The Amateur Footballer, Week 3, 2004

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nn~^y~~iQV ~f Sr tSp.lOR SPONSOR


zAC Day $t e at Sportscover Arena on Sunday of last weekend for th . Although the crowd was disappointin g A section match y versus M~oe~n Be~y~ deas s dano doubt affected by the reserv es match having to be played on the previous 1-w w I ;e match rv~e a r esuccess nd th e -match luncheon basethe first- nderothe control of the ne ~c . moving. and the first where one of the participating P "WeatlaersoII s Caterang" S ortseaver Areha match , ,°~t,,gFdy m caterers o~unity to generate income from a p -; d ll when drawn at . . . VEN S . -; is given the opp ,~~t hn, not given the clubs to earn one ° m „YTTCC Fx V.('.[ITN E ... :'iil'll





cluarters Irs t . The home club rt give n OFFICE .1gement works like this nity is passed on torthe away ew ana3 from roz n tot this of time . If they are not interested, . Sernarp`pp . All that was required of Sttheg , I fl, lunch "host" g Bernards prided ate 29 Bernards agreed to "host" last Sunday's game arrangmg S to guarantee a certain number of people to attend the luncheo n ging, in thi s includin g case providin dn a as , .. The t ,llin g the VAFA did he allother . After this and theVAFA prizes13for a raffle (proceeds to the club} and arranging for a part share of the gate waived P last Sunday as the VAFA had to make a contribution to the RSL as part of the , ;~ucst speaker, providing Ic component wa s d ANZAC Day anent to play a match ;t andon hiscuitsamount of $27•50 per head which covered a two course meal, tea, co ee an (h attendee paid~ ,r~ers of cheese, . per head off $ 5 p ;~ drinks bill was shared between the three groups attending ~, . Bernards settled with the caterer who in turn gave the club a discount e For Th ,, }ie end of the day St e,ds th e think a club could generat e ehanded te ove r ithe ro e ded ito this fldi~dend it would eJ~,50)thVAFof be fair to th c be ad

g ;~; hen a share pproximately 8700 .

e very little s ~erna~ds Peter O'Connor for mak ng}th s we have of $1 Q00 for one of provide a rturn for club y areThan~ to St h r,:c r_ a re . promising start for 2004 initiative forour luncheons come in regularly to the VAFA requesting permission to conduct luncheons Club applications is granted but is only granted p Ueations V,111,11 alcohol vrill be served, if the club's record is good in this regard,is not a stand up affair with a few plates o . Clubs need to understand that a luncheon consumed whilst nfbein „ii a game by game basis aan d in course least} is served on pl tes with cutlery at which alcohol ca ;,,n : i being handed ~ around sm ucheon is a ved from tables at 1 .50 pm cved to the tables . All alcohol must be rem1o be consumed until th e n and no further alcoho ca vAFA EXAeUttv conclusion of the senior match of the day. thanks Vivian . I even Best wishes to everyone whilst I am away t hope to send an email from time to time which migh f the Game" . Love o Ttae find its way into For ®---

.... .......... .... . ...

... ... . .... ... . 12 li:ek!s matenes .. . .. .. . . .,. . ., .. ., es' GSzpboard . ..... ..... .. . ..» .., . . .., . .,, ..., ...... . .. ... . ..18-19 e Love of the Game- .- . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .... . . .. . ... . ... . . . .31 Coates rare mv r s .. . . . ... . ... . . .. . .-.. . . .. . ... . ..... . . . .. . . ..„„., . ..,,32 Cadbury's Face in the Cr~act .. . ... . .. . ... . . .. . . ... . .34-35 . . . .. . . . ... . ... Looking Back . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... . . . ... . . ... . . .. . . ... . 40 Today's Umpires ... . .. .. . .... .. .... . ... .. ...... . . ... ... . . .. . ... . ... .. . .. . .,. . ., .47 . . ... . .... . . . Trainers' Corner ., 1 ... ...,. . 61 ; ,>ortsc~~ Arena Draw . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .... .. . . . .. . . .. 6 . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. `tribunal & Investigatians .. . . ... ... ... . . .62 . .. '',portscower Spot the Ball ... . .. . . ...... .. .... . .. . . . . . . . ... . 63/64 ... . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . Ladders._ . . ... . .. . . . .

SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R When Nazi General von Paulus was marched off to the Gulag following the Stalingrad debacle, he no doubt lamented, "the game plan fell apart, our big guns didn't fire and we just didn't handle the inclement weather" . Sentiments no doubt echoed by Hailep'bury's Mick Dwyer and Scotch's Dale Tapping who endured miserable afternoons at the hand at Uni and OMs respectively . 'With Andrew Lowcock, Xavier McKinnon and James Hayter running amok for Uni, Haiieybury was simply outgunned . Yes, they have a few injuries but Paul and Mark Corrigan both played well and they were still way off the pace . Worrying times at Bloodville after my keyboard almost doubled over with a superlative overdose in the pre season . OMs did what OMs do, they are impossible to tip from one week to the next but they always had Scotch safely held in the Australian Rules Cup at the Junction . Trinity the benchmark . A 65 metre torpedo goal off one step by Andrew Ramsden epitomised his influence on the game as Trinity held off a plucky De La at the massive Bulleen ground . Lachie Kennedy was a major target all day for OTs and he received good support from Northern Bullant pick up Brett Walsh who casually slotted three last quarter goals . Like a whispering wind, Ben Mannix slunk onto the field in the 2nd term, kicked three quick majors and looked as though he could blow the game apart. Quick as a flash, Leigh Carlson entrusted Sam Kennedy with the task of shutting him down and he did so with aplomb. Tim Demetriou looks a pretty special talent while Rob Bonniei and Shane Hyland (back from OS) gave their all for De La . Chris Browne and Rohan Buckley off earlv with bung ankles didn't help but Trinity always had the edge . ite Pried

longer than the I I entire `: : W2 Russian

campaign . Didn't seem to bother Ben Jordan, Nic k Mitchell, Danny

`- - - -------- -- _ _ _ _-~

Byrne and co who effectively put the game beyond Marcelliri s reach by quarter time in a brutally efficient display. Big Wilkinson took on Mark Browne and shaded him while Close and Mitchell used their significant bulk to great effect up forward . It was heartening to see Bernie Dinneen buzzing about for Marcellin in his 100th game but ultimately Bernards were just too good . Their physical presence and use of quick hands across the middle is second to none.

Today's game s Tips are going swimmingly at present, 2 out of 10 . As the Fergal Sharkey song goes "Everything I say, it goes the other way . . . " Xavs host the pace setting Trinity with all indicators pointing towards a Trinity rout. Xavs have everything to play for but Trinity have a full list to choose from, the competition's premier ruckman (and possibly player) and an unwavering will to make this their year. The OTs gave Xavs a ten goal touch up in the pre season . Expect more of the same today . De v OMs and with injuries galore the home team are really under the pump . De La's six best 'ast cvec' : were all kids so the spirit is there if not

T'--'N B Section premiers one week, A Grade the next . l;tchell Even uith Matt Power and Anthony Carbone carted St B rnards University Blues Lowcock off to hospital after sickening clashes, the Friars University Blues De Crespigny held firm and pulled off a famous win . Simon Old Trinit Williams y Brosolo was given the nod for best on ground with Old Haileybury O'Farrell Mick Mannix and Adam Pawlik not far behind . Old Trinity Kenneedy Matt Northey and Matt Nunan were lively up Old Trinity Cultrara fonuard for the home team. And Xavs? Well it is Old Hailevburv Rod e April . Captain Lachlan Ford was their best across A RESERVE half back. University Blues Millard 4 8 Who was it that sai d the dream was over. . . Old Trinity Gutierez 3 7 I lobbed at Sportscover Arena and .as greeted by Old Scotch d 5 6 a rendition of the Last Post which seemed to l91 i St Benards ~ .째?I S 3 5


the experience . OMs, on the other hand, are a complete mystery to me and may struggle if Waverley Park is a bog . De La really need this, De La by a goal . Zivo winless teams, Scotch and Haileybury meet in a vital game at Camberwell. Bruce Phillips and Josh Kitchen are the only ones holding things up for scotch at present and last year's Preliminary Filial seems a like a distant memory. Haileybury have at least showed glimpses, although getting four quarters out of them is proving elusive . Tough one to pick, Haileybury by 7 . kiareellin have only 6 days to recover from Sunday's bruising encounter and they'll get no favours out at Donvale as they take on the undefeated and highly charged Whiteffriars . Whitefriars have injuries on every line but are playing with a spirit and skill unprecedented in their short history. Having said that, I still like the way Marcellin play, especially that on ball division . Eagles by 4 points And finally to the big Suzie McDoozie of the round, Uni Blues v St Bernards at the home of higher learning No lab explosions but the students are absolutely smoking at present with goals coming from all comers . No superstars, just a mix of blokes from all over the state who are gelling together as well as they have since that vintage year of 1995 when Vandenberg, Cavalier, Lennon and co ruled the roost . Bernards are still an awesome proposition but will lose key players to the VFL and may just fall short . Uni by 12 in what shapes as the game of the season to date . St Learneds? Three separate St Bernards players picked me up for grammatical sloppiness this week, prompting me to give a big thumbs up to the English teachers out at the mighty Essendon school . Seems the boys at the 'Pit are as good as spotting the errant use of mixed metaphors, split infinitives and dangling participles as they are in plucking balls from the sky . . . . CORRESPONDENTS Jo nath an Horn - jonathan_g_horn®vahoo .co .uk L h'SB61~i~IPJli University Blues - Congratulate Bernie Gates on his 50th senior game for the club . A past Blues U19 captain and U19 VAFA representative, Bernie has overcome a number of injuries to play Senior and Reserve football with his own unique style of flair and aggression . Well Done Gate

TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTION Old Xaverians v Old Trinity De La Salle v Old Melburnians Old Scotch v Old Haileybury University Blues v St Bernards Whitefriars v Marcellin

8 .7(55) ARS 3 .2 6.5 7 .5 OLD - :.1VY7iAN8 1 .1 3 .3 4 .5 5 .7(37) White: Nunan 2 Baker M Carbone Dance Leahy Carrigg Wallace . Best Brosolo Janson A Pawlik Swain Mannix Camgg Old %ar. Pasceri 2 Ockleshaw 2 Howard. Best Ford Bingham McDonnell Howard Oswald . Umpires : Tim Sutcliffe Albie Firky (F) Travis Stork Beorrn McCarthy (G) OLD TRINITY 4 .2 11 .4 12 .7 18.10 (118) DE IA SALIE 3.5 6 .7 10 .9 12.9 (81) Old'IYin: Cultrera 3 L Kennedy 3 Walsh 3 Ramsden 2 Reynolds 2 Amore R Burrows McKinnon Williams Vandenznne . Best. Neville Williams Walsh Saunders Ramsden L Kennedy. DIS : Demetriou 3 Moloney 3 B Mannix 3 L Harrison 2 Orlando. Best Demetriou Jolley Dobric L Harrison S Puylan Greenhalg. Umpires : Anthony Damen Peter James (FI Sean Collins Brendan Corcoran (B) Matthew Simpson Vin Vescovi (G ) 8.8(56) Old) MF.LBURNIANS 1.2 2 .5 5 .6 OLD SCOTCH 2.3 3 .6 5 .9 5.9(39) Old ffieBr. Evans 3 Daffy 2 Laccy 2 Webb . Best Lacey Daffy McKeon J Berry Fitzgerald Evans 014 Scotch: B Phillips Kitchen Ross Josephs Wigney. Best Carroll Hume Tallent Nettleton B Phillips Ross. Umpires : Michael Sneddon Mark Morrison (F) Matt Jen}dnson Christian Schafer (B) Chris Doyle Bernie Hoare (G) 8.8(56) OLD HAH EIrYBURY 1.1 5 .4 5 .4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.4 5 .4 12 .5 16.6 (102) Old HsaB:: Rode 5 A Floyd 2 O'Farrell . Best : M Corrigan Rode Tassell P Corrigan Goldsworthy Davey. Uni Blues : North 4 Lowcnek 3 Gleeson 2 Sexmbler 2 DeCrespigny 2 Solly Brookes Young . Best Lowcock Hayter Butko McKinnon Gleeson Young . Umpires : Wayne Hinton Dirk Kramer (F) Peter Teasdale Rob Mayston Jnr (B) John Hall Les Damyon (G) MARCEIddN 2.2 7.4 10 .6 11.8 (74) ST. BERNARBS 8.4 9.10 13 .11 17.12 (114) Marc: A Synus 3 S Maguire 3 J CarLson 2 S Brooks L Hansen B Dobson . Best: S lheisz J Rice M Hermans D Gartner D Jarred J Frazer . St Bern: N Mitchell 3 LTurnbull 3 R Close 3 D Jordan 2 D Byrne 2 Harrison B Jordan Baumgartner Pearson. Best L Wilkinson D Mclaughan M Kavanagh L Fielding C Goullet L Turnbull , Umpires : Jason McNiece Damien Anderson (F) Rob Mutton Andrew Rechtman (B) Dominic Napoli Daniel Scully (G ) A RESERVE WHI'TEI•'RL4RS 1.0 2 .1 2 .2 3 .3(21) OLD PAVERIANS 1.4 4 .4 6 .9 6.12 (48) Whitefiiard : T. Carrigg Fulton Box. Best Box Tn.~ytiaud Elliott Dyer Jones Phelan. Old XaverSan .n : A . McCarthy 2 Higgins Larkins Walsh S . McCarthy, Best: A. McCarthy Higgins Barnett Silk Hawkins O'Meara. 2 .3 5 .4 10 .8 10 .9 (69) OLD TRINITY BE LA SALLE 1 .5 5 .5 7 .5 8.11 (59) Old Trinity: Armafas 3 Gutierrez 3 Troon 2 Laulaetta S VanDerVenne . Best S VanDerVenne Green Hine Blackmore Armatas Troon . D1S : Hyde 2 O'Connell 2 Bourke Gilbert K Mannix Molan . Best Oakley O'Donnell Waeny O'Connell McInerney Hyde. 3 .6(24) OLD MELBURNIANS 0 .1 1 .2 3 .6 OLD SCOTCH 4 .5 9 .8 10 .8 12 .15.(87) Old M emnrndan:: Bach Dixon Grundy . Best Tsiotras Hurst Grundy Woodford Jenkins Selby . Old Scotch : Reid 5 Rodski 2 Dick Dumaresq Jackson Left) Logan. Best : Reid Ashton Dumaresq Page Rodski Mullins . OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .0 1 .2 2 .2 2 .4(16) UNNERSITY BLUES 3 .4 7 .8 12 .10 18.14 (122) Old Haileyburp : Shepherd Lappage. Best Saunders H McLauchlan Wames Lappage Graves Rowlands. University Blues : Millard 4 Hutchins 3 Cheel 2 J . Brooke Rankin Penny Hutchinson Tanner McIntosh Quin Fletcher Wa mtan . Best Cheel Rankin Thomas Fletcher Gates Leeming. MARCEIIdN 1 .0 1 .2 2 .4 5 .6 (36) ST. BERIZAHDS 3 .3 4 .11 8 .12 12.15(87) Marc: B Wgnell K O'Dwyer D Samp¢non T Sheehan D Taylor. Best: K O'Dwyer M Perri M McCartin B Wignell E Weekes D Leardi . St Bern: S Mitchell 3 A Caderai 2 G'vtclntyre 2 P HarrLs M 0'Riley A Smith D Smith S Crouch . Best: G McIntyre M 0'Ri}ey D Blunt M Mihailovic J Mount .


A Section DE LA SALLE Coach: Mark Lowe Asst: Paul Dwyer Res: Mick Hegan 1 . L Walker C Res 2. R Buckley 3. B Corin VC 4. L Harrison DVC 5. M Duggan 6. G Gilbert 7. P Harrison 8. J La Ragy 9. J MoloneyY 9r. C Mitchell 10 . T Silvers 12 . M McHenry 13 . AJohnstone 14 . W Dwyer 15 . P Bowde n 16 . S Hyland 17 . L Bowden 18 . L Williams 19 . T Demetriou 20. M Picone 21 . A McKenzie 22r.M O'Donnell 22. M Brown 23. R Sherman 24. J Morel 25. C Hyde 25r.R Walmsley 26. D Spihill 27. S Thomas 28. C Mercuri 29. C Browne 29r.R Marks 30 . B Mannix 31 . S Hyde 32 . R Bonnici C 33 . J Stinear 34 . D Rayson 35 . A Orlando 36 . W JolleyY 37 . A Shields 38 . S O'Connell 39 . B Oakley 39 . T Woodlock 40 . N Stewart 41 . D Mclnemey 42 . P Bourke 43 . A Greenalgh 44 . A Moore 45 . T Molan 46. D Dobric 47. G Walton 48. J Foon 52. T Moloney 54. P Hesse 55. A McLeish 57. C Chester 58. G Walto n 60. P O 'Callaghan

MARCELLIN Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach : Justin Wheeler


Coach: Mick Dwyer Res Coach : Adam McMahon

1 . C . Home 2 . S. Davey 3 . P. Corrigan 4. S. Langford-Jones (DVC) 5. J . Bourke 6. A. White 7. M. Corrigan 7. A. Shepherd 8. R . George 9. M . Barker 10. L Siapantas 10. C. Efstathiou it . M . Graves 12. B . O'Farrell 13. A . Svarc 14 . A . Forsyth 15 . D. Mackenzie 16 . P. O'Donnell (RC) 17 . K. Ford 18 . C. Waxman 19 . M . Armstrong (C) 20 . D. Hassett 21 . A. Jenke 22 . D . Mason 23 . S. Loewe 23 . M. Seccull 24. B. Trollope 25. S. Rowlands (RVC) 26. J. Bell 27. B. Johnston 28. S . Goldsworthy 29. B . Carson (VC) 30. D . Warnes 31 . D. Lay 32. B . Mitchell 33. A . Floyd 34. P. Langford-Jones 35 . D. Lappage 36 . P. Geister 37 . M . Erikso n 38 . L. Floyd 39 . S. Rode 40 . N. Tassell 41 . S. Saunders 42 . A. Hilton 43 . R . McCarthy 44 . M. Wray 45 . D . Thurmond 46 . C . Pountney 47 . B. Waite 48. C . Moyl e 49. L . Pitcher 50. R .Ladd 51 . H . McLauchlan 52. C . Ferguson 53. B . Haar 54. J . McLauchlan 55. T. Hilton 56. D. Armstrong 57. A, Kight 58 . A . Baker. 59. D. Gilby 60. T. Smith Ya1'ra N,`ajjeV 61 . J . Miller COUTItI j '~~U b 62 . D. Salter 63 . M. Levy

1 . B . Dobson 2 . J . Rice 3 . N . Addison 4 . J . Frazer 5 . D. Johnston 6 . D. Sampimon 7 . S . Maguire 8. R . Frisina 9. L. Considine 10. A. Dal e 11 . D. Taylor 12. T. Sheehan 13. J . Wilkins 14. D. Salce 15. J . Carlson 16. L . McMillan 17 . G . Cox (C) 18 . D . Gartner 19 . D . Coope r 20 . M. Herman s 21 . N . Walker 22 . D . Marson 23 . A. Wadsworth 24 . L. O'Flynn 25 . R . Galati 26 . D . McMillan 27 . S . Theisz (VC) 28 . B . Carmody 29 . S . Brooks 30. A . Treganowan 31 . M . Bortolotto 32. M . Browne 33. A . Symes 34. D. Jarred 35. C. Adams 36. E . Weekes 37. D. Cope 38. M . Doyle 39. S . Yee 40. D. Carson 41 . J . Seabury 42. B. Dinneen 43, J . Mathews 44. L . Hanson 45 . D. Theisz 46 . B. Wignell 47 . P. Fiorenza 48 . K. O 'Dwyer 49 . D. Van Heiden 50 A Carso n 51 . J.. Toohey 52 . M. Altamore 53 . M. Perri 54 . J . Forbes 55 . J . Walli s 56 . M. Moran 57 . D . Cirone 58 . M. McCartin 59 . P. Carroll 60. C . Thornton 61 . A . McGree 62. M . Matthews 63. D . Coutts

B ulleen

B eeh ive Hotel 1 { t f~ : ! , Hawthorn

OLD MELDURNIANS Coach: Justin Pickering Asst : Justin Hart Res : Hartley Stone

1 . Smith D 2 . Beaumont J 3 . Billing M 4 . Mathews R 5 . Bunn L 6 . Holme D 7, Thompson C 8 . McKeon A 9 . Aubrey C 10. Roberts T(Cj 11 . Gallagher P 12. Richardson J 13. Wilson E 14. Evans B 15. Ray J 17. Miller J a 18. Fitzgerald T 19. Mulquiney R 20 . Guest J 21 . Hicks M 22 . Dixon J 23 . Berry M

24 . Hawkins M 25 . Whitehead H 26 . Costello T 27 . Richardson W 28 . Maroon M 29 . Prowse M 30 . Miller Jo 32 . Selby E 33. Magee J 34. Grundy P 35. Ray C 36. Wulff B 37. Grant J 38. Lacey H 39. Tucker J 40 . O'Brien H 41 . Berry J P 42 . Theodor e A 43 . Wu Hill P 44 . M 45 . Kennon J 46 . And erson 47 . Caris P r C 48 . Adde G 49 . Tsiotras 50 . Jenkins C 51 . Richmond C 52 . Webb 0 53 . Harrison T 54 . Byrne J 55. Murphy C 56. Beilby L 57. Bains A 58. Tumer H 59. Faulkner R 60. Wettenhall S

Sponsored B y: The Age MPG

OLD SCOTC H Coach: Dale Tapping Asst Coach : Andrew Smith , Res Coach : Serge D'Ange!o Asst Coach : Ray Beattie 1 . R. Mullins 2. B. Phillips (VC) 3. J . Ross 4. T. Hoft 5. S. Collins (VC) 6. A. Crow 7• J. KGtchen 8. B. Robinson 9. C. Smit Tallen t 10. C. h 11 . M.Angu s 12. S. Hume (C) 13. A. Nettleton 14. N . Ackroyd 15 . S. Cations 16 . S. Troon 17 . T. Wigney 18 . L. Hawkin s 19 . R . Josephs 20 . S . Lillingston 21 . C . Jo ce 22 . N . Addison 23 . 0. Crane 24. L. McDonnel l 25. M . Saunders 26. T. Downing 27. M . Dennis 28. A. Quail 29. M . Gnatt 30. T Finocchiaro 31 . N. Leitl 32. J. Gerstman 33. E. Reid 34. C. Phillips 35. P. O 'Connor 36, J. Sutcliffe 37. G . Carrol l 38. G . Prendergast 39 . B. Ferguso n Au~ rel i 8mit h ~: w 42 . T. Beatti e 43 . A. Routledge 44 . D . Jackson 45 . A. Teesdale 46 . J . Beaurepair e 47 . T. Beranger (VC) 48 . S. Dumaresq 49 . L. Kitchen 50 . M . Walko m 51 . L Freeman 52. D . Knight 53, J . Radski 54, A . Sutherland 55. R . Ashton 56D. Brooke 57. J . Cran e 58. A. Grant 59. C. Evan s 60. J. Sheldon 61 . C. Swan 62. M . Graham 63. E. Hope 64. J. Mitchel l 65. M . Moffatt 66 . A. Pearce 67 . ~ Luolloch n 70 . S. Dick 71 . M. Ainger 72 . B. Smith 73 . S. Lovell e 74 . 5. Kiing s 75 . C . Dufou r 76 . J . Nickless 7 7, T. Pag e 79. A . Si mson

79. M . Waterson 80. S. Willi s

81 . G. Fordyce 83. L. Thompson



A Sectic .,c


: .-~1 _• ;_;





Leigh Coach tianson : Michael Sholty Coach : Peter Nlcholson Coach: Coach : John Kanis Coach : Pat Mannix A. Coach : Phil Gaut Res. Coach : Chris Gawne Res : Darren Handley Res Coach : David Matthews Asst. Coach: Peter Randall Coach: Dale Bowe r Res Res . Coach : Chris Rubick Club 18 Coach : Ed Best 1 Kenna A 1 A . Fox 1 . C . Keunan 1 Butko P 1 C Wood 2 Hine A 2 Hutchins T 3 M Carbone 2 D . Orlando 2 . M. Harriso n Reynokis L V/C 34 ers 3 Sturrock J 5 B Phan 3 L. Hannebe ry 3 . C . Goullet Saund R 4 Guengerich D 6 P Campbell Burrows D V/C 4 D . Landrigan (DVC) 4 . D . Jordan 5 Tanner J 6 Gnatt P 7 S Brosolo 5 A .TJones 5 . Joe Mount 7 Van Burrows Der Venne R T 6 Rigby M 8 B Janson g 6 A . Oswald 6 . S. Neeson 7 Young R 9 A Pawlik 9 Andrews A 8 Hayter J 7 S . Lethlean 7 . S. Clarke A 10 R Pasqualotto 10 Williams 9 Lowcock A 11 T Wallace 17 Kennedy S 8 M . Holmes 7R S. Parrett A Cuttrera . Evans 10 Martin R 12 S Phelan 12 9 J 13 Cade J 10 A. Hawkins 8 . J . Jordan 11 North L 13 T Langford 14 Troon R . Bowen 9 . B 12 Gleason Q(C) 15 Green M T Carrigg S . Ross 10 . N . 14 Mitchell 16 Hillas11C 13 Girdwood T 16 J Power 17 Hillas R 12 J . Bowen 11 . C . Davis 14 Roydhouse C 17 A Carbone 18 Healy J 13 C . Ellis 12 . B.Hogan 15 Quin L 18 C Dance 19 Armatas C 2t1 McPherson S 14 S . Skidmore 13 . C . Mitchell 16 Kordick M 19 A Hil l 21 Kennedy L 15 L . Ford (Capt) 14 . C . Day 17 De Crespigny G 20 P Hennessey 22 Deane-Johns G 18 Fairbank P 21 B Jone s 16 S . Mallard 15 . T. Wilkinson 23 Ramsden A Capt: 22 N Cunningham 24 Bladen 17 A . Chatfield 16. L Turnbull 20 Co l leman M 25 Cameron F s . Green 17 . L . O'Sullivan 21 McIntyre T 23 E i Donahoo S B 18 M 26 24Eame A Cunningham 22 Millard g 27 Hill R 19 D . Walsh (Capt-Res) 18. T. Cooney T 25 M Vernal 28 Healy T 20 M23 . Hardman Wilcox 19. R . Close 26 D Gallagher 29 Crawford M 24 Russell S 20. L. Fielding 30 McKinnon R 20 J . Scanlan 27 L Swai n 25 Solly A Burgess J 22 J . Healy 21 . B. Loughlin 28 M Manni x 26 Scambler J 32 Brown S 29 A Glenn 33 Aitken J 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC) 22. M. 0'Riley 27 Wilkie R Deane-Johns L 30 M Power 34 23 S . Johnston 23. L Wilkinson 28 Thomas M 35 Longmire L 31 M Bake r 29 Terrill A 25 R . Carey 24. N . M . Smith 36 BBuffer ;? D 32 G Kennedy 30 Brookes C 37 Van Der Venne S R/C 26 N . Baker 25. D . McLaughlin 33 C Fulton 38 Ramsden R 31 Callery B 27 J . Drake 26. C . Baumgartner 39 Walsh g 34 D Gloufchev 32 Paterson M 40 Williams J 28 R . Coughlan 27. James Mount 33 Gates B 35 C Law 41 Lauletta S 29 C. Beetham 28. P. Holland 34 McKinnon T 36 C Dye r 42 Amore S S 37 M Nunan 43 Amore J 30 N . McInerney 29. G. McIntyre 35 Cheat 44 Treadwell G 36 Brooke Ja 38 C Carrigg 31 J . Pasceri 30. S .Mitchell 45 Morpeth T 37 RV/C 47 Robbins J 39 D Brice 46 Cooper S 32 A . Brushfieid 31 . B .Ashton 38 Holmes R 40 D Atkins PretNCS 33 N. Bingham 32. T. Harvey 39 Lochhead G 48 =CS ard 41 M Leahy 49 Carter -Buszard L 34 K. Hall 33. N .P.Smith 40 Hocking J 42 M Northey 50 Blackrnore B 36 D. Sapuppo 34. D . Byrne 41 Brooke Je 43 N Elliott 51 Gamble R 42 Fletcher S 37 T. Maher 35. T. Pearson 45 S Cloven 52 Heaven C 53 Plain G 39 C. Mollard 36. B . Ryan 43 Fulton L 46 M Duffy Williams Z 44 Wood J 48 J Treyvaud 54 55 Taylor 41 A. Dillon 37. A . Catterall 45 McLachl an G 49 T Hilto n C BestE 42 R. Speakman 38. S . lannauo 56 46 Birks T 57 Schulze D 50 D Crea 58 Stebbins C 43 T. Woodruff 39 . M . Juricskay 47 Millar A 51 R Eames 59 Cade T 44 A . Biddlecombe 40. D. O'Connor 48 Fishly L 52 A Baggoley 60 Iseppi B 45 L . Howard 41 . M . Kavanagh 49 Steele P 53 B Wilson 61 Amiconi C 50 Nailon H 54 A Baker 62 Romney N 46 B . Dixon 42 . B . Miziewicz 51 McIntosh J 63 Cade S 55 P Tobin 47 P. Ryan 43. N . Basaraba 64 Gray 52 IhIe T 58 P Poutne y 48 J . McDonnell 44. M . Mihailovic 65 Robison M 53 Heffernan X 59 N Brisbane 67 Amiconi A 53 C. Santalucia 45. M . Tankey 54 Waxman A 6 J Guiterrez C 60 R Pawlik 54 N. Hulett 46. D. Blunt 55 Zanos M 8 69 Oliver D 61 L Eame s T 70 Brawn A 56 Rankin 55 G . Monahan 47. M . Hooper 62 J Anderson 7 1 Arrows J T 57 Irvine 58 N. Quinn 48. L.Uoyd 72 m Parker D dh 66 J Bo x 58 Sudholz J 73 Hildebrandt D 59 J . Francis 49. N .Thomas 59 Hutchinson B 74 Thwaites M 60 M . Walsh 50. A . Smith 60 Penny C 75 Best J 76 Krakouer S 62 J . Silk 51 . G . Campbell 61 Ritchie J 77 McDonald E 62 Gallery M 63 A. E. Jones 52 . L.B .O'Sullivan 79 Treadwell C 63 Eden P 66 A. Wilson 80 Manseur S 53. P. Harris 64 McPhail D 81 O'Shea M 54 . N. Chapman 82 Chif(y E 65 Clarke E 83 Brad . yW 55 . B . Grant 66 Barbetti J yd L 6 7 McAloon D 85 BGo lden berg W Call - 9888 5355 68 Anderson M NORTH 66 McCutcheon M

87 Fellows J


Chan B

8 89 Kinross A 00 Feranda M 91 Sullen M 92






69 King


70 Learning M

FCL Interstate Transport Service s

939 6 9004D 5

Il f

~.C Ul3D A SECTION Old Melburnians v Old Xaverians Old Haileybury v De La Sall e St Bernards v Old Scotch Marcellin v University Blues Old Trinity v Whitefriar s

B SECTIO N St Kevins v Old Ivanhoe Collegians v Old Paradian s

North Old Boys v St Bedes Ment Tigers Old Brighton v Beaumari s Mazenod 0 C v Old Essendon O r C SECTIO N

Parkdale Vultures v Caulfield Or Glen Eira v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Monash Blues v Hampton Rovers Old Camberwell v MHSO B AJAX v Therry Penola 0 B at Sportscover Arena, Saturday Dl SECTIO N Banyule v Fitzroy Reds Prahran v Ormon d Yarra Valley 0 B v Peninsula 0 B University Blacks v Aquinas 0 C Salesian 0 C v Old Mentonian s D2 SECTION Old Carey v Ivanhoe Assumption - Gramlick Oval ( Carey Grammar ) Bulleen Templestowe v Williamstown Cyms West Brunswick v Swinburne Un i


De La Salle v Old Xaverians Caulfield Or v St Kevin s Werribee Amateurs v University Blues Marcellin v Old Brighto n Old Scotch v St Bernard s UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Melburni an s v Collegian s Old Trinity v B anyule Viewbank Old Essendon Or v Old Ivanhoe Beaumaris v Rupe rt swoo d

Old Camberwell - By e UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Old Carey v AJAX - at Victori a Road Reserve, East Hawthorn ( 45 Gl0) Whitefriars v Old Paradian s

Therry Penola 0 B v Monash Blues MHSOB v University Black s St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Oakleigh UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Emmaus St Leos 0 C v South Melb . Districts Mazenod 0 C v Oakleigh Clays at 1 .30 p .m . Bentleigh v Hampton Rover s Ormond v St Johns 0 C Peninsula 0 B v De La Salle (2 ) UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Xaverians (2) - Bye

Fitzroy Reds v Bulleen Templestowe Aquinas 0 C v La Trobe Un i UHS-VU/St Bernards v Rupertswood ( 2) at St. Bernards Coll ege Old Westbourne v North Old Boys

La Trobe Uni v Monash Gryphons - Reserves to be played at 11 .30 a .m . Old Geelong v Bentleig h

CLUB 18 (1 ) Mazenod 0 C v Old Xaverians at 11.10am Old Essendon Or v St Kevin s

D3 SECTION UHS-VU v Mt Lilydal e

Prahran v Old Ivanhoe Marcellin v Old Brighton Old Scotch v De La Sall e

South Melb Districts v Power House Oakleigh v Syndal Tally-Ho Rupertswood v St Johns 0 C Hawthorn Amateurs v Werribee Amateur s

D4 SECTION Elsternwick v St Marys at Sport scover Arena, Friday May 7 at 6 .15 P .M . North Brunswick v Richmond Central Albert Park v Old Westbourn e

Kew v Bulleen Cobras Box Hill North v Eltham Collegians



CLUB 18 (2) Old Melburnians v Collegians Old Xaverians (2) v Eley Park Whitefriars v University Blacks Old Scotch (2) v Therry Penola 0 B Fitzroy Reds v Monash Blues CLUB 18 (3 )

Old Carey v University Blues at Victoria Road Reserve, East Hawthorn (45 Gl0 ) Caulfield Or v Old Scotch (3) Old Trinity v Old Geelon g La Trobe Uni v Monash Gryphons game switch from o rig draw - 9 .30 a.m. Emmaus St Leos 0 C v North Old Boy s


Who's in . uv`ha's out, «v'ho's cioing v .7hat . Stay or, the ivsl vyitln ~?- e iatQst AFL news each weekday morning with Prime Time Sports 927 . Sports prof-Eaiccnsls Simon O'Donnell, Anthony Mithen and Micha el Christian sring you the latest results, news and rterv :ews . as wel< as a a-cmpleta vUra~) °ro-n the wwor' .-` of soort . '~ its haopa .nina in sport, you" : hear it on Prime Time Soor=:,s 927, 5-30-9am •tx,acJays ,



