The Amateur Footballer, Week 8, 2003

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. As r rt tirde.v sees the celebration o---- --- -° lv V c . o7_otion and our support ( . -

give-aways and other promoti :)nal items ivili be handed ou t )rs to Sportscover Arena wh( icy arrive for wee' °n d at the ground . Please refer to pages 5515 7 for more on ~ Tobacco Day . in Harmony Day . The date for established . All senior umpires a

given a complimentary -air ^_ orange being the v.rorid-v ---ill be given an oranE~e stic;r Arena on tl of thL : tude the reserves match as weu .

L very special weekend has CHIEF EXECUTIVE ted to matches on July 12 OFFICE R socks to wear in 'heir )ur of harmony . Each boundary and goal umpire acar as well . For the ~r or and rese rv es matches at v. University Blues) this °ekend (-1

; ~1~is veekend we will ask for all captains t o toss the coin on the field with the umpires just to . he game and all umI ~s <._ :d captas ,s to shake hands vith each other before and afte r ~',~ i iatch as a display of goc harmo :~_ . . who will contribute toward s >rt is ! or -- . I~ ' .<= rs( will address a pre-match luncheon t o of the so( s, at. aL ii~' -: a cross see )n of V club presidents will be invited .

" will be presented by Bill to the first three l ;e first "Bi11 Boller Whistle in , i_~ients shortly and each will be featured in the Amateur Footballer . The VAFA Coaches' iation is currently studying' the Coach Feedback Sheets which are completed on eac h ir each week and AFCA/VAFA will then recommend to myself and Bill five names fro m h we will select the first three winners . . :k eraci I am in Adelaide for the third AAFC Championship Match, which is to be playe d en the SA Amateurs and the WA Amateurs . Although the VAFA is not playing, as th e ive Officer of the AAFC Organising Committee, attendance at each match is required, jus t e as for the following week (WA v . VAFA) the South Australian GM is expected to attend . iie following week, of course the VAFA journeys to Perth to play the WA Amateurs .

C),Le of the "Conditions and €. ' nn s o f Reinstatement" which was inadvertently omitte d the handbook this year (an( Lich still very much applies), is that a player once reinstate d eligible to transfer to r --- ci club in the VAFA until the club to which he was reinstate d t ;- iicipates in at least 22 zG, . ss or he plays in 15 matches (whichever occurs first) . The VAFA

ar rs •



Next SVeek's Matches . ... . . .. . .... . ... . . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . ... . . .. . . ... . .6 Coaches' Clipboard .. . . ... . . .. . ... . . .. . . ... .. .. . ... . . .. . .... . . .. . ... .12 For the Love of the Game.. . .... . . .. . ... . .... .. .. . ... . ... . ..1& 19 I.ooldng Back . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . ... . .. . ... ...34-35 Today's Umpires ... . ... . . .. . . ... . ... . ... . . .. . . ... . .... . .. . . ... . .. . . .. .40 Stor`r,V~er Arena Dratia ... . ... . . .. . . ... . ... . . ... . .. . . ... . .. . . ...59 Tribunal & Investigations .. . . . .. . . .. . ... . : .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . ..59 .. . . .. . ... . ..6 .... 2 Spr,rtsti^aver Spot the M .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ._

. .. . . . .. . . .. . ... . ... . . . .. . . .. . ... . ... . . ... . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . ..63 J64 .Laders


FORGET TH E Those who expected St Bernards to come out less hungry after its drought-busting premiership have copped a few bumps on the way to the canteen: Peter Nicholson's men still have a hearty appetite . As the Dogs spread out their blanket for another afternoon picnic in the VAFA it is worth considering what the coach was doing while most of his men were playing under-age football . Nicholson, a Box Hill premiership player, has done it all before .

Other sides find extra step whean nplayinga inst he

reigning pennan t

---- ---_.-__ ... . ---- l

winner, but the Dogs have steeled themselves f,,] the knocks . "We noticed it right from the first practice matel but that is just to be expected," Nicholson said . "But it really hasn't been a focus for us . " SNAP

Old Scotch, understandably, breathed a sigh o, collective relief after arresting a worrying three . game slump

A four-year coach with Springvale in the VFL, he tasted premiership success in 1998 and '99 and made enough noise for one VFL commentator to name him coach of an All-Star Scorpion team earlier this year.

. And it showed it cannot be stopped by elampin ~ down on one player : its 22 goals came from 1 1 contributors .

Besides, Nicholson hasn't paid much thought to last year.

The protagonist was ruckman Andrew Crow, whc slotted five goals .

He does what he does, Nicho, and likes to keep things bubbling along .

STORMY PASSAGE Old Haileybury has been lauded by severa opposition coaches, and Peter Nicholson joiner the list after the last round .

"I haven't tried to do anything different," he says of his time with the Dogs . "I just do what I think works and I don't worry about what competition I'm coaching in - I still try to do the things that worked for me in the past and continue to work for me . "It really doesn't worry me . . . if there's a good game of footy, I'll be there .

But Mick Dwyer's side is on the prickliest part o1 its fixture, having lost to St Bernards in a peach of a game and now bracing itself for perennial power Old Xaverians .

The question on most punters' lips are : Wil l

"We haven't tried to focus too much about anything from last year . "Particularly this time of year : we're playing Haileybury and Melburnians so there's enough difference about the year to keep the edge on things . "There's enough interest each year to move on from that premiership hangover stuff . "Because the amateurs is such a tight competition you can't really sit back and think too much about what's going on y you really just have to get into it . " That is not to say that Nicholson hasn't noticed a more belligerent approach from opposition clubs .


CLUB A SECTION St Bernards St Bernards Old Scotch Old Haileybury A RESERVE Old Haileybury Old Haileybury St Bernards Old Ivanhoe Old Scotch

; .1 ; LST Y!â‚Ź; TOT:_". D Jordan Harvey Hawkins O'Farrell

3 30 5 26 1 25 2 23

Efstathiou Lappage Altis

3 4 2 2 4

Corne lius Mi llar

29 19 17 16 14


climbed out of a deep rut just as i t ., uzhling a man in quicksand and it was little forward Michael Giansiracusa who [ ,, on again . a quiet few weeks, the opportunist adde d s to put himself back on the goalkicking


, ,), :~ciburnians will need to improve drastically are to challenge St Bernards this week , dering its stagnant finish against Ol d ,, 1 , t Trinity, in turn, would expect a sizable ,,,r ( ile against Old Scotch. )„_,- enjoy a bit of home ground advantage on massive Bulleen Rd Ground, Old Trinity, but nd Scotch will be steelier in its methods after away Old Ivanhoe . can you say about Old Ivanhoe and ni. ~rsity Blues? Both have been competitive _, . I inst top sides and both have been patted o n iile back by opposition coaches, but they will uui:d herculean efforts to avoid the drop from here . old Ivanhoe is away against St Kevins at the worst time : the SKOBS are brimming with confidence again after a fine win over Marcellin . And Uni Blues will need to find avenues to goal to tr ouble Marcellin . The Blues only managed five last week . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS ficldstadjCdmx iet .com .au .

Old ==aileyburIans - Congratulate Peter O'Donnell un plaving his 100th game for the Bloods last week against St Bernards . Paddy won the Reserves B & F In his first year at the club and again in 2000, was also Runner-up B & F last year, and is arguably the toughest player at the club . A couple of years back returned after a badly broken ankle after missing only 7 games . His current good form was acknowledged by gaining senior selection 2 weeks ago, and celebrated this milestone with a fine game against the top side St Bernards . Well done 'Paddy' .

TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTION Old Melburnians v St Bernards Old Trinity v Old Scotch Old Haileybury v Old Xaverians

University Blues v Marcellin St Kevins v Old Ivanho e 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

6.1 10 .4 13 .6 19.13(127) OLD IIAII .EYBURY 4.4 8 .6 15 .8 16.10 (1061 St Ear.sircl.:: McKeon 5 T Harvey 5 B Jordan 3 Turnball 2 D Jordan Neeson A Thomas N M Smith . Best : B Jordan McKeon Cousland A Thomas Hooper N M Smith . Old Haileybury: A Floyd 3 O'Farrell 2 Brooks 2 Forsyth 2 S Langford-Jones Bourke M Corrigan Peterson Armstrong Jenke Slapanthos . Best: O'Farrell Forsyth Armstrong Mason O'Donnell Brooks . Umpires: Jason McYiece Mark Gibson (F) Andrew Rechtman Craig Brajtberg (B) Dominic Napoli Vin Vescovi (G ) OLD TRINITY 1 .3 7 .4 9 .9 13 .14 (92) OLD hSEELBURN7ANS 3 .1 7 .1 7 .2 8 .4(52) Old Trinity: Cultrera 3 Healy 2 Lawletta 2 Andrews Gnatt Longmire Ramsden Saunders Williams . Best: Gnatt D Butler L Kennedy Longrnire Williams Andrews. Old Merb„T,dA„Q: Hawkins 3 Berry 2 Beaumont Matthews Thompson. Best: Holme James Miller Hawkins S Theodore hiidquiney Beaumont. Umpires: Tim Sutcliffe Peter James (F) Sean Collins Peter Teasdale (B) Bernie Hoare Craig Arnol (G ) 13.4 14.11 (95) OLD RAVERIAidS 4 .1 92 5.7(37) UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.1 2.4 4.4 : Mallard 3 Pascert 3 Dillon 2 A Bowen Drake Baker Old Xaverians McDonnell Oswald Orlando . Best : Ockleshaw Biddlecombe Bingham Mollard Oswald McInerney. University Blues : Lowcock 2 Gleeson Wilkie McLachlan . Best: McKinnon Zanos Lowcock Callerv Guengerich Maddison . Umpires : Richard Eastwood Anthony Darren (F) Brendan Corcoran Chris O`Shea (B) Matthew Simpson John Robinson (G ) MARCELLIN 2 .1 4 .4 10 .8 14 .11 (951 ST KEVINS 6 .1 14 .2 17 .5 19 .9 (123) Mareetlln: Addison 3 Marson 2 Considine 2 Browne 2 S Dinneen 2 Sheehan Galatl Dobson. Best: Cox Browne McMillan 0'Flynn Addison Considine . St . Kevins: M Giansiracusa 5 Mulgrew 4 Greenham 2 Ryan 2 Lucas Simpson G Katavolos Crowley Bowles L Mahoney . Best : Simpson Bowles L Mahoney Greenhorn C7ohan Duggan . Umpires : Wayne Hinton Rob Sheridan (F) Scott Fraser Nathan Eddy (B) Dennis Webster Beorrn McCarthy (G ) OLD SCOTCH 5.1 11 .6 17.14 22 .17(149) OLD IVANHOE 5.5 6.8 8.9 12 .10 (82) Old Scotch : Crow 5 Hume 3 B Phillips 3 Collins 2 Dennis 2 C Phillips 2 Hawkins Joyce Mullins Ross Smith . Best: B Phillips Crow Tallent Collins Ross Smith . Old Ivanhoe: Hope 5 Donaldson 2 J Weddle Curatolo Quinlan R Weddle Lochran. Best : Crowley Hope Geischen R Weddle Roberts Berezza . Umpires: Mark Jenkins Peter Simpson (F) Robert Mutton Graeme Thwaites (B) Matthew Kent Kevin Seguin (G ) A RE8EP,4 E ST. BERNARD'S 7 .1 11 .3 13.6 17.9 (111) OLD HAILEBURY 4 .2 8.6 9.6 11 .7 (73) St . Bernard's : Day 3. Loughlin 3, Bouzikas 3, Holland 2 . Allis 2, Close2, Pearson, Davis Best: James Mount . Bouzikas. R. Legudi, Davis, N .P.Smith. Gleeson Old Hallebury : Lappage 4, Efstathiou 3, C . Waxman 2 . Ladd. Baker. Best: C. Waxman, Moyle . Jayasekera. Stephens, George, S. Saunders OLD TRINITY 0.0 3 .2 7 .2 8 .4 (52) OLD MELBURNIANS 2 .5 5 .7 6 .8 6 .10 (46) Old Trinity : Best 2. Krakouer 2, Hill 2, Ramsden . Troon . Best : Burgess. Krakauer. Donahoo . B)ackmore. R Ramsden . Mai . Old Melburnians: C Ray 2, Richmond 2, Bellby, J Ray . Best : Beffby. Alder, Schiller, J Ray . N Mulqulney . Magee. OLD XAVERIANS 2.6 6.9 8.9 8 .11 (59) UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.5 5.6 9.9 12 .12 (84) Old Raverisns: Wilson 4, M. Walsh 2, Ellis, Santalucia . Best: D.Walsh. Hannebery . M.Walsh, Hardman, Ellis . Dixon. Uni. Blues: Quin 4, T.Wdeox 2. Hayter. Gates, Map]estone. Runnells, Featherson, Miller . Best: Rile, T.Wilcrox. Hayter, Terril . Quin, Featherston MARCELLIN 4 .3 6.7 7.10 14.15 (99) ST I EVINS 2 .2 3 .4 6.4 8.5 (53) hiureellin: Wilkins 4. Carmody 2, Seabury 2, Cooper 2, Dale . Wallis . Florenza. Walker Best: Wilkins, Fiorenza . Dale, Carmody. Thelsz, Cull St KesrLis: Crowe 3. Rigby 2, Greenhalgh, Katavolos, Maguire Best : Kalesaran, McArdle, Rigby, Greenhalg. Beggy. Purcell OLD SCOTCH 3.2 3 .6 6 .6 7 .7 (49) OLD IVAPIHOE 1 .5 6 .6 101 .10 14.15 (99) Old Scotch : Millar 4, Hooper, Jackson, N .Simon. Best : Knight. Hooper. Reid, Tea. .c3ale, Prendergast, J.Beaurepaire. Old Ivanhoe : Hawkes 3, Neilson 3. Cornelius 2, 0'Dw4er 2, Theodossi 2 .Konningen, Corcoran . Best: Braddv . Corcoran, Morris, Clarke, Brandt. 3

A Section MARGELt_IH

Coach: Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach: Tom Humphrey


Coach : Mick Dwyer Res Coach: Andrew Bonwick




Coach : Dale Tapping Asst Coach : Andrew Smith Res. Coach: Serge D'Ang ~ Asst Coach: Ray Beatti e 1 C. Purcell 1 C . Home 1 A. Oates 1 D . Smith 2 T. Collins 2 R . Ke)na 2 S. Theodore 1 R. Mullin s 2 L Lochran 2 B . Phillips 3 3 D. Waters 3 P. Corrigan 3 S . Curatolo 3 J . Ross R. Ma hws el 4 G. Romanin 4 S. Langford-Jones 4 B . Davis 4 T. Holt L. Bunn 5 J . Bourk 5 N . Godwi n e 5 S . Collin s (VC) 5 T. Youngg 6 D. Holme 6 A. White (DVC) 6 A . Crow (V C) 6 D . Samp imon 6 S. Kent 7 C. Thompson 7 M. Corrigan 7 J Kit . c hen (VC) 7 M . Rowe 7 J. Geishen 8 A . McKeon 8 B. Robinso n 8 R . George 8 R . Frsin a 9 A . Simpso n 9 C . Tallent 8 T. Stevens . Barker 9 M 9 L . Considine 10 T. Roberts C 10 C . Smith 10 C . Efstathiou (RVC ) 9 D . Payne 1 1 M. Angus 10 A. Dale 11 P. Gallagher ) 10 C. Crowley 11 C . Waxman 12 S. Hume (C) 11 D . Taylor (RC) 2 J . adso n 11 S. Tully 13 N . Hoope r 11 M M . Graves 12 B. Cronin 1 3 B . Thiele 1 4 N . Ackroy d 12 B. O'Farrell 12 C. Branigan 14 B . Evans 13 S. Dinneen 15 S. Cation s 13 M . Peterson 13 M . Orchard 15 M . Rose 14 D. Salce 16 S. Troon 14 A. Forsyth 17 James Miller 14 C. Moore 17 T. Wigney 15 P. Spence 15 D. Mackenzi e 18 T. Fitzgerald 18 L . Hawkins 15 B . Low 16 L. McMillan 19 T. Hoskin 16 P. O'Donnell 19 R . Mulquine C) 16 S . Price yN G . Cox N) C 20 S. Lillingsipon 17 K . Ford 20 J. Guest 17 A . Corcoran 18 D. Gartner 21 J. Stratos 21 M. Hicks 18 C. Jayasekera 3 22 N Addison 18 J . Hope 19 D. Cooper 22 J. Dixon 19 M . Armstrong (C) 2 .. O Cran e 19 P. Dinakis 20 S . O'Ftynn 23 M . Berry (VC) 20 G Fletcher 24 L. McDonnell 20 D . Hawkes 24 M . Hawkins 21 N . Walker 21 A . Jenke 25 M M . Saunders 25 H. Whitehead 21 R . Roberts 26 T. Downin g 22 D . Marson 22 D . Mason 26 T. Costello 27 M M . Dennis 22 P. Donaldson 23 A . Wadsworth 23 S . Loewe 27 D. Kinsella 28 A. Quai l 24 L. O 'Flynn (RVC) 24 A . Ross 23 K. Theodossi 29 M . Gnatt 28 M . Billing 25 R . Galati 25 C . Ditterich 24 G . Haros 30 T. Finocchiaro 29 M . Prowse 31 N . LeB I 26 D . McMillan 26 J. Bell (RC) 25 E. Byrne 30 Jono Miller 32 J . Gerstma n 27 L . Siapantas 27 S. Theisz (DVC) 26 A. Bereza 32 E . Selby 32RR . Fullerton 28 S. Goldsworthy 28 D . Johnston 27 J. Weddle 33 J . Magee 33 E . Rei d 29 B. Carson (VC) 29 N . Addison 28 S. Morris 34 J . Beaumont (DVC) 34 C . Phillip s 30 D . Warnes 35 C . Ray 35 P. O'Connor 30 A. Treganowan (C) 29 R . Weddle 31 D . Lay 36 B . Wulf f 36 A . Milla r 31 B. Dobson 30 P. Jqlley 37 E. Moffatt 32 B. Mitchell 37 N . Guy 31 J . Stevens 38 G. Prendergast 38 J. Gooley . Mosbey 33 R 33 G . Cull 39 B. Ferguson 32 M . Konnigen 39 J. Tucker 34 A. Waxman 34 D. Jarred 40 W. Symingto n 40 H . O ' Brie n 34 P. Langford-Jones 33 N. Pratt 41 W. Lewis 35 J . Frazer DVC 41 N . Smith 34 A. Teman ( ) 35 D. Lappage 42 T. Beattie 36 M . Bortolotto 42 P. Theodore 43 R . Breisch 36 S . Brewster 35 M . Pollock 37 D. Cope 43 A. Wu 44 D .Jackson 37 A . Floyd 36 B . Spoor 44 T. Harriso n 45 R. Teasdal e 38 M . Sie r 38 L. Floyd 37 A . Berry ry 46 J . Beaurepaire 45 C. Murphy B . Colville 39 H . Brooks 47 T.. Du aresBerang r (VC) 38 Ge George 47 C. Neeson 40 D . Carson 40 S .. Davey 48 L S q Saunders 39 Ga George 48 C . Theodoulou 49 . Seabury 41 S . Kitchene41J 49 G . Tsiotras 40 J. Keane 42 B. Dinneen (DVC) 50 M . Watkom 42 M . Erikson 50 C. Jenkins (RC) 51 L. Freeman 41 D . Neilsen 43 A. Duncan 43 R . McCarthy 51 C. Richmond 52 D. Knight 42 S. Low 44 L . Hanson 44 M. Wray 52 O . Ward 53 C.Joyce 43 W. Comelius 45 D . Theisz 45 H . Gopu 53 S . Hawkins 53RG. Junkee r 44 M. Luxon 54 N . Simo n 46 S. Maguire 46 R . Goulden 55 I . Weir 55 M . Waterso n 47 P. Fiorenza 48 C . Moyle (RDVC) 45 M. Toovey 56 L. Beilby 56 D . Brooke 57 A . Bains 48 N. Milicia 49 L . Pitcher 46 N . Butler 57 J . Crane 58 C . Alder 50 R . Ladd 49 D. Vanherden 47 R . Griggs 58 A . Gran t 59 S . Carter 51 H. McLauchlan 59 D .ISer 50 A. Carson 48 M . Clarke 60 M . Jackson 60 J. Sheldon 52 L. Pfeiffer 51 J . Tcohey 49 G. Quinlan 61 B. Nicoll 61 M. Gair 53 B . Haar 52 A. Carson 50 S . Brandt 62 E. Matthies 62 W. Symingto n 54 R . Saunders 53 D. Petre sk i 63 P. Ise r 51 N. Braddy 63 J. Ray 55 G . Stuart 54 J . Forbesy 64 N . Costell o 52 K . O'Dwye r 56 P. Dimon d 65 C . Armstrong 55 J . Wallis 53 M . Mendola 66 A. Routledg e A . Kight Sponsored By : 56 B . Carmody 67 M . Leed s 54 B . Guidera 58 A . Baker. 57 J. Wilkin s y 68 R. Addison 55 C . Barker 59 C . Warta 58 E. Weekes ~ P G 69 C. Neal 56 L. Courage 60 M . Somaia 70 S. Thompso n 59 B. Kearney 61 D . Fossey 57 A . Gilbert 71 M . Ainqep r 60 C . Thornton 72 B . Smr1h 62 M . Scaife 58 L . Bolzan PEOPLE 73 A. Bamford 63 W.Smith . 59 N . Giechen 74 S . King s Yarra 64 T. Hilton 60 A. Alagona TELECOM 75 C. Dufour ~-r 65 A. Herrmann Valley 76 J . Nickless 7 r Country 67 M. Stephens Childcare 7 78 Bakge 81 G. Fordyc e Club 88 A . McQueen GAZMAN Coach: Paul Fahey Asst: Paul Northey Res : Dirk Jones

Coach : Justin Pickering Asst: Andrew Pickering Res: Hartley Stone


Beehive Hotel Hawthorn 4

E. Murphy 5



~ ~ ~ ~

ect1 on




Coach: Peter Nicholson Coach : Michael Sholly Ceach: Leigh Carlson s Gawne Res: Darren Handley Asst: phi] Gaut Res . Coach : Ch ri Steve Maus 13 A 1 S . McKeon 1 A Fox =A 2 D . Gleason 2 D . Orlando --,JS L V/C 3 R . Cousland ~nr, ;,zrs R 3 L. Hannebery 4 D . Jordan irrows o viC 4 D. Landrigan (DVC) 5 Joe Mount (DVC) rnatt P 5 A.T. Jones ' Udn bar venne T 6 S .Neeso n ~ rrows R 6 A. Oswald 7 S . Clarke : drews A 8 M . Holmes 7R S . Perrett !0 cnsughr,essy M RvTC 9 J. Hawkins 8 J . Evan s oS ~ G,~ s M 10 A. Bowen 9 B. Jordan (VC) 11 S. Ross 10 N. Mitchell (C) Go;: .n N 11 C . Davis C'~J 12 J. Bowen '째 R 12 J .P.Mouni 13 C . Ellis e; M 12R B.Hogan 14 S . Skidmore sC 13 C . Mitchell s R ; i1~ . Ford(Capt) 15 L 14 A.Thomas ray J 16 S . Mollard rrmatasC 15 T. Wilkinso n msJ 17 A . Chatfield 16 L. Turnbull r-ledy L 18 M . Green 17 L. O'Sullivan pz,ne~Johns G . Walsh (Capt-Res) 18 T. Cooney 19 D : s RamsdenA CaW 20 M . Hardman 19 R . Close 2 ; Christopherson d 20 L. Fielding Cameron F 20 J . Scanlan 21 B . Loughlin 26 Donah째o B 22 J . Healy 27 Hill R 22 D. James 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) Butler C 22 R M . O'Riley 23 S. Johnston 29 Crawford M 23 L. Wilkinson 30 MciC~nrwn R 25 R . Carey 24 N.M . Smith 31 g"rg~u S 26 N . Baker 25 T. Legud i ~ g{ow, 27 J. Drake 26 A. Fewster 33 CunreraA 28 R . Coughlan 34 Mai J 27 James Mount 35 Longmrre L . Mclneme 28 P. Harvey 30 N 36 eutrter o y y . Pasceri 29 G . McIntyre 31 J 37 Van Our Venue S RtC 30 C . Trewin 38 Ramsdeo R 32 A . Brushfield 31 B . Ashto n 39 PeggreA 33 N . Bingham 40 Penfold D 31 R L. O'Brie n 34 K . Hall 4f Lau etta S 32 T. Harve y 36 D. Sapuppo 42 Amore S 33 B . Aftis 43 Amore J 37 T. Maher 34 D. Byrne (DVC) 44 Tread"'eii G 39 C . Mollard 35 T. Pearso n 45 h.orpethT RV/C 41 A. Dillon 36 R. Legudi 46 Cooper S 42 R . Speakman 37 A. Catterall 47 Pretty S ss Ward C 43 T. Woodruff 38 S . lannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 49Blackmore Carter-e"~`d 44 A. Biddlecombe 50 8 L 40 D . Thomas 45 L Howard 51 Gamble R 4 1 A. Bouzika s 52 Heaven C 46 B . Dixon 42 S. Mitchell 53 Plain G 47 P. Rya n 43 N . Basaraba 54 Williams Z McDonnel l 48 J . C 55 Taylor 44 A Anderso n 56 Best E 53 C . Santalucia 45 M .Tankey 57 Read S 54 N . Hulett 46 P. Hollan d 53 Stebbins C 55 G . Monahan 47 M . Hooper 59 CadeT 58 N. Quinn 48 N .P. Smith 60 Condron K 49 S . Borg 61 Condron R 59 J . Francis 62 Kelly T 50 A. Smit h 60 M . Walsh 51 D. Walsh 63 Gray G~ j 62 J . Sil k 52 J . Lloyd 63 A. E .Jones 65 Robison M 53 B. Ballarin 67 Amiconi A 66 A. Wilson 54 L Hilbert 68 HiiA 55 R . O'Flyn n 65 LaPire M 70 Brawn A 56 S. Bugryn 71 Langdon S 57 N . Thomas 72 Par ker o 58 P. Harri s 73 Hildebrandt 0 59 J. Harvey 74 Thwaites M 60 J . Cittarell i 75 BestJ

Coach : Emmett Dunne Asst. Coach Res . Coach : : Peter hAcBrearry 1 N. Fraser 2 E. Crohan 3 D . Curtis 4 L . Mahoney (C) 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O 'Keefe 7 K . Gray 8 B . Dollma n 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J . Pangrazi o 12 C. Taylor 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 M . Olive 16 B. Garvey 17 D . Ryan (VC) 18 P. Gissing 19 D . Sheehy 20 T Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 T. Simpson 24 M . Hanlo n 25 B . Marusi c 26 J . Rombotis 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Crowe A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor (VC) 33 M. Maguire {RC) 34 J. O'Keef e 35 J. Coates 36 T.Duggan 37 M . Pangrazio 38 R . Chard 39 S . Gribble 40 M . Mulgrew 41 D . Moyla n 42 T. McCan n 43 P. Bar e 44 G . Katavolas 45 G . 8eggy 46 D. Mahoney 47 J . Griffith s 48 A. Conlan 49 L . Kalesaran 50 R . Horrocks

76 Masten J 77 Dodgson B

79 Treadwen C gp Feranda M 81 Mitchell G 82 Brosolo S 83 Somerville W 81 Boyd L

aa cnyrs A

8 Hanse,0, P 87 88 Chan 8

~ Nicholas 8






51 B. Cheesema n 52 J. Finch 53 L. Katavolas

54 A . Umbers 55 M . Ri b 56 D . Walsh 57 L. Coleman 58 D. McArdl e 59 R. CHivers 60 A. Greenhalgh 61 J . Lync h 62 B. Shelle y 63 L. Sierakowsk i 64 N . O' Halloran 65 C . Didilis 66 A. DeKrester 67 T. Purcell 71 M. O'Shea 74 D . Szabo 80 D . Dunn



L- -- .-,-'ITY BLUES San: Steve C arroll Res : Davi d M att hews

P 1 Bulko T 2 Hutchins 3 Sturrock J(VC) 4 Guengerich D(VC ) 5 Tanner J N 6 Maddison 7 Young R 8 Hayler J Lowcock AR (VC) 90 L 11 North 12 Gleeson Q(C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C L 15 Ryan 16 Kordic k M 17 De Cres p ign yG 18 Haberfield D 19 Col lin s M 20 Coleman M T 21 McIntyre 22 Millard B 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S A 25 Solly 26 Runnalls L 27 . Wilkie R 28 Thomas M A 29 Terrill 30 Brookes C 31 Callery B A 32 SuvoHos 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Ma Plestone D J 36 Brooke 37 38 Kas S o Wilson A 39 Cobbledick M 40 Hocking J 41 Quin L S 42 Fletcher 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 McLachlan G 46 Hall G A 47 Millar 48 Fulton L 49 Chamberlain L 50 McIntosh J 51 Brown A T 52 Ihle 53 Versteegen R 54 Bennett S 55 Zanos M T 56 Irvine 57 Plowm an E 58 Sudholz J B 59 Fricker 60 Thomas H 61 Fairbank P M 62 Callery 63 Glass 1 64 Birks T 65 Wilcox E M 66 Grigg 67 McAloon D (RC ) N 68 Rice 69 Kelson S 70 Meade J A 72 Vallelonga 74 Robertson


76 Medlin 77 Styles ~


RUSSELL ATHL.~71 y . b.N ' h'12I2R tbK1



St Bernards v Old Trinity at Sportscover Arena Old Xaverians v Old Melburnians Marcellin v Old Haileybury Old Ivanhoe v University Blues Old Scotch v St Kevin s B SECTIO N Hampton Rovers v De La Salle North Old Boys v Whitefriar s

St Bedes Merit Tig v Old Essendon Gr Old Brighton v Old Paradians MHSOB v Mazenod 0 C

UI : )8R-19 SECT 3 f 2 Old Ivanhoe - Bye Old Trinity v Old Melburnians Beaumaris v Old Camberwell Werribee Amateurs v Old Paradians Mazenod 0 C v Hampton Rover s UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Rupertswood v AJAX Old Carey v MHSOB Collegians - bye St Bernards (2) v North Old Boys on Oval 1 Monash Blues v Therry Penola OB

C SECTION Therry Penola OB v St Leos Emmaus WP Glen Eira v Beaumari s Caul fi eld Or v Old Camberwell Mentone Vultures v Prahr an Collegian s v Ormon d

UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE Oakleigh v Glen Eire Bentleigh v St Bedes Merit Ti g South Melbourne Districts v Oakleigh Clays De La Salle (2) v Ormon d St Johns 0 C v Mentone Panthers TBA

D1 SECTION Yarra Valley 0 B v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v AJAX Bulleen Templestowe v Banyule Monash Blues v Old Mentonians Salesian 0 C v Ivanhoe Assumption

UNDER-19 (2) RED Yarra Valley 0 B v Old Westbourne Fitzroy Reds v Bulleen Templestowe La Trobe Uni v University Black s St Leos Emmaus WP v Old Xaverians (2) Banyule Viewbank v Aquinas 0 C

D2 SECTION West Brunswick v Old Carey Old Geelong v La Trobe Uni Williamstown CYMS v Fitzroy Reds Hawthorn Amateurs v Bentleigh Peninsula 0 B v Oakleig h

ROUND 8 CLUB 18 (1 )

D3 SECTION Elsterrnvick v Werribee Amateurs Syndal Tally-Ho v Kew South Melb Districts v Swinburne Uni Power House v Monash Gryphon s St Johns 0 C v Rupertswood

D4 SECTION Bulleen Cobras v Box Hill North St Marys v Eltham Collegian s Old Westbourne v Richmond Central Albert Park v Brunswick Powe r

Mt Lilydale v UHS-VU North Brunswick - Bye

Prahran v Marcellin at Darling R eserve De La Salle v Monash Blues a t Waverley Park Collegians v Old Xaverian s St Kevins v Old Ivanho e

CLUB 18 JNORTH) Fitzroy Reds - By e Old Xaverians (2) v Old Trinity University Blacks v Old Essendon Or Therry Penola OB v Old Carey CLUB IS (SOUTH ) Old Brighton v St Leos Emmaus WP Old Geelong v Whitefriars TBA Eley Park v Mazenod 0 C Hawthorn Amateurs v AJAX TB A

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins v Old Brighton Old Xaverians v Caulfield Or Marcellin v Old Scotc h De La Salle v University Blues Old Essendon Or v St Bernards



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And,, , . :, , r, Leigh M atthews, Neil f3atme and fttrick Smiih - on 'The Big Sports Breakfast' . Catch the latest . All from 5 .30-9am weekdays. footy news . Interviews with the leading coaches and players . Hot competitions

Clubs have received Sport 927 / Crown bumper stickers recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporters. For your chance to win a weekly VAFAISport 927 Sports pack comprising a Sport 927 prize pack, and a°For the love of the Game" VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the VAFA . ~ A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the 1 Amateur Footballer. ~ All entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize.

At the end of Rd 18 all entries go into ;ke draw to win the Crown EntertainmenWAFA Grand Final w,ckend package will be drawn . Package includes - two night's accommodation, dinner at Breezes Restaurant, breakfast and valet parking and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final . to?sr :?,oo't .ltc,

7iiJila ;~ rarlr i

t® - ® --- ®,®®®®,®®®®®®®® - ® - ®® - ®® -- ®®,® - ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003


NOBS' bounce back after a couple of tou, : c : eks, Friars bre : . the hoodoo. Bria iton C, :leally dispose of '.r ISOn, Bombers win the shoot out, with the Tigers hanging on in a thriller . REVIEW. Hampton Rovers height and pace proved too much for Old Essendon early and by the main break had opened up a 25 point break . A few harsh words from Frank Brinell jolted the Bombers into reality and by orange time they were within distance . Running come to the fore in the last quarter and it was the visitors who did it all eventually winning by 23 points. Biggs, Stormont and Bossi were all good for Old Essendon, while Browme. Rayson and Lachie Wheeler were good Rovers . Important game for the Friars as they attempted to win their first away game of the season and their first ever at De La . The Friars virtually controlled the game from start to finish, but De La did play well in patches again ruing wasted opportunities in the forward half. Gerard Kennedy continued his steady form . Ben Janson provided plenty of run on the wing and Anthony Carbone was a pressure agent who also found plenty of ball . For Be La Salle Rob Bonnici was inspirational, Sam Armstrong kicked 4. Ants Johnston OK again and Matt Goodier impressive in his return . Well a week is a long time in footy .6i! After a couple of shockers NOBS' got back on ick with a hard fought victory over a somewhat depleted '- . NOBS led all day but Just could not shake off the plucky . 'adians until early into the last term . Ruckman Josh Eastau a was pretty good and even kicked 4 goals, Nick Vogels continued his great form, and Josh Cassell on the wing also went Dean Loney, Anthony Sinclair, and Adrian Heffernan battled hard all day, with little or no support . Old Brighton are well drilled and very clinical the way they go about things with accountability one of the main keys and they were very impressive in disposing of MHSOB, who do have plenty of ability bit do not quite seem to be clicking . Controlled the game from start to finish did the Tonners . Adam Pirrie had 6 to half time, while young guns Ed McCowan, Andrew Paroissien, and Luke Dale were all pretty good . The old guard of Stu McCully, Drew Fairchild, Jason Barnett and Cassell all tried hard for the Unicorns . The Tigers at home controlled the game through most of the first three quarters and led by 3 goals at the final change . But then in a dramatic time on period Iriaaenod kicked 4 in 4 minutes to just fall short by 3 points as the final siren sounded . Heart tingling stuff for all supporters . Matt McCraw and Richard Sampieri were fantastic for the Tigers, as was Matt Terrell . Mazenod who believe they should have won if they followed the Coaches instructions were well served by Cody Morris, Carl Steinfort and Luke Fuller . PREVIEW Promises to be a beauty this Round some crunch games on offer. Whiteftlars welcome Hampton Rovers out to Park Orchards . Hampton are getting a few of their injured players back now and so will continue to improve . They will be in the game for a fair while aid certain lake it up to the Friars but one feels they will not be able to contain - Pawlik's, Phan .


