The Amateur Footballer, Week 16, 2003

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R ,. rcPTSCOi%E t . . .. . _ :.' .sFC ; ;6f

vr:7A would like to extend its thanks to the Board an rports Club fod~ r , l ;niaistration of the WorkSafe VCFL and the ~ . ; ; nt . ;r,;nifieent efforts in hosting last Sunday's n' ' .h clash between .I' k and the VCFL. It really was an interstate game, with the match I t,cecn two Victorian grassroots icons with the match played just ove r I~order in NSW . We lost and won . We lost the match . We won many '- ~ I

V ;-ri ndships and won many fresh ideas . Football again being the real I S ~`m% c+ S

CHIEF EXECUTIV E OFFICER =.ed to report that during the VCFL v . VAFA senior match las t

l ; , nd the Country may be willing to commit to an annual Under 19 match against the VAFA . ,~ ; a , i irtain-raiser match to last Sunday's senior match the VCFL East v . West Challenge took In this game the best Under 18 players from the east of Victoria plays the best players from One possibility would be that the best 15 players could be chosen from this match an d 1 ,,, supplemented by a number of players up to age 23 to bring the average age to just Under 19 ic,r the game to be played against a VAFA Under 19 team . Officials from both the VAFA and VCFL I,, ,, : c promised to meet to develop this concept further . -wick Park) draw is compiled each year the basis of that ;t l, : n the Slacartseover Areri; ir<iv, is that each A and B section club is allocated one home match to be played "away fro m

This has always thought to be the fairest way of compiling such a draw . )ac ;_es and players are happy to play at the ground, especially as it is where the finals are pla :cd but the downside of it is that clubs are down on revenue compared to the match being rd at home . ~ recent suggestion has been made which I feel is worth consideration . The proposal goes ,ounething like this . Clubs would be invited to purchase a'•block" of home matches to be playe d t isisternwick Park . A "block", for example, could consist of a Saturday and a Sunday match played at any time of the home and away fixture . Clubs could also nominate who they would like th,~ opposition club to be . The block would cost the club, say $1200, and from this the VAF A v; auld operate the scoreboard and provide people for the gates . The home club then would tak e tlie gate proceeds, operate the canteen and run the after match . It there was/is interest in this concept a block of matches could be tailored to meet club needs , ~ cid once all "blocks" are built into the program other matches would be listed around these Mocks" of games . Upcum'ng dates : Pre r. i de r- ts' Forum - Sunday August 10, Trinity C~rammar Playing Fields- Cohen Room Vote Count /Presentation N ight Monday September 1, Crown Palladium E°ecutive Seminar - October 13 & 1 4 A :id finally a reminder to clubs that there is no meeting of club Members this coming Monday night . Clubs will be advised of the next meeting of (Irabs when known .

i)U FINAL OF THE V ;~ I RI/-',N A sl~ U g ~l~lJs ~ "i'~~Ra ® ~/ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

Next Week's Matches . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .6 1 Coaches' Clipboard.. . ... . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . .12 For the Love of the Game. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 18-19 Looking Back . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .34-35 Sportsm;er Arena Draw . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .59 Tribunal & Investigations . . ... . .. .. . .. . . ... . . ... . . .. . ... . .. . . ....59 Sportscover Spot the Ball . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .62

Ladders . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. .63164 j


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Paul Fahey ,- :k Paul Northey Res : Dirk Jones 1 C. Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D. Waters 4 G . Romanin 5 N. Godwin 6 D. Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 8 R. Fr'rsin a 9 L. Considine 10 A. Dale 11 D. Taylor (RC) 12 B . Cronin 13 S . Dinneen 14 D. Salce 15 P. Spence 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (VC) 18 D . Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 S .O'Fiynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 A . Wadsworth 24 L. O'Flynn (RVC) 25 R . Galati 26 D . McMillan 27 S. Theisz (DVC) 28 D . Johnsto n 29 N . Addiso n 30 A. Treganowan (C) 31 B. Dobson 32 M. Browne 33 G . Cull 34 D. Jarred 35 J . Frazer (DVC) 36 M . Bortolotto 37 B. Cope 38 M . Sier 39 B . Colville 40 D. Carson 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen (DVC) 43 A . Duncan 44 L. Hanson 45 D. Theisz 46 S . Maguire 47 P. Fiorenza 48 N . Milicia 49 D . Vanherden 50 A . Carso n 51 J .Toohey 52 A . Carson 53 D . Petreyski 54 J. Forbes 55 J. Walli s 56 B. Carmody 57 J. Wilkins 58 E. Weekes 59 B. Kearney 60 C. Thornton

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CICS ` ~ Buliee n

1 C . Home 2 R . Kejna 3 P. Corriga n 4 S . Lanciord-Jones 5 J . Bourke 6 A . White (DVC) 7 M . Corrigan 8 R . George 9 M . Barker 10 C . Efstathiou (RVC) 11 C . Waxma n 11 M. Graves 12 B. O'Farrell 13 M. Peterson 14 A. Forsyth 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K. Ford 18 C . Jayasekera 19 M . Armstrong (C) 20 G Fletche r 21 A. Janke 22 D. Mason 23 S. Loewe 24 A. Ross 25 S . Rowlands 26 J. Bell (RC) 27 L. Siapantas 28 S . Goldsworthv 29 B . Carson (VC) 30 D. Warne s 31 D. Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 R. Mosbey 34 A . Waxman 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D . Lappage 36 S . Brewster 37 A . Floyd 38 L. Floyd 39 H . Brooks 40 S . Davey 41 S . Saunders 42 M . Erikson 43 R . McCarthy 44 M. Wray 45 H . Gopu 46 R . Goulden 47 M. Stephen s 48 C . Moyle (RDVC) 49 L . Pitcher 50 A . Lad d 51 H . McLauchlan 52 L . Pfeiffer 53 B. Haar 54 R. Saunders 55 G . Stuart 56 P. Dimond 57 A. Kight 58 A. Baker. 59 C. Warfe 60 M . Somaia 61 J . Miller

1 A. Oate s 2 L. Lochran 3 S. Curatolo 4 B. Davi s 5 T. Young 6 S. Kent 7 J. Geishen 8 T. Stevens 9 D . Payne 10 C . Crowley 11 S. Tully 12 C. Branigan 13 M . Orchard 14 C. Moore 15 B. Low 16 S. Price 17 A. Corcoran 18 J . Hope 19 P. Dinakis 20 D. Hawkes 21 R. Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G. Hare s 25 E . Byrne 26 A. Bereza 27 J . Weddle 28 S . Morris 29 R. Weddle 30 P. Jolley 31 J . Stevens 32 M . Konnigen 33 N . Pratt 34 A . Tieman 35 M . Pollock 36 B . Spoor 37 A . Berry 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 J . Keane 41 D . Neilsen 42 S. Low 43 W. Cornelius 44 M.Luxon 45 M. Taovey 46 N . Butler 47 R . Griggs 48 M. Clarke 49 C . Quinlan 50 S. Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 K. O'Dwyer 53 M . Mendola 54 B. Guidera 55 C. Barker 56 L. Courage 57 A. Gilbert 58 L. Botzan 59 N . Giechen 60 A . Alagona

Cs-n:Ji ickemy Anan , vickering ~c : Hartley Stone 1 D. Smith 2 S . Theodore 3 J . Pertzel 4 R. Mathews 5 L. Bun n 6 D. Holme 7 C. Thompson 8 A . McKeon 9 A . Simpson 10 T. Roberts (C) 11 P. Gallagher 12 J . Richardson 13 B . Thiele 14 B . Evans 15 M . Rose 17 James Miller 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 R . Mulquiney (VC) 20 J. Gues t 21 M. Hicks 22 J. Dixon 23 M. Berry (VC) 24 M. Hawkins 25 H . Whitehead 26 T. Costello 27 D . Kinsella 28 M. Billin g 29 M. Prowse 30 Jono Miller 32 E. Selby 33 J . Magee 34 J . Beaumont (DVC) 35 C . Ray 36 B. Wulff 37 N. Guy 38 J . Godley 39 J . Tucker 40 H. O'Brien 41 N. Smith 42 P. Theodore 43 A. W u 44 T. Harrison 45 C. Murphy 47 C. Neeson 48 C. Theadoulou 49 G . Tsiotra s 50 C. Jenkins (RC) 51 C. Richmon d 52 O. Ward 53 S . Hawkins 55 I. Wei r 56 L. Beilby 57 A . Bains 58 C . Atder 59 S . Carter 60 M . Jackson 61 B . Nicoll 62 E . Matthias 63 J. Ray

Sponsored By :


:D Asst Coach : An(_ _w Si Res. Cc -, ch : Serge D'Ar Asst C-ch : Ray Beane 1 R . Mullins 2 B. Phillips 3 J. Ross 4 T Holt 5 S. Collins IC) 6 A.Crow (~C` 7 J. Kitchen (VC) 8 B. Robinson 8R N . Colman 9 C. Tallent 10 C. Smith 11 M . Angu s 12 S . Hume (C) 13 N. Hooper 14 N. Ackroyd 15 S . Cations 16 S . Troon 17 T. Wigney 18 L. Hawkins 79 T. Hoskinq 20 S . Lillingston 21 J . Stratos 22 N. Addison 24 L. McDonnell 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M . Dennis 28 A . Quai l 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leit l 32 J . Gerstman 32R R . Fulleraton 33 E . Rei d 34 C . Phillips 35 P. O'Conno r A . Millar A . Boyd G. Prendergast B . Ferguson W. Symington W. Lewis T. Beattie R . Breisch D .Jackson R . Teasdale J . Beaurepaire T. Beranger (VC) S. Dumaresq L. Kitchen M. Walkom L. Freeman D . Knight C .Joyce N . Simo n M. Waterson D . Brooke 58 A. Grant 59 J. Sutcliffe 60 J. Sheldon 61 M . Gai r 62 N. Parkinson 63 P. Ise r 64 N. Costello 66 A. Routledge 67 M . Leed s 68 R. Addison 69 C. Nea l 71 M . Ainger 72 B. Smith 73 A. Bamford 74 S. Kings 75 C. Dufour 76 J . Nickless 77 T. Pag e 78 T. Baker 81 G. Fordyce 88 A. McQuee n

Beehive Hotel Hawthorn 4


- -----------------------. . . . .. _

. ~'_ lson nil Gaut j Maus -A

-~ds L V IC sR Y r D v!C Der venneT •+Ws R >A ssy t1 RviC S nN JR M

C R ' rf

Js C sJ

YL s-Johns G ,den A Capt : ,pherson J eron F h°B .C xd M ran R

S aA m,re L D ver venne S R/C nsden R "A ~g A;, are S An we J T actaell G rpeS1 ;T R'j%G , }per S P ~ try S

Ward C C-ter-Euszard L ~,more 8

51 te R t_- an C F in G ; 1,iarns Z Taylor C

56 Best E 57 P= x! S bh~ns c - .,ran t< ndron R Kelly T ~ Cr ie S

GrayJ R~snn M voniA L,pira M E,~mA 7 1 Lr;don s 72 P- ner D 73 F ;.Jatxandt D 74 Tharaites M

_ . - . .__ Heist cnoison _ . Darren i- idley

C ;r ch Michael Shelly Re ~. Gc h: Chris Ga e 1 A. Fox 2 D . Orlando 3 L . Hannebery 4 D . Lantldgan ( DVC) 5 A.T. Jones 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 M. Holmes 9 J. Hawkins 10 A . Bowen

11 S . Ross 12 J . Bowen

13 C . Ellis 14 S . ..h Skidmore

15 L. Ford (Capi) 16 S . Molla d 17 A . Chatfield 18 M . Green 19 D. Walsh (Capt-Res) 20 M . Hardman 20 J . Scanlan 22 J . Healy 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S . Johnston 25 R. Carey 26 N. Baker 27 J . Drake 28 R . Coughlan

2 D. Gleason

3 R. Gousland 4 D. Jordan 5 Joe Mount (DVC) 6 S .Neeson 7 S . Clarke 7R S . Parrett

8 J . Evans 9 B . Jordan (VC)

27 James Mount 28 P. Harvey

32 A. BrushSeld 33 N . Bingham 34 K. Hall 36 D . Sapuppo

29 G . McIntyre 30 C. Trewin

37 T. Maher

32 T. Harvey

39 C . Mollard 41 A . Dillon 42 R . Speakman

33 B. Allis

54 N . Hulett 55 G . Monahan 58 N .. Quin n

59 J . Francis 60

M . Walsh

62 J . Silk 63 A. E.Jones 66 A. Wilson

20 T. Crowley

21 R . Maguire 22 J. Macey 23 T. Simpson 24 M. Hanlon 25 B. Marusic

26 J. Rombotis 27 R . Gross 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 M . Kempton

N .M . Smith . Legudi

30 N . McInerney 31 J . Pasoan

44 A . Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B . Dixon 47 P. Ryan 48 J . McDonnell 53 C. Santalucia

1 6 B.. Garvey 17 D . Ryan (VC) 18 p• Gissing 19 D . Sheehy

14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 L . Turnbull 17 L . O'Sullivan 18 T. Cooney 19 R . Close 20 L . Fielding 21 B . Loughlin 22 D . James 22R M . 0'Riley 23 L. Wilkinson

29 C . Beetham

T. Woodruff

12 C. Taylor 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenhorn 15 . Olive

10 N. Mitchell (C) 11 C. Davis 12 C. Day 12RB.Hogan 13 C . Mitchell



35 P. Mount 36 T.Duggan

37 M . Pangrazio 38 R. Chard 39 N. Pope 40 M . t~ulgre~v 41 D. Moyia n 42 T.,~cCan n

31 J . Smith 31 R B . Ashton

34 D. Byrne (DVC)

43 P. I ~.

35 T. Pearson 36 R . Legudi 37 A. Gatterall 38 S. lannazzo 39 M. Juricskay 40 D . Thomas 41 A. Bouzikas 42 S. Mitchell 43 N . Basaraba 44 A . Anderson M. Tankey 46 P. Holland 47 M Hao perh 48 N .P. Smit 49 N .Thomas 50 A . Smith

48 A. Conlon

49 L . Kalesaran 50 R . Horrocks

51 B. Cheeseman 52 J. Finch 53 L . Katavalas 54 A. Umbers 55 M. Rigby 56 D .'ldalsh 57 L. Coleman

58 D . 89cArdle 59 R . CHivers 60 A . Greenhalgh 61 J . 62 B . Shelley 63 L. Sierakowski 64 N. O'Halloran 65 C. Didilis 66 A DeKrester 67 T. Purcell

51 M .Kavanagh 52 S .Bugryn

71 M . O'Shea 74 D. Szabo

81 Mitchell G

82 3rosolo S

80 D. Dunn

83 Somerville W 81 Boyd L 88 Gnatt D 87 Hansen P 8

8 Chan a

89 Nicholas8 90

Adal Y

: )Ias

45 L . 1e 46 47 J . G; iths y

77 Dodgson B 79 Treadwe C 80 Feranda M

85 ChyrsA

30 M . Crowe 31 A . McGuinnes s 32 S . O' Connor (VC) 33 M . Maguire (RC)

34 J . O'Keefe

53 P. Harris 54 J . Harvey

75 Best J 76 Maslen J

.. i ..

. . ..

Ch : C an Hourigan _ .,h: Peter . ,Earty 1 N . Fraser 2 E . Crohan 3 D. Curti s 4 L. Mahoney (C ) 5 M . Dollma n 6 P. O'Keefe 7 K. Gray g B . Dollman 9 J . Giansiracusa 10 M . Lucas 11 J . Pangrazio

1 OS . McKeon

25RS .Glenn 26 C.Baumgartner




Bo w ens Remunerator

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~ r .: .

._ Dan o tthE s

1 Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J(VC) 4 Guen erich D (VC) C g 5 Tanner J 6 Maddison N 7 Young R J 8 Hayter 9 Lowcock A (VC ) 1



110 North 12 Gleason

O (C )

13 Girdwood


14 Ro dhouse


15 Ryan


16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Haberfield


19 Wilcox 20 Coleman


21 McIntyre 22 Millard


23 Wilcox


24 Russell 25 Belly


26 Runnalls 27 Wilkie 28 Thomas 29 Terrill 30 Brookes 3 1 Cal le 32 Suvoltos 33 Gates


34 McKinnon 35 Cheat ~6 Brooke


37 Kaso 38 Wilson 39 Cobbledick 40 Hocking 41 Quin 42 Fletcher 43 Cameron


44 Featherston


45 McLachlan 47 Millar


48 Fulton


49 Chamberlain 50 McIntosh 51 Brown 52 Ihle 53 Versteegen


55 Zones


58 Sudholz 59 Fricker 60 Thomas 61 Fairbank


6 2 Callery


63 Glass 64 Birks


66 Grigg


67 McAloon D(RC ) 68 Rice


69 Kelson 70 Meade 72 Vallelonga


74 Robertson 76 Medlin


77 Styles 80 Maplestone





I VIEW St :- - : ,;s ,dentone'i'i.gcia moved back into the four with a convincing 23 point win over Melbourne High at Brindisi Street . The Tigers were in scintillating form in the first quarter highlighted by Richard Sampieri's 4 twins and at the first change the game was all but over . After that it became a bit of an arm wrestle as the High tried to regain some ascendancy but alas it was to no avail . Special mentions to Paul Wintle in his 100th game and to Malty White of MHSOB who played his 50th a few weeks ago . Mazenod had victory virtually shored up in the first 12 minutes when they came out of the blocks firing and had 5 goals on the board before the hapless Rovers knew where they were. The scoreline of 9 goals to 1 at the first change signified a tough day at the office for the Rovers won the next 3 quarters but unfortunately not the 4 points . OPs' ran onto their home ground exhibiting a steely determination to succeed in a last ditch effort to revive their season . The game started as it finished with the Paradians pushing the ball forward at every opportunity, although De La Salle to their credit narrowed the deficit in the last term . North Old Bays came back to the winning list with a hard fought victory against the somewhat shell shocked Old Brighton . What was even better for NOBS was that the game was at South Road, and they had been afforded little respect by their opponents during the week . The Tonners were still confident they could get over the line at orange time, but unfortunately showed no passion through the last stanza . In fine sunny conditions out at Old Essendon the two top teams met in the match of the Round . In what turned out to be a match of two halves the Bombers will have to go back to the drawing board . The dominance of Chris Wood in the ruck got the Friars back into the game allowing their flotilla of runners to lift their tempo and dominate proceedings in the second half where the Bombers for the first time for many many weeks actually faded . A worry for you Frank .!! ! PREVIEW Old Paradians make the long trek across the city to tackle Hampton Rovers in front of their large parochial crowd at the Boss James Reserve . OP's found a bit of form last week and would certainly be looking for a bit of consistency by backing up with another win . Not as strong away from the Garvey, while the Rovers are better at home and mathematically can still get out of jail with a couple of wins . Tough one to call here and against the odds I will go with the visitors . Congratulations to a wonderful

personalii, around Hampton Rovers David Rogerson who today plays his 250th game for the club . (Well Done Rego - TB ) Old Essendon come across town to tackle De La Salle Malvern in a game De La simply must win . Are t Bombers going to have the slump that the other fina aspirants have had is one of the questions that will answered today, a couple of suspensions not helping t visitors eause . In a desperate game in front of their hot ground I have a feeling that De La will just get over the lir MHSOB welcome ' to the picturesque playi fields of South Yarra . Even at home they are going to ft the Whitefriars unit a tough nut to crack as they bu . towards September. MHSOB will try their hardest but i ff the Friars have too many good players spread all over t ground to lose this one . The two sides who have been perhaps the me disappointing of the season (Mazenod & NOBs) cla: today at the Gillen Oval. Their inconsistency has cost the both all year but both today have another chance to aim fourth spot such is the evenness of the Section . It again a hard one to call and I am swayed by the form of some the NOBS lesser lights - NOBS to win . Sportscover Arena hosts a ripper between the in form Bedes Mentoi ' and the out of form Old Brighto I'm sure Jarred O'Neill would have used the break freshen his players up both physically and mentally at will welcome the return of a few of his injured ones . Russ Barnes is pret y astute too and would have done the s a

Mazenod Maskell 53 Hampton Rovers Power 42 Whitefrlars Carigg 41 Mazenod Morris 40 North Old Boys N Casboult 35 B Reserve Old Brighton Scott 4 38 Old Paradians Spinoso 4 29 De La Salle , Harber 0 23 De La Salle V', ilker 0 20

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tion is the key factor in this game and I feel th e ill have enough under the belts to take the point s . But a reversal would not surprise . Ri: gS CORRESPONDENTS ; ,utact details are 9553 1561 home phone and fax, th e is 0403 433 016 or send me an ernail to : >ptusnetcom .au .

Old Boys - congratulate Michael Barlcer, on i_ the milestone of 100 games for the club . The bes t goal at NOBs began with our under 19s and now ids a regular spot in our senior team. NOBs would also rke to congratulate Chris Hosking on playing 50 games or the club. "Hosko" came to NOBs from Staweli and has been as solid in defence as he is as a bloke . old Paradians - congratulations to Glen Porteous who played his 100th game last round . Glen joined us in 1997,and began with the Unders . Our leading goalkicker : .s not had a great season due to injury but is now bop ;illy back on the job with 5 goals last Saturda y _ 'nst De La, making a career total of 217 . Well done P-rts", good to see you back on track . plhitefriars - congratulate Brian Phan on reaching 100 Games for the Club in its recent win over OEG . Phany commenced with our under 19 team in 1997 and has been a strong contributor to the Club's success since that time . After a year off in 2002, Phany has returned to some of hi s ,,-cry best form this season and with his lightning fast pace and great balance and poise, we look forward to many more games in the future . St.Bedes/Mentone Tigers - congratulations from all supporters at to Paul 'Rat' Wintle on reaching his 100th game milestone against NOBS in Round 13. Rat has become an integral member of the Tigers senior team with his happy go lucky manner and of course those terrible green training shorts . All Tiger followers look forward to the next 100 games from the Rat ! Old Brighton - welcomes Nick Perry to their 200 game club today and subsequent life membership . Nick played his first game for the club in 1990 and was awarded ' best lst year player in 1991' in his first full season . A one time state representative, "Pezza" has twice been runner up in the B&F and leading goal kicker for the club on several occasions . He was captain of the club from 1994-1998 including B grade premiership in 1997 . Congratulations on your milestone "Pezza", and sincere thanks from all past and present followers at OBGFC, for your effort and dedication over the past fourteen years . "What about a couple off the wood 7 "

TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTIO N Hampton Rovers v Old Paradians De La Salle v Old Essendon Gr MHSOB v Whitefriar s North Old Boys v Mazenod 0 C St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Brighton at Sportscover Arena, Saturday THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

B SECTION - Round 1 4 MAZENOD 0 C 9 .2 11 .6 15 .9 18 .14 (122) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .3 4 .8 9 .11 12.11 (83) Mazenod: Maske115 Morris 5 Meehan 2 Jayaweera 2 Gooden Hatiley Dunne S Morgan . Best: Rvan Parry Meehan Jones Maskell Morris . Hampton Rovers : B Ariz 3 D Ariz 2 Adams 2 Browne Flynn Power Pucella Rayson . Best : Rov: D Ariz M Fletcher Browne GraGVta B Ariz C McKellar . Umpires : Peter Simpson Mark Jenkins (F) Robert Seymour Ken Brower (G ) OLD PARADSANS 5 .3 9.6 16 .9 18-11(119) DE LA SALLE 2 .4 4 .6 4 .8 8 .10 (58) Old Paradians : Porteous 5 Curran 3 Brabender 3 Mctaughltn 2 Boundy Dore Godfrey Heffernan J Swindon, Best : Godfrey Brabender Hvde Murray Vincent Dean. Be La Salle: Duggan 2 Man nix 2 Bonnici Foon Goodter Thomas. Best : Silvers A Johnstone Ptcone Corin Goodier Sherman . Umpires : Sharon Alger Rob Sneddon (F) Matthew Simpson Matthew Cowley (G ) OLD ESSENDON GR 3 .3 7 .6 9 .7 11 .12 (78) WHITEFRIARS 2 .1 5.4 12 .10 17 .16(118) Old Esrendon : Heritage 2 Biggs 2 Podger 2 Stormant Leask Velardo Hakun Fleming. Best : Leask Forrest Dragojlo Wilson Biggs DiBlasi . Whiteftiars : Wallace 4 Dance 3 Carrigg 2 Anderson Brosolo M Carbone Kennedy Pawlik Northey Swain Wood. Best : Wood Kennedy Langford A Carbone Power Eames. Umpires: Luke Holmes Grant Wardrop (F) Bianca Share Glenn Kennedy (B) Andrew Barnes Daniel Scully (G ) 4 .2 7,6 9 .10 11,15(81) OLD BRIGHTON NORTH OLD BOYS 6 .3 9 .4 11 .4 15 .6 (96) Old Brighton: Pirrie 4 Kent Rap Mead Bristow Stewart Ewen VanDenDuggen. Best : Stewart Date Dickerson Pirrie Hughes Barrow. North Old Boys : Smith 4 Briar 3 Davidson 2 Boyle Sutherland Martin Barker Casboult Cassell . Best: Martin Smith Davidson Briar Sutherland Roberts . Umpires: Geoff Curran Simon Stokes (F) Ross Dodd Chas Doyle (G) STBEDESMENPTIG 6 .6 9,9 13 .13 16.15011) MHSOB 2 .2 6 .5 11 .6 13 .9187) St Bedes Mentone Tigers : Sampieri 4 L Wintle 3 Hecker 2 McColl 2 M Wintle N Terrell L Terrell Scatidi Povnton . Best: P Wtntle Povnton M Wtnile L Wintle Sampieri Hecker. MHSOB : Limhrick 3 Barnett 3 Atkins 2 Waterhouse 2 Walker Home wMterton . Best: Limbrick Hogan Cassell Barren Taylor Horne . Umpires : Steve McCarthy Mark Morrison (F) John Robinson Its 17amyron (G) B RESERVES - Round 1 4 MAZENOD 0 C 2 .3 4 .5 7 .7 9.8 (62) HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .6 6 .8 10 .11 12 .15 (87) Mazeaod: Carter 2. D.MeMullln 2, Veltman, Tilling, Smith, Smart, Murray. Best: Morris. Longmuir. S .McMuWn, A.McDowell, Tilling, Carter. Hampton Rovers: Anderson 5 . Morley 2. BurgeraatT 2, Gray, M .McKellar, Vaughan. Best: S .Anderson, Christiansen, Morley, Black, McCarthy, Terech . OLD PARADIANS 2,0 3 .4 6 .5 10.6 (66) 0.2 1 .5 4 .6 5.9(39) DE LA SALLE OLD PARADIANS : Goals:Sptnoso 4, Bus, Coltman, Galloway, Holmes, Pag(ta, Robins Best: Robins, Martin Joyce, Lombardi . Tension, Ludentan, Galloway De La SALLE: Goals : Coggirts 2. D Hyland 2. Moore Best: Mchenry, Hyde, Buick. Hesse, Chester, Coggtns OLD ESSENDON GR 1 .0 4.1 7.3 7.51471 WSB'i`EFRIARS 4.1 5.2 9.2 10.5 (65) Old Essendon: Hughes 3, Parts, 2, Uebergang, Weidner Best : Barham, Rtdlev,Hughes, Dale, Cramer Plhitefrtar~: R.Eantes 3 . M . Nunan, Baggoley, Leahy, Jongebloed, Hill Best: Elliot, L.eames, R.Eames . M .Van Den Boom, Baggolev, Alexander OLD BRIGHTON 5.2 8.6 12.9 14,11 (95) NORTH OLD BOYS 5.1 7,3 ]0.6 11,13 (79) Old Brighton: Salem 5, Scott 4, Marshall, Nickas, Franklin . A.GmniFan, O'Neill. Best : Salem, S.Ginnivan, Marshall . B .WIIliarns, Nickas, Smith . North Old Boys : Smith 4 . Briar 3. Davidson 2, Boyle, Sutherland, Martin, Barker . N.Casboult. Cassell . Best : Martin, Smith, Davidson, Brvar, Sutherland . Roberts. ST BEDES MENP TIG 2.3 3.6 63 7.10 (52) MHSOB 3.3 5.3 6.6 10.8 (68) St Bides Mentone: Crowe 2, Rhoden , De Groot, Ferris . McColl, Kidd. Best : L'Huilher, Mid . De Groot, Porter, Zomer, Ferris . MHSOB: Frazcek 3, Taylor 3, Svirskis, Sierakowskf. Robinson, Adcock . Best: Fax. Orchard, Taylor, Svirskis, Adcock, Frazcek. 9

2 R. E y B .C. 4 L. H ~

C . S. . 5 S . Bro 6 S. Arm-,ong 6 M. L;ar r 7 P. Harrison 8 J. La Ragy 9 J. Moloney 9 C. Mitchell 10 T. Silvers 10 P. Hesse 12 M . McHenry 3 A . Johnstone 4 C . Buic k 4 D . Goggins 5 P. Bowden 6 S. Hyland (DVC) 6 D . Moore 7 A. Elliott 8 A. Coffey 9 M . Goodie r 19 D. Hyde 20 M . Picon e 21 A . McKenzie (iIC) 21 W. Goggins 22 G. Johnstone 23 D . O'Brien 23 R . Sherman 24 J. Morel 25 C . Hyde 25 R . Walmsley 26 D. Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 N. Harder 29 R. Mark s 30 B . Mannix 30 T. Molan 31 S . Hyde 32 R . Bonnici (C) 33 J. Stinear 33 B. Vagu e 34 L. Williams 35 A. Mackintosh 36 W. Jolley 37 D. Hyland 38 S . O'Connell 39 B . Oakley 39 T. Woodlock 40 A . Bonnici 41 M. O'Donnell 42 P. Bourke 42 S. Murray 44 A. Moore 45 T. Molan 46 A. Skinns 47 A . Saw.2el 47 G. Walton 48 J . Foon 52 T. Moloney 52 E. Phillips 54 D . Buckley 55 A. McLeish 57 C. Chester 58 G . Walto n 60 P. O'Callaghan 70 hfl . Dugga n

7 A . Dudd, ~ 8 G . Carr 9 T. Barker 10 D. Rayson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B . Kulling 13 G. Wood s 14 Daniel Andersen 15 ,'. . Brcwne (VC) 16 t :envrood 1 'r D ' 18 J ;arthy 19 1 ,. i r_wrrence 20 A. , ver 21 S . Cnir y 22 G. Johnston 23 M . Levy, 24 C. McKellar 25 M. Davey 26 J . Lain g 27 M. Flynn 28 A. Guthrie 29 M. Fletcher (C) 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 B . Artz 35 A . Fisher 36 L. Fletcher 37 L . Hol t 38 R . Whitney 39 S Burggraaff 40 N Goold 41 A. Crowther 42 M . McDermott 43 C. Marinis 44 M . Pearson 45 S . Blick 46 L. Woolrich 47 S. Silletto 48 G . Kelly 49 S. Weaver 50 N. Foster 51 J . Midwinter 52 R. Mather 53 J . Ng 54 P. Adams 55 J . Prar,tzos 56 A. Blake 57 D . Wilton 58 M. Gray 59 J . Morley 60 M Terech 61 R. Butmer AUSF@!E FOODS ItdTERNATIO 'AL PTY LTD .

