsey 31 B . Joseph 32 A. C. Bergin 35 M . i m ms 37 B . Hynes 40 S Jamiesan 42 D . Elias
44 M. Manning 46 M. Sim e 48 T. Boz 48 R. Allen
49 J. Barnes 50 A. Beard 51 J. Buttigieg 53 B. Sam9~ 54
55 R. Nisbe t 56 S . Carton 13 B . Cocks
58 T. zia ine 62 ~ra t 63 I . Durur 64 M Eras
B . Elliott
66 D . Engeuenne r 67 C . Gauci 69 S. Freema n 69 B. Griffi n 70 R . Grima 71 L Grochowsk i 72 S. Hall 73 K. Hardin g
74 MR. Hart . Holland
76 M . Kennedy 78 B . Koch 79 P. Luca 80 D. Macleod 81 D. Macri 82 A . Manton 29 A . McCutcheo n 29 J . McCutcheon 85 C S. McNe n 1e 87 N . Menitt y 88 M. Miiier 89 D . Mizzi 90 L . Morris 91 M. O'Flynn
92 C. Poch
93 P. Pattichi s 94 L. Pilling 95 S. Riley 96 J. Robinso n 97 P. Sadler
97 J . Rowlan d 98 M .
99 J . Stree t 101 P. Tirchett
102 B . Turner
103 P. Vincen t 1 04 C .. Wigg 105 Wigg
0 ~"i
Ii~V \il',
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname. Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin ,
PORTSCOVER - s .n#e d
(cost of a local CEII) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
Weekend matches (Fri) ÂŽ Umpires Appointments â&#x20AC;˘Scores (Sat . night)
SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJO R SPONSO R ELSTERNWICK PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30
Ouestion: Name the clubs who have played more than 50 seasons in A Section since A Section was established in 1923. Clue : There are less than 6 clubs.
Answer Fill out the answer and contact details (to the left) and mail to YOUR '1AME : ~----~_ "VAFA Ben Hogan Goi ; -)n, 10 Box 359 Elsternwick ADDRESS : 3185" by noon Tuesday following the match for your chance PHONE,- to win . See FTLOTG for last w eek's results . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER
A: A:J~ C 0TCN) -' T R 0 E'p"~ i~ E N?'r IF,i ttl~kY i! ~ r : ' O &»!1 €1P'$ M L} E i V~LLEY } ( WEST BRUNSWICK ) D15% 14 G ESUi=~ii~~1lS {R1 .1PERTS~1O0D} ADRIAN 0,60ARD (OLD WESTBOURNE)
Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 1 8). Each section s coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ~ 21 MVP's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .
De La's courageous vicecaptain Nick (Flash) Fraser knocked up his 100th game, all of whic h had featured his amazing goal skills and markin g ability on the half forward flank . The Under 19 central match between Old Trinity and h=ad was too much for umpire Norm Nugent who suffered a he attack (ten years later N .N. is still with us in many capacit in which he continues to give fine and dedicated service to I VAFA - N.R.). AJAX and MHSOB played a thriller in 'C', the victors to en the four. The Jackers were in front at every change .T High School Boys snatched the lead with 7 minutes to go or to see AJAX steady and kick 2 goals to win by 8 points, 17, to 16 .12. Best were J . Wrobel, Abraham, Brown, Goetz goals) and Young, Helmot, Beazley, Mowrey (5 goa (MHSOB) . Old Geelong journeyed to Thomastown (D) and a rare victc for them at Towner's ground kept their undefeated reco intact . Nine points down at half time, OGS kicked 9 .6 to 4 in the second half to win by 20 points . Best were Jol Manton, Stuart Glascott, Sam Furphy (OG) and S . Plat Papiounou, A. Smith (T'town) .
It was a goalkickers festival at St Bernards where the home team went down to Old Xaverians 17 .7 (109) to 22 .13 (145) . Dan Richardson and Luke Vassallo both kicked 9 . Best were Lethlean, Richardson, Taylor (Old X) and Vassallo, L Gollarrt, Taylor (St Bern's) . Blues were more than 7 goals down at the last change at St Kevin's and then turned it on in the final term to kick 7.2 . The St Kevins forwards however did enough kicking 4.5 to give the home team victory by 23 points . Veteran, Gross, Marusic, McArdle (St K) and Coleman, Baker, Sturrock (U Blues) were best . 200 games at Marcellin to Anthony Caffrey - premiership player, captain, carnival player, sensational mark for his size and always give 100%. B Section coaches were Doni Valkanis (I'hoe), Tony Paatsch (Marc), Rob Prosser (Maz), Warren Fall (MHSOB), Frank Durrett (North OB), Stuart Glascott (Old Ivan) . Paul Fahey (Old P), Bernard Dunne (Old Trinity), Stephen Grace (Ormond), Terry Quinn (Therry Penola). MHSOB (in B) were at home to Old Trinity . To lead all day and then scores level at the siren, and then the winning goal kicked by Ramsden, his fifth after being moved from the ruck to the forward line to provide a target, final scores were MHSOB 13 .17 (95) Old Trinity 15 .11 (101) . Best were Andrews, Beardsley, Robinson (Old T) and Thompson, Pertzel, MacIntyre (MHSOB) . C Section scribe Russell Gould quoted Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the Modern Olympics - "Athleticism can occasion in man the most noble of passions and also the most vile ." Russell must have been to a fairly fiery game as he paraphrased it as follows : "Neither victory nor defeat shall soften their voices nor the harshness of the profanities used" - Amateur barrackers? I doubt it ! In the battle of the hooped jumpers at Box Hill, Old Geelong (C) defeated St Leos Emmaus in a high class, high-scoring game, 23 .17 (155) to 17.12 (114) . Best were Cook, Beattie, Edmonds (Old G) and Burgess, Vaughan (7 gls), Willis (St Leo's) . 100 games to AJAXs Leigh Goldberg and Andrew Cukierman . Only 4 senior teams that were behind at half time got up to win .
North Old Boys poor start to the season continued when thi lost their third successive game . Uni Blues led by 23 poin at half time, kicked 6 goals to I in the third term, and won 1 49 points. Uni Blues' stars were Jason Jones, Kanis ar Aristotle with Atkinson, Booth and Malone NOB's best . Biggest winners for the day were :a) Ormond's 93 point win v . Collegians (Schuhkraft 8 goals b) Kew's 85 point win v. Monash Blues (S. Lord Kew's best) c) Old Melburnian's 110 point win v . MHSOB (Pisarski OM best) . d) Preston's 103 point win v . Bulleen United . e) Heatherton's 38 point win v . UHSOB . f) St Andrew's 53 point win v . Doveton. John Fisher had been appointed coach of the State team t play in the Carnival in Launceston in June . Selectors wer Noel Rundle (Chairman), Noel Stokes, Neil Pivetta and Stev Hibbert . Reporters for the season were Peter French (A), Loretta Sis (B), David Southgate (C), Chris Rowston (D), John Palmer (E and who else for 'F' but Peter "Students" Hille . Ron Lippoli was looking after Umpires' Corner . Monash Blues farewelled their champion, captain, ruckman best and fairest and all round good guy Peter Forbes who ha( moved north due to work promotion . Peter had celebrated hi : 100th game in the club's memorable 1987'C' grand final wh against Kew . 'B' Section coaches were Graeme Jacobs (Bull/Temp), Pete ;
Doyen of coaches, John Kennedy, and dual B&F winner in his VAFA days with Teacher's College, was guest speaker at 1998 AFCA/VAFA Coaches Dinner .
North Old Boys (A) continued their winning streak when after an even first half, they were far too strong for Ormond . The Monders were unable to contain the celebrated opportunist, Luke Boyle, who kicked 5 of the team's 12 goals. S . Manassa and Marcus Boyd were strong players for North while yet again Brett Connell and Ashley Orr were the Moods shining stars .
in he er he
I I,{>u;dl iCaulf. Gr .), Stephen Buckley (Fawkner), Brett 11,1, i, i ;~cw),Brian Ford ( Monash Blues), Mark Trotter (Ol d i[c~l . ~~,'a~'ne Bannister (Parkside), Bernie Dunn (Therry). "I I<<, ,achcd Uni Blacks and Ivanhoe ? I,i,, ,,?st comeback of the day was in Under 19 (1) wher e n, down 7 .8 to Bulleen/Temp's 14 .11 at the last change, 8.6 and kept B .T. scoreless in the last term to win b y iuts. pisano, Grocock and Gragat were Therry's best .
, ;ri ~cotch (A) and Uni Blues provided plenty of excitement ; , , , Ii Blues getting away to an early 6 goal lead, still be in If, MI by 5 goals at half time, and then going down to the c,iedinals, 16.15 (111) to 16 .12 (108). Best were Brown, ,,1, ,dows (8 goals), Tallent for Old Scotch and Wood, Quinn, -~ urgess (Uni Blues) . in D' unbeaten Therry and Fawkner met, with Therry in tool all day, winning 13 .11 to 9 .12 . Stars were Eggleston, ; ;iclrudson (6 goals) (Therry), and Hoare, Cropley, Samar Fjwkner). 15 0 games to Ken Howell (Parkside), Neville Schmidt (Old i.uirV.), Don Symington (0 . Scotch), Pick Demarte and Tim rrett (Bull/Temp) and to goal umpire Mike Murray, wh o Iiad previously played with Ormond until a broken leg fini`hed his 37 game career with that club . ,Nmlle Schmidt (Old Haileybury) celebrated with 7 goals in his club's losing score of 15 .14 to St Kilda CBCOC's 25 .17, the highest scoring game of the round . In the battle of Bulleen Road, 0. Trinity 14 .13 (Heath 4 goals) defeated 0 . Carey 13 .9 . 'B' Section coaches were Tony Holloway (Coburg), Chris Roach (Coll .), John Russell (Fawkner), J . Thomas (Monash), Michael Foster (0 . Hailey), Peter McLean (0 . Melb), Brendan Danaher (0. Parade.), David Arclay (Old Trinity), Ern McKever (Parkside). Ormond, 5 goals up against Uni Blues at half time, were gradually overhauled by Blues who got up to win by one point 18.14 to 18.13 . Best were Trumble, Yeo, Dabble (U . Blues) and Murphy, Crump (10 goals), Dove (Ormond) . In a high scoring 'C' Section battle Alphington's straight kicking, 24.18 was too much for Hampton Rovers 16 .18. Best Hale, G . Candy, Jamieson, Bromley 11 goals (Alphington) and Rowston, Stevens, Blair (Hampton Rovers) . 'A' Section umpires were Mead, Rowe, Hill, Hindle, Sharpe, Fletcher, G .M. Simpson, Rowell and Field . The shy Power House recruit of 1956 Peter Hutchinson 1981, 1982 coach of State team against Tasmania and 1998 VAFA Executive member coached Old Camberwell Grammarians against his old team, headed by Rick Sykes, who had returned from his visit to the 'Promised Land' with De La Salle. 5 goals from Rick Sykes were not enough, and Old Camberwell triumphed 18 .6 to 12 .21 . Best Hanson, Spencer, Williams (0 . Camb .) and Rigby, Newton, Evans (P . House) .
North scraped home by 2 points from Caulfield Grammarians, North led by 46 points at three quarter time and then scored only 26 points in the last three terms . Caulfield rattled home and lost the game due to inaccurate kicking 2.7 in the final term. Best were Curley, S . Maguire, Welch (North) and Clark, McNicol, Miler (Caulfield) . One hundred games to Robert Corfield (AMP), John Rojo (Ivanhoe), Mick Maloney (St Bernards), Colin Kinnear 9 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
(UHSOB), Fred Tuininga (Reservoir OB), Guy Sceney (La Trobe) and 200 to Bill McNamara (Parkside) . It was a proud moment for all at Geelong when Mrs Prue Fidge wife of the president, unfurled the 1972 'B' Section premiership pennant, which had taken them into 'A' section for the first time in 23 years . Lowest scoring team of the day was Old Xaverians (D) who could only manage 41 points to Old Melburnians 23.17.155 .Rudd Weir and Collier were stars for OM's .
Keith Harris played his 200th game for Alphington to be the first in the club's history to do so . Another to chalk up 200 was Vin Pilkington, Reserves coach of De La Salle . Again among the veterans, Ian Merrick of Coburg, retired after 337 games. Ian won nearly every award possible in the VAFA and his club's best and fairest on many occasions . Jim Fidge was elected to fill a vacancy on the Executive caused by the death of Harry Heathershaw . Uni Blues 18.15, outclassed Collegians 8 .13 . Best for the victors were Macaw, Moran (6 goals) and Callcott . In 'E' Section, ANZ Bank 19 .23 .137 "kicked the sweep" against Reservoir 0 . Boys 5 .6 .36, while in 'C' Section Old Geelong, 19.15 .129 (Laws 7 goals) overwhelmed St Bernards OC 12.11 .83 .
Old Geelong Grammarians up from 'C' continued their good form with a 67 point win over Power House, down from 'A', OGG's kicked 10 .11 in the last quarter, with best John Bennett, Geoff Dahlenburg (6 goals), Noel Rundle and John Laird . Ormond staged a last quarter rally and got within 9 points of 0. Xaverians who then finished on strongly to win by 28 points. Best were Carroll, Rhode, W . Seabrooke (Old X .) and Mau, Ray Davis and Kingston (Ormond) . Carroll's high marking was a feature of the game. 'A' Section captains were Manson Russel (0 . Scotch), Bruce Church (0 . Melb), Geoff Hibbins (Collegians), John Byrne (Ormond), L. Hillyear (Coburg), Grant Reed (Alphington), Alf Reside (SSB), M. Hughes (Ivanhoe) . Who captained Uni Blues and Old Xaverians ? St Kevins (D) found a star when F. O'Brien, returning after several years absence, notched 7 goals in the first half and finished I 1 out of Club's 18 in victory against Fairfield. Advertisers were R .K .R . Radio, George Taylor & Staff, Courtney Sports Socks, Sherrill "Kangaroo" Brand footballs, Robertson's Decorating Co, TAA, C . Brooks Building and Ross Faulkner footballs .
A' Section captains were Ron Moore (Ivanhoe), Ivan Guest (0 . Melb), Stan Blayney (Malvern), Gordon Gilmour (Coburg), Denis Cordner (Uni Blacks), Mike Fitchett (0 . Scotch), Bill Nottle (MHSOB), Joe Sheehan (Ormond), Doug Arnold (Hamp . Rovers) and Keith Lewis (Collegians) . Caulfield Grammarians listed among their best Lindsay Thompson (later premier of Victoria - NR). Advertisers were Melbourne Bitter (none better), Hartley's, Pelaco, London Stores, MSD, Rod Todd Sports Centre and State Savings Bank .
An embarrassing week on my part as far as the. tipping situation goes, but it's still early days That's my excuse anyways, and I'm sticking to it . Say no more . On to the report . . . . . REVIEW scored an excellent win at M onash Gryphons . Thomas Carroll Reserve at the expense of St . Despite the efforts of Ryndquist, John's OC Beasley and Brown for the home side, Monash managed to get a useful break early in the game and for the most part hold of, the JOCs at arm's . Usual suspects length for the rest of the game Flowerday and Wells were amongst the best for the Gryphons, while Malone and Pete Rutherford also did the business for the men from Caulfield campus . Rupertswood to St . In a game transferred from managed to take the James Park, Swinburne points against Rupertswood after being down by . An impressive third four goals at the main break quarter followed by a hard fought final stanza reverse the four goal deficit into a four goal victory, d despite missing the likes of Higgins an . Newcomer Chris French was great, Fragiacomo along with goalkicker extraordinaire Jason Murchie, Fidler and Prior . After trailing by five goals late in the first quarter, Ho managed to kick the next fifteen Syndal Ta lly Elsternwick from the contest . to all but shut out The Hoers half back line of Moresi, Brown and Flemming were key performers in this revival, while ruckman Bingham and on-ballers McKenzie and Hallisey were superb all day .
e Districts got the jump on South Melbourn at Soldiers Reserve early with a seven
werribee . The Bees then outscored the goal first quarter Bloods seven goals to three for the rest of the game, but the gap was too much to bridge for the home side with their poor conversion rate in front of goa l
d DiBattista, Andrews and Cunningham, and lethe onball ball pair of Green and Tedesco were amongst their better players . An absolute nail biter at Ross Gregory Oval when House forward Craig experienced Power Richardson goaled inside the last minute for what turned out to be the match winner for the Piranhas, bringing home the bacon by one point .
The game was an ar m wrestle all day i n blustery and mudd y their conditions, with Kew disappointed at quarters . conversion in the second and fourth Bishop with four goals, along with Humphreys, Verbrene and Haseler were among the best for House while Mainsbridge, Moore, Tinetti and Looker did well for Kew . PREVIEW Park A top of the table clash this week at St . James as Swinburne University take on M onash . The main focus of interest will be the Gryphons battle of the spearheads between the Razorbacks' . Each team's Murchie and Gryphons' Malone respective full back can expect to have a busy day . There is, however, plenty of talent and class in all department s n he middle rwith themru kucontests betwee n Farrington (Swinburne) and Grady (Gryphons), which I feel will determine the destiny of the match for the today. A bit of bias here perhaps, but also sake of self preservation, I'll go Gryphs . elbourne Districts at Elsternwich host South M mini E-Park, and the Wicks will certainly be keen to break their draught . After making the finals last season, the home team will be disappointed with their start thus far, whilst South are racing hand y
D3 SECTION Murchie I1 1 5
Swinburne Malone 8 12 Monash Gryph Burrows 7 11 Rupertswood St. Johns Rydquist 4 8 South Melb Dist Cheevers 3 7 Werribee Murphy 7 4 Syndal Tally Ho Reynolds
D3 RESERVE Phillips 1 9 Rupertswood Harding g 2 8 Werribee D'latino 1 5 Power House 5 Syndal Tally Ho Thompson 5 5 d South Melb Dis W Resowsl
,,,t1,1ngst the 1-1 pack at the moment . I think that ,,., ;), he talent at their disposal, such as the ',toliony clan, Tommy Byrne and skipper Steve Ctlrtain, they are too good to remain winless for too l,,ng, and it will be their day today (but don't be surprised if the Bloods' Cheevers gets a few as %s cll) .
