The Amateur Footballer, Week 13, 2003

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launched the All Volunteer which considere d

, Initions of the thousands of volunteers across Au~rraiia who make th e f the many football competitions run smoothly . Last : ar 32,000 certificate s t

is the AFL's intention to recognise even a greater number of volunteers an d sted clubs wanting to list the appropriate volunteers from their clu b uiest a form from the VAFA which is to be returned to H1Q for us to forward t o te AFL will then send the certificates to the VAFA in late September fo r ;_: a volunte€:r? Definition - Someone who freely gives their time and skills t o

':heir club activity, that is they are not to be remunerated for their services . a also be nominated provided they assist with the administrative activities of


are urged to seek a form from the VAFA, which allows clubs to list their volunteers - this form must be bac k

of the VAFA by Friday July 25th . electors have named the init'°2 ° VCFL on July 27 . The followi- p

-al for for the first of four sessions icad ..s, u

v° ?" -zyers from which the team of 22 will be chosen to play s ll me !t for the first session next Wednesday night at the Pun t

. . ., game for the Brian Molony Cup .

s : Ben Jordan, Dan Jordan, Dam Byrne, Shaun Neeson old Trazity : Andrew Ramsden: Lincoln Reynolds St rhnel ^, ; : :r Old Xaverians: Ti m :orri?an, Jeremy t3o>> r ;n Harvey Old Haileybury : Brett O'Farrell, Credlin Marcellin : v, Adam Chatfield James Drake, Lachlan F nd liamian Orland o iawkins, Matthe w oz .ne, Dave Waters Beaumaris : Murr< Pi___ --mod : Carl __ein _ : Stuart Low, John St ns, C Cro 14 31d Brighton : Andrew '.ndrew Crow, Josh Kitchen Old Iv, : Jam- s Beaumont. : Toni Simpson r .y Hampton Rovers: Denver Ariz i . aware, the VAFA Executive and Administration is making a concerted ort this year to spread themselve s as many games and sections as possible . To do this each member of the Executive is asked to advis e ,i,tra'tion on a Thursday or Friday of matches each would like to watch over a coming weekend . if other members E :ecutive have already nominated a particular game late requests can be directed to other matches . This avoid s

loubling-up that has occurred in the past . Clubs who may request certain Executive members to attend clu b ns should also do this through VAFA Administration - for the same reasons as above .

A~' error in this presentation last week so today it is re-presented correctly .

To nlay Senior finals - any registered player with a permit (* see special condition for AFL/VFL listed players )

To play . :!serves finals - player must be registered and must have played 4 Reserves matches and not more then :0 im,r rrjches . When both Seniors and Reserves on the same day the Reserves player only has to have played a :1 -1 2 senior and/or reserves matches .

To play Under 1 9 finals - player must be registered and if player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and matches he must have played more than 5 Under 19 matches . To ply Club XVIIY finals - player must be registered and played at least 4 C18 matches and not played more than 8 ; .:id reserves matches . For an :? _ L/VFL listed player to play finals - player must be registered and played at least 5 matches for the team o f , , ! .ib he will play for in the finals . at least 2 of these matches must have been played after June 30 . --, Under 18 player to play finals - player must b e , red and have played at least 5 matches for the team of th e will play for in the finals . For this group there is no t ~ ; .urrm~rt to play a certain number of these matches afte r . . .. . . .. .. .... . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . ..1 2 : e,1 G,-rne . . . ... . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ...1&I 9 ui~ure editions eligibility will become a permanent display ck .. . . .. . . ... . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. .. ... . . .. . . .. . ...... .. .34 .35 n,'. 1so the venues selected for 2003 finals will also be h,pln},d in coming weeks . minder . For all the latest VAFA storics and information t regularly the VAFA web site ( war-~ .vafa .asn .au)

~ ,, : . . . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . ... . . .. . . ... . ... . ... . .59 Tnbun21 " : In r5'_,dtOns . .. .. . .. . . ... . ... . .» . . .. . . ... . .... ... . .59 Sport--- ° ui~ £~ ,.. 62 Ladders,

.. . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. -63/64




It was as "~augh < ~! ~c'_is bad come off the broad shoulders oa'- r ~ . Dunne after a fine win ov+ ' Ol rrians last weekend . The club had been s like a rock in a river, singing the song only once in nine weeks . You couldn't blame the newies if the,, had forgotten the words . But Dunne, the full-back in Richmond's 1980 premiership, remains unflustered about the club's free-fall . Not only has the club had a shocking run with ailments, it has also tinkered with its approach to selection and the use of greener players . "The boys plat째ed well . . . but look we've had a hell of a lot of injuries," Dunne said . "It's been absolutely amazing: anyone who's played has always ended up getting hurt , "We're just starting to get a few guys back and getting reasonable sides together . There's a few more to come and we think we'll be more than competitive over the next two weeks . " Still, the fact that St Kevs is flirting with relegation won't cost Dunne any sleep . The thing is, the club knew before the year that this was a season of setting things up for the future and make things right between the Old Boys and the school . "We've struggled for wins and we've been unlucky in a couple, but the long-term future of the club is looking pretty rosy," Dunne said . "We lost a couple of experienced players who went to play for some money and we're very much trying to create a closer liaison with the school and the under19s, make it a career path, if you like, for football . "That's not ignoring people from outside the school : we'll certainly be pursuing quality players . "But it was an effort to put the club on that agenda because it probably moved away from that for a while, playing older players and not having much younger blood coming through . " IT'S I2ORIBQ One of the newcomers who would have been scratching his head during the song was none other than John Rombotis, a member of Fitzroy's last team . Rombotis slipped out of AFL because of injuries a couple of years ago, having clocked up time at Fitzroy, Port Adelaide and Richmond . We've missed Rombo for his fearless approach : he's the type of player who would gladly take a kick on the nose if it meant a successful smother . And despite the fact he joined the Lions the same year as Doug Hawkins, he's only 26 and should have years



of football left in him . The word is that he will be available only when work allows but the club has bee n chuffed with his contributions thus far . CAPTAIN BLOO D Six-time premiership ruckman Michael Blood been awarded life membership of the Old Xaveria . nhisoutadgervchlub Blood, the youngest man to receive the honour, lends a hand to his old mates by showing the yo blokes how to ruck . Dominant as late as last year, he closed his caree 212 games with the club . He picked up some plaudits along the way : four, best and fairests . two best-afields in a Grand Final the JN Woodrow for the A Section best and faire : 1997 . IS IT TRUE? Former Footscray defender Mark Kellett was in news last month and mentioned St Kevs c ( Emmett Dunne in his funniest memories from Wh Oval . "Many, including a dead, half-gutted rabbit in Em Dunne's locker and Simon Beasley having Deno applied to his jockstrap," Kellett said . When it was put to Dunne, he didn't shirk the tol "Yeah it was all fun and games, all shenanigans said. "I enjoyed my time in footy enormously - had a I fun and games, innocent fun, back in those gam e

C A SECTION St Bernards St Bernards Old Scotch Old Haileybury University Blues St Kevins A RESERVE Old Haileybury University Blues Old Ivanhoe Old Scotc h

Old Ivanhoe


D Jordan 5 Harvey 2 Hawkins 3 O'Farrell 3 DeCrespigny 3 M Giansiracusa 6 Efstathiou Qui n

Hawkes Millar Cornelius


1,1iey make a long winter a bit more fun and lively and 't zp part of footy : you've got to enjoy it ." i, ; hope the players at St Kevs don't get any ideas. TODAY old Scotch is shaping as a premiership threat after ~,),,rking off Old Xaverians, with Luke Hawkins firing ,iu1 Lachie Thompson bagging five on debut . The game jc,r third spot against Old Ilaileybury is likely to be the ,,,,Itch of the round . nla rceliin is up against it against Old Xavs with mother two players, Brett Dobson and Jarrod Frazer, carted to the Epworth last weekend . St Bernards meets Old Ivanhoe in a top v bottom match, Old Melburnians and Uni Blues play in Sunday's crunch feature game at Sportscover Arena and Old Trinity face St Kevins as the former chase a fiual's spot and the latter tries to avoid the drop . 1,RESS CORRESPONDENTS Psner Fjeldstad - fjeldstadjCixnet .eom .au

- 01,

,ac, ttei ,

50 37 37 34 33 33

29 26 24 23

1 21 ; :

St i:evin's - congratulate popular team-mate Adrian Callery on his 100th Game last Saturday, in the ,,,,aior team vs Old Melburnians . `Bazza' has been a top defender and dogged on-bailer in a sterling career with SKOB . He won the Club's Best and Fairest Award in 2001, a Grand Final year. Since then Bazza has spent time at Springvale in the VFL, but gets a hearty welcome back at SKOB when the opportunity arises! Baz made the most of his 100th game, being in SKOB's best at the St Kevin's College Oval! Well done, Bazza! Old Haileyburians' - congratulate Andrew Waxman on playing his 50th game for the Bloods last week against Uni Blues . Wacka began his career with the Under 19's in 1999 and was vice captain in 2000 . Missing part of 2001 and all of 2000 due to injury delaved this milestone, but continued to assist the club, acting in varied roles (runner, water carrier etc) during this time . Now back and firing, Andrew joins brother Chris in another OHAFC pair to achieve this milestone . Well done Andrew . Old Ivanhoe - congratulate Tull y Young on reaching 150 games this week against St Bernards . Tully has b, rn and still is one of the most dependable defenders this club has ever produced, and a major reason why (ite club has climbed up from section D to A . A member of the 94195 premiership sides in section D & C, and also the section B premiership side of 2001,Tully has been given many a giant-killing mission on star forwards and has rarely not prevailed . Recently picked in the side of the nineties we all hope to see Tully make 200 games and achieve a well deseved life membership .

TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTIO N St Bernards v Old Ivanhoe Old Trinity v St Kevins Old Melburnians v University Blues at Sportscover Arena, Sunda y

Old Haileybury v Old Scotch Old Xaverians v Marcellin

1',1tCELLIN 0 .1 5 .4 6 .8 6,1 1(47 ) STBERNARilS 4 .6 7 .10 15 .15 22 .191151) Mareetlin: Johnston 2 Addison Purcell Symes Waters . Best : Cox McMillan Thelsz Dobson Johnston Marson . St Bernards : D Jordan 5 Baumgartner 4 McKeon 3 Neeson 3 T Harvey 2 Day C Mitchell Byrne Pell Hooper. Best: St . Bern: Neeson Byrne Cowan O'Sullivan Day Clarke. Umpires: Peter James Rob Sneddon (F) Andrew Rechtman Tony Casuscetii (B) John Hall Matthew Kent (G ) OLD IVANHOE 4 .4 4 .6 8 .14 9.16 (70) OLD TRINITY 1 .5 5 .7 8 .9 15 .11 (101) Old Ivanhoe : Toovey 2 Luxon 2 Stevens Lochran Bereza Quinlan Payne . Best : Crowley Toovey G Hope Tieman Payne Quinlan . Old Trinity : Ramsden 3 Cutters 3 Deane-Johns 2 Pretty 2 Reynolds 2 R Burrows Healv S VanDerVenne . Best : Ramsden Kenna Brown S VanDerVenne D Butler R Burrows . Umpires: Peter Simpson Wayne Hinton (F) Dominic Napoli Matthew Simpson (G) ST KEVIN S 3 .0 10 .7 12 .10 16 .11 (]07) OLD MELBURtdIAIdS 6 .6 6 .7 8 .8 13 .10 (88) St Kevlns : M Glansiraeusa 6 Chard 3 O'Connor M Dollman McCann Greenhorn Rombotls Lucas Kempton . Best : Kempton McCann M Gianslracusa Greenhorn Callery M DolUnan . Old MeIlrurni.ans: Beaumont 7 Rose 2 Alder Hawkins Magee Thompson. Best : Beaumont Holme CostelloMammng Shlller Magee McKeon. Umpires : Anthony Damen Rob Mayston (F) Graeme Thwaites Nathan Eddy (B) John Robinson Bernie Jephson (G) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .2 5 .5 10 .7 15 .11 (101) OLD HAB .EYBURY 3 .2 7 .6 11 .9 13 .15 (93) University Blues : Lowcock 4 deCresplgny 3 Young 3 North Gleeson Ryan Brooke Brookes. Best: Ryan Fairbank Hayter Lowcock North Gteeson . Old HaBeybtuy : O'Farrell 3 S Langford-Jones 2 Lowe 2 A Floyd 2 Moyle 2 M Corrigan Goldsworthy. Best : S Langford-Jones M Corrigan Bourke Armstronbg O'Farrell Umpires : Mark Jenkins Mark Morrison (F) Rob Mavston Jar Brendan Corcoran (B) Travis Storti Andrew Barnes (G ) OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 7 .6 14 .11 15 .14 (104) OLD X AVERIANS 2.3 7,12 7.13 14 .15 (99) Old Scotch: Thompson 5 Hawkins 3 C Phillips 2 Crow Ftnocchiaro Hume O'Connor B Phillips . Best: Tallent Crow Saunders Dennis Collins Hume. Old Xavulans: McDonnell 4 Pascert 3 Baker 2 Chatfield 2 Scanlan Beetham Orlando. Best: Biddlecombe Chatfield Scanlan Orlando McDonnell J Bowen. Umpires: Michael Sneddon Tim Sutcliffe (F) Scott Fraser Peter Teasdale (B) Vin Vescovi Craig Arnol IG ) A RFSEITYE MARCELLIN 1 .2 1 .5 2 .5 6 .6142) ST BERNARDS 1-0 3.3 9.5 10.61661 f, : Cooper 2, Hansen 2, D Carson, Spence Best : Cooper, Macuir, Black, Thornton, D Carson, S Dinneen St Bernards : O'Connor 2, Harvey, Davis, Holland, McIntyre, Bouzikas, Mount, Close, Anderson Best: Bouzikas, Davis, O'Connor, Juriskay, Lannazzo, Clos e OLD IVAPIHOE 1 .1 3.6 8.8 10 .9(69) OLD TRINITY 4.5 5.9 6.10 8 .12(60) Old Ivanhoe : M.Stewart 5, Cornelius 2, Kent, K . Theodossi. J.Weddle . Best: B .Low, Brandt, Keane, Morris, J .LVeddle, Berry. Old Trinity : Armattas, Best, Chan, Cristopherson, Gnarl, Longmtre,biai, Taylor . Best: Morpeth, Davies, Longmire, Cristopherson, Chan, Lauletta . ST E? EVttvS 4.4 5.8 7.8 11 .15 (81) OLD MELBURNIANS 2.3 6.6 7.9 9 .10 (64) St Kevin's: Fraser 3, Horrocks 2, L. Katavolos 2, Macey 2, Crowe, Mo_vlan. Best : Fraser, Coleman, JP Mount, Macey, P. Bare, McGuinness. Old Melhurnians : Hart 2, Richmond 2. Prow-se, C. Ray, Tsiotras. Tucker, Ward. Best : Neeson, Fitzgerald. Whuehead, C . Ray. Richmond, Osmond. UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .3 5.10 9.13 12.14(86) OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .1 6.5 7.5 12.6 (78) Uni Blues : Goals: Millard 3 M .Thomas 2 Brown 2 McIntosh 2 Quin Featherston Maddison . Best : McIntosh M .Thomas Terrill Featherston Millard Cobbledick Old Haileybury : Goals: E(stathiou 4 L.Ftoyd 2 Haar 2 C.Waxman Gopu Ladd Somata . Best : E[staUllou O'Donnell Rowlands Jayasekera L.Floyd Kight OLD SCOTCH 3 .2 5.4 7.10 10.12 (72) OLD XAVERIANS 2 .2 3 .5 5 .9 9.13 (67) Old Scotch : Millar 3, Reid 3. Addison, Boyd, Jackson . B .Smith . Best: Reid, Sheldon, Husking, Hooper, Freeman, Beattie . Old Xavs : Higgins 2. Dillon 2, Green 2, Howard, Hardman, Sapuppo. Best: Hawkins, DIDon . Howard, Rennex, Ryan, Hoare.



1 ch : Vaugh er Glee ry Res . Coach: T o m Humphrey I C . Purcell 2 T Collins 3 D . Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwin 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 8 R . Frisina 9 L. Considine 10 A . Dal e 11 D . Taylor (RC) 12 B . Cronin 13 S . Dinnee n 14 D . Sales 15 P. Spence 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (VC) C 18 D . Gartne r 19 D . Cooper 20 S . O'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 A . Wadsworth 24 L . O'FIY nn RV ( C ) 25 R . Galati 26 D . McMillan 27 S . Theisz (DVC) 28 D . Johnston 29 N . Addison 30 A . Tre anowan C g () 31 B. Dobson 32 M . Brown e 33 G . Cull 34 D . Jarred 35 J. Frazer (DVC) 36 M. Bortolott o 37 D . Cope 38 M. Sier 39 B. Colville 40 D . arso n 41 J. Seabury 42 B. Dinneen (DVC) 43 A. Duncan 44 L . Hanson 45 D . Theisz 46 S. Maguire 47 P. Fiorenza 48 N. Milicia 49 D. Vanherden 50 A. Carson 51 J. Toohey 52 A. Carson 53 D. PetreYski 54 J. Forbes 55 J. Wallis 56 B. Carmody 57 J. Wilkins 58 E . Weekes 59 B . Kearne y 60 C. Thornton

Yarra ~

Valle y

~ Country Club Bulleen

Beehive Hotel Hawthorn 4

- - e m:

1 C . Home 2 R . Kejna 3 P. Corrigan 4 S . Langford-Jones 5 J Bourke 6 A . White (DVC) 7 M . Corrigan 8 R . George 9 M Barker RVC 10 C . Efstathiou ( ) it C . `^laxman 11 M . Graves 12 B . O'Farrell 13 M . Peterson 14 A . Forsyth 15 D . Mackenzi e 16 P. O'Donnel l 17 K . Ford 18 C . Jayasekera 19 M . Armstrong (C) 20 G Fletcher 21 A . Jenks 22 D . Mason 23 S. Loewe 24 A. Ross 25 S . Rowlands 26 J. Bell (RC) 27 L . Siapantas 28 S. Goldsworthy 29 B. Carson (VC) 30 D . Warnes 31 D . Layy 32 B. Mitchell 33 R . Mosbey 34 A. Waxman 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D . Lappage 36 S. Brewster 37 A. Floy d 38 L Floyd 39 H . 8roks 40 S. Davey 41 S. Saunders 42 M. Erikson 43 R . McCarthy 44 M. Wray 45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden 47 M . Stephens 48 C . Moyle (RDVC) 49 L . Pitcher 50 R . Lad d 51 H. McLauchlan 52 L. Pfeiffer 53 B. Haar 54 R . Saunders 55 G . Stuart 56 P. Dimond 57 A. Kight 58 A. Baker. 59 C. Warts 60 M . Somaia 61 J . Miller

'auI Fahey raul Northey s: Dirk Jones I A. Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 S. Curatolo 4 B. Davis 5 T. Young 6 S . Kent 7 J . Geishen 8 T. Steven s 9 D. Payne 10 C. Crowley 11 S. Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 M . Orchard 14 C. Moore 15 B. Low 16 S . Price 17 A. Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 P. Dinakis 20 D. Hawkes 21 R. Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Hares 25 E . Byrne 26 A. Bereza 27 J . Weddle 28 S . Morris R. Weddle 30 P. Jolleyy 31 J . Stevens 32 M . Konnigen 33 N. Pratt 34 A. Tiernan 35 M . Pollock 36 B . Spoor 37 A. Berry 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 J . Keane 41 D. Neilsen 42 S . Low 43 W. Cornelius 44 M . Luxon 45 M . Toovey 46 N . Butler 47 R. Griggs 48 M . Clark e 49 C. Quinlan 50 S . Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 K. O'Dwyer 53 M . Mendota 54 B . Guidera 55 C. Barker 56 L. Courage 57 A . Gilbert 58 L. Bolzan 59 N . Giechen 60 A . Alagona

Coach : Justin Pickering Asst : Andrew Pickering Res: Hartley Stone 1 D . Smith 2 S. Theodore 3 J . Pertze l 4 R . Mathews 5 L. Bunn 6 D . Holme 7 C . Thompson 8 A. McKeon 9 A. Simpson 10 T. Roberts O C 11 P. Gallagher 12 J. Richardson 13 B. Thiele 14 B. Evans 15 M. Rose 17 James Miller 18 T. Fitzgeral d 19 R . Mulquiney (VC) 20 J. Guest 21 M. Hicks 22 J. Dixon 23 M. Berry (VC) 24 M. Hawkins 25 H . Whitehead 26 T. Costello 27 D . Kinsella 28 M. Billing 29 M. Proviso 30 Jono Miller 32 E. Selby 33 J. Magee 34 J. Beaumont (DVC)) 35 C . Ray 36 B. Wulff 37 N . Guy 38 J. Gooley 39 J. Tucker 40 H . O'Brien 41 N . Smith 42 P. Theodore 43 A. Wu 44 T. Harriso n 45 C . M urphy 47 C . Neeson 48 C . Theodoulou 49 G . Tsiotras 50 C . Jenkins (RC) 51 C. Richmond 52 O . Ward 53 S. Hawkins 55 I . Weir 56 L . Beilby 57 A. Bains 58 C3 C. lder 59 S. Carter 60 M . Jackson 61 B. Nicol l 62 E. Matthias 63 J. Ray

Sponsored By: ®® v


Coach I g As,, t Co i : Arorew 3m Res. Coach : Serge D'Ang As.t Ray L .att 1 R. Mullins 2 B. Phillips 3 J . Ross 4 T. Holt 5 S . Collins (VC) 6 A. Crow (VC) 7 J . Kitchen (VC) 8 B. Robinson SR N. Colman 9 C. Tallen t 10 C. Smith 11 M . Anu 9 s 12 S . Hume ( C ) 13 N. Hooper 14 N. Ackroyd 15 S . Cations 16 S . Troon 17 T. Wigney 18 L. Hawkin s 19 T. Hoking s 20 S . Lillin sion 21 J . Stratos 22 N. Addison 24 L McDonnell 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M . Denni s 28 A. Quai l 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N. Leitl 32 J . Gerstman R . Fulleraton 33 E . Reid 34 C. Phillips P. O'Conno r 36 A. Millar 37 A. Boyd 38 G . Prendergast 39 B. Ferguson 40 W. Symington 41 W. Lewi s 42 T. Beattie 43 R. Breisch 44 D 45 46

R. Teesdal e

J • Beaurepaire 47 1 r C} 48 S . Dum ares 49 L. Kftchen q 50 M . Walko m 51 L Freeman 52 D. Knigh t 53 C. Joyce 54 N . Simon 55 M . Waterson 56 D. Brooke 58 A . Grant 59 J . Sutcliffe 60 Sheldo J n 61 M . Gair 62 N . Parkinso n 63 P. Iser 64 N . Costello 66 A . Routledg e 67 68 R. Addison 69 C. Neal 7 1 M . Ain e r B . Sm h7 2 73 A . Bamford 74 S . Kinps 75 C. Dwour 76 J . Nickless 77 T. Pa e 78 81 G. 8 8 A . McQ u~ ee n

M . Leeds

GAZMAN E. Murphy 5



~. Cc

th eo

J03 ,

_, . .

eigh Carlson Asst: Phil Gaut Steve Maus

! ,QA ' ,-. Js L VlC Hem R o-vs D Vte na P Van ttDer Venne T Burrows R



:',drev,s A iaughnessy M RV /C cann S >M nN c nJR nM 3C R ~ J c „=t3s -sJ n^`"iY L 6 ;. Johns G „„

efl A

phe son J scionBF _3~ ~ C rd M 'non R ~ n 5J - rera A


!.-I j

;mire D L ;r venne S NC .asden R dD

1 L Ltena S

re S ?J

ell G ' ati '.'arpthT RV1C

%ooper S a Pretty S

Ward C 49 Cart er-Buszard L

3ekmore B amble R ^ Heaven C Prain G w':liiams Z Taylor C Best E Read S Stebbins C Cade T Go ndron K Condron R Keuy'C Cade S Gray J . ; Robison a9 F7 : .niconi A nnA LaPira M

BrawnA Lar,Sdo„ g Parker D ra

Coach : Michael Sho:ry Res. Coach : Ch ri s Gawne 1 A . Fox 2 D . Orlando 3 L . Hannebery 4 D . Landri9 an (DV G ) 5 AT. Jones 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 M. Holmes 9 J. Hawkins 10 A. Bowen 11 S. Ross 12 J. Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 S. Skidmore 15

L. Ford (Capt)

16 S. Mollard 17 A. Chatfield 18 M . Green 19 D. Walsh (Capi-Res) 20 M . Hardman 20 J . Scanlan 22 J . Healy 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J . Drake 28 R . Coughlan 29 G . Beetham

1 OS . McKeon 2 D . Gleason 3 R . Cousland

4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 S .Neeson 7 S . Clarke 7R S . Parrett 8 J . Evan s B . Jordan (VC) 9 10 N . Mitchell (C)


31 J . Pasceri 32 A . Brushfield 33 N . Bingham 34 K . Hall 36 D . Sapuppo 37 T. Maher 39 C . Mollard 41 A . Dillon

28 P. Harvey y 29 G . McIntyre

42 R . Speakman 43 T. Woodruff

44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard

46 B. Dixon 47 P. Ryan 48 J. McDonnell 53 C . Santalucia 54 N . Hulett 55 G . Monahan 58 N. Quinn 59 J. Francis 60 M . Walsh 62 J. Silk 63 A. E.Jones 66 A. Wilson

Hildebrandt D ThNaites M

31 32 33 34 35

A. McGuinnes s S. O'Connor 0,/C) M.. Maguire (RC) J. O'Keefe P. Mount

36 T. Duggan

30 C . Trewin 31 J. Smith 31 R B. Ashton 32 T. Harvey 33 B. Altls 34 D . Byrne (DVC) 35 T. Pearson 36 R . Legudi 37 A. Catterall 38 S . Iannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 40 D. Thomas 41 A. Bouzikas 42 S . Mitchell

43 N. Basaraba 44 A . Anderson 45 M . Tankey, 46 P. Holland 47 M . Hooper 48 N .P. Smit N .Thomas h49 50 A . Smith 51 M .Kavanagh 52 S .Bug ryn 53 P. Harris 54 J . Harvey

37 M. Pangrazio 38 R . Chard 39 N . Pope 40 P.R . Mulgrew 41 D . P/o/Ian 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bare 44 G . Katavolas 45 G . Beggy

46 D. Mahoney 47 J. Griffiths 48 A. Conlan 49 L. Kalesaran 50 R. Horrocks 51 B . Cheeseman 52 J . Finch 53 L. Katavolas 54 A . Umbers 55 M . Rigby 56 D. Walsh 57 L. Coleman 58 D . McArdle

59 R . CHivers 60 A . Greenhalgh 61 J . Lynch 62 B . Shelley 63 L. Sierakowski 64 N . O'Halloran 65 C . Didilis 66 A DeKrester 67 T. Purcell 71 M. O'Shea 74 D . Szabo 80 D . Dunn

Somerville w

Bo yd L


chin o





12 Gleason 13 Girdwood

Q(C) T

14 Raydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 Be Crespigny G 18 Haberheld D 19 Wilcox E 20 Coleman M 21



22 Millar 23 Wilcox 24 Russell





26 Runners


27 Wilkie 28 Thomas 29 Terrill




Calle ry 32 Suvoltos 33 Gates McKinnon



35 Cheat


36 Brooke 37 Kaso 38 Wilson


39 Cobbledick


40 Hocking


41 Quin 42 Fletcher


43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 McLachlan G 47 Millar A 48 Fulton L 49 Chamberlain L

50 McIntosh 51 Brown 52 Ihle 53 Versteegen 55 Zanos


58 Sudholz 59 Pricker


60 Thomas 61 Fairbank 62 Gallery 63 Glass 64 Bi rk s 66 Grigg 67 McAloon 6 8 Rice 69 Kelson 70 Meade 72 Vallelonga 74 Robertson

H P M I T M D(RC ) N S J A M

76 Medlin 77 Styles


80 Maplestone


. . .- '

Bow eriS J~Yas B al



14 P. Greenhor n 15 M . Olive 16 B . Garvey 17 D. Ryan (VC) 18 P. Gissing 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J . Macey 23 T. Simpson 24 M . Hanlon 25 B . Marusic 26 J. Rombotis 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M. Kempton 30 M. Crowe

C .Baumgartner

27 James Mount


t crmmei i iunne ~n: Steve Carrol l Cx -. : . : 0:. in Hourigan David Matthews s. :; Peter . c8rea : 1 N . Fraser I Butko P 2 E. Crohan 2 Hutchins T 3 D . Curtis 3 Sturrock J(VC} 4 L . Mahoney (C) 4 Guen erich D (VC) C 5 M . Cullman 5 Tanner9 J 6 P. O'Keefe 6 Maddison N 7 K. Gray 7 Young 8 B. Dollman 8 Hay t 9 J . Giansiracusa 9 Lowcack A J (VC) 10 M . Lucas , 0 Martin R 11 J . Panarazio 11 North L 12 C. Taylor 13 R. Bowles

11 C. Davis 12 C.Day 12R B .Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 A . Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L. Turnbull 17 L. O'Sullivan 18 T. Cooney 1 9 R . Close 20 L. Fielding 21 B . Loughlin 22 D . James M . O'Riley 22R M 23 L. Wilkinson 24 N .M . Smith 25 T. Legudi 25RS.GIenn

30 N . McInerney

r.=stJ as4en J 77 L cdgson B 79 Treactrrell c Feranda M 81 - '~~che11 G asolo S 83

Co ' Petat cholsan Res: Darren Handley

'.. ._ . . .. ., ..



. n`€,I ATFL C »? iki8 {AK.ASS:M ' 5


St Kevins v St Bernard s

University Blues v Old Trinity at Sportscover Arena, Sunday Old Haileybury v Old Melburnians Old Ivanhoe v Old Xaverians Marcellin v Old Scotc h

B SECTIO N Mazenod 0 C v Hampton Rovers Old Paradians v De La Sall e Old Essendon Gr v Whitefriars Old Brighton v North Old Boy s St Bedes Mentone Tigers v MHSO B C SECTIO N Ormond v Therry Penola OB Prahran v St Leos Emmaus WP Old Camberwell v Beaumaris Mentone Vultures v Glen Eira Caulfield Or v Collegian s D1 SECTIO N Iv anhoe Assumption v Yarra Valley 0 B Old Mentonian s v Aquinas 0 C Banyule v AJA X Monash Blues v Universi ty Blacks Bulleen Templestowe v Salesian 0 C D2 SECTION Oakleigh v West Brunswick Bentleigh v Old Carey Fitzroy Reds v La Trobe Uni Hawthorn Amateurs v Old Geelong Williamstown CYMS v Peninsula 0 B D3 SECTION Rupertswood v Elsternwic k

Monash Gryphons v Werribee Amateurs Swinburne Uni v Ke w

Power House v Syndal Tally-H o South Melbourne Districts v St Johns 0 C D4 SECTION Albert Park v Bulleen Cobras Mt Lilydale v St Marys Eltham Collegians - bye UHS-VU v Box Hill Nort h Brunswick Power v Richmond Central North Brunswick v Old Westbourn e

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Hampton Rovers - bye

Old Paradians v Old Ivanhoe Old Camberwell v Old Melburnians Werribee Amateurs v Old Trinity Beaumaris v Mazenod 0 C UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Therrv Penola OB v Rupertswood North Old Boys v AJAX Collegians v MHSO B St Bernards (2) v Old Carey TBA Monash Blues - bye UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Mentone Panthers v Oakleigh at Gerry Green Ova l Ormond v Glen Eira TI3A. Oakleigh Clays v St Bedes Mentone Tigers at 9 .30 a .m . De La Salle (2) v Bentleig h South Melbourne Districts v St Johns 0 C UNDER-19 (2) RE D Aquinas 0 C v Yarra Valley 0 B Old Xaverians (2) v Old Westbourne University Blacks v Bulleen Templestowe at Melbourne Uni Main Oval, July 26th at 2 p.n St Leos Emmaus WP v Fitzroy Reds on Sunday July 2 0th at 2 .15 p .m. La Trobe Uni v Banyule Viewban k ROUN D 13 Club XVIII (1 ) Marcellin v Old Xaverians Monash Blues v Prahran De La Salle v Old Ivanhoe Collegians v St . Kevins Club XVIII (North)

Old Essendon Or - bye Old Trinity v Fitzroy Reds Old Xaverians (2) v Old Care y

University Blacks v Therry Penola OB on Melbourne University Main Ova l Club XVIII ( South ) St Leos Emmaus WP v Mazenod 0 C Whitefriars v Old Brighto n Old Geelong v AJA X Eley Park v Hawthorn Amateur s

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Bernards v St Kevin s University Blues v Old Brighton at M elbourne University Main Oval

Old Scotch v Caulfield Or De La Salle v Old Xaverians Marcellin v Old Essendon Or




R 2002

of experts and on The Big Sports Breakfast' . Catch the lates t tooty news . Interviews with the leading coaches and players . Hot competitions . All from 5 .30-3am %.

Clubs have received Sport 927 / Crown bumper stickers recently and have been asked to distribute amongst club supporiers . For your chance to win a weekly VAFAiSport 927 Sports pack comprising a Sport 927 prize pack, and a째For the Love of the Game째 VAFA history book, simply complete the backing slip of the sticker and mail to the VAFA . A winner will be drawn weekly and announced each week in the 6-; ateur Footballer. Ii entries will remain in contention for the weekly prize , THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

"(he end of Rd 1 8 all entries go into tP, or: to win the Crown Ente,-tainrnentNAFA Grand Final weekend package will be drawn . Package includes - two night's accommodation, dinner at Breezes Restaurant, Ir ,ak#ast and valet parking and (2) tickets to the AFL Grand Final .


Thank you on behalf of Pam and myself to all the people within VAFA Ranks especially B Section for their entails, faxes, phone calls and messages of support for both of us during the tough last fortnight . It is most appreciated and just shows what a wonderful community we have within the VAFA . Many thanks to Brett for stepping into the breech and writing this column for the past fortnight, most incisive it has been too mate. And what a fortnight it has been, The Bombers quietly slip two games clear on top, De La convincingly slip into the 4, Friars and Tonners in a slight rut . and no result anywhere else would surprise anymore such is the evenness of this section . REVIEW During 4 intense quarters of football action from both sides a draw was the l r-wh between St Be ... MeaY€a€e e-Tigers E d ! ers. Players from both sides were incredi in r attack on the ball in an attempt to gain the up-°r hand . Each team had the lead while kicking with Inc wind, leading to a last quarter shoot out with the Rovers just 3 goals to the fore. The Tigers as is their norm put on a burst to bridge the gap and even the score with 2 minutes to go, then hit the front . Rovers had two chances from here one missing and one hitting the post to tie the scores as siren sounded . De La Salle played a terrific first quarter into the wind at the windswept South Road Oval, and at quarter time held sway by 4 points . However they did not capitalize on it during the second and were worried at the half with just a 7 point advantage. The injury riddled Old i played a great third to be in front by 6 at orange time but not confident kicking into the wind . The quarter started as an arm wrestle until Lockie Walker marking superbly kicked his 5th 6th and 7th in 10 minutes of inspired football to get De La over the line impressively for tl- `- fourth win in a row and a season back on track . Waverley was not a happy hunting ground for the Friars as Eii~ Ei got off to a flyer and led by 6 goals at the first change . The Friars spent the rest of the day trying to chip ~ y at the lead without much luck despite winning the last three quarters, as the desperate Mazenod fought stirringly to retain their hard earned lead and record an important morale boosting victory by some 20 points . In a gin ° that as always going to be toluill for them Old - _ _ tackled top side Old : 1 'th a great de<i .,, ., .h)wer . Thwent t, :o tr.c till the Gramm- ~sl! rim, ana ;i,st i emed an

up is looming OEG pu a couple of irons from the fire and kick d a couple of late goals to come away with the 4 points . . Two wins on the trot for I Boys perhaps I got them going back in the right direction and tun their season around, written somewhere in a prev that winning form is good form . Wonder who .!!! Controlled the play for the first three quari ath did the NOBS' but they were a bit disappointed with last allowing the High to kick 5 .8 but the hard w was already done and they were happy to take th .