J nson, K i : ned , Ca .: etc etc, ~iue li~ : goes : ;li day and for this reason I'm tipping another 1?fhitefriars I victory at home. Sportscover Arena on Saturday sees a most imp-- e it the context of things between De md Base( on current form you could pick ne .-_ier of . ith anj confidence but fortunately one has to win . Lat of a bit o height on the bigger ground may tell against De La today . Both will relish thaFirchldnBmetsogihar f wide open spaces of EP, and the game will be decided by tht side who capitalises most on their opportunities . And toda} MHSOB will greet the judge in a close one . Huge week and huge garlic as I come up against their previous Coach Frank Dunell out at C mention . Frank or doubt will have his team primed to knock off their visitors, while his ex teamate Garry Foulds I'm sure will have a few tricks of his own and a few players particularly keen to show their old Coach a few tricks . Been a bit of publicity in the build tip to this game and it promises to be a beauty . Old Essendon apart from a lapse at w'hitefriars have been the more consistent this season, but the confidence will be back in North's shoes after win last week . I am not going to offend my host today s e dinlomatie thing and tip an Old Essendon vietoty , make the long trek South to tackle St Bedes figers at Sportseover Arena on Sunday . This should b titter good game with Paradians keen to atone for last it es and the Tigers keen to continue on their winning ways . Don't travel that well my old school and certainly don't play as well away from Bundoora . The short trek up the Nepean Highway will not hurt the Tigers and contrary to reports they are not adverse to playing on a big ground . Height advantage will again ma difference here and the Tigers have a few more than Pare,?e and add that to their pacy little fellas and th e

izeno d tthitefriars Hampton Rovers Old Brighto n

.iaskell R Pawlik Power h9acGillivray

B RESERVE Old Paradians Old Brighton De La Salle Old Brighton L,-- La Salle

Spinoso Scott Walker Leaf M Harber

5 3 4 0

31 23 22 20 17 17 16 15 15


th Of Hayes and McCraw sways me in favour of the Tigers taflce the points . azenod in possibly a danger game for 01d Brighton go out to M e not gettin alone disappointe d g tt side at their knock off th Lit be keen obviously ,„,me ground. Carl Steinfort is getting better each week and sinteresting `jt be a danger for Jarred O'Neill and his side , ee who will get the gig . An interesting poser here i can ghe formers stay mentally switched on and keep their momentum fang for yet another week, they certainly have the ability to do o, but they have not been pressured for a couple of weeks and anvbe in relax mode. I'm going out on a limb here, putting my bead on the chopping block and going with Manned to cause an upset!!!! .


',,utact numbers are 9553 1561 home phone or fax, the mobile ,, 0403 433 016 or email me to brainca" .au . By " :)m at latest MONDAY NIGHTS pleas e

F_ Old F a :adiens - congratulate Simon Vincent who played his 200,, game on Saturday against NOB's . Simon joined the Club in 1990 from School playing in the Unders for a season until he caught the Senior selectors eyes . Since then he has been a permanent selection when available . Simon, a Club Best & Fairest Winner (1995,1996 & 1999) and Club Captain (1999, 2000) has been a constant performer for the Club, despite suffering injuries which would cause many to retire is still going strong, with many a mention in the best players .Thank You Simon for your strong contribution to OP;. Also Today Peter Brabender will play his 300th game for Old Paradians' against St Bedes and will become the first OPs' Player to reach 300 Senior/Under 19 games . Peter joined the club in 1987 and played 53 Under 19 games, his first Senior game was played in 1988 and he became a fixture in the Senior team in 1990 playing 190 consecutive games before old man injury caught up with him in 1998 . Peter was Club Captain for 6 years (1993 -1998). Senior Best & Fairest Winner twice (1992 &1994) and a half back flanker that no half forward wanted to meet . Off field Peter has played a very active role as a mentor to younger players and has put in many hours to make sure the Social side of the Club is an enjoyable feature of life at Bundoora . Peter is very much admired by all at OPs' and we all wish him well for today . Thank you Peter for your magnificent contribution to th e lub. Congratulations from everyone at the Club on reaching this Milestone. Well done `Plugger" . (Well done Brabs - fine rif" in son - Bear). Whitefriars - would like to extend their congratulations to LIatthew "Shoe" Power on reaching 100 games for the club tod?? . A very talented player. Shoe has been an integral part of the Club's climb back to B Grade and was BOG in the 2002 C Grade Grand Final and runner-up in the Club's B&F in that year. We all look forward to seeing many more games and wish him all the best for this milestone .

TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTION Whitefriars v Hampton Rovers De La Salle v MHSOB at Sportscover Arena Saturday

Old Essendon Grv North Old Boys Old Paradians v St Bedes Mentone Tigers at Sportscover Arena Sunday Mazenod 0 C v Old Brighton THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

((1i ;1+ '~~i }

p , ~-I-,----I 3 .6 8 .9 17.10 23 .13(151) OLDESSl ;'DONGR 6 .5 12 .10 17.12 19 .14 (128) HAMPTON ROVERS B 2 mpton Rovers: Browne 5 Power 4 B Ariz 3 Lawrence 3 Burggraaff 2 Boyd Rayson . Best: Browne Rayson Wheeler Carr B Ariz Lawren ce.Old Esseadon: Bossi 4 Podger 4 Heritage 3 Fleming 2@liLson 2 Stormont 2 D Biggs Kavanagh DeMorton Ryan DiPletro McPherson. Best: T Biggs Stormont Bossi D Biggs Fleming Kavanagh . Umpires: Rob Mayston Steve McCarthy (F) Rob Mayston Jar (B) Les Mavropoulos Les Damyon (G ) 3.5 5.8 6.13 10.16 (76) DE IA SALLE 7(131) 5.2 9.5 13.12 19A71131) WFgrEFRRIARS De La Salle: Armstrong 4 Duggan 2 Goaller 2 Moloney 2 . Best: R Bonnki A Johnstone C Hyde S Hyland Moloney McKenzie . Whitefriars : Dance 3 R Pau•hk 3 Power 3 M Carbone 2 Carrigg 2 Janson 2 Kennedy 2 A Pawlik Wallace. Best: Janson A Paw9tk M Power A Carbone Kennedy Eames . Umpires: Leah Gallagher Luke Monerieff (F) Tony Casuscelll (B) Robert Seymour Patrick Jenes (G) 3 .2 6 .6 10 .11 13 .14 (92) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .0 3,2 3.5 5 .10140) OLD PARADIANS North Old B m: N Casboult 4 Eastaugh 4 Sutherland Christie Maplestone : Vogets Cassell White Eastaugh Brady Ingram . Old Vogets Roberts . Best Paradisumn Brandy Brabender Godfrey Joyce Spinoso . Best: Sinclair Loney Godfrey Boundy Heffernan Vincent . Umpires: Merv Monty Jamie Kvins (rotation - from A) (F) Brendan Cannon (B) Andrew Esposito Paul Gail (G) ST BEDES MENT TIGERS 6.5 10.7 13.11 17.15 (117) MAZENOD 0 C 2.2 5.2 11 .5 18.6 (1141 St Bedes Mentone Tigers: M Terrell 4 L Wmile 3 C McColl 3 L Terrell 2 A Hayes 2 AScalldt 2 S Napier. Best: M Terrell M McCraw A Connolly M Connolly N Corda P Wintle . Mazenod . Maskell 5 C Stelnfort 4 Morris 3 Beard 2 Potan T Stemfort Ballenger Dunne . Best: Morris C Stetnfort Chamberlain Sharp Fuller Dunne Umpires: Dirk Kramer Albie Firley (both on rotation from A) (F) Ross Dodd Clive Shipley (G ) 3 .2 6 .5 8 .9 11 .14(80) gqHSOB OLD BRIGHTON 6.2 10 .5 14 .12 18 .15 (123) MRSOB: Rosman 2 Limbrick 2 Barnett 2 Cassell 2 Fairchild White McCully. Best: McCully Fairchild Bamert Cassell R Newton Anderson, Old Brighton : Pirrie 6 Perrett 3 Homan 2 Marshall 2 Ntekas 2 Rain Krzywnlak Ghman . Best: Perrett Paroisslen McCowan Dale Stew-art Pirrte . Umpires : Sean Scully, Jnr Grant Wardrap (F) Daniel Scully Travis Skied IG I HAMPTON ROVERS 0 .2 2.7 2.9 2 .11 (23) 6.5 11 .6 16.11 21 .14 (140) OLD ESSENDON Hampton Rovers : Brudar 1, Bulmer 1 . Best: Terech, Gray, Bnidar. Anderson. Silletto. Gould. Old don : Velardo 4. Pana 3, Ridley 2, Collins 2, Balloch 2, Guerman 2, Kavanagh I, Stevens 1 . Wledner I . Tilley 1, Dazldn 1 . Best: Daskin. Paris, Hughes, Ridley, Balloch. BE LA SALLE 0 .1 3 .2 9 .4 14 .5(89) WHITEFRIARS, 2 .4 4 .4 5 .5 9 .7(61) De La Salle: M.Harber 3, Quinane 3 . Slivers 3, Woodlock 2 . Brown, CoggIns, D.HViand . Best: Molan, D .Hyand, Murray, D.Moore. Moloney . A.Moore. W6itefriars: Leahy 2, T .Nunan 2, Vernal . Baggoley, Anderson. Glenn, Jongebloed . Best: MannLw Elliott, Baker, Hill, Eames, Cleven . 4.1 9.4 11 .6 12 . 6 .78 NORTH OLD BOYS OLD PARADIANS 3 .3 7.6 8,10 13.11 .89 NOB : Goals: Barker 3, Sheehan 2, Hildebrand, Power, Dobson . Butcher. Sondru. Amor, Kelleher. Best : Amor, Sondhu, Sheehan, Joyce . Cook, Kellehe r Old Paradlans : Goals: D .Dean 3, Collins . Dintinasante 2. Dean, Dore, Jenkins, M .Joyce, Lombardi. Kload. Best: Dtnimosante. Dore. Collins, Puglia. Fantone. Corcoran 2 .3 3 .4 6.5 7.9(51) ST BEDES MENTONE MhZENOD O .C . 1 .3 6.9 9 .11 11 .16(82) St Bedes Mentone: Ferris 3 . Cute 2. Napier. Hecker. Best: Napier, Hipell, De Groot . Fbihltos. Ferris. Zakic . MAZENOD O.C.: Jones 4. McMullen 3, Javaweera 2, A McDowell . Parker. Best: Morgan . Jones. A McDowell, M McDowell . S Mullen. 2 .0 6 .2 6 .3 9A158) MHSOB OLD BRIGHTON 4 .5 8 .6 11 .8 21 .12(138) ASHSOB: Frarlek 4`h'tlson Robinson Rujevtc L Taylor C Wright . Best: Moore Fraczek Orchard Rujevlc Svirskis Sprague . Old Brighton: Salem 4 Leaf 4 Scott 3 Perry 2 Matessi 2 Wilde 2 Dooley Hubbard Sherman Lucas . Best : Leaf Stemart Matessi Salem Scott Wilde . 9


Coach: Tony Miller Asst : Mark Lowe Res : Mick Hogan 1 L. Walker (C Res) 2 R. Buckley 3 B . Co rin 4 L. Harriso n 5 C. Swift 5 S . Brown 6 S . Armstron g 6 M . Harber 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 9 C . Mitchell 10 T. Silvers 11 B. Quinane 12 M. McHen ry 13 A. Johnston e 14 C. Buick 15 P. Bowden 16 S. H y land ( DVC)

17 A. Elliott

18 A. Coffey 19 M . Goodier 20 M . Picone 21 A. McKenzie (VC) 21 J . Robe rts 22 M . O'Donnell 23 D. O'Brien 23 R. Sherman 24 J . Morel 24 T. Moloney 25 C. Hy de 25 R. Walmsley 26 D . Spithill 27 S . Thomas 28 N . Herber 29 R . Marks 30 B. Mannix 30 T. Molan 31 S. Hyde 32 R . Bonnici (C) 33 J. Stinear 34 L . Williams 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D. H yland 38 S . 0 Connell 39 B . Oakle y 39 T. Woodlock 40 D. Co99ms 41 A . Bonnici 42 P. Bourke 42 S . Murray 44 A . Moore 45 T. Molan 46 A. Skinns 47 A. Sawtel

47 G . Walton

48 D . Smith 48 G . Johnstone 48 M. O'Donnell 51 D. Moore 52 E. Phillips 53 L. Derbyshire 54 D. Buckley 55 A. McLeish 57 C. Chester 58 G . Walton 60 P. O'Callaghan 70 M . Duggan

HAMPTON RO V ERS Coach : Norm Goss Res Coach: Tony Naumoff 1 T Wilmo tt 2 M . McKellar 3 A. Brudar 4 S . Anderson 5 B . Marly n 6 B . Boyd 7 A . Duddy 8 G. Carr 9 T. Barker 10 D . RaYson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B. Kulling 13 G . Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A. Browne (VC) 16 N . Greenwood 17 D . Ariz 1 8 J. McCart hy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 S. Crilty, 22 G . Johnston 23 S. Helliger 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 T. Keogh 27 M . Flynn 28 A. Guthrie 29 M . Fletcher (C) 30 A . Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M. Lake 34 G. Kelly 35 A . Fisher 36 L. Fletcher 37 L . Holt 38 R . Whitney 39 S. Burggraaff 40 S. Burggraaff 41 J. McNamara 42 M. McDermott 43 C . Marinis 44 N. Singh 45 S. Blick 46 L. Woolrich 48 G . Kelly 49 S . Weaver 60 N . Foster 51 J . Midwinter 53 J . Ng 54 P. Adams 55 J . Prantzos 56 A . Blake 58 M . Gray 59 T. Woodruff 60 M. Terech 61 B. Arts




Coach: David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins 1 D . Lancaster 1 A. Longmuir 2 M. Chamberlain 3 A. Tucker 4 A. Hanley 5 D . Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S. Morgan 8 R. Foss 8 J . Ballenger 9 P. Gooden 10 D. Chamberlain 10 G . Tilling 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D. Hose 12 M . Murray 13 P. Fuller 14 N . Meehan (DVC) 15 N . Par ry (DVC) 15 P. Allsop 16 M . Apollonio 17 J. Beard 18 D . O 'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray (RVC) 20 T. Castricum 21 S. Polan 22 D . Ryan (VC) 22 C. Buzby 23 C. Steinfort 24 S. Castricum 25 S . Stanle 26 J. Dunne C) 27 D. Krom ( 28 P. Jones 29 R. Sharp 30 D. Hansen 31 N . Snort (RDVC) 32 B . King 33 D . Grant 34 M . Pollard 35 C . Morris 36 D . Carte r 37 L Morgan 38 G . Hamill 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 A. McDowell 43 A. Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 B. Thomson 46 D. Dunne 48 C. Jayaweera

49 L. Haley 51 P. Reed 52 S. Veltman 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L Fuller 56 L Rudling 58 D. Morris 61 M . McDowell 62 M . Gonsalvez 64 T. Bourbon


THE OPTIMISE GROUP PTY. LTD . Ph : 9597 U1 b6 .au

. Fairchild 9 10D D . Waterhouse it P. Sportiswood 12 S. Whittington 13 D . Rosma n 14 A. O' Brie n 15 N . Adcock 16 J. Walker ( DVC) 17 R . Clowes 18 R. Limbric k 18 D . Membrey 19 S. G iynn 20 A. Askew 20 P. McGrath 21 S . Sierakowski 22 A. Svirskis 22 D. Armstrong 23 L. Taylor 24 S . Rundell 25 C. Nailon 25 H . Taylor 26 A . Vicendese 27 C . Spo ttiswood 28 S . Moore 29 G. McCully 30 R . Newton 31 A. Hogan 32 A. Cassell (VC) 33 A. Saultry 34 E. Thompson 34 P. Rujevic 35 S. Harrison 35 A. Mills 36 B. Gaunt 37 T. Harper 37 M . Ting 38 S. Robinson 39 B. James 40 A. Lust J . Anderson 41 T Fraczek 42 M . Hamifton-Ho 42 S . Volkering 44 J . Newton 45 R. Czwamo 46 R . Ware 47 D . Wilso n 48 J . Scott 49 D . Fox 51 D . Learmont-Walker 52 B. McGrath 53 J. Sprague 54 A. Tang 55 C . Wri g ht 56 T. Wright 57 58 C . Milani 59 M. Najeeb 60 S. Jennings


Coach: Garry Fouds Res Coach: Mark Oraniuk 1 J. Cassell 2 D. Keena n 3 T. Water s 3 A . Trimbol i 4 S . Sleep 5 R . Davidso n 6 N . Vogels 7 P. Booth 8 B. Colliso n 9 H . Maplestone 11 T. Roberts 12 T. Brown 13 T. Halpin 14 L Powe r 15 H . Christie 16 R. Kelliher 17 J. Fitzclarence 19 P. O'Farrel l 20 W. Ma rti n 21 N. Casboult 22 D.Teha n 23 S. Cook 24 J . Barke r 25 G.Ph lan d y 26 T. Brady 27 P. Sondhu 28 D. Joyce 29 C. Hosking 30 J . Elms 30 M . Leig h 31 L. Boyle 32 T. Roac h 33 M. Barker 34 M. Hyde 35 M. Robin s 36 M. Phylan d 37 J. Eastaugh 38 M. Amor 39 D. Gallett i 40 C. Phylan d 41 C. Pizzini 42 T. Sheeha n 43 J . Nihill 44 T. Spurting 45 S . Ingram 46 K. Hilderbrand 46 M . Perry 47 T. Kenned y 48 G. Smith 49 G. Took 50 M . Phylan d 51 N . Barde n 53 S. Butcher 54 C . Dobson 55 M. Joyc e 56 D . Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 58 S. Casboutt 60 M . Cribbe s

61 A. Nevill e

Ph : 9598 6444


MHSOB Coach : David Skinner Asst Coach: David Waterhouse Res Coach: Jamie Dixo n 1 J . Bame rt 2 S . McCullv (Capt) 3 A. Howard 4 M . White 5 N . Orchard 6 C. Young 7 T. Blythman 8 J . Dixon

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Cos :h : Frank Dunell Res : Craig Ridley

1 J . Pannagiotopolous 2 J. Buckley 3 P. Lutterschmidt now (VC) 4 D . Ryan MacGillivray 5 S . de Morton rankli n 6 C . Ridley - .'arshal l 7 J . Leas k R . Stewart (DVC) 8 J . Heritage n . Loga 7 B 9 B . Hakim j . Parrett 10 S . Bryant g C. McNicol (CR) 11 B. Papal x g S, Lenno 12 J . Kavanagh . Mead 13 B. Hakim 10 J 12 B, Williams 14 L . Wilson 15 T. Di Blasi 13 R. Kent 16 S. McPherson 14 S . Williams (C) 17 D . Forrest . Gadsde n 15 B 18 J . Walker 16 C. Tootell 19 E . Healey 16 J. Homann 20 D . Hunter 17 p, \,,an Den Dungan 21 S . Dale 18 A. Salem 22 R. OBrien 19 S. Ginnivan 23 J . Hughes 19 J. McCowan 24 J. Dazkiw 20 M. Smith 25 A. Frazer 21 T. Ewert 26 S. Fleming . O'Neill - L 27 J. Di Pietro A . Milat 28 G . Stevens M, Gadsden 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo S. Nickas ` Ginnivan 31 D . Caridi . Paterson 32 D . Poulton 33 D. Biggs A. Eri3tow 34 D.Podger J. Dickerson 35 L. Kavanagh McCowa n F 36 A. Frazer 1 A. Paroissie n 37 M . Boss i 32 A. Goldner L L.D,, ~ 38 D .WfutFeld 39 B. Newbold J . White 40 A . McKenzie C . Stewart (RVC ) 41 B . Overman R. Henderson (RDVC) 42 N . Bartram D. Hughes 43 M . Velardo J . Raju 44 A . Parker . Pamham B 45 J . Weidner 41 M . Alle n 46 M . Beard 47 S. Howard 42 L. Hendra (DVC) 48 A. Salvo 43 J. Murchie . Sherman 49 G . Collins 44 R 50 A. Howland 45 C . McKimm 51 J. Stevens 47 S . Adam 52 B . Porker 48 B . Dever 53 T Campbell 49 B . Scott 54 A . Morrison 50 W. Leaf 55 D. Gradzki 51 J . Lynch 56 M . Makris 52 W. Hebard 57 J . Lloyd 53 M . Dubyna 58 T. Williams 54 J . Dooley 60 C . Cetin 58 J. McBriar 59 S. Mead 60 A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B . Pearce 63 S . Davies 64 M . Reid 71 T. Matessi , Kriywniak

;m Pirrie

0Lfl 1 . ¢I . Coach : Paul Bree n Res Coach: Peter Stacik 1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin (VC) 3 S . O'Meara 4 A . Curra n 5 W. Connelly 6 D. Stevens 7 M . Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair 9 N . Brundell 10 P. Brabender 11 J. Collins 12 13 B . Richardson 14 P. Pratt 15 D. Hayes 16 M . Godfrey 17 L. Dore 18 G . Porteous 19 A. Dean 20 B. Robins 21 D . Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T Lombardi

25 A. Heffernan (C) 26 D. Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 29 30 B. Lethborg 31 N . Dallas 32 S. Corcora n 35 S . Simpson (C-R) 36 B . Dintinosante 39 A. Chamber s 41 A. Swindon 42 R . Murray 44 D . Furze 45 A. Paglia 46 47 48 J . Swindon 51 52 M . Joyce 63 54 M . Yeo 55 A. Boyd 56 60 M . Joyce

Coach : Greg Feutrill Res, Coach: Connor Eames Gc _ . :,: : . _311 Bames Assistant Ct :h : Brad Berry Res: Mark Lomagn o 1 C . Wood 3 M. Carbone 1 P. Wintle 5 B . Phan 2 L. Wintle 6 P. Campbell 3 C. Tesoriero 4 A. L'Huillier 7 S . Brosolo 5 S . Napie r 8 B .Janson 6 A. Ryan 9 A. Pawlik 7 N . Owen 10 R. Pasqualotto 8 A. Scafidi 11 T. Wallac e 9 M. Terrell 12 B. Vandenboom 10 M. Wintie 13 T. Langford 12 J . Kane 14 T. Carrigg 13 R . Sampled 16 J. Power 14 A . Connolly 17 A. Carbone 15 T. McColl 18 C . Dance 16 A. Hipwell 19 A . Hil l 18 S . Hecker 19 A. Drury 20 P. Hennessy 20 L . Porte r 21 B . Jone s 21 P. Fedderson 22 N . Cunningham 22 D . Poynton 23 E . Eame s 23 D . Napier 24 A. Cunningham .Jurica 24 S 25 M . Vernal 25 M .Kelleher 26 S. Alexander 26 M . Hecker 27 L . Swai n 27 S . Kingwell 28 C . Eames 28 M . Andrews 29 A. Glenn 29 J . Bristow 30 M . Power 30 J . Knuppel 31 M . Baker 31 D. Moss 32 G. Kennedy 32 G Johnson 33 C. Fulton 33 S. Zakic 34 D . Kinsella 34 D. Gloufchev 35 C . Barnes 35 C. Law 36 A. Walstab 36 T. Nunan 37 M . Connolly 37 M. Nunan 38 A . Hayes 38 C . Carrig g 39 M . McColl 39 M. Vandenboom 40 J . Eadi e 40 M. Cahill 41 S . Rose 41 M . Leahy 42 M . Wilson 42 M . Northey 43 H. Dwyer 43 N . Elliott 44 M . Mifsud 44 R. Eames 45 R . Gould 45 S . Cleven 46 D . Pisasale 46 D. Jones 47 J. De Groot 48 B. Hutchinson 48 J . Treyvaud 49 S Walsh 49 T. Hilton 50 S . Kidd 50 D . Crea 51 G . Gomez 52 A. Baggoley 52 M . Towns 53 B . Wilson 53 M . Uberti 54 P. Micailef 54 M . McCraw 55 P. Tobi n 55 M . Ferris 57 L. McGuinness 56 J . Chaplin 58 M . Mannix 57 C .Connoliy 60 R. Pawlik 58 M. Zakic 61 S. Phelan 59 M . Zahra 62 J . Anderson 60 A . Pothitos 61 J . Wilson 62 C . Falkingham 63 J . Ronchi 64 J . Cunningham 65 R. Pierc e FCL Interstate 66 R . Parsons 67 A. Basham Transport Services

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A .F. C.

"Your Coaches'As s

Julian Sill has taken Peninsula OB to new heights in the early part of the season and all as a playing coach to boot . Peninsula OB SECTION : D 2 Y: Southern Stingrays /Mordialloc Football Club : 199 2 )r Football Club : 1993 - 2002 (MPNFL ) No Senior Coaching experience ( only 2 years coaching under age football - U/1 2, U/13 @


': Be Positive Always Motivate and lead by example . To have each player improve their footy - and have the team collectively improve each wee k worK and self belief .

h are

rn!sch L

~t Gr:;s ni It :. :ir;c:


l!1C3 , ` tti ;?' :" l~.:

Td;: 1114" i

David Longworth is a supplementary list umpire whose ability to umpire in a controlled yet non-threatening manner has seen him --ogress to be an excellent role model for up and coming running umpires . I U19,D, C 49 games with Glen Waverley Rover s 7 seasons with Waverley Junior Football Assoc . (WJFA), 2nd season with VAFA, 5 years : To only be noticed for the right reasons . To do A, B and C grade games, just to get as high as possibl e U19 Sec-1 OF in first season . Went to Canberra to umpire Canberra vs WJFA rep . football . 12 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

Ma-~'al1 &Vttilliam s The Bush In n

Schweppes Toohey s

Evans Kerr AM P South Yarra Sports Centre Jgi,s Purified Water ;Goldpats Accountants Rigby Cooke Lawyers TVP Communication s

HydroChem The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering Ryder Commercial

Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bellis Hotel & Brewery Keithfs Pies Delicatess Moods Consulting Pty Ltd Terranat Landscape Monte Coffe e Edward J Lynch Agencies Paul Paulson Beaurepaire s

the Melbourne Unicorns in the MSJF L

The next home game luncheon is against Mazenod on Saturday 14 June . We would like all MHSOB supporters to make a real effort to attend and lend their voice to positive barracking for the Uncioms .

Well done to the ladies especially Pauline and Kylie for organising a great fun Karaoke Night last Saturday. The club seems to be swinging off the field despite our poor on-field form of late .

INSTITUTE OF TAFE Our proud new major sponsor of


In the amateur football world, money can be a dirty word but we realise, when we think about it, that a football club costs quite a bit to run and in some ways must be treated as a business ()0 that's my job. The two big areas of concern are always revenue and cashflow. At MHSOB, we have worked on increasing our revenue base over the last couple of years with great results from our sponsorship team who have worked tirelessly. Members, supporters and players have also assisted . Cashflow is a slightly more uncomfortable area but I'll remind you anyway. Once people order, purchase or promise things they are of course obliged to pay for them . There is no point in paying for these things half way through the season or at its end . Items such as player fees, insurance or even footballs are sometimes due to be paid for even before the season starts.

centrating on, rather than the least comfortable part about any ClubO ..chasing people to pay what they already should have .

Stu<_re â‚Ź .'.i;_Iully plays his 100th game today . This year Stewie is the senior captain and his on-field leadership is inspirational to our younger players. Here~s to another 100 games Stes.rie !

All football clubs and similar organizations rely on payments owed, being paid in a timely manner. This is, something we all need to keep in mind because Presidents, coaches and football managers have other issues that they should be con-


Desperate sides keen for victory resulted in three games going to the wire on the weekend . as potential finalists challenged each other for those final 4 spots. The Sharks, not only lost their first game but also lost top spot, while at the other end the Moods, kicked a record low score on a day they will be erasing from the memory bank . Review The "Slades" Match of the round has already been touted as the match of the year, after the top 2 sides had a RHG at each other at Wattle Park . The Animals came out firing and found themselves 42 points ahead midway through the second quarter thanks to the inaccurate Sharks and some Brett Vaughan magic . But as Beaumaris have already shown this year, they are never out of the contest and came out of the locker rooms after the main break a different side . The usual brigade of Shark onballers (Pitts, Haynes & Boon) started getting on top and eventually worked their team into a winning position . The Animals relented and stuck with the Sharks for the remainder of the match with some desperate footy . The last quarter was a classic contest, with both sides throwing everything at one another, finally the sealer was left to the injured Brad Bird who snagged one from a throw in to put his team 4 points ahead .

The blow out came out at the home of the Fields as they smashed the Monds by 105 points . Merv's "6 pack" keeping the bottom side to just one goal and their worst score line in 42 years . Collegians scored an important win at the Trott over the again competitive Vultures . The young side running all over Mentone to score a dramatic 3 point victory. OC looked like causing a boilover out at Oak Park jumping Therry to lead by 20 points at qtr time . OC found playing with 17 men tough going for 2 quarters, as Therry slammed on 7 last quarter goals to put the game out of the visitors reach. Finally, the "8 point" game was won by the Two Blues in another nail biter. The Saints had their chances to win the match but the relentless work of the Prahran boys was the difference . Preview Cari t go past the Animals against Collegians for this weeks "Ballantyne Chocolates" Match of the round . St .Leo's again find themselves at home against a potential top 4er and will be full of confidence after grabbing the top spot . Veteran Yorl Phillips coming off a superb game will help ensure the Lions get first use of the ball but the defence of the Animals led by Steve Buckle will do enough to contain the potent Collegian forward line .

The other big game is out at Shark Park, as Beaumaris need to lick their wounds and front up against the in form

Therry . The Glenroy boys have enjoyed a solid month of May thanks to likes of Corey Bannister putting the scoreboard pressure on the opposition . The all important centre clearances will see the in form Shark trio up against the running Mark Nancarrow & co . and will help ensure victory for either side. The Lions away record again sways me to the Sharks to bounce back .

The Wells are looking to find that early season form and face the disappointing Saints at home . Glen Eira will bregoupinadwlthroevyingatheopsinafte r

a hard week on the track . However, Anthony Hardenberg & Brent Christie kept OC in the game last week and will be determined not to let this one slip or they face a tough task of keeping up with the leaders . Merv's men travel to Toorak Park to take on the Two Blues . Prahran coach John Ross will be doing his best to figure out how to break the "Great Wall of China" and post a few more majors than the Fields previous opposition . Nick Craven (CG) is in doubt to line up this week after succumbing to a bout of leather poisoning (45 touches), but will be covered through the likes of Nick Fallu, to ensure they continue on from last week . Ormond face the unlucky Vultures at Gunn Reserve eager to gain some respectability back after last week's disaster. The work of onballers Michael Dixon and Steve Sullivan was just not enough to score the points last week for Mentone who have been a chance of winning all but one ol their game's this year. A reward of four points will await them today, as they will be too strong for the Mends .

CLUu C SECTION Collegians Dixon 7 Therry Penola C Bannister 5 St Leos Emmaus WP B Vaughan 7 Mentone Vultures Rowley 1 Old Camberwell Tempone 0

33 28 26 25 22

C RESERVE Caulfield Gr Caulfield Gr Old Camberwell Old Camber-well Ormond

26 20 17 14 12

Dahvood M Harrison Francis Craven Stewart


F.St Leos Emmaus WP - congratulates Paul Nolan on

THERRY P1;:-L4 1.4 7 .7 8.10 15 .13.103 OLD C1idfl1a;YlELL 5 .0 7 .1 7 .4 10.10.70 'rherry Peuola C Bannister 5, D Goodwin 3, M Goodwin 2, S Bannister, Faroldi. Hollow, O'Connor. Robinson. Best: Nancarrow, Edwards, Elliott . Faroidi, Henderson, C Bannister Old a, Cadzow, Tnnmons 3 . hope the next 50 takes less than 5 years . Howard 2, Credlin, Hardenberg . Best : Hardenberg . Gladman. Christie . yicatone Vultures - David Noonan plays his 150th game Tymmons . Gough. Ormsby Umpires : Sharon Alger Paul Dinneen (F) Beornn this week against Ormond. David has been a great McCarthy Ken Brewer (G ) ST t.EOS EMMAUS WP 5 .4 8 .4 11.5 16 .5 (101) ❑ m during his time at Mentone, winning the Reserves gEAUgSARiS 1 .5 4 .12 9 .15 13 .19 (97) t and Fairest award last year . Congratulations 'Hedge' St Less : Vaughan 7, Bird 4 . D'Amello, N.Hodder, T.McCann. Donovan, ;,,n„ all at the Vultures . McKenzie. Best: Krebs. Rtstevskt. Bird, Vaughan . T .McCann. Donovan . Glen Eira - Congratulations to Matt D'Zilva 100 games . Besumaris: Pitts 5 . Buller, Boon, MAtkins . Teasda)e. Haynes, Boctor, ;ct has done everything at the club from boundary umpire ~„ Rawlins . Gillespie. Best: Pitts, Haynes, Boon . Martin. Coote . Ensor. Umpires: . has been an . Starting in the Under 19's i„ Treasurer Simon Stokes Ashley Hoogendyk (F) Ross Richards Jake Mahar (G ) ; Well Done . 1),solute dynamo 7.1 13.6 15.9 18.13 .121 GLEN EIRA Therry Penola - acknowledge 100 games against Old PRAHRAN 5 .1 10.3 16.10 19.13 .127 t,mirerwell to one of our most popular players Joey Little Glen Eha: Taranto 3 S Diamond 2 Kasar 2 Oldham 2 Shellard 2 Astapenko sniff Sacco . Joey, captain of our 1999 and 2000 Reserves Doolan Race Sheehan Tkocz . Best : Massis Astapenko Clements Lewin Pr,miership sides, always plays with great spirit and Tkocz. Prshran: A Pitts 4 Sleight 3 MeCuddin 3 Harvey 2 Matt 2 Kelly Gassion . His hard work ethic has seen him become a regular Bunnett,Beer Doust Quick . Best : Bennett Harders A Pitts Mi lligan Main . We look ~cnior player over the last couple of season's Harvey . Umpires: Max Wittrnami Adam Conquest (F) Matthew Luttke (B) forward to many more games with Joey streaming through CAUL GR AM 4.8 9.12 13.17 16.22 (118) the midfield pumping the ball into the forward line. 0.1 0.2 1 .5 1 .7113) OI2&iOND Ormond - congratulates Paul (George) Konstanty for Caul Gram : Baxter 3, Hall 3, Bruhn 3, Will 2. Pearce 2, Craven 2 . Gardner. Best; Craven. Fallu . Ltddetl . Ryan, Green, Baxter . Ormond : Whelan. Best: playing 100 games for his club . Paul's early years were Cromack, Keleher, D.Robbins, B .Robbins . Whelan. Denning. Umpires: Paul spent at Oakleigh and Bentleigh before joining Ormond Lamble Lionel Katz (F) Gary Clancy (G ) . He played for MHSOB Reserves from Under 19's in 1988 COLLEGIANS 7.2 9 .5 10 .8 15.9 (99) 1990 until 1996 including 3 Premierships for them . George MENTONE VULTURES 5 .1 9 .3 12 .7 14.12 (96) has also missed as many as 50 games through injury but is Collegians: Dixon 7. Taft 3, Mooney 2, Fry 2, Harrison . Best: Phillips, currently enjoying good health and form in the Reserves Harrison, Waters, Taft, Unsworth, Mooney. Meatoue Vultures: MacGeorge side. Paul has spent the majority of his playing time in the 6 . Rock 2 . Little . Mever, Haves, Walsh. Sullivan . Rowley . Best: MacCmorge . back line where he has been a genuine stumbling block for Dixon . Meyer, Hayes . Tully. Umpires: Damten Milloy (RFL) Luke Holmes (on opposition sides. Paul plays Gaelic football in his spare rotation - from B) (F) Gus Carpanzano (RFLi (B) Graham Wakeling Graeme time . Well done George on this achievement . Carter (both RFL) (G) Caulfield Grammarians - Glen "Fish" Erickson has C RESERVE notched up 50 consecutive games in the blue & the white. 2 .1 6.3 9.6 12 .7.79 TfiERRY FENOlA After progressing from the U 19's as a premiership player in DID CAMBERWELL 1 .3 1 .5 4.7 5.10 .40 '01, to a reserves premiership player in' 02, Glen, has taken merry Penola : Crotty 4, Hollow, Vaina . Bosanko 2 . Best: TsinarLS, Barron, the next step this year, to developed into our number 1 P Gamut, Christie. Moloney, Clifton Tipper 2, R Tempone, Ryan . Craven. Best: Tipper, R Tempane . Ryan . Craven ruckman. A terrific, hard working, young guy at our club, all ST LEOS EMMAUS 2 .1 3 .3 7 .5 9 .61601 at the Fields wish Glen all the best for this and his next 50 gEgt7MARtS 6 .1 7 .4 8 .6 12 .71791 games. St Leos Emmaus: Batty 3, Rose 2, Zalakos 2, Kelly, Mclnerney .Best: Old Camberwell - congratulates Andrew Seeley who plays R.McCznn C.Vaughan Simondson Prosser Gyles Morrison . Besumaris: his 100th game with the club today . Andrew joined the club Ferrari 5 Vance 3 Gray Nish M .OBrten Quin . Best:McMtllan. A .OBrien . 5 0 games against Beaumaris last week . Big Dougy g despite staggere d ;l with the al as in ,tal t a big markin key posit player. , >ltowing potentia l

with our U 19 team in '95 from CGS . He has been a member of our Senior GF team in '98 and a premiership player with our reserve team in '01 . A smart onballer & deadly around the goalmouth, Andrew has returned to the club after a season overseas . Well done Andrew.