1 D. L= -aster 1 A Longmul r 2 tw C ;mberlain 3 A. ic ier 4 A H n-y 5 D. ; II 6 P. on 7 S . gal 8 R . ; oss 8 J. Ballenger 9 P. Goode n 10 D . Chamberlain 10 G . Tilling 11 T. Smith (RC) 11 D. Hose 12 M ''urray 13 P. F=dler 14 N han (DVC) 15 N . Ty (DVC) 15 P. xllso p 16 1A . . .,,allonio 17 J. Beard 18 D . 0'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 19 T. Steinfo K 20 C. Murray (RVC) 20 T. Castricu m 21 S, Polan 22 D. Ryan (~IC) 22 C . Buzby 23 C . Steintor! 24 S . Castricum 25 S. Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 D . Krom 28 P. Jones 29 R. Sharp 30 D. Hanse n 31 N. Snart (RDVC) 32 B. Kin g 33 D. Grant 34 M . Pollard 35 C . Morris 36 D . Carter 37 L . Morgan 38 G . Hamill 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 A. McDowell 43 A. Persi 44 R. Mosbauer 45 B .Thomson 46 D . Dunne 48 C . Jayaweera 49 L. Halvy 51 P. Reed 52 S. Veltman 53 A. Stravrhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L. Fuller 56 L. Rudling 58 D. Morris 61 M . McDowell 62 M . Gonsatvez 64 Ti Bourbo n

Ph : 95QR n, a 4 ~

LTD. Pli: 971ii 66

tivwrw. ham pto nrovers . co m .au 10

British Paints Life's Brighte r in Colour

I 1 J . -mert 2 S. :Cully (Capt) 3 A. Howar d 4 M . White 5 N. Orchard 6 C. Youn g 7 Ti Blythman 8 JJ . Dixo n 8 Garner 9 D. Fairchild 10 D. Waterhouse 11 P. Spcttiswood 1 2 S, Whittington 13 D . Rosma n 14 A. O'Brien 15 N . Adcoc k 16 J. Walker (DVG) 17 R. Clowes 18 R. Limbrick 18 D. Me bray 19 S . GI nn 20 A .Asew 20 P. McGrath 21 S . Sierakowski 22 A . Svirski s 22 D . Armstrong 23 L . Taylo r 24 S. Rundell 25 C . Nailon 25 H. Taylor 26 A. Vicendese 27 C. Spottiswood 28 S . Moore 29 G . McCully 30 R . Newton 31 A, Hogan 32 A. Cassell (VC) 33 A . Sauttry 34 E. Thompson 34 P. Rujevic 35 S. Harrison 35 A. Mills 36 B. Gaunt 37 Ti Harper 37 M . Tin g 38 S . Robinson 39 B . James 40 A . Lust 41 J . Anderson 41 Ti Fracze k 42 M Hamilton-Ho 42 S. Volkering 44 J. Newton 45 R . Czwarno 46 R. Ware 47 D. Wilson 48 J . Scott 49 D. Fox 51 D. Learmont-Walker 52 B . McGrath 53 J . Sprague 54 A . Tang 55 C . Wright 56 Ti Wright 57 58 C. Villani 59 M . Najeeb 60 S . Jenning s

Major S ansors

1 J. Cassell 2 D . Keenan 3 Ti Waters 3 J. Eastaugh 4 S . Sleep 5 R. Davidson 5 D. Skene 6 N . Vogels 7 G. Smith 8 B . Collison 9 H . Maplestone 10 W. Martin 11 Ti Roberts 12 T. Brown 13 Ti Halpin 14 L . Power 15 H. Christie 16 J . Kendall 16 R. Kelliher 17 S . Casbouli 19 P. O'Farrell 20 J . Sutherland 21 N . Casboutt 22 D .Tehan 23 S. Cook 24 J. Barker 25 G . Phyland 26 Ti Brady 27 P. Sondhu 28 D.Joyce 29 C. Hosking 30 M . Leigh 31 L. Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M . Barker 34 M. Hyde 35 M. Robins 36 M . Phyland 37 S . Grigg 38 M . Amor 39 D. Galletti 40 C. Phyland 41 C . Pizzini 42 Ti Sheehan 43 K. Hilderbrandt 44 T. Kennedy 45 S. Ingram 46 P. Daniels 46 M . Perry 47 J . Nihill 49 A . Gugola 53 S . Butcher 54 C . Dobson 55 M . Joyce 56 D . Sheehan 57 M. Delaney 60 M . Cribbes 61 G . Too k 61 A . Neville 64 L. Ryan 65 N . Barden E-6 P. Bryar 68 J. Mahe r

GYP : ators A!II- Loans New Oroer Clothing THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2(

J S , . . . . : . . . .. ~ , . ' _ ._ . ,


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.. ...



Coach : Jarred Ueteill

;es, Coach: Hayden Bickett A. Krzywnia k ry A. Pirtl e C, Barrow (VC ) g A. MacGillivray ; M . Franklin 5 T. Marshall 6 R. Stewart (DVC) 7 B. Logan g J. Parrett 8 C. McNicot (CR) g S. Lennox ,0 J. Mead 12 B. Williams 13 R . Kent 74 S. Williams (C) y ; B. Gadsden 16 C . Tootell 16 J . Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A . Salem 19 S . Ginnivan 19 J . McCowa n 20 M . Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neill 23 N. Milat 24 M . Gadsden 25 S. Nickas 3 A. Ginnivan 27 D. Paterson A. Bristow 29 J. Dickerson 30 E. McCowan 31 A. Paroissien 32 A. Goldner 33 L. Dale ' J . White 35 C. Stewart (RVC) 36 R. Henderson (RDVC) 37 D. Hughes 38 J . Raju 39 B . Farnham 41 M . Allen 42 L. Hendra (DVC) 43 J. Mutable 44 R . Sherman 5 C . McKimm 47 S. Adam 48 B. Dever 49 B. Scott 50 W. Leaf 51 J . Lynch 52 W. Hebard 53 M . Dubyna E- J . Dooley 58 J . McBriar 59 S . Mead 60 A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B. Pearce 63 S. Davies 64 M. Reid 71 T. Matessi

Coach: Frank Duneu Res : Craig Ridley 1 J . Pannagiotopolous 2 J . Buckley 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D. Ryan 5 S . de Morton 6 C. Ridley 7 J. Leask 8 J. Heritage 9 B. Hakim 10 S. Bryant 11 B. Papal 12 J. Kavanagh 13 B. Hakim 14 L . Wilson 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S . McPherson 17 D . Forrest 18 J . Walker 19 E . Healey 20 D . Hunter 21 S . Dal e 22 R. OBrien 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazkiw 25 A. Frazer 26 S. Fleming 27 J . Di Pietro 28 G . Stevens 29 S. Uebergang 30 M. Dragojlo 31 D . Caridi 32 D . Poulton 33 D . Biggs 34 D .Podger 35 L. Kavanag h 36 A . Frazer 37 M . Bossi 38 D.WhitBeld 39 B . Newbold 40 A. McKenzie 41 B. Overma n 42 N . Bertram 43 M. Velardo 44 A. Parker 45 J. Weidner 46 M. Beard 47 S. Howard 48 A . Salvo 49 G. Collins 50 A . Nowland 51 J . Stevens 52 B . Porker 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 D. Gradzk i 56 M . Makris 57 J . Lloyd 58 T. Williams 60 C . Cetin

~ ®

.. .

.,-, ..

. ..

„ _


•__ ^- ~ .. ~ . . _ .


Coach : Greg Fe I Res . Coach : Connor Eames Coach : Hussell Barnes Assis at Cc :h : Brad Berry Res : Marx Lomagno 1 C. Woo d 1 S. Vincent 3 M . Carbon e 1 P. Wintle 2 P. O'Loughlin (VC) 2 L. Wintle (C) 5 B. Phan 3 S. O'Meara 6 P. Campbell 3 C . Tesoriero 4 A . Curran 4 A . L'Huillier (DVC) 7 S. Brescia 5 W. ConnellY . Napier 5 S g B. Janson 7 N . Owen 6 D . Stevens 9 A. Pawli k 8 A . Scafidi 10 R . Pasqualott o 6 R . Bux 9 M . Terrell 11 T. Wallace 7 M. Cosgriff 10 M . Wintle 12 B . Vandenboo m 8 A . Sinclair 12 J . Kane 13 T. Langford 9 N . Brundell 13 R. Samier i 14 T. Carrig g 14 A.Conn ollY 10 P Brabender 16 J . Powe r 15 T. McCol l 11 J . Collins 17 A . Carbone 16 A. Hipwell 12 B. Galloway 18 C. Dance 17 N . Conde, 19 A. Hill 13 B. Richardson 18 S. Hecker (DVC) 20 P. Henness y 19 A. Drury 14 P. Pratt 20 L . Porter 21 B. Jones 16 M . Godfrey 21 P. Fedderson 22 N. Cunningha m 17 L . Dore 22 D . Poynton 23 E. Eame s 18 G . Porteous 23 D . Napier 24 A. Cunningha m 24 T. Beasley 18 M. Spinoso 25 M. Vernal 25 M . Kelleher 19 A. Dean 26 S. Alexande r 26 Matthew Hecke r 20 B. Robins 27 L . Swai n 27 N . Zomer 28 C . Eames 21 D . Loney 28 M . Andrew 29 A . Glenn 22 S . Fantone 29 J . Bristow 30 M . Powe r 30 J . Knuppel 23 P. Walsh 31 M . Baker 31 M . Mifsud 24 T. Lombardi 32 G. Kenned y 32 C . Johnson 25 A . Heffernan (C) 33 S . Zakic 33 C. Fulton 26 D. Boundy 35 C. Barnes 34 D. Gloufchev 36 A. Walstab 27 K. Jenkins 35 C. Law .Connoll y 37 M 36 T. Nunan 28 B. Reiner 38 A. Hayes NC) 37 M . N unan 30 D. Dean 39 M. McColl 38 C. Carrig g 31 N. Dallas 40 M . Beasley 39 M . Vandenboom 41 S . Rose 32 S. Corcoran 40 M. Cahil l . Wilson 42 M 35 S. Simpson ( C- R ) 41 M. Leahy 43 H . Dwyer . Dintinosante 36 B 42 M . Northey 44 D . Moss . Swindon 43 N . Elliott 50 J 45 R . Gould 44 R . Eames . Chambers 46 D. Pisasale 39 A 45 S . Cleve n 47 J . De Groo t 50 R . Murray 48 B . Hutchinson 46 D . Jone s 50 D. Furze 48 J . Treyvau d 49 S . Walsh 50 A. Pagiia 50 S. Kidd 49 T. Hilto n 50 T. Ludeman 51 S. Crowe 50 D. Crea 52 M. Towns 50 T Wood 52 A. Baggole y 53 M. Uberti 53 B. Wilso n 49 M . Hyde . McCraw 54 M 54 P. Micallef 50 A. Tenson 55 M . Ferris 55 P. Tobin 52 M. Joyce 56 J . Chaplin 57 L . McGuinness 57 C . Connolly 55 A. Swindon 58 M. Mannix 58 M . Zaki c 54 M . Yeo 60 R . Pavdi k 59 M . Zahra 60 M . Joyce 61 S . Phela n 60 A . Pothitos 62 J . Anderson 61 M . Rhoden 62 C. Spero 63 T. Cute 64 J . Cunningha m 65 R . Pierce 66 R . Parsons (RC) FCL Interstat e 70 L . Terrel l 71 M . McGettigan Transpo rt Services 73 J . Doubaras 93 96 900 0 wach : Paul Breen Res Coach: Peter Slacik

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olding on t ( ion) and n o idle concept wel l .o convey trust and car goal can be successful , your Leadership grout boundaries to operate in i ; Certainlr at times I havfi the Leadership group's vrh ( e . This can give them a r

may impac - Ensure no c : c one playe r ° Take tin h tearn feedback and fter the match regardless en follow up a t

training tne • Each player c ast 2-5 minutes with you one on one ~h week The above is a guide and has greatly assisted me with both providing and seeking feedback from players that I have been involved -%7,qtli over the years .

of responsibility for the over a :etion L:zd performance of the group . Bu so in other ways empowerment has giver ownership of tasks, an example of this is youi defensive players taking charge of match up' ; and kick out strategies . Guidance car sometimes be better than ruling with a iror fist, as long as players stick to overall gam( plan and style of play structures ther empowerment can build momentum withir your playing group over the journey of a lonl season .

You r streza6 e h : Finding the rit

your team and ~- - o group with a sense o f very powerful thing <: t a


Previously, Assistant Coach Tassie Mariner . TAC Cup Team State U116 Assistant Coac h


nicoms : liic h :d : he junior -lSQBFC two year change in the stuographics of the created a need fo r t of layers from S. -he Melbourn e com ifies is workin g re fo r

it rtiYi r'

i Yarra Sports Centre The . . Purified Water William : )ats Accountants The F y Cooke Lawyers Spittir Communications Ryder Co n ; .-stoplast Sport Club Warehouse wary McBean Meats . yet Hotel Queensciff r` t'~ Hotel & Brewery this Pie s ates s As Consulting Pty Ltd r : net Landscap e C , ree rd J Lynch Agencies !' iul ttison Beaurepaires

- --00 Essendo n weeks ago will c `his huge nr' s home turf toc . :'rVhitefas vin for Jase l Tom F




:e 'o

Ig in anticiome in the s who : Under oars hav e ,~ior footbal l can only w olvement in Jr ems will nc Ater tha n

to D me .

maybe 3 to stay in It appears that two spots in the top 4 may have been sewn up, as Go ::v &a-as and the E,.airr.uls defeated fellow final contenders away from home . The match of the round was played in classic wet weather conditions at Crunch grades version of the "House of Pain" at Mentone . The Lions started well booting 6 straight majors to extend the home ground winning streak and halt the Vultures good form . Richard Heneberry excelled in the heavy conditions for the victors . The Wells continued their nuisance value stealing a win at Gordon Barnard against Therry P enola . The game was tight all day and was decided with seconds to go as OC slammed one home for the 4 points . For the winners, Paul Tempone provided a lot of drive on the ball . The Animals scored an important ivin out at a muddy "Shark Park" by 3 goals . In conditions resembling an aquarium, the Slewps backline restricted Beaumaris to 6 majors for the day . Steven Buckle was again in fine form for the Animals while Mark Boon and Brant Deaton tried hard for the home side . Merv's men were too strong for the Moods at Gunn Reserve jumping the home side to set up a solid 40 point win . Michael Miller bobbed up again for Ormond, while Mark Liddell was in fine form . However it wasn't all bad news for the Monds as th e Saints kept the Two Bluwithin striking distance after breaking the drought . Mark Tkocz was again best for Glen Eira after his team revelled in the slippery conditions . Three ro unds to go, t he run home looks like this , Collegians (I I wins) v Slewps / Orm / Beau safe for 4, looking at top 2, need 2 wins St .Leo's (11) v Coll / TP l OC - see Collegians Caulfield (10) v Pra ! OC / MV - healthv % need 1 more for 4 & all 3 for top2 Beaurr4ar-(9) v TP / GE / Coll - need 2 and

1 :a ae V1 _ r~ s (9) v Orm 1 Pra /

Caul - need 3 win


s Therry Penola (8) v Beau / Sle,, ; ps / Pra - a MV & % Old Camberwell (7) v GE / Caul / Slewps mathematically possibl e Prahran (4) v Cant 1 MV I TP - GE play Or so need I more to be safe Glen Eire (3) v OC / Beau I Orm - rd 18 cot decid e Ormond (3) v MV 1 Coll / GE - see Glen Eir Upsets aside the top 3 seem to be in t running for finals action leaving it to 3 sides battle it out for the final position in the foi While the mission to jump above the dott line, may well be determined in Rd 18 . PREVIEW Tight at the top, tight at the bottom and tight in the middle as every game is crucial frc here on . The match of the round is at Har Trott as the league leaders go head to head f bragging rights . The last time round "Animalville" inaccuracy cost Collegian missing the goals 24 times, however they a travelling a lot better this time and will hc their spot on the top .

C SECTION Collegians Dixon 2 Therrv Penola C Bannister 4 Mentone Vultures Rowlev 6 Old Camberwell Cadzow 8 St Leos Emmaus tVP B Vaughan 3 C Reserve Caulfield Or Dalwood 0 Caulfield Gr M Harrison 0 Old Camberwell Francis I Ormond Stewart 0 Glen Eira Eade 2

64 57 57 46 44 38 30 30 27 22

~- - --- . __ _

I0 .8 (o< in . Tempone. P, one . - " ding.

at Oak P Z ` JUnuJ after a ~' .n . . -

Harr, ~s 4 ,

do 1 te Tulla is one c runeh grade and v째ili s v, the line .

finally bra -'ells to C quarters last v e ,day against an in f) been playing grea ants and will welco ., .~ :~ ~' . . ~ igei Credlin to ensu _ 9 .13167) 16,10( 1 06) army. Best : , : Dirt:ashkl o. Best: Z ;ame . .or_ Cam

loge Lher . are at 11C ; ,--'. midf` ] v





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1" be a , -~

s erformance . . r .s r,., .


hOOr' .. ..

8 .10 (58) 74 .! : )98 )

6. !

7.12 (341 11,5 (71) Sullivan . Rowley.

for plSlin g

) ~

1. : : _d

R o -`J' in s

his parents Ron a

:;t on and Matthew . A 68 i d are proud of. Davi d

5 .7 7.8 (50) 9.11 (65) fe, Tipper. Pent : B D. Best :

r.ibeena Under age side b or .- Under ITS in 1990 . Hi- S e in 1 997, the same ye;

-,ond Under 19 (losing) t )w considered one of the b e of this era . David remarl s

2.6 4 .7(31) 1 .1 1 .400) 1. Be l : MeBalan, ) Best:

enjoyed playing with his _ o ~ ,

Brendon in the Seniors e a done David from all you r (Well done Robbo - only one with a win! - BParl

Qrrkio- 7 r.' .

elebral : -

Therry Penola -

Collegians v St Leos Glen Eira v Old Comb Caulfield Gr v Prahra :l Mentone Vultures v Ormon d THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

i .9 2 .11 (23) 8&12 11 .13 (79 ) d . Bunr:ett , 7 .5 (47) 13 .9 (87) ~ . le, B .Robbhis Best: D6-nadamos, Dennin g Daltivood 2 . Erickson, Baker, Bosn a 2 .1 3 .1 3.3 ( 21) 6.6 9 .11 i 1 .16 (82) azzo Best: Perazzo, Rock, Allan . ;ensen 2, Z Moon 2 . Smith 2 . is, L. one, Best : Blum-field, Jorgensen, Hart ,



r'A~'e eee e ss

Coach : Brett Merchant Asst: Mick Lovejoy Res: Mick Carry 1 S. Nish 2 H. Gibson 3 M . Pitts (C) 4 M . Matulick (DVC) 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 A . Spence 7 D . Foley 8 M. O'Brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L . Healy 13 C. Gourley 14 T. Collins 15 M . Boon 16 A . Quin 17 L. Atkins 18 N . Kennedyy t 9 M. Atkins 20 N . Atkins 21 P. Sherma n 22 J. Holt N) C 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 R. Meilick 27 B . Haynes (DVC) 28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin 30 S . Hunt 31 A. Ryan 32 B. Calms 33 S. May 34 J . May 35 N. B octor 36 L. Ferrari 37 R. Presnell 38 J . Gerrand 40 R . Rawlins 41 M . Talbot 42 A . O'Brien 43 C . Bruinier 44 C . Collins 45 J . Deluca 46 M . Saxton 47 L. Mann 48 W. Travers 49 J . Bryce 50 S . Lynch 51 S. Coote 53 J. Windebanks 54 A. Thompson 55 B. Deaton 56 E. Leyden 57 H. McMillan 58 M . Blackmore 59 B . Grftths 60 C. Buckley 61 A . Richardson 62 A . Pratt 63 S. McNicholas 64 M. Carty 65 G . Shattock 66 A. Coote

: Merv Keane Res Coach : Chris Mathieson 1 J . Foley 2 B. Hall 3 C. Knight 4 M . Liddell 4 T. Vine n 5 S . Ken d all 6 N . Crave n 7 J. Cow lishaw 8 R . Foote 9 M. Frater 10 A. Will (C) 11 C . Deal 12 D. Pearce 13 A. Green 14 S . Amiet 15 A . Docker 16 S . Sant 17 M . Harrison B . Baxter 19 T. Aylen 20 H . Vella 21 M. Pennycuick 22 C . Mc Assay 23 D. Ash 24 J . Dalwood 25 N. Dorman 26 S . Widjaja 27 J . Ryan 28 J . Jacobs 29 G. Erickson 30 C . Fagan 31 T. Foster 32 A. Lawso n 33 S. Fryers 34 B. Gross 35 S. Thompson 36 B. Cunningham 37 T. Messer 38 J . Restarick 39 A . Bosna 40 R . O'Neill 41 B . Kuppe 42 D . Synman 43 A. Bruhn 44 L. Schneider 45 D . Scot t 46 B. Scott 47 S. Jenkinson 48 T. Franklin-Jones 49 B. Gardner 50 P. Delahaye 51 T. Mc Donald 52 A . Sinclair 53 C . Jone s 54 T R ynberk 55 C . Hooper 56 S. Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 T. Kavouris 59 A. Beach 60 N. Fallu 61 N. Bannon 62 C. Sheppard 63 G . Crathern 64 G. Poulte r 65 N . Carric k 71 M . Cassid y

1 J . Dixon 2 M. Johnson 3 B. Mooney V C 4 D . Atkinson 5 R . Henebery 5 B. Donelly 6 S . Woolley 7 D. Surkitt 7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J . Fry 10 J. Lang 11 B. MacKenzie 12 N . Harrison V C 13 N . Thomas 14 N . Lockett 15 L. Cottom 16 A. Fletcher

17 R. Honking V C

18 S . Taft 19 N . Herman 20 B . Couch 21 C . Harri s 22 T. Skurrie 23 J. Kondarovskis 24 B. Low 25 R . Muir 26 D . Vial 27 A. Shinkfield 28 D. Dowling 29 A. Kenneally 30 L. Moon 31 N . Roach C . Blumfiel d a3 B . Hoi s t 34 J. Young 35 R . Turner 36 G . Cooper 37 C . Hoist 38 S . Taft 39 N. Hart 40 M . Hibbins 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 N . Groeneveld 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Robertson 46 J. Round

47 R . Solar

48 E. Waters 51 J.B . Shadbotf 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B . Lumb 58 D . Smith 64 M . Gribble 65 C . Safstrom

G LEN E ( Coach: Paul Beddoe Assist Coach : Jon Edgar Res. Coach: Anttany Strafford 1 N. Astapenko 2 M . Dimashki 3 C. Massis (C) 4 D . Cassar VC Res. 5 A . Tsirogiannis VC 6 J. Zagame 7 S. Vamvakas 10 G . Richards t1 B. Clements 12 B. IUn g 13 G . Brown 14 M . Loughran 15 Mimo Dimachki 16 Danny Race 17 L. Doolan 18 R . Oldham

19 A . Decries

20 A . Diamond 21 S. Haines 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 A. Taranto 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliotis (RC) 27 R. Gilmore 28 L. Shellard 29 M . Kassar 30 L. Pde 31 D . Sheehan 32 M . D'Zitva 33 A. Sheady 34 L . Hal l 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zure k 37 P. Merrick 38 M . Lewin 39 J . Gusman 40 D. Lambe 41 M . Merrick 42 J . Serpanchy 43 J . Fidogiannis 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 M. Beddoe 47 B. Cummin 48 J. Halliwetl 49 S. Hall 50 D. Eade 52 A. Haines (RVC) 53 L. Caruana >54 T. Dimachki 55 L. McGaw 57 M . Chandle r 58 M . Scarfe ' 59 B . Zwar 60 G. Cedes 61 M. Tkocz 62 S. Lymno 63 D . Dunlevie 64 D . Fossey 65 M . Dimou 68 M . Watt


68 S . Doukas


Cc h : Tony MacgeorgE Res Coach : Darren Fened 1 S. Rowle y 2 R. Gallagher 3 M . Dixon 4 M . Hayes 5 A . Whit e 6 C . Stephens 7 K. Gunter 7 M. Cooper 8 D . Perri n 8 K. Littl e 9 M . Meyer 9 P. Emmett 11 C. O'Meara 12 M . 13 A. Kin g 14 M . Etcell 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sulliva n 16 J . McCarthy 17 C . Sulliva n 18 S. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 M . Wals h 21 A. Wals h 22 S. Hamilto n 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sulliva n 24 X. Smith 25 G. Uptin 26 A. Roc k 27 A . Gang i 28 C . Johnston 30 P. Dixo n 30 N . Freeze 31 M. Andrews 32 N . Levet t 33 N . Wilkins 34 D . Sheeha n 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T Macgeorg e 38 S . Perrazo 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 46 C . Blair 47 J . Tull y 48 Mick. Wals h 49 R . Bdtner 55 R n ..pD Clarke o 52 K. McLeod 53 D. Noonan ~ D. Bra y 55 S . Rickards 56 T. Sullivan 57 D . Fraser 56 J . Noonan 59 G. Allan 60 D . Fenec h 61 T. Smit h 63 S. Waters 64 S. Hesline 65 T. Allinso n 67 M . Joyce 68 A . Tresidder 73 M . O'Meara

T*n .. ,_-, i i. >Srntone


67 B. Gillespie 76 T. Blak e 77 L. Tucker

COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook

u_riun ilrro m -

' test 7rant' Polies F

South Melboume

95832 8 41



3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 61 63 64 65



C.if Cc i : John Ross 1 ren Turner C~ . s :nan connolly Res . r : Peter O'Dea Resen C: ch : Paul Quick -ik,` nicolanton!o Ass! ., :h: Jr sddic k s : t Noqc, _ .<en Res. Ca-- :i : &, ; so n : ,And T duo s A. Durling 1 S Handley 1 D. Herders 1 P. Carse 1 P. Gorman T. James 2 D . Beckett 2 M . Harvey 2 J . Hodder 2 A . Mills (vc) 3 E. Mitchell 3 J . Denning 2 T. Goodwin N. Robinson 3 D Kelly 4 A. Grace 4 A. Auliso 3 R . Bannister T. Ogier 4 P. Quick 5 S. Buckle 5 M . Martinov 4 M . Elliot L . Cain 5 H. Pitts . Fennell 6 D . Whelan 6 J B. Christie 5 S . Sacco 6 J . Killeen 7 A. Burgess . Seeley 7 S. Keleher 7 S . Bannister A 8 M. Miller 8 B. Bird M. Scott 7 S . Pang 8 L. Hollo w . Hall . Coller 9 G 9 C J. Heffernan 9 C. Bannister 8 I . Hunt 10 B. Mitchell 10 R . Martin B. Tymmons 10 J . Vaina 9 A. Bunnell 11 D . Robbins 77 B. Carey P,9. Hanson (C) 11 D. O'Sullivan (vc) 10 B. Hodgson 12 T. McCann . Cadzow 12 B. Dalidio S 12 A . Christi e 13 L . Wells 11 A. Pins 13 A. Krebs R . Kapaor 13 G . Russel l 14 J. Eagles L . Ga!dman (VC) 14 S. James 12 M . Beer 15 A . McMaho n 15 P. Carey 15 C . Telly B . Whitehead (VC) 13 M . Vagg 16 M . Goodwin 16 A. Res Ros e D . Clyn e 1 6 T. Stewart 16 76 D. Clifto n 14 M . Evans 17 M . D 'Am 17 J. Bridge s D . Pike 17 G . O'Connor 15 B. Mair 18 W. Cove 18 R. McCann N . Credlin (DVC) 18 B . Carte r 16 A. Rhodes 19 A. Kelly S. Marwood 19 D . Cleary 19 A. Grant 20 A. Ballard 20 D . to Hennepe P. Tempone 17 S. Campbell 20 J . Clarke G . Simondson D . Mitchell 21 R . Wiley 18 M . Windridg e 21 G . Henderso n 22 P. Ristevsk i 22 H . Brow n gP ' T. Hardma n 19 A. Millican 22 L. Reynolds 23 T. Naylor 23 T. Batty B. Howard 20 J. Kellow 23 D. Calagad 24 D . Bruce 24 B . Arnold K. Darby 25 P. Edwards 25 J. Dale 21 M . McCuddin 25 A. McKenzie B. Tipper 26 B. Lewis 26 A. Prosser A. Hardenberg 26 T. Harvey 22 A. Sleight 27 P. Levins 27 M . Garon i 27 T. Brennan A . Whelan 23 J. Macdonald 28 A. Carroll 28 H . Giles A . Sheedy 28 A . Clinch 25 L . Aitken 29 S. Darcy 29 S. Goodwin D . Gough 29 J . Clifton 26 T. St.Clair 30 G. Richie 30 M. Oitobre 30 R. Finley S. Francis 27 W . Watford 31 M. Contessotto 31 S. Hollow R . Perryman 31 H . Black 32 D . Carron . Craven 32 A . Lom 32 J . Sacc o B 28 K. Watford 33 M . Collins 33 L. Thomas 33 L. Kuret G. Ormsby 29 P. Gartland 35 J . Briggs D . Joyce 34 A . Russell , 34 D . Weston (vc-res) ..0 B. Doust 35 J . Putz 36 S. Bavage D . Schmidt 36 D . Barron 31 D . Decarteret 37 S. Manton C . Munro 36 D. Casey 37 D . Castaldi (C ) 38 N . Hodder 37 C. Everitt 32 D . Ballard S . Derry 38 M. Nancarro w 39 B . Vaughan A . Hillier 38 D. Broadhurst 33 R . Marriott 39 S. Boyle 40 J . Gay T Hallo 39 S . McCarthy 40 P. Garoni 34 P. Treyvaud 40 Y. Dimadamos 42 M . Flood G. Rowe 41 B. Barron 5 B. Gelli e 43 B . Levins C . Jellis 41 T Banks 42 D . Dimec h 36 L. Northway 44 A . Zalakos 42 C. Keleher L. Ryan 43 M. Warre n 37 A. Gallia 45 S . Ronchi A . Mackenzie 43 B . Parsons 44 P. Appleford 46 A . Brown C. Grant 44 A. Broadhurst 39 S . Morris 45 M . Carter 45 J . Franklin 47 M . Mclnemy S . Smith 41 J . Upton 46 S . Stepien 48 A . Dal y M . Horgan 46 C. Cleary 42 B . Downing 47 D . Goodwin 49 D. Cox 47 J . Monaghan T Kearney 48 A . Nancarrow (vc-res) 43 J . Mullins 50 A . Volpi J . Derry 48 S . Wheller 49 B . Whykes B 51 P. McGloin 49 S . Metz 44 T Mahony R. Gazal 50 B . Barron B 52 R. McGloin A. Gill 50 S . Dipasquale 45 A . Upton 51 Mark Goodwi n 53 T. Pecora 51 T. Dipasquale G . Weickhardt 46 M . year 52 D . Westo n . Betsy 55 C. Hatfield S . Lovelace 52 S 47 P. Rose 55 M . Garen 56 T. Morrison R. Tempone 53 C . Harvey 48 J . Vagg . Pitcher 56 P. Dunne 54 M . Ramsay 59 D A. Margetts 49 I . Dennis 60 C. McDonald 57 S . Westo n J . Gan 55 B. Rayson 61 J. Blandthorn 63 A . Moloney (c-res) 56 M. Farrell S . Fogarty 50 S . Kennett 63 P. Nolan 59 T. Robinso n S . Jones 57 R . Kentara 53 A. Ryan 64 D. Wood T. Nisbet 58 67 G . Tsinari s Ramag e 55 S . 59 N . Hoare 67 P. Farquhar 69 S . Seron g N . Payne 57 S . Moylan 69 S. Meshcer J . Walsh 60 P. Konstanty 70 L. Kuret 70 D. McGloin 61 B. Jones 58 M . Muehlheim A. Walsh 79 T. Higgin s 75 T. Ymer 99 M . La Corcia S. Gregory 62 B. Stater 59 M . Worland 76 G . Donova n 63 C . West L Goldsworthy 60 R. Ferrero 77 C . Vaugha n S. Hancock 64 M . Wood 61 J Bedford 79 T. Tribe 65 S . Anderson 62 C . Tooley 88 S. Pitcher 66 L. Dale 89 D . Windus s ; ;•, =' 67 M . Mabbetf 64 J. Belcher 68 D . Clifton a 65 B. Sodom =1-( GA a 69 B . Cromack 66 G . Northway HUM E I -- --- - 67 K. Sagno l 8 5 2 ~ I ! ---


2 06 J . <I a j or Sponso r



:r atch wra p

Today To i Brain and Phil Stevens review the representative match played Sunday July 27 in Barooga . Phil Stevens (PS) : Well Tommy we lost by 26 points . Do you think that was a true reflection of the difference between the two sides? Tom Brai n (TB) : In all honesty yes ! We started slowly which you cannot afford to do in this standard of game against quality opposition and we paid the penalty by being 6 goals behind at the first change . PS: Playing "catch-up" footy is always difficult isn't it, but I don't think our boys should feel too despondent . Do you agree ? TB : That is correct Phil, their efforts over the next three quarters where they outscored the opposition were terrific . We put a couple of good patches together but then found it hard at times to keep that momentum going and to the opposition's credit they kept coming back at us not fully allowing us to play our own game . PS : Who were the standouts from the VCFL side and ours? TB: Stewart in the ruck for the Country was a most worthy winner of the BOG award well backed up by Aaron Greaves who kicked 5 goals and their captain Jason Mifsud led by example and had an excellent pair of hands . For us I thought young Simon Clarke made a fantastic state debut and was clearly our best player, in fact the only one to play four quarters of footy. He received support from Danny Byrne, young Mark "Harry" Corrigan, especially in the first half, little Stuey Low was always in putting his body on the line and Nigel Credlin did a sterling job keeping the backline together .

