R ^OUE t -^GNSGf
s,; believe that the end of June is almost upon us and with that comes the ciosc of s'vnior permits for the year .
its for the season must be lodged by midnight this coming Monda y
In reality this mean s that permits in the VAFA's possession at th e
,f br,,iness on Tuesday morning (July 1) will be processed . co' Anues to receive permits for Under 19 players up until the end
o f Jvi, . [rider 19 players who receive a permit in July can only play Under 1 9 they cannot be used at senior, reserve or Club XVIII level .
R < i-t years the Presidents' Forum has made a significant contribution to the OFFICE udve Committee's seminar held at the end of the season to review the season and to consider changes ,e -: : ar ahead . This year's meeting of the club presidents will be held at the Cohen Room at the Trinity is Sunday Grammar grounds and will be again hosted by the Old Trinity Club . The date for this meeting _ u lf ust 10th. The process that follows this meeting is that a sub-group of the Presidents meets with an
; cutive Committee sub-group with a view to refining a submission which is to be presented to the 1, .;: c-utive by two elected representatives of the Presidents' Forum .
1ei invited to the Presidents' Forum to assist with background comments as to why certain procedures r ia place at the current time . lub presidents are asked to keep Sunday August 10th free and to email Alan Burrows with any matters wish to have placed on an agenda along with an expression of interest in attending the Presidents ' . Alan's email address is aburrowlCbigpond .net.au uy clubs continuing to incur fines for failing to cover the Executive's 2003 requirements for providing umpire escorts . We did not want to go to the lengths of having heavily labelled "security" as in other -anpetitions, but we do insist that the home team's interchange steward is one of the escorts and the other to be provided by the away team, who wears an appropriate armband . These two officials are to be :,, nh umpires at all breaks and when they come on to or leave the arena . In r~cent times the Club XVIII competition has taken on a different perspective compared to the old days ~chen it was in many ways a competition for the "oldies" who wanted nothing more a"kick and a catch" . I1;,=e days a Club XVIII team can be a serious third-eighteen for a club that has an overfl ow of players lr . :ing for a serious competition . It can be a way for a new team to establish it is credible to the Executive he(ore it is considered for entrv into the senior sections of the Association, as it can also be the last gasp i,,r a senior club, battling for numbers to survive . Only eight years ago the O ld Essendon club was on its kcn, -s and we convinced it to not go into recess but to reform at Club XVIII level, To all our joy it did survive wd is now an excellent B section club and is certainly destined for even higher honours .
Gn n the importance of the competition, the problems with teams withdrawing on the eve of the season Inising massive fixturing problems and the dominance of the mighty Old Xav s Crocs making section I often uon-competitive, we are currently undertaking a massive review of the Club XVIII and look fonvard to meeting with .lubs soon to attend to this matter .
INDEX . ... . . .. . . . 6 Ntxt Weeks Matches . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .... . . .._
And fmally a reminder to clubs of the next meeting of the Association, being a Secretaries' M eeting scheduled for 6.30 pm on Monday week (July 7th) . At this meeting a presentation will be made to the clubs on the policy "Bouncing Racism out of Sport ." Any secretary who hasn't received minutes and an agenda should contact Molly (9531 8333 / molly@vafa .asn_au) .
... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... 18-19 .FortheLvfGam Looking Back . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. .3435 Today's Umpires . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . .... . . .. . ... . ... . . . .. . ... . ... . . . .. . ..40 Sportscover Arena Draw . .. . ._ . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . .59 Tribunal & Imestigations . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . . .59 Sportscover Spot the Bal .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .62 Ladders. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .63 J64
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44 I . 03 a 01 1
w.vafia .asn.au 1
It t a p -.. . . . ,r.e ., St Kilda thoug s{, I suggested he was a natur~ . t rrvev, and Tim Watson at 1999 draft to secure him . "What I liked most Aosive speed and strengti tson said earlier this vear . But Beetham's career went from delir~t-t to devastation as he b - his love for the game at the highest level . Not before he h, a g or two : he made his debut in his ~r~i- r, °ked up 20 games, a rising star no: i : , on id a coupie of Brownlow votes in 2001 . Now he's back at 'i his mates, some of whom he played with in ier's first XZ'III for three years before he v < drz =d . "He's come down nd watched a few times and a number of his s, , )I friends are playing," Old Xavs coach Michael Shelly said . "He hasn't really played with them for the past three ars he's been at St Kilda and he had a bit of an opportunity to play from now on . " "`'ueYe just happy for him to have a game . " Old Xaverians also had former premiership player and AFL Demon Anthony McDonald reinstated last week, but may hat to ue it for his return . McDonald . a 1 0 „h 11,Abourne, stepped down from ' ' ea foot complain t last -ar , - t < : .n<_; ior soner g
did to have forme r Richmond best and faires, 1,ick Dairy r, ii last week, but the club is playing do~, likelihood of him stripping. General manager Gavin Henderson said Daffy It trained with the side to keep flt, and was down Junction Oval because of his connection with coa Justin Pickering . Th° t°°,a were tear-n<" s at Punt Rd . Sri 1, you wouldn't 1 ier registering a player the i s no ell ~ of I n playing . '
Ano"i - former 1igue player who lifted a .s z. , the weekend was ex-Cat Tfeycbroi i Finocchiaro, who coolly slotted four goals in 0 Scotch's upset of St Bernards . The Scotchies have struck a rich vein of form at were perhaps given a lift from a speech t Richmond premiership player Barry Richardso who was down at training before the win over Kevins. SV1LA'F' BLUES ? They're not singing it, the Blues, down at If University in Parkville . Uni lues made it three in succession on t l
St ~ z rds St Bernards Old Scotch Old I-t,ilevbury St K m s Old
D Jordan Harvev Hawkins O'Farrell i;rt Giansiracusa Toovev
4 42 2 35 2 29 0 26 1 26 3 26
Old ~, , bury Efstathiou 2 37 St Ber 'ds Allis 2 21 Old Iv,uioe Cornel's 3 21 Old i? .iie;`~,ury Lappa ! 0 19 Old ^~0
nd the team that began the season s o . _, now filling its basket ed that in A Section, there is no suc h a predictable week . 'L011" s were chuffed with the elegant ruck work cus Coleman, who won the man of the matc h
m In id
__~ - .13 15 OLD SCOTCH 0 9.11 15 .6 .12 (1021 1 .3 6 .4 10 SS. BERNP•RI1S Finocchiaro 4 Crow 3 Hawkins 2 C Phillips 2 Rix 2 Ross 2 Old Scotch: : Tallent C Phillips Rix WYgney . Best Smith 2 Dumaresq Hume Kitchen D Jordan 4 Davis 2 J Smith 2 T Harvey 2 . Btrnarda : . St Mullins Collins : Ttrnbali D Jordan J Smith Cousland 0'Sulllran James B}rne Legudi . Best : Grant Wardrop Luke Holmes (F) „ur after a tireless display . Clarke Trewin Cousland . Umpires Graham Thwaites Scott Fraser (B) Andrew Barnes John Robinson (G) ) .16 10 .21 t8l i OnAy redictable week - how do you pick five OLD XAVERIANS 2 .3 5 .8 7 1471 .5 4 .8 5 .9 ~~~~ilter tmp OLD TRINITY 3 Beetham 2 Drake 2 Orlando 2 Ford Ocklesltaw McDonnell , these match-ups? Old Xsverlans : ;erians and St Bernards promises to be a : Landrtgan Ford J Bowen Drake Bingham Biddlecombe . Old .J.' Pascerf. Best e nKen ed y with the Xavs careering along and th Trinity Ump ~~e FV1 B Mark Gibso champs looking to atone for last week' s :s D Butler PreitV Gnait Kenned yBurow tug Rob Mutton Nathan Eddy (B) Bernie Jephson John Hall IG) 14 .11195) .3 : MARCELLIN 2 I\ andyMareellin meet in a crucial game 0.2 0.5 3.8 6.10(46) ~~~It Trinit OLD MELBURNIAN S 1,( Trinity is hovering just outside the four and Sytnes 4 Addison 3 Purcell 3 Sheehan Treganowan Frazer blarceil{n : : Sheehan Theis2 Seabury Frosina Cox Jarred . Old .rcellin would love to create a buffer between the Marson. Best ,,) ; S Theodore . Best : Holme Menn niant ; Magee 2 Beaumont Berry J MillerUmpires : Robert Sneddon „ 1_~ hbouring sides . Magee Beaumont R h4ulqutnney Guest Berry . ~ H,oleybury, who were upset by Old Ivanhoe las t Steve McCarthy IF) Brendan Corcoran Scott Gavens (B) Matthew Simpson s ;, face St Kevins, who will be fuelled by it Kevin Seguin, (G ) .9 16.11 {107) ,Aden drop into the relegation zone . OLD IVANHOE 6.1 9.5 13.7 14.71911 .4 12 4 .1 8 Ilave their season on the line . OLD ILAII,EYBURY Low 4 Toovey 3 Donaldson 2 Spoor Quinlan Lochran R Old Ivanhoe: !~,t-placed Old Ivanhoe and Old Melburnians : Price Pavne Gieschen Corcoran R Weddle . This Weddle Laxon Price Bolzan . Best ,,hth) are both in the mix for relegation Old fiaileybury : Lappage 3 Floyd 3 Bourke 2 M Corrigan 2 Barker Ltixon. : Barker P Corrigan Carson Bourke White ,, ;,le is impossible to pick with Ivanhoe suddenly 2 P Corrigan Peterson. Best Dirk Kramer Peter Simpson (F) Rob Mayston Jnr Lappage . Umpires : . now a game clear of the drop zone, Andrew Rechtman (BI Craig Arnol Dominic Napoli (G ) ,nd University 4 .1 5 .6 7 .8 1110 (82) . S't, ItEVISZS 1,,,e another in-form side in Old Scotch 5.2 11 .6 13 .12 16 .16 ! 1121 UNIVERSITY BLUES Chard 3 Mutgrew 2 J Pangrazio 2 M Giansisacusa Cheesmari U ,,On pick five, you're a genius . St. Keviun: : Simpson Hanlon Kempton Rombotis S Rombotis OConnor Kemplon . Best Wilkie 4 Gleeson 4 de Cresptgny 3 PRESS CORRESPONDENT .au .1,sper Fjeldstad - fjeldstadjGnixnet .com Chard Muigrew . University Blues : : Coleman Brookes Roydhouse 2 Young Rvan Coleman . Kempton. Best sWilcox Cor Je e , usceil Bp~ n McCarthy Rasdale TonygCa nPetdriT ~-------- - -
- wish to congratulate Mark 01d Rq~b,~iaus Wu on playing their 50th Hawkins and Andrew . The Ha~i~k, a great dames for the club this weekend clubman and 2002 premiership player whose 50 _;tmes are consecutive, joined the club from school ul 2000. His consistency and ethic for hard work have made our centre half forward an integral . Andrew, our resident member of the senior team scribe and budding 60 minutes reporter also joined . Andrew, who ha s lie club from school in 1999 battled through injury in recent times . has proven to be a loyal servant of the club and a consistent contributor in our reserves after graduating from the L119 ranks. OM's would like to thank both oure boys for their great contribution and service to th club .
rT'®I~1~I" S 'f' CI~ES A SECTION St Bernards v Old Xaverians Old Trinity v Marcellin Old MelburnianS v Old Ivanhoe Old Haileybury V St Kevins University Blues v Old Scotc h ) THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
.1 10.5 12 .7(79 ) OLD SCOTCH 3 .0 7 .7 9 .11 12.12(841 3 .6 6 ST.BERPIARDS .CaUons 2, Hooper 2, O'Connor , Reid Old Scotch: McDonnell 3, Boyd 2 : Jackson Knight, Hosking, Hooper, Parkinson, Walkout . ,B .Smith. Best . P.Harvec 2, Antlis 2, Gleeson . St .Bernards : Baumgartner 3, Bouzikas 2 . Gleeson, Holland . Glenn . Best : Evans, Tankey, Kavanagh, Bouzikas 4.4 8.4 10.5 19 OLD XAVERIANS .til60) 1 . i 4.4 6. 5 OLD TRINITY . Higgins 2. Hannebery . 0'Kane. Ryn. Old Xeverlans : Stoney 3 . Lethlean 3 . Hawkins, Howard, : Lethlean Hawkins, Fox, Hardman . Sapuppo Best . Brawn . Burgess' K Higgins, Hulett, Hannebery . Old Trlaity: Hill 2 . Best: K Condron, . Z Williams Condron, Healy, McKinnon, Morpeth . Morpeth . Z Williams, Healy, Burgess, Best .3 7 B MARCELLIN 1 .2 7 .2 5.3 .4(4o) .3 1 .0 1 OLD MELBURNIANS . Hansen Best: . Cooper, Wilkins . Tavlor . Rowe 2 Marce ll]n: Wignall 3 1~ ~tlle Old Melbumlans : . Maguire, Gartner, ~5 ignall, Co .a Wilkins . Fiorenr : Rose, J Ray, Wu . Neeson 2 . Christian, C Ray, Rose, Whitehead Best Tucker. Bunn . Neeson 7 .4 11 .8 14 .9(93) OLD IVANHOE 2.2 4 .3 4.6 6.8 7 .11(53) OLD I ;gILEYBURY .Weddie 2 Morris 2 Best Old Ivanhoe : Georgio4 O'Dwyer 3 Cornelius 3 J Hawke s ESsL thiou r 2 d Haar t2dC~WOmtan S.Saunders Ladd Be George fin"I'lou'd 3 .5 5 .9t39) Haar Ladd C.Wax7ttart Mosbey .1 .2 2A ST I Evzx s .13 19 .14(128) .9 15 3.6 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES Crowe, Fraser. Best : Kalesaran, St . Xevlns: Mot'lam Crowley. Horrocks, . University Blues : Quin 7, McArdle. Conlan, Coleman. Mount, Moyian . If Millar 3, Brown 3, Terrill, Maddtson, Millard, Suvaltos, Cheel . Vallelong . Cobbledick . . Quin, Suvaltos, Millar, Millard Best: Fairbank 3
C .ch : ck Cjer F Cc< ;~H,ndr Bon ick
Cr - jhan Cleary Res . Cc h : Tom Humphrey i 1 C . Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D. Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwin 6 D . Sampmon 7 M . Rowe 8 R . Fnsina 9 L. Considine 10 A . Dale 11 D. Taylor (RC) 12 B . Cronin 13 S . Dinneen 14 D . Salce 15 P. Spence 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (VC) 18 D . Gartner 19 D. Cooper 20 S . O'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Manson 23 A . Wadsworth 24 L. 0 'F1Y nn RV ( C) 25 R . Galati 26 D. McMillan 27 S . Theisz (DVC) 28 D. Johnston 29 N . Addison 30 A . Treganowan (C) 31 B . Dobson 32 M . Browne 33 G. Cull 34 D. Jarre d 35 J . Frazer ( D V C) 36 M . Bortolotto 37 D. Cope 38 M . Sier 39 B . Colville 40 D. Carson 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen (DVC) 43 A . Duncan 44 L. Hanson 45 D. Theisz 46 S . Maguire 47 P. Fiorenza 48 N . Milicia 49 D. Vanherden 50 A . Carson 51 J . Toohey 52 A . Carson 53 D. Petreyski 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 56 B . Carmody 57 J . Wilkins 58 E . Washes 59 B . Kearney 60 C. Thornton
I 1 C. Home 2 R. Kelna 3 P. Corrigan 4 S . Langford-Jones 5 J. Bourke 6 A. White (DVC) 7 M . Corriga n 8 R . George 9 M . Barke r 10 C . Efstathiou (RVC) 11 C . Waxma n 11 M . Grave s 12 B. O' Farrell 13 M . Peterson 14 A. Forsyth 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K. Ford 18 C . Jayasekera 19 M . Armstrong (C) 20 G Fletcher 21 A. Janke 22 0 . Mason 23 S. Loewe 24 A. Ross 25 S. Rowlands 26 J. Bell (RC) 27 L . Siapantas 28 S. Goldsworthy 29 B. Carson (VC) 30 D . Warnes 31 0 . La y 32 B. Mitchel l 33 R . Mosbey 34 A. Waxman 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 0 . Lappage 36 S. Brewster 37 A. Floyd 38 L . Flo d 39 H . Brooks 40 S. Davey 41 S. Saunders 42 M. Erikson 43 R . McCarthy 44 M. Wray 45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden 47 M. Stephens 48 C . Moyle (RDVC) 49 L . Pitcher 50 R . Ladd 51 H . McLauchlan 52 L . Pfeiffer 53 B. Haar 54 R . Saunders 55 G . Stuart 56 P. Dimond 57 A. Kight 58 A. Baker. 59 C . Wart s 60 M . Somaia 61 J. Miller
Yarra 'rg l `ey Country Cl ub
Coach : Pau. rahey Asst : Paul Northey Res: Dirk Jones 1 A. Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 S. Curatolo 4 B. Davis 5 T. Young 6 S. Kent J. Geishen 8 T. Stevens 9 D. Payne 10 C . Crowley 11 S. Tul yl 12 C . Branigan 13 M . Orchard 14 C . Moore 15 B. Low 16 S. Price 17 A. Corcoran 18 J Hope ~ 19 P. Dinakis 20 D . Hawkes 21 R . Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Hares 25 E. Byrne 26 A. Bereza 27 J . Weddle 28 S. Morris 29 R . Weddle 30 P. Jolley J . Stevens 32 M. Konnigen 33 N . Pratt 34 A . Tiernan 35 M . Pollock 36 B. Spoor 37 A . Berry 38 Ge George 39 Ga Georg e 4 0 J . K ean e 41 D . Neilse n 42 S . Low 43 W. Cornelius 44 M . Luxon 45 M . Toovey 46 N . Butler 47 R . Griggs 48 M . Clarke 49 C . Quinlan 50 S . Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 K . O'Dwyer 53 M . Mendola 54 B . Guidera 55 C . Barker 56 L. Courage 57 A . Gilbert 58 L. Botzan 59 N . Giechen 60 A . Al agona
Beehive Hotel 4
1 D . Smit h 2 S . Theodore 3 J . Fenzel 4 R . Mathews 5 L. Bun n 6 D . Holm e 7 C . Thompson 8 A . McKeon 9 A . Simpson 10 T Roberts (C) 11 P. Gallagher 12 J . Richardson 13 B . Thiele 14 B . Evans 15 M . Rose 17 James Miller 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 R . Mulqumey (VC) 20 J . Guest 21 M . Hicks 22 J . Dixo n 23 M . Berry (VC) 24 M . Hawkins 25 H . Whitehead 26 T. Costell o 27 D . Kinsella 28 M . Billing 29 M . Prowse 30 Jono Miller 32 E . Selby 33 J . Magee 34 J . Beaumont (DVC) 35 C. Ray 36 B . Wulf f 37 N . Guy 38 J . Gooley 39 J . Tucker 40 H . O'Brien 41 N . Smith 42 P. Theodore 43 A. Wu 44 T. Harr son 45 C. Murphy 47 C. Neeson 48 C. Theodoulou 49 G . Tsiotras 50 C. Jenkins (RC) 51 C. Richmond 52 O . Ward 53 S . Hawkins 55 I . Weir 56 L. Beilby 57 A. Rains 58 C. Alde r 59 S . Carte r 60 M . Jackson 61 B. Nicoll 62 E . Matthies 63 J . Ray
Sponsored By : g^ t7 PEOPLE TELECOM Childcare
~ Bulleen Hawthorn
Coacn : uusnn Pickering Asst : Andrew Pickering Res: Harkey Stone
Coach : Dale Tappin g Asst Coach: Andrew Sm c Res. Coach : Serge D'Ang4 Asst Coach : Ray Beafliâ&#x201A;Ź 1 R . Mullin s 2 B. Phillips 3 J. Ross 4 T. Hol t 5 S . Collins (VC) 6 A . Crow (VC) 7 J. Klichen(VC) 8 B . Robinso n SR N . Colma n 9 C . Tallent 10 C . Smith 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume (C) 13 N . Hoope r 14 N . Ackroyd 15 S . Cations 16 S . Troo n 17 T Wigne y 18 L. Hawkin s 19 T. Hocking S . Lfllings o n 21 J . Strato s 22 N . Addison 24 L. McDonnel l 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downin g 27 M . Denni s 28 A . Quai l 29 M . Gnatt 30 F nocchiaro 31 N . Lelt l 32 J . Gerstma n 32R R . Fulleraton 33 E . Rei d 34 C. Phillips 35 P. O'Conno r 36 A . Millar 37 A . Boyd 38 G . Prendergast 39 B . Ferguson 40 W. Symington 41 W. Lewi s 42 T Beattie 43 R. Breisch 44 D. Jackson 45 R. Teesdal e 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger (VC) 48 S . Dumaresq 49 L. Kitchen 50 M . Walko m 51 L. Freeman 52 D. Knigh t 53 C. Joyce 54 N. Simon 55 M on 56 D Br oek~ 58 A. Grant 59 J . Sutcliffe 60 J . Sheldo n 61 M . Gai r 62 N. Parkinso n 63 P. Iser 64 N . Costell o
66 A. Routledg e 67 M . Leed s 68 R . Addiso n 69 C . Nea l 71 M . Ain er 72 B. Smi h 73 A. Bamford 74 S. Kmgs 75 C. Dufou r 76 J . Nickles s 77 T. Pag e 78 T. Baker 81 G . Fordyce 88 A. McQuee n
Carlson .i Gaut
Coach: h I Shrilly Res. Cc-,;n; Chris Gawne
Coach : Peter noison Res : Darren Handley
[eve Maus A s L v,C _sR D v'C
Verne T R sA nessy M RvtC PA nN Ri R ~C ~s u L lohns G ,erson J B
Cap t.
h oo C rd r.9 nor, R eas Sj aA
-,ire c D Oar Verne S R /C nR AD c', :a S ,re S
ell r,, ;;;h TGRV1G sera
it C er-Buszard L ackmore B amble R
52 seven C
1 PGam G 5a Williams Z
55 Taylor C
56 Best E 57 Read S 58 Stebbins C 59 Cade T 60 Condren K 61 Condron R
62 Kelly T
63 Cade S 64 Gray J 65 Robson M 67 AmiconiA ea Hi A es LaPira M 70 Brawn A 71 Langdon S 72 Par ker D
1 A. Fox 2 D. Orlando
1 OS. McKeon
3 L. Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan 9an (DVC)
3 R. Coustand 4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 S .Neeson 7 S . Clarke
5 AT. Jones 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 M . Holmes 9 J. Hawkins 10 A. Bowen 11 S. Ross 12 J. 8awen 13 C . Ellis 14 S. Skidmore 15 L. Ford (Capi) 16 S. Mollard 17 A. Chatfield 18 M . Gree n D . Walsh( Ca P t-Re) s 20 M . Hardman 20 J. Scanlan 22 J. Healy 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S. Johnston 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J. Drake 28 R . Coughlan 29 C. Beetham
30 N . McInerney 31 J. Pasced 32 A. Brushrield 33 N . Bingham 34 K. Hall 36 D . Sapuppo 37 T. Maher 39 C . Mollard 41 A. Dillon 42 R . Speekman 43 T. Woodruff
44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B. Dixon 47 P. Ryan 48 J. McDonnell 53 C . Santalucia 54 N . Hulett 55 G . Monahan 58 N . Quinn 59 J. Francis 60 M. Walsh 62 J. Silk 63 A. E .Jones 66 A. Wilson
73 Hildebrandt D 74 ThwaBes M 75 Best J 76 MasenJ 77 Dodgson B 79 Treadweei C eo Feranda M 81 MBche1l G 82 Brescia 5 83 Somerville W 84 Boyd L 85 Ch yr s A
es Gnatto
87 HansenP 88 ChanB
B owens
~ N~YasB
2 D. Gleason
7R S . Parrett 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan (VC)
10 N . Mitchell (C) 11 C. Devis 12 C. Dav 12R B .Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A .Thomas 15 T. Witkinson 16 L. Turnbull
17 L. O'Sullivan 18 T. Coone y 19 R. Close 20 L. Fielding
21 B . Loughlin 22 D. James 22R M . O'RileY 23 L. Wilkinson 24 N.M . Smith 25 T. Legudi 25R S .Glenn 26 C.Baumga ner 27 James Mount
28 R. Harvey 29 G . McIntyre 30 C. Trewin 31 J . Smith 31 R B . Ashton 32 T. Harvey 33 B. Atis 34 D. Byrne (DVC) 35 T. Pearson 36 R. Legudi 37 A. Catterall 38 S . lannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 40 D. Thomas
41 A. Bouzikas 42 S . Mitchell 43 N. Basaraba 44 A. Anderson 45 M . Tankey
46 P. Holland 47 M . Hooper 48 N.P. Smith 49 N .Thomas 50 A. Smith 51 M . K avanagh 52 S. Bugryn 53 P. Harris 54 J . Harvey
-inne n. en Houny_ F er McBreart y 1 N. Fraser E. s Crohan 2 3 E D. Curti L Mahoney (C)
5 M . Dolman 6 P. O'Keefe
7 K . Gray 8 B . Do9man 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J . Pangrazio 12 C. Taylor 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 M . Olive 16 B . Garvey 17 D. Ryan (VC) 18 P. Gissing 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R. Maguire 22 J . Mace y 23 T. Simpson 24 M . Hanlon 25 B . Marusic 26 J . Rombotis 27 R. Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton 30 M . Crowe 31 A. McGuinness 32 S . O 'Connor (VC) 33 M . Maguire (RC) 34 J . O'Keefe 35 P. Mount 36 T. Duggan 37 M . Pangrazio 38 R. Chard 39 N. Pope 40 M . Mul9rew
41 D. Me Ian
42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G Katavolas 45 G . Baggy 46 D. Mahoney 47 J . Griffiths 48 A. Conlan 49 L. Kalesaran 50 R . Horrocks 51 B. Cheeseman 52 J . Finch 53 L. Katavolas 54 A. Umbers 55 M . Rigby 56 D. Wals h 57 L. Coleman 58 D . McArdle 59 R . CHivers 60 A. Greenhalgh 61 J. Lynch 62 B. Shelley 63 L . Sierakowsk.i
P 1 Butxo 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J(VC ) 4 Guengerich D(VC) 5 Tanner J 6 Maddison N 7 Young R 8 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A(VC) R 10 Martin 11 North L
12 Gleason Q{C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Haberfeld 19 Collins M 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard B
23 Wilcox
24 Russell
25 Scilly 26 Runna!Is 27 Wilk ie 28 Thomas 29 Terrill 30 Brookes 31 Calle ry
34 McKinnon 35 Cheat
36 Brook e 37 Kaso
39 Cobbledick
41 Quin 42 Fletcher 43 Cameron 44 Feathersto n 45 McLachla n 46 Hall 47 Millar
51 Brown 52 Ihle 53 Versteegen 54 Bennett 55 Zanos ~ Irvine 57 Plowman
59 Fricker 60 Thomas 61 Fairbank 62 Callery 63 Glass 6-, Birks
B H P M 1 T
32 Suvoltos 33 Gates
38 Wilson
40 Hockin g
48 Fulton L 49 Chamberlain L J 50 McIntosh
58 Sudholz
65 Wilcox
65 C .Didilis 66 A DeKrester 67 T. Purcell 71 M. O'Shea 74 D . Szabo 80 D . Dunn
66 Grigg
67 McAloon D(RC )
68 Rice 69 Kelson 70 Meade
76 Medlin 77 Styles
S U ?lREiAN .l I.INC .
64 N . O'Halloran
SI - ; ,TS
Steve C ! s Dawd'.'a
72 Vallelonga 74 Robertson
80 Maplestone D -- C _~ ------ -
7!â&#x201A;Ź3SSEI .I ,
A SECTIO N Marcellin v St Bernards Old Ivanhoe v Old Trinity St Kevins v Old Melburnians at St . Kevins College University Blues v Old Haileybury Old Scotch v Old Xaverian s B SECTION St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Hampton Rovers Old Brighton v De La Salle Mazenod 0 C v Whitefriar s Old Paradians v Old Essendon Gr MHSOB v North Old Boys
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Beaumaris - by e Werribee Amateurs v Old Ivanhoe Hampton Rovers v Old Melburnians Old Paradians v Old Camberwell Mazenod 0 C v Old Trinit y UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Rupertswood - bye St Bernards (2) v AJAX at 11 .30 a .m. (Oval 1) Therry Penola OB v MHSOB North Old Boys v Collegians Monash Blues v Old Care v
C SECTION Caulfield Gr v Therry Penola OB Mentone Vultures v St Leos Emmaus WP Ormond v Beaumari s Prahran v Old Camberwell Collegians v Glen Eir a
Under-19 ( 2) BLUE South Melbourne Districts v Oakleigh De La Salle (2) v Glen Eira Mentone Panthers v St Bedes Mentone Tigers at Mentone Grammar Playing Field s Ormond v Oakleigh Clays at 9 .20 a.m . St Johns 0 C v Bentleigh TB A
Dl SECTIO N Bulleen Templestowe v Yarra Valley 0 B Monash Blues v Aquinas 0 C Ivanhoe Assumption v AJAX Old Mentoni an s v Banvule Salesian 0 C v University Blacks
UNDER-19 (2) RED La Trobe Uni v Yarra Valley 0 B St Leos Emmaus WP v Old Westbourne Aquinas 0 C v Bulleen Templestowe Old Xaverians (2) v University Blacks Banyule Viewbank v Fitzroy Reds
D2 SECTIO N Williamstown CYMS v West Brunswick Hawthorn Amateurs v Old Carey Oakleigh v La Trobe Un i Bentleigh v Fitzroy Reds Peninsula 0 B v Old Geelong
ROUND 11 Club XVIII (1) Marcellin v St Kevins Monash Blues v Old Ivanho e Old Xaverians v Prahran at Sportscover Arena Saturday, 11 .40a m De La Salle v Collegians
D3 SECTION South Melbourne Districts v Elsternwick Power House v Werribee Amateurs Rupertswood v Ke w Monash Gryphons v Swinburne Uni St Johns 0 C v Syndal Tally-H o D4 SECTION North Brunswick v Bulleen Cobras Old Westbourne v St Mary s Albert Park v Eltham Collegians Mt Lilydale v Box Hill North Richmond Central - bye UHS-VU v Brunswick Powe r
Club XVIII ( North ) Bye v Therry Penola OB Old Trinity v Old Carey Old Essendon Or v Fitzroy Red s Old Xaverians (2) v University Black s Club XVIII (South) St Leos Emmaus WP v Hawthorn Amateurs Whitefriars v AJAX Mazenod 0 C v Old Brighton Old Geelong v Eley Par k
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Marcellin v St Kevins De La Salle v Old Brighton St Bernards v Caulfield Or University Blues v Old Scotch Old Essendon Gr v Old Xaverians
; eac` week in th e
an in co¢ ention for the weekly prize . --
Our thoughts are with Tom Brain and his family, following the unfortunate news that his father had a massive stroke on Monday and was rushed to Melbourne for emergency surgery . At the time of printing no further news had come to hand . Tom will be back next week, REVIEW - RD1 0 MHSOB downed the Rovers at home when injuries to key players (Ariz B&D and Fletcher) reduced the Rovers to reshuffle at 3/4 time after holding a 17 point lead . Cam McKellar and Can were beauties for the Rovers while Rayson was lively up forward . The High with Bamert on target (6) up forward and with plenty to play for can thank Cassell . Hogan and Sverskis for adding plenty of interest to the remaining 8 weeks of the season . North Old Boys and De La Salle fought out a thrilling game at Gillen Oval . With 11 majors booted in the first half the game looked like being a shoot out. While DLS shot out early they were reeled back in by NOBs at the half. The third term revealed only 3 majors - in stark contrast to the first half . Boyle was always dangerous up forward with 4 goals and Vogels and Davidson were in everything for the home team, Morel's (DLS) wonderful solo effort goal set up a thrilling last term . Goal for goal it was until Goodier, Duggan and finally Thomas slotted through a super six pointer to seal a win for the Dees . A come from behind win from the Tigers against the Friars was another equally thrilling game . It was the Friars pretty much all day . They began better and while David Napier, Sampieri and Hecker kept the Tigers at close range . Anderson (7) threatened all day to be the difference . Phan and Wallace were also prominent for the Friars . But despite the margin having blown out to 5 majors at the last break the Tigers never gave in. They clawed their way back with Michael Wintle and Luke Terrell instrumental in the 16 point victory . At Sportscover Arena Old Essendon ran all over Old Brighton in the last quarter to move to equal top . The Bombers with McPherson on song were far too strong and with Leask, Wilson and Demotion doing as they pleased at ground level the Tonners were left to lament. Lennox tried valiantly for the vanquished with little else to write home about . The barnstorming finish by the Bombers in September like winds at "The Finals Venue" looked omhnous . Mazenod and Old Paradians battled out a close game all day with the Nodders finishing the better with the breeze, after the scoreboard see-sawed all game . The difference was the potency of the Nodders forwards with Morris (9) and Meehan (3) outpointing their respective opponents for the entire day . O'Loughlin again rocked tirelessly, with Boundy (4) and Brabender keeping the OP's always in the game. Back to evens for OP's and Mazenod continue to creep ever closer . PREVIEW Hampton Rovers and North Old Boys will be a ripper at Davi d
Street today. Both teams realise a win will keep the wolves b the door for another eveek . A lot will depend on injuries their imminent return, The Artz brothers and Fletcher are k to the Rovers . without their supply Power can be held . On other hand HOB's will hope Sutherland, Boyle, Smith Casboult can produce again and kick a winning score . At h( the young Rovers pay their ground too well . Rovers by points. St . Bedes Mentone Tigers dealt Be La Salle a football les in windy conditions last time and with both teanis check to confidence after wonderful wins last week, today will be a gz worth watching . Much at stake here too . The Tigers consolidate a top position . a loss makes them again vulnera For the Dees a win puts them into contention and keeps wagon rolling. At home the Dees play good football and t] young side is beginning to gel under coach Miller . DLS b points . trThitefriars had 31 shots to 25 in Rd2 at South Road and not come away with the points . Today at Sporstcover A rwhicteyplav ,hwibeleokngtfcd on a deflated Old Brighton . The Tonners were overran week at the same venue, have the demons been exorcised week .time will tell? The Friars have too many options gc forward and with the expected return of some key players reverse their Rd2 result . Maaenod travel to Old Essendon and will need every bi team discipline and never say die attitude to knock off Bombers at home . OEG are coming off a fast finishing vin c the ladder leaders and realise a win today could well set u top two finish if other results go their way . Maskell, Morris ; Meehan are hard to cover and will cause headaches for Fn Dunell in his planning, but Dave Murray will require all guile to make certain McPherson, Heritage, May Kavanagh's influence is diminished to get the Nodders points . In an upset Mazenod by 3 points . MHSOB buoyed by last week's strong finish make the tr iBundoratcklejydpOParins . The N, are moving well and have taken, like De La Salle, some tim, come to grips with Dave Skinner's methods . The young N group will revel in the spaces at the Garvey Oval , r.d alth o
GLF B .e,XTIOtd Mazenod h5askell Hampton Rovers Power Old Brighton MacGiIliGTay Miitefriars Carigg Mazenod Morris B RESERVE Old Brighton Scott Be La Salle M Harber De La Salle Walker Old Paradians Spinoso Old Brighton Leaf Mazenod Javaweera `,iazenod L Morgan North Old Bo vs Barker
of th e pa
ad the
< I,r i lr :zder, O'Loughlin and Heffernan will battle har d L,, ,I, they will fhtd the younger legs just too much to n tlv end. MHSOB by 10 points . rom s rips: Hampton Rovers. St. Bedes Mentone Tigers .
,,rs, Old Essendon and Old Paradian s gE55 CORRESPONDENTS:
,ontact numbers : 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the 0403 433 016 or send me an email to asnet.com .au
Old parat : tns' - congratulate Dean Loney who played his 100tli game last week joined the Club from School playin g â&#x20AC;&#x17E;<he (ltder 19's . a few games in the reserves and has bee n ;t in the Senior Side since May 2002 . May it ever be this Thanks Deano we look forward to the next 100 and them all to be of the same high standard , i,,, Brighton - 150 games to the following. Simon Imchy^ Williams began in 1993 on the wing then moved t o
sitions in defense with the occasional stint forward . .nfed captain of the club in 1999 he has been an , . >tanding leader and continues to show terrific dedicatio n I- .icrifice for the club . Simon "Lennie" Lennox began in ~ :dter stints at St Kilda and Sandringham with immediat e t. He has won almost every on field award at the clu b :tiding several B&F and R1U awards, premierships and 5 to State representative to name a few . His courage and n,ness to put his body on the line for the club and team has taken its toll over the years . However his unique oration allows him to continue to line up each week and be hP first match up of opposition coaches, "Matty" Allen t c tcd back in 1987 when he was the clubs best first year L ccr. and a state rep in 1988 . Matt was CHF throughout the
and early 90's known for his high marks, long kicking ud now fashionable training gear . Injury and wor k nmiiments saw him retire prematurely but he has stayed the club in several off field official roles, until his lon g il,d, and timely comeback in 2002. well done fellas, an d It at OBGFC thank you for your efforts over the years . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers - 150 Games to Michael Beasley ,1 51, Well done to Michael, the fourth of five brothers to play n r the club . Michael holds the unique honour of playing for iin, club in each amateur grade that the club has been involved in . He started in E grade in the late 1980's, went to j ) , , i ade in 1990, C in 1994 and now B Grade in 2003 . A finely ,IIled player, whose fitness and dedication to training have h, Ii, d him ease back into the side this year . Also 100 Games to Russell Gould (21/6) . The one-time regular twos goal h .unter has capped off a wonderful career with two fine Irformanees this year . Whilst not roaming the field as a
Russell 'played' in two premierships as runner . Russell 1- dabbles in writing, and was recently outed as the club's r~g[nal Tiger Larrikan. Congratulations Russell . and perhaps here are a few more cameo performances to come !