TODAY'S MATCHE S C SECTION Beaumaris v Therry Penola OB St Leos Emmaus WP v Collegian s Old Camberwell v Glen Eira Prahran v Caulfield Gr Ormond v Mentone Vultures THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

Foley, Ferrari, Gourlay, Catlin . GLEN EIRA 3.4 8.6 11 .8 16 .11 (107) PRAHRAN 5 .3 7 .6 12 .7 14 .12 (96) Glen Efrai: Earle 4 Hollow 4 D'Zilva 2 Limnvo 2 Denies 2 Haines A Diamond . Best Zagame Zurak Earle Chandler A Diamond S Haines . Pratuan: H Pitts 4 Dan Decarteret 3 Aitken Campbell 2 Muehlheim Decarteret Dav Murphy . Best Watford H Pitts Aitken Northway Moylan Campbel L CAtp, GRAM 4.5 8.8 14.11 20.18 (138) 0.1 1 .2 4.4 5.5(351 ORMOND Cool Gram: Dalwrood 7. M .HarrLson 5, Foster 2, Ash . Cassidy . Farmer, Grass, Kuppe, Thompson . Best: Datvrood, Cassidy . Jacobs. M .Hanison, Kuppe. Fryers. Ormond : Everitt 2, T.Dipasquale, S .Dipasquale, Parsons. Best: T .Dipasquale. S .Dipasquale, Kentera Stewart, Konstantv . Everitt. COLLEGIANS 5.6 12 .13 15 .21 23.25 (163) MENrOflE VULTURES 2.0 2.2 4.2 4.3 (27) Cailegiann : T. Skurrie 9. Johnson 4 . Low 3, Muir 3 . Thomas, Groeneveld, Lumb . Turner. Best : Low, Muir, T . Skunie, Johnson. Groeneveld, Lumb . 94eatone Vultures : Waters 2, Emmett. W'aLsh . Best: McCarthy, Waters . Berg. Johnstone, Walsh, Noonan . 15

C Secdon REAU MAR6S Coach : Brett Merchant Asst : Mick Lovejoy Res: Mick Carty 1 S. Nish 2 H . Gibson 3 M . Pitts (C) 4 M. Matulick (DVC) 5 M. Ensor (VC) 6 A. Spence 7 D. Foley 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L. Healy Heal 13 C. Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 M . Boon 16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 N . Atkins 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (VC) 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D. Teasdale 26 R . Meilick 27 B. Haynes (DVC) 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin 30 S . Hunt 31 A . Ryan 32 B . Cairns 33 S . May 34 J . May 35 N . Boctor 36 L. Ferrari 37 R . Presnell 38 J. Gerrand 40 R . Rawlins 41 M. Talbo t 42 A. O' Brien 43 C . Bruinier 44 C. Collins 45 J . Deluca 46 M . Saxton 47 L. Mann 48 W. Travers 49 J . Bryce ry 50 S . Lynch 51 S . Coote 52 B . Deaton 53 J . Windebanks 54 A . Thompson 55 S . McNicholas 56 E . Leyden 57 H . McMillan 59 B. Griffiths 60 C . Buckley 61 A. Richardson 62 A. Pratt 64 M. Carty 66 A. Coate

67 B. Gillespie 68 S. Doukas

C :, I If 7-7 T Coach: Merv Keane Res: Chris Mathieson 1 J . Foley 2 B . Hall 3 C . Knight 4 M . Liddell 4 T Vnen 5 S. Kendall 6 N . Crave n 7 J. Cowlishaw 8 R . Foote 9 M. Frater 10 A. Will (C) 11 C. Deal 12 D. Pearce 13 A. Green 14 S . Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S . Sant 17 G. Harrison 18 B . Baxter 19 T. Aylen 20 H . Vella 21 M . Pennycuick 22 C . Mc Assay 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 N . Dorma n 26 5. Widjaja 27 J. Ryan 28 J. Jacobs 29 G . Erickson 30 C . Fagan 31 T. Foster 32 A. Lawson 33 S. Fryers 34 R. Langford 35 S. Thompson 36 B . Cunningham 37 T. Messer 38 J . Restarick 39 A. Bosna 40 R. O'Neill 41 B . Kuppe 42 D . Synman 43 A . Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 45 D . Scott 46 B. Scott 47 S. Jenkinson 48 N . Tassel] 49 B. Gardner 50 P Delahaye 51 T. Mc Donald 52 A. Sinclai r 53 C. Jones 54 T. Rynberk 55 C. Hooper 56 S. Krie n 57 P. Farmer 58 T. Kavouris 59 A . Beach 60 N. Fallu 61 N . Bannon 62 C. Sheppard 63 G. Crathem 64 G. Pouher 65 N . Carrick 71 M . Cassidy 76 M . Harrison

COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook 1 J . Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B . Mooney V C 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Henebery 5 B . Donelly 6 S . Woolt Woolley e 7 D . Surkitt 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 90 J. Lang 11 B. MacKenzie 12 N. Harrison V C 13 N. Thomas 14 N. Lockett 15 L. Cottom 16 A. Fletcher 17 R. Hosking V C 18 S . Taft 19 N . Herman 20 B . Couch 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 J. Kondarovskis 24 B . Low 25 R . Mui r 26 D . Vial 27 A. Shinkfield 28 D . Dowling 29 A. Kenneally 30 L . Moon 31 N . Roach 32 C . Blumfield 33 B. Hoist 34 J. Young 35 R. Turner 36 G . Cooper 37 C. Hoist 38 S . Taft 39 N. Hart 40 M . Hibbins 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 N . Groeneveld 44 Y. Phillips 45 A . Robertson 46 J . Round 47 R . Sztar 48 E. Waters 51 J .B. Shadbott 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B. Lumb 58 D . Smit h 64 M. Gribble 65 C. Safstrom


1 M. Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 C . Massis 4 D. Cassar 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagame 7 S . Vamvaka s 8 M . Dimashki 9 G . Hayes-Dewar 10 G. Richards 11 B . Clements 3 12 G B . King 1 G. Brown 14 M . Loughran 15 Mimo Dimachki 16 Danny Race 17 Declan Lambe 18 R . Oldham 19 K. Dimachki 20 A. Diamond 21 S. Haines 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Neeso n 24 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R. Gilmore 28 L . Shellard 29 R. Dimachki 30 L. Pryde 31 T. Aberline 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A. Sheedy 34 L. Hall 35 S . Hollow 36 B . Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 M . Lewin 39 40 L. Doolan 41 M. Merrick 42 J. Serpanchy 43 J. Gusman 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 47 T. Evans 48 J. Hall well 49 50 1 552 A. Haines 53 54 55 L. McGaw 56 57 S . Hall 58 59 60 61 M . Tkocz 62 D. Sheehan 63 64 65 M . Dimou 66 67 68 69


Coach : Tony Mazx3eor~ Res Coach: Darren Fer 1 S . Rowley 2 R . Gallagher 3 M. Dixo n 54M ..A Whrytes 6 C . Stephens 7 K. Gunte r Cooper 8 D . Perrin 8 K. Littl e 9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 A. King 14 M . Etcell 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sulliva n 16 J . McCarthy 17 C. Sulliva n 18 S . Sullivan 19 C. Stewa rt M . Wals h 2~ A . Wals h 22 S . Hamilto n 22 P. Murph y 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith 25 G . Upti n 26 A. Rock 27 A. Gangi 28 C . Johnsto n 30 P. Dixon 30 N . 31 M . Andrews 32 N. Levett 33 N. Wilkins 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogie r 37 T Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Blair 47 J . Tull y 48 Mick . Walsh 49 R . Bittner 50 R . Waterson 51 D . Clark e 52 K. McLeod 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 5. Rickards 56 T. Sullivan 57 D. Frase r 58 J . N an 59 G . Alola n 60 D. Fenech 61 T. Smith 63 S . Waters 64 S . Hesline 65 T. Allinson 67 M . Joyce 68 A . Tresidde r 73 M . O'Meara

NIFIff ONE P S1_ 9 Palermo St, Mentone


* Function Roo m


GLE N EIRA Coach : Paul Beddoe Res . Coach: Anthony, Strafford

Restaurant * Pokies 9503 20 South Melbourne



nan mon s nson (C) . .'.dzoY!

r n_ i (VC) head (VC ) in (DVC) ood

pone tchel l T Hardman Howard K Darby B . ,per A. Hardenberg A Whelan Sheedy rugh S Francis R. Perryman B . Craven G . Ormsby D. Joyce I' Schmidt t,. Munro S . !'-rry ' lier T Hallo Rowe , Jis L ~; , a n ; .iackenzi e

'" Grant o . Sr tith

M . Horgan

_ , =arney J Derry R. Gazal A . Gil l nI G . Weickhardt 52 S . Lovelace 53 R. Tempone 54 A. Pvlargetts 55 J . Ga n 55 S, Fogarty 56 S . Jones 57 T Nisbet 58 N . Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A . Walsh 63 S, Gregory fi' L. Goldsworthy S . Hancock

1 S Handley 2 D. Ba teit 3 J . Denning 4 A . Grace 5 M . Martlnov 6 D. Whelan 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 G . Hall 10 R. Martin 11 D. Robbins 12 B . Delidio 13 L. Wells 14 S . James 15 C . Tell y 16 T. Stewart 17 J . Bridges 18 W. Cove 19 D . Cleary 20 D . te Hennepe 21 R . Wile y 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 B . Arnold 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan 28 A . Clinch 29 J . Clifton 30 G. Richie 31 H . Black 32 A . Le m 33 M . Collins 34 A . Russell 35 J . Putz 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everit t 38 D . Broadhurst 39 S . McCarthy 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 T. Banks 42 C . Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 A . Broadhurst 45 J . Franklin 46 C . Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 S . Wheller 49 S . Metz 50 S . Dipasquale 51 T. Dipasquale 52 S . Betsy 53 C . Harvey 54 M . Ramsay 55 B . Rayson 56 M . Farrell 57 R . Kentara 58 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 B . Jone s 62 B . Slater 63 C. West 64 M . Wood 65 S . Anderson 66 L. Dale 67 M . Mabbett 68 D. Clifton 69 B . Cromack

I D . Herders 2 M . Harvey 3 D . Kell y 4 P. Quick, 5 H . Pitts 6 J . Killeen 7 S . Pang 8 I . Hunt 9 A . Bunnett 10 B. Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 M . Beer 13 C . McLean 14 M . Evans 15 B. Mair 16 A. Rhodes 17 S. Campbell 18 M. Windridge 19 A . Millican 20 J . Kellow 21 M. McCuddin 22 R . Marriott 23 J . Macdonald 24 J . Mullins 25 L. Adken 26 T. St .Clair 27 W. Watford 28 K. Watford 29 P. Gartland 31 D . Decarteret 32 D . Ballard 33 A . Woo d 34 P. Treyvaud 35 B. Colli e 36 L. Northway 37 A.Gelli e 38 J . Foster 39 S. Morris 40 I . Dennis 41 J . Upton 42 B . Downing 43 C . Boyd 44 D . James 45 M . Vagg 46 M. year 47 P. Rose 48 J . Vagg 49 L. Wood 50 S . Kennett 53 C . Pricop 55 S . Ferriage 56 A . Ryan 57 S. Moyla n 58 M . Muehlheim 59 S . Olive r 60 R . Ferroro 61 J . Bedford 62 C .Toofey 64 J . Belcher 66 G. Northway

1 P. Carse 2 J, Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A . Auliso 5 S . Buckle 6 J . Fennell 7 A . Burgess 8 B . Bird 9 D. Lear 10 B . Mitchell 11 B . Carey 12 T. McCann 13 A . Krebs 14 P. Pollard 15 P. Carey 16 A . Ros e 17 M . D'Amelio 18 R. McCann 19 A . Kell y 20 A . Ballard 21 G . Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batty 24 D. Bruc e 25 A . McKenzie 26 A . Prosser 27 P. Levin s 28 H . Giles 29 S . Darcy 30 M . Ottobre 31 M . Contessotto 32 D. Cam m 33 L. Thomas 35 J . Briggs 36 S . Savage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B .Vaughan 40 J . Gay 42 M . Flood 43 B . Lev;ns 44 A . Zalakos 45 S . Ronchi 46 A . Brovra 47 M . Mcln .,rny 48 A . Dal y 49 D. Cox 50 A . Volp i 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 T. Pecora 55 C. Hatfield 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonald 61 J . Blandthorn 63 P. Nolan 64 D. Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S . Meshcer 70 D. McGloin 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 88 S . Pitcher 89 D. Winduss


L sch: C s By e I Coach: Jason Reddic k >. Ci ich: Gary Batson 1 P, Gorman 2 A . Mills (vc) 2 T. Goodwin 3 R . Bannister 4 M . Elliot 5 S . Sacco 7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C . Bannister 10 J . Vaina 11 D . O'Sullivan (vc) 12 A . Christi e 13 G. Russell 15 A . McMahon 16 M . Goodwin 16 D . Clifto n 17 G. O'Connor 18 B . Carter 19 A . Grant 20 J . Clarke 21 G. Henderson 22 L. Reynolds 23 D . Calagari 25 P. Edwards 26 B . Lewis 27 M . Caroni 28 A . Carroll 29 S . Goodwin 30 R . Finley 31 S . Hollow 32 J . Sacco 33 L. Kure t 34 D . Weston (vc-res) 36 D . Barro n 37 D . Castaldi (C) 38 M . Nancarrow 39 S . Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 B . Barron 42 D . Dimech 43 M . Warren 44 P. Appleford 45 M . Carter 46 S . Stepien 47 D . Goodwin 48 A . Nancarrow (vc-res) 49 B . Whykes B 50 B . Barron B 51 Mark Goodwin 52 D . Weston 55 M . Garoni 56 P. Dunne 57 S . Westo n 63 A . Moloney (c-res) 59 T. Robinso n 67 G. Tsinaris 69 S . Sarong 70 L. Kuret 79 T. Higgins 99 M . La Corcia

Ijor Sponsor


-ne 1_-.- last when I was surrounded by the famous re( and white colours of the club . You see I ha( eight seasons with South Melbourne's Distric cricket team and have many wonderfu memories of my years at that great an( historic club . The luncheon marked South' ; return to their ground following the Gp contained a tribute to the club's loved ones lost in the Bali tragedy, and also featured ~ tribute to club benefactor Clarke Shields whc recently passed away.

Bi i Last we e

5 clubs inclu from the wee' are this wee k 2 boxes (5) cl sectio n Collegians (56/57 ) (64/65), Old NSelburni; - ; (9 3

(80/81) . Th e Michai :

VAFA reception to f" up your prizes . Just a reminder that every svim_eng entrant (not only the drawn weekly winners) go in the end of season draw for the full set of Ben Hogan irons and bag valued at over $2,00 0



If I'd known it was acceptable, (Waynt Jackson singing the "Freo" club song) I woul( have joined the boys after the game for a f Cheer the Red and th ebarsof"Ch, (

White . . . . , ,


FTLOTG suggests readers visit the VAFA website (www .vafa .asn .au) and check out the current poll question . " Field umpires currently wear numbers on their backs an d c an be identified by referring to the Umpire Lists in each week's Amateur Footballer . Should this be continued or should the umpires be anonymous?"

0 0


Whilst on the polls, some of the previous questions and results were as follows . Who will win the 2003 A section premiership? Results (total votes 503) - 23% suggested St . Bernards, 20% Marcellin and 17% Old Xaverians . Will the introduction of the red card be a benefit to Amateur football? (total votes 188) . 54% Yes and 43% No . Would you support the VAFA playing an Anzac Day M atch of the Day if it were not on a weekend? (total votes 352) . Yes, at night 38%, Yes in the afternoon 36%, No, 26% . 0



The sight of some colors re ally do stir up the emotions . You can imagine my feelings in seeing my beloved blue and white Cats walking off Telstra Dome after last weekend's terrific win . I had a similar feeling at South

CEO Phil Stevens with club President & Reserve Grade Umpire of South Melb Districts Rod Tyrrell . 0 0


As tronomical team sheet fines issued tc clubs for rounds 1 to 6 this week approximately doubled what they were for thf same rounds last year. The most commor were - failure to detail club goal and boundar} umpires used or the provision of the names o the two duty officers/umpire escorts (one tc be the home team's interchange officer) . Thi : figure even discounts the amnesty for round I and 2 where clubs who did not list in full eacl player's last name and given name in alphz order on the sheet not being fined . Lookinâ‚Ź for a big turnaround in this part of clul performance .


~ o ts „,tit~ on fines ~LC(that two were both hlu ~ ; .ea~tleigta and ; S75 for each allow , . to play - -e in a round 7 mate

. Each club i n

~ ,Ice said it had the permission of the !IS .-s to do so . Unfortunately the matter should never be placed before the umpires . pcrmission in only the most extraordinary of mstanees is to be obtained at least seven u the VAFA . Writte n before a game from ~,sion, if given, will be in the form of a that must be shown to the umpires and

opposition captain before the match . 0 0


A Ij 19 Represents, :Yiortensers

. Ther e unless other~ ~~ u' F v by the VAFA is no leeway wv-'j this, < s VAFA rules state that a non-attendee is to be suspended should he not be in attendance or follow the . rules for demonstrating an inability to attend

0 0 0 A quick note from GarrY from Cyan Sporting

y - - a . Download of the match da photographs can be done free of charge an d can be linked to club web sites too . All Garry would like, if this is done, is for the clu b ake, acknowledge "Photographer, Garry P . For a fine print of any Cyan Sporting Images" photo wanted, contact CSI (9463 7088) and for $20 an A4 print is yours .

0 0

(pictured )

,ad his selectors have been out and about at , ames viewing eligibl eU19playrsfom l .,ctions, before the y their initial finalise training squad in midJune . The team. will


AAFC Sunday's The result of Championship Match (SA v . WA) can be from 5 .3 0 heard by ringing 0409 704636 Melbourne time this Sunday night recorded message .

on the DVFL on SusiGa;, July 2 7 at Epping FG in an attempt to win back the VMFL shiel d

that the DVFL won i n 2002 . Chris has a wonderful VAFA background having played with Old Xaverians captained the 67- 196 as a tough utility . He ox seniors ('89-'90) and then went on to coach the OX reserves to two A Section premeirships ('00-'01) . Chris' other selectors are Anthony Bourke (former OX player), Peter Ryan (former DLS and OX player, Vie Rep and All-Aust '86) and Fred Stafford (former Power House player and U19 Rep selector) . 0


players) Sadly two players ( not the reported were suspended last week for not turning up at the tribunal . Unfortunately their clubs were of the opinion that unless contacted by the VAFA, the reported player would have taken the prescribed penalty for the offence . The other of course is the rule - if you are a party to a report you must attend the tribunal 19 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

ROU 7 YVC were n concentr z Aquinas themselves by h;

tight one by a goal . Ban yule hope to lo

te d d then p(ints for blue as his C . and his

defending stoutly to

this season . Mv old ! customary email font youthful Bloods ! This, until now, conten~, : I 1 of Old Mentonian s was made Blacker by 1 Melbourne, in a major coup for P.O'S a : Blacks out ran the Panthers in a gre~rid I'm sure at the after match they also e Falstaff's "thi n potations" ! The Bulleen Temp Casual es lost to Ivanhoe Assumption Outpatients after he ' tier blitzed the m with an 8 goals QI sah,i i,vailable" list 'isobvulydecrang ~ ~. ' :-Butlants'! Salesians couldn't compete : :h the Monash True Blue kicking extravaganza . An 89 % hit rate? Tim Powell must have thought he'd fallen in a vat of Berenger-Blass's best! Chaddie stayed close until g4, when the Ashers' firepower told . TODArS GAMES AJAX versus Yarra Valley will be a defining affair ; both coming off unexpected loses . Whilst only Julian Kirzner up fonvard and Danny Weislitzer round the packs excelled last week, the Jackas have too many proficient hunter-gatherers like Dukes, Blieden & Co . to be down for too long. The defence trio of Andy Laing, Sam Savage, & Peter Jarvie did well for the Bushrangers in R7, but will need to repeat the effort today, plus the reliable James Keem and his sharp end cohorts need to upgrade their scoring yield . Predicting a winner between two such spectacular sides isn't easy, but I'll go for Yarra by a kick! Aquinas meets Salesians in a match with a bit of needle because Gary Connolly comes up against his last year's charges for the first time . The Bloods have ruckman Jarred McMullan, HF Steve Tibb, and HB Adrian Williams, all in form at the moment and will be strengthened by the return of At Bethune for this game. Chaddie should adjust quickly to the College oval, and it plays a similar, hard at it style of football as the Bloods, and also has class acts like Bobetic & Thain in its forward set up . Aquinas should win a



panotherl Uni . Blacks atyplaing Beverley Road . Scot t Playfair poses a major problem for the Blacks' backs, and flankers Simon Dean, Michael Gray, and Travis Gloury have been among the kicks recently for the Bears . Blacks trio of quicks Luke Raxvnsley, James Green, and Sam Price will cause their opponents bother, and Rob Mackie is having a stellar season at CHB. Blacks don't seem to mind the heavier riverside grounds, and should win by 2-3 goals in a top match . Old Mentonlans takes on Bull een Temp determined to put last week behind it. The injury plagued Bullants will have trouble containing all three of Tony Bournan (who had a top game last week), Michael Basile, & Adam Acreman, or the Panthers midfielders, Danny Carroll & Shane Voight . I daren't name a Bullant player in case I put the mozz on them, but even though their 21 will strive their utmost, the Panthers will take the points by 4 goals . Ivanhoe Assumption at home will test the marauding Monash Blues who will have to find answers for onballers and midfielders like Andrew lacouangelo, Matt Serafmi, and Dave Abud. In addition, captain Brad Hall has shaken off the flu, and will be a handful round the goal square for the Hoes . The Asher's Tim

cLC D Dl S'~';°fIOtd AJAX Old Mentonians Monash Blues Old Mentonians Salesian Monash Blues D 1 Reserve Monash Blues Banyule Yarra Vall ey Ivan hoe Assumption Aquinas AJAX University Blacks

ilA: .: LST I_.1_ . : TÂŽrP'. Firmer Bournon Grace Basile Thain Holloway

7 7 5 0 1 10

Hawkins J Turnbull D Smith Pearce Hughes Cooper Hanna



44 28 27 23 21 21 11 10 8 8 7 7 7


in the happy position of having pace & skill s :nd all 21 contributing ; last week it was Lia, l II 1,11-1, Ryan Turton, and Paul Farrer that stoo d bill John Matthew also has to contend with the c ,j Scott Grace, Julian Smith, & Christia n ory. This will be a ripper of a game, in which the 111-rs' miserly defence should restrict the Hoes ing enough to post a 3 goals victory. Pc~ ~ ca winners should be : Jackas, Salesians, Panthers, & Ashers . Go;;es_'ondents, the contacts are 9889 1979 & bill,,_ iz_,S , bigpond .com

Temples' - salutes the following players . Thompson for playing his 200th game ')nst the Hoes last week . Our No . i ruekman has n a great player, starting in the Juniors, U 19s, the n Ilie Seniors since 1996 . He has been a strong -mpetitor and gives his all each time he goes onto th e ound . Scott Boyd played his 100th last week, afte r ng the Club in 1996, he has been a great perso n to have around on & off the field . Playing mostly with 11i Reserves, he is a top leader, been Captain for many ,_,is, a valued Committee Member, and now th e of our FIDA side. Glenn M cLaren plays his 20p --a game for the Club today . He started in 1990, ~,:.-blg to date 34 U19, 47 Reserves, and 119 Senior -nes (the latter from 1991 onwards) . He was a ember of the 1999 GF side and has been a wonderfu l in his trademark FP from where he has kicke d = of goals . Damian Bone played his 100th Clu b in Rnd 6. 45 Jnr, 24 Reserves, & 32 Senio r ,~,,rres makes him one of the Club's young guns and he i - been a regular Senior player since 2000 . Hi s attack on the ball in defence or up forward is great to watch and we hope this terrific young kid represents the Bullants for years to come . Congatulations Warren, Scott, Glenn, & Damian from all at the Bullan ts ! Yarra Valley OB - congratulates the following players for milestones achieved . Brad "Wizard" Downs plays his 100th game at AJAX today . Brad was an inaugral Club member in 1993, and since then has been one of the Club's best . He played in 4 Senior Grand Finals, was B & F in 1997, runner-up B & F in '98 & '95, Captain in '98, and Best Finals Player in 2000, & 1995 . His ability to read play, tackling & courage allows him to play in most positions . Barnaby R3eilwraith plays his 50th game today. Barnaby started in the U19's in 1996, and has played in all of the Club's sides .


Aquinas 0 C v Salesian 0 C Banyule v University Black s Old Mentonians v Bulleen Templestowe Ivanhoe Assumption v Monash Blues

I 4 .10 10 .16 11 .21 87 11 .8 11 .11 15 .15 105 2 . Beal, Gilles, Savage, Stone , Simpson, Jarvie, Keem . A . is 3 . Dean 2, Yin 2, P Smith. T T Glourp, Demetriou, Playfair, Forde (F) 10 .9 11 .12 11 .16 (82) 1 .6 5 .9 8.13(61 ) 2 Jess Denbraber Redwood. Best ~ .. . s, tt".lliams . AJAX: Kirzner 7 rman 'tl'elslil2er Gold Blashki . ., .:.a:,o1m Filleul (G ) 10.7 15 .13 17.16 (118) 9 .9(63) 2 .0 5.2 7.4 Price 3 Sibi)ia 3 Moffatt 2 Brown A Costello Dillo n 9Pst: Ravmslev Green Mackie Price Batten an 7 Acremar. Fisher. Best : Bournon : Dianne Whiteley Sant o :Umpires Cr . avins (B) Chris Doyle Chris f{aleta (G ) 4.2 7 .5 11 .6 12 .7 ( 79) 8.3 12.6 15 .8 16 .18(1l4) 3tth, s 6 . Buridge 3, Parris 1, Humphrey 1 , Williams I . Best: Thompson ,Prior , Bone . Matthews, Clovers Ivanhom Hall 6, Serafull 2 . Joyce 2, O'Neil 1, Ryan 1, A. lacov an gelo. Aland 1, Blair r 1 . D. Pearce 1 . Best: Manuel, A. lacovangelo, Serafinl, Aland, Hall, I an Umpires : John .Deering ( RFL) Greg Rowlings (F) Anthony G 'L) -Eddie Boal Pat Mitchell (G ) 0 .2 4 .3 10 .3 12.6 (78) 11 .2 17 .3 24.3 (147) moll, T1 in, Evans, Bobetlc. Best : J . Sa iu Greely 6 . Cooke ; . .. . Knott Rionash Blues : Logan, Greely. Old I d. :iams 2, Crauan, Lloyd , Holloway 10, Grace 5, C Smith, Farrar, Williams, Creamer, Turton . B n (F ) Hickey . Umpires: Peter YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS u .2 2 .1 6.6 7,850 BAN-YULE 7.2 13 .4 15.4 16 .10 . 106 Yarra Valley OB: L Morris 3 . B D2 . T Mcllrath 2 Best : T 6lcttrath, L Pdiorris.Strong, B Drew, S Pask . G Coutts i:aayule : Turnbull 3, Prior 2, J Egan 2 . Hopgood 2, DWitchell 2. Mitchell . M Willmore, McDermott, Enright, King Best : Ferrall, M WIlhnore. Turnbull, D Witchell. King. McDermot t AQUINAS 0 C 2 .3 4.3 7 .4 10 .9 (69) AJAX 4.5 6.14 7.16 10 .17 (77) Aquinas: White 2 Jeffrey Macklin Weeks McCarian Pomton Prngle Alford Kaa . Best: Sorace Jeffrey Kaa Smi^ >tafford Wilson . AJAX: Tsivlin 2 Boon 2 Benedict Le :22r Cower Zemski Silberman Goldewicz . Best Zemski Cukierman I :. .. 1_ . .itan Lewtn Boon UPYZUERSITY BLACKS 3 .5 5 .7 10 .14 17 .16 (118) OLD i=dENTO -S 1 .1 1 .8 1 .10 1 .12 (18) Uni Blacks : Delanhunry 4 Hanna 2 Rizio 2 Scarlett 2 Ada Beatron Black Carr Chandler e ll rst Carr Scarlett Ada Powell M Mirtschin Rizia. Old )pel. D Alexander Dwyer Stroud Elliott Appel R Alexander. BULLEEN TEMP 2 t 5 .5 8.6 10.8 (68) PIATIPSOE ASSUMPTION 2 .3 7 .4 11 .8 15 .11 (101) Bullcen Temp: Buccaehio 2, Florence 2, Edwards 1, Muddier 1, Papadopolous i, Toscano 1, McMahon l, M . Daskalou I Best: Edwards, Buccaehio, Toscana I . Boyd, Lee, Tsokas, McMahon Ivanhoe: Shemshedin 6, Si t 2, Donald 1, Cotter I, J . Flnlayson 1 , Scarpiri I . Yagmour 1 . Ei, Duncan 1 Best: Scarpart, Morris, J . Fi=ilayson, Cotter . M . to or gelo, Shemshedtn Umpires : J .Deertng Greg Rawlings (F) Michael A .Grey 4B; Eddie Boa] Pat Mitchell (G) SALESIAN 0 .4 3.6 4.8 8856 MONASH BLUES 3 .3 6 .5 9.8 10 13 73 Saleaia>in: Byrne 3, Loughran 2 . Way, Ferwerda, Bates. Best : Way, Rose, Porter, Ferwerda, Smith, Woodman M onash Blues: Chapman 4, Green 2, Blackley, Jones, Saunders, Costley . Best: Feenaughtly, Chapman . Green, Costley. Carey Blackley


Coach: Phil Davis Res . Coach : Barry Simon 1 N. Gold (Capt) 2 M . Konsky 3 B. Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Ritterma n D . Kalb (Capt Res) 7 G . Samuel 8 E. Raleigh 9 J . Berger 10 G . Dukes 11 M . Segal (D .VCapt) 12 D . Goldenfei n 13 J. Raleigh 14 J. Kagan 15 J. Segal 16 E. Janover 17 A. Cukierman (VC .R .) 18 J. Kirzner (V.Capt) 19 G . Bliede n 20 J. Sharp 21 D . Gelber, 22 E. Wollner 23 A. Wollner 24 J. Bram 25 M. Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 A. Spicer 28 A. Zemski 29 P. Bryner 30 A. Lefkovic 3 1 A . Lewis 32 D . Weisliize r 33 S . Boon 34 A . Lewin 35 J. Lewis 36 J . Israelsohn 37 A . Sapar 38 J . Feldma n 39 D . Vanaken 40 D . Ones 41 A . Silver 42 A . Cooper 43 S . Cheste r 44 J . Gelfand 45 A . Godlewicz 46 A . Goldman 47 A . Silver 48 J . Pask 49 A . Lasnitzki 50 A . Benedykt 51 Z . Lewsk i 52 D. Norich 53 J . Mordech 54 I . Same 55 J . Kaicer 56 D.Seidl 57 D. Spilberg 58 B. Yudelman 59 R. Rotemberg 60 J . Weinberg 61 J . Freeman 62 J . Gottlieb 63


Cu :ri : Garry Connolly Paul Harper I L. Toomey 2 S . Tibb 3 S . Edwards 5 A . Boland 6 M . Parker 7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 1 1 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D. Den Braber {C} 13 C. Jeffery 14 A. Lorki n 15 A . Williiams 16 J . Hunt 17 B . Redwood 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 M . Starret 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 P. Stone 24 P. Harpe r 25 P. Sorace 26 R. Weeks 27 D. Hincliffe 28 A. Gerish 29 J . Wilson 30 R . Kogelman 31 G . Evans 32 D . Afford 33 C . Wooden 34 M. Tam I i 35 R . Chapman 36 V. Hall 37 G . Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 S. White 40 S. Harris 41 G . Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M. Slattery 44 J. Tapp!y 45 M. RiellyY 46 T. Vandersluis 47 J. Smith 48 D . McCartan 49 D . Poynton 50 R . Kaa 51 A . Pringle 52 J . Bleakney 53 S . Verona 54 M . O'Halloran 55 L. Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 L. Mackowski 58 T. Leddra 59 B . Cooper 60 P. Scognamillo 62 J . Fitzpatrick 63 A . Barrie 64 T. Nolan 65 S . Haun 67 A . Lewison og 68 T~ Coghlan s G . Cochrane A. Cullen S . Riney M . Lent P. Phillips B . Beech S . Dornom J . McMullen P. Fares

Coach: Greg vVnitcroft Res: John Fraser 1 B . Reed 2 D. Witchell 3 N . Taylor 4 T. Gloury 5 B . Willmore 6 S . Tuckman 7 C. Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 1 0 P. Gloury 1 1 D. Wilson 12 J . Ega n 13 T. Ryan 14 B . Woodlock 15 S . Gray 16 M . Gilbert 17 A. Small 18 J . Turnbull 19 N. Sannholm 20 S. Playfair 21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 L . Richardson 25 J. Szeremeta 26 H . McDermott 27 A. Nield 28 L . Enright 29 3 P. Smith 0 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 M. Natoli 33 S. Dean 34 S. Lorenzini 35 L . O' Connell 36 D . Play-fair 37 T. Thompson 38 J. Redfern 39 A. Hopgood 40 M. Smith 41 T. Prior 42 M. Van etere n 43 L. F err al 44 S . Yin 45 D . Boyd 46 D . Nasrallah 47 J . King 48 D . Rybicki 49 G. Bell 50 T. Nasral!ah 51 J . Bott 52 D . Noonan 53 M . Creak 54 C. Williams 55 D. Williams 56 A. Roethe 57 B . McGregor 58 L. Orton 59 M . Mitchell 60 D. Hassell 61 S . Dowlan 62 T. Jubb 63 A. Plant 64 S . Taylor

we E ; Co, oug Seed ;,es., h : A Parris 1 J . Prior 2 S . Yates 4 W. Thompson 5 D. Bone 6 A. Tehan 7 P. Robertson 8 N. Bone 9 J . Matthews 10 P. Tsokas 11 G . Chivers 12 A. Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A. Wilke 15 B. Wolnizer 16 S. Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burridge 19 L . Stott 20 M. Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D . Matthews 24 J. Newman 25 R . Lee 26 S. Boyd 27 J. O'Donnell 28 R Milesi 29 D . Williams 30 D . Florence 31 L. Norbury 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 P. Ganiatsis 38 N . Scaglione 39 D . Buccachio 40 A . Foley 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M . Daskalou 44 R. Schneider 46 A . Humphrey 47 C. Morivitis 48 A. Moriv tis 49 B . Touriganis 50 D. Glove r 53 A. Boyd 60 D. Horvath

Coac i Matt i Res Cc. . : .,.rlin McDon--,u 1 S. Conley 2 M. Mau d 3 C . Tucke r 4 T. O'Neil l 5 P. Manue l 6 T. HealyY 7 P. Rawley 8 J. Shuttleworth 9 E. Heal y 10 P. Lee tt D . Va!kani s 12 L . Hull-Brow n 13 S. Narkiewicz 14 P. Flynn 15 J. Curtin 16 P. Harri s 17 S . Morris 18 B. Hal l 19 D . Wood 21 N . Blainey 22 N . Shuttlewort h 23 D . Rya n 24 B . Fre w 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 J . Fin!ayson 28 S . Matthews 29 C. Hocking 30 M . Sloa n 31 T. Lupto n 32 L. Pearce 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 M . Serafln i 36 C. Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 R. People s 39 M . Ebbage 40 P. Martin 41 C. McDonal d 42 B . Martin 43 A. Shemshedi n 44 A. Pace 45 A. lacouangel o 46 M . lacouangel o 47 B. Waters 48 R. Toogood 49 Matt Sloa n 50 N. Clark 51 D. Pearce 52 S . Sampson 53 M . Chazan 54 E. Newbold 55 J . Healy 56 S. Saunder s 57 A. Cont i 58 T Memhet 59 A. Falker s 60 J. Aboueid 61 M . Anderson 62 P. Merory 63 J. Crappe r 64 M. Migliorini 66 J. Ri v tt-Min s 67 G . Stephens 68 F. Yaghmoor 69 J. Mazocca 70 K. Wise 71 A. Pearce 72 K. Maghamez 73 D . Dummett 74 S. Hal l 78 C . Brown


. jznar>ssy :, : k :, c_ el Rizio . JI Ch: Craig Bau!ch CIL , 1 2 3 a 5

S.Chapman J. Baxter L . Holloway. G. Chessan

M . Newman 7 P. Farrar 8 S .Thomsan 9 C. O'Sul tvan 10 Sam Lloyd 11 M, Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 14 B. Merlin 1 5 f,f .Tinkler 16 B, Nind 17 J . Mellington 18 L. Smith jc~ M . Sounders M . Edsall C . Gregory T. Blackley P. Nevil l ;. Craven J . Hawkins P "'ill s N. De Young J . Mai n 29 30 L . Creamer 31 S. Hawkin s 32 L . BeddingSeld 33 J . Smith 34 M . Edwards 35 A. Hickey 36 A. Willams 37 J . Balton 38 N. Brennan ~J M . Smith i M, Bolton i M. Bolton ?~Cooper - . Feenaghty S, Grac e i R . Walsh 46 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 D . Payne 50 51 M . Payne 52 N . Moresi 53 J . Peet 54 G . Dod d 55 I . McCormick 56 57 58 59 B. Carstein 60 61 P. Campbell 62 L. Katt s 65 G . Polgase 66 67 eeha n 69 70 D . Barlow 71 72 B . Green 73 74 P. Westbrook 75 R .Turton 76 77 78 A . Shields 79 80 P. Manohar

