!,tonash Blues D
C Section lst SEMI FINAL - August 23, 200 3 DI Sectio n 1st SEMI FINAL - August 23, 200 3 D2 Sectio n lst SEMI FINAL - August 23, 200 3
Old E sendon B
D3 Sectio n 1 st SEMI FINAL - August 24, 200 3 D4 Section QUALIFYING FINAL - August 23, 200 3 D4 Section ELIMINATION FINAL - August 24 . 200 3
Peninsula D 2
Si:'nburne D3
ROUND 18 A, B and U1 9 SECTION S
Fosteriv Famiii Footbalfsince 18-9-2 ~
Official Journal of the VICT TEITR~FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Registered for postin e tlPu~ilicatinn . Category B''
t ;tl~ /~
L~l i i
that the dates for the Executive seminar have been set (October 1 3
and 14) most of the advisory groups to the VAFA's Executive Committee are busily preparing submissions for the Executive which each group believe s vill lead to a betterment of Amateur football . The Rules Revie w Committee, which looks at the rules and many of the procedures governin g Iie way our competition is run, meets in the next ten days to talk and pu t together its submission. A group representing the Presidents, who met a iortnight ago, meets soon with an Executive sub-group for assistance in its submission which will be presented face to face with the Executive at th e seminar.
I ;-<tremely disappointing to see the terrible photograph in last week's Age of an Amateur player, cigarette and can of beer in hand wearing a training jumper sporting an old SmokeFree logo . We are tinder no doubt that this photograph was a set-up - the "ocker" Aussie male and the clean cut Japanese lad, however the Amateur club has to show cause to the Executive Committee why it (the club) and/or the player should not be heavily penalised for bringing Amateur football into disrepute through allowing such a photograph to be published . The accompanying write-ups to the original photo and the following days' responses require a definite statement from the VAFA .
The first day after the photo was published Football V ictoria was quoted as saying they would be seeking a째please explain" from the VAFA as they (FV) "control our Association. " The day after this the Age allowed invited us to put the record straight and it is worth repeating today because clubs and administrators the length and breadth of the VAFA were hell bent that we should never lose any independence when Football Victoria was established . The truth of the matter is that we signed a membership agreement with Football Victoria which meant we became an affiliate of that body . We argued long and hard to have the words "control of' struck from our agreement as we fiercely preserved the right to run our competition independently .uzd free of any intervention . We have lost the independence to deal directly with our former major sponsor (now Level 6 sponsor) VicHealth, as that body has seen fit to allocate funds to the one peak body in each sport it is associated with . We accept that decision and look forward to promoting well the many health messages that VicHealth will require the VAFA to promote . In all other areas we will consider any policies "rolled out" by Football Victoria but will then make our decisions as to whether they are best for our competition .
Good news for the busy and exciting weeks ahead . The canteen and after match bar prices a t Llsternwick Park (Sportseover Arena) and the gate admittance prices to all finals venues will stay as they were for 2002 . The Executive and the EP caterer are to be congratulated in showing this positive lead, especially as sport and entertainment continues to become more and more expensive .
All the best today to all clubs engaged in vital last round matches and to clubs embarking on the 2003 finals series . We look forward to many spirited contests played in hard but fair Amateur traditions . t
INDEX Next Week's Matches . .. .. . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . .6 Sport 927 Bumper Sticker competition wicmer .. .. .. .. . .7 Coaches' Clipboard. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ..12 For the Lom of the Game. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . ..18-19 Coaches Adverts .. .. . ... . .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ..32-33 Looking Back .. . .. .. .. .... . .. .. . .... .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ..3435 Toda}rs Umpires . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..4D Finals' Eiigibility.. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..97 Sportscover Arena Draw .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . 59 Tribunal & Invzstigations . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..59 SporLscom Spot the Bah . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..62 Ladders . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .63 / B 4
u ust 23rd, ~~~ 6-~rlcea ?2 .00 Vol . 03 No . 19 .vafia .asn .au
Forme r
has flagge d Melburnian s for a full pre-se< '
:3 mid-season, will Daffy, who joined c play on if his knee permits and says he has had a whale of a time in his one and a half . games under fellow ex-Tiger Justin Pickering "I'd like to do a full pre-season and see what happens," Daffy said Lrsis week .
. I feel a bit "Hopefully we can stay in A Section slow and a bit out of shape and I've usually got somebody running after me, but if I get fit I can deal with that . "After a while I'll realise more where the ball goes and where it's meant to go - it's different from playing in the AFL . "But you have to admire the guys for just having a crack and they're great guys down there . "
Daffy is playing against his doctor's advice, having worn down the cartilage in his troublesome knee . But as he says, at 30 he is too young to be doing nothing and would still be playing league footy if it weren't for a wretched run with injuries .
breati~ 'e sigh of YQ3 ;,f 'ter its win
a ec
over -"â&#x20AC;˘<°s guarar -=ed a spot in x o cc~ :o n e or ne _ason . The club was chuffed with th return Glenn Cox, who played a peach of a game after serving out a suspension, an d David Johnston .
The news is obviously not so good for the Blues, but they still appear safe . While both , and old Mel had wins, the Blues' percentage is likely to keep them out of the drop zone even if they lose their final game .
Both Old Melburnians and St Revs have daunting tasks today, and still very little percentage separates them . Calculators will be put to good use this afternoon if both win or if both lose .
And we suspect mobile phone companies w calls between the grounds .
Much of his link with Old Melburnians eame through teammate Brendon Gale, who is also . Gale, the distinguished a mate of Pickering's ex-ruckman, played with both during his 244 games at Tigerland .
Daffy came to Richmond just as Pickering was leaving, but he remembers his new coach well from the days at Punt Road . "He was one of the first to come up and say G'day when I first went down there," Daffy said. Good manners, it seems, can come back with a bit of interest .
Harve St Bernards >` University Blues DeCrespigny
8 2
St Bernards D Jordan 2 Old Scotch Hawkins 7 Old Ivanhoe Toovey A serv Re e Haileybury Efstathiou2 2 Old University Blues Quin 3 St Bernards Hawkes 2 Old Ivanhoe Millar 0 Old Scotch
imakefwbothisaferno splemakf
T ;::AT'S A TURNAROUND old M elburnians stunning win over St gernards not only kept the club out of the
15,10 1,: I (122) 5 .7 11 .9 OLD째n,LBURRIA%S 1 .7 11 .11 16 .15 19.16(130) St. ITT ..째'aards: T Harvey 8 Byrne 4 N Mitchell 2 Neeson O'Su11 ; .n James r, legation zone, it was also one of the greatest Ashton . Best : T Harvey O'Sullivan J Mount B Jordan Trcavin . Old . In ,jbout-faces in suburban football this year bgelbt .Pntana: Magee 8 Beaumont 2 Kennon 2 C Rae 2 Hazeil 2 Berry Jono Miller Thompson . Best : Magee Jono Miller R Mulqutney S Theodore N round 8, St Bernards humiliated the Redlegs Mulqulney Haze1L Umpires: Jason MeNiece Rob Sneddon (F) Chris O'Shea ;;1 .24 (210) to 4 .12 (36) only to upstaged at Nathan Eddy (B) Daniel Scully Dennis Webster (G) borne last weekend . Old Melburnian's eightOLD SCOTCH 1 .3 2.5 6.9 11 .12 (78) OLD TRINITY 1 .3 9.7 11 .11 12.12 (84) point win makes it a 182-point reversal . That's Old Scotch : Hawkins 2 Wigney 2 Collins Kitchen Mullins B Phillips C a smidgen more than 30 goals . Phillips Quail Rocs . Best: Wtgney Hume Hosking Beranger Crow Quail . Old Trinity : Cultrera 3 Reynolds 3 Gnatt 2 Green Longmire A Ram.den T Then there's the turnaround inside a match, VanDerVenne. Best: Gnatt A Ramsden Butler Kenna R Burrows Dann . : hich happened in relegation rival St Kevins' Umpires : Steve McCarthy Peter Simpson (F) Peter Teasdale (B) Vin Vescovi Kevin Segota (G ) ulatch against Old Ivanhoe . St Kevs' were 3.3 6.6 11 .7 16 .12 (108) OLD 7CAVEftIA13S down by 38 points at the five-minute mark of OLD IIAILEyBURY 3.1 7.3 11 .6 15.8 (981 Old Xaverlans: Orlando 5 Mollard 2 Dillon 2 Beetham 2 Oswald Pa .scert [lie final quarter only to hit the front with Johnston Ockleshaw McConnell . Best: Beetham Orlando Biddlecomb niinutes to go . Brush[leld Scanlan Johnston . Old Haileybury: Kena 2 Bourke 2 M Corrigan 2 Peterson 2 Mason 2 Barker Wastatt O'Farrell Armsrong Floyd . TIGHT Best: Armstrong Barker Davey White M Corrigan KeJna Umpires: Gran t At the other end of the ladder, Old FlaiTeybury 1Vardrop Peter James (F) Scott Fraser Graeme Thwaites (B) Dominic Napoli Bernie Jephson (G ) -aid Old Trinity are grappling for the last MARCELLIN 3 .3 8.8 13.8 17 .13 (115) ('inal's spot . Old Trinity has an inferior 4.1 6.2 9.5 11 .6 (72) UNIVERSITY BLUES percentage, and will probably need Old pdsrcellin : Treganowan 4 Symes 4 Sheehan 3 Hansen 2 Spence 2 Barden Marson . Best: Johnston Cox Considine Sheehan McMillan Svanes . gaileybury to go down to Marcellin . It also University Blu es: Young 2 Lowcock 2 DeCrespigny 2 Brookes 2 Burks needs to beat St Bernards . Ryan Featherstone . Best: Ryan Young Kordick Callery Brookes Roydhouse . Umpires : Wayne Hinton Albie Firley (F) Sean Collins Brendan Corcoran (B) THE Bs Craig Arnol Matthew Simpson (G) They've dubbed them The Killer Bs at Old 4.5 7 .9 13 .12 15 .14 (104) OLD IVANHOE 2.5 5.7 8 .10 16 .11 (107) ST KEVBIS :>averians, match-winning trio Beetham, : Toovey 7 Stevens 4 Low Moore Corcoran Cornelius . Best: Old Ivanhoe Biddleeambe an d Brushfield . The men on the Toovey R Weddle Donaldson Curatolo Low Crowley . St . Kevins: Chard 7 Garvey 2 Mulgrew 2 Romhotis 2 Gulltter 2 G Katavolas . Best: Rigby Chard best list - who were joined by Damian Orlando Simpson Crohan McCarm Garvey . Umpires: Jame Kvins Tan Sutcliffe (F) - helped the Xavs complete a perfect home Andrew Rechtman (B) Matthew Kent Travis Storti (G) A RESERVE record for the home and away season . And ST. BERNARDS 5 .2 I L5 14 .6 20 .8 (128) people say the trip to St Bernards is the most 0.4 0.5 5.6 6.7 (43) pdELBURNiAFtS OLD ardent journey in amateur football . . . St. Bernard's: Harris 6. Pearson 3 . Allis 3 . close 3, N M Smith 2, Bouzikas, L. Wilkinson, P. Holland Best: J. Evans, N M Smith, M . Tankey. James THE DILEMMA : Balm 2, Betlby. Alder, Mount, T. Pearson, P. Harris Old &I : do Footballers have talked about it for years Matthews, Tucker Best : Whitehead . Simpson, Balns, lVu, Prowse, Nicol OLD SCOTCH 3 .2 9 .7 14 .12 18.20 (128) you play or attend the birth of your child? OLD Tgyh-riy 0 .3 1 .4 4 .5 5 .5 (35) Somebody who wasted no time deliberating Old Scotch: Simon 4, SutcIlffe 2, Reid 2, Parkinson 2 . Page 2 . Joyce 2 . Cations 2, Knight , C .Smith. Best : Lewis, Joyce, Cations, Page . Beattie, the point was the president of Old Xaverians . Reid . Old Trinity: Hillas 3, Andrews, Cade . Best : Bladenl, J,Best. Mat, Davina Connors-Calhaem is expected to Andrews, Gamble, K .Condron . OLD XAVERIANS 4.3 9.9 12.14 15.20 (110) give birth some time this week. We wish her 0 .3 1 .4 3.5 5.6 (36) OLD HAH,EYBURY all the best . Old Snv: Jones 3 Maher 2 Walsh 2 Woodruff 2 Rush 2 Rennex Bowen Hawkins Howard . Best : Woodruff Walsh Howard Hawkins Rennex Rush. PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Old Hall : Efstathiou 2 Ladd 2 Mackenzie . Best: Warnes George Baker Ladd Jesper Fjeldstad - fjeldstadjCmxnet .com .au McLaughlin Loppag e 1 .2 2.5 6 .6 7 .7(49) MARCELLIN 4.1 4.3 7 .3 10 .7 (67) UNIVERSITY BLUES biazcell in; Galati 5. Taylor. Wilkins. Best; Colville, Galati, McMillan, Fiorenza, Cope. Taylor Uni Blues; Runnalls 3, Qum 2, Brown 2, Zanos, M A SECTIO N Thomas, Meade . Best; Rututalls, Maplestone, Russell, MeAloon, Birks, E Old Trinity v St Bernards Wilcox
Old Melburnians v Old Xaverians Old Haileybury v Marcelli n University Blues v Old Ivanhoe St Kevins v Old Scotch TBP.
3 .1 5 .4 9 .5 11 .8.(74) 4.4 8 .5 11 .7 13 .10 (88) Konington 4,Hawkes 2,Brandt,Davis,Gary Old Ivanhoe: .Morris, Brandt, Gerry George . Morris .J .Weddle.Best:Berry, Hawkes .Katavolas, George .Theodosst. St Kevins : Conlan 5, Grllliths 2, Dunn 2, L : Conlon, Dunn, Shelley, Griffiths, Beggv, Fraser. Noylan, Horrocks . Best OLD IVASVHOE ST. KEVINS
Fraser .
A Section OLD HAILEYBURY MARCELLIN Coach: Mick Dwye Coach: Vaughan Cleary k r Res Coach: Andrew Bonwic Res . Coach : Tom Humphre y 1 C. Purcell 2 T. Collins 3 D . Waters 4 G. Romanin 5 N . Godwin 6 D. Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 8 R . Frisina 9 L . Considine 10 A . Dal e 11 D. Taylor (RC) 12 B. Cronin 13 S. Dinneen 14 D . Salce 15 P. Spence 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (VC) 18 D. Gartner 19 D. Cooper 20 S. O'Flynn 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marso n 23 A . Wadsworth 24 L. O'Flynn (RVC) 25 R. Galati 26 D. McMilla n 27 S. Theisz (DVC) 28 D . Johnsto n 29 N . Addison 30 A. Treganowan (C) 31 B. Dobson 32 M . Browne 33 G . Cull 34 D . Jarred 35 J . Frazer (DVC) 36 M . Bortolott o 37 D. Cope 38 M. Sier 39 B. Colville 40 D . Carson 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen (DVC) 43 A. Duncan 44 L . Hanson 45 D . Theisz 46 S . Maguire 47 P. Fiorenza 48 N . Milicia 49 D. Vanherden 50 A. Carson 51 J.Toohey 52 A . Carson 53 D . Petreyski 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Walli s 56 B. Carmody 57 J. Wilkins 58 E. Weekes 59 B . Kearney 60 C. Thornton
Yarra Valley Country Club Bulleen Beehive Hotel Hawthorn
1 C . Home 2 R . Kejna
3 P. Corrigan 4 S . Langford-Jones 5 J . Bourk e 6 A. White (DVC) 7 M. Corrigan 8 R . George 9 M . Barker 10 C. Efstathiou (RVC) 11 C. Waxma n 11 M . Graves 12 B, O'Farrell 13 M. Peterson 14 A . Forsyth 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K. Ford 18 C. Jayasekera 19 M. Armstrong (C) 20 G. Fletche r 21 A . Jenke 22 D. Mason 23 S .Loewe 24 A. Ross 25 S. Rowlands 26 J. Bell (RC) 27 L. Siapantas 28 S . Goldsworthy 29 B. Carson (VC) 30 D . Warnes 31 D . Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 R . Mosbey 34 A . Waxma n 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D .Lappag e 36 S. Brewster 37 A . Floyd 38 L. Floyd 39 H . Brooks 40 S . Davey 41 S. Saunders 42 M. Erikson 43 R . McCarthy 44 M . Wray 45 H. Gopu 46 R. Goulden 47 M . Stephens 48 C. Moyle (RDVC) 49 L. Pitcher 50 A . Ladd 51 H . McLauchlan 52 L. Pfeiffer 53 B . Haar 54 R. Saunders 55 G . Stuart 56 P. Dimond 57 A . Kigh t 58 A . Baker. 59 C. Warfe 60 M . Somaia 61 J. Mille r 65 A. Shepherd
OLD IVAHOiOE Coach: Paul Fahey Asst: Paul Northey Res: Dirk Jones 1 A. Oates 2 L .Lochran 3 S . Curatolo 4 B . Davi s 5 T. Young 6 S. Kent 7 J. Geishen 8 T. Stevens 9 D . Payne 10 C. Crowley 11 S . Tully 12 C . Branigan 13 M. Orchard 14 C . Moore 15 B .Low 16 S . Price 17 A. Corcoran 18 J. Hope 19 P. Dinakis 20 D . Hawkes 21 R . Roberts 22 P. Donaldson 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros 25 E. Byrne 26 A . Bereza 27 J . Weddle 28 S . Morris 29 R . Weddle 30 P. Jolley 31 J . Stevens 32 M . Konnigen 33 N. Pratt 34 A. Tiernan 35 M. Pollock 36 B . Spoor 37 A . Berry 38 Ge George 39 Ga George 40 J. Keane 41 D . Neilsen 42 S . Low 43 W. Cornelius 44 M . Luxon 45 M. Toovey 46 N . Butler 47 R . Griggs 48 M . Clarke 49 C. Quinlan 50 S. Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 K. O'Dwyer 53 M . Mendota 54 B . Guidera 55 C. Barker 56 L. Courage 57 A. Gilbert 58 L . Bolzan 59 N . Giechen 60 A . Alagona
OLD MELBURUTAHS Coach: Justin Pickering Asst: Andrew Pickering Res : Hartley Stone 1 D . Smith 2 S, Theodore 3 J . Pertze l 4 R . Mathews 5 L. Bunn 6 D. Holme 7 C . Thompson 8 A. McKeon 9 A . Simpson 10 T. Roberts (C) 11 P. Gallagher 12 J . Richardson 13 B. Thiel e 14 B. Evans 15 M . Rose 17 James Miller 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 A. Mulquiney (VC) 20 J . Guest 21 M. Hicks 22 J. Dixon 23 M . Berry (VC) 24 M . Hawkins 25 H. Whitehead 26 T. Costello 27 D . Kinsella 28 M. Billing 29 M. Prowse 30 Jono Miller 32 E . Selby 33 J . Magee 34 J. Beaumont (DVC) 35 C . Ray 36 B. Wulff 37 N . Guy 38 J . Gooley 39 J .Tucker 40 H. O'Brien 41 N. Smit h 42 R Theodore 43 A. Wu 44 T. Harrison 45 C. Murphy 47 C. Neeso n 48 C . Theodoulou 49 G . Tsiotras 50 C . Jenkins (RC) 51 C . Richmond 52 O. Ward 53 S . Hawkins 55 I . Weir 56 L . Beilby 57 A. Bains 58 C . Alder 59 S . Carter 60 M . Jackson 61 B. Nicoll 62 E. Matthies 63 J. Ray
Sponsored By : MP G PEOPLE TELECOM Childcare
Coach : Dale Tapping 째 Asst Coach: Andr&,v Res . Coach: Serge D'An,fl Asst Coach : Ray Bsap,= 1 R . Mullins 2 B. Phillips 3 J. Ross 4 T Holt 5 S . Collins (VC) 6 A. Crow (V C 7 J . Kitchen C) 8 B. Robinson 8R N . Colman 9 C . Tallent 10 C . Smith 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume (C) 13 N. Hooper 14 N.Ackroyd 15 S. Cations 16 S. Troo n 17 T. Wi gney 18 L. Hawkins 19 T. Hoskin,? 20 S . Lillingston 21 J. Stratos 22 N . Addison 24 L. McDonnell 25 M . Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M . Dennis 28 A. Quai l 29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leitl 32 J . Gerstman 32R R . Fulleraton 33 E . Rei d 34 C. Phillips 35 P. O'Connor 36 A. Milla r 37 A . Boyd 38 G. Prendergast 39 B . Ferguson 40 W. Symington 41 W. Lewi s 42 T. Beattie 43 R . Breisch 44 D . Jackson 45 R . Teesdale 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger (VC) 48 S. Dumaresq 49 L . Kitchen 50 M. Walkom 51 L. Freeman 52 D . Knight 53 C. Joyce 54 N. Simon 55 M . Waterson 56 D. Brooke 58 A. Grant 59 J . Sutcliffe 60 J . Sheldon 61 M . Gair 62 N . Parkinson 63 P.Ise r 64 N . Costello 66 A. Routledge 67 M . Leed s 68 R . Addison 69 C. Neal 71 M . Ainqer 72 B. Smith 73 A. Bamford 74 S. King s 75 C . Dufour 76 J . Nickless 77 T.Paq e 78 T. Baker 81 G . Fordyce 88 A. McQueen
E. M urphy 5 Sons
Coach: Leigh Carlson Coach : Michael Sholly Coach: Peter Nicholson Coach : Emmett Dunne San : Steve Carroll Asst: Phil Gaut Res. Coach : Chris Gawne Res : Darren Handley Asst. Coach : Owen Hourigan Res: David Matthews Res: Steve Maus Res . Coach: Peter McBrearty nna A
Z N.ae A 1 A. Fox 1 OS . McKeon 1 N . Fraser 1 Butko P 3 ReynoWs L V/C 2 D . Orlando 2 D. Gleason 2 E . Crohan 2 Hutchins T 4 Saunders R 3 L . Hannebery 3 R. Cousland 3 D . Curtis 3 Sturrock J(VC) 5 Burrows D V/C 4 L. Mahoney (C) 4 D . Landrigan (DVC) 4 D. Jordan 4 Guengerich D(VC) 6 Gnatt P 5 M. Dollman 7 Van 5 Der A.T. Jones Verne 5 Joe Mount (DVC) T 5 Tanner J P. O'Keefe g Burrows R 6 A. Oswald 6 S .Neeson 76 K . Gray 6 Maddison N g . Andrews A 7 S . Lethlean 7 S . Clarke 8 B . Dollman to Shaughnessy M RV/C 7R S . Parrett 8 J 8 M . Holmes IS Dann S 7 Young 9 J. Giansiracusa R Lowcock A 8 J. Evans 11 Davies M 9 J . Hawkins 10 M . Lucas 9 12 Gordon N 10 A . Bowen 9 B. Jordan (VC) 11 J . Pangrazio 10 Martin R 13 Cade J (VC) 11 North L 10 N . Mitchell (C) 12 C. Taylor 11 S . Ross t Troon R . Bowles 12 Gleason Q(C) 14 11 C . Davis 13 R 12 J. Bowe n 15 Green M T 16 Hillas C 13 C . Ellis 12 C.Day 14 P. Greenham 13 Girdwood .H 15 M . Olive 14 Roydhouse C 17 HiAas R 12R B oga n 18 Healy J 14 S . Skidmore . Garvey 15 Ryan L 13 C. Mitchell 1s Amiatas 15 L . Ford (Capt) C 16 B 16 Kordick 17 D . Ryan C M 14 A. Thomas 20 Wi&iams J 16 S. Mollard 18 P. Gssing ) 17 De Crespigny G 21 Kennedy L 17 A. Chatfield 15 T. Wilkinson 19 D 22 Deane z Johns G 18 M . Green 16 L Turnbull 20 T . Sheehy 18 Haberfeld D . Crow 23 Ramsden A Capt: n ley 24 Christopherson 19 D. Walsh (Capt-Res) 17 L O'Sulliva J 21 R19 . Maguire Wilcox 20 Coleman E M . Cooney 22 J 25 Cameron F 20 M . Hardman 18 T . Macey 21 McIntyre T 26 Donahoe B 20 J . Close 23 T. Simpson 22 Millard B . Scanlan 19 R 27 R 22 J M 20 L Fielding 24 M 29 Hill Crawford . Hanlon 23 Wilcox T . Healy 28 Butler C
22 T. Ockleshaw (VC)
21 B. Loughlin
25 B. Manlsic
24 Russell
. James 26 J . Rombotis 25 Solly A 30 MdGnnon R 23 S . Johnston 22 D Burgess J . O 'Riley 27 R. Gross 26 Runnalls L
31 22R 32 Brown S 25 R . Care 28 M . G iansiracusa y 23M L. Wilkinson 27 Wilkie R 33 CuHrera A 26 N . Baker 24 N.M . Smith 29 M . Kempton 28 Thomas M 34 Mai J 27 J. Drake â&#x20AC;˘ 30 M . Crowe . Legudi 29 Terrill A
35 Longmire L 25 T 36 Buffer D 28 R . Coughlan 25RS .GIenn 31 A . McGuinness 30 Brookes C 37 Van Der Verne S R/C 29 C . Beetham 26 C.Baumgartner 32 S . O'Connor (VC) 31 Callery B 38 Ramsden R 30 N . McInerney 27 James Mount 33 M . Maguire (RC) 32 Suvoftos A 39 PeggieA 31 J . Pasceri 28 P . O'Keefe 33 Gates B . Harvey e 34 40 Penfold D 35 JP 32N A. Brushfield 34 McKinnon T 41 Lauletta S 33 29 G. McIntyr 36 . Duggan 42 Amore S . Bingham 30 C . Trewin 37 M 35 Cheat S . Pangrazio 43 Amore J 36 Brooke 34 K . Hall J 31 J . Smith 38 R . Chard 44 Trearp.veil G 36 D 31 R B . Ashton 39 N . Pope 45 Morpeth T RV/C 37 T . Sapuppo . Mulgrew 38 Wilson A 46 Cooper . Maher 32 T . S 37 S Harvey 40 M Kaso 47 Pretty S 39 C . Mollard 33 B. Attis 41 D. Moylan 39 Cobbledick M 48 Ward C 40 Hacking J . McCann
41 R A . Dillon 34 D . Byrne (DVC) 42 T 49 Carter-Buszard L 42 1 42 Quin . Bar . Speakman 35 T. Pearson 4 3 44 50 Bzckmore B G P. G e Katavolas 4 51 Gamble . Woodruff 36 R.R Legudi Fletcher 45 G
S . 43 Cameron A Catterall 46 D. Mahoney 44 Featherston R lannazzo 47 J . Griffiths 45 McLachlan G Juricskay 48 A . Conlan 47 Millar A Thomas 49 L. Kalesaran 48 Fulton L Bouzikas 50 R . Horrocks 49 Chamberlain L
52 Heaven C 43 T. Biddlecombe 37 A. 53 Plain G 44 A 54 Williams Z 45 L . Howard 38 S . 55 46 B. Dixon 39 M . Tayior C 56 Best E 47 P. Ryan 40 D. 57 Read S 48 J . McDonnell 41 A . 58 Stebbins C 42 S . Mitchell 53 C. Santalucia 59 Cade T 43 N . Basaraba 60 Condron K 54 N . Hulett
50 McIntosh J 51 B. Cheeseman 52 J. Finch 51 Brown A 61 Condron R 55 G . Monahan 44 A . Anderson 53 L . Katavolas 52 Ihle T 62 Kelly T 58 N 45 M . Tankey 54 A. Umbers 53 Versteegen R . Quin n 63 Cade S 55 M. Rigby 46 P. Holland 55 Zanos M 64 Gray J 59 J . Francis 85 Robison M 60 M . Walsh 47 M . Hooper 56 D . Walsh 58 Sudholz J 67 Amiconi A 48 N .P. Smith 57 L . Coleman 59 Pricker B . Silk 49 N 68 Hii A 62 J . McArdle 60 Thomas H 69 LaPira M . E .Jones 50 A .Thomas 58 D. CHivers 61 Fairbank P
. Smith 70 Brawn A 63 66A A. Wilson 60 A- Greenhalgh 62 Callery M M .Kavanagh 71 Langdon 51 S 59 R 72 Parker D 52 S .Bugryn 61 J . Lynch 63 Glass I 73 Hildebrandt D 53 P. Harris 62 B . Shelley 64 Birks T 74 Thwailes M 54 J . Harvey 63 L . Sierakowski 66 Grigg M 75 Best J 64 N . O'Halloran 67 McAloon D(RC) 76 Masten J 65 C . Didilis 68 Rice N 77 Dodgson B 66 A DeKreste r 79 Treadwell C 69 Kelson S 80 Feranda M 67 T. Purcell 70 Meade J 81 Mitchell G 71 M . O'Shea 72 Vallelonga A 82 Brasob S 74 D . Szabo 74 Robertson M 83 Somerville w 80 D . Dunn 76 Medlin T 84 Boyd L 85 Chyrs A NORTH 8 77 n~1 Maplestone t 6D GnarlD SUBURBAN 87 Hansen P SPORTS SIMPSON F3 Chan B Bowens b,9 Nicholas B
'm AdalY
. _ . a<,
CONSTRUCTIONS RUSSELL . . .. .. ATHLETI . . . . .. . . . C.. . Quadric
A Section lst SEMI FINAL - August 31, 2003 SENIORS Sportscover Arena, Elsternwick - 2 p.m . RESERVES Sportscover Arena, Elsternwick - 11 .30 a.m.
B Section Ist SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 SENIORS Sportscover Arena, Elsternwick - 2 p.m .
RESERVES Sportscover Arena, Elsternwick - 11 .30 a.m.
D4 Section continued RESERVES Preston City Oval, Preston - 11 .30 a.m. D4 Section ist SEMI FINAL - August 31, 2003 SENIORS Preston City Oval, Preston - 2 p .m . RESERVES Preston City Oval, Preston - 11 .30 a .m .
Under-19 Section 1 2nd SEMI FINAl. - August 30, 2003 McKinnon Reserve, McKinnon - 2 .10 p .m .
C Section 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 SENIORS Gillen Oval, Brunsevlck - 2 p .m.
Under-19 Section 1 ist SEMI FINAL - August 31, 2003 McKinnon Reserve, McKinnon - 2 .10 p .m .
Collegians versus St . Leos Emmaus W P RESERVES Gillen Oval, Brunswick - 11 .30 a .m. Collegians versus Therry Penola
Under-19 Section 2 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 200 3
Dl Section 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 SENIORS Cheltenham Football Ground, Cheltenham - 2 p .m . Monash Blues versus AJAX RESERVES Cheltenham Football Ground, Cheltenham - 11 .30 a .m: Monash Blues versus AJAX
D2 Section 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 SENIORS Central Reserve, Glen Waverley - 2 p.m. Peninsula 0 B versus Fitzroy Reds RESERVES Central Reserve, Glen Waverlev - 11 .30 a .m. Peninsula O B versus Old Geelong
D3 Section 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 SENIORS McHale Stadium, Collingwood - 2 p,m . Swinburne University versus Monash Gryphons RESERVES McHate Stadium, Collingwood - 11 .30 a.m .
Werribee Amateurs versus Rupertswoo d
W .A. Scammell Reserve, South Oakleigh - 2 p .m . Under-19 Section 2 1st SEMI FINAL - August 31, 200 3
WA . Scammell Reserve, South Oaldeigh - 2 p .m. Under-19 Section 3 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 Junction Oval, St. Kilda - 2 p .m . Under-19 Section 3 lst SEMI FINAL - August 31, 2003 Junction Oval, St, Kilda - 2 p .m . Und er-19 (2) Blue 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 McKinnon Reserve, McKinnon - 11 .20 a.m. Under-19 (2) Blue Ist SEMI FINAL - August 31, 2003 McKinnon Reserve, McKinnon - 11 .20 a.m. Under-19 (2) Red 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 Garvey Oval. Parade College, Bundoora - 2 p.m. Under-I9 (2) Red lst SEMI FINAL - August 31, 2003 Garvey Oval Parade College, Bundoora - 2 p .m.
D4 Section 2nd SEMI FINAL - August 30, 2003 SENIORS Preston City Oval, Preston - 2 p .m . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLE
isfy your hunger ooty with AFL legend . - )q ucws . Interviews with the !
is drawn out The package includes - 2 ni n Restaurant (VQ0), brea'~`-q~, v--:1,
Lcn the latest i weekdays.
lor :
ers, dinner at B reezes L Grand Final .