TODAY'S MATCHE S B SECTION Hampton Rovers v North Old Boys De La Salle v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Whitefriars v Old Brighton at
Spo rt scover Arena Old Essendon Grv Mazenod 0 C Old Paradians v MHSOB
MBSOB 0.2 7 .6 10.8 17.11 (113) HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .6 6.6 12.13 14.15 (99) MHSOB: Bambert 6 White 4 Horne 2 Walker Sverskis Rosman Hogan Whittington . Best : Cassell Hogan Sverskls White S McCully H Taylor . Hampton Ravers: Rapson 4 Power 3 Adams 2 Greenwood 2 M Fletcher L Fletcher wheeler. Best: C McKellar Carr Greenwood L Fletcher Rayson Lawrence. Umpires : Tim Sutcliffe (rotation - from A) Anthony Damon (rotation - from A) (F) Ken Brewer Clive Shipley (G ) 2.2 9.3 11 .6 I4.12 (96) NORTH OLD BOYS DE LA SALLE 6.2 10.7 11 .7 16 .10 (1061 North Old Boys: Boyle 4 M Barker 4 Smith 2 Casboutt 2 Brvar Tehan. Best : Cassell Grigg Vogels Davidson Brady Boyle . De La Salle: Walker 4 D Thomas 3 Matmix 2 Kosch 2 Morez G Johnstone S Hyland Goodier Duggan . Best : Kosch Silvers S Hyland L Harrison Motan S Hyde . Umpires: Geoff Curran Mer; Monty (F) Bianca Share Brendan Cannon (B) Andrew Esposito Paul Gait (G ) ST BEDES MEN'fONE 3_1 8.4 9.9 18.11019) WHI rEFRIARS O .C . 5.4 9.8 14.9 15.131103) St Bedes Mentone :L Terrell 4, Scafidi 3 . Hecker 2, McColl 2, P Wlntle, L winile. M Wmtle, M Terrell, Sampien, D Napier, McGettigan . Best: D Napier, M Yt'irllle, S Hecker, L Terrell, Scxfidi, Sampieri . Whitefxiara: Anderson 7, Carrigg 4, Phan 2 . Brosolo, Cunningham. Best: Anderson, Phan. Wood, Wallace, Power, Langford . Umpires : Rob Mavston Luke Moneneff (F) Craig Brajtberg Andrew Davidson (B) Les Damyon Ross Dodd (G) OLD BRIGHTON 3 .4 5.8 8.11 I0 .14 (74) OLD ESSENDON GR 0 .1 6 .6 8.7 16 .11 (107) Old Brighton: MacGillhTay 3 Perry 3 Homatm 2 RaJu Dickerson. Best: Lennox Dickerson Dale Raju Barrow Van Den Dungen . Old Essendon: Heritage 4 May 4 T Biggs 2 J Dipero Kavanagh McPherson D Biggs Leask Forrest . Best : De Morton Heritage wflson T Biggs Leask May. Umpi res: Wayne Hintonlrotation - from A) Dash Paris IF) Russell Nation Chris O'Shea (B) Chris Doyle Patrick Jenes (G ) MAZENOD 0 C 2 .1 7 .6 14 .9 19.12 (121) OLD PARADIANS 3 .8 6 .9 12 .11 16.15 (111) Mazenod: Morris 9 Meehan 3 Maskell 2 Gooden C Steinfort O'Donoghue Jones D Chamberlain . Best: Morris M Chamberlain Meehan T Slelnfort Beard C Steinfort. Old Paradlans: Boundy 4 Swindon 3 Collins 2 Dallas 2 Brabender Dean Godfrey Heffernan Sinclair. Best: Soundly Swindon Heffernan Sinclair Vincent Brabender . Umpfirea: Mark Morrison Michael Sneddon (F) Van Vescovi Les MavRopoulos (G ) BRFSERYE 1 .4 5 .5 6.8 7 .11(53) MHSOB HAMPTON ROVERS 3,1 5.5 7.8 7 .10(52) MHSOB: Sierakowski 3Wilson 2 Rundell Mills . Best : Campbell Keys Orchard Sierakowski Mills Czwarna. Hampton Rovers: Marinis 2 Brudar Ng Pearson Rogerson Woolnch . Best S .Anderson Kelly Crowther Terech Brudar Ng 1 .2 5.6 6.8 8.8(56) NORTH OLD BOYS DE LA SALLE 4.4 5.7 9.11 10.12(72) NOBs : Dobson, Yandell 2, D .Sheahan, Delaney, Christie, Kelliher Best : Delanev, Jowe, Christie, Kelliher, NthiW, Hildebrand Be La Salle: O'Connell 3,Bowden, Hyland 2, C.Hyde, Moore, Walmsley Best: Buckley. O'Donnell . C.Hyde, Cogguts. Maloney', O'Connell ST BEDES MENT TIG 2 .0 4.1 6.2 8.7(55) PkD2EFRIARS 3 .2 6.4 10.5 12.8(80) No details received OLD BRIGHTON 6 .3 11 .7 16.12 21 .13(139) 1 .1 3 .1 4.1 4.6(30) OLD ESSENDON Old Brighton: Edge 5, O'Neill 4, Stewart 4, Scott 4, Marshall, Salem, S.Girmivan, Sherman Best : Hughes, O'Neill. Edge, Sherman, Stewart. Marshall . Old Essendon: Ridley 2, Balloch, Hunter . Best: Bartram, Ridley, Junks, Overman . O'Brien, Uebergang. MAZENOD 0 .3 2 .4 5 .4 7.9(51) OLD PARADIANS 2 .2 6 .4 8 .5 10,7(67) Mazenod: Fuller 2 . Parker, Rame . Veltman, Smith, Carter . Best: Massey, Morris, Tilting, Veltman, Parker. Raine, Old Paradians: Dean 2, Jones 2, Martin Jovice, Ludeman, Pratt, Robins, Wood . Stevens . Best: Dore, Matthew Joyce, Paglia. Robins. Tenson . Wood.
`_ . L; Mark L_ . .e , . : L' ;k Hagan I L. Walker ( C Res) 2 R. Buckley 3 B. Corin 4 L. Harriso n 5 C. Swift 5 S . Brown 6 S . Armstrong 6 M . Herber 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney ; 9 C. M tchell 10 T. Silvers 10 P. Hesse 11 B . Quinane 12 M . McHen ry 13 A . Johnstone 14 C. Buick 14 D. Cogg ins 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland (DVC) 16 D . Moore 17 A . Ellio tt 18 A . Coffey 19 M . Goodier 19 D . Hyde 20 M . Picon e 21 A . McKenzie (VC ) 21 W. Coggins 22 G. Johnstone 23 D . O 'Brien 23 R . Sherman 24 J. Morel 25 C . =a 25 R . ley 26 D . S ithill p 27 S. Thomas 28 N . Harder 29 R . Marks 30 B. Mannix 30 T. Molan 31 S. Hyde 32 R . Bonnici ( C) 33 J. Stinear 34 L. Williams 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W . Jolley 37 D. HYland 38 S.0 Connell 39 B. Oakley 39 T. Woodlock 40 A. Bonnici 41 M . O'Donnell 42 P. Bourke 42 S . Murra y 44 A. Moore 45 T. Molan 46 A. Skinns 47 A . Sawtel 47 G . Walton 48 J . Foon 52 T. Moloney 52 E . Phillips 54 D . Buckley 55 A . McLeish 57 C . Chester 58 G.Wafton 60 P. O'Callaghan 70 M . Duggan
.: :. Coach: Norm c5oss Cc : :h: Tony Naurrmtt 1 T. Wilmott 2 M . McKellar 3 A. Brudar 4 S. Anderson 5 B. Martyn 6 B. Boyd 7 A. DuddY 8 G . Carr 9 T. Barker 10 D. Rayson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B . Kulling 13 G . Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A . Browne {VC} 16 N . Greenwood 17 D. Artz 18 J . McCa rthy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A . Power 21 S . CnllY 22 G . Johnston 23 M . Levy 24 C . McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 J . Laing 27 M . Flynn 28 A . Guthrie 29 M . Fletcher (C) 30 A . Quon 31 T. Pucelia 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 B. Artz 35 A. Fisher 36 L . Fletcher 37 L . Hon 38 R . Whitney 39 S Burggraaff 40 N Goold 41 A. Crowther 42 M. McDermott 43 C . Marinis 44 M . Pearson 45 S. Blick 46 L. Woolrich 47 S. Sillett o 48 G . Kelly 49 S. Weave r 50 N . Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 R. Mather 53 J . Ng 54 P. Adams 55 J . Prantzos 56 A. Blake 57 D. Wilto n 58 M . Gray 59 J . Morley 60 M Terech 61 R . Bulmer AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY. LT D .
Co_:cit : David Murray Re- : rve: Tony Collins 1 D. Lancaster 1 A . Longmuir 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A . Tucker 4 A . Hanley 5 D. Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R . Foss 8 J . Ballenger 9 P. Gooden 10 D . Chamberlain 10 G. Tilling 11 T. Smith ( RC) 11 D . Hos e 12 M . Murray 13 P. Fuller 14 N . Meehan (DVC) 15 N . Parry (DVC) 15 P. Ailsop 16 M. A~Ilonio 17 J . Beard 18 D . O 'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 19 T Steinfo rt 20 C . Murray (RVC) 20 T Castricum 21 S. Polan 22 D . Ryan (VC) 22 C . Buzby 23 C. Steinfort 24 S. Castricum 25 S. Stanley 26 J. Dunne y( C) 27 D. Kro m 28 P. Jones 29 R. Sharp 30 D. Hansen 31 N. Snarl ( RDVC) 32 B. King 33 D. Grant 34 M . Pollard 35 C. Morris 36 D. Cart er 37 L. Morgan 38 G . Hamill 39 D. Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 A. McDowell 43 A. Persi 44 R. Mosbauer 45 B. Thomson 46 D. Dunne 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. Haivy 51 P. Reed
52 S . Veltman 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L Fuller 56 L. Rudling 58 D. Morris 61 M . McDowell 62 M. Gonsalvez 64 T. Bourbon
Ph : 9598 6444
OPTIMISE GRO ~ PTY. LTD . Ph : 9597 0166
vnâ&#x20AC;˘r,v.hamptonrovers .com .au 10
British Paints
Coach: David Skinner Asst Coach: David Waterhouse Res Coach: Jamie Dixon 1 J . Bamert 2 S . McCully (Capt) 3 A . Howard 4 M . White 5 N . Orchard 6 C. Young 7 T Blythman 8 J . Dixon
8 J . Garner
9 D . Fairchild 10 D . Waterhouse 11 P. Spo tt iswood 12 S . Whittington 13 D . Rosman 14 A . O'Brien 15 N . Adcock 16 J. Walker ( DVC) 17 R . Clowes 18 R . Limbrick 18 D . Membrey 19 S . Gly nn 20 A. Askew 20 P. McGrath 21 S. Sierakowsk i 22 A. Svirskis 22 D . Armstrong 23 L . Taylor 24 S. Rundell 25 C . Nailon 25 H . Taylor 26 A. Vicendesa 27 C . Spo tt iswood 28 S. Moore 29 G . McCully 30 R . Newton A. Hoga n 32 A. Cassell ry ( VC ) 33 A. Sautt 34 E. Thompson 34 P. Rujevic 35 S. Har ison 35 A. Mills 36 B. Gaunt 37 T. Harper 37 M . Ting 38 S . Robinson 39 B. James 40 . Lust 41 J . Anderson 41 T. Fraczek 42 M . Hamifton-Ho 42 S . Volkering 44 J . Newton 45 R. Czwamo 46 R. Ware 47 D. Wilson 48 J . Scott 49 D. Fox 51 D. Learmont-Walker 52 B . McGrath 53 J . Sprague 54 A . Tang
55 C . Wright
56 T. Wright 57 58 C . Villani 59 M . Na1ee b 60 S . Jennings
Major Sponso rs V
Life's Brighter in Colour
GVP Fabricators
Cc-ch: Garry rouWy Res Coach: Mark Ora n 1 J. Cassel l 2 D . Keenan 3 T Waters 3 A. Trimbol i 4 S. Sleep 5 R . Davidson 6 N . Vo el s g 7 P. Boot h 8 B. Collison 9 H . Maplestone 11 T. Roberts 12 T Brown 13 T. Halpi n 14 L. Powe r 15 H. Christie 16 R . Kelliher 17 J . Fttzclarenc e 19 P. O'Farrel l 20 W. Marti n 21 N. Casboult 2 2 D.Tehan 23 S . Coo k 24 J . Barke r 25 G .Phylan d 26 T. Brady 27 P. Sondhu 28 D . Joyce 29 C. Hosking 30 J . Elms 30 M . Leigh 31 L. Boyl e 32 T Roac h 33 M . Barker 34 M . Hyde 35 M . Robins 36 M . Phylan d 37 J. Eastaug h 38 M . Amo r 39 . Galle tti 40 C . Phyland 41 C . Pizzin i 42 T Sheehan 43 J. Nihill 44 T. Spurtin g 45 S. Ingram 46 K. Hdderbran d 46 M. Perry 47 T. Kenned y 48 G . Smit h 49 G . Too k 50 M. Phyland 51 N . Barde n 53 S. Butche r 54 C . Dobso n 55 M . Joyc e 56 D. Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 58 S . Casbou h 60 M . Cnbbe s 61 A. Nevill e
64 L. Ryan
66 Brya r 67 Jp..
Ali i;cr.~e Loan s New Order Clothin g 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER :
~~ ^ t ! CJarred 0 iveill Res Coaeh : Hayden Bickett
OLD E SSENDON Coach : Frank Dunell Res: Craig Ridley
1 J . Pannagiotopolous 1 A, Krzywniak 2 J, Buckley 2 , A. Pirrie 3 P. Lutterschmidt 3 C. Barrow (VC) 4 D. Ryan y 4 A. MacGiltvra 5 S . de Morton 4 M . Frankli n 6 C. Ridley 5 T. Marshal l 7 J . Leask 6 R. Stewart (DVC) 8 J . Heritage 7 8 . Logan 9 B. Hakim 8 J. Parrett 10 S . Bryant 8 C. McNicol (CR) 11 B . Papal . Lennox gS 12 J . Kavanagh 70 J. Mead 13 B. Hakim 14 L . Wilson 12 B . Williams 15 T. Di Blasi 13 R. Kent . Williams (C) 16 S. McPherson 14 S 17 D . Forrest 15 B . Gadsden 18 J . Walke r 16 C. Tootell 19 E. Healey 16 J. Homa nn 20 D . Hunter Van Den Dungen 17 A. 21 S. Dale 18 A. Salem 22 R . OBrien 19 S . Ginnivan 23 J. Hughes 19 J. McCowan 24 J. Dazkiw 20 M . Smith 25 A. Frazer 21 T. Ewert 26 S. Fleming 22 L. O'Neill 27 J. Di Pietro 23 N, Milat 28 G . Stevens 24 M . Gadsden 29 S. Uebergang . Nickas 25 S 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D . Caridi 26 A. Ginnivan 32 D . Poulton 27 D. Paterson 33 D . Biggs 28 A. Bristow 34 D .Podger . Dickerson 29 J 35 L. Kavanagh 30 E. McCowan 36 A . Frazer 31 A. Paroissien 37 M . Bossi 32 A. Goldner 38 D .Whitfel d e 33 L. Dal 39 B . Newbold 34 J. White 40 A . McKenzie 35 C. Stewart (RVC) 41 B . Overman 36 R . Henderson (RDVC) 42 N . Bertram 37 D . Hughes 43 M . Velard o 38 J. Raju 44 A . Parker 39 B. Pamham 45 J . Weidner 41 M. Allen 46 M . Beard 42 L . Hendra (DVC) 47 S . Howard 43 J. Murchie 48 A. Salvo 49 G . Collins 44 R . Sherman 50 A. Nowlan d 45 C . McKimm 51 J . Stevens 47 S, Ada m 52 B. Porker 48 B. Dever 53 T. Campbell 49 B. Scott 54 A. Morrison 50 W. Leaf 55 D . Gradzki 51 J. Lynch 56 M . Makris 52 W. Hebard 57 J . Lloyd 53 M . Dubyna 58 T. Williams 54 J. Dooley 60 C . Cetin 58 J. McBriar 59 S . Mead 60 A . Bushby 61~ A . Walsh 62 B . Pearce
63 S . Davies
64 M . Reid 71 T. Matessi
®LE Pr--I€ .
Coach : Paul 8reen Res Coach : Peter Slack 1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin (VC) 3 S O'Meara S. O 4 A. Curra n 5 W. Conne lly 6 D . Stevens 6 R . Bux 7 M . Cosgriff 8 A . Sinclair 9 N . Brundell 10 P. Brabender 11 J . Collins 12 B . Galloway 13 B . Richardson 14 P. Pratt 16 M . Godfrey 17 L. Dore 18 G. Porteous 18 M . Spinoso 19 A . Dean 20 B . Robins 21 D. Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A. Heffernan (C) 26 D. Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 30 D. Dean 31 N. Dallas 32 S. Corcoran 35 S. Simpson (C - R) 36 B. Dintinosante 50 J. Swindon 39 A. Chambers 50 R . Murray 50 D . Furze 50 A. Paglia 50 T. Ludeman 50 T. Wood 49 M. Hyde 50 A . Tenson 52 M . Joyce 55 A . Swindon 54 M . Yeo 60 M . Joyce
ST. OEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach: Russell Barnes Assistant Coach : Brad Berry Res: Mark Lomagno I P. Wintle 2 L. Wintle 3 C . Tesoriero 4 A . L' Huillier 5 S . Napier 6 A . Ryan 7 N . Owen 8 A . Scafidi 9 M . Terrel l 10 M . Wintle 12 J . Kane 13 R . Sampieri 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McCol l 16 A . Hipwell 18 S . Hecker 19 A . Drury 20 L. Porter 21 P. Fedderso n 22 D. Poynton 23 D. Napier i 24 S .Jurica 25 M .Kelleher 26 M . Hecker 27 S . Kingwell 28 M . Andrews 29 J . Bristow 30 J . Knuppel 31 D. Moss 32 G . Johnson 33 S. Zakic 34 D . Kinsella 35 C . Barnes 36 A. Walstab 37 M . Connolly 38 A. Hayes 39 M. McColl 40 J. Eadie 41 S. Rose 42 M. Wilson 43 H . Dwyer 44 M . M'rfsud 45 R . Gould 46 D . Pisasale 47 J . De Groot 48 B . Hutchinson 49 S Walsh 50 S . Kidd 51 G. Gomez 52 M . Towns 53 M . Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 M . Ferris 56 J . Chaplin 57 C.Connolly 58 M . Zakic 59 M . Zahra 60 A. Pothitos 61 J . Wilso n 62 C. Falkingham 63 J . Ronchi 64 J . Cunningham 65 R. Pierce 66 R. Parsons A. Basham
Cl earcot Ha i rd ressmg 1FC0 Hodges Real Estate
Mentone Brighton Nissan
!H9 : Coach : ureg teutntl Res. Coach : Connor Eame s 1 C. Wood 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Pha n 6 P. Campbell 7 S . Brosol o 8 B . Janso n 9 A . Pawlik 10 R. PasqualoHo 11 T Wallac e 12 B . Vandenboom 13 T Langford 14 T. Carrigg 16 J . Power 17 A. Carbone 18 C. Dance 19 A. Hil l 20 P. Hennessy 21 B . Jones 22 N. Cunningham 23 E . Eame s 24 A. Cunningham 25 M . Verna l 26 S. Alexande r 27 L. Swain 28 C. Eames 29 A. Glen n 30 M . Power 31 M . Baker 32 G . Kennedy 33 C . Fulto n 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C . Law 36 T. Nuna n 37 M. Nuna n 38 C . Carrig g 39 M. Vandenboom 40 M. Cahill 41 M. Leah y 42 M. Northey 43 N . Elliott 44 R . Eame s 45 S . Cleve n 46 D . Jone s 48 J. Treyvau d 49 T. Hilto n 50 D . Cre a 52 A . Baggole y 53 B . Wilson 54 P. Micallef 55 P. Tobi n 57 L. McGuinness 58 M . Mannix 60 R. Pawlik 61 S . Phelan 62 J . Anderso n
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INSTITUTE OF TAFE Our proud new major sponsor o f
the Melbourne Unicorns in the MSJF L . .. ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ...--.. .. .. .. ...
1 VP ÂŁ;%RIiv'f19NtGr :1't0ois ply 01} Steve Pilmore, MHSOBA President 1991-1996 Mobile 0418 314 940 (e) steve.pilmore@tvpc .com .au
Tne next home game luncheon is against North Old Boys on Saturday 5 July. A must win game! We ,~, .rild like all MHSOB supporters to attend and lend they voice to positive barr~~king for the Unciorns .
It was most pleasing to see J--.jie Cixon back on the field for the Reserves after a long injury last Saturday. Jamie has only two games to play for his 200th with the club and should notch this up against NOBS .
In season 2002 the club re-entered an Under 15 team to complement our existing strong Under 17 team . The team only had a small number of lads from the school, the rest coming from other schools in the local communities of Richmond and Hawthorn . With an excess of Under 17 players in season 2003 we were able to enter an Under 16 team also in the M SJFL. Two of our three teams are now in the top four of their division .
ior teams in the VAFA. A new Footbal l
: int i commenced last week under the guidance of ex-Carlton champion Wayne Johnston . The program will direct the future football culture of the club and guide the boys through skill development, game assimilation and game plan . Wayneis program is well supported by the boys and their parents .
The club is now a community based club at all levels with boys from five other schools as well as MHS students . The club also supports an Auskick program for the South Yarra area .
This is the ultimate structure to provide a future football lifeline to our Under 1 9 and sen-
:'ayne Johnston, our Skills and Development Coac h
Major club sponsor 200 3
Review The match of the round provided another better with the Sharks winning a tight match against Caulfield by 10 points to regain top position on the ladder . Collegians turned it on in the second half to leave the travelling Lions in their wake by 56 . The Animals did enough at the end to shrug off the Saints at Carnegie . Old Camberwell blew a 17-point lead at orange time, going down to the Vultures by 22 . While the GF at the bottom saw the Two Blues jump above the dotted line snatching a 2 point win at Gunn Reserve against Ormond . Preview Another massive week in Crunch grade as the top 6 teams continue to jump and swap around the make up of the final 4 . The match of the round is out at "Animalville", as St .Leo's face Merv's men for the chance to grab the double chance position . The Animals defence was the key to their gritty win last week as "elbows" Ristevski repelled the many opposition attacks They can expect more of the same as Caulfield. are on the rebound, after four points went begging at home . The in form midfield of Mark Frater and Simon Widjaja will help them control the clearances and the victory in another expected nail biter . Therry showed a bit of their old "away" form at Harry Trott last week as their congested forward line was squeezed by the Lions . The forward line of Geoff O'Connor and Chris Bannister will be determined to kick a bag and may just get the chance against the Saints . Glen Eira, found positives after an improved performance against a top liner and will need Mark Dimashki to snag a few more this week to trouble their opposition . The Sharks welcome the Vultures in an important clash for both sides . Beauy trying to hold on to the top, while Mentone need to keep in touch with the "big boys" . Mentone had a very impressive last quarter running all over the Wells as the Sullivans and Shane Rowley
lifted against a persistent OC . In form full back Chri s
Martin, will make i t a tough day for whichever Vulture forward lines up on as Beaumaris will hold on to t top . The Wells are starting to nervously look ot their shoulder and will require a settling against the unlucky Monds . Ormond led day except for when it mattered as make sh ruckman Health Black continued 1 impressive form . The Wells were also staring a win at 3/4 time last week and hope the bu work of David Mitchell will continue to he them record a much needed victory. Finally, the Two Blues come off a victo against Collegians at Toorak Park . TI midfield work of Ben Low and John Lang we instrumental in their side's performance la week and helped ensure the Lions knocked c a top side . Coach Hawkin's will be hoping th win will give them the confidence to contim their charge up the ladder.
Luke Mahoney - lukemahoneyl4Chotmail .co :
- ' ,_ LST t`i., TOY ]
C SECTION Collegians Dixon 3 Mentone Vultures Rowlev 5 Therry Penola C Bannister 3 St Leos Emmaus WP B Vaughan 4 Mentone Vultures T Barr 2 C RESERVE Caulfield Gr Dalwood 1 Caulfield Gr M Harrison 3 Old Camberwell Francis 2 Ormond Stewart 5 St Leos Emmaus WP E Mitchell 0
43 41 37 34 28 30 24 23 22 16
5 .4 r= " .o 17 .13(115 ) 1 .3 6 .6 6 .9 8.11(59) Colle : Dixon 3, Harrison 3, Lang 2 . Low ~, Mooney 2, Hosking. Unsworth . Phillips . Couch, Shadbolt .Best: Phillips, Atkinson . Waters, Unsworth . Low, Lang. merry Penota : O'Connor 4, Bannister C. 3, Henderson. Best : Edu ar ds, Callegari, Castaldi, Nancarrow, Gorman, Appleford Umpires : Sean Scullv Jr Jeremy Heffernan ( F) Daniel Scully Bruce Stephens (G) GLEN EPRA 6 .2 8.5 10.7 13 .7(85) 3 .1 10.5 13 .10 19.1 It 125) ST LEOS EMMAUS WP Glen E3ra: Dimashkt 4 Emmett 2 Hall 2 Taranto Tsigogiannis VamGakas Best Clements McGain Lewin M DimashlU Hall Donlan St Leos : Vaughan 4 P Megtow 3 Rose 3 McKenzie 2 Buckle Bird J .Hopper Mitchell Carev T McGann D`Amelio . Best : Ristevski Rose Ronchi Buckle Donovan Mckenzie. Umpires: Greg Rowlmgs Leah Gallagher (rotation from B) (F) Ross Rich ards Jake Mah ar (G) CAULFIELD GRAR M. 4 .2 5 .2 8 .7 10.12 (72) BEAUISARIS 2 .0 6,5 8 .5 12 .10t82) Gaul Gram: Baxter 3. Bruhn 2, Will, Faltu, Pearce . Widjaja, Hail. Best : Liddell- Prater, Green, Widjaja, Fallu, Baxter. Beau : Ferrari 4, Butler 2, M -A tkins 2, Rawlins 2 . Collins 2 . Best : Martin. Holt, Spence . Kennedy, N_4tkins, Buller. Umpires : Gal Skandakumar Ken McNlece (F) Gus Carpanzano James Grego ry (B) Matthew Kent Jim Curre ll ( RFL) (G) MENTONE VULTURES 3 .1 8 .3 10,6 18.9i 117) OLD CAMBERWELL 5 .6 9 .6 12 .11 14.11 ( 95) Mentone Vulturea : Rowl -, 5 . Little 5, T.Barr 2, Meyer. C.Sullivan, McNicholas, MaeGeorge, i- .•~ . P.Sullivan . Best: M.Barr. Little, Rowley, P.Sutlivan, ?eicNichntas. C .Sullha . Old Camberwell: Cadzow 6, Credlln 3, Tysnmons 2, Hardenby Seeley, Christie . Best : Mitchell, Cadzow. Pike, Gladman . Robins an, eickhardt . Umpires : Justin Lipson Simon i Brent Adamson Glenn Kennedy ( B ) Stela ORg 3.3 9 .8 9.9 12 .16(88) 2 .4 6 .7 93 0 I3 .12( 90) Ora . . . Grace 3, Wells 2 . Arnold 2. Telley 2, Black, D .Colhns. James. Best: Black, S .Keleher. Deltdio, TeHennepe, D .Robbins, Beckett. Fred rc Evans 4. Butterworth 4 . A .Pitts 2, Cartledge, Beer, Mair . Best: Sleigh, Evans, A .Pltts. Watford, Butterworth, Pang . Umpires : David Irons Sharon Alger ( F) Tom Davidson David Hart (B) Garry Clancy Chris Kaleta (G ) COLT .-al.b :1'~
non ~~' =,,,ho reached this
.,one in RIO, has developed into a n ,, l"i,raI on and off field leader at our club . 1 ; ,1 senior B&F winner, and U19's com p
winner, Premiership player, Simon neve r a backward step, he personifies th e
g of courage, guts and determination, opposition player, who has had th e ;ortune of being caught in one of "Widge's" like tackles, would tell you . Well don e
; ;dge" you are an inspiration to all at th e Ids . Leos Emmaus WP - congratulate Pau l on reaching 100 games in Rd9 . an aggressive under the pack rove r , given the Animals great service over th e i',nother one of the Levins dynast y
reached 50 games in the sam e ch, a powerful little man who plays big i s __ credit to his hard work on the track and the weights room . We are saving a spot in the trophy cabinet for your Bradels . Also Ash Brown played 50 games in Rd l O a high leaping key position player who can play either end of the ground and was a top contributor in the 2002 premiership side .
~ '~" _%®
~ SECTION Therry Penola OB v Glen Eira St Leos Emmaus WP v Caulfield Gr Beaumaris v Mentone Vulture s
Old Camberwell v Ormond Prahran v Collegians 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
COLLEGIANS 1 .1 5 .5 8 .6 13.8(86) T1a£RRY PEI40LA 2 .2 3.5 6.7 9 .9163) Collegians : Henebery 2- Muir 2, Abbott 2, Dowling, Browning . Moon . Skurrie- Turner, Hart . Best : Thomas, Skurrie, Locket, Abbott, Browning, Peck . Therry Penoln : Reynolds 2, Clarke, Mills . Bannister S., Finnigan, Goodwin D . Mowols S. Smith . Best : Smith, Goodwin T., Clifton, Mowols 5 .. Finnigan, Mills . GLEN EITLA 0 .2 0.3 3 .4 5 .4)34) 11 .12(78) 8,10 ST LEOS E M US WP 0 .4 5.8 Glen Ebro : Eade 3 Otdham Fossey Best Zurak Chandler Eade ? Zagame S .Hall. St Leos : C .Vaughan 2 Aullso Savage Gyles Hodder Landy McInerney Morrison Ottoser Volpi A Best Eagles Morrison C Vaughan Prosser Grles Tribe 7. 11(53) CAUL GRAM 2 .1 4 .5 6 .9 1 .5 3_7 4 .9 6.13(49) BEAUMARIS Caul Gram: M .Harrlson 3 . Franklin-Jones . Dalwood, Cassidy, Kuppe . Best : Avten, '44 .Harrison, Vella, Seaman, Sant, Fryers . Beau : Bryee 2, Nisu. Boctor, Gray, J .May, Catlin . Best : Deaton. Bryce, Corte, J .May, MeNicholas . Cousins MENTONE VULTURES 1 .2 2.2 42 5 .4(34) OLD CAMBERWELL 3.5 6.10 10.12 14 .18(102) Mentone Vultures: Waters 3, Murphy . Perazzo, Best: Matt Walsh, Berg . Alen . Andrews, McCarthy, Stewart . Old Camberwell : S.Hancock 4, Schmidt 4 . Francis 2, R.Tempone 2 . Gregory, Jellis . Best: Jellis, Payne, Gaza], Schmidt, Gtll, Jones . ORMOND 4 .4 6 .5 11 .6 11 .8(74) PRA.E;AFd 3-4 8 .4 10 .8 15.11t 101) Ormond : Stewart 5, Denning 3 . Loin, Bridges . K.Harvey. Best : Naylor, Stewart . Brown, Clinch, Konstanty, M .Ramsay. Prshan: Marriott 5, Ballard 3, Rose 2 . H.Pitts 2, Belcher, Campbell, vy'indridge . Best: Ballard . Windridge . Vagg . Marriott, MacDonald, Rose . 15
Coach: Brett Merchant Asst: Mick Lovejoy Res : Mick Carty 1 S . Nish 2 H . Gibson 3 M. Pitts (C) 4 M. Matulick (DVC) 5 M. Ensor (VC) 6 A. Spence 7 D . Foley 8 M . O 'Brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L. Healy 13 C . Gourle y 14 T. Collins 15 M. Boon 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 N . Atkins 21 P. Sherman 22JJ . Holt (VC) 23 A . Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D . Teesdale 26 R . Meiiick 27 B. Haynes (DVC) 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin 30 S . Hunt 31 A . Ryan 32 B. Cairns 33 S. May 34 J. May 35 N . Boctor 36 L. Ferran 37 R. Presnell 38 J . Gerrand 40 R . Rawlins 41 M . Talbot 42 A. O'Brien 43 C . Bruinier 44 C . Collins 45 J. Deluca 46 M . Saxton 47 L. Mann 48 W. Travers 49 J . Bryce 50 S . Lynch 51 S. Coote 52 B. Deaton 53 J. Windebanks 54 A. Thompson 55 S. McNicholas 56 E. Leyden 57 H. McMillan 59 B . Griffiths 60 C. Buckley 61 A . Richardson 62 A . Pratt 64 M. Carty 66 A. Coote
67 B. Gillespie 68 S. Doukas
GRAMMARIANS Coach: Merv Keane Res: Chris Mathieson
Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Marty Hook
1 J . Foley 2 B . Hall 3 C . Knight 4 M. Liddell 4 T. Vine n 5 S. K enda ll 6 N . Craven 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R. Foote 9 M . Prater 10 A . Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D . Pearce 13 A A. Green 14 S. Amiei 15 A. Docker 16 S. Sam 17 M . Harrison 18 B. Baxter 19 T Aylen 20 H . Vella 21 M . Pennycuick 22 C . Mc AssayY 23 D D . Ash
24 J . Dalwood 25 N . Dorman 26 S. Widjaj a 27 J. Ryan 28 J. Jacobs 29 G . Erickson 30 C. Fagan 31 T. Foster 32 A. Lawson 33 S . Fryers 34 B . Gross 35 S . Thompson 36 B . Cunningham 37 T. Messer 38 J. Restarick 39 A. Bosna 40 R . O'Neill 41 B. Kuppe 42 D. Synman 43 A. Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 45 D . Scott 46 B . Scott 47 S. Jenkinson 48 T. Franklin-Jones 49 B. Gardner 50 P. DelahaYe 51 T. Mc Donald 52 A. Sinclai r 53 C. Jones 54 T. Rynberk 55 C . Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 T. Kavouris 59 A. Beach 60 N . Fallu 61 N. Bannon 62 C. Sheppard 63 G . Crathern 64 G . Poulter 65 N . Carrick 71 M . Cassidy
1 J. Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B. Mooney V C 4 D. Atkinson 5 R. Henebery 5 B . Donelly 6 S . Woolle y 7 D . Surk tt 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J. Fry 10 J . Lang 11 B . MacKenzie 12 N. Harrison V C 13 N . Thomas 14 N . Lockett 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Fletcher 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S. Taft 19 N . Herman 20 B. Couch 21 C. Harris 22 T Skurrie 23 J . Kondarovskis 24 B . Lo w 25 R . Muir 26 D . Vial 27 A. Shinkfield 28 D . Dowling 29 A. Kenneally L . Moon 31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfeld 33 B . Hoist 34 J . Young 35 R . Turner 36 G. Cooper 37 C . Hoist 38 S. Taft 39 N . Hart 40 M . Hibbins 41 N. Baxter 42 N. Abbott 43 N. Groeneveld 44 Y. Phillips 45 A . Robertson 46 J . Round 47 R . Sztar 48 E . Waters 51 J.B. Shadboft 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B. Lumb 58 D. Smith 64 M . Gribble 65 C. Safstrom
GLEN EIRA Coach: Paul Beddoe Assist Coach : Jon Edgar Res. Coach : Anthony Stratford 1 N . Astapenko 2 M . Dimashki 3 C . Massis (C) 4 D . Cassar VC Res . 5 A. Tsirogiannis VC 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakas 10 G . Richards 11 B . Clements 12 B King 13 G. Brown 14 M . Loughran 15 Mimo Dimachk i 16 Danny Race 17 L . Doolan 18 R . Oldham 19 A. Devries 20 A. Diamond 21 S . Haines 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 A . Taranto 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis (RC) 27 R . Gilmor e 28 L. Shellard 29 M. Kassar L . Pde 31 D. Sheehan 32 M . D'Zilva 33 A. Sheedy 34 L. Hall 35 S . Hollow 36 B . Zurak 37 P. Merric k 38 M. Lewin 39 J . Gusman 40 D . Lambe 41 M. Merrick 42 J. Serpanchy 43 J. Fidogiannis 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 M . Beddoe 47 B . Cummin 48 J . Halliwell 49 S . Hall 50 D . Eade 52 A . Haines (RVC) 53 L . Caruana 54 T. Dimachki 55 L . McGa w 57 M . Chandler 58 M . Scaife 59 B . Zwar 60 G . Dedas 61 M . Tkocz 62 S . Lymno 63 D . Dunlevie 64 D . Fossey 65 M. Dimo u 68 M. Watt
Coach: Tony Macgeor Res Coach : Darren Pe 1 S. Rowley 2 R . Gallaghe r 3 M . Dixon 4 M . Hayes 5 A . White 6 C. Step hens 7 K . Gurtler 7 M Coo r 8 D . Perri~ n 8 K. Littl e 9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 11 C. O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 A. Ki n g 14 M . Etcell 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sulliva n 16 J . McCarthy 17 C. Sulliva n 18 S . Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 M. Wals h 21 A. Wals h 22 S. Hamilton 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X . Smith 25 G . U tin 26 A . Roc k 27 A . Gang i 28 C . Johnsto n 30 P. Dixo n 30 N . Freeze 31 M . Andrews 32 N . Levett 33 N . Wilkin s 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Blai r 47 J. Tull y 48 Mick . Wals h 49 R. Bittne r 50 R. Waterson 51 D. Clarke 52 K . McLeod 53 D. Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 S . Rickard s 56 T. Sullivan 57 D . Fraser 58 J. Noonan 59 G . Alla n 60 D . Fenech 61 T. Smith 63 S . Water s 64 S . Heslin e 65 T. Allinson 67 M . Joyce 68 A . Tresidde r 73 M . O'Meara
* Function Roo m
ME MNE R S.L 9 Palermo St, Mentoo c
~' South Melbourne
Restaurant * Poki e
95 $ 32 $4 1
PRAHRAN alas r r,gg & Ken Andrew Tsindos
Curling J, ,as ^t kcbinson
L. Cai n B . Christie A. Seeley = M . Scott J, Heffernan o BB . Tymmons Hanson (C) 6 . Cadzow R. Kapoor L. Galdman (VC) R. Whitehead (VC) D. Clyne i t p. Pike 1 ; N. Credlin (DVC) S. Marwood 9 P. Tempone 20 D. Mitchell 21 T. Hardman B. Howard K. Darby B. Tippe r A. Hardenberg A. Whelan A. Sheedy D . Gough S. Francis 0 R . Perryman 31 B. Craven 32 G. Ormsby 33 D . Joyce 34 D . Schmidt 35 C . Munro 36 S . Derry 37 A . Hillier 38 T. Hallo - 9 G. Rowe 40 C. Jellis 41 L. Ryan 42 A. Mackenzie 43 C. Grant
S . Smith ; M . Horgan 47 T. Kearney 48 J . Derry De r 49 R. Gazal 50 A. Gill 51 G . Weickhard t 52 S. Lovelace 53 R . Tempone 54 A. Margetts 55 J. Gan 55 S- Fogarty 56 S. Jones 57 T. Nisbet 58 N . Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A . Walsh 63 S . Gregory 64 L. Goldsworthy 65 S . Hancock 1_ T I y t= 9 8 5 7 8 0 6 1
C ch: Adnan Connolly Res . Coach : Peter O'Dea 1 S Handley 2 D . Beckett 3 J. Denning 4 A. Grace 5 M. Martinov 6 D . Whelan 7 S. Keleher 8 M. Miller 9 G . Hall 10 R . Martin 11 D . Robbins 12 B . Delidio 13 L. Wells 14 S . James 15 C . Telly 16 T. Stewart 17 J . Bridges 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D. te Hennepe 21 R. Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 B . Arnold 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T Brennan 28 A. Clinch 29 J . Clifton 30 G . Richie 31 H . Black 32 A. Lom 33 M . Collins 34 A. Russell 35 J. Putz 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everitt 38 D . Broadhurst 39 S . McCarthy 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 T. Banks 42 C. Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 A. Broadhurst 45 J . Franklin 46 C. Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 S. Wheller 49 S. Metz 50 S. Dipasqual e 51 T. Dipasquale 52 S. Betsy 53 C . Harvey 54 M. Ramsay
55 B . Payson
56 M . Farrell 57 R . Kentara 58 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanry, 61 B . Jones 62 B . Slater 63 C. West 64 M . Wood 65 S . Anderson 66 L. Dale 67 M . Mabbett 68 D . Clifton 69 B. Cromack ~-
Senior Coach : John Ross Reserve Coach : Paul Quick
1 D. Herders 2 M . Harvey 3 D. Kelly 4 P. Quick 5 H. Pitts 6 J . Killeen 7 S . Pang 8 I . Hunt 9 A. Bunnell 10 B. Hodgson 11 A. Pitts 12 M. Beer 13 C . McLean 14 M. Evans 15 B. Mair 16 A. Rhodes 17 S . Campbell 18 M. Windridg e 19 A . Millican 20 J . Kellow 21 M . McCuddin 22 R . Marriott 23 J . Macdonald 24 J . Mullins 25 L. Aitken 26 T. St .Clair
27 W. Watford
28 K. Watford 29 P. Gartland 31 D. Decarteret 32 D. Ballard 33 A. Wood 34 P. Treyvaud
35 B. Gallia
36 L . Northway 37 A.Gellie 38 J. Foster 39 S. Morris 40 I . Dennis 41 J . Upton 42 B. Downing 43 C . Boyd 44 D . James 45 M M . Vag99g 46 M . Vear 47 P. Rose 48 J . Vagg 49 L. Wood 50 S . Kennett 53 C. Pricop 55 S . Ramage 56 A. Ryan 57 S . Moylan 58 M . Muehlheim 59 S. Oliver 60 R . Ferroro 61 J. Bedford 62 C . Tooley 64 J. Belcher 66 G. Northway
ST LEOS E MM AUS WP Coach : Darren Turner Res : Frank Dinicolantonio
1 P. Carse 2 J . Hodder
3 E . Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S . Buckle 6 J . Fennell 7 A. Burgess 8 B. Bird 9 D . Lear 10 B. Mitchell 11 B. Carey 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebs 14 P. Pollard 15 P. Carey 16 A. Rose 17 M. D'Amelio 18 R . McCann 19 A . Kelly 20 A . Ballard 21 G. Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T, Batty 24 D. Bruce 25 A . McKenzi e 26 A . Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 H. Gile s 29 S . Darcy 30 M . Ottobre 31 M . Contessotto 32 D. Camm 33 L . Thomas 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B. Vaughan 40 J. Gay 42 M. Flood 43 B. Levins 44 A. Zalakos 45 S. Ronchi
46 A . Brown
47 M . Mcinerny A . Daly 49 D . Cox 50 A . Volpi 51 P. McGloin
52 R. McGloin
53 T. Pecora 55 C. Hatfield 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonald 61 J. Blandthorn 63 P. Nolan 64 D . Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Meshcer 70 D . McGloin 75 T. Ymer 76 G. Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 79 T. Trib e 88 S . Pitcher 89 D . Winduss
THERRY PENOLA Coach: Chris By e Assist Coach: Jason Reddic k Res. Coach : Gary Datso n 1 P. Gorma n 2 A. Mills (vc) 2 T. Goodwin 3 R. Banniste r 4 M . Elliot 5 S. Sacc o 7 S. Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C . Banniste r 10 J. Vain a 11 D . O 'Sullivan (vc) 12 A. Christi e 13 G . Russell 15 A. McMahon 16 M. Goodwi n 16 D . Clifton 17 G. O'Conno r 18 B . Carter 19 A . Grant 20 J . Clark e 21 G. Henderson 22 L. Reynold s 23 D . Calagari 25 P. Edwards 26 B . Lewis 27 M . Garon i 28 A . Carroll 29 S . Goodwin 30 A. Finley 31 S . Hollow 32 J . Sacc o 33 L. Kuret 34 D. Weston (vc-res) 36 D . Barron 37 D . Castatdi (C ) 38 M. Nancarro w 39 S. Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 B . Barron 42 D . Dimech 43 M . Warre n 44 P. Applefor d 45 M . Carter 46 S . Stepie n 47 D. Goodwin 48 A . Nancarrow (vc-res) 49 B . Whykes B 50 B . Barron B 51 Mark Goodwi n 52 D. Weston 55 M . Garon i 56 P. Dunn e 57 S. Weston 63 A. Moloney (c-res) 59 T. Robinson 67 G . Tsinaris 69 S. Serong 70 L . Kuret 79 T. Higgins 99 M . La Corci a