1 T. Mitvalsky 2 C. Twentyman 3 R . Ball 4 D . Carroll (V.C .) 5 C . Mackay 6 C . Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 G . Ferguson 9 W. Ballantine 10 S. Voig t ti D . Salle y 12 C . Dwyer (C .R .) 13 B. Heveri n 14 M . Stroud 15 J . Costello (D .V.C .) 16 D. Nock 17 N. Linford 18 T. Boumon (C) 19 A. Palmer 20 D . O'Connor 21 J. O'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A. Drinan 24 A. Acreman 25 B. Fairbanks 26 G . Dart 27 G . Katris 28 D . Kitto 29 A . Carter (D.V.C.) 30 D . Russo 31 M . Elliott 32 L. Sunter 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 35 D . Murphy 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis (C.R.) 38 P. Stubbs 39 J . Vick 40 A. Alexander 41 S. Cozens 42 M . Basile 43 G . Hubbard 44 L. Sunter 45 R .Johnson 46 G. Smith 47 G. Herring 48 D. Stevens 49 N. Fisher 50 G . Wilson 51 L . Stephen 52 M. Watts 53 C . Shedden 54 D . Goodbody 55 C. Davis 56 R. Harper 57 T. Davis 58 P. Appel 61 B. Saunders 64 M . Austin 66 M . Mackay



A. Stevens (vc) 2 A. Thai n 3 S. Sutherland ( c ) 4 A . Heal y 5 M. Canavan 6 D. Forer 7 D. Foley 8 S . Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. O!dfie4d (vc) 11 K. Richardson 12 M . Bates 13 I . Bobetic 14 M. Cooke 15 R . Quinn 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D. Bar r y 19 S . Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 D. Verccillo 22 S. Greely 23 M. Smith 24 A . Grace 25 C . Ryan 26 J .Nannes 27 P. Alle n 28 M . Byme 29 D.FNen 30 K Woodman 31 A. Lucas 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 T. Nagle 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 M . Ferwerda 39 P. Pitts 40 M. Forer 41 M. Clea ry 42 C . Rose 43 P. Evans 44 D.Ievoli 45 S . Horvath 46 A. Chiappini 47 D.Oldfietd 48 J. Logan 49 D . Stinear 50 D . Taylor

51 A . Foley 52 P. Hanlon 53 E . Maillard 54 S . Porter 55 E. Hanapy 56 M. Loughnan 57 R O'Halloran 58 S . Way 59 S . Parisi 60 A . Bates 61 R. Cincotta 62 D. Blak e 63 B. Chalmers 64 B. Bowman 65 J. Radi 66 S. Sinclair 67 D . Sutherland 68 M. Sutton 69 B . Kirchner 70 Mick Forbes 71 R . Mirams 72 C. Hunt 73 A. Kelly 74 A. Davey 75 R . Nahas 76 P. Turley 77 S. Butler

1 L. Nethercote 2 S . Chandler 3 4 A. Evan s 5 R . Mackie (C) 6 7 S. Jones 8 (C18) B . Welch 9 (C18) C . Simon 10 W. Hann a 11 S . Sandiford 12 13 C. Baulch 14 15 16 17 A . Moffatt 18 T Wilson 19 L. Brown 21 C. Schilling 23 P. Barry 24 25 26 D . Baiien 27 28 P.Otsuka 29 M . Staunton 30 J . Ralph 31 B. Costello 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitchen 34 35 Jas M3rtschin 36 37 A. Gray 39 S . White 40 41 L . Rawnsley 43 C . Beaton 44 R . McArthur 45 46 R. Wallace 47 49 R. Dillon 49 (R) T. Bowers 50 A. Goonan 51 D . Higgins 51 (R) A. Neville 52 53 D .O'Keeffe 54 M . Braszell 55 S . Watch 57 K. Begely 58 D . Kean 60 J. O'Sullivan 62 F. Purcell 63 J . Weber 64 R.Adams 66 L. Costello 66 (C18) C . Curtis 67 N. Goonan 70 J. Gree n 71 M. Nihill 72 D . Rudd 77 A . Costello 80 M .Tehan 85 B . Weber 86 B. Collins 88 N . Abbott 91 A. Whitlock 93 M . Bulman 94 A . Powel l 96 Jon Mirischin 98 M . Bahen

LEY OB Coach : Tim Killwort h is: Simon Taylo r 1 R . Pearce 2 T Morris 3 R. Thompson

4 M . Fung 5 A. Drew 6 R . Drew 7 C . Beal 8 L Morris 9 J . Keem 10 T. Hancock 11 T. Mcilrath 12 J. Cremean 13 L Gillies 14 E. Kruse 15 N . Peak 16 L Taylor 17 A. Laing 18 D. Ross 19 J . Strong 20 T. Hale

21 D . Stevenson 22 B . Drew 23 R . Ye a 24 M . Davies 25 R. Collet 26 J . Longworth 27 S. Savage 28 B. Reynolds 29 R . Courts 30 D . Potter

32 J . Parry 33 P. Cremean 33 D. Irelan d 34 C. Fraser 35 B. Peake (c) 36 P. Jarvi e

37 D . Balkshaw 38 G . Morrison 39 J . Thompkins 40 H . Cotsford 41 B . Downs '.., 42 A. Stone 44 J. Ho 45 A. Windgate 47 S. Colli e 48 R . Davi s

49 S . Seaboume 50 J . Peake 51 H. Clarke 52 A. Hartnett 53 S. Pask 54 S. Simpson 56 T. Uoyd 58 G. Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S . Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Barum a

B. Wnitechurch D . Smith 65 M . Norrish 68 T. Collet 71 M . Laing 74 A. Middlin


Toby Roberts tai' .s all VAFA news after 9 .00a m

_ ..

Then L- = for rp-n,


, lijr p

: 0.30 a ..-O . TUNE IN 9 . : AN L

This ÂŤ=ec :;'s guest :

Holdsworth (Ormond Pre,.-dent )


G robe €l2S3 (F :.. . .. . .. .~ .. . (D 3) t North Bata ~ :I• ws Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm. Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.