De La wreck MHSOB's last chance, Mazenod keep th e flame burning, Tigers go on a rampage, Friars not that impressive, while the Bombers are particularly impressive . REVIEW As has been the norm in the last few weeks Hampton Rovers were right in the game until the middle stages of a fiery last quarter where the class of Whiteftlars took over to allow them to score a 5 goal victory . t Not too sure Greg Feutrill would be totally happy
ÂŽici Dighton put in a pretty poor effort so much so that for the first time this seaso n Jarred O'Neill was in a dilemma and forced to berate zenoâ&#x201A;Ź1 were good and must now be his players . totally lamenting their poor start to the season The Tonners had almost their entire forward line on the
form with finals coming . Buckets was on fire with 8, The the younger Cuz played well, as I b die Adam
GaN Carr was big Chief never stopped trying , in the ump's votes and the Rovers unleashed young Guy Marlyn, a player of the future .
went on a rampage agains t St Bedes Mentone Tigers unit . an injury ridden illness plagued 0 l- - Hans Total dominance at the center breaks is the key to the Tigers game as they dominated proceedings as it took the Paradians until the last stanza to show any semblance of form . Moose McCraw was in fantastic touch, as was Andrew Haves with 7 twins, Sammy Hecker was at it gain . Matt Hyde tried hard for OPS, along with Martin Joyce and Adrian Heffernan . North Old Boys were certainly hoping to win their last game at home but alas it wasn't to be, with the result looking better for them if they perhaps hadn't shut up 11 earl in the last term . They say "Don't Know"
s op
sidelines and hopefully will welcome their return soon . Morris and Maskell dangerous yet again, Jerome Dunne led well, with Perrett, Dickerson and Hughe ; best for the Tonners . PREVIEW And so to the final Round, for some a chance to s e back and reflect on what might have been for others a exciting 4 weeks ahead as the Melbourne sun appear in the fight for ultimate glory A PREMIERSHIP . Rovers to Malverc De La Salle welcome Hampton Will be playing for keeps as well the home side 2 . Hamptc mathematically they are not totally safe Rovers inability to run out a game has cost them dear in the past few weeks and to have a chance today th must play 4 quarters . Rovers are playing for prid
while the stakes are much higher for De La and f ; lure of September action will see them over the line . Old Boys out at Friar Pa Tough gig for North jars will be looking to hone their skills a tei
sha**~Pn their game plan with finals looming. Will
doesn't know but I reckon he does and has the Bombers hitting their straps at the right end of the season. Young Stormy son of Tony was the Bomber's best . The old in Scott Sleep in his 100th game and the young in Rocky Davidson were the best for North . S4B certainly gave it everything they had and took who eventually came the game right up to De La Salle away with a 23 point victory in a pretty torrid affair . The Unicorns started very well and it took the Blue and Golds a long time to shake them off to get 4 more very . valuable points . Jeff Morel was outstanding for De La as was Jarred Moloney, while Leigh Harrison was cool in the crisis. Rhys Limbrick, Stu McCully and Malty White gave their all for the High
Mazenodv Maskel l Whitefriars Car l Mazenod Morris Hampton Rovers Power MHSOB Bamert B Rese rv e Scott Old Brighton S inoso e Old Paradi an s IHm.be r D La Saf e De La Salle Walker Leaf Old Brighton
sing at home a fo r I to cling to tha but trytapend 2 ting over the l"uie to e
a bright note . Sc Bedes 'tilentone Tigers buoyed 1
_ tll
; full of confidence - s
i to Old Essendon . ed their earlv season ta :=ch an . 43'itl . ;;p spo duicltforheTgs : : :i ..l e erance secure will Frank have trouble ~~ing them "Don't Know" . Any side coached by -ties always has a fair dinkum crack today
no exception but at home I fully e-xpect Old , Delon to win . 1 chance for Old B righton to regain some for m the struggling Paradians . Never easy to win a t
Garvey but as one Jarred O'Neill said during the 3ek he would be very disappointed if the Tonner s come to play today as the possibility of secon d is still there . OPS will certainly be looking for the lal siren to end a disappointing season will try hard it even at home will fa ll short. I think Mazenod will defeat MHSOB at Sportscover irena today . But will they win by enough to make up lhe percentage gap should De La falter that I think not . The Unicorns have been pretty competitive of late and ccen though their fate is confirmed they are a pretty competitive unit and will not go down without a fight . i hey like EP and will take it right up to the Nodders who unfortunately will finish 5th and spend the summer ruing the missed opportunities .
PRESS CORRESPONDENTS; My contact details are 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016 or send me an email to braincoa'optusnet.com.au .
North Old Boys congratulate one of our young guns, Rocky Davidson, on 50 games with the club . After two ,, ~째ars with our under 19s the Rock Star has taken all before him in his first year of senior footy and all at `:OBs look forward to him going on to be one of the ~teats of our club .
TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTION De La Salle v Hampton Rovers Whitefriars v North Old Boys
Old Essendon Or v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Paradians v Old Brighton Mazenod 0 C v MHSOB at Sportscove r Arena
It..:bu .- . .:. NORTH OLD BOYS 3.1 OLD ESSn : ; .OON OR 72 North Old Boys : Neville 3 N Car!
CanlsonHydeSleep.Best .Sleep Dav,-n,I "I'l l_ .t!F' :nd . Old Essendom Veiardo 6 Heritage 5 P'. , r 3 1, _wi_tit 2 Hakira Kavanagh . Best : Veiardo Stormont Forrest_ Umpires: Richard Eastwood Dirk Hra nLucasBras SB) eorn McCarthyDanielRoted(G ) ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 96 16.9 23 10 27 .1 172) OLD PAR,3 .DI.ANS 2 .0 6.0 8.3 15 .8 ( 3) St Bedes Mentone Tigers : A Hayes 7 L Terrell 4 L'Hutilier 2 1 r McGraw 2 L',vtntle 2 Kidd 2 Tyqum 2 M Terrell A Connolly : tort Poynton. Best: McGraw Hecker A Hayes Samperi Poynton bi Conn v . Old Psxad9ans : Curran 4 Collins 2 Boundy Braber.der Out r ante Godfrey Heffernan Hyde Mitchell Murphy Swindon. . Best : Hyde Curran Joyce Swindon Heffernan Collins . Umpires: Mark Morrison Rob Mavston (F) James Patrick (BI Ken Brewer Ross Dodd (G)
3 .2 4 .4 8.8 12 .11 (83) OLD BRIGHTON MAZENOD 0 C 4 .0 7 .5 14.7 179(111) Old Brighton : Van Den Dungen 4 Bristow Kerry Dale Stewart Nickas Perrett Barrow Hebard Best : Dickerson Perrett Dale Hughes S Williams Van Den Dungen Mazenod : Morris 4 Maskell 3 Ballenger 3 Beard 2 L Morgan 2 Pollan S Morgan M Chamberlain . Best : Jones Meehan J Dunne Gooden Jayaweera D Chamberlain . Umpires : Leah Gallagher Mark Jenkuts (F) Les Damson Matthew Cowley iG ) B RESERV E 2 .1 25 3 .9 5.13 (43) HAMPTON ROVERS WHITEFRIARS 0.1 2 .4 5 .6 8.7(55) Hampton Rovers : Brudar, Fisher. Foster, Hughes. Watson Best: Fisher. Hughes, Brucker, Watson, Foster . Whlte&iars: Details not received MHSOB 1 .1 1 .3 3 .6 3.61241 DE LA SALLE 4 .2 7.9 9 .12 14.20 (104) Details not received NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .3 2.5 3 .5 4.9(33) OLD ESSENDON 2 .0 3.2 4 .6 5 .7 (37) NOBs: D .Keenan, D.Sheahan, Maher, Jovice. Best: Clark, Power. Sheehan, Amor, Pizzini, Joyc e Old Essendon : Ridlev, McKenzie, Stevens, Salvo, Dazkin. Best: Bartram, Dale . Ridley, McKenzie, Healey . Hughes 2 .0 2.4 2.6 3 .7(25) ST BEDES MENTONE 6 .4 6 .8 10.14 16 .20 (116) OLD PARADIANS St Bedes Mentone: Ferris, Napier, Kelleher. Best: Uberti, Towns, Beasley, Napier. Ferris, Hecker. Old Paradians: Simpson 5 . Robins 4, Pratt 3, Jones 2 .Calllnan, Dean . Best Dean . M Cosgrtff. Simpson, Pagha Bux, Robins !PARAj OLD BRIGHTON 4 .2 8 .5 10 .11 1114 192) MAZENOD 0 C 2.1 3 .3 4 .6 6.13 (49) Old Brighton: Scott 6, Salem 2, Marshall 2, Milat, Sherman, LyRreh . Best : Marshall, Scott, Smith, Paterson, MatessL O'Neill . Mazenod: SteinforL Smart . BonNci. Smart, Mossbayer, McLean . Best: Steinfort, Carter, Morris, Mossbayer . Longmuir, Veltman .
B Section 1 2 3 4 5
DE LA SALLE Coach: Tony Miller Asst: Mark Lowe Res: Mick Hagan L. Walker (C Res) R . Buckley B. Corin L . Harrison C . Swift
Sr S. Brown 6 S. Armstrong 6r M. Harpe r 7 P. Harrison 8 J. La Ragy 9 J. Moloney 9r C . Mitchell 10 T Silvers 12 M . McHenry 13 A. Johnstone 14 C. Buick 15 P. Bowde n 16 S. Hyland (DVC) 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Coffey 19 M . Goodier 20 M . Picone 21 A. McKenzie (VC) 22r M . O'Donnel l 22 G . Johnstone 23 R. Sherman 23r D. O'Brien 24 J . More l 25 C. Hyde 25r R. Wa(msley 26 D. Spithil! 27 S . Thomas 28 N. Harber 29 R. Marks 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyde 32 R . Bonnici (C) 33 B . Vague 34 L. Williams 35 A . Mackintosh 37 D . Hyland 38 S. O'Connell 39 B, Oakley 39 T Woodlock 40 D . Goggins 41 0 . McInerney 42 P. Bourke 42r S. Murray 44 A . Moore 45 T Molan 46 A. Skinns 47 G . Walton 48 J. Foon 51 A . Bonnici 51 D . Moore 52 T Moloney 52 E. Phillips 54 P. Hesse 55 A. McLeish 57 C . Chester 58 G . Walton
60 P. O'Callaghan 70 M . Duggan WOODARDS REAL ESTATE ~
--D EF3S V
C tch : Norm Goss Res c;oach: Tony Naumott I . Wilmott 2 M . McKellar 3 A. Brudar 4 S. Anderson 5 B. Martyn 6 B. Boyd 7 A. Duddy 8 G . Ca rr 9 T. Barker 10 D. Payson 11 L. Wheeler 12 B . Kulling 13 G . Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A. Browne (VC) 16 N . Greenwood 17 D. Artz 18 J . McCa rthy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A . Powe r 21 S . Crilly 22 S Bur ggraaft 23 M . Levy 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 J . Laing 27 M . Flynn 28 A . Guthrie 29 M . Fletcher (C) 30 A . Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 M . Lake 34 B . Artz 35 A. Fisher 36 L Fletcher 37 L . Holt 38 Ti . Whitney 39 S. Burggraaff 40 N . Goold 41 A. Crowther 42 M. McDermott 43 C . Marinis 44 M. Pearson 45 S. Blick 46 L Woolrich 47 S. Sille tto 48 G . Kelly 49 S. Weaver 50 N . Foster 51 J. Midwinter 52 Ti . Mather 53 J . Ng 54 P. Adams 55 J. Prantzo s 56 A. Blake 57 D . Wilton 58 M . Gray 59 J . Morley 60 M Terech 61 R. Bulmer AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD .
Coach : David Murray Reserve: Tony Collins 1 D. Lancaster 1 A . Longmuir 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A. Tucker 4 A . Hanley 5 D. Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 R . Foss 8 J . Ballenger 9 P. Goode n 10 D. Chamberlain 10 G. Tilling 11 T. Smith ( RC) 71 D. Hose 12 M Murray 13 P. Fuller 14 N . Meehan (DVC) 15 N . Parry (DVC) 15 P. Allsop 16 M . Apollonio 17 J . Beard 18 D . O'Donoghue (VC) 19 S. McMullin 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray (RVC)) 20 T. Castricum 21 S. Polan 22 D . Ryan (VC) 22 C . Buzby 23 C . Steinfort 24 S. Castricum 25 S. Stanley 26 J. Dunne (C) 27 D . Krom 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D . Han sen 31 N . Snarl ( RDVC) 32 B. King 33 D . Grant 34 M. Pollard 35 C . Morris 36 D . Carter 37 L. Morgan 38 G . Hamill 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 A. McDoweit 43 A. Persi 44 R . Mosbauer 45 B. Thomson 46 D. Dunne 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. HaM 51 P. Reed 52 S . Veltman 53 A. Strawhorn 54 J . Persi 55 L. Fuller 56 L. Rudling 58 D. Morris 61 M . McDowell 62 M . GonsaNez 64 T. Bourbon
Ph : 9598 6444 THE OPTIMISE
GROUP PTY. LTD. Ph : 9597 Oi bS vrrrw.hamptonrovers .com.au
British Paints Lif e' s Bri g hte r in Colour
MHSOB Coach: David Skinner Asst Coach : David Waterhouse Res Coach : Jamie Dixon 1 J. Eamon 2 S . McCully (Capt) 3 A . Howard 4 M . White 5 N . Orchard 6 C . Young 7 T. Biythman 8 J. Dixon 8 J. Garner 9 D . Fairchild 10 D . Waterhouse 11 P. Spott iswood 12 S. Whi ttington 1 3 D . Rosman 14 A . O' Brien 15 N . Adcock 16 J. Waiker (DVC) 17 Ti . Clowe s 18 R, Limbrick 18 D . Membrey 19 S. Glynn 20 A, Askew 20 P. McGrath 21 S. Sierakowski 22 A, Svirskis 22 D . Armstrong 23 L Taylo r S. Rundell 25 C . Nailon 25 H. Ta lor 26 A. Vicendese 27 C . Spottiswood 28 S. Moore 29 G . McCully 30 R . Newton 31 A. Hogan 32 A. Cassell (VC) ry 33 34 E. Thom son p 34 F. Rujev ic 35 S. Harrison 35 A. Mills 36 B. Gaunt 37 T. Harper 37 M . Ting 38 S . Robinson 39 B . James 40 A, Lust 41 J. Anderson 41 T. Fraczek 42 M . Hamilton-Ho 42 S . Volkering 44 J. Newton 45 Ti. Czwamo 46 R. Ware 47 D. Wilson 48 J. Scott Fox 51~ D. Learmont-Walker 52 8 . McGrath 53 J . Sprague 54 A . Tang 55 C. Wrig ht 56 T. Wright 57 58 C . Villani 59 M . Najeeb 60 S . Jenning s
Major Sponsors
GVP Fabricators Ail Horne Loans
New Order Clothin g
NTH OLD BOYS Coach : Garry Foulds Res Coach: Mark Oraniu k 1 J . Cassell 2 D. Keena n 3 T. Water s 3 J . Eastaug h 4 S . Sleep 5 R. Davidso n 5 D. Sken e 6 N . Vogels 7 G. Smith 8 B . Coliiso n 9 H . Mapleston e 10 W. Marti n 11 T. Robert s 12 T. Brown 13 T. Halpin t4 L. Power 15 H . Christie 16 J . Kendall 16 R . Kelliher 17 S . Casboult 19 P O'Farrell 20 J. Sutherland 21 N . Casboul t 22 D .Tehan 23 S . Coo k 24 J. Barker 25 G . Phylan d 26 T. Brady 27 P. Sondhu 28 D . Joyce 29 C . Hosking 30 M. Leig h 31 L . Boyle 32 T. Roach 33 M . Barker 34 M. Hyde 35 M. Robins 36 M. Phyland 37 S. Grig g 38 M. Amor 39 D . Galle tti 40 C . Phyland 41 C . Pizzin i 42 T. Sheeha n 43 K. Hilderbrandt 44 T. Kenned y 45 S. Ingram 46 P. Daniels 46 M. Pe l 47 J. NihilY 49 A. Gugola 53 S. Butcher 54 C . Dobso n 55 M . Joyce 56 D. Sheehan 57 M . Delaney 60 M . Cribbes 61 G . Took 61 A. Nevill e 64 L. Ryan 65 N. Barden 66 P. Brya r
68 J . Maher
~ ~c$#1
Coach : Jarrod O'Neil l Res. Coach: Hayden Bickett
OLD ESSEAD(!N Coach : Frank Dunell Res : Craig Ridley
1 J . Pannagiotopolous A. Krzywniak 2 J . Buckle y A. Pirri e 3 P. Lutterschmidt C . Barrow (VC) 4 D. Ryan 4 A. MacGillivray 5 S . de Morton 4 M . Franklin 6 C. Ridley 5 T. Marshal l 7 J . Leask 6 R . Stewart (DVC) 8 J . Heritage 7 B . Logan 9 B. Hakim 8 J . Perrett 10 S. Bryant 8 C. McNicol (CR) 11 B. Papa l 9 S .Lennox 12 J. Kavanagh 10 J . Mead 13 B . Hakim 12 B. Williams 14 L. Wilson . Kent 15 T Di Blas i 13 R 16 S . McPherson 14 S. Williams (C) 17 D. Forrest 15 B. Gadsde n 18 J . Walker 16 C . Tootell 19 E . Healey n 16 J. Homan 20 D. Hunter 17 A . Van Den Dungan 21 S. Dale 18 A . Sale m 22 R . OBrien 19 S . Ginnivan 23 J. Hughes 19 J . McCowan 24 J. Dazkiw 20 M . Smit h 25 A. Frazer 21 T. Ewert 26 S . Fleming 22 L. O'Neill 27 J . Di Pietro 23 N. Milat 28 G. Stevens . Gadsden 24 M 29 S . Uebergang 25 S. Nickas 30 M . Dragojlo 26 A. Ginnivan 31 D. Carid i 32 D. Poulton 27 D . Paterson 33 D. Biggs 28 A. Bristow 34 D.Podger 29 J. Dickerson 35 L . Kavanagh 30 E .McCowan 36 A. Frazer 31 A . Paroissien 37 M . Boss i 32 A . Goldner 38 D .WhitBeld 33 L. Dale 39 B. Newbold 34 J . Whit e 40 A. McKenzie 35 C. Stewart (RVC) 41 B. Overman 36 R. Henderson (RDVC) 42 N . Bartram 37 D . Hughes 43 M . Vetardo 38 J. Raju 44 A . Parker 39 B. Pamham 45 J . Weidner 41 M. Allen 46 M . Beard 42 L . Hendra (DVC) 47 S . Howard J. Murchie 48 A. Salv o R . Sherman 49 G . Collins 50 A. Nowland 45 C. McKimm 51 J. Stevens 47 5 . Adam 52 B. Porker 48 B . Dever 53 T. Campbell 49 B . Scott 54 A. Morrison 50 W. Leaf 55 D . Gradzki 51 J . Lynch 56 M . Makris 52 W. Hebard 57 J . Uoy d 53 M . Dubyna 58 T. Williams 54 J. Dooley 60 C. Cetin 58 J. McBriar 59 S. Mead 60 A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B . Pearce 63 S . Davies 64 M . Reid 71 T. Matessi
Major Sponso r
Coach: Paul Breen Res Coach: Peter Slacik
Coach : Russell Barnes Assistant Coach : Brad Ba r Res: Mark Lomagno 1 S. Vincent 1 P. Wintle 2 P. O'Loughlin (V C) 2 L . Wintle (C) 3 S. O'Meara 3 C . Tesoriero 4 A. Curran 4 A. L'Huillier (DVC) 5 W. Connelly 5 S. Napie r 7 N . Owen 6 D . Stevens 8 A . Scafidi 6 R . Bux 9 M . Terrell 7 M . Cosgriifi 10 M . Wintle 8 A . Sinclair 12 J . Kane 13 R . Sampieri 9 N . Brundell 14 A .Connolly 10 P. Brabender 15 T. McColl 11 J . Collin s 16 A. Hipwell 12 B. Galloway 17 N. Corda 13 B. Richardson 18 S . Hecker (DVC) 19 A. Drury 14 P. Pratt 20 L . Porte 16 M. Godfrey 21 P. Fedderson r 17 L. Dor e 22 D . Poynton 18 G. Porteous 23 D . Napier 24 T. Beasley 18 M . Spinoso 25 M . Kelleher 19 A . Dean 26 Matthew Hecker 20 B . Robins 27 N . Zomer 21 D. Loney 28 M . Andrew 22 S . Fantone 29 J . Bristow 30 J . Knuppel 23 P. Walsh 31 M . Mifsud 24 T. Lombard i 32 G .Johnson 25 A. Heffernan ( C ) 33 S. Zakic 26 D .Bound y 35 C . Barnes 36 A. Walstab 27 K. Jenkins 37 M.Connolly 28 B . Reiner 38 A . Hayes (VC) 30 D . Dean 39 M. McColl 31 N . Dallas 40 M. Beasley 41 S . Rose 32 S . Corcoran 42 M . Wilson 35 S .Simpson (C-R) 43 H . Dwyer 36 B. Dintlnosant e 44 D. Moss 50 J . Swindon 45 R. Gould 46 D. Pisasale 39 A. Chambers 47 J . De Groot 50 R . Murray 48 B. Hutchinson 50 D . Furz e 49 S. Walsh 50 A . Paglia 50 S. Kidd 50 T. Ludeman 51 S. Crowe 52 M. Towns 50 T Wood 53 M. Uberti 49 M . Hyde 54 M . McCraw 50 A. Tenson 55 M . Ferris 52 M . Joyce 56 J . Chaplin 57 C. Connolly 55 A. Swindon 58 M . Zakic 54 M . Yeo 59 M . Zahra 60 M . Joyce 60 A. Pothitos 61 M . Rhoden 62 C . Spero 63 T. Cut e 64 J. Cunningham 65 R . Pierce 66 R . Parsons (RC) 70 L. Terrel l 71 M . McGettigan 73 J . Doubaras
Coach: Greg Feutnll Res. Coach : Coni r- Eame s
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I C . Wood 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Pha n 6 P. Campbell 7 S . Brosolo 8 B.Janson 9 A. Pawlik 10 R . Pasqualotto 11 T. Wallace 12 B. Vandenboam 13 T. Langford 14 T. Carrigg 16 J. Power 17 A . Carbone 18 C . Dance 19 A . Hil l 20 P. Hennessy 21 B . Jone s 22 N. Cunningham 23 E . Eame s 24 A. Cunningham 25 M . Verna l 26 S. Alexander 27 L . Swai n 28 C . Eames 29 A . Glenn 30 M. Power 31 M. Baker 32 G. Kennedy 33 C. Fulton 34 D. Gloufchev 35 C. Law 36 T. Nunan 37 M . Nunan 38 C. Carrigg 39 M . Vandenboom 40 M . Cahil l 41 M . Leahy 42 M. Northey 43 N . Elliott 44 R . Eames 45 S. Cleven 46 D .Jones 48 J . Treyvaud 49 T. Hilton 50 D. Crea 52 A . Baggoley 53 B . Wilson 54 P. Micallef 55 P. Tobin 57 L . McGuinness 58 M. Manni x 60 R . Pawlik 61 S. Phelan 62 J . Anderso n
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Spc ,
Your Coaches' Association "
F THE MONTH - JUNE The foil' of the M SENIOR 7' F Jack McOon ' focussed unit, Mo CLUB : PLAYIN G Albert Pa r COACHIN' COACHING Pofficials . Lister regrets and no FUTURE i
h,. re
;i* i awarde d the AFGAIVAFA C oach or Umpire
ird with his group of players to mould them into a very committed and i` n any of the competing D3 finalists . SECTION : D3 ib V.F.A .1982-1988, 4 Flags - 1 Under 19's, 2 Reserves and 1 Senior, ANZ tained and Coached Club, 2 Great games for Monash Gryphons reserves . 1992-1997, Monash Gryphons 2000-Curren t igs simple and to always be honest and positive with your players and club how painful it might be, because you will always learn something new . No ash Gryphons to their first flag especially with this group of players .
side in the eompetitian aiming for higher Phiv Demetriou has gone throc 1 17 rounds undefeated and this new iJ 4 assuring the Banyule AFC's long term future . honours not only this season but into future years SECTION : U19 Red Banyule-Viewbank CLUB : '771(90 goals) ; A grade EDFL 9 goalkicking ; VFL reserves at Essendon U1 PLAYING HfSTORr Juniors at Pascoe Vale Pascoe Vale - career cut short by injury : ; Viewbank College to '01 & '02 State COACHING HISTORY : Viewbank Colege to Herald Sun Metropolitan Cup '03 ; coached Doncaster juniors '97•' 9 9; Championships -n :ate level) ; Barryute-V€ewbank 00 .2003 (undefeated) ; Assistant coach YJFL Champions '00-`fl~'I (U15 ) . [levelopr?~ent '[eirxsz r :hargers '01-'02 (U15 U16} : r iblish a positive sporting culture in a team which is cvnducive to enjoyment, tpACHIN,? p (earning, devetoping .`iich in turn is infectious to the bevy of personnel in such an environment I expect maximum output from maximum input and always have high expectations . FUTURE AM BtTtOFi: To continue to enjoy coaching and observe the development of skills, abilities and maturity of the . multitude of players I have had a direct Involvement with . To coach at senior tevel would aiso be an objective
UMPIRE - OF - THE - MONT H Luke Holmes - has rapidly developed into one of the brightest lights in terms of the developing group of young up and coming VAFA senior umpires . Luke's ability, fitness and commitment to better his umpiring will be watched with great interest in the ensuing years . SECTIONS UMPIRED : A Sectio n PLAYING HISTORY: Korumburra 4ths & 3rds - Alberton FL '90-'96 . UMPIRING HISTORY : South Gippsland Umpires'98-'01, Alberton FL, VAFAUA . UMPIRING PHILOSOPHY : Make sure you have fun whilst doing it . FUTURE AMBITION : - For 5o- Napoli to go one training session and not call me Scott Fraser ACHIEVEMENTS : • U19 Rep Game - 200 2 • '01 & '02 Alberton FL GF umpire THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003 12
New ' . -ce rews,,, : ;, ;ed n C it may be time t o past 7 years .
Colin Foley 0403 574 50 0
New Order Clothing Toohey s
Maxwell & Williams The Bush Inn Schweppe s Evans Kerr AM P South Yarra Sports Centre JBis Purified Water Goldpats Accountants Rigby Cooke Lawyers TVP Communication s
HydroChem The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering Ryder Commercia l
Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bellis Hotel & Brewery Keithis Pie s Delicatess Moods Consulting Pty Ltd Terranat Landscape Monte Coffe e Edward J Lynch Agencies Paul Pattison Beaurepaires
Bellis Hotel & Brewery
proudly supports the MHSOBF C
system 84` ' -3
Neil Moody, Suite 7 / 255 Whitehorse Road, Batwyn, 31 03 Ph : 9888 6866, F : 9888 6880, tr9 : 0408 483 058 , E: nmoods@bigpond.com
ness for the young ~ :ye-- in no doing I hope [l, . club c. s bounce back nto B Grade in 2005 . Past players of the club need to become actively re- -c . d so that fresh ideas and =. reinvigorat a
and provide or )re help that is so needed if are io succeed
I would like to pass on r thanks to t ;e at
recent Gala t :igi ; as
MHSOBFC canteen smallgoods
in 2003and now Cir could be the right tim e stand aside and let on the task of bringin g formula back to the club Yet, this is also the easy way out . With a junior program in ninne that will bear fruit in ahead and a young coac' ° panel at all levels : ! feel that C Grade ar opportunity to ret;
who -. : made a great commitment year especially to Paul Air . ion (Social Secr ;, aChief and Timmy Newton and wish them all the best r,eir anew !ifein Fiji. Paul Chester, our Secretary fo r pr 3w years is also step-
date and crest ,
Prahran Market Peter & Tess 982 4 175 2
After 3 year, in B in A Grade 2000-2,
;lnil's at 1 by the Ls'e the r.` ISOBFC announced MHS ist XVIII Teams of the Decades .
REAL ESTATE AGENTS FOR SOUTH YARRAAN D THE MHSOBFC 161 Toorak Road South Yarra 3141 Contact BILL COOK Jn r Telephone 9866 441'
The 1990 s team is:
B : Tregea° Pr, rr" HB: Joser Fai C : Thompson, Bruce , HF : Glover, Barren . Eabry F : Taylor, Woodley, Pertzel R: Jeffrey, Wild, Aubrey
Bryan Thomas has already indicated he will return as Team Manager for the Senior, and Warren Fall will also be actively reirvolved assisting the coach . A great start for 2004 .
To our many sponsors thanks for your continuing support . Please at that continue in 2004 . Finally to all clubs playing in th e r you play hard and to yand . ..good luck!
tnt : Roberts . Evans, War b
Cat ainDirt, Fairchil d Vice Captain : Cameron Bruce Coa , 'Narren Fal l w7, the sole -~at difficulty in i~a, . -s, ;: se,acton . Man y echampionsinissed out! Well done to all players selected in all sides!
Review The smell of finals is in the air, after the make up o f the final four was finally settled on the weekend . It turned out to be BYO calculator at Harry Trott and Glenhuntly as the race for fourth was decided by 0 .6% . A kick either way could have seen the Vultures sneak above the Sharks but with identical losing margins, the mathematicians favoured Beaumaris . The match at Glenhuntly, was tight all day with the lead changing several times throughout the day, as both sides fought the game out to secure a final's berth . The Vultures appeared to have clinched victory early in the last quarter after a couple of early goals but the desperation of Merv's men pulled them back in and ran over the top of the . Mick Sullivan and Shane visitors by 12 points Rowley, as always provided options up forward booting 5 each for the victors while, captain Andrew . Will was in inspirational form for the home side The result left the Vultures in fifth spot and stuck . The Vultures will the Caulfield boys in third certainly lay claims to being the best outside the 4, aftersome great nerformances throughout the year . at the Trott It was a bittersweet day for the Sharks who fell into the finals after going down by 12 points Beaumaris were on the front foot early to the Lions . serving it up to Collegians with some solid attack on the ball from Chris Martin and Brayden Haynes . The Sharks went into the main break full of confidence leading by 4 goals but a second half comeback led by Brock Mooney and Shura Taft up . forward closed the gap to 2 points at the last chat The match was set up for a classic final quarter with both sides pushing themselves to the limit as the lead changed several times before the home side won a great "warm up" final . OC finished their season off as they started it and . knocked off another finalist in convincing fashion A solid third quarter from the visitors as they booted 8 goals to 1 set the game up as Nigel Credlin would be dominated from half back . The Slewps disappointed they did not hang onto top spot and have the week off to regain their form on the
training track . The Wells are left ruing their mid seaso n
slump as the y certainly have showed over the past month that they have the goods to mix it with the big boys . The battle to remain in Crunch grade was left in the Saint's hands as a win would guarantee them their spot for 2004 . The match started in desperate fashion as Glen Eira threw everything at the Monds forcing their way to a 21 pt lead at qtr time . From then on it was left to Mark Dimashki, "Bongo" Varnvakas & Andy Taranto to hold on for the home side and remain above the dotted line . Centreman Michael Miller tried hard for Ormond . The final game saw the Oak Park boys run ou 1 inners by 28 points over the Two Blues, aft'] . Corey Bannister bootec trailing by 18 points another 7 for the winners. Therry Penola would bi disappointed with their season after showing somi good form throughout the year, while early injurie put Prahran on the back foot from the start . Preview the Sharks (11-7) in t h 's men (12-6) take on first semi final at Trevor Barker oval today . Head to Head
Rd 1 Beaumaris by 3pts at Shark Pa Rd 1
C SECTION Dixon 1 Collegian s Therry Penola C Bannister 7 Mentone Vultures Rowley 5 Old Camberwell Cadzow 6 St Leos Emmaus WP B Vaughan 3 C Reserve Dalwood 6 Caulfield Gr Caulfield Gr M Harrison 1 Ormond Stewart 5 Old C~imberwell Francis 1 2 Glen Eira Eade
Beaumaris by 10pts at Glenhuntly
if ever a ground favours defence, it is at Beach Rd. Tight pockets, no wings and a guaranteed howling breeze make scoring opportunities difficult . Therefore, this game shapes up as being the battle of the backlines as both sides rely on restricting their opposition and then sharing the goals around rather than focusing on one spearhead . Apart from a close game, look out for - Caulfield Gr . - The "six pack" or Merv's backline has been resolute all year and will be miserly again today . The midfield of Widjaja, Fallu & Craven and captain Andrew Will to ruck. Mark Frater to show the boys how to play the ground after his years of experience at the Zebras . Beaumaris - The other backline lead by Chris Martin and ferocity of Brayden Haynes and Mark Boon around the ground . Murrav Pitts in full flight and the mercurial Matt Blackmore up forward . It is a surprise to find these 2 sides in a first semi as the early form from both sides pointed to a possible Grand Final clash- But one side has to go and Caulfield appear to have been travelling a bit better than the Sharks over the last 6 weeks and will reappear in a couple of weeks to play for a position in B Grade .
PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Luke Mahoney - lukemahoneyl4('hotmail .com
Beaumar : congratulate Murray Pitts on plr--ing his 100th same. Murray is a highly decorated and skilful pla; _r. Among his achievements over his years at Beaumaris have been senior and U19 premierships, club and competition best and fairests and selection in A grade and Australian representative sides. Murray was selected in the Beaumaris team of the century and is a proud and passionate member of our club . This year Murray has taken up the position of captain and has grown into this role providing leadership and inspiration for all those at the club . We wish him well in leading the Sharks through the finals .
