.~'r~!..~~I ~ ;~~r~~~~::►
j ;,i noi know Anthony Molan, or did I get to meet his parents at Anthony's . I „l rl . Probably most of the 1200 people who attended were the same
u led representing the VAFA out of respect for an obviously fine young ~ieur footballer and person, respect for his family and for his VAFA club (De 1 1. Anthony's attitude to life was - "Enjoy the present. Look to th e
future'--ith hope . Never stop trying" . We all owe it to the memory of Anthony ,,<<,Ian (29 March 1979 - 1 June 2003) to always keep that message in ou r I . in this difficult world .
[h : conclusion of each Senior and Under 19 match the umpires rate the behaviour of each club's Players, 1s and Supporters (a mark out of 5) . If a mark of 0 or 1 is awarded (Totally Unsatisfactory) or 2
(L'nsatisfactory), the umpire must give his reasons for the low mark on the Match Day Incident Report i . a copy of which must be handed to each club by the umpires immediately after the match . 11 , , . '_T . then observes trends (low scores) and may call in a club if an unhealthy trend is not arrested . [ii ancial prize is offered to a club of each section for the best average score of all scores awarded . PL :. =RS !ubs have received scores of below 3 up to an including round 8 . These clubs will be listed next week . OF%±Cl :-_~ 9 11 clubs have received scores of below 3 up to an including round 8 . These clubs will also be listed nex t SliP :`0- -E12S 17 ~tubs have received scores of below 3 up to an including round 8 . These ciubs will be listed next week . iv clubs have perfect scores in all areas - that is ratings of 5 for its Players, Officials and Spectator s n, luct . These clubs will also be presented next week . ations to all associated with the two VAFA teams that played over the Queens Birthday Weekend . you to the "For The Love of the Game" pages today where I have handed over quill duties to To m
Br. .'r who presents summaries of both matches . ards to the Australian Amateur Football Championship (AAFC) Series, the VAFA's demolition of th e ateurs has put the VAFA in the box seat to become the fi rst AAFC National Champion State whic h li tecozoe known after the Fifth and Sixth Championship Match to be played in 2004 . Th~ C ;.-npionship Table is as follows after four matches (2002/2003) : P
` .i'A FL
2 3
2 2
8 8
279 228
44 195
634 117
\A.FC Executive will soon be meeting to announce the Team of the Year which will be released exclusively ,n ~tie `Amateur Footbalier. "
EX Next fJeek's Matches . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . ... . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. . . .. . . . .6 Coaches' Clipboard . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . ... J2 For the Love of the Game. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . - 18-19 Looking Back . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . ... . . .. . . .. . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. 34-35 Today's Umpires . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . ... .40 Sportscov-er A re na Draw . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . ... .59 Tribunal & Investigations . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . .. . .. . . . .. .59 Sportscover Spot the Ball . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .... ... . . . .. . ... . ... .62 Ladders. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . ... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .63/64
~ FOOTBALL ASSOCIdTI7 N ?: . ~ - .
SP __)s:" . 'YjER 1 vAFA I : JOR SPONSOR I
TI:, 1-~.st ~ has b :n sn_shed wt* -- : ally scoring a win . It en~. ., . .- i~; ;;sage for the club, which is not I :~ddin -itself the threat of relegation is over but can take heart frorn knowing it has the abilitv to win . Not that others doubt it . Opposition coaches have lauded the side throughout the , or, but their words have a hollow ring to y+ Fu i all you can taste is bitter defeat . It comes as no ren, that the word that first sprang i,> }r coach Paul Fahey wa s relief rather 1, i "Yeah reliet : vord .` Fahev said . "It's been ,u '' hang on to the belief of c : s right . We've pretty much si ~ l,een doing since the st<rt c i i a few minor alterations to gae : . c. sending on set-up and injuries . "But I don't think we were really losing belief . "Winning is a'-hit nd losing can be a habit a s well and ther , ~ re probably a couple of game s that we siioi ' '.iviarcellin . ~~ .~. the habit of =~ "It's been footv Li t Fahe a 19 platier, admits i1, : sons wit h with a It his si c : r ~, ;tte^ Oval . But lie's ! : to his ti- ~, e , out in a
rom .~~-ru~clirr, t! L i on the pa . ;g then, he is now a short-odds tip fo r the club best and fairest . ' e word from Old Haileybur; is that forrr Ss ett OT s moth kw ch( 1 her son's last game and s a t disappointed . Not that young L : ett didn't play t : w_: enough : t lad has been a revelation in A Section this ve and showed much of the class that used to be AFL selectors jot down smiley faces in th, pads . No, mum is apparently not so happy about t chap's diet, suggesting the shorts are a I tighter ' an they ought to be . 01 We su :)ect the coac i message found o n just as the boys wei~ Birt ; c'ay weekend off . tie resr'nder that e t at opens ne id ." ti message t > , zen : "Plea
a sponge fo r Cie ,- in was duly no Ivanh .ke through
Ol d
Stew- _
ards I) Jorc<ut 6
year. They've ~ail, up forward do .
Old S"rr t
at bic
. - - , , ~'ii" :- >iracusa
2E 5
nit burv thiou 2 01d `aurv 0
Q1 1H St?'erds2
Old oe AT Ts 0 Old Sr
their skin against Old Xaverian s today . -eak couldn't have come at a better time fo r ion Oval-based side . t e3 cn a daring punter would put muc h on the Redlegs today. ct r3j~rnards, the nippy team that delivered the ; , n1ling, will face much sterner opposition in old Trinity in the Sportscover Arena match o f 11 like its captain, big Andrew Ramsden, Old began like a beaten up ute but is now ,hing along like a Porsche . OT has won five of last six matches . University Blues, too, have another gust of ,,,I in its sails after pilfering a three-point wi n Marcellin before the break . ~ lcanimates knew what the right thing to d o uinton Gleeson would not have paid for a since the win . Gleeson sealed the match ili an cool snap for his second goal for the day , the Blues in front as the clock kep t down . sory glance at the ladder and the Blue s ( .>e iat their season is far from over . ,1tey play Old Ivanhoe in a game that is IflC'-"'S .
limm men haven't been at their best . just holding out Old Ivanhoe and losing to 131ues . They are up against it against Old cla loves playing at home in Camberwel l 1 is the fant a_iainst St 째v-' :s, a team undulating features it is impossible t o
" ~ybeari ._a~ - Dav_ci Li pla: s I 200t1 . -r.~3~ for the Bloods against Marce ll in i , l :- :. . Lappa' retired at the end of last seaso n coaxed out of retirement to help out th e os. His form has been such that he gaine d election last week and with 4 goals wa s rntal in securing that victory agains t nemesis Old Xavs . David was a of the 1995 premiership team, has the senior goalkicking tally on 3 ns and his 381 career goals for the places him 3rd on the all time club ing list . Well done Lappa an d ations on earning your Lif e hip of the OHAFC .
TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTION St Bernards v Old Trinitv at Sportscover Aren a Old Xaverians v Old Melburnians Marcellin v Old Haileybury Old Ivanhoe v University Blue s
Old Scotch v St Kevins
OLD MELB S 1 .4 2 .7 3 .11 4 .12 (36) ST BERNARDS 6 .3 14 .10 22 .13 31.24 12101 Old PrleibL +s na: Matthews O'Brien Perizel Whitehead. Best : O'Brien Magee Berry R Mulquhiey L Alder McKeon . St Bernards: D Jordan 6 Byrne 5 Neeson 5 C Mitchell 4 1 Harvey 4 B Jordan Joe Mount 0`Sulhvan Turnbull Fielding L Wilkinson J Smith. Best: Turnbull Fielding Neeson Byrne C Mitchell D Jordan. Umpires : Wayne Hinton Jamie Avins (F) Graeme Thwaites Chris O'Shea (B) Bernie Hoare Kevin Segota ( G ) OLD TRINrrY 3.7 4 .13 6.18 13.22 I100) OLD SCOTCH 3.2 5.4 7 .6 8.6(54) Old Trinity: Reynolds 5 A Willlams 3 Andrews Gliltrera Green Rantsden Saunders, Best : Gnatt Kenna A Williams L Kennedv Deane-Johns Reynolds . Old Scotch: Dennis 2 Collins Crow Kitchen C PtuWps Ross Saunders. Best: Crow B Phillips Ferguson Saunders Dennis Quail . Umpires: Grant Wardrop Richard Eastwood (F) Andrew Rechtman Russell Nation (B) Vin Vescovi Matthew Simpson (G ) OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .3 7.6 9.7 12 .13 (85) OLD XAVERIAIdS 4 .5 6.10 7.15 9.17 (71) Old IIalleybury : Lappage 4 S Langford-Jones 2 Forsyth 2 Siapantas 2 Bourke O'Farrell. Best : P Corrigan O'Farrell Kejna White M Corrigan Lappa6re . Old Xavesians: Pascerf 3 Landrigan 2 Mollard Scalan Ockleshaw Johnston. Best : Btddlecombe Mollard Oekleshaw Landrigan Johnston McInerney Umpires : Tim Sutcliffe Dirk Kramer (F) Nathan Eddy Craig Brajtberg fB) Andrew Barnes Matthew Kent (G ) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .5 6 .8 8 .10 1111 (83 ) MARCELLIN 1 .3 6 .3 10 .6 12 .8 (80) University Blues : Wilkie 4 Gleeson 2 Lowrock 2 North 2 Young De Crespigny. Best: Mcintyre Ryan Coleman Wilkie Brooke North . IDfareell3n: Treganowan 3 Addison 2 Johston Sheehan Frazer Furlain 0'Flvnn Browne . Best: Johnston Considine Duncan McMillan Theisz Fraser . Umpires: Mark Gibson Steve McCarthy (F) Peter Teasdale Brendan Cannon (B) Bernie Jephson Craig Arnol (G 1 ST KE YIPIS 2.1 7.5 7 .7 13.11 (89) OLD IVANHOE 3.4 8 .6 15 .9 16.11 f 107) St . Xevins: M Giansiracusa 5 Ryan 2 Bowles 2 Mulgrew Greenham J O'Keefe G Katavolos . Best : Simpson M Giansiracusa Taylor Cerohan P O'Keefe L Manoney. Old Ivanhoe: Toovey 5 Stevens 2 Luxon 2 Donaldson 2 R Weddle 2 Bolzan Pavne. Best : Stevens : Lochran Spoor S Low Price Toovey. Umpires : Anthony Damen Jason McNiece (F) Scott Fraser U) Dominic Napoli Travis Stortl (G) A-EF3EItyE OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .3 2 .3 3.3 3 .3(211 ST. BERNARDS 1 .2 6.9 12 .11 15 .16(106) Old Pdelburnians : C .Ray. Richmond . Theodoulon. Best: J.Ray, Schuller. Fitzgerald, Rose, Nicoll. Richmond. St . Bernarda: Anderson 3, Day 3, Alus 2, Close 2. Gleeson 2 . Catterall, R.Legudi . A.Smith. Best:Pearson. J .Moimt, Day, Bngryat Close, Anderson OLD TRINITY' 2 .2 4 .3 4 .5 8 .7(55) OLD SCOTCH 1 .2 4 .10 5.14{44) 2 .5 Old Trinity : Pretty 3 . R Ramsden 3 . Blaekmore, Ward . Best: Pretty, Donahoo. Ward, R Rarnscien- K Condron . S Amore . Old Scotch : Millar 2. Beaurepaire . Simon, Snuth. Best : Kitchen, Reid, Beattie . Beaurepaire, tvalcom. M Grant .
OLD HAILEYBURY 2 1 4 .4 5 .5 8.1 0( 58) OLD XAVERIANS 3 .1 3 .2 6 .5 7.6(48) Old Halleybury: Somala 3, McLauchlan 2, Efstathiou 2 . kiosbey. Best: Davey . Baker, Erikson- Stephens. Somaia. Ladd_ Old Xaverir+.ns : Stoney 2 . D. Walsh 2, Wilson . Hardman. Woodruff. Best : D. Walsh . Woodruff. Hannebery. Speekman, Mahe r UNIVERSITY BLUES 4.3 6 .4 8 .8 10.13 (73) AfARCELLIfd IA 3.2 5 .4 8.5l53) Uni Elm Goals : Qum 3 Cobbledick Haberfield title Maplestone Featherston Runnells Millard Best : Rmmells Birks Savaltos Maplestone Maddison Thomas Marc: Goals: Cooper 2 Dale 2 Colville Forenza Mathews McMillan Best : Dale Colville Cooper D .Carson Cull Maguir e ST.IsBVIIdS 1 .4 3.9 6.10 10.15(75) OLD IVAPiHOE 4 .4 5.8 9.14 10.151751 St. Kevins: Conlan 3, Movlan. Curtis. L. Katavolos, Greenhalgh, B . Dollman, Kempton, J. Giansiracusa. Best : J . Gians(racusa, B . Dolhnait D . Citrus . Kenipton, R R. iire_ Old Ivanhoe: Hawkes 3. 0 I7v,Yer 2, J . Weddle 2, Brandt, i. TY odossi . Best : Brandt, Braddy Koningion . Clarke. Corcoran, Y it.
Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res . Coach : Tom Humphrey
Coach : Mick Dwyer Res Coach : Andn v Bonwick
1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D . Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwin 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 8 R . Frisina 9 L. Considine 10 A . Dale 11 D . Taylor ( RC) 12 B . Cronin 13 S. Dinnee n 14 D . Salce 15 P. Spence pe nce 16 L. McMillan 1 7 G. Cox ( VC) 18 D . Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 S . 0'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marso n 23 A . Wadswo rth 24 L. O'FIY nn RV ( C) 25 R . Galati 26 D . McMillan 27 S . Theisz DVC 28 D . Johnston 29 N . Addison 30 A . Treganowan (C) 31 B . Dobson 32 M . Brown e 33 G. Cull 34 D . Jarred 35 J . Frazer ( DVC) 36 M . Bort olott o 37 D . Cope 38 M . Sier 39 S . Colville 40 D . Carson 41 J . Seabu ry 42 B . Dinneen (DVC) 43 A . Duncan 44 L. Hanson 45 D . Theisz 46 S. Maguire 47 P. Fiorenza 48 N . Milicia 49 D . Vanherden 50 A . Carson 51 J . Toohey 52 A . Carson 53 D . Petreyski 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 56 B. Carmody 57 J . Wilkins 58 E . Weekes 59 B. Kearney 60 C . Thornton
1 C . Home 2 R . Kejna 3 P. Corrigan 4 S. Langford-Jones 5 J. Bourke 6 A. White ( DVC) 7 M. Corrigan 8 R . George 9 M. Barker 10 C . Efstathiou (RVC) 11 C . Waxman 11 M . Graves 12 B. O'Farrell 13 M. Peterson A. Forsyth 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K. For d 18 C . Jayasekera 19 M . Armstrong (C) 20 G Fletcher 21 A . Janke 22 D . Maso n 23 S. Loewe 24 A . Ross 25 C . Ditterich 26 J. Bell (RC) 27 L. Siapantas 28 S . Goldsworthy 29 B . Carson ( VC) 30 D . Warne s 31 D . Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 R . 34 A . Wax mn a 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D . Lappage 36 S . Brewster 37 A . Floyd 38 L. Floyd 39 H . Brooks 40 S . Davey 41 S . S aun ders 42 M . Edkson 43 R . McCarthy 44 M . Wray 45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden 48 C . Moyle ( RDVC) 49 L. Pitcher 50 R . Ladd 51 H . McLauchlan 52 L. Pfeiffer 53 B . Haar 54 R . Saunders 55 G. Stua rt 56 P. Dimond 57 A . Kight 58 A . Baker. 59 C . Warfe 60 M . Somaia 61 D . Fossey 62 M . Scarfe 63 W.Smith . 64 T. Hilton 65 A . Herrmann 67 M . Stephens
- ;" Pa
Valley ~ 3 unflr°'
Co :h : Paul Fahey Asst : Paul Northey Res : Dirk Jones 1 A. Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 S. Curatolo 4 B. Davis 5 T. Young 6 S. Kent 7 J. Geishen 8 T. Stevens 9 D . Payne 10 C . Crowley 11 S. Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 M. Orchard 1 4 C . Moore 15 B. Low 16 S. Price 17 A. Corcora n 18 J. Hope 19 P. Dinakis 20 D . Hawkes 21 R . Robert s 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G. Haros 25 E. Byrne 26 A. Bereza 27 J. Weddle 28 S. Morris 2 9 R . Weddle 30 P. Jolley 31 J . Stevens 32 M . Konnige n 33 N . Pratt 34 A . Tieman 35 M . Pollock 36 B . Spoor 37 A . Berry 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 J . Keane 41 D . Neilse n 42 S . Low 43 W. Cornelius 44 M . Luxon 45 M . Teovey 46 N . Butler 47 R . Griggs 48 M . Clarke 49 C . Quinlan 50 S . Brandt 51 NN . Braddy 52 K . 0' Dwyer 53 M . Mendola 54 B . Guidera 55 C . Barker 56 L. Courage 57 A . Gilbe rt 58 L. Bolzan 59 N . Giechen 60 A . Alagona
OLD U- 7 Coach : Justin Pickering Asst : Andrew Pickering Res: Hart ley Stone 1 D. Smith 2 S . Theodor e 3 J . Pertz e l 4 R . Mathews 5 L Bunn 6 D . Holme 7 C. Thompson 8 A . McKeon 9 A . Simpson 10 T Robert s (C) 11 P. Gallagher 12 J . Richardson 13 B . Thiel e 14 B . Evans 15 M . Rose 17 James Miller 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 R . Mulquiney (VC) 20 J . Guest 21 M . Hicks 22 J . Dixon 23 M . Berry (VC) 24 M . Hawkins 25 H . Whitehead 26 T. Costell o 27 D. Kinsella 28 M . Billing 29 M . Prowse 30 Jono Miller
32 E . Selby
33 J . Magee 34 J . Beaumont ( DVC) 35 C. Ray 36 B . Wulff 37 N . Guy 38 J . Godley 39 J . Tucke r 40 H . O'Brien 41 N. Smith 42 P. Theodore 43 A . Wu 44 T Harrison 45 C. Murph 47 C. Neesony 48 C. Theodoulou 49 G . Tsiotra s 50 C. Jenkins (RC) 51 C. Richmond 52 0. Ward 53 S . Hawkins 55 I . Weir 56 L. Beilby 57 A. Rains 58 C. Alder 59 S . Ca rte r 60 M . Jackson 61 B . Nicoll 62 E . Matthias 63 J . Ray
Sponsored By:
TELECOM Childcare r a -7& 1
Bulleen ;
9 C . Tallest
10 C . Smith 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume (C) 13 N . Hoope r 14 N . Ackroyd 15 S . Cation s 16 S . Troo n 17 T. Wigney 18 L . Hawkins 19 T. Hoskin g 20 S . Ltllingsto n 21 J. Shards 22 N, Addison 23 0. Crane 24 L. McDonnel l 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M . Dennis 28 A . Quail 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiar o 31 N . Lert l 32RR . ,Fullerto n 33 E . Rei d 34 C . Phillips 35 P. O'Conno r 36 A . Millar 37 E . Moffatt 38 G. Prendergast 39 B . Ferguso n 40 W. Symington 41 W. Lewis 42 T. Beatt ie 43 R . Breisc h 44 D . Jackso n 45 R . Teesdale 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Beran g° .,r C 48 S . Dumaresq~ ) 49 L. Kitche n 50 M . Walkom 51 L. Freema n 52 D . Knight 53 C . Joyce 53RG. Junkee r 54 N . Simo n 55 M . Waterso n 56 D . Brook e 57 J . Cran e 58 A . Grant 59 D . Iser 60 J . Sheldon 61 M . Gair 62 W. Symingto n 63 P. Ise r 64 N . Costello 65 C. Armstrong 656 A . Routledg e 67 M . Leeds 68 R. Addison 69 C. Neal 70 S . Thompso n
71 M . Ambe r
Beehive Hotel
Coach : Dale 1af g Asst Coach: AndrE Sm's Res . Coach : Serge D 7 ngl Asat Coach : Ray Beatti: 1 R . Mullin s 2 B . Phillips J. q Holis 5 S . Collins C 6 A . Crow C ) 7 J. Kitchen C 8 B . Robinso n )
72 B . Smith 73 A . Bamford S . Kin qs 75 C. Dufour 76 J . Nickless 77 T. Pa e 78 T. 81 . Fordyc e
88 A. McQuee n
_ U
Hawthorn . -THFAE.ATP IRPnr=i~A4I FR?
_ .--
Coach : Michael Sholly Res . Coach: Chris Gawne
ST. s®--•---- :~®
Coach : Peter Nicholson Res : Darren Handley
Aaus 4
1 A. Fox L V/C R D v!C V is T ~ = J M RvIC
M N iR M
in s G A Capt: c,r= ;. .,erson J
r, dM .wn R J iA
L Venne S RIC
'-n R A D S Nell
a T RV/C g S IC ;~ g`o L R C
mz C
:~; E is '` is C r -Aron K )n R
2 D. Gleason
3 L. Hannebe ry 4 D. Landrigan ( DVC) 5 A . T. Jones 6 A . Oswald 8 M . Holmes 9 J . Hawkins 10 A . Bowen 11 S . Ross 12 J. Bowen 13 C . Ellis 14 S . Skidmore 15 L. Ford Ca t ( p) 16 S . Mollard 17 A . Chatfield 18 M . Green 19 D . Walsh (Capt-Res) 20 M. Hardman 20 J. Scanlan 22 J. Healy 22 T. Ockleshaw ( VC) 23 S. Johnston 25 R . Care 26 N . Bakery 27 J. Drake
3 R. Cousland 4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 S .Neeso n 7 S . Clarke 7R S . Parrett 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan (VC) 10 N . Mitchell (C) 11 C . Davis 12 J .P.Mount 12R B .Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A . Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L Tumbull 17 L . O'Sullivan 18 T. Cooney 19 R . Close 20 L . Fielding 21 B. Loughlin 22 D . James 22 R M. O' Riley 23 L . Wilkinson 24 N .M . Smith 25 T Legudi 26 A. Fewster 27 James Mount 28 P. Harvey
28 R . Coughlan 30 N . Mclnemey 31 J . Pasceri 32 A. Brushfi eld 33 N. Bingham 34 K. Hall 36 D. Sapuppo 37 T Maher 39 C. Mollard 41 A. Dillon
42 R. Speakman 43 T. Woodruff 44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B . Dixon 47 P. Ryan 48 J . McDonnell 53 C. Santalucia 54 N . Hulett 55 G . Monahan 58 N . Quinn 59 J . Francis
60 M . Walsh
,s M
62 J . Silk 63 A . E .Jones 66 A . Wilson
aaM ----nA
kin s nndt p on M
1 S . McKeon
2 D. Orlando
,j on B
29 G . McIntyre
30 C. Trewin 31 B. Ashton 31 R L . O 'Brien
32 T. Hervey 33 B. Allis
34 D. Byrne ( DVC) 35 T. Pearson 36 R. Legudi 37 A. Ca tterall 38 S . lannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 40 D. Thomas 41 A. Bouzikas 42 S . Mitchell 43 N. Basaraba
44 A . Anderson 45 46 47 48 49
M . Tankey P. Holland M . Hooper N . P. Smith S . Borg
50 A . Smith 51 D . Walsh 52 J . Lloyd 53 B . Ballarin 54 L. Hilbe rt 55 R .0'Flynn 56 S . Bug ryn 57 N . Thomas 58 P. Harris 59 J. Harvey 60 J. Cittarelli
'AI C J°°a M 41 G s L
13 R . Bowles
14 P. Greenham 15 M. Oliv e 16 B. Ga rvey 17 D . Ryan (VC) 18 P. Gissing 19 D . Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 T. Simpson 24 M . Hanlon 25 B. Marusic 26 J . Rombotis 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Crowe 31 A. McGuinness 32 S . O'Connor (VC) 33 M . Maguire (RC) 34 J . O'Keefe 35 J . Coates 36 T. Duggan 37 M . Pangrazio 38 R. Chard 39 S . Gribble 40 M . Mulgrew 41 D. Moylan 42 T. McCann
43 P. Bare
44 G . Katavolas
45 G. Baggy
46 D . Mahoney 47 J . Griffiths 48 A . Conlan 49 L. Kalesaran 50 R . Horrocks 51 B . Cheeseman 52 J . Finch 53 L. Katavolas 54 A. Umbers 55 M . Rigby 56 D . Walsh 57 L . Coleman 58 D . McArdle 59 R . CHivers 60 A. Greenhalgh 61 J. Lynch 62 B. Shelley 63 L . Sierakowski 64 N . O 'Halloran 65 C . Didilis 66 A. DeKrester 67 T. Purcell
7 1 M . O'Shea 74 D. Szabo 80 D. Dunn
Goan Do 87 Hansen P 88 Chan a 89 " dal y 8
Coach: Emmett Dunne Asst. Coach : Owen Hourigan Res. Coach : Peter McBrear(y 1 N . Fraser 2 E . Crohan 3 D. Cu rtis 4 L. Mahoney (C) 5 M . Dollman 6 P. O'Keefe 7 K . Gray 8 B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J . Pangrazio 12 C . Taylor
Remunerator .
Son : b«ve Carroll Res: David Matthews
1 Butko 2 Hutchins 3 Sturrock 4 Guengerich 5 Tanner 6 Maddison 7 Young 8 Hayter
P T J (VC) D (VC) J N R J
Lowcock A (VC)
10 Martin 11 Nort h
13 Girdwood
14 Roydhouse
12 Gleason
15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Haberfield D 19 Collins M 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard a
23 24 Russell 25 Sally
26 Runalls 27 Wilkie 28 Thomas 29 Terrill 30 Brookes 31 Calle ry 32 Suvoftos 33 Gates 34 McKinnon
35 Cheat
36 Brooke 37 Kaso 38 Wilson 39 Cobbledick 40 Hocking 41 Quin
42 Fletcher
43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R
45 McLachlan
46 Hall 47 Millar 48 Fu lton 49 Chamberlain 50 McIntosh 51 Brown 52 Ihle 53 Verstee9en 54 Bennett 55 s 56 ~rv n e 57 Plowman 58 Sudholz 59 Fricker 60 Thomas 61 Fairbank
62 Callery
63 Glass 64 Birks 65 Wilcox 66 Grigg 67 McAloon 68 Rice 69 Kelson 70 Meade 72 Vallelonga 74 Robert son 76 Medlin
77 Styles D 80 Maplestone D
P IIaSCLL >t~'~ H r E TI C
- r. .H~h,:M
Old Scotch v St Bernards Old Xaverians v Old Trinity Marcellin v Old Melburnian s
Old Essendon Or v St Kevins Old Xaverians v Old Brighton Marcellin v Caulfield Or
Old Ivanhoe v Old Haileybury at Sportscover Arena, Sunda y
De La Salle v Old Scotch St Bernards v University Blue s
St Kevins v University Blue s
B SECTION MHSOB v Hampton Rovers North Old Boys v De La Salle St Bedes Ment Tig v Whitefriars Old Brighton v Old Essendon Or at Sportscover Arena, Saturday Mazenod 0 C v Old Paradian s C SECTION Collegians v Therry Penola OB Glen Eira v St Leos Emmaus WP Caulfield Or v Beaumari s Mentone Vultures v Old Camberwell Ormond v Prahran
D1 SECTION Salesian 0 C v Yarra Valley 0 B University Blacks v Aquinas 0 C Bulleen Templestowe v AJAX Monash Blues v Banyule Ivanhoe Assumption v Old Mentonian s
D2 SECTIO N Peninsula 0 B v West Brunsivic k Old Carey v Old Geelong switched from the original draw Williamstown CYMS v La Trobe Uni Hawthorn Amateurs v Fitzroy Reds Oakleigh v Bentleigh D3 SECTIO N St Johns 0 C v Elsternwick Syndal Tally-Ho v Werribee Amateurs South Melbourne Districts v Kew Power House v Swinburne Uni Rupertswood v Monash Gryphon s
D4 SECTIO N Eltham Collegians v Bulleen Cobras St Marys v North Brunswick Box Hill North v Old Westbourne Richmond Central v Albert Park Brunswick Power v Mt Lilydale UHS-VU - Bye
UN DER-19 SECTION 2 Mazenod 0 C - Bye Old Trinity v Old Ivanhoe Beaumaris v Old Melburnians Werribee Amateurs v Old Camberwell Hampton Rovers v Old Paradian s UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Monash Blues v Rupertswood Old Carey v AJAX
MHSOB - By e St Bernards (2) v Collegi an s Therry Penola OB v North Old Boys UNDER-19 ( 2 ) BLUE St Johns 0 C v Oakleigh Bentleigh v Glen Eir a South Melb Districts v St Bedes Ment Tig De La Salle (2) v Oakleigh Clays Mentone Panthers v Ormon d UNDER-19 (2) RED Banyule Viewbank v Yarra Valley 0 B Fitzroy Reds v Old Westbourn e La Trobe Uni v Bulleen Templestow e St Leos Emmaus WP v University Blacks Aquinas 0 C v Old Xaverians (2 ) CLUB XVIII (1) Marcellin v De La Salle Monash Blues v Collegians Old Xaverians v St Kevins Old Ivanhoe v Prahran CLUB XVIII (NORTH) Bye v Old Xaverians (2 ) Old Trinity v University Black s Old Essendon Or v Therry Penola OB Old Carey v Fitzroy Red s
CLUB XVIII (SOUTH ) St Leos Emmaus WP v Old Geelong Whitefriars v Eley Park Mazenod 0 C v Hawthorn Amateurs AJAX v Old Brighto n
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7 03
Friendly rivals Old Essendon and North Old Boys turned on a great day out at the Grammar on Saturday . Was glad to be a part of it, thanks for the invite John . NOBS' inaccuracy let them down and Frank's boys won well again . The ladder leaders Old Brighton completely outplayed Mazenod jumped them early and were too quick, as were Friars over a plucky Rovers who led at quarter time. Sportscover Arena saw a terrific game with Old Paradisns burying a few ghosts with a good win away from Garvey over the Tigers, and an injury depleted MIISOB struggled against a perhaps resurgent De La Salle .
MID YEAR REVIEW. As we are near enough to the half way mark something a bit different this week with a mid year review from my eyes . OLD BRIGHTON; A very good side all over the field and go about their business in a very clinical fashion . Jarred O'Nei ll has them very accountable, uses rotations very well, has a good blend of shorts and tails and a good home ground advantage . With 7 wins already final's action is a certainty, and on current form should go well in them. WHITEFRIARS; For a newly promoted club they have done very well and would be particularly pleased . Have added a couple of good players to what was already a strong list . Best home ground in the Section even the Tonners may struggle out there . Bit shaky away from home at times but they are working on this . But they will be around at the business end . OLD ESSENDON; Perhaps the surprise packet of the Grade thus far. Have done really well and taken all before them . Are young, keen skilled and well coached, are an even combination all over the ground and with a couple still to return and a bit of luck I except to see them at Sportscover in September . OLD PARADIANS; The old school has the potential to be up there with the best of them, but unfortunately do not always play that way . Have suffered a few injuries so key players thus far in the season that has not helped the cause . Are good at the Garvey . and not so good away, something I'm sure Paul Breen is working on . Are capable of final's action . Important few weeks ahead . ST BEDES A3ENTONE-TIGERS; Apart from a shellacking from Whitefriars in Round 1 have been a very competitive side, have 4 wins on the board and a couple of narrow losses which perhaps could have gone their way . Are young fast, with a strong midfield and some good talls . perhaps a belated return from Tim Beasley will add some experience. Certainly more than capable of taking part in some final's action . MAZENOD ; A slow start did not help their cause, then bounced back through the middle and appeared to be recapturing last year's form, but a close loss and a huge loss last week puts them back in the middle of the pack . The next two to three weeks are crucial to their season, the closeness of the grade still gives them a chance . Consistency being the key word. NORTH OLD BOYS; Have had a chronic run with injuries the worst of any side, and all to their prime movers: Has given the chance for Garry Foulds to blood a few young blokes who have
answered the task and improved every game . The break will help their cause to get a few back and they could have a big bearing on shaping the 4 . Have remained upbeat through it all.
DE LA SALLE; Perhaps the most disappointing side of the fir half of the season, although they have not had much luck . Toi Miller would be looking for a bit more consistency from h young charges and a few less turnovers and more conversioi when going forward I would think . Getting a few back now ai could be dangerous through the next 10 especially at Malveri , HAMPTON ROVERS ; Also hit by injuries and mostly to the better players to . Were well on the way with 2 wins out of t] first three but have struggled a bit since then as the injuri took toll . Can play a brilliant quarter against any opposition b ,. do not seem to be able to run a game out . But they are youi have an astute leader in Norm Goss, but are under pressure ; PRHSOB; Another disappointment, but have also been hit 1 injuries and unavailabilities through the early part of t1 season. Have blooded some youngsters so the future lool bright . The loss now of Drew Fairchild for the remainder of 0 season really makes it hard for the Unicorns but they ha vowed to fight on for Drew. Will find it hard to remain in I Grade . PREVIEW Having said all that a couple of games in this Round will have vital bearing in the overall scheme of things . Hampton Rovers welcome De La Salle to Boss James Reser in a huge game for both sides . The possible loss of Anthoi Browne could set it up for David Spithill to give Rob Bonnin and co first use of the ball. The experienced Rovers in Ca McKellar the Artz Boys Adam Power . Anton Duddy, need stand up today and guide their younger teammates over the li and in front of a parochial home crowd I think they can do i t
CLUB B SECTION Mazenod Old Brighton Hampton Rovers Whitefriars Whitefriars B RESERVE De La Salle Old Brighton Old Paradians De La Salle
:irlC , Maskeli MacGillivray Power R Pawlik Carigg
32 27 25 24 20
Walker Scott V inos o
20 18 17 17
to Alex Gillian . Ladder Old Bays welcome Fdhitefrinrs
shautd he a walk in the park for the Friars, s ,iressartlv so . Both will be refreshed after a week' e pBg could have a few back in as well but her go for form against home ground i, .l norm I will ad tip a Whitefriars victory.
o :n2one-Tigers welcome Old Essendon back t
ark because they are one of the few sides tha t iwi OEG last it ,, .- over the Iasfrom t~he T n gers for a competitive performance f r . If the Tigers can contain the dominance o I iterson in the ruck and around the ground then II can get over the line .
as they make th e I„ ; South for the Old Paradlans I to tackle old B righton. The Tonners have also been 'I t by the return of Big Pezza and the continue d nent and poise of their young players . They are wel l over the ground have a bit more consistency tha n home ground advantage is just too much t o i
It . II t a danger game . :50II ' lcome Mazenod in an absolu'te rmus La win for ~ the, will be keen to do ,,~ .1~: have the boys pumped . A3azenal ' .uats are still a possibility for them, Dave Murray them make the same mistake as last week and hav e
=ition jump them so it promises to be an enthrallin g t,(„ eially early . Another hard one to tip but I have to go ,,ist the grain and go with Mazenod just . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS the mobile i1, 1 numbers are 9553 1561 home phone or fax, 3 433 016 or email me to braineo(_a-optusnet .eom .au . . an at latest MONDAY NIGHTS please guys
I old parzdians - today's game against Old Brighton will see . Paul joined Paul P%<tlsh playing his 300th game for the Club , in 1987 after playing with both Fitzroy U19's and i, :udoora and has been a fixture ever since, playing 52 Senior ,;d .1. S games in the Reserves . Reserve Captain in 1998I99, & I r miership player 1991 .1995 and three time Reserve Best „r =i Winner, in addition he has served the Club as Vice <tdent (Administration), been a member of the Genera l dttee and also a member of the Social Committee . Paul i s rre of only three to have passed the 300 game mark (John Aor 1979) and (Peter Brabender 2003) at the Club . ,1ratulations Paul from everyone at the Club, you certainl y r ,cve to have a great day today . Thank you Jul you tng contribution to OPs Old Brighton - congratulates the following players on reaching Chris 5 0 games in recent weeks . Nick Biggin . Mark Jenk+in, :dcKichol, Gil Norwood, Andrew Van Den ITungen, Leigh t Hendra and Ross Stewart . All have been significan
ntributors to OBGFC both on the field, and around the chtb, er the past years and we wish them a successul and lon g hire at Beach Road Oval .