Werribee entertain Power House in their third consecutive home game, and will want to end their h :>mestand on the positive side of the win-loss ledger. Both teams were involved in tight contests in Werribee's case from the second quarter onwards) last week, and I can also see this game being somewhat of a hard grind . I'm not expecting ,m.y last minute heroics or seven goal headstarts [his time, but it will be close nonetheless . If the Bees defence, led by the likes of DiBattista, can contain the likes of Bishop and Marshall, they should take the four points today . Rupert swood make the journey to Victoria Park to lock horns with Kew. The visitors lost another game where they were in a more than useful position at half time, while Kew lost a heartbreaker . Rupo certainly have the firepower to score goals, as evidenced by Burrows bag of seven against Swinny, chile Kew have been somewhat suspect in front of the sticks . I don't think Rupo will suffer any second half fadeouts this week, thus Ill tip them to chalk up their first victory of the season today . Syndal Tally Ho line up against St . John's OC in n home game which, after each team's respective results last week, the Hoers might well feel confident about winning . However, a team as good at St . John's don't tend to lose too often, especially two on the trot (yes, I'm not going to mention last year's finals) . If the JOCs mixture of veterans (Koppens, Emery, Walker, et al) and youngsters, led by Dean Ryndquist (who's had a great start to the season) c an gel, I think they should be too good . JOCs for mine .
In the reserves, give me Swinny, Bloods, Bees, Rupo and JOCs. Good luck this weekend, and indeed for the entire season to all the clubs competing this year . Any 'correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc ., can be given (ideally by Spin Monday) to myself via fax on 9920 9097 or email Pcter .PS .Williamsonucentrelink.gov .au (work) . It %':ould be terrific to hear from every team, every ,': eek during the season . Have a great VAFA weekend!! "The Qwill "
D3 SECTION Elsternwick v South Melbourne District s Werribee Amateurs v Power House Kew v Rupertswood Swinburne Uni v Monash Gryphon s
Syndal Tally-Ho v St Johns 0 C
SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3 .2 8.7 15.8 17 .12 114 ELSTERNWICK 7 .3 7.7 7.10 7.1557 Syndal Tally-Ho : Reynolds 4, Burns 4 . Leptaa 3, Haliyfiurton 2, Hallts . Morrison, Robinson, Discombe . Best : Haltyburton, Re}molds, Burns. Robinson, Halltsev, MacKenzie . Elsternwiek: S. Mahony, C . Mahony. Byrne, Curtain. Perkins. B. Mahony. Foster. Best: B . Mahony, Missaglia, Cunningham, C . Mahonv, Curtain, Foster. Umpires: L Katz (F) WERRIBEE AMATEURS 0 .2 3.5 6.9 7.13.55 S1'fi MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 7.2 8.3 11.5 11 .7.73 Werribee: Murphy 2, Carlesso 2. Tedesco, Kidd, Walsh . Best :Green, D[Battista, Andrews . Murphy. Cunningham . Tedesco. South Melbourne D3strists : Cheetiers 3, Henderson 2. Zantuck 2, Aqualina, Daly, Kealy . Washington . Best :Harman . Aqualina, Kealy, Zantuck, Kohnesheen, Cheevers Umpires : Details not available POWER HOUSE 2.3 5.6 8 .7 10 .8.68 KEW 3.1 4.6 7 .9 9.13.67 Power House: N.Bishop 4, T.Marshall 2, C.Ricthardson 2 . W.EIliott 1, M.Dries.sen I . Best: R .Humplueys. N.Bishop, M .Verberne, P.Haseler. D.Cooper, H.Clarke Kew: Bell 2, Lamand 2 . Mitchell 1 . Tinetti 1, Bartone 1, Crinunins 1, Easton 1 . Best: Main_<bridge, Doner, Blair. Moore, Tinetti. Looker. Umpires: A Ladd M Forde (F) T Cusack B Powell (B) RUPERTSWOOD 4-1 12-7 14-8 18-10(118) SWINBURNE UNI 6-4 8-6 17-8 22-9(141) Rnpertswood: D.Burrou5 7 . P.Fruw 3, B .Sinnett 2, L.Temming 2 D .McDonald. B.Maule, M.Baines, L.Spirmer. Best : L .Sphiner, M.West. P.Clarke, D.Burrows. D .Collins, K.EIliot t Swfnbume Uni : Murchie 11, Milan 3, Whiting 2 . Trickey, Eager, Fidler, Morrison . Farrington, Prior. Best: Murchie, Prior, French, Fidler, Eager. Farrington Umpires: P Hoffman J Ole (F) N Booth (B ) STJOHNSOC 3 .0 6.2 11 .5 13 .7 .121 MONASH GRYPHONS 5.5 9 .5 15 .10 18 .13.121 St Johns Old Collegians: RydqWst D 4, Johnston L 3, Paterson 2. Koppens . Phaedonos. Fonceca,ladson M . Best : Rtdquist D, Bestey, Brown, Paterson, Waters G. Hall, Koppens. Monash Gryphons : Malone 8 . McMullin 3, Blandford 2 . Baxter 2 . Flowerday. Arena, Gilchrist T. Best : Umpires : J Heffernan J Pappas (F) RESERVES SYNDAL TALLYâ&#x20AC;˘HO 5 .1 7.2 8.2 12.2 (74) ELSTERNWICK 0 .0 3 .4 8.4 10 .10 (70) Syndal Tally-Ho : Thompson 5, Cachia 3, O'Boyle, AtiTry, Hannett, Agnello. Best: Agnello, Thompson, Clark, Btretkamin, Bradford, Buckiey . Elsternwiek: Battaini 4, Lilikakis 3, Currie, Purcell, Greak . Best : Soppent, Gordon . Battahu . Hartley, Whelan, Girrie WERRIBEE AMATEURS 6.3 6.6 14 .7 15 .7.97 STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 1 .3 3.6 3 .9 5.12.32 Werritree: Mercteca 3 . Harding 2, MatLszie . Marinis, Bell . Carson . Nedinis . Thomas, Dimasi. M .Alabakis, CraJkowskL CAlabakis. Best: Marinis . Nedinis, Harding, Thomas . Mercieca, Grogan. South Melbourne Districts : Goals not supplied Best : Lauaro, McKerron, Rowe, King, Johnson POWER HOUSE 1,0 2 .1 2.3 3.3 .21 KEW 1.5 4 .8 6 .11 8.15 .63 Power House: N .Pavlou 1 . J.Bugg 1 . M.Dintino 1 . Best: M.Brahu, B .Philltps, D .Chapmazi, T.McFarlane, J .Parker, C.PLauer Kew : Darrympte 2, Gricks 2, Makris 2, Glenn 1, Marchesani 1 . Best Pilkington, Bortone, Bruno, Markis, Renou, Rakusz RUPERTSWOOD 1 .3 6,5 8 .5 13 .6.84 SWINBURNE 2 .2 4.4 7 .7 9.10.64 Rupertswood : R .P}dllips 4, J .King 3, R .Hatty 2 T.Wilson 2, H .Bradbury I . J .Megrath I Best M.Mckerule, J .Megrath, R.Hatty, A .Soutaris . J.King, A.Jordan Goats Sivkrburne UÂť! A .Friche 3. J.Demarte 3 . J.Andranopoiilos 2, D .Clair I Best A.Friche, C.Thomas, J.Demarte, S.Fitzgibbon ST JOHNS O C 4,1 7 .3 12.7 18 .10 .118 MONASH GRYPHONS 01 1 0 .6 0.7 3 .10 .28 St Johns Old Collegians: Vanderwert 3, Hancock 3 . Borgonha 3, Jones M 2, Hyland 2 . Wilson. Mandrakis, Bastone. Best: Hancock. Wilson, . Do~,vsett, Roberts G cVanderwt Grypbons : Gilchrist R .Monash 2, Tobin. Best: Warren. Sims, Robinson. Holland. Perrv. Block
D3 Section ELSTER N WICK Coach: Peter Oliveri Res Coach: Andrew Curtain 1 L. Murphy 2 A . Hankin 3 J . Yemm 5 M . Whelan 7 J. McAdam 8 S. Currie O RC 9 T. Hartley 11 L . Missaglia 12 N . Wigmore 13 V O'Connor 13 S . Soppet 14 B . Mahony (VC) 16 M . Surman 17 J . Perkins 19 J . Hunter 20 K . Currie 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G. Elvin 23 S . Curtain (C) 24 A . Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C . Mahon 27 M. Danielsy~C) 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahon 30 M . Nichol y 31 G . Devonshire 33 M . Cunningham 35 P. McNally 37 D. Nolan 38 A . Burney 40 A. Pateyy
D. Byrne
42 J . Lilikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 47 Dale Brennan 48 M. Frankin 50 M.. Battaini 52 G . Powell 55 T Stanley 56 B. Hilton 58 M . Bullard 60 M . Creak 61 M . Hunt
KEW Sen : Rohan Doherty Res : Paul Gregor 1 J . Doumis Res.DVC 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 D . Behan 4 G. Crimmins 5 K . DelaneyY 6 N . Tnetti 7 B . Dover 8 D . Mainsbrid e V.C. 9 P. Witchell g 10 B. Cullen Capt. 11 B. Woodhouse V .G . 12 M. Gridley 13 C . K riakou 14 J . Looker 15 F. Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 B . Allen 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 J . Denni s 20 A. Acfield 21 M . Ayres V.Capt 22 C. Stephens 23 J . deBlank 25 C . Watts 26 S . Byrnes Res . V.C 27 T. Moore 28 K . Gatezio 29 M. Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante R .C . 31 D . lanni 32 A. Drao 33 D . Wayland 34 J. Bortone 35 R . Bruno 36 B. Marchesani 37 S . Johnston 38 J . Ritchie 39 A. Eaton J . Ferrantino 41 R. Livingston 42 J . Pilkin9to n 43 A . Bortone 44 A . Makris 45 G. Evans 46 B . Van Zuiden 47 A . Lawler 48 S . Mikrou 49 P. Dennis Res DVC A. Carman 51 M . Blair 52 N . Gill 53 S. Osborne 54 J. Renou 55 A. Meek 56 T. Frith 57 L . Jensen 58 B. Burnett 59 J. Rakusz 60 M . Andersson 61 M . Glenn 62 R. Falleti 63 N. Gricks 64 J . Cronin 65 D. Kinross 66 R . McKerrow 67 J . Bell 68 A . Patnaude
69 A . Roberts
MONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Jack McDonald Asst Coach: Phil Knight
1 S . Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N . Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D . Baxter 7 D . Walter 8 J. Blandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J. Stratford 14 D. Bolle 15 A. Perry 16 P. Rennison 17 J . Hetherington 18 J . Harrak 19 R . Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G. Harrak 23 A. Mckenzi e 24 C . Goold 25 A. Trotter 26 S. Arena 27 R . Gilchrist 28 M. Malone 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 J. Park 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G . Block 37 A. Jenkin 38 J . Watson 39 M . Paolucci 40 M . Bourbon 41 P. Rutherford 42 G. Sims 43 M . Cleary 44 L. Well s 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T Beslee 48 M. Angel 49 C . Robinson 50 P. Patrick 51 C . Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 D . Whitfield 54 L . Volkov 55 J. Bingham 56 T. Baini 57 W. Pocock 58 T. Arvanitis 59 A. Yanni 60 G . Campbell 61 C. Yanni 62 S . Yamamoto
POWER HOUSE Coach: Brett Devlin Asst: Peter Bacon Res : Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou B. Turner (VC) . 5 M. Braini (VC) . 6 H. Clarke 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L. Fraser 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J . Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler Sen. (C) () 16 R . Anderson 17 C . Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D . Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 Sa Evans 23 R. Clifford 24 Ni Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior 27 Je Robertson 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Davis 31 R. Marshall (RC) . 32 M . Verberne Se(VC) 33 A . Ristovski 34 J . Marshall 35 J . Kilpatrick 36 A . Robinson 37 S. West 38 T. Brownjohn 39 R . Owen 40 M. Tikjob 41 Rh Black 42 P. Arnold 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 C. King 47 T. Marshall 48 M . Stanley 49 D. Harris 50 M . D'Intin o 51 Ja Best 53 D . Bowde n 54 J . BlowField 55 B. Phillip s 56 T. McFarlan e 57 A. Calm a 58 Ja McClure 63 I . Bracke n
RUPERTS WOO D Coach: Tony West Res . Coach : Shane McLauchlan
2 Purcell G . 3 Page S . 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S. 7 Whitehead B. 8 Elliott K. 9 Clarke M . 10 Albanis J . 11 Moule B . 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B . (Capt .) 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. Hatty R. 18 Pettman M. 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M. 25 Weston S . 27 Temming L . 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 King J. 35 Carlo C. 36 Henry P. 38 Johnon R. 39 Walsh D. 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Riley C . 42 McKenzie M. 43 Phillips R . 44 Icely A. 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R .
47 Soutaris A. 48 Bugeja N . 49 McGovern N . 50 Soutaris D . 51 MacPherson B. 52 Jordon A . 54 Kosta M . 56 Hatty G . 57 McMahon N . 5 8 Woodall D. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbury H . 77 O'Callaghan M .
70 J . Paro n
D3 Section ~, Johns OC Coach : Steve Koppens Asst: John Ladson Res : Mick Roberts
1 A . Borgonha 2 M . Ladson 3 G. Wilson 4 S . Holmes 5 C . Horbury 6 A. Dobson 7 R . Back 8 L . Johnston 9 A. Jones 10 M. Courmadious 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 13A M . Jones 13B R. Walker 14 P. Sharp 15 T. Hyland 16 A. Paterson 17 S . Cockayne 18 C. Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 G. Besley 21 S . Koppens 22 A . Dragwidge
23A B. Hilton
23B M. Waters 24 H . Wathan 25 D . Waters 26 G . Waters 27 R. Dowsett 28 B. Pettigrew 29 D. Jankovic 30 N. Gates 31 D. Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 S . Chessum 37 D . Christian 38 M. Batty 39 S. McEachern 40 F. Mandrakis 41 J. Fernando 42 C. Jones 43 M . Van Houten 44 M . Schonewille 45 A. Hall 46 B . Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 J . Hargreaves 49 A . Kizilis 50 J . Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 N . Moore 53 J . Pi 54 L. Mara 55A B . Pickering 55B D . Sanders 57 A . Rafferty 58 G . Roberts 59 J. Ross 60 J. Ryan 62 D . Vanderwert 64 C . Carmody
Coach : Derek Thoene Coach: Brendan Maloney Res. Coach : Darren Duscher Asst Coach : Anthony Albert 1 J . Washington Res : David Murphy 2 M. Hannan Res. Asst : Matthew Higgins 3 M. Balshaw 1 A . Albe rt (SenC) 4 A. Bryson 2 J. Sheedy (SenVC) 5 S. King 3 J. Piotrowski 6 Warren Rosowski 4 A. Fidler 7 A. Hannan 5 J. Demarte 8 X. Kidd 6 B. Prior (SenDVC) 9 B. Powell 7 J. Murchie 10 G . McDonald 8 M . Higgins 11 L. Ester 9 L. Morrison 12 S . Rocco 10 M . George 13 E . Henderson 11 D. Milano 14 D. Bell 12 C. Higgins 15 B . Lazzaro 13 C. Thomas 16 M . Thomas 14 R. Goode 17 P. D'Andrea 15 M . Howat 18 B . Martin 16 S . Reynoldson 19 A . Reid 17 J . Roberts (ResC) 20 W. Brown 18 A . Fiumani 21 G. Rowe 19 B . O'Mara 23 B. Downing 20 C . French 24 J. Raeburn 21 M. Eley 25 P. Hannan 22 D . Odium 27 P. Cheevers 23 S. Fitzgibbon 30 M. Brady 24 M. Little 31 S. Hermann 25 M. Whiting 32 D. McGee 26 T. Liston 33 M . Doyle 27 D . Murphy 34 M . Fern 28 J. Farley 35 N. Moojen 29 M . McCalman 36 J . McCauley 30 S. Fragiacomo 37 M . Rosowski 31 S. Eager 38 S . Symes 32 C. Culph 39 A . Briglia 33 J . Hanrahan 40 G. Cox 34 L. Watts 42 G. Gaylor 43 W. D'Andrea 35 K. Abbott 36 J . Carter 44 C . Daalder 37 A . Reed (ResVC) 47 N . Pantzopolous 38 M . Tricky 49 T. Sutherland 53 E. Bouchard 39 R . Roberts 40 J . Henry 55 J. Pohlner 41 D . Clair 59 Wayne Rosowski 42 M. Hudson 62 S. Aquiline 63 B. Slade 43 J. Andrinopolous 44 P. Beynon 65 D. Thomas 45 D . Islip 66 D. McKerrow 71 T. Baade 46 J. Sandhu 47 T. Morris 48 D . Little 49 H . Allen
50 J . Berry 51 P. James 52 D . Harmer 53 P. Dodds 54 S . Dobson 55 S . Gallina 56 J . Gower 57 C, Farrington 58 M . Flack 59 A . Kliska 60 S . Rule 61 B . Menzies 62 5 . Mallory 63 S . Ryan 64 J . Thompson
5 66 M
. Erjavec
SYNDAL TALLY HO Coach : Jeff Bingham Res . Coach: Tony Psinas Ass . Coach: Dick Turpin 1 D . Turpin 1 J. Hannemann
2 I . Bingham 3 M. Joy 4 P. Henderson 5 D. Hannett 5 B. Dix 6 V. Wong 7 A. Burns 8 R. Bennett 9 D. Richardson 10 A . Hallyburton 10 T. Psinas 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Moresi 13 S . Miller
14 S . O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 B. Arnold 17 M. James 18 S. Anderson 19 C . Simsir 20 I . Mackenzie 20 C . Hall 21 A. Thompson 22 C. Beumont 23 R. Avery 24 M . Macfarlane 25 Ch Clark 26 A . Morrison 27 M . Leplaa 28 A . Frederick 29 C. Discombe 30 B . Holland 31 A . Richardson 32 L . Hannemann 33 T. Bartholomew 34 N . Hunter 35 C . Cachia 36 T. Fleming 37 B. Robinson 38 M. Christiansen 39 D. Hallisey 40 M . Bircanin 41 M . Moresi 42 K. Bradford 43 A. Brown 44 S . Williams 45 A. Burgess 46 M . Pane 47 P. Agnello 48 D. Reynolds 49 D . Schuiling 50 A . Sneddon 51 A . Sheer 52 A . Pickard 54 P. Sheer
Coach : Tim Elli s Res. Coach: Paul Smit h 1 D. Nedinis 2 C . Kelly 3 D . Flac k 4 S . Kidd 5 B . Cunningha m 6 M . Wals h 7 A. Murphy 8 R . Han n 9 J. Aylin g 10 M. Keogh 11 M . Gree n 12 J. Baker 13 F. Mehmer t 14 J. Marinis 15 J . Wallert 16 C. Yase r 17 A . Tedessco 18 D. Velisha 19 J . Addam o 20 E . Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A . Dibatist a 23 C . Becke r 24 R . Stonehous e 25 F. Dimas i 26 P. Thomas 27 L . Djakovi c 28 D . Czajowsk i 29 S. Dole 30 B. Carless o 31 M . Smith 32 M . Dolegowsk i 33 D. Owens 34 J . Hoffman 35 B. Alabacos 36 R. Bell 37 R. Matiszig 38 T. Towers 39 L. Langfield 40 B . Paton 41 G. Grogan 42 43 L. Carson 44 T. Johnson 45 C . Alabakis 46 A . Carso n
47 A . Camille d
48 E. Collie r 49 B. Grogan 50 K. Pac e 51 I . Kenned y 52 C . Andrew s 53 A. Grogan 54 55 56 57 58 59 M . Kenned y 60 M . Czajowsk i 61 T. Johnsto n 62 63 E . Collie r 64 R . Bel l 65 F. Dimasi 66 D . Fraser.
