The Amateur Footballer, Week 15, 2003

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1«,hresentatives of the clubs met at Elsternwick Park last Monday evening to uss future planning of Club XVIII football sections . Club XVIII football

an important role in the structure of many clubs these days for many d reasons and we are keen to get the make-up of the sections correct so this part of football clubs continues to thrive and develop . ~yherc to now? During the week ahead a ll clubs will receive a set of notes from ip,, ,Ii;,~cting with some Key Points highlighted . Each club will then be asked t o a response to each of the Key Points . These responses will then be » ;idered in planning for next season and beyond . r 1l, . ;~ sults of the Key Points Survey will be presented to clubs for fina l 1 rTit before being considered by the Executive Committee of the VAFA .


pplieation has been received by the Association from a group representing existing Southern Football ue club Parkdale and C-section VAFA club Mentone Vultures regarding a possible merger of the two [; ,.ms into a new club for season 2004 . 111l1ilst much excitement surrounds such a possibility the VAFA wi ll not immediately sanction such a proposal . Representatives of the Senior Executive Committee have met on this matter and the following has h,,n agreed to : 1 . There will be no further consideration of the proposal until the SFL has been given a reasonable amount of time to convince Parkdale to remain in the SFL and work through a number of issues with that club . _ 11

2. All existing C-section clubs will be asked to either sanction or reject such a proposal giving vali d written reasons for their club's stance . After all, such a merger has the potential to create a very strong C section entity . 3 . All other clubs, particularly lower th an C section clubs, will be invited to give written thoughts on the matter as such a move could be seen as a compromise to the VAFA's promotion /relegation system . 4 . Local clubs in the area will be asked for their comments . 5 . The group representing the possible new "entity" wi ll be invited to put its proposal to the New Clubs' sub-committee some time towards the end of August .

6 . This sub-committee will then make a formal recommendation to the Executive Committee, which i n turn will take into account the statements made by the other invited groups . Central to the decision to be made is the consideration of the following crucial fact - Is the original club (NN) losing a large degree of its identity as a result of such a merger . If yes, the Executive may regard the merger as being a new club and hence suggest a start in D4 . 7. That the only correspondence on this matter at this stage be between the CEO and the stakeholders listed above . he VAFA was saddened to receive the resignation of long serving VAFA treasurer Noel Rundle last Sunday % ening. Noel, who has been battling an illness in recent times, was appointed VAFA treasurer in 196 4 ,+nd has given outstanding service to the VAFA in his capacity of treasurer from that date . Noel's outstanding INDEX omribution to the VAFA has seen the Association regarded Next 1?Jeek's Matches . . . .. . ... . ... . ... . . .. . . ... . ... . . . . . ... . . ..6 Match Info . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. 8-9 as one of the most respected sporting organisations in this Senior Rep Coaches' lipboard . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ..12 (iuntry . Best of luck this weekend to the senior representative side hat takes on the Victorian Country Football League in sarooga . Each competition has won four encounters each from the eight matches played since 1984, so whoever wins i ls weekend also wins local "bragging rights" till next we m.eet in 2005 . G o the Vies -A rrtateur Vies that is!!

For the Love of the Game ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .18-19 Looking Back . . .... . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .... . . .. . . .. . . .. . .34-35 Today's Umpires . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..40 U19 ~ep_ Sad recognition .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .48 Finals' Ea'gi ility . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . 49 Sportscover Arena Draw . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . . ..59 Tribunal & Investigations ... . ... . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . ..59 Sportscover Spot the Ball .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..62 Ladders . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .63/64



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wvvw yvinedge. com. a u THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

Ci iu( ~. i, 3 r Res. C its Tom Humpnre,, 1 C. Purcell 2 T Collins 3 D . Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwi n 6 D . Sampimon 7 M. Rowe 8 R . Frisina 9 L . Considin e 0 A. Dale 1 D. Taylor (RC) 2 B. Cronin 13 S . Dinnee n 4 D. Salce 5 P. Spence 6 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (VC) 8 D . Gart ner 9 D . Coope r 20 S. O'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 A. Wadsworth 24 L . O'Flynn (RVC) 25 R. Galati 26 D. McMilla n 27 S . Theisz (DVC) 28 D. Johnston 29 N. Addison 30 A . Treganowan (C) 31 B . Dobson 32 M . Brown e 33 G. Cul l 34 D . Jarre d 35 J . Frazer (DVC) 36 M. Bortolott o 37 D . Cope 38 M. Sier 39 B. Colville 40 D . Carson 41 J . Seabury 42 B. Dinneen (DVC) 43 A. Duncan 44 L. Hanso n 45 D. Theis z 46 S . Maguire 47 P. Fiorenz a 48 N . Milicia 49 D . Vanherde n 50 A. Carso n 51 J.Toohe y 52 A. Carso n 53 D . Petreyski 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 56 B. Carmody 57 J . Wilkins 58 E . Weekes 59 B . Kearney 60 C. Thomto n

Clu b Bullee n Beehive Hote l Hawthorn 4

Coach : Paul Fahey Asst : Paul Northey Res: Dirk Jones

-.n rd-Jones a DVC) 7 . .. . . . .gan 8 R. George 9 M . ' rke r 10 C. Efstathiou (RVC) it C. Waxman 11 M . Graves 12 B . O'Farrell 13 M . Peterson 14 A . Forsyth 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K. Ford 18 C .Jayasekera 19 M . Armstrong (C) 20 G Fletche r 21 A. Jenks 22 D. Mason 23 S. Loewe 24 A, Ros s 25 S . Rowlands 26 J . Bell (RC) 27 L. Siapantas 28 S . Goldsworthy 29 B . Carson (VC) 30 D. Warnes 31 D. La y 32 B . Mitchell 33 R . Mosbey 34 A . Waxma n 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D .Lappag e 36 S. Brewster 37 A. Floyd 38 L. Floyd 39 H. Brooks 40 S. Davey 41 S . Saunders 42 M . Erikson 43 R. McCarthy 44 M . Wra y 45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden 47 M . Stephen s 48 C . Moyle (RDVC) 49 L. Pitcher 50 A . Lad d 51 H . McLauchlan 52 L . Pfeiffer 53 B. Haar 54 R . Saunders 55 G . Stuart 56 P. Dimond 57 A. Kight 58 A. Baker. 59 C. Warfe 60 M . Somaia 61 J . Miller

1 A. Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 S . Curatolo 4 B . Davi s 5 T. Young 6 S . Kent 7 J . Geishen 8 T. Stevens 9 D . Payne 10 C . Crowley 11 S. Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 M. Orchard 14 C . Moore 15 B. Low 16 S. Price 17 A. Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 P. Dinakis 20 D.Hawkes 21 R. Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K . Theodossi 24 G. Haros 25 E. Byrne 26 A. Bereza 27 J. Weddle 28 S. Morris 29 R . Weddle 30 P. Jolley 31 J. Stevens 32 M . Konnigen 33 N. Pratt 34 A. Tieman 35 M . Pollock 36 B . Spoor 37 A . Berry 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 J . Keane 41 D . Neilsen 42 S. Low 43 W. Cornelius 44 M.Luxon 45 M. Toovey 46 N . Butler 47 R . Griggs 48 M . Clarke 49 C. Quinlan 50 S . Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 K . O'Dwyer 53 M . Mendola 54 B . Guidera 55 C . Barker 56 L . Courage 57 A. Gilbert 58 L . Bolzan 59 N . Giechen 60 A. Alagona

Cr ;h : Justin Pickering Asst: Andrew Pickerin g Res: Hartley Stone 1 D . Smit h 2 S. Theodore 3 J. Pertzel 4 R . Mathews 5 L. Bunn 6 D. Holme 7 C. Thompson 8 A . McKeon 9 A . Simpson 10 T. Roberts (C) 11 P. Gallagher 12 J . Richardson 13 B . Thiele 14 B . Evans 15 M . Rose 17 James Miller 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 R . Mulquiney (VC) 20 J. Guest 21 M. Hicks 22 J . Dixon 23 M . Berry (VC) 24 M . Hawkins 25 H. Whitehead 26 T Costello 27 D. Kinsella 28 M . Billing 29 M . Prowse 30 Jono Miller 32 E . Selby 33 J . Magee 34 J . Beaumont (DVC) 35 C . Ray 36 B. Wulff 37 N . Guy 38 J. Godley 39 J. Tucker 40 H, O'Brien 41 N . Smith 42 P. Theodore 43 A. Wu 44 T. Harrison 45 C. Murphy 47 C. Neeso n 48 C. Theodoulou 49 G . Tsiotras 50 C. Jenkins (RC) 51 C. Richmond 52 O. Ward 53 S . Hawkins 55 I. Wei r 56 L. Beilby 57 A. Bains 58 C . Alder 59 S. Carter 60 M. Jackson 61 B. Nicoll 62 E. Matthies 63 J. Ray

Sponsored By: PG PEOPLE TELECOM Childcare

Cc :h: Dale Tapping Asst Coach : Andrew Smil Res. Coach: Serge D'Ang4 Asst Coach: Ray Beattir 1 R. Mullin s 2 B . Phillips 3 J . Ross 4 T. Holt 5 S . Collin s 6 A . Crow 7 J . Kitchen (VC 8 B . Robinson 8R N . Colman 9 C . Tallent 10 C . Smith 11 M. Angus 12 S. Hume (C) 13 N . Hooper 14 N .Ackroyd 15 S. Cations 16 S. Troon 17 T Wigney 18 L . Hawkins 19 T. Hosking 20 S. Lillingston 21 J . Stratos 22 N. Addison 24 L. McDonnell 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M . Dennis 28 A . Quail 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leii l 32 J. Gerstman 32R R. Fulleraton 33 E . Rei d 34 C . Phillips 35 P. O'Connor 36 A. Milla r 37 A. Boy d 38 G . Prendergas t B. Ferguson W. Symington W. Lewi s T. Beattie R. Breisch D.Jackson R. Teesdal e J . Beaurepaire T. Beranger (VC) S . Dumaresq 49 L. Kitchen 50 M . Walkom 51 L. Freeman 52 D . Knight 53 C . Joyce 54 N . Simon 55 M. Waterson 56 D . Brooke 58 A. Grant 59 J. Sutcliffe 60 J. Sheldon 61 M . Gai r 62 N. Parkinson 63 P.Iser 64 N. Costello 66 A. Routledge 67 M . Leeds 68 R. Addison 69 C. Neal 71 M . Ainger 72 B . Smith 73 A . Bamford 74 S . King s 75 C . Dufour 76 J. Nickless 77 T. Page 78 T. Baker 81 G . Fordyce 88 A. McQueen



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Leigh Carlson Phil Gaut r s: Steve Maus °'' A aA H[ne Reynolds L vro R Sounders 4 5 Burrows D vtC g Gnat', P 7` an Der venne T s Burrows R c AndrexsA W Shaughnessy M ftV,'C

to Dann S i Davies - Gordon N is Cade J r~ , R ~r-n r~ -o c f ' r s R lYJ nstas c am J enn y L ±^~e,}ohns G umsdenA Ca pt : tophe son d xon F r~r}ay,a, B - liil R 3utlerc ;rawford M McKinnon R au, own ; .uftreraA tat j ongmire L :ur~er D '.an Dar venne S Rr'C ftamsden R r''e A 4u Femold D Lauia a S 4z Amore 8 a3 Amore J 44 Treadwell G 45 Morpeth T Rv1C

46 Cooper 8 47 Pretty S 4e Ward C 49 Carter-guszard L So aiackmore B 51 Gamble R 52 Heaver, C 53 Plain G 54 rNilllams z 55 Taylor c 58 Best E 57 Read a 58 Stebbins C 59 Cade T 60 Condran K Cl Condron R 62 Kelly T 63 Cade S 64 Gray J 65 Robison M 67 AmiconiA Be riiiA 69 LaP ;raM 70 grawnA 7t Lan9don5 72 Fattier D 73 Hildebrand', D i5 ~~ ~~ M 7 6 Masten J 77 Dodgson B 79 Treadweti C aD Feranda rd 9t Mitchell G s2 Brescia S 83 Somerville W 84 Boyd L as Chyrs A

es Gnatt D

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Coach : Michael Shelly Res . Coach: Chris Gavme 1 A. Fox 2 D. Orlando 3 L. Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan (DVC) 5 AT Jones 6 A . Oswald 7 S . Lethlean 8 M . Holmes 9 J . Hawkins 10 A . Bowen 11 S . Ross 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 S . Skidmore 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 S . Mollard 17 A . Chatfield 18 M . Green 19 D . Walsh (Capt-Res) 20 M . Hardman 20 J . Scanlan 22 J . Healy 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J . Drake 28 R . Coughlan 29 C . Beetham 30 N . Mclnema Y 31 J . Pasced 32 A . Brushfield 33 N . Bingham 34 K . Hall 36 D . Sapuppo 37 T. Maher 39 C . Mollard 41 A . Dillon 42 R . Speakman 43 T. Woodruff 44 A Biddlecombe 45 L . Howard 46 B . Dixon 47 P. Ryan 48 J. McDonnell 53 C . Santalucia 54 N . Hulett 55 G . Monahan 58 N . Quinn 59 J. Francis 60 M. Walsh 62 J. Silk 63 A. E .Jones 66 A. Wilson

. .. . '.5 ; .


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Catch: Pete . _ .cholson Res: Darren Handley




;, As=_.', . Qc : c c ;oi Res. Coa- t: Pete 3r I N . Fraser 2 E . Crohan 3 D . Curtis 4 L. Mahoney (C) 5 M . Dollman 6 P. 0'Ke "7 K. G. 8 B. Doll ' t

1 OS . McKeon 2 D . Gleason 3 R . Cousland 4 D . Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 S .Neeson 7 S . Clarke 7R S . Parrett 8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan 0,/C) 10 N . Mitchell O C 11 C . Davi s 12 C .Day 12R B. Hagan 13 C . Mitchell 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L . T umbull 17 L . O'Sullivan 18 T. Cooney 19 R . Close 20 L Fielding 21 B. Loughlin 22 D . James 22R M. 0'Riley 23 L . Wilkinson 24 N .M. Smith 25 T. Legudi 25R S.Glenn 26 C .Baumgartner 27 James Mount 28 P. Harve y 29 G . McIntyre 30 C . Trewin 31 J. Smith 31 R B. Ashton 32 T. Harvey 33 B. Allis 34 D . Byrne (DVC) 35 T. Pearson 36 R . Legudi 37 A. Catterall 38 S. lannazzo 39 M. Jurirskay 40 D . Thomas 41 A. Bouzikas 42 S. Mitchell 43 N . Basaraba 44 A. Anderson 45 M . Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 M. Hooper 48 N .P. Smith 49 N .Thomas 50 A. Smth 51 M .Kavanagh gh 52 S.Bugryn 53 P. Her, is 54 J . Harvey

9 J. Gi

10 M. Luc 11 J. Pangr Jo 12 C . Taylo r 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Gre nham 15 M. Olive 16 B. Garvey 17 D . an (VC) 18 P. Gissing 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crawley 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 T. Simpson 24 M . Hanlon 25 B. Marusic 26 J . Rombotis 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kemcton 30 M . Crowe 31 A. McGuinness 32 S. O'Connor (VC) 33 M . Maguire (RC) 34 J . O'Keefe 35 P. Mount 36 T. Duggan 37 M . Pangrazio 38 R. Chard 39 N. Pope 40 M . Mulgrew 41 D. Moylan 42 T. McCann 43 P. Bar e 44 G Katavolas 45 G . Baggy 46 D. Mahoney 47 J . Griffiths 48 A. Conlon 49 L. Katesaran 50 R. Horrocks 51 B . Cheeseman 52 J . Finch 53 L. Katavolas 54 A. Umbers 55 M . Rigby 56 D. Walsh 57 L. C,-man 58 D. McArdle 59 R. CHivr ; :> A. Gre 61 J .Lyn cn 62 B . Shell 63 L. Sierakowski 64 N . O'Halloran 65 C. Didilis 66 A DeKrester 67 T Purcell 71 M . O'Shea 74 D. Szabo 80 D. Dunn



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Steve Carroll David Matthews P 1 Burke 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J(,!C) 4 Guen 9erich D (VC) 5 Tar -r J _ N son ic;ur i r ' yter J u! n ;~cxk A(VC) ;0 marlin R 11 North L 12 Gleason 0 O G 13 Girdvrood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Ryan L 16 Kordick M 17 De CrespignyG 18 Hab2rneld D E 19 Wilcox 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard B 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S 25 Belly A. 26 Runnalls L 27 Wilkie R 25 Thomas M 29 Terrill A 30 Brookes C 31 Calle y B 32 Suvolios A 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Cheat S 36 Brooke J 37 KaBO


38 Wilson A 39 Cobbledick M 40 Hocking J At Quin L 42 Fletcher S 43 Cameron A 44 Featherston R 45 McLachlan G 47 Millar A 48 Fulton L 49 Chamberiain L 50 McIntosh J 51 Brown A 52 Ihle T 53 Versteegen R 55 Zanos M 58 Sudhotz J 59 Frcker B 60 Thomas H 61 Fairbank P 62 Callery M 63 Glass I 64 Birks T 66 67 Mca on D(RC) 68 Rice N 69 Kelson S 70 Meade J 72 vallelon a g 74 Robertson


76 Medlin


77 Styles


80 Maplestone D


87 Hansen P

88 Chan B . -- Nicholas B Adal Y

Bowens Remunerator


~ '



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ROUND NUhIBER 15 - 02 .08,2003 A SECTION St Bernards v University Blues Old Trinity v Old Halleybury Old Scotch v Old Melburnians Old Xaverians v St Kevins Marcellin v Old Ivanhoe

ROUND NUMBER 15 - 02 .08 .2003 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins v University Blues Old Brighton v Old Scotch

B SECTIO N Hampton Rovers v Old Paradians De La Salle v Old Essendon Or MHSOB v Whitefriar s Noi th Old Bovs v Mazenod 0 C St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Brighton at Sportscover Arena, Saturda y

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Paradians - Bye Old Ivanhoe v Old Camberwell Old Melburnians v Mazenod 0 C switched from original dra w Old Trinity v Hampton Rovers Beaumaris v Werribee Amateur s

ROUND NUMBER 16 - 02 .08 .2003 C SECTION Therry Penola OB v Beaumaris Collegians v St Leos Emmaus WP Glen Eira v Old Camberwell Caulfield Or v Prahran Mentone Vultures v Ormond Dl SECTION Yarra Valley 0 B v AJAX Salesian 0 C v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v B anyule Bulleen Templestowe v Old Mentonians Monash Blues v Ivanhoe Assumptio n D2 SECTION West Brunswick v La Trobe Uni Peninsula 0 B v Old Carey Old Geelong v Fitzroy Reds Williamstown GYMS v Bentleigh Hawthorn Amateurs v Oakleig h D3 SECTION Elsternwick v Kew St Johns 0 C v Werribee Amateurs Syndal Tally-Ho v Swinburne Un i South lvfelb Districts v Monash Gryphons Power House v Rupertswood D 4 SECTION Bulleen Cobras - Bye UHS-VU v St Mary s Brunswick Power v Eltham Collegian s Richmond Central v Box Hi ll North Old Westbourne v Mt Lilydal e North Brunswick v Albert Park

Old Essendon Gr v Caulfield Or Old Xaverians v St Bernards Marcellin v De La Sall e

UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Rupertswood v North Old Boys AJAX v Collegians Monash Blues v MHSOB Old Carey v Therry Penola OB St Bernards (2) - Bye UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Oakleigh v Ormon d Glen Eira v Oakleigh Clays - TBA St Johns 0 C v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Friday August 1, 7 p .m . at Hallam Recreation Reserve, Hallam Bentleigh v Mentone Panther s South Melbourne Districts v De La Salle (2) - TB A UNDER-19 (2) RED Yarra Valley 0 B v Old Xaverians ( 2) at Domeney Rese rve Old Westbourne v University Blacks TBA Banyule Viewbank v Bulleen Templestowe Fitzroy Reds v Aquinas 0 C La Trobe Uni v St Leos Emmaus W P SEMI FINALS Club 18 (1 ) 2nd semi final - Saturday August 2nd, 2 .15 p .m . at Victoria Park, Kew (Kew AFC ) lst semi final - Sunday August 3rd, 2 .15 p.m . - TBA Club 18 (North) 2nd semi final - Saturday August 2nd, 11 .45 a.m . at at Victoria Park, Kew (Kew AFC) lst semi final - Sunday August 3rd, 11 .45 a.m . - TBA Club 18 (South) 2nd semi final - Saturday August 2nd, 9 .20 a .m . at at Victoria Park, Kew (Kew AFC )

I st semi final - Sunday August 3rd, 9 .20 a .m . - TBA




:orksafe Victorian Count ry Football Leagu e


Andrew Ramsden (C)

Old Trinity


Mark Power



Ben Jordan (VC)

St . Bernards OC


Rhys Archard



D an ny Byrne

St . Bernards OC


Adam Cook

Leopol d


Brett O'Farrell

Old Haileybu ry


Justin Wood

St Alban s


Simon Clarke

St . Bernards OC


Daniel Maher



Nigel Credlin

Old Camberwell


Andrew Merriman

St Marys


James Beaumont

Old Melburnians


Blair Robertson

Port Fairv


Cavdn Beetham

Old Xaverians


Cameron Wright (DVC) Lara


Mark Browne

Marcellin OC


Danny Stevens


Old Scotch


Dar ryl Griffin

Sunbu ry

10 Andrew Crow 11

Luke Lochran

Old Ivanhoe


Aaron Hawkins

Golden Square


Tim Harvey

St . Bernards OC


Matt Bruhn



Carl Steinfort

Mazenod OC


Corey Bauer

St Joseph' s


Paul Corrigan

Old Haileybu ry


Tim Hargreaves



Luke Hawkins

Old Scotch


Daniel McAlister

Wodonga Raiders


Matthew Dennis

Old Scotch


Jason Mifsud (C)



Mark Corrigan

Old Haileybury


Robert Wren

Euro a


Stuart Low

Old Ivanhoe


Jason Rachele

Congupn a


Chanz Crowley

Old Ivanhoe


Murray Peel



Adam Chatfield

Old Xaverians


Guy Stringer (VC)

Edithvale Aspendal e


James Drake

Old Xaverians


Ashley McIntyre


Jeremy Bourke

Old Haileybury


Aaron Greaves

St Joseph's


John Stevens

Old Ivanhoe


Mark Stewart

St Alban s


Lachlan Ford

Old Xaverians


Peter Taylor

Cohuna Kanga s


Dan Jordan

St . Bernards O C


Quinton Gleeson

University Blue s


Shaun Neeson

St . Bernards O C


Tom Simpson

St . Kevins OB


Dave Waters

Marcellin O C


Denver Ariz

Hampton Rover s


Camperdow n



Coach: Tony Miller Asst : Mark Lowe Res: Mick Hegan 1 L. Walker (C Res) 2 R . Buckley 3 B . Corin 4 L. Harrison 5 C. Swift 5 S . Brown 6 S . Armstrong 6 M . Harbor 7 P. Harrison 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 9 C . Mitchell 10 T Silvers 10 P. Hesse 12 M . McHenry 13 A . Johnstone 14 C . Buick 14 D . Coggins 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland (DVC) 16 D . Moore 17 A. Elliott 18 A . Coffey 19 M . Goodier 19 D . Hyde 20 M. Picone 21 A. McKenzie {VC) 21 W. Coggins 22 G . Johnstone 23 D . O'Brien 23 R . Sherman 24 J. Morel 25 C . Hyde 25 R . Walmsley 26 D . Spithill 27 S. Thomas 28 N . Harbor 29 R . Marks 30 B. Mannix 30 T. Molan 31 S. Hyde 32 R. Bonnici (C) 33 J. Stinear 33 B. Vague 34 L . Williams 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D. Hyland 38 S. O'Connell 39 B. Oakley 39 T. Woodlock 40 A. Bonnici 41 M . O'Donnell 42 P. Bourke 42 S. Murray 44 A. Moore 45 T. Molan 46 A. Skinns 47 A. Sawtel 47 G . Walton 48 J . Foon 52 T. Moloney 52 E . Phillips 54 D. Buckley 55 A. McLeish 57 C. Chester 58 G. Walto n 60 P. O'Callaghan 70 M . Duggan

Coach : Norm Goss Res Coach : Tony Naumott 1 T. Wilmoit 2 M . McKellar 3 A . Brudar 4 S . Anderson 5 B . Marly n 6 S . Boyd 7 A . Duddy 8 G. Carr 9 T. Barker 10 D . Rayson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B . Kulling 13 G. Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A. Browne (VC) 16 N . Greenwood 17 D .,qrtz 18 J . McCarthy 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 S. Crilly 22 G . Johnston 23 M . Levy vy 24 C . McKellar 25 M. Davey 26 J . Laing 27 M. Flyn n 28 A. Guthrie 29 M. Fletcher (C) 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderso n 33 M. Lake 34 B. Artz 35 A. Fisher 36 L . Fletcher 37 L . Holt 38 R. Whitney 39 S Burggraaff 40 N Good 41 A. Crowther 42 M . McDermott 43 C. Marinis 44 M . Pearson 45 5. Slick 46 L . Woolrich 47 S. Silletto 48 G . Kelly 49 S. Weaver 50 N. Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 R. Mather 53 J . N g 54 P. Adams 55 J . Prantzos 56 A. Blake 57 D. Wilton 58 M . Gray 59 J . Morley 60 M Terech 61 R. Bulmer AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD.



