n r a where did that off season go ? p ;,<eur football returns today and everyone from the new club president to the longest serving li,b secretary appears to be genuinely excited about the return to our lives of the game we all the planning has been done . All the registrations and accreditations have been complete d 1T 1 now it is over to the teams that make up our great Association to begin competing on a (;,, ~r basis to see which four teams in each section will earn the right to playoff for the righ t PHIL STEVENS f prumier during the three week finals series that will be played this year . There is no doub t CHIEF EXECUTIV E i,,i the path ahead will be full of hurdles - injuries to key players, some suspensions (few we OFFICE R oi ;d , some surprise upsets and other situations that make the goal of becoming premier a alxs challenge ahead of everyone . ours truly will be missing for part of the season as my wife and I are both taking leave from work to travel overseas . At ie ume of writing we intend to travel through Turkey (these plans are under review given the situation in that neck of the ods) followed by a time in Greece . Whilst away this column will feature "guest writers" - Bruce McTaggart (the new VAFA ,c,ident), Nick Bourke (the new chairman of the VAFA Executive and senior representative coach), John Bell (chairman of e Football Programs Committee, which incorporates the Permit and Reinstatement Committee) and for the final week of ,y absence Brian Goodman (the new VAFA Umpires' Adviser) . ie VAFA had a wonderful Season Launch on March 31st at Crown which included the traditional presidents, secretaries n! members of all clubs being in attendance, special guests from various groups supporting the VAFA and also featured a ornderful guest speaker (3AW's Ross Stevenson) and entertainer Mike Brady (of "Up There Cazaly" fame) . One absentee was u own Peter Harris, who has had a health scare in recent times but seems certain to be back into it as of this weekend . tte it easy Pete, for we need you around contributing for many years yet . ne of the big appointments during the off-season was that of Brian Goodman as our Umpires' Adviser. We were of the belief at umpiring was in need of "re-invigorating" and, although it is only the pre-season that has been completed, it seems that ere-invigoration" process is taking effect withwell-organised, enjoyable and meaningful training sessions taking place, a althy team of umpire observers in place, revamped feedback sheets in place which will allow Brian to develop umpires ,ccl on constructive feedback received from coaches, observers and advisers . an is also of the view, which is supported by the Executive, that we will endeavour to provide quality rather than quantity c,ir matches - umpires who have applied to be registered as a VAFA umpire for 2004 which has been approved only if the 3 ;;ire has attended training, coaching or interview sessions as required by the Adviser and his panel . e funetio ' s of the Executive Committee (the group which has the overall responsibility of running VAFA) and the >,~ :nistration (the group which implements programs according to the Executive Committee) has been streamlined and will r: ite with more efficiency. The eighteen previous sub-committees have been consolidated into four Main Committee s !'i make decisions which have to be ratified by the Executive when it meets . This process means that the Executive -: crns itself with ratifying decisions recommended to it as we ll as concentrating on long term visions for the VAFA ~ r.,tition . rr often "testy" relationship with Football Victoria has been cd and we look forward to working with FV on program s t ~i at assisting club administrations and promoting variou s a:n messages through Amateur football . Our finance stream Next Week's Matches . . ..__.d,.~. .. .,.. . .,. . ... ., . .. . . .., ., ..6 c. this relationship sees the VAFA better off than it wa s Coaches' Clipboard .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . ... . .. .. . .. .1 .. 2 usly in receiving separate funding from both FV and .. . . .. . . .... . ... . . .. . ... . .... . . ... .18-13 .FortheLavfGm ilth. Looking Back ... . . .. . ... .. . .... .. . . .. . . .. . . .... . ... . ... . .... .. .. . .34-35 behalf of the Executive and Administration I wis h one -,ell for the season ahead and look forward to tin- as many clubs and people from clubs as possibl e b ~ue course of the season.
Today's Umpires.. . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. . .. . . ... . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . A0 Sportscover Arena Draw .. . ... . ... . . ... . ... . . .. . . .. . . .... . ... . . ..59 Tribunal & Investigations. . .. . . ... . .. . . . ... . ... . ... 59 Sportswear Spot the Ball . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . ... .. . ... . ...62 2004 Sections. _ . .. _ _. . . .. _. . . . .. . .... . ... . ... . 63/64
`L_~ 1
Price : $2 .00 Vol . 04 No. 01
SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R New season, new look comp and for th . : cribe, a new countryas the land of televise -T darts, World's Strongest Women contests and David Brent fades into distant memory . Football, it's good to have you back! Predictions mean zip but I've been roaming the hills, sniffing about and I've come up with a semi serious precis of how I see 2004 unfolding . . . Premiers : Haileybury Three top shelf ROC Football club recruits propelled the Bloods from also-rans to serious contenders last year. Stewart Loewe and Brett O'Farrell complemented the mix before the team imploded in the i st Semi . Well, consider these additions for 2004 . A former state rover (Laz Siapantas), a former state captain (Mark Seccull) a former B&F (Sam Langford Jones) a former captain(Adam Hilton), a former AFL and SAFL defender (Paul Geister) a VFL ruckman (Steven Rode) and some quality suburban pickups in Adam Svarc and Ben Waite . Have flattered to deceive in years past but with a list like this, surely their time has come . Runners Up : Xavs
The estimable ~ wizard Luke Hawkins takes centre stage, along with a band o f
cameos that includes a Woodrow medallist (Crow), three ex AFL players (Dennis, Finniochaio & Kitchen) and a host of state players. Great team, proud club, but can they shake off the Preliminary Final jitters ? 4th: Trinity Speaking of smarting, OT's have more reason than most to shake their heads after being squeezed out of the finals despite a barnstorming finish to last year's season against St Bernards. Always recruit well and always tough to beat at home but seem forever destined t o
book their end of season trip early . Still, any line up that boasts Ramsden, Cultrera and Reynolds is pretty appetizing and some big pre season scalps indicates finals footy may finally be on the menu . 5th: DeL a
Plenty of people in VAFA circles were scratching their heads at how a team with so many "no names" could engineer a Grand final vrin but as the old saying goes, "nothing succeeds like success" . Given that Xavier College seem to have won the last 85 APS premierships, the connection with Barker's Rd is integral and the kids coming through rarely disappoint . Watch out for Dan Rush, a gargantuan youngster who kicked buckets of goals in last year's APS comp, along with a couple of likely lads James Mortensen and Sam Sheerly, John Bowen has retired with 7 senior premiership medallions in the cabinet and Travis Ruyg is still in London but they still look cherry ripe to push Haileybury all the way . 3rd: Scotch
Premiership coach Tony Miller sat down for a Chicken Parma and a Hahn Premium Light last October when he got a tap on the shoulder. "Sony Tone but you're out the door old son" . Extraordinary goings on indeed but the appointment of Mark Lowe is indicative of a more ruthless regime at De La Once again, so much rests on the narrow shoulders of Ben lvlannriix, whose game in last year's B Grade GF (13 marks 4 goals 7, two out on the full) beggared belief. With his pale skin, spindly frame and nonchalant air, he cuts a less than imposing igure but when the light is switched on, there is no more deadly player in the comp . Could surprise a few this year.
again boast a line up that ornes class ancl poise .
e obsta -les f?cc1 by Uni are surely unique in
6th: Polo tournaments, lab explosions, HECS Still smarting from letting last year's protests, Genetics and Bio3iversity exams, mid Preliminary final slip away, the Cardinals once wPelr benders, sti,dent exchanges to Botswana ;
Victorian football . Have lost two very good players in Rob Wilkie and Liam Ryan to further study though they pick up Mark Paterson from Port Melbourne, Jesse Brooke from Ainsley and James Scambler from Coburg . Watch for them later in the season . 7th: OM s What on earth do you say about OMs? Fumble about like a team of dithering dingbats for the better part of 2003 and appear destined for B Grade . Suddenly Daffy, Hazell, Hicks and co turn up the wick the two eventual grand finalists are blown off the park and OMs live to see another year of top tier action . On their day, they're capable of winning an A Grade flag by ten goals but we've been saying that for decades. . . 8th StBernards Deep breath . Tim Harvey's gone to Box Hill, Dan Jordan and Danny Byrne to Geelong. To compound the loss of arguably the three most dynamic players in the VAFA, state player Shaun Neeson has flown the coup, David James and Michael Hooper are VFL bound and premiership CHB Tait Wilkinson has gone backpacking! Yes, some of these guys may filter back into the side during the year, yes the flow on effect from reserves and unders flags will be significant and yes, pre season wins over East Ringwood and North Heidelberg are good pointers but the cream's gone and the dream may be over. 9th Marcellin Andrew Treganowan has finally hung up the boots to tend to his University Hotel in Lygon St while lynchpins Dave Waters and Gion Romain
have caught the travel bug . Jumped out of the blocks last April with a string of wins, including of 59 point thumping of Xavs but their season petered out miserably . With no real additions to get too excited about, expect 2004 to continue in a similar vein . 10th Whitefriars If you thought Benny Mannix was enigmatic, he has nothing on his older brother Pat, who takes over the reigns at Friar Park after a decorated and flamboyant playing career. He's inherited a tough and honest team that have galvanised and clambered their way up the grades but they'll struggle with the class and tempo of A Grade and will have problems winning west of Wobbies World . Today's selection s Haileybury, DeLa, Trinity, Oms and Xavs Enjoy your day and as Frank Costanza said on the eve of Festivus . . "Let the festivities begin! " PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Jonathon Horn j onathan_ .g_horn@yahoo . co.uk
'00, t.
T AY'S MATCHES A SECTION Old Xaverians v Marcellin De La Salle v Whitefriars Old Scotch v Old Trinity Sportscover Arena Saturday University Blues v Old Melburnians St Bernards v Old Haileybury
A Sectio n DE LA SALLE
Coach : Mark Lowe Asst: Paul Dwyer Res: Mick Hagan 1 L Walker 2 R Buckley 3 B Corin 4 L Harrison 5 M Duggan 6 G Gilbert 7 P Harrison 8 J La Ragy 9 J Moloney 9r C Mitchell 10 T Silvers 12 M McHenry 13 AJohnstone 14 W Dwyer 15 P Bowden 16 S Hyland 17 C Merduri 18 L Williams 19 M Goodier 20 M Picone 21 A McKenzie 22r M O'Donnell 22 M Brown 23 R Sherman 24 J Morel 25 C Hyde 25r R Walmsley 26 D Spithill 27 S Thomas 28 L Bowden 29 R Marks 29 C Brown 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 32 R Bonnici 33 AOdando 34 D Rayson 35 B Vague 37 A Shields 38 S O 'Connell 39 B Oakley 39 T Woodlock 40 N Stewart 41 D McInerney 42 P Bourke 43 A Greenalgh 44 A Moore 45 T Molan 46 A Skinns 47 G ton 48 J Foon 51 51 D Moore 52 T Moloney 54 P Hesse 55 A McLeish 57 C Chester 58 G Walton 60 P O'Callaghan
Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach: Trent Collins 1 B. Dobson 2 J. Rice 3 N . Addison 4 J. Frazer 5 D . Johnston 6 D . Sampimon 7 S. Maguire 8 R. Frisna 9 L. Considine 10 A. Dale 11 D. Taylor 12 T. Sheehan 13 J . Wilkins 14 D. Salce 15 J . Carlson 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (C) 18 D . Gartner 19 D . Cooper 20 M . Hermans 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 A. Wadsworth 24 L. O'Flynn 25 R . Galati 26 D . McMillan 27 S. Theisz (VC) 28 B. Carmody 29 S. Brooks 30 A. Treganowan 31 M . Bortolotto 32 M . Browne 33 A. Symes 34 D. Jarre d 35 C. Adams 36 E . Weekes 37 D. Cope 38 M . Doyle 39 S . Yee 40 D . Carson 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen 43 K . O'Dwyer r 45 D . Theisz 46 B. Wignell 47 P. Fiorenza 48 J. Mathews 49 D. Van Heiden 50 A. Carso n 51 J. Toohey 52 D. Coutts 53 M . Perri 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 56 M . Moran 57 M . M cCart in 58 D. Cirone 59 P. Carroll 60 C. Thornton 61 A . McGree 62 M. Matthews 63 M. Altamore
Comm-, Club
Coach: Mick Dwyer Res Coach : Adam McMahon 1 C. Home 2 S . Davey 3 P. Corrigan 4 S. La x~o d lones (DVC) 5 J . Bourke 6 A. White 7 M. Corrigan 7 A. Shepherd 8 R . George g M. Barker 10 L Siapantas 10 C. Efstathiou (RVC) 11 M . Graves 12 B. O'Farrell 13 A. Svarc 14 A. Forsyth 15 D. Mackenzi e 16 P. O 'Donnell 17 K . Ford 18 C. Waxman 19 M . Armstrong (C) 20 D. Hasseft 21 A . Jenke 22 D Mason 23 S.Loewe 23 M. Seccull 24 B. Trollope 25 S. Rowlands 26 J. Bell 27 B. Johnston 28 S. Goldsworthy 29 B. Carson (VC) 30 D. Warnes 31 D. Lay 32 B. Mitchell 33 A. Floyd 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 D. Lappage 36 P. Geister 37 M . Erikson 38 L. Floy d 39 S . Rode 40 N . Tassell 41 S . Saunders 42 A . Hilton 43 R . McCarthy 44 M . Wray 45 D . Thurmond 46 C . Pountney 47 B. Waite 48 C . Moyle 49 L. Pitcher 50 R . Lad d 51 H. McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson 53 B. Haar 54 J. McLauchlan 55 G . Stuart 56 D. Armstrong 57 A. Kight 58 A. Baker. 59 D. Gilby 60 61 J . Miller
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : Justin Pickering Asst : Andrew Pickering Res : Hartley Stone
1 Smith D 2 Theodore S 3 Pertzel J 4 Mathews R 5 Bunn L 6 Holme D 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 9 Simpson A 10 Roberts T (C) P 11 Gallagher 12 Richardson J 13 Thiele g 14 Evans B 15 Rose M 17 Miller James 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R(VC) 20 Guest J 21 Hicks M 22 Dixon J M, (VC) 23 Berry 24 Hawkins M 25 Whitehead H 26 Costello T 27 Kinsella D 28 Billing M 29 Prowse M 30 Miller Jono 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Beaumont J (DVC) 35 Ray C 36 Wulff B 37 Guy N 38 Godley J 39 Tucker J 40 O'Brien H 41 Smith N 42 Theodore P 43 Wu A 44 Harrison T 45 Murphy C 47 Neeson C 48 Theodoulou C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Jenkins C (RC) 51 Richmond C 52 Ward 0 53 Hawkins S 55 Weir I 56 Beilb y L 57 Bains A 58 Alder C 59 Carter S 60 Jackson M 61 Nicoll g 62 Matthias E 63 Ray J
Sponsored By :
Coach : Dale Tapping Asst Coach: Andrew Smith 1 R Mullins 2 B Phillips 3 J Ross 4 T Holt 5 S Collins 6 A Crow 7 J Kitche n 8 B Robinso n 10 C Smitht 11 M Angu s 12 S Hum e 13 A Nettleto n 14 N Ackroy d 15 S Cation s 16 STroo n 17 T Wigney 18 L Hawkins 19 R Josephs 20 S Lillin9ston 21 C Joyce 22 N Addi so n 23 0 Crane 24 L McDonnell 25 M Saunders 26 T Downin g 27 M Denni s 28 A Quai l 29 M Gnatt 30 T Finocchiaro 31 N Leitl 32 J tman E Reid 34 C Phillips 35 P O'Connor 36 J Sutcliffe 37 G Carrol l G Prendergas t 39 Ferguso n 40 TAurel Smith 41 W Lewi s 42 T Beatti e 43 A Routledg e 44 D Jackson 45 ATeasdal e 46 J Beaurepaire 47 T Berange r 48 S Dumaresq 49 L Kitchen 50 M Walko m 51 L Freeman 52 D Knight 53 J Rodski 54 A Sutherlan d 55 R Ashto n 56 D Brooke 57 J Crane 58 A Grant 59 C Evans 60 J Sheldon 61 C Swan 62 M Graham 63 E Hope 64 J Mitchel l 65 M Moffatt 66 A Pearce 67 S Tulloch 68 C Loga g n70SDi 71 M Aingk e r 72 B Smif h 73 S Lovelle
74 S King s
75 C Dufou r 76 J Nickles s 77 T Pag e 78 A Simsa n
People Telecom $s G oadyCen Cb6ldeare
B ee h i ve H o t e l
Gazman E . Murphy & Son s
A. Section ~ Coach : Leigh Carlson Ass Coach: Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach : Ed Best 1 Kenna A 2 Hine A 3 Reynolds LR V/C 4 Saunde s 5 Burrows D V/C 6 Gnatt P 7 Van Der Venne T 8 Burrows R Andrews A 10 Williams A 11 Kennedy S 12 CultreraA 13 Cade J 14 Troon R 1 5 Green M 16 Hillas C 17 Hillas R 18 Healy J 19 Armatas C 20 McPherson S 21 Kennedy L 22 Deane-Johns G 23 RamsdenA Capt : 24 Btadeni S 25 Cameron F 26 Donahoo B 27 Hill R 28 Healy T 29 Crawford M 30 MclGnnon R 3 Burgess S JBrown 1 32 33 Aitken J 34 Deane-Johns L 35 ~gmp L 36 37 Van Der Venne S R/C 38 Ramsden R 39 Walsh B Williams 40 J 41 Lauletta S 42 Amore S 43 Amore J 44 Treadwell G 45 Morpeth T RV/C 46 Cooper S 47 Ward C S 49 Carter-Buszard L 50 Blackmore B 51 Gamble R 52 Heaven C 53 Plain G 54 Williams Z 55 Taylor C 56 Best E 57 Schulze D 58 Stebbins C 59 Cade T 60 Iseppi B 61 Amiconi C 62 Romney N 63 Cade S 64 Gray J 65 Robison M 67 Amiconi A 68 Guiterrez C 69 Oliver D 70 Brawn A 71 Arrowsmith J 72 Parker D 73 Hildebrandt D 74 75 ~~ ~ es M 76 Krakouer S 77 McDonald E 79 Treadwell C 80 Manseur S 81 O'Shea M 82 Chiffy E 83 Brad W
Goldenberg W
86 McCutcheon M 87 Fellows J 88 Chan B 89 KinrossA 90 Feranda M 91 Bullen M 92 Monasso J
Coach : Michael Sholly Res. Coach : Chris Gawne
Coach: Peter Nicholson Res : Darren Handley
Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : David Matthews
1 A . Fox 2 D. Orlando 3 LL. Hannebery 4 D. Landrigan (DVC) 5 A . T.Jone s 6 A. Oswald 7 S . Lethtean 8 M . Holmes 9 J . Hawkins 10 A . Bowen 11 S . Ross 12 J . Bowen 13 C. Ellis 14 S . Skidmore 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 S . Mollard 17 A. Chatfield 18 M . Green 19 D. Walsh (Capt-Res) 20 M . Hardman 20 J. Scanlan 22 J. Healy 22 T. Ockieshaw (VC) 23 S. Johnston 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J. Drake 28 R . Coughlan 29 C . Beetham 30 N . McInerney 31 J. Pasceri 32 A. Brushfield a3 N . Bingham 34 K. Hall 36 D . Sapuppo 37 T. Maher
39 C . Mallard 41 A . Dillon 42 R . Speakman 43 T. Woodruff 44 A . Biddlecombe 45 L. Howard 46 B . Dixon 47 P. Ryan 48 J . McDonnell 53 C. Santalucia 54 N. Hulett 55 G . Monahan 58 N. Quinn 59 J . Francis 60 M . Walsh 62 J . Silk 63 A. E. Jones 66 A. Wilson
1 . C. Keunan 2. M . Harrison 3. C. Goullet 4. D . Jordan 5 . Joe Mount 6 . S. Neeson 7 . S. Clarke 7R S. Parrett 8 . J. Evan s 9 . B. Jordan 10 . N . Mitchell 11 . C . Davis 12 . B.Hogan 13 . C . Mitchell 14. C . Day 15. T. Wilkinson 16. L. Tumbutl 17. L. O'Sullivan 18. T. Cooney 19. R . Close 20. L. Fielding 21 . B . Loughlin 22. M . 0'Riley 23. L. Wilkinson 24: N . M. Smith 25. D. McLaughlin 26. C. Baumgartner 27. James Mount 28. P. Holland 29. G . McIntyre 30. S .Mitchelt 31 . B .Ashton 32 . T. Harvey 33 . N.P.Smflh 34 . D. Byme 35 . T. Pearson 36 . B. Ryan 37 . A. Catterall 38 . S . lannazzo 39 . M . Juricskay 40 . D . O'Connor 41 . M. Kavanagh 42 . B. Miziewicz 43 . N . Basaraba 44 . M. Mihailovic 45 . M. Tankey 46. D . Blunt 47. M. Hooper 48. L.Lloyd 49. N .Thomas 50. A . Smith 51 . G. Campbell 52. L.B.O'Suilivan 53. P. Harris 54. N .Chapman 55. B . Grant
1 Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J 4 Guengerich D 5 Tanner J 6 Rigby M 7 Young R 8 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A 10 Martin R 11 North L 12 Gleason Q(C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Quin L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Fairbank P 19 Wilcox E 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard g 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Scambler J 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M 29 Terrill A 30 Brookes C 31 Caller y B 32 Paterson M 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Cheel S 36 Brooke Ja 37 Kaso S 38 Holmes R 39 Lochhead G 40 Hocking J 41 Brooke Je 42 Fletcher S 43 Fulton L 44 Wood J 45 McLachlan G 46 Birks T 47 Millar A 48 Fishly L 49 Steele P 50 Nailon H e McIntosh J T 52 51 h 53 Heffernan X 54 Waxman A 55 Zanos M 56 Rankin T 57 Irvine T 58 Sudholz J 59 Hutchinson B 60 Penny C 61 Ritchie J 62 Callery M 63 Eden P 64 McPhail D 65 Clarke E J 66 Barbetti
67 McAloon D
68 Anderson M 69 King J 70 Learning M 71 Irving M 77 Styles D 80 Maplestone D
Coach : Pat Mannix Asst. Coach: Peter Randall Res . Coach: Chris Rubick 1 C Wood 3 M Carbone 5 B Pha n 6 P Campbell 7 S Brosol o 8 B Janso n 9 A Pawlik 10 R Pasqualott o 11 T Wallace 12 S Phelan 13 T Langford 14 T Carrigg 16 J Powe r 17 A Carbon e 18 C Dance 19 A Hill 20 P Hennessey 21 B Jones 22 N Cunningha m 23 E Eame s 24 A Cunningham 25 M Vernal 26 D Gallaghe r 27 L Swain 28 M Mannix 29 A Glen n 30 M Power 31 M Bake r 32 G Kenned y 33 C Fulton 34 D Gloufche v 35 C Law 36 C Dyer 37 M Nuna n 38 C Carrig g 39 D Brice 40 D Atkin s 41 M Leah y 42 M Northey 43 N Elliot t 45 S Cleve n 46 M Duffy 48 J Tre au d ~ 49 T Hilton 50 D Crea 51 R Eames 52 A Baggoley 53 B Wilson 54 A Baker 55 P Tobi n 58 P Poutne 59 N Brisbanye 60 R Pawlik 61 L Eames 62 J Anderson 66 J Box
.--~? ~1
f y J1
Call 9886 5355 FCL Interstate
Transport Service s 9396900 0
A SECTIO N Whitefriars v Old Xaverians Old Trinity v De La Sall e Old Melburnians v Old Scotc h Old Haileybury v University Blues at Sportscover Arena Saturda y Marcellin v St Bernards at Sport scover Arena Sunday; Res. Sat . 11 .30am Marcellin College B SECTION Old Essendon Or v Old Ivanhoe Mazenod 0 C v Old Paradians St Kevins v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Collegians v Beaumari s Old Brighton v North Old Boys C SECTION Therry Penola 0 B v Caulfield G r AJAX v Emmaus St Leos 0 C at Punt Road Oval, Richmond Parkdale Vultures v Hampton Rovers Glen Eira v MHSOB Old Camberwell v Monash Blue s Dl SECTION Old Mentonians v Fitzroy Reds Salesian 0 C v Ormond Banyule v Peninsula 0 B Prahran v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v Yarra Valley 0 B D2 SECTION Bentleigh v Ivanhoe Assumption Old Geelong v Williamstown CYMS at 3 p.m. (reserves 11 a.m.) Old Carey v Swinburne Un i Bulleen Templestowe v Monash Gryphons La Trobe Uni v West Brunswic k D3 SECTION Werri bee Amateurs v Mt Lilydale Hawthorn Amateurs v Power House UHS-VU v Syndal Tally-H o South Melbourne Distri cts v St Johns 0 C Elsternwick Park Friday April 23 - 6 .15pm Rupert swood v Oakleigh D4 SECTIO N Eltham Collegians v St Mary s Box Hill North v Richmond Central Elsternwick v Old Westbourne North Brunswick v Bulleen Cobras Kew v Albert Park
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Camberwell v Collegians Hampton Rovers v Banyule Viewbank Old Melburnians v Old Ivanho e Old Trinity v Rupertswood Beaumaris v Old Essendon Gr UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Oakleigh v AJAX St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Paradians Old Carey v Monash Blues Whitefriars v University Blacks to be played at Domeney's Reserve, Knees Road, Park Orchards (35 E9 ) MHSOB v Therry Penola 0 B UNDER-19 (2) BLUE De La Salle (2) v South Melbourne Districts Peninsula 0 B v Oakleigh Clays Emmaus St Leos 0 C - bye Mazenod 0 C v St Johns 0 C Ormond v Bentleigh UNDER-19 (2) RED North Old Boys - by e Old Westbourne v Bulleen Templestowe Old Xaverians (2) v La Trobe Uni Fitzroy Reds v Rupertswood (2 ) St Bernards (2)/UHS-VU v Aquinas 0 C CLUB 18 (1 ) De La Salle v Old Xaverians Old Scotch v St Kevins Mazenod 0 C v Old Ivanhoe Old Essendon Or v Old Brighton at Oval 1 Essendon Grammar School ( 15 G1O) Marcellin v Prahran CLUB 18 ( NORTH) Monash Blues v Collegians Fitzroy Reds v Eley Par k Old Melburnians v University Blacks Old Xaverians (2) v Therry Penola 0 B Old Scotch (2) v Whitefriars at Hays Paddock, off Lesson Street, East Kew (45 Ji ) CLUB 18 (SOUTH ) North Old Boys v University Blues Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Scotch (3) Old Carey v Old Geelong Caulfield Or v La Trobe Uni Monash Gryphons v Old Trinity
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Bernards v Old Xaverians Old Scotch v St Kevin s De La Salle v University Blues Caulfield Or v Old Brighton Marcellin v Werribee Amateurs
Who's in . V1t-;c's out . Who's dein^ what . Stay on the ball with the latest AFL news each weekday morning vrth Prime "-icne Sports 927 . Sports professionals S i mo n O' D onne li t r . and Michael 3 ~ing you the latest results, news and in-terviexvs, as well as a complete wren grc -is world of soort . if it's haopsnir.g in sport, you'll hear it. on Prime Time 4 . .- --> 927, 5 .30-9---1 . :aekdays .