Major Sponsors :
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---U, EN
5 Albie Firley
5 Luke Duthie
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittman
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
6 Not Available
6 Dash Peiri s
7 Adam Conquest
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
7 Paul Croxford
7 Al an Lad d
8 Landan Blackhall
9 Damien Lan e
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evan s
9 Mark Taylor
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
10 Tristan Bowman
9 Santo Caruso
10 Avi Wekselman
12 Mark Morrison
11 Tom Hayson
11 Paul Tuppen
11 Luke Holmes
14 Ash Hoogendyk
12 Jamie Kvins
14 Tim Tingiri
12 Daniel Mousley
15 Tim Doecke
14 Michael Gilday
15 Michael Sneddon
14 Sharon Alger
16 Mervyn Monty
15 Mark Jenkins
16 Luke Moncrieff
15 Geoff Curran
17 Peter Keogh
16 Craig Brajtberg
17 Michael Robin s
16 Peter Wood s
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 George Paleodimos
17 Mark Gibson
19 Andrew Pyle
19 Glenn Scotland
21 David Irons
18 Jason McNiece
20 Brian Woodhead
20 David D' Altera
22 David Longworth
19 Steve McCarthy
21 Gaj Skandakumar
21 Nick Ryde
23 Robert Sneddon
20 John Ralph
22 Chris Collins
22 Rick Love
24 Jason Moore
21 Patrick Maebus
23 Peter Griffiths
24 Miles Argall
25 Matthew Taylor
22 Nick Fennesy
24 Leigh Dillon
25 Richard Eastwood
26 Patrick Coulthard
23 Paul Dinnee n
25 Lionel Katz
26 Brad Ranki n
27 Paul Jones
24 Graeme Hunichen
26 Daniel Dinneen
27 Euan Lindsay
28 Ron Martyn
25 Geoff Moore
27 Anthony Simpson
28 Leah Gallagher
30 Anthony Lilley
26 Andrew Shiels
28 Ken McNiec e
29 Gerard Rolfs
32 Jarrod Aspinall
27 Matt Co x
29 Peter Jame s
30 Simon Olive
34 Daniel Stephens
28 Paul Lamble
30 Michael Phillips
31 Rob Schuller
35 Dianne Whiteley
29 Chris Garcia
31 Robert Semmens
33 Simon Stokes
30 Justin Lipson
32 Anthony Damen
34 Jeremy Heffernan
33 Robert Mayston
33 Michael Forde
35 Graham Thwaites
34 Graeme Morgan
34 Stephen Morgan
37 David Murray
35 Jason Lane
35 Troy Brook s
36 Matthew Meier
37 Gavin Roberts
by Dianne Whiteley REVIEW ,)n the track after Round 1, the familiar buzz wa s erc . Itwas such a good atmosphere . You knew that n fever had `hit' town! Umpires catching up on h other's appointment, which team won thei r ,, mes and how they fared in their games etc . All Ic Gdback was positive. A great way to start 2003 . CONGRATULATION S Congratulations to Luke & Carolyn Holmes on the birth of their daughter, Chloe . Also congrats to Lionel & Karen Katz on the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Elise, born 10 April 2003 . Click on the -Pnotos - Social Photo's" icon on our website to view proud dad, Lionel holding his daughter . FATHER/SON Last week, it was stated that the VAFAUA had 9 or more Father and Sons umpiring with the association, this year. They are Richard Benson (Pichard (Jnr), Symeon Viapolous (Anthony & Victor), Pat Maebus (James), Rob Mayston (Robbie), Bruce Stephens (Daniel), Sean Scully (Sean (Jnr) & Daniel), Ashley Hoogendyk (Cameron), Peter Simpson (Matthew), Graham Booth (Nick) . We also have one Father / Daughter set with the VAFAUA too, who are Greg Rollo and his daughter, Jessica. SPONSORS Last week the sponsors' list was omitted due to too much copy in our column . The problem is solved and they are listed at the bottom of this page . As stated, if vou wish to be a sponsor of the VAFAUA or want more information on the list below, please contact our President, Anthony Damen on 0413070559 . PRE SEASON -?????v VG (Geoff Curran) forgetting one runner on the Tuesday night, so he did not train and then forgetting the other runner on Thursday night - of the same week, so bare footed he ran . + Santo Caruso bringing his dog to training and actually using her to do some 'speed' work around the track - she was helping Santo get fitter quicker!!! ` AD (Anthony Damen) had his fan club at training one night, egging him on to run faster .
'I ' O 1t':V IIAILL IIOTEL - 13 7}3A N K STR
❖ Umpire DW asks a player to do the honours and take the mark (as a player wa s lining up to shoot for goal in a practice match) and his reply was . . . . I thought you were asking me to dance!!!! ❖ A comment made from one member re Kenny McNeice running like a greyhound during a coaching session with Brendan . "Wow, if he didn't have that 'pouch', he'd be dangerous to us `A' Section guys!' i• Lionel "Chipendale" Katz had several sneezing attacks at lecture . Every time Leah Gallagher spoke regarding social happenings, Lionel sneezed . Every time there was silence, Lionel didn't sneeze .
WHAT'S YOUR DECISIO N The answer to last week's question (How many players are allowed in the centre square) is 4 players from each team . The winner was Rick Weston from Old Scotch Football Club . Please contact the VAFA on 9531 8333 to collect your prize . This weeks question is - Marcellin rover is running with the footy, takes one bounce then runs a few metres, bounces the ball again and loses control of the ball . He runs after it and picks it back up then is tackled legally by an Old Scotch player and drops the ball . What is the umpire's decision? Email your answer to diannewhiteleyCbigpond .com. GOLF DAY Tomorrow VAFAUA golfers take to the green at the Kingston Links Golf Club, Rowville (melways 72E12) . Have a great day, guys . Will Dash Peiris make it two years in a row? Apparently, he won the competition quite convincingly last year ! Golf Day - 27/4/03 10 Pin Bowling Night 18/5/03 Cocktail Night / Band - 21/6/03 PUMPS Function - 25/5/03 Trivia Night 29/6/02 Mid Year Dinner - 18/8/03 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 21/9/02 Grand Final BBQ - 21/9/02 End of Season Trip -/ 10/03 . FINALLY . . .
All correspondence to diannewhiteleyCbigpond .com www.vafaua.asn .au SOL'TII lIF.LI3Oh E : \?E - 969 0 :5148
BDF'_% :Beiersdori Australia Ltd
It looks like I may have misjudged the early form of a few teams with the Vultures and Warriors looking as though they could be big improvers in 2003 while Richmond and Bulleen will require some improvement to threaten the top sides. REVIEW The wind was in hurricane proportions as Justin Horsburgh continued his form on the half forward line booting eight majors as Westbourne thumped Bu lleen . Kicking seven goals in the opening quarter, the Warriors never looked back and with token resistance provided from D'Angelo and Trinchi the Warriors proved they would be very hard to beat at home this season as they won by 116 points . The rematch of the 2002 elimination final between Albert Park an d St . Mary 's lived up to its match of the day billing as the Falcons got home by 9 points . Inaccuracy from the Saints did not help their cause as Albert Park kicked out to a handy lead . With Stone, Wright and Lane providing solid resistance in the third quarter, the Saint's rebounded in the final term with five goals to grab the lead and looked set for victory . However, some damaging play from Steel McKerrow, Dale Borley and "Bushy" in the final stages allowed Sean Allan to finish truly and see his team make in two in a row . Mt .Lilydale hosted Eltham in what turned into a physical and hard fought match . With the wind in the first quarter, Mount were able to establish a lead, and held this for the remainder of the game . With Matt Hart trying hard across the back line for the Turtles, Eltham remained a chance for much of the game, however, the form of first year players Matt Alderman and Jamie Paull for Mount ensured their team would get home by 5 goals . How wrong I was about the form of the teams meeting at Brens Oval on Saturday . UHS-VU demonstrated they would take some beating as they kicked away after a tight first quarter with a ten goal second to lead by 74 points at the half time . White and Cox tried hard for Richmond, however, they had no answer to the class of Tate and Hellner in the students crushing 25 goal win .
No report from the local derby between North
Brunswick and Brunswick in a match that North took out by 17 points . Box Hill North had the bye and played in a practic match against Fitzroy Reds, which they lost . PREVIEW
Bulleen host Albert Park and will be hoping to turi around their form from last game . Albert Park will b , best advised to keep their eyes out for the likes o Trinchi and Dall'oglio who appear as though they wil have another big season. I cannot, however, see th, Cobra's having any answers for Allan up forward an( Harper in the ruck as the Falcons make it three in row with a 38 point win .
St .Mary's have their third home match in a ro~ against the rampant Mt .Lilydale . The Saints will b, hoping they have their kicking boots on today and pu a few more through the big sticks than their previou match if they are to be a chance against the earl, premiership favorites. While the home grouni advantage is a big one for the Saints, I cannot se, them countering the good work of Bird and goa kicking prowess of Carolan as Mount keep top spot ii their sights with a thrilling 7-point victory.
LST I'll' TOU,1
HA;. : ;-
D4 SECTION Old Westbourne UHS-VU Albert Park Mt . Lilydale Mt . Lilydale UHS-VU
J Horsbourgh 8 14 Tate 10 14 Allan 7 11 Roberts 1 10 Carolan 5 8 Mottr am 2 6
D4 RESERVE Mt . Lilydale UHS-VU UHS-VU Mt . Lilydale Brunswick
ma ,Vs Jac s Cavalieri Cunnigham Hardaway
11 8 7 7 7
; ;r,x I fill North hosts the surprise packet of D4 in Uni ;school . The student's form has been exceptional ,i„Ce the commencement of the season and the lad s Box Hill will be hard pressed to counter their , I kicking brilliance . While the likes of Cummin g id his fellow newcomers will continue to improve I ~nnot see them beating the students who will have to ~ ait until next week's match against Eltham to see ,,nw far they really have come, as they win by 44 ;~~ints. RICHMOND CENTRAL v BRUNSWICK POWE R Che match between Richmond Centrals and Brunswick Power will be a very interesting affair and
will go a long way to help the rest of D4 understan d where these two teams will slot in with regards to ability. Richmond were described as pitiful in their match last week, after coming with some high big season wraps, while Brunswick Power have shown signs that they could be better than they had lead on early in the season . In what should be a tough encounter, I am going with Brunswick to open their account with a 22-point win . OLD WESTBOURNE v NORTH BRUNSWIC K Old Westbourne continue to improve, and word from ;vithin the club is that they believe that no one will get dose to beating them at home this season . With the likes of "H-Cha" Hodgson and Gerace running amok on the Warrior Park's Wide flanks the claim becomes more believable, however, North have shown they will not be beaten easily . In what will be a tough encounter, I am jumping on the Warrior bandwagon as they stake an early finals claim with a 33-point victory. ELTHAM has the bye . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Thanks to the regular contributors to the column, your help is greatly appreciated . Come on the likes of Brunswick Power and Richmond Central, get your reports into me at gavanf@cleanevent .com .au prior to 9am, and let your players have more written about :heir team . SOCIAL Stt .Lilydale are holding their "Ladies Lunch" during this weekend's match .
TODAY'S MATCHE S D4 SECTION Bulleen Cobras v Albert Park St Marys v Mt Lilydale Eltham Collegians has the bye Box Hill North v UHS-VU Richmond Central v Brunswick Power ° Old Westbourne v North Brunswick
I OLD WESTBOURNE: 7.3 10 .3 5 .7 20 .9,(129) BULLEEN COBRAS : 0.0 1.4 1 .5 1 .7 . (13) O .West Goals : J.Horsburgh 8, Board 3, Braham, Lever, Wilson . Christo. Hudson . Edwards, Gerace, Oldham, Hodgson . BuBeem D'Angefo Best : Old West - Board, J .Horsburgh, Hodgson, Gerace, Leitch, Christo BuBeen - D'Angelo . Trlncht . DalPogllo, Mcleod, Moran, Wilso n Umpires: M Argall (F) A Valopoulos (B) V Vatopoulos S Vatopoulos (G ) ST MARY'S 1 .4 2 .8 5 .13 10 .17 (77) ALBERT PARK 3.6 6 .9 7.11 12.14 (86) St Marys: Bernardi 2 . Timmins, Dwyer, P Harrison, TheohazrLs, Purcell, Schembri . Anders, Hill . Best : Stone, Wright Timmins. Lane, Schembri, Bernardi Albert Park : Allen 7, Payne 2. Barker. Simcocks . Guzman. Best: Allan, Borley, Taylor, Harper, Simcocks, Robinso n Umpires: I Semmens J Weston (F) MT LILYDALE 3 .4 5.5 8 .10 10 .17 (77) ELTHAM 1.2 3 .4 4.8 6.1(47) Mt LBydale: Carolan 5, Charles, Hansford . Leonard, Paull . Roberts . Best : Jelene, Bird, Fraser. Carolan, Hayes, C . Varga E1tHem: Buhagla 2. Mann, Baud, Mizzt . Watso. Best: Sharpe . Hart, Harrington, Carter, Baud . Mizzi Umpires : P Maebus P Tuppen (F) BOX HILL NORTH BYE UHS-VU 3 .2 13 .6 19.9 27 .12 (174) RICHMOND CENTRAL 1.4 1 .4 2.5 3 .6(24) UHS-VU: Tate 10. Zullcld 3, J ONeIIt 2, Madrigano 2, M Butera 2 . Motiram 2 . Rose 2, Gorringe . Cracknell Best : Hellner. Tate . Dolence, Haynes, Craeknell . Zuhckl Richmond: Macak. Bht. Dundon Best White. Cox . Macak, Partens . LtuzzL Trotter Umpires : S Caruso (F) NORTH BRUNSWICK Not Supplied BRUNSWICK POWER Not Supplied Umplres: D D'Altera (F) PMERM OLD WESTBOURNE 4 .4 4.6 7.9 8 .9 .(57) BUId.EEli COBRAS 0 .0 2.5 4 .5 5 .9 .(39) Goals : Old West - Anderson 2, Crosswell, Rhalland . Robertson, Murphy, Slattery. Roberts Bulleen - Redfern 2 . Clements, Cook. Lykopandis Best: Old West - Murphy, Slattery, Jenkhuon . Runciman, Aldridge, Christo Bulleen - Conn . Clements, Cook. Paatsch. Rodrigues, Redfern ST MARl"S 2 .3 8 .8 8.8 11 .10 (76) ALBERT PARK 2 .4 3 .7 5.9 6 .9(46) St Mary's : Rousts 5. Leszko 2, Luce, Koumankatakis, Webb, Armistead . Best : Webb . Leszko, Davies. Armistead, Weller, D Watson, West . Rooster Albert Park: Bateson 2 Steward, Quinlan, Garcia. Beibin. Best: McGuire. Meths, Fountain . Durk, Wheeler, Tot h MT LILRDALE 3.4 8.8 9.10 17 .14 (116) ELTHAM 5.4 7.6 8.8 8.11 (59) Mt LBydela Cunningham, Maggs 4 . Anderson 3, Kidd 2, Holloway, Dougherty, J . Penhale, Charlton . Best : Kidd, Dougherty, Charlton, Cunningham, Lestnger, Caltanan Eltham : Wright, Luttlek, Dere 2, Gilbert. White. Best: Gilbert. Dere, Jeal, Daley BOX HBd. NORTH BYE UIIS -VU 2.3 6.6 8.9 12.16 (88) RICHMOND CENTRAL 0.5 0.6 1.6 1 .7(13) UHS-VU : P Thomas 2, Weber 2, Cavalieri . Hall, Forbes, C Thomas, Warren . Strathopolous . Uebergang, Michael Best : Hall. Weber, Michael. Maguire, Forbes, P Thoma s Richmond: Berrimano Best : Lane, Taylor, Berrimano, Green, Hatzakortztan, Cross NORTH BRUNSWICK 8.4 11.8 15.11 15.15 (105) BRUNSWICK POWER 0.1 5.2 9 .3 13.10 (88) North Bnmsswiek: Hamilton 4 Rhook 4 Newton Defellce KyriazLs Guppy Wallmeyer Penis[ Verga. Best: Santecroce Closter Kyriazis Dimarco Hamilton Stel[ox. Bnmswick Power. Hardaway 7 Stephens 3 W .Morgan Mainelll Baksh. Best: Hardaway Harrison Morgan Miskelty Bux Baxter .
BDF -; Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
It looks like I may have misjudged the early form of a few teams with the Vultures and Warriors looking as though they could be big improvers in 2003 while Richmond and Bulleen will require some improvement to threaten the top sides . REVIEW The wind was in hurricane proportions as Justin Horsburgh continued his form on the half forward line booting eight majors as Westbourne thumped Bulleen . Kicking seven goals in the opening quarter, the Warriors never looked back and with token resistance provided from D'Angelo and Trinchi the Warriors proved they would be very hard to beat at home this season as they won by 116 points . The rematch of the 2002 elimination final between Albert Park an d St .Mary's lived up to its match of the day billing as the Falcons got home by 9 points . Inaccuracy from the Saints did not help their cause as Albert Park kicked out to a handy lead . With Stone, Wright and Lane providing solid resistance in the third quarter, -the Saint's rebounded in the final term with five goals to grab the lead and looked set for victory . However, some damaging play from Steel McKerrow, Dale Borley and "Bushy" in the final stages allowed Sean Allan to finish truly and see his team make in two in a row. Mt.Lilydale hosted Eltham in what turned into a physical and hard fought match . With the wind in the first quarter, Mount were able to establish a lead, and held this for the remainder of the game . With Matt Hart trying hard across the back line for the Turtles, Eltham remained a chance for much of the game, however, the form of first year players Matt Alderman and Jamie Paull for Mount ensured their team would get home by 5 goals . How wrong I was about the form of the teams meeting at Brens Oval on Saturday . UHS-VU demonstrated they would take some beating as they kicked away after a tight first quarter with a ten goal second to lead by 74 points at the half time . White and Cox tried hard for Richmond, however, they had no answer to the class of Tate and Hellner in the students crushing 25 goal win . No report from the local derby between North
Brunswick and Brunswick in a match that North took out by 17 points . Box Hill North had the bye and played in a pract match against Fitzroy Reds, which they lost . PREVIEW BULLEEN COBRAS v ALBERT PARK Bulleen host Albert Park and will be hoping to tt around their form from last game . Albert Park will best advised to keep their eyes out for the likes Trinchi and DalI'oglio who appear as though they have another big season . I cannot, however, see Cobra's having any answers for Allan up forward a Harper in the ruck as the Falcons make it three ii row with a 38 point win . ST MARYS v M T LILYDALE St .Marv's have their third home match in a r against the rampant Mt .Lilydale . The Saints will hoping they have their kicking boots on today and I a few more through the big sticks than their previc match if they are to be a chance against the ee premiership favorites . While the home grou advantage is a big one for the Saints, I cannot them countering the good work of Bird and g kicking prowess of Carolan as Mount keep top spol their sights with a thrilling 7-point victory .