e Cement
2003 Major Sponsor .. ..
The Victorian Country Foot b all League and the Cobram/Barooga Shire is making a special effort to maximise support for the July 2 7th biennial VAFA/VCFL fixture. The following special deals are on offer for VAFA supporters willing to make the trip to follow the Big White V - the VCFL wears the Big Blue V ! Several Barooga motels have provided discount "getaway" packages just for this weekend and these will be distributed to the club's at the Secretaries' meeting (July 7) . To complete a feast of football the Barooga FC plays at home on the Saturday against "river rivals" Tocumwal .
F or further information or enquiries VAFA travellers are urged to call Cobram Barrooga Tourism on 1800 607607 (free call) or phone the Barooga Sports Club on 03 58734448 . Mention that you support the VAFA and you will be given a great deal. 0 0
FTLOTG was extremely pleased to be invited to the opening of the St Bedes M entone Tigers' new facilities last weekend . Such great facilities impress on parents in particular, the care and attentiveness such clubs give to the comfort of the young people who visit and play for the club . Well done to Dale Collins and his great team who put the project together and to the City of Kingston for their wonderful and obvious support . 0 0
The VAFA/AFL Umpires' Association initiative called "The Whistle in Harmony Day" is gathering momentum with invitations being issued to a Sunday luncheon before the Sportscover Arena match on duly 13th . At the luncheon, to be attended by many club presidents, representatives of the AFLUA and our own VAFA Umpires' Association . AFLUA CEO Rob Anderson will be the guest speaker and at the lunch will be ex VAFA umpires Matthew Head and Corin Rowe now senior umpires with the AFL . 18
In all matches that weekend (July 12 al captains will be asked to toss the coin c field with the umpires 5 minutes befo ; match and captains to shake hands each other and the umpires before the} left the field . All senior section matches field umpire the Sportscover Arena reserves matel see umpires run in a complimentary p orange socks . All other umpires to Umpire in Harmony orange stickers pro by the AFLUA . The AFLUA has agreed to contr significantly towards the cost of the and to provide the stickers . 0
Following the playing of the Championship Matches this year the I Team of the Year has been announcec is shown in playing positions (table r The team is made up of 13 ( from 24) players, 7 South Australians an Western Australians . The following pla were named in the 2002 AAFC Team o Year as well as the 2003 Team so surel) more reasonable performance in 2004 ensure selection in the All-Australian 'J for the First Triennial AAFC Series -1â&#x20AC;˘1n+ Ramsden (VAFA), Murray Pitts (Vf Danny B yrne (VAFA), Marcus Trin (SAAFL), Daniel Wakelin (SAAFL), Harvey (VAFA), Trevor May (SAAFL) Ch ris Perkin (WAAFL) .
0 0
The following comment makes reading -"Fieree rivals on the fielc the field they always stay aroun d support other clubs which other VAFA c tend not to do ." Salesian OC commentin Yarra Valley support of Ivan Bobetic's 2( game and general attention to socialisin g 0 0
Many comments abound these days rela to the disenchantment with AFL foot] This column does not necessarily wisl enter that debate today but certainly chuffed with comments in Trevor Gr a
,rr ;,,lc last weekend "E :rassi: Came is <uffering" (Herald Sun June 21) where David Parkin is quoted as saying : -"H e ,3~tonaliy leaves AFL matches early and , i, p,-grade amateurs a more excitin g ,,,id of contested football . " parkin <.gain : -" I like to go and watch the '1_j-;ide amateurs . They know the words , it thr'v don't know the music . They pla y
can't be there, including one from Kev's favourite umpire - Sharon Alger! More detail on this next week . Seriously though, well done Kev - you have been a wonderful servant of your club . May there be many more years ahead doing the same .
all the heart and commitment i,,, ;r~[nable . But they just keep turning it
and making errors, which makes for e> :citement . It's so unpredictable . " 0 0
Well done Kevin Ratcliffe . Kev's club, Therry Penola is holding a dinner this evening (Saturday) commemoratin g
j; ,,%'s wonderful contribution over 25 years to his club . They tell me there are many moving tributes via video from people who
In Harvey (St . Bernards), Murray Pitts (Beaumaris), Danny Byrne (St . Bernards) & Andrew Ramsden (Old Trinity) second year in a row named in the AAFC Team of ,he Year .
ROUND 10 SUMMARY Salesian OC stuck with YVOB but always just that fraction off the pace that is the difference between smiling down an ice cold Carlton and sucking lemons! The Bushrangers were happy with the performances of Chris Beal [HFi, James Parry [CJ, Andy Stone [OtB + HF], and Luke Taylor in defence . Ivan Bobetic, Mark Canavan, & Sean Oldfield all acquitted themselves well for Salesian . It was a big day for Chaddie legend Ivan Bobetic playing his 200th, and his Club would like to thank the entire Bushrangers Club for supporting Ivan's achievement the way they did ; and you're right Greg Riley, Yarra are generous tourists, they always give 'after match' takings a huge boost ! Uni Blacks couldn't break away from a tenacious Aquinas until well into Q4 when the floodgates finally opened. Dominic Davis did well at HF for Blacks, as did Xavier Davis at HB, Sam Walch at BP. Michael Jones[R], and Joe Sibelia near or far from goal . The Bloods under the direction of new coach Steve Bell had great efforts from John Hunt at CHF, & Adrian Williams [OtB] . Bulleen Templestowe ran into the 'on song' version ofAJAX and after an even Q1 was rarely on the same sheet of music . The Jackas connections are pleased their side isn't a racehorse, or they'd have spent Saturday night explaining matters to the stewards! AJAX's hunter-gatherer quartet of the Segal Bros, Blieden & Ritterman were at their dynamic best, the forward trio of Berger, Wollner, & Kirzner were everything the Bullants didn't want them to be, and first gamer Gotlieb had his name in lights as well . Those three tough competitors Prior, Burridge, and Thompson dug deep for the Bullants, and that spirit will surely get them through these dark days . Monash Blues were subjected to a series of 'outs' by Banyule, 'marked', 'paced', 'muscled', & 'lasted', which was all a bit caphupalating, on the Frearson Oval especially. The Bears played the sort of footy that wins finals games, and there is no doubt they'll be there if they maintain last week's form! The Ashers couldn't counter the aerial supremacy of the Bear's key forwards Playfair, Dean & O'Connell, & with Stuart Yin, Shaun Lorenzini & Brett Cantwell in extraordinary form across half
back, plus Adam Dooley getting plenty of touches, the home side was in a fair bit of strife. Banyule' s performance was uniformly even and me impressive against top opponents . Christi~ Gregory stood out at CHF for Monash, Justin Ma did well in the centre, and Spider Smith w ; conspicuous until injured late in the game . Ivanhoe Assumption lost the initiative to 0 Mentonians after Q1, and was finished off by ti Panthers with a 9 goals Q4 . Tony Bournan Adam Acreman were back in town with a bakei dozen between them for the Panthers, Ch~ Twentyman & Grant Ferguson were rock solid defence, Corey Mackay had a great day on his win and Anthony Palmer starred in the pivot . The Ha had a stand out game from Damon Wood who ke, Michael Basile quiet in the first half, Nick Blain( and Paul Manuel were dangerous near goals, James Crapper put in yet another solid effort. TODAY'S GAMES YVOB meets Uni .Blacks and would be hoping for reprise of their R2 victory . This time round thf will find the Blacks more settled and the visitoi should take the points by 3 goals . The Bloods an d the Bullants clash in anothe
~' A i', LST 1'l : : TOTA !
D1 SECTION AJAX Kirzner Old Mentonians Bournon Monash Blues Grace Old Mentonians Basile Bulleen-Templestowe Matthews Di RESERVE Ivanhoe Assumption Shemshedin 0 Monash Blues Hawkins 2 University Blacks Beaton 0 AJAX Cooper I "onash Blues Chapman 0 Banyiile J Turnbull 0
54 37 30 29 29 13 13 12 12 11 11
1`>tiug affair. The beso down at the ulomentAquinas should by 2 goals . AJAX host the Ashers at the Trevor Barker and ;,.)l ;lt a ripper game this will be, weather permitting . ,J,nash's resources are a bit stretched right now ,,id the Jackas should win by 3 goals . The Bears and the H oes reprise their local rivalry ,tit big changes have occurred since the Hoes lost i)lcir R2 match by 8 points . Can't see the Bears .,; ;imillg by less than 5 goals . to Keysborough The panthers welcome Salesian ,cad should have enough edge to score a 3 goals ;1t. tOry Reserves winners should be : Blacks . Bloods, Ashers, Bears, & Panthers
Correspondents, the contacts are 9889 1979 & bguckey6, bigpond.com
,trra Valley OB - congratulates !â&#x20AC;˘_lidru . 5 :ora on playing his 50th game last week against Salesians . "Stoney" played in the Seniors 2002 Premiership side & has the Club's admiration for his hardness at the ball, no-nonsense approach, and polished skills round goal . The Bushrangers wish a great Clubman many more games in the years to come . MAX - stalwart, David Kalb, plays his 200th game against Monash Blues at Sandringham todav. David commenced with the Club in 1990, & includes 47 Senior and 10 U19 matches in his aggregate . A clever forward & goal sneak, who has deceived many a defender, David was rewarded this year for his longevity by being named Captain of the Reserves- Well-done David ! Old Menotonians - All at Pantherland salute former club captain Darren Murphy on reaching 150 games . Darren led the club to the 1999 grand final and has been a sensational player and clubman over 12 years . The 'Freak' worked hard to overcome the adversity of a seriously broken leg, which reduced his mobility but not his desire . His return to Melbourne this year to start a family after working overseas and has been a huge boost to the club, and he is back to playing some brilliant football . We congratulate Darren on a fantastic career, which hopefully still has a couple of chapters yet to be written .
TODAY'S MATCHES. DI SECTION Yarra Valley 0 B v University Blacks Aquinas 0 C v Bulleen Templestowe AJAX v Monash Blues at Trevor B arke r
O val, B each Road, Sandringham Banyule v Ivanhoe Assumption Old Mentonians v Salesian 0 C
SI::>~ O .C. 3 .1 4.3 6.5 9.10(64) YAIa :_i VALLEY O B 2.1 7.3 9.6 12.9(81) Sales38n : Goals : Vercilio 2, Greely 2 . Sutherland, Nannes, Thain. Stevens, Quinn . Best: J . Logan. Bobetic. Sutherland, Vercillo. S Logan. Canavan, Yam Vall ey : Goals : Keem 4, Stevens 2. Beal 2. Stone, S . Pask. Parry, A . Laing. Best: Beal, L. Tavlor. A . Laing. Stone, Parry . T Morris Umpires: Peter Liddell Paul Jones (F) Thepan Naliahiathan (B) (G) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.5 5.1 9.16 20.21(141) AgUIiQAS 0 C 2 .3 5 .7 8 .9 11 .10(76) Uni Blacks : Green 3 Rizio 3 Sibilio 3 A .Costello2 Rawnslec 2Batten Brown D .Davis Dillon Moffat Parkin Schilling Best S .Walch M .Jones D .Davis Sibilia Batten X .Davis Aquinas : Hunt 4 Cochlan 2 Tabulli 2 Pringle Betnune Whitehead Best Whitehead Williams Hunt Lorkin Cochtan Redwood. Umpires: David Longworth Gerard Roifs (F) Chris McKendrv Michael Jones (G ) BULLEEN TEit P LESTOWE 6 .2 7 .2 9 .6 9 .9(63) AJAX 5 .2 11 .4 16 .8 25.12(162) Bull een Templestowe : D .Matthews 3 . Tulloch 2, Burridge 2, Lee, Milest . Best: Prior. Burridge, Thompson, Chivers . Tulioch. Schneider . AJAX : Kirzner 6, Berger 5. E.Wollner 5, Duzenman 2, Goflieb 2 . Ritierman 2 . Dudakov, Israelsohn. J .Lewis Best: Brain . Janover, GotBeb, E .Raleigh, Gold, 1}Jeislitzer Umpires : Jamie Kvins (rotation from A) Lionel Katz (F) Dominic Napoli Daniel Kofoed (G ) 2 .6 3 .7 5 .12 7 .15(57) RiON XSH BANYULE 0 .2 5 .7 7 .10 12 .14(86) Monash: Gregory 3 . Main, Pay, MacKenzie, Hawkins . Best: Gregory, Main, Torten. Smith, Smyth, Payne . Banyule: Playfair 3 . Dean 2, O'Connell 2 . Davies . Yin, Demetriou, Lorenzint . Wise . Best : Yin, Cantwell, Dooley . Lorenztn4 Dean, Davies . Umpires: Ashley Hoogeodyk Of Whiteley {F) Cam Hoogendyk Sean Collins (B) 3 .2 4.4 7.9 9.10t64) IVANHOE ASSUP,Sp'rION 3.0 9.5 12.8 21 .11(137) OLD&YENTOh`IAZdS Ivanhoe Assumption: Manuel 3, Blarney 2, Wood . Frew, McGowan, Maud . Best : Wood . Blalney . Crapper . Manuel, McGowan . Old hlentonians: Bournon 8, Acreman 5 . Austin . Basile, Costello, Dart, Alexander, Fisher . Mitualsky, Russo. Best : Palmer, Bournon, Mackay. Ferguson. Salley . Twentynan . Umpires: Jeb Penrose (RFL) Jarrod Aspinall (F) Graeme Carter (RFL) Robert Seymour (G ) Di SALESIAN D.C . 3 .1 5 .3 7 .7 8 .8(56) YARRA VALLEY 0 B 2 .2 7 .6 9 .9 14 .13(97) Salesian: Goals : Evans 2. Cincotta, Hanlon, Byrne. Davey. D. Allen, Loughran . Best : Woodman, Dolman. P. Allen, Seager, Rose Yarre Valley: Goals : Collett 3 . Kruse 2, Reynolds 2, Peake 2 . Drew 2, Potter, Urbane, Fung . Best : Pickering. Laird, Collett, Ftmg, Strong . Whitechurch UNtNERSrrY BLACKS 2 .3 5 .6 6 .12 10.14(74) AQUINAS 0 C Li 5 .3 7.4 8.4(52) Uni Blacks: S .Jones 4 Ada 2 Hamilton Scarlett Hanna Best Romsin Prowse Hamilton Tehan Black Scarlett Aquinas: Staffordr MeCartan Tapply Alford Vo)ombello Chapman Sorace Best Jeffery Stafford Barrie Tapply Macklin Sorace BULLEEN TEfff'LESTOWE 0.4 0.5 0 .6 0.10(10) AJAX 2.2 2 .7 7 .7 12 .13(85) Bulleen Templestowe : Best ; Fitt, Newman . Moprrison, C.Morihos7tos. PdapadolrJulos. S .Boy'd . AJAX: Goldensteln 3, Born 3, Copper, Benedvkt, Godlewicz, Kalb. A .Goldman, L .Goldman . Best ; Pask, Benedvkt. Leflcovic, Tsivtlin. Goolewicz . Same. MONASH 2 .3 3 .5 6 .6 7 .9(51) BBPdYUZE 1 .3 1 .6 4 .10 5 .1~3(44) R2onash : Hawkins 2 . Edsall, Wills, Brennan . Shields. Young. Best : Edsall . Tinkler. Smith, Bolton, Wills, Rosengren. Banyule: P.Wttchell, D.Witchell, Prior . King . Bell. Best : Rolfe, Baldac, D .tt'ttchell, Turnbull . S .Gray . Prior.
IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 2 .1 5 .2 6.3 10.4(64) OLD MENTONIANS 1 .0 6.2 10.6 12.7(79) Ivanhoe Assumption : Morris 2. Frlsina 2, Peoples . Singh . Pace, Lee . Valkanis, Clark. Best: Lee, Barbagello . Morris, Singh, Frisina . Curtin . Old Afentonians: Ballanttne 6, Stroud 2, Alexander. Johnson, Mackay, O'Connor . Best: Dwyer . Ballantine, Hubbard . Stroud, Saunders, Mackay .
D1 Section AJAX Coach: Phil Davi s Res. Coach : Barry Simon 1 N . Gold (Capt) 2 M . Konsky 3 B. Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Ritterman 6 D . Kalb (Capt Res) 7 G . Samuel 8 E. Raleigh 9 J . Ber er 10 G . Dukes 11 M . Segal (D .VCapt ) 12 D. Goldenfein 13 J . Raleigh 14 J . Kagan 15 J . Segal 16 E . Janover 17 A. Cukierman (VC .R.) 18 J . Kirzner (V.Capt) 19 G . Blieden 20 J . Sharp 21 D. Gelbart 22 E . Wollner 23 A. Wollner 24 J . Brain 25 M . Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 A. Spicer 28 A. Zemski 29 P. Bryner 30 A. Lefkovic 31 A. Lewis 32 D. Weislitzer 33 S . Boon 34 A. Lewin 35 J . Lewis 36 J . Israelsohn 37 A. Sapar 38 J . Feldman 39 D. Vanaken 40 D. Onas 41 A. Silver 42 A. Cooper 43 S . Cheste r 44 J . Gelfand 45 A. Gorllewicz 46 A. Goldman 47 A. Silver 48 J . Peak 49 A. lasnitzki 50 A. Benedykt 51 Z . Lewsk i 52 D. Norich 53 J . Mordech 54 I. Same 55 J . Kaicer 56 D.Seidl 57 D. Spilberg 58 B . Yudelman 59 R. Rotemberg 60 J . Wajnberg 61 J . Freeman 62 J . Gottlieb 63
i O .C .
Coach: Garry Connolly Res: Paul Harper
Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res : John Fraser
I L. Toomey 2 S . Tibb 3 S . Edwards 5 A . Boland 6 M. Parker 7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Den Braber (C) 13 C. Jeffery 14 A . Lorki n 15 A . Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 B . Redwood 18 J . Hughes 19 G. Whitehead 20 M . Starret 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 P. Stone 24 P. Harper 25 P. Sorace 26 R . Weeks 27 D . Hincliffe 28 A . Garish 29 J . Wilson 30 R . Kogelman 31 G. Evans 32 D . Afford 33 C . Wooden 34 M. Tarulh 35 R . Chapman 36 V. Hall 37 G. Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 S . Whit e 40 S . Harris 41 G. Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 J . Tappt Y 45 M. Rielly 46 T. Vandersluis 47 J . Smith 48 D . McCartan 49 D . Poynton 50 R . Kaa 51 A . Pringle 52 J . Bleakney 53 S . Verona 54 M. O'Halloran 55 L. Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 L. Mackowski 58 T. Leddra 59 B . Cooper 60 P. Scognamillo 62 J. Fitzpatrick 63 A . Barrie 64 T. Nola n 65 S . Haun 67 A . Lewison 68 J . Coghian 72 T. Wills G. Cochrane A . Cullen S . Hiney M. Lant P. Phillips B . Beech S . Dornom J . McMullen P. Fares
1 B. Reed 2 D. Witchell 3 N. Taylor 4 T Gloury 5 B. Willmore 6 S. Tuckman 7 C. Taylor 8 B. Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 P. Gloury 11 D. Wilson J. Egan 13 T. Ryan 14 B. Woodlock 15 S. Gray 16 M . Gilbert 17 A. Small 18 J. Turnbull 19 N. Sannholm 20 S. Playfair 21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 L . Richardson 25 J. Szeremeta 26 H. McDermott 27 A. Nield 28 L . Enright 29 P. Smith 30 D. Mutton 31 C. Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 S. Dean 34 S. Lorenzini 35 L . O'Connell 36 D. Playfair 37 T. Thompson 38 J. Redfern 39 A. Hopgood 40 M . Smith 41 T. Prior 42 M . Vanpoetere n 43 L . Ferr al 44 S Yin 45 D. Boyd 46 D. Nasrallah 47 J. King 48 D. Rybicki 49 G . Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Bott 52 D. Noonan 53 M . Creak 54 C. Williams 55 D. Williams 56 A. Roethe 57 B. McGregor 58 L . Orton 59 M . Mitchell 60 D. Hassell 61 S. Dowlan 62 T. Jubb 63 A. Plant 64 S. Taylor
E Coach : Doug Seal Res.Coach : A Parris I J . Prior 2 S . Yates 4 W. Thompson 5 D . Bon e 6 A . Tehan 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bone 9 J . Matthews 10 P. Tsokas 71 G. Chivers 12 A . Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 A . Wilke 15 B . Wolnize r 16 S . Smit h 17 C . Darbyy 18 K . Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G. McLaren 23 D . Matthews 24 J . Newman 25 R . Lee 26 S . Boyd 27 J . O'Donnell 28 P. Milesi 29 D . Williams 30 D . Florence 31 L. Norbury 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 P. Ganiatsis 38 N . Scaglione 39 D . Buccachio 40 A . Foley 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M . Daskalou 44 R . Schneide r 46 A . Humphrey 47 C . Morivitis 48 A . Morivitis 49 B . Touriganis 50 D . Glove r 53 A . Boyd 60 D . Horvath
Coach : John Matth Res Coach : Colin McDo r 1 S. Conle y 2 M . Mau d 3 C. Tucker 4 T. O'Neill 5 P. Manue l 6 T. Healy 7 P. Rowle y 8 J . Shuttlewort h 9 E. Heal 10 P. Lee y 11 D. Valkani s 12 L. HuII-Brown 13 S. Narkiewic z 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . Curti n 16 P. Harris 17 S. Morri s 18 B. Hall 19 D. Woo d 21 N. Blainey 22 N. Shuttieworth 23 D. Ryan 24 B. Frew 25 J . Frisin a 26 P. Camero n 27 J . Finlayson 28 S . Matthews 29 C. Hockin g 30 M . Sloan 31 T. Lupton 32 L. Pearce 33 S . McGowa n 34 B. Joyce 35 M . Serafin i 36 C. Zeegers 37 P. Cotte r 38 R. Peoples 39 M . Ebbage 40 P. Marti n 41 C. McDonal d 42 B. Martin 43 A. Shemshedi n 44 A. Pace 45 A. lacouangel o 46 M . tacauangel o 47 B. Waters 48 R. Toogood 49 Matt Sloan 50 N. Clark 51 D. Pearce 52 S . Sampso n 53 M . Chazan 54 E . Newbold 55 J . Healy 56 S . Saunders 57 A. Cont i 58 T. Memhet 59 A. Falkers 60 J . Aboueid 61 M . Anderso n 62 P. Merory 63 J . Crappe r 64 M . Miglio n l 66 J . Rivott-Min s 67 G. Stephen s 68 F. Yaghmoo r 69 J . Mazocca 70 K. Wise 71 A. Pearce 72 K. Maghamez 73 D. Dummett 74 S . Hall 78 C. Brown
_ ;
Cc It Peter Russo Res . Coach: Jamie Winduss
)~ t
way_ ~>sz" -
,. .:man 3r Li n ~ son - -~JL'~ odan -ncer -_,
1 _.., ,.:hngton riders 0
..ley ll
an "•y ..:s G_ Young "`n I Creamer ins urn ield ~;h ~ Edwards <ey ~ams -7 J, Eg on Brennan Fmith dton
C^oper F-_ naghty S . Grac e R. Walsh
47 S . Month s 48 M . Car ey 49 D. Payne 50 51 M . Payne 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 G . Dodd 55 I. McCormick 56 57 58 59 B . Carstein
61 P. Campbell 62 L. Katts
63 64
65 G . Polgase
66 67
68 M. Meehan gg •70 D . Barlow 71 72 B . Green 73 74 P. Westbrook 75 R. Turto n 76 77 78 A. Shield s 79
80 P. Manohar
1 2 3 4
T. Mitvalsky C . Twentyman R . Ball D. Carroll (V.C .)
5 C . Mackay
6 C . Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 G. Ferguson 9 W. Ballantine 10 S . Voigt 11 D. Solley 12 C. Dwyer (C .R .) 13 B. Heverin 14 M . Stroud 15 J . Costello (D.V.C.) 16 D . Nock 17 N . Linford 18 T. Bournon (C) 19 A . Palme r 20 D . O 'Conno r 21 10 'Brie n 22 P. Clarke 23 A. Drinan 24 A. Acreman 25 B. Fairbanks 26 G . Dart 27 G . Katris 28 D . Kitto 29 A . Carter (D .V.C.) 30 D . Russ o 31 M. Elliott 32 L. Sunter
33 S . Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 35 D. Murphy 36 D. Alexander 37 M . Francis ( C .R). 38 P. Stubbs 39 J. Vick 40 R . Alexander 41 S. Cozens 42 M. Basile 43 G . Hubbard 44 L. Sunter 45 R . Johnson
46 G. Smith 47 G. Herring 48 D. Stevens 49 N . Fisher 50 G . Wilson 51 L. Stephen 52 M . Watts 53 C . Shedden 54 D . Goodbody 55 C . Davis
56 R . Harper 57 T. Davis 58 P. Appel 61 B . Saunders 64 M . Austin 66 M . Mackay
~. ' Coacn : r'erer i or _
Rea Coach : Adam Davey 1 A. Stevens Iva)
2 A. Than
3 S. Sutherland (c) 4 A.. Heal y 5 M. Canavan 6 D . Forer 7 D . Foley 8 S . Logan 9 A . Campbell 10 S . Oldfield (vc) 1 1 K. Rich ard so n 12 M . Bates 13 I . Bobetic
14 M . Cooke 15 R. Quinn
16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D . Barry 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 D . Verccipo 22 S . Greely 23 M . Smit h 24 A . Grac e 25 C. Ryan 26 J . Nannes 27 P. Allen
28 M . Byrne
29 D. Alien 30 K. Woodman 31 A. Lucas 32 G . Riley 33 N . Ca lla 9g 34 T Nagle 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 M . Ferv:erda
39 P. Pills
40 M . Forer 41 M . Cleary 42 C . Rose 43 P, Evans 44 D . Ievcli 45 S. Horvath 46 A. Chiappini 47 D . OI°5eki 48 J . Logan 49 D . Stinear
50 D . Taylor
Sr A. Fodey 52 P. Hanton 53 S . Parterd 55 E. Ha- ~y 58 M. Loug nan 57 P. O 'Halloran 58 S. Way 59 S. Pani 60 A . Bates 61 R . Cincotta 62 D . Blake 63 B . Chalmers 64 B . Bowman 65 J . Rad i 66 S . Sinclai r 67 D. Sutherland 68 M . Sutton 69 B. Kirchner 70 Mick Forbes 71 R. Mirams 72 C. Hunt 73 A. Kelly 74 A. Davey 75 R . Nahas
76 P Turley 77 S . Butler
Ca ch: Paul v Shanassy Res G,ach : 6h4hael Rizio Club XVIII Ch : Craig Baulch 1 L Nethercote 2 S . Chandler 3 4 A. Evans 5 R. Mackie (C) 6 7 S . Jones 8(C18) B . Watch 9 (C18) C. Simon 10 W. Hanna 11 S. Sandifor d 12 13 C . Baulch 14 15 16 17 A . Moffatt
18 T. Wilson
19 L. Brown 21 C. Schilling 23 P Barry ~ 24 25 26 D . Batten 27 28 P. 29 M .• Staunto n 30 J . Ralph 31 B . Costello 32 M . Jones 33 T Kitche n
35 Jas Mirt schin 36 37 A. Gray 39 S. White 40 41 L. Rawnsley 43 C . Beaton 44 R. McArthur 45 46 R. Wallace 47 49 R. Dillon 49 (R) T. Bowers 50 A. Goonan 51 D . Higgins 51 (R) A. Neville 52 53 D . O'Keeff e 54 M . Braszell
55 S . Watch
57 K . Begely 58 D. Kean 60 J . O'Sullivan 62 F. Purcell 63 J. Weber 64 R. Adams 66 L. Costello 66 (C18) C . Curtis 67 N . Goonan 70 J. Green 71 M . Nihill 72 D . Rudd 77 A . Costello 80 M . Tehan 85 B . Weber 86 B . Collins 88 N. Abbott 91 A. Whitloc k 93 M. Bulma n 94 A. Powel l
YARRA VALLEY 0B Coac h : Tm i Killworth Res: Simon Ta ylo r 1 R . Pearce 2 T. Morris 3 R. Thompson 4 M . Fung 5 A. Dre w 6 R. Drew 7 C . Bea 8 L . Morri s 9 J. Keem 10 T. Hancoc k 111 1 T. Mcllrath 12 J . Cremea n
13 L Dillie s
14 E . Krus e 15 N. Pask 16 l . Taylor 17 A. Laing 18 D. Ross 19 J . Stron g 20 T. Hale 21 D . Stevenson 22 B. Drew 23 R . Ye o 24 M. Davies 25 R . Collet 26 J .-Langworth 27 S . Savage 28 B . Reynold s 29 R. Courts 30 D. Potte r
32 J. Party 33 P. Cremean 33 D. Ireland 34 C . Frase r 35 B. Peake (c) 36 P. .larvie 37 D . Balkshaw 38 G. Morrison 39 J . Thompkin s 40 H . Cotsford
41 B . Down s 42 A. Stone 44 J. H o 45 A. Windgate 47 S. Colli e 48 R . Davis 49 S. Seabourne
50 J. Peaks
51 H . Clark e 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Pask 54 S . Simpson 56 T. Lloyd
58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Barum a 63 B . Whitechurc h 64 D . Smith 65 M . Norrish 68 T. Collet 71 M . Laing 74 A. Middli n
96 Jon Mirtschin
98 M . Beha n 23
Stereo 974 FM Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m
For news, views and previews, tune t o THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Norm Nugent & pane, SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00arn
Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6 .30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45p. n
EARTE-R14 C IJI4I 'j-L' -i"D _ --, '%'- ' "in tune with the outer east" VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00 -6.15gm each Saturday night .
This week's guests : Kevin Segota (VAFA Goal Umpire) 24
Inciu ,
St ., . :ru- , 3 . .
.i ,.: ,._ -_ :u. t- -- - - - - ns {_,
Therry Penola (C), IIni. Blacks (Dl), LaTro : Un4 (D2), West Brunswick (D2), icupertswood (D3), North Brunswick (D4).
PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
opportunity as any Or --ern to retur n coac h
grabs, this week's swick and Old Geelong
is oI â?&#x2018; % ~_- st .i:'i :Ln Siebrand has not been haf. , w---n :- . team's recent lack of intensitv anu Siv .v St;llts .
OG coach Michael Lockman said that his young team was out-muscled the last time these teams met but stressed that his side had improved dramatically since April . With West Brunsmiek's best defender Stuart Henderson out injured (knee), OG and Michael Vicker-Willis look set for a fruitful day . Old Carey and Williamstown battle for third spot in what promises to be an enthralling contest. OC coach Glenn Taylor said he was "really looking forward to the clash" and identified Dave Lee as a player he needed to nullifv. "Dave Lee is a class act, there's no doubt about that," he said . Wil :iamstown coach Dene McLeod said that OC would be "hard to beat" . The CYivIS welcomed back ruckman Leigh Monkhorst last week but will be without star Tim Wheeler (shoulder) . If Hawthorn can overcome their woeful away record, they will be a strong chance to break their duck against La Trobe . Hawthorn coach Peter Tyson said that his team would continue to focus on the ""one-percenters" .
"If we can get the little things right, the big things follow," he s_ A
La Trob- pla d-~~ : cod footly in May bu t hard. od an
~_ialn Bingen expects his side to eomforcibl v br ;u, O .~Ieigh . "I have a lot of respect for what Oakleigh ar e doing, but they won* t be competitive against us," he said . Burgen L)id"y Predicted a scoreline of twenty goals to e'_c . . Ruckman Dave Ronchi's return from injur, Al further boost the Reds' enormous confidence . Oakleigh coach Chris Moore has stressed throughout this season that the competition would see the best of Oakleigh in the second half of the season . Perhaps we might see it today? What is certain though is that Burgen's comments will have the Krushers breathing fire. Peninsula coach Julian Sill said that he would be wary of Bentleigh .
