The Amateur Footballer, Week 2, 2004

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. . . From MyDesll

~. . MAJO R {yf the problem of 18 unavailable field umpires in front of him, new Umpires' Advise r griaa Goodman endured a baptism of are leadmg up to round one . Due to a combmation of factors we were finally able to go into round 1 with only one game without an umpire those two clubs had to deal with the ultimatum of providing registered reserves umpires or 'the game would not go ahead. What got us through round 1? Not necessarily in order, but of equal importance - the ,;willingness of many of our listed umpires to run on their own in matches ; the willingness PHIL STEVENS ; of clubs with multiple registered reserves umpires to run Under 19 matches ; the CHIEF EXECUTIVE wijlingness of retired advisers to run with a younger umpires ; the willingness of umpires OFFICE R ,,,Who predominantly run Club XVIII matches to double up and complete an Under 19 matc h (hat followed a Club XVIII match . To each who made those sacrifices the VAFA thanks and salutes you. t-lnterestingly our umpire "shortage" is not really a shortage, as our numbers are consistent or better than past years . [•It is more the fact that our competition is ever exp anding with many more clubs fielding second Under 19 teams and ;€ second or even th ird Club XVIII teams .

To deal with the short term challenge of aiming to get two umpires officiating in all VAFA games until our Bill Deller school and junior development programs begin to bear fruit the VAFA will be concentrating on th e following. We wi ll be 4seeking: ;', Firstly . Club registered reserve section umpires doing Under 19 games with the full fee to go to eith er th e umpire himself or to his nominated club . In this scenario club umpires wi ll run in Under 19 matches involving th eir club and s , the umpire will only be paired with another "like" umpire from the other club - an identical situation to what happen nrrenUy in reserves matches. Secondly . We see th e incentive for a club to provide an umpire to join the VAFA on a perm anent basis as attractive. ;Previously $1,000 went to a club who provided a retired footballer or a person willing to try his h and as an umpire. This `incentive only became payable after th e "recruit" completed a season and returned an d umpired 6 more matches in his '+second season . To make this incentive more attractive we have decided the club providing the umpire will receive $500 ,-Immediately th e season ends an d another $500 immediately th e umpire completes his first match the following year. Mese recruits need not be wor ri ed th at th ey will be just th rown into matches immediately . We would ensure that they attend a few coaching an d training sessions before they fed into games running initially with more experi enced umpires. .Thirdly we will be asking more an d more clubs to agree to play Sunday matches or F riday night games, as we have a number of field umpires on our books willing to run two matches on the one weekend . Finally we will be giving our current registered umpires a $100 bonus should th ey bring a fri end into the VAFA umpiring ranks who could, like the second situation above, move into officiating after an initial period of preparation . This fee would be paid after th e "recruit" completed his first match . One initiative Brian Goodman has intr oduced is the naming of an A section panel of umpires which will be reviewed after a IlVDEX Next Week's biatches . .., . . .. . . . 6 period of time. The idea is for th e other umpires to provide Coacles' Clipboard . .. . . . :. . . . . .. . . .. . :'; . . .. . . ..,12 perform ances all owing th em to be considered worthy of being For the Love of the Game . .... .. ..18-19 added to th e A group and for the A group to put in performances Cadburq'sFace in the Crcnvd . . . .. . . : .. . . . .. . . . .. . .3 1 to secure th eir A rating. The A group is - Albie Firley, Damien . .. . .32 Coates hire MVP's Anderson (new this year), Anthony Damen, Dirk Kramer, ~~ Bak ... : .:34-35 Wayne Hinton, Mark Morrison, Michael Sneddon, Peter .. . . . . .. . . .. . .40 = Today's Umpires : . .:. .. . :: James, Jason McNiece and Tim Sutcliffe . Trainers' Corner . : . .. . . . , ., .• :, . ., : : . . .. . . . .. : . .. .,47 . . . . ..,, ... . .. . . . .. . .59 Any comments on any of th e above, or names of th ose willing to Sportscover Arena Draw . . 59 assist th e initiatives written about please make contact wi th Tribunal & tnvestigat ons. Sportscrn~e,r Shot the B a l l , myself - phil@vafa.asn .au : . . . .. : . . .Laders .. . .., . ..: .b3Y64


April 24th, 2004 Price : $2 .00 Vol . 04 No . 02 1


A SECTION by Jonathan Hor n

Humble Pie supposedly sta r "Well begun is half done" wrote Aristotle, which in my studded Scotch team . case leaves me well and truly stuck in the barriers . With Scotch's Andre Short of sporting a giant red 'tache and a Bruce Crow injured , Samazan haircut, I'd be hard pressed to feel like any Trinity's Andre w more of an imbecile after my selection shemozzle last Ramsden took ful l week. control to help engineer the 10 goal plus win. Where do we start? Ahh yes, Marcellin . Three big Looking ahead . names left the fold over the pre season and despite a Trinity host De La out at Bulleen, with OTs quickly similar Xavs exodus, I was pretty confident the Eagles becoming the buzzword in Amateur circles and with would fall slightly short of the field . The hell they good . reason . De La really missed the recently retired would . The looked super fit, well drilled and played a Andrew Mackintosh last week his voice and poise style of game not dissimilar to the Kangaroos . Right would have been crucial in the;dying moments . Tim from the outset, newly appointed skipper Glenn Cox Silvers v Andy Cultrera will be crucial while De La took control of the game and his rapport with Mark need to unearth more goal kickers . A top notch Browne ensured a ruthlessly efficient set up at ruckman would help as well, and it's this reason, with stoppages . Slight forward Leigh Hansen kicked thre e Ramsden white hot, that I tip the home side by 5 in the last quarter, gave off several others and pulled goals goals. down the mark of the day . Forget what I wrote abou t The oldest of rivals meet at the Junction Oval in what them last week, they're pretty handy . Xavs looked a bit already shapes as a crunch game for both teams . The underdone but they showed glimpses of promise and signs aren't good for OMs, it seems to be the same old their kids looked impressive . Give them a few weeks . names carrying the load and Micah Berry's visit to the Who else did I write off? Well the seemingly never tribunal won't help . Scotch, on the other hand, surely ending stream of St Bernards players to the VFL had aren't as bad as last week would suggest . I talked me going for the jugular and virtually consigning them Scotch up in my preview and I'll continue to stick with to B Grade and beyond for the rest of eternity . I them, Crow or no Crow . Scotch by 52 . certainly didn't count on Tim Harvey returning from Xavs have drawn the short straw and become the first Box Hill to totally dominate at CHF, nor did I giv e A Grade team to travel out Erinsburgh way and tackle enough credence to the nous of senior players Nick Whitefriars . Even without Bowen, Ellis, Brushfield, Mitchell and Ben Jordan . Haileybury should be OK, Landrigan and Drake they still showed patches of they just need the Corrigan players firing and a few of brilliance last week, with Lethlean, Beetham and their recruits to stand up . Mollard all presenting themselves well . I played in that And Uni. Like a Muppet, I intimated that the many famous year of '96 so I will never, as long as I live, extra curricular distractions out Parkville way were write them off . Pat Mannix's team is willing but a few not exactly conducive to firing in April . Low and injuries (ruckman Chris Wood, Gallagher, Bric e behold the usual suspects pop up, Tom Wilcox, George De Crespigny, Quintin Gleeson (en route t o hospital), James Hayter and co to totally blow away a SPORTS MEDICIN E nuderma ispontgOeMadrceh top of the ladder. And finally to Whitefriars, who I suggested had as i-1 much chance of lighting up A Grade as Brod Dyke has CLUB NAME LSTINR TOTAL of hoisting this year's French Open trophy . They were A SECTION down all day against De La but stormed home to gra b St Bernards Mitchell 5 5 the points for Pat Mannix . Chris Carrigg led the charge Old Scotch Gerstman 4 4 (and kicked the winning goal) after being thrown int o Old Trinity Williams 4 4 the ruck while for De La the only positives to emerge University Blues Lockhead 4 4 were the performances of lst gainers Billy Dwyer (who University Blues De Crespigny 4 4 managed a spot in the best despite being forced fro m Old Haileybu ry O'Farrell 4 4 the game BEFORE half time) and Tim Demetriou (25 A RESERVE touches from the youngster on lone from Werribee ) De La Sa ll e Walker 4 4 At least Trinity didn't let me down . Their ten goal Old Trinity Gutierez 4 4 flogging of Xavs in March was a pretty good pointer University Blues Millard 4 4 and they continued the trend by thumping the Old Haileybury Lappage 3 3





among others) will work against them. Xavs by 18, but with some trepidation. The Blues pack their books and travel to Sportscover Arena, hoping to extend their pre-season and lst round honeymoon. John Kanis has obviously galvanized the boys at Melb Uni and the even spread of goal-kickers is a good pointer . I talked the Bloods up like Goebbels last week and I still stick to what I said . Should be a ring a ding dinger, watch those I-Iaileybury big guns fire, Haileybury by 4 points And finally to the two teams I completely wrote off last week, Marcellin and St Bernards, who meet on AIVZAC Day at headquarters . Bernards may well prove a week to week proposition with players coming and going from the VFL but only a mug (yours truly) would write them off . Looking at the way Marcellin ran out last week's game, I'd say they are the ideal Sportscover Arena side, they kick to space, close down their opposition and run and hunt in packs all day . Toss of the coin time, Marcellin by a point. And Finally. . . After virtually proposing to De La's Ben Mannix in last week's column, I was shattered to find out he is enjoying his customary "extended cricket season" and has signed the sheet for just half of a reserves practice match and a handful of training sessions . Benny come Back! Your legions of fans demand it ! Correspondents: Jonathan Horn - jonathanghornÂŽyahoo .co .uk MILESTONES Marcellin O .C - congratulate Bernie "Chubba" Dinneen on reaching his 100th game for the club this week against St Bernards. Probably the most decorated player to don the Eagles jumper, having played in our last three premiership teams '97 Cgrade, '98 B-grade and 2001 A-grade, added to this his three competition B&F's '98 B-grade, 2001 A-grade and 2002 A-grade, and a number of state selections during this period also, Chubba has proven to be a wonderful player and representative of the club and the VAFA over the past few years . After a career and life threatening injury last year, it's great to see Chubba wearing the Eagles jumper with pride once again, and as he has been in the past and will be into the future he's a player who is admired by all who have had the pleasure of witnessing him play . His determination and aggression at the contest, and never say die attitude have been a quality of his game . A highly regarded player, with a character second to none, the entire club congratulates him on this milestone and look forward to many more games with the club .

TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTION Whitefriars v Old Xaverians Old Trinity v De La Salle Old Melburnians v Old Scotch Reserves at 9.40 a .m . Old Haileybury v University Blues at Sportscover Arena Saturday Marcellin v St Bernards at Sportscover Arena Sunday ; Res . Sat . 11 .30am Marcellin College

LAST ROUND'S RESULTS - A OLD %AVFdtIANS 2 .1 7.7 9.9 13 .11 (89) MARCEII7N 2 .5 7.7 10.15 18.18 (126) Old Rav: Mollard 3 Rush 2 Pasceri Purss Scanlon Maher Ockleshaw Oswald Johnston Walsh. Best: Beetham Mollard Ford Purss McDonnell Ryan Ma^Yni w Addison 3 Hansen 3 Marson 3 Johnston 2 Gartner 2 Browne 2 Maguire Cox Condsidine. Best Cox Dobson Addison Bardon Browne Carmody Umpires: Peter James Wayne Hinton (F] Santo Caruso (B) Dennis Webster Bernie Jephson (G) DE IA SAIIE 2.2 4.8 5.10 8.12 (60) 9.8(62) WHIIEFRIARS 0.1 1 .2 3.3 DLS: O'Callaghan Orlando Duggan P Harrison R Buckley L Bowden Moloney Demetriou . Best Gnxnhalg P Harrison DemeMou R Buckley Silvers Dwyer. White: Carripg 3 Wallace 3 M Carbone 2 Dance Best Carripg R Pawlik M Power Campbell Janson A Pawli k Umpires: Mark Morrison Dirk Kramer (F) Peter Teasdale Matt Jenkinson (B) Bernie Hoare Dominic Napoli (G) 1.1 3.5 7 .6 9.7(61) OLD SCOTCH OID 1RIN11Y 8.6 10.10 16.18 1920 (134) Old Scotch: Gerstman 4 Cations 3 B Phillips Collins Best Old Scotch : B Phillips Kitchen Tallent Cations Saunders Hume. Old Trinity: Williams 4 Amore 2(,liltrera 2 L Kennedy 2 Ramsden 2 Walsh 2 R Burrows Hillas Reynolds Saunders T Vandervenne . Best Ramsden Williams McPherson T Healy Amore Neville. Umpires- Tim Sutcliffe Damien Anderson (N) Andrew Rechtman Sean Durston-Ryan (B) John Hall Vin Vescovl (G) UPi1VERSPIY BLUES 7.3 12 .4 17.11 22.12 (144) OLD MEIBURNIAPS 2 .1 5 .2 6.3 9 .5(59) Vol Hho es: Lockhead 4 De Cmspigny 4 Scambler 3 Holmes 2 Lowcock 2 Solly 2 Brookes T Wilcox Nation Young Konlick Best Gleevon T Wilcox J Hayter McKinnon Brookes Solly Old Melb: Beaumont 2 Davis 2 M Berry Hill Miller Mulquincy Whitehead Best: Evans Billing Beaumont Thompson Holme McKeon Umpires: Jason McNiece Albie Ftriey (F) Travis Storii Daniel Scully (G) ST BFRNARDS 7 .1 10.4 13.8 16.12 (108) OLD HAHEYBURY 3 .2 7.7 9.9 14 .12 (96) St Bern. N Mitchell 5 B Jordan 2 Pearson 2 Madden 2 Harvey Baumgartner 0'Sulllvan Goullet Melding Best St Bern : Harvey N Michell Kavanagh Holland B Jordan Liberatore Old HeiL• O'Farrell 4 Siapantas 3 M Corrigan 2 Trolope 2 P Corrigan Bourke Cassell Best Jenke Trolope Seccull OPairel Siapantas Bourke Umpires: Michael Sneddon Anthony Damen (M Beomn McCarthy Craig Arnol (G) A RESERVE OLD RAVERIANS 3.1 4.7 6.7 10.11 (71) 6.4(40) MARCL+iIdN 1 .0 4.3 6.4 Old Xav : Woodruff 2 S McCarthy 2 Meehan Walsh A McCarthy Larkins Higgins Nadinic Best O'Meara Woodruff Speakman Nadinic Meehan Dixon Marc- C Dwyer 2 Wilkins Perri Sheehan Altamore Best : Ixardi Wilins Doyle Wallis Weekes O'Ftynn DE IA SAIIE 4.3 8.3 9 .6 14.13 (97) 3.4(22) WHI1'EFRiARS 0 .0 1.3 1 .4 DIS: Walker 4 Stinear 2 Ellis Gilbert Johnstone McKenzie Mertrtvd Oakley O'Donnell giinane Best Johnstone O'Donnell McKenzie Mea :iui Walmsley Walker White: Glenn 2 Box Best Eames Duffy TCaniPg Glenn Elliott Dyer 1.2 4 .4 5 .6 6 .8(44) OLD SCOTCH OLD TRINRR 1.4 6 .5 9.6 11 .9 (75) Old Scotch Simson Prendergast Rodski Mullins Josephs Reid Best Ross Hope Page Ashton Josephs Mullins Old Trinity: Gutlerez 4 Annatis Bladem G Deane,Johns Medland Petdm R Ramsden Best G Deane-Johns Kenna L Deane-Johns Ramsden R Williams Z Blade m UNIVERSITY BLUES 13 .23 (101) OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .3(9) Uni Htues : Millard 4(.Juin 2 Gates 2 Callery Gungm9ch Clarke Rankin Cheel Best Rigby Penny Gungerich Thomas Steele Tanner Old Melb : Dixon Best Jenkins Woodford Tsiotras Costello-Manning Dixon Weir ST BERNARD'S 7 .5 7.6 9.11 1 .12 (78) OLD HAnF.VB1JRy 0.2 2.9 2.9 5 .11 (41) St Bernard's: Blunt 2 0'Reily 2 S Mitchell 2 Harrison 2 James Mount Davis lannaan Best: Evans Mihailovic Glen S Mitchell Blunt Perrett Old Haileybury: Lappage 3 Davey Graves Best : O'Donnell Graves Davey Rowlands Thurmond Lappage





Coach: Mark Lowe Asst: Paul Dwyer Res: Mick Hegan 1 . L Walker C Res 2. R Buckley 3. B Corin VC 4. L Harrison DVC 5. M Duggan 6. G Gilbert 7. P Harrison 8. J La Ragy 9. J Moloney 9r. C Mitchell 10. T Silvers 12. M McHenry 13. AJohnstone 14. W Dwyer 15 . P Bowde n 16 . S Hyland 17 . L Bowden 18 . L Williams 19 . T Demetriou 20 . M Picone 21 . A McKenzie 22r. M O'Donnell 22 . M Brown 23 . R Sherman 24. J Morel 25. C Hyde 25r. R Walmsle y 26. D S pithill 27. S Thomas 28. C Mercuri 29. C Browne 29r.R Marks 30. B Mannix 31 . S Hyde 32. R Bonnici C 33. J Stinear 34. D Payson 35. A Orlando 36. W Jolley 37. A Shields 38. S O'Connell 39. B Oakley 39. T Woodlock 40. N Stewart 41 . D McInerney 42. P Bourke 43 . A Greenalgh 44 . A Moore 45 . T Molan 46 . D Dobric 47 . G Walton 48 . J Foon 52 . T Moloney 54 . P Hesse 55 . A McLeish 57 . C Chester 58 . G Walton 60 . P O'Callaghan


Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res . Coach: Justin Wheeler 1 . B . Dobson 2 . J. Rice 3 . N . Addison 4 . J . Frazer 5 . D . Johnston 6 . D . Sampimon 7 . S . Maguire 8 . R . Frisina 9. L. Considine 10. A. Dale 11 . D. Taylor 12. T. Sheehan 13. J . Wilkins 14. D. Salce 15. J . Carlson 16. L. McMillan 17. G . Cox (C) () 18. D. Gartner 19. D. Cooper 20. M. Herman s 21 . N . Walke r 22. D . Marson 23. A. Wadsworth 24 . L . O'Flynn 25 . R . Galati 26 . D . McMillan 27 . S. Theisz (VC) 28 . B. Carmody 29 . S. Brooks 30 . A. Treganowan 31 . M . Bortolotto 32 . M . Browne 33 . A . Symes 34 . D . Jarred 35 . C. Adams 36. E . Weekes 37. D. Cope 38. M . Doyle 39. S . Yee 40. D. Carson 41 . J . Seabury 42. B . Dinneen 43. J . Mathews 44. L. Hanson 45. D. Theisz 46. B . Wignell 47. P. Fiorenza 48. K. O'Dwyer 49. D. Van Heiden 50. A. Carso n 51 .J . Toohey 52. M. Altamore 53. M. Perri 54. J. Forbes 55. J. Walli s 56. M. Moran 57 . D . Cirone 58 . M. McCartin 59 . P. Carroll 60 . C . Thornton 61 . A. McGree 62 . M. Matthews 63 . D . Coutts

Yarra Valley

Country Club


Coach : Justin Pickering Asst: Justin Hart Res: Hartley Ston e

1 . C. Home 2. S . Davey 3. P. Corrigan 4. S. LangfordJones (DVC) 5. J . Bourke 6. A. White 7. M . Corrigan 7. A . Shepherd 8. R. George 9. M . Barker 10. L Siapantas 10. C. Eistathiou 11 . M . Graves 12. B. O' Farrell 13 . A. Svarc 14 . A. Forsyth 15 . D . Mackenzie 16 . P. O'Donnell (RC) 17 . K. For d 18 . C . Waxman 19 . M. Armstrong (C) 20 . D . Hassett 21 . A. Jenke 22 . D . Mason 23 . S . Loewe 23. M. Seccull 24, B . Trollope 25. S . Rowlands (RVC) 26.. J . Bel l 27 B . Johnston 28. S . Goldsworthy 29. B . Carson (VC) 30. D. Warnes 31 . D. LayY 32. B . Mitchell 33. A . Floyd 34. P. Langford-Jones 35. D. Lappage 36. P. Geister 37 . M . Erikso n 38 . L Floyd 39 . S. Rode 40 . N. Tassell 41 . S. Saunders 42 . A. Hilton 43 . R. McCarthy 44 . M. Wray 45 . D . Thurmond 46 . C . Pountney 47 . B. Waite 48. C . Moyle 49 . L Pitcher 50. R . Ladd 51 . H . McLauchlan 52. C . Ferguson 53. B . Haar 54. J . McLauchlan 55. T. Hilton 56. D . Armstrong 57. A. IGght 58. A. Baker. 59. D. Gilby 60. T. Smith 61 . J . Miller 62. ~ D . Salter M. Levy

1 Smith D 2 Beaumont J 3 Billing M 4 Mathews R 5 Bunn L 6 Holme D 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 9 Aubrey C 10 Roberts T (C) 11 Gallagher P 12 Richardson J 13 Wilson E 14 Evans B 15 Ray J 17 Miller Ja 18 Fitzgerald T 19 Mulquiney R 20 Guest J 21 Hicks M 22 Dixon J 23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Whitehead H 26 Costello T 27 Richardson W 28 Marson M 29 Prowse M 30 Miller Jo 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Grundy p 35 RayY 36 Wulff B 37 Grant J 38 Lacey H 39 Tucker J 40 O'Brien H 41 Berry 1 P 42 Theodore 43 Wu A


Beehive Hotel Hawthorn


Coach: Mick Dwyer Res Coach : Adam McMahon

~ i

44 Hill P M 45 Kennon 46 Anderson J 47 Caris P C 48 Alder G 49 Tsiotras 50 Jenkins C 51 Richmond C 52 Webb 0 53 Harrison T 54 Byrne J 55 Murphy C 56 Beilby L 57 Bains A 58 Turner H 59 Faulkner R 60 Wettenhall S

Sponsored By :

The Age MPG Gazman Natureworx


Coach: Dale Tappin g Asst Coach : Andrew Smith 1 R Mullins 2 B Phillips 3 J oss R 4 T Hoft 5 S Collins 6 A Crow 7 J Krtchen 8 B Robinson 9 C Tallent 10 C Smit h M Angus 12 S Hume 13 A Nettleto n 14 N Ackroyd 15 S Cation s 16 STroo n 17 T Wigney 18 L Hawkins 19 R Josephs 20 S Lillingsto n 21 CJ o c e 22 N e dison 23 0 Cran 24 L McDonnel l 25 M Saunders 26 T Downing 27 M Denni s 28 A Quai l 29 M Gnatt 30 T Finocchiaro 31 N Leitl 32 J Gerstman 33 E Reid 34 C Phillips 35 P O' Conno r 36 J Sutcliffe 37 G Carroll 38 G Prendergast 39 B Ferguson 40 TAurel Smit h 41 W Lewis 42 T Beatti e 43 A Routledge 44 D Jackson 45 ATeasdale 46 J Beaurepaire 47 T 48 S Dumaresq 49 L Kitchen 50 M Walkom 51 L Freeman 52 D Knight 53 54 J 1`1 2114 A Sutherlan d 55 R Ashton 56 D Brooke 57 J Crane 58 A Grant 59 C Evans 60 J Sheldo n 6 C Swan 1 62 M Graha m 3 E Hope6 64 J Mitchell 65 M Moffatt 66 A Pearce 67 S Tulgloch an 70 S D ck 71 M Ainger 72 B Smith 73 S Lovell 74 S seKin 75 C Dufou r 76 J Nickless 77 T 78 A Smson 79 M Waterso n 81 G Fordyce



A Section OLD TRINITY GRAMMARIANS Coach: Leigh Carlson Ass Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach: Dale Bower Club 18 Coach : Ed Best

1 Kenna A

2 Hine A 3 Reynolds L V/C 4 Saunders R

5 Burrows D V/C 6 Gnatt P

7 Van Der Venne T

8 Burrows R

9 Andrews A 10 Williams A 11 Kennedy S 12 CuRrera A 13 Cade J 14 Troon R 15 Green M 16 Hillas C 17 Hillas R Heay J 19 Armatas C

20 McPherson S

21 Kennedy L 22 Deane-Johns G 23 Ramsden A Capt:

24 Bladed S 26 Cameron g F 25 27 Hill R

28 Healy T 29 Crawford M

30 McKinnon R 31 32 Burges s SJ 33 Aitken J

34 Deane-Johns L

35 Lomgm~e L 36 Buttler D 37 Van Der Venne S R/C 38 Ramsden R

39 Walsh B

40 Williams J


1 42 Amore SS

43 Amore J

44 Treadwell G 45 Morpeth T RV/C 46 Cooper S 47 Prettv S 48 Ward C

49 Carter-Buszard L 50 Blackmore B 51 Gamble R 52 Heaven C

53 Plain G

54 Williams Z 55 Taylor C

56 Best E

57 Schulze D 58 Stebbins C

59 Cade T

60 Iseppi B 61 Amiconi C 62 Romney N

63 Cade S 64 Gray J 65 Robison M

67 Amiconi A 68 Guitenez C 69 Oliver D 70 Brawn A

71 Anowsmith 72 D JParke 73 Hildebrandt D 75 74 ~~ ~ es M 76 Krakouer S 77 McDonald E 79 Treadwell C 80 Manseur S 81 O'Shea M 82 Clidty E 83 ~ydy W

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Michael Sholly Res. Coach : Chris Gawne 1 A. Fox

2 D . Orlando 3 L . H annebery 4 D . Landrigan (DVC) 5 A. T.Jones 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 M. Holmes 9 J. Hawkins 10 A. Bowen 11 S. Ross 12 J. Bowen 13 C . Ellis 14 S. Skidmore 15 L . Ford (Capt) 16 S. Mollard 17 A. Chatfield 18 M. Green 19 D . Walsh (Capt-Res) 20 M. Hardman 20 J. Scanlan 22 J. Healy 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 23 S. Johnston 25 R . Carey 26 N . Baker 27 J. Drake 28 R . Coughlan 29 C . Beetham 30 N . Mclnemey 31 J. Pasceri 32 A. Brushfield 33 N . Bingham 34 K. Hall 36 D . Sapuppo 37 T. Maher 39 C . Mollard 41 A. Dillon 42 R . Speekm an 43 T. Woodruff 44 A. Biddlecombe 45 L Howard 46 B. Dixon 47 P. Ry an 48 J. McDonnell 53 C. Santalucia 54 N. Hulett 55 G . Monahan

58 N. Quinn 59 J. Francis 60 M . Walsh 62 J. Silk 63 A. E. Jones 66 A. Wilson

84 85 Goldenberg w

86 McCutcheon M Fellows J 7 88 Chan B 89 KinrossA


Coach : Peter Nicholson Res : Darren Handley 1 . C . Keunan 2 . M. Harrison 3 . C . Goullet 4 . D . Jordan 5 . Joe Mount 6 . S. Neeson 7. S. Clarke 7R S. Perrett 8. J. Evans 9. B. Jordan

10 . N . Mitchell 11 . C . Davis 12 . B.Hogan 13 . C . Mitchell 14 . C . Day 15. T. Wilkinson 16 . L . Tumbull 17 . L . O'Sullivan 18 . T. Cooney 19. R . Close 20. L . Fielding 21 . B. Loughlin 22. M. O'Riley 23. L . Wilkinson 24. N . M . Smith 25. D . McLaughlin 26. C . Baumgartner 27. James Mount 28. P. Holland

29. G . McIntyre

30. S.Mitchell 31 . B.Ashton 32. T. Ha rvey

33. N .RSmith 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

D. Byme T. Pearson B. Ryan A. Catterall S. l annazzo M. Juricskay D . O'Connor

41 . M. Kavanagh 42. B. Miziewicz 43. N . Basaraba 44. M. Mihailovic 45. M. Tankey 46. D. Blunt 47. M . Hooper 48. L .LIoyd 49. N.Thomas 50. A. Smith 51 . G . Campbell 52. L .B .O'Sullivan 53. P. Harris 54. N .Chapma n 55. B. Grant ~..


go Feranda 91 Bullen M M 92 Monasso J


.a a .

q rÂŤ `~ "' ~





Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : David Matt hews

Coach : Pat Mannix Asst. Coach: Peter Randal l Res. Coach: Chris Rubick

1 Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J 4 Guengerich D 5 Tanner J 6 Rigby M 7 Young R 8 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A 10 Martin R

1 C Wood 3 M Carbone

11 North


Gleeson 0(C) 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C

15 Quin L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Fairbank P 19 Wilcox E 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard B 23 Wilcox T

24 Russell S 25 Scilly A

26 Scambler J 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M 29 Terrill A 30 Brookes C 31 Callery B 32 Paterson M 33 Gates B

34 McKinnon T

5 B Phan 6 P Campbel l 7 S Brosolo

8 B Janso n 9 A Pawli k 10 R Pasqualotto

11 T Wallace 12 S Phelan 1 3 T Langford 14 T Carrig g 16 J Powe r 17 A Carbon e

18 C Danc e 19 A Hil l 20 P Hennessey 21 B Jones 22 N Cunningham 23 E Eames 24 A Cunningham 25 M Verna l 26 D Gallagher 27 L Swai n 28 M Manni x 29 A Glenn 30 M Powe r 31 M Baker 32 G Kennedy

33 C Fulto n 34 D Gloufchev 35 C Law 36 C Dyer

35 Cheel S 36 Brooke Ja 37 Robbins J 38 Holmes R 39 Lochhead G 40 Hocking J 41 Brooke Je 42 Fletcher S

37 M Nunan

43 Fulton L 44 Wood J

46 M Duffy

45 McLachlan G 46 Birks T 47 Millar A 48 Fishly L 49 Steele P 50 Nailon H 51 McIntosh J 52 he T

53 Heffernan X 54 Waxman A 55 Zanos M 56 Rankin T

57 Irvine


58 Sudholz J 59 Hutchinson B

60 Penny


61 Ritchie


62 Cutlery


63 Eden 64 McPhail 65 Clarke


69 King 70 Leeming


66 Barbetti J 67 McAloon D 68 Anderson M


~:f. . . .


38 C Carrig g 39 D Brice 40 D Atkin s 41 M Leah y 42 M Northey 43 N Elliott 45 S Cleve n 48 J Treyvau d

49 T Hilton 50 D Crea 51 R Eames 52 A Ba ole gg n y 53 B Wilso 54 A Baker 55 P Tobi n 58 P Poutne y 59 N Brisbane 60 R Pawli k 61 L Eames 62 J Anderson 6 J Box

a1~~ ~ r. r r

Call - 9886 5355 FCL Interstate

Transport Service s 9396 900 0 2004



Old Xaverians v Old Trinity De La Salle v Old Melburnians Old Scotch v Old Haileybury University Blues v St Bernards Whitefriars v Marcellin B SECTION Old Ivanhoe v Mazenod 0 C Old Paradians v St Kevin s

St Bedes Ment Tig v Collegians Beaumaris v North Old Boy s Old Essendon Gr v Old Brighton at Sportscover Aren a

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Hampton Rovers Banyule Viewbank v Old Melburnians Old Ivanhoe v Old Trinity Rupertswood v Old Essendon Gr Old Camberwell v Beaumari s UNDER-19 SECTION 3

AJAX v St Bedes Mentone Tigers at Packer Reserve (Glen Eira's ground ) Old Paradi an s v Old Carey Monash Blues v Whitefriars University Blacks v Therry Penola 0 B Oakleigh v MHSOB

MHSOB v Monash Blue s Therry Penola 0 B v Old Camberwell

UNDER-19 (2) BLUE South Melbourne Districts v Peninsula 0 B Oakleigh Clays v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Mazenod 0 C - bye St Johns 0 C v Bentleigh De La Salle (2) v Ormond

D1 SECTIO N Fitzroy Reds v Salesian 0 C Ormond v Banyule Peninsula 0 B v Prahran Aquinas 0 C v Yarra Valley 0 B Old Mentonians v University Black s

UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Westbourne - by e Bulleen Templestowe v Old Xaverians (2) La Trobe Uni v Fitzroy Reds Rupertswood (2) v Aquinas 0 C North Old Boys v UHS-VU/St Bernard s

D2 SECTION Ivanhoe Assumption v Old Geelong Williamstown CYMS v Old Carey Swinburne Uni v Bulleen Templestowe Monash Gryphons v West Brunswick Bentleigh v La Trobe Uni

CLUB 18 (1 )

D3 SECTION Mt Lilydale v Hawthorn Amateurs Power House v UHS-VU Syndal Tally-Ho v South Melb Districts St Johns 0 C v Oakleig h Werribee Amateurs v Rupertswoo d

CLUB 18 (2 ) Collegians v Fitzroy Reds Eley Park v Old Melburnians University Blacks v Old Xaverians (2) Therry Penola 0 B v Whitefriars - Clash with seniors - TBA Monash Blues v Old Scotch (2)

C SECTION Caulfield Gr v AJAX Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Parkdale Vultures Hampton Rovers v Glen Eira

Old Xaverians v Old Scotch St Kevins v Mazenod 0 C Old Ivanhoe v Old Essendon Gr Old Brighton v Prahra n De La Salle v Marcelli n


St Marys v Box Hill North Richmond Central v Elsternwick Old Westbourne v North Brunswick Bulleen Cobras v Albert Park Eltham Collegians v Kew

CLUB 18 (3)

University Blues v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Old Scotch (3) v Old Carey Old Geelong v Caulfield Gr La Trobe Uni v Old Trinit y North Old Boys v Monash Gryphon s

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Xaverians v Old Scotch St Kevins v De La Salle University Blues v Caulfield Gr Old Brighton v Werribee Amateurs St Bernards v Marcellin 6 O THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

Who's in . UV-ac's out . Who's doing what. Stay or, the balâ‚Ź with the iatest AFL news each weekday morning with Prime Time Sports 927 . Sports professionals Simon O'Donnell, Anthony Mithen and Michael Christian 'n-ring you the iatest results, news and interviews , as well as a complete wrap from the world of saort . ?f it's happening in sport, you'll hear it an Prime Time Spo,-ts 927, 5 .30-9am weekdays .