1 .Cti;; E D4 SECTION Old Westbourne UHS-VU Albert Park Mt . Lilydale Mt . Lilydale UHS-VU D4 RESERVE Mt . Lilydale UHS-VU UHS-VU Mt . Lilydale Brunswick
LST CJ! ; TO"6
14 J Horsbourgh 8 14 Tate 10 Allan 7 11 i Roberts 1 Carol an 5 8
Mot tram 2
Ma s
Jacs Cavalieri Cunnigham Hardaway
1 4 7
11 8 7 7 7
x Hill North hosts the surprise packet of D4 in Un i cl School . The student's form has been exceptiona l ince the commencement of the season and the lad s Box Hill will be hard pressed to counter their
icking brilliance . While the likes of Cumming lid his fellow newcomers will continue to improve I , annot see them beating the students who will have to .,;,it until next week's match against Eltham to see 1 w far they really have come, as they win by 44
rn be of ill he nd ta
be iut us rly nd
unts . RICHMOND CENTRAL v BRUNSWICK POWER The match between Richmond Centrals and Brunswick Power will be a very interesting affair and ,,,,ill go a long way to help the rest of D4 understand here these two teams will slot in with regards t o ability. Richmond were described as pitiful in their match last week, after coming with some high big ~, ason wraps, while Brunswick Power have shown signs that they could be better than they had lead on r :Irly in the season . In what should be a tough encounter, I am going with Brunswick to open their account With a 22-point win . OLD WESTBOURNE v NORTH BRUNSWIC K Old Westbourne continue to improve, and word from v. ithin the club is that they believe that no one will get close to beating them at home this season . With the likes of "H-Cha" Hodgson and Gerace running amok en the Warrior Park's wide flanks the claim becomes more believable, however, North have shown they will not be beaten easily . In what will be a tough encounter, I am jumping on the Warrior bandwagon .:s they stake an early finals claim with a 33-point victory .
ELTHAM has the bye. PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Thanks to the regular contributors to the column, your help is greatly appreciated . Come on the likes of Brunswick Power and Richmond Central, get your reports into me at gavanf@cleanevent .com .au prior to 9am, and let your players have more written about their team . SOCIAL htt.Lilydale are holding their "Ladies Lunch" during this weekend's match .
TODAY'S MATCHE S D4 SECTION Bulleen Cobras v Albert Park St Marys v Mt Lilydal e Eltharn Collegians has the bye Box Hill North v UHS-VU Richmond Central v Brunswick Powe r Old Westbourne v North Brunswick
OLD WESTBOURNE: 7.3 10.3 5 .7 20 .9.(129) BULLEEN COBRAS : 0.0 1.4 1 .5 1 .7 . (13) O.West Goals: J.Horsburgh 8. Board 3. Braham, Lever. Wilson, Chrtsto . Hudson, Edwards, Gerace. Oldham . Hodgson . Bulleem DAngelo Best: Old West - Board, J .Horsburgh, Hodgson, Gerace . Leitch, Chrism BuIlem - DAngelo, Tdncht. Dall'ogpo . Mcleod, Moran, Wilson Umpires: M Argall (F) A Vatopoulo ss (B) V Valopoulos S Valopoulos (G) ST MARTS 1 .4 2.8 5 .13 10 .17 (77) ALBERT PARK 3 .6 6.9 7 .11 12 .14 (86) St Msrp's: Bernardi 2 . Timmins, Dwyer, P Harrison. Theoharrls, Purcell, Schembrt. Anders, Hill. Best: Stone, Wright Timmins, Lane. Schembri . Bernardi Albert Park: Allen 7, Payne 2, Barker. Simcocks, Guzman . Best : Allan, Borley, Taylor, Harper, Simcocks, Robinson Umpires: I Semmens J Weston (F ) MT LtI1DALE 3 .4 5.5 8.10 10.17 ('77) ELTHAM 1 .2 3.4 4.8 6.1(47) Mt Idlydsie: Caro4zn 5, Charles, Hansford. Leonard, Paull . Roberts. Best: Jelenc . Bird. Fraser, Carolan, Hayes, C . Varga Eltham: Buhagta 2 . Mann, Baud, Mfut, Watso . Best: Sharpe, Hart. Harrington, Carter, Baud, Mizzt
Umpires: P Maebus P Tuppen (F) BOX HItl, NORTH BYE UHS-VU 3.2 13 .6 19.9 27.12 (174) RICHMOND CENTRAI. 1.4 1 .4 2 .5 3 .6(24) UHS-VU: Tate 10 . Zulicki 3. J OT;eill 2, Madrtgano 2, M Butem 2, Mottram 2 . Rose 2, Gorringe, Cracknell Best: Hellner . Tate, Dolence, Haynes. Cracknell . Zullckt Richmond: Macak. Birt, Dundon Best : White . Cox Macak, Partens, LluzzL Trotter Umpires: S Caruso (F) NORTH BRUNSWICK Not Supplied BRUNSWICK POWER Not Supplied Umpires: D D'Altera (F) RESERVES OLD WESIBOURNE 4 .4 4 .6 7.9 8.9 .(57) BULLEEN COBRAS 0 .0 2 .5 4 .5 5.9 .(39) Goals: Old West - Anderson 2 . Crosswell. Rhalland. Robertson. Murphy, Slattery, Roberts Bunam - Redfern 2, Clements. Cook, Lykopandts Best: Old West - Murphy, Slattery. Jenklnson, Runciman, Aldridge, Christo Butfeen - Conn, Clements . Cook, Paatsch. Rodrigues, Redfern ST MARPS 2 .3 8.8 8.8 11.10 (76) ALBERT PARK 2.4 3.7 5.9 6.9(46) St Mary's: Rousis 5, Leszko 2. Luce. Koumankata}us, Webb, Armistead. Best: Webb, Leszko, Davies, Armistead, Weller, D Watson, West . Rooster Albert Park: Bateson 2 Steward, t3uhilan, Garcia . Bemin. Best: McGuire, Mellls, Fountain, Dud] . Wheeler. Toth MT LILYDALE 3 .4 8.8 9.10 17.14 (116) ELTHAM 5 .4 7.6 8.8 8 .11 (59) Mt Lltydalc Cunningham, Maggs 4, Anderson 3 . Kldd 2, Holloway, Dougherty, J . Penhale, Charlton . Best : add, Dougherty, Charlton, Cunningham. Lestnger. Callanan Eltl>am : Wright, LutOck . Dere 2 . Gilbert. White . Best : Gilbert Dere, Jeat, Daley BOX HILL NORTH BYE UHS-VU 2.3 6.6 8.9 12.16 (88) RICHMOND CENrRAi. 0.5 0.6 1.6 1,7(13) UHS-VU: P Thomas 2 . Weber 2, Catialieri, Hall, Forbes, C Thomas, Warren, Stmthopotous. Uebergang, Michael Best : Hall. Weber. Michael, Maguire, Forbes . P Thomas Richmond: Berrimano Best : Lane, Taylor, Berrlmano, Green. Hatzakortzian, Cross NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 .4 11 .8 15 .11 15.15 (105) BRUNSWICK POWER 0 .1 5 .2 9.3 13 .10 (88) North Brunswick: Hamilton 4 Rhook 4 Newton Defelice Kyriazis Guppy Wallmeyer Penlst Verga. Best : Santecroce Closter ft}Tlazis Dhnarco Hamilton Stellbx Brunswick Power. Hardaway 7 Stephens 3 W.Morgan Malnelll Baksh . Best: Hardaway Harrison Morgan Miskelly Box Baxter .
Section ALBERT PARK Coach: John Ahern Res: Paul Shoppee
i P. Smith 2 S. Robinson (S) 2 N . Pastras (R) 3 R . Baker 4 G . Foster 5 S . Alla n 6 J . Storey 7 S . Venables 8 C. Jackson 8 M . van Etevroud (R) 9 P. Chambers 10 M . Phillips 11 A . Fleming 12 T. Fraser (S) 12 D . Overend (R) 13 B . Payne 14 M . Hyams 15 D . Borley (S) 15 J. Snorasson (R) 16 C . Roberton 17 D . McLellan 18 J. Taylor 19 A. Steward 20 K. Grac e 21 P. Shoppee 22 J. Hannett 23 B. Harries 24 T. Green 25 J. Wier 26 L. Hopkins 27 J. Breen 28 R. Buckley 29 J . Norman 30 V. Surace 31 S . McGuire 32 A . Di Mingo 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 S . Toth 36 J . Delbin 37 L. Hogan 38 J . Rowe 39 D .'Odorico 40 A. Graham 41 B. Gould 42 K. Daley 43 J. Tsoukas 44 B. Isard 45 T. Bennetts
46 N. Strang 47 L . Tricarico 48 T. Panayotou 49 K. Gannon 50 S. Mellis 51 M . MacLeo d 52 M . Smith 53 M . Williams 54 J . Harnath 55 A. Mandylaris 56 J . Guzman 57 J . Sutton 58 M . Sullivan 59 J . Bentley 60 M . Dowdle 62 A . Harper 77 S . Garcia 78 N . Neumann 79 D . Quinlan
Risin g l%]
u l :i
BOX HILL NORTH Coach: Peter Armstrong Res : Warren Drew 2 S . Smith 2a A . Manno 3 A . Odza 3a S . Evans 4 J. Potter 5 A . Pieterse n 5a A. Hutchinson 5b A. Jenkins* 6 D . Martini 7 S. Stewart 8 M. Lacey Be R . Chamberlain 9 A. Sallantioglu 10 S. Cook 12 A. Dick 14 L. Perry 17 G . Cavallo 18 G . Wilson 19 L. Keillor 20 K . Oldfield 21 J . Hopes 22 A . Steele 23 J . Naumovski 24 C. Ferris 27 T. Thoi 28 Z. Veleski 29 M . Rodgers 31 C . Newbegin 32 P. Mortimer 33 W. Drew 34 M . McCartin 37 D . Woolridge 38 G . Bennett 40 J. Tsaclidis 41 M. Takeshita 42 A. Tarulli 43 R . Doyl e 44 J . Garrett 49 T. Ellis 50 M . Tarulli 53 I . Oldfield 55 J . Pratt 57 P. Woods 65 C. Riscalla 78 P. Steele 80 C. Callis 86 M . Heyes 111 P. Armstrong* P. Burley
Coach : Ricky Baxter Assist. Coach : Ross Morgan Res : Greg Lovett
Coach : Joe D'Angelo Asst. Coach : Robert Pasinat i Res. Coach : Jamie Redfem
1 R. Baxter 2 J . Hardaway 3 B . Price 4 D. Hayes 5 L. Hope 6 B . Baksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D . Gerdes 9 L . Yowyeh 10 B . Bottomley 11 N . Harrison 12 G . Dow 13 B. Hamilton 14 C . Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J . Lovett 17 B. Brett 18 R . Diantonia 19 N. Bux 20 J . Cooper 21 B . Lovett 22 J . Mcvady, 23 M . Lovett 24 G . Mcgowan 25 J . Slater 26 M . Smith 27 A . Walsh 28 B . Noonan 29 J . Griggs 30 L. Brett 31 M . Crane 32 P. Gall 34 E. Lovett 35 F. Pike 36 T. Lovett 37 B. Brett 38 S. Kemp 39 L . Brett 40 R . Kirby 41 L. Stephens 42 S . Davis 43 J . Comley 44 R. Mainelli 45 F. Mofflin
46 G . Fryer 47 M . Robinson 48 R. Morga n 49 R . Gree n 51 P. Laming 52 D . Davis 53 D . Hume 54 P. Brett 55 S . Westo n 56 T. Warburton 57 R . Sikora 60 G . Murray 61 T. Holden 62 J. Clayto n 63 R . Dantonia 64 A. Davi s 65 L . Griggs 66 S. Islay 67 T Lovett 68 M . Bond
1 S. Fisher 2 T. Orwi n 3 S. Wigney 4 N. Cartledge 4 I . Mcleod 5 R. Pasinat i 6 I . Baccin i 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarell a 9 P. Aslangu l 10 C. Powderham 11 G. Fortun e 12 J . Schemmerlin g 13 N . Edgar 14 A . Dejong 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 B . Wilson 18 J. Lowrie 19 S. Trapman 20 J. Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M. Turne r 23 J. Redfe m 25 W. Olney 26 J. DAngelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 K. Kellett 31 S . Mclaren 32 C. Clement s 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dall'o Ii o 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 41 R . Rigon i 43 C . Chan 44 B . Saaks arvi 46 G. Reevet s 48 M . Soumelidis 49 G. Anderton 51 R . Rodrigues 56 T. Mehrez 69 L . Ditchburn
D4 Section ELTHA M O .C.