023da y' s . .

~~~ ntlym

~ffl(:fD© (~ , D o~ a ggff a W

4) . 's Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA



T What clreN, : y s: After five consecutive wins, irlest B swiek was brought back to earth last week, losing to a committed Fitzroy . Injured West Brunswick playing-coach Julian Siebrand thought his team tried hard but felt that their poor delivery into the forward line cost them dearly . While key defenders Sam Pietsch and Stuart Henderson will return this week, the Magpies will be without the services of champion Adam Cannane for the next 10 weeks after he seriously injured his shoulder against Fitzroy . With Cannane and Siebrand missing, La Trobe will fancy their chances against the Magpies. Fitzroy deserve to hold second spot after beating two highly rated sides in the last fortnight and will be further strengthened by the return of Steve Addicott this week . Gun midfielder Vin Cahill will have the pins removed from his broken arm next week and the Reds are hopeful that he will be available by either Rounds 9 or 10 . While Old Geelong coach Michael Lockman was happy with winning three consecutive matches, he was quick to point out that his side had not yet beaten a side above them on the ladder. For this to happen, Lockman said that there needed to be a lift across the board and not from just a few players . The dual between leading sharpshooter Michael Vicker-Willis and Fitzroy's Matt Cairns will have a large bearing on the result of this game. ^ :n ' '- coach Paul Dimattina remains positive despite their third consecutive heavy loss . "A win is just around the corner for us ." he said . Dimattina praised the efforts ofAdam Mickleson, Adam Henry, Brendan Clark and Jade Handfleld who have all been outstanding in recent weeks . Williamstown have only lost to Peninsula in the last four weeks and have a tremendous opportunity to consolidate their place in the four before the midseason break . If the favoured teams win this weekend, a win against Bentleigh would see the CYMS sitting two games inside the four . Despite being winless, sitting on the bottom of the ladder and with a long list of injuries . the morale at Hawthorn is still high. It is testament to the character of the Hawks that all bar one of their injured players made the long trip to Peninsula to support the club . Hawthorn coach Peter Tyson was

happy with the effort of his youngsters in the second half ,espcialyk ydefnrTavis Newton, and was looking forward to facing fellow cellar dweller Oakleigh this week . Oakleigh have been the more competitive of the two in recent times and will probably start a narrow favourite at home . Both sides have up to a dozen players each under the age of 21 . This week's match of the round pits the highly rated Old Carey against the unbeaten Peninsula. Old Carey coach Glenn Taylor said that his side would play an accountable brand of football in the hope of worrying the Pirates into submission . Peninsula coach Julian Sill expected Old Carey to be a "tough proposition" but word has it that they are treating this game like a Grand Final . These two sides split the points in their two clashes last year, but Peninsula is a much better side this year. What Ed Says : With space an issue, I will confine my thoughts a bit this week! Great result by Fitzroy, a win at West Brunswick is always hard fought . Old Carey produced the other great result, they continue to improve under coach Taylor and will certainly be a side to watch as the season unfolds . As for this week . ha'1'robe has mixed form in recent weeks however the injuries incurred b y

B2 S 7- C'tION Old Geelong Vickers-Willis 6 41 Williamstown CYIvSS D Lee 9 36 Fitzroy Reds Tornese 7 33 Peninsula Payze 8 29 Peninsula Claringbold 9 27 D2 Reserve s Old Geelong Perrin 0 14 Fitzroy Reds Pidoto 0 13 La Trobe Uni Sampson 0 12 Old Carey Guerra 1 10 Peninsula Prendergast 0 8


ick might help them get across the line . of the round sees 3 travel to Ol d what should be a cracker . The Pirate s ;,tade it seven in a row, a great start to the E>:pect this to be a close one however eigh t gist should be the call on the visitor's tri p i itr,o, host Old Geelong in a game the visitors ill be keen to show their recent form was no fluke . >tili a fan of the Reds though, they should win . travel to Bexatl eigla with the aim of s ,,, ;1litiuing their move up the ladder- Bentleigh i I; ~, : aiting the return of some key players an d 1! ., should continue their charge . Hawthorn an d Dakl e igflr meet With th e of the season on the line . Predicting a 'lr .tn i

[ i,lally, a plug to Willy who have opened up a kids club at home games . Professionally run, it caters and visitors alike and no doubt will add to c3s day of Amateur Football . (29) ED La Trobe 3pts Latrobe f-euinsula 20pts Peninsula Fitzroy 24pts Fitzroy ;% jIli .- ;->lstown 18pts Willy 12pts Draw

8pts l l pts l5pts 19pts

- congratulate :- .= : .~ - - =yze on his ae against Old Carey this week . 'Struts ' ii use Pirates in 1998 and now rivals Drew rne-Smith as the clubs greatest goalkicker . B+ F ner and State Rep, his attitude towards trainin g d~ t messaging) is first class . Well done an d there be at least a couple more . We also :°atulate Sam Murray on 50 games . Muzz is an ration with his work ethic, which is seeing hi m i ~!~ :his best football in an injury riddled career . , a hard working committeeman, the future for POBFC looks sound with people like Sa m olved . „ss - sfown - congratulate Danny Oldham o n I" ring his 150th last week . A cult figure amongst younger players with his dash out of half back, a dream has been realized with the movement into the forward line this year. Alas, his kiek? -• ; remains true of a hackman . Well done Olde !

La Trobe Ui ` : :'est Brunswick Old Ca) ~y v Peninsula 0 B on - -'- Oval FitzroY, T °ds v Old Geelong Bentleigh v Williamstown CYMS Oakleigh v Hawthorn Amateurs

4 7 .7 8 .10 (58) 2.2 5.4 9 .7 11 .9(75) ireest. Brunswick: Sheerly 4. Drain 3. McGuire. Best: Drain . Ward . West, : Tornese 7. J.Parsons, Lee . Enunerson . Bagttalt. Baitey. Fitzroy Murphy, Atherton . Best: Rawlins . Reeves . Murphy, Meughen, Bennie, Little . : Michael Sneddon (on rotation - from A) (F) Dennis Webster Lucas U Williams (o ) OLD CAREY 6.3 11 .5 16.9 18 .16(124) Lk TRGBE URI 6.0 8.4 9.6 11 .9 (75 ) Old Carer. Hall 6. White 4. McQueen Parton 2 . James 2, Oppy, Pattenden. Bull. Unkles Best: Battle, Boag, Everett. Cohen. Hutchinson . Wood La TYobe But: N/A Best: N/A Umpires: Alan Ladd Paul Jones (F) Michael Ladd Christian Schaeffer ffF OLD GEELOPdG 4.2 9 .6 15 .10 19.13 (127) B^ IGit 0 .0 0 .2 0.6 3.12 (30) Old Geelong- Vickers-Willis 6. Salter 4 . N.Betts 4, T.Betts 2, Fttzclarence . Malpas, Munro . Best: McCarthy, Legar . Paul, Temple-Smith, Salter, Burbury. BeuB+ HandtIeld 2 . Henry. Best : HandIleld . Henry. Clark. Mikelsen, Seeley, Fishlock. Umpires: Scott Mackie Mick Gllday (F) Patrick Love Step i I rh (G) 5.6 12.11 17.15 20.18 (138) Wi . . tTG 1C .~ . ( >H 4.4 8.6 1 t .9 13 .13 (91 ) 5 .- .

: Goals : D .Lee 9, Wheeler 4 . Thomson 2 . Mccutcheon 2 . Wouda

2, Featherston Best : Lee, Mccutcheon, Elias, Wheeler, Barlow, Cox oakfigh : Goals: ackenzie 4 . Curtain 2, A Kitts 2 . Ryan 2. Cash . S Fitts . Varkatzos . . .s: Mar k Be L Britt. Gaal. A Kitts, S Fitts . Mitchell, Mulholland U:

--i (on rotation- from A) (F) Jose Talavera Denver A :_.ier (G) 11 .4 20 .5 30.11 39.19 .25 3 7 p.B. 0.3 1 .3 3.4 3.5 .2 3 Penins 1a O .B. Murphy 10, N .Clartngbokl 9 . Payze 8, T.Prendergast 3. Powney 2, Stainfarth 2 . S.Prendergast. S.Parsons, T.CaghL:rt. Maclean. Teekrw. Best: Murphy, S.Clarfngoold . Payze. Powney . S.Parsons . Davis. Hawthorn Am. Cameron, Davies. Habel. Best: Neville. McKenzie, Davies, Ogge, West, Newton. Umpire: Peter GriIDths (F) WICK 2 .2 2 .3 2 .5 2,7(19) 3 .2 5 .4 8 .6 11 .7 (73) ..,..:: D.Rudd, Suth-and . Best : Hilton . Chislett. Twy(ard , Inc . Lewis . Fitzroy Reds : Verwall 4. Roostem 2, Cook 2, Renz . Dona-ay. S.Andretos . Best: Grillo. Donovan, trirtue. Verwall . Everass. OLD CAREY 3.1 4.2 6.5 8.6(54) L$ 3'RGBE UNI 2 .2 6.5 11 .8 12.9 (81) Old Carer England 2 . Konstantlnidis 2 . Adams . Bennett . L Guerra Hardy Best: HID . Adams, Bull, England . Graham R. KonstantUlldis La Trobe lint N/A Best: N/ A OLD GEELOidG 4 .5 8.10 13 .12 16 .13 (109) 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 2 .1(13) B =IGH Old Ceel : Moloney 4, S.OBrten 2, Slattery 2. Dhlllon . Strauch, J .Cole, S.CoEe, Atkins. Ross, J.Lesoe. Kilpatrick. Best : Strauch, Slattery. Carey . S .0'Brien, Kilpatrick . Ross . Bentleigh: Caterson, Banks . Best: Prigg, Ne<<e . Beane, t;Rthtngton, Staines. Kopitschinsk . WTd CY]AS 1 .6 3 .17 8.19 14.25(109) 0_ MIGH 0.3 2 .3 3.6 5.6136) Will CYMS : Goals: Burgess 8, Buttigieg 2, Imms, Jones, Joseph, Kingham Best: NLSbett, Burgess . Kingtam. Oldham. Di GrazLa, Bouras Oakleigtr. Goals: Papadopoulos 3, I{eatina . Perdikomans Best : Comtellan, Moons. Nu Perdikomatis . Kerley, Cooke 1] O.B . 6.7 11 .11 17 .18 26 .25.18 1 ; AM. 0 .1 0.2 . .1 .3, 2 .4.1 6 F,s:_ .ut a O.B. J-Atchison 4, A.Parsons 3, Torossl 3 . Goldthorp 3, J.Coghlan 3, Whelan 3 . McMahon 2, Lethbridge. Day. Grant, Ta}iar . Jay. Best: Grant . A.Parsons, Torossi, JAtclrLwn . Warner, Whelan . Hawthorn Am. Bruns, Barker. Best: Ctennett. Bettio. Houareau, 0'Hatilon, Sear s WEBY H3


D2 Section B ENTLEIGH Coach: Paul Dimattina Assistant : Steve Grace Res . Coach : Steve Hall 1 C. Shar p 2 D . Ferguson 3 A . Pittito 4 S. Sice

5 M. Eyles

6 R . Weber 7 J. Robe rtson 8 J. Handfie{d 9 I . Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D . Mart in 12 N . Aitken 14 B. Reid 15 S. Grace 16 L. Airey C. Martin 18 S. Adaway 18aM . Walker 19 B. Clark R. Fishlock 21 A. Graham 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlane 24 L. Holmesby 25 D. Gold 26 B . Padgham

27 J . Seeley

28 M . McCulloch 29 H . McKenzie 30 A . Miksad 3OaD . Koprtschinski 31 S. Craven 32 A. Strauch 33 P. WBhington 34 M. Pirie 35 L . Ireson ~) C 36 M. Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . Beattie

39 G . Prigg

40 J. Harbo tt le 41 J . Neve 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 A. Ferris 44 G . Holland 45 46 R. Lawford 47 M . Scanlon 48 P. Dimatt ina 49 L. Vrvona 50 A . Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 A . Banks 54 R . Coyle 55 G. Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 A. Cantsilieris 58 T. Caterson



U. `" --"

Coach: Graham Burgen Res. Coach : Darren Kane Club 18 Coach: Greg Box

Coach : Peter Tyson Res. Coach : Ed Sill

W ' VE,-' ~ ;;'J Coach: Tony Crisafulli Res: David Huffer

1 D. Hannam 2a B . Holderhead 2b A . Walsh 3 S . Dibenedett o 4 B . Pollard 5 P. Diacogiorgis 6 D . Cu rtis 7a S . Andrew 7b L Byrne 8 A. Byrne 9a H . Fletcher 9b C . Prior 10 A. Urbanic 11 B. Athe rton 13 S. Pidott o 14 T. Clarke 16 G . Crane 17 B. Lee 18 M . Baker 19a C. Andrew 19b C. Quinn 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. Meighen 22 C. Sullivan 23 D. Knowles 24 A. Parsons 26 C. Temperley 27 J . Tornese 29 V. Cahill 30 C. Little 31 P. Crowe 32 A . Grant 33 S . Dru ry 34 S . Herce cegg 36 M . Reeves 38 A . George

40 G. Bence 42 I. McBumey 45 J. Bennie 46 D . Timm 51 J. Rawlings 53 S. Addico tt 54 J. Parsons 57 R . Rome 61 G . Virtue 62 N . Auden 67 R . Holderhead 73 J. Bare 76 P. Everard

77 A. Grillo 97 D. Ronchi

Ma j or Sponsors : ~~


59 S. Kennedy 60 R . Punter 61 J. Perrone

Fitzroy Football Club Limited ._ . _ . ., .

Sponsor Scoble's Nursery Tile


Lord Newry Hotel North Fitzroy

1 A. Collins

2 G . Broadley 3a A. Knott 3b N. Patterson 4a S. Stevens 4b B . Glover 5a S . Avery

Sb T. Kerr

6a P. Avery 7 C. Alexander

8 J . Cargil; 9 R. Ogge

10 P. Orchard 11 M . Pollock 12b A. Tsoumbaris 13a J.Murphy 13b J. Povey 14a D. Lauletta 14b T Fitzpatrick 15 M. Tyson 16 C . Reed 17 B. Ruzicka

18 P Phillips

19 J. Law = 20 S. Parker 21 K Brockman 22 C . Habe l 23 L Collins 24 J. Jackomonis 25 M. Zaverella 26 N . Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T Crivelli 29 P. Barker

30 31

32 33 P. Stroud 34 R. Johnston 35 S. Davies 36 A. West 37 M . Daou 38 B . Bruns 39 G . Carle 40 P. Rossi tto 41 J . Bogie 42 D. McGlenchy

43 I . Chaps

44 B . A6der 45 B . Mountain 46 T. O'Hanlon 47 D. Lahiff 48 A . Brick 49 N . Tierney 50 J . Gourlay 51 S . Signorini 52 C . Frost

53 M. Preston 54 J. Berry

1 P.Morton 2 S .Fred rickson 3 D.Sheldrick 4 N.Dunne 5 S .Adamswaite 6 M .Watson 7 S .Burke 8 M .Corren6 9 LVJalker 10 S .Davis 11 D .Harris 11 A .Murray 13 P.Moon 15 S .Brooks 16 A.Brennan 17 J.Brodie 18 A.Hewitt 1 9 S.White 20 A.Mu phy 21 D .Edmunds 22 S. Wli cbck 23 S.Craig 24 S.Edwards 25 M.Fanning ng 27 S.Pmsano 28 C .Ross 29 A.Randell 30 J.Smith 31 R .Man n 32 S.Gemmola 16 T.Mawdsley 40 R.Slater 42 D.Gleeson 43 A. Poulton 44 S.Lineh an 45 D.McMeekin 47 A.8amson 50 K.Hopkins 54 TPete rs 55 A.Cummings 56 J .Niel d 57 ALaid ' ~jaw~ 70 J .Dumaresq SA .Gellert B ai Ile R.Baker A.Benton C B lBowden T.Bullen S .Clifford B .Clutterbuck M .Cotsopoulos H .Davies N .Dejanovic M. Donohue T.Duggan B .Dumsday J. Elliott J .Eyre P.Farzant C .Frands

D .Gilmour D .Hill R .Hosking D .Huifer S.Jackson

55 A. Saull e 56 M. Caglan 57 B. Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A. Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M. Gray 62 A. Johnsen 63 D . Kealy 64 N . Kudeweh 65 G . Ulywhite 66 C. Lorenz 67 S. McDonai d 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T Papamarkov 70 A. Patton 71 S. Williams 72 M . Waller 73 J. ~~liams

C .Knee B.Launikonis J.Levy PLias TUqhtfoot A.Mann P.Marozzi LMcNam ara i B 0 Connor x.o'Donnell S .OToole D.Patience S .Pattersa n M .Paull B .Philli s

75 E . S 76 C. Picke tt 77 A. Smith

PStewa rt

78 D. Carter

D .Kerrison


Coach : Chris Moor e Res. Coach: Pat McKenna 1 2 A. Bloomfiel d 3 D. MacKenzie (VC) 4 B . Varkatzos 5 C. Kokkinos 7 M . Sho rt 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Mouti s 10 R . Mitchell 11 C . Hanle y 12 R . Dooley 13 D . Britt 14 P. Malcolm 15 G . Redford 16 M.. Bell 17 L. Cu rtai n 18 J . Connellan 19 R . Keatin g 20 J. Tolley 21 A. Perdikomati s 22 S. Ear

23 J. Kerley 24 S. Kit's 25 C. Marshal l 26 A. Kitts (VC )

27 G . Smith

28 B. Anderson 29 D. Sowersb y 30 P. Holden 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J . Brown . 3 4 g la ~ 35 R. Ev Nuske s 36 M . Rya n 37 P. Torpey 38 S . Cammis s 39 A. Mulholland

40 J . Gast 41 M . Cas h 42 S . Daflo n 43 B . Gant 44 N . Smith 45 G. Chapman 46 B . Nguye n 47 M. Stevenso n 48 A . McKenzie 49 S . Collins 50 P. Papadopoulo s 51 L Kennedy 52 C . Cook e 53 T. Hunt 54 O. Pa rton 55 A. Goo k 56 J. Page 57 P. Illman 58 E. Bennett 59 B. Papadopoulos 60 M. VongSykeo

63 A. Ju ry 64 M. Ogilvie

A.Plac C.Porter e H. Russell r k J .Waterman Rw .



(cha .c

. Weekend


,h :)n ~ to this serviceO

. ,. ® ® . o' -

, ts ® Scorr s




The m ;-' - c• . : (Glenhuntly ~;oad) is open v, • rn :6a day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that woul d allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and th e club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .





_s PLUS every

en f season draw for ~ with a Bag va Question: What are the six (6) exact words that must be added to complete this rule (re : Choice of Goal) . BEFORE THE COIN IS TOSSED, THE CAPTAIN OF THE TEAM SHALL CAL L (see FTLOTG for last weeks result) . Fill out the answer and contact details (to the left) and mail to Answer, YOUR 21APv9E: .. . ... .. ....... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .... .. .... ... .. ..... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . "VAFA Ben Hogan Competition, PO Box 359 Elstemwick 3185" ADDRESS : by noon Tuesday following the match for your chance to win. See t'>-iO N E: FTLOTG for last wee k's results. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003


i i!~ ~i~,t, v311 .~ t`' ~ G tl' ' MY i'll L i.J i` , ~V ~

?lr: ~~i~~


_ito :li 1- vlt-

S#~~ ; ;_1~~ ( SO ~~~ H kid'-LB. DISTRICT) T1 -'~n -T. 速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVPs receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.


I It was a great weekend for VAFA football when all three representative teams won, the Senior team and C to F team in Adelaide, and the U19 team at Lavington . The C to F team played the curtain-raiser and were too good, kicking 9.1 to 1 .1 in the first quarter . Quarter by quarter scores were : VAFA 9 .1 13 .5 22 .8 29 .9(183) SAAMFL 1 .1 2.1 4 .1 10.3(63) Best were T.Macgeorge (10 goals) M .Hazell M .Pitts D .Rogers J .Smith G .Stroud (5 goals) Steve McCarthy was on field umpire . George Voyage was our coach . The senior game was close all day . SA had a very talented full forward, Taylor, who finished up with 7 goals . Quarter by quarter scores were; VAFA 3.1 8 .8 .9 .8 11 .12(78) SAAMFL 5.1 6 .5 9 .7 11 .9(75) SA had a chance to win with a kick after the bell . Thank the Lord the goal umpire was the SA man . The faint reactions of our players suggested that the final kick was a goal and a victory for SA . Well, the SA goal umpire was a judge of quality and put up one finger to give the VAFA a win by 3 points . Rumour has it that the goal umpire's next two appointments were Flinders Island and Oodnadatta . Best were L Mahoney (De La Salle) Malty Jackson (Old Brighton) Ewan Thompson (MHSOB) Andrew Evans (De La Salle) Simon Lethlean (Old Xaverians) Goals came from Nick Mitchell (St Bernards) Luke Vassallo (St Bernards) Aldan Boyd (Old Scotch) 2 . Michael Blood (Old Xaverians) Simon Lethlean (Old Xaveriansl) Marcus Dollman (St Kevins) Andrew Ramsden (Old Trinity) and Matty Jackson (Old Brighton ) No its not a misprint but Marty Jackson was our Field Umpire in the Senior game . The U19's played in cold and blustery conditions at Lavington . The wind was perhaps a 3 goal advantage . VAFA made full use of the wind and led 5 .5 to 1 .1 at the first change . NSW-ACT came back hard in the second quarter and at half time it was VAFA 7 .8(50 ) NSW-ACT 8.4(52) . The premiership quarter promised to be just that with the on ballers Dinneen, T .Harvey, Wise Bonnici and McClelland dominant and with Thomas brilliant on his wing, the VAFA replied 8 .1 to 2 .1 to have the game well in hand at the last change and went on to win 15 .19(109) to 12 .5(77). Best were Thomas Wise

Dinneen T .Harvey McClelland Hyland O'Connor Quin . Our umpire was Andre :v Stephen . Quiz Hailey's Comet flashed across the sky on 2nd May 1910 . On that day a child destined to be a famous footballer was born . Hailey's comet did not appear again until 2 May 1986 . On that day the famous footballer died . His life had spanned from comet to comet . This footballer had more than a touch of comet about it . He could play cricket a bit too. Can you name him? The first Interstate draft took place in 1981 . Who was the first player named in the first draft? He later coached in the VAFA . Answers to quiz 1 . Laurie Nash famous Sth Melbourne footballer recruited from Tasmania, kicked 18 goals in the interstate match . He also played test cricket for Australia as a fast bowler . 2 . Alan Johnson played at Melbourne drafted from West Australia and later coached Old Trinity .

In a remarkable contradiction of current form, Old Haileybury annihilated De La Salle 15 .11 (101) to 5 .18 (48) . Armstrong, Borg and Kraus were on fire . Craig Wright and Damien Toohey tried valiantly across the hb line for De La. Yes. Kevin (Chili) Segota celebrated his 250th game on Saturday in the centre between Parkside and Monash . The match ball was signed by the players and presented to Kevin, along with a bottle of champers. A fitting tribute to Kevin's love of umpiring VAFA football and a drink (s?) after the game .

Mazenod, on top and undefeated in 'C' met Commonwealth Bank, on the bottom, with one win . It ended alright but the day had its moments . The top team were 3 goals down at the first change, and only 1 goal ahead at the last change . In the end they won 13 .19 to 11 .15 . Mazenod were so shocked they forgot to send in goal kickers and best players, or was the coach so upset he forbade it? Best for the Bank were Maher, Griggs, McNamara (C'wealth) . 100 and 200 to the Melnjak brothers, at Hampton, Edi and Robert, great players and club members . St Bernards OC were holding a 30th birthday celebration party at Moonee Valley Racing Club . The club's best ever team was announced on that date . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

split had taken piace in C' 6cction . The top the bottom 5; Banyule, on top with 7 wins 5 t, a game ahead of Old Melburnians and Ol d f3, ;,,ljon, with Old Haileybury 2 games behind and 2 u S clear of fifth placed St Kilda . Langford-Jones (former St Kilda star - so said lu Sunday Press in the greatest misstatement of the , .,ltui-y) coached Victoria's CDEFG team to an ,,,j ;tanding victory in Adelaide at the Norwood Oval . an lined up as : Dave Gregory (C) (Bala), Mike Constable (0 . e ,[ .1, Peter Grant (VC) (0 . B'ton) . HBk's : Cam Lad Bton), David Willey (Bloods), Garry Phillips (0 . Centres: Jeremy Nicholls (0. Melb) . Marcu s L PrjIumano (Banyule), Cullen Gunn (0 . Geel .) . . fl.F,,~,ds: Greg Sutterby (Banyule), Al Lawson (H Rrn-~rs), Charlie Capiron (St Kilda) . Fwds : Peter Ad : ms (Banyule), John Bingham (0. Hail), Leigh Holt ( Ganvule) . Rucks : Paul Woff (0. B'ton), Greg Bradshaw (0 . Melb), Steve Wiltshire (Pen . OB) . I/C : Anthony Whelan (Aquinas) . Mark Wilkinson (Aquin), .Mark Mason (Preston), Marty Newnham (0 . Carey) . QUIZ : How many of them played VFL football, before or after 1988? Andrew's fellow selectors were Peter Mason, Rick Brockweil and Peter Hutchinson . The team played a blistering first quarter to lead 11 .3 to 1 .1 and were in charge for the rest of the game to win 28.16 to 8 .13 . Best were Bradshaw, Nicholls, Capiron . Woff, Grant, Lawson, Sutterby, Whelan (7 gls) . 100 games to field umpire, Steve "Twang" McCarthy, who joined us from the VFL senior list in 1984 . Four Grand Finals to his credit (3 in U19 and 1 in E), Steve is still displaying blistering speed in 2003 . 0 . Geelong came from 13 points behind at the last change to defeat Power House by 3 points and go into the 'E' Section four, winning 13 .15 to 13 .12 . Best were Gude (5), Harwood, Le Deux (OGS), and Dester, Deans, Twist (PH) .

0. Camberwell caused the upset of the day by defeating hitherto undefeated 'B' Section leaders O . Paradians . The result was due in no small way to the return to the field of O. Camberwell's coach Ian Rogers. Final scores were 23 .17 .145 to 17 .5 .117 and best were Rogers (11), Karl, McDonald (0 . Camb) and Gleeson, Spillane, Roe (0 . Par) . In the battle of South Rd, O. Brighton 'C' Section, defeated Old Haileybury by a solitary goal, 12 .15 to 11 .15 . Best : Grant, McLennan, Tate (0 . B'ton) and Brewer, Meckiff, Schmidt (0 . Hail) . 200 games to Jim Bonwick (0 . Hail), Ian Chettle (UHSOB) . Michael Tamblyn (Caul . Gr.), Uni Blacks captain and 1979 B&F winner, Simon Gill played his I00th game .

undefeated senior team when they beat Bulleen United 31 .18 .204 to 16 .5 .101 . Stars were Wiendl, Fellows, Kevin Harting (6), Broderick (12) T'town and Morly, Bowden . Lempriere (Bull . Utd) . 'A' Section umpires were Goodman . Flannery, Mead, Cavanagh, Horwood, Wiseman, Henry, Tracey, Dodds and Wills . 01 Club games were suspended for Interstate games with Victoria playing Tasmania and South Australia at Elsternwick Park . Teams selected as follows : vs Tasmania : Bks : Lockie (U .Blks), Murphy (Orm), Curnow (U . Blues), H . Bks : Royal (Coburg),S . Costello (VC) (U . Blacks), Long (Caulf . Gr.) . C : Dove (Orm), Paul (0 . Hail), McHenry (De La) . H .Fwds: Priestly (0 . B'ton), R. Brown (0 . Meib), R . Booth (U . Blks). Fwds : Nugent (De La), Moore (Mon . Blues), Shephard (0 . B'ton) . Rucks: Price (Marc), Dunn (De La), Rice (C) (Coil) . Inter : C . Price (U. Blues), Corben (Orm), Tallent (0 . Sc) . Victoria outclassed a young Tasmanian side to win 26 .28 to 5 .13 . Best were R . Brown, Corben, Dunn, Paull . Dove, Long with chief goalkickers Moore 5 . Priestly 5, Brown 4, Dove 3, Tallent 3 . vs South Australi a Bks: Halasa (De La), King (St Bern) . Bourne (Orm) . H . Bks : Doolan (St Bern), Trumble (U . Blues), McDonnell (De La). C : Marx (Old Sc .), Davis (Geel), Sherwen (0 . Sc). H . Fwds : I . Cordner (VC) (0 . Melb), Yeo (U . Blues) . Fwds: Wilson (NOB), M . Cooke (0 . Carey), Groves (De La), Rucks : Naylor (Orm), Wade (C) (St Bern), Beddoe (De La) . Inter : Houghton (0 . Hail), Welch (NOB), Bill Peers (0 . Trin). South Australia, with first use of a strong wind, kicked 6 .2 to 1 .7 in the first term, and with 2 goals in the second term, led by 4points at half time, 8 .5 to 6 .13 . Victoria outplayed SA in the third term, kicking 4 .6 to 2 .4 and with a 10 point lead at the last change, and the wind in the final term, looked headed for a big win . However SA played with great fire in the last quarter, and with their backmen spoiling the Victorian forwards, almost turned certain defeat into victory . Doolan, wing and Bourne in the ruck, steadied Victoria and the final scores were 12 .31 .103 to 13 .12.90 . Best were Doolan, Naylor, Cordner, Bourne, Sleeman, David, Welsh and for SA Keynes, Heels, Wells, Burgess . Coaches were Bernie Sheehy (vs Tas) . and Peter O'Donohue (vs SA) . Umpires were Goodman, Rowe (SA) and Rowell, G .M . Simpson (vs Tas) .

David Willey (pre '88) (St Kilda), Jeremy Nicholls (pre '88) (Melbourne), Peter Adams (pre '88) (Collingwood) .

Thomastown (E) preserved their record as the only THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003


A few unexpected results upset the Qwill's tipping applecart this week, so it's back to theold drawing boar d REVIEW to dredge no some n ew elfchesl . S Yndal Tany Ho s returned to type as they rallied from a low start, being six goals to nil down halfway through th second euart o .dThetS~yn~r~~e~F~~ 2edibv atJordnResv Blrown r Hallisey and Hunter were resolute , la while MacK~nype was great in the middle and the form of pinch-hitting fonvard Hew defied thelodds nosd~at

Werribee by a comfortable margin, after the Bees threw away a half time lead courtesy Of Some bad kicking fo r by the KS e~ghggoa~tin the thir quarter . Cullen snagged six for Kew, While Stephens ind defenee *and Renou in the ruck were also contributors for the victors . noteworthy

showed that they deserve second position thus far with their win over Rupertswood . As much as Personal Woul dbia ; not s been as consistent as I'd ~tike, gsomething that theyve s levelled a ymueh at Souths ; Blood today . Tough choice, but I'll go tiie s toda erribee take .W on $t, John's {7C at Soldiers Reserve i an e other incentive laden contest, the Be s being anothe n r member of the 10ur Outside the four" while th who despite being second last, do in fact boast the second best percentage, needless to say are desperate for a win to escape the relegation zone e John' d are I wher . It is unfathomable that St . e think they are, but losing.s man o g close oaine has certainly not helped their cause y Somethin ghas t giv s an . this couid be an opportunity for the JOCs to break out for they'II lose by less than a goal i Seriously though, I'II St Kew take . John's for the points , host Elsternwick at JJ Higgins Reserve in an match for both teams, albeit for signifcantiV dimportant ifferent reasons . The teams , finaKs are part of a cluster of fou rofth

The Svafuburae juggernaut continues to wreak havoc, as the Razorbacks managed a handsome victory over Elsternwick, but were certainly made to work hard chle- I us (I nMurchie-Hins (they may as well be the On e F dlepand skip 13, and old reliables Fragiacomo, skipper Albert again did t h l and are kee~n to keep in tou~ h, sbyhil ~E grade legend e business . Lower h a win t Leigh Murphy was good value for the Wicks r thei r Cull climb out of the cellarsl te nwi ek will nee d In other matches, Power House . watc o ou t aid fo . If it eventuates , en (Kew) versus Murphy (Elsternvrickl expectation as they continued 9t , upset most people's in the middle, it should be a great on home form, GC miserable for a winner, I cannot ignore laddereon on e u contesL As South Melbourne Districts were positions, c too good for form and home ground advantage Iwell I CAN ignore . them, but I won't), so it's New for mine PREVIEW . Po wer House make the long trek to Sunbury as they SYnd~ Tany Ho travel to St square up to Rupert f. ,째nod . Jame s 11, a reeat Of the Park to face In defiance of manypeople's expectations, both teams are separated by only one game ~ Sw~nny a e still hurtby this defeat and ~ou lGrand , d not want further salt rubbed into any lingering wounds by having the Synners to be the first 'side to defeat them in 2003 . As encouraging as their comeback against Monash might have been, they cannot afford such a slow start against the Razorbacks While that may not happen, I don't fancy the opposite to .happen either . Frend, side to side, om end to top to bottom however you want to measuss D3 St;L'I`tpN er it, Swinburne are as good as any team (with the Possible Swinburne exceptiori of the 2001 Fitzroy Reds) I've seen at this level Murchie 9 43 Swinburne to win . Rupertswood . Burrowes 5 31 Swinburne ARoIIash Gryphons welconae Hi South Melbourne Districts ~ins 4 24 Rupertswood to East Caulfield Reserve in what promises to be an Whitehead intriguing contest Monash Gryphons 0 20 Malone . The Gryphs are part of the peloton 4 20 D3 RESERVE chasing a spot in the four, while the Bloods are currently a game clear in second spot, and Rupertswood safe in the four for at Jord an 6 18 least another week even if they lose today South Melbourne Dist W Rosowski 1 15 . Dreadfully Werribe e enigmatic, Monash's Jekyll ,and Hyde traits were neatly Harding 0 14 encapsulated in last week's match, v ; Power House ;ii]e the Bloods D'Intino 3 Syndal Tally Ho 13 Thompson 0 12


,s admittedly, a percentage difference you could truck through . However, the Piranhas won't se e on why they shouldn't make it two long haul roa d ories in succession, while Rupo, of course will b e ,' to rectify their goal shooting problems after losin g points last week despite five more scoring shots . House may feel there is the opportunity for a fe w re goals at the expense of the cavalier Rupo defence, ,,at I can't see them turning the same trick twice . ,,upertswood to win . SOCIAL 6vndal Tally Ho will be heading to the Beehive Hotel after ,i ;r Surinburne game for a two course meal for $25 . :;n ndance is compulsory, so support the sponsor who pports your club . `,Sanash Gryphons have their Reverse Raffle for a$1000 ri c on Sunday June 1, from lpm at East Caulfiel d rve . Tickets are S20 for entry only, or S30 (entry plus ~ and drink) . See Dutchy for further information (if h e tiasn't seen you first) . are having a Melbourne Districts South diunertdanceJauction on Saturday 21st June at 7 .30pm ,it powerhouse Function Centre . Cost is $70 for three ,urse meal and drinks . Entertainment will be provided I)Y live band "Kerferd" featuring Matt Hannon . For ixookings contact Bernie Lazzaro on 0412 126 469 or Maureen McGee on 0419 526 670 . Donations of items for auctions are also appreciated . CORRESPONDENTS Any correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc ., can be provided (ideally by 5pm Monday) to myself via fax on 9920 9097 or email Peter .PS .williamsonCa,centrelink (work). Have a great VAFA weekend. 'The Qwill "

S;'nd ai Tally He - congratulate 3-1awn O'Bo--' ~ on reaching the 200 game milestone last week. Shawn has been a consistent contributor with the club for many vears and the club was disappointed they couldn't provide the ideal result last week to adequately celebrate his achievement . Well done "Poin" from all at the Synners . Monash Gryphons - cult figure David Walter celebrates the (1000) milestone of 100 games this week . Known as "1000" because he is, according to some, "1000 miles away", David has been good value since first appearance for the Gryphs back in 1997 . After working his way through the reserves for a couple of seasons . Walts has regularly held down a position in the seniors for the last few years, and given the Gryphs some colourful performances- Well done David, from everyone at the Gryphons.



D3 SE {'; 3N Kew v Elsternwick Werribee Amateurs v St Johns 0 C Swinburne Uni v Syndal Tally-Ho Monash Gryphons v South Melb Districts Rupertswood v Power House

tI{I,~) , 3.5 3.5 9.6 13 .10.88 5.8 15.15 16.19 21 .26.15 2 Elsternwlek; Byrne 3. Hunter 2. Murphy 2, Perkins 2, Foster 2, Stephens, C .Mahony . Best; Murphy . Nolan, Whelan, Byrne, Yemm . C .Mahony Swinburne: Murchle 9, Higgins 4 . Fidler 2 . Fricke 2, Trickey . Milano. Albert. Roberts Best: Fidler, Murchie, Roberts, Higgins . Fraglacomo . Albert Umpires : David Longworth Nick Evans (F) James Gregory Thepan Nallainathan (B) Paul Whitehead Peter Maddocks of WERRIBEE 5 .2 7.4 8 .10 9 .12 .66 NEW 3 .9 4 .10 12 .11 16 .13.109 Werribee: Flack 3, Murphy 2 . Pace . Keogh, may, Hoffman . Best:May, Collier, L .Carson, Keogh, Pace . Hew : Cullen 6, Bell 3, Fitzgerald 2 . Looker, Tinetti. Gridley. Bortone. DeBraner. Best : Ritchie . Stephens. Delaney. Renou, Tinetti .Cullen . Umpires : Jeremy Heffernan Phil Gluyas (F) Jon Kralevski Joel wignell(B ) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 0 .4 4.6 8 .11 10.14 (74) 4 .5 6.6 11 .15 15 .20 (110) PdOi4ASH GRYPHONS Syndal Tally-Ho: Leplaa 3, Cachla 2, McKenzie, Rutter, Morrison . Retnolds, Gleeson . Best:Sheer, Gleeson. Hallisey . Brown, Reynolds . Robinson &ionash : G .Harrak 5, Malone 4 . Best :wells . G .Harrak, S .Harrak, P.Rutherford . Gilchrist . Roche Umpires : Ron Marlyn Jason Lane (F) Thomas Wischer Lee Dalton (B) Sam Perrin John Ralph (G) SOUTH MELB DIST 5 .1 10 .5 13 .7 19 .11 (125) RUPERTSwOOD 3 .6 6.9 11 .15 15 .20 (110) South Meib Dist : Cheevers P 6, Daly 4 . Henderson Earl 3, D'Andrea Wade 2. Hannan Andrew 2 . McKerrow D. Zantuck T. Best: Cheevers Paul, Daly, Zantuck . D'Andrea W, McGee, Bracei. Rupertswood: Burrows 5, Dressler 3 . Baines, Trimming, Hatty, McGovern, McGrath, Ahbanis . Best: Collins. Dressier, West . Burrows . Baines, King. Umpires: Geoff Curran (on rotation - from B) (F) John O'Connor James Patrick iB) ST JOHPBS O C 3 .1 5 .4 7 .6 9.10 (64) 2 .3 5 .6 10 .6 10 .7 (67) POWER HOUSE St. Johns : Diaz 2 Koppens Dowsett Fancea Vanderweert Hilton B Chessum A Van Houten . Best Not received . Pow er Honse: Verberme 4 Tavlor 2 Clarke H Miller Robertson Robinson . Best : Verberme Ricahrdson Cooper Harris Risiovski Taylor. Umpires : Anthony Simpson Mitch Buaton (F) ELS'



D'iERYE 2.2 5.4 6.4

7.5.4 7