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every stanza winning every quarter. Richard Hosking played a terrific game and wa s the Lions best player, Michael Hoiles made a fine debut and Skura Tait and Jono Dixon were fine focal points in attack. Better things were expected of NOB'S after a good pre season they had good players in Jarrott, Cordy and Tonkin . The final game of the Round saw Old Ivanhoe score a good victory over an Old Brighton side who did not go down without a fight . The Hoes set it up with a five goal first quarter and from then on in, despite a burst from the Tonners, managed to maintain their advantage throughout the day. Had a good spread of players all over the ground did the Hoes but they were especially well served by Luke Lochran, inspirational LEADER Jarrod Weddle and Luke Bolson. Leigh Old Essendon got the jump on the Paradians and had Hendra was good for old Brighton, receiving support 4 onto the board into the wind before OP'S could open from big Brook Logan and Simon Williams in a record their account. From then on the Grammar Boys breaking 6th year as skipper gradually increased their lead to come away with a PREVIEV comfortable victory with their height advantage a Some interesting games this week, with those who major asset in the blustery conditions. Tom Wilson were disappointing last week with a chance of and big Hakim were a formidable combination, Scotty redemption today. Playfair made a fine debut, and Velardo and Rush Old Ivanhoe travel across town to take on the were particularly damaging down the grandstand confident Grammar Boys . Both sides were good wing all day. Curran in the middle was OPs best, Glen Porteus until injured was good up forward, and Boundy and a couple of first gainers whose names escape me battled hard . SPORTS MEDICIN E Blustery and in some areas squally conditions greeted us as the season finally kicked off last Saturday . No surprise results perhaps some surprising margins as this tipster started the season with a perfect score REVIZ•rW Beaumaris unveiled their flag and started the game in their 2003 form as they took the game right up to St Kevins and at the long interval the game was still up for grabs. SKOBS then came out in the third term and stamped their mark on the game kicking 7 majors in 20 minutes to all but have it wrapped up at orange time. The Sharks continued to attack through the last and although outscoring their opponents were unable to bridge the gap. Matthieu Lucas with 4 was a fine player for the victors receiving support from the Dolly Bros Paul Greenham and Garvey. Murray Pitts led from the front with 6 for Beauy, receiving good support from Sean Coote, Chris Martin and first gamer Matt Duggan .

St Bedes Mentone-Tigers welcomed Mazenod to Brindisi Street and sent them home with their tails between their legs. The Tigers were particularly awesome in their game all day and did not let up from go to whoa playing their home ground to perfection and not allowing the Nodders to get any system into their game at all. Tallies of 6, 6, 5 . and 6 in each quarter was a symbol of the Tigers dominance. Andrew Hayes won the BOG Award but he received fantastic support from all his teammates, especially the Moose with his new Round 1 hairstyle . Nick Meehan, Jerome Dunne and Tom Steinfort all battled hard for the vanquished.

Collegians made a triumphant return to B Section with a comfortable victory over a disappointing North Old Boys unit who lost yet another home game at Gillon Reserve . Pat Hawkins was pretty impressed with the endeavour of his side . They set up victory in the first quarter and then increased their lead through


CLUB B SECTION Beaumaris Old Essendon Collegians Old Brighton St Bedes

St Bedes St Kevins Collegians B RESERVE St Kevins Old Ivanhoe Mazenod Old Ivanhoe Old Brighton Old Essendon St Kevins



Pitts Playfair Taft B ri stow Hecker Samperi Lucas Dixon

6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4

Allis Dinakis Hawkins Stewart Dawes Battista Curtis

10 10 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4


winners last week so this promises to be a good clash . OEG have added a bit of height to their side this year, with the return of Flaherty and Biggs also a bonus . At home in front of their home crowd they will just get across the line but a reversal would not surprise. Mazenond welcome the Paradians to Central Reserve. Both sides were terribly disappointing last week and would be well advised to forget about those games . The Nodders did not like the confines of Brindisi and will be much happier on their own turf . Very hard to select a winner here so will stick to the home side and go with Mazenod. Two first Round losers clash at South Road in an already important fixture for both sides . Both will be looking to bounce back and get their 4 points on the board . Old Brighton rarely lose on their own base and in all reality and truth I just cannot pick against them today . Look for a bit of improvement in the NOBS unit though . A 2003 Grand Final Replay takes place today at the Harry Trott. Collegians had a good win last week, and even though Beatty lost I was impressed with their endeavour and teamwork. Both sides look quite capable of having an impact on the section without a doubt . The Lions would be still seething after their GF loss and definitely owe the Sharks one, but I don't think it will happen today and I'm tipping Beauy to give Mick Lovejoy his first win a s a Senior Coach . Righetti will hold no fears for Russell Barnes and his Tigers, in fact it may suit them more than St Kevins. This is the test for the Tigers as today will show us how much they have improved from last season. SKOBS did what they had to do last week and can certainly improve on that. Would love to tip an upset and go with the Tigers but I just don't think it can happen . Skevvies for me PRESS CORRESPONDENTS

Don't forget the contact numbers 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016 and send me an email to .au Please include your Nominations for Player of the Round . Thank you in anticipation MILESTONES

North Old Boys - congratulate our 2003 B&F Josh Cassell, and dub stalwart Paul "Jack" Daniels on reaching 50 games for the dub, we hope it is the first of many milestones to come. The club also wishes to congratulate Paul "high-flyer" Bryar on attaining 100 games with North Old Boys. One of few players at our dub to have attended our feeder school, Paul's return to the fold at NOBs has been one wild ride and we look forward to the excitement continuing. Well done Paul .

TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTION Old Essendon Gr v Old Ivanhoe Mazenod 0 C v Old Paradians St Kevins v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Collegians v Beaumaris Old Brighton v North Old Boys

LAST ROUND'S RESULTS - B OID IVANHOE 5.2 5.2 10.7 12 .9 (81) OLD BRIGHTON 0.1 4.5 6.7 98(62) Old Ivanhoe: Luxon 3 Branigan 3 Stevens 2 Cornelius Kefalas Weddell Lochran Best Oates Payne Bolzan Crowley Luxon Branigan Old Brighton: Bristow 4 Homann 2 MacGillivray Williams Pinie Best Hendra Logan Bristow, Dickerson Hughes Edge Umpires: Peter Simpson Robert Maystnn (F7 Sean Collins Michael Saunders (B) MatlheH' Simpson Steven Piperno (G ) OLD PARADIANS 2 .1 4 .3 6.6 9 .9(631 OID ESSENDON GR 5 .1 8 .5 13.6 19.12 (216) Old Par. Porteous 3 Curran Hughes Lonle Pratt Sinclair Spinoso Best Curran Boundy Lonie Sinclair Zivanovic Dintinosante Old Eae: Playfair 5 OBlivbek 3 Fleming 3 Flaherty 2 Hakim 2 Stormont 2 Biggs Winkel Best Fleming Winkel Playfair OBlivbek Portia Parke r Umpires : Daniel Milloy (RDU Geoff Curran (F7 Gus Carparvano (RDL) R Monaghan (RDL) (B) Chris Doyle David Hill (RDL) [G) ST BEDES MPdV'CITGERS 6 .3 12.7 17 .7 23.7 (145) INA7FdU0D 0 C 1 .1 2.1 6 .4 7.4(46) St Bedes: Hecker 4 Samperi 4 LTenell 3 M Wlntle 2 A Hayes 2 McGettlgan 2 7}Tyquin 2 Napier McGraw Zakic Lynch Best Napier Walstab 7aldc McGettigan Knuppel Hayes Maz: Maskell 2 S Morgan 2 L Morgan Parker Castridum Best Hanson Meehan Dunne B Parker Barr T Steinfort Umpires: Leah Gallagher Geoff Caulfield (F) Les Damyon Robert Parry (G) BEADEltARIS 1.1 7.5 11.7 14.13 (97) ST HEVIIVS 4.4 8.6 17.11 18.16 (124) BeamDaris: Pitts 6 M Lee 3 George Coote Healy Martin Deaton Best Coote Marlin Duggan George M Atkins M Lee St Her. Lucas 4 Gneenham 3 O'Connor 3 O'Keefe 2 Hope 2 B Doitrnan Mulgrew Gullifer Simpson Best M Dollman B Cohen Greenharn Chard B Dollman Garvey Umpires: Richard Eastwood Sacha Koffman (E7 Paul Gait Andrew Esposito (G) NORTH OID BOYS 0.3 2.7 5.8 6.9(45) COIIF GIANS 4.8 8.10 11.15 16 .18 (114) NOB : Tonkin 2 Barker Tehan Sutherland White Best Jarmtt Cordy Smith Cassell Maher Tonkin CoO: Taft 5 Dixon 4 Unsworth 3 C Hoist 2 Lang Couch Best: Hooking Holies Taft ShiukBeld C Hoist Couc h Umpires: Luke Holmes Graeme Hunichen (F] Amanda Whittaker Andrew Errington (B) Gavin Roberts Daniel Kofoed (G ) B RESERVE OID IVANHOE 5.2 5.2 8.8 12.8 (86) OLD BRIGHTON 0.0 1.7 3.10 6.12 (48) Old Ivanhoe: Dinalds 4 Stewart 3 Theodossi Hawkes 2 Adderly Roberts Peacock Best'Iheodossi Haclmey Dinalds Adderly Roberts Holloway Old BrigLtom Dawes 3 Hebard Townsend Dubyna Best Dawes Smith Walsh Dubyna McLaughlin Ginnigan OLD PARADIANS 2.2 2.3 4.7 6.8(44) OLD ESSENDON 2.1 3.1 3.4 5.9(39) Old Pazediene : Godfrey 2 D McKay Walsh Turner Seneca Best Godkey Joyce Brown Palermo Sandy Simpson Old Ees: Battista 3 Iskra Ridley Best: McDermott Caridi Iskra Panagrotopolus Dawson Dale ST BEDES MFdUTONE TIGERSI .3 2.5 3.7 4.12 (36) MAZENOD 0 C 2.1 3.3 6.6 10.7 (67) St Bedes: Rhoden Kidd Osborne Terrell Best Owen McColl L Terrell Kidd Cheshire Nash Mezenod: Hawkins 4 Venturini Paine Bonnici Balenger Hose Hallett Best Hose Paine Hawkins Nisbett Boyd C Murra y BEAUEltARIS 2.1 3.3 3.3 8 .4 (52) ST KEV INS 5.1 7.6 11 .4 13 .15 (93) Beavmeris : Rawlings 2 Quin CareyA O'Brien FlsherJ Holt R Presnell Best: Fisher McConchie Gray Gibson A OBrien SKOB: Allis 10 Curtis 3 Best Mulkearns Underwood Mitchell O'Connor Allis G Katavolous NORTH OLD BOYS 4.2 5.4 12.6 13 .9 (87) COilEGiANS 0.0 1 .4 1 .4 3 .4(33) NOB: Bryar 2 Carndchael 2 BSheehan GPhylandANeviUe Maher DSheehan Herbet TBrady Martin Gugola Best: Citreon TBrady Carmichael Herbet HNeville Zacek Co1L• Muir Sizar Best Weakes Moon Abbott Woodhouse Farley Sirar




B Section BEAUMARIS Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst : Envin Leyden Res: Mick Carty 1 . R . Rawlins 2. H . Gibson 3. M . Pihs © 4. M . Matulick (DVC) 5. M . Ensor (DVC) 6 . A. Spence 7 . D. Foley 8 . M . O' Brien 9 . B. Cousins 10. L Buller 11 . M . Lee 12. L Healy 13. C . Gourley 14. T. Collins 15. M. Boon 16. A. Quin 17. L Atkins 18. N . Kennedy 19 . M. Atkins 20 . M. Mellon 21 . S . Coote 22 . J . Holt 23 .A. Catlin 24 . B . Gray 25 . D. Teesdale 26 . A . O'Brien 27 . D. George 28 J Vance 29 . C. Martin (VC) 30 . C. Lambert 31 . J. Black

32. B. Cairns 33. S. May 34. H. McMillan 35. N. Boctor 36. N. Atkins 37. R. Presnell 38. S. Lynch 40. J. Hogarth 42. B. Gillespie 43. R . Deaton 44. C . Collins 45. M. Duggan 46. M. Saxton 47. A. Kent 48. J . Mellor 49. J . Bryce 50 . B. Presnel l 51 . J . Mitchel l 52 . J . Williams 53 . A. Poll 54 .S . Lee

55 . B . Boston

56 . T. Woolnou gh 57 . A. Fisher 58 . J . Bramwell 59 . B . Griffiths 60 . D. Bird 61 . J. Heath 62 .A . Pratt 63. D. Galvin 64. A . Coote 65. G . Shattock 66. P. McConchie 67. L. Stevens 68. S. Boreham 70. S. Crossley 71 . C . Hawkins


Coach : Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook 1 J . Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B . Mooney V C 4 A. Shinkfield 5 R. Henebery 6 S. Woolley 7 S. EIg 7 J• Farley 8 C. Unsworth CAPT 9 J. Fry 10 J. Lang 11 C. Weekes 12 N. Harrison V C 13 N. Thomas 14 N . Lockett 15 L. Cottom 16 A. Baxter 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S. Taft 19 C . Davidson 20 M. Hoiles 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 C . Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R . Muir 26 D. Vial 27 G. Rowston 28 B . Couch 29 N. Burrows 30 L. Moon 31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfield 33 B . Hoist 34 T. Knox 35 L. Nisbet 36 R. Turner 37 C. Holst 38 T. Lovell 39 N . Hart. 40 L Watson 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 E. Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 D . Gambaro 46 J. Ashman 47 R . Sztar 49 D . Phillips 50 D . Rubenstein 51 B . Shadbolt 52 M . Naylor 53 T. Hall 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B . Lumb 57 B . Horsell 58 D. Smith 59 M . Lynch 64 M . Gribble


Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Ass Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res Coach : Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A. Tucker 4 J . Ballenger 5 D. Maskelt 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 B. Parker 9 P. Gooden 10 B. Chamberlain 11 T. Smith 12 A. McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N. Meehan 15 N. Parry (DVC) 16 M .Apotlonio 17 J. Beard 18 D . Dunne 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray 21 S. Polan 22 S. Veltman 23 B. Devlin 24 D . Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D. Hansen 31 N . Snart 32 D. Hose 33 S . Balloch 34 C. Boyd 35 D. Collins 36 G . Hamill 37 L Morgan 38 D. Hallet 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 M. Venturini 42 C . Raine 43 A. Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S. Paine 46 M . Hunt 47 A . Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. Hal`N 50 S . Ware 51 M . Murray (VC) 52 G. Tilling 53 54 A. Stagliano 55 D. Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 57 58 D. Morris 59 60 61 M. McDowell 62 63 64

Coach : Garry Foulds Res Coach : Mark Oraniuk 1 . J. Cassell 2. 3 . T. Waters 4 . S . Steep 5 . R . Davidson 6 . N . Vogels 7 . G. Smith 8 . B . Collison 9 . H . Maplestone 10. W. Martin 11 . T. Roberts 12. T. Brown 13. T. Halpin 14. 15. H . Christie 16. R . Kelliher 17. S. Casboult 19. P. O'Farrell 20. J . Sutherland 21 . N . Casboutt 22. D. Tehan 23. 24 . J . Barker 25 . G . Phyland 26 . D. Brady 27 . P. Sondhu 28 . D. Joyce 29 . C. Hosking 30 . M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32 . T. Roach 33. M. Barker 34. M. Hyde 35. M. Robins 36. D . Tonkin 37. S. Grigg gg 38. M. Amor 39. D . Galletti 40. C . Phyland 41 . C. Piaini 42. D . Sheehan 43. K . Hilderbrandt 44.T Kennedy 45 . S . Ingram 46 . P. Daniels 46 . M . Perry 47 . J . Nihill 48 . M . White 49 . A . Gugola 53 . S. Butcher 54 . C. Dobson 55. 56. D. Sheehan 57. M . Delaney 60. M . Cribbes 61 . G . Took 61 . A. Neville 64. L. Ryan 65. N . Barden 66. P. Bryar 68. J. Maher

66 A S~Et 8""1Q~~ ®



hlNAS-3C k

Coach: Jarrod O'Neil l Res. Coach : Hayden Bicket t 1 A. Krzywnia k 2 A. Pirri e 3 C . Barrow (vc) 4 A . MacGillivray 4 M . Frankli n 5 T. Marshall 6 R . Stewart (dvc) 7 B . Logan 8 J . Perrett 8 C. McNicol (C . res) 9 S . Lennox 10 J . Mead 11 N. Perry 12 B. William s 13 R. Kent 14 S. Williams (C) 15 B. Gadsden 16 C. Tootel l 16 J. Homan n 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A. Sale m 19 S. Ginnivan 20 M. Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 L O'Neil l 23 N . Milat 24 M. Gadsden 25 S . Nickas 26 A . Ginnivan 27 D. Paterson 28 A . Bristow 29 J . Dickerson 30 E . McCowan 31 A. Paroissie n 32 A. Goldner 33 L Dale 34 J . Whit e 35 C. Stewart (Rvc) 36 R. Henderson (Rdvc) 37 D. Hughe s 38 J. Raju 39 B. Pamham 40 A. McLachta n 41 M. Alle n 42 L Hendra (dvc) 43 J. Murchi e 44 R . Sherman 45 C . MclGm m 46 J .McCowan 47 S. Adam 48 B. Dever 49 B. Scott 50 W. Leaf 51 J . Lynch 52 W. Hebard 53 M . Dubyn a 54 J . Dooley 58 J . McBriar 59 S . Mead 60 A. Bushby 61 A. Walsh 62 B . Pearce 63 S . Davies 64 M .Reid 65 66 A. Edge 67 68 69 B. Aburrow

k~a ==?;' `t

70 71 T. Matessi

WISMI L South Melboum e 10


$ Section DON

unell ley Graig 7 polous . idt 4 D. Ryan 5 S. de Morton 6 C. Ridley 7 J. Leask 8 J. Heritage g B. Hakim 10 S. Bryant 11 B. Papal 12 J. Kavanagh 13 B. Hakim 14 L Wilson 15 T. Di Blasi 16 S . McPherson 17 D . Forrest 18 J. Walker 19 E . Healey 20 D . Hunter 21 S . Dale 22 R . OBrien 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazkiw 25 A . Frazer 26 S . Fleming 27 J . Di Pietro 28 G . Stevens 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D. Caridi 32 D. Poulton 33 D. Biggs 34 D. Podger 35 L . Kavanagh 36 A. Frazer 37 M. Bossi 38 D . Whitfield 39 B. Newbold 40 A. McKenzie 41 B . Overman 42 N . Bertram 43 M . Velard o 44 A . Parke r 45 J . Weidner 46 M . Beard 47 S . Howard 48 A . Selvo 49 G . Collins 50 A . Nowland 51 J . Stevens 52 B . Porker 53 T. Campbell 54 A. Morrison 55 D. Gradzki 56 M . Makris 57 J . Lloyd 58 T. Williams 60 C . Cetin


Coach: Gerard Sholly Res : Dirk Jones 1 Oates A 2 Lochr an L 3 Curatlo S 4 Davis B 5 Gerorgio C 6 Kent S 7 Geishen J 8 Stevens T 9 Payne D 10 Crowley C 11 Lewry P 12 Branigan C 13 Alagona A 14 Moore C 15 Hope G 16 Price S 17 Corcoran A 18 Hope J 19 Dinakis P 20 Hawkes D 21 roberts R 22 Donaldson P 23 Theodossi K 24 Haros G 25 Byrne E 26 Bereza A 27 Holloway N 28 Morris S 29 Weddle R 30 Gilbert A 31 Stevens J 32 Kefalas S 33 Pratt N 34 Tiernan A 35 Pollock M 36 Adderley S 37 Berry A 38 George GE 39 George GA 40 Keane J 41 Nagel B 42 Low S 43 Cornelius W 44 Luxon M 45 Si ersma J ~ 46 Peacock D S 47 Snell 48 Clarke M 49 Quinlan C 50 Steme R 51 Braddy N 52 Hackney S 53 Verrocchi M 54 Smith S 55 Pearce S 56 Courage L 57 Smart B 58 Bolzan L 59 Stagg R 60 Baccini I

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Sam Assetta Res Coach : Peter CosgrAf 1 . D . Zvanovic 2 . A . Hughes 3 . D. Dean 4 . A . Curran (VC) 5 . A . Paglia 6. R. Bux 7. M . Cosgriff (Res VC) 8. A. Sinclair (C) 9. P. Palermo 10. P. Brabender 11 . M . Joyce 12. B. Galloway 13. S. Rose 14. P. Pratt 15. N . Brundell 16 . M. Godfrey 17 . B. Hart 17 . M. Mitchell 18 . G . Porteous (VC) 18 . M. Spinoso 19 . A . Dean 20 . S . Maher 21 . D . Loney (VC) 22 . S . Fantone (Res VC) 23. P. Walsh 24. T. Lombardi (Res VC) 25. S . Rehlecki 26. D. Boundy (VC) 27. K. Jenkins 28. J . Kreuzer 29. A. Morrow 30. M . Ryan 30. D. McKay 31 . N . Dallas 32. S. Corcoran 33 . D . Clayton 35 . S. Simpson (Res VC) 36 . B. Dintinosante 37 . A. DiFabio 40 . W. Chambers 41 . A . Elliot 42 . R . Murray ( Res C) 44 . M . Hyde 45 . C. McKay 46. J . Martinelli 47 . J . Sandy 48. A . Moore 49. M . Sykes 50. A. Tenson 55. J . Swindon 56. S . Graham

ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach: Rusell Barnes Res : Mark Lomagn o

1 Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L' Huillier A 5 Napier S 6 Fitcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scafidi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Sarnperi R 14 Connolly A 15 McColl T 16 Osborne C 17 Corda N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 Tyquin J 25 Knuppel J 26 Hecker M 27 Borella L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Drury J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 36 Walstab A 37 Williams L 38 Hayes A 39 McColl M 40 L'Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De G root J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L ~~ei~r rd ~~ii~rcd4 Y~r


1 FCO SPONSER Miles Real Estate

Hodges Real Estate Mentone

ST KEVINS O B Coach: Dave Murray Res. Coach: 1 J Rombotis 2 E Crohan 3 D Curti s 4 L Mahoney 5 M Dollman 6 P O'Keefe 7 J Molloy 8 B Dollman 9 B Fields 10 M Lucas 11 J O'Keefe 12 M Mulgrew 13 R Bowle s 14 P Greenha m ' r 15 W Gull rfe 16 B Garvey 17 D Ryan 18 R Chard 19 D Shee h 20 T Crowley 21 R Maguire 22 T Duggan 23 T Simpso n 24 S Powell 25 A Hamilton 26 C Taylor 27 A Lync h 28 M Giansiracus a 29 C Underwood 30 M Crowe 31 W Keenan 32 S O'Connor 33 M Maguire 34 N Parrett 35 J Dempsey 36 P Moun t 37 M Panyrazi o 38 J O'Brien 39 N Pope 40 L Kalesara n 41 B Altis 42 S Moun t 43 P Bare 44 G Katavolo s 45 G Be gy 46 D Ma oney 47 J Griffiths 48 A Conla n 50 R Horrick s 51 D Bare 52 J Finc h 53 L Katavolos 54 S Game 55 P Natale 56 D Walsh 57 K Grey 58 E Waldron 59 P Aughton 60 S O'Conno r 61 T Ryan 62 B Shelley 63 A Dekretser 64 M Gargano 65 M Stonehous e 66 N Marchesan i 67 L Guilde r 68 B Hughes 69 A Callery 70 J Maher 71 A Mulkeams 72 D Manto n 73 P Byrn e 74 A Orlando 75 R Campagn a

76 N Bento n 77 M Shanno n 78 R Taylo r 79 M Wels h

Kingston Chiropractic 80 D Dun n 81 H Pride

9585 4044





A.F.C . I 1kTIl V.A.F.A .


"Your Coaches' Association "


In recent years, there has been a lot of talk in amateur circles regarding the selection processes for the various representative teams . With a number of new club coaches, we welcome the opportunity of reinforcing our criteria in this forum . I have had the honour of being the coach of the above mentioned team for several years and at all times we have tried our utmost to encourage all clubs to be participating in the make up of this team . From 2003, 2 players are drawn from "A" grade and 2 from "B" grade . This is unchangeable and is fixed according to the agreement reached with the Southern Football League . The 4 players involved are selected on the basis of discussions and recommendations with the "A" team coach . Last year they were not drawn from players in the "A" squad but more with a view to future "A" team representation . "A" and "B" grade coaches are invited to nominate on the form previously provided accordingly a player from their club .

The other 18 places are drawn from players from clubs in C-D4 grades . In the first place with so many clubs involved, we invite each dub coach to nominate 1 or if appropriate 2 players from his club that he feels would have the ability and determination necessary to be considered for the initial training squad . On top of this, we also have a working knowledge of prominent players from the grades and a combination of the above 2 brings us to the initial training squad for which invitations are sent to the players.

We have 7 people all independent and non aligned to any club who are selectors or spotters . They will each go and view 1-2 games per weekend, especially interested in those who have been nominated by their club coach . Every player nominated is viewed several times . After 4 weeks of training together, the training squad to which players are continually added or omitted because of injury etc ., is then trimmed into the playing team . Our aim is of course to win against our opponents but with that comes the very important aspect of unifying our amateur family, of encouraging all clubs from all grades to be part of the process and to give opportunity for participation in the squad to those who have been nominated/selected . It is therefore important that the club coach completes the nomination form thoughtfully and faxes it to the VAFA (required by two Friday's ago - but we are still accepting the nominations) . It is no use complaining of a player not being invited to train with the squad if he has not been nominated in the first place by his club . Nomination does not mean selection, but it does mean the opportunity to be selected and commitment to the cause for 4 weeks . We have at all times tried to encourage communication, feedback and involvement with the club coaches. Even a phone call in the lead up period can see a player added to the group or dropped off if the coach feels he is struggling with injury . We are extremely conservative in training drills to which we avoid any contact exercises . Our medical team checks any injured players before they are allowed to participate in training . We do our best to work in harmony with club demands, however as we will be playing at a level substantially higher than a club game we therefore must prepare accordingly. Ensure you are part of it . George Voyage VAFA Representative Coach (A-B) C-D 4

Nomination forms were included in packs distributed to all coaches at the 2004 VAFA Coaches' Night . If they have been misplaced or you wislreto nominat e a player(s) please email brett(a-vafa .asn .au or fax 9531 0236.





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South Yarra Sports Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants HydroChe m

The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Caterin g

Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bell's Hotel & Brewery Keith's Pie s Moods Consulting Pty Ltd

Edward J Lynch Agencies Paul Patt ison Barrie Macdonald & Associates Waverley Party Hire Sportswealth John Peterson Bookseller

Having spent 4 years at Melbourne High as a student, it was fantastic to return to the Old Boys FC as a player in 2003. With a dedicated committee, passionate supporter base and committed playing list, 2004 promises to be an exciting year at MHSOBFC. Having extended my involvement with the dub to include coaching Auskick, producing the player newsletter and assisting with the marketing and sponsorship of the club, I have been lucky enough to witness first-hand the incredible dedication of some our club's administrators . Like all amateur organisations, MHSOBFC is extremely grateful for the efforts of its committee and support of its sponsors. This year, we are thankful for the additional sponsorship businesses are offering individual players. It is hoped that more companies will come on board as we strive to return to B Grade in 2005.

Communication is a key function at MHSOBFC and our supporters, players and sponsors are all kept abreast of the goings on both on and off the field through a dub website, a players only website, a weekly and monthly newsletter and many other marketing initiatives . Anyone interested in becoming a part of the MHSOBFC supporter base can the dub at mhsoba@mhsoba.asn .au Adam Lust Player & Committee Member

RIGBY COOK E LAWYERS Level 13 469 LaTrobe Street Melbourne 3000 Contact B ry an Thoma s

9321 783 6 Former MHSOBFC VP & MHS 1960-64 ~ (11!!!~




Maor club sponsor 00 4



SePr ~+'


C SECTIO N by Glen Harriso n

Blustery wintry conditions greeted all PREVIE W teams for the opening encounters of season Caulfield wil l '04, and from a tipping perspective, I'm look to bounce away to a flying STOP! The Jackas, the only back when they side not to respond to the Scribe's hex! charge up thei r E-tags and trek out to Oak Park . Always a REVIEW tough assignment, today it's made more The Rovers sped out of the blocks and difficult by the rampaging Lions striking showed Ajax just how tough C Grade will form of last week . Therry to record win be this year . Carr was everywhere, fuelle d number two . by the electric, Power, with Adams a key Ajax and ESL will equally be looking to put snagged five for th e driver. Kirzner . the disappointment of last week behind them when they square off at Punt Road . vanquished shed . claiming Hopefully, skill level from each side will , their Round Onethe hoodoo Glen Eira broke first the bestarting better than that of the ground's main e fixture points for th large occupant! The Jackas to have the edge . rst time in three years . Set up by seven further A tough for the Vultures, confronting in the opening stanza, onlydraw on e er goal was required to upse t both of 2003's B-Grade combatants in the Em initial two weeks . Zosens an d of competition . The Rovers, M onash's flag unfurling whilst under instruction , from former VFA player Emmett were impressive for the winners . Brett McIlwraith, were most impressive last Hawkins was lively for the Blues Saturday, and should carry on to still b e Trailingg Parkdale at the main change, the unbeaten at full time this afternoon . Highs found an extra gear after half time and led by Brain and Harper, etched out a SPORTS MEDICIN E hard fought victory . Sullivan and Liddell gave their all for the newly merged club . LST WK TOTAL NAM E In a see-sawing affair, the Wellers thanks CLUB to a Brent Christie "bomb", knocked the C SECTION Fields off on their own patch . Tight all day, Hampton Power Caulfield through Green and Carboni Theny Penola Bannister couldn't quite eclipse Durling, Perryman Ajax Kuzner Parkdale Rowley and the Camberwell crew .


The road may have been long out to Bennetswood, but the journey home was particularly satisfying for Therry, kick starting their season with a win over ESL . Calgari was the rock down back, whilst Reynolds worked tirelessly through the middle. Ristevski and Hodder tried hard for the home team .


Monash Hawkin s C RESERVE Corbett MHSOB Gross Caulfield Gramm Guyett Caulfield Gramm Argyos Caulfield Gramm James Caulfield Gramm Fogarty Old Camberwell Newey Emmaus St Leos Frazcek MHSOB


The goals kicked will have been further out, and the marks more spectacular, as stories are retold at a Packer Park reunion today, to celebrate ten year's since St . Kilda South Caulfield ( Glen Eira) beat MHSOB, in the C Grade Grand Final . The Highs, will be party poopers and gain some consolation for the events of a decade ago . The Wellers host Monash, and the visitors know nothing less than a four quarter effort will earn them a win . However, Camberwell having scrapped so hard to claim victory in round one, won't want to relinquish their winning ways, and will triumph . CORRESPONDENT S Glen Harrison - gpah@dekin .edu .au for match reports & highlights . MILESTONE S Therry Penola - congratulate Jarrod Fenton on his success in winning its Scott Ramsay pre-season Training Award . Jarrod has thrilled all Therry supporters with his dashing runs and courageous ball getting ability over the last two seasons. We look forward to seeing Jarrod thrill the Therry crowds for many seasons to come. Old Camberwell - congratulate Daniel Schmidt who played his 50th game last week . Former U19 premiership play whose strong defence and ability to play up forward adds versatility to the side . Also Paul Tempone (50 games) a former U19 premiership player who is a definitive onballer with creative crumbing skills and an accurate left boot . Also Greg Weickhardt who plays his 50th game . Another former U19 premiership player who is a hard running defender who gives 100% every game.