Coach : David Murray Rese rve : Tony Collins

Coach : David Skinner Asst Coach : David Waterhouse Res Coach : Jamie Dixon 1 J. Bamert 2 S . McCully (Capt) 3 A. Howard 4 M. White 5 N . Orchard 6 C . Young 7 T. BIY hman t 8 J. Dixon 8 J. Garner 9 D . Fairchild 10 D . Waterhouse 11 P. Spottiswoo d 12 S. Whittington 13 D . Rosma n N 0~ r~ee k 15 A

1 D . Lancaster 1 A. Longmuir 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A. Tucker 4 A. Hanle y 5 D . Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S. Morgan 8 R. Foss 8 J . Ballenger 9 P. Gooden 10 D. Chamberlain 10 G . Tillin g 11 T. Smith (RC) 1 1 D. Hose 12 . Murray 13 P. Fuller 14 N. Meehan (DVC) 15 N. Parry (DVC) 15 P. Allsop 16 M . Apollonio 17 J . Bear d D. 0'DOnoghue (VC) 19 S . McMullin 19 T. Steinfort 20 C. Murray { RV ) C 20 T. Castricum 21 S . Polan 22 D. Ryan (VC) 22 C. Buzby 23 C. Steinfort 24 S . Castricum 25 S . StanleyY 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 D . Krom 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sha 30 D . Hansen 31 N . Snarl (RDVC) 32 B . King 33 D . Grant 34 M . Pollard 35 C . Morris 36 D . Carter 37 L Morgan 38 G . Hamill 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 A. McDowell 43 A. Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 B. Thomson 46 D . Dunne 48 C . Jayaweera 49 L Halvy l 51 P. Reed 52 S. Veltman 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J. Persi 55 L. Fuller 56 L. Rudlin 58 D. Morrfsg 61 M . McDowell 62 M . Gonsalvez 64 T. Bourbon

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J. Walker (DVC) 17 R. Clowes 18 R. Limbrick 18 D. Membrey 19 S. GNnn 20 A. Askew 20 P. McGrath 21 S. Sierakowaki 22 A. Svirskis 22 D. Armstrong 23 L Taylor 24 S . Rundel l 25 C. Nailon 25 H. Tay Ior 26 A. Vicndese 27 C. Spottiswood 28 S . Moore 29 G . McCully 30 R. Newton A. Hogan 32 A . Cassell (VC) 33 A. Sauhry 34 E . Thompson 34 P. Rujevi c 35 S . son 3 5 A . Mals 36 B . Gaunt 37 T. Harper 37 M . Ting 38 S . Robinson 39 B . James 40 A . Lust 41 T. Fraczek 42 M . Hamitton-Ho 42 S . Volkering 44 J . Newton 45 R . Czwamo 46 R . War e 47 D . Wilson 48 J. Scott 49 D . Fox 51 D . Learmont-Walker 52 B. McGrath 53 J. Sprague 54 A. Tang 55 C . Wright 56 T. Wrigh t 57 58 C . Villani 59 M. Na'1eeb 60 S. Jennings

Major Sponsors

GVP Fabricato rs Ail Home Loans New Order Clothing


Coach : Garry Fould s Res Coach : Mark Oraniu l 1 J . Cassel l 2 D . Keenan 3 T. Waters 3 J. Eastaugh 4 S. Sleep 5 R . Davidson 5 D . Skene 6 N . Vogels 7 G . Smith 8 B. Collison 9 H . Mapleston e 10 W. Marti n 11 T. Roberts 12 T. Brown 13 T. Halpi n 14 L Powe r 15 H. Christie 16 J . Kendal l 16 R. Kelliher 17 S. Casboutt 19 P. O'Farrel l 20 J . Sutherland 21 N. Casboul t 22 D.Tehan 23 S . Coo k 24 J . Barke r 25 G. Phylan d 26 T. Brady 27 P. Sondhu 28 D. Joyce y 29 C. Hoskin9 30 M . Leig h 31 L. Boyl e 32 T. Roac h 33 M. Barker 34 M. Hyde 35 M. Robins 36 M. Phylan d 37 S . Grig g 38 M. Amo r 39 D . Gallett i y 41 C . Pizzin i 42 T. Sheehan 43 K. Hilderbrand t 44 T. Kennedy 45 S. Ingram 46 P. Daniels 46 M. Perry 47 J. Nihil l 49 A. Gugola 53 S. Butche r 54 C . Dobso n 55 M. Joyc e 56 D . Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 60 M . Cribbes 61 G . Took 61 A. Nevill e 64 L. Ryan 65 N. Barden 66 P. Bryar

68 J . Mahe r

- ? J C ; (; _ - ~n^~•b '




Coach : Jarrod O'Neill Res. Coach: Hayden Bickett


A. Krzywniak

2 A. Pirrie 3 C. Barrow (VC) 4 A. MacGillivray 4 M . Franklin 5 T. Marshall 6 R. Stewart (DVC) 7 B . Logan 8 J . Parrett 8 C. McNicol (CR) g S . Lennox 10 J. Mead 12 B. Williams 13 R . Kent 14 S. Williams (C) 15 B. Gadsden 16 C. Tootell 16 J . Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A. Salem 19 S . Ginnivan 19 J . McCowan 20 M . Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neill 23 N . Milat 24 M. Gadsden 25 S. Nickas 26 A. Ginnivan 27 D. Paterson 28 A. Bristow 29 J. Dickerson 30 E. McCowan 31 A. Paroissien 32 A. Goldner 33 L. Dale 34 J . Whit e 35 C . Stewart (RVC) 36 R . Henderson RDVC ( ) 37 D . Hughes 38 J. Raju

39 B. Farnham 41 M. Allen 42 L Hendra (DVC) 43 J. Murchie 44 R. Sherman 45 C. McKimm 47 S . Adam 48 B . Dever 49 B . Scott 50 W. Leaf 51 J . Lynch 52 W. Hebard 53 M . Dubyna 54 J. Dooley 58 J. McBriar 59 S. Mead 60 A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B. Pearce 63 S. Davies 64 M . Reid 71 T. Matessi

OLD ESSENDOR Coach: Frank Dunell Res : Craig Ridley 1 J. Pannagiotopolous 2 J. Buckley 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D . Ryan 5 S. de Morton 6 C. Ridley 7 J. Leask 8 J . Herfla 9e 9 B . Hakim t 0 S . Bryant 1 1 B . Papal 12 J . Kavanagh 13 B . Hakim 14 L. Wilson 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S. McPherson 17 D . Forrest 18 J. Walker 19 E. Healey 20 D. Hunter 21 S. Dale 22 R. OBrien 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazki w 25 A. Frazer 26 S . Fleming 27 J . Di Pietro 28 G. Stevens 29 S . Uebergang 30 M. Dragojlo 31 D . Caridi 32 D . Poulton 33 D . Biggs 34 D .Podger 35 L . Kavanagh 36 A. Frazer 37 M. Boss i 38 D .Whitfield 39 B. Newbold 40 A. McKenzie 41 B. Overman 42 N. Bartram 43 M . Velardo 44 A . Parker 45 J . Weidner 46 M . Beard 47 S . Howard 48 A . Salvo 49 G. Collins 50 A. Nowland 51 J. Stevens 52 B. Porker 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 D . Gradzki 56 M . Makris

57 J . Lloyd 58 T. Williams ~ C. Cetin


Coach : Paul Breen Res Coach: Peter Slacik 1 S . Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin (VC) 3 S . O'Meara 4 A . Curran

5 W. Connelly 6 D . Stevens

6 R . Bus 7 M Cosgriff 8 A. Sinclair 9 N. Brundell 10 P. Brabender tt J . Collins 12 B . Galloway 13 B . Richardson 14 P. Pratt 16 M . Godfrey 17 L. Dore 18 G. Po rteous 18 M. Spinoso 19 A. Dean 20 B. Robins 21 D. Loney 22 S . Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 A . Heffernan (C) 26 D. Boundy 27 K . Jenkins 28 B . Reiner 30 D . Dean 31 N . Dallas 32 S. Corcoran 35 S. Simpson ( C - R) 36 B. Dintinosante 50 J. Swindon 39 A. Chambers 50 R. Murray 50 D. Furze 50 A. Paglia 50 T. Ludeman 50 T. Wood 49 M . Hyde 50 A . Tenson 52 M . Joyce 55 A . Swindon 54 M . Yea 60 M . Joyce

S' ~ i`7" . _ . ' 1' 째E IRS Coach : Russell Barnes Assistant Coach : Brad Berry Res : Mark Lomagno I P. Wintle 2 L. Wintle (C) 3 C . Tesoriero 4 A . L'Huillier (DVC) 5 S . Napier 7 N . Owen 8 A. Scafidi 9 M. Terrell 10 M. Wintle 12 J. Kane 13 R . Sampieri

14 A.Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A. Hipwell 1 7 N. Corda 18 S. Hecker (DVC) 19 A. Drury 20 L. Porter 21 P. Fedderson 22 D. Poynton 23 D. Napier 24 T. Beasley 25 M. Kelleher 26 Matt hew Hecker 27 N . Zomer 28 M. Andrew 29 J. Bristow 30 J. Knuppe l 31 M. Mrfsu ' d 32 G . Johnson 33 S. Zakic 35 C. Barnes 36 A. Walstab 37 M .Connolly 38 A. Hayes (VC) 39 M . McColl 40 M . Beasley 41 S . Rose 42 M . Wilson

43 H . Dwyer 44 D .

45 R . Gould 46 D . Pisasale 47 J. De Groot 48 B. Hutchinson 49 S. Walsh 50 S. Kidd 51 S. Crowe 52 M . Towns 53 M Uberti 54 M . McCraw 55 M . Ferris 56 J . Chaplin 57 C. Connolly 58 M . Zakic 59 M . Zahra 60 A . Pothitos 61 M . Rhoden 62 C . Spero 63 T. Cute 64 J . Cunningham 65 R . Pierce 66 R . Parsons (RC) 70 L . Terrell 71 M. McGettigan 73 J. Doubaras

Coach : Greg Feutrill Res . Coach : Connor Eame s 1 C. Woo d 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Phan 6 P. Campbel l 7 S. Brosolo 8 B.Janso n 9 A. Pawli k 10 R . Pasqualott o 11 T Wallace 12 B. Vandenboom 13 T. Langford 14 T. Carrigg 16 J . Power 17 A . Carbone 18 C . Dance 19 A . Hil l 20 P. Hennessy 21 B. Jone s 22 N . Cunningha m 23 E. Eames 24 A. Cunningham

25 M . Vernal 26 S. Alexande r 27 L . Swai n 28 C. Eames 29 A. Glen n 30 M . Powe r 31 M . Bake r 32 G. Kennedy 33 C. Fulto n 34 D. Gloufchev 35 C. Law 36 T. Nunan 37 M. Nunan 38 C . Carrig g 39 M. Vandenboo m 40 M. Cahill 41 M. Leah y 42 M. Northey 43 N . Elliott 44 R . Eames 45 S. Cleve n 46 D. Jones 48 J . Treyvaud

49 T. Hilto n 50 D. Crea 52 A . Baggole y 53 B . Wilson 54 P. Micallef 55 P. Tobi n 57 L. McGuinness 58 M . Mannix 60 R . Pawlik 61 S. Phela n 62 J. Anderson

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SPORTS ': . '

A VIEW FROM ALL SIDES My football career stared at Yarra Junction football club in the Yarra Valley . Towards the end of my time at Yarra Junction I took up the position of coach and finished off the last two years as a player/ coach for the reserves . This was a very busy time, which required commitment and dedication on both the player's behalf and mine . Our efforts paid off and we were rewarded with two opportunities to play in the grand final, winning one of them . At this point in time I decided to retire from football and pursue other interests . I moved from the outer eastern suburbs to inner city Melbourne and enjoyed having my weekends back to enjoy some cycling, kite surfing and going away with friends . After a year off a close friend approached me and asked if I would like to become his assist an t coach . I accepted the offer and that's how I came to be at Swinburne University football club . I had previously been at the semi professional club of Yarra Junction that had an extensive history, and where the norm was to offer monetary incentives to players to try and entice them to play, and to attempt to build up a side of highly skilled players . Such an environment had created a culture whereby a clubs projected performance was highly influenced on how much money it had to spend on players,



which in turn affected how well you w . operfmthay

When I became involved with Swinburs University I was glad to see that this type culture was non-existent . I was pleasant surprised at how well an amateur club r aSwinburesolyaungcbadm x of the players have dual roles on match dz doing the running, boundary, water . This can at times be very difficaumpirng u for both the players and me as coach but : time we hope to have numerous voluntee : who are willing to help us out .

My first year with Swinburne was ve : successful, the team made it to the grar final and were subsequently promoted D3 . The next year I took over as Coach awschalengdtofinsmenwrcu i for the club . This was difficult but with tl help of some of the players Swinburne slowly welcoming some new blood, withoi any monetary incentive .

I am pleased to see that all of the players ; Swinburne are contributing to our positic on the ladder this year, we have had fantastic year so far and we are all lookir forward to making it to the finals . Derek Thoene Senior Coach Swinburne University AFC


Colin Foley 0403 574 50 0 mawml &W lliaret,s New Order Clothing The Bush Inn Tooheys Schweppes Evans Kerr AMP HydroChem South Yarra Sports Centre The Kitchen Place Williams & Co JBis; Purified Water Goldpats Accountants The Frame Shop Rigby Cooke Lawyers Spitting Image Catering TVP Communication s Ryder Commercia l Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bellis Hotel & Brewery Keithis Pies Delicatess Moods Consulting Pty Ltd Terranat Landscape Monte Coffee Edward J Lynch Agencies Paul Pattison Beaurepaires

INSTITUTE OF TAFE Our proud new major sponsor of the Melbourne Unicorns in the MSJF L

With my dual role as both Under 19 coach (VAFA) on the Saturday and the Und3r 17 coach (F;;SJFL) on the Sunday, it is reassuring t o

Tell Ken or Gary you are with MHSOBFC and they will look -r you well . Ph . 9826 081 5 -~ 1 io :,:

Congratulations to Johnny Aitken on his first senior game for the club last week against St Bedes Mentone Tigers . A strong mark and kick will ensure he has a great future at MHSOB . Tom Fraczek plays his 50th game after the B Grade bye

Although the club has not enjoyed that much on field success it is to be applauded for it's hard work and dedication to the development of junior football, which I am sure will lead to success in the years to come.

This year has been an exciting year, for not only myself, but the junior section of the club . Not only have we been able to field our regular Under 15, 17 and 19 sides, but 2003 has seen the introduction of an Under 16 side .

KEN & GARY McBEAN MEATS Butchers of distinction : Top meats at great value! PR A hf RA N MA RKET


kna that the club has a structure in place that will ensure the development of all our future stars .

this week . Tom was captain of the Under 19s last season and is just about ready to step up to the seniors . Bernie McGrath lines up for his 150th game with MHSOBFC and still provides inspirational forward play in the Reserves.

At the recent Gala I'ia',t of Nights at Albert by the Lake the MHSOBFC announced MHS 1st XVIII Teams of the Decades . The 1950s team has caused much discussion, both before the announcement by the selection panel, and following the announcement by disgruntled potential players . The selection panel, headed by George Inkster and Ted Lynch, stand by their selections, although admitting there are several top players who could easily have

My role is simple, ensure that all players in both my sides develop not only as footballers, but as young men .

Although my role takes a lot of time and energy it is the most rewarding exercise I have ever been a part of and I encourage anyone that is thinking about coaching to give it a shot, both the kids and your club will be extremely grateful,

been named in the place of others. The team as announced is : B: Pinfold, Hart, Tickell

HB: Kanis, Dixon, Macdonald C: Rae, Hoare, Witt HF : Parkin, Power, Hatton F : Anthony, Kann, Nelso n R: Courtney, Tumbull, Marshall lnt: Wilson, Lee, Smith, Carruthers Captain : Keith Marshall Vice Captain : Peter Kanis Coact Ben Munda y In the next issue we will feature the Team of the 60s.


12Ei7I>; ~.-d

a load of interest in

Upsets galore resulted in a major change at both ends of the ladder as Collegians rocketed to the top and the Saints fell to the bottom . The match of the round was a dour struggle between the Lions and the Fields, played at the intensity expected of two likely finalists . The defences of both sides were relentless all day in restricting their opposition's scoring opportunities, but it was the ruckwork of Dave Atkinson and Brock Mooney's 3 goals that ensured the visitors got over the line . Ormond staged a remarkable comeback at Gunn Reserve knocking off Therry Penola by just over a kick, pushing them off the bottom of the table . The Lions jumped away to an early lead but could not capitalise on their chances leading by as much as 7 goals in the last quarter. The Moods knuckled down and chipped away at the lead until they hit the front late in the game to snatch an unlikely victory . Michael Miller showed some exciting passages of play for the home side as Heath Black's last half was important . OC are determined to shape the four and did it in style at Gordan Barnard Reserve with an emphatic win over the Sharks . A close contest for three-quarters turned into a one sided affair after an 8 goal last quarter from the Wells . Cadzow slammed home 8 of his own for the match as Andrew Durling controlled the midfield . The usual names of Mark Boon and Brayden Haynes battled hard for the Sharks . Glen l;ira found themselves level pegging in the last quarter but could not do what their fellow cellar dwellers did and win the 4 points . The Vultures inaccuracy kept the Saints in the game, as they again received no reward for their victory, remaining outside the four . The Two Blues form reversal could not have come at a better time proving too good for the Animals as they ran out victors by 5 majors . PREVIEW

all 5 games . Th

Crunch grade takes centre stage this week with


eladeris otighat


the top that i f results go as predicted below, we may have t top 5 sides all locked on 10 wins, with 3 roun to play. Match of the round is out at Mentone, as t Vultures host the new ladder leader Coll eg ians . Home ground advantage takes or new meaning at the "house of pain" a provides an acid test for Pat Hawkins charg( The form of both sides is the best in the cor at the moment, however the forward line of t Vultures will have their kicking boots on home, edging them into the four . The Wells are back at home against Ther Penola, ready to shake up another clul season . The Lions were devastated with t loss last week and cannot afford to dr another game if they are to figure at t business end . Beaumas-is welcome the Animals to "Sha Park" in another mini-final . The form of bo sides has been a little up and down of late a7 is impossible to line up . A few late changes d not help the Sharks last week and will need hands on deck to win this one .

CLUE C SECTION Collegians Mentone Vultures Therry Penola Old Camberwell St Leos Emm tk'P C RESERVE Caulfield Gr Caulfield G r Old Camberwell Ormond Glen Eira


~ . -„A Dixon Rowley C Bannister Cadzow B Vaughan Dalwood M Harrison Francis Stewart Eade

2 6 4 8' 3

61 56 54 45 41 36 30 30 26 22


The Monds full of confidence back up against Merv's men at Gunn Reserve . The relegation battle has put some form into the Ormond boys but Caulfield's midfield brigade will be too strong in another tight one . Glen Eira will have their last roll of the dice for 2003, as they travel to Orrong Rd to tackle the Two Blues . In another engrossing match prahran will put together two in a row and find some breathing space over the dotted line . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Luke Mahoney - lukemahoneyl4@hotmail .co m

Collegians - congratulates Brock Mooney and Nick Harrison on reaching 100 games and Nick Roach on 50 games . Brock has become an outstanding player and a regular VAFA Representative, after earlier stints with Sandringham and a couple of years in WA, but has always been a true Collegian . Nick Harrison has developed into one of the leaders of our club and continues to improve with every game and it was great to see him represent the VAFA this year. Nick Roach (son of legend Chris) has just found his place in our senior side and his improvement this year has been fantastic . We look forward to watching him in years to come . Well done boys . St . Leos Emmaus WP - congratulate Chris "DC" Kenny on reaching 350 games in Rd 14 . DC began his career with the Animals in the U13's premiership side of '75 and played in another 11 GF in 6 flags . DC has been a fantastic and popular ruckman over the years winning the '83 reserves B&F and lets his actions do the talking . Also congratulations to three 50 gamers in Rd 14 : Julian "General" Hodder a veteran from De La Salle who is teaching his younger brother the ropes, has given great leadership to the club and a 2002 premiership player. Adrian "Aida" Kelly, 2000 U19 premiership players who is playing top running footy from half back in the seniors . Paul "Parks" Farquhar, a tough straight ahead backman who is giving great service to the Animals . Well done boys from all at Animalville .

TODAY'S MATCHES C SECTIO N Old Camberwell v Therry Penola 0 B Beaumaris v St . Leos Emmaus WP Prahran v Glen Eira

Ormond v Caulfield Gr . Mentone Vultures v Collegian s THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

i ORMOND 2 .1 5 .6 7. 8 12.15 (87) THERRY PENOLA OB 5 .4 6.5 12 .7 12 .8 (80) Ormond: Grace 5, Beckett 2 . James . Cook . S.Keleher, Miller, Deledlo . Best : Miller, Black, S .Keleher. James, Grace, Martinov . Therry : C .Bannister 4, Grant 3, O'Connor 2, Barron . M.Goodwin. Henderson. Best: Faroldi, Appleford, Callegari . Elllot, Henderson, Clifton. Umpires : Adam Conquest Lionel Katz fFi Clive Shipley Les Mavropoulos (G ; PRAFIItATB 2 .2 5 .2 12 .4 17.9(111) ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 3 .6 8 .8 11 .11 I 1 .14 (80) Prahran: Mullins 3 . Sleight 3 . Evans 2 . Marriott 2, A .Pitts 2, W.Walford, H .Pitts, Aitken Beer, guick .Best : Sleight,A.Pltts, Ballard, Mullins . H' Pitts, L .Northway. St Leos : Vaughan 3, McKenzie 2. T .McCann 2, P .McGloin . Buckle. Ballard, N.Hodder. Best : P.Carse, T.McCann, P.McGloin .Vaughan. McKenzie . Buckle . Umpires : Justin Lipson Paul Dinneen (F) Travis Stortl Stephen Boglstch (G ) OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .3 9 .6 12 .8 22 .10 (142) BEAUMARIS 3 .4 6 .6 9 .8 12 .11 (83) Old Camberwell : Cadzow 8, Whitehead 5, Howard 4 . Christie 2, Horgan, Tempone, Joyce . Best : Kapoor. Darling. Cadzow. Whitehead, Kearney, Credlin . Seaumaris: Rawlins 3 . Ensor 2, Boon 2 . Ferrari 2, Buller, Blackmore, McNicholas. Best : Coote, Boon, Haynes. Martin. Umpires: Sean Scully Jr (rotation - from B) Santo Caruso (F) Daniel Kofoed Craig Arnol (G ) MEIdTTOONE VULTURES 3 .4 6 .11 WAS 14 .21 (105) GLEN EIRA 3 .4 5 .5 9 .8 13.9 (87 ) Mentone Vultures : Rowley 6, C.Barr 3, M.Barr. McNlcholas, O'Meara . Meyer, S.Sullivan . Best: Stewart, M .Barr, Mick Sullivan, Ogier, Rowley, C.Barr Glen Elra : Taranto 4 . Mcgaw 2 S Diamond, M DlmashkL Gilmore, Lewin, Oldham, Shellard Vamvakas . Best : Tkocz S Diamond Massis Tsirogiannls Doolan Chandler Umpires : David Irons Dash Pelris (rotatlon - from B) (F ) CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 1 .0 1 .6 4.12 7 .14 (56) COLLEGIANS 2 .4 4.7 8 .7 10 .12 (72) Caulfield Grammarians: Bruhn 3, Baxter 2, Foster. Will . Best: Liddell. Pearce, Bruhn . Will, Knight. Cunningham. Collegians : Mooney 3, Dixon 2. Unsworth. Fry. Harrison, Lang, Taft. Best : Atkinson, Young, Unsworth, Shadbolt. Lumb, Mooney. Umpires: Lachlan Biackall (Riddell) Merv Monty (F) Scott Grey (Riddell) (B) Peter Maddocks Bruce Stephens Of C RESERVES ORMOND 2.1 4.4 7.8 10 .10 (70) THEftRY PEPIOLA OB 5.4 10.7 13.10 17 .11 (113) Ormond : Navlor 3, Wiley 2, C.Keleher . Dimadamos, Brennan, Lem, T.DlPasquale . Best : Brennan . Dimadamos . T.DtPasquale, Naylor, T.Harvey, C.Keleher. Therry: Gorman 13, Sacco . Christie, D .Goodwln, Bosanko . Best : Gorman, Christie, Russell, Hollow, Robinson, McMahon . PRAHI2AN 2.2 2.4 4.5 6.6(42) ST LEOS EMLiAUS WP 2.5 7.6 10.9 12 .11 (83) Prahran : A .Gellle, Macdonald, Warland . Tooley. Kennett, Dan Decarteret. Best : Kennett M.Vagg . K.Walford, Gartland, Macdonald. Warland . St Leos: Landy 6, Kenny 2, Mclnerny 2, D .Mttchell, Ymer. Best: E.Mitchell, S.Pitcher. Eagles, Kenny, Ke lly. OLD CAMBERWELL 2.0 4.0 4.4 7 .7 (49) REAUA3ARIS 2.7 4.12 6.16 7 .19 (61) Old Camberwell : Mckenzie 3. Tempone 2, Hancock, Francis . Best Jellls, Tempone, Margetts, Francis, Mclean, Munro . Beaumaris AFC: Carty 2, Cairns 2 . Gibson, Vance, Hunt. Best : Nish . Gibson, Cairns. A. O'Brien . Hunt. MENTONE VULTURES 2.3 4.4 6.7 8 .8 (56) GLEN EIRA 2.2 5.6 6.10 9 .12 (66) Mentone Vultures: Perrin 4, Murphy 2, McLeod 2 . Best: Pen-in . Allan, Matt Walsh, Davies, D .Noonan . Berg. Glen Eira: Fossey 3, Fade 2, Watt 2 . A Diamond A Haines . Best: S Hall, Watt, Scaife, Prvde . Tsagliotls Khazaal . CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 3 .2 5.2 6.4 9 .6 ( 60) COLLEGIANS Li 4.2 5.2 7 .4 (46) Caulfield Grammarians: Gross 3 . Kuppe . Cassidy, Dorman, Ryan. McAssey . D.Scott . Best: Kendall, Ryan . Lawson, Erickson . Cassidy, Bosna . Collegians : Hook, Moon, Smith. Muir, Woolhouse . Florentine. Johnson . Best : Farley, Thomas, Moon, Cookes . Browning, Peck . 15

. _ _ . ..


Coaa : Asst: " Mick Die Lovejoy ra Res: Mick C ty I S. Nish 2 H . Gibson 3 M. Pitts (C) 4 M. Matulick (DVC) 5 M . Ensor r C 6 A. Spence~) 7 D. Foley 8 M . 0'Bren , 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L. Healy

13 C . Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 M . Boon 16 A. Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedy y 19 M. Atkins 20 N . Atkins 21 P. Sherman 22 J. Hoft (VC) 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray

25 D. Teesdale 26 R. Meilick 27 B . Haynes (DVC) 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin

30 S . Hunt 31 A . Ryan 32 B . Cairns 33 S . May 34 J . May 35 N . Boctor 36 L. Ferran 37 R . Presnell 38 J. Gerrand 40 R . Rawlins 41 M Talbot 42 A. O'Brien 43 C . Bruinier 44 C. Collins 45 J . Deluca 46 M . Saxton 47 L. Mann 48 W. Travers 49 J . Bryce

50 S . Lynch 51 S . Coble 53 J. Windebanks 54 A . Thompson 55 B . Deaton 56 B. Leyden 57 H . McMillan 58 M. Blackmore

59 B. Griffiths 60 C . Buckley 61 A. Richardson 62 A. Pratt 63 S. McNicholas 64 M . Carty

Coacn : .,,rv Keane

Coach : Pat Hay ~s Res : Marry Hook

Res : Chris Matheson 1 J. Foley 2 B . Hall 3 C . Knight 4 M. L ddell 4 T. Vinen 5 S. Kendall 6 N . Craven

7 J . Cowlishaw 8 R . Foote 9 M . Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 C. Deal 12 D. Pearce 13 A . Green 14 S . Amiet 15 A . Docker 16 S . Sant 17 M . Harrison B . Baxter 19 T. Aylen 20 H . Vella 21 M . Penn cuick 22 C . Mc Assey 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 N . Dorman 26 S. Widjaja 27 J . Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 G . Erickson 30 C. Fagan 31 T. Foster 32 A . Lawson 33 S . Fryers 34 B . Gross 35 S . Thompson 36 B . Cunningham 37 T. Messer 38 J. Restarick 39 A . Bosna 40 R, 0'Neill 41 B. Kuppe 42 D . Synman 43 A. Bruhn 44 L . Schneider 45 D . Scott 46 B. Scott 47 S . Jenkinson 48 T. Franklin-Jones 49 B . Gardner 50 P. Delahaye 51 T. Mc Donald 52 A . Sinclai r 53 C . Jones 54 T Rynberk ~ 5 C . Hooper ., 6 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer ~ T Kavouns 59 A Beach 60 N . Fallu

1 J . Dixon 2 M. Johnson 3 B . Mooney V C 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Henebery 5 B. Donelly

6 S. Woolley 7 D . Surkit 7 J . Farley

8 C. Unsworth CAPT 9 J . Fry 10 J . Lang it B . MacKenzie 12 N. Harrison V C 13 N . Thomas

14 N . Lockett

15 L. Cottom 16 A . Fletcher 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S . Taft 19 N . Herman 20 B. Couch 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 J. Kondarovskis 24 B. Low 25 R . Muir 26 D. Vial 27 A. Shinkfeld

28 D. Dowling

29 A. Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 N. Roach 32 C. Brumfield

33 B . Hoist

34 J . Young 35 R . Turner 36 G. Cooper

37 C . Horst

38 S. Taft 39 N . Hart 40 M. Hibbins 41 N . Baxter

42 N . Abbot', 43 N . Groeneveld 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Robertson 46 J . Round 47 R. Sztar

48 E . Waters 51 J .B. Shadboft 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T Cookes 56 B . Lumb

58 D . Smith 64 M . Gribble 65 C . Safstrom

61 N . Bannon

62 C . Sheppard 63 G .Crathern 64 G . Poulter

. .. _ .


Coach : Paul Beddoe Cazch : Tony Macget Assist Coach : Jon Edgar Res G ch: Darren Fe Res. Coach : Anthony Stratford 1 S . Rowley 1 N . Astapenko 2 R . Gallagher 2 M . Dimashki 3 M . Dixo n 3 C . Massis (C) 4 M . Haye s 4 D . Cassar VC Res. 5 A . Whit e 5 A . Tsiragiannis VC 6 C . Stephens 6 J. Zagame 7 K. Gurile r 7 S . Vamvakas 7 M . Cooper 10 G . Richards 8 D . Perri n 11 B. Clements 8 K. Littl e 12 B. Kin 13 G . Brown 9 P. Ememe t 14 M. Loughran 11 C . O'Meara 15 Mimo Dimachki 12 M . Davies 16 Danny Race 13 A. Kin g 17 L. Doolan 14 M . Etcell 18 R. Oldham 15 Mick Sullivan 19 A. Devries 16 P. Sulliva n 20 A. Diamond 16 J . McCarthy 21 S . Haines 17 C. Sulliva n .18 S . Sullivan 22 S . Emmett 19 C . Stewar t 23 S . Neeson 20 M . Walsh 24 A . Taranto 21 A . Walsh 25 P. Khazaal 22 S . Hamilto n 26 P. Tsagliotis (RC) 27 R . Gilmore 22 P. Murph y 23 Matt Sullivan 28 L. Shellard 24 X. Smit h 29 M . Kassar 25 G . Upti n 30 L . Pryde 26 A. Rock 31 D . Sheehan 27 A. Gangi 32 M. D'Zilva 28 C . Johnsto n 33 A. Sheerly 30 P. Dixo n 34 L. Hall 30 N. Freez e 35 S.. Hollow 31 M . Andrews 36 Zurek 32 N. Levert 37 P. Merric k 33 N. Wilkins 38 M . Lewin 34 D. Sheehan 39 J . Gusman 35 M . Johnstone 40 D. Lambe 36 C. Ogler 41 M . Merrick 37 T. Macgeorge 42 J . Serpanchy 38 S . Perrazo 43 J . Fidogiannis 41 C. Roc k 42 T. Barr 44 S . Diamond 43 M . Barr 45 A . Caruana 45 C. Barr 46 M . Beddoe 46 C . Blai r 47 B . Cummi n 47 J . Tull y 48 J. Halliwell 4o Mick . Wals h 49 S . Hall 49 R . Bittner 50 D . Eade 50 R . Waterso n 52 A. Haines (RVC) 51 D . Clark e 53 L . Caruana 52 K. McLeod 54 T. Dimachki 53 D . Noonan 55 L . McGaw 54 D . Bray 57 M . Chandler 55 S. Rickards 58 M . Sca'rfe 56 T. Sulliva n 59 B. Zvrar 57 D. Frase r 60 G . Dedas 58 J . Noona n 61 M . Tkocz 59 G . Allan 62 S . Lymno 60 D. Fenec h 63 D. Dunlevie 61 T Smit h 64 D. Fossey 63 S . Waters 65 M . Dimou 64 S . Hesline 68 M . Watt 65 T Allinson 67 M . Joyce 68 A . Tresidder 73 M . O'Meara

65 N . Carrick 71 M . Cassid y

65 G . Sherlock 66 A . Cooie 67 B . Gillespie 68 S . Doukas 76 T. Blake

77 L. Tucker 16


9 F .. ..rmo ,~t, Mentone Function Roo m



I .,, o' lit ', EAST

urant * Pokies -~'

d.~y" .