TODAY'S MATC HES B SECT IO N Hampton Rovers v De La Salle North Old Boys v Whitefriar s St Bedes Ment Tig v Old Essendon Gr Old Brighton v Old Paradians MHSOB v Mazenod 0 C
3.6 12.9 19.12 23.15 (1431 .6 13 .11 1891 FtAnff'TOpg ROVERS 5.1 5.3 9 2A Whitefiiarn: Vance 5 Carrigg 4 Eames 2 Kennedy 2 Northey 2 Wallace : A Pawiik Carbone Gloufchev A Pawlik R Pauiik M Power Wood . Best Rovers : B Ariz 3 D Ariz VanDenBoom Dance Northey Wood Swain . Hampton 3 Power 3 Barker Burgpraaff Greenwood Lawrence . Best: D Ariz B Ariz M Fletcher Wheeler llaysan Boyd . Umpires: Michael Sneddon Geoff Curran (F) (B) John Robinson Beorrn McCarthy (G ) DE yA SAM 3 .4 8,8 12 .8 17 .14 (116) pAHg,pB 5 .6 7.7 8 .11 9_141681 De La Sae: Duggan 4 Morel 4 Conn 2 Bomricl Goodier Harrison Mamitx McHenry McKenzie J Maloney . Best: S Hyland R Bonnici Morel Duggan J Moloney L Harrison . fl4TSOB : Walker 2 Umbrtck Harrison McCully Rosman White Svirskis L Taylor . Best: Andrew Harper Hogan McCully White Walker Umptrt s : Paul Dinneen Attie Firley iF Tony Casusceili Scott Gavens (B) John Hall Patrick Jenes (Gl .21 (123) OLD ESSENDON OR 2 .4 11 .7 13.11 17 .22 (76) 6.9 7.9 8.19 9 NORTH OLD BOYS i Old Essendun: Fleming 3 Podb r 3 Velardo 3 Heritage 2 McKenzie Dl Blas °~Buckley Forrest T Bi +t- s McPherson . Best: McPherson Forrest Ryan T B1 Eastaugh Heritage Velardo. North Old Says: Casboult 3 Bryar Vogeis White Umpir es: Macau Steep. Best: Da~rSdson Cashault Roach Cassell Brady Grigg . Dash Boris Luke Holmes (Fl Glenn Kennedy Bianca Share (BI Dennis Webster Ken Brewer (G ) .9 (105)
6 .0 9 .2 15 .7 16 .6 9.7 12.11 (83) ST BEDES MENt'OIdE TIGE&S 2 .2 8 Old Paradians: Boundy 4 Sinclair 3 Yen 3 Reiner 2 O'Loughlin 2 O'Meara : Boundv Dallas Sinclair O'Loughlin O'Meara Curran . St . Bedes Dallas . Best OLD PARADIBPdS
L Terrel l Monotone Tigm : Hecker 4 P Wintie 2 Connolly 2 M Terrell Scaiidi. Umpires :
Hipwell. Best : P Wint)e . Connolly McCraw Napier Sampien Hecker tB) Paul Peter James peter Simpson IF) Robert Mutton Brendan Corcoran Gait Daniel Scully (GI '. EiAZEi4OD 0 C
.6 9 .9(631 2 . t 2 .2 4 .8 15 .9 21 .13 (139) OLD BRIGHTON 4 .3 11 Sharp. Best : M t :ayenott: Parry 2 Fuller 2 Morris Polan Maskell Beard Brighton: Chamberlain Hose Carter Parry Hanley Murray. Old MacGiltivray 7 Perry 4 Krzywniak 2 Humana 2 Perrett 2 Nickas P7rrie : Homann MacGtllivray Lennox McCowan Dale Ewert Marshall . Best Stewart. Umpires: Mark Morrison (rotation from A) Leah Gallagher IF) tB) Ross Richards Ross Daid iG ) PMI&M .9 16,1111071 3.4 8.7 11 WRrrEg RLARS .3 2 .5 5 .06) HA10Tpy ROVERS 0 .1 2 . Wilson 2. Leahy 2 . Elliott, Rrhitefrlers : R. Eames 3. Jongebloed 3. Baggoley 2 . Phelan, Eames, Vernal, Anderson, Gallagher, Cursb . Best: Baggoley, Brosolo : Levy 2, McDermott, Marinis, Fisher. Best : Hill . Anderson . Hampton Rowers . Woolrich. Adams, S. Anderson. Kelly, Morley . Pearson .7(115) 7 .3 11 .3 16 .5 18 DE LA SALLE MRSOB 0 .1 5 .1 6 .3 10.7(67) . M.Harber 2 . SOvers 2. Coffey. Cogglns . Be La Salle: Walker 4, O`Connell 3 . Walmsley, Woodiock . Best : Swift, Murray. D.Hytand. A .Maore . D.'.+toore : Wright 2, Villain 2, Wilson 2. Hesse, Walker . S.Hyde. O'Donnell. PdBSOB . Wilson, Fraczek, Wright . Kevs 2. Sierakowskt. Fraczek. Best: Viilant . Keys Campbell . 63 7.3 8.5 9 .7(61) OLD ESSENDO N .9(63) 3.3 7.3 8.5 9 NORTH OLD BO'Y'S . Hughes . Nowiand. Old Esaendon : Hughes 7 . Newland, Bnant Best : Balloch . Kelliher 2 . Amor. Boyle. Carter. Hearne, Bryant North Old Boys: Barker 3 . Delaney, Took, Cribbe s Keenan, Delane Best : Joyce, Barker . Butcher 8.3 10.8 15.7 18.111119) OLD PARADIARS .2 6.4140) ST BEDES 2YEP+"t'OflE TGERS 1 .0 4 .2 4 .Dinunosante, Lombardi, Paglia . Old Pasadiana: Robins 6. Simpson 5, Dore 3 . Richardson . Buw Ryon Bux. Best: Robins, Dintinacante . Pap . L'Hullier, Fedderson,FerrisBest St Bedes Mentone Tigers:Beas)ey 2, Parsons . Teseriero McColl . Napier, Parsons . LHulller. Chaplin
3 .0 7.5 8.6 10.11(71) pdAZENOD 9 .9i631 OLD BRIGHTON 3 .4 5 .5 7 .8 . Parker, ApolloNO. Mazenod : Javaweera 3 . A.McDoweli 2 . L.Morgan 2 . Jones a Best: AMcDowell, L.Morgan. Jones, Krom, Bradshaw, Jayaweer. Best: Logan . Old Brighton: Mead 3. Scott, Salem, Goldner, Mllat, Henderson Mead, Paterson, Matesst . Hebhard . Shernran_ 9
NTHi . : Co i L E':: 7,: Mick F=tn 1 L. Walker (C Res) 2 R . Buckley 3 B. Conn 4 L. Harrison 5 C . swift 5 S. Brown 6 S. Armstrong 6 M. Harbor 7 P. Harrison 8 J. La Ragy 9 J. Moloney 9 C . Mitchel l 10 i : Silvers 11 B. Quinane 12 M. McHenry 13 A. Johnston 14 C . Buick 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland (DVC) 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Coffe y 19 M. Goodier 20 M. Picone 21 A. McKenzie (VC) 21 J. Roberts 22 M . O' Donnell 23 D . O 'Brien 23 R. Sherman 24 J. Morel 24 T Moloney 25 C. Hyde 25 R. Walmsley, 26 D. Spithill 27 S. Thomas 28 N. Harbor 29 R. Marks 30 B. Mannix 30 T Motan 31 S. Hyde 32 R. Bonnici (C) 33 J . Stinear 34 L. Williams 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D. H land 38 S . O YConnell 39 B. Oakley 39 T. Weadock 40 D. Coggins 41 A. Bonnici 42 P. Bourke 42 S . Murray 44 A. Moor e 45 T Molan 46 A. Skinns 47 A. Sawtel 47 G. Walton 48 D. Smith 48 G. Johnston e 48 M . O'Donnell 51 D. Moore 52 E . P hi llip s 53 L. Derbyshire 54 D . Buckley 55 A . McLeis h 57 C . Chester 58 G. Walton 60 P. O'Caltaghan 70 M. Duggan
3oss : Tony Naumoft 1 T. Wilmott 2 M . McKellar 3 A . Brudar 4 S . Anderson 5 B . Marlyn 6 B . Boyd 7 A . Duddy 8 G. Carr 9 T. Barker 10 D . Payson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B . Kulling 13 G. Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A . Browne (VC) 16 N . Greenwood 17 D . Ariz 18 Q J . McCarthy 1 M . Lawrence 20 A . Power 21 S . Cdlly 22 G. Johnston 23 M . Levy 24 C . McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 J . Laing 27 M. Flynn 28 A. Guthri e 29 M. Fletcher (C) 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M. Lake 34 B. ARZ 35 A. Fisher 36 L. Fletcher 37 L. Hoft 38 R . iNhrney 39 S Buragrast 40 N Goold 41 A. Crowther 42 M . McDermott 43 C . Marinis 44 M . Pearson 45 S. Blick 46 L . Woolrich 47 S. Silletto 48 G . Kelly 49 S. Weaver 50 N. Foster 51 J. Midwinter 52 R. Mather 53 J . Ng 54 P. Adams 55 J . Prantzos 56 A. Blake 57 D. Witten 58 M . Gray 59 J . Morley 60 M Terech 61 R. Bulmer AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. Ph : 9598 6444
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rray Resoi , r Tony Collins 1 D . Lancaster 1 A . Longmuir 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A . Tucker 4 A . Hanley 5 D . Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R . Foss 8 J. Ballenger 9 P. Gooden 10 D . Chamberlain 10 G. Tilling 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D . Hose 12 M . Murray 13 P. Fulle r 14 N . Meehan DV C ( ) 15 N . Parry (DVC) 15 P. Allsop 16 M. Apallonio 17 J, Beard 18 D . O'Donaghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 19 T. Steintort 20 C . (RVC) Murray 20 T Castricum 21 S. Polan 22 D . Ryan (VC) 22 C . Buzby 23 C . Steinfort 24 S. Castricum 25 S. Stanley 26 J. Dunne (C) 27 D . Krom 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D . Hansen 31 N . Snarl (RDVC) 32 B. King 33 D . Grant 34 M. Pollard 35 C. Morris 36 D. Carter 37 L Morgan 38 G . Hamill 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 A. McDowell 43 A. Persi 44 R. Mosbauer 45 B. Thomson 46 D. Dunne 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. Halvy 51 P. Reed 52 S . Veltman 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L. Fuller 56 L. Rudling 58 D. Morris 61 M . McDowell 62 M . Gonsalvez 64 T. Bourbon
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Coach : David Skinner Asst Coach : David Waterhouse Res Co h : Jamie Dixon 1 J . Element 2 S. McCully (Capt) 3 A. Howard 4 M . White 5 N. Orchard 6 C. Young 7 T. BIYthma n 8 J . Dixon 8 J . Garner 9 D. Fairchild 10 D. Waterhouse 11 P. Spottiswood 12 S . Whittington 13 D. Rosman 14 A. O'Brien 15 N. Adcock 16 J . Walker (DVC) 17 R. Clowes 18 R. limbrick 18 D. Membrey 19 S . Gfynn 20 A . Askew 20 P. McGrat h 21 S . Sierakowski 22 A . Svirskis 22 D. Armstrong 23 L. Taylor 24 S . Rundel l 25 C. Nailo n 25 H . Taylor 26 A . Vicendese 27 C. Spottiswood 28 S . Moore 29 G. McCully 30 R . Newton 31 A . Hogan 32 A . Cassell (VC) 33 A . Sauflry 34 E . Thompson 34 P. Rujevic 35 S . Harriso n 35 A . Mills 36 B . Gaunt 37 T. Harper 37 M. Ting 38 S . Robinson 439 B ..0A LusteS 41 J . Anderson 41 T. Fraczek 42 M. Hamitton-Ho 42 S. Volkerin g 44 J. Newton 45 R . Czwarno 46 R . Ware 47 D . Wilso n 48 J. Scott 49 D . Fox 51 D . Learmont-Walker 52 B. McGrath 53 J. Sprague 54 A. Tang 55 C . Wright 56 T. Wright 57 58 C . Villani 59 M. Najee b 60 S. Jennings
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Coach: Garry Foulds Res Coach: Mark Orani u 1 J. Cassel l 2 D . Keenan 3 T. Waters 3 A. Trimbol i 4 S . Sleep 5 R. Davidson 6 N. Vogels 7 P. Boot h 8 B . Collison 9 H. Mapleston e 11 T. Robert s 12 T Brown 13 T. Halpi n 14 L. Power 15 H . Christie 16 R. Kelliher 17 J . Fitzclarence 19 P. O 'Farrell 20 W. Martin 21 N . Casbouft 22 D .Tehan 23 S . Coo k 24 J . Barker 25 G.Phylan d 26 T. Brady 27 P.Sondhu 28 D . Joyce 29 C . Hosking 30 J . Elms 30 M . Leigh 31 L. Boyl e 32 T Roac h 33 M . Barker 34 M . Hyde 35 M . Robins 36 M . Phyland 37 J . Eastaugh 38 M . Amo r 39 D . Galletti 40 C . Phyland 41 C . Piain i 42 T Sheehan 43 J. Nihil l 44 T. Spurting 45 S. Ingram 46 K. Hilderbran d 46 M. Perry 47 T. Kennedy 48 G . Smith 49 G . Too k 50 M. Phylan d 51 N . Barde n 53 S. Butche r 54 C . Dobson 55 M . Joyc e 56 D. Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 58 S. Casboult 60 M . Cribbe s 61 A. Nevill e
64 L . Ryan 66 P. Brya r 67 J. Kendal l
68 J. Maher
O L Coach: Frank Dunell Res: Craig Ridley 1 J. Pannagiotopolous 2 J. Buckley 3 P. Lutterschmidt 3 C. Barrow (VC) 4 D . Rya n 4 A, MacGilt'rvray 5 S. de Morton 4 M . Franklin 6 C . Ridle y 5 T. Marshal l 7 J . Leas k 6 R. Stewart (DVC) 8 J . Heritage 7 B. Logan 9 B. Hakim g J, Perrett 10 S. Bryant 8 C. McNicol (CR) 11 B. Papa l . Lennox 9 S 12 J . Kavanagh 10 J. Mead 13 B. Hakim 12 B. Williams 14 L. Wilson 15 T. Di Blas i 13 R. Kent . Williams (C) 16 S. McPherson 14 S 15 B. Gadsde n 17 D . Forrest 18 J . Walker 16 C. Tootell 19 E. Healey 16 J. Homan n 20 D . Hunter . Van Den Dungan 17 A 21 S. Dale 18 A. Sale m 22 R .OBrien 19 S. Ginnivan 23 J . Hughes 19 J. McCowan 24 J . Dazkiw 20 M. Smit h 25 A . Frazer 21 T. Ewen 26 S . Fleming 22 L . O'Neill 27 J . Di Pietro 23 N . Milat 28 G. Stevens 24 M. Gadsden 29 S. Uebergang . Nickas 25 S 30 M . Dragojlo 26 A. Ginnivan 31 D . Caridi 32 D . Poulton 27 D. Paterson 33 D . Biggs 28 A. Bristow . Dickerson 34 D .Podger 29 J 35 L. Kavanagh 30 E. McCowan 36 A . Frazer 31 A. Paroissien 37 M . Bossi 32 A. Goldner 38 D .Whitfeld 33 L . Dale 39 B . Newbold 34 J. Whit e 40 A . McKenzie 35 C . Stewart (RVC) 41 B . Overman 36 R . Henderson (RDVC) 42 N . Bertram 37 D .Hughe s 43 M . Velardo 38 J. Raju 44 A . Parker 39 B. Pamham 45 J . Weidner 41 M. Alle n 46 M . Beard 42 L . Hendra (DVC) 47 S . Howard e 43 J. Murchi 48 A . Salv o 49 G. Collins 44 R . Sherman 50 A . Nowland 45 C . McKimm 51 J . Stevens 47 S. Adam 52 B . Porker 48 B. Dever 53 T. Campbell 49 B. Scott 54 A . Morrison 50 W. Leaf 55 D. Gradzki 51 J.Lynch 56 M . Makris 52 W. Hebard 57 J . Lloyd 53 M. Dubyna 58 T. Williams 54 J. Dooley 60 C. Cetin 58 J. McBriar 59 S. Mead 60 A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B. Pearce 63 S. Davies 64 M. Reid 71 T. Matessi
I A. Krzywniak 2 A Ptrrie
Coach: Paul Breen s Coach : Peter Slaci k 1 S . Vincen t 2 P. O'Loughlin (VC) 3 S . O'Meara 4 A . Curra n 5 W. Connelly 6 D. Stevens 7 M . Cosgriff 8 A . Sinclair 9 N . Brundell 10 P. Brabender 11 J . Collin s 12 13 B . Richardson 14 P. Pratt 15 D. Hayes 16 M . Godfrey 17 L. Dore 18 G . Porteous 19 A. Dea n 20 B . Robins 21 D. Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi
25 A. Heffernan (C) 26 D. Roundly 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 29 30 B. Lethborg 31 N. Dallas 32 S. Corcoran 35 S. Simpson (C-R) 36 B. Dintinosante 39 A. Chamber s 41 A. Swindon 42 R . Murray 44 D . Furze 45 A. Paglia 46 47 48 J. Swindon 51 52 M. Joyce 63 54 M. Yea 55 A. Boyd 56 60 M. Joyce
Coach : Greg Feutrill Res . Coach : Connor Eames Coach : Russell Barnes Assistant Coach : Brad Berr y Res : Mark Lomagno 1 C. Wood 1 P. Wintl e 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Pha n 2 L. Wintl e 3 C. Tesoriero 6 P. Campbell 4 A. L'Huillier 7 S . Brosolo 5 S. Napie r 8 B .Janson 6 A. Ryan 9 A. Pawlik 7 N. Owen 10 R. Pasqualotto 8 A. Scafidi 11 T. Wallac e 9 M . Terrell 12 B . Vandenboom 10 M . Wintle 13 T. Langford 12 J . Kan e 14 T. Carrigg 13 R. Sampieri 16 J . Power 14 A. Connolly 17 A . Carbone 15 T. McColl 16 A. Hipwell 18 C. Dance 18 S. Hecker 19 A. Hill 19 A. Drury 20 P. Hennessy 20 L. Porte r 21 B .Jones 21 P. Fedderson 22 N. Cunningham 22 D. Poynton 23 E . Eame s 23 D. Napier 24 A. Cunningham 24 S.Jurica 25 M . Verna l 25 M .Kelleher 26 S . Alexander 26 M . Hecker 27 L. Swain 27 S. Kingwell 28 C. Eames 28 M . Andrews 29 A. Glenn 29 J. Bristow 30 M . Power 30 J. Knuppel 31 M . Baker 31 D. Moss 32 G .Johnson 32 G . Kennedy 33 S. Zaki c 33 C. Fulto n 34 D . Kinsella 34 D. Gloufchev 35 C. Barnes 35 C. Law 36 A. Walstab 36 T. Nunan 37 M . Connolly 37 M . Nunan 38 A. Hayes 38 C. Carrig g 39 M . McColl 39 M . Vandenboom 40 J. Eadie 40 M . Cahil l 41 S. Rose 41 M . Leahy 42 M . Wilson 42 M . Northey 43 H . Dwyer 43 N . Elliott 44 M . Mifsud 44 R. Eames 45 R . Gould 46 D . Pisasale 45 S. Cleven 47 J. De Groot 46 D .Jones 48 B. Hutchinson 48 J. Treyvaud 49 S Walsh 49 T. Hilton 50 S. Kidd 50 D . Crea 51 G . Gomez 52 A. Baggoley 52 M. Towns 53 B. Wilson 53 M. UbeRi 54 P. Micallef 54 M. McCraw 55 P. Tobin 55 M. Ferris 57 L . McGuinness 56 J . Chaplin 58 M. Manni x 57 C .Connolly 60 R . Pawlik 58 M . Zakic 61 S. Phelan 59 M. Zahra 62 J. Anderson 60 A . Pothitos 61 J . Wilson 62 C . Falkingham 63 J . Ronch i 64 J . Cunningham 65 R . Pierc e FCL Interstate 66 R . Parsons 67 A . Basha m Transport Service s
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A.F.C . ( â&#x20AC;˘
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"Your Coaches' Association "
Training Younger Players Vs Older Play Every football club's list contains individuals with loads of football experience - but less than fresh bodies that don't cope with training as well as in the past. Throw into the mix those who benefit from greater training loads - and younger players who may need to be nursed through the year to ensure they're still playing well at the season's end . Meeting the training needs of these three distinct groups, particularly with limited resources, can be a major challenge . Questions about responding to individual needs within a team confront every coach . The following guidelines will help you determine what training loads you can prescribe to players with varying age and experience levels . First consider: i) The actual (chronological) age of your player and it ) The 'training age' of your playe r The training age of a player refers ~o many years he has been eompethzg and trais_>> _ . : current level of competition . A player straight oi : . of secondary school who joins your club has a trr' i1 g age of zero, even though he may be 18-19 years old and may have played school football for six years . This is due to the likelihood your team's training demands will be far more demanding than his school team's . An older recruit, perhaps aged 22-23, is also considered to have a training age of zero if he has not played senior football . Splitting your players into the following categories will help when programming: Category 1 : Zero to one year's training ; Category 2 : Two to three year's training : Category 3 : Four or more year *s training, well motivated, available ; Category 4 : Six or more years training, reduced availability . Category 1 players require a more conservative approach to training because they i) don't have the experience to know how they will react to training loads it) don't have a training base to allow high intensity training for long periods III) Are more susceptible to fatigue, soft tissue and overuse injuries . Category 2 players are likely to make up the core of the team . These players have the time, motivation and relative youth to make them most valuable to your
club . Games played in senior teams will be more intense than games played at reserve level, so these players need to be able to do the training to cope with those pressures . Players in Category 3 are likely to be in their mid 20s to early 30s . Many of these players can cope with the higher intensities and volumes because over the years they have developed a base to enable them to sustain heavier loads . Others in this age group will have commitments that mean their availability is reduced . You will need to ensure they get extra training when they are available and, as a consequence, these players should be considered in Category 4 . Category 4 players are likely to be slowing down, in terms of one or more of their physical abilities, availability and commitment . Also, the ability of older players to recover from training decreases and they often require more time before a second high intensity training session or game can be performed . The reality is they will train less - which is fine if that's what's needed to get them onto the park for the game . Horses for courses An important factor to keep in mind is that higher category players generally have the knowledge and ability to 'train harder' and this also should be recognised . Players with lower training ages tend not tbeasficnt herpationsmreatu e players . This also applies to recovery and nutritional preparation . Players in the low and high training age categorie : should be given adequate time to recover from training . Recovery can be improved using appropriate techniques but training age will still influence recover3 time . In other words older players are less likely to be able to train on consecutive days . Always communicate with the players of low or higY training ages to ensure they know what is expected o them and why - and that their workloads are taIlorec to produce maximum game day performance . Oh, am take time to explain to the guys in the middle categorie : why the older and younger blokes look like they'n getting off lightly . Or Noel Duncan and Or Michael McCoy Fitness2live
Cpans June 26th a t
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YV4(ei+! Es~1 r (olil i c mates and get over our fears and start to win a couple of games .
I arrived down at MHSOBFC after being asked by my good friend and Senior Coac h David Skinner to help out as Assistant Coach early in the year . Having played there in 1998 I knew a couple of faces around the club which made it a little easier to fit in . Having played with David the previous year I knew what to expect of his coaching and his tactics. I'm totally impressed with the professionalism of the whole footy club, from the General Committee to the training staff. Everyone has the same determination and drive around the club. I have never heard anyone say anything negative about the club which is a rarity in sporting clubs these days. It is just up to the players to respect these people who donate their time endlessly and also to respect their team
David has been a life long friend of mine and I know the dedication and time he gives to this club . That was why I had no hesitation in moving from my previous club, where I'm a life member and played over 400 games, to be a part of something special at MHSOBFC . It is just up to the players now to show the same dedication as others at the club .
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loll done to Zt- ; J . c-i his 1C01h game for t , e club today . eDevoas playing great attacking footy from the backline . He is a key player in our strategy to elevate our position in B Grade in the next few weeks .
With one round to play in the first half of the year, the likely premier for 2003 has still not become any clearer. The Animals keep doing what they have to do, the Fields are building their percentage each week, the Sharks seemed to have slipped, while the Oak Park boys have emerged through the month of May as the big challenger . Review The Animals took home the chocolates in the match of the round against the inaccurate Lions . The highway was the end to kick to, as Collegians peppered the goals 19 times for only a 6 .13 result . The Lions wayward kicking kept the Animals in the game and they came out a different side in the second qtr after an old fashioned blast from coach Darren Turner, slamming on 7 of their own to trail by only 8 pis at the half . The remainder of the game was a game of defence as both sides tightened the screws when heading into the breeze . However, it was again left to Brad Bird to kick the sealer as the Animals got out of jail by 8 points . Collegians were well served through Campbell Unsworth, while the Animals defence and Mick D'Amelio were rock solid . The Oak Park boys broke their travel bug in superb fashion knocking off Beaumaris at Shark Park by 3 majors . The minor upset was again due to the goal-kicking prowess of Corey Bannister as Jono Holt was inspirational for the Sharks . Who would want to bet on Ammo footy? The Saints surprised the punters and the Wells alike, smashing their opposition by 59 points . The turnaround was largely due to the work of Lewin & Sheedv as the Wells have now slipped into the bottom zone . Merv's men keep marching on and adding to their percentage with another commanding victory, this time against the Two Blues . Skipper Andrew Will dominated across half forward as the "6 pack" again let only 1 goal through in the first half. Opposing captain Aaron Rhodes, tried hard for the home team as some late goals provided some respectability to the scoreboard . The 7Ionds put up a determined performance against the -%ultu=es, but it was not enough to
get over the line, failing short by 22 pts .
Previe w
The "Don Smallgoods" match of the round pits two inform sides against one another as T'Iaerry Penola are at home to the Animals . The onbal brigade of Mark Nancarrow & Mick Elli ocntiuedrvthbalforwd theLion ; each week, face off against the miserly defence o the Animals . St . Leo's just keep winning, but tOakPrkboysaregtingbet reachwekan c will cement a spot in the 4 today in a close one . Glen Eira will need to put in another RHC performance as they face the Sharks at Carnegie The enthusiasm of youth was the spur for tSainsgainstOCandtheywilnedaloftha c stop Beaumaris . The hungry Sharks will bounc back to remain in touch with the top 2 as the . ytoendhirmslup The Wells have slipped into the bottom zone afte a disappointing month and face the rampagin ; Fields away from home . The break couldn't hav come earlier enough for the early pacemakers who suffered a shock defeat last week . Merv' men are rolling along nicely as another grea team effort resulted in a commanding victory . 0 (
LW"i '. .
Gâ&#x201A;Ź ..'. C 6 :CTION Collegians Dixon Therry Penola C Bannister St Leos Emmaus G3'P B Vaughan Mentone Vultures Rowle y
Old Cambenvell Tempone
37 34 30 29 23
C RESERVE Caulfield Or Caulfield Or Old Camberwell Ormond Old Cambemell
28 21 20 16 15
Dalwood M Harrison Francis Stewart Craven
il be desperate to turn things around but may „ . ~ it to wait another week. A ;,e Vultures are waiting in the wings of the four ,;;id will notch up another win against the Two Blues out at Mentone . The onball brigade of Chris O'Meara and Chris Sullivan are in fine form and will be determined to throw off the challenge of Prahran, who will target this game as the one to get their season back on track . Pat Hawkins can only hope that all the goalkicking practice has been beneficial as the Lions take on old time rivals Ormond . The pocket dynamo Bryce Deledio, will need another bottler if they are to challenge the runners of Collegians, who need to rebound after the last ne . : ;3PO DNE PQT S CC
Thanks to all the press corro's work for the first half of 03' ; keep up the good work for the remainder of the season . 1tt1~e.IL :;O_ ejrl a?_~ti- .ig . C
Be; r_c_ is - congratulate Nic - i3c-~r on playing is 140,- :. game this weekend . A product of the U19s, Nick played in an U19 premiership and kicked 100 goals in the premiership year. He has graduated to senior football and has played in a senior grand final side as well . Playing all the key positions, Nick is a man of few words, but is a dedicated Beaumaris player. We wish him weil for the remainder of his career. Also we congratulate senior deputy vice captain M ark "I3augie" Ensor on achieving his 100th game today. Dougie is a highly skillful and accomplished footballer with the ability to play at both ends of the ground . He was voted a member of the "team of the 90s" . A great clubman off the field, he is often using his marketing ingenuity to assist the club and his organisation of a number of trip away functions have been exotic . Therry Penola - congratulates Dave Weston 'The Smiling Assassin' on his 50th game for the club in Rd9 against Beaumaris .Dave, one of the fittest players at Therry, has been in great touch this year and is currently pressing for senior selection. Congratulations 'Westy' . We look forr,vard to many great games ahead .
C SE C'I'I C . d
Therry Penola OB v St Leos Emmaus WP Glen Eira v Beaumari s Caulfield Gr v Old Camber-well Mentone Vultures v Prahran Collegians v Ormond
Woolnou ' B Pen--- Baum,Best: iSancarrow . C Umpires: Da;d Iro-_ Faul Whitehead Clive Sir
e,~.-~. aie. Marun. tsoon 'rd. Faroldi. Goodwin D . Gorman Faroldi- Robinson, Goodwin M . L- icL<on Thomas Davidson (8 )
7.6 11 .6 15.8( 98) 7.14 10 .21 11 .24(90) 2, DAmelio 2, Carse 2 . McKenzie , . ..~~, ~~.io. Brown. Ballard, RoncM. Collegians : DIXon 4 . W .~.~.~ . . .. . : 12, izstg . Best - Unsivarth. Phillips . ris, Wai~~. , Umpires: Paid Lamble Greg Rowit IF) (B) Pete : cy 1G i . . . OtS) C ,S . 1-5 3-7 6-9 8-10(58) Gla 3-2 6-9 11-10 17-15( 117) Old Camt .Al: Cadzew 2, CrcYilh : 2, Gladman 2, Horgan, Tempone . P. Best : Hardman . RabLUOn. Sununus, Cadzow. Welckhardt, Derry. S. Glen Eira : Mc GaEa 3, Sheehan 3, Vam4u ;as 3, Daolan 2, Dimachld. T 2, D'uEa3clild. M. Race. Taranto. 12ucz. Best Dorian, Lewin . Sheehan, Titers . Ix:nl :o. Si lv. Lh s: Simon Stakes Brad Rankin (F) 0.3 1 .4 3A 9.13(67) 7.5 13.5 19.8 22 12(144 1 n: Toob 3. Bur can, Kelly, McCubbn, Doust, Evans.Best : Rhodes Harriers, Hunc, iiltean, B.Gelhe . Kel}v. Caul Gram: Will 4, Cunningham 2 . Gardner 2, WidJa}a 2. Fras,.e, 2 . Bruhn 2, Baxter 2 . Erickson, Pennycrdek, Fwrce . Fagan. Aya,n, Hall .Best: Pearce, Will . O';well . Foote Widjaja.Umpise•s : Sharon Alger Riddell Ian Senvnems (Riddell UA) (F) Andrew-Monaghan (Riddell UA ) (Bt Ollie Matthews Not McKay (both Riddell UA) (G) oRbioND 2.0 6.4 5.7 9.13( 67) MENTONE 4.4 6.7 10.13 12 .17(89) Ormond: Donning 2, Arnold. Black, Jamrs, De7ertin Wlley- B.Robbins . Miller. Best: Deledio, James, Miller. S.Ke r, Ann d. Telley . Hentone: Rowley 4, Macgeorge 2, W'hite 2, C .Sullivan. Ur i is, P.Sulirv2n . Best : O'Meara, Barr, C.Sullhan . W1 .,. . ~ .. : :r'. .- .i .. s H . Dpires: Ashley Hwgendyk Adam Conquest (i) t . ., .. _ .__ - . _ . (B) he Mahar Les Mavropaulas (G ) ST LEOS EMMAUS PIE COLLEGIA NS
St Lecio Suckle 4, VaiYhan Ballard . Best - TMctmi,
BEAUMARIS 5.1 6.5 11 .3 13.9(87) 7°r1ERFC':' PE1ti03.A 1 .0 4.0 5.2 12.5 ( 77) : Vance 3 . Ryon 2, Gourlay 2 . hia J. RaWAins, Pelee, Gerrand, Rmummis iv Deluca O'Brien M. Best: Gray . O'Brien M . Foley. Deaton B, Gourlay, O'Brien A. 1'heryy Pe !a: Bcsanko 5. vari3a 3. Barron 2 . Croth . Hollow S. Best : Barron S. Clifton . Bosanko. Goodwin D, Garo,u ?si ST 7 's : .- .-.US' 1 .1 4.6 5-6 8.9( 57) COYd.EGn .., . 3.4 5.5 10.5 11 .8(74) St Lew: E lchell 4, Contra . Nolan, Prosser. Simon n. Best - R.MeGloin . Rose . C .Vaughan, Morrison . RMcCann, Ottcbre. I a Shuttle 5 , Hart 2. Heneberv . Low. Muir. WboB2ouse. Best - Lovr. Heneberv. Thomas . Vial, Skrurie. Herman . OLD C•"---"ELL 2-2 -- 8-8 14-11(95) GYk A 3-1 3-1 5-1 5-2(32) Old C:m -rweSl : Francis 3 . Hailca-'c 3. 1 " R 2. Craven 2 . Seeley. Snil,h . Tipper. f'vapcvnr . Best: Smith, , e ly. Jones, Francis . Rowe. Gl:, .i l,u .: Fidogiasulls 2, l::ide, Halo .,, t ., . . ,, : ;s~gkotis, Diamond. A . Fidogiamiis, Haines. S, Denies-A. Oldham , PRAHRAN 2,2 3.3 3.4 4.5(29) CAUL GRAM 3.5 9.9 13.12 18.18(126) Prahrain Upton. Murphy, Ranage. Sagno).Best : Downing, Mueh)heim . Upton, Ranuapae, Sagnol',talford. Card Gram: Gross 6. Psalter 3, Kuppe 2, Kendall 2, Dahavcil 2. Thompson, Harrison, Jacobs . Jenklnson.BesC Gross, Poulter, Dorman, Docker, Harrison. Kendall . ORMOND 3.1 9.5 13.5 16.8(104) MENTORS 4.2 4.2 8.2 10.4(6#) Grmoad: Beckett 5. Stewart 4, Smith 3 . C .Keleher, KHanev, Everitt, Casey. Best: Casey, Parsons, Rayson, Stewart . Beckett . C .Keleher . Mentone : Waters 2, Ogler 2, Emmett 2, A .Walsh 2 . Levert. Sheehan. Best: M.Walsh . Rock, McCleod . McCarthy, A.Walsh, Johnston.