TODAY'S MATCHE S C SECTIO N Theny Penola 0 B v Caulfield Gr AJAX v Emmaus St Leos 0 C at Punt Road Oval, Richmon d Parkdale Vultures v Hampton Rovers Glen Eira v MHSO B Old Camberwell v Monash Blue s


CAUIFIBiD GRAMMAR 3.4 5 .4 8.7 12.11(83) OLD CAMBERWELL 2.2 7 .5 10.8 13 .9 (87) Caul Cram: Foote 3 Baxter 2 Bruhn 2ljddell 2 Green Fallu Poynter Best Green Carboni Bruhn Poynter Fallu Foote Old Camb: Credlin 3 Peasnell 2 Webb 2 Tyntins 2 Heffernan Horgan Hardman Christie Best Christie Durling Perryman Webb Hallo Credli n Umpires; Ken McNiece Simon Lawrence (RDL) (F] Bruce Stephens Luke McKay (RDIa (G) EmA!<AUS ST 1E()6 3.0 4 .3 5.5 8 .7 (55) TRERRY PFai01A 5.8 7.9 8.11 . 10.11(72) Emmaus: Ballard 2 Carse 2 Ristevski 2 Bird Ronchi Best Brown Donovan Wstevsid Tribe Theny: C Bannister 5 Bolzon 2 Goodwin McKay Russell Best Calgari Goodwin Vania C Bannister Reynolds Farold t Umpires: Grab= Thwaites Simon Stokes (F) Robert Seymour Chris Kaleta (G) HAMPTON ROVERS 5.2 10.6 14.12 17.14 (116) AJAX 0.2 1.3 3.3 9 .8(62) Hampton Ravere: Power 7 B Artz 3 Hughes 2 Andersen Carr Lawrence M McKellar Pucella Best Power Carr B Ariz Hughes Adams Devereaux Aj= Kirmer 5 Kirsden 2 Segal Samuels Best Kirmer Raleigh Weisiitzer M Segal Gold Umpires : Jamie Kvins Dash Peiris (F) Greg Rollo Clive Shipley (G) MHSOBFC 3.4 5.5 10.12 14.16 (100) PARHDAiB 0.1 6.7 6.8 10.11(71) MHSOB: White 2 Home 2 Svmslds 2 Membrey 2 Gemer 2 Brain Hogan Thiele Fairchild Best Harper Hamilton-Ho Membrey Brain Thompson Taylor Parkdale: Rowley 5 Hayes 2 llddell Ogier Sullivan Best SuMvan Liddell Bair Tully Rowley Umpires : Sharon Alger Max Witimann (F1 Scott Gavens Christian Schaefer (B) Lucas Robson Matthew Cowley (G ) MONASH BLIIES 2.1 4 .7 6.11 7.14 (56) GIEPi EBtA 7 .6 8 .9 8.13 8.14 (62) Monaeh: Hawkins 4 Gregory Smyth Nind Best Turton Smyth Holloway Craven O'Sullivan Hawkins Glen FJra: Vamvalds 3 CNeeson SNeeson McGaw Zosens Sheehan Best McGaw Zosen.s Tshigiannis Vamvalds Emmett Sheehan Umpires: Jeremy Heffernan Ben Ryde (F) C RESERVE CAUL GRAMMAR 5 .2 10 .4 17.7 21.14 (140) OLD CAMBERWELL 4 .3 5 .6 5.7 6.10 (46) Caul Gram: B Gross 5 Guyed 4 Argyos 4 James 4 ONeill 2 Ash Best Argyos B Gross ONeill James Ash Baker Old Camb: Fogarty 4 Craven S Hancock Best Margetts Joyce Fogarty Schmidt Parkes Weickhardt EAlmiAUB ST I.EOS 5 .2 10.5 15.5 18.7 (115) THERRY PENOIA 1 .1 2 .4 5.8 7.12 (54) Emmaus: Newey 4 Batty 2 Bruce 2 Kelly 2 SPitcher 2 Waters 2 Bonnia Burgess Camm Prosser Best Prosser Bruce Waters Burgess Phyland Kelly 1'herry: Bosanko 2 Kenessy 2 Stepien O'Connell McMahon Best: S Goodwin Betsey oNeff O'Connell Kenessy Nlrz e 2 .2 5.4 6.5 15.7 (97) HAMPTON ROVERS AJAX 2 .3 2.6 5 .12 5 .12 (42) Hampton Rovers* D'Silva 3 Granville 2 Flynn 2 Crisp Morley Henry Marshall Spratt Hanlon Terech Gray Best McCarthy Flynn Henry Terech Duddy Mosbey Ajax: Sacks Goldenfeln Lewis Gotlleb Godlmcz Best Belgart Czamy Seidel Goldenfein Godeb Friedman TOISOBFC 7.4 10.6 16.8 18.11 (119) PARHDAiE 0.1 3.5 6.4 6 .10 (46) MHSOB : Corbett 7 Frazcek 4 Fe(erloanz 2 Wright 2 Hollenberg Orchard Ware Best Corbett Robinson Feferlaanz Neilson Ware Wright Parkdale: Cross 2 Andrews Little 0 Keef Darcy Best Baker Scullin Kerr O'Brien Sutherlan d MONASH BLUES 0.5 1 .9 2.10 5 .15 (49) GLEN EIRA 1 .2 2.2 2.4 2.4(16) Monash: Saunders 2 Edsall Dennis MBolton Best : MBolton Meehan Neil Tinkler Brennan Cheesman Glen Lra: Caruana 2 Best Chatfield King DeVries Caruana Zurak Zagame


C Section AJAX

Coach: Phil Davis

1 . N . Gold 2. J. Israelsohn 3. B. Davis 4. M. Dudakov 5. G . Blieden 6. D . Vanaken 7. G . Samuel 8. E. Raleigh 9. J. Raleigh 10 . G. Dukes 11 . M. Segal 12 . D . Goldenfein 13 . B . Klein 14 . Y. Rapoport 15 . J . Segal 16. E . Janover 17. D. Weislitzer 18. J . Kirzner 19. A. Lewin 20. J . Sharp 21 . D. Gelbart 22. E. Wollner 23. B. Rittennan 24. J. Bram 25. M . Blashki 26. B. Duzenman 27. A. Spicer 28 . A. Zemsk i 29 . B. Goldbloom 30 . N. Israelsohn 31 . M. Jankie 32 . A. Bloom 33 . J. Gottlieb 34 . A. Goldman 35 . J . Lewis 36 . L Krafchek 37 . J . Kestenberg 38 . S . Gutman 39 . R . Rotemberg 40 . D . Seidl 41 . J . Lewski 42. D . Gerber 43. D . Norich 44. I . Same 45. A . Godlewicz 46. A . Sacks 47. B . Lewis 48. J . Pask 49. S . Czamy 50. A. Benedykt 51 . L. Friedman 52. 0 . Henzel 53 . M . Podolsky 54 . D. Rutko 55 . J. Gomo 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . J. W'nber ~ g


Coach: Merv Keane Ass Coach : Lachlan Kellaway Res: Chris Matheson 1 D Rosman 2 A Bruhn 2 B Hal l 3 C Knig ht 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall 6 N Craven 7 R O 'Neil l 8 R Foote 9 M Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni 11 C Deal 12 D Pearce 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Fallu 16 S San t 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 B O'Hoy 19 P Hogga n 20 C Fagan 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Mc Assey 23 D Ash 24 J Dalwood 25 N Dorman 26 S Widjaj a 27 J Ryan 28 J Jacobs 29 G Erickson 30 D Eli as 31 C Poynter 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers ry 34 H Baker 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathe m 37 B Scott 38 J Restarick 39 A Bosna 40 M Phelps 41 B Kuppe 42 D Synman 43 T Gerrand 44 L Schneider 45 D Scott 46 M Bennett 47 S Jenkinso n 48 R Chapple 49 B Gardner 50 C Thompson 51 J James 52 J Sayers 53 S Backholer 54 J Yelland 55 C Hooper 56 S TwycrOSS 57 P Farmer 58 T Mc Donald 59 60 61 N Bannon 62 C Sheppard 63 64 G Pouher 65 N Carrick 71 M Cassidy


San Coach: Phillip Ballis Res: Anthony Strafford 1 Matt Ryan 2 Nick Ast ~nko 3 Cris Massis 4 Dale Cassar 5 Alex Tsirogiannis 6 Joe Zagame 7 Steve Vamvakis 8 Paul Tsagliotis 9 Gary Hayes Dewar 10 Glen Richards 11 Leigh Govan 12 Ben King 13 Gavin Brown 14 Matt Weilgosz 15 Finn Buckley 17 Angelo Russo 18 Memo Dimachi 19 JayaThrusfield 20 Adam Diamond 21 Phil Jones 22 Scott Emmett 23 Simon Nesson 24 Basil Mascali 25 Paul Khazael 27 Richard Gilmore 28 Paul Commerford 30 Luke Pryde 31 TroyAbedine 32 Matt D'Zilva 33 Mark Dimaski 35 Justin Commerford 36 Paul Slifka 37 Matt Pinniger 38 Matt Lewin 39 Geoff Egan 40 Leigh Doolan 41 Hayden Walls 44 Scott Diamond 45 Alex Carauana 48 Josh Halliwell 49 Matt Benton 50 Paul Waked 52 Andrew Haines 53 Sam Reece 54 Matt Migliorini 55 Leon McGaw 57 Scott Hall 61 Mark Tkocz 62 Jame Se~ anch y 63 David Dunlevie 65 Manolis Dimou 67 Karl Dimachki

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Brett Mcllwraitlh Res Coach : Tony Naumoff 1 T. Wilmott 2 M . McKellar 3 A. Bruder 4 S . Anderson 5 B. Marlyn 6 S. Gravina 7 A. Duddy 8 G . Carr 9 T. Barker 10 B. Holt 11 L Wheeler 12 P. Adams 13 G . Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A. Browne 16 N . Greenwood 17 D . Artz 18 J. McCarthy 19 M. Lawrence 20 A . Power 21 M . Ellis 22 S . Burggraaff 23 M Gray 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 J Laing 27 M . Flynn 28 B . Kezilas 29 M . Fletche r 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderso n 33 R. Mosbe y 34 B Artz 35 A Fisher 36 L Fletcher 37 L Holt 38 J. Morley 39 A. Crisp 40 L Cave 41 B. Henry 42 C . Malthouse 43 C . Cooper 44 M Pearson 45 D. Filopoulos 46 L Woolrich 47 S Silletto 48 J . Brunmeier 49 L Pledger 50 N. Foster 51 J . Glanvill e 52 J . Hanlon 53 T. Archer 54 R. D'SiNa 55 J . Prantzos 56 K. Spratt 57 J. Tipping 58 R. Hunt 59 A. Kavanag h 60 M Terech 61 D. Marshall 62 M. Flah ve 64

Maj or Sp onsor s




Coach: Dave Skinner Asst : Speros Beasley, W Fal l Res Coach : Jamie Dixo n 1 . J. Bamert 2. S. McCully (Capt) 3. N. Orchard 4. M . White (DVC) 5. A. Saultry 6. M. Brain 7 . S. Whittington 8 . J. Dixon 8 . J. Gemer 9 . D . Fairchild 10 . P. Smit h 10 . I . Barrett 11 . P. Spotbswoo d 12 . B. Thiel e 12 . M. Feferkmnz 13 . S. Anderson 14 . M . Hamifton-Ho 15. D . Membrey 16. J . Walker (DVC) 17. R. Clowes 18• R. Limbric k 18. R. Read 19. 8 . Robinson 20. T. Fraczek 20. L Home 21 . J . Aitken 22. A. Svirskis 23. A. Hogan 23. L. Taylor 24. N. Harvey 25. H. Taylor 26. M . Neilso n 27. M . Johnsto n 28. S. Moore 29. G . McCully 30 . R . Newton 31 . M. Bowen 32 . A. Cassell (VC) 33 . L Campbel l 34 . E. Thompso n 34 . D . Henze l 35 . P. Ru evic I 36 . R . Ware 37 . T. Harper 37. M. Ting 38. C. Nailon 39. J . Gregson 40. A . Lust 41 . J . Anderso n 41 . F. Lewis 42. M . Bate 43. P. Corbett 44. J . Newto n 45. R. Czwamo 46. T. Dunne 47. D. Holl e n berg 48. D. Ycendes e 49. J. Hollenberg 50. K. Harding 51 . S. Bennett 52. R. Temes 53 . I . Costing 54 . D. Learmont-Walke r 55 . G . Bla u 56 . T. Wright 57 . S. Foley 58 . P. Greenhill 59 . A. Hall 60 . S. Jennings

~ ~ -~"~ 1





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C Section MONASH BLUES Coach : Jon Edgar Res : James Shady 1 S Chapman 2 J Baxte r 3 L Holloway . 4 G Chessan 6 M Newman 7 P Farrar 8 S Thompso n 9 C O'Sullivan 10 Sam Lloyd 11 M eythr 12 13 G Sm 14 B Merlin 15 M Tinkler 16 B Nin d 17 J Mellington 18 L Smith 19 M Sounders 20 M Edsal l 21 C Greqory 22 T Blackley 23 P Nevil l 24 T Craven Hawkins 26 P~Ils 27 N De Young 28 J Main 29 30 L Creamer 31 S Hawkins 32 L e dihingfield S 34 M . Edwards 35 A Hickey 36 A Willams 37 J Bolton 38 N Brennan 39 M Smith M Bolton

41 M Bolton

42 ACooper 43 R Feenaghty 44 S Grac e 45 R Walsh 46 47 S Mentha 48 M Carey 49 D Payne 50 51 M Payne 52 N Moresi 53 J Peel 54 G Dodd 55 I McCormick 56 57 58 59 B Carstein 60 61 P 62 L Katts C p~ll 63 64 65 G Polgase 66 67 68 M Meehan 70 D Barlow 71 72 B Gree n 73 74 P rook 75 R Turton 76 77 788 A Shield s 7 80 P Manohar


Coach: Michael Sigalas Asst : Matthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res: Andrew Tsindos

1 A. Darling 2 T James 3 N Robinson 4 T. Ogler 5 L Cain 6 B Christie 6 A. Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 B . Tymmons 10 M Hanson (C) 11 S . Cadzow 12 R Kapoor 13 L Galdman (VC) 14 R Whitehead (VC) 15 D . Clyne 16 D . Pike 17 N Credlin (DVC) 18 S. Marwood 19 P. Tempone 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 K Darby 24 B Tipper 25 A Hardenberg 26 A. Whelan 27 A. Sheedy 28 D. Gough 29 S . Francis 30 R Perryman 31 B Craven 32 G . Ormsby 33 D Joyce 34 D. Schmidt 35 C. Munro 36 S Derry 37 A . Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 G. Rowe 40 C . Jellis 41 L. Ryan 42 A Mackenzie 43 C . Grant 44 S Smith 45 M. Horgan 47 T Kearney 48 J Derry 49 R . Gaza] 50 A. Gill 51 G . Weickhardt 52 S . Lovelace 53 R Tempone 54 A Margetts 55 J . Gan 55 S . Fogarty 56 S Jones 57 T. Nisbet 58 N . Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A . Walsh 63 S . Gregory 64 L. Goldsworthy 65 S. Hancock

Coach: Tony Macgeorge Assist : John McNicholas Res Coach : Paul Merin 1 S. Rowley 2 R . Gallagher 2 B. Darcy 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A. White 5 D. Griffiths 6 C. Stephens 7 K. Gurtler 8 K. Little 9 M . Meyer 9 P. Emmett 1i C. O'Meara 12 A . Baker 13 M . Ryan 14 C. Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J . McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan 18 S. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 D . Kinsella 21 D . Kelly 22 B. Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 X. Smith 25 B. Richards 26 D. Rochford 26 A. Rock 27 M . Nielson 28 C. O'Brien 29 G . Crilley 31 M . Andrews 32 B . Fogden 33 N. Wilkins 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogler 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 S . Waters 40 S . Richards 41 C . Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 C . Barr 46 W. Wheatley 47 J. Tully 48 M. Walsh 49 A. Hunter 50 S. Scullin 51 N. Sutherland 52 S. Wingrave 53 D. Noonan 54 T. Linthorne 55 N. Cooley 56 S . Wilson 57 P. Marin 58 R. Haslemore 59 D. O'Keefe 60 T. Everest 61 T. Banks 63 N . Levett


MENTONERS.L 9 Palermo St, Menton e Function Room * Restaurant * Polde s


Coach: Darren Turner Res : Frank Dinicolantonio

1 . P Carse 2. J Hodder 3. E Mitchell 4. AAuliso 5. S Buckle 6. J Fennell 7. A Burgess 8. B Bird 9. C Collar 10. B Mitchell 11 . B . Carey 12. T McCann 13. A Krebs 14. J. Eagles 15 . P Carey 16 . A Rose 17 . M D'Amelio 18 . R McCann 19 . A . Kelly 20 . A . Ballard 21 . G Simondson 22 . P Ristevski 23 . T Batty 24 . D Bruce 25 . A McKenzie 26 . A Prosser 27. P Levins 28. H Giles 29. S Darcy 30. M Ottobre 31 . M Contessotto 32. D Camm 33. LThomas 35. J Briggs 36.S Bavage 37. S Manton 38. N Hodder 39. B Vaughan 40 . J Gay 42 . M Flood 43 . B Levins 44 . A Zalakos 45 . S Ronchi 46 . A Brown 47 . M .Mclnemy 48 . A .Daly 49 . D Cox 50 . A Volpi 51 . P McGloin 52 . R McGloi n 53 . T Pecora 55 . C Hatfiel d 56. T Morriso n 59. D Pitcher 60. C McDonald 61 . J.Blandtho m 63. P Nolan 64. D Wood 67. P Farquhar 69. S Meshcer 70. D McGloin 75. T Ymer 76. G Donovan 77. C Vaugha n 79 . T Tri b e 88 . S Pitche r 89 . D Winduss


Coach: Chris Bye Res Coach : Garry Datso n 1 Gorman P 2 Goodwin T 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 6 Nancarrow M 7 Bannister S Bosanko M 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 12 Betsey J 13 Russell G 14 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M Clifton D 17 18 19 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 Nancarrow M 49 50 Barron B 51 52 53 54 55 56 Dunne P 57 58 Finnigan M 59 Robinson T 60 61 62 63 Moloney A 67 Tsinaris G

Congratulations to ex VAFA umpire Simon Meredith who has just completed his second game of umpiring a senior AFL football match . Simon's two matches in round 3 and 4, are a great advertisement for the VAFA and our ability to assist umpires on the pathway to the top and also just recognition for Simon's ex-school St . Bedes College Mentone's fine sporting programs . O O 0 Your editor will be away from the job from round 4 through to round 7 and pieces for this column will be provided by Brett Connell (2 contributions eack week), Norm Nugent (2 contributions each week) and each scribe will be asked to provide a piece of good "gossip" from the matches in their section (one piece per section) . The three contributors from our local radio stations who support the VAFA (Southern FM, North West FM and Inner FM) will be invited to provide a piece about their particular show, last week's or next week's guests and generally will be given the opportunity of promoting their stations . O 0 Š

All coaches will soon be asked to nominate players Under 23 as at 1 .1 .82 (born on or after) who are playing in their senior teams to be considered for the AAFC Championship Match 5 against WAAFL on Sunday June 6 at Elsternwick Park. As this match falls on Rd 8 players selected will be unable to play club football that weekend . To not disadvantage clubs, only one player wi ll be chosen from each club in the final team . Senior team coach Nick Bourke is in charge of the team and is looking for strong representation from all sections .



Nick Bourke - Senior Rep coach keen to maintain his wonderful winqoss ratio in 2004



Terribly shoddy paperwork received from clubs last weekend (round 1) . At the time of going to press (Tuesday) it appears 15 matches have been affected by ineligible players being played - frighteningly 11 of these were involving teams that WON . Subject to appeal these matchresults will have to be reversed - a ho llow way to win . 7 of these ineligible players are club players who didn't play last year but their club failed to submit a fresh permit for them for 2004 . On "shoddiness" clubs are fined where players initial the teamsheet beside their name (printed) - a player signature in full must be provided .



This week coincides with the Elsternwick Amateur Football Club's 90th year associated with the VAFA. EAFC joined the VAFA for the 1914 season playing their first game on the 21st April in A section which resulted in a 7 goal loss to Collegians (the VAFA's oldest club) . From that season on only Elsternwick and Collegians continue to exist in the VAFA, although University was a sole club that season before it split into separate clubs . Another interesting statistic is that 2005 will see Elsternwick's 100th year as a club as it played as a club in another competition before joining the VAFA in 1914 . The club will be playing its 1500th game of VAFA football in round 9 against Albert Park on Sportscover Arena . Any past player is invited to contact Adam Hankin on 0418 121404 or 9645 8994 to discuss being


O F TIIE•GAME .... involved in luncheon .



pre-match celebratio n 0


History was made . Whitefriars enjoyed their first ever win last Saturday as an A section club .




With the three major Amateur football playing states all committed to a second cycle of matches from 2005 to 2007 the following program will be put to the meeting of the AAFC Executive in June for consideration .


2005 - VAFA v . VCFL (VAFA venue) . This match is not a part of the AAFC Championships . SA v. WA in Perth . VAFA v . WA in Perth .

2006 - WA v. VAFA and SA v . VAFA. Both matches in Melbourne 2007 - SA v . VAFA in Adelaide . SA v. WA in Adelaide . VAFA v . VCFL (country venue)

0 0


Whilst looking at dates, the following is proposed for the 2005 season. Easter - March 25, 26,27,28 . Presidents', Secretaries' and Members' Dinner - Monday April 4th Round One - Saturday April 9t h A and B section Grand Final weekend Saturday/Sunday 17th/ 18th Septembe r

O ~'i


Reminder that the "Spo rtscover Pick the Seven Premiers" entries (2 per club) must be received by 5 pm next Friday (April 30) . Clubs should refer to the "FTLOTG" column in last week's "Amateur Footballer" for details . 0 0 0 Pretty good effort by all home clubs last Saturday night getting final siren scores (a ll home clubs) and fu ll match details (A an d B section home clubs) to the VAFA . Fines will be waived for each club's first home game (unless the scores are extraoordinarlly late or not received at all) but will be imposed, if late, thereafter. Please refer to VAFA handbook for details .





SEN 1116 has made a pretty impressive impact on the airwaves, although our Radio Sport 927 continues to be a wonderful supporter of the VAFA providing a couple of segments weekly promoting VAFA matches . There is one show on SEN 1116 "FTLOTG" would like to bring to the attention of readers - "Everything Football, But The AFL" . Listen in Sunday nights (10 - 11pm) and let "FI'LOTG" know what you think . Better still get exposure for your club - email: thenightwatchman @




Bit serious this column for the first two weeks. Let's lighten up with this conversation overhead at last week's tribunal Player 1 : Last week I took the first step towards getting divorce d

Player 2 : Did you see a lawyer? Player 1 : No, I got married .




And then there was the Amateur player who was madly in love with Susan but couldn't muster the courage to pop the question face to face . So he phoned her. "Of course I will", answered Susan . "Who's speaking?"




ANZAC Day this Sunday . "Lest We Forget" . Let's all spare a thought for all those who have made the sacrifice, many the supreme sacrifice, on behalf of our great country . The VAFA and "FTLOTG" recognises and salutes you this weekend .

r --------------~ i MELEES - BEWARE ~ A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing , ~ scragging, jumping into packs, I I throwing each other to the ground or I I other or other similar such conduct" I L -------------- J 19



by Barry Hickey Any Pre-Match Luncheon hosted by Fitzroy Reds' better with age in a inimitable Peter Hill e, and featuri ng Jack Clancy, FP, Tim Ollerenshaw Paul Daffy, & Dyson Hore-Lacy as guest speakers, burnt on his wing, has to be a shoo- in for the Entertainment Event of and Greg Evans wa s the year! Under the theme of 'Rouge et Noir' (Re d solid at FB . I can't & Black, or the other way round if you're a Black s remember the last time I failed to receive a Bears supporter), which is the Trophy contested match report, but their best are said to be Moxon, whenever these clubs meet, the gathering was a Wilmore, & Chris Taylor! wonderful celebration of everything that's great Yarra Vall ey OB v Prahran about VAFA Football, apart, of course, from Hille's The Bushrangers' 20 points win over Prahran has `French', for which he will surely be staggered the 'rumour file' jockeys, who already excommunicated by the next General Council of had the Two Blues as a serious contender for return to C Section! 'Killer' was very happy with the Academie Francaise! LAST WEEK

Fitzroy Reds v University Black s Reds showed lots of promise but didn't do enough with the wind in Q 1 at Arden St . Blacks did better in Q2, opening up a handy lead and not really challenged thereafter . Blacks defenders, Walsh and Rawnsley, both had top games, as did Andrew Costello in the middle and Chris Sandiford rucking . Reds best were named as Ronchi, Meighen, & Bennie.

Ormond v Old Mentonians The Monds blasted the Panthers with an 8 goal Q2 and never again looked in danger, which impressed No .1 Ticket Holder, Bobby Skilton! Leigh Wells starred on his wing for the Monds, David Robbins was busy OTB, with newcomers Leigh Deledio and Daniel Palling also prominent . No word from Pantherdom. Peninsula OB v Salesian O C The Pirates won the closest contest of the day against Chaddie, and both were equally tight about sending me a match report! Pirates best are listed as White, Dunne, & Murray ; while Chaddie's were John Nannes, Tony Grace, & Davey Aquinas v Banyul e The Bloods didn't have the firepower to trouble the Bears, but expect to improve as some class players return from injuries . The Bears conditioning an d hard at the ball attitude has given their season a serious jump-start, and the opposition a few headaches catching them . Marchi Tarulli gets

his unit's attack on the ball, with Justin Cremean rucking well, Keemer amongst the goals, and David Stevenson also in form . Prahran had good games from Mark 'Cuddles' McCudden, Lachlan Fox, & Andrew Donachie .

THIS WEEK Old Mentonians v Fitzroy Red s Neither Peter Russo nor Graham Burgen had much joy in R1 and will be looking for a big form turn round today . Reds ground speed will bothe r






Fitzroy Reds Tornese Peninsula Claringbold Aquinas Tarulli Banyule Egan University Blakcs Rizio Ormond Denning Banyule O'Connell Yarra Valley Keem Dl SECTION Peninsula Vidotto Peninsula Angus Yarra Valley Laing University Blakcs Molloy Peninsula Shapin Yarra Valley Hale

h 20


the Panthers and should be the main factor in them taking out a 3G victory. Salesian v Ormond Chaddie showed plenty of spirit at Mt Eliza last week and will seriously test the Monds with their intensity and home patch know how . I still expect Ormond to salute by a few points in a tight one . Banyule v Peninsula Both are lst up winners with high hopes for 2004 so this will be top match . Neither team gives any quarter, and they match up on one another fairly neatly. If it isn't a draw, the Bears will win by a few points . prahran v Aquina s Both sides had opening games they'd rather forget and will be hoping for boosts from last week's 'Unavailable' lists for today. I'll go for the home side by a few points . University Blacks v Yarra Va lley Blacks and Bushrangers started with impressive wins and would want to consolidate their ladder positions today. YV may have an edge in all over pace, but will find the Blacks defence is adept at setting 'speed traps! The midfield battle will be a ripper between Andrew Costello and Ash. Drew, both being in such fine form. Blacks to win by 3G! Reserves winners should be : Reds, Monds, Pirates, Bloods, & Black s Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979 (+ message bank) & bfhickey6@bigpond .com MILESTONES Peninsula 0 B congratulates Neil Kent on reaching his 100 games for the Pirates against Banyule . A champion schoolboy footballer and cricketer, `Striker' suffered a shocking hip injury as a young man and was told by his Doctor he would never play again . If you're reading this, 'cheers' Doc. Neil had a stellar career with Karingal before returning to his old school and the Pirates, where he has become a very popular clubman . No Pirate will ever forget Striker's part in the seniors emotion-charged 2001 victory over West Brunswick at home! Well one Striker! All at Pirateland salute you !

TODAY'S MATCHES D 1 SECTION Old Mentonians v Fitzroy Reds Salesian 0 C v Ormond Banyule v Peninsula 0 B Prahran v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v Yarra Valley 0 B


FrrLROY RFAS 3.1 3.2 3 .3 8 .6(54) UNIVERSPiY BLACKS 2.1 7.3 9 .7 14.9 (93) Fitzroy Reds: Tornese 5 RHolderhead Cland Bennie Best Ronchi Meighen Bennie Davis Atherton McGrath University Blacka: Rizio 3 Savige 2 MKempton 2 W Hanna 2 LRawnsley 2 TBewcqua Sibilla Lalich Best SWalsh Rawnsley Sandiford ACostello Savige BCostell o Umpires: Roland Fuhrmann Gajanan Skandakumar (F) Brendan Cannon Bianca Share (B) Jack Warty (G) ORMOND 1.1 9.4 10.5 16.14 (110) OLD mP'dPrON1AN8 1.6 4.6 5.10 5.12 (42) Ormond: Denning 3 BDeledio 2 Martinov 2 Grace 2 Ferran 2 Miller OBrien Cook Robbins Wells Best Not received . Kalvisids 2 Volgt 2 Fairbanks Best Not received Umpires: Mark Gibson (F) Tony Casuscelli Steve Durston-Ryan (B) Paul Whitehead (G) PP1ON8UlA O B 3.4 6.10 11.13 14.17 (101) SALESIAN O C 1.2 5.5 9 .7 12.10 (82) Penin: Clarhngtwld 5 J Coghlan 2 Crean 2 T Prendagast AAtchison J Davis D Hubbard Payze Best White Dunne Murray Stainforth Claringbold Davis :* S Logan 4 Bobetic 3 D Foley D Forer Greely Barry Bonnid Best Salesian Nannes Grace Davey Bobetic M Forbes S Loga n Umpires: Lionel Katz (F] AQUINAS 5.3 6.3 9.6 10.8 (68) BANYIAE 2.6 9.8 12.13 16.19 (115) Aquinas: Tarulli 4 Volombello 2 Redwood Helme BMoran Lorkin Best Tarulli Caskey Evans Volombe➢o Helme Flynn Banyule : Egan 4 O'Connell 3 Lonenzini 2 Wilmore Nraylor Maxon Denetrtou Jones CI'aylor Wise Bast Moxon Wilmore C Taylor Egan Dooley Glour y Umpires: Brendan Deft Peter Liddell (F) Eddie Boat Malcolm Filleul (G) YARRA VALLEY 3.5 4.8 8.13 12.15 (87) PRAHRAN 0.1 3.7 6.10 9.13 (67) Yarra Valley: Keen 3 Beal 2 Stevenson 2 Stone Laing A Balshaw Simpson Best Cremean J Beal Keem Savage Morris T Pearce Prahra¢: Harrison 2 Stafford 2 Pitts A Rhodes Plummer McCudden Sleight Best McCudden Fox Donachie Alcock Pitts A Rhodes Umpires: Luke Moncrieff David Phillips (F) Lucas Brass Peter Monotti (B) Pat Mitchell Ross Richards (G) Dl RESERVE FPPLROY REDS 0.0 2.5 4.8 7.10 (52) UNIVERSiTY BLACKS 4.2 5.3 5.3 6.3(39) Fitzroy Reds: LHoldefiead Capodiferro Baker Lee Mclierrow Sullivan Dibenedetto Best: Drew Willingham Hannam Lee O'Connor Crane University Blacks : Molloy 3 Ross 2 Beaton Best Powell Fuller Ross Wood Black Blake ORASOND 5.4 5.6 8.7 8.8(56) OLD MENTONIANS 1.0 3.7 3.7 4.12 (36) Ormond: Banks 2 Wiley 2 Stewart Rayson Telley Cromack Best Cove Telley Cromack Ash Banks Franklin Old Ment: Alexander 2 Austin 2 Best : Not received. PENINSULA O B 8.3 10.6 19.10 25.15 (165) SALESIAN 0 C 0.0 0.2 1.3 1.4(10) Penins: Vidottn 6 Angus 5 Sharpin 3 Faulkiner McMahon Wilson Haley Palmer Warner Harding Best Vidotto Sharpin Angus Haley Bowler McMahon Salesian : Loughnan Best Goulden Ferwerda Bowman Seager Riley Rya n AQUINAS 3.3 7.5 8 .6 8.10 (58) BANYULE 2.1 37 4.10 6.11(47) Aquinas: Box 2 Hughes 2 Visser 2 Leonard Lyng Best A Williams Box Hughes Wilson Leonard Robinson Banyule: Nasrallah 2 Gray Creak Mounsey Bell Best George Nasrallah Meade Gray Egan Roati e YARRA VALLEY 0 B 5.0 9.6 9 .6 14.10 (94) PRAHRAN 2.1 3.1 4 .3 5.5(35) Yarra Valley: Laing M 4 Hale 3 Peake J Potter 2 Norrish Drew B Coutts R Best Laing M Coutts G Seaboume Hale Drew B Russel l Prabmm: Bunnett 2 Radywonick Ferraro Moylan Best Hunt Watford W Murphy Fenaro Upton Radywonlck


Dl Section AQUINAS

Coach: Steve Bell Res: Paul Harper 1 . L. Toomey 2. S. Tibb 3. S . Edwards 5. M . Hunter 6. D. Minogue 7. C. Glennie 8. J. Jess (VC) 9. T. Harkin 10. D. Boland 11 . M . Barmby 12. A. Bethune 13 . D. Den Braber (C) 13. C. Jeffrey 14 . A. Lorkin 15. Ad. Williams 16. J. Hunt 17 . B. Redwood 18. J. Hughes 19 . G . Whitehead (VC) 20 . D. Skinner 21 . J. Pierce 22 . S. Flynn 23 . M . Visser 24 . P. Harper 25 . B. Volombello 26 . R. Weeks 27 . C. Quinn 28 . B. Helme 29 . J. Wilson 31 . G . Evans 32 . D. Afford 33 . C. Wooden 34 . M. Tenilli 35 . R. Chapman 36 . P. Caskey 37 . S. Leonard 38 . B. Moran 39 . S. Bethune 40 . S. Haun 41 . G . Davies 42 . R. Moran 43 . M. Slattery 44 . J. Tapply 45 . D. McCartan 46 . T. Vandersluis 47 . Ant. Williams 48 . R. Brown 49 . M . Griffin 50 . C. Crozier 52 . A. Pringle 53 . D. Robinson 54. M . O'Halloran 55 . L. Stafford 56 . P. Cruickshank 57 . M . Harris 58 . H. Tyssen 59 . B. Cooper 60. L Elliott 61 . I . Drew 62 . C. Lyng 63. A. Barrie


Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res: John Fraser 1 Reed B 2 Witchell D 3 Taylor N 4 Creek M 5 Willmore B 7 Taylor C 8 Cantwell B 9 Plant J 10 Moxon B 11 Wilson D 12 Egan J 13 Dooley A 14 O'Donnell H 15 Gray S 16 Demetriou A 17 Davis C 18 Wise T 19 O'Connell L 21 Dintinosante R 22 Taylor C 23 Gray M 24 Nield A 25 Gayfer B 26 Mounsey B 27 Jones J 28 Sproules D 29 Nasrallah D 30 Mutton D 31 McLellan G 32 Natoli M 33 Phelan D 34 Lorenzini S 36 George M 37 Thompson T 38 Gayfer D 40 Smith M 41 Tshaikiasky A 42 Richardson L 44 Connelly J 45 Roethe A 48 Tuckman S 49 Bell G 55 Williams D


Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan 1 . D. Hannam 2 . B Holderhead & A Walsh 4. M Caims & J Hamilton 5. P Diacogiorgis 7. L Byrne

8. A Byrne

9. H Fletcher 11 . B Atherton 12. D Murphy 13. A Dawson 14. T Clarke 16. G Crane 17. B Lee 18. M Baker 19. Pa Cook 20. T Mitchell 21 . C Meighen 22. C Sullivan 23. T Jackson 24. J Parsons 25. D Bahr 27. J Tomese 29. V Cahill 30. C Little 31 . P Crowe 32. A Grant 33. S Dury 35. PCook 36. M Reeves 37. A O'Reilly 39. A George 40. G Bence 41 . M Bridges 42. I McBumey 45. J Bennie 46. N Mann 47. W Bahr 48. N Vaughn 51 . J Rawlins 52. B O'Connor 53. S Addicott 56. T Madden 57. R Rome 61 . G Virtue 62. N Auden 63. C Andrew 67. R Holderhead 71 . T Leske 73. J Bare 75. B Pollard 76. D Curtis 77. A Grillo 80. G Box 81 . J Savage 95. D Flanagan 97. D Ronchi 99. C McGrath

OLD MENTONIANS Coach: Peter Russo Res : Jamie Winduss

1 . T. MiNalsky 2 . C. Twentyman 3 . R . Ball 4 . R . Woodland . l Mack 56 . C..C A aexander (VCR) 7 . M . McCloskey (DVC) 8 . G. Ferguson 9 . J . Walker 10. S . Voiqt 11 . D. Soltey 12. C. Dwyer (CR) 13. B . Russo 14. M . Stroud 15. J . Costello (DVC) 16. B . Carroll 17. N . Linford (CR) 18. T. Boumon 19. A . Palmer 20. D. O'Connor 21 . J . O'Brien 22. B . 23. A . D nnan 24. D. Cochrane 25. B . Fairbanks 26. G. Dart 27. A . IGantos 28. D. Kitto 29. A . Carter (C3 30. D. Russo 31 . M . Elliott 32. M . Sunter 33. S . Worrell 34. P. Flaskis 35. D. Murphy 36. D. Alexander 37. M . Francis 38. T. Millis 39. K Campbell 40. R . Alexander 41 . S . Cozens 42. M . Basile 43. G. Hubbard 44. L Sunter 45. A . Erskine 46. A . Bowtell 47. J . Kelly 48. D. Stevens (VCR) 49. N . Fisher 50. K Regan 51 . A . Wilson 52. M . Watts 53. S . Wilson ~ D G~~ 55. M . Kalviskis y 56. B . Thomas 57. S . Fairbanks 58. A . Worrell 59. A A . Joyce 60. A . 0'Reilly, 61 . B . Saunders 62. R . Schloeffel 63. C. Palmer 64. M . Austin