TODAY'S ATIC- E S C SECTION lst SEMI FINAL - August 23, 2003 SENIORS Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham - 2 p .m . Caulfield Or versus Beaumaris RESERVES Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham - 11 .30 a.m . Beaumaris versus Old Camberwel l Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
THERRY PENOLA 2 .3 5 .5 8 .8 18 .14 (122) 6 .11 10 .14 13.16 (94) PRASi:IU.'r Therry petiole : C Bannister 7, Castaldi 3 . Farrelly, O'Connor 2 . Cailegari, Edwards, Elliott, Faroldi . Best : Fenton, Nanearrow, Castaldi . C Bannister, Faroldt Prahran: Pitts . McCuddin 4, Quick 2, Ballaro, Harvey, Bellow. Best: Sleight, Mullins, Harvey, MeCuddtn, Pitts Umpires : Sean Scully Jr Dac9d Langvorth (F) Michael Jones Chris McKendry (G ) ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 3 .2 6.2 8.7 9 .10 (64) OLD CAMBERWELL 5 .1 8.7 16.8 19.10 (124) St Leos - Vaughan 3, Buckle 2, Bird, P .McGloin, Burgess. Ballard . Best - Ristevskl, T.McCann, Burgess, J .Hodder . Old Camberwell Cadzow 6. Horgan 3, P.Tempone 3, Hardenberg 2, Christie, Credltn . Curling, Kapoor, Tymmons . Details not received Umpires : Dash Peir[s (F) Chris Schaefer (B) Andrew Esposito Paul Gait (G ) COLLEGIANS 2 .6 5 .8 9 .13 1115 (93) 4 .3 9 .6 10 .9 12 .9 (81) BEAUMARSS Collegians : Taft 4, Mooney 4, Lang 2, Dixon . Couch, Low. Best: . Lang, Taft, Shadbolt, Atkinson . Young. Beaumarls: Blackmore Mooney 5 . Pitts 2, Ferrari 2 . Spence, Boon, Rawlins. Best : Blackmore. Martin, Buller . Haynes, Ensor, Sherman . Umpires: Paul Lamble Paul Dinneen (F) Brent Adamson Tony Casuscelii (B) Robert Seymour Chris Doyle (G) 6.4 10 .9 15 .15 22 .22 (154) GLEN EII2A ORMOND 3.1 6 .6 12 .7 16.8 (1041 Glen Eirs : M.Dhnachki 5 Taranto 3 Vamuakas 3 S.Dtamond 2 Fossey 2 Gilmore 2 Astapenko Doolan King Massis McGaw . Best: Gilmore Astapenko Sheerly Donlan Massis King Ormond : Martinov 5 Grace 5 Miller 2 James 2 Robbins Metz . Miller James Collins Damadamos Metz Martinov. Umpires: Justin Lipson Lionel Katz (F) Patrick Jenes Jake Mahar CG ) CAUL GRAM 2 .5 7 .8 14.12 18 .15 (123) MENT VULT 3 .0 9 .4 14 .6 17 .9 (111) Cant Gram: Will 3, Jones 3, Carboni 3, Hall 2, Foote, Fallu. O'Neill, Pearce, Baxter, Foster. Best : Pearce . Fallu, Will, Prater, Jones, Craven. Meat Vult : M .Sullivan 5, Rowlev 5 . Barr 3 . P.Sullivan, Haves, John Tullev, white . Best: Dixon . M .Su1L+van, Stephens, Jack Tully, Stewart . Rowley. Umpires : Geoff Curran Sharon Alger (F) Ben Bracken Sam Gent (B) Bruce Stephens Peter Maddocks (G ) C RESERVE THERRY PENOLA 3 .5 9 .7 15 .10 19.12 (126) 5 .3 5.5(35) PRAf RA% 1 .1 4 .2 Therry pencils : Crotty 6, Barron 3, Moloney, Bosanko- Gorman 2, Sacco . Goodwin. Findlay, Reynolds . Best: Barron, Moloney, Sacco, Crotty, Finnigan, Tsinaris Prahran: tVindridge, Tooley, Belcher, Glllie, Oliver . Best : Hodgson . Tooley, Vagg. Aiken, Waitord . Windridge ST LEOS EbLkIAUS WE 1 .4 5.5 7_9 7.10 (52) OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .2 4.6 10.6 12 .8 i801 St Leos Emmaus : Contessotto, Cotler. N.Hodder. Landv. Morrison, S .Pitcher, Volpi. Best : Volpi . S .Pltcher, D.Pitcher, Kelly. Caller, Simondson . Old Camberwell : Marwood 4, Gladman 3, Seeley 2 . Francis. Ryan, Schmidt . Best : Marwood, T.Derry, MacKenzie . Margetts, Seeley, Smith . COLLEGIANS 0 .5 1 .6 6 .8 11 .11 (77) 3 .0 4 .3 5 .4 5.7 (37) BEAUMARIS Co llegians: Browning 3, Abbott 2 . Groenveld 2, Lockett, Lumb. Muir, Skurrie . Best : Lockett, Vial, Abbott, Turner, Lumb . Thomas . Beaumaris : Nish 2, J . May. S. May, C. Collins. Best : Hunt, McMillan, C . Collins, A . O'Brien, Healy, N . Atkins. GLEN EBiA 2.4 3.6 6 .12 7.14 (56) 5 .3 10.7 12.9 18.12 (120) ORMOND Glen Eira: Eade 2 Haines Shellard Cassar Watt Loughran. Best: Richards Haines Aborting Zagatne Zwar Zurak. Ormond : Stewart 5 Lom 3 S .Oi Pasquale 2 Parsons 2 Ritchie 2 T .DI Pasquale Keleher Wiley. Best: T.DI Pasquale Wiley Stewart S .Di Pasquale Bank Lo m CAUL GRAM 11 .2 20 .5 26.10 31 .20(206) MENT VULT 1 .2 1 .4 3 .4 4.5(29) Caul Gram: Dalwood 6, Kendall 5, D .Scott 4, Gross 4, Pennycuick 3 . Docker 2, Lawson. M .Harrison, Poulter, McAssey, Erickson, Ryan, Kuppe . Best: D .Scott. Kuppe, Dalwood . Kendall. Erickson, Jacobs . Ment Yult : Anseldl 2 . Wilson, Waters . Best: Walsh, Wilson. Gallagher, Smith, waters. 15
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Coach: '', . . Keane Coach : Brett Marchant Ass Coach : Kc ie! Dachs Asst: Mick Lovejoy G iB
1 JFoley _ . . . . . . 2 B Hall . . . . . 3 C Knight . . . . 4 M Liddell . . . . 5 S Kendall . . . . . . 6 N Craven . . . . ., 8 R Foote . . . . . . . 9 M Frater . . . . . . . 10 A Will(C) .. 11 B Carboni . . . . . . 12 D Pearce . . . . . . 13 A Green . . . . . . . 14 S Amiet . . . . . . . 15 A Docker . . . . . . 16 S Sant . . . . . . . 18 8 Baxter . . . . . . . 19 T Aylen . . . . . . . 20 H Vella . . . . . . . . 21 M Pennycuick . . . 22 CMe Assay . . . . 26 S Wrdlaia . . . . . 27 J Ryan . . . 29 G Erickson . . . . 30 C Fagan . . . . . . . 31 T Foster . . . . . . . 32 A Lawson . . . . . . 34 B Gross . . . . . . . 36 8 Cunningham . 40 R 0`Neifl . . . . . 42 D Synman . . . . . 43 A Bruhn . . . . . . . 45 D Scott . . . . . 52 8 Sinclair . . . 53 C Jones . . . . Co N Fallu . . . 71 M Cassidy . . . . . .
T, ~ -` ._ .
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.... . .,.. .:.. . .... . . :. . . . . 1.... . .... ., . . . .... . .... . .... . .... . .:.. . .; . . . ., . . . .. . . . . .... . .; . . . .. ... ... ... ... ... ..: ... . ., . . . . ., . . . ..: ... ..: ... ... . ... ., .. ... ..: ...
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3 M .Fibs iC; . . . . . ., 4 M . Matuiick ('JVC) 5 M . Ensor (VC ) 6 A . Spence . . . , 8 M . O'Brien . . . . . . . 9 B . Cousins . . . . . . . 10 L. Buller . . . . . . . . . 12 1- Healy . . . . . . . . . 13 C . Gourley . . . . . . . 14 T. Collins . . . . . . . . . 15 M . Boon . . . . . . . . . 16 A . Can . . . . . . _ . 17 L Atkins . . . . . . . . . 18 N . Kennedy . . . . . . . 19 Fvf. Atb,ins . . . . . . . . . 20 N . Atkins . . . . . . . , . 21 P. Sherman . . . . . . . 22 J . Hall (VC) . . . . . . . 23 A . Catlin . . . . . . . . . 24 S.Gray . . . . . . . ._ 25 D . Teesdale . . . . . . 27 B. Haynes (DVC) . . 28 J. Vance . . . . . . . . 29 C .Martin . . . . . . . . . 34 J. May . . . 35 N .Bodor 36 L .Ferrarl . . . . . . . . . 40 R. Rarihns . . . . . . . 42 A. O'Brien 44 C . Collins . . . . . . . . 49 J. Bryce . . . . . . . . . 53 S. Coals . . . . . 52 J Will,a^ts . . . . 54 T. Woolnough . . . . 55 S. Deaton . . . . . . . . 57 H. McMillan . . . . . . . 58 M . 6lackrnore . . . . . 63 S. McNichofas . .
G 8
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 C. Co;fins . . . . . . . . 2 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 i8 20 24 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 42
S. Nish . . . . . H. Gibson . . . M . Q`Brien . . B. Cousins . L Healy . . . . C. Gourley . . T. Collins . . . . A. Quin . . . . . L Atkins . . . . N. Kennedy . . N. Atkins . . . . B. Gray . . . . . J. Vance . . . . S. Hunt . . . . . B . Calms . . . S. May . . . . . J . May . . . . . . N. Boctor . . . L. Ferrari . . . . D. Murphy . . . J . Gerrand , . A 0'6nen . . .
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.j . . . t A . Dum6ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . .. .. . . . . .? . . . 23 TN James Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . T. Ogier . . . . .. 4 5 L Cam . . . . . ~ . . . . 68 Christie . . . Seeley . . . . _ . . .__, . . . . . : . . . 6A 7 M S, .^att . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .! . . . 8 J Heffernan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ty m~mons . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 98 10M Hanson r,Cj . . . . . . ., . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 t S . Cadzow t2RKappor . . ., . . . . . . . . . t 3 L Gardman A1C) . . . R Whitehead (VC) . . . . . .; . . _ ~ .i . . ta 45 D. Caine . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . i . . . 16D.Pike . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Credlin ( DVC) . . . . . , . . . . ~ .i . . . 17 18 S. Marwood . . _ . . . . . . .~ . . . . . : . . . 19PTempo ne . . . . . . 20 D MRChet! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 T Hardman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Howard . . . . . . . . . . .j . . . 22 23 K Darby . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . . { . . . 24 8 Tipper . . . . . . . . . . . . A Heroen6erg . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . i . . . 25 26 A. Whelan . . . . . . . . . . . .~._ . , . : . . . 27 A. Sheedy . . 28 D. Gough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 29 S. Francis . .. . R Perryman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . 30 31 8 Craven . . . . .;_ . . . ; . . . 32 G . Ormsby . . . . . . . . . . .'~ . . . . 3? D. E idt . . ~._ . -~ . . . .' . . C .'~. . 35 . 36 S
46 M . Saxton . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . 37A .- . . .. .. ..
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38 7 H . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . 49 J . Bryce . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . 39G .R~~ : . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . 50 D. Wall . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . 44 C.Jee . . . . . ,. . . .. .. . . .r . . . ... ... . .'s . . . ..: ... . . . . .
., .: ., .:
67 B. Gillespie . . . .
Coach : Michael Siga!as Asst: Matthew Hogg & Karlo C
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1 L.Ri 52 J .'lv'aiiatis . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 42A :
54 T. LJwinough . . . . . . . ; . 55 8 . Deaton . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 E . Leyden 57 H. McMillan . . . . . . . . . . 58 M Blac kmore . . .. .. .. . 60 S. Houk . . . . .. 62 A . Pratt . . . . . . . , r
66 A . Coors . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . :. . nzin . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 43C,- ru . . 4~ . aan . . . : ... 47 uBJC~.: . . . y. . . . . . . 49 R. : -~.':aI . . . . . G 50 51 AC `' ! hard[ 52 S. c . 53 R T na .; . A lt.. Is . . . . J. Gan . . . . 63 S . McNlchotas . . . . . . . . . . 55 55 S . Pogr-ty . . . 64 M. Carty . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 56 S Jones . . . . . . 57 T Nisbet . . . . . 65 G. Sherlock . . . . . . . . . i . . 58 N. Pa ne . . . 67 B . Gillespie gg c Do as
59 J. 4Poaysh . . . . 61 A . Wals h
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. . . . . 63 S . Grenohonh ry . 6 L. Gcla y
76 T, Blake
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77 L- Tucker
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65 S . Har,co^k . . . .~ L ELECTRICAL & GAS nL 'CE S
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114 TIME ) 1r4 Tlffl ;: (
6 0 6 1
Last week's "puzzler" gathered a lot of interest . The "puzzler" asked - what are the most number of games (AFL) played in the follotivin guernsey numbers . The answers are in brac~ets after each number. No .! (Paul Roos 356 games Fitzroy and Swans) ; 2 (John Nicholls 328 Carlton) ; 3 (Ted Whitten 321 games Footscray); 4 (Stephen Kernahan 251 R ames Carlton) ; 5 (John Rantall 330 game s outh Melbourne and North Melbourne) ; 6 (John Du dale 248 games North Melbourne) ; 7 (Doug Hawkins ~29 games Footscray) ; 8 (Robert Scott 245 games Geelong and North Melbourne) ; 9 (Brian Dixon 51 games Melbourne); 1 0 (Carl Ditterich 285 games St Kilda and Melbourne) ; 11 (Bruce Doull 32 9 ames Carlton; 12 (Jack Titus 294 games ~chmond) ; 13 (Rod Carter and John Law 217 games - Carter, Swans and Law, North Melbourne ; 14 (Bob Skilton 237 games South Melbourne) ; 15 (Kelvin Moore 300 games Hawthorn) . 0
Regular readers will have noticed that the coates wreckair Most Valuable Players display does not appear today. With the Vote Count Night fast approaching - coaches, who make the final deliberations in this matter, were circulated last week with the names of the "Amateur Footballer" scribes weekly selections from round I to 16/17. The three winners for each section will come from these nominations . FTLOTG thanks the scribes Jesper Fjelstad, Tommy Brain, Luke Mahoney, Big Bad Bazza Hickey and Gavan Flower for providing a nomination for their section each week without fail . The missing sections' nominations were "plucked" at random each week by VAFA Administration from match details supplied .
0 0 0 The 21 winners will receive their statuettes at the September 1 Vote Count and Presentation Night. 0 0 0 The 13 VAFA players named in the AAFC Team of the Year for Year 2 of the Three Year Championships will also receive their framed certificates at the above dinner. 0 0 0 FTLOTG was well represented at last Monday
evening's Umpires' Association Annual Dinner at the -Victorian Club (Rialto Towers) . It was truly a great night, the highlight being the colourfu~and entertaining speech of the guru of AFL coaching Kevin Sheedy . The recipients of all UA Awards are detailed today in Umpires' Corner. Congratulations to Anthony Damen (president, UA) and to all his hand of merry men and women for putting on such a top night .
0 0
The VAFA's Sue Anderson certainly is a woman who meets all fears head on . Overcame a chronic fear of flying a few years back to jet around the world . ast Monday night she overcame her fear of heights to journey with ease to the 41st floor of the Rialto to attend the UA Dinner. She's already planning to take the grandson (Oliver A) to the Rialto's Observation Deck soon - 66 levels ufsid
0 0
Today's puzzler (answer next week) . Which ~ round has the greater capacity AAMI tadium or the Gabba? Optus Oval or the SCG? Skilled Stadium or the Gabba ?
0 0
Great to see the Sunday d~e and Monday's Age presenting every skerric~k of match details sent "down the line" recently. Hopefully this newspaper realises that they have picked up an amazing number of paper purchasers by giving the Amateurs this degree of exposure and will do the same in the week's ahead . C'mon Sunday Herald Sun, do likewise and I'm sure you will gather many more readers as -,vell .
0 0 0 If you can't get to an Amateur game today, 9 6 .5 Inner FM will be calling the vital Old Trinity v . St ernards matc handwilprovegularsco e updates from "Around the Grounds . "
0 0
And . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern FM and the VAFA have agreed to terms for Southern FM to call the A section Grand Final once again .
0 0
Sportscover Arena 1st Semi 31-Aug Sunday
DAY Saturday
Sportscover Arena 2nd Semi 07-Sep Sunday
U19 (2) Scammell 2nd Semi 30-Au g Scammell l st Semi 31-Aug
Sportscover Arena Preliminary 14-Sep Sunday
Scammell Preliminary 06-Sep
Sportscover Arena Grand 21-Sep Sunda y
Scammell Grand 13-Se p
U19 (3) Junction Oval 2nd Semi 30-Aug
Sportseover Arena Ist Semi 30-Aug Saturday
Junction Oval lst Semi 31-Aug
Sportscover Arena 2nd Semi 06-Sep Saturday
Preston Preliminary 07-Sep
Sandringham Preliminary 13-Sep Saturday
Preston Grand 14-Sep
Sportscover Arena Grand 20-Sep Saturday U19 (2) McKinnon Oval - 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday Blue 11 .20a m
C Gillon Oval 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday Sandringham Ist Semi 23-Aug Saturday
McKinnon Oval - Ist Semi 31-Aug Sunday
Sandringham Preliminary 06-Sep Saturday
11 .20am Gerry Green Res Preliminary 06-Sep Saturday
Elstermvick Park Grand 13-Sep Saturday
- 11 .20am Gerry Green Res Grand 13-Sep Saturday
D1 Cheltenham 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday
- 11 .20am
Cheltenham ist Semi 23-Aug Saturday Cheltenham Preliminary 06-Sep Saturday Cheltenham Grand 13-Sep Saturda y
U19 (2) Garvey Oval 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday Red Garvey Oval Ist Semi 31-Aug Sunda y
D2 Central Reserve 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday
Garvey Oval Preliminary 06-Sep Saturday
Central Reserve lst Semi 23-Aug Saturday
Garvey Oval Grand 13-Sep Saturda y
Central Reserve Preliminary 06-Sep Saturday NB: AB dates and venues are subject to change due to ground
Central Reserve Grand 13-Sep Saturday
availability and confirmation in some cases. D3 McHale Stadium 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday McHale Stadium ist Semi 24-Aug Sunday
An updated display will appear weekly in the Amateur
McHale Stadium Preliminary 06-Sep Saturday
FootbaBer and daily on the VAFA website
McHale Stadium Grand 13-Sep Saturday Admission car
Finals costs:
City Oval Box Hill Qualifying 23-Aug Saturday
Club XVIII $6 $4 Preliminary Grand Final s
Preston City Oval Elimination 24-Aug Sunday Preston City Oval 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday Preston City Oval Ist Semi 31-Aug Sunday
Senior Finals
Preston City Oval Preliminary 06-Sep Saturday Preston City Oval Grand 13-Sep Saturday
(D1-D4) $6 $3 (A-C) $8 $4
U19 (1) McKinnon Oval - 2pm 2nd Semi 30-Aug Saturday
Senior Grand Finals (Dl-D4) $6 $3 (A-C) $8 $ 4
McKinnon Oval - 2pm ist Semi 31-Aug Sunday Gerry Green Res - 2pmPreliminary 06-Sep Saturday
U19 Finals
Gerry Green Res - 2pmGrand 13-Sep Saturday
$6 $3 (Grand Finals only )
Even for those not affected there is a gut wrenching feeling of sympathy for clubs being relegated from D1 . More particularly when they possess histories like Ivanhoe Assumption & Bulleen Templestowe . It is a reminder to us all that constant improvement in every aspect of Club operations is a necessity just to stay in the Section! DI Senior teams now have to be 4-5 goals better than was required in 1999 to qualify for ! promotion . Its tough, but its life
YVOB mangled Old M entonians in completing a strong return season to D1, auguring well for the Bushrangers in 2004 . Justin Cremean did well in the ruck for Yarra, Sam Savage was effective EW (everywhere!), & Peter Jarvie let little past at HB . The Panthers had a horrible day Aquinas beat both Banyule & relegation in a tribute to the Bloods' fighting qualities and will to survive . 20 points down in g4 the Bloods put in a 7 goals term to take out a 12 points victory . Ruckman, Al Bethune, was an inspiration, his on-ballers Brett Hardman & Jason Coghlan were on song, & Stephen Tibb was strong across HB for the Bloods . Chris Taylor, Adam Dooley & Brad Willmore stood out for the Bears . Salesian pushed AJAX all day and didn't win, but more importantly, preserved their place in Dl! Yoni Berger & Julian Kirzner both played outstanding games, as did Simon Gutman in . No news his first match back from illness from Salesians, I guess they're still celebrating ! Uni . Blacks downed the Hoes and doomed them to relegation . Pat Barry, & Anthony . Nick Parkin put in good ones for Blacks Blainey, Damon Wood, Travis O'Neil, & Shane Sampson did their utmost for the Hoes . too tough a The Bullants found the Ashers task and will play next season in D2 . The
Ash had top effortsers from Liam Holloway at CHF, Peter Westbrook OtB, and Julian Smith at HB . FIRST SEM IS Reserves in the Dl Old Mentonlans meet Banyule Finals opener and there's nothing between these sides . The Bears at home beat OM in R3 by 9 points ; the Panthers won the R12 return match by 8 points . Banyule may have added players available because their seniors missed the cut, and this could be critical given the similarity of their respective stats this season . There will only be a kick in this game and I think it will be the Bears' singing we hear round about 1 :45PM today . Seniors University Blacks at home in R7 beat Old k3entonians by 55 points, and again, but by only 2 points, at rain affected Keysborough in R15 . The Panthers have a better 'away' wins record than Blacks this season with 6 .5 versus 5, and Cheltenham is 'local' for them
CLUB D1 SECTION AJAX Old Mentonians Old Mentoni ans Banyule Monash Blues DI RESERVE Old Mentonians Banyule Monash Blues AJAX
B an yule Banyule
LAE Kirzner Bournon Basile S Playfair Grace
106 55 54 52 43
Ballantine Creak Hawkins Kalb Prior Turnbull
39 28 27 24 22 22
but in another star system for Blacks . The teams have statistically neat defence equivalence with each allowing 1443 Points ,xgainst in the H & A rounds, but the Blacks have a marginally better attack . All of which means diddley squat in finals on a neutral ground! It's the one percent issues that'll decide this match, stage managed by two canny coaches in Paul O'Shanassy & Peter Russo . Both sides are blessed with talented engine rooms ; Carter, Palmer, Dart, & McCloskey for OM, and Jones, Andy Costello, Sibilia & Villella for UB, and ascendency there will decide the game . Blacks will have to cover Michael Basile up forward, whereas at the other end the bulk of Blacks goals come from on-ballers and flankers, but Tony Wilson is fast running into form after a long absence and could be a headache for OM's backs . Both sides have strong, no nonsense defences, and in the end the winner will be whoever adjusts best to the pressure of finals football and the Andy Smith shaped ground! This is a toss up! Blacks by a kick .
Correspondents, the contacts remain 9889 1979 & bfhickey60ibigpond .co m
Old i- r=unt onians - congratulate Nic`_ Fisher on playing his 5 0 Yh game recently . Nick has been a product of our under 19 system where he shone through to the point of demanding senior selection . This year he has been a regular in the first team where his blistering pace has been used to great effect . Nick will be a core component of the OMFC senior side for the next ten years and with his input, it is sure to be a successful time for the club . Well done Nick!
TODAY'S MATCHES Dl S E CTI ON 1 st SEMI FINAL - August 23, 2003 SENIORS Cheltenham Football Ground ,
Cheltenham - 2 p .m . University Blacks versus Old Mentonians RESERVE S Cheltenham Football Ground, Cheltenham - 11 .30 a .m . Old Mentonians versus Banyule
8 .5 I L9 15 .14 (104) YL : - :A VALL= 7 OB 5 3 OLD) .iiN 1 OhTAI4S 1 .2 4 .7 7 .9 10 .13 (73) Yams Valley : Stevenson 3, A Drew 3, Keem 3, M Laing 2, Kruse, Heffernan, Britt, Strong. Best: Savage, A Drew, J Cremean. Heffernan, Janie, Nicholas. Old Mentonians : Basile 2, Carter 2, Ferguson 2. Twentvman 2 . Fairbanks . Russo. Best: Ferguson. Basile, Twentyman, Palmer, Dart, Carroll. Umpires: Brendan Devlin Luke Holmes (F) Michael Roche Michael Neilly (B) Eddie Boat Malcolm Filleul (G) AgUg4AS 3 .2 7.4 9.8 16.10 (106) BANYULE 5.4 9.8 12.10 14.10 (94) Aquinas : Starrett 3, Tarulli 2, Wooden 2, Toomey, Jess, Denbraber, Williams, Hunt, Whitehead, Weeks, Hardham, Coglan . Best : Jess . Coglan, A . Bethune . Hunt, Denbraber, Harkin . Banynle: Egan 4, Wilhnore 3, Ch. Taylor 2 . Ca. Tavlor, Wilson . O'Connell, Gloury. Piayfair. Best : Ch. Taylor, Sannholm, King. M .Smith, P Gloury . Dooley. Umpires : Peter Liddell Geoff Deveson (F ) SALESIAN OC 5.31 8 .5 12 .7 16. 10. (106) 5 .2 8 .7 15 .11 18 . 14. (122) AJAX Salesian : Thain 5 Greely 4, Sutherland 2, Grace 2 Oldfield, Knott. levoli. Best : Bobetic, Sutherland . Campbell, Nannes, Canavan, Grace . AJAX: Kirzner 6, Berger 3, E . Wollner 3, M. Segal 2 . Vanaken 2 Israelsohn . J . Segal . Best: Wollner, Vanaken . Samuel, Duzenman . Gelbart. E.Ralelgh. Umpires : Troy Brooks Gajan Skandakumar (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4.5 10.10 15 .13 19.13 (127) 4.0 6.3 10.7 14 .11 (95) IVAri"HOE ASSUMPTION Uni Blacks: Wilson 5 Vlllella 4 Rizio 2 Price 2 SibIDa 2 Bevacqua Costelloâ&#x20AC;˘Kempton Batten . Best: Batten Wilson Bevacqua Schilling Kempton Evans . Ivanhoe Assumption : Sampson 3 Pace 2 E .Healy 2 N .Shutileworth 2 Peoples Joyce O'Neil Blainey Lee . Best: Blainey Wood O'Neil Sampson Manuel Serafini . Umpires : Ray Hocking (Riddell ) Ken M,'ilece (F) Scott Grey (Riddell) (B) Alan Matthews Luke McKay (both Riddell) (G) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE / MONASH BLUES Details not received Umpires: David Irons Santo Caruso (F) Jack Watty Ross Richards (G) DI RESERVE S 0.2 2 .2(14) YARRA VALLEY O B 0 .1 03 OLD RSEPrTONIANS 4 .3 10.4 16.8 22 .9 (141) Yarra Valley OB : Norrish, Hale . Best: Davies, Gillies. Pickering . Clarke. Seabourne, Norrish . Old &ientonians : Ballantine 10, Mamas 3 . Alexander 2 . Mackay 2, Appel, Austin, Alexander, Francis, Stevens . Best: D Alexander, Ballantine, C Alexander, Appel, Fairbanks, Francis . AQUINAS 2 .1 3 .5 3 .7 4,7(31) BANYULE 3 .5 5 .6 7 .9 11 .12 (78) Aquinas : Hughes, 3 Moran . Best: Vandersluis. Davies, Jeffrey, Boland, Barrie, Secure . Banynie: McDermott 5, Turnbull 2, Prior, Creak, Tuckman, Enright. Best: Turnbull . Prior . Phelan, McDermott, Szemeta . Enright . 2.6 . (I8) SALESIAN OC 0.2 1 .4 1 .4 AJAX 3.3 5.6 8.11 16. 18 . (114) Salesian: Dolman, Loughnan. Best: Rose, Riley, Seager, Porter, Dolman . Miriams. AJAX: Zemski 4, Tsivlln 2, Pask 2, J . Lewis 2, Lewin 2, Boon, Godlewicz, A. Lewis, Rotemberg . Best: J . Lewis, A . Lewis, Boon, Godlewtcz, Cukierman . Pask. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 .2 10 .3 12 .3 15 .6 (96) 2 .0 3 .1 3 .4 6.7 (43) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Uni Blacks : Delahmtty 7 Ada 3 Hanna 2 Ross Nolan Prince . Best: Ada Rawnsley Detahunty Hamilton Mirtschin Costello . Ivanhoe Assumption: Valkanis 2 M .lacovangeto Cameron Frisina Chazan . Best : M .lacovangelo Morris Chazan Duncan Widdison Frisin a BULLEEP7 TEMPLFSTOWE 0 .2 1 .2 2.3 4 .3(27) MONASH BLUES 5.3 8.5 9.7 11 .9 (75) Details not received
1S?' ~E_AI-FINA~.
' I
Coach: Paul 0'Shanassy Res Coach: Michael Rizio
2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 15 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 35 38 41 43 45 49 50 55 61 62 65 70 101
A. Costello . . . . . . . . J. Sibifia . . • A. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Evans . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Mackie (C) . . . . . T. Bavaoqua . . . . . , . . . . S. Price . . . . . . . . . . B, Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Kempion . . . . . . . . . . . W, Hanna . . . . . . . . . B. Carr . . . . . . . . . . ' ' • ~ A. Moffatt . . . . . . . . . . ., T Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Brown . . . . . . . . . . C . Schilling . ~ ..... . • P. Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . V. Romi )n . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Hallam . . . . . . . . . . . . D . Batten . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Parkin . . . . . . . . . D . Stock . . . . . . . . . . B, Costello . . . . . . . . . . ' M.Jones . . . . . . . . . . 1, . . B. Vifieiia . . . . . . . . , . M, Rizio . . . . . . . . L . Rawnsley . . . . . . . . . . C . Delahunty, . . . . . . . . . . R, Scarlett . . . . . . . . , . . . R . Dillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A .Goanan . . . . . . . . . , . . S.Wa)ch . . J . Black . . . S .Middleton J. Fuller . . . J . Green . . D. Davis . .
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G ~B
1 T. Mitvalsky . . . . . . . . 2 C. Twerrtyman . . . . . . . . . 3 R. Ball . . . . . . . . .. . 4 D. Carroll (VC .) . . . . . . . . . . . 5 C, Mackay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 C' Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 7 M. McCloskey . . . . .8 G . Ferguson . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . 9 W. Batlantine . . . . . . . . . I . . . . ........... to S. Vo' t D.So 12 C. Dwyer (C.R.) . . . . . . IL . . . 13 B. Hevenn . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 14 M. Stroud . . . . . . . . 15 J. Costello (D.VC.) . . . . . . . . . 16 D . Nock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 N . Unford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t8 T.Bournon (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 A. Palmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 D . O'Connor . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 J. O'Brien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 P. Clarke . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 A. Drinan . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 24 A . Acreman . . . . . . . 25 B . Fairbanks . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 26 G. Dart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 G. Katris . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . 28 0 . Kitto . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . 29 A. Carter (D .VC.) . . . . . .) . . . . 30 D . Russo . . . . . • . . . . . . .' . . . . 31 M. Elliott . . . . 32 L Sunier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 S . Worrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 P. Flaskis . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 35 D . Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 M. FAtra~ncs (C.R.) 38 P. Stubbs . . . . . . 39 J . Urcic ...... 40 R . Alexarxier . . . . 41 S. Cozens . . . . . 42 M . Basile . . . . . . 43 G. Hubbard . . . . 44 L Sunter . . . . . . 45 R .Johnson . . . . . 46 G. Smith . . . . . . . 47 G. Herring Steve . . . . . 48 49 N . Fisher . an G. Wilson . . . . . . 51 L Stephen . . . . . 52 M . Watts . . . . . . . 53 C. Shedden . . . . 54 D. Goodbody . . . 55 C. Davis . . . . . . . 56 R. Harper . . . . . . 57 T.Ap Daws . . . . . . .
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3 R.BaII . . . . . . . 6 C. Alexander . . 9 W. Ballantine . 10 A. Erskine . . . . it A. fGantos . . . . 12 C. Dwyer (C .) . 13 B. Heverin . . . , 14 M . Stroud . . . . 16 D. Nock . . . . . 17 N. Linford . . . . 20 D. O'Connor . . 21 J . O'Brien . . . 22 M .Kennedy . . . 23 A. Drnan . . . . 24 A. BovAell . . . . 3 1 M . Elliott . . . . . 33 S. Worrell . . . . 36 D. Alexander . . 37 M . Fran cis (C.) 40 R. Afexander . . 43 G . Hubb ard . . . 45 R. Johnson . . . 46 G . Smith . . . . . 47 G . Herring . . . .
.... ..I .i .1 .t .' .! .~ .1 .i
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. . . .t . ...E . ... ... . . . ... .... . ...l ..... .. 1 . . ., . . . . .~ . . . . .~ .....s ....~
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1/2 TIME
3/4 TIME
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48 0. Stevens . . . . . . . . . 50 G . Wilson . . . 51 P. Appel . . . . 52 M. Watts . . . . 53 C . Shedden . 54 D. Goodbody 57 S. Fairbanks . 59 M. Fisher . . . 62 B. Saunders . 64 M. Austin . , . 66 M. Mackayy . .
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61 B Sapun d ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 M . Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 M . Mackay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 /4 TIME
Coach : Greg Whilcroft Coach: Jamie Winduss Res : John Fraser
Coach: Peter Russo Res: Jamie Winduss
G $
114 TIME
1/2 TIME
G!B 1 B Reed . . . . . . . . . .i . . . 2 D Witohell . . . . . . . . 3 N Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 T Gloury . . . . . . . . . -i 5 B Willmore . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . 6 S Tuckman . . . . . . . . . .i . . , . 7 C Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8 B Cantwell . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . 9 M Willmore . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . t0 P Gloury . . . . . . . . . 11 D Wdson . . . . . . . . . 1 2 J E 9an . . . . . . . . . . . . .'i.. . .. . 13 T Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . . , 14 B WoodEock . . . . . . . . . .I . . . 15 S Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 M Gilbert . 17 A Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 J Turnbull 19 N Sannhotm . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ 20 S Playfair . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2 1 R Dintinosante . . . . . . . . . . . 22 C Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 M Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 L Richardsort son . . . . . . . . .i, . , 25 J Szeremeta . . . . . . . . : , • 26 H McDermott . . . . . . . . . . . 27 A Nield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 L Enri ght . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . 29 P Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . 30 Mutton . . . . . . . . . . .~ . 31 C Bassett . . . . . . . . . . 32 M Natoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Dear) S . . . . . . . . .~ . 35 L 0'Connell . . . . . . . . . .I . . 36 D Playfair . . . . . . . . . . . ~. 37 T Thompson . . . . . . . . .~. 38 J Redfern . . . . . . . . 1 39 A Hopgood . . . . . . . 40 M Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 T Prior . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 42 M Vanpoeteren . . . . . . , .j, 43 L Penal . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. 44 S Yin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . 45 D Boyd . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. 46 D Nasrallah . . . . . . . . . ; 47 J Kir~ . . . . : . . . . . . . . 48 D Ryb cki . . . . . . . . . . . .# 49 G Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 T Nasrai tah . . . . . . . . . .~ 51 J Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . .! 52 0 Noonan . . . . . . . . . . .! 53 M Creak . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 C Wiltiams . . . . . . . . . . . 55 0 Williams . . . . . . . . . . . 56 A Roethe . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 B McGregar . . . . . . . . . . 58 L Orton , 59 M Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . .
60 0 Hassell . . . . . . . . . . . 61 S DovAan 62 T Jubb . . 63 AP larn • 64 S Taylor .