5.3 8.6 11 .10 17.12,11 4 Elsten iclc ; Goldman 3, walker 2 . Gordon . Creak. Best : Bravington. hell, Creak, Battatni . Goldman, Walker . Swfnburne; Allen 5, Menzies 2, Carter 2, Murphy 2 . Liston 2 . Little. Goode . Thomas, Revnoldson Best: Andrtnopoulous. Demarte, Allen, Watts, HowatL Murphy. wE EE 7 .5 11 .7 18 .11 22 .14.146 NEW 1 .0 2 .4 2.4 3 . 5 . 23 Werribee: Mercieca 7, Marinis 4, Carlesso 3, C .Alabakis 2, Ellis 2, Fraser 2, Fuller 2, M .Alabakis. Best Mercieca, Camilleri. Mahoney, Owens, Carlesso, ACarson. Kew: Doumis 2, Rankus. Best : Seines, Doumis, Malvis . Johnston, Jensen, Rakusz. SYNDAI. TALLY-HO 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 .3 (9) MO%ASH GRYPHONS 4.2 8.4 11 .5 19.5 (119) Syndsl Tally-Ho: Hartnett . Best : Rosenhain, Devon, Bartholomew, J.Fleming . Miller, Collins ffionash : A.Arena 8. C.Yamu 4, Kent 2, Perry 2, Varcoe, Wadley, McKenzie, Batle . Goals. Best: Details not received. 4 .1 4 .5 5 .6 5 .8 (38) SOUTH :.SELS DIST RUPERTSWOOD 4 .2 8 .4 12 .5 19 .5 (119) South YYelb Dist : Bell 2, Pohtner, Rosawski Wayne, Downing. Best: C)vne . Grant, Fern, Lazzaro . Rosowski Wayne, Bell Rupertswood : Jordan 6. O'Callaghan 4. Icely 3, Wilson 3 . Kosta, McCrann, Ramsey . Best : McKenzie, Jordan, O'Callaghan, Ang, Howard, Cerr o ST JOHNS 0 C 2 .1 6.5 11 .7 16.8 (104) POWER HOUSE 3.2 4.3 4 .5 8.5 (53) St . Johns : Hancock 4 Kelly J 3 Borghona 2 Ladson M 2 Dragwidge Sacco Canning Roberts Scardamaglla . Best: Hancock Scardamaglia Kelly J Barney Cotto Ladson M. Power House : D'hllino 3 Cooper 2 davis 2 Owens . Best : Davis Stanley M Rainey West Macleod Black .


E7-- . :_ : :

Ch : Peter Oliveri Res Coach : Andrew Curtain 1 L. Murphy 2 A. Hankin 3 J . Yem m 4 S . Rosengart en 5 M . Whelan 7 J . McAdam 8 S . Cur ri e 9 T. Hartleyy 10 R . Bravington 11 L . Missaglia 1 2 N . Wigmore 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahony (VC ) 15 B. Hooper 16 M. Burman 17 J . Perkins 18 C. McKenna 19 J . Hunter 20 E .Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry, 22 G. Elvin (DVC) 23 S . Cu rtain 24 A . Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C . Mattony (C) 27 M. Daniels 28 V. O'Connor 29 S. Mahony 30 M. Nicho l 31 G . Devonshire 32 C . Ly ons 33 M . Cunningham 34 J . Beaumont 34 A. Contin ® 35 P. McNally 36 Y. Afie 37 D. Nolan ( CR) 38 A . Bumey 39 M .Thiele 40 A . Patey 41 D . Byrne 42 J . lJlikakis 43 P. Clarke 4 C . Walker 445 R . Grandemange 47 N . Uttin 48 M. Fran e n 49 D. Hohaia 50 M . Ba ttaini 51 G . Powell 52 M . Purcell 53 A. Lewis J . Devit t 55 S . Stephens 56 B . Erlich 57 J . Donovan 58 M . Mitchell 59 T. Perkins 60 M . Creak 61 M. Hunt 62 B. Maher 63 D . Brewster 64 S. Vukis 65 D . Kirkright 66 E. After

AUS , , • * AN UIFTY


Sen: Rohan Doherty Res: Paul Gregor 1 J. Doumis Res .DVC 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 D. Beha n 4 G . Crimmins 5 K. Delaney 6 N. Tinett i 7 B . Dover D. Mainsb ri dge V.C . 9 P. Wftchell 10 B . Cullen Capt . 11 B . Woodhouse V.C . 12 M . Gridley 13 C . Kyriakou 14 J. Looker 15 F. Lamanna 1 6 D Wood 17 B. Allen 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J. Dennis 20 A. Acfleld 21 M . Ayres V.Capt 22 C. Stephens 23 J . deBlank 25 C. Watts 26 S . Byrnes Res . V.C 27 T. Moore 28 K . Gatezio 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante R.C. 31 D . lanni 32 A. Drago 33 D . Wayland 34 J. Bortone 35 R . Bruno 36 B. Marchesani 37 S. Johnston 38 J . Ritchie 39 A. Eaton 40 J . Ferrantin o 41 R. Livingston 42 J . Pilkington 43 A . Bortone 44 A . Makris 45 G. Evans 46 B . Van Zuiden 47 A . Lawler 48 S. Mikrou 49 P. Dennis Res DVC 50 A. Carma n 51 M. Blair 52 N . Gill 53 S. Osborne 54 J. Renou 55 A. Meek 56 T. Frith 57 L Jensen 58 B . Burnett 59 J . Rakusz 60 M . Andersson 61 M . Glenn 62 R . Falteti 63 N . Gricks 64 J . Cronin 65 D . Kinross 66 R . McKerrow 67 J . Bell 68 A. Patnaude 69 A. Robe rts

Cason : Jack McDonald A . Cc h : Phil Knight 1 S. Bourbon 2 M. Healy 3 A. Grad y 4 N. Ruthe rford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D. Baxte r 7 D. Waiter 8 J . Blandford g G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A . Nichols 12 A . Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 D . BoIEe 15 A. Perry 16 P. Rennison 17 J. Hetherington 18 J. Harrak 19 R . Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G . Harrak 23 A. Mckenzie 24 C. Good 25 A. Trotter 26 S . Arena 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Malone 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A . Tolongos 33 J . Park 34 M. Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G . Block 37 A. Jenkin 38 J. Watson 39 M. Paolucci 40 M. Bourbon 41 P. Rutherford 42 G . Sims 43 M . Cleary 44 L Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 M . Angel 49 C . Robinson 50 P. Patrick 51 C . Lesion 52 A. Flowerday 53 D . Whitfield 54 L . Volkov 55 J. Bingham 56 T. Baini 57 W. Pocock 58 T. Arv anitis 59 A. Yanni 60 G . Campbell 61 C. Yanni 62 S . Yamamoto

Coach: Bre tt Devlin As :: Peter Bacon Res: Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou 4 B. Turner 5 M. Braini ~C) . 6 H . Clarke 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L Fraser 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J . Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler Sen . C ( ) 16 R . Anderson 17 C . Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D . Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 Sa Evans 23 R. Clifford 24 Ni Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 J. Senior 27 Je Robert son 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Davis 31 R . Marshall (RC) . 32 M . Verberne Se(VC) 33 A . Ristovski 34 J . Marshal l 35 J . Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S. West 38 T. Brownjohn 39 R. Owen 40 M . Tikjob 41 Rh Black 42 P Arnold 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 C. King 47 T. Marshal shalll 48 M. Stanley 49 D . Harri s 50 M. D'Intino 51 Ja Best 53 D . Bowden 54 J. Blovfiel d 55 B. Phillips 56 T. McFarlane 57 A. Calma 58 Ja McClur e 63 I . Bracken

Cocch : Tony West Res. Coach : Shane McLauchlan 2 Purcell G. 3 Page S. 4 Burrowes D . 5 McGrath J. 6 Gallus S. 7 Whitehead B . 8 Elliott K . 9 Clarke M. 10 Albanis J. 11 Mottle B. ' 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnott B. ( Capt.) 14 Plummar L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Pe ttman M . 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D. 23 West M . 25 Weston S. 27 Temming L . 28 McDonald D. 29 Baines M. 32 Sinnet P. 3,,, King J 35 Ce rto C . 36 Henry ry 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D. 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Riley C. 42 McKenzie M. 43 Phillips R . 44 IcelyA. 45 Hum D . 46 Howard R . 47 Soutaris A . 48 Bugeja N . 49 McGovern N . 50 Soutaris D . 51 MacPherson B. 52 Jordon A . 54 Kosta M . 56 Hatty G. 57 McMahon N. 58 Woodall D. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice 69 Bradbury H . 77 O'Callaghan M .

70 J. Paron


Johns C Coach: Steve Koppens Asst : John Ladson Res: Mick Roberts A . Borgonha 2 M . Ladson 3 G. Wilson 4 S . Holme s 5 C. Horbury 6 A. Dobson 7 R. Back 8 L. Johnston 9 A. Jone s 10 M . Courmadiou s 11 J . Kelly 12 P. Walke r 13A M . Jones 136 R . Walker 14 P. Sharp 15 T. Hyland 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayn e G . Emery 19 J. Cotton 2p G. Besley 21 S . Koppens 22 A . Dragwidge 23A B . Hilton 29B M. Waters 24 H . Wathan 25 D. Waters 26 G. Waters 27 R. Dowsett 28 B . Pettigrew 29 D. Jankovic 30 N. Gates 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J. Sacco 36 S. Chessum 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 39 S. McEachern 40 F. Mandrakis 41 J . Femando 42 C . Jones 째43 M. Van Houton 44 M . Schonewille 45 A. Hal l 46 B . Caltery 47 G. Bastone 48 J . Hargreaves 49 A . Kizilis 50 J . Brow n 51 C. Santoni 52 N . Moore 53 J , Pi 54 L. Mara 55A B . Pickering 558 D. Sanders 57 A. Rafferty 58 G . Roberts 59 J. Ross 60 J. Ryan 62 D . Vanderwert 64 C . Carmody

> ..:

Y 10 Coach: Jeff Bingham He Coach : Tony Psnas Ass . C ch : Dick Turpi n

[ Coach : Derek Thoene Coach: Brendan 1 loney Res . Coach : Darren Duscher As,, . Coach: Anthony Albert 1 J . Washington Res: David Murphy 2 M . Hannan Res. Asst : Matthew Higgins 3 M . Balshaw 1 A . Albert (SenC) 4 A. Bryson 2 J . Sheedy (SenVC) 5 S. King 3 J . Piotrowsk i 6 Warren Rosowski 4 A . Fidler 7 A. Hannan 5 J . Demart e 8 X. Kidd 6 B . Prior (SenDVC) 9 B. Powel l 7 J . Murchie 10 G . McDonald 8 M . Higgins 11 L . Ester 9 L. Morrison 12 S. Rocco 10 M . George 13 E . Henderson 11 D. Milan o 14 D . Bell 12 C. Higgins 15 B . Lazzaro 13 C. Thomas 16 M. Thomas 14 R . Goode 17 P. D'Andrea 15 M . Howat 18 B . Martin 16 S. Reynoldson 19 A. Reid 17 J. Roberts (ResC) 20 W. Brown 16 A. Fiumani 21 G. Row e 19 B. O'Mara 23 B. Downing 20 C . French 24 J . Raeburn 21 M . Eley 25 P. Hannan 22 D . Odium 27 P. Cheevers 23 S . Fitzgibbon 30 M . Brady 24 M . Little 31 S. Hermann 25 M . Whiting 32 D. McGee 26 T. Liston 33 M . Doyle 27 D. Murphy 34 M . Fern 28 J . Farley 35 N . Moojen 29 M . McCalman 36 J. McCauley 30 S . Fragiacomo 37 M. Rosowski 31 S. Eager 38 S. Byrnes 32 C. Culph 39 A. Briglia 33 J . Hanrahan 40 G. Cox 34 L. Watts 42 G. Gaylor 35 K. Abbott 43 W. D'Andrea 36 J. Carter 44 C . Daalder 37 A. Reed (ResVC) 47 N . Pantzopolous 38 M . Tricky 49 T. Sutherland 39 R . Roberts 53 E . Bouchard 40 J. Henry 55 J . Pohlner 41 D . Clair 59 Wayne Rosowski 42 M . Hudson 62 S . Aquiline 43 J . Andrinopolous 63 B. Slade 44 P. Beynon 65 D. Thomas 45 D. Islip 66 D. McKerrow 46 J . Sandhu 71 T. Baade 47 T. Morris 48 D. Little 49 H. Allen 50 J . Berry 51 P. James 52 D . Harmer 53 P. Dodds 54 S. Dobso n 55 S. Gallin a 56 J. Gower 57 C . Farrington 58 M . Flack SPONSORS 59 A . Kliska Albert Park 60 S . Rule 61 B . Menzies Indoor Sports 62 S . Mallory 63 S . Rya n Centre 64 J . Thompson

Hocking Stuart Es t a te Agents Woodland McGee Financial Services


1 D . Turpi n 1 J. Hanneman n 2 I . Bingham 3 M . Joyy 4 P. Henderson 5 D . Hannett 5 B . Dix 6 V. Wong 7 A . Bums 8 R. Bennett 9 D. Richardson 10 A . Halryburton 10 T. Psina s 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Moresi 13 S. Miller 14 S. O'Boyle 15 N . Murrayy 1 6 B. Arnol d 17 M. James 18 S. Anderson 19 C . Simsir 20 I . Mackenzie 20 C . Hall 21 A. Thompson 22 C . Beumont 23 R . Avery 24 M . Macfarlane 25 Ch Clark 26 A . Morrison 27 M . Leplaa 28 A. Frederick 29 C. Discombe 30 B. Holland 31 A. Richardson 32 L. Hannemann 33 T. Bartholomew 34 N . Hunter 35 C . Cachia 36 T. Fleming 37 B. Robinson 38 M. Christiansen 39 D . Hallisey 40 M . Bircanin 41 M . Moresi 42 K . Bradford 43 A . Brown 44 S . Williams 45 A . Burgess 46 M . Pane 47 P. Agnello 48 D. Reynolds 49 D. Schuiling 50 A. Sneddon 51 A. Sheer 52 A. Pickard 54 P. Sheer

WEROIOEE Coach : Tim Ellis Res . Coach : Paul Smith 1 2 3 4

D. Nedinis C. Kelly D. Flac k S. Kid d B. Cunningham 6 M . Walsh 7 A. Murphy 8 R . Han n 9 J. Aylin g 10 M. Keog h 11 M. Gree n 12 J. Baker 13 F. Mehmert 14 J. Marin is 15 J. Wallert 16 C . Yaser 1 7 A . Tedessco 18 D. Velish a 19 J . Addamo 20 E . Mahoney 21 T. Davidso n 22 A. Dibatista 23 C. Becker 24 R. Stonehous e 25 F. Dimasi 26 P. T home s 27 L. Djakovic 28 D. Czajowski 29 S. Dole 30 B. Carlesso 31 M . Smith 32 M . Dolegowsk i 33 D. Owens 34 J. Hoffma n 35 S. Atabaco s 36 R . Bel l 37 R . Matiszi g 38 T Towers 39 L. Langield 40 B . Paton 41 G. Grogan 42 43 L. Carson 44 T. Johnson 45 C. Alabaki s 46 A. Carson 47 A . Camilleri 48 E . Collier 49 B . Grogan 50 K. Pac e 51 I . Kennedy 52 C. Andrew s 53 A. Grogan 54 55 56 $78 59 M. Kennedy 60 M . Czajows i 61 T. Johnsto n 62 63 E . Collie r 64 R . 65 F. Dimas i 66 D. Fraser.

Major Sponsors :

65 M . Erjave c 66 S . Wolok h

. - - o

~ -_ . . 39


5 Luke Duthie

5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max Wittman

6 Paul Hoffman

6 Brendan Devlin

6 Not Available

6 Dash Peiris

7 Adam Conquest

7 Sean Scully (Jnr)

7 Paul Croxford

7 Alan Lad d

8 Landan Blackball

9 Damien Lane

8 Trevor Hansen

8 Nick Evan s

9 Mark Taylor

10 Sean Scully (Snr)

9 Stephen Caple

9 Santo Caruso

10 Avi Wekselman

11 Dirk Krame r

10 Tristan Bowman

10 Shane Mele

11 Luke Holmes

12 Mark Morrison

11 Tom Hayso m

11 PaulTuppen

12 Daniel Mousley

14 Ash Hoogendyk

12 Jamie Kvins

14 Tim Tingiri

14 Sharon Alger

15 Tim Doecke

14 Michael Gilday

15 Michael Sneddon

15 Geoff Curran

16 Mervyn Monty

15 Mark Jenkins

16 Luke Moncrieff

16 Peter Woods

17 Peter Keogh

16 Craig Brajtberg

17 Michael Robins

17 Mark Gibson

18 Peter Simpson

17 Brett Horskope

18 George Paleodimos

18 Jason McNiece

19 Andrew Fyfe

18 Tim Sutcliffe

20 Geoff Kelly

19 Steve McCarthy

20 Brian Woodhead

19 Glenn Scotland

21 David Iron s

20 John Ralp h

21 Gaj Skandakumar

20 David D' Altera

22 David Long%vorth

21 Patrick Maebus

22 Chris Collins

21 Nick Ryd e

23 Robert Sneddon

22 Nick Fennesy

23 Peter Griffiths

22 Rick Love

24 Jason Moore

23 Paul Dinneen

24 Leigh Dillon

24 Miles Argall

25 Matthew Taylor

24 Graeme Hunichen

25 Lionel Katz

25 Richard Eastwood

26 Patrick Coulthard

25 Geoff Moore

26 Daniel Dinneen

26 Brad Rankin

27 PaulJones

26 Andrew Shiels

27 Anthony Simpson

27 Euan Lindsay

28 Ron Martyn

27 Matt Cox

28 Ken McNiece

28 Leah Gallagher

29 Peter Liddell

28 Paul Lamble

29 Peter Jame s

29 Gerard Rolls

30 Anthony Lilley

29 Chris Garcia

30 Michael Phillips

30 Simon Olive

32 Jarrod Aspinall

30 Justin Lipso n

31 Robert Semmens

31 Rob Schuller

34 Daniel Stephens

31 Andrew Lougheed

32 Anthony Damen

33 Simon Stoke s

35 Dianne Whiteley

32 Eli Hayes

33 Michael Forde

34 Jeremy Heffernan

33 Robert Mayston

34 Stephen Morgan

37 David Murray

34 Graeme Morgan

35 Troy Brooks

35 Jason Lane

36 Phil Gluyas

36 Matthew Meier

37 Gavin Roberts



TV N Ct TACT TEAM SPORT > &MO =? S ADG 3E q GC3OD IN L LtELLBR - DE~1, t ,G " il 2003 . you ~`;l~lh stle in Hairn onye1DaYc?l Two the VAFA ° wer The e VAFA is to be good that article from ~tea action and isets a lose standard B~ ~ broade r sighttooffollowQE rtil e eseb~oafl °ya,~e should never id

vhich a game of Amateur football rep

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Ttil n to opee anothhaYh IGib ozng e herlt nt°rs ofrtiaose Robbze Ivgayston iboundary) d its is now being applied to the iv'•SJFL an ' o Bill have laid the foundation by , for whereb} a working relationship is Do initiative mscheme between the two associations . z e sThis fro he mber of selected o~~ABu~ $mb&ssadors T g . rg with the followin .'~tark Gibson, Wayne Hinton Paul Dinneen the month of May a Tuesday Carev for their theon11m . Bernard's and old Ken ticOver ~ e next Nkmtv fe~omonths amps t

s train a T1-lA?~KS to St cooperation with the VAFAUA in letting the is a daon1Thtv da Y . Albert Park an tM~neoCdr elbou June there will be no training .


WHtfT,S YOUR DECISION? . Atkinson, OldSupporter' Carey prize, Last weeks winner was T Please contact the VAFA on 9531 $re shall blow his whistle The answer - The boundarv umpire l At a field throw and indicate out of bounds and h question bal

e6ol are

. This week 's ~ plaYer j player is positioned . the Yarra Valley player runs at the A up of ball auts across his path and blocks him ouQU~ t~nswere to


is is the umpir~ s decision? Em"


diannewhiteleyCbigp°nd .c°m '


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Robinson . Joh Mike Murray . John for all the hard worniost k Social Committee Vu . linicheoll oCtlvg&theVAF UA

fits uestespeaker had all that attended in most that they did to mak of . The - gill the next G enjo}abie

laughter and to find out why, read tile 'FLO


-1 ,

Triv a Night - 19/7 /03 Night ) Band " 21/61o3 d gJ03inalBEnd of MidYearDinner-G3a d~ inal BBQ~n2 Gran - 2119 1 03 Sutcliffe all! 12110/03Season Trip - 9FINALLY .. . nnewhiteiey'(ubigpond .eom espondence to za faua .asn .au

LSOURNE SQOftTS aoo pERS6NAL MORTGAGE G$[} GYG~ES MANAGERS - ~~~3 U~a 559 ;~;50 p Bti URKE 5t Mel6ousne 41

Beiersdorf Australia'

Either D4 is becoming a little more predicable, or I am on fire with my tipping after another 5 out of 5 . The final's race now appears to have narrowed down to seven teams . Unfortunately, if my grade one maths teacher was right, seven does not go into five, and therefore every match from here on in is of utmost importance to all involved . Review As has been the trend for much of the Brunswick P ower's matches this season, both teams kicked a bag of goals, however, they still fell to Bul2een who opened their account for the season . With Tim Conn dominating the back flanks, the Cobra's ran out thirteen point winners . The St. Mary's home match against Richmond Centrals went as expected as the likes of Rob Orme, Adam Ballantyne and Tim Brown starred for the Saints as they ran out comfortable 78 point winners . Under a new game plan, Box Hill North began well to be 2 goals up, however, poor kicking did not help their cause . With Mizzi and Doody again playing well for the Turtles, Eltham managed to capitalise and kicked away to a comfortable 10 goal win . I predicted an upset at Warrior Park . but the magnitude of the win was something that surprised even myself. The Warriors jumped out of the block ., much to the amazement of the Vultures, and through some great work in defence and around the ground by the likes of Duncan Bean and the "Brothers Christo", the Warriors kicked away to inflict a crushing 10 goal win . The match of the day proved to be just that in a free flowing and high scoring match . The Dales managed to get the jump on North Brunswick and it appeared as though they would blow the game apart . The good work of North's Hamilton up forward ensured his team kept close though, and going into the final quarter North Brunswick was only a goal behind . In an epic final quarter, North managed to hit the front and an upset was in the making . However, the Rams dug deep and, with some inspirational goals from Francis "Disco" Varga, regained the lead to run out winners by four goals .

Albert Park had the bve . Preview RICHMOND CENTRAL v BULLEEN COBRA S What a match this will be with both teams having similar form of late, and both hoping to improve on their current win/loss ratio . On paper, Bulleen would appear to have the better credentials, however, the likes of Trotter and White will have something to say about that for Centrals . In what will be a close match, I am going with the Cobra's to make it hvo in a row with an eight-point victory . BOX HILI. NORTH v ST MARYS The Saint's home form has been second to none this season, however, away from the "Postage Stamp", they can


be considered beatable .Theyalsokdbt erteamwihBuln forward line last we~'n, although it is still a difficult assignment to cover the likes of last year's joint club best and fairest, Matt Gilchrist and Jason Hill, full forward Vaughn Ryan and the flashy Dogga Watson who are all out with long term knee injuries. The Box Hill North back line will need to be at their best if they are to have any chance and therefore Shaun Wakefield and Justin Garrett will need to shine . However. I cannot see them coming close, as the Saints consolidate themselves in the top five with a 58-point victory.




On paper, this would appear to be a one-sided affair, however, the Turtles have been traveling along very nicely of late, and their home form has been good . The tireless work of Defelice and Paleodimos for North will play a big part in the match, while another big hearted performance from Heck will be required if they are to challenge . Eltham are a five goal better team at home and will push North to the limit, however, the return of club legend Joe Boudoloh this week should be enough to see North return to th e nner's list with a closely fought 11 point victory . :CEL POWER v OLD STBC3t7 noth teams enjoy playing a free flowing, running game, and I think the goal umpires will have their work cut out for them this week . The Warriors are another team that have been traveling along nicely of late, and continue to improve every week. I believe the Power's runners will cause some concern for "Scratcher" Wilson and hi s

B,_ " ,'fIC ._ . UHS-VU Albert Park Brunsw~c' Old Westaourne North Bruns ',ck D< North Brunswick Eltha m

St Marys North Brunswick North Brunswick Mt. Lllydale


Tate i Allan 0 Hardawav 0 J Horsbourgh 5 Hamilton 6

37 34 33 25 21

Papanikolou Chapple Rousis H Tsialtas Ull o

31 20 20 19 17 17



aching staff, however, I cannot see them being able h t o unter the forward line brilliance of Jucka Horsburg or

workman like skills of Captain Fairfield . Therefore, it' s Yarriors for mine as they keep in touch with the top with a crushing 44-point victory. i ;,is.yU v ALBERT PARK The students have started well, there is no doubt, however . any D4 pundits are saying this has been due to favorable

;i turing rather that class on the field . Today's match is a aance for them to prove the critics wrong as they host a freshed Falcon's team . Albert Park will still be smartin g r; om their thumping against the Dales, and will be baying ' . r blood in today's match . In what could become a battle ,,, the full forwards with Tate and one end and Allan at the her, I am going with the Falcon's to return to the vinner's list and make it two losses in a row for the , ~udents with a 31-point victory . 1t .Lilydale maintain their 100% winning record this week ,s they have the bye . SOCIAL St . Mary's have their comedy night after this week's match . It will contain their very own funny man Michael , hamberlain, with some of his extremely comical friends . pax Hill North will have "DJ Gorgeous" Gus Dick cranking out the disco hits after this week's match from 7 .30pm . Press correspondent s Please get your nominations for player of the week, and nv other comments or reviews t o .au by no later that midda,l o n dav .

Lo :: :3 ;Il Nor'-: - will this week celebrate the 50th game for the other half of "the odd couple's" in big Jimmy. Jimmy's ~~Lrong ruck play has been a highlight of his career . IIHS-VU - All players . supporters and members of the "Fatty" Wallace on finally committee salute David reaching this wonderful 300 VAFA and club games milestone . He is the first player to reach the 300 mark at Uni High . David has been a VAFA leading goalkicker, club Best & Fairest and club captain for a record 8 years . Never known for blinding speed or high marks Fatty has built his game around hard work and total commitment at the ball . He is known for extremely accurate kicking especially for goal, a wonderful ability to read the play and put his body in at all times . He is a fantastic example to younger players who want to know how to improve themselves . The committee would also like to acknowledge the support and loyalty shown by David's partner Melinda . Almost every week we have the privilege of seeing Fatty's two boys James & Nicholas honing their skills and occasionally watching dad . Once again we congratulate David on this achievement and hope those old, wobbly legs keep going for some time to come .

TODAY'S A D4 SEC'I'I07 Richmond Central v Bulleen Cobras Box Hill North v St Mary s Eltham Collegians v North Brunswick Brunswick Power v Old Westbourne UHS-VU v Albert Par k

Mt Lilydale - Bye

5.0 10.1 15.3 18.5 (113) ui`t COBRAS -- _tiRdSWICK P0T,7 : : 5.1 11 .6 14.6 15 .10 (100) Bullem Cobms: hiciaren 5 Baldi 3 Cook De Jong 2 Bacchll 2 Mazzarella Daniels Redfern . Best : Conn Mclrean D Trinchl Powerham Orwin . Brunswick Power: Not received. Umpires : Paul Tuppen Rod Sneddon (F) Michael Hamer (B ) ST MARYS 5 .5 8 .5 17 .10 23 .141152) 2 .2 4.8 8.9 10.14{74) RICHMOND CENTRAL St Marys: Butter 9, Stone 2, Orme 2, Koumankaiak7s 2, Thmrvns 2. Theoharris. Bernardi, Dwvar, Purcell . Allen . Wright Best : Butler. Brown, Stone, Ballantyne, Orme . Schembrt Richmond Central : Hatzakortzian 4, Macak 3, Liuazi, Speakman, Cartwright Best : Trotter, White . Liu2zi . Cox Cartwright. Hatzakortzian Umpires: Troy Brooks Jim Pappas (F) 5 .6 9 .9 12 .14 19.18 (132) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS BO%PLrLLNORTH 3 .3 4 .8 6.10 10.11 f71) E ltbam Collegians : Chapple 6, Mann 5, Macdonald 3. Jeat 2 .Doody.Miz21. J,Baud . Best : Mizzi. Macdonald, Doody, Thomas. Mann, Carter. Box Hill North: Keillor 4, Namouskl 2 . Cook 2, Lbyle, Worrell. Best: Odza. lvorrell, Sallanmoglu, Cummings, KeIDor, Namouskt . Umpires: Jarred Aspmail Sean Scully Stir (F) OLD WESTBOURNE 5 .3 9 .5 13 .6 17-8(110) UHc-y(7 0 .2 4 .4 5.7 7 .10t52) Old Wes e: J.Horsburgh 5 . Paves 2, Edwards 2, Oldham 2, Lever 2, DePiazza 2, Hodgson. Board . Best: Berm, Edwards, M.Christo. Fairfield, A .Chrlsto, Baulch UAS-VU: Rose 3, Zulieki . Tate, Gerolemou, Ha}mes . Best: : Andrew Shiels Rose, Gorrtrtge, Dolence, Hams. Cracknell. Thorpe Um Paul Holtman (F) ALBERT PARK NN E NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .3 6 .6 10.8 15 .11 (101) Y.T LB,YDALE 5 .6 9 .8 10.14 18.19 (127) North Brunswick.• Hamilton 6 Sammartino 2 B .Carter 2 H .Tsiatas, Guppy Closter Defelfce Santecroee. Best., Wallmeyer. Ham7lton, Closter, Heck Stellar Santecroce . Mt I3kydalG Charles 3 Paull 3 F . Varga 3 Carolan 2 Kellett 2 Lonergan 2 Hayes Roberts Van Duuren . BesCLonergan Callanan Carstens C.Varga Charles Paull . Umpires : George Paleodllnm Shaun Rothe (F ) D4 RF5EM BULLELN COBRAS 2 .0 8 .4 13 .6 18.12 (120) 1 3 4 .6 4.9 (33) BRUNSWICK POWER 2 .2 Bulleen Cobras : J Lawrie 6 M Orwtn G Fortore 2 Lykopandis 2 Clements Mehrez Chan Foskett . Best Rodrigues Unwin Lowrie Clements Chan Ong Brunswick Power. Details not received . ST MARYS 8 .6 14.14 20.20 27.29(191) 3 .5(23) RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .1 1 .4 2 .4 St R°iary's: Anthony 6, Rousls 4, Leszko 4 . Luce 3 . Webb 3, Hausler 2 . West, C Goldsworthy. Roseman. Cummins . Watson Best West, Zsembery . Ashbury, Hausler, Anthony, Latimer Richmond Central : Ward . Levin. Karamichalos Best : Levin, MclAonakl. Old . Pardy. Guthrie ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 6.3 11 .6 16.9 22 .13(145) BOX AII,L NORTH 2.3 3.3 3.3 3 .4 (22) Eltham Coll : Drummond 8 . Robins 2, Jeat 2, Toulson 2, White, A.Howgate . Smith. Lacey. R Watson, Love, Warner. A .Mann. Best: Robins . Dnmunond, Richardson, A .Mann, Evans, Totilson . Box Hill North : That, Evans. St John . Best : Thoi, D'Mato . Yamamoto, Evans, Takeshita, Robinson . 2 .0 2 .3 5.3 6.4(40) OLD WESTBOURNE UIiS.VU 4.2 5.3 8.5 12.8(80) Old Westbourne : ixltch 2, Chrisio 2, Scholes, Said . Best : Semmens, Aqullnia. RiFalland. Wmtle, D .Slattery, KingUH3-VU : Forbes 4 . Mills 3. Will . C .1ltomas . P.Thomas, Higgins, Fischer Best Weber . Ludlow, J.Thomas, Fisher. Wit. Catterall ALBERT PARK BY E NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .4 8 .7 17 .12 18.14 (122) .', MT LII,yDALE 0.1 2.2 2.3 3.4(22) North Brunswick : Papanikolou 8 Ackland 5 Salloum Messiake Prestigiacomo Mountney Palmieri . Best : Papazikolou Russo Salloum Polimecns Ackland Duson . Mt L3lydale: Cunningham Leek Merrell . BestMorotti Cunningham Penhale Watt Bird Del Biondo .



1 111 NORTH

Coach : John Ahern Res : Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith 2 S . Robinson (S) 2 N . Pastras (R) 3 R . Baker 4 G. Foster 5 S. Allan 6 J. Storey 7 S. Venables 8 C . Jackson 8 M. van Elewoud (R) 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 A. Fleming 12 T. Fraser (S) 12 D. Overend (R) 13 B . 14 M . H ams 15 D. Borley (S) 15 J . Snorasson (R) 16 C. Roberton 17 D . McLellan 18 J . Taylor 19 A . Steward 20 K . Grac e 21 P. Shoppee 22 J. Hannett 23 B. Harries 24 T. Green 25 J. Wier 26 L . Hopkins 27 J. Breen 28 R . Buckley 29 J . Norman 30 V. Surace 31 S . McGuire 32 A. Di Mingo 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 S . Toth 36 J . Delbin 37 L. Hogan 38 J . Rowe 39 D .' Odorico 40 A . Graham 41 B. Gould 42 K. Daley 43 J. Tsoukas 44 B. Isard 45 T. Bennetts 46 N . Strang 47 L . Tricarico 48 T. Panayotou 49 K. Gannon 50 S . Melli s 51 M . MacLeod 52 M . Smith 53 M . Williams 54 J . Hamath 55 A . Mandylaris 56 J . Guzman 57 J . Sutton 58 M . Sullivan 59 J . Bentley 60 M . Dowdle 62 A . Harper 77 S. Garcia 78 N . Neumann 79 D . Quinlan

Coach : Peter Armstrong Res: 1Warren Drew BOX 1 Wilson 2 Reid 3 Odza 3a Evans 4 Manno 4a Potter 5 Pietersen 5a Jenkins* 6 Martini 7 Stewart 8 Lacey 8a Chamberlain 9 Sallantioglu 10 Cook 11 Thoi 12 Dick 13 Cumming 14 Palmer 15 Smith 16 Drew 17 Cavallo 18 Butler 1 9 Keillor 19a Callis 20 Oldfield 21 Hopes 22 Steele 23 Naumovski 24 Ferris 25 Kotsaridis 28 Veleski 29 Marinovic 30 Olson 3 1 Newbegin 32 Oldfield 32a Tambakis 33 Bennett 34 35 Burley 36 Gaynor 37 Woolridge 39 Webster 40 Worrell 41 Takeshita 42 Tan lli 43 Doyle 44 Garrett 46 Mortimer 49 Ellis 50 D'amato 55 Pratt 5 7 Wood s 65 Riscalla 78 Steele 86 Tsukagoshi 87 Rhind 111 Edgley 111aArmstrong*

G C A S A J A A D S M R A S T A M B S W G C L C K J A J C P z M B C I J M P D D P D M M R J P T G J P C P T T M P




BRUNSWICK POWER Coach : Ricky Baxter Assist . Coach: Ross Morgan Res: Greg Lovett 1 R . Baxter 2 J . Hardaway 3 B . Price 4 D . Hayes 5 L. Hope 6 B. Baksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D . Gerdes 9 L, Yo"eh ~' 10 B. Bottomley 11 N. Harrison 12 G . Dow 13 B. Hamilton 14 C. Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J . Lovett 17 B . Brett 18 R . Diantonia 19 N . Bux 20 J . Cooper 21 B . Lovett 22 J. Mcgrady 23 M . Lovett 24 G . Mcgowan 25 J. Slater 26 M. Smith 27 A. Walsh 28 B. Noonan 29 J . Griggs 30 L. Brett 31 M . Crane 32 P. Gall 34 E . Lovett 35 F. Pike 36 T. Lovett 37 B . Brett 38 S . Kemp 39 L. Brett 40 R . Kirby 41 L . Stephens 42 S. Davis 43 J. Comley 44 R . Mainelli 45 F. Mofflin 46 G . Fryer 47 M. Robinson 48 R . Morgan 49 R. Green 51 P. Laming 52 D. Davis 53 D. Hume 54 P. Brett 55 S . Weston 56 T. Warburton 57 R . Sikora 60 G. Murray 61 T. Holden 62 J . Clayto n 63 R . Dantonia 64 A . Davi s 65 L Grigg s 66 S. Islay 67 T Lovett 68 M. Bond


Coach : Joe D'Anget o Asst. Coach: Robert Pasinati Res . Coach: Jamie Realism 1 S. Fishe r 2 T. Orwin 2 R. Sheehan 3 S . Wigne y 4 N. Cartledg e 4 I. Mcleod 5 S . Nelson 6 I . Baccini 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Aslangu l 10 C . Powderha m 11 G . Fortune 12 J. Schemmerlin 13 N . Edgar g 14 A. Dejon g 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trinch i 17 T. Conn 18 J . Lowrie 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Mora n 21 N . Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 23 J . Redfe m 24 J . Daniel s 25 W. Olne y 26 J . DAngelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 K. Kellett 31 S. Mclaren 32 C . Clements 33 A. Coo k 34 M . D'Angelo 35 M . Unwi n 36 P. Dall'agli o 37 J . Paatsc h 38 G . Brown 39 J . Sott o 41 R. Ri o N 42 V. Dam 43 C. Chan 44 B . Saaksjarv i 45 J . On g 46 G. Reeve s 47 W. Feutril l 48 M . Soumelidi s 49 G . Anderto n 50 B. Wilson 51 R . Rodrigues 55 D . Digney 56 T. Mehrez 60 S. Petty 61 R. Hadisutanto 69 L. Ditchbur n

HARRIS CIVIL Major Sponsor


ELTHAM O .C . Coach : Scott Harringto n Reserves Coach : John Glare 1 J,Baud 2 S .Robins 3 E . Savage 4 B .Doody 5 D.Brick 6 TCarter 7 B. Rashid 8 L .Sharpe 9 C,Watson 10 B.Marshall 11 J.Mizzi 12 L.McDonald 13 M .Luttick 14 K .Nelson 15 L.White 16 D .Barnett 17 L.Daly 18 M .Chapple 19 A.Booth 20 S.Jeal 21 M.Hart 22 J.Mckenzie 23 R .Watson 24 K .Drummond 25 R .Thomas 26 J,Glare Res C/C 27 J .Stockdal e 28 TBarnett 29 D.Howgate 30 M .Decker 31 B.Keleher 32 C .Baud 33 A.Howgate 34 J.Howgate 35 G.Smith 36 M .Dere 37 J .Gilbert 3$ A.Tard'rf 39 FCoonerty 40 E .Baud 41 J .Kerkham 42 D.Buller 43 P.Mann 45 R .Davies 46 M .Jarvis 48 B .Turney 49 D .Wright 50 B .Richardson 51 P.Buhagiar 53 J,Woodward 54 D.Monagatti 55 S.Todman 56 R .Love 57 S.Gathercole 59 B.Evans 61 J.Panetta 64 C .Lacey

Major Sponsor s ,~ .


Senior Sen. Coach : David Keast ssist Coach: Paul Commerfor Reseve Coach : Bart Egan Assist Res. Coach: Darren King 1 J . Paull 2 P. Hayes 3 M. Brebner (DVC) 4 F.Varga 5 G . Bird 6 M. Jelenc 7 C . Varga 8 K . Maniscalchi (VC) 9 A . Del Biond o 10 J . Mollica 11 C. Gibso n 12 J . Commerford 13 R. Kid d 14 W. Charlton 15 R. Scott 16 D . Morrison 17 J. Lesinger 18 R . McKenzie 19 M, Leonard 20 J. Penhal e 21 M. Cunningham 22 N . Colarossi 23 B . Egan 24 L Merrell 25 A . Delahunt 26 T. Flanaga n 27 N. Pearce (VC) 28 D. Maggs 29 J . Robert s 30 A. Penhale (RVC) 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C . Anderson 34 L. Kellett 35 D . Callanan 36 M. Alderman 37 C . Carstens 38 J . Charles 39 T. Van Duuren 40 M . Rhode s 41 M . Matter 42 M . Periera 43 D. Holloway (RC) 44 A. Cox 45 K. Fraser 46 D . King 47 C . Lonergan 48 S. Dougherty 49 M. Watt 50 D . Hick s 51 A . Bullerjahn 52 B . Lee k 53 J . Hoffman 54 V. Steer 55 A. Costello 56 H. Flanagan 57 C. Walsh 58 A. Burrett 59 M. Wells 60 N . McConnell 61 R . Katene 62 B . Dun n 63 D . Prest 64 T. Roche 65 D . Burrows 66 D. Turner 67 D. Smith 68 N. Senior 69 L. Senior 70 L. Allanson 71 L . Proctor 72 S. Taylor 73 P. Bastick 74 T. Gamble 75 R . Dinezza 76 J . Drago 77 J . Kerr 78 D . Hendrie 79 J . Gardiner 80 C. Kennon

NORT H BRUNSWICK Coach : Ange Sammartino Res . Coach : Gary Cutler 1 D. Newton 2 D. Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 G . Cutler 6 D . Pizzari 7 G. Stelfox 8 D . Guppy 9 A . Sammartino 10 W. Fawcett 11 S . Hamilton 12 S. Care 13 M. Ullo 14 G . Paleodimos 15 H . Tsialtas 16 M . Vaina 17 A . Kyriazis 18 J . Verge 19 P. Pennisi 20 L. Closter 21 R. Santacroce 22 J . Freeman 23 J. Briffa 24 M. Aliani 25 W. Duson 26 J . Murphy 27 F. Ferrante 28 S . Gillard 30 D. Russo 31 J . Hec k 32 B. Robertson 33 J. Rotell a 36 M . Sodeto 37 M. Defelice 38 D . Ceravolo 39 C . Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 G. Burrows 42 J . Papanikolou 43 P. Sodet o 44 N. Wallmeyer 46 N. Giovanoglou 47 N . Prestigiacomo 48 C . Pokrajak 49 S. Nabbs 50 B . Parks 52 J . Ferraro 57 A . Mountney 58 T. Messiake 62 B . Carte r 63 M . Pitto 64 A. Palmieri 67 R . Salloum


Coach: Jeffrey Wilso n Res. Coach : Stephen Leitch 1 G. Robson 2 L. Johnston 3 S . Depiazza 4 C. Lever 5 S. Hewitt 6 J . Horsburgh 7 A. Christ o 8 A. Horsburgh 9 K. Murphy 10 J. Wilson 11 M . Christo 12 B . Mattson 13 J . Braham 14 T Said 15 A. Board 16 S . Christo 17 M . Aquiline 18 D. Nikola 19 R . Aldridge 20 K.Johnson 21 L . Hudson 22 S . Anderson 23 S . Huntington 24 L. Fairfield 25 J . Akarana 26 P. Mesman 27 D. Billman 28 D. Slattery 29 D. Horsburgh 30 R . McMillan 31 M. Baulch 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D . Benn 34 S . Roberts 35 D . Rivalland 36 K . Pilsbury 37 A . Leitch 38 J . Semmens 39 M . Oldham 40 S . Leitc h 41 K. Miller 42 D .Olienbuttel 43 A. Runciman 44 B. Slattery 45 R . Wintle 46 R . Skinner 47 M. Pilsbury 48 T. Scholes 49 B . Robinson 50 P. Habersatt 51 L. Stevens 52 T. Best 53 J. Bourke 54 M . Crosswell 55 A. Morrison 56 S. Chaffey 57 T. Edwards 58 I . Smith 59 A . Lfpscombe 60 N . Aquiline 61 A . Gatt 62 D. Twomey 63 P. King 88 H. Hodgson


R~ .



Coach : Mark Petrusch Asst Coach: Res : Steven Lake 1 B. Cox 2 T. Quick 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 R. Trotter 5 D. Tankovich 6 G . Bunshaw 8 G . Malcolm 9 J . McGrath 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A . White 11 S . Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C . Barry 16 J. Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Moulday, 19 C. Quay 20 A. Quick 21 A. Jones 22 A. Flores 24 T. Guthrie 25 A . Piani 26 S . Baillie 28 D. Green 29 J . Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M . Berimano 34 J . Brook 35 J . Howell 38 M. Defre tas 41 T. Slatter 42 C . White 42 S. Hoare 45 K. Day 46 D. Hogan 53 K. Pardy 54 C. Cartwright 54 S. Rawlings 56 A. Tilley 57 E . Hill 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melville 76 D . Phelan 79 M. Coomber 85 G. Jacobs 86 G. Porteus 87 D . Ingliss