PS : Do you think Rodney Eade as coach of the VCFL was influential ? TB: Indeed I do, Philip, because his planning into the game and his knowledge of our players and our game pian, especially early made life particularly difficult for us . To be able to put that side together and have them gel and play together the way they did on the day is a credit to Rodney

s, id the time and effort he put in to the game . I'r sure the VCFL officials would have been happ with his performance and the publicity Ili presence generated in the match . PS : Enough to get him an AFL gig in 2004? TB : Well he is certainly good enough to coac again at AFL level . Just depends on what job actually become available and which way Rodne himself wants to go . Talking to him at the aft( match the fire and the motivation is still there. PS : I reckon he might become Saint Rodne3 Tiger Eade or Bulldog Rod ! ! TB : All of those Phil are viable options . I doubt It would become a Tiger as they have Wayn Brittain already waiting in the wings. Both of th others have definitely under-achieved and f, sure with the lists they have that Rod would do terrific job with both . PS : Tom, that concludes what has been a fairl successful season, notwithstanding th disappointment at not getting the U19 game t the starting line . TB : Firstly on the U19 game that must have bee heartbreaking for all concerned but it is goo dsethamoveswrtakenovrthewknd t

ensure them a game next year. The long weeken in June was particularly successful with hot representative sides recording good victories an we now focus on 2004 and renew our quest t become AAFC Champions . PS: And Tom the final words on state football .. .. theyarou TB : Phil, it has been terrific to have bee involved closely with state footy this year . To se the commitment of all involved to make the VAF successful has been inspiring. This stems fror the passion of our coach Nick Bourke, who ha done everything in his power to see u successful . If only he had the players of th calibre of Murray Pitts, Paul Corrigan, Brel O'Farrell, Matthew Dennis, John Steven<. Lincoln Reynolds in his side last Sunday th result may have been different (and the bee would have tasted better on the bus trip home but Nick would not use that as an excuse a Simon Clarke, James Drake, James Beaumont Quinton Gleeson, Shaun Neeson, Chanz Crowie were all worthy replacements and did not l e


.he ti nTA do-,i. ,at note Tommy, thanks for your implook forward to all VA-'fi, > ti'-a' "- : .-_ . roaching and relegation b<'l - ; loor, i

'hilip, definitely lookin g f~~ . rd to t ;me ahead in the remaining 7-8

vdaters Nigel Credlin Lachlan For d Danny Byrne Mark Browne Carl Steinfor t Simon Clarke Adam Chatfield Mark Corriga n e F : Qzdnton Gleeson Dan Jordan James Drak s Stuart Low Tim Harvey Luke Hawkin n ; An+'revr F:amsclen (C ) Denver Artz Be Jorr, .- _

ason .

id Match Detail s

6,2 8A 11,8 14 .11 (95) C} .l 4 .3 7 .7 14 .9 (69) VCFL - Greaves 5 . Mifsud 5, Stringer 2. . nan and Power . VAFA - Harvey 4, D . . Jordan 2 and Hawkins r 3, B VCFL - Stewart (b .o .g .) Greaves, Cook,


Beaumont Jeremy Bourk e Shaun Neeso n urke

Mark Gibson (F} Nathan Eddy

bster (G }

(best on ground) - Mar k


i_an (chosen by VCFL ) n by VAFA)

Mifsud . Robertson . . Cr,rfig^n, Low ':yrne, Clarke, Credlin, '" ti lsden .


11 ~

-Amateurs ~-Id -asori for the


our,~ y v. Formation being revealed to


3 3

be all relive d Ric Sykes, Peter Coicse, FA. 300 Club in tlÂą",




Is the four 1


separat Banyule < <nd or

ties ? J'vni , LeL~fs a 1 0

leaving the Bear's finals 1, brink, and resurr-c"- • Michael Gray v

v'lich, if both or n to having I id inside a bound e m by 34 points in RE but by much less .

Inq on eC~s .

for .he Bears ,

good one a t Shaun Lo u )iled d in the Ruck . CHB, and 17 Ash Drew v. is a productive forward for the Jarvie strong at CHB, and Bushrangers, Simon Gitlin a I --IF'. Ar really broke away from I I defea'° ' t Moorabbin . Brett a -ersistent Duzenman s~on his wing for the Jackas, Nick Gold played another great captain's game, and Simon Gutman also shone . The Bloods had terrific games from Mick Starrett up forward, Stuart Bethune at FB, and John Jess OtB . Old Me aat.cznians and i7ni . Blacks were level at time and perilously close to another draw except Blacks' was the only scorer in a Prozac popping last term . The defences of both sides dominated in the stodgy conditions with Blacks' backs Schilling, Brown, & Goonan being particularly parsimonious . The Panthers on-ballers, Geoff Dart & Michael McCloskey, were at the bottom of every scrum, while Andrew Carter again shone in the Ruck . The Hoes came from 17 points behind in Q4 to beat the -- when the rain brought the home side's b' n m into play . The Hoes' crumbers did the damage on the day with Shane Sampson, Paul Manuel, & Paul Harris all inspirational . Robbie Schi -i(- ~r, Greg Chivers, & Jarred Prior . again stood out for the Bullants . : hard to shake Monash Blues found off as Chaddie clawed their way back from a 6 goals Q 1 deficit to be level at the end of Q3 . A desperate g4 saw the Ashers take the points with Julian Smith, George Smythe, and Matt Payne all perforating prodigiously in defence . Sf)"s 14ichael imnr essed the - _,i -

. will be a frantic affair e d wo club : 1 ; , ; :, a gut to avoid relegatio i Chadt'te has h, (i a lu artbreaking sequence i


ow loses thi but at home they shout

take this game i j a points . UarL Blacks meet - _ with their primaj aim being a 2nd Semi spot for themselves whIl, coincidentally administering the coup de gra( to the Bears own finals' chances . On their hon turf the Blacks should narrowly vv-in a gre~ mE ch . versus Old Me n t•.oaaiasrs will I

no __ ;hov for the Panthers but they shou . have il )r ird power to give them a 3 goa victory 'I'h : . will have too much pace and sk for _ ., ~ - iYi Frearson, but canno t

f31 :: Kirzner 10 85 AJA.k Old Mentonians Bournon 1 55 3 48 Old identonians Basile 8 45 Banyule S Playiair 2 41 Monash Blues Grace D 1 Reserve Old Mentonians Ballantine 0 22 Monash Blues Hawkins 2 21 AJAX Kalb 2 21 Banvule Creak 0 2 0 liAm 2 19 Fiam, .ile Prior 1 19

6 .11 ~.~'.7) 15.1211021 es. Best : tti Gray, ~-~ey : A Dre w .A Sony son 4 .4 7 .6 5 4 .7 ;anz'

er 3layer t nla-ed in tt s . 2tld was named Decade . He is a a fantastic ( -b-! ree play : ;_ . iirst year was a ieship side . Si 'e 1ar & dour defenc r ! i'°ty is a ho-e rc :uired, as td a

7 .61485 7 .8(50) ' .t . Best: J. Davis

lu ll ing, stock, i d Irons Pete r 15 .11 i101 ) .7 13 .10 t88i • 2 . Pace, r Ryan, I n, Manuel , .Uilllams 3. -e: ' &nith, Florence . f' .~llliams . Umpires : ltes Sean Collin s

;er s `Lit, n

. a painfi 9 :ai-s in ir full farward Simon E :-~si has suffered more thar his vertheies, ve hope t o ng for t? - P = .~!.s has I

10 .14 (74) 9_5 10 .6 (66) rison, Holloway. a : Greelv n, nbell. IF) G Intent

at ` )m his s . `'v;>artion 1 ''o expect t a

5 .7 8 .7 (55) 6 .3 6.4(40 )

a1', ;3tlo


9 .3 10.9 (69) 3 .7 5 .11 (41 ) b, Lc in, Peters Best : .ian . :Hu hes 2 . ousins, D. Vandi slays ,

3.1 5 .2 l .l 2 . 5

. In his ,Club -esented all sides an t -luable ruckman an G

-ntinues to learn with every g< - ~ he'--?it and agility should see him de ;ular senior player in the future . rawbs .

iId his 4 .,*o a .I'~ . 1 e

2 .3 2.1 3, D,

5 1

Yarra Vail, y,7; v AJAY, Salesian 0 C v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v Banyule Bulleen Templestowe v C' d

Mentonian s "lonash Blues v Ivanhoe I

union. Best: I y : Not

0 .3

3 .8 4 .10 (34) 3 .4 4.5 (29) Elliott, do 2, Beaton, Franklin. oa 7 .3 11 .7 11 .11 (77) 1 .3 3 .4 5.4i34 1 2, Newbold 2 . Singh 2, A .lacovangelo. Matthews, Farris 2, Buccachio , mlos. Conte . Morrison, 410 7 .11 (531 3 .5 3 .5(2 3) raters, Dodd . Best: Loughman 2. 3yrne. 21

Coacn: t'nii uavis Res. Coach : : -rf Simon

G< I Conno ;ly Pau, Harper

Cc t nricro(t in Fraser

F . .,C . . .~I : AParris 1 B. Reed 1 J. Prior 2 D . Vditchell 2 S. Yates 3 N . Taylor 4 W . Thompson 4 T. Gloury 5 D. Bone 5 B. Willmore 6 A. Tehan 6 S. Tuckman 7 P. Robertson 7 C . Taylor 8 B. Cantwell 8 N. Bone 9 M . Willmere 9 JJ . Matthews 10 P. Gloury 10 P. Tsokas 11 D. Wilson 11 G G . Chivers 12 J . Egan 12 A . Parris 13 T. Ryan 14 B . Woodlock 13 D. Tulbch 15 A. Williams 15 S . Gray 16 J . Hunt 14 A . Wilke 16 M- Gilbert 17 B. Redwood 15 B . Wolnizer 17 A . Smal l 18 J . Hughe s 16 S . Smith 19 G Whitehead 18 J . Turnbull 17 C . Darby 20 M . Starret 19 N . Sannho!m 21 J . Pierce 20 S . Playfair 18 K . Burridge 22 S . Flynn 21 R . Dintinosante 19 L. Stott 23 P. Stone 22 C . Taylor 20 M . Jones 24 P. Harper 23 M . Gray 21 P. Gannas 25 P. Sorace 24 L. Richardson 26 R. Weeks 22 G . fr cLaren 24 J. Gram 25 J . Szeremeta 27 D. Hincliife 25 M. Blashki 23 D . Matthews 2 6 H . McDermott 28 A . Swish 27 A . Nield 26 B. Duzenman 24 J. Newman 29 J . Wilson okin 30 R . Kogelman P Sm~h 28 A. Zemski 29 31 G. Evans 26 S. Boyd 29 P. Bryner 30 D . Mutton 32 D . Alford 27 J. O'Donnell 30 A. Lefkovic 31 C . Bassett 3 3 C . Woode n 28 P. Miles ; 31 A. Lewis 32 M. Natoli 34 M , Tarulli 33 S. Dean 29 D. Williams 32 D. Weislitzer 35 R . Chapman 34 S. Lorenzini 33 S . Boon 36 V. Hall 30 D. Florence 34 A. Lewin 37 G. Macklin 35 L . O'Connell 31 L. No bury 38 B. Moran 36 D . Playiair 35 J . Lewis 32 R. Williams 39 S. Wh ite 37 T. Thompson 36 J . Israelsohn 33 N. Hamshare 40 S. Harris 38 J. Redfern 37 A . Sapar 41 G . Davies 34 S . Lambropoulos 39 A. Ho;rgood 38 J . Feldman 42 R . Moran 40 M . Smith 35 D. Daskalou 39 D . Vanaken 43 M. Slattery 41 T. Prior 36 P. Hare 40 D . Ones 44 J. TaPPIY 42 M . Van teren 41 A . Silver 37 P. Ganiatsis 45 M . Rielly 43 L. Ferra e 42 A . Cooper 38 N . Scaglione 46 T. Vandersluis 44 S . Yin 43 S . Chester 47 J . Smith Boyd 39 D. Buccachio 45 D. 44 J . Gotland 48 D. McCartan 46 D. Nasrallah 40 A . Foley 49 D. Poynton 45 A . Godlewicz 47 J . King 41 R . Lea 50 R. Kea 46 A. Goldman 48 D . R ot^kl 51 A. Pringle Y 42 P. Edwards 47 S. Gutman 49 G . Bell e 52 J . Bleakne 48 J. Pask y 43 M . Daskalou 50 T. Nasrallah 53 S . Verona 49 A. Lasnitzki 44 R . Schneider 51 J Bolt 54 t~ O'Halloran 50 A. Benedyk[ 46 A . Humphrey 5~ D . Noona n 52 55 L. Stafford 51 Z . Lewski 56 P. Cruickshank 53 M . Creak 47 C . Morivitis 52 D . Norich 54 C . Williams 57 L. Mackowski 48 A. Morivitis 53 J. Mordech 58 T. Leddra 55 D . Williams 49 B . Touriganis 54 I . Same 59 B . Cooper 56 A . Roethe 50 D . Glover 55 J. Kaicer 60 P. Scognamillo 57 B . McGregor 62 J . Fitzpatrick 53 A. Boyd 56 D.Seidl 58 L. Orion 57 D. Spilberg 63 A . Barrie 59 M. Mitchell 60 D . Horvath 64 T Nolan 58 B. Yudelman 60 D . Hassell 65 S . Hann 59 R. Rotemberg 61 S. Dowlan 67 A . Lewison 60 J. Wajnberg 62 T Jubb 63 J . Coghlan 63 A. Plant 61 J . Freeman 72 T Wills 64 S. Taylor 62 J . Gottlieb G. Cochrane A. Cullen S. Hiney M. Lent P. Phillips B. Beech S. Dornom J. McMullen P. Rates 1 N . Gold (Capt) 2 M . Konsky 3 B. Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Ritterman 6 D. Kalb (Capt Res) 7 G . Samuel 8 E . Raleigh 9 J . Berger 10 G. Dukes 11 M . Segal (DVCapt) 12 D . G d lo enfein 13 J . Raleigh 14 J . Kagan 15 J. Segal 16 E. Janover 17 A. Cukierman (VCR 3s) 18 J. K rzner (VGapt} 19 G . Blieden 20 J. Sharp 21 D . Gelber( 22 E. Wollner 23 A. Wollner


1 L. Toomey 2 S . Tibb 3 S . Edwards 5 A . Boland 6 M. Parker 7 C . Glennie 8 J. Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 M. Barmby 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Den Braber (C) 13 C . Jeffery 14 A. Larkin

. C Gain )onal ~ 1 S. Conle y 2 M . Mau d 3 C. Tucker 4 T. O'Neill 5 P. Manuel 6 T. Healy 7 P. Rawle y

8 J . Shuttle north 9 E . Healy 10 P. Le e 11 D . Valkanis 12 L. Hull-Brow n 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flynn 15 J . Curtin 16 P. Harri s 17 S . Morris 18 B. Hal l 19 D . Wood 21 N . Blainey 22 N . Shuttleworth 23 D . Ryan 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisin a 26 P Camero n 27 J. Finlayson 28 S. Matthews 29 C . Ho g 30 M . Sloan 31 T. Lupton 32 L. Pearce 33 S . McGowa n 34 B . Joyce 35 M . Serafin i 36 C. Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 R. People s 39 M . Ebbage 40 P. Martin 41 C. McDonald 42 B . Marti n 43 A . Shemshedin 44 A . Pace 45 A . tacouangel o 46 M . Iacouangel o 47 B . Waters 48 R . Tco ood 49 Matt Sloan 50 N . Clark 51 D . Pearce 52 S. Sampson 53 M. Chaza n 54 E. Newbold 55 J. Heal y 56 S. Saunders 57 A. Cont i 58 T. Plemhet 59 A. Fakers 60 J . Aboueid 61 M . Anderson 62 P. Merory 63 J . Crappe r 64 M . Migliorini 66 J . Rivott-Min s 67 G . Stephen s 68 F. Yaghmoor 69 J . Mazocca 70 K . Wise 71 A . Pearce 72 K . Maghamez 73 D. Dummett 74 S . Hal l 78 C . Brown


速an 1 t - : nm Powell Fes : , mes Shady 1 S, Chapman 2 J . Baxte r 3 L Holloway 4 G.Chessan 5 6 M . Newman 7 P. Farrar 8 S . Thompso n g C. O SuII!va n 10 Sam Uoyd 11 M . Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 14 B. Merlin 15 M Tinkle r 16 B. Hind 17 J. Mellington 18 L. Smith 19 M . Sounders 20 M . Edsall 21 0 Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 P. Nevill 24 T. Craven 25 J, Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Young n 28 ~ J. Mai 30 L . Creamer 31 S . Hawkins 32 L. Beddingfie ld 33 J . Smith 34 M . Edwards 35 A. Hickey 36 A. Wi!lams 37 J . Bolton 38 N . Brennan M. Smith 40 M. Bolton 41 M. Bolton per 42 A . 43 R . Coo Feenaghty 44 S . Grace 45 R. Walsh 46 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 D. Payne ~ 51 M. Payne 52 N . Merest 53 J. Peel 54 G. Dodd 55 1 . McCormic k 56 57 58 59 B . Carstein 60 61 P. Campbell 62 L . Kate 63 64 65 G . Polgase 66 67 68 M. Meehan 69 70 D. Barlow 71 72 B . Green '.. 7 3 ..' 74 P. Westbroo k 75 R. Turton 76 77

78 A. Shields 79 80 P. Manohar

C^ Peter Russ Res. C= h: Jamie'eVinduss 1 T. Mitvalsky 2 C . Twentyman 3 R. Be)) 4 D. Carroll (V.C.) 5 C. Mackay 6 C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 G . Ferguson 9 W. Ballantine 10 S. Voigt 11 D . Solley 12 C . Dwyer (C.R.) 13 B . Heverin 14 M . Stroud 15 J . Costello (D .V.C .) 16 D. Nock 17 N . Lnfortl 1 8 T. Bournon (C) 19 A. Palmer 20 D. O'Connor 21 J. O'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A . Drinan 24 A . Acreman 25 B . Fairbanks 26 G . Dart 27 G . Katris 28 D. Kitto 29 A. Carter ( D.VC.) 30 D. Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 L . Sunter 33 S. Worrell 34 P. Flaskis 35 D . Murphy 36 B, Alexande r . Franci s {CR .} 37 38 P. Stubbs 39 J . Vick 40 R. Alexander 41 S. Cozens 42 M. Basile 43 G . Hubbard 44 L . Sunter 45 R . Johnson 46 G. Smith 47 G. Herring 48 D. Steven s 49 N . Fisher 50 G . Wilson 51 L . Stephen 52 M . Watts 53 C . Shedden 54 D . Goodbody 55 C . Davis 56 R . Harper 57 T. Davi s 58 P. Appel 61 B . Saunders 64 M . Austin 66 M . Mackay



f i r'iate: Tudey h: Adam Davey 1 A . Stevens (VC) 2 A. Thain 3 S . Sutherland (C) 4 A. Healy 5 P.A . Canavan 6 D. Forer 7 D. Foley 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. 0!dfeld (VC) 11 A . Davey 12 M . Sates 13 I. Bobe6c 14 M . Cooke 15 R. Quinn 16 P. Dolman 17 Mat Forbes 18 D . Barry 19 R . N i ams 20 A. Seeger 21 D . Verxi!lo 22 S . Greely 23 M. Smith 24 A . Grace 25 C. Ryan 26 J . Nannes 27 P. Allen 28 M . Syme 29 S. Horvath 30 K. Woodman 31 A. Lucas 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 T Nagle 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 M . Ferveerda 39 P. Pitts

40 M . Force 41 M . Cleary 42 C . Rose 43 R Evans 44 D . levoli 45 D . Allen 46 A . Chiappini 47 D. Oldfield 48 J .Logan 49 S. Sewel l 50 S. Kavanagh 51 A. Foley 52 P. Hanlon 53 E. Mallard 5q. S. Porter 55 E . Hanapy 56 M . Loughnan 57 K. Richardson 58 S . Way 59 S. Parisi 60 A. Bates 61 R . Cincotta 63 B. Chalmers 64 B . Bowman 65 J . Radi 66 S . Sinclair 67 D. Sutherland 68 M . Sutton 69 B. iUrchner 70 Mick Forbe s

Shanassy Re Cc : - t 'ichael Rizio Club . : Ill Ch Craig aulch A . Costello 1 2 J. Sibili a 2(R) S . Chandler 3 A . Ross 3(R) R. Drummond 4 A. Evans 5 R. Mackie (C) 6 T. Bavacqua 8 B. Watch 9 P. Kempton 10 W . Hann a 11 S. Sand'rford 13 C . Baulc h 14 D . Ada 17 A . Moffatt 17(R) J . Caudle 18 T. Wilson 19 L. Brown 21 C. Schilling 22 S . Prince 23 P. Barry 24 V. Romijn 25 M. Hallam 26 D . Batten 27 A. Parkin 28 P. Otsuka 30 D . Stock 31 B . Costell o 32 M . J one s 35 B . Villella 35(R) Jas Mirtschin 36 M . Prowse 37 E. Nolan 38 M. Rialto 39 X. Davis 41 L. Rawnsley 43 C . Beaton 45 R . Scarlett 49 R. Dillon 49(R) T. Bowers 50 A. Goonan 53 D. O Keette 54 M . Braszell 55 S. Watch 57 K. Begely 58 D . Kea n 60 J. O'Sullivan 61 J . Black 62 S . Middleton 65 J . Fulle r 66 L. Costello 67 N. Goonan 70 J . Green 70(R) R . Hamilton 80 M. Tehan 85 B. Weber 88 N . Abbott 94 A . Powell 98 M . Behan 101 D. Davis 112 M . Wielgosz

C 'um N!Iwort h s . Simon Taylor


1 R. Pearce 2 T. Morris 3 R. Thompson 4 M . Fung 5 A. Drew 6 R . Drew 7 C . Beal 8 L Morris 9 J .Keem 10 T. Hancock 11 T. tAcllrath 12 J. Cremean . Gillies 13 a L 1 E. Kruse N. Pas k 15 16 L Taylor 17 A. Lain g 18 D . Ross 19 J. Strong 20 T. Hat e 21 D . Stevenso n 22 B . Drew 23 R. Yea 24 M . Davie s 25 R. Co!!e i 26 J. Longsva;th 27 S. Savag e 28 B, Reynolds 29 R . Coutts 30 D . Potter 32 J . Parry 33 P. Cremean 33 D. Ireland 34 C.. Fraser 35 B . Peake (c) 36 P. Jarvi e 37 D. Balksha w 38 G . Morrison 39 J. Thompkins 40 H . Cotsford 41 B . Downs 42 A . Stone 44 J . H o 45 A. y7;ndgat e 47 S . Colli e 48 R. Davis 49 S. Seaboum e 50 J. Peake 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Pask 54 S . Simpson 56 T Uoyd 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joine r 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Serum s 63 B. Whitechurc h 64 D . Smith 65 M. Norrish 68 T. Collet 71 M . Lain g 74 A. Middlin

72 C. Hunt

76 P. Turley 77 S. Buiier 23

Toby Roberts -aIks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m

F or n -,, .'s,

Then io . for , c ;

VF INS 7 ;


7.30pm .lit

째째째 This week's guest : Luke 1-iae:' ins (Old Scotch) 24


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Inch , ,s w+eP' ` 14 ch a t on all matters VAFA.

Old rmcitans ($) . Unl (I32), West Brunswick (D2) ,

St f

North Brunswick (D4) . PREVIEWS Friday 7 .W-8.U4 pm includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.


-~5p C~~~ ~~~ T ,~2, fiV/J 25

~_ No major expected r I ' , cord b, it there on v C_ Cac,y ha, i , ~x win, r Ga Tro bc to keep °' r prevailed against close loss for the Willy be . > . 1 in a duel w'th f i , 'i the ho : : e side victorious aa had a solid W cPREVI Make or break for his week . Both sides need to oubl ehan, rfinala' hopes alive . Great game in the off]L); do-,- . way as the ladder leaders hosts the in form Old Carey . As noted, a loss will almost certainly --isure OC's play cut threat final's footy so plenty to plc -ar . Are the Pirates due for a loss? Maybe, but not at home . Old Geelong need to beat (and hope for some West Brunswick losses) to h ; e any hope of prolonging their year . Fitzroy will enjoy the open expanses of Como and not only consign OG's season but also confirm the double chance . West Brunswick host La Trobe and will be comforted that their destiny is in their own hands . A win will ensure final's action for them . Can't see Coach Siebrand allowing this one to slip, Westies for me . Williamstown should be able to get back on the winner's list at the expense of Bentleigh . Willy has had more near misses than an Irish Kamikaze pilot this year but should emerge victorious this week. Hawthorn host D eigh with the Hawks keen to record their first win of the year . Some returning stars in recent weeks have helped the Hawks plight whilst Oakleigh have proven to be dogged competitors all year long. Hawks to record win number one for the year ! What Andrew Says : With university resuming and more players available, La Trobe coach Tony Crisafulli suddenly has a spring in his step . "The club is not travelling too bad," he said . "We're not far off the mark at all . I'd ss .v we would be alright next year . " coach Julian Siebrand derc~-itrd t


match against La Trobe as a "danger

game° . Considering

their form in the las t fortnight, the Magpies will need to lift considerably to defeat the Students . The cat will be thrown amongst the magpies if 01 Geelong can upset Fitzroy . OG will start hot favourites i Rounds 17 (versus Bentleigh) and 18 (Oakleigh) but mu ; rely on the Magpies being upset by either La Trobe c Bentleigh to sneak into the four. These scenarios will a be irrelevant if the OG's lose today . W'ith his midfield back to full strength, Fitzroy coac Graham Burgen was confident his side would beat OG a stoppages . However, as always, Michael Vickers-Willi poses a threat . But Burgen, who will play the versatil Todd Clark on the OG spearhead, was not over . leoncrd "No forward has kicked a bag against us," he said . "We'r hopeful we can stop him . " Despite a stirring three-quarter time speech by coacl D ie acleod, SrliIliamsta were unable to overhaul thi last week . Gun forward Dave Lee is a pleasure t i itch in full flight but it is a pity the CYMS midfre k cannot kick the ball to him quickly enough to preve n opposition defences from double-teaming him . Bentleigh champion Dave Martin was fabulous at thi death in the Demons' thrilling victory against Hawfhore last e! : . Given the C,-JS recent string of narrow losses the Demons will fanc}• their chances in a close match, b u

3 "F,C`I~ZOIY Old Geelong Vickers-Willis 13 Peninsula Claringbold 1 Williamstown CYMS D Lee 3 Peninsula Payze 3 Fitzroy Reds Tornese 0 D2 Reserve Peninsula S Claringbold 4 Peninsula J Atchison 0 Peninsula Coghlan 6 Old Carey Hardy 2 Old Carey Konstantinidis 2

81 64 60 51 49 25 25 23 19 18

the CY'MS would have to drop a cog or two for this match to go down to the wire . Despite their winless record, Hawthorn coach Peter Tyson was still happy with his team's attitude . "We've been honest in the last few weeks," he said . "The guys haven't dropped away at all . They've remained resolute and focused ." With narrow losses against West Brunswick and La Trobe recently, Oakleigh deserve to start narrow favourites in the clash between the competition's cellar-dwellers . Although both sides are propping up the ladder, both clubs will be approaching this game like a Grand Final . Old CÂťy, who have won seven on the trot, and the unbeaten Peninsula square off in what could be a Grand Final preview. The Pirates were the last team to beat Old Carey, but OC have made close to ten changes to the side that played the Pirates in Round 8. OC midfielder Chris Smith and utility Nick Detarzynski return this week . With three milestones this week, coach Glenn Taylor will be hoping it does not have a millstone affect on his team . The unbeaten Pirates have been slightly off the boil recently, but coach Julian Sill finds a way to fire his troops up for the big battles . This is the Pirates' biggest test so far but at home they must win impressively if they are to maintain a psychological edge over their rivals going into the finals . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Ed Sill - ed Andrew Wu - wuey43(_ ' m

Old Carey - salutes Dino Faelis, who plays his 100th game today. Commencing with Old Carey in 1996, Dino possesses great hand skills and equally loves driving the ball into the forward line and defending grimly. Not afraid to meet the opposition head on, resultant injuries have meant more comebacks than Dame Nellie . A dedicated clubman, Dino continues to produce his best both on and off the field. Congratulations mate! Finally cracking the ton is a wonderful achievement . We also congratulate Blake Hutchison and Chris Smith on reaching 50 games . Commencing in 1999 and 1998 respectively, both are at home anywhere on the ground but lately tend to be reliable defenders . Both have had a year off during their careers and come back refreshed and fired up - much to the delight of everybody at the Club. Well done, chaps! Perhaps this year you'll get to play in a 'Granny' .

TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTIO N West Brunswick v La Trobe Uni Peninsula 0 B v Old Carey Old Geelong v Fitzroy Red s Williamstown CYMS v Bentleigh Hawthorn Amateurs v Oakleigh

- R, OLD CAREY 3 .5 7 .8 10.11 13.13 (91) WEST BRUNSWICK 0 .2 2 .3 3.7 4.7131) Old Carey: Cohen 5. White 2, Howat 2, Raftopoulos 2, StewartHolmes, MacFarlane Best: Crosher, Howat, Bull T, Stewart-Hohnes, Van Cuylenberg, MacFarlane West Brunswick : Batters, McGuire, Lehmann. O'Brien Best : West . Sutherland . Gartland, Ward, Touzel . Batters Umpires : Peter Simpson Alan Ladd (F) Peter Teasdale Andrew Barnes (B) Kevin Segota Vin Veseovi (G ) LATROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .3 4 .4 7 .5 8 .7(55) OLD GEELONG 6 .2 8 .4 10 .5 10 .6 (65) LaTrobe University : Slater 2, White 2. Darcy 2. Davis . Pruscino . Best Slater, Murray . Mawdsley, McMeekin . Davis, Dunne Old Geelong: Vickers-Willis 3 . Munro 3, Stinchcombe. S.0'Brien, Malpas, Bayles. Best: Stinchcombe, Vickers-Willls, Fitzclarence, Lansdell, McMahon, Betts Umpires : Daniel Dinneen Peter James (F) Blanca Share Brendan Cannon (B) Matthew Simpson Chris Doyle (G ) FITZROY REDS 2 .5 6 .11 8 .14 10 .18 (78) 8 .9(57) WILLIAMSTOWN 2 .3 4 .4 7 .8 Fitzroy Reds : L. Bryne 2, Capodtferro 2 . Ronchi. Dawson. V. Cahill . Mitchell. Best : V . Cahill, Addicott . Curtis, L . Byrne. Ronchi, Clarke Williamstown : Not Supplied Umpires : Michael Forde Mick Giiday (F) Scott Gavens (B) Jack Watty Daniel Brookes (G ) BENTLEIGH 5.2 8.5 I L 11 t2 .13 (85) HAWTHORN 4.1 8.4 10.6 11 .8 (74) Bent : Banks 3 . Adaway 2, Robertson 2, S. Holmesby . Best: Ireson . Seeley, Clark, Padgham . D . Martin, Robertson . Haw: Not supplied . Umpires : Nick Ryde Wayne Hinton (F) Sam Gent Ben Bracken (B) Garry Clancy Peter Maddocks (G ) 8 .7(55) OAKLEIGH 4 .1 5.3 8.5 11 .10 14.14 19.17 (131) PENINSULA 0 B 5.5 Oakleigh: Goals: M Dimachki 3 Bromley 2 Dalton Hunt Mackenzie . Best Zula Bromley Dimaehki Dalton Reyztiolds Briggs Peninsula : Goals : Murphy, 4 Grant 4 Torossl 3 T Prendergast Payze S Parsons White Bowen Growcott S Claringbotd Powney . Best Grant Murray Torossi Murphy Crean A Atchison . Umpires : Tom Haysom Luke Holmes (F) Thepan Nallianthan (B) D2 RESERVE - Round I 4 OLD CAREY 3 .5 4 .6 5 .6 8 .11 (59) 9 .4(58) WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .2 4 .3 8 .4 Old Carey: Hall 3, Konstanilnidls 2 . Bull N . Drake, Guerra A Best : Smith, Guerra A . Hall, Ward, Bull N, Mason West Brunswick : hiukenthaler 3 . Bagnall 2, Rudd 2, Baker, Campbell Best : Brooks, Bagnall, Jenkin . Stewart. Williamson . Hilto n 2 .103) LATROBE UNIVERSITY 0.0 1 .0 2 .1 OLD GEELONG 1 .2 4 .4 8 .7 10.8 (68) LaTrobe University: Watson, Ulph . Best : Tomlinson, Murphy, Bowden, Fanning. Gloury, Samson Old Geelong : Ardie 3, Abbott 2, Johnson. Slattery . Allen, Paul, Dhlllon. Best: Ardlie. Waters, Paul . Slattery, Marciano, Teague FITZROY REDS 9.4 13.7 18.7 20.7 (127) WILLIAMSTOWN 0.0 1 .2 1 .2 2 .4(16) Fitzroy Reds: D. Bahr 7, Foster 3 . Reeves 3, Hannam 2, Murphy, McGrath, Crane . Rome Best Grillo, Murphy . McGrath, Hannam, D. Bahr, Gleeson Wi lliamstown: Allen, Buttigreg Best : A McCutchen. Burgess,Bergin. Griffin, A . McKenzie, Koc h BENTLEIGH 3 .5 5 .8 6.11 6.20 (56) HAWTHORN l .l 3 .2 4 .6 4 .8 (32) Bent: Vtvona 2, Sice . C. Aitken . Gatto, Smith . Best: Gold . Hutchison. Smith. Ferguson . Beatie, McFarlane . Haw: Not supplied . OAKLEIGH 1 .3 1 .3 3 .3 3 .5 ( 23) PENINSULA 0 B 2 .0 12 .6 15 .8 20 .12 t 1321 Oakleigb : Goals : Curtain Holden Keating. Best T Dimachkl Ryan R Holden Evans Connel(an Rowan . Peninsula : Goals: J Atchison 3 Falklner 3 Dunne 2 MeKinstry 2 haley 2 Angus Day McMahon S Claringbold J Coghlan A Parsons Minchin Cook Best : Haley McMahon Dunne Liuzzi Trewhitt Taylor.