Coach: Scott Harrington Reserves Coach : John Glare
Coach: David Keast Res . Coach: Paul Cummerford
1 J. Baud 2 S. Robins 3 E. Savage 4 B . Doody 5 D. Brick 6 T. Carter 7 B . Rashid 8 L Sharpe g C . Watson 10 B . Marshall 11 J . Mizzi 12 L. McDonald 13 M. Luttick 14 K. Nelson 15 L . White
16 D. Barnett
17 L . Daly 18 M . Chapple 19 20 S. Jeal 21 M . Hart 22 J . Mckenzie 23 R. Watson 24 K. Drummond 25 R. Thomas 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Barnett 29 D. Howgate 30 M. Decker 31 B . Keleher 32 C . Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 G . Smith 36 T. Goonan 37 J. Gilbert 38 A. Tard'rf 39 F. Coonerty 40 E. Baud 41 A. Mann 42 D. Buller 43 P. Mann
1 D. Johnson 2 P. Hayes 3 M . Brebner 4 F. Varga 5 R . McKenzie 6 M. Jelenc 7 C . Varga 8 K . Maniscalchi (VC) 9 A . Del Biondo 11 C . Gibson 12 J. Commerford 13 R . Kidd 14 C . Kennon 15 A. Bullerjahn 16 D . Morrison 18 V. Steer 19 M . Leonard 20 J . Penhale 21 M . Cunningham 22 M . Wells 23 B . Egan 24 Luke Merrett 25 A. Delahunt 27 N . Pearce (VC) 28 A . Costello 30 A . Penhale 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C . Anderson 34 L. Kellett 35 D . Callanan 36 T. Roche 37 B. Dunn 38 T. Van Duuren 39 L . Allanson 40 M. Rhodes 41 R . Katene 42 M. Pereira 43 D . Holloway 44 N. McConnell 45 K. Fraser 46 N. McConnell 47 C. Lonergan
Major Sponsors
Coach: Ange Sammartino Res . Coach: Gary Cutler
Coach : Jeffrey Wilso n Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch
1 S . Wemham 2 D. Adams 3 G. Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 W. McMahon 5a G. Cutler 6 D . Pizzari 7 D . Magnuson 8 D . Guppy 9 A. Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 J. Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 M . Ullo 14 D. Newton 15 H. Tsia@as 16 S . TsiaBas 17 A. Kyriazis 18 J . Verga 19 S . Famulari 20 L. Closter 21 R. Santacroce 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Briffa 24 M . Aiiani 25 W. Duson 26 J. Murphy 27 M . Vaina 28 S . Gillard 30 S. Healey 31 J. Heck 32 B. Robertson 33 J. Rotella 34 M. Pisasale 36 D . Carter 37 S. Shepherd 38 N. Wallmeyer 39 C. Rhook 40 B. McCallum 41 C. Twaddle 41a G. Burrows 42 J . Papanikolou 43 J . Page
48 S . Dougherty
45 D. Wright 46 M . Jarvis 48 B . Tumey 49 50 B . Richardson 51 52 53 54 D . Monagatti 55 S. Todman 56 R . Love 57 S. Gathercole 58 59 B. Evans 61 J . Panetta 62 63 64
49 J . Hoffman 50 L. Senior 52 B . Leek 53 D. Hicks 54 D . King 55 M . Gridley 56 H . Flanagan 57 C . Walsh 59 A . Cox 63 D . Prest 65 D . Burrows 66 D . Turner 67 Damian Smith 68 Neil Senior
70 Mark Matter
1 G. Robso n 2 L. Johnston 3 S. Depiazza 4 C . Lever 5 S. Hewitt 6 J. Horsburgh 7 A. Christo 8 A. Horsburgh 9 K. Murphy 10 J . Wilson 11 M . Christ o 12 B . Mattson 13 J . Braham 14 T. Sai d 15 A . Board 16 S . Christ o
17 M . Aquilin e 18 D. Nikol a 19 R . Aldridge 20 K . Johnson 21 L. Hudson 22 S . Anderso n 23 S. Huntington 24 L . Fairfiel d 25 J. Akaran a 26 P. Mesma n 27 D . Billman 28 D . Slattery 29 D . Horsburg h 30 R . McMillan 31 M . Baulc h 32 G . Jenkinso n 33 D. Benn 34 S . Roberts 35 D. Rivallan d 36 K. Pilsbury 37 A. Leitc h 38 J . Semmens 39 M . Oldham
40 S . Leitc h 41 K . Miller 42 D . Ollenbutte l 43 A . Runcima n
44 S . Grist
44 B . Slattery
45 W. Kaadan 46 J . Polemicus 47 N . Prestigiacomo 48 A . Pokrajak 49 D . Lawton 50 F. Ferrante 51 P. Sorleto 52 P. Brine 53 C . Pokrajak 54 D . Hill 55 M. Hill 56 R . Salloum 57 D . Ceravolo 58 N . Giovanoglou 59 L. Molloy 60 S. Nabbs 61 G . Goumas 62 B. Carter 64 A. McKenzie 65 L. Rigazzi 66 R. Pretty
45 R . Wintle 46 R . Skinner 47 M. Pilsbury 48 T. Scholes 49 B. Robinso n 50 P. Habersatt 51 L . Stevens 52 T. Best 53 J . Bourke 54 M . Crosswell 55 A. Morrison 56 S . Chaffey 57 T. Edward s 58 I . Smith 59 A. Lipscombe
60 N . Aquiline 61 A . Gatt 62 D. Twome y 63 P. Kin g 88 H . Hodgson
financial Service s (M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER
D4 Section RICHMOND CENTRALS Coach: Mark Petrusch
Asst Coach :
Coach: Michael Learmonth
Res. Coach : G.Temes
Res: Steven Lake 1 B. Cox 2 T. Quick 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 R. Trott er 5 D. Tankovich 6 G . Bunshaw 8 G . Malcolm 9 J . McGrath 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A . White 11 S . Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C . Bar ry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Moulda Y 19 C .Qua Quay 20 A. Quick 21 A. Jones 22 A. Flores 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Piani 26 S. Baillie 28 D. Green 29 J. Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M . Berimano 34 J . Brook 35 J . Howell 38 M . Defreitas 41 T Slatter 42 C. White 42 S . Hoare 45 K . Da y 46 D . Hogan 53 K . Pardy 54 C . Cartwright 54 S . Rawlings 56 A. Tilley 57 E. Hill 67 J. Lane 69 T. Melville 76 D . Phelan 79 M. Coomber 85 G . Jacobs 86 G . Porteus 87 D. Ingliss
Assistant : G.Mandalis 1 T. Brown 2 B. Perelberg 3 G . Schembri 4 N. Goldswort hy 5 A. Lane 6 S . Stone 7 A. Dwyer 8 A. Zsembery 9 R. Orme 10 G. Koumantatakis 11 J . Bemardi 12 A . Webb 13 J . Hill 14 C . Goldswo rthy 15 M . Purcell 16 L . Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frail 19 V. Ryan 20 C . Handle y 21 M. Gilchri st 22 R . Allen 23 F. Harrison 24 A. Latimer 25 M . Butler 26 J . Timmins 27 M . Banks 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 S . Leszko 32 P. Reining 33 M . O'Hallora n 35 G. Theoharris 36 B . Graetzer 37 L . Vincent 38 D . Astbury 39 T. M illar 40 R . Hausler 41 T. Cummins 42 M. Davies 44 J. Lukjanov 47 P. Rousis 48 D. Morco m 50 A. Wibawa 51 M . Lynch 52 C. Weller 53 B . Armistead 54 J . Wright 56 D. Anders 57 D. Watson 58 B . Lewis 59 K . McLennan 62 G. Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 66 N . Batskos 67 M . Maschette 68 J . FJ eldstad 69 J . Handy 70 N . Luce 72 S. Sylivris 73 N . Datskos 74 A. Richard 80 J. Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne
Oust Steel Industries 46
Coach : Shane Mott ram
Res: George Koumantatakis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M . W ri ght R . Thorp J . Natio n L. Gorring e S . Mottra m S. Cracknell D . Zulicki M.Gerolemou
1~0 P. Burns 11 D . Forbes 12 W. Smit h 13 N. Rose 14 M . Butera 15 J . Jacks 16 J . Tate 17 C. Langendorf 18 A. Hellner 19 J . Ueberg ang 20 G. Madrigran o 21 G. O'Gradie 22 G. Mandalis 23 G. Ternes 24 N . Hahn 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusic k 28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K. Weber 30 J. Pa rt ridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michae l 33 J . Strang io 34 J . O'Neil l 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catteral l 38 R. Lapis h 39 M . Re a 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 45 46 C . Sioto s 47 H . Gillies 48 M. Davidson 49 50 B. Warre n 51 R . Ho rtle 52 C . Eddy 53 B. Uebergang 54 C. Witnish 55 N. Thomas 56 D. Creek 57 C. Thomas 58 J . Thomas 59 60 G . Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 62 63 64 65 J. Harri s 66 S. Butera 67 M. De Luise 68 L . Holmes 69 A. Dowdell 70 E. Ricciut i 73 S.Devli n 74 D . Rya n
~-- ] % -~
7 7~
~ r
=y ~ f
75 S. Mills
77 R. McCormic k 88 D. Fisher 99 W. Hircoe 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
S CO TT PARTNER S CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT S BUSINESS ADVISOR S IN SOLVENCY SPECIALIST S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street . Malvern 3144 Melbourne - Level 7, 313 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone : (03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 237 9 (03) 9670 6633 E-mail : info@scottpartners.com .au Web : www.scottpartners.com .a u
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Contact us for an initial no obligation consultation or cost assessment . DAVID SCOTT - MANAGING PARTNE R 0 THE AMATEUR
I CLU B WARE H OUSE by G len Harrison Sports & Medica II
& Cam Nation
(U19- I & Blue)
(U19-2,3 & Red)
SECTION 1 - REVIE W Uni Blues trekked out to Old Essendon and made a mocker y of the difficult away conditions . A blustery day made scorin g difficult, but it was the Blues that seized their earl y opportunities and completely dominated the last term booting eight large, to record a 64 point demolition . McPhail and Rankin impressive for the victors. De La bounced back from their narrow loss the week prior against a spirited Caulfield Grammarian outfit . Never much in this one and late in the game it could still have gone either way, however Skinnsy, Deano and Benny were outstanding in the last quarter and ensured the De La boys opened their season account . St . Bernard's dished out the old fashioned "football lessonm to a shell-shocked Scotchies side . The home team were ferocious in their attack on the ball and the midfield ran rampant contributing greatly to the ten goal second quarter avalanche . Moffat and Beaurepaire never stopped trying for the vanquished . Marcellin showed the Round 1 draw was no fluke and followed up with another amazing tie against Old Brighton . This time, the home side will be kicking themselves booting 10 17 to again miss the additional two points, still, they are only outside of the four on percentage . The Skevvies made it two in a row with a notable 23 point win over Old Xavs . The visitors harassed and linked well all day making the most of their scoring opportunities in the windy conditions . Drinkwater and Coates made significant contributions for the winners, that snared them the valuable four points. PREVIEW Can Marcellin make it 3 draws in a row? Today they travel to Skev's who are chasing win number three, and I think they will get it . The midfield battle will be a beauty, but I believe the superior home side firepower up forward, will be the difference . Old Brighton tackle De La at home and this should be a thrilling affair with past results suggesting two very even sides . In a virtual toss of the coin, winning form is good form and I will have a cautious 50 cents on the visitors . Caulfield have been close enough in their first two hitouts to have recorded two victories, they haven't done so, and will today rue those missed opportunities, as the travelling Bernie's will exhibit their top of the table form . Scotchies will attempt to bounce back from their 103 point pummelling as they host the Uni Blues. The Students were most impressive in their last game victory and whilst the home side will be competitive, the Blues will make it two in a row . Old Xavs welcome Old Essendon and there may be a frosty reception for the visitors as the home team attempts to make amends for last week's loss . OE will also be looking to improve on their disappointing showing, but it's the hosts for mine . SECTION 2 - REVIEW Round two and suburban footy was back to its best, with all four matches decided by less than twenty points . Mazenod
made it two from two, and more importantly secured top spot on the ladder for the second consecutive week, leading at every change to ru n out 19 point winners over Old Paradians . Beaumaris also won by 19, a stark contrast to their 150 point humiliation last week, the home team surviving a seven goal onslaught by Old Ivanhoe in the final quarter. Old Melburnians continued their winning form, a four go@] to one final term, ensuring a narrow 5 point victory over Werribee, while Hampton Rovers finished strongly for the second week running, backing up last week's 5 point victory with a close 3 point win at home to Old Camberwell . Trailing for the best part of the day, the Rovers have become accustomed to tight finishes, the win a true team effort with ten goalkickers contributing to their total . In the final game of the round Old Trinity posted their second win of the season in the easiest possible m anner, winning on forfeit to Ormond . PREVIEW After a week off, section two recommences this afternoon with several enticing fixtures . In the first match of the round Ormond are scheduled to meet Beaumaris at home, the Sharks fluctuating form making predictions difficult . Despite sitting mid-table, Beaumaris have the second worst percentage in the league, yet on the proviso Ormond failed to play last round and have kicked only one major for the season, Beaumaris should win . Old Ivanhoe are zero from two, yet have been far from disgraceful, this round meeting Werribee Amateurs at home . Providing McMahon asserts his dominance in the ruck and Russo continues to pick up possessions, Werribee should record their second away win this season . Elsewhere Old Paradians meet Old Camberwell away, both teams vying for their first win this season . Having kicked 1 .10 in the fourth quarter against Mazenod last round, Paradians will be desperately trying to resurrect their accuracy in front of goal, and providing they do so, they should get over the line. The final two matches involve four teams all yet to lose . In the first Mazenod should cement their spot at the top of the table away to Old Trinity, the latter having not played competitive footy now for three weeks . In the other Old Melburnians meet Hampton Rovers at home, in what should be one of the round's most exciting fixtures. Old Melburnains are in superlative form, yet the Rovers have shown composure under pressure, and in a close one, the home team should triumph . SECTION 3 - REVIE W Having had the advantage of the bye in round one, MHSOB began season 2003 in emphatic style, clinching top spot on the ladder with a resounding 59 point victory over St Bernards(2) . Collegians continued their impressive form, sneaking home by 5 points away to Therry Penola, while Wearden kicked four as North Old Boys destroyed Monash by 65 points . Accuracy proved the key as Rupertswood won 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 3
Old Carey by 33, while AJAX had the luxury of a PREVIEW i, the bye and the break over Easter, it has been three ,<<(:s since AJAX last played competitive footbali, Gar y a's boys returning to the fray this week with a home ainst the struggling St. Bernards(2) . Both teams have kick five or more goals in any of their matches thu s ;ijis game more a battle to gain respect than anything with AJAX to victor . co;itrast to most university-based clubs in the under ecn sector, Monash are yet to record a win, The Blues ; :carately hoping to rectify their bad start when they trave l f ild Carey this afternoon . Old Carey have shown promise, ng mid-table at present, yet have struggled miserably in nt of goal . Following up their 7.16 in round one, Old Care y d 5 .17 last round, going down by 33 points despite ,,. :mg more scoring opportunities . Providing coach Craig ms has corrected such inaccuracies during the Easter rcak, Carey should get up, furthering Monash's blues, oaegians meet North Old Boys at home, and should ritinue their impressive form with a comfortable win, th e ,,c :ley-based team enjoying the luxury of a list of almost fifty rs to choose from . '.1H50B aim to further their immediate success this iternoon, when they meet Therry Penola at home . Gold, 4,hitehouse, Membrey and McGrath will all need to be prominent for MHSOB, who should get home in a close one . Finally Rupertswood have the bye, spending their second o nsecutive weekend on the training track. SECTION BLUE REVIEW i"ne game of the week was undoubtedly the clash between the o's and the Krushers . The K's working well through the midfield and providing their forwards with more rpportunities to earn them the four points . Fouth Melb . chalked up their first victory with an impressive '5 goal performance against the Sainters. The visitors battled hard but the Swannies were never troubled . Unfortunately De La were again on the wrong end of a r_Iting, this time at the hands of St . Bede's Mentone. The Tigers slammed through 34 big ones to be massive winners . The Clays were again impressive in accounting for the Mentone Panthers . In the opening two rounds the Clays have conceded just 37 points, Issues and Nussi were everywhere, and Seng, Hammy, Percy and Woodsman all made their presence felt. PREVIEW The K's play host to a rejuvenated and confident South Melb . side and the Krushers will not want to let the Swans slip under their guard after the big build up to last week's match . Tire K's should have enough winners to record victory number three . id-'edless to say, the clash between Glen Eira and De La is going to be a hard fought affair with both teams desperate to ~,t their season's kick started . Unfortunately, the form line for either side doesn't make impressive reading, but I a m
T ®® TS
' ,--
-, -
-TD ER-n SE s a~rce in l Old Brighton v De La Salle Canine id Or v St Bernards Old Scotch v UniversitV Blues Old Xaverians v Old Essen on Gr to be played at Toorak Par k R-19 SECT102Y 2 Beamnarts v rmon tc ed from original draw - to be played at 9.30 a.m. Old Ivanhoe v Werribee Amateurs Old Melburnt ans v Hampton Rovers
giving the young Sainters the nod . A local derby at Brindisi when the Panthers visit St . Bede's . The Tigers have not put a foot wrong in this campaign and on the small confines of their home ground, I don't expect that will change today. After a fortnight out of action, St Johns travel to Bentleigh in the Match of the Round . Both the JOC's and the B's had narrow losses to the Krushers and this will be a great hitout . I think the JOC's may be the unfortunate victims of the BYE and Easter vacation, and will be a shade rusty today, as the B's sneak home in a tight one . The Oakleigh Clays have the BYE . SECTION RED - REVIEW While close games were contested in most other divisions, Section Red produced yet another handful of one-sided affairs, with no more than four of the five games decided by a margin of 100 or greater. Newcomers Fitzroy made it two from two, winning convincingly over the struggling Yarra Valley by 115 points .
U19 (1)
St . Bernards Pitts 6 10 University Blues MacKerrow 5 9 Old Xaverians Armstrong 1 7 St. Kevins Drinkwater 3 7 St. Kevins Giansiracusa 3 7 De La Salle Hancock 6 7 St . Bernards O'Connor 3 7 U192 ) Werribee Chalmers 3 10 Old Melburnians Ironmonger 4 10 Mazenod Reed 4 8 Old Ivanhoe Alagona 5 6 Mazenod Kinniburgh 1 6 Werribee Smith 6 Mazenod Steinfort 1 6 U19 (3) Collegians Burrows 1 10 Therry Penola Goodwin 1 6 Rupertswood Van Boxtell 1 6 Therry Penola Gleeson 1 5 North Old Boys Wearden 4 5 U19 (2) BLUE St Bedes MT McNamara 15 19 Cattle i h Clays Nassrallah 4 18 St Bedes MT Hilton 5 7 Bentleigh Ridgway 3 7 Bentlei h Heywood 2 6 Oakleig~ Clays Isaac 2 6 U19 (2) RED Banyule Tsingaris 4 12 University Blacks Dowslev 7 11 University Blacks Moffatt' 8 8 St Leos E WP Waters 7 8
Old Camberwell v Old Paradians St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Mentone Old Trinity v Mazenod 0 C Panther s rq 3 Oakletgh Clays has the by e Sµ"'" "~P Bentleigh v St Johns O C ;
AJAX v St Bernards (2) to be pla}~ed at Scammell Reserve, (69 G1 I) MHSOB v Therry Peoria OB Collepans v North Old Boy s Old Carey v Monash Blues
~d 19 t21 Blue OakleS>;h v Sou b i e ourne Dtstricts
Glen Eiia v De La Salle ( 2) to be plaped at Kooniang Park, Carnegie, (6S H6)
Under-19 f21 Re d Y~a ~e Um Old Westbourne v St Leos Emmaus WP clash with seniors venue TB A Bulleen Templestowe v Aquinas 0 C Universitv Blacks v Old Xaverians (2) Fitzroy ReBs v Banyule to be played at Ramaden Street Oval, Clifton Hil l
7 78.8 11. 8 Ford . At<lus . Best : 0 : :-
C Bcrnc'.; iBi V Crov2-c1 C, . ., .;. 3 .1 10.0 12.7 ,i 7.2 8 .3 11 .13 14 .16-16 6 9
n 3. Glcesan. Goodwin, Farrelh% Skiathits 2 . hrrd I . Best: Betsey, Turner. Quinn, Corrigan
. Conne r 4 .10 5 .15 10.17 .77
dgentis . Parrent. Skurrte . Aoitnan. Best n Hanlon (B) M lsbister C Mcftendry (G ) 2 .0 3.4 7 .6 9.11 (65) 5 .4 9.8 14.10 19.16(130) Ste,vart, Hindle, Gurr, Jones. Chapman. Bea(; , Grace, Gebhard t Vol 3. Tucker 2, Dettmann 2, Kirk 2, Owen
5,3 8 .6 11 .11.7 7
3, Bardon 2 . Mills . Cow)rs .~ ~ :_}xr, Bardon . ,".irLhon on not Recen^cd . Best Tolj. Humtthrers. White, ite-Sper J White-Sper (B) P Mitchell 11 .12 15.14 (104) 9.11 11.14 (80)
non, Keenan . Best: t'dhitty. West, Wearden,
ieetv. Oakkry', Brou2tin)y
from Al WE .3 !,5 9.7 13 .7(85) 3.7 6.14 9 .18 15,21 (111)
12,10 6 .5 - • 3- (1
Fitts 6, L )bin
ta,-TI I . Ha K- J Jan
c, Pitts,
_ .21 (177) 11 .8 (74) 112.Pell 2.
I+-n C :
, Pe)).
In i' .norm 4- n . L. Thompson, INa a :offat . P lest n . Pearce Couithard A rtws „ ;(RFL)(G)
. o -,ntd}'k (B) P Craxford
0 .6 19 4.10 7.10 (52) 1 .3 ; 8.15 16.20 (116)
to hillip; 2 . Harr .. .~ i ,~ I~ on, Daa.Ian . BesL Phillips . h5[ . Cerantonio, I ;
S,Torn+y 3, ". ' -rtott 2, Collins. Narthuay, in. BsC Kh,
u~ .-_a. Prfc3{errow. Shau ghnessy.
3 Nunn P Gluvas (F) K Or
. ..