;overs tackle Old Brighton at Boss Res( in t c be termed a traditional grudge match, gd usually attracts a crowd in excess of thor tnd and the stakes and expectations are It Rovers from all accounts the unlucky one from draw last week welcome the injury riddled Old Brigl ; hoping to get back a few players and a bit of form . if Rovers can string together 4 quarters they are a chance and spurred on by their parochial home cri and what lies ahead of them I'm going to tip the Gr and Gold in a bit of an upset . Long time rivals De La Salle and Mazenod clasl Malvern in what promises to be a ripper game Dt most impressive over the last 4 weeks and Maze now not too far away after their giant killing win week . De La need to keep the momentum going fit 'S berth is not assured ~~~ ~ , in fact a win , je Nodders ea:i still irake it . Both have s tand

Lzenod Maskell I -ton Rovers Powe r

ti . . ..friars Car l Old Brighton Mae

lod Morris U,u B hton Old Paracans Be La Salle Be La Salle

Scott Spinoso t,i Harber Valker

0 3 0 0

17 11

21 20

young players who continue to improve, in a home ground advantage sees me tipping De La . to travel from Bundoora across to Par k To for the Old Paradians side who really need a (311 t unfortunately for them they cop a Whitefriars „I,- it home, and on the rebound and performing i n ,I ii I f their 1988 Premiership side . An imposing task uiy side let alone an out of form one with injuries t o p)a"~ers . Have said all year the Whitefrlars will no t

,it home this year, and am certainly not changin g ind today much to the chagrin of my old school . npleasant journey across town to the Essendo n playing fields awaits SOf.i today as they Ile the top side . Perhaps and yes I am saying this a ,11,`, r game for OEG as they may mentally tune off ~ they are two games clear on top, while the High ,!iould be totally switched on as in pure and simple t,tls they just have to win . "Don't Know" will be fully ,,.re of this and will be aware of the dangers of iloW(rlg complacency to set in . Tempted to go for ,rother upset but you just can't go past the top side ,ho have snuck up on all of us. Final game of the Round is also vital to both sides as , hey sit in the middle of the ladder and are not out of i he woods, a wtn sees them with still a hope of a final's i,erth while a loss puts them in the realms of a drop -uch is the closeness of the competition. NOBS' are in A form coming off two wins, while the Tigers are i n nu mans land coming from a 70 point thumping and a ilerhaps lucky draw . With due deference to my friends atTigerland I have to stick with North Old Boys to win .It Gillon . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS ; C;ontact details are 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the inubile is 0403 433 016 or send me an email to brainco(, i optusnet .com .au.

North Old Boys - congratulate John Sutherland on r hing 50 games for the elub . Injuries, including 4:uee reconstructions, a stint in the VFL and oversea s ntmitments haven't stopped "Sutho" from remaining loyal and dedicated NOB and all at the club would tk, to pay tribute to the player our club president says i> . pound for pound the best mark he has seen, on m,il;ing this first of hopefully many milestones . Old Paradians' - congratulate Brent Richardson who played his 100th game last Saturday . Brent joined in 1997 and played his early games in the Purples (2nd U 1+ Team) and graduated the Ressies to become a lure in the Seniors . Thanks "Richo" for your good work around the Club, just make sure we make a lot money out of the Footy Tipping .

TODAY'S MATCHE S B SECTION Hampton Rovers v Old Brighto n De La Salle v Mazenod 0 C Whitefriars v Old Paradians Old Essendon Or v MHSO B North Old Boys v St Bedes Pvlentone Tigers 2003 ~D/ THE AMATEUR

iiG 1.3 5.5 7 .11 12 .i684) 'TOFi RO'::-'iS 5.6 6.7 10.11 12 .12 (84 ) des Mentone Tigers: Hecker 2'+ScGraw 2 M Wintle L7<-ll M Terrell McColl Hayes Napier Scafidl Tyquin . Best : McGraw M 4§'inlle Hecker P 1i9ntle Saklz Connolly . Hampton Rovers : Power 3 Adams 2 Boyd 2 Lawrence 2 Rayson 2 McKellar . Best: M Fletcher Adams C McKellar Greenwood Lawrence Wffmott . Umpires: Jamie Kerns Luke Moncrieff (F) Kevin Segota Les Mavropoulos (G ) OLD BRIGHTON 5 .3 8 .6 13.8 14 .10 (94) DE LA SAtd.E 6 .1 9.7 11 .14 18 .16(1241 Old Brighton : Bristow 3 Logan 2 Pirtle 2 Hendra 2 Dickerson Mead Homann Krzywniak VanDenDungen . Best: Homann Logan Kent Hughes Mead Gadsden . Be La Salle : Walker 7 Bonntcl 3 MannLr 2 Duggan Foon L Harrison J Moloney D Thomas P Harrison. Best : Bonnici J Moloney Walker Molan Goodier Morel] . Umpires : Jason MeNiece Richard Eastwood (rotation - from B) (F) Bruce Stephens Ken Brewer (G) R§A7.ENOD 0 C 7 .2 9 .3 11 .5 13 .11 (89) PRRTEFRIRRS L2 3 .7 5 .10 9 .15 (69) TBazenod: Maskell 4 Morris 4 C Steinfort 3 0'Donoghue M Chamberlain . Best: Hanley D Dunne O'Donoghue C Stehrfort Beard M Chamberlain . Whit : Carrigg 2 Pawlik 2 Power 2 Dance Northey Wood . Best : Power Pawlik Jansen Wood Northey Langford . Umpires : Leah Gallagher Merv Monty (F) Paul Gait Andrew Esposito (G) OLD PARRDIANS 4 .0 9 .3 11 .6 14 .7 (91) OLD ESSENDON OR 5 .2 7 .5 10 .6 16.11 (107) Old Paradians : Brahender 4 Boundy 2 Curran 2 Dore 2 Heffernan Mitchell Sinclair Swindon. Best: Sinclair Loney Richardson Heffernan bandy Dallas. Old Essendon: Vel ar do 3 Fleming 3 Leask 2 Biggs 2 Kavanagh 2 Bossi 2 May 2 . Best : Wilson Stormant Kavanagh DlBlasi Leask DeMorion. Umpires: Mark Gibson Sean Scully Jr (F) Bianca Share Brendan Cannon (B) Beornn McCarihy Daniel Scully (G) MHSOB 0.4 2 .9 2.10 7.18 (60) NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .5 6.9 12.13 13.15 (93) MFISOB: Barnett 3 Horne 2 White Walker. Best : Hogan Cassell Rosman McCully Newton Taylor. North Old Boys : Casboult 6 Vogels Sleep Tehan Davidson Sutherland Phyland Butcher . Best : Grigg Casboult Hosking Cassell Riapelstone Tehan . Umpires : Luke Holmes Paul Dinneen (F) Les Damyon Ross Richards (G) B RE11ZRVE ST BEDES MENTONE 2.3 3.5 8.6 9.7 (61) HAMPTI N ROVERS 1 .0 2.2 2.2 3.9(27) St Bodes A4entone: Ferris 3, Hecker, Owen, DE Groot. Zahra, Kidd, Poynton . Best : Poynton, Beasley, Owen, Ferris . Dwyer. Porter. Hampton Rovers : Hughes. Kelly, BurgraaL Best : Anderson, Woolrich, Hobson, Hughes . Burggraf, Tahan . OLD BRIGHTON 2B 3.4 3.5 3,8.26 DE LA SALLE 4.2 6 .4 13.8 15.8 .98 Old Brighton: Crewdson . Marshall, Stewart Best: Matessi, Hebard, Smith, Paterson, McCowan . Williams . De La Sa lle: D .Hyland 3 . J . Laragy 3, R. Buckley 2 . Waimsley 2 . Brown, Hyde, McHenry. Best : McInerney, Buckley, Murray, Bowden, Hyde . McHenry . 0 .1 2 .5 6 .5 9 .7.61 MAZENOD WHITIEFRIARS 5 .1 6 .2 8 .5 8 .8.56 Mazenod: D .MeMullln 3, McKeon 2, Strawhorn, Nelson, Murray . Carter. Best: Murray, Parker, Tilling, McLean, A .McDowell, Carter . Whitefrlars : R.Eames 2, Glenn 2, Fulton 2, Curslo. Cahill . Best: Baggoley, Cleven, Elliott, Glenn, Jongebloed, Alexander . OLD PARADIAIdS 3 .5 5 .8 7 .9 8 .11 .59 OLD ESSENDON 1 .3 2 .7 4 .8 7. 9.51 Old Paradians: Goals Splnoso 3 . Burns,Galloway . Ludeman, Porteous, Robins Best : Murray, Ludeman, Robbins, Armstrong, Mat Joyce, Simpson Old Essendon: Goals: G Ridley 3, Bartram, Hunter . Fewster, Dazkiw Best: B Ridley, Fewster. Dazkin, Campbell, Hughes . Bartram MHSOB 1 .3 6.9 8.10 13.10 (88) NORTH OLD BOYS 3.3 4.5 6.9 9.11 (65) North Old Boys: Sheehan 4 Joyce 3 Galled Barden . Best : Maher N(hill Gallett) Phyland Sutherland Sheehan . MHSOB: L Taylor 6 Keys 3 McGrath 3 Dixon Comer. Best: Dicxon Saultry L. Taylor Keys Rundell Fe(erkran z




1 L .41 2 R. 3 B. . CH 4L : 5 C.S 5 S. Elf, 6 S .6 7 P. Ha 8 J . La 9 J . Mr' 9 C. 10 Ted 10 P. He : 12 M . 13 A . Jol 14 C . Bu 14 D. C c 15 P. Bo Ct 16 S . H~ , . 16 D. ':. 17 A. F' 18 ° C 19 I C 19 D. H P 20 M . Pi, 21 A. 1' s _'C) 21 W. G 22 G . Jo. . . .. . .a 23 D. O'Brien 23 R . Sherman 24 J. Mc25 C . H 25 26 0 . 27 Si . ' .28N 29 R . 30 B 30 Trrc 31 S. F` 32 R . 33 J. 34 L . 35 A. i3 6 W. Jc 37 D . HyI < 38 S . O'Connell 39 B . Oakley 39 T. Woodlock 40 A . B a 41 M .C 42 P. 42 S . 44 45 46 A . 47 A . 47 G . Waltc-i 48 J . Foon 52 T. Moloney 52 E . Phillips 54 D. Buckley 55 A. McLeish 57 C. Chester 58 G . Walto n p r, .- . .~ 60 70 ,•., .


69000 F

3Sle r

1 nuir 2 1 rain 3 t,. 4 & r,aniey 5 D . i 3s',ell 6 P.,alson 7 S. Morgan 8 R . Fos s 8 J. Ballenger 9 P. Gaode n 10 D . Chamberlain 10 G . Tilling 11 T Smith (RC) 11 D . Hose 12 M. Murray 13 P. Fulle r 14 N . Meehan {DVC) 15 N . Parry (DVC) 15 R Aliso 16 M. Apollonio n 17 J . Beard 18 D. O'Donoghue (VC) 19 S . McMullin 9 T. Steinfort 20 C. Murray (RVC) 20 T. Castricu m 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan (VC) 22 C. Buzby 23 C. Steinfort 24 5. Castricum 25 S. Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 D. Kro m 28 P. Jones 29 R. Sharp 'x 0 D. Hansen 31 N. Snort FDVC) 32 B. King 33 D . Grant 34 M. Pollard 35 C . Morris 36 D . Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 G . Hamill 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 A . McDowell 11 A . Persi -haue r

55 J . Frar;fzos 56 A . Blake 57 D. Wilton 58 M . Gray 59 J . Morley 60 M Terech 61 R. Bulmer AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD . Ph : 9598 6444

51 P. Reed 52 S . Veftman 53 A . Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L Fuller 56 L. Rudling 58 D . Morris 61 M . McDowell 62 M . Gonsalvez 64 T. Bourbon

British Paints I_iie's Brighte r in Colour

Coach: David ; nner Asst Coach: David Wate&iouse Res Coach : Jamie Dixon 1 J . Barnet t 2 S . McCully Capt) 3 A. Howard 4 M . White 5 N. Orchard 6 C. Youn g 7 T Blythman 8 J . Dixon 8 J . Garner 9 D . Fairchil d 10 D . Waterhouse 11 P. Spottiswood Whitt 12 S. ington 13 ID ' Rosma n 14 A. O'Brien 15 N, Adcock 16 J. Walker (DVC) 17 R . Clowe s 18 R . Limbrick 18 D . Membrey 19 S . Glynn 20 A . Askew 20 P. McGrath 21 S . Sierakowski 22 A . Svirskis 22 D . Armstrong 23 L. Taylo r 24 S . Rundell 25 C. Nailon 25 H. Taylor 26 A. Vicendese 27 C. Spottiswood 28 S . Moor e 29 G . McCully 30 R. Newton 31 A. Hogan 32 A. Cassell (VC) 33 A. Sault ry 34 E. Thompson 34 P. Rujevic 35 S. Harrison 35 A. Mills 36 B. Gaunt 37 T. Harper 37 M. Ting 38 S. Robinson 39 B, James 40 A . Lust 41 J. Anderson 41 T. Fracze k 42 M . Hamifton-Ho 42 S . Volkerin g 44 J . Newton 45 R . Czwarno 46 R . Ware 47 D . Wilson 48 J . Scott 49 D . Fox 51 D. Learmont-Walker 52 B . McGrath 53 J . 5prague 54 A . Tang 55 C. Wright 56 T. Wright 57 58 C. Villani 59 M . Najeeb 60 S . Jenning s

Major Sponsor s

C :h : Garry Foulds Res u ch : Mark Orani t I J . Cassell 2 D. Keenan 3 T Waters 3 J . Eastaugh 4 S . Sleep 5 R. Davidson 5 D. Skene 6 N. Vogels 7 G . Smith 8 B. Collison 9 H . Maplestone 10 W. Marti n 11 T Roberts 12 T. Brown 13 T. Halpin 14 L . Power 15 H . Christie 16 J. Kendall 16 R . Kelliher 17 S. Casboult 19 P. O'Farrell 20 J . Sutherland 21 N . Casboult 22 D .Tehan 23 S . Cook 24 J . Barker 25 G. Phyland 26 T. Brady 27 P. Sondhu 28 D.Joyce 29 C. Hosking 30 M . Leigh 31 L. Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M . Barker 34 M . Hyde 35 M. Robins 36 M. Phyland 37 S. Grigg 38 M. Amor 39 D . Galletti 40 C . Phyland 41 C . Pizzini 42 T. Sheahan 43 K . Hilderbrandt 44 T. Kennedy 45 S . Ingram 46 P. Daniels 46 M . Perry 47 J . Nihill 49 A . Gugola 53 S . Butcher 54 C. Dobson 55 M . Joyce 56 D. Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 60 M . Cribbes 61 G . Took 61 A. Neville 64 L. Ryan 65 N. Barden 66 P. Bryar 68 J . Maher

GU. Fabricators A! Hcme L n s

New Order Clothing 10



C ch : Frank Dunell F s: Craig Ridley

Krzywniak 1 J . Pannagiotopolous 7 2 J . Buckfey 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D . Ryan a A. MacGillivray 5 S. de Morton M . Frankli n 6 C . RidleY T. Marshall 7 J. Leask 6 R . Stewart (DVC ) 8 J. Heritage 7 B. Loga n 9 B. Hakim 8 J. Perrett 10 S. Bryant C . McNicol (CR) 11 B. Papal . Lennox 9 S 12 J. Kavanagh 10 J, Mead 13 B. Hakim t_ B, Williams 14 L. Wilson 15 T. Di Blasi R . Kent . Williams (C) 16 S. McPherson S 17 D . Forrest B. Gadsden 18 J . Walker C . Tootell 19 E . Healey 16 J. Homan n 20 D . Hunter . Van Den Dungan 7A 21 S . Dale A. Salem 22 R . OBrien 19 S. Ginnivan 23 J . Hughes 19 J. McCowan 24 J . Dazkiw M. Smith 25 A . Frazer T. Ewen 26 S . Fleming L. 0' Neil l 27 J . Di Pietro 23 N . Milat 28 G. Stevens : M. Gadsden 29 S . Uebergang . Nickas _5 S 30 M . Dragojlo 26 A . Ginnivan 31 D. Caridi 27 D . Paterson 32 D. Poulton 33 D. Biggs 28 A . Bristow 34 D.Podger 29 J . Dickerson 35 L. Kavanagh 93 E . McCovran 36 A. Frazer 31 A . Paroissien 37 M . Rossi 32 A . Goldner 38 D.Whitfield L. Dal e 39 B. Newbold ''- J . White 40 A. McKenzie 35 G. Stewart (RVC) 41 B. Overman ~3 R. Henderson (RDVC) 42 N. Bertram 37 D. Hughes 43 M . Velardo 38 J . Raju 44 A. Parker a B . Parnham 45 J. Weidner 41 M . Allen 46 M. Beard 42 L. Hendra (DVC) 47 S. Howard :3 J . Murchie 48 A. Salvo ; : R. Sherman 49 G . Collins 50 A. Newland A5 C. McKimm 51 J. Stevens 7 S .Adam 52 B. Porker 48 B . Dever 53 T. Campbell -9 B . Scott 54 A . Morrison 50 W. Leaf 55 D . Gradzki 51 J . Lynch 56 M . Makris 52 W. Hebard 57 J . Lloyd 53 M . Dubyna 58 T. Williams E'• J . Dooley 60 C . Cetin 58 J . McBriar ' S. Mead oil A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B. Pearce

S. Davies

64 M. Reid 71 T. Matessi

Cr ch : Paul Breen Res Coach : Peter Slacik 1 S. Vincent 2 P. 0'Loughlin (VC) 3 S. O'Meara 4 A. Curran 5 W. Connelly 6 D . Stevens 6 R . Bux 7 M . Cosgnff 8 A . Sinclair 9 N . Brundell 10 P. Brabender 11 J . Collins 12 B . Galloway 13 B. Richardson 14 P. Pratt 16 M . Godfrey y 17 L. Dore 18 G . Porteous 18 M . Spinoso 19 A . Dean 20 B . Robins 21 D. Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A. Heffernan ( C) 26 D. Boundy 27 K. Jenkins 28 B. Reiner 30 D. Dea n 31 N . Dallas 32 S. Corcoran 35 S. Simpson ( C- R) 36 B. Dintinosante 50 J. Swindon 39 A. Chambers 50 R . Murray 50 D . Furze 50 A . Paglia 50 T. Ludeman 50 T. Wood 49 M . Hyde 50 A . Tenson 52 M . Joyce 55 A . Swindon 54 M . Yee 60 M . Joyce

4oacii• G' i f Res '" .h: Cc ames : Rc I Bames Brad Berry Res: Mar'r Lornagno 1 C,'ttaod 3 M. Carbon e 1 P. Wintie 5 B. Phan 2 L. Wintle 3 C . Tesoriero 6 P. Campbel l 4 A . L'Huillier 7 S. Brosolo 5 S . Napier 8 B.Janson 6 A . Ryan 9 A. Pawli k 7 N . Owe n 10 R . Pasqualott o 8 A . Scafidi 11 T. Wallace 9 M . Terrel l 1 22 B. Vandenboo m 10 M . Winds 13 T Langford 12 J . Kane 14 T. Carrig g 13 R. Sampien 16 J. Power 14 A . Connoll y 17 A . Carbone 15 T. McCol l 18 C . Dance 16 A . Hipwell 18 S . Hecker 19 A . Hil l 19 A. Drury 20 P. Hennessy L. Porter 21 B . Jone s 21 P. Fedderson 22 N . Cunningha m 22 D. Poynton 23 E . Eames 23 D. Napier 24 A . Cunningha m 24 S .Jurica 25 M . Vernal 25 M .Kelleher 26 S . Alexander 26 M . Hecker 27 L. Swain 27 S . Kingwell 28 C. Eame s 28 M . Andrews 29 A . Glenn 29 J . Bristow 30 M . Powe r 30 J . Knuppel 31 M . Bake r 31 D . Moss 32 G . Johnson 32 G . Kennedy 33 S. Zakic 33 C. Fulton 34 D . Kinsella 34 D. Gloufchev 35 C . Bames 35 C. Law 36 A. Walstab 36 T. Nunan 37 M. Connolly 37 M . Nunan 38 A. Hayes 38 C. Carrig g 39 M. McCol l 39 M . Vandenboam 40 J. Eadie 40 M . Cahil l 41 S. Rose 41 M . Leahy 42 M. Wilson 42 M . Northe y 43 H . Dwyer 43 N. Elliott 44 M . Mrfsud 44 R . Eames . Gould 45 R 45 S. Cleve n 46 D . Pisasale 47 J . De Groot 46 D .Jones 48 B . Hutchinso n 48 J. Treyvaud 49 S Walsh 49 T. Hilton 50 S . Kidd 50 D Crea 51 G . Gomez 52 A. Baggoley 52 M . Towns 53 B. Wilso n 53 M 54 P. Micallef . M~a cC w 55 P. Tobi n 55 M . Ferris 57 L. McGuinness 56 J . Chaplin 58 M . Manni x 57 C.Connolly 60 R . Pawlik 58 M . Zakic 61 S . Phelan 59 M . Zahra 62 J . Anderso n 60 A. Pothitos 61 J . Wilso n 62 C . Falkingham 63 J . Penchi 64 J . Cunningham 65 R . Pierce FCL Interstat e 66 R . Parsons 67 A. Basham t , :i :pOt t S QfVlces e.o

Inai II~ ~ n

9 396 90 0 0

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Hot ;es F» I 1, tate

Mentone Brighton Nissan

C(~,, .!Ti .,rcial Advisory Group 9684000 0 wynN m


I V.


"Your Coac`__,s' --sociaYi o

A Weighty Matte r An amusing sp , ach after a match focused on the ?- ._ air' svt:__„ of a key player - and the need for ~ ~~ ~~u ;tv steward to insert another vertical st --into his jumper to accommodate his grov :! .ig girt?r . The player in question had just put in one of his worst games on record and the coach attributed his performance to being "too fat to play on the ball" .

How does weight and, more importantly, excessive body fat affect performance ? Test Run up a st u can . Recover fully, str o .r waist and run up t s ; )ur times . You don't need a d, _ :-ee in ro `^t science to work out that the 2kg of sand will slow you down . This test should be enough to make the point to a player who needs to lose a couple of kilos . If you've been successful, it ensure the player is supported b} rofessional that can educate es related to weight loss . Body weight, or cisely, body fat, has an adverse effect in <,?y sport where there is a significant amoui : : of running or jumping . Reducing body fat will reduce the amount of energy required to complete a given exercise bout . It will also improve a player's ability to dissipate heat from the exercising body . This becomes vitally important in sports such as football where a game runs for over two hours . It's also important, however . that you are not too lean . Body fat has a number of integral roles to play in the normal functioning of the human body, so a body fat percentage of lower than seven per cent is not recommended . Positive effects of body fat include :

I) cushioning bones and organs from severe impacts, it) increasing momentum (as long as the same speed and power can be generated with the extra weight), iii) increasing buoyancy for aquaticbased exercise session s S o what is your ideal weight as a footballer? There are many factors involved in determining your ideal weight :

body composition goals, iv) the position play, age, the time of year. Other critical points that need to be taken i account when trying to lose weight include : 1 . The speed at which you aim to lose the weif You should reduce body weight slowly to ens it is body fat that is being lost and not mu : tissue. Rapid weight loss can have an effect your your mood and is often not successful long. Your body weight can yo-yo up and dc after rapid weight loss .

2 . The most effective and appropriate time reduce weight. To avoid feeling lethargic drained, it is best to address your weight is : off season . 3 . The activities you will choose to lose wei~ Increasing your aerobic activity can help redi body weight but be careful not to eho, exercises which will affect your game ( performance . Swimming and cycling are use in-season .

4 . Your eating plan - ensure that your ene intake (food) is less than your energy out] (exercise) when attempting to lose weig Maintain your intake of all three major ft groups (fat, protein and carbohydrate) addition to adequate vitamins and minerals .

5 . General tips to ensure safe and effective resu - don't fall victim to any of the fad or quick methods . Many of these strategies are o : effective in the short term because they invo dehydration, extreme calorie restrietic potentially dangerous supplements restrictions on combinations and timing consumption of food groups which make lit scientific or practical sense .

In summary, weight loss can improve performar in players who are carrying more than they ne but make sure you go about your weight loss icontrledma,yunorthegidac professional . Dr Noel .71'unca n

i) current body composition and height, it) body weight history, family body weight history, lit) 12


Evans Kerr AM P c _uth Yarra Sports Centre E a Purified Wate r C )Idpats Accountants +=i gby Cooke Lawyers TVP Communication s

HydroChem The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering Ryder Commercial

Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Garr McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bellis Hotel & Brewery ~ ;,_~ithfs Pie s

Delicatess isods Consulting Pty Ltd Terranat Landscape Monte Coffee Eu ard J Lynch Agencies Paul Pattiso n ..-aurepaires

the M elbourne Unicorns in +hp MSJF L

k Mo consecutive weeks MHSOBFC celebrates 200 game milestones for Jamie Di;:on (last week) and Jason Barnett (this week) . Both players have had =3ndid careers at MHS. Jamie is the current capr-coach of the Reserves and Jason is the clubs lead-

ing goalkicking forvra+u it, the seniors . Both have b-sn setback by injuries over the last couple of years but there are still plenty of games left in both players . Well done from all players, supporters and committee at MHSOBFC. Letis win today to celebrate further.

INSTITUTE OF TAFE Our proud new major sponsor O r

i' id ell to tAHSOBF C and head to South Africa for a one year AFL appointment as Head Coach of Australian Football . Employed by Footy Sc a" and working at ti i West Acacier of Sport (Potchetstroom, population 200,000) where Australian Football is now an official sport, I'll train the locals in playing, umpiring and coaching footy, and develop Australian Football generally. On one memorable night last year, the South African national team, in Melbourne for the Australian Football International Cup, joined MHSOBFC at Thursday training and put on a fascinating show of African singing and dancing, after training and dining with the MHSOBFC players . 'ter that night, and after having joined a team in Tokyo in 2000 whilst living in Japan, I discovered a genuine interest in the game from nonAustralians, and realised the fantastic potential for the game's growth outside Australia .

Steve F'arrison . MHSOBFC is proud to support his South African venture .

MHSOBFC looks forward to welcoming a young South African next year as part of a scholarship program whereby he can learn all aspects of football in a club environment. Footy South Africa welcomes much needed support from all within the VAFA community. Contributions including donations of footy equipment, sponsorship for events and projects, or contacts in South Africa etc, can go a very long way in South Africa! Please feel free to contact me by email on talk2steveharrison"io m I feel this is a wonderful opportunity for my own personal development and for furthering Australian football in general . I will keep you all posted with news from South Africa in 2004 .



The match of i e round produced another tight contest as the Vultures scored an important win at home against the ladder leaders by 9 points . The Fields used the breeze in the last, to run over Therry Penola by a couple of goals . The Wells recorded a solid win at Toorak Park against the Two Blues . Glen Eira, were again close, but not close enough as Collegians jumped into a top 2 spot . While the upset of the season occurred out at Gunn Reserve, as the Monds grabbed their second win for the year knocking off the Sharks in a thriller. Result - An even closer race for final's action and "cut throat" territory for the bottom three . Preview Match of the round is back out at Oak Park, as the sixth placed Lions take on the fifth placed Vultures . The long trip down the Tulla may be the only thing that will stop the in form Vultures, as the Sullivan brothers continue to cut their opposition apart . Both forward lines are very potent and this could well develop into a shoot out for a spot in the four. Therry Penola, will be reeling from last week's loss and will use their decisive home ground advantage to keep themselves in touch . The , return to Wattle Park and face the winning ~UZI in a huge danger game . Ormond's win has re-ignited their season, putting them in a position to jump over the Two Blues . Centreman Michael Miller was playing inspirational football for his team last week and will be tough to contain . However, the Animals can ill afford to drop this one if they are keen to secure a second semi berth . Beaumaris are in a form i ;e : 3 will try to steer their way out against The Two Blues have other ideas a`-r cuuraging signs against OC and the knc at the Sharks are not at their usual best . alford has been a regular in the best over if few weeks and will need another big game if f' . Two Blues have any chance of an upset . The injr . - !- ~ ruck Sharks


will be rel .,, ing on d


Mark Ensor to continue their goo d form and help their side 5~t bac:, on the wim list, as Beaumaris will do enough to earn valuable 4 points . Old Camberwell are at home to Collegi looking to shape the four after stringing a co of wins together . The Wells are improving di : the work of Luke Gladman around the packs Michael Horgan controlling the forward line . ' will be further strengthened with the return o : suspended Nigel Credlin as Collegians will req their key player makers Shura Taft and B~~ ~ Mooney to be at their best . The Lions have qu moved into second spot and will remain in four in a close one . Glen E3ra will need to play four quarters if " are chance of grabbing the points against 1dle men . Mark Tkocz was in scintillating form for Saints last week and will need his teamm< help to stop the in form "Widgy" and fe G :' onballers . The Fields to win by a coi of majors .

pi ':_ S DNDENTS Luke 1 :_~ .~~onc_: - lukemahoney14ahotmail .eor

C 'v - CTi ;iR CoIle~ians Dixon 2 Therry Penola C Bannister 4 Mentone Vultures Rowley 0 Old Camberwell Cadzow 5 St Leos Emmaus wP B Vaughan 0 C . , Caulfield Or Dalwood 2 Old Camberwell Francis 1 Caulfield Or M Harrison 4 Ormond Stewart 4 St Leos Emmaus 1bP C' ~ itcheil 0


les of s .c, : .]~ i _~ i ( ,,.; iL ous Bam is~er ~iw :r~ s t

ancy D ,,i_ield Grammari ns . played his 15C_- game for the clu . Shaun has thril l bcrosingfmPakde -: supporters with his long left foot kick ~

ks and, although he is now in ran stage, we hope there are many gi ~ ;n, s to come . His brot h er Corey played i , 100i==. Corey, who has become one of the leading 1;,,\;•ards in the Amateurs, is highly placed on the ,,_ .lki{ ing list this year. All Therry supporters n ,_a_tlate him on his achievement and we look ward to him thrilling the crowds with many ,n ,,re of his strong pack marks and accurate goal 1 } : -• ; . 1 - congratulates Stephen -171 _r for playing 150 games for his club . ohen was recruited to Ormond from Oakleigh where he played 50 Games and -won a es Best and Fairest . At Ormond . Stephe n

s been a coaches' dream with his reliable wor k ic on and off the field . As a wingman an d o e1 etl" th


tan, Bomber has been the consummat e •er since his debut with Ormond in 1995 . Hi s ii ong marking and accurate kicking have been a 11 ;dlmark of his game . This milestone earns him a _,(aque in the change rooms with all other 150 u_nners at the Club . Well done Stephen on your :;~_:_€flcant achievement from all your friends at 11 ,uond.(Well done Bomber - top effort - Bear) .

Therry Penola OB v Mentone Vultures St Leos Emmaus WP v Ormond Beaumaris v Prahran Old Camberwell v Collegians Glen Eira v Caulfield Gr THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

9 .12 12 .18 (90) 11 .8 12.9 (81 ) n L)son (F) Ross Dod d

7 .9 9 .14(68) 9 .4 17 .8( 110 ) Trc,vaud, Mullins .

n Monaghan Correll (RFL) (G ) 12.1I (83) 10 .9(69) ng, Skurrie .