~ s i -~'




Coach: Adrian Connolly Res Coach : Peter O'Dea 1 Deledio 2 Beckett 3 Denning 4 Grace 6 Whelanv 7 Keleher 8 Miller 9 Metz 10 Banks 11 Robbins 12 Deledio 13 Lees 14 James 15 Telley 16 Stewart 17 Russell 18 Cove 19 Cleary 20 te Hennepe 21 Wiley grown 23 Naylor 24 Muzzell 25 Dale 26 Harvey 27 Ashford 28 Clinch 29 Palling 30 Wells 31 Young 32 O'Brien 33 Cook 34 Russell 35 Bailey 36 Casey 37 Everett 38 Byra 39 Ferrari 40 Douglas 41 Upstill 42 Keleher 43 Parsons 44 Broadhurst 45 Franklin 46 Johnstone 47 Goonan 48 Saunders 49 Jowett 50 Dipasquate 51 Dipasquale 52 Brown 53 Harvey 54 Ramsay 55 Rayson 56 Farrell 57 Kentara 58 Beed 59 Hoare 60 Konstanty 61 Franklin 62 Roylance 63 McConchie


65 Anderson 66 Waterson


69 Austin


70 Farrell


71 Hassell 72 Rogash


64 Loetje

67 Harper 68 Cromack


INTERIORS 73 Stone B MENTONE HOTEL 74 Gouzenfitter LM JEFFERSON FORD is s~ t~uch



San Coach : Julian Sill Res: Brian Cronin 1 S Parsons 2AParsons 3 M Goldthorp 4 E Bowen 5 N Kent

6 M Warner 7 S Murray 8 PAngus 9. 10 A Haley 11 J Sill 12 S Ferguson

13 B Cook* 14 S White 15 J Davis* 16 S Claringbold 17 J Coghlan 18 J Wheelan 19AMckinstry 2o S Prendergast 21 ATeelow 22 AAtchison 23 R Powney 24 T Prendergast 25 A Powell 26 G Lethbridge 27 S Payze 28 B Taylor 29 S Torossi 30 A Crean 31 * 32 B Uuza 33 R Stainiorth 34 M Falkiner 35 T Lane 36 N Bowman 37 J Growcott 38TCoghlan 39 S Wilso n 40 D Hubbard 41 A Vdotto 42 N Claringbold 43 B Dunne 44 C Mclean 45 L Prendergast 46 T Moran 47 L Palmer

48 N Heffernan 49 A Minchin 50 A Bonner 51 R Hayman 52 A Wood 53 54 C Wilson 55 R Cannon

56 57 58 P Mangan

59 61 62 63 69 J Muir


Coach: Leigh Stafford

1 . C. Clauscen 2. M . Harvey 3. J . Ferrier 4. LStafford 5. H. Pitts 6. D. Cullen

7. T Greening

8. I . Hunt 9. A. Bunnett 10. M . Mc Cudden 11 . A. Pitts 12. C . Moffat 13. L Northway 14 . M. Bennett 15 . C . Tooley 16 . A. Rhodes 17 . M. Harrison 18 . M. Windridge 19 . S. Ramage 20 . J. Kellow 21 . T. Sparrey 22 . A . Sleight 23 . R . Marriott 24. K Plummer 25 . L Aitken 26. 2 7 , W. Watford 28. K Watford 29. P. Gartland 30. M . Radywonik 31 . S . Fraser 32. D. Ballard 33. A. Wood

34. R. Aloiack 95. J . Bedford

36. G . Beven 37. M . Boyd 38. E. Macdonald 39. J. Matherson

40. R . Ferrero

41 . J. Upton 42. B. Downing 43. S. Kennett 44. 45 . M. Vagg 46 . T. Mu h 47 . M. Roach

48 . J. Vagg

49 . B. Campbell 50 . B. Mahoney 51 . N . Harvey 52 . N . Gill 53 . R . Ham 54 . R . Mackay 55 . B . Lynn 56. A . Potter 57 . L Castle



Coach : Peter Turley Coach : Anthony Parkin Res Coach: Adrian Chippaini Res. Coach : Matthew FiHolani 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A. Stevens A. Thain S. Sutherland C . Rose M. Canavan D . Forer D . Foley S . Logan

9 . A . Campbell 10. S . Oldfi eld 11 . A Davey 12. M . Cooke 13. I . Bobetic 14. P. Evans 15. L Rose 16. P. Dolman 17. M . Forbes 18. D. Barry 19. M . Ferwerda

20. A Seeger 21 . A Bonnid 22. S. Greey, 23. T. Henson 24. A Grace 25. C. Ryan 26. J. Nannes 27. P. Allen 29: M. Byme

29. D . Bowman

30. Q. Le 31 . B. Grams 32. G . Riley 33. N . Callaghan 34. C . Goulden 35 P Knott 36 . S . Nolan 37 . J . Brennan 38 . A. Gaspari 39 . P. Pitts 40 . M . Forer 41 . P. Forbes

42 . P. Hanlon 43 . M . Van Suylen 44. P. McClaren 45. D. Allen 46. S . Savage 47. K Gallacher

48. J. Logan 49. M . Oakley 50. S. Kavanagh 51 . A Foley 52. M. Forbes 53. E. Maillard 54. M. Smyth 55. E. Hanapy

56. M.Loughnan 57. S. Sewell 58. M. Bates 59. A Healy 60. A Bates 61 . R . Cincotta 63 . A. Chippiani 64 . S .


Coach: Tim Kilkvorth Res . Coach: Simon Taylor .

1 A. Costello 2. J . Sibilia 2.(R) S . Chandler 3. A. Ross 3 .(R) R. Drummond 4 . A. Evans 5. R. Mackie (C) 6. T. Bavacqua S. Price 7. 8. B. Welch 9 . P. Kempton 10 . W. Hanna

R. Pearce T. Morris

1 2

M . Fungg A. Drew Ro Drew C. Beal

4 5 6 7 8

11 . S. Sandiford

B. Nickolas 1 4

13 . C . Baulch 14. D . Ada

17. A. Moffatt 17R J. Caudle 18. T. Wilson 19. L Brown 21 . C . Schilling 22. S. Prince 2g, P. Barry 24. V. Romijn 25. M. Hallam 26. D . Batten 27. A . Parkin


P. Otsuka

30. D . Stock 31 . B . Costello 32. M . Jones 35. B . Villella 35(R)Jas Mirtschin 36. M . Prowse 37. E . Nolan 38 . M . Rizio 39 . X. Davis 41 . L Rawnsley 43 . C. Beaton 45 . R. Scarlett 49 . R. Dillon 49(R)T. Bowers 50 . A. Goonan 53 . D. O' Keeffe 54 . M. Braszell

55 . S. Watch 57 . K Begely 58 . D . Kean

60. J. O'Sullivan 61 . J. Black 62. S. Middleton 65. J. Fuller 66. L Costello 67. N . Goonan 70. J. Green R . Hamilton ~ 80 . M . Teha n 85. B. Weber 88. N . Abbott 94. A . Powell 98. M . Bahen 101 . D. Davis 112. M . Wielgosz


65 . M . Sutton 66 . S . Sinclai r 67 . B . Kirchne r


~ Keem


T. Hancock 1 0 T. Mclllrath 1 1 J. Cremean 1 2 L Gillies 1 3 E. Kruse N . Pask L Taylor A Laing

14 15 16 17

C . Britt 1 8

J. Strong 1 9 T. Hale 2 0 D . Stevenson 2 1 B. Drew 22 R . Yeo 23 M. Davies 24 F. Pellegrino 2 5 J . Longworth 26 S . Savage 27 M. Rockicki 28 R . Coutts 29 D. Potter 30 S . Urbano 3 1 J . Parry 32 P. Cremean 33 B . Seeger 34 B . Peake 35 P. Jarvie 36 D. Balshaw 37 B. Morrison 38 Tompkins w' ns 39 M B. Downs 4 1 A. Stone 4 2 S. Y~ 43 J. Ho 44

A Wingate 45 T. Oliver 4 6

S. Collie 47 R. Davis 4 8 S. Seaboume 49 J. Peake 50 H . Clarke 51 A. Hartnett 52 S. ~ F 53 S. Simpson 54



T. Uoyd 56 P. Pickering 5 7 G. jolner 59 D . Redfem 60

P. Valoppi 61 P. Baruma 62

B . Whkechurch63 T. Peters 6 4

M . Norrish 65

A . Russell 66 B . Vowles 67 T. Collet 68 R. Collet 69 N. Lear 70

M . Laing


G. Coutts


S . Thompson 7 7

N. Peters 78




PUMA SPORTS SHOW 8.00-10 .00am Stereo 974 FM

puma .co m

Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am

.. .. ... .. .. .. ... . ---- ~

For news, views and previews, tune to THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Nom Nugent & panel

SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00am

*114h< PUINA ~



Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6 .30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e

Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1.45 p.m . every Saturday _.__.._.. ... ~





Quarter by Quarter • Section score updates .

EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTER S "in tune with the outer east"


Scores, chat and news of local VAFA team s between 6 .00 -6.15pm each Saturday night .

~,~,;., , ~ .~ ~ : ~

AB C R adi o

~~ z: :..

VAFA segment with Phil Steven s



6.00pm - 7.00p.m. Saturday ~ l

~~. VAFA SUNDAY 9 .30 -10.30 a.m.



~ . _~~ ~J- ryy _ OOODMAN AND TOMMY BRAIN WITH ALL THE VAFA NEWS •~ 04tat a Are . . This weeks guest : Mark Lowe (De La Salle Coach )




Amateur Footy Report presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests ftm St Bentards (e), St Kevins, Old Essendon, Old Paradians (B) .

Therry Penola (C), Uni Blacks (Di) ; LaTrobe Unt, West Brunswick (D2), RupertsWOOd (D3), North Brunswick (D4) . REVIEW'S Sunday 6 :00-8.00 p m Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA . 14 Im

The SundayAge VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about


Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day an d Johnathan Horn reviews the competition in Monday's Ag e

Tuesday G3acloo a ~D C



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Thursda y


a W.


Radio Advert Promotion .


Friday North West Amateur Footy Report presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests fro m St Berasrds (A) , St Sevins, Old Esseadon, Old Paradlans (B) . Therry Penola (C), Uni Blacks (DI), LaTrobe Uni (A2), Rupertswood (D3), Nort h Brunswick (D4). PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .


ffl 1:J00 c Lpj oG U g~~ Gl ~1 0

Radio Advert Promotion . Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

WO R 25




by Peter Williamson & Andrew W u

I(OG) and Dave Le e What Peter says First game up for preview sees Bentleigh host (CYMS) . Both players in 1 Ivanhoe Assumption at Arthur Street. On paper, the were n season's team of the contest appears to be a formality, but the Demons will be keen to break their 2004 duck with a home win year and are at the height of their powers . Old against one of the competition favourites . The Hoes Geelong should kick off their first week of 50th have a new look about them however, with plenty of anniversary celebrations with a hard-fought victory . On the vast expanses of Como Park, Williamstown, debuntantes who appear, even at this early stage, to have combined well with the existing veterans . with their interrupted pre-season, might just struggle to run out four strong quarters . Ivanhoe to win. Old Carey had a habit of annihilating weaker sides Next, Old Geelong welcome Williamstown CYMS to Como Park . Interesting contest this one, with both last year and after their 164-point humiliation of the Gryphons last week it seems as if nothing has teams finishing mid-table last year, and both recording wins in last week's opening round . Special changed. But Swinburne showed in their narrow loss day for the OGS as well, commencing the first of their to the highly rated Old Geelong last week they will be no pushovers . With spearhead Jason Murchie playing celebrations for the club's 50th anniversary (hosting the Geelong College-Geelong Grammar first XVIII his 50th game this week, the Razorbacks will have match as a curtain raiser to the seniors) . These type even more incentive to win, but Old Carey is a tough nut to crack at home and should stay undefeated for of occasions usually bring out the best in the teams concerned, and I think today will be no exception . at least another week . If last season's D2 finals count for anything, Monash, Old Geelong for mine . 164 point losers last week, could be in for another Old Carey take on Swinburne University in Bulleen, dirty day today. The Gryphons' conqueror last week, looking to complete a double against both the sides Old Carey, was no match for West Brunswick in last promoted from D3 . The Razorbacks had both their key forwards, Murchie and Higgins, in fine fettle last year's semi-final losing by 39 points . Bulleenweek despite losing narrowly, however the Panthers' Templestowe still beat West Brunswick last week by 17 points last week despite scoring just seven goal s performance against the Gryphs was pretty ominous . Given the home ground advantage and their convincing win first up, at this stage, it's hard to ignore Old Carey. I reckon the Panthers will bring SPORTS MEDICIN E home the bacon . Monash Gryphons make the trek to Ted Ajani Reserve for their match against Bulleen NAME LST WK TOTAL CLUB Templestowe . The Gryphs will be looking to pick up the pieces after being smashed by Old Carey, while D2 SECTION the Bullants, following up from their hard fought win 7 7 Bentleigh Paul against West Brunswick, hope to find their Willi amstown Williams 6 6 6 goalkicking boots after being somewhat astray in Angus T 6 Old Carey front of the sticks. If the home side can create that Swinburne Uni Higgins 5 5 amount of opportunities this week, and improve their Swinburne Uni Murchie 5 5 5 conversion rate, the Bullants will be hard to go past. Parton 5 Old Carey I'll take the Bullants . D2 RESERVE Ivanhoe Ass Mehmet Finally, La Trobe University square up against West Gonis Brunswick in Bundoora, with both teams looking to Monash Gry record their first notch in the "W" column in 2004 . Ivanhoe Ass Pearce Tough one to call, as I'm still getting a feel for each of La Trobe Uni Coulter Lee the teams . I'm going to take an absolute stab in the La Trobe Uni Old Geelong Wilson dark here and take a punt on the Magpies . Avery What Andrew Says Old Geelong Grills This week's match of the round, between Old Geelong Old Geelong Guerra Old Carey an d Williamstown, will showcase two of the William s competition's finest forwards in Mark Vickers-Willi s Bulleen Temp





from 29 scoring shots. While it would be farcical to tip Bulleen by 220 points, tipping against them would just be plain stupid . Comfortable winners last week, Ivanhoe Assumption will fancy themselves again this week against Bentleigh . The word from Ivanhoe Park is the Hoes are "fitter, harder and faster' than last year. Not even seven goals from playing coach Justin Paul was enough to save Bentleigh from defeat last week, but if the Demons can carry their last quarter form from last week they might be able to cause an upset. West Brunswick travel to La Trobe with both sides looking for their first win of the year. Despite being at home, La Trobe would still have to improve considerably on last week's effort to defeat the Magpies. The Magpies were almost grand finalists last year and if they are to be finals contenders again this year, they should defeat La Trobe . Predictions Bentleigh 2 Old Geelong, 14 Old Carey 10 Bulleen Templestowe 50 West Brunswick 24 Social Bentleigh hope the ladies enjoy their luncheon today and all players and supporters enjoy the back to the '80's night this Saturday . See Magic for details. Note Clubs wanting to plug upcoming social events and player milestone can do so by contacting me via email at by Monday 2pm . Correspondent s Peter Williamson Peter.PS .Williamson@centrelink .gov .au & Andrew Wu - wuey43@hotmail .com

MILESTONE S Swinburne - Jason Murchie this week plays his 50th game . Jason joined us in round 12 of the 2001 season as a specialist full-forward and since then he has only missed one game . In those three season so far, he has easily won the club goalkicking each year as well as the section goalkicking for the last two seasons and has finished in the top three in the club Best and Fairest for the last two years. He has kicked a total of 274 goals for Swinburne at an average of 5 .6 per game, a remarkable record . He holds the club record for the highest total in a game with 13, and his fast leading, reading of the play and exceptional kick for goal make him a very valuable player for Swinburne and will continue to do so . Congratulations Jason on a stella performance in your 50 games for the Razorbacks.

TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTION Bentleigh v Ivanhoe Assumptio n Old Geelong v Williamstown CYMS at 3 p.m. (reserves 11 a.m .) Old Carey v Swinburne Uni Bulleen Templestowe v Monash Gryphons La Trobe Uni v West Brunswick

IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 6 .2 103 15.6 17.12 (114) LA TROBE UNI 2 .1 4.5 6.9 11 .10 (76) Ivanhoe Assumption: Fii ina 3 Valkanis 3 Srarpad 2losefo 2;7ticker 2 Joyce 2 Shemshedin Tompkins Morris Best Wood Brown Morris Scarpari Harris losefo La Trobe: Fanent 2 Mandsley 2 Morton Fitzgerald Pruscino Harvey Blight Brooks Murphy Best McMeekin Davies Fanant Davis Gleeson Umpires : Paul7Uppen Anthony Simpson (E) WBIIAldS1'OWN CYALS 3 .7 9.9 13.12 16.12 (108) BENTTEIGH 1 .0 6.1 6.2 11 .4 (70) WIDlemsWwn : Williams 6 Barlow 2 Lee 2 Anderson 2 Wuchatsch Smith Nisbet Thomas Best: Phemister Thomas Monkhurst Wheeler Munro Williams Bentldp: Paul 7 Robertson 3 HandBeld Best Fishlock Robertson Sharp Handfield Craven Pau l Umpires : Andrew Fyfe (F) Ryan Place Joel Wignall (B ) SWINBURNE UNI 1 .3 7.6 10.9 13 .14 (92) OLD GEELONG 5 .7 9.9 13.12 14 .14 (98) Swin: M Higgins 5 Murchie 5 Morrison Fricke Fidler Best: M Higgins Dunsfoni Fragiacomo Piotrowski Prior Murchie Old Geelong- VickersWillis 4 Munro 2 E Bayles 2 Ainsworth 2 Goldsworthy Cannin T Betts N Betts Best E Bayles Ainsworth Fitzclarence Paul Stinchcombe Bell Umpires : Peter Pullen Jamie Gunn (F) 4.6(36) MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .3 2.4 2.6 OLD CAREY 8 .4 15.9 23.15 29.21(195) Monash Gryphons: Malone 3 Pocock Best: Flowerday Wells T Bourbon Pocock S Bourbon Malone Old Carey: T Angus 6 Parton 5 Kent 4 James 4 C Angus 2 Vasffopoulos 2 Battle Bull Collins Rossignuold Trumbull Watts Best: Parton T Angus C Angus Stewart-Holmes Kent Vasilopoulos Umpires : Phil Callil (F) WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .0 2.5 3.8 6.11 (47) BUIIFF.N 1El4PfESTOWE 1 .6 3 .13 4.16 7.22 (64) West Bruns: Siebrand 2; Hamilton West Edwards Edwards Best Siebrand West Touzel Torney R Benjamin Bull Temp: Williams 3; Robertson Tulloch Stella Jones Best Williams Smith Tulloch Wise Stella Umpires: Alan Stubbs (F) Michael Jones Chris McKendry (G) D2 RESERVE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 4 .2 6.2 10.3 11 .309) IA TROBE UNI 3.2 7.7 10.10 14.13 (97) Ivanhoe Assumption: Mehmet 4 Pearce 3 Peoples Bums Ebbage Fmnich Best Conley Peoples Bums Mehmet Curtin Franks La Trobe : Coulter 3 Dumaresq 2 Hewitt 2 Spring 2 Dalrymple 2 Gurney Cornenti Gibson Best Dalrymple Spring Bridges Dingle Coulter Butler WII77AMSTOWN ( ,'YMS 0.2 4.7 5.10 5.14 (44) BENTLEIGH 2.3 4.4 6.5 9.6(60) Williamstown- Burgess 2 Dowsey McLutcheon Pach Best Griffen Pach Boz Koch McCutcheon Buttigieg Benfleigh: Lee 3 Withington 2 Oldfield Pittito MikkeLsen Sampson Best Wittington Dimattina M1kkeLsen Hayes Hutchinson Pittitn 3.2(20) SWINBURNE UNI 1 .1 2.1 3.2 7.4 9.9 18.13 (121) OLD GEELONG 5.2 Swlu: Watts Harmer Carter Best D Smith J Ryan Harmer Watts Carter Sandhu Old Geelong: Wilson 3 Avery 3 Grills 3 Salter 2 Allen 2 Fallaw 2 T Bayles Kilpatrick Kimpton Best J Legoe H Legoe Symons Allen Wilson Fallaw 5.6(36) MONASH GRYPHONS 0.0 4.2 4 .2 OLD CAREY 3.4 4.7 8 .9 10.11(71) Monash Gry phons: Gonis 4 Gilchrist Best Grady Robinson Healy Wadley Williamson Gouts Old Carey: L Guerra 3 Rowley 2 England 2 Konstantinidis Adam Mason Best Bowley Mason Ward C Smith McFarlane Leong 0.1 2.1 2 .1 2 .4(16) WEST BRUNSWICK BULEEN 1EE PIFSTOWE 1.2 3.5 5 .9 8.11(59) West Brunswick: Aylett Brockley Russell Best Brockley ; Twyfonl ; Craig: Brooks; Hutchins BO Temp : Williams 3; Howarth 2 Gannas Daskalou Theodrakakos Best Theodrakakos ; Tsokas: Parris; Hamshare ; Rogers; Howarth



Coach : Justin Paul Asst: Steve Rowe Res. Coach : Steve Hall 1 C Sharp 2 D Ferguson 3 A Pittito 4 S Sice 5 M Eyles 6 7 J Robertson 8 JHandfield 9 10 A Henry 11 D Martin 12 N Aitken 13 14 B Reid 15 16 LAirey 17 C Martin 18 S Adaway 19 20 R Fishlock 21 22 A Smith 23 G McFarlane 24 LHolmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Pad ham 27 JSeeley 28 M McCulloch 29 H McKenzie 30 A Miksad 30aD Kopitschinski 31 S Craven 32 33 P Withingto n 34 35 Llreson (C) 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beattie 39 G Prigg 40 41 42 A Mikkelsen 43 A Ferris 44 45 46 R Lawford 47 M Scanlon 48 P Dimattina 49 50 A Stanes 51 P Sampson 52 LSampson 53 A Banks 54 55 G Richards 56 C Aitken 57 A Cantsilieris 58 T Caterson 59 S Kennedy 60 R Punter 61 J Perrone

BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Steve Easton Res.Coach: Andrew Parris

1 B Touriganis 2 M Stella 4 W Thompson 5 C Parris 6 ATehan 7 P Robertson 8 J Wise 9 J Matthews 10 P Tsokas 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Wilke 15 1-Thompson 16 S Smith 17 T Coram 18 D Horvath 19 C Morrison 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews 24 J Newman 25 D Williams 26 S Boyd 27 D Rogers 28 P Milesi 29 A Fitt 30 D Florence 31 L Norbury 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambro Pculos

35 D Daskalo u 36 P Hare 37 P Ganiatsis 38 N Scaglione 39 D Buccachio 40 A Foley 41 R Lea y 42 P Edwards 43 M Daskalou 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 47 C Morivitis 48 A Morivitis 49 D McMahon 50 D Glover

Coach: John Matt hew Assist Coach: Doni Valkanis Res . Coach : Anthony Conti 1 . S . Conley 2. M . Maud 3. C. Tucker 4. T. O'Neill 5. J. Scoble 6. E . Healy (v.capt) 7. P. Rawley 8. J. Shuttleworth 9. R. Peoples 10. P. Lee 11 . D. Valkanis 12. P. Tonkin 13. S . Narkiewicz 14. S . Kaso 15. J . Curtin 16. P. Harris 17. S . Morris 18. D.Abud 19. D. Wood (d.v.capt.) 20. N. Pye 21 . N. Blainey 22. A . Height 23. D. Ryan 24. B . Frew 25. J . Frisina 26. P. Cameron 27. J . Finlayson 28. S . Matthews 29. J . Crapper 30. S . Kaso 31 . S . Scapari 32. J . Icefo 33. S . O 'Connell 34. B . Joyce 35. M . Serafini 36. J . Tamburro 37. P. Cotter 38. M . Sheppard 39. M . Ebbag Ebbape 40. D. Sartor 41 . C. McDonald 42. R. Kolb 43. A. Shemshedin 44. T. Scott 45. E . Nuttall 46. R. Nuttall 47. B . Wakhers 48. R. Toogood 49. E . Marino 50. R. Sing 51 . D. Pearce 52. S . Sampson (capt.) 53. M . Chazan 54. T. Scott 55. D. Frank 56. G . Ford 57. M . Frannich 58. D. Hager 59. C. Mclnney 60. J . Nemtses 61 . T. Mehmet 69. J . Mazocca 78. C. Brown

LA TROBE UNI Senior Coach : Glenn Taylor Res Coach : Bob Ellis P.Morton D Sheid ck H.Davies S.AdamswaRe D.Gleeson TMannes c.Conenti LWalker

10 S.Davis A.Murray 1113 Twdeme n 14 D. Buaer 15 S.Brooks 16 P.Farrant 17 S.Fderakt 18 C.Blig~it 19 ARandell 21 M .Harvey 22 D. McMeekin 23 M .Cossar 24 LErnall 25 M .Fanning 26 D.Stevens 27 S.Pruscino 28 C.Ross 30 S .Gellert 31 A.Mambwe 32 S .Gibson 33 34 J,Buttgieg 35 F.Tieman 36 T.Mawdsley 37 A.Gumey 39 R.Slater 40 h Hua~ 42 M APou ton 44 D. Kerrison 46 D.WrigM 47 A.Samson 48 1-McNamara 50 KHopkins 54 AHewitt 56 J .Niekl 57 AVJoolmer 58 J .DaI mple 64 G. Sc.~i t 70 J.Dumaresq 73 J .Sewell 78 J .Clark 84 T.Peters A.6aille ~,.~umPe T.Cohen M .Cotsopoulos N.Crowle o. Fennell D M .Garrat K.Hickman S.Jackson C.Knee R Kn g~ A Mann S.Miller B.Murphy G.Murphy



C.Black LRyan LHeathcote S .OToole J .Brodie S .Craig C.Francis S .Gloury , S.Mollore A.Murphy S .Pitaro ~wate~m an B .Laidlaw A.Benton N.Bridge s ACourter M .Dingle D.Hill LO'Brien A.Palmieri J .Rotella H.S~~pring R.WOHse n C.SaQe C.FeFiri ng A.Paec h B .Hider

MONASH GRYPHON S Coach: Phil Knight Assist Coach: John Leroy Res Coach: John Leroy

1 . S . Bourbo n 2• M . Heal y 3 . A . Grad y 4 . M . Malone 5 . J . Watson 6 . D . Boll s 7 . D . Walte r

8 . J. Blandford 9 . G. Wadley y n 10. P. Williamso 11 . A. Nichol s 12 . A. Gross 13 . J. Stratford 14. A. Mckenzi e 15 . A. Clarke 16. P. Rennison 17 , P. Rutherford 18 . M. Paolucci 19 . R . Coxhead 20 . C . Staf f 21 . J. Bingha m 22 . B. Coxhead 23. L Clar k 24. D . Baxte r 25 . S. Kibblewhite 26. A. Denyer 27 . R . Gilchrist 26 . Wke Leeton 29 . P.WaRe n

30 . P. Holland 31 . G . Roch e 32 . M. Lewi s 33 . S. Nelson 34. M. Graydo n 35 . B Clark 36. G . Bloc k 37 . A. Jenkin 38 . M Baron 39 . D Grenfell ~• M. Willocks 41 . C . Arche r 42 . J. Clarke 43, M. Mastromann o 44. L Wells 45 . J. Gonis 46 . G . Kent 47 . M. Parke r 48 . G . Still 49 . C . Robinson 50 . S. Dresser 51 . C . Leeton 52 . A. Flowerday 53 . M. Bourbon 54 . A. Perry 55 . G . Harrak 56 . J. Healy 57 . W. Pocock 58 . C . Yann i 59 . A. Yann i 60 . T. Bourbon 61 . A. Waters 62 . N Rutherford 63 . I. Bagnall 64. P. Patrick 76. J. Harrak

G.Mass a M . McDonal d





D2 Section OLD CAREY

Senior Coach : Steve Maus Res.Coach : Andrew Gates 1 . C. Angus 2. D. Faelis 3. M. Cohen 4. D. James 5. P. Konstantinidis 6. C. Campbell 7. S . Jessup 8. A Stewart-Holmes 9. B. Andrews 10. K Shrives 11 . N . Everett 12. L MacFarlane 13. G. Trumbull 14. M . Mahon 15. N. Bull 16. R. Graham 17. A . Parton 18. C. Matthews 18. B. Chiuchiarelli (r) 19. T. Wood 19 . P. Drake (r) 20 . J. Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22 . C. Battl e

23 . H. Van Cuylenberg 24 . L Battley 25 . L Chiuchiarelli 26 . A. Wood 27. N. Vasilopoulos 28. N . Sulman 29. C . Munro 30. A. Guerra 31 . J . Ward 32. P. Graham 33. N . England 34. T. Rossignuolo 35. S. McConnell 36. S . Wood 37. C. Adam 37. D. Palmer (r) 38. L Guerra 39. P. Bennett 40. S . Angu s 41 . A. Gates 42. L Morgan 43. D. J oyce 44. A . Kent 45. T. Bull 46. S. Hill 47 . B. Crosher 48 . S. Bennett 49 . S. Middleton 50 . J. White 51 . B. Croft 59 . C . Mason 61 . G . Mcrgan 64 . C . Smi th 65 . D . Elsner 76 . D . Grinzi


Coach: Leigh Stafford

1 M Goldsworthy 2 W Ainsworth 3 J Fnzdarence 4 C Stinchcombe 5 M Vickers-Willis 6 J Bell 7 J Paul 8 G Allen 9 D Salter 10 M Avery 11 L Stevens 12 T Paul 13 T Cannon 14 D Taylor 15 H McCarthy 16 T Fallow 17 T Betts 18 J Malpas 19 S MacGowan 19 N Betts 20 J Legoe 21 L 22 T ;Y; 23 C Fairbaim 24 S Lansdell 25 T HopeJohnson 27 W Paul 29 J HopeJohnson 30 B Goldsworthy 31 H Follette 32 A Munro 33 E Bayles 34 S O'Brien 35 P Birk s 36 T Makin 37 T Waters 38 T DAntoin e 39 J Kilpatrick 40 H Legoe 41 S Ross 42 E Plowman 43 B Grills 44 J Ur hart 45 C Teague 46 J Morley y 47 T Care 48 R Herd 49 T Young 50 A Suvoltas 51 J Kilpatrick

52 S Griffiths

53 I Munro 54 C Wilson 55 H Cust 55 C Atkins 56 M Leslie 57 B Symon s 58 J M~~hy 59 R IGlpatrick 60 B MaClean 61 T O'Brien 62 S L on 65 A~k 66 J Imhoff 67 H Eastman 68 R Cutter 69 A Southey 70 W de Fegley 71 S Waters 72 J Settler 73 ATimms 74 STimms 75 W Temple-Smith 76 J Urquart 77 P Winter 78 Youll 80 P Winter 81 M Bouchier 82 L Knight 83 H Lockie 84 T Legoe 85 McHughA



Coach: Derek Thoene Res . Coach : Paul James

Coach: An gus Hamilton Res. Coach : Troy Thompson

1 . L Watts 2 . J Sheedy 3 . J Piotrowski 4 . A Fidler 5 . J Demarte 6 . D Harmer 7 . J Murchie 8 . M Higgins g, L Morrison 10. M Anastassi 11 . D Milano 13. K Barbary 14. R Goode 15. H Sutter 16. C Walsh 17. J Roberts 1 g, A F uman i 19. B O'Mara 20. D Wigg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22. C Thomas 24. C Higgins 25. M Whiting 26. T Liston 27 . R Kiss 28 . J Ryan 29 . J Gordon 30 . J Dunsford 32 . P Beynon 4. S Christov 34 . A Frick e 36 . J Carter 37 . D Barbera 38. M Tricky 39. R Roberts 40. J Coy 41 . S Ryan 42. D MacFarlane 43. J Andrinopolous 44. M 45. B Wh ite 46. J Sandhu 47. T Morris 48. D Little 49. M Hudgson 50. M George 51 . M Pearson 52 . N Lane 53 . M Paul 54 . M Eley 55 . M Dinning 56 . D Smith 57 . C 0'Keeffe 58. M Flack 59. C Galley 60. P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62. B Gorfine 63. M Roebuck 64. J O'Keeffe 65. A Teal . 66. C Dent 67. D Beynon 68. L Sierakowski

1a Drain M lb Hamilton A 2 Hamilton P 3 Heppell G 4 Lehmann C 5 Cannane A 6 Pietsch S 7 Benjamin S 8 Batters 9 Morphei[ AP

Proudlyy sponsored by: Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd , Hawthorn 9818499 1

Coach : Dane Mcleod Res Coach : Paul Derva n 1 D William s 2 J Butdgieg 3 D Grieve 5 D M Geod h C 6 N Grant 7 B Robinson 8 B Han n 9 G Case 10 B Cocks 11 B Twis [

10 Byrne S

11 M Avlett A 1 2 aguire T 13 Ritchie M 14 Bowshall -Tanner C 15 Russell M 16 Edwards S 17 He ood R 18 Mc anus M 19 Touzel W 20 Henderson S 21 Bromwich J 22 Brockley S 23 Rudd D 24 Jenkin J 25 Siebrand J 26 Ben' in R 27 Brooks M 28 Ward J 29 Sheedy C 30 Lewis M 31 Caller S 32 DAndrea S 33 Thompson T 34 Twyford I 35 Carmichael M 36 Campbell 8 37 Dempsey T 38 Coonan D 39 West R

5~^a8an B

41 Greening Greening P 42 Norman C 43 Tobin J 44 Haynes S 45 Smith J 46 Howard R 47 Thompson A 48 Sutherland A 49 Haysey J 50 Hutchens N 51 Sherry L 52 Muckenthaler T 53 Jelbart D 54 Rudd Z 55 Kai der J 56 McDonagh J 57 Williamson A 58 Tomey A 59 Simmonds N 60 Sprague M 61 Hilton K 62 Wright S 63 Gartlan J 64 Stewart L 65 O'Brien N 66 Hussey R 67 Smith J 68 Waller E 69 Goonan M G 70 Leahy 71 Brookshaw M

72 Hanson


n 12(R) M A Cannon~o 13 A Mackley 14 D Ferris 14(R) A Daniel 15 W Phillips 15(R) P Breguet 16 D Gilmartin 17 R Hart 17(R) R Plochin o 18 D Oldham 19 P Dervan RC 20 P Sadle r 21 L Monkhurst 22 M Saunders 23 T Wheeler 23(R) A Bouras 24 J McCutcheon Pac h ~(R) C Thomso n 25(R) G Burgess 26 L Grochowski 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmato s 29 P Vincent 30 T Turcinovich 31 A Bartol o 32 X Toby 33 G Rickard 34 B Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A Black 37 B Hynes it h 39 H ollnd 39(R) M A Carter a 40 J M unro 41 T Campbel l 42 D Wouda 43 B Grant 44 M Mannin g 4 eHyn 5 46 J Fmm s 47 F Nuredini 48 P Tirchett 49 W Kewin 50 A McCutcheon 51 A McKenzie 52 R Nisbet 53 54 M Oldha m J Payn e 55 J Speae 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio


M 73 Clare 74 Monague S 75 Brooks D 76 Chislett J 77 Howell R 78 Thompso n J 79 ~Iquhoun J




® LU8 X11;tit H{3N[ ::: t~~E SY~~ .. 9 HC .. l.iii~

BY ~.3~ ;' p m 81( 2 . ~~ ;:pt'~r ~F s p~ 5AMR ;:

fi j► Q ~GPfP~gy t

TFA M SHE E r_s Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires WW Each player must sign the original clearly beside name whic h Blue copy must be handed to opposition,

!tne of any match , pw first and surname .

a~ coin .