"I think Bentleigh can cause some upsets," he said . "They"ve got some handy firepower up there when they get the footy and we know they've been able to kick some pretty good scores . "
CLUB D2 SECTIO N Old Geelong Vickers-Willis Fitzroy Reds Tornese Peninsula Claringbold Williamstown CYNiS D Lee Bentle -h Grace D . .R A Fi-ro5 s Pidoto fl . Geeiol g Perrin Penir 1a J, 1 : r hison F n {, . :a
55 46 43 41 40
~ I be hart g : -,ssed to continue
nning streak against the unbea n But coach Paul Dimattina remained ~ uide t :te think we can beat them, but we have to b e . our absolute best," he said TIPS Icirf:,' (41 ) 12pts Geelong 3pt s ()Id Carey
1,1 Trobe ~ i[zro y
; , ninsula SOCIAL
l8pts 24pts IOpts
Bentleigh are holding their S1 000 raffle on Saturday, July 5 . Tickets are $ 5 .00 . Drinks at bar prices and food available . See Barry Neve for tickets .
PRESS CORRESPONDENT S ndrew Wu - «1 .Iey43Cahotmail .com
Bentleigh - congratulates Adam Henry on playing 100 games . Adam is one of Bentleigh's young guns and has stood tall all season . One grab marks and a great sense for goals is what springs to mind about Adalri s play. Adam is one of the players the club sees that will lead us forward in years to come . Well done and good luck ! Peninsula O .B - congratulate Brett Cook on reaching the milestone of 100 games . The Kenyan came to the Pirates in 1997 from Karingal F .C and has proved a reliable, hardworking midfielder who racks up plenty of possessions through his relentless running . Respected by his peers, Cook-y's fitness regime is an inspiration to all at Pirateland- With his outgoing personality and natural wit, a career in stand up comedy beckons, then again we could have him confused with the next number on the Pirates' list .
TODAY'S IL ES D2 SE CT I O N West Brunswick v Old Geelong Old Carey v Williamstown CY?vIS La Trobe Uni v Hawthorn Amateur s Fitzroy Reds v Oakleigh Bentleigh v Peninsula 0 B
2 0.9 __.10(154) BRU°.2;;'71C: : 0.1 3 .4 3 .6 6 .14150) Peninsula O-B:'v .Claringbold 7, Maclean 4. Davis 3 . T.Prendergast 2, Toinasi 2, Pownep . Murphy. S .Prendergast. Growcott, Crean. Best- Maclean, Davis . N.Ctarnngbold . Kent, Toraca- Murphy. W.Bnmsssiek: Haysey 2 . Batters, O'Brien . Maguire, Siebrand. Best: Bailey, Ward, Hamilton . Brookshaw, West, Haysey . Umpires: Peter Griffiths (F) Oil) CAREY 10.2 15.4 17 .10 19 .131127) OLD GEEI.ONG 5.2 7.4 8 .7 14.11I95) Old Carey : Everett 5. White 4 . Collins 3. Cohen 3 . Munro, Angus. Pattenden. Mcqueen Parton Best : Angus. Graham, Everett, Detarcz}7tski . ^ta)ton, Hall Old Geelong: Vickers-Willis 6, Perrin 3. Hope-Johnson 2 . Salter 2, Fairbairn Best: Goldsworthy . Betts T. Lan-scell, Hope-Johnson, Bayles E . Griffiths Umpires : Daniel Dinneen David D'Altera (F) Christian Schaefer Lucas Brass (B) Craig Arnol Steven Ptperno {G ) pNB,LiAIdSTOWN cYfYS 5.4 12 .6 17.9 20.13(133) LA. 1ROBE tINI 1 .3 4 .5 5.7 9.8462) No details received Umpires: Chris Stevens 1F) Ryan Place Michael Car.ullerl (B) Deliver Melder Jose Talavera (G )
HAWTHORN 1 .1 2.4 4.8 8.84561 FTT'ZROY REDS 3 .7 6 .9 12.15 17.17(119) Hawthorn; Goals- Phillips 2. Neville 2. Dawson- Saulle- Ogge . Lautetta Best : Saulle, West . Lauletta . Hicks. Reed Fitzroy Reds: Goals- Torriese 6 . Ranitns 5, Murphy 2 . SuitllFart 2 . L Byrne, Lee Best- Clarke, Curtis. L Byrne, Rawlins, Murphy, D Baker Umpires : Alan Ladd Santo Caruso (F) OBRI EIGH 1 .2 3.5 7.6 10.7(67) 9.3 12.8 17.12 22 .141146) BENTLEIGH Oakidgh : Bromley 5 Dalton A .Kltts S .Kltts Kokkmos MacKenzie Best Bronilev Holde S .Kitts A. Kitts Tolley Britt Bentleigh: Grace 7 Eyles 5 Robertson 3 Henrv 2 Ireson Clark Handlleld Sice Best Scanlon Grace Eyles Perrone Robertson Reid Umpire: Adam Conques t D2 RESERVE PENINSULA O.B. 4 .5 7 .7 13 .11 15.141104) W.BRUNSWICK 0.3 2 .4 2 .4 4-7 .(31) Peninsula O.B: Brennan 4, JAtch6son 3, T.Cogtlati 2, Cannon, A.Parsons, S.Clartngbotd, Haley . Warner, Go(dthorp. Best: Cannon, A .Parsons, McMalton, Cook, J .AtchLson . Warner . W,Bnm.gwic.k: Muir. A.Thompcon, D .Rudd, Russell . Best: Sutherland, Heppell, McManus . Brooks. Williamson, Tobin. OLD CAREY 0 .0 2.2 3.5 5.6(36) OLD GEEI.ONG 4 .6 6 .8 10.14 14.16(l00) Old Carey: Hardy 2, Konstannnidts, Wood A, Drake Best : Graham P . Drever . Konstantirlldis, Drake. Andrews, Shrives Old Geelong : Slattery 4, Strauch 2, Ardlie 2 . DhIDon . Allen . Kilpatrick . Grills, Avery. Carey Best Malpas, Stevens, Avery . Slattery, Makin- Jaugletts WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 .4 8.7 10.12 14.151991 LA TROBE Uh1 3 .2 5.6 7.6 11 .8(74 ) No Details rece ived HAWTHORN
1 .2 3.3 4.4 5.9( 39) 4.5 7 .9 9 .14 15.19i 109) FTCLROY REDS Hawthorn: Goals: Tv =on 3. Rutcka 2 Best : Hotuenau, Rtuic'ria. Chepa . . .. 4. C . . -.-ro . , >er .:. CrKeit . Jacks . f,-soy Fletcher. Oa~k. i . OAKI,EIGH 23 4.3 6.3 8 .6(54) BENTLEIGH 3 .3 4.6 7.9 7 .11(53) Oakleigb: Hunt 3 Ogilvie 2 Redford 2 Short Best Rt2tt Hunt Comtellan Redford Evans Lucas Bentleigh: Wang 2 Gallo Kophschirdski Sampson Vivona tV9thutgton Best Richards Ferguson Vicona Banks Sainson Gol d
Coach : Paul Dimatt ina Assistant: Steve Grace Res. Coach: Steve Hail 1 C. Sharp 2 D. Ferguson 3 A. Pittito
C : ai ?c.-Gen Âťes. ~ aacn : Darren Kane Club ifl Coach : Greg Box 1 D . Hannam 2a B . Holderhead 2b A. Walsh 3 S. Dicynedetto 5 R Diaccg' crgis 7a S . An d rew 7b L. Byrne 8 A. Byrne 9a H . Fletcher 9b C . Prior 10 A. Urbanic 11 B. Athert on 13a A Dawson 13b S. Pidotto 14 T. Clarke 16 G . Crane 17 B. Lee 18 M . Baker 19a C. Andrew 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. Meighen 22 C. Sullivan ~ 23b M . Camellen 23b D. Knowles 24 A. Parsons 26 C. Temperley 27 J . Tornes e ~9 V. ~Cahill , 30 C. `itt'e 31 P Crowe 32 A . Grant 33 S . Drury 34 S . Herceg 36 t i . Reeves 38 A . George 40 G. Bence 42 I . McBurney 45 J . Bennie 46 D . Timm 51 J. Rawlins 53 S. AddicoB
4 S. Size
5 M . Eyles 6 R. Webe r 7 J . Robertson 8 J . Handfield 9 I . Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D. Ma rtin 12 N. Aitken 14 B . Reid 15 S . Grace 16 L. Airey 17 C. Ma rtin 18 S . Adaway 18aM . Walker 19 B . Clark 20 R . Fishlock 21 A . Graham 22 A . Smith 23 G. McFarlane 24 L. Holmesby 25 D . Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M. McCulloch 29 H . McKenzie 30 A. Miksad 30aD . Ko dschinski 31 S. Craven 32 A. Strauch 33 P. Withington 34 M . Fine 35 L. Ireson (C) 36 M . Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . Beatt ie 39 G . Prigg 40 J . Harbottle
41 J . Nave 42 A. Mikkelsen
56 C . Quinn 57 R . Rome 61 G . Virt ue 62 N . Auden 67 R . Holderhead 73 J . Bare 75 B. Pollard 76 D. Curt is 77 A. Grillo 97 D. Ronchi
45 46 R . Lawford 47 M . Scanlon 48 P. Dimattina 49 L. Vivona 50 A. Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L Sampson 53 A. Banks 54 R . Coyle 55 G . Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 A. Cantsiliens 58 T. Caterson 59 S . Kennedy 60 R. 61 Perrone
1 A. Collins 2 G . Broadley 3a A. Kno tt 3b N. Patterson 4a S . Stevens 4b B . Glover 5a S . Avery 5b T. Kerr 6a P. Avery 7 C. Alexander 8 J . Car 9il ; 9 R .Ogge 10 P. Orchard 11 M . Pollock 12b A. Tsoumbaris 13a J.Murphy 13b J. Povey 14a D. Lauletta 14b T. Fitzpatrick 15 M. Tyson 1 6 C . Reed 17 B. Ruzicka 18 P. Phillips 19 J. Law 20 S. Parke r 21 K. Brockman 22 C . Habe l 23 L Collins 24 J. Jackomonis 25 M. Zaverella 26 N . Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barke r ' 30 3 1 32 33 P. Stroud 34 R. Johnston 35 S . Davies 36 A. West 37 M . Daou 38 B . Bruns 39 G . Carle 40 P. Rossi tt o 41 J . Bogie 42 D. McGlenchy 43 I . Chaps 44 B .AIIder
54 J. Parsons
43 A . Ferris 44 G. Holland
Coach : Peter Tyson I ;. Coach : Ed Sill
Major SjlOtiSOtS :
Fitzroy Fo u ti}al1
45 B . Mountai n 46 T. 0'Hanlon 47 D . Lahitt 48 A . Brick 49 N . Tierney 50 J. Gourley 51 S. Signorini 52 C . Frost 53 M. Preston 54 J. Ber 55 A. Sa e 56 M. Coglan 57 B. Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A. Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M . Gray 62 A. Johnse n 63 D. Kealy 64 N. Kud weh 65 G. Lilywhite 66 C. Lorenz 67 S . McDonald 68 PNikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A . Patton
Sponsor Scoble's Nursery
Tite Importers 28
~t~ I
71 S . Williams 72 M . Waller 73 J . Williams 75 E . Sil l 76 C . Pickett 77 A. Sm ith 78 D . Carter
Coach: Tony Crisafulli Res : David Huffe r 1 P.Morton 2 S .Fredrickso n 3 D. Sheldrick 4 N.Dunne 5 S .Adamswaite 6 M.Watson 7 S .Burke B M.Corrent; 9 LWalker 10 S .Davis 11 D .Hams 11 A .Murray 13 P.Moon 15 S .Brooks 1 6 A .Brennan 17 J .Brodie 18 A .Hewitt 19 S.White 20 A. Murphy 21 D .Edmunds 22 S.Wilcock 23 S.Craig 24 S.Edwards 25 M.Fanning S. Pruscin o 28 C .Ress 29 A.Randeli 30 J.Smith 31 R .Mann 32 S.Gemmola 36 T.Mawdsley 40 R .Slater 42 D. Gleeson 43 A.Poulton 44 S.Linehan 45 D.McMeeki n 47 A.Samson 50 K.Hopkms 55 ACummin s 5S J .Nield g 57 A.Woolmer 63 J .Laidlaw 70 J .Dumaresq 75 S .Gelle rt A.Baille R .Baker A .Bentan S .Bl and C .Bowden T.Bullen S .Clifford B .Clutterbuck M .Cotsopoulos H .Davies
N .Dejanowc M.Donohue T.Dugga n S .Dumsa d y J. Elliott J.Eyre P.Farrant C .Franas D .Gilmour J. Griffin D.Hill os D.Hu ffe rng S.Jackson D.Kenfson C.Knee B .Launikoni sJ .Levy PUas T.Li htfoot A.Ma n n P.Marozzi M MclNaamara r B .O'Connor X .0-Donnell S .OToo!e
Coach: Chris Moor e Res . Coach: Pat McKenna 1 S . Band o 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie (VC) 4 B . Varkatzo s 5 C . Kokkino s 7 M. Short 8 R . Marshall 9 J. Moutis 10 R . Mitchel l 11 C . Hanley 12 R . Dooley 13 D. Britt 14 P. Malcol m 15 G . Redford 16 M . Bel l 17 L. Curtain 18 J. Connella n 19 R. Keating 20 J. Tolley 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S . Ea r 23 J . Kerley 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitts {VC) 27 G. Smit h 28 B . Anderso n 29 D . Sowersby 30 P. Holden 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J . Brown 33 M . Clar k 34 B. Evans 35 R . Nusk e 36 M. Ryan 37 P. TorpeY 38 S. Cammiss 39 A. Mulhollan d 40 J. Gaa l 41 M . Cash 42 S. Dalton 43 P. Lucas
44 N. Smit h 45 G . Chapma n 46 B. Nguyen 47 M . Stevenson 48 A. McKenzi e 49 S. Collin s 50 J . Cain 51 L. Kenned y 52 C. Cooke 53 T. Hun t 54 0. Parto n 55 A . Gook 56 J . Page 57 B . Wouters z 58 E . Benne tt 59 P. Ciavarell a 60 S . Clark e 63 A . Ju ry 64 M. Ogilvie
D .Patience S .Pa tt erson M. Paul l B .Phillis
A .Place C .Porter H .R ussel l
P.Stewart J.Tharn R .Walke r J.Waterma n D THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Q2 Section OLD CAREY Coach : Glenn Taylor Res Paul Montgomery C. Angus (c) 2 D. Faelis (vc) 3 M . Cohe n 4 D . James 5 P. Konstantinidis 6 C . Campbell (c) 7 R . Oppy (vc) 8 M. Cann 9 B. Andrews 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 C . Davey 13 B. Hutchison 14 M . Mahon 15 N. Bull 16 R. Graham 17 A. Parton 18 B. Chiuchiarelli 19 T. Wood 19 P. Drake (Cr . Raftopoulo)20J s 21 T. Collins 22 C. Battle 23 C. Pattenden 24 P. Unkles 25 L. Chiuchiarelli (vcr) 26 A . Wood 28 D. Biondo 29 C . Munro 30 A . Guerra 31 J . Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England 34 H . Thomas 35 S. Hardy 36 S. Wood 37 S. Jessup 38 L . Guerra (vcr) 39 C . O'Reilly 40 S. Angus 41 A. Gates (Cr . Busse )42P 43 D. Joyce 44 N . Detarczynski 45 T Bull 46 H. Giannikos 50 J. White 51 R. Hall 55 J. Boag 58 J . Boncher 59 C. Mason 62 P. Tompkins 64 C. Smith 65 D. Eisner 67 C. Hickey 68 S . Hart 69 0. Winchester 70 J . Marshall 71 S . Feehan 74 S . Mees 75 C . Smith 76 D . Grinzi 77 B . Spedding 82 D . Paul
Coach: Michael Lockman Res: Ben Dunn 1 S . Maloney 2 S. McMahon 3 J. Fitzclarence 4 C . Sticnchcombe 5 M. Vickers-Willis 6 J. Bell 7 J. Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 D . Satter 10 M. Avery 11 L . Stevens 12 N. Perrin 13 S. O'Brien 14 D. Taylor 15 H. McCarthy 16 T. Fallaw 17 M . Goldsworthy 18 J . Malpas 19 B. Grills 20 S . Cole 21 N. Bayne 22 J . Fitzgerald 23 C. Fairburn 24 A. Munro 25 G . Leishman 26 S . Lansdeli 27 W. Paul 28 T. Carey 29 G. Allan 30 M . Stevens 31 T. Woolley 32 N . Betts 33 T. Paul 34 B . Yates 35 P. Johnstone 36 T. Ayerbe 37 T. Betts 38 M . Leslie 39 S. Clarke 40 H . Legoe 41 P. Winter 42 A. Kettl e 43 D . O 'Brie n 44 A. Dhillon 45 S. Morgan 46 L . Knight 47 M. Strauch 48 S, Greed 49 S. Grffiths 50 L .Teague 51 J . Kilpatrick 52 J. Legoe 53 T Bayles 54 T. Daniel 55 D. Harris 56 A. Meek 57 J . Huxter 58 B. Brueren 59 D. Brueren 60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes 62 J . Morley 63 D. Huggins 64 X . Fitzgerald 65 A. McLachla n 66 R. Merrima n 67 T. de Steige r 68 H . Brownin g 69 T. Mayhal l 70 J . Col e 75 P. Jame s 76 H . Peck 77 C. Pritchard
PEN I NSULA 0 B Coach : Julian Sill Res. Coach: Brian Cronin 1 S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goldihorp 4 E. Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S . Murray 8 P. Angusy 9 M . Dentry 9 P. Krohn (res.) 10 A. Haley 11 J . Sill 12 S . Ferguson 13 B . Cook 14 S . White 15 J . Davis 16 S . Claringbold 17 J . Coghlan 18 M . Merrick 18 J. Whelan (res.) 19 A . McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A . Teelow 22 A. Atchison (C) 23 R . Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 J. Atchison 26 A. Murphy 27 S. Payze , 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 B. Grant 32 B. Uuzzf 33 R . Stainforth 34 M. Falkiner 35 T. Trewhitt 36 N . Claringbold 37 J. Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Barber 40 B. Mitchell 41 A. Vidotto 42 M . Barron 43 B. Dunne 44 C. Maclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 D. Brennan 47 L. Palmer 48 G . Lethbridge 49 A. Minchin 50 P. Arnold 51 L. Gilder 52 J . Zarb 53 S . Jay 54 D. Porra 55 R. Cannon 56 A . Tunks 57 S . Smith 58 P. Mangan 59 S . Foss 60 S . McMahon 69 J . Mui r
- e
Coach : Jul "eort 7 Re ._: Damien Shaw
;oach: r e Macleo d C( h : Cameron McKenzie 2 J . Buttigie g 1 M Drain 1A Hamilton 3 D .Wouda 2 P. Hamilton 4 S . Wuchatsch 3 G . Heppeli 5 T. Wheeler 4 C. Lehmann 6 N . Grant 5 A . Cannane 6 D . Griev e 6 S . Pietsch 7 B, Robinson S . Benjamin B. Hann 8 P. Batters 9 M 9 A . Morphet 10 B. Cock s 10 S . Byme 11 H . Bailey 11 B. Twist 12 B, Clarke 12 A. Featherston 13 M . Ritchi e 13 A. Mackley 14 P. Norman 14 J. Wyatt 15 U" Js 15 J. linha m 16 P. r uire 16 S. Ph-miste r 17 R 1 ?7 M . Kenned y 18 M 18 D. Oldham 19 iv'_ . S ;r: .. ., . . 19 S. Barlow 20 T. Ho, i 21 S. ` : zNarr s a 19 P. Dervan 22 A. Ste, : " 20 P. Geraghty 23 G . Lec 21 L M19onkhu st 24 '- '-i 22 J . McCutcheo n 25 J." ~a an d 23 B . Joseph 26 R . B_ iamm 24 C. Pach 27 D. D, ato 25 G . Burges s 28 J, yxa 25 P. Thomson 29 C. Sheedy ;`l 26 D. Lee 30 M . Lewis 31 S. Edwards 27 B . Grant 32 M . Carmichael 28 A . Kosmatos 33 T. Thompson 29 B . Giffin 3째 1 . Tvry ord 30 Kirk Dowsey 35 D. Jelbart 31 C . Gauci 36 S. Camrbq i 32 A . McCutcheon 37 T. Der % 33 T. Boz 38 S. D 34 B . Jones 39 R 40 R. _aker
35 C . Bergi n
41 R.- .z ._째 42 C. a; 43 J . i 45 J . Sr 46 A. P,, r 47 A. '-c npso n 48 M . ore 50 A. bagnall 51 L. Sherry 54 D. Coonan 61 K . Hilton 62 S . Dishon 63 J . Gartlan 64 L Stewart 69 R. Hussey 70 D. Weston 71 M . Brookshaw 75 P. Brunt 85 T. Gross
36 M . Imms 37 B . Hynes 38 J. Hynes 39 A. Carte r 40 S. Jamieso n 41 A. McKenzie 42 D . Elia s 43 C . Pacb 44 M. Manning 45 J. Digrazia 46 M. Sim e 47 B. Koc h 48 M, O ' Flyn n 49 J. Robinson 50 A. Sm ra s 51 M . Saunders 52 B. Jones 53 J. Street 54 P. Tirchett 55 R. Nisbet 69 S . Freeman
4[N :"ATfR000t} 5
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpire - no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the brlginal clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
-_~~~ oi a lo-,, c;~
(charges m ~ b= higher from a mobile phone ' to this service0
Weekend matches (Fril H Umnires Appointments - S co re s (Sat. night)
The m-'- - :- (Glenhuntly Road) is open e v e r . . -,, `- r The rear gate (of; St . Kilda Street) will only be open whe r, the re no matches
scheduled for Elsternvvick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that woul d allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and th e club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets #o- - ' =-ers and officials . 30
Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 78) .
~ Each section -~ coaches to vote on the ~Ivi'ost Valuable Plavers for his section . a coates and Wreckair statuette at th e
hope he opened up at the Tennis Court end . Old Hailevburv, two games out of the four, slaughtered Old Xaverians (3rd) by 12 9 points . g by Q scores were : Old Hail . 6 .10 10 .13 16 .25 22 .28 O1dXav .1 .32 .33 .74 . 7
Second and third placed in A . St Ber=.iards and old Melburnians met at Aberfeldie with a lot at stake . The home side led all day and then withstood a desperate last five minutes by O .M's to win 13 .10 to 12 .11 . Best were A.Merrington, T .Harvey, V.Comito . A . Brebner (St B's) and Boyd. Miller . Aubrey. Holme (O .M's). Old Haileyburyâ&#x20AC;˘ congratulated Mark Orton and Wayne Smith on reaching 200 games . Both are former premiership players . club B&F winners and have given fantastic service over the vears to the club . Old Paradians in B with a 4/5 record met top team Old Trinity 9 / 1 and caused the upset of the round . In a tight defensive battle, only 11 goals were scored all day . Old Trinity had plenty of chances in the final term but inaccuracy by the O .T's and a desperate O .P defence saw the home team win 6 .9(45) to 5 .12(42) . Best were Pannam, Holland, Joyce (Old P) and Ramsden . Burrows, Beardsley (Old T) .
What happened to the Xavs? In the reserves OH scored its first win of the season when they beat OX (2nd) by 5 goals, 13 .6 to 7 .12 . Best in the seniors were David Connell, Rae, Rowe, Phillips, Thiessen, Borg . Executive chairman of football, Andrew Langford-Jones wrote a hard hitting editorial 'Winning is not ever thing or the only thing' .
In heavy conditions Colle ions hung on to fifth place and scored an upset win with a Keith Parsons goal only half a minute from time against leaders Ormond . It was a tight game at the Trott which has never been a good hunting ground for the 'Monds . In fact they have left there a few times without the points and physically sore . Best were K. Parsons (4 goals), Lemon . Griffiths and Williams (Coll) and M . McDonald, Taylor, Gilmore (Orin) . After 11 games three senior teams were undefeated . Kew (B), Banyule (C), and La Trobe University (F) . It was a double for La Trobe as their reserves were also undefeated .
Undefeated teams after round 11 were Old Camberwell (E Blue Reserves) Old Xaverians (Club XVIII(1) (2) Old Xaverians (UI9 S 1) and Whitefriars (U19 S 2) . Leading goalKickers after Round 11 were (A) Vassallo (St Bernards) 52 (B) Stickland (Old Trinity) 47 .(A) Power (H Rovers) 71 . (C) Perry (Southbank) 52, (E Blue) A .Inkster(Old C'well) 78, (E White) Spencer (Old Carey) 58, (F) Gilchrist (Monash Gryphons) 56 . (U 19 1) Britten (Co ll) 30.(U19 2) Passador (Old Trinity) 67, (U19 2 Blue) L.Taylor ( .'.`HSOB) 71 U19(2) Red Welch (Warringai) 55 .
Banvule may have been a bit lucky to keep the record intact as they only got home by 5 points from Old Haileybury whose ordinary kicking really let them down. Final scores were 12 .10 to 12 .5 with the best . Foster, Gray, Mooney (Bany .) and Walden . Phillips . Gerny (Old H .).
Columnist In c 'Rover", in a late night lapse ofjudgc :uen t put himself on record to pick A .B .C Medallists as follo;rs: A : Steve Brazil (NOB) . Andrew Allibon (0 . Trin), Wayne Carey (St Berns .) . B : Adam Ryder (Marc.). John Gilliam (Ban), Rob Lawson (Fawk). C : Leo Panjari (Park), Pat Green (Mazenod) . Nigel Brohier (Caulf. Gramm).
That distinguished umpire and adviser Benny Goodman finally confessed that he had reached the old age of 40 . (Really . Benny you look younger now than when you were 30) .
The senior team that was successful in Adelaide was as follows : - Rob Fuller (Old Scotch) (C). Andrew Jobling (Orm) (VC), Robert Gross (St Kevins), Robert Lawson (Fawk). Brett Mahoney (De La), Trevor Spencer (St Bern) . Andrew Allibon (Old Trinity), Nick Sebo (Ormond) . Andrew Pryor (Old Brighton) . Scott Teal (Old Melb) . Bruno Conti (NOB). Paul Motion (Therry), Steve Brazil ( NOB), Wayne Carey (St Bern), Brett Connell (Ormond), Luke Gollant (St Bern), Matthew Bourke (Old Xavs) . Micah Berry (Old Melb .), Peter Thiessen (Old Hail .) . Mark Brady (St Kevins) . Dale Tapping (Old Xav) .
'D' Section coaches were Max McColl (Bulleen United) . Gary Rosewarne (Elsternv eki, Ian Rice (Hampton Rovers), David Bellette (North Brunswick) . Terry Rossiter (Old Camberwell), Ken Bremner (State Bank) and Les White (West Brun= .viek). Who coached AJA'_'
North Old B congratulated stalwarts Gary "Gus" Carroll & Paul Considine on 100 games . Great plarers f~r their club, the two had also been consistent selections in the state side . AJAX's Julian Wiener . a member of the club's 1975 premiership team, also reached 100 games, Julian had also attained the heights as a test cricketer for Australia. Ron Ling, captain of Bulleen Templestowe . reached 150 2ames. Ron . an inspiring leader, was a member of the club's 1978 and 1979 --emiership teams .
Amongst the milestones . Old Ivanhoe wish to congratulate John "A.loha" Stevens on his 50th game - a flamboyant style both on and off the field (John later became a star for the Sydney Swans N.R.) . Umpires' Corner celebrated the youngest ever 'A' Section Goal Umpire appoin+ment . 17 year old Gordon "Snake" Chalmers) . The Umpires Appointment Board showed sensitivity in appointing him to Ormond for his big day . I 34
runes to FIT captain Rob Carr . and to .4' Section 1!„t, umpire, Cliff Mead . es to Roger Gerny (Old Haileybury) - Club's Bes t
irest in Under 19 premiership year, 1978, an d
d ,t, : senior Best and Fairest in the next Year . Roger ha
, represented the state in the CDEF with distinction o n off the field, as a speedy rover and half forward . Blues congratulated Graeme Coleman on reachin g ,_unes as timekeeper, spread over many seasons Mt h Glues and Caulfield Grammarians . - Brunswick saluted Bob Green, little in stature, bu t ;t heart, on setting a new club record of 279 games .
d teams . De La and Collegians battled it out in rain an ,id De La led 6 .2 to 2.3 at half time, and althoug h ,-ing only 2points in the second half. held on to win by
ames to Ray King, St Bernards 4 times winner of most determined player trophy, and state representative in 1977-78, and to tenacious De La Sall e player Michael Bourke . t3itherto undefeated "C" Section leader St Kilda CBCOC ~ere overrun by AJAX who triumphed by 10 goals . . Acking 10 .11 to 4 .3 in the second half . Lemish (5 goals) ~egal, M . Ritterman (AJAX) . and Kay, White, Jennings (St ii lda) were best . }ld Carey (C) won their first game when they defeated tiurd place Old Brighton - 5 goals down at half time, they hed 12 .7 to 5 .4 in the second half with best. Michael oke, Wiseman, Bryan (Old Carey) and Shepherd . ,c ,9vr . Paroission (Old Brighton) . Old Geelong moved back into the 'E' Section four with a strong final term against North Brunswick . Hunter (9 ,nals) . Ross-Edwards . Sheahan (Old Geelong) and ! lughes, J . Fox (N . Bruns) were best .
:.,,'.ueld Granum:jr : .ns staged a rc~ival of form to bea t ,- )burg by 51 points in the main game as the week before the failed miserabh to St Bernards an d lost their place in the four . Best were G ri ffiths . McNicol, Morphett (Caul .Gramm) and Warle, Clark, Hibbard (Coburg) . Power House (C) crashed against St Kilda CBCOC by 19 points but held their place in the four . Top goalkickers were (A) G . Fletcher ( C . Gramm .). 31 : (B) kleCrohan ( ROB) 43 : ( C) Calleja ( St Kilda) 43 : ( D) tVayman (Alphington 42 . (E) Rosewarne ( Elsternwick) 47 and (F) Thomas ( Fawkner) 22 . Second bottom in B' . MHSOB after trailing second top team . Old Trinity by 46 points- kicked 9 .4 to 3 .3 in the last quarter to .00 down by I! points . R . Harley (7), Silberberg and J . Woods led the M HSOB revival with S . Emerson. Weir and Johnston best for Old Trinity. Umpires Association continued their hea vy social nights by folloxving up Dinner Dance at Eliza's with next outing: Fight Night" with HSV 7 Ringside. Assumption OC. in telling their club history paid tribute to the great work of Des Tchan and Matt Byrne . to Norm Nugent . Club Secretary since formation 1963 and to the three Presidents . Frank De Neefe, Adrian O'Keefe and Maurice Beaumont who had seen the club rise from 'E' section to 'B' Section. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
150 games to two prominent players - Ken Rowse (Ormond) and Peter Dryden (Caul . Gramm .) . It was a day for crashes . Ormond lost their first game for the season down by one point to De La Salle who were now level in 'B' Section in second place with Monash . UHSOB, Ivanhoe and Geelong . De La's coach . Peter McCormick, was overseas and their press correspondent doubted if 'stand in' coach Jim Hawkins, flushed with success, would give the job back . Best were Clastowski, Janson, Whitelaw (De La) and Ladd. Ferrier and Moran for Ormond . Footscrav Tech . also went down for the first time - by 10 goals to Old Geelong who moved into second place in 'C' Section .
AMP Society scraped home by 2 points from Old Ivanhoe in 'E' Section and were now the only undefeated senior team . 'A' Section umpires were Hagarty . Mason . Pringle. Sharpe and G . Thomas . 'D' Section coaches were Darrell Cranch (Old Hailey), Tony Bull (SSB) . Frank Clarke (Toor-Malv), George rice (Parkside), Bryan Harding (Assumption) . John Boyle (Brunswick) . Ken Kenny (Fairfield) . Bert Gaudion (National Bank) and Ross Oakley (St Kevins OB) . Who coached AJAX 11
A record crov:d `or a home and home matc .". ,! Olympic Park saw a i : .rilhng finish between 'A' Secuon teadcrs, Collegians and Old Xaverians with Collegians finishing four points in front and holding on to top place . Collegians 25 points down at half time, kicked 6 .3 to 2 .1 in a blistering third quarter . The lead changed several times in the final quarter w1±h Old X attacking as the siren blew. Mansfield . L . Hibbins and Unkenstein (Coll) and Callen. Greenway and Johnston (Old X) were best . Old Geelong Grammarians hung on to their place in the 'B' section four when MHSOB failed by a point to overhaul OGG's last change lead of 33 points . Best were Laird, J. Stephen and David Lee (OGG) and Jocka Nelson . Geoff Paul and Scott (,'vIHSOB) . In the battle of top 'C' section teams De La outlasted Parkside to win by 23 points with B . Teague, Nesbitt, Watts (De La) and Billington . Kiff and Dempster (Parkside) best . Johnny Neeson. Ivanhoe B&F in 1957, played his 100th game. Congratulations went to Brian Roet . Roger Vines, Leo Hart . Denham Grierson . David Shaw . John and Michael Winneke . Dick Reeve and lan Murray who gained selection in combined Australian Universities team . QUIZ: Three went on to play in L'FL Premiership teams . two have becom° judges, and one an AFL Commissioner . Can you name :-em?
Ja(L Br.,, ;Ormond Coach) made a comeback and led his tea :r. to an unexpected victory against Coburg . Others to star were Eric Donaldson and Joe Sheehan . Universitv Blues (9 .4; defeated Parkside (8 .8) to score their seventh win and join Old Xaverians. Comm . Bank and Balwyn in the fight for third and fourth positions in 'B' section, Brunswick and Parkside were on top with 9 ts.'in5.
ANSGirERS: 1958 Brian Roet (Melb . 1964) David Shaw (Ess. 1962 & 65) and John Winneke (Hawthorn 1961) . Leo Hart and John Gvinneke are judges . David Shaw became an AFL Commissioner. 35
A couple of interesting results to keep the competition hot amongst all the teams . No team s
yet look certain of finals or being relegated . May the drama and tension continue . PREV I EW Elsternwick play host to Syndal Tally Ho in a game laden with plenty of incentive for both teams . The Wicks of course are looking to escape from the basement, while Svndal are looking to enhance their final's chances . The Synners have quietly sneaked into fourth spot, and with the current form of veterans such as Cachia, Rutter and Merest, I fancy them to be too good for Elsternwick today . Syndal to win . South Melbourne Districts welcome Werribee to Lindsay Hassett Oval with both sides looking to improve their finals prospects . Both teams have been mid-table for some time lately, and this may well be seen as a golden opportunity to break into the four, or at least improve their credentials . Werribee's defence, lauded so much earlier in the season, has lost some of its lustre, although certain individual performers continue to please . However, I feel that the Bloods can do enough today to get over the line. South for mine . Kew an d Power House meet at Victoria Park in a relegation scrap, and I'm sure both teams will fancy their chances . Although the Piranhas are momentarily out of the drop zone after their fantastic win last week, they must continue that form to avoid the relegation whirlpool . Kew have had some good individual performers such as Cullen, Tinetti and McKerrow, as a collective they've not been able to string together four quarters of football often enough to be more of a player of the D3 scene . In a toss of the coin, I've gone for Power House to win .
The top two battle it out at St . James Park as Swinburne University clash with Rupertswood . Both teams are coming off disappointing losses, and while the Razorbacks are three games clear at the top, their loss last week would have given them a right shake up. Rupo, on the other hand, after having second spot to themselves for some time, are in real danger of dropping down, and depending on other results, could well find themselves out of the four . Both teams will need to be at the top of their game, and need to play four
full quarters of footy . Hard to call, but I'll tip Swinny to return to the winner's circle todav . St . John's OC make the trip up the Prine, ; Highway to take on rivals Monash GryP_, ons . These teams have had some great contests over t] ., years, and I don't expect today to be any different Although we won't get to see the classic Koppen, versus Grady match up in the ruck, oth, ; midfield/on-ball duels may well be the decishu factor today, with the Gryphs duo of Bourbon and Flowerday likely to square up against the pair oE JOCs in Emery and Rynquist . In what should be an entertaining contest, I'll go for Monash to win, just .
SOCLU NOTE S Elsternwick hold their Trivia Night on 5 July at The Elsternwick Club . Entry $15 . Contact Todd Hartley on 9708 5622 for further details . On 12 July is the past players' day at Sportscover Oval in the Umpires Room . Cost is $20 donation, lunch and drinks supplied . Further details are available from Paul Mahony on 0418 993 557 . Finallv, Sunday 27 July is the day of the $1000 draw . 835 per head provides alcohol, food and entertainment . Commences 12 .00 noon . Refer to Leigh Murphy on 0418 382 964 for more information . Swinburne August 2 sees the Razorbacks host their "Mystery Tribute Night" featuring guest speakers, past players and one very special award .
CEU O D3 SECTION Swinburne Murchie 6 54 Rupertswood Burrowes 2 42 Monash Gryphons Malone 1 31 Elsternwick Foster 5 30 Syndal Tally Ho Cachia 8 30 D3 Rese rve Rupertswood Jordan 0 23 Monash Gnphons A Arena 0 18 South Melbourne Dist W Rosowski 1 16 Power House D'Intino 0 15 Syndal Tally Ho Thompson 3 1 5
,iid details are available from the club, 5hane Lee on 0418 178 423 . S,,,ndal Tilly Ho hold their an nual trivia night ant) this week ,. , ,t, j 11 to you by Shan ikas restaur lli c social rooms starting at 7pm . With plenty of
It j"I prizes up for grabs, it promises to be a big ,l j itfor the club . pftESS CORRESPONDENT S
correspondence regarding social notes, ,l,j, ,iones etc ., can be provided (ideally by 5pm to myself via fax on 9920 9097 or email ti,i .pg,Williamson@centrelink .gov.au ( work) . . Have a great VAFA weekend f ite- g (uitt "
--x- -- --ionash Gryphons - -,~"Fabulous" Phil Warren an d Tim "Nails" Gilchrist both rack up significant nlilestones this week . "Fab," a current reserves ;icc captain, reigning reserves Best and Fairest , ,,cinner, and generous club sponsor, is scheduled to play his 50th game, while "Nails," a former senior ,,ice captain, multiple club lead goal kicker, and the ) tilv Gryphon ever to win an individual VAFA award 1998 F Grade leading goalkicker) registers his 100th appearance for the Gryphons . Everyone at die Gryphons acknowledges their respective ,ontributions to the club and congratulates them both . Well done "Fab" and "Nails ." St. John's OC - acknowledge Michael "Hooters" Van Houten on playing his 100th game for the JOCs last week . Now also a commitee member, %Tichael receives the best wishes from everyone at the club, for his efforts both on and off the field . Well done "Hooters . " Swinburne - congratulate senior roving duo Luke "Nugget" Morrison and Tony "TA" Albert on recently playing their 50th games for the club . Tony has been an exceptional captain for the last nvo seasons and is a tough "in and under" player who works the packs hard all day and inspires his teammates with his work ethic, while Luke is a great hard running rover whose determination sees him rack up a huge number of possessions every week . Both guys have been active on and off the field in their time at the club . Congratulations to both Luke and Tony from everyone at the Razorbacks .