Coach : Brett Merchant Asst: Mick Lovejoy Res: Mick Carty 1 S . Nish 2 H . Gibson 3 M . Pitts (C) 4 M . Matulick (DVC) 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 A . Spence 7 D. Foley 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L. Healy 13 C. Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 M . Boon 16 A. Quin 17 L Atkins 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 N. Atkins 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Holt (VC) 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D . Teesdale 26 R . Meilick 27 B. Haynes {DVC) 28 J. Vance 29 C . Martin 30 S. Hunt 31 A. Ryan 32 B. Caims 33 S. May 34 J. May 35 N . Rooter 36 L Ferrari 37 R . Presnell 38 J. Gerrand 40 R . Rawlins 41 M . Talbot 42 A . O'Brien 43 C . Bruinier 44 C . Collins 45 J . Deluca 46 M . Saxton 47 L. Mann 48 W. Travers 49 J . Bryce 50 S . Lynch 51 S . Coote 52 B . Deaton 53 J . Windebanks 54 A. Thompson 55 S . McNicholas 56 E . Leyden 57 H. McMillan 59 B. Griffiths 60 C. Buckley 61 A. Richardson 62 A. Pratt 64 M . Carty 66 A. Coate
G z; n : tv Keane Res: Chris Mathieso n 1 J . Foley 2 B . Hall 3 C. Knight 4 M . Liddell 4 T. Vine n 5 S . Kendall 6 N. Craven 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R. Foote 9 M . Frater 10 A. Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D . Pearce 13 A. Green 14 S. Amiet 15 A. Docker 1 6 S. Sant 17 M. Harrison 18 B. Baxter 19 T. Ale n y 20 H . Vella 21 M.Pennycuick 22 C . Mc Assay 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dafwood 25 N . Dorman 26 S . Widjaja 27 J. Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 G. Erickson 30 C . Fagan 31 T. Foster 32 A . Lawson 33 S . Fryers 34 B . Gros s 35 S . Thompson 36 B . Cunningham 37 T. Messer 38 J . Restarick 39 A . Bosna 40 R. O'Neill 41 B . Kuppe 42 D. S na n y 43 A. Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 45 D. Scott 46 B. Scott 47 S . Jenkinson 48 T. Franklin-Jones 49 B. Gardner 50 P. Delahaye 51 T. Mc Donald 52 A. Sinclair 53 C. Jones 54 T. Rynberk 55 C . Hooper 56 S. Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 T. Kavouris 59 A. Beach 60 N . Fallu 61 N . Bannon 62 C . Sheppard 63 G. Crathern 64 G. Poulter 65 N . Carrick 71 M. Cassidy
:h: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook
1 J . Dixon 2 M. Johnson 3 B. Mooney V C 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Henebery 5 B. Donelly 6 S. Woolley 7 D . Surk tt 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J. Fry 10 J. Lang 11 B. MacKenzie 12 N . Harrison V C 13 N . Thomas 14 N . Lockett 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Fletcher 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S . Taft 19 N . Herman 20 B . Couch 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 J . Kondarovskis 24 B . Low 25 R. Muir 26 D. Vial 27 A . Shinkfield 28 D. Dowling 29 A. Kennealty 30 L. Moon 31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfleld 33 B. Hoist 34 J . Young 35 R. Turner 36 G . Cooper 37 C. Hoist S. Taft 39 N. Hart 40 M . Hibbins 41 N. Baxter 42 N. Abbott 43 N. Groeneveld 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Robertson 46 J. Round 47 R. Sztar 48 E. Waters 51 J.B . Shadbott 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B. Lumb 58 D . Smith 64 M. Gribble 65 C . Safstro m
68 S. Doukas
Coach : Tony Mac urge Res Coach : Darren tâ&#x20AC;˘enc,a i 1 S. Rowley 2 R . Gallaghe r 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A. W Whit h e C6 . Stephens C 7 K. Gurtle r 7 M . Cooper 8 D . Perrin 9 M . Meyer 9 P. Emmet t 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 A . King 14 M . Etcel l 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sulliva n 16 J . McCarthy 117 8 C . Sulliva n C. Stewart 20 M . Wals h 21 A . Wals h 22 S . Hamilton 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . Uptin 26 A . Roc k 27 A . Gang i 28 C. Johnston 30 P. Dixon 30 N. Freez e 31 M . Andrews 32 N. Levett 33 N. Wilkins 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T Macgeorg e 38 S. Perraz o 41 C. Rock 42 T. Bar r 43 M Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Blai r 47 J. Tull 48 Mick . Wals h 49 R . Bittner 50 A . Waterso n 51 D . Clark e 52 K. McLeod 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 S. Rickard s 56 T. Sullivan 57 D . Fraser 58 J. Noonan 59 G . Allan 60 D . Fenec h 61 T. Smit h 63 5. Waters 64 S . Hesline 65 T Allinso n 67 M . Joyce 68 A . Tresidde r 73 M . O'Meara
9 Palermo St, Menton e
* Function Room Restaurant * Pokies
I M . Ryan 2 N. Astapenko 3 C. Massis 4 D. Cassar 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagam e 7 S . Vamvakas 8 M . Dimashki g G . Hayes-Dewar 10 G . Richards 11 B. Clements 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 M . Loughran 15 Mimo Dimachki 16 Danny Race 17 Declan Lambe 18 R . Oldham 19 K. Dimachki 20 A. Diamond 21 S. Haines 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 25 P. Khazaat 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R . Gilmore 28 L . Shellard 29 R . Dimachki 30 L. Pryde 31 T. Aberline 32 M . D'Zitva 33 A . Sheerly 34 L. Hall 35 S . Hollow 36 B . Zure k 37 P. Merrick 38 M . Lewin 39 40 L. Doolan 41 M . Merrick 42 J . SerPanchY 43 J . Gusman 44 S . Diamond 45 A . Caruana 46 T. Evans 47 48 J . Halliwell ~ 51 52 A. Haines 53 54 55 L. McGaw 56 57 S . Hall 58 59 60 61 M . Tkocz 62 D . Sheehan 63 64 65 M. Dimou 66 67 68 69
M E NTti NE ff61^
67 B. Gillespie
Coach : Paul Beddoe Res. Coach : Anthony Strafford
5 d3 G 841
South Melbourn e
G-ch : Adr Connolly Res. Cc :h : t'eter O'Dea
During I ~ Ile s c)inson >r 'hristie lley 5,ott i H~aerna n g Tymmons Hanson (C) 11
L. Galdman (VC )
R. Whitehead (VC) D. Clyne D. Pik e N. Credlin (DVC) S,FAarxood P.Tempone D. Mitchell T. Hardman B. Howard '- 3 K. Darby B. Tippe r A, Hardenberg on A. Whelan 27 A. Sheed y 28 D . Gough 29 S. Francis 30 R . Perryman 31 B. Craven 32 G . Ormsby 33 D . Joyce 34 D . Schmidt 35 C . Munro > S, Derry A . Hillier T. Hallo G.R-we C . Jeilis L. Rya n A . Mackenzie 43 C . Grant 44 S . Smith '45'" M . Horgan 47 T. Kearney 48 J . Derry 49 R . Gaza] 50 A- Gill 51 G. Weickhardt 52 S . Lovelace 53 R . Tempone 54 A. Margetts 55 J . Can 55 S . Fogarty 56 S . Jones 57 T. Nisbet 58 N. Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A. Walsh 63 S . Gregory 6` L. Goldsworthy 65 S . Hancock
1 S Handley 2 D . Beckett 3 J . Denning 4 A . Grac e 5 M . Martinov 6 D . Whelan 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 G . Hall 10 R. Martin 11 D. Robbins 12 B . Delidio 13 L. Wells 14 S . James 15 C. Telly 16 T. Stewart 17 J. Bridges 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D. to Hennepe 21 R . Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 B. Arnold 25 J. Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan 28 A. Clinch 29 J. Clifton 30 G . Fichte 31 H . Black 32 A. Lo m 33 M . Collins 34 A . Russell 35 J. Putz 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everiti 38 D . Broadhurst 39 S . McCarthy 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 T. Bank s 42 C . Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 A . Broadhurst 45 J . Franklin 46 C. Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 S . Wheller 49 S . Metz 50 S . Dipasquale 51 7. Dipasquale 52 S . Betsy 53 C. Harvey 54 M . Ramsay 55 B. Rayson 56 M . Farrell 57 R . Kentara 58 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 B. Jones 62 B. Slater 63 C . West 64 M. Wood 65 S. Anderso n 66 L . Dal e 67 .i . Mabbett
1 D . Herders 2 M. Harvey 3 D . Kelly 4 P. Quick 5 H . Pitts 6 J. Killeen 7 S. Pang 8 I . Hunt 9 A . Bunnell: 10 B . Hodgson 11 A . Pitts 12 M . Beer 13 C . McLean 14 M . Evans 15 B . Mair 16 A . Rhodes 17 S . Campbell 18 M . Windridge 19 A . Millican 20 J . Kellow 21 M . McCuddin 22 R. Marriott 23 J . Macdonald 24 J . Mullins 25 L. Aitken 26 T. St .Clair 27 W. Watford 28 K. Watford 29 P. Gartland 31 D. Decarteret 32 D. Ballar d 33 A. Wood 34 P. Treyvaud 35 B. Gallia 36 L . Northway 37 A.Gellie 38 J- Foster 39 S. Morris 40 I . Dennis 41 J. Upton 42 B . Downing 43 C . Boyd 44 D . James 45 M. Vagg 46 M. Vear 47 P. Rose 48 J . Vagg 49 L. Wood 50 S . Kennett 53 C . Pricop 55 5 .Ramage 56 A . R-an 57 S . , n 58 i}i . tviueniheim 59 S . Olive r 60 R. Ferroro 61 J . Bedford 62 C. Tooley 64 J . Belcher 66 G . Northway
1 P. Corse 2 J. Hodder 3 E . Mitchell 4 A . Auliso 5 S . Buckle 6 J . Fennell 7 A . Burgess 8 B . Bird 9 D . Lear 10 B . Mitchell 11 B . Carey 12 T. McCann 13 A . Krebs 14 P. Pollard 15 P. Carey 16 A . Rose 17 M . D'Amelio 18 R. McCann 19 A . Kelly 20 A . Ballard 21 G . Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batt y 24 D. Bruc e 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levin s 28 H. Giles 29 S. Darcy 30 M .Ottobr e 31 M . Contessotto 32 D . Comm 33 L . Thomas 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B.Vaughan 40 J. Gay 42 M. Flood 43 B . Levins 44 A . Zalakos 45 S . Ronchi 46 A . Brown 47 M. Mclnerny 48 A . Daly 49 D . Cox 50 A . Volpi 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 T. Pecora 55 C. HaYield 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonald 61 J . Blandthorn 63 P. Nola n 64 D. Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Meshcer 70 D. McGloin 75 T. Yme r 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 88 S. Pitcher 89 D . Winduss
i : Chris Bye Assist wach : Jason Reddic k Res . Cc :h: Gary Datson I P. Gorman 2 A. Mills (vc) 2 T. Goodwin 3 R . Bannister 4 M. Ellio t 5 S . Sacco 7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C . Bannister 10 J . Vaina 11 D . O'Sullivan (vc) 12 A . Christie 13 G. Russell 15 A . McMahon 16 M . Goodwin 16 D . Clifto n 17 G. O'Connor '.. 18 B . Carter 19 A . Grant 20 J . Clark e 21 G. Henderson 22 L. Reynolds 23 D. Calagari 25 P. Edwards 26 B . Lewis 27 M . Garoni 28 A. Carroll 29 S . Goodwin 30 R. Finley 31 S . Hollow 32 J. Sacco 33 L. Kuret 34 D. Weston (vc-res) 36 D . Barron 37 D . Castaldi (C) 38 M. Nencarrow 39 5. Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 B . Barron 42 D . Dimech 43 M. Warren 44 P. Appleford 45 M . Carter 46 S . Stepan 47 D . Goodwin 48 A . Nancarrow (vc-res) 49 B . Whykes B 50 B . Barron B 51 Mark Goodwin 52 D . Weston 55 M . Garoni 56 P. Dunne 57 S . Westo n 63 A . Moloney {c-res) 59 T. Robinso n 67 G . Tsinans 69 S . Sarong 70 L. Kuret 79 T. Higgins 99 M . La Corcia
, . Cromscl :
Terrific performances over the Long Weekend with both VAFA Representative sides recording stirring victories . In the St Kilda Community Cup in atrocious conditions at Moorabbin on Friday Night the Representative side recorded a terrific come from behind victory over a plucky Southern F ootball League . Early in the game the SFL appeared to handle the conditions much better than the VAFA and had the first goal on the board within minutes, and looked dangerous . Playing a defensive game by positioning a loose man in our forward line made it difficult for the forwards to exert any real authority on the game . Despite having 90 per cent of the play through the second and third quarters we still found ourselves a goal behind at the final break with the game totally in the balance . A couple of excellent positional changes with the move of Dean M atthews and Liam Holloway up forward paid immediate dividends as a piece of undisciplined play by a Southern defender allowed Matthews to score a goal to put the Vics in front, and then when Holloway followed with another one shortly afterwards the writing was on the wall for the SFL . Bi g Michael Matulick was controlling the ruck bringing the ball to ground for the smaller running players, and the Southern appeared to be a spent force as we controlled the game totally, and a brilliant running goal by Liam Ryan on the final siren saw the boys ove r
Steve Buckle shone for the VAFA the line in a great last Friday against the SFL. comeback .
Stephen Buckle controlled his wing all nig : and won the BOG Award, Richard Hoskil did a fantastic job on Ben Cranage as well ; knocking up getting kicks himself, Liz Ryan was a terrific player and tI unobtrusive Paul Edwards led the defensi, unit in a very positive way . Congratulations to George Voyage and all h support staff and to all the players in ti side you did yourselves and the VAF PROUD. VAFA 0 .3 1 .5 2 .7 7 .11 .5~ SFL 1 .0 2 .2 3 .5 4 .6 .30 Goals VAFA : Frater Ryan Ritterma Holloway Matthews Mooney Harrison . SF Newman 2 Tarpey Cranage . Best VAFA : Frater Hosking Ryan Lidd( Buckle Edwards . SFL: Cranage Wells Took Shalders Odachowski Trand . VAFA Selectors Best (SFL) : Brett Shaldei (Cheltenham ) SFL Selectors Best (VAFA) : Steve Buck (St . Leos Emmaus WP) And so to Perth it was a determined bunc who took to the plane with top spot at tY half way mark of the AAFC Carnival stake . The game started at a frenetic pace wit Luke Hawkins, Paul Corrigan, an d Job Stevens gathering the ball at will and drivir it forward where Tim Harvey and Do Jordan were terrific targets . The big Subiac ground was certainly helping the runnir players of the side and by quarter time a goal buffer was already the differenc between the two sides . The second saw the game continue in tY same vein as every time WA tried to â&#x201A;Ź forward they repelled by Murray Pitts, Mar Corrigan and that little terrier Dann Byrne, and with Tim Ockleshaw feeding ot numerous hand balls the Big V continued o their merry way. Luke Hawkins 60-65 mets torpedo goal after the half time siren brougl very deserved applause from the buildir, crowd .
ÂŤas terrific to see the players resolve and clctcrmination for the task at hand continu e he second half as they urged each other , ,,, tokkeep going in hard and not lift the t)ressure, this certainly was a tight knit ,,,cup who were miles from home on a mission . The last two quarters rightfully i,elonged to the Vies as they booted another 12 goals while keeping WA goalless for th e tire game a terrific performance in itself .
Kerwood Perkin Garkaklis Pearce . Neil Judge Medal: Luke Hawkins (Old Scotch ) WAAFL Selectors B est (VA FA) : Paul Corrigan (Old Haileybury ) VAFA Selectors Best (VAFA) : Carl Steinfort (Mazenod OC ) L) : Trent WAAFL Selectors Best (W Cooper VAFA Selectors B est (WAAFL) : Troy Kerwood
So clinical was the performance that serious comments as to the strength of this team were that it was capable of beating any Senior side in the WAFL!!! ! Luke Hawkins was a most deserved winner of the Judge Medal for Player of the Match, Paul Corrigan was not far behind him, Carl Steinfort used his experience to advantage in his specific task, Danny Byrne was good, as was John Stevens, Tim Harvey and all the forwards added something, Murray Pitts was the General up back and at some stage of the game every one of the 24 players who took the field made a contribution . Nick Bourke, his support staff and all associated with the team are to be congratulated for the work they put into this group of young men, who in such an important event rose to the occasion to do themselves, their clubs, their parents, and all of us privileged enough to be at Subiaco on Sunday, feel very humbled by the way they played their football, and they did it ALL for the LOVE of the GAME . VAFA 7 .3 15 .17 20 .11 27 .14 .176 WAAFL 0 .1 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 .3 Goals VAFA: Harvey 6 Siapantas 4 Hawkins 3 D Jordan 3 B Jordan 2 O'Farrell 2 Stevens 2 Low Byrne Lochran Browne Ramsdell . WAAFL : Nil . Best VAFA: Hawkins P Corrigan Steinfort Stevens Pitts Siapantas . WAAFL : Cooper
Old Scotch's Luke Hawkins was outstanding last week at Subiaco .
Until R6, DI match results were almost predictable, but in the last two rounds the Section has reverted to its traditional topsy-turvy self.
ROUND 8 "' - 7 A3 's solid vii `ory over Yarra Valley could be one of those defining results that shape the final four . The Bushrangers have now dropped 3 on the trot, and need to win 8 of the remaining 10 to be sure of final's action . Aquinas couldn't counter Salesians' desperation in their hard fought affair. Banyule lopped another tall poppy in IJzri . B lack s, and has put itself right back in the contest, only a game from the four. Blacks weren't disgraced at all, but couldn't find that bit extra the Bears' did in the last 15 minutes . Old Mentonians were gazumped by the Bullants' extraordinary accuracy and tenacity . Ivanhoe Assumption found the marauding Monash Blues a task too hard to start with, and impossible once injuries robbed them of a bench in g3 .
way my tipping's going, tha etshouldgive visitors considerable encouragement!. Uni . Blacks meet AJAX in a'turning point" match, Blacks go right back into the clag if they lose, whereas the Jackas can turn 72, and a couple of games above the digester zone if they win . Those key numbers, points for & against, of these sides are very similar, and both have tons of grit and dash through the middle . Anthony Parkin, Rob Dillon, plus Andrew & Ben Costello have all been consistent Blacks engine room performers this season, while Michael Jones rucking has been little short of heroic . Danny Weitlitzer has been rucking consistently for the Jackas, the Segal boys dominating round the packs, and Julien ifirzner is a worry to all opnonents at FF . I X should take the points by 2 goals . c Temp tackle E , it may b e 6th 7t'i, but this game ii i~ decide which ch!' ; in touch with ine Four, an d
TODAY'S GAME S YVOB are at home to and the wav the Bushrangers are avelling, the Bloods would give themselves a serious chance of beating them . While Bushrangers like Luke Taylor and Sam Savage are doing well in defence, YV's problems seem to stein from the mid-field onwards, which staggers me considering the calibre of plavers they have in those zones . Mind you the Bloods have similar problems, Mark Barmby and John Jess flew the flag in the back half last week, but the engine room and front sector were down . Don't have much option but t o
go for the home side b, a kic ; ; or so, b
AJ .Kirzner ,Monash Blues Grace Old Mentonians Bournon Old ~ntonians Basile Bul licen-Templestowe Matthews VE :.onash Blues Hawkins 0 Banvvle J Turnbull 1 AJAX Cooper 2 Yarra Valley D Smith 0 Iva- hoe A , sumption Pearce 0 L :~i :rec 3 1acks Hanna 1
30 29 28 26 11 11 9 8 8 8
concentrates on relegation proofing if. The Bullants pulled a rabbit out o f ,iie hat last week by beating the Panthers ,tt I;cvsborough and they will be looking for (he same great team effort this week plus 13illy TOuraganis, Damien Bone, and Dean '+latthevrs continuing their sensational ; ;)rm . The Bears are also an even side, but :till have match winners in Scott Playfair, Dave Williams, with strong back up from the likes of Simon Dean, Shaun Lorenzini, ,c~ Brad Willmore . Close one this . I'll tip the Bears by a point ! ?, lozsa s h Blues host Old Mentonians in .lnather crunch encounter : Ashers want to take an 8-1 ratio into the back half of the H , ~ A, while the Panthers can't afford to lose tllree in a row . The Ashers have talent to burn, with Andrew Hickey (W), Justin Main if ;}, and Paul Nevill (R) all in super recent t~3rm, to add to that of Holloway, Williams r :nd Gregory . The Panthers also have a top notch engine room with Andrew Carter (R) (ontinuing his good year, with Geoff Dart & Danny Carroll driving the ball forward to the stellar trio of Basile, Bournon, and Acreman . Fabulous game this, I'll say the Ashers by 2 goals . Salesians and the Hoes face off at Bosco Street, in what is now relegation avoidance time for each Club . Both have been badly .,ffected by injuries to date, and that passenger monkey just won't go away . Chaddie are a fearsome opponent on their own turf and the Hoes will need repeat performances of last week's form from the likes of Shane McGowan (F), Ross Toogood B) & Damon Wood every -7ere, to give them a show today . Salesians by 2 goals . Reserves winners be : Bushrangers, Blacks, Bears, Ashers, & Salesians .
CORRESPONDENTS, the contacts are 1,889 1979 & bfhickey6Cbigpond .co m
Yarra Valley 0 B v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v AJAX Bulleen Templestowe v Banyule Monash Blues v Old Mentonians Salesian 0 C v Ivanhoe Assumption
3_7 6 .10 9 .14 13 .19(97) Y.2 .1 5 .4 5 .4 9 .9163 ) - A,:.: anger 3. Kirzner 3, Blashki 2 . M . Segal 2 . Blieden . Israelsohn, E. Raleigh Best : Blashki . Samuel, Duzenman, E . Raleigh, E. Wollner . Gold Yana Valley : Keem 3 . Collie 2, Beal . Glllon, Simpson . Stevenson Best : Laing, Parry, Stevenson . Savage . Taylor, Keem Umpires: Of Whiteley Damien Stead (Riddell DA) (F) Troy Cusack (Riddell UA) (B) Jose Talavera Denver Melder (G) AQUINAS 0 C 3 .2 3 .3 3 .4 8.5(53) SALESIAN 0 C 3 .2 4 .6 9 .10 12 .14(86) Aquinas : Redwood 2 Toomey Boland Bettune Pierce McMullin Coglan BEST : Barmy Redwood Jess Larkin Harkin Stone Salesians : Oldfield 5 Thaln 2 Cook Bobetic Nannes Levoli Campbell Best OldHeld Quinn Sutherland Barry Nannes Canavan Umpires : David Longworth Ken MeNiece (F) Michael Nellie (B) Eddie Beal Malcolm Filleul (G ) BAN YULE 6.6 9 .9 12 .12 19 .13(127) UM BLACIiS 1 .4 9 .9 10 .12 14 .17(101) Banyule: Dean 5 . Davies 3 . T Gloury 2 . Demetriou 2, S Ptayfair 2, Egan 2, B Willmore, Wise, Lorenzini . Best : Dean, Lorenzini, B 14Rllmore, D Wilson . Cantwell, Dooley . Vol Blacks: Barry 2. Evans 2, A Costello 2 . Moffatt 2, Dillon . Davis . Parkin . Price. Rawnslev . B V+alch ., st Parkin . M Jones, Dillon, Kempton, A Costello, B Costello . Ump : Jeremy Heffernan Michael Forde (F ) 3.4 7 .9 8 .10 13 .12(90) OLD 0: : S BULI I' 6.0 9 .1 13 .2 17 .4(106) Old Pntonains: Basile 5, Acreman 3, Bournon, Fisher, Palmer, Vick . Carter E ;t: Basile, Carter, Carroll, Dart . Costello, Vick. Bullean Temp : Matthews 7, tit'illlams 3, McLaren 2, Burridge 2, Daskaliou 2, Smith. Best :Team effort . Umpires: Peter Liddell Troy Brooks (F) (B) Lindsay Pell Bruce Stephens (G ) IVASe 1IOE ASSUMPTION 0.0 4.3 4.6 7.12(541 MONfiSIi BLUES 7.4 9.8 14 .13 17 .15(117) Ivanhoe Assumption: McGowan 3, Scarpari. Chazan, Lee, Seralini . Best : McGowan, Toogood, O'Neil, Wood, Lee, Hall. Monash Blues : Gregory 3, Grace 3, Truton 2, Holloway 2 . Farrar 2 . Craven 2 . Blackley. Main, Williams . Best : 'Williams, Holloway, Smith . Farrar, Torten . Main . Umpires: Santo Caruso Scott Mackie (F) Chris Doyle Luke Pipe (G) DI FIESE12yE A .IAP, 2 .0 6 .6 6.6 8.9(57) YARRA VALLEY 3 .3 3 .4 6.10 7.10(54) A,IA-K: Cooper 2 . Godierviez 2 . L. Goldman, D Janover, Konsky,Sacks Best: Sacks . Pask. Silberman . Benedykt, Seidl, Spilberg Yarra Valley: Pask 3 . Revnolds 2 . Morris, Peake Best : Strong, Pask. Smith. Hume, Pearce, Burunta AQU 0 C 3.3 3 .5 7.10 7.13(55) S, iO C 1 .0 4 .5 4 .5 4 .6(30) : Phillips2 Cooper Kogelman Wills Parker Best Hinehclifte Slattery Kogelman Harper Wills Salesians : DETAILS NOT RECE BANYU1EE 4 .1 7 .3 9 .4 16 .6{102) UNI BLACitS 3 .2 5 .2 6 .5 8 .7(55) Banyule: Tsingaris 6, D Witchell 3, Prior 2 . Baldac, Turnbull, Ca Taylor. Bell, Tuckrnan. Best: D t'.'Itchell . Tsingaris, M Willmore, King . Rothe. Bolduc. Uni Blacks: Ada 3, Tehan 2 . Beaton 2, Hanna . Best: Middleton, Ada, Delahuntv, Carr . Hamilton, Grimmett. OLD . . . )h`L NS 5 .2 9 .8 17 .18 18.191127) BULL T (P 0 .1 0 .2 0 .2 2 .2(14) Old mtoniâ&#x201A;Ź:ns: Austin 6. Johnson 2 . Wilson 2, Alexander R, Alex<'m r D, Alexander C . Dwyer, Herring. Hubbard . Worrell. Mackay M. Best : Austin, Alexander R. Alexander D . Alexander C, Dwver . Johnson . Bulleen Temp: Tsokas, McMahon . Best : Bacciacchio . Frangos. Morrison . Papadopolous, Newman, Tsokas . IV OE ASSUMPTION 1 .0 1 .1 3 .7 6 .9145) P,SOP7ASH BLUES 3 .4 8 .9 14 .11 16 .13(1091 Ivanhoe Assumption : Barbagelto, Aboueid . Ebbage. Duncan, Shemshedin. Frisina. Best: Fintayson, Barbagetlo, Ebbage, Frisina, Conley . Mazocca . Ixlonash Blues : Tickler 4 . Knits 2 . Costley 2, Shields, Mackenzie, Dobson, Edsall, Green, Saunders, Spencer . Wills . Best: Tinkler, Feenaghty, Carey . Mackenzie, Saunders . Costley.
DI Section AQUINAS O .C .
Coach: Phil Davis Res. Coach : Barry Simon 1 N . Gold (Capt) 2 M. Konsky 3 B. Davis 4 M. Dudakov 5 J. Ritterman 6 D . Kalb (Capt Res) 7 G. Samuel 8 E . Raleigh 9 J . Berger 1 0 G. Duke s 11 M . Segal (D.V.Capt) 12 D. G od I enfei n 13 J . Ral ei g h 14 J . Kagan 15 J . Segal 16 E. Janover 17 A. Cukierman (V.C .R.) 18 J. Kirzner (VCapt) 19 G . Bliede n 20 J. Sharp 21 D . Gelbart 22 E . Wollner 23 A . Wollner 24 J . Bram 25 M . Blashk i 26 B . Duzenman 27 A. Spicer 28 A. Zemski 29 P. Bryner 30 A. Lefkovic 31 A. Lewis 32 D. Weislitzer 33 S. Boon 34 A. Lewin 35 J. Lewis 36 J. Israelsohn 37 A. Sapar 38 J. Feldman 39 D . Vanaken 40 D . Onas 41 A. Silver 42 A . Cooper 43 S . Chester 44 J . Getfand 45 A . Godlewicz 46 A . Goldman 47 A. Silver 48 J . Pask 49 A. Lasn'rtzki 50 A. Benedykt 51 Z . Lewsk i 52 D . Norich 53 J. Mordech 54 I . Same 55 J. Kaicer 56 D .Seidl 57 D . Spilberg 58 B. Yudelman 59 R . Rotemberg 60 J . Wajnberg 61 J . Freeman 62 J . Gottlieb 63
; - .i
Coach : Garry Connolly Res: Paul Harper 1 L. Toomey 2 S . Tibb 3 S . Edwards 5 A . Boland 6 M . Parker 7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 11 M . Barmb y 12 A. Bethune 13 D. Den Braber (C) 13 C. Jeffery 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williiams 16 J . Hunt 17 B. Redwood 18 J . Hughes 19 G. Whitehead 20 M . Starre t 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 P. Stone 24 P. Harper 25 P. Sorace 26 R. Weeks 27 D. Hincliffie 28 A. Garish 29 J. Wilson 30 R . Kogelman 31 G . Evan s 32 D . Afford 33 C . Wooden 34 M. Tarull i 35 R . Chapman 36 V. Hall 37 G. Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 S . White 40 S . Harri s 41 G . Davies 42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 J . Tapply 45 M . Riell y 46 T. Vandersluis 47 J. Smith 48 D . McCartan 49 D . Poynton 50 R . Kaa 51 A. Pringle 52 J. Bleakney 53 S . Varone 54 M . O'Hallora n 55 L. Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 L Mackowski 58 T. Leddra 59 B . Cooper 60 P. Scognamillo 62 J . Fitzpatrick 63 A. Barrie 64 T. Nolan 65 S. Haun 67 A. Lewiso n 68 J. Coghtan 72 T. Wills G. Cochrane A . Cullen S . Hiney M . Lant P. Phillips B . Beech S . Dornom J . McMullen P. Paras
BANYULE Coach : Greg WhHaoft Res: John Fraser 1 B. Reed 2 D . Witchell 3 N . Taylor 4 T. Gloury 5 B. Willmore 6 S . Tuckman 7 C . Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 P. Gloury 11 D. Wilso n 12 J . Egan 13 T Ryan 14 B . Woodlock 15 S. Gray 16 M . Gilbert 17 A. Small 18 J. Turnbull 19 N . Sannhol m 20 S. Playfair 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C . Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 L. Richardso n 25 J . Szeremeta 26 H . McDermott 27 A . Nield 28 L Enright 29 P. Smith 30 D. Mutton 2 31 C. i Basset 3 . Natol 33 S. Dean 34 S. Lorenzini 35 L O 'Connel l 36 D . Playfair 37 T. Thompson 38 J . Redfe m 39 A . Hopgood 40 M . Smith 41 T. Prior 42 M . Vanpoeteren 43 L Ferre l 44 S . Yin 45 D. 46 D. Nasrallah 47 J . King 48 D . Rybicki 49 G . Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Boll 52 D . Noonan 53 M . Creak 54 C . Williams 55 D . Williams 56 A . Roethe 57 B . McGregor 58 L. Orton 59 M . Mitchell 60 D. Hassell 61 S. Dowlan 62 T. Jubb 63 A. Plant 64 S. Taylor
Coach : Doug Seed Res .Coach: A Parris 1 J. Prior 2 S . Yates 4 W. Thompson 5 D . Bone 6 A . Tehan 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bone 9 J . Matthews 10 P. Tsokas 11 G . Chivers 12 A. Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 A. Wilke 15 B. Wolnizer 16 S. Smith 17 C . Darby 18 K . Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D. Matthews 24 J . Newman 25 R . Lee 26 S. Boyd 27 J. O'Donnell 28 P. Milesi 29 D . Williams 30 D . Florence 31 L. Norbury 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare s 34 S . Lambro poulo 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 P. Ganiatsis 38 N. Scaglione 39 D. Buccachio 40 A. Foley 41 R. Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M. Daskalou 44 R . Schneider 46 A. Humphrey 47 C . Morivftis 48 A . Morivitis 49 B . Touriganis 50 D. Glove r 53 A. Boyd 60 D. Horvath
I VAN H O E ASSUMPTION Coach : John Matthew Res Coach: Colin McDonal d 1 S. Conley 2 M . Mau d 3 C. Tucker 4 T. O'Neill 5 P. Manue l 6 T. Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J. Shuttleworth 9 E. Healy 10 P.Lee 11 D . Valkanis 12 L. Hull-Brown 13 S. Narkiewicz 14 P. Flynn 15 J . Curtin 16 P. Harris 17 S . Morri s 18 B . Hal l 19 D. Wood 21 N . Blainey 22 N. Shuttleworth 23 D. Ryan 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 P. Camero n 27 J. Finlayso n 28 S. Matthews 29 C . Hocking 30 M. Sloa n 31 T. Lupton 32 L. Pearce 33 S . McGowa n 34 B . Joyce 35 M . Serafin i 36 C. Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 R. Peoples 39 M . Ebbage 40 P. Marti n 41 C. McDonald 42 B. Martin 43 A. Shemshedin 44 A. Pac e 45 A. Iacouangel o 46 M. lacouanget o 7 B4 . Waters 48 R . Toogood 49 Matt Sloa n 50 N . Clark 51 D . Pearc e 52 S . Sampso n 53 M . Chazan 54 E . Newbol d 55 J . Healy 56 S . Saunder s 57 A. Cont i 58 T. Memhet 59 A. Falkers 60 J . Abouei d 61 M. Anderson 62 P. Merory 63 J. Crapper 64 M . Migliorin i 66 J. Rivott-Min s 67 G. Stephen s 68 F. Yaghmoo r 69 J . Mazocc a 70 K . Wise 71 A. Pearce 72 K. Maghame z 73 D. Dummett 74 S . Hall 78 C. Brown
, .;OUA31i BLUES Coach : Tim Powell ,Res: James Shady
1 S. Chapman 2 J. Baxter 3 L. Holloway. . Chessan 4 5 G M. Newman P. Farrar 7 S. Thomson g C . O'Sul wa n 10 Sam Lloyd 11 M. Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 14 B . Merlin 15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Nind 17 J . Mellington . 18 L. Smith 19 M . Sounders 20 M . Edsall y 21 C. Gregor 22 Ti Blac,kle y . Nevlll 23 P 24 Ti Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N. De Young 28 J . Mai n 29 30 L. Creamer . Hawkin 3 s Beddingfield 1 32 SL 33 J. Smith 34 M. Edwards 35 A. Hickey 36 A. Williams 37 J. Bolton 38 N . Brennan 39 M. Smith M. Bolton
41 M . Baton
42 A . Cooper 43 R . Feenaghty 44 S . Grace 45 R . Walsh 46 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 D. Payne so 51 M . Payne 52 N. Mores l 53 J . Pee l 54 G . Dodd 55 I . McCormick 56 57 58 59 B. Carstein 60 61 P. Campbell 62 L . Katts ~ 65 G . Polgase 66 67 68 M. Meehan 69 70 D . Barlow 71 72 B . Green 73 74 P. Westbrook 75 R. Turton 76 77 78 A. Shields 79 80 P. Manohar
Coach: Peter Russo Res. Coach: Jamie Winduss
Turley Re Res Coach: Dave Adam Davey
1 Ti Mitvalsky 2 C. Twentyman 3 R Ball 4 D . Carroll (V.C.) 5 C . Mackay 6 C . Alexander 7 M. McCloskey 8 G . Ferguson 9 W. Ballantine 10 S. Voigt 11 D . Solley 12 C . Dwyer (C.R.) 13 B . Heverin 14 M . Stroud 15 J . Costello (D .V.C .) 16 D . Nock 17 N . L nford 18 T. Boumon (C) 19 A. Palmer 20 D. O'Connor 21 J. O'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A. Drinan 24 A. Acreman 25 B. Fairbanks 26 G . Dart 27 G . Katris 28 D. Kitto 29 A. Carter (D.V.C.) 30 D . Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 L Sunter 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 35 D . Murphy 36 D . Alexander 37 M . Francis (C.R .) 38 P. Stubbs 39 J . Vick 40 R. Alexander 41 S . Cozens 42 M . Basil e 43 G . Hubbard 44 L. Sunter 45 R. Johnson 46 G . Smith 47 G . Herring 48 D. Stevens 49 N. Fisher 50 G . Wilson 51 L . Stephen 52 M. Watts 53 C . Shedden 54 D . Goodbody 55 C . Davis 56 R . Harper 57 Ti Davis 58 P. Appel 61 B . Saunders 64 M . Austin 66 M . Mackay
1 A. Stevens (vc) 2 A. Thain 3 S. Sutherland ( c) 4 A. Healy 5 M. Canavan 6 D . Forer 7 D . Foley 8 S . Logn A . Campbel l 9 0 S . Oldfield (vc) 11 K . Richardson 12 M'~b~ 14 M . Cooke 15 R. Quinn 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D. Barry 19 S . Brown 20 A. Seege r 21 D. Verccillo 22 S. Greety 23 M . Smith 24 A. Grace 25 C . Ryan 26 J. Nannes 27 P. Allen 28 M Byrne 29 D . Ales 30 K. Woodman 31 A. Lucas 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 Ti Nagle 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 M. Fervrerda 39 P. Pitts 40 M. Forer 41 M. Cleary 42 C. Rose 43 P. Evans 44 D. levoli 45 S . Horvath 46 A. Chiappini 47 D. Oldfield 48 J . Logan 49 B. Stinear 50 D. Taylor 51 A. Fdey 52 P. Hanlon 53 E. Maillard 54 S. Porter 55 E. Hanapy 56 M . Loughnan 57 P. O'Halloran 58 S. 59 S. Pans i 60 A. Bates 61 R . Cincotta 62 D . Blake 63 B. Chalmers Bowman 65 B. RB add 66 S . Sinclair 67 D . Sutherland 68 M . Sutton 69 B . Kirchner 70 Mick Forbes 71 R . Mirams 72 C. Hunt 73 A. Kell y 74 A. Dave y 75 R. Nahas 76 P. Turley 77 S . Butler
UHI OLACRS Coach : Paul 0'Shanassy Res Coach : Michael Rizio Club XVIII Ch : Craig Baulch 1 L. Nethercote 2 S . Chandler 3 4 A. Evans 5 R.. Mackie (C) 6 7 S. Jones 8 (C18) B . Watc h 9 (C18) C. Simo n 10 W. Hanna 11 S. Sandiford 12 13 C . Baulch 14 15 16 17 A. Moffatt 18 T. Wilson 19 L. Brown 21 C . Schillingg 23 P. Barry 24 25 26 D . Batten 27 28 P. Otsuka 29 M . Staunton 30 J . Ralph 31 B . Costello 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitchen 34 35 Jas Mirtschin 36 37 A. Gray 39 S. White 40 41 L Rawnsley 43 C . Beaton 44 R . McArthur 45 46 R . Wallace 47 49 R . Dillon 49 (R) Ti Bowers 50 A. Goonan 51 D . Higgin s 51 52 (R) A . Neville 53 D . O'Keeffe 54 M . 55 S . Welche11 57 K . Begely 58 D. Kean 60 J . O'Sullivan 62 F. Purcell 63 J . Weber 64 R. Adams 66 L. Costello 66 (C18) C. Curtis 67 N . Goonan 70 J. Green 71 M Nihill 72 D . Rud d 77 A. Costello 80 M . Tehan 85 B. Weber 86 B . Collins 88 N . Abbott 91 A . Whitlock 93 M . Bulma n 94 A . Powell 96 Jon Mirtschi n 98 M . Beha n
YARRA VALLEY 0 0 Coach : Tim Killwort h Res: Simon Taylo r
1 R . Pearce 2 T. Morris 3 R . Thompson 4 M . Fung 5 A. Drew 6 R . Drew 7 C. Beal 8 L Morri s 9 J. Kee m 10 T. Hancoc k 11 T. Mcllrath 12 J. Cremea n 13 L Gillies 14 E. Kruse 15 N. Pask 16 L Taylo r 17 A. Laing 18 D. Ross 19 J . Strong 20 Ti Hal e 21 D . Stevenson 22 B. Drew 23 R . Yeo 24 M. Davies 25 R . Collet 26 J. Longworth 27 S . Savage 28 B . Reynolds 29 R . Coutts 30 D . Potte r 32 J . Parry 33 P. Cremea n 33 D. Irelan d 34 C. Fraser 35 B . Peake (c) () 36 P. Jarvi e 37 D. Balkshaw 38 G . Morrison 39 J. Thompkins 40 H. Cotsford 41 B. Downs 42 A. Ston e 44 J.Ho q5 A. Windgate 47 S. Colli e 48 R . Davi s 49 S. Seabourne 50 J. Peake 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Pask 54 S . Simpso n 56 Ti Uoy d 58 G. Ker r 59 A. Joine r 60 S . Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Baruma 63 B. Whitechurch 64 D. Smith 65 M . Norrish 68 Ti Collet 71 M . Laing 74 A. Middlin
Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m
n0\arc \rit3tatc ^`iC'i 'Plti tntcfiii'
Then to LW-U' - ., from 6,30pm for reports and a comi,ill-time score servic e 41 ;
'-7A _ ~c - -$1T' a wFth tEar
Scores, chat and news of local VAFA t~~ between 6.00 -6 .15p each Saturda .