D2 Section HENTLEIGH Coach : Paul Dimattina Assistant : Steve Grace Res. Coach : Steve Hall

1 C . Sharp

2 D . Ferguson 3 A. Pittit o 4 S . Sice 5 M . Eyles 6 R . Webe r 7 J. Robertson 8 J. Handfield 9 I .Jackson 10 A. Henry 11 D. Martin 12 N . Aitken 14 B. Reid 15 S. Grace 16 L. Airey 17 C. Martin 18 S .Adaway 18aM . Walker 19 B . Clark 20 R . Fishlock 21 A. Graham 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlane 24 L. Holmesby 25 D. Gold 26 B .Padgham 27 J. Seele y 28 M. McCulloch 29 H . McKenzie 30 A. Miksad 30aD. Kopitschinski 31 S . Crave n 32 A . Strauch 33 P. Withington 34 M. Pirie 35 L Ireson (C) 36 M . Backma n 37 P. Hutchison 38 G. Beattie 39 G . Prig g 40 J. Harbottle 41 J . Neve 42 A. Mikkelsen 43 A . Ferris 44 G. Holland 45 46 R . Lawford 47 M . Scanlon 48 P. Dimattina 49 L. Vivona 50 A . Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L . Sampson 53 A. Banks 54 R. Coyle 55 G. Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 A. Cantsilieris 58 T. Caterson 59 S. Kennedy 60 R. Punte r 61 J . Perrone

FITZROY REDS Coach : Graham Burgen Res. Coach : Darren Kane Club 18 Coach : Greg Box 1 D . Hannam 2a B. Holderhead 2b A. Walsh 3 S . Dibenedetto 5 P. Diacogiorgis 7a S . Andrew 7b L . Byrne 8 A. Byrne 9a H. Fletcher 9b C. Prior 10 A . Urbanic 11 B . Atherton 13a A Dawson 13b S. Pidotto 14 T. Clarke 16 G . Crane 17 B . Lee 18 M . Baker 19a C . Andrew 20 T. Mitchell 21 C. Meighen 22 C. Sullivan 23b M . Camelled 23b D. Knowles 24 A . Parsons 26 C . Tempedey 27 J. Tomese 29 V. Cahill 30 C. Little 31 P. Crowe 32 A . Grant 33 S . Drury 34 S. Herceg 36 M. Reeves 38 A. George 40 G . Bence 42 I. McBurney 45 J . Bennie 46 D . Timm 51 J. Rawlins 53 S. Addicott 54 J . Parsons 56 C. Quinn 57 R . Rome 61 G. Virtue 62 N . Auden 67 R. Holderhead 73 J . Bare 75 B . Pollard 76 D . Curtis 77 A. Grillo 97 D . Ronchi

Major Sponsors :

Fitzroy Football Club Limite d Sponsor Scoble's Nursery

Tile Importers

Lord Newry Hotel North Fitzroy

HAWTHORN Coach : Peter Tyson Res. Coach : Ed Sil l I A . Collins 2 G. Broadley 3a A. Knott 3b N. Patterson 4a S. Stevens 4b B. Glover 5a S. Avery 5b T. Kerr 6a P. Aver y 7 C . Alexander 8 J. Cargil ; 9 R .Ogge 10 R Orchard 11 M . Pollock 12b A. Tsoumbari .Murphy s13aJ 13b J. Povey 14a D. Lauletta 14b T. Fitzpatrick 15 M. Tyson 16 C. Reed 17 B . Ruzicka 18 P. Phillips 19 J . La w 20 S. Parke r 21 K. Brockman 22 C. Habel 23 L Collin s 24 J . Jackomonis 25 M . Zaverella 26 N . Hayes 27 R . Lord 28 T. Crivelli 29 P. Barker 30 3 1 32 33 P. Stroud 34 R. Johnston 35 S . Davies 36 A. West 37 M. Daou 38 B. Bruns 39 G . Carl e ..' 40 P. Rossitto 41 J. Bogi e 42 D . McGlenchy 43 I. Chepa 44 B. AIlder 45 B. Mountain 46 T.O'Hanlon 47 D. Lahiff 48 A. Brick 49 N. Tierney 50 J . Gourley 51 S . Signorini 52 C . Fros t 53 M. Preston 54 J. Berry 55 A. Saulle 56 M . Coglan 57 B . Collins 58 T. Dixon 59 A Doyle 60 G . Saddington 61 M . Gray 62 A Johnsen 63 D. Kealy 64 N . Kudeweh 65 G. Ulywhite 66 C . Lorenz 67 S. McDonald 68 P. Nikoloau 69 T. Papamarkov 70 A . Patton 71 S. Williams 72 M. Waller 73 J. Williams 75 E. Sill 76 C. Pickett 77 A . Smith 78 D . Carter


Coach : Tony Crisafull i Res: David Huffer 1 Riverton 2 S.Fredrickson 3 D.Sheldrick 4 N .Dunn e 5 S .Adamswaite 6 M.Watson 7 S.Burke 8 M.Correnti 9 LWalker 10 S.Davis 11 D.Harris 11 AMurray 13 P.Moon 15 S.Brooks 16 A.Brennan 17 J.Brodie 18 A.Hevritt 19 S.White 20 A.Murphy 21 D.Edmunds 22 S .Wilcock 23 S .Craig 24 S .Edwards 25 M.Fanning C. 27 S.Pruscino 28 Ross 29 ARandell 30 J.Smith 31 R.Mann 32 S .Gemmola 36 TMawdsley 40 R .Slater 42 D .Gleeson 43 A.Poulton 44 S.Unehan 45 D.McMeekin 47 A.Samson 50 K.Hopkins 54 T.Peters

55 ACummings 56 J.Nield 57 A.Woolmer 63 J.Laidlaw 70 J.Dumaresq 75 S.Gellert ABaille R.Baker A Benton S .Bland C.Bowden TBullen S.Clifford B.Clutterbuck M .Cotsopoulos H.Davies N.Dejanovic M .Donohue T.Duggan S.Dumsday J.Elliott J.Eyre P.Farrant C.Francis D.Gilmour J .Griffin D .Hill R .Hosking D .Hutfer S.Jackson D.Kerrison C.Knee B.Launikonis J .Levy P.Lia s T.Liqhtfoot A . Mann P.Marozzi LMcNamara M.Millar B.0'Connor X.O'Donnell S .OToole D.Patience S .Patterson M.Paull B.Phillis S.Pitaro A.Place C.Porter H.Russell P.Stewart J .Thom R .Walker J.Waterman


Coach : Chris Moore Res. Coach : Pat McKenna 1 S . Band a 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie (VC) 4 B. Varkatzos 5 C . Kokkinos 7 M . Short 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 R . Mitchell 11 C . Hanley 12 R . Dooley 13 D. Britt 14 P. Malcolm 15 G. Redford 16 M . Bell 17 L. Curtain 18 J. Connellan 19 R . Keating 20 J. Tolley 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S . Ear 23 J . Kedey 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts (VC) 27 G . Smit h 28 B. Anderson 29 D. Sowersby 30 P. Holde n 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 J. Brown 33 M. Clark 34 B. Evans 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 P. Torpey 38 S. Cammiss 39 A. Mulholland 40 J. Gaa l 41 M . Cash 42 S . Dalton 43 P. Lucas 44 N . Smith 45 G .Chapman 46 B. Nguyen 47 M . Stevenson 48 A. McKenzie 49 S . Collin s 50 J. Cai n 51 L Kennedy 52 C . Cooke 53 T. Hunt 54 0 . Parton 55 A. Gook 56 J . Page 57 B . Woutersz 58 E. Bennett 59 P. Ciavarella 60 S. Clarke 63 A. Jury 64 M . Ogilvi e


~~ Section OLD CAREY

Coach : Glenn Taylor Fcs Paul Montgomery I C. Angus (c) 2 D. Faelis N O ; M . Cohen 4 D. James Konstantinidi s 5 P'. Campbell (c) 6C 7 R . Oppy NO 8 M. Cann 9 B. Andrews 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 C . Davey 13 B. Hutchison 14 M . Mahon 15 N . Bull 16 R . Graham 17 A . Parton 18 B . Chiuchiarelli 19 T. Wood 19 P. Drake (Cr) 20 J . Raftopoulo s 21 T. Collin s 22 C . Battle 23 C . Pattenden 24 P. Unkles 25 L . Chiuchiarelli (vcr) 26 A. Wood 28 D . Biondo 29 C . Munro 30 A . Guerra 31 J . Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England 34 H. Thomas 35 S . Hardy 36 S. Wood 37 S. Jessup 38 L. Guerra (vcr) 39 C . O'Reilly 40 S. Angus 41 A. Gates (cr) 42 P. Busse 43 D . Joyce 44 N . Detarczynski 45 T. Bull 46 H . Giannikos 50 J . White 51 R. Hall 55 J . Boag 58 J . Boncher 59 C. Mason 62 P. Tompkins

64 C. Smith 65 D . Elsner 67 C . Hickeyy 68 S. Hart 69 0 . Winchester 70 J. Marshall 71 S. Feehan 74 S. Mees 75 C . Smith 76 D . Grinzi

77 B . Spedding 82 D. Paul



Coach : Michael Lockman Res : Ben Dunn

Coach : Julian Sill Res . Coach : Brian Cronin

1 S. Maloney 2 S. McMahon 3 J. F'rizclarence 4 C . Sticnchcombe 5 M . Vckers-Willis 6 J . Bell 7 J . Pau l 8 T. Seymour

1 S . Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warne r 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angus 9 M. Dentry 9 P. Krohn (res .) 10 A. Haley 11 J. Sill 12 S . Ferguson 13 B . Cook

9 D. Salter

10 M . Avery 11 L. Stevens 12 N. Perrin 13 S . O'Brien 14 D. Taylor 15 H . McCarthy

16 T. Fallaw 17 M. Goldsworthy 18 J. Malpas 19 B. Grills 20 S . Cole

21 N . Bayne

22 J . Fitzgerald 23 C. Fairburn 24 A . Munro 25 G . Leishman 26 S . Lansdell 27 W. Paul 28 T. Carey 29 G . Allan 30 M . Stevens 31 T. Woolley 32 N . Betts 33 T Paul 34 B. Yates 35 P. Johnstone 36 T. Ayerbe 37 T. Betts 38 M . Leslie 39 S . Clark e 40 H . Legoe 41 P. Winter 42 A. Kettle 43 D. O'Brien 44 A. Dhillon 45 S. Morgan 46 L . Knigh t 47 M. Strauch 48 S. Greed 49 S. Grfriths

50 L. Teague 51 J. Kilpatrick 52 J. Legoe 53 T. Bayles 54 T. Daniel 55 D. Harris 56 A . Meek

57 J . Hunter

58 B. Brueren 59 D. Brueren 60 A. Southey 61 A. Holmes

62 J. Morley 63 D . Huggins 64 X. Fitzgerald

14 S . White

15 J . Davis 16 S . Claringbold 17 J . Coghlan 18 M . Merrick 18 J . Whelan (res.) 19 A. McKinstry 20 S. Prendergast 21 A. Teefow, 22 A. Atchison (C) 23 R . Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 J . Atchison 26 A . Murphy 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 S . Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 B . Grant 32 B . L uzzi 33 R. Stainforth 34 M . Falkiner 35 T. Trewhitt 36 N . Claringbold 37 J. Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Barber 40 B. Mitchell 41 A . vdotto 42 M. Barron 43 B . Dunne 44 C. Maclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 D. Brennan 47 L. Palmer

48 G. Lethbridge 49 A. Minchin 50 P. Arnold 51 L Gilder 52 J. Zarb 53 S. Jay 54 D . Porra 55 R . Cannon 56 A. Tunks

57 S. Smith 58 59 60 69

P. Mangan S . Foss S . McMahon J . Muir

65 A. McLachlan 66 R . Merrima n

Coach : Julian Siebrand Coach: Dane Macleod Res: Damien Shaw Res Coach : Cameron McKenzi e 2 J . But6gieg 1 M Drain /A Hamilton 3 D. Wouda . Hamilton 2 P 4 S. Wuchatsc h 3 G. Heppell 5 T. Wheeler 4 C . Lehman n 6 N. Grant 5 A . Cannan e 6 D. G ri eve 6 S . Pietsch 7 S . Benjamin 7 B. Robinson 8 P. Batters 8 B. Hann 9 A. Morphett 9 J. Munro 10 S . Byrne 10 B. Cock s 11 H. Bailey 12 B. Clarke 11 B. Twist 13 M . Ritchie 12 A. Featherston 14 P. Norman 13 A. Mackle y 15 M. Russell 14 J . Wyatt 16 P. HarrisTT Maguire 15 J . Tinham 17 R . Heywood 18 M. McManus 16 S . Phemister 19 M. Shelton 17 M . Kennedy 20 T. Houlden 18 D. Oldha m 21 S . McNamara 19 S . Barlow 22 A . Steward 23 G. Leahy 19 P. Dervan 24 J . Jenkin 20 ? Geraghty 25 J . Siebrand 21 L Monkhurst 26 R. Benjamin 22 J. McCutchean 27 D. Disisto 23 B. Josep h 28 J . Ward 29 C. Sheedy 24 C . Pach 30 M . Lewis 25 G . Burgess 31 S. Edwards 25 P. Thomson 32 M . Carmichae l 26 D . Lee 33 T. Thompso n 34 I . Twyford 27 B . Gran t 35 D. Jelbar t 28 A. Kosmato s 36 S. Campbell 29 B . Giffin 37 T. Dempsey 30 Kirk Dowsey 38 S. Darling 39 R . West 31 C. Gaud . Baker 40 R 32 A. McCutcheon 41 R . Touzez 33 T. Boz 42 C . Norman 34 B. Jones 43 J . Tobin 35 C. Bergin 45 J . Smith 46 A. Bandt 36 M . Imm s 47 A. Thompson 37 B. Hynes 48 M . Moore 38 J. Hynes 50 A. Bagnal l 39 A Carter 51 L. Sherry 40 S. Jamieson 54 D. Coonan 61 K. Hilton 41 A. McKenzie 62 S. Disho n 42 D . Elias 63 J. Gartlan 43 C. Pach 64 L . Stewart 44 M . Manning 69 R . Hussey 70 D . Weston 45 J . Digrazi a 71 M . Brookshaw, 46 M . Sime 75 P. Brunt 47 B. Koch 85 T. Gross 48 M . O'Flyn n 49 J. Robinson 50 A. Boura s 51 M. Saunders 52 B. Jones 53 J . Street 54 P. Trchett 55 R. Nisbe t 69 S . Freema n

Morning Star Hote l 3 Electra St Williamstow n

67 T. de Steiger 68 H . Browning 69 T Mayhall

70 J . Cole 75 P. Jame s 76 H. Peck 77 C. Pritchard

W E~i C~' .", :~':!li:' ;AFC WILLiAMSTOWN CYMS


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9397 6082


Gric in .; and pink copy must be ib,.igc

11'& n,- 'nter than h alf time of any matcF ch player must sign the original clearly beside' name which must show first and surnarr Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

C a a :oc&i calm ; (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service 0

速 Weekend matches (Fri) 速 Umpires Appointments 速 Scores (Sat . night) I




The main g~ : - :: (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20

Question : Name the (3) VAFA Field Umpires who were in charge of 2003 Rep ches against the SFL, WAAFI . & VCFL . W inner to collect prize from VAFA offices; Answer: The hro'JAFWUFL players shown on the covers of the last Ave year, handbooks wer e Luke Hawkins (Old ScofcidEssendon) and Dan Jordan (Si. BernardsiGeelong) Winner No winnina entries received .

Answer. Ah;E:


Fill out the ans wer or ' r,, ;i details (to " left) and mail to by nc r Tuesaay following :, r ci : or yuu, chance to >^j in . 31

~ Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ~ 21 MVP's receive a coates and Wreckair statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .


free kick or mark, take f his kick from behind th e


I Old Haileybury were headed towards an early season finish when they pulled three or four nails out of the coffin in a low scoring game as they were too strong for Uni . Blues 9 .18 (72) to 7.16 (58) . Best were Home, Ash Hilton (OH), and Sheehan, Versteegen, Stewart (UB). Anthony (Oofa) Grace played his 150th game for Ormond - Anthony had given the club great service on and off the field .

goal or behind line, he must kick, handball, or take the ball into play on a direct line with his mark . In such cases, the player on the mark shall not be permitted to come within five metres of the goal or behind lines" (My observations in 1998 suggest that VAFA players understand the rule better than AFL players - NR) . Looking at all senior selections the only team to be sure ol finishing first or second was St Leos Emmaus Wattle Park who was on top in 'E', three games ahead of the next tvre teams, Doveton and Glenhuntly .

Thomastown congratulated a VAFA great, Tony Fellows on his 250 games . Many times a member of repersentative teams, club captain for 10 years, Tony's loyalty to his club was greatly admired . A Section umpires were Martin Jackson, Graham Thwaites, Anthony Damen, Jamie Kvins, Steve McCarthy . Cameron Nash, Albie Firley, Wayne Hinton, Mark Jenkins and Tim Sutcliffe . B Section captains were Chris Tucker (Ivan), Dave Waters (Marc), Simon Fisher (Maz), Jayden Pertzel (MHSOB) . Luke Boyle (NOB), Anthony Parker (01) Peter Brabender (OP), Andrew Ramsden (OT), Brett Connell (Orm) and Dennis Castaldi (Therry Pen) . Monash Blues and Parkside third and fourth placed in D played a draw 11 .15 (81) to 12 .9 (81) . Best were Caldwell, O'Neill, Holloway (M Blues) and Vita, MacNamara, Tesari (P'side) . U19 Coach of the Month was peter Foster of St . Kevins in U19 Section 1 . Peter played 14 years in the AFL, 3 with Fitzroy and 11 at Footscray, mostly at CHB .

Bulleen United, striving to stay in 'E' had a stirring 4 poi nwiagstxhem,OldEn.oGrais18 ÂŁ to 17 .11 . Best were Veitch, Klemencie, Connolly (Bull) . 'E' section umpires were M . Cox, C . Rowe, A. Rowe, A Taylor, D . Anderson, M . Gilday, L . Symons, G . Keane, M Head, D . Knott, D. Earp .

QUIZ: Can you name the umpire who had previousli played AFL football? To help you, in 1994 he was baei playing 'A' Section football . 'A' Section captains were Stuart Hinchen (Coll .), Ma Getson (Marc.), Paul Considine (North OB) . Frank Gleeso (Old Par.), Russell Barnes (Ormond), Peter Curtain (Oli Xavs), Gary Wood (St Bernards) and Steve Macauley (Uri Blues) . Things must have gone a bit astray at De La an Old Scotch - Round 16 and both teams still without captain.

Leading the Blood Bank Challenge were Aquinas OC, St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, Old Ivanhoe, Mt. Lilydale OC and Werribee . Uni Blues and Old Melburnians met with the victoor to take a hold on fourth place . At the last change the dark blues looked certainties but then the legs went limp . U Blues kicked 5 .5 in the final term and kept the OMs scoreless to win 13 .14 (92) to 13 . 9(87) . Best were Maplestone, Sturrock, Kordick (UB) and McMullin, Guest and Parker (OM) . ~------_

.. -~ I i -_






Old Haileybury went a step closer to the 'A' Section four when they defeated Ormond who fell from fourth to sixth, winning 21 .21 (147) to 13 .12 (90), with a brilliant last quarter, 8 .4 to 1 .2 . Best for OH were Kraus (Former Ormond player), Anderson, Borg (OH) and McCullough, Hille, Gilmore (Ormond) .

Old Melburnians saluted one of their greatest sons, Andrew Wilts on his 250th game, spread over 14 years, and including 4 years as captain, B&F 98, runner up 88 and 91, premiership player 88, Carnival and interstate player, his raking left boot kicks and bustling style of play . They celebrated the day by taking top spot in 'B' against Therry, beating them easily 19 .25 to 10.13 . Best were Bryan, Usenov, O'Brien (Old M) and Castaldi . Taylor, Wrigglesworth (Therry) . In Umpires' Corner, Benny Goodman gave his rule of the week: "When it is necessary for a defending player, from a

300 senior games are worth a mention, and indeed so w . 9 club B&. hitsOldMenoawr,GyNton awards, 3 VAFA section B&F awards . VAFA CDEF tear and a wonderful clubman . 'A' Section relegation battle was a thriller . After 15 game: St Bernards were at the bottom with 4 wins, De La 5, 0 1 Scotch and North OB 6. North had given their chances big boost when at home they beat leader, Ormond, 7 .5 t 6 .7 . Bruno Conti kicked 3 goals for NOB . Kew (B) kept their undefeated record with a big win out E Glenroy over third team, Therry, 22 .12 to 10 .15. Best wer Jenkins, Thornley, Smith (Kew), and Mallon, Quinn, Tylf (Therry) . The old men of football had started to talk abot those teams of the past who went through the seaso undefeated only to stumble badly in the finals .

In the battle for second place in 'C', Old Melburniar gained a 23 point break in the first quarter again : contender Old Haileyburians and went on all day to wi 11 .9 to 10 .9 . Best were Brown, Baglin, A . Witts (OM) an Smith, W&G Phillips (Old Hail .). To celebrate 125 years of Australian Rules, 'A' Sectic teams Old Melburnians and Old Scotch played their gan at the Richmond Oval, as close as possible, to the spot c which the original combatants, Melbourne Grammar or Scotch College had played the first game in 1958 . T I


round had originally been known as "Police Paddock" . The game was played over four Saturday afternoons, 40 a ,(de, with the goals over half a mile apart, one sited near Hilton Hotel and the other near the corner of Punt Road and Rowena Parade . ;,i half time 1950's, 1960's, 1970's veteran OM's and Old ~cotch staged a re-enactment. The clubs had met on 49 home and away games from 1927 and 1983 with Old Scotch leading 27 to 22 . The teams have never played off for a premiership. Rick (Pole) Pisarski celebrated with his 150th game for OM's . Starting in 1974 he had played in four premierships '76 (C),'78,'82 (B) had as full back represented Victoria six Iimes , played for All Australian Amateurs in '79 against Northern Territory and ACT, and in 1982 was selected for the All Australian Amateur team following the Carnival in Perth . Old Scotch, after an even first half, 8 .8 to 7. 10, raced away to win 21 .15 to 8.14 . Best were Hodge, Tallent, Senior (Old Scotch) and Koren, Pisarski, Cameron (OM) . _-- h') . , ' i ~-stayea among the possibles when

Congratulations to Jack McCann who, after a lifetime of service to Amateur Football, was made a Life Member of the Australi an Amateur Football Council. Marcellin offered plaudits to Michael Power on being first 1 - gamer in the club . iL7 In the battle of the two top teams, Uni Blues gained an early break on Old Paradians and went on to win by 8 goals, Calcott . Moylan, Whittaker and Moran (6 goals) dominated the game .

St Kilda CBC (9th) went right away from top team Ormond (in 'B' section) to win by 3 goals . Best for the two teams were O'Donaghue, I . White and Hayes (St CBCOC) and James, Blight and Moran (Ormond) . Chris Milburn played his 150th game for Parkside, while another to make that number was talented all rounder Denis Grace for St Kevins OB .

Old Geelong scraped home from Old Brighton by 4 points, wiping out Old Brighton's last hope of making the four .

-77 717,

Ormond, sixth in 'A', they kicked 4 .2 to 0.3 in the final term to beat Ivanhoe, fourth on 32 points, level with North Old Boys ( third) . While De La were 2 points ahead in second position, Uni Blues, even though they went down by 18 points to Blacks ( 8th), were three games clear on top . Power House ( D) held on to top place when they defeated St Kevins OB (Third) 23 .16 to 13 .7 . Best were Dempsey, Bredyk . Evans (PH) and Brennan, Radford, Hannan (St K OB) .

St Bernards welcomed back former captain, best an d fairest ( 1972) Michael Ginnavin . who had spent the last three years in Engl an d studying for his doctorate in agricultural science. Kew congratulated 6 3" . 14 stone Ken Rowlan d who, despite work commitments, had played 50 consecutive games in the seniors .

UHSOB th anked Barry Parks for his 150th game service and his energy as 1978 rese rv es coach . 150 games also to 'A' section top goal kicker Barry 'Kanga' O'Connor ( NOB) previously a fu ll back of note for m any years . Fast, a great mark, sure ball handler and big kick, 'Kanga' was a great clubman as well . St Bedes OCFC were holding a Sportsman 's Dinner - guest speakers were Ron Barassi, Har ry Beitzei, Ray Jord an , Stan Alves, Hyperno and John Stocker.

~. --- - -Bottom team Old Paradians scored a shock win over equal leaders St Bernards . Parade led all day and won by 26 points. Grade, Ford, Hough (OP's) and Burgin, lannazzo, Drennan ( St B) were the stars. Coburg fail ed to make sure of their finals position when Uni Blues ( 7th) held them to a low scoring draw - 8 .6 apiece but were helped when top team Ormond 21 .13 beat 5th team Caulfield Grammari an s 17 .11 . 150 games to Iv an hoe veter an all rounder Ralph Bourke, a career stretching over m any years and interfering with a very i llustrious career as a punter, and to Bruce Watt, an inspiration to Brunswick over m any years .

Phil Rowe ll & Don Dodds shared the winner's trophy at the Umpires Golf Day at Torquay . All at Ormond were deeply saddened at the death of Dennis Drum, a former great player and club captain in 1963 . Dennis also played for Uni Blacks and Old Xaveri ans before joining Ormond an d also represented Victoria . '' THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

Alphington's poor kicking (7 .15) threw the game away to Old Scotch 12 .7 . Reed was a tower of strength in the ruck for Alphington and was well supported by Hippiatt, R . Morris and K . Melville were best for Old Scotch . Old Paradians rover Brian Hill received best wishes on his 100th game . In his career, starting'B' Grade Grand Final in 1951 (while still at school), Brian won a Victorian guernsey, the B&F, and many other awards - with one ambition to fulfil - a premiership . Was 1958 to be the year? A battle of top 'D' Section teams and St Kevins finished strongly to defeat Port Melbourne by 28 points . Welsh, Rogers . Buckley . O'Brien (5) (St Kevins) and Stevenson, Aghan, Murphy (Port Melb .) were best. National Bank held on to win their place in the 'C' Section four with a three point win over UHSOB, both teams kicking poorly, 6.11 to 5 .14. Bank stars were Wooley, Goddard, Selleck, while UHSOB's best were Peterson, Lever and Thorley. Junior section captains were : B . Kane (Parkside), J . Maglen (MHSOB), N. Gilmour (Coburg). B. Lake (C . Bank), W. Rush (A'ton), A . Squire (Uni), G . Bradford (FIT), M. Read (Ivanhoe), P. Ouley (Ormond) and D . Thompson (Power House)

Hampton Rovers (3rd) made their finals place almost safe with a 5 goals win over Coburg, who slipped out of the four - "Prickles" Noble, Breadon, Lucas and Geoff Jones were stars for the rovers . Collegians, still without a win . Were outclassed by OM's. At the Carnival in Perth, Victoria defeated WA in the Final, the victors kicking 4 .6 to 2 .3 in the final term . Ken Rollason (OM) won the trophy for B&F at the Carnival while others who stared for Victoria were John Backhouse (MHSOB) and Jack Grainger (OM) .

QUIZ: Name the player mentioned in1958 who went on to coach three different clubs to 'B' Section flags, and also won an 'A' Section flag. i"t•: 1993 : Gavin Keane, Essendo n 1958 : Laurie Aghan coached teams to win 'B' Section flags as follows : 1973 Reservoir Old Boys, 1977 Old Scotch, 1982 Old Melburnians and in 1978 Old Scotch to an 'A' Section flag.


An absolute shedload of milestones this week, especially for Monash Gryphons . A lesson to be learnt here, guys - if you want a decent write-up, space out your milestones ! REVIEW St . John's OC ended Power House's run of recent winning form with a strong win in very muddy conditions . Elsternwick were competitive in the first quarter against SwInburne University, but were unable to sustain that form . Murchie bagged a baker's dozen for the Razorbacks. Werribee held off a fast finishing Kew, thanks chiefly to a strong first half performance . The Ks fought back hard, but tough conditions made their efforts difficult, and in the end, futile . Monash Gryphons kicked five goals to none in the last quarter in heavy conditions to overhaul a determined Syndal Tall y Ho combination . Contrasting efficiency in front of the sticks saw South Melbourne Districts score a fantastic win over the more-fancied Rupertswood. P_ VIaW

Elsternwick host Kew at St . Kilda Street in a battle of the cellar dwellers . The Wicks have had something of a Sisyphean struggle to avoid relegation and although that's still mathematically possible, they are up the proverbial creek, and never mind a paddle, they don't even have a canoe . Kew have been playing some good football in recent weeks, but haven't been able to put it together over four quarters, but this could be their opportunity to do so . Kew to win . Werribee make the long haul to Thomas Carroll Reserve to take on St . John's OC. Despite their respective win-loss ratios, both teams are remarkably similar, and not just in their points for and against columns . Both sides have made a conscious decision to rely on youth playing a major part in their campaigns this year, and although their won't be any finals for the JOCs (the Bees are still an outside chance), these two teams look promising for the future . Nonetheless, there is still an incentive for each side to win, and after much thought and deliberation, I'll take the JOCs today. Syndal Tally Ho welcome Swinburne University to Jordan Street Reserve . Contrasting fortunes for both sides last week, with the Razorbacks' big win all but clinching the minor premiership compared to the Synners defeat in a low scoring arm wrestle . Murchie had a day out last s~ , ck, but can't expect such favours

this week, but at the same time it would b e detrimental to the Syndal cause to place all their et in the one defensive basket, as others such as Mila can bob up to make up the shortfall . It will interesting to see what strategy the Synners apply this regard . However, in the end, I feel that t Razorbacks will be too good .

Monash Gryphons travel to Lindsday Hassell Oval I their clash against South Melbourne Districts . Bo sides are currently in the four and will be looking further entrench themselves for a spot in the fma The Gryphs have only lost one of their last eight gam (against Swinburne, funnily enough) and overran t ; Bloods in the final quarter the last time these two sid met, but I'm sure that the home side will be bett equipped for the challenge this time around . Givt their current winning form however, Monash a pretty hard to toss, and I can't, so it's the Gryphs f mine .

Just down the road, Power House criteria Rupertswood at Ross Gregory Oval . The Piranh< have been one of the form teams of the second half the competition, and of course Rupo are the be attacking team in the competition . However h doteamsrcingfdpothmelsan will be interesting to see how each side reacts . Actir Power House skipper Blair Turner has been in gre~ form the last few weeks, but will need to be at the tc of his game today to keep his side in it . Rupo hav e


:.JT C ;'. iaTi' C

D3 SECTIO N Swinburne Murchie 8 Syndal Tally Ho Cachia 3 Elsterniviek Foster 5 Rupertswood Burrowes 0 Monash Gryphons Malone 3 D3 Reserve Monash Gryphons A Arena 5 Werribee Harding 7 Rupertswood Jordan 0 South Melbourne Dist W Rosowski I Syndal Tally Ho Thompson 0 Power House D'lntino 0

94 47 44 43 36 40 28 26 18 16 16


10 be in 1e

iucriad of goalkicking options, so it will be difficult to 1dge who'll be amongst the goals for the visitors this ., ; F~ k, Because of their attacking prowess, it's hard to go past Rupertswood, so Rupo it is . pRESS CORRESPONDENTS My correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc ., can be provided (ideally by 5pm Monday) to mvself via fax on 9920 9097 or email peter.PS.t~tffliamson ~entrelink .gov .au (work).

Kew - congratulates John Looker on recently reaching 50 games at Kew . John has had a particularly stellar 2003 season and his versatility and determination all over the ground has been a pleasure to watch . Well done John and we hope to see you in the Brown & Gold on many more occasions . Monash Gryphons - Brett Cor.head and Gareth -scooter" Kent play their 100th game for the club, while David "Buck" Rogers, Peter Rutherford, an d, after a delay of one week, Adrian "Flowers" I'lowerday are scheduled for game number 50 . It's been a long road for Brett, with a combination of injuries, work and overseas travel preventing a clean path to the ton, but he is admired for his skill and toughness at the ball despite his wiry frame . "Scooter" joined the Gryphs while still a student and has been a past committee member whose work ethic and tenacity is appreciated by his teammates . "Buck" has often been described as "the future" of the club and is gradually starting to establish himself as a regular senior player, it's just a question of what position . No such worries for Pete though, arguably one of the most consistent, if not one of the best, defenders in the competition, who can also be thrown into midfield or on the ball if need be . Tribute to Flowers was paid last week . Well done guys from all at the Gryphons . Werribee - duo Andrew "Teddy" Tedesco and Scott Kidd also play their 50th games for the club today . Both boys came up through the U19s, playing in that side's 2001 Grand Final team . Teddy has been a senior regular since then and was voted a co-MVP in D4 last year. Scotty has been in and out of the seniors this year, but is sure to be more prominent in the future . Congratulations to both of you from all at Werribee . Swinburne University - Mark Luckey will play his 50th game for the Razorbacks today. The hard running, hard tackling, supremely fit rover has been a terrific contributor to the club's on-field fortunes, and only injuries have prevented him playing more games thus far. Well done Mark from everyone at the Razorbacks .