TÂŽDAY' S_ D3 SECTION Elsternwick v Syndal Tally-H o South Melb Districts v Werribee Amateurs Kew v Power House Swinburne Uni v Rupertswoo d
Monash Gryphons v St Johns 0 C
c^. .tnxauc n c 4 .5 9 .8 13 .13 16.16(112 ) 4 .1 8 .3 10.3 12.10(82) ELSTF.RNWICIi St Johns: Details not received Elsternwiek : Foster 5 Hunter 3 Missaglia 3 Curtain Best Foster Missaglia Cunningham Perltins Stuchberry Curtain. Umpires: Paul Tuppen Ron Martyn (F ) SYA7DAL TALLY-HO 0.0 5.1 9.10 12 .16(88) 6.5 9.5 12 .6t78) WERRIBEE 5.3 Syndai Ta lly-Ho : Carina 8 . Ruttert 2 . D.Richardson, Henderson. Best :A .Richardson . Rutter, Carina. McKenzie, L .Hannemann, Brown Werribee : Yasar 3 . Hoffman 2, Murphy 2, Mohonay 2, Addamo . Walsh. L.Carson. Best : Tedesco, Czajwoski, L .Carson, Becker Umpires: Mitch Buxton Tim Doecke (F ) 1 .1 7 .5 8 .7 14.9{94) SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS KEW 4 .2 5 .2 8 .6 9.10(64) Sib teieib : Bell 4 Daly 3 Slade 2 Zantuck 2 Aquilla A .Hannan Maturing Best Cheevers Aquila Hannan D'Andrea Moajen Bell Kew: Cullen 4 Grimley 3 Fitzgerald Tinetti Best Cullen Tinetti Pilkington Ritchie Gill Stephens Umpires : Brendan Devlin Geoff Deveson (F ) POWER HOUSE 2 .2 9.2 10.5 10 .7(67) SWTNBURYdE 3 .1 5.2 8.4 10 .4(64) Power House: Taylor 8 . B .Dallimore 1, J .Harris I Best Taylor, B .Dallimore . D .Cooper. J.Senlor, B.Turner. J .Nichols Swinburne: Murchte 6, Higgins 1 . Morrison 1 . Murphy 1, Eager I Best: Frangiacomo, Eager, Murchie, Farrington, Fidler . Morrison Umpires: Anthony Simpson Andrew Lougheed (F) John O'Connor Andrea Mason (B) Mahalla Prasad Peter Maddocks (G ) 65 11 .9 1511 15 .17(107) RUPERTSWOOD 3.1 9.3 154 185013) MOPIASH GRUPHONS Rupertswood : Goals: King 6. Burro w s 2, Webb 2 . O'Callaghan 2 . West Finn Jordan Best : Sinnett. King. Brennan . Henry. McDonald, Collins 14ionash: Goals: G .Harrak 3, Clark 2 : Blandford 2, Pocock 2, T.Gilchrist 2 . M.Rutherford 2, Flowerday, Marks, Malone. J .Harrak, Waters. Best: Bourbon wells . Rutherford Harrack, Kent, Baxter Umpires; James Olle Max LVlttmann (F) Lisa Boccabella Luke McKay tboth RFL) (G ) D3 RESERVE ST JOHNS 0 C 6 .2 9 .2 13 .4 15 .6(96) 2 .1 5 .3 6.3 11 .6)72) ELSTERNWICK St Johns : Details not received Elsternwiek: K.Currie 3 Walker S.Currie AUie Creak Goldman Lewis Gordon Whelan Best Surman S.Currie Hartley Whelan Gordon Paley SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2.1 3.2 7.2 7 .3{45) 8.7 11 .11 15 .131103) WERRffiEE 0 .4 Syndal Tally-Ho: Thompson 3. Anderson 2 . J .Fleming, Hayes. Best: Miller. Holland . Frederick . Bircamn, Bradford. Thomas Werribee: Mercieca 4 . Marints 4, C.Alabakis, Kidd, Temuscos. D.Czajkowskl. Fuller. M .Alabakis, Djakoovic. Best: Howard, Camillerl . Fuller, M.Alabakis, Kidd, Carson SOUTH HIELB DISTRICTS 0.1 4 .7 7.7 9.9(63) KEW 3.5 3.6 4.6 6 .9145) Sth Meib: Arqurio 3 D .Thomas 2 King Rosowski McKillop Grant Best Arqurio Briglia Dowling Grant King Rosowskl . Kew: Lamana 3 Kyriakou Makis Svmes Best Bruno Giansante Gricks Burnett Carman Lantana POWERHOUSE 2 .2 2 .2 5 .4 6 .5(41) SWINBURNE 3 .2 4 .8 7 .10 12 .14(86) Power House: P.Cooper 2. P .Arnold 1, R .Marshall I, R.Owen I . B .Phillips 1 . Best A .Calma. B .Phillips . A.Brownjohn. P.Arnold, C .Pratt . P.Cooper Swinburne: Carter 4 . M.Eley 1, J .Roberts 1, Demarte 1 . Howat 1, Mallory i, Allen 1, ReYnoldson 1 . Erjavecl . Best J.Roberts, R.Kiss, J.Carter . A.Flumani, J .Ryan . Dzodz 1 .3 4.5 4.9 10 .12(72) RUPERTSWOOD 1 .2 4.3 6 .3 8 .2151) MONASH GRYPHONS Rupertswood: R. Hatty 3. T . Wilson 3, C .Certo, R . Lupa. J. McGrath, L. Tenmting . BEST: S . Page R. Hatty B . Monte, L . Temming, T. Wilson. R. Phillips. 23onash Gryphons : A . Arena 2 . P . Warren 2 . A. Clarke . C . Yanm, A. Tolongas, A . Jenkins . BEST: M . Healy, P. Holland . G. Block, P. Warren.
ASE Coach : Peter Oliven Res Coach : Andrew Curtain 1 L . Murphy 2 A. Hankin 3 J. Yemm 4 S. Rosengarten 5 M. Whela n 6 D . Hog g 7 J. McAdam 8 S. Currie 9 T. Hartley 10 R . Bravanqton 11 L . Missagiia 12 N . Wigmore 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahon y (VC) 15 B. Hooper 16 M. Surman 17 J. Perkins 18 C . McKenn a 19 J. Hunter 20 E. Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G . Elvin (DVC) 23 S. Curtain 24 A. Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C . Mahony (C) 27 M. Daniels 28 V. O'Connor 29 S. Mahony 30 M. Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 C . Lyons 33 M . Cunningha m 34 J. Beaumont 34 A. Contin ® 35 P. McNally 36 Y. Alfie 37 D . Nolan (CR) 38 A . Burney 39 M .Thiele 40 A . Paley 41 D . Byrne 42 J . Lilikaki s 43 P. Clarke 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 M . Strickland 47 N . Uttin 48 M . Fran en 49 D . Hohaia 50 M . Battaini 51 G. Powell 52 M . Purcell 53 A . Lewis 54 J . Devitt 55 S . Stephens 56 B . Erlich 57 J . Donovan 58 M . Mitchell 59 T. Perkins 60 M . Creak 61 M . Hunt 62 B . Maher 63 D. Brewster 64 S . Vukis 65 D. Kirkright 66 E . After
=n : an Dotiery Res: Paul Gregor
; ❑ jack McDonald Asst Coach : Phil Knight
1 S . Bourbon 1 J . Doumis (RDVC) 2 M . Healy 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 D . Behan 3 A . Grady 4 G. Crimmins 4 N . Rutherford 5 C . Delaney 5 T Gilchrist 6 N . Tinetti 6 D. Baxter 7 B . Dover Ji 7 D Waiter 8 D . Mainsbridge (VC) 8 J . Blandford 9 P. Wrtchel l 9 G . Wadley 10 B . Cullen (C) 10 P. Williamso n 11 B . Woodhouse (VC) 11 A. Nichols 12 M . Gridley 12 AJ . Gross 13 C . Kyriakou 13 Stratford 14 J . Looker 14 D. Bolle 15 F. Lamanna 15 A . Perry 1 6 D . Wood 16 P. Rennison 17 B . Alle n 17 J . Hetherington 18 N . Dahlstro m 18 J . Harrak 19 J . Dennis 19 R. Coxhead 20 A . Acfield . Ayres (VC) 20 D. Rogers 21 M 22 C . Stephens 21 P. Tobin 23 J . De Blank 22 G . Harrak 25 C. Watts 23 A. Mckenzie 26 S . Symes (RVC) 24 C. Gaold 27 T. Moore 25 A. Trotter 29 M . Dalrymple 26 S . Arena 30 C. Giansante (RC) 27 R.. Gilchrist 3 1 D. lanni 28 M . Malone 32 A . Dra go 29 P.Warren 33 D. Wayland 30 P. Holland 34 J . Bortone 31 G . Roche 35 R. Bruno 32 A. Tolongos 36 B . Marchesani 33 J . Park 37 S . Johnston 34 M . Graydon 38 J . Ritchie 35 A. Moffat 39 A . Eaton 36 G . Block 40 J . Ferrantino 37 A. Jenkin 41 R. Livingston 42 J . Pilkington 38 J . Watson 43 A . Bortone 39 M . Paolucci 44 A. Makris 40 M. Bourbon 45 G . Evens 41 P. Rutherford 46 B . Van Zuiden 42 G . Sims 47 A. Lawler 43 M. Cleary 48 S . Mikro u 44 L . Wells 49 P. Dennis (RDVC) 45 J. Gonis 50 A. Carman 46 G . Kent 51 M . Blair 47 T. Beslee 52 N. Gill 48 M. Angel 53 S. Osborne 49 C . Robinson 54 J. Reno u 50 P. Patrick 55 A. Meek 51 C . Leeton 56 T. Frith 52 A. Flowerda Y 57 L. Jensen 53 D . Whitfield 58 B. Burnett 54 L . Volkov 59 J. Rakusz 55 J. Bingham 60 M . Andersson 56 T. Baini 61 M . Glenn 62 R . Falleti 57 W. Pocock 63 N . Gricks 58 T. Arvanitis 64 J. Cronin 59 A . Yanni 65 D . Kinross 60 G. Campbell 66 R . McKerrow 61 C . Yanni 67 J. Bell 62 S . Yamamoto 68 A. Patnaude 69 A. Roberts 70 J. Paron
Coach: Brett Devlin Asst. Peter Bacon Res : Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou 4 B . Turner (VC) . 5 M . Braini (VC) . 6 H . Clarke 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L. Frase r 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J . Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler Sen. (C) 16 R. Anderson 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D. Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 Sa Evans 23 R. Clifford Ni Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior 27 Je Robertson 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Davis 31 R. Marshall (RC) . 32 M . Verberne Se(VC) 33 A. Ristovski 34 J . Marshall 35 J . Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S. West 38 T. Brownjohn 39 R. Owen 40 M . Tikjob 41 Rh Black 42 P. Arnold 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 C. King 47 T. Marshall 48 M. Stanley 49 D . Harri s 50 M. D'Intin o 51 Ja Best 53 D . Bowden 54 J glowfiel d 55 B. Phillips 56 T. McFarlane
RU Coach : Tory Res. Coach : Shane McLauchlan 2 Purcell G. 3 Page S . 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J. 6 Gallus S. 7 Whitehead B . 8 Elliott K. 9 Clarke M . 10 Albania J. 11 Moule B . 12 lemmin g M . 13 Sinnett B. (Capt .) 14 Plummer L. t5 Webb N. 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M. 25 Weston S .
27 lemming L.
28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 King J . 35 Certo C . 36 Henry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D. 40 Wilson T. 41 0'RileY C. 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R . 44 Icely A . 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R . 47 Soutaris A. 48 Bugeja N . 49 McGovern N . 50 Seutaris D . 51 MacPherson B . 52 Jordon A . 54 Kosta M . 56 Hatty G . 57 McMahon N. 58 Woodall D . 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbury H. 77 O 'Callaghan M.
57 A. Calms 58 Ja McClure 63 I . Bracke n
Proudly sponsored by :
" Affiliated with RMI T University
. . , . .. L. _ _ _
3teve Kappens ,,,3t, John Ladson Res : Mick Roberts A . Borgonha M, Ladson G. Wilson Nol mes C. Ho rb ury ; Dobson R. Back L . Johnston A. Jone s M . Courmadious J. Kelly P. Walker ;1 . Jones Sg R . Walker 4 P. Sharp .5? Hyland 16 A . Paterson 17 S . Cockayne 18 C . Emery ,g J . Cotton -0 G. Bosley _1 S . Koppens -2 A . Dragwidge ~3A B . Hilton 2,38 M . Waters ,4 H. Wathan 25 D. Waters 26 G . Waters 27 R . Dowsett 28 B. Pettigrew 29 D . Jankovi c 30 N . Gates 31 D . Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 S . Chessum 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 39 S. McEachern 40 F. Mandraki s 41 J. Fernando 42 C . Jones 43 M. Van Houten 44 M. Schonewill e 45 A . Hall 46 B . Callery 47 G. Baston e 48 J . Hargreaves 49 A . Kizilis 5-0 J . Brown 51 C. Santon i 52 N. Moore 53 J . Pi 54 L. Mara 55A B. Pickerin 558 D . Sandersg 57 A. Rafferty 58 G . Robert s 59 J . Ross 6d7 J . RY an 62 D .Vanderwert 64 C. Carmody
Coach: Tim Elli s Coach : Jeff Bingha m ~~~ Ass. Coach : Dick Turpm Res. Coach : Paul Smit h Coach : Derek Thoene Coach : Brendan Maloney Res. Coach : Tony Psinas Res. Coach : Darren Duscher Asst Coach : Anthony Albert Res Ass. Coach : Nick Murray 1 D. Nedini s 1 J . Washington Res: David Murphy 1 A . Turpin 2 C. Kell y 2 M. Hannan Res. Asst : Matthew Higgins 2 I . Bingham (VC) 3 D. Flack 3 M . Balshaw 1 A. Albert (C) 4 S . Kid d 3 M . Joy 4 A . Bryson J. Sheedy (VC) B. Bayliss 5 B. Cunningha m 5 S . Kingg 3 J. Piotrowski 4 P. Henderson (VC) 6 M . Walsh 6 Warren Rosowski 4 A . Fidler 7 A. Murphy 5 D . Hanneff 7 A. Hannan 5 J . Demarte 6 V. Won g 8 R. Han n 8 X. Kidd 9 J. Aylin g 6 B . Prior (DVC ) P. Gleeson 9 B. Powell 10 M . Keogh . Burns 7 J . Murchie 7 A 10 G . McDonald 11 M. Gree n 8 R . Bennett . Higgins 8M 11 L . Ester 9 D . Richardson 9 L. Morrison 12 S. Rocco ~ 3 F. Mehmert J . CroPP 13 E. Henderson 10 S . Eager 14 J . Marini s 10 T. Psinas 11 D . Milano 14 D . Bell 15 J . Wallert 10 A. Hallyburton 15 B. Lazzaro 13 J. Berry 16 C . Yaser 11 J . Rutter 16 M. Thomas 14 R . Goode 17 A . Tedessco 12 J . Mores i 17 P. D'Andrea 15 M. Howat 18 D. Velisha 13 S. Miller 18 B . Martin 16 S. Reynoldson 19 J . Addam o . O'Boyle (R .VC) 14 S 19 A . Reid . Roberts (RC) 17 J E . Mahoney 155 N . Murray 20 W. Brown 18 A . Fiumani 21 T. Davidson , 16 J. Fleming . Rowe 21 G 22 A. Dibatista 19 B . O'Mara 17 L . Fulle r 23 B . Downing 23 C . Becker 20 C. French 18 M Bircanin 24 J . Raeburn 24 R . Stonehouse . Higgins 21 C 19 A . Thompson 25 P. Hannan 25 F. Dimasi 22 C. Thomas 20 I. Mackenzie (VC) 27 P. Cheevers 26 P. Thomas 23 S . Fitzgibbon 20 C. Hall 30 M. Brady 27 L. Djakovic 24 M . Little 21 L. Devon 31 S. Herman n 28 D . Czajowski 25 M. Whiting 22 M . Buckley 32 D . McGee S . Dol e 26 T. Liston 23 R. Avery 33 M . Doyle 30 B . Carlesso 24 M . Macfarlan e 27 D . Murph y 34 M . Fern 31 M . Smith 25 C. Clark (R.VC) 28 S . Mallory 35 N . Moojen 32 M . Do legowski 26 A. Morrison 29 M . McCalman 33 D. Owen s 36 J . McCauley 27 M. Leplaa 30 M . Hudgson 37 M . Rosowski 34 J . Hoffman 28 A. Frederick 35 S . Alabacos 38 S . Byrnes 32 P. Beynon 29 C . Beaumont 36 R. Bell 39 A. Briglia 33 A . Vaughn . Holland 30 B 37 R . Matiszig 40 G . Cox . Fricke 34 A 31 A . Richardson (R . C) 38 T. Towers 42 G . Gaylor 36 J . Carter 32 L Hanneman n 39 L. Langfield 43 W . D'Andrea 37 A. Reed (RVC) Bartholomew (RVC ) 40 B. P aton 33 T . 44 C . Daalde r 38 M . Trick y 34 N . Hunter 41 G. Grogan 47 N . Pantzopolous 39 R . Roberts 35 C. Cachia (C) 42 49 T. Sutherland 40 S. Bailey 36 T Fleming 43 L. Carson 53 E. Bouchard 41 B . Menzies . Robinson 37 B 44 T. Johnson 55 J . Pohlner . Fragiacom o 42 S 38 M . Christiansen 45 C. Alabakis 59 Wayne Rosowski 43 J . Andrinopolous 39 D. H a llisey 46 A. Carson 62 S . Aquilina . Ryan 40 B . Thoma s 47 A. Camille r 44 M 63 B . Slade . Islip 45 D 41 M . Moresi 48 E. Collier 65 D. Thomas 46 J . Sandhu 42 M. James 49 B. Grogan 66 D. McKerrow . Morris 43 A. Brown 50 K. Pac e 47 T 71 T. Baade 44 K. Bradford 51 I . Kennedy 48 D. Little 52 C . Andrew s 45 H . Rosenhain 49 J . Dunsford . Williams 53 A . Grogan 46 S 50 P. Dodds 54 46 D . Kennet 51 P. James 55 47 C. Hayes 52 H . Allen 56 48 D. Reynolds 53 J. Thompson 49 A. Herrman n 57 54 M. Eley 58 50 P. Agnello 55 L. Watts 59 M . Kenned y Discombe 51 C. 56 J . Gower 60 M . Cza1'owsk i 52 S. Anderson 57 C. Farrington 61 T. Johnston 53 B. Smit h 58 M . Flack 62 . Sheer 54 P SPONSORS 59 C. Gelley 63 E. Collier 55 T. McLennan 60 D. Harmer 64 R . Bel l 56 A . Treasure Albert Park 65 F. Dimas i 61 D. Clair 66 D . Fraser. 62 R. Kiss Indoor Sports . Ryan ~ S Centre 64 M . Erjavec Major Sponsors:
65 J . Henry Hocking Stuart 66 S. Gallina Estate Agents Woodland McGee ~Proudly sponsored by : Financial Services I FT Finance
. ;',~TENERS 2003
5 L---- Duthi e
5 is nton
5 ~a '_
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
6 Not Available
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
8 Mark Alexander
7 Paul Croxford
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackball
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evan s
9 Mark Tavlor
9 Damien Lan e
9 Stephen Capl e
9 Santo Caruso
10 Avi Wekselman
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
10 Tristan Bowman
10 Shane Nlele
11 Luke Holmes
11 Dirk Krame r
11 Tom Haysom
11 PaulTuppen
12 Daniel Mousley
12 Mark Morrison
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Rothe
14 Sharon Alger
14 Ash Hoogend-yk
i4 Michael Gilday
14 Tim Tingiri
15 Geoff Curran
15 Tim Doeck e
15 Mark Jenkins
15 Michael Sneddon
16 Peter Wood s
16 Mervyn Monty
16 Craig Brajtberg
16 Luke Moncrieff
17 Mark Gibson
17 Peter Keogh
17 Brett Horskope
17 Michael Robin s
18 Jason McNiece
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 George Paleodimos
19 Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fyf e
19 Glenn Scotland
19 Peter Pulle n
20 John Ralph
20 Brian Woodhead
20 David D' Altera
20 Geoff Kelly
21 Patrick Maebus
21 Gaj Skandakumar
21 Nick Ryde
21 David Irons
22 Nick Fennesv
22 Chris Collins
22 Rick Love
22 David Longworth
23 Paul Dinnee n
23 Peter Griffiths
24 Miles Argali
23 Robert Sneddon
24 Graeme Hunichen
24 Leigh Dillon
25 Richard Eastwood
24 Jason Moore
25 Geoff Moor e
25 Lionel Katz
26 Brad Ranki n
25 Matthew Taylor
26 Andrew Shiels
26 Daniel Dinneen
27 Euan Lindsav
26 Patrick Coulthard
27 Matt Cox
27 Anthony Simpson
28 Leah Gallagher
27 PaulJone s
28 Paul Lamble
28 Ken McNiec e
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron iviartyn
29 Chris Garcia
29 Peter Jame s
30 Simon Olive
29 Peter Liddell
30 Justin Lipso n
30 Michael Phillips
31 Rob Schuller
30 Anthony Lilley
31 Andrew Lougheed
31 Robert Semmens
33 Simon Stokes
32 Jarrod Aspinall
32 Eli Hayes
32 Anthony Damen
34 Jeremy Heffernan
34 Daniel Stephens
33 Robert Mayston
33 Michael Forde
37 David Murray
35 Dianne Whitele y
34 Graeme Morgan
34 Stephen Morgan
35 Jason Lan e
35 Troy Brooks
36 Matthew Meier
36 Phil Gluvas
5 Albie Firlev
37 Gavin Roberts 40 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 260f
Football Umpiring - The Non-Contact Team Sport by Dianne Whitele y T:i := ;:11 S '~' C ; ~ S ..
BIG~~ 5. 00
Pepper" Segota ec.curates his 500th game with the VAFAUA today. What a fantasti c
. His firs t As stated last we ; he began umpiring in 1978 on the boundary then promoted to field umpiring in 1979
ese rve - Clavton vs fi~Z Bank He met Tonunv Brain that day (start of a great friendshi p .)".!! During 1983 - 1985, he . He hung up his white boots in 1993 due to injuries . Put on his blac k
u ~ 1 w~th the VFL then returned to the VAFA in 1986 umpiring with his l I jz year after to continue his umpiring career behind the goal line . His most memorable moments were Q . t t'on Grand Final 198"' 'A' e ! rother Joe in 1982 : 1986 'B' section Grand Final with Colin King : 1987 lnterstate m a t h. , nK with his nephew, Colin in 1988 and the 1998 'A' Section Grand Final, Has scored ~ ~ B Section Grand Finals an d to goal umpire the last two AFL legend Games . I am i Grand Finals throughout his career . Kevin has also had the privilege s vill be uttinghis hand up fin 2003 AFL Legends game too . Off the field, he is a legend around the clubroom, support
R . Barnes, P . Mehrten, T. r'AUA 100%, loves horse racing and is a true family m an . His best VAFA players are J . Kanis, . Horuood . P.
m Ivev G Norton S Tallant and K . Fuller . His best umpires are it, Segota, C. Segota. B. Goodman, J V1eCarih G Hardimzn C King and manv more . . .list is too long . He would like to'THANK' his family - Jane. Jessic a sh for all their support over the vears . Finally, Kevin welcomes all the umpires, friends and family to join him at the TOWN i, l? TI'L ( see below) from 7 .00pm onwards to celebrate his 500th game . 'Macca' - Steve McCarthy notched up his 250th 'A' Section game last weekend . C
Gavin Roberts celebrated his 50th VAFA game, last week all on his 'ownsome' lonesome . Had to add to column because he has been such a fantastic helper for the VAFAUA Social ~ Committee .
.:^ULATIOIdS ,as to boundary umps TONY CASUSCELLI and SCOTT GAVI ; ::S for being promoted to'A' Section last week . Also, to JAMES IS, ' o has been selected in the Australian Under 19 XC Mountain Bike team . During August ! September he will be travelling ice men Switzerland to compete in the World Championship at Lugano . He will be proudly wearing the Australian team > . Gc Id Luck James. . . . hope you will bring home *gold' !
S',GA says farewell to long serving Life Member, Kevin McKay who passed away on 20 June 2003 . Kevin umpired over 1100 of football in the VFL . VFA, VAFA and mid-week school games over a number of decades . He commenced umpiring in th e
iateurs during the 50s and was respected by his peers . the players and the clubs as a firm and fair umpire who controlled the me by his personality and by the exercise of old-fashioned common sense . He officiated in numerous grand finals and umpired us last 'A' Section Grand Final in 1967 . at the age of 46. His fitness was second to none and he was a professional running coach during the 'off season . He retired at the end of the 1969 season and the Ormond and Caulfield Grammarians clubs requested that he umpire their last round game at the Gunn Reserve . The players formed a guard of honour for him and he was presented with a ;ramed photo of him striding through the guard of honour by the clubs . He loaned it back to the Ormond club and it is believed it remains there to this day . In 1970, he became the Assistant Adviser to his great friend Max Barker and then succeeded Max in L째_ ming Adviser in 1972 after Max's retirement . Kevin's great quality as Adviser was to train and cpach each umpire according to o f :ru umpire's ability and skill . At that time there was in excess of 100 field umpires under his control and his unique skill was t
-ituate the positives and to develop the negatives so that each umpire developed to his potential . The VAFA awarded Kevin a Ger~iticate of Merit in 1976 (presented in 1977) for his services to the Association . He also served as President and in many other roles of the Umpires' Association . His final role for the Association was as the Umpires' Liaison officer for the umpires officiating at t: ,,e 1994 AAFC Carnival in Melbourne . The umpires have lost a great friend but his legacy erasts and he visited Elsternwick Park and the Gunn Reserve in the last month of his life just to check on the best umpires around - the VAFA Umpires - Philip Rowell . WHAT'S YOUR DECISION? Winner for last weeks question was Trent Carlson - Old Trinity AFC (wonder if he is any relation to Leigh Carlson - Old Trinity's coach?) . Please contact the VAFA on 9531 833 to collect your prize . The answer - free kick against the Old Xaverian runner for being in the 45 metre are while Old Scotch hackman was kicking out after scoring a point . This week's question - How many metres can a player run with the ball before he kicks, handballs or bounces the ball? Email your answer to diannewhiteley@ubigpond .com . SOCIAL Trivia Night - 19/7/03 Mid Year Dinner - 18/8/03 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 21, 1 9/03 Grand Final BBQ - 21/9/0 3 End of Season Trip - 9-12/10/03 . FIIdALLY., . .
All correspondence to diannewhitelev~;bigpond.com
wvnv .vafaua .asn .au
30I'RNE. - 9690 51 48 '"1 N 't' MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS STORE- Santo Caruso
Be1Qi'$d Or i Australia ':-
Well trust me to spruke about my great tippir ' and then fall flat on my face! Thanks to Westbourne and North Brunswick for that. What the results have meant though. is that the final's race is still very much alive and kicking, with seven teams holding onto a realistic chance of final's football should results fail their way. REVIEW In a tightly fought match at Turtle Oval, Bulleen stuck with the more highly fancied Eltham for three and a half quarters thanks to some great work from Trinchi. Mazzarella and Conn. It looked as though a boil over was in the making as the Cobras kicked the first major of the final quarter, before the class of Savage, Brick and Harrington ensured the Turtles final's campaign remained in tact with a 34-point victory . The match of the day, and battle for second spot turned into a non-event as St . 's kicked away to an easy victory against North Brunswick. When D4 superstar James Murphy took to the field for North Brunswick, the Saints were looking up against it, but the blow of Care leaving the ground with a suspected broken ankle in the first quarter may have taken its toll on the second placed North . It was a tough, physical encounter from then on, but with the Saint's Adam Lane marking everything in sight, Garret Schembri holding the dangerous Murphy and the slightly framed Andy Z burrowing in, the Saints were able to kick away and run out tremendous 50-point winners . In one of the believers of the season, a spirited Box Hill North overcame a lack-lustre Old 4vesthourne. It was a dour first half, however, the second was anything but, with Dave Martini in sensational form, Lance Keillor sprinting around the forward line, and Afrim Odza and Simon Cook dangerous around the packs . North managed to kick to a five-goal lead late in the match while a final charge by the Warriors was too little, too late, as Box Hill ran outjubilant 11-point winners . It was the Albert Park of old as they trounced the confident Richmond Central to keep a game clear in the top five . Sean Allan was back to his brilliant best with I I goals while some great play from his brother Jake, combining well with Steel McKerrow and Dave Borley ensured the Falcons scored a percentage boosting 64 point win. Speaking of percentage boosting, how about the win by Rit.Lilpdale over Brunswick Power? Not that percentage will have anything to do with Mount's final position on the ladder! The excellent marking of Leigh Kellett and Phil Hayes, Travis Flanagan's running up the ground to kick three goals from defence and Matt Brebner's courageous and skilled game on the ball ensured Mount would never be headed as they slaughtered a hapless Brunswick by 130 points .
Uni High School had the bye . PREVIEW ST MARYS v BULLEEN COBRAS The Saints would be best advised to not take this match too lightly as they ple F yet another home match . BuIleen have threatened to cause an upset in recent weeks and if the boys can string four
quarters together, this could be the result. However, the Saints, having secured second place on the ladder, and with three other team s breathing down their necks, are unlikely to drop this matrF : particularly at the "Postage Stamp" . With hot dog sales at a rr ; ; ; . high, 1 expect the Saints to consolidate their number two with a 31-point victory.
OLD WESTBOURI4E v ELTHAM COLLEGIAN S Well what a match we have in store at Warrior Park . The wins is allowed to remain in the final's hunt, while the loser is going 10 have a real struggle on its hands, The Warriors were pitiful last week, and if not for the good work of veterans Leitch, Board and "Juek" Horsburgh, the result could have been far worse . The Turtle's form has been a little better, however, they are a team that does not travel well, and when you consider the artic conditions likely, they could "go into their shells" . While Doodvs strength will be difficult to control .I expect the Warrior's younger players to lift after last week's performance, and for them to reenter the five with a 19-point victory . ALBERT PARK v BOX HILL NORT H The Falcons have a chance Friday night (6pm Sportseover Arena) to consolidate their top five position against the rejuvenated Box Hiil. Box Hill have shown they can mix it with the best of them, however, face a much tougher assignment tonight against an Albert Park team that appear to be hitting their best form . With Willow and Butch likely to be amongst it under the lights of VAFA HQ, 1 cannot go past the goal kicking machine that is Albert Park as they consolidate their finals chances with a 29 point win . MT LILYDALE v RICIIIdONI? CENTRA L
After Mounts massacre last week away from home agains t
CLlli. D4 SECTION Albert Park Brunswick UHS-VU Old Westbourne North Brunswick Eltham D4 RESERVE North Brunswick North Brunswick Albert Park Mt . Lilydale Eltham St Marys
Allan 11 Hardaway 4 Tate 0 J Horsbourgh 5 Hamilton 2 Brick 4
56 48 44 38 27 26
Papanikolou 0 H Tsialtas 3 Pavne 3 Anderson 2 Chapple 0 Rousis 0
38 22 22 21 20 20
budder to think what may happen on their return
r,as of Lilydale . Richmond, granted, is a more solid md has shown glimpses of good form throughout th e
aut the trip to face the unbeaten league leaders is a n tgnment. While I expect Richmond to be competitiv e
~th . it is unlikely they will be able to hold the class of s ! :bson, and Carolan as Mount have another big win, thi d points . )OgTH BRUNSWICK v UHS-V U ,i, another match of the round for North Brunswiek, thi s iosiing the students after a week's rest. North would have
,nattered last week having lost second spot and also one o f . and will be looking to reboun d 11 or playzrtakers in Care the inconsistent students . Uni High will be hilly refreshe d eek's break and could not meet North at a better time. I n here the loser could drop out of the five, I am expectin g r; encounter . While the likes of Lorringe, Langendorf an d
once again star for Uni, I expect North to have the pois e it the assault and push ahead to win a tight encounte r 9.
nswiek Power lick their wounds this week with the bye . ~oCIAL is running their Trivia night at the Scout Hall this irday at 7.30pm . S15 per head with BYO Wine ONLY & Party 'p ~ i t,c ;tbotirne is also holding their Trivia Night at the rooms at Tim. Being run by yours truly . it promises to be a night of fun :l ; P : OlitV . 1,taIlydale are holding their Auction ` ;ight on July 5. See Billy t'ts .
Old Westbourne - on of our favorite sons, Justin "Juc~.`_ : " itorsburgh plays his 150th match for the club on the weekend . I,:! ., who is only 27, debuted in 1994 and has since won a clu b f and is currently the team's leading goal kicker . While his ,i ;!ub antics have made him infamous at Warriorland, his nature and silky smooth skills have made him one o f
-tbourne's most valued players . Well done from everyone at the .o, st.".sy's - Patri ck Rosemans played his 50th game last > .:urdav. Pat is a terrific clubman and continues to show his orih as a two's stahvart, while Rob Orme's plays his 50th game its Saturday . Rob 'the Body' Orme did his apprenticeship 'trough the two's as a skinny voting fella and has now developed x loan integral part of the senior team . Well done to both on their milestones . Bulleen Cobras- congratulations to Tony Mazzarella who plays l .is 100th game with the Cobras this week . Tony is a terrific guy io have around the club, never missing training, and always has comment to inspire his peers . Well Done Tony.