10.9 15 .13 (103) 3 .3 7 .8 (50) 2. Florentine . Davy, enillie . Hart. e. Best : S . Hall. Fossey,


G . .. Coach : Brett Merchant Asst : Mick Lovejoy Res : Mick Carty 1 S . Nish 2 H. Gibson 3 M . Pins C 4 M . Matul ck ) (DVC) M . Ensor (VC} 6 A. Spence 7 D. Foley 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L. Healy 13 C . Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 M . Boon 16 A. Quin 17 L . Atkins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins 20 N . Atkins 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Halt (VC) 23 A. Catlin 24 B. GrayY 25 D . Teesdale 26 R . Meilick 27 B . Haynes (DVC) 28 J. Vance 29 C . Martin 30 S . Hunt 31 A . Ryan 32 B . Cairns 33 S . MayY 34 J . May 35 N . Sector 36 L Ferrari 37 R . Presnell 38 J . Gerrand 40 R. Rawlin s 41 M . Talbot 42 A . O'Brien

43 C. Brainier 44 C. Collins 45 J . Deluca 46 M . Saxton 47 L. Mann 48 W. Travers 49 J . Bryce 50 S . Lynch 51 S . Coate 52 B. Deaton 53 J . Windebanks 54 A. Thompson 55 S. McNicholas 56 E. Le den Y 57 H . McMillan 59 B. Griffiths 60 C . Buckley 61 A. Richardson 62 A. Pratt 64 M. Carty 66 A. Coate

67 B. Gillespie 68 S. Doukas

Cwch : Merv Keane Res : Chris Mathieson 1 J . Foley 2 B . Hall 3 C . Knight 4 M . Liddel l 4 T. Vine n 5 S . Ken dall 6 N . Craven 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R. Foote 9 M . Prater 10 A . Will (C) 11 C. Deal 12 D. Pearc e 13 A. Green 14 S . Amiet 15 A. Docker 16 S . San t 17 M . Harrison 18 B . Baxter 19 T Aylen 20 H. Vella 21 M . Pennycuick 22 C. Mc Assay 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 N . Dorman 26 S. Widjaja 27 J. Ryan 28 J. Jacobs 29 G . Erickson 30 C . Fagan 31 T. Foster 32 A. Lawson 33 S. Fryers 34 B. Gros s 35 S. Thompson 36 BB. Cunningha m 37 T. Messer 38 J. Restarick 39 A. Bosna 40 R . O'Neill 41 B . Ku 42 D . S Pa n Y 43 A . Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 45 D . Scott 46 B . Scott 47 S . Jenkinson 48 T. Franklin-Jones 49 B . Gardner 50 P. Delahaye 51 T. McDonald 52 A . Sinclair 53 C. Jones 54 T. Rynber k 55 C. Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 T. Kavouris 59 A. Beach

~ N. Falls

1 J . Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B. Mooney V C 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Henebery 5 B. Donelly 6 S. Woolley 7 D . Surkftt 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J. Fry 10 J. tang 11 B. MacKenzie 12 N . Harrison V C 13 N . Thomas 14 N . Lockett 15 L . Cottom 16 A. Fletcher 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S. Taft 19 N . Herman 20 B . Couch 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 J . Kondarovskis 24 B . Low 25 R . Muir 26 D . Vial 27 A . Shinkfield 28 D. Dowling 29 A . Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 N . Roach 32 C. Blumfield 33 B . Hoist 34 J . Young 35 R. Turner 36 G . Cooper 37 C. Hoist 38 S . Taft 39 N. Hart 40 M . Hibbins 41 N . Baxte r 42 N. Abbott 43 N . Groeneveld 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Robertson 46 J. Round 47 R . Sztar 48 E. Waters 51 J.B . Shadbott 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B. Lumb 58 D . Smith 64 M. Gribble 65 C . Safstrom

Coach: Paul Beddoe Assist Coach: Jon Edgar Res. Coach: Anthony Strafford 1 N . Astapenko 2 M . Dimashki 3 C . Massis (C) 4 D . Cassar VC Res. 5 A. Tsirogiannis VC 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakas 10 G . Richards 11 B. Clement s 12 B. Ki Icing n 13 G . Brown 14 M. Loughran 15 Mimo Dimachki 16 Danny Race 17 L. Doolan 18 R . Oldham 19 A . Devries 20 A . Diamond 21 S . Haines 22 S . Emmett 23 S . Neeson 24 A . Taranto 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsa9liotis (RC) 27 R . Gilmore 28 L. Shellard 29 M . Kassa r 30 L. Pryde 31 D. Sheehan 32 M . D' Zilva 33 A. SheedY 34 L. Hall 35 S . Hollow 36 B . Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 M . Lewi n 39 J. Gusman 40 D. Lambe 41 M . Merrick 42 J. SerPanchY 43 J. Fidogiannis 44 S. Diamon d 45 A. Caruana 46 M . Beddce 47 B. Cummin 48 J. Halliwel l 49 S. Hall 50 D .Eade 52 A. Haines (RVC) 53 L . Caruana 54 T Dimachki 55 L . McGaw 57 M. Chandler 58 M. Sca'rfe 59 B. Zwar 60 G . Dedas 61 M . Tkocz 62 S. Lymno 63 D . Dunlevie 64 D . Fossey 65 M . Dimou 68 M . Watt

61 N. Bannon 62 C. Sheppard 63 G . Crathern 64 G . Poulter 65 N . Carrick 71 M . Cassid y MAJOR SPONSOR : THE RACECOURSE HOTEL CNR . DANDENON6 & wAVERLEY


Coach: Pat riavmins F a: Marty Hook

Cr h : lony Macgeorg Res Coach : Darren Fea 1 S . Rowley 2 R. Gallagher 3 M . Dixon . Ha 5 A. Whytes C.. Stephens 6 C 7 K. Gunder 7 M . Coope r g D. Perrin g K. Little 9 M . Meyer 91 C . O'Meara 12 M. Davies 13 A. Kin g 14 M. Etcel l 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J. McCarth y 17 C . Sullivan 18 S. Sulliva n 19 C . Stewart 20 M. Wals h 21 A. Wals h 22 S. Hamilto n 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sulliva n 24 X . Smith 25 G. Upti n 26 A . Rock 27 A . Gangi 28 C . Johnsto n 30 P. Dixo n 30 N . Freeze 31 M. Andrew s 32 N . Levert 33 N . Wilkin s 34 D. Sheehan 35 M . Johnston e 36 C. ie r 37 T. a9eor9e 38 S . M Perrazo 41 C. Roc k 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 C. Barr 46 C. Bl air 47 J . Tul l 48 Mick, Walsh 49 R. Bittner 50 R. Waterson 51 D. Clarke 52 K. McLeod 53 D. Noonan 54 D. Bray 55 S. Rickards 56 T. Sulliva n 57 D. Frase r 58 J . Noona n 59 G . Allan 60 D. Fenech 61 T Smith 63 S. Water s 64 S. Heslin a 65 T. Allinson 67 M . Joyc e 68 A. Tresidder 73 M . O'Meara

M~E MS. 9 Palermo St, Mento ~j \-~J

* Function Room * Restaurant * Pok

9583 2 84 1

RD'S, MALVERN EAST, South Melbourne ------------------------THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER ;

aas hew Hogg & Ken ;: Andrew Tsindos A . Dulling T. James

N . Robinson T. Ogler

L. Cain B . Christie A . Seeley M . Scott J . Heffernan B . Tymmons M . Hanson (C) S . Cadzow R. Kapoo r L. Galdman (VC) R. Whitehead (VC) D. Clyne D. Pik e N. Credlin (DVC) S . Marwoo d P. Tempone D. Mitchell T. Hardman B . Howard K. Darby

B. Tippe r

25 A. Hardenberg 26 A. Whelan 27 A. Sheerly 28 D. Gough 29 S. Francis 30 R . Perryman 31 B. Craven 32 G . Ormsby 33 D . Joyce D . Schmidt 35 C . Munro 36 S. Derry 37 A. Hillier T. Hallo 39 G . Rowe 40 C . Jellis 41 L Rya n 42 A. Mackenzie 43 C . Grant S. Smith 45 M. Horgan 17 T. Kearney 48 J. Derry '.9 R . Gazal 50 A. Gil l 51 G. Weickhardt 52 S. Lovelace 53 R . Tempone 54 A . Margetts 55 J. Ga n 55 S . Fogarty 56 S . Jones 57 T. Nisbet 58 N . Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A . Walsh 63 S . Gregory 64 L. Goldsworthy 65 S . Hancock

L CLECTP,ICAL 5 uAS HOi,1C ""Pi J .G- S 9 8 5 7 3 0 5 1

Cc h : war an Connoll y Res. Coach: Peter O'Dea 1 S Handley 2 D . Beckett 3 J. Denning 4 A . Grac e 5 M . Martinov 6 D . Whelan 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 G. Hall 10 R . Martin 11 D . Robbins 12 B . Delidio 13 L. Wells 14 S . James 15 C . Tell y 16 T. Stewart 17 J . Bridges 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D. to Hennepe 21 R. Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 B . Arnold 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan 28 A. Clinch 29 J . Clifton 30 G . Richie 31 H. Black 32 A. Lom 33 M . Collins 34 A. Russell 35 J . Putz 36 D. Casey 37 C. Everitt 38 D. Broadhurst 39 S. McCarthy 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 T. Banks 42 C . Keleher 43 B. Parsons 44 A. Broadhurst 45 J. Franklin 46 C . Cleary 47 J. Monaghan 48 S. Wheller 49 S. Metz 50 S. Dipasquale 51 T. Dipasquale 52 S. Bets y 53 C . Harvey 54 M . Ramsay 55 B . Rayson 56 M . Farrell 57 R . Kentara 58 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 B . Jone s 62 B . Slater 63 C. West 64 M . Wood 65 S . Anderson 66 L. Dale 67 M . Mabbett 68 D. Clifton 69 B . Cromack

Senior C h: John Ross Reserve Cs ch: Paul Quick 1 D . Harders 2 M. Harvey 3 D . Kelly 4 P. Quick 5 H . Pitts 6 J. Killeen 7 S. Pang 8 I . Hunt 9 A. Bunnett 10 B. Hodgson 11 A . Pitts 12 M. Beer 13 C . McLean 14 M. Evans 15 B . Mair 16 A . Rhodes 17 S . Campbell 18 M. Windridge 19 A . Millican 20 J . Kello w 21 M. McCuddin 22 R . Marriott 23 J . Macdonald 24 J . Mullins 25 L. Aitken 26 T. St .Clair 27 W. Walford 28 K . Watford 29 P. Gartland 31 D. Decarteret 32 D. Ballard 33 A . Wood 34 P. Treyvaud 35 B . Gellie 36 L. Northway 37 A.Gelli e 38 J . Foster 39 S . Morris 40 I . Dennis 41 J . Upton 42 B. Downing 43 C. Boyd 44 D. James 45 M . Vagg 46 M . Vea r 47 P. Rose 48 J. Vagg 49 L . Wood 50 S. Kennett 53 C. Pricop 55 S. Ramage 56 A. Ryan 57 S. Moylan 58 M. Muehlheim 59 S. Oliver 60 R . Ferroro 61 J . Bedford 62 C . Tooley 64 J . Belcher 66 G . Northway

Coach : Darren Turner Res: Frank Din ;col 'ionic I P. Carse 2 J . Hodder 3 E. Mitchell 4 A. Auliso 5 S. Buckle 6 J . Fennell 7 A. Burgess 8 B. Bird 9 C . Collor 10 B. Mitchell 11 B. Carey 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebs 14 J. Eagles 15 P. Carey 16 A. Rose 17 M. D'Amelio 18 R . McCann 19 A. Kelly 20 A. Ballar d 21 G . Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batty 24 D . Bruce 25 A . McKenzie 26 A . Prosser 27 P. Levin s 28 H . Giles 29 S . Darcy 30 M.Ottobre 31 M. Contessotto 32 D . Cam m 33 L. Thomas 35 J . B ri ggs 36 S . Ravage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B .Vaughan 40 J . Gay 42 M . Flood 43 B . Levins 44 A . Zalakos 45 S . Ronchi 46 A. Brown 47 M . Mclnerny 48 A. Daly 49 D. Cox 50 A. Volpi 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 T. Pecora 55 C. Hatfield 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonald 61 J. Blandthorn 63 P. Nola n 64 D. Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Meshcer 70 D. McGloin 75 T. Yme r 76 G . Donovan 77 C .Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 88 S. Pitcher 89 D . Windus s

C Assist C, ch : Jason .Re! . Cos,ch : Gary Datson 1 P. Gorma n 2 A. Mills (vc) 2 T. Goodwin 3 R. Bannister 4 M . Elliot 5 S . Sacc o 7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C. Bannister 10 J. Vain a 11 D. O'Sullivan (vc) 12 A. Christie 13 G . Russell 15 A. McMahon 16 M . Goodwin 16 D. Clifton 17 G . O'Connor 18 B. Carte r 19 A. Grant 20 J. Clarke 21 G . Henderson 22 L . Reynolds 23 D . Calagari 25 P. Edwards 26 B. Lewi s 27 M. Garoni 28 A. Carroll 29 S. Goodwin 30 R . Finley 31 S. Hollow 32 J. Sacco 33 L . Kuret 34 D . Weston (vc-res) 36 D . Barro n 37 D . Castaldi (C) 38 M . Nancarrow 39 S . Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 B . Barron 42 D . Dimech 43 M . Warren 44 P. Appleford 45 M . Carter 46 S . Stepien 47 D. Goodwin 48 A . Nancarrow (vc-res) 49 B . Whykes B 50 B . Barron B 51 Mark Goodwin 52 D. Weston 55 M . Garoni 56 P. Dunne 57 S . Weston 63 A. Moloney (c-res) 59 T. Robinson 67 G . Tsinaris 69 S . Sarong 70 L. Kuret 79 T. Higgins 99 M . La Corci a


2003 Major Sponsor


300 senior, under 19 and VA] representative matches . Following on the successful international Series last year where Elsternwick Park was host to some thrilling matches, FTLOTG reports that the Australian Convicts Aussie Rules team is leaving Australia in October for its unprecedented first world tour . The Convicts will play matches against international teams in England, Spain and Germany . This tour is in response to a growing demand from international teams to play Australian teams .

There is no restriction as to who can participate and all that is required is a love Ausr%Aunr+coNvtcrs of our game and a desir e to promote our game to the rest of the world . To find out more details cost, tour dates and other information - ring Bria n w°ai-° TOUR 'ocroBESm°' Clarke 03 9686 2345 or email : clarkey@iafc .com .au

0 ® f l Terrific night at Optus Oval last Friday night when over 250 guests including many, many overseas and interstate former UHSOB players met for dinner and for the announcement of the UHSOB Team to 2002 . 1948 of Champions Congratulations to Paul Bain (president) and Tony Boyce for putting together such a profession evening . The Team of Champions - Backs : Lloyd O'Brien, Tony Leigh, Angus Hume Half Backs : John Harmer, Jim Pryor, George Migios Centre : Colin Kinnear (captain), Terry Lillis, Laurie Prosser Half Forwards : Vic Zanin, Ray Johnston, Alan Flavel Forwards: Phil Ashmead, Geoff Davis, Peter Frohlich Rucks : Max Johnston, Kevin Shearn, Viv Peterson Interchange : Daryl Foster, Edwin Hume, Jim Keddie, John Nettleton COACH : George Murray

A presentation was also made to 300 game player David Wallace as well as a brilliant video tribute to "Fatty" . "Boycey" is working out whether David qualifies for the VAFA's exclusive VAFA Club - a total o f

Well done Uni . High Old Boys ! ®



Today's Trivia question surely must go tc UHSOB person - refer to page 31 !

Is the time right to commence a VAFA H of Fame? This question will be posed the VAFA web-site as the July/Augi polling question . The AFL Hall of Fa certainly is a prestigious award and su an initiative would allow the VAFA create its own group of Legends of Amatf football . We'll wait with interest and the results of the poll .

® ®


The current polling question tells us t 71% (of 478 votes registered) suggest practice should be continued next sea : where umpires are identified by be allocated a number .




Queue up if you want FTLOTG to br your club assured on-field succe FTLOTG's Phil Stevens was invited to UHSOB Champion Team Dinner 1 Friday night and was asked to propos toast on behalf of the VAFA to the UH : past and to the future of the club following day the club won . Next day I presented a Certificate of Merit to Kevins' Don Martin - and yes they ha win too . Then on Sunday old team-n Gareth Andrews invited PBS and B ; Richardson to Cat Land to join President's Table at the pre-game lui As we all know the Mighty Cats thras the AFL league leaders . Final score outta 3 !!




As you read your Amateur Footballer weekend FTLOTG hopes the Whist initiative is well received by lHarmony At Sportscover Arena on Sunday for THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLEF



all on rst ne cih to ur >e e

rat thc aon ing

ing ss . th, as : ea ,OF th( 1B~ St d-i tatc rrr•, the ich . hec - 3

this all mer S 20c1

,rAFA umpires Corin Rowe and isllatthew gead, both now with the AFL, will flip the coin with the two skippers . Hopefully this Gveekend all supporters, players and officials can make a conscious effort to show that they can suppress their inclination to abuse the umpire and allow all games to operate in perfect harmony . Bow many people can wear something orange to the games this weekend? Our photographer will be visiting a few venues and we will next week publish some photos of people in orange who we will provide with a prize - and no, the prize won't be an orange,




prominently displayed a sign prohibiting the consumption of alcohol during games .




Just for interest did you know that these top flight AFL players originally played with SA Amateur clubs . Scott Camporeale (Flinders Park) . Martin Pike (Ingle Farm), Alan Didak (Pooraka), Luke Darcy (Rostrevor College), Gavin Wanganeen (Salisbury North), Tom Harley (Walkerville), Ben Hart (Walkerville), Glenn and Scott Freeborn (Flinders Park) . There are many more, but it is good to know that Amateur football Australia wide continues to be the breeding ground of first class footballers .

W hy orange? Orange is the international color of harmony .




Richard Evans, the VAFA President, expressed at the meeting of secretaries last Monday night, the concern of himself and the Executive Committee at the regular occurrences of drinking at grounds and the approved luncheons going longer than the 1 .50 finishing time . Excuses as - "We thought it was OK to drink as long as we were in a car" ; "We thought we could keep goin g

after a luncheon as long as we stayed inside until half time" and "We thought light beer was OK" - are becoming too common and clubs must make a more determined stand and insist that everyone who visits a club knows that unless approval is gained from the VAFA for a luncheon (12 to 1 .50), alcohol is banned until the final siren of the last game every match day . It is a rule of the VAFA that each club must have

No Alcohol - signs like this must be visible at all VAFA venues

Grass roots football - champs of tomorrow! Tim Fleming (circled) was picked up by Richmond after a stint with Carlton . Before that Tim played for the Old Xaverians . (pic courtesy of AFL Record ) ®



Congratulations to the AFCA/VAFA (Coaches' Association) . FTLOTG's Phil Stevens and Chairman Bruce McTaggart were guests at the Coaches' meeting last Tuesday morning . The CA makes an enormous contribution to the knowledge and development of our coaches and also provides valuable information to the Executive and Administration on how the game is operating and how it could possibly be operating even better. Visited the AFCA/VAFA website? Worth a visit www .vafa . asn . au /coache s





The fundamental cussedness of Dl footy came to fore last week with Blacks and Bears having their winning ways abruptly halted, simultaneously levelling up the fight to remain or get into the four at one end of the ladder, and avoiding relegation at the other ! ROUND 12 SUMMARY The Bullants and the Bushrangers played out a dour struggle, but once the visitors adjusted to the Ted Ajani being a kick longer than most Dl grounds they pulled away for a top win . Evan Kruse marked everything in sight OtB for Yarra, Corey Heffernan was strong in the pivot, Chris Beal did well in defence, while Andy Stone was a productive forward . The reliable trio of Burridge, Chivers, & Daskalou strove mightily for Bulleen Temp . Ashers overcame the Bloods in a low scoring grind of a game where the ball spent a great deal of the playing time out of bounds on the lee side of the Frearson . Brett Hardman in the middle and Greg Evans at CHB had great matches for the visitors . Monash were happy to see Grant Chessari in fine form at CHB, Ryan Turton roving well, and Aaron Williams doing well in the Ruck again after recovering from a bad corky. Hoes finally lost the initiative to the Jackas when the visitors rattled on 3 goals in 90 seconds late in Q3 to take a 13 point lead, which the home side couldn't wind back . Hoes on-ballers Shane Sampson, Shane McGowan, & Danny Ryan stood out for the Hoes in a top team effort against very talented opponents . AJAX's hunter-gatherers again did the damage, with Nick Gold, Jason Ritterman, Gary Blieden, and Jona Segal starring . The Panthers re-invented themselves against the Bears after appearing gone at 3/4 time when trailing and kicking into the breeze in Q4 . An 8 goals to 3 94 brought a telling victory to the home side against very accomplished opposition . The Panthers on-ball trio of Anthony Palmer, Danny Carroll, and Ruckman Andrew Carter were in stellar form, with Bournon & Acreman both damaging up forward . Nigel Sannholm, Shaun Lorenzini, Anthony Demetriou, and Tom Wise were standouts in an even Bears unit.

Chaddie's close quarters reconnaissance and skirmishing tactics were too much for the previously in form Blacks, which never recovered after losing its way in Q2 . SOC did a brilliant

demolition job, with Adam Healy, Simon Sutherland and Mark Canavan very effective in an d round the packs, and Anthony 'Coup de' Grace deadly form round goal . Pat Barry w, magnificent in defence for Blacks, Dom Davis w< an effective hardball getter, and Viad Romijn toil( valiantly in the Ruck .


YVOB host the Ashers in a round full of di consequences for every loser, and, as I write, tl weather is forecast to be wet and windy . TI Domeney isn't a preferred venue in either of tho : conditions, especially for two sides who: particular talents are speed and ball skill Defences will be in the ascendency today, and it visitors have the best in the section, so I'll go for Monash win by 2 goals .

Aquinas at home against the Hoes will be heroes' affair with both these proud outfits strivir their utmost to avoid the dreaded "R" fate . TI Hoes won the R4 clash by 15 points, this tin round I think the margin will be less, but Bloo( will triumph on their own turf. Jackas & Panthers clash in today's big one Sandringham with the conditions possibly suitit the visitors more than the home team, but tl margin won't be anything like the 55 points th Old Mentone won by at Keysborough . AJAX h a


L5 T till' TOM

D1 SECTION AJAX Kirzner 6 Old Mentonians Bournon 6 Old Mentonians Basile 1 Old Mentonians Acreman 5 Monash Blues Grace 2 D1 RESERVE Monash Blues Hawkins 6 AJAX Boon 1 Banyule Prior 0 Ivanhoe Assumption Shemshedin 1 AJAX Kalb 2

68 49 39 37 32 19 16 15 14 14


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,,•,_ it either right on or right off this year, but this ,rne will be a close one with the visitors to win by a h1( % . gannynle take on Salesian and will be anxious to rec,°rse their 35 points loss in R4 . On their own l,atch the Bears should have too much firepower ,,r the visitors and will keep their final's hopes ,l, % e with a four goals win. Blacl.s do battle with the Bullants in a game v; here the desperation of both sides will be at a lk though for differing reasons . Whilst there

his been the odd glitch like last week, Paul u'Shannassy has developed his side into a genuine gag contender this season, and that should give them a 3 goals victory over the injury ridden Bulleen Temp, which is playing on sheer G& D at the moment . Reserves winners should be : Monash Blues, Aquinas, AJAX, Banyule, & Uni Blacks Correspondents, the contacts are 9889 1979 & trlhickey6(~l bigpondco m

Va ll ey C : - congratulates David 'Spr' .r _;sy' smith on playing his 50th game against Monash wtl . . 'Spriggsy' started as a basketballer but switched to football after being banned for life from goal tending. His ability to hang around the goal square has yielded many goals and he was a key 1:orWard/centre in the 2002 Premiership win . Sprdggsy's pre-seasons are curtailed by golf, but from . April on he is a regular on the track . All Bushrangers wish you well today. Aquinas - congratulate Glen Whitehead for reaching the 150 game mark . Whits started with the club in 1991, quickly becoming a key member of the midfield . He is a B&F winner and one of only two members of the 1996 premiership club still playing . Glen keeps fit by processing lost dog reports for the Victorian Police. Whits we salute VOUi"

Salesian - today recognises the achievement of 200 Games by Michael Byrne . Mick has been with the Club since 1991, and has been a prolific goal ! ;i,_! ;er since . Highlights of his career include the 96 1 nior Premiership, kicking the entire goal tally o f in Salesian's first ever final appearance, and (aching the Reserves . Mick has managed to keep he hammy's together long enough to earn Life

bership, and all at Salesian congratulate him .

TODAY'S AIADCHE S DI SECTION Yarra Valley 0 B v Monash Blues Aquinas 0 C v Ivanhoe Assumption AJAX v Old Mentonians - at Trevo r

B arker Oval Sandringham Banyule v Salesian 0 C University Blacks v Bulleen Templestowe 01'

STOfir-. 5.2 6 .2 8 .6 8 .7.55 Y , 1." LLLY 2.4 3 .5 8 .12 12 .15.87 Bulleen Tempiestowe: Burridge 3. D.Matthews 2 . Clovers, Tulloch, Williams. Best : Burridge . Chivers, Daskalou . Touriganis, Tulloch. Schneider . Yarra Valley : Not Supplied Umpires : Scott Mackie Max Wittmann (F) Jack 1Vatty Dennis Webster (G) bfOIdASH BLUES 4 .4 6.6 9.8 11 .8(74) AQUINAS 0 .0 1 .3 1 .4 3.6(24) Rionssh Blues : Goals : Grace 2, Chapple 2, Tinkler, Hawkins, Williams, Turton, MacKenzie, Creamer. O"Sullivan. Best: Chessari. Turton, Hawkins . Westbrook, Smith, Craven Aquinas : Goals: Hardham, Cousins, Starret . Best : Hardham, Whltehead, Jess, Evans, Denbraber. Williams . Umpire : Greg Rowlings (F) IVATdHOE ASSUMPTION 2 .0 7.3 10.5 12.10 (82) AJAX 5 .3 5.6 11 .12 14 .17 (101) Ivanhoe Assumption: Abud S . Blainey 3 . Wood. Frew, Manuel . A .lacovangelo . Best: Sampson, McGowan, Ryan, Manuel, Lee, Abed . Ajax : Kirzner 6, Gotlieb 3, J.Sega1 2, Gold, J .Lewis, Vanaken . Best : Gelbart . E.Raleigh, Cooper, J.Raleigh, Gotleib, Wetslitzer. Umpires : Michael Forde Mick Gitday (F) Daniel Brookes Steven Piperno (G) OLD RSER'TOPSIANS 4.2 5 .7 9 .10 17 .13 (115) BM1YULE 4 .3 6 .10 11 .12 14 .15 (99) Old ffientoni®ns: Bournon 6. Acreman 5, Salley 2, Austin, Basile, Palmer. Voight . Best : Palmer, Carter, Basile, Carroll, Mitvalski, Bournon. Banyule : S. Playfair S. Dean 2 . Demetriou 2 . Wise, Egan, Taylor, Glancy, Cantwell . Best : Sanholme, Demetriou, Lorenztni, Wise, Cantwell, S . Playfair . Umpire: Paul Lambie (F) SALESIAN 0 .2 6 .5 10.6 12 .7 (79) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .4 3 .8 5.10 7 .12 (54) Salesian : Greely 3, Grace 3, Sutherland 2, Thatn 2, Bobetic . S Logan. Best : Healey. Stevens, Oldfield, Sutherland, Campbell, Grace . Uni Blaeks : Mackie 2, A Costello, S Watch, R1zto, Ubllella, Romtnj . Best : S Watch, Green . Mackie . Barry, D Davis, Ubllella . Umpires: Troy Brooks Gaj Skandakumar (F) I& BULLEEPd TEMPLESTOWE 3.3 7.4 8.7 12 .8 .80 YA.RRA VALLEY 3.0 8.1 10.5 14 .7 .91 Bulleen Templestowe : Florance S . Toscano 2, Parris . Tsokas . Best : Fitt, Florance, Parris, Lee, Morolllvitos. Newman. Yarra Valley: Not Supplied MONASH BLUES 5.4 9 .8 14.11 17 .13( 115) AQUINAS 0.0 0 .2 2 .2 5 .7(37) Aionash Blues: Goals: Hawkins 6, Spencer 4, Lloyd 2, Chapman, Wills . Edsall, Morrison, Costley. Best : Chapman, Cavicchlolo, Morrison, Costley. Lloyd . Hawkins. Aaulnas : Goals: Phillips 3, MeCarten, Chapman . Best: Weeks, Barry. Phillips. Sorace, Wilson, Pringle. IVAY3FiOE ASSUMI"fION 1 .1 3 .7 4 .8 5 .11 (41) AJAX 2,5 2 .6 5 .9 8 .9 (57) Ivanhoe Assumption : Scarpari 2. Frisma 2, Shemshedin . Best: Scarpari . Matthews, M .lacovangelo . Newbold, Duncan . Curtin. Ajax: Kalb 2, Sacks 2 . Boon, Lewski, Ones, Same. Best : Freeman . Cukterman, Lewski, Ones, Tsiviin . Spicer. OLD MENTONIANS 3 .2 4.2 5.4 9 .6 (60) BANYULE 1 .3 4.8 4.9 7.10 (52) Old &Yentonians : Ballantine 4 . M . Mackay, O'Connor, Stroud, Wilson, Worrell. Best : C. Alexander, McCloskey, Hubbard, S . Fairbanks, Ballanttne. Elliott . Banyule: Creek 3, Turnbull 2 . M .Gray, P. Wltchell . Best: Ferrell, Baldac, D . WltchelL Mutton, Creek, M . Gray . SALESIAN 2.1 3 .1 5 .3 7.4(461 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4.3 7.8 9 .10 15 .13 (103) Salesian: Byrne 2, Cincotta 2 . Davey 2, Ryan. Best: Cleary, Way, Seager, Mirams, Rose . Uni Blacks : Garman 4. Stock 3 . Hallam 2, Hanna 2, Prince, Powell, Prowse, Ross. Best: Scarlett . Hanna . Ross, Stock, Powell, Prince .




DI Section AJ AX Coach: Phil Davis Res. Coach : Barry Simon 1 N . Gold (Capt) 2 M. Konsky 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Ritterman 6 D. Kalb (Capt Res) 7 G. 8 E. Raleighl 9 J. Berger 10 G . Dukes 11 M. Segal (D .V.Capt) 12 D . Goldentein 13 J . Raleigh 14 J . Kagan 15 J . Segal 16 B . Janover 17 A . Cukiennan (V .C.R .) 18 J. Kirzner (V.Capt) 19 G . Blieden 20 J. Sharp 21 D . Gelbart 22 E. Wollner 23 A . Wollner 24 J . Bram 25 M . Blashk i 26 B . Duzenman 27 A. Spicer 28 A. Zemski 29 P. Bryner 30 A. Lefkovic 31 A. Lewis 32 D . Weislitzer 33 S . Boon 34 A . Lewin 35 J . Lewis 36 J . Israelsohn 37 A. Sapar 38 J . Feldman 39 D . Vanaken

40 D . Ones

41 A. Silver 42 A. Cooper 43 S . Chester 44 J . Getiand 45 A . Godlewicz 46 A . Goldma n 47 A . Silver 48 J . Pask 49 A. Lasnrtzki 50 A. Benedykt 51 Z. Lewski 52 D . Norich 53 J. Mordech 54 I . Same 55 J . Kaicer 56 D.Seidl 57 D. Spilberg 58 B. Yudelman 59 R . Rotemberg 60 J . Wajnberg 61 J. Freeman 62 J. Gottlieb 63


J O . G. Coach : Garry Connolly Res: Paul Harper 1 L. Toomey 2 S . Tibb 3 S . Edwards 5 A. Boland 6 M . Parke r 7 C. Glenni e 8 J. Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 M . Barmby 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Den Braber (C) 13 C. Jeffery 14 A. Lorkin 15 A. Williiams 16 J . Hunt 17 B. Redwood 18 J. Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 M . Starre t 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 P. Stone 24 P. Harper 25 P. Sorace 26 R . Weeks 27 D . Hincliffe 28 A. Garis h 29 J. Wilson 30 R . Kogelman 31 G. Evans 32 D. Alford 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarulli 35 R. Chapman 36 V. Hall 37 G . Macklin 38 B. Moran 39 S. White 40 S . Harris 41 G. Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 J . Tapply 45 M . Rielly 46 T. Vanderslui s 47 J . Smith 48 D . McCartan 49 D . Poynton 50 R . Kea 51 A . Pringle 52 J . Bleakney 53 S . Varone 54 M . O'Hallora n 55 L Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 L . Mackowski 58 T. Leddra 59 B. Cooper 60 P. Scognamillo 62 J . Fitzpatrick 63 A. Barrie 64 T. Nolan 65 S . Haun 67 A . Lewison 68 J . Coghlan 72 T Wills G . Cochrane A. Cullen S. Hiney M. Lant P. Phillips B . Beech S . Dornom J. McMullen P. Fares

BANYULE Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res: John Fraser 1 B. Reed 2 D . Witchell 3 N . Taylor 4 T. Gloury 5 B . Willmore 6 S . Tuckma n 7 C. Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 P. Gloury 11 D D . Wilson 12 J. Egan 13 T. Ryan 14 B . Woodloc k 15 S . Gray 16 M . Gilbert 17 A. Small 18 J . Turnbull 19 N. Sannholm 20 S. Playrair 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C . Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 L. Richardso n 25 J . Szeremeta 26 H . McDermott 27 A. Nield 28 L. Enright 29 P. Smith 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 M . Natoli 33 S . Dean 34 S . Lorenzini 35 L. O'Connell 36 D. Playfair 37 T. Thompson 38 J . Redfern 39 A. Hopgoad 40 M. Smith 41 T. Prior 42 M. Vanpoeteren 43 L. Ferrel 44 S . Yin 45 D. Boyd 46 D. Nasrallah 47 J . Kin g 48 D. Rybicki 49 G . Bell 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Bot 52 D . Noonan t 53 M . Creak 54 C . Williams 55 D . Williams 56 A . Roethe 57 B . McGregor 58 L. Orton 59 M . Mitchell 60 D . Hassett 61 S. Dowlan 62 T. Jubb 6 3 A . Plant 64 S . Taylor

DU >E :1

TE~ R-E.T®WE Coach: Doug Searl Res.Coach: A Parris 1 J. Prior 2 S. Yates 4 W. Thompson 5 D . Bone 6 A . Tehan 7 P. Robertson 8 N. Bone 9 J . Matthews 10 P.Tsokas 11 G . Chivers 12 A. Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 A . Wilke 15 B . Wolnizer 16 S . Smith 17 C. Darby 18 K. Burrid ge 19 L . Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D . Matthews 24 J . Newman 25 R. Lee 26 S . Boyd 27 J. O'Donnell 28 P. Milesi 29 D . Williams 30 D . Florence 31 L. Norbury 32 R . Williams 33 N . Hamshare 34 S . Lambro ulo s p° 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 P. Ganiatsis 38 N . Scaglione 39 D . Buccachio 40 A . Foley 41 R. Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 M . Daskalou 44 R. Schneider 46 A. Humphrey 47 C . Morivitis 48 A . Morivitis 49 B . Touriganis 50 D. Glover 53 A. Boyd 60 D. Horvath


Coach: John Matthe w Res Coach : Colin McDonal 1 S . Conley 2 M . Mau d 3 C. Tucker 4 T. O'Neill 5 P. Manue l 6 T. Heal y 7 P. Rawley 8 E . Hea lyy 10 P. Le e 11 D . Valkanis 12 L. Hull-Brown 13 S . Narkiewic z 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . Curti n 16 P. Harri s 17 S. Morri s 18 B. Hal l 19 D . Wood 21 N . Blaine y 22 N . Shuttlewort h 23 D. Ryan 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Camero n 27 J. Finlayson 28 S. Matthews 29 C . Hockin g 30 M . Sloa n 31 T. Lupto n 32 L. Pearc e 33 S .McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 M . Serafin i 36 C . Zeegers 37 P. Cotte r 38 R . Peoples 39 M . Ebbag e 40 P. Martin 41 C . McDonald 42 B . Martin 43 A. Shemshedi n 44 A. Pace 45 A. lacouangel o 46 M. Iacouangelo 47 B. Waters 48 A . Toogood 49 Matt Sloan 50 N . Clark 51 D . Pearce 52 S . Sampso n 53 M . Chazan 54 E . Newbol d 55 J . Healy 56 S. Saunder s 57 A. Conti 58 T. Memhet 59 A. Falkers 60 J . Abouei d 61 M . Anderson 62 P. Merory 63 J . Crappe r 64 M . Migliorin i 66 J . Rivott-Min s 67 G . Stephen s 68 F. Yaghmoor 69 J. Mazocca 70 K. Wise 71 A. Pearce 72 K . Maghamez 73 D . Dummett 74 S . Hal l 78 C. Brown


~ LUES coach: Tim Jam Shady S . Chapman 2 J . Baxter g L. Holloway. 4 G . Chessan 5 6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar g S. Thompso n g C. O' Sul6van 1 0 Sam Lloyd 11 M. Spencer 12 G. Smyth 13 1 4 B . Merlin 15 M . Tnkler 16 B. N ind 1 7 J . Mellingto n 18 L. Smith 19 M . Sounders 20 M . Edsall 21 C. Greg ory 22 T. Black ley 23 P. Nevill 24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Young 28 J . Mai n 29 30 L Creamer 31 5. Hawkin s 32 L Beddingfield 33 J. Smith 34 M. Edwards 35 A . Hickey 36 A . Willams 37 J . Bolton 38 N . Brennan 39 M . Smit h 40 M . Bofton 41 M . Bolton 42 A. Cooper 43 R. Feenaghty 44 S. Grace 45 R . Walsh 46 47 S. Mentha 4 8 M . Carey 49 D . Payne 50 51 M . Payn e 52 N. Moresi 53 J . Peel 54 G . Dod d 55 1 . McCormick 56 57 58 59 B . Carstein 60 61 P. Campbel l 62 L. Katt s 63 64 65 G . Polgase 66 67 68 M. Meehan 69 70 D . Barlow 71 72 B . Green 73 74 P. Westbrook 75 R. Turton 76 77 78 A. Shields 79 80 P. Manohar



Res. Coach :PJamie W dus s

Res coach: Adam Davey

Res Coach : Michael Rizio Club XVIII Ch: Craig Baulch

1 T. Mitvalsky 2 C . Twentyman 3 R Bal l 4 D. Carroll ( V.C.) 5 C. Mackay 6 C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 G . Ferguson 9 W. Ballantine 10 S. Voigt 11 D . Salley 12 C . Dwyer (C.R.) 13 B . Heverin 14 M . Stroud 15 J . Costello (D .V.C .) 16 D. Nock 17 N . Linford 18 T. Boumon O C 19 A. Palmer 20 D . O'Connor 21 J . O'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A. Drinan 24 A. Acreman 25 B. Fairbanks 26 G . Da rt 27 G . Kat ris 28 D. Kitto 29 A. Cart er (D.V.C.) 30 D . Russo 31 M. Ellio tt 32 L. Sunter 33 S . Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 35 D. Murphy 36 D. Alexander 37 M . Francis ( OR .) 38 P. Stubbs 39 J. Vick 40 R . Alexander 41 S . Cozens 42 M . Basile 43 G. Hubbard 44 L. Sunter 45 R. Johnson 46 G . Smith 47 G . Herring 48 D. Stevens 49 N . Fisher 50 G . Wilson 51 L . Stephen 52 M . Watt s 53 C . Shedden 54 D. Goodbody 55 C. Davis 56 R. Harper 57 T. Davis 58 P. Appel 61 B. Saunders 64 M. Austin 66 M. Mackay

1 A . Stevens (vc) 2 A . Thain 3 S . Sutherland ( c ) 4 A. Healy 5 M. 6 D. Foreavan 7 D. Foley 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Oldfield (vc) 11 K. Ri chardson 12 M. Bates 13 I. Bobetic 14 M . Cooke 15 R . Quinn 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D. Barry 19 S. Brown 20 A. Seeger 21 D . Verccillo 22 S. Greely 23 M. Smith 24 A . Grace 25 C. Ryan 26 J . Nannes 27 P. Allen 28 M . B~me 29 D. Al en 30 K. Woodman 31 A. Lucas 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 T. Nagl e 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 M . Ferwerda 39 P. Pitts 40 M . Forer 41 M . Cleary 42 C . Rose 43 P. Evans 44 D . levoli 45 S . Horvath 46 A . Chi ap P ini 47 D . Oldfi eld 48 J . Logan 4 9 D. Stinear 50 D. 51 A Fole r 52 P. Hanton 53 E. Maillard 54 S. Porter 55 E. Hanapy 56 M. Loughnan 57 P. O 'Halloran 58 S. Way 59 S . Pansi 60 A . Bates 61 R . Cincotta 62 D. Blake 63 B . Chalme rs 64 B . Bowman 65 J. Radi 66 S. Sinclair 67 D . Sutherland 68 M. Sutton 69 B. Kirchner 70 Mick Forbes 71 R . Mirams 72 C . Hunt 73 A Kelly 74 A. Davey 75 R. Nahas 76 P. Turley 77 S. Butler



1 L. Nethercote 2 S . Chandler 3 4 A. Evans 5 R . Mackie (C) 6 7 S. Jones 8(C18) B. Watch 9 (C18) C. Simon 10 W. Hanna 11 S . Sand'ford 12 13 C. Baulch 14


15 16 17 A. Moffatt 1 8 T Wilson 19 L. Brown 21 C . Schillin g 23 P Barn 24 25 26 D. Batten 27 28 P. Otsuka 29 M. Staunton 30 J . Ralph 31 B . Costell o 32 M . Jones 33 T Kitchen 34 35 Jas Mirtschin 36 37 A. Grayy 39 S. White 40 41 L. Rawnsley, 43 C . Beaton 44 R . McArthur ~ 46 R . Wallace 47 49 R. 49 (R D.'I Bowers 50 A. Goonan 51 D . Higgins 51 (R) A. Neville 52 53 D . O'Keefre 54 M . Braszell 55 S . Watch 57 K . Begely 58 D. Kean 60 J . O'Sullivan 62 F. Purcell 63 J. Weber 64 R . Adams 66 L . Costello 66 (C18) C . Curt is 67 N . Goonan 70 J . Green 71 M . Nihill 72 D. Rudd 77 A. Costello 80 M . Tehan 85 B. Weber 86 B. Collins 88 N . Abbott 91 A . Whitloc k 93 M . Bulman 94 A . Powell 96 Jon Mirtschin 98 M . Beha n




1 R . Pe arce 2 T. Morris 3 R. Thompson 4 M . Fung 5 A. Dre w 6 R . Drew 7 C . Beal 8 L Morris g J . Keem 10 T. Hancock 11 T Mcllrath 12 J . Cremean 13 L Gillies 14 E. Kruse 15 N . Pask 16 L Taylor 17 A. Lain g 18 D . Ross 19 J. Stron g 20 T Hal e 21 D. Stevenson 22 B. Dre w 23 R. Yes 24 M . Davies 25 R. Colle t 26 J. Longwo rth 27 S. Savag e 28 B. Reynolds 2 9 R . Court s 30 D . Po tte r 32 J . Parry 33 P. Cremea n 33 D. Ireland 34 C. Fraser 35 B. Peake (c) 36 P. Jarvi e 37 D . Balkshaw 38 G . Morrison 39 J . Thcmpkins 40 H . Cotsford 41 B . Down s 42 Stone 44 J . H o 45 A. Windgate 47 S. Colli e 48 R . Davis 49 S. Seabourne 50 J. Peake 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Ha rtnett 53 S . Pask 54 S . Simpson 56 T. Uoyd 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Barum a 63 B . Whitechurc h 64 D . Smith 65 M . Norrish 68 T. Collet 71 M . Laing 74 A. Middlin



Toby Roberts talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am

10 .30 a.m. ,


This week's guest : Julian Sill (Peninsula OB Coach ) 24 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

PaT. dians (B) , v U:li (I!2) , 't 3runswick (D4) .