3/4 TIME
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BUSINFS : ; ADVISOR S INSOLVENCY SPECIALI ST S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street . Malvern 3144 .i~lbourne - Level 7, 313 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone : (03) 9500 051 1 Facsimile : (03) 9509 237 9 (03) 9670 6633 E-mail : infoCascottpartners.com.au Web : r.scottpartners.com .a u
e s, z Firm: are a firm of Chartered Accountants committed to providing business and insolvency services to both businesses and individuals . Our philosophy is to always provide quality service to our clients', with tl highe * stan(' In' ~ of pro ' ssionalism . : b .Xa Yio J . _
* Financial Ph . _ iing ® Audit Services
es initial ion consultation or cost assessment. .VAGIN G PA RT : ;p °
Si ida , 6 .00 -8 .64 ~--., Inctu__ 2s weekly chat on all matters V.PxFA
q A ; " Cameron y VAEA matches , A Sunday i the Day and Paul Monday's Age r
mfflOa® Opo OG' O 10?Y a No Q ;`,'='' `
St Bernard . vinstA), Old Essenaon, Old learadians (B), merry Penola (C), €7ni .1 i(Dl), LaTrobe UnI (D2), West Brunswick (1)2) , 12ngertswood ( 1) 3), North Brunswick (1)4) . PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8.OQ pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
ix side s
spire hi s ~ir heroics of last -ies' Adam Cannan e irv-marred ` on behind him and match-winni=ig effort? Can OC's Ti m
whiisi f, ; No major ;
Carey b=- a surprisec something operator r dravv 5 i
id Chris Angus justify their MVP ons with a herculean performance t re lily counts ? inability to beat the other season suggests that they cannot
thought -
by West been sto '
ally counts . However, the
action? Lt;, Preview
Ick in the Old Carey race, 'ter a slow start t o : cutthroat first se one of the most the year, old Carey has b c With plenty of consistent sides in the m playh=g a free runners, Coach ' to fir~,Ps footy. flowing gai a great ar . No nWestBruns " desp 1. , 1& , t- m premiership han > ', :Jve stars, : injuries to a nu7~ without too many accepted the rise i n aw this game a s problems . Before Saa bit of a no-brainer . U Carey were part of the
11 sties had gained big three whilst the l but were not admiration for thci necessarily up to the siandard of the others . The grapevine has been strong all week that the Westies have paced themselves beautifully and are primed . Might have some egg on my face but I am tipping an unset, with the Westies to prevail
The business ~r y finish at the end of June, but in football . August and September is the business end of the season . It is when players carve their reputation . A brilliant season can be soured if it is punctuated by the question mark that accompanies a dismal final's performance . Similarly, an average ~~rinter is forgotten if the plaver can stand th e
increased pr, >sr: of
. r, ad rise to the
Mr -)ies =rowed last year when they won the D3 Pr~~~i:rship from fourth spot that they can perform under pressure . The difference though is that, unlike this season, they had beaten all the sides above them .
West Brunswick has come a long way this year and deserve plaudits for playing finals in their first season up but will still enter this clash as rank outsiders . Siebrand though was not fazed . "I expect we'll make a good showing and if things go our way we're capable of winning," he said . Old Carey may have thrashed the Magpies ?-,,,ice this season but coach Glenn Taylor has
(; long vii, s-Willis 11 103 Peninsula Claringbold 4 81 D Lee 7 69 S i nstown CYMS Fitzroy Reds Tornese 7 58 Bentleigh Grace 0 53 3 Peninsula Payze 2 5 I22 RESERVE S 39 Peninsula S Claringbold 5 30 Peninsula J Atchison 0 5 Peninsula Coghlan 0 2 20 Old Carey Konstantinidis
Old Geelon~ Slatterv 0
been around football too long to read anything into that .
"They're clearly playing better football now than they were earlier in the year," he said . "It certainly won't be easy . " Taylor identified Adam Cannane, Sam Pietsch, and Hector Hamilton as key players for the Magpies but thought Michael Drain with his height would cause the most concern .
Taylor certainly has tremendous respect for the Magpies . "We're certainly aware of what West Brunswick did last year," he said . "I know that in finals, they're normally pretty good . " Statistics wise, both sides are evenly matched in all but one department . Both have won twelve games and have a similar "points against" tally but OC, with their potent forwards, has a decisive advantage in attack . West Brunswick's performance in last year's D3 finals and their edge over OC in experience will hold them in good stead, but OC have the score on the board and the edge in firepower . That should be enough to get them over the line. Prediction : g30 by i'r~ _s . S !C . I'3' PRESS O速 Ed Sill -ed .sill(,11oc1 ;ci .coin .au Andrew Wu - wuc~,1 3<1 ltotmail.com
p1d. Carey - congratulations and thanks t c 'pcker' Engl and who umpired his 22t~ ta reserve match on August 9th . This may not seem significant but when you add the 325 games he played, that's 550 on-fgel d appearances - a remarkable effort! A wonderful bloke, Ian has been a fantastic contributor to the Club over many years . So much so, that our Best Clubman award is named in his honour . Able to organise raffle prizes in a single bound, his contributions also have a significant effect in terms of fund raising. Sincerest congratulations, Ocker, and thanks so much for your dedication to the cause for more than three decades .
TODAY' E El- '
lst SEMI FINfu. :'. .,'ust 23, 2003 SE :S Central Reserve, Glen Waverley - 2 p .m . Old Carey versus West Brunswick RESERVE S Central Reserve, Glen Waverley - 11 .30 a .m . Fitzroy Reds versus West Brunswick
il l .'i20 .1 0 5 .5 `. ::IGH 0 .1 1 .3 3 .4 5 .6 (36 ) t Brunm A c`: Slebrand 8. Tori :~.:_; 4, Cannane 4 . Broe :w 4 . P.Hamiiton . Edwards, W.Touzel, Haysey. Best : Slebrand, Brookshaw . Sutherland, Bailey, Lehmann, Maguire . Bentleigh : Ferris 2 . Banks, Handfield, Robertson . Best : Mtksad, Ireson, Robertson, Craven, Seeley, Ferris Umpires : Damian Stead (Ridde ll) Mick Gtlday (F) Ryan Place Joel Wignall (B) Daniel Brookes Gus Carpanzo (Riddell) ( G) 2 .3 4.5 5.8 8 .9 (57) OLD CAREY FITZROY REDS 3.4 9 .6 13.11 17.14 (116) Old Carey : wood S 3, James 2 . White 2, Ward Best : Campbell . James, Crosher, Battle, Smith Van Cuylenberg . Fitzroy Reds: Tornese 7. *hurphy 2, Byrne L 2, Mitchell, Parsons . Atherton, Sullivan, Cahill . Best : Byrne L. Bennie, Ronchi Tornese, Pollard . Atherton Umpires: Michael Forde David D'Altera (F) Robert Parry Pat Mitchell (G) PENINSULA O.B 5.4 9.6 14 .14 22 .16 (148) LATROBE UIiT 1 .4 5.7 7.8 11 .11 (77) Peninsula O.B : N .Claringbold 4, Sill 3, Torosst 3, Crean 2, Trewhitt 2, Patze 2, S .Parsons 2, Murphy, Bowen . Powney, A .Ate)uson_ Best : Payze, S .Parsons, Maclean, S .Prendergast. Trewhitt, Dentry. Latrobe Uni : Pruscino 4, Murray 4, Bowden, D ar cy, Brooks. Best: Pruscino, Bowden, McMeekin, Darcy, Mawdsley, Sheldrick . Umpires : Anthony Simpson Paul Jones (F) Bernie Hoare Greg Rollo (G) OLD GEELOPs'G 9 .2 15 .9 20 .14 21 .18 (144) OAP4LEIGH 2 .1 5 .3 8 .4 12 .5 (79) Old Geelong : Vickers-Willis 11, Grills 3, Goldsworthy 3, Fitze)arence 2, N .Betts 1 . J_Paul I . Best : T.Betts, Vickers-Willis, Fttzclarence, Stinchcombe, Goldsworthy, Moore . Oakleigt: Doolev 6 . Bromley 3 . Mackenzie 2, Hunt . Best: Bromley, Dalton, Dooley. Holden, ffitts.S, M=.tllholland Umpires : Nick Evans Nlax Wittman (F) Stephen Bogisich (G) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2,2 8 .8 19.10 25 .18 (168) 13 .13 J91) HAWTHORN 5 .5 5 .6 8.11 SYilliamsto-frn: Goals : Lee 7, Thompson 4, Elias 3, Maekley 3. Hynes B 2, Phemister, Munro, Wouda, Street, Wuscatsch, Pach . Best : Thompson Lee, Monkhurst, Elias, Phemister, Oldham Hawthorn : Details not received Umpires : Sean Rothe (F) Andrew Errington Jon Kralevski(B ) WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .2 5 .7 8.12 11 .15 (81) 6,4 9 .6 9 .7 11 .7 (73) BENTLEIGH West Brunswick : Russell 3, D.Rudd 2, Byrne, A.Thompson, D.CantpbelL Baker, A.Hamilton. T.Thompson . Best : Brooks . Heywood, Z.Rudd, R.Touzel, Smith, Tobin . Bentleigh : Sharp 5, Kopitschlnskl, Pitttto, Punter, Perrone, Sire, Vivona. Best : Gold, Hutchison, Sice, Kopitschlnski, Punter, Kennedy . OLD CAREY 1 .1 4.4 7 .4 8.4 (52) FITZROY REDS 3 .4 6.5 10.8 11 .16 (82) Old Carey : Konstattinidls 2, Bull N, Drake, Guerra A . Drover, Elsner. Davey Best : Andrews, Graham P, Hill . Konstanthudis, Shrives, Bennett . Fitzroy Reds: Foster 3, Crane 2. Bare, Hannam, Camalert, Reeves, Grillo, PidAO Best : Crane . Bare, Camaleri, Vernali . Walsh, Gran t PENINSULA O.B 5.1 8 .1 14 .5 21 .16 (142) LATROBE UNI 2.5 4.8 4 .9 4 .9 (33) Peninsula O .B: S .Claringbold 5, Brennan 3, Falkiner 3 . A.Parsons 2 . Mitchell 2, Haley, Stainforth . Angus, Minchln, Taylor, McMahon . Best: A.Parsons, Barber, Falkiner. S .Claringboid, McMahon, Liuzzi . Latrobe Bob Craig, Simsek . CorrenU, Waterman . Best : Simsek . Kerrison, Walker, Brodie, Correnh, Waterman . 14 .12 17 .20 (122) 7 .5 OLD GEELONG 2 .3 OAKLEIGH 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 (0) Old Geelong: T .Bayles 3, Allen 3, Leslie 3, Ardlle 2, Mareiano. Cole, Dhiilon . Broadbent. Seymour, C .Teague . Best : Cole . T_Bay(es, Broadbent, Seyinour, Taylor, L .Teague . Oakleigb : Best : Connellan, Short, Ryan, PerdikomaGs, Nalke, Lewis . PdILLZAiiSTOFRd CYRSS 4 .11 7 .15 12.19 17.22 (128) HAWTHORN 0 .1 2 .3 2 .5 4 .5(29) Williamstown : Goals Burgess 8, Dervan 2, McCulcheon 2, Buttergeig, Kosmatos, Kennedy . Carter Ryan Best : Kosmatos. Burgess, Dervan, Joseph, Kennedy, Bouras Hawthorn: Details not receive d
2 SECTION - R Ed 27,11 ®i: j
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Coach : Glenn Taylor Senior Coach: Julian Siebrand Asst. Coach : Bob Ellis Res. Coach: Troy Thompson G IS I C. Angus (C) . . . . . . . . ( . 2 D. Faelis (VC) . . . . . . . i 3 M . Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . 4 D. James . . . . . .• . 6 C. Campbell (C) ."" " 7 R. Oppy (VC) . . . . • 8 A. Stewart-Holmes . . . . i f N. Everett . . . . . . . . . . I . 12 L. MacFarlane . . . . . . . ~ . 13 B. Hutchison . . . . . . . . ~ . 14 M . Mahon . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A. Parton . . . . . . . .
G .. .. ' . . . . .
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19 T Wood
20 J . Ra opoulos . 21 T. Collins . . . . . 22 C. Battle . . . . . 23 C. Pattenden . 24 P. Unkles . . . . 29 C. Munro 34 C. Howat . . . . 35 T. Rossignuolo 36 S . Wood . . . . . 37 S .Jessup . . . . 41 N. Detarczynski 45 T. . ..... . 47 B . Crosher . . . 50 J . White 51 R. Half 55 S . Boag . . . . . 59 C. Mason . . . . 64 C. Smith . . . . .
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77 H . VanCuylenburg . . . . . . .
1/4 TIME
11/2 TIME
lb M Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Hamitton . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 2 P Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 G Heppell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 C Lehmann . . . . . . . 5 A Cannane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 S Pietsch (San c . . . . . . . . . . 7 S Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 P Batters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A Morphett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 S Byrne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 H Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 T Maguire . . . . . . . . . . . .j . . . . 13 M Ritchie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 M Russell(RVC) . . 16 S Edwards . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 17 R Heywood . . . .~ . . . . McManus . . 1 9 W ouzel ...... 20 S Henderson . . . . . . . .~ .~~ . .~ .~ . 21 J Bromwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 D Rudd . . . . . . . . .. .. 24 J Jenkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 J Siebrand .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 R 8enjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.Sheedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 M Lew)s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 S DAndrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 TThompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ITwyford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 S Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 T Dempsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 R West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 R Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Touzez . . . . . . . . . . . . - 42 C Norman . . . __ . . . . . . . . . 43 J Tobin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Smith(RC) . . . . . . . . . . A Bandt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 AThompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 48b A Sutherland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 J Haysey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 A BagnaB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 L Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Muckenthaler . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 C Emmerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Z Rudd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A Williamson . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 A Torney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 K Hilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 J Gartlan . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . 64 L Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 N O'Brien .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 R Hussey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 M Brookshaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 J Colquhoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed Muir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ash Sunderland . . . . . . . . . . . Warwick Daly . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ross Howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3/4 TIME
Senior Coach: Julian Siebrand Coach . Dane Kane Reserves Coach : Troy Thompson G JB 2 A. Walsh . . . 7 S. Andrew . . 8 J Van Berkel 9 H. Fletcher . 15 G Vernali . . 16 G Crane . . . 23 M . Camaleri 25 D Bahr . . . . 31 P Crowe . . . 32 A Grant . . . . 35 P Cook . . . 36 M Reeves . . 39 AGeorge . . 44 S Pidito . . . 50 M Foster . . . 57 R Rome . . . 60 B Gleeson . 61 G Virtue . . . 66 S Buckle Buckley . . 77 A Grillo . . . . 99 C McGrath .
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Maj or S p onsors: ~~w^ . ; < < ... ... .-., .._ . • .. »_ _ _ _ _ :;
Fitzroy Football Club Limited _~ - ..
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lb M Drain . . . . . . . . . A Hamilton . . . . . . . 2 P Hamilton . . . . . . . 3 G Heppell . . . . . . . . 4 C Lehmann . . . . . . 5 ACannane . . . . . . . 6 S Pietsch (senior c) 7 S Benjamin . . . . . . . 8 P Batters . . . . . . . . 9 A Morphett . . . . . . . 10 S Byme . . . . . . . . . 11 H 8aitey . . . . . . . . . 12 T Maguire . . . . . . . . 13 M Ritchie . . . . . . . . 15 M Russeii(RVC) . . 16 S Edwards . . . . . . . 17 RHeywood . . . . . . 18 M McManus . . . . . . 19 WTouze( . . . . . . . 20 S Henderson . . . . . 21 J Bromwich . 23 D Rudd . . . . . . . . . . 24 JJenkin . . . . . . . . . 25 J Siebrand . . . . . . . 26 R Benjamin . . . . . . 28 J Ward . . . . . . . . . . 29 C .Sheedy . . . . . . . 30 M Lewis . . . . . . . . . 32 S D'Andrea . . . . . . . 33 T Thompson . . . . . . 34 1 Twyford .. . . . . . 36 S Campbell . . . . . . 37 T Dempsey . . . . . . . 39 R West . . . . . . . . . . 40 R Baker . . . . . . . . . 41 R Touzez . . . . . . . . 42 C Norman . . . . . . . . 43 J Tobin . . . . . . . . . . 45 J Smith (RC) . . . . .
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47 AThompson . . 48b A Sutherland . . M Moore . . . . . 49 J Haysey . . . . 50 A Bagnall . . . . 52 I -Sherry . . . . . T Muckenthaler 53 C R~erson .
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46 ABardt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~a ATorneyson 61 K Hilton . . 63 J Ganian . 64 L Stewart . 65 N O'Brien .
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66 R Hussey . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lord Newry Hotel North Fitzroy 114 TIME
1%2 TIME
71 M Brookshaw . . . . . , . . .i . . 79 J Colquhoun . . . . . . . . . .i . .
Ed Muir . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . Ash Sundedand . . . . . . : Warwick Daly . . . . . . . . .~ . Ross Howell . . . . . . . . . ; .
314 TIME
Purchase your tickets at the Ticket Box o r log onto www .villagecinemas .com fo r session details . Village Cinemas Century City Walk 285-287 Springvale Rd, Glen Waverley, 315 0 Phone : 9550 8666 .
Bulleen Templestow e
Arnateur Footho!I c.v'rub irvles CpF'?3i^alions f:a r L
Senior 1-1/19 F IDA
~ FaR
C oa ch e s for season 200 4
Ple a se reply to Secretary ;37-'\FC PO Box 208 BtAleen 310 5 0412404929 aprc?oorporateav.com .a u
D2 VAF,`4 Applications sought .-J r ~ nior, Reserve and' Coaches an Secretary, 25 ®f-,_.':In I-c, East Bentletgh, 3165 Applications close last mz 23/0L :;/O v
" 2975
e.`s al, 'c ons ; , . vaca Under 19's coaching positio n ites expressions of itrteres : re : Reserves and Senior Coc tt a
11 applications should directed to : The President Old Mentonians FC PO Box 309 MENTONE VIC 31GBy September 30, 2(,,' Simon Appel - 0417 600 41 9
iPPvi : .:'s aenior Couch Under i9's
~ Under 1 6's coa :' : for season 2004 Initial enquiries to Wayne Holdsworth on 0407 780 403 (m)
e rnait: wholdssvorth+- ' igpond .com.au Please fc-°•ar- r 98 Wheeler .
'U ,
azP~ eOLi FG U s
BG (currently D1 Section) seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced applicant s in the following positions : Senior Coach Assistant Senior Coac h Reserves Coach Under 19 Coach Club XV111 Coac h Interested parties should contact the President, Andrew Headberry on 0421056118 for further information or forward applications in confidence t o 10 Scarlet Street, Mordialloc 3195 or by email to veryunique@optusnet .com .au .
invites applications for Senior Coach for 2004 Applicants should have previous Senior or Assistant Coaching experience, a solid understanding of the game and its strategies and outstanding communication skills . Please forward your application to; President, 17 Weber Street, Brighton East VIC 3187 ,
or by email to gdownes@mazda .com.au, by M onday September 15, 2003 An attractive remuneration package is on offer.
11 L i Affiliated VAFA D4 section 2004
Ca vou coacri Do you like a challenge? ii
if so ELSTERNW!CKAFC wants you! Applications are called for SENIOR ~ RESERVE COACHES playing or non-playing For season 2004 and beyond All applications detailing relevant experience to be addressed to : The Football Manager Elsternwick AFC 103 Bulli Street Moorabbin Vic, 3189 Applications close September 22, 200 3
Are requesting . - applicants for ` .: nWRVE XV II ~.--. 11 Please forward all applications to. Mazenod OCFC Cl- Presiden t 151 Turramurra Drive Rowville, Vic 3178
Umpires were Peter
F From My Desk included an Old Paradians Best of ieam .. . b Denis Wheelahan . B: Phil O'Dwyer Laurie Wakeling David Jones HB: Sam Assetta Eddie Murphy Spensley Williams
C : Dominic Spillane Ross Duke Bernie O'Brien s HF: Brian Weyman Dale McCann Mark Beer
F : John Booth John Tudor Frank Gleeson Foll: Michael Quinlan Phil McLaughlin Denis Dalton I/C : Peter Wood Michael Skerritt Peter Burt Collegians coach Leigh Carlson called it quits at the Harry Trott Oval after a successful period where the Lions played off in the finals five times for i runners-up and -back to back premierships in 92-93 . Another Lion, former Old Haileybury and recent Senior Representative coach Neville Taylor retired as the VAFA's state coach . Old Brighton in A inflicted Old Xaverians second defeat of the season, nothing surprising in that except for the relative ladder positions . Tonners 9th . Xavs lst. Youing guns Brooke Logan, Jared Rain and Richard Oakleigh did the damage for the victors, Matt Bourke (6gls) Lachlan Ford and Adam Jones best Xavs .
Old Mentonians goal machine Adam Acreman booted a lazy I I in his sides crushing victory over local rivals St . Bedes Mentone Tigers. Adam's 11 majors giving him the magical ton for the umpteenth time . Umpire Dirk Kramer celebrated his 150th game . At their VAFAUA Annual Dinner the following awards were presented : Life Membership : Wayne Hinton & Graham Thwaites . 10 Year Service : Darren Dalgleish, Allan Ladd, Peter Simpson, Reno Barichievich, Ron Marlyn, Mark Gibson, Bob Dunstan Award: Leah Gallagher, Golden Whistle Award : Andrew Stephen, Most Improved Field Umpire : Albie Firley,
VAFAUA social Committee Award : Andrew Thwaites . Who of the above are still running umpires in 2003 .
Club XVIII Grand Finals would be played between Section 1 : Old Xaverians & De La Salle and Section 2 : Monash Whites & Kew . Historical scribe Norm Nugent stuck his neck out an d
went for Old Xaverians & Kew . 7 ~!'t 1'.
It was a great day for AJAX who won first semis in both seniors and reserves . In the big game AJAX had a tough time as they were 25 points down at half time but gradually took control in the second half to win by 18 points . Best were Ricky Marks . Ace Gordon (7 goals) Pat, Briskin, Rozeman, Wrobel (AJAX) and Melleworth, Yee, Beazley (MHSOB) . Old Geelong's 118 points won Sportscover's VAFA Tribunal, Investigations and Reserve Umpire programs, and earned themselves $500 worth of trophies . Collegians pulled out a "big form reversal" defeating North Old Boys in the first semi, powering away and easy first half to win, 17 .23 to 11 .17. Old Hands in James Bennett, Andrew Wright and Matt Galbraith were stars and were well supported by Brett Jefferson, Vaughan Cleary (4 goals) and Brad Woolhouse .
Gersch, Justin Toohey (Field) . B . Hoare, C . Chalmers (goal) . J. Wright . D. Gourlay (boundary).
U . Blues were too stron g
after the first change for Old Mentonians . Best were A. Wilson, . Blues) and D . P. Stephen, N . Harris, T . Hutchins (8 goals) (U Campbell, N . Macquire . G . Dickson, M . Brooks (Old Ment) and final scores 20 .19 to 112 .14 .
in round 18 Andrew (250) and Tony Wilts (150) chalked up 400 games for Old Melburnians . Can any other club produce two brothers who total more than 300 games ?
Promotion from 'C' to 'B' was never in doubt for Mazenod supporters as they led Ivanhoe all day to win 23 .11 (148) to 11 .12 (78). Best were O'Hara, D . Murray, McLean (Maz) and Kennedy, Rowley, Devlin (Ivan) . In 'D' St Bedes annihilated Old Geelong 20 .16 to 8.11 and put them in the preliminary final against Old Ivanhoe . Stars for St Bedes were Lannan, Edwards (7 goals) and T . Beasley (St Bedes) . In 'E' St Leos could not repeat their previous year's grand final success after an even first half Old Camberwell played a brilliant third quarter, 7 .2 to 2.2, and went on to win by 35 points . Best were A . Hardenberg, G . Ewart, S . Ballard (OC) and Nankervis . Steward . Faults (St Leos) . St Marys won FI grand final against St Johns OC by 43 points, with best players, A . Bourke, W . Black, B . Clark (St M) and Matheson, Giachonimti, Back (St Johns )
What a season it has been! Who would have believed back in April that De La Salle OC would have relegated to 'B' Section or that Marcellin would feature in the first semi . Parkside congratulated their coach Wayne Bannister on his marriage to Carmel 'Chicken Queen' Chiminello . Legendary Parkside veteran Jack King gave the GROOM away, or so said the scribe . In good weather Old Xaverians over-powered Marcellin in the second half to advance to the preliminary final, 16 .11 to 8 .11 . Best were Callan, Jack McKay, Atkins, Steve Curtain (7 goals and missed a few easy shots) (Old Xav) and Peter Sheehan (100th game), Lennox, Delahunt (Marc) .
In 'B' section first semi, Therry after a slow start finally got on top of Bulleen Templestowe to win 13 .15 to 11 .5. Highlight ol the match was the wonderful duel in the centre between Nyman (T) and Smythe (BT) . Nyman's performance turned the tide for Therry and he probably shaded Smythe on the day whc kicked what could only be described as "some great captain' : goals". Best were Nyman. Tyler, Matton (Th .) and Smythe George, Espenschied (BT) . Closest final game of the day was in Junior Section 3 whet Monash Blues beat Hampton Rovers by the solitary point, 8 . ~ to 7 .12 . Best were Smith, Hyett, Hipwell (MB) and Crawford Engeikamp, Roberts (H . Rovers) . The Rovers did have a big day in'D' as they annihilated Prestoi in the second semi, 16 .16 to 12 .7 to go into the Grand Finz and have the chance to win the club's first premiership sin c THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200
. 1951 . Panagiotidis kicked 8 goals for the Rovers It was a disappointing day for Bantule who lost the 'C' Section preliminary to Old Brighton . The Maroon and Blues scored 13 wins straight and then lost form . What can happen in a week - Old Brighton were long shots to make the finals until St Kilda CBCOC'S shock loss to Thomastown, and then defeated Old Haileyburians in the first semi . Now they can find themselves being promoted to'B' Seetion with their Grand Final opponents Old Melburnians . Both were relegated to 'C' at the end of the 1986 season . was a big week in the VAFA - President Alex Johnson wa s recovering from a heart attack, Peter French became a father for the first time, and Margot Bassett joined the VAFA staff where it was believed that all callers would benefit from her ready wit and personality! The VAFA moved from its temporary offices in Little Collins Street to Elsternwiek Park .
In 'A' Section Collegians found its early season form and outpaced and outplayed the slower North Old Boys to win by 29 points, 17 .15 .117 to 13 .10.88. Best were Cook. Chosieh, Oliphant (Coll) and Welch . Jordon, Considine (NOB) . In the 'B' Section first semi . Kew 37 points down at the first change, 20 at half time, and 26 at the last change got up by one point to beat Alphington 13 .17 .95 to 13 .16 .94 . Best were Haralambopoulos, Jaekamos, Varney, Burden, Anderson . Blay (Kew) . 45 goals in the 'C' Section first semi saw Parkside come away in the final term to beat Hampton Rovers 26 .17 to 19 .21 . Good players for the winners were Heaver, Allan, Sansonetti (Park) and Jones, Stephens, Beck (Hampton Rovers) . Best and Fairest votes for D, E, and F Sections were counted at a dinner at Marcella . In 'D' A . White (Therry), G . Maher (State Bank), and F . Stafford (Powerhouse) all scored 18 with White winning on a countback .
In 'E' Richard Merely (Bulleen United) with 21 votes beat three very good players in Tony Fellowes (T'town) 22, Gary Norton (Old Ment) 21 and David Gregory (Bala) 17 . Dougal Morrison (Old Geelong) 19 won 'F' Section B&F from Keith Laker (UHSOB) 18.
Peninsula pirate, Chris Doyle, a key figure since the club's inception played his 50th game, topping a good season . Chris had played with the VAFA team in Tasmania . --- --- _ -~- ' L___- - ------ - . _ : --------___ Field Umpires were 'A' first semi: Croxford, Goodman, L'. first .M . semi : J . Smith, 'C' semis : King, Tracey ; 'D' semis G Simpson, Rowe, 'E' semis ; Rowell, Wills, 'F' semis ; Mead, Sharp.
At half time North Old Boys and Ivanhoe, 13 points apart, looked set for a tough second half but it was not to be . North Old Boys went on to kick 11 .7 in the second half to Iv an hoe's ten behinds . Best were Borcich, Hanneber ry . Robertson, Dillon ( 6 goals) ( NOB) and Simpson, McNamara, S tredwick (I'hce) . Old Paradians' inaccuracy in the 'B' first semi, 8 .23 threw the Association competition into minor chaos when they played a draw with Old Haileybury, 10 . 11 . Natoli , Roe, Johnson (OP) an d Houghton . D. Legge, Paul (OH) were st ar s.
In a desperate 'C' section second semi AJAX won their way into 'B' Section against St Kilda CBCOC by a so lita ry point, 11 .6 to 10 .11 . Plavers to stan d out were Rozen, M . Ritterm an , Korn . The same (AJAX) an d Jones, Dynon, Salter ( St Kilda CBCOC) margin saw Bulleen Templestowe, 11 .18 defeat St Bedes OC by 12 .11 in E' second semi an d win promotion.
In the 'A' Section first semi Caultieln c,rammarians . 13 .16 were too strong all day for North Old Boys 8 .9 . Stars were Dickeson, Morphett, McNichol (Caul . Gramm.) and Joss, Fennelly, Power (NOB) . . Kew 13.14 defeated Old Trinity 8 .11 in'B' first semi - Johnson Clay. Barclay (Kew) and Kennedy, Oppy and R . Peers (OT) were best . Closest results in all finals was 'C' Section where Power House 17 .17 got home by 2 points from Parkside 18 .9 . Connor, Daniel, Hadjigeorgiou (Power House) and P . Johnson, Graham, Clark (Parkside) were best . Other results : D'1' State Bank 20 .13 d . La Trobe 18.14; D'2' Alphington 21 .13 d . Marcellin 6.13, E'1' AMP 14 .6 d . Elstermviek 9 .18 ; E '2' Old Ivanhoe La 16.16 it. Old Camberwell 12 .9 ; F'1' St Bedes OC 17,12 it. Trobe Reds 8 .10 : F'2' Fawkner 19 .16 d . Monash Whites 9 .11 . --- - ~ .-j. ,_'[~-_~ Only 3 points separated Caulfield Grammarians and Uni Blacks at half time in the 'A' first semi . However, in the third quarter Caulfield kicked 7 .4 to take a commanding led and hold a determined finish by Blacks to win by 11 points and enter the prelim . Final. Best were Atchison, Butcher (5 goals) and Clark for the visitors which Crough, Pruden and Patterson stared for the Blacks . UHSOB 13 .17 best D'Arcy, Smith, O'Kane defeated De La Salle 10 .16, best Ashford, Whitelaw . Leach in 'B' first semi. In 'C' Section semis, OGG eliminated Power House from the premiership battle with an 8 point victory . Siede, R . brown, P . Godfrey (OGG) and veteran Hutchinson, Staples, Hutchins (PH) were best . FIT OB defeated St Bernards by 11 points points to win their way into 'B' Section . Stars were Smalley, Miller, Mannix, (FIT OB) and M . Perrett, G. Tobin, McCartney (St . B) .
J Geoff Hibbins won th e 'N Section best and fairest by 2 votes from Frank Hillyer (Coburg) . An outstanding performance was that of Bob McLellan (Old Brighton) who won the 'E' Section B&F, scoring votes in 17 of 18 games played . With Ian Law, rover and Keith Maughan, ruck, dominant players, Old Scotch .6 to take the first semi . (A) 11 .6 held out State Savings Bank, 9 Others to shine were R. Morris, K. Melville, M . Parry, M . Eggleston (Old Scotch) and 1vieNiell, Straehan . Petering (5 goals from 5 shots) Walters (SSB) . In other sections, 'B' (ist semi) Commonwealth Bank 12 .14 d. . Old Paradians 11 .7, Kew 8 .3 (Second Semi) U . Blacks 14 .5 d and in'C' (lst semi) Nat Bank 13 .15 it . Caulf. Gramm 9 .16 (2nd semi) De La Salle OC 9 .14 d. Parkside 4 .11 .
Some well known names in 'A' and 'B' best and fairest awards - A:- Denis Cordner (U . Blacks) 5, Sam Birtles (H. Rovers), Ted . Cordner (Old MeIb ), Keith Gough (Old S), Dough Heywood (U Blacks) 3 and John Kennedy (Teachers College) won 'B' Section awards with 5 votes . In the 'A' Section first semi played at Parkdale, Old Scotch, 3 goals ahead of Old Melburnians at the last change, wilted under a determined attack to go down by 10 points, 13 .11 to 14.15 . Best were Schwarz, Woods, Smyth, Cox (Old Melb) and Bedford, Eggleston, Geer, Hardy (Old Scotch) . Old Xaverians won the 'B' Section first semi, 10 .7 to Parkside 8 .12. Tiernan, Dooley, Murphy, Phelan, Barbaro and Williams were stars for OX .