! l A 15 .10
u ..,-
3rrr :y 2 Bet Barbuto Farrah Byme . Best Sheehan Byrne M HP an L i Dimashkt. Ut iRL_ve(F )
agcola 5 . Br nt 2. Ach Britten, Dawkins. G..-, Ha, dr.,l~,~p . _ ,. o+ +
3 .1 4 .1
4 .2,28
3.4 7-7 10.9 18.15 (123) 0.5 0.7 3.12 3-12 (30)
'iah 4, Wood 3. Isaac 2, Sullhan 2, Vaugtiatt 2 ,
Kelly D Murray (F) B Bracken S Gent
2 . 5.6 6.7 10.10 (70) 3,0 5.7 8.9 9.11 (65) '13. Dick ] . Tucker 1 . Voyage I _cJ in 1. Tanner 1 . Palmington
a.uco. Baton
3.1 7 .2 10.6 14.7 (91) 5.3 8 .7 10.9 13 .10 (88) acianai: Cave 2,1T'opoulos 2, T ;fiialthouse 2. Spratt 2, ChrU-tht:.s`n, miri, C. ;vfatthouse T McNamara, ". rh Bask Williams, Ellis, T. -aft, Henry. C. 64a(thouse _: . ?i!9ier 3- Peasnell 3 . Itc-, 3 Cottrell 2, C-osl'utg, Vince - -~ . mail. Iiendry Taylor, . W Frith J Rollo (B) P 4Vnite 2ollo (G )
4 .4 7.6 11.13 13,18.96 2 .4 5.7 9.7 10.17.7 7 2, Castricum 2 . Cro„~t, Steintort, Cook,
`.: Cook, iQ .HOUSa Io.-. ~'.., 143 ~. Bourbon, Crovgh i+vtna 2, Di FabEo. Baton u,. .,uskL Luff, Reh)ickl. I, Richard- i . hslFiL 5.17 (47) 12 .8 (80)
Angus. Bowky, Cole, B Cot)irts, : rt-H^+ues. A Collins. Them i . ^ai: I -ter 3. Certo 2, name 2 . u, nRS, tt .+inn . Sullhan. Var , Bi op, Sul-an, P(ununer. Bre 'k- Dz7e, t ;erto He rise D Window (F) N Brown 4Y 1,4 r, R Curds P Brown (G ) e .G . ; 0.0 2.2 2.2 4.3(27) 3-5 6.5 11-8 13.8 (86) T. Fe<arson 2. MCManus . G . Campbel l n, D. L1ans. G . Campbell, McManus. Buis. C . Mitchell 50
irll\m TIGr,F?S10,1 17.3 25,8 34 .15 .219 ttart Beer McKenzie Crowe, Best Sheehan Crowe Hart RaL .=beck J C°' d.
aan p
S. .'artatone Tigers: McNamara 15 Hilton 5 Buck 3 Waters 2 Cieslal ; 2 noel MeMurraySamya tVeedon Porter Tyyuin . Best : MeNarte.cra hectic - .nick, McMurrayMcConnell. U- . . . ta)Ph (F)
. ''+ 7cll ams (G)
sat 2 . Dolman . McCiallan, Wy)d. For-e&, irphy, Lee. Hc}'iamd, Meehan, McClellan 3, Cunihan 2, Jordan, lamb. tdelrzie . Orchard . iokis, Zuza Jordan, Murphy, Hog an, Lamb . a stir n t?uthte (F) J Gregory (B) 6 .6 9.7 15.16 25.20. 1,1 3.7 5.9 6.11,53 an 4 Cooper 4 T Cronan 3 Niemi 3 Philips 2 A Giatmell>5 2, ho I. Dwell M Giarmeills. Best : A Giatmellis Gyngell Stanza _-, Costello.
um . O7rten . Rossenbs . Selig Beak Wood, Isaac, Seng, c:utol; bacon, frLrgetis. e_ ithees: Kiantos.Lane, Cogtatt Best: Ktantas. Rvan, Richards ,
Brown, Wes Umpirm: P tGriffiths (F) JOHIm'8 had the bye
UtdUER-i9 f21 R~' D :OYIiEDS 17 8.10 13 .14 19.20, 134 LLEY OB 0.3 0.4 1 .7 2.7.19 - U Rolls G Paleod'unns (F) T Pearce L Brass (B) I.A Ito tlNZ 7.7 9.9 15.10 22.10 (142) OLD S )U 8 0.0 1.1 1.1 1.2(8) La Tax : Goals Mc Donald 5liar, ~ S Daln-r.tpte 3 DeBruin 3 Scott 2lihlker Murphv Brt< s Bnt)er Bn s C .:r Brid,es Harveg tAph Sevel l
Old C`r' _ti met C,ca(s C+,rp t ;. • . . . . : .i :e R'atker Merrlv.eather Gilbert Maso n Um ,
dT D
2.7 1c. : 3 13 .1619.22 136 y-:: 0,1 0 .3 3 .4 5.434 St i )
waters 7 1'- donte 3 Lee 2 Levins 2 MeCarm 2 Munro 2 to G, rs Ford Fallow Munro Lewis McCann .
e€- W-- Verga 2. S .Comrtadeur, Edwards, Netm><vt . Best: S. -4 .t arunandeur,Verga.Moran,Mlritls.Edwauds iteve M P)tiillps (F)
A .ut U. .. Hl
2.3 3.3 3 .4.(22) 0.0 4.7 8.10 12.17 24.19,(163 ) %ard, La}nstra Best Dexter, Hardman . Hills, FadeHa , all 8, IbwsFfr 7, PAistidge 2- Steele 2, Mon-is, KellY. si: Moffatt . Morris, Dov,skey, Watt, Kelly, Prisdd~
3 .7 6.8 8.11 11 .14 (80) 1 .0 4.0 6.2 9.3(57) T3ri.s 4- Christian 2. Lardo 2, StarTopouios, tirrilte . 'L.__+. TShepherd. Lardo . Wise, P.enke, Tsingaris . - : :1etnerny 4, Quinn 2, Rtmco, Vaughn, Conkie, Best: Sih'apli . S.Ryan. r 1 . Trescowthtek, Rubira, Montgome_y Umgirw: S Scrt~,. D Dinne°n (F) L Ratcliffe (B) D Scully (G)
Ljp(jer-19 ® Section 1 C f ,~E :"IElD -
6 F:1'ti .ii .
BE LA SALLE (1 ) ~
Coach : Denis Bilston
0~.= Coach : Adam McConnell
Coach : James YJilso n
=_c f ei`IIey Co =_c
3 M Fieldsen 1 L . Ross 1 L. Ballinge r ur hought 8 G . Johnstone 2 C. Toll 2 T. Biggs ; 3-rand 9 J . Adams 3 L . McDonald J,'lelland 3 C. Burke 12 M . Clinch 5 B . Humphreys T Hammond 4 D. Cerantonio 14 R. Hancock 7 N. Stenner r .1 Tarmsen d 5 S . Clinnick 19 5 . Conwa Thomson 9 Clarke 23 S . Ferwerda . Dawson Br 6 10 M. S may Edwards 25 J . Hassell 7 J . Dazkiw 11 R . Fisher J, May 28 V . Moloney 12 S . Eastgate 8 J . Dugga n B Carbon~i 29 D . Keely 13 R . Caporn M . Sains ry 9 L. Edgar M 30 B . Vague Green 14 S . Duncan 10 J . Harewoo d 33 M. Nankerv is = C . UII 15 B . Gadsden (C) 0'Bnen 34 L . Williams 11 C . Herta e L. ~ 16 J . Salem N . Fallu 40 D . Browning 12 M. King g 18 S. Oliver ; S. Tvrycroft 41 S. Smythe . Fielke 14 P . Ktenas Pitts 13 F J. . Jarvis 20 G .May S. Lord 4247L 21 S. Cooney ;- .._i K. Smythe Low H. r . Mezo y Imgs 50 L R . Quick 23 T Ryan 15 D ? J. Rrnr 53 . Mead 16 J. Stormont Z. D'Arc y . O'Donnel l 27 M. Chamberlain 17 N Barbaro 24 L . Tait A. 5 J. James 28 B. Richardson 18 S. Wad e 6 h1 . Parker 31 S. Jackson 19 TWilson 3 T. Conly 33 R.Josep h M . Nickles 63 D. Ellis ~ J . Sayers 5 C. Murph D. Harrod '5 B.Acfield 03 J . Foley
® .®® i
OLD SCOTCH Coach: Lachie Waterman Asst Coach : Terry Kendall I
S ._. .
Coach :
B. Nickless (VC)
3 S. Gamboni 4 A. Sutherland (VC)
C. Swan
6 tA .Moffatt 7 K. Downing 8 B . Snaddon 9 S . Daniher 10 E . Beaurepaire 11 A . Wilkinson 12 A . Philatay
® a® - i :
13 S . Pappas 14 R . Lowing 15 J . Latimer 16 J . Gallin 17 A Pearce
18 J . Dillon 19 B. Thompson 20 N . Thom 21 Thompson ( C)
P. Zog oola s C. Logan S. Jonas S. Yeomans
Coach: Tim Giles
T. OToole L. Giansiracusa (VC) S . Seaton M . Kirk D. McBrid e Taylo R. r 8 H. 9 L. Syrne 11 J . Liston 12 C . Taylor (DVC) 13 N . Hutton 14 A . Hamilton (Capt) 15 M. Vero 16 A. Callander 17 M. Welsh 18 M. Dnnkwaler 19 C . Underwood (VC) 20 W. Dunn 21 D . Petrou 22 A. Lynch 23 C. Tancredi 25 A. Mulkearns
26 M . Shannon
T. 24 25 27 28
University Blues
Coach: Ben McGee 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 J. Wright 5
30 K. Berry 32 R. Gerstman
30 P. Ghougassian 32 B. Hughes 33 S . O'Connor 34 J. O'Keefe 35 J. Coates 39 N. Pope 40 D. Mount 43 W. Guilder (DVC)
33 C. Purnell 35 G. Fitzpatrick 44 TAUref-Sm"rfh
69 T. Bull
{-0r .-I
1 Muir 2 Steele 3 Rankin {DVC 4 ~itzpatrick 5 Vandenbusch
~ Gin 9 Van p~k 10 Marriofi 11 Fletcher
13 Ryan g 13
R9cPhail (DVC) i5 Moore 16 Ian 17 Northway 18 Shaundessy Me 19 Heinz 20 Gibson 21 Wood (VC) ~~ 23 D Young 24 King (DVC) 25 Walker 26 McKermw 27 Sibley 28 Torney 30 Collin s
31 Groot 32 Joyce 33 Barbw 34 Shepherdson 35 Woodhouse
36 Cordy
38 Morgan 39 Roney
Un der- 19 BEAUMARIS
E Coach: Mick Deaton Coach : Michael Blake Coach : Coach : Anson Brownless Coach : Stephen King Asst : Mark Berry Asst Coach : Adam Jenkins 2 S . Hoult 1 T. McNamara 1 T . Lyons 1 A. Atagona (Co C) 3 M . Eady 2 L. Cave 2 L. Weaver 2 S . Adderley 4 L. Quirk 3 Y. Kobayashi 3 G. Hanson 3 P. Barrett 7 S . Lynch (VC) 4 T. Jo•rrett 4 B . Hillier 4 J . Binney 8 D . Taylor 5 L . Jones 8 J. Vince 5 M . Bottos 9 M. Wilson (C) 6 C. Mafthouse 14 J . Hadley 6 A . Braddy 1 0 J. Kelly 7 Y. Kobayashi 16 A . Langford 7 M . Briggs . Bryant (VC) 11 T. Fitzgerald 8 J . LeVeque 17 D . Clyn e 14 P. Berry 9 J . McNamara 8 G 9 J. Britte n 18 J . Vince 1 5 M.Bramwell 10 M . Ellis 19 L. Heffernan 10 R . Butler 16 C. Terpsinis 11 N Orit 20 C. Birrell 11 R . Coleman . Dawkins 17 C. Evans 12 D Ra son 1213 1 . Rogers G . Fowler 18 D. Bird y 21 C 13 K . Sprain 22 G. Alessio 14 C. Georgiou (VC ) 21 P. Irons 14 J Morley 23 L . Taylor 15 S . Geilings 22 J. Bramwell (DVC) 15 J. LeVeque 24 S . Peasnell 16 N . Gieschen 23 T. Woolnough (DVC) 16 G Giasoumi 25 S . Johnson 17 A . Granger 25 B . Bowker 17 T. McNamara 26 C . Hendrie 18 R . Grigg s 26 C . Shone 18 N . Oriti 27 B. Moody 19 L. Hammond 27 D . Murphy 19 C . Matthouse 28 A. Peacock 20 G . Hop e 35 S. Lee 20 T. Malthouse 29 D . Bruce 21 P . Jolley 40 T. Boreham 21 J. McCarthy 30 A. Mac Callum 22 Z . Keane 41 A. Poll 22 B Henry 31 D . Hanson 23 J . McBride 24 Rob Mitchell 43 J 23 A Crisp 35 M . Shanks . Hogarth Tomlin Rhys Mitchell 49 J . 24 25 LJones 37 L . Mc Dermott 26 D . Molone y 50 D. Wall 25 M Ellis r] 38 W. Bradshaw 27 B . Nagel (Co-Capt ) 26 M Terec h 39 T. Chase 28 D. Peacock (VC ) 27 D . O'Brien 40 T, Gosling 29 R. Pearce 28 I. Nicholls = 43 T. Sigalas 30 J . Pierera 29 J. Tipping 31 A. Read 45 D . Ramsay 31 D . Williams 32 J . Siegersma 46 D . Morley 32 C . Christiansen 33 S . Snell (VC) 47 B. Cottrell 39 M. Scott 34 J . Ulijan s 48 M. Westman 35 J . Wilso n 50 T. Porter 50 B. Withers 36 D. Wheele r 37 M . Verrocch i OLD MELBURNIANS Coach:
IIA It ~--= '= r t-G
Coach: Dean Peters 1 Bilwani A 2 Day M 3 Aitken J Capt 4 McDonald E 5 Salem S 6 MiersJ 7 Kenna J 8 Karkouer S 9 Amiconi C 10 RogerA 11 Gutierrez C 12 Stebbins N V/C 13 Webster J DV/C 14 Burgess M 15 Dickenson A 16 Marsden A 17 Monasso J
18 Herrod T 19 Buckingham A 20 Medland A 21 Hore-LacyA 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W
25 Chitty E 9_- = 9-'
26 Oliver D V/ C 27 Romney N 28 Butler K
ORMOND Coach: Steve Reeves 1 M . Tehennepe 2 C. Medcraft 3 B . Forbes 4 C . Schleiger 5 T. Peel 6 T.Denartru s 7 D . Black 8 C . Medcraft 9 R . Sayer 10 D. Gould 11 B. Arnol d 12 C. Johnston e 13 L. Well s 14 S . Davis 15 G. Evans 16 D. Brosna n 20 R . Lerner 21 B .Upsiill
22 A . Fuller
(. , . ._~.
24 M. Anderso n 26 D .Tehennepe 28 B. Harris 31 A. Bukala 33 A. Cook 34 S. Ramsa y
29 Dexter J lo'o
30 Smith S 34 Hider B
under-19 - Section 3 COLLEGIANS AJAX Coech : Gary Blusztem Coach : Andrew Kenneally
Coach: 1 A. Ston e ASS . Coach: Phil Rozen 2 M. Parrent 1 J . Aitken .V. C) . ( D J M 3 L . Scurrie 2 M . Brai n A . Forst 4 J. Adgemi s 3 D. Pinwill p. Codron 3 A . Van Rooyen 5 M . Hughes 6 D. Williamson 4 T. Schocker A. Bloom 7 C. Elg 3 S . Whittington g, Lukav 4 B . Gevaux -J 8 S. Brown J . Kagan 9 M . Rose 5 G. Blau '째" - v, Jankie 10 C. Dunwell 6 T. Biddingto n g J . Feldy 7 D . Gold 11 0 . Walmsley g D . Blusztein 12 A. Khoury 8 R . Ternes 13 Z . Moon 9 J. Mathew o G.Measey 10 C . Eva 14 J . Ashman tt 11 D . Kemp 15 W. Crothers 2 E. Shaked 16 N . Burrows 12 S. Volkering t ; A. Kr13 R . Read 17 D . Short 11 R. Spil berg 14 P. McGrat h 18 A . Fabris 15 D . Membrey 15 J. Givoni (V. Capt) 19 J . Holman 16 A. Villani 16 R. Heine 20 D . Mutton 17 A. Orchar d 21 E . Malone J. Thurin (Capt) 18 R . Newlan d 22 E . Adam s 18 19 S. Foley 23 M . Stefandark 20 T. Dunn e 19 24 J. Jo gensen 21 J . 20 M . Lipson 25 S. Gilbert reenhill . Lewski 26 G . Wells 21 J 22 R. G Er m 22 A. Kras 27 S. Crouch 23 A. Hoga n 28 J. Slatye r . Schulberg 23 J 23 S . Mitchell 29 C . Howlett 24 M . Avram 24 30 M. Naylor 24 K. Hardin g 25 31 H . Jennings 25 R. Whitehouse r 26 32 C. Blumfield 26 A. Edward s 33 J. Goldenfein 27 B . Rose 26 M . Van Alphen . J.Lamm . Landberg 34 B '28 J 27 R. Osidacz 35 C. Harrison 29 L. Friedman 27 T. Middleto n r 36 C N. Van D u 30 A.SiNer 28 G . Sauftty 37 . Hoist y 28 M . Hamitton-Ho [ ] 31 38 T. Cook 29 S . Sinha 32 L . Peters 39 A. Bridgewater 33 40 R. Kagan Major Sponsors 41 O .Howard 34 ~ 42 M . Fletcher 4 C. Feld 3 44 A Nichols GVP Fabricator s '37 R. Grof 45 A . Katz
46 D. Cannizza
Coach : Brendan Smales
Coach: Craig Williams
1 Roberts J 2 West P (C) 3 Wearden D 4 Duncan A 5 Whitty C 6 Norman A 7 Kennedy L 8 Gregory P 9 Owen B 10 11 12 Potion M 13 Citroen R 14 Young B(VC) 15 Tucker A 16 McKensie J 17 Matthews J-P 18 Knight B 19 Clarke L(DVC) 20 Kirk R 21 Ryan D DVC 22 Ruff M { ) 23 Saad Y 24 Dettman B 25 Sheehan B 26 Dell D 27 Elliot A
1 T. Rossignuol o 2 L . MacFarlane 3 D. Macdermott 4 A. Simson 5 D. Large 6 N. Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 A. Stewart-Holmes (vc) 9 B . Croft 10 A. Leonard 11 D. Bowiey 12 J . Ashworth 13 R . Davey 14 C. Eddison 15 A . Thompson 16 T Angus (c) 17 T. Connell 18 T. Wilkins 19 G. Trumbull (c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K. Parker 22 T Evans (vc) 23 C . Pinches 24 J. Ridley 25 C . Howat 26 B. Collin s 27 J. Choong 28 A. Collins 31 P. Niven 33 L. McKinnon
Coach: Cadell Duke
All Home Loan s New Order Clothin g
RUPERTSWOOD U1 9S Coach: Mick Phillips
1 Phillips J . 2 Anderson J. (VC) 3 Boxall T. 4 Spinner L . 5 Quinn B . 6 McEwan K . 7 Plummer J. 8 Jaeger R. 9 West T. 10 Heywood D . 11 Moule G. 12 Hewat M . 13 Barry P. 14 Sullivan N. (VC) 15 Broug hto n 7 16 Monzell R. 17 Potter C . (Capt) 18 Terry C . 19 Moiler D . 20 Constantine B . .xteU M . l 22 Da e8 23 Burns M . 24 Brennan L 25 CertoA . 26 Wishart C . 27 Bishop S. 28 Davis J . 29 Harrison M. 30 Gaunt M. 31 Fell N . 32 An garano P. 33 Clark S . 34 Dressler E . 35 Little M . 36 McGilvray S. 37 McGovern D. 38 Silvester J. 39 Smith J. 40 Powell D .