Round 2 certainly produced a couple of interesting results as the Lions reversed the 03 GF result, the Hoes score a terrific away win at the Grammar, NOBS improve but couldn't topple the Tonners at home, Paradians score terrific away win, while potential finalists St Kevins and the Tigers turn on a crackerjack game at Righetti . PREVIEW The game down at Beach Road was probably set up in the first quarter when Andrew Edge kicked the first three goals into the breeze forcing the NOBS to play catch up footy from there on in . They had their chances but could not take them as both sides worked hard in the classic tricky Beach Road wind tunnel . Skills were down but the closenesss of the scores kept the crowd enthralled. The two "Joshes" Dickerson and Homann played terrific games for the Tonners, and Brook Logan is starting to turn back the clock in the ruck . NOB'S were well served by Amor, Vogels and Tonkin . This game was obviously won in the first 30 minutes where Collegiam rattled out of the blocks and had 7 on the board at the first change, which in windy and heavy conditions proved to be a matchwinning break. You just can't play catch up in those conditions . Beaurnaris managed to get within 17 points in the last but were not able to bridge the gap in a game that wasn't pretty, in a day where you are only as good as the desperation of your 22nd player. Ben Holst (on Pittsy) was terrific for the Lions, while Clint Harris and Chris Blumfield were effective all day . David Teasdale was the Sharks BOG, receiving support from Coate and first gamers Berry and Fisher. Old Ivanhoe were extremely happy to take the points in a tough hard fought encounter out at the Granmiar . A fantastic first half by the Hoers where their onballers continually drove the ball forward where Mark Luxon was proving a handful for the Bomber defenders . OEG came back strongly in the 2nd half and nearly stole the show, but Luxon's snap over his shoulder from the boundary line was a match highlight and inspired the visitors to hang on. Luke Lochran in particular was in sensational form with his speed and classy skills, evergreen George Haros continues to make his presence felt and Oates and Price were also good . Scott Playfair kicked another 4, with Portia and Playfair also being good contributors . At time of going to press had not heard from either the Old Paradians or Mazenod (cut off 8pm Monday Night guys) so cannot report too much on this game . Suffice to say that the Old Paradians took the lead early and were never headed in a much improved performance . Porteous with 5 and Maskell with 6 were both obviously big keys for their respective sides . Boy did Righetti turn on a ripper game . The Tige.L~ started well and got the early break. But by quarter time


;vv1es had pegge d them back and had a small break at the first change . The second and third terms belonged to St Kevin s as with a dominant midfield and Player of the Round Garvey in rampant form they kicked some 10 goals to the Tigers 5 to have a handy 6 goal advantage at the last change. Perhaps some complacency set in with a couple of positional moves that didn't work, and all of a sudden the as usual resilient Tigers got a run on and with not long left found themselves in front . Skevvies returned everything to normal and were able to surge forward and kick a major and a minor score to take the points in a nerve wracking finish . Ben Garvey with 9 was back to his Representative Form of a couple of years ago, with Lucas, Greenham, and Marcus Dollman all consistent performers . Luke Wintle again led from the front for the Tigers, Dave Napier continued his good early season form, with Walstab and McGettigan also worthy of a mention . Both sides will see September actio n PREVIEW And so to Round 3 and more testing times and games ahead of us . Old Ivanhoe will open their new rooms in front of a large and appreciative crowd . Despite a few injuries they are in pretty good form and have done nothing wrong so far. Mazenod obviously improved a bit last week even though no points came their way, and it would be a fool to write off any side coached by the Hyphen . But at home against the Hoes the task will be just too much . Old F:.mclians welcome fellow Catholics St HeBi . js to Brother Garvey's Oval . And perhaps it is there that th e

CLUB B SECTION Old Essendon St Kevins Collegians Old Paradians Mazenod Old Ivanhoe B RESERVE St Kevins Mazenod Old Ivanhoe Old Ivanhoe


LST Playfair Gravey Taft Porteous Maskell Luxo n Atlis Hawkins Stewart Dinakis

6 1 2 0

16 5 5 4


pleasantries will end . My old school with their small L young side will find it particularly difficult against the -:more experienced St Kevins unit who will be looking to OLD E£.°-':'.- ; DON 1 .3 3.4 8.7 12.8 (80) put 4 quarters together for the first time this season . OPS OLD IVANHOE 5.0 9.2 10.2 14.3 (87) W persevere but will find SKOB too talented . Old Ess: Piayfair 4 Leask 2 Podger Legudi Hakim D Biggs Obliubek As usual another ripper is promised at Brindisi. Top of the Stormont Best Leask Portia Playfair D Biggs Obliubek Hakim . Old table Collegians make the short trek across town to Ivanhoe: Luxon 5 R Weddle 2 Price 2 Alagona 2 Theodossl Dawkins tackle the plucky Tigers . Cannot fault the lions two Curatolo. Best Cochran Hams Price Capes Luxon Theodoss L impressive performances so far, but then again the Tigers Umpires : Luke Holmes Daniel Mousley (RF7.) (F) Scott Grey M (B) Gavin have been pretty good too. My mate Nick "Me Chef' Owen Roberts Graeme Carter (RDu (G) may have to make a return to the line up today to pick up MAZENOD 0 C. 3.4 6.5 10.5 13.8 (86) Taft or Dixon with Oda more than likely to take the other OIZ) PARADIANS 5.0 10.3 13.5 15.6 (98) Maskell 6 D Chamberlain 2 L Morgan Meehan Parker A McDowell J one, The small ground cold make it difficult for the lions Maz: Jcyawera. Best D Dunne Parry Parker Stelnfort Kelly. Old Par. Porteous 5 and the Tiges rarely lose at their own dunghill with today Dintlrwsante 2 M Mitchell 2 Boundy Clayton Hughes Kreuzer Prat Sinclair . being no different. St Bedes for me just. Best: Boundy M Mitchell Hughes Curran Porteous Loney . North Old Boys biggest problem last season was Umpires: Graeme Hunichen Sachs Koffman (F) Steven Piperno Daniel consistency, and after an improved effort last week they Kofoed (G ) are looking for that consistency and further improvement ST KEVINS 7.2 13.3 17.5 19.8 (122) 5.4 7.6 10.12 17.14 (116) this week. Benny seem to just lapse in a quarter a game ST BEDES MENT TIGERS that twice has proved costly in 2004, and they must play SKOB : Garvey 9 Lucas 2 Greenhorn 2 D Mahoney Chard B Dollmar M 4 quarters. The hopeful return of Mick Matullick and Dollman Natale Rombotis . Best Garvey Lucas M Doffinan Greenhorn Danny George can only help their cause so at home will Crohan L Mahoney. St Hades Mentone Tigers : Hecker 3 P Wintle 2 D Napier 2 S Napier 2 L WInile 2 Walstab Hayes Dory M W[nik 7akic D tip the Sharks to win . old Essendon an d Old Brighton clash at Sportscover Lynch. Best L ItinUe D Napier Walstab MeGettigan Fitcher Samper L Arena for third meeting in a row there. Both are quite Umpires Rob Mayston Geoff Curran (F) Nathan Eddy Michael Saunders happy on the wide expanses of Elsternwick Park so a good (B) Robert Parry Clive Shipley (G ) COLLEGIANS 7.3 9.3 11 .7 12.8 (80) game is sure to occur. Both are 1/1 so will be desperate 1 .0 3.3 5.4 8.8 (56) for a win . Old Essendon started the season impressively HEAUMARIS CnB : Dixon 3 Taft 3 Hosking 2 Mooney Harrison C Hoist Best B Hoist enough and weren't disgraced last week either, while the Phillip Hooking Blum&ld Mooney Unsworth . Beau: Fisher 3 Coote Pitts Tonners may still take a while to get going due to some Lynch Lee Gillespie. Best: Teasdale Berry Conte Boon Healy . late starting key players, and some youngsters still finding Umpim : Peter Simpson GeolTCaulfield (F) Peter Moonlit Santo Caruso (B) their feet. So with this in mind I'm going for "Dent Know" Paul Gait Andrew Esposito (G ) to know this week and guide the Grammar Boys to OLD BRIGHTON 4.3 7 .6 9.8 10.11 (71) another 4 points . NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .5 5 .5 7.9 9.11 (65)


Old Brighton: Edge 3 Phelan 2 Dale Homann Goldner Bristow

My contact details are 9553 1561 phone and fax at home, MacGiitvray. Best Homann Dickerson Phelan McCowan Logan Hendra . my mobile is 0403 433 016, or email me your reports to NOB: Sutherland 4 J Barker 2 T Brady Roberts Jarrott Best : Amor Vogles by 8PM Monday Nights please . Tonkin Hyde Jarrott D Brady . And don't forget your nominations for the Player of the Umpires : Richard Eastwood Leah Gallagher (F) Ross Richards Bruce Stephens (G) Round. B BESExyE I OID ESSENDON 1 .0 3 .1 6.6 8.8(56) L OLD IVANHOE 2 .3 3 .7 3.7 5 .12 (42) Old Faradi a ns' - Congratulations from all at to Brett Old Boa: L Fraser Flaherty Ridley Kavanagh McDermott Best L : Fraser A Dintinosante who played his 15oth game in Round 1 . Frazer McKenzie Bartram Howard Campbell . Old Ivanhoe: Stewart 2 Brett joined us in 2001, beginning with the Under's and Hawkes Peacock Adderly. Best Dinakis Davis Kent Braddy Hackney is now a regular contributor to the Club at all levels both Campbell-Fraser as a player and now as a Committeeman in 2004 . Well A4AMOD 5 .2 7 .4 10.8 10.8 (68) done "Tommy" OLD PARAD1Atv'S 1 .1 5 .6 6.6 8 .11 (59) We also congratulate Mark Spinoso on reaching 50 Mazenod: Bouchereau 2 Busby 2 Norman 2 Hawkins Venturini games in Rdl, Mark joined the Club from School in 2001 Kinniburgh Veltman . Best Stagliano Nisbet Busby Norman Venturini and has played in the Unders, Reserves and now the Balloch . Old Paradiana: Bux 3 Palermo 3 Corcoran Simpson. Best Cowles Seniors, well done Spinner. Also Anthony Dean (older Buz Joyce Watson Hart Corcoran. and wiser brother of Damian) on reaching 50 games last ST KEVINS 4.2 8 .3 12.7 14.11 (95) Saturday, Mark joined the Club from School in 2001, ST BEDES bffiVTONE TIGERS 3.3 6 .3 10.3 12.4 (76) playing in the Unders and now a solid performer in the SKOB: Allis 6 Horricks 2 Pangariao 2 Keenan Mullceams Aughton Griffith, Best Augton Keenan P Bare Atlis Mulkeams Pangarazio. St Bedes: Reserves . Well done deano .


Old Ivanhoe v Mazenod 0 C Old Paradians v St Kevin s St Bedes Merit Tigers v Collegians Beaumaris v North Old Boys Old Essendon Gr v Old Brighton a t Sportscover Arena

Osborne 3 Ferris 2 Chaplin 2 Borella 2 Hilton Kidd Rhoden . Best Osborne Williams Kidd Andrews Chaplin Ferris . 1 .2 2 .6 2.7 3.9(27) COLLEGIANS BF.AUMARIS 1 .0 2 .0 3.2 3.2 (20) . Best Johnson Mallard Lumb Co : Mollard Malone Rubenstein Parent Abbott Rubenstein . Beammarls : Buller 3. Best Buller Waolnough Gourley MeConchie Gray May. OLD BRIGHTON 1 .2 2 .7 3.8 5.13(43) 4.2 6.2 8.3 9 .3(57) NORTH O .B . Old Brighton : Townsend A Ginnivan Mandylaris McGuiness S Gadsden . Best Paterson S Gadsden M Smith Reid S Ginnivan A Ginnivan . NOB: 7acek 2 G Phyland A Neville M Barker D Sheehan Borg . Best Carmichael Zacek A Neville Herbert M Barker G Phyland .


B Section REAUPAARIS Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst: Erwin Leyden Res: Mick Carty 1 . R. Rawlins 2 . H. Gibson 3 . M . Pitts O 4 . M . Matulick (DVC) 5 . M . Ensor (DVC) 6 . A. Spence 7 . D. Foley S . M . O 'Brien 9 . B . Cousins 10 . L. Buller 11 . M . Lee 12 . L. Healy 13 . C. Gourley 14 . T. Collins 15 . M . Boon 16 . A. Quin 17 . L . Atkins 18 . N . Kennedy 19. M. Atkins 20. M. Mellon 21 . S. Coote 22. J. Holt 23. A. Catlin 24. B. GrayY 25. D . Teesdale 26. A. O'Brien 27 . D . George 28. J. Vance 29. C . Martin (VC) 30. C . Lambert 31 . J. Black 32. B. Cairns 33. S. May 34. H . McMillan 35. N . Boctor 36. N . Atkins 37. R . Presnell 38. S . Lynch 40. J. Hogarth 42. B. Gillespie 43. R . Deaton 44. C . Collins 45. M . Duggan 46. M . Saxton 47. A . Kent 48. J . Mellor 49. J . Bryce 50. B . Presnell 51 . J . Mitchell 52. J . Williams 53. A . Poll 54. S . Lee 55. B . Deaton 56. T. Woolnough 57. A . Fisher 58. J . Bramwell 59. B . Griffiths 60. D . Bird 61 . J . Heath 62. A . Pratt 63. D . Galvin 64. A . Coote 65. G. Shattock 66. P. McConchie 67. L Stevens 68. S . Boreham 70. S . Crossley 71 . C . Hawkins

1 J . Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B . Mooney V C 4 A. Shinkfield 5 R. Henebery 6 S . Woolley 7 S . Elg 7 J . Farley 8 C. Unsworth CAPT 9 J . Fry 10 J . Lang 11 C . Weekes 12 N . Harrison V C 13 N . Thomas 14 N . Lockett 15 L . Cottom 16 A. Baxter 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S. Taft 19 C . Davidso n 20 M. Hoiles 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 C . Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R . Muir 26 D . Vial 27 G . Rowston 28 B . Couch 29 N . Burrows 30 L . Moon 31 N . Roach 32 C . Blumfield 33 B . Holst 34 T. Knox 35 L. Nisbet 36 R . Tumer 37 C . Hoist 38 T. Lovell 39 N . Hart. 40 L. Watson 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 E . Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 D . Gambaro 46 J . Ashman 47 R . Sztar 49 D. Phillips 50 D. Rubenstein 51 B . Shadbolt 52 M . Naylor 53 T. Hall 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B . Lumb 57 B . Horsell 58 D. Smith 59 M . Lynch 64 M . Gribble

Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Ass Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res Coach : Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A. Tucker 4 J . Ballenger 5 D. Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 B. Parker 9 P. Gooden 10 B. Chamberlain 11 T. Smith 12 A. McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N. Meehan 15 N . Parry (DVC) 16 M. Apollonio 17 J. Beard 18 D . Dunne 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray 21 S. Polan 22 S. Veltman 23 B. Devlin 24 D . Nisbeit 25 S. Stanley C 26 J. Dunne O 27 M. Regan 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D . Hansen 31 N . Snart 32 D . Hose 33 S . Balloch 34 C . Boyd 35 D . Collins 36 G. Hamill 37 L. Morgan 38 D . Hallet 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G. Massey 41 M . Venturi n i 42 C. Raine 43 A . Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S . Paine 46 M . Hunt 47 A . Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. Halvy 50 S . Ware 51 M . Murray (VC) 52 G. Tilling 53 54 A. Stagliano 55 D. Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 57 58 D. Morris 59 60 61 M . McDowell 62 63 64 65

. !S


1 . J . Cassell 2, 3 . T. Waters 4 . S . Sleep 5 . R . Davidson 6. N . Vogels 7 . G . Smith 8 . B . Collison 9 . H . Maplestone 10. W. Martin 11 . T. Roberts 12. T. Brown 13. T. Halpin 14. 15. H. Christie 16. R. Kelliher 17. S . Casboult 19. P. O'Farrell 20. J . Sutherland 21 . N. Casboult 22. D. Tehan 23. 24. J . Barker 25. G . Phyland 26. D. Brady 27. P. Sondhu 28. D. Joyce

1 . A . Krzywniak 2 . A . Pirrie 3 . C. Barrow (vc) 4 . A . MacGillivray 4 . M . Frankli n 5 . T. Marshall 6 . R . Stewart (dvc) 7 . B . Logan 8 . J . Perrett 8 . C. McNicol (C . res) 9 . S . Lennox 10. J . Mead 11 . N . Perry 12. B . Williams 13. R. Ken t 14. S . Williams (C) 15. B . Gadsden 16. C. Tootel l 16. J . Homan n 17. A. Van Den Dungan 18. A. Sale m 19. S . Ginniva n 20. M . Smith 21 . T. Evrert 22. L O'Neill 23. N. Milat 24. M . Gadsden 25. S . Nicka s 26. A. Ginnivan 27. D . Paterson 28. A. Bristow 29 . J . Dickerso n 30 . E. McCowan 31 . A. Paroissie n 32 . A. Goldne r 33 . L. Dale 34 . J. White 35 . C . Stewart (Rvc) 36 . R . Henderson (Rdvc ) 37 . D . Hughe s 38 . J. Raju 39 . B. Pamham 40 . A. McLachlan 41 . M . Alle n 42 . L . Hendra (dvc) 43 . J. Murchie 44 . R . Sherman 45 . C . McKim m 46 . J .McCowan 47 . S . Ada m 48 . B . Dever 49 . B . Scott 50 . W. Leaf 51 . J . Lync h 52 . W. Hebar d 53 . M . Dubyna 54 . J . Doole y 58 . J . McBria r 59 . S . Mead 60 . A . Bushby 61 . A . Walsh 62 . B . Pearce 63 . S . Davie s 64 . M .Rei d 65 66. A . Edge 67 . 68 69. B . Aburro w 70. 71 . T. Matess i

29. C . Hooking 30 . M. Leigh 31 . L . Boyle 32 . T. Roach 33 . M. Barker 34 . M. Hyde 35 . M. Robins 36 . D . Tonkin 37 . S. Grigg 38 . M. Amor 39 . D . Galletti 40 . C . Phyland 41 . C . Pizzini 42 . D . Sheehan 43 . K . Hilderbrandt 44 . T. Kennedy 45 . S . Ingram 46 . P. Daniels 46 . M . Perry 47 . J . Nihill 48 M . White 49 . A . Gugola 53 . S . Butcher 54 . C . Dobson 55 . 56. D. Sheehan 57. M . Delaney 60. M . Cribbes 61 . G. Took 61 . A . Neville 64 . L. Ryan 65. N . Barden 66. P. Bryar 68. J . Maher

fRt`t ( 1' -째`- '-~ (. ._,~. ,. ._'



`' - -- -

:, i

Coach : Jarred O'Neill Res . Coach: Hayden Bicket t

Coach: Garry Foulds Res Coach : Mark Oraniuk


South Melbourne


I l

COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook


1; Section OLD ESSENDOG Coach : Frank Dunell Res: Kornel Dachs 1 J . Panagiotopolus 2 D. Biggs 3 M . Oxnam 4 D. Ryan 5 S . De Morton 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage g J . Stormont 10 T. Biggs 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Kavanagh 13 B . Hakim 14 R . Legudi 15 D . Mezo 16 M . Bordignon 17 D. Forrest 18 D. Flaherty 18 S . Dawson 19 E . Healey 20 S . Playfair 21 S . Dale 22 M . Portia 23 J . Hughes 24 J . Dazknv 25 A . Frazer 26 S . Fleming 27 A . McKenzie 28 A . Fewster 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D. Caridi 32 D. Poulton 33 M . Velardo 34 D. Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 C. Obliubek 37 A. Parker 38 T. Campbell 39 B . Newbold 40 H. McDermott 41 A. Iskra 42 N. Bertram 43 S . Cramer 44 A. Collins 45 D. Winkel 46 J . Uoyd 47 S . Howard 48 J . Williamson 49 A. Christou 50 L. O'Brien 51 J . Battista 52 J . Mansfield 53 L. Frazer 54 S . Crame r 55 S . Balloc h 56 M . Car 57 S. Wade 58 B. Hurtig 59 J . Stevens 60 J . Carter 61 A. Newland 62 D. Gradzki 63 M . Beard 64 J . Kepsner 65 P. Bacash 66 B. Wright 67 M . Tilley 68 C . Brooks 69 C. Burke 70 J. Hurlston


Coach: Gerard Sholly Res : Dirk Jones 1 Oates A 2 Lochran L 3 Curatlo S 4 Davis B 5 Gerorgio C 6 Kent S 7 Geishen J 8 Stevens T 9 Payne 0 10 Crowley C 11 Lawry P 12 Branigan C 13 Alagona A 14 Moore C 15 Hope G 16 Price S 17 Corcoran A 18 Hope J 19 Dinakis P 20 Hawkes D 21 roberts R 22 Donaldson P 23 Theodossi K 24 Hares G 25 Byrne E 26 Bereza A 27 Holloway N 28 Morris S 29 Weddle R 30 Gilbert A 31 Stevens J 32 Kefalas S 33 Pratt N 3Tiernan A 35 Pollock M 36 Adderley S 37 Berry A 38 George GE 39 George GA 40 Keane J 41 Nagel B 42 Low S 43 Cornelius W 44 Luxon M 45 Siegersma J 46 Peacock D 47 Snell S 48 Clarke M 49 Quinlan C

50 Sterne R 51 Braddy N 52 Hackney S 53 Verrocchi M 54 Smith S 55 Pearce S 56 Courage L 57 Smart B 58 Bolzan L 59 Stagg R 60 Baccini I


Coach: Sam Assetta Res Coach : Peter Cosgrift 1 . D. Zivanovic 2. A. Hughes 3. D. Dean 4. A. Curran (VC) 5. A. Paglia 6. R. Bux 7. M . Cosgriff (Res VC) B. A. Sinclair (C) 9. P. Palermo 10 . P. Brabender 11 . M. Joyce 12 . B. Galloway 13 . S. Rose 14 . P. Pratt 15 . N . Brundell 16 . M. Godfrey 17 . B. Hart 17 . M. Mitchell 18 . G . Porteous (VC) 18 . M. Spinoso 19 . A. Dean 20 . S. Maher 21 . D . Loney (VC ) 22 . S. Fantone (Res VC) 23 . P. Walsh 24 . T. Lombardi (Res VC) 25 . S. Rehlecki 26 . D . Boundy (VC) 27 . K. Jenkins 28 . J. Kreuzer 29 . A. Morrow 30 . M. Ryan 30 . D . McKay 31 . N . Dallas 32 . S . Corcoran 33. D . Clayton 35. S . Simpson (Res VC) 36. B. Dintinosante 37. A . DiFabio 40. W. Chambers 41 . A . Elliot 42. R . Murray (Res C) 44. M . Hyde 45. C . McKay 46. J . Martinelli 47. J . Sandy 48. A . Moore 49. M . Sykes 50. A . Tenson 55. J . Swindon 56. S . Graham

ST BEDES MENTO N E TIGERS Coach: Rusell Barnes Res : Mark Lomagno 1 Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L'Huillier A 5 Napier S

6 Filcher P

7 Owen N 8 Scafidi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A 15 McColl T 16 Osborne C 17 Gorda N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 Tyquin J 25 Knu I J 26 HeckeM 27 Borella L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Drury J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 36 Walstab A 37 Williams L 38 Hayes A 39 McColl M 40 L' Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L

1fer~rc+Yiy ~~r~~~ ~


Miles Real Estate

Hodges Real Estate Mentone

ST KEVINS O R Coach: Dave Murra y Res. Coach: 1 J Rombotis 2 E Crohan 3 D Curti s 4 L Mahoney 5 M Dollman 6 P O'Keefe 7 J Molloy 8 B Dollman 9 B Fields 10 M Lucas 11 J O'Keefe 12 M Mulgrew 13 R Bowles 14 P Greenham 15 W Guilde r 16 B Garvey 17 D Ryan 18 R Chard 19 D Sheehy 20 T Crowley 21 R Maguire 22 T Dugga n 23 T Simpso n 24 S Powell 25 A Hamilton 26 C Taylo r 27 A Lync h 28 M Giansiracusa 29 C Underwood 30 M Crowe 31 W Keenan 32 S O'Connor 33 M Maguire 34 N Parrett 35 J Dempse 36 P Mount y 37 M Pangrazi o 38 J O'Brie n 39 N Pope 40 L Kalesaran 41 B Atti s 42 S Mount 6 P Bare 44 G Katavolos 45 G 46 D Mahone y 47 J Griffith 48 A Conlan 50 R Horricks 51 D Bare 52 J Finch 53 L Katavolos 54 S Gam e 55 P Natale 56 D Wals h 57 K Gre y 58 E Waldron 59 P Aughton 60 S 0 'Conno r 61 T Ryan 62 B Shelley 63 A Dekretser 64 M Gargano 65 M Stonehouse 66 N Marchesan i 67 L Guilde r 68 B Hughes 69 A Caller y 70 J Mahe r 71 A Mulkearns 72 D Manton 73 P Byrne 4 A Orland o 75 R Campagna

76 N Bento n 77 M


R Taylor

79 M Welsh

Kingston Chiropractic 80 D Dunn


85 ~


81 H Prid e


NIEI,Bt}>;J D .E . SPORTS - C. -

A .F.C. J V.A.F.A . "Your Coaches' Association "

S oft Tissue Rehabilitatio n Rehabilitation following soft tissue injury involves the management of the athlete from the time of injury to return to sport. Soft tissue injuries vary in type (e.g. tendon, muscle, ligament, muscle contusion etc) and severity ; however, a generalised program of staged rehabilitation is relevant for all injuries . The length of the program will vary depending on the severity of injury but all stages will still need to be addressed . The s-: )#' rehabilitation from injury to return to sport are : 1. 1J _ : 1 'hase (Tissue Recovery/Regeneration) 2 . nea=v don of la- r°°aal Physiology (Early) 3 . Rea : ;ation of 1 .- ) rmal Physiology (Late) ; (Sport Specific Demands ) 4. Functional "` ' If we briefly consider each of these stages and the rehabilitation aspects it helps us to more effectively guide our management . 1 . Unloading 1'has ; ( issue Recovery/Regeneration) • This commences immediately following trauma and involves protecting the injured structure from excessive loads likely to impact on normal tissue healing . ® Total rest is not necessary, rather protection at an appropriate level is required . ® The length of time for protection is dependent on the severity of trauma involved . ® Utilisation of RICE principle is vital in the early stages with emphasis on compression . Compression at all times immediately following injury is arguably the most important of the RICE principles . Thus keep compression on even when undertaking other aspect of RICE management. 2 . Restoration of Normal Physiology ( Early) ® This involves the introduction of increasing loads/demands on the tissue after suitable time for tissue recoverv has been allowed . e Loads need to be kept at an appropriate level for timeframe of tissue healing . This involves both stretching and strengthening aimed at tissue involved without causing excessive pain or any post exercise swelling/ prolonged soreness . ® Additional techniques (home and clinic based) may be incorporated to assist in tissue healing or movement restoration (e .g . massage, mobilisation, electrotherapy etc .) . The intensity of massage needs to be kept at a suitable level for the tissue healing time (i .e . not too strong as may cause further tissue damage/bleeding!) .

Restoration of Normal Physiology (Late) ® Continuation of loading of tissues to full strength/ stretching loads . ® Loading through this phase will begin to mimic normal daily and sporting loads . ® Loading is progressed through from slower to faster rates of application and from short to longer duration. + Should have normal tissue strength at the end of this stage in preparation for the final stage . 4. Functional Training ( Sport Specific Demands) a Final stage of rehabilitation to be completed before full return to sporting activity . ® This stage is vital to ensure athlete has suitable `dynamic joint stability' via appropriate activation of muscle to prevent recurrence or new injuries . ® Utilisation of dynamic balance/loading activities is important during this stage . Techniques such as plyometrics and agility training are very useful in mimicking sport specific demands . ® Frequently final stage rehabilitation is poorly directed, leaving the athlete vulnerable to injury on return to competitive environment . For successful return to sport all stages of rehabilitation need to be addressed! Recurrence of injuries do occur, even if we follow all stages . However, failure to adequately rehabilitate players, especially th e final sport specific stage, significantly increases re-injury rates! Patrick Custance, " .-szcc= .era ; ;is2, Po,-,, Adelaic' . footi:all Club 3.



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Schweppes Rigby Cooke Lawyers

South Yarra Sports Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants HydroChe m

The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Caterin g

Elastoplast Sport Club Vt'arehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bell's Hotel & Brev.ery Keith's Pie s Moods Consulting Pty Ltd

Edward J Lynch Agencies Paul Pattiso n Barrie Macdonald & Associates Mvertey Party Hire Spoitsweafth John Peterson Bookselle r

EDWARD J LYNCE :^`. Consaita ntforatf Corporate Promotional Products Conference and Convention

Marketing, Company Promotional Products Incentive Marketing 8 1 'A;rsiage Road Brighton Vic 3 1 87 Telephone or Fax (03) -0592 0340 ~ .' Mobile 0418 544 38 3

This year we want to make MHSOBFC a more cohesive place, both on and off field, whereby players, supporters and sponsors see the club as a great environment in which to be involved . With this in mind, we have developed the MHSOBFC Players and Supporters Assistance Network, whereby club members can access a list of dub members and sponsors who have provided contact details and areas of expertise in which they can help others within the club. For example, if someone is needing an accountant, the network provides access to the details of people in the club skilled in accounting . This initiative also provides sponsors with better visibility amongst the MHSOBFC community, thus supporting those who support us. Further, with the development of the, ' 3Ibourne Unico rn s

junior club, comes the opportunity to consolidate a terrific talent pool for the future . Given this network, the junior players will have access to people within the club who can provide assistance with anything from homework help, tutoring or mentoring right through to carpooling . If you are interested in being involved in the network, please email me at j_anderson4l @hotmail .com or call me on 0419 303729 . Jamie Anderso n Player & Committee Membe r

~,7LC1:'G F= 'T

Thanks for 200 - and farewell to Robert 'Chief' N ewto n What a great career at MHSOBFC for the Chief! 200 games up today against Monash Blues and soon to depart for Fiji with Pauline and Timmy. Never beaten in the ruck . Great clubman . All at MHSOBFC wish the Newton family all the best in their new and exciting family venture in beautiful Fiji . They will be sorely missed . Perhaps tickets back for September a possibility!


Freezing cold zephyrs for Round Two and results leaving some, most notably a senio r AFL coach, 'gobsmacked' . Four sides went back to back, with two recording their secon d win of the year, and the other duo, left still waiting to salute! REVIEW Despite the icy winds, Therry felt first hand, the heat of the ferocious Caulfield midfield led by Widjaja, Fallu and Frater, who landed more than 30 effective tackles, as the Fields opened their '04 account . Hendo and Fenton solid for the Lions .

remain unbeaten. PREVIEW Old foes, Caulfield and Ajax, go head to head at the Racecourse, and the Fields have some old scores to settle, beaten both times by the Jackas the year Ajax were relegated from C Grade . Kirzner will be a handful, but the Caulfield engine-room can choke the supply forward and triumph .

ESL are struggling to recapture their sparkling 2003 form and today welcome the Vultures, choc full of confidence following their striking display last week . Parkdale Vultures showed turnarounds can happen quickly, but alas for the Animals, their woes will continue for at least another week. Something in the half time water at Gerry Glen Elra cross Nepean Highway, and Green, as Parkdale Vultures slammed 12 goals to two after the main change to, "Eat Dead" their first scalp of the year, Hampton Rovers. The Sullivan boys along with EiE LST WK TOTAL O'Meara were great for the hosts, whilst Ariz CLUB and Devereaux had plenty of touches for the C SECTION 7 12 green and golds . Kiizner Ajax Power 0 7 MHSOB made it two from two, when they Hampton 5 7 Home MHSOB matched it with Glen Eira against the breeze Bannister 1 6 in the first term, before drawing away to Therry Penola Credlin 3 6 Old Camberwell record a comfortable victory . Horne snagged Caulfield Gramm 4 6 Baxte r five and White was prominent for the Highs, C RESERVE Clements busy for the Saints . 3 10 MHSOB Corbett The Wellers again dug deep to clinch a close Hampton Duddy 6 6 one against the Blues . Monash through Caulfield Gramm 0 5 Gross Creamer and Main had their chances, but Caulfield Gramm Guyett 1 5 5 Camberwell thanks to a couple of "hard Hampton Hanlon 4

Ajax started well, maintained the rage in the middle period and slammed home six large to finish comprehensive victors over a disappointing SLE . The Animals had no answer to the Raleigh brothers and Kirzner up front, though Bird and Ristevski kept trying.



journey into Rover territory where both teams look to reverse their Round 2 form . The Saints will pressure and harass, but Hampton Rovers know they were disappointing last Saturday and will make amends today . Monash have started poorly in both their opening clashes and a similar start today against MHSOB, will almost certainly see a win loss ratio of 0-3 . The Highs have been impressive and on the narrow School Oval, will earn a third straight win . Camberwell's ability to win the close ones sees them travel to Therry undefeated, when they could just as easily have been winless! However, the Wellers believe they can win from any situation and is why they'll still be in the top two, at full time today . CORRESPONDENTS Glen Harrison - gpah@deakin .edu .au


Eri a 1-+C - Congratulations -:'aul

K11 a1 on 50 games Round Zagame for 100 games round 2

1 and Joe

Emmaus St . Leos Emmaus - congratulate Eddie Mitchell on reaching 150 games in Rd2 . Eddie a gutsy running left footer has worked hard on his game and is a great asset on and off the field . Paul Ristevski (50 games) a prized versatile, uncompromising recruit who has given tremendous service including the 2002 flag. Old Camberwell - congratulations to Brent Christie, who plays his 5 0th game for the club today. A former premiership player and VAFA rep in the U 19's . Brent has the ability to excite and inspire team mates supporters with his hight flying leaps, hard work around the packs and long running goals .

TODAY'S MATCHES C SECTION Caulfield Gr v AJAX Emmaus St Leos OC v Parkdale Vultures Hampton Rovers v Glen Eira MHSOB v Monash Blues Therry Penola 0 B v Old Camberwell

CY P TNO1.A 1 .1 3.4 5.6 8.7(551 GAUId+'lIiLD OR 3 .4 7.8 10.12 13.16 (94) Tiaeay: McKay 2 R Bannister Clarke D Goodwin Nancarrow Reynolds Tsinaris. Best Henderson Faroldi Edwards D Goodwin Russell Fenton . Caulfield., Baxter 4 Bruhn 3 Argyros 3 Folio Phelps . Best Bruhn Will Carboni Green Fallu Widjaja. Um : Max Wittman Mick Brown (RFT )(F1 Gus Carpenzano Q2DLj (B) Robert Se,ymour Richard Adamson (RtTQ (G ) P>lAP, 4.4 8.4 11.7 17 .10 (112) EMMAUS ST LEOS 1 .1 1 .1 3.2 8.4(56) AJAR: Kirmer 7 Kestenberg 2 Krafchek 2 Weislltzer 2 J . IsraeLsohn E. Raleig Samuel Vanaken Best Janover Samuel Krafchek Vanaken Zemski Kirmer Emmaus : Bird 2 Brown Carve Donovan D'Amelio Me Gloin Best Riste4ski Bird Tribe Donovan McCann Brow n Umpires: Jeremy Heffernan Steve McCarthy (F) Andrew Errington Brendan Cannon (B) Dennis Webster Jack Watty (G ) PARKDALE VULTURES 1 .4 4.5 10.10 16.13 (109) 2d ROVERS 2.3 5.8 6.9 7.10 (52) dale Vultures: Rowley 3 O'Meara 2 T Barr 2 C Sullivan 2 P Sulliva n Matt Sullivan Mick Sullivan C Barr Ryan Hayes Ogier . Best Meyer O'Meara M Barr Dixon Stewart Kelly Hampton Rovers: B Ariz 2(awrence 2 Anderson Greenwood Pucella . Best B Ariz Devereaux Adams Carr Wheeler Umpires: Ben Ryde Simon Stokes (F) Greg Rollo Lucas Robson (G) GLEN EIRA 4.4 5.5 9 .7 11.8 (74) MRSOB 3.2 7.6 13 .8 17.11 (113) Glen Elm, Sheehan 3 McGaw 2 Vamvakas 2 Zosens Neeson Donlan Diamond. Best Clements Diamond McGaw Sheehan Zosens . MHSOB : Home 5 Taylor 2 Smith 2 White 2 Bamert 2 Saultry Umbrick Swskis. Best White tunbrick Home Taylor Thompson Smith . Umpires: Ken McNiece Mark Gibson (F) Peter Maddocks (G) OLD 7.3 10.7 10 .9 12.14 (86) 530NASH BLUES 3.5 6.6 9 .11 10.14 (74) Oki CambezveM Horgan 4 Credits 3 Peasnell 2 Hayford Perryman Tempone. P. Best Hardman Perryman Pike Horgan Hardenberg HetTernan . Manssh Blues., O'Sullivan 2 Craven Gregory Main Blackley Hawkins Creamer Nind Pay . Best: Creamer O'Sullivan Main 1Lrton Farrar Janssen . Um : Graham Thwaites Dash Peiris (F) Craig Aerial (G ) C RESERVE THERRY PR23OLA 1.3 2 .5 4.8 5 .11 (41) 8 .3(51) CAUtFIEID OR 3.1 7 .1 8.3 Their Walker 2 Bosanko T Goodwin M Goodwin . Best Pipintas T Goodwin Betsey Leyland Walker McAuliffe . Caulfield: Lawson O'Hoy Jenklnson Gen-and Buyett Farmer Schneider Jacobs . Best Sayers Jacobs Gerrand Chapple Lawson 0'Huy AJAX 1.2 2 .2 5.7 11 .10 (76) EMMAUS ST LE08 1.2 2 .2 3.9 4.11 (35) AJAR: Benedykt 2 Cooper 2 Goldenfein 2 Rutko 2 Gotlieb Seidl Sharp Best Czamy Friedman Gotlieb Lewski Sharp Cooper . Emmaus: Simondson 2 Batty McCann, Best Ymer Mc Dennott [andy Mc Gloin Bruce Batty 5.4(34) PARKDALE VULTURES 2 .1 2 .1 4.4 HAM[PTON ROVERS 3 .2 7.9 10.13 16 .17 (113) Parkdsle Vultures: linthorne 2 Fogden 2 M. W'mgraave Best finthorne Emmett Hirst O'Keefe Everest Hampton Racers : Duddy 6 Hanlon 4 Gray 3 Crisp Henry Prantzos. Best Hanlon Duddy Prantzos Crisp Quon Mosbey . GLEN EIRA 1 .0 2.1 2.3 3.6(24) MRSOB 5 .5 7.9 9.10 12.10 (82) Glen Elm., Fossey 2 Hollow. Best Pryde King Shellard De Vries Zagame Zurac. MRSOB: Corbett 3 Neilson 2 Moore Harding Campbell Ware Ternes Dunn CZwarno. Best: Campbell Ternes Robinson Foley Neilson Moore . OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .1 2.3 2.5 6.9(45) ffiOPI7ISH BLUES 2.4 3.6 7.12 8.15 (63) Old CamberwelL, Cottrell . M Craven Jellis Rayson Saffar Tipper. Best Cottrell. M Craven Ormsby Schmidt langford Saffar . Monash Blues : Dennis Neil Moresi Hawkins Tots, Castiey Bolton Willis . Best Moresi Hawkins Dennis Bolton Willis Neil.