--J " n 1998 : Wayne Hinton & Graham Thwaites, Peter Simpson, Ro Marlyn, Mark Gibson, Leah Gallagher, Albie Firley . 35
Well, the home and away season is done and dusted, the top four and relegation issues hav e been sorted and the stage is set ("where's m y Juliet baby . . . . . . . . .") for what promises to be a fantastic finals series . By the way, don't forget to keep those nominees for D3 Team of the Year coming in . . . . . ROUND 18 REVIE
at 2pm, and Swinburne University and St . John's OC in the reserves, starting at 11 .30am, Rupertswood were man y people's choice as fla g favourites in the pre-season, and in my opinion didn't do too badly in relation to these expectations, for most of this year . Their first and second halves of the season were similar, at least in terms of win-loss ratio, and if not for an exceptional second half of the season by Monash Gryphons, may well have been in second spot right now . However, a lack of consistency at times did betray them at inopportune moments . and certainly when the grounds got heavier it did impact on their running game . With the grounds getting drier again though, and with the size of the McHale Stadium playing arena, along with the number one ranked attack in D3, they could be set to do some damage in the finals . South Melbourne Districts make it to the finals for the first time since 2000, when they won the D4 Grand Final against Bentteigh . In the last two seasons, they have looked like contenders in the first half of the year, only to fall away about two. This Thisintohea year, despite the tightness and intensity in the mid-table chase for fourth spot, the Bloods managed to end up tw o
W In probably the most significant match of the day , St . John's OC recorded the win they needed the most to overcome fellow strugglers Kew at Thomas Carroll Reserve . The JOCs win saved their necks while condemning the Ks to the drop, their second successive relegation . A fired up Werribee matched Swinburne for skills and on the scoreboard in the first half of their clash at Soldiers Reserve . In fact, discounting the third quarter, Werribee did outscore their opponents . But an inspirational half time speech by Razorbacks coach Derek Theone saw Swinny score seven goals to one, and the visitors ended up winning by 31 points. As an interesting side note, Matthew Higgins capped off a long awaiting return with three goals . Bad kicking at goal prevented Elsternwick from making a bigger impression in their game against Monash Gryphons at Elsternwick Park No . 2 , going down by 50 points in the end . Malone made -- ~- -- -_ it 18 goals in two weeks with half a dozen, and " Pocock chimed in with three . Foster bagged fou r for the Wicks . '~ In other games, Rupert swood got home in a t1 :1f;13 LST'.`.`~ TOP', thriller against Syndal Tally Ho at Jordan CLUB Reserve, despite five goals from home skipper D3 SECTION 107 Murchie 4 Cachia and another great game by Rutter ; and Swinburne 60 Monash Gryphons Malone 6 Gryphons South Melbourne Districts got up against Power Monash 56 t Syndal Tally Ho Cachia 5 the Lakeside Derby at Lindsay Hasset House in 51 Elstermvick Foster 4 Oval, with Bell and Aqullina getting three each for 43 Rupertswood Burrowes 0 the home side . PREVIEW D3 RESERVE 1ST SEMI FINAL Monash Gryphons A Arena 4 47 This week sees the D3 first semi final being playe d Werribee Harding 4 40 this Sunday (yes, Sunday) at McHale (not Rupertswood Jordan 2 32 McGuire, as some will have you believe) Stadium, Swinburne Thomas 0 28 Collingwood, between Rupert swood and South Swinburne Liston 0 23 Melbourne Districts in the seniors, commencing South Melbourne Dist W Rosowski 0 20
games clear of fifth spot come the conclusion of Round 18 . Yes, some may argue they may have been fortuitous in that their fellow members of the peleton lost when they also succumbed to defeat, but if those other teams couldn't get the job done, well who's to say the Bloods don't deserve their spot in the finals . The main thing against South though is that their attack lacks the potency of Rupo, and this could be especially pertinent if conditions are dry. Suprisingly, despite leading the "points for" category, Rupo had no particular "go to" man, and no one with at least 50 goals in the home and away season . I actually see this as a strength, in that there is no dependency on any one player, and this makes them less predictable . I think Rupertswood had something like three or four different players kick 10 or more in a game this season, so it shows that South cannot put all their defensive eggs in the one basket . South will need to make the most of their renowned physicality to give them the best possible chance for victory . I feel though that the firepower possessed by Rupertswood will be too much for the Bloods . Rupo by 32 points. in the reserv es, last year's reserves premiers St. John's OC square off against an improved Swinburne University combination . While their respective senior teams had contrasting fortunes, the gap is somewhat less significant in the twos . Even so, a fair margin in both wins and losses and percentage suggests the result should go Swinburne's way . It will be interesting to see what portion of the JOCs' line up consists of longtime veterans in comparison to their young up and comers, while the Razorbacks line-up may also be affected given their seniors participation in the second-semi next week. I better hurry up and tip a winner. It's Swinny for mine.
PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Any correspondence regarding social notes, milestones etc ., can be provided (ideally by 5pm Monday) to myself via fax on 9920 9097 or email Peter.PS .Williamson@centrelink .gov.au (work). Have a great VAFA weekend . "The QwiIi"
TODAY'S MATCHE S D3 SECTIO N 1st SEMI FINAL - Sunday, August 24, 2003 SENIORS McHale Stadium, Collingwood - 2 p .m . Rupertswood versus South Melbourn e Districts RESERVES McHale Stadium, Collingwood - 11 .30 a .m .
Swinburne versus St . Johns 0 C
3 .8 8.16 10.20 11 .22 (88) MONASH GRYPHONS 7.6 9.8 14.15 20.18 (138) EWick ; Foster 4. B .Mahony 2 . C.Mahony. Byrne, Curtain, Yemm, S.Mahonv. Best: Hunter, C.Mahony. Whelan, B .Mahony, Curtain. Bvrne . Monash: Malone 6, Pocock 3, Waters 2 . Watson 2, N .Rutherford 2, Leeton . Clark . Baxter, Coxhead, G . Harrack Best; Wells, N .Rutherford, Malone Waters, Watson J .Harrak Umpires : Peter Griffiths (F) Warrick Bettles Steve Durston-Ryan (B ) WERRIBEE 3 .3 6.4 7.6 12 .10 (82) SWINBURNE UNI 2 .2 6.6 13 .7 17.12 (114) Werribee: Baker 3 . K .Murphy 2 . Fastuca 2, Jack, Gaudu, Czajowski . Ellis, Tedesco. Best: Czajowski, Green. K.Murphy, Ellis, Langlield, Tedesco . Swinburne Uni : Murchie 4, M .Higgins 3, Eader 3, Murphy 2, Albert, Fidler, C .Higgins, Hudson, Prior. Best: C.Higgtns . Eager, Piotrowski, Fidler, Whiting. Albert . Umpires : Phil Gluyas Andrew Lougheed (F) Tristan Pearce Michael Camilieri (B) Jose Talavera Denver Melder (G ) STJOHNSOC 3 .2 7.6 11 .11 16 .17(113) KEW 3 .2 4 .2 8 .4 1I .5 (71) Details not received Umpires: Ron Martyn Alan Ladd (F) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3 .1 6 .9 6 .12 10 .15 (75) RUPERTSWOOD 3 .5 7 .7 9 .11 11 .15 (81) Syndal Ta lly-Ho: Cachia 5, Rutter. Leplaa, Hallyburton, Dix, Robinson, Best:Rutter, Agnello, Brown, Hallyburton . Gleeson, Cachia . Rupert swood: Klaaysen 3. Elliott 2 . Whitehead 2, Baines . Flinn, Henry. Dressler . Best: Henrv. Spinner, Johnson, King . Mc Govern Umpires: Jason Lane (F ) SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4 .3 7 .5 9 .7 13 .10 (88) POWER HOUSE 3 .3 6 .7 7 .11 8.15 (63) South Metb: Bell 3 Aquilina 3 Henderson 2 Neimi 2 Giannelis Kealy Kohnesheen. Best : Netmi Aqullina W.D'Andrea Brown Bracci Bell . Power House: M.Taylor 3 Riley Bishop Clarke Driessen . Best : J.Taylor Bishop Robinson Elliott Fraser Verbern s Umpires : Tony Lilley (F) Andrea Mason Jessica Rollin (B) Patrick Love D3 RESERVE ELSTERNWICK 1 .3 3 .6 5 .9 8.14 (62) MONASH GRYPHONS 4 .4 5 .6 8 .7 12.10 (82) Ewick : Walker 2 . Gordon, AIRe, Boulton, Hartley . McAdam, Lilikakis . Best; Gordon. Bravington, Brennan, Patey. Hosking Goldman . Monash: Arena 4, Goals 4, Walter 2 . McKenzie. Perrv . Best; Robinson, Junkier, Belie . Warren, Rennison, Healy WERRIBEE 4 .6 5 .10 10.13 15.14 (104) SWINBURNE UNI 2.2 3 .5 4 .5 6 . 5(41) Werribee : Harding 4, Flack 3, Waters 2, Mereiea 2 . Thomas 2 . M .Alabakis . Howard . Best : Howard, C .Alabakis, M .Alabakis, Grogan, Fuller, Mercieca . Swinburne Uni: Demarte 2, Reed 2 . J .Roberis. ]slip. Best : Bayley, J.Roberts, Dzodz. Andrinopoulos . ST JOHNS 0 C 3.2 4 .5 4.7 7-8 (50) KEW 0.3 0.4 2.5 6 .703) Details not received SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2.1 2.4 5.5 6 .5(411 RUPERTSWOOD 3.2 6.6 11 .8 16.10 (I06) Syndal Tally-Ho: Buckley . T.Fleming. Thomas, Christiansen, Anderson, Vagiatis. Best:Devon, Thomas. Holland, O'Boyle, Haves, Miller. Rupertswood: S.Gallus 8, A.Jordon 2, N .Ang. R.Howard, J .McGrath, B .McPherson, J .Ramsev, A.Savtaris . Best:S .Gallus, C .O'Rielly. P.Sinnett, B .Ang . M .Pettman SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 4 .0 7.2 12.4 15 .7 (97) POWER HOUSE 0.0 1 .4 2.6 2 .10 (22) South Melbourne : Downing 3 Grant 3 Powell 2 W .Rosowski 2 Kidd Tsicadetis Hatton Gavlor Briglia. Best : Atherton Clyne Grant Kidd Mitchell Tsicaderis . Powerhouse: D'intino Phillip. Best : Brown A .Brownjohn Contreras Macleod Matherson Marshal l
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Coach : Brend an Maloney Coach : Tony West Res. Coach: Darren Duscher G IS 4 5 6 7 8
D. 8urtowes . J. McGrath S . Gallus . . . . B. Whitehead K. Elliott . . . .
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L. Spinner . . . . . . . . . . : . . .
10 J. Albanis . . . . . 11 B. Moule . . . . . . 12 M . Temming . . . 13 B . Sinnott (Capt.) 14 L Plummer . . . . 15 N. Webb . . . . . . 16 P. Clarke . . . . . . 17 R. .. .... 18 M . Perlman . . . . 19 D. Collins . . . . . 20 P. Flinn . . . . . . . 23 M. West . . . . . . 27 L. Temming . . . . 28 D. McDonald . . . 29 M . Baines . . . . .
9 o S. A~~I
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33 J. King . . . . . . . . . . . 36 P. Henry . . . 38 R.Johnson . 42 M. McKenzie 44 A. Icelyy . . . . 49 N . McGovern 52 A. Jordan . .
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53 J. McCrann . . . . . . . . .
56 E. Dressier . . . . 64 C . Klaayson . . . 77 M. O'Callaghan .
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1 J. Washington . 2 M.Hannan . . . 3 O.Kohnesheen 5 A. Ray . . . . . . 6 S Manning . . . 7 A. Hannan . . . 8 X. tGdd . . . . . .
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7/2 TIME
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11 P. Daly . . . . . 12 AArgyriou . . . 13 E. Henderson 14 D . Bell . . . . .
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15 8. Lazzaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 M. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . .
17 P. D'Andrea . . 18 G. Cox . . . . . . 19 A . Reid . . . . . . 20 W. Brown . . . . 21 B. Johnson . . . 22 B . Slade . . . . . 23 B . Downing . . . 24 R . Christian . . 25 S . Atherton . . . 26 R . Mitchell . . . 27 P. Cheevers . . 27a G. Panther . . . 28 S . Bracchi . . . . 29 L Heary . 30 T Zantuck . . . . 31 S . Hermann . . 32 D . McGee . . . . 33 M. Doyle . . . . . 34 M. Fem . . . . . 35 N . Moo1en . . . . 36 S . Aquilfna . . . 37 J . Ctyne . . . . . B . Grant . . . . . 39 A . Brigtia . . . . . 40 M. Brady . . . . . 41 A Lamerton . . . 42 G. GaYlo r~ . . . . 43 W. D`Arxirea . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . 44 J . Raebum . . . . . . . . . , .i . . . .
45 C. Roe . . . . . . . . . . 46 S . Ibriam . . . . . . . . . 47 J . Roy1e . . . . . . . . . 48 N . Rossiter . . . . . . . 49 T. Sutherland . . . . . 50 K . Washington . . . . 51 J . Niemi . . . . . . . . . 52 M . Anderson . . . . . . 53 M . Rosowski . . . . . . 54 A . Gianelis . . . . . . . 55 J . Pohlner . . . . . . . . 57 J . King . . . . . . . . . . 59 W.Rosowski . . . . . . 62 M . Ma r~ctiannis . . . . . 63 G. McDonald . . . . 64 M. Stefinidakis . . . . 65 D. Thomas . . . . . . . 66 G.Tscideri s . . . . . . 71 T Baade . . . . . . . . .
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Records Managemen t Services Gunn lsland Brew Bar i/4 TIR4E
Coach : David Murphy Asst Coach: Matthew Higgins Coach: Michael Robert s
314 TIP4 ~tdAL
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1 . D Clair . .~ . . . . . . . . .~ . .. 5 . J Demarie . . . . . . . . . . i . . 7 . M Erjavec . . . . . . . . . .E . . 8 . R Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . E . . 13 . J Berry . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . i 14 . R Goode . . . . . . . . . . .t . . 15 . M Howat . . . . . . . . . . . t . . 16 .S Reynoidson . . . . . . .} . . 17 . J Roberts (Reserve C) ( . . 18. A Fiumani . . . . . . . . . . : . . 19. M Luckey . . . . . . . 22 . C Thomas . . . . . . . . . .. ..i( . .. 23. S Fitzgibbon . . . . . . . l . . 24. C Higgins . . . . . . . . . . i . . 26. T Liston . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i . . 27. D Murphy . . . . . . . .-. i . . 28.J Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 32.P Beynan . . . . . . . . . . . 36.J Carter . . i.. 37. A Reed (Reserve . . . . . VC) .... . .. 40. S Bayley . . . . . . . . . . . i . . 41 . B Menzies -. . . . . . . . . . . 43. J Andrinopolous . . . . . f . . 44. S Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . } . . 45. D Islip . . . . . . . . . . . . . } . . 46. J San dhu . . . . . . . . .I . r . . 47. T Morris . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . 48. D Little . . . . . . . . . . " ~ " 50. P Dzodz . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . 51 . P James . . . . . . . . . . . 1 52. H Allen 53. J Thompson . . . . . . . , j , .
. . . . . . . . :
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55. L Watts . . . . . . . . . . . . { . . . 58. M Flack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60. D Harm er . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . .
Gi B 1 A Borgonha . . . . . . . . . ~ 2 M Ladson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 S Holmes . 4 I -Mara . . . 5 B Hilton . . 6 B Pettigrew 7 R Back . . . 8 L Johnston
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1/4 TIME
1/2 TIME
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10 AChessum . . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . , 11 J Kelly . . --- . 12 P Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 14 P Sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 THyland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 A Paterson . . -. .-. . . . . . I. . . . 17 S Cockayne . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . 18 C Emery . . . . . . . . . . . . .T 18 G Roberts . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 J Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 20 GBesley . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 21 S Koppens . . . . . . . . . . . 22 A Dragwidge . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . 23 J Fernando . . 24 H Wathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 D Waters . . . . . . . . . 26 G Waters . . . . . . . . . . . a. . . . 27 R Dowsett . 4 29 N Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . .l. . . . 30 N Gates . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .I 31 D Rydquist . . . . . . . . . . .'I . . " 32 A Rudd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A Fonceca . . . . . . . . i . . i 34 M Hancock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 35 J Sacco . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 36 S Chessum . . . . . . . 37 D Chtian . . . . . . . ~ 38 M Batty 39 S McEachern 39 S Canning . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . 40 F Mandrakis . . . . . . . . .. . . . ~ 41 A Rafferty . . . -1 {. . . .. 42 C Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . .j. . . . 43 M Van Houten . . . . . . . . : . . . . 44 J Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 45 A Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . .
47 G Bastone . . 48 J Hargreaves 49 A Kizilis . . . . . 50 J Brown . . . . 51 C Santoni . . 53 J Pi . . . . . . . . 54 0 Harkin . . . 54 M Jones . . . .
FT Finance
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9 AJones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 M Courmadious . . . . . . . 4. . . .
46 B Callery
Proudly sponsored by :
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55 BPickedng . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . 62 D Varxterwert . . . . . . . . .! . . 66 JScadamaglia . . . . . . . .f . .
314 TIME
are arguably Austrc--'Jia's largest confectionery and snackfood wholesaler with head office i n Dandenong and branches in Shepparton and Wangaratta .
Accredited 'I7tri tors Pty Ltd are proud to offer support to the VAFA and its member clubs through their sponsorship and loyality rewards program . For c- -w- -; ~~ :) tact Phil HarriSOL-- 3418 332 976 HEAD OFFIC E
33 Brooklyn Ave, D andenong Vic 3175 Phone: 03 速 9791 6588 Fax: 03 - 9794 5078 Email : salos@a ccredited .com .a u
5 Luke Duthi e
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittman
5 Albie Firley
6 Brendan Devlin
6 Not Available
6 Dash Peiris
6 Paul Hoffman 7 Adam Conquest
8 Mark Alexander
7 Paul Croxford
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackhall
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evan s
9 Mark Taylor
9 Damien Lan e
9 Stephen Capl e
9 Santo Caruso
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
10 Tristan Bowman
10 Shane Mele
10 Avi Wekselman 11 Luke Holmes
11 Dirk Krame r
11 Tom Haysom
11 PaulTuppen
12 Daniel Mousley
12 Mark Morrison
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Rothe
14 Ash Hoogendyk
14 Michael Gilday
14 Tim Tingiri
14 Sharon Alger
15 Tim Doecke
15 Mark Jenkins
15 Michael Sneddon
15 Geoff Curran
16 Mervyn Monty
16 Craig Brajtberg
16 Luke Moncrieff
16 Peter Woods
17 Peter Keogh
17 Brett Horskope
17 Michael Robins
17 Mark Gibson
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 George Paleodimo
18 Jason McNiece 19 Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fyfe
19 Glenn Scotland
19 Peter Pulle n
20 John Ralp h
20 Brian Woodhead
20 David D' Altera
20 Geoff Kelly
21 Gaj Skandakumar
21 Nick Ryde
21 David Iron s
21 Patrick Maebus
22 Chris Collin s
22 Rick Lov e
22 David Longworth
22 Nick Fennesy
23 Peter Griffiths
23 Anthony Calderonc
23 Robert Sneddon
23 Paul Dinneen 24 Graeme Hunichen
24 Leigh Dillon
24 Miles Argal l
24 Jason Moore
25 Geoff Moor e
25 Lionel Katz
25 Richard Eastwood
25 Matthew Taylor
26 Daniel Dinneen
26 Brad Ranki n
26 Patrick Coulthan
26 Andrew Shiels 27 Matt Cox
27 Anthony Simpson
27 Euan Lindsay
27 PaulJone s
28 Paul Lamble
28 Ken McNiec e
28 Leah Gallagher
28 Ron Martyn
29 Peter James
29 Gerard Rolfs
29 Peter Liddell
29 Chris Garcia 30 Justin Lipson
30 Michael Phillips
30 Simon Olive
30 Anthony Lilley
31 Andrew Lougheed
31 Robert Semmens
31 Rob Schuller
32 Jarred Aspinall
32 Eli Haye s
32 Anthony Damen
33 Simon Stokes
34 Daniel Stephens
33 Michael Forde
34 Jeremy Heffernan
35 Dianne Whiteley
33 Robert Mayston 34 Graeme Morgan
34 Stephen Morgan
37 David Murray
35 Jason Lan e
35 Troy Brook s
36 Matthew Meier
36 Phil Gluyas
Football Umpiring - The Non-Contact Team Sport by Dianne Whiteley t 170 or so INSON,, Dinner Co-ordinator, eator take y hat to.of yo u and so would th on) esent were at the Victoria n (ifT~ Uall ha hts e nigh John A A Prde F Dinc , tr I mMonda night What a sensational ,en the organiser of this event for the last 5 years and this being his final year, he a I even his previous high standards . Thank vou, John and congrats on all the hard on have done over the years . You deserve a pat on the back and a medallion ,
is xeitement in the air as the guests and umpires arrived on level 41 via elevator to a most exquisite club that many ver been to in their lifetime . Great to see the guys, dressed to the occasion, in their best suits and ties especially the ,'young guns!' One umpire even came in 'tails' . All the guests gathered for drinks before being seated for dinner . Mike was seen putting 'touches' to his speech (10 pages) and he was only proposing a toast while John Robinson was racin g d doing a final inspection. At 7 .15pm, all filed into the dining room being overwhelmed by the view of Melbourne by Even Sue Anderson who is not keen on heights managed to enjoy the night too . Wonder if Agate, Phil, Cliff or Brett tail marks on their arm while coming up the elevator? It was all worth it, as she had her photo taken with Kevi n was great to see Bob Dunstan, mer non-running Life Members and PUMP members at the dinner . Guests include d , .AAA Executive members, t' i all League Umpires, Neville Nash, Mark Dunstan (Elsternwick Cricke t The welcoming speech by the President - ithony Damen opened the door to a night of great speeches, some surprised s, lots of laughter and silence while the guest speaker spoke ( miracle) . A lot of the speeches touched on ' grassroots H . comradeship, complimenting the VAFA (the Executive and Phil Stevens & Co.) and the future of the VAFAUA. Peter i oresented the 10 Year Awards and Mark Gibson presented the Life Member badges (Please see below for list of rs) . aehard Evans spoke highly of the umpiring fraternity when making his speech as he helped Bobby present the Bob award. The winner was just flabbergasted . Never expected to win such an honourable award . However, he dese rv e d all e work he has done in the Junior Development area with the VAFAUA by recruiting about 60% of the new field, tan, and goal umpires including the young guy who received the 'Most Improved Goal Umpires' Award . I heard on the i that he will be celebrating a milestone soon - his 250th game . The Andy Carrick Award presented by Stev e t and went to a fantastic guy who has been around for such a long time and continues to support the VAFAUA, Supe r and school footy . A new award was introduced by Rick Love this year - The ' Best First Year Umpire' . He awarded the to an outstanding guy who has worked hard all year and slowly working his way up the sections . Next year promises to even better year for him . The 'Most Imp roved Goal Umpire' Award went to our websites 'Umpire of the Month' nt . Everyone just loves the guy who received the 'Most Imp roved Boundary Umpire' Award . He is so friendly and tha t rin just wins everybody over all the time! The guy who received the 'Most Improved Field Umpire Award' deserved IOC . _~ ar' ;s hard at training and gives 100% in his games as well as always trying to improve his bouncin g i C -land went up to the stand . Silence throughout the room .. . . the boss is about to speak. Brendan people including all his staff like Dan "The Tram Man" and Peter Harris (Agate), Bill Deller, VAFA Coaches and also the VAFA who support him and make safe the working environment for all the VAFAUA umpires . He the 'Golden Whistle' Award to a young man who has a great future ahead of him . He has excelled in all areas this if sticks at it may become an AFL umpire . Then the raffles were drawn and the mingling began . The evening ended )ut all > in a favourable mood . I somehow think there were a few sore heads the next day or some arriving home was coming up. me and Anthony Damien, the VAFAUA had the privilege to hear Kevin Sheedy (Essendon AF L at the dinner He arrived a bit late and had Anthony looking at the door every 5 minutes but all was well when TI 'young guns' were excited to see him and even some of the 'older' generation were excited, especially Ro b ton, a one-eyed Essendon supporter and he made the presentation to Kevin at the end of his speech . Kevin spoke abou t lub, taking us back to 1992 where they were going through a phase where time was running out for the likes of Ti m i, Simon Madden and Van der Haar and brought in the likes of Dustin Fletcher, Mercuri and James Hird . He spoke hn Barnes, Paul Salmon and other AFL coaches . He mentioned about his days at Richmond and how he may retur n o; i day. He also spoke about his passion for the game - planning an opportunity for young people of the future, about rslump'ues who are 'dead in the paddock' and the AFL structure . He touched on the umpiring fraternity and hi s ird . .. .the seagull. He also mentioned how several players from the VAFA have gone through to the AFL . It was a very speech to hear and then came the questions! The best two were "If you were in charge of the AFL for one day, d you do?" KS - Make Collingwood play a game in Perth, WA . and "The best club out of the 8 ?" KS - St . Kilda . ks to Sheed's and hope his team do well for the rest of the season . d - Jamie Kvins, Rob Mayston, Matthew Meier, Dom Napoli, Andrew Rechtman and Ross Richards ; Life Member Mark Jenkins and Anthony Damen ; Bob Dunstan Award - Ron Martyn ; Andy Carrick Award - David D'Altera ; MIFU U Award - Scott Fraser ; MIGU Award - Paul Gait; Best lat Year Umpire Award - Peter Liddell ihley Hoogendyk; .!n , ;)6 istie Award - Sean Scully (Junior) . idence to diannewhiteleyCabigpond .com ia.asn.a u AM ATEUR
B eiersdorf Australia Ltd The controversial match ratio has again claimed an R--,;view D4 Section unfortunate victim . This years recipient Old UAI,IF~'IPdG FINAi, Westbourne, after not losing a game by more than 3 g SENIORS - UHS-VU goals all year and beating every team within the top five versus Albert Park is left to consider what might have been after missing Given the great form of both sides, this match promises . Let's all just hope that a team out on match ratio to be one of the D4 matches of the season . Uni High playing one more match than another does not taint School have proven to all and sundry they are the real . Nonetheless, the top five is D4's best and fairest award deal, and with their impressive victory last weekend now sorted and it is anyone's guess who will take out against Westbourne, in front of the Albert Park boys, they will be just itching for a chance to take on the the ultimate prize . Review Dales for a spot in the finals . Albert Park, on the other Yary's had to With a final's berth still up for grabs St hand, will be refreshed from their week off, and given . win and wait on other results for their final's fait their brilliant recent form, today's winner is a difficuli Centrals that However, it was a determined Richmond choice indeed . took it right up to the Saints with O'Sullivan and Macak The last time these two teams met, the students tool finding space and showing dash . St .Marys put on a the honours in a high scoring affair at home in an ever burst in the third quarter to build a comfortable buffer team performance . I think it will be another crow( that they maintained until the final siren, thus enabling pleaser today with two of D4's premier goal kickers i a jump to fourth spot and a place in the elimination Tate and Allen lining tip at opposing ends . This encounter will be evenly fought for much of th final . match, however, I think that the week's rest may leak, Box Hill North completed an impressive 2003 season with an equally impressive win against Eltham . The enough fuel in the tank for the Falcons to push ahea . first half saw North completely dominate proceedings late and run away with a 17-point win .Marys with 28 shots to 11 . The lead was extended in the RESERVES - UHS-VU versus St Both tearn are evenly matched here today and there wi second half, and with Dave Martini putting in another blinder and Dave Worrell strong up forward they ran out be no advantages with increased playing stocks as hot teams have their respective senior teams in final comfortable winners by 55 points . matches. In the first of their previous two meetings as they estbourne It was all or nothing for Old W was the students who destroyed the Saints with Walla( having to win for a place in School traveled to Uni High best on ground and in a more evenly fought secon . It was the Vultures though who controlled the finals encounter, the students made it two from two with a Ili most of the first term and then cracked the game open a win . In what I believe will be a tight battle i with a dominant second term to lead by 27 at the main goal going with the "Green and Tan" to win by 21 points . . The Warriors threw everything at the Vultures in break the second half with "Juck" Horsburgh and Hodgson playing well and Berm holding the dangerous Tate, however it was not to be as Captain Cracknell, Hams and Farrellv turned it on as the students inflicted the Warrior's biggest loss for the year with an 18 point win . CLt?7 In brilliant sunshine, M t .Lilydale took on North Brunswic k in an important match for both teams . rj _ SECTION 106 Allan 0 However, it appears that only Mount turned up to play, Albert Park 90 Tate 2 as the return of players from injury saw the Dales go UHS-VU 77 Hardaway 0 Brunswick into the first break with a ten-goal lead . From that point North Brunswick 67 Hamilton 2 on it was how far "the Goats", as Dave Callanan, Trev 61 J Horsbourgh 4 Old Westbourne Hansford, Clancy McKenzie and Mattie Alderman ripped D4 RESERVE 47 a disappointing North Brunswick to shreds with a 1580 Pashas Albert Park 45 Papanikolou 0 point thrashing . North Brunswick 35 Payne 0 Albert Park had the bye and were interested onlookers Albert Park 34 Anderson 3 at the UHS versus Old Westbourne game, while Bulleen Mt . Lilydale 34 Rousis 5 had a walkover win against the Brunswick Power . St Marys
D4 Sectio n ELi:,iINATION FINAL - SENIORS - St .Marys versus North Brunswick After last week's efforts from North, the thought of being in the finals will be counted as a blessing . The likes of Pizzari, Stelfox and Hamilton will be looking for improvement from their fellow teammates as they look to turn around their defeat the last time these two teams met . In that match at the "Postage Stamp", the Saints got the jump in the second quarter and continued on in the final quarter for a solid victory, and will be hoping for another workman like effort today . Ironically, it was this match that put a huge dent in North's premiership aspirations with the loss of the dangerous Care with a broken ankle . Ultimately, I believe that the Saints will have too many winners for North to counter, and with the likes of McLennan, Dti'<yer and Purcell all on fire, I am going to the Saints to win by a nail biting 8 points . RESERVES - Albert Park versus Old Westbourne Albert Park host Old Westbourne in a match that the Warriors will be hoping will bring some joy for what can only be described as a disappointing season . Westbourne will be strengthened by their senior side missing out, and will be looking to build on its recent win against the Falcons. Albert Park did win their earlier match in the year however, and given the strength and form of the Falcons, they will be a tough team to beat . Ultimately though, I cannot see the strengthened twos team from the Warriors being threatened, and when you consider the speed and determination of the likes of Slattery, Riverland and Mesman, it is the Warriors for mine in a 29 point win . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S Please keep those team of the years coming in as well as weekly match reports for both seniors AND reserves . Send them to gavanf~ .cleanevent .com .au by no later than midday Monday.
UHS-VU - Congratulations are extended t o "Fruitcake" Hellner on reaching 100 ;;erne ; in the qualifying final today. He is described as a passionate player who has played the majority of his football across halfback in the seniors . His trademark reckless aggression at the ball and opposition players has unnerved many a skillful forward . All at UHS-VU wish Adam the best for many more games to come .
TODAY'S MATCHE S D4 SECTION QUALIFYING FINAL - August 23, 2003 SE NIO RS City Oval Box Hill, Box Hill - 2 p .m . UHS-VU versus Albert Park RE SERVE S City Oval Box Hill, Box Hill - 11 .30 a .m . UHS-VU versus St . Marys
BRUNSCIICK POWER (13 .7 .86) FORFEITED 'd, ;TCH WIN RECEIVED BY BULL'-LId COBRAS (22.17 .149 ) 2 .2 11 .4 16 .7 20 .12 (132) RICHMOND CENTRAL ST MARYS 7 .1 13 .4 20 .6 25 .8 (158) Richmond Central : O'Sullivan 6, Macak 4 . Speakman 4, Barritt 2, Terrill 2, J .Lynch, Day . Best: 0'Sullivan . Speakman, Cox . Macak, Plant . StMarys : Timmins 5, Wright 4, Harrison 4, Hill 3, Hendy 2, Butler 2, Dwyer. Purcell, Schembri, McLennon, Graetzer . Best: McLennan, Zsembery, Brown, Purcell, Stone, Schembri Umpires: Brad Rankin (F ) 4.8 11 .17 16.18 24 .22 (166) BOX HILL NORTH ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5 .2 7.4 14.8 17 .9 .(111) Box Hill North : Goals : A Odza 6 . L Keillor 5, J Garrett 3 . J Namouski 3, D Martini 2, B Palmer 2, B Olson 2 . C Riscalla . Best: A Odza, A Sallantiogilu, D Martini, J Garrett, R Doyle, B Palmer Eltham Coll egians : Goals: Doody 8, Brick 2, Wright 2, Sharpe, Thomas, Harrington, Watson . Gilbert. Best : Doody . E Baud, Robins, Mizzi. L Baud, Turney Umpires: Chris Simon (F) UHS-VU 3 .5 7.7 8 .7 11 .13 (79) OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .2 3 .4 5 .6 9.7 (61) UHSâ&#x20AC;˘VU : Farrelly 3, Tate 2, Madragano 2, Gorrhige, Gerolemou, Rose, Creek Best : Cracknelt Farrelly, Hams. Gorringe, Dolence . Creek Old Westbourne : J Horsburgh 4, A Leitch 2, M Christo . Elliman, Gerace Best: Bonn, Pavez, M Chrism. Huntington, A Horsburgh Umpires: Greg Rawlings Miles Argall (F) ALBERT PARK - BYE MT LILYDALE 10 .6 14 .10 23 .15 29.21(195) NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .1 3.3 4.5 5 .7 (37) Mt Lilydale: Hansford 5, Kellett 4, Roberts 4, Gibson 3, Carolan 2, Hayes 2. McKenzie 2, Paull 2, Alderman . Brebner, Cunningham, Lonergan, T . Van Duuren. Best: Hansford . Carstens, Callanan . Alderman, Carolan, McKenzie. North Brunswick: Hamilton 2 . J .Boudoloh 2, Twaddle . Best : Guppy. Defelice. Pizzari . -twaddle, Mountney, Paleodimos Umpires : Paul Tuppen Alan Stubbs (F ) D4 RESERVE BRUNSWICK POWER (9 .7 .611 FORFEITED MATCH WIN RECEIVED BY BULLEEN COBRAS (18 .14 .122) RICHMOND CEPiTRAI. 1 .3 4 .4 6 .7 9.10 (64) ST MARYS 4 .3 11 .4 16.7 21 .8 (134) Richmond Central: Deifreitas 3, Quick, Cartriglit, Marr, Colorer, Levin, Karamtehaios . Best : Cartright, Titley, Porteus, Marr, Partly . Kingsley. St Marys : Rousts 5, Bernardi 4, Theoharris 3, West 2, Harrison, Webb 2, Lezsko 2, C .Goldworthv . Koumantatakis . Best : Webb, Theoharris, N .Goldworthy . Rousis . Watson. Allen. 2 .2 4.2 9 .4 13 .5 (83) BOX HILL NORTH ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5 .4 7.9 12.14 1619 .(115) Box Hill North : Goals : S Smith 3, T Ellis 3, M Edgley 3 . J Tsaclldis,M MeCartln, Z Veleskl, M Lacey . Best : J D,Amato. I Oldfeild, J Tsactidts . M Edgley, S Evans, M MeCartin Eltham Co llegians: Goals : Krohn 4, Drummond 4, Watson 2, Smith 2, Todman 2, Luttick, Decker Best : Luttlek . Evans, Drummond . Keleher, Decker, Kroh n ms-VU 4 .1 7 .4 9 .8 12 .10 (82) OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .2 4 .2 7.3 9 .3 (57) UHS-W : Forbes 5, Wallace 2, Ternes . Maguire, Fisher, Walpole . Cavalieri Best: Great Team Effort Old Westbaurne: Crosswell 3, S Christo 2 . Braham 2, Robertson . Anderson Best : L Hudson, Layton, Rivalland, Crosswell, D Slattery Phillips ALBERT PARK - BYE MT LILYDALE 1 .0 5.1 6 .4 6 .5(41) NORTH BRUNSWICK 9 .4 14 .8 18.10 24 .13 (157) Mt Lilydale: Anderson 3, Smithies, Fernando, Bullerjahn . Best: Kernaghan, Maltar, Del Blonde, Smithies, Holloway, Van Curren . North Brunswick: B .Carter 8,Freeman 5 .P .Sorleto 5,A.Boudoloh 3, H .Tsialtas 2,Duson . Best : Freeman, B .Carter, Russo. R .Salloum. Briffa.Marin.
s r
4 SEGi`I
(77U.-11FYING T ._a~_ . . y
~ Coach: George Mandalis Coach : Michael Learmont h Res : George Koumantatakis
Cc--h: Shane Mottram Seniors Coach : John Ahe m Assistant: George Mandalis G !B 1 M . Wright (V.C.) . .-j, . 2 R. Thorp . . . . . . . . . 3 T. Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . .
1 P. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . 2 S . Robinson . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . 3 R. Baker (C ) . . . . . . . .~. . . .
4 L. Gomnge . . . . . . , . . . . .
4 J . Simcocks . . . . . . . . . .I. . . .
5 S . Mottram . . . . 6 S . Cracknell (C) 7 D. Zuticki . . . . . . 8 M . Gerolemou . . 9 S . Devlin . . . . . . 10 B . Farrelly . . . . . 11 D. Forbes . . . . . 12 W. Smith . . . . . . 13 N . Rose . . . . . .
5 S .A â&#x17E;˘an . . . . . . . . . 6 J . Storey C} . . 7 S . Variables . . . . . 9 P. Chambers (VC) 11 A . Fleming . . . . . . 12 T. Fraser . . . . . . . . 13 M . Davey . . . . . . . 14 M . Hyams . . . . . . . 15 D . Barley . . . . . . . 16 C . Roberton . . . . . 17 D . McLellan . . . . . 18 J. Taylor . . . . . . . . 22 J.Hannett . . . . . . . 26 V. Surace . . . . . . . 27 B. Tulle . . . . . . . . . 30 S. Fountain . . . . . . 32 A. DiMingo . . . . . . 35 D . Allan . . . . . . . . . 38 N .Wheeler . . . . . . 39 S, McKerrow . . . . . 54 N . Neumann . . . . . 55 J. Dudi . . . . . . . . 57, J . Sutton . . . . 62. A. Harper . . . . 79. D . Quinlan . . .
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i 1 4 M . 8uiera . . . . . . . . , . f . . .
15 J . Jacks . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .
16 J . Tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . 17 C .Langendort 18 A . Hellner . . . 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madrigrano 21 J . Hall . . . . , 29 K . Weber . . . 31 P. Dolence ., 34 J. O'Neill . . , 38 R . Lapish . . . 41 A. Ludlow . . . 42 D . Wallace . . 45 S. Hams . . . . 48 M. Davidson . 56 D . Creek . . . . 69 A. Dowdett . . 88 D . Fisher . . . . 99 W.Hircoe . . .
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. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 L Cleveland . . . . 7 M. Farmer . . . . . . 9 S. Devlin . . . . . . . 11 D .FOrbes . . . . . . 15 J . Jacks ., . . ' . . 18 A. Hettner . . . . . . 19 J. Uebergang . . . 21 J . Hal! . . . . . . . . . 23 G . Ternes . . . . . . 24 R . Hortle . . . . . . . 25 S.Haynes . . . . . . 26 P. Thomas . . . . . 27 A. Cusick . . . . . . 29 K. Weber . . . . . . 30 J . Partridge . . . . . 36 A. Pendlebury . . . 37 G . Catterall . . . . , 40 L. Maguire . . . . . 41 A, Ludlow . . . . . . 42 D. Wallace . . . . . 43 M. O 'Neill (capt) . 48 M . Davidson . . . . 49 S, Smits . . . . . . . 50 B. Warren . . . . . . 52 A
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112 Tlh4E
3/4 TIME
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53 J. SchutzSchutz . . . . 56 D. Creek . . . . 57 C. Thomas . . 58 J. Thomas . . . 60 G . Costa . . . . 64 B. Walpole . . 72 A. Van Ree . . 75 S. Mills . . . . . 76 V. Cavatieri . . 78 B. Carruthers 79 M . Turvey . . . 81 B. Will . . . . . . 88 D. Fisher . . . . 99 W. Hircoe . . .
.1I . .... . .... . . . .... ... . . . . . . . .f . .... . .... ... .... . . .' .... ... . .... ...I .... ... . . . . . . . .i . . . . . . ., . ....... .
Sponsored by : Rising Sun Hotel , Richmon d 1/4 TIME
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T. Brown . . . . . . B . Perelberg . . . G. Schembn . . . N . Goldsworthy .
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5 A . Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ : : : : 6 S. Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 A .Dwyer 8 A. Zsembery . . . . . 9 R . Om}e . . . . . . . . 10 G . Koumantatakis . ti J. Bernardi . . . . . . 12 A . Webb . . . . . . . . 13 J. Hill . . . . . . . . . . t4 C . Goldsworthy . . . 15 M. Purcell . . . . . 16 L Anthony . . . . . . 17 P. West . . . . . . . . . 18 B. Frait . . . . . . . . . 19 V . . .. .. 20 C..%Q ley . . . . . . 21 M. GNchr ist . . . . . . 22 R . Mien . . . . . . . . . 23 F. Harrison . . . . . , 24 A. Latimer . . . . . . . 25 M. Butler . . . . . . . . 26 J. Timmins . . . . . . 27 M. Banks . . . , . . . 28 J. tnnes . . . . . . . . 29 P. Harrison . . . . . . 30 P. Watson . . . . . . . 31 S. Leszko . . . . . . . 32 P. Reinir~q .. . 33 M. 0"Halroran . . . . 35 G . Theoharris . . . . 36 B. Graetzer . . . . . . 37 L . Vincent . . . . . . . 38 D . Astbury . 39 T. Millar . . . . : : : : :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .~ . .I . . . . ... ... ... . .I . . . :. .. . .~ . . .i . . . .. . ,I . . .~ . . .i . . ;. .. . : . .I, . .! . . .~ . ... . .~ . ... . .4 . ... .~. . .` . .j :
: . . . . . . . .
42 M. Davies . . . . . . . . . . . .~ : :
48 D. tJ,orcom . . . . . . . . . .I . . 50 A. Wibawa . . . . . . . . . . . 51 M . Lynch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 C. Weiler . . . . . . . . . . . .L~ .
53 B Amustead . . . . . . . . . .~ : 54 J. Wri M . . . . . . . . . . . . .L `~ D. An~e s . . . . . . . . . . . .! . 57 D. Watson . . . . . . . . . . .~ . 58 B. Levrs . . . . . . . . . . . . .! . 59 K. McLennan . . . . . . . . . . 62 G . Pilikidis . . . . . . . . . . .j . 63 P. Roseman . . . . . . . . . .I . 66 N. Batskos . . . . . . . . . . , 67 M .Maschette . . . . . . 68 J . F~7~ekistad . . . . . . . . : : :` : 69 J.Herufy . . . . . . . . . . 70 N. Luce . . . . . . . . . : 72 S . Sytivris . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 N. Datskos J . 74 A. Richard . . . . . . , . 80 J. Clarke . . . . . . . . . . : . .~ . 88 A. Batlantyne . . . . . . . . .~ .
Aust Steel Industrie s 1/2 TIME
: : : : :i : :
44 J. Lukjanov . . . -. . 47 P. Rousis . . . . . . . . . . . .
3/4 TIME
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40 A. Ha us e . . . . . . . . . . : . . 41 T.Cummins . . . . . . . . .
Roberts & Dwyer Estat, Agents
1/4 TIME
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: . . . . . . ,
: . . . . . . . .
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ELh~. ; :,i~_ .' :~t ~ . __. '
0 Coach : Michael Learmonth Coach : Ange Sammartin o Res : Geor e Koumantatakis B ! G. . . . . . !. . . . .(. ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ... ... ..... . . . .~. ..... . . . .~. .....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Roberts & Dwyer Estate Agent s Aust Steel Industrie s 1/4 TIME
1/2 TIME
G !B
Gi B
1 D . Newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 D . Adams . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 3 G .Lattouf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4 P. Dimarco . . . . . . . . . . .! . . . .. .. . . 6 D . Pizzaari . . . . . . . . . . .j . . . . .. .. . .. 7 G. Stetfox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 8 D . Guppy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. , .. . . 9 A .Sammartino . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . .. . . 10 W. Fawcett . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .. .. .. . . 11 S . Hamilton . . . . . . . 16 LAnthony . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . 14 G. Paleodimos . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 PWest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . 15 H. Tsiattas . . . . . . . . . . . i~ ~ - . 18 B Frail . . . . . . . . . . . 19 V Ryan . . . . . . . . . . 1 .1. . . . 16 M . Vaina . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 20 C Handley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 M Gilchrist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A. Kyriazis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23 R Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 J. Verge . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . F Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A Latimer . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 20 L . Closter . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 5 26 M Butler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 J. Freeman . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . J Timmins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 M Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 26 J. Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 28 J Innes . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . 28 J. Boudoloh . . . . . . . . ~. . . . 29 P Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 P Watson . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 30 D . Russo . . . . . . . . . 31 S Leszko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 32 B. Robertson . . . . . . ., . . . . 32 PR eining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 M 0'Halloran . . . . . . . . . . . 37 M. Defelice . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . 35 G Theoharris . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 B Graetzer . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . 38 D . Magnuson . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . 37 L Vincent . . . . . . . . . .... 38 D Astbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 C . Rhook . . . . . . . . . . . .~ 39 T Millar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . 41 J . Elms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 40 R Hausler . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . 42 J . Papanikolou . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 41 T Cummins . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 42 M Davies . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . . 44 N . Wallmeyer . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 44 J Lukjanov . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . 46 N. Giovanoglou . . 47 PRousis . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . """" ' 48 D Morcom . . . . . . . . . . .l . . . 50 B . Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . 50 A Wibawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A. Mountney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 M lYncn . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . 52 C Weller . . - .- 59 T. Ackland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 B Armistead . . . . . . . . 54 J Wri9ht . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . 62 B. Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 D And ers . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . 67 C. Twaddle . . . . . . . . . . .3 . . . . 57 D Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 B Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 K McLennan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 G Pilikidis . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . 63 P Roseman . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . 66 N Batskos . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 67 M Maschette . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . dstad . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . ~ J Per 69 70 N Luce y . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . 72 S Sylivris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 N Datskos . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 74 A Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 J Clarke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 A Ballantyne . . . . . . . . . . :. . . .
1 T Brown . . 2 B Perel berg . . . . 3 G Schembn . . . . 4 N Goldsworthy . . 5 A Lane . . . . . . . . 6 S Stone . . . . . . . 7 A owyer . . . . . . . 8 A zsembery . . . . 9 R Orme . . . . 10 G Koumantatakis 11 J Bernardi . . . . . 12 AWebb . . . . . . 13 J Hill . . . . . . . . . . 14 C Goldsworthy . . 15 M Purcell . . . . . .
Rese rves Coach : Paul Shoppee Coach : Stephen Leitch
3/4 TIME
2 N . Pastras . . . . •. 3 J. Dudi . . . . . . . 7 G. Foster . . . . . 10 M .Phillips . . . . . 11 A . Fleming . . . . 12 T. Fraser . . . . . . 13 B . Payne (VC) 15 P.Guicas . . . . . . 16 C. Roberton . . . 18 M . Davey . . . . . 19 A. Steward . . . . 22 D. Bree . . . . . . . 23 C. Borg . . . . . . . 24 T. Green . . . . . . 25 J. Wier . . . . . . . 26 V. Surace . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
27 J. Breen . . . . . . 28 R . Allan . . . . . . . 29 J. H ar nath . . . . . 30 S . Fountain . . . . 31 S . McGuire (C) 32 J . Guzman . . . . 33 J . Murray . . . . . 34 T Houston . . . . 35 S . Toth (VC) . . 36 J . Belbin . . . . . . 37 L. Hogan . . . . . . 38 N. Wheeler . . . . 45 M . Macleod . . . . 48 M . Smith . . . . . . 50 S. Mellis . . . . . .
52 G . Baker . . . . . . 53 M.Williams . 54 N . Neumann 55 D . Quinlan . 57 J . Sutton . . .
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5 S.Hewitt . . 9 K.Murphy . 12 B.Ma ttsson 14 T.Said . . . . 16 S.Christo . 17 M.Aquilina 19 M.Craig . .
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20 L O'Sullivan . . . . . . . . -L . . . .. .
. .. ... ... .....j ... . . . . .~ . . . . . . . .~ .... . .... .... . ... .. .... . . . . . .~ .' . . ... .. ... ..~.. . .. ... . .. .. ... . .. .. ...l ... .. ... . ....k .....! ... .....: ... ..... ... .... . ...
22 S.Anderson . . . . . . . . 26 P.Mesman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 D .Sla tt e ry . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . 29 J .Manolokakis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 G.Jenkinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 D.Rivalland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 S .Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . . 40 S .Leitch . . . . . . . . - - . . 43 A.Runciman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 B.Slatt e ry . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 45 S.Robertson . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 47 T.Scholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 B.Rotrinson . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 50 P.Ha bersatt . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . 52 TBest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 M.Crosswell . . . . . . . . . . L . . . 56 D .Layion . . . . . . . . . . . . . (. . . . 58 I.Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . • 60 N .Aquilina . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . .
60 G . Bateson . . . . . . . . . 77 S. G ar cia . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . .
Sponsored by:
Rising Sun Hotel , Richmond
1/4 TIME
1/2 TIME
3/4 TIME
Where a team has (2) U19 teams or is involved in hybrid arrangement, the following shall apply . Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have not st XVIII teams) Any registered player with a permi t played more than 10 matches with the U191 side to play in (2) team . lay finals (except AFLNFL players with a permit - see the To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have below). represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not , - i3V - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be registered and must have played at least four (4) reserve grade matches and including finals. - Players must be registered and have not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away CCUB XV43i TEA MS played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches (for the team games ( first round). they wish to represent) and not have played in more than a Where both first and second XVIII's are playing on the same total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) round. games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify . Where a club has two Club XVIII teams a player must have not For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of played more than 8 matches with the Club XVIII 1 side to play the same weekend (ie .1st semi Saturday, 2nd semi Sunday in the (2) team . read as above teams playing on the same day) . An AFL or VFL listed player will be eligible to play in the finals Players must be registered and hold a UNDER-19 TEA M S for his VAFA club as long as he has played a minimum of five permit . If a player has played an aggregate of more than 5 (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have bee n Under-19 matches during the season . played after June 30th . If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 A TAC Under 18 player must have played five (5) VAFA senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his matches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then finals . For TAC players there i s no requirement to play a eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . certain number of matches after June 30th ~ ®®®® ® -
Is eligibility ru les are f0i, : : 51-55 of the Asso&: ':io: ; ..
Were you a player/coach/support siafr" ior a VAFA rep 'ream in 2002 ? If not contact Brett Connell 9531 8333 or brett@vafa .asn .au to arrange pick-up . Photo can only be picked up from VAFA Administration during office hour s or by arrangement . The follo w ing v id : 3 are available for purchase : VAFA v SFL (2003) - $33 SFL v VAFA ( 2002) - $3 3 SAAFL v VAFA (2002) - $2 0 VCFL v VAFA ( 2003) - $35 Videos will be required to be picked up from Elsternwick Park - contact details are required with each order so you can be advised when videos become available for pick-up . Please forward cheques made payable to the UAFA cl- PO Box 359, Elsternwick, 3185 .
For any fur:her queries on the above please contact Brett Connell 95313333. 47
(U19 -1 & Blue) Sports & 7edical Supplies
(U19-2,3 & Red)
Overhauling an Section 1 - Preview d The four appears settled, as Xavs clicked into gear when undermanne n it was needed most, to seemingly snuff out the finals H a m p t o 81 . Scotchies were the Rovers by last a 6 Pirations of DLS and the Skevvies s biggest casualty of the round and OEG earned their point round, Werribe e second win of the year . will complete their final's preparation with Uni's, Clarke and Torney, had their own sharp shooting fixture against bottom side Paradians this wet a match last week, and De La's Skinnsy, Roaster, Junbo than ideal fixture for both teams in the conte . o f and Jarvo will have to be at their best to contain them season . Using the game to settle combinations, : .i z U today . The Blues want a hard hitout before the finals, will be too strong, the Amateurs looking a real L and that's what they'll get, however they should have a . tak home the silverware in season 2003 I little too much strength across their home paddock . Finally Hampton Rovers host Mazenod this afternuon, Well served by Purs and Serafmi, Xav's are "Back In the Nodders nearly victorious last round after all Town," ending their four game losing streak in emphatic impressive eight-goal performance down forward by fashion, against the Scotchies . They tune up for next Bourbon . Two highly skilled sides, both Hampton and week with a clash against the Fields . who would enjoy Mazenod have struggled with numbers this year, a taking a little wind from their sails . Having regained result of both senior club recruiting and injury . that winning feeling, Xav s won't succumb . Hampton had the courage to take only seventeen Marcellin have had a miserable fortnight against the top players to league-leader Werribee last round, and still sides and travel to third placed Scotch, on the rebound! managed a commendable score, their persistence likely The hosts had a game to forget against the Xavs, and if to pay off with a win this afternoon over the valiant Sutherland and Swan can lead from the front, will Mazenod . restore some lost confidence and ensure a cracking Section 3 Round eighteen signals the season's conclusion for First Semi Final . Barring something extraordinary, it appears Skevs and more than half the section three sides, the top four . Skevvies will the Tonners can prepare for Mad Monday Rupertswood, Old Carey, Collegians and Therry Penola, kick themselves after a strong start to the season, but now confirmed final's starters, this weekend providing today the 2002 runners up will have the satisfaction of the last opportunity for the four clubs to settle defeating the reigning champs . combinations, and finetune their preparation for week The local derby between the Bernies and OEG seems a one of the finals . mismatch on paper with top meeting last, but the Dons Having only played two games in the past four weeks, are coming off a strong result and funny things can league-leaders Rupertswood have had a less than ideal happen in these games . That said, the minor premiers run towards September, their away fixture at AJAX this will complete the perfect 18 win season . afternoon the side's last chance to prepare for what will undoubtedly be a fiery semi-final against Old Carey . Section 2 Just when the final's schedule looked all but confirmed, With the minor premiership still not sewn up, Old Trinity kept their slim chances of playing final's Rupertswood must win today, and be ready for a full football alive, overcoming a tired Old Camberwell outfit four-quarter effort by AJAX who kicked eleven goals to last round by 97 points . With a spot in the finals one in the final term last week, victorious by 46 points guaranteed with victory last week, Old Camberwell after trailing at three quarter time . faltered to their lower placed rivals, Trinity now only At long odds to snatch the minor premiership, but not four points behind Camberwell, but still needing to pull without a chance, Old Carey must win today and rely on sibles to make the finals . a Rupertswood loss, to displace the side they've played Vol t h e unpo With a massive task still ahead, Old Trinity travel to Old bridesmaid to all year . There's little doubt Old Carey will Melburnians this afternoon, the visitors needing to win win, facing a struggling MHSOB this afternoon, but the to remain in final's contention . Having enjoyed an extra odds are stacked against Rupertswood losing, their only week on the track, OM's will be fresh and ready for one loss this season coming on a technicality after fielding last outing before week one of the finals, Trinity an ineligible player . standing little chance at a ground where it is near Now definite finals starters, Therry Penola host Monash impossible for visiting teams to win . this afternoon, the home side confirming their presence Even with a victory Trinity must then rely on a in the first week of the finals with a 157 point victort Camberwell loss, the fourth-placed side hosting last round at the expense of St Bernards (2)â&#x20AC;˘ Howeve Beaumaris this afternoon, both sides less than Therry must be wary of complacency, they play t r lu impressive in the penultimate round of the season . bottom two sides in the two final rounds, and mustri Escaping from a last quarter comeback by bottom side get too confident as a result of big winning margins . Paradians last week, Beaumaris will be out to regain Finally North Old Boys should be too strong fo some respect, as will Camberwell desperate to avenge rBernads(2)thisafterno ,whileColegians, o ) last week's dismal outing . In what will most likely be a winless for several weeks, enjoy a rather inconvenien preview of next week's semi-final, Beaumaris home in a bye, as they prepare for final's football . thriller . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20 (
section Blue - Previe w , hB`s still push for a final's spot and after humbling .in t;laymen, must now topple the Tigers to have any iranee . SBM will not be in any mood to entertain any 1l ;oughts of successive losses and will eud Bentleigh' s
,,, .npaign .
it the Claymen prevail, their percent, huff- should nsure they see final's action . Tl c.'11 test the low on self-belief, that has m :+r \:;,ed just one t ory from its last six starts, but it's -'.iii the Clays fo r Panthers ran into a DLS whirlwind, and that won't !ch the fury of the JOC's assault todav . St . John's primed for the business end of the year, and are in winning zone. T11, Saints end 2003 against the minor premiers . In ;'.ound 10, the K's had 71 scoring shots to zero ! ,akleigh are in awesome touch and will be far too good! (,ii, last hurrah is the prize for the Monders and DLS . it - been a hard slog for both, and full credit to the clubs ~r 'gutsing out" a difficult year . Could go either way, ~ :Id with the fence giving me splinters, I'm tipping . . . . . .a drx :~v! Section Red - Preview The final round of the home and away season, and the end of the season for six sides, the remaining four ready w~'-,attie it out over three weeks of finals, for t' 2003 ion red premiership. ;;,~i favourites, and still undefeated aft r r i r ~ . nds of football, Banvule-Viewbank travel to alas ,Lc, . the visitors recipients of an Old Westnc?urn e last round . Unable to kick a major to the - . and half of football last round . Aquinas will struggl e ~iri<t the competition heavyweights this afternoon, a p it-goal score a more than commendable achieven~n t ,~ : :inst the section's top side . h from a morale-boosting 79 point win over F i round, the Uni Blacks continue thf~- i proaration for week one of the fue .is, host f i : : this afternoon in the University E rb
, points in ! `iir meeting ea , :s a i : it " . ;t to be tro, :
rrro e v look to, undernaar t(, ' points of Yarr a nd . snother cc r- ous effort likely thi s enough to a ~ , opposition . . !)sts St Leos Em n here . Old i- aors likely to fini-Ii off season 200 3 wit i ive wins . 1~ ile Old St,'estbourne will struggle a s mpt to snatch eighth spot off rivals Yarra
Aquin w- != r- : ; j ; :nefy pleasea to acknowledge the feat o f _ ; cEvop on )aching his 100th U1 9 game last . . St . Leo's . Not the job in any club . Terry's passion for Aquinas, for U19 footy and most of all for the young men he meni ~rs, has ensured that Aquinas has been able to continue to field a successful U 19 outfit, in spite of the difficulties that all clubs experience in this area . Terry was recently made a Life Member of Aquinas, and indication of his standing in our club and contribution to it . Despite finishing his coaching stint this year . Terry will certainly continue to add value to our club in a to her of rti s b -,end 2003 .
i ;,^,E,; ;:
U19 (1 ) St . Bernards University Blues St . Kevin s Old Scotc h Old Scotch Old Scotch U19 (2) Old lvanhoe f3erribee Old Camberwell Old Melburnians Old T rinit v U19 (1)
Pitts McKerrow O'Keefe Beaurepaire Snaddon Thompson
0 1 6 0 0 0
62 54 46 44 37 34
Alagona 5 Chalmers 6 Peasnell 0 Ironmonger 0 Krakouer 5 Angus 3 Burrows 0 Potter 0 3 Ashworth I Stewart-Holmes Jordan 0 83 Nassrallah 0 54 McNamara 2 54 A Lee 0 40 I" a ' ; 1 36
ar 4 88 ,ris 0 75 0 50 Blacks I o~ .utt 3 48 Blacks I )c' :s 3 44 Blacks Dowsle y 0 42 Is Violato
: ( > v South Melbourne Districts plc; ea at Keeley Park, Main Road, Clayton 179 D5 ) Ormond v De La Salle (2 )
21 Red area Valley 0 B v Fazrov Reds La Trobe ln i
Old Xa,r- .- .s 12 ; v St Leos Emmaus ttP uinas 0 C v Bannile Viewban k CHEG"-EUR FOOTBALLER 2003
4 .7 10.10 12 .11 17 .16 (118) ST BEVB'IS 4 .1 6 .2 12 .6 15 . 9(99) CAULFIELD 2. L. St Eevins : O'Keefe 6 . Hamilton 2 . C . Taylor 2 . Drinkwater : Hamilton, Gianstracusa . L . Syarte, Mulkearns, Hughes, O'Toole . Best: Sinclair 4 . . Caulfield O'Keefe . L . Gullifer, R . Taylor, C . Taylor, McBride . Best: May. Davies, Nickles . May 4. Yelland 3 . Nicklos 3 . Davies Buekthought Lill . O'Brien . Umpires: Luke Duthie Nick Ryde (F) Michael Ryde Mark Duthie (B ) 16.13 (109) OLD ESSENDON GR 2 .3 5 .7 9 .10 10.7 13 .10 (88) OLD BRIGHTON 6.2 8.0" Hunichen Chris Langford (F) Details not received Umpires: Graeme Michael Isbister Kieran O'Keefe (G )
1 .3 5 .5 6 .9 7 .1 ( COLLEGIANS Old Carey: Joslin 3. Angus 3 . Ashworth 3, Evans 2, Howat 2, CoD~ :i ; . Ridley. Best : Ridley. Choong, Bow16,; Thompson, Stewart-Holmes Leonard, Niven . Joslin Collegians: Mutton 3, Robertson 2, aalo : Castran, Elg, Adgemis . Rutherford . Naylor . Short mAdgeisBt Umpires: James Olle Ashley Price (F) BOYS BY E NORTH OLD
5 .4 11 .8 14 .14 17 .21 (123) OLD %AVERIANS 0 .0 0 .2 1 .2 2.406) OLD SCOTCH . Agius 4, 0'Hanlon 3 . Corcoran 2, Purcell, A Old Xaverians : Armstrong 4 . Ryan, J Ryan, Serafmi. Best: Purcell, Scanlan, Freer, O'Hanlon, Agius : Sutherland, Aurel Smith, Armstrong. Old Scotch: Berry, Gerstman . Best Swan, Lowing, Logan . Philalay. Umpires: Brett Herskope Eli Hayes (F) Paul Whitehead (G) 1 .1 12 2 .3 4.3 (27) MARCELLIN 6 .3 14 .7 24 .16 3121 (213) UNI BLUES : Caton . Money, Marcell in: Toohey. Power, Bortolotto, Money Best
2 .1 6 .3 7 .4 10 .8 (68) ST. BERNARDS 9 .11 20 .16 27 .23 33'27 (2251 THERRY PENOLA . Oxenford 2, Field . Rogers. Keogh . Bugryn Best: Draper 4 St. Bernard's: Therry Penola : Draper, Oxenford. Rogers, Evans, Campbell, Lancashire . Sheppard 3, Harmes 9, Morris 4 . Freckleton 4, Goodwin 4 . Rivaland 3 Badenhope 3, Capewell, Turner, Skiathitis Best : Freckteton, Badenhapc, Harries. Morris. Corrigan . Goodwin
Umpires : Sean Scully Sr Shane Mele (F) Adrian Borg (B) UNDER-19 (21 BLU E OAKLEIGH AFC 5 .4 7 .8 13 .12 19-15(125) 5.9 8 .11 13 .13(91) ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS2 .3 Oakleigh: S. Briggs 6 . M . Dimachki 3 . Orchard 3 . Reynolds 2, Brawn, Holden, Lamb . Nahas, Nevezie. Best: S. Briggs, Comuhan . Lamb. Orchard, Reynolds. White, N. Wills St Bedes: Buck 4, Maddocks 2, McNamara 2, Powell . McGettigan . Mark Waters, Lync h Umpires : Brian Nunn Jim Pappas (F ) .14 29.16 (190)
ST JOHNS 0 C 11 .5 16.9 22 Bortolotto, Doy'le. Watkins . Uni Blues : Clarke 8.Torney 7, Rankin 5 . .' GLEN EIRA 3.1 4.2 4.3 6 .3(39) Bradley 3 . Northway 2, Heinz, Wood. MeKerrow, King . McPhail, Steele, Details not received Umpires: Patrick Coulthard (F) . Bradley. : Clarke, Torney, Rankin, Fletcher, King Irving. Best 5 .3 7 .10 14 .12 19 .17 (131 i BENTLEIGH Tom Haysom Nicholas Brown (F) Sam Perrin Perrin Brown (G) Umpires: 2 .2 9 .7 15 .7 20.8 (128) DE LA SALLE 4 .9 8 .15 15.19 20.24 (144) ST BERNARDS .Brownmg 2 .Keetv Be La Salle: O'Donnell 5,Wiltiams 3,Fieldsend 2,D : Skmns,0'Donnelt.Conw 2 .Smith . Vague,Clinch, Skmns . Kelliher, 9uick . Best Pell 41Hooper 3, O'Connor, av,Jarvis .Nankervis .D.Browning . St Bernardi: . Harrison, Walsh, Kelly . Pearson . Smith. Marian. Liberatore, Hogarth . Hogarth, Smith, Maggior e Robbins. Best: Hooper, Pell, Ryan Umpires : Mark Gibson Preston Miskelly (F) (G) iitVT)FR- 1 9 SRCTION 2
OLD ME LBURNIANS - BYE .7 (91) 4 .0 6 .1 11 .3 14 MAZENOD 6 .0 9 .2 14 .6 16 .9 (105) OLD IVANHOE . Best: . Castricum, Kinniburgh, Schroth Mazenod: Bourbon 8, Stagliano 3 . Kinniburgh . Old Bourbon, R .House, Stagliano. M .Regan . Stanley . Best : Georgina, Keane, Ivanhoe: Georgiou 10, Alagona 5, Verrocchi Dawkins, Ulijans. Butler, Peacock .
Umpires: Graeme Morgan Anthony Calderone (F )
20-12 (132) OLD TRIN ITY 4-I1135) OLD CAMBERWELL . Leahy 2, Aitken, AmiconL BnUer, Old Trinity: Chiffey 7, Krakouer 5 . Kenna, Aitlen, de Bruin, Monasso . Barella . Gutierrez . Best: Butler Chiffey . Webster. Old Cambe rwell: Details not received .
Umpires : Daniel Dinneen Mark Street (F) Josh White-Spier Katie WhiteSpier (B) Rick Curtis Joseph O'Mara (G)
4 .1 6 .3 8 .5 9.7 (61) 0 .2 1 .6 2 .9 7.12 (54) OLD PARADIANS . Best: Kelly Poll Besumaris : Woolnough 4 Bowker 2 Terpsinis Berry Bowker Murphy l4`aoinough Lynch . Old Paradians: Clark Egan Giddings : McLaughlan Maher Zivanavic Irvine MeLaughlan Ryan Zivanavic . Best Giddings Bealick i Umpires: Gary Seaborne Peter Pullen (F) Michael Ladd (B) 4 .10 9 .12 13 .15 17.22 (124) WERRIBEE .6 6.7 . (43) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .2 2 .3 4 . McNally . Werribee : Chalmers 6 . Cain 2, Palmington, Josh Russo, Spry : Justin Russo . . Andrews. Best . Stornebrink Barker . Gatti, Smith Hampton Rovers: Chalmers. McNallv, Renaut, Palmington, Stornebrink . . Sprint 3, Filopoulos, LeVeque, Terech . Best : Tipping. GiasoumL Spratt O'Brien, Williams . BEpIiMAgIS
Umpires : John Ralph Tony Robbins (F) Anthony Vaiopoulos (B) Stmeon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G) I)NDF.R-19 SF.cTION 3 MHSOB (9 .13 .67) FORFEITE D
WIN RECEIVED BY RUPERTSWOOD (24, 17 .161 1 2 .3 7 .6 10 .11 11 .15 (81) MONASH BLUES AJAX 4 .2 5 .9 9 .12 20 .14(134) Monash: Pay 4, Grace 2 . Gurr 2. Spence 2 . Leviston . Best : Pay . MeMahon . O'Donnell, Jones . Glover, Morris. AJAX : Peters 7, Bry'rter 6 . Grot 2 Nissen, Lewskl, Nankin, Spilberg. Givoni . Best: Kestenberg, THURIN, Rose, Feldy. Peters, Brvner . Umpires: Pat Maebus, M .Alexander (F) 18.15 (123) 15 .10 OLD CAREY 3 .5 7 . 7 cn
3 .4 4 .5 7 .8 8 .11 159) OAB.bEIGH CLAYS . Wright 3, Meehan, Tehennepe, Murphy Bent : Roberts 7. Heyward 4, T . Roberts Corrigan . Breitkreoz. Best : Ridgway, Heywood, Breitkreuz Details not receive d Dolman . Oakleigh Clays :
Umpires: Lindsay McIntyre Frank Kavanagh (F) Andrew Davidson Tan Davidson (B ) .13 (103)
4 .2 8 .10 10 .11 15 SOUTH ME LB DISTRICTS 2 .10 5 .12 9 .15 12 .20199-) ORMOND South Melb: Costello 8 Bouchard 2 Stephanadakis 2 Cronan 2 Walden . Ormond: Arno) Best : Cooper Gingell Walden Masterton Costello Cronan 4 Robbins 3 Black 2 Brosnan MeConchie Pincott . Best: Peel Denatr Gouzenfiter Robbins Arnold Brosnan .