St Johns 0 C v Werribee Amateurs Syndal Tally-Ho v Swinburne Uni South Meib Districts v Monash Gryphon s Power House v Rupertswoo d 1,



SFIINBURfi-E UNI 5 .4 13 .i 20 .13 26 .18 (1741 ELSTE CK 5 .0 6 .1 6 .1 7 .4(46) Swinburne Bob Murchie 13, Prior 2 . Fidler 2, Sheedy 2, Hodgson 2 . Milano, Albert, Fricke, Piotrowski . Luckey . Best : Mtuehie, Albert, Vaughn, Fidler, Sheerly, Farrington . Elsternwick: Curtain 3 . Byrne 2 . Foster, Yemen. Best : Curtain, Hunter, Whelan, Nicol . Surman. C . Mahoney. Umpires: Sh aron Alger Paul Jones IF) Tom Windlow Brian Nunn (B) Simon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos iGl KEW 33 57 109 13(67) 4.7 9 .10 11,12 11 .16 (82) WERRIBEE Kew: Cullen 3, Doamis . Tineth . Woodhouse, Gridley, Dahlstrom . . Best: Dover, lanni, Wood . Gill, Stephens . Dalrnnple. Dalrymple Werribee: Miller 4 . N .Addamo, Flack, A.Murphy, Lee, J .Acldamo, K.Murphy, Keogh . Best: K.Murphy, Tedesco, Czajowskl, Miller, Ayling. Spry . Umpires: Luke Duthie Geoff Curran (F) Wayne Frith (B) Michael Hairier Nick Murphy (G) MONASH GRYPHONS 2 .5 3 .6 5 .8 9.11 (65) SYNDAL TALLY HO 3 .3 4 .4 8 .7 8 .7 (55) ASona,h Gryphons: N Rutherford 2, Watson 2, Leeton, Blandford, Malone, Pocock, Walter . Best: T Gilchrist, P Rutherford, Pocock, Bourbon . Wells, Watson . Syndal Tall y Ho : Rutter 2, Morrisson 2 . D Richardson, Dix, Gleeson. J Merest. Best : A Richardson, Rutter, Bingham. Brown, Gleeson, Robinson . Umpires : Brett Herskope Jamie Kvlns (F) Jessica Rollo Andrea Mason (B) Greg Rollo Paul Whitehead (G) RUPERTSWOOD 6 .10 6 .13 11 .14 13 .19 (97) SOUTH MELBOURNE 2 .2 10 .6 15 .7 17 .9 (111) Rupertswood : Goals : Henry 3, West, 2. Spinner 2, King 2. Tennning L 2, Flimr, Baines. Best : Flinn, Motile, West, Johnson, Baines, Henry South Melbourne: Goals: Kealy 3, Aquilina 2, Bell 2, D`Andrea W 2 . Henderson 2, Neimi 2, Wastungtonj 2, Ray, Giannettis .Best : Aquilina . P. D'Andrea. Hannan A . Manning. Koluresheen, Washington J . Umpires: Phil Gluyas Grant Wardrop (F) Andrew Borg Jon Kralevski (B) Campbell Allport (Riddell League) (0) POWERHOUSE 1 .0 10 6.0 6 .0(36) ST JOHNS 4.3 6.9 6 .9 10.17 (77) Power House: Goals A .Calma l . J .Taytor I . J .Harrts 1, B .Turner 1, N.Bishop 1, J .Robertson I Best N .Bishop, A .Calma, H .Clarke, D.Mlller. B.Turner. M .Verberne S.Johns: Goals A.Jones 4, Mara I . G .Roberts 1, Diaz I . Courmadious i, Kelly 1 . Bugeja I . Best B.Pickertng, N .Chaile . P .Sharp, S .Koppens, C.Emery, S .Hoimes Umpires: Ell Hayes Tim Sutcliffe (F) Chris O'Shea Andrew Errington (B) Jose Talavera Denver Melder (G ) D3 . . . , . _. . Round 15 SWINBURP7E UPdI 3 .3 11 .5 13 .11 19 .16 (130) ELSTE CK 2 .1 4 .1 5 .4 7.507) Swinbuxne Uni : Liston 3 . J . Roberts 3 . Reynoldson 2, Thomas 2 . Demarte, Dzodz . Murphy, Claire . C . Higgins, Ryan . Beynon, Watts . Best: Murphy, Watts . Thomas, Kiss . Claire . J .Roberts . Elsternwiek : K. Currie 3, Lilikakis 2 . Goldman, Bravington. Best: Gordon, S . Currie . Hartley, Bravington . Lilikakis, Alter . KEW 3 .2 4.2 4.2 4 .4 (28) WERRH3EE 2.1 6.5 9.6 12-9 (81) Kew: Moore 2, A.Bortmie. Osborne. Best: Watts . Makrts. Johnston, A .Bortone, SyRnes, Glansante . Werribee: Harding 4, Hoffman 2. Fuller, Alabakls. Kido. Thomas, Hoffman . Best: Fuller, Edwards, Ellis, Carson . Baker, Towers. MONASH GRYPHONS 6.4 7.6 12 .8 14 .11 (95) SYYdDAL TALLY HO 1 .0 2 .0 2 .0 4 .6(30) Monash Gryphons : Arena 6, Williamson 2, Gonis 2, Tolongos, GrenfelL R Gilchrist, Grenfeil . Best : Wadley. Warren. Stratford, Arena, Williamson, Jenkin, Syndal Tally Ho: Collins 2, Frederick, James . Best : Treasure, Hayes, Hermann, James, Vagiatis, Pickard, 7 .3 10 .8 15 .12 19 .14 (128) RUPERTSWOOD STH . MELBOURNE 1 .2 3 .3 7 .5 9.7(61) Rupertswood: Goals W.Gaunt - 6 : A.Jordan - 3: M.Gaunt, J.Mcgrath, M.0'Callaghan - 2 : B .Ang, R . Jaeger. A .Soutaris, D.Wallace - 1 . BEST : M .Mekenzle. W .Gaunt. A.Jordan . M .Garmt, P.Mcmahon, A .leelv. Sth . Melbourne: Goals D.Thomas - 3 : W .Rosowski . J .Polhner . G .Tsicaderis. B .Powell, G .Gaylor, S.Herman - 1 . Best : S.Atherton, B .Grant, X.Kidd. T.Sutherland, D .Thomas. G .Tsicaderis POWER HOUSE 1 .1 2 .3 2.5 2 .8 (20) ST JOHNS 3.3 3.5 4 .13 5.14 (44) Power House : Goals M .Davis I . M.Di intino I . Best V.Brown, J .Howes, A.Contreras, R.Marshall, J .Parker, J .Parker St Johns: Borgohna 1, Chessum 1, Cotton I . Wathan I . Scardomagiia I . Best J .Cotton, S .Cockapne . R .Dowsett . A .Rudd . M.Hancock 37

D3 Section ElSTERNWICK Coach: Peter Oliveri Res Coach : Andrew Curtain 1 L . Murphy 2 A. Hankin 3 J. Yemm 4 S. Rosengarten 5 M. Whelan 6 D . Hog g 7 J . McAdam 8 S. Currie 9 T. Hartle y 10 R. Bravinqton 11 L. MissagTia 12 N . Wigmore 13 S . Soppet 14 B . Mahony (VC) 15 B . Hooper 16 M . Surrnan 17 J. Perkins 18 C . McKenna J. Hunter 20 E.Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G . Elvin (DVC) 23 S. Curtain 24 A. Foster 25 S Gordon 26 C. Mahony (C) 27 M . Daniel s 28 V. O'Connor 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nichol 31 G. Devonshire 32 C . Lyons 33 M . Cunningham 34 J. Beaumont

34 A. Conlin 速

35 P. McNally 36 Y. Atti e 37 D . Nolan (CR) 38 A. Burney 39 M .Thiele 40 A. Patey 41 D. Byrne 42 J. Lilikakis 43 P. Clarke 44 C. Walker 45 R. Grandemange 46 M . Strickland 47 N . Uttin 48 M . Fran en 49 D . Hohaia 50 M. Battaini 51 G . Powell 52 M. Purcell 53 A. Lewis 54 J. Devitt 55 S. Stephens 56 B. Erlich 57 J. Donovan 58 M . Mitchell 59 T. Perkins 60 M . Creak 61 M . Hunt 62 B. Maher 63 D. Brewster 64 S . Vukis 65 D. Kirkright 68 E . After


ci uom


San : Rohan Doherty Res: Paul Gregor I J . Doumis (RDVC) 2 L. Fitzgerald 3 D . Behan 4 G. Crimmins 5 C . Delaney 6 N . Tnetti 7 B. Dover 8 D . Mainsbr~.dge (VC) g P. Witchell 10 B. Cullen (C) 11 B. Woodhouse (VC) 12 M . Gridley 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J . Looker 15 F. Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 B . Allen 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J. Dennis 20 A. Acfield 21 M. Ayres (VC) 22 C . Stephens 23 J. De Blank 25 C . Watts 26 S. Symes (RVC) 27 T. Moore 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante (RC) 31 D. lanni 32 A . Drago 33 D. Wayland 34 J . Bortone 35 R . Bruno 36 B . Marchesani 37 S . Johnston 38 J . Ritchi e 39 A. Eaton 40 J . Ferrantino 41 R . Lrvingston 42 J. Pilkington 43 A. Bortone 44 A. Makris 45 G . Evens 46 B. Van Zuiden 47 A. Lawle . Mikrour48S 49 P. Dennis RDVC 50 A. Carm an ) 51 M . Blair 52 N. Gil l 53 S . Osborne 54 J . Renou 55 A . Meek 56 T. Frith 57 L. Jensen 58 B . Burnett 59 J. Rakusz 60 M. Andersson 61 M. Glenn 62 R . Falleti 63 N . Gricks 64 J . Cronin 65 D. Kinross 66 R. McKerrow 67 J . Bel l 6,1 A. Patnaude 69 A. Roberts 70 J . Paron

Proudly sponsored by:




Coach: Jack McDonald Asst Coach: Phil Knight

Coach : Brett Devlin Asst: Peter Bacon Res: Gary Dean

1 S . Bourbon 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N . Rutherford 5 T. Gilchrist 6 D . Baxter 7 D . Walter 8 J. Blandfor d 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A. Nichols 12 A. Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 D. Bolle 15 A. Perry 16 P. Rennison

17 J . Hetherington 18 J . Harrak 19 R. Coxhead 20 D . Rogers 21 P. Tobin 22 G. Harrak 23 A . Mckenzie 24 C . Goold 25 A. Trotter 26 S. Aren a 27 R . Gilchrist 28 M . Malone

29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongos 33 J . Park 34 M . Graydon 35 A . Moffat 36 G. Block 37 A . Jenkin 38 J . Watson 39 M . Paolucci 40 M . Bourbon 41 P. Rutherford 42 G . Sims 43 M. Cleary 44 L. Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T. Besle e 48 M . Angel 49 C. Robinson 50 P. Patrick 51 C. Leeton 52 A . Flowerday 53 D . Whitfield 54 L. Volkov 55 J. Bingham 56 T. Bain i 57 W. Pocock

58 T. Arvanitis

59 A. Yanni 60 G . Campbell 61 C. Yanni 62 S. Yamamoto

1 M . Taylor 2 Re Humphries 3 N . Pavlou 4 B. Turner (VC) . 5 M. Braini (VC) . 6 H . Clark e 7 Cr Richardson 8 Ju Clarke 9 L . Fraser 10 J. Rainey 11 J . Gill

12 Ash Brownjohn 13 J . Harris 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler Senior (C) () 16 R. Anderson 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 Ja Evans 20 D . Cooper 21 Da Miller 22 Sa Evans 23 R . Clifford 24 Ni Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 J . Senior 27 Je Robertson 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Davis 31 R. Marshall (RC) . 32 M . Verberne Se(VC) 33 A . Ristovski 34 J. Marshal l 35 J. Kilpatrick 36 A. Robinson 37 S. West 38 T. Brown oh n 39 R. Owen~ 40 M . Tikjob 41 Rh Black 42 P. Arnol d 43 Je Howes 44 Da Glanville 45 A . Contreras 46 C. King 47 T. Marshall 48 M . Stanley 49 D . Harri s 50 M. D'Intino 51 Ja Best 53 D . Bowde n 54 J. BlowBel d 55 B. Phillips 56 T. McFarlane 57 A. Calma 58 Ja McClure


Coach: Tony West Res. Coach : Shane

McLauchla n

2 Purcell G . 3 Page S. 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B. 8 Elliott K. 9 Clarke M . 10 Albanis J. 11 Moule B . 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B . (Capt. ) 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Collins D. 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D. 23 West M . 25 Weston S . 27 Temming L. 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 King J. 35 Certo C.

36 Henry

38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Riley C . 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R . 44 IcelyA. 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R . 47 Soutaris A. 48 Bu9e1a N 49 McGovern N.

50 Soutar is D . 51 MacPherson B . 52 Jordon A. 54 Kosta M . 56 Hatty G . 57 McMahon N . 58 Woodall D . 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbury H. 77 O'Callaghan M.

63 I. Bracken Village Belle Hotel

CICG Builders JumpStart Communication s




Affiliated with RMIT University

Eagle Imagin g Tile Importers THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

f.t ~ St . :Johns Steve Koppens Coach Asst: John Ladson Res: Mick Roberts

1 A. Borgonha 2 M.Ladson 3 G, Wilson 4 S . Holmes 5 C. Horbury 6 A . Dobson 7 R. Back 8 L. Johnston g A. Jone s 10 M . Courmadious 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 13A M.Jones 13B R . Walker 14 P. Sharp 15 T. Hyland 16 A . Paterson 17 S . Cockayne 18 C. Emery 19 J. Cotton 20 G . Besley 21 S. Koppens 22 A. Dragwidge 23A B. Hilto n 23B M . Waters 24 H . Wathan 25 D. Waters 26 G . Waters 27 R. Dowsett 28 B. Pettigrew 29 D . Jankovic 30 N . Gate s 31 D . Rydquist 32 A . Rud d 33 A . Fonceca 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 S. Chessum 37 D . Christian 38 M. Batty 39 S. McEachem 40 F. Mandrakis 41 J . Fernando 42 C.Jones 43 M . Van Houten 44 M . Schonewille 45 A. Hall 46 B. Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 J. Hargreaves 49 A . Kizili s 50 J . Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 N. Moore 53 J . Pi 54 L Mara 55A B. Pickering 55B D . Sanders 57 A. Rafferty 58 G. Roberts 59 J . Ross 60 J . Ryan 62 D. Vanderwert 64 C. Carmody




Coach: Jeff Bingham Ass . Coach : Dick Turpin Coach: Derek Thoene Coach : Brendan Maloney Res . Coach : Tony Psinas Res. Coach: Darren Duscher Asst Coach: Anthony Albeit Res Ass. Coach : Nick Murray Res : David Murphy 1 J. Washingto n 1 A. Turpin 2 M. Hannan Res . Asst : Matthew Higgins 2 I. Bingham (VC) 3 M. Balshaw 1 A. Albert (C ) 3 M . Joy 4 A . Bryson 2 J. Sheedy (VC) B . Baylis s 5 S . Kin g i 3 J. Piotrowsk 4 P. Henderson (VC) 6 Warren Rosowski 4 A. Fidle r 5 D. Hannett 7 A. Hanna n 5 J . Demarte 6 V. Wong 8 X. Kidd P. Gleason 6 B . Prior (DVC) 9 B. Powel l 7 A. Burns 7 J . Murchi e 10 G . McDonald 8 R . Bennett 8 M . Higgins 11 L. Este r 9 D . Richardson 9 L. Morrison 12 S. Rocco J . Cropp 10 C . French 13 E . Henderson 10 T. Psina s 11 D . Milano 14 D . Bel l 10 A. Hallyburton 13 J. Berry 15 B . Lazzaro 11 J . Rutter 16 M . Thomas 14 R . Goode 12 J . Moresi 17 P. D'Andrea 15 M .Howat 13 S. Mille r 18 B. Martin 16 S . Reynoldson 14 S. O'Boyle (R .VC) 19 A. Reid 17 J . Roberts (RC) 15 N . Murray 20 W. Brown 18 A. Fiuman i 16 J . Fleming 21 G. Rowe 19 B. O'Mara 17 L Fuller 23 B . Downing 21 S. Eager 18 M . Bircanin 24 J . Raeburn 22 C . Thomas 19 A. Thompson 25 P. Hannan 23 S . Fitzgibbon 20 I . Mackenzie (VC) 27 P. Cheevers 24 C . Higgins 20 C. Hal l 30 M . Brady 25 M . Whiting 21 L Devon 31 S. Hermann 26 T. Liston 22 M. Buckley 32 D . McGee 27 D. Murphy 23 R . Avery 33 M. Doyle 24 M. Macfarlane 28 S. Mallory 34 M . Fer n 25 C. Clark (R .VC) 29 M. McCalman 35 N . Moojen 26 A. Morriso n 30 M. Hudgson 36 J . McCauley 27 M . Leplaa 32 P. Beyno n 37 M . Rosowski 28 A. Frederick 33 A .Vaughn 38 S. Symes 29 C. Beaumont 34 A . Fricke 39 A. Briglia 30 B. Holland 40 G . Cox 36 J . Carter 31 A. Richardson (R .C) 42 G . Gaylor 37 A. Reed (RVC) 32 L Hannemann 43 W. D'Andrea 38 M . Tricky 33 T. Bartholomew (RVC) 44 C . Daalder 39 R . Roberts 34 N . Hunter 47 N . Pantzopolous 40 S. Bailey 35 C. Cachia (C) 49 T. Sutherland 41 B . Menzie s 36 T. Fleming 53 E . Bouchard 42 S . Fragiacomo 37 B . Robinson 55 J . Pohlne r 43 J . Andrinopolous 38 M . Christiansen 59 Wayne Rosowski 44 M . Ryan 39 D . Hallisey 62 S. Aquilin a 45 D. Islip 40 B. Thomas 63 B. Slade 46 J . Sandhu 41 M. Moresi 65 D . Thomas 47 T. Morris 42 M. James 66 D . McKerrow . Littl e 43 A . Brown 48 D 71 T. Baad e 44 K . Bradford 49 J. Dunsford 45 H. Rosenhain 50 P. Dodds 46 S. Williams 51 P. James 46 D. Kennel 52 H . Alle n 47 C . Hayes 53 J . Thompson 48 D . Reynolds 54 M . Ele y 49 A . Herrmann 55 L. Watt s 50 P. Agnello 57 C . Farrington 51 C. Discombe 58 M. Flac k 52 S . Anderson 59 C . Galley 53 B. Smith 60 D . Harmer 54 P. Sheer SPONSORS 61 D . Clair 55 T. McLennan 62 R. Kiss 56 A. Treasure Albert Park 63 S . Ryan Indoor Sport s 64 M . Erjavec 65 J . Henry Centre 66 S. Gallina Major Sponsors:

Hoc k ing Stuart Estate Agents Woodland McGee Financial Services


Coach : Tim Elli s Res . Coach : Paul Smith 1 D. Nedinis 2 C . Kelly 3 D . Flack 4 S . Kidd 5 B . Cunningham 6 M . Wals h 7 A. Murphy 8 R. Hann 9 J . Ayling 10 M . Keogh 11 M . Green 12 J. Baker 13 F. Mehmert 14 J . Marinis 15 J . Walter[ 16 C. Yaser 17 A .Tedessco 18 D. Velisha 19 J.Addamo 20 E. Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A. Dibatista 23 C . Becke r 24 R . Stonehouse 25 F. Dimas i 26 P. Thomas 27 L. Djakovic 28 D. Czajowski 29 S. Dole 30 B. Carlesso 31 M. Smith 32 M . Dolegowski 33 D . Owen s 34 J . Hoffman 35 S . Alabacos 36 R. Bell 37 R. Matiszig 38 T. Towers 39 L . Lang6eld 40 B. Paton 41 G. Grogan 42 43 L Carson 44 T. Johnson 45 C. Alabakis 46 A. Carson 47 A. Camilleri 48 E. Collier 49 B . Grogan 50 K . Pace 51 I. Kennedy 52 C. Andrews 53 A. Grogan 54 55 56 57 58 59 M. Kennedy 60 M . Czajowski 61 T. Johnston 62 63 E. Collier 64 R. Bell 65 F. Dimasi .66 D . Fraser.

Proudly sponsored by : FT Finance


(€st XVIII teams) Any registe-- ' p€a - r with a permit can play finals (except AFWFL players with a permit - see below) . (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be a r .g€stered and must have played at least four (4 ) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) . Where both first and second XV€I€'s are playing 1 on the same day t' reserve grade player must only have p€aye_ -F (2) games in either th e seniors or resera ;___lify . For clubs with t( is drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend (ie . 1st semi Saturday, 2nd semi Sunday - read as above teams p€aving on the same day) .

3 a .eam has (2) U19 teams or is invol ;d i n hybrid arrangement, the following shall ; Where a club has two U19 teams a p€aye -nus t have not played more than 10 matches with the U191 side to play in the (2) team . To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not including finals . Players must be registered ' least four (4) Club XVII I t' _ team they wish to represent ) and not have played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round .

Where a club has two Club XVIII teams a player must have not played more than 8 matches with the Club XVIII 1 side to play in the (2) team . Players must be registere d An AFL or VFL lis~~ A , - will be eligible to and ho€' a permit . If a player has played a n play in the finals for his VAFA club as long as h e aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches matches he must have played more than 5 Under- for the team he w ishes to represent in the finals . 19 matches during the season . At least two (2) of these matches must have been ! I If a player is ineligible due to having played more p€ayE ' ' )r Ju- t . I than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not A must have played five (5) gain selection in his club's senior team in the first V," =A m hes for the VAFA team he w ishes to ~ second round match, he is then eligible to play in reprL .,,,it in tF,,, ,,, i a€s . ForTAC players there is no ~ any subsequent Under 19 final . requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 30th . ~



--t 33 blue) celebrated his 400th game last tiveekend a ONCE S . 'a L FGRDE (No . 1S match with his best mate, rfick e lday CY peds v williamstovxn ~ BERNI E u,~~ .ons Michael . -Y pUIeSTAN and are doing tremendously well with their that their thoughts Were, t~`'i ~arcellin water know y rast, the Amateur Footballerulet readers to date report on both is that the up e while theyredressing were III An as well as can la~~in5 footyseason again this year) is one of th . He is the be ends e 1~a - Bobby is p Great told he tiv ould not to play in the Reserves before v as Such eauragel Such detezmination! >d and Bernie ttivho v Be is aiming to return . What a man! n h 7re rs and has been~t w umpire with tlze ~'AFAUA er of Fruit and Dan, nastic s ~t VVeti done, mztrrsent ta g ziration to other .. umpiring 'C' r e a fortnigh y P sv=ho o is eurrentl F_ICS I~YK attends umpirmg trauring about on c vea t boundary du e umpire r boundary umpiring for the -r first GEN N HaQ >EGan tug i~londays, ~Vednesdays and Fridays- He institute xs ` -ses the running aspect 0 n . 14 Slue) . Camero 1'nxnasties Championships a d ames tusually. He tiz~th his Dad in t~ the a Level 7 National Gymnastics t Apparatus, Australia n on rilsory , Cameron was ranke competed d he 6 3rd com . Cameron advised that the of gymnastics 1 s1~ 13 Jul`, 2003, After completing in et p from S Regions 2004 an d hi ill s in2004 Champrons bills an Canberra on I - vent Victoria was ran ~e Victorian t Of the team e ax d to his neat challenge a 31 . Ill terms -e}} Done, Caxneran s , m a He and is looking for`" cc in Ibecoming ully a member of the State Team . um irmg `A' Section games . He is one of NY S FC ; Playedgsa an d is already xttlesea t our association squad in 198 9 fst 'ar goal umpire Will th Started playing football in unde f he Teal ,drew is a xx footy career pa uad ; idiember Cup a Res . games ; g ';ury umpires r~ri ti an interestin ; t=gember of the Carlton under 15s sq Come back to and operation; son rule 14 ",nth Laloz FC ; Played with FitzroV FC in 1990 under the fatherknee ~st of his juniors inham FC 199J_9 then :ieker four times in oal l fellow Later team mate, Kouta . games ; Sand' $ . Highlights - Leading g is and won by Richmand FC 1991-93, 47 Res five days two Poll' ill hospital for . ki e to people Traded ) I game and the' in hosp' against Geelong Colling~d 75-80 in front of 1000 p P

13eathcote FC (bad i dea c oo if .. e,) ., First gam Grinter and And"" fai e icking a goal with Richn ond a~ at ~ averley Cary Atines Rodney juniors and best an( Scott K ; .Ilardest players played on la in p on gobe go , pr,ints, Y g t}Tn ire profiles . oo

t x the game with 24 odd seeonds t .au to Hew more .vafaua .asn VAFA p sent off under the Audible Check our vvebsite - uiv~' t a Player is being d for a period DECjsgoN? The yellow card signifies tha a player has been reported and is to leave the24 "e"-20 ~ yOUR .6) . . . The answer No. Y vrinnerRule thistF eek o• 90}The' of redthe card signifies that a p match {depending on severity) and cannot be replaced (Rule 2 ubscenit3 i our apology in ~ of 15 minutes or for ill'-' resc August 2003, please puL y resumed that 8 . it will be P NOTE if any umpire is unable to attend this years `TvSid Year' Dinner on. If 1 no letter is received . 3105 Tudor Street, East Bentleigh aunt~ 37 -ill be deducted from ac ' Mr . to J . Robinson, tiaT'ting l e function and moniesw h_ 21 /9 /4 3 e is attending t 1 C and Final Brune the umpxr 1818 A Section I . /03 Mid Year Dinner - 211`Jl43 End of Season Trip - 9- 12114103 d Final B3Q Gran

-: t f(iG 51 4

nd .eom PTNA.b.LI' . . . 3rrespandence a ,_ ORE OURNE SPORTS BOOK ~~'~ 1IAf•1•'« ~ ~ `f t~Ei BP RSQNAI. MORTGAG E if3