Welcome back to Amateur Football, and welcome to 2004 . All the tough work and hard yards from January through to April comes to fruition today as the ball is bounced to commence another season of good football . Good luck to all involved may the games as always be played in true VAFA Spirit. PREDICTIONS St Kevins. Still smarting from their relegation Skevvies have worked very hard in the off season to endeavour to minimise their stay in B Section to one year . David Murray and Tony Miller make a pretty formidable Coaching combination, both know the workings of B Section pretty well . Jarred Malloy, John Rombotis, and Damien Ryan all fully fit will make life difficult for all opposition, while Matty Lucas and Robin Bowles have been trairring the house down which all augers well for St Kevins . Will definitely be thereabouts at the business end of the season. Old Ivanhoe . Relegated with St Kevins the Hoes will also be looking to make a big impression on the Section this year. Gerard Sholly returns to the Coaching position and will be looking for a big year from his young side. Loss of the experienced Young and Donaldson will hurt but it is only Round 1 and they could be back . John Stevens will play and will have his usual impact . Tough to see where they will finish at this stage so keep them safe . Old Essendon . A terrific Home and Away season in 2003, and then a disappointing final series saw the Grammar Boys have their flame extinguished in straight sets . They are very resilient and will bounce back . Frank Dunell and the boys have been smarting over summer and can't wait to get back on the track, I believe they have added a bit of height to their side so this coupled with their running ability sees them in my Top 4 .
Old B ri ghton . Again under the tutelage of Jarred O'Neill, the Tonners despite plenty of
r-, ~ injuries were pretty good last year . I believe they have
not set the world on ~--- -- .' fire with thei r
practise match form so far, but really we should not write too much into that . They are young and enthusiastic and will be looking to go that step further in 2004 . M azenod . Mike McArthur-Allen is a great pick up for the Nodders . His experience and knowledge of Amateur Football will be a great bonus for his young charges . May take them a while to get going as they adapt to Mike's game plan, but look out for a bold showing from this unit, especially in the second half of the season . St Bedes Mentone-Tigers . Mark my words any side coached by Russel Barnes will always have a dip . The Tigers did very well in 03 and consolidated their position in the Section. They will be looking to improve on that and make the finals in 2004 . The influx of some of the Under 19 Premiership players will help their cause, along with the experience of the Wintle Bros and Moose McCraw to me the Tigers are a big chance of some finals action .
Old Paradians . My old school have been in the wilderness a bit in the last couple of years caused by an horrific injury run to their better players. Sam Assetta returns to the fray and finds his club to me anyway at the crossroads . The young guys have to stand up to ease the workload on Chook and Pete Brabender and if they can with Sam's guidance the Purple and Greens could be the surprise packet . North Old Boys . A disappointing 2003 finds NOB'S in a similar position to Parade . Garry Foulds has had them working hard over the summer, the return of some past players and the influx of some new blood will certainly help, their cause, and if the remain injury free could really test their more fancied opponents . Beauffiaris . Back up to have another crack at B
Section . The Sharks will certainly be looking to consolidate their position . Mick Lovejoy gets the chance to Coach in his own right which is a good thing for Beauy, as he is very astute . The loss of Brayden Haynes will not help the cause but this could be offset by the luxury of a fully fit Murray Pitts . Not to be taken lightly especially at home . Coll egians . Like Beauy have come up a Grade and will be looking for a good season . Looked good against the Tigers in a practise match a couple of weeks ago . Pat Hawkins has managed to keep the majority of last years list together and has added a couple to it which will make the Lions a pretty competitive unit . Will reserve judgement until a few Rounds in to the season proper.
sides. Have Parade improved, are the Grammar Boys over the disappointment of September . All will be revealed and answered tody . Round 1 no upsets tips or results predicted by me here its the visitors to win purely based on 2003 form Eeaumaris unveil their Premiership Flag in front of what is sure to be a large parochial crowd, and then tackle the resurgent St Kevins. The Sharks are incredibly hard to beat at Oak Street and rarely lose their, but I'm tipping that toady will be one of those occasions as the Skevvies will be primed and looking the start their 2004 season on a high . Final game of the Round should be a beauty . Both sides are evenly matched and have plenty of skilful players . Home ground advantage does not mean much here as Coll egians know how to win at the Gillon. Hard to predict the result but will go with the Lions because of the threat posed by Jono Dixon in the Lions forward line . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S
PREV IEW Always difficult to tip winners in Round 1 a scribe is really on a hiding to nothing here . So with no confidence at all here goes ; The battle between the Master and the I cannot write the article without the input of Apprentice takes place at Brindisi Street today you guys . Your support in 2003 was excellent as the Tigers welcome Mazenod . Mike and and I look forward to that continuing into this Russell will be as keen as mustard to get one coming season . over each other here . I think that at home in My contact details are 9553 1561 phone and fax front of a large crowd to witness the opening of at home, my mobile is 0403 433 016, or email the Corboy Pavilion that the Tigers will prevail me your reports to brainco@optusnet .com .au albeit by a narrow margin. And I look forward to by 8PM Monday Nights please . Thanking you in talking to both Coaches on air tomorrow anticipation . morning . Old Brighton make the long terk out North to TODAY'S MATCHES renew acquaintances with Old Ivanhoe. Saw the Hoes a fortnight ago where they ran out of a A S ECTIO N Old Xaverians v Marcellin bit of puff at the end . I'm sure Shols would have De La Salle v Whitefriars worked on that in the ensuing weeks . Home Old Scotch v Old Trinity ground advantage is a huge bonus here and this Sportscover Arena Saturday sways me to go with Old Ivanhoe. University Blues v Old Melburnians Old Paradians welcome Old Essendon to the St Bernards v Old Haileybur y
Garvey Oval in what will be a big test for both
B Sectio n DEAtlM AR9S
Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst : Erwin Leyden Res: Mick Carty 1 . R . Rawlins 2. H . Gibson 3. M . Pitts 4. M. Matulick 5 . M. Ensor 6 . A. Spence 7 . D . Foley 8 . M. O'Brien 9 . B. Cousins 10 . L. Buller 11 . M . Lee 12 . L. Healy 13 . C. Gourley 14 . T. Collins 15. M . Boon 16. A . Win 17. L . Atkins 18. N . Kennedy i9. M. Atkins 20. M. Mellon 21 . S. Coote 22 . J. Holt 23 . A. Catlin 24 . B . Gray 25 . D. Teesdale 26 . A . O'Brien 27 . D. George 28. J . Vance 29. C . Martin 30. C . Lambert 31 . J. Black 32. B. Calms 33. S. May 34. H . McMillan 35 . N. Boctor 36 . N. Atkins 37 . R. Presnell 38 . S . Lynch 40 . J . Hogarth 42 . B . Gillespie 43. R . Deaton 44. C . Collins 45. M. Duggan 46. M. Saxton 47. A. Kent 48 . J. Mellor 49 . J. Bryce 50 . B. Presnell 51 . J. Mitchell 52 . J . Williams 53 . A . Poll 54 . S• Lee 55. B . Deaton 56. T Woolnough 57. A . Fisher 58. J . Bramwell
COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook 1 J . Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B . Mooney V C 4 A . Shinkfield 5 R . Henebery 6 S . Woolley 7 S . EIg 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J. Fry 10 J. Lang 11 C . Weekes 12 N. Harrison V C 13 N. Thomas 14 N. Lockett 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Baxter 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S . Taft 19 C . Davidson M . Hellas 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 C . Mollard 24 E. Waters 25 R . Muir 26 D. Vial 27 G . Rowston 28 B . Couch 29 N. Burrows 30 L. Moon 31 N . Roach 32 C. Blumfiel d 33 B . Hoist 34 T. Knox 35 L. Nisbet 36 R . Turner 37 C . Hoist 38 T. Lovell 39 N . Hart . 40 L. Watson 41 N. Baxter 42 N. Abbott 43 E. Malone 44 Y. Phillip s 45 D. Gambaro 46 J . Ashman 47 R. Sztar 49 D. Phillips 50 D. Rubenstein 51 B . Shadbolt 52 M. Naylor 53 T. Hall 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B. Lumb 57 B. Horsell 58 D. Smith 59 M . Lynch 64 M . Gribble
59. B. Griffiths 60 . D . Bird 61 . J. Heath 62 . A. Pratt 63 . D. Galvin 64 . A. Coote 65 . G. Shattock 66. P. McConchie 68. S . Boreham 70. S . Crossley 71 . C . Hawkins
Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Coach : Garry Foulds Ass Coach: Andrew Suthedan c Res Coach : Mark Oraniuk Res Coach: Tony Collin s 1 T. Castricum 1 . J. Cassell 2 M. Chamberlain 2. 3 A. Tucker 3 . T. Waters 4 J. Ballenger 4 . S . Sleep 5 D. Maskell 5 . R . Davidson 6 P. Nelson 6 . N . Vogels 7 S . Morgan 7 . G. Smith 8 B . Parker 8 . B. Collison 9 P. Gooden 9 . H . Maplestone 10 B . Chamberlain 10 . W. Martin 11 T. Smith 11 . T. Roberts 12 A . McDowel l 12 . T Brown 13 P. Gooden 13 . T. Halpi n 14 N . Meehan 14 . 15 N . Parry (DVC) 15. H . Christie 16 M. Apollonio 16. R . Kelliher 17 J. Beard 17. S. Casboult 18 D . Dunne 19. P. O'Farrell 19 T. Steinfort 20. J. Sutherland 20 C. Murrayy 21 . N . Casboult 21 S . Polan 22. D . Tehan 22 S . Veltman 23 . 23 B . Devlin 24 . J . Barker 24 D. Nisbett 25 . G . Phyland 25 S . Stanley 26 . D. Brady 26 J . Dunne (C) 27, P, Sondhu 27 M . Regan 28 . D. Joyce 28 .Jones 29 . C. Honking 29 R . Sharp 30 . M . Leigh ~ 30 D . Hanse n 31 . L. Boyle 31 N . Snart 32. T. Roach 32 D . Hose 33. M . Barke r 33 S. Salloch 34. M . Hyde 34 C. Boyd 35. M . Robins 35 D. Collins 36. D . Tonkin 36 G . Hamill 37. S. Grigg 37 L. Morgan 38. M. Amor 38 D. Hallet 39 . D . Galletti 39 D. Bradshaw 40 . C. Phyland 40 G. Massey 41 . C. Pizzini 41 M . Venturini 42 . D. Sheehan 42 C. Raise 43 . K. Hilderbrandt 43 A . Barry Macauly 44 . T. Kenned 44 W. Knigh t 45 . S . Ingram y 45 S . Paine 46 . P. Daniels 46 M. Hunt 46. M . Perry 47 A . Manjekian 47. J . Nihill 48 C . Jayaweera 48. M . White 49 L. Hah y 49. A. Gugola 50 S. Ware 53. S. Butcher 51 M. Murray (VC) C . Dobson 52 G . Tillingg 55. 53 56. D . Sheehan 54 A. Stagliano 57 . M . Delaney 55 D. Bonnici 60 . M . Cribbes 56 S . Castricum 61 . G . Took 57 61 . A . Neville 58 D. Morris 64 . L. Ryan 59 65 . N. Barden 60 66' P. Bryar 61 M . McDowell 68. J . Maher 62 63 64 65 66 ` <q,£: . E2i.itsstt`dE;
South Melbourne
OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Jarred O'Neil l Res. Coach : Hayden Bickett 1 A. Krzywniak 2 A. Pinie 3 C. Barrow (vc) 4 A . MacGilln+ray 4 M . Franklin 5 T. Marshall 6 R . Stewart (dvc) 7 B. Loga n 8 J . Parrett 8 C . McNicol C . res) 9 8. Lennox ( 10 J. Mea d 11 N. Perry 12 B. William s 13 R. Ken t 14 S. Williams (C) 15 B. Gadsden 16 C. Tootell 16 J . Homan n 17 A. Van Den Dunge n 18 A . Salem 19 S . Ginnivan 20 M. Smith 21 T Ewer[ 22 L. O'Neil l 23 N . Milat 24 M. Gadsde n 25 S. Nickas 26 A. Ginniva n 27 D . Paterson 28 A. Bristow 29 J . Dickerso n 30 E . McCowan 31 A. Paroissie n 32 A. Goldne r 33 L. Dal e 34 J . White 35 C. Stewart (Rvc ) 36 R . Henderson (Rdvc) 37 D . Hughes 38 J . Raju 39 B . Pamham 40 A. McLachlan 41 M. Alle n 42 L . Hendra (dvc) 43 J. Murchi e 44 R . Sherma n 45 C. McKim m 46 J .McCowa n 47 S . Adam 48 B . Dever 49 B . Scott 50 W. Leaf 51 J . Lync h 52 W. Hebard 53 M . Dubyna 54 J. Dooley 58 J. McBriar 59 S. Mead 60 A. Bushb y 61 A. Wals h 62 B. Pearce 63 S . Davies 64 M .Reid 65 66 A . Edge 67 68 69 B . Abuno~v 70 71 T. Matessi
D Section OLD ESSENDOH Coach : Frank Dunell Res: Craig Ridley
1 J. Pannagiotopolous 2 J. Buckley 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 D . Ryan 5 S . de Morton 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage 9 B . Hakim 10 S. Bryant 11 B. Papal 12 J. Kavanagh 13 B. Hakim 14 L. Wilson 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S . McPherson 17 D . Forrest 18 J . Walker 19 E . Healey 20 D. Hunter 21 S . Dale 22 R .OBrien 23 J. Hughes 24 J. Dazkiw 25 A . Frazer 26 S . Fleming 27 J . Di Pietro 28 G . Stevens 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D. Caridi 32 D . Poulton 33 D . Biggs 34 D . Podge r 35 L. Kavanagh 36 A . Frazer 37 M . Boss i 38 D. Whitfield 39 B . Newbold 40 A. McKenzie 41 B. Overman 42 N . Bertram 43 M . Velardo 44 A . Parker 45 J . Weidner 46 M . Beard 47 S . Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 G . Collins 50 A. Newland 51 J. Stevens 52 B . Porker 53 T. Campbell 54 A . Morrison 55 D. Gradzki 56 M . Makris 57 J .IJoyd 58 T. Williams 60 C . Cetin
OLDiVANHOE Coach : Gerard Shell y Res: Dirk Jone s 1 A. Oates 2 L . Lochran 3 S. Curatolo 4 B. Davis 5 T. Young 6 S . Ken t 7 J . Geishen 8 T. Stevens 9 D. Payne 10 C. Crowley 11 S. Tully 12 C. Branigan 13 M. Orchard 14 C . Moore 15 B. Low 16 S . Pric e 17 A . Corcoran 18 J . Hop e 19 P. Dinakis 20 D.Hawkes 21 R.Roberts 22 P.Donaldson 23 K.Theodossi 24 G .Haros 25 E .Byrne 26 A . Bereza 27 J . Weddle 28 S . Morris 29 R. Weddle 30 P. Jolley 31 J. Stevens 32 M. Konnigen 33 N . Pratt 34 A . Tiernan 35 M . Pollock 36 B . Spoor 37 A . Berry 38 Ge George 39 Ga Georg e 40 J. Keane 41 D . Neilsen 42 S . Low 43 W. Comelius 44 M .Luxon 45 M .Toovey 46 N. Butle r 47 R. Griggs 48 M. Clarke 49 C . Quinlan 50 S . Brandt 51 N . Braddy 52 K . O'Dwyer 53 M . Mendola 54 B . Guidera 55 C. Barker 56 L. Courage 57 A. Gilbert 58 L . Bolzan 59 N . Giechen 60 A . Alagona
Coach : Sam Assetta Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff 1 D Zivanovic 2 A Hughes 3 D Dean 4 A Curran 5 A Paglia 6 R Box 7 M Cosgrifi 8 A Sinclair 9 P Palermo 10 P Brabender 11 M Joyce 12 B Galloway 13 S Rose 14 P Pratt 15 N Brundell 16 M Godfrey 17 B Hart 18 G Porteous 18 M Spinoso 19 A Dea n 20 S Maher 21 D Loney 22 S Fantone 23 P Walsh 24 T Lombardi 25 S Rehleck i 26 D Boundy 27 K Jenkins 28 J Kreuzer 29 A Morrow 30 M Ryan 31 N Dallas 32 S Corcoran 33 D Clayton 35 S Simpson 36 B Dintinosante 37 A DiFabi o 40 W Chambers 41 A Elliot 42 R Murray 44 M Hyde 45 M Mitchell 46 J Martinelli 47 J Sandy 48 A Moore 49 M Sykes 50 ATenson 55 J Swindon 56 S Graham 60
~T E : "S ~ .;~i'ttfM E T9Ga. .:; Coach : Rusell Bar nes Res: Mark Lomagn o
Coach: Dave Murray Res. Coach :
1 J Rombotis 2 E Crohan 3 D Curtis 4 L Mahoney 5 M Dollman 6 P O'Keefe 7 J Molloy 8 B Dollman 9 B Fields 10 M Lucas 11 J O'Keefe 12 M Mulgrew 13 R Bowles 14 P Greenham 15 W Gullifer 16 B Garvey 17 DRyan 18 R Chard 19 D Sheehy 20 T Crowley 21 R Maguire 22 T Duggan 23 T Simpson 24 S Powell 25 A Hamilton 26 C Taylor 27 A Lynch 28 M Giansiracusa 29 C Underwood 30 M Crowe 31 W Keenan 32 S O'Connor 33 M Maguire 34 N Perrett 35 J Dempsey 36 P Mount 37 M Panyrazio 38 J O'Brien 39 N Pope 40 L Kalesaran 41 B Altis 42 S Mount 43 P Bare 44 G Katavolos 45 G Baggy 46 D Mahoney 47 J Griffiths 48 A Conlan 50 R Horricks 51 D Bare 52 J Finc h 53 L Katavolos 54 S Game 55 P Natale 56 D Walsh 57 K Grey 58 E Waldron 59 P Au ghton 60 S O'Connor 61 T Ryan 62 B Shelley 63 A Dekretser 64 M Gargano 65 M Stonehouse 66 N Marchesani 67 L Gullife r 68 B Hughes 69 A Callery ~~tr~rd 70 J Maher 71 A Mulkeams ;`i f : f~nr~/re 72 D Manton `) )rS~j~~ )(7sJ 73 P Byrne 74 A Orlando 75 R Campagna 76 N Benton 77 M Shannon Hodges Real Estate 78 R Taylor Mentone 79 M Welsh Kingston Chiropracti c 80 D Dunn 81 H Pride
i Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L'HuillierA 5 Napier S 6 Hatcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scafidi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A 15 McColl T 16 Osborne C 17 Corda N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 Tyquin J 25 KnuppelJ 26 Hecker M 27 Beretta L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Drury J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Bames C 36 Walstab A 37 Williams L 38 Hayes A 39 McColl M 40 L'Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L
A .F.C .
V.A.F.A .
"Your Coaches' Association "
The most impressive coaches that I have been privileged to work alongside deliberately educate their players towards independence rather dependence. Such coaches universally have a healthy respect for themselves and their players ; pride themselves on clarity of decision making in times of pressure ; and actively work at being a sensitive listener and encourager to all people involved at the club . Its A Challenging Tas k Successful coaches appreciate the need to constantly entertain new ideas, upgrade their knowledge of the sport and arrive at the contest thoroughly prepared . Overwhelmingly, their communicational skills are exceptional . From my experience the best coaches tend to be honest, and rather than overburdening players with extensive information, they recognise the value of BRIEF, SUCCINCT and RELEVANT messages/themes . Appreciating the impact high arousal and adrenalin levels have upon one's memory and concentration capacities, the skilled coach utilises a variety of tools (eg videos, handouts, diagrams, interactive player groups, respected and knowledgeable football staff to extract maximum effectiveness from the communication process . Individualising messages and spending quality one-on-one time with players prior to the game also provides coach and player with the opportunity to clarify any concerns in a private and personal manner . Such discussions are also excellent forums for coaches to highlight their faith and trust in the player to do the specific role designated and can provide avenues for encouragement to take ,,!ace .
Above all, aim not to clutter the players minds rather clear their minds ; PREPARE THOROUGHLY, WELCOME QUESTIONS and AIM TO DO BETTER with each week's coaching opportunity . E2E . 1 . Aggressive, unapproachable coache s produce anxious, hostile and frustrated players . 2 . Provide individuals with specific feedback, which encourages them to develop their abilities futher.
3 . Understand that non verbal communication often has greater impact than what is said to the player . 4 . When a player believes that you have faith their abilities, they rarely let you down. 5 . Encourage, encourage, encourage . 6 . Spend two minutes listening for every minute talking. 7 . Players will only listen if they feel you care about them . 8 . Don't overload with information - keep it brief, be very clear as to what it is that you expect and provide adequate amount of time for questions and interactions to occur.
9 . One-on-one discussions and small player groups (ie . forwards, backs, rucks/rovers) are very effective tools for more detailed explanations. 10 . Lead by example - never belittle, ridicule or humiliate individuals publicly . Always demonstrate self - discipline and provide constructive advice in an atmosphere where players feel safe and valued . by Anthony Stewar t
Sporting & Consulting Psychologist
Body Corporate & Facility Management Professional s asrdential & Comm:; ; â&#x20AC;˘t * - _ -
I am proud to again present the M HSI`, ~~' FC S;.-onsors' Page in
Colin Foley 0403 574 500 or Gus Martonhe{yi 0429 106 596
the VAFA Amateur Footballer for season 2004.
Despite our fall from the top section at the end of 2002 to C Grade in 2004 this football clu b
has a keen sense of its current mission ; to play in finals in 2004 .
The Bush Inn J A Dodd Lt d South Yarra Sports Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants HydroChe m
The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering
Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Belt's Hotel & Brewery Keith's Pie s Moods Consulting Pty Ltd
Edward J Lynch Agencies Paul Partisan Barrie Macdonald & Associates Waverley Party Hire Sportswealth
John Peterson Bookselle r
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MOODS CONSULTING Pty Ltd System Solution s
Our young players are maturing into seasoned campaigners with high skill levels . Coupled with the,experience of several key players, who have played most of their football in A and B grades, we are hopeful our young team will fulfill its promise through the season. David Skinner has been reappointed senior coach again assisted by Jamie Dixon with the Reserves . Speros Beasley comes on board as assistant coach and Warren Fall is chairman of the match committee . Brad James takes over the Under 19s. All officials at the dub wish the coaches and players well for
2004 and thank again all sponsors who have seen value in supporting MHSOBFC. Strong sponsor support is vital if we are to succeed . All members should support our sponsors at every occasion . Each week we will feature ditfierent sponsor displays so that all sponsors can benefit from this increased readership through the VAFA channels . MHS Old Boys not currently involved should consider becoming a sponsor.
Colin Green, Presiden t
Neil Moody, Suite 7 / 255 W hitehorse Road, Balwyn, 3103 Ph : 9888 6866, F: 9888 6880, M: 0408 483 058, E: nmoods@1bypand.com
Bell's Hotel & Brewer~ proudly supports e MHSOBF C
REAL ESTATE AGENTS FOR SOUTH YARRA AN D THE MHSOBFC 161 Toorak Road South Yarra 3141 Contact BILL COOK Jnr Telephone 9866 4411
Put away the cricket bats and the zinc cream . Forget about Thorpie and the Olympic trials . Thankfully, the gut busting running sessions are over and its time to focus on the main event, the 2004 C Grade Premiership Season. It is argued the battle for the HJ Stewart Cup, is the most fiercely contested and even of all amateur sections, as clubs strive to prove they are worthy of loftier grades, and are desperate to avoid the relegation zone of lower competitions . In season '04, C - Section welcomes back, D1 champions Monash Blues, and their Grand Final adversary, Ajax. Whilst 2001 C Grade Premiers, Hampton Rovers return along with MHSOB, with both eager for a quick re-entry to the top ranks . However, immediate promotion will be difficult as the surviving 2003 sides look to better their performances and earn their own Grand Final berth . Leading the charge will be preliminary finalists Emmaus St . Leo's (ESL), who will be desperate to atone for last year's straight sets finals demise. Caulfield Grammarians pushed the eventual Premiers Beaumaris, all the way in their elimination final, and second year coach Merv Keane, will be expecting further improvement this time around .
The M entone Vultures have been re-birthed as the Parkdale Vultures, by virtue of the merger between Mentone Vultures and Parkdale Footy Clubs . They will be especially hungry to live up to the new club's motto of "Eat `Em Dead" ! Old Camberwell destroyed both ESL and the Fielders in the final two rounds of '03, and they will be hoping to start '04 in the same powerful manner . Glen Eira were hard hit by injuries in 2003 but the Saints know if they can get their best squad on the paddock, opposition sides are in
for a long tough afternoon . It is a similar story out at Oak Park, y
P enola lads who won as many games as they lost in 2003, will be pushing for finals glory . PREVIEW With no form to guide, Round 1 is always a tough proposition and more often than not, which way the coin fell determined the selections . The Fielders host the Wellers at the Racecourse oval, and both teams will want to get the '04 campaign off to a winning start . This game will be evenly poised and on a hard fast track, I'11 tip the home side in a bob of the heads . Therry take the long road out to Burwood where they tackle ESL, and unfortunately despite the visitors best efforts, All be an even longer road home, as the Parks claim the points. The Jach as have the toughest challenge of the week with last year's D Graders, sidling up to tackle H ampton fresh out of B section . Whilst the Jackas may enjoy the open spaces of Boss James, the Rovers will have too many trump cards and will prevail .