VAFA SPORTSCOVER I N FO-LI N E (presented by Quit)

9644 282 8 (cost of a local call )

(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

• Weekend matches (Fri) • Umpires Appointments • Scores (Sat . night)

SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R ELSTERNWICK PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .



CADBURY FACE in the CROWD - The Cadbury Winning Gri n a If you are the person circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper.






MOST VALUABLE PLNERS OF THE YEA R COATES MVP's ROUND I r_--------------- ------- - ------------------ - - - -

N GflX ( 1V1AFiGELL1N}






: ---- ------ __ : -- -------


Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . • Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section. • 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .

Phone : 13 15 5 2 24 Hour Emergency 0418 333 11 8






. . . L00king Back by Geoff Reille y

5 YEARS AGO - 199 9

The "Sportscover Pick the Premiers" wa s again in force with $10,000 up for grabs to any club who could pick the 7 senior premiers . Popular umpire Stev e McCarthy umpired his 350th VAFA gam e and although being one of the reigning A grade grand final umpires, stated umpiring the 1997 B grade grand final as "his biggest thrill to date" . Collegians and MHSOB became . the only two undefeated teams in B grade although MHSOB had to come from behind at three quarter time to defeat NOBS . Werribee's improvement was continuing in F grade and they held off a determined Bulleen Cobras to win by 9 points . Best were Collier, Pisak and McGrath (5) and for the Cobras D'Angelo (3), Sankjavi and Paatsch worked hard . 18 players were found guilty and suspended in this round, not a good sign and the charges covered a myriad of misdemeanours . The "harassment off the ball" factor had appeared and was dealt with expediently as these negating tactics had "no place in amateur football" . The dubious intentions of some water carriers was also brought to the attention of all clubs and the Executive warned that this detracting feature must be controlled by all clubs . B section coaches were Brett Marchant (Beaumaris), Tim Hart (Collegians), Russell Barnes (Hampton Rovers), Garry Connolly (Mazenod), Warren Fall (MHSOB), Frank Dunell (NOBS), Dale Tapping (Old Brighton), Peter Bedford (Old Padarians), Leigh Carlson (Old Trinity) and Steve Grace (Ormond) . At 'least seven of these coaches either before or since season 1999 coached at other amateur clubs . Who amongst them would have experienced the most clubs ? 10 YEARS AGO - 199 4

West Brunswick congratulated Stephen Fyffe on his 300th game for the club . A great achievement .

B Section coaches were Mark Sarau (Ajax), Grant Lawrie (Bany), Harry Harisiou (Bull-Temp) , Bruce Ferguso n (Marc OC), Tony Paatsch (Mazen), Russell Barnes (Old Brighton), Gary Connolly (Old Ment), Dale McLaren (Old Parad), Alex Johnson (Old Trinity) and Grant Williams (U .Blues) . Old Camberwell repeated their grand final winning form over St Leos Wattle Park with a convincing win, kicking 7 .6 to 3 .2 in the final term, to win 19 .11 (125) to 14 .5 (89) . Best were Kyriacou, Horskins, Inkster, Wilson, Spiomit ,

Jackson (Old C'well) and Meehan, Vaughan, Sargent, Ingram, Darcy, Robinson (St Leos) . Under reappointed coach Rod Kerley, Peninsula began the year with an easy 42 point win over UHSOB at Mt Eliza . Best were Warne-Smith (8 goals), Ross McMahon, Brown, Angus, Atchison (Penins OB) and Tennessy, Williams, Wallace Griffiths, Rotchwell, Hallifax (UHSOB) .

Advertisers were C .U .B ., Vic Health, McKinnon Sports Medicine Centre, Four 'N' Twenty, Astra, Hugh Lyon Knitwear, Nanda Pasta, Schweppes, Sports Plus . RACV, Club Travel, Cadbury. 15 YEARS AGO - 198 9

VAFAUA Office Bearers for 1989 were Robert Bell, President ; Russell Francis, Vice President ; Andrew Belcher, Secreta ry ; Rodney Clarkson, Treasurer and Graham Thwaites, Social Secreta ry . Certificate of Merit winners were Har ry Birkenfelds (ANZ Bank), Bruce Ivey (West Brunswick), Gordon McGregor ( Hampton Rovers), Ross Medwin (T'town), Roger Paul (Old Haileybury), George Teale (Collegians), Dennis Wheelan (Old Paradians), John Wood (Old Melburnians) .


250 games to Robin "Tamba" Martin at MHSOB, a wonderful ambassador for his club and Amateur Football . Top D Section goal kicker in 1979, 3 VAFA Grand Finals, 2 Best Clubman Awards, Club Vice President social convenor for many years . MHSOB mourned the passing last December of their esteemed member "Pop" Shapir, Club President 1932-1952 . His contribution to MHS committees was unequalled . In a sensation at Old Brighton v Old Melburnians, Andrew Cooper (now well known in another sport) received a free kick on the siren, and goaled . Old Brighton by one point according to the timekeeper, however the goal umpire scores had OM's as victors . The executive ruled that the game be awarded to Old Brighton as a goal umpire was confused by navy blue sweaters and red socks, having recorded a goal to the wrong team ! It was farewell to Peter French ; the Association's first ever full time General Manager who had been appointed in 1983 . Peter had accepted a position as VicSports' Executive Director. The Association thanked Peter for the outstanding job he had done . Strictly neutral, he nonetheless got great pleasure from Ormond's premierships particularly when they were won at the expense of Old Xaverians, the club strongly supported by his father-in-law and numerous brothers-in-law . 3UZ's Arthur Higgins was presented with the VAFA's 1988 Media Award . 20 YEARS AGO - 198 4 It was a great day at Kew when Terry Hughes played his 300th game for the club- since joining in 1965, Terry had won the best and fairest 5 times, and had been runner up 7 times! Terry coached Kew to a long awaited premiership in C Section in 1979 and with his great club spirit and determination Terry had led the club back to A Section . An outstanding centreman, and at times, rover, Terry joined past players Ken Rogers and Don Mullin as 300 game players .

Advertisers included Repco Auto Parts, Peter Nathan the Plastics Man, John F. Hickman Trophies, Antipest (managed by Laurie Aghan) and Hoyts Cinemas . Paul Smith played his 100th game for St Kilda CBOC . 150 games to one of Old Haileybury's all time great clubmen, John Corrigan, best and fairest 1981-82 . Ivanhoe and Parkside met in a "thriller"the difference at the change was one point, at half time 5 points, at the final change again 1 point, and at the finish the Red Devils had beaten the 'Hoes by 4 points 20 .15 to 19 .17 . Best were Ware, Yoksich, Fletcher, Howell (7 goals), and Simondson, Gittos, Balcombe (6 goals) . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 9

Congratulations on 100 games to Old Carey's secretary, Mike Andrews, Peter Donegan of De La Salle, Max "Waxie" Walker (AMP) . Umpires' Association officials were Colin Wills (President), Richard Tracey (Secretary) and David Hindle (Treasurer) . Old Scotch were still in the horrors after their 1978 triumphs . None of their three teams had yet been able to open its premiership account . A Section coaches were Bernie Sheehy (De La Salle), Max Condle (Ivanhoe), Shane Maguire (NOB), Peter McLean (Old Melb), Brendan Danaher (Old Parad), Laurie Aghan (Old Scotch), Wayne Walsh (Ormond), Mich Maloney (St Bernards), Ted Farrell (U . Blacks), and Alan Salter (U . Blues) . 200 games to Old Brighton's Barry Gartner, De La Salle's Barry Lyons and Peter Rule (Old Ivanhoe) . 30 YEARS AGO - 1974

Harry Trott Oval saw plenty of excitement, Collegians beat Powerhouse by a solitary point in the seniors while the reserves drew . 150 games to All Australian player and captain of State team, Ormond vicecaptain Bruce Bourne . Old Carey and MHSOB played a draw in B Section, 10 .10 each. Best were Elliot, Freeman, Thomas (Old Carey), and Lolatgis, Ternes, Ponton (MHSOB) .






03 SECTION by Ed Sil l

Round 1 Review Preview Footy arrives and so does the winter weather. Still feeling the way It did help to keep the scores down, not th e tipping wise . Must worst thing at this time of the year ! Obviously early but my top two, namely home groun d inner's l is more pronounce d at the start of the year.

Match of the day sees Rupe rtswood host Oakleigh in the battle of the potential heavyweights . The Wods have had a great pre season and with the memory of the close loss in last years preliminary still burning, will be hard to beat . The Krushers also had a great pre season so this shapes as a pearler. Apply rule number 1, Rupertswood for me . Another clash of round 1 winners as Hawthorn host Power House . A rivalry has been quietly buildinbetween these clubs over the years and they wiil clash down at Rathmines Road . Both sides like to play hard an d tough footy and all supporters are sure to get a great game this week . Plenty of flak last week for not supporting the Hawks but might have to do it again, the House but only just . Uni High welcome Sydal and will be keen to





D3 SECTION Mt Lillydale Hawthorn St Johns D3 RESERVE


Whithead 6 6 Verberne Mi 5 5 Varga 4 4 Lauletta 4 4 Horbury 4 4 Certo Reid Sentaris Hall Forbes


get their season up and running. Syndal will gain some strength over the nest few weeks but will need to trouble some of the sides in the grade . Uni for me! A clinker of a game waits between South Melbourne and St .Johns . The Jocs want to show they are better than last years finish suggest and started on a good note last week. Some positive rumours circulating out of South, fancy they might get on the winner's list this week . Finally, Mt Lilydale makes what must surely be the longest road trip in Amateur footy as they trek down to Werribee . Werribee were OK without winning last week whilst Mt Lilydale met one the top guns . Not a great deal of form to work off so have to apply rule number 1 . Werribee for me ! Correspondents A few technical hitches apparently last week. You can email me on or give me a call on 0418348723 .

MT LILYDALE 0.2 5.8 8.8 8.16 (58) RUPERTSWOOD 7 .2 9.4 13.7 19.9 (123) Mt Idlydale: FVarga 4 Carolan 2 Flanagan Hayes Best : F Varga T Van Duuren K Maniscalchi L Kellett Rupertswood : Whitehead 6 Keenan Hatty Breenan 2 T West M West K Elliot H Hewitt L Spinner L Plummer J Phillips Best: T West Keenan M West Clarke Whitehead Prendergast Umpires: Mark Alexander (F) POWER HOUSE 4.4 7.8 13.11 17.12 (114) WERRIBEE 2 .1 6.6 8.7 9.11 (65) Power House: Mick Verberne 5 Mark Verberne 3 N Bishop 2 J Nicholls 2 R Davies 1 A Ristovski 1 M Taylor 1 R Walsh 1 S West 1 Best : M Hill B Dallimore P Haseler B Tamer D Glanville Mick Verberne Werribee : B McMillan 2 A Tedesco 2 S Kidd 1 A Borg 1 K Murphy 1 J Hoffman 1 M Walsh 1 D Harwood L Carson K Murphy J Ayling M Keogh L LangHeld Umpires: Paul Dinneen (F) Graeme Booth David Murray (G) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3.2 3.4 6.8 6.10 (48) HAWTHORN 3.4 6 .11 11.12 14.16 (100) Syndal Tally-Ho: Cachia 2 DRichardson 2 Bingham Rutter Best : Brown Bennett Agnello Bingham Rutter Hawthorn: Lauletta 4 Jimmy 3 Ogge 2 Rice 2 Sau lle Reed Avergs Best: Disco Vance Jimmy McGlenchy Alexander Tyson Umpires: Gerard Rolfs (F) Jake Mahar Alistair Chatto (G ) ST JOHNS 3.3 5.4 9.11 10 .12 (72) UHS-VU 1 .1 4.7 4 .7 5.9(39) St Johns : Horbury 4 Koppers; 2 Hartnett Arnold Chalk Scardamaglia Best : Arnold Chalk Horbury Walker Brown Sharp UHS-VU: Farrelly 2 Tate Rose Butera Best: Gorringe Diamond M Farrelly Hefner Rose Langendore


Umpires: Daniel Dinneen Graeme Morgan (F! OAEIZIGH

4.2 10 .9 3.11 18.16 (124)

SOUTH MEIB DISTRICTS 4.4 5 .4 9.10 15.11 (101) Oekleigh: A Kitts 11 Mackenzie 3 Hetty 2 S Kitts 2. Best: Wills Reynolds A Kitts Fumell Bell K Holden . South Melb : Daly 3 P DAndrea 3 Giannelis 2 A Hannan 2 King Meruich Pateralas Stefanidakis Washington. Best : Aquilina A Hannan Washington Chhevers Mooje n

The Only Ball VAFA Players Fly For.

King. Umpires : Simon Olive (F) D3 RESERVE MT LD.YDALE 0.0 3 .5 3 .5 6 .12 (48) RUPERTSWOOD 7.8 10 .8 17 .9 20 .11 (131) Mt Lilydale : Syphus Maltar Cunningham Best: King D Watt Maltar Syphus Rupertswood : A Certo Reid 4 Sentaris 3 Shaw Powell 2 C Certo Jaegar Jordan Best : Shaw Sentaris Powell Reid A Certo

POWER HOUSE 2.3 2 .5 3 .11 3 .12 (30) WERRIHEE AMATEURS 0.1 4 .6 6 .7 13 .14 (92) SYNDAL TALLY-HO

TODAY'S MATCHE S D3 SECTION Werribee Amateurs v Mt Lilydale Hawthorn Amateurs v Power Hous e UHS-VU v Syndal Tally-H o South Melbourne Districts v St Johns 0 C Sportscover Arena Friday April 23 6 .15pm Rupertswood v Oakleigh


1.0 2 .4 3 .4

3.5(23) 3.2 4 .4 12 .9 15 .11 (101)

ST JOHNS 1.2 2 .3 2 .3 3.4 (22) UHS-VU 0.2 3 .2 3 .4 5.6 (36) St Johns : Hall 3 Best: Roberts Hall Peary Kosmala Callery Bastone UHS-VU : Forbes 3 Zulicki Thomas Best : Uebergang Cleaveland Forbes Mora McGrath Partridge OAELEIGH

7.14 (56)

SOUTH MELE DISTRICTS 5.6(36) Oakleigh: Marshall Nuske Orchard Perdikomatis Redford Ryan Videky Best: Cooke Cash Connellan Redford Marshall Ryan

South Melb : Earl Henderson 2 Evan Henderson 2 McGee Best : Downing Doyle Briglia Grant Milne Thoma s




D3 Section i

HAWTHORN Coach : Peter Tyson Res . Coach: Ed Sill


~OLHG IM S Senior Coach : David Keast




Coach : Chris Moore Res: Pat McKenna

Coach: Brett Devlin Res Coach: Gary Dean

Coach: Tony West Res. Coach: Shane Mdauchlar

Res Coach: Billy Leek

1 A Collins 2 G Broadley 3a A Knott 3b N Patterson 4a S Stevens 4b B Glover 5a S Ave ry 5b T Kerr Be P Avery C Alexander 8 J Cargil ; 90 P O9Chard 11 M Pollock 12bA Tsoumba ris 13aJ Murphy 13b J Povey 14aD Lauletta 14bT Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16 C Reed

17 B Ruzicka 18 P Phillips 19 J Law 20 S Parker


21 K Brockman 22 C Habel 23 L Collins 24 J Jackomonis 25 M Zaverella 26 N Hayes 27 R Lord 28 T Cri velli 29 P Barker 33 P Stroud 34 R Johnston 35 S Davies 36 A West 37 M Daou 38 B Bruns

39 G Cade 40 P Rossitto 41 J Bogie 42 D McGlenchy 43 I Chepa

44 B Alder

45 B Mountain 46 T O'Hanlon I

47 D Lahiff 48 A Brick 49 N Tiem

~ 50 J Gourlay 51 S Signorini 52 C Frost 53 M Preston

54 J Berry

55 A Saulle 56 M Coglan 57 B Collins 58 T Dixon 59 A Doyl e 60 G Saddington 61 M Gray 62 A Johnsen 63 D Kealy

64 N Kudeweh 65 G Lilywhite

1 Murray A 1 . J. Paull 2. P. Hayes 3. M . Brebner ( DVC) 4. F. Varga 5. G. Bird 6. M. Jelenc 7. C . Var B. K. Manga iscalchi (VC) 9. A. Del Biondo 11 . C . Gibson 13 . R. Kidd

14. W. Charlton 15. R . Scott

16. D. Morrison 17. J . Lesinger 18. R . McKenzie 19. M. Leonard 20. D.Watt 21 . M. Cunningham 22. N . Col arossi 23. B . Eg an 24. L Merrett 26. T. Flan agan 27. N . Pearce (VC) 28. D. Maggs 29. J . Roberts 30. A. Penhale (RVC) 31 . T. H ansford 32. P. Carolan (C) 33. C . Anders on 34. L Kellett 35. D . Call anan 36. M. Alderman 37. C . Carstens 38• J . Charles 39. T. Van Duuren 40. M. Rhodes

41 . M. Matter 42. M. Pe ri era 43. D . Holloway (RC)

44. A. ~x

45. K Fraser 46. D . King 47. C . Lonergan

48. S. Dougherty 49. M. Watt 50. D . Hicks 51 . A. Bullerjahn 53. D .Marotti 54. L All anson 55. T. WIson B. Leek J . Mollica J . Commerford J . Penhale A. Delahunt J . Hoffman




4 He G 5 Kokkinos C 6 Cash M 7 Short M 8 Earl S 9 Hogan C 10 Mitchell R 11 Treacy G 12 Fumell D 13 Britt D 14 Malcom P 15 Redford G 16 Bell M 17 Holden K(DVC ) 18 Connellan J 19 Keati ng R 20 Tolley J 21 Perdikomatis A ~~ S 23 Kerley J

24 Kitts


25 Ma rshall C

26 Kitts


D (VC) 27 Zula 30 Holden P 31 Bromley T (C) 32 Hunt T

34 Lucas


35 Nuske R 36 Ryan M 37 Phillips B 38 Cammiss S 41 Way S

42 Dalton


43 Hinton A 44 Wills N 45 Nevae J 46 Nguyen B 47 Stevenson M 48 Reynolds J 49 Collins S 50 Lamb C 51 Kennedy L ~ 52 Cooke C 53 Lourey A 54 Edwards M 56 King B

57 Nagel


58 Glossop A 59 Orchard T 60 Wills D 61 Ciavarella A 63 Couttie M 64 Videky E

65 Hullah M

M Taylor 1 R Humphreys 2 N Pavbu 3

D Boland


B Turner San VC 4 M Braini 5 P Sosic 5 M Verbeme 6 C Richardson 7 8 M Hill p~ rr


B Phillips


A Brownjohn 12 J Harris 13 W Elliot 14 P Haseler San Capt 15 R Anderson 1 6 C M c Leo d 1 7 F Doyle 18 L Button 19 J Evans 19


Nicholls 20

D Miller 2 1 R Walsh 22


A Naylor

J Taylor 24 M Driessen 25 D Har ris 26 R Davies 27 P Cooper 28 M Beasley 29 T McFarlane 30 R Ma rs hall Res Capt 31 M Verbeme San VC 32 A Ristovski ~ S Fordham 34 S Hatchard 35

J Kilpatrick 35 C Doolan an S West 37 T Brownjohn 38 W Benton 39 J Ma rs hall 40 R Black Res VC 41

P Arnold


J Howes 43 D Glanville 44 A Con treras 45 V Brown 46 T M a rs hall


D Crane 47 N Sharp 48 C Pratt 49

A Volz 50

J Best 51 C Matheson 52

S Warne

2 Purcell G . 3 Page S. 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S . 7 Whitehead B. 8 Elliott K. 9 Clarke M . 10 Albania J. 11 Moule B. 12 Temming M . 13 Sinnett B. (Capt .) 14 Plummer L 15 Webb N . 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R. 18 Pettm an M . 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P.

22 Stevens D . 23 West M . 25 Weston S . 27 Temming L 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P.

33 Ki ng J . 35 Carlo C .

36 Henry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Riley C. 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R . 44 IcelyA . 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R . 47 SoutarisA. 48 Bugeja N .

49 McGovern N. 50 So utad s D .

51 MacPherson B . 52 Jordon A . 54 Koala M. 56 Hatty G. 57 McMahon N . 58 Woodall D. 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbury H . 77 O'Callagh an


D Reidy 54 E Buckley 55 C Plazzer 56 R Nilsson 57 C Hunt 59 B Dallimore 60

L Hall 62 M Webber 63

E Cartledge


66 C Lorenz 67 S McDonald

T Drew T F riend

69 87

68 P Nikoloau 69 T Papamarkov 70 A Patto n 71 S William s 72 M Waller 73 J William s 75 E Sill

N Bishop San VC 88

76 C Pickett 77 A Smith 78 D Carter




I)3 Section ST. JOHNS OC

Coach: Ben McGee Res: Rod Walker


1 K Arnold 2 M . Peake 3 D. O'Connor 4 S . Holmes 5 B . Hilton 6 M . Phaedonos 7 N. Chalk 8 M . Hartnett 9 A. Jones M . Courmadias 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 C . Horbury VC 14 P. Sharp 14R M. Hanger 15 M . Kosmala 16 A . Paterson 17 S . Cockayne VC- Res 18 C. Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B. Rydquist 21 S. Koppens C 22 G . Roberts 23 J. Diaz DVC 24 L Mara 25 B. Waters 27 R . Dowsett 28 A. Dexter 29 T Ellis 30 R . Walker 31 D. Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A Foneca 34 M . Hancock C- Res 35 J. Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D. Christian VC- Res 38 D. Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hyland 41 J. Hargraves 42 D . Sanders 43 M. Van Houten 44 J . Ross 45 A. Hall 46 B . Gallery 47 G. Baslone 48 J. Hargraves 49 A Kizilis 50 J. Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 D. Harkin 53 C. Raffle 54 D. Vandenvert 55 B. Pickering 56 A. Dragwidge 66 J . Scardamagli a


Coach, Brendan Moloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher 1 J Washington DVC 2 Ma Hannan C 3 M Balshaw 4 S Stepnell 5 S King 6 L Kealy 7 A Hannan 8 X Kidd 9 S Aqualina 10 D McCormick 11 P Daly 12 A Argyriou 13 E Henderson 14 D Bell 15 B Lazzaro 16 J Neimi 17 P DAndrea 18 G Cox 19 A Reid 20 W Brown 21 B Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B Downing 24 B Joske 25 S Atherton 26 R Mitchell 27 P Cheevers 30 T Zantuck 31 S Hermman 32 D McGee 35 N Moojen 37 J Clyne 38 D Rowe 39 A Briglia 42 G Gaylor 43 W D'Andrea V C 44 D Geary 45 C Roe 46 A Ray 47 J Royle 52 M Anderson 53 D Phillips 55 J Pohlner 64 M Stefanidakis

tetlrlt t>a k:l ÂŤ.

~ ~ .,. .

Dowsett Engineering The Ros e





Coach : Je ff Bingham Ass . Coach : Dick Turpin Res. Coach : Tony Psinas Res Ass. Coach: Nick Murray 1 . A . Turpin 2. I Bingham (VC) 3 M Joy g Bayliss 4 P Henderson (VC) 5 D Hannett 6 V Wong P Gleason 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 D Richardson J Cropp 10 T Psinas 10 A Hallyburton 11 J Rutter 12 J Moresi 13 S Miller 14 S O'Boyle (R .VC) 15 N Murray 16 J Fleming 17 L Fuller 18 M Bircanin 19 AThompson 201 Mackenzie (VC) 20 C Hall 21 L Devon 22 M Buckley 24 M Macfarlan e 25 C Clark (R.VC) 26 A Morrison 27 M Leplaa 28 A Frederick 29 C Beaumont 30 B Holland 31 A Richardson (R .C) 32 L Hannemann 33 T Bartholomew (R .VC) 34 N Hunter 35 C Cachia (C) 36 T Fleming 37 B Robinson 38 M Christiansen 39 D Hallisey 40 B Thomas 41 M Moresi 42 M James 43 A Brown 44 K Bradford 45 H Rosenhain 46 S Williams 46 D Kennet 47 C Hayes 48 D Reynolds 49 A Herrmann 50 C Discombe 52 S Anderson 53 B Smith 54 P Sheer 55 T McLennan 56 A Treasure


Coach : Shane Mottram Res . Coach : G.Temes Assistant G .Mandali s 1 M. Wright 2 R . Thorp 3 T. Cleveland 4 L Gorringe 5 S . Mottram 6 S . Cracknell C 7 D. Zulicki 7 M Farmer (R) 8 M .Gerolemou 9 S. Devlin 10 B . Farrellyh 11 D . Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose 14 M . Butera 15 J. Jacks 16 J. Tate 17 C. Langendorf 18 A. Hellner 19 J. Uebergang 20 G . Maddgrano 21 J. Hall 22 G . Mandalis 23 G . Temes 24 R . Hortle 25 S. Haynes 26 P. Thoma s 27 A. Cusick 28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K Weber 30 J . Partridge 32 J . Michael 33 J. Strangio 34 J. O'Neill 35 A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R . Lapish 39 M. Rea 40 L Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C. Witnish 45 S . Hams 46 C. Siotos 47 H. Gillies 48 M . Davidson 49 S. Smits 50 B. Warren 52 A. Docherty 53 J. Schul z 55 N. Thomas 56 D. Creek 57 C. Thomas 58 J. Thomas 59 D . Macrae 60 G. Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D . Edwards 64 B . Walpole 65 J . Hams 66 S . Butera 67 M. De Luise 68 L Holmes 69 . A. Dowdell 70 E. Ricciub 71 B. Goldsmith 72 A. Van Res 75 S. Mill s 76 V. Gavelle d 77 R. McCormic k 78 B. Carruthers 79 M. Turvey 81 B. Will 86 W. Higgins 88 D . Fisher 99 W. Hirco e


Coach: Tim Ellis Res. Coach : Paul Smith I . D. Nedinis 2 . KMurphy 3 . D . Flack (R C) 4. S. Kidd 5. B. Cunningha m 6. M. Wals h 7. T. Dean 8. R . Stonehouse 9. J . Ayling 10. M . Keogh (C) 11 . M . Green ~/C) 12. T. Ellis 13. F. Mehmert 14. J . Marinis 15. A. Murph y 16 . N. Gauch i 17 . A. Tedessco 18 . D. Velisha 19 . J. Addam o 20 . E. Mahoney 21 . T. Davidso n 22. A. Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24. L Carson 25. B . McMillan 26. R . Bell 27. A Borg 28. D. Czajowski (D .V/C) 29. S . Dole 30. D. Sette 31 . B. Waters 32 . D. Harwood 33 . R. Baker 34 . J. Hoffman 35 . B. Bunworth 36. S. Bianco 37. C . Howard 38. T. Towers (RV/C) 39. L. Langfield 40. S . Fulle r 41 . G. Grogan (R C) 42, P. Thomas 43. D. Buchanan 44.T Johnson 45 . C. AJabakis 46 . A. Carson 47 . A. Camilleri 48 . J. Tumskos 49 . G . Fuller 50 . K Pace 51 . B. Fento n 52. P. Dawe 53. R . Marston 54 C. Smith 55. B . Brown 56. D. Frazer 60. M . Czajowsk i



s iwepe' S~






5 Albie Firley

5 Luke Duthie

5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max Wittman

6 Paul Hoffinan

6 Brendan Devlin

6 Not Available

6 Dash Peiris

7 Adam Conquest

8 Mark Alexander

7 Paul Croxford

7 Alan Ladd

8 Landan Blackball

7 Sean Scully (Jnr)

8 Trevor Hansen

8 Nick Evans

10 Avi Wekselman

8 Bruno Savi

9 Stephen Capl e

9 Santo Caruso

11 Luke Holmes

9 Damien Lane

10 Damian Anderson

10 Shane Mele

12 Daniel Mousley

10 Sean Scully (Snr)

11 Tom Haysom

11 PaulTuppen

14 Sharon Alger

11 Dirk Kramer

12 Jamie Kvins

12 Sean Rothe

15 Geoff Curran

12 Mark Morrison

14 Michael Gilday

14 Tim Tingiri

16 Peter Woods

14 Ash Hoogendyk

15 Phillip Callil

15 Michael Sneddon

17 Mark Gibson

15 Tim Doecke

16 Scott Fraser

16 Luke Moncrieff

18 Jason McNiece

17 Geoff Caulfield

17 Brett Horskope

17 Michael Robins

19 Steve McCarthy

18 Peter Simpson

18 Tim Sutcliffe

18 George Paleodimos

20 John Ralph

19 Andrew Fyfe

19 Glenn Scotland

19 Peter Pullen

21 Patrick Maebus

20 Brian Woodhead

20 David D' Altera

20 Geoff Kelly

22 Nick Fennesy

20 Grant Wardrop

21 Nick Ryd e

21 David Irons

23 Paul Dinneen

21 Gaj Skandakumar

23 Anthony Calderone

22 David Longworth

24 Graeme Hunichen

22 Chris Collins

24 Miles Argall

23 Robert Sneddon

25 Geoff Moore

23 Peter Griffiths

25 Richard Eastwood

26 Patrick Coulthard

26 Andrew Shiels

24 Leigh Dillon

26 Sacha Koffman

27 Paul Jone s

27 Matt Cox

25 Lionel Kat z

27 Euan Lindsay

28 Ron Martyn

28 Paul Lamble

26 Daniel Dinneen

28 Leah Gallagher

29 Peter Liddell

29 Allan Stubbs

27 Anthony Simpson

29 Gerard Rolfs

30 Anthony Lilley

30 Justin Lipson

28 Ken McNiece

30 Simon Olive

31 Peter Angelis

31 Andrew Lougheed

29 Peter James

31 Rob Schuller

32 Jarrod Aspinall

32 Eli Haye s

30 Jack Lloyd

32 Joseph Bolzonello

33 Roland Fuhrmann

33 Robert Mayston

31 Robert Semmens

33 Simon Stoke s

34 Daniel Stephens

34 Graeme Morgan

32 Anthony Damen

34 Jeremy Heffernan

35 Dianne Whiteley

35 Jason Lan e

33 Michael Forde

35 Logan Smith

36 Jamie Gunn

36 Matthew Meier

34 Stephen Morgan

36 David Phillips

37 Joseph Hartwig

37 Matt Goold

35 Troy Brooks

37 David Murray

36 Jason Waszaj 37 Gavin Roberts




UMPIRES CORNER by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarth y

Finally the first game came and went . Well was it I• Leadership worth the training that Jason has subjected us to Take action tha t over the last 10 weeks and did we really miss all ensures the game i s that paperwork and origami effort after a game .? played according to the laws . Give the player's confidence that they will be protected when First round highlights going for the ball. With the numbers required for umpires to officiate games each week not at the desired quantity, a big Another rule thanks in the first week to the umpires who have Another couple of new rules this year. doubled up in games already. Thanks to the Club 1 . The option for umpires to either bounce or XVlll umpires and Club Reserve umpires who have throw the ball up to start quarters and on helped out after finishing their games to front up recommencement after a goal. The umpires will again . clearly notify the players of their intention of Dirk Kramer who has run the boundary before what will occur. used his throw in skills when tossing the coin to 2. On wet grounds (if and when that happens) with land the five-cent piece on the roof of De La Salle a muddy cricket wicket, if the centre square clubrooms. We wonder who won the toss? Dirk, cannot be moved towards a wing to enable a don't be cheap use something with weight, try the drier surface. Then the ball can be thrown up fifty-cent piece or go for the gold coin. To make it (or bounced) on a drier spot away from the worse, that's not the first time that's happened to centre of the marked square . Dirk. Proffle of a VAFA umpire Brian has pin-pointed a number of areas that we as umpires can look to, to more enhance our profile whilst doing our job both on and off the field . • Effective Communicator You will earn the respect of players and officials with good verbal and non-verbal communication • Have a go Do the best you can at all times. No short cuts. • Willingness to learn Come into the group with an open mind prepared to listen and learn from all people within the group . Be prepared to help others learn through your experience . • Consistent decision maker Have a strong knowledge of the laws of the game. Give appropriate responses to each act of play . • Teamwork Together everyone achieves more. Support your mates. • Honesty While on the ground, with both your coaches and yourself. Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

Trainers Association

Great to see the new uniform of the trainers, that really highlighted their presence on the field especially when attending to players . Social News Golf day tomorrow be there at 9 .30am at Malvern Valley public golf course . Get We ll Soon As we mentioned last week, legendary goal umpire Kevin "Chillie" Segota was named VAFA Personality of the Year for 2003 . Unfortunately Chillie ruptured his achilles tendon in a practice match and will miss the entire season . He'll be missed on the field but he'll still be around VAFA circles . We're sure to see him back bigger and better in 2005. Reminders To umpires to visit the after matches of the home clubs and get to know the players and officials in a social atmosphere. Any milestone games coming up? Be sure to let us know in advance, don't wait till Tuesday training before the Saturday's game . This column has already been submitted for the week, so give us plenty of notice . 41

BDF960 • Beiersdorf Australia Ltd

04 SECTION by Gavan Flowe r

A couple of teams have once again sold me a few dummies , and it has wreaked havoc on my tipping, with a poor two out of five last weekend . Here's hoping I can do a little better thi s week with some form to go on. Review Kicking with the wind in the first quarter, 3t .Mary's booted six majors, however, their defence faltered allowing Kew to add three of their own. With the scores even at half time, Vaughn Ryan was on fire up forward for the Saints, but again they failed to capitalise to allow Kew a further three into the breeze. Only a couple of goals behind going into the final quarter, Kew turned on the class that has made them the D4 premiership favorites . Skipper Tenetti kicked a blinder from 50 as the Browns hit the front and with new recruit Nathan Cosley dominating, they piled on another 6 majors to run out easy 34-point winners. Fltham surprised everyone as they accounted for the disappointing Richmond Centrals by 50 points. The Turtles applied the pressure from the opening bounce, and the Snakes were "shell shocked" as they were held goalless in the first half. With the new youngsters contributing, the older heads of Matty Hart and Brendan Evans were allowed to play at their best as the goals kept coming in a great win away for the Turtles. Old Westbourne had no problems in disposing of a lacklustre Box Hill North in gale force conditions at Artic Park. Dominance by Damien Billman at centre half forward, "HCha" around the ground and "Jucka Horsburgh at full forward ensured that Box Hill North's first goal in the opening quarter would be their only for the match as they ran out easy 84 point winners . Bulleea started off well enough in their match against Elsternwick, however, it did take Dennis Grace's group of new players time to find their feet. Unstoppable in the centre was three times competition best and fairest, Leigh "Diesel" Murphy, as he provided great strength and drive beating three separate opponents. Justin Hunter rewarded his hard work up forward as Elsternwick jumped to a 3-goal lead at the major break. From there they never looked back to leave Joe D'Angelo tearing his hair out with a lacklustre performance from the core group of senior players and a 73 point flogging the result . In windy conditions North started strongly as Shane Hamilton and Glenn Stelfox ran amok up forward to allow North to kick six goals straight in the first quarter, followed by four in the second to open up a handy six goal lead at the 'major break. Albert Park however, discarded their short game after half time and with Richard Baker unstoppable around the packs and Matty Hyams tireless around the ground, the Falcon forwards piled on nine goals for the third quarter to take the lead. North rallied at the start of the final term, but a sensational performance from Albert Park saw


them add another seven goals against the wind to run out convincing 26point winners. Preview Eltham v St.Marys I may have misjudged the new look Turtles list after last weeks stirring victory, however, the real test will come today as they host a St.Marys team on the rebound. The Saints do not travel that well and the wide expanses of Turtle Park will not suit their game plan and as such, will need the good form of the likes of Purcell and Frail to continue . In a tough game to pick, I think that if the Saints can improve on their skill errors from last week, they can overcome a gallant Fltham by 14 points. Box Hill North v Richmond Both teams would have been bitterly disappointed with last week's ordinary performances and will be keen to make amends today . No reports to me from either side, so it's a little difficult to see where improvements will come from, however, from what I saw of Box Hill on Saturday, they appear as though they do have something to offer, particularly against the weaker teams . The home ground advantage is also a bonus, and as such I am going with Box Hill to win by 36 points . Elsteauwick v Old Westbourn e Today's match will go a long way to proving the bona fides of each team as both try to establish themselves as final's contenders . The Wickers will be buoyed by their great win last week, however, they will find they will need to lift another P'~



°SHARPSHOOTERS- D 3 CLUB D4 SECTION Elsternwick Albert Park Old Westbourne North Brunswick St Marys



Kew Bull Cobras North Brunswick Albert Park

Hunter 6 6 Collins 6 6 Horsburgh J 5 5 Hamilton 5 5 Ryan 4 4 Tinetti 4 4 Nathaniels 4 4 Steffox 4 4 Allan S 4 4

D4 RESERVE Richmond Bull Cobras Albert Park St Marys North Brunswick

Jorgenson Edgar Pastras Roseman Duson


notch if they are to challenge Scratcher's chargers . I believe that should the Warriors be able to control the centre and curb the influence of D4 star, "Diesel" Murphy, then they should have too much firepower up forward as they win a tight one by 9 points . North Brunswick v Bulleen Cobras Another cracker of a game pits two teams on the rebound from matches both could have won . Word from the Cobra camp is that they were bitterly disappointed with their loss and are predicting a big week for the club. They will be hoping that last week's standout players in newcomer Mick Nathanielz and youngster Tim Conn will again perform, however, they will have to overcome the backline brilliance of North's Kyriazis and Ferrante who were excellent last week . In what should be a tough and physical encounter, I am going with the home side who just play the Bocce Palace a little better than most as they run out 21-point winners. Kew v Albert Park The match of the day sees the two grand finalist contenders fighting it out for premiership favouritism. Kew were solid last week, however, it is a more polished unit today than they faced last week. With gun forward Sean Allan due for a bag, Kew's "Frankie" will have his work cut out in what should be an interesting dual . Picking a winner is difficult, however, I believe that with newcomers Gerald Collins, Mathew Burton and Steve Bennett making their presence felt for the Falcons, an upset could be in the making as I go with the Falcons to win by 15 points. Press Correspondent s A very good response with only Richmond and Box Hill North not providing anything. It's very hard to write something about your team if you do not send me a report fellers! To the others, thanks for your input. Please keep them coming to .au by no later tha n middav on Mondav.