TODAY'S T C ES D4 SECTIO N St Marvs v Bulleen Cobras Old Westbourne v Eltham Collegians Albert Park v Box Hill North at Sportscover Arena, Friday June 27 at 6 p .m ., reserve s Saturday June 28 at 2 .00 p.m . Mt Lilydale v Richmond Central Brunswick Power - bye North Brunswick v UHS-VU
1430 18.16(124 ) 2 .3 9. -~ :3: COLLEGIANS :,Tit 2 .2 7 .4 13 .5 14 .6(90) BULLEEN COBRAS Eltham Co llegians: Harrington 6 . Brick 4, Mizzi 3, Sharpe 2, Robins . Doodv, Gilbert . Best: Savage . Brick,Thomas . Doody, Harrington, Mizzi . Bullean Cobras : Maelaren 5, Conn 3 . Edgar 3, Brown 2, Nelson . Best: D .Trinehi, Conn . Melaren, Dall'oglio, Mozzarella. Edgar. Umpires: Peter James (rotation -&om A) (F) Jack Watt, Daniel Brookes (G) 3 .2 8.10 11 .13 16.17(1 13) ST MARY'S 3 .6 5 .7 7.10 8 .15(631 NORTH BRUNSWICK St Mary's: Graetzer 3 . Timmins 3 . Dwyer 2, Harrison 2, Wright 2 . Allen 2 . Perelberg. Purcell . Best : Lane, Zsembery, Schembri, Brown, Perelberg, Graetzer. Nort h Brunswick : Murphy 3, Hamilton 2. Paleodimos 2, Sammiartmo . Best: Kvriazis . Adams, Dimarco . Murphy. Stelfox, Pizzari Umpires : Paul Dinreen (F) Hagen Cosgriff (G ) BOX HILL NORTH 1 .5 4 .12 8 .14 11 .17(83) 1 .3 4.6 6.8 10.12(72) OLD WESTBOURAdE Box Hill North : J Namouski 3, D Martini 3, L Keilor 2 . A Odza 2 . B Olson Best : L Keilor, B Olson . A Odra, H Penesis . T Marino, S Cook Old Westbourne : J Horsburgh 5, Braham 2 . Oldham, Deprazza . Board Best : A Leitch. Board . A Chrism, Bean, J . Horsburgh. Nikota Umpires: Jason Lane (F) Michael Roche Michael NeIDy (B) Alex Tenon Eddie Boat (G) RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .2 5 .7 6 .9 14 .10194) ALBERT PARK 4.5 10 .7 16 .11 24 .14(158) Richmond Central : Nuske 6, Macak 3, McGrath 2, Cartwright, O'Sullivan, Anderson . Best : Green . Speakman, Nuske, White, Leembruggen . OSuliivan. Albert Park : S.Allan I l .D .Allan 3, Diiviingo 3, Venables 2 . McKerrow 2, Borely . Hannett. R .Baker. Best: D.Allan, S .Atlan. Dudi, Chambers . Baker . Taylor Umpire: Paul Lamble (F) BRUNSWICK POWER 1 .4 3 .6 5 .9 7 .1 t(59) .4-1 LILYDALE 5 .7 16 .9 19 .16 28 .21(189) Brunswick Power : Hardaway 4, Baxter 2, Morgan . Best Hume. Morgan, Norris, Baxter, Lovett . Hardaway. Mt Lilydale: Hayes 6, Gibson 5, Carolan 3. F .Flanagan 3. Kellett 3, F .Farga 2, Maniscalchi 2, Alderman . Brebner, Leonard . Best : Alderman . Hayes, F .Flanagan . Gibson . Kellett, Bird . Umpires: Brian Woodhead George Paleodimos (F) Wavne Frith Jon Kralevski (B ) UHS-VU - BYE D4 RESERVE 5 .2 5 .3 7 .3 9.4(58) ELTF.AM COLLEGIANS BULLEEPt COBRAS 2 .2 6 .6 11 .7 12.8178) Eltham Collegians : Drummond 4 . Krohn . Toulson . White, Decker . Dere . Best : Toulson, Drummond, Wright, J .Howgate . Barass . White . Bulleen Cobras: Redfern 5, Clements 4, Unwin 2, Hadisutanto . Best : Clements, Redfern, Dilie . Unwin, Ditehburn . Hadisutanto . ST ASARYS 2 .2 4 .3 8 .8 13 .9(87) NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .0 4 .0 4 .1 7 .4(46) St PRary's : Anders 3, Luce 2 . J Goldsworthy 2, Harrison, Leszko, Anthony. times . Vincent . Goldberg.bSst : Anders, Hausier, Goldberg, Luce . Anthony, C Goldsworthy . North Brunswick : Tsailtas 3 . Carter . . Ferrante . Freeman . Cutier, Newton . Best: Rhook . Carter. Russo Presttgiacomo, Giovanoglou
BOX HILL NORTH 3.2 5.3 8 .5 9.10(64) OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .5 8 .8 13.11 22.16(148) Box Hill North : Ellis 3, Edcusy 2, Evans 2, Thoi . Pratt Best : B Pozar, P Dovle, J D`Amato, T Thoi, S Evans, T Ellis Old Westbourne : B Slattery 9, Maualokakis 6, Crosswell 2, S Chrism . D Slattery, Rivalland, Hewitt, S Leitch Best : B Slattery, Maualokakis, S Clvisto, O'Sullivan, Wintle . Murphy 6 .3(39) 2.0 3.1 4.3 RICHMOND CENTRAL ALBERT PARK 8.2 17.4 20.5 22 .6 (138) Richmond Central : Levin 2 . Smyth 2, Barritt . Terrill . Best: Meltivile, Terrill, Titley, Taylor . Bunshaw, Smyth. Albert Park: Roberton 5 . Fehring 4 . Pastras 4, Payne 3 . Wier, Phillips, Borg, Hazmath, G .Baker, Sutton . Best: Roberton, Quinlan, rehiring, Wier. R.Ailan, Borg. 3 .8(26) BRUNSWICK POWER 0 .0 1 .1 3 .6 Mt . LILYDALE 5 .8 5 .10 7 .12 10.14174) . Best : Maxfield . Doughney, Brunswick Power: Noonan 2 . Stephens Noonan, Stephens . Warburton, Aitken. Mt.Lilydale: Holloway 2 . Anderson 2 . Kidd, Cox. Smithies, Fernado, Maltar, King . Best: Mahar, Cox . Ferene. Lesinger . Kidd, Merrell . UHS-VU - BYE
D4 Section ALBERT PARK Coach: John Ahem Res : Paul Shoppee
I P. Smith 2 S . Robinson ( s) 2 N . Pastras (r ) 3 R . Baker (C) 3 J. Duch ( r) 4 J. Simcocks 5 S. Allan 6 J. Storey (VC) 7 S. Venabtes 7 K. Gannon (r) 8 A. MandyIans 8 M . van Elewoud (r 9 P. Chambers (VC ) 10 M . Phillips 11 A. Fleming 12 T. Fraser 13 B . Payne ( RVC) 13 M . Davey ( S) 14 M . Hyams (S) 14 C. Bor q 15 D. Bor(ey 16 C. Roberton 17 D . McLellan 18 J . Taylo r 19 A . rd 20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J. Hannett 22 D . Bree (r) 23 B. Harries 23 G . Foster 24 T. Green 25 J. Wier 26 L . Hopkins 26 G . Baker 27 R. Tuhe 27 J. Breen (r) 28 R. Allan 29 C. Fehring 30 S . Fountain 31 S . McGuire ( RC) 31 D. Allan 32 A . Di 'Mingo 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 S . Toth ( RVC) 35 V. Surace 36 J . Belbin 37 L Hogan 38 N . Wheeler 39 S . McKerrow 40 A . Graham 41 D . Allan 42 K. Daley 44 B. Isard 45 M. MacLeod 46 M. Dowdle 47 L. Tricarico 48 J. Harnath C . Dyer 50 S. Mellis (r) 50 J. Meek 52 M . Smith 53 M . Williams 54 N. Neumann 55 D. Quinla n 57 J . Sutton 57 J .Guzman 58 T. Bennetts 59 N. Strang 60 G. Bateson 62 A. Harper 77 S . Garcia 78 J . Harnath 79 J . Bourne 80 M . Hough 速速
Snr Coach: P. Armstrong Asst: M . Tarulli Res: P.WoodsMl.Drew 1 G . Wilson 2 C. Reid 3 A . Odza 3a S . Evans 4 A . Manno 4a J . Potter 5a A . Jenkins* 6 D . Ma rtin i 7 S . Stewa rt 8 J . D'Amato 8a R . Chamberlain 9 A . Sallantioglu 10 S. Cook 11 T. Thoi 12 A. Dick 13 M. Cumming 14 B. Palmer 15 L . Keillor 16 W . Drew 17 G . Cavallo 18 C. Butler 19 C. Callis 20 K. Oldfield 21 J . Hopes 22 A. Steele 23 J . Naumovski 23a S . Brodie 24 C. Ferri s 25 P. Kotsaridis 27 S . Yamamoto 28 Z. Veleski 30 B . Olson 31 G. Robinson 32 I. Oldfield 33 M . Mari novic 34 M . McCartin 35 P. Burley 36 D . Gaynor 37 D . Woolridge 39 P. Webster 40 D . Worrell 41 M. Takeshita 42 A. Tarulli 43 R. Doyle 44 J. Garrett 46 P. Mort imer 49 T. Ellis 50 B . Poz ar 55 J . Pratt 58 S . D 'Aftera 65 C. Riscalla 66 C. Mulreadyy 74 P. Doyle 76 K . Loerand 78 H . Penesis 80 S . Wakefield 82 J . Tambakis 86 T. Tsukagoshi 87 T. Rhind 111 M . Edgley 111a P. Armstrong*
Coach: Ricky Baxter Assist. Coach : Ross Morgan Res: Greg Lovett 1 R . Baxter 2 J. Hardaway 3 B. P ri ce 4 D . Hayes 5 L . Hope 6 B. Baksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D. Gerdes 9 L. Yowyeh 10 B. Bott omley 11 N. Harrison 12 G . Dow 13 B . Hamilton 14 C. Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J . Love tt 17 B . Brett 18 R . Diantonia 19 N . Bux 20 J . Cooper 21 B . Lovett 22 J. Mcgrady 23 M . Lovett 24 G . Mcgowan 25 J. Slater 26 M. Smith 27 A. Walsh 28 B. Noonan 29 J. Griggs 30 L . Brett 31 M . Crane 32 P. Gall 34 E . Lovett 35 F. Pike 36 T. Lovett 37 B . Brett 38 S . Kemp 39 L. Brett 40 R . Kirby 41 L. Stephens 42 S . Davis 43 J . Comley 44 R . Mainelli 45 F. Mofflin 46 G. Fryer 47 M . Robinson 48 R . Morgan 49 R . Green 51 P. Laming 52 D . Davis 53 D . Hume 54 P. Brett 55 S. Weston 56 T. Warbu rton 57 R. Sikora 60 G . Murray 61 T. Holden 62 J. Clayton 63 R. Dantonia 64 A. Davis 65 L. Griggs 66 S.Isley 67 T. Lovett 68 M . Bond
RULLEEi' Coach: Joe D'Angeio Asst. Coach : Robert Pasinati Res . Coach : Jamie Redte m 1 S . Fishe r 2 T. Orwin 2 R. Sheeha n 3 S . Wigne y 4 N . Ca rtledge 4 I . Mcleod 5 S . Nelso n 6 I . Baccini 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarell a 9 P. Aslan9u l 10 C . Powderha m 11 G . Fort une 12 J. Schemmerlin g 13 N . Edga r 14 A. Dejon g 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trinch i 17 T. Conn 18 J . Lowrie 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N. Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 23 J . Redfe m 24 J . Daniel s 25 W. Olne y 26 J . DAngelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foske tt 29 K . Kelle tt 31 S . Mclare n 32 C . Clements 33 A. Coo k 34 M. D 'Angelo 35 M. Unwi n 36 P. Dall'ogli o 37 J. Paatsc h 38 G . Brow n 39 J . So tt o 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C. Cha n 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 J . Ong 46 G . Reeves 47 W. Feutril l 48 M . Soumelidi s 49 G . Anderton 50 B . Wilson 51 R . Rodrigues 55 D . Digne y 56 T. Mehre z 60 S . Pet ty 61 R . Hadisutanto 69 L . Ditchbum
HARRIS CIVIL Major SSponsor P on
Section ELTNAM D .C. Coach: Scott Harrington
Reserves Coach : John Glar e 1 J . Baud 2 S . Robins 3 E. Savage 4 B. Doody 5 D. Brick 6 T. Carter 7 B. Rashid 8 L . Sharpe 9 C . Watson 10 B. Marshall 11 J. Mizz i 12 L. McDonald 13 M. Luttick 14 K . Nelson 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 M . Chapple 19 A. Booth 20 S. Jea l 21 M . Hart 22 D. Wright 23 R. Watson 24 K. Drummond 25 R . Thomas 26 J. Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Barnett 29 D . Howgate 30 M . Decker 31 B . Keleher 32 C. Bau d 33 A. Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 G . Smith 36 M . Dere 37 J. Gilbert 38 A. Tardif 39 F. Coonerty 40 E. Baud 41 Au . Mann 42 D . Buller 43 P. Mann 44 Al . Mann 45 R . Davies 46 M . Jarvis 48 B . Turney 50 B . Richardson 51 P. Buhagiar 53 J . Woodward 54 D . Monagatti 55 S. Todman 56 R . Love 59 B. Evans 61 K . Toulson 64 C . Lacey
Senior Coach : David Keast Assist Sen. Coach: Paul Commerfor Reseve Coach : Bart Egan Assist Res. Coach: Darren King 1 J. Paull 2 P. Hayes 3 M. Brebner (DVC) 4 F. Varg a 5 G. Bird 6 M . Jelenc 7 C . Varga 8 K . Maniscalchi (VC) 9 A . Del Biond o 11 C. Gibson 13 R. Kidd 14 W. Charlton 15 R. Scott 16 D . Morrison 17 J. Lesinger 18 R . McKenzie 19 M. Leonard 20 D .Watt 21 M . Cunningham 22 N . Colarossi 23 B . Egan 24 L. Merrett 26 T. Flanagan 27 N. Pearce (VC) 28 D. Maggs 29 J . Robert s 30 A. Penhale (RVC) 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C . Anderson 34 L . Kellett 35 D . Callanan 36 M. Alderman 37 C. Carstens 38 J . Charles 39 T. Van Duuren 40 M . Rhode s 41 M . Matter 42 M . Periera 43 D. Holloway (RC) 44 A. Cox 45 K. Fraser 46 D. King 47 C . Lonergan 48 S. Dougherty 49 M. Watt 50 D . Hick s 51 A . Bullerjahn 53 D .Marotti 54 L. Allanson 55 T.Wilso n B . Leek J . Mollica J . Commerford J. Penhal e A. Delahunt J. Hoffman N . McConnel l
Major Sponsors ~ - .
NORTH BRUNSWICK Coach : Ange Sammartino Res . Coach: Gary Cutler 1 Newton D 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P 5 Cutler G 6 Pizzari D 7 Steffox G 8 Guppy D 9 Sammartino A 10 Fawcett W S 11 Hamilton 12 Care S 13 Ullo M 14 Paleodimos G 15 Tsiaftas H 16 Vaina M 17 Kyriazis A 18 Verga J 19 Marin P 20 Closter L 21 Santacroce R 22 Freeman J 23 Briffa J 24 Aliani M 25 Duson W 26 Boudotoh J 27 Ferrante F 28 Gillard S 30 Russo D 31 Heck J 32 Robertson B 33 Rotella J 34 Stepien M 36 Sorleto M 37 Defelice M 38 Ceravolo D 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Burrows G 42 Papanikolou J 43 Sorleto P 44 Wallmeyer N 45 Polemicos. J 46 Giovanoglou N 47 Prestigiacomo N 48 Wolter J 49 Nabbs S 50 Parks B 51 Salloum R 52 Guest D 53 Trafford D 54 Wake G 55 Pizzatoi E 56 Fayad M 57 Mountney A 58 Messiake T 59 Ackland T 60 Parkes A 62 Carter B 64 Palmieri A 67 Carter D
Coach : Jeffrey Wilso n Res . Coach : Stephen Leitch 1 B .Gerace 2 J .Akarana 3 S .Depiazza 4 C.Lever 5 S.Hewitt 6 J.Horsburgh 7 A.Christo 8 A.Horsburgh 9 K .Murphy 10 J . Wilson 11 M .Christo 12 B .Mattson 13 J .Braham 14 TSai d 15 A .Board 16 S .Christo 17 M .Aquilina 18 F.Pavez 19 R .Aldridge 20 L .O'Sullivan 21 LHudson 22 S.Anderson 23 S.Huntington 24 L . Fairfield (C) 25 TEdwards 26 P.Mesman 27 D .Billman 28 D .Slattery 29 J .Manolokakis 30 R.McMillan 31 M .Baulch 32 G .Jenkinson 33 D .Benn 34 S.Roberts 35 D .Rivalland 36 S.Phillips 37 A.Leitch 38 D .Nikola 39 M .Oldham 40 S .Leitch 41 K .Miller 42 D.Ollenbuttel 43 A.Runciman 44 B .Slattery 45 S .Robertson 46 J .Semmens 47 M .Pilsbury 48 TScholes 49 B.Robinson 50 P.Habersatt 51 R .Wintle 52 TBest 53 M .Saunders 54 M .Crosswell 55 D.Layton 56 L.Skidmore 57 J .Phillips 58 I . Smit h 59 A. Lipscombe 60 N . Aquiline 61 A. Gatt 62 L . Johnston 63 K.Johnson 64 L . Stevens 65 K . Pilsbury 66 P. Kin g 67 W. Burgoyne 88 H . Hodgso n
Eat More : Red Rich Frui t Olinda Creek Hotel
Framing Corner Knox (a THE AMATEUR
( -+ -
, : FL
e . . .-Mark Coach Petrusch A t : Res : Steven Lake
1 B. Cox 2 T. Quic k 3 T O'Sullivan 4 R. Trotte r 5 D. Tankovich 6 G . Bunshaw 8 G . Malcolm 9 J . McGrat h 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A. White 11 S . Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C. Barry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Moulday 19 C. Quay 20 A . Quick 21 A . Jones 22 A . Flores 24 T. Guthrie 25 A . Piani 26 S . Baillie 28 D. Green 29 J . Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M. Berimano 34 J . Brook 35 J . Howell 38 M. Defreitas 41 T. Slatter 42 C . Whit e 42 S . Hoare 45 K . Day 46 D . Hogan 53 K. Pardy 54 C . Cartwright 54 S. Rawlings 56 A. Titley 57 E. Hill 67 J. Lane 69 T. Melville 76 D . Phelan 79 M. Coomber 85 G .Jacobs 86 G . Porteus 87 D .Ingliss
. ; A .P.G . Coach: Michael Learmonth Res: George Koumantataki s 1 T. Brown 2 B. Perelberg 3 G . Schembri 4 N . Goldswort hy 5 A. Lan e 6 S. Stone 7 A. Dwyer 8 A. Zsembery 9 R . Orm e 10 G . Koum antatakis 11 J. Bernard i 12 A. Webb 13 J. Hill 14 C . Goldswo rthy 15 M . Purcell 16 L . Anthony 17 P. West 18 B. Frail 19V.Ryan 20 C. Handley 21 M . Gilchrist 22 R. Allen 23 F. Harrison 24 A. Latimer 25 M . Butler 26 J . Timmins 27 M . Banks 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 S . Leszko 32 P. Reining 33 M . O'Halloran 35 G . Theoharris 36 B . Graetzer 37 L. Vincent 38 D. Astbury 39 T. Millar 40 R . Hausler 41 T. Cummins 42 M . Davies 44 J . Lukjanov 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 50 A . Wibawa 51 M . Lynch 52 C . Weller 53 B . Armistead 54 J . Wright 56 D . Anders 57 D . Watson 58 B . Lewis 59 K. McLennan 62 G. Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 66 N . Batskos 67 M . Maschette 68 J . F eldstad 69 J . endy 70 N . Luce 72 S. Sytivris 73 N . Datskos 74 A. Richard 80 J. Clarke 88 A. Ballantyn e
Dust Steel Industries 46
Coach: Shane l.iottram Res . Coach : G .Ternes Assistant : G.h.landaiis 1 M . Wrigh t 2 R . Thorp 3 J . Natio n 4 L Gorring e 4 T. Cleveland (res) 5 S . Mottram 6 S . Cracknell Capt 7 D . Zulicki 8 M. GerWemou 9 S. Devli n 10 P. Burns 11 D . Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N . Rose 14 M. Butera 15 J. Jacks 16 J. Tat e
17 C . Langendorf 18 A. Hellne r 19 J. Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J. Hal l
22 G . Mandahs 23 G . Temes 24 R. Hartle 25 S. Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusick 28 P. Sklevenifis 29 K. Weber 30 J. Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michael 33 J. Strangio 34 J. O'Neill 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R. Lapish
38 B . Carruthers (res) 39 M . Rea 40 L Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Witnish 45 S . Hams 46 C . Siotos 47 H . Gillies
48 M . Davidson 49 S . Smits 50 B . Warren 53 J . Schulz 55 N . Thomas 56 0 . Creek 57 C . Thomas 58 J . Thoma s 59 D . Macrae8-39 60 G. Costas 61 T. Stathopoulas 63 D . Edwards 64 B. Walpole 65 J . Harris 66 S. Butera 67 M. De Luise 68 L Holmes 69 A. Dowdell 70 E. Ricciuti 72 A. Van Ree 75 S. Mill s 76 V. Cavelien 77 R . McCormick 78 B. Carruthers 79 D . Seex 81 B. Will
86 W. Higgins 88 D . Fisher 99 W. Hirco e
CV : WQRE F ' 1SE Sports & Medica l Supplies
by O E
L'~~ 0 D (U19 -1 & Bbu e)
a i -- = 'l "'fl (U19 - 2, 3 & Red)
SECTION 1 - PREVIE W Last week, the Bernie's were thrilling final seconds victors against Uni, and there is no let up in the high standard of opposition, today squaring off against the Scotchies, who have not failed since Round 3. 1 think the clash against the Students may have taken a lot out of the Essendon boys and in a boilover, I'm tipping the home side . The Skevs are back! Having dropped five on the trot they have won the last two in most convincing fashion and will fancy their chances against the Xavs . A win for the visitors can almost close the door on the final four teams, but I think that door will remain ajar for a little longer, as the Skevs continue their resurgence . DLS have fallen in their last four starts and today they face up to The Fielders who are at last beginning to fulfil some of their early season expectations, and are playing a more physical brand of footy. At the Racecourse, it's the Fields for mine ! In week 2, OB and Marcellin played out a draw showing there was nothing between them . Nine rounds on, the ladder has both level on points with the M's ahead only on percentage, at the conclusion of this one, the visitors will also be four points clear. Uni were heartbreakingly close to ending the Bernie's run last week. Today they need to refocus and again put their E-tags to good use as they journey to OEG . The new boys to Section 1 have had a horror fortnight and whilst they will battle hard, the Students should be too good . SECTION 2 - PREVIEW Winless and destined for the wooden spoon after five rounds of football, Old Ivanhoe have made an impressive resurgence, stringing together four on the trot with the bonus four points from the bye, to sit in fifth place at five and five . Another tough fixture looms this afternoon as Ivanhoe attempt to break into the top half of the table, a home fixture against giantkillers Beaumaris, surprise victors last round knocking off the competition heavyweights Old Melburnians . Limiting the thenladder leaders to five goals for the entire afternoon, the Sharks reversed a massive 150 point round one defeat, to get up by 34 points . This afternoon pits two form-sides against one another, and in an impossible match to predict, Old Ivanhoe to make it six in a row, and enter the top half of the table . On top for the first time this season after a Russobrothers inspired victory, Werribee will now aim to defend their spot on the ladder when they meet Old Melburnians away . In a top-of-the-table 48
encounter, OM's will desperately be seeking t o
avenge thei r defeat last round, near-humiliated by the raidtable Beaumaris. However Werribee's form cannot be faulted, travelling well at nine and one, and likely to consolidate top spot by inflicting Ohg=s second defeat in a row . Elsewhere Hampton Rovers will look to bridge the gap between second and third, when they meet Old Camberwell away, while Mazenod should be victorious over Old Paradians, in what is more or less a battle to avoid the wooden spoon .
SECTION 3 - PREVIE W Boasting all the hallmarks of a classic encounter, first meets second this afternoon, as the two competition heavyweights Old Carey and Rupertswood go head to head . Victorious in their last encounter by 33 points, Rupertswood should go into the match as favourites, a home ground advantage and flawless win-loss record (although dropping one match due to an ineligible player) supporting their bid for victory . Although Old Carey cannot be underestimated, notching up yet another massive win last weekend, this time home by 175 points against AJAX, with Angus kicking eight, and both Stewart-Holmes and Howat contributing six . Undoubtedly it is a match that could go either way, and in what could well be a preview of the section three grand final, Old Carey to get up . Third meets fourth as Collegians host Therry Penola, both teams looking out of sorts last week, with Collegians nearly defeated by bottom-placed St . Bernards(2), and Therry relinquishing a five goal quarter-time lead, to go down to NOBs by 16 points . Home by five points in their round two meeting, Collegians will utilise their home ground advantage, and extend the gap between third and fourth to twelve premiership points . Elsewhere NOBs should take the four points against Monash, while MHSOB host SBernads(2),themactkingoadifern t context with the impetus of several extra school players, available due to the commencement of the mid-year break . While MHSOB started the season well and have struggled since, St Bernards(2) have been on the slow improve, last week falling short by 13 points to third-placed Collegians . Deserved of a victory after three weeks of consistent good football, St Bernards(2) should get up, and in doing so record their first 'real' victory oi season 2003 .
lg BL~i - ; 11 attempt to upset the Krushers appleanswered every JOC's challenge t o
the ladder leader last week . Bentleigh off a massive 64 scoring shots las t ill not be given the same levels o f
d will succumb to the K's persisten t and superior skills .
,<=,re given a fright by DLS and today th e -;,-ill again aim to apply "plenty of heat" on ld winters day, but the Clays need to keep to stay in touch with the top three . _,,,tih Melbourne will return to the winner's list they account for GE . The Saints have a lot o f
the coming weeks, the next few rounds are vital for Baaiyn.tle in the context of the season, even just one loss potentially dethroning the undefeated titlefavourites from top spot . This round however, they should barely work up a sweat, Banyule home comfortably . In other matches, La Trobe should continue their run of good form and get up over Old Westbourne, while St Leos should have little trouble when they travel to Bulb 1, the ho ae team held goalless for three consecutive quarters of football last week . PRESS Oa Glen Harris . . . Zargaritaman .corn .au & ; ^ optusnet .com .a u Ca I
-o t d enthusiasm but alas for them, the , i11 have the superior score on the board . .fonders have the unenviable task of hosting TOC's who are still smarting from their 10 goa l Ittt,r,ping against the K's . St .John's will show las t
::s form an aberration, and to win handsomel y oon . ,- Tigers continue to roll along and will recor d number 10 versus DLS . The visitors recent ii has been encour; 1~ing but today they will fal l ,rt of the mark . ~EC7 ;C F a : ties of tou ; i mid-season encounters, 1-,(zrc, tr m ! to Yarra Valley this afternoon after mfortable wins over Bulleen and Old ,ibourne in weeks gone by. It is the perfect hill (~ ~r a'team that has to prepare for an encounter Banvule-Vie wbanlc next round, the Reds h: to emulate their round two meeting whe n ! aey limited Yarra Valley to two goals for the entire tiernoon . - urvdving a final-quarter scare in their match ,ainst the fast finishing St Leos Emmaus last round, the Uni Blacks will endeavour to maintai n u eight-point buffer between themselves and third-placed Fitzroy, when they run out against Aquinas this afternoon . Nine and one for the ,=ason with section red's best percentage, there is
little doubt about this afternoon's result, the Blacks home easily . }asewhere Banvule-Viewbank meet the mid-table Old Xaveri an s away, the competition leaders once
gain impressive last round, home by 86 point s ,.er Yarra Valley . With fixtures against thirdplaced Fitzroy and second-placed Uni Blacks i n
Old Carey Rupertswood Collegians Old Carey Collegians U19 (2) Blue Oakteigh St Bedes MT Oakleigh Clays St . John s St Bedes MT U19 (2) Red Fitzroy Reds Banvlzle University Blacks Fitzroy Reds University Blacks
Angus 8 38 Potter 4 34 Burrows 2 33 Stewart-Holmes 6 24 Naylor 2 2 2 Jordan 0 54 McNamara 2 46 Nasq~llah 0 41 Phaedonos 0 21 Mark 2 1 9 Maghamez Tsingaris Moffatt Violato DoGVslev
6 0 3 2 3
53 39 36 32 31
St Bedes Menione Tigers v De La Salle (2) Menione Panthers v O3hleigh Clays at Oval 2, hisnYone or Playing Fields - switched fro m
St Old Bi hton v Marceltin Caulfield Or v De La Salle Old scotch v St Bernards
original draw Ormond v St Johns 0 C IIidAER-19 0 REi? Yarra Vallee 0 B v Fitzroy Red s Old Westtrurne v La Trobe Urll at Price Reserve,
University Blues v I r don Or UNDEF
9 . "ff,"Old Trintta Old Ivanhoe v Beaumarts
Beach Road, Werribee South ( 209 F11) Bulleen Temptestowe v St Leos Enunaus ATP
Wen bee Amateurs v Old Melburnians switched from original draw 0 THE AMATEUR
(1) Bernards Pitts 3 39 i rersity Blues McKerrow 1 37 Old Scotch Beaurepaire 0 29 De La Salle Hancock 1 27 Thompson 2 24 Old Scotch Old Scotch Snaddon 2 2 4 U19 (2) Werribee Chalmers 0 33 Old Melburnians Ironmonger 1 26 Old Camberwell Peasnell 4 26 Oldivanhoe Alagona 3 25 F on Rovers Scott 2 20 f3j
Uniti'QrsIIy Blacks v Aquinas 0 C Old Xaverians (2) v Bangule Vkwbank
Stewart-Holntes i d ,
OLD ESSENDON OR I .0 3.0- 5-4 5.7(37)
8.8 11 .8 18.18( 126)
C: -! Ess: King 3 Baskaw Dazkia Best : Civa ttoatio Wililan Hareurood NunLst &,- Iran Duggan St Her. O'Keele Landers 2 Underwood 2 O'Connor Mulkearns C.Ta}ior W.Gullifer Shannon Umpires : David tVlndlaw Tom Windlrnv (F) Rick_p Goodman Adrian Borg (B) Michael isbister (G) OLD XAVERIAIvT' 4.4 7.4 10.8 15 .9(99) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .1 3.1 5 .3 6 .4440) Old Xavezisas: Scanlan 5, Rcache 4- ARtan 3 . McDonnell, Gtdlev. Nadinic. °--' : A Rian . Scanlan . Roache . Barrett. McDonnell, 0'H anion Old Briglttaa t?~ to 4. Longmuir. Caporn . Best : Critic . Dubyna. C adsen. lute, R}an . Caporn . Umpires: Brian Nunn Nicholas Broar, ( F) Lee Gabon ( B) Perrin Brown Sam Perrin (G) MARORLLIN 4.4 5.5 9.9 10.13473) CAIILFIELD 8 .1 10.6 15 .9 20.14{134) 1` -' Power 3, Darbalo 2. Wath-uts. Mills, Harding DeLuca . Clune.Be,st: Power. Considine. Clune. Coa-pxr. Dorbolo. Mills, Caulfield. Sinclair 8 . Yelland 5 . Murphy 2 . May 2. LID- Sainsburv. Fi.hmrds . Best: Sinclair, Murphy. rs. LtU,
May. Nickles, Umpires : Tom Mahon Anthony Calderone I . Josh 1'.Spier
Katie White-Spier (B) Matthew Cowley Pat Mitchell (G) DELASALLE 0.3 1 .5 3.8 6 .t-.: .,5) OLD SCOTCH i-4 4 .12 6 .16 12 .1 ;; ;;al De In Salle: D.Browning 3, Clinch, Hancock. Donegan . Best : Bourke . D.Browtvtla, Nankenis, Clinch, Maloney, Conway. Old S cotch: Berry 2 . Snaddon 2 . Thompson 2, Aurel Smith, Dick. Joess. Hilaire. Swan. Best: Pearce. Alco}aL Nickles, Aurel Smith . V Cossar. Umpires: Tonv No xell iF Andrr- Rechtntan (B) ST BERI`'L9RD-, 0 .3 4 11 .8 13.9(87) UI9I BLUES 4 .3 7.7 9 .8 12 .9(82) St Bernard: Robbins 2. Pell 2 . Rurma)s 2 . Garth, Kenner, O'Connor, James ltchell. Pell. Ke.men. Harrison, Matthews lin t Wood 3. Tor .. .at 2. Heinz 2 . Mutr, Bradiey, MeKerrow Best . Shatuoviess, lorn Fletcher . Heim Umpin's: Grac¢m HunKhen (F) nadi r (B) Lucas Williams Kieran OReefe (G ) ODOC - B.i
.4 -2
OLD TRINTiT 3 .2 5 .5 9 .10 ]0-12{72) OLD IVANISOE 5.3 11 .7 13 .9 16-12 QO8) Old Trinity,. Salem 3, Chit3y 3, Aitken 2 . Dexter. Goldenberg . Best: Leaky, J Amore . Dexter, Buckingham, McDonald, Webster . O ld Ivanhoe: Elope 5, Brnant 4 . Aiailona 3. Read 3. Keane, UlJans, Britten, Best : Mitchell, Adderlev . Hope. Br-yant. Keane. Nagel. Umpires : Dean BanoFa Ryan House (F) Liam Ratcliffe Michael flamer (B) Joseph OMara Rick Curtis (G ) BEAU*IARIS 2 .3 8.4 9 .5 12.6(78) OLD ~LBURNIAN S 1 .6 3.8 4 .11 5.14{44) BeanmarIs : Borelv3m 3 Groves 3 Irons Quirk Williams Wilson YUoolnoug'n Best Lynch Hoggarth Evans Wilson Williams Quirk Old b4elb: T .Con Hardie Ironmongtr Lawler tVettenhali Best Fagan Hooke Wettenhall Tukker Handle Lawler Umplcin : Nick Evans Paid HotFinan (F) Jessica Rollo John White (B) Greg Rollo Jim Exton (G) FIERRIBEE 5 .1 7 .6 13 .9 16 .11 (1 07) OLD CAMBERWELL 2.0 5.1 6.2 9.4{58) getritrm Justin Russo 4, Josha Russo 4, Mentha 3 . Smith, Sprv, Stornebrtttk, Cain. RLller. Best: Mentha, Jasha Russo, Addamo . Stornebrlnk, Russell, Gatil. Old Cam b PeasneIl 4 . Cottrel, D .Hanson, G .Hanson, Ransau Weaver. Best: Vutce, McDermott, Peacock . Johnson, G .Hansen . Peasnell Umpires : Phil Glu}as (F) Anthony Vaiopoulos Tristan Pearce (B) Smear Vaiopaulas Victor Vaiopoulos (G) HAMPTON ROVERS 4 .1 6.4 11 .8 14.17(101) OLD PARADIAPiS 3 .2 6.2 8.7 9 .7(61) Hampton Rovec~x: Kobayashi 2. C Malthouse 2, Oriti 2, Scott 2 . Cale . Crisp, Ix Veque. Spratt . Tipping, CttarPr-)a Best: McCarthy . Kezllas, Cave. O'Brien, CrLap, Gtascrumi. Old Paradlan.s : Rehlick7 2, Hughes . LtilT, McLaughlin . Papathalou . Richard.Gou.1L'atts Best : Maher, Giro4ski, Giddings . McLaughlin, Egan. Ump3res: Graeme Morgan Luke Duthte (F) Sam Gent Ben Bracken (B ) 1 HISER-19 SES"rtOPi 9
MONASH 1 .0 2.1 6-3 8 6(54 .0 14.6 15 .7 18.8(116)RUPETSWOD5 )MamrsL : Huggins 3 . D . Grace 2, Gebhardt 2, Chapman, Best : Mudge. Morris . Ruperstwood : Quinn 5, Potter 4. Dale 2 ,,JonesMtHk52cGbhard,Siels Jaeger 2, Bishop. Baxall, Gaunt- Moule, West . Best: PowrJi- Jae,er, He~.at . Monzell, Gaunt . Quinn, Umpites : Frank Kavanagh Chris Collins (F ) OLD CAREY 5 .3 7.6 10.6 29 .20 (190") AJAX 2 .2 2.2 2.2 3.3 (21) Old Carep: Angus 8 . Stewart-Halrnes 6, Howat 6, Ashworth 4, Chevng 2, Rossignuolo. A1acDertnott, Adam Best: Adam, Parker. Bowiey, HowaL Angus , 50
Gitiont . Ccdron. Lewski Ump. (F) Paul Whitehead (G) MHSOB - BYE COId .k;GtAtdS 2 .7 5 .12 8.18 ST BEP24-RDS 3.4 . 5 .7 6 .7
St &- L lnderson 3 . Draper 2, Oxenford 2, Govan . Tan' Best: Buis. Draper. Pettit. Gran. Oxenfard. Lancashire C Morris 2, Burrows 2, Na}9ar 2 . Roberson, Ashman Bert : .: .m,,.,e
Parrent. Naylor, Ashtnan, Robonson Umpsres: Michael Forde (F) 2TIERR7 Pc%OLA 7.3 9.4 13.7 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .1 9.8 12 .8
'Ihr^rry Bennie. Sheppard 5. Farrelh 4. Turner 3, Qulna Cooper, Gut
Best: Quinn. Farrelfy. Turner, Cr ern . Freckletnn . Carroll, North Saad 4. Kirk. Keenan 3. Little. -an 2, tV7tittv, Matthews, Gre A Dethnan . Yoimg, Saad Kirk, Lai 'ii UmpL~: Mark rlcxander John
i >; ZI9 (2) BLU E ST JOHNS OC 4 .0 5 .6 6 .8 6 .1 OAF4.ESGH 0 .0 7 .3 10 .5 16 .71i s receive d Umpires: Dirk Kramer David Murray (F ,Nodirt ) 8.4 12 .14 25 .20 29,35 (209 ) G I . : . . A 0.0 1 .4 1 .4 1 . ~17t 12 . Holmesby 3 . Ralully 3. Tehemtepe 3 . Roberts 3 TL.w e
IkTlman . Streker. Best: B . McClellan . Lee- W49d. Rahllly . Streker. : A Barakat . Cooper. Lithgos. Makay, Predatiec . Urbina . Umphe aBest xPetruln(F)ScaDs-Rytevurona(B ) SOUTH R4ELB D~T 1 .3 2 .3 5.6 5.,,
ST HEDES MEHIYIY~ TIGERS 3 .4 6 .10 9 .11 15 .1 f p8) SMD: Cronan 2, Bouchard 2- Stanza- Best : 'Jiemt . Newsom . Exc-71. Cronan ,1 Bell. Gingeit St Bales Mentang T3gL-: L lnch J 3. McNamara 2 . Mark 2, 2 . Pate' n. k4'atas. MeMurray, R .*xeli, Bignall, Clesak. Best: Waters, I Ifaddoksos. Mc?durray. Laver . Paterson Umpires : Manias Ha}5om Brett H . skc-g : (F) Jack Fagan Nkk Booth (B) Gr~~me Booth t .~ladelene Fagan (G) sic BE LA SALLE t2) 3 .0 6.2 7.4 12.5-7) OAKLEIGIiCIa1YS 2 .4 7.9 10.14 13.1De In Salle: Beer 5 . Thortan 2, L;aiton- Sheehan . De Ridder. Tate . Hart . L~t,. Tate, Griffin, Crowe, Walton, Thorton . Francis, Oakleig h ' Clay 3, Sullivan 2 . Fredrickson 2, Staker 2 . Andreas 2 . Seng . Nussbaum . r M% Nussbaum, Rossenlis . Isaac, qntemtucci . OBriert Umpfres : Richard E .~t (rotaGort -from A) M . Fitzpatrick (DLS reg umptre) (F) MEh'I'o2'EPAA°17I£RS 4 .3 8 .6 14 .10 20 .14(134) ORMOND 3.1 6.3 8 .4 12.1tA82) Merrimac; Fairbanks 10 . Ryan 3, Kvar:tos 2. Pr¢dhanL Cadaallener . Aaron tlils(n. Brown. Haslemorrtt e- Best : Aaron Wilson, Fairbanks, Richards, Prtdhant . Lane . Field. Ormand: Black 5, Cook 4 . Lerner 2. Upstill. Best : McCondlle, Black, Gouzentiter. Matter, Cook, Den .atris. Umpires: Steve Caple Andrew Sh1eL (F) UFZDF.R-19 12) RF4! EMTULE-VTEIVRAN1T 5 .1 10.3 15.6 21.13(139) YARRA VALLEY OB 2.1 33 5.5 8.5(53) Ban.9nle- ' Katroaz 5, Nichols 3 . Parfett 3. Playfatr 2, Sob 2 . B .Herbert . Lardo. Mitropoulas, Richardson . Best : Par(ett . Brown . Richardson, KayTaoz, McGovern, Morgan. Old Trffiitp: Britt 2. Wright 2, Walker, Askew, Borland . Seeger. Best : Mitchell. Borland, Britt, Rokicki . Tsoupartko;its, Nicholas. Umpires: Pat Maebus Eft Hapes (F I hTIZROYREDS 6 .8 9 .10 13.20 19 .20(134) OLD A1ESiY#OURLIE 0 .1 3.3 3.3 5 .5(35) Fitzroy Rttds: Maghame2 6 . Roan 2, AstidWo 2. V7oiato 2 . LouLs-Gieeson 2 . Hart, Zika . Dullard . Williams. Best: Zika. Lou1s-Gleeson, Coyne . Hart, Edwards, V'Fatato Old We,%tbamnc Mason 2 . Memweather, pavne . Nenil lle . Best : Ne4{tle. Mason, Hudson . Merriweather, Miller, Mokrusch Umpires : Grain Roberts (F )
LA TROBE 5 .2 8.4 10 .11 12.16( 88) BUtS.EEtdTEi,B}LESTOWE 0.2 0.3 3.7(25) 00 In Trobe: G .Scott 4, Millar 2, RButler 2, Hogan, Clark . Wis. A .Seott Best Clark, G .Scott . Gibson . R.Butler, H .Jltllar, Callaghan Bulleen Templestowe : M.Commadeur. Lee. Seabcm Best M-Comntadeur . Couiston . Lee. Te7mL Mtrttis. Sentt Umpires : Gary Seaborne Geoff Kelly (F) ST LF.OS EPr4etAUS 2 .1 4.3 9 .5 13.9)871 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 .1 9.3 14.4 15.6(961 St I ects Emmaus : Fallon 7, Carse, Huang La Nov Blak, McCamt . Waters. Best: Carse. Piniartd. Ferguson . Fallon. Egan, Lesins. University Blacks: Mot3"at 3, Dmvsley 3Brooks Z.Clusholm 2,Ke1ley 2, Brumby-Rede ➢ 2,Barlow. Best: Doasley- Brooks, Prestige, Ma,~, . bioffat. Brmnby-Rtdell . Umpires: Trevor Hansen Jim Pappas (F)
AQUWA,S O C 2 .3 5 .3 6 .4 8.5(53) OLD XA S(2) 1 .2 7 .5 9.8 12 .13(85) DetaiL5 not recciv0d Umphes: Glen SmtLvtd Ashley Price (F) O THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 3
~~"d'r®1 ® S"C "
DE U. :'"',LE (1 )
CAC. Coach Denis Bilston G~~ 7 r i ~~'" 1 M . Sheehan 2 R. Quick 3 M . Fieldsen -rond =r d -;on ~ds
~' ..~ ~ x~• i Sainsbury Gree n
4 ;- L
_L p Br zn
f4 Fa4Iu T~oft
4 N . Hart 5 M . Clinch 7 D . Keely
8 V. Moloney 9 B. Vague 10 N . Smith 11 R . Hancock 13 L. Bowden 14 M . Hayes 15 S . Smythe 16 J. Adams
Lord - ~ t Parker _~ :3w, , ;Is = D'Arey ~ F :-nc~ught
18 L. Williams 20 J . Hassell 23 S . Ferwerda 24 S . Conway,
A Sahara T Conty
26 T. Duggan
.5• Nckbs
28 L . Jarvis
9 J. Sayers
27 L . O'Donnell
50 J. Foley
29 M. Nankervis { C ) 39 B. Oakley (DVC) 46 A . SkinnS (vC )
53 C. Jones
53 D . Browning
40 D. Harrod 45 B p~id
Coach: lachfe Waterman Asst Coach : Terry KendaL B. Nickless (VC) 2 J. 3 S . Gm bon i 4 A . Sutherland (VC) 5 C . Swan 6 M . Moffatt 7 K . Downing 8 B . Snaddo n 10 E . Beaure P aire 11 A . Wilkinson 12 A . Philalay
13 S . Pappas 14 R. Loving 15 J. Latimer 17 A. Pearce 18 N. Ackroyd 19 S. Dick 20 N . Thom 21 L . Thompson (C) 22 T. Graham 24 P, Zogaolas 25 C . Logan
27 S. Jonas 28 S. Yeomans 30 K . Berry 32 R . Gerstman 33 C . Purnell 35 G. Fitzpatrick 41 T. Bull 43 A . Cossar 44 T.Aurel-Smith 49 S . Hope
~OP6 wc
OLD RAVERIF. ; , (1&2)