Si ~day 6 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .

- iter Cameron l;~ VAE ~, ites abo b 'ay VAFA matches , ~ Sunday NaW:ch of the Day and Paul fs the competition in Monday's Age ~0lc째,째째째 _ T~,, .-, ~ cor~;:? -y.

ugh with ',acsts from St uaru~ s, St Therry Penola (C), Uni .

Old Essendon, Old Paradiens (B), (DI}, LaTrodse IIni (D2), West Brunswick (1)2) ,

Itupn rod (D3), North Brunswick (D4) . i'


VIELVS Friday 7 .00--8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.


WHAT Bl: ; Bouncing be k off the bent h with finals fas t approaching, alas s a gr ne of year! Major result w- s having a narrow victory over Wi ssic 8 point game. Not over for final's contention ju but Willy can't afford too much slippage from here . f y also continued on with their sound form . . ter a slow start to the season, they have been about as consistent as anyone and will be dangerous around final's time . They are not without a sniff for the double chance but also can't afford a slip. Match of the year no doubt this week as Fitzroy host Peninsula . The Pirates have had no lull during the year, a great testament to a much focused club . The Reds have had only a few down periods and he game shapes as a ripper. Close but Fitzroy to break - ,e Pirates streak . West Brunswick should defeat although a hot contest as usual can be e :cpected . Old Geelong and Willy meet with the loser to be evicted from the final's race . I am still a bit of a Wi lly fan and expect them to have a confidence boosting win . Old Carey will be hoping a Fitzroy loss and a win for themselves will see the double chance loom as a distinct possibility . O eigh have been competitive without being able to get to many points on the board . Hard to see it being this week against in form OC's. Finally, La Trobe meets Bâ‚Źatieigh . Hard to get a line through Bentleigh, there best has been very good whilst injuries have meant them dropping games they probably shouldn't have . Latrobe for mine . WHAT ANDREW SAYS West Brunswick coach Julian Siebrand - aware of his side's narrow escape in Round 4 - was wary of the embattled Hawks . "We're expecting them to have a fair crack again," he said. Hawthorn coach Peter Tyson was frustrated with his side's poor luck with injuries . The Hawks have only seven of their losing 2002 OF side available this week . The return of defender Kent Brockman this week is offset by the loss of forward Dan Lauletta and ruckman the "Big Fish" . Old Carey coach Glenn Taylor said his side would not be taking Oakleigh lightly . "We're not going in thinking it's going to be one way," he said . "They've got a good band of young kids . " "On any given day they can turn it on . I've got no doubt about that . " After leading at every break, O eigh will be shattered at their loss to La Trobe and will need to regroup before they meet the in form OC . Skipper Trevor Bromley has received plaudits from rival coaches, some of who m


would love to have him on their list . With eleven senior i players missing from Iasi season, La Trobe coach Tony Crisafulli said his club was now in rebuilding phase, "We have a pretty young side at the moment and w the injuries, it has taken a toll," he said . Bentleigh will need to win every match from now order to make the finals . With injuries sidelini players of the ilk of Clark, Grace, Sharp, Dave Martin prolonged periods this year, it is remarkable t Demons have remained in the hunt for so long. Both Old Geelong and Williamstown also need to v every game to make the finals . "We can't afford to lose another one," OG coach Mich ; Lockman said . "We don't want to rely on other resu this far out. " While the mood at Williamstown was morose after th loss to WB, coach Dene Macleod said his players win not give up . "All you can do is win as many games as possible ai see what happens," he said . Macleod identified Hugh McCarthy as a player needed a match-up for. "He's small and so difficult to tackle," he said . Peninsula face their biggest test of the season wh they travel to Brunswick Street to tackle Fitzroy . Coach Julian Sill dismissed speculation his side w, susceptible on bigger grounds . "The larger ground doesn't worry us," he said . "I'll I

D2 SECTION Old Geelong Vickers-Willis 3 Peninsula Claringbold 8 Fitzroy Reds Tornese 2 Williamstown CYMS D Lee 3 Peninsula Payze 4 D2 RESERVE Peninsula J Atchison 1 Peninsula S Claringbold i Fitzroy Reds Pidoto 0 Old Carey Hardy i Peninsula Coghlan 5 Old Geelong Perrin 0

63 59 49 46 45 22 17 17 15 14 14



in ng Jr 'he


Id id

happy to play on a big ground . " However, Sill said that Fitzroys runners posed a huge dueat . p,'r'll be mindful of what happened last time in terms of how they tried to get their players forward of the fnoty," he said . "Our guys have to be accountable to make sure they are a step ahead ." Fitzroy coach Graham Burgen said he would need to ,top Aaron Teelow's run off half-back and shut down Steve Parsons in the Pirates' engine room . The Reds should regain wingman Jason Bennie but will be without gun forward Joe Tornese (ankle) for at least the next fortnight . Wlllle Burgen said he believed his side could win, he was very mindful of recent history . °'e believe we can certainly beat them, but they are twelve and zip and two years ago we were in the same position and it (losing) didn't happen . " TIPS Andrew (50 ) ~k'est Brunswick l8pts Old Carey 24pts Bentleigh 6pts peninsula 3pts Old Geelong 3pts SOCIAL Old Carey's Fiftieth Anniversary dinner dance will he held at the Camberwell Civic Centre on August 9 at 6 .45 for 7 .30pm, where the Team of the First Fifty Years will be named . Live band, 3 course meal and drink all included at $75 per head . Bookings for tables of 8 to 12 and enquiries can be made via Chris Thomas on 9848 3482 or .au .


m is

Bentleigh - congratulates Ben Padgham on 100 games . Ben has progressed from our Under 19's and is one of a group of players that is progressing through from the juniors and helping make our club stronger . Congratulations and well done ! Old Carey - congratulates Peter Drake on his 150th game today. While playing many of his games in the reserves, Peter has also been a most valued senior player on many occasions. A member of the 1997 reserves premiership team, Peter is a consistent possession winner and a reliable disposer of the ball . He rarely misses social events and has become a much loved and respected member of the Club . It has taken Peter quite a while to achieve this most significant milestone, a fact not helped by an indiscretion in last year's semi final! Congratulations on a fantastic career to date Drakey! All at Old Carey salute you and are delighted to see you join the Life Membership Club . Hawthorn - congratulate Rick Ogge and Luke Collins on achieving 50 games. Popular personalities around the club, all wish them well for the future .

TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTION West Brunswick v Hawthorn Amateurs Old Carey v Oakleig h La Trobe Uni v Bentleigh Fitzroy Reds v Peninsula 0 B Old Geelong v Williamstown CYM S (D THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

1 I)_' ITT~_.-T-I CYAlS 2.3 5 .4 7 .7 11 .10.76 WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .3 7 .8 9 .9 12 .12 .84 Wiitlimistown: Goals: Lee 3, Featherston 2 . Barlow 2, Wouda 2, Cocks & Ellas Best : Mc Cutcheon, Monkhurst,J.Hynes,Featherson, Talyor, Kingharn . West Brunswick : Goals ; Siebrand 4. edwards 3, Batters 2, Draln,harnllton & McGuire Best : Ptetch, West, Edwards, Bailey, Drain, War d Umpires: David D'Altera Phil Glu}as (F) Chris O'Shea Joel Wignell (B) Denver Melder Jose Talavera (G ) HAWTHORN 1 .1 2.2 5.4 7.8.50 OLD CAREY 6.5 10.11 17.15 24 .1T 161 Hawthorn : Ogge 2. Davies 2 Saulle, Lauletta Newton, Best Ofge, Bettto, Davies, Newton, Sandie, Rice. Old Carey: White 6 Cohen 5 James 3 Rafloulos 3 Mcfarlane, Campbell, McQueen-Parton. DetarezvnskL Patterson, Hall, Collins . Best Hall Wood McFarlane RaRouios Cohen Campbell Mcgueen-Parton Detare}znski . Umpires: Anthony Simpson Santo Caruso (F) Christian Schaefer Lee Dalton (B) Nick Murphy (G ) OAKLEIGH 4 .4 8 .8 11 .9 13111 (89) IA TROBE UNI 2 .5 6.9 8.14 13.21 (99) Oakleigh: S Kitts 3 Mackenzie 3 Dalton 2 Broml ;ey Curtain Mitchell Mulholland . Best S Fitts Dalton Bronilewy Mackenzie CammLss Clark . La Trobe Unit Shetdrtek 4 White 4 Adamsthwalte Darcy McMeekin Pruscino Tienan. Best Adamsthwaite White Prulscino Mann McMeekin Sheldrick . Umpires : Peter Griffiths Nick R}de (F) PENINSULA O .B. 4.10 11 .14 16 .17 21 .20 (146) OLD GEELONG 2.1 6.2 7.3 t0.10 (70) peninsula O.B: N.Claringtwld 8, Payrz 4. Torossl 2, T.Prendergast 2, Maclean. Grant, Davis, Murphy, Sill . Best: N .Clam-,gbotd, Payte, Powney, Davis, Murray Torossi . Old Geelong: Vickers-Willis 3 . Salter 2, H .Legoe 2, Munro, Stevens, N .Betts. Best: N.Betts, TBetts, H .Legoe, Teague, Fuzclarence, Griffiths , Umpires: Alan Ladd Paul Jones (F) Michael Ladd (B) Bernie Hoare Daniel Kofoed (G) BENTLEIGH 2 .1 3.8 5.10 5.12 (42) FrIZROY REDS 3 .6 7.10 12.16 14 .20 (104) Beat. Adaway, Handfleld, Sice, Henry, Eytes. Best: Mtksad, Handfield, McCulloch, D. Martin, Henry. Robertson. Fitz : Atherton 3 . Copodlferro 2, Tornese 2, Drury, Little . V. Cahill, J . Parsons, Pollard, Murphy, Ronclll . Best: Atherton, Pollard . Drury. V. Cahill, Clarke, J. Parsons. Umpires : Di Whiteley Mitch Buxton (F) James GregCxy James Patrick (B) &FSRRVF. D2

WILLIAMSTOWN l1 .24iai-~1 .2 2 .5 2 .7.19 WEST BRUNSWICK 5.0 10 .4 11 .9 17 .12.114 Williamstown: Goals : Burgess & Thrush . Best: Kennedy. McKenzie Griffin, Slme, Jones West BnwswlelL Goals: Russell 6, Rudd 3, hayavod 2, Hussey, Richie, Sutherland, Thompson & Best : Stew-art, Burn, Russell, Rudd, Sutherland Colquhoun HAWTHORN 0 .2 2.65 4.9 4.11 (35) OLD CAREY 2.4 4.6 4.8 6.12 (48) Hawthorn : Goals : Chepa 6. Best: Chepa, Tsoumbris, James, Osoulkis Old C arey : best players and goal kickers not received . OAHI.EIGH 1 .1 6.2 7.3 8.3(51) LA TROBE UNI 3.6 8.11 9.12 11 .14003) Oflklelgh: Ryan 2 Moutis Nuske Perdikomatis Short . Best Keating Ryan Redford Woutersz Connellan Nuske . La Trobe Unit Watson 3 OToole 2 Baffle Clutterbuck Cotsoppoulos Genola Murray Robson. Best Baffle Robson Samson Craig Smith Genola PENINSULA O .B . 6.4 6 .4 12 .8 5 .8(98) DID GEELONG 1 .1 5 .5 5 .7 7.10(52) Peninsula O.B: J .Coghlan 5, Day 2, Warner 2 . S.Ctartrwbotd, JAtchison, Cook, Cannon, T.Cogtilan, Angus. Best: Warner, T.Coglilan Angus, Cook, J.Cogiilan, Cannon . Old Geelong: Allen 3, GrWs, ArdHe . Lyons. DhIDon . Best: Grills, Mottram, Atkins, Johnson . Carey, Abbott. BENTLEIGH 1 .1 6.2 7.3 8.3(51) FITZROY REDS 4 .2 7.2 10.5 16 .7 (103) Bent. Gold 3, Ferris 2, Banks, Gatto, Oldfield . Best : Gold, Kopitschinskl, Banks, Smith, Lawford, Oldtield. Fitz: Reeves 4. Rome 3, Crave 2, Crowe 2, Baker 2, Cook, Bennie. Walsh . Best: Bennie, Rome, Vernah, Reeves, Crowe, Foster . 27


Coach: Paul Dima tt ina Assistant: Steve Grace Res. Coach : Steve Hall 1 C . Sharp 2 D . Ferguson 3 A . Pittito 4 S . Sice 5 M . Eyles 6 R. Weber 7 J . Robert son 8 J . Handfleld 9 I. Jackson 10 A. Hen ry 11 D. Ma rtin 12 N. Aitken 14 B . Reid 15 S . Grace 16 L. Airey 17 C. Martin 18 S. Adaway 18aM . Walker 19 B. Clark 20 R. Fishlock 21 A. Graham 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlane 24 L . Holmesby 25 D. Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M . McCulloc h 29 H. McKenzie 30 A. Miksad 3OaD . Kopitschinsk i 31 S. Craven 32 A. Strauch 33 P. Withington 34 M. Pins 35 L. Ireson (C) 36 M. Backman 37 P. Hutchiso n 38 G. Beattie 39 G. Prigg 40 J . Harbo ttle 41 J . Nave 42 A . Mikkelsen 43 A . Fer ri s 44 G. Holland 45 46 R . Lawford 47 M . Scanlon 48 P. Dimattina 49 L. Vivona 50 A . Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 A . Banks 54 R . Coyle 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 A . Cantsilieris 58 T. Caterson 59 S . Kennedy 60 R. Punter 61 J . Perrone

I Cc ;h: Graham Burgen Res. Coach: Darren Kane Club 1 Soach: Greg Box I D . Hannam 2a B. Holderhead 2b A . Walsh 3 S . Dibenedetio 5 P. Diacogiorgis 7a S . Andrew 7b L. Byrne 8 A . Byrne 9a H . Fletcher 9b C. Prior 10 A . Urbanic 11 B . Athe rton 13a A Davison 13b S . Pidotto 14 T. Clarke 16 G. Crane 17 B . Lee 18 M . Baker 19a C. Andrew 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. Meig hen 22 C. Sullivan 23b M . Camelleri 23b D. Knowles 24 A. Parsons 26 C. Temperley 27 J . Tomese 29 V. Cahill 30 C. Little 31 P. Crowe 32 A. Gran t 33 S. Dru ry 34 S. Herceg 36 M. Reeves 38 A. George 40 G . Bance 42 I . McBurney 45 J . Bennie 46 D . Timm 51 J . Rawlins 53 S. Addicoh 54 J . Parsons 56 C . Quinn 57 R . Rome 61 G. Vi rtue 62 N . Auden 67 R . Holderhead 73 J . Bare 75 B . Pollard 76 D . Cu rt is 77 A . Grillo 97 D . Penchi fJia~ or

Sponsor s

Fitzroy Football Club Limited Sponsor Scoble's Nursery

Tile Importers 26


L ord Newry Hotel North Fitzroy

Coach: PtÂŤr fyson Res. Coach: Ed Sill I A . Collins 2 G. Broadley 3a A . Knott 3b N . Patterson 4a S . Steven s 4b B . Glover 5a S . Ave ry 5b T Kerr fia P. Avery 7 C. Alexander 8 J . Cargil; 9 R. Ogge 10 P. Orchard 11 M . Pollock , 12b A. Tsaumbaris 13a J .Murphy 13b J . Povey 14a D. Lauletta 14b T. Fitzpatrick 15 M . Tyson 16 C . Reed 17 B. Ruzick a 18 P. Phillips 19 J. Law 20 S. Parker 21 K. Brockman 22 C . Habel 23 L Collins 24 J. Jackomonis 25 M. Zaverella 26 N . Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T. Crivelli 2 9 P. Barker 30 31 32 33 P. Stroud 34 R. Johnston 35 S . Davies 36 A. West 37 M . Daou 38 B . Bruns 39 G . Carte 40 P. Rossitto 41 J .~ ie 42 D. McGlenchy 43 I . Chepa 44 B. Al4de r 45 B. Mountain 46 T. 0'Hanlon 47 D. Lahiff 48 A. Brick 49 N . Tierney 50 J. Gourlay 51 S. Signorini 52 C . Frost 53 M. Preston 54 J. Berry 55 A. Saulle ~ M. Coglan 57 B. Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A. Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M. Gray 62 A.Johnsen 63 D . Kealy 64 N . Kudewe h 65 G. Lilywhite 66 C . Lorenz 67 S . McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A . Patton 71 S . Williams 72 M . Waller 73 J . Williams 75 E . Sil l 76 C . Pickett 77 A . Smith 78 D. Carter


Coach : Tony t ;risafulli Res: David Ht ~r 1 P.Mo rton 2 S .Fredrickson 3 D .Sheldric k 4 N .Dunne 5 S .Adamswait e 6 M .Watson 7 S .Burke 8 M .Correnti 9 L.Walker 10 S .Davi .liarriss1D 11 A.Murray 13 P.Moon 15 S .Brooks 16 A.Brennan 17 J .Brodie 18 . S h t~e 20 A.Murphy 4 21 D.Edmunds 22 S .Wil cock 23 S .Craig 24 S .Edward s 25 M .Fanning 27 S.Pruscino C. 28 R oss 29 A.Randel l 30 J.Smith 31 R .Mann 32 S.Gemmala 36 T. Mawdsley 40 R .Slater 42 D .Gleeson 43 A.Poulton 44 S.Linehan 45 D .McMeekin 47 A.Samson 50 K. Hopkin s 54 T.Peters 55 A.Cummings 56 J.Nield 57 A .Woolmer 63 J.Laidlaw 70 J .D umaresq rt 75 .Baillle AR .Baker A .Benton S .Bland C .Bowden T.Bullen S .Clrftord B .Clutterbuck M.Cotsopoulos H.Davies N .Dejanovic M .Donohue T.Duggan S .Dmsday u J .Elliott J,Eyre PF . a rran t C. Franci s D.Gilmour J .Griffi n D. Hill R.H~king D.Huffer S.Jackson D. Kerrison C.Knee B.Lau n ikoni s J Levy Plias Tij q htt~t A.Mann P. Marozzi LMcNamara M .Milla r B.O'Connor X.O'Donnell S.OToole D.Patience S.Patterson M .Paull

F 9a

C Ch ri s Moor e R=~. :n vir Pat ?. cKenna 1 S. Banda 2 A. Bloomfiel d 3 D . MacKenzie (VC) C) 4 B. Varkatzos 5 C . Kokkino s 7 M, Short 8 R . Marshal l 9 J . Moutis 10 R . Mitchel l 11 C . Hanley 12 R . Dooley 13 D . Britt 14 P. Malcolm 15 G. Redford 16 M . Bell 17 L. Cu rtai n 18 J . Connellan 19 R. Keating 20 J . Tolley 21 A. Perdikomati s 22 S . Ea r 23 J. Kerley 24 S . Kitt s 25 C. Marshal l 26 A. Kitts (VC) 27 G . Smith 28 B. Anderson 29 D. Sowersb y 30 P. Holden 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J. Brown 33 M. Clark 34 B. Evans 35 R . Nuske 36 M. Ryan 37 P. Torpey 38 S. Cammiss 39 A. Mulholland 40 J. Gael 41 M . Cash 42 S . Dalto n 43 P. Lucas 44 N . Smith 45 G. Chapman 46 B . Nguyen 47 M . Stevenso n 48 A . McKenzi e 49 S . Collin s 50 J . Cai n 51 L. Kenned y 52 C. Cooke 53 T. Hunt 54 O . Part on 55 A. Goo k 56 J . Pag e 57 B. Woutersz 58 E. Bennett 59 P. Ciavarella 60 S. Clarke 63 A. Ju ry 64 M. Ogilvie

B.Philli s

S.Pitar o A.Place C .Parter H .Russel l P.Stewart J .Thorn R .Walker J .Waterma n



- -p

Glenn Taylor Paul Montgomery

1 C. Angus (c) 2 D. Faelis (vc) 3 M . Cohen 4 D. James 5 P. Konstantinidis 6 C. Campbell (c) 7 R. Oppy NO 8 M . Cann 9 B . Andrevrs 10 K . Shrives 11 H . Everett 12 C . Davey 13 B. Hutchison 14 M. Mahon 15 N . Bull R . Graham A. Parton B. Chiuchiarelli T. Woo d P. Drake (cr) J . Raftopoulos Zi T. Collins 22 C. Battle 23 C. Pattenden 24 P. Unkles 25 L. Chiuchiarelli (vcr) 26 A. Wood 28 D. Biondo 29 C. Munro 30 A . Guerra 31 J . Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England 34 H . Thomas 35 S . Hardy 3 6 S. Wood 37 S. Jessup 38 L . Guerra (vcr) 39 C . O'Reilly 40 S. Angus 41 A. Gates (Cr) 42 P. Busse 43 D. Joyce 44 N. Detarczynski 45 T. Bull 46 H. Giannikos 50 J . White 51 R. Hall 55 J . Boag ,, J . Boncher 59 C . Mason 62 P. Tompkins 64 C . Smith 65 D . Elsner 7 C . Hickey 68 S . Hart 0. Winchester 70 J. Marshall 71 5. Feehan 74 S. Pviees 7 :i C . Smith 76 D . Grinzi 77 B. Spedding 82 D . Paul

C h : Michael Lockman Res: Ben Dunn 1 S. Maloney 2 S. McMahon 3 J . Fitzclarence 4 C. Sticnchcombe 5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 J . Bell 7 J . Paul 8 T. Seymour g D. Satter 10 M . Avery 11 L. Stevens 12 N . Perrin 13 S . O'Brien 14 D . Taylor 15 H . McCarthy 16 T. Fallaw 17 M . Goldsworthy 18 J. Mal pas 19 B. Grills 20 S. Col e 21 N . Bayne 22 J. Fitzgerald 23 C . Fairburn 24 A. Munro 25 G . Leishman 26 S. Lansdell 27 W. Paul 28 T. Carey 29 G . Allan 30 M . Stevens 31 T Woolley 32 N. Betts 33 T. Paul 34 B . Yates 35 P. Johnstone 36 T. Ayerbe 37 T. Betts 38 M . Leslie 39 S . Clarke 40 H . Legoe 41 P. Winter 42 A . Kettle 43 D . O 'Brien 44 A. Dhillon 45 S. Morgan 46 L . Knight 47 M. Strauch 48 S. Greed 49 S. Grftiths 50 L. Teague 51 J . Kilpatrick 52 J . Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 T. Daniel 55 D. Harris 56 A. Meek 57 J . Huxter 58 B . Brueren 59 D. Brueren 60 A . Southe y 61 A . Holmes 62 J . Morley 63 D . Huggins 64 X . Fitzgerald 65 A . McLachlan 66 R . Merriman 67 T. de Steiger 68 H . Brownin g 69 T Mayhall 70 J. Cole 75 P. James c 77 C . Pritchard


Coach : JmFan Sill Res. Coach : Brian Cronin 1 S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S. Murray 8 P. AngusY 9 M . Dentry ry 9 P. Krohn (res. ) 10 A. Haley 11 J . Sill 12 S . Ferguson 13 B . Cook 14 S . White 15 J . Davis 16 S . Claringbold 17 J . Coghlan 18 M . Merrick 18 J . Whelan (res.) 19 A . McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A . Teelow 22 A . Atchison () C 23 R . Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchiso n 26 A. Murphy 27 S . Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 B. Grant 32 B. Liuzzi 33 R . Stainforth 34 M. Falkiner 35 T. Trewhitt 36 N. Claringbold 37 J . Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S . Barber 40 B. Mitchell 41 A. Vidotto 42 M . Barro n 43 B . Dunne 44 C. Maclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 D. Brennan 47 L. Palmer 48 G. Lethbridge 49 A . Minchin 50 P. Arnold 51 L. Gilde r 52 J . Zarb 53 S . JaY 54 D . Porra 55 R . Cannon 56 A. Tunks 57 S. Smith 58 P. Manga n 59 S. Foss 60 S. McMahon 69 J. Muir


:h: Julian Sieb antl Damien Shaw

Coach : Dane Macleod Res Coach: Cameron McKenzie 2 J. Buttigieg 1 M Drain / A Hamilton 3 D" Woud a 2 P. Hamilton 4 S. Wuchatsch 3 G . Heppell 5 T. Wheele r 4 C. Lehmann 6 N. Grant 5 A . Cannane 6 S . Pietsch 6 D. Grieve S . Benjamin 7 B, Robinson 8 P. Batters 8 B. Hann A . Morphett g J . Munro 10 S . Byrne 11 H . Bailey 10 B . Cocks 12 B. Clarke 11 B . Twis t 13 M . Ritchie 12 A . Feathersto n 14 P. Norman 13 A . Mackley 15 M . Russell 14 J . Wyatt 16 P. Harris(T Maguire 17 R . Heywood 15 J . Tinham 18 M. McManus 16 S . Phemister 19 M. Shelton 17 M" Kennedy 20 T. Houlden 18 D . Oldham 21 S. McNamara 19 S. Barlow 22 A. Steward 23 G . Leahy 19 P. Dervan 24 J. Jenkin 20 P. Geraghty 25 J. Siebrand 21 L . Monkhurs t 26 R. Benjamin 22 J. McCutcheon 27 D. Disisto 28 J. Ward 23 B" Jose p h 29 C. Sheed y 24 C. Poch 30 M . Lewis 25 G . Burgess 31 S . Edwards 25 P. Thomson 32 M . Carmichael 33 T. Thompson 26 D. Le e 34 I . Twyford 27 B . Grant 35 D. Jelbart 28 A. Kosmato s 36 S . Campbell 29 B . Giffin 37 T. Dempsey 30 Kez Dowse y 38 S . Darling 39 R . West 31 C. Gaud 40 R . Baker 32 A . McCutcheon 41 P . Touze z 33 T. Bo z 42 C . Norman 34 B" Jones 43 J . Tobin 45 J . Smith 35 C . Bergi n 46 A. Bandit 36 M . Imms 47 A. Thompson 37 B . Hynes 48 M. Moor 38 J . Hynes 50 A. Bagnall e 39 A. Carter 51 L. Sherry 54 D . Coonan 40 S. Jamieson 61 K. Hilton 41 A. McKenzie 62 S. Dishon 42 D . Elia s 63 J. Gartlan 43 C . Poch 64 L . Stewart 69 R. Hussey 44 M. Manning 70 D. Weston 45 J. Digrazia 71 M . Brookshaw 46 M . Sime 75 P. Brunt 47 B. Koch 85 T. Gross 48 M . O'Ryn n 49 J. Robinson 50 A. Bouras 51 M . Saunders 52 B . Jones 53 J . Street 54 P. Trchett 55 R . Nisbet 69 S . Freema n

Morningg Star Hote l 3 Electra St


Williamstow n

9397 6082 29

Original and pink copy must be lodged : Fitft ur )pires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surrrame . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

~ SP T VER p (preser:'ed by Qv9t'

(cost o f a local call) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this serviceO

• Weekend matches (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments • Scores (Sat . night) i ~~



ELSTE IC PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20'

Question: Refer to FTLOTG p12-19. Five of the players named fit the following -one has a'JAFA medal named after him ; one coached an AFL team ; one played football for North Melbourne; one is a former WA cricket coach and one had a brother who 째won" the 1971 GF for Nanhom . Name the 5 in the order of the clues. Winner to collect prize from VAFA offices; Ans wer: "Jock" Nelson was drawn from a number of people who fold us that Graham Halbish (ex VAFA Umpire) is the link to the Auction of Bradmans Cap .


Fill out the answer and contact details (to the left) and mail to "VAFA Ben Ho gan Competiti{ , : _A ; I Elsterowick 3185 " by noon Tuesday following the match for your chance to win .


~ Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). ~ Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVP's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .




L~ ._. . .

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.. .. .. ..

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Hampton Rovers third in "C" were at home to fourth conditions placed Old Geelong . In muddy an d slippery the Rovers' inaccuracy probably cost them the game as .7(79) to Old G kicked truly all day to finish on 12 . Paul ( OG) and . Best were Lee, Welsby W 8 .14(62) Browne, McKellar, Wills (Rovers) . A Section captains were M . Lake (Coll) Phil Brasher (De Council (Old La) Nick Perry (Old Brighton) Dave Haileyburyl Tim Stuckey (Old Melb) Stuart Steele (Old Scotch) Michael Blood (Old Xavs) Marcus Doiiman (St Kevins) Brian Blood (Uni Blues) . Abe Kyriaxis(100 gamesl North Brunswick congratulated 50) on reaching George Latouf (50) and Simon Hodgson ( milestones .

Top teams in B, Marce llin & Old Trinity played a high marred only by standard game in poor conditions Marcellin 's inaccuracy which saw them trail Old Trinity at the last change

in kicked early goals in the 4 .15(39) to 7 .6(48)- Marce ll .10(64) . It was fi nal term to go away to win 9 .19(73) to 9 Marcellin's second victory for the year against Old . Gill, Purcell (Marcellin) Trinity. Best wereTregan owan and Andrews . R .Phillips Old Trinity . Southbank on top in D, 11( i trailed third team Parkside by 15 pis at half 8 .4 to time but then dominated in the second half kicking .8(68) Stars for the day were 2 .3 to win 14 .6(90) to 10 Thompson Stewart Pitts (S'B an k) an d McCall, Panjari, rmed as D section Tyson ( P'Side) . Southbank had fi premiership prospects .

VAFAUA were delighted that the VAFA had presented Bob Dunstan with a framed Certificate of Service to celebrate his 800th, yes 800, game as field and goal umpire .

AJAX held on to fourth place in 'C' when they defeated fifth team MHSOB in a game that was tight all day . Best . Newton, Comer, were Pat, Levy . Briskin (AJAX) and R Helmet (MHSOB) . David Matthews started his career with Caulfield Grammarians Reserves at the age of 14 in 1975 . 1993 saw David play his 200th game in an illustrious career that includes the following highlights : 'C' Section leading . VAFA Interstate team, goalkicker. 1169 goals, 1983 . Club 1983, 84, 85 . Club Captain 1987, 88, 92, 93 senior coach 92, 93 and 15 VFL games with Collingwood and Melbourne . Williamstown (D) handled the rainy conditions much better than third team Old Ivanhoe and came away in the . Best were ,last quarter to win 14 .15 (99) to 12 .12 (84) . Stevens . M . Featherston, M & T Cameron (Will) and J Veal, M . Huber (Old I'hoe) .

De La Salle, third in Under 19 Section 1 . got away to lead . fifth team, Chirnside Park, 6.4 to 1,4 at the first change The Parkers came back to lead by 2 points at half time ; the second half was tight, tight, tight and at the final . Best were siren scores were level . 13 .9 apiece

Cochrane, McIntosh, Lowern (C. Park) and Favoloro, Smith, Fountoulakis (De La I Salle) . Inthe turn up of the round Old Brighton . eighth, were far too strong for third .15 (87) team Old Xaverians . On top all day they won 12 . Best for Old Brighton were McLaughlan, to 8 .14 (62) Prvor, Perry . Talbot, Mercer, Wade . 250 games to Paul Considine of North Old Boys . If anyone had earnt the title of "legend", Paul was the man . 1982 'A' Section premiership team, captain 1988/89, best and fairest 87188, 5 AAFC Carnivals, All Australian Amateur, innumerable VAFA representative teams - a fearless, versatile player, a good bloke - the only blemish some of his punt passes terrorised his teammates .

:![(, -_n as turnaround for old Xaverians v hose 13 goal wi

cr Old Paradians not only silenced their growing arm y

of eriues but consolidated their place in the four . It was a one team game - OP's 2 goals was a record low for goals . The victory team scored by it in an ' A Section game once again threw doubt on Editor Peter French who in his selections said "OP's will put a real dent in the Xavs final hopes" . John McKay (ft)), Peter Curtain (ffl, Mick Atkins (o), Dermot Dann (rover) were OX best while as ever peter Wood worked hard across the half back line for OP's . The Under 19 teamcame within one point of winning the inaugural Under 19 Victorian Championship . Played as a round robin on the one day between VAFA, VMFL, VCFL and VFA . it. Game results were VAFA d . VCFL 8 .3 to 5 .5, VMFL . VAFA 7 .5 to 5 .5, VAFA it. Vr"'A 9.6 to 3 .3

With points for best half, best second half and of the game, final scores were VCFL 9, VAFA 8 . VMFL 7, VFA nil. VAFA captain Simon Phillips of PowerHouse was runner up for best player in the Carnival which Steve O'Flynn (Mareellinl got the coach and selectors trophy as best amateur player .