': Y 9 .30 - 10 .30 a .m. This we,-L's guest : Simon Theodore (Old _ ._ Abumians Player) 24 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 3
Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
8t---- --- _:â&#x20AC;˘ as(A) , Therry Penols (C), Uai. E i (DI), LaTrobe Usai
Rol-, 9(Ij3), North -.au6-. PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8.00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
Despite being highly competitive aga7 Peninsula and West Brunswick recer_tly, Trobe find themselves having to be~_ . Geelong this week in order to keep their final's hopes alive . La Trobe coach Tony Crisafulli sai :A that the open spaces of Como should suit hi s
C . .r°oy feature in another match of
the round, this "m e ,~ :,inst . There was still a rela : .e c
iosp=iere at BuL2en last week but a ;io~,iej
and discipline in their loss to Bexafleigts. Fitzroy
loss this week would severely hinder their final'~ prospects . The Magpies have battled but stil won despite being without some key player ; recently . The return of Siebrand, Drain an( Sheedy are huge plusses, but OC also expect . OC have more to los( Ibeclostfurngh than West Brunswick, and that might just be th(
like to have numbers behind the ball which wil l
incentive they need to win .
make life difficult for crack forsvard Dave Lee . The CYNiS should regain Simon Phemister an d Dannv Elias . Miserly Fitzroy have won their last three matches, restricting their opponents to eigh t goals or less, and are favoured to continue thei r
What Ed Says : Great wins for Bentleigh an d Oakleigh were thi highlight of the round . Bentleigh not only helpe (
winning ways this week .
and no doubt celebrated long into the night . With the half way mark fast approaching, t h pressure is on both in the middle of the pack a well as at the bottom end . Crunch games thi
fleet-footed youngsters, Old Geelong pushed Fitzroy last round and a repeat performance thi s week will ensure a very even contest . ---'--" coach Dene McLeod was mos t
disappointed with his side's lack of hardnes s
The winless Hrs b^ - held a 16-point lead lat e
in the third quart r, only to be overrun by a more determined Dan Lauletta wa s both a hero and a''ain, kicking six goals but also being sent off during the crucial final quarter. The Hawks have matched up well against Bentleigh in the past and at home will g o
to ease the first bout of relegation fears but als i put a dent in the Willy bandwagon . Oakleigl recorded a memorable come from behind wi i
week! y travel to Williamstown and will b confident of a win . Another loss to Willy will p u
very close to beating them . B eritieigh coach Paul Dimattina was ecstatic at
returning to the winner's list last round . "To say that we needed a win was an understatement, " he said . "It was terrific ." Ben Padgham and
Ryan Fishlock are the most likely of a long list o f injured players to ret^rn this week . The unbeE n rla has another reason to smile with reign' ~ g club champion Tory Truett aiming at a return in the next four to six weeks .
® e igfa coach Chris Moore was not joking when he said that he was looking forward to playing Peninsula. Moore expected a bold showing by his young team . The key he said wa s to get out of the bloc'--, quickh= .
D2 =~_ _'u± sZ . Old Geelong Vickers-Willis Williamstown CYRtS D Le e Fitzroy Reds Tornese Peninsula Payze Peninsula Claringbold Bendeigh Grace D2 RESERVE Perrin Old Geelong Pidoto Fitzrov Reds La Trobe Uni Sanipson Old Carey Guerra Peninsula Prendergast
pack in the middle pack
. Still keen on the
8.1(k5 >1 g.111651 Murray G~ e. nn. Burke . Edwards '9~t G~L§ t, Ha ^s . B2tters, Hender~n . Edwards .. • Ptetsch, i3agnall 57
though- G tn~s of the four al to the _hap b
'-er game critic A l n d Clash. Care i-ie West Brunssvick and Ove y more distanc e to the Westies ;vill p sides outside the four . :ueen the m i, ; ~ passed th-ios e m . il~lyd to g
old ~eelong o rt,pr crunch game is between e Trnbe %ith the losers starting to los
d a few with the four. La Trobef~ ~yoa Old to have dropped oints .s ago seems . ong should be able to get the p turn to home base and Welcom e good win by the demons last Week, A e er injury returns will help to develop som . The Haivks will be velea~ bs to ur0znentum previous Best and Fairest so it Pr o . a great clash. Hawks, maybe
nine in a line will be the call when 1 ~ The pirates hav e la host D~ g ear and th e
5 thrs y from strength to strength . flakleigh cantinue to
_agi~ really rolls on
iprove but face a big ask . A
Id Carey 10 pts La Trobe 6 pis "Fitzroy 12pts Ilentlei!tl lOpts Tcllinsttla 2" ~)ts
Ed (33 ) West Brunswick i l pts Old Geelong 9 pts 17 pis Fitzroy I pt Hawthorn 25 pt s Peninsula
congratulait s on •- ;; ._ and ----ular Senior.player for d has been is reg back eral years and this year decided to step tall y d help the t~o's, but with theand injur assisted naunting, David answered the cal l
. This feat is all the more sp he senior side y David plays in the midfield and runs all da
. Tim is one of the firs ntsenwki and ~d puts his body in pied in our t~vo's and is consi forward o r t d suppor ,,k our . If ~ve nee d e tNell done t o j ob on , . n back, Tim gets incd good luck! an .outDavidnTm
Wes Bruns lc' : v Old Carey Old Geelong v La Trobe Un i Re dWilamstovnC~ur .3ent1 gh s m
Ha~.vthorn A Peninsula 0 F3 v Oaklelgh
.15l751 (Sla 8,14 10 10 g 7 12 .12 18 .14{1221 an ~ partan . James, oPt'4'• SaL 2, T~tarcxJt'Ski 2, Bull T .. . ~' to~n~uics . Betarc~'nskt. • Prendergast S utchir"san, Patt ~3, H T 5_ PalP , Hest: T?ati'S5 . Parsoris S . : 2, T ChrLC Ster~ens Sean Scu11y 1 .3
. 9 taa Daniel `ytl0 15t75) ~. Qauoa (Bi 4 3 .6 5 .8 7 .1 1 a 7 6.10 7 .13(55 1.1 ~~ . mtenDauson. Gainalert . . i ~^e 2, kb`terton .. G biet~ten. old c Tame=~ 3 . S. ;St: Ctarke . Cairns, Daw~ri, Poi j~ . A g Is. Best: T Betts. Paul . . Gri<; is, 3. N Betss, Paul k' G BaY David D'Alte 2 .:,hy . N Betts . Grtf3lths U • 15.1 1001 ) Imo.sitoPalG{)79 3-7 11 .12(781 .9 .7 7 1 .2 5 :s . See . Seelet . Hanciftetd. B`' J . 2 . Ada.c,av 2. : vr , i%d't~•: 6. Lee . ge arr. Henry . o~ . hee e . Bes± J . 'ston, Muns SVnuda. A. f Q aaphes : Paul : ;. Gran, ~t~ ,
n (B I
Q 1281 7.8 9 .12 18 .2 12 .1IX821 7 .9 11 .10 : 3 Butt Kennedy S.KUts Britt S .K[tts Holden arson P,`Ullips Best : ~~: Rob ~i~'+ysto n
4 .4 4 .5(291 23 4 .5 6 .8 6 .11(47 1 . Hapttuts GoaLsTSe~nan 2 . . . . ~ . Htli Smith . 1,R1Watnson. „~, a Be.st 0'Brien . .iicefl , Gct, . Muckenth Hogtdns, =.. . - °~M1uckenUialer GaaSs aler . Hepp~lS, Su~eriand -~prhet . Rudd, O'Brien 0 :1 3 .6 4 .7(31 7 ,c~n. III-V 0 .3 .2&1481 20 0 15 15.2 3 .9 , Hill. Butt, ~OB Best . morons J: Ilrake 4 . Kanstantinidis . Parsons A 3. C C 7: Bull N 2 Co~~n . 2tin~, Cool, L~;cxx9 F=M A ' 13 GB'. Duntte 2 Gt~~tn, P. sth 2, Godtirarp 2 . tv1cA{aktan . Parsons J 3 . StaSnio M1111 son J, Ce+?tilan J h5ct'-9on, Tom~si Best: Tatlc'a,
. Best: VS~'tue, k{~iotries, -- 2, tan B€ri*e12 . ~`irti:e . Ccak G~e1oz~ old ~dreti~,s. Cool:. ~'e : JotinKtone SSl aer`_~ . A en . tone . B,.st wope.3 7 .3(451 2 .0 7 3 .0 14 .17t101 1 2 .1 7.6 8-~ . KenncdY . Hayes, CateBr~r~~4 . Buttlgae o3. 3 . Kapstschins'ta : ~ Gr~. Buttigseg. A" Crav~n . &.n'-s, Stanes.'h*a~si . Best: StreeL BI p,,nsan 2 . Di Graz~ . in~.nts Pb . lies, ;~ .8 4.50 6.14(5D) 3~' 9 12V661 , 1 .4 4.8 6.11 :Hunt S . .papadopaulos 2 h7outis Brawn Best n.?apyd }> 2 Keetlr~ P Laoke Brunt 2 S oud 2 e opoulas Ker ' : Siroud Ruzict ;a CoVAns Ruzicka Harker I~tcDonald Houareau Best 27
Cc :h t eve 7,1 F, k S' 1 C . Suarp 2 D . Ferguson 3 A. Pi ....,? 4 S. Sice 5 M . Eyles 6 R . Weber 7 J . Robertson 8 J . Handrield 9 I . Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D . Martin 12 N . Aitken 14 B. Reid 15 S. Grace 16 L. Airey 17 C . Martin 18 S. Adaway 18aM. Walker 19 B. Clark 20 R . Fishlock 21 A. Graham 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlan e 24 L. Holmesby 25 D . Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M. McCulloch 29 H . McKenzie 30 A. Miksad 30aD . Kopitschinski 31 S. Craven 32 A. Strauch 33 P. Withington 34 M. Pirie 35 L. Ireson (C) 36 M. Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . Beattie 39 G . Prigg 40 J . Harbottle 41 J . Have 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 A. Ferris 44 G . Holland 45 46 R . Lawford 47 M . Scanlon 48 P. Dimattina 49 L. Vivona 50 A. Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 A. Banks 54 R . Coyle
area :ane Gr= Box
1 A. Collins 2 G . Broadley 3a A. Knott 3b N. Patterson 4a S. Stevens 4b B. Glover ~ B. Avery 5b T. Kerr Ba P. Avery
I D. Hannarn £ : B . Ho tead 2 b A . Walsh 3 S . Dibenedatto 4 B . Pollard 5 P. Dia ior9is co9 6 D. Curtis 7a S . Andrew 7b L. Byrne 8 A . Byrne 9a H . Fletcher 9b C. Prior 10 A. Urbanic 11 B . Atherton 13 S . Pidotto 14 T. Clarke 16 G . Crane 17 B . Lee 18 M . Baker
7 C. Alexander
8 J. Cargil ; 9 R. Ogge
10 P. Orchard 11 M . Pollack 12b A. Tsoumbaris 13a J .Mur h y
13b J . Povey 14a D. Lauletta 14b T. Fitzpatrick 15 M. Tyson 16 C. Ree d 17 B. Ruzicka 18 P. Phillips 19 J. Law 20 S. Parker 21 K. Brockman 22 C . Habel
19a C. Andrew
19bC. Quinn 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. iveighan
23 L Collins 24 J. Jackomonis
22 C. Sullivan' 23 D. Knowles
25 M. Zaverella 26 N . Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T. Crivelll 29 P. Barker 30 31 32 33 P. Stroud 34 R . Johnston 35 S. Davies 36 A. West 37 M. Daou 38 B. Bruns 39 G . Cade 40 P. Rossitto 41 J. Bogie 42 D . McGlenchY 43 I. Chepa 44 B. Alder 45 B. Mountain 46 T O'Hanlon 47 D . Lahiff 48 A . Brick
24 A. Parsons 26 C. Temperley 27 J . Tornese 29 V. Cahill 30 C. Little
31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S . Drury 34 S . Herceg 36 M . Reeves 38 A. George 40 G . Bence
42 I . McBurney 45 J . Bennie 46 D. Timm 51 J . Rawlings
53 S . Addicott 54 J . Parsons 57 R. Rome 61 G . 1frtu e 62 N. Auden 67 R. Holderhead 73 J . Bare 76 P. Everard 77 A . Grillo 97 D. Ronchi
49 N . Tierne y 50 J. Gourley
51 S. Signorini 52 C . Frost 53 M. Preston
54 J. B-rry 55 A. Saull e 56 M. Coglan 57 B. Collins
55 G . Richards
56 C . Aitken 57 A. Cantsilieris 58 T. Caterson 59 S. Kennedy 60 R. Punter 61 J . Perrone
. . '
r, :,7t"G f ; ., . °
. ~ . .. _ . . . , . ..-. . ,_ . .
Co , : Tyson F C-,-.-h : Ed Sill
. . .. .
58 T Dixon 59 A. Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M. Gray 62 A. Johnsen 63 D . Keal y 64 N . Kudeweh 65 G . LilYwhite 66 C . Lorenz 67 S. McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A. Patton 71 S. Williams
` . .,}~zF
72 M. Waller 73 J. Williams 75 E. Sill 76 C . Pickett 77 A. Smith
78 D . Carter 28
Coo ins Moore Coach : Tony Crisafulli R : David Huffer 1 P.Morton 2 S.Fredrickson 3 D .Sheldrick 4 N.Dunne 5 S.Adamswafte 6 M .Watson 7 S.Burke 8 M .Carrenti 9 LWalker 10 S.Davi .Harris s1 D 11 A.Murray
13 P.Moon 15 S.Brooks 16 A.Brennan 17 J .Brodie 1 A.Hew tt 19 S.White 20 A.Murphy 21 D.Edmunds 22 S.Wilcock 23 S.Craig 24 S. Edwards 25 M .Fanning 27 S.Pruscin o 28 C.Rass 29 A.Randell 30 J.Smith 31 R.Man n 32 S.Gemmola 36 TMawdsley 40 R .Slater 42 D. Gleeson 43 A.Poulton 44 S.Linehan
45 D.McMeekin 47 A.Samso n 50 K.Hopkins 54 TPeters 55 A.Cummings 56 J.Niel d 57 A.Woolmer 63 J.Laidlaw 70 J.Dumaresq 75 S.Getlert A.Baille R .Baker A.Benton S.Bland C .Bowden T.BuIIen S.CISord B. Clutterbuck M.Cotsopoulos H .Davies N .Dejanovic M.Donohu e TDuggan S.Dumsday J.Elliott J.Eyr e P.Farrant C.Franci s D .Gilmour J Griffin D .Hill R .Hosking D .Hutfe r S.Jacf:son D .Kerrison C .Kne e g, Launikonis J Levy P.Lias TLqhtfoot A.Mann P fiMqcNamara M.Milla r B. O'Connor X.0'Donnell S.OTool e D .Patience S.Patterson M.Paul l B.Phillis
Rc- . C cn : Pat MeKenna 1 2 A. Bloomfiel d 3 D. MacKenzie (VC)
4 B. Varkatzos 5 C. Kokkino s 7 M . Short 8 R. Marshal l
9 J. Mouti s 10 R. Mitchell 11 C. Hanley
12 R. Dooley 13 D. Britt 14 P. Malcol m 15 G . Redford 16 M . Bel l
17 L . Curtain 18 J. Connellan 19 R. Keating 20 J. Tolley 21 A. Perdikomati s 22 S. Ea r 23 J. Kerley
24 S. Kitts 25 C. Marshal l 26 A. Kitts C ~ } 27 G . Smit h 28 B. Anderson 29 D. Sowersby 30 P. Holden 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J. Brown 33 M . Clark 34 B. Evans 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 P. Torpey 38 S. Cammiss 39 A. Mulhollan d 40 J. Gae l 41 M . Cash 42 S. Dalton
43 B. Gan t 44 N. Smit h 45 G . Chapma n 46 B. Nguye n 47 M . Stevenson 48 A. McKenzie 49 S. Collins 50 P. Papadopoutos 51 L . Kennedy 52 C. Cook e
53 T. Hunt 54 0 . Parton 55 A. Goo k 56 J. Pag e 57 P. Illman 58 E. Bennett
59 B. Pa do~ulos 60 M . Vo gsykeo 63 A. Ju ry 64 M . O9ilvie
A.Place C .Porte r H .Russel l P.Stewar t J.Thom R .Walker J.Waterma n tj THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
C. Angus (c)
2 D. Faelis No ) 3 M . Cohen 4 D. Jame s 5 P. Konstantinidis 6 C. Campbell (c) 7 R. Oppy (vc) 8 M . Can n 9 B. Andrews
10 K Shrive s
'it N. Everett 12 C. Davey 1 3 B. Hutchison 14 M . Mahon 15 N. Bull 16 R. Graham 17 A. Parton 18 B. Chiuchiarelli 19 T Wood 19 P. Drake (Cr) 20 J. Raftopoulos 21 T. Collins 22 C . Battle 23 C . Pattende n 24 P. Unkles 25 L . Chiuchiarelli (vcr) 26 A . Woo d 28 D . Biondo 29 C . Munro 30 A . Guerra 31 J. Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . Englan d 34 H . Thoma s 35 S . Hard y 36 S . Wood 37 S .Jessup 38 L. Guerra (vcr) 39 C. O'Reilly 40 S . Angu s 41 A. Gates (cr) 42 P. Busse 43 D. Joyc e 44 N. Detarczynski 45 T. Bul l 46 H. Giannikos 50 J . White 51 R. Hall 55 J . Boa g 58 J . Boncher 59 C. Mason 62 P. Tompkins 64 C. Smit h 65 D. Elsner 67 C. Hickey 68 S. Hart 69 0 . Wincheste r 70 J. Marshal l
71 S. Feehan 74 S. Mees 75 C. Smit h 76 D . Grinzi 77 B. Spedding 82 D . Paul
Coach: Michael Lockman Res : Ben Dun n
Cs- ln : Jun Dill Rc . Coach: Brian Cronin
1 S . Maloney 2 S . McMahon 3 J . Fitzclarence 4 C. Sticnchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 J . Bel l 7 J . Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 D. Salter 10 M . Avery 11 L. Stevens 12 N. Perrin 13 S . O'Brien 14 D. Taylor 15 H. McCarthy 16 T. Fallaw 17 M . Goldsworthy 18 J. Malpas 19 B. Grills 20 S. Cole 21 N. Bayne 22 J. Fitzgerald 23 C. Fairburn 24 A. Munro 25 G . Leishman 26 S. Lansdell 27 W . Paul 28 T. Carey 29 G . Allan 30 M. Stevens 31 T. Woolley 32 N . Betts 33 T. Paul 34 B. Yates 35 P. Johnstone 36 T. Ayerbe
I S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M. Goldthorp 4 E. Bowe n 5 N . Kent 6 M. Warne , 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angu s y 9 M. Dentr 9 P. Krohn (res .) 10 A. Haley 11 J. Sill 12 S. Ferguso n 13 B. Coo k 14 S . Whit e 15 J. Davi s 16 S . Claringbold 17 J. Coghlan 18 M . Merric k 18 J . Whelan (res.) 19 A . McKinstry 20 S . Prendergas t 21 A . Teelow 22 A . Atchison (C) 23 A. Powne y 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchison 26 A. Murphy 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylo r 29 S . Toross i 30 A. Crean 31 B. Grant 32 B. Liuzzi 33 R. Stainforth 34 M . Falkiner 35 T. Trewhitt 36 N . Claringbold 37 J. Growcott 38 T. Coghla n 39 S. Barbe r 40 B. Mitchell 41 A. Udott o 42 M. Barron 43 B. Dunn e 44 C . Maclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 D . Brennan 47 L. Palmer 48 G. Lethbridge 49 A . Minchin 50 P. Arnol d 51 L. Gilder 52 J . Zarb 53 S . Jay 54 D. Porra 55 R. Cannon 56 A . Tunks 57 S . Smith
37 T. Betts 38 M . Leslie 39 S . Clarke 40 H . Legoe 41 P. Winter 42 A . Kettle 43 D . O'Brien 44 A . Dhillon 45 S . Morgan 46 L. Knight 47 M . Strauch 48 S . Greed 49 S . Grfiihs 50 L. Teague 51 J . Kilpatrick 52 J. Lagoa 53 T. Bayles 54 T. Daniel 55 D. Harris 56 A. Meek 57 J. Huxter 58 B. Bn eren 59 D . Brueren 60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes 62 J. Morley 63 D . Huggins 64 X. Fitzgerald 65 A. McLachlan 66 R . Merriman 67 T. de Steiger 68 H . Browning 69 T. Mayhall 70 J. Col e
Cc ~tc Ju"-,i Siebrand __,: Dan i Shr_;~ 1 M Drain l A Hamilton 2 P. Hamilto n 3 G . Heppell 4 C . Lehmann 5 A. Cannane 6 S. Pietsch 7 S. Benjamin 8 P. Batters 9 A. Morphett 10 S. Byrn e 11 H . Bailey 12 B. Clarke 13 M . Ritchie 14 P. Norman 15 M . Russel l 16 P. Hamsfr Maguire 17 R . Heywoo d 18 M . McManus 19 M . Shelton 20 T. Houlden 21 S . McNamara 22 A . Steward 23 G. Leah y 24 J . Jenkin 25 J . Siebrand 26 R. Benjamin 27 D. Disisto 28 J . Ward 29 C. Sheedy 30 M . Lewis 31 S . Edwards 32 M . Carmichael 33 T. Thompson 34 1 . Twyford 35 D. Jelbart 36 S . Campbell 37 T. Dempsey 38 S. Darling 39 R . West 40 R. Baker 41 R . Touzez 42 C . Norman 43 J. Tobin 45 J. Smith 46 A. Blench 47 A. Thompson 48 M. Moore 50 A. Bagnall 51 L . Sherry 54 D . Coonan 61 K . Hilton 62 S . Dishon 63 J . Gartlan 64 L. Stewart 69 R . Hussey 70 D . Weston 71 M . Brookshaw 75 P. Brunt 85 T. Gross
3 C< :ameron iv?cKenzie 2 J . Bu igieg . Wouda 3D 4 S . Wuchatsch 5 T. Wheeler 6 N. Grant 6 D. Grieve 7 B. Robinson 8 B. Hann 9 J . Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 B. Twis t 12 A. Featherston 13 A. Mackley 14 J. Wyatt 15 J. Tinham 16 S. Phemister 17 M. Kennedy 18 D . Oldham 19 S. Barlow 19 P. Dervan 20 P. Geraghty 21 L . Monkhurst 22 J. McCutcheon 23 B. Joseph
24 C . Poch 25 G . Burgess 25 P. Thomson 26 D . Lee 27 B . Grant 28 A . Kosmatos 29 B . Giffin 30 Kirk Dov=sey 31 C . Gauci 32 A . idcCutcheon 33 T Boz 34 S . Jones 35 C. Bergin 36 M1A .Imms 37 B . Hynes 38 J . Hynes 39 A. Carter 40 S . Jamieson 41 A. McKenzie 42 D. Elias 43 C. Poc h 44 M, Manning 45 J . Digrazia 46 M . Sime 47 B. Koch 48 t3 .O'Flynn 49 J. Robinson 50 A. Scares 51 M . Saunders 52 B. Jones
53 J. Street 54 P. Tirchett 55 R . Nisbet 69 S. Freeman
58 P. Manga n
59 S . Foss 60 S . McMahon 69 J . Muir
75 P. James 76 H . Peck 77 C . Pritchard
The eet) ill open vv)en there are no matche s for Els' :r ark No . 2 vval . When pa : . . . .i6 iinc the u.-a - .nd please park in a manner that would allo cars around to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce ?`c`~ets at the gates will be counted and the clut invoiced = .rcnrdinok+ . Clubs are iss -~ ~n E}prc l= er of tickets for players and officials . ThE
QaL ;aion: Name the 11th,12th and 13th Pr-- Jidents of the W .F,~ ;. Last week's winner to collect prize from VAFA offices (Jarrod Carlson, Greensborough) Answer : The captain of the AWAY team shall call THE FALL OF T' : COIN ." (6 Words) Answer., Fill out the answer and contact details (to the left) and mail to YOUR NAME : 1 3Elsternwiek 3185" ADDRESS : by noon Tuesday folio, _ the match for your chance to win . PHONE : THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 21 M`â&#x153;&#x201C;Ps receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.
Oiei i1 I uu :째 . a at ., scored a u , - ci4^ieiory again - or~,plaet,=u:db .,(burnit Iebioc ., trailed 2~pts to 3pts at half time but in a >tatin third term kicked 7 .2 to 2.1 . The last quarter was cry tight, O .H 1 .2 to 2.2 to see the Bloods in front at the final siren 11 .12(78) to 11 .9(75) . Best were Home, Lappa ~e, A .Hilton . A.' :Jden (5 goals) O .H and Holme, Eabry, McMullin (O *4) Un :Psres were Anthonv Damen, Jamie Kvins (Field) Tim Dods, Greg Shilo (Boundary) and Reno Barichievich, "'nie Hoare (Goal) . Old Mentonians saluted Adam Acreman on 200 games and along the way reaching 800 goals (we ^'i know ~e kept on kicking them and got to the magical 1)0) . In the replay of last year's D se, )n d final Beaumaris continued their domination of old one, S 4 .14(158) to 12 .16(88). Best were Martin, iti,cholson, :fdichell (Beau) and Farrer. Davison, Welsby (Old Geelong) . It was congratulations and commiserations to Michael Fung. Yarra Valley's first player to reach 100 games, and then misfortune, a knee injury and then out for the season . "Umpire's corner" interviewed Bob Dunstan who was celebrating his 800th garne, 157 field, 643 goal . Bob noted Colin Wills as the best umpire he'd seen, and his best players, Ian Merrick, of Coburg, in the 50's, and Michael Yeo, Uni Blues. in the 80's . U .H .S .O .B (E White) looked certainties at the last chance to retain their position in the four with victory at te expense of seventh placed Fitzroy Reds . The Brunswick St boys stormed home, kicking 5 .2 to 2.1 to win by 7 points. Best were Wharf, P .Jackson. Farrell (Reds) and McLennan, Major, Pfeiffer(UHSOB ) Monash Gryphons maintained their unbeaten record in F with a 27 point win over fifth placed West Brunswick . Best were full forward Tim Gilchrist (9 goals) full back John Blandford, Hetherington, and for W . P.Hamilton, and C & M Malone .
Unbeaten U 19 section teams Old Paradians and Old Xaverians but if it was a"whitewash" with the Xaverians winning 10 .27(87) to 3 .8(26) . F section coaches were Gary Forsyth (SNZ Albert Park) Martin Hook (Eley Park) P .Slacik (Eltham Old Collegians) Peter Tyson (Ha thorn Amateurs) Gary R, an C Tonash Gr--~hons) Jeff i'tnrrham (Syndal TaPY he) Stephen Flc .ch~r rriiJackson (West
linn 1 p
to a go 'I early
u asa~ not i o i(l 1-i- Ulu uurnians, and then held on to win by ~ points, 11 .13 ii9) to 9 .21 (75) to inflict '째lburnians' :rst cfeat . T':,e top fonvards on each side , Adam Acreman and Scott Teal, were each kept to a solitary goal by Tony W itts and Darren Murphy . Other good players were D . Sollev, G . Dickson, G . Stroud (for the winners) and "Mhii" Thompson and Zani Usienov ( for the losers). Would Mazenod be the only senior team to reach .the half way mark undefeated ?
St Bernards, just out of the four in Under 19 section 1, scrambled home by I point, pushin g De La down to third position . It was a great last quarter by the Aberfeldie boys as they kicked 4.3 to De La's shockingly inaccurate 4 behinds . Best were S. Chatfield, B. Rogers . M . McIntyre (St B's) an d Milizia, Sparrow, Smith (De La Sa lle). 'E' Section coaches were Alan Q uaife (ANZ), Dave McCormack (Aquinas). Andrew Smythe (Bulieen United), Peter Purcell ( Elstermaick), Bernie Rafferty (Glenh), 34
Graeme Ewart ( Old Camberweil), John McEntee (Oid Ess) an dSergD'Anlo( . tLeos) Who coaches Power House? 'Fl' Section field umpires were Adam Kiel, Trent Fol Garrv Waldron, Matt Cox, Joe Ischia, Clarke Thuys, Knight, Ron Smith, Brad Smith ( on rotation) and L . Woods . St Mary 's congratulated Fran k 'Roger' O'Rourke and Pau] Malcolm on their 200 games . The club, on top 9n'Fl' had to struggle hard for three terms a~ainst Old Carey, and then finished well to win 17 .21 tol .8 . Best were Black, Huebner, Binyon (St . M) and Drever, Mcguie, Dyson (Oid Carey) .
Ken reamer as coach and De an Comer captain of the CF ; c, '.on -. m .o play in Adelaide. ~iceston for the 18th AAFC Carnival . The
ii was tln .lty named on Thursday night and had a light
training run on Friday night with the departure to be on Sunday morning . Saturday lunchtime, Frank Gleeson, the number one rover, rang coach John Fisher to say his shoulder had stiffened up and would be unable to play. The coach, one of whose reat qualities was his capacity to consult and listen not contact the other selectors and had to make a unilateral decision, and picked Paul Crotty as the replacement. Paul however had gone to Gunbower for the weekend with his Therry teammates, and it had been quite a trip up there . Contacted about 4pm, Paul decided, to be sure he would not be over .05 to not leave until about 10pm. Perhaps he was over the limit - on the way back he ran out of petrol at L'Jallan, and had to ring his brother to come and collect him . Anyway he was at Tuliamartne on Sunday morning looking bright and proved to be a wonderful morale building team member, full of energy and good humour . The team was Phil Kingston (Orm . C). Robert Fuller (Old Scotch VC), Dominic Spillane (Old Parad), Paul Holdsworth (De La Salle), Russell Barnes (Orm), Mark Beers (Old Parad), Scott Taylor (Orm), Stephen Moloney (NOB), Terry Yorm (Fawk), John Moir (Old Sc), Paul Schuhkraft (Orm), Richard Schober (Coll), Paul Crotty (Therrv), Nick Macauley (Uni Blues), Tony E an (NOB). Paul Cox (Orm), Paul Considine (NOB -is fourth carnival), Andrew Jobling (Orm), Owen Abrahams (Old Parad), Paul Matton (Therry), Brett Burden (Kew), Peter Drummond (Old Sc .), Andrew Smith (Old Scotch) . QUIZ: One player had already won an 'A' Section B & F, one plover won the 1988 'A' B & F and another won the 19888'B&F.
Can you name them? The selectors were Noel Rundle (Chairman), Noel Stokes, Neil Pivetta and Steve Hibbert who was also team manager and runner, Brian Costello and Barry Richardson were doctor and physic, while Alex Johnson looked after the clock .
It was a great start on the Monday morning with a 23 point win over a verv determined Western Australia in the first game for the day - a greasy ground and then rain in the second half. The team led 7 .6 to 3 .5 at half time and after an even second half won 11 .14 to 7.5 .
Best in a real team effort were Brett Burden in the back THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
.Ioir solid in the ruck, Owen Abrahams . creative o n
De La (B) after 5 straight losses, beat Uni Blacks by 1 point and then continued their revival with a 13 goal win over Old Scotch . Mitchell (8 goals), M& B Bourke (De La) and Sloan, Addison, Anderson (Old S.) were best .
I ; ;ul Schuhkraft 3, Terry Young 2 . Paul Motion and ~hil
150 games to Russell Abernethy (Brunswick), Don Straehan (West Brunswick) and 200 games to Graeme Templeton (Old Brighton), Bill 'Jet' Jackson (ANZ Bank) . Ron Bungey bccame first Old Mentonians to reach 100 games.
who showed enormous courage marking the ball .
f forward flank, and then very busy in centre . Phil on fi erce as ever on the wing, Nick Macauley, a of the pack rover and Rick Schober, cool an d we as ever at full back . Goals came from Tony Ega n
VAFAUA were represented at the Carnival by Pau l
,field), '?ark Setting (goal) . ,t-ard winners were John Fsl(r f :ew, State Coach),
Hibbins (Collegians, 220 games, Club President), Bil l I : (Thomastown Foundation P,iember. President for 1 4
â&#x20AC;&#x17E;), Tim Naughton (Mareeliin, Secretary 15 years, an d
Life Member) . Bill Phillips (Clayton, Club Secretary 21 rs) and Graeme Templeton (Old Brighton, 251 games , imittee member 22 years).
followin were selected from CDEF section t o present V A against Tasmania in Hobart . (St Kevins Rick Brockwell (W . Bruns . Q . Peter Hannan OB, VC), Sam Asseta (T'town), Peter Brown (F'kner), Har ry (St Kilda), Bri an Clark F'kner), Charlie Capiron Busst ( (p`slde), Chris Doyle ( Pen OB), Craig Fliegeltaub ( MHSOB), an t (0. Brighton), Gary David Gregory ( B'elava), Peter Gr Jones (M SOB), John Paul Jones ( Hampt . Rov), Mark Lynch ( St Pius), Andrew McHarg (0 . Carey) . David O'Shaughnessy (0 . Trinity) . David Payne ( Nth . Bruns), Alan Smith (West Bruns), Neville Schmidt (0. Hail), Fre d
Stafford (P. House), Leigh Swan (Clayton), Kevin White (St Kilda). The team coach was former Power House great peter Hutchinson .
After an even first term . Victoria were too strong, winning 27.15.177 to 15 .10 .110 . Best were Brock-well, McHarg, Assetta, White . Gregory, P. Brown .
The team was capably managed by Messrs . Rundle and DIlon, assisted by Nugget Stephens . Rick Brockwell led t1` I, in an exciting manner, both on and off the field . Cl i :b nistory, was made at St Kilda CBCOC when !(,!III White ran onto the field to be the first player in the Ciuo s hi=io ry to play 300 games . Committeeman for 17 ycars, president 1976-7-8 ; best and fairest, captain, top goalkieker - all from 5'10" an d barely 10 stone, the club was proud of John White and hoped that talk of retirement was premature . Top~oalkickers for the round were 'A' O'Connor ( NOB) 35, B' arvey ( Parkside) 29, 'C' Bromley (A'ton) 49 . 'D' Sykes (P' House) 57, 'E' I . Henderson (AIviP) 43 . 'F' Hayman (T'bury) 27, 'Junior 1' Richardson ( NOB) 33. 'Junior 2' P. Greene ( De La Salle) 61 .
150 games to veteran fu ll back Peter Murphy Ormond . a member of the club's 'A' Section Premiershi p teams in 1971, 1972 and 1973, an d to Old Paradians Tony Johnson, captain in 1978, who joined the club in 1968 as a member of the last group of recruits from "The Old Bluestone Pile" and was a team member of that year's Junior Section premiership team . Old Haileybury tipped Old Paradians out of the 'B' Section four with a 3 point victory , gained by straight kicking compared to the losers' inaccuracy. Paradian s were a bit C kicked unlucky as goalless at half-time. 0 .7 to7 .2 they 11 .10 to 6 .6 the second half . Best were Cocks, orrigan, Boris (Old Hailcv) an d Roe, McCarthy, C. Hughes ( OP) . No Andrew, I could not find you among the best players or coaikickers .
Reservoir Old Boys ( B) were held to a drz c by Old Carey in a thrilling finish to the game at Elsternwiek Park . This put an end to Reservoir's run of 26 wins in succession . Best were M . Cooke, Hutchins . Birrell, Freem an (Old C .) an d Bates, R . Shepherd and Ruinin a(ROB). It was a great comeback by ROB as they trailed Old Carey by 7 goals at If time .
'A' Section underwent an other shuffle - University b1-(1 ,s and Kew, on top, were beaten and tumbled out of tLe four, their places being taken by University Blues an d Old Paradians . Four teams were now level, with pride of place going to Caulfield Gramm , who had a 4 .7% margin over Coburg . Coburg were 7 goals in front of Kew at half time but Kew fought back to go down by only 3 points in a high, scoring e. Coburgs strut ht shooting ( 16.5) savehe day, C for Coburg were A . Beattie, Garfe . T . Salter ( 5 goals) an d for Kew, Taylor, Lister and Hiscock. The 150 games marks were reached by Parkside life member, Albert "Rags" Bolger an d Elsternw7ek's Graham Holmes. Bill Beasley, Old Geelong, celebrated his 21st birthday by tting the Club vote for the second week in succes sion . I Ormond ( B Section), Foots . II ' in(,, fe<: ,, d team's v, Tech ( C Section), A`.SP Society ( E Section) and Old Paradian l~ Jun .or s - iu 11 2 I.