South Melbourne



.r d rew TSU}d0 s

1 A. Burling 2 T. J< es 3 N . Robinson 4 7 Ogler 5 L Cain 6 B . Christie 6 A . Seeley 7 M . Scott 8 J . Heffernan 9 B. Tymmons 10 M. Hanson (C) 11 S. Cadzo째r:

12 R . Kapoo r

13 L . Galdman (VC) 14 R . Whitehead (VC) 15 D . Clyne 16 D. Pik e 17 N. Crsdlin (DVC) 18 S. Manvood P. Tempone 20 -, D. Mitchell T. Hardman B. Ho :rard 23 .. Darby B. Tippe r A. Hardenberg A. Whelah A. Sheedy D. Gough S . Francis R . Perryman B . Crave n 32 G. Ormsby 33 D . Joyce 34 D . Schmidt 35 C . Munro 36 S . Derry 37 A . Hillier 38 T. Hall o 39 G. Rowe 0 C . Jellis L . Ryan 42 A. Mackenzie C . Grant S -;ith Horgan Z Kearney J. Derry 49 R . Gaza[ 50 A. Gil l 51 G . Weickhardt 52 S. Lovelace 53 R. Tempone 54 A. Margetts 55 J . Gan 55 S . Fogarty 56 S. Jones 57 T. Nisbet 58 N. Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A. Walsh G9 S . Gregory ' L. Goldswon y [ _3 S . Hancc

1 S Handley 2 D . Beckett 3 J. Denning 4 A. Grace 5 M . Martinov 6 D. Whelan 7 S. Keleher 8 M . Mille r 9 G . Hall 10 R. Martin 11 D. Robbins 12 B. Delidio 13 L. Wells 14 S . James 15 C. Telly 16 T. Stewart 17 J . Bridges 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D.te Hennepe 21 R. Wile y 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 B . Arnold 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Brennan 28 A . Clinch 29 J . Clifton 30 G. Richie 31 H . Black 32 A . Lom 33 M. Collins 34 A . Russell 35 J. Rutz 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everitt 38 D . Broadhurst 39 S. McCarthy 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 T. Bank s 42 C . Keleher 43 B. Parsons 44 A. Broadhurst 45 J . Franklin 46 C. Cleary 47 J . Monaghan 48 S . Wheiler 49 S . Metz 50 S . Dipasquaie 51 T. Dipasquale 52 S . Betsy 53 C. Harvey 54 M . Ramsay 55 B .Rayson 56 M . Farrell 57 R. Kentara 58 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 B . Jone s 62 11 B . Slater 3 C.-~st 64 ;,1 . . c n

D . Herders M . Harvey D . Kell y 4 P. Quick 5 H. Pits 6 J . Killeen 7 S . Pang 1 8 1 . Hun t 9 A. Bunr.eTt 10 B . Hodgson 11 A. Pit s 12 M . Bee r 13 M . Vagg 14 M . Evans 15 B . t9air 16 A . Rhodes 17 S . Campbeil 18 ki .'7tindrsdge 19 A . Mil can 20 J. Kelio w 21 M . McCuddin 22 A. Sleight 23 J. Macdonald 25 L . Aitke n 26 T. St.Clair 27 W. Watford 28 K. Welfare 29 P. Gartland 30 B. Doust 31 D. Decarteret 32 D. Ballard 33 R. Marriott 34 P. Treyvaud 35 B. Gallia 36 L. Northway 37 A. Gallia 39 S . Morris 41 J . Upto n 42 B . Downing 43 J . Mullins 44 T Mahony 45 A . Upton 46 M . Vear 47 P. Rose 48 J . Vagg 49 I. Dennis 50 S .Kennett 53 A . Ryan 55 S . Ferriage 57 S . Moyla n 58 M . Muehlheim 59 M . War-land 60 R . Ferrero 61 J . Be( d 2

1 P. Ca-,,= 2 J.w^ ; : 3 E. i4 5 6

7 , -ass 8 9 10 it . Ga r ~ 12 T :. .~t a 13 A . Kraus 14 J. Eagles 15 P. Carey 16 A . Rose 17 M . D'Amelio 18 R . McCann 19 A . Kell y 20 A . Ballard 21 G. Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batty 24 D . Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 P. Levin s 28 H . Giles 29 S. Darcy 30 M.Ottobre 31 M. Contessotto 32 D . Camm 33 L. Thomas 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Savage 37 S. Manton 38 N. Hodder 39 B. Vaughan 40 J . Gay 42 M . Flood 43 B. Levins 44 A. Zaiakos 45 S . Ronchi 46 A. Brown 47 M . Mclnerny 48 A. Daly 49 D. Cox 50 A . Volp i 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 53 T. Pecora 55 C. Hatfield 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonald 61 J .8landthorn 63 P. Nolan 64 D . Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S . Meshcer 70 D . Mi Glo,n 75 T. Yr r 76 G. Dni~, n 77 C . V^ n 79TTr'

2 T

~1 3 -a E: 5 S . Sacco S . -wnnister 8 L. Hollo w 9 C. Bannister 10 J . Vaina 11 D. O'Sullivan (vc) 12 A . Christie 13 G. Russell 15 A . McMahon 16 M. Goodwin 16 D . Clifto n 17 G. O'Connor 18 B . Carter 19 A . Gran t 20 J . Clarke 21 G . Henderson 22 L . Reynolds 23 D . Caiagari 25 P. Edwards 26 B. Lewi s 27 M. Caroni 28 A. Carroll 29 S. Goodwin 30 R . Finley 31 S. Hollow 32 J . Sacco 33 L. Kuret 34 D. Weston (vc-res) 36 D. Barron 37 D. Castaldi (C) 38 M . Nancarrow 39 S . Boyl e 40 P. Garoni 41 B . Barron 42 D. Dimech 43 M . Warren 44 P. Appleford 45 M . Carter 46 S . Step en 47 D. Goodwin 48 A . Nancarrow (vc-re 49 B . Whykes B 50 B . Barron B 51 Mark Goodwin 52 D . Westo n 55 M . Garoni 56 P. Dunne 57 S . Weston 63 A . Moloney (c-res) 59 T. Robinson 67 G . Tsmaris 69 S . Sarong 70 L . Kuret 79 T. Higgins 99 M . La Corci a

THEA''=7EUR F46TBALLER 2003 17

Team 3- MUFC Team of the Modern Era (played glAFA football only) B: Apologies if readers think today's column looks like a page of League Teams from Friday's newspaper, but it would be remiss not to record the various MUFC Teams of the Modern Era named at last Friday night's MUFC Dinner at the Carlton Crest Hotel .

Bernie Angel John Nilsen Simon Trumbl e

HB : Mark Lockie Tony Capes Simon Costello C : Leon Doyle Chris Brown Steve DoV HF : Ian Cordner Mark Tyquin Michael Sleeman

0 0 0 Team I - University Reds Team of th e Modern Era B : Peter O'Keefe Greg Cook Steve Drury HB : Greg Thomas Chris Anderson

F: Phil Moran Duncan Anderson Mike Yandell Foll : Mike Yeo Jack Tully Barry Church Inter: Harry Meredith Gerry Gill Ross Pen Emerg ; Gil McLachlan Chris Cordne r

Andrew Whit e

0 0

C : Russell Heddles Greg Roughsedge Danny Cahir


Ground inspection sheet was received fr , the clubs who played last weekend at 1

HF: Paul James Jack Clancy Denis Fossa F: Bruce Dare Marc Marsden Justin Doyle Foll : Pater Clayden Gerry Hardy Michael Smal e

Melbourne Cricket Ground . !!! Great to that the world's greatest stadium received AOK rating from both teams who inspeci the ground before play .

Inter: Peter Barone Charlie Hosking

0 0

Patrick Jackson Ian Jennens Coach : Andrew McNair

0 0


Team 2 - MUFC Team of the Modern Era


In contrast to another ground inspecti sheet from another match which stated tha "dog droppings were not removed from I ground until just before half time . "

(played Uni and AFL JVFL football )

0 0

B : Geoff Ainsworth Trevor Steer Don Cordne r


Still problems continuing with consumpti

HB : Tony Anderson Brian Roet Kevin Dillon

of alcohol before the end of a day's pL

C : Richard Vandenberg Ken Melville

excepting where permission is obtained

Pat Cas h

serve alcohol with a sit down luncheon .

HF : Geoff Tunbridge Ian Graham

The latest sees a club charged under I

Morton Browne

"conduct unbecoming" rule for allowing

F: Ray Allsop David Barkley

reserves players to consume alcohol

John Winneke

change rooms after the completion of th

Fo ll : Denis Cordner David Shaw Rav Wilson Inter:

match last Saturday. This follows re

Ian Hayden Michael Porte r David Honeybun Bill Sykes Rod Lewis

crepotsfdrinkg carswhiltach i VAFA games .

Peter Sinclair 0 0





350 n .a St Leos !:~nmaus Wattle

mind of TI-o ran I ;~ ~~=t (Life Member) and th e

park's C:=a i;+rmiy played his 350th clu b match last Saturday . His record is imposing -

VAFA gave the job to Norm and fellow LM Keith Shark ie to organise the funetion . They

started 1975 with the club, played in 7

did a wonderful job right down to ordering

pr miership sides and is a Life Member of the

chocolates for the wives of the male LM's as

club . Well done

a recognition to the wonderful support from the ladies of the male LMs over the vears . Of course, the female Life Members received chocolates as well . The photo below shows the function room with LM Max Lyon (right) and LM John W ilson (second right) . Beside John (centre of photo) is John's wife L` : . .

Well done Norm and Keith . The feature of the lunch was an enthralling address to the gathering by VAFA Patron-in-Chief, former Brownlow Medallist and Melbourne /Amateur playing champion Dr . Donald Cordner.

0 0 0 0



FTLOTG will devote part of this column next week to a review of the Representative

= wonderful pre-match luncheon was held

Match to be played this weekend against the

at Sportscover Arena, Elsternwick Park

Victorian Country a_' League . Depending on how m my Brain

before last Sunday's University Blues v . Old Trinity match recognising the VAFA's Life siembers . The idea sprang from the fertile

concentrates on the game, this w riter and Tom may review the game in g and A style .

0 0



This column was editing last we(SUMMARY was de_____ a longish Player Mil ti c scribe found out when r,w r

to some tough ROUND 1 3 -1o accommodat e rent . Your ?e printe d _s - hose R1 3

'AF , and I apologize to a`i exploits have nc gone unrece,nised in the No .

14 issue . GRRR 2 ROUND 1 S The IvanL.,e . , an . _ - 'ley result shocked the socks off me . . . , -,n the Hoes a new role in the anti-relegation , : ama! After an even lst Half, the Hoes scoodud away, never to be caught . rust have had a premonition, L eea e he --a 'team meeting' at half time before lea, *ng __ . ~ field . Ange Pace had a day out at FF, & tire on-ball trio of Paul Harris . Brad Hall, & Paul Martin stood out in a revved up Hoes outfit . Old I4Rentonians were stretched by the Bloods until half time but then powered away for a solid win . Al Bethune rucked at his best, Craig Glennie was effective in defence, & Dan Den Braber (C) in form for the Bloods . Anthony Palmer had another super day at the pivot for the Panthers, Matthew Austin & Michael Basile did well in attack, & Andrew Carter gave Corey McKay plenty of first uses from the knockouts . Banyule and °played the best game of footy I've seen for _ rs, with the ball ricocheting from one end to te e!izer with such speed onl y fit young Ump s Srendan Devlin & David

Longworth cot :_ swapped betwe c the final siren the

in the Bear's C i race for it! Jtj'! ,

marking and kit €r_ _ his 6 goals in Q• . so was the leg F-

defence and mimi c four points is no di~< , be congratulai magnificent exhib i

up! Ascendency ~iuo sides all day and a t = bouncing goal-ward s iih Bears leading th e

ler's power lade n on at FF (specially raordanary, bu t I . the Jackas a game b y ~oth sides are t o i such a n v Shau n

ars .


Dean and Scott ) Playfair were in ! sensational form up forward . Apart from the great 'JK', the Jackas only singled out Yoni 'erger for his hug midfield game, but Nick Gold deserves mention for directing the Jackas defence so we under extreme pressure . --ues and U) Blacks playe out their dramatic encounter on the MCG wit : Blacks in command after the long break . Whit the standard was higher than that indicated b the scores, many players did find th surroundings somewhat daunting. "Mainl Monash players of course!" claimed the Ormonn Bouzy Rouge Club! Julian Smith (HB & OtB and George Smythe in defence were two Ashen not overawed at all, in fact George's 3 bounce ; and running goal even caught the attention o the Hawthorn cheer squad and the big screen Blacks had great games from Pat Barry (FB) Andy Costello [C, etc] and their top-secret on . ball wizards Villella & Bevaqua . The 'aftei match' was reported as being enjoyable and very prolonged! Barileen Temp obviously battled hard in losing to Salesian but apart from the Buliants goal kic'._ers and best players in Results colu ; :m opposite that's all I' :now about this game .

D : S -- ;0''. AJAX Old Mentonians Old N4entonians Banvule Monash Blue s

1{irzner Bournon Basile S Playfair Grace

10 1 3 8 2

82 54 45 44 39

If? Old~ itc fans B 1a :tLne

0 2


y and it is hard to se e ,g them much trouble at aC :' :,8


21 .11 (137) 15 .11 (101 ) 2, McGowan 2. Hall, Sampson, cal 2, B .Peake, Beat.


Ibe a n it, anc z is a "I-Iome a celebratiai . " it .-. Cacsa: out the dc ' : - . f?_Ari't resh choo : : sat pro&c ed a

ortur'' %

16 .13 (109) 7 .7(49) 2 . Fairbanks , acliay, Carter , ;;~~- )lied Umpires : Chris

play o . ;. - , ; , her

15 .15 (105) 17.7 (109 ) P Smith . Best: -i_: : Ktrzner : Kerzner, -es : Brendan rno Chris

COIltes' 1' .- .'.~'. 'c>i'_ ..

ir s . C3. :,,e . . . . : ; . " e doing tt , - and thei' :째 . .

5 .10 (40) 9 .20 (74 ) kiev, NeU7ll , 49ackie, Dillon , '. . . Sibttia . Barr-v . I Chris O'Shea 9.11 (65) 12 .11 ( 83) 2, Robertson, D .Matthews, not receive d Tr(,Cusac k


15.151105) 5.13 (43 ) d 2, Fenn 2 . Is:na, hRorris ,

ish 2 , $ .hourne . 12.5 (77) B-8 (56 i 9.9(63) 8 .11 (59 ) -, Creak, ,j 2. Lewin 2. 4, Sacks. .. ., ll .l ; i77) ~. ., 5 .71371 I(ats, Tinkler. Best: Hawkins . Bad Blacks : . Best : Brooks, Hanna ,

B H:

10.13 (731 10.5 (65 ) iou . Jones ,





DI Coac ., : Phil Davis Res. C :h : Barry Simon 1 N . Gold (Capt) 2 M . Konsky 3 B . Davi s 4 M .Dudakov 5 J . Ritterman 6 D . Kalb (Capt Res) 7 G. Samuel 8 E. Raleigh 9 J. Berger 10 G . Dukes 11 M. Segal (DVCapt) 12 D . Goldenfein 13 J. Raleigh 14 J. Kagan 15 J. Segal 16 E .Janover 17 A . Cukierman (VCRes) 18 J. Kirzner (VCapt) 19 G . Blieden 20 J. Sharp 21 D. Gelbart 22 E . Wollner 23 A. Wollner 24 J . Brain 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 A . Spice r

28 A . Zemski 29 P. Bryner 30 A . Lefkovic 31 A . Lewis 32 D . Weislitzer 33 S. Boon 34 A. Lewin 35 J . Lewi s 36 J . Israelsahn 37 A. Sapa r 38 J. Feldman 39 D . Vanaken 40 D . Chas

41 A. Silver 42 A. Cooper 43 S. Chester 44 J. Gefiand 45 A. Godlewicz 46 A. Goldman 47 S. Gutman 48 J . Pask 49 A. Lasnitzki 50 A. Benedykt 51 Z . Lewski 52 D. Norich 53 J . Mordech 54 I. Sam e 55 J . Kaicer 56 D.Seidl 57 D . Spilberg 58 B . Yudelman 59 R . Rotemberg 60 J . Weinberg 61 J . Freeman 62 J. Gottlie b



, _ . ., .

:Garry Connolly P< ' Harper

1 L . Toomey 2 S. Tibb 3 S. Edwards 5 A. Poland 6 M . Parker 7 C. Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 11 M . Barmby 12 A. Bethun e 13 D. Den Braber (C) 13 C.JeBer y 14 A . Lorkin 15 A . Williiams 16 J . Hun t 17 B . Redwood 18 J . Hughes 19 G. Whitehead 20 M . Starret 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 P. Stone 24 F . Harper 25 P. Sorace 26 R . Weeks 27 D . Hinclrfie 28 A. Gerish 29 J. Wilson 30 R . Kogelman 31 G . Evan s 32 D . Afford 33 C . Wooden 34 M . T rulli 35 R.Chapman 36 V. Hal l 37 G . Macklin 38 B . Moran 39 5 . White 40 S . Harris 41 G . Davies 42 ? loran 43 31a`eru -Iv 46 i . andersluis 47 J . Smit h 48 D . E.tcCartan 49 D . Povnton 50 R . Ka~ 51 A. Prinale 52 J. Bleakney 53 S . Verona 54 M. O'Halloran 55 L . Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 L . Piackowski 58 T. Ledd, a 59 -~ . Cor _ 60 5?-ianamillo 62 . " _c=; ;r,c k 63 65 S n 67 A. Lzr:son 68 J. Coghlan 72 T Will s G . Cochrane A . Culle n S . Hiney M . Lan', P. Phillips B . Beech S . Dornom J . McMullen P. Fares

Coach : Greg Whflcroit Res : John Fraser 1 B. Reed 2 D . Witchell 3 N . Taylor 4 T Glaur y 5 B. Willmore 6 S . Tuckman 7 C. Taylor 8 B. Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 P. Gloury 11 D. Wilson 12 J . Ega n 13 T. Rya n 14 B . Woodlock 15 S . Gray 16 M . Gilbert 17 A . Small 18 J. Tumbull 19 N . Sannholm 20 S . PlayPair 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C . Taylo r 23 M. Gray 24 L . Richardson 25 J. Szeremeta 26 H . McDermott 27 A. Niel d 28 L . Enright 29 P. Smith 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Besse' It 32 M . Natoli 33 S. Dean 34 S . Lorenzini 35 L. O'Connell 36 D. Play(air 37 T Thompson 38 J . Redern 39 A.Hopgood 40 M . Smit h 41 T. Prio r 42 M . Vanpoeteren 43 L. Ferrel 44 S . Yin 45 D . Boyd 46 D . Nasraliah 47 J. King 48 D . Rybicki 49 G. Bel l 50 T. Nasrallah 51 J. Boti 52 D . Noonan 53 M. Creak 54 C . Williams 55 D . Williams 56 A. Roethe 57 B. McGregor 58 L. Orton 59 M . Mitchell 60 D. Hassell 61 S . Dow an 62 T Jubb 63 A. Plant 64 S . Taylor

R : n Parris 1 J. Prio r 2 S. Yates 4 W. Thompson 5 D. Bone 6 A. Tehan 7 P. Robertson 8 N . Bon e 9 J . Matthews 10 P. Tsokas 11 G. Chivers 12 A . Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 A . Wilke 15 B . Wolnizer 16 5. Smith 17 C . Darby 18 K. Burridge 19 L. Stott 20 M. Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 G . McLaren 23 D. Mat' thews 24 J. Newman 25 R. Lee 26 S. Boyd 27 J. O'Donnell 28 P. Milesi 29 D. Williams 30 D. Florence 31 L. Norbury 32 R. Williams 33 N. Hamshare 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 P. Ganiatsis 38 N . S P..aalione 39 D. Buccachio 40 A . Foley 41 R . Le a 42 P. Edwards 43 M. Daskalou 44 R . Sch n 46 A . Hun Dy 47 C . > > 48 A. ) a 49 S. Tou r 50 D . G rer 53 A. E 60

' . . . athe,v Res Cr : Colin McDonald 1 S . Con 2 M . Maud 3 C. Tucker 4 T O'Neill 5 P. Manuel 6 T. Healy 7 P. Fawley 8 J. Shuitleworth 9 E. Healy 10 P. Lee 11 D . Vaikanis 12 L . Hull-Brown 13 S. Narkiewicz 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . Curtin 16 P. Hams 17 S . Morris 18 B . Hal l 1, 9 D. Wood 21 N . Blaine y 22 N . Shutilevrorth 23 D. Ryan 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 J . Finlayson 28 S . Matthews 29 C . Hocking 30 M . Sloa n 31 T.L )n 32 L . F _rce ^l S -- 'an

30 ~ . 3ers 37 P. Cotte r

R . Peoples =h"sge n C. Donald B .. .3 rtin 1:3 째_ Shemshedin I A. Pace 45 A.lacouangelo 46 ti .lacouangelo 47 B . Waters 48 R. Taogood 49 Mat it Sloan 50 N . Clark 51 D . Pearce 52 S . ,' oson 53 M azan 째 c -71d

S. ders 57 A . i T t

66 J. ns 67 G ans E _ noor 69 J. a '3 K.



C. r.~



I Conti : Tim Powell p, James Shady 1 S. Chapman '.. 2 J. Baxter 3 L. Holloway 4 G . Chessan 56 M . Newman 7 P. Farra r g S Thom . so n g C. O'Sullivan 1p Sam Lloyd it M. spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 14 B. Merlin 15 M. Tinkle r 16 B. Nind 17 J. Mellington 18 L Smith 19 M. Sounders 20 M . Edsall 21 C . Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 P. Nevill 24 T. Crave n 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Youn g 28 J . Main 29 L. Creamer 31 S . Hawkins 32 L. Beddingneld 33 J . Smith 34 M . Edwards 35 A. Hickey 36 A. Willams 37 J . Batto n 38 N. Brenna n 39 M . Smith 40 M . Bolton 41 M . Bolton 42 A. Cooper 43 R . Feenaghty 44 S. Grace 45 R . Walsh 46 47 S. Mentha 48 M. Carey 49 D . Payne 50 , 51 M . Payne 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 G. Dodd 55 I. McCormick 56 57 58 59 B . Carstein 60 ~ R Campbell L. Karla G. Polgase


Coach : Peter Turley Res Coach : Adam Davey

1 T. Mitvalsky 2 C. Twentyman 3 R. Ball 4 D. Carroll (V.C.) 5 C. Mackay 6 C. Alexander 7 M, McCloskey 8 G . Ferguson 9 W . Ballantine 10 S. Voigt 11 D . Salley 12 C . Dwyer (C .R .) 13 B. Heverin 14 M. Stroud 15 J . Costello (D.V.C.) 16 D . Nock 17 N . Linford 18 T. Bournon (C) 19 A . Palme r 20 D . O'Conno r 21 J . O 'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A . Drinan 24 A . Acreman 25 B . Fairbanks 26 G . Dart 27 G . Katris 28 D. Ktto 29 A. Carter (D .V.C .) 30 D. Russo 31 M . Elliott 32 L. Sunter 33 S . Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 35 D. Murphy 36 D . Alexander 37 M. Francis (C.R.) 38 P. Stubbs 39 J. Vick 40 R . Alexander 41 S. Cozens 42 M . Basile 43 G . Hubbard 44 L. Sunter 45 R . Johnson 46 G. Smith 47 G. Herrin g 48 D . Steven s 49 N . Fisher 50 G. Wilson 51 L. Stephen 52 M . Watts 53 C. Shedden 54 D. Goodbody 55 C. Davis 56 R. Harper 57 T. Davis 58 P. Appel 61 B . Saunders 64 M . Austin 66 M . Mackay

1 A. Stevens (VC) 2 A. Thain 3 S. Sutherland (C) 4 A. Healy 5 M. Canavan 6 D . Forer 7 D . Foley 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Cldneld (V( :;) 11 A. Davey 12 M. Bates 13 I . Bobetic 14 M. Cooke 15 R . Quinn 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D . Barry 19 R . Mir ms 20 A . Seeger 21 D. Verccillo 22 S . Greely 23 M . Smith 24 A. Grace 25 C. Ryan 26 J . Nannes 27 P. Allen 28 M . Byrne 29 S. Horvath 30 K. Woodman 31 A. Lucas 32 G . Riley 33 N N . Callaghan 34 T. Nagle 35 P. Knott 36 S. Nolan 37 J. Brennan 38 M. Fenverda 39 P. Pitts 40 M. Forer 41 M. Cleary 42 C . Rose 43 P. Evans 44 D . levoli 45 D . Alle n 46 A. Chiappini 47 D. Oldfied 48 J . Logan 49 S . Sewell 50 S . Kavanagh 51 A. Foley 52 P. Hanlon 53 E. Maillard 54 S. Porter 55 E. H anapY 56 M . Loughnan 57 K. Richardson 58 S. Way 59 S. Parisi 60 A. Bates 61 R. Cincotta 63 B. Chalmers 64 B. Bowma n 65 J. Radi 66 S. Sinclair 67 D . Sutherland 68 M. Sutton 69 S. Kirchner 70 Mick Forbes 72 C . Hun t 76 P. Turley 77 S . Butler

., . . :,;aehan r J D. Barlow 71 72 B . Green 73 74 P. Westbrook 75 R. Turton 76 77 78 A. Shields 79 P. Manohar


I.I.EY 00


Coach: Peter Russo Res . Coach: Jamie Winduss

Coach: Paul U'Shanassy Res Coach: Michael Rizio Club XVIII Ch : Craig Baulch 1 A. Costello 2 J . Sibilia 2(R) S. Chandler 3 A. Ross 3(R) R. Drummond 4 A. Evans 5 R. Mackie (C) 6 T. Bavacrlu a 7 S . P ri c e 8 B. Watch 9 P. Kempton 10 W. Hanna 11 S. Sandiford 13 C . Baulc h 14 D . Ada 17 A. Moffatt 17(R) J . Caudle 18 T. Wilson 19 L. Brow n 21 C . Schilling 22 S. Prince 23 P. Barry 24 V. Romijn 25 M . Hallam 26 D . Batten 27 A . Parkin 28 P. Otsuka 30 D . Stock 31 B . Costello 32 U . Jones 35 B . Villell a 35(R) Jas Mirtschin 36 M . Prowse 37 E . Nolan 38 M . Rizlo 39 X . Davis 41 L. Rawnsley 43 C. Beaton 45 R. Scadett 49 R. Dillon 49(R) T. Bowers 50 A. Goonan 53 D . O'Keef(e 54 M. Braszell 55 S. Watch 57 K. Begely 58 D . Kean 60 J. O'Sulliva n 61 J. Black 62 S. Middleton 65 J . Fuller 66 L. Costello 67 N . Gorman 70 J . Green 70(R) R . Hamilton 80 M . Tehan 85 B . Weber 88 N, Abbott 94 A. Powell 98 M . Bahen 101 D. Davis 112 M . Wielgosz

Coach : Tim fGllworth Res: Simon Taylor 1 R . Pearce 2 T. Morri s 3 R . Thompso n 4 M. Fun g 5 A. Drew 6 R . Drew 7 C . Beal 8 L Morris 9 J . Keem 10 T. Hancock 11 T. Mcllrath 12 J . Cremean 13 L Gillies 14 E . Kruse

15 N . Pas k 16 L. Taylor 17 A. Laing 18 D. Ross 19 J . Stron g 20 T. Hale 21 D. Stevenson 22 B. Dre w 23 R. Ye e 24 M . Davies 25 R. Collet 26 J.. Longworth 27 S. Savag e 28 B. Reynolds 29 R . Coutt s 30 D . Potter 32 J. Parry 33 P. Cremean 33 D . Ireland 34 C . Frase r 35 B . Peake (c) 36 P. Jarvis 37 D . Balkshaw 38 G. Morrison 39 J . Thampkin s 40 H . Cotsford 41 B . Down s 42 A. Stone 44 J . H o 45 A. Wndgate 47 S . Collie 48 R. Davis 49 S . Seaboum e 50 J . Peake 51 H. Clarke 52 A. Hartnett 53 S. Pask 54 S. Simpso n 56 T. Loyd 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Serum s 63 B . Whitechurc h 64 D . Smith 65 M . Norrish 68 T. Collet 71 M . Lain g 74 A . Middli n



R 2003

Ju s w


Eu(fi Ioo

' on all matters



ck tD2 l, 7 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.

~~ ~~ l~ Y



Fan . Willy ,f of n . tho u sn a lo s

째 think will be a Grand . o four blokes wiII be t few weeks . " de) passes a fitness test , Nould line up on Williamstown gun Dave

cc Match

Care : r: Glenn Ta .' o with the phrarun this things unc li ft the 1k1 . Twoi : Both side haven't i Real I Out of meet Fitzroy kf R, -, -


Willy as they e visitors with s approach .