MILESTONE S North Brunswick - 50 Games Wayne Duson & Mick Vaina. Well done to Spider on reaching 50 games . A hard running midfielder Wayne had the honour of being Captain of the Reserves Premiership Team in 2003. With his speed & determination he will be a candidate for a Senior berth this season. Also well done to Mick on reaching 50 games. A talented footballer that everyone at North hopes will realise his full capabilities this season and cement a place in the seniors. A versatile player who can play anywhere Mick will surely display his many talents this season . Well done to both players from everyone at Allard Park.

Kew - congratulations to versatile Jamie Bell who lines up for his 100th game today against Albert Park . Jamie, a dual B&F winner has excelled in all key forward and defensive positions - his sure marking and clear thinking has won many games for the K's . A leader on and off the field, Jamie is a great mentor to the younger players . He also helps out on the social committee organising the annual Trivia evening . Good luck today Jamie from the Kew boy s

TODAY'S MATCHE S D4 SECTION Eltham Collegians v St Marys Box Hill North v Richmond Centra l Elsternwick v Old Westbourne North Brunswick v Bulleen Cobras Kew v Albert Park Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

ST MARYB 6.3 7 .5 13.9 14.9 (93) KEW 3.5 7 .9 10.12 18.19 (127) St Marys: V Ryan 4 Purcell 2 Schembri Gratezer Theohanis P Ryan Orme Wright Waller Dwyer Best Purcell Flail Graetzer Orme Kew : Tinettl 4 Lamana 3 Looker 2 Dean 2 Wood 2 Allen Evans Watts Cullen Glenn Best : Cullen Tinettl LaFlanchi Costley Looker Bell Umpires : Jack Lloyd Pat Maebus (F] RICHMOND CENTRAL ELTHAM ( ,`OTIFf:IANC

0.1 0 .4 4.6 5.7(37) 2.0 5.7 8.9 12.15 (87) Richmond : C Cartwright Moffatt Macak Banitt Quay Best : Darling Macak Speakman Maher Banitt Birt Flthem: Savage 2 Galvin 2 Nelson 2 Thomas Love Panetta Justice MacDonald Hart Best Evans Savage Thomas Galvin Love Hart

Umpires: Matthew Meier (F] Michael Lee Jim Exton (G ) OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .3 8.11 9.12 13.19 (97) BOX HIII. NORTH 1.4 1.4 1 .7 1 .7(13) Old Westbourne: J Horsburgh 5 Hodgson 2 AHon ;bmgh Gerace Pavez Moore BiOman Huntington Best Huntington Lever Baulch AHon ;burgh Hodgson Hudson Box Hill North: Editor Best Rogers ASallatloglo Garrett Olsen Worrel Steele Umpires: Michael GOday (F7 BUIIF.Fai COBRAS 2.6 4.8 5.12 7.15 (47) EI.S1FRNiWICK 1 .3 7.11 14.1 3 17.18 (120) Bull Cob : Nathardels 4 Daniels 2 Genies Best DallOglo C Cookson Mann Pasinati Nathaniels FJet: Hunter 6 Foster 2 Murphy 2 C Mahony 2 S Grace 2 D Grace B Mahorry Banky Best C Mahony Hunter Murphy Stuchbery S Grace S Mahony Umpires: Anthony Calderone (F) NORTH BRUNSWICK 6.0 10.4 13 .5 16.10 (106) ALBERT PARK 1 .6 4.9 13.10 20.12 (132) Nth Bruns: Hamilton 5 Stelfox 4 Newton 2 Russo 2 J Boudoloh H Tsialtas SanrtnarUno Best Kyrlazis Ferrante Robertson Stelfox Mounhney Russo Albert Park : Collins 6 SAllan 4 Baker 3 Hyams 2 S Bennett W Johnson de Zoete Best Dudi Baker Hyams Sutton Simcocks Chamber s Umpires: Michael Forde Jason WasraJ (F7 Matthew Jackson (B) D4 RESERVE ST MARYS 1 .2 1 .2 4.9 5.9 (39) KEW 4.0 8.3 9.4 12.9 (81) St Marys: Roseman 2 Millar Butler Lattrner Best Gilchrist Weller Latimer Maschette Hew: Cronin 2 Fenanbno 2 Makris 2 McNeill 2 Bortone Cannan Mclaurin Rakusz Best Dahlstrom Pocock Johnston McNeill Makris Rakusz RICHMOND CENTRAL 3 .1 4.3 4.3 5.5(35) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3 .3 4.5 9.8 12.12 (84) Richmond: Trtrnmatiz lake Jamshidi Legassick C White Best Colmer C White Jamshidi S Lynch Schirmer 1}unmatlz FHtham Jorgensen 6 DJustlce 2 Watson J Foo Babon Wright Best Luttick Jorgensen Turney Hogan Todman Babon OLD WESTBOURNE 2.4 3 .8 9.12 10 .13 (73) BOX BQL NORTH 0.0 1 .0 1.1 1.4(10) Old Westbmune: Croswell 2 Richardson 2 Edwards 21 .ennon Manolokakis Merryweather Slattery Best Bartolo Edwards Board Theodore Mesman Manolokalds Box Hill North: Cenilli Best : Lay Cenilli Thor Robinson D'Amato Callis m>rlFxx COBRAS 3.0 4 .2 5.6 7.7(49) ELSTERNWICK 2.2 3 .3 4.6 4.7 (31) Bid Cob: Edger 4 Unwln Foskett Fr-adkin Best Fridkin Edger Unwin McQualter Richards Trapman FLrt: Battaini lasnitzid AllterT Perkins Best: Gordon Morgan Whelan Hartley Nolan Patey NORTH BRUNSWICK 1.3 2.7 3.10 5.15 (45) ALBERT PARK 0.0 3.0 5.1 6.3(39) Nth Bruns. Boson 2 BCarter Paleodimos Papanikolou Best Prestigiacomo Duson Guppy Care FPap3nasfasatos Span o Albert Pert Pastras 3 Guanazm 2 Jackson Best . Harries Guzman Jackson MSmith DBennett McGuire




Senior Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 . P. Smith 2 .S. Robinson 2 . N . Pastras 3 . R . Baker 3 . G . Baker 4 . J . Simcocks 4 . L Baird 5 . S. Allan 6 . J . Storey 7 . S . Venables 9 . P. Chambers 10. M. Phillips 11 . D. Brea 12. T. Fraser 13. B. Payne 13. M. Davey 14. M. Hyams 15 . D . Borley 15 . P. Guicas 16 . C . Roberton 17 . D . McLellan 18 . J. Taylor 20 . K. Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22 . J . Hannett 22 . S. Bennett 23 . B. Harries 23 . H. Walls 24 . T. Green 25 . J . Wier 26 . S . Fairfield 27 . J . Holloway 28 . R. Allan 29. R. Humphrey 30. W. Johnson 31 . S . McGuire 31 . G . Foster 32. M . Smith 33. J . Murray 34. T. Houston 35. S . Toth 35. D. Allan 36. J . Dudi 37. L. Hogan 38. N . Wheeler 39. S . McKerrow 41 . A. Visapaa 42. D . Bennett 44. B . Isard 45. J. Agar 46. M. Dowdle 48. J. Harnath 49. L. Ryan 50. S. MelliS 50. B. Tuite 51 . J. Belbin 52. M. Wall 53. M. Williams 55. D . Quinlan 57. J. Sutton 57. T. Hurley 58 . A. Jackson 59 . T. Bennetts 60 . V. Surace 62 . N . Cain 77 . S. Garcia 78 . J. Hamath 79 . J . Guzman


Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt 1 Wilson G 2 Riscalla C 3 Odza A 4 Manno A 5 Garrett J 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Thoi T 12 Dick A 13 Cumming M 14 Palmer B 15 Keillor L 16 Drew W 17 Cavalio G 18 Butler C 19 Callis C 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Doyle P 25 Kotsaridis P 26 Ball R 27 Wakefield S 28 Veleski Z 29 Rogers M 30 Olson B 31 Olson D 32 Oldfield I 33 Marinovic M 34 McCartin M 35 Burley P 36 Gaynor D 37 Penhalluriack L 38 DAmato G 39 Tambakis J 40 Worrell D 41 Takeshita M 42 Tarulli A 43 Doyle R 44 Garrett C 45 Pearce B 46 Mortimer P 47 Andrews A 48 Lacey M 49 Ellis T 50 Pozar B 51 Cervelli M 52 D'arcy S 54 Van den Akker L 55 Pratt J 56 Wood A 57 Wood T 58 Demarco R 59 Tarulii M 60 Benbow N 61 Weston G 62 Penesis H 76 Loerand K 78 Leavers A 79 Bennett G 80 Evans S 88 Edgley M 99 Robinson G 111 Armstrong P

Sponsored by :


Rising Sun Hotel,




BULLEEN COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach: G Brown 1 I McLeod 2 T Orwin 3 S McLaren 4 N Cartledge 5 M Mann 6 T Pearson 7 T Mehrez 8 T Mazzarella 9 M Kyriakou 10 C Powderham 11 A DeJong 12 P Whitehouse 13 N Edgar 14 T Fradkin 15 J Trinchi 16 D Trinchi 17 T Conn 18 F Arooraci 19 S Trapman 20 J McOuaRer 21 N Lykopandis 22 M Aitken 23 J Redfem 24 R Games 25 W Olney 26 M Nathanielsz 27 J Cartledge 28 A Foskett 29 R Sheehan 30 B Cookson 31 K Kellett 32 S Wagg 33 A Cook 34 M DAngelo 35 M Unwin 36 P Dall'Oglio 37 J Paatsch 38 G Brown 39 C Chan 40 G Richards 41 C Jordan 42 C Borelli 43 J Mustica 44 H Khalil 45 J Daniels 46 J Lewis 47 N Khalil 48 M Soumelidis 49 G Anderton 50 N KYdakou 51 R Lock 52 T Hamilton 53 R Rodrigues 54 55 J DAngeto


Coach : Dennis Grace Res Coach : TBA 1 . LMurphy 2' A. Hankin 3. J. Yem m 4. S.Rosengarten 5. M . Whelan 6. D.H g 7• J. M, dam


Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Matthew Luttic k

10 . R .Bravngton 11 . L. Missaglia 12 . N. Wgmore . Soppet ia y (VC) 15 . B .Hooper 16 . M . Sumian 17 . J . Perkin s 16 . C.McKenna 19 . J . Hunter 20 . E .Goktman 21. P. Stuchberry 22. G. Ehrin (DVC) S . Curtain 24. 25. S Gordon 26. C . Mahon (Cl 27• M . Danie~s ~: g: M~~or 30. M. Nichol y 31 . G. Devonshire 32. C .L ons 33. M. ~unningham ~ A~ 34. c,ontin ® 35. P. McNally 36. YAlfie

1 . J.Baud 2 . D .Lynch 3 . E. Savage NC) 5. LAustin 6. J.Galvin 7. B. Rashid 8. LSharpe 9. C .Watson 10 . B.Marshall it . J.Mizzi (C) 12 . LMcDonal d 13 . M.Luttick 14 . K.Nelson (VC) 15 . J.Paisley 16 . D.Bamett 17 . LDaIY 18. S .Justice 19. J.Gilbert 20. M .Rainer 21 • M . Hart 22. D.Wright 23. R.Foo 24. K. Drummon d 25. R.Thomas 26. J.Glare Res C/C 27. J.Stockdale 28. T.Bamett 29. D.Howgate 30. M .Decke r 31 . B .Keleher

37. D Nolan (CR)

32. C.Bau d

8. S. Curri e 9. T. Hartley

38. A Burney 39. M.Thiele 40. A Patey 41 me ..42 D J. B U'rikekis 43. P. Clarke 44. C. Walker 45. R. Grandemang e 46. M.Stricklan d 47. N.Utring 48. M . Franken 49. D.Hohaia 50. M . Battaini 51 . G .Powel l 52. .j~is l A 54. J.Devitt 55. S.Stephens ~• B.Erlich 57. v . M Meehell 58 TPerkins 59. 60. M Creak 61 . M Hunt 62. B. Maher

63. D. Brewster 64. S .Vukis 65. D.Kirkr'9M 66. E .Aher

33. A .Howgate 34. J .Howgate 35 ..36 J .Hickingbotham .Hidringbotham 37. P.Krohn 38. J .Babo n 39 FCoone KY 40. E .Baud 41 . Au .Man n 42 . D .Buller 43 . P,Mann Mann ;H ~, p 46. M. Dere 47 . N .Ryal l 48 . .Tume 49 . LBame B s 50 . B.Richardson 51 . R .Morgan 52 . D .Justic e 53 . J.Foo 54 . S.Todman 55 . G .Jenkin s 56 . R .Love 57 . J.Coope r 58 . T.Metchiori 59 . B.Evan s 60 . R.Peak 61 . J.Panetta (VC) 62 . B.Jorgensen 63 . LOgilvie 64 . T.Goonan


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Coach: Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Paul Gregor


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

J. Doumis (RDVC) L Fitzgerald D. Behan G . Crimmins C . Delaney N . Tinett B. Dover D . Mainsbridge (VC) P. Wi[chell B. Cullen (C) B. Woodhouse (VC) M. Gridley C . Kyriakou J. Looker F. Lamanna D . Wood B. Allen N . Dahlstrom J. Dennis A. Acfield M. Ayres (VC) C . Stephens J. De Blank C . Watts S. Symes (RVC) T. Moore M. Dalrymple C . Giansante (RC) D . lann i A. Drago D . Wayland J . Bortone R . Brun o B. Marchesani S . Johnston J . Ritchie A. Eaton J . Ferrantino R . Livingston J . Pilkington A. Borton e A Makris G. Evens B . Van Zuiden A. Lawler S . Mikrou P. Dennis (RDVC) A. Carman M . Blair N. Gill S . Osbome J . Renou A . Meek T. Frith L Jensen B . Burnett J . Rakusz M . Andersson M . Glenn R. Falleti N. Gricks J . Cronin D. Kinross R. McKenow J. Bell A. Patnaude A . Roberts J. Paron


Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach: Gary Cutler 1 Newton 2 Adams 3 Lattouf 4 Dimarco 5 Cutler 6 Pizzad 7 Stelfox 8 Guppy 9 Sammar6no 10 Fawcett 11 Hamilton 12 Care 13 Ullo 14 Paleodimos 15 Tsiahas 16 Veins 17 Kyriazis 18 Verge 19 Mann 20 Closter 21 Santacroce 22 Freeman 23 Briffa 24 Aliani 25 Duson 26 Murphy 27 Ferrante 28 Boudoloh 30 Russo 31 H ec k 32 33 Rotbela on 34 Stepien 36 Sodeto 37 Defelice 38 Magnuson 39 Rhook 40 McCallum 41 Elms 42 Papanikolou 43 Sorleto 44 Wallmeyer 45 Polemicos. 46 Giovanoglou 47 Prestigiacomo 48 Wolter 49 Sallourn 50 Parks 51 Kehagias 52 Guest 53 Trafford 54 Wake 55 Salloum 56 Fayad 57 Mountney 58 Messiake 59 Ackland 60 Parkes 61 Papa 62 Carter 64 Palmieri 66 Boudolo h 67 Carter



Coach: Jeffrey Wilson Res . Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 .B.Gerace 2.R .Wintle 3.S.Depiazza 4.C .Lever S. S. Hew tt 6.J. Ho sburgh 7.A.Christo B.A.Horsburgh 9.F.Pavez 10.J . Wilson 11M .Christo 12 .M .Baulch 13 .J .Braham 14 •J •Bartolo 15 .A .Board 16 .S .Christo 17 .M .Aquilina 18 .F.Pavez 19 .J .Mason 20 .R.Mutimer 21 .1- Hudson 22S .Anderson 23 .S .Huntington 24 .L Fairfield 25 .Troy Edwards 26 .P.Mesman 27 .D.Billma n 28 .D.Slattery 29 .D.Horsburgh 30 .A.Mokrusch 31 .A.Miller 32 .G .Jenkinson 33 .D.Benn 34.B.Merryweather 35.D. Rivalland 36.S.Phillips 37.A.Leitch 38.D.Nikola 39.M.Oldham 40.J.Manolokakis 41 .K.Miller 42.D .Ollenbuttel 43.A. Runciman 44.D .Hudson 45.Trav Edwards 46.B.Lennon 47.T.Theodore 48.R .Van Engelen 49.B.Robinson 50.P.Habersatt 51 .J.Akarana 52.T.Best 53 J Bames 54. M. Crosswell 55.B.Gilbert 56.D .Abbey 57.D .Moor e 58.I.Smit h 59.A .Lipscombe 60.N .Aquilin a 62.G.Robso n 66.S .Leitch 88.H .Hodgson

Coach : Frank Bove Res Coach : Steven Lake 1 Cox B 2 Quick T 3 O'Sullivan T 4 Trotter R 5 Tankovich D 6 Bunshaw G 8 Malcolm G 9 McGrath J 9 Karamicholos P 10 White A S 11 Lake 12 Macak F 15 Barry C 16 Birt J 17 Carew P 18 Moulday P 1 ay C 9 20 O uOuick A 21 Jones A 22 Flores A 24 Guthrie T 25 Piani A 26 Baillie S 28 Green D 29 Stone J 32 Harris Mark 33 Berimano M 34 Brook J 35 Howell J 38 Defreitas M T 41 Slatter 42 White C 42 Hoare S 45 Day K 46 Hogan D 53 Pardy K 54 CartwdghlC 54 Rawlings S A 56 Titley 57 Hill E 67 Lane J 69 Melville T 76 Phelan D 79 Coomber M 85 Jacobs G 86 Porteus G 87 Ingliss D

Coach: Michael Learmont h Res: George Koumantatakis I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 47 48 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 63 66 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 80 88

T Brown B Perelberg G Schembn N Goldsworthy A Lan e S Stone A Dwyer AZsember y R Orme G Koumantatakis J Bernardi A Webb J Hil l C Goldsworthy M Purcell LAnthony P West B Frail V Ryan C Handley M Gilchrist R Allen F Harrison A Latimer M Butle r J Timmin s M Bank s J In as P Harriso n P Watson S Leszko P Reining M O'Halloran GTheoharri s B G raetze r L Vincent D Astbury T Millar R Hausle r T Cummins M Davies J Lukjanov P Rousis AD Wibawa M Lynch C Weller BArmistead J Wrig ht D Anders D Watson B Lewi s K McLennan Pilikidis P Rosema n G N Batskos M Maschette J Feldstad J endy N Luce S Sylivris N Datskos A Richard J Clark e A Ballantyn e

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Roberts & Dwye r Estate Agents MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda

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CLUB XVII1- LAST ROUND'S RESULT S CLUB 18 (1) OLD XAVERIANS 2 .7 6 .14 11 .16 16.23 (119) MARCELLIN 2 .1 2.2 2.2 3.2(20) Old %ev: Rourke 5 Davies 4 L Hardwick 2 Dillon 2 M Hardwick 1 Rathgeber 1 Perry 1 Best: Rourke Davies Dillon Perry Jones Belli Mueellln: Petrotl3 Best: Rigg Dearsley Petroff Spinella Umpires : Mark Thornhill Tom Windlow (F ) ST KEVINS 0 .1 1 .2 1 .3 2.8(20) DE LA SALiE 3 .6 7 .8 9.13 9.14 (68) DLS: Ford 2 Skin 2 O'Connell Bowker Norton Brasher Jennings Best : Ford Craig Tucker P Brasher Norton T Moloney SKOB : Collins Shelley Best : Clarke Johnston Halpin Collins Macey Umpires: Rick Benson Frank Kavanagh (F) Bob Mutton Brendan Corcoran (B) Clive Shipley Brian Nunn (G) OLD IVANHOE 0.0 0 .0 1 .0 2 .0(12) OLD SCOTCH 5.5 10.12 10.16 17.18 (120) Old Ivanhoe : De Kretser Risstrom Best : Baccini Risstrom A Weisz Taylor De Kretser Jewell Old Scotch: Thompson 7 Beaurepaire Cade Dufour Elder Elliott Feteke Kings Leitl McDonnell Sutherland Best Not received . Umpires: Brian Nunn (F) OLD BRIGHTON 0.0 1 .0 5 .3 5 .3(33) MAZENOD 0 C 1 .2 1 .2 1 .4 5 .8(38) Old Brighton: O'Neill 2 Oakley Erridge Earl Best : 0'Niell Seoud Rhodes Enidge Oakley Cooper Mazenod : Davis 2 Vandergert Occhiuto Crozier Best: Davis Nussbaum Williams Belleville Jacobs Collins Umpires : Paul Rapke (F) PRAHRAN 6.3 8.8 12 .10 12.12 (84) OLD ESSENDON 1.0 3.0 5 .0 6.1 (37) Prahran : Cartlidge 3 Ivak 2 DiUzio 2 A Blake Storer Geri Zissis Matt Davies Best: Geri Storer Green A Blake Scott Belej Old Ess: Evans 2 Steven 2 Cariss Crowley Best : Hay Poulton Papal Overman Morrison Evans Umpires : Rick Benson (F7 CLUB 18 (2) COLLEGIANS 2.2 2.4 4 .5 7.7(49) OLD SCOTCH (2) 5.1 9.4 10 .7 14.10 (94) Coll: Cook 2 Bum J Gay Grant Letchtord Vague Best : Forster Burn Vague Brain Stiff Osborne Old Scotch : N Simon 7 D Adderley 4 T Fraser 2 D Ireland 1 Best :Not received . Umpires : Frank Kavanagh (F) ELEY PARK 3.4 6.6 8 .8 8.10 (58) MONASH BLUES 2.2 5.5 6 .5 10.6 (66) Eley Park : Jolly 4 Psaltopoulos 2 Ciavola Jackson Best : Smith Grant Psaltopoulos Jolly Bastian Cresswell Monash Blues: O'Dwyer Moir Hardy Coughlin 2 Parsons MDods Best : Plehn Riddle LWoods Hardy O'Dwyer Umpires: Paul Nailer (F)

UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .3 6.4 7.6 9.8(62) FITZROY REDS 1.1 3.3 6.7 7.10 (52) Uni Blacks : Merlo 4 Baulch Fink Otsuka Best: Brown Fink Merlo Pascoe O'Keefe Begely Fitz Reds: (Not received) Best: Bahr Coyne Gleeson Jackson Rowe Leske Umpires: Dean Banova (6] THERRY PENOLA 1.1 1 .3 1 .5 2.6 (18) OLD MELBURNIANS 3.2 8 .6 12 .13 15 .14 (104) Therry: Keenan Chapman Best : Dowden Alwell Carter Ward Eastmure Chapman Old Melbournians : Mulligan 4 Arden 3 Bains Farrer 2 Anderson Carter Forster Tomlinson Best : Verge Mulligan White Bains Arden Anderson Umpires : David Windlow (F ) WHITEFRIARS 0.1 1 .5 2 .7 5.8(38) OLD XAVERIANS ( 2) 1.2 5 .5 7 .9 7.11 (53) White: Not received. Old %av: Gleeson 3 T McInerney J McInerney Stapleton McLean Best : J McInerney Stribley Xeureb McLean Gleeson Martin Umpires: Joe Ciecotosto Lindsay McIntyre (17 1 CLUB 18 (31 UNIVERSITY BLUES 16.5 (101) MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .8(14) Details not received . Umpires : Tony Robbins Ray Windlow (F) OLD SCOTCH (3) 3.10 (28) NORTH OLD BOYS 14.7 (91) Old Scotch : Paul Newton Robertson Best : Addison Best Smedley Blandford Leech Kyriakou NOB: Cerini 5 Connolly 5 Hllderbrdnd 2 Trimboli Gibson Best : Hilderbrand Cerini Rocco Connolly Booth Stribley Umpires: Tony Byrnes (F) OLD GEELONG 0.3 1.4 4.7 8 .12 (60) EMMAU8 ST LEO'S 1 .3 4.8 7.10 7 .11 (53) Old Geelong : S Timms 2 A Timms 2 Slattery 2 Waters Makin Best : Dhillon Leslie O'Brien Slattery S Tlmms Sattler. Emmaus : Not received Umpires: Trevor Hansen Simon Pearless (N ) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3 .3 6.6 9.8 9.9(63) OLD CAREY 0.1 1.2 2.3 2 .3(15) La Trobe : Pitaro 3 Dunne Watson Sage GMurphy Cotsopoulos Best : Robson Dunne Watson Peters Pitaro Massa Old Carey: Small Morey Best : Croft Newhouse Small Bull Pincrest Grinzi Umpires: Joseph Salvatore (Fl OLD TRINITY 7 .1 13.3 17.4 23 .6 (144) CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 0 .0 1 .1 4.2 7 .3 (45) Old Trinity: R H11las 10 Burgess 3 C Amiconi 3 Parker 2 Stebbins Chitfey Oliver Gray Kinross Best : McDonald R Hillas McCutcheon Stebbins J Cade C Amiconi . Caulfield Grammarians: Minter 2 Johnson 2 Dalwood Lord Jenkinson Best : Krlen Brohier Dalwood Deal Shepherd Johnson Umpires: Bob O'Halloran (F)


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TRAINERS' CORNER by Chris Kell y The season has started and now it is time to announce that the VAFA Trainers'Association will be announcing a "Trainer of the Month" and a "Trainer of the Year. " The "Trainer of the Month" will receive a medical backpack donated by Rob Duncan of Club Warehouse and he/she will also get their profile in this column at the end of each month . Trainers from all clubs are eligible for the award . They can be nominated by their club, coaches, players, suppo rters, members of the Trainers'Association Executive and even the VAFA Executive . Nominations should be sent to myself (chri skl5@bigpond .com) and should be received by Thursday 6th May. The winner of the "Trainer of the Month" for April will be announced in this Column on Round 5 (May 15th).




The "Trainer of the Year" will be chosen by the VAFA Trainers Association and announced at the VAFA AGM in December. The "11-ainer of the Year" will receive a fully stocked first aid kit donated by Club Warehouse and Beiersdorf Australia. The winning trainer's club will receive a plaque to be put up in the clubrooms and a cash prize of $250 . This $250 prize will be matched with another $250 provided by the VAFA if the trainer's club business with Club Warehouse exceeds last year's business. To be eligible to receive this award the trainer's club needs to support Club Warehouse and Beiersdorf Australia .




Congratulations to the trainers and support staff of the Old Scotch club for their handling of a player rendered unconscious and suffering a possible spinal/neck injury last weekend . The game was "put on hold" until the player was removed under the supervision of ambulance officers who were called to the ground .




If any Club is still looking for additional trainers or if you have anything you want us to announce on our page please drop me an email (

T he VAFA Choi ce in. . . I



= N= EM



CLUB WAREHOUSE by Fras w Cameron .(u19 2,3 & Blue) Sports & Medica l Supplies

& Cam Nation

(U19 1 & Red)

in the opening Section One Section one debutants Werribee started their 2004 round, Caulfield campaign in the best possible manner last weekend, with the hom e disposing of Caul field by 118 points. With ten goals g r o u n d in the first quarter Wenibee had all but secured advantage and favourties to record a comfortable victory by the first bell , the home side continuing to victory. pile on the goals to lead by nine ty-six at halfti me. Cameron and Daniel Lee kicked eleven goals Section 2 between them for the winners, while Russo and Round 1 is in the can - and some clubs are flyin McNally were amongst the best. whilst others will be taking a look in that dreade ~ Richard Obee started his coaching career at St mirror. It seems plenty struggled to come to terms Kevins on a high, SKOBs kicking away after half with the weekend's bluster, leading to poor time against last yeaz'sfrpremiers St Bemazds to get conversion. Most matches were see-sawing affairs, up by 32 points in ont of a healthy crowd at thanks to the windy conditions, but in some cases Righetti Oval. the team that got the 'ump early won each quarter, Elsewhere Old Scotch led for the best part of three to rack up some handy percentage . qua rters against Uni Blues, but were overrun in a It was great to et some feedback from "around the seven goaI to two last quarter. Old Xaverians ~}-ounds" . My heartfelt thanks to all who have outscored Marcellin in three quarters but went helped out with some match reporting, but everyone down by 40 points after the visitors kicked eigh t is welcome to throw their 2 cents worth in, so goals in the third term. While De La Sall e secured "gimme gimme some loving" . spot after the first round, comfortably defeating Overall, 7 winners ti pped, 7 others got the kiss of Old Brighton by 111 points. death (sorry) . This aftern oon the action continues as Werribee Here's how it looked . . . . . . travel to Marcellin in one of the matches of the round. Continuing their good form from 2003, Collegians -v- Beaumaris Werribee look undaunted by their promoti on to We all know bad kicking is bad footy and the Lions' section one, Fab Gatti's side however facing their 11 straight points, kicking with the 2nd qtr (Benny) first road trip of the season. Marcellin shone last gale, was absolutely crucial "in the context of the week away at Xavs but will struggle to contain both game" . The Shazks, however, played it smart and Lees up forward and Russo on the ba ll . Marcellin nailed their opporhmities, especially Berry (3 goals), p robably should be favourites for this afternoon's who was ably assisted by Wall and Quirk . Good Lions were Williams and Moon . fixture, but Werribee may just get up in an upset . Another two round one winners meet at Waverley Banyule Viewbank -v- Old Camberwell Park this afternoon as De La Sa lle host Uni Blues . Behind the clipboards it was "Demetriou versus De La Sall e showed signs of being real contenders Brownless" (an interesting headline) . The Wellers this season after a comprehensive victory last came out steam ;ng and must have learnt plenty round, the Blues also showing promise in their from their practice matches . Anson will be well comeback victory against Old Scotch . Another tough pleased with Tolson bagging 5 and McGuigan BOG . game to call, The Blues displayed their fi tness over Toull and Christian led the charge for the Bears. ~our quarters last weekend, and may just snatch an Old Ivanhoe V- Hampton Rovers important away win early in the season. Old Scotch may have trouble containing a firing St Kevins forward line at St James' Park this afternoon, as SKOB's coach Richard Obee looks to maintain his one-hundred- percent winning record at the club . Scotch were unlucky not to come away with a win last week, yet will go into the games as underdogs after SKOBs defeat of the reigning premiers .