In an ur.s : . ineonsistct Y: . .n ;rton Rovers toppled 'B' Section lead: r Uni Blacks . Rovers played tight football to record Blacks first defeat in a low scoring game played in unpleasant conditions . Best were Wilson . Kennedy. C . Adamson (H. Rovers) and Tuohy. Walker and J. Winneke . Interstate team to play S .A . was announced . G . Hibbins Coll, was captain and other members were : J . Whitfield Alph ., A. Roberts Coburg, R. Daff, J . McDonald, M . Rush Coll., R . Burt, B . Heather Ivanhoe, N . Stokes Kew, J .F. Nelson MHSOB, D . Morris Old Melb ., I . Law O . Scotch, A . Capes. P. Slattery Old Xavs., D . McMillan Ormond . L . Grant Power House, G . Sturgess . G . Watson SSB, J . Winneke U . Blacks, D . Shaw U . Blacks, I Mort (Kew) . QUIZ : Three members of the team went on to play in Hawthorn's 1961 VFL premiership team, another to play over 150 games for Essendon, another to play league football in WA for Claremont and later become President of Footscray . Can you name them ? Mr . J .B . Cordner and Mrs J .S . McCann were man ager and
assistant manager and Ray Martin of Kew was coach, hav ng replaced Mr Joe Kelly who had withdrawn on m ,'(tIf Ar1vlCP _ Doug Arnold ( Hampton Rovers) an d '=ike Fitchett (Old Scotch) , ere appointed captain and vice captain respectively of the Carnival team to play in Perth . It was the day for the undefeated to lower :heir colours . Coburg downed Old Melburnians - OM's were 32 points down at three quarter time an d just failed by 2 points while Balwyn annihilated Parkside IM . 110 to 8 .7 .55 . 'B' Section captains were Colin Macdonald Uni Blues, Peter Murphy Old Xavs ., P . Melville Bah* yn ., Gordon Miller SS Bank . Ken James Comm . Bank, V. Scarf Parkside Who captained Elsicrnwick?
1998 - Andrew Smith ( Old Scotch) won 1985 'A' B&F, John Moir and Bruce Burden won 1998 'A' and 'B' best and fairests . 1958 - Ian Law, John Mort, John Winneke - played in Hawthorn's first VFL flag - in 1961 ; David Shaw went on to play over 150 games for Essendon an d later club p resident in 1993 ; Tony Capes played for Claremont and later became club president of Footseray .
A couple of more surprises sees some prominent shifts in ladder positions, but Swinburne continue to dominate, and I continue to be rubbish in the tips . At least some things never change . . . . . REVIEW It was a terrible day for footy at St . James Park with a swirling breeze that favoured the Burwood Road end, where the stifling Syrr+l' - defence had their hand full . No Higgins with the much praiseu S = unit for the Razorbacks, but Ni -chie was forced to work hard for his return of three goals in his contest with . The Smners also missed big names like Merest Cachia . Rutter and Henderson, but can take heart from the form of Hallisey, Brown and Richardson . South Melbourne Districts were caught in a i' irrakane as the brothers George and Jason helped Gryphons swamp the visitors nine goals to nil in the final quarter of their match at East Caulfield F~erve to win by 71 points . Chris "Showstopper" Leeton was sensational and kickeds fanpl~o of goals ghta~ewillabde talked about by GrYA h Adrian Flowerday was great also . Werribee jumped out to a useful lead at quarter time it could against St . John's OC at Soldiers Reserve,. but have been more if not for wayward kicking JOCs were not able to use their turn with the win to any great advantage, and despite outscoring the Bees in the final . Keogh and the term, lost by 37 points . Carson, Green consistent CzaJowski were amongst the best for the home side . In other matches, Rrrpertswood hammered Power House, the Piranhas not scoring their first major until the last quarter, while Rupo had five players with at least four goals . Also, Eistcraeaieh scored a handsome win on the road to Kew . Usual suspects Cullen . Looker and Jaunt worked hard for the Ks, but the Wicks were too strong up forward . PREVIEW B' bume make the journey to Lindsay Hassett Oval to face a South Melbourne Districts side he ll bent on bouncing back and preserving their now tenuous hold on a final four spot after their drubbing at the hands of Monash last round . If Higgins returns for the Razorbacks, it will definitely make life harder for the Bloods defence, while Adrian Fidler has arguably been the form midfielder of the competition in recent weeks . Souths seem to be a different aninial at home, however, as evidenced by their tough win over Rupertswood last month . However, I think e S~, :'nburne's biggest opponent this year will b complacency . Srinburne to %% : in .
t; l .ick off their ( ^--_ ;~ four e long road trip at Elsternwick Park No. 2 against i`-:e " -â&#x20AC;˘ both teams bouyant after key wins last time out . The Bees are quite sound defensively, but have been disappointing in front of the posts at times this season. On the other hand, the Wicks have shown some firepower up front on occasions this year, but have tended to let them in by the bucketful up the other end . I'm going to stick my neck out for once and tip Elsternwick. I think at home, with a week off, . they'll be fresh and firing . Elsternwick for mine Syndal Tally Ho host Kew at Jordan Reserve keen to return to the winner's circle and keep in touch with the four . The Synners missed three of their big names last round who might well have made a difference to last week's outcome, while Kew are now at the crossroads, where the result of today could decide whether or not they are still in the hunt for finals or battling to avoid relegation (remembering the teams in the bottom two have a better percentage) . I feel that Syndal have more to look forward to here today, especially pending the return of some star players, so 1'1l plump for the Synners today . Power H ouse entertain Monash Gryphons at Ross Gregory Oval, scene of the 2002 Round 18 relegation battle (that never was, courtesy of Parkside's subsequent withdrawal from the VAPA) . The Gryphs won that day by s,r,oals, and that still remains fresh in the memory of a lot of the Ihonash players . The
... .+.s .v, : Swinburne Murchie 3 46 Rupertswood Burrowes 7 384 Svrinburne Higgins 4 0 24 2 Monash Gryphons Malon e 0 Rupertswood Whitehead 0 2 D3 RESERVE 20 Jordan 2 Rupertswood 15 South Melbourne Dist W Rosowski 14 0 Werribee Harding 0 13 e Pov ;r Hous 12
Syndal Tally Ho Thompson
Arena 4
iions rocketed into the four on the back of thei r tic win against South Melbourne a fortnigh t t by contrast, the Piranhas will hope the break sh them mentally and physically after thei r t,ndhlg from Rupo last time out . The home side are an identical situation to that match, playing a team „ ]-Ily one win, but a stack of percentage, ahead of tem . Whilst I'm not saying that Monash will win by ;0 goals. I am saying they should win . Monash. St . John's OC and Rupertsevood meet at Thomas , arroll Reserve in an intriguing contest . The second htst JOCs are still one of only three teams with a ercentage of over 100, but play one of those other t~ams today, the freewheeling Rupertswood . In the rast, Thomas Carroll was a daunting place to play, but this myth has been well and truly shattered thi s ear. Rupo though sitting second with a healthy itercentage, have been inconsistent at times this year, ,and although it wouldn't surprise me if they lost, I think Rupo have too many big guns up front . The JOCs could score 20 goals, but Rupo I've no doubt will score at least 21 if that's the case . I'll take Ruperiswoo d ,CORRESPONDENTS Good luck this weekend, and indeed for the rest of the season to all the clubs competing this year . Any correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc ., can be provided (ideally by 5pm Monday) to myself via fax on 9920 9097 or email Peter . PS .WilliamsonCeentrelink .gov .au (work) . It would be terrific to hear from every team, everv week during the season . C'mon people, get those reports in ! Peve P. grep.t VAFA weekend . "Titr,- P rti
achieves th e mil-stone of ; I - this week, which also coincides with the club's 150th game since joining the VAFA Club XVIII ranks in 1995 . Damien has twice won the club Best and Fairest, and a comp . Best and Fairest, and also captained the club from 1996-2001 . Although a bit older and slower these days, Damien is still playing as well as ever, and has also been an outstanding contributor off the field, being a committee member from 1995-2000 and more or less, along with other members of the Milano family, helped keep the club going in the early years . Well done and thank you Damien from everyone at the Razorbacks!
Elsternwick v Werribee Amateurs S~yndal Tally-Ho v Kew South Melb Districts v Swinburne Uni Power House v Monash Gryphons St Johns 0C v Rupertswood
~,g ,- . _ 10.15(75) ELST :,- :'.,9ICK 7.10 10 .12 17 .15 21 .20(146) Kew: Cullen 3, Woodhouse, Moore, Loc ; :cr, Grfd:,„ lanni, Fitzgerald, Stephens . Best : Cullen, lamri, Looker. Dalrymple, de Blank, Crimmins wLstemwlek : McNally 6. Byrne 5. Foster 5 . Curtain 2 . Murphy, Miss ita . C.Mahony. Best : Byrne, McNally, Stuchberry, Thiele, Nolan, Y°•nr• T'^pi- : Gajanan Skandakumar Paul Tuppen (F) (B) Matthew Cc Mitchell (G ) „K„ 4 .7 7 .11 11 .17 13.18{96) 1 .1 4 .6 4 .6 8.11(59) ST. JONES CC @Ien . ....,. : K .Murphy 3, Hoffman 3 . Pace 2, Keogh 2, Carson, Czajowskl, Addamo . Best : Carson. Keogh, Green, Czajowski . K .Murphy, Andrews . St, Johns OC : Walker 2 . Van Houton, Phaedonis, Hall, Koppens, Diaz . Fonceca . Best : Courmadlous, Hall, Walker, Emenv. Koppers, Diaz. Umpires: Paul Hoffman Shaun Rothe (F ) 6.5 9.8 13 .16(94) SW INBTTR%E UfTS 3.2 SYAIDAI. TALLY-HO 3 .9 4.11 7.18 9 .20(74) Sssinburae Uril: Fidler 3, Murchte 3, Gelly 3, Prior, Vaughn . Fricke, Whiting, Milano, Best : Fraglacomo. Fidler, R. Roberts, Milano . Eager . Sheerly . Syndal Tally Ho : A. Thompson 4 . 1 . Bingham 3, J . Rutter, L . Hannemann . Best : A .Broun . J . Merest, M. Moresi, D . Richardson . D . : Alan Ladd Peter Simpson (F) Michael Ladd (B) Robert Ump Seymour Patrick Love (G ) MOTdASHOR:03 5.5 8 .11 11 .13 20.161 1361 5.3 5.5 9.7 9.11165) SOUTH Pd l It 2Banash : G Harrah 4, Malone 4, Leeton 3, J Harrak 2 . Flowerday 2, Kent. N Rutherford. Jenkin, Robinson, Walter. Best: Leeton, Baxter, Flowerdav, G Hurrah, N Rutherford, J Harrak, South Melbourne : Aquitina 2, MeKerrow 2. Bell, Cheevers, Hanna . Henderson . Best : Zanwck, Anderson, McGee . Raeburn. Umpires : Peter Griffiths Ron Martyn (F) Thomas Wtscher (B) Sam Perrin ( G )
RUPER25WOOI) 5 .2 14 .9 21 .11 32.15(207) POWER HOUSE 0.1 0 .2 0 .4 3 .6(24) Ru ood : Burrows 7 Dressler 5 Henry 4 L .Temming 4 L .Spimier 4 West 3 Hatty Baines King Elliot Flinn Best : Burrows West Clarke Collins McDonald Dressler Power House: D .Coaper Taylor 4erberne Best: Turner D .Cooper Taylor Verberne Stanley Senior Umpires: Robert Sneddon (Rotation - from A ) 3 .3 6 .8 9 .14 11 .19(85 ) ELSTERNWICK 0 .1 3 .2 4 .3 5 .5(35) Kew: Daunts 4, Makris 2 . Watts 2. Eaton. Frith, Osborne . Best : Wood . Doumis . Osborne. Johnston . Bruno. Watts . Elsternwiek: K.Currie 4, Walker. Best: Gordon, Goldman, K .Currte, Bravington . Purcell, Erlich . gyEgRIBgEr 6.5 10.9 16.13 20 .131133) ST. JOHNS OC 1 .1 1 .3 1 .4 2 .9(21) : Baker 6. Marfnis 3, Nedhus 2, Fraser 2, MeMenetny 2, Weri Waters . Mereieca . Wesley, Manwig, C .Alabakis.Best: Baker. CammIDer6 C .Alab; - Is. Fraser. Ellis, Velisha . St. Johns 00: Harris, Scardamaglia. Be: . Bo gonha, Kelly. Christian, Roberts . Harris, Cotton. --- '-". TM 3 .3 8 .8 9 .9 11 .15{81) S5 TALLY-HO 2 .2 12 .2 2 .7 3.7(25) Swim we Uni: Murphy 3, Little 2 . Thomas, Hawaii, Allen, Liston , Carter, Etey . Best : Murphy. Bayley, Little . Morris, Sandhu . Carter. Synoai folly Ho: D . Hannet N . Murray. B. Thomas, Best : B . Thomas. B. Holland . J. Fleming, A. Hallvburton, S . Miller, L. Devon. MO%4S@€ GRYPHONS 1 .1 2.5 3.7 7 .11(53) SOUTY3 MELBOURNE 13 4 .4 6 .6 7 .8(50) Manash Gryphons: A Arena 4. Warren 2, Healy. Best: Healy, Holland, Rennison . Tobin, Warren, Clarke . South ASeRrourne: Pohiner 3, Brady 2, siade. Briglia . Best : Briglia. Clyne, Fern, Herman, Roe, Slade . RL ;RTSTr1000 3 .3 5 .7 13 .9 15 .11 ;101) '.OT'°IS 14 34 35 5.5(35) wa : T. Wilson - 5, s . Gallus, A . Icelv. A. Jordan - 2, H . Bradbury, R . Lupa. J. McGrath. M . Mckenzie - I Best - B. Monte . T Wilson, M. Mckenzie, P. Sinnett, M . Kosta, A . Jordan Powerhouse: Davis - 2, Cooper, Dean, Owen - 1 Best Davis, Calma . Gill, Howes, Owen, Parker
1 i Peter Olfvesl S1 Andre Curtain 1 L. Murphy 2 A. Hankin 3 J . Yemm 4 S. Rosengarten 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Hog g 7 J . AAcAdam 8 S. Currie 9 T. Hartley 10 R . Bravinqto n 1 1 L . Missagtia 12 N . Wigmore 13 S. Soppet 14 B . Mahony (VC) 15 B . Hooper 16 M . Surman 17 J . Perkin s 1 8 C . McKenna 1 J . Hunte r 19 20 E .Goldman y 21 P. Stuchberr 22 G . Elvin ( DVC) 23 S . Curtain 24 A. Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C. Mahony (C) 27 M . Daniels 28 V. O'Connor 29 S. Mahon 30 M. Nichoty 31 G . Devonshire 32 C . Ly ons 33 M. Cunningham 34 J. Beaumon t 34 A. Conlin 0 35 P. McNally 36 Y. Arks 37 D . Nolan (CR) 38 A . Burney 39 M .Thiete 40 A . PateY 4 1 D . Byrne 42 J . Lilikakis 43 P. Clarke 44 C. Walke r 45 R. Grandemange 46 M . Stricklan d 47 N. Uttlng 48 M . Franken 49 D. Hohaia 50 M . Batt ain i 51 G . Powell 52 M . Purcell 53 A. Lewis 54 J . Devitt 55 S. Stephens 56 B. Erlic h 57 J. Donovan 58 M. Mitchell 59 T. Perkins 60 M . Creak 61 M . Hunt 62 B . Mahe r 63 D . Brewster 64 S . Vukis 65 D . Kirkright 66 E . After
Sen: Rohan Doherty Res : Paul Gregor
1 J. Doumis Res.DVC 2 L . Fitzgerald 3 D . Behan 4 G . Crimmins 5 K. Delaney 6 N . Tinett i 7 B . Dover 8 D . Mainsbri dge V.C . 9 P. Witchell 10 B . Cullen Capt. 11 B . Woodhouse V.C. 12 M Gridley 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J . Looker 15 F. Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 B. Allen 18 N. Dah lstro m 19 J . Denni s 20 A. Act old 21 M . Ayres V.Capt 22 C . Stephens 23 J. deBlank 25 C . Watts 26 S. Symes Res. V.C 27 T Moore 28 K. Gatezio 29 M . Dal rymple 30 C . Giansante R .C. 31 D . lanni 32 A . Drago 33 D . Wayland 34 J . BoRone 35 R. Bruno 36 B . Marchesani 37 S . Johnston 38 J . Ritchie 39 A. Eaton 40 J . Ferrantlno 41 R. Livingston 42 J . Pilkington 43 A. gortone 44 A. Makris 45 G . Evans 46 B. Van Zuiden 47 A. Lawler 48 S. Mikrou 49P. Dennis Res DVC 50 A. Carman 51 M. Blair 52 N . Gill 53 S. Osborne 54 J . Renou 55 A . Meek 56 T. Frith 57 L. Jensen 58 B . Burne tt 59 J . Rakusz 60 M . Andersson 61 M . Glenn 62 R. Failed 63 N. Gricks 64 J . Cronin 65 D. Kinross 66 R. McKerrow y 67 J . Bell 68 A. Patnaude 69 A. Roberts 70 J. Paron
Goa-h : Jack McDonald AtC h : Phil Knight I S . Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady 4 N. Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D. Baxter 7 D. Walter g J . glandPord 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J. Stratford 14 D . Bolls 15 A. Perry1 16 P. Renniso n 17 J. etherington 1 8 J. Harrah 19 R . Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G. Harrak 23 A . Mckenzie 24 C. Goold 25 A. Trott er 26 S . Arena 27 R Gilchrist 28 M . Malone 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 J. Park 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G . Block 37 A. Jenkin 38 J. Watson 39 M. Paolucci 40 M. Bourbon 41 P. Ruthe rford 42 G. Sims 43 M . ClearyY 44 L. Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 M . Angel 49 C. Robinson 50 P. Patrick 5 1 C. Leeton 52 A . Flowerday 53 D. Whitfield 54 L. Volkov 55 J. Bingham 56 T. Saint 57 W . Pocock 58 T. Arvaniti s 59 A. Yanni 60 G . Campbell 61 C . Yanni 62 S. Yamamoto
Cc ^h: Tony west Res. Coach: Shane McLauchlan
C n: ttrea itevlin Peter Bacon Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou 4 B . Turner (VC) . 5 M . Braini (VC) . 6 H. Clarke 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L. Frase r 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J. Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler Sen . (C) 16 R. Anderson 17 C . Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D . Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 SaCliffor Evans 23 R . d 24 Ni Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior 27 Je Robertson 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Davis 31 R. Marshall ( RC). 32 M . Verberne Se(VC) 33 A. Ristovsk i 34 J. Marshall 35 J. Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S. West 38 T. Brownjohn 39 R . Owen 40 M. Tik]ob 41 Rh Black 42 P. Arnold 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 C . King 47 T. Marshall 48 M . Stanley 49 D . Harris 50 M . D'Intin o 51 Ja Best 53 D. Bowde n 54 J . glowfield 55 B . Phillips 56 T. McFarlane 57 A. Calm a 58 Ja McClur e 63 I . Bracken
2 Purcell G . 3 Page S . 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B.
Elliott K.
9 Clarke M . 10 Albanis J . 11 Moule B. 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnott B . (Capt .) 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 1 Natty R 18 7 ttman.Pe M . 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D. 23 West M . 25 Weston S . 27 Temming L. 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. King J . 35 Certo G . 36 Hen ry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O 'Riley C. 42 McKenzie M. 43 Phillips R. 44 Icely A. 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R . 47 SoutarisA . 48 Bugeja N. 49 McGovern N . 50 Soutaris D. MacPherson B . 52 Jordon A. 54 Knots M . 56 Natty G . 57 McMahon N . 58 Woodall D. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbu ry H. 77 O'Callagh an M .
Co=.ch : Steve Koppens Asst: John Ladson Res: Mick Roberts 1 A . B-orgonha 2 M . Ladson 3 G. Wilson 4 S . Holmes 5 C. Horbury 6 A. Dobson 7 R. Bac k 8 L Johnston g A.Jones 10 M. Courmadious 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 13A M. Jones 138 R . Walker 14 P. Sharp 15 T. Hyland 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne 18 C. Emery 19 J. Cotton 20 G . Seeley 21 S. Koppens 22 A. Dragwidge 23A B. Hilto n 23B M . Waters 24 H . Wathan 25 D . Waters 26 G. Waters 27 R. DowseH 28 B . Pettigrew 29 D. Jankovic 30 N. Gate s 31 D . Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A.Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 S . Chessum 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 39 S . McEachern 40 F. Mandrakis 41 J. Fernando 42 C .Jone s 43 M. Van Houten 44 M . Schonewille 45 A . Hal l 46 B . Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 J . Hargreaves 49 A. Kizilis 50 J . Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 N . Moore 53 J. Pi 54 L . Mara 55A B . Pickering 55B D . Sanders 57 A . Rafferty 58 G . Roberts 59 J . Ros s 60 J . Rya n 62 D. Vandenr+ert 64 C . Carmody
c,s : eL- inoene Res . i,oach : Darren Duscher As : r,c Anthony "ber 1 J . Washington Res : David Murphy 2 M . Hannan Res . Asst : Matthew Higgins 3 M . Balshaw 1 A. Albert (S.C) 4 A. Bryson 2 J. Sheedy (S.VC) 5 S. King 3 J. Piotrowski 6 Warren Rosowski 4 A. Fidle r 7 A . Hannan 5 J. Demarte 8 X . Kidd 6 B . Prior (S .DVC) 9 B . Powel l 7 J. Murchi e 10 G. McDonald 8 M . Higgins 11 L. Este r 9 L. Morrison 12 S . Rocco 10 S . Eager 13 E . Henderson 11 D. Milano 14 D. Bell 13 D. Clai r 15 B. Lazzaro 14 R . Goode 16 A1 . Thomas 15 M. Howat 17 P. D'Andrea 16 S. Reynoldso n 18 B. Martin 19 A. Rei d 17 J. Roberts (Res .C) 20 W. Brown 18 A . Fiuman i 21 G. Rowe 19 B . O'Mara 23 B . Downing 20 C. French 24 J . Raeburn 22 C. Thomas 25 P. Hannan 23 S . Fitzgibbon 27 P. Cheevers 24 M . Little 30 M . Brady 25 M . Whiting 31 S. Hermann 26 T Liston 32 D . McGee 27 D . Murphy 33 M . Doyle 28 S . Mallory 34 M . Fer n 29 M . McCalman 35 N . Moojen 30 M . Hudgson 36 J . McCauley 32 P. Beynon 37 M . Rosowski 33 A. Vaughn 38 S . Byrnes 34 A. Fricke 39 A. Briglia 36 J . Carte r 40 G . Cox 37 A. Reed (Res .VC) 42 G . Gaylor 38 M. Tricky 43 W. D'Andrea 39 R . Roberts 44 C . Daalde r 40 S . Bailey . Pantzopolous 47 N 41 B . Menzies 49 T. Sutherland 42 S . Fragiacomo 53 E . Bouchard 43 J . Andrinopolous . Pohlne r 55 J 44 M . Rya n 59 Wayne Rosowski 45 D. Islip 62 S . Aquilin e 46 J . Sandhu 63 B . Slade 65 D. Thomas 47 T. Morris 66 D . McKerrow 48 D . Littl e . Baade 71 T 49 J. Dunsfiord 50 P. Dodds 51 P. James 52 H . Alle n 53 J . Thompson 54 M . Eley 55 L. Watis 56 J . Gowe r 57 C. Farrington 58 M . Flac k 59 C . Galley 60 D . Harmer 61 C . Higgins 62 R . Kiss Albert Park 63 S . Ryan Indoor 1 ;)orts 64 M . Erjavec 65 J . Berry Centr e 66 J . Henry 67 S . Gailina
I; : Tim Ellis :h: Paul Smith
Cc n: breman Maloney
1 A. Turpi n 2 I. Bingham (VC) 3 M. Joy B . Bayliss 4 P. Henderson (VC) 5 D. Hanneit 6 V. Wong P. Gleason 7 A. Burns 8 R. Bennett 9 D . Richardson J. Crop p 10 T Psinas 10 A . Hallyburton 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Etaresi 13 S . Miller 14 S . O'Boyle (R .VC) 15 N. Murray 16 J . Fleming 17 L Fuller 18 M. Bircanin 19 A. Thompso n 20 ! . Mackenzie (VC) 20 C . Hall 21 L Devon. 22 M . Buckley 23 R. Avery 24 M . Macfarlane 25 C. Clark (R.VC) 26 A. Morriso n 27 M. Leplaa 28 A. Frederick 29 C . Beaumont 30 S . Holland 31 A . Richardson (R .C) 32 L Hanneman n 33 T. Bartholomew (RVC) 34 N . Hunter 35 C. Cachia (C) 36 T. Fleming 37 B. Robinson 38 M . Christiansen 39 D. Hallisey 40 B. Thomas 41 M. Moresi 42 M.James 43 A . Brown 44 K . Bradford 45 H . Rosenhain 46 S . Williams 46 D. Kennet 47 C. Hayes 48 D. Reynolds 49 A. Herrmann 50 P. Agnell o 51 C . Discombe 52 S . Anderson 53 B . Smith 54 P. Sheer 55 T. McLennan 56 A . Treasure
1 D . Nedinis 2 C . Kell y 3 D . Flack 4 S . Kidd 5 B . Cunningham 6 M. Walsh 7 A . Murphy 8 R. Hann 9 J . Ayling 10 F1 . Keogh 11 M . Green 12 J. Baker 13 F. Mehmert 14 J. Marinis 15 J. Wallert 16 C . Yaser 17 A .Tedessco 18 D . Velisha 19 J . Addamo 20 E . Mahoney 21 T Davidson 22 A. Dibatista 23 C. Becker 24 R . Stonehouse 25 F. Dimasi 26 P. Thomas 27 L Djakovic 28 D . Czajowski 29 S . Dol e 30 B . Cadesso 31 M . Smith 32 M . Dolegowski 33 D. Owens 34 J . Hoffman 35 S. Alabacos 36 R . Bell 37 R . PJatiszig 38 T. Towers 39 L. LangBeld 40 B . Paton 41 G. Grogan 42 43 L. Carson 44 T. Johnson 45 C. Alabakis 46 A. Carson 47 A. Camilleri 48 E. Collier 49 B. Grogan 50 K . Pace 51 I . Kennedy 52 C. Andrews 53 A . Grogan 54 55 56 57 58 59 M. Kennedy 60 M. Czaiowski 61 T. Johnston 62 63 E . Collier 64 R. Bell 65 F. Dimasi 66 D. Fraser.
iajor Sponsors :
Woodland McGee Financial Services THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003 39
5 We ie Hinton
5 Max Wittman
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
6 Not Available
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
7 Scan Scully (Jnr)
7 Paul Croxford
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackhall
9 Damien Lane
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evans
9 Mark Taylo r
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
9 Stephen Caple
9 Santo Caruso
10 Avi Wekselman
11 Dirk Kramer
10 Tristan Bowman
10 Shane Mele
11 Luke Holmes
12 Mark Morrison
11 Tom Haysom
11 PaulTuppen
12 Daniel Mousley
14 Ash Hoogendyk
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Rothe
14 Sharon Alger
15 Tim Doecke
14 Michael Gilday
14 Tim Tingiri
15 Geoff Curran
16 Mervyn Monty
15 Mark Jenkins
15 Michael Sneddon
16 Peter Woods
17 Peter Keogh
16 Craig Brajtberg
16 Luke Moncrieff
17 Mark Gibson
18 Peter Simpson
17 Brett Horskope
17 Michael Robins
18 Jason McNiece
19 Andrew Fyfe
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 George Paleodimos
19 Steve McCarthy
20 Brian Woodhead
19 Glenn Scotland
19 Peter Pullen
5 Albie Firley
20 John Ralp h
21 Gaj Skandakumar
20 David D' Altera
20 Geoff Kelly
21 Patrick Maebus
22 Chris Collin s
21 Nick Rvde
21 David Iron s
22 Nick Fennesy
23 Peter Griffiths
22 Rick Love
22 David Longworth
23 Paul Dinneen
24 Leigh Dillon
24 Miles Argall
23 Robert Sneddon
24 Graeme Hunichen
25 Lionel Katz
25 Richard Eastwood
24 Jason Moore
25 Geoff Moore
26 Daniel Dinneen
26 Brad Rankin
25 Matthew Taylor
26 Andrew Shiels
27 Anthony Simpson
27 Euan Lindsay
26 Patrick Coulthard
27 Matt Cox
28 Ken McNiece
28 Leah Gallagher
27 PaulJones
28 Paul Lamble
29 Peter James
29 Gerard Rolls
28 Ron Martyn
29 Chris Garcia
30 Michael Phillips
30 Simon Olive
29 Peter Liddell
30 Justin Lipson
31 Robert Semmens
31 Rob Schuller
30 Anthony Lilley
31 Andrew Lougheed
32 Anthony Damen
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarred Aspinall
32 Eli Have s
33 Michael Forde
34 Jeremy Heffernan
34 Daniel Stephens
33 Robert Mayston
34 Stephen Morgan
37 David Murray
35 Dianne Whiteley
34 Graeme Morgan
35 Troy Brook s
35 Jason Lan e
36 Phil Gluvas
36 Matthew Meier
37 Gavin Roberts
RULES A rule that many teams seem not to know! 6 .lb3
, ,_,,~fratulations to'CIM elected to represent the . as field , ; '.DA was sin Perth, W .A e FActash berivee ^
ter Carriers - Eac h team is allowed to navc Y
water carriers . They are t
,11 ~}p ~'L and mcle g VAth Congrats also to the umpires who . ,,Presented the GAFAC3A at the St Mda Football Club Community Cup ;;here the. VAFA PETER JAMES ,}une 6. They ,O, SCOTT FRASER (b) and BERNIE
j]LESTOl 'S S the VAFAUA statistician is . 2 dedicated and lon g urate n,ing goal umpires will celebrate
r 500th game on the same day . . Also, on that same i,_ter this nronth . two field umpires will b day eir2 0 ,~I, brathag ehmiles a0nes .gCan yod u 350th g guess who they may be? Check our . the stats rr=ebsite for a clue! Also state that David Murray (Green 37) 3 . Albie umpired his 150th round is 2 Ot h
in Round 6 .
No winner kick to thefrAjax player for 5hepherdulgm Thisrweek'se Camberwell player kicks a goal but befor old question umpire system) gives the all clear the field umpire i t signal, a melee starts and he runs to sor~ahat o~L~t doe s runs towards the ee ntrdeoto reEcronrame ~o p yansvver to the goal ump ' diant1ewhiteleyCabigpond .eom. COCKTAII . NIGHT & BAN D Next weekend, the VAFAUA are hosting a Cocktail brooms. night at the cluEP . To slo w playin g down until o 'effects' of the ecktaliYsa hanec~gs shsoes oia it rock up to midnight . So get y . What more info,n contact Lea h EP for an enjoyable night Gallagher. BE A WINNER members te ~ tyear*
THANKS . hearty THANK YOU to the SFLLA for their hospitality . The A . Kilda Football Club Community Cup at the St night was an enjoyable one . CONGRATULATIONS Congrats to Paul Dinneen (Red 23) and Bianca Share (boundary), they were promoted to'B'Section on 31 May 2003 . SPONSORS Some like 'ern hot & some like 'em eotdl! You can get all t you want or all the cold beer you want a the hot foo d . Stephen Morgan welcomes ET's or the Town Hall Hotel . their family and friends and any other visitors e umpires to ET'S or the Town Hail Hotel for a drink or to din . like
.... k . L o t s of specials on too . Ideal anytime during the week . S9 .50 burger and a pot on a Monday night is on
special because you can run it off at training l t for a nightL! The hotels are located at - ET's Hote t the nex 211 High Street, Prahran (9510 9896) and the Town Hall . . South Melbourne (9690 5148) Hotel - 137 Bank Street
- lice
om 31 May
HOARE tg) .
Firley (Red 5) umpired game in Round 4 d his Gilday [Green 14) umpire
o deliver water after a goal has
been scored and before the ball is bounced in the eentre . They are not to deliver messages to to restart play players or to remain on the ground once water has been . They are to have a black or lriearm band on delivered left arm to indicate which team they represent '
on for the VAFAUA New competition to sell at Gavin Roberts has 1000 tickets
icket .50c p bmation for He has written down every and â&#x20AC;˘C Section on every team competing in the A', 'B' holder of . From that you have to be the luck y each ticket d 'C') Grand Final winners .
possible corn
all the 3 Sections ('A' . 'B' an dteam s onOld For example, one ticke t tc Rovers a and the Ormon it .
ton Hampto Rovers n Metburnians . Hamp . Bernards, Old Another ticket will have St and Ormond written on it or Old Xaverians, those three teams wvr the if . Brighton and Beaumar is the want . a
GF in their Section, you will be winner . Gavin after training Thursday nights ttteket? See 21i6/03 Trivia Night Cocktail Night / Ban d 19/7/03 Mid Year Dinner - 1818/03 A Seetio21Gga03 Final Brunch - 21/9/03 Grand Final B13 9-12/10/03 . 9EndofSeasTripALLY... . .co m eorrespondence to diannewhiteleyabigpond rafaua .asn.au
BDF'-) ' Beiersdorfi Australia Ltd
by Gawati rower
After having two 100% rounds in a row with my tipping, the bubble had to burst sooner or later, so much thanks to Bulleen and Albert Park for doing that this round. What the results have meant though is that D4 is now an eight team race to the finals.
Norris and Morgan . But it was that man aga "Jucka" Horsburgh who blew the game apart with a another bag o f
REVIEW The first of the upsets saw Richmond defeat a disappointing Bulleen at home . With only Paul Aslangul and David Trinchi producing any resemblance of form for the Cobras, Richmond completely dominated the game, and if not for inaccurate kicking. the scoreline may well have been even greater than the eventual 40 point margin .
goals and with the "Brothers Christo" and Big Troy on fire, the Warriors marched into the top five with a percentage boosting 47 point win .
The second upset for the round was another stirring victory to UHS-VU as they ran away from a determined Albert Park in the final quarter. I had, up until now, not been convinced of the student's credentials, however, this win will certainly make all of D4 sit up and take notice . After an even first half, the students, through Mottram and Gorringe, managed to keep the Falcons down to three goals with the wind in the third quarter. Albert Park managed to kick five into the stiff breeze thanks to some fine work by Steel McKerrow and "Jake" Allan in the final quarter, however, this was not enough as the Vultures returned to the winners list with a 24 point victory . The improvement in younger players such as Rohan Doyle, Dave Worrell and Craig Butler ensured that it was not going to be a mismatch as St .Mary's traveled to Box Hi ll North . While the Saints pretty much sured up the match with a blistering first quarter, Box Hill North never gave up and the 34-point margin suggests that we will see further improvement from the guys as the season progresses . Eitham hosted No rt h Brunswick and was hoping to show the rest of D4 it was a genuine final's contender . In a free flowing game the Turtles showed just that, and had a big chance to put North away but wayward kicking allowed North to stay in the game . The last quarter saw North kick ahead and Santacroce's outstanding effort in his last game before heading overseas was perhaps the difference as they snuck in by 13 points .
Westbourne continues to impress, this time at the expense of Brunswick Power . To the Power's credit, they managed to stay in touch with the Warriors until early in the final quarter thanks to some good play from
Mt .Lilydale had the long three-week break with a bye . PREVIEW BULLEEN COBRAS v BOX HILL NORT H This match promises to be a beauty as the inconsistent Cobras host the improving Box Hill North . Box Hill North have promised to cause an upset or two this season, and with the likes of Lance Keillor up forward, Afrim Odza on the ball, Adrian Tarulli at centre half forward and Dave Martini in defence continuing to show good form, they are a real chance . However, Bulleen tend to be a better team at home, and if their usual suspects in Dall'oglio and Trinchi can perform at their best, I think it will be the Cobras to win a close one by 5 points . ST MARYS v ELTHAM COLLEGIAN S In what will be another cracker of a game, St .Marvs plays the Turtles at the "Postage Stamp" in a bid to open up a gap between themselves and the impending pack breathing down their necks . The Turtles would be bitterly disappointed to have let last week's match slip from their grasp . and will be keen to make amend s
(iLUu D4 SECTION Brunswick UHS-VU Albert Park Old Westbourne North Brunswick D4 RESERVE North Brunswick Eltham
St Marys North Brunswick North Brunswick Mt . Lilydale
Hardaway 4 42 Tate 3 40 Allan 4 38 J Horsbourgh 8 33 Hamilton 4 25 Papanikolou 7 Chapple 0 Rousis 0 H Tsialtas 0 Ulio 0 Anderson 0
38 20 20 19 17 17
. However, the Saints are a 5 goal better team at ,,day pome, and if they can hold the dangerous Doody, I Junk it will be the Saints by 13 points . L OLD WESTBOURNE v RICHMOND CENTRA t}ld Westbourne seems to have found the right balance (,~tween experience and youth and that mix is proving z real boon for Warrior coach Jeff Wilson . Richmond (,~ntral's will be buoyed by their recent victory and will ,;r keen to rekindle their old rivalry with the Warriors uld should be very competitive . Westbourne though, is ,t much stronger team at Warrior Park, and given the form of older campaigners in "Platters" Fairfield and ~,;hy!" Board . I cannot go past the Warriors as they firm up their top five position with a 38 point victory . ALBERT PARK v BRUNSWICK POWER
Ubert Park has had a torrid month and is in danger of ,ttpping from the top five if they lose today . Brunswick uli the other hand, have shown a great deal of promise, however, have tended to run out of legs when the chips are down . The Power will no doubt be heavily reliant on (he goal-kicking prowess of Hardaway to be a chance, however, I believe that the Falcons will have too many winners around the ground . In what should be a happy return to the winners list for Albert Park, I think they , at get home by 39 points . MT LILYDALE v UHS-VU The match of the day pits one against two at "Goat Park" . The students have continued to surprise, and given the sensational form of Langendorf, Gorringe and Wright, it is little wonder . The Dales, on the other hand, could have lost a little bit of their edge given a three week break, however, I believe that David Keast and his troops are too disciplined a unit to have not worked this to their advantage . In what will be a tight encounter early, I am tipping Mount to kick away in the latter stages of the match to keep their 100% record in tact with a solid 28-point victory . NORTH BRUNSWICK has the bye . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S
Get your reports and nominations in for player of the week, no later than midday on Monday please to gavanfCcleanevent.com.au
Box Hill North - Zac Velevski play his 50th match for the club . Zac has played nearly all matches in the seniors with strong marking and his hardness at the ball highlights of his game .