C Sectio n AJAX

Coach: Phil Davis Res. Coach : Barry Simon 1 . N . Gold 2. J. Israelsohn 3. B. Davis 4. M. Dudakov 5. G . Blieden 6. D . Vanaken 7. G. Samuel 8. E . Raleigh 9. J . Raleigh 10 . G. Dukes it . M. Segal 12 . D. Goldenfein 13 . B . Klein 14 . Y. Rapoport 15. J . Segal 16. E . Janover 17. D. Weislitzer 18. J . Kirzner 19. A. Lewin 20. J. Sharp 21 . D. Gelbart 22. E. Wollner 23. B. Nissen"' 24. J. Brain 25. M . Blashki 26. B. Duzenman 27. A. Spicer 28 . A. Zemski 29 . B. Goldbloom 30 . N . Israelsohn 31, B. Rittemran°" 32 . A. Bloom 33 . J . Gottlieb 34 . A. Goldman 35 . M . Jankie*" 36. L Krafchek J . Kestenberg 38. S . Gutman 39. R. Rotemberg 40. D. Seidl 41 . J. Lewski 42. D. Gerber 43. D. Norich 44. I . Same 45. A. Godlewicz 46. A. Sacks 47. B. Lewis 48 . J. Pask 49. S. Czamy 50 . A. Benedykt 51 . L Friedman 52 . O. Henzel 53 . M. PodolskY 54 . D . Rutko 55 . J . Gomo 59 . N . Diamond'*' 60. J . Weinberg 61 . L Szkolnik"*' 62. D. Le vis**' 64. A. Cooper"'





Coach: Merv Keane Ass Coach : Lachlan Kellaway Res : Chris Mathieson

Sen Coach : Phillip Ballis Res : Anthony Strafford Asst : Ian Leith

Coach : Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach: Tony Naumoff

Coach: Dave Skinner Asst: Speros Beasley, W Fall Res Coach: Jamie Dixon 1 . J . Bamert 2 . S . McCully (Capt) 3 . N . Orchard 4 . M . White (DVC) 5. A . Saultry 6. M . Brai n 7. S . Whittington 8. J . Dixon 8. J . Geme r 9. D. Fairchil d 10. P. Smith 10. I . Barrett 11 . P. Spottswood 12. B. Thiele 12, M . Feferkran z 13. S. Anderson 14. M . Hamilton-H o 15. D . Membr 16. J. Walke ( VC) • . R . Clowesr17 18. R . Umbrick 18 . R . Rea d 19 . S. Robinson

1 D Rosman 2 A Bruhn 2 B Hall 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall 6 N Craven 7 R O'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Prater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni 11 C Deal 12 D Pearce 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Fall u 16 S Sant 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 B O'Hoy 19 P Hoggan 20 C Fagan 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Mc Assay 23 D Ash 24 J Dalwood 25 N Dorman 26 S Widjaj a 27 J Ryan 28 J Jacobs 29 G Erickson 30 D Elias 31 C Poynter 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers 34 H Baker 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathem 37 B Scott 38 J Restarick 39 A Bosna 40 M Phelps 41 B Kuppe 42 D Synman 43 T Gerrand 44 L Schneider 45 D Scott 46 M Bennett 47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 B Gardner 50 C Thompson 51 J James 52 J Sayers 53 S Backholer 54 J Yelland 55 C Hooper 56 S Twycross 57 P Farmer 58 T Mc Donald 59 60 61 N Bannon 62 C Sheppard 63 64 G Pouter 65 N Carrick 71 M Cassidy

1 M. Dimackhi 2 D . Fossey 3 C. Massis [ . cl 4 D. Cassar 4 B . Zosens 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 S . Vamvakis 8 T. Dimackhi 9 A Russo 10 M . Chandler 11 B. Clements 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 C. Neeson 15 E. Stuchbery 16 N. Davis 17 L Doolan 18 R . Oldham A. Devries 20 A. Diamond 21 M. Watt 22 S. Emmett 23 S. Neeson 24 A . Taranto 25 P. Khazaal 26 P. Tsagliofis 28 L. Shellard

29 M . Scatty 30 L. Pryde 31 J. Lundberg 32 M . D'ZiNa 33 A. Shecdy 34 S. Kitson 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 A. Merrick 39 J. Gusman 40 D . Sheehan 41 K Dimachki 42 J. Serpanchy 43 J . Maartouk 44 S. Diamond 45 A . Caruana 46 A . Strafford 47 B . Zwar 48 J . Haliwell 49 S . Hall 50 D. Eade 51 F. Bourke 52 A. Haines 53 T Chatfiel d 54 D. Scarfe ' 55 L MCGaw 56 C. Hogan 57 S. Laska 58 D. Dunlevie 59 R . Mill s 60 D . Perkins 61 J. Fulton 62 J. Simon 63 J . Evans


64 B . Bowyer


65 S . Gangs 66 R . Dimackhi

67 M . Hinton

1 T. Wilmott 2 M . McKellar 3 A. Bruder 4 S. Anderson 5 B. Martyn 6 S. Gravina 7 A. Duddy 8 G . Can 9 T. Barker 10 B. Holt 11 L Wheeler 12 P. Adams 13 G . Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A . Browne 16 N . Greenwood 17 D . Artz 18 J . McCarthy 19 M . Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 M . Ellis 22 S . Burggraaf graaf f 23 M Grayg 24 C. McKellar 25 M . Davey 26 J Laing 27 M . Flynn 28 B. Kezilas 29 M. Fletcher 30 A. Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 David Anderson 33 R . Mosbey 34 8Artz 35 A Fishe r 36 L Fletcher 37 L Not 38 J. Morley 39 A . Crisp 40 L Cave 41 B . Henry 42 C. Malthouse 43 C. Cooper 44 M Pearson 45 D. Filopoulos 46 L Woolrich 47 S Silletto 48 J . Brunmeier 49 L. Pledger ~ N. Foster 51 J . Glanvill e 52 J. Hanlon 53 T. Archer 54 R. D'SiNa 55 J. Prantzos 56 K. Spratt 57 J. Tipping 58 R . Hunt 59 A. Kavanagh 60 M Terech 61 D . Marshall 62 M. Flahive 63 64

20 . L. Hom e k 21 . J. Aitken 22 . A. Svirski s 23 . A . Hogan 23 . L Taylo r 24 . N . Harve y 25 . H . Taylor 26 . M. Neilson 27 . M . Johnston 2& S . Moor e 29. G. McCull y 3 1 . M . Bowenn 32. A. Cassell (VC) 33. L. Campbell 34. E. Thompson 34. D. Henze] 35. P. Rujevic 36. R. Ware 37. T. Harper 37. M . Tingg 38. C. Nailon 39. J. Gregso n 40 . A. Lust 41 . J. Anderson 41 . F. Lewis 42 . M. Bate 43 . P. Corbett 44 . J . Newton 45' R Czwarn o 46 . T. Dunne 47 . D . Hollenberg 48 . D . Vicendese 49. J . Hollenberg 50 . K. Harding 51 . S . Bennett 52. R . Ternes 53. I . Dosin g 54. D . Learmont-Walker 55. G. Blau 56. T. Wright 57. S . Foley 58. P. Greenhil l 59. A. Hall 60. S . Jenning s

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C Section MONASH BLUES Coach : Jon Edgar Res : James Shady 1 S. Chapman 2 L Renton L Hollowa 3 G . Chessary 4 5 J. Rosengarten 6 M. Newma n 7 P. Farrar 6 S. Thompson g C. O'Sullivan 10 S. Lloyd 11 M. Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 M . Pay B. Merlin 15 M . Tinkler 16 B. Nind

17 K Mudge 18 R. Glover 19 M . Saunders 20 M . Edsall 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B. Janssen 24 T. Crave n 25 J . Hawkins

26 P. Will s 27 N. Be Young 28 J . Main 29 A. Costley 30 L Creamer 31 S . Hawkins 32 L Beddingfield 33 J . Smith 34 A. Cheesman 35 A. Hickey y

36 A. Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N. Brennan 39 M . Smith 40 Ma . Bolton

41 Mi . Bolton 42 M . Coe 43 R . Feenaghty 44 D. Teesdale

46 D. Jones 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 D. Taylor 50 A . Tota 51 M . Payne 52 N . Merest

53 J . Peel 54 G. Dodd 55 I. McCormick 60 B . MacKenzie 61 P. Campbell 62 L Karla

68 M . Meehan 70 D . Barlow 71 N . Rosengren 72 B . Green 73 A . Dobso n 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton 77 D . Neil 78 A . Shields

OLD ®• ; ; . : :® : : :iELI PARKDALE VULTURES

Coach: had Sigalas Asst : Matthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res: Andrew Tsindos 1 A. Curling 2 T James 3 N Robinson

4 T. Ogler 5 L Cain 6 B Christie 6 A. Seeley 7 M Scott 8 J Heffernan 9 B. Tymmons 10 M Hanson (C) 11 S. Cadzow 12 R Kapoor 13 L Galdman (VC) R Whitehead C 14 N)

15 D . Clyne 16 D . Pike 17 N Credlin (DVC) 18 S. Manvood 19 P. Tempone 20 D Mitchell 21 T Hardman 22 B Howard 23 K Darby 24 B Tipper 25 A Hardenberg 26 A. Whelan 27 A. Sheedy 28 D . Gough 29 S. Franci s 30 R Perryman 31 B Craven 32 G . Ormsby 33 D Joyce 34 D. Schmidt 35 C . Munro 36 S Derry A. Hillier 38 T Hallo 39 G . Rowe 40 C . Jellis 41 L. Ryan

42 A Mackenzie 43 C . Grant 44 S Smith 45 M . Horgan 47 T Kearney 48 J Derry 49 R. Gazal 50 A. Gill 51 G . Weickhardt 52 S . Lovelace 53 R Tem n e p° 54 A Margetts 55 J . Gan 55 S . Fogarty 56 S Jones 57 T. Nisbet 58 N. Payne 59 J . Walsh 61 A. Walsh 63 S . Gregory 64 L Goldsworthy 65 S . Hancock

-T -

Coach : Tony Macgeorge Assist : John McNicholas Res Coach : Paul Mari n 1 S. Rowley 2 R . Gallagher 2 B. Darc 3 M. Dixony 4 M. Hayes 5 A. White 5 D . Griffiths 6 C . Stephens 7 K Gentler 8 K Little 9 M. Meyer 90 C . Atkinsn 11 C . O'Meara 12 A. Baker 13 M. Ryan 14 C . Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J. McCarthy 17 C . Sullivan y

18 S. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart

20 D . Kinsella

21 D. Kell} 22 B Udd`ell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Unthorne

25 B. Richards 26 D . Rochford 26 A. Rock 27 M. Nielson

28 C . O'Brien 29 G . C illey 30 P. Marin 31 M. Andrews 32 B. Fogden

33 N . Wilkins

34 C . Ross 35 M. Johnstone 36 C. Ogler

37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 S. Waters 40 S. Richards

41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr

1 . P Carse 2. J Hodder 3. E Mitchell 4. AAuliso 5. S Buckle 6. J Fennell 7. A Burgess 8. B Bird 9. C Colter 10. B Mitchell 11 . B. Carey 12. T McCann 13. A Krebs 14. J. Eagles 15. P Carey 15 y

16. A Rose 17. M D'Amelio 18. R McCann 19. A. Kelly 20. A. Ballard 21 . G Simondson 22. P Ristevski 23. T Batty 24. D Bruce 25. A McKenzie 26. A Prosser 27. P Levins 28, H Giles 29. S Darcy 30. M Ottobre 31 . M Contessotto 32. D Camm 33. L Thomas 35. J Briggs 36. S Ravage

37. S Manton 38. N Hodder 39. B Vaughan 40. J Gay 42. M Flood 43. B Levin s 44. A Zalako s

46 W. Wheatley 47 J. Tully 48 Mick . Wals h 49 A. Hunter 50 S. Scullin 51 N. Sutherland 52 S. Wingrave 53 D . Noonan 54 T. Hirst 55 N . Cooley

45. S Ronch i 46. A Brow n 47. M.Mclnemy

56 S. Wilso n 57 6. O'Leary

58 R . Haslemore 59 D. O'Keefe

60 T. Everest 61 T. Banks 62 P. Tesorier o 63 N. Leven

64 X. Smith 65 G . Wilson 66 A. Kerr 67 A.


68 T. Kight 69 M . Wingrave 70 J Noonan


Coach: Darren Turner Res: Frank Dinicolantonio

45 C. Barr

Coach: Chris Bye Res Coach : Garry Datso n I Gorman P 2 Goodwin T 3 Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 6 Nancarrow M 7 Bannister S / Bosanko M 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 12 Belsey J 13 Russell G 14 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M / Clifton D

17 18 19 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 Nancarrow M 49 50 Barron B 51 52 53 54 55 56 Dunne P 57 58 Finnigan M 59 Robinson T 60 61 62 63 Moloney A 67 Tsinaris G

48_ A.Daly

49. D Cox 50. A Volp i 51 . P McGloi n 52. R McGloin 53. T Pecora 55. C Hatfield 56. T Morriso n 59. D Pitcher 60. C McDonald 61 . J.Blandthor n 63. P Nola n 64. D Wooa

67. P Farquhar 69. S Meshcer 70. D McGloin 75. T Ymer 76. G Donova n 77.C Vaughan

79. T Tribe 88. S Pitcher 89. D Windus s


I .I ._ . : - .. .--9 8 5 7 8 0 S 1



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Life Membership of the VAFA is the highest honor an organization can bestow on a person . The honor has not been awarded lightly by the V.A .F.A., which has honored 42 people with the award since 1892 . The Life Member's citation reads : " . . . for meritorious and outstanding service . . ." . There are 26 living Life Members whose doyen is Norma Fullerton, a Life Member since 1971 . Mavis Bastow and Richard Evans are the newest Life Members as they were honored in 2004 . Last season, Life Members and partners enjoyed each other's company at the inaugural Life Member's Luncheon . This season's luncheon will be held on Sunday, July 25 . On this day, St Kevin's and Old Essendon will play on Sportscover Arena . Once again Norm Nugent and Keith Sharkie have been asked to coorganise this luncheon . 0 0 Q This column over the weeks ahead will profile many of the living Life Members of our great Association .

As part of the reward to a club booking a pre match luncheon at Sportscover Arena the VAFF organises prizes for a competition or a raffle VAFA sponsor Winning Edge provided a$25C Waterford Crystal vase and the prize pack wa ; added to by the VAFA and consisted of a cartor of Carlton and United beer and an assortmerr of Wolf Blass wines - total value in the order o $33 0 . Each lunch attendee was asked to namf the player in the match to follow who might takf the 25th mark in the first half - 25th in li . Five peoph nwitheANZCDaym

correctly nominated St Bernards Dan Jordax (one being his mum !) . The five were then askec at half time to nominate a player who wouk take the 25th in the second half. Mer cGolant,gainofStBernadsfme,coretl i nominated Lucas Fielding (St . Bernards) anc took home the goodies . 0 速 0 The ability of a player to wear gloves in V F matches needs bringing to people's attentior again . Gloves are banned in the VAFA. A fev clubs are thinking that if a player shows < medical certificate to an umpire all is well Wrong. A player can only wear a glove(s) if hi has a letter from the VAFA giving thi+ permission and it is to be shown to the umpire :

Former Spitfire pilot Vivian Matthews w as the guest speaker at the 5pvriscove . ,, sna pre-malstl luncheon tas Sunday. Grandson Cam Matthews set the scene by presenting questio,;s to re vered "~o;, 18



and the opposition captain before the game. My player who doesn't follow this direction and `ti (;ars a glove or gloves into a match is to b e ported and ordered-off by the umpire as per any other report . In considering approaches to it, the VAFA is of the attitude that if a player's injury cannot be protected by professional strapping then he shouldn't be playing. In other words a letter of permission would only ever be issued in extreme circumstances - for example in the case of a perma®nt di®bili . 0 The RSL through the Keilor East branch and represented by its treasurer Henry Cooper presented the Veterans Challenge Cup to St Bernards and cup for the best player to Tait Wilkinson of St . Bernards . ® 0 0 Very pleased to receive an invitation to the Old Ivanhoe luncheon this Saturday . Absolutely ecstatic when I saw it was to celebrate the opening of the "Harris/Stevens" extensions to the Old Ivanhoe rooms . How nice to think the club would recognise VAFA old-fellas Pete "The Agate" Harris an d your editor !!! Reality then set in and we realised that the Old Ivanhoe club was recognising the two great Old Ivanhoe families the Harris's and the Stevens's who did so much in establishing the club in its formative years . Great gesture and I look forward to being in attendance . 0 0 0 Next Tuesday May 4th at 6 .30 pm at Telstra Dome the AFL will be holding a Female Football Forum . The forum is free and is a chance for females to find out how to get involved in a number of areas in the football industry - from full or part time jobs related to the media, marketing, player management, nutrition etc . Guest speakers will include the likes of Kevin Sheedy, Andrew Demetriou an d Danny Frawley . Interested - contact Jenni Ferris at the AFL on email jennif@afl ® ® ® I was a guest at Old Essendon's first President's Luncheon of the year last Saturday and had a great time and was pleased to be asked to address the gathering . A fellow speaker was Old Essendon's chairman of selectors Matt Mulkearns who won the B section G .T. Moore Medal in 1990 for the best player in B section . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

Matt was then with St . Bernards . Matt gave a terrific speech and certainly Old Essendon is in good hands with senior coach Fran k Dunell (ex Bomber champ and the one of the first of the group of players to head north and start off the "Brissie" Bears) and Matt . So all you young Old "Bombers" when Frank and Matt give you advice listen because they were two of the best in the business .




For the next 4 rounds contributions for this column "For The Love of The Game" will be provided by Brett Connell (2 contributions), Norm Nugent (2 contributions), each scribe (that is 7 contributions) and a contribution from Tom Brain (about the Southern FM Show), Glenn Scarborough (The VAFA North West Footy Report) and Ken Pettrucco (The Saturday Morning "Ammos" Show on Inner FM) . All contributions must be with Brett Connell (brett@vafa .asn .au) by 9am Tuesday mornings .




My editorial ( "From My Des k ") will be written each week by a different writer. The four editorials will be written by president Bruce chairman of permits and McTaggart, reinstatements John Bell, chairman Nic k Bourke who is also the senior representative coach and Brian Goodman our new Umpires' Adviser for the 2004 season . 0 ® 0

_.._. -- _ - ---- ---- - --W - Newly inducted Life Members - Mavis Bastow (left) and Richard Evans (right) with VAFA President Bruce McTaggart (centre) at the 2004 PSM Dinner. 19

It is stupid to make season end predictions this early, but if ever a couple of Grand Final contenders looked obvious, they are the Monds & the Blacks, so their clash in R 8 should be a ripper! Banyule isn't far behind either and their clash today against Ormond will be a good test . LAST WEEK Old Me ratoni s v Fitzroy Red s Don't think Peter Russo would be happy about this loss by his Panthers, whose scoreline tells a sad story . The Panthers actually hit the front in Q4 but couldn't hold the pacey Reds . Ronchi, Baker and Atherton were all big contributors to Reds win . Panthers had good efforts from Nick Fisher at HBF, Michael Basile up forward, and defenders David Cochrane & Matthew Stroud . Salesian v Ormond Any team that can beat Chaddie comfortably on its own patch is a top unit, so the Monds really are looking seriously good . Q 1-3 were very competitive, but Ormond had the grunt in the final term . Monds had a boomer from Luke Russell in the centre, with youngster Wayne Cove doing well, plus Anthony Grace effective up forward, where his opponent was Salesian full back, Anthony Grace! Good effort from Chaddie to hang on for 3 terms against a top team with John Nannes, C .Rose, and Bonnici all having top matches . Banyule v Peninsula The Bears had too much zing for the Pirates, with the extra pace added by graduates from their 2003 U19 side giving them a new look this season . Because of such a great team effort, the Bears could only single out Gavin Donaldson for special mention, but 1'm also told the Senior Coach's new tactic of only talking irrelevancies at all his team addresses is having a really galvanizing impact on his troops!! And if that gets me in the SH one T with Witty Daniel, you and f will

be having a frank and meaningful ! The Bloods pu t themselves under pressure with dodgy Q4 goal shooting in a match about which neither side was full of the joys of autumn . Ben Volumbello starred in the Ruck for the Bloods, Gary Davies did well in defence, as did Bob Moran at CHF, and Cam Colliver made a welcome reappearance from retirement! Leigh Northtvay & Joel Kellow worked hard for the Two Blues.

University Blacks v Yarra Valley Blacks was far too accomplished for the Bushrangers who didn't have the firepower on the day to challenge them . Blacks had another top game from Chris Sandiford in the ruck, with Matt Kempton & Andy Costello shining across the middle . The Bushrangers were pleased with the efforts of Russ Yeo at FB, with Andy Laing and Tim Morris putting in the hard engine room yards .

:Sl'':: ; : T 3F:.:

t`â‚Ź Dl SECTION Banyule Ormond Ormond Fitzroy Reds Peninsula Prarhan D1 RESERVE Ormond Peninsula Old Mentonians Fitzroy Reds

Egan 4 8 Grace A 6 8 Denning 4 7 Tornese 1 6 Claringbold 1 6 Stafford 4 6 Russell A Vidotto Bournon McKerroiv

8 0

9 6

6 6 5



2I4YS WEEK Fitzroy Reds v Salesia n Reds should have too much speed for Chaddie & win by 12 points . Ormond v Banyul e What a ripper this game will bei I'll go for the home side by 5 points . There you go Scottie I'm not at all anti your blokes! I'm just a lousy tipster! penin s ula e Prahran At home I can't see the Pirates dropping this one and should take it out by 18 points . Aquinas v ®B The really SERIOUS Local Derby! Bloods to win by a point at home . Ol d Mentonians v Univ .Blacks The Panthers will find Blacks a problem even at Keysborough with the visitors to win by 24 points . Reserves winners should be : Reds, Monds, Pirates, Aquinas, & Blacks . Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979 (+ message bank) & bfhickey6Qbigpond .eom

Yarra Valley - congratulate Norrish & Huo Clarke on playing their 50tla games last week. Huon & Mike began with the U 19s in 2000 and have been terrific trainers and supporters of the Club . Huon was a key defender the 2002 reserves Premiership and played Senior games as well during 2003 . The very popular Michael with his "haircuts" and headscarves is set to play a significant role up forward for the Reserves this season . All Bushrangers wish Mike and Huon all the best!

ION Fitzroy Reds v Salesian 0 C a I C va1, Richmond Ormond v Banyule Peninsula 0 B v Prahran Aquinas 0 C v Yarra Valley 0 B Old Mentonians v University Blacks

OLD L_: :TOidL'-au 3.4 5 .6 7.9 9.11 (65) z iT'"0Y ^=-, 1.1 3.3 10.3 12 .3 (75) Old Mentonians: Basile 4 Kitto Palmer Salty Voigt R!oodland. Best Fisher Cochrane Costello Murphy Basile Stroud . Fitzroy Reds ., DialoorgLs 2 Baker 2 Ronehi Dawson Murphy ClarkeTomese Atherton Lee . Best Ronchi Baker Atherton Davis Edwards Pollard. Uia : David lrons Peter Liddell (F) 1.3 7.5 8 .7 SAILSIAN 9 .8(62) ORMOND 6.2 7.5 10.10 16.12 (108) • S Logan 2 Cooke M Forer Canavan Forbes Bobetic mai n Dolman. Best Nannes C Rose Bonntcl S Logan S Sutherland M Forer. Ornmal- A Grace 6 J Donning 4 M Ferrari 2 D Becket 2 M Martinov L O'Brien. Best Russell Yong Grace Keleher Martinn'v Cove. Uzaphm David Phillips Adam Conquest (F) Jake Mahar Alistair Chatto (G) BANYUIE 5.1 13.5 18.12 22.19 (151) 2.4 6.5 7 .6 9.11(65) PENINSULA Banyttle : J Egan 4~'TiLson 4 PdLse 2Wlli3ms 2 Jones 2 Maxon Chris Taylor Cam Taylor NVillmore Thompson Plant Brown Davies . Best Wtimore Wilson Dooley Williams Gloury Jones. Peninsuba T Prendergast 2 Parsons Cohian ClaringbOld Teelaw Dunne Payze Torossi Best Murray Write Dunne Wilson Prendergast Grow•catt Um : Luke Moncrieff Roland Fuhrmarin (F) PRAERAN 4.3 4.3 7 .3 9 .5(59) 2.1 5.9 7.12 8 16 (64) AQUINAS 0 C Pralmiru'Stafford 4 Fox 2 Alcock Sleight Ballard . Best: Northway Kelknv Ramage Donachie Plummer. Aquinas: Jess 2 Skinner 2 Pierce Redwood Tarulli Moran. Best Vobmbel}o Moran Jess Evans Whitehead . Um : Gajanan Skandakumar Jamie Kvins (F) Amanda Whittaker (B) Stephen Bog7sich (G) 3.5 7.9 12.13 20.15 (135) YARRA VALLEY 0B 3.2 4.2 6.4 9 .4(58) Uni Bdacks: Saviee 4 3 Hanna 2 M Kempton 2 Ria1o 2 Bevaqu a diford Sibilla Smith Vilella, Best M Kempton Smith G Savi~ ,~e Batten Groom P Kempton . Yam . Keem 2 M Laing 2 Stone R Drew Lear N Pask Best T Morris N Pask C Beal Yeo Savage A Laing . Um : Lionel Katz Brendan Devlin (F) Bianca Sha re (B) Dominic Napoli Chris Kakta (G) D1 OLD MENTOINIANS 2.4 6 .6 9.9 9 .9(63) FTPZR0Y REDS 2.1 6 .5 11 .7 13 .7 (85) Old Mentonfims: Bournon 6 R Alexander D Alexander Wilson. Best Bournon R Alexander D Alexander C Alexander Hubbard Millis . Fitzroy Reds. McKemtw 5 Capodllenn 3 Buckley 3 Dibenedetto Hannan. Best L Holderhead Coyne McKerrow Rome Dibenedetto Drew . SAIESIAN 1.1 2 .1 2.1 2 .4(16) ORMOND 6.3 11 .5 14.2 19.15 (129) Saleshau Vercillio Byme. Best Goulden Mailaro Mirams Veccillio Gallagher Oakley. Ormond. • A Russell 8 Stewart 5 Harvey 2 Banks Parsons Naylor Lance . Best Casey Douglas Russell Mcconchie Goonan Dale . RANYULE 1 .3 3 .4 5.9 8.9(57) 3.4 6 .7 10.8 12.10 (82) PENINSUIA Banyule: Creak 3 D Nasrallah Phelan Turnbull Y Nasrallah O'Rourke Best T Nasrallah M Gray Srzren °ta T Egan Creak Meade . Brennan 3 Falkiner 2 Bowman Claringbold Haley Parsons Powell Shardin Vidotto Best Cook Warner Brennan Haley Parsons Cannon. PRAIRZAN 3 .2 5 .5 9.6 10.8 (68) AgUIRAS 0 C 4 .1 5 .4 7.9 10 .10 (70) Prahran: Downing 3 Belcher 2 Took,y 2 Upton S . Campbell Moylan. Best Burnett Boyd M . Vagg Rad}wonih Belcher Upton . Aquinas: Goals : Hughes 3 Moran Lyng Quinn Box MtnabueToppers Visser. Best S.Voussoukis RBrovm C .Lyng J .Huglres B .Moran D . McCartan UIdIV 4 .4 8 .8 13 .12 19.13 (127) VALLEYYAR 0 B 0 .1 0.3 0.3 1 .5(11) Uui Elacks : Moffatt 5 Wood 3 Kelly 2 Nolan 2 Ryan 2 Beaton Black Burke. Best Ross Bloodworth Scadett Wood Kelly Moffatt Yars a V Kerr. Best Seaboome Wines Cooper Wines Tompkins Davis .


