I ,in extremely proud to be given the opportunity to "Coach and vise" umpires within the VAFA and along with my support staff, Mark Jenkins, Brian Woodhead, Jr-sor McNiece, Shane Herbert an d Bob Mutton we will make every effort to strive fo r continuous improvement in all facets of umpiring . we move into Round 4 of the 2004 VAFA season some very positive and exciting things have been happening within the Umpiring arena as we continue to recruit, retain and dteelop umpires for the future of VAFA football .
VAFY . $T' A
We have the following :
Brian Goodman
• A more professional approach to training . • A structured coaching and skills program. • We have secured the services of 12 experienced and dedicated umpire observers . r We have recruited 24 new field umpires . • A mentoring system in place for new umpires . (An initiative of Football Victoria) .
With such a large competition as the VAFA, it should be noted that we have 116 field umpire appointments to make every week and we currently have 103 registered umpires . With the support of getting 7 or 8 Club 18 umpires through David Windlow (Club 18 umpires coordinator), we are still well short of the required number of umpires n<<'ded each week . Plus the umpiring fraternity is just like any other club ; we get people unavailable every week for a variety of reasons such as "injury, work, study, sick or personal reasons" . In the first 3 games we had, 18, 14 and 17 umpires unavailable . I know all clubs want 2 capable umpires to officiate in all there matches, so how do we "Fix the Problem" of providing 2 capable umpires in all matches ? We ll here are some "initiatives" I believe we should seriously consider: 1 . I would like to put it to all clubs to talk to each other about playing Sunday and Friday night matches, this would enable umpires to double up and run 2 games over that weekend . This could be done by playing matches at Sportscover Arena, when that ground is vacant or play matches at your own ground on a Sunday . 2. Also any club that can provide club umpires willing to umpire their own U19 matches would also assist with this with this situation. 3. Although it is drawing a long bow, we are also talking to the VFL in an effort to get umpires that are not appointed to a match on a Saturday to help out by umpiring in VAFA matches . 4 . We look at possibility of joining forces with other umpiring leagues to cover games in their local areas . Nett 4Yeek:'s Matches ... .. . . ... . ... . ... . . . .. . . ... . ... . . ... . ... . .. ... . .6 I would like to urge clubs to contact me on 0408 338 098 or Coaches' C9ipboard .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... . . ... . ... . . . .. . . .. ... ... .12 bgood2me@iprimus.com .au willing to assist and help solve For the Love of the Game,. . . . . .. . . .. . .. ... . ... . . . .18-1 9 this umpiring shortage . Please do not just read this and think it will solve itself - "It will not" - Help me to help your club provide field umpires .
THE GAME NEEDS FIELD Please contact me if you can assist with any of the above or some other idea you might have .
MVPs . ... . ... . ... . . . ... ... . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . ... . . ...Coateshir . . ... . .31 Cadbury's Face in the t;rowd . . .., . .. . . . .. . . ... . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .32 Looking Back .. . . . .. . ... . . .... . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . .34-35 Today's Umpires. . . . . .. . . ... . . ... . . ... . ... . ...-. . . AO . . . ... .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . .. . .. ... .... . ... ..Traines'Co . .. . . . .47 Spartscorer Arena Draw ,, . .,, . .,, . ., .. .,,, .,,, ., .,.,, .,,, .,,, .,59 Tribunal & Investigations. . .. . . ... . .... .... . . .. . . .. . . . ... . ... . . . .59 Sportscover Spot the Ball--,.. . .. . . .... . . .. . ... . . . ... . ... . . ..fi2 3- . .... . ... . .. .. . . .. . 63/ 64
.n .
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SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSOR University Cruic2 champs were well an d As the toe tapping, heart warming Different Strokes theme truly stitched by u p song reminds us, the world don't move to the beat of just Lachie Kennedy and one drum. From what my spies at Melbourne Uni tell me, Brett Walsh up fonvard . Jim Hayter is certainly one player that is dancing to his Trinity are rolling o n own beat . On Saturday it was more of a merry dance as he h limited fanfare touched up St Bernards' premier forward Danny Jordan ile the memories of '96 just keep coming back for Xavs. and helped set up one of the Blues' greatest wins in many took a change of coach, a high profile and high rolling a year. full forward (Dom Berry) and a youngster fresh from the Jordan, complete with what looked like David Strooper's college (Dan Donati) to climb off the bottom that year and headband (circa 1991), swaggered onto the Uni Oval like win the flag . Do they have enough in the tank this time Viv Richards walking out to bat at Antigua but quickly around ? found out how serious this new look Uni team are . He was In the other games. . .. swamped by Hayter and others at every opportunity and Well they always seem to put up a fight but they just can't was eventually dispatched down back to get a bit of the pull one off. Haileybury's Paul Corrigan, Brett O'Farrell footy. and Nick Tassell were all prolific but they came up against As amateur footy games go, it doesn't get much better. a ferocious Scotch team that knew it was virtually Soaring marks, miracle goals and physical clashes galore curtains if they lost . Stuart Wigney and Tim Finnochiaro in the midst of all the bizarre weather scenarios that were best for the Cardinals who did well to win without Melbourne can muster. Uni seem to have found a genuine Hawkins up front . star in Jim Scambler, whose two goals in the last quarter In the final game, Marcellin's Mark Browne was a towering had Darren Jarman written all over them . Quinton influence in their 51 point drubbing of Whitefriars . Gleeson was tagged but others bobbed up, Ross Young, Bernard Dinneen gathered kicks at will and is obviously Hugh Nailon and Mark Patterson from Port Melbourne as nearing full fitness while youngsters Brad Carmody and John Kanis continually rotated his players . Adam Symes continue to impress . 2nd gamer Andrew And the big ruckman, Paul Fairbank, who is arguably the Walsh gave his all in the ruck for the Friars but those biggest man of medicine since Or Vince injured players cannot come back quick enough . Lompoptimomartus, was a towering influence in the ruck Today's selections . and used his massive bulk to simply barge through any I'm back in town, riding high and have Messers Wu and Bernies player in his way . Truly entertaining stuff. Brain firmly in my sights on the highly coveted (?) scribe's Blues were obviously the better side but it's sobering to tipping ladder. think that Bernards got to within 17 points of the Izt's get the easy ones out of the way and tip Trinity over competition's pace setter when so much went wrong on the day . Dan Jordan's 'mare aside, his bother Ben was tagged, Nick Mitchell and Ryan Close just couldri t find space and Tim Harvey was off slotting goals for Box Hill . Once they get going, they'll really give it a shake this year . No M s
With Micah Berry and James Beaumont both suspended, it was always a bit iffy for OMs to come up at the less than salubrious conditions at Waverley Park, Funny old game with goals aplenty in the first term and then snooze time in the third but De La held on for a much needed win . Leigh Harrison kicked the sealer for DeLa, who got much improved performances from Jeff Morel and Ben Colin out at the Malvern bog . 0-3 No surprises as Trinity were highly favoured to win, but it really is panic stations down at Toorak Park now . Lachlan Ford and big James McDonnell gave their all but the
A-2 -- : ."TION Old Trinity University Blues Old Trinitv
Kenneedy Scrambler Walsh O'Farrell Mitchell
Old Haileybury St Bernard s A RESERVE Old Trinity University Blues Old Scotc h
Gutierez Millard Reid Walker Qtain
De La Salle Uni=,ersi!v Blues
11 9 9 8 8
4 1 2 2 3
Il 9 8 6 6
Whitefiiars at Bulleen an d Bernards over Scotch at the house of horrors . Easy peasy. The others are a bit more tricky . Haileybury are obviously having a crack but just can't seem to win . Their greater height and marking options up forward may be a bit much for De La , while it's about time those Corrigan bothers turned on a show . Marcellin looked totally outclassed against St Bernards a (t;,,v weeks ago who in turn were given a lesson by the students. On that form, you would expect the Blues to make it 4 out of 4, especially if big George De Crespigny is back and firing. Finally it must be bizarre for footballers affiliated with tiivier and Old Xavs to be thinking about relegation but the facts are plain, lose this and the knives will be out . Melburnians are a different proposition at the Junction (maybe 'cos that's only time Daffy seems to play) and they'll welcome back Ed Wilson and Micah Berry to spice things up. Opposite the oval is the Elephant and Wheelbarrow pub where the bloke who plays Karl Kennedy told the assembled throng at its weekly Neighbours night "Never write off the boys in red and black". Spot on Karl, Xavs by 3 goals . SOC7Al . BACK TO THE SO's - This Saturday St. Bernard's Old Coll egians' celebrate the 20th anniversary of its 1984 Premiership and Reserves Runners-Up season, as well as the 1983 Reserve Grade Premiership . Coaches, players, officials and supporters from that era will be enjoying the regular home game luncheon, to be followed by a formal dinner next month, both events sure to be regaled with rnemnrAhl e rnnm rntc from thr R)'S , LL4.. ---
-"----- .._
Marcellin O.C.F.C congratulate Damien "Squizzy"~ Taylor on reaching his 200th this week against Uni Blues. Having commenced playing U 19's with the Eagles in the mid '80's Squizzy has seen the highs and lows of playing amateur football over the years, having been part of the Eagles that have been to C grade and then back to A grade during his 200 games, he has been a strength of the club throughout this time and a player that everyone has looked up to through his courage on the football ground . Having won numerous club awards through out his career, and has been the captain of the two's for the past 6 years (albeit he has been a regular senior player through out this time) he has led by example on every occasion he has worn the Eagles jumper. A prouder player you will never find, and a player that is deserving of everything he has achieved out of football over the past 200 games, and all at MOCFC would like to congratulate you on your achievement this week, and look forward to watching you wear the jumper with pride in future games to come .
TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTI ON Old Haileybury v De La Salle St Bernards v Old Scotch Marcellin v University Blue s Old Trinity v Whitefriars - 96 .5 INNER FM
'l* OLD %AVERIADiS 2.1 4.4 7.6 12.9 (81) OLD TRII111'f 7.3 10.7 14.8 16 .10 (108) Old Xav: McDonnell 4 Mollard 2 Rush Johnstone McCarthy Santalucia O'Meara M Walsh . Best Ford A Bowen Purss Bingtuun McDonnell Oswald . Old 17in: Kennedy 6 Walsh 4 Van Der Verne 2 Burrow Cultmra Amore Williams. Best: Kennedy Gnatt Williams Burrows Saunders Walsh . Umpires: Michael Sneddon Jason McNiece (F) Nathan Eddy Rob Mayston (Jnr) (B) Chris Doyle Bernie Hoare (G) DE LA SAIdE 4.3 7.7 7.7 9,9(63) OLD lilp'dBUURN1AiTS 6 .1 7.3 8.7 8 .8(56) DIS: Rayson 3 L Harrison 2 Orlando 2 B Mannix 2 . Best: Bonnici S Hyland Rayson L Harrison Shields P Harrison . Old Mel: Ellininwrth 3 Billing Davis Lacey W Richardson Thompson. Best Hill Mulqulney J Ray Turner Billing Guest Umpires: Damian Anderson Wayne Hinton (F) Andrew Rechtman Peter Monotti (B) Craig Amol Travis Stord (G ) OLD SCOTCH 1 .0 5 .2 11 .6 14.8 (92) OLD HAIIEYBURY 4 .3 6 .3 10 .7 12.10 (82) Old Scotch: Gerstman 3 Wigney 3 C Smith 2 B Phillips 2 Aurel-Smith Flnocchiaro Collins Ross. Best: Wigney Beranger Quail Sheldon FinocchLVO C Smith. Old Hail: Mason 4 O'Farrell 3 M Corrigan 2 MacKenzie Hassett A Floyd . Best Mason White P Corrigan 0'Farcell S Langford-Jones Tassell. Umpires : Peter James Richard Eastwood (Fl Brendan Corcoran Matthew Jenldnson (B) Les Damyon Dominic Napoli (G) UNIVERSTPY BLUES 2.4 7.8 11.11 14.15 (99) ST BERNARDS 3 .2 7.4 11.4 13.4 (82) But Blues : Scambler 4[.ochhead 3 Muehiebach 3 Young Brookes Rigby Havter. Best Hayter Muehlebach Young Paterson Scambler McIntyre . St Berri* Pearson 4 O'Sullivan 3 B Jordan 2 Goullett D Jordan Close Ubertaore . Best: Goullett Clarke McLaughlin Pearson Kavanagh L Wtllldnon . Umpires: Mark Morrison Tim Sutcliffe (F) Peter Teasdale Scott Gavens (B) Dennis Webster Matthew Simpson (G ) 9V1IlTEdT?IARS 0.1 0.2 2.5 4.6(30) MARCEIIdN 2.2 5.4 7.7 12.9 (81) White: Wallace 2 Northey M Carbone. Best: Janson Carrigg Walsh Gloufchev A Pawlik Wallace . Marc : B Cullman 5 A Symes 2 D Johnston M Browne J Rice M Bortolotto D Marson. Best M Browne B Cullinan B Dinneen B Carmody S Them G Cox Umpires: Anthony Damen Peter Simpson (F) Sean Collins Michael Saunders (B) Bernie Jephson Vin Vescovi (G ) A RESERVE OLD RAVERIANS 0.5 0.6 0.7 1 .8 (14) 01D TR1 61 Y 3.3 5.3 S.6 12 .8 (80) Old Xav: Sapuppo . Best: Maher Wood Larkins Hawkins Woodruff Barrett Old TTin: Gutierr¢ 4 Petdro 2 Hine 2 Green 2 S Van Der Vienne Laurens . Best S Van Der Venne Hine Blackmore Annatas Cade. DE LA SA1.IE 3 .3 6 .6 9.9 11.11 (77) 4 .1 4 .2 5.2 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 .4(52) DLS: S Hyde 4 Walker 2 Bourke Gilbert Oakley Skinns Walmsley . Best S Hyde Oakley Quinane Walmsley Mannix Waeny Ellis Gilbert. Old Melb: Hicks 2 Kennon 2 Whitehead 2 Selby Voyage. Best CostelloManning Whitehead Brig Jenkins Weir Voyage. OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 7 .4 10 .7 11.10 (76) OLD HARLYBURY 2 .2 3 .3 3 .4 6.7(43) Old Scotch: Thompson 4 0 Crane 2 Jackson 2 Reid 2"Rilloch. Best: Leitl Lewis Beattie Dumeresq Dick Sutcliffe. Old HaBebury: Johnston P Langford-Jones Lappage Geister Thurmond Levy . Best Rowlands H McLauchlan Kight P LangfordJones Geister Lev y UNIBLUES 5 .6 7.10 11 .13 14.17 (101) ST BERNARDS 1.2 3 .4 6 .4 7.5(47) Uni Blues: Martin 4 Quin 3 Roydhouse 2 Millard Rankin Guengerich Hutchinson Clark Best : Guengerich Terril Fishley Roydhouse Wood Rankin. St Bernacds: Mihaikn9c 3 Perrett Grant Harris Mount Best Mcintyre Mihailvic Perrett Mitchell Evans lannaa.o . WHPIF.rRIARS 0.0 0 .2 0 .3 2.3(15) DSARCEIIdN 3.3 3.5 5 .6 7.7(49) Whitefiiars : Phelan Brisbane. Best: Duffy D Eames Treyvaud Phelan E Eames Cleven. Mazcellin: Sheehan 3 Mathews O'Dwyer McCartin Weekes . Best: Walker Sheehan Doyle Sampimon 0'Flynn Wignell .