Our players were : Simon Phillips (PH), Matt Burns (Orm .), Phil Honey, Trevor Bell (T'town), Grant Mooney (Banyu), Robert PoIlick (State Bank), Zani Useinov and Stewart Griffths (Old Melb), Dean Wood (P'side), Matt Galbraith (Coll .), Dean Milat, Paul La Rosa, Peter Brabender, Lloyd Mansfield, Steve Philp, Tim Beare (Old Par), Sam Furphy (Old Xav), Anthony Paron, Brett Stokes (Bull-Temp), Jason Reddick (Therryl, Glenn Tanner (Old H'bury), Steve O'Flynn (Marc.), Matt McKellar (H . Rovers), Jason Jones (Uni Blues), Matt Allen (Old B'ton)-

De La Salle clinched second position in 'A' Section when they came from behind to beat Old Xaverians 10 .9 to t 10 .8, kicking 4 goals in the last 10 minutes and made i THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

difficult for OX to make the four . Man of the hour was winger David Harrington who booted the winning goal after the siren . 150 games to St Kevins OB veteran Peter "Happy" Hannan - winner of the Club's B&F awards - 1976,78 and 81 and leading goalkicker in 1976, 77, 78, 81 and VAFA team in 1983 . (Loved a goal Hap did! Ed). The following VAFA players were selected in the AAFC team to play the Victorian Country Football League in Bendigo . John Jones, Marcellin (C), Jim Bennett, Collegians, Brian Bourke, De La Salle, Peter Brown, Old Scotch, Nick Burne, Old Xavs, Gary Carroll, NOB, Bernie Cooper, Marc, Mick Deveson . De La Salle, Mick Jennings, Uni Blues, Shane Murphy, De La Salle, Peter Sherwen, Old Scotch, Chris Stone, Caulfield Grammarians, John Toomey Marcellin . QUIZ : How many of the players played, or went on to play, VFL first XVIII football? . Players selected from other states were WA : Mike Salmon (VC), Rod Cronan, Jeremy McGrade, John Price, SA : Bill Botten, Max Bratton, Peter Cousins, Clinton Giles, Tas : Dean Coleman . Coach was John Fisher of Victoria. AAFC were beaten by 4 points, 11 .16 to 11 .12 in a stirring last quarter . Best were Deveson, Salmon, Jones, Burne, Murphy and Stone . M . 7 Old Melburnians 'B' were finally toppled when second team Old Paradians came from 19 points down at the last change and kicked 7 .0 to 2 .1 in the final term to win by 10 points . Best were C . McCarthy, C. Hughes. Roe (Old Parad) . and I . Cordner (7 goals), Pisarski, Mitchelmore (Old Melb) . For the first time the Umpires Association were represented at delegates meetings - past present of Umpires' Association, Daryl Hill, an umpire of long standing. was their man . Surprise of the day in 'D' was the defeat of leader Old Camberwell by Heatherton, seventh . A point ahead at half time, 4 points at the last change and 5 points at the final siren . Heatherton's stars were Babour, Killeen . Brains (Heath) and Macrae, K. Kerr and J. Rimington (Old C .) .

Caulfield Gram . Held a Sportsmans Night at Khyat's Hotel, Brighton - compered by Ian MeDonald, supported by Alan Aylett, Gus Mercurio, Keith Stackpole, Bob Skilton and Neil Roberts . St Bernards congratulated 1976 Carnival representative Gavin Mitchell on his 150th game .

Coburg Juniors kicked 13 goals straight in the second quarter of their match against Old Paradians . North Utd Boys and Kew figured in tneir second drawn game for the season, kicking 9 .8 .62 each. When they met in the first round they scored 61 points . New kicking 9 .7 and NOB 8 .13.

Collegians brought themselves back into the final four calculations with a four point win over the leaders, Old Paradians . Graeme Brewer, National Bank Captain, played his 150th game as did Denis "Tropical" Davies with St Kevins OB . Well known Parkside stalwart, Bill Rodda, wins the award of 'father of the week' - twins (a boy and girl) .

Geelong's hopes of making the 'B' Section four were jolted when they went down at home by 2 goals to bottom team, St Kilda CBOC who were best served by Sheehan, Carrol and Vignola . De La Reserves had a bad day - 0 .9 for the day against O . Xaverians . (Obviously Tony O'Callaghan was not goal umpire) . Old Trinity's captain-coach Ian Curtis played his 50th game. Melbourne High continued their run with a 16 point win over Caulfield Gramm . (3rd). Nelson, Needham and Gilbert (5 goals) were best for MHSOB .

7Coburg congratulated ruckman Jack Dugdale on his 150th game and his wonderful service to the club, both on the field and off the field as social secretary . Max Demptster played his 100th game for Parkside . Parkside'B' with 10 wins and 1 loss and in top plaee, only scrambled home by 10 points in a low scoring game against Hampton Rovers . Foley, Dunn and McLaughlin (Old P.) and C . Adamson, Shaw, Hayes (H . Rovers) were best. MHSOB broke a run of seven successive defeats with a 27 point victory against Comm . Bank . Stars were Masters (5 goals), Nelson, L . Stewart (MHS) and Board, Casey, Caven (C . Bank) .

Only undefeated team was Alphington in junior section with a percentage of 323 .4. 'E' Section captains were R . McLellan (Old Bri), R. Davison (St . K. CBCOC), G . Ridgeway (ANZ) .R . Stein (O. Carey), D . Birang (P'house Gold), L. Dowling (0. Trin), F.J . Lee (Coll . Gold), M, Marsden (U . Reds) A. Tunks (Brighton) . d.urnveiatyBlks,omvengduristo

Coburg'A' lost their third game in succession when they were beaten at Ormond, going down by 4 points,and slipping to 5th position . However they were three games and percentage clear of Geelong in sixth position . Top team, Old Camberwell, 'E' came from 5 goals behind at the last change to beat second top team Old Ivanhoe by 4 points . Their inaccuracy, 10.20 almost cost them the game . Best were McCallum, Mullett, Burt (Old C .) and Williams, Kelsey, Purcell (Old I.) . 200 games for Parkside spare parts man Danny "Boone" Gleeson who had played in just about every position on the field and also found time to be coach of the Reserves for a spell, and for Bill Mumford, the 'Old Man' of National Bank FC, a tremendous clubman both on and off the field . 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

defeat with a 36 point victory over Old Melburnians . Denis Cordner, Heywood and Livingstone were outstanding for the Blacks .

Melbourne High showed their best form for weeks but still went down to Coburg by 8 points - Alf Keam who shone on the wing and Ian Bailey at half forward were best for the losers . For the first time since the war Old Paradians (C Section), won three games in a row - Kev Power, Geoff Hilland Bria n Heye were their best in the victory against Footscray Tech

Jim Bennett (Hawthorn), Peter Brown (Fitzroy), Shane Murphy (Hawthorn), Chris Stone (St Kilda) . 35


sons, uie Gryp;is to ma n !>ot in the finals, and Kew to the teams line up the way I head to head contest between nd Adrian Fiosverday (ivionash be quite exciting, and an The Ks might fancy the Gryphs at Eas t ? feel Monash can w in . to St . James le buoyant after d victories . Th e onfidence afte r opponents, while the - ladder position an d

ial contenders . The payers such as Van .tcl have their hands

Higgins an d aturing Farrington Jozri s OC) will be a can be only one inny today . alce the trio to

Yv c]

peopie s contender, i s ~ctable at c a h -ier score Werribe e



Yurcille 7 67 Burrowes 0 42 Cachia 4 40 Foster 4 3 7 Malone 0 31

hons A Arena 3 24 I Jordan 0 2 3 )ourne Dist W Rosowski 0 1 6 - Ho Ti :c :pson 1 1 6 ouse D'im,no 0 1 5


Neither team was r e ,ied contenders for finals a ( ,n, with the more fashion, ) ne . Rupertswood and St. Jol 's OC a l of in in the queue . He, t r. both sides 17av, ~ their part thus far an exciting finals races, and this game pre to 'lave plenty c : - . ~~S n£thP coll.,^hr)t`iadY . 1, a ario . I'll piump for th e old their 27 ,ad s alcohol, ul and

2 .00 noon. .4 ..fer to 2 964 for more on ist 2 host their "Iiystery Night" featuring guest speakers, pa s s and one very special award . Tickets an r s are available from the club, contact Shan Lee on 0418 178 423 .

Also. it's a few weeks awaV, but you may want t

considering your n 7inatians for tl?e 200 3

correspondence garding social notes, tones etc ., can be provided (ideally by 5p m v) to myself via fax on 9920 9097 or emai l i ..PS .4villiamsonCcecentrelink .gov .au (vork) . It

g nuld be terrific to hear from every team, ove r ; during the season . C'mon people, get thas, torts in!


:inally pla; ::u his M

5a in has played with the Grvphs on off since 1997 and has a reputation as one of r more annoying players going around . . . . . . . . ana that's just among his teammates! Seriously though, Sammy has provided some great on-field moments, and contributes off-field as well by supplying the canteen with their baked goods (John Leroy recommends the Shepherd's pies) . Well done S< .,emy fro) ever cne at the Gr, ions .

`ti°verribe : f r tf s v Kew C a: Swinburne


Uni v St Jol


.~:.n- 2 C ~I


Bravington Y ant IF) Jon O'Connor

t fiG ) 3 .10 6.19 9.21-75 5.6 6.8 7.16-58 .Btshop ,alyor2h , H uk e ~ ° . A.1 ,It 2, J .1 ~n I,

n lad( Gr m- It (G) 8.8 . . -124 3.7 4.9 7 .t2-54 v 2 . Sponner 2, Hattyt King, is B : Jr, "bards. tti 2, L e . Vatts, o,,,,gton. ¢ IRFL (F) Keegan L) Graeme Carte r 9.8(62) 3 .3 4 .3 9 .7 2 .6 8 .12 11 .12 17.141116 1 r 5. Bourbon, N Rv+t-ford, B-Ter, Clark . Best : R I ton, Pocock, I ord, Roche. Swi nburne : 4, Liston 3, n 3 . Best : i7agiacomor Frencli . Eager. Prior. Umpires: Andrew Shiel s 5.3 11 .9 14.9 18 .12 ( 121) 2.5 2.6 8.6 13 .7 ( 85 ) ! Di 4 Chalk 3`,'7aiker 2 Patrerson 2 Kizilis Kelly Sharp Chalk Diaz Foncea Van Houten . in 3 Rutter 2 Richardson ?d P+9orest n ?vioresi d Mores! Richardson ris S( F) 1 .1 2.4 3 .5 7.8 (50) 3 .2 1 2 6 .3 7.4(46) hlner 2 D Tho2 Pot Il CaNarin.g King. Best Kidd King R u . it Goldman 4 Alte r McAbamr; -u aru'manBattahllBolton. 0 .2 0 .6 2 .6 3.6-24 5 .4 9 .9 13 .16 16.17-11 3 ~td 1, A. Catma 1, A.Contreras 1 Best: A.Calma. A ."^nireras, B.PYUl)ips, T.Brown)ohn in s . P.Thomas 3 . R.Fastuca 2 . C. '+tereteca 2, us 1- T.Edis 1, S .Alahacos I . S.Kidd 1 . Best : . , A .Carsen, S:eCidd, T.Ett!s

6.3 7.12 12.16 16.18 (114) 0.1 2.2 3.3 3 .6(24 ) •1 i 2 . wtlson 2, Ang, Bradbury . At a . Phi ins, Seelv. Roberts, uno . I It Gi nsante, Patnaude , In, An r to 1 .1 4 .6 5 .8 7 .10 (52) 6.1 9 .2 12 .3 13.6 (841 : Gnats 3, A Arena 3, Jenkin. Best: Grenfell, Clarke, tVadlev, A . Y2sm L . .,omas 3 . Luckea 2, Demaek 2 . Howat 2 . Kiss 2, Flack. Sandhu, Ryan, Remoldson, Higgrans, Murphy, Fiumani. 4 .0 6_3 9_5 11 .i 1(77) 2 .0 2 .3 4 .6 5 .7(37 ) Hilton Johnston A Che,.sum Hall Callerv iltyon Beslep Cockayne Seardamaglia S

its 0 C

dal Tallv-Ho v South Melbourne Dist . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

10.11 (71) : guilina Be ll on GI

oyle 2 Wong 2 Thompson Murray . Best : Holtha m eIlo Turpin . 37

D3 Section EI .STERRWICK Coach: Peter Oliveri

Res Coach: Andrew Curtain 1 L . Murphy

2 A. Harkin

3 J. Yemm 4 S . Rosengarten 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Hagg 7 J . McAdam 8 S . Currie 9 T. Hartley

10 R . Bravington 11 L . Missaglia

12 N . Wigmore 13 S. Soppet 14 B . Mahony (VC) 15 B . Hooper 16 M . S urman 17 J . Perkins 18 C. McKenna 19 J . Hunter 20 E.Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G . Elvin (DVC) 23 S. Curtain 24 A . Foste r 25 S Gordon 26 C. Mahony (C) 27 M . Daniel s 28 V. O'Conno r 29 S. Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 C. Lyons 33 M. Cunningham 34 J . Beaumont

34 A. Conlin 速

35 P. McNally 36 Y. Alfie 37 D . Nolan (CR)

38 A. Barney

39 M .Thiele 40 A. Patey 41 D . Byrne 42 J. Lilikakis 43 P. Clarke 44 C . Walker 45 R . Grandemange 46 M . Strickland g 47 N . U tt in 48 M . Franken 49 D. Hohaia 50 M . Battain i 51 G . Powell 52 M. Purcell 53 A. Lewi s 54 J. Devitt

55 S . Stephens 56 B . Erlich 57 J . Donova n 58 M . Mitchel l 59 T. Perkin s 60 M . Creak 61 M. Hunt 62 B. Maher 63 D . Brewster 64 S. Vukis 65 D . Kirkright 66 E . After


KEW son : Rohan Doherty Res : Paul Gregor 1 J. Doumis (RDVC) 2 L Fitzgerald 3 D . Behan 4 G. Crimmins 5 C. Delaney 6 N . Tinetti 7 B . Dove r 8 D. Mainsbridge (VC) 9 P. Witchell 10 B. Cullen (C) 11 B. Woodhouse (VC) 12 M. Gridley 13 C . Kyriako u 14 J . Looke r 15 F. Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 B . Allen 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 J . Denni s 20 A. Acfleld 21 M. Ayres (VC) 22 C . Stephens 23 J. De Blank 25 C . Watts 26 S . Symes (RVC) 27 T Moore 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante (RC) 31 D . Ianni 32 A. Drago 33 D . Wayland 34 J. Bortone 35 R . Bruno 36 B . Marchesani 37 S . Johnsto n 38 J . Ritchie 39 A. Eaton 40 J . Ferrantino 41 R. Livingston 42 J. Pilkingto n 43 A. Bortone 44 A. Makris 45 G . Evens 46 B. Van Zuiden 47 A . Lawler 48 S . Mikrou P. Dennis (RDVC) 50 A. Carman 51 M . Blair 52 N . Gill 53 S. Osborne 54 J. Renou 55 A. Meek

56 T. Frith

57 L. Jensen 58 B . Bumett 59 J . Rakusz 60 M . Andersson 61 M . Glenn 62 R . Falleti 63 N . Gricks 64 J. Croni n 65 D . Kinross 66 R . McKerrow 67 J . Bell 68 A. Patnaude 69 A. Roberts 70 J . Paron

M0 H GRYPNORS Coach: Jack McDonald Asst Coach: Phil Knight I S. Bourbon 2 M. Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N . Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D. Baxter 7 D. Walter 8 J , Blandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gros s 13 J . Stratford 14 D . Rolle 15 A . Perry 16 P. Rennison 17 J . Hetherington 18 J. Harrak 19 R . Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G. Harrak 23 A . Mckenzie 24 C. Goold 25 A. Trotter 26 S . Arena 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M. Malone

29 P.Warren

30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A . Totongos

33 J . Park 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G . Block 37 A. Jenkin 38 J. Watson 39 M . Paotucci 40 M . Bourbon 41 P. Rutherford 42 G . Sims 43 M . Cleary 44 L. Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T Beslee 48 M . Angel 49 C . Robinson 50 P. Patrick 51 C. Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 D. Whitfield 54 L. Volkov 55 J. Bingham 56 T. Baini 57 W.'Pocock 58 T. Arvanitis 59 A . Yanni 60 G. Campbell 61 C. Yanni 62 S. Yamamoto

POWER HOUSE Coach : Brett Devli n

Peter Baco

~: Gary Deann 1 M. Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou 4 B . Turner (VC) . 5 M . Braini (VC) . 6 H . Clarke 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L . Fraser 10 J. Rainey 11 J. Gill 12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J . Har ri s 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler Sen . (C) 16 R. Anderson 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D . Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 Sa Evans 23 R. CI'rBord 24 Ni Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 J. Senior 27 Je Robertson 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Davis 31 R. Marshall (RC) . 32 M . Verberne Se(VC) 33 A. Ristovski 34 J . Marshall 35 J. Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S . West 38 T. Brownjohn 39 R. Owen 40 M . Tikjob 41 Rh Black 42 P. Arnold 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A . Contreras 46 C . Kin 9 47 T. Marshall 48 M . Stanley 49 D. Harris 50 M . D'Iniin o 51 Ja Best 53 B. Bowden 54 J . Biowfiel d 55 B. Phillips 56 T McFarlan e 57 A . Calm a 58 Ja McClur e 63 I . Bracken


Coach: Tony West Res~Coach~Shan e

2 Purcell G . 3 Page S . 4 Burrowes D . 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S. 7 Whitehead B . 8 Elliott K . 9 Clarke M . 10 Albanis J. 11 Moule B. 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B . (Capt.) 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Ha mR. 18 Pettman M . 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M. 25 Weston S . 27 Temming L . 28 McDonald D. 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. gg King J . 35 Certo C . 36 Henry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Riley C . 42 McKenzie M. 43 Phillips R. 44 ICeIy A. 45 Hum D . 46 Howard R . 47 Soutaris A. 48 Bugeja N . 49 McGovern N . 50 Soutaris D. 51 MacPherson B . 52 Jordon A. 54 Kosta M . 56 Hatty G. 57 McMahon N. 58 Woodall D. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P.

69 Bradbury H . 77 O'Callaghan M .

Proudly sponsored by :




W St . Johns 0~

Coach: Steve Koppens Asst : John Ladson Res : Mick Roberts 1 A . Borgonha M . Ladson 3 G . Wilson 4 S . Holmes 5 C. Horbury g A. Dobson 7 R . Back 8 L . Johnston 9 A. Jones 10 M. Courmadious 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 13A M . Jones 13B R . Walker P. Sharp 15 T. Hyland 16 A . Paterson 17 S . Cockayne 18 C. Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 G . Besley 21 S. Koppens 22 A. Dragwidge 23A B. Hilton 236 M. Waters 24 H . Wathan 25 D . Waters 26 G. Waters 27 R . Dowsett 28 B . Pettigrew 29 D . Jankovic 30 N . Gates 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 S. Chessum 37 D . Christia n 38 M. Batty 39 S. McEachern 40 F. Mandrakis 41 J . Fernand o 42 C . Jone s 43 M. Van Houten 44 M. Schonewille 45 A. Hal l 46 B . Callery 47 G. Bastone 48 J . Hargreaves 49 A. Kizilis 50 J . Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 N. Moore 53 J. Pi 54 L . Mara

57. ' 1 . IL Coach : Brendan Maloney Res . Coach : Darren Duscher 1 J . Washington 2 M . Hannan 3 M . Balshaw 4 A. Bryso n 5 S. King 6 Warren Rosowski 7 A. Hannan 8 X. Kidd 9 B . Powell 10 G. McDonald 11 L. Este r 12 S . Rocco 13 E . Henderson 14 D. Bell 15 B . Lazzaro 16 M . Thomas 17 P. D 'Andrea 18 B. Martin 19 A. Reid 20 W. Brown 21 G . Rowe 23 B. Downing 24 J. Raeburn 25 P. Hannan 27 P. Cheevers

30 M . Brady 31 S . Hermann 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N. Moojen 36 J . McCauley 37 M . Rosowski 38 S. Symes 39 A. Briglia 40 G . Cox 42 G . Gaylor 43 W . D'Andrea 44 C . Daalde r 47 N . Pantzopolous

49 T. Sutherland 53 E . Bouchard 55 J . Pohlner 59 Wayne Rosowski 62 S . Aquiline 63 B . Slade 65 D. Thomas 66 D. McKerrow 71 T. Baade

55A B. Pickering 558 D . Sanders

57 A. Rafferty 58 G . Roberts 59 J . Ross 6 0 J . Ryan 62 D . Vanderwert 64 C . Carmody


SPONSORS Albert Park indoor Sports Centre Hocking Stuart ESIafeAgentS Woodland McGee

Financial Services


Coach: Tim Elli s Coach : Jeff Bingham Res. Coach : Paul Smit h Ass. Coach : Dick Tu pin Coach : Derek Thoene Res. Coach : Tony Psina s Asst Coach: Anthony Albert Res Ass. Coach: Nick Murray 1 D . Nedini s Res: David Murphy 1 A. Turpi n 2 C . Kellyy Res. Asst : Matt hew Higgins I . Bingham (VC) 3 D . Flac k 1 A . Albert (C 3 M . Joy 4 S . Kid d ()) 2 J . Sheedy (VC) B. Bayliss 5 B . Cunningha m 3 J . Piotrowski 4 P. Henderson (VC) 6 M . Walsh 7 A. Murphy 4 A. Fidler 5 D . Hannett C) 8 R. Han n 5 J . Demarte 6 V. Won Wong 9 J . Aylin g . Prior (DVC) P. Gleason 6 B 10 M . Keogh 7 A. Burns 7 J . Murchie 11 M. Gree n 8 R . Bennett 8 M . Higgins 12 J. Baker . Richardson 9 D 9 L . Morrison 13 F. Mehmert J . Cropp 10 S. Eager 14 J. Marini s 10 T. Palmas 11 D . Milano t 15 J. Waller 10 0 A . Hallyburton 13 J. Berry 1 6 C . Yaser 11 J . Rutter 14 R . Goode A . Tedesaco 12 J . Moresi 15 M. Howat 18 D . Velisha 13 S . Mille r 16 S . Reynoldson 19 J . Addamo y 14 S . O'Boyle (R.VC) 17 J . Roberts (RC) 20 E . Mahone 15 N. Murray 21 T Davidson 18 A . Fiumani 16 J. Fleming 19 B . O'Mara 22 A. Dibatist a 17 L Fuller 23 C. Becker 20 C. French 18 M. Bircani n 24 R. Stonehouse 21 C. Higgins 19 A. Thomp son 25 F. Dimasi 22 C. Thomas 20 I. Mackenzie (VC) 26 P. Thomas 23 S. Fitzgibbon 20 C . Hall 27 L . Djakovic 24 M . Little 21 L Devon 28 D . Czajowski 25 M . Whiting 22 M . Buckley 29 S. Dole 26 T. Liston 23 R . Avery 30 B. Cadesso 24 M . Macfarlane 27 D. Murphy 31 M . Smith 25 C. Clark (R .VC) 28 S. Mallory 32 M . Dotegowsk i 26 A. Morrison 29 M. McCalman 33 D . Owen s 27 M . Leplaa 30 M. Hudgson 34 J . Hoffman 28 A. Frederick 32 P. Beynon 35 S . Alabaco s 29 C. Beaumont 36 R. Bel l 33 A . Vaughn 30 B. Holland 37 R. Matiszi g 34 A . Fricke .C) 31 A. Richardson (R 38 T. Towers 36 J . Carter . Hannemann 32 L 39 L Lan~el d 37 A . Reed (RVC) 33 T. Bartholomew (RVC) 40 B. Paton 38 M . Trick y 34 N . Hunter 41 G . Groga n 39 R. R ober ts 35 C . Cachia (C) 42 40 S . Bailey 36 T. Fleming 43 L . Carso n 41 B. Menzies 37 B . Robinson 44 T. Johnso n 42 S. Fragiacomo 38 M . Christiansen 45 C . Alabakis 43 J. Andrinopolous 39 D. Hallisey 46 A . Carson 44 M. Ryan 40 B . Thomas 47 A . Camilleri 45 D . Islip 41 M . Moresi 48 E . Collie r 46 J. Sandhu 42 M . James 49 B . Grogan 47 T. Morris 43 A. Brown 50 K . Pace 44 K. Bradford 51 I . Kennedy 48 D . Little 45 H. Rosenhain 52 C. Andrews 49 J . Dunsford 53 A. Groga n 46 S. Williams 50 P. Dodds 54 46 D . Kennet 51 P. James 55 47 C . Hayes 52 H . Allen 56 48 D . Reynolds 53 J . Thompson 57 49 A . Herrmann 54 M . Eley 58 50 P. Agnello 55 L. Watts 59 M. Kenned y 51 C . Discombe 56 J . Gower 60 M. Czajowski 52 SS . Anderson 57 C . Farrington 61 T. Johnsto n 53 B . Smith 58 M. Flac k 62 54 P. Sheer 59 C . Gelle y 63 E . Collie r 55 T. McLennan 60 D . Harmer 64 R . Bel l 56 A. Treasure 61 D . Clair 65 F. Dimas i 66 D . Fraser. . Kiss 62 R 63 S . Rya n 64 M . Erjavec Major Sponsors : 65 J . Henry



H Am

66 s .Gallina

Proudly sponsored by :


FT Finance









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. ~..



.. . .









OA.KLEIG H . _ . ._

. ._ ._ ._ . .


. ,








.. .


. .




For over ten years now at .1 t--c- home games they ha-

been presenting battles of wine to the fi eld umpires on



as a gesture for '. I the day (regardless of the performance)

normal duties performed .


. .. . .. ..

.. ... . .. .


. .. . .. .. .








e th e ir contribution to the game, this is on top of th


MARCELLIN - Umpires ' , t mentioned in the after match report

:. .


and Ist drink is always free for all umpires not

just the field umps . t$fMENOD - Feel right at home when you venture to

time th ey arrive I i :Itil', MFC . They spoil the umps from th e

Fisher who gives up ' time to leave . .- . . .also thanks to Peter












Football Umpiring - The Non-Contact Team Sport by Dianne Whiteley WHISTLE IN HARMONY DAY Today is the day where all the field and boundary umpires wear their 'orange' socks and i1,e goalies wear the orange 'whistle' sticker on their shirts . (Orange is the colour for harmony) . The field umpires are to shake the coaches' and captains' hands before the match and the captains' hands again after the match . The coin will be tossed on the eluding the after ground 5 minutes prior to the match commencing . Here's hoping that the day will be a good one for a match . THANKS The VAFAUA wish to THANK Elise Van Grondelle for all her hard work that she has been doing for the umpires off the track, this year. Elise, alongside Ted and Michael Troup attend to our umpires 'sore' points!! They either massage or do what they know best (physic) to help keep our guys and gals on the training track . Elise is sponsored by Melbourne Sports Books (Santo Caruso) and Olympic Fitness (Jason McNiece) . Therefore, if any umpire has an injury or is 'sore' after thei r 1 umpire system match, come down to training on a Tu esday or Thursday night and see Elise . MILESTONE S

Congratulations to Garry 'Elvis' Clancy for finally reaching his 500th game with the VAFAUA . He will be umpiring at St . Leos with Kevin Segota who is now umpiring his 502nd game. He began umpiring in the early 80's and says he has enjoyed his career as a goalie at the VAFA. His best game was the 1988 and 1990 'B' Section grand finals with his mate Ken Pitcher . He has also done the E!F 1984 Grand Final as well as many others . Garry welcomes all umpires, families and friends to celebrate this fantastic achievement at Michangelo's Pizza & Pasta Restaurant, 279-281 Bunvood Highway, Bunvood from 7pm .

'lso, Dianne Whiteley ( No . 35 Yellow) is celebrating her 100th VAFA game at St . Leo' s v :ith Garry Clancy. Di began umpiring in 198 5 with Northern Tassie Football Umpires Association as a boundary umpire and in 1992 took up field umpiring . Spent 12 years with the NTFUA . Some achievements - 10 Year Service Certificate, committee member for many years, lots of grand finals including juniors, rep games between associations in Tasmania (including 1 U19 game where all the umpires F/B/G were female) and umpired over 400 games . Umpired Division 2 games with EDL in 1998 and from 1999, th e VAFAUA APOLOGY Peter Armstrong, coach from Box Hill North gave Jason Lane an excellent report regarding the game again s estbourne not Michael Roche as last weeks UC stated . Sorry Jason . WHAT'S YOUR DECISION? No winner from last week . The answer - If the ball hits the goalie while he is behind the line, it is a goal . However, if goalie is in the goal square, it is play on . Also, if the ball hits the goal umpire's flags and they are behind the goal line, it is a goal . This week's question - How many players are allowed to take the field and where do they line up for a'team' count? Email your answer to diannewhiteley(gbigpond .eom . TRIM NIGHT Got your thinking cap on? Lets see if you can answer the following questions : 1 . Name the past VAFAUA President; 2 . Who will be celebrating 15 years and 20 years service to the VAFA in 2004 (hint - they work in the admin . dept .) ; 3. Name he song that is played on 88 .3FM as the introduction to Benny and Tommy's VAFA Sunday show . Got them all right? If so, come along to our annual Trivia Night at the clubrooms on July 19th and win a prize! Cost is only $10 and starts at 7-7.30pm. Almost booked out so contact Leah Gallagher to book your table, asap . SOCIAL Grand Final BB Q Trivia Night- 19/7/03 Mid Year Dinner - 18/8/03 A Section Grand Final Brunch - 21/9/03 -21/9/03 End of Season Trip - 9-12/10/03, FINALLY. . . . www.vafaua.asn .au All correspondence to diannewhiteley@bigpond .com 7 1` .Ii STREET SC)L'TII 1IE7 .I30I .'I2ttiTE - 5) 690 5 148 COMPLETE FREIGHT CONCEP TS `"i ]T MI N T MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS STORE- Santo Caruso




Mai'sdG'e i Australia Ltd

Wow, I am in form with the tipping! Another five out of five from the wee` .end that included picking the upset Warrior win over St .Marys and four 100+ point results . After last week's censorship of my review section for writing too much (sorry Brettl) , I will have to keep it brief, so apologies to my regular readers if I don't cover everything that I would like . Review North Brunswick returned to the winner's list in comprehensive style against a determined I It . Even the 100th games of Trinchi and Orwin, who incidentally starred for the Cobras, could not inspire their teammates as the likes of Pizzari and Hamilton, who kicked nine, ran amok for North as they ran out 124 point winners . The Warriors proved to themselves and the rest of D4 that they are a force to be reckoned with as they accounted for the Saints at home . Wcstbourne got a six-goal jump on the Saints thanks to some great play from "jucka" and "Dippy" . The Saints came back in the third quarter with a flurry of goals thanks to the hard work from Harrison, however, the Warriors answered the challenge in a physical final half to run out 32-point winners. Albert Park appears to be getting better with every game, this time accounting for the disappointing Eltham . The Falcons moved up to second spot kicking six goals into the wind in the first quarter with Adrian Harper dominant in the ruck . Eltham was a shadow of the side that got within 1 point of the Falcons in round one, with only Al Mann providing any resistance as the Turtles went down by a massive 150 points . Mt .Lilydale destroyed another team at "Goat Park", this time it was Box Hill North's turn . Even with Dave Martini brilliant in the ruck for North, they had no answers to the eight goal opening first quarter lead . With "Leaping" Leigh Kellett on fire, and McKenzie and Bird running through the centre it was just a matter of how far for the Dales as they assured themselves a top spot with a 124-point victory. The Vultures started well against the gale at the Zoo scoring four opening term goals but then blew the Power away in the second quarter with Rose, Tate and Mottram on fire . The Power's Baxter, who played both in the Reserves and Seniors stood out, however, 'his side was never in the hunt as they went down by 109 points. =3ehmor~= Cerrt-°? had the bye .

:â‚Ź i host the inform Warriors in what promises to be a tight physical encounter . The Cobra's will be reeling from last week's flogging, having shown good form in recent weeks and will be keen to have a red hot go at a Westbourne team who have not traveled well this season . The return of "H-Cha" to Westbourne will be a boost though, and with Pavez and "Niks" in rare form, the Warriors will be far too good as they move up another rung on the ladder as they win by 39 points. The match of the day sees the Falcons take on the rebounding Saints . St.Mary's have struggled on the road this season, and will have their work cut out for them today to counter the brilliance of the Falcon's "Bushy" Hannett and Sean Allan . When they last met, the Falcons won a close match on the "Postage Stamp", however, given their recent form, I would expect today's winning margin to be a little greater . My tip is Albert Park to win by 22 points . Eltham return home after two recent floggings and will find no respite as they take on the league leaders in Mt .Lilydale . The Dale's percentage is a whopping 209% and could possibly improve today if the Turtles replicate their recent form . I do expect them to give a better account of themselves in front of their home crowd though as the likes of Doody and Brick will be too proud to just lay down and die . There is a significant gap between the top and bottom halves of the ladder in D4, however, and thi s

D4 5 E .Tl -ON Albert Park UHS-VU Brunswick Old Westbourne North Brunswick D4 RE SERVE North Brunswick Albert Park St Marys Eltham Albert Park

Allan 11 Tate 8 Hardaway 0 J Horsbourgh 5 Hamilton 9

75 60 48 45 40

Papanikolou 0 Pastras 8 Rousis 3 Drummond 3 Payne I

38 34 29 27 26


Will demonstrated today as Mount win by 78 points . The students continue to answer their critics and this Saturday travel to the out-of-form Richmond with the view to consolidate a top three position . The last time these two sides met, Tate kicked 10 as the students won by 150 points, and unfortunately for Richmond, I believe Uni-High have improved since that game . With Gorringe in good form, and his teammates brimming with confidence, I think only a miracle will save Richmond from a 99-point defeat . The local derby between Brunswick Power and North Brunswick sees one team desperate to keep in touch with the top five, and the other, hoping to open its account for the year . The Power has shown some promise in recent weeks, and will keep up with North early . North's Papanikolou took his many opportunities and kicked a bag last week while Stelfox was defiant at the other end, and I am expecting a similar showing this weekend . When you combine this with Paleodimos drive out of the centre . I expect North Brunswick to run out easy winners by 42 points . Box Hill North has the bye . SOCIAI. Mt .Lilydale are holding their annual ladies lunch during next week's match against St .Marys . Price is $20 .00 per head and you need to see Monica to book . North Brunswick has their famous Brad "Digit" Robertson Cocktail Night tonight . Come in your 70's and 80's gear at the club around 8pm . Richmond Centrals are holding their Annual Banquet Auction Gala night at the San Remo Ballroom next Saturday. Everyone is welcome to bid on auction items at www.aussie-rules .net up until Friday 18th July .

PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Gavan Flower - gavan( -leanevent .com .a u

F Old Westbourne - Warrior captain, Leon "Platters" Fairfield plays his 150th match for the club this weekend . Platters arrived at the club some 10 years ago as a feral, dread locked lad, but has since become the foundation in which the club has built itself. In his fourth year as captain, his strong work ethic, roguish good looks and ability to slot a goal through from fifty on either foot has endeared him to all at the club . Well done bloke! Bulleen Cobras - Vi Dam and Andrew Foskett both played their 50th match on the weekend . Andrew is a regular contributor to my column, although he forgot to mention it was his 50th last week, so a special well done from me.