Old Xaverians travel to St Bernards this afternoon, both sides looking for their first four points of the season. Two teams that were expected to challenge for the 2004 title, both sides will be desperate for a win ; last year's premiers likely to be too strong on home turf. Elsewhere Old Brighton and Caulfield will have a chance to redeem themselves after losses


The Hoers should be cock-a-hoop at their punishing 98 point victory. They ran all over the Rovers for the majority of the day with Keane, Butler and Ferrantino dominant . The mercy rule wasn't invoked, however, but battling Rovers included Chiarzia, Kobayashi and Zampaglione . Rupe rtswood -v- Old Melbournians A hard fought contest but, in the home stretch, Old Melburnians were unstoppable in their sojourns up

forward with Arms trong BOG, Cudli pp an d Schivo

also handy . Rupertswood, well led by Mozell (14 kicks, 12 handballs, 3 marks - thanks Ben, awesome stats work!), will rue not capitalising on their opportunities in the 3rd . Other good performances came from Van Boxtel and young Baddeley . O THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

Old Essendon -v- Old Trinity Some undisciplined acts from the visiting side handed the Bombers every opportunity and they obviously worked the ball to the right spots for their victory, kicking an impressive 12 goals from just 16 shots! The Ts lamented their poor conversion and the lack of flexibility after a couple of yellow cards were handed out. Better Ts players included Kenna, Webster and Kelly . Round 2 Wellers on the Macleay paddock will roll the Lions by 23 point s No joy just yet for the Rovers at The Boss . The visiting Bears should spoil the picnic by 3 goals. OMs versus Hoers is the Game of the Week with oval 1 seeing the brown 'ri whites sneaking home by 8 points. Rupertswood will come to Bulleen, keen for OTs scalp, and won't be disappointed with a 16-point victory . Finally the Sharks host the Bombers and will register an upset by 4 sausage rolls . Section Three AJAX -v- MHSOB

As expected, the Jackas saluted (albeit at Packer Reserve) and probably relished the tricky conditions. Their irresistible running game secured a'blowout' in the last term, when the Unicorns' defence leaked like a Timorese trawler . Team Lewis and Wollner were on fire for the Jackas, and the High Boys are probably hoping for more Gold performances. Old Paradians -v- Oakleigh Long trip there, even longer trip back, as the OPs rolled out the carpet for the Krushers who were led by Lamb and Vitagliano . Mind you, perhaps the Paradians should have won by more when finishing so strongly . Coach Spinoso would be happy with the Euro-connnection in Berthet, Bugeja, Girovski . Four points in the knapsack, and onto next week . Monash Blues -v- St Bedes Menton e

Down at the Frearson it was not a pretty sight as the Ashes went walkabout on mid-semester break and the Tigers handed out a mauling . For Monash, Cruckshank, Hindle and Fyfe can hold their heads high but the miserly SBMT back-line provided the cornerstone of a 91-point hiding with Sawyers, Knowles and Griffith on song . Uni Blacks -v- Old Carey I tipped a close one, and finally someone chose to prove me correct. A very handy win in a tight, lowscoring affair. Unfortunately for the Carey boys, it was the Blacks who outlasted them to the finish to bag the chocolates . Bell's 3 goals proved critical, and Goonan was strong all day . Better C's players included Niven, Stocco and Joslin . Therry Penola -v- Whitefriars Andy Dalrymple's Friars happily sit atop Section 3 after a resounding victory over Therry . If the game wasn't quite over at quarter time, it was certainly pronounced dead by the half. Emile Abdallah (7 snags) reigned supreme in front of the big sticks, Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

and had great support from Stafford & Hogan . With Nick Crowe hauling down grab after grab, the Therry forwards were left out in the cold . Leach, Tomachio and Skiathitis worked hard in tough circumstances . Round 2 Jackas to make it two from two over the Krushers by 3 goal s Parade will hope to charter a Virgin flight (no carbo loading permitted!) to St BedesMT, but will come away empty handed as the Tigers prevail by 6 twins . Carey to be "back in town" at the Blues' expense, a lazy 38 point win coming up . Friars versus Blacks is Match of the Day with the home side to steal a 7 point thriller. The Unicorns should have it easier this week against the Lions, winning by 15 points . Continued Page 5 6

TODAY'S MATCHES UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Bernards v Old Xaverians Old Scotch v St Kevin s De La Salle v University Blues Caulfield Gr v Old Brighton Marcellin v Werribee Amateurs UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Camberwell v Collegians Hampton Rovers v Banyule Viewbank Old Melburnians v Old Ivanhoe Old Trinity v Rupertswood Beaumaris v Old Essendon G r UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Oakleigh v AJAX St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Paradians Old Carey v Monash Blues Whitefriars v University Blacks to be played at Domeney's Reserve, Knee s Road, Park Orchards (35 E9) MHSOB v Therry Penola 0 B UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE De La Salle (2) v South Melbourne Districts Peninsula OB v Oakleigh Clays

Emmaus St Leos OC - bye Mazenod OC v St Johns OC at 1 .30 p .m. Ormond v Bentleigh UNDER-19 (2) RE D North Old Boys - bye Old Westbourne v Bulleen Templestowe Old Xaverians (2) v La Trobe Uni Fitzroy Reds v Rupertswood (2 )

UHS-VU/St Bernards/ v Aquinas OC at St . Bernards, 11 ?30 a .m . 49

DID %AVFRiANS 1 3 4 .5 5.5 8 .7 (55) MARCEII iN 2 .0 5 .3 13.4 15 .5 (95) Old Rav: Fitzgerald 2 Pyle 2 Ryan 2 Sheerly Moylan Best Chapman Gidley Fitzgerald Agius Larkins Forrest Ma+Mn+n: J Bortolot)n 3 Considine 3 Fraser 2 McMahon 2 Carlson 2 Angeluccl 2 Wadsworth Best Papeluca M Bortolotto Carlson Nutbean Fanelly Frase r

Umpires: Matthew Goold Tom Wtrndlow (F) Michael ODormeRJarlc Regesfa (G) ST KEVINS 6 .0 11 .12 16.8 20 .12 (132) ST BFRNARDS 4.3 10 .7 12.7 15.10 (160) SHOB: Mount 5 Wissell 4 Lynch 3 Dowd 2 Mios 2 Memouriou 2 Ryan M Sullivan Best Dowd Ryan M Sullivan 0'Hanlow Wtssell Mount St Baa : Kavanagh 3 Gourlay 2 Perason 2 Pitts 2 Johnson Maggiore Mitchell Oxerriard Walsh Stapleton Best Evans Buis Johnson Salvadari Walsh Ryan Umpires: Luke Duthie AndnwShiels (F) Rob MaystonJnrJordan Mayston (B) UM BLUES 1 .2 4 .5 6.11 13.13 (91) 4.3 5 .4 7.9 9.10 (64) OLD SCOTCH URi Shim- ShutUewoRh 4 Robinson 3 Tomey 2 Marshall Muir Heinz Dods Best Shaughnessy Shuttleworth Robinson Muir Noithway Heinz Old Scotch. Pappas 3 Bull 2 Snaddon 2 Allen McKenna Best : Jonas Bull LiDey Pearce Snaddon Porter Umpires . Brian Woodhead Peter Angelis (F) OLD BRIGHTON 2.4 2 .4 2.4 . 2.4(16) DE IA SNUE 3.3 9.6 15.8 19.13 (127) Old Brlghton: FIlipovic Kennedy Best Joseph Moon Duncan Edge Salem Davey DIS: Rayson 7 Hancodt 5 Browning 2 Smith 2 DemiwH 1 Shields 1 Pitcher 1 Best Rayson Kouess Quick Janus Pitcher Sheilds Umpires : David Hegan PIS) Paul Rapke (F) Daniel Haysom Kyle Mankey (G) WERRi6PE 16.8 19.12 24.15 (159) 10.2 CAUIFIEID GRAafXARfANC 0.2 1 .2 2.3 6.5(41) Wenlbee: D Lee 7 C Lee 4 Miller 3 Russo 2 Andrews 2 Taylor 2 Panilington New Ballan Gatti Best Addamo McNally Russo D Lee C Lee Chalmers Caui6etd : Murphy 2 Cater DAay Jennings Logan Best Strain ltalaja Weame Murphy Edwards May

Umpires : Joe Bolzonello (F) UNDER-19 SECTION 2 COrjF+`-rANS 3.1 4.11 4.13 5.15 (45) BBAIIMARIS 5.3 6.3 10.11 10.14 (74) COIL Jorgensen Robertson Moon Parrent Rowstan Best Williams Lynch Ashman Rowstan Moon Rice Beaum: Berry 3 Clemente 2 Hill 2 Quirk Evans Murphy Best Berry Evans Heath Wad Boreham Quir k


Umpires: Frank Kavanagh Jack Fagan (E] Anthony vaiolpoulos (B) Symeon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G) BANYU[UVILWBANH 2.0 4.4 5.6 9.9(63) OID CAMBPmIVtdl, 4.5 6.6 10.9 15.13 (103) Banyule-VlewbanlL Crimmins 2 Dimek 2 Gutterson 2 Christian Toull Tstngacis Best Toull Christian Kayrooz Lards Pesavento Guttecson Old Camberwell: Tolson 5 Payne 2 Cottrell 2 MelzerTucker Hill Sdola Davis Best : McGuigan Tolson Morley Hillier Tucker Taylor

Umpires : Jason Lane Josh White-Spier (F) Thomas Wischer Michael Hairier (B) OLD IVANHOE: 3.3 6.9 10.13 19.17 (131) HAMPTON ROVERS 1.2 2.2 4.3 5 .3(331 Old Ivanhoe: Keane 6Bu0er 4Fenantino 4 Harrison Minas Uljans Clarke Reynard Best Keane Butler Ferrantino Britten Clarke Foster Hampton Rovers: Cannell Chiarda Malthouse Odtl Rootsey Best Williams Suleymarn Chiarzia Nicholls Kobayashi Zampiaglione

Umpires: Brian Nunn (F) RUPFdCfSWOOD 6.6 7.7 7.7 9 .9(63) OLD )!ffiBURNIANB 1.1 7.4 9.8 12 .12 (84) RnpatsWood : Mansion 2 Bishop 2 Plummer 2 Harrison Vanboxtel Dowsett Best: Menzel Hummer Bishop Vanboxtel Baddeley Morrison Spinner Old Men+++rn+^na• Armstrong 4 Moffatt 4 Dkk 2 Con T Parmapix Best Armstrong Moffatt Osmond Cudllpp Schivo Hardy

Umpires. Miles Argall ( M ' OID ESSENIDON GR 3.2 52 11 .3 12 .4 (76) OLD 1RIN11Y 1.2 4 .6 4.8 9.13 (67) Old FaemdoR: Campanella 3 Mitchell 2 7ammit 2 Towner 2 Dazldw 2 Camm Bones Best Canun Bones Dazkfiv Dom CeranlnNo Phillips TZ Old TdRity : Not available

Umpires: Geoffrey Deveson (F) Michael Isbister (G) UNDER-19 SSC110N 3 AJAX 3 .1 9.1 12.4 19 .10 (124) ElSiSOB 3 .5 5 .8 7.8 8.9(57) AJAB: A Bustin 4 Peters 4 Goldstein 3 Chester 2 Ezeldel 2 Goldman Kagan G Lewis Nankin Best Wollner A Lewis Nankin G Lewis Chester Goldstein MHSOB: McGacth 2 Anderson 2 Edwards 2 Mitchell Biddit-igton Best:


McGarth Edwards Gold Anderso n Umpires. Anthony Iitley (P) Ben Bracken Sam Gent (B ) OLD PARADIANS 1 .4 3.7 3.10 7.13 (55) OAffiFdGH 1 .4 2.7 5.8 6.9(45) Old Peredlans: Whyley 3 Giddings 2 Holden Luff Best: Berthet Bugeja Girovsld D Richardson Giddings Rehlidd Oetldglt: Lamb 3 Lat.ianare 2 Hogan Best Lamb Hogan Wills Vitagllano G Bennett Rowan

Umpires: Eli Hayes Nicholas Brown (1) Perim Brawn Julian Macrioni (B) MONASH BLUES 0 .0 0.3 2.3 2.3(15) Sr BFDFS BE" TIGERS 4 .3 6.6 9.12 15.16 (106) Monash: McDonald Ccudcshank Best Glover Cruckshmrk Hindle Pyle, Leviston Philips St Bedes: Griffith 4 Kelly 2 Marks Maddods Knowles Porter Sawyers McMurmy Paterson Dowling Best: Sawyers Knowles Griffith Waters Porte r Umpires: Tom Haysom Scott Fraser (F) Sam Perrin (G) UNIVERSL1Y BLACKS 3 .1 6.3 7.4 7.5(47) OLD CAREY 0.1 2.2 5.4 6.5(41) Uni Blacke: Bell 3 Scheeltngs 2 Howson Whale Best B Goonan H Barlow Van Dyk Bell Whale D Barlow Old Carry:. Evans 2 Joslin Smith OBrien Carpenter Best Locock Niven Parker Stocco Evans Josli n Umphes: Dean Banova Bnmo Sari (Ff '1HERRY PM01A 0.0 0.5 0.11 0.13 (13) W161FFRiARS 8.4 11 .7 12.10 20.14 (134) 1Leay : Best Leach Reynolds Guy Owen Tomachio SldaOlltis WMtetiiare: Aha➢ ah 7 Woods 3 Fullton 2 Daow 2 Paproth 2 Pelosi I Stafford I Rrolikowski 1 Mattinson 1 Best; Cron Stafford Alxla ➢ah Hogan Pellosi Senez

Umpiree : David Wmdlow Patrick Coulthard (6] Adrian Borg (B ) UNDER-19 (2) BLUE SOU'1H MPdB DISTRICTS 6.7 9.10 14.10 19.14 (128) ORMOND 1 .1 7.3 10.5 12.7 (79) Umpires:- David from (F ) OAHIFdGH CLAYS 6.5 9.10 11.18 15 .20 (110) DE 1A. SAiIE (2) 2.1 4.4 5.7 9.12 (66) oaldeW Nasrallah 9 Laavmkls 2 BWtho Walsh DennehySalerno Best Sotoulis BlHtho Konis Lazaralds Mesley Nasrallah D13 (2): Davis 2 Murphy 2 Fisher Howard McKenzie O'Brien 9uaran Best Silver Murphy Hocking Keaney MdSeinleGri®n Umpires: Nick Ryde Brett Herskope (F] Michael Ryde Will Stokes (B) PENINSULA 0 B HAS THE BYE

ST JOHNS 0.5 2.7 3.10 5.13 (43) Fa/MAUS ST LEO'S 1 .5 2.9 4.14 7.15 (57) St Johne: Ryan 2 Magee Homan Peake Best Roberts Hall Penry Kosmala Callery Bastone Emmaus: Dec Robin Baranello Ford Eduat Croughan D'Amioo Best: Baranello DAmico Ford Robin Waterman Stafford Umpires: Awl WelcseLnan Mark Jenkins (F) BFR17FdGH 6.4 11.10 14.13 25.17 (167) MA7FdVOD 3.0 5.1 9.2 10.3 (63) Bent: Ridgeway 4 Wright 3 Davies 2 Rahilly 2 Sticker 2 Quinn 2 West 2 BrieOneuz 2 McCellan Tehenepe Smith Convery Hohnesby Kuzma Best Davies Hcmna Mehan Rossi Rahilly Convery Main Kavanagh 2 Reed 2 Coughey Lambert Power Sauter Stanley Weelces Best Power Weekes Kavanagh Sauter Coughey Ross

Umplrea: Dianne Whiteley Mitch Buxton (F] Jessica Rollo Andrea Mason (B) UNDER-19 (2) RED BUIIHN'1FMPfES1'OWE 0.0 2.2 3.5 6.6(42) NORTH OLD BOYS 22 5.7 10.10 14.13 (97) Bull Temp: P Voglis 3 Thompson Lee M Austen Best: Tnemayne Coulston P Voglis Tekin T Austen T Lee NOB: Saad 5 White Keenan 2 Ives ONalloran O'Connor Norton Allan Best O'Connor Leahy O'Halloran White Fanning Heenan Umpires:- Joe Hartwig (F7 Alex Koutsoulds Blake Curtis (8 ) IA TROBE UNIVERSITY 5.6 10.13 15 .15 20.20 (140) OLD WESTBOURNE 0.0 0.0 0 .1 0 .2(2) La 1YoLe: Redmond 5 Lambert 3 Robertson 2 Bonelll 2 Clough 2 Lancester Millar Cleeliand Vella Wood Whitehead Best Wood Cleeland Redmond Lambert Lancester Old WesfLomne : NQ, Best R6mn Hudson Whiting Tang Dunn Umpires: Sean Scully Luke Heatheote pa Trobe) (F)

R1IPERTSWOOD (2) 9 .14 (68) OLD %AVFdtLiNS (2) 4 .14 (38) Ruperts: Pretty 3 D Barry 2 House 2 Smith Gibbs Best Barry Kiplock Arthmson Pretty House Smith Old Rav Not roceived . Umpires: John Wilson (Poipertswoad) Kevin Quinn (lhupertswood) (F) F117ROY REDS 2 .7 8 .17 12.22 21.30 (156) AQUINAS 1 .1 2 .2 5.6 5 .7(37) Umpires: Tony Gnecson (Aqu'has) Greg Box (Fitz Reds) (F7 Michael Neely (B )


Under-19 - Section 1 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 1 Noblett T 2 Weame J DVC 3 Murphy C Ca 4 Buckthought D 5 Hammond T 6 Hammond C DVC 7 Rudd W VC 8 Jennings S g Edwards N to Winter G 11 Evans R 12 Goodwin-Doming S 13 Strain A 14 Lill C 15 Andrew T 16 May C 17 Alibrando A 18 Kearsley J 19 PiBS J 20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W 22 Patterson A 23 D'Arcy ZVC 24 Benkemoun M 25 Fagan T 26 Kalaja E 28 NidAos M 31 Garrood S 33 Logan A 39 Cater B 42 Sundberg M 45 Acfield B



Coach : David Madigan Asst: Scott Jones 1 M Sheehan 2 R Quick 3 M Feldsen 4 E Browning 4 N Hart 5 M Clinch 6 S Meehan 7 D Keely 8 V Moloney 9 B Vague 10 N Smith 11 R Hancock 12 S Conway 13 L Bowden 14 D Lowther 14 M Hayes 15 S Smythe 16 J Adams 18 L Williams 20 D Drobric 20 J Hassell 22 T Donegan 23 S Ferwerda 24 J Gilchrist 27 L O'Donnell 28 L Jarvis 29 M Nankervis (C) 39 B Oakley (DVC) 46 A Skinns (VC) 53 D Browning

Coach : Dean Rossely 1 . T Money 2 . A Papaluca 3 . J Carlson 4 . J Mahon 5 . J Bortolotto 6 . S Considin e 7 . M Gorgovsk i B . A Layton 9. C Nikolakopoulos 10 . J Williams 11 . S Farelly 12. D Valsorda 13. A Power 14. R Davis 15. S Tandridge 1 . B Ran 17. SNulbean 18. C Purcell 19. J Crapper 20. P Deluca 21 . P Robbins 22. D Carolan 23. A Ceccomancini 24. A McGlin 25 . D McMahon 26 . S Preece 27 . J McPadand 28 . C Cogdon 29 . D Fraser 30 . R Redmond Yarra Valley Y Country }'

Club - Bulleen


Coach : Luke Stewart 1 Bartlett M 2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A 5 Christie J 6 Cooney S 7 Doherty R 8 Duncan S 9 Edge J 10 Fielke G 11 Filipovic L 12 Gdgio A 13 GuBerd e T 14 HubbarS d S 15 Jackson L 16 Joseph R 17 Kennedy A 18 Kennet T 19 Latta R 20 Leaf J 21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 May M 24 McDonald L 25 Mooney B 26 Newman M 27 Overend E 28 Par kes M 29 Pascad J 30 Pomeroy x 31 Reincke T 32 Salem J C 33 Sheehan 34 Stenner N 35 Toll C 36 Tregear A


OLD XAVERUUIS (1 & 2) Coach U19(1) : Adam Sassi Coach U19(2) : TBA


5 Rubim E 6 Kenfield M 7 Freer s 8 McDonnell J 9 R an T 10 HuOtett S 11 Bourke R

4 Walsh M 5 Hughes J 6 Buis 7 Liberatore C 8 Matthews S 9 Evans D 10 Garth B

13 Gi nnNan L ~ 14 Roache M

i5 C~ormrari N

17 Chapman P 18 Scanlan M(C) 19 Mart in J 20 Meehan D 21 Nolan C 22 Silva9ni R 23 FrencT R 24 Purss C 25 Rowe L 26 O'Hanlon M 27 Purcell P 28 Whrte J 29 Adams S

S 3o Vaughan Rvan q 31

Mclnemey T 33 Ford D 34 Quinn D 35 Agws J 36 Rees D 37 Runco R 38 MeMn-Smi81 J 39 Ryan S 40


0 Hanlon M

Fusinato R

42 Sinbley M 43 Cordgan T

45 T ovato M 4

6 47 SikleO 48 Nadinic A 49 L ch T

50 G~ieslerP

51 Bo by J 52 ButlerTJ vA 53 Faithful A 54 PageA 34 Stenner Nathan 36 TregearAdam 35 Toll Chri s

Coach : Richard Obee

2 Hurley D 3Pift B

11 Marlon A 12 Runnals B


13 De Carnpo M 14 Pearson T 15 Joseph G 16 Ozenford P 17 Demorton L 18 Maggiore M 19 Keogh P

20 Rogers C 21 Whelan T A 22 Mitchell 23 lanazzo D 24 Gourley M 25 Govan C 28 Mag pasqua F

1 . J Maher 2. T.OTOOle

1 . G. Muir 2. D. Marshall

3. LGiansiracusa (VC) 4. S.Sexton 6. D. McBrid e

3. P. David 4. M . Dwyer

7. R.Taylor 8. S. Landers 9. LSyme

6. L Couper 7. C. Bradley 8. B. Gin

9. J. Westmore

11 . J.Uston

10 . J. Bunkle

15 . M.Vero

16 . A.Callander 17 . M.Welsh 18 . M. Drinkwater

19. C .Underwood (VC) C 20 . W.Dunn

21 . D .Petrou 22. A .Lynch 23. C.Tancredi 25. A .Mulkearns

27 Watts R

26. M .Shannon

28 Lancashire D 29 Stapleton J 30 Prendi E 31 SaNadori M

30. P.GhOUgassian 32. B .Hughes

32 Bergin S

33 Mcmurtrie D 34 Legudi B

35 Ryan B 36 Mcdermon C

37 Angel J 38 Loverso a

39 Kavanagh A 40 Farrell C 41 Crow S 42 Lyle R 43 Oconnor D 45 Johnson B 50 Schroder R

33. S .O'Connor 34. J.O'Keefe 37. H Powel l 39. N.Pope

40. D.Mount 43 . W.Gullrfer(DVC) ' SIMPSON CONSTRUCTION Quadric

4 T euliy 5 e Lille y 6 SAinger 7 LArmstrong 8 B Snaddo n 9 M Szakie l 10 T Harkness 11 N Allen 12 ATesdorph 13 S Pappas 14 M Giulie d 15 P McKenna 18 E Betrouney 17 A Wallace SmiBr

18 AFekete 19 T Gaunt 20 M Homage 21 W~Ce 23 MCathi e 24 J Porte r

25 A W Suthedand 26 LTalbot

2e H S oieks 29 J Brownel l 30 A Boffa 31 J Cade 32 R Gerstman 33 C BaG`rna" 34 J Williams

36 S Elde r 37 R Hocking 38 M Lin 38 H Peters 39 E Cruickshan k 41 R Dumares q 42 S McMurtri e 43 S Shields 44 E Waters 45 E Beau re paire 48 D Beattie

WERRIBEE Coach : Fab Gatti 30. M. Palmington 31 . J . O'Brien 32. C . Lee

33. N . Renault

5. A. Farrell

10 . L Gullifer 12 . C.Taylor (DVC) 13 . N .Hutton 14 . AHamihon (Capt)

1 B Nickless 2 K~9M

48 D McIntosh 49 TGraham

Coach: David Law

1 O'MearaT 2 Trescowthick J 3 Mont mer S

4 ArmsongA



Coach: Bruce Armstrong Asst Coach: Mike Smith

11 . M. Shaughnessy (VC) 12 . T Sallfa 13 . J . Hummel 14 . R . Hage 15 . W. Robinson 16 . M. Dods 17 . C . Norfhway (DVC)

18. T. Conn 19. D . Heinz (Capt) 20.T.MaddOcks 21 . R . Minns 22. N . Shuttleworth 23. N . Burchell 24. H . Rankin 25. J. Sundermann 26. D. Hill 27. W. Bright

yt D. Bunworth 35. P. Chalmers 36. T. Andrews 37 . R. Barker 38 . Josh Russo

39 . L Gatti 40 . S . Bianco

41 . B . Stomebrin k 42 . A. McNally 43 . B . Black 44 . M . McDonal d 45 . R. Mentha 46. P. Cassin

47. B. Prismal l

48. L Gatti 49. N. Addamd

50. N. Renau l 51 . D. Lee

52. Justin Russo 53. P. Keog h 54. B. Black 55. A. Cain 56. S. Smith 57. M . Mille r 58. P. Spry

28. M . Tomey NC ) 29. L Woodhouse (DVC)

31 . J . Tanner 32

30. N. Vandenbosc h 31 . J. Green 32 . K. Marto 33 . C. Ross

33 35 R. Meniha

47. S. Simpson 68• B. McMahon

34 . C. Haines 35 . W. Hughe s 36 . M. Carolan 37 . S. Anderson 38 . J. Gree n





Under-19 - Section 2 BANYULE-VIEWBANK Coach : Phiv Demetriou I Wenke. Z 2 Brodnvell, J 3 Mo3ovem, A 4 ~ P

5 Brown, A 6 Morgan , M(C .) 7 Moore' R 8 Rgler' J 9 Chr stian, i M(V.C.) 10 stawopdous, C

11 Commins,J 1 z PoyseG J 13 Park, D


Coach: Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry 2. S. Hoult 3. L. Quirk 4. L. Hill 5. D. Wall (DVC) 6. M . Bramwell 7. P. Irons 8. A. Clemente 9. M . Wilson © 10. S . Vpond 11 . J . Tomlin 14. P. Berry (VC)


HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Michael Blake

3 S.Johnson 4 B. Hillier 5 B. Mood y

C. Christianson D. Clarke J. Corbett B. Davies

6 C. Ro ers 7 T. Gos ing . Vince sJ

9 L. McDermott

10 B . Cottrell 11 W. Robinson 12 D. Bruc e 13 D. Middleton

8 G . Giasoumi

9 S.Gravina 10 J. Hills, 11 D. Hughes

23 Spicer• J 24 Bonomley ,A (v.C.) 25 Touu, S 26 Pesavento, 8 27 Kayrooz, D 28 Skidro, C

16. D. MurPhy 17. C. Evans (VC) 18 . M . Imlach 20 . J . Atkins 21 . T. Shugg 22 . T. Boreham 23 . K . Bleisner 25 . B . Bowker 26 . J .' Heath 29 . T. Waller 33 . D . Couples 34 . D . Taylor 35 . J . Starke 36 . P. Ghys

12 L. Jones 13 T. Keogh 14 Y. Kobayashi 15 T. Malthouse 16 G. Marlyn 17 J . McNamara 18 I . Nicholls 19 D. O'Brien 20 N .Oriti 21 N . Pinto 22 T. Porter 23 24 T. Rootse y

29 SwAt, J

37 . C . Terpsenis

25 K . Rubtsov

30 O'Rourke, P 3t Depetro. M 32 ounst«re, J 33 Herbert D 34 Shepherd ,T

38 . L. Mead 42 . J. Edmead es 49 . M. Caims 52 . J. Dickie

26 L Smith 27 S . Suleyman 28 M. Westhead 29 D . Williams

22 Tsingaris, J (C.)

1 H. Bradshaw 2 L. Weave r

3 J. Chiarizia

15. B . Norris

14 lardo, MN~C ) 15 O'Donnell, L 16 Gutterson, R 17 Stavropdous,A 18 Wise. T 19 Dimeck, B 20 McLean, D 21 Hdmes,M

Coach : Anson Brownless

1 G . Cannell 2 L. Cave 4 5 6 7

0 z



14 D. Ramsa y 15 M . Shanks

17 D . Clyne 18 D . Hanson 19 G. Alessi o 20 C . Birrel l 22 M . Westma n 23 L. Taylor 24 C . Hendrie 30 C . Payne 33 S. Peasnell 34 J. Hedley 35 A. Peacock 36 T. Chase 37 G. Hanson 38 L. Heffernan 40 T. Scott •


30 B. Wright

35 Jones, J 36 Buckley, C 37 Shepherd, D


38 Wdght.R 39 McIntosh i 40 Blayney, P



Coach: Shane Harvey-Llttle Team Manager. Graeme Wilfialrlso n 1 F. Ktenas 2 N. Tait 3 J. Dazkiw 4 C. Heritage 5 W. Nunlist s S. Dawso n 7 T. Biggs 8 E. Baskan 9 D. M ezo 10 H. Leury 1t J. Duggan 12 J.Harewood 13 L Bones 14 D. Cerantonio 15 S. Clinnick 16 S. Wade




Coach : Dean Peters 2 Day M 3 Walsh T 4 Bilwani A

6 Petdro J 7 Kenna J C/C 8 Dickenson A V/C 9 Miers M

12 Stebbins N


13 Webster J C/C Mill L d

14 Burgess M ii

15 Simmons H 16 Stewart F 17 Lamb T 18 Herrod T 19 Baylis M 20 Medland A 21 Hook A 22 Oldfield T 23 Burke A 24 Lazzarott o A


17 M . Trevaskis

18 L. Ballinghr 19 P. Rankin 20 J. Mansour


21 R. Baddeley 22 A castan ga 23 M . Shaw 24 C .B urke 25 P. May

26 L Cagliarini 27 M. Kin g 28 T. Wilson



25 Burke M

29 J . Stormont 30 S . Morfesse 31 32 33 34 35 36 37



N . Foot D . Nankervis D .Hardy



T. Rumble

J . Phillips C .Leech M. Schappacher


26 S tockdale C 27 Neville A 28 Butler K 31 de Bruin S

32 Hore-Lacy A 45 Kelly B

38 A Chdstou 39 R . Anarnou 40 L. Edgar 41 C . Bevans 42 J. Ure n 43 A. Canning

44 J. Francis










Under-19 - Section 3 AJAX

Coach: Gary Bluszteln G. Lewis

2. J . Fayman 3 J . Karp 5. J . Givoni 6. M. Chester 7; D . Blankfield 8. J . Feldy 9. E. Roitma n 11 . A. Ezekial 12. D . Raleigh 15. A Goldstein


Coach : Brad James




Coach : Jon Edgar Res : James Shad y

Coach : Mick Holden

Coach: Craig Williams

1 J Aitken

1 Wills D

1 . T. Wilkins

n 3 D Pinwil

2 Counihan D 3 Nahas R

2. N . O'Brien 3. J. Davy

4 Costigan D

4. J. Carpenter

2 M Brai

3 A Van Rooyen 4 T Schocker 3 S Whittington 4 B Gevau x 5 G Blau

5 Jordan M 6 Cleary D 7 Lamb C 8 Torcasio G 9 Groake C

2 R Reladnn g 14 P McGrath 13 Membrey

11 Aidone S 12 Vitagliano G

6. A. Sheddon 7. A. Smith 9. J. Phelps 10. C . Laidlaw 11 . A. Newhouse 14. M. Cornwel l 15. A. Thompson

16 A

13 Rowan L

19. T. Lowcock

14 Bennett G

21 . K. Parker

15 Holden E

22. T. Evans

19. N . Rottenberg 20. A. Wolner

jg R Newland 19 S Foley 20 j Dunne 22 PR Greenhill

16 White S 17 Briggs S

25. P. Morey 27. J. Choon g

21 . A. Chrapot

23 A Hogan

18 Doyle M 19 Bray J

29. J. Josli n 31 . S. Mead 33. L. McKinnon 44 D . Stocko 90. M. Bessant

16. A. Lewis

17. A Bustin 18. B. Lukav

22. M. vary 23. R . Lewis 24. D . Bustin 25. R . Kagan 26. B. Nanki n 27. G . Measey 28. R . Spilberg 29. J. Goldman 33. M. Butt 34. L Peters

6 T Biddington 7 D Gol d 8 R Tomes 9 J Mathew 10 C Eva 11 D Kemp

23 S Mitchell 24 M Avra m 24 K Harding



20 West P

25 R Whitehous e 26 A Edwards 26 M Van Alphen 27 R Osidacz 27 T Middleton

21 Briggs J(Capt)

22 Fitzgerald T

2g M Hm' a il(on-Ho 29 S Sinha

Major Sponsors

23 Poundgow 24 Barrand 25 Ldianara 26 Page 27 Middlemiss 28 Caillery 29 Manning


30 Thornton


FEYB'qvCA;~ff362S GVP Fabricators All Home Loans New Order Clothing

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Mark Spiflosc 2. D Caple

3. B Clark

4. D Malone 5. M Mitchell 6. D Giddings

7. S Lull

8. D Richardson 10 . A DiFahio 11 . R Ryan

12 . M Irene

13 . S Mahe r 14 . PTurner 15 . S Egan 16 . D Watt s 17 . S Graham 18 . T Girovski 20 . A McLaughlin 21 . D Kahriski s 23 . A Smih 25 . S Rehlicki 27 . M Dri 29 . G Vince m 30 . D Dea n 36' R Yllano 40 . M Hyde (C) 48 . A Elliott

ST BEDES/MENTONE Coach : Glen Alford



Coach: Greg Campbell

Coach : Tom Purcell


Coach: Andy Dalrymple Asst. Coach: Bryan Stag g

1 Laver T 2 Maddocks J 3 McConnell K 4 Flavelle L 5 Lynch D 6 Ritchie E 7 Lawler M 8 Parker W 1 0 Kelly L 11 Griffrth M 12 Marks J 14 McMurray L 17 Day B 18 Porter D 19 Paterson A 20 McNeil J

1 Corrigan B 2 Betsey J (vc)

12 Leach S

19 K Paproth

21 Ferraro D

13 Dooley J

~~ulWel M 23 Lynch J 24 Tyquin J 25 Schwarze B 26 Sewers A 27 Waters D 28 Dowling M 29 Knowles A 30 McGetfigan M 31 Worsnop N 32 McCallum J 33 O'Reilly P

14 Fenton J 15 Owen B

20 H Vince 21 C Krolikowski 22 J Tartaglia 24 A Walsh 25 C Pelosi 26 K Walker 27 H Fulton 28 L Hamblin 29 A Deveson 30 R Matbnson 31 P Stag g 32 L Kaldor

34 Lambert C

35 Wright B 36 Terrell J 37 Hunter J 38 Gilmore 6 39 Heys J 40 McGet6gan P 41 O'Gonnan M 42 Scholes M

43 Serofim L 55 Rouillion L

1 E Abdallah 3 G Day 5 A Woods 6 T Maher 7 J Hogan (C) 8 R Maher 9 J Daou 11 B SYaiford 12 C Arlhurson 13 C Lucarell i 14 A Kertez 16 N Crowe (VC)

3 Turner S 4 Skiathitis R

5 Morris B 6 Hermes J 7 BowCOck B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J

17 A Adlemi s

11 Sheppard T

18 K Leski

16 Farrelly M 17 Slawitschka J 18 Badenhope M 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C(C) 21 Brosnan J

22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 24 Faroldi M 27 Gunawardena I


29 Heane R 32 Cooper J



33 Freckleton J 40 Brosnan J


•~•~ ~ ~

811t~89S . .. ... .. ..