TODAY'S MATCHE S D4 SECTION Bulleen Cobras v Box Hill North St Marys v Eltham Collegians Old Ifflestbourne v Richmond Centra l Albert Park v Brunswick Power Mt Lilydale v UHS-VU North Brunswick - bye
MT LB.YDALE OC: BYE RICHMOND CENTRAL 3 .5 6 .9 9 .17 11.24190) 0.1 3 .3 4 .3 7 .8(50) BULLEEN COBRAS Richmond Central: Macak 3, Nuske 2 . Dutton 2 . Quay. Speakman, Hatzakortzian. Cox. Best : Macak. White . Speakman . Cox Trotter. Moulday. Bulleen Cobras: Nelson, Redfern. McLaren . Baldi . Onwin .DaliOglio, Daniels. Best: DallOgl1o . Aslangud, D .Trinch . T.Conn, Brown. Fortune. Umpires: Phil Gluyas Mitch Buxton (F) John O'Connor Watne Frith (B) BOX HILL NORTH 1 .3 4.7 7.8 12.14(86) ST MARyS 7 .5 10 .8 14 .16 17 .18(120) Box Hill North: Namouskl 4, Keller 2 . Odza 2 . Martini, Tarulli, Wilson. Pratt Best: A Odza . J Namouski, D Worrell . G Wilson . L Keller, R Doyle St Marys: Butler 4. Orme 3, Purcell 2 . Bernardi 2 . Brown, Lane . Ashburv, Stone. Wright. Zsemberg Best: Wright. Frail . Ballanttne, Dwyer. McLennan, Orme Umpires: Glen Scotland Graeme Morgan (F) Pick Curtis Joseph O'Mara (G) 3.6 6.9 10.15 11 .16(82) ELT1iAM COLLEGIANS NORTH BRUNSWICK 3.2 7.3 9 .4 14.11(95) Elitism Collegians: Brick 4, Doody 3 . P. Mann, Miss1. Chappie . Savage. Best: Doodv. Brick, A . Mann. Hart. Daly. Carter. North Brunswick : Hamilton 4 . Closter 3, Boudoloh 2 . Wallmeyer, Verga . Pizzarl, Tsalltas. Patoedimos . Best: Santecroce, Sammartuto, Stelfox, Boudoloh . Kyriazis. Pizzari . Umpires: Gerrard Rolfs (F) 2.2 4.2 7.3 11 .4(70) BRUNSWICK POWER OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .4 6.7 10.8 18.9(117) Brunswick Power. Hardaway 4. Hayes 2, Norris, Pike, Dowsett . Austin, Walsh I . Best : Norris, Morgan . Miskelly. Lovett . Hardaway, Hayes. Old Westboume: J .Horsburgh 8, M .ChrLsto 3, A .Chrlsto 2. Pavez 2, Board . Depiaz2a, Wilson 1 . Best: Horsburgh. M.Christo, Fairfield . Edwards, A .Christo. Board . Umpires: George Paleallmos Mark Jenkins (Rotation from At (F ) .13(115) UHS-VU 3 .4 8.10 10.11 17 ALBERT PARK 5 .1 6.1 9 .6 14.7(91) . Devlln2. Butera . UHSSVU: S Gorringe 4, Tate 3 . Wallace 3 . Madrigrano 2 Motiram . Gerolemou . Best : Mottrant . Gorringe. Defence, Langendarf . Wright, Zulickt. Albert Park: S.Allan 4. McKerrow 4. Stoney 3. Venables 2, Tulle Best: Taylor. Harper. Tuite. McKerrow, DAitan . Storey Umpires: Geoff Deveson Brendan Devlin (F) Ryan Place JB ) D4 RESERVE MT LILYDALE : BYE RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .1 6 .4 7 .5 11 .9(75) 3 .2 3 .6 9 .9 10 .12(72) BIILLEEN COBRAS Richmond Central, Levin 2 . Cotmer 2. McGrath 2. Barritt 2, Porteus, Old, Anderson . Best: Colmer. TiUey, Old, Levin . Kingsley. Plan] . BuBeea Cobras: Paatsch 2 . Clements 2, Dam 2 . D'Angelo 2, Kellett, Mehrez . Best: Clements. Kellett, Chan. Mehrez. Rodrigues, Hadisutanto Umpi res : Phil Glu}as Mitch Buxton (F) John O'Connor Wayne Frith (B) (G ) 0.1 0.3 1 .5 3.7(25) BOX HILL NORTH ST MARYS 8 .7 11 .13 17 .21 22 .23(155) Box Hill North : D Gaynor. G Cavailo,S Evans Best : T Met, S Evans. T Ellis. Yamaniato. M Takeshito. C Calls St Marys: Anthony 6 . Timmins 4, Allen 3, Latimer 3. Webb 2 . Bowen 2. C Goldsworth . Burns Best : C Goldsworthy. N Goldsworthy. Anthony . Webb. Armistead, Burns Umpires: Glen Scotland Graeme Morgan (F) (B) Pick Curtis Joseph O'Mara (G ) 1 .3 3.4 4.5 4.7(31) ELTPiAMCOLLEGIANS 7 .3 9.7 13 .11 16.15(111) NORTH BRUNSWICK Elthem Collegians: Smith. Toulson. Warner. Rashid . Best: Drummond, Richardson, Robins, J . Howgate, D .Howgate, Wright. North Brunswick : Papanikalaou 7 . Vaina 3, Russo 2, Fawcett 2 . Ackland . Salloum. Best: Vaina. Fawcett . Papanllcalaou, Gio+,roanagiou, Duson . Freeman. Umpires: James Olle Gerrard Rolfs (F) (B) (G ) 0.1 0.2 0.4 2 .5(17) BRUNSWICK POWER OLD WESTBOURNE 4 .4 8.9 13 .12 16 .15(111) Brunswick Power. D.Hayes 2. Best: Maxfield, Aitken . Davis. Hume . Chessells. Warburton. Old West6oarne: Scholes 4. . S .Lettch 2. ManoL3kakis . Best: 2. Said 2 . Saunders 2, O'Sullivan . Mattison. Jenkuvson. Phillips 1 Wintie. Scholes. Rivalland . O'Sullltian. Said . D.Slattery Umpires : George Pateodimos Andrew Shiels (F) (B) (G ) .4(52) UHS-VU 1 .1 5.3 5.3 8 3.2 4.6 6.8 6.10(46) ALBERT PARK UHSSVU : Higgins 4 . Will, Forbes, Ludlow . Fisher Best: Higgins, Will . Thomas. Davidson, Ludlow, Fisher Albert Perk: Pastras2. Breen . Gannon, Sutton, Quinlan, Best: Sutton, Williams, Quinlan, Davey . Ducll . Breen
Coach: Peter Armstrong Res : Warren Drew
Coach : John Ahern Res: Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith 2 S . Robinson (S) 2 N . Pastras (R) 3 R. Baker 4 G. Foster 5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S . Venables 8 C. Jackso n 8 M . van Elewoud (R) 9 P. Chambers 10 M . Phillips 11 A. Fleming 12 T. Fraser (S) 12 D . Overend (R) 13 B. Payne 14 M. Hyams 15 D . Borley (S) 15 J. Snorasson (R) 16 C . Roberton 17 D . McLellan 18 J. Taylor 19 A . Steward 20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J . Hannett 23 B . Harries 24 T. Green 25 J . Wier 26 L. Hopkins 27 J . Breen 28 R. Buckley 29 J . Norman 30 V. Surace 31 S. McGuire 32 A. Di Mingo 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 S. Toth 36 J. Delbi n 37 L . Hogan 38 J. Rowe 39 D . 'Odorico 40 A . Graham 41 B. Gould 42 K . Daley 43 J . Tsoukas 44 B . Isard 45 T. Bennetts 46 N . Strang 47 L. Tricarico 48 T. Panayotou 49 K. Gannon
I 2 3 3a 4 4a 5 5a 6 7
Wilson Reid Odza Evans Manno Potter Pietersen Jenkins* Martin i Stewart
Be Chamberlain Sallantioglu 9 10 Cook Thoi 11 12 Dick 13 Cumming 14 Palmer 15 Smith 16 Drew 17 Cavallo 18 Butter 19 Keillor 19a Callis 20 Otdtiet • d 21 Hopes 22 Steele 23 Naumovski 24 Ferris 25 Kotsaridis 28 Veleski 29 Marinovic 30 Olson 31 Newbegin 32 Oldfield 32a Tambakis 33 Bennett 34 McCartin 35 36 Gaynor l 37 Woolridge 39 Webster 40 Worrell 41 Takeshita 42 Tarulli 43 Doyle 44 Garrett 46 Mortimer 49 Ellis 50 D'amato 55 Pratt 57 Woods 65 Riscalla 78 Steele 86 Tsukagoshi 87 Rhind 111 Edgley 111 a Armstrong*
50 S . Maths
51 M . MacLeod 52 M . Smith 53 M . Williams 54 J . Hamath 55 A. Mandylaris 56 J . Guzman 57 J. Sutton 58 M. Sullivan 59 J. Bentley 60 M. Dowdle 62 A. Harper 77 S. Garcia 78 N . Neumann 79 D . Quinlan
G C A S A J A A D S R A S T A M B S W G C L C K J A J C P z M B C I J G M P D D P D M M R J P T G J P C P T T M P
L ~~
RJ I C 44
i- M
Coach : Ricky Baxter Assist. Coach : Ross Morgan Res: Greg Lovett 1 R . Baxter 2 J . Hardaway 3 B . Price 4 D . Hayes 5 L. Hope 6 B . Baksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D. Gerdes 9 L. Yowyeh 10 B . Bottomley 11 N. Harrison 12 G . Dow 13 B. Hamilton 14 C. Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J . Lovett 17 B. Brett 18 R . Diantonia 19 N . Bux 20 J. Cooper 21 B. Lovett 22 J. Mcgrady 23 M . Lovett 24 G. Mcgowan 25 J . Slater 26 M . Smith 27 A . Walsh 28 B . Noonan 29 J . Griggs 30 L. Brett 31 M . Crane 32 P. Gall 34 E . Lovett 35 F. Pike 36 T. Lovett 37 B. Brett 38 S. Kemp 39 L . Brett 40 R . Kirby 41 L . Stephens 42 S. Davis 43 J. Comley 44 R . Mainelli 45 F. Mofflin 46 G. Fryer 47 M . Robinson 48 R . Morgan 49 R . Green 51 P. Laming 52 D. Davis 53 D. Hume 54 P. Brett 55 S . Westo n 56 T. Warburton 57 R. Sikora 60 G . Murray 61 T. Holde n 62 J. Clayton 63 R . Dantonia 64 A. Davis 65 L . Griggs 66 S. Isla y 67 T. Lovett 68 M. Bond
RUL9.EER COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo Asst. Coach: Robert Pasinat i Res. Coach : Jamie Redfe m 1 S. Fishe r 2 T. Orwi n 2 R . Sheehan 3 S. Wigney 4 N . Cartledge 4 1 . Mcleod 5 S. Nelso n 6 I . Baccini 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarell a 9 P. Aslangul 10 C. Powderham 11 G. Fortun e 12 J . Schemmerlin g 13 N . Edgar 14 A . Dejon g 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 J . Lowrie 19 S. Trapma n 20 J . Moran 21 N . Lykopandi s 22 R . Pasinat i 23 J. Redfern 24 J. Daniels 25 W . Olney 26 J. D'Angelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 K . Kellett 31 S . Mclare n 32 C. Clements 33 A . Coo k 34 M . D'Angelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dalt'ogli o 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 J . Sotto
41 R. Rigor s 42 V. Dam 43 C. Cha n 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J. Ong 46 G . Reeves 47 W . Feutrill 48 M . Soumelidis 49 G . Anderto n 50 B. Wilson 51 R . Rodrigues 55 D . Digney 56 T. Mehrez 60 S. Petty 61 R . Hadisutanto 69 L. Ditchbum
Senior Coach: David Keast Coach : Scott Harrington Rese rves Coach: John Glare Assist Sen . Coach : Paul Cammerfor Reseve Coach : Bart Egan Assist Res . Coach : Darren King 1 J,Bau d 1 J. Paull 2 S . Robin s 2 P. Hayes 3 E. Savage 3 M . Brebner (DVC) B Daody 4 F. Varga 5 D .Brick 5 G . Bird g TCarter 6 M . Jelenc 7 B. Rashi d 7 C. Varg a 8 L .Sharpe 8 K. Maniscalchi (VC) 9 C .Watson 9 A. Del Biondo 10 B .Marshall 11 C . Gibson 11 J .Mizzi 13 R . Kidd 14 W. Charlton 12 L.McDonald 13 M,Luttick 15 R . Scott 16 D . Morrison 14 K.Nelson 17 J . Lesinge r 15 L.Wh te 18 R . McKenzi e 16 D.Bamett 19 M . Leonard 17 LDaI Y 20 D.Watt 18 M .ChaPPle 21 M . Cunningham 19 A.Booth 22 N. Colarossi 20 S.Jeal 23 B. Ega n 21 M.Hart 24 L. Merrett 22 J .Mckenzie 26 T. Flanagan .Watson 23 R 27 N . Pearce (VC) 24 K .Drummond 28 D . Ma S gg 25 R.Thomas 29 J . Roberts 26 J .Glare Res C/C 30 A . Penhale (RVC) 27 J.Stockdale 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 28 T.Barnett 33 C. Anderson .Howgate 29 D 34 L. Kellett 30 M.Decker 35 D. Callanan 31 B.Keleher 36 M . Alderman 32 C .Baud 37 C. Carstens 33 A Howgate 38 J. Charle s 34 J .Howgate 39 T. Van Duure n 35 G.Smflh 40 M. Rhodes .Dere 36 M 41 M. Maltar 37 J .Gilbert 42 M . Perier a 38 A.Tardif 43 D . Holloway (RC) F.Coonerty 44 A . Cox 40 E.Baud 45 K . Fraser 41 J,Kerkham 46 D. King .Buller 47 C. Lonergan 42 D 48 S . Dougherty 43 P.Mann 49 M . Watt 45 R .Davies 50 D. Hicks 46 M ,Jarvis 51 A. Bullerjahn 48 B .Turney 53 D .Marotti 49 D.Wright 54 L Allanson 50 B .Richardson 55 TWilson 51 P.Buhagiar B . Lee k 53 J .Woodward J . Mollica 54 D.Monagatt i J . Commerford 55 S.Todman J . Penhale 56 R .Love A. Delahunt 57 S,Gathercole J . Hoffman 59 B .Evans N . McConnell 61 J .Panetta 64 GLacey
Major Sponsors
1 AR001DAH ROOFING Eat More : Red Rich Fruit Olinda Creek Hotel Corner Framing
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Res . Coach: Stephen Leitch
Coach: Ange Sammartino Res. Coach: Gary Cutler
1 B.Gerac e 2 J.Akarana 3 S.Dep iazza
1 Newton D 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P 5 Cutler G D 7 6 Stelfox G D 8 Guppy 9 Sammartino A 10 Fawcett W 11 Hamilton S 12 Care S 13 Ullo M 14 Paleodimos G 15 Tsiaftas H 16 Vaina M 17 Kyriazis A 18 Varga J 19 Marin P 20 Closter L 21 Santacroce R 22 Freeman J 23 Briffa J 24 Aliani M 25 Duson W 26 Boudoloh J 27 Ferrante F 28 Gillard S 30 Russo D 31 Heck J 32 Robertson B 33 Rotella J 34 Stepien M 36 Sorleto M 37 Defelice M 38 Ceravolo D 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Burrows G 42 Papanikolou J 43 Sorleto P 44 Wall meyer N 45 Polemicos . J 46 Giovanoglou N 47 Prestigiacomo N 48 Wolter J 49 Nabbs S 50 Parks B R 51 Sall ou m 52 Guest D 53 Trafford D 54 Wake G 55 Pizzatoi E 56 Fayad M 57 Mountney A 58 Messiake T 59 Ackland T 60 Parkes A 62 Carter B 64 Palmieri A
5 S.Hewitt 6 J.Horsburgh 7 A,Christo 8 A .Horsburgh 9 K .Murphy 10 J . Wilson 11 M .Christ o 12 B .Mattson 13 J .Braham 14 T.Said 15 A.Board 16 S.Christo 17 M. Aquilina 18 F.Pavez 19 R .Aldridg e 20 L .O'Sulliva n 21 1-Hudso n 22 S .Anderson 23 S .Huntingto n 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 T.Edward s 26 P.Mesman 27 D.Billman 28 D.Slattery 29 J .Manolokaki s 30 R .McMillan 31 M,Baulc h 32 G .Jenkinson 33 D .Ben n 34 S .Robert s 35 D .Rivalland 36 S .Phillips 37 A .Leitc h 38 D. Nikol a 39 M .Oldham 40 S.Leitch 41 K.Mille r 42 D .Ollenbutte l 43 A.Runciman 44 B.Slattery rY 45 S .Robertson 46 J .Semmen s 47 M .Pilsbury 48 TScholes 49 B .Robinson 50 P.Habersatt 51 R.Wintl e 52 TBest 53 M .Saunders 54 M.Crosswel l 55 D .Layto n 56 L .Skidmore 57 J .Phillip s 58 I . Smith 59 A . Lipscombe 60 N . Aquilina 61 A . Gatt 62 L. Johnston 63 K. Johnson 64 L. Steven s 65 K. Pilsbury 66 P. King
67 W . Burgoyn e
67 Carter D
88 H . Hodgson
, Financial Service s
D4 Section RICHMOND CENTRALS Coach: Mark Petrusch Asst Coach : Res: Steven Lake
1 B . Cox 2 T. Quick 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 R. Trotter 5 D. Tankovich 6 G. Bunshaw 8 G. Malcolm 9 J . McGrat h 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A . White 11 S . Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C . Barry 16 J. Birt P. Carew 18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quay 20 A. Quick 21 A. Jones 22 A. Flores 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Piani 26 S. Baillie 28 D . Green 29 J. Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M. Berimano 34 J. Brook 35 J. Howell 38 M . Defreitas 41 T. Slatter 42 C. White 42 S. Hoare 45 K. Day 46 D. Hogan 53 K. Pardy 54 C. Cartwright 54 S . Rawlings 56 A. Miley 57 E . Hill 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melville 76 D. Phelan 79 M . Coomber 85 G. Jacobs 86 G. Porteus 87 D . Ingliss
1 2 3 4 5 6
Coach : Michael Learmonth Res: George Koumantatakis
Coach : Shane Mottram Res. Coach : G.Ternes Assistant : G.Mandalis
T. Brown B. Perelberg G . Schembn N . Goldsworthy A. Lane S. Stone
7 A. Dwyer 8 A. Zsember y 9 R . Orme 10 G . Koumantatakis
11 J . Bernardi
12 A. Webb 13 J . Hill 14 C. Goldsworthy 15 M . Purcell 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frail 19 V. Ryan 20 C. Handley 21 M . Gilchrist 22 R. Allen 23 F. Harrison 24 A. Latimer 25 M . Butler 26 J . Timmins 27 M . Banks 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 S . Leszko 32 P. Reining 33 M . O'Halloran 35 G. Theoharrls 36 B . Graetzer 37 L. Vincent 38 D . Astbury 39 T. Millar 40 R . Hausler 41 T. Cummins 42 M . Davies 44 J. Lukjanov 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 50 A. Wibawa 51 M . Lynch 52 C . Weller 53 B. Armistead 54 J. Wright 56 D . Anders 57 D . Watson 58 B. Lewis 59 K. McLennan 62 G . Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 66 N. Batskos 67 M. Maschette 68 J . Feldstad 69 J . ~endy 70 N. Luce 72 S. Sylivris 73 N. Datskos 74 A. Richard 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne
Rust Steel Ind ustries
1 M . Wright 2 R. Thorp 3 J . Natio n 4 L. Gorringe 5 S . Mottram 6 S . Cracknell C 7 D . Zulick i j ) 8 M .Gerolemou 9 S . Devli n 10 P. Bum s 11 D . Forbe s 12 W. Smith 13 N . Rose 14 M . Butera 1 5 J. Jacks 16 J. Tate 17 C . Langendorf 18 A. Heine r 19 J. Uebergan g 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J. Hall 22 G . Mandalis 23 G . Temes 24 R . Hortle 25 S. Hayne s 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusick 28 P. Skleveniti s 29 K. Weber 30 J. Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 J . Strangio 34 J . O'Neill 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebur y 37 G . Catteral l 38 R. Lapis h 39 M . Re a 40 L. M agui re 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Witnis h 45 P. Dinnick 46 C. Siotos 47 H . Gillies 48 M . Davidson 49 S . Smits 50 B . Warren 53 J . Schut z 55 N . Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 C . Thomas 58 J . Thomas 60 G. Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D . Edwards 64 B. Walpol e 65 J. Harri s 66 S. Butera 67 M. De Luise 68 L. Holmes 69 A. Dowdell 70 E. Ricciuti 72 A. Van Ree 75 S. Mills 76 V. Cavelieri n R . McCormick 78 B. Carruthers 79 D . Seex 81 B. Wil l 86 W. D. 99 W. Hircoe
iji ° - g â&#x20AC;˘\ ' " i --- ~
= w-
I -
88 FF9er s
SCOTT PARTNER S CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT S BUSINESS ADVISORS INSOLVENCY SPECIALIST S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street . Malvern 3144 Melbourne - Level 7, 313 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 237 9 E-mail : info@scottpartners .carn .au (03) 9670 6633 : www.scottpartners.com .a u Web
The Firm : We are a firm of Chartered Accountants committed to providing business and insolvency services to both businesses and individuals . Our philosophy is to always provide quality service to our clients, with the highest standards of professionalism .
Our Services Includ e :
® Taxation Services ® Insolvency an d B usiness ® Superannuation a Financial Planning R econstruction ® Com puter Services • A ccounting an d + Audit Services Business Service s Contact us for an initial no obligation consultation or cost assessment. DAVID SCOTT - MA N AGING PARTNE R
D4 Section ERT PARK Coach: John Ahern Res: Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smit h 2 S. Robinson (S) 2 N . Pastras (R) 3 A . Bake r 4 G. Foster 5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S . Venables 8 C . Jacksor! J 8 M . van .F' 9 P.CtY 10 M 11,
!19 -1 & Blue) -2,3&Red ) afternoon, and will be out to avenge a dismal final
t e r in it S. ,ble
----_ " .---J few showu=, games are b ; irx==~ , their pre-season potential . With )nder missed opportunities, the Xav s will rc .,__ : their season afresh . The Scotchies continue to do all the right things and keep the heat on the top two sides . Marcellin have been consistent throughout, but have just not been able to secure the much needed victories . In pursuit of a top two spot, the visitors will "maintain the rage," and triumph . Following successive and unfruitful games in Essendon, DLS will be delighted to be back on home soil, however there is no respite in the high standard of the opposition, today welcoming the imposing Uni Blues . The Students have just one loss for the campaign and at the end of Round 9, they'll still have only one loss . Clash of the locals at Teac, when OEG and the Bernie's face off . The home side has shown in the last few games that it's starting to find its feet in Section 1, and today they will discover what work needs to be done in order to be the yardstick of the competition . Section 2 - Preview After a weekend off courtesy of the Queen's Birthday, Round 9 gets underway this afternoon with several exciting fixtures . In potentially the match of the round, Old Trinity host Old Melburnians, the home side surviving a five goal to one fourth-quarter onslaught last round to sneak home by 4 points . OM's have now gone three weeks without competitive football, and will be more the ready to confront their opposition ; the ladder leaders to win by several goals . Second placed Werribee continue to match OM's for wins, and will look to stay on par when they meet Old Paradians at home . Parade were more than gallant in their loss last round, falling twenty points short after leading for much of the 48
- -- - -
However, with only one loss this season Werribee look too strong, the Amateurs home easily . Elsewhere the undermanned Mazenod will struggle against Hampton, the Rovers matching Werribee for all but one quarter last week . While Camberwell should overcome a spirited Beaumaris side, Brownless's boys possibly in for yet another close one, following their heart-stopping . Section 3 - Preview After three weeks off, North Old Boys will finally have the chance to avenge their round seven embarrassment at Old Carey, when they take on an undermanned St . Bernards away . Having not won a game all season, St Bernards go into this afternoon's encounter with the rather surprising prospect of possibly escaping the table's foot, having picking up four points from the bye, and a further four from Rupertswood fielding an ineligible player in round four . Although statistics suggest otherwise, this game will be no pushover for NOBs ; the away team likely to get up by a few
goals . Having now lost six on the trot, MHSOB join St . Bernards at the ladder's bottom, and look unlikeh to make any effort in improving their position when they meet the inform Old Carey away . N ositngaopthescionthreladr,OlCarey e
quickly forming as title contenders, theit impressive come-from-behind victory last weel forging yet another chapter in their bid for tit . isuce Elsewhere Rupertswood should stay with Olc Carey at the table's top, when they meet AJAX a home . Big winners last week, AJAX will struggle t( match Rupertswood for the entire four quarters the home team to win easily .
Finally Therry Penola should continue thei imposing form of last round, and move to six an three with a win over Monash .
Section Blue - Preview Glen Eira have drawn the short straw and wi~~: confront the Krushers coming off their first loss c the season . The K's who surrendered top spot la s THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200
ne will look to atone for that effort by humbling S<~inters . i(l,~ T .~',ers have reclaimed ladder leader status ,,,d I:roW that in order to stay there they must ht~}) tivinning . Bentleigh will give it their all, but lu Beders have too much to lose . battle for fourth place when the Claymen meet ~ . The incumbent Clays know that a victory ; ,tuld seal a two game buffer from the District lads, and their powerful forwards should ensure 11ey get across the line . A
pLS continue to give it their all and last roun d fell tantalisingly short. The Monders will -am be pushed right to the end, but shoul d prevaii. The JOC's ,v-ill be bursting out of their skins to t~ike on the Panthers after a fortnight's forced rest . John's are now short of top place only on percentage and the Doveton dynamos will have too „tmry,,vinners across the paddock .
Section Red - Previe w Having not played football for three weeks, ladder leaders Banyule-Viewbank return to the competitive arena this afternoon, when they meet Aquinas at home . Impressive in their past two outings, sources at the club indicate such victories %vere achieved with nine of the usual starting lineup missing, through suspension, school football, injury, illness and absence . With many to return this week, Banyule will have a near full list to choose from, the home team to stay unbeaten at the season's halfway point . Attempting to stay on par, Uni Blacks have only dropped one match all season, and will look to ontinue that record when they travel to La Trobe in the University derby . Two teams that started the season so well . La Trobe have faltered in weeks gone by, and even on home turf, will struggle to match the Blacks for skill and pace . In desperate need of bridging the ever increasing gap between second and third, Fitzroy host the winless Bulleen Templestowe, the latter team hel d to five goals last round by the then-ninth placed Yarra Valley . The Reds are slipping and are now five from eight with three other teams ; a
1 ,- 1~ M C7 1 St Kins v Old Bnito n Old Xavertans v Caulfield Or Marcetthn v Old Scotch De La Salle v UmvErsity Blues Old Essendon Or v St Bernard s IINi)FE2-74 $Ef'110 2 Old Ivanhoe - by e Old Trinity v Old Melburnians
percentage boosting win needed to lift morale at the club . Elsewhere Old Xavs will contest another closeencounter, this time away to St Leos . Home by two points last week, Xavs will post another win on the board, the margin likely to be very similar . Finally Yarra Valley will look to record win number three this season when they meet Old Westbourne at home, the away team hoping to recruit enough numbers to actually take to the field . CORRESPONDENTS Glen Harrison - glendmargaritaman .eom .au or Cam Nation - carnation aptusnet .com .au
U19 (1 ) University Blues McKerrow 6 34 St. Bernards Pitts 4 29 De La Salle Hancock 2 24 Old Scotch Beaurepaire 2 23 Old Scotch Thompson 2 22 U19 (2 ) Werribee Chalmers 5 33 Old Melburnians Ironmonger 0 22 Old Ivanhoe Alagona 2 22 Old Camberwell Peasnell 0 21 Hampton Rovers Scott 2 17 iJ19 (3 ) Collegians Burrows 0 31 Rupertswood Potter 2 27 Collegians Naylor 0 20 Rupertswood Brennan 0 20 Collegians Elg 0 14 d7i9 (2) Blue Oakleigh Jordan 0 44 Oakleigh Clays Nassrallah 7 41 St Bedes MT McNamara 5 35 St, Johns Phaedonos 0 20 St Bedes MT Mark 5 17 U19 (2) Re d Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 1 43 Banvule Tsingaris 0 39 University Blacks Moffatt 2 32 University Blacks Dowsley 2 27 University Blacks Brooks 5 2 4
Werribee A--tateu-° v Old Paradians Bentleigh v St Bedes Ment Ttg Mazenod 0 C v . pton Rovers South Melbourne Districts v Oakleigh Clay s De la Salle (2) v Ormon d St Johns 0 C v hone Panthers on Oval 2 Ru•.. Be at 1 .330 p.m. Ott C".e
7B e
Si Bernards (2) rth Old Boys on Oval 1 Monash Blues v Thercy Penota OB
v Glen Eira
Yarra Valle J B v Old Westbourne Fitzroy Reds v Bulleen Temptestow e La Trobe Uni v University Black s St Leos Emmaus WP v Old Xaverians (2) Banyule Viewbank v Aquinas 0 C
Beaumaris v Old Camberwell
Section 1 - Preview The Skevs will attempt to stem their losing run of five, when they host the Tonners. If not fo r inaccurate kicking last round, Brighton would have recorded their second victory of the year ,
gauging both team's current form, OB should do i t today . After a stirring Performance against the Berni' es .
Xav's have then produced a fortnight of forgettable showings . By contrast, the Fielders in the last fe w games are beginning to live up to some of thei pre-season potential . With a week's rest to ponde r r missed opportunities, the Xavs will reignite their season afresh . The Scotchies continue to do all the right things and keep the heat on the top two sides . Marcelli n
have been consistent throughout, but have just not been able to secure the much needed victories . In pursuit of a top two spot, the visitors will "maintain the rage," and triumph . Following successive and unfruitful games in Essendon, DLS will be delighted to be back on home soil, however there is no respite in the high standard of the opposition, today welcoming th e
imposing Urn Blues . The Students have just on
afternoon, and will be out to avenge a dismal final t e r in .
However, with only one loss this season Werrib look too strong, the Amateurs home easily . Elsewhere the undermanned Mazenod w struggle against Hampton, the Rovers matchii Werribee for all but one quarter last week . W hCamberwlsoudvcapirteBum r
side, Brownless's boys possibly in for _yet anothi close one, following their heart-stopping . Section 3 - Preview
After three weeks off, North Old Boys will finall have the chance to avenge their round seve : embarrassment at Old Carey, when they take oi an undermanned St . Bernards away . Having no won a game all season, St Bernards go into tit, afternoon's encounter with the rather surprisin! prospect of possibly escaping the table's foot having picking up four points from the bye, and < further four from Rupertswood fielding ar, ineligible player in round four . Although statisti c
suggest otherwise, this game will be no
they'll still have only one loss .
for NOBs ; the away team likely to get up 11by a fe r w goals
Clash of the locals at Teac, when OEG and the Bernie's face off . The home side has shown in the
Having now lost six on the trot, MHSOB join St .
loss for the campaign and at the end of Round 9 ,
last few games that it's starting to find its feet in Section 1, and today they will discover what work needs to be done in order to be the yardstick of the competition . Section 2 - Preview After a weekend off courtesy of the Queen's Birthday, Round 9 gets underway this afternoon with several exciting fixtures . In potentially the match of the round, Old Trinity host Old Melburnians, the home side surviving a five goal to one fourth-quarter onslaught last round to sneak home by 4 points . OM's have now gone three weeks without competitive football, and will be more the ready to confront their opposition ; the ladder leaders to win by several goals . Second placed Werribee continue to match OM's for wins, and will look to stay on par when they meet Old Paradians at home . Parade were more than gallant in their loss last round, falling twent<, points short after leading for much of the 48
Bernards at the ladder's bottom, and look unlikel y to make any effort in improving their positio n when they meet the inform Old Carey away . Now sitting atop the section three ladder, Old Carey ar e
quickly forming as title contenders, thei r impressive come-from-behind victory last wee k
forging yet another chapter in their bid for titl e success . Elsewhere Rupertswood should stay with Ol d
Carey at the table's top, when they meet AJAX a t
home . Big winners last week, AJAX will struggle t o match Rupertswood for the entire four quarters ; the home team to win easily .
Finally Therry Penola should continue thei r imposing form of last round, and move to six and three with a win over Monash . Ion Blue - Preview
Glen Eira have drawn the short straw and wil l confront the Krushers coming off their first loss of the season . The K's who surrendered top spot las t THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
l look to atone for that effort by humblin g ters . ,,,s have reclaimed ladder leader statu s { l .itow that in order to stay there they mus t ;vinning. Bentleigh will give it their all, but ~_;a(',ers have too much to lose .
,,utle for fourth place when the Claymen mee t Thc incumbent Clays know that a victor y t,l_i se .d a two game buffer from the District _ and their powerful forsvards should ensur e
percentage boosting win needed to lift morale at the club . Elsewhere Old Xavs will contest another closeencounter, this time away to St Leos . Home by two points last week, Xavs will post another win on the board, the margin likely to be very similar . Finally Yarra Valley will look to record win number three this season -,,hen they meet Old Westbourne at home, the : : <y team hoping to recruit enough numbers to _cuallv take to the field.
across the line . ~,(,~ continue to give it their all and last roun d fell tantalisingly short . The Menders will be pushed right to the end, but shoul d JOC's will be bursting out of their skins t o > on the Panthers after a fortnight's forced rest .
,t . John's are now short of top place only o n rcentage and the Doveton dynamos will have too ,;, .my winners across the paddock . Section Red - Preview ing not played football for three weeks, ladder 1~째<<ders Banyule-Viewbank return to the ,;mpetitive arena this afternoon, when they meet ;rquinas at home . Impressive in their past two )utings, sources at the club indicate such victories ,vere achieved with nine of the usual starting lineup missing, through suspension, school football, injury, illness and absence . With many to return this week, Banyule will have a near full list to choose from, the home team to stay unbeaten at the season's halfway point . Attempting to stay on par, Uni Blacks have only dropped one match all season, and will look to continue that record when they travel to La Trobe in the University derby. Two teams that started the season so well, La Trobe have faltered in weeks gone by, and even on home turf, ~.v=ill struggle to match the Blacks for skill and pace . In desperate need of bridging the ever increasing gap between second and third . Fitzroy host the winless Bulleen Templestowe . the latter team held to five goals last round by the then-ninth placed Yarra Valley . The Reds are slipping and are now five from eight with three other teams ; a
U19 (1) Unicersitv Blues : :eKerrow 6 34 St. Bernards Pitts 4 29 De La Salle Hancock 2 24 Old Scotch Beaurepaire 2 23 Old Scotch Thompson 2 22 tT1J (2) 5 33 \Verribee Chalmers Old Melburnians Ironmonger 0 22 Old Ivanhoe Alagona 2 22 Old Camberwell Peasnell 0 21 Hampton Rovers Scott 2 17 Ul9 (3 ) Collegians Burrows 0 31 Rupertswood Potter 2 27 Collegians Naylor 0 20 Rupertswood Brennan 0 20 Collegians Elg 0 14 U 19 (2) Blu e Oakleigh Jordan 0 44 Oakleigh Clays Nassrallah 7 41 St Bedes MT McNamara 5 35 St. Johns Phaedonos 0 20 St Bedes MT Mark 5 1 7 tTi9 (2) Red 43 Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 39 Banyule Tsingaris 32 University Blacks Moffatt 27 University Blacks Dowsley 24 University Blacks Brooks
t1'estbee Amateurs v Old S aradlans Bentletgh v St Bedes Ment Ttg H Rovers South Melbourne Districts v Oakleigh Clay s Mazena O , 3
De La Salle (2) v Onnond St Johns O C v Mentone Panthers on Oval 2 at 1 .30 P.M .