Dl Section AQUINAS

Coach : Steve Bell Res: Paul Harper 1 . L . Toomey 2. S. Tibb 3. S. Edwards 5. M . Hunter 6. D. Minogue 7. C. Glennie 8. J. Jess (VC) 9. T. Harkin 10 . D. Boland 11 . M . Barmby 12 . A. Bethune 13 . D. Den Braber (C) 13 . C. Jeffrey 14 . A. Lorkin 15 . Ad. Williams 16 . J. Hunt 17 . B. Redwood 18 . J. Hughes 19 . G . Whitehead (VC) 20 . D. Skinner 21 . J. Pierce 22 . S. Flynn 23 . M. V sser 24 . P. Harper 25 . B. Volombello 26 . R . Weeks 27 . C . Quinn 28 . B. Helme 29 . J. Wilson 31 . G . Evans 32 . D . Alford 33 . C . Wooden 34 . M. Tarulli 35 . R . Chapman 36 . P. Caskey 37 . S. Leonard 38 . B. Moran 39 . S. Bethune 40 . S. Haun 41 . G . Davies 42 . R . Moran 43 . M. Slattery 44 . J . Tapply 45 . D . McCartan 46 . T. Vandersluis 47 . Ant. Williams 48 . R . Brown 49 . M. Griffin 50 . C . Crozier 52 . A. Pringle 53 . D . Robinson 54 . M. O'Halloran 55 . L Stafford 56. P. Cruickshank 57 . M . Harris 58 . H . Tyssen 59. B . Cooper 60. L. Elliott 61 . I. Drew 62. C . Lyng 63. A . Barrie


Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res: John Fraser 1 Reed B 2 Witchell D 3 Taylor N 4 Creek M 5 Willmore B 7 Taylor C 8 Cantwell B 9 Plant J 10 Maxon B 11 Wilson D 12 Egan J 13 Dooley A 14 O'Donnell H 15 Gray S 16 Demetriou A 17 Davis C 18 Wise T 19 O'Connell L 21 Dintinosante R 22 Taylor C 23 Gray M 24 Nield A 25 Gayfer B 26 Mounsey B 27 Jones J 28 Sproules D 29 Nasrallah D 30 Mutton D 31 McLellan G 32 Natoli M 33 Phelan D 34 Lorenzini S 36 George M 37 Thompson T 38 Gayfer D 40 Smith M 41 Tshaikiasky A 42 Richardson L 44 Connelly J 45 Roethe A 48 Tuckman S 49 Bell G 55 Williams D


Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan

OLD R3ENTONIAUS Coach : Peter Russo Res: Jamie Winduss 1 . T. Mitvalsky 2 . C . Twentyman 3 . R . Ball 4 . R . Woodland 5 . C Mack a 6. ..C Alexander (VCR) 7. M. McCloskey (DVC) 8 . G. Ferguson 9 . J . Walker 10 . S . Voiqt 11 . D . 8ol(ey 12 . C . Dwyer (CR) 13 . B . Russo 14 . M. Stroud 15 . J . Costello (DVC) 16 . B . Carroll 17 . N . Linford (CR) 18 . T. Boumon 19 . A . Palmer 20 . D. O'Connor 21 . J . O'Brien 22 . B . Coghlan 23. A . Drinan 24. D. Cochrane 25. B . Fairbanks 26. G. Dart 27. A . Kiantos 28. D. Krtto (VC) 29. A . Carter (C) 30. D. Russo 31 . M . Elliott 32. M . Sunter 33. S . Worrell 34. R Ftaskis 35. D. Murphy 36. D. Alexander 37. M . Francis 38. T. Millis 39. K. Campbell 40. R. Alexander 41 . S . Cozen s 42. M . Basile G. Hubbard 44.~ L Sunte r 45. A. Erskine 46. A. Bowtell 47. J . Kelly 48. D. Stevens (VCR) 49. N. Fisher 50. K. Regan 51 . A. Wilson 52. M . Watts 53. S. Wilson 54. D. Goodbody 55. M . Kalviski s 56. B. Thomas 57. S. Fairbanks 58. A. Worrel l 59. A. Joyce 60. A. 0'Reilly 61 . B. Saunders 62 . R. Schloeffel 63 . C. Palmer 64 . M . Austin

1 . D. Hannam 2 . B . Holderhead & A . Walsh 4. M . Calms & J . Hamilton 5. P. Diacogiorgis 7 . L. Byrne

8. A . Byrne

9. H. Fletcher 11 . B . Atherton 12. D. Murphy 13. A. Dawson 14. T. Clarke 16. G . Crane 17. B . Lee 18. M . Baker 19. Pa Cook 20. T. Mitchell 21 . C. Meighen 22. C. Sullivan 23. T. Jackson 24. J . Parsons 25. D Bahr 27. J . Tomese 29. V. Cahill 30. C. Little 31, P. Crowe 32. A. Grant 33. S. Du ry 35. P. Cook 36. M . Reeves 37. A. O'Reilly 39. A. George 40. G . Bence 41 . M. Bridges 42 . 1 . McBumey 45 . J. Bennie 46 . N . Mann 47 . W. Bahr 48 . N . Vaughn 51 . J Rawlins 52 . B. O'Connor 53 . S. Addicott 56 . T. Madden 57 . R . Rome 61 . G . Virtue 62 . N . Auden 63 . C . Andrew 67 . R . Holderhead 71, T. Leske 73 . J. Bare 75 . B. Pollaro 76 . D . Curtis 77 . A. Grillo 80 . G. Box 81 . J. Savage 95 . D . Flanagan 97 . D . Ronchi 99 . C . McGrath


ORMON D Coach: Adrian Connolly Res Coach : Peter O'Dea L 1 Deledio 2 Beckett D 3 Denning J 4 Grace A M g y~~janv p 7 Keleher s M 8 Miller S 9 M etz 10 Banks T D 11 Robb ins 12 Deledio B 13 Lees C 14 James S 15 Telley C T 16 Stewart 17 Russell L 18 Cove W 19 Cleary D 20 to Hennepe D R 21 Wiley 22 Brown H T 23 Naylor 24 Muzzell J 25 Dale J 26 Harvey T T 27 Ashford 28 Clinch A D 29 Palling 30 Wells L 31 Young C L 32 O'Brien 33 Cook A 34 Russell A 35 Bailey G 36 Casey D 37 Everett C 38 Byra D 39 Ferrari M A 40 Douglas 41 Upstill B 42 Keleher C B 43 Parsons 44 Broadhurst M 45 Franklin J 46 Johnstone C 47 Goonan A 48 Saunders R 49 Jowett D 50 Dipasquale S 51 Dipasquale T 52 Brown M 53 Harvey K 54 Ramsay M 55 Rayson B M 56 Farrell 57 Kentara R D 58 Beed N 59 Hoare 60 Konstanty P 61 Franklin L 62 Roylance D 63 McConchie S 64 Loetje D 65 Anderson M 66 rson L Harper 68 Cromack BP 69 Austin A

DAVIS LAUNDRY 70 Farrell 71 Hassell ZENITH 72 Rogash

`~~ S-!, ~`




73 Stone



74 Gouzenfitter L 7s Strauch

www.fitzroyfc 22




San Coach: Julian Sill Res: Brian Cronin 1 S parsons


3 M Goldthorp 4 E Bowen 5 N Kent 6 M Warner 7 S Murray 8 PAngus 9' tOAHaley it J Sill 12 S Ferguson

13 B Cook*

14 S White 15 J Davis' 16 S Claringbold 17 J Coghlan

18 J Wheaten

19 A Mckinstry 20 S Prendergast 21 ATeelow 22 A Atchison 23 R Powney 24 T Prendergast 25 A Powell 26 G Lethbridge 27 S Payze 28 B Taylor 29 S Torossi 30ACrean 31 * 32 B Uuai 33 R Stainfo rt h 34 M Falkiner 35 T Lane 36 N Bowman 37 J Growcott 38 T Coghlan 39 S Wilson 40 D Hubbard 41 A Vidotto 42 N Claringbold 43 B Dunne 44 C Mclean 45 L Prendergast 46 T Moran 47 L Palmer 48 N Heffeman 49 A Minchin 50 A Bonner 51 R Hayman 52 A Wood 53 54 C Wilson 55 R Cannon 56 57 58 P Mangan 59 60 61 62 63 69 J Muir


SALESIAN Coach: Leigh Stafford 1 . C. Clauscen 2. L. Stafford 3. J . Ferrier 4. D . Culle n 5. H . Pitts 6 . A. Donachie 7 . T. Greening 8 . I . Hunt 9 . A . Bunnett 10 . M . Mc Cudden 11 . A . Pitts 12. C. Moffat 13. L. Northway 14. M . Bennett 15. C. Tooley 16. A. Rhodes 17 . M. Harrison 18 . M. Windridge 19 . S. Ramage 20 . J. Kellow 21 . T. Sparrey 22 . A . Sleight 23 . R . Marriott 24. K. Plummer 25. L. Aitken 26. A. Dibben

27. W. Watford 28. K. Walford 29 . P. Gartland 30 . M. Radyvronik 31 . S. Fraser 32 . D . Ballard 33 . A . Wood 34 . A . Alcock 35 . J . Bedford 36. G. Seven 37. M . Boyd 38. E . Macdonald 39. J . Matherson 40. A. Ferrero 41 . J. Upton 42 . B. Downing 43 . S. Kennett

44 . B. Lynn 45 . T Mahoney 46 . S. Moylan 47 . J . Killeen 48 . J . Vagg 49. I . Denni s 50, B . Mahoney 51 . N. Harvey 52. N. Gil l 53. A. Ryan 54 . L. Fox 55 . M. Vagg 56 . A. Potter 57 . L . Castle 58 . T. Murphy 59 . S . Dixon 60 . M . Roach 61 . B . Campbell 62. R . Ham 63. R. Mackay 64. J . Belcher 65. B. Sodoma 66. S. Campbell

67. S. Oliver

Coach: Peter Turley Senior Coach : A. Parkin Res Coach : Adrian Chippaini Reserves Coach: M. Frttalani Club 18 Coach : C. Baulc h 1 . A. Stevens 2. A. Thain

3. S. Sutherland 4. C. Rose 5. M. Canavan 6. D . Forer 7 . D . Foley 8 . S. Logan 9 . A . Campbell 10 . S . Oldfield 11 . A . Davey 12. M . Cooke 13. I . Bobetic 14. P. Evans 15. L. Rose 16. P. Dolman

17. M. Forbes 18. D . Barry 19. M. Ferwerda

20. A. Seeger 2i . A . Bonnici 22. S . Greely 23 . T. Henson 24 . A . Grace 25 . C. Ryan 26 . J . Nannes 27 . P. Allen 28. M . Byrne 29. D. Bowman 30. 0 . Le 31 . B. Grams

32. G . Riley 33. N . Callaghan

34. C . Goulden 35 . P. Knott 36 . S . Nolan 37 . J . Brennan

38 . A. Gasped 39 . P. Pitts 40. M . Form 41 . P. Forbes

42. P. Hanlon 43. M. Van Suylen 44. P. McClaren 45. D . Allen 46 . S . Savage 47 . K . Gallacher 48 . J . Logan

49 . M . Oakley

50 . S . Kavanagh 51 . A. Foley 52. M . Forbes

53. E. Mallard

54. M. Smyth 55. E. Hanapy 56. M. Loughnan 57. S . Sewell 58 . M. Bates 59 . A . Healy 60 . A. Bates 61 . R. Cincotta 63 . A. Chippiani 64. S. Sinclair

65. M . Sutton 66. S. Sinclai r 67. B. Kirchner

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A . Costello S . Chandler R. Hamilton M . Rizio L. Rawnsley C. Fink S . P ri c e8B . Watch 8 W. Pascoe (R1C18) 9 P. Kempton 10 W. Hann a 11 S. Watch 12 M . Cunningham 13 A . Ross 13 C. Baulch (R1C78) 14 C. Price 15 B . Shaw 16 J . Lalich 17 A. Moffatt 18 C. Groom 19 M . Kempton 20 C. Sandiford 21 J. Sibilia 22 E. Nolan 23 P. Barry.(Capt) 24 V. Rom n 25 A. Katsaros 26 D . Batten 27 M . Savige 28 P. Otsuka 29 A . Steer 30 A . Jesse 31 B . Costello 32 A . Cameron 33 W. Blake 34 S . Middleton 35 B. Villella 36 M . Prowse 37 R . Dabrai o 38 S. Bloodwort h 39 B. Cunningham

40 N . Martin

41 T. MacCallum 42 A. Smith 43 C . Beaton 44 E . Ryan 45 R . Scarlett 46 A . Kelley 47 A. Wilson 49 R. Dillon 50 A. Goonan 51 R. Wood 53 D. O 'Keeff e 54 M. Petersen 57 D . Weddell 58 B. Edwards 61 J. Black 63 C . Beasle . Hill y64L 65 J . Fuller 66 C . Lewis 67 N . Goonan 9 68 T Portet M . Sv+ampillai 6 70 J . Green 71 S. Palmer 72 LClan 73 E. Bech 74 R . Kercheval 75 H . Ellis 76 C . Web b 77 T Brumby-Rundell

Coach : Tim IUllwanh Res. Cc .h . Simon Taylar. R. Pearce 1 T. Morris 2 R . Thompson 3 M. Fung 4 A. Drew 5 As Drew 6 C . Beal 7 L Morris 8 J . Keem 9 T. Hancock 10 T. Mclllrath 11 J . Cremean 1 2

L. Gilles 1 3

B. Nickolas 1 4 E. Kruse 1 4 N. Pask 1 5 L . Taytor 1 6 A. Lain 1 7 g C . Britt 18 J. Strong 1 9 T. Hale 20 D . Stevenson 2 1 B . Drew 22 R . Yeo 23 M . Davies 24

F Pellegrino 2 5

J . Longworth 26

S . Savage 2 7

M . Rockicki 2 8 R. Courts 2 9 D. Potter 3 0 S. Urbana 3 1 32 J. Par ry P. Cremean 3 3 B. Seeger 34 B. Peake 35 P. Jarvis 36 D . Balshaw 37 B . Morrison 38 J . Tompkins 39 M . Wines 4 0 B . Downs 4 1 A. Stone 42 S. Yeo 43 Ho 44 J. A. Wingate 45 T. Oliver 4 6

S. Collie 47

R . Davis 48 S . Seaboume 49 J . Peake 50 H . Clarke 5 1 A . Hartnett 52 S . Fyffe 53 S . Simpson 5 4 A. Vass 5 5

T. Loyd 5 6

83 P Molloy 85 B . Weber 86 T. Rowe

P. r kering 57 G . Ker A. Joiner 59 D . Redfern 60 P. Valoppi 61 P. Baruma 62 B . Whhechurch63 T. Peters 64 M. Norrish 65 A. Russell 66 B . Vowles 6 7 T. Collet 6 8 R. Collet 6 9

87 A . Watkins 94 A. Powell

N. Lear 7 0 M . Laing 71

81 S.

97 L. Merlo 98 K. Beqely 110 S. Bade

G . Coutts 76

S. Thompson 7 7 N. Peters 78

Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan St

Carlton 3053 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 23


~ F

Stereo 97 4 Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am P For news, views and previews, tune to

u m a . c o nn


THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Nunn Nugent & panel

SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00a m Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e

Li ve A Se r•atlon Foo tba ll Bro adcast from 7.45 p .m. e very Saturday . ... .. _.... . . . .





V t




L4 !t




EASTER 14 C I~ 1vIIJi~ OIT ~ ~ B . OAIDCAST'~;A5 "in tune with t he outer east " VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00 -6.15pm each Saturday night. r

. .



segment with Phil Steven s

~ «---- -_ _ -- -- -- ^-----------VAFA SUNDAY 9.30 - 10 .30 a.m . o _<OaNdd fw4e to

~ TUNE IN 9.30 EACH sW~ D ,aY MORNING TO rav BRAIN & . ..

STEVE McCARTHY WITH ALL THE VA FA NEWS This weeks guest: Bruce McTaggart (VAFA President )


a }, ` wj - i3 fro ÂŁdt , St levi.zss, old Essendon, Old Paradians (B). Therry Pea ~~ (C), ~rY - icks (M), LaT~~ Uni, 1 ,13), North Brunswick (D4) . West Brunswick (XV '3 Sunday 6 .00-8.00 pm R'

The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and Johnathan Horn reviews the competition in Monday's Age

presented by GIs

. G rot, E with guests fro m

S t Bernaads (A), St Kevins, Old Essendon, Old Paradiana (B), Theng Penola (C) . Uni Blacks (t31), LaTrobe IIni (I)2), Rupeztswood (D3), North Brunswick (D4) .

PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all ma tt ers VAFA.


Hugh Lyon


KNITWEAR First game up for preview sees Ivanhoe Assumption match up OG's with their band of against fellow unbeaten side Old Geelong in the match of the midfield runners do not day at The Boulevard. A highlight should be seeing if Valkanis seem to be as reliant on pvanhoe) and Vickers-Willis (Old Geelong) can continue their their sharpshooter thi s

ping hi

. Both teams undefeated Bullnn*s softheir20cla smevnu will be stre--"ned this week by the return

D2 -~'= 'M 速N Williamstown Old Geelong Bentleigh Old Carey Old Carey Ivanhoe Ass Bulleen Temp D2 RESERVE Monash Gry Old Geelong Old Carey Old Geelong Bulleen Temp Old Geelong




Williams 4 10 Vickers- Willis 4 8 Paul 0 7 Angus T 1 7 Kent 3 7 Valkins 4 7 Milesi 7 7

Gonis Avery Guerra Salter Williams mpto n


of midfielder Chris Paris and forward Paul Robertson . Despite their contrasting records this year, it is hard to predict the winner of this clash . The Razorbacks have been competitive in their losses against two of the section's more fancied clubs while the Bullants have been workmanlike in their two victories against more moderate opposition . At home, the Razorbacks ,night take the points, but only just . Bentleigh and La Trobe are two clubs looking to rebuild and their clash this week should go right down to the wire . Both dubs have new coaches this year and are still a few weeks away from their best form. Coach Justin Paul has implemented a more direct game plan at Bentleigh but said his side was still to adapt to his new style of play . "Some players are still falling into the trap of going too short and wide," he said . La Trobe coach Glenn Taylor said his club had undergone "enormous change' over the summer with nearly 7Q players recruited to the club . Taylor said only four players from last year's senior team had played so far but was confident his side had improved . l.a Trobe was one of the lowest scoring sides last year and after only scoring six goals last week, it seems as if their attack will again be their Achilles heel this year . West Brunswick defeated La Trobe in a thriller last week to post their first win of the season . The Magpies, with only 12 goals on the board, have struggled to score prolifically this season but will have their firepower boosted by the return of key forward Julian Siebrand . In more good news for the club, champion Adam Continue returned from a shoulder reconstruction last week and did quite well according to coach Angus Hamilton . Their opponents this week, M onash, put in a more competitive performance last week after their round one debacle and with the university semester back into full swing after the Easter break, the Gryphons should show further improvement this week . But despite being at home, the Gryphons might have to wait another week to break their duck for 2004 . Tips Old Geelong 28 Old Carey 20 Swinburne 3 West Brunswick 18 BentleiRh

2 .0 6.1 7.3 10.6 (66) 2 .2 5.4 9.6 12 .8 (80) JiOE F` ; SUPRP'rlOPf Bent : Lupoi 4 Robertson 2 Lee Francis Handfield Ferguson. Best Sharp Robertson Ferguson Clough Handfield Lupoi. Ivanhoe : Vallsanis 4 Frisian 2 Morris O'Neil Healy Rawley Sampson Scarpar . Best Pye Rawley Vallcanis Frew Sampson Morris . Umpir es: Paul Jones Di Whiteley (F) James Gregory (B) Paul Whitehead Jim Exton (G ) 7.3 9.5 10 .8 18 .10 (118) OLI? GEELONG 1.0 7.3 8 .5 11.6(71) WILLIAMSTOWN Old Gee1one. N Betts 5 Vickers-1Villis 4 Munro 3 Ainsworth 2 Grills W Paul O'Brien Malpas. Best Fttzelarence Ainsworth N .Betts Stinchmmbe Munro : Williams 4 Munro 2 Smith Wouda Barlow Taylor Cannon. Wilti Wheeler. Best Williams Smith McCuthcheon Wheeler Grant MonkhursL : Anthony Simpson Anthony Calderone (F1 Gary Clancy Michael Um Lee (G) 2 .3 4.5 8.9 15.15 (105) OLD CA12EY 7.13 10 .14 (74) URPtE 4 .3 4.8 Old Carey: S Wood 5 Kent 3 Vasilopoulos 2 James 2 Hill Cohen T Angus . Best Munro Kent S Wood Vasilopoulos C Angus Spencer Shutie . : Whiting 3 B White 2 Murchie Fidler Piotrowski O'Mara S McFarlane. Best: Fragtacomo B White Prior Kiss Piotrowski Whiling . Um : Simon Olive (P) Pat Mitchell (G) BULLEE24'rEPdPIESTOWE 3 .1 9.4 13 .7 15.8 (98) 4.4 4 .5 6 .9 12.12 (84) MONASH GRYPHONS BuB4emp: Mllesi 7 Williams 3 J Matthews 2 Wise Wilkie D Matthews . Best Schneider Miksi Smith Tulloch Williams. MonassL: Malone 3 L Clark 3 Watson Caxhead Flowerday Waters Rutherford Sharkey . Best Gomizel Denyer Block Flowerday Well s Umpires : Phil Callil Paul Tuppen (F ) 1 .0 4.4 5.4 6.4(40) LATROBE Ufdl 0.3 2.3 6.6 6 .10 (46) WEST BRUNSWICK . Best Ludeman Latrobe Uni : Mawdsley 2 Pruscino 2 Harvey Fan-ant Gleeson Davis Pruscino McMeekin Farrant . West Brunswick: Hussey 2 Hamilton Haysey Torney Tousel . Best Tousel Jenkins Peistch Edwards Hussey . Umplrea: Paul Dinneen Gerald Rolls (F) D2 RESEKVE ~ 3~ BENTLEIGH 3.7 7.9 10.15 11 .22 (88) Old Geelong - congratulates Jim Paul and Jame, ::;orley who IYANHOE ASSU&SP'ITON 0 .3 3 .4 7 .7 7.10 (52) played their 100th and 50th games respectively last Saturday . Bent: Eyles 2 Kopitschinski 2 Gold 2 Ferris Lawford Punter L . Sampson P. Jim has been a terrific player in the seniors for his entire career Sampson . Best: Ferris Punter Roles Hutchison Oldfleld finite . Ivanhoe: with his fearless hard ball gets and strong running . Well done Maud 2 Walters Height MigliorkuScoble Hager Jim, we look forward to the next 100 . James joined the club in OLD GEEI.ONG 7 .3 13 .10 16 .15 19.17 (131) 2000 and this milestone is a fitting reward for his dedication on 1 .2(8) EqSTOS4td 0.1 0.1 1 .1 the track and on match days . James has played the majority of Old Geelong: Kimpton 4 Salter 4 Avery 3 Kilpatrick 2 T Legoe 2 Morley T games in the reserves but has tasted senior fixity as well . His Paul H Legoe Fallaw, Wi : Dowsev. Best- Drnvsey Griffin Jones height has been a great asset whether in attack or defence . Well Oldham Robinson. done on a terrific contribution to the OGS . 2.8 6.11 10.15 15 .16 (106) OLD GAREy CORRESPONDENTS 5.8(38) 1.3 2.4 4.6 SWINBURNE . Clubs wishing to plug Note - Change of e-mail address Old Care'y: Mason 4 L Guerra 3 Bowler 3 Konstantinidis 3 Smith upcoming social events and players milestones can now do so by McFarlane . Best Mason Bowley Konstandinidis Smith McFarlane Battley . contacting Andrew at s3043247@student .rmit .edu .au by e: Andrinopoulos 2 Demarte Barbary Gordon . Best: Goode Monday 2pm, or Peter Williamson - Sutter J Roberts Lang Bcynon Roebuck Peter. PS .Williamsongcentrelink .gov . au t9E 3 .2 5 .4 7 .5 10.9 (69) BULLEEN TE 8 .4(52) 3 .1 5 .4 7 .4 PdOPdASH GRYPHONS awe : D Williams 2 Bucciacchio 2 McMahon Gannas Bulleen Tern Toscano Hampshire t .ea. Best: Bucciacchio Coram D Williams Gannas Hampshire McMahon Monash: B Clark 3 Goals 3 Grenfell Yanni . Best : Robinson Williamson B Ivanhoe Assumption v Old Geelong Clark Grenfel l 7.7 8.12 (60) IATROBE Utdl 4 .2 7.6 Williamstown CY1vIS v Old Carey WEST BRUNSWICK 0.1 0.1 0.2 0 .2(2) Swinburne Uni v Bulleen Templestowe LaTrobe Uni: Dumaresq 2 llewitt 2 Coulter Gibson Blight Murphy. Best Monash Gryphons v West Brunswick Coulter Spring Gurney Paech Dingle Wolfson . West Brunswick: Best: Bentleigh v La Trobe Uni Emerson C'[hompson Marcus 7tvy(ord Tobin .



D2 Section BENTLEIGH Coach : Justin Paul Asst : Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 C .Sharp 2 JPaul 3 A Pittito 4 S Sice 5 M Eyles 6 A Jolly 7 JRobertson 8 J Handfield 9 TRowe 10 R Pearce 11 D Martin 12 N Aitken 13 S Craven 14 D Vardy 15 TLupoi 16 G AJlen 17 S Francis 18 S Adaway 19 B Fox 20 R Fishlock 21 A Ferris 22 A Smith 23 G McFarlane 24 LHolmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Padgham 27 JSeele Seeley 28 M McCulloch 29 A Clough 30 D Ferguson 31 A Banks 32 D Kopitschinski 33 P Withington 34 R Morris 35 Llreson 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beattie 39 G Prigg 40 A Steward 41 P Dimattina 42 A Mikkelsen 43 M Vukic 44 R Punter 45 R Brookshaw 46 R Lawford 47 M Scanlan 48 R McEvoy 49 A Lee 50 A Stanes 50 LWilken 51 P Sampson 52 LSampson 53 D Gunn 54 R Oldfield 55 G Richards 56 C Aitken 57 S Nankervis 58 TCaterson 59 l Jackson 60 S Kennedy 61 H McKenzie 63 S Stuart 64 M Hayes


BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Steve Easton Res.Coach: Andrew Parris 1 B Touriganis 2 M Stella 4 W Thompson 5 C Parris 6 ATehan 7 P Robertson 8 J Wise 9 J Matthews 10 P Tsokas 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Wilke 15 LThompson 16 S Smith 17 T Coram 18 D Horvath 19 C Morrison 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews 24 J Newman 25 D Williams 26 S Boyd 27 D Rogers 28 P Milesi 29 A Fitt 30 D Florence 31 L Norbury 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare 34 S Lambropoulos 35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 P Ganiatsis 38 N Scaglione 39 D Buccachio 40 A Foley 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Daskalou 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 47 C Morivitis 48 A Mortvitis 49 D McMahon 50 D Glover

Coach: John Matthew Assist Coach : Doni Valkanis Res . Coach : Anthony Conti 1 . S . Conley 2. M . Maud 3. C. Tucker 4. T. O'Neill 5. J . Scoble 6. E . Healy (v.capt) 7. P. Rawley 8. J . Shuttleworth 9. R. Peoples 10. P. Lee 11 . D. Valkanis 12. P. Tonkin 13. S . Narkiewic z 14. S . Kaso 15. J . Curtin 16. P. Harris 17. S . Morris 18. D. Abud 19. D. Wood (d.v.capt .) 20. N. Pye 21 . N. Blainey 22. A. Height 23. D. Ryan 24. B . Frew 25. J . Frisina 26. P. Cameron 27. J . Finlayso n 28. S . Matthews 29. J . Crapper 30. S . Kaso 31 . S . Scapari 32. J . Icefo 33. S . O'Connell 34. B. Joyce 35. M . Serafini 36. J . Tamburro 37. P. Cotter 38. M . Sheppard 39. M . Ebbage 40. D. Sartor 41 . C. McDonald 42. R. Kolb 43. A. Shemshedin 44. T. Scott 45. E . Nuttall 46. R. Nuttall 47. B. Walthers 48. R. Toogood 49. E . Marino 50. R. Sing 51 . D. Pearce 52. S . Sampson (Capt.) 53. M . Chazan 54. T. Scott 55. D. Frank 56. G . Ford 57. M . Frannich 58. D. Hager 59. C. Mclnney 60. J . Nemtses 61 . T. Mehmet 69. J . Mazocca 78. C. Brown


Senior Coach : Glenn Taylor Res Coach : Bob Ellis P.Monon 2 W.Brown 3 D.Shekirick 4 H .Davies S .AdamswaBe 6 D.Gleeson 7 TMannes 8 C.Correnti L.Walker 10 S .Davis A .Murray 11 3 T.Ludeman 14 D .Butler 15 S .Brooks 16 RFarrant 17 S .Fi¢ eraki C.BIig7it 9 19 A .Rande ll 21 D .McMe~ekin 23 M .Cossar 24 L.Envall. 5 M .Fannmg 2 6 D .Stevens 27 S .Pruscirro 28 C .Ross 30 S .Gellert 31 A .Mamtnv e 32 M Gt ta ~ 33 34 J .Buttigieg 3 5 F.Tiernan 36 T.Mawdsley 37 A .Gumey 39 R .Slater phy h 40 S .Mur ary 42 43 A .Pouton 44 D .Kerrison 46 D.Wright 47 A .Samson 48 LMcNamera 50 i 54 A .Hewkt l s 56 J .Nield 57 A .VJOO1me r 58 J,DaI mple 61 G~~ 70 J .Oumaresq 73 J .Sewell 78 J .Clark 84 TPeters A.Baille M .Bourke


B .Clune buck T.Cohen

M .Cotsop~ulos N.Crowle D.~ennell M .Gaaat .Hickman S .Jackso nK C.Knee R .Knights A.Mann S .Miller B .Murphy G.Nelson j' O~.,anbnell C.Black L.Ryan S OToohle 2e J .Brodie S .Craig _ C.Franas S .Gbury S~ ire A .Murphy

S .PHaro

D.Robso n J .Watemwn

:8 ntcn qN .Brid e s A .Cou~er M .Dingle D.HiII L.0'Brien A .Palmieri J .Rotella H .S ring R .41~oifse n C.Saqe C.Fefiring A .Paec h B .Hid r G.Mass a M .McDonald

MONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Phil Knight Assist Coach: John Leroy Res Coach: John Leroy

1 . S . Bourbon 2, M . Healy 3 . A . Grady 4 . M . Malone 5 . J . Watso n 6 . D . Bell e 7, D . Walte r 8 . J . Blandford 9 . G. Wadley 10 . P. Williamso n 11 . A . Nichol s 12 , A . Gross 13 . J . Stratford 14 . A. Mckenzi e 15 . A . Clarke 16 . P. Rennison 17, P. Rutherford 18 . M . Paolucci 19 . R . Coxhead 20 . C . Staf f 21 . J . Bingha m 22 B. Coxhead 23 . L Clar k 24 . D . Baxte r 25 . S. Kibblewhite 26 . A. Denyer 27 R . Gilchrist 28 . Luke Leeton 29 . P.Warre n 30 . P. Holland 31 . G. Roch e 32 . M . Lewis 33 . S . Nelson 34 . M . Graydo n 35 . B Clar k 36 . G. Bloc k 37 . A . Jenkin 38, M Baron 39 . D Grenfell 40 . M . Willock s 41 . C . Arche r

42 . J . Clarke 43 . M . Mastromann o 44 . L. Wells 45 . J . Gonis 46 . G. Kent 47 . M . Parke r 48, G. Still 49 . C . Robinson 50 . S. Dresser 51 . C . Leeton 52 . A . Flowerday 53 . M . Bourbon 54 . A . Perry 55 . G. Harra k 56 . J . Healy 57 . W. Pocock 58 . C . Yann i 59 . A . Yann i 60 . T Bourbon 61 . A . Waters 62 . N Rutherfor d 63 . I. Bagnall 64 . P. Patric k 76 . Harrak


D2 Section OLD CAREY

Senior Coach : Steve Maus Res.Coach: Andrew Gates 1 . C. Angus 2. D. Faelis 3, M. Cohen 4. D . James 5, P. Konstantinidis 6. C . Campbell 7- S. Jessup 8. A. Stewart-Holmes 9, B. Andrews to . K. Shrives 11 . N. Everett 12 . L . MacFarlane 13 . G . Trumbull 14 . M. Mahon 15 . N . Bull 16. R . Graham 17. A. Pa rton 18. C . Matthews 18. B . Chiuchiarelli (r) 19. T. Wood 19. P. Drake (r) 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22. C. Battle 23. H. Van Cuylenberg 24. L Ba ttley 25 . L Chiuchiarelli 26 . A. Wood 27 . N. Vasilopoulos 28 . N . Sulman 29 . C . Mun ro 30 . A. Guerra 31 . J. Ward 32 . P. Graham 33 . N . England 34. T. Rossignuolo 35. S . McConnell 36. S . Wood 37. C. Adam 37. D. Palmer ( r) 38. L Guerra 39. P. Bennet t 40. S . Angu s 41 . A . Gates

42 . L. Morgan 43 . D. Joyce 44 . A. Kent 45 . T. Bull 46 . S. Hill 47 . B. Crosher 48 . S. Bennett 49 . S. Middleton 50 . J . White 51 . B . Croft 59. C. Mason 61 . G. Morgan 64. C. Smith 65. D. Elsner 76. D. Gri nzi


Coach: Michael Lockman Res Coach : Ben Dunn Ass Coach: Matt Edmonds 1 M Goldsworthy 2 W Ainsworth 3 J Fitzclarence 4 C Stinchcombe 5 M Vickers-Willis 6 J Bell 7 J Paul 8 G Allen 9 D Salter 10 M Ave ry 11 L Stevens 12 T Paul 13 T Cannon 14 D Taylor 15 H McCarthy 16 T Fallow 17 T Betts 18 J Malpas 19 S MacGowan 19 N Betts 20 J L~oe 21 L Tea g ue 22 T Ba les 23 C Fa~rbair n 24 S Lansdell 25 T HopeJohnson 27 W Paul 29 J Hope-Johnson 30 B Goldswo rthy 31 H Follette 32 A Munro 33 E Ba yles 34 S O'Brien 35 P Birks 36 T Makin 37 T Waters 38 T D'Antoine 39 J Kilpatrick 40 H Legoe 41 S Ross 42 E Plowman 43 B Grills 44 J Urqha rt 45 C Teague

46 J Morley 47 T Carey 48 R Herd 49 T Young 50 A Suvottas 51 J Kilpatrick 52 S Griffiths 53 I Munro 54 C Wilson 65 H Cust 55 C Atkins 56 M Leslie 57 B Symon s 58 J McCarthy 59 R K lpatrick 60 B MaClean 61 T O'Brien 62 S Lyon 65 A Meek 66 J Imhoff 67 H Eastman 68 R Cuttler 69 A Southey 70 W de Fegley 71 S Waters 72 J Settler 73 ATimms 74 STimms 75 W Temple-Smith 76 J Urquart 77 P Winter 78 Youll 79 P Birks 80 P Winter 81 M Bouchie r 82 L Kni ght 83 H Lockie 84 T Legoe 85 A McHugh



Coach : Derek Thoene Res. Coach : Paul James

Coach : Angus Hamilton Res. Coach : Troy Thompson

1 . L Wa tts 2. J Sheedy 3. J Piotrowski 4. A Fidler 5. J Dema rte 6. D Harmer 7. J Murchi e 8. M Higgins 9 . L Morrison 10 . M Anastassi it . D Milano 13 . K Barbary 14. R Goode 15, H Sutter 16. C Walsh 17. J Roberts 18, A Fiumani 1 9. B O'Mara 20. D Wgg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22. C Thomas 24. C Higgins 25. M Whiting 26 . T Uston 27 . R Kiss 28 . J Ryan 29 . J Gordon 30 . J Dunsford 32 . P Beynon 33+ S Christov 34 . A Frick e 36. J Carter 37. D Barbera 38. M Tricky 39. R R ob erts 40. J Coy 41 . S Ryan 42. D MacFarlane 43. J Andrinopalous

1 a Drain M lb Hamilton A 2 Hamilton P 3 Heppell G 4 Lehmann C 5 Cannane A 6 Pietsch S 7 Benjamin S 8 Batters P g Morphett A

44 . M Ryan 45 B W Whitee

46 . J Sandhu 47 . T Morris 48 . D Litt le 49 . M Hudgson 50. M George 51 . M Pearson 52. N Lane 53. M Paul 54. M Eley 55. M Dinning 56. D Smith 57. C O'Keeffe 58. M Flack 59. C Gelley 60. P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62. B Gorfine 63 . M Roebuck 64 . J O'Keeffe 65 . ATeal 66 . C Dent 67 . D Beynon 68 . L Sierakowski

Proudly sponsored by : Whitehorse I n n 5 BUrWOOd Rd ,

Hawthorn 98184991

10 Aylett A 12 Maguire T 13 Ritchie M 14 Bowshall - Tanner C 15 Russell M 16 Edwards S 17 Heyvood R 18 McManus M 19 Touzel W 20 Henderson S 21 Bromwich J 22 Brockley S JD 24 Jenkin 25 Siebrand J 26 Benjamin R . 27 Brooks M 28 Ward J 29 Sheedy C 30 Lewis M 31 Caller S 32 D'Andrea S 33 Thompson T 34 Twyford I 35 Carmichael M 36 Campbell S 37 Dempsey T 38 Coonan D 39 West R 40 Flanagan 8 41 Greero


42 Norman~ C 43 Tobin J 44 Haynes S 45 Smith J 46 Howard R 47 Thompson A 48 Sutherland A 49 Haysey J 50 Hutchens N 51 Sherry L 52 Muckenthaler T 53 Jelba rt D 54 Rudd Z 55 Kaftl er J ~~Do~gh J 57 Williamson A A 58 Tomey 59 Simmonds N 60 Sprague M K 61 Hilton S 62 Wright 63 Garttan J 64 Stewart L 65 O'Brien N 66 Hussey R J 67 Smith 68 Waller E 69 Goonan M 70 Leahy G 71 Brookshaw M

72 Hanson

WILLIAMSTOW N CoachCYMS : Dens Mcleod Res Coach: Paul De rvan 1 D Williams 2 J Buttig'e g 3 D Griev e 5 D Macleod C 6 N Grant 7 B Robinsa n 8 B Hann 9 G Case 10 B Cock s 11 B Twist n 12 A 12(R) M Cannon~o 13A Mackley 14 D Ferri s 14(R) A Danie l 15 W Phd6ps 15(R) P Breguet 16 D Gilma rtin 17 R Ha rt 17(R) R Plochino 18 D Oldham 19 P De rvan R C 20 P Sadle r 21 L Mo n khurst 22 M V~Jheeleers 23(R) A T Bouras 24 J McCutcheon 24(R) P Thomso n G ~(R) L Grochowsk i 27 C Mathews 28 A Kosmato s 29 P Vincent 30 T Turcinovic h 31 A Bartolo 32 X Toby 33 G Rickard 34 B Jones 35 C Bergin 36 A Black 37 B 38 S 3mil h 39 M Holland 39(R) A Carter 40 J M unro 41 T Campbel l

42 D Wouda 43 B Grant 44 M Manning 45 J Hynes 46 T Fer ris 47 F Nuredini P Kewinn 49 50 A McCutcheo n 51 A McKenzie 52 R Nisbet 53 M Oldha m 54 J Payne 55 J Spezza 56 S Calderwood 57 M Saccoccio


73 Clare M 74 Monague S 75 Brooks D 76 Chislett J 77 Howell R 78 Thom son J un J ~I q ~ 79


Original ar~d pink copy must be iod6eu .,;,,, than halt time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and sumame; Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

TSu'-'*" 0V (:?ret,_. . :,rd by _ _ i

o:-t :D6 a Io:°;a~ call) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this serviceO

Weekend matches (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments ®S ccres (Sat. night) r_ .

~~T qq

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The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .




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~ Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . ® Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ® 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .

Phone: 13 15 52 24 Hour Emergency 041833311 8


CADBURY FCEr 速' TE- ' ' - - .._o i . Ing Grin If you are the person circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper.