TODAY'S MAT C E S D4 SECTIO N Bulleen Cobras v Old Westbourne Albert Park v St Marys Eltham Collegians v Mt Lilydal e Box Hill North - bye Richmond Central v UHS-VU Brunswick Power v North Brunswick

NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .2 12 .8 16.10 26.1 :i i'.71) 3 .1 3 .2 5 .4 7 .5 (47) BULLEEN COBRAS North Brumaick: Hamilton 9. Papanikolou 7, Verga 3. Wallme,?r 3, Magnusson, Pizzarl, Closter, Fawcett . Best :PizzarL Hamilton, Stelfox. Magnusson . Robertson . Paleodimos . Boileau Cobras : McLaren 3 . Brown, Mazzarella, Bacetni . Conn . Best : D .Trinchi . T.Orwin, Aslangui. McCtaren. Kellett, Mozzarella . Umpires : Gerard Rolfs (F) Michael Jones Chris McKendry (G ) 7 .5 10 .8 16 .8 18.9(117) OLD WESTBOURZdE ST MARYS 2 .1 4 .3 10 .5 13.7(85) .Horsburgh 5, A .Christo 3, Lever 2, Billman 2, Old Westbou rn e: J Nikota 2, M .Christo, Pavez Edwards, Brabant Best : De Piazza, Nikola, Edwards, Billman . Miller, J .Horsburgh . St Marys: F.Harrison 3 . Dance 3, Schembrt 2, Butler 2, Purcell. Allen, Timmins . Best : Dwyer, P.Harrison . SchembrL McLennan . Wright, Batlantyne Umpires : David Irons (F) Tristan Pearce Jon Kralevski (B ) ALBERT PARK 7 .2 16 .4 22 .8 31 .12 (198) ELTHAM 1 .2 1 .6 5.12 6 .12 (48) Albert Park: S .4Ilan 11 . Hartnett 4,McKerrow 4 .Davey 3 .Simcocks 2, Roberton 2, Robinson . Fountain, . Chambers, Fehrmg Best: Harper, S .Allan, Roberton, McKerrow, Simcocks, Hannett Eltham: Harrington 3, Robins 2, Doody Best : Mann . E .Baud, Thomas, Doody, C .Baud, Harrington Umpires: Albie Firley (F) Sean Collins Lucas Brass (B) Peter Maddocks Jim Exton (G ) MT LILYDALE 10 .5 15 .6 19.16 25.19 (169) BOX HILL NORTH 2 .0 4 .2 4.3 7 .3 (45) Mt Lilydale : Varga F 8, Catalan 3 . Gibson 3 . McKenzie 3 . Paull 2 . Roberts 2. Alderman, Bird, Brebner . Kellett . Best: Hansford, Bird, McKenzie, Varga F. Caltanan, Knott. Box Hill North: Odza 3, Namouskt 3. Palmer. Best: Odza, Riseallo . Martini, OldIIeld . Palmer, Doyle- Umpires : Gary Seaborne Ell Hayes (F) Michael Roche Michael Netlly (B) Eddie Boat Malcolm Filteiil (G ) RICHMOND CEP3TRe12 . - bye. 4-2 13-5 17-8 27-11 (161) UHS-VU BRUNSWICK POWER 1-0 1-0 6-2 8-4 (52) UHS-VU : Tate 8. Mottram 5, Rose 4, Gorringe 4 . M Butera, Gerolemou, Langendorf . Smith, Weber, Wright Best : Rose, Mottram. Gorringe . Smith, Tate, Hams Brunswick Power : Green 2, Noonan 2 . Dow, Baxter, Harrison Davis Best : Baxter, Morgan, Harrison, Norris . Lovett Umpires: Geoff Deveson Gavin Roberts {F ) D4 RESERVE NORTH BRUNSWICK 6 .6 6.12 9.15 11 .18 (84) 1 .0 3 .4 6 .5 8 .9 (57) BULLEEN COBRAS North Brunswick: Cutler 2, Russo 2 . Briffa, R .Salloum, C .Papa, Idle, P.Sorleto, Marin, Ackland . Best:Vaina, A.Boudoloh . Russo . R .Salloum, Duson, Briffa. Bull een Cobras: Redfern 3 . Unwin. Lowrie . BorrelH, Clements, Foskett . Best : Clements, Rodrigues . Anderton, Mehrez, Cook, Foskett. OLD WESTBOURNE 2.2 3.2 5.3 6 .3(39) 4 .2 8 .6 10.11 14.17(101) ST R4ARYS Old Westbaurne : Said, Christo, Anderson, Scholes, Craig, Wintle Best : Rousis D .Slattery, Jenkinson . Said . Mesman, Layton, Smith St Marys: 3, Ryan 2, Bernardi 2, Theoharris 2, Anders, C .Goldsworthy, Luce . .Goldsworthy. Anders, Weller, West, Bowen Best : West, Davies, N Armistead ALBERT PARK 3.5 10.8 15 .13 22.15 (147) ELT$pgq 3.0 4.0 7-0 8 .0 (48) Albert Park : Pastras 8 . Murray 2, Green 2,Gulcas 2, Payne, Borg, McGuire, Breen . Williams, R .Allan . Bateson, Toth Best: Pastras, Quinlan, T .Green . Garcta,MeGuire,Belbin Eltham : Drummond 3, Krohn . Smith. Todman, Decker. Barass Best : Love . Richardson, Dere, R .Watson . Drummond. Decker .' MT LILYDALE 4 .4 6.6 11 .2 12 .10 (82) 0.1 3.4 4.4 6 .6 (42) BOX HILL NORTH Mt Lllydsle: Holloway 3, Anderson 3 . Kernaghan 3, Cunningham 2, Lesinger. Best : Holloway, Cunningham . Syphers . Del Blonde, Allanson . Box Hill North : Cavallo 2, D'Amato. ThoL Edley. Evans . Best : Pozar. Drew, Yamamato. ThoL Takeshita, Ellis. RICHMOND CENTRAI . - bye Uxg-VU 0-0 8-3 11-6 19-9 (123) 4-4 5-4 6-4 6-4(40) BRUNSIWICti POWER UHS-VU : Farmer 5, Hirco 4 . Cavaliert 3, Will 2, Cusick. M O'Neill, Ludlow, Turvey. P Thomas Best : Hellner. Farmer, Cleveland, Htrco . Ludlow, M O'Neill Brunswick Power: Pike 2, Lovett, Aitken . Baxter, Malneili Best: Lovett, Chessels . Card. Maxfield, Mainelli . Aitken


Sect- i .l ALB[ .•


Coach: John Ahem

Res : Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith 2 S. Robinson s) 2 N . Pastras (r~ 3 R . Baker (C) 3 J. Dudi (r) 4 J . Simcocks 5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey (VC) 7 S . Variables 7 K. Gannon (r) 8 A. Mandylari s 8 M . van Elewoud r 9 P. Chambers N 10 M . Phillips 11 A. Fleming9 12 T Frase r 13 B. Payne (RVC) 13 M . Davey (S) 14 M . Hyams (5) 14 C . Borg 15 D . Borley 16 C. Roberto n 17 D. McLellan 18 J . Taylor 19 A. Steward 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J. Hannett 22 D . Brea (r) 23 B . Harrie s 23 G. Foster 24 T. Green 25 J . Wier 26 L. Hopkins 26 G . Baker 27 B. Tuite 27 J . Breen (r) 28 R . Allan 29 C .Fehring 30 S. Fountain 31 S. McGuire (RC) 31 D . Allan 32 A . Di'Min9o 33 J . Murray 34 T. Houston 35 S . Toth (RVC) 35 V. Surace 36 J . Belbin 37 L. Hogan 38 N . Wheeler 39 S. McKerrow 40 A. Graham 41 D . Allan 42 K . Dal 44 B . Isar!Y 45 M . MacLeod 46 M . Dowdle 47 L. Tricarico 48 J . Hamelin 49 C. Dyer 50 S. Mellis (r) 50 J. Meek 52 M. Smith 53 M. Williams 54 N . Neumann 55 D . Quinlan 57 J . Sutton 57 J . Guzman 58 T. Bennetts 59 N. Strang


Snr Coach : P. Armstrong : Asst : M Res . WoodstW .IDrew 1 G . Wilson 2 C. Reid 3 A. Odza 3a S. Evans 4 A. Manno aa J. Potter 5a A . Jenkins° 6 D . Martini 7 S . Stewart 8 J . D'Amato 8a R. Chamberlai n 9 A. Sallantioglu S. Cook 11 T Thoi 12 A. Dick 13 M. Cumming 14 B. Palmer 15 L. Keillor 16 W. Drew 17 G. Cavallo 18 C. Butler 19 C. Callis 20 K. Oldfield 21 J. Hopes 22 A. Steele 23 J. Naumovski 23a S. Brodie 24 C . Ferris 25 P. Kotsaridis 27 S . Yamamoto 28 Z . Veleski 30 B . Olson 31 G . Robinso n 32 I . Oldfield 33 M. Marinovic 34 M. McCartin 35 P. Burley 36 D . Gaynor 37 D . Woolridge 39 P. Webster 40 D. Worrell 41 M . Takeshita 42 A. Tarulli 43 R. Doyle 44 J. Garrett 46 P. Mortimer 49 T Ellis 50 B . Pozar 55 J . Pratt 58 S . D'Altera 65 C. Riscalla 66 C. Mulready 74 P. Doyle 76 K. Loerand 78 H . Penesis 80 S. Wakefield 82 J. Tambaki s 86 T. Tsukagosh i 87 T. Rhind ill M . Edgley 111a P. Armstrong*

60 G . Bateson A. Harper 77 S. Garcia 78 J. Hamath 79 J. Bourne 80 Hough


R I c H- M 0 N D 44

~ ~~ JL y 1f



Coach : Ricky Baxter Assist organ . Greg Love(M i 1 R . Baxter 2 J . Hardaway 3 B . Price 4 D. Hayes 5 L. Hope 6 B. Baksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D . Gerdes 9 L . Yowyeh 10 B . Bottomley 11 N . Harrison 12 G. Dow 13 B . Hamilton 14 C. Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J . Lovett 17 B. Brett 18 R. Diantonia 19 N . Bux 20 J . Cooper 21 B . Lovett 22 J . Mcgrady 23 M . Lovett 24 G . Mcgowan 25 J. Slater 26 M . Smith 27 A. Walsh 28 B. Noonan 29 J. Griggs 30 L. Brett 31 M . Crane 32 P. Gall 34 E . Lovett 35 F. Pike 36 T. Lovett 37 B. Brett 38 S. Kemp 39 L . Brett 40 R . Kirby 41 L. Stephens 42 S . Davis 43 J . Comley 44 R. Mainelli 45 F. Mofflin 46 G . Fryer 47 M. Robinson 48 R . Morgan 49 R . Green 51 P. Laming 52 D . Davis 53 D. Hume 54 P. Brett 55 S . Weston 56 T. Warburton 57 R . Sikora 60 G . Murray 61 T. Holden 62 J . Clayton , 63 R . Danton a 64 A. Davi s 65 L. Grigg s 66 S. Islay 67 T. Lovett 68 M. Bond

RULLE( ., . C

Coach : Joe D Angel o Ass t Coach : J Jamie Redfem 1 S . Fishe r 2 T. Orwin 2 R. Sheehan 3 S. Wigney 4 N. Cartledge 4 I . Mcleod 5 S. Nelso n 6 I . Baccini 7 F. Bald i 8 T Mazzarella 9 P. Aslangul 10 C. Powderham 11 G . Fortune 12 J . Schemmerlin g 13 N. Edga r 14 A. Dejong 15 J. Trinch i 16 D . Trinchi 17 T Con n 18 J . Lowrie 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 N. Lykopandis 22 R. Pasinati 23 J. Redfem 24 J. Daniels 25 W. Olney 26 J . D'Angelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 K . Kellett 31 S . Mclaren 32 C. Clements 33 A. Cook 34 M. D'Angelo 35 M. Unwi n 36 P. Dall'o9lio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 J . Sott o 41 R. Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C . Cha n 44 B. Saaksjarv i 45 J. On g 46 G . Reeve s 47 W. Feutril l 48 M . Soumelidis 49 G . Anderton 50 B . Wilso n 51 R. Rodrigue s 55 D. Digney 56 T. Mehrez 60 S. Petty 61 R . Hadisutanto 69 L. Ditchbum


D4 Sectio n ELTHA M O .C . Coach: Scott Harrington Reserves Coach : John Glare 1 J. Baud 2 S. Robins 3 E. Savage 4 B. Doody 5 D . Brick 6 T. Carter 7 B . Rashid 8 L . Sharpe 9 C . Watson 10 B . Marshall 11 J . Mizzi 12 L. McDonal d 13 M . Luttick 14 K . Nelson 15 L. White 16 D . Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 M . Chapple 19 A . Booth 20 S . Jeal 21 M . Hart 22 D. Wright 23 R. Watson 24 K. Drummond 25 R. Thomas 26 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Barnett 29 D. Howgate 30 M, Decker 31 B. Keleher 32 C . Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 G . Smith 36 T. Goonan 37 J. Gilbert 38 A. Tard'rf 39 F. CooneRy E .Baud 41 Au .Man n 42 D . Buller 43 P. Mann 44 J . Mann 45 R . Davies

46 M . Dare 47 S . Barass 48 B . Turney 49 P. Krohn 50 B . Richardso n 51 P. Buhagiar 54 D. Monagatti 55 S . Todman 56 R. Love 57 S . Gathercole 59 B . Evans 61 K. Toulson 64 C. Lacey 75 S . Harrington

Major V Sponsors ~


Senior Coach : David Keast ssist Sen. Coach : Paul Commerfor Re eve Coach : Bart Ega n Assist Res. Coach: Darren King I J . Paull 2 P. Hayes 3 M . Brebner (DVC) 4 F. Varga 5 G . Bird 6 M . Jolene 7 C. Varga 8 K. Maniscatchi (VC) 9 A. Del Biondo 11 C. Gibson 13 R . Kidd

14 W . Charlton 15 R . Scott 16 D . Morrison 17 J. Lesinger 18 R . McKenzie 19 M. Leonard 20 D .Watt 21 M. Cunningham 22 N . Colarossi 23 B . Egan 24 L . Merrett 26 T. Flanagan 27 N . Pearce (VC) 28 D . Maggs 29 J . Roberts 30 A . Penhale (RVC) 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C. Anderson 34 L Kellett 35 D. Callanan 36 M . Alderman 37 C. Carstens 38 J . Charle s 39 T. Van Duuren 40 M . Rhodes 41 M . Matter 42 M . Periera 43 D. Holloway (RC) 44 A. Cox 45 K. Fraser 46 D. King 47 C . Lonergan 48 S. Dougherty 49 M. Watt 50 D . Hicks 51 A. Butlerjahn 53 D .Marotti 54 L Allanson 55 TWilson B . Leek J. Mollica J. Commerford J. Penhale A . Delahun t J . Hoffman N . McConnel l


1 Newton D 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P 5 Cutler G 6 Pizzari D 7 Steffox G 8 Guppy D 9 Sammartino A 10 Fawcett W 11 Hamilton S 12 Care S 13 Ullo M 14 Paleodimos G 15 Tsiahas H 16 Vaina M 17 Kyriazis A 18 Varga J 19 Ma9n P 20 Closter L 21 Santacroce R 22 Freeman J 23 Brrffa J M 24 Aliani 25 Duson W 26 Murphy J 27 Ferrante F 28 Boudoloh J 30 Russo D 31 Heck J 32 Robertson B 33 Rotella J 34 Stepien M 36 Sorleto M 37 Defelice M 38 Ceravoto D 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Elms J 42 Papanikolou J 43 Sorleto P 44 Wallmeyer N 45 Polemicos J 46 Giovanoglou N 47 Prestigiacomo N 48 Wolter J 49 Salloum F 50 Parks B 51 Kwehagias D 52 Guest D 53 Trafford D 54 Wake G 55 Salloum R 56 Fayad M 57 Mountney A 58 Messiake T 59 Ackland T 60 Parkes A 61 Papa C 62 Carter B


64 Palmieri A


66 Boudoloh A 67 Carter__ D

Eat More : Red Ri c h F r u it

Olinda Creek Hotel Framing Corner Knox



Coach : Jeffrey Wilso n Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch

Coach : Ange Sammartino Res . Coach: Gary Cutler

I B.Gerace 2 J.Akaran a 3 S.Depiazza 4 C .Lever 5 S.Hewitt 6 J.Horsburgh 7 A .Christo 8 A .Horsburgh 9 K .Mur h p y 10 J . Wilson 11 M .Christo 12 B .Mattson 13 J .Braham 14 TSai d 15 A .Board 16 S .Christ o 17 M .Aquilin a 18 F.Pave z 19 R.Aldridg e 20 L. O' Sullivan 21 L.Hudso n 22 S .Anderso n 23 S .Huntingto n 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 T. Edwards 26 P.Mesman 27 D.Billman 28 D.Slaflery 29 J .Manolokaki s 30 R .McMillan 31 M .Baulc h 32 G .Jenkinso n 33 D .Ben n 34 S.Roberts 35 D .Rivalland 36 S.Phillips 37 A.Leitch 38 D .Nikola 39 M.Oldha m 40 S .Leitch 41 K .Mille r 42 D .Ollenbuttel 43 A .Runciman 44 B .Slatte 45 S .Rober tson 46 J .Semmen s 47 M. Pilsb u 48 T.Scholes 49 B .Robinson 50 P.Habersatt 51 R.Wintl e 52 TBest 53 M .Saunder s 54 M .Crosswel l 55 D.Layton 56 L.Skidmore 57 J .Phillips 58 I . Smit h 59 A. Lipscomb e 60 N. Aquilin e 61 A. Gatt 62 L . Johnsto n 63 K. Johnso n 64 L . Stevens 65 K. Pilsbury 66 P. King 67 W . Burgoyn e 88 H . Hodgson


1i Financial S$rvice s





D4 Sectio n Coach : Mark Petrusch Asst Coach: Res : Steven Lake 1 B . Cox 2 T. Quick 3

T. O'Sullivan

4 R. Trotter 5 D. Tankovich 6 G . Bunshaw 8 G . Malcolm 9 J . McGrath 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A. White 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C . Barry 16 J. Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quayy 20 A . Quick

21 A . Jones 22 A . Flores 24 T. Guth rie 25 A . Piani 26 S . Baillie 28 D. Green 29 J . Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M . Berimano 34 J Brook 35 J . Howell 38 M . Defreitas 41 T. Slatter 42 C. White 42 S. Hoare 45 K. Day 46 D . Hogan 53 K. Pardy 54 C . Cartwright 54 S. Rawlings 56 A . Titley

57 E . Hill 67 J . Lane 69 T, Melville 76 D . Phelan 79 M . Coomber

85 G. Jacobs 86 G . Port eus 87 D.Ingliss


ST. M ARYS A .F.C . Coach: Michael Learmonth


Coach : Shane Mottram Res . Coach : G.Ternes Assistant: G .Mandali s

Res: George Koumantatakis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7

T. Brow n B. Perelberg G . Schembri N. Goldswo rthy A. Lane S. Stone A. Dwyer A. Zsembery R. Orme

M. Wright R. Thorp J . Nation L Go rringe T. Cleveland (res) S. Mottram S. Cracknell Capt D. Zulidc i

10 P. Bums 11 D. Forbe s 12 W. Smith

13 N. Rose 14 M. Butera

15 J . Jack s 16 J . Tate 17 C . Langendort 18 A. Hellner 19 J . Uebergan g 20 G. Madrigran o 21 J . Hall 22 G. Mandalis

21 M . Gilchrist

22 R. Allen 23 F. Harrison 24 A . Latimer

23 G. Teresa

25 M . Butler

24 R . Hortl e 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusic k 28 P. 9kleventis 29 K. Weber 30 J. Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michae l 33 J. Strangio 34 J. O'Neill 35 A. Butera

26 J . Timmins 27 M . Banks 28 J. Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 S. Leszk o 32 P. Reining 33 M. O'Halloran 35 G . Theoharris 36 B. Graetzer 37 L . Vincent 38 D . Asibu ry 39 T. Millar 40 R . Hausler 41 T. Cummins 42 M . Davies 44 J . Lukjanov 47 P. Rousis 48 D. Morcom 50 A. Wibawa 51 M . Lynch

36 A.



G . Catt ~erallu 38 R . Lapish 37 . Carruthers ( res) 38 B 39 M. Rea 40 L Maguir e 41 A . Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Witnish 45 S . Hams 46 C. Siotos 47 H. Gillies 48 M . Davidson

52 C. Weller

53 B. Armistead 54 J . Wright 56 D. Anders 57 D. Watson 58 B. Lewis 59 K. McLennan 62 G . Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 66 N . Batskos 67 M . Maschett e


.a l

49 S. Smits 50 B. Warre n

53 J. Schul z 55 N-Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 C . Thomas 58 J. Thoma s 59 D . Macrae8-3 9 60 G . Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D . Edwards 64 B . Wa lpole 65 J . Harris 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L Holmes 69 A. Dowdell 70 E . Ricciuti 72 A. Van Rea 75 S. Mills

68 J. Fie dated

69 J . endy 70 N . Luce 72 S . Sylivris 73 N . Datskos 74 A . Richard 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballantyne



Bust Steel Industries

~ ~

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pR ~


~-~ `

- --- 1

76 V. velie d

R. McCormick 78


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6, Carruthers

79 D. Seex 8 1 B. Wil l 86 W. Higgin s 88 D . Fishe r 99 W. Hircoe


t ;. ~ . - -

8 M . Gerolemou 9 S. Devlin

10 G . Koumantatakis 11 J. Bernardi 12 A. Webb 13 J . Hill 14 C . Goldswort hy 15 M. Purcell 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B . Frail V. Ry an 20 C . Handley



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(U19 -1 & Blue ) Sports & Medical Supplies

-~ (U19-2,3&Red)

Section 1 - Preview

Rd . 13 sees the top 5 sides clashing with th e bottom 5, and it's a great opportunity for th e struggling teams to show they are a lot better than their ladder position states ! Headline game of the week is the Skev's hosting DLS . Both were convincing victors last week and the visitors ended their run of five straight losses . DLS will be looking to make up lost ground and now that they have regained the taste for victory, should make it two in a row! The Tonners welcome the Bernie's who were pushed all the way against the Fielders . OB were ambushed by DLS and know they are far better than that performance revealed . They will throw everything at the ladder leaders, but it won't be enough . The Fielders continue to have a red hot go and whilst they have not secured maximum points on each occasion, opposition teams know they have had a physical hard fought contest . Today they face the Students, who have also had a tough few weeks, and Uni may find the Grammarians running brigade too quick and hungry for a boilover !

The Scotchies have shown they are the "Real Deal"! The challenge for them now, is to keep on keeping on! OEG have suffered in recent matches and unfortunately for them, it is likely there will be little respite today. The Xav's know that a finals placing is theirs for the taking, they just need to keep the "pedal to the metal"! On their day, Marcellin have shown they can match it with anyone in the competition, but today won't be their day . Section 2 - Previe w With only six games remaining until the finals the battle for places has begun to intensify, with three teams tied on seven wins vying for fourth spot on the ladder and more importantly a spot in the finals . Four premiership points clear of the crowd, Beaumaris travel to Old Trinity this afternoon in undoubtedly the match of the round . Boasting the third lowest percentage in the league, Beaumaris have enjoyed a midseason revival, climbing as high as third after halting the impressive winning streaks of both Old Melburnians and Old Ivanhoe . After an extra week on the track the Sharks will come out firing against a spirited Trinity side, victors last week by 99 points with Krakouer the stand-out kicking nine majors . Depending on other results, fifth-placed Trinity could displace Beaumaris and climb as high as third with a win ; this match vital for both teams in the context of the

season . Despite Trinity getting up last time they

played, the Sharks form cannot be faulted, Beaumaris home in a thriller . Hampton Rovers, another side that may be prolific come the seasons end, will try to improve on their sixth-placing when they travel to Old Ivanhoe this afternoon . Leading Old Melburnians at every change last week, the Rovers kicked 1 .1 to 10 .6 in a fast-paced final term, OM's running out 43 point winners in a match Hampton could have won . Out to avenge this defeat, the Rovers are unlikely to let any lead slip, Hampton home easily .

Elsewhere Old Camberwell should move one step closer to finals football when they meet Mazenod at home, the latter side kicking only four goals from nineteen scoring opportunities in their loss to Old Trinity last week . While Old Melburnians should resurrect their fluctuating form of recent, and record a morale-boosting win at home to Old Paradians . Section 3 - Preview

Two weeks after going head-to-head on the field, the battle between Old Carey and Rupertswood continues to rage, the latter side four premiership points clear on top of the ladder despite Old Carey recording yet another comprehensive victory last weekend . With their eyes set on the minor premiership and more importantly a spot in September, Rupertswood hosts St Bernards(2) this afternoon, a game that on paper looks heavily one-sided . However with only six rounds of football remaining, Rupertswood must be wary of complacency, St Bernards have been playing good football despite their poor win-loss record . With Old Carey recording four points from the bye, Rupertswood must win to retain top spot on the ladder, a probable outcome, the ladder-leaders home easily . Third-placed Collegians have a similar prospect this afternoon, a home match against the lowly placed Monash who were recipients of a 159 point thrashing last week by Old Carey . Similarly to Rupertswood, Collegians must not underestimate their opposition, Monash who have shown promise this season . With fourth playing fifth this fixture gives Collegians the perfect opportunity to lay the foundations for a finals berth and with this in mind, Collegians home easily .

Elsewhere MHSOB will struggle at home to NOBS, the visitors defeated by 6 points in a thriller last round . While in the battle for fourth spot on th e


ladder and a potential finals spot, Therry Penola should overpower Aquinas, Therry 63 point ,,virmers last weekend, reversing a three goal quarter-time deficit by kicking fourteen goals to i .vo after the first-break .

Section Blue - Preview The K's entertain last rounds biggest winners, DLS . The visitors were irresistible against the Saints and were well rewarded for their consistent recent form . Today they will fight it out, but Oakleigh will prevail . Who said upsets don't happen in local derbies? I never doubted them!! Well done to the Panthers i :nocking off the Tigers, a fantastic effort. Today rhey' ll notch another win against Glen Eira . The Tigers' loss last week lessens their grip on a top two finish and today they host a fired up Ormond brimming with confidence after their thrilling win last start . Travelling to Brindisi Street is never easy and victory will just elude the Menders . The Claymen were shaken by the Menders and must now prepare for the rattle and roll of the JOC's . A good test for the hosts to see where they are at and what they are made of, but the visitors will not squander a potential top two position . S .M . make the trek to Bentleigh and earlier in the season the B's were too strong . I believe the District boys have been the great improvers and should reverse that contest result .

Section Red - Previe w In a match tipped to be a grand-final preview , The University Blacks host Banyule-Viewbank this afternoon, the winner to take top spot on the ladder and secure a firm grasp on the minor premiership . Undefeated all season and not troubled by Fitzroy last round, Banyule will concede top spot for the first time all season with a defeat this afternoon : the Uni Blacks boasting a far superior percentage, having recorded only one loss so far this season, away to Banyule in round four. Restricting their opposition to one major last round, the Blacks are in ominous form, and on home turf have the potential to displace the undefeated Banyule, Uni Blacks home in a thriller . In a match of just as much importance in the context of the season third placed Fitzroy hosts fourth placed La Trobe, the visitors shock 72 point losers to the lowly placed Yarra Valley last round . Limited to three goals for the entire afternoon . La Trobe are likely to suffer the same fate this week, the Reds home easily .

~ -~ ISt ns v , 'n Sall e Old Brighton v St Bernards Caulfield Gr v University Blues Old Scotch v Old Essendon o r Old Xaverians v Marcellf n Under-19 Section 2 Werribee Amateurs - bye Old Ivanhoe v Hampton Rovers Old Melburnians v Old Paradtans 'D THE AMATEUR

St Leos Emmaus, the only other side expectant of finals football, travels to Yarra Valley this afternoon, a real danger game considering the Bushrangers recent form revival . With third playing fourth, St Leos have the potential to climb into the top four with a win this afternoon, and in what will undoubtedly be a close match, St Leos to get up . Elsewhere Old Westbourne will struggle against Aquinas, Westbourne suffering a 137 point thrashing last week while Aquinas revelled in a 124 point victo: ."1hile Bulleen Templestowe, still in se r-ch o" hat illusive i :rst victory, will be no match

for O? ._ . ~


iTl.9 (1) 4 St . Bernards Pitts 0 University Blues McKerrow Old Scotch Beaurepaire 1 0 Old Scotch Thompson 1 Be La Salle Hancock t713 (2 ) 0 f,lerribee Chalmers 0 Old Camberwell Peasnell 1 Old Melburnians Ironmonger 1 Hampton Rovers Scot t 1 Old Ivanhoe Alagona U19 (3) 0 Old Carey Angus 0 Rupertswood Potter 0 Collegians Burrows 0 Old Carey Stewart-Holmes 0 CoIlf -ians Naylor Blue Jordan 2 Oaklelgh Oc'deigh Clays Nassrallah 6 0 St i3edes - -; McNamara Ormond Lerner 4 1 St Bedes T Mark 131=. t 2 Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 8 Banyul e Tsingaris 0 Universitv Blacks Moffatt 1 Fitzroy Reds Violato 3 University Blacks Dowsley

46 39 32 30 30 34 30 27 27 26 38 36 33 27 23 69 47 46 29 23 59 56 40 36 35

Old Cambervrell v triazenai 0 C Park Koomang Road Carnegie (68 H6) Old Trinity v Beaumaris St Bedes MentoneTigers v Ormond Oakletgh Clays v St Johns 0 C ion 3 Ka _ Bendeigh v South Melbourne District s Ru ru5 -c.od v St Bernards (2) F vT}tetrvPenoLOB OB v" )rth Old Bo}, Col v 4onash Blues

Yarra Valley 0 B v St Lens Emmaus WP Old Westbourne v Aquinas 0 C Bulleen Templestowe v Old Xaverians (2)

Oal:'" .., : : . C_ I.

Glen Eira


University Blacks v Banyule L'tnsbank Fitzrov Reds v ta Trobe Uni at Ramsden Street

:'ntone Pant ~ a ornang


Oval, (44 c2 ) 2003


6 .3 10.5 17.6 (108) 6 .4 8. 6 23.18(156 1 15 .12 to 5 . Beattie 4, Bortolotto 3, Mahon 3. Money 2 . Best : o, Layta:l, Doy9e- Beattie, Mahon . St Kirvin : Lynch 6 , s 5. 0`Keefe 3. Hughes 2 . Underwrood 2, Sexton, Hamilton, Petrov . Best: Hamilton, Underwood, Lgnch . Pope, Mrilkearns, Mc Bride Ump'ves : Tom l'Jindlow Daniel Dinneen IF) Josh White-Spier Katie WIliite-Spier (B) (G ) DE LA r°iLLE 6.2 10.7 17.13 21.17(143) OLD BRIGHTON 0.1 0.3 1 .5 4.9(33) De La SaBc Neely 4, Willtan :s 3. Vague 3 . Smith 3. Bowden 2,Beer 2, Qukk, Hancock, COnch . Oakley. Best: Keely- Oakley. Shims, Vague. Bowden, S Smyth.

: Hanish Ross. McDonald . Crilty Best : Dubyna . Humphries, Ryan, Ellie, White, F,e. Umpires: Steve McCarthy (rotation -from B) (F) Liam RatcltGe Andres M-- -'Patrick Love Stephen Bokislch (G ) ST BERPdfsRI 2 .7 4.14 10.14 14.19 0031 CAULFELD ORd ._ 4 .1 6.4 11_7 14.11 (95) St Be : Pitts 4, Runnals 3, Liberatore 2, Mitchell 2 . Keunen, RyanRobbtns. Best: I man, Liberatore, 4t'aisii Pitts. Pearson, Hogarth Caulfield Gram: Stnclaire 8, Parker 2 . 1•ellend 2. C. Flammond . Nickles Best : Sayers, Sinclaire. Eduards. Lill. Carboni. Twocrass Umpires: Chris Langford (Ess Dist) Graeme HLUllchen (F) Andrew Errington (B) Chris Kaleta Robert Seymour 0 ) UNIBLUES 1 .3 3.9 4 .13 7.14 (56) OLD Sr'jP:, ; 3.0 5.1 7.2 11 .8 (741 Uni Bh : Fletcher 3. Torney 2, Heinz ^ . '.., : Fletcher, Heinz, t'tbod, Clarke ,

,. C' Sooteh: S. Die' ' . "F on 2, Beaurep.-nre I . Porter, Mon. list: Pearce, la-, Au°- '-Sm)ih, H. Dick, Aekrovd, S . :d Lo a or[}i , tLukeDhiav 8-7 (55) 14 .i6i100) on: Tzamtzvsis 3 1 t Le E Uren Shaw Tzam is Nunlist . .,er 5 ^s 2 Pu- 2linc A R,' ~ztd l •.an McDannell t is t"° °)mp8r . : I . ;no i p 3

4 .6 8 .12 13 .17 16.21 (117) 1 .0 2 .0 3 .0 5 .4(34 )

irk 4, C .Ler 2, fte or 2. + sin 2, Andre~res, Miller, Spry , an . J.Lee, Joshua Runs o. st : :r, Justin Russo, Palmington . -oshua Russo. Andrews. Oil I- ---hc 1 . :!rs 2, Atona. Flowx'r, st:Vljans, Keane, F1o'xer, Br...zn, : ...1 U;: :;ires: Chris , . . ^^^~•Vatogoulos (B)Symecnt-4t, : rVaMpoules(G ) 3.4 4.5 8 .9 9 .10 (64) 1 .1 4 6.5 16.11 (107 ) um 2, au ! . !- . .- ml is, Kezilas . T McNamara.

Citra=n . t > , RaLnvn. Lynch 2 . Ashman, Strachan, Fabris, Rutherfort. . . as: Sanction, Ashman. Robeson. Lvnch. Rice. Sho rt Umpire : Joint Ralph Pullen (F)

0.4 0.5 1-6

2 .9(21 )

OLD - . ." 4.7 12.14 20.20 26 .25 t181) .l..n. ,,.,ac Goals: D Grace. Bevis. Best: Mudge, D .Grace, Mo-rris, 0'Pmnnell, Jones, Blythe . Old Carey : Costs: Howat 7, McKinnon 6, Ashwvrth 5, Beats A Sidman 2, Trumbull, Thompson. Best Davey, Sinison . Howat. Erans, McKinnon, Ashworth . Um • : Tom }Laysom Steve Caple T)

L~ :v'DER-19 (21 BLUE SOUTH MELD DISTRICTS 3 1 6.3 6.3 8,5(53) OAffi.EIGFI 2 .6 3.10 6 .17 7.18 (60) South Meib Dist : M Gtanellis 2 C- *rer -Illci 2 Armstrong M Martin . Best : W CeQPCr Margiannis Gtngell : :u< N- 'alden Oakbd~: Jordan 2 Lamb S Briggs M Dhnachki Bro_ ._ I ib drown Murray Costigan Slrilton Zvla Um es: Chris Collins (F) Sean Lau_, :.m-Ryan Sine Dtuston-Ryan (B) DE L 9 LE 4 .6 9.10 19 .18 27.25 (187)

1 .1 3 .3 4 .3 4 .4 (28) Sir sot 7 . Dunkerley 5, Be Ridder 4- Walton 3, Hayes 2. Mr L ;lust . ~, Quinton, J Casey, K Smyth. Best: Griffin, Sheehan, Cro- - :. K Si ih, C Howard . Glen Elan Abdidini, Hew•itt, Mar L' its, Hassan . Hewitt . Levy, Vastrcll. Cosgrare. Ump G P) , 3.2 5.6 6.8 12.13 G 6.8 6.9 11 .13 11 .13(79) n tell 4 . Brown 4 . Kkvitos, Ryan. Sinctair. Aat 11': Ryan. Russo, Richards. Field. St . e' . ...,r 2, Satvya- Portm Mark, L73uillier, Lynch, P '. ~ ks r, Bignell. Weedon. Mark. Maddoeks. Umpire: Lk _ . ,

0.0 6.7 7.8 1z.1 .6 6 .9 10.12 11 .141104 1 Robbins 3. Martin 2, Cook, Johnstone. Upsul. E_'c ohrr,,one- I . Rohbuis. Mitsios, Martin. Oakleig'¢ Clays: Nassratlath 6 , furdn ., IUh~. O'Brien. Sullivan, Vaughan . Best: Nnssbaram, Nassra0ah, st,' Cook, ;,mplres: Di Whiteley David Murray (F) Jessica Rollo (B) Shane HerbertI¢~,i^slch(G)

STJi 6 .3 8 .4 13 .8 18.8(116) : _ . . . 13 5 .8 5 .8 6 .11(47) . .7 an 4 t --jr 3 D'Oltviera 3 Dean 2 O'Connor Crockfor d Beath, He I at Arnold O'Connor D'OII4iera Johnston Dipte, , , in, : . Te 1 amepe 2 Forrest 2 Lee Tlso . Best Te HenI Gelman Rw~erw • "-than. Umgae-s: Peter Liddell (F1 Thomas 152scher (B) Son I c t Brc n(G )

,s, Will iolls, McCarthy, Terech . OLD 2, Rafferty 2, Mitchell 2. r1er, Hardie, Panatex

o -,, nn„ t 1'rl ;Bricken Sam Gent (B ) 2 .3 3 .4 5.5 7.6 (48) 2 .2 6 .7 6.12 14 .17(101 ) if 2. Egan . Elliott, R}an, Stewart, Turner Best : Matter, y, Grah,,m. Girorski, Hu¢ies, Giddings Old Camberwir1 Ramsay 3 . an 2, Hendrle 2 . Hillier 2, Middleton 2, Chase . Pirate, Vince Best : D Hanson, Heileman, Hendrie . Payne . Voice. Chase Ump}res: Sean Scrrlly Sr Brian Woaihead (F) tPaAZENOD 1 .5 2 .7 4 .15 4.15 (39) OLD TRINITY 6.1 11 .4 15 .15 2t .12 (138) lazarood. Stan] n. 1 I. Best: Karar~,sh, Hamill, "are .

c:roug'n. Mika =e. I 6alem . Darrell.. L:ar Umplotze Tom Motion G_



Hand 5, Cttiffey 3, Gutierrez 2 . in, Gutierrez, burgess. Aitken .