?{~en to get v s will b e

rere gallant in defeat against Peninsula ach Dene Macleod believed that if his side that effort, they would go close to beatin g

Fitzro~ The rumour mill is working overtime with speculation that the mber for Williamstown, Premier Steve Bracks, will b i the clash . I tart favourites against Hawthorn in the B , of the Walking Wounded. Wh il e both clubs have bt d mated by injury this season, both coaches Would not blame injuries for their poor seasons . Hawthorn coach Peter Tyson identified Bentleigh midfielders Adam Henry and Jade Han dfieid as players to watch however both were under injury clouds. But the Hawks also have their injury problems with star forward Dan Laula ( a! lei and ' ap-cr Chris Reed (tt~'b) 3~ n unii'

vear from Dals . ;ula. The may have ;cc them

Vickers-Wllli s Ciaringbold C`t NiS D Le e Pe,i ;n .?a Pavze Fi -ov r' 3 Tornese

After stealing victory from Williamstown in the last minute, peninsula coach Julian Sill will make sure that his side does not take Oakleigh lightly this week . However it would take an upset of proportions not seen since David defeated Goliath for the unbeaten Pirates to lose this week . Despite being relegated, Oakleigh coach Chris Moore was glowing in his praise for his young side. "The kids have been terrific," he said . 1 admire them for sticking at their job . " With their Under 19's having a bye, there is a great chance that Oakleigh will be fronting ladder leaders peninsula with almost eighteen teenagers . West Brunswick coach Julian Siebrand said Old Carey would provide a good gauge of his side's premiership chances . "We haven't beaten anyone above us yet," he said . "It's a good test for us to see how far we might go this year ." With matches against West Brunswick, Fitzroy and Peninsula still to come, Old Carey coach Glenn Taylor said he was looking forward to the next month . "We'll go into every one of the next four games knowing we have nothing to lose," he said . "If we beat all four, we'd reap the benefits and finish second . "

L___ Old Carey - congratulates Darren Elsner on playing his 50th game this week . A hard working utility player, Darren would have reached this milestone a lot earlier were it not for injuries . Always reliable on the field, Darren is the same off it. Happy to do any job around the place and probably our most consistent function attendee, he is one of those people that clubs love to have around - worth their weight in gold . Well done, Darren. We all hope that there are plenty more in the tank! Peninsula O .B. - congratulates James Coghlan on achieving the milestone of 50 games for the Club in this week's encounter against Hawthorn Amateurs . "Coggo" has had a frustrating season, but appears back to his best form with his second bag of six goals in the reserves last week despite turning right instead of left at Williamstown Road, James has missed only a few games since joining the Pirates in 2001 and his ability to kick goals, celebrate those goals and discuss hair care products has had a major impact at Pirateland . Well done Coggo! !

TODAY'S MATCHES, D2 SECTION (Originally Round 17 - Round 15 to be playe d as Round 17) Old Carey v West Brunswick La Trobe Uni v Old Geelong Fitzroy Reds v Williamstown CYM S Bentleigh v Hawthorn Amateurs Oakleigh v Peninsula 0 B

OAKLEIGH 7.4 8.11 9 .14 12.14 (86) WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .6 5.8 9 .13 14.18 (102) Oakleigh : A Kitts 3 Bromley 2 MacKenzie 2 Malcolm 2 Dalton Marshall. Best: Dalton Bromley Holden Marshall Cammiss MacKenzie. West Brunswick: Siebrand 7 Haysey 4 Sheedy Lehmann Hamilton . Best: Sutherland Siebrand Lehmann West Haysey Tourney . Umpires : Ken McNiece Mitch Buxton (F ) BENTLEIGH 2.1 3.3 4.6 7.7(49) OLD CAREY 3.4 6.8 9 .14 15 .17 (107) Benfleigh : Sampson 2 Adaway Banks Ireson Robertson Craven . Best : Miksad D Martin Robertson ]reson McCulloch B anks. Old Carey : Raftopoulos 5 White 3 Howot 3 Angus 2 Pattendon Parton. Best : Parton White Howot Faeus Hall McFarlane Umpires : Peter Liddell Paul Jones (F) Christian Schaefer Lee Dalton (B) Greg Rollo Jake Mahar (G) FITZROY REDS 5.3 9 .6 12 .8 15 .10 (100) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3.3 6.6 7 .13 10 .14 (74) Fitzroy Reds: Capodiferro 4, Dawson 2, Mitchell 2, Pollard 2 . J . Parsons, Diacogiorgts . Atherton. A . Byrne Best : Curtis. Pollard, Meighan . Atherton . Bennie, Capodtferro La Trobe Uni: Sheldrick 3, Darcy 2, R. Mann, Adamsihwalte. Morton, Pruscino, White Best : McMeekin, Sheldrick. Makin. Darcy. Adamsthwaite, Pruscino Umpires: Geoff Deveson (F) Michael Netily (B) Eddie Beat Malcolm Filleut (G ) HAWTHORN 8.0 10 .0 11 .1 11 .3 (69) OLD GEELONG 6.3 13 .8 20 .18 26 .25 (181) Hawthorn : Goals: Latdetta 3, Newton 2, Rice 2, S Avery, Davies, Collins. Cargill Best: Sauile. Cargill, West, Hicks, Newton, Mar tin Old Geelong: Goals Willis 13, Goldsworthy 6, Grills 2, McCarthy. Munro . O'Brien . Teague, Temple-Smith Best : W71111s . T Betts . Fitzclarence, Goldsworthy, N Betts . McCarthy Umpires: David D'Altera Alan Ladd (F) Cam Hoogendyk (B) Nick Murphy (G ) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 .2 6 .2 10 .5 14 .6 (90) PENINSULA 4 .4 6 .5 11 .8 14 .10 (94) Wiiilamstown CYMS : Featherston, Lee 3 Munro, Thrush, Barlow 2 J McCutchen. Twist. Best: Twist, Munro, Featherston . J McCutchen, Phemister . Cocks. Peninsula: T Prendergast . Payne 3 Macean . T Coghlan . 2 S Parsons, Murphy, Grant N Claringbold I . Best : Payze, Murray, Crean . Teelow, Davis Umpires: Paul Lamble Jason Lane (F) Jon Kralevskl Andrew Errington (B) Denver Mettler Jose Talavera (G) D2 RESERVES 2 .1 3 .1 5 .3 6.5(41) OAffi.EIGH WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .1 8 .4 11 .6 16 .10 (106) Oakleigb: Bell 2 Cooke 2 Kokkinos 2. Best : Ryan Evans Kokkinos Keating Connellan Bell . West Brunswick: Moir 4 Rudd 3 O'Brien 2 Campbell 2 ussell Lewis Colquhoun Thompson Brooks . Best : Lame Brook O'Brien Touzel Ritchie Hilton . BENTLEIGH 6.2 12 .8 14 .8 16 .8 (104) OLD CAREY 2 .5 6 .6 10 .8 12 .13 (85) Bentleigh: Beattie 5 Punter 4 Stce 3 Vivona 2 Ferguson McKenzie . Best: Smith Gold Slce Beattie Vivona Ferguson. Old Carey : Konstantinidis 4 Hardy 2 N Bull 2 Steer Bennett Smith England . Best : Konstantinidis Ward N Bull England Hill Hardy . FITZROY REDS LA TROBE UNI DetaiLs not received HAWTHORN 0.0 0 .0 1 .2 1 .3 (9) OLD GEELONG 2 .8 10 .14 12 .17 20 .24 (144) Hawthorn: Goals : Ruzleka Best : Patterson, Clennett . Mountain, Parker. Houareau Old Geelong: Goals: Strauch 4 . Verge 3. McMahon 3, Woolley 2, Aviery 2, Teague . Slattery . DhIIlow. Allen, Johnson, Lyon Best : McMahon, Broadbent, Strauch, Liegue, Dlllilon, Hawker WILLIAMSTOWN GYMS 1 .1 2 .1 5 .1 5.4.(34) PENINSULA 2 .1 6 .2 8 .3 24 .11 .(155) Williamstown GYMS: G Burgers, J agrazeo 2, Bouras. Best : B Joseph, A McKenzie, N Grant, Kosmatos, M Sime, R Nisbett . Peninsula: J Coghlan 6, S Calderbolb 4 . Brennan 3. Angus . Mtnchin, Falkiner, McKinstry 2, Cook, Goldthorpe, A Parsons . Dunne. Day. Best: Lethbridge, A Parsons. Dunne . Coghlan . Wagner, Coo k


---- - -------------

C o a c h : timattina : Assistant ~ ve Grace Has. Coach: Steve Hall 1 C. Sharp 2 D . Ferguson 3 A . Pittito 4 S. Sice 5 M. Eyles 6 R . Weber 7 J. Robe rtson 8 J. Handhold 9 I . Jackso n 10 A. Henry 11 D. Martin 12 N. Aitken 14 B . Reid 15 S . Grace 16 L. Airey 17 C . Mart in 18 S. Adawa Y 18aM. Walker 19 B. Clark 20 R. Fishlock 21 A. Graham 22 A. Smith 23 G. McFarlane 24 L. Holmesb Y 25 D . Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M. McCulloch 29 H . McKenzie 30 A. Miksad 30aD. Kopitschinski 31 S . Craven 32 A . Strauch 33 P. Wflhington 34 M . Pirie 35 L. Ireson (C) 36 M. Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . Bea ttie 39 G . Prigg 40 J . Harbott le 41 J . Neve 42 A . Mikkelsen 43 A . Ferris 44 G. Holland 45 46 R . Lavrford 47 M. Scanlon 48 P. Dimatt ina 49 L. V'rvona 50 A. Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 A . Banks

Res â‚Ź Club

iam Burgen ;-i. Dar i Kane Cc_ :h : Greg Box

I D. Hannam 2a B . Holderhead 2b A . Walsh 3 S . Dibenedetto 5 P. Diacogiorgis 7a S. Andrew 7b L . Byrne 8 A. Byrn e 9a H. Fletcher 9b C. P ri or 10 A. Urbanic 11 B . Atherton 13a A Dawson 13b S . Pido tto 14 T. Clarke 16 G. Crane 17 B . Lee 18 M. Baker 19a C . Andrew 20 T. Mitchell

21 C. Meighen 22 C. Sullivan 23b M . Camelleri 23b D. Knowles 24 A . Parsons 26 C . Temperley 27 J. Tomese 29 V. Cahill 30 C . Little

31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S . Dru ry 34 S . Herceg 36 M . Reeves 38

A . George

40 G. Bance 42 I . McBurney

45 J. Bennie 46 D . Timm 51 J . Rawlins 53 S . Addicoti 54 J . Parsons 56 C. Quinn

57 R . Rome 61 G. Vi rtue 62 N . Auden 67 R . Holderhead 73 J. Bare 75 B. Pollard 76 D. Curt is 77 A. Grillo 97 D. Ronchi

54 R . Coyle

55 G . Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 A. Cantsilieris 58 T. Caterson 59 S . Kennedy 60 R. Punter 61 J . Perrone

?jGl' l~~iiSLi'



C- r iyson Res. Coach : Ed Sill

1 P.Mo rton 2 S.Fredrickson 3 D. Sheldrick 4 N.Dunne 5 S.Adamswaite 6 S eurke n 8 M .Correnti 9 LWalker 10 S .Davis 11 D .Harris j 3 p~M~ y



P. Orch ard

11 M. Pollock 12b A . Tscumbads 13a J .Murphy 13b J . Povey 14a D . Lauletta 14bT Fitzpatrick

15 M . Tyson 16 C. Reed 17 B . Ruzicka 18 P. Phillips 19 J. Law 20 S. Parker 21 K Brockman 22 C . Habe l 23 L Collins

24 J. Jadcomonis 25 M . Zaverella 26 N. Hayes 27 R. Lord 28 T. Cdvelli 29 P. Barker 30 3 1 32

33 P. Stroud 34 R . Johnston 35 S. Davies 36 A. West 37 M . Daou 38 B . Bruns 39 G. Cade 40 P. Rossftto

41 J . Bogie 42 D . McGlenchy 43 1 . Chepa 44 B. Alder 45 B. Mountain 46 T. O'Hanlon 47 D, Lahiff 48 A. Bdck 49 N. Tierney 50 J. Gourley

51 S. Signorini 52 C. Frost 53 M . Preston 54 J . Berry 55 A . Saull e

56 M. Coglan 57 B. Collins

58 T Dixon 59 A. Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M . Gray 62 A. Johnsen 63 D. Kealy 64 N. Kudeweh 65 G. Lilywhtte 66 C . Lorenz

67 S, McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov . . . . , .. ..

Sponsor Scoble's Nurser y

Tile Importers

70 A. Patton 71 S. Williams

72 M . Waller ..

73 J . Williams

75 E . Sill

Lord l,i w Y}J 1-1 o te l N ohist Fiizroy : Tony Ch atulli Res: David

1 A. Collins 2 G . Broadley 3a A. Knot t 3b N . Patterson 4a S. Stevens 4b B. Glover 5a S. Avery 5b T. Kerr 6a P. Avery 7 C. Alexande r 8 J . Cargll; 9 R . Ogge

76 C Picke d 77 A . Sm ith

78 D . Carter


16 A.Brennan 17 J,Brodle 18 A.Hewltt 19 S.White 20 A.Murphy 21 D.Edmurxi s 22 S .Wilcock 23 S .Craig 24 S .Edwards 25 M .Fannin g 27 S .Pruscino 28 C .Ross 29 A.Randell 30 J.Smith 31 R .Man n 32 S.Gemmola 36


40 R.Slater 42 D.Gleeson 43 A.Poutton 44 S .Linehan 45 D.McMeekin 47 A .Samson 50 K .Hopkins 54 TPeters 55 A.Cummings 56 J.Nield 57 A.Woolmer 63 J.Laidlaw 70 J. Dumaresq 75 S.Gellert A.Baille R.Baker ABenton S .Bland C.Bowden

1-1 C , . U , , s" : ore Re C- i h : Par McKenn a 1 S . Banda 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D. MacKenzie (VC) 4 B . Varkatzo s 5 C . Kokkinos 7 M. Short 8 R . Marshal l 9 J. Moutis 10 R. Mitchell 11 C. Hanley 12 R. Dooley 13 D. Britt

14 P. Malcolm 15 G. Redford

16 M. Bell 17 L. Cu rtai n 1 3 J. Connellan 19 R. Keatin g 20 J. Tolle y 21 A. Perdikomati s 22 S. Ea r 23 J . Kerley 24 S . Kitt s 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitts (VC) 27 G. Smith 28 B . Anderson 29 D . Sowersby 30 P. Holden 31 T. Bromley C

32 J. Brow n 33 M . Clark 34 B . Evan s 35 R. Nusk e 36 M . Ryan 37 P. Torpe y 38 S. Cammiss 39 A. Mulhollan d


40 J. Goa l

B .Clutterdbuck M.Cotsopoulos H .Davies N .Dejanovic Tponohu e gg~ j E1liottsdaY J .Eyre P,Farrant C.Frands

41 M. Cas h

D.Gilmou r

J .{''nffin D .Hill R .Hosking D .Hufkr S.Jackson D .Kerrison C .Knee B.Launikonis

PL~ T.U g htteot A.R1ann P.Marozzi -McNamara M .Millar

B,O'Connor X.O'Donnell S.OToole D .Patience S.PaHerson M .Paull

42 43

S. Dalton P.Lucas

44 N. Smith 45 G . Chapman

46 B . Nguyen 47 M . Stevenso n 48 A . McKenzi e 49 S. Collins 50 J. Cain 51 L. Kennedy 52 C. Cooke 53 T. Hunt 54 O . Parton 55 A. Gook 56 J . Pa e 57 B . Wouters z 58 E . Bennett 59 P. Ciavarell a 60 S. Clarke 63

A. Ju ry


M . Ogilvie

S.Pitarl A.Placeo

C.Port e r H.Russell P.Stewa rt J .Thorn r J,Waterrnan


n Taylor intgomery is (c) s(vc)

an James rstantinidis qmpbell (c)

vi- 1 (vc)

r'-'erett . .= C . }y Hutchison M . Mahon 15 N . Bull 16 R. Graham 17 A. Parton 18 B . Chiuchiarelli

1 9 T Wood

19 P. Drake (Cr) ?a J . Raftopoulos T. Collins C. Battle Ps >nden Unkles j 5 L . Chiuchiarelli (vcr)

Wood 28 D . Blonde 29 C . Munro 30 A. Guerra 31 J. Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England

34 H . Thomas 35 S . Hardyy 36 S. Wood 37 S . Jessup 38 L. Guerra (vcr)

39 C . O'Reilly 40 S . Angus 41 A . Gates (Cr) 42 P. Busse

43 D . Joyce 44 N . Detarczynski 45 T. Bull

46 H . Giannikos 50 J . White Si R. Hall 55 J . Boag 58 J . Boncher 59 C. Mason 62 P. Tompkins 64 C. Smith 65 D . Elsner 67 C . Hickey 68 S. Hart 69 O . Winchester 70 J. Marshall 71 S. Feehan 74 S. Mees 75 C . Smith 76 D . Grinzi

77 B . Spedding 82 D . Paul

Coacn : el !


s: Eon Dunn 1 S . Maloney 2 S. McMahon 3 J . Fitzclarence 4 C. Sticnchcombe

5 M . Vickers-Willis 6 J . Bel l 7 J. Paul 8 T. Seymour 9 D . Salter 10 M. Avery 11 L . Stevens 12 N . Perrin 13 S. O'Brien 14 D . Taylor 15 H . McCarthy 16 T. Fallaw 17 M . Goldsworthy 18 J . Malpas

: Julian Sill C Re . (;each : 8r n Cronin 1 S . Parsons 2 A. Parsons

3 M . Gold' thorn 4 E . Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angus 9 M . Dentry 9 P. Krohn (res.) 10 A. Haley 11 J. Sill 12 S. Ferguson 13 B. Cook

14 S. White 15 J. Davis

16 S. Claringbold

20 S . Cole

17 J. Coghlan 18 M . Merrick 18 J. Whelan (res .)

21 N . Bayne

19 A. McKinstry

22 J . Fitzgerald 23 C. Fairburn 24 A . Munro 25 G . Leishman 26 S . Lansdell 27 W. Paul 28 T. Carey 29 G . Allan 30 M . Stevens 31 T. Woolley 32 N . Betts 33 T. Paul 34 B. Yates

20 S. Prendergast 21 A. Teelo w 22 A. Atchison (C) 23 R . Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchison 26 A . Murphy 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 S . Torossi 30 A . Crean 31 B . Grant 32 B . L uzzi

35 P. Johnstone

33 R. Stainforth

36 T. Ayerbe 37 T. Betts 38 M. Leslie 39 S. Clarke 40 H . Legoe 41 P. Winter 42 A . Kettle 43 D . O'Brien 44 A . Dhillon 45 S . Morgan 46 L. Knight 47 M . Strauch 48 S . Greed 49 S . GrrTrths 50 L. Teague

34 M . Falkiner 35 T. Trewhitt 36 N. Claringbold 37 J. Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Barber 40 B. Mitchell 41 A. Mdotto

19 B . Grills

51 J . Kilpatrick 52 J . Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 T. Daniel 55 D. Harris 56 A. Mee k 57 J . Huxter 58 B. Brueren 59 D. Brueren 60 A. Southey

81 A. Holmes 62 J. Morley 63 D. Huggins 64 X. Fitzgerald 65 A. McLachlan

42 M. Barron

43 B. Dunne 44 C . Maclean 45 L . Prendergast 46 D . Brennan 47 L. Palmer 48 G. Lethbridge

49 A . Minchin 50 P. Arnold 51 L. Gilder 52 J . Zarb 53 S . Jay 54 D . Porra 55 R. Cannon 56 A . Tunks

Coach: Ji n Stebrand R : Dam i Shaw

1 M Drain / A Hamilton 2 P. Hamilton 3 G . Heppell 4 C. Lehmann 5 A. Cannane 6 S. Pietsc h 7 S. Benjamin 8 P. Batters 9 A. Morphett 10 S. Byrne

11 H . Bailey 12 B. Clarke

13 M . Ritchie 14 P. Norman 15 M . Russel l 16 P. Harristf Maguire

17 R . Heywood 18 M . McManus 19 M . Shelto n 20 T. Houlden 21 S . McNamar a 22 A . Steward 23 G. Leahy 24 J . Jenkin 25 J . Siebrand 26 R. Benjamin 27 D. Disist o 28 J . Ward 29 C. Sheedy 30 M . Lewis 31 S . Edwards 32 M . Carmichael 33 T. T hompson 34 I . Twyford 35 D. Jelbart 36 S. Campbell 37 T. Dempsey 38 S. Darling 39 R . West 40 R . Baker At P . Touze z 42 C . Norman 43 J. Tobin 45 J. Smith 46 A . Bandt 47 A . Thompson 48 M . Moore 50 A . Bagnall 51 L Sherry

to r: uene Maclecm .h : Cameron McKenzie 2 J . Buttio_ie g 3 D . Nlouda 4 S . Wuchatscl i

5 TWhepler 6 N. Grant 6 D. Grieve 7 B . Robinson 8 B . Hann 9 J . Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 B. Twist

12 A. Featherston 13 A. Mackley 14 J. Wyatt 15 J. Trnham 1 6 S. Phemister 17 M. Kenned y 18 D . Oldham

19 S. Barlow 19 P. Dervan

20 P. Geraghty 21 L. Monkhurs t 22 J . McCutcheon 23 B . Joseph

24 C . Poch 25 G. Burgess 25 P. Thomson 26 D . Lee 27 B . Grant 28 A . Kosmatos

29 B . Giffin 30 tGrk Dowse y 31 C. Gauci 32 A. McCutchea n ~ B.Jone s 35 C. Bergi n 36 M . Imms 37 B. Hyne s 38 J. Hyne s 39 A. Carter

54 D. Coonan

40 S. Jamieson

61 K . Hilton 62 S . Dishon 63 J . Gartlan

Al A. McKenzie 42 D . Elia s 43 C . Pach 44 tA . Manning 45 J . Digrazia 46 M . Sim e 47 B . Koch 4g V . 0'FIynn 49 J . Robinson 50 A. Bouras 51 M . Saunders 52 B . Jones 53 J . Stree t 54 P. Trchett 55 R. Nisbet 69 S. Freeman

64 L. Stewart 69 R. Hussey 70 D. Weston 71 M . Brookshaw 75 P. Brunt 85 T. Gross

57 S . Smith

58 P. Mangan 59 S . Foss 60 S . McMahon 69 J . Muir

66 R . Merriman 67 T. de Steiger

Morning Star Hotel 3 Elect r a S t Williamstown

68 H . Browning 69 T. Mayhall

70 J . Cole 75 P. Jame s

+ 7s HC .. PPeck hIhard




9397 6082 29

Original and pink copy must be lodged with urti~lres n . later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

SPORTSCOVER (Present,-:, I (ccst c-.: a `~~:al ca (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

• Week e: atc' 3 (Fri) Umpires :' nents Scores (Sat . night)


The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval. When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30


R 2003

Each section s Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ~ 21 M1fP's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening,



Ex umpiring great .. ra..:nan, wi .o s,arted his career as a B&F ! . .~ i th 'S-:i and after injury took up the . ,-ipicked l -s best team from th e piayers he'd seen in -5 years and the boys lined up as follows : B: Bernie Angel (St . Bern &- U . Blues) Rick Pisarski (0 ?tlelb) Paul Considine (NOB ) HB : Mick Deveson (DLS) Jim Bennett (Coll) Bruno Conti (NOB) C : Tony King (li Blacks) Roger Paul (O Hail) Phil Kingston (Orm ) HF: Ian McMullin (O ihefb) Ian Cordner t0 Melb) Anthony Evans (DLS ) F: Shane Slurphy (Kew & DLS) John Butcher (Cant Gr & 0 Geel) Ian Rice (Coll ) Rucks : Michael Y°o It Blues), Bruce Bourne (Orm), Barre Church (U Blues ) iC : Simon Eishoid (Orm), Fergus Kiel (O Scotch) Charlie Capiron (St . Kilda CBCOB), Andrew Sm}the (Bull Temp) . In C. fourth and fifth placed St . Bodes OC and O1 :' " elong met in a match that could probably decide fourth place . St. Bedes were too strong in ,he second half to - : r• to win 13 . 1 3 (91) to 10 .9 #69). Best were G(ui , ~ ?a .i e Ruder (St . B) and Liascos Poole Vickers-Willis (OG). St . ~t . .ins OB held on to second position in -`_ en tl : :^. :o ;rk e, Cr after quarter time to beat fourth placed Ole ' ._ ntians . 16 .14 (110) to 12 .8 (80). Best were Frascr, Ciavoia Gross (S[ J :, and Hohne, McDougal l

Thompson (OM) .

St Patrick's Mentone. . B : tf ` ; d the Sullic brothers, Tim . Man, pyiicht i . ' ; and ] ~. ni who last , lined up toge any other club b.~ Younger b 3

The . :.1:A Secu- , After a convinci : :, earlier, they de: _

game that c, id ~ showpiece of : 'convigr The team linea r Bks : B . Cont i

Richardson (C H .Bks: R . (Old Hail) , C: P . Thiessen ( H. Fwd : M . Be (Old X) . Fwd : B . Conn(St Bern) . Rks : W. Cares (Old Bright) .

i1C: D . Crowe (De . LPhilps(OdH) Barry Richardso n 34

Johnston (chairman) , Paul, Peter

Hutchinson and Neil Trophies wer e 'd to Robert Fuller a_ Matthew Bourke . -e medical team was led by Dr . Ray Crm


Smith, trainer Ken Evans-Smith and Geoff "Buck" . ''whom gave wonderful support to the players . ds (A) met Old Brighton . Both w


;ation. Old Brighton led 10 .8 to 3 .8 - h but disr--)eared in the second half as St Ber : d_< 2 .5 to get up to win by 5 points . Best we d, areell (St B) and Perrv, Meehan . Lad e

tefriars (9th in B with four wins) contina ._ r, . : against Old Yentonians (3rd i t {n ;=9 point win at OM's home ground, to 35 .' 108) . 'B' Section Press Correspor: :` i-)e1 ::-~id, ,^rote "Panthers should he ashamec selves" .

ur rounds to go, 71, S , u--~ s ti%'-°. and


?:averiatn wert c n ^re , r.:e behir

n you

: .

;rth to the day in his column in Umpires' Corner, when laimed that Thursday Night each week was the har d Ming night - two kilometre run, exercises, sprinting, unning routines - the only thing you missed out on Mic k I the running up the ground report to players . The n iI

- SA's first win in Victoria since 1937 . Only five Victorians, M . Callinan (Ivanhoe), C . McRae (Uni Blacks), J . Aughton (St Bernards), J . Anderson (Old Scotch) and Andrew Ireland (Ivanhoe) were selected in the "All Australian Team" .

oerhaps you always miss the exercise .

id (A) moved the club clear of "relegation stakes " they beat Old Xaverians by 5 points in a game tha t . Best were Russell, , tight all day . 15 .16 to 15.11 Barnes, Ritchie (Orm) and J . Curtain, S . Curtain . Denton p, Xav) .

Thomastown (E) preserved their unbeaten record when they comfortably beat fourth team Peninsula Old Boys . . 18-11 to 9.9 . with stars for the Towners, Pavera, Fellows Leifer, Steele . Parsons, Kelly . Milestones at Caulfield Grammarians with 200 games to 'Mouse' Worthington, including four best and fairest (U19 and three reserves) and 150 games to Warwick 'Wocka' Watson, B&F for club in 1979, runner-up in 'B' B&F in 1982, and former captain and committee member and Treasurer . Hampton Rovers, second in 'C' got a fright from bottom team MHSOB before winning 21 .12 to 19 .9 in a high standard game . Rovers to shine were Rose (5 goals) . Nash, Clark, Wilson, Stephens, Hibbs . Power House held onto fourth place in 'D' when they beat third team Fawkner 17 .9 to14 .14. Best were Saroni . Newton, Briggs (PH) and Harrop, Antocci . Merson ,Fawk) . _ 2 _ =__ . _ _- -- -- C_ -One ot vid Halleyburians' old stagers Ross Bannon, created a club record, and one that would be hard to beat - playing his 50th game in 14 years . first playing with the club in 1964 . The length of time between games is no indication of "Roscoe's" ability for he won the club's B&F in 1967 . With only 4 rounds to go, 'A' Section was very open with the bottom five teams all with a slim chance of reaching the four . North Old Boys (Junior 1) and Old Melburnians (B Reserve) remained the only undefeated teams in the competition . Ivanhoe experimented with playing Juniors, Reserves and Seniors on the same ground .

200 games to Ian, the youngest of Alphington's Harris brothers.

100 games to Fawkner's Darryll Foley . the club's leading ruekman since joining the VAFA, and to Old Ivanhoe's "Big John" Stevens . who had triumphed over three knee operations .

"The Carnival was over" and no j oy for Victoria as they went down in the final game to S .A. by 22 points, Our shocking inaccuracy, 7 .18. was the losing factor as the victors kicked 12.10 . On play . Victoria did not deserve to be as close as that, but had they kicked straight in second half, would have won it . 4 .13 in that period, and many shots out of bounds . It was a great triumph for S .A. the first time they had won two successive carnivals . the first time a South Australian player had won B&F Medal at Carnival - their vice captain Paul Rofe, was the winner. the first time Victoria had been beaten in a Carnival match in Melbourne . Victoria's lowest score ever in a Carnival match .

Rod ;:icFarlane kicked 10 goals for Coburg in their easy win over Old Scotch 17 .19 .121 to 8 .10.58 . QUIZ: How many times did Rod McFarlane top 'A' Section goalkickers? Who did he play VFL football with? In very wintry conditions, home team, Monash Uni 3 .7 .25 defeated UHSOB 1 .4 .10. Only 1 point was scored against the wind in the entire game .