--- _- _ i The VAFA Executive had "burnt the midnight oil" in recent weeks regarding the well publicised decision by the Association to exclude a player from playing in relation to HIV. The editorial in the Amateur Footballer went into considerable detail to explain the situation to all clubs and their supporters . In being found guilty of contravening the 1995 Equal Opportunity Act, the VAFA had been the forerunner in taking a case head-on in the best interests of all concerned and many sporting administrators would watch this case with great interest over the coming months . St Kevins scored their first win for the season against Old Ivanhoe and despite a fine effort from young "Hoer" Adam Douglas with six goals, Marcus Olive's rucking and work around the ground helped SKOBS to a well needed win . Dan Richardson with 7 goals for Xavs went to the top of the A grade sharpshooters . Old Carey, Old Essendon and Ajax were the three undefeated teams in D grade. Barry Hickey's informative D section report suggested that there had been a "desperate scramble to avoid relegation since round 1" and he clearly anticipated a great season for this grade . Umpire Marty Jackson had recorded the best "off the stick" score with 79 at the Umps Golf Day . As usual the umps were sticking to the rules in insisting that Marty could not take the title until he umpired a game that season . A Section umpires were Mark Gibson, Craig O'Donoghue, Graeme Thwaites, Anthony Damen, Wayne Hinton, Phil Callil, Steve McCarthy, Tim Sutcliffe and Geoff Curran . Which of these worthy gentlemen enjoyed a somewhat charismatic career with Caulfield Grammarians and Old Xaverians ? E White's C Farrell, the Fitzroy Reds major target .in attack, again led the way with 10 goals and ensured his club remained undefeated . The Blades Club Championship was being led by the Old Melburnians with a consistent approach from all three teams .

Two rounds and only two undefeated teams in A and they met in the third round . At 4 .45pm the 1993, B Section

premiers, Old Melburnians, were alone on top in A . At home, under umpires Wayne Hinton and Richard Simon , they overwhelmed Collegians in the second half, kicking 12 .11 to 5 .6 to wind up winning 21 .20 (146) to 10 .14 (74) . Best for the Om's were A . Thompson, Berry, WardAmbler (8 goals) and Wright, Grigg, Palmer (Coll) . Monash U .F.C . and the VAFA mourned the passing of Doug Ellis, the founding father of the Monash club, who, in 1961 coaxed Peter "Shanks" Longney, then a first year medical student, into forming a team . The club entered the VAFA with Doug as President . Doug's interest in the club never waned . In 1990 he was awarded the Advance Australia Award for his outstanding contribution to Sports Education, and in the Australia Day 1994 Honours List, he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal . The creation of the present Sports Complex at Monash was largely due to Doug's vision and untiring efforts . Thomastown saluted the veteran in the No . 29 guernsey, Kevin "Flea" Harting on his 200th game . The Amateur Footballer of the day printed MELEES - BEWARE . A melee is where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other on the ground or other similar such conduct (of course, most readers will know that the VAFA introduced the melee rule many years before the AFL) . Brad Hodge (well known in another sport), once a VAFA umpire, was now playing for St Bedes/Mentone Tigers Under 19 . Congratulations to Graham "Horse" Gale who played his 200th game for Monash Blues . As then PC said he is the first Monash player to play his 200th game in the seniors, proving that he shall play despite being old and ugly .


Tom Johnston, A Section Press Correspondent posed the question, "who is the one coach in the history of the Amateurs to coach one side from F to A Section?" The answer, Ray Walsh of Marcellin OC - a truly magnificent achievement . peter French's successor as General Manager was Phil Stevens, Old Haileybury coach . Phil handed over the coaching position to Simon Meehan . Phil, a school teacher, district cricketer with South Melbourne and 169 game veteran with Geelong and St Kilda, was welcomed to the job . State selectors were Noel Rundle (Chairman), Andrew Chisholm, Tim Connellan, Gus Mitchell and Geoff Reilley . (Gus in 1994, was Fitzroy's Chairman of Selectors) . A Section coaches were Bruce Ferguson (Coll), Stephen Pirrie (Kew), Mark Hannebery (NOB), Serge D'Angelo (Old Paradians), Simon Tallent (Old Scotch), Danny Corcoran (Old Xaverians), Mike McArthur-Allen (Ormond), Wayne Bannister (Parkside), Alan Salter (Uni. Blues) . The Sunday match at Elsternwick Park was a real thriller. Marcellin got off to a magnificent start in the first term, and at one stage in the second term led North Old Boys by 60 points . Paul Considine, beaten at centre half forward, went into the ruck late in the second term and stayed there for the rest of the game . He gave NOB first use of the ball from then on and at the last change they trailed by three points. In a high standard tight last quarter, NOB kicked 4 .5 to M .OC's 3 .2 and won by 6 points . Best were Considine, Daniels, P.Dwyer (NOB), and McIntyre (6 goals), Origlasso, Psoras (MOC) . The game was well umpired by Santo Caruso and Russell Francis (field), Frank Martinez and Peter McTaggart (boundaries) and Gary Clancy and Ken Tyler (goal) .

AJAX saluted Michael Ritterman on playing his 200th game with the club by acclaiming him as their greatest player ever. Starting with the club as a 15 year old then playing with his old school MSHOB in 1970-72 . Michael returned to the club in 1973 . Captaining the club from 1975-1980 winning the VAFA Best and

Fairest Award in each section from E to B in a five year period, a performance never equalled by any other player. After a sojourn of five years at St Bernards as captain-coach, Michael had returned to the club again this year and was still playing magnificent football . West Brunswick scored their first win for the season when they beat Fawkner by 2 points, 12 .13 to 12 .11 . Best were Buckley, Cecchi, Fyffe (W. Bruns) and Mitchell, Cropley, Hills (Fawkner) .

300 games : a rare milestone to Tony Fink, of Old Carey- best and fairest, committee, Vice President, President - a dazzling wingman and an example to all at the club . 200 games to St Kevins OB Don Martin, club best and fairest in 1964 and president in 1970 and 1971 . His loyalty and dedication to SKOBFC has been outstanding and an inspiration to us all . And would you believe, 150 games as an umpire to Brian "Benny" Goodman who joined the "whistlers" after six seasons with Brunswick (VAFA) . Eight grand finals to his credit, including an A and B and Victoria v South Australia clash . Benny was farewelled as he left for a nine week working (?) holiday in Europe . D Section coaches were Alan Quaife (BullTemp), Lionel Allemand (Country Colleges), Trevor Reid (MHSOB), Mick Glen (Old Carey), Mike Perry (Powerhouse), David Groves (St Bedes), John Murrie (SSB), Ken Frenchman (West Brunswick) . Who coached Elsternwick and Heatherton ?

Geelong sprung the surprise of the season when they held on to beat Ormond by 8 points in a tight finish - their first win over Ormond for maybe years . The visitors kicked 7 .1 to 1 .1 in the second quarter. However, Ormond fought back to take the lead in the third quarter . The lead changed several times in an exciting last quarter. Best were Eddy D . Collins, Birrell (Geelong) and Bourne, Wood, Kozlowski (Ormond) .


VicHealth Form line held up in round 2 . Rupertswood Previe w had a good win and confirmed their status as A few more game s the team to watch . The House also are that will help t o showing some great early form whilst South separate pretenders from contenders ! Melbourne confirmed what a few rumour Itu~ertswoocl in what could mongers were circulating, they might be i n Werribee host be described as match of the day . We have all for a good year ! heard the drums beating about the Woods Match of the day status saw 速 eigfl~ travel but the Bees also seem to have some sting in out to Rupertswood . With the ground fairing their tales . The most exciting issue for both well despite the rain, the Krushers hit the clubs is the amount of youngsters running ground running and looked ominous . The around for them, a great sign! The Woods to youngsters of the Woods found their feet as make it three in a row for mine . the match wore on and despite some wayward kicking, managed to exert their Another good clash looms as Power House authority as the game wore on . Key to the win welcome Uni High down to Albert Park . The was the blanketing job by Nathan Webb on House has started the season in great form and with some tall timber up forward is well the dangerous Kitts whilst the winners wer e also well served by the West boys, McGovern suited to the small grounds on offer. Having said that, Uni High were ultra impressive last and McDonald . week and will be keen to make it two in a row . Werribee broke through for their first win of Fancy the House might be starting to build the season, this time at the expense of up a good year, them for me . Mt .Lilydale . The Bees didn't take full advantage of the wind however with th e Nit Lilydale host Hawthorn and will be power drive of youngsters McNally, Miller and desperate to get a win on the board . Plenty of Murphy, they were able to make up for it into enthusiasm and willing competitors bu t the wind. Keogh and Walsh were also good i n fitness is proving a problem for the home the 12 goal win . Mt Lilydale was best served by Maniscalchi and Van Duuren . Power House got on top of Hawthorn after a relatively even first half to record their second l:ai; ~ !_ST TOTAL straight win . Two commanding wins to start CL~' the season for the House whilst the Hawks D3 5 4:T'I(?Y~ will need to re-group . DUHS-VU Farrelly 9 11 Powerhouse Verberne Ma 7 10 IJaai High also got on the board, this time at Rupertswood Whithead 3 9 the expense of a disappointing Syndal . Powerhouse Verberne Mi 4 9 Farrelly starred up forward with 9 goal s St Johns Horbury 3 7 whilst the Freak Carroll in the ruck and Rose Hawthorn Lauletta 2 6 across half back starred for the winners. Only D3 RESERVE early days but Syndal will be keen to get th e Uhs-VU Forbes 6 9 Rupertswood Reid 1 5 season rolling fairly shortly. Powerhouse Richarson 5 5 Finally, so-~.tla comfortabl St Johns Christian 5 5 r yacountedf Rupertswood Pettman 5 5


side . The Hawks had a bit of a reality check last week however with the inclusion of Cargill might be good enough to win away from home . South Melbourne journey up to Syndal, hoping to make it back to back wins . Their form reads well with a close loss to Oakleigh followed by a strong win against St .Johns . syndal couldn't have got of to a worst start but will be heartened by the return of a number of key players . Still, South for me . Finally, a game which I think will shed considerable light on the season when Oakleigh trek up the highway to face St .Johns . Have the Jocs rebounded from a disappointing year in 2003? Are Oakleigh the real deal? Not sure about the former, almost convinced on the latter, Krushers for me . CORRESPONDENTS Heard from 5 clubs this week so not sure if the glass is half empty or half full . A bit of club publicity never goes astray. You can email me on ed .au or ring me on 0418348723 .

WERRIBEE 4.5 8.6 10.14 16.18 (114) 1 .1 3 .3 5 .4 6. 4(40) MT. LILYDALE Wenibee : Becker 3 K.Murphy 2 D Czajkowski 2 Addamo 2 Walsh 2 Borg Miller Ellis McNally Green . Best: K Murphy A Murphy McNally Miller Keogh Walsh. Mt . Liiydale : Rhodes 2 Cunningham Hansford Hayes Flanagan . Best : Vargo Hansford Kellet Flanagan Van Duuran Maniscalch.

Umpires: Andrew Shiels Shaun Rothe (F) Matthew Jackson (B) HAWTHORNAMATEURS 4.7 5 .9 8 .14 9 .15 (69) POWER HOUSE 2 .3 7 .9 12 .15 19 .18 (132) Hawthorn: Lauletta 2 Dixon Avery H Arold Carle Ogle Pence T Sauce . Best: Fried Ogle Disco Maitnovic Krist Tyson . Power. Mark Verbene 7 Mick Verbene 4 Naylor 2 Sosic 2 Brownjohn Buckley Davies Walsh . Best: Mark Verbene Mick Verbene Hill Sosic Davies Brownjohn . Umpires: Greg Rowllngs (F) Hagen Cosgriff Sam Perrin (G ) UHS-VU 2 .6 7 .10 15 .12 22 .18 (150) 4 .5(29) SYIdDAL TALLY HO 0 .1 1 .4 3.5 UHS-VU: B Farrelly 9 Tate 2 Mora 2 C Thomas 2 Carroll 2 Balers Crackr.ell Lappish Rose Schulz. Best : B Farrelly Schulz Carroll Dolence Diamond Hall . Syndal Tally-Ho : Joy Hayes Richardson Robinson . Best : A Herrmann R Benett I Brigham . M Mosesi A Brown

Umpires: Mitch Buxton (F) Joel Wignall Ryan Place (B ) SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 3 .3 6.8 9.11 12.12 (84) 3 .9(27) ST JOHN S 0 C 1 .0 1.7 1.8 South Meib : D McCormick J Niemi L Neale B Joshke S Aquilino P Cheevers P D'Andrea M Stefanidakis . Best: T Paterakis S Aqullinia P Cheevers J Royle L Kealy W DAndrea . St Johns : C Horbury 3. Best : K Arnold C Horbury J Dial J Brown A Fonceca N Chalk .

Umpires: Ken McNiece Paul Dinneen (F) Brendan Cannon Michael Saunders (B) John Robinson Daniel Haysom (G ) RUPERTSWOOD 3 .0 5 .3 8.11 11 .14 (80) OAffi.EIGH 4.3 5 .7 6 .7 8 .11 (49) Rupert swood : 4irhithead 3 Breenan 2 Phillips 2 Gaunt Hewitt McGovern M West . Best :T WestD Collins M West N McGovern L Spinner . Oakleigh : Bromley 3 McKenzie 2 A Kitts 2 Hery . Best: Purnell Earl P Holden Bromley Luca s

Umpires: Mark Alexander Miles Argall (F) D3 RESERVE WE EE 5 .6 8 .9 19 .15 21 .20 (146) MT. LILYDALE 3 .2 8 .3 8.3 9 . 3(57) Werribee: Marinis 4 Buchanan 3 Waters 3 Mehmet 2 Barker 2 Smith 2 Hoffman Flack M Czajkowski Bunworth Grogan . Best: Barker Smith M Czajkowski Velisha Waters Mehmet . Mt . Lilydale : Paull 3 Maroth 3 Maltar 3 . Best: Holloway Paull Maltar Delahunt Fernando. 0 .2 2.3 3.5 7.6 (127) HAWTHORN AMATEURS POWER HOUSE 6 .6 11 .8 16.9 19.13 (48) Hawthorn : Jacomos 4 Connell Howudo Tsoumm. Best : Pritchard Collins Crieton Jacomos Flack Tsoumbrn . Power: Richardson 5J Harris 4 Matheson 3 R Benson 2 Reidy 2 Fordham Phillips Pratt . Best : D Harris Reidy Benson J Harris Miller Plazzer.

TODAY D3 SL-'11ION Mt Lilydale v Hawthorn Amateurs Power House v UHS-VU

Syndal Tally-Ho v South Melb Districts St Johns 0 C v Oakleigh Werribee Amateurs v Rupertswood

UIiS-VU 2.3 8.5 12 .8 14 .13 (97) SYNDAL TALLY HO 3.3 4.5 4.5 5 .5 (35) UHS-VU: Forbes 6 Zulicki 2 G .Costa Clarke Donks P Thomas M Turvey S Vernon . Best: Forbes J Thomas D Zuiicki P Thomas A Pendlebury M . Kennedy . Syndal Tally-Ho: Fleming Pless Vagiatis Wang Buckley. Best: Kennett Reeman James Thomas Bartholomew . SOUTH M ELS DISTRICTS 2 .0 2.4 6 .6 9.7 (61) 7.7 10 .9 15.12 (102) ST JOHNS O C 2.2 South Tiielb: Details not received . St Johns : D Christian 5 A Dragwidge 3 A Perry 2 M Hancock G Wilson A Rudd J Cotton D Vanderwert . Best : M Hangar J Cotton A Rudd D Christian P Rudd A Dragwidge . RUPERTSWOOD 5 .8 6 .9 7 .11 8 .15 (63) OAffi.EIGR 0 .0 3 .2 3 .3 4.5(29) Rupertswoad : M Pettman 5 D Hurn R Jaeger P Reid . Best : M. Pettman . Or.kleigh :T J . McC an n A Walsh P Reid M Mckenzie S Carmody Orchard 3 M Short . Best: C Marshall G Redford M R_van J Connellan T Orchard




D3 Section HAWTHORN Coach : Peter Tyson Res . Coach : Ed Sill 1 A Collins 2 G Broadley 3a A Knott 3b N Patterson 4a S Stevens 4b B Glover 5a S Avery 5b T Kerr Be P Avery 7 C Alexander 8 JR Cargel; 9 10 P Ohard 11 M Pollock 12b A Tsoumbaris 13aJ Murphy 13b J Povey 14a D Lauletta 14bT Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16 C Reed 17 B Ruzicka 18 P Phillips 19 J Law 20 S Parker 21 K Brockman 22 C 2 3 L Collins ~ 24 J Jackomonis 25 M Zaverella 26 N Hayes 27 R Lord 28 T Crivelli 29 P Barker 33 P Stroud 34 R Johnston 35 S Davies 36 A West 37 M Daou 38 B Bruns 39 G Cade 40 P Rossitto 41 J Bogie 42 D McGlenchy 43 I Chepa 44 B Allder 45 B Mountain 46 T O'Hanlon 47 D Iahrff 48 A Brick 49 N Tierney 50 J Gourley 51 S Signorini 52 C Frost 53 M Preston 54 J Berry 55 A Saulle 56 M Coglan 57 B Collins 58 T Dixon 59 A Doyl e 60 G Saddington 61 M Gray 62 A Johnsen 63 D Kealy 64 N Kudeweh

65 G LilywhHe 66 C Lorenz 67 S McDonald

68 P Nikoloau 69 T Papamarkov 70 A Patton 71 S William s 72 M Waller 73 J William s 75 E Sill 76 C Pickett 77 A Smith 78 D Carter



CD(j¢GI Senior Coach : David Keast Res Coach: Billy Leek 1 . J. Paull 2. P. Hayes 3. M . Brebner (DVC) 4. F. Varga 5. G . Bird 6. M. Jelenc 7. C . Varga 8, K. Maniscalchi (VC) 9, A. Del Blonde 11 . C. Gibson 13. R . Kidd 14. W. Charlton 15. R . Scott 16. D. Morrison 17. J . Lesinger 18. R . McKenzie 19. M . Leonard 20 . D.Watt 21 . M . Cunningham 22. N . Colarossi 23 . B . Egan 24 . L Merrell 26 . T. Flanagan 27 . N. Pearc(VC) 28 . D. Maggs 29 . J . Roberts 30 . A . Penhale (RVC) 31 . T. Hansford 32 . P. Carolan (C) 33 . C. Anderson 34 . L Kellett 35 . D. Callanan 36 . M . Alderman 37 . C. Carstens 38 . J . Charles 39 . T. Van Duuren 40 . M . Rhodes 41 . M . Maltar 42 . M . Periera 43 . D. Holloway (RC) 44 . A . Cox 45 . K. Fraser 46. D . King 47. C . Lonergan 48 . S. Dougherty 49. M. Watt 50. D . Hicks 51 . A. Bullerjahn 53. D .Marotti 54. L Allanson 55. T.Wilson B . Leek J . Mollica J . Commerford J . Penhale A. Delahunt J . Hoffman



Coach: Chris Moore Res : Pat McKenna

Coach: Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean

Coach : Tony West Res. Coach: Shane Mol-auchlar,

1 Murray A 3 Mackenzie D 4 He~ G 5 Kokkinos C 6 Cash M 7 Short M 8 Earl S 9 Hogan C 10 Mitchell R 11 Treacy G 12 Fumell D 13 Britt D 14 Malcom P 15 Redford G 16 Bell M 17 Holden K(DVC) 18 Connellan J 19 Keating R 20 Tolley J 21 Perdikornatis A 22 Ear S 23 Kerley J 24 Kitts S 25 Marshall C 26 Kilts A 27 Zula D(VC) 30 Holden P 31 Bromley T (C) T 32 Hunt 34 Lucas P 35 Nuske R 36 Ryan M 37 Phillips B 38 Cammiss S 41 Way S 42 Dalton S 43 Hinton A 44 Wills N 45 Nevzie J 46 Nguyen B 47 Stevenson M 48 Reynolds J 49 Collins S 50 Lamb C 51 Kennedy L 52 Cooke C 53 Lourey A 54 Edwards M 56 King B 57 Nagel D 58 Glossop A 59 Orchard T 60 Wills D 61 Ciavarella A 63 Couttie M 64 Videky E 65 Hullah M

M Taylor 1 R Humphreys 2 N Pavlou 3 D Boland 3 B Turner San VC 4 M Braini 5 P Sosic 5 6 C Richardson M Hill 8 L Fraser 9 D~~r to B Phillips 11 A Brownjohn 12 J Harris 13 W Elliot 14 P HasetEr San Capt 15 R Anderson 1 6 C M cLeod 1 7 F Doyle 18 L Button 19 J Evans t9 J Nicholls 20 R D Miller 2 1 Walsh ~


J 7ayrr z4 M Driessen 25 D Harris 28 R Davies 27 P Cooper 28 M Beasley 29 T McFarlane 30 R Marshall Res Capt 31 M Verberne San VC 32 A Ristovski 33 ham 34 S Hatcha d d 35 J Kilpatrick 35 C Doolan 36 S west 37 T Brownjohn 38 W Benton 39 J Marshall 40 R Black Res VC 41

PArnoM 42 J Howes 43 D Glanville 44 A Contreras 45 V Brown 4 6 T Marshall 4 7 D Crane 47 N Sharp 48 C Pratt 49 A Volz 50 J Best 5 1 C Matheson 52 S Wame 5 3 D Reidy 5 4 E Buckley 55 C Plazzer 5 6 R Nilsson 57 C Hunt 59 B Dallimore 6 0 L Hall 62 M


2 Purcell G . 3 Page S. 4 Burrowes D. 5 McGrath J . 6 Gallus S. 7 Whitehead B . 8 Elliott K. 9 Clarke M . 10 Albania J . 11 Moule B . 12 Temming M. 13 Sinnett B . (Capt.) 14 Plummer L 15 Webb N. 16 Clarke P. 17 Hatty R . 18 Pettman M . 19 Collins D . 20 Flinn P. 22 Stevens D . 23 West M. 25 Weston S . 27 Temming L. 28 McDonald D . 29 Baines M . 32 Sinnet P. 33 King J . 35 Carlo C . 36 Henry P. 38 Johnson R . 39 Walsh D . 40 Wilson T. 41 O'Ri{ey C. 42 McKenzie M . 43 Phillips R . `M Icely A. 45 Hum D. 46 Howard R . 47 Soutaris A. 48 Bu9eja N . 49 McGovern N . 50 Soutaris D .

51 MacPherson B. 52 Jordon A . 54 Kosta M. 56 Hatty G . 57 McMahon N. 58 Woodall D . 61 McConville P. 63 Morrice P. 69 Bradbury H. 77 O'Callaghan


E Cartledge 67 T Drew 69 T Friend 87

N Bishop San VC 88


P3 Section 0G ST. JOHNS : Ben McGee Coach Res : Rod Walker

K. Arnold g M . Peake 3 D. 0'Connor 4 S . Holmes 5 B . Hilton 6 M . Phaedonos 7 N. Chal k 8 M . Hartnett 9 A Jones 10 M . Caurmad'ias 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 1 3 C. Horbury VC 14 P. Sharp 14R M . Hanger 15 M . Kosmala 1 6 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne VC- Res 18 C . Emery t9 J. Cotton 20 B. Rydquist 21 S. Koppens C 22 G . Roberts 23 J. Diaz DVC 24 L Mara 25 B. Waters 26 H . Wathen 27 R . Dawsett 28 A . Dexter 29 T. Ellis 30 R . Walker 31 D. Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Fonera 34 M . Hancock C- Res 35 J . Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D. Ch ri stian VC- Res 38 D. Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hyland 41 J. Hargraves 42 D . Sanders 43 M. Van Houten 44 J. Ross 45 A. Hall 46 B. Gallery 47 G . Bastone 48 J . Hargraves 49 A. K¢ilis 50 J . Brown 51 C . Santoni 52 D . Harkin 53 C. Rattle 54 D. Vanderwert 55 B . Pickering 56 A. Dragwidge 66 J . Scardamaglia

SOUTH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS Coach : Brendan Moloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher 1 J Washington DVC 2 Ma Hannan C 3 M Balshaw 4 S Stepnell 5 S King 6 L Kealy 7 A Hannan 8 X Kidd 9 S Aqualina 10 D McCormick 11 P Daly 12 A Argyri ou 13 E Henderson 14 D Bell 15 B Laaaro 16 J Neimi 17 P D'Andrea 18 G Cox 19 A Reid 20 W Brown 21 B Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B Downing 24 B Joske 25 S Ath e rt on 26 R Mitchell 27 P Cheevers 30 T Zantuck 31 S Hermman 32 D McGee 35 N Moojen 37 J Clyne 38 D Rowe 39 A Briglia 42 G Gaylor 43 W D'Andrea V C 44 D Geary 45 C Roe 46 A Ray 47 J Ro yle 52 M Anderson 53 D Phillips 55 J Pohlner 6a M Stefanidakis

Dowsett E ngineering The Ros e


Coach: Jeff Bingham ~ . Coach: Dick Turpin Res. Coach: Tony Psinas Res Ass. Coach : N'tck Murray 1 . A. Turpin 2 . 1 Bingham (VC) 3 M Joy B Bayliss 4 P Henderson (VC) 5 D Hannett 6 V Wong P Gleason 7 A Burns 8 R Bennett 9 0 Richardson J Cropp 10 T Psinas 10 A Hallyburton 11 J Rutter 12 J Moresi 13 S Miller 14 S O'Boyle (R.VC) 15 N Murray 16 J Fleming 17 L Fuller 18 M Bircanin 19 A Thompson 201 Mackenzie (VC) 20 C Hall 21 L Devon 22 M Buckley 23 R Avery 24 M Macfarlane 25 C Clark (R.VC) 26 A Morrison 27 M leplaa 28 A Frede ri ck 29 C Beaumont 30 B Holland 31 A Richardson (R .C) 32 L Hannemann 33 T Bart holomew (R.VC) 34 N Hunter 35 C Cachia (C) 36 T Fleming 37 B Robinson 38 M Christianse n 39 D Hallisey 40 B Thomas 41 M Moresi 42 M James 43 A Brown 44 K Bradford 45 H Rosenhain 46 S Williams 46 D Kennet 47 C Hayes 48 D Reynolds 49 A Herrmann 50 P Agnello 51 C Discombe 52 S Anderson 53 B Smith 54 P Sheer 55 T McLennan 56 A Treasure


Coach: Shane Mottram Res. Coach: G.Temes Assistant: G.Mandalis I M . Wright 2 R. Thorp 3 T. Cleveland 4 L. Gorringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S. Cracknell C 7 D. Zulicki 7 M Farmer (R) 8 M.Gerolemou 9 S. Devlin 10 B. Farrelly, 11 D. Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose 14 M. Butera 15 J. Jacks 16 J. Tate 17 C . tangendo rf 1 8A. Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J . Hall 22 G. Mandalis 23 G. Temes 24 R . Hartle 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27A. Cusic k 28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K Weber 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 J. Siraio 34 J. 0'Nei 35 A . Butera 36 A . Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R. Lapish 39 M. Rea L 41 . Fj~yy 42 D . Wallace 43 M. O'Neill 44 C . Witnish 45 S. Hams 46 C . Siotos 47 H . Gillie s 48 M. Davidson 49 S . Smits 50 B . Warren 52 A. Docherty 53 J . Schulz 55 N . 56 D. Creek 57 C. Thomas 58 J . Thomas 59 D. Macrae 60 G. Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D. Edwards 64 B. Walpole 65 J. Hams 66 S. Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L . Holmes 69. A. Dowdell 70 E. Ricciuti 71 B. Goldsmith 72 A. Van Rea 75 S. Mill s 76 V. Cavelieri 77 R . McCormic k 78 B. Carruthers 79 M. Tu rvey 81 B . Will 86 W. H'tggins 88 D . Fsher


Coach : Tim Ellis Res. Coach: Paul Smith 1 . D. Nedini s 2 . K.Murph y 3 . D. Flack (R C) 4 . S . tGd d 5 . B . Cunningham 6 . M . Walsh 7 . T. Dean 8 . R. Stonehouse 9 . J. Ali n y g 11 . M. Green N C) 12 . T. Elli s 13 . F. Mehmer t 14 . J. Marinis 15. A. Murphy 16. N . Gauchi 17. A. Tedessc o 18. D . Velish a 19. J . Addamo 20. E . Mahone y 21 . T. Davidso n 22. A . Dibati sta 23. C. Becke r 24. L. Carson 25. B . McMilla n 26. R. Bell 27, A. Bor g 28 . D. Czajowski {D .V)C) 29 , S. Dole 30 . D. Sette 31 . B. Water s 32 . 0. Harwoo d 33 . R . Baker 34 . J. Hoffman 35 . B. Bunwort h 36. S. Bianco 37. C . Howard 38. T. Towers (RV/C ) 39. L. Langfield 40. S . Fuller 41 . G. Grogan (R C) 42. P. Thomas 43. D . Buchanan 44. T. Johnson 45. C. Alabaki s 46. A. Carson 47. A . Camille 48. J . Tumskos 49 . G . Fuller 50 . K. Pace 51 . B. Fenton 52 . P. Daw e 53 . R. Marston 54 . C. Smith 55 . B. Brown 56 . D . Fr aze r 60 . M. Czajowsk i

99 W. Hircoe


5 Albie Firley

5 Luke Duthie

5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max Wittman

6 Paul Hoffman

6 Brendan Devlin

6 Not Available

6 Dash Peiris

7 Adam Conquest

8 Mark Alexander

7 Paul Croxford

7 Alan Lad d

8 Landan Blackball

7 Sean Scully (Jnr)

8 Trevor Hansen

8 Nick Evans

9 Matthew Brennan

8 Bruno Savi

9 Stephen Caple

9 Santo Caruso

10 Avi Wekselman

9 Damien Lan e

10 Damian Anderson

10 Shane Mele

11 Luke Holmes

10 Sean Scully(Snr)

11 Tom Haysom

11 PaulTuppen

12 Daniel Mousley

11 Dirk Kramer

12 Jamie Kvins

12 Sean Rothe

14 Sharon Alger

12 Mark Morrison

14 Michael Giiday

14 Tim Tingiri

15 Geoff Curran

14 Ash Hoogendyk

15 Phillip Callil

15 Michael Sneddon

16 Peter Wood s

15 Tim Doecke

16 Scott Fraser

16 Luke Moncrieff

17 Mark Gibson

17 Geoff Caulfield

17 Brett Horskope

17 Michael Robins

18 Jason McNiece

18 Peter Simpson

18 Tim Sutcliffe

18 George Paleodimos

19 Steve McCarthy

19 Andrew Fyf e

19 Glenn Scotland

19 Peter Pulle n

20 John Ralp h

20 Brian Woodhead

20 David D'Altera

20 Geoff Kelly

21 Patrick Maebus

20 Grant Wardrop

21 Nick Ryde

21 David Irons

22 Nick Fennesy

21 Gaj Skandakumar

22 Justin McKeegan

22 David Longworth

23 Paul Dinneen

22 Chris Collins

23 Anthony Calderone

23 Robert Sneddon

24 Graeme Hunichen

23 Peter Griffiths

24 Miles Argall

26 Patrick Coulthard

25 Geoff Moore

24 Leigh Dillon

25 Richard Eastwood

27 PaulJones

26 Andrm Shiels

25 Lionel Katz

26 Sacha Koffman

28 Ron Martyn

27 Matt Cox

26 Daniel Dinneen

27 Euan Lindsay

29 Peter Liddell

28 Paul Lamble

27 Anthony Simpson

28 Leah Gallagher

30 Anthony Lilley

29 Allan Stubbs

28 Ken McNiec e

29 Gerard Rolfs

31 Peter Angelis

30 Justin Lipso n

29 Peter James

30 Simon Olive

32 Jarrod Aspinall

31 Andrew Lougheed

30 Jack Lloy d

31 Rob Schuller

33 Roland Fuhrmann

32 Eli Haye s

31 Robert Semmens

32 Joseph Bolzonello

34 Daniel Stephens

33 Robert Mayston

32 Anthony Damen

33 Simon Stoke s

35 Dianne Whiteley

34 Graeme Morgan

33 Michael Forde

34 Jeremy Heffernan

36 Jamie Gunn

35 Jason Lane

34 Stephen Morgan

35 Graham Thwaites

37 Joseph Hartwig

36 Matthew Meier

35 Trov Brook s

36 Phillip s

37 Matt Goold

36 Jason Waszaj 37 Gavin Robeilr


L n ay. 38

. en Ryde



at the par 3eY8ng r,~------"""_._-------- "moving day" as off with no one g Round g should be no uch loved rotation system . onto the green, took a 10 minutes for all to Putt out. olf we anticipate the rn outs than the good n and d g g : (thanks to Brosna There will be more ins an . the wards o ) TBobby Richmond coaching box this weekend Seymour for the prizes Tee, Shot award : , Untidy, head e umpirilIg careers our Shortest, Laughabl That' s usiug Your As we start out in lour our headuse and the old Mark Morrison : Dar1O Trabucc o WJeremy advisers tell us to use Wel seems that Nearest Pin (9th) : Izah Gallagher "common sense" rule• literally in his game Nearest Pin (I4th) In the Opening minute an took this a little too : EOM Strack Heftern Longest Drive t Road last Saturday f t smother on a : VG (back to back) i n a at Pun er e c Winner of the game he executed a p was : Simon Stokes (bridesmaid for 3rd year . Jeremy wa sa little with stars 2nd piayeT s kick - with his head continued the g erson row) dazed but obviously suppose he wasn't the only p : Dario Trabucc o . We punt Road last weekend* 3rd in his eyes Ump~e look-alikes s that our own Rob ducking his head a Spectator in the cr s~~ i to Mr Burns from The ! tGodluckSp kverynow if you think there are any Mayston looks Relocation rule most of us had to contend wit ht an Simpsons . Let us Last weekend 3 .4 other look-ahkes out there grounds m probably a little earlier P ht we'd highlight I .ati'~' muddy . (and former Card trick experienced umpire (a expected, so we th°Ug uare" . nHow can such an without his yellow and with a muddy entitled "Relocation of Centre arrive at a game ~ation is to "On particularly wet grounds . sQume can be adviser) p red cards? part of our match preght before. We cricket wicket area, the 45 metrehe centre of the thoroughly check our gear the m moved towards one wing so .that Thet square is not to hope the players behaved themselvessquare is on a drier surface be moved ridiculously towards any °ne wing' If Trainin Graemeg Hunichen would like to remind all those clubs are not able to clearlymatch, mark this'new' " that as an alternative to ill, ball square can b , starts a n circl eb f °north-westerners tpark,gou e a drierospot fandu away from the centre o ptrain gatEisternaEsedonGam ar . thrown p o 6pm each Tuesday 15th ) the marked square, f~ction (may ont the Next WW umpires require" "' Thanks Be ready the Trivia which nex is night, anything like is previous years Once again the number Of ums available . So a . Get t e calendar and if i higher than the number of umpir (over 100 people) then bookings are a must big thank YOU °nce again to those who helped out table organised . from the clubs, Club XVIII and the Riddell Football ,. _, n

in early to get you r

MILESTONES der if you have an r League . nsored by Droll` estone game should Don't forget to give us a reminde l Golf Day (pTCu Euy sp°the drought? Then let the . A mi upcoming milestone lighted and we're sure thatsted your What better to breakc~uaf golf day . As to bes in h always be hIg VAFAUA hold their olfer n kin d . There s always s fellow umpires and othour h story Malver Valley but the reading a little about y eocv n uredeoute to wa d a skeleton in the closet9we canNon ~ contact team is the enthusiasm was high . reached the greens in . Many to blow the Remember - Dmp~ . Although one of our scribes would disagree d To the game itself regulationeSthen proceede sport given, bucket and spade could bet after three solid collisio®cfcl c m all & opportunitie t portunitiess item some to reach for in the golf bag bu ball down Leah Gallagher - leahg the opnex then maybe a canoe for the chasing you r Steve McCarth®~otech .monash .edu .au 41 steve .mccarthY the rapids of the creek. ht of g all golfers teeing Definite highlight was the si 00 4 THE AMATEUR F


BnF 速 Beiersdoi f Australia Ltd

Another tough round for tipping, and thanks to another furiously in defence fo r two out of five, I am left languishing around the bottom of Albert Park, they could the scribe's ladder . Here's hoping I can turn my form not peg back the lead around this week! A special hi also to some of the readers and went down by 2 8 from SKOBs who said they enjoyed the D4 banter every points . week. It is nice to hear of some of the higher grades Preview paying an interest on what's happening in the world of St Marys v Box HUI North D4 . This match promises to be a fascinating encounter with Review both teams coming off good wins last weekend . While Box It was back to earth with a thud for Eltham being Hill North will be buoyed by last week's performance, they comprehensively flogged by St .Mary's at Turtle Park. will need to be at their very best to threaten the Saints, After an even first half, the Saints found space in the open especially considering the good form of Armstrong and expanses and kicked away as Or-me and Dwyer proved too Frail . If Box Hill's Steele and Matty Rogers can again slick for the Turtles . While, Jordan Fro and Johnny perform, they may threaten, however, I don't think Box Galvin tried hard for Eltham, their team struggled on the Hill are quiet up to it just yet as I go with the Saints to scoreboard and registered only two goals for the match as win by 36 points . they went down by 72 points . Richmond v Elsternwick Box Hill No rth registered their first win for the year Given the results of the past two weeks, this match against a disappointing Richmond Centrals . Inaccurate promises to be one of the blowouts of the season thus far . kicking - from Box Hill flattered the scoreboard for Richmond has been ordinary up until now, while Richmond, as the "Buckets and Doyle" show hit full Elsternwick have proven they are a real final's contender. swing. Richmond started well with five goals, but from At home, the Snakes would be hoping for a better then on it was all Box Hill as they ran out comfortable 43showing, however, I am struggling to see where they will point winners . have the personnel to counter the brilliance of Mahoney's Elsternwich took on a promising Westbourne minus marking, the run of Stuchberry on the wing and the skill three injured players from last week and kicking into the of the ball magnet himself, Paul Nevill . My pick is wind the first quarter had their backs against the wall . A Elsternwick by a massive 98 points . tight match ensued as the Wicker's back line, led by Mark Thiele, stood up to the immense pressure applied from the strong marking Billman . Trailing to a three-goal deficit going into the final quarter, Elsternwick used the wind to perfection piling on seven goals to one with Justin Hunter and Scott Grace kicking two each to run out CLUS i! :1f,1_ LSi i'. " , TOTAL deserved four goal winners . D4 SECTION Bull een surprised all with a stirring victory at Bocce Elsternwick Hunter Palace against North Brunswick . Both sides battled hard North Brunswick Hamilton and going into the final quarter it was anyone's game, Albert Park Collins North managed to hit the front in the final quarter but the Old tVestbourne Horsburgh J Richmond Duki c good work of Rob Pasinati combining with Tim Conn, St Marys Ryan David Trinchi and Tim Onvin, who were back to their New Tinetti best, ensured a great five point win for the visitors . The New Lamana Boudoloh brothers were shining lights for North, while D4 RESERVE Fab Ferrante also put in a great game . Eltham Jorgenson 0 6 It was a rugged, tough encounter at Bull Oval as Kew New Ferrantino 4 6 kept their unbeaten run in tact to firm in premiership Richmond Diefretas 5 5 favouritism . The game was won in the second quarter, as Box Hill North Cavello 5 5 the Falcons, ravaged by injuries fell to the great play North Brunswick Carter 5 5 around the ground of Tom Moore and Jamie Dennis . Bull Cobra s Edgar 0 4 While Phillip Chambers and Jason Simcocks worked St Marvs Roseman 2 4


old Westbourne v North Brunswic k It is never a pleasant road trip to blowy Warriorsville, but after coming off two disappointing losses, it must seem like the trip from hell for Sammartino and his troops . The Warriors will be keen to avenge last week's defeat and will still have the memory of last year's loss at home to North etched firmly in their brains . While North will be hoping the return of Captain Dave Pizzari and club legend Abe Kyriazis can turn things around. I do not believe they will be able to penetrate the defences of Old Westbourne, led by the man mountain himself, "Juice" Huntington . Therefore, I am picking the Warriors to make it two from two at home with a 22 point win . gnlleen Cobras v Albert Park This match has taken on increased significance after last week's results with both sides keen to keep in touch with the top four. Bulleen have proven they are no push over, and at home Cookson's goal kicking prowess will be allowed to shine . The Falcons, ravaged by injuries, know they have a tough ask ahead of them, and I think they are still up to the challenge, even minus a few of their playmakers. Therefore, in what should be a close, tough encounter, I am going with the Falcons to pinch a nail biting 4-point victory . Eltham v Kew Eltham host Kew in what could be a dark day for the Turtles . While last week's loss may have hurt, a flogging today could be shattering for the young Turtles. Coach Wayne Reardon will need his troops at their very best if they are to halt the Kew juggernaut and he will be relying on Stockdale, Savage and Galvin to lead the charge . However, Kew continue to impress and with Lamanna defeating three opponents regularly, the Grubster in and under and the Moore-dog running himself ra,,sed, I think it will be Kew in a canter to win by 55 pnints . St .A7arys - Francis "Big -_-o" _ ._arson plays his "1-3game today. He is described as the :und of bloke you want beside you in the trenches. He is also a great clubman and one of the most courageous players for the Saints and all hope he contests the ruck for 150 more games . Box Hill North - congratulations to Andy Steele on reaching 100 games. Andy is one of the hardest at the ball players at North and his 100th epitomised that, with brilliant smothering and tackling . It is a great effort considering he had a knee reconstruction in 2002 . Press Correspondent s It was another great response from everyone with nine out of ten reports received . Keep up the good work! Please get your reports to gavan .flower@spotless by no later than midday on Monday.