Umpires : Dianne Whiteley Chris Collins (F) Jack Fagan Nick Booth 11 Graeme Booth Madeleine Fagan (G )
1 .0 7 .4 10.9 13.14 (92) DE LA SALLE .13 (55) 1 .4 3.7 5.10 7 MENTONE . Sheehan 2, Casey 2, 1 De La Salle : Beer 3. Browning 3 . Tulloch 2 Riddec Best :Donegan . McLeod, Hither . Browning, Smyth, C Howar . Sutherlan Mentone : Coglan 3 . Klantos 2, Haslemore, Bowtell . Best:Lane, Ryan . Coglan, Field . Hasiemore. Regan
Umpires: Geoff Kelly Paul Rapke (F) IrNDER-19 (2) RED
.9 16.11 I 107) YARRA VALLEY O B 3.1 6.4 12 1 .7 6 .9 7.10 10 .14 (74) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE . Arms 3, Maudsley 2, Russell Yarra Vall ey OB : Rokickt 6. Hooper 3 Russell Bolero Ten Best: Rolackl. Maudsley, Seeger . Amos . Walker, Not Provided . Best : Not Provided
Umpires: David Windlow Tom Wmdlow (F) OLD WESTBOURNE (8 .9.57) FORFEITE D
.11 .101 ) WIN RECEIVED BY BANYULE-VIEWBANE (15 1 .2 3 .2 4 .4 6A .(40] FITZROY REDS .6 12 .10 17 .17 1119 .4 10 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 : Zika, Violate, But Fitzroy Reds : Maghamez 4 . Violate . Downie Best : Kelley 5.Brooks Clark. btaghamez, Willingham . University Blacks : Scott, Je: Dowsley 3 . Prestidge 2, Bade. Mapleson, Ault, Scott Best Aytett. West . Wood. Lynch .
Umpires: Paul Hoffman George Paleodimos (F)
4 .5 9 .11 11 .13 17 .6 (118 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 4 .1 5 .5 8.6 11 .8(74 OLD XAVERIANS . Sewell 2. Gib LaTrobe University : Wood 4, Dalrymple 3, D . Walker 3 . Wood . Calla 2, Clark . Hogan . G .Scott. Best : Hogan . D .Butler, Lambert .Ryan. Qu Old Xaverlans : Mclnerney 2 . Trovato 2, Nolan 2, Kame, S . Kizz Martin, Fusimato . Best : Ford, Montgomery, Kaine . Frawley, Silk ) Umpires : Brian Woodhead Ryan Hense (F 2 .1 4 .4 6 .6 9,7161 ST LEOS EL4dAUS 0.2 0.7 2,7 5.9 (36 AgUINAS . Besi :Pas St Leos Emmaus: Waters 4,Cox 3,Barnewall,Munroe . McCann, Munroe .Waters . Aquinas : Loon Kennedy. Phyland 2,Munehow,Galliott .Helme. Best :Helme,Lobzcuk, Williams, Mond Crozier, Walsh .
Umpires : Mark Gibson David Murray (F) (B) Ross Dodd Ken Brewei THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER '<
9 - Section 1
Coach: Geoff Redley 1 J. James 2 C . Murphy 3 T. Genand 4 J . Yelland 5 T. Hammond 6 M Townsend 7 M .Thomson J. Brown N. Edward s 10 J. May 11 8. Carboni 12 M. Sainsbury 13 A . Green
14 C. Lill
15 L. O'Brien 16 N. Falt u 17 S. Twycron 18 R. Boyd 19 J. Pitts 20 S. Lord 21 M. Parker 22 J . Rowlings 23 Z. D'Arcy 24 D. Buckthought 25 A. Babaro 27 T. Carly` 28 M . Nicktos 29 J. Sayers 30 W. Rudd 45 B . AcfieW 50 J . Foley 52 B . Sinclair 53 C. Jones
THE RACECOURSE HOTEL CNR . DANDENONG & WAVERLEY RD'S, MALVERN EAST. OLD SCOTCH Coach: tadli? Waterman Asst Coach : Terry Kendall 1 B . Nickless (VC)
3. SC.
;on ta n
>tra ew,
2 J . Wrigh t 3 S. Gamboni 4 A. Sutherland (VC) 5 C . Swan 6 M. Moffatt 7 K . Downing 8 8 .Snaddon 9 L. Armstrong 10 E . Be aurepaire 12 A. Philala y 13 S. Pappas 14 R . Lowing 15 J . Latimer 17 A . Pearce 18 N,Ackroyd 19 S . Dick 20 N. Tho m 21 L. Thompson (C) 22 T Graham 24 P. Zogoolas 25 C . Logan 27 S.Jonas 28 S . Yeomans 30 K.Beny 32 R. Gerstman 41 M . Giui'er. 43 A. Cossar 44 T. Aurel-Smith 49 S, Hope
67 J . Parlor
DE LA SALLE (1) Coach: Denis Bilsto n
1 S . Crowe 2 R. Quic k 3 M . Fieldsen 4 E. Browning 5 M . Clinc h 6 W . Quaran 7 D . Keel y 8 V. Moloney 9 B . Vague 10 N . Smith 11 R. Hancock 12 S .Conway 13 L. Bowden 14 D . Lowther 15 S. Smythe 16 J. Adams 17 M . Sheehan 18 L. Williams 19 D . Davis 20 J . Hassell 21 C. Howard 22 T. Donegan 23 M . Griffin 24 A. Hillier 25 C . Kelliher 26 M . Francis 27 L. O'Donnell 28 L. Jarvi s 29 M . Nankervis (C) 39 B . Oakley (DVC) 42 P. Bourke 46 A. Skinns (VC) 53 D . Browning
W00DARD S REAI. ESTATE OLD XAVERIANS (1&2) Coach U19(1) Anthony Duggan U1 9(2) Fred Chamberlain t O'Meara T 2 3 Montq ortw~r S J 4 ArmstrongA 5 Rub+ra E 6 Ken6e3d M 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J 9 RoqanT i~ 6oo~eR 12 Ryan J 13 Gmnrran L 74 Raache M 75 BarrettA 16 CormranN t7 Chaprnan P 18 Scanlan M (C)
to Martin J
20 Meehan D
21 C aqn , R 22 St Nod' 23 French R 24 Purss C 25 Rowe L 26 0'Hanbn M 27 Purcell P 28 whde J 29 Adams S 30 Vaughan S 31 RyanA 32 MclrcemeyT 33 Ford D 34 Oumn 0 35 Agius J 36 Rees D 37 Runca R 38 MeMn- SmnhJ 39 Fari s 40 OyHanbn M 41 Fusinato R 42 Stnbley M 43 Comgan T 44 Kaine D 45 Trovato M 46 GHikey 0 47 Silk N 48 NadmicA 49 Lynch T 50 Chester P 51 Bovtby J 52 8utler N 53 Fanhful A 5 4 Paoe A
Coach: Gavan Wals h 1 K. Bardon vc) 2 M . Doyle (c 3 J. Mahon 4 J. Wise fvc) 5 M . BortoloHo 6 L. Cowpe r 7 A. Tabachema 8 F. Dorbolo (dvc) 9 S. Considine 10 B . Mill s 11 G. Di Felice 12 D. Beattie 13 A Power 14 L. Money 15 T Money 16 R . Hoyne 17 C . Sier 18 J. Ryan 19 A. Schaepman 20 P. De Luca 21 D . Cirone 22 L. Watkins (dvc) _ 23 A. Ceccamancim 24 A. Layton 25 T. Clune 26 A. Wadsworth 27 A. Symes 28 J. Carlson 29 M. Caton 30 P. S ce 31 A . asr 32 J . Williams 33 P.Cowper 34 D.TCohey 35 M Cunningham 36 N . Hardin g
OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Adam McConnell L . Ross I 2 C . Tolj
3 L. McDonald 5 B . Humphreys 7 N. Sterner 9 A. Clarke 10 M . May 1t R . Fisher 12 S. Eastgate 13 R . Capom 14 S . Dunca n
15 B . Gadsden (C) 16 J . Salem 18 S. Oliver 20 G . Fielke 21 S. Cooney 23 T. Ryan 24 L. Mead 27 M . Chamberlain 28 B . Richardson 31 S . Jackson
33 R, Joseph 63 D . Ellis
37 C . Purcell 38 S. Nutbeam 39 J . Ozusen 40 A . Lapadula 41 A . Gasser
Sponsors: in site advertising - Mitcham Rising Sun Hotel Richmond
Coach : David Law
1 B. Pitts 2 C . Govan J . Hughes 3 4 M. Walsh 5 J . Smit h 6 D. Oconnor 8 S. Mathews 9 D. Evans t0 B.Garth 11 A. Marion 12 B. Funnels 13 L. Levides 14 D . Hurley 15 G.Joseph 17 F. Mastropasqua 18 M . Maggior e 22 A. Mitchell 27 B. Draper 28 C .Kuenen 32 Ch Liberatore 35 B. Ryan 39 J . Stapleton 41 G. Campbell 42 R. James 45 B. Johnson 47 M . Hooper 57 L . Anderson 59 M. Harrison 60 J . Hogarth 62 J . Robbins 63 M . Pell 70 K. Buiss
Coach: James Wilson Team Man: Graeme Williamso n 1 F. Ktenas 2 N . Tai t 3 J. DazKrw 4 C . Heritage 5 W. Nunlist 6 S . Dawson 7 T Bigg s 8 E . Baskan 9 D. Mezo 10 H. Leu ry 11 J. Duggan 12 J.Harewood 13 L Bones t4 D . Cerantonio 15 S . Clinnick 16 S . Wade 17 M. Tredaskis 18 L. Ballinger 19 P. Rankin 20 J. Masseur 21 A. Badde4ey 22 A. Castanga 23 M . Shaw 24 C . Burke 25 P. May 26 L. Cagliarini 27 M. Kin g 28 T. Wilson 29 J. Stormont 30 S . Morfesse 31 N. Foot 32 D. Nankervis 33 D .Hardy 34 T Rumble 35 J. Phillips 36 C .Leech 37 M, Schappacher 38 A . Christo u 39 R. Arzanou 40 L. Edgar 41 C. Bevans 42 J. Uren 43 A. Canning 44 J . Francis
ST.KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Coach : Ben McGee Asst . Coach : John Watkin 1 J. Mahe r 2 T.OToole 3 L . Giansiracusa (VC) 4 S. Sexton 6 D . McBride 7 R . Taylor 8 S . Landers 9 L. Syme t0 L. Guilder 11 J. Listo n 12 C, Taylor (DVC) 13 N . Hutton 14 A . Hamilton (Capt) 15 M . Ver o 1 6 A . Caltander 17 M . Welsh 18 M . Ddnkvrate r 19 C. Underwood (VC) 20 W. Dunn 21 D . Petrou 22 A. Lynch 23 C . Tancredi 25 A . Mulkeams 26 M . Sharman 30 P. Ghougassian 32 B. Hughes 33 S, O'Connor 34 J. O'Keefe 37 H . Powell 39 N . Pop e 40 D . Mount 43 W. Builder (DVC)
University Blues Coach: Tim Giles
I G . Mui r 2 A. Fitzpatrick 3 A . Rankin (DVC) 4 G. Roney 5 P. Shepherdson 6 L Woodhouse 7 C. Bradley (Capt) 8 B. Gin 9 R . Costin 10 P. Marriott 11 M. Shaughnessy 12 S . Gibson 13 J . Meaghe r 14 D.McPhail(DVC) 15 J . Van Dyk 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
J. Moylan C. Northway M. Living D . Heinz P. Steel e J . Wood (VC) F. Dealt P. Kelly
24 J. King (DVC) 25 T. Walke r 26 J. McKenow 27 S. Joyce 28 M . Tomey 29 E. Clark e 30 N .Vandenbosch 31 R . Young 32 S . Sibley 33 L Moore 34 D. Bannister 35 J. Collins 36 A. Groot
37 C . Ryan 42 S. Fletcher
Under-19 - Section 2 BEAU MARIS
Coach: Mick Deaton Asst: Mark Berry 2 S . Houl t 3 M . Eady 4 L Quirk 7 S . Lynch (VC) 8 D. Taylo r 9 M. Wilson (C) 10 J. Kelly 11 T. Fitzgerald 14 P. Berry 15 M . Bramwell 16 C. Terpsinis 17 C. Evans 18 D. Bird
20 R. Dew 21 P. Iron s 22 J. Bramwell (DVC) 23 T. Woolnough (DVC) 24 T. Groves 25 B . Bowker 26 C. Shone 35 S . Lee 36 P. Ghys 37 D . Murphy 40 T. Boreham 41 A. Pol l
43 J . Tomlin 49 J . Hogarth 50 D. Wall 52 J . Williams 71 J . Mitchell 75 A. Hooper
OLD MELBORNIANS Coach: Owen Lalor Asst: Ryan L'Huillier 1 Fagan C 2 Wettenhall S (C ) 3 Ironmonger T (VC) 4 Gumbleton C
5 Rafferty J
7 Robinson N 9 Prowse A 10 Pannifex A 13 Hanchette C 14 VayageA 15 Schofield T 16 HardY E 17 Macdonald W 18 Dick J
19 Lawler R 21 Tandy A 23 Osmond D
31 Theodoulou C 44 Tucker J
47 Coultan K 48 Faulkner R 49 Galbraith R 52 Conch C 53 Hindle J 54 Lacey H 56 Mitchell J 60 Webb 0 tVC) 62 Christian 64 Pascoe R 65 Hurst L 67 Cooper E 68 Schivo M 71 Brett-v0 72 Tomlinson H SORED BY: mpg people TELECOM childcare GAZMAN E . MURPHY & SONS
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Michael Blak e
I T. McNamara 2 N .Orit i 3 M . Ellis 4 T.Jowett 5 R. Bassily 8 L. Fletcher 10 D. O'Brien 11 J. Tipping 12 B. Kezilas 13 K. Spratt 14 T Porter 15 I. Nicholls 16 G. Giasoumi 17 S . Gravina 18 B . Kezila s 19 C. Malihouse 20 T. Malthouse 21 J. McCarthy 22 B. Henry
24 Y. Kobayashi 25 M.Terech 26 T. Richards 27 L. Cave 28 L Jones 29 J . Morley 30 N. Singh 31 M . Scott 32 C . Christianson 33 D . Rayson 34 R . Turnbull 35 D . Filopulos 36 M . Vocale 38 A . Cris p 39 J . McNamara 46 D. Williams 50 B. McCallum 58 B. Wright
Coach : Anthony Quinn Asst : M. Spinoso 2 D . Caple 3 B. Clark 4 D . Malone 5 M . Mitchell 6 D. Giddings 7 S . Lutf 8 D. Richardson 10 A. DiFabio 11 R . Ryan 12 M. Irvine 13 S. Maher 14 P. Turner 15 S . Egan 16 D. Watts 17 S . Graham 18 T. Girovski 20 A. McLaughlin 21 D. Kalviskis 23 A. Smith 25 S. Rehlicki 27 M. Dri 29 G . Vincent 30 D . Dean 36 R . Villano 40 M . Hyde (C) 48 A. Elliott
MAZENOD Coach : John Le Grand 1 D . Hansen (C) 2 D. Rega n 3 B . Kinniburgh 4 R . House 5 N . Bradley 6 A. Stagliano 7 S . Ware 8 N . House 9 B . Chamberlain 10 J . Mathe r 11 J . Kavanagh 12 A. Cook 16 T. Bourbon 17 T. Steinfort 18 F. Ree d 21 S . Castricum 22 M . Power 25 S . Stanley 26 G . Hamill 27 M. Rega n 35 A. Winstanley 45 J . Croug h
OLD CA M BERWELL FC Coach : Anson Browmles s
1 H . Bradshaw 2 L Weave r 3 S .Johnson 4 B . Hillier 5 B . Moody 6 C. Roqers 7 T. Gosling 8 J . Vinc e 9 L. McDermott 10 B. Cottrell 11 W . Robinson 12 D . Bru 13 D . Middleton ce 14 D . Ramsay 15 M .Shanks 17 D . Clyne 18 D. Hanson 19 G . Alessio 20 C. Birrel l 22 M . Westman 23 L. Taylor 24 C . Hendrie 30 C . Payne 33 S. Peasnell 34 J . Hedley 35 A . Peacock 36 T. Chase 37 G. Hanson 38 L Heffernan 40 T. Scott
46 D . Dunne 70 D . Chamberlain 76 A. Vaday
British Paints Life's Brighte r in Colou r OLD TRINITY
Coach : Dean Peters 2 Day M 3 Aitken J Capt 4 Biiwani A 5 Salem S 6 Miers J 7 Kenna J
8 Dickenson A 9 Amiconi C 10 Roger A 11 Gutierrez C 12 Stebbins N V/C 13 Webster J DVC 14 Burgess M
15 Krakouer S 16 Marsden A 17 Monasso J 18 Harrod T 19 Buckingham A 20 Mediand A
21 Baratta R 22 Verroxhi M 23 Sketchley M 24 Goldenberg W 25 Chiffy E 26 Oliver D V/C 27 Romney N 28 Butler K 29 Dexter J 30 Burke M 31 de Bruin S 32 Hore-Lacy A 34 Hider B 39 Smith S 42 Leahy H 43 Amore J 65 McDonald E
OLD IYANHOE Coach : Stephen Kin g Asst Coach : Adam Jenkins Team Mgr: Phil Peacock 1 A. Alagona (Co-C) 2 B . Nagel 3 Rhys Mitchell 4 R . Butler 5 G . Bryant (VC) 6 A . Reed 7 R . Coleman 8 R . Sterne 9 J . Uljans 10 M . Verrochi 11 G . Fowle r 12 D. Peacock (VC) 14 A. Granger 17 Z. Keane 18 I . Dawkins 19 L. Hammond 20 C . Georgiou (VC) 21 Rob Mitchel l 22 J . Britten 30 G . Hope 34 S . Adderley 35 M. Briggs 36 P. Barrett 44 J. Siegersma 53 S . Snel l 54 J . McBride 55 J . Pierera 56 P. Lowry
Coach : Fab Gatt i 1 M. Palmington 3 C . Lee 5 D . Bunworth 6 P. Chalmers 7 L Keogh (v.capt) 9 Josh Russo icapt) 10 A. Cain 11 S. Bianco 12 B. Black 13 A . McNally 14 B . Stornebrink 15 M . McDonald 17 Justin Russo 18 B . Russel l
19 L. Gatti 20 N . Addamo 21 T. Boller, 22 D . Lee 27 P. Cassin 28 M . Miller 29 P. Spry 30 S . Smith 31 N. Renaut 47 S. Simpson 49 T. Andrews 57 R . Barker 59 R . Mentha 66 B . McMahon
Under-19 - Section 3 AJA X
Coach : Gary Blusztem Ass. Coach : Phil Rozen 1 J. Kestenberg (DVC) 2 A. Porat 3 D . Codron 4 A. Bloo m 5 B. Lukav 6 J. Kege n 7 M . Janki e 8. J. Feldy g D . Bluszten 10 G . MeaseyY 12 E. Shaked 13 A. Kras 14 R . Spilberg 15 J . Givoni (V. Capt) 16 R . Heine 17 J . Thurin (Capt) 20 M. Lipson 21 J . Lewsk i 22 A . Kras 23 J . Schulberg 27 B . Rose 28 J . Landberg 29 L. Friedman 30 P. Bryner 31 A . Sacks 32 L. Peters 36 R . Grof 39 L. Peters
Coach: Andrew Kennealry 1 A. Stone 2 M . Parrent 3 L. Scurrie 4 J Adgemis 5 M . Hughes 6 D. Williamson 7 C. EIg 6 S . Brow n 9 M . Rose 10 C. Dunwell 11 0 . Walmsley A . Khoury 13 Z . Moo n 14 J . Ashman 15 W. Crothers 16 N. Burrows 17 D. Short 18 A. Fabns
-'- c
20 D. Mutton 21 E. Malone 22 E. Adams 23 M . Stefandark 24 J. Jorgensen 25 S. Gilber t 26 G . Well s 27 S. Crouch 28 J. Slatyer 29 C . Howlett 30 M. Naylor 31 H . Jenni s
32 C . Blumfi~d 33 J. Goldenfein 34 B. J .Lamm 35 C . Harrison 36 N . Van DW 37 C . Hoist 38 T Cook 39 A . B gewater 40 R . Kagen 41 0. Howard 42 M. Fletcher 43 C .Feki 44 A . Nichols 45 A . Katz 46 D . Cann aa
. _-j
Coach : Cadell Duke
Coach: Dennis Grace Team Manager: Shiv Seegobin 1 P. Gum 2 A . Terry 3 C . Finlayson 4 K . Mudg e 5 M. Chapman 6 B . Gebhardt 7 H . Bevi s 8 J . Hindson 9 M . Col e 10 S . O'Donnell (C) 11 B . Sharpe (VC) 12 M . Tennant 13 M . Jones C 14 R. Shield s ) 15 B . Hayter 16 D. Stewart 17 M . Kerr 16 A. Finlayson 19 T. Cobba n 20 L. Leviston 21 D. Metlikovic 22 D. Grace 23 B. Hindle 39 D. Taylor 44 S. Grace 71 M . Spence 74 P. Westbrook 75 R. Turton
1 J. Aitken 2 M . Brain 3 D . Pinwil i 3 A . Van Roayen 4 T. Sc h acke r 3 S . Whittington 4 B . Gevaux 5 G. Blau 6 T. Biddington 7 D . Gold 8 R . Ternes 9 J . Mathew 10 C . Eva 11 D . Kemp 12 S . Volkenn g 13 R. Read 14 P. McGrath 15 D. Membrey 16 A . Villani 17 A. Orchard 18 R. Newland 19 S . Foley 20 T. Dunne 21 J . Marmo 22 P. Greenhill 22 R. Erm 23 A. Hogan 23 S. Mitchel l 24 M . Avram 24 K. Harding 25 R. Whitehouse 26 A. Edwards 26 M . Van Aphen 27 R . Osidacz 27 T. Middleto n 28 G ry 28 .. M Hamilton-H Hamilton-Hoo 29 S. Sinha M ajor S ponsors
0-1 ;--- , C~I
n_f 17
i r~
! [--- ~
GVP Fabricators AII Horne Loan s
New Order Clothin g
Coach : Brendan Smales Asst Coach : Shaun Kelly . Owen 21 B
Coach: Craig Williams
3 P. West (C) 4 5 A. Tucker 6 B. Sheehan 7 8 C. Wh'~ 9 J. McKenzie 10 M . Little 11 D . Weardon 12 B. Joske 13 M . Potton 14 M. Ruff 15 B. Knight 16 A. Norman 17 B. Young (VC) 18 B. Dettmann 19 J-P. Matthews 20 L . Clarke (DVC) 21 J. Roberts 22 V. Sadd 23 R . Kirk 24 P. Gregory 25 D . Langdo n 26 S . Rocco 27 B . Kelly 30 R . Keenan 34 R . Citroen 36 D . Ryan (DVC) 39 A . Elliott 40 D. Dell
1 T. Rossignuolo 2 L . MacFarlane 3 D . Macdermott 4 A. Simson 5 D . Large 6 N . Sulman 7 C . Adam 8 A. Stewart-Holmes (vc) 9 B . Croft 10 A . Leonard 11 D . Bowley 12 J . Ashworth 13 R . Davey 14 C . Eddison 15 A . Thompson 16 T. Angus (c) 17 T. Connell 18 T. Wilkins 19 G . Trumbull (c) 20 W. McConnell 21 K . Parker 22 T. Evans (vc) 23 C. Pinches 24 J . Ridley 25 C. Howat 26 B . Collins 27 J . Choong 28 A. Collins 31 P. Niven 33 L. McKinnon
RUPERTSWOOD Ui9S Coach: Mick Phillips
1 Phillips J . 2 Anderson J. (VC) Boxall 4 Spinner L . 5 Quinn B. 6 McEwan K . 7 Plummer J . 8 Jaeger R . 9 West T. 10 Heywood D. 11 Moule G. 12 Hewat M. 13 Barry P. 14 Sullivan N . 15 Broughton - ~C) 16 Monzell R . 17 Potter C . (Capt) 18 Terry C . 19 Moiler D . 20 Constantine B . 21 Van Boxtell M . 22 Dale S . 23 Bums M . 24 Brennan L 25 Certo A . 26 Wishart C . 27 Bishop S . 28 Davis J . 29 Harrison M . 30 Gaunt M . 31 Fell N . 32 Angarano P. 33 Clark S . 34 Dressler E . 35 Little M. 36 McGilvray S . 37 McGovern D. 38 Silvester J . 39 Smith J. 40 Powell D .
ST. BERNARDS ( 2) Coach : John Fraser
1 C . Rogers 2 C . Govan 3 M. Walsh 4 C . Mitchell 7 D . Mcmurtrie 9 D . Evan s 11 A. Marion 13 L. Levides 14 D . Hurley 15 N . Bugry 9ry n 16 P. Oxenford 18 S . Smith 27 B . Draper 28 J . Anderson 30 D . Lancashire 33 D . Field 35 T. Pearso n 36 S . Co x 38 J . E an 39 M . Ewes 41 G . Campbell 49 D. Montanus 51 M . Moloney 56 A. Odea 57 L. Anderson 58 J. Tankey 61 W. Vic k 65 P. Thompson 66 J Watts 67 E. Johnston 68 J. Faulkner 70 K. Buiss 72 N. Kane 73 P. Keog h 74 J. O'connel l 75 B. Pettit
THERRY PENOLA Coach: Paul Matto n I B . Corrigan 2 J . Belsey (vc) 3 S . Turner 4 R. Skiathiti s 5 B . Morris 6 J . Harmes 7 B . Bowcock 8 J . Quin n 9 T. Hoatson 10 J . Crotty 11 T. Sheppar d 12 S. Leach 13 J . Doole y 14 J . Fenton 15 B. Owe n 16 M . Farrelly 17 J. Slawitschka 18 M. Badenhop e 19 M. Arki n 20 C . Capewell (c) 21 J. Brosnan 22 D . Goodwin 23 D . Caiiegari 24 M . Faroldi 27 I . Gunawardena 29 R . Heane 32 J . Cooper 33 J . Freckleton 40 J . Brosna n
DE LA SALLE (2) Coach: Rob Smith
Coach : M . Lee 1 R. Dolman 2 R. Heyvroad 3 0 . Lewis 5 T. Ridgway 6 J . Robert s 7 S. Holmesby 8 B . Holden 9 D . Wil d 10 D.Fogarty 11 J. Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M. Wilson 15 D . Streker 16 B . Tis o 17 J . D'Offay 18 P. Breitkreuz 19 S . Nicholson 20 M . Sidney 21 R. Turner 22 B. McLellan 23 S. Corrigan 24 M .Te Hennepe 25 N . Salvatore 26 L. Forrest 27 M . McLellan 30 K. Pereira 34 A. Jolly 35 A. Lee 47 S . Wright 52 M . McLellan 54 B . Meehan 62 T. Krotofl l
3 4 5 6 7
D. Howard N. Hart M . Francis (C) M. Sheehan L . Case y
9 M . Haye s
9 J . McKenzie 10 D. Thompson 12 S . Crowe 12 L . Casey 14 E. Browning 19 A. Hillier 19 W. Quaran 20 B . Pedula 21 K. Higgins 23 J . Hennessy 26 D . McLeod 27 B. Raisbeck 28 B. Walton 30 K . De Ridder 30 M . Nixo n 33 J . McCluskey 35 C. Howard 35 T. Robson 41 D . Thompson 42 L. Fishe r 46 K . Smyth 47 J . Greaterorex 52 M . Griffin 53 J . Casey
Coach: John Howard Ass Coach : B rian Adis 1 Adem 1 2 BaraketA 3 Baraket O 4 Baribar J 5 Barbuto A 6 Bennett L 7 BdeC 9 Cooper T 10 Dlmachki M 11 Dimachki T 12 Dini A 13 Dint A 14 Dviye A 15 Edlin A 16 Ellis D 17 Farrah M 18 Gibson B 19 Halt A 20 Hassan A 21 Hassan I 22 Hassan M 23 Hastie D 24 Howarth P. 25 Leary M 26 Levy S 27 Lithgow S 28 Makay A 29 O'Shannessy T 30 Predavec S 31 Prokhorov T 32 Rabi Y 33 Rankin J 34 RanT 36 Shellard LD 37 Taranto A 38 Urbina H 39 Vardis M 40 Vinning B 41 Vodstncil M
Tile Importer s
Current Solutions APM Group .