ST. BERNARDS (2) Coach :
~ r-_
THERRY PENOL A Coach: Paul Mello n
1 Corrigan B 4 Skiathitis R 5 Ferguson D 6 Hermes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T 12 Leech S 14 Fenton J 15 Owen B 17 Slawitschka J 18 Slawitschka A 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C 22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 28 Carroll A 29 Heane R 32 Cooper J 33 Freckleton J 40 Brosnan J
E LA SALLE Coach : M . Lee 1 P. Dolman 2 R. Heywood 3 O . Lewis
4 J. D'ottay
5 T. Ridgwa y 6 J . Roberts
S . Holmesby
8 B . Holden 9 D Wil d 1o D. Fogarty 11 J . Rahilly 12 T W' M
14 M . Wilson
15 D . Streker 16 K . Pereira ia P. Brertkreuz
19 S . Nicholson 20 M.. Turner Sidney 21 R 22 B. McLellan 23 S. Corriga n 25 N . Salvatore 26 T. Krotofi l 30 B. Tso, B
34 A. Jolly 35 47 52 54
Coach : Rob Smith 2 M . Beer 4 N . Hart 5 M . Francis 6 D. Gould 11 B . Walton 12 S . Crowe 16 A . Hillier 17 M. Griffin 19 J. Fisher 20 B . Pedula 21 J. Hennessy 27 B. Raisbeck 29 M. Sheehan 30 K. De Ridder 40 T. Robson 46 A. Roberts 53 J. Casey
Coach :
Coach : Brett Gardner 1 A. Murray 2 D . Couniham 3 R . Hahas 4 S. Ea d
L ;.
:. all
a 1 ~
A. Lee S. Wr ' ht M. Mc~elian B. Meehan
5 D . Cleary ry 6 M . Jordan 7 C. Lam b 8 G . Torcasi o 9 D. Wills 10 C. Hogan 11 W. Plaukovit s 12 G Vdaglian ' o 13 L. Rowa n 14 P. Brown 15 R. Holden 16 S . Ott 17 S . Brigg s 18 A . Shilto n 19 A Ciavarell a 20 N . Will s 21 J. Brigg s 22 T. Orchard 23 D . Zula
24 J. Reynold s 25 J. Nevezie D .Wll s V. Maraventan o S. Whit e S. Serres
NUR ' ; : Tile I r
TE ~
°'°, Cot eve Muscat i Ti ;` Team It neger: Anita Muscat Coach : Glenn At rd 1 E Nassrallah 1 McGettigan M 2 McNamara D 2 J Isaac (DVC) 3 Cleary G 3 D . Haas 4 L'Huillier D 4 C . Lazarakis (VC) 5 Gilmore S 5 J. Thomas 6 Buck A 6 S. Nussbaum 7 Grasby P 7 R . O'Brien 8 Kelly L 8 C. Thomson 9 ~~r~ ~ L 9 C. Rossenlis 1 0 0 Weedon N 10 S . Schellebec k 12 Powell G 11 S . Sullivan 13 Rouillon L 12 J. Margolis 14 McMurray L 13 J. Evangelista 15 Curry P 16 Lovelock R 14 F. Patuad 17 Laver T 15 S . Vaughan 18 Sam aJ 17 C NaYna 1g Paterson A 18 S . Burgo 20 Lynch J 20 J . Fredrickson 21 Cyeslak L 21 K . Onurlu 22 Terrell L 22 D. Armansin 23 Waters D 23 M . Sofoulis 24 Porter D 24 J . Staker 26 Hilton M 26 X Deayton (Capt) 27 Jones L 28 S . Cook (DVC) 28 Andrews M 29 S . Tan 29 Lynch D 30 PAaddocks J 30 M . Thomas 31 McConnell K 32 M . Marziale 32 Petrovic J 34 R . Wood 33 Tyquin J 41 J . Antonucci 34 Bignell R 42 D . Andrews 35 Thompson G 43 B. Jeffreys 44 B. Evangelista Hodges Real Estate Menton e Clearcut Hairdressing IFC O Brighton Nissan
ST. JOHNS OC Coach: Matthew Webb 1 Nathan Chal k 2 Ross Dea n 3 Jeremy Dia z 4 Glen D'Olivera 5 Chris Domingo 7 Michael Furnel l 8 Damien Homan 9 Matt Hop e 10 Daniel Johnsto n 11 Bradley Jud d 13 Michael Kosmala 15 Peter Langha m 16 Luke Marchan t 17 Wigor Monteir o 18 Michael Nelso n 19 Ashley Penry 20 Matthew Phaedonos 21 Darryl Pint o 22 Benjamin Worrel l
aa ~ j
Co 1 ;
Coach : PhR Demetricu 1 Wenke, Z 2 Brockwell, J 3 Mcgovern. A 4 Adams, P 5 Brown, A 6 Morgan, M 7 Moore, R 8 Demetriou,A 9 Christian, M 10 Moloney, J 11 Blayney, P 12 Shepherd, R 13 loannidis, W 14 Lardo, M 15 Evans, A 16 Mitripoulos, A 17 Davies, C 18 Partett, M 19 Mcintosh, T 20 loannou,A 21 Herbert, D 22 Tsingaris, J 23 Mcintosh, J 24 Bottomley, A 25 Playiair, D 26 Kayrooz, A 27 Holmes, M 28 Herbert, B 29 Richardson, L 30 Lydiate, M 31 Shepherd, T 32 Kastelic, C 33 Stanton, B
OLD 11 rol
Coac" : Cl Laver Ass . Cc:- ::h : Jim Hudson 1 B. Gerace 2 K. Lawson 3 R . Naidu 4 C. Lever 5 G . Walker 6 B. Payne F. Pavez 8 H. Hodgson 9 D. Ball 10 A . Miller 11 R . Stein 12 P. Johnston 13 E. Sandstrom 14 J. Morsello 15 B. Gilbee 16 P. Hudson 17 D. Taylor 18 T. Vaughan 19 D. Corp 20 A . Mokrusch 21 D . Hudson 22 C . LeNoury 23 J. Mason 24 P. Neville 25 M. Monahan 26 B. Merryweather 27 A. Maluccio 28 A. Woods 29
? g~
C : ::- ich: Tim Bel l Co: :' Harry H2risiou 69 M .Hogan E.Callagha n N .Crowle M.Darcy B.De Brui n D.Fennell P.Karagounis C.Maloney D .McKail G.Norton A .Scott J.Sewell N .Ulph D .Walke r B.Warburton TWhftehead A. Hal l P. Ha m 'J .Hanke M .Harvey C .Kean D .Butler R .Butler J .Clark L.Collier M.McDonal d N .Millar M .Tarpko s T.Wilkie
~~ s ~B .e
. .
Coach : Fred Chamberlain
. . Coach: Lacnian tseaton
4 . 速速
Co': -h : Peter Bawe T
Coach: Justin Vaugha n 1 L . Crozley 2 A. AYlett 3 W. Allan 4 C. Barte r 5 J . Dowsley
6 B . Edwards
7 R . Whatley 8 J . Fuller 9 S 10 . Hoarson ~ 11 J. Hummel] 12 A. Jesse 13 H . Locki e 14 A. L nch 15 J. Mapleson y 16 L. Marshall 17 W. McCahey 18 R. Moffatt 19 N. Myer 20 S . Palmer 21 K . Prestidge 22 O . Scott 23 F. Slattery 24 M . Steele 25 M . Torne y 26 M . Turner 27 8. Watty 28 R . Wood 29 M. Commodeu r 30 O . Crichley 31 D . Brow n 32 34 T. William s 35 P. Strathan 36 S. Pric e 37 K. 38 . Commodeur 39 JS. Hann 40 T. Clare 41 J . Brennan 42 T. Brumby-Rendel l 43 Bade
Official Supplier of Sports Medicine Pro d
BDF~ , ;Z~"~ Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623 ) 7 Maurice Street, Nunawading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 15 7 56 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
F .LD .A . football began on 6th April at Parkville . It was always going to be a (1 ;1y of surprises as most of the sides had been recruiting over the break ,lad were looking forward to the new challenges ahead . )foonee Valley and Broadmeadows 2 kicked off the season with the first surprise result of the day . All the good judges picked a win for Broadmeadows but this was not to be with Moonee Valley showing that they will be force this year by posting a 52 point win over Broadmeadows 2 .Moonee Valley 9 4 60 to Broadmeadows 2 1 2 8 . The next game was a walkover for Karingal 2 ~~, ith Maribyrnong unable to field a full side for the first round . Parkside also had a walkover as Geelong has pulled out of the competition . Karingal 1 then played Broadmeadows 1 and were to good on the day winning by a margin of 54 points . Karingal 1 10 7 67 to Broadmeadows 1 2 1 13 . Ballarat also had a strong start to the season by defeating Port Colts 1 by 92 points . Ballarat 19 5 119 to Port Colts 1 4 3 27 .
The day did not improve for Port Colts with Port Colts 2 being defeated by Ovens & Murray Jets 2 by 21 points . Ovens And Murray Jets 2 6 6 42 traveled well and defeated Port Colts 2 3 3 21 . Ovens And Murray Jets 1 and Mambourin put on the closest game for the day with Mambourin
Tigers getting over the line by two points . Mambourin Tigers 3 8 26 to Ovens And Murray Jets 1 4 0 24 . The final game for the round saw Bulleen Templestowe defeat Ringwood by 34 points . Bulleen Templestowe 9 7 61 to Ringwood Blues 4 3 27 . ROUND 2 This week Ringwood may have trouble against Broadmeadows I and Karingal 1 will post another victory against the skilled Maribyrnong . Broadmeadows 2 and Port Colts 2 will have a close game with Broadmeadows being narrow favourites . Mambourin Tigers look like being to good for Port Colts 1 and Karingal 2 will play last years premiers Ballarat . Although Karingal 2 have had success this looks beyond them . Parkside should post their first victory for the season against Ovens and Murray Jets 1 and Moonee Valley will account for Ovens And Murray Jets 2 and continue on their winning way . i'rIAL'!: ! DIVISION 1 KARINGAL 1 NORTH BALLARAT KARINGAL 2' $ULLEEN-TEMP, MAMBOURIN TIGERS PARKSIDE 0& PA JETS 1 I RINGWOOD I MARIBYRNONG I PO}3ICOLTS 1 i BROADMEADOVdS 1 1
Agst F % P15 67 13 515.38 4 27 440,74 4 23 2&6.06 4 61 27 225.93 4 26 24 108.33 4 0 0 0 4 24 26 92 .31 0 27 61 44.26 0 23 66 34.85 0 27 119 22.69 0 13 67 19.40 0
DIVISION 2 P W L Q F Agst % Pts MOONEE VALLEY 1 1 0 60 8 750 .00 4 0 & M JETS 2 1 1 0 42 21 200,00 4 PORT COLTS 2 1 0 1 21 42 50 .00 0 'Received forfeit last rotioct
J -)e . S . :Ikitng ,
h es , d Xaverians V. Old Scotch
' 7r1, Hampton Rovers 1 leadbuttirig, 6 matches .
FIDA Match wiHSOBv.OldEssendon ,`afiiorai, Caulfield C . Old Scotch v. Old Haileybul- 2 matches . Old Trinity v, University Blur s 11 No Match - Mother's Day s Adem, Glen Eira i7 St Kevins v . Old Xaverians Striking, 4 matches . May 1 8 FIDA Match
Elsternw-ick v Sivinburne tni. ,arce"in Ke i s
scored another dominant ain, :cDonald and Har cot up front in their 134 point trouncing of Ol d ourne, who kicked only one major for the entire 3n. St Leos Emmaus recovered from a 110 point loss i n one to defeat Bulleen by 10 1 , Waters the mai n ''~utor with seven, while the Uni Blacks had another fiel d I point winners over Aquinas aG=;ay . In the only game isn't over at quarter time, Banyule continued their ru n form with a 23 point win, at home to Old Xaverianr `2).
division between genuine title-contenders and those making up the numbers is becoming ever mor e 3rent ; one glance in the percentage column enough to rmine the sheer dominance of several sides . Two team s have shown little form in the opening rounds go head to d this afternoon, as Bulleen Templestowe play host to .quinas . Both teams suffered humiliating losses last round id are as yet v.~inless, Aquinas the more likely to record thrir fi t four points of the season , :-ir :;where Fitzroy hosts Banvule at the Brunswick Street al, with neither side yet to record a loss this season . Both sns have been extremely impressive thus far, and in a clos e ne, the Reds should sneak home, St Leos Emmaus sit midule, having suffered a massive defeat then subsequently inflicted one, and should post their second consecutive wi n iien they meet the struggling Old Westbourne away . La Trobe held Old Westbourne to one goal last week, and it is a ;c . I possibility the ladder-leaders will replicate such a rformance when they take on Yarra Valley, who sit at the 3le's foot. The other university-based outfit, Uni Blacks, meet Old rerians(2) at home, and should have no trouble overcoming club's second-rate side .
N CENTRE - :)n Road
68 El l
Winning Edge Presentations
ZMEMMEMMMMMEMMM An interesting start to the season saw many surprising results, which could well herald changes to the established order in Season 2003 . REVIEW OF ROUND 1 . SECTION . 1 . Marcellin acquitted themselves well against Prahran, whose uncanny accuracy helped them record a twenty four point victory . Dave Butterworth, Nigel Macpherson and Dave Green were best for Prahran, while "Sam" and Jason Matthews did well for "The Eagles" . After a slow start Monash Blues acquitted themselves well against De La Salle whose first quarter effort set the foundation for their seventy eight point victory . For Monash, Mills, Coughlan and Woods stood out . "De La" had good contributors in Luke Meehan, Luke Borella and Ben . Buick . Old Xaverians handed a one hundred and thirty one point defeat to Collegians to welcome the "Lions" back to Section 1 . The fact Collegians managed only one goal must concern their leadership group . Old Ivanhoe signaled their arrival with an eighteen point victory over 2002 finalist St Kevin's . After an even first quarter Old Ivanhoe gradually took control. Their best were ; Jordon Risstrom and Geoff. MacIsaac . For the losers, D .Makohan and D .Dunne played well .
SECTION 2 . NORTH . Old Xaverians, in their sophomore season showed they will again be a strong team as they defeated Old Trinity by fifty nine points . Old Trinity, who contested throughout, could not match the Xaverians talent . The team with the biggest list in the competition, University Blacks, overcame Old Essendon's home ground advantage and won by twenty six points in Craig Baulch's coaching debut . Therry Penola received a forfeit from Old Carey and Fitzroy Reds had the bye . SECTION 2 . SOUTH . St Leos defeated Old Brighton by nine points after a low scoring first half which had seen Old Brighton in the ascendancy . Old Geelong were unable to match Whitefriars, whose second quarter efforts into the wind set up their eventual sixty six point victory . Stephen Glofchev and Christopher Dyson played well for the winners whilst defender, Lindsay Knight and Travish Makin stood out for Old Geelong . Mazenod proved too strong for Eley Park, who were defeated by forty four points . Newcomer, A .J .A .X. started with a "bang" as they defeated Hawthorn by one hundred and four points . With a team of former stars and aspiring youngsters A .J.A.X . were best served by Michael Rajch, Dean Sheezel and Geoff . Measey .
PREVIEW OF ROUND 2 .SECTION .1 . De La Salle will not hav e an easy match against Marcellin, whose blend of big and small players make 'The Eagles' a worthy opponent . Their initiation into this Section has been torrid for Marcellin and today I expect their learning will continue as De La Salle should be talented enough to defeat them . Monash Blues return to the Harry Trott Oval, where they were narrowly defeated by Collegians en route to last season's Grand Final. Round 1 results would indicate Monash have made the smoother transition into Season 2003 . Unless Old Xaverians are stronger than ever, it would seem Monash Blues will prove too strong for Collegians today. Old Xaverians should continue on their winning way at the expense of St Kevin's, who may not be as talented a team as they were in 2002 Prahran will have benefited from their Round 1 exercise, as I doubt they are the fittest football team in the Section . Their stars lifted when Marcellin applied pressure as shown by the last quarter efforts of Anthony Lawrence and Dave Butterworth . Old Ivanhoe will prove fierce competitors, although their lack of height in their back line should enable Butterworth and Cartledge to create many scoring chances . Prahran are my selection . (especially if "Cougar째 can kick straight) . SECTION 2 . NORTH . University Blacks will prove too strong for Old Trinity especially on the Brens Oval, which is more familiar to the students, who will field a full complement . Therry Penola defeated Old Essendon in a practice match some four weeks ago and despite their lack of match practice since they will be talented enough to win again over Old Essendon . With Geoff . Pinner again leading the Therry Penola big men, success should come their way today . Two teams of unknown quality in Fitzroy Reds and Old Carey meet on the Ramsden Street Reserve . Although Carey expect to field a full side, I select the Fitzroy Reds to win today because of their greater experience of playing together . Old Xaverians have the bye . SECTION 2 . SOUTH .
St Leos will play Old Geelong in the morning match on Como Park . St Leos, who are a big strong side will have benefited from their Round 1 challenge and today they should start the big day for their club, with a victory. The battle of the easterners at Box Hill sees th e
dcnt Whitefriars visit Eley Park, for the first ❑ ,,,ICh between these clubs in the V .A .F.A. On round %.'hitefriars should be able to win this game, <„ccially given their accuracy of the respective c,nrards, two weeks ago. ,,+nzenod and Hawthorn, who have never met in a ,, 1 .F.A. game, play today on the Rathmines Road, p , 5erve . Mazenod's greater fitness and depth of ,. ; :Ieni should enable them to win comfortably.