- :', '..F.C . Coach : Michael Learmonth Res : George Koumantatakis 1 T. Brown 2 B . Perelbers 3 G. Schembn 4 N . Goldsworthy 5 A . Lane 6 S. Stone 7 A. Dwyer 8 A. Zsembery 9 R . Orme 10 G . Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernardi 12 A. Webb 13 J . Hill 14 C. Goldsworthy 15 M . Purcell 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 19 V. Ryan 20 C . Handley 21 M . Gilchrist 22 R . Alle n 23 F. Harrison 24 A. Latimer 25 M. Butler 26 J. Timmins 27 M. Banks 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 S . Leszk o 32 P. Reining 33 M . O'Halloran 35 G . Theoharris 36 B . Graetzer 37 L. Vincent 38 D . Astbury 39 T. Millar 40 R . Hausler 41 T. Cummins 42 M. Davies 44 J. Lukjanov 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 50 A. Wibawa 51 M . Lynch 52 C. Weller 53 B . Armistead 54 J. Wright 56 D. Anders 57 D. Watson 58 B . Lewis 59 K . McLennan 62 G. Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 66 N . Batskos 67 M . Maschette 68 J . Feldstad 69 J . E~endy 70 N . Luce 72 S. Sylivris 73 N. Datskos 74 A. Richard 80 J. Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne


oust Steel Industries

Coa. ;h : Shane MoGram Res. Coach: G .Ternes Assistant: G .Mandalis 1 M. Wright 2 R . Thorp 3 J. Nation 4 L . Gorringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S. Cracknell (C ) 7 D. Zulicki 8 M .Gerolemou 9 S . Devlin 10 P. Burn s 11 D. Forbe s 12 W. Smith 13 N . Ros e 14 M . Butera 15 J. Jacks 16 J. Tate 17 C . LangendorP 18 A. Hellner 19 J. Uebargang 20 G . Madrigran o 21 J . Hall 22 G . Mandali s 23 G . Ternes 24 R. Hortl e 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thoma s 27 A . Cusic k 28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K . Weber 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michae l 33 J. Strangio 34 J. O'Neil l 35 A. Buter a 36 A. Pendlebur y 37 G . Catteralt 38 R. Lapis h 39 M . Re a 40 L. Maguir e 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C . Witnish 45 P. Dinnic k 46 C . Siotos 47 H . Gillies 48 M. Davidson 49 S. Smits 50 B. Warren 53 J. Schulz 55 N . Thomas 56 D. Cree k 57 C. Thomas 58 J. Thoma s 60 G . Coates 61 T. Stathopoulo s 63 D. Edwards 64 B . Walpol e 65 J . Harri s 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L. Holmes 69 A . Dowdell 70 E. Ricciuti 72 A. Van Rea 75 S. Mills 76 V. Gavelle d 77 R . McCormick 78 B. Carruther . Seex s79D 81 B. Wil l

~_ -




` '

86 W. Higgins 88 D. Fisher 99 W. Hircoe



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(U19 -1 & Blue) (U19 - 2,3 & Red) SECTION 1 - PREVIE W The Fielders host the Skevvies today and the good news is one of these teams will win! Both sides are capable of producing patches of good footy, but are struggling for consistency . Whilst a draw is possible, the Skevs form is slightly less patchier. The Tonners welcome OEG and both clubs are on the march, registering their first wins of the season last week . The two teams will be eager to go "back to back," and in a hard fought contest, it'll be OB in front when the players shake hands . A top drawer encounter at Camberwell, when the Scotchies entertain the Xav's . The visitors have succumbed to numbers one and two, on the table in recent weeks, whilst Scotch's efforts have been faultless since they lost to the same sides . Winning form is a hard habit to break, and I'll stick with the hosts . Last week, Marcellin again, were not far away in their spirited loss to the ladder leaders . Today they travel to Uni, who were irresistible for three stanzas in their clash against the Xavs . The Students wanting to put four quarters together, should be a shade too polished . Tested last . Saturday, the Bernie's find themselves back on home soil, and DLS have the unenviable task of travelling into the Essendon heartland for the second successive week . The visitors will be keen to atone, and whilst competitive, will fall . SECTION 2 - PREVIEW Round eight kicks off this afternoon with one of the 'matches-of-the-season', when third-placed Hampton play host to second-placed Werribee . With OM's to pick up four points from the bye, a win is vital for both teams, desperately needing to stay on par with the competition leaders . Werribee will be fresh after not gracing the field last weekend, while Hampton will be out to avenge an average showing last weekend, Werribee to get up in a close one . Two sides with fluctuating form, Old Camberwell host Old Trinity ; an important match for both sides in the context of the season . Both four and three, Camberwell and Trinity have a chance to enter the top three with a win this afternoon, Trinity likely to continue their convincing form and get up by a few points . Elsewhere, Old Paradians will be outclassed bv Beaumaris, a morale-boosting win last weekend

moving the Sharks to four and t h r e e . Paradian s have been on 1ie i :iprove, but are -~ j i ; a= . behind their opposition, Beaumaris horne comfortably. Finally Old Ivanhoe should escape the clutches of the bottom two when they meet Mazenod, at home . The Glen Waverley side are in desperate search of players to fill a massive void, left by those recruited to the seniors and the numerous injured forced to watch from the sidelines, SECTION 3 - PREVIEW Old Carey looks to extend their lead at the top of the table this afternoon when they meet fellow ladder-leaders Collegians, away . After a gruelling fixture last week, Collegians will be pushed to match Carey for the entire four quarters, the latter team barely raising a sweat in their comprehensive destruction of NOBS last week . Both teams sit at six and one, percentage the only differentiating factor, with Old Carey to go four points clear and record win number seven . Rupertswood are likely to stay with Old Carey at the top of the table, when they meet MHSOB this afternoon . Inaccuracy largely contributed to MHSOB's loss last weekend, yet the Melbourne High boys are likely to struggle this week even with their kicking boots on ; the stronger and more skilful Rupertswood to win comfortably . Elsewhere Monash, fresh from inflicting a 181 point thumping, meet AJAX away in a classic mid-table derby. With both teams on the verge of entering the top half of the table, the match has all the hallmarks to a tight, hard-fought contest, with Monash favourites to get up, if only by a few points . Finally, Therry Penola should record win number five for the season when they play St . Bernards(2) at home, while the North Old Boys enjoy the luxury of an extra week on the track . SECTION BLUE PREVIEW The Beders and the Krushers, WHAT A GA?vZE! In this campaign, the K's have been flawless whilst the Tigers have dropped just one match . Both teams will be jockeying for the psychological edge in a prelude to the post home and away season . It will be a skilful, tight and tough encounter, and it will be the Krushers .


Saints have it all to do when they confront JOC's! St . John's have been in ominou s l,uc!1 and they know if they are victorious and , t,sults go in their favour, they will occupy a top [,,,,o position . The Clays will maintain contact with the top four :chen they triumph over an up and down Bentleigh . The B's having a real roller coaster of ;i season, will be unable to contain a powerful (laymen forward set-up . . '!,he Monders buoyed by their victory last week, „-i ll fancy their chances against the District lads South Melb this Friday at Elsternwick Park . However, the visitors who are eyeing off a hattrick of wins and getting better as the season progresses, will prevail . Following some positive early season showings, die Panthers performances have fallen away in recent weeks . DLS give it their all, each and every 1;ame and this will be no different, but alas for t13em, either will be their number of successes . SECTION RED - PREVIEW ;lfter several big margins in round seven, round eight looks to curb that trend, with four of the iive games likely to go right down to the wire . In the match of the round second-placed Uni Blacks meet third-placed Fitzroy, both teams looking to continue their impressive run of form . The Blacks have won each of their past three matches by more than one hundred points and have a percentage nearing 450, and on statistics alone should get up, although not without a fight from the gallant Reds . Fourth meets fifth, as La Trobe travel to Xavs, the home team struggled last week in their defeat away to Fitzroy. On the other hand La Trobe claimed victory last week in a high intensity, low scoring fixture, and in a game that could be decided by less than a kick, La Trobe to get up . Sixth meets seventh when Aquinas hosts St Leos, both teams desperately seeking to avenge average showings last week . Two weeks ago St Leos impressed with an upset victory over La Trobe, and despite an average outing last week, should recapture their good away form, and get up in a close one . Elsewhere, Bulleen-Templestowe have the chance to get off the bottom of the ladder, despite not having won this season, when they hos t

i+~) ;12~`_II "I I Caulfield Or V St Keain s

Old Brighton v Old Essendon Or Old Scotch v Old Xaverians University Blues v Marceltin St Bernards v De La Salle UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old tdelburntans - Bye Old Ivanhoe v Mazenod 0 C Old Camberwell v Old Trinitv 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

Yarra Valley in what should be a close game . Both teams have struggled this season with small lists, compared to the overflowing lists of the stronger clubs, and in a game that could go either way, Yarra Valley to get up. Finally competition leaders Banyule will have little trouble disposing of Old Westbourne, a limited list, rather than lack of skill, tainting Westbourne's chances . CORRESPONDENTS Glen Harrison - gien .mlargaritaman .com .au or Cam Nation - camnation@optusnet .com .au

! '-f.i.7T

f'.i 'r& L8i 17 4 TOiAL

U19 (1 ) St . Bernards Pitts 0 25 University Blues McKerrow 0 25 De La Salle Hancock 2 22 Old Scotch Beaurepaire 0 21 Old Scotch Thompson 2 20 U19 (2 ) Werribee Chalmers 0 28 Old Melburnians Ironmonger 3 22 Old Camberwell Peasnell 0 21 Old Ivanhoe Alagona 0 20 Hampton Rovers Scott 2 15 Old Melburnians Hurst 6 15 U19 (3) Collegians Burrows 0 31 Rupertswood Potter 7 23 Collegians Naylor 2 20 Rupertswood Brennan 3 20 Collegians Elg 0 14 U19 (2) BLUE Oakleigh Jordan 8 44 Oakleigh Clays Nassrallah 0 34 St Bedes MT McNamara 0 30 St . Johns Phaedonos 7 20 Oakleigh Clays Isaac 0 13 Oakleigh S . Briggs 2 1 3 U19 (2) RED 14 42 Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 4 30 Universitv Blacks Moffatt 25 6 University Blacks Dowsley 12 25 Banyule Viewbank Tsingaris 3 22 Fitzroy Reds Violat o

Old ParadLU>s v Beaumaris at Garvey Oval, Parade CoUtge (10 A10) Hampton Raw v P :errtbee Amateurs UNDER-19 SECTION 3 MHSOB v Rupertswood AJAX v bianash Blues - 1 .00pm Collegians v Old Carey North Old Boys - Bye Therrv Penota OB v St Bernards (2) UNDER-19 f21 BLUE St Bedes Ment Tig v Oakkigh

Glen Etta vStJohns 0C Oakleigh Clays v Bentleigh Ormond v South Melb Districts 6 p.m. Ftiiday. May 30{ Mentone panthers v De La Salle (2) at southern Road Reserve. Menton e UNDER-19 f21 RED Bulleen Temp.estwre v Yarra Valley 0 B Ott Rgstbourne v Ban}vle Vteaitank University Blacks v Fitzroy Reds at Western 6val, Parkvffle Oki XaverJaris (2) v La Trobe Uni Aquinas 0 C v St Leos Emmaus V P at 9 .30 a.m. 49

ST,1tEVIINS 2 .4 6 .4 8 .8 11 .11 (77) OLD SCOTCH 3 .5 7 .6 12 .7 17.14 (116) St. Kevins: O'Keefe 7, O'Connor 2, W. Gulllter. Mulkearns. Best : 0'Ked'e, L. Gullifer, Underwood, Hamilton, Hughes. OCormor. Old ScotcU: Snaddon 6. Berry 2, Philalay 2, L. Thompson 2, Dick, Hope, E. Beaurepaire, Downing Gamboni. Best: Snaddon . Sutherland. Jonas. Ph ➢alay, Pearce. Fitzpatrick. Umphrs: David Windlow Nicholas Brawn (F) Tom Windlou Michael Roche (B) Hagen Cosgriff Perrin Brown (G ) OLD BRIGHTON 2.3 5.6 9.11 10 .11 (71) OLD CAULFIEID 1 .4 2.5 3.8 7.9 (51) Old Brightoa: Eastgate 3. Ross. Gadsden . Mead, Humphreys. Jaskson, Tolj, Ffrlke. Best Crilly, Joseph, Tolj, Eastgate. Fisher, Dubyna. Old Murphy 2, Gerrand 2, Carboni . OBriaL B . Best: Gerrand, Yelland Taycrms. Murphy, Rood . Sayers . Umphrs: Paul Rapke Glen Scotland (F) Ben Bracken Sam Gent (B) OLD %AVERIAPtiS 1 .1 3.3 3.4 10 .5 (65) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.2 7.6 11 .9 11 .12(78) Old Xavejtans : O'H<vrlon 3, Aglus 2, Corcaan, Scanlan, Ford, Nadink. Sapuppo. Best Ford, Scanlan . Purcell. Roache . Aglus, 0'Harilon. Untverslty Bhcea: McKerrow 3 . Ranh-in 2. Marriott 2. Bradley, Heinz. Clarke. Vandenbos(h. Best Northuay. Fletcher. Cost1n, Vandenbosch, McPhail. Heinz . Umpires: Nick Ryde Graeme Morgan (F) Katie White-Spier Josh White-Sp:er (B) 1dARCFddJh7 2.1 4.4 5.5 10.7 (67) STBERNARDS 5 .3 8.4 12.7 13.10 (88) Marcellin : Botolatto 4 Sler Harding Power Ryan Borden, Best Gallium Power Ceecvuandnt Ctrone T Money Borden . St BanarrLs : blltehell2 James 2 Marton Matthews Levides Liberatore Ryan Robbins 0'Cannor Keunen . Best, Not received. Umpfres : Daniel Dinneen Tony Lllley (F) Lucas Brass Liam Ratdtffe (B) Rfck Curtis Joseph O'Mara (G ) OIA ESSF27DON GR 1 .1 5 .4 11 .7 12.9 (81) DE IA SALt~ 3 .6 8.9 9.11 10.14 (74) Old Esseadom Treraskis 3 Baskan 3 Mansour 2 Mezo 2 Harewrood Morfesse . Best Wilson Manscur Dazldw TresaskLs Burke Duggan. Be La Salk- Oakley 3 Hancock 2 Hayes 2 Foon Browning D Browning E . Best: Vague Quick Brounhmg D Nankervis ODonnell Janis . Umpires : Graeme Hunichen (F) Tristan Pe arce Michael Camillerl (B) Chris McKendrv Michael Jones (G ) UPIDER-19 SEC2iON 2 OLD CAMBERWELL BYE OLD IVAtkiOE 5 .2 7 .3 8 .5 8.7(55) OLD MFd EURPi[ANS 5 .2 9 .7 11 .11 17.13 (115) Old Ivanhoe Goals: Bryant 2, Adderley, Peacock, Britten. Hope, Uljans, Georglau . Best Nagel, Adderley, Sterne, Georgian, St~ersma, Dawkin s

Old Metbucn3ana Goals: Hurst 6, Tandy 3 . Ironmonger 3, Rafferty 2, Dick . Voyage. Con. Best: Hurst, Hindle, Hardie, Lawler. Wettenil:a1L Schofield. Umpires : Brian Nunn Brendan Devlin (F) OLD TRINITY 4.3 8 .4 12 .5 9.6(120) OLD PARADIANS 1 .3 4 .6 5 .6 7.9(51) Old Trinity: Gutierrez 7. Attken 3. Goldenberg 2 . Bitwant 2, Hore-Lacy. Kenna, Herrod. Barella. Romney. Best Aitken, Kenna Day, Webster, McDonald . Gutierrez. Old Paradians - Details not received. Umpires: Chris Collins (F) Nick Murphy Matthew Cowley (G ) BEAUlt1AR2S 4.4 7.8 11.14 12 .16 (88) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .3 4.7 7.10 11 .14 (80) Beaim+.aria: Boreham 3 Bramwell M 3 Bowker 2 Branmwell J Mitchell Wilson Woolnough. Best Hogarth Wilson Williams Kelly Bawkec Hampton Rovem Jones 4 Scott 2 Jowett Kobayashi Rfalthouse McNamara Sprott Best Kobaya.ChM Christiansen Scott M Jones L Giasoum Kelilas . Umpfias: Chris Stevens (F) MAZENOD 0 C forfeited to WERREM AMATEUR S

UNDER-19 SECTION 3 RUPERTSRr040 6 .4 9.8 13.12 16.15 111 COLLEGIANS 3 .1 5.1 6.1 7.244 Rupertswoodh Potter 6, Brennan 3 . Bishop 2, Heywood 2, Corte. Jaeger, Quinn . Best: Little, West, Potter. Sullivan. Monte Baaall. Collegians:- Morris 2, Naylor 2, fidgemts. Stone, Khou ry . Best: Parrent• Morris . Adgemis, ShorL Ashman . Moon. UmPLes: Gerard RalLc (F) Adrian Borg Ricky Goodman (B) Luke Pipe (G ) AJAX 4.1 9.3 11 .7 16.12(108) MHSOB 2.6 10 .12 11 .15 14.21(105) AJAX- Gent 4, Kestenberg 3 . Bloom 3. Thurin 2 . Peters. Porat, Lukav, Rose Best Rose. Heine, GhonL Bloom. Kestenberg, GrdMHSOB: Hagan 5, Hanlllton-Ho 3, Clarke 2 . Greenhill 2 . Geraux, Harding Best: Avram, Hagan, Clarke. Saultry. Hamilton-Ho, Harding Umpires : Brett Herskope Geoff Kelly (F) Richard Beason Jar Brent Adamson (B) OLD CAREY 5 .7 16.12 18.16 24 .22 (166) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .1 2.4 4.7 6.7(43) Old Carey : Angus 5, Ashworth 4, Collins A 3, Adam 3. MacFarlane 2. StewartHolmes 2. Evans 2, Sinison 2, MeKlmion Best : Evans, Bowley, MacFarlane, 50

Trumbull. Suiman. Angus North Old Bope: Clarke 3= Young Kirk, Knight E Keenan, Young, Little. Deltmacm, Citroen . E .' : stt Umpires: Ryan Hense Trevor Hansen (F) THERRY PflFOLA OB BY E MONASH 7.2 12 .9 20.14 31 .17 (203) ST. BERNARDS, 2.1 2 .3 3 .3 3.4(22) M • Sharpe 8, Blythe 7 . Pay 4. Chapman 3, Metllkrnec 3, Gebhardt 2, Leviston. O'donnell . Spence. Cobban. Best Sharpe. Pay. Blythe. Westbrook, Mudge, Hayter. St Bernards: Eurels, Anderson, Tankey. Best: Tankey. Ewe Buis, Anderson, Faulkner, O'dea Umpres : Pat Coullhard Luke Duthie (F) UNDER-19 (21 BLUE OABT.EIGH AFC 5 .5 13 .7 19.11 26.19.175 OAHIEIGH CLAYS 2 .4 10 .9 13 .13 15.18.108 AFL: Jordan 8. Lamb 4, Netirzie 3. S. Briggs 2, Ciavarella 2, Counting, 2, Reynolds 2, White. Best: Hogan . Reynolds, Jordan, Lamb, Torcasio, Cammiss Clays: Oakleiga Nayna 5 . Andrews 3, Thomson 2. Nussbaum, Sang Rosslin, Schellebeclc . Best : Navna. Thomas, Deatlan. Schellebeck, Nussbaum Umpiresc Andrew Lougheed David Murray (F) GLEN EIRA BEARS 0 .4 1.5 2.7 3 .7(25) ST BEDES MENTOPlE 3 .7 10 .10 18 .13 24.21 (165) Glen Etta Beam Predavec, Farrah, Maekay. Best Adem . ABarakat, D'vihe, Ltthgow. Cooper, O .Barakat St Bedes Meatona Lynch 5 . Btgrell 4, Mark 4,Powell 4,Pwter 2, Buck 2, Lynch, L'Huillfer, Water . Best Powell, Bignal . Lynch, McMurray. Kelly, Marks. Umphrs : AM Weksehnrn Wayne Hinton (F) Jessica Rollo John White (B) Greg Rollo Jim Exton (G) BENTLEIGH 6 .5 8.6 12.6 13 .9 (87) ORMOND 0.3 5.5 9.9 13 .13(91) Beat: Weld 4, Nicholson 3. Lewis 2, d'Offray 2, Sucker . Holmesby. Best: Holmesby, BreitFveuz. Ridgway. Lee, Wilson. Ormond: Lerker 5 . Black 3. Davis 2, David, Martin. Peel. Best Upstill. Wells, Evans, Peel, Davis, Gouze.rrotter. Umgkrrs: Ell Hayes Steve Capte (F)

SOUTH MEIB DIST 7.4 10.7 16.13 19.12.(126) MEBYPONE PANTHERS 1 .1 2.3 3.3 3.6(24) South MeIIi Dish Stephanadakis 7, GtarmellLS M. 6. Mahoney 2, Walkii, Bouchard. Stanza Merchki. Best Mahoney, Bell, Walden, StephanadakLs, Glaazmellis . M.. Gingell R. Mento ne Paatheao: Ryan 2, Bowtell. Best Field, Coglan, Erskine. Richards. Lane. May. Umpirex Pat Coulthard Anthony Calderone (F) Nick Booth Jack Fagan (B) Gmeme Booth Madelene Fagan (G) STJOHNSOC 3.5 8.11 15.16 21 .19(145) DE LA SALLE (2) 2.0 3.1 3.1 5.3(33) St Johns: Phaedonas 7 Penry 5 D'0livlera 3 Domingo 2 Dean 2 Monteiro 2 Chalk Arnold. Best Chalk Arnold O'Connor Penry D'Ollviaa Hanger De La Sallv. Lowther 2 Tulloch 2 Thwton. Best Theron Tair Giffin Lwther Casey Higgins Umptre Dash Petits (on rotation - from B) (F ) U?IDER-19 121 RED YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 0 .1 . 0.1 2 .2 4 .226 UNIVERSITY BLACBS 5.7 12.11 19.13 25.21 171 Yarra Valley O& Nicholas 2 . B Seeger, C Walker. Best D Smith, B Mitchell, C Britt . Nicholas. Amos. Rokk:ld University Blackin Dowsk .y 6, Moffat 4. Brooks 4 . Jesse 2. Kelly 2 . Bullen-Rendal 2, Crossley . Prestkige, Bulten. Whatley, Goonan . Best : Bullen-Rendal. Moffat. DausFey, W4:od, Barter, Henty Umpires : Pat Maebus Gary Seaborne (F)

OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .2 5 .6 9 .8 14 .15(99) BUId.-'PEMP 2 .4 2 .8 4 .9 6 .1IX46) Old Westbourne: Taylor 4, P.Hudson 2, Morsello 2, Lawson. Neville, Mason, A.Potts, Bartolo, Gamfer. Best Neville . Mason, A .Potts, Walker, Naldu. Merryweather Bultem Temp: Lee 3. Setlacm, Tremayne, Vaga . Best Scan, Coulston. Lee, Verga.. West. Siman Umpires: Shane Mele Gaj Skandakiunar (F) Anthony Vatopoulos Ryan Place (B) S}meon Vatitirndos Victor Vafipoutos (G) FTfZROY REDS 6 .2 14 .3 23.6 28.12 (180) OLD YAVF,RIANS (2) 0 .0 2 .2 2.7 4 .9 (33) Fitzroy Reds: MaFJiamez 14, Louis-Gteeson 3 . Vrolato 3 . Rogers 2, Dullard 2. Hart I. Sharbell 1, Butler I, Clark I . Best: Maghamez. Louls-Gieeson. Butler, Z6ca. Edwards, Robbins. Old Xaverlamn Nolan 2, Quinn 1 . McInerney 1 . Best Chester. Trorato . Ginnaan . Rees, Rogan, Koine. Ump3rea: Frank Kavanagh Peter Pullen (F) Wayne Frith Michael Camilled (B ) LA TROBE UNI 4 .3 5 .4 7.6 8 .8(56) AgU1NAS 0 C 0.0 2 .1 3.2 4 .4(28) I& Trobe: Harvey 4. Sewell 1,Butler 1, Tomlinson I, Redmond I . Best: Ulph. Murphy, Redmond. Harvey Aquhmse Hardman, Walsh, Visser, Crozier. Best: White, Lobczuk. Dester. Minchan. Crozier, Hardman Umphrs : James Olle Geoff Devewn (F) Mike Slodyczka (B) Michael Isbister Keiran O'Keefe (G ) BANYULI:<VIEWBAtiH 4.0 14.2 17.6 24 .16 ( I60) ST. LEOS 3.5 4.7 6.7 6.8(44) Banyule• Tsingaris 12, Mltrqwulos 5, Morgan 3, Parfett 2 . Sall, Nichols, Best: Wise, Tsingaris . Parfett, Richardson, McGovern, Morgan. St .l.eoa: Horner. Kennedy. Barnwell, McCann, Phyland. Huang. Best- Waters, Horner, Coppxk. McCann. Levans . Pascoe. UmphCs : Ken McNiece David D'Altera (F) 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

Section I D r. G>ff Reilley .


.. ' 7

-'send Mi nomson J~ n


N" Edwards

10 J . May 71 B" Carboni ;2 M . Sainsbury 13 A. Green ~ 4LC,O= U11~ ,5 16 N. Fat s

77 S. Tvryc rofl -8 R, Boyd

1 9 J. Pitt s ..g SH~y Lord at ,~ J. Rawlings ~3 Z.D~H~M •Arc~ A. Barbaro 26 M, Parker 27 T Conty 28 M. Nickles 29 J . ~y~

40 D . Harrod 45 B. Acfield 50 J . Foley

,is C . Jones

DE LA SALLE (1 ) Coach: Denis Bilston

1 2 3 4 5

.,. 1 B. Nicl4ess (VC) 2 J. Wright :. 3 S. Gamtxini

4 A Sutherland (VC) 5 C. Swan 6 M . Moffatt 7 K. Downing 8 B. Snaddon

9 S. Daniher 10 E. Beaurepaire


A. Wilkinson

12 A. Phi!alay 13 S. Pappas

14 R . Lowing 1 5 J . Latimer 16 J . Gaitin 17 A . Pearce

18 J . Dillon 19 B. Thompson 20 N . Thom

21 L. Thompson (C) 22 T. Graham 24 P. Zogoolas 25 C. Logan 27 S . Jonas 28 S . Yeomans

30 K. 32 R. Gerstma n 33 C. Purnell 35 G . Fitzpatrick 43 A. Cossar 44 T.AUre!-Smith 49 T. Bull 67 S. Dick 69 N .ACkro}~d

6 L. Cowper 7 A. Tabacherria 8 F. Cordele (dvc) 9 S . Considine 10 B . Mills 11 G. Di Felice 12 D . Beadle 13 A . Power

8 V. Moloney 9 B. Vague 10 N. Smith

14 L. Mone y 15 T. Money

11 R. Hancock

16 R 17 C. Sier 18 J . Ryan 19 A. Sepman

13 L. Bowden 14 M. Hayes 15 S. Smythe 16 J . Adams

20 P. De Lur a 21 D. Cirone 22 L. Watkins (dvc) . 23 A. Ceccamancini

18 L. Williams

20 J . Hassell 23 S . Ferwerda

24 A. Layton

25 T. Clune 26 A. Wadsworth

24 S .COnway

27 A. Byrnes 28 J. Carlson

26 T. Duggan 27 L. O'Donnell

29 M. Caton 30 P. Spence3l

28 L. Jarvis 29 M . NanketVis (C)

39 B . Oakley (DVC) 46 A. Skinns (VC)

53 D. Browning S

~ W Oese;~~{DS



2 M. Doyle (o) 3 J. Mahon 4 J. Wise (vc) 5 M. Bortol ott o

7 D. KeeIY


Coach : Lachie Waterman Asst Coach : Terry Kendall

1 K. Bardon (vc)

M . Sheehan R. Quick M . Fieldsen N. Hart M . Clinch

A. Near 32 J. Williams



9 Re T in H_-~ttS

itt 8ourke R 2 Ryan J 13 Grnnrvan L 14 Roar~ M 1 5 BarreBA t6 Cxcaran N 1 7 Chapman P 78 Scantan M(C)

1 9 Martin J D 20 Meehan

21 Nolan C 22 saN ni R 23 Frer~ R 24 Purss C 25 R~ L 26 O'Harton M 27 Purcell P 28 29 30 31 32 33

~ams ~~S 5 Ryan A M ciro- mey T Ford D

34 Dens 0 35 36 37

Agius J


38 Metvrn-Smith J Ryan 5 38 OHanbnM 40 41 Fusinato R 42 Strioley M 43 C 9an T 44 Kane vT D 45 Trovavto M 46 47 SA~' N O 48 L d, TA 50 49 Chester P


6 B~ J &emituNA ` Paoe A


I 2 3 5 7 9

L. Ross C. Tell L . McDonald B. H umphreys N . Stenner A. Clarke

10 M. May

11 R . Fisher 12 S. Eastgate 13 R . Capom 14 S . Duncan

15 B . Gadsden (C) 16 J . Salem 18 S . Oliver 20 G. Felke 21 S . Cooney

23 T. Ryan 24 L. Mead 27 M . Chamberlain 28 B . Richardson 31 S . Jackson

2 N. Tait 3 J . Dazk6v

4 5 6 7

C. HerHage W. Nunlis t S . Dawson T. Biggs

8 E. Baska n 9 D. Moon 10 H.

Dugga n

12 1 12 J,Harewood 73 L . Bones 14 D . Cerantonio 1 5 S. Cli nniok 16 S. Wade 17 M. Trevaskis 18 L. Ballinger 19 P. Ran kin 20 J. Mansour 21 R . Baddeiey 22 A. Castang a

23 M. Shaw 24 C . Burk e 25 P. Ma y

26 L. Cagl4arin i 27 M. King 28 T. Wilson 29 J . Stormont 30 S . Morfesse 31 N. Foot 32 D. Nankorv'rs 33 D.Hardy 34 T. Rumb!a 35 J. Phillips 36 C. Leech

33 B. Joseph 63 D. Ellis

37 M . Schappacher

39 J . Ozusen 40 A . Lapadula 41 A . Gasser Sponsor in-site advertising - Mitcham Rising Sun N®54=11 ®

2 Trescrnathick J 3 M ornt omer S 4 Armsirong A 5 Rubtra E 6 Kenfie;d M 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J

OLD ESSEHDOH Coach : James Wilson Team Man: Graene Williamson 1 F. Ktena s

33 P.Cowper 34 D D . Toohey 35 M. Cunningham 36 N . Hardinq 37 C . Purcel( 38 S . Nutbeam

REAL ESTATE Coach U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain I O'Meara T

OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Adam McConnell

_.L111111 Coach : Gavan Walsh

38 A. Christou 39 R.Arzanou 40 L . Edgar 41 C. Bavaria

42 J. Uren 43 A. Cann in g 44 J. Francis

Richmon d

Coach: David Law

1 B. Pitts 2 C . Govan 3 J . Hughes 4 M. Walsh 5 J . S m it h 6 D. Oconnor 8 S . Mathews 9 D. Evans 10 B . G arth 11 A. Marion 12 B . Runnals 13 L. Levides

14 D. Hurley 15 G . Joseph 17 F. Mastropasqua 18 M . Maggiore 22 A. Mitchell 27 B. Draper 28 C . Kuenen 32 Ch Liberatore 35 B. Ryan

39 J . Stapleton 41 G. Campbell 42 R . James 45 B . Johnson

47 M. Hooper 57 L. Anderson 59 M . Harrison 60 J . Hogan h 62 J . Robbins 63 M . Pell 70 K. Buiss

ST.KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Coach : Ben McGee Asst. Coach : John Watki n I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

J . Maher T. OToole L. Giansiracusa (VC) S . Sexton M . Kirk H. Feehan R. Taylor

H. Powell L . Syme

10 L . Guilder 11 J. Liston 12 C .Taybr(DVC) 13 N . Hutton 14 A. Hamilton (Capt) 15 M. Vero 16 A. Callender

17 M. Welsh

18 M. Drinkwater 19 C . Underwood (VC) 20 W. Dunn 21 D . Potion 22 A . Lynch 23 C. Tancredi 25 A. Mutkeams 26 M . Shannon 28 D. McBride 30 P. Ghougassia n 32 B. Hughes 33 S. O'Connor 34 J. O 'Keefe 35 J. Coates 39 N. Pope 40 D. Mount 43 W. GuII'rfer (DVC)



d ric


University Blues Coach : Tim Giles

1 Muir G 2 Steele P T 3 Rankin ( DVC 4 itzpairick A 5 Vandenhusch N 6 Williamson W 7 Bradley C (C ) 8 in B 9 Van Dyk J 10 Marriott P S 11 Fletcher 12 Ryan C M 73 Irvir~g 14 MccPhail D 1(DVC) 5 Moore L 16 Moylan J C 17 Nonhway 18 Shaundessy M D 19 Heinz S 20 Gibson 21 Wood J 2C)Derrij 23 Young 24 King (DVC) 25 Walker 26 t+icKerrow 27 Sibley


30 Kelly 31 Groot


33 34 Shepherdson 35 Woodh ouse 36 Gordy 37 Meagher 38 Morgan


28 Torrey 29 Collins



32 Joyce

39 Roney

G 51

iJnde r®19 - Section 2 DEAUMARlS Coach: Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry 2 S. Hoult 3 M . Eady 4 L. Quirk 7 S. Lynch (VC) 8 D. Taylor 9 M. Wilson (C) 10 J. Kelly 11 T. Fitzgerald 14 P. Berry 15 M. Bramwel l 16 C . Terpsinis 17 C . Evans 18 D . Bird 20 R . Dew 21 P. Irons 22 J . Bramwell (DVC) 23 T. Woolnough (DVC) 25 B . Bowker 26 C. Shone 27 D. Murphy 35 S . Lee 36 P. Guys 40 T Boreham 41 A. Pall 43 J. Tomli n 49 J. Hoga th 50 D Wall 52 J. Williams 71 J. Mitchell 75 T. Groves

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : Owen Lalor Asst: Ryan L'Huillier I Fagan C 2 Wettenhall S (C ) 3 I ronmonger T ( VC) 4 Gumbleton C 5 Rafferty J 7 Robinson N 9 Prowse A 10 Pann'rfex A 13 Hanchette C oy 9e 15 VSchofield T 16 Hardy E 17 Macdonald W 18 Dick J 19 Lawler R 21 Tandy A 23 Osmond D 31 Theodoutou C 44 Tucker J 47 Coultan K 48 Faulkner R 49 Galbraith R 52 Cooch C 53 Hindle J 54 Lacey H 56 Mitchell J 60 Webb O(VC) 62 ChrisBan W 64 Pascoe R 65 Hurst L 67 Cooper E 68 71 Bett-Young C 72 Tomlinson H Sponsored By : mPg people TELECOM childcare GAZMAN E. MURPHY & SONS 52

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Michael Blake

1 T. McNamara 2 N. Oriti 3 M . Ellis 5 R. Bassiry 6 A. Blake 7 P. Campbell 8 L. Fletcher g L Kaspercryk 10 D. O'Brien 11 J. LeVeque 12 B. Kezilas 13 K. Spratt 14 B. McCallum 15 I . Nicholls 16 G . Giasoumi 17 S. Gravina 18 L Jones 19 C . Matthouse 20 T. Malthouse 21 J . McCarthy 22 B . Henry 24 Y. Kobayashi 25 M . Terech 26 T. Richards 27 L Cave 28 J . Tipping 29 J . Morley 30 N. Singh 31 M . Scott 32 C. Christianson 33 D. Payson 34 R. Turnbull 35 D. Filopulos 36 M. Vocale 38 A. Crisp 39 J. McNamara 46 D . Williams 50 T. Porter

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Anthony Quinn Asst: M . Spinoso 2 D. Caple 3 B. Clark 4 D. Malone 5 M . Mitchel l 6 D. Giddings 7 S. Luff 8 D. Richardson 10 A. DiFabio 11 R . Ryan 12 M. Irvine 13 S. Maher 14 P. Turner 15 S. Egan 16 D . Watts 17 S. Graham 18 T. Girovski 20 A. McLaughlin 21 D . Kalviskis 23 A . Smith 25 S . Rehlicki 27 M . On 29 G . Vincent 30 D. Dean 36 R. Villano 40 M . Hyde (C) 48 A. Elliott


0: .0 C;+,, ;, `ELL FC

Coach: John Le Grand

Coach: Anson Brovmless

1 D . Hansen (C) 2 D . Regan 3 B. Kinniburgh 4 R . House 5 N . Bradley 6 A . Stagliano 7 S . Ware 8 N . House 9 B . Chamberlain 10 J . Mather 11 J . Kavanagh 12 A . Cook 16 T. Bourbon 17 T. Steinfort 18 F. Reed 21 S . Castricum 22 M . Power 25 S. Stanley 26 G . Hamill 27 M . Regan 35 A. Winstanley 45 J. Croug h 46 D. Dunne 70 D . Chamberlain 76 A. Varlay

British Paints Life's Brighter i n Colour OLD TRINITY Coach : Dean Peters

1 T. Lyons 2 L . Weaver 3 G. Hanson 4 B. Hillier 8 J . Vince 14 J . Hedley 16 A . Langford 17 D . Clyne 18 J . Vince 19 L. Heffeman 20 C. Birrell 21 C. Rogers 22 G . Alessio 23 L. Taylor 24 S . Peasnell 25 S. Johnson 26 C. Hendr e 27 B. Moody 28 A. Peacock 29 D . Bruce 30 A. Mac Callum 31 D . Hanson 35 M . Shanks 37 L. Mc Dermott 38 W. Bradshaw 39 T. Chase 40 T. Gosling 43 T. Sigalas 45 D. Ramsay 46 D. Morley 47 B . Cottrel l 48 M . Westman 50 B . Withers


Coach : Stephen Kin g Asst Coach : Adam Jenkins Team Mgr : Phil Peacock 1 A . Alagona (Co-C) 2 B. Nage l 3 Rhys Mitchell 4 R . Butle r 5 G. Bryant (VC) 6 A . Reed 7 R. Colema n 8 R . Sterne 9 J . Uljans 10 M . Verrochi 11 G . Fowle r 12 D. Peacock (VC) 14 A. Grange r 17 Z . Kean e 18 I . Dawkins 19 L. Hammon d 20 C . Georgiou (VC) 21 Rob Mitchell 22 J. Britten 30 G . Hope 34 S. Adderley 35 M. Briggs 36 P. Barret t 44 J. Siegersm a 53 S . Snel l 54 J . McBride 55 J . Pierer a 56 P. Lowry

WERRIBE E Coach : Fab Gatt i ~a

2 Day M 3 Aitken J Capt 4 Bilwani A 5 Salem S 6 Miers J 7 Kenna J 8 Dickenson A 9~iconiAC 10 Roger 11 Gutierrez C 12 Stebbins N V/C 13 Webster J DV/C 14 Burgess M 15 KrakouerS 16 Marsden A 17 Monasso J 18 Herrod T 19 Buckingham A 20 Medland A 21 Baratta R 22 Verrocchi M 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chiffy E 26 Oliver D V/C 27 Romney N 28 Butler K J 30 Burke rM 31 de Bruin S 32 34 Hider B ~ A 39 Smith S 42 Leahy H 43 Amore J 65 McDonald E

1 M. Palmington 2 J . O'Brien 3 C . Lee 4 N . Renault 5 D . Bunworth 6 P. Chalmer s 7 T Andrews 8 R. Barker 9 Josh Russo 10 L Gatti 11 S . Bianc o 12 B. Stornebrink 13 A. McNally 14 B. Black 15 M . McDonald 16 R . Mentha 17 P. Cassin 18 B. Prismall 19 L. Gait 20 N . Addam o




21 N . Ronal d 22 D . Lee 23 Justin Russo 24 P. Keogh 25 B . Black 26 A . Cain 27 S . Smith 28 M . Mil le r 29 P Spry 31 J . Tanne r 34 R. Mentha 47 S. Simpson 66 B. McMahon

ZI' = ~ U




, O



Under-19 - Section 3

P o don 3 D. C 4 A A. Bloom 5 6 7 8. 9

B. Lukav J. Kegen M. Jacki e M J. Feldy D . Blusztein

Coach : Andrew Kenneally 1 A . Stone 2 M. Parrent 3 L Scuffle 4 J . Adgemis l Hughmes 6 5 D. M. Wil iason 7 C. Elg 8 S. Brown 9 M . Ros e 10 C. Dunwell 11 O . Walmsley 12 A. Khoury

10 G. Massey

13 Z. Moan 14 J. Ashman

14 R . Sptlberg 15 J . Givoni (V Capt) 16 R . Heine 17 J . Thurin (Capt) 20 M . Lipson 21 J . Lewski 22 A. Kras 23 J . Schulber g 27 B. Rose

16 N. Bu ows n D. Short 18 A. Fabri s 19 J. Halman 20 D . Mutton 21 E. Malone 22 E. Adam s 23 M. Stefandark 24 J . Jorgensen 25 S. Gi16ert 26 G. Wells 27 S . Crouch 28 J . Slatyer 29 C. Hrn~ ett 30 M . Naylor 31 H . Jenni s 32 C. Blumfi~d

12 E . Shaked

28 J . Landberg #J L Friedman

30 P. Bryner 31 A. Sacks 32 L . Peters 36 R . Grof 39 L. Peters

35 C. Harrison 36 N. Van Du y 37 C. Hoist

Coach : Brendan Smales Asst Coach : Shaun Kelly 1 B. Owe n 2 34

P. West

T. Rossignualo

2 L . MacFarlane

3 D . Macdermott


A . Simson

5 A. Tucker 6 B. Sheehan 7 " 8 C . Wh ~1 9 J . McKenzie 10 M . L ttl e 11 D . Weardo n 12 B . Joske

5 D . Large 6 N . Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 A . Stewart-Holmes (vc) 9 B . Croft 10 A. Leonard 11 D. Bowley 12 J . As h worth

13 R. Davey

13 M . Potion

14 C. Eddison

14 M . Ruff

15 A. Thompson i 6 T. Angus (c) 17 T. Connel l 18 T. Wilkins 19 G. Trumbull (c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K . Parker 22 T. Evans (vc) 23 C. Pinches

15 B . Knight 16 A. Norman 17 B . Young (VC)

18 B. Dettmann 19 J-P. Matthews 20 L Clarke (DVC) 21 J. Roberts 22 Y. Sadd 23 R . Kirk 24 P. Gregory 25 D . Langdon 26 S . Rocco 27 B . Kelly

30 R . Keenan 34 R . Citroen 36 D. Ryan (DVC) 39 A . Elliott 40 D. Dell

24 J . Ridley Y

M ONASH BLUES Coac : D Grace Team Manh~erStiv ~bi n 1 P. Gurr 2 A . Terry 3 C. Fin ayson 4 K . Mudg e 5 M . Chapma n 6 B . Gebhardt 7 H. Bevi s 8 J . Hindso n 9 M . Cole 10 S. O'Donnell (C) 11 B. Sharpe (VC) 12 M. Tennan t 13 M. Jones (VC) 14 R . Shields 15 B. Hayter 16 D . Stewart 17 M . Kerr 18 A . Finlayson 19 T. Cobban 20 L Leviston 21 D. Metlikovic 22 D. Grace 23 B . Hindl e 39 D. Taylor 44 S. Grace 71 M . Spence

__ -

-- i

74 P. Westbroo k 75 R . Turton

~ --... '

ajor Sponsors

.. .. ..`~~~-

... _ .



A. Hoga n S. Mitchell M . Avram K. Hardin R . Whiteho use


Coach: Craig Williams

( )

B. Geva u G . Blau T. Biddington D . G old R . Ternes a Mathew 90 C . Ev D . Kemp 12 S . Volkedn g 13 R. Read 14 P. McGrath 15 D. Membrey 16 A. Villani 17 A. Orchard 18 R. Newland 19 S. Foley 20 T. Dunne 21 J . Marmo 22 P. Greenhil l 22 R . Erm 4 5 6 7 8

28 M . Hamitton-Ho 29 S . Sinha

46 D . Canniaa

I1G6si ° : 0 L ' 'AYS

3 S. Whittington

27 T .Sadteton .G

38 T. Cook 39 A. Bridgewate r 40 R . Kage n


1 J. Aitken 2 M . Brai n 3 D. P'inwill 3 A. Van Rooye n 4 T. Schocker

25 26 A . Edward s 26 M . Van Alphen 27 R . Osidacz

34 B . J .Lamm

41 O .Howard 42 M. Fletcher 43 C . Feld 44 A. Nichol a 45 A . Katz

Coach: Cadell Duke

23 23 24 24

33 J. Goldenfein

... ..




Coach : Gary Blusztein Ass. Coach : Phil Rozen 1 J . Kestenberg (DVC)


GV P Fabricators

All Home Loan s

New Order Clothin g

RUPERTSW®0D U13S Coach: Mick Phillips

1 Phillips J . 2 Anderson J. (VC) 3 Boxall T 4 Spinner L 5 Quinn B.

6 McEwan K . 7 Plummer J . 8 Jaeger R . 9 West T. 10 Heywood D . 11 Moule G . 12 Hewat M . 13 ga P, 14 Sullivan N . NC) 15 Broughton T. 16 Monzell R . 17 Potter C . (Capt) 18 Terry C.

19 Moiler D . 20 Constantine B. 21 Van Boxtell M . 22 Dale S . 23 Bums M . 24 Brennan L 25 Ce rto A . 26 Wishart C . 7 Bishop

28 Davis J. 29 Harrison M .

25 C. Howat 26 B. Collins 27 J . Choong 28 A. Collins 31 P. Nr en



33 L . McKinnon

37 McGovern D .

Fe~ N 32 Angarano P . 33 Clark S . 34 Dressler E . 35 Little M .




38 Silvester J . 39 Smith J . 40 Powell D.

ST. BERNARDS (2) Coach: John Fraser

C. Rogers C. Govan 3 M . Walsh 4 C. Mitchell 7 D. Mcmurtrie 9 D. Evans 11 A. Marion 13 L . Levides 14 D. Hurley

15 N. Bugryn 16 P. Oxenford 18 S. Smit h 27 B. D rape r 28 J . Anderson 30 D . Lancashire 33 D . Field 35 T. Pearso n 36 S . Co x 38 J . Egan 39 M . Ewe s 41 G . Campbell 49 D. Mcmanus 51 M . Moloney 56 A. Odea 57 L. Anderson 58 J. Tanke y 61 W . Vick 65 P. Thompson 66 J. Watts

67 E. Johnsto n 68 J. Faulkner 70 K . Buiss 72 N . Kan e 73 P. Keogh 74 J . O 'connell 75 B . Petti t

THERRY PENOL A Coach: Paul Mellon

1 B. Corrigan 2 J . Belsey (vc) 3 S. Turner

4 R . Skiathitis 5 B. Morri s 6 J. Harmes 7 B. Bowcock 8 J. Quinn 9 T. Hoatso n 10 J . Crotty 11 T. Sheppard 12 S . Leac h 13 J . Dooley . Fentony

14 J 15 B . Owen 16 M . Farrelly 17 J . Slaw tschka 18 M . Ba denh ope

19 M. Arkin 20 C . Capewell (c)

21 J. Brosnan 22 D . Goodwi n

23 D . Caliegari 24 M . Faroldi 27 I . Gunawardena 29 R . Heane 32 J . Coope r 33 J . Freckleton 40 J . Brosna n