RUPERTSWOQD - bye . AJAX 5.3. 15.15 21 .21 1 147) ST BERtaARDS 5 .3 7.6 10 .8 11 .10 (76) AJA%: Peters 6, Gh•o:ll 3, Lipson 3 . E:i';off 2, Measey, Ntnkin, Nissen, t.andl-kr, Rose . Shirked, Lew•skl Best : Janl : I ?ron, Peters, Schtilberg,

,f . Rose St Bernm rds: L.ftndersan 2, hs :: ixu " I~ . --IS 2, Campbell, Rogers, : nus, Dralrer Best MeMtnus, Oxznford, Lv : : -~~~. 'J :: per, Evans, Byrne s: irk Duffy (Ess . Dist .) Graeme Hun'~ .':~:~ ~i (F) Chris Italeta Robert 3.2 7 .7 12 .12 17.19(121) 6.2 6 .5 7 .9 8.10 (58)



(F) Richard Berson (pr) (B) Pick Curtis J ph O'Mara (G) Ag€IIflAS

7 .5

10 . 10

17 .16

23 .20G,

B Pi- . LE:,TOWE 1 .0 2.4 2.7 4 .10 (_' .!cints : Ptillivns 6,Galiiott 4,4lunehow 3,Hetme 2,De :ter 2 . VLsser, Fruits, -ms, Cnlwnll, Pratt- Symons. Best: Helmz, Crozler.tVNiams,Aduns.Deser. t-.usg: Lee, Trema}ne. Vrr,ga. Crooks. Best: Simon, L< . . . .... .. . . . .. ( lston, 7cDonald, Tekin Umpires : Mark Alexander Nicholas Browr.

il Ale :<Tynon (G) 0 . : : . :Y. :IAIrS(2) 0.0 1 .4 1 .7 1 .8(1 Ui.iB" 4.1 9.1 11 .2 1'..7( ld : rich. Best: Chester, Kahre, Ford, Silk, Ryan, Conine. Uni9O - • Downs es Bullen 2 Bade, Edwards . Brooks . Comrt>.adeur Turin Jk Ga an . Je_c:e. Dowsling. Brooks, Commadeur. Brumny t tSanora Bran Nunn (F)

tv.~.»'i ,vE 5 .3 12 .4 16.6 1 8.11(119 ) :,t7 l 5 .3 6 .5 9 .6 9 .8(62 ) Tsingaris 8, Broskwell 2, Lardo 2. Wenke 2, Kayrc'nz, .,, .,poulos. Richardson, Staxopoulos. Best : Tstngaris . Richardson, Wenke. Stavropoulos, Lardo. Wright . €itzmy Red: Lmais-Glt-erwn 2, Maghantez 2. Coyne, Dullard, Richardson, Sukkar, Violate . Best: Butler, Louis-Gleeson, Clark. Coyne, Violate . Edwards. Umpires: James Olle Justin Kramer (F) Michael Halner (B) THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

d 7, Freckleton 4 . Cooper, Skiathits 2, Carroll. Freclcleton. Turner. Sheppard. Carroll, Rrialand . Corrigan B: Aitken 3 . N Tan 2, McGrath, Tactics. Best : Aitken. Harding McGrath , :'.vram, Matthew, Eva Umpires: Tony Lilley (F) Adrian Borg (B) Kieran O7{erZe Luke Pipe (G) 50

LATROBE UNIVERSITY 1 .4 3.5 3.6(24) YARRA VALLEY 4.2 7.4 9.7 14.12(96) L"7 ' - Universitp: Gibson 2, Ckirke. Best : IDph . Brennan . Fennel. D.Butler. T trts Yams Valley: Smith 2, Tilley 2. Mawsle-y 2, Nicholas 2 . Reynolds 2, SiNth , tussell. Britt- Wright. Best : ARussell, Nicholas, Snllth . Giernve T'' . sk Kramer (rotation - from A) (F) j U5 6.9 10.16 18.24 24.2811 ? : OUiSe"E 0.2 3 .3 4 .3 5 .51351 St Leos Emmaus Waters 6, Carse 5, F- t 5, Cocks 2 . Coppock 2. L ...Carm. Munro. Best: Homer, Phvtan, ~ns .'rScCann, Fallon . We Westbo.sue: Tanner 2, Berta te, Tt Mon o. Best: Tanner, . . or. P.Hudson. Walker, Bartolo, D.Hud~ I I : Rick Benson snr John '.~

BE !1 . ~ (1) Coach : Denis Bilston Coach : Geoff Reilley J. James C, Murphy T. Gerrand j, Yelland

T. Hammond M. Townsend M. Thomson J . Brown N . Edwards

1 M . Sheehan 2 R. ~uio k 3 M . ieldsen 4 E. rowning 4 N .fja~rt 5~. clinc h 6 MMMee ha n 7 D . Keely

8 V. {~olohey 9 Bv~1 que 10 N. Sifiit h ~ ancocyk 11 R . H

0 J . May 1 B . Carbon i 2 M . Sainsb ury 3 A. Gree n 4 C' UI I

12 S 1 . Bo~deft 14 ~ 0 er 75 m he

5 L O'Brien 6 N. Fate

16 Ad s

18 L Williamsh

t 7 S Twycrof g R, Boyd

20 D . Drob c 20 22 ~ L1U4Qa selln 2 3 555 FFFeYdae'i rda 24 25 J Gilchrist 26

g J. Pitts

i S. Lord I M. Parker _ J . Rawlings

27L pDpnnell

3 Z. D'Arcy D. Buckthought

28 L Jatvi3 29 M Nanketvis (C )

.: A. T. Conly M . Nickles


39 B~akley f .DVC ) 46 A kinnS, iVC) 53 D rownlrig

J. Sayers

? D. Harrod B. Acne#d J. Foley C . J ones

i~ 1 B. Nickless (VC)

2 J. Wright 3 S. Gambani 4 A Sutherland (VC) 5 C . Swan 6 M. Moffett 7 K . Downing

8 B . Sheridan

10 E . Beaurepaire

11 A. Wilkinson 12 A. Phitalay 13 S. Pappas

14 R . Lowing 15 J. Latimer

17 A. Pearce 18 N . Ackroyd 19 S . Dick 20 N . Thom 21 L. Thompson (C) 22 T Graham

33 C . Purnell 35 G . Fitzpatrick 41 T Bull 43 A . Cossar 44 T. Auret-SmRh 49 S . Hope

9 S . Considine

10 B . Mills

11 G . Di Felice

12 D. Beattie 13 A. Power

14 L . Money

15 T Money 16 R . Hoyne 17 C . Sier 18 J . Rya n 19 A . Schaepman

20 P. De Luca

21 D. Cirone 22 L. Watkins (dvc)

23 A. Ceccamancini 24 A. Layton 25 T. Clone 26 A. Wadsworth 27 A. Symes 28 J. Carlson

29 M. Caton 30 P. Spence 31 A . Near

Coach : Adam McConnell 1 L . Ross

2 C . Toll 3 L. McDonald 5 B . Humphrey s 7 N . Stenner 9 A . Clarke 10 M. May

11 R. Fisher 12 S . Eastgate 13 R. Caporn


6 S . Dawson 7 T. Biggs

E. Baskan


9 D . Mez o 10 H . Leury 17 J. D uggan 12 J .Harcwood 13 L Bone s

14 S. Duncan 15 B. Gadsden (C)

14 D . Cerantani o

16 J. Salem

17 M . Trevaskis

18 S. Oliver 20 B . Fielke 21 S. Cooney 23 T. Ryan 24 L. Mead 27 M . Chamberlain

28 B . Richardson 31 S . Jackson

33 R. Joseph 63 D Ellis

32 J . Williams 33 P.Cowper


S . Clinnick

16 S . Wad e

18 L. Ballinge r 19 P. Rankin

20 J. Mansou r 21 R. Baddeley 22 A. Castang a

23 M. Shaw

24 C . Burk e 25 P. Ma y 26 L. Cagliarin i 27 M . King 28 T. Wilson 29 J . Stormont 3D S . Mor"esse 31 N. Foot 32 D. Nankeri s 33 D.Hardy

34 T. RumMe 35 J. Philli ps

35 M . Cunningham 36 N. Hardin9 37 C. Purcell 38 S. Nutbaan

Coach : Lachie Waterman Asst Coach: Terry Kendall

25 C. Logan 27 5. Jonas 28 S. Yeomans 30 K. Berry 32 R . Gerstman

Gooch: Gavan Walsh 1 K. Bardon (vc) 2 M. Doyle {c) 3 J . Mahon 4 J . Wise (vc1 5 M . Bortalotto 6 L Cowper 7 A. Tabacherria 8 F. Dorbolo (dvc)

34 D. Too ay


24 P. Zogoolas

a., Coach : James W'~ n Team ! an : Graeme Vvmiamso n 1 F. Ktenas 2 N . T aB 3 J. Dazkiw 4 C. Heritage 5 W. Nudist

36 C . Leech 37 M. Schappacher 38 A . Christou

39 J. Ozusen 40 A. Lapadula 41 A. Cassar Sponsors:

39 R . Arzanou 40 L. Edga r

41 C . Bevan s 42 J . Ure n 43 A . Canning

in-site advertising - Mitcham

44 J . Franci s

t ro► °

riichmon d

® • . (1 &2)

Coach U19(1) Anthony Duggan

Coach: David Law

U19(2) Fred Chamberlain I O'Meara T 2 Tresarr.2hk J 3 Mont omer a 4 Ann s~rosxg A 5 RuHra E 6 Kerfie!d M 7 Freer S 6 Mc6enne41 J T 9 R to HuI9e,~i` S tt Bourke R 12 Ryan J 13 Gnnrvan L 1 4 Rcache M 75 BarreH A 16 Corcoran N 17 Chaeman P '!an M (C)

19 Martin J

20 Mceh ariC D 21 ~

22 SM ann R 23 French R

24 Fawn CL 25 Rowe

26 O'Hanbn M 27 Purcell P

28 NWhile 29 S

30 Vaughan 5 31 R an A t.~Inemey T 33 Ford D

34 Quinn D 35 Agws J 6 R~ DR 37

35 MeMn-Smeh J 40 39 0 Hzn6han M 41 Fusnato R 42 Stn6ley M Corn ~ `J D TP9. 45 Travato 46 Gide 0 47 S .ik t~ 48 tdadnicA 49 Lvnch T 50 Ct r2s!er P 51 6a'`b~ J 52 FB"t anh { n sltA 54 Pa A

t B. Pitts 2 C . Govan 3 J . Hughes 4 M . Walsh 5 J. Smith 6 D. Oconrmr

a S . Mathews 9 D. Evans 10 B. Garth 11 A. Marion 12 B. Runnals 13 L. Levides 14 D . Hurley 15 G. Joseph 17 F. Mastrapasqua

18 M . Maggiore 22 A . Mitchell 27 B . Draper ~r 28 C. Kuene n 32 Ch Liberatore 35 B. Ryan 39 J. Stapleton 41 G . Campbell 42 R . James

45 B . Johnson 47 M. Hooper

57 L. Anderson 59 M . Harrison 60 J . Hogarth 62 J . Rotrbins 63 M . Pel l 70 K. Buis s

S ~

Coach: Ben McGee

University B lu es Coach : Tim Giles

As., Coach: John Welki n 1 J . Maher 2 T. OTool e 3 L. Giansiracusa (VC) 4 S . Sexton 6 D. McBride 7 R. Taylor 8 S. Landers 9 L . Syme 10 L. Guilder

it J . Liston 12 C . Taylor (DVC) 13 N . Hutton

14 A . Hamilton (Capt) 15 M . Vero

16 A. Callender

17 M . Walsh

18 M . Drinkvrater

19 C. Underwood (VC) 20 W. Dunn 21 D . Petrou 22 A. Lynch 23 C . Tancredi 25 A . Mulkeams 26 M . Shannon 30 P. Ghougassian 32 B . Hughes 33 S . O'Connor 34 J. O'Keefe 37 H. Powell

I Muir 2 Steele


3 Rankin T{DVC ) A 4 Frtzpatrick 5 Vandenbusch N

6 Williamson W 7 Bradley C(C) 8 Gin 9 Van Dyk 10 Marriott it Fletcher 12 Ryan 13 Irving


15 Moore


17 Notlhway Shaundessy


19 Heinz


14 McPhail D (DVC)

16 Moylan S 20 Gibson 21 Wood J(VC ) F 22 Derrij 23 Young R 24 FGrrg J(DVC) 25 Walker T J 26 McKerrow S 27 Sibley 28 Torney M 29 Collins J 30 Ke'.ty P

39 N. Pope

31 Groot

40 D . Mount 43 W. Gullrfer (DVC)

32 Joyce S H 33 Barlow




34 Snepherdson P 35 Woodhouse 36 Gordy 37 Meagher 38 Morgan 39 Roney

L J J 8 G


Cr ch: Mick Deaton , : Mark Ber ry at 2 S. Hoult 3 M. Eady 4 L. Quirk 7 S. Lynch (VC) 8 D . Taylor 9 M. Wilson (C) 10 J . Kelly 11 T. Fitzgerald 14 P. Berry 15 M . Bramwell 16 C. Terpsinis 17 C. Evans 18 D. Bird 20 R . Dew 21 P. Irons 22 J . Bramwell (DVC)

23 T Woolnough (DVC) B . Bowker 26 C. Shone 27 D. Murphy 35 S . Lee 36 P. Guys 40 T Boreham 41 A. Poll 43 J. Tomlin 49 J. Hogart h 50 D. Wall 52 J. Williams

71 J. Mitchell 75 T. Groves

Coach : Jonn Le urand

Coach : Michae tstaxe 1 2 3 4

T. McNamara N. Oriti M . Ellis T. JoweH

5 R. Basally

8 L. Fletcher 10 D. O'Brie n 11 J. Tippin g 12 B. Kezilas

13 K. Sprott 14 T- Porter

15 I . Nicholls 16 G . Giasoumi 17 S. Gravina 18 B. Kezilas 19 C . Maflhouse 20 T Matthouse 21 J. McCarthy 22 B. Henry 24 Y. Kobayashi 25 M. Terech 26 T. Richards 27 L. Cave 28 L. Jones 29 J . Modey 30 N . Singh 31 M. Sco tt 32 C . Christianson 33 D . Rayson 34 R . Turnbull 35 D. Filopulos

1 D . Hansen (C) 2 D . Regan 3 B . Kinniburgh 4 P. House 5 N . Bradley 6 A . Stagliano 7 S . Ware 8 N . House 9 B . Chamberlai n 10 J . Mathe r 11 J . Kavanagh 12 A. Cook 16 T. Bourbon 17 T. Steinfort 18 F. Reed 21 S . Castricum 22 M . Power 25 S. Stanley 26 G . Hamill 27 M . Regan 35 A. Winstanley, 45 J. Crough 46 D . Dunne 70 D . Chamberlain 76 A. Varlay

36 M. Vacate

British Paints Life's Brighter in Colour

38 A. C ri sp 39 J . McNamara 46 D. Williams 50 B . McCallum

58 B . Wright

•°~. ~ "` 6 Owen Later A : ,,yan L'Huillier t Fagan C 2 Wettenhall S (C) 3 Ironmonger T(VC) 4 Gumbleton C 5 Rafferty J

7 9

Robinson N Prowse A

10 Panniiex A 13 HancheHe C 14 Voyage A 15 Scho6eld T

16 Hardy E 17 Macdonald W 18 Dick J 19 Lawler R 21 Tandy A 23 Osmond D 31 Theodoulou C

44 Tucker J

47 Caultan K 48 Faulkner R 49 Galbraith R

52 Cooch C

53 Hindle J 54 Lacey H 56 Mitchell J 60 Webb O C) 62 Chri sti an

64 Pascoe R

65 Hurst L 67 C oope r E 68 Schivo M 71 Brett-Young C 72 Tomlinson H


people TELECOM childcare GAZMAN E. MURPHY & SONS



® Lu a r

2 D . Caple 3 B. Clark 4 D . Malone 5 M. Mitchell 6 D . Giddings

7 S. Luff

8 D . Richardson 10 A. DiFabi o 11 R . Ryan 12 M. Irvine 13 S. Maher 14 P. Turner 15 S . Egan

16 D . Watts

17 S . Graham 18 T. Girovski

20 A . McLaughlin 21 D . KaNiskis 23 A . Smith 25 S . Rehlicki 27 M . Dri 29 G . Vincent 30 D. Dean 36 R. Villano 40 M . Hyde (C) 48 A . Elliott


Coach : Dean Peters

Coach : Anthony Quinn Asst : M . Spinoso

2 Day M


Aitken J Capt

4 Bilwani A 5 Salem S 6 Miers J 7 Kenna J 8 Dickenson A 9 Amiconi C 1 0 Roger A 11 Guti errez C 12 Stebbins N V/C 13 Webster J DV/C 14 Burgess M 15 KrakouerS 16 MarsdenA 17 Monasso J

1 8 Harrod T

1 9 BuckinghamA 20 Medland A 21 Barella R 22 Ve rrocchi M 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chilly ~Y E 26 Oliver D V/C 27 Romney N 28 Butl er K 29 Dexter J 30 Burke M 31 de Bruin S

32 Hore-Lacy A 34 Hider B 39 Smith S 42 Leahy H 43 Amore J 65 McDonald E

Coach : rv son Brownless 1 T- Lyons 2 L . Weaver 3 G. Hanson 4 B . Hillier 8 J . Vince

14 J . Hadley 16 A . Langford 17 D . Clyne 18 J . Vince

19 L. Heffernan

Coach : Stephen Kin g Asst C^nch : Adam Jenkins Team :- :Jr : Phil Peacoc k 1 A . Alagona (Co-C) 2 B . Nage l 3 Rhys Mitchell 4 R . Butle r 5 G. Bryant (VC) 6 A . Reed 7 R . Colema n 8 R . Sterne 9 J . Uljans

20 C. Birrell 21 C. Rogers 22 G . Alessio 23 L. Taylor 24 S . Peasnell 25 S . Johnson 26 C. Hendrie

10 M . Verrochi

28 A. Peacock 29 D. Bruce 30 A. Mac Callum 31 D. Hanson 35 M . Shanks

21 Rob Mitchel l 22 J . Britia n

11 G. Fowler 12 D . Peacock (VC) 14 A . Grange r 17 Z. Keane 18 I. Dawkin s 19 L. Hammond ou ~ (VC)) 20 C. Geor9

27 B . Moody

37 L . Mc Darman 38 W. Bradshaw 39 T. Chase 40 T. Gosling 43 T. Sigalas a5 D . Ramsayy 46 D . Morle y 47 B. Cottrell 48 M . Westman 50 B . Withers

30 G . Hope 34 S. Adderley 35 M . Briggs 36 P. Barrett 44 J . Si ersma ~l 53 S. Snel 54 J. McBrid e 55 J. Pierera 56 P. Lowry


Coach: Fab Gatti 1 M . Palmington 2 J . O'Brien 3 C. Lee 4 N. Renault 5 D. Bunvrorth 6 P. Chalmer s

7 T. Andrews

8 R. Barke r 9 Josh Russ o 10 L . Gatti 11 S. Bianco 12 B. Stomebrink 13 A. McNally 14 B. Black 15 M. McDonal d

16 R . Martha

17 P. Cassin 18 B. Prismall

19 L. Gatti 20 N . Addamo 21 N . Renaut 22 D . Lee 23 Justin Russo 24 P. Keogh 25 B . Black 26 A . Cai n 27 S . Smith 28 M . Miller 29 P. Spry 31 J . Tanner 34 R. Mentha 47 S . Simpson 66 B . McMahon

~, -- -

Cr ~


~ O . _ U '- .



~ .


Sc Cc •h : Gary Blusztein Ass. Coach : Phil Rozen 1 J. Kestenberg (DVC) 2 A. Porat

3 D . Codron

4 A. Bloom 5 B. Lukav 6 J . Kegen 7 M . Janki e 8 . J . Feld y 9 D . Bluszteln 1 0 G. Mease y 12 E . Shaked 13 A . Kras 14 R .Spilberg 15 J . G voni (V. Capt) 16 R . Heine 17 J . Thurin (Capt) 20 M . Lipso n 21 J . Lewski 22 A. ~~ 23 J . Schulberg 27 B. Rose 28 J . Landberg 29 L . Friedman 30 P. Bryner 31 A. Sacks 32 L . Peters 36 R . Grof 39 L . Peters


Coach: Andrew Kenneally t A. Stone 2 M . Parrent 3 L Scurri e 4 J. Adgemis 5 M . Huqhes 6 D . Wtl6amson 7 C . Ekg 8 S. Brown 9 M. Rose 10 C . Dunwell it 0 . Walmsley 12 A. Khoury 13 Z. Moon 14 J .Ashman 15 W. Crothers 16 N . Burrows 7 D . Short 18 A . Fabris 19 J . Holma n 20 D . Mutton 21 E . Malone 22 E .Adams 23 M . Stefandark 24 J . Jorgensen 25 S . Gilbert 26 G. Wells 27 S . Crouch 28 J . Slatyer 29 C. Howlett 30 M . Naylor 31 H. Jenni s 32 C.Blumfie d 33 J. Gokdenfein

34 B. J .Lamm

35 C . Harrison 36 N . Van Duy 37 C . Holst 38 T. Cook 39 A. Bridgewater 40 R . Kagen

41 0. Howard -----42 M. Fletcher --_--43 C . Fel d 44 A .Ntctmla 45 A . Katz

46 D . Cannizza


g~Pb '

Cc :h : Cadell Duke 1 J . Aitken 2 M . Brai n 3 D. Pinwill 3 A. Van Rooyen 4 T. Schocker 3 S. Whittington 4 B. Gevau x 5 G . Blau 6 T. Biddington 7 D. Gol d 8 R. Tames 9 J. Mathe w 10 C. Eva 11 D. Kemp 12 S. Volkering 13 A . Read 14 P. McGrath 15 D . Membrey 16 A. Villani 17 A. Orchard 18 R . Newland 19 S. Foley 20 T. Dunne 21 J . Marmo , 22 P. Greenhill 22 R . Erm 23 A . Hogan 23 S . Mitchel l 24 M . Avrarn 24 K . Herding 25 R. Whitehouse 26 A . Edwards 26 M . Van Alphen 27 R. Osidacz n 27 T. Middleto rV G 28 . Hamitton-H o 29 S. Sinha

u O ® 5$E S

Cr ;h : Dennis Grace Team Manager : Shiv Seegobin 1 P. Gurr 2 A. Terry 3 C. Fi n layso n 4 K. Mudge 5 M . Chapman 6 B. Gebhardt 7 H . Bevis 8 J . Hindson 9 M . Cole 10 S. O'Donnell (C) 11 B. Sharpe (VC) 12 M. Tennan t 13 M. Jones (VC) 14 R . Shields 15 B. Hayter 16 D . Stewart 17 M . Kerr 18 A . Finlayso n 19 T. Cobba n 20 L. Leviston 21 D. Metlikovic 22 D. Grace 23 B . Hindl e 39 D. Taylor 44 S . Grace 71 M . Spence 74 P. Westbroo k

75 R . Turb o -. 7d

Major Sponsors _


_- '

__ :


C 3tOP.F,

. '



Ne tothing

s® . Coach: Brendan Smales A_ ;t Gooch: Shaun Kelly 1 B Owen 2


P. West (C


5 A. Tucker 6 7 B. Sheeha n 8 C Wh'~ 9 J. McKenzie 10 M. Little 11 D . Weardon 12 B. Joske 13 M. Potton 14 M. Ruff 15 B . Knight 16 A . Norman 17 B . Young (VC) 18 B . Dettmann 19 J-P. Matthews 20 L. Clarke DVC 21 J . Roberts 22 Y. Sadd 23 R. Kirk

24 P. Gregory

25 D. Langdon 26 S . Rocco

27 B. Kelly 30 R. Keenan 34 R . Citroen 36 D . Ryan (DVC) 39 A. Elliott 40 D . Del l


Coach: Craig Williams

aa : ~ AS Conch: Mick Phillips

1 T. Rossignuolo 2 L MacFarlane 3 D . Macdermott 4 A . Simson 5 D . Large 6 N . Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 A . Stewart-Holmes (vc) 9 B . Croft 10 A. Leonard 11 D. Bowley 12 J . Ashworth 13 R. DaveY

1 Phillips J . 2 Anderson J. (VC) 3 4 onner L. 5 Quinn S B. 6 McEwan K. 7 Plummer J . 8 Jaeger R . 9 West T.

15 A. Thompson 16 T. Angus (c) 17 T. Connell 18 T. Wilkins 19 G . Trumbull (c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K. Parker 22 T. Evans (vc) 23 C . Pinches 24 J . Ridley 25 C . Howat 26 B. Collins 27 J . Choong 28 A. Collins

18 Terry C.

14 C. Eddison

31 P. Niven 33 L. McKinnon

10 Haywood D.

11 Motile G. 12 Hewat M. 13 ga p. 14 Sull'mivan N . C 15 Broughton . ) 16 Monzell R. 17 Potter C . (Capt) 19 Moiler D. 20 Constantine B . Van Boxtell M . 22 Dale S. 23 Bums M. 24 Brennan L . 25 Carlo A. 27 Bishop S. 28 Davis J . 29 Harrison M. 30 Gaunt M . 31 Fell N. 32 Angarano P . 33 Clark S. 34 Dressler E . 35 Little 36 McGilvray S . 37 McGovern D . 38 Silvester J . 39 Smith J . 40 Powell D .

L®a .-•-•----- (2) Coach : John Fraser C . Rogers 2 C . Govan 3 M . Walsh 4 C . Mitchell 7 D . Mcmurtrie 9 D . Evans 11 A . Mario n 13 L. Levides 14 D. Hurley 15 N . Bugryy n gr 16 P. Oxenford 18 S . Smith

27 B . Draper

28 J . Anderson 30 D. Lancashire 33 D. Field 35 T. Pearso n 36 S. Cox 38 J.Egan 39 M. Ewes 41 G . Campbell 49 D . Mcmanus

51 M . Moloney 56 A . Odea 57 L. Anderson 58 J . Tankey 61 W. Vick 65 P. omp


67 E . Johnston 68 J . Faulkner 70 K. Buiss 72 N. Kan e 73 P. Keogh 74 J . O'connell 75 B. Pettit

THERRY PENOE A Coach : Paul Mallo n

1 B . Corri gan 2 J . Belsey (vc)

3 S . Turner 4 R. Skiathili s

5 B . Morris 6 J . Herme s 7 B . Bowcock 8 J . Quin n 9 T. Hoatson 10 J . Crotty 11 T. Sheppard 12 S. Leach 13 J. Dooley 14 J. Fento n 15 B. Owe n 16 M. Farrelly 17 J. Slawftschka 18 M. Badenhop e 19 M. Arki n 20 C . Ca ell (c) 21 J . Brosna n 22 D . Goodwin 23 D . Caliegari 24 M . Farold i 27 I . Gunawarden a 29 R. Hean e 32 J . Coope r 33 J . Freckleto n 40 J . Brosnan


- BLUE Coach : M . Lee 1 R . Dolman

2 R . Heywood 3 O . Lewis 5 T. Ridgway 6 J. Roberts 7 S. Holmesby 8 B . Holden 9 D. Wild 10 D. F a 11 J. Rahill y~ 12 T. Wright 14 M . Wilson 15 D . Streker

16 B . Ts o 17 J . D 'Offay 18 P. Breitkreuz 19 S . Nicholson 20 M. Sidney 21 R . Turner

22 B. McLellan

DE LA SALLE (2) R: a na Dr Coach : Rob Smith

3 D. Howard 4 N . Hart 5 M . Francis (C) 6 M . Sheehan 7 L. Casey 9 M . Hayes 9 J. McKenzie 10 D . Thompson 12 S. Crowe 12 L . Casey 14 E. Brownin g 19 A. Hillier

19 W. Quaran 20 B. Pedula

21 K. Higgins 23 J . Hennessyy 26 D. McLeod

27 B . Raisbeck 28 B . Walton 30 K . De Ribber

23 S. Co, rigan 24 M. Te Hennepe 25 N . Salvatore 26 L. Forrest 27 M . McLellan 30 K. Pereira 34 A. Jolly 35 A. Lee 47 S. Wright 52 M . McLell an

30 M . Nixon 33 J . McCluskey 35 C . Howard 35 T. Robson 41 D . Thompson

54 B. Meehan

47 J. Greaterorex

62 T Krotofil


42 L Fisher

46 K. Smyth 52 M. Griffin 53 J. Casey

Coach: John Howard Ass Cc,--h : Brian Artis


Adern 1

2 Baraket A 3 Baraket 0 4 Baribar J 5 Barbuto A 6 Benne tt L 7 Bol U 8 Byrne C 9 Cooper T 10 Dimachki M 11 Dimachki T 12 DiniA 13 Dini A 14 Diriye A t5 EdlinA 16 Ellis D 17 Farrah M 18 Gibson B 19 Haj A Hassan IA 22 Hassan M 23 Hestia D 24 Howarth P. 25 Leary M 26 Levy S 28 Maka AS 29 O'Shannessy T 30 Predavec S 31 Prokhorov T Rabi Y 33 Rankin J 34 Ryan T 35 Sheehan D 36 Shellard L 37 Taranto A 38 Urbino H 39 Vardis M

40 Vinning B 41 Vodstricil M


43 B . Jeffreys 44 B . Evangelista 54


T Mitvalsky

10 K. Regan 11 D . Russo 12 B. Russo 13 E. Millis

14 T. Millis

15 R. Bournon 16 An Wilson 17 B. Carroll 18 S . Cadwallen tg B . Richards O C 20 T. Brown (VC) 21 R. Haslemore 22 M . Niel son 23 Be Coghlan 24 D. Field 25 C . Sinclair 26 N . Sutherland 27 K. Pridha m 28 A. Trial 29 M. West 30 M. Ryan 23 G . Rastas

Coach: Brett Gardne r 1 A. Murra y 2 D. Couniha m 3 R. Naha s 4 S . Earl 5 M . Jordan 6 D. Clea ry 7 C. Lamb 8 G. Torcasio 9 D . Will s 10 C . Hogan 11 W. PlaukOVit s 12 G . Vitaglian o 13 L . Rowan 14 P. Brown 15 R . Holden

16 S. White

17 S. Briggs 18 S. Serre s 1g A. Ciavarella 20 N. Wills

21 J . Briggs 22 T. Orchard 23 D. Zula 24 J . Reynold s 25 J . Nevezie V. Maraventana D . Costigan

A. Shilton

24 M. Peck 25 A. Wilson 28 or Pra tt 27 G . Bottomley 28 M . Latham

A. Middlemiss

S. Ott

APM Group .