Coach: Mark Lowe Asst: Paul Dwyer Res: Mick Hegan 1 . I -Walker C Res 2 . R Buckley 3. B Corin VC 4. L Harrison DV C 5. M Duggan 6. G Gilbert 7. P Harrison 8. J La Ragy 9. J Moloney 9r. C Mitchell 10. T Silvers 12. M McHenry 13. AJohnstone 14. W Dwyer 15. P Bowden 16. S Hyland 17 . L Bowden 18 . L Williams 19 . T Demetriou 20 . M Picone 21, A McKenzie 22r.M O'Donnell 22 . M Brown 23 . R Sherman 24 . J Morel 25 . C Hyde 25r.R Walmsley 26. D Spithill 27 . S Thomas 28. C Mercuri 29. C Browne 29r.R Marks 30. B Mannix 31 . S Hyde C 32. R Bonnici 33. J Stinear 34. D Rayson 35. A Orlando 36. W JolleyY 37. A Shields 38. S O'Connell 39. B Oakley 39 . T Woodlack 40 . N Stewart 41 . D McInerney 42 . P Bourke 43 . A Greenalgh 44 . A Moore 45 . T Molan 46 . D Dobric 47 . G Walton 48 . J Foon 52 . T Moloney 54 . P Hesse 55. A McLeish 57 . C Chester 58. G Walton 60. P O'Callaghan
1 . B. Dobson 2. J. Rice 3. N. Addison 4. J. Frazer 5. D. Johnston 6. D. Sampimon 7. S. Maguire 8 . R . Frisina 9 . L . Considine 10 . A. Dale 11 . D . Taylor 12 . T. Sheehan 13. J. Wilkins 14. D . Salce 15. J . Carlson 16. L McMillan 17. G. Cox (C) 18. D . Gartner 19. D. Cooper 20. M . Hennan s 21 . N . Walker 22. D. Marson 23. A. Wadsworth 24. L. O'Flynn 25. R. Galati 26. D. McMillan 27. S . Theisz (VC) 28. B. Canno~ 29. S. Brooks 30. A. Treganowan 31 . M. Bortolotto 32 . M. Brown e 33 . A. Symes 34 . D . Jarred 35 . C . Adam s 36 . E. Weeke s 37 . D . Cope 38 . M . Doyle 39 . S . Yee 40 . D . Carson 41 . J . Seabury 42 . B . Dinneen 43, J . Mathews 44. L. Hanson 45. D. Theisz 46. B . Wignell 47. P. Fiorenza 48. K. O'Dwyer 49. D. Van Heiden 50. A. Carson 51 . J . Toohey 52. M . Altamore 53. M . Perri 54. J . Forbes 55. J . Walli s 56. M . Moran 57. D. Cirone 58. M. McCartin 59. P. Carroll 60 . C . Thornton 61 . A. McGree 62 . M. Matthews 63 . D . Coutts
Yat'I'a COlll l tt
Va l l ey ~
Clu b
Beehive Hotel Hawthorn A
Coach : Mick Dwyer Coach: Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach : Justin Wheeler Res Coach: Adam McMahon 1 . C. Home 2 . S. DaveyY 3 . P. Corrigan 4 . S . Langford-Jones (DVC) 5 . J. Bourke 6 . A. White 7 . M. Corrigan 7 . A. Shepherd 8. R . George 9. M . Barker 10. L Siapantas 10. C . Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12. B . O'Farrell 13. A. Svarc 14. A . Forsyth 15. D. Mackenzi e 16. P. O'Donnell (RC) 17. K. Ford 18, C. Waxman 19. M . Armstrong (C) 20. D. Hassell 21 . A. Jenke 22 . D . Mason 23 S.Loewe 23 . M. Seccull 24 . B. Trollope 25 . S. Rowlands (RVC) 26 . J. Bell 27 B Johnston 28. S . Goldsworthy 29. B . Carson (VC) 30. D. Wames 31 . D. Lay 32. B . Mitchell 33. A. Floyd 34. P. Langford-Jones 35. D. Lappage 36. P. Geister 37. M . Erikson 38. L FIO Floyd 39. S. Rode 40. N. Tassell 41 . S. Saunders 42 . A. Hilton 43 . R . McCarthy 44 . M. Wray 45 . D . Thurmond 46 . C . Pountney 47 . B. Waite 48 . C . Moyle 49 . L Pitcher 50. R . Ladd 51 . H . McLauchlan 52. C . Ferguson 53. B . Haar 54. J . McLauchlan 55. T. Hilton 56. D. Armstrong 57. A. fGght 58. A . Baker. 59. D. Gilb y 60. T. Smith 61 . J . Miller 62. D. Salter 63. M. Levy
OLD MELRURNIARS Coach : Justin Pickering Asst: Justin Hart Res : Hartley Stone 1 . Smith D 2 . Beaumont J 3. Billing M 4. Mathews R 5. Bunn L 6. Holme D 7. Thompson C 8. McKeon A 9. Aubrey C 10 . Roberts T (C) 11 . Gallagher P 12 . Richardson J 13 . Wilson E 14 . Evans B 15 . Ray J 17 , Miller Ja 1 g Fitzgerald T 19. Mulquiney R 20. Guest J 21 . Hicks M 22. Dixon J 23. Berry M 24. Hawkins M 25. Whitehead H T 26. Costello 27. Rich ar d son W 28 . Marson M 29 . Prowse M 30 . Miller Jo 32 . Selby E 33 . Magee J 34 . Grundy P 35 . Ray C 36 . Wulff B 37 . Grant J 38 . Lacey H 39 . Tucker J 40. O'Brien H 41 . Berry J 42. Theodore P 43. Wu A 44. Hill P 45. Kennon M 46. Anderson J 47, Cans P 48. Alder C 49. Tsiotras G 50. Jenkins C 51 . 52. Webb and C 0 53. Harrison T Byrne 55 . C ~Y 56 . Beilby L 57 . Bains A 58 . Turner H 59 . Faulkner R 60 . Wettenhall S
S ponso r e d By : The A g e MPG
Coach: Dale Tapping Asst Coach : Andrew Smith Res Coach : Serge DAngelo ' Asat Coach: Ray Beattie 1 . R. Mullins 2 . B . Phillips (VC) 3. J . Ross 4' T Holt 5. S . Collins (VC) 6. A. Crow 7. J. Kitchen 8. B. Robinson 9. C. Tallent 10. C. Smith 11 . M . Angus 12. S. Hume (C) 13. A. Nettleton 14 . N. Ackroyd 15 . S. Cations 16 . S. Troon 17 . T. Wigney 18 . L Hawkin s 19 . R . Josephs 20 . S. Ullingston 21 . C . J e c 22 . N . Addison 23 . 0. Crane 24. L McDonnel l 25. M . Saunders 26. T. Downing 27. M . Denni s 2 8. A . Quail 29. M . Gnatt 30. T Pinocchiaro 31 . N. Laid 32. J . Gerstman 33. E . Reid 34. C. Phillip s 35. P. O 'Connor 36. J . Sutcliffe 37. G . Carroll 38. G . Prendergast 39. B. Ferguson 40. T.Aurel Smith 41 . W. Lewi s 42. T. Beattie 43. A. Routledge 44. D. Jackso n 45. A. Teesdale 46. J. Beaurepaire 47 . T. Beranger (VC) 48 . S. Dumaresq 49 . L. Kitchen 50 . M. Walko m 51 . L Freeman 52 . D . Knigh t 53 . J . Rodski 54 . A . Sutherland 55 . R . Ashto n 56 . D . Brooke 57 . J . Cran e 58. A . Gran t 59. C. Evans 60. J . Sheldon 61 . C. Swan 62. M . Graham . ~, j ~ 'tch11 o 65. M . Moffatt 66. A. Pearce 67. S. Tulloch 68. C. Logan 70. S. Dick 71 . M . Ainge r 72. B. Smith 73. S. Lavelle 74. S. Kings 75. C. Dufour 76 . J. Nickless 77 . T. Page 78 . A. Simso n 79 . M. Waterso n
80 . S.wnis
81 . G. Fordyce 83 . L. Thompso n
A. Section GUIMMINUINIMMIM Coach: Leigh Carlson Ass Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach: Ed Best 1 . Kenna A 2, Hine A 3 . Reynolds L V/C 4 . Saunders R 5. Bur rows D V!C 6. Gnatt P 7. Van Der Venne T 8. Burrows R 9, Andrews A 10. Williams A 11 . Kennedy S 12. Cu@reraA 13 . Cade J
Coach : M~hael Sholl y Res . Coach : Chris Gawne