COMPLETE FR~iGHT CO~~ ' ~$D CYCLES q~ANA6ERS O413 071} 55 9

~~~ ~'± - ~50 BOUSi1tE St ~sib0um ET'S ~1fr` -~'t . EDW PRAHRAN ERPd) ~ ~ tE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER




I~y bubble had to b .rst sooi - or later. ur :7v`s Lar : prevailed after my spn ' uig '-out my tipping last ; .cei ; and I was back to the field with a mediocre 3 . The results have meant that this weekend's matches will be critical to the make up of the top five, with each of i ie top six teams playing each other . :en hosted the unbeaten Mt .Lilydale in an effort to match the premiership favorites . With Dave Trinchi . Tim Orwin, and Tim Conn all playing well again for the Cobra's, their side did just this for much of the match . However, with the rain came the goals for Mount in the final quarter, and with Alderman putting in a blinder, the Da? ran out comfortable winners by 48 points . The I _Irsus ' match did not pan out the may I tnou 'it, with Uni jumpi, ' to an early quarter time lead and then putting the match beyond doubt in the second . While Stockdale and Mizzi battled hard for the Turtles, they did not have the class to go with the likes of Gorringe and Gerolemou as the Vultures sured up the double chance wif h a 37-point i n . Box Hill North made .I] use of it )me ground advantage to score i> b' in sinre in - the VAFA against the in forty . The loss of Box Hill North star Dave iri' ' was me ° than offset with the loss of the Poe ~r's e' 'ning iieht, Hardaway, and from the opening bounce, North never looked back . With Odza and Sallantiouglu putting in sterling performances, it was a matter of how far as they moved up to 8th on the ladder with a memorable 87-p nt victory. After a lot of soul searcY ig during the v ek Brunswick had a nredirtable resurgence to form against Rio ond -c , The healty con ons suited North with Pizzari an~ ~ Guppy able to run the ball out of the midfield while H iilton, yet again proved a handful able to kick vital goals on a day when they were hard to come by . The final 57-point result ensured th : North's finals chances well and truly rest in their ow . 1 hands . Old Wesfbo e's finals aspirations took a serious dint on the weekend going down to a class y outfit . The Falcons started well in blustery conditions to control the centre, which provided numerous opportunities to the dangerous P-Ilen . However, the squandering of chances in the first, turned into excellent conversion in the second as Albert Park kicked to a 29-point lead at the major break . The Warriors did hit back in the third as the rain plummeted, and with Duncan Benn and Damian BiIlman lifting, the Warriors got within two points going into the final quarter . With .the Falcon's back line of Nathan Neumnann and Rex McLellan, who were supplenicnted b ; the timely marking by Jim Sutton and Jodie Taylor, the Falcons

; ed to hold their r opponents at bay to record a memorable 2 n. had the bye .

~ ----®

School host St . Mary's coming off a we ` s r e u- . The students have continued to go ab e their isiness and will be brimming with confidenee reverse the touch up they received the last time the, two teams met . Meanwhile, the Saints have shown t dhcanwiyfrome,hwvtyande struggle against the higher placed teams and this cou also be the case today . With Tate due for a bag a n vangendorf due for a blinder, I think the students v ;i have eno»6h to withstand the customary Saint i a aroP to in by 13 points . awer has shown a lot in recen t ~ )laved how much difference i t star Hardaway in their team last w e 3appointed last week and will be tookii ' Did _ position on the ladder today against g th Power, it will not have it all their own way . It is a tou g cision V ho to go with in this match, and ultimately, think it will be at the selection table that this will b decided. If Hardaway is selected, the Power will go close however, I s1 I believe the Turtles should still have th cattle on ield to register a 18 point win . Box : r have dez ynstrated to all in D4 that the will be a 1 m to be reckoned with in the future, art today tra a rals as they continrn their footi ournec t week's record with was very e~n :~_ . . >rth, and with Harry Pennisi Justin G; :r i :umming and "the racehor-p Lancc _li,~ !1a1d throui; :i Cie lines ant

Albert Park UHS-tTU Brunswick Old LaJestbourne Not --- Brunswic k

Allan 10 Tate 4 Hardawav 10 J Horsbourgh 0 Hamilton 1

93 72 68 54 53

Albert Park North Brunswick Albert Par k Lilydale Si i4iarys

Pastras Papanikolou Payne Anderson Rousis

40 38 31 30 29

,oals they looked like a classy side . While ±d at home will provide a bit more opposition, I th has what it takes to register another fou r a 28 point will . a match the Old Westbourne versus promises to be, as the team from the lan d Its travel to the land of the brown trout . ark has been in the past a ground tha t tion teams have dreaded, however, the Warriors -11uum they are very heatable at home against sides, and they meet the classiest in D4 today . I expect "Platters" Fairfield and "Jucka " -I- :irgh to bounce back after ordinary games by thei r i ads last week, it is difficult to look past the class y nn ball outfit . The Warriors did get close to Mount time they met, however, I feel that the lon g is beginning to take its toll on the young an d Warriors, so I am jumping off the Warrior's and ze Dale's bandwagon as I back them to win by 3 8 third epic encounter of the round, Nort h ;,sr ick host the resurgent Albert Park at Bocc e _ North would be satisfied With their workman lik e v last week, however, will need to lift a notch o r ;i 11=ey are reverse the 8 goal defeat they received the i ne these two teams met . While I would be ppointed if North did not match it with the Falcons , I cannot see them having the defenders to counter strorg Falcon forward set up, and on the smal l :nd, there Will be no shortage of opportunities for , - t !I : :1 1 to move toward his ton . Therefore I am going with P;dcons to win by 28 points . ii,- .n 1ias the bye . ' E YEAR o all who have put in their nomin<<'ions thu s have a player you think should be selected , omination to _-• _•-_'


d his 50` m matc h Cr:i !tile = v1 '_ .: u,t6 his 25C,-z as a ~d Coach, while this we . the Falcons will als o Williams 50 ." , It has _ 200 gar s' trrived!!! Well done to 'H' for tmally reac' 'g such important milestone . A gifted junior player marry ha s n quite a few years to reach 200 games . Playing for Green & Golds during the 80's Harry drifted out of e game for a few years . With a few spasmodic games here & there he finally decided to dedicate himself to playing the last few years . A fine lead & strong mark he has made his name as a leading foward for North . A former reserves best & fairest winner Harry will be an important player in the finals with his vast experience & leadership . Still a young man we hope that he can exte!.d his games total over the next few years .

Bulleen Cobras has the bye UHS-VU v St Mary s Brunswick Power v Eltham Coilebians Richmond Central v Box Hill North Old Westhourne v Mt i .ilydale North Brunswick v Albert Park wo, THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003

- Pd COY`~J~ 1 .1 4.4 5.5 8 .7 (55) 11 .11 15.13 (103) 6.7 MT LILYDALE 3 .6 Balloon Cobras : Goals : Orwin 2 Conn 2 D Trinchi 2 Cook McLeod . Best D Trinchi Mozzarella Orwin Dall'oglio Aslungul Conn . Mt . Lllydale: Goals : Carrion 4 Paull 3 McKenzie 2 Alderman Del Blondo Gibson Hayes Leonard C Varga . Best : Van Duuren Gibson Paull Carrion McKenzie Alderman. Umpires: Michael Sneddon Robert Sneddon (F) Liam Ratcliffe Thomas Wischer (B) Lucas Williams Kieran O'Keefe (G ) ST RL'4RYS - bye ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .1 1 .3 3.5 5 .10 (401 UHS4i 4.6 7.8 8.14 10.17(77) Eltham Collegians : Harrington, Sharpe, Smith, Rashid, P F.larm . Best : Stockdale, Mizzi, Savage, Brick, Thomas, Gilbert . UHS-VU : Gerolemou 3, Tate 2, Madrigrano 2, Wright, Devlin, Mottram . Best: Gorringe, Gerotemou, Devlin, Cracknell, Lapish, Thorp . Umpires : David D'Altera Paul Tuppen (F) Josh White-Spier Katie White-Spier (B ) BOX HILL NORTH 4 .5 7 .8 11 .11 16 .17 (113) BRUNSWICK POWER 0 .4 2 .8 2 .11 2 .14 (26) Box Hill North : Goals: L Keiilor 5, H Penesis 2, M Cummings 2, T Manno 2, C Riscalla, A Steele, J Garrett, S Cook, A Sallantioglu . Best: A Odza, A Sallantioglu . L Keillor, M Cummings, H Penesis, A Steele Brunswick Power : Goals : R Baxter, W Morgan . Best : F Pike, R Baxter, N Harrison Umpires: Albie Firley Brad Rankin (F) Michael Roche Michael Neilly (B) Malcolm Filieul Eddie Boa! (G ) N ORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .3 10 .6 16.10 20.12 (132) RICM4O14-D CENTRAL 2 .3 6 .8 7.12 10 .15 (75) North Brunswick : Hamilton 7, Pizzari 4, Kyriazis 3, H .Tsialtas 3 . Dllnarco, Closter, Paleodimos . Best: Pizzari, J .Boudoloh, Kyriazis . Hamilton, Stelfox, Freeman . Umpires: Nicholas Brown Anthony Da nen (F) Tristan Pearce (B) Perrin Brown Jim Exton (G ) 8 .7(55) OLD !'> AURPdE 1 .0 2 .3 6.7 8 .9(57) Ai, - ,;, 1 .5 6.8 6.9 :: J .Horsburgh 4, Pavez, A .Christo, M .Christo, Oldharn Old ?Vi r Best - Benn, Bilhnan, Leitch, Gerace, Huntington, Edwards Alber t - . Allan 4, Mekerrow 2, Davey 2 Umpires : Sean Scully Sr Sean Scully Jr (F) Ji h,nell (B) Daniel Scully Robert Parry (G ) yeS - RoRld l 6 BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .2 4 .5 8 .6 10.7 (67) 3 .4 8 .6 10 .7 12 .1 .0 (82) PS'"i' LILYDALE Bulleen Cobras : Goals : Clement 5 Paatschi 2 Khalil Redfern Foskett. : Mehrez Clement Hamilton Ong Lyopandis Paatschi . Mt. Best LBydale : Goals : Anderson 4 Kernagen 2 Sypharussi Colarossi Morotll Egan Smithies. Best: Kernagen Fernando Jelenc Flannaga n Kidd Maltar ST MARYS - b e 1-0 1 .2 2 .2 2 .3 (15) EL A4 COLLEGIANS UFIS-1U 6 .7 8.11 16.13 22 .15 (147) Eltham Collegians : Dere, C .lr'atson . Best: T. Barnett, Keleher, Turney, Dere, D.Barnett, J .Howgate . UF3S-VU : Cusick 5, Mills 4, Forbes 4, Haynes 2, Cavalieri 2, J .Thwnas 2, P .Thomas 2, Hircoe Best: Havnes, Weber, O'Neill, P.Thomas, Cusick, Walpole. BOX HILL NORTH 2 .2 3 .5 4 .8 8.13 (61) BRUNSWICK POWER 0 .2 2.2 2.4 4.4 (28) Boa Hill North : Goals: J Pratt 2, B Furor 2. W Drew, T Thor, M Edgley, J.Tsaclidis Best : B Pozar, M Marinovie, 0 D'Amato, K Loerand, J Tsactidis, T Thoi Brunswick Power : Goals : R Green 2 . A Brown, J Hayes Best : J Lewis, J Hayes, R Green . M Madef9eld NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .1 4 .5 7 .9 7 .12 (54) RICHMOND CEPdTRAY. 2 .0 3 .2 4 .2 4 .3(27) North Brunswick: B .Carter 2, Cutler, Dusan, Parks, P .Sorleto, S.Tsialtas . Best: Brifta, R .Sailoum, Giovanoglou, Burrows, Russo, Dusan , 13.10 (88) 11 .7 OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .1 7.6 ALBERT PARE 3.6 6.7 10 .10 10.14 (74) Old West : Chrism 3. Manolokakis 2, Phillips 2, Rivalland 2, Horsburgh 2 . Scholes, Whiting. Best: Layton, Horsburgh, Anderson, Jenkinson, Rivalland, Mesrnan Albert Park: Green 3. Pastras 2, Surace, Wheeler, Garcia, Moths, Guicas . Best: Surace, Wheeler, Quinlan, Meguire, Phillips, Green 43

C .h: John Anern Res : Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith 2 S . Robinson (s) 2 N . Pastras (r) 3 R . Baker (C) 3 J. Dudi (r) 4 J. Simcocks 5 S. Allan 6 J. Storey (VC) 7 5. Venable s 7 K. Gannon (r) 8 A. Mandylans 8M P. . van Elewoud (r) 9 Chambers (VC) 10 tvi . Phillips 11 A . Fleming 12 T Fraser 13 B . Payne (RVC) 13 M . Davey (S) 14 M . Hyams (S) 14 C . Borg 15 D . Borley 16 C . Robeeton 17 D . McLellan 18 J. Taylor 19 A. Steward 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J. Hannett 22 D. Brea (r) 23 B. Harries 23 G . Foster 24 T. Green 25 J . Wier 26 L. Hopkins 26 G. Baker 27 B . Tu ite 27 J . Breen (r) 28 R. Alla n 29 C . Fehring 30 S . Fountai n 31 S . McGuire (RC) 31 D . Allan 32 A. Di'Mingo 33 J. Murray 4 T. Houston 5 S. Toth (RVC) 5 V. Surace 6 J. Balbin 7 L. Hogan 38 N. Wheeler 39 S . McKerrow 40 A. Graham 41 D. Allan 42 K . Daley 44 B . Isard 45 M . MacLeod 46 M . Dowdle 47 L. Tricarico 48 J. Nemeth 49 C . Dyer 50 S. Mellis (r) 50 J. Meek 52 M. Smith 53 M. Williams 54 N . Neumann 55 D. Quinlan 57 J . Sutt on 57 J . Guzman 58 T. Bennett s 59 N. Strang 60 G. Bateson 62 A . Harper 77 S . Garcia 78 J . Hamath 79 J. Bourne 80 M . Houg h


Snr Coach: P. Armstrong ,t: M . Tarulli Res: P.Woodsffi.Drew 1 G . Wilson 2 C. Reid 3 A . Ooze 3a S . Evans 4 A . Manno 4a J . Potter 5a A . Jenkins* 6 D . Martini 7 S. Stewart 8 J. DAmato 8a R . Chamberlain 9 A. Sallantioglu 10 S. Coo k 11 T. Thoi 12 A. Dic k 13 M . Cumming 14 B . Palmer 15 L. Keillor 16 W. Drew 17 G. Cavallo 18 C . Butler 19 C . Callis 20 K .Oldfield 21 J . Hopes 22 A. Steele 23 J . Naumovski 23a S. Brodi e 24 C . Ferris 25 P. Kotsaridis 27 S. Yamamoto 28 Z. Veleski

30 B. Olso n

31 G . Robinson 32 I . Oldfield 33 M . Marinovic 34 M . McCartin 35 P. Burley 36 D. Gaynor 37 D. Wootridge 39 P. Webster 40 D . Worrell 41 M. Takeshita 42 A . Tarull i 43 R . Doyle 44 J. Garrett 46 P. Mortimer 49 T. Ellis 50 B. Pozar 55 J . Pratt 58 S . D'Attera 65 C. Riscalla 66 C. Mulready 74 P. Doyle 76 K . Loerand 78 H . Penesis 80 S . Wakefield 82 J . Tambakis 86 T. Tsukagoshi 87 T. Rhin d 111 M. Edgley 111 a P. Armstrong *

Coach: Ricky Baxter Assist. Coach : Ross organ Res: Greg Lovett 1 R . Baxter 2 J. Hardaway 3 B. Pric e 4 D. Hayes 5 L. Hope 6 B. Baksh 7 W. Morgan 8 D. Gerdes 9 L. Yowyeh 10 B . Bottomley 11 N . Harrison 12 G. Dow 13 B. Hamilton 14 C . Emmerson 15 F. Norris 16 J . Lovett 17 B. Brett 18 R . Diantonia 19 N. Bux 20 J. Cooper 21 B. Lovett 22 J . Mcgrady 23 M . Lovett 24 G. Mcgowan 25 J . Slate r 26 M . Smith 27 A . Walsh 28 B . Noonan 29 J . Griggs 30 L. Brett 31 M. Crane 32 P. Gall 34 E. Lovett 35 F. Pike 36 T. Lovett 37 B. Brett 38 S. Kemp 39 L. Brett 40 R. Kirby 41 L. Stephens 42 S . Davi s 43 J . Comley 44 R . Mainelli 45 F. Motfilin 46 G. Fryer 47 M . Robinson 48 R . Morgan 49 R . Green 51 P. Laming 52 D . Davis 53 D. Hume 54 P. Brett 55 S. Weston 56 T. Warburton 57 R. Sikora 60 G . Murray 61 T. Holden 62 J . Clayton 63 R . Dantonia 64 A . Davi s 65 L. Griggs 66 S. Islay 67 T. Lovett 68 M. Bond

(;oaoh : Joe L Asst G ch: Rc Res. Coach : Jarnie R ;;em 1 S. Fishe r 2 T.Orwin 2 R. Sheehan 3 S . Wigney 4 N. Cartledge 4 I. Mcleod 5 S . Nelson 6 I. Baccini 7 F. Bald i 8 T. Mazzarella 9 P. Aslangu ( 10 C . Powderham 11 G . Fortune 12 J. Schemmerling 13 N. Edga r 14 A. Dejong 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trinchi 17 L Conn 18 J . Lowrie 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Mora n 21 N . Lykopandis 22 R . Pasinati 23 J. Red(e m 24 J. Daniels 25 W. Olney 26 J. D'Angelo 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 K. Kellett 31 S . Mclaren 32 C. Clements 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. DalPoglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 J . Sotto 41 R . Rigoni 42 V. Dam 43 C . Chan 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 J. Ong 46 G . Reeves 47 W. Feutril l 48 M . Soumelidis 49 G .Anderton 50 B . Wilso n 51 R. Rodrigues 55 D. Digney 56 T. Mehrez 60 S . Petty 61 R . Hadisutanto 69 L. Ditchbu m



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C. Coach : Scott Harri ngton Cc ch : John Glare J. Bau d ~ S. Robin s 3 E. Savage B. Doody 45 D . Brick 6 T. Carter 7 B. Rashi d 8 L. Sharp e 9 C . Watso n 0 B . Marshal l J Plizzi ; 2 L. McDonald 13 M . Luttick 14 K. Nelson 15 L. White 16 D. Barnett 17 L. Daly 18 M . Chapple 19 A. Booth 20 S. Jeal 21 M. Hart 22 D . W ri ght 23 R . Watson 24 K . Drummond 25 R . Thomas ~6 J . Glare Res C/C 27 J . Stockdale 28 T. Barnett 29 D. Howgate 30 M . Decker 31 B. Keleher 32 C . Bau d P3 A. Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 G. Smith 36 T. Goonan 37 J . Gilbe rt 38 A. Tardifi 39 F. Coonerty 40 E. Baud 41 Au.Mann 42 D . Buller 43 P. Mann 44 Al . Mann 45 R . Davies 46 M . Dere 47 S . Barass 48 B . Tumey 49 P. Kroh n 50 B . Richardson 51 P. Buhagiar 54 D. Monagatti 55 S. Todman 56 R . Love 57 S. Gathercole 59 B. Evans 61 K. Toulson 64 C . Lac Lacey e 75 S . Harri ngton

Major Sponsors

速LD !

1 senior Cu h : David Keast Asst Sen . Coach: Paul Commerford Reseve Cc,-:.h : Bart Egan Asst Res . Coach : Darren Nag 1 J . Paull 2 P. Hayes 3 M . Brebner (DVC) 4 F. Varga 5 G . Bird 6 M. Jelen c 7 C . Varga 8 K . Maniscalchi (VC) 9 A . Del Biondo 11 C . Gibson 13 R . Kidd 14 W. Charlton 15 R. Sco tt 16 D. Morrison 17 J . Lesinger 18 R. McKenzie 19 M . Leonard 20 D.Watt 21 M . Cunningham 22 N. Colarossi 23 B. Egan 24 L . Merrett 26 T. Flanagan 27 N . Pearce (VC) 28 D . Maggs 29 J . Robert s 30 A . Penhale ( RVC) 31 T. Hansford 32 P. Carolan (C) 33 C. Anderson 34 L. Kelle tt 35 D . Callanan 36 M. Alderman 37 C . Carstens 38 J. Charles 39 T. Van Duure n 40 M . Rhodes 41 M . Matter 42 M . Periera 43 D. Holloway (RC) 44 A. Cox 45 K. Fraser 46 D. Kin9 47 C. Lonergan 48 S. Dougherty 49 M. Watt 50 D . Hicks 51 A. Bullerjahn 53 D .Marotti 54 L. Allanson 55 T.Wilson B . Lee k J . Mollica J . Comme rf ord J . Penhale A. Delahunt J . Hoffman N . McConnell SPONSORS

Coach : Ange Sammartino R . Coach : Gary Cutler D 1 Newton 2 Adams D 3 Lattouf G 4 Dimarco P 5 Cutler G 6 i D 7 Stelfox G 8 Guppy D 9 Sammartino A 10 Fawcett W 11 Hamilton S 12 Care S 13 Ullo M 14 Paleadimos G 15 TsiaHas H 16 Vaina M 17 Kyriaz is A J 18 Varga 19 Marin P 20 Closter L 21 Santacroce R 22 Freeman J 23 Britfia J 24 Aliani M 25 Duson W 26 Murphy J 27 Ferrante F 28 Boudoloh J 30 Russo D 31 Heck J 32 Robe rtson B J 33 Patella 34 Stepien M 36 Senate M 37 Defelice M 38 Magnuson D 39 Rhook C 40 McCallum B 41 Elms J 42 Papanikolou J 43 Sorteto p 44 Wallmeyer N 45 Polemicos . J 46 Giovanogtou N 47 Prestigiacomo N 48 Walter J 49 Salloum F 50 Parks B 51 Kehagias D 52 Guest D D 53 Trafford 54 Wake G R 55 Sallou m 56 Fayad M 57 Mountney A 58 Messiake T 59 Ackland T A 60 Park es 61 Papa C B 62 Carter 64 Palmieri A 66 Boudoloh A 67 Ca rter D


Eat More : Red Rich Fruit Olinda Creek Hotel

Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 B.Gerac e 2 J.Akaran a 3 S.Depiazza 4 C.Lever 5 S .Hewitt 6 J .Horsburgh 7 A .Christo 8 A .Horsburg h g K .Murphy 10 J Wilso n 11 M .Christo 12 B .Mattson 13 J .Braham 14 T.Said 15 A.Board 16 S.Christo 17 M.Aquilin a 18 F.Pavez 19 R .Aldridg e 20 L.O'Sulliva n 21 L.Hudso n 22 S .Anderson 23 S .Huntingto n 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 TEdwards 26 P. Mesman 27 D .Billman 28 D .Slattery 29 J,Manolokaki s 30 R .McMillan 31 M.Baulc h 32 G.Jenkinson 33 D .Benn 34 S .Roberts 35 D .Rivalland 36 S .Phillips 37 A .Leitc h 38 D.Nikol a 39 M .Oldham 40 S.Leitc h 41 K.Mille r 42 D .Ollenbutte l 43 A. Runciman 44 B.Slatte ry 45 S .Robsrtso n 46 J .Semmen s 47 M.Pilsbury 48 T.Scholes 49 B .Robinson 50 P.Habersatt 51 R.Wintl e 52 TBest 53 M .Saunders 54 M .Crosswel l 55 D.Layto n 56 L .Skidmore 57 J i 58 I . Smlit s h e 59 A. Upscomb 60 N . Aquilin e 61 A . Gatt 62 L. Johnston 63 K . Johnson 64 L. Stevens 65 K . Pilsbury 66 P. King 67 W. Burgoyn e 88 H . Hodgson




Framing Corn er Kno x ', ~1 THE A: .I,UEUR FOOTBALLER



Coacn: Mark Petrusch A: :4 Coach : Res: Steven Lake 1 B . Cox 2 T. Quick 3 T O'Sullivan 4 R . Trotter 5 D . Tankovich 6 G. Bunshaw 8 G. Malcolm 9 J . McGrath 9 P. Karamicholos 10 A . Whit e 11 S. Lake 12 F. Macak 15 C . Barry 16 J . Birt 17 P. Carew 18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quay 20 A. Quick 21 A. Jones 22 A. Flores 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Piani 26 S. Baillie 28 D . Green 29 J. Stone 32 Mark Harris 33 M. Berimano 34 J. Brook 35 J. Howell 38 M . Defreitas 41 T. Slatter 42 C. White 42 S. Hoare 45 K. Day 46 D. Hogan 53 K. Pardy 54 C. Cartwright 54 S. Rawlings 56 A. Tdley, 57 E. Hill 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melville 76 D. Phelan 79 M . Coomber 85 S . Jacobs 86 G. Porteus 87 D.Ingliss

Coach : m chael learmonth Res: George Koumantataki s 1 T. Brown 2 B. Perelberg 3 G . Schembri 4 N. Goldsworthy 5 A. Lane 6 S. Stone 7 A. Dwyer 8 A. Zsembe ry 9 R.Orme 10 G . Koumantatakis 11 J . Bernardi 12 A. Webb 13 J . Hill 14 C. Goldsworthy 15 M . Purcel l 16 L. Anthony 17 P. West 18 B . Frail 19 V. Ryan 20 C. Handley 21 M . Gilchrist 22 R . Alle n 23 F. Harrison 24 A . Latimer 25 M . Butler 26 J . Timmins 27 M . Banks 28 J .Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 P. Watson 31 S . Les째<ko 32 P. Reining 33 M . O'Halloran 35 G. Theoharris 36 B . Graetzer 37 L. Vincent 38 D . Astbu ry 39 T. Millar 40 R . Hausler 41 T. Cummins 42 M. Davies 44 J. Lukjanov 47 P. Rousis 48 D . Morcom 50 A. Wibawa 51 M. Lynch 52 C . Welle r 53 B. Armistead 54 J. Wrig h t 56 D . Anders 57 D . Watson 58 B. Lewi s 59 K. McLennan 62 G . Pilikidis 63 P. Roseman 66 N . Batskos 67 M . Maschette 68 J. Feldstad 69 J. ~end y 70 H. Luce 72 S. Sylivris 73 N. Datskos 74 A. Richard 80 J. Clarke 88 A. Ballantyn e


Hust Steel Industries 46

Coach : Snane Mottram Assistar f: G .Mandalis Res. Co: .,:h: G .Ternes 1 M . Wright 2 R . Thorp 3 T. Cleveland 4 L Garringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S. Cracknell C 7 D. Zulick i 7 M . Farwer (R) 8 M .Gerolemou 9 S . Devlin 10 B . Farrelly 11 D. Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose 14 M . Butera 15 J . Jacks 16 J . Tate

17 C. Langendort 18 A . Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madrigrano 21 J . Hall 22 G. Mandalis 23 G. Tames 24 R . Hortle 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusick

28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K . Webe r 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 J. Strangio 34 J . O'Neill 35 A. Buter a 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G. Catterall 38 R . Lapish 39 M. Rea 40 L Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Witnish 45 S. Hams

46 C . Siotos

47 H . Gillie s 48 M. Davidson 49 S. Smile 50 B. Warren 52 A. Docherty 53 J. Schulz 55 N. Thomas 56 D. Creek 57 C. Thomas 58 J. Thomas 59 D. MACRAE 60 G . Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D. Edwards

64 B. Walpole 65 J. Harris 66 S. Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L Holmes 69 A. Dowdell 70 E . Ricciu6 71 B . Goldsmith 72 A. Van Rea 75 S . Mills 76 V. Cavelieri 77 R. McCormick 78 B . Carruthers 79 M . Turvey 81 B . Wil l 86 W. Higgins 88 D. Fisher 99 W. Hircoe

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Rd . 14 had all the favourites winning, bar the Xavs , who continue to leave the last final's place, up for grabs ! St . Bernard's resume their stellar season at Victoria Park, when they visit the Xav's, who maintain a tenuous grip on fourth position. The hosts will anxiously await other results after succumbing this afternoon . The undermanned Tonners, led by Dubyna and Gadsden, will be thankful their three week run against the top sides ends today . The Scotchies, continue to peak at the business end of the season and with Pappas and Aurel-Smith in great touch, will inflict further heartache on Old Brighton . OEG have had a horror five weeks and the break certainly came at the right time . Today they welcome

the Fields, who have had patches of excellent play but struggled to keep it together . Despite a more competitive home effort, the Fielders, should take the points . MeKerrow and Rankin provide a potent strike force difficult to combat as Uni continue to ooze quality all over the paddock . Today the Skevs, will need to find the answers if they want finals action . I know they will be gallant, but the Blues will win to maintain second position .

DLS had a great win against the Xavs and kept the slightest hint of a finals appearance alive . Marcellin have also found the winning formula and today should be an excellent contest . With a little more to play for, DLS gets the nod in a tight one ! SECTION 2 - PREVIEW Suburban football returns to Melbourne this afternoon after a weekend off, the under nineteen elite originally scheduled to meet the DVFL representative side last round, in a match that failed to eventuate . Top of the ladder, but ignored by the representative selectors, Werribee travel to Beaumaris this afternoon, a real danger game for the ladder-leaders who haven't played away in the past six weeks . Kicking fifteen goals to three after the long break last round, Werribee recorded -win number thirteen of the season by 82 points, Lee contributing ten majors with Russo also prolific . Beaumaris have beaten every top-four side bar Werribee, and will be desperate to add another scalp to their already impressive list ; yet will struggle at home to the premiership favourites, Werribee home in a tight one . Unbeatable midseason, Old Melburnians appear to be fading at the wrong end of the season, limited to just five majors last weekend in their 35 point defeat to Old Camberwell . This afternoon OM's travel to Mazenod, the home side victims of a 150 point thrashing last round at the hands of Beaumaris . With the finals just around the corner, OM's are in

desperate need of a moraleboosting victory, their meeting wit h

Mazenod a sure chance to r ve their spirit run towards September. Elsewhere Old Camberwell should continue the, ' good run of form away at Old Ivanhoe, the home Sid victors in a one-point thriller last round, wlyfl Hampton Rovers will attempt to hang onto a fair, hope of playing finals football when they play awa at Old Trinity .

SECTION 3 - PREVIEW Dejected after throwing away a near-guarantee spot in the finals a week earlier, Therry Penola too to the field last round desperate to avenge defea attempting the impossible of overcoming ladder leaders Rupertswood in a push towards final football . Playing with an inspired intensity an vigour, Therry matched Rupertswood at ever change, dominating the last quarter with scores tic 13 .17 to 14 .11 at the final siren. However, as th goal umpires conferred in the middle of the groun( the visitors score was corrected to 14 .1 ; Rupertswood home by one point in a finish plague with controversy. Therry's loss meant AJAX would move four point clear in fourth with a win away at North Old Boy ; however not even the prospect of playing final football could lift the visitors, NOBs home by 3 points, severely denting AJAX's push toward September. This afternoon Therry travel to Old Carey, the heir side comfortable 130 point winners last round at th expense of St Bernards (2) . With the finals now IcE than a month awav, Old Carey appear to be peakin at the right end of the season, a win today over it, spirited Therry more than confirming their status a serious premiership contenders. Still focused on reclaiming fourth spot on the tabl, AJAX host Collegians, the visitors impressive 6 point winners over MHSOB last week . Nc capitalising on a Therry loss last round, AJA Xgetonemorechancetodisplacetheiradversai e but first must overcome an in form Collegians outl who on paper look too strong . Seventh plays Eighth as MHSOB travel to Monasl both clubs aiming to regain some respect following string of losses midseason . Despite sitting belo MFISOB on the ladder, Monash will go into the gan as favourites, having earlier in the season traveled' MHSOB and come out victorious by 49 points . TBluescantirgMHSOBoeht t