I , i; ' match of the Round will be that at Brighton i ;,ach Oval, where Old Brighton play the newcomers, ,', ,1 .A .X . At home Old Brighton's confidence will grow c7sitors always have difficulty with prevailing cotlditions on their ground . Despite the form ciisplayed in Round 1, I cannot see A .J .A.X ., at this rc~ge, as possessing the depth of talent needed to win ,rairtst Old Brighton . [l :inks to those who have helped with Round 1 ctails . I look forward to more contact by noon tay on 9467 2857 or by e mail to p, !nt-alphalink .com .au
(iAr ,i E U18 (1) Pr~-hran Fmhran Old Xaverians U18 (N) Old Trinity Old Trinity Old Trinity U18 (S) Mazenod AJA X
Cartlid e Fetterp~ace R George
4 4 4
4 4 4
Chrys 1 1 Read 1 1 Somervi lle 1 1 Fother ll i M Raj 21 D Sheezel
7 6 5
7 6 5
TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB XVIII (1 ) De La Salle v Marcellin to be played at Darling Park Basil St East Malvern (60 All) Collegians v Monash Blue s St . Kevins v Old Xaverians Prahran v Old Ivanhoe to be played at Alma Park East, Westbury Street, St Kilda East (58 E9) CLUB XV111 (NORTH )
Old Xaverians (2) has the bye University Blacks v Old Trinity Therry Penola OB v Old Essendon to be played at John Pascoe Fawkner No . 1 Oval Fitzroy Reds v Old Carey to be played at Ramisden Street Oval, Clifton Hi ll
CLUB XV111 (SOUTH) Old Geelong v St Leos Emmaus W P to be played at 9 .20 a.m. at Como Park Eley Park v Whitefriars Hawthorn Amateurs v Mazenod 0 C Old Brighton v AJAX 10 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
CLUB XYBI i MARCEILIN 3.1 4.3 10 .3 10 .4 (64) PRAIIAft 4.0 10.0 1 2 .1 14.4 (88) blaicrIlin: Wall 3, Boyd 2, Russell . O'Brien, , NeCartin, Cracknell, Symes . Best: Black. Symes, Wall, Cracknell. Becehetti, S . Mathews. Prahran: Fetterplace 4 . Cartlidge 4, teak 2 . Butterworth 2, Haywood. MacPherson . Best: Green, MacPherson, Butterworth, Ivak, Lawrence . Cartlidge. Fetterp)ace Umpires: T Hansen (F ) MONASH 0.0 1.1 4.1 5 .1 (31) DE IA SAtd~ 6.4 9.6 11 .9 16.13(109) Monash: Brown 2 . Moir 2 . Collier. Best: B)asch. Co(ombles, Riddle, Brown . S.Dods, Mills . Da I. Salk; Ward 3. Manntx 2. Borrela 2, Tucker 2. Macca, Kitto . Phillips, Short, Lib . Berman . McPhee. Best : Mannix. L .Meehan, Borrela. Macca Tucker, Bowker . Umpi res: P Rapke (F) OLD XAVERIANS ( 1) 3.7 6 .18 10.22 19.27 (141) COLLEGIANS 0.1 0 .4 1 .4 1 .4 (10) Okl Xaverlnns: R George 4 Carrodus 3 Perry 2 Dalton 2 Ward 2 Hall 2 Erskine 2 Davies I Cumow 1 . Best: Carrodus Erskine Jones Perry Davies Dalton Collegians: Gran t I Best : Burn. Lancaster, Perkon, Morrison . Haim, Ross Umpires: D Banova (F) DID IVr1PiHOE 3.3 6.4 7.10 8.14.62 ST. IG;VINS 3 .1 4 .2 4.3 5.4 34 Old Ivanhoe: Mbster 3 Bailey 2 Kobe 2 RLsstrom . Best Risstram Maclsaac Batley Kobe Smith Cracker. St. Kevins: Fox M McInerney Holland Meagher James . Best : Makohon Dunne Mitchell Mount Holland M Mclnerney Umpires : J Ctccotosto T Robbins (F) CLUB RVHI ft0R1H FITZROY REDS had the live OLD TRINITY 2.0 2.0 2.1 3.1 (19) OLD RAVERIANS ( 2) 4.3 7.6 10.7 11 .12 (78) Old Trinity, Somerville, Read, Chrys . Best : Heaven, Thwattes. Taylor. Gray. Stebbins. Hllderbrandt . Old Xaveriarts (2) Not Supplied Umpires: D Window (F) OLD ESSEf1DON 0.1 1 .6 2.8 5 .10 (40) UNI BLACKS 3 .3 8.3 10.6 10 .6 (66) Old Ess endon : Papal 2 . G . Barry, Steven, Evans. Best : Walker, Turner, Williams. Miller, Mansfield Bat. Blacks: Details not provided Umpires : B Nunn F Kavanagh (F) THERRY PENOLA (10 .6 (72) received forfeit from O)7) CAREY (4.5 . (29)) CLUB XVIB SOITI H ST LEOS EMMAUS 1 .1 1 .4 1.6 7.7 (49) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .2 2.3 5.4 6.41401 St Leas Emmaus: G.Contessotto 2. D.Carey 2, Landy, P.Levlns, Tomldns. Best : Wood, Winduss, D .Carey, Bavage, Scardamaglia hiescher. Old Brighton : Btggtn Cochran Crewdson Davies M .Quteras. Best: Ryan, Stewart, Davies, Dooley. Grendson, W4fiite)a w Umpires: M Thornhill M Phillips 17 1 WHPrEFRIARS 1 .4 7.6 10 .7 14.9 (93) OLD GEELONG 0.3 1.5 2 .7 3.9(27) Whitefiiarrs : O'Brien 3, Lawrence 2. Thomson 2, Gloufchev 2, Hogg . Bourke. Stensholt. O'Meara. Best : Lawrence, Giihohne . O'Brien, Dyer, O'Meara Sully. Old Geelong: Lyons 2. Mottram . Best: Abbott. Mottram. Jenkins, Knight. Stevens . Haisher. Umpi res: P Nailer (F) MAZENOD 4 .5 6.8 10.11 12.14 .88 ELEY PARK 1.4 2 .5 3.8 5.12 .42 RSazenod : Fothergtll 7, Fisher 2. Collins, Gcimison, Bridgland . Best : Fothergill. Fisher. Scasserra. Pollard. Vandergert. Nussbaum. Eley Park: Kett 2, Psaltopoulls 2, Grant. Best: Ly, Bastian, Grant. Psa)topoulls . Kett, Trucing . Umpires: R Parker M Fuller (F) AJAX 4.7 7.9 11.18 16.20 (116) HAWTHORN 0.0 1 .0 l.0 2.0(12) AJAX : RaJch M 6, Sheezel D 5, Landberg 2, Rose, Studied, Sapar Best : Measey, Krongold A. Rajch M . Sheezet D . Krasnostein, Shaked Hawthorn: Williams. Mountain Best: Cocmell, Mountain, Peggs. Merrett C, Pritchard Umpires: T Hall R Benson our (F)
T ~ " . ' : Name the grid uare , %l iere you think the ba/t was in the original photo . PRIZES : (a) Weekly . Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive in the mail a Sportscover voucher which, when presented at the canteen at Spcrtscover Arena (Elsternwick Park) will entitle the bearer to either one Schweppes drink or one Four 'N' T wenty pie with any other purchase of a Schweppes drink or Four 'fJ' Twenty pie . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . 1 . ., : - : o Winner M) ENTER : One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appear s down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elstern wick 318 5 or p/copy and fax to 95312050. Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . Prizes for the Sportscover Spot the Ball Competition are kindly donated by Four 'N' Twenty Pies and Schweppes . 62
P w
D1 Rt':SxRVS
For AAsr
% P's
OLO h1ENTONIANS 2 2 0 0 187 75 249 .33 8 ~!IIVERSITY BLACKS 2 2 0 0 212 89 238 .20 8
69 214 .49
0 155 6 9 224 .64 2 2 ~~x; :i S 0 C 2 1 1 0 181 164 110 .37 ttJLE 2 1 1 0 138 159 86.79 2 1 1 0 71 155 45.81 :LE ;U' :OC EA vALLEY 0 B 2 0 2 0 90 134 67.16 j :, ;OEASSUMPTION 2 0 2 0 122 193 63 .21 u 1 EEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 0 2 0 48 245 19 .59
4 4 4 4 0 0 0
D For A
0(0 GEELONG 2 2 0 0 21 6 ? FITZflOY flEDS 2 2 0 0 202 FfNINSULA 0 B 2 2 0 0 159 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 2 0 0 130 : ENTLEIGH 2 1 1 0 172 iROBE UNI 2 1 1 0 141 cLD CAREY 2 0 2 0 62 " ;JdTHORN AMATEURS 2 0 2 0 7 9 ;rES'fBRUNSWICK 2 0 2 0 7 1 i , LEIGH 2 0 2 0 7 2
42 514 .29 49 412 .24 100 159 .00 91 142.86 115 149 .57 140 100.71 145 42.76 203 38.92 207 34.30 212 33.96
8 8 8 8 4 4 0 0 0 0
D3!{iSfRYE P w
L D Far a$st ~ Pts
WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2 2 RUPERTSW000 2 2 0 ST JOHNS 0 C 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 KEW
0 0 253 50 506 .00 0 210 92 228 .26 155 93 166 .67 0 111 89 124 .72
8 8 4 4
[LSTERNWICK 2 1 1 0 135 111 121 .62
a NINBURNE UNI 2 1 1 0 142 127 111 .81 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 2 1 1 0 110 145 75 .86 S/NDAL TALLY-HO 2 1 1 0 82 226 36 .28 FJWER HOUSE 2 0 2 0 64 141 45.39 :'ONASH GRYPHONS 2 0 2 0 56 244 22 .95
4 4 4 0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 D Far Agst % Pta 0 0 238 44 540 .91 8 0 0 308 84 366 .67 8 0 0 304 91 334 .07 8 0 0 133 91 146 .15 8 1 0 146 123 118 .70 4 1 0 103 96 107 .29 4 1 0 32 188 17 .02 4 1 0 13 88 14.77 4 2 0 99 201 49.25 0 2 0 106 217 48.85 0 2 0 55 314 17.52 0 D
2 2
0 0
0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
If 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 1 0
fat Agst Prs 266 136 195 .59 8 178 129 137 .98 8 178 141 126 .24 4 157 129 121 .71 4 183 170 107 .65 4 188 188 100.00 4 164 256 64.06 4 191 215 88.84 2 132 183 72.13 2 130 220 59.09 . 0
L D For AasP h Pts 0 0 258 85 303 .53 8 0 0 263 108 243 .52 8 0 0 172 126 136 .51 8 0 0 176 168 104 .76 8 1 0 192 122 157 .38 4 1 0 165 297 55 .56 4 2 0 157 181 86 .74 0 2 0 147 199 73.87 0 2 0 140 218 64.22 0 2 0 91 257 35 .41 0
6Y 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0
L D For A~# % Pts 0 0 86 27 318 .52 8 0 0 222 101 219.80 8 0 0 228 123 185.37 8 1 0 200 141 141 .84 4 1 0 171 169 101 .18 4 1 0 105 110 95 .45 4 1 0 30 58 51 .72 4 2 0 118 272 43 .38 0 2 0 55 214 25 .70 0
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% Pis 389 37 1051 .35 325 59 550.85 185 143 129.37 218 137 159.12 203 153 132.68 58 75 77.33 30 123 24 .39 74 303 24 .42 33 485 6 .80
8 8 8 4 4 4 4 0 0
L D Far Agst Pis 0 0 242 21 1152.38 8 0 0 297 46 645.65 8 0 0 214 50 428 .00 8 0 0 234 81 288 .89 8 1 0 137 134 102.24 4 1 0 160 168 95,24 4 2 0 76 243 31 .28 0 2 0 47 236 19 .92 0 2 0 39 222 17 .57 0 2 0 43 288 14 .93 0
CLUB 18 - 1 P W L D For Aast h pis OLD XAVERIANS 1 1 0 0 141 10 1410 .00 4 DE LA SALLE 1 1 0 0 109 31 351 .61 4 OLD IVANHOE 1 1 0 0 62 34 182 .35 4 PRAHRAN 1 1 0 0 88 64 137 .50 4 MARCELLIN 1 0 1 0 64 88 72 .73 0 ST KEVINS 1 0 1 0 34 62 54 .84 0 MONASH BLUES 1 0 1 0 31 109 28 .44 0 COLLEGIANS 1 0 1 0 10 141 7 .09 0 CLUB 18 - NORTf$ P W L D For ar~t % Pts OLD XAVERIANS (2) 1 1 0 0 78 19 410.53 4 THERRY PENOLA OB 1 1 0 0 66 29 227 .59 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 1 0 0 66 40 165,00 4 FITZROY REDS 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 1 0 1 0 40 66 60 .61 0 OLD CAREY 1 0 1 0 29 66 43.94 0 OLD TRINITY 1 0 1 0 19 78 24 .36 0
CLUB 18 - SOUTH P W L D For 7fr~st 1 PLs AJAX 1 1 0 0 116 12 966 .67 4 WHITEFRIARS 1 1 0 0 93 27 344 .44 4 MAZENOD 0 C 1 1 0 0 86 42 204 .76 4 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 1 1 0 0 49 40 122 .50 4 OLD BRIGHTON 1 0 1 0 40 49 81 .63 0 ELEY PARK AFC 1 0 1 0 42 86 48 .84 0 OLD GEELONG 1 0 1 0 27 93 29 .03 0 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 1 0 1 0 12 116 10 .34 0 -------
- - -- - - - -
速 Weekend Matches (Fri) e Umpires Appointments e
Scores (Sat . night)
presented b y
L____ 1cha~ may te h~her Irom a mobit~a ~ to this service)
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
L D For Agst % Pts
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
R _far Agst % Pls 0 152 88 172.73 8 0 210 139 151 .08 8 0 217 208 104.33 8 0 147 119 123 .53 4 0 257 212 121 .23 4 0 210 177 118 .64 4 0 206 227 90 .75 4 0 167 214 78 .04 0 0 151 234 64 .53 0 0 115 214 53.74 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
194 158 122 .78 189 161 117 .39 208 153 135 .95 184 160 115 .00 172 166 103 .61 143 141 101 .42 142 157 90 .45 179 224 79 .91 171 197 86 .80 167 232 71 .98
L D 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0
For A gsf % Pts 179 155 .31 8 193 105 .70 8 150 146 .67 4 189 127 .51 4 179 124 .02 4 163 89 .57 4 202 75 .25 4 226 67 .26 4 220 91 .82 0 246 52 .85 0
278 204 220 241 222 146 152 152 202 130
P W L D For Agst % Pts OLD MENTONIANS 2 2 0 0 227 132 171 .97 8 AJAX 2 2 0 0 204 142 143 .66 8 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 2 2 0 0 178 141 126 .24 8 MONASH BLUES 2 1 1 0 181 145 124 .83 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 1 1 0 183 178 102 .81 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 1 1 0 163 167 97 .60 4 BANYULE 2 1 1 0 180 232 77 .59 4 SALESIAN 0 C 2 0 2 0 147 163 90 .18 0 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 2 0 2 0 165 255 64.71 0 AQUINAS 0 C 2 0 2 0 119 192 61 .98 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For Aqst % 283 281 205 187 198 250 206 191 127 135
117 241 .88 122 230 .33 176 116 .48 179 104 .47 192 103 .13 248 100.81 244 84.43 215 88.84 248 51 .21 322 41 .93
8 8 8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0
a;3 SbCTIe,;J PW L D For AW % pis SWINBURNE UNI 2 2 0 0 263 189 139 .15 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 2 2 0 0 234 174 134 .46 8 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2 1 1 0 198 159 124.53 4 KEW 2 1 1 0 205 189 108 .47 4 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 2 1 1 0 194 193 100 .52 4 ST JOHNS 0 C 2 1 1 0 221 223 99 .10 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2 1 1 0 157 157 100 .00 4 POWER HOUSE 2 1 1 0 136 189 71 .96 4 RUPERTSWOOD 2 0 2 0 210 254 82 .68 0 ELSTERNWICK 2 0 2 0 159 250 63 .60 0 D4 SECTION
For A
% Pt,
UHS-VU 2 2 0 0 295 124 237 .90 8 MT LILYDALE 2 2 0 0 273 140 195 .00 8 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 2 0 0 221 177 124 .86 8 ALBERT PARK 2 2 0 0 170 159 165 .92 8 OLD WESTBOURNE 2 1 1 0 258 148 174 .32 4 ST MARYS 2 1 1 0 212 215 98 .60 4 BOX HILL NORTH 2 1 1 0 93 196 47 .45 4 RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 1 1 0 24 174 13 .79 4 BRUNSWICK POWER 2 0 2 0 188 226 83 .19 0 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 0 2 0 129 161 80 .12 0 BULLEEN COBRAS 2 0 2 0 102 245 41 .63 0
L D For A gst % Pis
ST BERNARDS 2 2 0 0 225 73 308 .22 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 2 0 0 247 86 287 .21 8 OLD IVANHOE 2 2 0 0 190 113 168 .14 8 OLD TRINITY 2 2 0 0 158 135 117 .04 8 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 1 1 0 193 107 180 .37 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 1 1 0 118 149 79,19 4 OLD XAVERIANS 2 0 2 0 124 177 70 .06 0 MARCELLIN 2 0 2 0 92 146 63 .01 0 OLD SCOTCH 2 0 2 0 80 261 30 .65 0 ST KEVINS 2 0 2 0 64 244 26 .23 0 8 RESERVE P W
L D For Ag,sl % Pts OLD BRIGHTON 2 2 0 0 202 57 354.39 8 OLD PARADIANS 2 2 0 0 196 65 301 .54 8 DE LA SALLE 2 2 0 0 204 129 158 .14 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 1 1 0 199 160 124 .38 4 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 1 1 0 182 161 113.04 4 WHITEFRIARS 2 1 1 0 108 133 81,20 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 1 1 0 75 178 42 .13 4 MAZENOD 0 C 2 0 2 0 101 119 84 .87 0 ST BEOES MENT TIG 2 0 2 0 104 173 60 .12 0 MHSOB 2 0 2 0 60 256 23 .44 0 C RESE44 Vf
P W L D For A % PLs BEAUMARIS 2 2 0 0 230 32 718 .75 8 COLLEGIANS 2 2 0 0 128 98 130 .61 8 THERRY PENOLA OB 2 1 1 0 184 98 18736 4 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 2 1 1 0 175 101 173 .27 4 PRAHRAN 2 1 1 0 175 122 143 .44 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 1 1 0 135 122 110 .66 4 CAULFIELD GR 2 1 1 0 104 130 80 .00 4 ORMOND 2 1 1 0 130 200 65 .00 4 MENTONE VULTURES 2 0 2 0 55 220 25 .00 0 GLEN EIRA 2 0 2 0 58 251 23 .11 0
yan Sporting Images