t . A. Fox 2. D. Orlando 3. J . Pasceri 4. D.t .andrigan 5. D . Rush 6. A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 J. McDonnel l 9 J. Hawkins (C .Res.) 14 . Troon R 10 . M. Beardsley 15 . Green M 11 . L. Howard 16 . Hiltas C 17. Hillas R 12. A. Bowen 18. Healy J 14. S . Skidmore 19. Armatas C 20. McPherson S 15. L. Ford (Capt) 21 . Kenned y L 16. S . Mollard 22. Deane-Johns G 17. A. Chatfield (VC.) 23. Ramsden A Capt : 24. Krakouer S 18. M . Scanlan 25, Cameron F 19. D . Walsh 26 . Donahoo B 27 . Hill R 22. T. Ockleshaw (V.C .) 28 . Healy T 22 . J. Healy 29 . Crawford M 30 . MctGnnon A 23 . S. Johnston 31 . Burgess J 24 . C. Purss 32. Brown S 33. Aitken J 25 . R. Carey 34. Deane-Johns L 26 . C. Santalucia 35. Bladeni S 36. Butter D 27. P. Ryan 37. Van Der Venne S R/C 29. C. Beetham 38. Ramsden R 30. B. Dixon 39. Walsh B 40. Williams J 31 . T. Maher 41 . Lauletta S 32. A. Brushfield 42. Amore S ..' 43 . Amore J 33. N . Bingham 44 . Treadwell G 34. S. Wood 45 . Morpeth T RV/C 46 . Cooper S 35 . A. McCarthy 47 . Pretty S 36 . D. Sapuppo 48. Ward C 49. Best J 37 . D. Higgins 50. Blackmore B 38 . S . Freer 51 . Gamble R 52. Heaven C 40 . N . Larkins 53. Plain G 41 . M . Callinan 54. Williams Z 55. Taylor C 42. R . Speakman 56. Best E 43. T. Woodruff 57. Schulze D 44. N . Hulett 58 . Stebbins C 59 . Cade T 45. A. Barrett 60 . Iseppi B 46. D . Meehan 61 . C ri stiano 0 62 . Romney N 47 . N . Corcoran 63 . Cade S 48 . A. Nadinic 64. Gray J 65. Robison M 50 . T. O'Meara 67. Amiconi A 52 . J. Francis 68. Guitenez C 69. Oliver D 53 . R. Ford 70. Brawn A 54 . N . Quinn 71 . Arrowsm@h J 72. Amiconi C 56. T. Corrigan 73. Hildabrandt D 58. J . McGrath 74. Thrashes M 60. M . Walsh 75 . Bullen M 76 . Monasso J 62. J . Silk 77 . McDonald E 63. A. E .Jones 79 . Treadwell C 80 . Manseur S 66. S. McCarthy 81 . O'Shea M 82 . Chilly E 83. Brady W 84. Boyd L 85. Goldenberg W 86. McCutcheon M 87. Parker D 88. Chan B 89. KinrossA 90. Feranda M 91 . Swinnerton H 92. Smith P
93. Welsh L
P Y fo; V7 0 u ; ` i~uill~.!1
Coach: Peter Nicholso Res: Darren Handley n 1 . C. Keunan 2 . M . Harrison 3 . C . Goullet 4 . D . Jordan 5 . Joe Mount 6 . S. Neeson 7. S. Clarke 7R S . Parrett 8. J . Evans 9. B . Jordan 10. N . Mitchell 11 . C . Davis 12. B .Hogan 13. C . Mitchell 14. C . Day 15 . T. Wilkinson 16 . L Turnbull 17 . L, O'Sullivan 18 . T. Cooney 19. R. Close 20. L. Fielding 21 . B . Loughlin 22. M .0'Riley 23. L. Wilkinson 24: N . M . Smith 25. D . McLaughlin 26. C . Baumgartner 27 . James Mount 28 . P. Hollan d 29 . G . McIntyre 30 . S.MBchell 31 . B.Ashton 32. T. Harvey 33. N.P.Smith 34. D. Byrne 35. T. Pearson 36. B . Ryan 37. A . Catterall 38 . S.tannazzo 39 . M. Juricskay 40 . D . O'Connor 41 . M. Kavanagh 42 . B. Miziewicz 43. N. Basaraba 44. M . Mihailovic 45. M . Tankey 46. D. Blunt 47. M . Hooper 48. L.Lloyd 49 . N .Thomas 50 . A. Smith 51 . G . Campbell 52 . L .B .O'Sullivan 53 . P. Harri s 54. N.Chapman 55. B. Grant
Coach: Pat Manni x Asst. Coach : Peter Randall Res. Coach : Chris Rubick 1 . Butko P 1 . C Wood 2. Hutchins T 3 . M Carbone 3. Sturrock J 5 . B Phan 4. Guengerich D 6 . P Campbell 5. Tanner J 7 . S Brosoto 6. Rigby M 8 . B Janson 7. Young R 9. A Pawli k 8. Hayter J 10 . R Pasqualotto 9 . Lowcock A 11 . T Wallace 10. Martin R 12.S Phelan 11 . North L 13. T Langford 12 . Gleason 0 (C 14. T Carrigg 13 . Girdwood T 16. J Power 14 . Roydhouse C 17. A Carbone 15 . Quin L 18. C Dance 16 . Kordick M 19 . A Hil l 17 . De Crespigny G 20 . P Hennessey 18. Fairbank P 21 . B Jones 19. Wilcox E 22 . N Cunningham 20. Coleman M 23 . E Eames 21 . McIntyre T 24 . A Cunningham 22. Millard B 25. M Verna l 23. Wilcox T 26. D Gallagher 24. Russell S 27. L Swain 25 . Solly A 28. M Mannix 26 . Scambler J 29. A Glenn 27 . Wilkie R 30. M Power 28 . Thomas M 31 . M Baker 29. Terrill A 30. Brookes C 32 . G Kennedy 31 . Callery B 33 . C Fulton 32. Paterson M 34 . D Gloufchev 33. Gates B 35 . C Law 34. McKinnon T 36 . C Dyer 35. Cheat S 37. M Nunan 36. Brooke Ja 38. C Carrigg 37. Robbins J 39. D Brice 38 . Holmes R 40. D Atkins 39 . Lochhead G 41 . M Leahy 40 . Hocking J 42. M Northey 41 . Brooke Je 43. N Elliott 42 . Fletcher S 45 . S Cleven 43 . Fulton L 46 . M Duffy 44. Wood J 48 . J Treyvaud '.. 45. McLachlan G 49 . T Hilton 46. Birks T 50 . D Crea 47. Millar A 51 . R Eames 48. Fishly L 52. A Baggoley 49. Steele P 53. B Wilson 50. Nailon H 54. A Baker 51 . McIntosh J 55. P Tobin 52 . Ihle T 58. P Poutney 53 . Heffernan X 59. N Brisbane 54 . Waxman A 60, R Pawlik 55 . Zanos M 61 . L Eames 56 . Rankin T 62 . J Anderson 57. Irvine T 66 . J Box 58. Sudholz J 59. Hutchinson B 60. Penny C 61 . Ritchie J 62. Callery M 63. Eden P 64 . McPhail D 65 . Clarke E 66 . Barbetti J 67 . McAloon D Call - 9886 5355 68 . Anderson M 69 . King J 70 . Learning M Coach: John Kani s Res Coach: David Matthews
FCL Interstate Transport Service s 9396 900 0
A SECTIO N Old Xaverians v Old Haileybury De La Salle v St Bernards at Sport scover Arena - Sunday May 1 6 Old Scotch v University Blues Whitefriars v Old Melburnians Marcellin v Old Trinity - 96 .5 Inner FM B SECTION
Old Ivanhoe v Collegian s Old Paradians v North Old Boy s St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Beaumaris at 2 .10 p .m. Old Essendon Gr v St Kevins Old Brighton v Mazenod 0 C C SECTIO N Caulfield Gr v Glen Eir a Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Monash Blues Hampton Rovers v MHSO B Therry Penola 0 B v Parkdale Vultures Old Camberwell v AJA X D1 SECTIO N
Fitzroy Reds v Prahran Ormond v Yarra Valley 0 B Peninsula 0 B v Aquinas 0 C Old Mentonians v Banyule University Blacks v Salesian 0 C D2 SECTIO N
Ivanhoe Assumption v Bulleen Templestowe Williamstown CYMS v West Brunswick Swinburne Uni v Monash Gryphons Bentleigh v Old Carey La Trobe Uni v Old Geelong Reserves at 11 .40a m D3 SECTION
Mt Lilydale v South Melb Districts Power House v Oakleig h Syndal Tally-Ho v St Johns 0 C Werribee Amateurs v UHS-VU Rupertswood v Hawthorn Amateur s
D4 SECTIO N St Marys v North Brunswick at Sport scover Arena - Saturday May 1 5 Richmond Central v Albert Park Old Westbourne v Bulleen Cobras Eltham Collegians v Elsternwick Kew v Box Hill North UNDER-19 SECTION 1
Old Xaverians v Caulfield Or St Kevins v Werribee Amateurs University Blues v Old Brighton St Bernards v De La Salle Marcellin v Old Scotch
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Old Trinity Banyule Viewbank v Old Essendon Or Old Ivanhoe v Rupertswood Old Camberwell v Old Melburni an s TBA Beaumaris - by e UNDER-19 SECTION 3 AJAX v Whitefriars at Packer Reserve (Glen Eira's ground) Old Paradians v Therry Penola 0 B (Naughton Oval, Parade College ) Monash Blues v University Blacks Oakleigh v Old Carey St Bedes Mentone Tigers v MHSOB at 9am switched from ori ginal draw UNDER-19 ( 3) BLUE