The new look Vultures will parade their fresh innovatively designed jumpers when they are welcomed by IAH S OE3 . Parkdale will prove their footy is just as smart as their outfits and outpoint the Highs . New Monash mentor Jon Edgar, put his charges through gruelling sessions of biathlons, athletics events and even some orienteering over the summer. Hopefully they won't need the compass to goals today, and should account for Glen Eira .
PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Glen Harrison - gpah@deakin.edu .au for match reports & highlights.
lvionash Blues - Veteran Paul Farrar ha s joined the ranks of the elite at Monash Blues, becoming only the 6th player to play 150 senior games for the Club . "Faz" enjoyed his best season to date last year, leading the backline in a Premiership year and finishing runner-up in the Best & Fairest . A highly respected player by all, Faz is a hugely popular figure at the Frearson Oval where his courage, athleticism and spirit provide a great example . The famous number 7 is ready to go again in 2004 and it seems theres plenty left in the tank. Well done on your exceptional career Fazza from all at the Ashes .
TODAY'S MATCHES C SECTION Caulfield Gr v Old Camberwell Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Therry Penola 0 B Hampton Rovers v AJAX MHSOB v Parkdale Vultures Monash Blues v Glen Eira
r_~ c~ n _ ~
._ . _m
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Contact us for an initial no obligation consultation or cost assessment. DAVID SCOT-1- MANAGING F~RTNER `< THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER
C Sectio n AJAX
Coach: Phil Davis
1 . N . Gold 2 . J . Israelsohn 3 . B . Davis 4 . M. D udakov 5 . G . Blieden 6. D . Vanaken 7. G . Samuel 8. E. Raleigh 9. J. Raleigh 10. G . Dukes 1 1 . M . Seal g 12. D. Goldenfein 13. B . Klein 14. Y. Rapoport 15. J . Segal 16 . E . Janover 17 . D . Weislitze r 18 . J. Ki rz ner 19 . A . Lewin 20 . J. Sharp 21 . D . Gelbart 22 . E. Wollner 23. B. Ri tterman 24. J . Bram 25. M . Blashki 26. B . Duzenma n 27. A . Spicer 28. A . Zemski 29 . B . Goldbloom 30 . N . Israelsohn 31 . M . Jankie 32 . A . Bloom 33 . J. Gottlieb 34 . A. Goldman 35 . J. Lewis 36. L . Krafchek 37. J . Kestenbergg 38. S . Gutman 39. R. Rotemberg 40. D. Seid l 41 . J . Lewski 42 . D. Gerber 43 . D . Norich 44 . I . Same 45 . A . Godlewicz 46 . A. Sacks 47 . B. Lewis 48. J. Pask 49. S. Czarny y 50. A. Benedyki 51 . L. Friedman 52. 0 . Henzel 53. M . Podolsk y 54. D. Rutko 55 . J . Gomo 56 , 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . J. Weinberg
Coach : Merv Keane Sen Coach: Phillip Ballis Ass Coach : Lachlan Kellawa y Res: Anthony Strafford Res : Chris Matheson 1 D Rosman 2 A Bruhn 2 B Hall 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall 6 N Crave n 7 R O'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni 11 C Deal 12 D Pearce 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Fall u 16 S Sant 1 7 S Argyros 18 8 Baxter 18 B 0'Hoy 19 P Hoggan 20 C Fagan 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Mc Assay 23 D Ash y 24 J Dalwood 25 N Dorman 26 S Widjaja 27 J Ryan 28 J Jacobs 29 G Erickson 30 D Elias 31 C Poynter 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers n'ers 34 H Baker S Th ompson 36 G Crathem 37 B Sco tt 38 J Restarick 39 A Bosna 40 M Phelp s 41 B Ku 42 D S nman 43 T Gerrand 44 L Schneider 45 D Sco tt 46 M Bennett 47 S Jenkinson R Chapple 49 B Gardne r 50 C Thompson 51 J James 52 J Sayers 53 S Backholer 54 J Yelland 55 C Hooper 56 S Twycross 57 P Farme r 58 T Mc Donald 59 60 61 N Bannon 62 C Sheppard 63 64 G Poulter 65 N Carrick 71 M Cassidy
2 D Fossey 3 C Massis 4 D Cassar 5 A Tsirogiannis 6 J Zagame 7 S Vamvakis 8 M Dimackhi 9 A Russo 10 B Zosens 11 B Clements 12 B King g 13 G Brown 14 M Loughran 15 J Lundberg 16 N Davis 17 L Doolan 18 R Oldham 19 A Devries 20 A Diamond 21 M Watt 22 S Emme tt 23 S Neeson 24 ATaranto 25 P Kh az aal 26 P Tsagliotis 27 L Govan 28 L Shellard 29 M Kassar 30 L Pryde 31 E Stuchbery 32 M D'Zilva 33 A Sheedy 34 S Kitson 35 S Hollow 36 B Zurek 37 P Mer ri ck 38 D Sheeh an 39 J Gusm an 40 K Dimackhi 41 M Chandler 42 J Se rpanchy 43 J Evans 44 S Diamond 45 A Caruana 46 A Strafford 47 M Sca'rfe 48 J Haliwell 49 S Hall 50 D Eade 51 R Dimackhi 52 A Haines 53 T Chatfield 54 T Dimackhi 55 L MCGaw, 56 C Hogan 57 S Laska 58 J Maart ouk
59 R Mill s
60 D Perkins 62 J Simos
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Brett MchwraiUt Res Coach : Tony Naumoff
1 T. Wilmott 2 M. McKellar 3 A. Bruder 4 S. Anderson 5 B. Marlyn 6 S . Gravina 7 A. Duddy 8 G. Carr 9 T. Barker 10 B . Holt 11 L. Wheeler 12 P. Adams 13 G . Woods 14 D an iel Andersen 15 A. Brown e 16 N . Greenwood 17 D. Artz 18 J . McCarthy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 M . Ellis 22 S . Burggraaff 23 M Gray 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 J Laing 27 M. Flynn 28 B. Kezilas 29 M. Fletcher 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 R. e B Mosb A~ Y 34 35 A Fisher 36 L. Fletcher 37 L. Holt 38 J . Morley 39 A . Crisp 40 L . Cave 41 B. Henry 42 C . Malthouse 43 C . Cooper 44 M Pearson 45 D. Fitopoulos 46 L. Woolric h 47 S Sillett o 48 J . Brunmeier 49 L. Pledger 50 N . Foste r 51 J . Gl anv ill e 52 J . H anlon 53 T. Archer 54 R . D'Silva 55 J. Prantzos 56 K. Spratt 57 J. Tipping 58 R . Hunt 59 A. Kavanag h 60 M Terech 61 D. Marshall 62 M . Flahive 63 ~
65 D Jones
24 N Hayr vrve 25 H Taylo r y 25 C Nailon 26 M Neilson 27 N Dunca n 28 S Moore 29 G McCully 30 R Newton 31 M Bowen 32 A Cassell 33 L Campbel l 34 E Th ompson 34 D Henzel 35 P Rujevic 36 R Ware 37 T Harper 37 M Ting 38 A Keys 39 J Gre gson 40 A Lus t 41 J Anderson 41 F es 4 2 PMCorbett 43 Baf 44 J Newton 45 R Czwarno 46 T Dunne 47 D Hollenberg 48 G Pollard 49 J Hollenber g 50 K Harding 51 A Vicendese 52 R Ternes 53 S Benne tt 54 D Learmont-Walke r 55 G Bla u 56 T Wri gh t 57 S Foley 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hal l 60 S Jenning s
Ph : 9598 8222
63 D Dunlevie 64J Jones
Coach : Dave Skinner Asst Coach : Spares Beasley Res Coach: Jamie Dixon 1 J Bame rt 2 S McCully (Capt) 3 N Orchard 4 M White ry Brainf 6S 7 MWhittingto n 8 J Dixon 8 J Garne r 9 D Fairchil d 10 P Smith 10 I Barre n 11 P Spottiswoo d B 12 Feferkranz 13 S Anderson 14 M Hamilton-Ho 5 j6 JD Walker ey R Clowes 117g R Limbrick 18 R Rea d 19 S Robinso n 20 T Fraczek 20 L Home 21 J k A Sv r s ski 23 A Ho~an
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C Section MO H BLUES Coach : Jon Edgar Res : James Shady
1 S Chapman 2 J Baxter 3 L Holloway 4 G Chessan 56 M Newman 7 P Farrar g S Thompson 9 C 0'Sullivan 10 Sam Lloyd 11 M Spencer 12 G Smyth 13 1 4 B Merlin 15 M Tinkler 16 B Nind 17 J Mellington 18 L Smith 19 M Sounder s 0 M 2 Gre d go 22 TCBlackley 23 P Nevill 24 T Craven 25 J Hawkins 26 P Will s 27 N De Young 28 J Main 29 30 L Creamer 31 S Hawkins 32 L Beddingfield 33 J Smit h 34 M Edwards 35 A . Hicke y 36 A Willams
37 J Bolton
38 N Brennan 39 M Smith
40 M Bolton 41 M Bolton 42 A Cooper
43 R Feenaghty 44 S Grace 45 R Walsh 46 47 6 Mentha 48 M
49 D Payne
50 51 M Payne 52 N Moresi 53 J Pee l 54 G Dodd 55 I McCormick 56 57 58 59 B Carstein 60 61 P Campbell 62 L Katts 63 64 65 G Polgase 66 67 68 M Meehan 69 70 D Barlow 71 72 B Green 73 74 P Westbrook 75 R Turton 76 77 78 A Shields 79 80 P Manohar
OLD CAMBERWELL Coach : Michael Sigalas Asst : Matthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res: Andrew Tsindos 1 A. Durling 2 T James 3 N Robinson 4 T. Ogier 5 L Cain 6 B Christie 6 A . Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 B . Tymmons 10 M Hanson (C) 11 S . Cadzow 12 R Kapoor
13 L Galdman (VC)
14 R Whitehead (VC) 15 D. Clyne
16 D. Pike 17 N Credlin (DVC) 18 S . Marwood
19 P. Tampons,
20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 K Darby 24 B Tipper 25 A Hardenberg 26 A. Whelan 27 A. Sheedy 28 D . Gough 29 S . Francis 30 R Perryman 31 B Craven 32 G. Ormsby 33 D Joyce 34 D . Schmidt 35 C. Munro 36 S Derry 37 A . Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 G . Rowe 40 C. Jellis 41 L. Ryan 42 A Mackenzie 43 C. Grant 44 S Smith 45 M . Horgan 47 T Kearney 48 J Derry 49 R . Gazal 50 A. Gill 51 G . Weickhardt 52 S. Lovelace 53 R Tempone 54 A Margetts 55 J. Can 55 S . Fogarty 56 S Jones 57 T. Nisbet 58 N . Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A . Walsh 63 S . Gregory 64 L. Goldsworthy 65 S . Hancoc k e . I ~ ALL ELtc i niGAL & 6A HOME APPLIANCE S 9 8 5 7 8 0 6 1
Coach : Tony Macgeorge Res Coach: Darren Fenech 1 2 3 4 5 6
S . Rowley R. Gallagher M . Dixon M . Hayes A. White C . Stephens
7 K. Gunter 7 8 8 9 9
M. Cooper D . Perrin K. Little M. Meyer P. Emme tt
11 C . O'Meara
Coach : Darren Turner Res: Frank Dinicolantonio 1 . P Carse 2. J Hodder 3. E Mitchell 4. AAuliso 5. S Buckle 6. J Fennell 7. A Burgess 8. B Bird 9. C Coller
10 . B Mitchell 11 . B. Carey 12 . T McCann 13 . A Krebs
12 M . Davies 13 A . King 14 M . Etcetl 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C. Sullivan 18 S . Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 M . Walsh 21 A. Walsh 22 S . Hamilton 22 P. Murphy 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith
14 . J . Eagles
26 A. Rock 27 A. Gangi 28 C . Johnston 30 P. Dixon 30 N . Freeze 31 M. Andrews 32 N . levett 33 N . Wilkins 34 D . Sheehan 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 41 C. Rock
30. M Ottbre 31 . M Contessotto 32. D Camm
25 G . Uptin
42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 C. Barr 46 C. Blair 47 J . Tully 48 Mick . Walsh 49 R . Bittner 50 R . Waterson
51 D . Clarke
52 K. McLeod 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 55 S. Rickards 56 T. Sullivan 57 D . Fraser 58 J . Noonan 59 G. Allan 60 D . Fenech 61 T. Smith 63 S . Waters 64 S . Hesline 65 T Allinson 67 M . Joyce 68 A. Tresidder
15 . P Carey 16 . A Rose
17 . M DAmelio 18 . R McCann 19 . A . Kelly 20 . A . Ballard 21 . G Simondson 22 . P Ristevski 23 . T Batty 24. D Bruce 25. A McKenzie 26. A Prosser 27. P Levins
28. H Giles 29. S Darcy
33 . L Thomas 35 . J Briggs 36 .S Bavage 3Z S Manton 38 . N Hodder 39 . B Vaughan 40 . J Gay 42 . M Flood
Coach: Chris Bye Res Coach : Garry Datso n 1 Gorman P 2 Goodwin T 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 6 Nancarrow M 7 Bannister S / Bosanko M 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11
12 Betsey J 13 Russell G 14 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M Clifton D 17 18 19 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 Nancarrow M 49 50 Barron B 51 52 53 54 55 56 Dunne P 57 58 Finnigan M 59 Robinson T 60 61 62 63 Moloney A 67 Tsinaris G
43 . B Levine 44 .AZalakos 45 . S Ronch i 46. A Brown 47 . M .Mclnemy
48. A .Daly
49. D Cox 50. A Volpi 51 . P McGloi n 52. R McGloin 53. T Pecora 55. C Hatfiel d 56 . T Morriso n 59 . D Pitche r 60 . C McDonald 61 . J .Blandthor n 63 . P Nolan 64 . D Wood 67 . P Farquha r 69 . S Meshce r 70 . D McGloi n 75 . T Yme r 76 . G Donovan 77 . C Vaughan 79 . T Trib e 88. S Pitche r 89. D Winduss
73 M . O'Meara
Executive changes . With David Scott's acceptance of the VAFA treasurer's post, a vacancy was created on the Executive Committee following David's resignation - his resignation necessary to accept this role . David, as treasurer remains on the Executive, but like CEO Phil Stevens does not cast a vote when issues are voted on . The vacancy for David's position was conteste d at the March Members' meeting and a field of three - Steve Carroll, Chris Kelly and John Robinson, contested a ballot with Steven Carroll the successful candidate .
Steven Carroll as a full voting member of the Executive joins the following Executive members - Bruce McTaggart (President), Nick Bourke ( Executiv e Chairman), John Bell, Ross Booth, Tom Brain, David Cook, Ken Criswick, Richard Ev ans (Immediate Past President), Barry Hickey, Peter Hutchinson, Bruce Ivey, Andrew LangfordJones and Paul Trainor . David Scott and Phil
Bruce NcTa~fart - ne w UA3 e: ~resi .,': ;It 18
Stevens are the two non-voting members as is Phil Rowell ( legal adviser) when he is asked to attend . Brett Connell (General Manager-Football Operations) acts as the Executive's minute secretary .
® 0
Changes in VAFA Administration . With the treasurer not at headquarters as frequently as the previous treasurer, there has been a shift in some of Sue Anderson's duties with Sue absorbing some of the financial duties . This has allowed the staff to be strengthened by the addition of l . Trainee M atthew Nyhus. Matthew, who has made an impressive start, has his time split completing VAFA duties and FIDA duties . Accordingly the VAFA and FIDA share the paying of Matthew's wage .
0 0 0 Sportscover Pic k the Seven Premiers Competition continues this season with a prize of $10,000 up for grabs should a solo club entry successfully nominate the premier of the seven senior sections . The $10,000 is shared if there is more than one successful entry . A $1,000 consolation prize is also on offer. Each VAFA club is entitled to two entries an d clubs have up until Friday April 30 to submit their entries . Each entry must appear on a club letterhead and be signed by the club president or secretary . After each nominated premier team the runner up should be shown in brac kets . The runnerups will be used in the case of splitting one club in the determination of the consolation prize ($1,000) . Each club's two entries should be faxed to 9531 6601 or 95 31 2050 or mailed to the VAFA. Entries must be received by 5pm April 30.
® 0 ® Trainers' Association Executive becomes active . Already the TAE has met four times this year and one of the Executive's achievements has been securing column space in each edition of the "Amateur Footballer ." The TAE has also had an influence on some health and safety issue s THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
(see "Trainers' Corner) and also on new tops to be worn by trainers . 0
G ()
Clubs wishing to conduct luncheons before senior games, again in 2004, must make written application to the VAFA seeking permisssion to do so . Any requests for a member of the Executive or Administration to attend a luncheon should also be included in an application . (9 (9 ® Sportscover A rena matc h es and luncheons . This year as a financial incentive for clubs playing at EP and who conduct a pre-match luncheon, free entry tickets (limited to 50), a % return on the gate and a rebate per head based on attendees at the luncheon is given to the club which hosts the luncheon. The home club has the first offer of hosting the luncheon .
fl 0 0 Interesting statistic to date . Of the 7198 players "on the books" currently registere d
this figure includes 950 who qualify for Under 19 football - the figure being the highest since 1991 . 0 ® ® he price of the "Amateur Footballer" T (charged by the printer) remains at $1 .25 per issue . In mid-2002 the size of the "Amateur Footballer" was increased and the printing charge increased to $1 .25 as a result without any increases passed on to clubs at that time . To turn this annual loss to a balanced result it has been decided to increase the cost per issue for clubs to $1 .30. The loss 2002 and 2003 absorbed by the VAFA was caused by the number of extra "Amateur Footballers" needed to be produced for sponsors, patrons, members of the Executive, members of the Gold Pass Life Club and others on the VAFA's "special" list . This increase equates to approximately $60 per club . We recommend that clubs sell "Amateur Footballers" at matches for $2 as in the past
® ®
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A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct " David Scott - fills the big shoes left b y Noel Rundle as the new VA FA Treasurer. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2604
L®® -- ®®®®®®®®®® J 19
The 2004 season sprung to life with another he v 'll be a handy fabulous PSM Dinner at the Crown Palladium, acquisition in th e and I can only wonder at so m any meals being
ruck . Anthony
produced and served to such efficient and Parkin wants t o individual silver service standard! And the build on the solid official speeches were SO short! Augurs well for work put in by Paul O'Shannassy in the last two a fabulous season! seasons, and basically the Blacks are sick of D1 Heartiest congratulations to my long-term and intend being promoted out of it!! Winner = buddies Kevin Segota and Tom Brain on taking Reds. No idea why or by how much ! out the VAFA Personality of the Year & Hugh Ormo nd v Old Mentonians Lyon Knitwear Media Award respectively . Two champion Amo blokes and thoroughly deserved! This time last year only one D1 Club said they intended being promoted ; all the rest aimed at finishing 5th! This year every side is hell bent on upward mobility, though a couple did admit to it being a big ask. Makes me wonder what they've all been ingesting ! Fitz roy Reds v University Black s After their stellar 2003 in D2 Graham Burgen and the Reds are in the mood for more of the same! Rumour has it that the off-season recruitment drive netted a handy bunch of additional talls, which will greatly assist the transition into the D1 crucible . Blacks have lost a few through retirements, but the Overseas Travel Carousel delivered back Chris `The Colonel' Sandiford after doing the circuit, and
The Mends have put in a solid pre-season and their practice match form has been encouraging . They expect to have 10 or so of their new recruits in their starting line up, and have been boosted by the return of Tim Ashford & Garrin Bailey from O/S. They intend returning whence they came, after this year in DI! Old Mentonians are very upbeat about their chances in 2004, without that implying mass recruitment . The feeling in the Panthers camp is one of quiet resolve, and they won't have to be much better than their 2003 level to actualise their dream . Winner = Old Mentonians . Peninsula O B v Salesian t3 0
A few weeks back the Pirates, who had lost a few from last year's line up, weren't exactly brimming with confidence. However, time and Julian Sill's determination has turned th e
sourish mood around and, with a new Leader in Travis St Clair, they will give a good account of themselves, especially today for the grand opening of their magnificent new Pavilion (which this scribe, doing the decent thing by his fellow Executive Members, isn't attending! Mutter! Mutter!), Salesians pulled off a minor miracle by avoiding relegation last year, and that fighting spirit has come with them into this season, along with a richly enhanced player list! As usual, John Grace was very cautious about admitting too much! Winner = Peninsula . They're at 1 =, and it's a big day for them . Aquinas v - I
Steve Bell h> got Aquinas super fit, and their practice match form has been very encouraging. Banyule is also very fit, and Greg Whitcroft has been pleased with their pre-season match form . The Bears were the best side in the Section in the middle of last year and their slump in the back quartile of the H&, A rounds remains a mystery . Winner = Banyule. Yarra Valley ®B v Prahran Tim Killworth was so `focused' when I saw him out at La Trobe No 2 a couple of weeks-back, when YVOB played a practice game against Old Carey, that I didn't dare ask him how 2004 was looking! Tim's mood improved this week, an d
even though the Club will feel the loss of captain Brad Peake (the new leader is Ash Drew), the Bushrangers will again give a good account of themselves, and they actually did finish 5th in 2003! Prahran have a few top pick ups from Metropolitan and Country areas (Jarrod Bevan, Christian Plummer, and Craig Moffet were names mentioned), and have shown good practice match form, so the Two Blues are confident of a successful campaign . Winner = Prahran . Rep-r- sr-m,rd be . Blacks, Partthers, PirafPs . Two Blues .