Under-19 - Section BLU E BENTLEIGH Coach : Mick Lee

DE LA SALL E (GOLD) Coach: Rob Smith

2 3 D Howard 45 N Hart

1 R Dolman 2 R Heywood 3 0 Lewis 4 J D'088y 5 T Ridgway 6 J Roberts 7 S Holmesby 8 B Hold en

6 M Sheehan 7 L Casey 9 M Hayes 9 J McKenzie 10 D Thompson

9 D Wild

12 S Crowe

10 D Fogarty 11 J Rahilly

12 L Casey 14 E Browning 19AHillier 19 W Ouaran 20 B Pedula 21 K Higgins 23 J Hennessy

12 T Wright

14 M Wilson 15 D Straker 16 K Pereira 17 18 P Breitkreuz 19 S Nicholson 20 21 R Turner 22 B McLellan 23 S Corrigan

25 N Salvatore 26 T Krotofil 30 B Tiso, B 34 35 47 S Wright 52 M. McLellan

MAZENOD Coach: Shane Regan 1 M Bertone 2 N Bradley 3 S Castrtcum 4 D Caughey 5 ACiavarella

6BG~~ 7 costin 8 M Cummins 9 W Evans to D Grantham 11 J Hendry 12 D Hensmen

13 PJohnson 14 J Kavanagh 15 J Lambert 1s S Mann 17 J Mather

18 D Micallef 19 S Moran

26 DMcLeod 27 B Raisbeck

20 ANorman

28 B Walton 30

22 M Pecora

30 M Nixon

24 D Regan

33 J McCluskey 35 C Howard 35 T Robson

41 D Thompson 42 L Fisher 46 K Smyth 47 J Greaterorex 52 M Griffin 53 J Casey

21 D Nutting 23 D Power

Coach: Neil Franks

~ P~~ 29 S Stanley

30 T Steinfort 31 W Vandergert

32 A Weekes 33 A Wckremasinghe 34 A W nstanley

ST. JOHNS OC 1 K Arnold 2 D Homan

20 C . Matthews

15 M Kosmala

21 H . Nestor 22 W Mill er

23 J . Rhodes 25 S .Jay(dvc) 26 J. Murphy

27 J. Gray

28 S . Patching 29 B . Pritchard

30 A. Velqens 32 R. Heggie

33 R.. S~FOrde 34 S



Coach : Peter Skinna


Coach: Michael Oate n

11 Nasr A 12 Onudu H

1 Ashley 2 Medcratt 3 Mitsios 4 Barnes 5 Brosnan 6 DeNatris 7 Black 8 Sayers 9 Jewell 1 0 Pincott It- Fisher


13 Evangelista J

1 Nassarallah E 2 Dennehy S 3 Konas A 4 Lazarakis C 5 Thornton S 6 Nussbaum S 7 loannidis S 8 Angus B 9 Rossenlis C 10 Ploaa A

12 Evans


14 Patuad F 15 Nevitt J 16 Walsh M 18 Mesley G

13 Haysom 14 Davis 15 Peel 16 Brosnan


20 Fredrickson J 21 Onudu K 22 Harold M

17 Clancy 18 Jewell


19 David 20 Machin 21 Jacobs 22 Dunne


25 Rabahi M


26 Janjic 27 Seng

V 28 Cook P 29 BiBho J

32 Ni D 33 Kurth S 34 Price J 35 Fletcher C 41 Antenucci J 42 Margetis 43 Taylor 44 Evangelista

1 S . Knobel (dvc) 2 M. Barron (vc) 3 R. Stainfor8r (C) 4 R. Sm'M 5 D. Smith 6 B. Mitchell 7 S. Cumming 8 P. Wgnall 9 A Law 10 D. Brenna n 11 M . Kenny 12 A. de Lange 13 L. Forster 14 L Cog hlan 15 J . Preston 16 C. O'Loughlin 17 J . Hocking

1e T. Madder 19 P. Dade-Be l

Coach: Gary Williams

23 Sofoulis M

25 E Roberts 26 B Row

54 B Meehan



24 Buckley


25 BogarBn 26 FotOpoulos 28 Harris 29 Kilmartin 34 Ramsay 44 Robbins




3 M Nelson 4 M Waters

5 Ja Beattie 6 M Hope 7 N Chal k 8 G D'olivera g R Dean

10 Da Crockford 11 H Nguye n



12 J Robinson 13 Ad Smit h 14 M Hanger 16 D O'conno r 17 C Carmody 1 g L Merchant 19 M Fumell

0 0

B g j

21 A Dexter 22 M Di Pietro 23 J Diaz 24 C Doming o 25 B Skinner 26 B Andrews 27 A Pant y 28 D Johnston 29 M Tooli s 30 P Jameson 43 M Phaedono s


Under-19 - Section RED AQUINAS Coach : Terry McEvoy





Coach : Cadell Duke

Coach : Tim Bell Asst: Tony Dullard

Coach : Zoran Colovic

Coaches: John Murph y Shaun Kelly 1 L Clarke 2 Y Seed 3 R Keenan 4 A Egan

8. A. Eccles

1 R . Astudillo 2 K BarnsJenkins

M W811 8 9 S Loonstra 10 M Dexter

9' D. Thomson 10. T Lee 11 . M. Voglis 12. D . McColl

4 J . Boyle 5 A Chiew 6 J . Chilcott

12 A Munchow

13. B. Tekin

7 J . Cooke

13 C Williams

14. 15. 16. 17. 18*

8 K Donato 9 J . Downie 10 C. Dullard 11 S . Edwards 12 S . Greenwood 13 N. Hart

6 S Hills 7

B Helme

Lobzcuk 17 M Adams 18 T Walsh 14 A


20 B Hardham 21 C Galliott 22 M Usser 24 C Cromer 50 A Failla 52 D White 61 D Jennings 66 AlGrghome 67 D Muir

68 B Pratt

7. S. Mountain

J . Newman S. Millar R . Tremayne P. Voglis B Moran

19. C .Lapadoula 20 . B. Lapadoula 22 . A. Benedchs

23 . A. Stavretis 24 . M. Meadows 26 . A. Georgakopoulos

27 . S . Hoysted 28 . M. Fitt 29 . M. Coulston 30 . P. Florence 32 . J . McDonal d 33 . P. Murch 34 . E . Odza 35 . M . Ramondetta 36 . A . Coulston 37 . J. Wolnizer 38 . M . Crooks 40. P. losifidis

41 . A. Smith 42. S Roussidis 43. D. Seraicco 45. M . Makin 46. P. Naidos 50. T. Auste n

OLD WESTBOURNE Coach : Peter Howarth I . G.Bartlett 2. FBertone 3. P.Hudson 4. J .While 5. D .Chan 6. M.Whding 7. B .Cole 8. D .Tang 9. T.WhNn g 10. J.Tanner 11 . S .IGng 12 . B.Whiting 13, ppotts 14 . M.Iskra 15 . AWoods 16 . G.Raon 17 . D .Taylor 18. D .Carruthers 19. C .Hudson 20. J .Newlan 21 . S .Ambelis 22. LSquarc i 23. J .Szatkowski 24. S .Staples 25. E .SaandsVOm 26.R.Naidu 27. LVeal


3 S. Bombed

14 D. Leicester

15 N. Leman 16 M. Louis-Gleeson 17 G. Marwn 18 K Maghamez

19 D. Mcphee 20 J. Mujanovic 21 W. Murray 22 G. Ozusen 23 N. Quick 24 J. Richardson

25 M . Rogers 26 D. Russell 27 D. Ryan


28 B' Scot 29 N. Shuttleworth 30 H. Topp 31 J. Violato 32 G. Williams 33 R. William s 34 J. Z.ieme r

20 ATomlinson 29 D .Paton 38 D .McKai l 60 N .UIPh 6 .MWhit ddeh e 6 72 T . R edmon 79 G.Norton

5 P Flanders

N .Beck

6 K Robertson 7 D White 8 K Norton 9 S Joyce

ABorrelli D.Brenna n E .Callaghan TGeeland J .Clough J'Danlels

10 S O'Connor

P.Davies B .De Bruin

T.Deveson C.Edward s G.Girdwood B.Hayes

a.Jonesng J KooPmans J.tambert

M,~ ~ H. Lancaster M .Lynch C.Maloney D.Mann R. Merrett H.Miller B.Parthenides TRobertson J.Rogerson

11 L Rabyy 12 J O'Rourke 13 J Rumbol d 14 R Leigh 15 N Lensen 16 P Gallivan 17 B O'Hallaran 18 B Francis 19 P Xhayeteux 20 C Rees

21 R Reeve 22 R Brennan 23 T Rintal a 24 C Pitkethly 25 T McMilan

35 M Me



Coach: U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain 1 O'Meara T 2 Trescowthick J 3 Montgomer S 4 ArmsUOng A 5 Rubira E 6 Kenfield M 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J T 90 Hou ett S 11 Bourke R 2 J 13 G~in~n'rvan L 14 Roache M 15 Barrett A 16 Corcoran N 17 Chapman P 18 Scanlan M (C) 19 Martin J 20 Meehan D 21 Nolan C 22 SiNagni R 23 French R 24 Purss C 25 Rowe L 26 O'H anlo n M 27 PurcelljP 28 White 29 Adams S 30 Vaughan S 31Rv an A 32 Mclnemey T 33 Ford D 34 Quinn D 35 Agius J 36 Rees D 37 Runco R 38 Melvin-Smith J 39 Ryan S 40 0 Hanlon M 41 Fusinato R 42 Stribley M 43 Corrigan T 44Kaine D 45 Trovato M 46 Gidley O 47 Silk N 48 Nadinic A 49Lynch T 50 Chester P 51 Bowlby J 52 BuOer N


53 Faithful A 54 Page A






From Page 49 Section Blu e Sth Meib -v- Ormond The South boys were challenged by Ormond up until three quarter time, with the margin still less than 5 goals at the last change . However, despite the best efforts of Chisholm (4 goals), Barnes, Denartis and Mitsios in the Monders defence, the Swans kicked away to record a healthy 49 point win . No details from South unfortunately . Oakleigh Clays -v- De La Salle (2) The Irish-sounding O'Clays scored a good first up win at the expense of De La (2) . I'm sure there was significant "scoreboard pressure" from Nasrallah (9 goals) and "dodging of would be tacklers" by Bilitho . In the end, a healthy 44 point margin . Despite the efforts of Silver and Griffin, it's back to the drawing board for Smithy's boys. St Johns -v- Emmaus St Leos No-one knew where the big sticks were out at Doveton on Saturday, but at was nip 'n' tuck all day . The Leos boys were a touch more desperate to grab a vital away victory by 14 points . Baranello & D'amico ensured there was no need to call the RSPCA whilst top JOCs were Roberts and Kosmala. Bentleigh -v- Mazeno d

The Demons thought they'd strolled onto the Recreation Ground in Antigua, their 14 goal-kickers racking up a cricket score! Everyone played well, but Davies & Mehan were supreme . The Nodders mustn't let this be the start of another quiet season, and will hope Power, Weekes & Coughey's example will rub off on the rest of the side . Round 2 De La will put in a better showing, but fall to the Swans by 23 points . Oakleigh make the trek down the highway but the Pirates should get off the mark by 2 majors. The Nodders will also show marked improvement against the JOCs but I'm sticking with the visitors by 44 points

The Monds at the Gunn are hard to knock over, but Bentleigh have the firepower to register a 28 point victory. The Animals are let loose from the paddock for a week's R'n'R Section Red Despite all the time off during the summer months and the major personnel and player changes at most clubs, little seems to have changed in section red, as Fitzroy and La Trobe continue to dominate the competition. La Trobe got off to a flier last round, overcoming a depleted Old Westbourne by 138 points . Redmond kicked five for the winners and Lambert three, with Wood, Cleeland and Lancaster amongst the best . The win will serve as a good morale-booster for an experienced La Trobe side, Colovic's boys sitting at the top of the ladder with a ridiculously high percentage .


North Old Boys secured an important away win in the season's opening round, leading all day against Bulleen-Templestowe to run out 55 point winners . Saad was prolific up forward kicking five, while Leahy and O'Halloran showed promising earlyseason form. In a hard fought encounter between the section's~ two second-strength sides, Rupertswood (2) defeated Old Xaverians(2) by 30 points. Setting up a winning lead in the third term, Rupertswood were too strong all around the ground, Barry and Pretty both recording 19 disposals, the latter also kicking three majors . Elsewhere St Bernards and UHS-VU, two expected opponents combined for the 2004 season due to a lack of numbers, while Fitzroy amassed fifty-one scoring shots in their 119 point win over Aquinas . This afternoon the combined UHS-VU/SBC side host Aquinas in the home team's first major hit out as a merged side. With a greater player pool to choose from, the home ground advantage, and the experience of not only two-time premiership coach Peter McBrearty but St Bernards' based John Fraser, things look promising for the combined side whose players were at one stage looking at the possibility of a season without football . However the recent announcement has meant little time for players to gel, and this may be the deciding factor in this afternoon's result. La Trobe will be looking to continue their good run of form when they travel to Victoria Park to meet Old Xaverians (2) . In soccer terminology Zoran Colovic s side kept a clean sheet last weekend, preventing their opposition from scoring a major all afternoon . This weekend it will be a tougher task to restrict the Xaverian forwards, but few could tip against a side with the greatest percentage out of any amateur side in any section . Impressive in their round one fixture, Fitzroy will start firm favourites against Rupertswood (2) who will struggle to contain the Red's dominating forward line. With few negatives being drawn from such a comprehensive victory last round, Fitzroy will look to amass an equally impressive score this round, an achievable task providing they kick a little more accurately . Finally Bulleen-Templestowe will aim to break a nineteen-month losing streak when they travel to Old Westbourne . Both teams are in search of a morale-lifting win, Bulleen favourites on last week's results. North Old Boys have the bye . CORRESPONDENTS Correspondence : Coaches, managers, players, umpires and supporters are all invited to submit matchday reports, statistics, views and opinions to camnation @ .au, by 5pm each Monday.

Fraser Cameron - Deadline for reports is 8am Tuesday, please fire them through to me at .au .


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SPORTSCOVER wearWit.a orobr





STH. MELB. DIST V Sr. JOHN OC - 6 .15p m

This Sun .


Next Fri .


Next Sat.


Next Sun . FIDA 7 MAY ELSTERNWICK V Sr . MARYS - 6.15pm

Results of Tribunal Hearings - April 20 . 2004 Micah Berry, Old Melburnians . Striking, 2 matches . George Psaltopoulis, Eley Park ( Club 18) . Failed to appear, 1 match. * Andrew Murray, Oakleigh . Charging, 2 matches . * Anthony Powell, Eley Park (Club 18) . Striking, 2 matches . * Accepted prescribed penalt y

FINES FINES - Round 1 LATE SCORES First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100) .



Rese rv es/C18 Seniors/1.119 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Nil Nil


Phoned incorrect scores Rd2


Nil NB: No fines will be issued for Rds 1& 2 of the 2004 VAFA Seaso n

O 2004 VAFA Tipping Competition o Roun d Rank



1 Total Score Out of Score Out of


Tom Brain


4 5

4 5



Andrew Wu


4 5

4 5


3 4 5

Ed Si ll Peter Wi ll amson Norm Nugent

D3 D2 Club XVIII

4 5 3 5 9 15

4 5 3 5 9 15

80% 60% 60%


Fraser Cameron

U/ 19

7 14

7 14


7 8 9 10 11

Barry Hickey Gavan Flower Jonathan Horn Glen Harrison Cam Nation


2 5 2 5 1 5 1 5 0 10

2 5 2 5 1 5 1 5 0 10

40% 40% 20% 20% 0%



D4 A C




CLUB XVIII SECTIO N Winning Edge Presentations

by Norm Nugen t

Season 2004 commenced with enthusiasm and powered to an eighty surprise results, which could see a change in the two point victory established order of previous seasons . My tipping over an inaccurate yielded a 53% success rate . Monash Gryphons. The Blues, who Section. l . Reigning premiers, Old Xaverians threw down the played with sixteen men, were well served by key . Leeming. challenge to all others yet again with a resounding defenders Mick Irving and Max ninety nine point win over Marcellin at McHale In their comeback game, North Old Boys defeated . Coach "Sandy" Stadium. • Old Scotch 3 by sixty three points In front of a large Friday evening crowd, De La Robertson will have to investigate the kicking Salle opened up an early break over St Kevin's and actions of his forwards, whose profligacy in front . went on to win the inaugural, Anthony Molan Cup of goal proved costly to the "Cardinals" . For St Kevin's Captain Old Geelong defeated Emmaus St Leo's by seven by forty eight points Matthew McInerney in defence and ruck man Jim . points to start their season on a promising note . It Macey were best. remains to be seen if Old Geelong can develop . An undermanned Old Ivanhoe were no match for consistency the resurgent Old Scotch who won in a canter by La Trobe University certainly looked the part one hundred and eight points . For the winners, against Old Carey as they moved the ball quickly Lachlan Thompson had a day out as he booted by hand and foot around the wide wings of their seven goals in a best on ground display . For Old Bundoora ground . The "Students" won by forty Ivanhoe the best were ; Coach Corey Jewell and eight points . regular star Jordon Risstrom . Old Trinity recorded their "Best" win ever when The closest result was Mazenod's five point win they defeated Caulfield Grammarians by ninety over Old Brighton . A late goal by Mazenod clinched nine points . victory . Their best were ; Matt . Pollack, and Martin Davidson. ~ Prahran were untroubled to defeat Old Essendon SPORTS MEDICINE by forty seven points . SHARPSHOOTERS - CLUB KVIII Section . 2 NAME LST WK TOTAL CLUB Old Scotch 2 commenced with a win by forty five points over Collegians . C18 (1) Monash Blues finished too strongly for Eley Park Old Scotch Thompson 7 7 and won by eight points . Eley Park players would Old Xavs Rourke 5 5 be disappointed by their tame finish, as they had Old Xavs Davies 4 4 led throughout the match . Paul Coghlan was a Marcellin Petroff 3 3 Prahran Cartlidge 3 3 stand out for Monash whilst ruck man, Daniel 1 C18 2 Grant did well for Eley Park. Old Scotch Simon 7 7 University Blacks started with a ten point win over Old Scotch Adderley 4 4 long standing rivals, Fitzroy Reds . Eley Park Jolly 4 4 Old Melburnians signaled their return to the University Blacks Merlo 4 4 competition with an eighty six point victory over Old Meburnians Mulligan 4 4 Therry Penola . O .M . Captain Tim Mulligan and Old Meburnians Arden 3 3 Ameet Bains did well and the veterans, Mick Old Xavs Gleeson 3 3 Carter and Dean Boden were best for Therr C18 3 . yPenola Old Trinity Hilas R 10 10 North Old Boys Cerini 5 5 Old Xaverians, despite inaccurate kicking defeated North Old Boys Connoly 5 5 Whitefriars by fifteen points . La Trobe Uni Piatro 3 3 Section 3 . Old Trinity Burgess 3 3 3 In a game between students, University Blue s Old Trinity Amiconi 3





preview of Round 2. Section 1 . Perennial opponents, De La Salle and Old Xaverians meet at East Malvern . I select Old Xaverians, who have only lost to De La Salle once in several seasons. Old Scotch should have enough talent to enable them to hold off a determined St Kevin's at St James Park . Obviously Thompson will pose a big headache for Ryan Quirk and Matthew McInerney . Even if the ball is brought to the ground, the smaller Old Scotch players should be able to make full use of it and kick a winning score . Mazenod, at home should be too strong for Old Ivanhoe, whose situation can only improve from that which embarrassed their leadership last Saturday . Old Brighton make the long trip north west to play Old Essendon, who will be anxious to record their first win in the section . By all accounts, Old Brighton were unlucky last week, and although they will be competitive, I expect Old Essendon to win at home. Prahran will prove too fast and too talented for Marcellin at Bulleen . Section . 2. Monash Blues should build on last week's form and defeat Collegians at Monash . At home, I favour Fitzroy Reds to score their first victory of the season against Eley Park, some of whose stars failed to shine last week . At Brunswick Street, Eley Park can expect no respite from the pressure Monash was able to exert in Round 1 . Old Melburnians and University Blacks should provide an entertaining match at Albert Park when they meet for the first time in Club XVIII . After last week's display it is hard to select against the Old Melburnians, whom I believe will win again . On the wide spaces of McHale Stadium, Old Xaverians will prove too talented for Therry Penola, whose insipid display at home compounded a miserable weekend of football for Coach Bob Lyons . At Hays Paddock, Old Scotch 2 should win again at the expense of Whitefriars, who floundered last week on their own ground . Section . 3 . Two of last week's winners in North Old Boys and University Blues meet at Gillon Oval . This match will serve to show the respective strengths of each team . From what I hear the Blues seem really talented and by dint of filtered news I select them to win over North Old Boys . Old Scotch 3 travel out to Bennetswood to meet St Leo's Emmaus, who disappointed last week . The

Bennetswood ground will be new territory to many of the "Cardinals" and as Emmaus St Leo's play a robust brand of football, I am inclined to think they will prove too strong and will record a victory . It will be interesting to note the outcome of the Old Carey versus Old Geelong game because Old Geelong have promised much over the seasons but have delivered little and Old Carey, despite many new players, were far from impressive against La Trobe University . Even at Carey, I select Old Geelong, largely from my Round 1 observations . La Trobe University, provided they travel well, should be able to record another win at the expense of Caulfield Grammar, who were easily beaten in Round 1 . La Trobe were impressive and with a win on the board their confidence will be high . I expect, Old Trinity to win again at the expense of Monash Gryphons, who suffered a heavy defeat in Round 1 . Hopefully, Ed Best can instill a consistent level of play into his players because in the past promise has all too often become failure. CORRESPONDENT S Please contact me with your match details by 'phone 9467 2857 or by e mail nknugent@alphalink by noon on Monday .

TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB XVIII (1 ) De La Salle v Old Xaverians Old Scotch v St Kevins Mazenod 0 C v Old Ivanhoe at 11 .10 a.m. Old Essendon Gr v Old Brighton at Oval 1 Essendon Grammar School ( 15 G10) Marcellin v Prahra n CLUB XVIII (NORTH) Monash Blues v Collegians Fitzroy Reds v Eley Park Old Melburnians v University Blacks Old Xaverians (2) v Therry Penola 0 B Old Scotch (2) v Whitefriars at Hays Paddock, off Leason Street, East Kew (45 Jl )

CLUB XVIII ( SOUTIi) North Old Boys v University Blue s Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Scotch (3) Old Carey v Old Geelong Caulfield Gr v La Trobe Uni Monash Gryphons v Old Trinity










2 k


L - __ - __ - __ - _ - __.

THE CHALLENGE: Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined). Watch this space!

Last week, ball was in B8 . No winning entries from 10 received . HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 318 5 Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round .


L 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

D For 0 121 0 59 0 71 0 97 0 60 0 44 0 69 0 36 0 16 0 20

Agst % Pis 20 605.00 4 16 368.75 4 36 197.22 4 69 140.58 4 44 136 .36 4 60 73.33 0 97 71 .13 0 71 50 .70 0 59 27.12 0 121 16.53 0

D3 RESERVE P W L D For Apt % Pm HAWTHORN AMATEURS 1 1 0 0 101 23 439 .13 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 1 1 0 0 92 30 306.67 4 RUPERTSWOOD 1 1 0 0 131 48 272 .92 4 UHS-VU 1 1 0 0 36 22 163 .64 4 OAKLEIGH 1 1 0 0 56 36 155.56 4 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 1 0 1 0 36 56 64 .29 0 ST JOHNS 0 C 1 0 1 0 22 36 61 .11 0 MT LILYDALE 1 0 1 0 48 131 36 .64 0 POWER HOUSE 1 0 1 0 30 92 32 .61 0 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 1 0 1 0 23 101 22 .77 0 D4 RESERVE P W L D For agst % Pts OLD WESTBOURNE 1 1 0 0 73 10 730.00 4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 1 0 0 84 35 240 .00 4 KEW 1 1 0 0 81 40 202 .50 4 BULLEEN COBRAS 1 1 0 0 49 31 158 .06 4 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 1 0 0 45 39 115 .38 4 ALBERT PARK 1 0 1 0 39 45 86 .67 0 ELSTERNWICK 1 0 1 0 31 49 63 .27 0 ST MARYS 1 0 1 0 40 81 49 .38 0 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 0 1 0 35 84 41 .67 0 BOX HILL NORTH 1 0 1 0 10 73 13 .70 0 U19 SECTION 1 P W L D For Agst % Pes DE LA SALLE 1 1 0 0 127 16 793 .75 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 1 1 0 0 159 41 387 .80 4 MARCELLIN 1 1 0 0 95 55 172 .73 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 1 0 0 91 64 142 .19 4 ST KEVINS 1 1 0 0 132 100 132 .00 4 STBERNARDS 1 0 1 0 100 132 75 .76 0 OLD SCOTCH 1 0 1 0 64 91 70 .33 0 OLD XAVERIANS 1 0 1 0 55 95 57 .89 0 CAULFIELD GR 1 0 1 0 41 159 25 .79 0 OLD BRIGHTON 1 0 1 0 16 127 12 .60 0 U19 SECT/ON 2 P W L D For Agst % Pis OLD IVANHOE 1 1 0 0 131 33 396 .97 4 BEAUMARIS 1 1 0 0 74 45 164 .44 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 1 0 0 103 63 163 .49 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 1 0 0 84 63 133 .33 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 1 1 0 0 76 67 113 .43 4 OLDTRINITY 1 0 1 0 67 76 88 .16 0 RUPERTSW000 1 0 1 0 63 84 75 .00 0 BANYULE VIEWBANK 1 0 1 0 63 103 61 .17 0 COLLEGIANS 1 0 1 0 45 74 60 .81 0 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 0 1 0 33 131 25.19 0

U19 (2) BLUE


W L D For At % Pfs 1 0 0 166 63 263 .49 4 1 0 0 110 66 166 .67 4 1 0 0 128 79 162 .03 4 1 0 0 57 43 132 .56 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 4 0 1 0 43 57 75 .44 0 0 1 0 79 128 61 .72 0 0 1 0 66 110 60 .00 0 0 1 0 63 166 37 .95 0

U19 (2) RED

P W L D For /lgst % Pts LA TROBE UNI 1 1 0 0 140 2 7000 .00 4 FITZROY REDS 1 1 0 0 156 37 421 .62 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 1 0 0 97 42 230 .95 4 RUPERTSWOOD (2) 1 1 0 0 68 38 178.95 4 UHS-VU/ST BERNARDS 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 4 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 1 0 1 0 38 68 55 .88 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 0 1 0 42 97 43 .30 0 AQUINAS 0 C 1 0 1 0 37 156 23 .72 0 OLD WESTBOURNE 1 0 1 0 2 140 1 .43 0

CLUB 1B(1) P W L D For Apt

% Pts

OLD SCOTCH 1 1 0 0 120 12 1000.00 OLD XAVERIANS 1 1 0 0 119 20 595.00 DE LA SALLE 1 1 0 0 68 20 340.00 PRAHRAN 1 1 0 0 84 37 227.03 MAZENOD 0 C 1 1 0 0 38 33 115.15 OLD BRIGHTON 1 0 1 0 33 38 86 .84 OLD ESSENDON GR 1 0 1 0 37 84 44 .05 ST KEVINS 1 0 1 0 20 68 29.41 MARCELLIN 1 0 1 0 20 119 16 .81 OLD IVANHOE 1 0 1 0 12 120 10 .00




OLD MELBURNIANS 1 1 0 0 104 18 577.78 OLD SCOTCH (2) 1 1 0 0 94 49 191 .84 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 1 1 0 0 53 38 139.47 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 1 0 0 62 52 119 .23 MONASH BLUES 1 1 0 0 66 58 113 .79 ELEY PARK 1 0 1 0 58 66 87.88 FITZROY REDS 1 0 1 0 52 62 83 .87 WHITEFRIARS 1 0 1 0 38 53 71 .70 COLLEGIANS 1 0 1 0 49 94 52 .13 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 1 0 1 0 18 104 17 .31


P W L D For Agsr %

4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0


UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 1 0 0 101 14 721 .43 LA TROBE UNI 1 1 0 0 63 15 420 .00 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 1 0 0 91 28 325 .00 OLD TRINITY 1 1 0 0 144 45 320 .00 OLD GEELONG 1 1 0 0 60 53 113 .21 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 1 0 1 0 53 60 88 .33 CAULFIELD G R 1 0 1 0 45 144 31 .25 OLD SCOTCH (3) 1 0 1 0 28 91 30 .77 OLD CAREY 1 0 1 0 15 63 23 .81 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 0 1 0 14 101 13 .86 U19 SECTION 3 P W L D For Agst % Prs WHITEFRIARS 1 1 0 0 134 13 1030 .77 4 r-----------------------------ST BEDES MENT TIG 1 1 0 0 106 15 706 .67 4 AJAX 1 1 0 0 124 57 217.54 4 OLD PARADIANS 1 1 0 0 55 45 122 .22 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 1 0 0 47 41 114 .63 4 resented b OLD CAREY 1 0 1 0 41 47 87 .23 0 OAKLEIGH 1 0 1 0 45 55 81 .82 0 MHSOB 1 0 1 0 57 124 45.97 0 SPOR75COVER MONASH BLUES 1 0 1 0 15 106 14 .15 0 VAFA AIAIOR SPONSOR THERRY PENOLA 0 B 1 0 1 0 13 134 9 .70 0 char ma be hi hei li om a mobile phone ~o (his service --t'----1-~ - - ~~----- ---- - L -

4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0


VAFA INFO-LINE-9644 28 28 • Weekend Matches (Fri) • Umpires Appointments

• Scores (Sat .night)








D - ForAgst

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

144 134 126 108 62 60 96 89 61 59

59 61 89 96 60 62 108 126 134 144

244.07 219.67 141 .57 112.50 103.33 96.77 88.89 70.63 45.52 40.97




D For


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

145 114 126 81 124 97 62 63 45 46

Apt 46 45 63 62 97 124 81 126 114 145

% 315 .22 253 .33 200 .00 130 .65 127 .84 78 .23 76 .54 50 .00 39 .47 31 .72


P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For Agst 116 62 100 71 : 72 55 62 56 87 84 84 87 56 62 55 72 71 100 62 116

P 1

W 1

L 0

D 0

For At 110 42











1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

116 87 101 82 67 68 54 42

68 67 82 101 87 116 93 110

170.59 129.85 123.17 81 .19 77.01 58.62 58.06 38.18

4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0


P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 195 108 114 64 98 92 47 76 70 30

Agsf 30 70 76 47 92 98 64 114 108 195

% 650 .00 154 .2 9 150 .00 136 .17 106 .52 93 .88 73 .44 66 .67 64 .81 15 .38

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For Agst 100 46 123 58 72 39 114 65 124 10 1 101 124 114 65 39 72 123 58 46 100






pis 04 SECTION






W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

L D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

ForA 97 13 87 37 120 57 128 93 132 106 106 132 128 93 57 120 37 87 13 97

% Pls 746.15 4 4 235.14 210.53 4 137.63 4 124.53 4 80.30 0 72.66 0 47.50 0 42.53 0 13.40 0


L D For Ayst


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

% Pls 187.10 4 B RESERVE 140.85 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 130.91 4 4 MAZENOD 0 C 110.71 103.57 4 OLD IVANHOE 96.55 0 ST KEVINS 90.32 0 OLD PARADIANS 76.39 0 OLD ESSENDON GR 0 BEAUMARIS 71 .00 53.45 0 OLD BRIGHTON ST BEDES MENT TIG COLLEGIANS %

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

L D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

For Ayst 87 22 67 35 86 48 93 52 44 39 39 44 52 93 48 86 35 67 22 87

% Pts 395 .45 4 191 .43 4 179.17 4 178.85 4 112.82 4 88.64 0 55.91 0 55.81 0 52.24 0 25.29 0


W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

For Agst 140 46 45 16 119 46 97 42 115 54 115 54 42 97 46 119 16 45 46 140

Pts % 4 304.35 281 .25 4 258.70 4 230.95 4 4 212 .96 46 .96 0 43 .30 0 38 .66 0 35 .56 0 32 .86 0

261 .90

4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

101 97 78 71 75 44 40 41 22 9


9 1122 .22 22 440 .91 41 190 .24 40 177 .50 44 170 .45 75 58 .67 71 56 .34 78 52 .56 97 22 .68 101 8 .91

Pts 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0



P W L D For A % Pts PENINSULA 0 B 1 1 0 0 165 10 1650 .00 4 4 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 1 1 0 0 94 35 268 .57 36 155 .56 4 ORMOND 1 1 0 0 56 1 0 0 52 39 133 .33 4 FITZROY REDS 1 1 1 0 0 58 47 123 .40 4 AQUINAS 0 C BANYULE 1 0 1 0 47 58 81 .03 0 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 0 1 0 39 52 75 .00 0 56 64 .29 0 OLD MENTONIANS 1 0 1 0 36 1 0 35 94 37 .23 0 % PLs PRAHRAN 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 165 6.06 0 SALESIAN 0 C 4 217 .39 212 .07 4 _____________ _ 184 .62 4 r---------------~ 175.38 4 122.77 4 81 .45 resented b I 0 57.02 54.17 0 I~ 0 47.15 • $PORTSCOVER 46.00 0 11 VAFA MAJOR SPONSOR Char es ma be hig her hom a mobile hone to this servic e L 4 4 0 0 0 0 0


Weekend Matches ( Fri) Umpires A ppo intments

Scores (Sat . night)

- - - - 1- -


P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

----------~- L



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