17 C. Nayna 18 M . Marziale 20 J . Fredrickson 21 K . Onurlu 22 D . Armansin 23 M . Sofoulis 24 J. Steker 25 A . Evangelista 26 X. Deayton (Capt) 27 V. Sen g 28 S. Cook (DVC) 29 S. Tan 30 M. Thomas 32 S. BUrgo 34 R. Wood 41 J . Antenucci 42 D. Andrews

Coaches : Svend Samild, Dean Andrew 1 D. Cochrane 2 Ja Date 3 A . Erskine 4 Br Faibanks (C) 5 N . Fisher (VC) 6 Ri Ironmonger 7 An tGantos 8 M. May

Current Solution s

H :-- . :----_

Coach : Steve Muscat Coach: Tim His Team Manager: Anita Muscat ass :: Paul rstilner & Owod Roberson 1 E . Nassrallah 1 A. Thompson 2 J . Isaac ( DVC) 2 C. Medcraft 3 D . Haas 3 J. Woodgate 4 C . Lazarakis (VC) 4 C. Schleiger 5 J. Thomas 5 D. Brosnan 6 S. Nussbaum 6 T Denatris 7 R . O'Brien 7 D. Black 8 C . Thomson 9 T Pee l 9 C . Rossenlis 10 L. Wells 10 S. Schellebeck 11 B . Amold 11 S. Sullivan 12 C. Johnstone ( DVC) 12 J . Margetis 13 S . Mcconchie 13 J . Evangelista 14 S . Davis 14 F. Patuad

15 S . Vaughan


16 S . Mitsios

17 D . Martin 20 R . Lerner 21 B. Upstill 23 L Gouzenfder 24 M. Anderson

25 R . Matter 26 D. Tehennepe (VC)

28 B. Harris 30 A. Jirov

31 A. Bukala 33 A. Cook ( C)

34 S Ramsay 44 B . Robbins 61 G. Evans

Coach : Glenn Alford 1 McGettigan M 2 McNamara D 3 Clea r yG 4 L'Huillier D 5 Gilmore S 6 Buck A 7 Grasby P 8 Kelly L 9 Serotin L 10 Mark J 11 Weedon N 12 Powell G 13 Houton L 14 McMurray L 15 Curry P 16 Lovelock R 17 Samya J 19 PatersanA 20 Lynch J 21 Cieslak L

22 Terrell L

23 Waters D 24 Moss D 25 Port er D

26 Hilton M

27 Jones L 28 Andrews M 29 Lynch D 30 Maddocks J 31 McConnell K 32 Petrovic J 33 Tyquin J



Coach : Matthew Webb

Coach : Darren McIGIIo p

1 Nathan Chalk 2 Ross Dean 3 Jeremy Diaz 4 Glen D'Olivera 5 Chris Domingo 7 Michael Purnell 8 Damien Homan 9 Matt Hope 10 Daniel Johnston 11 Bradley Judd 13 Michael Kosmala 15 Peter Langham

16 Luke Merchant 17 Wigor Monteiro 18 Michael Nelson 19 Ashley Panty 20 Matthew Phaedonos 21 Darryl Pinto 22 Benjamin Worrell

1 T. Cronan 3 0 . Kohnesheen 6 E. Costello 7 R. Gingel l 8 J . Niemi 9 C. Batchelor (VC) 11 J . Cooke 13 L. Stanza 16 J . Newson 18 E . Bouchard 21 D . Whiting 22 L. Bell (C ) 25 A . Ray 26 A . Excell 27 J. Cronan 33 J. Merchic 40 S. Walden 54 M. Giannellis 58 J . Maste rton 59 A. Giannellis 69 W. Cooper 78 M . Ste hanadakis p 79 N. Strachan 88 D. Phillips 89 L. Else r

34 Signet R

35 Thompson G Hodges Real Estate Mentone Clearcut Hairdressin g IFCO Brighton Nissan Of


Cc :h: Ter ry McEvoy

r Tim bell i : iony Dullard 1 S .Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson 3 R. Williams 4 D. Robbins 5 J . Violato 6 C. Dullard 7 D. Pocock 8 E . Clarke 9 A. Butler 10 J. Coyne 11 J. Mujanovic 12 M . Rogers 13 M . Zika 14 D . Ryan 15 T. McBurney 16 S. Cahill 17 B. MacDonald 18 R . Astudillo 19 N . Ha rt 20 D . McPhee 21 D . Russell 22 S. Edwards 23 K. Maghamez 24 R . Willingham 25 J. Ziemer 26 J . Richardson 27 A . Merhi 28 C . Meighen 29 W. Murray 30 A . Marconi 31 S . Glouftsis 32 R. Hag e 33 G . Brown

Coach : Phiv u. _metriou C

6 S . Hills 7 B . Helme 8 M Wall 9 S . loonstra 10 M . Dexter 12 A . Munchow 13 C. Williams 14 A . Lobzcuk M . Adams 18 T. Walsh 19 P. Symons 20 B . Hardham 21 C. Galtiott 22 M . Visser 24 C. Crozier 50 A. Faill a 52 D. White 61 D. Jennings 66 A. Kinghorne 67 D . Muir 68 B. Pratt

1 Z. Wenke 2 J. Brockwell 3 A . McGovern 4 P. Adams 5 .A . Brown 6 M . Morgan 7 R . Moore 8 A . Demetriou 9 M . Christian 10 R . Wright 11 P. Btayney 12 M . Partett 13 W. toannidis 14 M . Lardo 15 A . Evans 16 A . Mitropoulos 17 C. Davies 18 T. Wise 1 9 T. Mcintosh 20 A. laannou 21 D. Herbe rt 22 J . Tsingads 23 J . Everest 24 A. Bottomley 25 C. Stavropoulos 26 L Richardson 27 A. Kayrooz 28 B. Herbert 29 T. Shepherd 30 S. Sali 31 I . Stokes 32 D . Nichols 33 D. Playfair

:h: Harry Harisiou 4 U . Lapadula 7 J . Ryan 10 T. Lee 11 A . Varga 12 B . Tekin 13 A . Smith 14 E . Miritis 15 E . Sanli 16 J . Newman 17 D. McMillan 18 J . McDonald 20 R. Tremayne 22 D. Seraiocco 23 A. Stavretis

28 P. March 24 B. Moran 36 A. Coulston 38 E. Odza 40 T. King 41 J . Wolnizer 42 J . Simon 43 M. lacuone 49 B. Lapadula

34 M. DeF}tro e

35 B. Stanton

Coach: Cliff Lever Ass. Coach : Jim Hudson 1 B. Gerace 2 J. Tanner 3 R . Naidu 4 J. Mason 5 G . Walker 6 S. Vining 7 F. Pavez 8 A . Miller 9 P. Neville 10 C . Lever 11 A . Taylor 12 A . Calera 13 A . Potts 14 M . Potts 15 A . Woods 17 D . Taylor 18 J . Morsello 19 D . Corp 20 K . Lawson 21 B . Merriweather 22 B . Gilbe rt 23 A . f 1ok usch 24 P. Hudson 25 G . Bart lett 26 M . Gamier 27 J . Bartolo 28 D. Hudson 29 T Whitin 30 J . Pedrin9 31 M . Monoha n 32 B . Nazifovski 33 J . Meeriweather 34 P. Johnston 35 H. Hodgson 36 C. Lips 37 B . Payne 38 F. Bertone 39 A. Maluccio

o'MeaaT 2 Trescav,~n'cr J 3 Mont mer S 4 org A 5 Rubra E s Ken6etd M 7 Freer S a McDowell J 9 ansr toft H~~t it eourke R 1 2 ~a " J t3 Gmnrvan l 14 Roache M 1 5 Ba~rettA ts Corcoran N 17 Chapman P Is Mt~ ' M 101 20 Meehan D 2 1 Nola, C 22 Sr,a~n~ R 23 Ffe~ B 24 Purrs c 25 Rowe L 26 pc p p r`t 28 u`mae J 29 Adams S an R~ a S 32 t.~incme T 33 Fwd D y 34 Dunn D 35 3

Rees D 6 37 Russo R 38 Melve-Smuh J

39 Ryan S 40 ~~a , fl At 41 42 Smbiey hi 4 ~~ p T 34 45 Travalo ~i~, 0"A 46 G ~ 47 Silk 48 Ned- A 50 49 ~e~ T P ea~ J &,~~ 째'`tp 53 Pag 54 e A

o . e-,new N. ajo~ D ~efn Butle r R" E. ne~ ra, J c Clark L Car,er Col L -t iins NC e

J Dalrymple M Darcy n g~

D . Fenn ~ ~~~n i P. Ham

J . Henke e ' N res M . Hogan P. Karawums C. Kean J~~ t D. Malone D. Mann ~ , Mannar, D. tt,cKai M . Mi!!ar S . Murpny G . hartun M, A~~~ S. Rumbad A. sue d o ~0" M_ T~ `arp~kos A Torntmson N Ui~ M' ve{~a J. Waldrw

D- Wal ker

B. Warburton Wndehead

T wake T. Wood


(1 & 2)

coaches: U,.. , .}amh- y Duggan U1s(2) Fred Chamberlain

C ch: Zoran Colon s

Coach: Lach4an Beaton Ass Cc = =h : David Watson

Co :h : Justin Vaughan 1 J. Pascot 2 J. Waters 3 M. Ford 4 G . Cocks 5 R . McCann 6 R . Toms 7 B . Game 8 G. Homer 9 L. McDermott 10 A. Kennedy 11 M . Levine 12 D . Coppock 13 C . Phyland 14 R . Fallon 15 C . Lee 16 C . Huan g 17 P. Canoe 18 A . Egan 19 P. Barnewall 20 T. Munro 21 S . Elliott 22 M . Beddome 23 G . Hanson 24 M . Ferguson 25 M . Williams 27 R, Morris

33 M . Donald 46 M . Cardos+

'"-- -2 003

Tor r,h


Coach: Peter Battl e

1 Mark MacGugan 2 Jamie Mapleson 3 Rob Moffatt 4 Michael Commadeur 5 Lee Crossley (vc) 6 Simon Bade 7 Andrew Jesse (c) 8 Lachie Bullen 9 K ynan West 10 1Geran Prestidg e(vc) 11 H u9 h Tunneclrti 12 OwainCrflchley 13 Jeremy White 14 Rohan Ault 15 Ashley Lynch 16 Sam Hen 17 Richard v cod 18 Duncan Brown 19 Alex KeIN 20 Michael Practor 21 Richard Whatley 22 Michael Steel e 23 Stephen Commadeur 24 Brendan Edwards 25 Scott Palmer 26 Lachlan Clancy 27 Francis Slatter y 28 Matthew Morris 29 Sam Price

1 L. Hickey 2 D . Tsouparikovit s 3 G. Marti n 4 T. Peters 5 B . Nicholas (c) 6 A . Maudsle 7 C. Walke r y 8 M . R o k i ck i 9 D. Borland 10 L. Askew 11 C. Brit 12 T. Amos 13 B . Glennie 14 E . Gotten 15 A. Russell 16 S. Ye a 17 W . Cart er 18 D . Wright 19 D . Reynold s 21 K. Everist 22 T. Hooper 23 D . Bart olomeo 24 N . Tilley


25 B. Seege r

James Fuller

31 Mark Turner 35 Brendan Gconan 37 Herbert Barlow 38 Nick Brooks (yet 40 Kyle Mason 54 Callum Barter 56 Sam Chishol m 59 Andrew Woolle y 72 Josh Costello 74 Jamie Dowsley 75 Oliver scof 77 Tri stan BrumbyRendell 110AndrewAylett

36 H . Shakespear e


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This Sur : -- Next Sat: Next Sun: University s nne v . no a riolty July 26 No Match -(AIB Bye Weekend ) July 27 No Match -(A[B Bye Weekend ) August 2 St . Bedes Mentone Tigers v . Old Brighton August 3 FIDA Matches August 8 Ormond v Bentleigh (U19 Blue - Friday 6pirAugust 9 Old Haileybury v . St Bernards August 10 Club Y . :Z Preliminary Finals

Tr -iaun Napier, St Bedes MentoneTigers . Striking, 2 matches . ark Telford, Hawthorn Amateurs . Striking, 2 matches . Chris Battle, Old Carey . Failed to appear, 2 matches . Phil Withington, Bentleigh (Reserves) . Kicking, 6 matches . Jeff Buttigieg, Williamstown CYMS ( Reserves) . Misconduct, 2 matches . White, Old Carey . Audible obscenity, 1 match . ~ Eamonn Healey, Old Essendon ( Reserves) . Abusive language, 2 matches . epted pre ;cri' ad penalty )n v 9, e Therry Penola and Glen Eira both charged with a mele e in their senior match played on Saturday June 28th at Therry. $ Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $10 0 (first offence over the last three year period) .

(C ;3); second offence ($25) ; third earth offence ($ 100) ; each (:,>1速0). Seniors(U19 failure to provid e 2 .sopm final scores by 5pr n h (R) hawthorn (S) St . Johns (S) Marcellin (U ) St . Bernards (U 19 1 & 2 )

ned incorrect scores Rdi 3 rov Reds (S), North Old Boys (U) Eley Park (C )

. .o: 1 .

t Kevin's continued their good form by defeating Marcellin by sixty one points .

Old Essendon should make sure of the Monash Blues had no answer to Old Ivanhoe's minor premiership by j running game in the afternoon match at defeating Old Trinity at Sportscover Arena, which Old Ivanhoe won in a Keilor. canter by fifty one points . Fitzroy Reds must defeat University Blacks to Prahran faded after a good first quarter at stay in the mix to decide fourth place . It is a big Sportscover Arena and were easily defeated by task, given the Black's display in Round 11 . eighty nine points by the Old Xaverian Despite the keenness and talents displayed by the juggernaut . Reds I favour the greater pace and size of the De La Salle triumphed over Collegians by one Blacks to carry them to victory . hundred and forty one points . Old Xaverians, who have now lost two matches in a`;"• 2 "oath. succession, face the unenviable task of defeating Old Carey, who showed improved form, lost to Therry Penola in Oak Park to stay in the quest for Old Trinity by seven points . Narrow losses have the double chance . In season's past, the home cost Trinity dearly this season . side would have been well favoured to win . Leaders, Old Essendon defeated Fitzroy Reds by However the 20 0 3, Lyons men have a much less twenty four points, which pushed the Reds from formidable record, especially with goal scoring, the four. University Blacks moved to second place at the which prompts me to select the Xaverians to win narrowly . expense of Old Xaverians, whom they defeated by Old Carey have -the bye . ten points . Scctiar " F Therry.Penoia, who had the bye, have moved back St Leo's now h their eyes on fourth place to fourth place . should have enough talent and incentive to defeat Section 2 So u th . A .J .A .X . who are struggling to meet the required St Leo's thrashed Hawthorn Amateurs by one hundred and fifty six points in a one sided game . standard for success in the section . Leaders, Mazenod defeated Old Brighton by In a possible second semi final preview twenty two points in a great contest where the Whitefriars travel to Mazenod, who have carried all before them . Even without Fothergill, result could have favoured either team . Eley Park were too skilled and speedy for Old Bridgland and Fisher are reliable avenues to goal for Mazenod . In my opinion, Nick Jacobs, will be Geelong who lost by eighty seven points . able to fly higher in ruck duels than will the A .J .A .X . forfeited to LVhitefriars . veteran, John Bonneyman, who relies on bulk Preview of Round 12 . and experience around the ground . Whitefriars, Section 1 . Traditional rivals, Old Ivanhoe and Marcellin who may be short of a run, I don't believe will be meet at Chelsworth Park . Indications are that Old talented enough to defeat Mazenod . Ivanhoe will win on form but the return of Another potential final rehearsal will be the clash veteran, Gary Petroff has strengthened at Brighton Beach between Old Brighton and Eley Marcellin's forward line . Old Ivanhoe, who do lack Park . Last week Eley Park had a virtual training height in their defence, could be put under session in which their stars Tobin, Grant and Ly pressure and their lack of numbers does limit Hiep again showed the way . Injury to Grant could liexibility in their side . Nevertheless, I select Old deprive them of a lot of drive . Although I have not Ivanhoe . seen Old Brighton since Round 1, all reports Old Xaverians should be untroubled to defeat indicate they do not possess the depth of talent Monash Blues by a big margin as the Blues did available to Eley Park . Even at this visitor not do much last Saturday at Sportscover Arena, unfriendly ground (climatic condition wise), I tip Eley Park . where Old Xaverians were so impressive . Prahran should be able to regain some confidence The inconsistent, Old Geelong should return to by defeating Collegians, who will offer stern the winning list today against Hawthorn Amateurs. resistance . Against, Be La Salle, St Kevin's recent form surge PRESS COR - ;-- ITS will be tested . I suspect Be La Salle will be too fit Please send me your details by noon Monday, and determined over the four quarters especially either by telephone 9467 2857 or e mail nknugentCalphaii rzk .com .au on the wide wings of the Righetti Oval . 60


pld p, cl = - A word of praise to stalvar ; __ '.mon, who id his boundary umpiring duties last Saturday only after his arrival from Botswana . Peter your dedication is : admired . A .J.A.X . versus biazenod match in Round 10 produce d

;,o unusual occurrences . A .J .A .X . fielded a father and son ; :bination, Marl, and Jesse Felde and their umpire wa s Jat ; , a''~irter, an Australian test cricketer. (The first to umpire i ; ,, ;ub :VIII, but not in the V.A.F .A .) 3lues timekeeper and advisor to all, Len Collier is b lasting his 90th birthday today. Thank you, Len, for all th e , :ts you have put in to help Monash Blues and Whites over seasons. May you enjoy many more seasons, Len. After 's match, Len will be holding court at the Kingston . He will ot :ie friends to share the post match forums with him.

,Ihran u:d Xaverians Old Xaverians [vahran ( 11eaian s C18

Cartlidge L Hardwick R George Butterworth Oakley

3 3 2 1 0

42 32 24 23 21

6 <l hssendon Evans 0 22 Fi ;~roy Reds Prior 1 20 41d Essendon Eddy 6 20 J ldTrinitv Cade 0 15 Old Trinity Taylor 0 1 1 C'J (S) 50 nod Fothergill Bridgland 33 no d Psaltopoulis 30 !:1, v Park 20 i. :c,y Park Price r 18 )i c_ nod Fishe

TODAY'S MATCHES R11 CLUB XVIII (1 ) Old Ivanhoe v Marcellin Old Xaverians v Monash Blues Prahran v Collegian s St Kevins v De La Salle CLUB XV11


Old Carey has by e Old Essendon Gr v Old' ity ) val B at Essendo n Fitzroy Reds v Universi ty Blacks a t

sd en S treet 0 al, (44 G2 ) Therry Penola OB v Old Xaverians (2) at . Oval I. Joh n Pascoe Fawkner Res erve . CLUB XVIIX (SOUTH) AJAX v St Leos Emmaus W P

Mazenod 0 C v Whitefriars Old Brighton v Eley Park Hawthorn Amateurs v Old Geelong THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

5.4 5 .12 6.15 (51 ) 6.1 11 .2 14.6 17 .10 (112) n : Petrofl3, S . Mathews 2, Boyd . Best : Becehetti, S . Mathews , ...adls, Boyd, Dearsley, Rigg. St vins : Not received . Umpires: Trevor Hansen Tom Windlow (F ) 1 11 7.15(57) MONASH BLUES 0 .0 2.7 16 .5 17.6(108) OLD IVANHOE 7 .5 10.5 ?cionash Blues: Goals : Coughlin 2, Collier, Moir, Brennan, M Woods . L Woods. Best: Plehn, B Dods, L Woods. Coughlin, M Woods, Howe . Old Ivanhoe: Goals : Virtue 5. Kobe 4 . White 3, Toll 2, Guidera, Jewell, Rissirom . Best: Bailey, Broadhurst, Milos . White. Kobe, Toll . Umpir, e Tony Byrnes Bob O'Halloran (F ) OLD vE 9 3 .1 9 .4 14 .7 20 .10 (130) 4 .3 4 .4 6 .5 6.5(41) Old ns : Goals: Fowler 5, L Hardwick 3 . R George 2. Hall 2, Rourke 2, Jones, Perry, Erskine . Bloom, Dalton, King . Best : Rathgeber. Perry, Dalton, James Hardwick, Fowler, Hall, Erskin e 1 zahran : Goals: Cartledge 3, ivak, Dillzio, Butterworth . Best: Lawrence, Storer, Johnson. Ivak, A Blake, Dowd. Umpires : Paul Nailer Tony Robbins (F ) L, E LA SALLE 4.3 9 .12 15 .18 24 .24 (168) 1 .0 3.1 3. 1 4 .3(27) COLLEGIANS De La Salle: Lafferty 8, J .Stinear 3, Mitchell 2. Roberts 2, Tucker 1, Ford I, Fisher I, Hickey i, Walton 1, Mannix 1, Short I . Beretta 1 . Kitto 1 . Best : Lafferty, J .Stinear, Mannix, Ford, Ward, Fisher. Collegians : Ross 2, Gay 2 . Best: Day, N .Baxter, Brain, Burn, Gay, M .Forster. Umpires: Steve Mason Paul Rapke (F)


THERRY PENOLA OB - by e OLD TRINITY 4 .2 8 .3 10 .3 14.6 (90) OLD CAREY 3 .3 8 .5 13.5 (83) Old Trinity: Gray 4 . C Treadwell 4, Adal 2, Moussi, Hansen, Markus, Robison . Best: Gray, C Treadwell, Moussi, Hilderbrandt, Read, Best . Old Carey: Small 3, Looke 2, Gorman 2, Baird 2, Arizona, Mees . Cleak, Kammergrubber. Best: Cleak, Baird . Partridge, O'Neil, Kammergrubber, Glannikos . Umpires : Michael Phillips Ryan Hense (F) OLD ESSENDON 10 .7 (67) FITZROY REDS 6 .7 (43) Old Essendon: Eddy 6, Fraser, Jones, Papal . Woerndle . Best : Farrugia Walker, Hay, Papal . Fraser, Poulto n Fitzroy Reds : Jackson 2, Holland, Madden, Prior, C .McGrath . Best : Audlen, Bance . Cook, Flanagan, T . McGrat h Umpire : Details not received from umpires 0 }_ : _ ..- .-1(2) 2.3 3 .6 5 .6 6 .10(46) 8.8(56) U,9=Y .__ BLA( K9 1 .1 3 .4 7 .7 Old Xavo is : Erfurth, Gleeson, Lyttleton, McCarthy. Silk, Stoney. Best: Fox. Stoney . Ford, MacKay, McCarthy, Silk . University Blacks : Jones 3, Ginh 2, Beaton, Kean, Begley . Best: Sanderford, Kean, Steer. Jones, Carr, Beaton . Umpires : Dean Banova Brian Nunn IF) CLUB XyH[ fSOUTH I ST LEOS FM IS 4 .8 8 .12 16 .15 23 .19 1157) 1 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .1 lot] HAW'I'I . ) St Lea an : M .Contessotto 4, G.Contessotto 3 Fechner 3, P.Levins 3, Citable 2, Scardamaglia 2, Cox, S .Dix, Mescher,P.Manton, Perry, Tomkhts. Best : Castem, Tomkins, Foley . P.Manton. England, Havacan p. Hawthorn Amateurs : Best :Baynes . McKay, Joss, Owens, Merrett . Umpires: Rick Benson Mark Thornhill (F ) WHITEF B 17.22 (124) received forfeit from AJAX 5 .5 (35 ) h" :-- .-iOD 0 C 2 .1 7 .6 8 .8 13 .15 (93) OLD 7 i2IGHTOfd 2 .3 3 .3 7 .9 10 .10 (70) Details not received Umpires : Details not received from umpires 0 .1 1 .3 2 .3 5.4 (34) OLD GEELONG 12,23 15 . 31 (121) Ei;rs i' 6 .10 8 .14 : Imhoff 2, Chadder 2, Collins I . Best: Sattler, Old Geelong: Goals Clarke, Jeffrey, Peck . Westmore, Collins. Eley Park: Not Received Umpires : Joe Ciceotosto Tony Hall (F) 61

Name the grid square where you thin k the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES: (a) Weekly . Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive in the mail 5 Sportscover vouchers which, when presented at the canteen at Sportscover Arena (Elsternwick Park) will entitle the bearer to receive up to 5 Four 'N' Twenty pies or 5 Schweppes sofitdrinks or a combinatio n of the two . (Total 5). The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . ROUND 3a1t was in Cl - No Winners Round 12. @IIG : : . . One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Etsternwick 3185 or p/copy and fax to 95312050. Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . Prizes for the Sportscover Spot the Ball Competition are kindly donated by Four 'N' Twe n Pies and Schweppes . 62


Frr 1029 1110 891 808 856 806 713 670 672 369

_ 461 223 .21 44 .47 36 605 183 560 159 .11 36 614 131 .60 36 686 124 .78 28 808 99.75 24 846 84.28 16 967 692 9 12 1104 60.87 8 1322 27.91 0

! D For A~2 pis P IN ~ . . . -_ PENINSULA 0 B 12 12 0 0 1334 404 330 .20 48 .71 40 OLD GEELONG 12 10 2 0 1165 480 242 FITZROY REDS 12 10 2 0 1082 462 234 .20 40 WEST BRUNSWICK 12 6 6 0 712 687 103 .64 24 IA TROBE UNI 12 6 6 0 808 803 100 .62 24 WILLIAMSTOWN GYMS 12 6 6 0 787 843 93 .36 24 OLD CAREY 12 4 8 0 646 932 69 .31 16 BENTLEIGH 12 2 10 0 588 1104 53 .26 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 12 2 10 0 532 1275 41 .73 8 8 OAKLEIGH 12 2 10 0 505 1233 40 .96 ! D F-Agst % Pis PW '.:ERRI8EEAMATEURS 12 11 0 1 1281 435 294 .48 46 RUPERTSW000 12 9 3 0 975 633 154.03 36 SWINBURNE UNI 12 8 3 1 901 613 146.98 34 ST JOHNS 0 C 12 8 4 0 757 727 104 .13 32 KEW 12 6 6 0 798 828 96 .38 24 ELSTERNWICK 12 5 7 0 806 848 95 .05 20 MONASH GRYPHONS 12 5 7 0 593 663 89 .44 20 *SOUTH MELD DISTRICTS 12 4 8 0 590 883 66 .82 16 POWER HOUSE 12 2 10 0 523 987 52 .99 8 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 12 1 11 0 459 1219 37 .65 4 'Ineligible players Rd 9 [' ; , : : -P W L D For AgsP % Ratio ST MARYS 11 10 1 0 1215 574 211 .67 90 .91 .45 81 .82 ALBERT PARK 11 9 2 0 1240 550 225 NORTH BRUNSWICK 11 9 2 0 1182 574 205 .92 81 .82 UHS-VU 11 8 3 0 1055 452 233 .41 72.73 MT LILYDALE 11 6 5 0 902 727 124 .07 54.55 OLD WESTBOURNE 11 5 6 0 805 678 118 .73 45.45 31 CHMOND CENTRAL 10 5 5 0 573 869 65 .94 50.00 3ULLEEN COBRAS 11 4 7 0 820 867 94 .58 36.36 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 11 3 8 0 811 1002 80 .94 27 .27 BOX HILL NORTH 11 1 10 0 311 1644 18 .92 9 .09 *BRUNSWICK POWER 11 0 11 0 277 1381 20 .06 0 .00 `Ineligible players Rd 9 ! D Far Agst ! P!s U19 SECTION 1 P w ST BERNARDS 12 12 0 0 1668 754 221 .22 48 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 9 3 0 1339 709 188.86 36 OLD SCOTCH 12 9 3 0 1285 928 138 .47 36 OLD XAVERIANS 12 8 4 0 1041 856 121 .61 32 3 T KEVINS 12 6 6 0 1035 1026 100 .88 24 DE LA SALLE 12 5 7 0 948 1042 90 .98 20 CAULFIELD GR 12 4 7 1 1002 1236 81 .07 18 OLD BRIGHTON 12 2 8 2 618 1366 45 .24 12 MARCELLIN 12 1 9 2 997 1325 75 .25 8 6 OLD ESSENDON GR 12 1 10 1 646 1540 41 .95 1119 SECTION 2 P W L D For A~r / Pts ,Ii:RRiBEEAMATEURS 12 11 1 0 1158 617 187 .68 44 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 9 3 0 1132 603 187 .73 36 BEAUMARIS 12 8 4 0 751 900 83 .44 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 12 7 5 0 977 930 105 .05 28 OLD TRINITY 12 7 5 0 732 735 99 .59 28 .9PTON ROVERS 12 7 5 0 918 936 98 .08 28 .iLU IVANHOE 12 5 7 0 958 1042 91 .94 20 :%ZENOD 0 C 12 4 8 0 472 1072 44.03 16 OLD PARADIANS 12 2 10 0 659 1021 64 .54 8

% Pts t _rf P W L D Far Agst RUPERTSW000 v 12 11 1 0 904 575 157 .22 44 OLD CAREY 12 10 2 0 1418 461 307 .59 40 COLLEGIANS 12 9 3 0 965 778 124 .04 36 THERRY PENOLA OB 12 8 4 0 1236 916 134 .93 32 AJAX 12 7 5 0 934 961 97 .19 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 6 6 0 834 1037 80 .42 24 MHSOB 12 4 8 0 707 1002 70 .56 16 MONASH BLUES 12 3 9 0 723 1194 60 .55 12 8 ST BERNARDS (2) 12 2 10 0 432 1352 31 .95 P N L D Fer AgsS % Pk Uf ~~L~IE OAKLEIGH 12 11 1 0 1770 689 256 .89 44 .07 40 ST BEDES MENT TIG 12 10 2 0 1508 673 224 ST JOHNS 0 C 12 10 2 0 1349 768 175 .65 40 .09 32 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 12 8 4 0 1543 929 166 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS12 5 7 0 1082 952 113 .66 20 MENTONE PANTHERS 12 5 7 0 1037 1226 84 .58 20 BENTLEIGH 12 4 8 0 1049 1026 102 .24 16 ORMOND 12 4 8 0 841 1243 67 .66 16 GLEN EIRA 12 2 10 0 443 2068 21 .42 8 4 DE LA SALLE (2) 12 1 11 0 668 1750 38 1 7 PLs % A 19 2179D P W _L D For Agst BANYULEVIEWBANK 12 12 0 0 1471 567 259 .44 48 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 11 1 0 1446 426 339.44 44 FITZROY REDS 12 8 4 0 1225 674 181 .75 32 LA TROBE UNI 12 7 5 0 834 624 133 .65 28 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 12 7 5 0 1000 784 127 .55 28 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 12 5 7 0 628 908 69 .16 20 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 12 4 8 0 575 1018 56 .48 16 AQUINAS 0 C 12 3 9 0 617 1081 57 .08 12 OLD WESTBOURNE 12 3 9 0 511 1109 46 .08 12 0 BULLEEN TEfv1PLESTOWE 12 0 12 0 322 1554 20 .72

CL UB 18 - 1



11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11


CLUB 78 ° :"



Eor A~t 1 P!3

11 0 0 1353 443 305 .42 9 2 0 1188 607 195 .72 7 4 0 1071 756 141 .67 6 5 0 725 780 92.95 4 7 0 735 910 8017 4 7 0 605 1009 59 .96 2 8 1 631 1215 51 .93 47,73 0 10 1 619 1297




For A~sr 890 555 690 551 520 605 400

463 477 419 513 547 722 1070

44 36 28 24 16 16 10 2

% 192 .22 40 116 .35 36 164 .68 32 107 .41 24 95 .06 24 83.80 16 37.38 4

! 0 For Ag t .a Pts CLUB 78 - SCUM P W MAZENOD 0 C 11 11 0 0 1291 551 234 .30 44 WHITEFRIARS 11 8 3 0 999 645 154 .88 32 ELEY PARK AFC 11 7 4 0 1083 636 170 .28 28 OLD BRIGHTON 11 6 5 0 951 564 168 .62 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 11 5 6 0 810 755 107 .28 20 AJAX 11 4 7 0 580 1014 57 .20 16 OLD GEELONG 11 3 8 0 688 949 72 .50 12 0 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 11 0 11 0 269 1616 16 .65

resented I t

® ~e~

® U~rplr es ®

Scores ,3 -


, er~$s sa~~• h





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L速 For A % i-is P W ST BERNARDS 12 9 3 0 1531 1040 147 .21 36 OLD XAVERIANS 12 8 4 0 1204 909 132 .45 32 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 7 5 0 1278 1077 118 .66 28 OLD SCOTCH 12 7 5 0 1250 1229 101 31 28 OLD TRINITY 12 7 5 0 966 995 97 .09 28 MARCELLIN 12 6 6 0 1051 1082 97.13 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 5 7 0 986 1159 85 .07 20 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 5 7 0 879 1076 81 .69 20 78,38 16 ST KEVINS 12 4 8 0 1077 1374 8 OLDIVANHOE 12 2 10 0 981 1262 77 .73

D For


0 8 8 6 5 5 5 5 4 3


2 0 1281 1066 120 .17 4 0 1412 982 143 .79 4 0 1257 1004 125 .20 6 0 1164 1166 99 .83 6 1 1181 1256 94 .03 7 0 1120 1135 98.68 7 0 1153 1238 93 .13 7 0 982 1118 87 .84 8 0 996 1263 78 .86 8 1 1001 1319 75 .89

40 32 32 24 22 20 20 20 16 14

P W L D For A~sP % Ptt ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 12 9 3 0 1278 1067 119 .78 36 COLLEGIANS 12 8 4 0 1222 935 130 .70 32 CAULFIELD GR 12 8 4 0 1292 1003 128 .81 32 BEAUMARIS 12 8 4 0 1285 1048 122 .61 32 MENTONE VULTURES 12 8 4 0 1266 1094 115 .72 32 THERRY PENOLA OB 12 7 5 0 1135 1036 109 .56 28 OLD CAMBERWELL 12 5 7 0 1261 1195 105 .52 20 PRAHRAN 12 3 9 0 815 1498 54 .41 12 GLEN EIRA 12 2 10 0 1060 1261 84 .06 8 8 ORMOND 12 2 10 0 817 1294 63 .14 D

-71 -

P ~ L D





SWINBURNE UNI 12 10 2 0 1360 953 142 .71 40 RUPERTSWOOD 12 8 4 0 1624 1127 14410 32 MONASH GRYPHONS 12 7 5 0 1187 1135 104 .58 28 SYNDALTALLY-HO 12 7 5 0 1014 1020 99 .41 28 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS12 7 5 0 1081 1112 97 .21 28 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 12 6 6 0 1082 1107 97 .74 24 POWER HOUSE 12 5 7 0 772 1202 64 .23 20 ST JOHNS 0 C 12 4 8 0 1143 1121 101,96 16 KEW 12 4 8 0 970 1256 77.23 16 8 ELSTERNWICK 12 2 10 0 1226 1426 85.97

MT LILYDALE 11 11 0 0 1549 738 209 .89 100 .00 ALBERT PARK 11 8 3 0 1251 823 152 72 .73 UHS-VU 11 8 3 0 1348 913 147 .65 72 .73 ST MARYS 11 8 3 0 1326 1077 123 .12 72 .73 OLD WESTBOURNE 11 7 4 0 1195 761 157 .03 63 .64 NORTH BRUNSWICK 11 7 4 0 1103 985 111 .98 63 .64 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 11 4 7 0 1029 1157 88 .94 36.36 RICHMOND CENTRAL 10 3 7 0 768 1321 58 .14 30.00 BULLEEN COBRAS 11 2 9 0 663 1211 54 .75 18.18 BOX HILL NORTH 11 2 9 0 799 1473 54 .24 18.18 BRUNSWICK POWER 11 0 11 0 819 1458 56 .17 0 .0 0 % _ P W L D Fo r A A UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 10 2 0 1174 673 174 .44 40 ST BERNARDS 12 10 2 0 1040 656 158 .54 40 OLD IVANHOE 12 7 4 1 930 905 102 .76 30 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 7 5 0 1009 874 115.45 28 OLD XAVERIANS 12 6 6 0 876 775 113 .03 24 MARCELLIN 12 6 6 0 835 766 109 .01 24 OLD TRINITY 12 4 7 1 671 956 70 .19 1 OLD SCOTCH 12 4 8 0 709 928 76 .40 1 ST KEVINS 12 2 8 2 677 1156 58 .56 12 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 2 10 0 639 900 71 .00

MONASH BLUES 12 9 3 0 1214 814 149 .14 36 OLD MENTONIANS 12 9 3 0 1267 1027 12137 36 AJAX 12 9 3 0 1207 1009 119 .62 36 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 8 4 0 1296 921 140 .72 32 BANYULE 12 7 5 0 1229 1211 101 .49 28 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 12 7 5 0 1039 1061 97 .93 28 SALESIAN 0 C 12 3 9 0 862 1028 83 .85 12 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 12 3 9 0 968 1254 77 .19 12 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWEI2 3 9 0 956 1309 73 .03 12 8 AQUINAS 0 C 12 2 10 0 831 1235 67 .29

F W L ffi For AysP % DE LA SALLE 12 10 2 0 1075 630 170 .63 40 OLD PARADIANS 12 9 2 1 1042 562 185 .41 38 OLD BRIGHTON 12 8 4 0 1108 659 168 .13 32 WHITEFRIARS 12 7 4 1 829 737 112 .48 30 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 7 5 0 990 774 127 .91 28 MAZENOD 0 C 12 6 6 0 7 66 778 98 .46 24 OLD ESSENDON GR 12 5 7 0 728 882 82 .54 20 MHSOB 12 4 8 0 623 1069 58 .28 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 12 2 10 0 538 1165 46.18 8 4 ST BEDES MENT TIG 12 1 11 0 478 1016 47 .05

% pts P W L 速 For A D2 SEC SECTION PENINSULA 0 B 12 12 0 0 1671 789 211 .79 48 FITZROY REDS 12 10 2 0 1224 749 163 .42 40 OLD CAREY 12 8 4 0 1560 951 164 .04 32 WEST BRUNSWICK 12 8 4 0 1084 1003 108 .08 32 WILLIAMSTOWN GYMS 12 6 6 0 1150 1031 111 .54 24 OLD GEELONG 12 5 7 0 1207 1149 105 .05 20 LA TROBE UNI 12 5 7 0 975 1080 90 .28 20 BENTLEIGH 12 5 7 0 1059 1328 79 .74 20 OAKLEIGH 12 1 11 0 933 1691 55 .17 4 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 12 0 12 0 693 1785 38 .82 0

% PW L D For AW COLLEGIANS 12 11 1 0 1082 572 189 .16 44 BEAUMARIS 12 9 3 0 1094 592 184 .80 36 OLD CAMBERWELL 12 9 3 0 924 667 138 .53 36 THERRY PENOLA OB 12 8 4 0 1002 726 138 .02 3 2 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 12 7 5 0 1009 641 157.41 2 CAULFIELD GR 12 6 6 0 996 647 153 .94 24 PRAHRAN 12 4 8 0 844 987 85 .51 16 ORMOND 12 4 8 0 799 1059 75 .45 16 GLEN EIRA 12 1 11 0 545 1358 40 .13 4 12 1 11 0 482 1528 31 .54 4 MENTONE VULTURES




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