South Melbourne Districts v Mazenod 0 C Oakleigh Clays v Bentleig h St Johns 0 C v Hampton Rovers switched from ori ginal draw De La Salle (2) v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Ormond v Peninsula 0 B at 9 a.m . UNDER-19 (3) RED Fitzroy Reds - by e
Bulleen Templestowe v Aquinas 0 C La Trobe Uni v Rupertswood (2) at 9 .30 a.m . TB C North Old Boys v Old Xaverians (2) UHS-VU/St Bernards v Old Westbourne at Brens Oval CLUB 18 (1 )
Old Xaverians v Old Essendon Or St Kevins v Prahran Old Ivanhoe v Old Brighton De La Salle v Mazenod 0 C Marcellin v Old Scotch CLUB 18 (2 )
Collegians v Old Xaverians (2) Eley Park v Whitefriar s University Blacks v Therry Penola 0 B at Brens Oval Monash Blues v Old Melburnians Old Scotch (2) v Fitzroy Reds CLUB 18 (3) University Blues v Caulfield Or Old Scotch (3) v Old Trinity Old Geelong v La Trobe Uni North Old Boys v Old Carey Monash Gryphons v Emmaus St Leos 0 C
Who's in . Who's out, Who's doing rahat . Stay or, the bait: with the €atast AFL news each weekday morning with Prime Tirna Sports 927 . Sports prnf=ssicr:als Simon O'Donnell , Anthony M itha n and Michael Christian trine you the latest results, news and interviews, as well as a complete wrao from the wor€d of sport . if it's hap ;Daning in sport, you'll hear it on Prime Time Sports 927, 5 .30•9ar -Fi't~,eekdayW ,
Round 3 was certainly played in differing conditions over the suburbs of Melbourne with rain hail, snow and sleet in some areas, to bright sunshine in others . Mazenod improve dramatically to test the Hoes, Skevvies win a tough one as do the Tonners, NOB'S in top touch against a disappointing Beaumaris and the Tigers continue to show they are the real deal . REVIEW Old Ivanhoe feel as if they got out of jail in their match against Mazenod, as the visitors made a concerted attack in the last 10 minutes . Inaccuracy didn't help the Hoes cause, while it worked in reverse for the Nodders who nearly got over the line . Mark Luxon with 4 continued his great form as a mobile forward with 4 that could have been more, Chris Branigan also good up forward, George Haros loved the conditions, Chris Crowley was cool in defence and skipper Rowan Weddle was all over the ground . Pat Hawkins was expecting to see me at one of my favourite haunts on Saturday, but Pat much as I would love to I just can't go to Brindisi Street all the time . An even contest in the first half until the Tigers put on one of those bursts they are renowned for with an 8-8 to 03 third term to put the game beyond doubt by orange time . The Lions just dropped their guard for 30 minutes and were totally swept away by the rampant Tigers. Sammy Hecker in his 200th game starred at both ends of the ground (Well done Sam), Paul Fitcher was brilliant across half back, James `The Stud" Drury impressed the crowd with some spectacular marks on the wing as did Paul Groves . Christian Davidson and Matt Holies were the Lions best 4 quarter performers especially when the going was tough . Poor kicking by both sides in windy conditions was the order of the day down at Shark Park . It was a further improved performance by the NOBS as they used their experience to advantage and outplayed the younger Beany side for probably 3 of the 4 quarters . It was the stalwarts who drove the win with veterans Luke Boyle, Joe and Michael Barker and 100+ gamer Matt Amor showing the way their understanding of each other a delight to watch . Michael Atkins was great all day for Beaumaris, Chris Martin had a solid day as usual and Luke Healy tried hard all day. Bundoora turned on it's most atrocious with rain, hail, sleet and snow greeting the players of both sides . Needless to say this made life difficult for both sides to play good footy and in the end it was the extra strength and skills that allowed them to draw away from a dogged Paradians unit in the third quarter. Skevvies now stand alone at the top of the ladder, whilst the younger OPS were gallant in defeat and will benefit from the experience . Matthieu Lucas continued his good form
and was very classy, Paul O'Keefe was good as was Marcu esDolmandth Mahoney's . It was pleasing to see young guys of the calibre of Anthony Hughes, and first gamer Daniel Giddings performing well for the Green and Purple . Augers well for the future. Old Brighton started very well and had Old Essendon playing the proverbial catch up all day . They did catch up and by the 14 minute mark of the last term the scores were level . The Bombers had their chances but a couple of missed shots and some clanger turnovers allowed the Tonners who used the wide space of EP to their advantage to steady and take 4 well deserved points. Logan set it up from the ruck again, Josh Dickerson was outstanding in defence, and Simon Gadsden's return from sitting on his butt rowing was a huge bonus . Flaherty, Sam Fleming and Ryan all gave Old Essendon something, Matt Mulkearns was very heavy in the legs in the last quarter unlike his counterpart Richard who would have run the game out . PREVIEW Collegians after a week of re-grouping meet Old Paradians at the Harry Trott . The Tigers let the Lions know what the Section was all about last week, while OPS impressed with their tenacity against the top side and will be looking to carry that on again today . Parade will relish the drier ground, but their lack of height may again go against them as Taft and Dixon continue to be dangerous. In a close one I think Collegians will bounce back. Old Essendon travel across town to meet Mazenod in an absolute must win game for both sides . The Bombers impressive early have struggled in the past fortnight as they try to get the right balance in their side, whil e
CLUB B SECTION Old Ivanhoe Old Essendon St Kevins Collegians B RESERVE St Kevins Old Ivanhoe Mazenod Old Ivanhoe
Luxon Playfair Gravey D ixon
4 1 0 2
12 10 9 9
0 16 Allis Stewart 4 9 Hawkins 2 7 4 Dinakis 0