Jack Bray played his 50th game for Monash University since coming from Melbourne Uni . Jack held the unique record of being the only player to win a B&F award and a full blue from both Universities . Footscray Tech, on top in 'C' Section with only one defeat, had a good win over Old Melburnians 17 .17 (119) to 9 .13 (67). Funshon (7), Dvter and Scott starred for Tech, while Robertson, Clark and Wilson were best for OM's . Old Paradians and Uni Blues two games ahead of Caulfield Grammar and Uni Blacks, appeared safe for the top two positions . __Late Savings Ban? ruii oack, Bill Petering, a grea t clubman and committee member, play- :1 his 100th galue .

Australian Amateurs, after meeting very strong and unexpected opposition from NSW won by 10 points to take out Division 2 Championships . Murrumbeena's 'jack of all trades' Norm Sharpe starred in yet another position last week - full back . John Layon, Powerhouse's fast and elusive forward pocket reached the double century, spread over 11 seasons . John coached Powerhouse in 1956 when they won promotion to 'A' section .

In a battle for second position in A . Old Xaverians and State Savings Bank lined up as follows : Old Xavs : Gillen, Carroll, Keogh, Burnes, Doyle . Dyett, Raffaele, Johnson . Greenway, CollopY, Capes, Rhoden . Day. Ralph . Callen, Slattery . Corby . Gibson, W . Seabrook, Andrews . SSB : McNeil, Petering, Bennett, Walters, Daly, Watson McPherson, Strachan . Surtees, Harris, Salmon, Crushing, Hill, Supplett, Preston. Ellis, D . Douglas, Reside, Gillately, . Coxhill. In a very scrambly game Old X . won 8 .10 to 4 .7 Best were Gibson . Johnson, Capes (Old X .) and McNeill, Petering, Supplett (SSB). Former VAFA players in VFL Carnival Team were Laurie ;tthen (Melbourne-Ormond). Neil Roberts (St Kilda< :ISOB) . Owen Abrahams JFitzroy-C .F, .and Ray G-'--In flollingwood-Parkside)

St Kiid ,n .'':eir first league _-=me for atches and Caulfield Grammarians had their first K_ :: I : . :ie scason CG's p : ss correspondent claimed that 째'~ Ida's Victory robbed his team of headlines in Saturdays Sporting Globe . Every team visiting Geelong was lavish in their praise of hospitality extended - Bruce Wymess was president .

Uni Blacks and Old Melburnians were safe in the top two positions with Hampton Rovers . Coburg and Old Scotch battling for third and fourth . Ormond had a slim chance of making the four . 35



36 3 'z 7 24 0 -3

t 0



$1000 drat., on S :y 2 7 ad provides alcohol, food an d 12 .00 noon , for mor Dn . 2 host thei' . . gt ;t speakers, past <trd . Tickets and d 1ub, contact Shane Lee on C =eeks away, but Vol a rn' 'ions for cite z

i - social no be oi" I deafly by 5pm Mon ii via fa ;, on 9920 9097 or c .aail .PS .Vdilliamson@centrelink (work) . I t iculd be ~rrific to h,r from every team, every week du~ :'- e season . C'mon people . get those reports in!

10.3 1 8 .7 0 151 5.8 7.9 (51 ) is, A . leely 3, T. Wilson ann . S. Gallus, A. icely. 41fle 2, T. Heath, S . I Best: T. Heath, S.

and boL`, p for the Gryphs today . S+ 1 players joined at the start of 2001 and have hardly (ssed any gaines -sinee . An on-baIler with a rare combination of grit and smooth skill, Adrian has won the senior Best an d Fairest in both his full seasons at the club and m a well be a possibility for a "three-peat" while Adam is a vice captain of the reserves who is known for his baL aiming ability and his crisp left ioot Good lu^? ! both of you today from everybody at the Gr >hs i

Gss,ood v South ivielb Distrie

Power House v St Johns 0 C THE / AATEUR FOOTBALLER




------------- -

ELSTERN"1 ; ~~ : : Coach: Peter Oliven Res Coach : Andrew Cu rtain 1 L. Murphy 2 A . Hankin 3 J . Yemm 4 S . Rosenga rten 5 M . Whela n 6 D. 7 J . 09. 8 S . Currie 9 T. HartleY 10 R . Bravinqt on 11 L MissagTia 12 N . Wigmore 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahony (VC) 15 B. Hooper 16 M . Surman 17 J. Perkins 18 C . McKenna 19 J. Hunte r 20 E. Goldman 21 P. Stuchber ry 22 G . Elvin rt (DVC) 23 S. Cu ain 24 A. Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C . Mahony ( C) 27 M. Daniels 28 V. O 'Connor 29 S. Mahony 30 M. Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 C . Ly ons 33 M. Cunningham 34 J. Beaumont 34 A. Contin 速 35 P. McNally 36 Y. Alfie 37 D . Nolan (CR) 38 A. Burney 39 M .Thiele 40 A. Paley 41 D . Byrne 42 J . Lilikakis 43 P. Clarke 44 C . Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 M . Strickland 47 N. Uttin 48 M .. Fran en 49 D. Hohaia 50 M . Battain i 51 G . Powell 52 M . Purcell 53 A. Lewis 54 J . Devitt 55 S . Stephens 56 B . Erlich 57 J . Donovan 58 M . Mitchell 59 T. Perkins 60 M . Creak 61 M . Hunt 62 B . Maher 63 D. Brewster 64 S . Vukis 65 D. Kirk ri ght 66 E . After


San : Rohan Doherty Res : Paul Gregor 1 J . Doumis (RDVC) 2 L Fitzgerald 3 D. Behan 4 G . Crimmins 5 C. Delaney 6 N . Tinetti 7 B . Dover 8 D. Mainsbridge (VC) 9 P. Witchelt 10 B . Cullen (C ) 11 B . Woodhouse (VC) 12 M . Gridley 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J . Looker 15 F. Lamann a 16 D . Wood 17 B . Alle n 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Dennis 20 A . Acfield 21 M . Ayres (VC) 22 C . Stephens 23 J . De Blank 25 C . Watts 26 S . Symes (RVC) 27 T. Moore 29 M . Dal ry mple 30 C . Giansante (RC) 31 D . tanni 32 A . Drago 33 D . Wayland 34 J. Bortone 35 R . Bruno 36 B. Marchesani 37 S. Johnston 38 J. Ritchie 39 A . Eaton 40 J. Ferrantino 41 R . Livingston 42 J. Pilkington 43 A. Bort one 44 A. Makris 45 G. Evens 46 B. Van Zuiden 47 A. Lawler 48 S. Mikrou P. Dennis (RDVC) 50 A. Carman 51 M. Blair 52 N . Gill 53 S. Osborne 54 J. Renou 55 A. Meek 56 T. Frith 57 L . Jensen 58 B. Burnett 59 J. Rakusz 60 M. Andersson 61 M. Glenn 62 R . Falleti 63 N . G ri cks 64 J. Cronin 65 D . Kinross 66 R . McKerrow 67 J . Bell

A. Patnaude AUSTRALIAN UNITY 68 69 A. Robe rts E~~ CK U速TE, 70 J . Paton

Proudly sponsored by :



, ''U速US Coach : Jack McDonald Asst Coach : Phil Knight 1 S. Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady 4 N. Ruthe rford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D. Baxter 7 D. Wafte r g J . glandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 D. Bolle 15 A. Pe rry 16 P. Rennison 17 J . Hetherington 18 J . Harrak 19 R. Coxhead 20 D. Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G. Harrak 23 A. Mckenzie 24 C. Goold 25 A. Trott er 26 S . Arena 27 R. Gilch ri st 28 M . Malone 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A. Totongos 33 J . Park 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G. Block 37 A . Jenkin 38 J . Watson 39 M . Paolucci 40 M . Bourbon 41 B Rutherford 42 G. Sims 43 M . Cleary 44 L. Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 M . Angel 49 C. Robinson 50 P. Patrick 51 C . Leeton 52 A . Flowerday 53 D . Whitfield 54 L. Volkov 55 J . Bingham 56 T. Baini 57 W. Pococ k 58 T. Arvanitis 59 A . Yanni 60 G. Campbell 61 C . Yanni 62 S . Yamamoto



Coach: Brett Devlin Asst: Peter Bacon Res : Gary De an

Coach: Tony West Res. Coach: Shan e McLauchlan

1 M . Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou 4 B . Turner (VC) . 5 M . Braini (VC) . 6 H . Clarke 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L. Fraser 10 J . Rainey 11 J . Gill 12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J Harris 14 . W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler Senior (C) 16 R . Anderson 17 C . Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D . Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 Sa Evans 23 R . Clifford 24 Ni Bishop 25 M. D riessen 26 J. Senior 27 Je Robertson 28 P. Cooper 29 M. Davis 31 R . Marshall (RC) . 32 M. Verberne Se(VC) 33 A. Ristovsk i 34 J. Marshal l 35 J. Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S. West 38 T. Brownjohn 39 R. Owen 40 M . Tkjob 41 Rh Black P. Arnold 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 C. King 47 T. Marshall 48 M . Stanley 49 D. Harris 50 M . D'Intin o 51 Ja Best 53 D. Bowden 54 J. glovrfiel d 55 B. Phillips 56 T. McFarlane 57 A. Calma 58 Ja McClure

2 Purcell G. 3 Page S. 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S. 7 Whitehead B . 8 Ellio tt K . 9 Clarke M . 10 Albanis J . 11 Moule B . 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B . (Capt .) 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R. 18 Pe ttman M. 19 Collins D. 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M . 25 Weston S. 27 Temming L . 28 McDonald D. 29 Baines M. 32 Sinnet P. 33 King J . 35 Certo C . 36 Henry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Ritey C . 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R. 44 I oely A. 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R . 47 Soutaris A. 48 Bugeja N . 49 McGovern N . 50 Souta ri s D . 51 MacPherson B. 52 Jordon A. 54 Kosta M . 56 Hatty G. 57 McMahon N. 58 Woodall D . 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbury H. 77 O 'Callagh an M .

63 I . Bracken Village Belle Hote l

CICG Guilders JumpStart Communications

Eagle Imagin g Tile lm porter s


en s Asst: Jon Ladson Res: R ~s A. Borgonha ~ M . Ladson G, Wilson S. Holmes C . Horb u ry A. Dobso n R Back

L. Johnston


A . Jone s M . Courmadiou s J . Kell y p, Walker 4 . Jones R . Walker P. Sharp

T Hyland A. Paterson S. Cockayne jg C . Emery 19 J . Cotton G. Beale Yy S . Ko PPens A . Dragwidge B . Hilton M . Waters H. Watnan 25 D. Waters 26 G . Waters 27 R . Dowse tt ?8 B. Pe tt igrew ?g D . Jankovi c 30 N . Gate s 31 D . Rydquist 32 A . Rud d 33 A . Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 S . Chessum 37 D. Christian 38 M . Batty 39 S. McEachern 40 F. Mandraki s 41 J. Fernando 42 C . Jone s 43 M . Van Houten 44 M . Schonewill e 45 A . Hal l 46 B . Gallery 47 G . Bastone 48 J . Hargreave s 49 A. Kizilis 50 J . Brow n 51 C . Santoni 52 N . Moore 53 J, Pi 54 L. Mara

55A B . Pickering 55B D . Sanders

57 A . Rafferty 53 G. Roberts 59 J . Ross J . Ryan D.'landert+ert Carmody

Ch: Je> Ass Coach : Dick l urpin Coach: Derek Thoene Coach: Brendan Maloney Res. Coach : Tony Psinas Res . Coach: Darren Duscher Asst Cc - ~h : Anthony Albert Res Ass. Coach : Nick Murray 1 J . Washington Res : David Murphy 1 A. Turpin 2 M . Hannan Res . Asst : Matt hew Higgins 2 I. Bingham {VC) 3 M . Balshaw A. Albe rt (C) 3 M. Joy 1 4 A. B ryso n 2 J . Sheedy (VC) B . Bayliss 5 S. King 3 J . Piotrowski 4 P. Henderson (VC) 6 Warren Rosowski 4 A. Fidler . Hannett 5 D 7 A . Hannan 6 V. Won g 5 J. Dema rte 8 X . Kidd DVC P. Gleason 6 B . P ri or ( 9 B . Powell ) 7 A. Burns 7 J. Fv?urcFie 10 G. McDonald 8 R. Bennett . Higgins 8 M 11 L. Ester 9 D. Rich ar dson 9 L. Morrison 12 S . Rocco J . Cropp 10 C. French 13 E . Henderson 10 T. Psinas 14 D. Bell 11 D. Milano 10 A. Hallyburton 15 B. L azzaro 13 J . Barry 11 J . Ritter 16 M . Thomas 14 R. Goode 12 J . Morsel 17 P. D'Andrea 15 M. Howat 13 S . Miller 18 B. Mart in 16 S. Reynoldson 1 4 S . O'Boyle ( R.VC) 19 A. Reid 17 J. Robe rts (RC) 15 N . Murray 20 W. Brown 18 A . Fiumani 16 J . Fleming G. Rowe 19 B . O'Mara 17 L Fuller 23 B . Downing 21 S . Eager 18 M . Bircamn 24 J . Raeburn . Thomas 22 C 19 A. Thompson 25 P. Hannan . Fitzgibbon 23 S 20 I . Mackenzie (VC) 27 P. Cheevers 24 C. Higgins 20 C. Hall 30 M . Brad y . Whiting 25 M 21 L Devon 31 S. Hermann 26 T Liston 22 M. Buckley 32 D . McGee . Murphy 23 R . Avery 27 D 33 M. Doyle 24 M. Macfarlane 28 S. Mallo ry 34 M. Fer n 25 C . Clark (R .VC) . McCalman 29 M 35 N . Maojen 26 A . Morrison . Hudgson 30 M 36 J. McCauley 27 M . Leplaa 32 P. Beynon 37 M . Rosowski 28 A . Frederick 38 S . Symes 33 A . Vaughn 29 C. Beaumont 39 A . Briglia 34 A . Fricke 30 B. Holland 40 G . Cox 36 J . Ca rter 31 A. Richardson (R.C) 42 G . Gaylo r 37 A. Reed (RVC) 32 L . Hannemann 43 W . D'Andrea 38 M . Trick y 33 T. Bartholomew (RVC) 44 C . Daalder 39 R. Robe rts 34 N . Hunter 47 N . Pantzopotous 40 S. Bailey 35 C . Cachia (C) 49 T. Sutherlan d At B. Menzies 36 T Fleming 53 E. Bouchard 42 S. Fragiacomo 37 B . Robinson 55 J. Pohlner 43 J . Andrinopolous 38 M . Christianse n 59 Wayne Rosowsk i . Ryan 44 M 39 D. Hallisey 62 S . Aquiline . Islip 45 D 40 B . Thomas 63 B . Slade 46 J . Sandhu 41 M . Moresi 65 D. Thomas Morris 47 T. 42 M . James 66 D. McKerrow 48 D. Li le 43 A. Brown tt 71 T. Baade 49 J . Dunsford 44 K. Bradford 45 H . Rosenhain 50 P. Dodds 46 S. Williams 51 P. James 46 D . Kennet 52 H . Allen 47 C . Hayes 53 J. Thompson 48 D. Reynolds 54 M. Eley 49 A . Herrman n 55 L . Wa tts 50 P. Agnello 57 C . Farrington 51 C. Discombe 58 M . Flack 52 S. Anderson 59 C . Gelley 53 B. Smith 60 D. Harmer 54 P. Sheer SPONSORS 61 D. Clai r 55 T. McLenna n 62 R. Kiss 56 A . Treasure Albert Par k


indoor Sports Centre

64 . .', . c I; ;ec 65 J. Hen ry 66 S. Gallina

, A r.


Estate D erita Woodland M cGee Financial Services

Coach : Tim c _ Res . Coach: Paul Smith 1 D. Nedinis 2 C Kelly 3 D. Flack 4 S. Kid d 5 B. Cunningham 6 M. Wals h 7 A . Murphy 8 R . Hann 9 J . Ayling 10 M . Keog h 1 11 M . Green 12 J . Bake r 13 F. Mehmert

14 J . Marinis

15 J . Waller t 16 C . Yase r 17 A. Tedessco 18 D . Velish a 19 J . Addam o 20 E . Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A . Dibatist a 23 C. Becke r 24 R. Stonehouse 25 F. Dimasi 26 P. Thomas 27 L. Djakovi c 28 D . Czajowski 29 S. Dole 30 B. Carlesso 3 1 M . S m i th 32 M . Dolegowsk i 33 D . Owen s 34 J . Hoffman 35 S . Alabacos 36 R. Bell 37 R. Matiszi 9 38 T. Towers 39 L . langfi eld 40 B. Pato n 41 G . Groga n 42 43 L. Carson 44 T. Johnso n 45 C. Alabakis 46 A . Carson 47 A. Camille ri 48 E . Collier 49 B. Groga n 50 K. Pace 51 I . Kennedy 52 C . Andrew s 53 A . Grogan 54 55 56 57 58 59 M . Kennedy 60 M . Czajowsk i 61 T. Johnston 62 63 E. Collier 64 R . Bell 65 F. Dimasi 66 D . Fraser.

Major Sponsors :

Pros~d~p spol . . : F1 =


D3 LATE, ':,

Coach : Peter Oliven Res Coach : Andrew Curt ain 1 L . Murphy 2 A. Hankin 3 J. Yemm 4 S. Rosengart en 5 M . Whelan 6 D . H ogg 7 J . McAda m 8 S. Currie 9 T. Ha rtley 10 R. Bravington 11 L Missag(ia 12 N. Wigmore 13 S . Soppet ] 4 B . Mahony (VC) 15 B . Hooper 16 M . Surman 17 J . Perkins 18 C. McKenna 19 J . Hunter 20 E .Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G. Elvin (DVC) 23 S . Curtain 24 A . Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C . Mahony (C) 27 M . Daniels 28 V. O'Connor 29 S. Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G . Devonshire 32 C . Lyons 33 M. Cunningham 34 J. Beaumont 34 A. Conlin ei 35 P. McNally 36 Y. Atfie 37 D . Nolan (CR) 38 A. Burney 39 M .Thiele 40 A. Paley 41 D. Byrne 42 J . Lilikakis 43 P. Clarke 44 C. Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 M . Strickland 47 N. Utting 48 M . Franken 49 D. Hohaia 50 M . Battaini 51 G . Powell 52 M . Purcel l 53 A . Lewis 54 J . Devitt 55 S . Stephens 56 B . Erlich 57 J . Donovan 58 M . Mitchell 59 T. Perkins 60 M . Creak 61 M . Hunt 62 B. Maher 63 D . Brewster 64 S. Vukis 65 D . Kirkri ght 66 E. Alter



San : Rohan Doherty Res: Paul Gregor 1 J. Doumis (RDVC) 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 D . Behan 4 G. C ri mmins 5 C . Delaney 6 N . Tnet[i 7 B. Dover 8 D . Mainsbridge (VC) 9 P. Witchell 10 B. Cullen (C) 11 B. Woodhouse (VC) 12 M. Gridley 13 C . Kyriakou 14 J . Looker 15 F. Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 B. Allen 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 J . Dennis 20 A. Acfield 21 M . Ayres (VC) 22 C. Stephens 23 J . De Blank 25 C. Watts 26 S . Symes (RVC) 27 T. Moore 29 M . Dal ry mple 30 C. Giansante (RC) 31 D . lanni 32 A . Drago 33 D . Waylan d 34 J . Bort one 35 R . Bruno 36 B . Marchesani 37 S . Johnston 38 J. Ritchie 39 A . Eaton 40 J. Ferrantino 41 R . Livingston 42 J. Pilkington 43 A. Bortone 44 A. Makris 45 G . Evens 46 B. Van Zuiden 47 A. Lawler 48 S. Mikrou 49 P. Dennis (RDVC ) 50 A. Carman 51 M . Blair 52 N. Gil l 53 S . Osborne 54 J . Renou 55 A. Meek 56 T. Frith 57 L. Jensen 58 B . Burnett 59 J . Rakusz 60 M . Andersson 61 M . Glenn 62 R. Falleti 63 N . Gricks 64 J . Cronin 65 D . Kinross 66 R . McKerrow 67 J . Bell

68 A . Patnaude 69 A . Roberts 70 J. Pero n

Proudly sponsored by:


Coach: Jack McDonald Asst Coach: Phil Knight

1 S . Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N . Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D . Baxter 7 D . Wafter 8 J . glan dford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols ] 2 A. Gross ] 3 J. Stratford 14 D . Rolle 15 A. Perry 16 P. Rennison 17 J. Hetheri ngton 18 J. Harrak 19 R. Coxhead 20 D. Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G . Harrak 23 A. Mckenzie 24 C. Goold 25 A. Trotter 26 S. Arena 27 R. Gilchrist 28 M . Malone 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 J . Park 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G. Block 37 A . Jenkin 38 J . Watson 39 M . Paotucci 40 M . Bourbon 41 P. Rutherford 42 G. Sims 43 M. Cleary 44 L. Wells 45 J. Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T. Beslee 48 M. Angel 49 C . Robinson 50 P. Patrick 51 C . Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 D . Whitfield 54 L . Volkov 55 J. Bingham 56 T. Baini 57 W. Pocock 58 T. Arvanitis 59 A. Yanni 60 G . Campbell 61 C. Yanni 62 S. Yamamoto

ASE Coach: Brett Devlin Asst : Peter Bacon Res : Ga ry Dean I M. Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou 4 B B. Turner (VC) . 5 M . Braini C . 6 H. Clarke 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L. Fraser 10 J. Rainey 11 J. Gill 12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J . Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Hassler Senior (C) 16 R. Anderson 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D . Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 Sa Evans 23 R . Clifford 24 Ni Bishop 25 M. Driessen 26 J . Senior 27 Je Robe rtson 28 P. Cooper 29 M. Davis 31 R . Marshall (RC) . 32 M. Verberne Se(VC) 33 A. Ristovsk i 34 J. Marshall 35 J. Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S. West 38 T. Brownjohn 39 R. Owen 40 M . Tkjob 41 Rh Black 42 P. Arnold 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 C. King 47 T. Marshall 48 M . Stanley 49 D. Harris 50 M . D'Intino 51 Ja Bes t 53 D. Bowde n 54 J glowfield 55 B . Phillips 56 T. McFarlan e 57 A . Calm a 58 Ja McClure 63 I . Bracke n


Coach: Tony West Res. Coach: Shane McLauchla n 2 Pur ce ll G . 3 Page S . 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B. 8 Elliott K. 9 Clarke M .

10 Albania J. 11 Moule B. 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B. (Capt.) 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Harry R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D. 23 West M . 25 Weston S. 27 Temming L. 28 McDonald D. 2 9 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 3 3 King J. 35 Carlo C . 36 Henry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Riley C . 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R. 44 I celyA. 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R . 47 Soutaris A. 48 Bugeja N . 49 McGovern N . 50 Soutaris D . 51 MacPherson B. 52 Jordon A .

54 Koala M . 56 Harry G. 57 McMahon N. 58 Woodall D. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbu ry H . 77 O' Callaghan M .

Village Belle Hotel

U' CS Builders JumpSta rt Communication s




Eagle Imagin g Affiliated with RMIT University

Tile Impo rt ers


)n n olme s

y i -lorbur Dobson ack ~ lohnsto n


urmadiou s ally, Walker ne s Jalke r

.harp T yiand n A . Paterso S Cockayne C. Emery J, Cotton !3esley S. :oPP~ade 9 A. Drag . Hilton . Waters r`dathan D. Waters G . Waters R . Dowsett B, Pettigrew D . Jankovic : . Gates D. Fydquist A. Rudd ~ ~. Hancoc k

J . Sacco S . Chessum

7 D. Christia n â‚Źt M . Batty S. McEachern F. Mandrakis J. Fernand o 42 C .Jones M . Van Houten 4 M . Schonewill e A. Hall ~g B. Callery 17 G. Bastone }g J . Hargreaves }9 A . Kizilis 50 J . Brown 51 C. Santon 52 N . More J. P i

Coach: Brendan Maloney r Res. Coach: Darren Dusche 1 J . Washington 2 M . Hanna n 3 M . Balshaw 4 A. Bryson 5 S. Kin g 6 Warren Rosowski 7 A . Hannan 8 X . Kidd 9 B . Powell 10 G . McDonald 11 L . Este r 12 S. Rocc o 13 E . Henderson 14 D . Bell 15 B . tazzaro 16 M . Thomas i7 P. D'Andrea 18 B. Martin 19 A. Rei d 20 W. Brown 21 G. Rowe 23 B . Downing 24 J . Raeburn 25 P. Hannan 27 P. Cheevers 30 M . Brady 31 S. Hermann 32 D . McGee 33 M . Doyle 34 M . Fern 35 N . Moojen 36 J. McCauley 37 M . Rosowski 38 S. Symes 39 A. Briglia 40 G. Cox 42 G. Gaylor 43 W. D'Andrea 44 C. Daalde r 47 N . Pantzopolous 49 T. Sutherland 53 E. Bouchar d 55 J . Fortne r 59 Wayne Rosowski 62 S . Aquiline 63 B . Slade 65 D. Thomas 66 D . McKerrow 71 T. Bead s


. Pickerin g D. Sander s 7 A. Rafferty G . Robert s 59 J . ROSS 6 - 0 JR V t a 62 D. nderwer 54 C. Carmody

SPO N SORS Albe rt Par k

_) r c„nrt5 Centr e

Coach : Jeff am A_s. Coach: Dick lurpin Coach: Derek Thoene s . Cc_ch: Tony Psinas Asst C . ch : Anthony Albert Res Ass. Coach : Nick Murray Res: David Murphy 1 A . Turpin Res . Asst : Matthew Higgins 2 I. Bingham (VC) 1 A. Albert (C ) 3 M . Joy 2 J. Sheedy (VC) B. Bayliss . Piotrowsk i 3 J 4 P. Henderson (VC) a A . Fidle r 5 D . Hannett 6 V. Wong 5 J. Demarte P. Gleason 6 B. Prior (DVC) e 7 A . Burns 7 J . Murchi 8 R . Bennett 8 M . Higgins 9 D. Richardson 9 L. Morrison J . Cropp 10 C. French 10 T. Psinas 11 D . Milano 10 A. Hallyourton 13 J. Berr y 11 J . Rutter 14 R . Goode 12 J . Moresi 15 M . Howat 13 S. Mille r 16 S . Reynoldson 14 S. OBoyle (R .VC) 17 J . Roberts (RC) 15 N . Murray 18 A . Fluman i 16 J. Fleming 19 B . O'Mara 17 L Fuller 21 S . Eager 18 M . Bircanin 22 C. Thomas 19 A . Thompson 23 S. Fitzgibbon 20 I. Mackenzie (VC) 24 C . Higgins 20 C. Hal l 25 M . Whiting 21 L Devon 26 T. Liston 22 M . Buckley 23 R. Avery 27 D . Murphy 24 M. Macfarlane 28 S . Mallory 25 C . Clark (R .VC) . McCalman 29 M 26 A. Morrison 30 M . Hodgson 27 M. Leplaa 32 P. Beynon 28 A . Frederick 33 A.Vaughn 29 C. Beaumont 34 A. Fricke 30 B . Hollan d 36 J. Carter 31 A. Richardson (R.C) 37 A . Reed (RVC) 32 L. Hanneman n 38 M . Tricky 33 T. Bartholomew (RVC) 39 R. Roberts 34 N. Hunter 40 S . Bailey 35 C. Cachia (C) 41 B. Menzies 36 T. Fleming 42 S. Fragiacorno 37 B. Robinson 43 J . Andrinopolous 38 M. Christiansen 44 M. Ryan 39 D . Hallise y 45 D . Islip 40 B . Thomas 46 J. Sandhu 41 M . Moresi 47 T. Morris 42 M . James 43 A . Brown 48 D. Little 44 K. Bradford 49 J . Dunsford 45 H. Rosenhain 50 P. Dodds 46 S. Williams 51 P. James 46 D . Kennet 52 H. Alle n 47 C . Hayes 53 J. Thompson 48 D . Reynolds 54 M . Ele y 49 A . Herrmann 55 L. Watt s 50 P. Agnello 57 C . Farrington 51 C . Discombe 58 M. Flack 52 S . Anderson 59 C . Galley 53 B . Smith 60 D . Harmer 54 P. Shee r 61 D . Clair 55 T. McLennan 62 R. Kiss 5^o A. Treasur e n 6': S . 65 J. Henry 66 S. Gallina

Coz i: Tim Ellis Res. Coach : Paul Smit h D . Nedinis C. Kelly D. Flack S . Kid d B. Cunningham M . Walsh A. Murphy R. Hann J. Ayling M. Keogh M. Green J . Baker F. Mehmert J . Marini s 15 J . Wallert 16 C. Yaser 17 A.Tedessco 18 D. Velisha 19 J. Addamo 20 E. Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A. Dibatista 23 C . Becke r 24 R . Stonehouse 25 F. Dimas i 26 P. Thomas 27 L. Djakovic 28 D. Czajowski 29 S . Dol e 30 B. Carlesso 31 M . Smith 32 M . Dolegowski 33 D . Owens 34 J. Hoffman 35 S.Alabacos 36 R . Bel l 37 R . Matiszig 38 T. Towers 39 L. Langrield 40 B . Paton 41 G . Grogan 42 43 L. Carson 44 T. Johnson 45 C . Alabakis 46 A . Carson 47 A . Camilleri 48 E . Collier 49 B . Grogan 50 K . Pace 51 I . Kennedy 52 C. Andrews 53 A. Grogan 54 55 56 57 58 59 M, Kennedy 60 M . Czajowski 61 T. Johnston 62 63 E . Collier 64 R . Bell 65 F. Dimasi 66 D. Fraser.