recording a few wins in the coming rounds, Mona .= to record win number five for the season .athrenMHSOB'sglhodnevtsp




h d )3

--.4 -- 5- .8 --- i0 .lz 16 .1'.-(,17n, STAL~-?i,JS b ST `.l ;>:'L'6 1 .3 2.8 9 .10 1I .18 (84 ) St Bernardo: Pitts 2, Smith 2, Runnals 2 . James 2, Robbins 2, Deeper, Liberatore, Pell, Pearson. Kennett, Kelly, Best : Hooper, Harrison, Ryan, Pearson . Kelly . Keunen St Pevins : O'Keefe 6 . McBride 2. HuOes, Tavior . Shannon Best : Hughes, O'Keefe, McBride, Landers . Ta}7or. Gutlifer Umpires: Graeme Hunichen Max Wittman (F) Ryan Place Joel Wignall tB) Michael Isbister Luke Pipe (G ) UHI BLUES 1 I .5 21 .13 27 .20 34.27 (231) OLD BRIGHTON 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 (19) Uui Blues : MeKerrow 11, Rankin 5, Wood 3, Fletcher 3 . Vaedenbos : 3, Clarke 2 . Hehtz 2, Steele 2 . Torney 2, Costm. Best : Ran Kerrow, Vandenboseh. McPhail, Fletcher . Torney. Old Sri , n , Ear .:te. Duhyna . Best: Dubena . Gadsden, Ryan, Humpnr ily Umpires : Tom Wmdiow Tom Mahon (F) Michael Jone sOLDSCTH3 16 .23 (119) .3 9.10 12.14 OLD CAULFIELD 18 6.11 7.14 10 .17 (77) Old Scotch: Pappas 6, Thompson 4 . Beaurepaire 3, Sneddon 2. Be rBest : Aurel-Smith . Logan, Pappas, Berry . Downing, Aekroyd . Oka

Caulfield: Murphy 2 . Parker 2, Sinclair 2, D`Arcy,Davfes,May, Yelland.Best : Edwards. Sayers. ?viurphp, Parker, Gerrard, Davies . Umpires: Brett Herskope Eli Haves (F) DE LA SALLE 1 .6 4 .9 9 .11 15 .14 (104) OLD XAVERIAPiS 1 .1 3 .4 7 .7 9,9(63) De La Salle : Fieldsend 3, Quirk 't tt tams 3, Keely 2 . D Browning. Va^re. Skinns . Hancock. Best : Gr, -x , Nankervis, Wrihams .C J .-:. Conwav. Old Xaverians: flan ' '12, ,canian . Agrus. Purss, Ru :lie. Gidley . Best : Purss, Armstrong, Gxlly, Scanlan.Rogan .Sadinio. Umpires: Chris Collins Luke Duthie (F) Wiseher Steve Durston-Ryan (B) Sam Perri n CELLIfd 6 .4 9 .10 13.15 2123 (155 ) OLD ESSENDON 0 .1 2.4 3.4 4 .4 (28) fiSareell in: Bortolotto 4, oirbolo 3 . Hardfnr 2, W'-e 2, Colo-, 2 . Borden 2, Mahon, Money.Be . .:o,tulotto. Sae- 1, -on. Ljyle . Dorbolo, Watkins . Old Esaendon: Cthristou B- :an, D_-nn, Mansour Best : Mansour, Wilson, Cerantonlo, b : . 'res : Ritchie Benson jar David t6Rndlow IF' '° ~nier 1B ) i 'ON ° C, 2ALiS 5 .6 8 .11 1i .14 12.19(91) OLD I9,utIIOn 2 .1 15 10 .6 14 .8 (92) Paradians : Goals : Gordon 4 . Girovski 2, lrvine 2, Luff 2, C DiFabio,Giddings Best : irvine . Connelly, Riaher, Girovki, Ryan, Hughes . Old Ivanhoe: I its: Alagana 3 . Bryant 2, Fowler 2, Goegiou 2, Peacock 2 . McFarlane, B, Keane Best: SheIl, McFarlane, Georgiou, Nagel, Fowler . Keane Ur.-F, ~ad Rankin Dec." ' Dinneen IF) OLD CA.,I. .,., . .- L 1 .8 5.9 6.11 9 .12 (66) OLD FiEIRtr ",, 1.4 2.5 3.10 5 .11 (31) Old Cambers :ll: Hendrie 2. 7 a 3 Cottrell . Gosling, Hanson, Hedlev, Middleton. Best : Gosling, Hansor,n, Aiessio, Vince . Johnson. Old Aietburnian, : Theodorous 2, Galbreith, Hindle . Best : Lawler, Hardy, Fagan. Tucker. tlindle, Galhraith . Umpires: Wayne Hinton Tom Haysom (F) Liam Ratcliffe Michael il_fner (B ) ~RRIBEE 4 .3 6 .5 13 .7 21 .10(136) OLD TRINITY 0.2 4 .5 6 .7 7.12 (54) Yderribee: D.Lee 10. Justin Russo 4, Ci :almers 4, Palmungton, Miller, Renaut . Best: D .Lee, Justin Russo, Pahnington . Stornerbrink, Miller, Mcl4a y . Old Trinity: not supplied . Umpires : John Ralph Glen Scotland (Ft To ta„ nParce Michael Camillerl (B ) E .~ .t23 6.8 12.10 19.15 30.18 (198) A__ JD 0 C 0 .2 2.4 4.5 7-6(48) Z :mnans: Borehani 7 Groves 7 Eadv 5 Ploolnough 5 Hogarth 2 Lee Terpsinls Williams Wilson . Best- Hogarih Williams Murphy Boreham Lee Grov, Niazenod : Bourbon 4 Castricuim Kinniburgh Stagliano . Best : Bradley Haniil Power Ware Kinniburgh Wlnstanley . Umpires: Mark Ale der Avi t;ekselman (F) T- ° iOLAM2 .6 5 .8 10 .13 13.17f95) RR_ . "` ,OD 3 .2 7 .4 11 .9 14 .12 (96) Ta er- Petals : Hermes, D Goodwin 3, Cooper, Freekleton 2 . Sheppard, Farn- . , SkiaOlltis. Best : Farrelly, Carroll. Belsey . Harmes, Quinn, Corrigan R_" ;-,wood: Potter 4, Burns. Gaunt 2. Spinner. Jaeger, Phillips . MeEcczr,. Bishop, Monzell . Best : Spinner, Monte, Hewed, Bishop, West, Monzell Umpires : Mick Sneddon (rotation - from A) (F) Andrew Borg (B ) NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .5 6.8 12.11 14 .14 (98) AJAX 2.2 3.8 4.12 8 .14 (62) 280B : West, Kirk 3, Potion, Mathews, Saari 2 . Keenan . Little I Best : Citroen, Dettmann, Kirk, Young . Ryan, West . AJAX : Kestenberg 2, Givont . Lukav, Nankin, Seidl, Thurin, Peters I Best . Kestenberg, Jankie, Nissen, Borvnsztell;, Codron . Givoni Umpires : Peter Pullen Gary Seaborne (F) COLLEGIANS 7 .7 14.9 16 .13 20.16 t136) RiIISOB 0 .0 4 .1 7.3 11 .4 (70) Co llegians : Jorgensen 7 . Blumfield 4, Burrows 3, Roberson 2, Mutton . Ashman . ;vaylar, Parrent . Best : P7aylar . Jorgensen , Portent, Mutton, Ashman, Moon . hSASOB : McGrath 4, 'Whitehorse 2, Greenhill, Saultrv, Hamilton - Ho, AjTam. Clarke. Best: McGrath, Ternes, Foley, Blatt . Hamilton - Ho. Avram . Umpires: Frank Kavanagh Dean Banova (F) Jack

i11B) Grat : ~ .wth Madelene Fagan tGl (2)

1 .1

2 .2

2 .4

7 .3 13 .9 1 9 .13 25 l :enford 2 . Keogh 2, Pettit . Best : Buv,r}m, Dye lor'-d MeP ;anas, Campbell, PettII Old Carey: Ashworth 5 . Angus 5Holmes4,Evan2Chgolis . Simson 2, 'ino . Best : Cheong. Simson . Davey . Trumbull, Collins, mdvlcKino ;pires: Peter GrffRths (F) Lucas V✓illiams Kieran 0'Keefe (G,Its ) ::;

,t'ASH BLUES - bv e r~'P- 9 (21 ELtIE - Round 2 4 PANTHERE 1 .1 1 .4 2 .4 3 .5 (2"

H 7.6 10 .11 19 .15 25 .1 bid, Brown I IL " st : Coglan, Richards, Coe~", Sincla r- ie"n: 4 Dlmachld 6, Orchad 5, B r .?lako:50s 2 . r~ :r.n . Reyaoids . T.Dimachkt gh p Best : Bri s . Italus, M .Dimachki, Orchard . ?tal Umpires: Be (B)

i ( rotation - from Al (F) Brent Adam


6.4 9.10 15.16 20.231143 A 2.1 5.3 8.6 10.10t7 E tone : Robbins 5, Bi 2, I7 s 2, Johnstone 2, Martin 2, BrossC Denatris, Gouzenfiter, n ;: Mitsios . Ramsay, UpstilL B

atris, Brosnan, RotSm . . .c L; :41 . Johnstone Gien„E1ra: B; Del Ba;so 2, Barakat, CnnF, Dirlye, Gutierrez . have, Mae Best:Barakat. Cosgrave, Far:-h . Hassan, Lithgow. Mackay Umpi „choias Brown Nick Rvde (F) Perrin Brown Paul Whitehead (G ) - 3.EIGH CLAYS 2 .1 3 .4 5 .6 I L7 (73 Si 3EDES MEIdTONE TIGERS 5 .5 9 .6 15 . 1 0 18 .11 (119 O€Tzlei gh Clays : R O'Brien 6 Andrews 3 Staker Isaac . Best . St Bedes Rlentone Ty-, :AntouciO'BreLazksIcSofli Andre<us 4 Cieslak 4 Mark 3 McNamara 2 Crosby S Lmd . ::1r Lynch ~ 3orman . Best : Marks Andrews Porter Weeden paterson I UmF' e David Murray Ken MeNteee tF) Jessica Rollo Sean Durston-r c1B7r-AoJakeMh(G ) -' ~ 0.3 1 .6 2.7 5.9 1-

:i 3.4 9.5 17.12 24.16(1xi e: Tulloch 2 . Beer, Sheehan . Quaran . Best : Crowe, C Ho w

„ct .!~ ranrlc Beer . Sheehan Benileigh: Lee 8, Tiso 4 . i . : .>rv 2, Siiri 2.1 : . Lis, Breitkreuz, Forrest, McLellan . Rot brn e Best im :,by . Breitkreuz, Nicholson, Roberts : an

3r', : hum Simon Fearless (F) Mark DutT.c u ;

;LB DISTRICTS 3 .2 4 .5 56 5 .6136 ., O C 7 .3 13 .8 18 .13 23 .22 (160 Soul boarneDistrl^_ts:" ..r ;s3^r>perMc' ;enzie .Best: Cast Ging = >hanadakis D r nil :... St. Johns: Kopeo 5 Ch 4 Peiy :s `lelson 3 Fern : .r .rI Bu,_, . D`Olivera Roman . R)e uBest : Chalk Beattie Arnold Per-r livea Urn~ : Umpires: Leah Galla'~ .

{rotation - from B) Chris Cow,' . .~n (F) Pnthony Vatopou)os (B) Sym , Vafoooulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G ; Uh7}ER-12 ( 2 ) RED Ro=d 11 2 .2 5.4 8.8 9 vAL3 ' 4 .3 8-5 12 .7

AgUih; : Hardham 3- C .Williams 3, Jennings 2, Failla 2, `.`:-~~-~~. Walsh Crozier- Best : Crozier, If heart, Jennings. C .William< . '. Helve- Y: !VALLEY : 3, Britt 2 . Reynolds 2, ask 2,Russell .B :n'.: .r Borland ., -at . Glennie . Russell, Boris al, Fm} ri-..a , sr. .,,--- Jc--ah O'Mara Rick Curtis li 7 D _ .9 10 .12 13 .15 (93) OLT? _ 3 .3 3 .3 5 .6(36) Old 7-, 9 Merl r i. t+rt„P,-n Ford . Best : Rees . Chest Ford, Rubi Ryan, -,-,., .r Bartolo, Bertane, Laws, 's4orsello . Pedrini . Lca : Bartolc, , ter. t :,, .),, ;Jalker, Bertone, iiorsc Umplres : Stephen Caple Riche I nson Sac (FJ ST LEOS E?dMAUS u.2 2.2 7.4 13.5 (83) FITZROY REDS ti .2 13.3 15 .6 24 .11 (1551 St Leas Emmaus : Waters 7, Beddome 4. McCann 2. Best: Waters, Le , Black, berms, McCann, Ferguson . Munro . Fitzroy Reds : Mag.hamez . Richardson 4, Loius-Gleeson 3, Astudillo 2 . Violate . Zika, Hart, Duda Best :Vlolato, Butler, Louis-Gleeson, Dullard, Edwards, Richards( Umpires : Dirk Kramer (rotation - from B) True Ltlley (F) Scott Fraser CHot ;endyk (B) Clive Shipley John Robinson (G) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .0 3 .0 6,3 8 .5(53) BANYULE 3 .1 8.5 10 .7 17 .10 (112) La Trobe University : Walker 2, DaUyntte 2, Scott. Harvey, Murphy B+ Hogan, Tonilinson, MeKail . Clarke, Bridges . Walker Bznyule : Tsmgarts Play4'alr 3- Christian 2, Richardson 2 . Suit 2, Moore, Parfet . 'VJed

Brockweil . loannou Best Richardson, Parfett, Plavfair, Christie loamsidis, Wenke Umpires ; Brian P:oodhead Sean Scully Sr (F ) Played Saturday July 2 6

UPiIVl . . . =I Y BLACKS 10.6 18.8 29.14 37 .21 (243) BE .. '-T ZESTOWE 1 .0 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1(7) Unit .c : Moffatt 10, Brooks 7, Presttd e 1qacGugan 3, Lear Commadeur S . Brumby-Rendell, Builen, ~hishoim 2, Bade, Ayle Woollle, Scott. Best: Brooks. Moffatt, Prestidge . Brumbv-Rende Chisholm, Jesse. Bulleen-Templestowe : McDonald 1 . Best : Teea lacoune, Odza, Collision, Maids, Sanli Umpires : Dianne 14'hite ;ev GI~ Scotland (F) Steve Durston-Ryan Sean Dursten-Ryan (B) Chris Mcltend Michael Jones (G )



Coach: Denis Bdston

Ce'ch: bean Reill6y J . James C. Murphy g T Gerran d J• Yelland T. Hammond 6 M. Townsen d 7 M, Thomson 8 J Brown g N . Edwards i J J may & Carboni . M . Sainsbury A, Green

C. Lill

1 5 L. O'Brien 16 N. Fallu 17 S.Twycroft R . Boyd J Pitts 20 S. Lord 21 M Parker J. Rawlings Z. D'Arcy ;'. D . BuciNtought A . Sahara T. Canty M. Nicklos - .,. J~Y~ d

Harro ~ ~ D. g - ACfie4d 50 J. Foley

53 C. Jone s

1 K . Barden vc) 2 M . Doyle (c 3 J . Mahon 4 J . Wse (vc 5 M . Bort olo tfo 6 L. Caxper

1 M . Sheehan 2 R . Quick

3 M . Fieldsen 4 E . Browning 4 N . Hart 5 M . Clinch

7 A. Tabacherria 8 F. Dorbolo (dvc)

6 S . Meehan

9 S. Considine 0 B. Mills 11 G . Di Felice 12 D . Beatti e ~q A. Money Y

7 D. Keely 8 V. Moloney 9 B. Vague 10 N . Smith 11 R . Hancock

15 T. Money 16 R . Hoyne

12 S. Conway

18 J . Rya n 19 A . Schaepman 20 P. De Luca 21 D. Cirone 22 L. Watkins (dvc) 23 A. Ceccamancini 24 A. Layton 25 T. Clune 26 A. Wadsworth 27 A. S mes 28 J. Carlson son 29 M. Caton 30 P. SPence

27 L. O 'Donnell 28 L . Jarvis 29 M. Nankervis O C 39 B. Oakley (DVC) 46 A . Skinns (VC) 53 D . Browning


3 L. McDonald 5 B . Humphreys 7 N . Stenner

A. Clarke


10 M . May 11 R. Fisher 12 S. Eastgate 13 R . Capom 14 S. Duncan

31 A. Nas J . Williams r32J

16 J. Salem

18 S . Oliver 20 21 23 24 27 28

G. Fielke S. Cooney T. Ryan L. Mead M . Chamberlain B . Richardson 31 S. Jackson

33 R. Joseph 63 D. Ellis

33 P.C r 34 D .T~ y

7 L Biggs 8 E. Baskan

9 D Maze 10 H . Leury it J . Duggan 12 J .Harzvnod 13 L Bone s

14 D-Ceranionio 1 5 S . Clinnick 16 S . Wad e 17 M . Trevaskis

18 L Ballinger

19 P. Rankin 20 J. 21 R. rBadde l r 22 A. Castanga 23 M. Sha w 24 C . Burk e 25 P. Ma y 26 L. Cagliarmi 27 M. King 28 T. Wilson

29 J . Stormont 30 S . Morfesse 31 N . Foot 32 D. Nankervi s 33 D.Har

34 T. Rum e

35 M . Cunningham 36 N . Harding 37 C. PurceO

35 J. Phillips

36 C. Leech

37 M . Schappache r 38 A. Christo u 39 R . Arzanou 40 L . Edgar 41 C . Seven s 42 J . Uren 43 A . Canning

38 S . Nutbeam 39 J . OZusen 40 A. Lapadula

in-site advertising - Mitcham


44 J . Francis


OLD : i B. Nrcktass (VC) 2 J . Wrigh t 3 S . Gambon i 4 A. Sutherland (VC) 5 C. Swan 6 M . Mellott 7 K Downing 8 B. Snaddon 10 E. Beaurepaire 11 A. Wilkinson 12 A . Philatay 13 S . Pappas 14 R . Lowing 15 J . Latimer 17 A . Pearce 18 N. Aakroyd 19 S . Dick 20 N. Tho m 21 L . Thompson (Cl 22 T. Graham 24 P Z09ootas 25 C . Logan '.. 27 S. Jonas 28 S. Yeomans 30 K . Barry 32 R . G-erstman 33 C . Purnell 35 G. Fitzpatrick 41 T. Bull 43 A- Cossar 44 T. Aurel-Smr<h 49 S. Hope

2 C . Tell ~

Coach : James Wison Team n: Graeme WlGamsOn 1 F. Ktenas 2 N. Tad 3 J. Dazkiw 4 C. Heritage 5 W. N unli st 6 S. Dawson

41 A. Cassar Sponsors :


Goaoh: Lacha Waterman Asst Coach : Terry Kendall

Coach : nuam McConnell 1 L. Ross

15 B. Gadsden (C )

17 C . Sier

13 L . Bowden 14 D . Lowther 14 Ni . Hayes 15 S . Smythe 16 J . Adams 18 L. Williams 20 D. Drobric 20 J . Hassell 22 T. Donegan 23 S . Ferwerda 24 J . Gilchrist


Coach : Gavan waish

Coach U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain I O'Meara T 2 Trescorthick J 3 Menige S 4 A~rr m ~gerA 5 Rutura E 6 Kent j M 7 Freer ~ G e11 J g 1 0 tS 11 E_-:e R 12 Ryan J 13 Gm-- L 14 1 Rora M 5 gam~: :A 16 C-n N 17 Cs' P ia S ,r M(C) 19 t`:.nn J 20 V . .::nan D 21 Salvo C 22 SiN ni R 24 Pa~CR 25 Ro.n L 26 0'Hanbn M 27 Purcel, P 28 Whne J 29 Adams S 30 Vaughan S 3t R an A 32 Mclnemey T 33 Ford D 34 Ou;nn D 35 Agius Riggs J R 3367 38 Mefwn-Smah J 3 ayann 9 40 R 0 H ;Snn M 41 Fusinato R 42 Stnbley M 43 Cor an T 44 KaireD a5 Trovato t A 46 Grdfe O 47 Sak r~ 48 Nad=NC A

49 Ly IT

50 C}>aster P St Bo'Nov J

52 Eutier N 53 Fatlhful A

STSEVIN'S ` .` Co cr :. David Law 1 B. Pitts 2 C Cavan 3 J . Hughes 4 M. Walsh J . S mith 5 6 D . Oconnor 8 S . Mathews 9 D. Evans 10 B . Garth I11 A. Marion 2 B. Funnels 13 L . Levtties 14 D. Hurley 15 G . Joseph 17 F. Masiropasqua 18 M . Maggiore 2 27 B. D ape r l 28 C . Kuenen 32 Ch Liberatore 35 B . Ryan 39 J . Stapleton 41 G. Campbell 42 R . James 45 B . Johnson 47 M . Hooper 57 L. Anderson 59 M . Harrison ' 60 J. Hogarth 62 J. Robbins 63 M. Pell 70 K. Buiss

Coach: Ben McGee Asst . Coach : John Welkin 1 J. Mahe r 2 T. OToole 3 L . Giansiracusa (VC) 4 S. Sexton 6 D . McBride 7 R . Taylor 8 S . Landers 9 L. Syme 10 L. Gullder 11 J . Liston 12 C. Taylor (DVC) 13 N. Hutton 14 A. Hamilton (Capt) 15 M . Vera 16 A. Callender 17 M. Welsh 18 M. Drkikwalu 1 9 C . Undenvood (!C) 20 W. Dunn 21 D . Petrou 22 A . Lynch 23 C. Tancredi 25 A . Mulkeams 26 M . Shannon 30 P. Ghougassian 32 S. Hughes 33 S. O'Connor 34 J. O'Keefe 37 H . Powell 39 N . Pope 40 D. Mount 43 W. Gullrter (DVC)


>E~g Rj - - . ~ : )'~ ' . . '-•~~~


I ' Coach: ! im Giles I G . Mui r 2 A . Fitzpatrick 3 A. Rankin (DVC) 4 G. Raney 5 P. Shepherdso n 6 L. Woodhouse 7 C. Bradley (Capt) 8 B . Gi n 9 R. Costin 10 P. Marr~ott 11 M . Shaughnessy 12 S. Gibso n 13 J. Meagher 14 D. McPhail (DVC ) 15 J.VanDyk 16 J . Moyla n 17 C . Northway 18 M . livin g 19 D . Heinz 20 P. Steele 21 J . Wood (VC) 22 F. Derrij 23 P. Kelly 24 J. King (DVC) 25 T. Walke r 26 J. McKena•.v 27 S. Joyce 28 M. Tomey 29 E. Clark e 30 N . Vandenbosch 31 R . Young 32 S . Sithey 33 L. Moore 34 D. Bannister 35 J . Collins 36 A. Groo t 37 C. Ryan

42 S. Fletcher


54 Paee A




D. : D Berry

2 S . Hoult 3 M . Eady 4 L Quirk

7 S . Lynch (VC) 8 D . Taylor 9 M. Wilson (C) 10 J. Kelly 11 T Fitraeraid 14 P. Berr y

15 M . Bramwell 16 C. Terosinis 18 D. Bird 20 R . Dew 21 P. Irons 22 J. Bramwell (DVC) 23 T. Woolnough (DVC) 24 T. Groves 25 26 27 35

B.Bowker C. Shone D. Murphy S . Lee

36 P. Ghys 40 T. Boreh=_m 41 A . Poll 43 J . Tomiin 49 J. Hcgarth 50 D . Wall 52 J . Williams 71 J. Mitchell 72 C. Evans 75 A. Hooper

Coach : Jonw Le Grand 1 T. Namara 2 N .Grill 3 NC Ellis 4 T Jewett 5 R . Bassily 8 L. Fletcher 10 D. O'Brien 11 J. Tippmg 12 B . Kezilas 13 K . Spratt 14 T Po=ter 15 I . Nicholls 16 G . Giasoumi 17 S. Gravina 18 B. Kezilas 19 C . F.latthouse 20 T. Malthouse 21 J. McCarthy 22 B. Henr y 24 Y. Kobayashi 25 M . Terech 26 T. Richards 27 L. Cave 28 L. Jones 29 J . Morley 30 N . Singh 31 M. Scott 32 C- Christianson 33 D . Rayson 34 R . Turnbull 35 D. Fi4ppulos 36 M . Vocale 38 A. Cris p

39 J . McNamara 46 D. Williams 50 B . McCallum 58 B . Wrigh t


. i: Anthonv Quinn it: t.1 . S )s0

2 D . Cable 3 B. Clark 4 D . Malone 5 M . Mitchell 6 D. Giddings 7 S . Luff 8 D. Richardson 10 A . DiFabio 11 R . Ryan 12 M . Irvine 13 S . Maher 14 P. Turner 15 S. Egan 16 D . Watts 17 S. Graham 18 T. Girovsk+ 20 A. McLaughlin 21 D. Kalviskis 23 A . Smith 25 S . Rehlicki 27 M . Drl 29 G. Vincent 30 D . Dean 36 R . Villano 40 M. Hyde (C) 48 A. Elliott


L 52

I ;;, y people TELECOM chill-we GAZMAN E . MURPHY & SONS

1 D . Hansen (C) 2 D. Rega n 3 B . Kinniburgh 4 R. House 5 N . Bradley 6 A . Staghano 7 S . Ware 8 N . Hous e 9 B. Chamberlain 10 J. Mather 11 J . Kavanagh 12 A. Cook 16 T. Bourbon 17 T. Steinfort 18 F. Ree d 21 S . Castricum 22 M . Power 25 S . Stanley 26 G . Hamill 27 M. Rega n 35 A. Winstanley 45 J. Crough 46 D. Dunn e 70 D. Chamberlain 76 A . Varia y

British Paints Life's Brighte r in Colou r Coach : Dean Peter s 2 Day M 3 Aitken J Cap' 4 B;IWani A 5 Salem S 6 Miers J 7 Kenna J 8 DickensonA 9 Amixni C 10 Roger A

11 Gutierrez 0 12 Stebbins N V,'C 13 Webster J DVIC 14 Burgess hi 15 Krakouer S 16 hiarsdenA 17 W9onasso J 18 Herrod T 19 Buckingham A 20 Mediand A

21 Baratta R 22 Verrocchi M 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chifiy E 26 Oliver D V,'C 27 Romney N 28 Butler K 29 Dexter J 30 Burke M 31 de Bruin S 32 Hore-Lacy A 3u Hider B 39 Smith S 42 Leahy H 43 Amore J 65 McDonald E

T. Lyon s 2 L. Weaver 3 G . Hanson 4 B . Hillie r 8 J . Vince 14 J . Hadley 16 A . Langford 17 D . Clyne 18 J. Vince 19 L . Heffernan 20 C. Birrell 21 C. Rogers 22 G . Alessio 23 L. Taylor 24 S . Peasnell 25 S . Johnson 26 C . Hendrie 27 B. Moody 28 A. Peacock 29 D . Bruce 30 A. Mac Callum 31 D. Hanso n 35 M . Shanks 37 L. Mc Dermott 38 W. Bradshaw 39 T. Chas e 40 T. Gosling 43 T. Sigalas 45 D . Ramsay 46 D . Money 47 B. Cottrell 48 M. Westman 50 B. Withers

Tea _ P 1 A .Atagona 2 B . Nagel 3 Rhys Mitchell 4 R . Butle r 5 G . Bryant (VC 6 A. Reed 7 R . Coleman 8 R. Stern e 9 J . Uljans 10 M . Verrochi 11 G. Fowler 12 D. Peacock (!C) 14 A . Grange r 17 Z. Keane 18 I . Dawkins 19 L. Hammon d 20 C . Georgiou (VC) 21 Rob Mitchell 22 J. Britten 30 G . Hope 34 S . Adderley 35 M . Briggs 36 P. Barrett 44 J . Siegersma 53 S . Snel l 54 J . McBride 55 J. Pierera 56 P. Lowry

Coach: Fab Gatti 1 M . Palminaton 2 J . O'Brien 3 C . Lee 4 N . Renault 5 D . Bunvrorth 6 P. Chalmers 7 T. Andrews 8 R. Barke r 9 Josh Russo 10 L .Gat t1S o . Bianc 12 B . Stomebrink 13 A . McNally 14 S . Black

15 M. McDonald 16 R . R9enYna 17 P. Cassin 18 B. Pnsmal! 19 L . Gatti 20 N.Addamp 21 N . Renaur 22 D . Lee 23 Justin Russo 24 P. Keda h 25 B . Black 26 A . Cain 27 S . Smith 28 M. Miller 29 P. Spy 31 J. Tanner 34 R. PAentha 47 S. Simpson 66 B. McMahon THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2'.03

~'-~- . _ . i Blusztein Phil Pozen - berg ( DVC) '1 Bloom 6- Lukav ,gen Jankie

l Petty

sriein ," , ey Ki - ;s Jherg J : ani (V. Capt) R . F'; :::ne ,I . T~urin ( Capt) ;i,. L aso n J L •rski ' vas J. Schulberg B. Ros e J. Landberg L. Frdman P. Bryner A . Sacks L. '~aers R . Grof L. Peters


.. . . CL_ .h : Andrew Kenneally A. Stone 2 M. Parrent 3 L . Scume 4 J. Adgemi s 5 M. H I hes 6 D . Williamson 7 C . Eig 8 S . Brown 9 k Rose 10 C . Dunwell 11 0. Walmsley 12 A . Khoury 1 3 Z 4tcc n 14 J . Ashman 15 W. Crothers 16 N . Burrows 17 D. short 18 A . FaGns 1 9 J . Ho ;man 20 D. Mutton 21 E . Malon e 22 E . Adams 23 M . Stetandark 24 J .Jor9 ensen 25 S. Gilbert 26 G . Wells 27 S. Crouch 28 J. Slatyer 29 C. Howlett 30 M . Naylor 31 H . Jenrngs

32 C . Bombed

33 J. Goldenfein 34 B. J .Lamm 35 C . Harrison 36 N . Van D uy 37 C . Hoist 38 T. Cook 39 A . Bridgewater

Coach : Caoeii Duke 1 J . Aitken 2 M . Brain 3 D. Pinwil l 3 A. Van Rooyen 4 T. Schocker 3 S . Whittington 4 B. Gevau x 5 G . Bla u 6 T. Biddrngton 7 D. Gold 8 R . Tames 9 J . Mathe w 10 C . Eva 11 D . Kemp 12 S. i ng adr 14 P. McGrath 15 D . Membrey 16 A. Villan i 17 A. Orchar d 18 R . Newlan d 19 S . Fo ley 20 T. Dunn e 21 J . Ma_rmo 22 P. Greenhill 22 R . Erm 23 A . Hogan 23 S . Mitchell 24 M . Avram 24 K . Harding 25 R. Whitehouse 26 A. Edwards 26 M . Van Alphen 27 R. Osidacz 27 T. Middleto n 28 G S auf(ry ..28M Hamdt on-Ho 29 S. Sinha

4 0 R . Kage n 41 0. Howard

42 M . Fletcher ( - ~ - 43 C . Feld 44 A . Nichola 45 q . Katz ,46 D. Cannizza

t]" E. JYS C ch : Brendan Smales A.,t Coach : Shaun Kelly

2i B. Owen 3 P. West ( C)


5 A. Tucker 6 B. Sheehan 7 8 C. Whiny ~

9 J. McKenzie 10 M. Little 11 D . Weardon 12 B. Joske 13 M. Peron 14 M. Ruff

15 B. Knight 16 A . Norman 17 B . Young (VC) 18 B . Dett mann

19 J-P. Matt hews 20 L. Clarke (DVC ) 21 J . Robert s 22 Y. Sadd 23 R . Kirk 24 P. Gregory

25 D. Langdon 26 S . Rocco 27 B . Kelly 30 R. Keenan 34 R. Citroen 36 D. Ryan (DVC) 39 A. Ellio tt 40 D . Dell

coach : Dennis Grace Team na Shiv Seygottn 1 P. Gurr 2 A. Terry 3 C Finlayso n 4 K Mudge 5 M . Chapma n 6 B. Gebhardt 7 H . Bevis 8 J. Hindso n 9 M . Cole 10 S. 0Dcnneli (C) 11 B. Sharpe (VC ) 12 M. Tennant 13 M. Jones ( !C) 14 R . Shields 15 B. Hayter 16 D . Stewart 17 M . Kerr 18 A . Finlayso n 19 T Cobban 20 L. Leviston 21 D . Metlikovic 22 D . Grace 23 B . Hindl e 39 D . Taylor 44 S . Grace 71 M . Spence 74 P. Westbroo k 75 A. Turt on ~--

M F j or Sponsors -

.5 s"



GYP Fabricators -


New r Clothin g

C Cc

Coach : Craig Williams

1 2 3 4

T. Rossignuolo L. MacFarlane C . Macde mott A . Simson

5 D. Large

6 N . Sulman 7 C. Adam 8 A . Stewart -Holmes (vcj 9 B . Croft 10 A. Leonard 11 D. Bowley 12 J . Ashworth 13 R. Davey 14 C. Eddison 75 A. Thompson 16 T. Angus ( c) 17 T. Connell 18 T. Wilkins 19 G . Trumbull ( c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K. Parker 22 T. Evans (vc) 23 C . Pinches 24 J . Ridley 25 C . Howat 26 B . Collins 27 J . Choong 28 A . Collins 31 P. Niven

33 L. McKinnon



r y

:h : Mick Phillips

1 Phillips J d~ J. (VC) 2 ~ Anderson

3 4 Spinner L . 5 Quinn B. 6 McEwan K. 7 Plummer J . 8 Jaeger R . 9 West T. 70 Heywood D . 11 Moule G. 12 Hevrat M . 113 3 Ba P. an N. NCj 15 Broughton

76 Monzell R . 17 Pott er C . (C~t) 18 Tterry C . 19 Moiler D. 20 Const an tine B . 21 Van Boxtell M . 22 Dale S . 23 Bums M. 24 Brennan L . 25 Carlo A. 26

rt C.

Bishop p S.

28 Davis J . 27 29 Harrison M . 30 Gaunt M. 31 Fell N. 32 Angarano P. 33 Clark S. 34 Dressier E. 35 Li tt le M . 36 McGilvray S. 37 McGovern D . 38 Silvester J . 39 Smith J .

40 Powell D.

Coach : John Fraser 1 C . Rogers 2 C . Govan 3 M. Walsh 4 C . Mitchell 7 D . Mcmurtrie 9 D . Evans 11 A . Mario n 13 L. Levide s 14 D . Hurley 15 N . Bu n gn 16 P. Oxenford 18 S . Smith 27 B . Draper 28 J . Anderson 30 D. Lancashire

33 D. Field 35 T. Pearson 36 S . Cox 38 J . Eg an 39 M . Ewes 41 G . Campbell 49 D. Mcmanus 51 M.

56 A. Odeaney 57 L . Anderson 58 J. Tankey 61 W. Vick 65 P. Thompson 66 J. Watt s

67 E . Johnston 68 J . Faulkner 70 K . Buiss 72 N . Kan e 73 P. Keogh 74 J . O 'connell 75 B . Pettit


:h : Paul =non

I B . Cor ri gan 2 J . Betsey (vc)

3 S . Turner 4 R . Skiathitis 5 B . Morris 6 J . Hermes 7 B . Bowcock 8 J . Quin n 9 T Hoatso n 10 J . Crotty 11 T Sheppard 12 S. Leach 13 J. Dooley 14 J. Fento n 15 B. Owe n 16 M. Farrelly 17 J. Slawitschk a 18 M . Badenhope 19 M . Arki n 20 C . Capeweil (c) 21 J . Brosna n 22 D . Goodwi n

23 D. Caliegari 24 M . Farold i 27 I. Gunawarden a 29 R. Hean e 32 J . Coope r 33 J . Freckleto n 40 J . Brosnan




Coach: M . Lee 1 R. Dolman 2 R. Heywood 3 0 . Lewis 5 T. Ridgway 6 J . Roberts 7 S . Hamesby 8 B . Holden 9 D. Wild 10 D. Fogarty 11 J . Rahilly 12 T. Wright 14 M . Wilson 15 D. Straker 16 B. Tso 17 J. D'O8aY 18 P. Breitkreuz 19 S. Nicholson 20 M . Sidney 21 R . Turner 22 B. McLellan 23 S. Corrigan 24 M. Te Hennepe 25 N . Salvatore 26 L . Forrest 27 M. McLellan 30 K. Pereira 34 A. Jolly 35 A. Lee 47 S. Wright 52 M. McLellan 54 B. Meehan 62 T. Krotofil


SCOBLE ' S NU~~1,,'RY' Ti le Importers flAKLE1GH CLAYS



3 D . Howard 4 N . Ha rt 5 M. Francis (C) 6 M. Sheehan 7 L. Casey 9 M . Hayes 9 J . McKenzie 10 D. Thompso n 12 S . Crowe 12 L. Casey 14 E . Browning 19 A . Hillier 19 W. Quaran 20 B . Pedula 21 K. Higgins 23 J . Hennessy 26 D. McLeod 27 B , Raisbeck 28 B. Walton 30 K. De Ridder 30 M . Nixon 33 J . McCluskey 35 C. Howard 35 T Robson 41 D. Thompson 42 L. Fisher 46 K. Smyt h 47 J. Greaterore x 52 M . G riffi n 53 J. Casey ,


;r : ch . John Howard A: ; Coach : Brian Adis

Coach: Rob Smith


Adam I

2 Baraket A 3 Baraket 0 4 BanbarJ 5 Barbuto A 6 Bennett L 7 Bol U 8 Byrne C 9 Cooper T 10 Dimachki M 11 Dimachki T 12 DiniA 13 Dini A 14 Didye A A 76 Ellis Edl 17 Farrah M 18 Gibson B 19 Haji A 20 HassanA 21 Hassan 1 22 Hassan M 23 Hastie D 24 Howarth P. 25 Leary M 26 Levy S S 27 Ltthg~y 28 Makay A 29 O'Shannessy T 30 Predavec S 31 Prokhorov T 32 Rabi Y 33 Rankin J 34 R Yan T 35 Sheehan D 36 Shetlard L 37 Taranto A 38 Urbino H 39 Vardis M 40 V inning B 41 Vodstncil M

0 _ _-n:

It Garune r

1 A . Murray 2 D . Ccuniha m 3 R . Nahas

n S . Earl

5 M. Jordan 6 D . Cleary 7 C . Lam b 8 G. Torcasi o 9 D . Wills 10 C. Hogan 11 W. Plaukovit s 12 G. Ytagliart o 13 L. Rowan 14 P. Brow n 15 R . Holden 16 S . Whit e 17 S . Brigg s 18 S . Serres 19 A. Ciavarell a 20 N . Will s 21 J . Brigg s 22 T. Orchard 23 D. Zul a 24 J . Reynold s 25 J . Nevezi e V. Maraventarto D. Costiga n A. Shifto n A. Middlemiss S. On

Current Solution s APM Group .


coschai m H le Coach: Steve Muscat Team Manager: Anita Muscat Asst : Paw hi irar & David Rorwnsan Coach: Glenn -iord 1 McGettigan M 1 E. Nassrallah 1 A. Thompson 2 McNamara D 2 J . Isaac (DVC) 2 G Medc aft 3 Cleary G 3 D. Haas 3 J . Woodgate 4 L'Huillier D 4 C . Lazarakis (VC) 5 Gilmore S 4 C. Schleiger 5 J. Thoma s 6 Buck A 5 D. Brosnan 7 Grasby P 6 S. Nussbaum 6 T Denatris 8 Kelly L 7 R . O'Brien 9 Sero fi n L 7 D. Black 8 C . Thomson T. Peel 9 9 C . Rossenlis ~~ We`ekdon N 10 L . Wells 10 S. Schellebeck 12 Powell G 11 B. Arnold 13 Rouillon L 11 S. Sullivan 12 C. Johnstone (DVC) 14 McMurray L 12 J. Margetis Mcconchie 15 Curry P 13 S . 13 J. Evangelista 16 Lovelock R 14 S. Davis 14 F. Patuad 17 Laver 16 S. Mitsios 15 S. Vaughan T 18 Samya J 17 D. Martin 17 C . Nayna 19 Paterson A 20 R. Lemer 20 Lynch J 18 M . Marziale 21 Cieslak L 21 B. Upsfill 20 J. Fred rickson 22 Terrell L 21 K . Onurlu 23 L . Gouzenfiter 23 Waters D 22 D . Armansin 24 M . Anderson 24 Moss D 23 M . Sofouli s 25 Porter D 25 R. Make r 26 Hilton M 24 J . Staker 26 D. Tehennepe (VC) 27 Jones L 25 A . Evangelista 28 B. Harris 28 Andrews M 26 X . Deayton ( Capt) 30 A. Jirov 29 Lynch D 27 V. Sen 9 31 A Bukala 30 Mad docks J 28 S . Cook (DVC) 31 McConnell K 33 A. Cook (C) 32 Petrovic J 29 S . Tan 34 S. Ramsay 33 . Thomas 30 M 44 B. Robbins 3 4 B gnell R 32 S . Burgo 61 G . Evans 35 Thompson G 34 R. Wood 41 J . Antenucci Hodges Real Estate Menton e 42 D. Andrews Clearcut Hairdressin g 43 B . Jeffreys IFCO 44 B . Evangelista Brighton Nissan 54