Mazenod after a dismal Round 1 are on the improve and keen for some points . Crunch game as mentioned so hard to tip will go with the visitors just . A. desperate Beaumaris come across town to tackle an old Brighton side that could be strengthened by some big name inclusions . Slow start to the season by the Tonners appears to have been arrested now, while the Sharks after an honourable loss in Round 1 appear to have lost their way in the past fortnight . Need to get back on track in a big way today . But even with the broken scoreboard caused by salt air rusting its guts at the end of the day it will show the Tonners in front but not to the tune of 37 goals Andy . The ever improving NOBS tackle St Bedes AientoneTige rs at the Gillon today. Not so happy a home hunting ground for North of late . Competition for spots at NOBS is hotting up as players return from injury and they get to know each other better so their improvement will continue . But it may have to visit another week as the Tigers are in good form and if other results fall their way could be outright second by tonight . In a good tight encounter I feel the Tigers will just get over the line as they prepare for their big week . St Kevins versus Old Ivanhoe at Righetti . What a game this promises to be . Hope the weather is kind to us . Both in good form, both using their A-Grade experience to advantage makes for a good spectacle . Both have a good mix of youth and experience, talls and smalls so an enthralling encounter ensues. Will Aaron Lord and Jarred Molloy make their long awaited debuts??? This question and many more will be answered at 4 .45pm today. The game of the season thus far for sure little between the 2 sides with the coin coming up heads I'm on the St Kevins wagon . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS 9/ 10 last week getting back to last years form you guys . Good to see. Don't forget my numbers 9553-1561 home phone and fax, the Mobile is 0403 433 016 or drop me an email to brainco@optusnet.com.au by 8PM Monday Nights please . Don't forget your nominations for Player of the Round. ~ _ _ _ . St. Bede&. :.teatone Tigers - uongratu`lations _fo-r _m_all_ -at
St .Bedes/Mentone Tigers AFC to Sam Hee?:er on playing his 2Ggth Senior VAFA game against Collegians on May 1st 2004 . 'H' or 'Humphrey' as he is known around the Club has progressed from our junior ranks through to U/ 19 and Seniors at the Tigers . A full forward in his early years Sam has developed his game into a terrific half back/ruck rover whose marking and kicking are a delight to watch. Senior Best & Fairest Player in 2003 and one of our Club Leadership Group Sam is a terrific club person and a role model for our younger players to learn from both on the training track and on match day . Well done Sam and we look forward to many more games at the Tigers !
TODAY'S MATCHES B S ECTION St Kevins v Old Ivanhoe Collegians v Old Paradians North Old Boys v St Bedes Ment Tig Old Brighton v Beaumaris Mazenod 0 C v Old Essendon Gr
OLD IVANHOE 2.5. 4.7 5.10 8.11(59) MWEiOl) 0.0 4.0 5.1 9 .5(59) Old Ivanhoe: Luxon 4 Branigan 2 Weddle Payne . Best : Weddle Clarke Hams Crowley Branigan Roberts. Mar : Parker 3 J Dunne 3 S Morgan L Morgan Chamberlain. Best J Dunne Nisbet B Parker D Dunne B Hose D Kelly. Umpires: Gmeme Hunkhen Geoff Curran (FJ Paul Gait Andrew Esposito (G) OLD PARADIANS 1 .0 2 .3 2 .4 4.9(33) ST BEVBdS 2 .3 3 .5 6.11 8.16 (64) Old Par: Dintinosante Galloway Hughes Sinclair. Best Hughes Noundy Loney Curran Galloway Giddings . St Kea: Lucas 2 Rombotis 0'Connor M Dolhnan J O'Keefe M Giansiracu .z Pope. Best Lucas Shard Crohan P O'Keefe M Dollman L Mahoney. Umpires: Luke Holmes Robert Se nmens (RDL) (F) Ryan Monaghan (RDW Adam Bermlsun (RDL) (B) Danfel Scully P.CmYford (RDL) (G ) 3.4 6.4 14.12 17 .18 (120) ST BEDES MENT TIGERS COId EG1AIiS 3.1 6.4 6.5 8.9(57) St Bodes MT: D Napier 3 S Hacker 3'Iyqutn 2 Samped 2 Duty Grove Hayes Richer M Wintle LTVrrell S Napier. Best Richer P Winfle S Hacker L vl'intle J Tyquin P Groves . Col : Taft 3 Dixon 2 Fly Davis C HolstL Best Husking B Hoist Davis Harrison Holies S Kurile. Umpires: Sachs Koffinan Graham Thuaites (F) Clive Shipley Lucas Robson (G ) B RIS 2 .5 2.7 4 .13 8.18 (66) NORTH OLD BOYS 0 .6 6.8 12.8 15.11 (101) Beauna: MatuBek 3 Rawlins Atkins Martin Lambert Teasdale . Best Atkins Martin Tea,dale Deaton Healy N Atkins. NOB: M Barker 3 J Barker 2 Boyle 2 Davidson 2 Sutherland 2 Hyde Cassell Cordy Tehan . Best: Boyle Cordy Amor Vogeis D Brady Hoskins. Umpires: Rob Mayston Mark Gibson (F) OId) ESSENDON GR 2 .2 7 .4 10.8 14 .9 (93) OLD BRIGHTON 6 .5 8 .6 12 .6 14.12 (98) Old Bes : Flahery 4 Obih,bek 4 Fleming T Biggs Parker Stormont Heritage Playfaic Best Winkel Dragajb Fleming Portia Ryan Flaherty . Old B : MacGillivray 3 Homann 3 Phelan 2 Bristow 2 Goldner 2 Pirzie Hendra . Best Phelan Dickerson Mead Logan Dale MacGilllvray . Umpires: Ben Ryde Geoffrey Caulfield (F) James Gregory Brendan Cannon (B) Jack Watty Gavin Roberts (G ) B RESE2yE OLD IVANHOE 3.1 6.6 8 .8 10.11 (71) = ~-AZENOD 4.3 4.3 7.8 7.10 (52) Old Ivanhoe: Stewart 4 Hawkes 3 Snell 2 Pratt Best Morris Snell Kent Hawkes Stewart Gilbert Mazenod: Boyd 2 Hawkins 2 Bouchereau Morris Ware, Best Raine Paine Venturini Moms Murray Devlln . OLD PARADIANS 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2(14) ST HEVIPIS 5.5 8.9 10.12 11 .16 (62) Old Para : A Dean Spinoso. Best Cosgdfi Joyce Simpson Walsh Fantone Clark. St Kewvs : Details not received . ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 0 .5 2.8 2.9 4 .10 (34) COILS~'.GIANS 2 .2 3.8 5 .12 6 .13 (49) St Eodes ;43entone: Kidd Osborne Rhoden Chaplin . Best Borella Johnston Connolly Osborne Buck Wilson . Collegians : Robertson 3 Rubensten Henebry Jorgensen . Best Elg Waters Robertson S Hadbolt Mollard Cookes . BEAU&iARIS 0 .2 2 .4 2.4 2 .5 (17) NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .5 9.8 14 .10 15.13 (103) Bttum: Hogarth Presnell. Best Woolnough Presnell Mitchell Conan Holt Gibson . NOB: Joyce 4 Borg 3 D Sheehan 2 S Sleep 2 Browning B Sheehan White. Best T Sheehan D Sheehan T Kennedy D Browning M Cribbes D Ryan. OIA ESSENDON OR 2 .3 2 .3 4.4 4 .5(29) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .1 3 .2 6.4 7 .5(47) Old Er,s: McDermott 2 Fraser Ridleg. Best Williamson Paris Ridley Capbell Dawson Fewster. Old Bright Dawes 2 Murch 2 N Williams M Jackson Ellis . Best: McLaughlin Ewert Paterson Ginnican Reid Dawes .
Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst : Erwin Leyden Res: Mick Carty 1 . R. Rawlins 2. H. Gibso n 3. M . Pitts OO 4. M . Matulick (DVC) 5 . M . Ensor (DVC) 6 . A. Spence 7 . D. Foleyy 8 . M. O'Brien 9 . B. Cousins 10. L . Buller 11 . M. Lee 12. L . Healy 13. C . Gourley 14. T. Collins 15. M . Boon 16. A . Qui n 17. L. Atkins 18. N . Kennedy 19. M . Atkins 20. M . Mello n 21 . S . Coote 22. J . Holt 23. A . Catlin 24. B . Gray 25 . D. Teesdale 26 . A. O'Brien 27 . D. George 28 . J . Vance 29 . C. Martin N) C 30 . C . Lambert 31 . J . Black 32 . B. Cairns 33 . S. May 34 . H . McMillan 35 . N . Bocto r 36 . N . Atkins 37 . R . Presnell 38 . S. Lynch 40. J. Hogarth 42. B . Gillespie 43. R . Deaton 44. C . Collins 45. M. Duggan 46. M. Saxton 47. A . Kent 48. J . Mello r 49. J . Bryce 50. B . Presnell 51 . J . Mitchell 52. J . Williams 53. A . Poll 54. S . Lee 55. B . Deaton 56. T. Woolnou gh 57 . A. Fisher 58 . J . Bramwell 59 . B . Griffiths 60 . D. Bird 61 . J . Heath 62 . A. Pratt 63 . D. Galvin 64 . A. Coote 65 . G . Shattock 66 . P. McConchie 67 . L . Stevens 68 .. S. Boreham 70 . S. Crossley 71 . C. Hawkins
Coach: Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook 1 2 3 4 5 6
J . Dixon M . Johnson B. Mooney V C A. Shinkfield R . Henebery S. Woolley S. Elg 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth CAPT 9 J. Fry 10 J. Lang 11 C . Weekes 12 N . Harrison V C 13 N . Thomas 14 N . Lockett 15 L. Cottom 16 A . Baxter 17 R . Hosking V C 18 S . Taft 19 C. Davidson 20 M . Hoiles 21 C. Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 C. Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R. Muir 26 D. Vial 27 G . Rowston 28 B. Couc h 29 N. Burrows 30 L. Moo n 31 N . Roach 32 C . Blumfield 33 B. Holst 34 T. Knox 35 L. Nisbet 36 R . Tumer 37 C . Holst 38 T. Lovell 39 N . Hart. 40 L. Watson 41 N . Baxter 42 N . Abbott 43 E . Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 D. Gambaro 46 J . Ashman 47 R. Sztar 49 D. Phillips 50 D. Rubenstein 51 B . ShadboH 52 M . Naylor 53 T. Hall 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes 56 B. Lumb 57 B. Horsell 58 D . Smith 59 M. Lynch 64 M. Gribble
Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Ass Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res Coach : Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A . Tucker 4 J . Ballenger 5 D. Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 B . Parker 9 P. Gooden 10 B. Chamberlain 11 T. Smith 12 A. McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry (DVC) 16 M. Apollonio 17 J. Beard 18 D . Dunne 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray 21 S . Polan 22 S . Veltman 23 B . Devlin 24 D . Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 29 R. Sharp 30 D. Hansen
31 N. Snarl
32 D. Hose 33 S. Balloch 34 C. Boyd 35 D . Collins 36 G . Hamill 37 L . Morgan 38 D . Hallet 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 M. VenturGn 42 C . Paine 43 A . Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S . Paine 46 M . Hunt 47 A . Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. Halvy 50 S . Ware 51 M . Murray (VC) 52 G . Tilling 53 54 A. Stagliano 55 D. Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 57 58 D. Morris 59 60 61 M. McDowell 62 63 65 66
Coach : Garry Foulds Res Coach : Mark Oraniuk 1 . J . Cassell 2. 3 . T. Waters 4 . S . Sleep 5 . R . Davidson 6 . N . Vogels 7 . G. Smith 8 . B . Collison 9 . H . Maplestone 10. W. Martin 11 . T. Roberts 12. T. Brown 13. T. Halpin 14. 15. H. Christie 16 . R. Kelliher 17 . S . Casboult 19 . P. O'Farrell 20 . J. Sutherland 21 . N . Casboult 22 . D . Tehan 23 . 24 . J. Barker 25 . G . Phyland 26 . D . Brady 27 . P. Sondhu 28, D . Joyce 29. C . Hosking 30. M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32. T. Roach 33. M . Barker 34. M . Hyde 35. M . Robins 36. D. Tonkin 37. S . Grigg 38. M . Amor 39. D. Galletti 40. C. Phyland 41 . C. Pizzini 42. D . Sheehan 43. K. Hilderbrandt 44. T. Kennedy 45 . S. Ingram 46 . P. Daniels 46 . M. Perry 47 . J. Nihill 48 . M . White 49 . A . Gugola 53 . S . Butcher 54 . C . Dobson 55 . 56 . D. Sheehan 57, M . Delaney 60, M . Cribbes 61 . G . Took 61 . A . Neville 64. L. Ryan 65. N. Barden 66, P. Bryar 68. J . Maher
OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Jarrod O'Neil l Res. Coach: Hayden Bicket t 1 . A. Krzywniak 2 . A. Pirri e 3 . C . Barrow (vc) 4 . A . MacGillivray 4 . M . Franklin 5 . T. Marshall 6 . R . Stewart (dvc) 7 . B . Logan 8 . J . Parrett 8 . C. McNicol (C . res) 9 . S . Lennox 10. J . Mead 11 . N. Perry 12. B . William s 13. R. Ken t 14 . S . Williams (C) 15 . B. Gadsden 16 . C. Tootel l 16 . J. Homann 17 . A. Van Den Dungan 18 . A. Salem 19 . S. Ginnivan
20 . M. Smith
21 . T. Ewert 22 . L . O'Neil l 23 . N . Milat 24. M . Gadsde n 25. S . Nickas 26. A . Ginnivan 27. D . Paterson 28. A . Bristow 29. J . Dickerson 30. E . McCowan 31 . A . Paroissie n 32. A . Goldne r 33. L. Date 34. J . Whit e 35. C. Stewart (Rvc) 36. R. Henderson (Rdvc ) 37. D . Hughe s 38. J. Raju 39 . B. Pamham 40 . A. McLachlan 41 . M. Alle n 42 . L . Hendra (dvc) 43 . J. Murchie 44 . R . Sherman 45 . C . McKim m 46 . J .McCowan 47 . S. Ada m 48 . B . Dever 49 . B . Scott 50 . W. Leaf 51 . J . Lynch 52 . W. Hebard 53. M . Dubyn a 54. J . Dooley 58. J . McBriar 59. S . Mea d 60. A. Bushb y 61 . A. Wals h 62. B. Pearce 63. S. Davies 64. M.Reid 6566 . A. Edg e 67 . 68 . 69 . B. Aburro w 70 . 71 . T. Matessi