n? i : o ; trc* : ; 9889 1979 (mz <- ge bank) & bfhickey6.~i higpond,com
TODAY'S TC-MES I) 2 SE CTIO N Fitzroy Reds v University Blacks at Arden Street Ova l Ormond v Old Mentonians Peninsula 0 B v Salesian 0 C Aquinas 0 C v Banyule
Yarra Valley 0 B v Prahran ®®®®_ e®-°I
9 7 6 3
61 0 ®J
Dl Section AQUINAS
Coach: Steve Bell Res : Paul Harper 1 LToomey 2 S Tibb 3 S Edwards 5 M Hunter 6 D Minogue 7 C Glennie 8 J Jess (VC) 9 T Harkin 10 D Boland 11 M Barmby 12 A Bethune 13 D Den Braber (C) 13 C Jeffrey 14 A Lorkin 15 Adrian Williams 16 J Hunt 17 B Redwood 18 J Hughes 19 G Whitehead (VC) 20 D Skinner 21 J Pierce 22 S Flynn 23 M Visser 24 P Harper 25 B Volombello 26 R Weeks 27 C Quinn 28 B Hetme 29 J Wilson 31 G Evans 32 D Alford 33 C Wooden 34 M Tarulti 35 R Chapman 36 P Caskey 37 S Leonard 38 B Moran 39 S Bethune 40 S Haun 41 G Davies 42 R Moran 43 M Slattery 44 J Tapply 45 D McCartan 46 T Vandersluis 47 Anthony Williams 48 R Brown 49 M Griffin 50 C Crozier 52 A Pringle 53 D Robinson 54 M O'Halloran 55 L Stafford 56 P Cruickshank 57 M Harris 58 H Tyssen 59 B Cooper 60 L Elliott 61 I Drew 62 C Lyng 63 A Barrie
BANYULE Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res: John Fraser 1 Reed B 2 WBchetl D 3 Taylor N 4 Creek M 5 Willmore B 7 Taylor C 8 Cantwell B 9 Plant J 10 Moxon B 11 Wilson D 12 Egan J 13 Dooley A 14 O'Donnell H 15 Gray S 16 Demetriou A 17 Davis C 18 Wise T 19 O'Connell L 21 Dintinosante R 22 Taylor C 23 Gray M 24 Nield A 25 Gayfer B 26 Mounsey B 27 Jones J 28 Sproules D 29 Nasrallah D 30 Mutton D 31 McLellan G 32 Natoli M 33 Phelan D 34 Lorenzini S 36 George M 37 Thompson T 38 Gayfer D 40 Smith M 41 Tshaikiasky A 42 Richardson L 44 Connelly J 45 Roethe A 48 Tuckman S 49 Bell G 55 Williams D
Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan 1 . D . Hannam 2 . B Holderhead & A Walsh 4 . M Calms & J Hamilton 5. P Diacogiorgis ogiorgis
7. L Byrne
8. A Byme 9. H Fletcher 11 . B Atherton 12. D Murphy 13. A Dawson 14. T Clarke 16. G Crane 17. B Lee 18. M Baker 19 . Pa Cook 20 . T Mitchell 21 . C Meighen 22 . C Sullivan 23 . T Jackson 24 . J Parsons 25 . D Bahr 27 . J Tomese 29. V Cahill 30. C Little 31 . P Crowe 32. A Grant 33. S Dury 35. PCook 36. M Reeves 37 . A O'Reill y 39 . A George 40 . G Bence 41 . M Bridges 42 . I McBumey 45 . J Bennie 46 .N Mann 47 . W Bah r 48. N Vaughn 51 . J Rawlins 52. B O'Connor 53. S Addicott 56. T Madden 57. R Rome 61 . G Virtue 62 . N Auden 63 . C Andrew 67 . R Holderhead 71 . T Leske 73 . J Bare 75 . B Pollard 76 . D Curtis 77. A Grillo 80. G Box 81 . J Savage 95. D Flanagan 97. D Ronchi 99. C McGrath
Coach : Peter Russo Res: Jamie Winduss
I T. MiNalsky 2 C. Twentyman 3 R. Ball 4 5 C. Mackay C. Alexander 7 M . McCloskey 8 G. Far Ferguson 9 W. Bal?antin e 10 S . Voiqt 11 D . Soltey 12 C . Dwyer 13 B. Heverin 14 M. Stroud 15 J. Costello 16 17 N . Linford 18 T. Boumon 19 A. Palmer 20 D. O'Connor 21 J . O'Brien 22 P. Clarke 23 A . Drinan 24 25 B . Fairbanks 26 G. Dart 27 G. Katris 28 D . Kitto 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 M. Sumer 33 S. Worrel l P. Flaskis 35 D. Murphy 36 D. Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 39 J . Vick 40 R . Alexander 41 S . Cozens 42 M. Basil e 43 G. Hubbard 44 L Sunter 45 46 G . Smith 47 G . Herring 48 D. Stevens 49 N. Fisher 50 51 52 M . Wafts 53 54 D. Goodbody 55 57 58 S . Fairbanks 59 60 B. Saunders 61 62 63 M. Austin 64 65 M . Mackay
Coach : Adrian Connolly Res Coach: Peter O'De a 1 Deledio 2 Beckett 3 Denning 4 Grace 5 Martinov 6 Whelan 7 Keleher 8 Miller 9 Metz 10 Banks 11 Robbins 12 Deledio 13 Lees 14 James 15 Talley 16 Stewart 17 Russell 18 Cove 19 Cleary 20 to Hennepe 21 Wiley 22 Brown 23 Naylor 24 Muzzetl 25 Dale 26 Harvey 27 Ashford 28 Clinch 29 Palling 30 Wells 31 Young 32 O'Brien 3 4 Russell ~ 35 Bailey 36 Casey 37 Everett 38 Byra 39 Ferrari 40 Douglas 41 Upstill 42 Keleher 43 Parsons 44 Broadhurst 45 Franklin 46 Johnstone 47 Goonan 48 Saunders 49 Jowett 50 Dipasquale 51 Dipesquale 52 Brown 53 Harvey 54 Ramsay 55 Rayson 56 Farrell 57 Kentara 58 Beed 59 Hoare 60 Konstanty 61 Franklin 62 Roylance 63 McConchie 64 Loetje 65 Anderson
66 Waterson
67 Harper
68 Cromack
9 70 Farrell 71 Hassell C 7 P 2 73 Stone B
74 Gouzenfrtter L 75 Lance 76 Strauch
San Coach : Julian Sill Res: Brian Cronin 1 S Parsons 2 A parsons 3 M GoldthorA 4 E Bowen 5 N Kent 6 M Warner 7 S Murray ur ay g p Angus 9' 10 A Haley it J Sill 12 S Ferguson 13 B Cook' 14 S Whit e 15 J Davis' 16 S Claringtxi4d 17 J Crrghlan 18 J Wheaten 19 A Mckinstry 20 8 Prendergast 21 ATeelow 22 AAtchison 23 R Powney 24 T Prendergast 25 A Powell 26 G Lethbridge 27 S Payze 28 B Taylor 29 S Torossi 30 A Crean 31 ' 32 B Liuzzi 33 R Stainforth 34 M Falkiner 35 T Lane 36 N Bowman 37 J Growcott 38 T Coghlan 39 S Wilson 40 D Hubbard 41 A Vidotto 42 N Claringbotd 43 B Dunne 44 C Mclean 45 L Prendergast 46 T Moran 47 L Palmer 48 N Heffernan 49 A Minchin 50ABonner 51 R Hayman 52 A Wood 53 54 C Wilson 55 R Cannon 56 57 58 P Mangan 59 60 62 63 69 J Muir
PRURAN Coach: Leigh Stafford
1 . C. Clauscen 2. M . Harvey 3. J . Ferrier 4. LStafford 5. H. Pitts 6. D . Cullen 7. T. Greenin g S. I . Hunt 9. A. Bunnett 10 . M . Me Cudden 11 . A. Pitts 12 . C . Moffat 73 . L Northway 14 . M. Bennett 15 . C . Too{ey 16 . A . Rhodes 17 . M. Harrison 18 . M. Windridge 19 . S . Rama e 20 . J . Kellow,g 21 . T. Sparrey 22 . A . Sleight 23. R. Marnott 24. K. Plummer 25. L Aitken 26. 27. W. Watford 28. K. Watford 29. P. Gartland W. M . Radywonik 31 . S. Fraser 32. D. Ballard 33. A. Wood 34. R. AJcock 35 . J. Bedford 36 . G . Beven 37 . M . Boyd 38 . E. Macdonald 39 . J. Matherson 40 . R . Ferrero 41 . J. Upton 42 . B. Downing 43 . S. Kennett 44 . 45 . M. Vagg 46 . T. Murphy 47 . M . Roach 48 . J . Vagg 49. B . Campbell 50. B .Mahoney 51 . N . Harvey 52. N . Gill 53. R . Ham 54. R . Mackay 55. B . Lynn 56. A. Potter 57. L. Castle
: AnthonyGoch y n Res . Coach : Matthew FittF ~an i Res Coach: Adrian C PPai h I A Stevens (vc) 2 A Thain 3 S Sutherland (c) 4 A Hea y 5 M Canavan 6 D Fory 7 D Fol e S Logan 8 S~9~ 9 A S i10 A DaveyY (vc) 12 M Bates 13 I Bobet~ 14 M Cooke 15 16 P Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D Barry 19 20 A Seager 21 22 S Greely 23 24 A Grace 25 C Ryan 26 J Nannes 27 P Allen 28 M Byrne 29 30 31 32 G Riley 33 N Callaghan 34~ 35 P Knott 36 S Nola n 37 J Brennan 38 M Ferwerda 39 P Pitts 40 M Forer 41 42 C Rose 43 P Evans 44 D levoli 45 D Allen 46 A Chiappini 47 48 J Logan 49 S Sewell 50 S Kavanagh 51 A Foley 52 P Hanton 53 E Maillard 55 E Hanapy 56 M Loughnan 57 58 59 60 A Bates 61 R Cincotta 63 65 65 S Sinclair 67 68 M Sutton 69 B Kirchner 70 Mick Forbes 72 76 77
1 A. Costello 2. J. Sibilia 2(R) S . Chandler 3. A . Ross 3.(R) R . Drummond 4A . Evans 5 R . Mackie (C) 6 T. Bavacqua 7 S . Price 8 B . Walch 9 P. Kempton 1 0 W. Hanna 11 S . Sandi#ord 13 C. Baulch 14 D. Ada 17 A. Moffatt 17R J . Caudle 18 T. Wilson 19 L. Brown 21 C. Schilling 22 . S. Prince 23 P. Barry 24 . V Romijn 25 . M. Hallam 26 D . Batten 27 . A. Parkin 28 P. Otsuka 30 D . Stoc k 31 B. Costello 32 M. Jones 35. B. Villella 35(R)Jas Mirtschin 36. M . Prose 37 E . Nolan 38. M . Rizio 39 X . Davis 41 L Rawnsley 43 C. Beaton 45 . R . Scadett 49 R . Dillon 49(R)T Bowers 50 A. Goonan 53 D. O'Keeff e 54 M . Braszell 55 S . Watch 57 K. Begely 58 D. Kean ~ Jâ&#x20AC;˘ 0'Sull van 61 . J. Black 62 S. Middleton 65 . J. Fuller 66 L . Costello 67 N . Goonan 70 J. Green 70(9 R . Hamilton 80 M . Tehan 85 B. Weber 88 N . Abbott 94 A . Powell 98 M . Behan 101 . D . Davis 112. M . Wlelgosz
Coach : Res.
wort h Simo n Nor.
R Pearce 1 2 T Morris R Thompson 3 M A Drew 5 Ro Drew 6 ~~ms 8 9 J Keem T Hancock 1 0 T Mclllrath 1 1 J Cremean 1 2 L Gillies 1 3 B Nickolas 1 4 E Kruse 1 4 N Peak 1 5 LTay4or 1 6 A Laing 1 7 C T J Stron 9 H gale 1 D Stevenson 2 1 B Drew 2 2 R Yee 23 M Davies 24 F Pellegrino 2 5 Long worth 26 27 SM Rockgicki 2 8 R courts 2 9 D Potter 30 S U w 31 J Parry 3 2 P Cremean 33 BS eeger 34 B Peake 3 5 Pjarvie 36 D Balshaw 37 B Morrison 38 J Tompkins 39 M Win40 B Downs 41 A Stone 4 2 S Yeo 4 3 J He 44 A Wingate 4 5 T Oliver 46 S Collie 47 R Davis 48 S Seaboume 4 9 J Peake 50 H Clarke 51 A Hartnett 52 S Fyffe 53 S Simpson 54 T ~s~is 55 p pickering 57 G Kerr 5 8 A Joiner 59 D Redfern 6 0 P Vatoppd 6 1 P Baruma 6 2 B Whitechurch6 3 T Peters 6 4 M Norrish 6 5 A Russell 66 TCollets 66 R Collet 69 N Lear 70 M Laing 71 G Coutts 76 ~ p~m~n 78
For news, views and previews, tune t o THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Norm Nugent & panel
SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9.00- 1 0 .00arn Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e
Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 pa m. every Saturday
ABC Radi o V_1FA segment iti-itl i Phil Steven s
6.00prn - 7 .00p.m . Saturday '
VAFA SUNDAY 9 .30 - 10.30 a .m. TUNE IN 9. 30 EACH S tJN®A`I : 9 O RPd1 G TO TOMMY BRAIN AND S1°®1'° 1 :7CCAR'TH Y , '`®1:"0° S WITH ALL THE 24
C e waw gut, - I I ;, ;m --Ion, Old F- . ~ ; . as (B), (D 1), LaTrobe M1,
' : , 7,
" '__
Jni a _ r#sw€ :1(I}8), No rth Brunswick (D4). Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
o po g gy a w o ~~ ; d-~' in
10 0
z2 Cuo o
,d ,:~et~t~1 . .ed by Glenn Scarbo>oc h guests fro m St :._r. (A), St Kevins, Old -_- _ndou, Old Paradians (B) . It y Penola (C), Uni Blacks (Dl), LaTrobe Uni (D2) . ;supertswood (D3), North Brunswick (D4) .
PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
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First game up for preview i s Assumption versus LaTrobe Uraiversi at The Boulevard . The "gardening implements" were perhaps unlucky to be relegated from D l in 2003, missing out on survival only by percentage, while LaTrobe will be keen to improve after a lacklustre season last year. At this stage, the Hoes will be many people's favourites for promotion, if not the flag, and they should get off to a flyer today . Ivanhoe for mine . The next game takes us to Fearon Reserve, where Bentleigh make the trek over West Gate to square up against '% 3 C S. Both sides missed finals actio i last year, and may well be up for another long winter in 2004, but for their sakes, hopefully I'm being premature in this assessment . As for today's game, I am finding it hard to go past Willy, so Willy it is Lb i . 2003 D3 premiers - host Old Geelong at St . James P-k. The Razorbacks, apart from a mid-season b li p, were as good as any team at that level in recent years (although those 2001 Fitzroy Reds were very awesome), and the trend lately seems to see these teams carry on their upward momentum . Are Swinburne the latest boom club? Time will tell if they stand the test of time, to quote Sammy Hagar, and the ex-students will also harbour finals ambitions after finishing fifth in 2003, but today, with the unfurling of the pennant, I'll plump for the Piggies . The other team promoted from D3, Gryphons, have a tough ask first up, ~hen they play host to 2003 D2 finalists 01- a,are:y at East Caulfield Reserve . The Gryphons will be tipped by many to be relegation fodder, but being an unknown quantity at this level could well serve in their favour. The Panthers, though, will have other thoughts on their mind, redemption for exiting at the First Semi Final amongst them . Interesting
to see if "Big Jac will be down sample th e L Gryphon gourmet fare. My tip today - Ol d Carey . Finally, 's t Brunswick entertain Bulleen,we at McAlister Oval in the D 2 match of the day . The Wicks finished third in 2003 and will be looking to go at least that one step better, while the Bullants, bottom of Dl last year, will I'm sure be aiming to achieve instant promotion . Both teams are pretty hard to toss, but given the home ground advantage, I'll go with West Bruns ' today . C Well, it's my wrap for the first round of 2004 Hopefully as the season progresses, I'll get to know the clubs and the players better and be able to give more detailed analysis and prev~ ws, but I can't do it without your help, so please send any details to Peter. PS . mson@centrelink .gov .au Have a g . VAFA weekend , The Qwtt t What Andrew Says Coaches don't like looking any further than the week ahead so who knows what they think of football writers who make predictions in March as to who will be playing in September . At the risk of looking like an idiot, this column will briefly look at your club and predict the make-up of the four . West Brunswick (3rd, 13 wins-6 losses) and Old Carey (4th, 12-7) were the two finalists last year that remained in D2 . Both clubs have had changes to its coaching staff with Steve Maus replacing Glenn Taylor at Old Carey and Angus Hamilton taking over from Julian Siebrand at McAlister Oval . Both sides were entrenched in the four a long way from September last year and need only a reasonable run with injury this year to again play finals .
Their nearest rivals Old Geelong (5th, 10-8) improved in leaps and bounds last year . Both competition best and fairest winner Hugh McCarthy and leading goalkicker Mark Vickers-Willis have been retained and if Old Geelong is to take the next step this season and play finals, this duo will need to again be at the top of their games . Heartbreak club Williamstown (6th, 8-10) lost five games last year by less than 13 points including three losses in a row by under a goal . The CYMS have gained the services of ruckman Dave Sadler and utility Ross Hart but have lost club stalwart Andy Featherston to retirement and midfielder Phil Thompson to another league . Gun forward Dave Lee will play again and alarmingly for opposition clubs, coach Dene Macleod believes Lee is fitter than last year . Former Old Carey coach Glenn Taylor has taken over from Tony Crisafulli at La Trobe (7th, 6-12) this year and his hoping his new club can "retrieve a bit of pride' after its disappointing season last year . Like La Trobe, Bent2eigh (8th, 6-12) has also experienced a change at the helm with Justin Paul replacing Paul Dimattina . Despite missing up to 14 of their best players during stages last year, the Demons still managed to win six games . Even with a better run with injury, this year could be one of rebuilding for the Demons . Newly promoted clubs Monash Gryphons (2nd, 13-5) and S b e University (Ist, 13-5) both have similar goals this year . While the Gryphons are hoping to win 10 games, Swinburne is hoping to again play finals . The Gryphons have recruited midfielder Tim Bourbon (Mazenod) and key defender Dan Hill (North Old Boys) but have lost Jon Blandford and full-back Paul Holland . Swinburne has lost three key players from their premiership team but has retained spearhead Jason Murchie . Newly relegated clubs, Ivanhoe Assumption (9th, 5-13) and Bulleen Templestowe (10th, 4-14), were both competitive in D1 last year and will relish the drop in grade . Bulleen believe their losses in playing personnel have been neutralised by their gains and are looking forward to returning to the winners' list . Unlike last year, Ivanhoe Assumption coach John Matthew would not be drawn into making a prediction for his side's fortunes this year but quipped :
"Hopefully we'll win enough games to stay up otherwise I could be out of a job ." Prediction s Top 4 1 . Old Geelong 2 . Old Carey 3 . West Brunswick 4. Williamstown Round I Ivanhoe 24 points Williamstown 30 points Old Geelong 12 points Old Carey 36 points West Brunswick 3 points
Note Clubs wanting to plug upcoming social events and player milestones, please contact me via e-mail at wuey43@hotmail .com by Monday 2pm each week .
Ivan h oe As saaar_rA imsa 1rC - proudly congratulates two absolute stalwarts of our club on reaching their 250th games today . Ruckman Chris Tucker came to the Hoes as an under 19 player from Ivanhoe Grammar . "Tux" played in an under 19 premiership, has won a club B&F, and has also served as club captain . He was named in the Hoes' Team of the Century last year . Peter "I.e ' Lee joined the Hoes from Macleod Juniors, has also won a club B&F, and was a Team of the Century nominee as a defender . Both players are life members and have been towers of strength and top-notch leaders on and off the field at Ivanhoe Park . The IAAFC committee, of which both your fathers are dedicated members, can't thank you enough for all your efforts over so many seasons . Go Hoes !
TODAY'S MATCHES, D2 SECTIO N Ivanhoe Assumption v La Trobe Uni Williamstown CYMS v Bentleigh Swinburne Uni v Old Geelong Monash Gryphons v Old Carey West Brunswick v Bulleen Templestow e
D2 Section BEP~TLEIGH Coach: Justin Paul Asst: Steve Rowe
Res, Coach: Steve Hall 1 C Sharp 2 D Ferguson 3 A Pittft o 4 S Sice 5 M Eyles 6 7 J Robertson 8 JHandfleld 9 10 A Henry 11 D Martin 12 N Aitken 13 14 B Reid 15 16 LAirey 17 C Martin 18 S Adaway 19 20 R Fishlock 21 22 A Smith 23 G McFarlane 24 LHolmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Padgharn 27 JSeele y 28 M McCulloch 29 H McKenzie 30 A Miksad 30aD Kopftschinski 31 S Craven 32 33 P Withington 34 35 Llreson (C) 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beattie 39 G Prigg 40 41 42 A Mikkelsen 43 A Ferris 44 45 46 R Lawford 47 M Scanlon 48 P Dimattina 49 50 A Stanes 51 P Sampson 52 LSampson 53 A Banks 54 55 G Richards 56 C Aitken 57 A Cantsilieris 58 T Caterson 59 S Kennedy 60 R Punte r 61 J Perrone
BIt1LEEH TE M PLESTONtE IVANHOE Coach: Steve Easton Res.Coach : Andrew Parris
1 B Tou ri ganis 2 M Stella 4 W Thompson 5 C Parris 6 A Teha n 7 P Robertson 8 J Wis e 9 J Matthews 10 P Tsokas 11 G Chivers 12 A Parri s 13 D Tultoch 14 A Wilke 15 L Thompson 16 S Smit h 17 T Coram 18 D Horvath 19 C Morrison 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews 24 J Newman 25 D Williams 26 S Boyd 27 D Rogers 28 P Milesi 29 A Fitt 30 D Florence 31 L Norbury 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshar e 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 P Ganiatsis 38 N Scaglione 39 D Buccachio 40 A Foley 41 R Le a 42 P Edwards 43 M Daskalou 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 47 C Morivitis 48 A MomBis 49 D McMahon 50 D Glover
Coach : John Matthe w Coach : Tony Crisafulli Res Coach : Colin McDonald Senior Res Coach: David Huffef
1 . S. Conley 2. M . Maud 3. C. Tucker 4 . 1 O'Neill 5 . P. Manuel 6. T. Healy 7. P. Rawley 8, J . Shuttleworth 9 . E. Healy
10 . P. Lee
11 . D. Valkanis 12. L . Hull-Brown 13. S. Narkiewicz 14 . P. Flynn 15 . J . Curtin 16. P. Harris 17. S. Morris 18 .B.Hall 19 . D. Wood 21 . N . Blainey 22. N . Shuttleworth 23. D . Ryan 24 . B. Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26 . P. Cameron 27. J. Finlayson 28. S. Matthews 29 . C. Hocking 30 . M . Sloan 31 . T. Lupton 32. L . Pearce 33. S. McGowan 34. B. Joyce 35 . M . Serafini 36 . C . Zeegers 37. P. Cotte r 38. R. Peoples 39 . M . Ebbage 40 . P. Martin 41 . C. McDonald 42. B . Martin 43. A. Shemshedfn 44 . A . Pace 45 . A . lacouangelo 46 . M . lacouangeto 47. B . Waters 48. R . Toogood 49 . Matt . Sloan 50 . N. Clark 51 . D. Pearce 52. S . Sampson 53. M. Chazan 54 . E. Newbold 55 . J . Healy 56. S . Saunders 57. A. Conti 58 . T. Memhet 59 . A . Fakers 60 . J . Aboueid 61 . M . Anderson 62. P. Merory 63. J. Crapper 64. M . Migliorini 66 . J. Rivott-Mins 67 . G. Stephens 68. F. Yaghmoor 69. J. Mazocca 70. K.Wise 71 . A . Pearce 72 . K. Maghamez 73. D . Dummett 74. S. Hall 78 . C . Brown
2Senior P. & Reserves S, 1. Morton Fredrick 3. D.Sheldrick 4. N.Dunne 5 . S .Adamswaite 6 . M.Watson 7. S.Burke 8. M.Corren4 9. LWalker 10. S .Davis 11 . D.Harris 11 . A.Murray 13. P.Moon 15. S.Brooks 16. A.Brennan 17. J.Brodie 18 . A .HewH1 19 . S.White 20 . A.Murphy 21 . D.Edmunds 22. S.Wikock 23. S.Craig 24 . S.Edwards 25 . M.Fanning 27. S .Pruscino 28. C .Ross 29. A.Randell 30. J.Smith 31 . R.Mann 32 . S .Gemrnola 36. T.Mawds4ey 40. R .Slater 42. D .Gleeson 43. A.Pouflo n 44 . S.Linehan 45 . D.McMeekin 47 . A .Samson 50. K.Hopkins 54. T.Peters 55. A.Cummings 56 . J.Nield 57 . A.Woolmer 63 . J .Laldlaw 70. J.Dumaresq 75. S.Gellert A.Baille R.Baker A.Benton S .Bland C .Bowden T.Bullen S.CIiFFord B.Clutterbuck M .Cotsopoubs H.Davies N.Dejanovic M.Donohue T.Duggan S.Dumsday J.Elliott J.Eyre P.Farrant C.Francis D.Gilmour J .Griffin D .Hill R.Hosking D.HuKer S .Jackson D.Kerrison C .Knee B.Launikonis J.Levy P.Lias Whtloot nn P.Marozzi L.McNamara M.Millar B.O'Connor X.O'Donnell S .OToole D .Patience S.Patterson M.Paull B.Phillis S .Pflaro A .Place C .Porter H .Russell P.Stewart J.Thom R.Walker J.Waterman
! M ONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Phil Knigh t Assist Coach: John Leroy Res Coach : John Leroy
I . S. Bourbon 2 . M . Healy 3 . A . Grady 4 . M . Malone 5. J. Watson 6. D . Bolte 7. D. Waiter 8 . J . Blandford 9 . G. Wadley 10 . P. Williamson 11 . A. Nichols 12. A. Gros s 13. J . Stratford 14 . A . Mckenzie 15 . A. Clarke 16 . P. Rennison 17. P. Rutherford 18. M . Paolucci 19 . R . Coxhea d 20 . C . Staff 21 . J. Bingham 22. B. Coxhead 23. L Clark 24 . D. Baxte r 25 . S. KibblewhRe 26. A. Denyer 27. R . Gilchrist 28. Luke Leeton 29, P.Warren 30 . P. Holland 31 . G . Roche 32. M. Lewis 33. S . Nelson 34. M . Graydon 35. B Clar k 36 . G . Block 37 . A. Jenkin 38 . M Baron 39. D Grenfell 40. M . Willocks 41 . C . Archer 42 . J . Clarke 43 . M. Mastromanno 44. L Wells 45. J . Gonis 46. G. Kent 47 . M. Parker 48 . G . Still 49. C. Robinson 50. S . Dresser 51 . C. Leeton 52 . A . Flowerday 53 . M. Bourbon 54. A. Perry 55. G . Harrak 56. J . Healy 57 . W. Pocock 58 . C . Yanni 59. A. Yanni 60. T. Bourbon 61 . A . Waters 62 . N Rutherford 63 . 1. Bagnall 64. P. Patrick 76. J . Harrak
D2 Sectio n OLD CAREY
senior Coach: Steve Maus Res.Coach: Andrew Gates 1 . C. Angus 2 . D. Faelis 3 . M . Cohen 4 . D. James 5, P. Konstantinidis 6 . C. Campbell
7 . S. Jessup 8 . A. Stewart-Holmes gâ&#x20AC;˘ B. Andrews
to . K. Shrives 11 . N . Everett 12 . L MacFarlane
13 . G . Trumbull 14 . M . Mahon 15 . N. Bull 16 . R. Graham 17 . A . Parton 18 . C. Matthews 18 . B. Chiuchiarelli (r) 19 . T. Wood 19 . P. Drake (r) 20 . J. Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22 . C . Battl e 23 . H . Van Cuylenberg 24 . L Battley 25 . L Chiuchiarelli 26 . A. Wood 27 . N . Vasilopoulos 28 . N . Sulman 29 . C . Munro 30 . A. Guerra 31 , J. War d 32 . P. Graham 33. N . England
34. T. Rossignuolo 35. S. McConnell 36. S. Wood 37. C . Adam 37. D . Palmer (r) 38. L. Guerra 39. P. Bennett 40. S. Angus
41 . A. Gales
42. L Morgan 43. D . Joyce 44. A. Kent 45. T. Bull 46. S . Hill 47. B . Crosher 48. S . Bennett 49. S . Middleton ~ J . White 51 . B . Croft 59. C. Mason 61 . G. Morgan 64. C. Smith
65. D. Elsner 76. D. Grinzi
Coach: Leigh Stafford
1 M Goldsworthy 2 W Ainsworth 3 J Fitzclarence 4 C Sti nchcombe 5 M Vkers-Willis 6 J Ml'
7 J Paul
8 G Allen 9 D Salter 10 M Avery 11 L Stevens 12 T Paul 13 T Cannon 14 D Taylor 15 H McCarthy 16 T Fallow 17 T Betts 18 J Malpas 19 S MacGowan 19 N Betts 20 J Legoe 21 L Teague 22 T Bayles 23 C Favbair n 24 S Lansdell 25 T Hope-Johnson 27 W Paul 29 J Hope-Johnson 30 B Goldswort hy 31 H Folletta 32 A Munro 33 E Bayly s 34 S OBri en 35 P Birka 36 T Makin 37 T Waters 38 T D'Antoine 39 J Kilpatrick 40 H Legoe
41 S Ross
42 E Plowma n 4 3 B Gril ls 44 J Urqhart 45 C Teague 46 J Morley 47 T C arey 48 R Herd 49 T Young 50 A Suvoltas 51 J Kilpatrick
52 S Griffiths
53 I Munro 54 C Wilson 55 H Cust 55 C Atkins 56 M Leslie 57 B Symons 58 J McCarthy 59 R Kilpatrick 60 B MaClean 61 T O'Brien 62 S Lyon 65 A Meek 66 J Imhoff 67 H Eastman 68 R Cuttler 69 A Southey 70 W de Fegley 71 S Waters
72 J Settler
73 ATimms 74 STimms 75 W Temple-Smith 76 J Urquart 77 P Winter 78 Youll 79 P Birks 80 P Winter 81 M Boucher 82 L Knight 83 H Lockie e 84 T Legc 85 McHugh A
Coach : Derek Thoene Res. Coach : Paul James
Coach: Angus Hamilton Res. Coach :lroy Thompson
1 . D Clair 2 . J Sheedy
in Drain M
1 b Hamilton A 2 Hamilton P
3 . J Piotrowski
3 HePPe II G 4 Lehmann C 5 Cannane A 6 Petsch S 7 Benjamin S 8 Batters P 9 Morphett A
4 . A Fidler 5 . J Demarte 6 . D Harmer 7 . J Murchie 8 . M Higgins 9 . L Morrison 10 . M Anastassi 11 . D Milano
10 Byrne S
13 . J Berry
14- R Goode 15. H Sutter 16. B Gofine 17. J Roberts 18. A Fumani
19. B O'Mara 20. D Wigg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22. C Thomas 24. C Higgins 25. M Whitingg 26. T Liston 27. R Kiss 28. J Ryan 29. J Gordon 30. J Dunsford 31 P Beynon
33. S Christov
34. A Fricke 36. J Carter 37 . D Barbera 38 . M Tricky 39 . R Roberts 40 . J Coy y 41 . S Ryan 42, D MacFarlane
43- J Andrinopolous 44 . M Ryan 45 . S White , 46 . J Sandhu 47 . T Morris 48 . D Little 49 . M Hudgson 50 . M George 51 . J 0'Keeffe 52 . M Paul 53 . N Lane 54 . M Eley 55. M Pearson 56. D Smith 57. C O'Keeffe 58. M Flack 59. C Gelley 60. P Jones
61 . M Roebuck 62. M Dinning 63. A Teal . 64, B Robertson 65. N White 66. K Barbary 67. C Walsh
Proudly sponsored by : Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd , Hawthorn
11 Aylett A 12 Maguire T 13 Ritchie M 14 Bowshall - Tanner C 15 Russell M 16 Edwards S 17 He ood R 18 Mc ahus M 19 Touzel w 20 Henderson S 21 Bromwich J 22 Brockley S 23 Rudd D 24 Jerkin J 25 Siebrand J 26 Benjamin R 27 Brooks M 28 Ward J 29 Sheedy C 30 Lewis M 31 Caller S
WILLIAMSTDWN CYMS Coach : Dane Mcleo d Res Coach: Paul Dervan 1 D Williams 2 J Buttigieg 3 D Grieve 4 S Wuchatsc h 5 D Macleod C 6 N Grant 7 B Robinson 8 B Hann 9 G Case 10 B Cock s 11 B Twist 12 A Featherston 12(R) M Cannon A 74 D Ferrisley 14 R) A Daniel
15 W Phillips
15(R) P Bregue t
16 D Gilmarti n
17 R Hart 17(R) R Plochino 18 D Oldham 19 P RC
P Sadler
21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunders 23 T Wheele r 23(R) A Boura s 24 J McCutcheo n 24(R) C Pac h Thomson 25(R) G Burgess 26 L Groohowski 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmato s 29 P Vincen t
32 DAndrea S
30 TA Turcinovic h
33 Thompson T 34 Twyford 1 35 Carmichael M 36 Campbell S 37 Dempsey T Coortan D R 39 West 40 Flanagan q B 41 Greemng P 42 Norman C 43 Tobin J 44 Haynes S 45 Smith J 46 Howard R 47 Thompson A SuthedandA 49 Haysey J 50 Hutchens N
32 X Toby 33 G Rickar d 34 B Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A Black 37 B Hynes 38 S Smith 39 M Holland 39(R) A Carter 40 J Munro 41 T Campbell 42 D Woud a 43 B Grant 44 M Manning 45 J Hyne s 46 T Ferds 47 F Nuredin i 48 P Trchett 49 W Kewi n 50 A McCutcheon
51 Sherry L
52 Muckenthaler T 53 Jelbart D 54 Rudd Z
55 Kaitler J
56 McDonagh J 57 Williamson A 58 Torney A 59 Simmonds N 60 Sprague M 61 Hilton K 62 Wright S 63 Gartlan J 64 Stewart L
65 O'Brien
51 A McKenzi e
52 R Nisbet 53 M Oldham 54 J Payne 55 J Spezza S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio
66 Hussey R 67 Smith J 68 Waller E 69 Goonan M 70 Leahy G 71 Brookshaw M 72 Hanson J 73 Clare M 74 Monague S 75 Brooks D
76 Chislen J
77 Howell
78 Thompson J 79 ~Iquhoun J
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(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service0
• Weekend matches (Fri) ® Umpire- _ -_` : .tments o Scores (Sat . night)
( s1
® ,-, L
The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every r~ ~ :tch day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30
CADBURY FACE in the CROWD - The ~&,0Lury Winning Grin If you are the peson circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper. This photo was taken during the 2003 V AFA finals' series. Next week's photo will be from a Round One 2004 match .