D4 SEC __ . St Marys v Box Hill North Richmond Central v Elsternwic k Old Westbourne v North Brunswick Bulleen Cobras v Albert Park Eltham Collegians v Kew

I1 1 .4 2.5 2.7 2.11 (23) 3.2 5.5 10.8 14.11(95) 1 Foo Jorgensen. Best Foot Stockdale Savage Galvin Nelson _ *gs : V.R}an 20-me 2 Putcell2 A D4ayer 2 Bemadi 2 Waller . . Best: Orme Dwyer Armstrong Frail Latimer Schembri . U Jr Fyfe (F) 2.8 7.16 10.19 16.22(118) 5.2 4.6 10 .9 11.9 (75) Doyle 4 Giza 4 Ball 3 Manno Na mouski F -i`calla A Wood Palmer Bc u Garrett Doyle Steele Rogers Keillor Butler. Richmond Centrals: Goals: Duhde 6 Banitt 3 Moffatt 2 . Best Speakman Herds Darling J Lynch Ihilac White Ump3a+ s : I Maebus Peter Pullen (F) Michael O'Donnell Jack Regester (G) -T.'- . . "C;, 3.2 4.7 6 .13 13.17 (95) 4.2 5.5 9 .8 10.11(71 ) 速1D Hunter 4 S Grace 3 Barney B Mahony C htahony Stephen s Curtain Murphy. Best Shrchbery Nevill C.Mahony Thiele Hunter. Old : J Horsburgh 2 Pavez 2 A Horsburgh Gerace Hodgson Oldham Braham A.Lcitch . Best: Billamn Paces A .Leitch Huntington I- t"fchael Forde (F) Sam Gent Ben Bracken (B) :CK 1 .3 3 .6 6.9 10 .12 (72) NOR 3 .6 5 .8 8.10 11 .11 ('77) North Hamilton 4 Newton 2 H Tsialtas Sammartino J Boudoloh Aret. Best: A Boudo)oh J Boudoloh Mountney Robertson Kelly Fen-ante . E3uI1 Cobras : Cookson 3 Daniels 2 Fradkin 2 Nathanim Gemes Pasinati Dall'Oglio . Best: Cookson McLaren Pasinati Conn Orvnn J Trinchi . Ur os : Mick Gitday Joe Waszaj In 1 .0 8.8 11.8 12.11 (83) _l PL_?g 1 .4 1 .4 5.12 7.13 (55) r tamanna 3 Tinetti 2 Dover 2 Doumis Aitken de Blank Wood Evans . .,, Moore Cullen J Dennis Dover Costley Drago. Albert ' Johnson 3 Simcocks 2 Dudi Collins . Best: Dudi Simcticks Storey Chambers Johnson. Um _'ns: Ron Marlyn Peter Griffiths (F) D4 RESEIM iS 2.3 3.3 4 .4 5.6(36) 2 .2 4.3 6 .5 6.6(42) : Mann 2 f{rohn 2 Lutiick . Best Luttick Mann Thenc e 0g' too. St MaM: Bemadi 3Rose:nan 2 Millar . Best: Gilchrist Golda . --~rButler. 4.1 6.2 10 .3 14 .4 ( 3.1 6.3 9 .8 15 .9.(99) Cavalto 5 Thof 3 Ellis 2 Pratt Callis Vefeski Tambakis. Best: Cavall idera ker Lay T Wood Tambakis McCartin . Richmond C retas 5 Lake 3 13u2i 2 Malcolm 2 Grey Karamichalos Burst st: Melville Legasstck Iauzrl Kingley TltFey P{aramichales. . 2. 0 7.5 8 .5 11 .11('T7) 017 f It 1.5 2 .6 3.8 4 .10 (34) Goldman 2 Cunningham 2 Spilberg 2 W . Morgan McNall y a Anderson. P t: Gordon Bra4vigton Goldman Cunningham Pal ~, 5 Nolan 3=: Mutimer Lonnon Bartofo Jenkinson . nv w~cather Bartoto Lennon Runciman A Miller. 4 .1 8 .2 10.3 13.4 (82) 0 .3 7 .3 8.8 9.9(63) North ,i ~ Carter 5 Russo 3 Papanikolou 2 Lattouf Briffa S Tsialtas. ia: BrilTa Trafford Duson Russo Devereaux Guppy. Bulleen Cobra Anderton 3Cook 2 Fish McQualter Paatsch Rodrigues. Best Richards Anderton Cook Paatsch Chan Rodrigues . KEW 0 .4 3.2 5.10 8.11 (59) Al= P 1 .5 3.6 5.9 6.10 (46) New, Ferrantino 4 A Bortone McLaurin Makris Symes . Best Ferrantino Rakue. Cadden Makris Docks Spnes. Al]iert , Davey 2 Fairfield Jackson Roberton Smith. Best: Dacy Walkley 1Vall Black Quinlan Xrisapaa .



Senior Coach: Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 . P. Smith 2. S. Robinson 2. N . Pastras 3. R . Baker 3. G . Baker 4. J. Simcocks 4. L Baird 5. S. All an 6. J . Storey 7. S. Venables 9. P. Chambers 10 . M . Phillips 11 . D . Brea 12 . T. Fraser 13, B . Payne 13, M . Davey 14 . M . Hyams 15 . D. Bode Yy 15 . P. GtiK;as 16 . C. Roberton 17 . D. McLellan 18 . J . Taylor 20 . K. Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22 . J . Han nett 22 . S . Bennett 23 . B. Harri es 23 . H. Walls 24 . T. Green 25 . J . Wier 26 . S . Fairfield 27 . J . Holloway 28 . R. All an 29 . R. Humphrey 30. W. Johnson 31 . S. McGuire 31 . G . Foster 32 . M. Smith 33. J. Murray 34. T. Houston 35. S. Toth 35. D . Allan 36. J. Dudi 37. L . Hogan 38. N . Wheeler 39. S. McKerrow 41 . A. Visapaa 42. D . Bennett 44. B. Isard 45. J. Agar 46. M. Dowdle 48. J. Hamath 49. L . Ryan 50. S. Mellis 50. B. Tuite 51 . J . Belbin 52. M . Wall 53. M . Williams 55. D . Quinlan 57. J . Su tton 57. T. Hurley 58. A. Jackson 59. T. Bennetts 60. V. Surace 62. N . Cain 77. S . Garcia 78. J . Hamath 79. J . Guzman

Sponsored by: Rising Sun Hotel, RICHM 0 ND


Coach: Peter Armstrong Res Coach: Jon Pratt 1 Wilson G 2 Riscalla C 3 Odza A 4 Manno A 5 G arrett J 6 Mart ini D 7 Stewart S 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Thoi T 12 Dick A 13 Cumming M 14 Palmer B 15 Keillor L 16 Drew W 17 Cavallo G 18 Butler C Callis C 20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Doyle P 25 Kotsaridis P 26 Ball R 27 Wakefield S 28 Veleski Z 29 Rogers M 30 Olson B 31 Olson D 32 Oldfield I 33 Marinovic M 34 McCartin M P 35 Burley 36 Gaynor D 37 Penhalluriack L 38 D'Amato G 39 Tambakis J 40 Worrell D 41 Takeshita M 42 Tarulli A 43 Dole Y


44 Garrett C 45 Pearce B 46 Mortimer P 47 Andrews A 48 Lacey M 49 Ellis T 50 Pozar B 51 Cervelli M 52 D'arcy S 54 Van den Akker L 55 Pratt J 56 Wood A 57 Wood T 58 Demarco R 59 Tarulli M 60 Benbow N 61 Weston G 62 Penesis H 76 Loer and K 78 Leavers A 79 Benne tt G 80 Evans S 88 Edgley M 99 Robinson G 111 Armstrong P

OOLLEER COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo Res Coach: G Brown

1 I McLeod 2 T Orwin 3 S McLaren 4 N Cartledge 5 M M ann 6 T Pearson 7 T Mehrez 8 T Mazzarella 9 M Kyriakou 10 C Powderham 11 A DeJong 12 P Whitehouse 13 N Edg ar 14 T Fradkin 15 J Trinchi 16 D Tri nchi 17 T Conn 18 F Arcoraci 19 S Trapm an 20 J McQuaHer 21 N Lykopandis 22 M A tken 23 J Redfem 24 R Games 25 W Olney 26 M Nathanielsz 27 J Cartledge 28 A Foskett 29 R Sheehan 30 B Cookson 31 K Kellett 32 S Wagg 33 A Cook 34 M D'An eIo 35 M Unwin 36 P Dall'Oglio 37 J Paatsch 38 G Brown 39 C Chan 40 G Rich ards 41 C Jordan 42 C Borelli 43 J Mustica 44 H Khalil 45 J Daniels 46 J Lewis 47 N Khalil 48 M Soumelidis 49 G Ande rton 50 N Kyriakou 51 R Lock 52 T Hamilton 53 R Rodrigues 54 55 J DAngelo


Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach: Matthew Luttick

1 . LMurphy 2. A. Hank m 3. J. Yem m 4. S.Rosengarlen 5. M . Whelan 6. D.Hogg 7 J• McAda m $. 8. Cur rie Hartl 90. R Bmv~ tan 1 . L. Missag~~ 11 12. N. Wig n°re 13. S. Soppet 14. B. Mahony (VC) 15. B.Hooper 16. M . Surman

1 . J .Baud 2 . D.Lynch E . Savage (VC) 5 . LAustin 6 . J .Gatvin 7 . B . Rashi d 8 . LSh 9 . C.Wat ~n 1 0. B .Marshal l 11 . J .Mizzi (C) 12. L.McDona)d 13. M .Luttick 14. K.Nelson (VC )

17• J. Perkins 18. C.tdcKenna

15. J .Paisley 16. D. Bamet t 17. LDaIy

19. J. Hunter 20. E.Gokimen 21 . P. Stuchb e 22. G . Elvin (D~C) 23. S. Curtain 24. A. Foster 25. S Gordon 26. C. Mahon (c) 27. M . Danie s 28. V.O'Connor as. S. Mahony 31 . G . Devonshire 32. C .Lyons

18. S .Justice 19. J .Gilbe rt 20. M .Rainer 21 . M .Ha rt 22. D.Wdgh t 23. R.Foo 24. K.Drummon d 25. R.Thoma s 26. J.Glare Res C/C 27. dStockdal e

33. M. Cunningham

28. T.BameH

30. M. Nichol

34. J.Beaur ront 34. A.Contin 8 35. P. McNally 36. YAlfie 37. D Nolan (CR) 38. A Burney 39. M.Thieie 40. A. Patey 41 . D B Ulikakis

43 . P. Clarke 44. C . Walker 45 . R . Grandemange 46 . M. Strickland 47 . N .U tting 48 . M. Franken 49 . D ,Hohaia 50 . M. Batta 'n ' 5 1 . G.Powell 52 . M.PurceA

53 . A.Lewis 54 . J .Devitt 55 . S .Stephens ~• B'Erl~h 57 . J .Donovan

58 . M.tdflctwll 59 . T.Perktns 60 . M Creak ..61 . Hun 62 BM t Maher 63 . D . Brewster 64, S .vukis 65 . D.tGrkright 66' E'Avter


29. D.Howgate 30, M . Decke r 31 . B.Keleher 32. C.Baud

33. A.Howgate 34. J.Howgate 35. G .Smith 36 . J.Hickingboth am 37 . P.Kroh n 38 . J. Babon 39 . F.Coonerty 40 . E.Baud 41 Au .M ann 42 . D .Bulle r 43 . P.M ann 44 . Al. Mann

45 . D .Hogan 46 . M. Der e 47 . N .Ry J l 48B.Tume Y 49 . L.Bame s 50 . B.Richardso n 51 . R .Morgan 52 . D .Justice 53 . J .Foo 54 . S.Todman 55 . G .Jenkins 56 . R .Lov e 57 . J .Cooper 58 . T.Melchiori 59 . B.Evans 60 . R .Peak 61 . J .Panetta (VC) 62 . B .Jorgense n 63 . LOgilvi e 64 . T.Goonan

Major Sponsors


ELSTERR WICK Coach: Dennis Grace Res Coach : TBA

N rta r Conditioning


`" ' rtan .com .a u



1300 305 354 44 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

S fl®n KEW Coach: Rohan Doherty

Res Coach: Paul Gregor


2 113 15 14 16 1

'. .' 9 '. 21 22 23 '. 25 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 .' 37 .' 33 39 40 41 42 43 4 4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 .' '. '. '. .' .'

J. Doumis (RDVC) L Fitzgerald D. Behan G . Crimmins C . Delaney N . Tnetti B. Dover D . Mainsbridge (VC) P.Witchell B. Cullen (C) B. Woodhouse (VC) M. Gridley C . Kyriakou J. Looker F. Lamanna D . Wood B. Alle n N . Dahlstrom J . Dennis A.Acfie:d M. Ayres (VC) C . Ste phens J . De Blank C . Watts S .Symes(RVC) T. Moore M . Dalrymple C. Giansante (RC) D. lanni A . Drago D. Wayland J . Bortone R. Bruno B . Marchesan i S . Johnston J. Ritchie A . Eaton J. Ferrantino R. Livingston J. Pilkington A. Bortone A. Mak ris G . Evens B. Van Zuiden A. Lawler S. Mikrou P. Dennis (RDVC) A. Carman M. Blai r N . Gill S . Osborne J . Renou A. Meek T. Frith L. Jensen B . Burnett J . Rakusz M . Andersson M . Glenn R. Falleti N. Gricks J . Cronin D. Kinross R. McKerrow J. Bell A. Patnaude A . Roberts J. Paron

Proudly sponsored by : ---

:~ () FE3Pd


Coach : Ange Samma rtino Res Coach: Gary Cutler 1 Newton 2 Adams 3 La tt ouf 4 Dimarco 5 Cutler 6 Pizzari 7 Stelfox 8 Guppy 9 Sammartino 10 Fawcett 11 Hamilton 12 C ar e 13 Ullo 14 Paleodimos 15 Tsialtas 16 Vaina 17 Kyriazis 18 Verge 19 Mann 20 Closter 21 San tacroce 22 Freeman 23 Br'rffa 24 Aliani 25 Duson 26 Murphy 27 Ferrante 28 Boudoloh 30 Russo 31 Heck 32 Robertso n 33 Rotella 34 Stepien 36 Sorleto 37 Defelice 38 Magnuson 39 Rhook 40 McCallum 41 Elms 42 Papanikolou 43 Sorleto 44 Wallmeyer 45 Polemicos. 46 Giovanoglou 47 Prestigiacomo 48 Wolter 49 Salloum 50 Parks 51 Kehagias 52 Guest 53 Trafford 54 Wake 55 Salloum 56 Fayad 57 Mountney 58 Messiake 59 Ackland 60 Parkes 61 Papa 62 Cart er 64 Palmieri 66 Boudolo h 67 Ca rt er


OLD WESTDOURNE RtCNP~OND CENTRALS ST . MARYS A.F.C . Coach: Jeffrey Wilson Res. Coach : Stephen Leitch

Coach : Frank Bove Res Coach: Steven Lake


1 .B .Gerace 2.R,Wintle 3.S .Depiazza 4.C .Lever 5 .S .Hevritt 6 .J .Horsburgh 7 .A .Christo 8 .A.Horsburgh 9 .F.Pavez 10 .J. Wilson 11M .Christo 12 .M .Baulch 13.J. Braham 14.J. Bart ol o 15.A. Board 16.S.Ch ri sto 17.M.Aquilina 18.EPavez 19.J.Mason 20.R .MuSmer 21 .LHudson 22,S .Anderson 23.S .Huntington 24.L Fairfield 25.Troy Edwards 26.P.Mesman 27.D .Billman 28.D.Slattery 29.D.Horsburgh 30. A.Makrusch 31 . A.Miller 32.G.Jenkinson 33 .D.Benn 34.B.Merryweather 35 .D.Rivalland 36 .S.Phillips 37 .A.LeHch 38 .D.Nikola 39 .M .Oldham 40 .J.Manolokakis 41 .K.Miller 42 .D.Ollenbuttel 43 .A.Runciman 44 .D.Hudson 45.Trav Edwards 46.B.Lennon 47.T.Theodore 48.R .Van Engelen 49. B•Robinsan 50.P.Habersatt 51 .J .Akarana 52.T.Best 53.J,Bames 54.M .Crosswell 55.B .Gilbe rt 56.D .Abbey 57.D .Moore 58 .I .Smith 59.A .Lipscombe 60,N .Aquilina 62 .G.Robson 66 .S .Leitch 88 .H.Hodgson


Coach: Michael Learmonth Res: George Koumantatakls T Brown B Perelberg G Schembri A Ballantyne A Lane C Weller A Dwyer AZsembe ry R Orme D Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill C Goldsworthy M Purcell M Aikman PWest B Frail V Ryan A Waller M Gilch ri st R Allen F Harri son A Latimer P Ryan S Crilly M Banks P Harrison P Watson P Jabour S MctGnlay A Warsnop LArmstrong G Theoharri s B Graetzer M Butler D Astbury T Millar M Karis T Cummins M Davies K Goldberg G Koumantata kis M Maschette W Van Ketwich D Drummond M Goo;d E Cowlishew J Goldsworthy N Luce S Flood M Le Uevre J Wright Spare P Roseman SPARE M Bona SPARE SPARE G Pilikidis J Handy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 69

Roberts & Dwyer Estate Agents Aust Steel I ndustrie s



Welcome to the Trainers' Assoeiation's thir d column . Moving around the grounds the trainers are very pleased that the VAFA has seen fit to give the trainers a chance of being heard . There are many new trainers so now is a good time to mention a couple of the basic rules that we operate under on match days ,

backline to be clogged by th e presence of trainers while the ball is being kicked in and the trainer is still in the 45-metre arc the umpire will/may pay a free kick to the opposing team . Trainers must

wear the correct uniform, either the new trainer's shirt or jumper ( royal blue & 1) Trainers are permitted to carry water to orange) or the old shirt ( white with blue players if their club does not have any or sleeves) with navy blue or black tracksuit pants enough water boys_ We must comply with th only. The VAFA has given e clubs a one-year same rules governing water boys and that is not exemption which will allow the new uniforms being on the ground during play only when a to be phased in . W e must also wear the new goal is kicked or play is at the other end of the VAFA armbands black for home teams and ground . Trainers like water boys and runners white for away teams . must not be in the centre square when the ball is bounced, as the umpire will pay a free kick to the opposing team . Have had only one email so far so let's hear from 2) Trainers are permitted inside you about any topic to do with making your job the 45 metre arc 'h a Saturday easier to attend to a player when there is a kick in . Email o- k15@bigpond .co m after a behind has been scored only if that player is obviously distressed and in need of assistance . If the player is thought by the Finally a reminder regarding nominations for umpire to be "play acting" to enable the "Trainer of the Month" . Nominations to mysel f by Thursday " :: j, 6th for the month of April .


CLUB WAREHOUSE by Fr ~:-C". v: Sports & Medica l Supplies

C-'-- ZC

Cam Nation

(U19 2,3 & Blue) (U191 & Red)

SECTION ONE - Review The lions have a by e Down by five goals with only a few minutes left, Richard Obee's created by the St Kevins side provided one of the greatest section one escapes in withdrawal o f recent time, running over the top of Old Scotch in drama tic Hampton Rovers who fashion to snatch a 10 point victory from the hands of defeat will play out the remainder of the season in U19 Blue, after Sullivan was inspirational in the side's second win this season, requesting such due to a lack of competitiveness. whil e Mount kicked five up front OM's travel out to the wilds of the Bear cave and will snatch a 24 A similarly close finish transpired out at St Be rnards, where the point win from under their nose. reigning p remiers hung on for a draw against a fast finishing Old OK head -v- heart .. . . .ummm .. .. .C'MON Ts, ro ll them Hoers by 7 Xaveri an s . The home side looked to have the ascendancy at the points with Webby" to dominate . final break, kicking five goals to one in the third and seth~ up a Rupo versus the Bomber in the local derby - the home side will seven point lead heading into the final term. With all the chalk up another win by 3 twins . possession but nothing upfront Xavs all but kicked away four The ~'Jellers stay at home and host the Sharks, who will bite back premiership points in the closing minutes of the match, a 2.10 for a 21 point victory . final term not enough to secure what would have been a morale- SECTION 3 - Review boosting away win. Elsewhere De La Salle an d Werribee Oakleigh -v- AJAX continued their undefeated runs, while Brighton got up by 3 Apparently a match was played between AJAX an d Oaldeigh but

points in a thriller at Caulfield . Preview Round three kicks off this afternoon, with the pick of the action St Kevins home He against a indomitable De La Safe. Having knocked off the reigning premiers, and then shown flawless determination to come back against Old Scotch, few would dare to tip against Obee's side who will look to continue his unbeaten CLUB record as coach. However one cant underestimate De La's early season form, two comfortable victories an d less than eight goals

conceded suggest the away side will have a realistic tilt at Werribee dethroning Obee's side . De La Salle Still trying to shake off a premiership hangover, St Bernards face De La Salle Marcellin this afternoon the home side still in search of their first St Kevins win this season . Bernards are stronger than their ladder position Werribee suggests, an d should get up providing Stapleton an d Pearson put U 1 9 (2)

in solid performances . Elsewhere surprise packets Werribee may make it three wins from three when they travel to Brighton. Uni Blues should return to the winner's list at home to Caulfield, while Old Xavs are favourites to record their first win of the season against a similarly winless Old Scotch . SECTION 2 - Review Old Camberwell -v- Collegians The Lions came to play, and ([ hope) the breeze aided them in the

1!h1AE LST WK TOT: ?. Lee D Rayson Hancock Lynch Lee C

3 10 0 7 2 7 4 7 2 6

Keane 1 Old Ivanhoe Old Ivanhoe Butler 2 Rupertswood Bisop 4 Banyule Dimek 4 Banyule Tsingaris 6 Banyule Skicko 6

7 6 6 6 6 6

U19 (3)

Old Carey Ashworth 13 13 Whitrfriars Aballah 1 8 University Blacks Bell 4 7 Ajax Peters 2 6 Whitrfriars Woods 3 6 Hampton Rovers -v- Banyule Oakleigh Lamb 2 5 Kicking with the breeze, the Rovers hit the huddle trailing by 3 Oakleigh Briggs 5 5 goals, an d "that's all she wrote" . From there on, it was serious U19 Btn e first quarter as they piled on 7 goals. The home side recovered slightly, an d may have given themselves a chance at lemon time .However, the gap was far too great and the lions ran out very comfortable 43 point winner s

one-way traffic as the Bears peppered the northern end of the Oakleigh Clays Nasrallah 0 9 Boss with brutal regularity . StJohns Ryan 7 9 Old Melburnians -v- Old Ivanhoe Reed 4 6 The OMs proved themselves the yardstick I expected, running Mazenod St Johns Diaz 5 5 away from the Hoers in the last quarter at Oval # 1 . Peninsula Wignell 5 5 Old Trinity -v- Rupertswood I saw the Woodsmen first hand and was pretty impressed . Rupo Mazenod Cocks 5 5 ran in numbers all day, and a 3rd quarter against the breeze saw U19 Red North Old Boys Saad 0 5 them win an open, free-flowing contest by 27 points. La Trobe Uni Redmond 0 5 Beaumaris -v- Old Essendo n As predicted here last week the Sharks hosted the Bombers and Aquines Kin orn 4 4 prevailed in an entertaining contest by 16 points. Better Bulleen Temp Vog 's P 0 3 conversion the Sharks home. Old Westbourne Tanner 3 3 Round 3 tips La Trobe Uni Lambert 0 3 Rupertswood Pretty 0 3


the details are pretty scarce, in fact non-existent . Sony guys, all I can say is Oa)deigh won, by 38 points . Yibbidah, yibbidah that's all folks. . . .. gBh{I v- Old Paradian s spinner" tells me the Raiders destroyed the in-flight service on the way home, whilst pumping out the team song incessantly. pre-match saw a minutes' silence, SBMT flag unfurled, then parade went to work. old Carey -v- Monash Blue s The word from Bulleen Rd was it was like a scene out of Braveheart over at Carey where they registered 59 scoring shots to 5 . S'lhitefriars -v- Uni Blacks The Match of the Round was pretty lop-sided as the Blacks adapted to the slippery conditions better. The Friars missed easy shots in the first half and were 31 points down at the half, but they reeled in the Blacks in the final term to a score 19 point win . p,qHSOB -v- Theny The home side made a good start against the breeze in the first quarter and held'lheny goal less in the second quarter to set up the win. Round 3 tips The Jackas should recover from last week's slip up to fix up SBATt by 7 points . Spinners' Raiders have a hard task at home where the OC's will prevail by 19 points. The Blues will improve dramatically against the Friars, but still fall short by 9 goals. The Blacks travel to Oak Park where Theny are looking to improve. Can't see the lions getting too close, the Students by 6 goals. Tight one down at Oakleigh sees the Unicorns hoping to score an upset. Home side by 5 points UNDER-19 BLUE - Review De La (2) -v- South Melbourne De La (2) trailed the Swans by 3 points at the final change and Smithy would probably say the key to the win was his charges 3rd quarter efforts to keep pace with the Swans . Peninsula -v- Oaldeigh Clays Um. . . . t tipped a 2 goal margin, I was sk'ghtty off the mark . Mitch tells me Oakleigh left their A game at home and the new-boys made them pay from the start leading by 50 points at the first change. It was more of the same in the second and the Clays never really recovered. Mazenod -v- St John's It was an absolute ball-tearer at Mazenod, with the JOCs' premiership quarter efforts being enough to ~et them over the hne. Mental note - a much improved Nodder e ort!! Ormond -v- Bentleigh The Bentleigh boys prevailed in what was a pretty one-sided affair at the Gunn . Ormond can take solace in winning the final quarter, and were pleased with the efforts of Daniel Brosnan who played a terrific game . Down back Gregory Evans and Chris Medcralt had plenty to do but did it very well . St Leo's had the BYE Round 3 The South boys welcome the Pirates, who will pillage and return home with the booty by 53 points. Oaldeigh Clays host a fresh St Leos outfit, who will take the scones 'n' cream bp 16 points. The JOCs are back at home and Bentleigh will be pleased with an 18 point victory . De La should keep on improving with a 34-point win over Ormond . The Nodders meet Hampton Rovers soured b}~ two Section 2 beltings. Nodders to continue their good form of last week and get the points this time . SECTION RED - Review Playing for the first time as a combined side, UHS-VU/SBC showed promise but couldn't overcome a strong Aquinas side who ran out 23 point winners. For their first outing the combine showed good potential, clearly illustrating to the section's other eight sides they are not merely in the draw to make up the numbers. Elsewhere La Trobe only need six majors to defeat Old Xaverians (2), Old Westbourne's accuracy proved vital in an 8

point win against Bulleen, while Kane Maghamez kicked seven goals in a triumphant return as Fitzroy beat Rupertswood by 77 points. Preview This weekend all eyes will be on the game at Bundoora as La Trobe host Fitzroy in a top-of-the-table derby . Both sides have been faultless in the opening rounds, Fitzroy kicking 36 goals in just two outings while La Trobe have restricted their opposition to just 2 majors. Two sides that will have a strong presence postround-eighteen, a win today will serve as a major mental advantage until the reverse fixture in nine weeks time, La Trobe top of the table and favourites this afternoon providing their solid defence can restrain a firing Maghamez . The two sides at the other end of the table also clash this afternoon, ninth-placed Bulleen-Templestowe hosting the winless Old Xaverians (2) . Its been a long time between drinks for the home side, and if ever Bulleen were to break the drought it would be this afternoon on home turf against an undermanned Xaverians side . Elsewhere NOBS return from a weeks rest to take on UHSVU/SBC, the visitors most likely still a couple of weeks away from manufacturing a victory, while Ruper(swood (2) host Aquinas in a mid-table clash that could go either way . Old Westbourne have the bye . Correspondents : Coaches, managers, players, umpires and supporters are all invited to submit matchday reports, statistics, views and opinions to Cameron Nation - camnation@optusnet, by 5pm each Monday; Fraser Cameron -

TODAY'S MATCHES UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Xaverians v Old Scotch at Central Reserve (Mazenod's ground) St Kevins v De La Salle University Blues v Caulfield G r Old Brighton v Werribee Amateurs St Bernards v Marcellin

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians - bye Banyule Viewbank v Old Melburnians Old Ivanhoe v Old Trinity Rupertswood v Old Essendon O r Old Camberwell v Beaumaris

UNDER-19 SECTION 3 AJAX v St Bedes Mentone Tigers at Packer Reserve (Glen Eira's ground) Old Paradians v Old Carey at Binnak Reserve, Anderson Pde, Watsonla ( 10 D12) Monash Blues v Whitefriars University Blacks v merry Penola 0 B Oaldeigh v MHSOB

UNDER-19 (2) BLUE South Melbourne Districts v Peninsula 0 B Oakleigh Clays v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Hampton Rovers v Mazenod 0 C St Johns 0 C v Bentleigh De La Salle (2) v Ormond

UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Westbourne - by e Bulleen Templestowe v Old Xaverians (2) La Trobe Uni v Fitzroy Reds Aquinas 0 C v . Rupertswood (2) switched from original draw at 9 a .m. North Old Boys v UHS-VU/St Bernard s


UNDER-19 SECTION 1 ST BERNARDS 2 .4 4.4 9.9 11 .12 (78) OLD XAVERfANS 3 .3 7.6 8.8 10.18 (78) St Bemards: Ty Pearson 4 A Kavarragh 2 Oxenford Walsh Maggiore O'Connor Pitts. Best: Stapleton N Pearson O'Connor Ryan Walsh Katianaoh . Old Xaveriam' Moylan 2 Agius 2 Gunman Fitzgerald Forrest Pyle Inoovino Destefeno. Best: Larkins AginS McDonnell Pyle Trovato Gunnivan . Umpires: Scott Fraser Joe Batzonelki (F) Michael Jones Chris McKendry (G) BID SCOTCH 2.3 5 .4 9.12 13 .13 (91) ST EEVINS 4.1 7 .3 8 .8 15.11 (101) St )ievtns : Mount 5 Lynch 4 Mercouriou 2 OToote Charles Tennent Glenane . Best: Sullivan M OToole Gibbs Mount 4ilssetl Glenane . Old Scotch: Keck 4 Snaddon 4 Annstrong McKenna Pappas Porter Sutherland . Best: Armstrong Jonas Ramage Giulied lilley Snaddon . Umpires: Matthew Gould Simon Ikaztess (C18) (Fj