Major Sponsors :

iei ; Woodland McGee Financial Services 39 THE AMATEUR


5 inton


;ax V'ittman

6 Not Available

6 Dash Peiris

7 Pal al Croxlbrd

7 Alan Lad d

7 Sean :,cu y (Jnr)

8 Trevor Hansen

8 Nick Evans

9 Me :

9 Damien Lane

9 Stephen Caple

9 Santo Caruso


10 Sean Scully (Snr)

10 Tristan Bowman

10 Shane Mele

11 'Mn :

11 Tom Hayso m

11 Paul'Rzppen

12 Jamie K),rins

12 Sean Rothe


6 D3



Adh ~



11 %.2



l12 Mar; : ~ miso n

12 Daniel )usley 14 Sharon A2ger

14 Ash Hoogendyk

14 Michael Gilday

14 Tim Tingiri

15 Geoff Curran

15 Doecke

15 Mark Jenkins

15 Michael Sneddon


16 -- Monty

16 Craig Brajtberg

16 Luke Ivtoncrieff

7 Dgh

17 Brett Horskope

17 Michael Robins

18 Tim Sutcliffe

18 George Paleodimos

19 Glenn Scotland

19 Peter Pulle n

20 Brian 147oodhead

20 David D' Altera

20 Geoff Kelly

21 Patrick Iviaebus

21 Gaj Skandakumar

21 Nick Ryd e

21 David Irons

22 Nick Fennesv

22 Chris Collin s

22 Rick Love

22 David Longworth

23 Paul Dinneen

23 Pete G


23 Robert Sneddon

24 Graeme Hunichen

24 Leigh Di ., n

24 Miles - . :.-gall

24 Jason Moor e

25 Geoff Moore

25 Lionel Katz

25 Richard Eastwood

25 Matthew Taylor

26 Andrew Shiels

26 Daniel Dinneen

26 Brad Rankin

26 Patrick Coulthard

27 Matt Cox

27 Anthony Simpson

27 Euan Lindsay

27 PaulJones

28 Paul Lamble

28 Ken McNiece

28 Leah Gallagher

28 Ron Martyn

29 Chris Garcia


29 Gerard Rolfs

29 Peter Liddel l


30 Simon Olive

0 Anthony Lilley

31 Rob Srhuller

32 Jarrod Aspinall

Peter Woods

17 Mark Gibson

r Simpso n

18 Jason ivicNiece 19 Steve McCarthy 20 John Ralph

30 Al :`--i Lipson 31

.y Calderon

4 Daniel Stephen s 35 Dianne 'Whiteley


g Fm`;aatl tlntpiti t'l' Diann -e

c ~fa~


JP GAyX & D . . .this quote was so true , 째tnered i thousand as of Limpues from eact Ire, ts worth a number ;a rs Ait~ e here was electrfy'inb'A 1~g nosp ia~tmenc~`hen in walked the at ~,e clubroom for eats, lecture and apPa ane i for the VA : Rep g nts, the advisers announced the p G )nuaunceme 15} and Dennis Wehster t . n F ddy st the VCFL Can~ats to Mark Gibson (No, 17 red}, Natha h v ere so surprised? Absolutely fanti =tic' Denisis's face ~vas 'u bot silence in the room . 'CG th e ~k an Mar k - and uounced t Ther Brendan menttoned the word "ifCG''ha e was g was oing on? 'Che adti?` rs ~ Jeremy Heffernan not mant' lanew about this game . Vg `1'e Uni Blacks vs Monash Biues' a . de~ o would g be inapt tha s Ices lit up'? They had a gP-n from ` Par ch to ~akes Positive an face . Lots of pats on back . h< <' tt~lda ev Ha i grand final fever was upon us alreadv ump ue sianatl ~, . Great to see4 out the apPo~~ents cens ~~' - Jeremy`s comments were priceless -"If 1 ne : sound of ITCH ~ experience- The thrill of bearing the uniaue the not care, after that me foreve :~. " raised is a memo } which c~ stay ~~2th s r 7 - Qff;ciati~zg his 300ti~ ga With the ~1FA then 1 Lace 19 a3 be( n umpirir .:ae back because of me ~rxss ~ in c orabie match - 200th "ame tSouthbank vs Monash : B s Sam Net~man, Gary Ablett and Paul Couch . t~amen P arc ~ Stmpson, A art Cloke : Best ~r g ~ 'S to }rr Ffaren an d . Special THF 1' nar y more at supported hirn af -` s achteo,eme n t day for hls ;,Ot't' l- Thur ids are Icame ' _ ,nd He even tuF>> "Peter Lemon took it ti t Geelong Footb Some of the Photos are on as but d a high Reea 'r . : he didn't nee `: David and tho a V ,. ID ; d Mims - k 3und to Salesian . Th e at 5 piavers are e holds one or tl GHT i a night! Bloat a far= rain ia . Everyone d c .ppu-ag to 'r3' r & army' thanks to L core - ulations to 'Leah's 82.5i. >bsite as there are tco'm ren and Co .' 3rd- the Co .-85.5 ) and )nd .com ;r,ondence to dial

7LET~ ~~ FR~4~ cj' S r9 TAVERy) { -AN AMATEUR

FC?OT8' .1ER 2003



. L al :t . unner up


rna :t

I may sou my tippin weekend's

uph . . the do t woe As match r:

. but how good is erfect score. The ?at it is now an be the fit als, co rtention, and e coEtelusion , took the o have th e

legs to g o thre goal l great ph + )bra's ' said ground ,

king to a ; to some Conn, th e In ups . Ahern,

. ~ -~rEtt ~ _---th e

aterfs ~~- opei :ingbounr~en-- . tii C L ola and FL . . around tin ground, plenty of 0p oo provided to their numerous fof Boudoloh and the glamorous "Jezza" T for A'o ho5;rever, it was not to be as e i to number three with an 87 d bye . h- -


Cobra's piz-, - their team rr oi : kicking r2victorv . The ma' chamn.

a is little 01 not surF e rv . Theref i


the~~ ror,

eed to significantly improve their work rate they are to win . Eltharn were a little unlucky

-eks ago against the Dales, however, lost by 10 lae last time they met the students . I think i f can play at his best, and Brick can kick a the Turtles could cause an upset, and my

all agrees- Eltham by 8 points . ck Power, buoyed by their ground breaking , st weeki will be hoping for two on the trot as take on the ever-improving Box Hill North . The these two teams met, only two point s

at~d them with Box Hill taking the honors . I .i ;ecting a similarly close encounter today but I

ox Hill as having the advantage . If Simon Coo k

-n replicate his brilliant tackling and marking an d % Oldfleld can break fr ee of his tags, they I think will just have enough to get them over the an 8 point victory . sick would have been seething at thei r

cre performance last week and Will be lookin g a bit of pay back today against Richmond

ce~,tr:? . Kyriazis will no doubt exert his influence o n game early for North as his teammates open a of "whoop ass" on their opposition . North still to play final's football despite last weekend's `)a( Ti, and toda}is match is the beginning of thei r Ito recovery . My tip is North by 78 points . one likes travelling to Warrior Park at the best o f

(except maybe for the cheery smile from th e headed Nicole Kidman look alike in the canteen), t coming off a heavy defeat in their last meeting ,

d facing a confident team on a winning streak T :iust be a nightmare for t : While I expect likes of Phil Chambers and "busry" Hannett to t considerable influence in the guts for the !cons today . I am not convinced ti?y will have the to match the brilliance of ick Christo, th e of "Jucka" Horsburgh, or the s'- โ ข smooth skills 'h; = Board . So I am going Lriors to

p to seco ' spot with a 23-point win . 's lick their wounds v ith the bve , to svisl send me their nominatior> fo r ili --am of the ar are more than welcome . tders of mv column are welcome to nominate, an, e ails v~ll be taken into consideration, Sentc cl event. .ccam .act is holding their Auction I'i

2 .3 11 .7 17.9 26.13 ( 169) 5 .2 5.4 7.5 8 .5 (53 ) Albert Pr. :: : : S.Aitan 10, D .411an 5, Tuite 3 . MeKerrow 3, Baker, Su__--, Rot__ on, Harnett, Hvams Best : S.Allan, Chambers, D .Allan, Tutte, Fehring,Founta[n Bulleen Cobras : Conn 5, 31eLaren, Orwin, D .Trinchl Best: P.Trlnchi, T.Conn, T.Orwin, Dall'Og[o, J .Trincht, Powerham Umpires: Dianne W'hltelev {F) James Patrick (B) MT LILYDALE 7.5 8.10 17.14 23.21 (159) ST MARY'S 1 .0 5 .1 6 .3 8,4 (52) Mt L31pda.te: Paull 6, Catalan 3, Gibson 3, Charles 2, Haves 2, Kellett 2, Roberts 2, Alderman, Pearce, Rhodes . Best : van Duuren, Callanan, Paull, Pearce, Rhodes, Carotan . St 2:Yarys: Allen 3, Dwyer. F Harrison, Anders, Purcell. Best : Allen, Luce, Stone, Graetzer, :,4uieahv, Zsemberv s: Tony Wiley Anthony Simpson (F) U1 COLLEGIANS - BYE 3 .5 9 .8 12 .9 14 .12 (96) 1DRTfยง 3 .1 5 .6 6 .12 8 .15 (63 ) Tate 4 . Smith 3. Rose 2, Hams, Hall, Gorringe . Gerolemou Best: Gero!emou, Dowdell, Langendorf. Rose, Hams Box SUB North: ushy 4 . Olsen, Odza, )sdarmni, P.iscalla Best: Marconi, Palmer, on " >o k, Odza, Sallanmoglou Umpires : Gavin Roberts (F ) PO ER 4,7 9 .12 13 .16 20.20 (140) E tIIHS RIC- c,racCRAL 7 .4 11 .7 12,8 18,9 (117) 73nanss,i Power : Hardaway 10, Noonan 3, B.Lovett 2, Morgan 2, N.Walsh, Box, Baxter . Best: Harrison, J.Hume, Hardaway. Morgan, Hope, Smith. Richmond Central : Rlacak 4, Luizzt 4. Nuske 2, 0'Sull-an, Quay, Anderson, Barrilt . Trelter, Porteus . Best: Macak . OStil.liv Ite, Luizzi, Nuske, Trotter, Umpires; Tim Sutcliffe (Ft

sz 1 .2 4 .5 5 .6 6,9(45) 5.8 10.13 14.19 18 .24(132) iek: Sammartiim 2, Closter, wallmeyer, Defelice, : 'ivrlazis, J .Boudoloii, Pizzari, Freeman, Stelfox , nariino. Old t9estboa.zne: I:i .Christo 5 . Bitlman 3, Oldham 2 , E 2, Wilson, Pavez, Lever, Nikola, Board, A.Leltch . Be :Oldham, tilkola, Fairfield, Board. Pavez, Beau. Umplaes : Phil ( 'au) Hoffman (F) D4 7 1 1 .13 16 .23 24 .29 (173 ) i .l hi 1 .3 2.3(15 ) ?er Pastras 3 . P~ - :: , ttilar, 3, Sutton 2 . Borg Gaeia, Guicas, Steward- ureer, Phillips Best: Wheeler, nes . F Allan, Steward, h4 uire. Bu lleeer Cobras ; Redfern < ived. 0.2 1 .2 2.3 5.4(34) 4.3 9.9 16.7 23.11 (149) Hollowav . Best : r-s : Rouses )aarrts 2, west , s. Ro . .., L.. .umer, Hill ,

7.6 10-9 .12 20.14 11341 0 .1 2 .3 2 .3 2 .3115 ) ;r ;, M , ire ,

'lease contact !van or Billv I

Si: rThat,

Bulleen CObr c StI ._Eltham Collegil- Box Hill North v-r .c' PoV, ' : ,iehmond Central v - unscv-ic: Old Westbourne v 1 --?ert Par k %d THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

. Bu:~ .

5 .6 6.6 ;42) 7,6 12 .10 (82 ) Br ;,u . Best: MaxYeld, Carrr, Lane 2, DeFrettas, Guthrie . 9n, Tit7ev. ~ . Best : Gr av.

4.6 5.9 7 .i4 11 . :7[83) 3.0 5.5 11,7 12 .9 (81 ) . -, Russo, B .Carter . 0 5, P.Sorleto : ison,errante, Giov~ .--e=: -.~. ",v(oum, Ulto. 3, Scholes 2 .,' derson 2, O'Sullivan , Said . S.Lettch . Best : O'Sullivan, Said , to)es, Rlvalland . 43

;a = P. Asst: M. ?°â€˘vl6 Res : P.Wbodstv'V.Dreve 1 P. Smit h 2 S . ~ obinson (s) 2 Pastras (r) 3 C) ~ks 5 S .larai l 6 J 7 S.. Venaoles Star 1fC) 7 K . Gannon (r) 8 A . Mand'ylart s 8 M . van EIewou~ trt 9 P. Chambers G( '0 M . Phillip s 11 A. Fleming 12 T. Fraser 1 3 =. Payne (RVC) Davey (S~

ms (a)

G. Wilson 2 C. Reid 3 R .Odza 3a S . Evans 4 A . tv9anno 4a J . Potter 5a A.Jenkins* 6 D. Martini 7 S . Stewart 8 J . D'Amato Be R. Chambedain 9 A. Sallantioglu 10 S. Cook 11 T. Thoi 12 A, Dick . Cur ning 13 i` M 1 6 W. 17 G . C 'allo '8 C . Butter 19 C . Callis 20 K.Old:celd 21 J . Hones 22 A . Steele 23 J . idaumovski 23a S . Brodi e 24 C . Fer^ , 25 P. I4 stnridis 27 S .' ^arroto 28 Z. L >ki 30 B ., I 3'

Coach : F f Baxter Ass , Ross M organ Res : Greg Love tt 1 R . Baxte r 2 J . Hardaway 3 B. Pric e 4 D. Hayes 5 L . Hope 6 B. Saksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D . Gerdes 9 L . Yavrveh 10 B. Botiomley 1' N . Harrison 12 G . Dow 13 B . Hamilton 14 C . Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J . Lovett 17 B, Brett 18 R . Diar,tonia 19 N . Bux 20 J . C^or=r 21 B . Lc 22 J .A dy 23 2" C 25 26 27 26 29 J . Gr 30 L. E 31 R1 . rs 32 P. Gall 3E F. L 35 F. 36 T. Lov, 37 - Br: 3E 3f 4 4'..

42 43

t ;c :h : .toe u -i , As . Con : Ro - ?asinaG Has, Coach : Jamie Redien 1 S . Fishe r 2 T.Orwin 2 R. Sheehan 3 S .`Nigney 4 N. Cariledee 4 I . Mcleo d 5 S . Nelson 6 S . Baccini 7 F. Bal d 8 T. Mazzare!la 9 P. Aslanau l 10 C . Pov ' rham 11 G . Fortune 12 J . S ading 13 E 14

A, E:CtV i

15 J. Tnnd 16 D . Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 J . Lowrie 19 S. Trapman 20 J. Moran 21 N . Lykopandis 22 R . Pasinati 23 J, Redfern 24 J . Daniels 25 W. Olney 26 J. D'A ;gelo 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 K . Kellett 31 S . tv?claren 32 C. Clements 3 ^s A. Coo k 34 M . D'fingel o 5 M . Unwin P. Da!3'o lio . . Paa h

Coaci ;: u - ;t harri .^.y c ; . Reserveu Coach : John Glare 1 J . Baud S . Robins 3 E . Savage 4 B . Doody 5 D. Bric k 6 T. Carter 7 B. Rashid 8 L. Sharpe 9 C . Watson ~ B. Marshall J. Mizz i 12 L . McDonald 3 M . Luttic k 4 K . Nelson 15 L. White 16 D . Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 M . Chapple 19 A. Booth 0 S . Jeal ^1 M . Hart ^2 D . Wright -13 R . Watson 24 K. Drummond 25 R . Thomas 26 J. Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Barnett -g D. Howgate 30 M . Decker 31 B . Keleher 32 C. Bau d 33 A. Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 G . Smith 36 T. Goonan 37 J. Gilbert 38 A. Tardrf 39 F. Coonerty 40 E . Baud 41 Au .Mann 42 D . Buller 43 P. Mann 44 AI. Mann 45 R. Davies 46 M . Dere 47 S. Barass 48 B. Turney 49 P. Krohn 50 B. Richardson 51 P. Buhagiar 54 D . Monagatti 55 S . Todman 56 R . Lov e 57 S . Gathercole 59 B . Evan s 61 K. Toulson C. .ey

Senior Coach: Gc . ;east Asst Sen. Coach : Paul Ccmmerfor d Reseve Coach : Bart Egan Asst Res. Coach : Darren King 1 J . Paull 2 P. Haye s 3 M. Brebner (DVC) 4 F Varg a 5 G. Bird 6 M . Jelenc 7 C . Varga 8 K . Maniscalchi (VC) 9 A . Del Biond o 11 C. Gibson 13 R. Kidd 14 W. Chariton 15 R. Scott 16 D . Morrison 17 J. Lesinger 18 R . McKenzie 19 M. Leonard 20 D .Watt 21 M . Cunningham 22 N . Colaross i 23 B . Egan 24 L. Merrett 26 T. Flanagan 27 N. Pearce (VC) 28 D . Magg s 29 J. Roberts 30 A. Penhale (RVC) 31 T. Hansiord 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C . Anderson 34 L. Kellett 35 D . Callanan 36 M . Alderman 37 C. Carstens 38 J . Charle s 39 T. Van Duuren 40 M . Rhodes 41 M. Matter 42 M. Periera 43 D . Holloway (RC) 44 A . Cox 45 K . Fraser 46 D . Kin g 47 C . Lonergan 48 S . Dougherty 49 M . Watt 50 D. Hicks 51 A. Bullerjahn 53 D.Marotti 54 L . Allanson 55 T.Wilson B. Leek J. Mollic a J. Commerford J . Penhale A . Delahunt J . Hoffman N . McConnell


ch : As nmarhno a. Coach: Gary Cutler 1 Newton D 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P 5 Cutler G 6 Pizzari D 7 Stettox G 8 Guppy D 9 Sammariino A W 10 Fawcett 11 Hamilton S 12 Care S 13 Ullo M 14 Paleodimos G H 15 Tsialtas 16 Vaina M 17 Kyriazis A J 18 Varga 19 Marin P 20 Closter L 21 Santacroce R 22 Freeman J 23 Britta J 24 Aliani M 25 Duson W 26 Murphy J 27 Ferrante F 28 Boudoloh J 30 Russo D 31 Hec k 32 Ro bert son B 33 Rotella J 34 Stepien M 36 Sorleto M M 37 Defelice 38 Magnuson D 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Elms J 42 Papanikolou J 43 Schield 44 Wallmeyer N 45 Polemicos . J 46 Giovanoglou N 47 Prestigiacomo N J 48 Wolter F 49 Saloum 50 Parks B 51 Kehagias D 52 Guest D 53 Trafford D 54 Wake G 55 Salloum R 56 Fayad M 57 Mountney A 58 Messiake T 59 Ackland T 60 Par! : a s A 61 Pap, C B 62 Ca,: : 6- aalr"=rr A 6c; _>>_ .I A !er D

C.oai;n: J --y on Res . Cc : :h : Stephen Leitc h 1 B.Gerace 2 J.Akarana 3 S.Depiazza 4 C .Lever 5 S.Hewitt 6 J .Horsburgh 7 A.Christo 8 A .Horsburgh 9 K .Murphy 10 J . Wilson 11 M .Christo 12 B .Matt son 13 J .Braham 14 T.Said 15 A.Board 16 S .Christo 17 M .Aquitina 18 F.Pavez 19 R .Aldridge 20 L .O'Sullivan 21 L .Hudson 22 S .Anderson 23 S .Huntington 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 T.Edwards 26 P.Mesman 27 D.Billma n 28 D.Slatter y 29 J .Manolokakis 30 R.McMiflan 31 M .Baulch 32 G .Jenkinson 33 D .Ben n 34 S.Robert s 35 D .Rivalland 36 S .Phillips 37 A .Leitch 38 D .Nikola 39 M .Oldham 40 S .Leitch 41 K,Mille r 42 D.Ollenbuttel 43 A.Runciman 44 B.Slatte ry 45 S.Robe rtson 46 J,Semmens 47 M .Pilsbury 48 T.Scholes 49 B .Robinson 50 P.Habersa tt 51 R.Wintle 52 T.Best 53 M .Saunders 54 M .Crosswell 55 D .Laylon 56 L .Sk+dmore 57 J.Phillips 58 I . Smith 59 A. Lipscombe 60 N . Aouilina 61 A . Gott 62 L. J iston 63 K . Jc iscn 64 L. 5 = 6.`. _ 67 W.6~~ ;yne 88 H . Fr on

Red R ich Ft Creek Ho, A

ERRI -17E I-`"J N DA I



lark Petrusch at Coach : Res : Steven Lak e 1 B . Cox 2 T. Quick 3 T O'Sullivan 4 R . Trotter 5 D . Tankovich 6 G.Bunshaw 8 G. Malcolm 9 J . McGrat h 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A. White 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C . Barry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quay 20 A . Quick 21 A . Jones 22 A. Flores 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Piani 26 S. Baillie 28 D . Green 29 J . Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M . Berimano 34 J. Brook 35 J. Howell 38 M . Defreitas 41 T. Slatter 42 C. White 42 S. Hoare 45 K. Day 46 D . Hogan 53 K. Pardy 54 C. Cartwright 54 S . Rawlings 56 A. Titley 57 E. Hill 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melville 76 D. Phelan 79 M . Coomber 85 G .Jacobs 86 G . Porteus 87 D .Ingliss

Coach: I :hael Learmonth Res : George Koumantatakis 1 T. Brown 2 B. Perelberg 3 G . Schemb n a N . Goldswort hy 5 A . Lan e 6 S . Stone 7 A. Dwyer 8 A. Zsembery 9 R .Orm e 10 G. Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernard i 12 A . Webb 13 J . Hill 14 C . Goldsworthy 15 M. Purcell 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 19 V.Ry an 20 C. Handley 21 M. Gilchrist 22 R . Alle n 23 F. Harrison 24 A . Latimer 25 M . Butler 26 J . Timmins 27 M. Banks 28 J.Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 S . Leszko 32 PM. Reining . O'Halloran 33 35 G . Theoharris 36 B . Graetzer 37 L. Vincent 38 D. Astbury 39 T. Millar 40 R. Hausler 41 T. Cummins 42 M. Davies 44 J . Lukjanov 47 P. Rousis 48 D . MorcOm 50 A. Wibawa 51 M . Lynch 52 C. Welle r 53 B. Armistead 54 J. Wright 56 D . Anders 57 D. Watson 58 B . Lewi s 59 K. McLennan 62 G . Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 66 N . Batskos 67 M . Masche tte 68 J . Fjeldstad 69 J . Handy 70 N . Luce 72 S. Sylivris 73 N . Datekos 74 A . Richard 80 J . Clarke 88 A. Ballan tyn e





Coach :'Shane .foCram Assistant: G .Mandalis Res . Coach : G.Ternes 1 M . Wright 2 R. Thor p 3 T. Cleveland 4 L Gomnge 5 S . Mottram 6 S . Cracknell Capt 7 D. Zulicki 7 M Farmer (R) 8 M .Gerolemou 9 S. Devli n 10 B. Farreily 11 D . Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose 14 M . Butera 15 J. Jacks 16 J. Tate 17 C . t.angendorfi 18 A . Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J. Hall 22 G . Mandalis 23 G. Tames 24 R . Hartle 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusick 28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K. Webe r 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 J. Strangio 34 J. O'Neill 35 A. Butera 36 A . Pendlebury 37 G. Catierall 38 R. Lapish 39 M . Rea 40 L Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Witnish 45 S . Hams 46 C. Siotos 47 H. Gillies

48 M. Davidson 49 S . Smits 50 B . Warren 53 J . Schulz 55 N. Thomas 56 D. Creek 57 C . Thomas 58 J . Thomas 59 D . Macrae .' 60 G. Cost a 61 T. Stathopoulos 62 A. Docherty 63 D . Edwards 64 B. Walpole 65 J . Harris 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L Holmes 69 A. Dowdell 70 E. Ric-dub 71 B . Goldsmith 72 A . Van Rea 75 S . Mill s 76 V. Cavelieri 77 R . McCormick 78 B. Carruthers 79 M. Turvey 81 B . Will 86 W. Higgins 88 D. Fisher 99 W. Hircoe

~ CHARTERED ACCOUNT " BUSINESS ADVISOR S INSOLVENC Y SPECIALIST S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street . Malvern 3144 Melbourne - Level 7, 313 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne 300 0 Telephone : ( 0 3) 95 0 0 0511 (03) 9670 663 3 Web : wv.-v.scottp

Facsimile: (0 3) 9509 2379 E-mail : info@scottpartners.conl .au .a u

Th- E:' We are a firm of Chartered Accountants commii'_ . prc riding business and insolvency services to both businesses and individuals . Our philosot ' is to always provide quality service to our clients, wi'li the hi `Iest stan

~s of professionali~ :n .


eonsrrlNition or cost assessment .

Coach Chris Mortensen and his selectors have released the final training squad as at Sunday July 20, when the DVFL officially withdrew from the game Chris Mortensen and his selectors named the following (39) players who were in the final U19 squad prior to the DVFL withdrawal . NAME ZNAME C ; Anthon, L if 'iou z : Tom Nck Fallu C; .i: -.eld Gramm . Caulfield Gramm . Al aere Jarrod >loney De La Sall e Ryan - 7,n De La Salle Pat Bourke De La Salle Gary Johnstone De La Salle Chris Meighan Fitzroy Reds Andy


,s a Damien Atexea.rf:.. .:r ctsavorttz Thomas


Glen Eira Hampton R overs rSiezrceZZin C)C Mazenod O C

Dominic Dunne Mazenod OC Scott Whittington MHSOB Jason Reynolds Oakleigh John Perrett Old Brighton Tim Biggs Old Essendon Josh Stormont Old Essendon

NAME SURNAME CLUB James Beaumont Old Melburnians Trent Mitvalsky Old Mentonians Nick Fisher Old Mentonians Charles Tallent Old Scotch Lachlan Thompson Old Scotc h Joel Aitken Old Trinity John Pasceri Old Xaverians Andrew Bowen Old Xaverians Chris Santalucia Old Xaverians Rupertswood L uke spinner Michael Mc G ettigan. St. Bedes Mentone Tigers Lucas Fielding St . Bernards Michael

Hoop er St . B ernards B rett Pitts St . B ernnrds Joshua Smith St . Bernards St . Johns OC Diaz Jeremy Mark Faroldi Therry Penola Therry Penola Harmes Paul Kempton Uni . Blacks Timothy Wallace w'nitefriar s


Chris wanting to draw a positive from the disappoin}ng ~ews suggested that the ., hig h.Zigtzte ri, as they 2004 squad could already include those players abc ~ are eligible for selection again in 2004 should they be pla_ ng VAFA football . "Not a bad start", Chris commented .



ei JT; 3 or is

- (I t XVIII teams l a permit can al -, '

involved in I

ollowing shall apply .

3rs 1 vith a permit - see - 2nd VIII teams) Player s d id must have play( - a e matches a7~ not r r " :...,or matches i n


:o Ui . teams a player mus t --...ore than 10 matches with the the (2) team . hybrid team in the finals the represented tte hybrid team in ches - not including finals .

s (first round) . both first and second XVIE ! ,n the same day the reserve gra d c1ly have played two (2) games : . . seniors or reserves to qualify . clubs with team:, in sem i ~nt days of .. ~ 4y, 2nd su ;-,i ; _ ms playing on the - Players mus t a p_ -mit. If a play onlegate oa more tha n rna-ches he must have pla - e season ~19matchesdurin . ,-. player is ` ~I ' 5 senior aw it s 'n selection in his ci ' cond round match, he i any subsequent Under 19 final .