Every Saturday afternoon between 1 .45 and 5 p .m., tune into 96 .5 Inner F.M. for the V.A.F.A. Match of the Day. As well as Melbourne's only live coverage of amateur football, Inner F.M . also provides quarter by quarter scores of A and B Grade matches, full time results and interviews .
The A -^_ -
--ho ,
Hear the latest V.A.F.A. news, interviews and updat -s from the people who know . . .the coaches, the players, the administrators, the powerbrokers! Join Ken Petrucco, Norm Nugent and guests every Saturday morning between 9 and 10 a .m. on 96.5 Inner F.M. for the Ammo Show.
96.5 - _ -- ,r F. M . int r This year, 96.5 Inner F.M. gives clubs in A and B Grade the opportunity promote their clubs and their sponsors as well as providing an extra service to their supports, thanks to Name Your Game! Whether it be your home or away match, or if you want to combine with you opponents on the day to nominate a particular game . . .it doesn't matter! Benefits include exclusive scoreboard recognition ("and on the Beehive Hotel scoreboard, it's Marcellin . . . ."} for the entire match, plus name and address references at the end of each cluarter . . . . . . .. plus a lot more! Call Ken Petrucco on 94571718 to secure the game of your choice ! IN FOOTBALL, COMMITMENT IS EVERYTHING !
Phil Stevens reminded everybody that "although the 1999 season takes everyone's focus as from
A Section correspondent Don B I a c k w o o d highlighted the to the structure was expected to even up the e x c e I I e n t lower grades by removing the separate "E Blue" performance of the newly promoted clubs, Old and "E White" grades from their domicile Melburnians and Therry and their respective foundation to a true promotion and relegation coaches Roger Ellingworth and Frank Johnson basis resulting in Grades D1 to D4 as we know The OM's had journeyed to Buckley Street and. today . The intention was to ensure that from blitzed St Bernards by a massive 70 points and season 2000 the new structure would return all Therry recorded their first ever win over North grades to ten teams with the possible exception of Old Boys . the lowest grade, D4 . The new structure was also The Association welcomed new team, Eley Park expected to remain intact for some time to come, and this season would see the VAFA and The hopefully with only extensions required to cater Football Integration Development Association for further increases in the number of competing (FID A) host a number of games for the clubs. intellectually disabled at Elsternwick Park and A Section coaches were Kevin Collins (De La Gillon Oval, Brunswick . Salle), Tony Paatsch (Marcellin), Tony Pappotto A section umpires were Robert Bell, Geoff (Old Haileybury), Stuart Glascott (Old Ivanhoe), Curran, Peter Gersch, Steve McCarthy, Andrew Neil Ross (Old Melburnians), Wayne Harmes (Old Kilner, Darren Dalgleish, Justin Toohey, Scotch), Tim O'Shaughnessy (Old Xavs), Garry R.Senior, Wayne Hinton, Anthony Damen . Foulds (St Bernards), Mike McArthur-Allen (St A section coaches were Leigh Carlson Kevins) and Grant Williams (Uni Blues) . Both '98 (Collegians), Paul Beddoe (De La Salle), Matt Grand Finalists, Xavs and Scotch got away to a Hanneberry (Old Xav), Robert Hyde (NOB), Peter strong start with wins over St Bernards and De Carlson (Old Hailey), Mike McArthur-Allen La and new OM's coach, Neil Ross, sent out an (Ormond), Peter Sherwen (Old Scotch), Shane early warning as his team comfortably accounted Zantuck (St . Bernards), Roger Ellingworth (Old for Uni Blues. Melburnians), Frank Johnson (Therry) . A Section In B grade North Old Boys were the big winners guest tipster David Burnes opened the season over newly promoted Hampton Rovers and reasonably with three new winning selections . Whitefriars commenced their season strongly in Most opening round games resulted in easy wins . C grade at the expense of Prahran . Chris Carrigg Closest game was the three point defeat of Old (Whitefriars) with 9 goals kicked the sweep in the Brighton by Mazenod in B . 15.20 to 15 .17, senior sections and Matthieu Lucas (St Kevins) O'Hara, C .Murray (6 goals), D .Murray, Hunt, with 10 in U19 Section 1 gave an early indication Chilcott, Borg (Maz) and Maskiell, Reid, Lennox, of his exciting style of forward play . Begley, Hamilton, James (Old Brighton) wer e Popular Therry Penola immediate past president , best. Col Gibson, VAFA Personality of the Year in 1998, Ivanhoe, in C at home to St . Bedes Mentone was honoured by his club with over 250 came from 13 points behind at the last supporters in attendance . The VAFA's Noel Tigers change to win 17 .17 to 18 .18 . Best were Kendell, Rundle spoke at the function and stated that Kennedy (7 goals), Flynn, Santo, Jacka, La Rosa "every club would be proud to have a member lik e Col". Noel also commended Col who showed his (Ivan) and Bryant, Edwards (6 aroals), Johnsto n b tewart. Kinsella, Sebire (St . Bedes) . usual courage by picking the best ever Therry team on this special occasion . President Jim Hawkins welcomed five new clubstoday" there would be a significant change to the structure of the competition, below C Grade, at the completion of the season . The improvemen t
Mazenod Old Collegians and Waverley Amateurs in F section . Kontias and Salesian Old Boys, and Albanvale in Under 19 Section 3 . National Mutual group and Vic Health would continue as co Major Sponsors . 1988 successful Carnival coach John Fisher had retired from State coaching . His wonderful service to the Association both as player, captain and coach of Kew and Victoria had been rewarded with Life Membership of the Association . John had also been appointed Australian Amateur Coach and an AAFC team would play in the Division 2 Carnival in Tasmania in June . Mike McArthur-Allen, who had coached Ormond to A Section flags in 1985, 1987, 1988 had been appointed State Coach . Monash Blues congratulated Richard "Massive" Culvenor on his 150th game, the 6th Monash Blues to reach that number. "Massive" played a starring role on the club's 1987 premiership team. Jim Bennett returned to Collegians after his AFL experience at Hawthorn and Fitzroy . It was a historical day for Parkside as they welcomed Marcellin to Pitcher Park for the Red Devils' first game in A Section . It was an emotional time for Tom Johnston, Jack Maxwell, Alby Bolger and co . as the Parkers unfurled their 1988 B Section flag . De La Salle down in B for the first time since 1975 and Bernie Dunn back as coach after a five year coaching stint at Therry . Among the B Section notes: "Seoul Olympic rower, Andrew Cooper, will be a'power house' of strength for Old Brighton Grammarians . "
University Blues provided the opening round shock when they defeated 1988 premiers Ormond by 19 points. It was the third successive year that Ormond had lost the first round . Mike Yandell, Guest, Williams were the best for Blues . ~--- President John Dillon welcomed Williamstown CYMS and Preston Maris Brothers Old Boys, and also Old Essendon Grammarians who last competed in 1971 . Peter King was President of VAFAUA with Fred Grubb as his deputy, and assisted by John Smith (Secretary) and Joe Segota (Treasurer) .
Bulleen-Templestowe celebrated their debut in A Section with a 17 point win against Kew in a superb high scoring game with the scores close all day. The Bullants who hit hardest on the day were Smythe, Palmer, Ongara (8 goals) while Kew's best were Busutill, Fillpovic and R .Zerbi.
Laurie Aghan had been appointed Interstate Coach with Shane Maguire as his deputy . Gavin White, who had coaching experience at Marcellin O .C . and had taken De La Salle to an A Section premiership, was coach of the CDEF side with Trevor Read reappointed coach of the Under 19 team . Ormond and Old Xaverians opened the season at Elsternwick Park with Ormond, after a sluggish first term on top in the last three terms to win by 16 points . Best were Sutherland (up from U19s), Kingston, McAsey (Ormond), and S .Curtain (7 goals), Millard, O'Shaughnessy (Old Xaverians) . ___ The season saw Banyule, Princes Hill and St Pius join the VAFA . The junior competition consisted of three sections for the first time - Banyule played only in the Junior competition . The Moomba Parade saw the Association march for the first time in the Monday Parade . Many clubs were represented and the contingent was most colourful . Second World War veterans Alex Johnson and Alf Ream marched with style and panache while "youngsters" Manson Russel and John Dillon did their best. Old Paradians were celebrating the Golden Jubilee Dinner in the Parade College Hall at Bundoora . Among the guests were VAFA President Manson Russel, and many former greats of the Old Paradians AFC including former league champions 'Phonse' Kyne and Alan La Fontaine plus members of the great premiership teams, including John Tudor, Brian Weyman, Brendan Danaher and coach Maurie Considine .
Old Scotch unfurled the 1978 A Section flag in the presence of De La Salle OC who inflicted a three goal defeat on Laurie Aghan's boys, 9.14 to 6.14 . Best were Burke, Donegan, McDonnell (De La Salle), and Meadows, Duke, Tallent (Old Scotch) . Glenroy and Bulleen-Templestowe made their debut. In the VAFA Umpires' Association, office bearers were Daryl George (President), Ken Jorgensen (Secretary), John Field (Treasurer), and David "Salad" Dressing (Social Secretary) . Salad went on to coach at amateur clubs, Ormond, Ajax and Old Carey . George McTaggart, editor of "Amateur Footballer" since 1946, was honoured with Life Membership of the Association .
Vic' lealt 1 The wait is over! With summer now behind us, With all clubs startin g footy is back in town . For us diehards, it is I equal and no form to always a long time in the coming! speak of, it's a A number of external issues will make this a tipster's delight ! tough year for all local clubs . Droughts, First game sees two sides with plenty of youth insurance and public liabilities have all played and lofty ambitions as Mt Lilydale and their part in adding to the burden of the clubs Rupertswood meet . The Woods are being and the people who help to run them . Of discussed openly as strong premiership course, the VAFA Executive and Administration candidates whilst Mt Lilydale have put the also face these types of challenges on behalf of disappointment of last years D4 final loss their clubs . Best wishes to Bruce RRe'P as t behind them and take the great leap up . and Phil Stev ens an d their respective teams . Woodsmen for me . May the year be incident free and the footy fast Power House and Werribee clash in a game and furious! which sees two mid table sides from last year One of my pet hobbies has been the meet . The House got of to a slow start last year encouragement of the 'After Match' and and then surged but only briefly whilst Werribee support for it from all clubs . Whilst the was in the hunt all year but not quite able to enjoyment of socialising with the opposition is land the killer blow . Home ground advantage great, the added benefit of helping support rival counts for plenty at this time of the year so clubs financially should not be underestimated . maybe the House . The costs of running clubs have grown Syndal host Hawthorn in a game being played significantly in recent years whilst the support for the "Beehive Cup" . These two sides always from outside groups has diminished . Helping seem to have a close one up at Jordan Reserve an opposition club meet their financial and expect no different this year . Syndal also requirements can only lead to one thing, strong competition again next year. It has to be good finished mid table last year whilst the Hawks take the tumble from D2 after an injury infested for footy! 2003 . Not sure about this one, maybe Syndal? During recent weeks, a number of Victorian Ummi High makes the trek out to St . Johns, no based AFL Presidents have talked about how doubt still on a high from their triumph in D4 they join forces to help each other . Something last year . The Jocs were perilously close to the similar has happened in D3, whereby a number drop zone for plenty of 2003 but managed to of Presidents have suggested an award to play their way out of trouble in what was a recognize the Club voted as being best 'After rebuilding year . Hard to go past the home Match' Supporters (as voted by club Presidents ground advantage (5 goals at this time of year?) at the end of the year) . Once again, with a spirit so the Jocs for me . of co-operation, a sponsor has been sourced Finally 速 akleigh welcome South Melbourne up and consequently the inaugural winners of the the highway . The drums are beating as loud for title will not only have the bragging rights but Oakleigh as any side in a long time with one 'also a cheque for $1,000 to keep a smile on analyst suggesting to bet long and hard on the their treasurer's face! We only need a name for Krushers . South will be a good test, having the Award and we will be up and running so your feedback would be appreciated . Good luck! played finals in 2003 . Still, can't get the drums out of my head, Oakleigh for me ! Anyway, to the footy!
So to the predictions for the finals, well pakleigh and Rupertswood to play off in the big one and Power House to start favorites for the best "After match" Supporters (great form line!) . Correspondent s Finally, would love to hear from all clubs regularly throughout the year. The AF is a great publication and one that can help generate further support for your club . Please email me at ed .sill@locker .com .au with all the details .
TODAY'S MATCHES D3 SECTION Mt Lilydale v Rupe rt swood Power House v Werribee Amateurs Syndal Tally-Ho v Hawthorn Amateur s
St Johns 0 C v UHS-VU Oakleigh v South Melb Dist ricts
Coach : Peter Tyson Res . Coach : Ed Sill 1 A Collins 2 G Broadley 3a A Kno tt 3b N Patterson 4a S Stevens 4b B Glover Sa S Ave ry 5b T Kerr 6a P Avery 7 C Alexander 8 J Cargil; 9 R Ogge 10 P Orchard 11 M Pollock 12b A Tsoumbari s 13aJ Murphy 13b J Povey 14a D Laulett a 14bT Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16 C Reed 17 B Ruzicka 18 P Phillips 19 J Law 20 S Parker 21 K Brockman 22 C Habel 23 L Collins 24 J Jackomonis 25 M Zaverella 26 N Haye s 27 R Lord 28 T Crivelli 29 P Barker 33 P Strou d 34 R Johnston 35 S Davies 36 A West 37 M Daou 38 B Bruns 39 G Carle 40 P Rossitto 41 J Bogie 42 D McGlenchy 43 I Chepa 44 B a der 45 B Mountain 46 T O'Hanlon 47 D Lahiff 48 A 49 N Tieme n 50 J Gourfay 51 S Signorini 52 C Frost 53 M Preston 54 J Berry 55 A Saulle 56 M Cogla n 57 B Collins 58 T Dixon 59 A Doyle 60 G Saddington 61 M Gray 62 A Johnsen 63 D Keal 64 N Kud eweh 65 G Lilywhite
66 C Lorenz 67 S McDonald 68 P Nikoloau 69 T Papamarkov 70 A Patt o n 71 S William s 72 M Waller 73 J William s 75 E Sil l 76 C Pickett 77 A Smith 78 D Cart e r
Senior Coach : David Keast Res Coach: Bi€ly Leek
1 . J. Paul l 2 . P. Hayes 3 . M . Brebner (DVC) 4. F. Varga 5. G. Bird 6. M. Jelenc 7. C . Varga 8 . K. Man iscalchi (VC) 9 . A . Del Biondo 11 . C. Gibson 13. R. Kidd 14 . W. Chariton 15 . R. Scott 16 . D. Morrison 17 . J . Lesinger 18. R . McKenzie 19. M. Leonard 20. D .Wa tt 21 . M. Cunningham 22. N . Colarossi 23 . B. Egan 24 . L Merre tt 26 . T. Flanagan 27 . N. Pearce (VC) 28. D. Maggs 29. J . Robe rts 30. A. Penhale (RVC) 31 . T. H ansford 32. P. Carolan (C ) 33 . C. Andersan 34 . L Kellett 35 . D. Callahan 36 . M . Alderman 37. C. Carstens 38. J . Charles 39. T. Van Duuren 40. M. Rhodes 41 . M. Maftar 42 . M. Periera 43 . D. Holloway ( RC) 44 . A . Cox 45 .K.Frase r 46. D. King 47. C . Lo er an 48. S. Dougherty 49. M. Watt 50. D . Hicks 51 . A . Bullerjahn 53 . D.M arotti 54 . L Allanson 55 . T.Wilson B. Leek J. Mollica J . Comme rford J . Penhale A . Delahunt J . Hoffman
Oa kleqh A.F.C
Coach: Chris Moore Res: Pat McKenna 1 Murray A 3 Mackenzie D 4 Harry G 5 Kokkinos C 6 Cash M 7 Short M 8 Earl S 9 Hogan C 10 Mitchell R 11 Trea cY G 12 Fumell D 13 Britt D 14 Malcom P 15 Redford G M 16 Bell 17 Holden K 18 Connellan J 19 Keating R 20 Tolley J 21 Perdikomati s A 22 Bar S 23 Kelley J 24 Kilts S 25 Marshall C A 26 Kitts 27 Zula D 30 Holden P 31 Bromley T 32 Hunt T 34 Lucas p 35 Nuske R 36 Ryan M 37 Phillips B 38 Cammiss S 41 Way S 42 Dalton S 43 Hinton A 44 Wills N 45 Nevzie J 46 Nguyen B 47 Stevenson M 48 Reynolds J 49 Collins S 50 Lamb C 51 Kennedy L 52 Cooke C 53 Lourey A 56 King B 57 Briggs S 58 Vitagliano G 59 Orchard T 60 Wills D 63 Curtis L 64 Vdeky E 65 Ciavarella A
Coach : Brett Devlin Res Coach: Ga ry Dean M Taylor 1 R Humphreys 2 N Paviou 3 D Boland 3 B Tumer San VC 4 M Braini 55 P Basis M Ve beme 6 C Richardson 7 8 M Hill L Fraser 9 D Coo t0 B Phillips n A Brownjohn 12 J Har ris 13 W Elliot 1 4 P Haseler Sen Capt 15 R Anderson 16 L B utton 1 7 C McLeod 17 F Doyle 18 9 J Evans 1 J Nicholls 20 21 D Miller R Walsh 22 23 A Naylor J Taylor 24 M Driessen 25 W Hic ks 26 R Da vies 27 28 P Cooper M Beasley 29 T McFarlane 30 R Marshall Res Cat p 31 M Ve beme en VC 32 A Ristovski ~ SJ
Hatchard 35 35 Kilpatrick C Dlan 36 S West 37 T Brownjohn 38 W Banton 39 J Marshall 40 R Black Res VC 41 P Arnold 42 J Howes 43 D G4arnrille 44 A Contreras 45 V Brown qg ~~nett 47 Stanley 49 C Pratt A Voz 50 J Best C Matheson 5P S Warne 53 D Crane 54 D Harris 55 C Planer 56 ission 57 58 NC MSharp Hunt 59 B Dallimore 60 M Webber 6 3
Coach : Tony West Res. Coactr. Shane McLauchtf f 2 Purcell G . 3 Page S. 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B . 8 Elliott K. 9 Clarke M . 10 Albania J . 11 Moule B . 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B . (Capt .) 14 Plummer L. 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Collins D. 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D. 23 West M . 25 Weston S.
27 Temming L. 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 King J . 35 Carlo C. 36 Hen ry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O' Riley C. 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R . 44 Icely A . 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R. 47 Soutaris A . 48 Bugeja N. 49 McGovern N . 50 Soutaris D. 51 MacPherson B . 52 Jordon A . 54 Koala M . 56 Hatty G . 57 McMahon N . 58 Woodall D. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbu ry H . n O'Callaghan
T Friend 87 N Bishop Sen VC 88
38 M THF AMATFI IR cnnTOn,i co nnn .
I)3 S"^10n 4=
Co -h AcGee Res: Rod `alker 1 B Picker ing 2 M Ladson 3 B Ab째r}aron 4 S Holmes 5 C Horbury
6 T Hyland
7 R Back 8 L Johnston 9 A Jones 10 M Courmadious 11 LM emgan 12 P Wa ker 14 P Sharp 15 A Borgonha 16 A Paterson 17 S Cockayne 18 C Emery 19 J Cotton 20 G Bosley 21 S Koppen s 22 A Dragwidge 23 B Hilton 24 H Wathan 25 D Waters 26 G Waters 27 R Dowsett 28 K Arnold 29 J Hargraves 30 D Ritter 31 D Rydquist 32 A Rudd 33 A Fonceca 34 M Hancock a5 J Sacco 36 LAdams 37 R Dean 38 M Batty 39 A tGzilis 40 F Mandrake 41 M Schonewille 42 J Fernando 43 M Van Houten 44 N Gates 45 A Hall 46 B Callery 47 G Bastone 48 N Moore 49 M Phaedonos 50 J Brown 51 C Santoni 52 F Auffray 53 J PI 54 E Dizon 55 J Kelly
~` a r Coach : Brendan Moloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher 1 J Washington DVC 2 M Hannan C 3 M Balshaw 4 S Stepnell 5 S King 6 L Kealy' 7 A Hannan 8 X Kidd 9 S Aqualina 10 D McCormick 11 P Da Dalyl 12 AArgyriou 13 E Henderson 14 D Bell 15 B Lazzaro 16 J Neimi 17 P D'Andrea 18 G Cox 19 A Reid 20 W Brown 21 8 Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B Downing 24 B Joske 25 S Atherton 26 R Mitchell 27 P Cheevers 30 T Zantuck 31 S Hermman 32 D McGee 35 N Moojen 37 J Clyne 38 D Rowe 39 A Briglia 42 G Gaylor 43 W D'Andrea V C 44 D Geary 45 C Roe 46 A Ray 47 J Royle 52 M Anderson 53 D Phillips 55 J Pohlner 64 M Stefanidakis
Jetport Parkin g Dowsett Engineering The Rose
Co, i: Jeff Bingham A . Coach : Dick Turp ;n Res. Coach: Ton Psina s R es Ass. Coach: h ick Murray 1 . A . Turpin 2. 1 Bingham (VC) 3 M Joy B Bayliss 4 P Henderson (VC) 5 D Hannett 6 V Won g P Gleason A Bums 8 R Bennett 9 D Richardson J Cropp 10 T Psinas 10 A Hattyburton 11 J Rutter 12 J Moresi 13 S Miller 14 S O'Boyle (R.VC) 15 N Murray 16 J Fleming 17 L Fuller 18 M Bircanin 19 A Thompson 20 I Mackenzie (VC) 20 C Hall 21 L Devon 22 M Buckley 23 R Avery 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (R.VC) 26 A Morrison 27 M Leplaa 28 A Frederick 29 C Beaumont 30 B Holland 31 A Richardson (R.C) 32 L Hannemann 33 T Bartholomew (R.VC) 34 N Hunter 35 C Cachia (C) 36 T Fleming 37 B Robinson 38 M Christiansen 39 D Hallisey 40 B Thoma s 41 M Moresi 42 M James 43 A Brown 44 K Bradford 45 H Rosenhain 46 S Williams 46 D Kennet 47 C Hayes 48 D Reynolds 49 A Herrmann 50 P Agnelfo 51 C Discombe 52 S Anderson 53 B SmRh 54 P Sheer 55 T Mclennan 58 A Treasure
Co: t: Snane Mattram Res. Coach : G .Temes Assistant: G .Mandalis 1 M. Wright 2 R. Thorp 3 T. Cleveland 4 L Gorringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S . Cracknell C 7 D. Zulicki 7 M Farmer (R ) 8 M .Gerolerruu 9 S . Devlin 10 B. Farrelty, 11 D. Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose 14 M . Butera 15 J. Jacks 16 J. Tate 17 C. Langendor( 18 A. Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madrigrano 21 J . Hall 22 G . Mandalis 23 G . Temes 24 R. Hortle 25 S. Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusick 28 P SklevenBis 29 K Weber 30 J. Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 J . Strarrgio 34 J . 0 'Neill 35 A. Esters 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G. Catteral l ,~ R . Lapish 39 M. Rea 40 L Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Wdnish 45S. Hams 46 C. Siotos 47 H. Gillies 48 M . Davidson 49 S . Omits 50 B . Warren 52 A. Docherty 53 J . Schulz ~ N . Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 C . Thomas 58 J. Thomas 59 D. Macrae 60 G . Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D. Edwards 64 B . Walpole 65 J . Harri s 66 S . Buter a 67 M. De Luis e 68 L. Holmes 69. A . Dowdell 70 E. Ricciuti 71 B. Goldsmith 72 A. Van Rea 75 S. Mill s 76 V. Cavelieri 77 R. McCormick 78 B. Carruthers 79 M . Turvey 81 B . Wil l 86 W. H'~ggins 88 D . Fs her 99 W Hircae
WERRIRE E Coach : Tim Elli s Res. Coach : Paul Smith 1 . D . Nedinis (res CAPT) 2 . KMurphy 3. D. Flack (res CAPT) 4. S. I~3dd 5. B. Cunningha m 6. M . Walsh 7. T. Dean R. Stonehous e 9. J . Alin g (sen. Capt.) 0.. M . yKeogh 11 10. M. Green (sen V/C) 12. T. Ellis 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . J . Marinis 15 . A. Murphy 16 . N . Gauchi 17 . A. Tedessco 18 . D . Velisha 19. J. Addam o 20. E. Mahoney 21 . T. Davidson 22. A. Dibatista 23. C. Becker 24. L. Carson 25. B. McMilla n 26. R. Bell 27. A . Borg 28 . D. Czajowski (SD.V/C ) 29 . S . Dole 30 . D . Bette 31 . B . Waters 32. D . Harwood 33. R . Baker 34. J. Hoffman 35. B. Bunworth 36. S. Bianco 37. C. Howard 38. T Towers 39. L Langfiel d 40 . S . Fuller 41 . G. Grogan 42 . C. Mercieca 43 . D. Buchanan 44 . T. Johnso n 45 . C . Alabaki s 46. A. Carson 47. A. Camilleri 48. S. Hardin g 49. B. Jennings 50. K. Pace 51 . B. Fenton 52. J. Tamuskus 53 R. Marston 54 C. Smit h 55 B. Brow n 56 D. Frazer 60 M . Czajowski 61 T. Johnston 63 E . Collier 64 R . Bel l 65 F. Dimasi 66 D . Fraser.