St He s void Brighton Old Xa rtans v Caulfield or Marcemn v Old Scotch De La Salle v Universitv Blues Old Essendon Or v St Bernards
itta'tDM- 14 SECTION 2 Old Ivanhoe - bye Old Trinity v Old Melburn7ans Beaanni aris v Old Canitrrwel t
Be Old CC St Bernards (2 onash Blue: )M
H >B bye dE ,onOvitl 2 r 'enola OB
12 iv C., ii rIca
Yarra Valley 0 B v Old Westbourne Fitzroy Reds v Bulleen Templestow e La Trobe Uni v University Black s St Leos Emmaus WP v Old Y,averians (2) Ban}Rile Viewbank v Aquinas 0 C 49
4.5 9.10 13.10 21 .14(140) SI3 1 .3 3.8 10.8 11 .13(79) : Kestenlrag 4, 1-rtas 4 . Graf 3, Thurin 3, Nankin 2, Paid 2 . Bloom.
2.2 7.4 8.4 12.7( 79) CAUL GR.'= :i 4.3 4.4 8.4 10.5?651 ST. HEVINS Caul Gram . Murphy 3, Yelland 2. May 2, Hammond 2, Townsend, Lord . Carbani. : Carbon[, Savers, Gen-and, Townsend, Rudd . Hammond. SL ' , Best Tancredi 3 . Shannon 2, Tac•Ior 2, Sexton, W .Gulltter, Underw•ori. Best: W.Gulltfpr, L .Gu1Wer. Hamilton, O'Connor, Welsh, Hughes. Umpires: Nick Ryde
ankle, Nissen Best : Bloom, Narilckt, Ginaril . Peters, Heine, Schulberg Monash Bethe 3 . Spence 3, Chapman. Cobban,Hayter, Pay, Taylor Best, Ta}ior, Pay, Mudge, Shields, Spence . Haytcr Umpires: Tony Lilley 'hark Alexander (F) Anthony Vatofmulos Tristan Pearce (B) Syneoi Valopoulos Victor Vakipoulos, (G)
Patrick Coulthard (F) Ben Bracken Sam Gent (B .8 3.9 7.14 7.17(59) )OLDBS'GtCN1 1 .1 5.2 6 .4 8-11(59) 0 it - _ ON 0'_d one Eastgate 2, Ryan, Gadsden, Ross, Fielke, Jackson . Best: Joseph. Dub}ma. Eastgate, Fisher, Gadsden. Ellis. Oki Essendom King 5, Camikeno, Mezo, Harewood . Best: HarewooL King, Mezo. Duggan. Leech, Ceruttanio . Um • Steve Masai Matt Meter (F) James Gregory Sean Dm'ston-Ryan (B) OLD SCOTCH 5.4 8 .6 8 .11 18.1&124) OLD XP> 'S 3 .4 4. 6 .13 6 .14 (50) Old Scatek : Dick 5, Lowing 2, E Beaurepaire 2, L Thompson 2, Phllalay 2, Hope 2, Ackrmel, Berry. Jonas Best : Lowing, Aurel-Smith, Nickless, Phllalay, Dick, Pearce Old Xaviniami Corcoean, Chapman, Ryan . Freer, Barrett. Nolan Best : Ryan, Scanlan, Freer, J McDonnell, Nad'vllc, Armstrong Umpires : Brett Herskope Colin Newcombe (F) Nick Murphy Stephen Bogtsidt (G ) UHt SLUES 7 .3 14 .8 15 .13 19 .16(130) MARCELLIN 7 .0 8 .2 12 .2 13 .4(82) Uni Blues: MeKerroW 6. Torney 4, Rankin 4 . Northway 2. Marriott, Fletcher, Heinz . Best: Vandenbasch . Rankin, Torney, McKerrow, Steele, Fletcher, MArcellim Bortolotto 4. Burden 3 . Ryan 2, Mahon . T. Money. Beattie, Wise. Best : Bardan. Bortolodto, Layton, Schaepman, Clune . Mahon Um • Graeme Etunichen (F) Josh White-Spier Katie White-Spier (B) 5T BERNARDS 5 .6 7.9 11 .11 14.20(104) DE Isl, SAIJ 0 .1 2.1 5 .2 6 .3(39) St Bernmils: Pitts 4. Mitchell 2, Janms2. Pell . Ryan, Keunen, Robbins, Runnals. O'Connor Best: Harrison, O'Connor, James. Robbins, Garth, Ryan Be La Se&_: Lowlher 2. Hancock 2. Oakley, Beer Best : Nankenis. HassaL Starnes.Doneghan. Bourke, Browning Um ' : Shane Mice Gavin Roberts (F) Joel tblgnell(B) Chris Kaleta Michael Islaster (G )
:7o?"si -'n ?u:"S BYE Ti . :!1 IROB 7.6 13.8 23 .16 2( .19(17d) ST 1 J3S (2) 0.0 4.2 4.2 6.4(40) NO U TAILS RECEIVED Umpires : Sean Scully Jr (Rotation-from A) (F) Ricky Goodmet Adrian Borg (B) Chris McKendry Michad Jones (G ) ST HEDRS NSE'N°LORE 1 .3 8 .13 12 .15 15 .211111) O GHS.RC• 5.2 5 .3 11 .4 1t .5(71) St Bodes b4 atc ~ McNamara 5, M ark 4 . Buck 4, Cieslak, McMurray Best : to. Porter O GH A.RC: Best: Not Waters, KeIF mara, V. 3on. I recoil d ULu Duthie Pat nis (F I 10 .6(67) G"-"' .: ..rur::Erit;D ST J+ 0 C RECEIVED FORFEIT 14 .15(99) 3 .6 4.7 10.17 16.23(119) G.,n, ,:u..G_3 13E4dIY GfI 1 .1 6 .4 7.6 10.9(69) Ekik[L.~ tnys: Nassrallah 7 . Sullivan 3, Nayna 2, Thomson, Isaac, Vaughan, O'Brien Best: Dcayton, Isaac . Nassrallah, Nussbaum, O'Brien Bea • To Hennepe 3, Rahilly 2, Nicholson, Dolman, McLellan . S 4Wight . Forrest Best : Wyld . Holmeshy. R3hllhJ. Joll y. tr7cLell<art . Wilson Umgir= Nicholas Brown Peter Pullm (F) (B) Perrin Brown (G ) ORMOND 0.2 3 .5 4.7 7.13(55) STH MELH 6.6 6.12 1014 11 .14180) Ormond: Evans 2, Black . Muses, Johnstone, Lerner. David Best : McConchle, Upstill . Matter, Wells, David, Evans Sth Malta M .Glannetlls 3, AGannellis 2, Stepharadalns 2 . tiblde¢, Merchte. Bemenuto, Mahoney. Best, Stanza, Merc3llc, A.Gialutellis, Bell . Mahoney, Gitigell . Umpires: Nick Evans Dianne Whiteley (F) Lucas Brass (B) Jake Mahar Chic Shipley (G ) MENTONE PANTHERS 1 .4 2.6 9.10 12 .14 (86) DELASATJ (2) 2.4 9.9 10.10 10.14 (74) A§e$4oae Best: Wilson . Bowtell, Erskine. Sutherland, Neilson . Rvan . Montane Goals: Bowtell 3. Ryan 3, Neilson 2, Wilson I, Rastas 1 . Brown 1, Sutherland 1 . Be Le Salla Best : Tate, RaLheek. Thorton. Hart, Crave, Vince. De La Salle Goals: Thortan 2. Howard 2 . Tullock 1, Tate I . Hart 1, Vince 1, Gilchrist 1 . Hart 1 . Unapt Tom Havsom Gary Seaborne (F )
OLD UI2PIIAN "s BYE OZd}IY§tiIIZOE 4 .1 11 .5 20.8 25.12(162) 3.2 4.2 6.3 6.8(44) MAZENOD Oki Ivanhou Goals: Keane 4, A.dderley 4 . Dawkins 3. Hope 3 . Alagona 2, Read 2, Snell, Nagel, Coleman, Fm}9er. Briggs, f on . Verro it. Best: Dawkins, Fowler, Adderley. Keane. Nagel, Georgina . . .. nodu Goals Stagliano 3. Klmtibun•, M. Regan, Kawmagt . Best: Castricum, Stagiano . Hansen, Whre, Bawer Umpires: Peter James Anthony Calderon- (F) Lucas Brass (B) Lucas Williams Ken-an O'Kede (G) OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .1 6.7 7.7 12 .12(84) OSd31RIF7TIY 5.4 6.5 12 .10 13 .1 0( 88) Old CambzrwveL Cottrell 2, Gosling 2. Hockey 2, Weaver 2, Chase . Hanson . G, Hendrie. Ramsay. Best: Gosling, Peacock. Johnson. Hendrie. BirrelL Hiker. Old RYlnity : Barella R 3. Gutterry 2. Me Donald 2, Krakouer 2 . Leahy, Kenna, Sale`e, Buckitigtram. Best : Leahy, Krakouer. Day. Barella, Me Donald . Dickinson .
] _ 1A 3M BULLEEN TE.k C. :; u.u 2.0 2 .0 5 .0(30) YARRA VALLEY 2 .12 7 .15 11 .22 16.241 1201 Builkeni Temp: Coulston Lee. Slattery, Tremayne, Vega Best.-Verga Tek•in, Stas•retis, Lockie, Coniston Ymra Ve12e•,y: Phiglit 4, Smith 3. Askew, Britt, Glennie. Maudslev. Nicholas, Rok-ield.Yoe. Best: Britt. Amos, Mauds]eJ. Borland, Seeger, Roklekl Um ' • Ryan Hense Clods Collins (F) Liam Ratckfle Sean Collins (B)
Umpires: Tony Novvell David Windlow (F) Tom ttuullow (B) John Ralph Hagen Cosg9ff (G)
OLD P IAfiS 1 .2 4 .3 4 .5 4 .5(29) BEAUMARIS 2 .4 3 .6 3 .9 6 .13(49) Old Paradianso Elliott, Lntch . McLaughlin . Caple Best: McLaughlin, Smith . Giddings . Richardson. Graham, Allen Ba .imaris: Groves 2. Evans. Guys, lra:vs . Terpsinis Best : Williams, Lynch, Wall . Evans, Wilscnt . Poll Umphres: Daniel Dinneen (F)
OLD' . 6R1 FORFEITED 6 .7(43) BAN tILE VI . . . . :RECEIVED FORFEIT 13 .13(91) UHPVER Y ,t.'KS 4 .2 10 .5 12 .7 1512(102 ) 1 .1 3.4 4 .7 6 12(48)
Ualva-ty : Brooks 5, Went, Rely, Do :vsley 2, Brumby-Rendell . Lynch, Chisholm . Fresfidge . Best: Henry, Magee. Brooks, Brumby-Rendell, Barter. Chisholm . FILM Reds: Dullard, Astuddlo, V'IOlato, Magttamez . Zika. Cwrne. Best- Zika, Edwards, Wtllin2,J>am, Clark . Calvll, Louls-Gleeson. Um ' : Eli Ha}es Frank Kacanagit (F ) OLD XAVE. `S (2) 1 .3 3 .7 4 .8 7.11(53) LATROBE 1 .0 3.3 4.6 7.9(51) OLD XAVS: Chester, Faithftrl 2 Bowiby . Martin, McInemey BEST : Martin. Roag`vr, Rees . Vaughan, White, Faithful LA TItOBE: Redmond 3 Harley 2 Hogan, McDonald BEST: Sehnll, Thorilinson, Mtvphy. Scott, Bridges . Marines Umpires: Luke Moncriell(Rotat3on - from B I AgUIE3fl,S 0 C NO DETAILS RECEIVED ST LEOS .AUS WP Umpires: Ken McNlece David Murray (F) Michael Roche (B) Shane Herbert Malcolm FNetil (G)
HAMPTON ROVERS 0 .0 4 .1 8 .3 11,6(72) WERRUM 5.8 9 .8 13 .13 14 .14(98) Hampton Rmers: Orih 2, Scott 2, Cave . Jones, Kezilas, C Malthouse, T Malthause. T MeNanu3ta Terech Best : Christiansen, Ferry, C Malthause . Scott, Giasounil Wtnfli= Chalmers 5. Lee 2 . Justin Russo 2. McDonald 2, Palnmtkfton,, Smith, Josh Russo Best : Storenbrink. Black . Josh Russo, Andrews, McNali}, Lee U • Merv Monty (F) Jessica Rollo (B) Greg Ratio Jim Exton (G) U%DER-19 SEC'I70F7 3 NIIISOS 4 .1 5.3 5 .4 8.&56) RU PER28BI OOD 4 .6 5.8 10.14 11 .16(82) MIMS: Hamilton 2 Ternes McGrath Fitzgerald Aitken Clarke Whitehouse Best Vi11aN Vfiitehouse Ternes Mcgmlh Altken Gald F.u. - '- - :Bishop 2 Potter 2 Quinn 2 Barry Cato Clarkl Jaeger Manzell Bets Sullivan L Gaunt Manzell Jaeger Little Umpires: Jim Pappas Brian Nunn (F) Jack Fagan : .,,,k Booth (B) Madelene Fagan (G)
3.2 3.3 3.5 4.6(30)
OLD CAREY 0 .1 2.5 6.9 10.14(74) Coll • Jorgenson 3, Morris. E I. Jorgensen, Fabris, Parrent, Brrnene . Ashwurth 3, MacFarlane 3, Angus 2 . Choong, Evans. Muttan. Short. Odd .C€7 Best: Evans, TrumbulL Parker, Ra: ita?d, MacFarlane, Thontpsort . Despises Dean Banova Brian Nunn (F) Jai atrick (B)
Under-19 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Coach : Geoff Reilley 1 J. James 2 C . Murphy 3 T. Genand 4 J . Yelland 5 T Hammond 6 M . Townsend 7 M . Thomson 8 J. Brown 9 N . Edwards to J. May it B. Carboni 12 M. Sainsbury 13 A . Gree n 14 C. Ul l 15 L.0'Brien 16 N. Fallu 17 S. Twyrcroh IS R . Boyd 19 J . Pitts 20 S. Lord 21 M . Parker 22 J . Rawlings 23 Z . D'Arcy 24 D. Buckthought 25 A. Babaro 27 T Carly 28 M. Nickles "9 J . Sayers 40 D . Harrod 45 B . Acfietd 50 J . Foley 53 C. Jones
Section I BE LA SA
Coach : Denis Bilston
1 M . Sheehan 2 R . Quick 3 M . Fieldsen 4 N . Hart 5 M . Clinch 7 D. Keely 8 V. Moloney 9 B. Vague 10 N . Smit h 11 R . Hancock 13 L. Bowden 14 M . Hayes 15 S . Smythe 16 J. Adams 18 L . Williams 20 J. Hassell 23 S . Ferwerda 24 S . Conway 26 T. Duggan 27 L. O'Donnell 28 L . Jarvis 29 M . Nankervis (C) 39 B. Oakley (DVC) 46 A . Skinns (VC) 53 D . Brownin g
OLD SCOTCH Coach: Lathe Waterman Asst Coach : Terry Kendall 1 B. Nickless (VC )
Coach U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain i O Meese T
2 J . Wright 3 S . Gambon i 4 A . Sutherland (VC) 5 C. Swa n 6 M . Moffatt 7 K. Downing 8 B.Snaddon 10 E . Beaurepaire 11 A . Wilkinson 12 A. Philalay 13 S . Pappas 14 R. Lowing 15 J. Latimer 17 A. Pearce 18 N . Ackroyd 19 S . Dick 20 N . Thorn 21 L. Thompson (C) 22 L Graha m 24 P. Zogootas 25 C. Logan 27 S. Jam s 28 S. Yeomans 30 K. Berry 32 R . Gerstman 33 C. Purnell 35 G . Fitzpatrick 41 T. Bull 43 A. Cossar 44 T. Aurel-Smflh 49 S. Hope
OLD XAVERIANS (1 & 2) 2 Trescns.thick J 3 Mont qomer S 4 Armstrong A 5 Rubrra E 6 KenfieW M 7 Freer S 8 McDonn^_tiJ 9 Ro4an T 10 Hurett S 11 Bourke R 12 Ryan J
13 Ginnrvan L 14 Reecho M 15 Barrett A 16 Corcoran N 17 Chapman P 18 Scanian M (C) 19 Martin J 20 Meehan D 21 Nolan C 22 S1Naqni R 23 French R 24 Purss C 25 Rowe L 26 O'Hanlon M 27 Purce ll P 28 White J 29 Adams S 30 Vaughan S 31 RYanA 32 MclnerneyT 33 Ford D 34 Quinn D 35 Agius J 36 Rees D 37 Runco R 38 Melvin -Smiih J 39 Ryan S 40 O Hanbn M 41 Fusnato R 42 Stnb4ey M 43 Corngan T 44 Koine D 45 Trovato M 47 Stdley 0 7 48 NadiNn. A 49 LYnch T 50 Cheater P 51 8owlby J 52 ButlerN 53 Faithful A 54 Paqe
Coach: Gavan Walsh 1 K . Bardon (vc) 2 M . Doyle (c) 3 J . Mahon 4 J . Wise (vc) 5 M . Borto otl 0 6 L . Cowpe r 7 A. Tabacherria 8 F. Dorbolo (dvc) 9 S. Considin e 10 B . Mill s 11 G. Di Felice 12 D. Beatti e 13 A. Power 14 L. Money 15 T Money 16 R . Hoyne 17 C . S'ler
18 J. Ryan 19 A . Schaepman 20 P. De Luca 21 D . Cirone 22 L. Watkins (dvc) . 23 A. CeccamancEn 24 A. Layton 25 T. Clune 26 A. Wadsworth 27 A. Symes 28 J. Carlson 29 M. Caton 30 P. Spence3l A. Nasr 32 J . Williams 33 P.Cow pe r 34 D.Toohey 35 M . Cunningham 36 N . Hardinq 37 C . Purcell 38 S. Nutbeam 39 J . Clausen 40 A . Lapadula 1 41 A. Caesar Sponsors : in-site advertising - Mitcham
Coach : Adam McConnell
Coach: James Wilson Team Man: Graeme Williamson
t L. Ross 2 C . Tell 3 L. McDonald 5 B . Humphreys 7 N . Stenner 9 A. Clarke 10 M . May 11 R . Fisher 12 S. Eastgate 13 R . Capam 14 S . Dunca n 15 B . Gadsden (C) 16 J . Sale m 18 S . Oliver 20 G . Fielke 21 S. Cooney 23 T. Ryan 24 L. Mead 27 M . Chamberlain 28 B . Richardson 31 S . Jackson 33 R.Joseph 63 D . Ellis
R6 isIlaag sun Hotel Richmond
Coach : David Law
1 B. Pins 2 C . Govan 3 J . Hughes 4 M . Walsh 5 J . Smit h 6 D.Oconnor 8 S. Mathews 9 D . Evans 10 B. Gart h 11 A . Marion 12 B . Runnals 13 L. Levides 14 D. Hurley 15 G .Joseph 17 F. Mastropasqua 18 M. Maggior e 22 A. Mitchell 27 B. Draper 28 C .Kuenen 32 Ch Liberatore 35 B . Rya n 39 J . Stapleton 41 G. Campbell 42 R. James 45 B.Johnson 47 M . Hooper 57 L. Anderson 59 M. Harrison 60 J .HOganh 62 J . Robbins 63 M . Pel l 70 K. Buiss
1 F. Ktenas 2 N . Tai l 3 J. Dazkw 4 C . Heritage 5 W. Nunlist 6 S . Dawson 7 T Bigg s 8 E . Baskan 9 D. Mezo 10 H . Leury 11 J. Duggan i2 J.Harewood 13 L. Bones 14 D . Cerantonio 15 S . Clinnick 16 S . Wad e 17 M . Trevaskis 18 L. Ballinger 19 P. Rankin 20 J. Mansour 21 R . Baddeley 22 A. Castanga 23 M. Shaw 24 C. Burke 25 P. Ma y 26 L. Cagliarini 27 M . Kin g 28 T. Wilson 29 J. Stormont 30 S. Modesse 3t N . Foot 32 D . Nankervis 33 D.Hardy 34 T. Rumbte 35 J . Phillips 36 C. Leac h 37 M . Schappacher 38 A. Christou 39 R. Arzanou 40 L. Edgar 41 C . Sevens 42 J . Ure n 43 A . Canning 44 J . Franci s
ST.KEV IN'S OLD BOY S Coach: Ben McGee Asst . Coach: John Welkin 1 J . Maher 2 T 0Too1 e 3 L. Giansiracusa (VC) 4 S . Sexton S M . Kir k 6 H. Feehan 7 R. Taylor 8 H. Powell 9 L. Syme 10 L. Gullifer 11 J . Liston 12 C . Taylor (DVC) 13 N . Hutto n 14 A . Hamihon (Capt) 15 M . Vero 16 A. Callender 17 M. Welsh 1 8 M. Drinkvrater 19 C . Underwood (VC) 20 W. Dun n 2t D . Petrou 22 A .Lynch 23 C. Tancredi 25 A. Mulkeams 26 M . Shannon 28 D . McBrid e 30 P. Ghougassian 32 B. Hughes 33 S . O'Connor 34 J . O'Keefe 35 J . Coates 39 N. Pop e 40 D. Mount 43 W. Gullrfer (DVC)
University Blues Coach : Tim Giles
1 Muir G 2 Steele P 3 Rankin T (DVC ) Fitzpatrick A 5 Vandenbusch N 6 Williamson W 7 Bradley C (C) i6 89 VGan Dy}< P 10 Marriott 11 Fletcher S 12 Ryan C 13 IMcPTtail D (DVC) 15 Moore L 16 Moylan J orthway 17 N C 1 8 Shaundessy M 19 Heinz D 20 Gibson S 21 V Wood J C)Denij F 23 Young R 24 King J V tDC) 25 Walker T 26 McKerrow J 27 Sibley S 28 Torney M 29 Collins J 30 Kelly P 31 Groot A 32 Joyce S 33 Badow H 34 Shepherdsan P 35 Woodhouse L 36 Cordy J 37 Meagher J 38 Morgan B G 39 Roney
- Section 2 HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry
2 S. Haul 3 M . Eady 4 L Quirk 7 S . Lynch (VC) 8 D. Taylor 9 M . Wilson (C) 10 J . Kellyy 11 T. Fitzgerald 14 P. Berry 15 M. Bramwell 16 C . Terpsinis 17 C . Evans 18 D. Bird 20 R. Dew 21 P. Irons 22 J . Bramwell (DVC) 23 T. Woolnough (DVC) 25 B . Bowker 26 C. Shone 27 D . Murphy 35 S . Lee 36 P. Guys 40 T. Boreham A. Pall 43 J. Tomlin 49 J. H°garth 50 D. Wall 52 J. Williams 71 J . Mitchell 75 T. Groves
Coach : Owen Lalor Asst: Ryan CHuillier I Fagan C 2 Wettenhall S (C ) 3 Ironmonger T(VC) 4 Gumbleton C 5 Rafferty J 7 Robinson N 9 Prowse A 10 Pannifex A 13 Hanchette C 14 Voyage A ~ 15 Schofield T 16 Hardy E 17 Macdonald W 18 Dick J 19 Lawler R 21 Tandy A 23 Qsmond D 31 Theodoulou C 44 Tucker J 47 Coultan K 48 Faulkner R 4 9 52 Galbraith R Gooch C 53 Hindle J 54 Lacey H 56 Mitchell J 60 Webb O{VC) 62 Christian W 64 Pascoe R 65 Hurst L 67 Cooper E 68 Schivo M 71 Brett-Young C 72 Tomlinson H Sponsored By : mpg people TELECOM GAZMAN E . MURPHY & SONS
Coach : Michael Blake 1 T. McNamara 2 N . Oriti 3 M. Ellis 5 R . Bassily 8 L Fletcher D . O'Brien 11 J. Tipping 12 B. Kezilas 13 K. Sprat 14 T. Porter 15 I . Nicholls 16 G . Giasoumi 17 S . Gravina 18 B . Kezilas 19 C. Malthouse 20 T. Malthouse 21 J . McCarthy 22 B. Henry 24 Y. Kobayashi 25 M. Terech 26 T. Richards 27 L Cave 28 L. Jones 29 J. Morley 30 N. Singh 31 M . Scott 32 C. Christianson 33 D. Rayson 34 R. Turnbull 35 D. Filopulos 36 M . Vocale 38 A . Crisp 39 J . McNamara 46 D . Williams 50 B. McCallu m 58 B. Wr ight
OLD PARADIANS Coach: Anthony Quinn Asst: M . Spinoso
2 D . Caple 3 B. Clark 4 D . Malone 5 M . Mitchell 6 D. Giddings 7 S. Luff 8 D. Richardson 10 A. DiFabio 11 R. Ryan 12 M . Irvine 13 S . Maher 14 P. Turner 15 S . Egan 16 D. Watts 17 S . Graham 18 T. Girovski 20 A . McLaughlin 21 D . Kalviskis 23 A. Smith 25 S. Rehlicki 27 M. Dri 29 G . Vincent 30 D . Dea n 36 R. Villano 40 M . Hyde (C) 48 A. Elliott
Coach : John Le Grand I D . Hansen (C) 2 D . Regan 3 B. Kinniburgh 4 R . House 5 N. Bradley 6 A. Stagliano 7 S . Ware 8 N. House 9 B . Chamberlain 10 J . Mather 11 J . Kavanagh 12 A . Cook 16 T. Bourbon 17 T. Steinfort 18 F. Reed 21 S. Castricum 22 M. Power 25 S. Stanley 26 G . Hamill 27 M . Regan 35 A. Wistanle 45 J . Crough y 46 D. Dunne 70 D. Chamberlain 76 A . Varlay
ffi-tjch pair±S
Il'fe'5 Bdrftjsr
in oal
OLD TRINITY Coach : Dean Peters 2 Day M 3 Aitken J Capt 4 Bilwani A 5 Salem S 6 Miers J 7 Kenna J 8 Dickenson A 9 Amiconi C 10 Roger A 11 Gutierrez C 12 Stebbins N V/C 13 Webster J DV/C 14 Burgess M 15 Krakouer S 16 Marsden A 17 Monasso J 18 Herrod T 19 Buckingham A 20 Medland A 21 Baratta R 22 Verrocchi M 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chilly E 26 Oliver D V/C 27 Romney N 28 Butler K 29 Dexter J 30 Burke M 31 de Bruin S 32 Hore-Lacy A 34 Hider B 39 Smith S 42 Leahy H 43 Amore J 65 McDonakl E
OLD CAMBERWELL FC Coach : Anson Brownless 1 T. Lyons 2 L. Weaver 3 G . Hanson 4 B. Hillier 8 J. Vince 14 J. Hadleyy 16 A. Langford 17 D. Clyne 78 J . Vince 79 L. Heffernan 20 C. Birrell 21 C. Rogers 22 G. Alessio 23 L. Taylor 24 S . Peasnell 25 S . Johnson 26 C . Hendrie 27 B . Moody 28 A. Peacock 29 D . Bruce 30 A. Mac Callum 31 D . Hanson 35 M. Shanks 37 L. Mc Dermott 38 W. Bradshaw 39 T. Chase 40 T. Gosling 43 T Si 9ala9 45 D. Ramsay 46 D. Morley 47 B . Cottrell 48 M . Westman 50 B . Withers
OLD T- ' Coach: Stephen fGng Asst Coach : Adam Jenkins Team Mgr: Phil Peacock 1 A . Alagona (Co-C ) 2 B . Nage l 3 Rhys Mitchel l 4 R . Butler 5 G . Bryant (VC) 6 A. Reed 7 R. Coleman 8 R. Stern e 9 J . Uljan s 10 M . Verroch i 11 G . Fowle r 12 D. Peacock (VC ) 14 A . Grange r 17 Z. Keane 18 I. Dawkins 19 L . Hammond 20 C . Georgiou (VC) 21 Rob Mitchel l 22 J. Britta n 30 G . Hope 34 S. Addedey 35 M . Briggss 36 P. Barrett 44 J. Siegersma 53 S . Snell 54 J. McBrid e 55 J . Pierera 56 P. Lowry
Coach : Fab Gatti I M. Palmingto n 2 J. O'Brien 3 C . Lee 4 N. Renault 5 D. Bunworth 6 P. Chalmers 7 T. Andrews 8 R. Barker 9 Josh Russ o 10 L. Gatti 11 S . Bianco 12 B . Stomebrin k 13 A . McNallY 14 B . Black 15 M. McDonald 16 R . Mentha 17 P. Cassin 18 B. Prismall 19 L Gatti 20 N . Addam o 21 N . Renau t 22 D. Lee 23 Justin Russ o 24 P. Keogh 25 B . Blac k 26 A. Cain 27 S . Smith 28 M . Miller 29 P. Spry 31 J . Tanner 34 R . Mentha 47 S . Simpson 66 B . McMahon
~ f ~~' ~1 Zi Q 7~'
jjnder®19 - Section 3 AJAX
Ass Coach : Gary Blusztein . Coach : Phil Rozen 1 J. Kestenberg (DVC) 2 A . Porat 3 pD . Codron 4 A . Bloom 5 B . Lukav 6 J . Kagan 7 M . Jankie 8 . J. Feldy Blusztein 90 G . Measey 12 E . Shake d 13 A . Kras 14 R . Spilberg 16 J . G voni (V. Capt) 1 6 R. Hein e 17 J . Thurin (Capt) 2p M . Upson 21 J. Lewski 22 A. Kras 23 J. Schulberg 27 B . Rose 28 J . Landberg 29 L. Friedman 30 P. Bryner 31 A. Sacks 32 L. Peters 36 R. Grof 39 L. Peters
Coach : Dennis Grace Coach : Cadell Duke Coach: Andrew Kennealty Team Manager : She Seego bi n 1 A Stone 1 P• Gurr 2 M . Partent I J . Aitke n 2 M . Brai n 2 A. Terry 3 L . Scurd e 3 D. Pinwill 4 J. Adgemis 3 C . Finlayson f ,>>~~ 3 A. Van Rooyen 5 M. Hughes 4 K. Mudge t= \ ' 4 T. Schocker 6 D . Williamson 3 S. Whittington 5 M . Chapma n 7 C . Elg x 4 B. Gevau 8 S . Bra,wn 6 B . Gebhardt 5 G. Bla u 9 M . Rose i ;. 7 H . Bevis 6 T. Biddington 1 0 C. Dunwell . Gold 7 D 8 J . Hindso n 11 0 . Walmsley 8 R . Tame s 1 2 A. Khou ry M . Cole 1 . Moo 90 S. O'Donnell (C) 9 0 C . Evahew n Ashman 3 14 J. Z 11 D. Kem p III B. Sharpe (VC ) 15 W. Croth ers 12 S . Volkering 12 M. Tennant 16 N . Burrows 13 R. Read 17 D . Sho rt 13 M . Jones (VC ) -~] 1 4 P. McGrath 188 A . Fabri s 14 R . Shield s 115 D. Membrey 19 J . H o lma n i 6 A. Vllan 15 B . Hayte r 20 D. Mutton 17 A. Orchar d 21 E . Malone 16 D. Stewart [-: J 18 R . Newlan d 22 E . Adams 17 M . Ker r 19 S. Foley 23 M . Stefandark . Dunn 20 T e . Finlayso n 18 A 24 J . Jor g ensen 21 J . Marmo ~. I 25 S. Gilbe rt 19 T. Cobban 22 P. Greenhil l 26 G . Wells . Erm 20 L . Levisto n 22 R 27 S. Crouch an 23 A. Ho C- ~ 21 D . Metlikovic 28 J. Slatyer 23 S . Mitchell 22 D . Grace 29 C . Howlett 24 M . Avram 30 M. Naylor 23 B . Hindle = 24 K. Hardin g 31 H . Jennings 25 R . Whitehouse 39 D. Taylor 32 C . Blumfield 26 A. Edward s 44 S . Grace 33 J . Goldenfein ;J 26 M . Van Alphen 34 B . J .Lamm 71 M . Spence 27 R . Osidacz C. Harrison27 T. Middleton 74 P. Westbrook 35 36 N . Van Duy 28 G. Sauhrv 75 R . Tu rton 37 C. Hoist 28 M . Hami tton-Ho 38 T. Cook 29 S . Sinha c 39 A. B ri dgewater 41 major Sponsors I i~ 40 R . Kagan O.Howard 42 M. Fletcher 43 C . Feld 44 A . Nichols GVP Fabricators 45 A. Katz All Home Loans 46 D. Cannizza
New Order Clothin g
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Brendan Smales Asst Coach : Shaun Kelly 1 BB. Owe n 2 3 P. West O C 5 A. Tucker 6 B. Sheehan 7 8 C . Wh tty 9 J. McKenzie 10 M. Little 11 D . Weardon 12 B . Joske 13 M . Porten 14 M . Ruff 15 B. Knight 16 A. Norman 17 B. Young (VC) 18 B. Dettmann 19 J-P. Matthews 20 L. Clarke (DVC) 21 J . Robert s 22 Y. Sad d 23 R. Kirk 24 P. Greg9 cry rY 25 D. Langdon 26 S. Rocco 27 B. Kelly 30 R . Keenan 34 R . Citroen 36 D . Ryan (DVC) 39 A. Elliott 40 D. Dell
Coach : Craig Williams 1 T. Rossignuolo 2 L. MacFarlane 3 D. Macdermott 4 A. Simson 5 D . Large 6 N . Sulman 7 C . Adam 8 A . Stewart-Holmes (vc) 9 B . Croft 10 A . Leonard 11 D. gov ey 12 J . Ashworth 13 R . Davey 14 C . Eddison 15 A. Thompson 16 T. Angus (c) 17 T. Connell 18 T. Wilkins 19 G . Trumbull (c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K. Parker 22 T. Evans (vc) 23 C . Pinches 24 J. Ridley 25 C . Howat 26 B . Collins 27 J . Choong 28 A. Collins 31 P. Niven 33 L. McKinnon
RUPERTSW 00D U1 9S Coach : Mick Phillips
1 Phillips J 2 Andersan J . (VC) y ~ Spinner L . 5 Quinn B. 6 McEwan K . 7 Plummer J . 8 Jaeger R . 9 West T. 10 Heywood D. 11 Moule G . 12 Hewat M . 13 Barry P. 14 Sullivan N .(VC) 15 Broughton T. 16 Monzell R . 17 Potter C . (Capt) 18 Tierry C . 19 Moiler D . 20 Constantine B . 21 Van Boxtell M . 22 Dale S . 23 Bums M. 24 Brennan L 25 Carlo A. 26 Wishart C. 27 Bishop S. 28 Davis J . 29 Harrison M. 30 Gaunt M . 31 Fell N . 32 Angarano P. 33 Clark S . 35 4 ~~e slMer E . 36 McGilvray S . 37 McGovern D . 38 Silvester J . 39 Smith J . 40 Powell D .