- Players must be registere d n at least four (4) Club XVII I they wish to represent) n more than a total of eigh t serve matches during the firs t !'lub XVIII teams a playe r re than 8 matches with in the (2) team . will be eligible t o s i . . club as long as he o . .ve (5) VAFA matche s ;s to represent in the finals . e matches must have bee n r must have played five (5 ) , is VAFA team he wishes to 3 . For TAC players there is n o ry a certain number of matches E




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Coach: Geoff Reilley I J. James 2 C. Murphy 3 T Gerrand 4 J. Ycl~ g T. Hammond

6 M. Townsend 7 M. Thomson g J. Brown 9 N . Edwards to J. May 11 B. Carboni 12 M. Sainsbury

13 A. Green 14 C . Ull

15 L O'Brien 1 6 N . Fallu 17 S . Twycrofi 18 R . Boyd 19 J . Pitts

DE LA SALLE ( 1) Coach: Denis Bilston 1 M. Sheehan 2 R . Quick 3 M. Fieldsen

4 4 5 6

E. Browning N . Hart M . Clinch S . Meehan

7 D . Keely 8 V. Moloney 9 B . Vague 10 N . Smith

11 R . Hancock 12 S . Conway 13 L. Bowden

14 D. Lowther 14 M . Hayes 15 S . Smythe

20 S . Lord 21 M. Parker

16 J . Adams 18 L. Williams

22 J . Rowiings

20 D. Drobric

23 Z. D'Arcy 24 D. Buckthought 25 A . Babaro

27 T. Conly 28 M. Nickles 29 J . 40 D. Harrod 45 B . Acfieki 60 J. Fotey 53 C. Jones

20 J. Hassell 22 T. Done an g 23 S. Fetwerda

24 J. Gilchrist 27 L. O'Donnell 28 L. Jarvis 29 39 46 53

M. Nankervis (C ) B. Oakley (DVC) A. Sklnns (VC) D . Browning



I B. Nickless (VC)

2 J. Wright 3 S. Gamboni 4 A. Sutherland (VC) 5 C. Swan 6 M . Moffatt 7 K. Downing 8 B. Snaddon 10 E. Beaurepaire 11 A. Wilkinson 12 A. Philalay 13 S. Pappas

14 R . Lowing 15 J . Latimer 17 A. Pearce 18 N . Ackrayd 19 S . Dick 20 N . Thom 21 L. Thompson (C) 22 T Graham 24 P. Z«Joofas 25 C. Logan 27 S . Jonas 28 S . Yeomans 30 K. Berry rzY 32 R. Gerstman 33 C. Purnell

35 G . Fitzpatrick 41 T Bull 43 A. Cossar 44 T. Aurel-Smith 49 S. H ope

1 K . Bardon (vc) 2 M . Doyle (c) 3 J . Mahan J . Wise (vc) 5 M . BortoloNo 6 L. Cowper

7 A Tabacherria 8 F. Dorbolo (dvc)

9 S . Considine 10 B . Mills

11 D

. Beat e e

13 A. Power 14 L. Money

15 T. Money 16 17 18 19

R. Hoyne C. Sier J. Ryan A. Schae man

OLD BRIGHTON Coach: Adam McConnell 1 L. Ross 2 C . Toll 3 L McDonald 5 B . Humphrey s 7 N . Stenner 9 A . Clark e

10 M . May 11 R. Fisher 12 S . Eastgate 13 R. Capo m 14 S . Duncan 15 B . Gadsden (C) 16 J . Salem 18 S. Oliver

20 P. De Lure

20 G . Fielke

21 D . Ciron e 22 L Watkins (dvc)

21 S. Cooney

23 A Ceccamancini 24 A Layton 25 T. Clune

26 A. Wadsworth 27 A. Symes 28 J . Carlson 29 M . Caton

30 P. S nce 31 A . asr

23 T. Ryan 24 L . Mead 27 M. Chamberlain 28 B. Richardson 31 S. Jackson 33 R . Joseph 63 D . Ellis



OLD XAYERIABS (1 & 2) Coach U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain t O'Meara T 3 Mant~i , SJ 4 Armstrong A 5 RuMra E 6 Kenfield M 7 Freer S 9 pc~ ~ l J 10 Hu u s u Bourke R 12 Ryan J 13 GnnNan L

14 1 5 Rean~~en AM

6 Corcoran N 17 Char- P 8 ~ ~J P4 (O) 19 Marfui 20 Meehan D 21 No1zn C 22

S,i N n R ~ R Frerr

23 24 25 Row~re l 26 O'Hanron M 27 Purce l P 28 White J 29 Adams S 30 Vaughan S 31 Rvan A 32 F~ ~ py T 33 34 OuEnn D 35 Ag~us J

37 RurrcoDR 36 38 f:.wwn-Snutn J 39 ~t~n ~ M 40 41 Fusinato R 42 S9anM 43 T 44 Kaine D 45 TrovI~ato M 46 4 7 Sk N O

48 L od,T°'

49 50 ~stef P 51 BavA7bv J 52 1B"ttN :111 A P A


Coach: James Wilson Team Man : Graeme Williamson 1 F. Ktenas 2 N . Tad 3 J. Dazkhv 4 C . Herflage 5 W. Nunlist 6 S. Dawso n

7 T. Biggs

8 E. Saskan

9 D . Mezo

10 H . Leury . Duggan 11 J . 12 L.HBone s~ ' o 14 D . Cerant onr

1 5 S Clinnick

1 6 S . Wade 16 17 M. Trevaskis 18 L Balli er "gn 19 P. Ranki 20 J . Mansour

21 R. Baddeley 22 A. Casta'ttJ 23 M . Shaw a 24 C. Burke

25 P. May 26 L. Caglfarini 27 M . King 28 T. Wilson 29 J. Stormon t 30 S. Morfesse

32 J . Williams

31 N. Foot

33 34 35 36 37 38

35 J. Phillips

32 D. Nankervis 33 D.Hard~ 34 T. Rumb e

P.C6wpe r D . TWhe y M . Cunningham N . Hardin~ C . Purcel S . Nutbeam

36 C. Leech 37 M. Schappache r 38 A. Christo u

39 J . Ozusen



Coach : Gavan Walsh

40 A . Lapadula 41 A. Cassar Sponsors : in-site advertising - Mitcham

39 R . Arzanou 40 L. Edgar 41 C . Bevan s 42 J . Ure n

43 A. Canning 44 J . Francis

Rising Sun Hotel Richmond

ST. BERBARDS Coach : David Law

1 B . Pills 2 C. Govan 3 J . Hughes 4 M . Wals h 5 J . Smith 6 D. Oconnor 8 S . Mathews 9 D. Evans 10 B. Garth 11 A. Marion 12 B. Runnals 13 L . Levides 14 D. Hurley 15 G . Joseph 17 F. Mastrapasqua 18 M. Maggiore 22 A. Mitchelr l

27 B. Drape

2 8 C . Kue n 32 Ch Uberator e 35 B . Ryan 39 J . Stapleton 41 G. Campbell 42 R . James 45 B . Johnso n 47 M . Hooper

57 L. Anderson 59 M . Harrison 60 J . Hogarth 62 J . Robbins 63 M . Pel l 70 K' Bwss

ST.KEYIR'S OLD BOYS Coach : Ben McGee Asst. Coach : John Watkin 1 2 3 4 6

J. Maher T. 07oole L. Giansiracusa (VC) S. Sexton D. McBride

7 R. Taylor 8 S. Landers 9 L Syme

10 L. Guilder 11 J. Liston 12 C . Taylor (DVC) 13 N . Hutton 14 A. Hamilton (Ca pt) 15 M. Vero 16 A . Callartder 17 M. Welsh 18 M. Drinkwater

19 C . Underwood (VC) 20 W. Dunn 21 D. Petrou 22 A . Lync h 23 C. Tancredi 25 A. Mulkeams 26 M . Shannon 30 P. Ghou9assia n 32 B. Hughes

33 S. O'Connor 34 J. O'Keefe 37 H. Powell 39 N. Pope

40 D. Mount 43 W. Guilder (DVC)



University Blues Coach : Tim Giles

1 G . Muir 2 A. Fitzpatrick 3 A. Rankin (DVC) 4 G . Roney 5 P. Shepherdson 6 L Woodhouse 8 B. Gn dl~ (~~) 9 R . Costi n

10 P. Marriott 11 M. Shaughnessy 12 S. Gibso n 13 J . Meagher 14 D . hlcPhail (DVC)

15 J . Van Dyk 16 J . Moytan 17 C . Northway

1g M. Irving 19 D . Heinz 20 P. Steele 21 J . Wood (VC ) 22 F. Derry 23 P. Kelly 24 J . King DVC 25 T. Wale r ) 26 J. McKeno w 27 S . Joyce 28 M . Tomey 29 E. Clarke 30 N. Vandenbosc h 31 R. Young 32 S. Sibley 33 L Moore 34 D. Banniste r 35 J. Collin s

36 A. Groot 37 C . Ryan 42 S.



Under-19 - Section 2 C=:.' ; . ; 3 1 S

Coach: Mick Deal .,, Asst : Mark Berry 2 S. Hoult 3 M . Eady 4 L Quirk 7 S . Lynch (VC) 8 D. Taylor 9 M . Wilson (C) 10 J . Kelly 11 T. Fitzgerald 14 P. Berry ry 15 M. Bramwell 16 C . Terpsinis 18 D . Bird 20 R . Dew 21 P. Irons 22 J. Bramwell (DVC) 23 T. Woolnough (DVC) 24 T. Groves 25 B. Bowker 26 C. Shone 27 D. Murphy 35 S . Lee 36 P. Ghys 40 T. Bcreham 41 A. Poll 43 J . Tomlin 49 J . Hogarth 50 D . Wall 52 J . Williams 71 J . Mitchell 72 C . Evans 75 A . Hooper

OLD MEI.DURNIANS Coach: Owen Lalor Asst : Ryan L'Huilher

1 Fagan C 2 Wettenhall S (C ) 3 I ronmonger T(VC) 4 Gumbleton C 5 Rafferty J 7 Robinson N 9 Prowse A 10 Pannifex A 13 Hanchette C 14 Vo• age A 15 S ofie{d T 16 Hardy E 17 Macdonald W 18 Dick J 19 Lawler R 21 Tandy A 23 Osmond D 31 Theodoulou C 44 Tucker J 47 Coultan K 48 Faulkner R 49 Galbraith R 52 Cooch C 53 Hindle J 54 Lacey H 56 Mitchell J 60 Webb 0(VC) 62 Christen W 64 Pascoe R 65 Hurst L 67 68 8c~ hiv orM 71 Brett-Younp C 72 Tomlinson H SPONSORED BY : mpg people TELECOM childcare GAZMAN E. MURPHY & SONS

HA M PTON ROVERS Coach : Michael Blake 1 T. McNamara 2 N . Oriti 3 M. Ellis 4 T. Jewett 5 R . Bassit y 8 L . Fletche r 10 D . O'Brien 11 J. Tipping 12 B. Kezilas 13 K. Spratt 14 T. Porter 15 I . Nicholls 16 G . Giasoumi 17 S . Gravina 18 B . Kezilas 19 C. Maflhouse 20 T. Matthouse 21 J . McCarthy 22 B . Henry 24 Y. Kobayashi 25 hi .Terech 26 T. Richards 27 L. Cave 28 L. Jones 29 J. Morey 30 N . Si ng h 31 M. Scott 32 C . Christianson 33 D . Payson 34 R . Turnbull 35 D . Filopulos 36 M . Vocale 38 A. Crisp 39 J. McNamara 46 D. Williams 50 B. McCallum 58 B . Wright

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Anthony Quinn Asst : M . Spinoso 2 D. Caple 3 B. Clark 4 D. Malone 5 M . Mitchell 6 D. Giddings 7 S . Luff 8 D. Richardson 10 A . DiFabio 11 R . Ryan 12 M . Irvine 13 S . Maher 14 P. Turner 15 S . E gan 16 D . Watts 17 S. Graham 18 T. Girovski 20 A. McLaughlin 21 D . KatviskiS 23 A. Smith 25 S. Rehlicki 27 M . Dri 29 G . Vincent 30 D. Dea n 36 R. Villano 40 M . Hyde (C) 48 A. Elliott



Coach : John Le Grand 1 D . Hansen (C) 2 D . Regan 3 B. Kinniburgh 4 R. House 5 N. Bradley 6 A. Stagliano 7 S . Ware N. House 9 B . Chamberlain 10 J . Mather 11 J . Kavanagh 12 A . Cook 16 T. Bourbon 17 T. Steinfort 18 F. Reed 21 S . Castricum 22 M. Power 25 S. Stanley 26 G . Hamill 27 M. Regan 35 A. Winstanley 45 J. Crougghh 46 D . Dunne 70 D . Chamberlain 76 A. Varlay

British Paints Life's Brighter in Colour OLD TRINITY

Coach : Dean Peters 2 Day M 3 Aitken J Capt 4 Bilwani A 5 Salem S 6 Miers J 7 Kenna J 8 Dickenson A 9AmiCOni C 10 Roger A 11 Gutierrez C 12 Stebbins N V/C 13 Webster J DV/ C 14 Burgess M 15 Krakauer S 16 Marsden A 17 Manasso J 18 Herrod T 19 Buckingham A 20 Medland A 21 Barella R 22 Verrocchi M 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chif-ry E 26 Oliver D V/C 27 Romney N 28 Butler K 29 Dexter J 30 Burke M 31 de Bruin S 32 Hore-LacyA 34 Hider B 39 Smith S 42 Leahy H 43 Amore J 65 McDonald E

OLD C'. , FC Coach: Anson Brovmless

1 T. Lyons 2 L . Weaver 3 G . Hanson 4 B. Hillier 8 J . Vince 14 J . Hadley 16 A. Langford 17 D. Clyne 18 J . Vince 19 L. Heffernan 20 C. Birrell 21 C. Rogers 22 G. Alessio 23 L. Taylor 24 S . Peasnell 25 5 . Johnson 26 C . Hendrie 27 & 28 A. Peacack 29 D . Bruce 30 A. Mac Callum 31 D . Hanson M. Shanks 37 L . Mc Darman 38 W. Bradsha w 39 T. Chase 40 T. Gosling 43 T Si9ala 45 D. Ramsay s 46 D. Morley 47 B . Cottrell 48 M . Westma n 50 B . Withers

OLD Coach : Stephen tvng Asst Coach: Adam Jerki n Team Mgr: Phil Peacock 1 A. Alagona (Co-C1 2 B . Nagel 3 Rhys Mitchel l 4 R. Butle r 5 G. Bryant (VC) 6 A . Reed 7 R . Colema n 8 R . Sterne 9 J. Uljans 10 M . Verrochi 11 G . Fowler 12 D . Peacock (VC) 14 A. Granger 17 Z. Keane 18 I . Dawkin s 19 L . Hammond 20 (VC) 21 Rob Mitchel l 22 J. Britten 30 G . Hope 34 S . Adderfe y 35 M . Brigg s 36 P. Barret t 44 J. Siegersma 53 S . Snell 54 J . McBrid e 55 J . Pierera 56 P. Lowry


Coach: Fab Gatti 1 M . Palmingto n 2 J . O'Brie n 3 C . Lee 4 N . Renault 5 D . Bunworth 6 P. Chalmers 7 T. Andrews 8 R . Barker 9 Josh Russo 10 L Gatti 11 S. Bianco 12 B. Sta~nebtink 13 A. McNall y 14 B. Black 15 M . McDonal d 16 R. Menth a 17 P. Cassi n 18 B. Prismall 19 L. Gatt i 20 N. Addamo 21 N. Renaut 22 D. 23 JustinQRusso 24 P. Keogh 25 B . Black 26 A . Cai n 27 S . Smit h 28 M . Mille r 29 P. Spry 31 J . Tanner 34 R . Mantra 47 S. Simpson 66 B. McMahon


r---~ ~


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~ - : ;.~~. . - -•



Section 3



Coach : Gary Blusztein Ass, Coach : Phil Pozen 1 J. Kestenberg (DVC) 2 A. Porat 3 DGodron 4 A. Bloom 5 B. Lukav 6 J. Kege n 7 M . Jankie g . J. Feldy D. Blusztei n g D. G . Measey 12 E. Shaked 13 A. Kras 14 R. Spilberg 15 J. Givoni (V. Capt) 16 R . Heine 17 J. Thurin (Capt) 20 M. Lipson 21 J. Lewski 22 A. Kras 23 J. Schulberg 27 B. Rose 28 J. Landberg 29 L. Friedman 30 P. Bryner 31 A. Sacks 32 L. Peters 36 R . Grof 39 L. Peters

Coach: Andrew Kenneally 1 A . Stone 2 M. Portent 3 L. Scurrie . 4 J . Adgemi s 5 M. Hughes 6 D . Williamson 7 C . Elg 8 S . Brown 9 M. Rose 10 C . Dunwell 11 0. Walmsley 12 A . Khoury 13 Z. Moon 14 J . Ashman 15 W. Crothers 16 N . Burrows 17 D Shart 18 A . Fabris 19 J . Holman 20 D. Mutton 21 E . Malon e 22 E . Adams 23 M Stefandark . 24 J . Jorgensen 25 S . Gilbert 26 G. Wells 27 S . Crouch 28 J . Slatyer 29 C C. Howett 30 M . Naylor 31 H. Jennirsqs 32 C. Blumfied 33 J . Goldenfein 34 B . J.Lam m 35 G. Harriso n 36 N. Van D~ 37 C. Hoist 3 A. Bg 9 nd ewate r 40 R. Kagen 41 0 . Howa rd 42 M . Fletcher ~ ---- ~ 43 C. Feld 44 A. Nichola 45 A Katz 46 D. Cannizza

1 .;," Coach: Gr.deil Duke 1 J. Aitken 2 M. Brain 3 D . Pinwill 3 A. Van Rooyen 4 T. Schocker 3 S. Whittington 4 B. Gevaux 5 G . Blau 6 T. Biddington 7 D . Gold 8 R . Ternes 9 J. Mathew 10 C . Eva 11 D . Kemp 12 S . Volkerin g . j 4 R McGrath rath 15 D . Membrey 16 A . Villani 17 A . Orchard 18 R . Newland 19 S . Foley 20 T. Dunrie 21 J. Marmo 22 P. Greenhill 22 R . Erm 23 A . Hogan 23 S . Mitchell 24 M . Avram 24 K . Harding 25 R . Whitehouse 26 A . Edwards 26 M . Van Alphen 27 R. Osidacz 27 T. Middleton 28 M . Hamilton-Ho 29 S . Sinh a

MONASH BLUES Coach: Dennis Grace Team Manager: Shrv Seegobin 1 P. Gurr 2 A . Terry 3 C . FinlaY son 4 K . Mudg e 5 M . Chapman 6 B . Gebhardt 7 H . Bevi s 8 J . Hindson 9 M . Col e 10 S . O'Donnell (C) 11 B . Sharpe (VC) 12 M . Tennant 13 M . Jones (VC) 14 R. Shield s 15 B . Hayter 16 D. Stewart 17 M . Kerr 18 A. Finlayson 19 T Cobba n 20 L. Leviston 21 D. Me tlik ovic 22 D. Grace 23 B . Hindl e 39 D. Taylor 44 S . Grace 71 M . Spence 74 P. Westbroo k 75 R. Turton

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NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Brendan Smales Asst Coach : Shaun Kelly 1 B. Owen 2 3 P. West (C) 4 5 A. Tucker 6 B. Sheehan 7 8 C . Wh'~ 9 J . McKenzie 10 M. Littl e 11 D . Weardon 12 B . Joske 13 M. Potton 14 M . Ruff 15 B. Knight 16 A. Norman 17 B . Young (VC) 18 B . Dettmann 19 J-P. Matthews 20 L. Clarke (DVC) 21 J . Roberts 22 Y. Sadd 23 R . Kirk 24 P. Gregory 25 D . Lan don g 26 S . Rocco 27 B . Kelly ry 30 R . Keenan 34 R . Citroen 36 D. Ryan (DVC) 39 A . Elliott 40 D. Dell


Coach : Craig Williams 1 T. Rossignuolo 2 L MacFarlane 3 D. Macdennott 4 A . Simson 5 D. Large 6 N . Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 A . Stewart-Holmes (vc) 9 B . Croft 10 A. Leonard 11 D. Bowle Y 12 J . Ashworth 13 R. Davey 14 C. Eddison 15 A. Thompson 16 T Angus (c) 17 T. Connell 18 T. Wilkins 19 G . Trumbull (c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K. Parker 22 T. Evans (vc) 23 C. Pinches 24 J . Ridley 25 C. Howat 26 B. Collins 27 JJ . Choong 28 A. Collins 31 P. Niven 33 L McKinnon

RUPERTSWOOD U19S Coach : Mick Phillips

1 2 Phillips J. Anderson J . C 3 Boxall T N) 4 Spinner L. 5 Quinn B . 6 McEwan K. 7 Plummer J . 8 Ja er R . T. 9 10 W~ Heywood D . 11 Moule G . 12 Hewat M . 13 Barry P. 14 Sullivan N .(V C) 15 Broughton 7. 16 Monzell R. 17 Potter C . (Capt) 18 Terry C. 19 Moiler D. 20 Constantine B. 21 Van Boxtell M . 22 Dale S. 23 Bums M. 24 Brennan L 25 Carlo A. 26 Wishart C. 27 Bishop S. 28 Davis J . 29 Harrison M . 30 Gaunt M. 31 Fell N . 32 Angarano P. 33 Clark S . 34 Dressler E . 35 Little M. 36 McGilvray S. 37 McGovern D . 38 SilvesterJ . 39 Smith J. 40 Powell D .

ST. BERNARDS (2) Coach: John Fraser

1 G. Rogers 2 C. Govan 3 M . Walsh 4 C. Mitchell 7 D. Mcmurtrie 9 D. Evans 11 A. Marion 13 L. Levides 14 D. Hurley 15 N. Bugryn 16 P. Oxenford 18 S. Smith 27 B. Draper 28 J. Anderson 30 D. Lancashire 33 D. Field 35 T. Pearson 36 S. Cox 38 J. Eg an 39 M . Ewes 41 G . Campbell 49 D. Mcmanus 51 M. Moloney 56 A. Odea 57 L. Anderson 58 J. Tankey 61 W. Vick 65 P. Thompson - J . Watt s 67 E. Johnston 68 J . Faulkner 70 K. Buiss 72 N . Kan e 73 P. Keog h 74 J . O'connel l 75 B . Petti t

THERRY PENOLA Coach : Paul Marion I B. Corriga n 2 J . Belsey (vc) 3 S. Turner 4 R. Skiath tis 5 B. Morri s 6 J . Hermes 7 B. Bowcock 8 J. Quinn 9 T. Hoatson 10 J. Crotty 11 T. Sheppard 12 S. Leach 13 J. Doole y 14 J. Fento n 15 B. Owe n 16 M. Farrelly 17 J. Slawitschka 18 M. Badenhop e 19 M. Arki n 20 C . Capewell (c) 21 J. Brosna n 22 D . Goodwin 23 D . Caliegari 24 M . Farold i 27 I. Gunawardena 29 R . Heane 32 J . Cooper 33 J . Freckleton 40 J . Brosna n


Under-19 - BLUE OENTLEIGH Coach : M . Lee 1 R. Dolman 2 R. Heywood 3 0 . Lewis 5 T Ridgway 6 J. Roberts 7 S. Holmesby Holden 9 D. Wild 10 D . Fogarty 11 J. Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M. Wilson 15 D . Seeker 16 B. Tiso 17 J . D Offiay ' 18 P. Breitkreuz 19 S . Nicholson 20 M. Sidney 21 R . Turner 22 B . McLellan 23 S . Corrigan 24 M. Te Hennepe 25 N. Salvatore 26 L Forrest 27 M . McLellan 30 K. Pereira 34 A. Jolly 35 A. Lee 47 S. Wright 52 M . McLellan 54 B. Meehan 62 T Krotofil


BE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Rob Smith

3 D . Howard 4 N . Hart 5 M . Francis (C) 6 M . Sheehan 7 L Casey 9 J . McKenzie 10 D. Thompson 12 S . Crowe 12 L. Casey 14 E. Browning 19 A. Hillier 19 W. Quaran 20 B. Pedula 21 K. Higgins 23 J. Hennessy 26 D . McLeod 27 B. Raisbeck 28 B . Walton 30 K . De Ridder 30 M . Nixo n 33 J . McCluskey 35 C. Howard 35 T. Robson 41 D. Thompson 42 L. Fisher 46 K. Smyth 47 J . Greaterorex 52 M . Griffin 53 J . Casey , 040


Coach : John Howard Ass Coach : Brian Adis 1 Adem I 2 Baraket A 3 Baraket 0 4 Baribar J 5 Barbuto A 6 Bennett L 7 Bol U

Coaches: Svend Samild, Dean Andrew 1 D . Cochrane 2 Ja Date 3 A . Erskine 4 Br Faibanks (C) 5 N . Fisher (VC) 6 Ri Ironmonger

9 CooperT 10 Dimachki M 11 Dimachki T 12 Dini A 13 Dini A 14 Diriye A

8 M . May 9 T Mitvalsky 10 K. Regan 11 D. Russo 12 B. Russo 13 E. Mill s 14 T. Millis 15 R . Boumon 16 An Wilson 17 B. Carroll 18 S. Cadwallen 19 B. Richards (C) 20 T. Brown (VC) 21 R . Haslemore 22 M. Nielso n 23 Be~ hla n 24 D . Field . Sinclair 25 C 26 N . Sutherland 27 K . Pridham 28 A . Trist 29 M . West 30 M . Ryan ~' 23 G. Rastas 24 M . Peck 25 A. Wilson 26 Br Pratt 27 G . Bottomley

i6 E~'is D 17 Farrah M 18 Gibson B Hap A 20 Hassan A 21 Hassan 1 22 Hassan M 23 Hastie D 24 Howarth P. 25 Leary M 26 Levy S 27 Lithgaw S 28 Makay A 29 0'Shanness y T 30 Predavec S 31 Prokhorav T 32 Rabi Y 33 Rankin J 34 Ryan T 35 Sheehan D 36 Shellard L 37 TarantoA 38 Urbina H 39 Vardis M 40 Unning B 41 Vodstncil M


Coach : Brett Gardner 1 A . Murray 2 D . Couniham 3 R . Nahas 4 S . Earl 5 M . Jorda n

6 D. Cleary

7 C. Lamb 8 G . Torcasio 9 D. Will s 10 C. Hoga n 11 W. Plaukovit s 12 G . Vitagliano 13 L. Rowan 14 P. Brown 15 R . Holden 16 S. White 17 S. Briggs 18 S. Serres 19 A. Ciavarell a 20 N . Wills 21 J. Briggs 22 T. Orchard 23 D . Zula 24 J . Reynolds 25 J . Nevezie V. Maraventano D. Costigan A. Shilto n A. Middlemis s S . Ott

28 M . Latham


Current Solution s APM Group .