5 Albie Firley
5 Luke Duthi e
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittman
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
6 Not Available
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
8 Mark Alexander
7 Paul Croxford
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackhall
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evan s
10 Avi Wekselman
9 Damien Lane
9 Stephen Caple
9 Santo Caruso
11 Luke Holme s
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
11 Tom Haysom
10 Shane Mele
12 Daniel Mousley
11 Dirk Kramer
12 Jamie Kvins
11 PaulTuppen
14 Sharon Alger
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
12 Sean Rothe
15 Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Phillip Callil
14 Tim Tingiri
16 Peter Wood s
15 Tim Doeck e
17 Brett Horskope
15 Michael Sneddon
17 Mark Gibson
17 Geoff Caulfield
18 Tim Sutcliffe
16 Luke Moncrieff
18 Jason McNiece
18 Peter Simpson
19 Glenn Scotland
17 Michael Robin s
19 Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fyfe
20 David D' Altera
18 George Paleodimos
20 John Ralph
20 Brian Woodhead
21 Nick Ryd e
19 Peter Pullen
21 Patrick Maebus
20 Grant Wardrop
23 Anthony Caiderone 20 Geoff Kelly
22 Nick Fennesy
21 Gaj Skandakumar
24 Miles Argall
21 David Iron s
23 Paul Dinnee n
22 Chris Collin s
25 Richard Eastwood
22 David Longworth
24 Graeme Hunichen
23 Peter Griffiths
26 Sacha Koffman
23 Robert Sneddon
25 Geoff Moor e
24 Leigh Dillon
27 Euan Lindsay
26 Andrew Shiels
25 Lionel Katz
28 Leah Gallagher
27 Matt Cox
26 Daniel Dinneen
29 Gerard Rolfs
26 Patrick Coulthard
28 Paul Lamble
27 Anthony Simpson
30 Simon Olive
27 PaulJone s
30 Justin Lipso n
28 Ken McNiece
31 Rob Schuller
28 Ron Martyn
31 Andrew Lougheed
29 Peter James
32 Joseph Boizonello
29 Peter Liddell
32 Eli Haye s
30 Jack Lloy d
33 Simon Stokes
30 Anthony LiIley
33 Robert Mayston
31 Robert Semmens
34 Jeremy Heffernan
31 Peter Angelis
34 Graeme Morgan
32 Anthony Damen
35 Logan Smit h
32 Jarred Aspinall
35 Jason Lane
33 Michael Forde
36 David Phillips
33 Roland Fuhrmann
36 Matthew Meier
34 Stephen Morgan
37 David Murray
34 Daniel Stephens
37 Matt Goold
35 Troy Brook s 36 Jason Waszaj
35 Dianne Whiteley 36 Jamie Gun n
37 Gavin Roberts
37 Joseph Hartwig
r iR
by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarthy
Welcome Welcome to the start of another football season . Former scribes in Macca and Spider will write this year Umpires' Corner . We wish to acknowledge and thank Dianne Whitely for the work and effort that she has done over the last few years in writing this column . For all milestones or information that the umpires or clubs wish for in this corner please contact Macca or Spider either personally or through the VAFA and we will endeavour to do our best . Good Luc k We wish all umpires good luck in the coming season and hope that all umpires reach the goals and pass the goals that you have set yourselves . To the first year umpires may the VAFA be the association that you wish to continue your umpiring career in .
All clubs and players participating this year, the umpires hope that you enjoy the year and fulfil the high standards that we know have been set already . New Team Our new Adviser this year is former umpire Brian "Benny" Goodman, with him is a new look team of Mark Jenkins (Assistant), Shane Herbert (Goal Adviser), Bobby Mutton (Boundary Adviser), Brian Woodhead (Skills Coach) and Jason McNiece (Fitness Trainer) . With Brian comes a plethora of observers to over see the umpires within all grades . Keep an eye out for these people, Ken Jorgensen , Bob Taylor, Barry Morrison, Ted Calnan , Andrea Thwaites, John Horwood, John Robinson, Tim Dodds, Justin Lipson, and Russel Davidson. New Administration
This year's Executive is : Anthony Damen (Pres .), Peter Simpson (Vice Pres-Sr), Leah Gallagher (Vice Pres-Jr), Simon Stokes (Sec), Geoff Curran (Assistant Sec), Paul Jones (Tres), Patrick Coulthard (Assistant Tres), Mark Morrison (Social Sec), Bernie Jephson & Rob Mayston (ordinary members)
A couple of new
rules that we wis h to highlight are in
relation to what the full back can do this year. Firstly, to bring the kick in rule in line to what we are observing in the big league, the full back must kick the ball to himself within the goal square, before playing on (he does not have to kick it to himself over the goal square line) .
Secondly, if the full back is taking too much time in bring the ball back into play from a behind the umpire will call him to hurry up, if the full back continues to dwell then the umpire will call "play on" and the full back can be legally tackled within the goal square . Congratulations Some congratulation to umpires prior to the season commencing . Firstly to Kevin Segota who was bestowed the honour of 2003 VAFA Personality of the year, a great choice as we all know that Chille is a personality around the umpires and clubs . An umpire we haven't seen pre season has been Mark Gibson, Gibbo has not stopped umpiring as he has lent his services to the NTFL (Northern Territory Football League) . To top off his services Gibbo umpired the Grand Final with a former VAFAUA umpire in Ben Schmidt, well-done guys . Tom Brain (PUMP and part time reserve umpire) was awarded the Hugh Lyon Knitwear Media Award for 2003, congrats Tommy . Social News
The annual Golf Day will be held at Malvern Valley public golf course on 25th April . Numbers are limited to 20 players, so get your names down if you want to be in it . Southern FM Don't forget to listen to Southern FM for all VAFA results, listen to Macca go head to head with the Brain at 9 .30am on Sunday mornings .
13DF~O"3 0 Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
Hello and welcome to another season of D4 . After last promising youngsters season's dose finish, we say goodbye to the premiers Un i High and the runners up, MtLilydale, and welcome int o to improve on 2Q03's disappointment our grade F1sterrnvidc and Kew. It is also great to goodbye to the dreaded bye, with an even fixture t~e Personally, I think the _ i Turtles will be going result through a rebuilding phase this season and a bottom S three finish is my ti p . My beloved - - ~, like most seasons, have I am tipping the big improvers for season 2004 to be once again looked fantastic in their preseason with a ' C - - With ten new players on the list , number of the younger faces starting to shine, while th ee induding Frank Ar~-ad from Thonastaam who has of some older heads have strengthened coach J eg taken on the role as assistant coach, the Cobra playin Wilson's playing stocks . Although, th ey have filled me g with plenty of false hope in the past, from what I have stocks are swelling. The dub is expecting big things from Matt DAngelo who is back after recovering from a long men solar this pre-season, the Wanic~-s could well be the illness. Their practice match form has also been good "real-deal`' and I am tipping than for a top four tinish . giving Box Hill North a bit of a touch up in one match . I North will be hoping to improve on Iast sea~n's am tipping the Buileen lads tom the five to seven bradiet . 8th place finish, however, I am not sure they have the After two disappointing seasons, M ond Central ability to challenge for a final's berth . Fifteen new recruits believe they will be a lot more competitive this season. The to the playing list, the dub's depth is at an all time high . dub has aconpietety new fi st that has seen the addition New players whobe worked really hard over the pre- of several key position players . New senior coach and season such as Cameron Garrett, Rhys Ball, Steve Darc .y, former'94 Premiership player Frank Bove, who has over Matt Rogers will be players to look for, while I am told twenty years of coaching and playing experience is opposition players be on their guard against American confident the his side can turn it around . Dub president strongman Rob Demarco . Fxpect a~ple of upsets from Chris Barry told me, "Ebecyone down at the dub is the lads this season, however, I believe they will finish no confident about where this dub is heading . The boys have higher than last season's effor t been training with an intensity I haverit seen here at Ange Sammartino's troops from North BS d. are Richmond for quite awhile. I have no doubt its going to always a difficult team to pick given half their team be a big year . Tm excited!" I am not so sure though, and continually miss pre-season due to cricket finals . This while I expect improvement, I do not believe they will be year is no exception, however, I would expect them to be strong enough to challenge for the final four, and a bottom a competitive outfit, espedally at Bocce Palace . I am three finish is the tip. expecting them to finish just outside the four. The early premiership favorite for D4 is Kew, after being Alert Park has again had an interrupted preseason extremely stiff to have been relegated last season . The courtesy of the Formula One GP . While they have had dub has had good numbers on the track for the start of their 2004 journey and with excellent practice match eight players from last seasoalread y season have to hanga form, coach Rohan Doherty would have to be smiling . u p t h e b o s . While they have had an average shouing in The appointment of Nick Tinetti as captain is seen as practice matches, not a lot should be read into this f~n another positive, and when you combine his pace with the skill of Matty Blair, who is back from a serious ankle given the number ofplayers absent through cricket finals I would expect a top four finish for the Falcons this yean injury, and last year's B&F John Looker, the lads from Eltham has had an interesting summer, with the late Kew look hard to beat and as such, they get my preappointment of Wayne Reardon as senior coach afte r season kiss of death as my premiership tip . stints in the Diamond Valley and Essendon District Having been narrowly defeated in the semi finals lastyear, Leagues. Described as a tremendous addition, the SLMarys have welcomed back 2002 B& :.F winner Matt Turtles expectations have increased on his arrival . Gilchrist and 2002 leading goal kicker Vaughan Ryan However, losses of experienced players have made it more after an injury plagued 2003, while .Adam "llylan Bang' of a challenge, and it will be up to the large number d Lane has sizzled on the track and should have a bigyear .
Consecutive matches, including a Friday night dash at the home of VAFA football, Sportscover Arena, will be early season highlights and should hold the team in good stead . I am tipping big things for the Saints this year and expect them to finish in the top four. Finally, at the time of going to press I had not heard too much from newcomers 'ck, and it would appear that the dub with a 99 year history did not want to give too much away . They started with a flyer last season, however, did not have the staying power to challenge for the remairgier. Therefore it is a little hard to judge how they will go down in D4, but my gut feel is that they will need to rebuild after last season's disaster, and a midladder finish will be a realistic finish for the dub . Round One Prewew ST MARYS v KEW The match of the day is being played at Ferndale Park as the Saints host D4 newcomer Kew in what promises to be an epic match. Both teams are early final's aspirants and therefore will be desperate to get off to a good start for the season. While the Saints will be buvyed by the return of their star performers, I think they may struggle away from the confines of their favoured Ferndale Park . In what should be a good indicator of what is to come, I am going with Kew to win a dose game by 14 points . RICHMOND CENTRAL v ELTHAM COLLEGIANS The Snakes take on the Turtles in what many D4 pundits are saying could be a battle for the wooden spoon . I am sure Wayne Reardon and Frank Bove would want to hear none of that nonsense this early in the year and will be out to show the rest of the competition how wrong their assertions are. Both dubs are supremely confident that they will improve on their 2003 form and will be keen to open their account in Round 1 . While EIItham will be strengthened by the return of John Panetta after missing last season, I believe will they struggle away from home and therefore I am going with Richmond to win by a convincing 25 points. OLD WESTBOURNE v BOX HILL NORT H Box Hill North make the long trip down to Arctic Park to take on a Westbourne team keen to take the next step after last seasons resurgence. Having won the last time these two teams met, Box Hill will be chock full of confidence to repeat the dose for the Warriors, however, it is a more disciplined and refined Warrior outfit in 2004 . While I expect Box Hill to put in a spirited performance, I do not believe they have the class to match it with the likes of "Judza Horsburgh, "Surfer" Hodgson and "Chesty" Fairfield and therefore I am getting on the Warrior bandwagon early as I tip them to win comfortably by 39 point s BULLEEN COBRAS v ELST CK What a treat the supporters have in store for them as they travel to Koonung Reserve to see two improving teams battle it out for premiership points . Both teams had ordinary seasons last year, and both have shown great promise in the lead up to this match . While it is always hard to judge teams on preseason form, I think the Cobras have things going along quite well at the minute, and in front of a patriotic home crowd, I am going with them to beat the D4 newcomers by 9 points .
NORTH BRUNSWICK v ALBERT PAR K Two of last season's finalists meet at Bocce Palace in a quest to assert some early influence on D4 . With both teams expected to finish in the top half, it promises to be an intriguing encounter and picking a winner is a difficult task, given they have both had interrupted pre seasons . Albert Park though, have proven in the past to be slow starters, and the trip away will not suit them, and as such, I am going with North to win by 12 paint s Press Correspondents If you want your team and players mentioned in my column, I am only too happy to oblige . However, I must get your reports into me by midday on Monday at the latest Please also include your nomination for the player of the round . My preference is an email to gavan.flowe@spotless.com.au . MILESTONES BuTleen - Rod Sh will be playing hi s game today for the dub . Rod is a long time servant of the Cobras, and everyone wishes him all the best for the game. I am told he will be wearing his "traditional" number 28 for this game only and one of my regular contributors, Andrew Foskett, has kindly lent it to him for the day. Andrew did say he expects it cleaned for its return to him for Round Two l.
Elsternwick - congratulate Shane Mahony who plays his game for the Club against the Bulleen Cobras . Shane is the oldest of the Mahony dan and has had to work the hardest of them all to achieve success and reach this milestone . Things have been tough for the Widters on field over the last 10 years yet Shane has stood tall in defence often against insurmountable adds nearly always playing against taller opponents . A spell on the wing in 2002 was a godsend for Shane, he really enjoyed the opportunity to run free culminating of his winning of the Qub's Most Improved Trophy at almost veteran skalus. All at the Widcers congratulate you Shane on achieving this important milestone in your career, we hope its a good one as you continue to play your heart out for the hopefully resurgent Widters in 2004 . K - All at Kew congratulate Matthew Dalrymple on playing his 150th game in the season's opener today against Sr. Mary's. Matty, originally from Kennington, finished reserves 2nd B&F in his first two years followed by the B&F two seasons later. He was an integral part of the reserves '98 premiership team at CHB and now his fine form has gained that post in the seniors . Over the good dub man Matty has also served on the general committee Good luck today Matty from all the Kew boys .
TODAY'S MATCHES , D 4 SECTION St Marys v Kew Richmond Central v Eltham Collegians Old Westbourne v Box Hill North Bulleen Cobras v Elsternwick North Brunswick v Albert Par k
Senior Coach: Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 . P. Smith 2 . S . Robinson 2 . N. Pastras 3 . R . Baker 3 . G. Baker 4. J . Simcocks 4. L Baird 5. S . Allan 6. J . Storey 7. S. Venables 9. P. Chambers 10 . M . Phillips 11 . D . Bree 12 . T. Fraser 13. B . Payne 13. M . Davey 14. M. Hyams 15. D . Borley 15. P. Guicas 16. C . Roberton 17. D . McLellan 18. J. Taylor 20. K. Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22. J. Hannett 22 . S. Bennett 23. B. Harries 23 . H . Walls 24 . T. Green 25 . J . Wier 26 . S. Fairfield 27 . J . Holloway 28 . R. Allan 29 . R. Humphrey 30 . W. Johnson 31 . S . McGuire 31 . G . Foster 32 . M . Smith 33 . J . Murray 34 . T. Houston 35 . S . Toth 35 . D. Allan 36 . J . Dudi 37 . L. Hogan 38 . N . Wheeler 39. S . McKerrow 41 . A. Visapaa 42. D . Bennett 44. B . Isard 45. J . Agar 46. M . Dowdle 48. J . Harnath 49. L. Ryan 50. S. Mellis 50. B. Tuite 51, J. Belbin 52. M. Wall 53. M. Williams 55. D . Quinlan 57. J. Sutton 57.T Hurley 58 . A. Jackson 59 . T. Bennetts 60 . V. Surace 62 . N . Cain 77 . S. Garcia 78 . J . Harnath 79 . J . Guzman
Sponsored by : Rising Sun Hotel, RICHMOND
Coach: Peter Armstrong Res Coach: on Pratt 1 Wilson G 2 Riscalla C 3 Odza A 4 Manno A 5 Garrett J 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Thoi T 12 Dick A 13 Cumming M 14 Palmer B 15 Keillor L 16 Drew W 17 Cavallo G 18 Butler C 19 Callis C 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Doyle P 25 Kotsaridis P 26 Ball R 27 Wakefield S 28 Veleski Z 29 Rogers M 30 Olson B 31 Olson D 32 Oldfield I 33 Marinovic M 34 McCartin M 35 Burley P 36 Gaynor D 37 Penhalluriack L 38 D'Amato G 39 Tambakis J 40 Worrell D 41 Takeshita M 42 Tarulli A 43 Doyle R 44 Garrett C 45 Pearce B 46 Mortimer P 47 Andrews A 48 Lacey M 49 Ellis T 50 Pozar B 51 Cervelli M 52 D'arcy S 54 Van den Akker L 55 Pratt J 56 Wood A 57 Wood T 58 Demarco R 59 Tarulli M 60 Benbow N 61 Weston G 62 Penesis H 76 Loerand K 78 Leavers A 79 Bennett G 80 Evans S 88 Edgley M 99 Robinson G 111 Armstrong P
BUt1 .EEU COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach : TBA
1 I McLeod 2 T Orwin 3 S McLaren 4 N Cartledge 5 M Mann 6 T Pearson 7 F Baldi 8 T Mazzarella 9 M Kyriakou 10 C Powderham 11 A DeJong 12 P Whitehouse 13 N Edgar 14 T Fradkin 15 J Tdnchi 16 D Trinchi 17 T Conn 18 F Arcoraci 19 S TraPman
20 J McQuatter 21 N Lykopandis 22 M Aitken 23 J Redfern 24 R Gemes 25 W Olney 26 M Nathaniesz 27 J Cartledge 28 A Foskett 29 R Sheehan 30 B Cookson 31 K Kellett 32 T Mehrez 33 A Cook 34 M D'Angelo 35 M Unwin 36 P Dall'Oglio 37 J Paatsch 38 G Brown 39 C Chan 40 G Richards 41 C Jordan 42 C Borelli 43 J Mustica 44 H Khalil 45 J Daniels 46 J Lewis 47 N FQtalil 48 M Soumelidis 49 G Anderton 50 N Kyriakou 51 R Lock 52 53 R Rodrigues 54 55 J DAngelo
Coach : Dennis Grace Res Coach : TBA 1 . Lt.turPhy 2â&#x20AC;˘ A. Hank n 3. J . Yemm 4. S.Rosengarten . Whelan 5. M 6. D .Hogg y' J . ~+tcAda m 8. S. Currie 9. T. Hartley 10 R .Bravington 11 . L. Missaglia 12 . N. LNgmore 13 . S. Soppet 14 . B. Mahony (VC) 15 .B.Hooper 16 . M . Surman 17 . J. Perkins 18 . C.McKenna 19 . J . Hunter 20 . E .Goldman
21 . P. Stuchbe 22. G. Elvin (D~C) 23. S . Curtai n 24. A. Foster 25. S Gordon
31 . G. Devonshire
32. C .L on s 33, M. ~ unningham 34, J .Beaumont 34. A.Contin 0 35. P. McNall y a6. YAlfie 37.. DA Nolan Burney(GR) 38 39. M.Thiele 40. A Paley 41 . D B me 42. J. iJylikakis 43 . P. Clarke 44 . C . Walker 45. R. Grandemange 46 . M .Btrickland 47 . N.utting 48 . M . Franken 49 D.Hohaia 50 . M . Battaini
54 J .Devitt 55 . S .Stephens 56 . B.Edx ;h 57 . J.Donovan
58 . M.Fvtitchell 59 . T.Perkins 60 . M Creak 61 . M Hunt 62 . B . Maher
83 . D. Brewster 64. S .Vukis 65. D.w'kr'9M 66. E .Atter
1 . J .Baud 2 . S .Robins 3 . E . Sava9e 4 . B .Dood y 5 . D .Brick 6 . TCarter 7 . B. Rashid 8 . L .Sharpe 9. C .Watson 10 . B .Marshal l 11 . J.Mizz i 12 . L.McDonald 13. M .Luttic k 14. K .Nelso n 15. L.Wh te 16. D .Barnett 17. L.Daly 18. M .Chapple 19. A.Boot h 20. S .Jeal
26. C. Mahony (C) 27. M. Daniels ~: 5 MC'ao~or 30. M. Nichol y
51 G.Powell 52 . M. Purcell 53 A.Lewis
Coach: Wayne Reardo n Res Coach: Matthew Luttick
21 . M .Hart 22. D .Wright 23. R .Watson 24. K.Drummond 25. R .Thomas
26. J.Glare Res C/C 27 . J.Stockdal e 28 . T. Bamett 29 . D.Howgat e 30 . M.Decker 31 . B. Kelehe r 33 . A .How ate 34 . J .Howgate g 35 . G .Smit h 36 . M .Der e 37 . J .Gilbert 38 . A .Tard'rf 39 . F.Coonerty 40 . E .Baud 41 . Au . Mann 42 . D . Buller 43. P.Man n 44. At . Mann 45. R .Davies 46. M .Jarvis 48. B .Turney
50. B .Richardson 51 . P.Buhagia r 53. J .Woodward 54.D.Monagatt i 55.S .Todma n 56.R.Love 59. B .Evans 61 . K.Toulson 64. C .Lace y
Majo r Sponsors ELTHAM
I)4 Sectio n KEW Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Paul Gregor 1 J . Doumis (RDVC) 2 L. Fitzgeral d 3 D . Behan 4 G. Crimmins 5 C . Delaney 6 N . Tinetti 7 B. Dover 8 D. Mainsbridge (VC) 9 P. Witchell 10 B . Cullen (C) 11 B . Woodhouse (VC) 12 M. Gridley 13 C . Kyriakou 14 J.Looker 15 F. Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 B . Allen 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 J. Dennis 20 A. Acfiel d 21 M . Ayres (VC) 22 C . Stephens 23 J . De Blank 25 C . Watts 26 S. Byrnes (RVC) 27 T. Moore 29 M . Dalrympl e 30 C. Giansante (RC) 31 D. tanni 32 A . Drago 33 D. Wayland 34 J . Bortone 35 R . Brun o 36 B. Marchesani 37 S. Johnston 38 J. Ritchie 39 A. Eaton 40 J. Ferrantino 41 R. Livingston 42 J . Pilkington '.. 43 A . Bortone 44 A. Makris 45 G. 46 B . Van s EvenZuiden 47 A. Lawle r 48 S. Mikro u 49 P. Dennis (RDVC) 50 A. Carman 51 M . Blair 52 N. Gill 53 S . Osborne 54 J . Renou 55 A. Meek 56 T. FrB h 57 L . Jensen 58 B. Burnett 59 J. Rakusz 60 M . Andersson 6t M . Glen n 62 R. Falleti 63 N . Gricks 64 J . Cronin 65 D . Kinross 66 R . McKerrow 67 J. Bell 68 A. Patnaude 69 A . Roberts 70 J . Paron
NOUN BRUNSWICK Coach: Ange Sammartirlo Res Coach: Gary Cutler 1 Newton 2 Adams 3 Lattouf 4 Dimarco 5 Cutler 6 Pizzari 7 Stelfox 8 9 Sammyartino 10 Fawcett 11 Hamilton 12 Care 13 Ullo 14 Paleodimos 15 Tsialtas
16 Vaina 17 Kyriazis 18 Verge 19 Marin 20 Closte r 21 Santacroce 22 Freeman 23 Briffa 24 Aliani 25 Duson 26 Murphy 27 Ferrante 28 Boudoloh 30 Russo 31 Heck 32 Robertson 33 Rotella 34 Stepien 36 Sorleto 37 Defelice 38 Magnuson 39 Rhook 40 McCallum 41 Elm s 42 Papanikolou 43 Sorleto
44 Wallmeyer 45 Polemicos . 46 Giovanoglou 47 Prestigiacomo 48 Wolte r 49 Sallourn 50 Parks 51 Kehagias 52 Guest 53 Trafford 54 Wake 55 Sallourn 56 Fayad 57 Mountney 58 Messiake 59 Ackland 60 Parkes 61 Papa 62 Carter 64 Palmieri 66 Boudoloh 67 Carter
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Res . Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 .B.Gerace 2 .R.Wintle 3 .S .Depiazza 4 .C.Lever 5.S .Hewift 6.J .Horsburgh 7.A.Christo 8.A.Horsburgh 9.F.Pavez 10.J. Wilson 11 M .Christo 12 .M .Baulch 13 .J .Braham 14 .J .Bartolo 15.A .Boar d .. 16.S .Christo 17.M.Aquilina 18.F.Pavez 19.J.Mason 20 .R.Mutimer 21 .1-Hudson 22 .S .Anderson 23 .S .Huntington 24.L Fairfield 25.Troy Edwards 26.P.Mesman 27.D .Billman 28.D .Slattery 29.D.Horsburgh 30 .A.Mokrusch 31 .A.Miller 32 .G.Jenkinson 33.D .Benn 34.B .Merryweather 35.D .Rivalland 36.S.Phillips 37.A.Leitch 38 .D.Nikola 39 .M .Oldham 40 .J.Manolokakis 41 .K.Miller 42.D.Ollenbuttel 43.A .Runciman 44.D .Hudson 45.Trav Edwards 46.B.Lennon 47.T.Theodore 48.R .Van Engelen 49 .B.Robinson 50 .P.Habersatt 51 .J .Akarana 52 .T.Best
53.J .Bames 54.M.Crosswell 55.B.Gilbert 56.D .Abbey 57.D.Moore 58 .I .Smith 59 .A.Lipscombe 60 .N.Aquilina 62 .G.Robson 66.S .Leitch 88.H .Hodgson
Coach : Frank Bove Res Coach : Steven Lak e
1 Cox B 2 Quick T 3 O'Sullivan T 4 Trotter R 5 Tankovich D 6 Bunshaw G 8 Malcolm G 9 McGrath J 9 Karamicholos P 10 White A it Lake S 12 Macak F 15 Barry C 16 Bid J 17 Carew P 18 Moulday P 19 Quay C 20 Quick A 21 Jones A 22 Flores A 24 Guthrie T 25 Piani A 26 Baillie S 28 Green D 29 Stone J 32 Harris Mark 33 Berimano M 34 Brook J 35 Howell J 38 Defreitas M 41 Slatter T 42 White C 42 Hoare S 45 Day K 46 Hogan D 53 Pardy K 54 Cartwright C 54 Rawlings S 56 Titley A 57 Hill E 67 Lane J 69 Melville T 76 Phelan D 79 Coomber M 85 Jacobs G 86 Porteus G 87 Ingliss D
ST.MARYS A .F.C . Coach : Michael Learmonth Res: George Koumantataki s 1 T Brown
2 B Perelberg 3 G Schembn 4 N Goldswo rthy 5 A Lane
6 S Stone 7 A Dwye r 8 AZsembe '.. 9 R Orme ry 10 G Koumantatakis 11 J Bernardi 12 A Webb 13 J Hill
14 C Goldsworthy 15 M Purcel l 16 LAnthony 17 P West 18 B Frai l 19 V Ryan 20 C Handley 21 M Gilchrist 22 R Allen 23 F Harrison 24 A Latimer 25 M Butler 26 J Timmins 27 M Banks 28 J Innes 29 P Harrison 30 P Watson 31 S Leszko 32 P Reining 33 M O'Halloran 35 G Th eoharris 36 B Graetzer 37 L Vincent 38 DAstbury 39 T Millar 40 R Hausler 41 T Cummins 42 M Davies 44 J Lukjanov 47 P Rousis 48 D Morcom 50 A Wibawa 51 M Lynch 52 C Weller 53 B Armistead 54 J Wrl g ht 56 D Anders 57 D Watson 58 B Lewi s
59 K McLennan 62 G Pilikidis 63 P Roseman 66 N Batskos 67 M Masche tt e 68 J F1'eldstad 69 J Hend y 70 N Luce 72 S Sylivris 73 N Datskos 74 A Richard 80 J Clarke
88 A Ballan tyn e
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Welcome to season 2004 and the new look VAFA Trainers' Association . The Trainers' Association Executive (TAE) at this stage is President - Helen Kenna, Secretary - Brooke Murphy, Treasurer - Denise Kelly, Committee - Molly May, Elizabeth Ravalli, Chris Kelly, Rob Duncan (Club Warehouse), Andrew Meehan (Beiersdorf) and Phil Stevens (VAFA) . The pre-season has seen some changes for the better for trainers in general . This year,with meetings called regularly by Phil, has seen the three meetings held so far being of real value . The VAFA Trainers' Executive has suggested a new uniform for all trainers to wear so as to set them apart from all other officials on the ground. The VAFA Executive has approved this. It will be a royal blue body with orange sleeves in both a tee-shirt and polar fleece jumper for the cold days. The word TRAINER is emblazoned across the back . The Trainers Association hopes all Clubs will support this initiative to raise the profile of their trainers in the VAFA . For 2004 the old uniforms are quite okay to be worn if clubs cannot afford to outlay extra expense . The next important the TAE has had influence with is in regards to what happens to unconscious players on the field. If a player is knocked unconscious and when the trainers reach him he is still unconscious and not coming round then he must only be removed from the field by a doctor or an ambulance officer - not by the trainers . Also a player who is unconscious but comes around on the field must not play for the rest of the game no matter what the coaching staff requests. If your have any queries or questions of your Trainers' Association please email Chris Kelly on chriskl5@bigpond .com. We now have a weekly page in the Amateur Footballer every week so hope to hear from you all so I can each week present an informative column . Best wishes to all clubs for an enjoyable season .