ST. DERNARDS (2) Coach : John Fraser
1 C . Rogers 2 C . Govan 3 M. Wals h 4 C . Mitchell 7 D . Mcmurtrie 9 D . Evans 11 A . Marion 13 L. Levides 14 D. Hurley 15 N. Bugryn 16 P. Oxenford 18 S. Smith 27 B. Draper 28 J . Anderson 30 D . Lancashire 33 D . Field 35 T. Pearson 36 S . Co x 38 J . Egan 39 M . Ewes 41 G . Campbell 49 D . Mcmanus 51 M . Moloney 56 A . Odea 57 L. Anderson 58 J . Tanke y 61 W. Vic k 65 P. Thompson 66 J . Watts 67 E. Johnston 68 J. Faulkner 70 K. Buiss 72 N . Kan e 73 P. Keogh 74 J . O'connell 75 B . Petti t
THERRY PENOLA Coach: Paul Matto n
1 B . Corrigan 2 J . Betsey (vc) 3 S . Turner 4 R. SkiathBis 5 B. Morri s 6 J. Hermes 7 B. Bowcock 8 J . Quinn 9 T. Hoatso n 10 J . Crotty 11 T Sheppard 12 S . Leach 13 J . Doole y 14 J. Fento n 15 B. Owe n 16 M . Farrelly 17 J . Slawitschk a 18 M . Badenhope 19 M . Arki n 20 C. Capewell (c) 21 J . Brosnan 22 D . Goodwi n 23 D . Caliegar i 24 M. Faroldi 27 I . Gunawardena 29 R . Hearts, 32 J . Cooper 33 J . Freckleton 40 J . Brosnan
Under-19 - BLUE OENTLEIGH Coach : M . Lee 1 R . Dolman 2 R. Heywood 3 0 . Lewis 4 J. D'Offayy 5 T. Ridgway 6 J. Roberts
7 S . Holmesby 8 B . Holden 9 D. Wild 10 D. Fogarty 11 J . Rahilly 12 T. Wright 14 M. Wilson 15 D . Streker 16 K . Pereira 18 P. Breitkreuz 19 S. Nicholson 20 M. Sidney 21 R . Turner 22 B. McLellan
23 S. Corrigan 25 N. Salvatore 26 T. Krotofil 30 B . Tso, B 34 A. Jolly 35 A. Lee
47 S . Wright 52 M . McLellan 54 B . Meehan
Sponsor SCOBLE ' S
NURSERY Tale Importers
BE LA SALLE (2) Coach: Rob Smith
2 M. Sheehan 3 M . Hayes 4 N . Hart 5 M . Francis (C) 6 D. Gould 7 J . McClusky 9 J . McKenzie 10 D. Thompson 12 S . Crowe 12 L. Casey 14 E . Browning 19 A. Hillier 19 J. Fisher 20 B. Pedul a 23 J. HennessyY 26 D . McLeod 27 B. Raisbeck
28 B. Welton 30 K. De Ridder 30 M . Nixon 33 K . Smyth 35 T. Robson 41 D. Thompson 42 A . Roberts 46 W. Quaran 47 J . Greaterorex
52 M . Griffin 53 J . Case y ~,,h .~`
27 V. Sang
28 S. Cook (DVC) 29 S. Tan 30 M. Thomas 32 S. Bur go 9o 34 R. Wood
41 J. Antonucci
42 D. Andrews
43 B . Jeffreys
44 B . Evangelista
16 S. Mitsios 17 D . Martin
18 P. Hughes 19 J. David 20 R. Lerner 21 B . Upstill 23 L. Gauzenfrter 24 M . Anderson 25 R . Matter 26 D . Tehennepe (Vol 28 B . Harris 30 A . Jirov 31 A . Bukala 33 A. Cook
34 S. Ramsay 44 B. Robbins 61 G . Evans
1 Adam 1
2 Baraket A 3 Baraket 0 Baribar J 5 Barbuto A 6 Bennett L
7 Sol U
8 Byrne C 9 Cooper T 10 Dimachki M 11 Dimachki T 12 DiniA 13 Dini A 14 Diriye A 15 EdImA 16 Ellis D 17 Farrah M 18 Gibson B 19 Haji A HassanA 21 Hassan 1 22 Hassan M 23 Hastie D 24 Howarth P. 25 Leary M 26 Lery S 27 Lithgow S 28 Makay A 29 0'Shannessy T 30 Predavec S 31 Prokhorov T 32 Rabi Y 33 Rankin J 34 Ryan T 35 Sheehan D 36 Shellard L 37 Taranto A 38 Urbina H
18 M . Marziale 20 J . Fredrickson 21 K. Onuriu 22 D. Armansin 23 M . Sofoulis 24 J . Staker 25 A . Evangelista 26 X . Deayton (Capt)
Coach : John Howard Ass Coach : Brian Artis
39 Vardis M 40 Vnning 8 41 Vodstricil M
Coach : Steve Muscat Coach : Steve Reeves Team Manager: Anita Muscat Asst: Pad Shiner Sound eobenson 1 E . Nassrallah 1 A. Thompson 2 J . Isaac (DVC ) 2 C. Medcraft 3 D. Haas 3 J. Woodgate 4 C. L azarakis (VC) 4 C. Schleiger 5 J . Thomas 5 D. Brosnan 6 S . Nussbaum 6 T. Denatris 7 R . O'Brien 7 D. Blac k 8 C . Thomso n 9 T. Peel 9 C . Rossenlis 10 L Wells 10 S. Schellebeck 11 B . Arnold 11 S. Sullivan 12 C . Johnstone (Dvc) 12 J. Margetis 13 S. Mcconchie 13 J. Evangelista 14 S. Davis 14 F. Patuad 15 S. Vaughan C. Nayna
M ENTONE PANTHERS Coaches: Svend Samild, Dean Andrew 1 D. Cochrane 2 Ja Date 3 A. Erskin e
4 Br Faibanks (C) 5 N. Fisher (VC) 6 Ri Ironmonger 7 An Kiantos
8 M . May
9 T. MitvalskY 10 K . Regan 11 D . Russo 12 B . Russo 13 E. Millis 14 T Millis 15 R . Wilso Boumon 16 An n 17 B. Carroll 18 S. Cadwallen 19 B. Richards O C 20 T. Brown (VC ) 21 R. Haslemore 22 M . Nielson 23 Be Coghlan 24 D. Feki 25 C. Sinclair 8 N . Sutherlan d 27 K . Pridham
28 A . Trist
29 M. West 30 M. Ryan 23 G . Rastas 24 M. Peck 25 A. Wilson
: '
Coach: Brett Gardner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A . Murray D. Couniham R . Nahas S . Earl M . Jorda n D . Cleary C . Lam b G . Torcasi o
9 D . Wills
10 C . Hogan 11 W. Plaukovits 12 G . V'tlaglian o 13 L. Rowa n 14 P. Brown 15 R. Holde n 16 S . White 17 S . Brigg s 18 S . Serres 19 A . Ciavarell a 20 N . Wills
21 J. Briggs 22 T Orchar d 23 D . Zula 24 J. Reynolds 25 J. Nevezie V. Maraventan o
D. Costiga n A. Shilto n A. Middlemiss .O tt
27 28 Mr Latham e y
0-umat sDiuticm
AFM Gmup.
v . . ., ___ . ,
ME 6101,_ 'j :~ 6ERS Coach : Glenn Alford 1 McGettigan M 2 McNamara D 3 Cleary G 4 CHuillier D
5 Gilmore S
6 Buck A 7 Grasby P 8 Kelly L 9 Serofin L 10 Mark J 11 Weedon N 12 Powell G 13 Rouillon L 14 McMurray L 15 Curry P 16 Lovelock R 17 Laver T 18 SamyaJ 19 Paterson A 20 Lynch J 21 Cieslak L 22 Terrell L 23 Waters D 24 Moss D 25 Porter D 26 Hilton M 27 Jones 28 Andrews M 29 Lynch D 30 Maddocks J 31 McConnell K 32 Petrovic J 33 Tyquin J 34 Bignell R 35 Thompson G
Coach : Matthew Webb
Coach: Darren McKillap
1 Nathan Chalk 2 Ross Dean
1 T. Cronan 3 0. Kohnesheen
3 Jeremy Diaz
6 E . Costell o
4 Glen D'Olivera 5 Chris Domingo 7 Michael Furnell 8 Damien Homan 9 Matt Hope 10 Daniel Johnston 11 Bradley Judd 13 Michael Kosmala 15 Peter Langham
7 R . Gingel l 8 J. Niemi
16 Luke Merchant 17 Wigor Montalto 18 Michael Nelson 19 Ashley Panty 20 Matthew Phaedonos 21 Darryl Pinto 22 Benjamin Worrell
9 C . Batchelor (VC) 11 J . Cooke 13 L. Stanz a 16 J . Newson 18 E . Bouchard 21 D. Whitin g 22 L. Bell (C) 25 A . Rayy 26 A . Excell 27 J . Crona n
33 J. Merchic 40 S. Walden 54 M. Giannellis 58 J. Masierto n 59 A. Giannellis 69 W . Cooper 78 M . Stephanadakis 79 N. Strachan 88 D. Phillips 89 L. Elser
Hodges Real Estate Menton e Clearcut Hairdressing IFC O Brighton Nissan
L, Cr ch : Phiv Demetriou
Coach: Terry McEvoy
1 Wenke, Z 2 Stockwell, J 3 Mcgovern, A 4 Adams, P 5 Brown, A 6 Morgan, M 7 Moore, R 8 Demetriou, A 9 Christian, M 10 Wright, R 11 Blayney, P 12 Parish, M 13 Ioannidis, W 14 Lardo, M 15 Evans, A 16 Mitropoulos, A 17 Davies, C 18 Wise, T 19 Mcintosh, T 20 Ioannou , A 21 Herbert , D 22 Tsingaris, J 23 Everest, J 24 Bottomley, A 25 Stavropoulos, C 26 Large, B 27 Kayrooz, A 28 Herbert, B 29 Shepherd, T 30 Richardson, L 31 Poci, A 32 Poyser, J 33 Skicko, 34 Stanton, B 35 Playtair, D
S. Hill s S. Helme M . Wal l g S . Loonstra 1 0 M . Dexter 12 A. f .Aunchow ,, J C. Williams ,• .: A. Lobzcu k Adam s 17 •, g L Walsh ,g P. Symons Z0 B . Hardham °t C . Galliott 22 M, Visser 14 C. Crozie r ;0 A. Faille 52 D. White 61 D . Jennings 66 A. Kinghorne ,;7 D . Muir 68 B . Pratt
C L Coach : Clrff Lever Ass. Cc ich : Jim Hudson 1 B . Gerace 2 K. Lawson 3 R. Naidu 4 C. Lever 5 G . Walker 6 B. Payne 7 F. Pavez 8 H . Hodgson 9 D . Bal l 10 A . Miller 11 R. Stein 12 P. Johnston 13 E . Sandstrom 14 J. Morsello 15 B. Gilbee 16 P. Hudson 17 D . Taylor 18 T. Vaughan 19 D . Corp 20 A . Mokrusch 21 D. Hudson 22 C. LeNoury 23 J . Mason 24 P. Nevill e 25 M. Monohan 26 B. Merryweather 27 A. Maluccio 28 A . Woods 29
®Coach: Harry Hansio u 4 C Lapadula 7 J. Ryan 10 T. Lee 11 A . Varga 12 B . Tekin 13 A. Smith 14 E . Miritis 15 E. Bank 16 J. Newman 17 D . McMillan 18 J. McDonald 20 R . Tremayne 22 D . Seraiocco 23 A . Stavretis 28 P. Murch 24 B . Moran 36 A . Coulston 38 E . Odza 40 T. King 41 J. Wolnizer 42 J. Simon 43 M . lacuone 49 B . Lapadula
or .__a T 2Tresco,mn~ckJ 3 Momqomer t S 4 Arms rong A 5 Rub;ra E
6 Ken~eld M 7 Freer 5
a McDOnrwkl J 9 Rogan T ,o Huten S 1 1 Bourke R i2 Ryan J
3 Ginnrvan L 14 Roach' M 15 earren A N s C .-an 17 Chapman P a scama" M(o) i9 p~~'n J 20 Meehan 0
21 Noizn C 22 s Iio~n RR 23 Fre 24 Purss C 25 Rowe L 26 oHa,ton M 28 ~ e ~P
~ A~d~has s 3 1 R ar, A T 32ninerney c 33 Ford D 34 Quinn D ~ Aee o 37 Runco R sa MeMn-smah J 9 Ryan s 40 0 Hantv`n M
41 Fus:nato R 42 stnwey M
€ ¢,, .
Coach : Lacnian deaton
Coach: Justin Vaughan 1 J . Pascot 2 J . Waters 3 M . Ford 4 G . Cocks 5 R . McCann s R . Toms 7 B . Game 8 G. H ome r 9 L. McDermott 10 A. Kennedy 11 M . Levins 12 D. Coppock 13 C . Phytand 14 R . Fallon
15 C . Lee 16 C . Huang 17 P, Corse 18 A . Egan 9 P. Bamewall 20 T. Munro 21 S . Elliott 22 M . Beddome 23 G . Hanson 24 M. Ferguson 25 M. Williams 27 R . Morris 33 M. Donald 46 M. Cardc
46 Gale 0 47 elk tr 48Nad,nicA sz eutter~
1 S .Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson 3 R. Williams 4 R. Hage 5 J . Violato 6 C . Dullard 7 D Pocock 8 B. MacDonald 9 A . Butler 10 J . Coyne 11 G. Brown 12 M . Rogers 13 M . Zika 14 D. Ryan 15 T. McBurney 16 S. Cahill 17 D . Robbins 18 R . Astudillo 19 G. Glouftsis 20 N . Hart 21 D. Russell 22 S . Edwards 23 K. Maghamez 24 R . Willingham 25 J. Ziemer 26 W. Murray 27 A . Merhi 28 C. Meighen 29 D. McPhee
Coach: Loran Colovic o.Brennzn N Bndyes sBrough R euaerr E canagha n R l J'c ~" r L.cai. Lconn s N.ao` `' J.Da! yn We M Darcy B De B uin 6G bsoo
A Hall
PHam J .Hanke bi .Harvey
B.Hayes Hogan pw3 ragamts aKean J~~n o .Lan9han C.Mabney o Mann TMannes M McDonal d
D r.icwyi M Au~hy G ;ww,
.P B Par themdes
sA r ~ A soo a jo~on seweN M .Terpko s AT°miins°n N.ukpn M .Veta J.wawr° n
'r.whrtehead TWt~
43 Comgan T 44 K~'na 45 TrovamD M 4e L•eh T 5o ~J~ eSterP
:h: Tim Bell
D.Walker s.wa b na,
(42) ST. o,s~,>anr« y Duggan
u 19{2) Fred chambedam
~ C
: ._ . . -- ~~.~.- ." . _
1 L. Crozley 2 A. AVlett 3 W. Allan 4 C. Barte r 5 J. Dowsley 6 B. Edward s 7 R . Whatley 8 J . Fulle r 9 S . Henty 10 A Howson 11 J . Hummell 12 A . Jesse 13 H . Lockie 14 A. L nch 15 J. Mapleson 16 L. Marshal l 17 W . McCahey 1 g R . Mofiatt 19 N . Myer 20 S. Palmer 21 K . Prestid9e 22 D. Scott 23 F. Slattery 24 M . Steele 25 M . Torne y 26 M . Tu rner 27 B . Watty 28 R. Wood 29 M . Commodeur 30 O . Crichley 31 D . Brown 32 L . Clan~ 33 C . Webb 34 T. Williams 35 P. Strathan 36 S . Price 37 K . West 38 S . Commodeu r 39 J . Hann 40 T. Clare
YARRA VALLEY 0 0 Coach: Peter Battle 1 L. Hicke y 2 D . Tsouparikovit s 3 G . Marti n 4 T Peters 5 B. Nicholas (c) 6 A. Maudsle y 7 C . Walker 8 M. Rokicki 9 D . Borland 10 L. Aske w 11 C . Brit 12 T. Amos 13 B . Glennie
14 E . Gotten 15 A. Russell 16 S. Yeo 17 W. Carter 18 D . Wright 19 D . Reynold s 21 K . Everist 22 T. Hooper 23 D. Bartolomeo 24 N. Tille y 25 B. Seeger 36 H . Shakespeare
41 J . Brenna n 42 T. Brumby-Rendel l
2003 )DP SpOPISOr 43 Bad e
Official Supplier of Medi!-,-ne Products t o
_ . {3elerSdor l' Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623) BDF 7 Maurice Street, N unawading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll F ree 1 800 032 15 7 56 'TNE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
INTEGRATION FOOTBALL DEVnI.oP N'I' ASSOCIATIO N }1ATC_-; ; REPORT ROUND 5 ll last round in F .I .D .A. football the losest result was 29 points . There were a â&#x20AC;&#x17E;urnber of teams who didn't trouble th e 1 umpires a great deal as they seem to ,, - going through a mid season slump . The rst game in Division Two was between E,roadmeadows 2 and Port Colts 2 . J ;roadmeadows 2 played a good brand of r,inning football and managed to kick 7 6 i .4 to Port Colts 2 1 0 6 . Mambourin Tigers struck some form in what was an c%,en game on the field but not on the ,coreboard . Mambourin Tigers 8 9 57 to %i,u'ibyrnong 0 1 1. 3roadmeadows 1 came up against an inform Ballarat and found it hard to ('ompete on the day . Broadmeadows 1 0 1 1 to Ballarat 13 5 83 . Port Colts 1 14 16 100 ran away with their game against Ringwood 0 2 2 . NSoonee Valley Magpies traveled to Albury to take on the Ovens & Murray Jets 2 . The trip back would have been a long one and I'm sure that they will be doing a lot of goal kicking practice this week . Ovens & Murray Jets 2 6 10 46 to Moonee Valley Magpies 1 8 14 . Bulleen Templestowe hosted the last . two games of the round with both Karingal sides and Parkside % cnturing out to Bulleen . Karingal 2 played Parkside and posted a valuable win at this Lime of the season . Karingal 2 6 5 41 to Parkside 2 0 12 . Karingal 1 then took on Bulleen Templestowe on their home (!round . Karingal 1 were just to good on the day kicking 20 8 128 to Bulleen Templestowe 1 1 7 . Ovens & Murray Jets 1 had the bye for this round .
ROUND 6 : Port Colts 2 take on Broadmeadows 2 with Broadmeadows 2 looking like winners on form . Maribyrnong plays Parkside and look like having to wait another week to post that victory that they need to get their season back on track . Broadmeadows 1 take on Ovens & Murray Jets 1 and look like being winners on the day . Ovens & Murray Jets 2 play Moonee Valley in what looks like being the close game of the round with Moonee Valley showing enough form to get over the line by the narrowest of margins . Ballarat host Mambourin Tigers and should post another win in what has so far been a very consistent season . Ringwood Blues play Karingal 1 and will struggle against Karingal 1 who are in very good form at the moment. Karingal 2 play Bulleen Templestowe with Bulleen Templestowe showing enough over the last few weeks to suggest that a win is not to far awav . Port Colts 1 have the bye this week . FIDA LADDERS ROUND 5 DIVISION 1 P W L U F Ag8# % Pis NORTH BALLARAT 5 5 0 0 341 75 454 .67 20 KARINGAL 1 5 4 1 0 471 63 747 .62 16 KAR1EdGAL 2 5 4 1 0 229 124 184 .68 16 BROADMEAOOWS 1 5 3 2 0 241 172 140 .12 12 PORT COLTS 1 5 3 2 0 236 220 107 .27 12 MAMBOURIPt TIGERS 5 3 2 0 170 242 70 .25 12 BULLEEPd-TEMP 5 3 2 0 130 233 55 .79 12 0& M JETS 1 5 2 3 0 182 194 93.81 8 PARKSIDE 5 2 3 0 78 217 35 .94 8 MARIBYRNONG 5 0 5 0 72 288 25 0 0 RINGWOOD 5 0 5 0 59 391 15 .09 Pts % DIVISIO N 2 P W L D F Agst MOONEE VALLEY 5 4 1 0 245 89 275 .28 16 BROADMEAD04NS 2 5 4 1 0 165 124 133 .06 16 0& M JETS 2 5 2 3 0 137 233 58 .8 8 PORTCOLTS2 5 2 3 0 82 168 48 .81 8 * Received forfeit last roun d
,a, South Melbourne Dist r This Sat : to appear, 1. match . on ' lutr 1 8}. Headbutting,
N ext. Next
i. Abusive and insulting language,
June 28 June'/ _ Jul- 5 July 6 1
July 12 Elsif Ho Se July 13 Old .It . 1',3t during > 0B senio r 31 ,HSO B ;r thc De La Sall e .,u, pi6yeis io shove forcibly a
;ci c . ,
11 AL iv' sCS r .,
At the half way mark of the scuson, jockeying for top four positions has reached an interesting stage . Also the ques t
for Section 1 sides to avoid relegation is becoming more urgent . Review of Round 7 . Section 1. Monash Blues can only blame their inaccuraey for their six point loss to Marcellin . In a tense final quarter the lead changed four times before Marcellin clinched victory . Grindley, Coughlin and Parsons were best players for Monash . Be La Salle stayed with Old Xaverians for the first half, but were unable to maintain the pressure for four quarters . The "Crocodiles" led by thirty two points when the final siren sounded. Their best were : Nick Fay . Tony Landrigan and Pat Hall (5 goals) . Be La's best were : Kevin Mannix . Stephen Kitto and Paul Dwyer . Old Ivanhoe had a percentage building win by forty five points over Collegians . The win has kept Old Ivanhoe in fourth place, whereas defeat has pushed Collegians closer to relegation, although their third quarter efforts give hope for better things in the second half of the season . Best for Old Ivanhoe were : Troy Perera, Albert Kobe (5 goals) and Corey Jewell (a real gem!). Prahran defeated St Kevin's by thirty six points and now lie in second place . Although the St Kevin's performance was creditable, they had no answer to the dominant play of Dave Butterworth (6 goals) and Ant. Lawrence ,
Section 2 North. Old Essendon really enjoyed their trip to McHale Stadium, where they inflicted the first loss for the season on Old Xaverians . The sixty seven point margin was the surprising fact . University Blacks were largely untroubled to defeat Old Carey by fifty three points . Fitzroy Reds, in a reversal of form, defeated Therry Penola by six points. This defeat has pushed Therry Peoria from the four and will force Bob Lyons to set new goals for his players as he struggles to lead his players from their "zone of inedioerity" . For the Reds . "'Plugger' was a good player . while Richard Casey (a famous name) and Anthony Boonen did well for Therry Penola .
Old Trinity had the bye, the four points from which elevated them into the four for the first time . Section 2 South . In the morning match, St Leo s, against the trend of results easily defeated Whitefriars by fifty one points . The victory elevated St Leo's into possible finalists and the loss pushed Whitefriars down to third place.
At Como Park accuracy was the order of the day . Although Mazenod triumphed by thirty eight points. Old Geelong 60
certainly were not disgraced . In windy conditions at Bo :: HID, Eley Park really showed up A .J .A .X. player's lat ., of match fitness . The further the game went, the grcater became the Eley Park winning margin . At the final siren, it was one hundred and twenty points. For the winners, rack man, Daniel Grant and forward, Adam Tobin caught my eye with their contribution. Old Brighton, built valuable percentage when they defeated Hawthorn Amateurs by one hundred and fifty eight points . Their win lifted Old Brighton into fourth place . Preview of Round 8 Section I Prahran should again account for Marcellin. whose players lack the strength to compete with Butterworth and Cartledge in the air . I also believe the Prahran mid fielders, Storer . Lawrence and Ivak will be too nippy for their Marcellin counterparts . Monash Blues will need to make optimum use of their scoring opportunities or they will be over run by the talent and experience of the Be La Salle players . I tip Be La Salle to win comfortably . Old Xaverians should be untroubled to again defeat Collegians, who despite earnest endeavour, will not be able to nullify the galaxy of Xaverian stars for the entire game . Old Ivanhoe should consolidate their grip on fourth place with another good win over St Kevin *s, whom I believe do not possess enough talent to defeat the Sigley and Super led side.
Section 2 Nort h I confidently expect Old Xaverians to bounce back and defeat Old Trinity on the wide expanses of MeHale Stadium . Trinity will certainly not lack endeavour and again the Xaverians must concentrate on the game . With the double chance in the finals for the taking, the match of the day will be between University Blacks and Old Essendon . Old Essendon do seem the form side and despite the Blacks recent good form I expect the likes of Evans and Eddy to kick Old Essendon to victory .
Therry Penola, who seem only a shadow of sides of yestery-ear, should break through for a victory over Old Carey . Carey players will not be able to counteract the "Lyons lads", who really are playing for their season . Fitzroy Reds have the bye. Section 2 South At home . Old Brighton should consolidate fourth place at the expense of St Leo's . The Brighton Beach Oval has been a"grave yard" for many visiting teams and today I expect St Leo's to join a long list of vanquished . tb'hitefriars should rejoin the winner's list at the expense o f
,hl i,celong. Another loss would see Whitefriars in grav e
,, ; _ r of missing the fi nals, something which ur~l ) ;iy seemed impossible . Park will be tested today by undefeated leaders , 1 . Despite Eley Park's recent good form I selec t as Jacobs w911 nullify Grant and Fothergill shoul d
) nippy up forward . . have the opportunity to redeem themselves toda y st Hawthorn Amateurs, whom they easily defeated i n nd 1 . When judged on performances to date . I expec t o win . CORcJ;SPOtdDE%TB
; , t forget to contact me by noon Monday with details . ,hone £1 67 2857 or e mail, nknup nr- alphaiink .com.au
Cartlidge Butterworth Oaklev
verians L Hardwick
5.3 10.7 11 .8 14.91 931 0 .1 1 .2 2 .5 3.8(26) r, Turner, Hobart, Steven, Hammon . Dart, F : Evans, Papal, Spiterl. Morrison, s: Fwu. Harly, McInerney . Best: Eriurth.
R George
Cl frinity E9s?Ildon
Cade 0 11 Evans 4 10 Eddy 0 10 Quinn 0 6 Taylor 0 5 Nance 0 5 Fothergill 6 48 Psaltopouiis 0 22 Fisher 1 15 Bridgland 2 15 Price 2 14
:- I''JIl
2 .1 5 .2 6 .5 8 .7(55) :.;A-Es 2 .1 3.5 5 .9 6 .13(49) Mitivellim Cracknell 2, Goc, Jones . Black, M. Dowling . Andrew, Probyn. Best: McGree, Boyd . Cracknell . Kest. Tozer, Kearney. Monash Blues : M. Woods 2,1 oivs, Atgley. Grandley. Collier. Best: P. Coughlin . S. Parsons. B. Dods, J. ~ho. C . Grandiey. Umpires: David Windlow Tom Wlndkna (F) DELA}2.4 5.4 6.6 8.6154) 01 > : .'S 2.4 6.9 8 .12 12.15(87) Be Le Salle : I t9eehan 2, Mainllx 2, Ford 2, kTezel 1 . Lafferty I Best : Fisher, BareIla, Scott . Norton, Bowker, Mannix Old Ravezlanx : Davies 3 . L.Hardwick 3, P.George 2. J.Hardw•tck I, Jones 1, R .George 1, Perry 1 . Best: : Tony Davies, Rathge.rter. Curnow. Jones, Erskine . Ockleshaw. Um Hall Paul Nailer 1F) COLE SANS 2 .3 4.3 8.5 9.7(61) O: P. . .-ifIOE 1 .3 7.7 9.8 16.10006) : Oakley 2 Grant 2 ;d Baxter Curtis J Gay Osborne Treaty Best : 0 Crowe P.Ba.xter N . BaxterTreacy Reoss Curbs Old Ivanhoe: Kobe 5 Jewell 3 Antonio 2 Perera 2 Virtue 2 Ri .strom Toll Best: Perera Piss Mims Niacguire Kobe Antonio Unrpir•es : Dean Banora Mark Thornhill (F) 2 .6 6 .10 12 .13 14 .17(101) ,;S 1 .1 3 .1 6 .3 10 .5(65 ) c Buf ,v,vrth 6, Ca Ilk ' . F, hce 2, Geri 2, Di L'uto, Haywoo d -. Butterworth. G. n, Cartllc' , Geri, D Blake ST. EEVMS: : Paul pke Rick Benson (F ) DET, :RECER ~) U:
. Lawrence. Umpires : Tony Robbins
,n 2 hierlo 2 Matthews 2 Begley Fink Bowvrs Buckingham Chandler Costello Owen Matthews Hayden Princ e him 2 Croft Best : Williams Mills T revettnun Croft Baird Frank ftavaragh Andrew Gray (registered -Uni Blacks) (F ) 5 .3 6 .5 8.8 10 .9(69) 1 .1 5 .6 5.6 9.9( 63 ) den 2, Hamilton, Heath, Flanagan, Cook, Auden. i . Madden. O'Connor. Prior, Hamilton . Thorny Penoffi: Plaza, VanEng[en. Bibby. Best : Plaza, Saunders . . Umpa-es : Bob O'Halloran Tonp Byrnes (F )
'CEIVED :unn (F )
CLUB If ( -
Fitzrov Reds -
2.2 5 .2 6.3 I t .4t70) 4.3 9.4 13 .5 17.6(108) 1 , Fitzgerald 4, Teague 2, Makin . Best: wark, Stevens. I . Opie. Mazenod: Fothergill 6, Noble 3, Bridgeland I. Davis, Pane. Best : Williams, Jacobs . Pollard , :be . Umpires: Trcvvr Hansen David Mims (registered -
O ld Xaverians (2) v Old Trinity University Blacks v Old Essendon Gr Therry Penola OB v Old Care y
CLUB 18 (SOUTH) Old Brighton v St Leos Emmaus WP Old Geelong v Whitefriars TB Par' T .~<, i-od 0 C
tho Ir< eurs
0 'Pi
3 .5 10.15 14 .21 22 .20- 161) 2 .3 3 .4 6 .5 6.5(41 ) Cresswell 3, Jackson 3, Kinsella 3 . Nelson 3 . price 2 . Smith 2. u 2 .1 •e, Lv, Oh. Thomas. Best : Kinsella . Nelson . Ly. Thomas . Price. ri., r1 R: D.Borsky. Dian:ond, KaECer Krongold. Lasnitzkt, Sacker . Geltand, Rnleensi.etn . Diamond, Lasnit7ki, Borsky. wajnberg. fui o rre Lindsay 1rlclnt,,Te (F ) 7.6 14.7 16 .21 25 .291 179) --~U-§ 1.1 1 .1 3 .2 3 .3I21) brain 8 . Allen 7, Hooper 2 . Katsouranis 2. M Quleros, G ... .. . i n. &°st:Bowden . Cochran. Stewart . W Earl, : Goal kickers and best players not G Em~- , . t A t receiv - Ui 3: 5 en Mason Peter Gadsden (U NREGISTERED - Old Brt~ts'u 61
. .
l' ;H BLUES 8 8 0 0 735 285 257 .89 32 8 7 1 0 633 327 193 .58 28 TY BLACKS 8 6 2 0 774 369 209 .76 24 .'ONIANS 8 5 3 0 556 401 138 .65 20 = LE 8 5 3 0 583 466 125 .11 2 0 'AN 0 C 8 3 5 0 407 522 77 .97 12 -LLEY 0 B 8 2 6 0 464 573 80 .98 8 8 1S 0 C 8 2 6 0 455 670 67 .91 8 2 6 0 453 726 62 .40 8 5E ASSUMPTION 0 LcEN TEMPLESTOWE 8 0 8 0 224 976 22 .95 _ P W b d; . -' - h _ Pis A 0 B 8 8 0 0 0, 271 312 .55 32 ONG 8 7 1 0 850 268 317 .16 28 REDS 8 6 2 0 638 315 202.54 24 T0+ . 1 CYMS 8 5 3 0 576 496 116 .13 20 UNI 8 4 4 0 522 527 99.05 1 6 PUNS4JICK 8 4 4 0 471 498 94 .58 1 6 8 2 6 0 456 680 67.06 8 kEY 8 ['N AMATEURS 8 2 6 0 350 929 37 .67 -1GH 8 1 7 0 408 701 58.20 4 !GH 8 1 7 0 380 813 46.74 4
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F;:, Aw % 316 27342 30 444 150.90 24 501 92.61 20 441 129.71 18 563 100 .71 16 395 95 .44 16 579 89 .98 16 591 76 48 8 624 61 06 8 R31 35 .62 4
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OLD CAREY 8 7 1 0 827 308 268 .51 28 RUPERTSW000 8 7 1 0 618 371 166.58 28 COLLEGIANS 8 6 2 0 723 525 137 .71 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 5 3 0 823 605 136 .03 20 5 3 0 686 595 115 .29 20 AJAX 8 M ONASH BLUES 8 3 5 0 533 719 74 .13 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 3 5 0 445 738 60 .30 12 MHSOB 8 2 6 0 504 706 71 .39 8 8 ST BERNARDS (2) 8 2 6 0 183 898 20 .38
S 8 7 iUNSWICK 8 7 8 7 3 PARK 8 6 4 ~aDALE 8 COLLEGIANS 8 4 4 T 'URNE 8 0 CENTRAL 8 4 COBRAS 8 3 NORTH 8 2 CK POWER 8 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2'.:' .20 s73 261,6a 23 765 383 199 14 28 601 49 133 8 5 658 579 113.64 16 603 543 111 .05 16 478 441 108.39 16 463 669 69.21 16 453 556 81 .47 12 180 1055 1706 8 261 1019 25.61 0
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7 OLD 6, ;,) OLD tS5' : N '.,l 7 6 UL `JERSii BLACKS 7 6 OLD TRINITY 7 3 7 3 T+`F"" PL :OLA 08 REDS 7 3 0!-'-'; ;Y 7 1
r kc~sF % Pis 1064 455 233 .85 28 1114 556 200 .36 28 942 506 186.17 28 1160 616 188 .31 20 762 618 123.30 16 704 643 109.49 12 684 851 80.38 12 547 831 65.82 8 325 1197 27.15 8 0 314 1377 22.80
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0 1 3 3 3 4 6 6 6 8
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For - A~t 1-_ P b 1004 384 261 .46 32 1015 252 402 .78 2 8 771 485 158 .97 20 557 369 150 .95 20 500 574 87 .11 20 484 589 82 .17 16 427 712 59 .97 8 331 654 50 .61 8 378 757 49 .93 8 245 978 25 .05 0
L D" For 0 774 1 2 705 4 440 4 366 5 0 393 5 1 363 6 1 401 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Agst-291 303 .44 28 430 180.00 24 413 170.70 20 494 89.07 12 593 61 .72 12 672 58.48 8 754 48.14 6 768 52.21 2
r 512 269 190.33 525 290 181 .03 360 275 130 .91 359 391 91 .82 309 357 86 .55 319 390 81 .79 233 645 36 .12
24 24 24 12 12 12 4
;psAW 837 345 242 .61 731 403 181 39 616 402 153 .23 499 376 132 .71 484 502 96 .41 389 577 67 .42 454 535 84 .86 ? 1076 13 ,-6
28 20 20 12 12 12 8 0
W 7 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 1
7 6 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1
7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 1
L D Fa Agsf % Pfs 1 0 1130 657 171 .99 28 3 0 791 643 121 02 20 3 0 856 714 119 .89 20 3 0 764 673 11 1 52 20 3 0 677 661 102 .42 20 4 0 607 735 82 .59 16 5 0 813 870 93 .45 12 5 0 723 937 77 .16 12 6 0 599 835 71 .74 8 4 7 0 676 911 74.20
L D For AgsP % Pts 1 0 921 595 154 .79 28 2 0 1002 607 165 .07 24 2 0 857 741 115 .65 24 3 0 644 690 93 .33 20 4 0 800 794 10036 16 5 0 690 768 89 .84 12 5 0 760 849 89.52 12 5 0 670 807 83 .02 12 6 0 658 876 75 .11 8 4 7 0 614 889 69 .07 % PIS L D For Apt 1 0 915 662 138.22 28 2 0 933 638 14624 24 2 0 946 728 129.95 24 3 0 743 672 110 .57 20 4 0 779 739 105 .41 16 4 0 805 778 103 .47 16 5 0 836 838 99 .76 12 6 0 744 828 89 .86 8 6 0 576 1022 56.36 8 4 7 0 522 894 58 .39
7 1 0 914 517 176 .79 6 2 0 750 613 122 .35 6 2 0 828 712 116 .29 5 3 0 796 633 125 .75
28 24 24 20
4 4 0 707 723 97 .79 16 4 4 0 819 869 94.25 16 3 5 0 700 878 79 .73 12 2 6 0 609 710 85.77 8 2 6 0 674 857 78 .65 8 4 1 7 0 577 862 66.94
L D For A gst % pis P W PENINSULA 0 B 8 8 0 0 1093 493 22110 32 FITZROY REDS 8 6 2 0 760 555 136 .94 24 WEST BRUNSWICK 8 6 2 0 824 616 133.77 24 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 8 5 3 0 830 706 117 .56 20 OLD CAREY 8 4 4 0 1057 690 153 .19 16 OLD GEELONG 8 4 4 0 874 726 120 .39 16 LA TROBE UNI 8 3 5 0 615 669 91 .93 12 BENTLEIGH 8 3 5 0 654 967 67 .63 12 OAKLEIGH 8 1 7 0 646 1125 57 .42 4 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 8 0 8 0 453 1259 35 .98 0
8 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
0 0 1023 3 0 1177 3 0 730 4 0 741 4 0 699 4 0 641 5 0 720 5 0 497 6 0 725 6 0 871
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0 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 8
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160 .34 146 .76 95 .80 99 .73 95 .62 93.30 78.95 56.29 103 .57 90 .1 7
32 20 26, 16 16 16 12 12 8 8
849 552 153 .80 986 647 152.40 882 728 121 .15 772 685 112.70 748 507 147 .53 591 589 100 .34 695 617 112 .64 607 811 74 .85 431 724 59 .53 568 1009 56 .29 658 918 71 .68
32 24 24 24 20 20 16 168 8 0
L D Far AW % P~ P W ARE$ERVE UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 7 1 0 764 435 175 .63 28 ST BERNARDS 8 6 2 0 711 440 161 .59 24 OLD HAILEYBURY 8 5 3 0 714 575 124 .17 20 OLDIVANHOE 8 4 3 1 617 590 104 .58 18 OLD TRINITY 8 4 3 1 480 588 81 .63 18 OLD XAVERIANS 8 4 4 0 624 516 120 .93 16 MARCELLIN 8 4 4 0 556 575 96 .70 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 2 6 0 427 607 70 .35 8 OLD SCOTCH 8 2 6 0 426 640 66 .56 8 4 ST KEVINS 8 0 6 2 428 810 52 .84 ~F % PB -P ~A L D For A OLD PARADIANS 8 6 1 1 798 363 219 .83 26 OLD BRIGHTON 8 6 2 0 807 422 191 .23 24 DE LA SALLE 8 6 2 0 673 510 131 .96 24 WHITEFRIARS 8 5 2 1 577 469 123.03 22 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 5 3 0 665 559 118 .96 .68 12MAZENOD0C84 62518 E OLD ESSENDON GR 8 3 5 0 485 572 84 .79 1~ PriHSOB 8 2 6 0 417 748 55 .75 f HAMPTON ROVERS 8 2 6 0 416 824 50 .49 £ ST BEDES MENT TIG 8 0 8 0 313 720 43 .47 i PW L D For AW % PG COLLEGIANS 8 7 1 0 751 392 191 .58 2~ BEAUMARIS 8 7 1 0 762 406 187 .68 2 CAULFIELD GR 8 5 3 0 807 396 203.79 2 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 5 3 0 690 490 140 .82 2 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 5 3 0 561 484 115 .91 2 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 8 4 4 0 674 451 149 .45 1 ORMOND 8 3 5 0 576 729 79 .01 1 PRAHRAN 8 2 6 0 555 710 78 1 7 GLEN EIRA 8 1 7 0 385 972 39 .61 MENTONE VULTURES 8 1 7 0 337 1068 31 .55
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