Coach : Steve Muscat Coach: Tim Hdle Team Manager: Anita Muscat Asst: Pad hkkwr & David Robertson . Nassrallah 1 E 1 A Thompson 2 J. Isaac (DVC) 2 C. Medcraft 3 D. Haas 3 J. Woodgate 4 C. Lazarakis (VC) 4 C. Schleiger 5 J. Thomas 5 D. Brosnan 6 S. Nussbau m 6 T Denatris 7 R . O 'Brien 7 D . Black 8 C . Thomson 9 T. Peel 9 C . Rossenlis 10 L Wells 10 S. Schellebeck 11 B. Arnold 11 S . Sullivan 12 C . Johnstone (DVC) 12 J . Mar eti s g 13 S . Mcconch ie 13 J . Evangelista 14 S . Davi s F. Patuad 16 S . Mitsios 15 S . Vaug han 17 D. Martin 17 C. Nayna 20 R. Lerner 18 M . Marziale 20 J. Fredrickson 21 B . Upstill 21 K. Onurlu 23 L. Gouzenfder 22 D. Armansin 24 M . Anderson 23 M . Sofoulis 25 R. Matte r 24 J. Staker 26 D. Tehennepe (VC) 25 A. Evangelista 28 B. Harris 26 X. DeaYt on (Ca P)i 30 A. Jirov 27 V. Seng 31 A. Bukala 28 S. Cook (DVC) 33 A. Cook (C) 29 S. Tan 34 S. Ramsay 30 M . Thomas 44 B . Robbins 32 S . Burgo 61 G. Evans 34 R . Wood 41 J . Antonucci 42 D . Andrews 43 B . Jefireys 44 B . Evangelista 54


Coach : Glenn Alford 1 McGettigan M 2 McNamara D 3 Cleary G 4 UHuillier D 5 Gilmore S 6 Buck A 7 Grasby P 8 Kelly L 9 Serofin L 10 Mark J 11 Weedon N 12 Powell G 13 Rouillon L 14 McMurray L 15 Curr y P 16 Lovelock R 17 Laver T 18 Samya J 19 Paterson A 20 Lynch J 21 Cieslak L 22 Terrell L 23 Waters D 24 Moss D 25 Porter D 26 Hilton M 27 Jones L 28 Andrews M 29 Lynch D 30 Maddodcs J 31 McConnell K 32 Petrovic J 33 Tyquin J 34 Bignell R 35 Thompson G



Coach: Matthew Webb

Coach: Darren McKillop

1 Nathan Chalk 2 Ross Dean 3 Jeremy Diaz 4 Glen D'Olivera 5 Chris Domingo 7 Michael Furnell 8 Damien Homan 9 Matt Hope 10 Daniel Johnston 11 Bradley Judd 13 Michael Kosmala 15 Peter Lan9ha m 16 Luke Merchant 17 Wigor Monteiro 18 Michael Nelson 19 Ashley Pen rY 20 Matthew Phaedonos 21 Darryl Pinto 22 Benjamin Worrell

1 T. Cronan 3 0 . Kohneshee n 6 E . Costello 7 R. Gingel l 8 J . Niemi 9 C. Batchelor (VC) 11 J . Cooke 13 L. Stanza 16 J. Newso n 18 E. Bouchard 21 D . Whiting 22 L . Bell (C ( )) 25 A . Ray 26 A . Excel] 27 J . Cronan 33 J . Merchi c 40 S . Walde n 54 M . Giannellis 58 J . Masterton 59 A. Giannellis pe r 69 W. Coo ~ 78 M . Stephanadakis 79 N . Strachan 88 D . Phillips 89 L . Elser

Hodges Real Estate Menton e Clearcut Hairdressin g IFCO Brighton Nissan THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 21

Under-19 - RED AQUINAS


Coach: Terry McEvoy

Coach : Ph'ro Demetriou

6 S . Hills 7 B . Helme

8 M. Wall g S. Loonstra 10 M. Dexter 12 A. Munchow 13 C . Williams 14 A. Lobzcuk 17 M . Adams 18 T. Walsh 19 P. Symons 20 B . Hardham 21 C. Galliott 22 M . Visser 24 C . Crozier 50 A . Failla 52 D . White 61 D . Jennings 66 A. Kinghorne 67 D . Muir 68 B. Pratt

1 Z. Wenke 2 J. Brockwell

3 A. McGovern 4 P. Adams 5 A. Brown 6 M. Morgan 7 R . Moore 8 A. Demetriou 9 M . Christian 10 R. Wright 11 P. BlaYneY 12 M . Parfett 13 W. Ioannidis 14 M . Lardo 15 A . Evans 16 A . Mitropoulos 17 C . Davies 18 T. Wise 19 T. Mcintosh 20 A. Ioannou 21 D . Herbert 22 J. Tsingaris 23 J. Everest 24 A. Bottomley 25 C. Stavropoulos 26 L. Richardson 27 A. Kayrooz 28 B. Herbert 29 T. Shepherd


11 A. Varga 12 B. Tekin 13 A. Smith 14 E. Miritis 15 E. Sanli 16 J . Newman 17 D. McMillan 18 J . McDonald 20 R. Tremayne

22 D. Seraiocco 23 28 24 36

A. Stavretis P. Murch B . Moran A . Coulston

38 E . Odza 40 T. King 41 J. Wolnizer 42 J. Simon 43 M. Iacuone 49 B. Lapadula

I B. Gerac e 2 J . Tanner 3 R. Naidu 4 J . Mason 5 G . Walker

6 S . Vining 7 F. Pavez 8 A . Miller 9 P. Nevill e 10 C . Lever 11 A . Taylo r 12 A . Celeca 13 A . Potts 14 M . Potts 15 A . Woods 17 D . Taylor 18 J. Morsello 19 D . Corp 20 K. Lawson 21 B. Merriweather 22 B. Gilbert

23 A. Mokrusch

24 P. Hudson 25 G .Ba rtlett 26 M . Garnie r 27 J . Bart olo 28 D. Hudson 29 T. Whiting 30 J . Pedrirn 31 M . Monohan 32 B . Naz 'rfovski 33 J . Meeriweather 34 P. Johnsto n 35 H . Hodgson 36 C . Lipa 37 B. Payne 38 F. Bertone 39 A. Maluccio

10 J. Coyne

11 J. Mujanovic 12 M . Rogers 13 M . Zika 14 D. Ryan 15 T. McBurney 16 S. Cahill 17 B. MacDonald 18 R. Astudillo 19 N. Had 20 D. McPhee 21 D. Russell 22 S . Edwards 23 K . Maghamez 24 R . Willingham

25 J . Ziemer

30 S . Sall

Coach: Cliff Lever Ass. Coach : Jim Hudson

Coach : Tim Bell ~t: Tony Dullard 1 S .Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson 3 R . Williams 4 D . Robbins 5 J . Violato 6 C . Dullard 7 D . Pocock 8 E. Clarke 9 A. Butler

Coach: Harry Harisiou 4 C . Lapadula 7 J. Ryan 10 T. Lee

31 I . Stokes 32 D. Nichols 33 D . Playfair 34 M . Depetro 35 B . Stanton



WP Coach : Justin Vaughan 1 J. Pasco t 2 J. Waters 3 M . Ford

Coach: Lachlan Beaton Ass Coach : David Watson

4 G. Cocks

5 R. McCann 6 R. Toms 7 B . Game 8 G. Homer 9 L McDermott 10 A. Kennedy 11 M. Levins 12 D . Co p~k 13 C . Phyland

14 R . Fallon 15 C. Lee 16 C. Huangg 17 P. Carse 18 A. E 9an 19 P. Bamewall 20 T. Munro 21 S. Elliott 22 M . Beddome 23 G. Hanson 24 M . Ferguson 25 M . Williams

27 R. Morris 33 M . Donald 46 M . Cardosi

J. Clark L Ccll ~

L . coics N.. Da,yn,pl crowt= J e M . Darcy B. anr " D. Fennell A H~son R Harn J . Hanke

Harvey 8 . Hayes

M . Hogan pKarallotn,s C . Kean J . Lambert D . Lha~,yhwn o F•~~ s T r"t'n"`' McDonald D. M. Millar S. Murph y

e, P~~~

M . Redmond S. Rumbotd

j. Wadren D. Walker B . Warburton T. Whitehea d T. wikie

31 S. Glouftsis 32 R . Hag e 33 G . Brown

u1e(2) Fred Chamberlain

e Mcoonr A J 9 NTsT toRH 11 Bourke R ia G:nrvan L 14 Roach- M - arret A te N ii Bcocs Chapman P is scan an M (C) is Mart;nJ 20 Meehan 0 21 Noanc 22 S,rvagn~ R 23 Frer~cn R 24 purss c 25 Rowe L 26Purcen oH"'i°" 27 pM 28 fine J 29 Adams S 30 ~ " " s anA 32 rcmemey r 33 Fwd D 34 puinn D 35 R~ p 37 fiasco R 38 Menan-SmBh J 39 R~ s 40 OYHanion 41 Fusinato FM 42 StnB ~~,MT 43 Ka,m= D 45 Trovato M 46 47 s~ike~ 0 48 LaduhTA 49 50 ~~ef P 51 eo"~~J 52 ~t°r 53 54 p~enA

R . euaer E. Callaghan R. cameron

30 A. Maroon


5 Rubrra E s Kenfie~ M 7 Freer S

N . gr'dg 5 S. em~yh DDA V

A. Sew G. Scott J. Seveli M . T=-son


1 O'Meara T 2 TrescowthickJ a Mumrm mer s a As~°ong A

D . erennan

26 J . Richardson 27 A . Merhi 28 C . Meighen 29 W. Murray


Coaches: U19(t) a.ntna,y Duggan


Coach : Zoran Colovi c

I Mark MacGuga n 2 Jamie A4apleson 3 Rob Moffatt 4 Michael Commadeur

5 Lee Crossley (vc) 6 Simon Bade 7

Andrew Jesse (c)

8 lachie Bullen 9 Wan West 10 KYeran Prestidge(vc) 11 Hugh Tunnecl itf 1 2 Dwain Critchley 13 Jeremy While i 4 Rohan Ault 15 Ashle~Lync Y h 16 Sam enty 17 Richard Wood Duncan Brown 19 Alen Kelly 20 Michael Proctor 21 Richard Whatley 22 Michael Steele 23 Stephen Commadeur 24 Brendan Edwards 25 Scott Palmer 26 Lachlan Clancy 27 Francis Slattery 28 Matthew Morris 29 Sam Price 30 James Fuller 31 Mark Turner 35 Brendan Goonan

Herbert Barlo w


. vw

T. woo d

YARRA VALLEY OB Coach : Peter Battle 1 L. Hickey 2 D .Tsou~rkovts 3 G . Marti n 4 T. Peters 5 B. Nicholas (c) 6 A. Maudsley 7 C . Walker 8 M. Rokicki

9 D. Borlan d 0 L . Askew

11 C. Brit 12 T. Amos 13 B. Glennie

14 E. Gotten 15 A. Russell 16 S. Ye o 17 W. Carte r 18 D. Wright 19 D. Reynold s 21 K. Everist 22 T. Hoo per 23 D. Ba rtolomeo 24 N . 'Riley 25 B . Seege r

36 H . Shakespeare

38 Nick Brooks O 40 Kyle Ma9e e 54 Callum B a rt e 56 Sam Chisholm ~,S 59 Andrew Woolley Josh Costello Fibr-e *~ t 72 74 Jamie Dawsley 75 Oliver scott Tristan Brumby Rendell 003 Ma j or Sponso r-L 77 110 Andrew Aylett LI THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003 55

gp ;= _`~viersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623 ) 7 7 Maurice Street, NunE . ; ~=~:ding Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 15 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLEF


E3 pF

- `eiersdor f A ustralia Ltd (ACN 000 0 25 6 23)

7 Maurice Street, :' ;_~ IC.W ading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 15 7 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER





' - _jp to $5 million

g . 2 rr ' 1hes . Old Esser3on . Abusive language , iksnc . 2 matches . This Sat: I 3 1 This Sun : No Next Sat : St . Bs

:o )pear,l match . 1 atch .

August 8 Ormond v Bent'igh (U1 9 August 9 Old Hailetbu:y t August 10 Club X~III Preli,-n'zAugust 16 Hampton Rovers v, August 17 Club X',III Gra: August 20 APS v AGS (5- 1 August 23 Mazenod v . August 24 FID : C


> seasons, Old Xaver

itly go" 0 < ihoe sh e

Oval . In Round 7, C 11 rty three poll desnite im -nroz fo Is over recent - : .~7eirseason a;! :~ z I who have not s'io roughout the season record a comfortable vic t

over Collegians a t Chelsworth Park as the "br a and whites' tune up for next week's first sc final . Round 7

Prahran's stars in Butterworth en and Cartledge all spar h

, whose form has impr o

Jonath,, : : the tZec's : noticed, Wei e Old the-, ThcrUnivers`

after T :'>-1r_ goals in Lyons Lad . the winnin;_

and Lead LE four . .tv ^

starr°r. Old to j by Iva c

goals f A .J .rt . :

propoa Ge ar El i

he first serni final loomi n ust yield ! advice that the stars are C boi id that Pr~ hran Will be all out to fiel ( competitive side . This being so I select th eblomingStKevin'stamowintherfinalm < of the season . If I am wrong would all PraH people descend on the 2002 leader, who told what to write!

Section 2 North

Second placed, Old Xaverians journey to ?_nlamiliar terrain of leader, Old Essendon, wli the Round 7 match, triumphed by sixt y i_ s . Hopefully the game will be closer toda5

averians form has taaered off as the see 7rogressed and because the match i : I believe Old .9sendon w11i triumph a ~ yBlac=s , ~_ ` regain some conf3d+ :ig O i 'iose initial season iced br; s . Victory by should gi, second place o n of the Penola versus Fi1

in the four and the lose r 2004. In Ro!,n~! 7, a+ Brun s e Reds vron by a goal, : ever Ti

ave improved as display last C vtoerhaul )dav. Over ma ,tocl

"I-Iapl€ ss° ConseC :t2f.'

points . 60


ran me the ain

n 2 Sout h I St Leo's to finish their season on a hig h

again defeating Whitefriars, whose for m ; ; taiien away in recent times.

( defeated Mazenod should complete the Club fiI, Home and Away season by accounting fo r > unpredictable Old Geelong .

i7 .1 5 ws . Pe¢ori, 5, Erskine 3 , - . Best: ones . uy 0_Kavs, (F) 6 .8 [44 ) 17.13 27,14 0Trigg. Best : Lomb m

, in Albert Park, I select Eley Park to deice '

and thus to cling to the double chance . on will make an all out attempt to kic against I-ra "h c- n in the hope they can

nd place on

' e ladder. It is mos t at -~righton Beach . for Yet to contact me a " nateur Footballer com

7 2857 k .com .au



Ul :s (1 ) t~ .hran Cartlldge 6 i, t Xaverians L Hardwick 2 06 ) 'd Xaverians R George 0 24 r . :hran Butterworth 0 2 3 (ler-lans Oakley 0 2 1 C18 (rt) ; itx .'oy Red s Prior 23 d Essendon Evans 22 Id Essendon Eddy 22 )id Trinity Cade 16 Id Trinity Taylor 11 C18 (S) i, .zenod Fothergill 0 50 ld Brighton Cochran 4 48 u :uenod Bridgland 4 41 (c.zenod Fisher 0 33 c!ey Park Psaltopoulis 0 30



CLUB XVM (1 ) Monash Blues v Marcellin Old Xaverians v De La Salle Old Ivanhoe v Collegian s St. Kevins v Prahra n CLUB XVIII (North) Old Trinity - Bye Old Essendon v Old Xaverians (2) Old Carey v University Blacks Therrv Penola v Fitzroy Pod s

2 .4 4 .4 8 .5 12 .9(81) 0 .3 2 .11 3.13 5 .13 (43 ) unn Simon Peariess (F) 0 .0 2.1 2 .3 4 .5(29) 5.5 10.7 18.12 21 .16 (142) hford, Ross, Stanlev . Best : Oldfieid, Hams , rr der, Burn, St Kerins : Shelley 5. Unnamed 3. 2, Robin n 2, ctnerny, K '=✓elnernv. m. I : Sheik znc, Dunne, Fogarty. 1 . Um i D n Sonora (F) 0 i £0' 6.10(46) FITZROY 8.5(53) Old Ti O'Shea 2, Stebbins 2, Best . G Treadwell . Best : Best . K Condron, rbrandt, nmkoni, J Cade, Brawn . Fitzroy Reds : whitty e 2, Jackson, Holland. Best : Auden, Everard, Roache, 'iitiy It . Umpires: Tony Robbins David l4'tndlow (F} OLD :- . .. . . . . . (2) 4.3 6 .9 9.14 15.22 (112) C£ . ._' 3.2 3 .2 5.5 6 .5(41) C ails eceived U-pL evor 1"ansen Rick Bensor. (F) U . .VE . . . . t3'CXS 3 .1 3.1 6.3 8.5(53) TIt;; ist t Y1tdaLA 1 .2 9.8 11 .10 15 .13 (103) University 3lac'ss : Snow 4, Cardamone 2, Middleton, Quinlan . Best: Middleton . Otsuka . Hetherington, Nicholls, Bahen, Snow Therry Penola: Keenan 6. Chapman 3, Gleeson 2, Kelly, Johnson . Yoss, Freze. Best: Eddie, Yosu, J.Vai, " iker, J.Sannders . R4.Carter Umpires: Tom Windlow Tom ;4i .1mr

- "" (s9U?H1

ST LEOS E: US 2 .0 5 .4 5 .4 7.507) M R?g~-'^1 0 C 1 .5 7.10 13.14 18 .15 (123) il : tot received ^" ° F^'7 Michael Phillips (F ) 0.1 2 .1 3.2 7,4(46) , ON 7.2 11 .4 12_7 14.10(94) ars : Bobbvtnan, Thomson, Spitert. Best : Bobbyman . Dalton, Gibson .1 .,. ;.er, Houston, Thomson . Old Brighton : Cochran 4, Bowden 3, G . Earl 3 . Bran 2, Allen . Reddin . Best: Kovae, Trim, Bowden, Carra. Jenkin, fiut!Pr. Umni=es : J~ Ciccotosto J&•i p^r,re IF) OLD t=-.,, 2 .6 6 .9 8_10 914(68) AJAX r9 .8 18 .13G21? Old . . : _ . ., , . : as 2, Harris . I st: c ,_ ..

. ..

.. -


. ...


. . _ ?~Yrur,Fh ,

CLUB XVIII (Soa:_t_ :.i Whitefriars v St . Leos - ; ; - li : g iMazenodvOlG AJAX v Eley Par!, Hawthorn Amateurs v Old Brighto n L' THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 3


u~: id squ-re w :lere you thij i '

Ias in 1, i e original photo.

' Weekly . Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in whic h the majority of the ball was, will each receive in the mail 5 Sportscover vouchers which, when presented at the canteen at Sporlscover Arena (Elsternvaick Park) will entitle the bearer to receive up to 5 Four 'N' Twenty pies or 5 Schweppes sofldrinks or a combination of the two. (Total 5) . The winners' names and r iginal photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the 째P mateur Footballer' .

rod 14. . C= ry per person . T+ - off entry section which appears dov+ : ihandseoftpg,liandmto VAFA PO Box 359 EtsternFVick 3185 or plcopy and fax to 9531 20K Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each rouno . Prizes for the Sportscover Sp' the Ball Competition are kindly donated by Four N Twenty Pies and Schweppes. P" F~

P 3LUES 1 4 TY BLACKS 14 14 C ..,,SNS 1 4 ULE 14 1VALLEY OB 1 4 iIr.~~10 C 1 4 iP _'~ 0 C 1 4 ut ASSUMPTION 1 4 EEN TEMP. 1 4

% 13 1 0 1ioi ns8 215.06 10 4 0 1253 712 175.98 10 4 0 1034 693 149.21 10 4 0 955 754 126.66 9 5 0 983 795 123.65 6 8 0 889 964 92 .22 4 10 0 828 983 84 .23 4 10 0 839 1078 77 .83 3 11 0 811 1260 64 .37 1 13 0 466 1493 31 .21


W 14 12 11 8 6 6 5 4 2 2

P i '.;,(EURS 14 OD 1 4 BURNE UNI 1 4 H :S O C 1 4 14 RNWICK 14 `~H GRYPHONS 1 4 ,. . MELD DISTRICTS14 ER HOUSE 14 )AL TALLY-HO 1 4

W ___L D Ftar 3 0 1 1461 0 4 0 1149 9 4 1 1062 9 5 0 860 7 7 0 925 6 8 0 898 5 9 0 721 5 9 0 704 3 11 0 637 2 12 0 545


L tt ___F" A ~P PL, % 0 0 1567 504 310 .91 56 2 0 1384 528 262.12 48 3 0 1245 548 227.19 44 6 0 914 759 120.42 32 8 0 859 967 88.83 24 8 0 860 1073 80.15 24 9 0 824 1087 75 .80 20 10 0 759 1232 61 .61 16 12 0 597 1432 41 .69 8 12 0 572 1515 37 .76 8 A 571 255 .87 767 149 .80 720 147 .50 867 99.19 993 93.15 982 91 .45 833 86.55 988 71 .26 1053 60.49 1341 40 .64

54 40 38 36 28 24 20 20 12 8


D For Agst ! Ra#1o 11 2 0 1458 606 240 .59 84 .62 11 2 0 1405 653 215 .16 84 .62 11 2 0 1363 700 194.71 84 .62 10 3 0 1278 507 252.07 76 .92 7 6 0 1004 892 112.56 53.35 6 6 0 695 1000 69.5 50 6 7 0 958 826 115 .98 46.15 4 9 0 900 1112 80.94 30.77 3 9 0 827 1070 77 .29 25 1 11 0 326 1778 18 .34 8 .33 0 13 0 364 1561 23 .32 0

-P--W--- L DS 14 14 0 san ' BLUES 14 11 3 SCOTCH 14 11 3 :AVERIANS 14 8 6 EVINS 14 7 7 A SALLE 14 6 8 LFIELD GR 14 4 9 RCELLIN 14 3 9 L'~ "ZIGHTO 14 2 1 0 )L~ ~, SSENDON GR 14 1 1 2


52 40 40 40 36 24 16 16 12 4


Ott AMATEURS 14 1 3 ELBURNIANS 14 10 4 =~.1RIS 14 10 4 u CAMBERWELL 14 9 5 '.IPTON ROVERS 14 8 6 jLU IVANHOE 14 7 7 iD TRINITY 14 7 7 -NOD OC 14 4 1 0 `A 1DIANS 14 2 12

II For 9w % PIS 0 1916 855 224 .09 56 0 1632 763 213 .89 44 0 1603 1026 156 .24 44 0 1163 1025 113 .46 32 0 1218 1202 101 .33 28 0 1118 1204 92.86 24 1 1114 1417 78 .62 18 2 1217 1412 86 .19 16 2 654 1735 37 .69 12 1 695 1894 36.69 6 V For AW % 0 1294 671 192.85 0 1318 691 190.74 0 1041 1017 102 .36 0 1156 1037 111 .48 0 967 1041 92 .89 0 1155 1182 97 .72 0 855 963 88 .79 0 586 1383 42 .37 0 772 1258 61 .37


52 40 40 36 32 28 28 16 8


SJ 13 12 11 8 8 7 5 4 2

L _ U __ Fm - A9sf % Pis -1 0 1100 727 151 .31 52 2 0 1582 495 319.60 48 3 0 1225 883 138.73 44 6 0 1406 1105 127.24 32 6 0 1090 1134 96 .12 32 7 0 994 1182 84 .09 28 9 0 859 1200 71 .58 20 10 0 758 1318 57 .51 16 12 0 523 1616 32 .36 8

P t~ L % Pts QA1LEIG! 14 13 1 0 2s, ., 15 304 .20 52 ST BEDES ~ .'~c4T TIG 14 12 2 0 1742 804 216.67 48 ST JOHNS 0 C 14 12 2 0 1590 868 183 .18 48 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 14 8 6 0 1680 1129 148 .80 32 BENTLEIGH 14 6 8 0 1332 1162 114 .63 24 MENTONE PANTHERS 14 6 8 0 1199 1450 82 .69 24 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 14 5 9 0 1215 1235 98 .38 20 ORMOND 14 5 9 0 1042 1428 72 .97 20 GLEN EIRA 14 2 12 0 568 2350 24 .17 8 DE LA SALLE (2) 14 1 13 0 710 2146 33 .08 4 ul 1",' : P w L H For % pis BANYULE VIEWBAN, 14 14 0 0 1675 659 254 .17 56 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 11 2 0 1485 518 286 .68 44 FITZROY REDS 14 10 4 0 1494 800 186 .75 40 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 14 8 6 0 1152 985 116.95 32 LA TROBE UNi 14 7 7 0 930 844 110 .19 28 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 7 7 0 891 957 93 .10 28 AQUINAS 0 C 5 9 0 777 1183 65 .68 20 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 4 10 0 702 1185 59 .24 16 OLD WESTBOURNE 14 3 11 0 562 1264 44 .46 12 BULLEEN TEMP. 13 0 13 0 335 1724 19.43 0 P w L tT For Aw % pts OLD XAVERIANS 13 13 0 0 1627 495 328 .69 52 DE LA SALLE 13 11 2 0 1344 701 191 .73 44 PRAHRAN 13 9 4 0 1407 854 164 .75 36 OLDIVANHOE 13 7 6 0 867 889 97 .53 28 ST KEVINS 13 5 8 0 928 1014 91 .52 20 MARCELLIN 13 4 9 0 662 1225 54 .04 16 MONASH BLUES 13 2 10 1 698 1548 45 .09 10 COLLEGIANS 13 0 12 1 702 1599 43 .90 2 IN L Q FK A f OLD ESSENDON GR 13 12 1 0 948 515 184 .08 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 13 9 4 0 833 522 159.58 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 9 4 0 629 660 95 .30 THERRY PENOLA OB 13 8 5 0 716 597 119 .93 FITZROY REDS 13 8 5 0 653 614 106 .35 OLD TRINITY 13 4 9 0 703 833 84 .39 OLD CAREY 13 2 11 0 441 1182 37 .31



w 13 8 8 8 6 5 4 0

48 36 36 32 32 16 8

L 速 For Aw ! 0 0 1553 611 254 .17 52 5 0 1331 708 187 .99 32 5 0 1102 641 171 .92 32 5 0 1058 878 120 .50 32 7 0 980 882 111 .11 24 8 0 705 1205 58 .51 20 9 0 849 1110 76.49 16 13 0 324 1926 16 .82 0

~c_,_r ~t __--^

SPORTSCOVER j vaFn +:oas.^cx+sca ' to ?hrs service) - ------`-____-1 63

S 14 11 3 0 iNS 14 10 4 0 0 , OTCH 14 9 5 WRY 14 8 6 0 0 14 8 6 SI BLUES 14 7 7 0 =LL 14 6 8 0 t-D i 14 5 9 0 14 4 1 0 14 2 12 0

154 .93 4 35 136 .91 4 105 .49 33, 6 .57 3 2 95.82 32 09 2 8 24 05 2 0 35 1 6 .25 8


IN :E UNI 14 12 2 0 1622 1114 145 .60 S! ODD 14 10 4 0 1898 1261 150 .52 H RYPHONS 14 9 5 0 1417 1288 110 .02 DISTRICTSI4 8 6 0 1242 1252 99 .20 _Y-HD 14 8 6 0 1166 1183 98 .56 JSE 14 7 7 0 980 1331 73 .63 tEURS 14 6 8 0 1213 1297 93.5 2 a 3 0 C 14 4 10 0 1278 1329 96 .1 6 14 4 10 0 1126 1506 74 .77 14 2 12 0 1369 1750 78 2 3 P

F SI ':.ON OR 14 1 1 3 0i 1'2 ._: 117.22 44 ARS 14 10 0 1 1" 151 9 8 40 OL!' IGHTON 14 9 5 0 1417 1178 120.29 36 ST :DES ' :NTTlG 14 7 6 1 1358 1397 97 .21 30 03 ~_ LE 14 7 7 0 1369 1359 100.74 28 NO _D BOYS 14 6 8 0 1270 1282 99 08 24 P.,". !OD 0 C 14 6 8 0 1349 1468 91 .89 24 OLD 1 -tRADIANS 14 6 8 0 1180 1377 85 .69 24 8013 14 4 10 0 1142 1472 77 .58 1 6 Hd 'TON ROVERS 14 3 10 1 1162 1520 76 .45 1 4 P-------V#---- - ---L - - D For A,gst ° ----------------COLLEC S 14 10 4 0 1429 1071 133 .43 ST LEOS EtvrvAAUS WP 14 10 , 0 1488 1292 115 .17 CAULFIELD OR 14 9 5 0 1453 1143 127 .12 BEAUMARIS 14 9 5 0 1507 1263 119 .32 MENTONE VULTURES 14 9 5 0 1445 1260 114 .68 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 8 6 0 1292 1197 107 .94 OLD CAMBERWELL 14 6 8 0 1483 1413 104 .95 PRAHRAN 14 4 10 0 999 1717 58 .18 ORMOND 14 3 11 0 1018 1504 67 .69 GLEN EIRA 14 2 12 0 1215 1469 82 .71 P


i f3_


40 40 36 36 36 32 24 16 12 8

6 --- W -_L

For %--Pts 48 48 32 32 30 28 22 20 12 8

F W L D -Flar__AW __% ___l -Pis 14 11 2 1 1191 639 186 .38 46 14 11 3 0 1194 755 158 .15 44 14 10 4 0 1307 754 17134 40 14 8 5 1 932 867 107 .50 34 14 8 6 0 1149 917 12530 32 14 6 8 0 887 945 93 .86 24 14 6 8 0 845 964 87 .66 24 14 5 9 0 708 1191 59 .45 20 tOVERS 14 3 11 0 641 1331 48 .16 1 2 TIG 14 1 13 0 578 1164 49 .66 4



F PENINSULA 0 B 14 14 0 0 1848 7 5 6 FI ROY REDS 14 11 3 0 137 1 OLD ( =Y 14 10 4 0 v "K 14 1( 4 0 OLD E 14 7 7 0 WILLIA C 'MS 14 6 8 0 1326 L TM 14 6 8 0 BENTLEIGH 14 5 9 0 1172 1526 20 OAKLEI i 14 1 13 0 1070 1947 4 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 14 0 14 0 790 2101 37 .89 0


_ ., - .-1 !'BLUES 14 12 2 0 1353 758 178.50 ST BEM . IRDS 14 12 2 0 1262 743 169.85 ;.:ARCELLIN 14 8 6 0 1000 852 117 .37 OLD HAILEYBURY 14 8 6 0 1132 984 115 .04 OLDIVANHOE 14 7 6 1 999 1152 86.72 OLD XAVERIANS 14 7 7 0 1032 871 118 .48 OLD TRINITY 14 5 8 1 775 1049 73 .88 OLD SCOTCH 14 5 9 0 836 1073 77 .91 ST KEVINS 14 2 10 2 747 1319 56 .63 OLD ( LBURNIANS 14 2 12 0 721 1085 66,45


OLD "ENTONi ;S 14 10 3 1„u2 17 2,<,: .82 42 < 14 10 3 1 1402 1 , ) 116 .83 42 5iu-SH BLUES 14 10 4 0 1371 w1 145 .70 40 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 10 4 0 1498 1067 14039 40 BANYULE 14 8 6 0 1430 1388 103 .03 32 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 14 7 7 0 1193 1315 90 .72 28 SALESIAN 0 C 14 4 10 0 1013 1189 85 .20 16 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 14 4 10 0 1156 1437 80 .45 16 BULLEEN TEPv1PLESTOWE14 3 11 0 1127 1520 7414 12 ADUi %S 0 C 14 3 11 0 962 1395 68.96 1 2

W _L

13 13 0 0 1791 867 206 .57 100 U 13 10 3 0 1625 1024 158.69 76-92 OLD vveSiBOURNE 13 9 4 0 1417 854 165.9369 .23 ALBERT PARK 13 9 4 0 1491 968 154.03 69 .23 ST MARYS 13 9 4 0 1470 1307 112 .47 69 .23 NORTH BRUNSWICK 13 8 5 0 1255 1219 102.95 61 .54 ELTHAiv9 COLLEGIANS 12 4 8 0 1106 1240 89.1933 .33 RICHMOND CENTRAL 12 3 9 0 933 1642 56 .82 25 BOX HILL NORTH 12 2 10 0 862 1569 54.9416 .67 BULLEEN COBRAS 13 2 11 0 764 1470 51 .9715 .38 E 7NF : ICK PO-ER 13 1 12 0 1061 1682 63.08 7 .6 9

If L B


A gsf %


14 12 2 0 1189 667 178 .26 48 14 11 3 0 1268 658 192 .71 44 LA OB 14 10 4 0 1308 810 161 .48 4 0 14 9 5 0 1186 731 162 .24 36 14 9 5 0 10 0 8 789 127 .76 36 =)ELD ( 1 14 8 6 0 1132 731 154 86 32 14 4 10 0 903 1183 76 33 1 6 OW.~OND 14 4 10 0 917 1266 72 .43 16 GL_ : . EIRA 14 2 12 0 649 1490 4 1 56 8 MENTONE VULTURES 14 1 13 0 552 1787 30 .89 4 C(



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.