Section One After a tumultuous off-season for all football codes around the nation, season 2004 kicks off this weekend with a host of exciting fixtures, as new coaches and players aim to impress in their first outing of the season . Defending premiers St Bernards start their
Section Two Welcome one an d all to Round -
se man once said fhere's season 2004. As a Wi nothing better than to suffer from leather poisoning in April. "
The beauty of Round I in the under 19s, is that, kinda like Forrest Gump's mum's box of chocolates , campaign for back-to-back titles this afternoon, "you never know whatcha goter get" . Many playing St Kevins away at Righetti Oval . VAFA U 19 players have moved on, others have arrived . Most Coach of the Year David Law stays at the helm with will have to re-focus from a summer of beach St Bernards, who face a tough challenge from a St holidays, first year classes, first year girls, new jobs e Kevins outfit that have shown promise in th or apprenticeships, Centrelink and anything but -season Undoubtedly one of the biggest signings getting a kick in mid-April . Pof the off-season, Richard Obee joins St Kevins as their under nineteens coach, Obee having Thankfully for most coaches (who will have the highest mobile phone bills going around) some of successfully coached Old Brighton to the Division "Um o will hav e One Premiership in 2002 ironically against St the 'veterans' of the U19 compe slogged their guts out for many weeks with their Kevins . With a healthy squad to choose from, St senior club counterparts - all in the name of a'big Kevin's look well positioned to make an impact on . The U19 coach will look to these young the competition in 2004, coach Obee pleased with pre-season' men for early season inspiration . thet amwork and cohesion of his players in their e . However they Some of their team-mates will have the final practice hit-out a fortnight ago do go into this weekend's match as underdogs, St can of the coach and trotted down to trainin g bell u~liny in Bernards favourites as they aim to become only the recent weeks . Chances are, they pulling up . McCann with cramp halfway through the 3rd quarter and eighth team ever to claim back-to-backJ .S rueing their decision to skip pre-season . If ever you Cups . should laugh at your team-mates' misfortune, thi s Across town a highly anticipated match between two t is it! ! of last years finalists looms, as Uni Blues play hos to Old Scoteh . Having impressed in three practice prognostications matches against Essendon, Scotch and St Bernards Fair to say this round will be "harder to pick than a before the Easter break, the Blues have looked one broken nose" . No fear though, armed with my trusty of the strongest sides this preseason ; Tim Giles' tarot cards, crystal ball, and latest copy of the Age boys showing potential to go one better than their Form Guide for Bendigo here goes . runners-up finish last year . An overflowing list of : The 'smoky' of the field will b e players will also help the Blues this weekend, who Banyule-Viewbank the Combine, who went all the way last year will go in favourites against a confident Scotch side. . Big step up in class will test them. undefeated The only new side to section one this season : Finished on strongly and the Shark Werribee Amatuers have a tough initiation in the Beaumaris stable will be looking to improve on last years ' opening round, a home encounter against Caulfield . I~very chance. Grammarians . Guiding Werribee to the section two outing premiership last year, Fab Gatti's side will show Collegians : Rising in class but the lure of racing on tenacity but may struggle physically against a the Trott every second week will have them falling out of the trees to lace the boots. strong Caufield side . Elsewhere this afternoon, last year's preliminary Hampton : Much excitement about the new season finalists Old Xaverians should account for at Casa Boss . `I .4y Will pray for a good start to avoid Marcellin, while De La Salle wiIl travel as favourites dropping too fa-r back into the chasing pack . e to Old Brighton . Old Camberwell: The Wellers stumbled into th + THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 48
finals last season, and should jump to the front early on, then focus on September. Each way. Old Essendon : Rumour is the disappointment of the last season's campaign will translate into a slow to start in 2004 . Will be pushing hard once they round the turn .
Monash Blues : Heard that they're climbing the Hewitt Hall stairs in record speed this pre-season could be a big year for m-y alumni! ! St Bedes Mentone : A good effort last year and will look to consolidate in the higher division . Will surprise a few if they string a few early wins Old Ivanhoe : Traditional mudlarks who will have together. some healthy rivals . Don't be surprised if the University Blacks : No better advertisement to join a heavier conditions at Chelsworth send several sides club than getting to watch "Parke" do his nut at sinking . training each week? College boys get on board the Old Melburnians : Were at the head of the pack Blacks this year! chasing last season's bolter, but fell short when it Old Carey: "Shoulda, coulda, woulda" last season, really counted . Favourites in the ring . and will be disappointed they didn't . Carry the Old Trinity: How they cover for the loss of one or two burden of section favouritism this year. gun riders to higher duties will be crucial . Solid Therry Penola : Always tough and disciplined, the track preparation against class fields will assist Lions will be in for a testing year . . . . greatly. Whitefriars: Some BIG boys in the line-up, and as Rupertswood : All is healthy out Sunbury way, and the old saying goes. they don't get any shorter as the the picture perfect bush racetrack will pose some game wears on . Will be thereabouts . . . . problems for visiting thoroughbreds . Good chance. Selections : Selections : MAX will roll the Unicorns, at the Packer Reserve, Collegians should be too strong for Beaumaris at the by a lazy 4 majors . Trott, home by 3 goals . Parade to march home over Oakleigh by 13 points Recent scratch match form says the Bears should With the Ashers on mid-semester break, the Tigers be too strong for the Wellers by 23 points . should prevail by 17 in an early upset . The Hoers to edge out Rovers by 4 points after two Game of the Round is at Parkville where the OCs balls go missing the trees at the Yarra Rover end . should just outlast Blacks by 3 point s Game of the Week will see Rupertswood flex some serious muscle on their home deck, and hand OMs No joy for Therry at JP Fawkner, where the Friars should fly home and chalk up a 14 point win . a 16-point defeat . Section Bl ue Finally out at TEAC the Bombers face off against Trinity . I'm going with my heart early - Deano's boys Beniieigh: As Maxwell Smart would say "missed it by 11 points in a ripper, with local boy Blake Kelly by that much" in 2003 . Will hope 2004 is Year of the Demon . BOG" . De La (2) : Never take a De La boy lightly, or so the Sacre Couer girls said. Whether they're gold or blue, Section 3 they'll fight to the bitter end . Ajax: Though not mathematically possible, Mazenod : Entering a rebuilding phase, which has AJAX sides are renowned for giving 110째l0. The necessitated a drop from the higher divisions . Jackers on dry, open grounds - underestimate them Hoping to chalk up some early wins for confidence . at your peril. Oakleigh Clays : Unknown quantity to this scribe, MHSOB : The Unicorns' recruiting drive has been similar to what some of my clients claim they healthy from all reports, and they traditionally play weren't trafficking . Keep any eye out for this one. the W-M Oval well . Could be figuring in the finals Ormond : Heard a whisper "it's all good" down at EE mix . Gunn, so the positive vibes should rub off on the Old Paradians : a welcome return to a previous unders . Strong chance for September methinks . powerhouse as the green & purple rises again in Peninsula : Hardest trip in the competition should under 19 footy . Do they still charge $2 to park your make for a good home ground advantage . Another to car? Oakleigh : Will be happy to have received a figure in the finals' mix. promotion, and should be very competitive against St Leo's : The Animals were unfortunate to miss out last year and will have had 6 months of soulall-comers . searching to work out how it should be done . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 49
South Melbourne: The Districts tread water last season, but with a stronger senior unit should approach this year with confidence. St John's: Those who would voluntarily play football in Dandenong deserve the utmost respect . . . and fear. Coach Skinner will have his charges well prepared . Selections
in the first round back . Section three rejects NOBS find themselves back in section red this season, the club hoping to improve on an average 2003 which saw none of the club's sides reach the finals .
Ormond to notch up an early upset over the Swans by 2 twin s
Please feel free to provide Fraser Cameron with any biased match reports from your matches, all information would be greatly appreciated. Simply email me before 12 noon each Monday at fraserc@vwd .eom .au you can contact Cameron Nation on camnation@optusnet.com.au
Oakleigh Clays will start their season off with a bang over the De La Golds - a lazy 5 snag win . I expect some JOC-ularity as they salute, at The Animals' expense, by 17 points The Nodders have a year to consolidate, but the Demons should start their season off *ell winning by 22 points . The Pirates get some late season surfing in at Gunnamatta . . . . . Section Red Season 2004 kicks off this weekend with five enticing matches, as two relegated sides try to improve on a disappointing 2003, while UHS-VU have to wait until next week to play their first junior game in more than thirty years . With neither UHS-VU or St. Bernards (2) able to get a team up in their own right they've combined to form the hybrid UHS-VU/St. Bernards . Drawing each other in the first round means they wait until round 2 to begin their season . Red section finalists La Trobe Uni host Old Westbourne this afternoon, coach Zoran Colovic pleased with the numbers on the track in the preseason . With a host of new players signing up in the past weeks, Colovic notes the squad isn't as tall as years gone by, but the experience of ten secondyear players should help overcome this. Having shown promise in three home practice matches before the Easter break, La Trobe look strong at home, and will go into the match as favourites . Across town Fitzroy travels to Aquinas, Reds coach Tim Bell remaining tight-lipped about his side's prospects this season . Retaining the seven highest vote getters in last years best-and-fairest, the Fitzroy side looks strong on paper, a century goalkicker amongst those remaining at the club . Having won almost three times as many games as Aquinas last year, the Reds enter the match as favourites and should be too strong even away from home . Elsewhere across the city, Bulleen-Templestowe host North Old Boys, the home side winless throughout 2003 and hoping to break their drought 50
Finally Rupertswood (2) host Old Xaverians (2), in what should be a tough and evenly matched encounter. Cor respondents
TODAY'S MATCHES TJNDER-19 SECTION I Old Xaverians v Marcellin St Kevins v St Bernard s University Blues v Old Scotch at Holl and Park, Kensington Rd Kensington (42 J4) .
Old Brighton v De La Salle Werribee Amateurs v Caulfield O r UNDER- SECTION 2 Collegians v Beaumari s Banyule Viewbank v Old Camberwell Old Ivanhoe v Hampton Rovers on Oval 2 Chelsworth Park Rupertswood v Old Melburnians Old Essendon Or v Old Trinity Under-19 Section 3 AJAX v MHSOB at Packer Reserve, Leila Road, Carnegie (68 J8 )
Old Paradians v Oakleigh Monash Blues v St Bodes Mentone Tigers University Blacks v Old Carey at Brens Ova l
Therry Penola 0 B v Whitefriars Under-19 (2) B lue South Melbourne Districts v Ormond at J J Murphy Reserve, Graham Street, Port Melbourne (56 Ki) Oakleigh Clays v De La Salle (2) Peninsula 0 B has the by e St Johns 0 C v Emmaus St Leos 0 C on Oval 2 Thomas Carroll Reserv e Bentleigh v Mazenod 0 C Under-19 (2) Red By e Bulleen Templestowe v North Old Boys La Trobe Uni v Old Westbourne Rupertswood (2) v Old Xaverians (2) 11 .30 a.m. Fitzroy Reds v Aquinas 0 C v game switched from the ori ginal draw now at Ramsden St .
Coach : Dean Rossely
Coach : Luke Stewart
Coach : Lachie Waterman Asst Coach : Terry Kendall 1 B Nickless (VC) 2 J Wrigh t 3 S Gamboni 4 A Sutherland (VC)
1 Nob;ett T 2 Weame J DV 3 Murphy C Ca 4 Buckthaught D
Coach: David Madigan Asst: Scott Jones 1 M Sheehan 2 R Quick 3 M Fleldsen 4 E Browning
1 Bartlett M 2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A
5 Hammond T
1 . T Money 2. A Papaluca 3. J Carlson 4. J Mahon
4 N Hart
5 M Clinch 6 S Meehan 7 D =a 8 V y 9 B Vague 10 N Smith 11 R Hancock 12 S Conway 13 L Bowden 14 D Lowther 14 M Hayes 15 5 Smythe 16 J Adams 17 18 L Williams 19 20 D Drobric 20 J Hassell 21 22 T Donegan 23 S Ferwerd a 24 J Gilchrist 25 26 27 L O'Donnell 28 L Jarvis 29 M Nankervis (C) 30 39 B Oakley (DVC) 46 A Skinns (VC) 53 D Browning
5. J BortOlotto
5 Christie J
6 Hammond C DVC 7 Rudd WVC 8 Jennings 5 9 Edwards N 10 Winter G 11 Evans R 12 Goodwin-Doming S 13 Strain A 14 till C 15 Andrew T 16 May C 17 Nibrando A 16 Kearsley J 19 Fitts J 20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W 22 Patterson A 23 D'Arcy Z VC 24 Benkemoun M 25 Fagan T 26 Kalaja E 28 Nicklos FA 31 Ganood S 33 Logan A 39 Cater B 42 Sundberg M 45 P cfield B
6. S Considine 7. M Gorgovski S. A Layto n 9. C Nikolakopoulos 10. J Williams 11 . S Farelly 12. D Valsorda 13. A Power 14. R Davis 15. S Tandridge 16. B Ryan 17. S Nu hean 18. C Purcell 19. J Crapper 20. P Deluca 21 . P Robbins 22. D Carolan 23. A Ceccomancini 24. A McGlin 25. D McMahon 26. S Preece 27. J McPadand 28. C Cogdon 29. D Fraser 30. R Redmond Yarra Valley Country
6 Cooney S 7 Doherty R 8 Duncan S 9 Edge J to Fielke G 11 Filipovic L 12 Grigio A 13 Gutteridge T 14 Hubbard S 15 Jackson L 16 Joseph R 17 Kennedy A 18 Kennet T R 19 Latta 20 Leaf J 21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 May M 24 McDonald L 25 Mooney B 26 Newman M 27 Overend E 28 Parkes M 29 Pascad J 30 Pomeroy x 31 Reincke T 32 Salem J 33 Sheehan C 34 Stenner N
5 C Swan
Club - Bulleen
35 Tolj C
43 A Cossa r
36 Tregear A
44 TAurel-Smith
49 S Hop e
OLD XXAVERM (1 & 2) Coach U19(1) : Adam Sassi Coach U19(2): TBA
5 Rutnra E 6 Kensekl M 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J 9 Rogan T
4 Walsh 5 Hughes 6 Buis
10 Hales S
17 Bourke R 73 Gmnrvan 12 Ryan j L t4 Roache M 15 Barren A 16 Corcoran N 17 Chapman P 18 Scanlan M(C) 19 M artin J 20 Meehan D 21 Nolan C 22 sdvagnl R
23 French R 24 Rowe 25 Purss C
L 26 Purcel 27 O'Hanlon l on M 28 Wnde J
29 Adams S 30 Vaughan S 312 clnerney T
33 Fwd D
34 Omnn D 35A gius J 36 Rees D 37 M Runco R 38 an SSmith J 39 Ry 400HanIOnM 41 Fusmato R 42 SMiNey M
43 Co,ngan T 44 Bane D 45 Trovato M
ai siidic~tr C 48 Nadinic A 49LYnchT 50(.Tes6~ ter P
528 `erNJ
53 Faithful A sa Paqe A 34 Slenn er N athan 35 36TrelgaarAdam
Coach: Richard Oboe
Coach: Tim Giles
Coach : Fab Gatti
Coach: David La w
1 O'Meara T 2 Trescowthkk J 3 R{om r S
6 M Moffatt 7 K Downing 8 B Snaddo n 10 E Beaurepaire 11 A Wilkinson 12 A Philalay 13 S Pappa s 14 R Lowing 15 J Latimer 17 A Pearc e 18 N Ackroyd 19 S Dick 20 N Thorn 21 LThompson (C) 22 T Graham 24 P Zogoola s 25 C Logan 27 S Jonas 28 S Yeoman s 30 K Berry 32 R Gerstman 33 C Purnel l 35 G Fitzpatric k 41 T Bul l
1 . J Maher 2. T.OToOte
2. D Marshall
7 Liberatare C
3. LGiansiracusa(VC) 4. S.Sexton 6. D . McBride 7. R .Taylor
3. P David 4. M Dwyer 5. A Farrell 6. L Couper
8 Matthews S 9 Evans D
8. S. Landers 9. LSyme
7. C Bradley
2 Harley D 3 Pals B
70 Garth
11 Macon A
t2 RunnaJS be
13 Campo M 14 Pearson T 15 Joseph G 76 Oxenfad P 17 Demcrton L
18 Maggiore M 19 Keogh P 20 Rogers C 21 Whelan T 22 Mitchell A
23 1--o DM 24 Gourley 25 Govan C
10. L GUllrfef
11 . J.ListOn 12. C .TaY lor DV ( C ) 13. N .HuttOn 14. A.Hamitton (Ca t P) 15. M.Vero 16. A.Callander 17. M.Welsh
18. M.Ddnkwater 19. C .Undenvood (VC) 20. W.Dunn 21 . D .Petrou 22. A.Lynch 23. C .TanCredi
26 Maspasqua F
25. A.Mulkearns
27 watts R 28 Lancaslure D 29 Stap7etori J 30 Prendi E 31 Salvadori M a 32 Baron 33 Mcmurtrie D 34 Legudi 8 35 Ryan B
26. M.Shannon
36 Mcdenn째;t C vAnge ~ Lo
30. RGhougassian 32. B.Hughes 33, S.O'Connor 34. J. 0'Keefe 37. H Powell 39. N .Pope
40. D .Mount 43. W.Gullifer (DVC)
l ers' 8 4
39 Kavanagh A 40 Farrell C 41 Crow 6 42 Lyle R 43 Oconnw D
45 Johnson B 50 Schroder R
1 . G Muir
8. B Gin 9. Westmore 10. J Bunkle
11 . M Shaughnessy (VC) 12 . T Saitta 13 . J Hummel 14 . R Hage 15, W Robinson
16 . M Dods 17 . C Northway (DVC) 18 . T Conn
19 . D Heinz (Capt) 20. T Maddacks 21 . R Minns 22 . N Shuttfeworth 23 . N Burchell 24 . H Rankin 25. J Sundermann
26 . D Hill 27 . W Bright
28 . MTOmey(VC)
29, L Woodhouse (DVC) 30 . N Vandenbosch 31 . J Green 32 . K Marto 33 . C Ross 3 . C Haines
30 . M . Palmington 31 . J . O'Brien 32 . C. L ee 33 . N. Renault 34 . D. Bunworth 35 . P. Chalmers 36 . T. Andrews
37 . R. Barker 38 . Josh Russo 39 . L Gatti 40 . S . Bianco
41 . B . Stomebrink 42 . A. McNally 43 . B . Black 44 . M . McDonald 45 . R. Mentha 46 . P. Cassin
47 . B . P sma l 48 . L. Gatti 49 . N. Addamo 50 . N. Renaut Sr . D. Lee 52 . Justin Russ o 53 . P. Keogh
54 . B . Back
55 . A. Cai n 58 . S . Smith 57 . M . Miller 58 . P. P. Spry 3L J
32 33 35 R . Mentha 47 . S . Simpson
66 . B . McMahon
Coach: Phiv Demetriou Coach: Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry
Coach: Michael Blake
1 wenxe, Z 2. S . Hoult 2 Brockwel, J 3 . L. Quirk 3Mcgavem,A 4 . L. Hill 4 Adams . P 5. D . Wall s Brom, A 6 . M . Bramwell 6Morgan.M (C .) 7, P. Irons
1 G . Cannell
7 Moore, R 8 . A. Clemente 8 R~4er, J 9, M. Wilso n 9 Christian, M(v.C.) 10. S . Vpond 10 Sta opolous,c 11,J, Tomlin iI Cnmmirx,J 14 . P. Berry 2 Payser, J 15 . B . Norris 13 Park, D 16 . D. Murphy 14 tarrm' M v'cl 17, C 150'DCnrwll, L 18, M. Evans . Imlach 16 Cuttersaat R n Stavropda,;, A 20 . J . Atkins 21 . T. Shu t9 01-k, 22 . T. Boreham 20 Met-' D 23 . K . Bleisner 21 Hoimes, M 25 . B . Bowker 22 Ts~rgas, J(C.) 26, J . Heath 23Spcer,J 29 .T Waller 24Baromi_f,A (VC .) 33 .D. Couples 25 T.I. S 34 . D . Taylor 26 Pcsavemo, S 35 . J. Starke 27 Kaymoz, D 36 . P. Ghys
28 Sdro, C 37. C . Terpsenis 29 svrn, j 38 . L . Mead 300Rwrke, P 42. J. Edmeades 31 ozpetro• M 49 . M. Cairns
2 L. Weaver
3 4 5 6
4 B. Hillier 5 B. Moody
J. Chiarizia C . Christianson D . Clarke J. Corbett
7 B. Davies 8 G . Giasoumi 9 S. Gravina 10 J. Hills 12 L. Jones 13 T. Keogh 14 Y. Kobayashi
15 T. Malthouse 16 G . Marlyn 17 J . McNamara 18 I . Nicholls
g~ ~°~ r -~ -
19 D. O'Brien 20 N . Orfti 21 N . Pinto 22 T Porter 23 24 T. Rootse y 25 K . Rubtsov 26 L. Smith
27 S . Suleyman
32 Dunstcae, J 52. J. Dickie 33 Herbert, D 34 shepherd, T 35 Jones, J
1 H . Bradshaw
2 L. Cave
11 D. Hughes
Coach: Anson Browrnles s
28 M. Westhead 29 D . Williams
30 B . Wright
3 S. Johnson 6 C . Raq ers 7 T. Goslin g 8 J. Vince
9 L . McDermott 10 B. Cottrell 12 p~gN~so n 13 D. Middleton
. k Ramsa 4 15 D .Shan y 17 D. Clyne s 18 D. Hanson
19 G . Alessi o 20 C. Birrel l 22 M . Westman 23 L. Taylor 24 C. Hendrie 30 C. Payne
33 S . Peasnel l 34 J . Hadley 35 A . Peacock 36 T. Chas e 37 G. Hanson
38 L Heffernan 40 T. Scott
-y ~ -
E71 ALL ELE( AS 9 HQ`5r ;_c~i0 B 1
36 Buckley, C 37 Shepherd, D 38 wrighL R 39 McIntosh, J 40 Bla}ney, P
OLD ESSENDON Coach : Shane Harvey-Ltte Twil6ianager: Gleaw W&Jrtson
1 F. Ktenas 2 N .Tai 3 J . Dazkiw 4 C . Heritage 5 W. NunEst
6 PetdrO J
7 Kenna J C/C 8 Dickenson A V/C 9 Miers M 12 Stebbins N
7 T Biggs a E Baskan 9 D . Mezo
10 H . Leury 11 12 13 14 15 16
J. Duggan J.Harewood L . Bones D . Cerantonio S. Clinreck S . wade 17 M . Trevaskis
13 Webster J C/C 14 Burgess M
17 Lamb T
t 8 Harrod T 19 Baylis M
20 J. Mansour 21 R. Baddeley 22 A. Castanga 23 M . Shaw 24 C. Burke 25 P. May 26 L . Cagiiadni
20 Medland A 21 Hook A
22 Oldfield T 23 Burke A 24 LaZZarotto A
27 M . King 26 T. wlson
29 J. Stormont
33 D.Hardy 34 T. Rumble
35 J. Phillips 36 C. Leech 37 M . Schappacher 38 A Christou 39 R. Arzanou 40 L. Edgar 41 C. Bevan s 42 J . Uren 43 A . Cannin g 44 J . Francis
15 Simmons H 16 Stewart F
18 L . Ballinge r 1 9 P. Rankin
31 N. Foot 32 D. Nankervis
2 Day M 3 Walsh T 4 Bilwani A
6 S. Davson
30 S . Modesse
OLD TRINITY Coach : Dean Peters
25 Burke M 26 Stockdale C 27 Neville A 28 Butler K 31 de Bruin S 32 Hore-Lacy A 45 Kelly B
Under-19 - Section 3 AJAX
Oakleigh A .F.C
Coach : Gary Blusztein
Coach: Brad James
Coach: Jon Edgar Res: James Shady
Coach : Mick Holden
Coach: Craig William s
1 G . Lewis 2 J Fayman 3 J Karp 5 . J. Givon+
6, Ni . Chester 7 . D. Blankfieki 8 . J. Feldy g . E. Roiiman it . A Ezekial 12. D. Raleigh
15. A. Goldstein 16, A. Lewis 17. A. Bustin 18. B . Lukav
19. N . Rottenberg 20. A. Wolner 21 . A Chrapoi 22. M . Ivany 23. R . LevJs 24. D. Bustin
25. R . Kagan 26. B . Nankin
27. G. Measey 28 . R . Spilberg
29. J. Goldman 33 . M. Butt
34 . L Peters
1 J Aitken 2 M Brain 3 D Pinwill 3 A Van Rooyen 4 T Sciacke r 3 S Whittington
4 B Gevaux 5 G Blau 6 T Biddington 8 R Terlnes
1 Wills D 2 Counihan D 3 Nahas R 4 Costigan D
1 . T. Wilkins
5 Jordan M 6 Cleary D 7 Lamb C
6. A. Sheddon 7. A. Smith 9. J. Phelp s 10. C. Laidlaw 11 . A. Newhouse
8 Torcasio G 9 Groake C 10Hog an C it Afdone S
9 J Mathew 10 C Eva it D Kem p 12 5 Volkerin g 13 R Read 14 P McGrath 15 D Membrey 16 A Vdlani 19 S Foley
20 J Maomro 22 P Greenhill 22 R Er m 23 A Hogan 23 S Mitchell 24 M Avra m 24 K Harding
25 R Whitehouse 26 A Edwards
26 M Van Alphen
27 R Osidacz 27 T Middleton 28 G Saun ry 28 29 M Slnhy on-Ho
c- :
Major Sponsor s ~
. .-. ..~ . .