DE IEl SAIdE 5.6 9 .9 12 .12 16.13 (109) UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.0 3 .2 5 .4 6 .7(43) DIS : Smith 3Hancock 2Davis 2Brovming D 2 Pitcher Kotess Fieldsend Brown Kelliher. Best: Davis Jarvis Kovess Shields Brown Herkess . University Blues. Minns 2 Shuttleworth 2 Muir Heinz. Best : Shannessy Heinz Farrell Minns Westmore Burchell . Umli rea : Matthew MeierGeoffery De%eson (F) Kyle Mankey Daniel Haysam (G) CAIIL GRAM 1.1 5.6 7.7 8.13 (61) OLD BRIGHTON 2.6 3.8 7.14 8.16 (64) Caul Gram: Logan 3 Nickles 2 C Hammond Murphy Kearsley . Best: Murphy Kalaja Edwards Cater Nickles May. Old Brighton: Salem 3 Siemer I'llipovic Pomeroy Sheehan Tolj . Best* Salem Filipovic Moon Edge Duncan Tregear . Umpirea: Josh White-Spier (C18) David Windlow (C18) (F) Jordan Mayston Andrea Mason (B)

MARCF3d3N 0 .1 1.4 4.5 7.7(49) 18ERRIBF2'+AhtATTEURS 2 .2 4.3 5.8 11.10(76) MA+TMPnt^ : Fraser 3 J Bortolotto 2 M Bortolotto D McMahon . Best: Considine Cearomancini M Bortolotto Fraser Wadsworth J Bortolotto . Want= : D[.ee 3 M Purton 2 M Palmington 2 C Lee 2 P Spry T Andrews . Best: T Andrews T Ballan M Purton N Renault M Cations T Roszak . Umpires: Trevor Brown (Marc) Ryan License (C18) (F) Michael NeillyJu}ian Macdani (B) UNDER-19 SECTION 2 OLD CAMBERWELL 0.0 2.3 4.5 5.6(36) COLLEGIANS 7.2 7.4 10.11 11.13 (79) Old Camberwell:* B Cottrell 2 Tsindos 2 C Hillier . Best McGuigan Renshaw Tucker Taylor C Payne B Cottrell . Collegians: Roberson 4 Bushman 3 Lynch Mutton Bol .um Williams . Best: Roberson Williams Stone Howard Bushman Rose. Umpires: Jo Hartwig (F) HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .1 3.2 6.2 6.3(39) BANYUIE 4 .2 13.6 20.7 30.16 (198) Hampton Rovers: Giasaumi 2 7ampaglione 2 Rootsey I Smith 1 . Best: Kobayashi Nicholls Chiaroa Rubtsov Zampaglione Giasoumi. Banyuk: Tsingaris 6 Skicko 6 Dimek 4 Wenke 2 Stauropotous 2 Spicer 2 Kayrooz 2 Christian 2 Gutterson O'Donnell Parser Swill- Best : Skids Gutterson ODonnell Park Stavropolous Pesavento . Umpires: Luke Duthie Nick Ryde (F) Michael Ryde Mark Duthie (B )OLDMEBUIlNAS 1 .2 2.6 5.10 11 .16 (62)

OID IVANHOE 3 .2 3.3 4.5 5.6(36) Old hfelbomaiaas: Cudlipp 3 Moffatt 2 Panton Dick Armstrong Christian Pannafix Haralambous. Best : Parton Dick Kauye Haralambous Mernnagas Ray. Old Ivanhoe: Butler 2 Keane Binney Fowler. Best: Hargrave Clarke Biney Duller Uljans. Ump3ma: Jamie Gunn Paul Rapke (C18) (F) Anthony Vaiopoulos (B) Stmreon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G) OLD TRINITY' 5 .3 6.5 8.8 9.9(63) RUPERISNODD 2 .0 7.3 12.4 14.6 (90) Old Trinity. Bihvuil 2 Old6etd 2 Laaarotto 2 Kelly Stewart Bourke A . Best: 1'rebster Walsh Bourke A Hore-Lacy Butler . Rupertswood: Bishop 4 Quinn 3 Morison 2 Dowsett 2 Monte Wishart Boxhall . Best: McPhee Plummer Monzell Dale Bishop. Umpi res: Peter Angelis (F) Alex Koutsoukis Blake Curtis (B) BFAUbiARIS 1.3 6 .6 10.9 14.13 (97) BID ESSENDON 2 .5 3 .5 9.11 11 .15 (81) Beaumaris : Clemente 3 Elston 2 Williams 2 Heath 2 Evans Murphy Couples Wall Edmeades. Best: Quirk Norris Evans Williams Taylor Heath . Old E ssendom Old Essendon Zammit 3lfiillips 2 Baskan 2 Cerantonio 2 Towner Tz Best Phillips Baskin Dom Ceantonio Towner . Umpires: Jason McNiece Jack [loyd (F) Will Stokes Jessica Rollo (B)

UNDER-19 SECTION 3 OAffiEIGH 5.2 10.5 12.7 17.13 (115) AJAX 4.6 6 .6 11 .8 11 .11(77) Oakleigh: Briggs 5 Cleary 3 Lamb 2 Callery 2 Litiawassa 2 Hogan Costigan Bennett Best : Bennett Lamb Hogan Costigan Wills Briggs . AJAX : Raleigh 3 Peters 2 Lukan 2 Goldstein Rose Weiner Routmart . Best 50

Raleigh Roum:an Chester Feldy Peters Btanldield. Umpires: Tony u4ty Daniel Dummett (F) Stevie Carroll (B) ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 0 .3 2.5 4.6 6.10(48) OLD PARADIANS 1 .4 7.9 10.11 11 .17 (83) St Bedes Montane: McCallum 2 Terrell 2 Knuppel Dowling . Best: J Terrell J Lynch Paterson Waters Sawecss Dowling. Old Paradirsur Spitty 3 Holden 2 Eerthet Derham Giddings Luli' M Thomas Turner . Best: Giddings Berthet Ryan Holden Richardson Serafun. Umpires: B rett Herskape Tom Haysom (F) OLD CAREY 5 .5 13 .13 22 .17 34.25 (229) MONASH UPdiVI:RSITR 0.1 0 .1 2.2 3 .2(20) Old Carry: Ashworth 13 Cornwell 4 Thompson 3 Williams 2 Chuang

2 Iaidiaw 2 Justin 2 Evans 2 Stucco 2 Alexander Nn•en. Best: Laidlaw Ni4•en Day Justin, Ashworth Cornwell . Monsish: McDonald Pollard Mazur. Best: Mazur McMahon Maye Leviston Cniclc.hank Hayter Umpires : Sean Scully Sur Justin McKeegan in Thomas Wencher (B) Daniel Scully (G ) WHITEFRIARS 02 1.4 2 .6 6.11 (47) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 42 6 .5 9.6 10 .6 (86) Whitefr3srs: Woods 3 Hamblin 1 Abdallah I Paproth 1 . Best: Stafford Leski Vince Crowe Woods Abdallah. University Blacks : Bell 4 Strathem 3 Ross 2 Howson 1 . Best Bell Goonan Scott Saulter Barlow Brown. Umpi rcs : Brian tldodhead Matthew Brennan (F) 5.8 10.14 13.19 18.21 (129) MHSGB T1TFdLRY PENOIA 0 B 3.6 3.10 8.12 9.16 (70) 1,1119013 : Swinburne 3 McGanh 3 Anderson 2 Edwards 2 Tan 2 Gold 2 Mitchell Peck Taft Lenehan. Best: Bear Biddington Gold McGarth FTaumatm Anderson. Therry: R Sldathitis 3 S Leech 2 J Dooley B Morris C Cape,vell T Gosetti. Best: B Owen J Quinn B McKay J Boyd S Turner. Umpires : Rob Sneddon Avi Aekselman (F) UNDER-19 (2) BLUE DE IA SA12di (2) 1 .2 5.7 8 .9 13.10 (88) STH AO'+dB DISTRICTS 3.3 4.7 8.12 11.15 (81) DT.B: O'Brien 3 Keaney 2 McGuiness 2 Silvers Morwood Sheehan Hither Fisher McKenzie . Best: Hassaballa Silvers Crowe McArdle Colman McGuiness . Sth A4eYb Districts: Cronin 31 .ewis 2 Kealy Waldren Mahoney Benvenuto Stanza Fiedorowicz. Best: Newson Tangas Cronin Mahoney Waldren Lewis. Umpi res: Nicholas Brown Dean Banova (F) Perrin Brown (B) PENINSULA O .B 8.4 14.9 21.13 28.19 (18'n OA%IEIGH CLAYS 02 2.7 3.11 7.13 (55) Peninsula O .B: Wignall 5 D Smith 4 De Lange 4 Kenny 3 Jay 2 Miller 2 Stainforth 2 Nestor 2 Knobel R Smith Warner Pritrhard . Best: Wgiall Kenny De Lange Barren Mitchell Preston . Oaklelgh Clays: I.azazalds 2 Plrraa 2 BoGtho Nevitt Harold. Best: Harold H Onudu Sofoulis loannidis Dennehy Cook. Umpires: Logan Smith Steve Morgan ( M

EMMAUS ST IF.OS 0 C HAS THE BYE MAZENOD 6.1 9.3 13.5 22.6 (138) SEJOHNS 6.4 10.7 18.15 21 .15 (141) Mazeno(L Cocks 5 Reed 4 Stanley 4 Nutting 2 Caughey Evans Hensman Mather Kavanagh Solomons Weekes . Best Weekes Reed Evans Grahtham Moran Cocks. St.lohna Ryan 7 Diaz 5 Furnell 4 McGee 2 Nelson Monello Walker. Best : Ryan Diaz Fumell D'Olveria McGee Ptalker. Umpires: Tim Keating (Maza Tom Windlow (F ) ORMOND 0.0 2.5 3 .5 7.8(50) BENREIGH 7.6 13.6 21 .13 24.15 (159) Umpires: Sarah McGill Bruno Savi (F) Match details not received . UNDER-19 (21 RED NORTH OLD BOYS HAS THE BYE BID WE5113OURNE 1 .3 4.7 7.7 8.9(57) BULLEEN 'TEMPLESTOWE 1 .4 2.6 5.11 6 .13 (49) Old West Tanner 3 Hudson 2 King Ristevski White. Best: Turner Hudson Squarchi Tanner Ristevs'a King . BulTemp: Details not received. Umpires: Paul Ho(irnan Jo Hartwig (F )

OLD XA 5( 2) 1 .0 2.2 2.2 2.4(16) IA 2ROBE UNi 2 .2 2.6 5.11 6 .13 (49) Match details not received. Umpires : Luke McNamara (laTrobe) Rick Benson (F) Gmente Booth Bernie Jephson (G ) YTtZROY REDS 5 .4 9.5 12.10 15 .14 (104) R ., OOD (2) 1 .1 2.5 2.7 3.9(27) Fitzroy Re:ls: Details not received. Rupertsiverid : Pretty 2 Taylor-Dean . Best: Ata Hodes Taylor-Dean Smith Sylvester Kiplock Umpires: Jack- Fagan Brian Nunn (F) Adrian Borg Scott Gavens (B) UHS-VU/ST BERNARDS AQUINAS 0C

2 .4 6.6 8.7 10 .11 (71) 3 .6 10.6 13.8 14 .10(94) Aquinar, Kinghom 4 Neame 3 Price 3 Dollan 2 Hobson Williams . Best Kinghorn Neame Cooper Williams McDonald Goodard . St Bernardo: Egan 2 Bergin 2 C4arke 2 De Campo Pegg Rumbold A Tr . Best: Rogers Gourlay McDermott DeCampo Pegg Griffiths . Umpires: Scott Fraser Joe Bolzonello (M Chris McKendry Michael Jones (G )


Under-19 - Section 1 DE LA SALLE (BLUES)



Coach : Dean Rossely

Coach : Luke Stewart

1 No~eit T 2 Weave J DVC 3 Murphy C Ca 4 Buckthought D 5 Hammond T 6 Hammond C DVC 7 f3udd WvC 6 Jennings S N g Edwards 10 Winter G 11 Evans R 12 Goodwin-Doming S 13 Strain A 14 till C

Coach : David an Asst: Jone~ 1 M Sheehan 2 R Quick 3 M Fieldsen 4 E Browning 4 N Hart 5 M Clinch 6 S Meehan 7 D Keely 8 V Moloney 9 B Vague 10 N Smith 11 R Hancock 12 S Conway 13 L Bowden

1 . T Money 2. A Papaluca 3. J Carlson 4, J Mahon 5. J Bortolotto 6. S Considine 7. M Gorgovski 8. A Layton 9. C Nikolakopoul os 10. J Williams 11 . S Farellyy 12. D Valsorda 13. A Power

i Bartlett M 2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A 5 Christie J 6 Cooney S 7 Doherty R S 9 Edg e 10 Fieke G 11 Filipovic L 12 Grigio A 13 Gutteridge T 14 Hubbard S

14 . R Davis

15 Jackson L


15 Andrew T

14 D Lowther

16 May C 17 Alibrarx~ A 18 Kearsley J 19 PiRs J 20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W

14 M Hayes 15 S Smythe 16 J Adams 18 L Williams

22 Patterson A 23 D'Arcy ZV C 24 Benkerrroun M

22 T Donegan 23 S Ferwerda 24 J Gilchrist

25 Fagan T 26 Kalaja E 28 Nicldos M 31 Ganood S 33 Logan A

27 L O'Donnell 28 L Jarvis

39 Cater B 42 Surldberg M 45 Acfield B

53 D Browning

15. S Tandridge 16 . B Ryan 17 . S Nutbean 18 . C Purcel l 19 . J Crapper

20 D Drobric

20 J Hassell

20 . P Deluca 21 . P Robbins 22 . D Carolan

29 M Nankervis (C )

39 B Oakley (DVC) 46 A Skinns (VC)

23 . A Ceccomancini 24 . A McGlin 25 . D McMahon 26 . S Preece 27 . J McPadand 28 . C Cogdon 29 . D Fraser 30 . R Redmond

Yarra Valley Country Club - Bulleen

16 Joseph R 17 Kennedy A 18 Kennet T 19 Latta R 20 Leaf J

21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 May M 24 McDonald L

25 Mooney B 26 Newman M 27 Overend E 28 Parkes M 29 Pascad J 30 Pomeroy x 31 Reirlcke T 32 Salem J 33 Sheehan C

34 Stenner N 35 36

Tolj Tregear



OLD XAVERUUIS (1 & 2) Coach U19(i): Adam Sassi Coach U19(2): TBA



2 Hurley 0 3 Patts 8

2 T. 0'TOOLE 3 B. DOWD

5 Rutrra E 6 Kenfiekf M 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J 9 R an T 10 Hout9e tt S 111 Bourke R 12 Ryan J L 14 Roache ~ M 15 Banett A C.h Corcoran N ~ , an M{C) ia Scan 19 Mamn J 20 Meehan D 21 Nolan C 22 Sdvaqni R 23 French R 24 PurssC 25 R, l 26 O'Hankon M

4 Walsh M 5 Hughes J 6 Buis



7 Literal re C 8 Matthews S 9 Evans D 10 Garth 8 11 Marion A 12 Runnals 8 13 De Campo M 14 Pearson T 15 Joseph G 16 Oxenford P 17 Demorton L 18 Maggiore M 19 Keogt, P 20 Rogers C

21 Whelan 22 Mitchell 23 I~ —o




2. 3. 4. 5.

D. Marshall P. David M . Dwyer A. Farrell

6. L. Couper 7. C. Bradley 8. B. Gin

9. J. Westmore 10. J. Bunkle

11 . M . Shaughnessy N) C 12, T ~itta 13 . J. Hummel 14 . R . Hage 15 . W. Robinso n 16 . M. Dods 17 . C . Northway (DVC) 18 . T. Conn 19 . D . Heinz (Capt)

20 . T. Maddock s 21 . R . Minns

35 Rees D 37 Runco R 38 MeMn-Smith J 39 Ryan .SI n O Hanlon M 41 Fusinato R 42 Stritr!e~ M 44 =D

45 Trovato M

35 Ryan 8



36 Mcdemwit C 37 Angel J 38 Lm+erso B 39 Kavanagh A


31 . J . Green 32 . K . Mario 33 . C. ROS S 34. C. Haines


35. W. Hughes 36. M . Carolan 37. S . Anderson 38. J . Green

G 47 Siik1ety O 48 NadinicA 49 L ch T 50 CC~es er P

51 Bowlc 52 eutlar ~J 53 FaahfulA 54 PageA 34 Stenner Nathan 35 Tat Cha s 36 Tregear Adam

40 Faneu C 41 Crow S 42 Lyle R 43 Oconnor 45 Johnson


50 Schroder


a THF GMaTG11R R(1r1TR41 I FR'Jrlnd


1 . G . Muir

D 24 Gourlay M 25 Govan C 26 Mas'pasqua F 27 Watts R 28 Lancashire D 29 Stapleton j 30 Prendi E 31 Sawadori M 32 Bergin S 33 Mcmurtrie D 34 Legudi B

33 Ford D 34 Quinn D


M Szakie l

10 T N A ness lle n 12 ATes dorpf S 11 43 PGiau~n 15 P McKenna 16 E Batroune 7 Awanace Symit AFekete 19 T Gaunt


20 M Ramage 21 W Pearc e

22 T Kec k 23 M Cathi e 24 J Porter 25 A W Suthertand 26 LTalbot 27 S Jonas

28 ~ Dick 29 30 A BoBa

31 J Cade 32 R Gerstman 33 C Backman 34

J Wllianms

35 S Jackson 36 S Elder

R Hocking 38 M Li n 37 39 H Peters 40 E Cruickshank R Dumaresq

42 S McMurtrie

Shields 44 We rs 45 DEMcIntosh 4 467 E e~eau epaire


Coach: Fab Gatti

Coach : David Law 1 Egan J

2 3 Monsi~e'iSJ 4 p,nr~~gA

27 28 Purcell White J P 29 Adams S 30 Vu han S 31 R a9 A 32 >IrremeyT

1 BNickless

3 2 K~ M 4 T&,p 5 5 uiley 6 S Ainger 7 L A^nstr°n9 8 B Snaddo n

T Graha m

Coach : Richard Obee

1 O'MearaT



Coach : Bruce Asst Coach : Mike Smith


22 . N . Shuttleworth 23 . N . Burchel l 24 . H . Rankin 25 . J . Sundermann 26 . D . Hill 27 . W. Bright 28 . M. Tomey (VC) 29 . L. Woodhouse (DVC)

30 . N . Vandenbosch

30 . M. Palmington

31 . J . O'Brien 32 . C . Lee 33 . N . Renault

34 . D. Bunworth 35 . P. Chalmers 36 . T. Andrews 37 . R. Barker 38 . Josh Russo 39 . L Gatti 40 . S . Bia n 41 . B . Stomebrink 42 . A. McNall 43 . B . Black y

44 . M . McDonald 45 . R. Menth a 46. P. Caesin 47. B . Prismal l 48. L. Gatti 49. N. Addamo

50- N. Renaut 51 . D. Lee 52. Justin Russo 53. P Keog h 54 . B. Black 55. A. Cain

56. S. Smith 57. M . Mille r 58. P. Spry 31 . J. Tanner 32 33 35 R. Mentha

47. S. Simpson 66. B. McMahon



Under-19 - Section 2 DANYULE-VIEWDANK Coach: Phiv Demetriou

1 Wenke, z 2 BrodcweM,J 3 Mo3wem,A

4 Adams, P 6 Morgan, M(C ) 7 Moore, Rigier, 9 Ch~narr, M fv.C.) to Sfavropotws , C 11 Crimn-~, J 12 Poyser, J 13 Peek D 1 4 Lr.rdo, M C N 15 o Donr~, ' L )

16 Gutt~.,wi, R 17 SravroP~us .A 1e wae , 7 s o~d, e 2o McLea , D 21 Hdn;es, M 22 T~, S J(C .) 23 SW-, J 24 Botar~ey A (vC .) 25 TWO, 5 26 Pesaverso, s 27 Kayrooz, D 28 Skrcko, C 29 9n;rt, J 30 0'Rwrke, P


33 Herted.0

36 . P. Ghys 37 . C. Terpsenis

27 G . Rowstan 29 J. Little

24 T. Rootsey 25 K. Rubisov,

30 R. Cramer 31 N. Bobeifi 33 A. Gregory

26 L. Smith 27 S. Suleyman 28 M. Westhead 29 D. Williams 30 B. Wright

52 . J . Dickie

34 shepherd, 35 .ores1 J 36 Buckley, C

OLD ESSENDDN I F. Ktenas 2 N . Tzit 3 J. Dazki w 4 C . Heritage 5 W. Nunkst 6 S. Dawson 7 T Brggs 8 E Baskan 9 D . Mezo 10 H . Leury

OLD IVANHDE Coach : Ben Covelli

1 G. Cannell 2 L. Cave 3 J . Chiarizia 4 C . Christianson 5 D . Clarke J . Corbett 6B _ Davies 8 G. Giasoumi 9 S. Gravina 10 J . Hille it D . Hughes 12 L. Jones

13 T. Keogh 14 Y. Kobayashi 15 T. Matttlouse 16 G . Marlyn 17 J. McNamara 18 I. Nicholls 19 D . O'Brien 20 N . Ono 21 N . Pinto 22 T. Porter 23

Coach: Anson Brownles s 1 H . Bradshaw 2

L Weaver

S . Johnson B . Hillier B . Moody 6 C . Roq 7 T Gosling 8 J 9 . M Dermott 10 B. c Cottrel l 11 W. Robinson 12 D . Bruce 13 D . Middleto n 14 D . Ramsay 15 M. Shanks 17 D . Clyn e 18 D . Hanso n 19 G . Alessio 20 C . Birrell 22 M. Westman 23 L Taylor 24 C . Hendri e 30 C . Pa n 33 S. Peasnell 34 J. Hadle y 35 A. Peacoc k 36 T. Chase 37 G . Hanson 38 L 40 T Scott ' ~~-_ALL ELECTRICAL & GAS I


2 Day M

3 Walsh T 4 Bilwani A 6 Petdro J

7 Ellis K 9 Minas J 10 Harrison T 11 Clarke N 12 0'Hehir K 13 Binney J 14 Foster A 15 Hope G 16 Saunders B 77 Keane z 18 Dawkins I 79 Crewes C

20 Weston S 21 Roger C 22 Britten J

24 C . Burke 25 P. May 26 L Caysarini

23 Reynard G 25 Hyntlman J 26 Carrdl J

30 Fonder G 11 Last;Q S

28 7 wlson 29 J. Stwmont 30 S.MOrfesse

31 N . Foot 32 D . Nankervis

32 Kefalas S 33 Steer A

33 D~~, 34 T. Rumble

35 J, Phillips 36 C . Leech 37 M.Schappacher 38 A Christou 39 R . Arzanou 40 L Edga r


Coach : Dean Peters

2 Baldwin A

21 R . Baddeley 22 A.Castanga 23 M. Shaw

27 M. Kmg


1 Ferrantino M

6 Fitzgerald R

13 L Bones 14 D . Cerantonb 15 S. Ckinnwle 16 S. Wado 17 M. Trevaskis 18 L Bollinger 79 P. R an kin 20 J. Mansour



3 4 Ui Butlar R 5 Hargrave A

11 J . Dugga n 12 J.Harewood

41 ° n= 3 Canning 44 ` J.A Francis

Coach : Michael Blake


Coach: Shane Harvey-Little Team : Cxaeme K

42 J. Uren

36 T. Wilson

38tCook 65 M . Lync h

37 SY e;,herd, D 38 Wrighl R 39 Mdrdosh J 40 Blayney, P



Coach: Andrew Kenneally Ass Coach : Michael Jones 1 A. Stone 2 M. Parrent 3 M. Rice 3 S. Gilbert 4 A. Bridgeman 5 M. Robertso n 6 D . Williamson 7 C . Elg 6 J. Culis 9 M. Rose 10 D . Cannizo 11 A. Wright - Smith 12 A. Khoury 13 Z Moon 14 J. Ashman 15 0 . Howard 17 D . Stiff 18 A Fabris 19 J. Holman 20 D. Mutton 21 F. Boland 22 M. Williams 22 E. Adams 23 C . Lynch 24 J. Jorgensen 25 T. Higginbotham

38 . L. Mead 42 . J . Edmeades 49 . M . Cairns

31 Deperro, M 32 D+rrst«,e. J


Coach : Mick Deaton Asst: Mark Berry 2. S . Hoult 3. L. Quirk 4. L. Hill 5. D. Wall DVC 1 ) 6. M . Bramwell 7. P. Irons 8. A . Clemente 9. M . Wilson © 10 . S . Upond 11 . J . Tomlin 14 . P. Berry (VC) 15. B . Norris 16. D. Mu rphy 17. C. Evans (VC) 18. M . Imlach 20 . J . Atkins 21 . T. Shugg 22 . T. Boreham 23 . K. Bleisner 25 . B . Bowker 26 . J . Heath 29 . T Wallet 33 . D. Couples 34 . D. Taylor 35 . J . Starke



7 Kenna J C/C 8 Dickenson A V/ C 9 Miers M 12 Stebbins N

13 Webster J C/C 14 Burgess M 15 Simmons H 16 Stewart F 17 lamb T 18 Harrod T


19 Baylis M 20 Medland A 21 Hook A 22 OldBeld T 23 Burke A - '

24 Lazzarotto A

25 Burke M 26 Stockdale C 27 Ncville A 28 Butler K 31 de Bruin S 32 Hore-Lacy A 45 Kelly B



Major Sponso r



r :rl(1TRA1 I FO 7r1r1

tinder-19 - Section 3 AJAX Coach: Gary Blusztein 1, G. Lewis 2, J. Fayman

I J. Karp $, J. Givoni 6, M. Chester 7. D . BlankSeld J . Feldy 9, E. Roitman

11 . A Ezekia l 12 . D . Raleigh 1$. A G oldstei n 16. A Lewis 17. A Bustin 18. B. Lukav


Coach: Brad James 2 M Brain 3 D Pinvnll

4 A 3~oj~k~e~en 3 S Whittington 4 B Gevaux 5 G Blau

6 T Biddington 7 D Gold 8 R Temes 9 J Mathew 10 C Eva

20 T Dunne 21 J Marmo 22 P G reenh ill

25. R. Kagan

26 M Van Alphen

27 . G. Massey 28 . R. SPilber g 29 . J . Goldman

33 . M. Butt 34 . L. Peters


23 A Hogan 23 S Mitchel l 24 M Avram 24 K Harding 25 R Whitehous e 26 A Edwards

Coach : Mark Sprroso

s A~

29 S Sinha


Major Sponsors


ST DEDESJM ENTONE Coach: Glen Alford

2. D Cap4e 3. B Clark 4. 0 Ma lon e 5. M Mtlchell 6. D Giddings 7. S Luff 8. D Richardson 1 0 . A D~Fabio 71 . R Ryan 12. M I rvine 13. S Maher 14. PTumer 15. S Egan 16. D Watts

1 Laver T 2 Maddocks J 3 McCOnnell K 4 Flavelle L 5 Lynch D 6 Rtlchie E 7 Lawler M 8 Parker W 10 KeUy L

18. T Girovsk i 20. A McLaughlin 21 . D KahriVcis 23. Asmith 25. S Rehlicki

20 McNeil 21 Ferraro 22 Knuppel 23 Lynch 24 Tyquin

17. S Graham

it Griffith M 12 Marks J 14 McMurray L 17 Day B 18 pone, D

19 Paterson A


27, M Ori

25 Schwarze B

29. G Vncem 30, p Dean 36. A Milano 40. M Hyde (C)

26 Sawers A 27 Waters D 28 Dowling M

48. A Elliott

29 Knowles A 30 McGetfigan M 31 Worsnop N 32 McCallum J

33 O'Reilly P 34 Lambert C 35

36 Tenep 8 37 Hunter J 38 Gilmore S 39 Heys J

40 McGettigan P 41 O~Gorman M 42 Scholes p.t 43 Seroem L 55 Rouillron L


3 Nahas R 4 Costigan D 5 Jordan M 6 Cleary D

3. 4. 6. 7.

J. Davy J. Carpente r A. Sheddon A. Smith

g, J . Phelps

10. C. Laidlaw 11 . A. Newhouse 14. M . Cornwell

t2 Vitagliano G 13 Rowan L 14 Bennett G 15 Holden E

15. A . Thompso n 19. T. Lowcock 21 . K . Parker 22. T. Evans

16 White S

25. P. More y

17 Briggs S

27. J . Choong

18 Doyle M 19 Bray J 20 West P 21 Briggs J(Capt)

29 . J. Josli n 31 . S. Mead

23 Poundgow A 24 Barrand L 25 Utianara D

26 Page


27 Middlemiss 28 Caillery 29 Manning 30 Thornton


33 . L. McKinnon 44 . D . Stocko

90 . M. Bassan i


THERRY PENOLA Coach: Greg Campbell 1 Corrigan B 2 Betsey J (vc) 3 Turner S 4 Skiathitis R 5 Morris B

6 Hermes J


1 R. Ault 2 D . Barlow 3 4 5 6 7

H . Barlow J . Bell P. Bidts A . Coutts B . Goonan

. Higgs

9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 Sheppard T

9 W 8 n W Howso 10 C .. Kin 11 A. L~ynCh 12 M. A4cCombe 13 B. McGowan 14 J . Rippon 15 O. SCOtt

12 Leach S 13 Dooley J

17 G . Shaw 18 T. Sheldon

7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J

14 Fenton J 15 Owen B

16 Farrelly M 17 Slawitschka J 18 Badenho _ M 19 Arkin M 20 Capewell C(c) 21 Brosnan J 22 Goodwin D 23 Catiegari D 24 Faroldi M 27 Gunawardena 1 29 Hearts R 32 Cooper J 33 Freckleton J 40 Brosnan J

16 T. Sherr y

WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrymple Asst. Coach : Bryan Stagg 1 E Abdallah 3 G Da y 5 A Wood s 6 T Mahe r 7 J Hogan (C) 8 R Mahe r 9 J Daou 1 1 B Stafford 12 C Arthurs ~ 13 C Lucarelli 14 A Kenez

16 N Crowe (VC) 17 A Ad emi s i 18 K Leski 19 K Paproth 20 H Vince

19 N . Schee(ngs

21 C Krolikowski

20 J. van Dyk 21 A. Whale 22 A. Woole Y

22 J Tartaglia 24 A Walsh

23 B. Govett 24 S. Jeremiah

25 C Pelosi

25 T Jones 26 S. Leslie

26 K Walker 27 H Fulton 28 L Hambli n

27 D. Moar 28 E. Small

29 A Deveson 30 R Mattinson

29 P. Statham 30 T. Stringer

31 P Stag g 32 L Kaldor

31 G . Allan ~~Borland 34 B. Fl eming 35 M . Karunaratne 36 G. Kenned y 37 B. Renick 38 T. Ross 39 F. Wambach 40 R. Atkinson 41 M . Steven s Proudly Sponsored b y THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t Carlton 3053


T. Wilkin s 2. N. O'Brien

11 Aidone S

22 Fitzgerald T

27 R Osidacz 27 T Middleton 28 G Sauttrv 28 M Hamitton-HO

Coach: Craig Williams

I Wills D 2 Counihan D

8 Torcasio G 9 Groake C 10 Hogan C

;~~~iiil ll FA T-0 R S GVP Fabricator s All Home Loans New Order Clothin g


Coach : Mick Holden

7 Lamb C

11 D Kemp t2 S Volkering 13 R Read j5 D McGrat h Membrey 16 A Villani 17 A Orchard 18 R Newland 19 S Foley



Coach: Jon Edgar Res: James Shady

1 J Aitken

19. N. Rottenber g 20. A Wainer 21 . A. Chrapot yz, M . Ivany 23. R. Lewis 24. D. Bustin 26. B . Nankin



. .

8^ 1



Under-19 - Section BLUE BENTLEIGH Coach : Mick Lee

DE LA SALLE (GOLD) Coach : Rob Smith



Coach : Shane Regan



Coach : Gary Williamsi

Coach : Michael Oaten

I R Dolman


1 M Bertone

I Nassarallah E

1 Ashley


2 R Heywood

3 D Howard

2 NBradleY

2 Dennehy S

2 Medcraft


3 0 Lewis

4 N Hart

3 Konas A

3 Mitsios


4 J D'Of(ay 5 T Ridgway 6 J Roberts 7 S Holmesby 8 B Holden

5 6 M Sheehan 7 L Casey

3 S Casiricum 4 D Caughey 5 ACiavareNa

4 Lazarakis C 5 Thornton S 6 Nussbaum S

4 Bames 5 Brosnan 6 DeNatris 7 Black 8 Sayers


9 Jewell


12 Onurlu H 13 Evangelista J 14 Patuad F

10 Pincott 11 Fisher 12 Evans 13 Haysom


9 D Wild

10 D Fogarty 11 J Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M Wilson 15 D Straker 16 K Pereira

6 G~~ 7 B~in

8 M Cummins 9 W Evans

7 loannldis S

10 0 Thompson 12 5 Crowe 12 L Casey

9 M Hayes

10 D Grantham

14 EBrowning 19 A Hillier 19 W Quaran

13 PJahnsan 14 J Kavanagh 15 J Lambert

9 Rossenlis C 10 Pbzza A 11 Nasr A

9 J McKenzie

11 J Hendry 12 D Hensman

16 S Mann 17 J Mather

20 B Pedula

21 K Higgins 23 J Hennessy


18 P BreNcreuz 19 5 Nicholson 20 21 R Turner 22 B McLellan 23 S Corrigan

25 N Salvatore 26 T Krotofil 30 B Tso,B 34 35 47 S Wright

52 M . *McLellan

26 D McLeod 27 B Raisbeck 28 B Walton

15 NeviC J

14 Davis


t8 DMicalket

16 Walsh M

15 Peel


to s Moran 20 ANorman

18 Mesley G 20 Fredrickson J

16 Brosnan


21 D Nutting

21 Onudu K

22 M Pecwa

17 Clancy 18 Jewell


22 Harold M 23 Sofoulis M M 25 Rabahi 26 Janjic S 27 Seng V 28 Cook P

19 David


20 Machin


21 Jacobs 22 Dunne 24 Buckley 25 ~artin


23 D Power 24 D Regan

30 30 M Nixon 33 J McCluskey 35 C Howard

42 L Fisher 46 K Smyth 47 J Greaterorex 52 M Griffin

25 E Roberts 26 8 Ross 27 S Smit h 28 Psouter 29 S Stanley 30 TSteinfai 31 W Vandergert 32 AWeekes 33 R Wickremasinghe

53 JCasey

34 Awnsta"ley

35 T Robson 41 D Thompson

8 Angus B

54 B Meehan

29 Baths J 32 Ni D 33 Kurth 5 34 Price 1

26 Fotopoulos 28 Harris

29 Kilmartin


35 Fletcher C 41 Antonucci J 42 Margolis i 43 Taylor S

34 Ramsay


44 Robbins


44 Evangelista

PENINSULA O .B . Coach: Neil Franks

1 2 3 4 5

S. Knobel (dvc) M. Barron (vs) R . sta;ntath (C) R . Smith D . Smith

6 B. Mitchell 7 S. Cumming 8 P. W~gnall


Coach: Peter Skinna

4 M Water s 5 Ja Beattie 6 M HoRe

11 M. Kenn y 12 A de Lange

9 R Dean

17 J . Hocking 18 T Madde r 19 P. Dade -Ml 20 C. Matthews 21 H . Nestor

22 W. Miller 23 J . Rhodes 25 S . Jay (dc)

26 J . Murphy

27 J . Gray 28 S . Patching 29 B . Pritchard

30 R. Velyens 32 R . Heggie 33 R . Wat4Ford e 34 S . Smflh


1 K Arnol d

7 N Chalk

16 C . O'Loughlm


2 D Homan 3 M Nelson

9 A Law 10 D . Ber 13 L. F«ster 14 L Coghlan 15 J . Preston





8 G D'olivera

10 Da Crockford 11 H Nguyen 12 J Robinson 13 Ad Smith 14 M Hanger 15 M Kosmala 16 D O'connor 17 C Carmody 18 L Merchant 19 M Fumel l 20 B Bugeja 21 A Dexter 22 M Di Pietro 23 J Diaz 24 C Doming o 25 B Skinner 26 BAndrews 27 A Penry 28 D Johnston 29 M Tooli s 30 P Jameson 43 M Phaedono s



-- ~

.. .