Coach U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain
L9 N
Coach Gavan Walsh
Coach : Adam McConnell 1 L . Ross 2 C . Tolj
1 K. Bardon vc) 2 M.=(c 3 J. 4 J . Wise rt tvcl 5 M. Bo al otfo 6 L . C ow per 7 A . Tabacherria 8 F. Dorbolo (dvc)
OLD E~EN DO D Coach : James Wilson Team Man: GraErne Williamson 1 F. Ktenas
3 L . McDonal d 5 B . Hump hrey s 7 N . Stenner 9 A . Clarke 10 M . May 11 R . Fisher
9 S . Geraldine 10 B . Mills 11 G. Di Felic e 12 D. Beattie
12 S . Eastgate 13 R. Caporn 14 S . Duncan 15 B. Gadsden (C)
13 A. Power
14 L. Money 15 T. Mone y
16 R. Hoyne 17 C. Sie r 18 J. Ryan
16 J. Salem
18 S. Oliver 20 G . Fielke
19 A. Schaepman 20 P. De Luca 21 D. Ciron e 22 L. Watkins (dvc)
23 A. Ceccamancini 24 A. Layton 25 T. Clune 26 A. Wadsworth 7 .
21 S. Cooney 23 T. Ryan 24 L. Mead
27 M. Chamberlain 28 B B . Richardson
J alts r on 28 29 M. C Caton 30 P. Spence3l
31 S . Jackson 33 R . Joseph 63 D . Ellis
A. Near 32 J . Williams 33 P.C axper
2 N- Tan 3 J D azkiw
a C. HerBage 5 W. N unl~ si S. Dawson 6 7 T Biggs 8 E. Baskan
9 D . Mez o 10 H . Leary
it J . Duggan 12 J,Harev+ood 13 L. Bones 14 D . Cerantanio 15 S . Clinnick 16 S . Wad e 17 M . Trevaskis
18 L. Ballinge r 19 P. Ranki n
20 J. Mansou r 21 R. Baddel ey 22 A. Castarga 23 M . Shaw
24 C. Burke
25 P. May 6 LCagl~arini 27 PA. King 28 T. Wilso n 29 J. Stormont 30 S. Marfesse
31 N Foot
32 D . Nankervis 33 D .Hardyb 34 T Rum :e 35 J . Phillips 36 C . Leec h 37 M . Schappacher 38 A . Chnstou
34 D . TooheY 35 M . Cunningham
36 N . Hard~nq
37 C. Purcell_ 38 S . Nutbeam 39 J. Ozusen
40 A. Lapadula 41 A. Gasser
39 R. Arzanou L Edgar 41 C. Ueevans
Sponsors: in-site advertising rtising - Mitcham
~ds~tte in
43 A. Canning 44 J. Francis
ST.KEY4N r' 3 Coach : David Law
Coach : Ben McGee Asst. Coach: John Welki n
University Oltst's Coach : Tim Giles
G 1 J . Maher 1 Muir 1 B. Pats P 2 Steele 2 T. OTools 2 C. Govan ankin T 3 L. Giansiracusa (VC) 3 J. Hughes tDVC~ 4 M. Wals h 4 S . Sexton 4 ~patrick A 6 D . McBride 5 J. Smith 5 Vandenbusch N 6 . Oconnor 7 R . Taylor 6 Williamson W T D C 8 S . Mathews 8 S . Landers 7 Bradley 9 D . Evans 9 L. Syme (C) B 8 Gin 12 Ryan J 10 B . Garth to L. Guilder 9 Van Dyk J 13 Gin-an L 11 A . Marion 11 J. Liston no to Ma r P 74 RoacheA M 12 B . Runnals 12 C. Taylor (DVC) 1 5 Barrett 11 Fetcher tt S 16 Corcoran N 13 L. Levides 13 N. Hutton 12 Ryan C 17 Chapman P 13 Irving M 14 D. Hurley 14 A. Hamilton (Capt) 1a Scanian M IC) 14 McPhail D 15 G. Joseph 15 M . Vero /9 Martin J 5 DVC~ L 20 Meehan o 17 F. Rlastropasqua 16 A. Callender 21 Nola i1 Moore 18 M . Maggiore 17 M . Welsh 22 Si nagn~ C R 16 Moyian J 22 A. Mitchell 23 Fr e tv ncn R 18 M. Dnnkwater C Northway 17 C 24 Pur9s M 27 B. Draper 19 C . Underwood (VC) 18 Shaundessy 25 R- L 28 C. Kuenen 19 Heinz D 20 W. Dun n 26 O'Hanlon M 20 Gibson S 27 Purcell P 32 Ch Liberatore 21 D Petrou {2V1 28 WnBe J Wood J 35 B. Ryan . Lynch 22 A 29 Adams S 39 J. Stapleton 30 Vaughan S 23 C . Tancredi F QZC)Derri 3t R Yan A 41 G . Campbell 25 A . Mulkearns 23 Young R 32 Mclnemey T 42 R . James 24 King J 26 M . Shannon 45 B. Johnson DVC) 34 Quinn D . Ghougassian 30 P 35 Agms J T 47 M. Hooper Waiker 32 B . Hughes 36 Rees D 26 McKerrow J 57 L. Anderson 37 Runco R 33 S . O 'Connor S 27 Sibley 38 MeMn-Smrth J 59 M. Harrison 34 J . O'Keefe 4 28 Torney 6 39 Ryan S 60 J . Hogart h 37 H. Powell 29 Collins J 40 0 Han4on td 62 J . Robbin s 41 Fusinato R 30 Kelly P 39 N. Pope 42 Stnbey M 63 M . Pel l 31 Groot A 40 D. Mount 43 Corrigan T 70 K. Bmss S 32 Joyce 44 Ka~ne D 43 W. Gullrter (DVC ) H
O Meara T 2 Trescowth~c k J 3 Mont~qomar S 4 Fvmsxrong A 5 Rubra E 6 Kenfiekl M 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J 9 Rogan 10 Hut=C s 11 Bourke R
45 Trov3to M 46 G id yO t 47 s!R N
48 Nad nw A 49 Lvnch T
Barlow 34 Shepherdson P 33 7 ®e . rq ___ '' ~ 35 Woodhouse L
50 Chesteyr P
5z B~ute°NJ 53 FarthtulA 54 Pae A
3 6 Gordy 37 Meagher 38 Morgan'
39 Roney
G 51
19 - Section 2 :3
Coach : Mick Deaton Asst: Mark Berry
Coach : Michael Blake
1 T. McNamara 2 N . Odtf
2 S . Hoult 3 M . Eady 4 L Quirk 7 S . Lynch
8 D. Taylor N) 9 M . Wilson (C) 10 J . Kelly 11 T. Fitzgerald
14 P. Berry 15 M . Bramwell 16 C . Terpsinis 17 C . Evans 18 D . Bird 20 R . Dew 21 P. Irons 22 J . Bramwell (DVC) 23 T. Woolnough (DVC) 25 B . Bowker 26 C . Shone 27 D . Murphy 35 S . Lee 36 P. Guys 40 T. Boreham
41 A . Poll
43 J . Tomlin
49 J . Hogarth 50 D Wall 52 J . Williams 71 J. Mitchell 75 T. Groves
3 M. Ellis 4 T. Joweft
5 R . Bassil y 8 L. Fletc h e r 10 D . O'Brien
11 J . Tipping 12 g Kezilas 13 K . Spratt
14 T Porter 15 I. Nicholls 16 G. Giasoumi 17 S . Gravina 18 B . Kezilas 19 C . Matthouse 20 T. Malthouse 21 J . McCarthy 22 B . Henry 24 Y. Kobayashi 25 M. Terech 26 T. Richards 27 L. Cave
28 L. Jones 29 J . Morley 30 N . Singh 31 M. Scott 32 C . Christianson 33 D . Rayson
34 R . Turnbul l 35 D . Filopulos 36 M.
38 A. Cnsple 39 J. McNamara 46 D . Williams 50 B. McCallum
58 B. Wright
DL Coach : Owen Lator Asst: Ryan L'Huillier 1 Fagan C 2 Wettenhall S(C) 3 Ironmonger T(VC) 4 Gumbleton C 5 Rafferty J 7 Robinson N 9 Prowse A 10 Pannifex A 13 Hanchette C 14 Voyage A 15 Schofield T 16 Hardy E 17 Macdonald W 18 Dick J 19 Lawler R 21 Tandy A
23 Osmond D 31 Theodoulou C 44 Tucker J 47 Coultan K 48 Faulkner R
49 Galbraith R 52 Cooch C 53 Hindle J
54 Lacey H 56 Mitchell
60 Webb 62 Christian W ) 64 Pascoe R 65 H urst L 67 Cooper E 68 Schivo M 71 Brett-Young C 72 Tomlinson H
Coach: John Le Grand 1 D. Hansen (C) 2 D . Regan 3 B. Kinniburgh 4 R. House 5 N. Bradley 6 A. Stagliano 7 S . Ware 8 N. House 9 B. Chamberlai n 10 J. Mather 11 J. Kavanagh 12 A. Cook 16 T. Bourbon 17 T. Steinfort 18 F. Reed 21 S . Castricum 22 M . Power 25 S . Stanley 26 G . Hamill 27 M . Regan 35 A. Winstanley 45 J . Crough 46 D. Dunne 70 D. Chamberlain 76 A. Varlay
British Paints Life's Brighter in Colour
Coach: Anthony Quinn Asst: M . Spinoso
Coach : Dean Peters
2 D . Caple 3 B . Clark 4 D . Malone 5 M. Mitchell 6 D . Giddings 7 S . Luff 8 D . Richardson 10 A . DiFabio 11 R . Ryan 12 M. Irvine 13 S . Maher 14 P. Turner 15 S . Egan 16 D . Watts 17 S . Graham 18 T. Girovski 20 A . McLaughlin 21 D . Kalviskis 23 A . Smith 25 S . Rehlicki
27 M. Dri
29 G. Vincent 30 D . Dean 36 R . V Ilano 40 M. H yde ( C) 48 A. Elliott
2 Day M 3 Aitken J Capt 4 Bilwani A 5 Salem S 6 Miers J 7 Kenna J 8 Dickenson A 9 Amiconi C 10 Roger A 11 Gutierrez C 12 Stebbins N V/C 13 Webster J DV/C 14 Burgess M 15 Krakouer S
16 Marsden A 17 Monasso J 18 Herrod T 19 Buckingham A 20 Medland A 21 Barella R 22 Verrocchi IM 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chifi'Y E 26 Oliver D V/C 27 Romney N 28 Butler K
29 Dexter J
30 Burke M 31 de Bruin s 32 Hore-LacyA 34 Hider B 39 Smith S 42 Leahy H 43 Amore J 65 McDonald E
OLD FC Coach: Anson Brovrnless 1 T. Lyons 2 L . Weaver 3 G . Hanson 4 B. Hillier 8 J. Vince
14 J. Hadley 16 A. Langford 17 D . Clyne .18 J. Vince 19 L . Heffernan 20 C . Birrell 21 C . Rogers 22 G . Alessio 23 L . Taylor 24 S. Peasnell 25 S. Johnson 26 C . Hendrie 27 B. Moody
28 A. Peacock 29 D. Bruce 30 A. Mac Callum 31 D. Hanson 35 M . Shanks 37 L . Mc Dermott 38 W . Bradshaw 39 T. Chase 40 T. Gosling 43 T. Sigalas 45 D. Ramsay 46 D. Morley 47 B. Cottrel l 48 M . Westman 50 B. Withers
flLC P . : ' Coach : Stephen i : ;, g Asst Coach: Adam Jenkins Team Mgr : Phil Peacock 1 A. Alagona (Co-C} 2 B. Nage l 3 Rh 6 Y Mitchell 4 R . Butler 5 G . Bryant (VC) 6 A. Reed 7 R . Coleman 8 R . Stern e 9 J. Uljan s 10 M. Verroch i 11 G . Fowle r 12 D . Peacock (VC) 14 A. Granger 17 Z . Kean e 18 I . Dawkins 19 L . Hammon d 20 C. Georgiou (VC) C)
21 Rob Mitchell 22 J . Britten
30 G . Hope 34 S. Adderiey 35 M . Briggs 36 P. Barret t 44 J . Siegersma 53 S . Snel l 54 J . McBrid e 55 J . Pierera 56 P. Lowry
Coach : Fab Gatt i 1 M . Palmington
2 J. O'Brien 3 C . Le e 4 N . Renaul t 5 D . Bunworth 6 P. Chalmers 7 T. Andrews 8 R. Barke r 9 Josh Russo
10 L. Gatti 11 S. Bianco 12 B. Stomebrink 13 A. McNall y 14 B. Blac k
15 M . McDonal d 16 R, Mentha 17 P. Cassin 18 B. Prismall 1 9 L Gatti 20 N. Addamo 21 N . Renau t 22 D. Le e 23 Justin Russo 24 P. Keogh 25 B. Blac k 26 A. Cain 27 S. Smith 28 M . Miller
29 P. Spry 31 J. Tanne r 34 R. Menth a 47 S. Simpson 66 B. McMahon
fly I
~ j O ~ ? (~ -%
~ O ;, '
Ccr.ch : Gary Biusztein Coach : Phil Rozen i J . Kestenberg (DVC) A Porat B. Codron •= . Bloom 5 g . Lukav 6 J . Kegen M . Janki e 8- J . Feld y 9 D. Blusztein t0 G. Measey 12 E . Shaked 13 A . Kras 14 R . Spilberg 15 J . Givoni (V . Capt) 16 R . Heine 17 J . Thurin (Capt) 20 M• Lipso n 21 J. Lewsk i 22 A, Kras 23 J. Schulberg 27 B. Rose 28 J. Landberg 29 L . Friedman 30 P. Bryner 31 A. Sacks 32 L . Peters 36 R . Grof 39 L . Peters
Coach : Andrew Kenneally 1 A. Stone 2 M . Parrent 3 L . Scurrie 4 J. Adgemis 5 M . Hughes 6 D. Williamson 7 C . Elg 8 S. Brown 9 M . Rose to C. Dunwell 1 0 . Walmsley 12 1 A. Khoury 13 Z . Moon 14 J . Ashman 15 W. Crothers 16 N. Burrow s 17 D Short 18 A. Fabris 19 J . Holman 20 D. Mutton 21 E . Malone 22 E . Adams 23 M . Stefandark 24 J . Jorgensen 25 S . Gil6ert 26 C. Wells 27 S . Crouch 28 J. Slatyer 29 C. Howlett 30 M . Naylor 31 H . Jenni s 32 C. Blumf~d 33 J . Goldenfein 34 B . J.Lam m 35 C. Harriso n 36 N . Van Duy 37 C. Hoist 38 T. Cook 3 9 A . Br id gewate r 40 R . Kagan 41 O. Howar d 42 M . Fletche r 43 C. Feld
a; . I
Coach: Brendan Smales Asst Coach: Shaun Kelly I B . Owen 2 3 P. West (C) 4 5 A . Tucker 6 B . Sheehan 7 8 C . Whitty 9 J . McKenzie 10 M. Little 11 D . Weardon 12 B. Joske 13 M. Potton 14 M. Ruff 15 B. Knight 16 A. Norman 17 B. Young (VC) 18 B. Dettmann 19 J-P. Matthews 20 L . Clarke (DVC) 21 J. Roberts 22 Y. Sadd 23 R . Kirk 24 P. Gregory 25 B. Langdon 26 S. Rocco 27 B. Kelly 30 R. Keenan 34 R. Citroen 36 D. Ryan (DVC) 39 A. Elliott 40 D. Dell
44 A . Nchola 45 A . Katz
46 D. Cann'¢za
Coach: Craig Williams 1 T. Rossignuol o 2 L . MacFarlane 3 D . Macdermott 4 A. Simson 5 D . Large 6 N . Sulman 7 C . Adam 8 A. Stewart-Holmes (vc) 9 B. Croft 10 A. Leonard 11 D. Bowley 12 J . Ashworth 13 R. Davey 14 C. Eddison 15 A. Thompson 16 T. Angus (c) 17 T. Connell 18 T. Wilkins 19 G . Trumbull (c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K . Parker 22 T. Evans (vc) 23 C. Pinches 24 J . Ridley 25 C. Howat 26 B . Collins 27 J . Choong 28 A . Collins 31 P. Niven 33 L. McKinnon
Coach: Cadell Duke 1 J . Aitken 2 M . Brain 3 D. Pinwil l 3 A. Van Rooyen 4 T. Schocker 3 S . Whittington 4 B . Gevaux 5 G . Blau 6 T. Biddington 7 D. Gol d 8 R. Ternes 9 J . Mathew 10 C. Eva 11 D. Kemp 12 S . Volkenn g 13 R. Read 14 P. McGrath 15 D. Membrey 16 A . Villani 17 A . Orchard 18 R. Newland 19 S . Foley 20 T. Dunne 21 J . Marmo 22 P. Greenhill 22 R . Erm 23 A . Hogan 23 S . Mitchell 24 M . Avra m 24 K . Hard 'ng 25 R . Whitehouse 26 A . Edward s 26 M . Van Alphen 27 R . Osidacz 27 T. Middleton rV g M . Hamdton-Ho 29 S . Sinha Major Sponsors
Coach : Dennis Grace Team Manager: Shiv Seegobi n 1 P. Gurr 2 A. Terry 3 C. Finlayson 4 K. Mudge 5 M . Chapman 6 B . Gebhardt 7 H. Bevis 8 J . Hindson 9 M . Cole 10 S . O'Donnell (C) 11 B . Sharpe (VC) 12 M . Tennan t 13 M . Jones (VC) 14 R. Shields 15 B . Hayte r i 6 D. Stewart 17 M . Kerr 18 A . Finlayson 19 T. Cobba n 20 L. Leviston 21 D. Metlikovic 22 D. Grace 23 B . Hindl e 39 D. Taylor 44 S . Grace 71 M . Spence 74 P. Westbroo k 75 R . Turton
`~• tit !" ?'I ;^r
---- - -
^~ a
. ~.-
GVP Fabricato rs A l rHome Loans New Order Clothing
RUPERTSWDDD U19S Coach: Mick Phillips
1 Phillips J . 2 Anderson J. (VC) 3 Boxall T. 4 Spinner L . 5 Quinn B . 6 McEwan K . 7 Plummer J . 8 Jaeger R . 90 st Heywood D . 11 Moule G . 12 Hewat M . 13 Bar 14 Sullir rvan y p N . NC ) 15 B roughton T 16 Monzell R. 17 Potter C . (Capt) 18 Tierry C. 19 Moiler D. 20 Constantine B. 21 Van Boxtell M . 22 Dale S. 23 Bums M. 24 Brennan L. 25 Cerlo A. 26 Wishart C. 27 Bishop S. 28 Davis J . 29 Harrison M . 30 Gaunt M . 31 Fell N . 32 Angarano P. 33 Clark S . 34 Dressler E . 35 Little M. 36 McGilvray S . 37 McGovern D . 38 Silvester J . 39 Smith J . 40 Powell D .
ST. DERNARDS (2) Coach : John Fraser i C . Rogers 2 C . Govan 3 M. Wals h 4 C . Mitchell 7 D . Mcmurtrie 9 D . Evan s 11 A. Marion 13 L. Levides 14 D . Hurleyy 15 N . Bugryn 16 P. Oxenford 18 S. Smit h 27 B. Draper 28 J. Anderson 30 D . Lancashire 33 D . Field 35 T. Pearson 36 S. Cox 38 J. Egen 39 M . Ewes 41 G . Campbel l 49 D. Mcmanus 51 M . Moloney 56 A. Odea 57 L . Anderson 58 J. Tankey 61 W. Vick 65 P. Thompson ~ J. Watts 67 E. Johnston 68 J. Faulkner 70 K. Buiss 72 N. Kane 73 P. Keog h 74 J. O'connel l 75 B. Pettit
THERRY PENDLA Coach: Paul Matton 1 B . Corrigan 2 J . Betsey (v c) 3 S . Turner 4 R . Skiathiti s 5 B . Morris 6 J . Herme s 7 B . Bowcoc k 8 J . Quin n 9 T. Hoatson 10 J . Crotty ~ 11 T. Sheppard 12 S . Leac h 13 J . Dooley 14 J . Fenton 15 B . Owen 16 M . Farrell y 17 J . Slawitschk a 18 M . Badenhope 19 M . Arki n 20 C . Capewelt (c) 21 J . Brosnan 22 D . Goodwin 23 D . Caliegari 24 M . Farold i 27 I. Gunawardena 29 R . Heane 32 J . Coope r 33 J . Freckleton 40 J . Brosnan
Coach: M. Lee
Coach : Rob Smith
1 R. Dolman 2 R. Heywood 3 O . Lewis 5 T. Ridgway 6 J. Robert s 7 S. Holmesby 8 B. Holden 9 D. Wild 10 D. Fogarty 11 J. Rahilly 12 T. Wright 14 M. Wilson 15 D . Straker 16 B. Tiso 17 J. D'Offay
2 M . Sheehan 3 M . Hayes 4 N . Hart 5 M . Francis (C) 6 D. Gould 7 J . McClusky 9 J . McKenzie 10 D. Thompson 12 S . Crowe 12 L. Casey 14 E . Browning 19 A. Hillier 19 J. Fisher
Coach : John Howard Ass Coach: Brian Artis 1 Adam 1 2 Baraket A 3 Baraket 0 4 Baribar J 5 Barbuto A 6 Bennett L 7 8al U 8 Byrne C 9 Cooper T 10 Dimachki M 11 Dmachki T 12 Dini A 13 Dini A 14 DiriyeA 15 Ed6n A 16 Ellis D 17 Farrah M 18 Gibson B
18 P. Breitkreuz
20 B . Pedula
19 Haji A
19 S. Nicholson M. Sidney 21 R . Turner
23 J. Hennessy 26 D. McLeod
210 HassanA
22 B. McLellan 23 S. Corrigan
24 M. To Hennepe 25 N . Salvatore 26 L . Forrest
28 B. Walton 30 K. De Fiddler 30 M . Nixon 33 K. Smyth
27 M. McLellan
35 T. Robson
30 K . Pereira 34 A . Jolly 35 A . Le e 47 S . Wright 52 M. McLellan 54 B . Meehan 62 T. Krotofil
41 D . Thompson 42 A. Roberts 46 W. Quaran 47 J. Greaterorex 52 M. Griffin 53 J. Casey
22 Hassan M 23 Hastie D
27 B. Raisbeck
24 Howarth P.
25 Leary M 26 ~th S S 28 Makay A 29 O 'Shannessy T 30 Predavec S 31 Prokhorov T 32 Rabi Y 33 Rankin J 34 Ryan T 35 Sheehan D 36 Shellard l 37 Taranto A
38 Urbina H 39 Vardis M
Sponsor SCOBLE'S NURSERY Tile Importers
APM Group.
41 V~adstr9 i8M
MENTO N E PANTHERS Coaches : Svend Samild, Dean Andrew 1 D. Cochrane 2 Ja Date 3 A. Erskine 4 Br Fasbanks (C ) 5 N. Fisher N) C 6 Ri Ironmonger 7 An Kiantos 8 M . May y 9 T M19itvalsky 10 K. Regan 11 D. Russo 12 B. Russo 13 E. Millis 14 T. Mdlis 15 R . Boumon 16 An Wilso n 17 B. Carroll
Coach: Brett Gardner
18 S. Cadwallen 19 B. Richards (C)
1 A. Murray 2 D . Couniha m 3 R . Nahas 4 S. Earl 5 M. Jordan 6 D . Cleary 7 C . Lam b 8 G . Torcasi o 9 D . Wills 10 C . Hogan 11 W. Plaukovits 12 G . Vitaglian o 13 L . Rowan 14 P. Brow n 15 R . Holde n 16 S. Whit e 17 S. Briggs
20 T Brown (VC)
18 S . Serres
21 R . Haslemore 22 M. Nielso n 23 Be Coghlan 24 D . Field 25 C . Sinclair 26 N . Sutherland 27 K . Pridham 28 A. Trist 29 M. West 30 M. Rya n 23 G. Rastas
24 M . Pec k 25 A . Wilson
26 Br Pratt 27 G. Bottomley 28 M . Latha m
19 A . Ciavarell a 20 N . Will s 21 J. Brigg s 22 T. Orchard 23 D . Zula
24 J . Reynold s 25 J . Nevezie V. Maraventan o D . Costigan A . Shil to n A . Middlemiss & Ott
Current Solutions
Coach: Tim HIIe Coach: Steve Muscat M ENTONE TIGERS Team Manager : Anita Muscat Asst: Paw tnikm & David Robertson Coach : Glenn Alford 1 McGettigan M 1 E. Nassrallah 1 A. Thompson 2 McNamara D 2 J. Isaac (DVC) 2 C. Medcraft 3 Cleary G 3 D . Haas 3 J. Woodgate 4 CHuillier D 4 C . tazarakis ( VC ) 5 Gilmore S 4 C. Schleiger 5 J. Thomas 6 Buck A 5 D . Brosnan 6 S. Nussbaum 7 Grasby P 6 T. Denatris 8 Kelly L 7 R . O'Brien 9 Serofin L 7 D . Black 8 C . Thomson 9 T. Peel 9 C . Rossenlis j~ yMj~doJ n N 10 L . Wells . Schellebeck 10 S 12 Powell G 11 B. Arnold 11 S . Sullivan 13 Rouillon L 12 C . Johnstone (DVC) 12 J . Margolis 14 McMurray L 15 Curry P 13 S. Mcconchie 13 J . Evangelista 16 Lovelock R 14 F. Patuad 14 S. Davis 1 7 Laver T 15 S . Vaughan 16 S. Mitsios 18 SamaJ 17 C . Nayna 17 D . Martin 19 Pa erson A 18 M .Marziale 20 Lynch J 20 R . Lerner 20 J . Fredrickso n 21 Cieslak L 21 B . Upstill 22 Terrell L 21 K . Onurlu 23 L. Gouzentiter 23 Waters D 22 D . Armansin 24 M . Anderson 24 Moss D 23 M . Sofoulis 25 R . Matter 25 Porter D 24 J . Staker 26 Hilton M 26 D . Tehennepe (VC) 25 A . Evangelista 27 Jones L 28 B . Harris 28 Andrews M 26 X . Deaylon (Capt) 30 A . Jirov 29 Lynch D 27 V. Sen g 31 A . Bukala 30 Maddocks J 28 S . Cook (DVC) 31 McConnell K 33 A . Cook (C) 29 S . Tan 32 Petrovic J 34 S . Ramsay 30 M . Thomas 33 Tyquin J 44 B . Robbins 32 S . Burgo 34 Bignell R 61 G . Evans 35 Thompson G 34 R. Wood 41 J . Antenucci Hodges Real Estate Menton e 42 D. Andrews Clearcut Hairdressing 43 B. Jeffreys IFC O 44 B. Evangelista Brighton Nissan
Coach : Matthew Webb
Coach : Darren McKillo p
1 Nathan Chalk 2 Ross Dean 3 Jeremy Diaz 4 Glen D'Olivera 5 Chris Domingo 7 Michael Furnell 8 Damien Homan 9 Matt Hope 10 Daniel Johnston 11 Bradley Judd 13 Michael Kosmala 15 Peter Langham 16 Luke Merchant 17 Wigor Montalto 18 Michael Nelson 19 Ashley Pen Panty 20 Matthew Phaedonos 21 Darryl Pinto 22 Benjamin Worrell
1 T. Crona n 3 0 . Kohnesheen 6 E. Costell o 7 R . Gingel l 8 J. Niem i 9 C . Batchelor (VC) 11 J. Cook e 13 L . Stanza 16 J. Newson 18 E. Bouchard 21 D . Whitin g 22 L. Bell (C) 25 A . Ray 26 A . Excell 27 J . Cronan 33 J . Merchi c 40 S . Walde n 54 M . Giannellis 58 J . Masterton 59 A . Giannellis 69 W. Cooper 78 M . Stephanadakis 79 N . Strachan 88 D. Phillips 89 L. Elser
m ._. . __
------ - - - Ca ; terry McEvoy 6 S. Hills 7 B. Helme 8 M Wall 9 S. Loonstr a 10 M. Dexter 12 A. Munchow 13 C . Williams °14 A. Lobzcuk 17 M . Adams 18 T. Walsh 19 P. Symons 20 B. Hardham 21 C . Galliott 22 M . V sser 24 C. Crozier 50 A. Failla 52 D. Whit e 61 D. Jennings 66 A. Kinghorne 67 D. Muir 68 B. Pratt
OLD WESi' B OtlRNE Coach : Cliff Lever Ass. Coach : Jim Hudson
1 B . Gerace 2 K . Lawson 3 R. Naidu 4 C. Lever 5 G . Walker 6 B . Payne 7 F. Paves 8 H . Hodgson 9 D. Ball 10 A . Miller 11 R. Stein 12 P. Johnston 13 E . Sandstrom 14 J . Morsello 15 B . Gilbee 16 P. Hudson 17 D. Taylor 18 T. Vaughan 19 D. Corpp 20 A . Mokrusch 21D. Hudson 22 C. LeNou ry 23 J . Mason 24 P. Neville 25 M . Monohan 26 B . Merryweather 27 A. Maluccio 28 A . Woods 29
Coach : Phiv Dome Du 1 Z. Wenke 2 J . Brockwell 3 A . McGovern 4 P. Adams 5 A. Brown 6 M . Morgan 7 R. Moore 8 A . Demetriou 9 M . Christian 10R R. Wright 11 P. Blayney 12 M . Parfett 13 W. loannidis 14 M . Lardo 15 A. Evans 16 A . Mitropoulos 17 C. Davies 18 T. Wise 19 T. Mcintosh 20 A. loannou 21 D. Herbert 22 J . Tsingaris 23 J . Everest 24 A. Bottomley 25 C. Stavropoulos 26 L. Richardson 27 A. Kayrooz 28 B . Herbert 29 T. Shepherd 30 S . Sali 31 1 . Stokes 32 D. Nichols 33 D. PlayFair 34 M . Depetro 35 B. Stanton
Coaches: Utstt? Antnr:ny Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamber an 1 oMearaT
2 Trescowlhrck J 3 rAOnt wner s 3A rmssrora A 5 Rutr+ra E
6 Kenr~Gd M 7 Freer S a Mcpam,eo J 9 Rogan T onuen s it sou ke R 12 Ry'ar' J 73GmnrvanL
14 Reach- M is C~"orco a N 7 Chapman P ta 3aar'1a" M(C) 19 ManEn J
20 a+eehar' D 21 Nolan c 22 snva°n.' R 23 Frena R 24 Purss C L 5 Ro'^°26 oHanan rz 27 Purce ll P 28 amae J 2a<ufams s Vaughan s 31 R an A 32 r c merney T a3 Ford p 34 &-n D 3eAqws J 36 Rees D
37 Francs R 28 raeln-smnh J 39 Ry, n 5
40 0HanHn < F, atoR+ R ey M
Coach : Tim Bell Asst : Tony Dullard 1 S .Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson 3 R . Williams 4 D . Robbins 5 J . Uiotato 6 C . Dullard 7 D . Pocock 8 E . Clarke 9 A . Butler 10 J . Coyn e 11 J . Mujanovi c 12 M . Rogers 13 M . Zika 14 D . Ryan 15 T. McBurney 16 S . Cahill 17 B . MacDonald 18 R . Astudillo 19 N . Hart 20 D . McPhee 21 D . Russell 22 S . Edwards 23 K . Maghamez 24 R . Willingham 25 J . Ziemer 26 J . Richardso n 27 A . Merhi 28 C. Meighen 29 W. Murray 30 A . Maroon 31 S . Gtouftsis 32 R. Hage 33 G . Brown
Coach : Harry Harimu 4 C. Lapadula 7 J. Ryan 10 T. Lee 11 A. Verge 12 B . Tekin 13 A. Smith 14 E . Miritis 15 E . Sank 16 J. Newman 17 D. McMillan 18 J. McDonald 20 R. Tremayne 22 D. Seraiocco 23 A. Stavretis 28 P. Murch 24 B. Moran 36 A. CoWston 38 E. Odza 40 T. King 41 J. Wolnizer 42 J. Simon 43 M . lacuane 49 B. lapadula
ST. L - ~--j
Coach: Justin Vaughan 1 J. Pasco t 2 J. Waters 3 M . Ford 4 G . Cocks
5 R. McCann 6 R. Toms 7 e .Game 8 G . Homer 9 L. McDermott 10 A. Kennedy 11 M . Levine 12 D. Coppcck 13 C. Ph Iand y
14 R. Fallon 15 C. Lae 16 C. Huang 17 P. Carse 18 A. Egan 19 P. Bamerrall 20 T. Munro 21 S. Elliott 22 M . eeddome 23 G . Hanson 24 M . Ferguson 25 M . Williams 27 R. Morris 33 M . Donald 46 M . Cardos~
=p T Kr sa'
49 L ~T w c •er ;~J P 51 ~ n 4 "26ser xPagteA~A
2003 Major Sponsor
Coach : Lachlan Beaton 1 L. Crozley 2 A. A lett 3 W . Ilan 4 C . Barter 5 J. DowsleY 6 B. Edward s 7 R . Whatley 8 J. Fuller 9 S. Henry 10 A Howson 11 J. Hummel l 12 A. Jesse 13 H . Lockie 14 A. L Lync h 15 J. Mya IesOn 16 L . Marshal l 17 W. McCahey 18 R . Moffatt 19 N . M Yer 20 S. Palmer 21 K. Prestidge 22 0 . Scott 23 F. Slatte r 24 M. Steeley 25 M. Torney 26 M . Turner 27 B . WattY 28 R . Wood 29 M. Commodeur 30 O. Crichley 31 D . Brown 32 L . Clancy 33 C . Webb 34 T. William s 35 P. Strathan 36 S . Price t 7 S 3 38 K .Commodeur . Wes 39 J . Han n 40 T. Clar e 41 J . Brenna n 42 T. Brumby-Rendell 43 Bade
L T -
. .e .