Coach : Tim Hill e Coach : Steve Muscat Team Manager : Anita Muscat Asat : Paa g Muter & David Robertson 1 E . Nassrallah 1 A. 2 J . Isaac (DVC) 2 C. Medcraft 3 A. Konis 3 J. Woodgate 4 C . Lazarakis (Co/Capt) 4 C . Schleiger 5 J. Thomas 5 D . Brosnan 6 S . Nussbaum 6 T. Denatris 7 R. O'Brien 7 D. Black 8 C. Thomson 9 T Peel 9 C. Rossenlis 10 L . Wells 10 S. Schellebeck 11 B. Arnold 11 S. Sullivan 12 C . Johnstone (DVC) 12 J . Margetis 13 S . Mcconchi e 13 J . Evangelista 14 S . Davis 14 F. Patua d 16 S. Mitsios 15 S . Vaughan 17 D. Martin 17 C. Nayna 20 R . Lemer 18 M . Marziale 21 B . Upstill 20 J. Fredrickson 23 L. GouzenfRer 21 K Onurl u 22 D . Armansin 24 M . Anderson 23 M . Sofoulis 25 R. Matte r 24 J . Stalker 26 D . Tehennepe (VC) 25 A. Evangelista 28 B. Harris . Deayton (Co/Capt) 26 X 30 A . Jirov 27 V San g 31 A . Bukala 28 S. Cook (DVC) 33 A. Cook (C) 29 S . Tan 34 S. Ramsay 30 M . Thomas 44 B. Robbins 32 S.Burgo 61 G . Evans 34 R. Wood 41 J. Antenucci 42 D . Andrews 43 B . Jeffreys 44 B . Evangelista na
MENTONE PANTHERS Coaches : Svend Samild ,
OARLElGH Coach: Brett Gardner
Dean Andrew 1 D . Cochran e
2 Ja Date 3 A . Erskine
4 Br Faibanks (C) 5 N . Fisher (VC) 6 Ri Ironmonger 7 An Cantos
8 M. May 9 T. Mitvalsky 10 K . Regan 11 D . Russo 12 B . Russo 13 E . Milli s 14 T. Millis 15 R. Boumon 16 An Wilson 17 B. Carrol l 18 S. Cadwal4en 19 B. Richards (C) 20 T. Brown (VC) 21 R . Haslemore 22 M . Nielson
23 Be Coghlan 24 D. Fiel d 25 C. Sinclair 26 N . Sutherland 27 K. Pridham 28 A . Trist 29 M . West 30 M . Ryan 23 G . Rastas 24 M . Peck 25 A. Wilson 26 Br Pratt
27 G. Bottomley 28 M . Latham
I A . Murray 2 D . Couniham 3 R. Naha s 4 S . Earl 5 M. Jordan 6 D . Cleary 7 C . Lam b 8 G. Torcasio 9 D . Will s 10 C. Hoga n 11 W. Plaukovits 12 G V'dagliano 13 L . Rowan 14 P. Brown 15 R . Holden 16 S . White 17 S . Brigg s 18 M . Cummings 19 A Ciavarella 20 N . Wills 21 J. Briggs 22 T. Orchard 23 D . Zula 24 J . Reynolds 25 J . Nevezie 26 T Dimachki 27 S. Cammiss 28 LCurtis 29 A . ShiHon 31 S . Serres 32 D Costigan 33 S . Collins 34 S. Ott 45 M . Dimachki
Coach : Matthew Webb Coach : Darren McKillop
Coach: Glenn Afford 1 K. Arnold 1 McGettigan M 2 McNamara D 2 D . Homan 3 Cleary G 3 M . Nelson 4 L'Huiilier D 4 M . Waters 5 Gilmore S 5 Ja Beattie 6 Buck A 6 M . Hope 7 Grasby P 8 Kelly L 7 N . Chal k 9 Serofin L 8 G . D'olivera 10 Mark J 9 R . Dean 11 Weedon N 10 Da Crockford 12 Powell G 11 H . Nguyen 13 Rouillon L 14 McMurray L 12 J . Robinson P 15 Curry 13 Ad Smit h 16 Lovelock R '.. 14 M. Hanger 17 Laver T 15 M. Kosmala 18 Samya J 19 Paterson A 16 D . O'Connor 20 Lynch J 17 C. Carmody 21 Cieslak L 18 L. Merchant 22 Terrell L 19 M . Furnell 23 Waters D 20 B. Bugeja 24 Moss D 25 Porter D 21 A. Dexter 26 Hilton M 22 M. Di Pietro 27 Jones L 23 J . Diaz 28 Andrews M 24 C . Domingo 29 Lynch D 25 B . Skinner 30 Maddocks J 31 McConnell K 26 B . Andrews 32 Petrovic J 27 A. Penry 33 Tyquin J 28 D . John3ton 34 &gnell R 29 M. Toolis 35 Thompson G 30 P Jameson Hodges Real Estate Mentone 43 M .Phaedonos Clearcut Hairdressing IFCO Brighton Nissan
1 T. Crona n 3 O.Kohnesheen 6 E . Costello 7 R. Gingell 8 J. Niemi 9 C . Batchelor (VC) 11 J. Cook e 13 L Stanza 16 J . Newsom 18 E . Bouchard 21 D . Whiting 22 L . Bell (C) 25 A . Ray 26 A . Excell 27 J . Cronan 33 J . Merchic 40 S. Walden 54 M. Giannellis 58 J . Masterton 59 A . Giannellis 69 W. Coope r 78 M . Stephanadakis 79 N . Strachan 88 D . Phillips 89 L Else r
Under-1 9 AQUINAS Coach: Terry McEvoy 6 S . Hill s 7 B . Helme 8 M . Wall 9 S. Loonstra 10 M. Dexter 12 A. Munchow 13 C . Williams 14 A. Lobzcuk 17 M . Adams 18 T Walsh 19 P. Symons 20 B . Hardham 21 C. Galliott 22 M . Visser 24 C. Crozier 50 A. Failla 52 D . White 61 D . Jennings 66 A. Kinghorne 67 D . Muir 68 B. Pratt
OLD WESTBOURNE Coach: Cliff Lever Ass. Coach : Jim Hudson 1 B. Gerac e 2 J. Tanne r 3 R . Naidu 4 J. Mason 5 G G. Walke r 6 S . Vini n g 7 F. P avez 8 A . Miller 9 P. Neville 10 C. Lever 11 A . Taylor 12 A. Celeca 13 A. Potts
14 M . Potts 15 A. Wood s 17 D . TayYlor 18 J. Morsello 19 D . Cor p 20 K. Lawson 21 B . Merriweather 22 B . Gilbert 23 A . Mokrusch 24 P. Hudson 25 G. Bartlett
26 M . Gamier
27 J . Bartolo 28 D. Hudson 29 T. Whiting 30 J . Pedrim 31 M . Monohan 32 B. Nazifovski 33 J. Meeriweather 34 P. Jo hnston 35 H . Hodgson 36 C . Lipa 37 B . Payne 38 F. Bertone 39 A . Maluccio
RED BANYULE VIEWBANK Coach : Phiv Demetriou
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Z. Wenke J . Brockwell A. McGovern P. Adams A. Brown M . Morgan R . Moore A. Demetriou M. Christian
10 R . Wright
11 P. BlaYn ey 12 M. Parfiett 13 W. Ioannidis 14 M . Lardo 15 A . Evans 16 A . Mitropoulos 17 C. Davies 18 T. Wise 19 T. Mcintos h 20 A. Ioannou
21 D. Herbert 22 J . Tsingaris 23 J. Everest 24 A. BottomleyY 25 C . Stavropoulos 26 L. Richardson 27 A . Kayrooz 28 B . Herbert 29 T. Shepherd 30 S . Sali 31 I. Stokes 32 D. Nichol s 33 D. Playfair 34 M . Depetro 35 B. Stanton
7 J . Ryan
Asst: Tony Dullar 1 S.Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson
10 T. Lee
3 R . Williams
Coach: Harry Harisiou 4 C. Lapadula
11 A. Verge 12 B . Tekin
13 A. Smith 14 E. Miritis 15 E. Sanli 16 J . Newman 17 D . McMillan 18 J. McDonald 20 R . Tremayne 22 D . Seraiocco 23 A . Stavretis 28 P. Murch 24 B . Moran 36 A . Coulston 38 E . Odza 40 T. King 41 J . Wolnizer 42 J . Simon 43 M . Iacuone 49 B. tapadula
Coaches : U19(1) An" Duggan u1e(2) Fred Chamberlain I O~Meara T 2 Tresaratt»ck J Mom msr S a4 Arms~roonqA 56Ru6~ra K~,~EM 7 Freer S 8 McDOnnen J 9o Nu° en ~s tt eourxe a 12 ayar'J 3 Gam - L 14 Roache M o Barrett A rcoran N t56C 17 Chapman P
is scantan M(C) a Mart~n J
{ lIP
Coach: Justin Vaughan 1 J . Pascot 2 J. Waters 3 M . Ford 4 G . Cocks 5 R . McCann 6 R . Toms 7 B. Game 8 G. Homer 9 L. McDermo tt 10 A . Kennedy 11 M. Levins 12 D. Coppock 13 C. PhYland
zo Meena„ D 21 Nolan C 22 s'w " RA 23 Frenc 24 Purss o 25 Rowe L 26 O•Han~ M
14 R. Fallon 15 C. Lee 16 C. Huang 17 P. Carse
27 Purcell P
19 P. Bamewall 20 T Munro
28 WhOe J
~ Adams S s 3t RyanA M 32 dr~emey T 33 Ford D
34 Quinn D
~AJ us J 3i au enc oR
38 MeMn-SmRh J
o o aoion M 41 Fustnaro n 42 Smiley M Con 44 T ~ 45 Trovato M 46 Gdiey 0 47 sik an NadmicA sp ~'ne P 51 eowb J 52 r~ sa aiA
TE M PLESTOWE Coach : Tim Bell d
18 A. Egan 21 S. Elliott
22 M . Beddome 23 G . Hanson 24 M. Ferguson 25 M. Williams 27 R . Morris 33 M. Donald 46 M . Cardosi
da ~
4 D . Robbins 5 J. Violato 6 C . Dullard 7 D . Pocock 8 E. Clark e 9 A . Butler 10 J . Coyne 11 J . Mujanovic 12 M . Rogers 13 M . Zika 14 D. Ryan 15 T. McBurney 16 S. Cahill 17 B. MacDonald 18 R . Astudillo 19 N . Hart 20 D . McPhee 21 D . Russell 22 S. Edwards 23 K . Maghamez 24 R . Willingham 25 J Ziemer 26 J . Richardson 27 A . Merh i 28 C. Meighen 29 W. Murray 30 A. Marcon 31 S. Glouftsis 32 R . Hage 33 G . Brown
Coach : Lachlan Beaton Ass Coach: David Watson
1 J . White 2 J . Mapleson 3 R. Moffatt 5 An Jesse (C) 6 S. Commadeur 8 N. Brooks 9 M. MacGugan 10 1G Prestidge (VC)
23 A. Kelly 24 C . Barter
30 S. Heniy 35 B . Goonan 37 R . Whatl ey
38 R . Wood
40 R. Ault
41 K West 42 M . Commadeur 43 H. Tunnecliff 44 0 . Critch4ey 45 M . Proctor 46 M . Turner 47 B. Edwards 48 L Crossley 49 L . Bullen 50 A. Lynch 51 M. Morris 52 K Magee 54 O. Scott 56 Sa Chisholm 59 A . Woolley 72 J . Costell o 74 J . Dowsley 75 S . Bade 76 H. Barlow 77 T. Brumby Rendel l 110 A.Aylett
Coach : Zoran Colovic 14 D . E4kJer
34 D .Md~ a 37 D .Fernea 41 R.e f « 52 T. Marr es
58 J, Dary x''o 59 ATc",s'x" 60 N. U0 61 e c~ araoran
. Lar be °a+JD. &`~ ` "~' "t 65 H. M~ 66 s. Nkpl T+ c 'c WOW 68 s Ckso„ 69 M. Hogan
71 N . 549es 73 c~ 76 A saa 77 D.'rr~
78 J Cbei` - a Nbto" ,9 T vntehaad r.wabe
i sB..f r't ~ M .Tarylms
e. Pxtl'er:d. M~0 s. r°"`t'a dd M. Ma~
M. McDO-00 D . ta~ ,ar~, D. Mann
B. Ha~ ~~ N.C+wne R Carnacn
YARRA VALLEY O D Coach: Peter Battle
1 L. Hickey 2 D. Tsouparikov ts 3 G. Marti n 4 T Peters 5 B. Nicholas ~c) 6 A. Maudsley 7 C. Walke r 8 M. Rokicki g D . Borlan d
10 Askew 11 C . Brit 12 T. Amos 13 B . Glenni e 14 E . Goiten 15 A . Russel l 16 S . Ye o 17 W. Carte r 18 D. Wright 19 D. Reynolds 21 K. Everist 22 T. Hoope r 23 D. Bartolome o 24 N . Tilley 25 B. Seege r 36 H . Shakespear e
2003 Major Sponsor FOOTBALLER
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REVIEW Semi-Final day was played at Parkville last week in cold and windy conditions on Sunday . Six games in all were played with four final's matches and two repechage games . The first of the repechage games was between Port Colts 1 and Mambourin Tigers . The game began evenly with both sides struggling in the windy conditions . After half time the Colts got away from a determined Mambourin and eventually ran out winners . Port Colts 1 : 10 2 62 to Mambourin Tigers 3 8 26 . The next repechage game was between Ovens & Murray Jets 2 and Parkside unfortunately this game was abandoned in the second quarter.
The first semifinal in second division was the closest game of the day between Broadmeadows 2 and Port Colts 2 . Both backlines dominated on the day and Port Colts looked like being easy winners but to their credit Broadmeadows persevered and were finishing full of running when the siren went . Port Colts 2 : 4 3 27 to Broadmeadows 2 : 4 1 25 . The other division 2 game was between Ovens & Murray Jets 2 and Moonee Valley Magpies . Moonee Valley were favorites on the day and had the bulk of play but were unable to kick straight in the blustery conditions and were defeated by the Jets . Ovens & Murray Jets 2 : 4 1 25 to Moonee Valley Magpies 1 9 15 . Maribyrnong, Bulleen Templestowe and Ringwood did not play on the day but all have begun planning for next year and are keen to have another crack at the finals in 2004 .
form looked like the likely winners . To quote a past F.I .D .A. state coach "form is your only guide" and it was, with Ballarat just keeping ahead of Broadmeadows and kicking away in the last quarter . Ballarat 7 6 48 to Broadmeadows 1 : 2 3 15 . In the last game of the day Karingal 1 : played Karingal 2 : for a spot in the grand final . This game was won by Karingal 1 who like Ballarat will be playing in the Grand Final for the third year running . Karingal 2 : never gave up were no match for the Karingal I side on the day. Karingal 1 : 10 17 77 to Karingal 2 : 1 1 7 .
PREVIEW Next week we have Port Colts 2 playing Ovens & Murray Jets 2 in the division 2 Grand Final and Ballarat playing Karingal 1 in the first division Grand Final. My final predictions for the year are Ovens & Murray Jets look like taking the trophy over the boarder in what should be a very close game .
In first division they are also hard to split but I'm leaning towards Karingal 1 who have been waiting all year at a chance to reverse last years result . We wish all finalists the best of luck on the day and also congratulate all teams on the seasons they had and look forward to seeing them all next season . Grand Final Day - Sportscover Arena, 24th August 2003
Division 2 - 11 .15 a .m .
Port Colts 2 Vs Ovens & Murray Jets 2 Division 1 - 12 .30 p .m .
In first division we had Ballarat playing t3roadmeadows 1 in a game that Ballarat on
Ballarat Vs Karingal 1
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r,iT ii,, SL- ,
eron Getty, S: , nburne Universay . Striking, 6 matches . ohn Hardway, Brunswick Power, Threatening behaviour toward s -pire, 2 matches. :rcos Shaw, Old Essendon (Under-19) . Striking, 6 matches. '"-=,ganowan, Marcellin. Striking, 2 matches . It, Old Ivanhoe ( Under-19) . Disputing umpire's decision, 1 matft prescribed penalt y
Ne September 6 B Section u=u ;-x u r rrral September 7 A Section 2nd S ~' Thai September 13 C Section Grand Fina l September 14 A Section Freliminary Final September 20 B Serti :i Grand Fina l ~ )tt riber 21 A . , Ti Gr 3 ~- ra1
at InvestinationR' u~p~t 1 2D0~ G,J Trinity and Old Paradians charged with a melee in their under-19 natch played on Saturday August 9 at Bundoora . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . Old Trinity $300 ( second offence over the last three year period) and Old Paradians $500 (third offence over the last three year period) . Rupertswood and St . Johns 0 C charged with a melee in their senior match played on Saturday August 9 at Rupertswood . Charge proven. Rupertswood $100 and St. Johns 0 G $300 .
Il :lii 1 l I!I
'eace ($25) ; third ace (S 100); each . 100). Seâ&#x201A;ŹriorstU1 9 phone failure to provide 2 .39pm final scores by 5p m rreetlln (R) Therry Penota (S )
Caulfield Gr (R) Caulfield Or IS) Bulleen Tenip (S) St. Johns (U ) St . Leos EWP (U ) :orred incorrect scores Rd 16 l1 7
Hawthorn (S), Mazenod (R), Uni Blues (U), St . Bernards i(U19 1), North Old Boys (U)
The curtain fell on the eighteenth season of this section within the V.A .F .A . last Sunday at Sportscover Arena, where a cold north wind made conditions difficult for football . The cold weather did not deter the fans from the six competing clubs, who turned out en masse to cheer on their favourites . Section 1 . Old Xaverians were largely untroubled to win their eighth successive premiership after their opening scoring blitz into the wind . Before Prahran were warmed to their task, the result was apparent to most independent spectators . Old Xaverians were outscored only in the third quarter and then only by one goal and at three quarter time the "Crocodiles" led by forty five points. Most interest then centred on what would be their final score . Old Xaverians in winning by sixty eight points set a number of Club XVIII records . Their score bettered the previous highest Grand Final score (by Old Carey in 1986) . Their winning margin was the fourth highest since 1986 . Old Carey, Eley Park and De La Salle are the only clubs ahead of the "Crocodiles" in this way after thirty seven Grand finals have been played .
Prahran contributed too, to the highest aggregate score ever recorded in these thirty seven Grand finals . Where to from here is the question on everyone's lips as the Old Xaverians seem to be gaining in skill and although not winning home and away matches by as wide a margin as in previous seasons they remained undefeated and certainly were at their peak in the finals when pressure was applied . Matthew Hall (coach) and Captain, Nick Fay are worthy of recognition for their persistence and leadership of this talented team . 'Section 2 North . Old Essendon and Fitzroy Reds provided a close contest for the first half of Northern grand final . In the third and championship quarter, Old Essendon all but sealed the game with four goals to one, which gave them a match winning
lead of twenty nine points at the final change . Even with the aid of the wind , Fitzroy Reds could make no inroad int( lessening the lead and at the final siren, Ok Essendon had won by twenty nine points . This win was the fifteenth in succession by Olc Essendon, whose only loss this season was t( University Blacks in Round 1 Their Coach Paul Barry and Captain, Brett Papal have Ie< the side well and have developed splendid teair work, which should hold the players in go osteadinh . Section 2 South .
This match proved to be the closest contest oi the day . Again Old Brighton seized the early initiative and held a thirteen point lead at first change. Aided by the wind in the second quarter, Mazenod grasped their opportunity and held an eighteen point lead at half time .
CLUB M~ U18 (1) Prahran Cartlidgeâ&#x20AC;˘ Old Xaverians L Hardwick* Prahran Butterworth' Old Xaverians R George* Prahran Di Lizio ' - includes finals' goals C18 (N) Old Essendon Evans' Fitzroy Reds Prior' Old Essendon Eddy' Old Trinity Cade Old Trinity Taylor ' - includes finals' goal s
C18 (S ) Old Brighton Cochran' Mazenod FothergIll' Mazenod Bridgland' Mazenod Fisher' Eley Park Psaltopoulis' ' - includes finals' goals
67 48 27 25 25
43 29 25 16 11
66 61 46 36 30
;vtazenod held Old Brighton out in the third (juarter so that they held a ten point lead at three quarter time and seemed assured of ~,ictory . Against the wind, Old Brighton continued to attack and with half the quarter gone, they trailed by four points . A deliberate shot for goal veered away and tilazenod regained the initiative late in the game before they ended their undefeated season with a seventeen point victory . Congratulations go to their Coach, Troy Bridgland and Captain, Anthony Smythe, who have led the team well in their successful season . THANKS It is now time to lay down my pen in the expectation of the Editor's reveille in March, 2004 . To close I wish to publicly thank my correspondents without whose regular reports this column would have remained sterile and banal . Prahran news was supplied by Stephen Ivak ; Old Ivanhoe by Karen Griffiths ; Monash Blues by Leon and Janet Collier ; Fitzroy Reds by Nick Auden ; Therry Penola by Bob Lyons ; Mazenod by Josh Crozier ; Eley Park by Corey Cresswell ; A .J .A .X. by Peter Kagan and Old Geelong by David Mims . Umpires, David Windlow, Paul Nailer, Paul Rapke and Anthony Byrnes have also been generous with their match reports . Thank you one and all . To my readers, it is positive to receive feedback . Without you there would be no need to write . I thank you all for your interest in Club XVIII football . Long may it prosper .
6 .1 12 .5 14 .7 19 .13 (127)
3 .2 4 .2 7 .4 9 .5 (59)
Old Xav: Davies 3 Rourke 3 L .Hardwick 2 Perry 2 Fitzgerald 2 Erskine Curnow Ockleshaw J .Hardwick Bond P.George Jones. Best : Erskine Hall Perry Poulis Jones Rathgebe r
Prahran: Dilzio 2 Cartlidge 2 Geri 2 Butterworth Zissis Smith . Best : Geri Scott Pritchard Johnson Storer D .Green. Umpires : Dean Banova Paul Nailer (F) Brian Nunn Josh White-Spier (B) Steve Mason Lindsay McIntyre (G ) CLUB XVIII (NORTH ) OLD ESSENDON
3 .3 5 .5 9 .7 11 .7 (73)
0 .1 4 .1 5 .2 7 .2 (44)
Old Essendon: Fraser 7 Evans Steven Turner Gradzki . Best : Fraser O'Brien Papal Evans Turner Gradzki .
IJ _4 -J -_-~ Mazenod - congratulate the following Club18 players on reaching milestones in the Grand Final : Richard Bourbon on playing 200 games, he has been a strong player and supporter of both the Club & Club 18 . Richard has also coached some of our junior teams and the club hopes he will play on or be involved off field for many vears to come . Nathan Little 150 games, he is a talented half back who has played in all senior teams over the years and is a great clubman . Curtis Collins, Mick Fothergill & Tino Scasserra 50 games players who the club hopes will play on for many years to come and supply much needed experience to our young list . Congratulations to all players from everyone at Mazeno d 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2003
Fitzroy Reds : Bridges 2 Jackson Holderhead Prior Price Whitty. Best: Vaughan Everard Barr McGrath Bridges Locke. Umpires: Tony Hall Frank Kavanagh (F) Katie WhiteSpier Josh White-Spier (B) Joe Ciccotosto Bob O'Halloran (G) CLUB XVIII rsOUTH I MAZENOD
2 .1 8.8 10 .10 13 .12 (90)
4 .2 6 .2 9 .6 11 .7 (73)
Mazenod: Noble 3 Fothergill 3 Palamara 2 Bridgland Paine Cuberas Vandergert Fisher. Best: Noble Paine Jacobs Nussbaum Fisher Palamara . Old Brighton : G .Earl 5 Cochran 2 W.Earl 2 D .Bowden McKimm . Best : G .Earl W.Earl J .Howden C.Trim L.Stewart D .Bowden .
Umpires: Frank Thornhill David Windlow (F) Tom Windlow Ryan Hense (B) Rhett Parker Richard Benson snr . 61
: Name the grid square where you think TE~ ,r [ the ball was in the original photo .
PRIZES: (a) weekly . Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, will each receive in the mail 5 Sportscover vouchers which, when presented at the canteen at Sportscover Arena (Elsternwick Park) will entitle the bearer to receive up to 5 Four 'N' Twenty pies or 5 Schweppes softdrinks or a combination of the two. (Total 5) . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footbafler째 . LAST WEEK - Ball was in A1- No Winner! . Tear off entry section which appears down right HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 or plcopy and fax to 95312050 . Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . donated by Four 'N` T,,, Prizes for the Sportscover Spot the Ball Competition are kindly ; Pies and Schweppes .
Pin f) 1 f;SSeRvi P EY L D For Agst % tONASH BLUES 18 16 2 0 1439 698 206 .16 64 Ay, 18 14 4 0 1408 848 166.04 56 10 OLD MENTONIANS 18 14 4 0 1275 875 145 .71 56 ic1'JYULE 18 13 5 0 1208 919 131 .45 52 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 18 11 7 0 1411 943 149 .63 44 lOUINAS 0 C 18 6 12 0 1057 1323 79.89 24 dARRA VALLEY 0 B 18 6 12 0 1032 1307 78 .96 24 ;LESIAN 0 C 18 5 13 0 1036 1320 78.48 20 Pt"•NHOEASSUMPTION 18 4 14 0 1051 1576 66.69 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWEI8 1 17 0 595 1817 32 .75 4 Ineligible player Round 1 6 L D For Aqst % Pts P W y2 RESERVE PENINSULA 0 B 18 18 0 0 2151 596 360 .91 72 .31 60 OLD GEELONG 18 15 3 0 1700 622 273 FITZROY REDS 18 15 3 0 1562 705 221 .56 60 WEST BRUNSWICK 18 9 9 0 1145 1013 113 .03 36 LATROBE UNI 18 8 10 0 1002 1246 80 .42 32 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 18 7 11 0 1070 1414 75 .67 28 OLD CAREY 18 6 12 0 987 1406 70 .20 24 BENTLEIGH 18 6 12 0 1002 1480 67 .70 24 OAKLEIGH 18 4 14 0 802 1800 44 .56 16 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 18 2 16 0 688 1939 35 .48 D3 RESERVE P w L D For a~r % Pin NERRIBEE AMATEURS 18 16 1 1 1678 698 240 .40 66 RUPERTSWOOD 18 14 4 0 1545 960 160 .94 56 SWINBURNE UNI 18 12 5 1 1444 894 161 .52 50 ST JOHNS 0 C 18 11 7 0 1044 1058 98 .68 44 KEW 18 9 9 0 1165 1181 98 .65 36 MONASH GRYPHONS 18 8 10 0 992 1055 94 .03 32 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS18 7 11 0 942 1248 75 .48 28 ELSTERNWICK 18 6 12 0 1082 1355 79 .85 24 POWER HOUSE 18 4 14 0 742 1234 60,13 16 8 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 18 2 16 0 643 1771 36.31 Q' RESERVE P tv L D For agsr % Ratio NORTH BRUNSWICK 17 15 2 0 1729 834 20731 88 .24 UHS-VU 17 14 3 0 1725 661 260.97 82.35 ST MARYS 16 13 3 0 1630 831 196 .1581 ' 25 ALBERT PARK 16 12 4 0 1708 787 217.03 75 OLD WESTBOURNE 16 8 8 0 1160 1014 114.4 50 MT LILYDALE 17 8 9 0 1203 1311 91 .76 47.06 RICHMOND CENTRAL 16 7 9 0 897 1298 69 .11 43.75 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 16 5 10 1 1063 1393 76 .31 31 .25 BULLEEN COBRAS 16 5 11 0 1120 1391 80 .52 31 .25 BOX HILL NORTH 16 2 14 0 547 2090 26.17 12 .5 BRUNSWICK POWER 17 0 16 1 485 1880 25 .8 0 'Inelijble player Round 1 6 % Pts U19 SECTION 1 P Iff L D For AW ST BERNARDS 17 17 0 0 2442 1094 223 .22 68 UNIVERSITY BLUES 17 14 3 0 1955 898 217 .71 56 OLD SCOTCH 17 13 4 0 1843 1302 141 .55 52 OLD XAVERIANS 17 9 8 0 1413 1238 114 .14 36 ST KEVINS 17 8 9 0 1446 1462 98.91 32 DE LA SALLE 17 8 9 0 1467 1492 98 .32 32 CAULFIELD GR 17 6 10 1 1429 1610 88.76 26 MARCELLIN 17 3 12 2 1365 2001 68 .22 16 OLD BRIGHTON 17 2 13 2 870 2058 42 .27 12 `OLD ESSENDON GR 17 2 14 1 866 2187 39.60 10 'Ineligible player Round 1 5 Pin D19 SECT/DD 2 P w L D For Apt % WERRIBEE AMATEURS 17 16 1 0 1612 835 193 .05 64 OLD MELBURNIANS 17 13 4 0 1598 802 199 .25 52 BEAUMARIS 17 12 5 0 1250 1196 104 .52 48 OLD CAMBERWELL 17 11 6 0 1293 1261 102 .54 44 OLD TRINITY 17 10 7 0 1183 1135 104 .23 40 OLD IVANHOE 17 8 9 0 1434 1488 96 .37 32 HAMPTON ROVERS 17 8 9 0 1133 1355 83 .62 32 MAZENOD 0 C 17 4 13 0 694 1751 39 .63 16 OLD PARADIANS 17 3 14 0 873 1 412 6 1 .83 12
U19 SECTION 3 P W L D For agat r Pts RUPERTSWOOD 17 16 1 0 1517 918 165 .25 64 OLD CAREY 17 15 2 0 2004 664 301 .81 60 COLLEGIANS 17 12 5 0 1466 1112 131 .83 48 THERRY PENOLA OB 17 10 7 0 1724 1296 133 .02 40 AJAX 17 9 8 0 1288 1402 91 .87 36 NORTH OLD BOYS 17 8 9 0 1065 1525 69 .84 32 MONASH BLUES 17 6 11 0 1033 1505 68 .64 24 MHSOB 17 6 11 0 1022 1489 68 .64 24 31 .88 1 2 ST BERNARDS (2) 17 3 14 0 623 1954 tP19 (Z) DLdJ~ P~ L D For Agst ~ Pta OAKLEIGH 17 16 1 0 2603 891 292 .14 64 ST JOHNS 0 C 17 15 2 0 1961 972 201 .75 60 ST BEDES MENT TIG 17 13 4 0 2088 1049 199,05 52 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 17 9 8 0 1969 1464 134 .49 36 BENTLEIGH 17 9 8 0 1705 1302 130.95 36 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS17 7 10 0 1513 1469 103.00 28 'MENTONE PANTHERS 17 7 10 0 1359 1782 76.26 28 ORMOND 17 5 12 0 1216 1747 69 .61 20 DE LA SALLE (2) 17 2 15 0 871 2398 36 .32 8 GLEN EIRA 17 2 15 0 662 2940 22 .52 8 'Ineligible player Round 1 5 U93 (2) DED P c~ t D F~ aDsr r Pls BANYULE VIEWBANK 17 17 0 0 1996 831 240 .19 68 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 17 15 2 0 2093 625 334 .88 60 FITZROY REDS 17 12 5 0 1711 959 178 .42 48 LA TROBE UNI 17 11 6 0 1227 882 139 .12 44 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 17 9 8 0 1316 1218 108 .05 36 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 17 7 10 0 1050 1237 84 .88 28 AQUINAS 0 C 17 5 12 0 865 1442 59.99 20 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 17 5 12 0 817 1507 54 .21 20 OLD WESTBOURNE 17 4 13 0 753 1479 50 .91 16 0 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE17 0 17 0 510 2313 22 .05 CLUB 18 - 1 P w L D Fqr a~sr f Pa OLD XAVERIANS 14 14 0 0 1710 542 315.50 56 DE LA SALLE 14 11 3 0 1391 784 177 .42 44 PRAHRAN 14 9 5 0 1439 907 158 .65 36 OLDIVANHOE 14 8 6 0 1037 954 108 .70 32 ST KEVINS 14 6 8 0 981 1046 93 .79 24 MARCELLIN 14 5 9 0 767 1286 59 .64 20 MONASH BLUES 14 2 11 1 759 1653 45 .92 10 COLLEGIANS 14 0 13 1 767 1769 43 .36 2 L D For a~r % Pin CLUB 18 - NORTH P IN OLD ESSENDON GR 14 13 1 0 1045 573 182 .37 52 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 14 9 5 0 891 619 143 .94 36 FITZROY REDS 14 9 5 0 694 624 111 .22 36 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 9 5 0 697 729 95 .61 36 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 8 6 0 726 638 113 .79 32 OLD TRINITY 14 5 9 0 703 833 84 .39 20 OLD CAREY 14 3 11 0 510 1250 40 .80 1 2 CLUB 18 - SOUTH P w t D For Agse % Pin MAZENOD 0 C 14 14 0 0 1667 637 261 .70 56 OLD BRIGHTON 14 9 5 0 1217 650 187 .23 36 ELEY PARK AFC 14 9 5 0 1400 758 184 .70 36 WHITEFRIARS 14 8 6 0 1091 920 118.59 32 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 14 7 7 0 1022 915 111 .69 28 AJAX 14 5 9 0 755 1274 59.26 20 OLD GEELONG 14 4 10 0 875 1224 71 .49 16 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 14 0 14 0 333 2041 16 .32 0
a Weekend Matches (Fri ) - Umpires Appointments
® Scores (Sat . night)
vnFnuwroasvoNwa ' __, _ fcharq~ ~~be h~t~rlram a mobite orre to this servica)
P W L v For ;, st % Prs
13 12 11 10 10 8 7 6 6 2
4 0 1713 1261 135.84 5 0 2224 1516 146.70 6 0 1768 1571 112.54 7 0 1734 1502 115.45 7 0 1367 1410 96.95 9 0 1459 1505 96.94 10 0 1484 1665 89.13 11 0 1270 1620 78.40 11 0 1501 1929 77.81 15 0 1348 1889 71 .36
52 48 44 40 40 32 28 24 24 8
P w c D Fw Agsr °, Pts
OLD ESSENDON GR 17 13 4 0 1769 1476 119 .85 52 WHITEFRIARS 17 11 6 0 2010 1436 139.97 44 OLD BRIGHTON 17 11 6 0 1682 1403 119.89 44 DE LA SALLE 17 10 7 0 1674 1583 105.75 40 MAZENQD 0 C 17 9 8 0 1659 1703 97 .42 36 ST BEDES MENT T1G 17 8 8 1 1673 1714 97 .61 34 NORTH OLD BOYS 17 7 10 0 1545 1562 98 .91 28 OLD PARADIANS 17 7 10 0 1465 1760 83.24 28 MHSOB 17 5 12 0 1392 1743 79 .86 20 HAMPTON ROVERS 17 3 13 1 1371 1860 7371 1 4
k t D For Qgsl fb Pt3 16 2 0 2148 1371 156 .67 64 13 5 0 1851 1595 116.05 52 12 6 0 2242 1617 138.65 48 10 8 0 1602 1628 98.40 4 0 8 10 0 1585 1649 96.12 32 8 10 0 1389 1532 90.67 32 8 10 0 1239 1699 72 .93 3 2 7 11 0 1654 1584 104.42 2 8 6 12 0 1479 1845 80.16 2 4 2 16 0 1680 2349 71 .52 8
li4 SEl;LIU~
P 69r L D For Agst % Datio MT LILYDALE 17 15 2 0 2206 1169 188.7188.24 UHS-VU 17 14 3 0 2116 1215 174_1682 .35 ALBERT PARK 16 11 5 0 1763 1186 148.6568 .75 16 11 5 0 1819 1626 111,87681 5 ST MARYS NORTH BRUNSWICK 17 11 6 0 1654 1678 98 .5764 .7 1 OLD WESTBOURNE 16 10 6 0 1616 1054 153.3262. 5 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 16 5 11 0 1420 1659 85,5931 .25 BOX HILL NORTH 16 5 11 0 1363 1922 70 .9231,25 RICHMOND CENTRAL 16 4 12 0 1323 2109 62,73 25 BULLEEN COBRAS 16 3 13 0 1002 1834 54,6318 .75 *BRUNSWICK POWER 17 1 16 0 1200 2186 54 .895 .8 8 `lneligible player Round 1 6
C SECTION P~r L D F~ A~sr % Pts COLLEGIANS 18 13 5 0 1769 1352 130.84 52 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 18 13 5 0 1844 1596 115 .54 52 CAULFIELD GR 18 12 6 0 1894 1510 125 .43 48 BEAUMARIS 18 11 7 0 1857 1532 121 .21 44 MENTONE VULTURES 18 11 7 0 1881 1560 120 .58 44 OLD CAMBERWELL 18 9 9 0 1880 1775 105.92 36 THERRY PENOLA OB 18 9 9 0 1605 1603 100.12 36 GLEN ElRA 18 5 13 0 1692 1848 91 .56 20 PRAHRAN 18 4 14 0 1266 2214 57.18 16 ORMOND 18 3 15 0 1310 2008 65 .24 1 2 D7 SECTION
A HL°StffVt
For A .~st
% Pi s
ST BERNAROS 17 15 2 0 1566 835 187 .54 6 0 UNIVERSITY BLUES 17 14 3 0 1542 917 168 .16 5 6 MARCELLIN 17 10 7 0 1263 1000 126 .30 40 OLD XAVERIANS 17 9 8 0 1341 1009 132.90 36 OLD HAILEYBURY 17 9 8 0 1291 1250 103,28 36 OLDIVANHOE 17 7 9 1 1175 1404 83 .69 30 OLD SCOTCH 17 7 10 0 1089 1236 88 .11 28 OLD TRINITY 17 5 11 1 865 1363 63 .46 22 OLD MELBURNIANS 17 4 13 0 898 1289 69 .67 16 ST KEVINS 17 3 12 2 900 1656 54,35 1 6
P o~ L D Fn, aysr sn Prs
MONASH BLUES 18 14 4 0 1754 1161 151 .08 56 AJAX 18 13 4 1 1836 1522 120.63 54 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 18 13 5 0 1831 1443 126 .89 52 OLD MENTONIANS 18 11 6 1 1726 1493 115.61 46 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 18 10 8 0 1542 1632 94 .49 40 BANYULE 18 8 10 0 1762 1794 98.22 32 AQUINAS 0 C 18 6 12 0 1303 1656 78.68 24 SALESIAN 0 C 18 5 13 0 1333 1546 86.22 20 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 18 5 13 0 1467 1845 79 .51 20 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE18 4 14 0 1452 1914 75 .86 1 6 02 SECTION P PENINSULA 0 B 18 FITZROY REDS 18 OLD CAREY 18 WEST BRUNSWICK 18 OLD GEELONG 18 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 18 LA TROBE UN! 18 BENTLEIGH 18 OAKLEIGH 18 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 18
dY L F- Apt % Pts -a 18 0 0 2379 1196 198.91 72 15 3 0 1729 1149 150 .48 60 12 6 0 2116 1378 153 56 48 12 6 0 1638 1383 118 .44 48 10 8 0 1870 1635 114.37 40 8 10 0 1770 1591 111 .25 32 6 12 0 1381 1581 87.35 24 6 12 0 1484 1978 75.03 24 3 15 0 1441 2437 59.13 12 0 18 0 1112 2592 42.90 0
14 2 1 1438 754 190.72 5 8 14 3 0 1492 835 178.68 5 6 13 4 0 1615 854 189.11 52 10 6 1 1107 1070 103.46 4 2 9 8 0 1282 1060 120.94 3 6 8 9 0 1005 1105 90.95 3 2 7 10 0 1055 1131 93.28 2 8 5 12 0 814 1504 54 .12 20 3 14 0 748 1554 48.13 1 2 1 16 0 666 1450 45 .93 4
L D For
N+ L D
Apt % Pis
Agst %
15 3 0 1486 824 180,34 60 14 4 0 1631 1003 162.61 56 13 5 0 1518 847 179.22 52 12 6 0 1286 997 128.99 48 11 7 0 1612 935 172 .41 44 10 8 0 1372 946 145.03 41 6 12 0 1229 1541 79.75 D 5 13 0 1148 1565 7 135 21 3 15 0 860 1821 47 .23 1 1 1 17 0 668 2331 28,66
Support the Company who supports th e VAFA
For orders phone 9339 6339
,qonash I
Old Ess