. ;"
3. J. Davy 4. J. Carpenter
14. M . Cornwell
13 Rowan L
15. A . Thompso n 19. T. Lowcock
i4 Brown P
21 . K. Parker
15 Holden E
22. T. Evan s
16 White S 17 Briggs S t8 Shitton A 19 Seeres S 20 Spiker T
25. P. Morey 27. J. Choong 29, J. Joslin 31 . S . Mead 33. L McKinnon
21 Briggs J 22 Fitzgerald T 23 Poundgow A 24 Barrand L 25 Litianara D 26 Hogan K 27 Middlemiss A 28 Caillery C
44. D. Stocko
12 Vitagliano G
17 A Orchar d 18 R Newland
2. N . O'Brien
90. M . Bessant
FABRICATOR S GVP Fabricators All Home Loan s New Order Clothin g
OLD PARADIANS Coach: Mark Spittoon 2. 0 Caple
Coach: Glen Afford
Coach: Greg Campbell
Coach: Tom Purcell
Coach : Andy Dalrymple
1 Laver T
3 . 6 Clark
2 Maddocks J
4 . D Malone 5 . M Mitcheli 6. D Giddings 8 D Richardson 10. ADFabio 1t . R Ryan 12. M Irvirw 13. S Maher
3 McConnell K 4 Flaveile L 5 Lynch D 6 Rdchie E 7 Lawler M 8 Parker W 10 Kelly L 11 Griffith M 12 Marks J
14. P Tumer
14 McMurray
15. S Egan
17 Day B 18 Porter D 19 Paterson A 20 McNeil J 21 Ferraro 0 22 KnuPPel M 23 Lynch J 24 Tyquin J 25 Schwarze B 26 sewers A 27 Waters D 28 Dowling M
7. S Loll
16. 0 Watts 17. S Graham 18. T Girovsk, 20. A McLaughlin 21 . D Kahriskis 23. ASmith 25. S RehLcki 27 29.. M G Chi Vincen t 30.DDean 36. R Villano 40 M Hyde (C)
48. A Elliott
29 Knowles A 30 McGettigan M 31 Worsnop 32 McCallum 33 O'Reflly
P 34 Lambert G
35 Wright 8 36 Terrell J 37 Hunter J 38 Gilmore S 39 Heys J 40 McGettigan P
41 O'GOmian M 42 Scholes M 43 Serofim L 55 Routllion L
1 Corrigan B
2 Belsey J (vc) 3 Turner S 4 Skiathitis R 5 Morris B
Hermes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 6
9 HOatson T
10 Crotty J
11 Sheppard T 12 Leach S 13 Dooley J 14 Fenton J
15 Owen B 16 Ferrelly M 17 Slawitschka J 18 Badenhope M 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C (c)
21 Brosnan J
22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D
24 Faroldi M 27 Gunawardena I
i -~
29 Heane R
32 Cooper J 33 Freckleton J 40 Brosnan J
Under-19 - Section BLUE DE IGH
DE LA SALLE (GOLD) Coach : Rob Smith
Coach : Mick Lee 1 R Dolman
2 R Heywood
3 D Howard
3 0 Lewis 4 J D'ONay
5 T Ridgway
6 J Roberts 7 S Holmesby
4 N Hart 6 M Sheehan 7 L Casey
9 M Hayes 9 J McKenzie
8 B Holden
10 D Thompson
9 D Wild 10 D Fogarty 11 J Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M Wilson 15 D Streker 16 K Pereira
12 S Crowe
17 18 P Breitlcreuz
19 S Nicholson 20
21 R Turner 22 B McLellan 23 S Corrigan 26 T Krotofil 30 B Tiso, B
34 35
47 S Wright 52 M. McLellan
12 LCasey 14 E Browning 19 A Hillier 19 W Quaran 20 B Pedula 21 K Higgins 23 J Hennessy 26 DMeLeod 27 B Raisbeck 28 B WaNon 30
30 M Nixon 33 J McCluskey 35 C Howard 41 D Thompson
42 L Fisher 46 K Smyth 47 J Greaterorex 52 M Griffin
53 J Casey
MAZENOD Coach: Shane Regan
Coach: Neil Franks
1 S .Knobel(dvc) 2 M .Barron (vc) 3 RStaintorih (C) 4 R.Smith 5 D.Smnh
6 8 Martell
7 S.Cumming 8 P.Wgnall
9 A.Law
10 D.Brennan 11 M .Kenn y 112-A.deLange 3-LForster 14-LCoghlan 15-J .Preston 16 - C .O LOUghBn ' 17 -J .Hocking 18-TMadder
20 - C.Matthews 21 - H.Nestor 22 - W.Mil ler
Rhodes 23 --j 25 S .Jay (dvc)
Coach: Gary Williams
ORMOND Coach : Michael Oaten
1 M Bertooe 2 N Bradtey
1 Nassarallah E
1 Ashley
2 Dennehy S
2 Medcraft
3 S Castricum
3 Konas A
4 D Caughey
4 Lazarakis C S 5 Thornton 6 Nussbaum S
3 MitsiOs 4 Barnes
5 ACiavarelua 6 G Cocks 7 8 Costln
8 M Cummins
7 loannidis S
g W Evans to D Grantham 11 J Hendry
8 Angus B 9 Rossenlis C
12 DHansman 13 PJahnson
14 J Kava"agh 15 J Lambert 1 6 S Mann 17 J Mather
18 D Micallet tg S Moran
10 Piazza A 11 Nasr A 12 Onurlu H 13 Evangelista J 14 Patuad F 15 Nevitt J 16 Walsh M
5 Brosnan
6 DeNatris 7 Black
8 Sayers 9 Jewell
10 Pincatt 11 Fi she r 12 Evans 13 Haysom 14 Davis 15 Peel
20 ANorman
18 Mesley G 20 Fredrickson J
16 Brosnan 17 Clancy
21 D Nutung
21 Onudu K
18 Jewell
22 M Pecora 23 D Power
22 Harold M 23 Sofoulis M 25 R a ahi M 26 S
19 David
20 Machin 21 Jacobs
24 Buckley 25 Bogartin 26 Fotopoulos 28 Harris
29 Kilmartin
34 Ramsay
44 Robbins
24 D Regan 25 E Roberts 26 B Ross
27 Sang
28 P Sauter 29 S Stanley 30 T Steinfod 31 W Vandergert 32 A Weekes 33 R Wickremasingh e 34 A Wnstanley
54 B Meehan
Coach: Peter Skinna
28 Cook P 29 Biftho J 32 Ni D 33 Kurth S 34 Price J
35 Fletcher C 41 Antonucci J 42 Margetis
43 Taylor
44 Evangelista
1 KArnol d 2 D Homan 3 M Nelson 4 M Waters 5 Ja Beatti e
6 M Hop e 7 N Chalk 8 G D'oliver a
9 RDean 10 DaC rockford 11 H Nguyen 12 J Robinso n 13 Ad Smi th 14 M Hanger 15 M Kosmal a
'--- '
16 D O'cOnnOr
17 C Carmody 18 LMarChan t
19 M Fumel l
27-J.Gray 28 S .Pamhing 29 8Pntchard
20 B BugeJa
30 R.vetqens
21 A Dexte r 22 M Di Pietro
32 R.Hegg,e
23 J Diaz
3~4Ssman IN~
24 C Domingo 25 B Skinner 26 B Andrews 27 A Penry 28 D Johnston 29 M Toolis 30 P Jameso n 43 M Phaedonos
U) t r-
Under-19 - Section RE D AQUINAS
Coach : Tony McEvoy 6 S Hills 7 B Helme
8 M Wall 9 S Loonstra 10 M Dexter 12 A Munchow
7. S. Mountain 8. A. Eccles 9. D. Thomson
10. T. Lee 11 . M . Voglis 12. D . McColl 13. B. Tekin J. Newman S. Millar R . Tremayne P. Voglis B. Moran C . Lapadouta
19 P Symons
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
20 B Hardham
20. B. Lapadoula
21 C GaIliOH 22 M Vcsser 24 C Crazier
22. A. Benerichs
13 C Williams 14 A . L6bzCUk 17 M Adams
18 T Walsh
50 A Faille 52 D White 61 D Jennings 66 A Kinghorne 67 D Muir 68 B Pratt
23. A. Stavretis
24. M. Mead ows 26. A. Georgakopoulo s 27. S . Hoysted
28. M. Fitt 29. M. Coulston 30. P. Florence
32. J . McDonald ~~ P. Murch 34. E . Odza 35. M . Ramondetta 36 . A . Coulston 37. J . Wotnizer 38 . M . Crooks 40 . P.losifidis
41 . A. Smith 42 . S Roussidis 43 . D. Seraicco 45 . M . Makin 46 . P. Naidos 50 . T. Austen
OLD INESTBOURME Coach: Peter Howarth
FITZROY REDS Coach: Tim Bell Asst: Tony Dullard i S .Sukkar 2 M . Louis-Gleeson 3 R. Wi8lams
14. D.Butier
34* D'McKaI
37. D .Fennell 41 . RButter 52. J ,D ar' m a 58. pl 59. aTanlinson ~
4 D. Robbins 5 J . Vn~lato 6 C. Dullard 7 D. Pocock 8 E . Clarke 9 A . Bitter
60. N .ulph
61 . M.Harvey 62. E.Callaghan 63. J 'Lrr'bed 64. D .Brennan
10 J . Coyne 11 J . Mujanovic 12 M. Rogers
~H't"1t0a r 66. S .6lurphy 67. twood
13 M. Zka 14 D. Ryan 15 T. McBumey 16 S . Cahil l 17 B . MacDonald 18 R. Astudillo
19 N. . McPhee p 21D D. Russell
22 S . Edwards 23 K Maghamez 24 R. Willingham
25 J. Zenner 26 J. Richardson 27 A. Merhi 28 C. Meighen 29 W. Murray 30 A"t'J31 S. Gkmitsis
32 R. Flags 33 G . &own
Coach : Zoran Colovic
NORTH OLD BOY S Coaches: John Murphy Shaun Kelly
1 L Clarke 2 Y Saad
3 R Keena n 4 A Egan 5 P Flanders 6 K Robertson 7 D Whil e 8 K Norton
9 S Joyce 10 S O'Connor 11 L Raby
68. S .Gibsa,
12 J O'Rourk e
69. M .Hogan 71 . N Bridge s 73 . J .SeweA
13 J Rumbol d 14 R Leigh
74. G.Scat
15 N Lenses
76 . AScori 77 . D.Walker
16 P Gallivan
78 J Ctara
17 B O'Hallara n
79 . G.Nonon TWhitehea d TWdk;e S .Brcu,gh M .VeIIa J.WaldrO n M .Tarpkos B,Pyrihenides M .Redmand S.Rum6Wd M .MiIIar M .MCDonakl D.Laughlan C .Maloney D.Mann B.Hayes L.Co10er LCalins N .Cravt e R .Cameron
18 B Francis i 9 P XhayeteuX 20 C Rees 21 R Reeve 22 R Brennan
23 T Rintal a 24 C Pitkethl 25 T McMilan
Coach : U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain 1 O'Meara T 2 TrescovAhick J 3 Montgom er S 4 Armstrong A 5 RuNra E 6 Kenfie'.d M 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J 9 Rogan TS 10
1 . G .Barttett 2. F.Bertone 3. P.Hudson
4. J. While
5. D.Chan 6. M .Whdmg 7. B.Cole 8. D.Tang 9 . TWnNng 10. J .Tanne r 11 .S .tGng 12. B .Wnitmg 13. A .POtts 14. hi .lskra 15.A.WOOtls 16. G .RNon 17. D.Tayior 18. D.CamIlhers 19. C.HUdson 20. J.Newlan 21 . S.Ambelis 22. L .Squarci 23 . J Szatkahskf 24. S.Staples 25. E.Saandstrom 26 . R .Nadu 27 . LVeal
1~ 8aurke R 12 Ryan J 13Gmnivan L 14 Roache M 15 Banett A t6 Cwcoran N 17 Chapman P 18 Scanlan M(C )
19 Martin J
20 Meehan 0 21 Nolan C 22 RvaqniRR 23 French
24 Purss C 25 R~ L 26 O'Hankm M 27 Purcel[ P
" _
28 White J 29 Adams S
30 Vaughan S 31 Ryan A 32 Mclnemey T 33 Ford D
34 Quinn D ~
35Agius J 36 Rees D 37 Runco R 38 Malin-Smith J 39 Ryan S 40 0 Hanbn M 41 Fusinato R 42 Strih:'ey M 43 Comgan T 44 Kame D 45 Trovato M 46GiMey O 47Silk N 48 Nadinic A 49Lynch T 50 Chester P 51 BaMbv J 52 Butler N
'- i
53 Faithful A 54 Page A
Supplier of Sports Medicine Products to
B DFlilt B eiersdori Australia Ltd 7 Maurice Street, Nunawading Vic 3131 Telep ; 56
Toll Free 1 800 0a2 15 7 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
FOOTBALL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION SEASON 2004 The F.I .D .A 2004 footy season kicks of this weekend, with games being played all over the state . The majority of the games will be played on Sunday April 18 at Parkville with one game being played at Mambourin and the other two games will be played at Albury before the month's end . This season we have 15 teams overall, with 8 teams in division 1 and 7 teams in division 2 . All sides from reports have been putting in a big pre-seasons on and off the field with club administrators working hard to get the clubs up and running for the season 2004 and the players putting the hard yards on the track to be up and running for round 1 . This season the old Karingal have changed their name to the Ballam Park and both their teams look like continuing on from last season and being strong . Last year's top team for most of the year,
Ballarat, also look strong this year. As for the remainder of the teams in Division 1 look for a tightly tussled contests from all teams . Look out for last year's Division 2 premiers Port Colts to be a strong team and you can never write of Broadmeadows after there strong year last year. Division 2 this year has 7 sides that will make for a better competition this season . This year in Division 2 I can really see a very even competition with Moonee Valley continuing on there good form, but the side that will really give it a shake and show a lot of improvement is Maribyrnong. Then you also have the likes of Parkside and Ringwood who had the experience of playing in Division 1 last year and you can never write off Ovens & Murray and Broadmedows . Good Luck and best wishes to all teams this year for the upcoming season and we are all looking forward to tightly tussled season .
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*Gi n Frice, hupertswood (Heserves) . Striking, - .natches . *Accepted prescribed penalty
i~,e This Fri. ST. KEVINS V DE LA SALLE (Club XVIII) - 6 .15pm
cijarged Wi l I . Dr pr.:ctice me ,h pli , ri lge Reserve on Saturday -004 . 'Doth clubs accepted th €
penalty for a major meli= . G' a ($300) and Bulleen-Templest e ($200) . Old Brighton and Collegians charged with a melee in their under-19 practice match played at Sportscover Arena on Saturday March 27th, 2004 . Eoth clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a major melee . O ld Brighton and Collegians $200 (1 st offence for under-19s over the last two year period) .
! ;I
J ® 227
IvIEI.' AYS 6 8 E 1 1
Winning Edge Presentation s
Club XVIII continues to expand as territory to constituent clubs realize the on going them . In my value of fielding a Club XVIII team . The opinion Ol d competition again will comprise three Ivanhoe should sections, although membership within win. each Section has risen to ten . In an Old Brighton and Mazenod , who played unprecedented move Old Scotch, not off for the South Section pennant last only has resumed participatiori after two season, meet at Brighton Beach where season's absence, but has entered a side visiting sides inevitably strike trouble . in each section . However I expect a close contest and Certainly all followers of Club XVIII look favour Mazenod to win narrowly as they forward to clean, vigorous and may have an edge in match fitness . competitive football in each of the Prahran host Old Essendon, who sections over the next nineteen weeks . triumphed in the North Section in 2003 . Preview of Round 1 . It is difficult to go past Prahran, who Section 1 . possess great talent even if it is not Perennial premiers, Old Xaverians always fully utilised . Under the should be too talented for Marcellin, leadership of Anthony Lawrence, who despite struggling last season, go Prahran should open with a win. into today's game with renewed Section 2 . confidence . Collegians should start the season with In the season's opening clash, St Kevin's victory over newcomers, Old Scotch 2 on played De La Salle on Sportscover Arena the Harry Trott Oval . Given the success last night for the Anthony Molan Cup, of the Collegian's Club in 2003, a named in honour of the late Anthony resurgence in their Club XVIII strength Molan, who died after these teams met should follow . Although today will tell, I last season . Under new Coach, Ben . am confident of a "Lion" win . Buick, De La Salle would have been Eley Park, who disappointed in last anxious to win so as to regain some the season's semi final, have a big chance to prestige lost last season . St Kevin's redeem themselves today against opposition would have been sterling, Monash Blues, whose stars may well be although I reckon the winner would fading and whose recruits may take a have been, De La Salle . while to assimilate . At Box Hill, I favour Old Ivanhoe under new coach, Corey Eley Park . Jewell, have had a different pre season University Blacks await keen rivals, preparation in the Whitsunday Islands. Fitzroy Reds at the Brens Oval . Today they face Old Scotch, under Optimism pervades the Reds' ranks and former star player, Andrew Millar. After as university teams usually take a while a two season hiatus, Old Scotch could to settle down, I select the Reds, who are find the going tough on the long part of an upwards march by their Chelsworth Park oval, which is new parent club . 60 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Old Melburnians could not have been given a harder assignment in their comeback game as they face Therry penola at Oak Park a place from which visitors seldom leave victorious. Bob Lyons has been training his charges hard and they should be rewarded with a first up victory . Old Xaverians make the long journey eastwards to play Whitefriars, who fared well in 2003 . The Xaverians, despite the unfamiliar terrain at Donvale should prove too fast for the home team and thus take home the four points . Section 3 . A very optimistic University Blues led on field by Matt Callery and Mick Irving will be at home (Holland Park) to another newcomer , Monash Gryphons who are led by veteran, Matthew Bourbon . In fact the Gryphons started in Club XVIII in 1990 before they joined the V .A .F .A. At home and from filtered reports of their training, the Blues are my selection . Old Scotch III in their debut play North Old Boys, who return to Club XVIII after a seven season spell . The Northerners, whose officials have told me will field a team of mixed experience, should win this game by dint of that amalgam of youth and experience .
Old Geelong under new management host Emmaus St . Leos, who when judged on previous form should prove too strong for their hosts . Newcomers, La Trobe welcome Old Carey to the vast spaces of their Bundoora Oval . Old Carey, who struggled in their first season, may be out run by the Students whom it is believed have been training well . La Trobe should open with victory . Old Trinity have shown signs of football skills over the seasons but have never been able to develop consistency . Today they host newcomers, Caulfield Grammarians, who may find the wide spaces of the Hudson Oval very testing . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Caulfield are keen, my contacts say, but enthusiasm alone will not carry them to victory. Old Trinity are my selection . Condolences from all associated with Club XVIII go to Old Melburnian's stalwar t , Michael Verge on the untimely death of his father, Kevin over the off season . I was particularly saddened to receive this news as Kevin and I had shared classrooms at Assumption College many seasons ago . Club officials, please feel free to contact me either by telephone 9467 2857 . Or by e mail nknugent@alphalink .com .au by noon Monday so that your players' efforts are recognised .
TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB XVIII (1) Old Xaverians v Marcelli n St Kevins v De La Salle to be played at Spo rtscover Arena Friday Ap ril 16, 6.15 p.m. Old Ivanhoe v Old Scotch on oval 2 Chelsworth Park Old Brighton v Mazenod 0 C Prahran v Old Essendon Gr CLUB XVIII (2) Collegians v Old Scotch (2) Eley Park v Monash Blues University Blacks v Fitzroy Reds at Brens Oval Therry Penola 0 B v Old Melburnians Whitefriars v Old Xaverians (2 )
CLUB XVIII (3) University Blues v Monash Gryphons at Holland Park, Kensington Rd Kensington (42 J4) . Old Scotch (3) v North Old Boys at Victoria Road Reserve, Victoria Rd, East Hawthorn (45 G10 )
Old Geelong v Emmaus St Leos 0 C La Trobe Uni v Old Care y Old Trinity v Caulfield Or
-, : Name the grid square where you think the bal l was in the m ~;inal photo . PR---' : SucceeJu1 entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined) . Watch this space! The winners' names and original photo (showing where the hall was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . HC- -- One entry per person . Tear off entry section which au-mrs down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VA ri ; ? o: - isternwick 3185
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