Coach : Zoran C-0kovic D .rxennan N eo~h s sera,9 ~~ R EC ameron ~ J~~~ ~~;,er LCain s N crowie JDarym~e M Dar 8 On &uin D Fennai AH~~n P.Ham a Hank e HHayes M HOW Ka PcKea, ms JLambert ~~ oMann y TF^a<'"es 13. tkDaad DWKa M MR., s .Murcny G P~~ndes MB Re dmond A~~ M
os AT~,nsan NuO M .veaa J Waldro n
D.waaker B ha`h"eh~ eTw~!k . Twoo a
YARR A VALLEY ®B Coach : Peter Battle 1 L. Hickey 2 D . Tsouparikovit s 3 G. M art in 4 T. Peters 5 B . Nicholas (c) 6 A . MaudsleY 7 C . Walke r 8 M . Rokick i 9 D . Borland 10 L. Askew 11 C . Brit 12 T. Amos 13 B . Glennie 14 E . Golten 15 A . Russell 16 S . Ye o 17 W. Carte r 18 D. Wrigh t 19 D. Reynolds 21 K . Everi st
22 T Hoope r 23 D. Bartolomeo 24 N . Tilley 25 B . Seege r 36 H . Shakespeare
cial sup~~~iel
edicine Products to
BDF" " D eiersdorf Australia Ltd ( ACN 000 025 623 ) 7 Maurice Street, Nun>_. w ading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 157 56
Football integration Development ~esac=ataora ,iatclt Report Round 6 ,11)1 football was based at Parkville last ,,,,,nd with away games being played in and Ringwood . The first game for th e -„,Ind was between Port Colts 2 against .''admeadows 2 . The game was close all day Port Colts kicking away in the las t ,, :,t-ter . Port Colts 2 : 5 6 36 to ;rcndmeadows 2 : 3 0 18 . This game was , liowed by Broadmeadows 1 playing Ovens & %1r rratir Jets 1 who travelled down from ai)ury on the day. The Jets were unable t o 1} up with Broadmeadows 1 who kicked 8 1 59 to the Ovens & Murray Jets 1 : 3 3 21 . final game of the day at Parkville was ~~veen Ovens & Murray Jets 2 playing 1(,onee Valley Magpies . The Magpies posted ,n i npressive win kicking 7 9 51 to Ovend _,nd _,,turray Jets 2: 1 1 7 . ' .1 :imbourin Tigers ventured up the highway i„ ]'.allarat and were met by a Ballarat side Aho were in very good form . Mambourin TiL~ers kicking 1 1 7 to Ballarat's 16 11 107 . .uLgwood hosted the last two games in round i=.ingwood~ played Karingal 1 and were uuable to slow down the Karingal 1 side who li<r . ~ been in very good form all year . ;i ; :gwood Blues 3 1 19 to Karingal 1 : 27 13 175 . The last game for the round was 1 , iween Buileen Tempiestowe and Karingal 2 . No scores were given for this game . .iaribyrnong won their game on a walkover Parkside were unable to get to the ground in time . Port Colts i had the bve for the round . Round 7 . i.aringai 2 plays Ringwood in what should be a close game with Ringwood looking like ;eiting a long awaited win . Maribyrnong play Bulleen Templestowe in what also will be clnse with Bulleen Templestowe being the
favourites on the day . Ovens & Murray Jets host Port Colts in what should be two showcase games for F.I .D .A . football in Albury. Going on present form Port Colts 1 should defeat Ovens & Murray Jets 1 and the result should be reversed for both number 2 teams . Moonee Valley Magpies host Broadmeadows 1 and 2 and Mambourin Tigers at the Ormond Rd Oval . The Magpies always put on a good day and the players get to play in front of a big crowd . Moonee Valley Magpies play Broadmeadows 2 with both sides being in good form . The Magpies may just get over the line with their home ground crowd behind them . Broadmeadows 1 play ,iviambourin Tigers and I will go out on a limb a pick a draw as the two sides seem to be evenly matched . The final game for the round is between Ballarat and Parkside . This game is played in Ballarat and I can't see Parkside defeating the Ballarat side on their home ground . Karingal i have the bye this round .
Dti,€ P :: L D F Agst % pis NORTH LL} AT 6 6 0 0 448 82 596 .34 24 KARIPE6AL 1 6 5 1 0 646 82 78 7 .80 20 6 4 1 0 220 124 18 4 .68 16 KARINGAL2** BROADR4EADfl1"1S 1 6 4 2 0 300 193 155 .44 16 PORT COLTS 1 6 3 2 0 236 220 107 .27 12 BUCLE£PJ-TEMP*' 6 3 2 0 130 233 55.79 1 2 1BOURIIi 116ERS 6 3 3 0 177 349 50.72 12 0 JETS 1 6 2 4 0 203 253 80.24 8 94 331 28.40 8 PARKSIDE 6 24 0 „1?.RIBYRidOPJS 6 1 5 0 186 304 61 .18 4 0 RINGWOOD 6{1 6 0 78 566 13 .78 DIVISION 2 P W E D F Agst °la ft MOONEE VALLEY 6 5 1 0 296 96 308 .33 20 BROADME000V`dS 2 6 4 2 0 183 160 11438 16 PORT COLTS 2 6 3 3 0 118 186 63 .44 12 0 & ivR JETS 2 6 2 4 0 144 284 50 .70 8 Received forfeit last round * No scores received from last round
o;o Increase Reg Now % Dono rs Donors Total M'ship Rd5
23 5 28 22 .00% 5 .50% Ormond AFC Hampton Rovers AFC 19 6 25 12 .90% 5 .20% Hawthorn AFC 18 4 22 16.10% 5 .10% Old Ivanhoe Or 19 1 20 11 .10% 0 .60% St Bedes?R'entone Tigers 14 5 19 15 .60% 7.40°z, Caulfield Grammarians 9 4 13 9,20% 5 .00% De La Sate OC 12 1 13 4 .70% 1 .10% MHSOB II 1 12 8,50% 7 .10% St Bernards OC 10 1 11 7 .10% 5 .20% Old Scotch 10 1 11 6 .10% 2 .20% Peninsula OB 8 2 10 9 .30%, 8.30% Old Xaverians 10 0 10 4 .10% 2 .90% BAFAUA 8 1 9 4 .50% 2 .00% Old Trinitv 9 0 9 5 .70% 0 .60% Marcellin OC 7 2 9 4 .90% 0 .00% Albert Park AFC 4 4 8 7 .30% 5 .50% kVerribee AFC 6 2 8 5 .50% 2 .10% University Blues AFC 6 2 8 5 .40% 0.70% Therrv Penola OB 6 1 7 3 .70% 1 .10% Oakleigh AFC 6 0 6 3 .90% 2 .60% West Brunswick AFC 5 1 6 5 .40% 1 .80% Syndal Tally Ho AFC 2 3 5 6 .00% 6 .00% Elev Park AFC 3 2 5 5 .80% 5 .80% North Brunswick AFC 3 2 5 5 .40% 5 .40% Mentone AFC 4 1 5 4,60% 2 .80% Elsternwick AFC 5 0 5 5 .30% 2 .10% \orth Old Bovs AFC 5 0 5 140% 1 .30% Fitzrov Reds AFC 5 0 5 3,10% 1 .20% Old Geelong Gr 3 2 5 3 .10% 1 .20% Swinburne Uni AFC 3 2 5 5 .70% 1 .10% Ia Trobe Uni AFC 4 1 5 4 .00% 0.80% Old Hailevburians AFC 4 0 4 3 .30% 2 .50% UHSOB 3 1 4 3 .60% 1 .80% Old Essendon Gr 4 0 4 2 .30% 1 .70% Banvule AFC 3 1 4 4 .60% 1 .10% Mazenod OC 4 0 4 2 .20% 1 .10% Old 17ielbunrians 4 0 4 2 .20% 1 .10% St Marv's AFC 4 0 4 3 .90% 1 .00%
Reg New % Dono rs Dono rs Total M'shi p
Williamstown CYMS 4 0 Collegians AFC 4 0 Power House AFC 3 0 Bulleen Cobras AFC 1 2 Old hientonians 3 0 'tiionash Blues AFC 2 1 Old Brighton Gr 3 0 Aquinas OC 3 0 Old Carey Gr 3 0 Prahran AFC 3 0 Box Hill Nth AFC 1 I Bentleigh AFC 2 0 Glen Kira AFC 2 0 Richmond Central AFC 2 0 Yarra Valley Football Club 2 0 Brunswick .AFC 1 0 Ivanhoe Assttmplion AFC 1 0 AJAX AFC 1 0 St Leo's Emmaus WP 1 0 Whitefriars OC 1 0 St Kevins AFC 1 0 Beaumaris AFC 1 0 Monash Gryphons AFC 1 0 Mt Lilvdale OC 1 0 Old Paradians 1 0 Parkside AFC 1 0 Rupertswood AFC 1 0 Salesian OC 1 0 University Blacks AFC 1 0 Bulleen-Templestowe AFC Elthani OC Kew AF C Old Camberwell Gr Old 1'Jestbourne Or Sth Melbourne Districts St Johns OC Totals New Donor Rate
4 2.90°.a 4 2.20% 3 3,40% 3 2 .80% 3 2 .30% 3 1 .50% 3 1,50% 3 2 .20% 3 2 .10% 3 1 .90% 2 2 .30% 2 1 .70 % 2 1 .70°~% 2 1 .80°'m 2 1 .50% 1 1 .10% 1 1 .10% 1 0 .60% 1 0 .50% 1 0 .50% 1 0 .40% 1 0 .70% 1 1 .10% 1 1 .20% 1 0.70% 1 0.90% 1 0 .70% 1 1 .00% 1 0 .50%
O .Ci; 3 .40', 2 .80% 1 .50% 1 .00% I .a0% 0.70% 0.70% 0 .00% 2 .30% 130% 1 .70% 0 .90% 0 .00% 1 .10% 1 .10% U0% 0.50% U0% 0 .40% 0 .00% 0 .00% 0 .00% 0 .00% 0 .00% 0 .00% 0 .00% 0.00% 0,00% 0.00% 0,00% 0.00% 0 .00% 0 .00% 0 .00°,'v
335 63 398 15.80 4
Congratulations to Ormond who receive 2 new Sherrinfootballs from Spalding for being the club with the greatest number of donations after Rd 10. Peninsula OB also receive gift vouchers fro m Cadbury Schweppes and Great Southern Pies for having the greatest percentage increase in donors from Rds I-10.
Clubs yet to register Captain Bloods are ineligible to win prizes - so sign up your Captain Blood nou, - visit the VAFA l .uebsite (vafa .asn.au) and join up now . This round's VAFA Challenge results are 7 3 donations less than this time last year. With national blood stocks being critically low this u>inter, each club's donations could make all the dherence for someone in need of a lifesaving transfusion . 58 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20,
: .r=------`~-:_ 2 matches nduot, 2 matches
SFVAR1 . i, ~
ikinn 2 matches . ig 2 matches . Zing, 6 matches .
rds {Under-19)Violently pushing an isp.June 21 & 28)
'`This S at : >~S`hitc ` 1a:
ians . g, 2 matches Gh3rg`ng, 2 matches . Abusive language, 2 matches . b ) . 5trjking . 2 matches .
This Su . sat: old (Club X
July 12 Elstern~%iek v . °o\ ~Y -'''e 11lv 13,01d Melburnians u. Blues
their under-19 match anyule S ."srJg (secon d was (Sigg tiisst
July 20 ljqjiversitv Blues C' - in that during the ). 2"t)Rober= Gros s nguage towards Old Scotch or
Julv 2 V 6JuI
:d for 1 match . sr,t smog in that doling the semen Cr oily {Aquinas coach) allegedly viouc and language towards the field us^anded from having any official nt ~, matchea , co act unbecoming in that alcohol 2 p.m . at the olilcial luncheon an d I u~,ng the playing of the matc h
t5), third -)0); eac h
Eru - , He Po` : (sl )rn Marcelz (li ) Banyule Viewbank (U) St . Leos Emmaus WP tU) t scores Rd 9 It , - ._ _ .
._ ._
... ..__ .. . . . _ . . .
; .'L . Dist ,~ . Old h~ar hoe (R) . Cobras tR )
. North Old Boys (R)â&#x20AC;˘
The glorious uncertainty of Club XVIII was dcnonstrated r11 in Round 9 where there were several surprise results as well as a couple of near upsets . what results will the next 5 rounds bring? An interesting period awaits all Club XVIII followers of whom there are many .
who dropped to fow i :h aftet finishing twenty two points in arrears .
REVIEW OF ROUND 9 . SECTION 1 . De la Salle have moved to second as a consequence of their twenty point victor over Marcellin.
star forward Fothergill kicked only one goal although the tean kicked 27 .
Monash Blues proved far too strong for Collegians, who lost by fifty nine points . Collegians, who led narrowly at half time, proved no match for Monash in the second half. Best for Monash included : Steve Dods (in game 150) . RRat .Thomasen and Hugh Batrouney . Collegians were well served by: on baller Forester and forward Grant. The Old Xaverians versus St Kevin's match was one played in two contrasting halves. In what must have been their poorest performance for many a season, Old Xaverians trailed by twenty one points at the half way mark . Such is their talent that they completely outplayed St Kevin's in the second half to win by fourteen points. Skipper . Tony Landrigan and forward R.George (3 goals) did well for the "Crocodiles* while veteran, John Fogarty and Smith in the ruck played well for St Kevin's . Old Ivanhoe all but sealed pa: ticipation in the first semi final when they defeated Prahran by forty nine points . All credit must go to the winners, who held Prahran to one point in the second half. Their stars : included Jordon Risstrom . Paul Sigley and Marty Stewart. For Prahran Dave Green and Ant Lawrence were among their few good players .
SECTION 2 NORTH . Old Trinity really gave University Blacks a fright when they just failed by three points to defeat the third placed team . At the last change, the Blacks held a 6 goal lead, which was systematically whittled away as the thrilling last term unfolded . Good players for the Blacks included : Jake Matthews and John Ralph . For Old Trinity, Drew Hildebrand, Shannon Cooper and Chris Taylor (4 goals) were best . Old Essendon were largely untroubled to defeat Therry Penola by sixty one points. Steven Turner and Evans (6 goals) did well for Old Essendon . Van Englen Chapman and Toohey tried hard for Therrv Penola all day . Fitzroy Reds regained a spot in the top four through their sixty four point win over, Old Carey .
Old Xaverians had the bye .
Mazenod had a convincing win over Hawthorn by one ha : : fr . For the second week in suceessior eandsvtyfipo
Old Brighton proved far too strong for A .J .A.X. and won b, one hundred and twenty six points . Old Brighton was wet served by : Luke Stewart, James Howden and Matthew Alter, For the losers . David Borsky, Adam Kion and Ben . Goldbloon all played well .
PREVIEW OF ROUND 10 . SECTION 1 . The Collegians versus Liareellin match should produce a, even contest . Collegians are showing glimpses of pre 200; form although they have not played at their top for fou quarters . Marcellin, who are having trouble kicking a cvinnin score, have kicked less than any other team in the Section This is not a good recommendation especially for Albert Park where local winds can cause the ball to deviate. I selec Collegians .
St Kevin's and Monash Blues should play a close game on th~ wide Righetti Oval . St Kevin's, who have been in a wtnnirr position in each of their last two games, will need to piay on the four quarters to defeat Monash Blues, As I am not sun they can, I select Monash to win, especially with th . econfidbstgwlaek Old Ivanhoe will test Old Xaverians at Cheisworth Park . T hXaverinswledtoifhrwkatefromhwicte displayed last Saturday especially as Old Ivanhoe can b expected to play out the four quarters . I select Old Xaverians without any great confidence. Old Ivanhoe's lack of heigh could well be the deciding factor . De La Salle should defeat a disappointing Prahran and s, virtually clinch the double chance for the first time in fou seasons. Loss of key forwards has cost Prahran dearly, SECTION 2 NORTH ,
Therrv Penola should keep their final four chance alive toda by defeating a gallant Old Trinity, who I expect to suffer th same fate as befalls most visitors to the Fawkner Reserve . . .b defeated, Old Trinity however will not be disgraced and coul surprise. Old Essendon should "kick the sweep" against Old Carey . wit, are finding the going quite tough .
SECTION 2 SOUT H St Leo's and Old Geelong apparently fielded different teams from last week because St Leo's won by thirty four points . Consistency is not a forte of either of these sides .
At McHale Stadium, Old Xaverians should be fit and laterite( enough to defeat Fitzroy Reds, who must win to stay withi the top four sides .
Whitefriars was another team . who showed a reversal of form as they regained second place at the expense of Eley Park,
SECTION 2 SOUTH . I expect Eley Park to bounce back and defeat St Leo's in wh o
University Blacks have the bye .
all elimination final for these two sides . Eley Park's iould guide them to victory .
should win again at the expense of Hawthorn Last week's victory could have enabled Whitefriars i their focus . If they can't win today, their finals' sr-ill appear very few,
ravel to Albert Park . where they should defea t omfortably. A .J .A .X., despite their enthusiasm, jus t : ossess the depth of talent available to Mazenod . Sri ;hton, at home, will prove too strong for the tent Old Geelong, who seduced my selection las t only to suffer a six goal defeat . I will not make that erro r rC}RR~SPO~DEtdTS ,
ntaet me by noon Monday either by telephone 9467 )y e-mail nknugeriv-,alphalink .coni.a u
;1 2.1 2.3 7 .8 7 .9(51 ) 10 .11(71) DE IA &ALL.E 1 .3 5.6 8 .6 Marcellfin Beechen! 3 . Hargreaves. Synnes. Wall, Petroff. Best: Becchetd . Aid . S}mes, Hargreaves, P. Dowding, J. Mathew ;. De La Sane: Krezel 2 , Lafferty 2, Ford . Shields. Barella. Mitchell, N. Brasher, MannirL Best : Moloney, Stllelds . Tucker. Kitto. Norton, Scott. Umpires: Tony Robbins Turn Mahon (F) Mt SH BLUES 1 .2 5.5 14 .7 18 .91117 1 COS 315818 3.3 6 .4 7 .6 8 .10(58) not received Umpires: Tony Hall Frank Karanagh (F) OLD 16 :8235 0.2 1 .2 3.7 8.10158) ST T7S 3.1 4.4 5 .7 6.8 (44) CI verisas : Goals : L Hardwick 3, Erskine 2, Curnow, Davies, Perry . Best: Hall, Rathpcber . Perry . Landrigan . Erskine, Fay St Kevins : Gribble 2 . Fogarty, Dunn. 0'Halloran . Mitchell. Best: Fogarty, Clark. Wood. O'Halloran . Mitchell, T Dillon. Umpires : Strait Nuan No second umpire supplied by clubs IF ) OLD IVAIaTiOE 2.2 4 .2 8 .7 12 .1082) 2 .3 4 .8 4 .9 4 .9(33) Old Ivanhoe: Goals : A. Kobe (3), M . Stewart (3), C . Corcoran (3). D. Toll (2). : J. Risstrom, C. Broadhurst, A . Kobe. P. Sigley. M .Stewart, C . Jewell (1) Best N . Maguire. Prahran : Goalktekers; Smith (2). Storer (1), Dllizio (1) Best: Green, Storer. Lawrence . Zissis. Pritchard. Biala. Umpires: Joe Cicootosto Sharon Peerless IF) CLUB h'Vffi NORM
bran ,!tl ',-averians Jlran I 1(l1ans
;,d Xaverians CIS (N)
Cartlidge L Hardwick Butterworth Oakley R George
0 3 0 0 0
35 26 22 21 16
ilii Essendon Evans 6 22 i ' ttLroy Reds Prior 5 16 ! ,Id Trinity Cade 3 15 )I J Essendon Eddy 2 14 ,!d Trinity Taylor 6 1 1 C 18 (S) ' .t`senod I, ; Park f .:zenod :aenod I Park
rothergill Psaltopoulis Bridgland Fisher Price
1 3 8 3 0
50 27 26 18 15
Collegians v Marcellin St Kevins v Monash Blues Old Ivanhoe v Old Xaverian s Prahran v De La Sall e CLUB XVIII (North) University Blacks has the bye Therry Penola OB v Old Trinity Old Carey v Old Essendon G r
Old Xaverians (2) v Fitzroy Reds switched from t he original draw CLUB XVIII (South) Eley Park v St Leos Emmaus WP Hawthorn Amateurs v Whitefriars AJAX v Mazenod 0 C
Old Brighton v Old Geelong
OLD %AVERIANS (2) - bye
OLD 18IId17Y 1 .0 2 .1 5 .3 11-6(72) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .5 5 .6 10 .9 11-9(75) Old Trinity: Taylor 6, J Cade 3, Cooper . Stebbins . Best : Plain . Taylor, Stebbins, Hildebrandt . Latigdon, Gray. University Blacks : Fink 3. Merin 3. Cardamone 2, Ralph, Matthews, Snow. Best : Matthews . Ralph, Fink. Bahen, 0'Keeffe Umpires : Dean Banova Ryan Hense IF) OLD ESSENDON GR 3 .6 5 .7 10 .10 14.10 (94) THERRY PENOLA 1 .0 4 .0 4 .2 5.3(33) Old Essesdom Evans 6, Fraser 4, Eddy 2, Steven, Muir . Best: Fraser. Gradzki. Miller- Bacash- Wheeler, Steven, 2herry Penola: Watson, Saunders, D}moc, Van Englen, Pinner. Best: Chapman, J. Van Englen . DRnroc, Mardesic, tYalson, Pinner Umpires : David Windlow Tom GYmdlow (F ) OLD CAREY 2 .4 2 .8 3 .10 4.12 (36) 4 .3 8 .3 11 .8 15.10(100) FRZROYREDS Old Carey : McConnell, Nance P. Baird. Jones Best : Ridley, Gorman, Gullquist- Thomas, Cleak, O'Neill Fitzroy Reds: Prior C 5 . 1Vhitty 3. Fitzgerald 3, Jackson, 0'Cotmor, Holland, Baldwin Best : Fitzpatrick . Prior C, Jackson . Whiny, Holland, Leske Umpires : Rick Benson Tony Byrnes (F) CLUB RVIIIH (SOUT ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4.6 6.7 10.14 13.14(92) .2 4 .4 5.4 8.10(58) OLD GEELONG 3 Details not received Umpires: Trevor Hansen Michael Phillips IF) GISISTEFHIARS 6 .1 10.2 12.3 13.5(83) ELEY PARK 1 .2 5 .4 6.4 9.7(61) WYhit : NaLnllih 5, Bomnman 2- G . Rvan 2, Rallis, Thwaites, Pereira, Haynes . Best: Gibson, Murray. Pereira, Toscano, T. Jackson. Williams, Eley Park: Psal[oloupas 3 . Park 2, Kinsella. D . Smith . Georgiev, S. Jackson. Best : Payne- Levy, SnUth, Bastion . Grant. Fllntofl Umpires : Bob O'Halloran Phil Thomson tV.`tiitefrlars reg. mnptre) (F) PBAZEIBOD 6.7 11 .14 18.20 27.26(188) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 0.1 0.1 1 .1 2.1(13) Mazenod : Bridgiand 8- Mounter 4 . McKeon 4, Fisher 3, Coxon 2. Cullum Fothergl!1. Bomtici, Paine, Little, Davis . Best : Perez, Bridgland . Davis, Pollard, Busby, McKeon, Cason, Hawthorn Amateurs: No details received Umpires: Rhea Parker Lindsay McIntyre (F ) AJAX 1 .1 3.3 3.4 3.4(22) OLD BRIGHTON 6.6 11 .10 16.10 22.17(149) AJA4: Dkvnond 2, Goldberg Best : Josh Gelfand, Kron, Rubenstein . Diamond, Goldbloom, Gorsky Old Brighton: Ryan 7, Cochrane 5 Allen 4, W.Earl, Franklin, Katsouralls, Montague . P. Quieros, Turn . Best, G . Earl. W. Earl, Ryan, Me Khmon, Allen, Pennell Umpires : Paul Nailer Paul Rapke (F)
â&#x20AC;&#x17E;C THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003 61
Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . ~- : (a) Weekly . Successful entrants who correctly or i he id in vthic ` the majority of the ball was . will each receive i n the mail 5 ) ri r when presented at the canteen at Sportscover Arena (E!sternrrick P, ' ;vi l bearer to receive up to 5 Four 'N'Twenty pies or 5 Schveppes s . (Total 5) . ofthePa The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) v+i subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . ROUND 9 0 - Bali was in E3 - No Winnar
c .-trrd ifl
HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person. hand side of this page, fill in and mail to: VAFA Po Box 359 Elsternrric k 3185 or p/copy and fax to 95312050. Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . Prizes for the Sportscover Spot the Ball Compet,uor T, . n P anc Scnweppes . 62
LUES 10 9 1 0 821 369 222 .49 36 BLACKS 10 8 2 0 941 482 195.23 32 10 8 2 0 779 426 182.86 32 FONIANS 10 7 3 0 657 500 131 .40 28 10 6 4 0 704 545 129.17 24 EY 0 B 10 4 6 0 638 662 96.37 1 6 10 4 6 0 605 652 92.79 i 6 JOC ; O C 10 2 8 0 540 821 65.77 8 ASSUMPTION 10 2 8 0 550 947 58.08 8 if'4PLESTOWE10 0 10 0 258 1138 22.67 0 Pts L D For A~P % _P :SU .A 0 B 10 10 0 0 1064 319 333.54 40 "LONG 10 9 1 0 1052 335 314 .03 36 ~Y REDS 10 8 2 0 805 397 202.77 32 `STOWN CYMS 10 6 4 0 719 628 114.49 24 c'UNSWICK 10 5 5 0 551 607 90.77 20 i'OBE UNI 10 4 6 0 627 728 86.13 1 6 ~EIGH 10 2 8 0 549 829 66.22 8 9EY 10 2 8 0 497 848 58 .61 8 10 2 8 0 451 979 46.07 8 'ORN AMATEURS 10 2 8 0 462 1126 41 .03 8
icE AMATEURS 10 9 0 1 1056 386 273.58 3 8 -;TSW000 10 8 2 0 814 539 151 .02 32 I-URNE UNI 10 6 3 1 747 514 145.33 26 , 1HNS 0 C 10 6 4 0 604 645 93 .64 24 10 5 5 0 678 673 100.74 20 SH GRYPHONS 10 5 5 0 496 503 98 .61 20 L ;~ .NWICK 10 4 6 0 664 748 88 .77 1 6 MELB DISTRICTS10 3 7 0 547 725 75.45 1 2 :;:R HOUSE 10 2 8 0 458 778 58.87 8 10 1 9 0 372 1046 35.56 4 :DAL TALLY-HO
10 9 1 2 3-VU 10 8 RTH BRUNSWICK 10 8 2 1ERT PARK 10 8 2 CLILYDALE 10 6 4 LD WESTBOURNE 10 5 5 L! FEN COBRAS 10 5 5 i1:OND CENTRAL 10 5 5 HAM COLLEGIANS 10 4 6 ; HILL NORTH 10 2 8 P'JNSWICK POWER 10 0 10
Far Agst- %957 475 201 .47 36 875 336 260.42 32 1022 460 222.17 32 904 489 184.87 32 771 630 122.38 24 639 521 122.65 20 703 626 112.30 20 518 820 63.17 20 707 728 97 .12 16 256 1373 18.65 8 255 1258 20.27 0
~ UlfI S5QFf~6~ 1 P IN L D For Apst % Pis 3ERNARDS 10 10 0 0 1448 569 254.48 4 0 u"!VERSITY BLUES 10 8 2 0 1052 614 171 .34 32 L"JSCOTCH 10 8 2 0 1121 755 148.48 32 1 IIJaVERIANS 10 6 4 0 843 709 118.90 2 4 h'=i 4EVINS 10 5 5 0 787 820 95 .98 2 0 SALLE 10 4 6 0 710 874 81 .24 1 6 LA 11LFIELD OR 10 3 6 1 772 1038 74.37 1 4 ''' ICELLIN 10 1 7 2 806 1061 75.97 8 ALU BRIGHTON 10 1 7 2 477 1140 41 .84 8 1I ESSENDON GR 10 1 8 1 570 1209 47.15 6 U,' 9 $f`: ; Xi1 2 P _iY LD For A % Pts At .',IEURS 10 9 1 0 983 544 180.70 3 6 1 3URNIANS 10 8 2 0 986 481 204.99 3 2 i Ot ROVERS 10 7 3 0 777 719 108.07 2 8 C :1 .!ARIS 10 6 4 0 627 799 78_47 2 4 ijIvANHOE 10 5 5 0 823 801 102 .75 2 0 !i .D CAMBERWELL 10 5 5 0 766 805 95 .16 20 ~.D TRINITY 10 5 5 0 599 696 86.06 20 ''ENOD 0 C 10 4 6 0 391 824 47.45 1 6 LD PARADIANS 10 1 9 0 496 878 56 .49 4
3 Pw L D Eqr_Agst % P?s OLD CAREY 10 9 1 0 1167 366 318 .85 36 RUPERTSW000 10 9 1 0 830 505 164.36 36 COLLEGIANS 10 8 2 0 811 600 135.17 32 THERRY PENOLA OB 10 6 4 0 1014 787 128 .84 24 AJAX 10 5 5 0 787 885 88 .93 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 5 5 0 671 906 74 .06 20 MONASH BLUES 10 3 7 0 654 927 70 .55 12 MHSOB 10 3 7 0 541 852 63.50 12 ST BERNARDS (2) 10 2 8 0 327 1097 29 .81 8 U19 {2} BLUE PW L D For Agse % Pis OAKLEIGH 10 9 1 0 1523 602 252.99 36 ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 9 1 0 1240 546 227 .11 36 ST JOHNS 0 C 10 8 2 0 1083 651 166 .36 32 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 10 7 3 0 1344 755 178 .01 28 BENTLEIGH 10 4 6 0 968 723 133.89 16 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS10 4 6 0 860 814 105 .65 16 MENTONE PANTHERS 10 4 6 0 860 1028 83 .66 16 ORMOND 10 3 7 0 689 1013 68.02 12 GLEN EIRA 10 2 8 0 337 1712 19.68 8 DE LA SALLE (2) 10 0 10 0 439 1533 28 .64 0 Y"9 ?) RED P W L D For AgSf % Pis BANYULE VIEWBANK 10 10 0 0 1237 457 270 .68 40 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 9 1 0 1199 399 300 .50 36 FITZROY REDS 10 7 3 0 1053 530 198 .68 28 LA TROBE UNI 10 6 4 0 705 482 146 .27 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 10 5 5 0 646 741 87 .18 20 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 10 5 5 0 565 702 80.48 20 OLD WESTBOURNE 10 3 7 0 430 832 51 .68 12 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 3 7 0 454 884 51 .36 12 AOUINAS 0 C 10 2 8 0 447 891 50 .17 8 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE10 0 10 0 280 1214 23 .06 0 CLUB 78 - f P OLD XAVERIANS 9 DE LA SALLE 9 PRAHRAN 9 OLD IVANHOE 9 MARCELLIN 9 MONASH BLUES 9 ST KEVINS 9 COLLEGIANS 9
BY 9 7 7 5 3 2 2 0
6V L D Fw Apt f. PPs 8 1 0 590 305 193 .44 32 8 1 0 703 386 182 .12 32 7 2 0 499 431 115 .78 28 5 4 0 419 426 98 .36 20 4 5 0 457 465 98 .28 16 3 6 0 467 545 85 .69 12 1 8 0 283 860 32 .91 4
CLUB 1 8 - SdB[dTtB P
L D For Apt % Pis 0 0 1070 375 285 .33 36 2 0 928 497 186 .72 28 2 0 947 534 177 .34 28 4 0 590 570 103 .51 20 6 0 439 804 54 .60 12 6 1 513 964 53 .22 10 7 0 480 798 60 .15 8 8 1 499 1014 49 .21 2
L D For
A~t 째> Pts
MAZENOD 0 C 9 9 0 0 1099 431 254 .99 36 WHITEFRIARS 9 6 3 0 764 567 134 .74 24 OLD BRIGHTON 9 5 4 0 745 433 172 .06 20 ELEY PARK AFC 9 5 4 0 865 560 154 .46 20 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 9 4 5 0 611 657 93 .00 16 AJAX 9 4 5 0 495 791 62 .58 16 OLD GEELONG 9 3 6 0 616 692 89 .02 12 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 9 0 9 0 225 1348 16 .69 0 -------------------------------
presented by W eekend Matc h es (Fri) ~ : I + U m pires Appoint m ents
- Scores ( Sat . nigh t)
v,un r. .voa spaasarc L---- lc~~tsma~t2n~h~ Iromameb 1he~to htsserv+ce~_---J
8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2
B D Ft r Agst %_ 2 0 1328 830 160 .00 32 3 0 942 753 125 .10 28 4 0 1055 880 119 .89 24 4 0 917 828 110 .75 24 5 0 1055 1041 101 .34 20 5 0 762 838 90.93 20 6 0 796 975 81 .64 16 6 0 717 899 79 .76 16 7 0 874 1156 75.61 12 8 8 0 841 1087 77.37
AgsF 째5 d "A OLD BRIGHTON 10 8 2 0 1091 758 143 .93 32 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 8 2 0 1075 899 119 .58 32 WHITEFRIARS 10 7 3 0 1221 821 148 .72 28 ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 5 5 0 1003 1008 99 .50 20 OLD PARADIANS 10 5 5 0 811 912 88 .93 20 MAZENOD 0 C 10 4 6 0 988 1070 92 .34 16 DE LA SALLE 10 4 6 0 876 978 89.57 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 3 7 0 861 1029 83 .67 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 3 7 0 871 1069 81 .48 12 MHSOB 10 3 7 0 837 1090 76 .79 1 2 P}V
9 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 2
For n ~a 1 0 1186 779 4 0 1388 1015 4 0 975 934 4 0 807 821 4 0 897 925 5 0 908 943 6 0 648 1068 7 0 937 886 7 0 840 1083 8 0 1077 1209
152.25 136,75 104 .39 9829 24 96 .97 24 96.29 20 60.67 16 105.76 12 77.56 1 2 89 .08
P W L D For A-_- i!ts 10 10 0 0 1155 654 176 .61 40 10 8 2 0 1116 895 124 .69 32 10 7 3 0 1035 764 135 .47 2 8 10 7 3 0 927 739 125 .44 28 10 7 3 0 835 798 104 .64 28 10 6 4 0 947 618 153 .24 24 10 5 5 0 923 828 111 .47 20 10 4 6 0 729 1096 66 .51 16 10 3 7 0 718 1178 60 .95 12 10 3 7 0 551 915 60 .22 12 10 0 10 0 767 1285 59 .69 0
Pts Apt % 1133 856 132 .36 32 1090 882 123 .58 32 1104 818 134.96 28 1008 847 119 .01 24 1069 935 114 .33 24 937 837 111 .95 24 1029 1054 97 .63 12 728 1257 57 .92 12 885 1058 83 .65 8 4 659 1098 60.02
F W L D Far A % --UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 9 1 0 1024 519 197 .30 36 ST BERNARDS 10 8 2 0 885 571 154 .99 32 OLD XAVERIANS 10 6 4 0 766 614 124 .76 24 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 6 4 0 833 732 113 .80 24 OLDIVANHOE 10 5 4 1 755 775 97 .42 22 MARCELLIN 10 5 5 0 682 681 100 .15 20 OLD TRINITY 10 4 5 1 592 776 76 .29 18 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 2 8 0 505 713 70 .83 8 OLD SCOTCH 10 2 8 0 561 797 70 .39 8 8 ST KEVINS 10 1 7 2 540 994 54 .33
PIS L D For A~r % !?f SECTION PIN MONASH BLUES 10 8 2 0 1054 665 158 .50 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 7 3 0 1102 778 141 .65 28 OLD MENTONIANS 10 7 3 0 1027 859 119 .56 28 AJAX 10 7 3 0 981 841 116 .65 28 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 6 4 0 888 866 102 .54 24 BANYULE 10 6 4 0 1012 1006 100 .60 24 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 10 3 7 0 796 1035 76 .91 12 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE10 3 7 0 843 1147 73 .50 12 SALESIAN 0 C 10 2 8 0 714 849 84 .10 8 AQUINAS 0 C 10 1 9 0 732 1103 66 .36 4
OLD BRIGHTON 10 8 2 0 1016 476 213 .45 32 DE LA SALLE 10 8 2 0 854 585 145,98 32 OLD PARADIANS 10 7 2 1 889 484 183 .68 30 WHITEFRIARS 10 6 3 1 688 610 112 .79 26 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 6 4 0 807 662 121 .90 24 MAZENOD 0 C 10 5 5 0 623 626 99 .52 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 4 6 0 581 741 78 .41 16 MHSOB 10 3 7 0 508 910 55 .82 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 2 8 0 487 986 49 .39 8 0 ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 0 10 0 398 866 45 .96
% PIS tT2 SECTION P W L D For Agst PENINSULA 0 B 10 10 0 0 1388 626 221 .73 40 FITZROY REDS 10 8 2 0 940 659 142 .64 32 OLD CAREY 10 6 4 0 1281 838 152 .86 24 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 6 4 0 1011 829 121 .95 24 WEST BRUNSWICK 10 6 4 0 927 867 106.92 24 OLD GEELONG 10 5 5 0 1077 930 115.81 20 BENTLEIGH 10 5 5 0 924 1087 85 .00 20 LA TROBE UNI 10 3 7 0 754 910 82 .86 12 OAKLEIGH 10 1 9 0 796 1412 56 .37 4 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 10 0 10 0 562 1502 37 .42 0
p W Pis L a For Ag r % C RESERVE COLLEGIANS 10 9 1 0 908 477 190 .36 36 BEAUMARIS 10 8 2 0 886 484 183 .06 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 7 3 0 717 566 126 .68 2E CAULFIELD GR 10 6 4 0 908 498 182 .33 24 THERRY PENOLA OR 10 6 4 0 820 629 130 .37 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 10 5 5 0 805 552 145 .83 2( PRAHRAN 10 4 6 0 757 808 93 .69 1E ORMOND 10 3 7 0 673 902 74 .61 1 ; GLEN EIRA 10 1 9 0 444 1125 39 .47 ~ MENTONE VULTURES 10 1 9 0 394 1271 31 .00
V 8 8 7 6 6 6 3 3 2 1
L D For 2 2 3 4 4 4 7 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
If L