Coaches: Svend Samild, Dean Andrew 1 D . Cochrane 2 Ja Date 3 A. Erskin e 4 Br Faibanks (C) 5 N . Fisher (VC ) 6 Ri Ironmonger 7 An Kiantos g M. May 9 T. hliNalsky 10 K. Regan 11 D . Russo 12 B. Russo 13 E. Millis 14 T. Millis 15 R . Boumon 16 An Wilso n 17 B . Carroll 18 S . Cadwallen 19 B . Richards ( C) 2 0 T. Brown (VC) 21 R . Haslemore 22 M . Nielson 23 Be Co hla n 24 D . Fieldg 25 C . Sinclair 26 N . Sutherland 27 K . Pridham 28 A . Trist M. ~p Ryan 4'an 323 G. Rastas 24 M . Pec k 25 A. Wilson 26 Br Pratt 27 G . Bo tt omley 28 M . Latha m


Coach : Matthew Webb 1 Nathan Chalk 2 Ross Dean 3 Jeremy Di az 4 Glen D'Olivera 5 Chris Domingo 7 Michael Purnell 8 Damien Homan g Matt Hope 10 Daniel Johnston 11 Bradley Judd 13 Michael Kosmala 15 Peter Langham 16 Luke Merchant 17 Wigor Monteiro 18 Michael Nelson 19 Ashley Panty 20 Matthew Phaedonos 21 Darryl Pinto 22 Benjamin Worrell


Coach : Darren Mcf61lop

1 T. Cronan 3 0. Kohnesheen 6 E . Costell o 7 R . Gingell 8 J . Niem i 9 C. Batchelor (VC ) 11 J . Cook e 13 L. Stanza 16 J . Newson 18 E . Bouchard 21 D. Whitin g 22 L. Bell (C) 25 A. Ray 26 A. Excel l 27 J . Cronan 33 J . Merchi c 40 S. Walde n 54 M . Giannellis 58 J . Masterton 59 A. Giannellis 69 W. Cooper 78 M . Stephanadakis 79 N . Strachan 88 D . Phillips 89 L . Elser




- .

., : TerryMcEvoy iIlls ^ Helme Wall Loonstra Dexter a`,tunchovd r,, Williams _ obzcuk 3ms lalsh Dymons u . Nardham P Galliott fisser C. Crozier Faille D. White D . Jennings Kinghorne D . Muir B . Pratt


--- -

Goacn : Phiv Demetriou

1 Z . Wenke 2 J, Stockwell 3 A. McGovern 4 P. Adams 5 A. Brown 6 M. Morgan 7 R . Moore 8 A . Demetriou 9 M . Christian 10 R . Wright 11 P. Blayney 12 M . Pariett 13 W. loannidis 14 M . Lardo 15 A. Evans 16 A. Mitropoulos 17 C . Davies 18 T Wise 19 T. Mcintosh 20 A . loannou 21 D. Herbert 22 J . Tsinga s 23 J . Everest 24 A. Bottomley 25 C . Stavropoulos 26 L . Richardson 27 A. Kayrooz 28 B . Herbert 29 T. Shepherd 30 S . Sal i 31 I. Stokes 32 D. Nichols 33 D. Playfair 34 M . Depetro 35 B. Stanton


Cos n : Harry Hadsiou 4 C. t>adula 7 J . Ryan 10 T. Lee 11 A. Varga 12 B. Tekm 13 A . Smith 14 E . Miritis 15 E . Sanli 16 J . Newman 17 D. McMillan 18 J . McDonald 20 R . Tremayne 22 D . Seraiocco 23 A. Stavretis 28 P. Murch 24 B . Micron 36 A . Coulston 38 E . Odza 40 T. King 41 J . Wolnizer 42 J . Simon 43 M . lacuone 49 B. Lapadula


~T. ` ~ Coach : Cliff Lever Coach : Jim Hudson B. Gerace

J. Tanner R . Nad u J'Aason G. Walker S . Vining F. Pavez A . Miller P. Neville C. Lever :' . Taylor Celeca Pott s :S . Potts ~,. Wood s Tay lor Drsello ~rP L. . wsO n 'r;veather Gilbert -3 A . Mokrusch -%4 P. Hudson 25 G . Bartlett 26 M . Gamier 27 J. Bartolo 28 D. Hudso n ? T. Whiting9 1 J. Pedrinl ',1 M. Monahan E Nazifovski :I=eriv7eather I Johnsto n



yn e : ucc one.o

Ceaones: Ot9(1)1 any Du~gan 01s(2) Fred chamb in O'Meara T 1 2 Trescowt la c.: J 3 rscm mer s 4 A`~'`0`~3 5 Runira E A 6 Kenfield M 7 Freer S e~~i J 9 R S to Hu~tett It aoudce R 12 Ryan J

Coach : Justin Vaughan 1 J . Pasca l 2 J . Waters

15 ez .-tt A 16 Cor~rar, N 17 C~°ri,rnaan P ~9 ~•~ to) no zo 21 c 22 23 f ~n', RR 24 5C 25 F 26 OHZnion M 27 Purcell P 28 Whil e 29 30 Vaughan S 31 R anA 32 r,~lnemey T 33 Ford 0 34 4umn D 35 ~~5 p

3 M . Ford 4 G. Cocks 5 R. McCann 6 R. Toms 7 B. Game S G . Homer 9 L . McDermott 10 A . Kennedy it M . Levins 12 D . Cappock 13 C. Phyland 14 R. Fa6o n 5 C. Lee 16 C. Huan g 17 P. Carse 18 A. Egan 19 P. Barnewall 20 T. Munro 21 S. Elliott 22 M . Beddome 23 G. Hanson 24 M . Ferguson

37 Runco R 38 Mer,1n-Smrth J

25 M . Williams 27 R. Morris

t3 Gmn~an L 14 Roa~e M

Ra S 43 , DYHanlon M 41 Fus:naro R 42 StnGley ~~a„MT

33 M . Donald 46 M. Cardosi


br J Fhid

~ Pag 54 ~e


Coach : Lachlan Beaton Ass Coach : David Watson 1 Mark MacGugan 2 Jamie Mapleson 3 Rob Mottatt 4 Michael Commadeur 5 Lee Crossley NO 6 Simon Bade 7 Andrew Jesse (c) 6 Lachie Sullen 9 Kynan West 10 4G arch Prestidae (vc ) 11 Hugh TunnedrTr" 12 Dwain Crrtchley 13 Jeremy White 14 Rohan Ault 15 AshleY Lynch 16 Sam Fientv 17 Richard Woad t8 Duncan Brown 19 Also KeiIy 20 Michael Practor 21 Richard Whatley 22 Michael Steele 23 Stephen Commadeur 24 Brendan Edwards 25 Scott Palmer 26 Lachlan Clanc7 27 Francis SlaHery 28 Matthew Morns

a .


Coach : Zoran Colovi c o . Brennan N . enage s

s. e: n R0. ec„, E_ cc , a n a c on ~, C s L< ~. o- .,nple M. Darcy a . De Bru n D. Fenn?I. a cbsc~ A. Han P. H~ J. Hanke •,- Harve y B Hayes p ~~„n s c, Kean J~rn~n D Lau9n!an c o-naxirey 0 . naon T. I' nnes M. V Donald KW 0 s' 1 rhy G. c "x' e. Ra,ie~nd~ S. Rumbo!d A Seca G . Scott J . S-11 AM. rorrn n N . UI h } Vell a

J, Waldro n ;" n;nog ,¢, T. i e T-lk T. woad - . Y- .

., . Y



Coach : Peter Battl e 1 L. Hickey 2 D . Tsouparikovits 3 G . Martin 4 T. Peters 5 B . Nicholas (c) 6 A . Maudsley 7 C . Walke r 8 M . Rokicki 9 D. Borlan d 10 L. Askew 11 C . Brit 12 T Amo s 13 B. Glenni e 14 E . Go tte n 15 A . Russe ll 16 S . Yeo 17 W. Carte r 18 D. Wrigh t 19 D. Reynolds 21 K. Everist 22 T. Hooper 23 D . Bartolomeo

29 Sam Price

24 N . Tilley

30 James Fuller Mark Turner 35 Brendan Goonan 37 Herbert Barlo w 38 Nick Brooks (vc)

25 B . Seeger 36 H . Shakespeare

40 Kyle Mage e

44 Kaiirr2 0 45 Trovato M 46 Gsdley o 47 S dk N 48 NadmicA 49 L'nch T


Coach : Tim BeII ,-at: Tony Dullard 1 S .Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson 3 R . Williams 4 D Robbins 5 J. VDlato 6 C . Dullard 7 D . Pocock 8 E. Clarke 9 A . Butler 10 J . Coyne 11 J . Mujanovic 12 M. Rogers 13 M. Zika 14 D . Ryan 15 T. McBurney 16 S . Cahill 17 B . MacDonald 18 R. AstudillD 19 N. Hart 20 D. McPhee 21 D . Russell 22 S. Edwards 23 K . Maghamez 24 R . Willingham 25 J . Ziemer 26 J . Richardson 27 A. Merhi 28 C. Meighen 29 W. Murray 30 A. Maroon 31 S. Glouftsis 32 R . Hage 33 G. Brown


. . ..

. -. ..

' y 2~Q3 • vi or : tJfi$® -

5 4 C allum 8arter 56 Sam Chishol m 59 Andrew Woolley 72 Josh Costello 74 Jamie Dowsley 75 Oliver scot t 77 Tristan Brumby Randal l 1 1 0 And rew Ay le t





FOOTB,-,-,L INTEGRATION 155Ccjt-710 N -7 ::.EPOI2°I' ROUND 9


1 i ,, second last round of the year was played at a i ry of venues throughout the state . games were plaved at Parkville the first being ticonee Valley Magpies playing Port Colts 2 . It was risingly low scoring affair with Port Colts 2

, .Ling an unexpected win against the inform side

game of the round is between Broadmeadows i and Mambourin Tigers both these sides won last week and are in good form . Broadmeadows look like being able to just get over the line in what should be a very close game . The next game is between Parkside and Bulleen Templestowe. The younger Bulleen Templestowe side may be to fast for Parkside although Parkside have shown some good form in the second half of

division two . Port Colts 2 : 4 6 30 to Moonee }}-, Magpies 2 1 13 . The next game for the ;,nund was between Karingal 1 and Port Colts 1 . € , I :arh,gal side was far to good for Port Colts 1 , ; ; the day and seem to be headed for another ,ick at the Division 1 trophy . Karingal 1 : 14 8 92 io Port Colts 1 : 0 1 1 . The final game played at xl:ville was between Karingal 2 : and Parkside ooil these sides have struggled for consistent form ; his year. Karinga121ed all day with Parkside's goal ;icUng proving to be the difference . Karingal 2 : 6

the season . ivioonee Valley Magpies take on Broadmeadows 2 in another close game with Moonee Valley Magpies seemingly having enough skill to get over the line .

!' 0 to Parkside 2 7 19 .

In the last game for the round Karingal 1 are playing Maribyrnong Bulldogs and it is hard to see Maribyrnong Bulldogs defeating Karingal who have taken all before them this season .

!Sulleen Templestowe hosted Mambourin Tigers u d were unable to use their home ground to their vantage with Mambourin Tigers showin g picnirising form at the business end of the season . >San~bourin Tigers 5 6 36 to Bulleen i cnlplestowe 2 4 16 . . ;oth Broadmeadows sides traveled up the highway ia Albury to take on the Ovens & Murray Jets . !~roadmeadows I played confident football and ~ ,, ere able to account for Ovens & Murray Jets 1 by a 28 point margin . Broadmeadows 1 : 7 8 50 to Ovens & Murray Jets 1 : 3 4 22 . In the Second Division Ovens & Murray Jets 2 : 5 12 42 surprised all of the judges by defeating Broadmeadows 2 : 3 6 24 . it was great effort by the "Jets" who have struggled against Broadmeadows 2 this season .

Ballarat won their game as Ringwood Blues forfeited and Maribyrnong Bulldogs had the bye this round . PREVIEW ROUND 10 :

Round 10 is the last round before the finals with all games being held at Elsternwick Park . The first

Karingal 2 are playing Port Colts 1 but may struggle against the in form Port side . Ovens & Murray Jets 1 play Ringwood Blues and should be able to account for the Ringwood Blues who have had an up and down season . Port Colts 2 play Ovens & Murray Jets 2, on form it looks like Port Colts 2 may just get over the line .

Ballarat have the live this week and will go into the finals fresh < er e week off .



F Agsi %


0 0 717 109 557.80 36 1 0 844 84 3004.76 32 1 0 411 157 261 .78 32 B! :OA[ rf)=AOOWS 1 9 6 3 0 450 251 1 79.28 24 9 6 3 0 337 389 86.63 24 PORT COLTS 1 MAM 60CIR1fdTJC,ERSS 4 4 0 225 463 48 .60 16 BULLEEM-TE M P. 9 4 4 0 171 375 45.60 16 0 & Rh JETS '1 9 2 7 0 275 473 58 .14 8 PAliKSEDE 9 2 7 0 167 546 30.59 8 PAAR€6YRPsOtdG 9 1 7 0 227 397 57:18 4 4 R ; 34V000 9 1 8 6 158 751 21 .04 PWLD F Agst °ie pis n juivi c'vnLLEY 9 7 2 0 416 152 273 .68 28 PC"` f QLTS 2 9 5 4 0 240 24€1 100 .00 20 BROADMEADOWS 2 9 5# 0 246 284 86 .62 20 0& h1 JETS 2 9 3 6 0 214 383 55 .87 12 "Race'n+ed forfeit last roun d



~3s[.: ECtS '., [.:'E

nning Edge es : :~a~~iotfs - of Round l '-, Jon 1 . Mareeilin ended their season on a high note with victory by forty four points over an inaccurate Monash Blues . Anyone who did as I did, i .e . arrive for the second half of the Old Xaverians versus De La Salle game could have been excused for believing De La Salle was leading as they had most of the play . An operational score board would have revealed the facts, which were Old Xaverians had built a big lead early and were never in danger of defeat . Their winning margin was thirty six points . A strong Old Ivanhoe combination overpowered a competitive Collegians and won by one hundred and five points . Good players for the winners were : A feature of the game was the running of the three umpire system .

As predicted, St Kevin's were too strong for a depleted Praliran and in heavy conditions won by twenty one points . Section 2 Nort h Old Essendon had a thirty nine point win over Old Xaverians, whom they will meet today in the Second Semi Final .

Congratulations to Old Carey, who scored their first win, albeit by the minimum margin, over University Blaeks, who thus will not take winning form into Sundays First Semi Final . Therry Penola gave their worst performance of the season in heavy conditions and were soundly beaten by the confident, Fitzroy Reds, who thus qualified for Sunday's First Semi Final . Old Trinity had the bye. Section 2 South

St Leo's ended their season with a nine point win over Whitefriars, whose form has tapered off over the past few weeks . Mazenod . who grabbed an early lead over Old Geelong, were never headed and won by eighty eight points . An inaccurate Eley Park defeated A,J .A .X. by nineteen points. Straighter kicking would have enabled "The Sharks" to have finished in second place. Old Brighton clinched second place for the first time as a result of their ninety nine point victory over Hawthorn Amateurs, who remained winless throughout the season . Preview of Semi Finals Section 1 . First Semi Final. Prahran and Old Ivanhoe enter this game with contrasting form and a victory over each other in the minor rounds . Prahran won by twenty six points in Round 2 whilst Old Ivanhoe won, at home, by forty nine points in Round 9 . Old Ivanhoe, who have found form at the right time will have Kobe, Stewart and Risstrom to lead their forward brigade, whereas Prahran will rely on the proven combination of Butterworth and Cartledge, who surely will have a better final's series than in 2002! 1 expect a close contest as neither side will concede easIly. In the final analysis, I select Prahran because I believe their forwards will be too tall for the Old Ivanhoe defenders . 60

Second Si nii Final . Old Xaverians will start fir m favourites as they have . i~ convincingly beaten De L a Salle twice during the season . De La Salle will miss the injured "Bomber" Jennings and it would seem they will lack the depth to cover all the Xaverian stars . Captain Nick Fay and his predecessor, Tony Landrigan do well in the mid field and up forward Hardwick and George should again kick their team to victory . Section 2 North First Semi Final. Long standing rivals, Fitzroy Reds and University Blacks come to Sunday's game with a victory over each other during the season . However, the Blacks despite their well publicised playing list seem to have lost their way over the latter part of the season . Allowing for Dl support and vacation, their last two performances have left a lot to be desired . On the other hand the Reds have finished full of running and did what few can do last week by winning at Therry Penola . Tony Jackson gives mid field drive and Nick Auden has been impressive with his clearing dashes . Up forward "Plugger" certainly presents a target and if he can hold his marks he will prove a real problem for the Blacks' defenders . My selection is Fitzroy Reds. Second Semi Final . Old Essendon Grammarians enter this game as hot favourites as they have twice convincingly defeated the Old Xaverians during the season . Their second victorv, which will build confidence, was as recently as last Saturday . Evans, up forward, for Old Essendon had a day out last week with 7 goals . These coupled with his four goals in Round 7 makes his tally equal to the Old Xaverian's, total goals in the two matches . Eddy and Papal have also performed consistently for Old Essendon, whereas Old Xaverians nominated best players have been spread widely . Old Essendon when judged over the fourteen week season is worthy of my selection.

Section 2 South First Semi Final. Whitefriars, despite poor recent form, have twice defeated Eley Park during the season, nineteen points in Round 2 and by twenty two points in Round 9 . Nevertheless . Eley Park enter Sunday's game as favourite because of their better 2003 record . I believe Grant will be too fast for Bonne}man around the ground and will give first use of the ball to Eley Park running players like Cresswell and by, who in turn will enable Psaltopoulos and Price to again be among the goals. The bulk of "House" Naismith, (5 goals in Round 9) and Bonneyman in the marking duels will pose a problem for Eley Park as will the dashing defence of Jackson . From what I have observed in four matches, it is my belief that Eley Park will win because they will be too fast and fit for their Whitefriars opponents . Second Semi Final. Mazenod come to today's match having beaten Old Brighton twice . THE A MATEUR FOOTBALLER 2002

;und 4 Mazenod won by twenty seven points and in Round 11 ,

,r margin was twenty three points . Today will see the leading 1 kickers opposed . Cochran (Old Brighton) now leads Fothergill ;enod) by two goals . How these two fare will have a big bearing the outcome . Mazenod have other active forwards in Coac h nd and Fisher and around the ground The Crow" flies hig h n the ball in the air. Mazenod should maintain their unbeate n today by defeating Old Brighton.

4 .3 5.4 6.11 8.13 (61) MONASH AL-::,CELIN 3 .2 8 .7 10 .8 16.9 (105) Aionash : O'Dwyer 2, L.Woods, Grindley . Angley, Coughlin, Collier. M .WOods. Best : Moir, Lombardo,Thomason, Plehn, L .Woods . Marcella : Petroff 9, Probyn 3, M .Dowlmg 2, Dec . P.DowLng. Best : Petroff, Toohey, Symes, S.Mathews, Alexandridis, RIF,g. Umpires : Michael Phillips Mark Thornhill (F ) 13-5(83) OLD XAVEIUANS 4.1 8 .3 9.3 D 7, LA SALLE 1 .2 1 .4 3.9 6 .11 (47) 01d Raverians: Goals : L Hardwick 6, Fowler 2, Erskine . L MeHarg, Davies . Jones Fitzgerald . Best: Conquest. Fowler, L Hardwick. Poutus . Curnow, Erskine De La Salle : Goals : Buick 2, Sanest, Chaps, Bowler . L째st : Beretta, Buick, Dwyer. Norton. Sarong, Tucker . Umpires: Dean Banova Lindsay McIntyre (F )

U18 (1) 6 64 Cartlidge CG',hran 2 44 L Hardwick qd Xaverians R George 0 24 Old Xaverians 0 23 Butterworth Prahran 0 21 Oakley Collegians G18(F~ old Essendon Evans 0 29 [-ilzroy Reds Prior 0 24 old Essendon Eddy 0 23 Old Trinity Cade 0 16 Old Trinity Taylor 0 1 1

C18 (S) Old Brighto n `azenod :, ;azenod `,iazenod laey Park

57 55 44 34 30

Cochran Fothergill Bridgland Fisher Psaltopoulis

TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB 18 FINALS CLUB XVIII (1 ) 2nd SE MI FINAL - August 2, 2003 JJ Higgins Reserve, Kew - 2 .15 p .m . Old Xaverians v De La Sall e 1sI SEMI F'IHAI. - August 3, 2003 Harry Trott Oval, Albert Park - 2 .15 p .m . Prahran v Old Ivanho e

CLUB 18 Nort h 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 2, 2003 JJ Higgins Reserve, Kew - 11 .45 a.m . Old Essendon v Old Xaverians (2 ) lst SEMI FINAI . - August 3, 2003 Harry Trott Oval, Albert Park - 11 .45 a .m . Fitzroy Reds v University Blacks CLUB18 S out h 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 2, 2003 JJ Higgins Reserve, Kew - 9,20am Mazenod v Old Brighton lst. SE MI EIHAI. - August 3, 2003 Harry Trott Oval, Albert Park - 9 .20am Eley Park v Whitefriar s THE AMATEUR I

OLD IVANHOE 5 .2 12 .5 18 .12 26.14 (170) COLLEGIANS 2 .2 3 .3 7 .3 10 .5 (65) Old Ivanhoe : J . Risstrom 7, T. Cormaek 5, A. Kobe 3. R . Weddle 2, C, Jewell 2, A . While 2, M . Stewart 2, B . Goidera, A. Weisz, R . Virtue. Best: T. Cormaek, C. Jewell . B. Guiders, J . Risstrom . N . Maguire, M . DeKretser. Collegians : N. Baxter 4 . Schneider 2, Grant 2, Osborne . Hans. Best: Day. Hans, Schneider, N . Baxter, Osborne, Grant . Umpires : Ryan Hense Tony Robbins (F) 8.5(53) 1 .4 2.5 6 .5 ST. HEVINS PIiAIIF;PnPd 1 .0 1 .3 1 .3 4 .8(32) St. Revins: Goals : Dunn 4 Holland T Dillon J Raullt T Robinson . Best: Mattoon Mount Simon Wood Dunn T. Dillon . Prahram Goals: Fetterplace 2 Storer Blafe . Best : Storer Blafe Green Davies Johnson Lawrence . Umpires : Simon Peerless David Windlo;e (F) ~ylIt RdOA'rFiV - Round 24 OLD TRINITY - by e OLD ESSENDON 4 .1 8.4 11 .5 15 .7 (97) OLD %AYE S(2) 4 .0 4.2 5.5 8 .10 (58) . Wheeler 2, Barr, Eddy, Farrugia . Fraser. Papal . Old Easendon: Evans 7 Walsh . Best : Papal, Hay, Wheeler, Walker, Evans, Mastromaur o Old Xaverians (2) : Ainsworth 3 . Lypheton 2, Silk, Jones, Hoare. Best: Hoare, Walsh . Ireland, Jones. Ainsworth, Larking Umpires : Rick Benson Steve Mason (F) OLD CAREY 3 .2 7 .4 8 .6 10 .9 (69) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .4 4 .8 7 .10 9 .14 (68) Old Carey: Nance M 4. Chuiehiareth B 2, Marshall, Choong, Small, Brown Best : Charing. Nance M, Cooke S. Chuichiarelli B . Croft, Ustick University Blacks : Snow 5, Grtntmet 2 . Otsuka. Cardamone Best : Tunnacliff, Grummet, Snow, Nicholls, Bailey . Otsuka

Umpires: Joe Ciccotosto Paul Rapke (F) THEP.RY PENOLA OB 1 .0 1 .1 1 .2 1 .4(10) FITZROY REDS 2.1 3.3 4 .4 6.5(41) Therry Penola : Keenan I Best : Saunders, Carter, Vanengien, Plaza, Maresdic, Chapman Fitzroy Reds: Witty. Prior, Breen, Jackson, Cook, Price. Best Jackson, Price, Bridges, Everard, Steer, Bahr . Umpires: Tony Byrnes Paul Nailer (F)

~,~U~ eeW1I.2 fSOUTfit WHITEFRIARS 3 .2 4.2 5 .3 5 .3 (33) ST. LEOS EMMAUS WP 1 .2 2.3 2.9 5 .12 (42) VlhiY : Dalton, Tobin, Thomson, Davies, Leahy . Best: Ryan . Toscana . Gibson, Murray, Houston, Spiteri . St. Laos Emmaus WP: Not provided . Umpires: Stephen Dickenson Bob O'Halloran (F ) 5 .2 8 .4 13.6 17.12 (114) MAZENOD OLD GEELONG 0 .5 1 .6 2 .7 3.8 (26) Mazenod : Fothergill 5, Bridgland 3, Collins 2, Paine, Nussbaum . Fisher. Noble, Williams, Little, Smyth . Best : Paine, Collins . Davis, Little, Nussbaum, Fothergill . Old Geelong : Lyon, Chadder, Jefferey. Best: Sattler. Munro . Jefferey, Lyon, Westmore . McHugh . Umpires: Rhett Parker Paul Rapke (F ) 0.4 2.6 3 .8 7 .8 (50) AJAX ELEY PARK 2.5 4.6 5 .10 9.15 (69) AJAX : Diamond 3 . Buckley, Jesse Gelfand, Landberg, Lukav Best : Buckley, Kron, Krasnostein . Diamond . Lasnizki, Josh Gelfand Eley Park : Cresswell 3, Grant 2, Kay, Morris, Price,Tobin Best: Tobin, Park, Pavne, Nelson, CressweIl . Grant Umpires : John Poore Tony Hail (F) 0 .0 0 .0 L3 1 .3(9) HAWTHORN OLD BRIGHTON 4 .5 7 .11 9.16 16 1 9 (115) Hawthorn : Goals : McKay Best: Bates . Begg, Saddington . Banks, Williams Old Brighton: Goals: Cochran 9 . McKtmm 3 . Pemberton, Crewdson, Kaisouravis, Allen Best : Butler Cheesman, Pemberton . Erridge, Stewart, Jenkin Umpires : Brian Nunn Tom Windlow (F )





"b P i L a F r r a Alst % A ,~!:, :j :, .__ ST BERNARDS 14 11 3 0 1822 1176 154 .93 44 OLD XAVERIANS 14 10 4 0 1417 1035 136 .91 40 OLD SCOTCH 14 9 5 0 1440 1365 105 .49 36 OLD HAILEYBURY 14 8 6 0 1456 1249 116 .57 32 OLD TRINITY 14 8 6 0 1147 1197 95 .82 32 UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 7 7 0 1230 1280 96 .09 28 MARCELLIN 14 6 8 0 1146 1267 90.45 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 5 9 0 1007 1307 77 .05 20 ST KEVINS 14 4 10 0 1229 1642 74 .85 16 8 OLD IVANHOE 14 2 12 0 1143 1519 75 .25 ®




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DE LA SALLE 14 7 7 0 1369 1359 10034 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 6 8 0 1270 1282 99 .06 24 MAZENOD 0 C 14 6 8 0 1349 1468 91 .89 24 OLD PARADIANS 14 6 8 0 1180 1377 85 .69 24 MHSOB 14 4 10 0 1142 1472 77 .58 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 14 3 10 1 1162 1520 76 .45 1 4 W

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For A~st % ~ts

15 11 3 1 1474 1250 117 .92 46 AJAX MONASH BLUES 15 11 4 0 1445 1007 143 .50 44 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 15 11 4 0 1548 1115 138 .83 44 OLD MENTONIANS 15 10 4 1 1510 1212 124 .59 42 BANYULE 15 8 7 0 1477 1490 99 .13 32 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 15 8 7 0 1295 1362 95 .08 32 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 15 5 10 0 1257 1525 82 .43 20 SALESIAN 0 C 15 4 11 0 1079 1263 85 .43 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE15 3 12 0 1215 1621 74 .95 12 AOUINAS 0 C 15 3 12 0 1012 1467 68 .98 1 2 P K_L D Far A gsf ~ PPs PENINSULA 0 B 15 15 0 0 1979 981 201 .73 60 FITZROY REDS 15 12 3 0 1449 963 150 .47 48 OLD CAREY 15 11 4 0 1912 1082 176 .71 44 WEST BRUNSWICK 15 10 5 0 1352 1214 111 .37 40 OLD GEELONG 15 8 7 0 1544 1359 113 .61 32 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 15 6 9 0 1383 1294 106 .88 24 LATROBEUNI 15 6 9 0 1195 1309 91 .29 24 BENTLEIGH 15 6 9 0 1257 1600 78.56 24 OAKLEIGH 15 1 14 0 1125 2078 54.14 4 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 15 0 15 0 870 2186 39 .80 0


Fet__A __

% Pts


MT LILYDALE 14 14 0 0 1894 922 205 .42 100 UHS-VU 14 11 3 0 1702 1064 159.96 78 .57 ALBERT PARK 14 10 4 0 1548 1023 151 .32 71 .43 9 4 0 1470 1307 112 .47 69.23 ST MARYS 13 9 5 0 1472 911 161 .58 64.29 OLD WESTBOURNE 14 9 5 0 1387 1294 107 .19 64 .29 NORTH BRUNSWICK 14 4 9 0 1146 1317 87.0230-77 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 13 3 10 0 975 1595 61 .13 23 .08 BOX HILL NORTH 13 3 10 0 1008 1774 56 .82 23 08 RICHMOND CENTRAL 13 2 12 0 819 1573 52 .07 14.29 BULLEEN COBRAS 14 1 13 0 1087 1795 60 .56 7 .1 4 BRUNSWICK POWER 14

% P#s

COLLEGIANS 15 11 4 0 1500 1125 133 .33 44 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 15 11 4 0 1547 1333 116 0 5 44 CAULFIELD GR 15 10 5 0 1551 1201 129 .14 40 BEAUMARIS 15 9 6 0 1548 1322 117 .10 36 MENTONE VULTURES 15 9 6 0 1499 1331 112 .62 36 THERRY PENOLA 08 15 8 7 0 1360 1268 107 .26 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 15 7 8 0 1554 1481 104 .93 28 PRAHRAN 15 4 11 0 1066 1823 58.48 16 GLEN EIRA 15 3 12 0 1321 1536 86 .00 12 ORMOND 15 3 12 0 1076 1602 67 .17 1 2


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~ P#s

OLD ESSENDON GR 14 11 3 0 1457 1243 117 2 2 44 WHITEFRIARS 14 10 4 0 1731 1139 151 .98 40 OLD BRIGHTON 14 9 5 0 1417 1178 120 .29 36 ST BEDES MENT TIG 14 7 6 1 1358 1397 97 .21 30


P ~

SWINBURNE UNI 15 13 2 0 1796 1160 154 .83 RUPERTSW000 15 10 5 0 1995 1372 145 .41 MONASH GRYPHONS 15 10 5 0 1482 1343 110 .35 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS15 9 6 0 1353 1349 100 .30 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 15 8 7 0 1221 1248 97 .84 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 15 7 8 0 1295 1364 94 .94 POWER HOUSE 15 7 8 0 1016 1408 72 .16 ST JOHNS 0 C 15 5 10 0 1355 1365 99 .27 KEW 15 4 11 0 1193 1588 75 .13 ELSTERNWICK 15 2 13 0 1415 1924 73 .54


PEs W L B8 For 12 2 0 1353 758 17850 48 12 2 0 1262 743 169 .85 48 8 6 0 1000 852 117.37 32 8 6 0 1132 984 115.04 32 7 6 1 999 1152 86 .72 30 7 7 0 1032 871 118 .48 28 5 8 1 775 1049 73 .88 22 5 9 0 836 1073 77.91 20 2 10 2 747 1319 56 .63 12 8 2 12 0 721 1085 66 .45

L D Ft~A s~t ° Pts P W 14 11 2 1 1191 639 186 .38 46 14 11 3 0 1194 755 158 .15 44 14 10 4 0 1307 754 173 .34 40 14 8 5 1 932 867 107 .50 34 14 8 6 0 1149 917 125 .30 32 14 6 8 0 887 945 93.86 24 14 6 8 0 845 964 87 .66 24 14 5 9 0 708 1191 59 .45 20 14 3 11 0 641 1331 4816 12 14 1 13 0 578 1164 49 .66 4

PY L D for Agsf % P W COLLEGIANS 15 13 2 0 1271 688 184 .74 52 BEAUMARIS 15 12 3 0 1299 668 194 .46 48 THERRY PENOLA OB 15 11 4 0 1373 860 159 .65 44 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 15 9 6 0 1196 762 156.96 36 CAULFIELD GR 15 9 6 0 1219 778 156 .68 36 OLD CAMBERWELL 15 9 6 0 1058 854 123 .89 36 PRAHRAN 15 4 11 0 926 1262 73 .38 16 ORMOND 15 4 11 0 964 1353 71 .25 .12 11GLENIRA53207814 15 1 14 0 573 1869 30 .66 MENTONE VULTURES THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2t

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