Under-19 DEHTLEIGN Coach : M . Lee 1 R . Dolman 2 R . Heywood 3 0. Lewis 4 J . D'Offay 5 T. Ridgway 6 J . Roberts 7 S. Holmesby 8 B. Holden 9 D. Wild 10 D. Fogarty 11 J. Rahilly 12 T. Wright 14 M. Wilson 15 D . Straker 16 K. Pereira 18 P. Bre@kreu z 19 S . Nicholso n 20 M . Sidney 21 R. Turner 22 B . McLellan 23 S . Corrigan 25 N. Salvatore 26 T. Krotofil 30 B. Tso, B 34 A. Jolly 35 A. Lee 47 S. Wright 52 M. McLellan 54 B . Meehan Sponsor r SC®BLF:' .9

~,~L"RS~RY Tile Importers

L1JE DE LA SALLE ( 2) Coach : Rob Smith

2 M. Sheehan 3 M. Hayes 4 N . Hart 5 M. Francis O C 6 D. Gould 7 J . MCClusky 9 J . McKenzie 10 D. Thompson 12 S. Crowe 12 L. Casey 14 E. Browning 19 A. Hillier 19 J. Fisher 20 B. Pedula 23 J. Hennessy 26 D . McLeod 27 B. Raisbeck 28 B. Wafton 30 K . De Ridder 30 M . Nixon 33 K . Sm h ~ 35 T. Robson 41 D. Thompson 42 A. Roberts 46 W. Quaran 47 J. Greaterorex 52 M. Griffin 53 J. Casey

41 Vodstnc€I M

AENTONE a Coaches: Svend Samild, Dean Andre w 1 D . Cochrane 2 Ja Date 3 A. Erskine 4 B Faibanks (C) 5 N . Fisher (VC) 6 Ri Ironmonger 7 An Kantos 8 M . May y 9 T. Mitvalsky 10 K Regan 11 D. Russo 12 B. Russo 13 E. Millis 14 T Millis 15 R. Boumon 16 An Wilso n 17 B. Carroll 18 S. Cadwallen 19 B. Richards (C) 20 T. Brown (VC) 2t R . Hastemore 22 M. Nielson 23 Be Coghlan 24 D. Field 25 C. Sinclair 26 N. Sutherland 27 K. Pridham 28 A. Trier 29 M . West 30 M . Ryan 23 G . Rastas 24 M. Peck 25 A. Wilson 26 Br Pratt

Coach : Brett Gardner 1 A. Murray 2 D. Couniha m 3 R. Nahas 4 S. Ea d 5 M . Jordan 6 D. Cleary C . Lamb 8 G . Torcasi o 9 D . Wills 10 C . Hogan 11 W. Plaukovits 12 G. V'dagliano 13 L. Rowan 14 P. Brow n 15 R. Holde n 16 S . White 17 S . Briggs 18 S . Serres 19 A. Ciavarella 20 N. Wills 21 J. Briggs 22 T. Orchard 23 D . Zula 24 J. Reynolds 25 J. Nevezi e V. Maraveniano D . Costigan A . Shillo n A . Middlemiss S . Ott

27 G. BoHOmle y

28 M . Latha m




Current Solutions APM Group .


coaoh re 8res-s Coach : Steve Muscat Team Manager, Anita Muscat Asst: Pad tt7rier a OavU nob-Artson I E . Nassrallah 1 A. 2 J . Isaac (DVC) 2 C . Medcraft 3 D. Haas 3 J . Woodgate 4 C. Lazarakis ( VC ) 4 C. Schleiger 5 J. Thomas 5 D. Brosnan 6 S. Nussbau m 6 T Denatris 7 R. O' Brie n 7 D. Black 8 C. Thomson 9 T Peel 9 C . Rossenlis 10 L. Wells 10 S. Schellebeck 11 B. Arnold 11 S. Sullivan


Coach: John Howard Ass Coach : Brian Adis I Adem I 2 Baraket A 3 Baraket 0 4 Baribar J 5 Barbuto A 6 Bennett L 7 Ba U 8 Byrne C 9 Cooper T 10 Dimachki M ti Dimachki T 12 Dini A 13 Dini A 14 D'iriyeA 15 Ed6n A 16 Ellis D 17 Farrah M 18 Gibson B 19 Haji A 20 Hassan A 21 Hassan I 3 22 Hast e D M 2 24 Howarth P. 25 Leary M 28 Levy S 27 Lith ow S 28 Makay A 29 O'Shannessy T 30 Predavec S 31 Prokhorov T 32 Rabi Y 33 Rankin J 34 RVan T 35 Sheehan D 36 Shellard L 37 Taranto A 38 Urbina H 39 Vardis M 40 inning B


13 J . Evangelista 14 F. Patuad 15 S . Vaughan 17 C. Nayna 18 M .Marziale 20 J . Fredrickson 21 K. Onurtu 22 D. Armansi n 23 M . Sofoulis 24 J. Staker 25 A. Evangelista 26 X. Deayton (Capt) 27 V. Sang 28 S. Cook (DVC) 29 S . Tan 30 M . Thomas 32 S . Burge 34 R. Wood 41 J . Antenucci 42 D. Andrews 43 B. Jeffreys 44 B. Evangelista

GLEN Ell, _

13 S. Mcconchie 14 S. Davis 16 S . M`ta€os 17 D . Martin 18 P. Hughes 19 J . David 20 R. Lemer 21 B . Upstil l 23 L Gouzenfiter 24 M . Anderson 25 R . Matter 26 D . Tehennepe (Vc) 28 B. Harris 30 A. Jirov 31 A. Bukala 33 A . Cook (Capt) 34 S . Ramsay 44 B . Robbins 61 G. Evans

ME H I&9 .: . Il~ERIS Coach: Glenn Alford I McGettigan M 2 McNamara D 3 Cleary G 4 L'Huillier D 5 Gilmore S 6 Buck A 7 Grasby P 8 Kelly L 9 Serofin L 10 Mark J 11 P~el°G N 13 Rouillon L 15 Curry P 16 Lovelock R j$amya J 19 Paterson A 20 Lynch J 21 Cieslak L 22 Terrell L 23 Waters D 24 Moss D 25 Porter D 26 Hilton M 27 Jones L 28 Andrews M 29~ D 30 addocks J 31 McConnell K 32 PeVovic J 33 Tyquin J 34 Bignell R 35 Thompson G

Coach : Matthew Webb I Nathan Chalk 2 Ross Dean 3 Jeremy Diaz 4 Glen D'Olivera 5 Chris Domingo 7 Michael Fumell 8 Damien Homan 9 Matt Hope 10 Daniel Johnston

Coach: Uarre n " ;tv€€op 1 T. Cronan 3 0 . Kohnesheen 6 E . Costello 7 R. Gingel l 8 J . Niemi 9 C . Batchelor (VC ) 11 J. Cooke 13 L Stanza 16 J. Newson

11 Bradley 13 Michael Kosmala 15 Peter Langham 16 Luke Merchant 17 Wigor Montalto 18 Michael Nelson 19 Ashley Panty 20 Matthew Phaedonos 21 Darryl Pinto 22 Benjamin Worrell

21 D . Whitin g 22 L. Bell (C) 25 A . Ray 26 A . Excel l 27 J . Cronan 33 J . Merchic 40 S. Walden 54 M . Giannellis 58 J. Masterto n 59 A. Giannelli s 69 W. Cooper 78 M . Stephanadaki s 79 N . Stracha n 88 D . Phillips 89 L. Elser

Hodges Real Estate Menton e Clearcut Hairdressin g IFCO Brighton Nissa n THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200


~nder-1 - RED BANYULE VIEWBANK Coach : Phiv Demetriou

Hills 7 g M . Wall g S . Loonstra 10 M . Dexter 12 A . Munchow

13 C. Williams 14 A . Lobzcuk 17 M . Adams 18 T. Walsh 19 P. Symons 20 B. Hardham 21 C . Galliott 22 M. Visser 24 C . Crozier 50 A. Faill a 52 D . White 61 D . Jennings 66 A . Kinghorne 67 D. Muir 68 B . Pratt

1 Wenke, Z 2 Brockwell, J 3 Mcgovern, A 4 Adams, P 5 Brown, A

6 Morgan, M 7 Moore, R 8 Demetriou, A

9 Christian, M 10 Wright, R 11 Blayney, P 12 Parfett, M 13 Ioannidis, W 14 Lardo, M 15 Evans, A 16 Mitropoulos, A 17 Davies, C 18 Wise, T 19 Mcintosh, T 20 loannou , A 21 Herbert, D 22 Tsingaris, J 23 Everest, J 24 Bottomley, A 25 Stavropoulos, C 26 Large, B



Coach: Harry Harisio u 4 C . Lapadula 7 J. Ryan 10 T. Lee

11 A . Verge 12 B . Tekin

13 A . Smith 14 E . Miritis 15 E . Sanli 16 J . Newman 17 D. McMillan 18 J . McDonald 20 R . Tremayne 22 D . Seraiocco 23 A. Stavretis 28 P. Murch 24 B. Moran 36 A. Coulston 38 E . Odza 40 T. King 41 J . Wolnizer 42 J . Simon 43 M . Iacuone 49 B . Lapadula

Coach : Tim Bell


S .Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson 3 R. Williams 4 R. Hage 5 J. V olato 6 C . Dullard 7 D Pocock 8 B. MacDonald 9 A. Butler 10 J. Coyne 11 G. Brown 12 M . Rogers 13 M . Zika 14 D. Ryan 15 T. McBurney 16 S : Cahill 17 D. Robbins 18 R. Astudillo 19 G . Glouftsis 20 N . Hart 21 D . Russell 22 S. Edward s 23 K. Maghamez 24 R . Willingham

17 D. Taylor 18 T. Vaughan 19 D. Corp 20 A. Mokrusch 21 D. Hudson 22 C . LeNoury

23 J. Mason 24 P. Neville 25 M. Monohan 26 B. Merryweather 27 A . Maluccio 28 A . Woods 29

J .Dalry mp4e

MDarcy B .De BruM S.~e~n A,Hap P.Fiarn J.Hanke M .Han,ey


pM.i ara~gamis c .Kea n JLarnbed ~ .~y D .Man n

T.Manne s m'r'kponald D .nuKa i s.uMu~phy

B .Partherudes s'R r~

25 J . Ziemer


26 W. Murray 27 A . Merhi 28 C. Meighen 29 D. McPhee

j se p MTa pkos ATOmtk °" ~ i v

OLD XAVERIANS (1 &2) ST. LE®SEP MAUS coaches: 01s(p)Anmary Duggan


uis(z) Fred Chamberlain

Coach: Justin Vaugha n 1 J . Pascot 2 J . Waters 3 M . Ford 4 G. Cocks 5 A. McCann 6 R. Toms 7 B. Gam e 8 G . Homer 9 L McDermott 10 A. Kennedy 11 M. Levins 12 D . Coppock 13 C . Phyland 14 R. Fallon 15 C . Lee 16 C . Huang 17 P. Carse 18 A . Egan

1 O'Maara T 2 TrescornMhlck J

3 M~nt s "r"~~A s4 +Rumra E 6 KerPeid M 7 Freer S 8 McDonne{i J

90 ~~

11 BourkeS T R

ia 1""a" 1 G nnNan J L 4 Roache M s eaaren A 16 c.c+r~aran N 1I Cr :, man P 8 sc-_-ian M(c) f- , j 19 W2o -ran 0 21 r, r 22 -~t R 23S,Fr,R 24 au_> c 2sRC :,~L 26 o H. n on M 27 Purc`~i a 28 Whae J

~Adorns s s Vaughan

at R A 32 a~C rnemey T 33 Ford D 34 Onus D ~ Rees o 37 Bunco R 38 M,eMn-Sm1h J 39 Ryan s 40 O Hanron M 41 Fusmato R 42 SinWey M

19 P. Bamewall

20 T. Munro 21 S . Ellio tt 22 M . Beddome 23 G . Hanson 24 M . Ferguson 25 M. Williams 27 R . Morris

33 M. Donald 46 M. Cardosi

`a Oo'"ga" T `' DM 4e Trovato 46 Gd e 0 4+sgkrr n 48Had m:c 49L ch T e0 C~ester P

or BOW



*C Lent

52 autzr°yH



D4Valker BWartwrton TYlnFlehead T.W`kre TWood

35 Playfair, D

1 B . Gerace 2 K . Lawson 3 R. Naidu 4 C. Lever 5 G . Walker 6 B. Payne 7 F. Pavez 8 H. Hodgson 9 D. Ball 10 A. Miller 11 R . Stein 12 P. Johnsto n 13 E . Sand strom 14 J . Morsello 15 B . Gilbee 16 P. Hudson

;& 5 sD Bu t!e R .eutter eCanaqha a .cameron J .G~n LcOrer Lconins

28 Herbert, B 29 Shepherd, T 30 Richardson, L 31 Poci, A 32 Poyser, J 34 Stanton, B

Coach: Cliff Lever Ass . Coach : Jim Hudson

D.&enna n

27 Kayrooz, A

33 Skicko,



Coach : Zoran Cokovi c

2003 M ajor Sponsor

ONI DLAGKS Lachlan Beaton 1 L. Crozley 2 A. AVlett 3 W. Allan 4 C. Barte r 5 J . Dowsley d 6 B. Edwar s 7 R . Whatley 8 J. Fuller 9 S. Henty 10 A Howson 11 J. Hummel l 12 A . Jesse 13 H . Lockie 14 A . L nch 15 J . Myapleson 16 L. Marshall 17 W. McCahey 18 R. Moffatt 19 N . Myer 20 S . Palmer 21 K. Prestidg e 22 0 . Scott 23 F. Slattery 24 M . Steele 25 M. Torney 26 M. Turne r 27 B. yVa 28 R . Woo ~d 29 M . Commodeur 30 0. Crichley 31 D . Brow n 32 L. Clancy 33 C. Webb

YARRA VALLEY O R Coach : Peter Battle 1 L. Hickey 2 D . Tsoupar kov [ s 3 G. Marti n 4 T. Peters 5 B . Nicholas (c) 6 A. Maudsley 7 C. Walke r 8 M . Rokicki 9 D. Borlan d 10 L. Askew 11 C. Brill: 12 T. Amos 13 B. Glenni e 14 E. Go tte n 15 A. Russel l 16 S.Yeo 17 W. Carte r 18 D . Wright 19 D . Reynolds 21 K . Everist 22 T Hoope r 23 D. Bartolomeo 24 N . Tilley 25 B . Seege r 36 H. Shakes~are

34 T. William s 35 P. Strathan 36 S . Price 37 K. West 38 S . Comm adeu r 39 J . Hann 40 T. Clare 41 J. Brennan 42 T. Brumby-Ren d ell 43 Bad e




p,l,aut'~garld No Tobacco Day, May 3 1 i ;ie !°:'orld Health Organisation created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes . Every year on May 31 countries around the world participate in World No Tobacco Day to raise awareness of the i,3vastating toll of smoking . Smoking kills over 4500 people a year in Victoria - that's 13 ~lictorians every day. ;~J, ~ , : - 're ready . . . . we're here . Quit . special days - like birthdays, New Year's Day and World No Tobacco Day - are a great 0 7pcrtunity for smokers to make a date to quit, so the focus for World No Tobacco Day this year is on the range of resources that are available to help smokers quit . in Victoria, research shows that about 8 out of 10 smokers have made at least one quit attempt . For smokers who want to quit, the good news is there is help available to make their quitting successful . Different methods will work for different people, and that's why Quit offers a variety of services . une of the best places to start is by calling the Quitline on 131 848 and asking for a iree Quit Pack, which includes a Quit book with lots of useful information about the quitting process . People who call the Quitline can also ask to speak to one of Outline's specially trained advisors . A Quitline advisor can help smokers work out their reasons for quitting, plan their quit attempt and give them strategies to get through the cravings . Quit also has a range of audio and video tapes to help smokers through the quitting process . For those who are more technologically minded, there's also useful information on Quit's : :,ebsite at www .quit .org .au . So for smokers who are thinking of making World No Tobacco Day on May 31 their day to quit and aren't sure how to go about it, the easiest place to start is by calling the Quitline on 131 848 . uenefits of quittin g ';'Ihen you quit, you'll feel the benefits straight away as your body starts to repair itself . Stopping smoking has major and immediate health benefits for men and women of all ages . • In just a few days, levels of carbon monoxide in the blood drop dramatically, which means you have more oxygen in your bloodstream . m Within a few days your sense of taste and smell improve . • After a month blood pressure returns to normal and lung function improves . • After a year, your increased risk of dying from heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker . For smokers who want to quit, a FREE World No Tobacco Day Quit Pack is available by calling the Quitline on 131 848 . For more information about World No Tobacco Day, click on to Quit Victoria's website at www .quif .org .a u `_~ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER




Finlay, Therry Penola. Striking, 4 matches . ,' I ailey, West Brunswick . Striking, 2 has . Power House, Striking ,

L - .- .es . South Melbourne Districts . Striking , 2 matches . - lorence, Bulleen-Templestowe (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches .

This c :

June 14 St Bernards v . Old Trinitv June 15 No Matc h June 21 Old Brighton v . Old Essendon June 22 Old Ivanhoe v . C' ")ailevburv June 28 Whitefriars v, n id Rr cihton June 291'~i-~. ---~`-

scrit - 째W 27 . 2003 ,u(e and Aquinas charged with a melee in thei r ior match played on Saturday May 17, 2003 . -oth clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . Aquinas ;9 300 (second offence over the last three year period) and Banyule $ 100 (first offence over the last three year period) . Banyule charged with conduct unbecoming in that during the match against AJAX seniors on May 10, 2003 Michael Gray allegedly struck an AJAX player. Charge proven . Player Gray suspended for 4 matches .-

tit?Ile. ' % CCreL"


Certificate 11I & IV -ot.t:rses starting SOOT,

nee ($25) ; third ($100); eac h ;1G1B "eniorslU19 phone failure to provid e 2 .30po1 final scores by 5p m Old Xa verians ( Ci) South lvieib . Dist . (S) M azenod (C) AJAX (U ) Bentleigh (U)

Phoned incorrect scores 12d6 Old Essendon (S) . Swinburne Uni (S), Old HaIleybury (R), Monash Blues (R), ltrerribee (U), Therry Penola (U) .

~=- At.'= .TEUR FOOTBALLER 2003


Winning Edge Presentation s

. Today sees the half way mark of the season and in each Section 2 South ; _-' section, it does seem that three finalists are already known . Mazenod scored another' !big victory . St Leo's could That is not to say there won't be surprise results to prove e not match the skill of th me wrong! Section leaders and lost by sixty six points . REVIEW OF ROUND 6 . Whitefriars took the four points against Old Brighton by two Section 1 . points in the day's closest contest . Old Brighton, who had Old Xaverians continued on their winning way at the more of the play, will long rue their lack of accurate kicking expense of Marcellin, who went down by seventy three for goal . points . The "Crocodile" defenders allowed, the "Eagles" only eight scoring shots, such was the dominance of the Old Xaverians around the ground . Prahran finished two points short of a"gross" defeat of Monash Blues in a game, which after a spirited first quarter became fairly one sided . Best for Monash were : O'Dwyer, Plehn and Ben Dods . Prahran had three real stars viz . : "Cougar" Cartledge (9 goals from a wing), "Carey" Butterworth (6 goals at centre half forward) and on baller . Jason Storer . De La Salle showed Old Ivanhoe the gap presently existing between the top three sides and the fourth placed side . Old Ivanhoe finished fifty five points in arrears after an emotional match in which the Ivanhoe spirit tested De La Salle fully. Best for "De La" included ; Norton and the Brashers (A good name for a band!) Old Ivanhoe were well served by ; Darren Toll (4 goals) . Jordon Risstrom and Theo Mitas . The closest result was that between the seventh and eighth placed teams . St Kevin's effectively won this match in the first quarter, when they set up a four goal lead . Collegians fought back doggedly to put themselves right back into contention before falling five points short of victory . Greg Oakley contributed greatly up forward for Collegians, who were also well served well by Brendan Hains and Perkov . For St Kevin's . Schauf. Halpin and Shelley were best . Section 2 North .

Old Trinity players and supporters enjoyed their forty four point victory over Fitzroy Reds . Trinity set up their victory early in the game and were never headed . Captain Jonathan set up the Trinity forward line as "Cade's County" where the ball remained for long periods ! Old Carey, who were outplayed throughout by Old Xaverians, never gave up and scored more after half time than they did in the first half . The small arena helped the Xaverians score fifty one times . University Blacks did what most teams fail to do by defeating Therry Penola by eight points at Oak Park . The excited Blacks regaled their Di supporters with "tall tales and true" of their team performance and of the charismatic leadership of Craig Baulch, who celebrated a birthday with a match winning display. Therry Penola never surrendered even though the Blacks were clearly the better side on the day . Best for Therry Penchi were ; Vanenglen . Piazza and the super veteran and living legend, Ron . Costello . Old Essendon had the bye .

Eley Park, consolidated third place with a convincing ninety eight point victory over Hawthorn Amateurs, who are not enjoying much success in 2003 .

A.J .A.X . jumped to fourth place through their twenty four point defeat of Old Geelong. Only inaccuracy prevented a bigger A .J .A .X. victory. PREVIEW OF ROUND 7 . Section 1 . Marcellin are my selection to defeat Monash Blues at Bulleen . The two strongest teams over the past three seasons namely De La Salle and Old Xaverians meet at Waverley Park, East Malvern . Old Xaverians have only succumbed to De La Salle once in recent times and in each of their other meetings the "Crocs" have proven too strong . Mark Williamson will have to make many permutations in his class room about nullification of the Xaverian mid field and ipso facto their forward line . His research will remain hypothetical as I believe the Old Xaverians will continue their winning sequence .

Collegians will prove competitive against Old Ivanhoe on the Trott Oval, although I doubt they possess the depth of talent needed to defeat the fiercely competitive Old Ivanhoe team . The lure of fourth place should be enough incentive for Old Ivanhoe to gain victory . Prahran should record another comfortable victory by defeating St Kevin's, whose players will not be able to nullify Cartledge, Butterworth and the plethora of mid fielders, whc continually drive the ball forward . Section 2 North .

The match between Old Xaverians and Old Essendon couk well be a preview of the Grand Final . So far this season then is little between the two teams as far as statistics an concerned and today could reveal their relative strengths Old Xaverians are a mixture of tall and small as we ll a: young and experienced players, whose endeavour last wee] was a treat to witness . Providing the Xaverians keep thel minds on the task, I believe they will win as McHal Stadium will be much more familiar to them . University Blacks will be anxious to defeat Old Carey, whic they should accomplish with comparative ease, as secon place beckons . Therry Penola have disappointed so far this season btodayIselchmftFizroyReds,whfm t date has been none too impressive . Fitness could well pr othevialfcrnuomethisac,w c ultimately prove vital in the struggle for fourth place . Old Trinity have the bye .


Section 2 Sout h

us should continue on their winning way at the ;cnse of St Leo's, who have found success elusive this C,., .i ;lroll .

,c nod should make it seven wins in a row by accounting old Geelong . The wide expanses of Como Park should „ b1e the Mazenod mid fielders to feed Bridgland and r,uhergill who look set for another bag of goals . \ ,) A.X . journey east to meet Eley Park . who are enjoying x suspect that, at home . t) ;eir best season long time . A .J A Park will prove too toug h o d Brighton should keep their final four hopes alive with a n in over the struggling Hawthorn Amateurs . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Ir-hone 9467 2857 or e mail nknugenU_ -lphalink .com .au

NAPdE II18 (1) Frrhran ('ollegians old Xaverians Prahran Old Xaverians C18(Pll

Cartlidge Oakley L Hardwick Butterworth R George

33 19 18 16 12

Old Trinity Cade Old Essendon Evans Old Xaverians Quinn Old Essendon Greddy Old Trinity Taylor Old Xaverians Nanc e

2 11 0 6 6 6 0 5 0 5 5 5

C18 (s) )fazenod Eley Park ,,tazenod Stazenod Eley Park

6 4 5 2 2

Fothergill Psaltopoulis Fisher Bridgland Price

42 19 14 13 12

TODAY'S MATCHES R7 CLUB XVIII (1 ) Marcellin v Monash Blues De La Salle v Old Xaverians at Waverley Par k Collegians v Old Ivanhoe Prahran v St . Kevin s CLUB 18 (NORTH) Old Trinity - Bye Old Xaverians (2) v Old Essendon Gr University Blacks v Old Carey at Western Oval, Parkville Fitzroy Reds v Therry Penola OB at Ramsden Stree t

Club 18 (South) St Leos Emmaus WP v Whitefriars at 9 .30 a .m. Old Geelong v Mazenod 0 C Eley Park v AJAX

Old Brighton v Hawthorn Amateurs

CLUB %VBI I n DID RAY: a1ANS (1) 4.4 61 9.1 13.17 (95) MARCELLIN 1 .0 2.1 3.2 4 .4(28) Old %averians: Best: Ockleshaw . Perry. Fay. Beetham. A McHarg. Fowier. Goals: Fowler 3, Ockleshaw 3, James Hardwick 3, L Hardwick, Davies, Carrodus. Ward, Perry 2rlareeilin: Best: McCartin . C Moran. Magras, McGree, S Matthews, Tim. Goals: McGree, Jones, S Matthews, McCartin Umpires : Trevor Hansen David King (registered Old Xaverians) (F) PRAID2AN 6.7 15.10 22.13 27 .19 (181) 2.0 3.0 5.2 6 .3(39) MONASH BLUES Praluan: Cartlldge 9, Butterworth 6, Di Lizlo 4, Dowd 3, leak 2, Haywood . Scott, Lawrence Best Butterworth . Cartlidge. Dowd. Ivak. Green, DiLizio Monash : O'Dwyer 2 . M. Woods, West. Brown, L . Woods Best: Cougiowu. Piehn, ODwy'er. West. M. 'Woods, Riddle Umpires : Steve Mason Kane Fetterplace (registered Prahran) (F) OLD IYANHOE 1 .1 3.2 3 .3 7 .4(46) DE LA SAId.E 4.5 7.7 11 .9 15 .11 (101) Old Ivanhoe : D.Toll 4. J.Rlsstrom 1, J. Mavcock I, M . De Kretser 1 . Best: D.Toll. N.MacGutre, J .Risstrom, T.Mitas. A.WeLsz, Ltlntoniou. On La Salle-Lafferty 4, Fisher 2. Meehan 2, Roberts 2, Word 1, Tucker 1 . Manntx 1 . Norton 1 . Best : P.Brasher, M. Brasher, Norton, F9sher.Tucker, Roberts . Umpires: Brian Nunn Ryan Hense (registered Old Itianhoe) (F) 6.2 7 .4 8 .6 11 .10 (76) ST. ]KEVIIVS COLLEGIANS 2.2 7 .3 9 .4 11 .5 (71) St . Kevins : Mitchell 4, Shelley 2, Schauff 2, Makohon 2, Robinson . Best : Shelley, Makohon. Mitchell. Mount, T. Dillon. Halpin. Collegians:. Oakley 5, N . Baxter, Clark, J Gay. Grant, Haim, Treacy. Best : Perkon, N . Baxter, M . Day. Oakley, Hatns . Burn. Umpires: David Windlow Brendan Millar (registered - St Kevins) (F) CLUB MU (NORTH OLD ESSENDON GR BYE FTI'ZROY REDS 2 .6 3 .6 4 .8 6.12 (48) OLD TRINITY 2 .2 6 .8 9 .10 13.14 (102) Fitzroy Reds: Prior 3, Cook 2, Whftty . Best: Cook, Prior. Holland. Puglia, Prim, Vaughan Old Trinity* Langdon 3, Sommerville 2, Lade 2, Dodgson 2 . Gnatt. Hit, Robinson, Brawn, Cameron. Best: Cameron. Dodgson, Langdon, Gnatt, Heaven, Hit. Umpires : Frank Kavanagh Rod Curtis (not registered) (F) OLD CAREY 2 .0 2 .2 4.3 5.5(35) OLD RAVERIAttS (2) 7 .4 18 .10 25 .16 29.22 (196) Old Carey: Nance M 2, Nance P 2, Cooke Best : Gorman, O'Neill. Ridley. Croft, Baird, Brown Old Xaverlans (2) : Quinn 6. Stoney 5, 0'CaIlaghan 3, Furlett 2, Higgins 2, McClean 2, O'Kane 2, Mackay . Farly, Silk, Hoare, Harly. Curtain L, Larkins Best : Larkins. Quinn. Stoney, Higgins . Hariy, Silk Umpires : Tony Hall Tom Mahon (registered -Old CareyXF ) Therry Pmo}a 2 .1 3.2 6.3 8 .6 4 .2 69 7 12 8 .14 Unit Blacks Theny : Watson 2 . Keenan 2, Costello I . O'Neill 1 M. Goodwin 1, Lyons I Best: Vanenglen. Toner, Plaza . D. Goodwin, Kelly, Maresdk . Uni Blacks: Snow 3, Haden 1 . Cardamoine 1. Prince 1, Fink 1, Merlo 1 . Best: Haden, Matthews, Bowers, Owen, Prince . Hutchins . Umpires: Tony Robbins John Poore (F) CLUB XVIII (SOUTHI MAZENOD 5.3 11 .6 14.10 19.12.126 ST.LEOS EMMAUS WP 2.3 4.6 6.9 8.12 .60 Maxenod: Fothergtll 6. Fisher 5, Rome 4, Bridgland 2 . Palamara, Collins. Best- Fothergill, Collins, Bivtano. Fisher, Raine, Bourbon . St. Leos Emmanus WP. Breaky 3 . Manton 2 . Contessotto, Dlmble. Scardanaglla Best Dunble, Brealey. Farquar. Manton. P.Levins, Daly . Umpires: Rhett Parker John Palamara (registered - Mazenal) (F ) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .5 3.9 6.12 7 .14 (56) WIBTEFRIARS 2.0 5.1 5 .5 8 .10 (58) OLD BRIGHTON: Cochran 2, McDougall 2, Maddox Ryan, Carra . Best:Trtm . Hooper, Stewart, Noiwval, Gibson, Ryan. WHITEFRIARS : Gloucchev 2. Spitart 2, Wilson 2, Thwaites . C Janson. Best: Gilhome, C Jansen, Bourke . Spiteri . O'meara. G)ouvchev. Phel an . Umpires: Paul Rapke Mark Thornhill F) AJAX 3.4 3.8 3 .12 8 .16(54) OLD GEELONG 1 .1 3 .3 5 .4 5 .9(39) AJAR Gutman 3, Kaicer. A Krongold, Lundberg, Norich, Rubenstein Best : Gutman. Norich, Roth, Buckley, Rubenstein, Landberg Old Geelong: Atkinson 2, Rofe. Lsvn. Atkinson Best: Fitzgerald, Chadder, Opie, Broadbent, Wooley, Hawker Umpires : Rick Benson Mike Zernski (registered -Ajax) (F) HAWTHORN 1 .0 1.4 2 .6 3 .6(24) ELEY PARK 3.7 5 .9 11 .13 17.20 (122) Haw: Goals, Osaoukis, Hatza. McKay Best: C Merrell, J 1'Jalker, Owens, Osoaukis . Saddtngton Eley Park Goals : Psaltopoults 4, Grant 3, Price 2 . Heath 2 Powell, Kinsella. Morris, Tobin, Park, D Smith Best: Tobin, Heath, West, Truong, Grant. Powell Umpires: Joe Ciccotosto Matthew Walker (registered - Hawthorn) (F )


Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES: (a) Weekly . Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in the majority of the ball was, will each receive in the mail 5 Sportscover vouchers which, when presented at the canteen at Sportscover Arena (Eisternwick Park) will entitle the bearer to receive up to 5 Four'N' Twenty pies or 5 Schweppes softdrinks or a combination of the two. (Total 5) . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in eac h subsequent issue of the 'Amateur Foolballer' . ROUND 7- Ball was in A5 square - No Winner Round 7. t HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down righ : hand side of this page, fill in and mail to VAFA P0 Box 359 Elsternwick 31 85 or plcopy and fax to 95312050 . Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . Prizes for the Sportscover Spot the Ball Competition are kindly donated by Four 'N' Tw e Pies and Schweppes . I



_U t07 Ar, ?_

a i BLUES 7 7 0 0 626 240 260 .83 28 ;ITY BLACKS 7 6 1 0 719 267 269 .29 24 7 6 1 0 576 273 210.99 24 7 4 3 0 481 411 117.03 1 6 :TONIANS 7 4 3 0 429 387 110 .85 16 H O C 7 3 4 0 365 467 78 .16 1 2 :„LLEY08 7 2 5 0 410 516 79.46 8 'HOEASSUMPTION 7 2 5 0 408 617 66.13 8 u I S O C 7 1 6 0 400 628 63.69 4 LcN TEMPLESTOWE7 0 7 0 210 849 24.73 0 e player Rd 4 '('E P IN L For Pts __ LA 0 B 7 7 0 0 699 240 291 .25 28 E ELONG 7 6 1 0 792 222 356 .76 24 ,=QY REDS 7 6 1 0 592 257 230 .35 24 -L , : STOWN CYMS 7 4 3 0 476 451 105.54 16 TROBE UNI 7 4 3 0 493 480 102 .71 1 6 ,', F ST BRUNSWICK 7 3 4 0 424 469 90.41 1 2 °_D CAREY 7 2 5 0 425 532 79 .89 8 ~ :TLEIGH 7 1 6 0 363 601 60 .40 4 r EIGH 7 1 6 0 330 747 44 .18 4 ,-',',THORN AMATEURS 7 1 6 0 284 879 32 .31 4

D 3 F.' ,`S"' 11E

P 3EFAMATEURS 7 6 0 1 SWOOD 7 5 2 uHNSOC 7 5 2 I F! TERNWICK 7 4 3 ,, :;i%P_'•URNE UNI 7 3 3 ~FSH GRYPHONS 7 3 4 7 3 4 z 0'JTN 1.tELB DISTRICTS 7 2 5 PWERHOUSE 7 2 5 6 ~'1DALTALLY-HO 7 1

D 1 0 0 0

pd RESERVE P w L D `. J7 6 1 0 ~7ETil ERUNSWICK 7 6 1 0 7 6 1 0 EHT PARK 7 6 1 0 EETi{AM COLLEGIANS 7 4 3 0 A'-T LILYDALE 7 3 4 0 ? :D WESTBOURNE 7 3 4 0 LEEN COBRAS 7 3 4 0 ;L 2ND CENTRAL 7 3 4 0 ~ .LL NORTH 7 2 5 0 E°'L .SNICK POWER 7 0 7 0

Fm 731 569 443 532 491 324 436 402 346 271

Apt 295 247 .80 26 409 139 .12 20 368 120 .38 20 478 111 .30 16 416 118 .03 14 345 93 .91 12 544 80 .15 12 538 74 .72 8 523 66 .16 8 750 36 .13 4

For A % Pis 798 251 317 .93 24 865 342 252.92 24 610 358 170 .39 24 555 397 139.80 24 572 432 132.41 16 658 579 113.64 12 367 424 86.56 12 381 481 79.21 12 388 597 64.99 12 155 900 17.22 8 244 908 26.87 0

I U19 SECTION 9 P W L D For Agst % PPs T GERtJARDS 7 7 0 0 1028 431 238 .52 28 i,%i :'C 1 ,ITY BLUES 7 6 1 0 742 395 187.85 24 _I5 SCOTCH 7 5 2 0 782 585 133 .68 20 __DiaVER1ANS 7 4 3 0 615 491 125 .25 16 7 SALLE 7 4 3 0 576 581 99 .14 16 T F;EVINS 7 3 4 0 504 674 74 .78 1 2 ,7 CELLIN 7 1 4 2 643 673 95 .54 8 -1-11-FIELD OR 7 1 5 1 505 821 61.51 6 '! 0 BRIGHTON 7 1 5 1 348 890 39 .10 6 r _ D'SSENDONGR 7 1 6 0 457 795 57 .48 4 _~ I ble player Rd 4

U1957CTI0N 2 P


L D For A :


'ELBURNIANS 7 6 1 0 833 359 232 .03 24 •', ETni8EE AMATEURS 7 6 1 0 637 361 176 .45 24 ' :'TON ROVERS 7 5 2 0 517 524 98 .66 20 -L CAMBERWELL 7 4 3 0 528 533 99 .06 16 L0 TRINITY 7 4 3 0 395 395 100 .00 16 'E UMARIS 7 4 3 0 423 631 67 .04 1 6 .NOD 0 C 7 3 4 0 311 575 54 .09 1 2 I,iVANHOE 7 2 5 0 553 685 80 .73 8 D PARADIANS 7 1 6 0 354 587 60 .31 4 Jle player Rd 4


PW L D Fnr _ffi.t % pis OLD CAREY 7 6 1 0 753 278 270 .86 2 4 RUPERTSWOOD 7 6 1 0 536 315 170 .16 24 COLLEGIANS 7 6 1 0 693 451 153 .66 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 7 4 3 0 648 565 114 .69 16 AJAX 7 4 3 0 546 516 105 .81 16 'MONASH BLUES 7 3 4 0 454 579 78 .41 12 MHSOB 7 2 5 0 448 624 71 .79 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 2 5 0 445 738 60 .30 8 ST BERNARDS (2) 7 2 5 0 143 723 19 .78 8 'Ineligible player Rd 4 U19 (g) MWE Pw 1 D For Ags# P& OAKLEIGH 7 7 0 0 1043 445 23438 28 ST BEDES MENT TIG 7 6 1 0 953 384 248 .18 24 ST JOHNS 0 C 7 6 1 0 843 439 192 .03 24 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 7 4 3 0 1041 547 190.31 16 BENTLEIGH 7 3 4 0 635 524 121 .18 12 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 7 3 4 0 681 563 120 .96 12 MENTONE PANTHERS 7 2 5 0 598 777 76 .96 8 ORMOND 7 2 5 0 492 750 65 .60 8 GLEN EIRA 7 2 5 0 258 1098 23 .50 8 DE LA SALLE (2) 7 0 7 0 240 1291 18.59 0 P ~D F~ AgsP % BANYULE VIEWBANK 7 7 0 0 913 341 267.74 28 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 6 1 0 913 204 447.55 24 FiTZROY REDS 7 5 2 0 723 383 188.77 20 LA TROBE UNI 7 5 2 0 506 316 160.13 20 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 7 4 3 0 447 523 85 .47 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 7 3 4 0 396 545 72 .66 12 AQUINAS 0 C 7 2 5 0 383 624 61 .38 8 OLD WESTBOURNE 7 2 5 0 288 563 51 .15 8 YARRA VALLEY 0 8 7 1 6 0 258 727 35 .49 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 7 0 7 0 215 858 25 .06 0 CLUB 9$ - i PW L D For Axsr % Prs OLD XAVERIANS 6 a 6 0 0 796 237 335 .86 24 DE LA SALLE 6 5 1 0 651 326 199 .69 20 PRAHRAN 6 5 1 0 673 365 184 .38 20 OLD IVANHOE 6 2 4 0 334 433 77 .14 8 ST KEVINS 6 2 4 0 328 571 57 .44 8 MARCELLIN 6 2 4 0 311 544 57 .17 8 MONASH BLUES 6 1 4 1 314 699 44 .92 6 COLLEGIANS 6 0 5 1 340 662 51 .36 2 CLUB 18 - NORTH P If L_ D For Apt % Prs OLD XAVERIANS (2) 6 6 0 0 486 176 276 .14 24 OLD ESSENDON GR 6 5 1 0 432 264 163 .64 20 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 5 1 0 283 251 112 .75 20 THERRY PENOLA OB 6 3 3 0 246 288 85.42 12 OLD TRINITY 6 2 4 0 359 391 91 .82 8 FITZROY REDS 6 2 4 0 250 327 76 .45 8 OLD CAREY 6 1 5 0 209 568 36 .80 4 CLUB 78 -,'"_ '• _ P W L D For Agsf % Pts MAZENOD 0 C 6 6 0 0 729 275 265 .09 24 WHITEFRIARS 6 5 1 0 570 305 186 .89 20 ELEY PARK AFC 6 4 2 0 570 362 157 .46 16 AJAX 6 3 3 0 348 416 83 .65 12 OLD BRIGHTON 6 2 4 0 379 355 106 .76 8 OLD GEELONG 6 2 4 0 384 427 89.93 8 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 6 2 4 0 387 456 84 .87 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 6 0 6 0 126 897 14 .05 0

r --------------------_ __---.r -v a~ i

ILL~ -, ,

~ (Fri) ` 7 o Umpires Appointments ® Scores ( S a t . night)








vnFnexvonsaonsca l _---~cta~m~yCeh,~rircmamob,'e~ho °tothSsenlxeL ----J


% Pts L D Far Agst P W A SECTION ST BERNARDS 7 6 1 0 920 621 148 .15 24 OLD XAVERIANS 7 5 2 0 720 558 129 .03 20 MARCELLIN 7 5 2 0 684 590 115 .93 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 7 4 3 0 771 643 119 .91 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 4 3 0 571 525 108 .76 16 OLD TRINITY 7 4 3 0 577 607 95 .06 16 OLD SCOTCH 7 3 4 0 759 770 98 .57 12 ST KEVINS 7 3 4 0 634 830 76 .39 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 1, 6 0 516 755 68 .34 4 0 OLD IVANHOE 7 0 7 0 569 822 69 .22 L D For Agst k Pts P W B SECTION OLD BRIGHTON 7 6 1 0 782 532 146 .99 24 WHITEFRIARS 7 5 2 0 849 518 163 .90 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 7 5 2 0 734 665 110 .38 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 7 4 3 0 717 689 104 .06 16 OLD PARADIANS 7 4 3 0 539 607 88 .80 16 MAZENOD 0 C 7 3 4 0 697 710 98 .17 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 3 4 0 594 684 86 .84 12 DE LA SALLE 7 2 5 0 574 700 82,00 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 7 2 5 0 569 723 78 .70 8 4 MHSOB 7 1 6 0 546 773 70 .63 % Pis L D For Agst P IN C SECTION ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 7 6 1 0 817 572 142 .83 24 BEAUMARIS 7 6 1 0 870 634 137 .22 24 CAULFIELD GR 7 5 2 0 789 571 138.18 20 THERRY PENOLA OB 7 4 3 0 649 596 108 .89 16 COLLEGIANS 7 4 3 0 689 641 107 .49 16 OLD CAMBERWELL 7 3 4 0 778 721 107 .91 12 MENTONE VULTURES 7 3 4 A 716 711 100.70 12 PRAHRAN 7 2 5 0 509 878 57.97 8 GLEN EIRA 7 1 6 0 627 770 81 .43 4 4 ORMOND 7 1 6 0 455 805 56 .52


Y L D Far ADst x Pts 6 1 0 797 463 172 .14 24 6 1 0 738 606 121 .78 24 5 2 0 695 506 137.35 20 5 2 0 653 550 118.73 20 4 3 0 644 626 102 .88 16 3 4 0 692 768 90 .10 12 83,78 8 2 5 0 620 740 2 5 0 594 788 75.38 8 .60 4 1 6 0 523 657 79 4 1 6 0 524 776 67 .53

D 2 S E C T I O N P W L O FO For Agsr % Pts PENINSULA 0 B 7 7 0 0 971 418 232 .30 28 WEST BRUNSWICK 7 5 2 0 759 558 136.02 20 FITZROY REDS 7 5 2 0 685 500 137 .00 20 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 7 5 2 0 752 605 124,30 20 OLD CAREY 7 4 3 0 982 568 172 .89 16 OLD GEELONG 7 4 3 0 819 650 126 .00 16 LA TROBE UNI 7 3 4 0 557 604 92 .22 12 BENTLEIGH 7 2 5 0 552 889 62 .09 8 OAKLEIGH 7 0 7 0 518 1043 49 .66 0 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 7 0 7 0 371 1131 32 .80 0

~ L D Ftt % Pq 7 0 0 929 564 164 .72 28 5 2 0 665 626 10623 2 0 4 3 0 970 778 124 .68 4 3 0 567 593 95.62 3 4 0 603 672 89 .73 3 4 0 605 678 89 .23 3 4 0 645 766 84 .20 3 4 0 473 676 69 .97 2 5 0 666 604 110.26 1 6 0 725 891 81 .37





~ L D For Agg f_ 7 0 0 849 552 153 .80 5 2 0 871 556 156.65 5 2 0 762 642 118.69 5 2 0 677 603 112 .27 5 2 0 500 474 105 .49 4 3 0 631 437 144 .39 4 3 0 613 522 117 .43 3 4 0 517 761 67 .94 2 5 0 381 634 6009 2 5 0 482 889 5422 0 7 0 588 801 73 .4 1


L D For 49 ~

UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 6 1 0 691 382 180.89 24 STBERNARDS 7 5 2 0 605 419 144,39 20 OLD XAVERIANS 7 4 3 0 576 458 125 .76 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 7 4 3 0 656 527 124 .48 16 OLD IVANHOE 7 4 3 0 542 515 105 .24 16 MARCELLIN 7 4 3 0 503 502 100 .20 16 OLD TRINITY 7 3 3 1 425 544 78 .13 14 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 2 5 0 406 501 81 .04 8 OLD SCOTCH 7 2 5 0 382 585 65 .30 8 2 ST KEVINS 7 0 6 1 353 735 48 .03



L D For Aqlr


OLD BRIGHTON 7 6 1 0 744 351 211 .97 24 OLD PARADIANS 7 5 1 1 679 323 210 .22 22 DE LA SALLE 7 5 2 0 558 443 125 .96 20 WHITEFRIARS 7 4 2 1 470 433 108 .55 18 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 4 3 0 602 498 120 .88 16 MAZENOD 0 C 7 3 4 0 391 458 85 .37 12 OLD ESSENDON GR 7 3 4 0 424 509 83.30 12 MHSOB 7 2 5 0 350 633 55 .29 S HAMPTON ROVERS 7 2 5 0 380 717 53 .00 8 ST BEDES MENT TIG 7 0 7 0 273 601 45 .42 0 r PIS L D For Apt P~ CRESERVE _ BEAUMARIS 7 6 1 0 675 329 205 .17 24 COLLEGIANS 7 6 1 0 677 335 202 .09 24 THERRY PENOLA 08 7 5 2 0 613 403 152 .11 20 CAULFIELD GR 7 4 3 0 681 367 185 .56 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 7 4 3 0 617 377 16166 16 OLD CAMBERWELL 7 4 3 0 466 452 103 .10 16 PRAHRAN 7 2 5 0 526 584 90 .07 8 ORMOND 7 2 5 0 472 665 70 .98 8 GLEN EIRA 7 1 6 0 353 877 40 .25 4 4 MENTONE VULTURES 7 1 6 0 273 964 28 .32


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