'. ' ~




. -_ 1


- "

" -A


- t


Under-19 - Sectim : FD AQUINAS

Coach : Terry McEvoy 6 S Hills 7 B Helme a M Wall 9 S Loonstra 10 M Dexter

12 A Munchow

BULLEF ITE,-. ; :~!-=aTO'. :E Coach : Cadell Duke

7 . S . Mountain 8 . A . Eccles 9 . D . Thomson 10 . T. Lee 11 M. Voglis 12 . D . McColl

FI ®Y REDS Coach: Tim Bell Asst : Tony Dullard

1 R. AstudiNo 2 K 8ams-Jenkins

3 S. Bombed 4 J. Boyie 5 A Chlew 6 J. ChiM,ott

13 . B. Tekin

7 J . Coake

13 C Williams

14. J . Newman

8 K Donato

14 A. Lebzcuk

15. S. Millar

9 J . Downie

17 MAdams

16. A . Tremayne 17. P. Voglis 18, B. Moran 19. C. Lapadoula

10 C. DNlam 11 S . Edwards 12 S . Greenwood

18 T Walsh

19 P Symons 20 B Hardham 21 C Galliott

22 M Visser 24 C Crozier

50 AFailla

20. B. Lapadoula 22. A. Benerichs 23. A. Stavretis 24. M . Meadows 26. A. Georgakopoulos

27 . S. Hoysted

52 D White 61 D Jennings

28 . M . FRt 29 . M . Coulston

66 A Kinghorne 67 D Muir

30 . P. Florence 32 . J. McDonald

68 B Pratt

~, P. Murch 34 . E . Odza 35 . M. Ramondetta 36 . A . Coulston 37. J . Wolnizer 38. M. Crook s 40. P. losifidis 41 . A . Smrth 42. S Roussidis 43. D . Seraicco 45. M. Makin 46. P. Naidos 50- T. Auste n

13 N . Hart 14 D . Leicester 15 N .Leman

16 M. Louis-G!eeson 17 G . Marron 18 K Maghamez

19 D . rfcphee

20 J. Mujanovlc 21 W. Murray 22 G . Ozusen 23 N. Quick, 24 J. Richardson 25 M . Rogers

26 D. Russall 27 D. Ryan 28 B ScoB 29 N. Shunlexodh 30 H T~ 31 J . Vdato 32 G. Wlham s 33 R. Nfihams 34 J . Ziemer 35 M . Zka

OL D WEST C' . : ;'

20 ATOmllnson 29 D.Pata, 38 D.MCKaiI 60 N.uph 66 TWhilehead 72 M .Redmon d 79 G .Nortnn N.Beck ABorrefli

D.Brennan clee~d ~an T J .CIO"9h J .Danie~s P,Davies

8De Bmin T15--v.- . C.Edwards G.Gird,wod B.Hayes

R'Hosk'"g A.Jones

Coach: U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlain 1 O'Meara T

NORTH OLD BOYS Coaches: John Murphy Shaun Kelly

1 L Clarke 2 Y Saad 3 R Keenan 4 A Ega n 5 P Flande rs

6 K Robertson 7 D White

8 K Norton 9 S Joyce 10 S O'Connor

11 L Raby 12 J O'Rourk e 13 J Rumbol d 14 R Leigh 15 N Lensen

16 P Gallivan 17 B O'Hallaran 18 B Franci s

s ~ ~~ M~~t H .t.ancaster M.Lynch C .Maloney D.Mann R. Merrett H.Miller B'P2rthe°~des

19 P Xhayeteux 20 C Rees 21 R Reev e 22 R Brenna n

~'Ro~d56r' ~r~

25 T McMilan


Coach: Peter Howarth 1 . G Bartlett 2. F.Benone 3 P.HUtlson 4. J. Wnite 5. D.Chan 6. M .Wnfting 7. B.Cole 8. D.Tang 9. TVJhitin g 10. J.Tanner 11 .SIGn9 12. B.Whdmg 13. A.Potts 1 4. M Iskra 5. lkwoo . G. Rixori dt6 s 17. D.Ta or 18. D.Carruthers 19. C.HUdson 20. J .Newlan 21 . S .Ambelis 22. L.Squarci 23. J .Szatkaxski 24. S .Staples 25. E .Saandstrom 26. R Naidu 27 . L.VeaI


Coach : Zoran Colovic

23 T Rintal a 24 C Pitkethly


2 TrescovRhick J 3M ont9~'~r ~ S 4 Arrr'suung A 5 Ruara E 6Fe ~fre M 7 S

8 McDonnell J 9 Rogan T 10 Hu}ett S 11 Bourke R 1 2Ryan J


13 Gnnivan L


' -~

14 Roache M 15 Barrett A 16 Corcoran N 17 C an P 76 Scaril~ ~ M(C) t9 Martin J Meehan ~ Nd a D 22 Skaqni R 23 French R 24 Purss C 2,5 Rowe L 26 O'Hankm M 27 Purceil P

28 White J --~

29 Adams S 30 Vaughan S 31 Ryan A 32 Mclnemey T


33Ford 0


34 Quinn D 35 Rgius A 38 D J 37 Runco R 38 Mehnn-Smith J 39 R aan S 40 y0H nbn M 41 Fusmato R 42 Stnb;ey M 43 Cangan T 44 Kaine D 45 Trovato M 46 Gull ey 0 47Sfk N 48 Nadinic A 49Lynch T 50 Ctwster P 51 Bov:•by J 52 Butler N 53 Farthful A 54 Paga A


Winning Edge Presentations

Although some Round 2 results surprised by the Old Scotch 2 margin between competing sides, overall they were triumphed over kind to me as I scored an 87% success rate . Whitefriars by si x points in a match

Review of Round I .

Section 1 . The difficulty faced over many seasons by De La Salle of kicking goals against Old Xaverians manifested itself again as the "Crocodiles" powered to victory by eighty four points . Old Scotch and St Kevin's provided a close contest from which Scotch emerged victorious by just five points . Despite their disappointment, St Kevin's enjoyed the game in which they were well served by Peter Harvey and Tim Robinson . Mazenod had a day out against Old Ivanhoe, who have started poorly mainly due to an acute shortage of players . Mazenod won by forfeit, although game was still played . IN the scratch match Mazenod 's star was Mick Fothergill with eleven goals . Midfielder, Curtis Collins also did well . Captain, Corey Jewell and Al White battled hard for Old Ivanhoe . Old Brighton won by five points over Old Essendon, who had most of the play but whose inaccuracy was extremely poor as they did not kick a goal until well into the last quarter . It was a day out for the Stevens clan . . . C .E .O . Phil . Unfurled the 2003 pennant for O .E . while Stevens and Geoff Steven were their best players . With victory by ninety eight points over Marcellin, Prahran again showed its strength . Section 2 . Monash Blues made it two wins in a row by defeating Collegians by thirteen points . Fitzroy Reds were too strong for Eley Park as they won convincingly by eighty seven points . Eley Park's slow start must be disappointing to their officials and supporters . Newsmakers, Old Melburnians again showed their strength with a forty three point win over University Blacks . Their star was A.F.L. Football Operations Manager, Adrian Anderson, who kicked four goals in a best on ground display . Again Ameet Bains did well for the O .M .s . Therry Penola trailed Old Xaverians throughout their match before succumbing by forty five points . Therry Penola coach, Bob Lyons, again suffered a miserable week end !! 56


largely controlled by prevailing winds . Scotch put in a great fourth quarter effort against the wind to win . Their best included : Captain Geoff Junkeer and Adam Ventura . For Whitefriars : Travis Jackson and Paul Bourke were best . Section 3 . University Blues easily accounted for North Old Boys by seventy four points . St Leo's scored their first win of the season with a thirty six point victory over Old Scotch 3, who remain winless . Are we seeing the best Old Geelong side ever in the competition? If their one hundred and twenty eight point defeat of Old Carey is any indication, the answer is "yes" . Caulfield Grammarians notched their initial victory when they defeated La Trobe University by sixty five points. Some La Trobe players conceded their team could have been over confident an d

CL11~ cis 1 Old Xavs Dillon Prahran Cartlidge Old Scotch Thompson

7 6 0

9 9 7

C18 (2) Old Scotch Simon 3 10 Old Scotch Adderley 2 6 Fitzroy Reds Densley 4 4 Eley Park Jolly 0 4 University Blacks Merlo 0 4 Old Meburnians Mulligan 0 4 Old Xavs Gleeson 1 4 C18 (3) Old Trinity Hilas :: 0 10 Old Geelong Slattery 6 8 7 Old Geelong Makin 6 Old Boys Cerini 1 6 6 Old Boys Connoly 1



,that they forgot the team work that brought success in Round 1 . Old Trinity continued on their winning way with a sixty three point win over Monash Gryphons, who now find themselves tenth on the ladder. preview of Round 3 . Section I . At McHale Stadium, Old Xaverians play long standing rivals, Old Scotch. The game should show us the true strength of Old Scotch . Old Xaverians, who continue to meet every challenge, should win this encounter too . Mazenod fresh from last week meet St Kevin's who have yet to win . A good battle should ensue although I expect Mazenod to prove too talented . Unless Old Ivanhoe can field a full complement of players willing to give all they will not be competitive against Old Essendon, even at Chelsworth Park . I select Old Essendon as Old Ivanhoe players must support Corey Jewell a lot more to warrant my selection . Old Brighton can do no more than win, as they did in Round 2 . However they will again meet strong opposition as Prahran will seek to maintain their unbeaten run . I select Prahran even though the game will be at Brighton Beach . De La Salle should win over Marcellin, who seem to lack the depth of talent possessed by the leading bunch of sides. Sorry Peter but that's what the scores indicate. Section 2 .

Fitzroy Reds, with their competitive style of play, should be able to defeat Collegians, who have yet to taste victory in 2004 . I expect Old Melburnians to continue on their winning way at the expense of Eley Park . The ruck duels between Daniel Grant (E.P .) and Michael Verge should prove a highlight of this game. Also Eley Park do not have a defender capable of holding Tim Mulligan to a few kicks and fewer goals . The match between University Blacks and Old Xaverians should give guidance as to the respective strength of the sides . I was impressed by the Xaverian style last week and also the Black's player confidence could be down . I therefore select Old Xaverians . Therry Penola have not impressed in either match . Their decision making on the field must cause frustration to coach, Bob Lyons . Their visitors today, Whitefriars also are yet to win and they missed a golden opportunity last week . At home I select Therry Penola. Undefeated sides, Monash Blues and Old Scotch 2 meet at Monash . Old Scotch showed class in Round 2 by winning into the wind . Based on that determination, I select them to win again today even on the Blues home ground .

Section 3 . I do not believe St Leo's will possess either the fitness nor the talent to defeat the University Blues juggernaut which to date has answered every challenge. Neither Old Scotch 3 nor Old Carey has much form to warrant selection. I understand Old Scotch Coach, "Sandy" Robertson is actively building his list so Old Scotch could be gaining momentum . I select them to defeat Old Carey, who have suffered two heavy losses . On form it is impossible to go past Old Geelong even though Caulfield grammarians won so well in Round 2 . The wide spaces of Como Park should favour the home side . Old Trinity should continue on their winning way against La Trobe University who lost their way down south last week . North Old Boys should win their second match against Monash Gryphons who are finding the required standard hard to reach . Correspondents : Please don't forget to contact me by telephone (9467 2857) or e mail : nknugent@alphalink .com .au by noon Monday .

TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB 18 (1 ) Old Xaverians v Old Scotch at Central Reserve (Mazenod's ground) St Kevins v Mazenod 0 C Old Ivanhoe v Old Essendon Gr Old Brighton v Prahran De La Salle v Marcelli n

CLUB 18 (2) Collegians v Fitzroy Reds Eley Park v Old Melburnians University Blacks v Old Xaverians (2) Therry Penola 0 B v Whitefriars - Oval 1 John Pascoe Fawkner Reserve (16 F6 ) Monash Blues v Old Scotch (2)

CLUB 18 (3 ) University Blues v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Old Scotch (3) v Old Care y Old Geelong v Caulfield Or La Trobe Uni v Old Trinity North Old Boys v Monash Gryphons


CLUB 18 (1) DE LA SALLE 3.0 3.2 3 .5 4.8 (30) OLD XAVL:RIANS 3.3 9.4 10 .8 17 .12 (114) DIS : Strauss Hawker Tucker Vine. Best: Stinear Tucker Dimble Hessie Craig Strause . Old Rav : Dillon 7 Davies 3 Hardwick 3 Fay 2 Jones Curnow . Best : Dillon Hardwick Hall Rathgeber Davies Fay Umpires : Dean Banova Tony Byrnes (F ) OLD SCOTCH 4 .3 7 .7 10 .8 13 .11 (89) ST. KEVINS 4.0 7 .2 11 .5 13.6(84) Old Scotch: Gerstman 4 Dufour 2 E Beaurepaire Elliott Feteke Kings Harkness Hocking Tesdorpf. Best: T Graham Elliott Pearce R Gerstman J Beaurepaire Brownell. St . Kevins : P Harvey 5 Robinson 3 Trewin 2 Clark Halpin Simms. Best : Harvey Macey Collins Simms Markahon Game . Umpires : Trevor Hansen Simon Pearless (F ) MAZENOD 0 C received forfeit OLD IVANHOE Umpires: Tom Windlow (F) OLD ESSENDON 0 .6 0.11 0 .12 3.15 (33) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .3 2 .3 4.6 5 .8(38) Old Essendon : Steven 3 . Best: Steven Stevens Turner Cariss Poulton Newland . Old Brighton : G . Earl 2 Davies Oakley O'Neill . Best: O'Neill Slater W. Earl G . Earl Carra Butler Umpires: Brian Curthoys Tony Robbins (F ) MARCELLIN 2 .1 2 .2 2.3 3 .4(22) PRAHRAN 3 .3 10.9 14 .13 18.16 (124) LSarceBin : Wall Dowling Spinella. Best: Andrew Dowling Spinella . Prahran: Cartlidge 6 Maughan 3 Farrell 2 Smith Davies Hilson Green Macpherson Haywood Belej . Best : Macpherson Green Cartlidge Scott Geri Belej . Umpires : Ry an Hense (F) CLUB 18 (2)

BfONASH BLUES 1 .4 2.5 5.8 6.9(45) COLLEGIANS 1 .1 2.4 2 .5 4.8(32) Monash: M Woods 3 Coughlin 2 L Woods . Best: M Woods Coughlin Krebs Batrouney L Woods B Dods . Coll egians: Grant 2 M Day Hains . Best : Perkov Schneider Askew Hains Slatyer Grant . Umpires: Frank Kavanagh Joseph Salvatore (F ) FITZROY REDS 7.3 9.5 12 .9 17 .13 (115) ELEY PARK 0.2 2.3 2 .4 4.4 (28) Fitzroy Reds : Densley 4 Jackson 2 Grimmett 2 Vaughan Prior Steer Andrew Woolford Gleesan Hamilton Baldwin Mackay . Best: Densley Auden Gleeson Rizun Jackson Steer Eley Park: Jackson 2 Kay Blake. Best: Smith Braclunan Park Grant Jackson Kett Umpires : Brian Nunn (F) OLD MELBURNIANS 6.2 10 .3 13 .6 15.8 (98) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.2 3 .4 5 .4 8.7(55) Match details not received.

Umpires : Jamie Gunn Paul Rapke (F )

OLD :L3VERIANS 3 .3 9.5 10.6 12 .8 (80) THE'.:i2Y 1 .1 1 .1 3.3 5 .5(35 ) : Richards 2 O'Loughlin 2 Carradus Chamberlin Gleeson Old Xav Ireland McInerney McLean Stapleton Stribley . Best: N Quinn O'Loughlin Richards McLean O'Connell Therry: Keenan 2 Ward Watson Alweil . Best : Watson Kenessy Keenan Ward Alwell Maresdic, Umpires : Rick Benson (F ) OLD SCOTCH ( 2) 6.2 6.4 7.8 10 .9(69) WHITEFRIARS 1 .2 6.4 6.5 9 .9(63) Old Scotch : Simon 3 Fraser 3 Adderley 2 Ireland I Lavelle. Best: J Simon G Junkeer T Fraser D Comport A Ventura . Whitefr lars: Details not received . Umpires : Paul Nailer (F ) CLUB 18 (3)

NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .0 2.2 2.2 2 .2(14) UNI BLUFS 4.4 7.9 11 .13 12 .16 (88) NOB: Cerini Connoly Best : C Phyland Muscat Rocco C Stribley D Stribley Christian . Uni Blues: Callery Birks 3 Fulton Ritchie 2 Anderson Sudholtz Best : Marlyn Maplestone Birks Mcphail Irving Ritchie Umpires : Tony Began (F) EB§MAUS ST LEOS 0 C 3.2 7.3 10 .7 13.8 (86) OLD SCOTCH (3) 0.4 2.6 5 .8 7.8 (50) Emmaus St Leos: Contessotto 4 D McGloin 3 D Carey D Wood M Heyes S Mescher M Montgomery S Manton . Best : P Levtins D Woods S Bavage D McGloin D Tomklns N Foley. Old Scotch: Illingworth 4 Addison 2 Leech. Best: lllingworth Addison Best Blandford Iser M Garbellini . Umpires : Gavan Began (F) OLD CAREY 0 .0 5 .1 5 .3 6.3 (39) OLD GEELONG 7.6 11.11 17 .13 25 .17 (167) Old Carey : Van Cylenberg 3 Small Howard Croft . Best:Van Cylenberg White Croft Busse Davy Grim. Old Geelong: Makin 6 Slattery 6 Waters 3 Lyons 3 Leslie 2 Phillo 2 Hyde Lockie Peck . Best: Makin Slattery Leslie Phillo Waters Lyons Umpires : Joe Ciccotosto (F) CAUL GRAM 4 .1 5 .6 8.6 15 .8 (98) LATROBE UNI 2 .3 3 .4 4.7 4 .9(33) Caul Gram : Dahvood 5 Minter 2 Elias Townley Bettany BrohierJohnson McDonald Franklin-Jones. Best: Hepworth Dalwood Brohier J.Gross Alibando Patterson. Latrobe Uni: Palmieri 2 Sewell Woohner. Best: Sewell Nield Dunne G .Murphy Steele Tingate.

Umpires: Josh White-Spier David Windlow (F ) ffiONASH GRYPHONS 0 .0 0.2 2.3 2 .5 (17) OLD TRINITY 2 .4 5.8 7.9 11.14 (80) ffionash Gryphons: Lewis Goold. Best: Dresser Hambridge Gilchrist P Mastromanno Archer Lewis . Old Trinity: Arrowsmith 3 Chitley 2 0°Shea 2 Manasso McDonald Cade Burgess. Best: Burgess Heaven Arrowsmith Gamble Hilderbrandt A Amicom. Umpires: Mark Thornhill (F)

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DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL SEASON 2004 Well the season is finally underway and Round 1 of the FIDA season has been and gone . In the season openers at Parkville we saw Maribyrnong take on Ringwood in the first game and Maribyrnong were to strong for the Blues beating them 15.10 .100 to no score, Maribynong this year look like the real deal and one of the teams to beat . The second game of Division 2 seen a much closer game between Port Colts 2 and Parkside, it started of with Park-side jumping out of the blocks and then we saw the Colts make a comeback but just falling short losing to Park-side The scores were Pakside running out winners 7 .7 .49 to the Colts 4.5.29 .

In the first of the Division 1 games we seen Ballam Park 2 take on Port Colts 1 and we saw that Ballam Park 2 were to strong for the undermanned Colts running away with the game winning 11 .4.70 to 2.3.15 . In the match of the round we seen last year's Division i Grand Final replay between Ballarat and Ballam Park 1, we were all expecting a close encounter but all we seen were the class of Ballam Park giving us a one sided game and winning 11 .10 .76 to Ballarat 1 .0.6. Ballam Park would have to be short priced favorites to take it out again . In the other game that took place at Werribee we saw a very close game between Bull-Temp and Mambourin the final scores were Bull-Temp 5 .9 .39 to Mambourin 3.10.28 .

In this week's games we see majority of them being played at Elsternwick with Ballart Park 2 taking on BullTemp in the clash of last week's winners . We also see Ballam Park 1 take on O& M Jets 1, Broadmeadows 1 Against Port Colts 1, Maribyrnog and Moonee Valley and Broadmedows 2 and Port Colts 2 . In other games we see Parkside take on Ringwood at Parkside and Ballarat face Mambourin In Ballarat . Good Luck to all teams in Round 2 . At % Pts DIYI51 : ; :1 P W L D F BALLAM PARK 1 1 1 0 0 76 6 1266,67 4 BALLAM PARK 2 1 1 0 0 70 15 466 .67 4 BULLEE@!•TEMR 1 1 0 0 39 28 139 .29 4 PAAMBQURItdTIGERS I 0 1 0 28 39 71 .79 0 PORT COLTS t 1 0 1 0 15 70 21 .43 0 NORTH BALLARAT 1 0 1 0 6 76 7 .89 0 BROADMEADOYJS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0&MJETS1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 DIVISION 2 P IN PARKSIDE I 1 MOOtdEEVAt1 .E( 1 1 MARIBYRNONG 1 1 PORT COLTS 2 1 0 BR©ADMEADflWS 2 0 0 0&1vIJETS 2 0 0 RINGWOOD 1 0

L D F Alld % 0 0 49 29 168,97 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 100 0 1 0 29 49 59-i8 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 D 100 0 .00

Pis 4 4 4 0 0 0 0

' Received forfeit last roun d O&M v Broadmeadows matches to be played on June 6, 200 4







LnTF SCn; ~-: s First Offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50);,fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100). Reserves/C18 Seniors/ 1.1 19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Nil N il Phoned incorrect scores Rd2 Ni l NB: No fines will be issued for Rds i& 2 of the 2004 V1FA season .

Andrew Wu D2 Ed Sill D3 Peter Willamson D2 Norm Nugent Club Tom Brain B Barry Hickey DI Fraser Cameron U/ 19 Gavan Flower D4 Glen Harrison C Johathan Horn A Cam Nation U/19

~ esnlts n f Trifiuna! Hearins - Tuesdpy, An ri127ih . 20 p $ James Beaumont, Old Melburnians . Striking, 2 matches Michael Kalviskis, Old Mentonians . Striking, 2 matches. Tom Bull, Old Scotch ( Under-19) . Spitting, 4 matches. * Peter L ee, Ivanhoe-Assumption Misconduct, 2 matches . `Tim Wilkins, Old Carey ( Under-79) . Audible obscenity, 1 match . * Dave Johnson, Caulfield Or. (Club 18) . Audible obscenity, 1 match. * Timothy Maddens, Fitzroy Reds (Club 18) . Striking, 2 matches. *Accepted Prescribed Penalt y Results of lnveetipa#ions Tuesda~ Aoril 27ih 2004 Parkdale Vultures and MHSOB charged with a melee in their senior match played at Melbourne High School on Saturday April 27, 2004 . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a minor melee . Parkdale Vultures $150 (2nd offence for seniors over the last two year period) and MHSOB $100 (1st offence for seniors over the last two year period) .

90% 90% 80% 73% 70 % 60% 54% 40% 40% 20% 15%

TIT~~,' C NGE : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined) . Watch this space!

Last week, ball was in B 1 . No winning entries from 15 received . HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person . Tear off 1` which appears down right hand side of this page, fill ar VAFA Po Box 359 Elsterrnvick 318 5 Entry to be received by noon Tuesrla, folloc i ;


For Apt

U19R) 49


OLD GEELONG 2 2 0 0 252 28 900.00 OLD CAREY 2 2 0 0 177 74 239.19 LATROBEUNI 2 2 0 0 157 71 221 .13 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 2 0 0 128 68 188.24 BENTLEIGH 2 2 0 0 148 96 154 .17 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 2 0 2 0 121 185 65 .41 MONASH GRYPHONS 2 0 2 0 88 140 62 .86 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 0 2 0 52 191 27 .23 SWINBURNE UNI 2 0 2 0 58 227 25 .55 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 0 2 0 18 119 15 .1 3



For AW

WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2 2 0 0 238 88 270 .45 RUPERTSWOOD 2 2 0 0 194 77 251 .95 UHS-VU 2 2 0 0 133 57 233 .33 ST JOHNS 0 C 2 1 1 0 124 97 127 .84 POWER HOUSE 2 1 1 0 157 140 112 .14 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 2 1 1 0 149 150 99 .33 OAKLEIGH 2 1 1 0 85 99 85 .86 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 2 0 2 0 97 158 61 .39 MT LILYDALE 2 0 2 0 106 277 38,27 SYNDAL TALLY-1-10 2 0 2 0 58 198 29 .29


PW 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

L D For AW % 0 0 140 86 162 .79 0 0 127 102 124 .51 1 0 120 77 155 .84 1 0 108 83 130 .12 1 0 107 87 122 .99 1 0 112 113 99 .12 1 0 134 172 77 .91 1 0 82 117 70 .09 2 0 85 104 81 .73 2 0 98 172 56.9 8

tl19 SECTION 1 P W L e For Agsl DE LA SALLE 2 2 0 0 236 59 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2 2 0 0 235 90 ST KEVINS 2 2 0 0 233 191 MARCELLIN 2 1 1 0 144 131 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 1 1 0 134 173 OLD BRIGHTON 2 1 1 0 80 188 ST BERNARDS 2 0 1 1 178 210 OLD XAVERIANS 2 0 1 1 133 173 OLD SCOTCH 2 0 2 0 155 192 CAULFIELD GR 2 0 2 0 102 223

400.00 261 .11 121 .99 109.92 77.46 42.55 84.76 76.88 80.73 45.74


BENTLEIGH 2 2 0 0 325 113 287 .61 PENINSULA 0 B 2 2 0 0 302 118 255.93 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 2 2 0 0 201 124 162.10 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 2 1 1 0 209 167 125 .15 ST JOHNS DC 2 1 1 0 184 195 94 .36 DE LA SALLE (2) 2 1 1 0 154 191 80.63 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 2 1 1 0 165 253 65.22 MAZENOD 0 C 2 0 2 0 201 307 65,47 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 0 2 0 144 259 55 .60 ORMOND 2 0 2 0 129 287 44 .95

8 8 8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0

8 8 8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0

Y19 d2) RED _P L D For Apt % Pls LA TROBE UNI 2 2 0 0 189 18 1050 .00 8 FITZROY REDS 2 2 0 0 260 64 406 .25 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 2 0 0 97 42 230 .95 8 UHS-VU/ST BERNARDS 2 1 1 0 71 94 75 .53 4 RUPERTSW000 (2) 2 1 1 0 95 142 66 .90 4 AQUINAS 0 C 2 1 1 0 131 227 57 .71 4 OLD WESTBOURNE 2 1 1 0 59 189 31 .22 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 0 2 0 91 154 59 .09 0 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 2 0 2 0 54 117 46 .15 0 1 0 (~) ~L D Far AW % Pts -n . OLU xAVERIANS 2 2 0 0 234 50 468 .00 8 PRAHRAN 2 2 0 0 208 59 352 .54 8 OLD SCOTCH 2 2 0 0 209 96 217 .71 8 MAZENOD 0 C 2 2 0 0 120 75 160 .00 8 OLD BRIGHTON 2 1 1 0 71 71 100 .00 4 DE LA SALLE 2 1 1 0 98 135 72 .59 4 ST KEVINS 2 0 2 0 104 157 66.24 0 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 0 2 0 70 122 57.38 0 OLD IVANHOE 2 0 2 0 54 202 26.73 0 MARCELLIN 2 0 2 0 42 243 17.28 0


W 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0

L D For A ___% Pis 0 0 202 73 276.71 8 0 0 133 73 182.19 8 0 0 163 112 145.54 8 0 0 111 90 123.33 8 1 0 167 90 185.56 4 1 0 117 150 78.00 4 2 0 101 122 82.79 0 2 0 81 139 58.27 0 2 0 86 181 47.51 0 2 0 53 184 28.80 0

C P W L D for AgsT % OLD MELBURiviAivS 2 2 0 0 166 99 167 .68 BEAUMARIS 2 2 0 0 171 126 135.71 COLLEGIANS 2 1 1 0 124 110 112 .73 RUPERTSW000 2 1 1 0 153 147 104 .08 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 1 1 0 139 142 97 .89 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 1 1 0 157 164 95 .73 BANYULE VIEWBANK 2 1 1 0 63 103 61 .17 OLD IVANHOE 2 1 1 0 36 82 43 .90 OLD TRINITY 2 0 2 0 130 166 78.3 1 dB19!_- : , 3 p OLD PARADIANS 2 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 OLD CAREY 2 WHITEFRIARS 2 ST BEDES MENT TIC 2 OAKLEIGH 2 AJAX 2 MHSOB 2 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 2 MONASH BLUES 2

W 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

P W L D Far A % Pts UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 2 0 0 189 28 675 .00 8 OLD TRINITY 2 2 0 0 224 62 361 .29 8 OLD GEELONG 2 2 0 0 227 92 246 .74 8 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 2 1 1 0 139 110 126,36 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 1 1 0 105 116 90.52 4 LA TROBE UNI 2 1 1 0 96 113 84 .96 4 CAULFIELD GR 2 1 1 0 143 177 80 .79 4 OLD SCOTCH (3) 2 0 2 0 78 177 44 .07 0 OLD CAREY 2 0 2 0 54 230 23 .48 0 D For Ags2 % PPs MONASH GRYPHONS 2 0 2 0 31 181 17 .13 0 0 138 91 151 .65 8 0 113 88 128 .41 8 0 270 67 402 .99 4 0 181 79 229 .11 4 0 152 98 155 .10 4 0 160 132 121 .21 4 0 201 172 116 .86 4 0 186 194 95 .88 4 0 83 263 31 .56 0 0 35 335 10 .45 0



W 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0

Pts L D For Ags7 % 0 0 246 115 213 .91 8 0 0 252 142 177 .46 8 0 0 222 170 130 .59 8 0 0 117 97 120 .62 8 1 0 200 203 98 .52 4 1 0 115 183 62 .84 4 2 0 141 180 78 .33 0 2 0 152 210 72 .38 0 2 0 126 181 69.61 0 2 0 100 190 52.63 0



~ 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2



WK 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0


Hr 1 D For 2 0 0 218 2 0 0 228 2 0 0 267 1 1 0 129 1 1 0 132 1 1 0 145 1 1 0 166 0 2 0 126 0 2 0 144 0 2 0 107


W 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0


L D Far Aysi % Pts A 8 2 0 0 246 133 184 .96 2 0 0 203 117 173 .50 1 1 0 189 101 187.13 4 1 1 0 185 151 122 52 4 1 1 0 179 154 116.23 4 1 1 0 183 181 101 .1 0 1 1 0 168 178 94 .38 4 , 1 1 0 99 123 80.49 0 2 0 98 237 41 .35 0 2 0 75 250 30 .00


D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Far Agst % Pts 194 101 192.08 8 168 142 118.31 8 246 213 115.49 8 261 168 155.36 4 206 150 137 .33 4 133 146 91 .10 4 159 212 75 .00 4 153 204 75 .00 0 110 185 59 .46 0 132 241 54 .77 0

L D For Agst % Pis 0 0 213 145 146.90 8 0 0 173 158 109.49 8 1 0 178 142 125.35 4 1 0 180 152 118.42 4 1 0 174 170 102 .35 4 1 0 168 171 98 .25 4 1 0 127 149 85 .23 4 1 0 136 169 80 .47 4 2 0 130 148 87 .84 0 2 0 109 184 59 .24 0




D For n q~r


ELSTERNWICK 2 2 0 0 215 128 167.97 8 KEW 2 2 0 0 211 148 142 .57 8 OLD WESTBOURNE 2 1 1 0 168 108 155 .56 4 ST MARYS 2 1 1 0 188 151 124 .50 4 ALBERT PARK 2 1 1 0 187 189 98 .94 4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 1 1 0 110 132 83 .33 4 BOX HILL NORTH 2 1 1 0 131 172 76 .16 4 BULLEEN COBRAS 2 1 1 0 134 192 69 .79 4 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 0 2 0 178 209 85 .17 0 0 RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 0 2 0 112 205 54 .63




For AMt


UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 2 0 0 223 25 892 .00 ST BERNARDS 2 2 0 0 165 77 214.29 OLD XAVERIANS 2 2 0 0 119 61 195 .08 OLD TRINITY 2 2 0 0 144 103 139 .81 DE LA SALLE 2 1 1 0 156 91 171.43 OLD SCOTCH 2 1 1 0 131 99 132 .32 MARCELLIN 2 0 2 0 76 158 48 .10 WHITEFRIARS 2 0 2 0 43 145 29 .66 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 0 2 0 57 200 28 .50 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 0 2 0 33 188 17 .55




L D For A t

8 8 8 8 4 4 0 0 0 0


NORTH OLD BOYS 2 2 0 0 144 65 221 .54 ST KEVINS 2 2 0 0 188 128 146.88 MAZENOD 0 C 2 2 0 0 135 94 143.62 OLDIVANHOE 2 1 1 0 128 104 123.08 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 1 1 0 95 86 110 .47 OLD PARADIANS 2 1 1 0 103 107 96 .26 COLLEGIANS 2 1 1 0 49 107 45 .79 ST BEDES MENT TIG 2 0 2 0 111 162 68 .52 OLD BRIGHTON 2 0 2 0 91 143 63 .64 BEAUMARIS 2 0 2 0 72 120 60 .00

% PIS ADst 104 209.62 8 112 203.57 8 133 200.75 8 158 81 .65 4 175 75 .43 4 202 71 .78 4 233 71 .24 4 151 83 .44 0 209 68 .90 0 0 185 57 .64

L D For Agst % PPs 0 0 300 104 288.46 8 0 0 194 142 136.62 8 0 0 216 164 131 .71 8 0 0 162 131 123.66 8 1 0 180 188 95.74 4 1 0 93 104 89.42 4 2 0 166 203 81 .77 0 2 0 116 160 72 .50 0 2 0 136 188 72 .34 0 2 0 114 293 38 .91 0



8 8 8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0

For A qst % Pts

MHSOB 2 2 0 0 204 70 291 .43 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 2 0 0 210 76 276 .32 CAULFIELD GR 2 2 0 0 191 87 219 .54 MONASH BLUES 2 2 0 0 108 61 177 .05 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 2 1 1 0 150 130 115.38 AJAX 2 1 1 0 118 132 89.39 THERRY PENOLA 0 8 2 0 2 0 95 166 57 .23 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 0 2 0 91 203 44 .83 PARKDALE VULTURES 2 0 2 0 80 232 34.48 GLEN EIRA 2 0 2 0 40 130 30 .77

8 8 8 8 4 4 0 0 0 0

L D For A~st % Pts Dl RESERVE P W PENINSULA 0 8 2 2 0 0 247 67 368 .66 8 ORMOND 2 2 0 0 185 52 355 .77 8 FITZROY REDS 2 2 0 0 137 102 134 .31 8 AQUINAS 0 C 2 2 0 0 128 115 111 .30 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 1 1 0 166 63 263 .49 4 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 2 1 1 0 105 162 64 .81 4 BANYULE 2 0 2 0 104 140 74.29 0 OLD MENTONIANS 2 0 2 0 99 141 70 .21 0 PRAHRAN 2 0 2 0 103 164 62.80 0 0 SALESIAN 0 C 2 0 2 0 26 294 8 .84




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