South Melbourne
M TuC A h AATCI 110 Ch(1TRAI I FR'Jr)rld
Coach : Frank Dunell Res : Kornai Dachs
Coach : Gerard Sholly Res: Dirk Jones
1 Panagiotopolus J 2 Biggs 3 Oxnam 4 Ryan 5 De Morton S 6 Ridley 7 Leask J 8 Heritage J 9 Stormont J 10 Biggs T 11 Buckley J 12 Kavanagh J 13 Hakim B 14 Legudi 15 Mezo 16 Bordigno n 17 Forrest 18 Flaherty 18 Dawson S 19 Healey E 20 PlaYfair S 21 Dale S 22 Portia M 23 Hughes J 24 Dazkiw J 25 Frazer A 26 Fleming S 27 McKenzie A 28 Fewster A 29 Uebergang S 30 Dragojlo M 31 Caridi D 32 Poulton D 33 Velardo M 34 Podger D 35 Kavanagh L 36 Obliubek C 37 Parker A 38 Campbell T 39 Newbold B 40 McDermott H 41 Iskra A 42 Bartram N 43 Cramer S 44 Collins A 45 Winkel D 46 Uoyd J 47 Howard S 48 Williamson J 49 Christou A 50 O'Brien L 51 Battista J 52 Mansfield J 53 Frazer L 54 Cramer S 55 Balloch S 56 Car M 57 Wade S 58 Hurtig B 59 Stevens J 60 Carter J 61 Nowland A 62 Gradzki D 63 Beard M 64 Kepsner J 65 Bacash p 66 Wright B 67 Tilley M 68 Brooks C 69 Huston J
1 Oates A 2 Lochran L 3 Curatlo S 4 Davis B 5 Gerorgio C 6 Kent S 7 Geishen J 8 Stevens T 9 Payne D 10 Crowley C 11 Lewry P 12 Branigan C 13 Alagona A 14 Moore C 15 Hope G 16 Price S 17 Corcoran A 18 Hope J 19 Dinakis P 20 Hawkes D 21 roberts R 22 Donaldson P 23 Theodossi K 24 Haros G 25 Byrne E 26 Bereza A 27 Hollowa Y N 28 Morris S 29 Weddle R 30 Gilbert A 31 Stevens J 32 Kefalas S 33 Pratt N 34 Tiernan A 35 Pollock M 36 Adderley S 37 Berry A 38 George GE 39 George GA 40 Keane J 41 Nagel B 42 Low S 43 Cornelius W 44 Luxon M ~ Siegersma J 46 Peacock D 47 Snell S 48 Clarke M 49 Quinlan C 50 Sterne R 51 Braddy N 52 Hackney S 53 Verrocchi M 54 Smith S 55 Pearce S 56 Courage L 57 Smart B 58 Bolzan L 59 Stagg R 60 Baccini I
Coach : Sam Assetta Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff 1 . D . Zivanovic 2 . A . Hughes 3 . D . Dean 4 . A . Curran (VC) 5 . A . Paglia 6 . R . Bux 7 . M . Cosgriff (Res VC) 8 . A . Sinclair (C) 9 . P. Palermo 10 . P. Brabender 11 . M . Joyce 12 . B. Galloway 13 . S. Rose 14 . P. Pratt 15 . N . Brundell 16 . M. Godfrey 17 . B . Hart 17 . M. Mitchell 18 . G . Porteous (VC) 18 . M. S inoso p 19 . A. Dean 20 . S. Maher 21 . D . Loney (VC) 22 . S. Fantone (Res VC) 23 . P. Walsh 24 . T. Lombardi ( )ResVC 25 . S. Rehlecki 26 . D . Boundy (VC) 27 . K. Jenkins 28 . J. Kreuzer 29 . A. Morrow 30 . M. Ryan 30 . D . McKay 31 . N . Dallas 32 . S. Corcoran 33 . D . Clayton 35 . S. Simpson (Res VC) 36 . B. Dintinosante 37 . A. DiFabio 40 . W. Chambers 41 . A. Elliot 42 . R . Murray ( Res C) 44 . M. Hyde 45 . C . McKay 46 . J. Martinelli 47 . J. Sandy 48 . A. Moore 49 . M. Sykes 50 . A. Tenson 55. J. Swindon 56 . S. Graham
ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach: Rusell Barnes Res: Mark Lomagno
1 Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachawski M 4 L'Huillier A 5 Napier S
6 Filcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scafidi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A 15 McColl T 16 Osborne C 17 Corda N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 Tyquin J 25 Knu I J 26 Hecker M 27 Borella L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Drury J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 36 WalstabA 37 Williams L 38 Hayes Yes 39 McColl M 40 L'Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L ~iy.rrrr/
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ST KEVINS O R Coach : Dave Murray Res . Coach: 1 J Rombotis 2 E Croha n 3 D Curti s 4 L Mahoney 5 M Dollman 6 P O'Keefe 7 J Molloy 8 B Dollman 9 B Field s 10 M Lucas 11 J O'Keefe 12 M Mulgrew 13 R Bowles 1 4 P Greenha m 15 W Gullife r 16 B Garvey 17 D Ryan 18 R Chard 19 D Sheeh y 20 T Crowley 21 R Maguire 22 T Dugga n 23 T Simpso n 24 S Powell 25 A Hamilto n 26 C Taylo r 27 A Lynch 28 M Giansiracus a 29 C Underwood 30 M Crowe 31 W Keenan 32 S O'Conno r 33 M Maguire 35 J Dempsey 36 P Moun t 37 M Pan~razi o 38 J O'Brien 39 N Pop e 40 L Kalesaran 41 B Aftis 42 S Moun t 43 P Bare 44 G Katavolo s 45 G~~g Y 46 D Ma oney 47 J Griffith s 48 A Conlan 50 R Horricks 51 D Bare 52 J Finch 53 L Katavolo s 54 S Gam e 55 P Natal e 56 D Walsh 57 K Grey 58 E Waldron 59 P Aughto n 60 S O'Conno r 61 T Ryan 62 B Shelley 63 A Dekretser 64 M Gargano 65 M Stonehouse 66 N Marchesan i 67 L Guilder 68 A Cary 70 J Maher 71 A Mulkearn s 72 D Manton 73 P Byrne 75 R Campagna O
76 N Bento n ~78 RM Shannon 79 M Welsh
Kingston Chiropractic 80 D Dun n
81 H Pride
.. .i,i
V.A .F.A.
"Your Coaches' Association "
Maintaining football specific fitness in seaso n Maintaining your fitness during the season is critical in ensuring your second half of the season is as successful as your first or more so . After five to six games, the early season soreness you were experiencing the day after a game should be almost nonexistent . As a result, there is an opportunity to work on maintaining your fitness levels between rounds five and eight . This can repeated again between rounds 12 and 15 to ensure your fitness levels going into the finals are at a premium. In this article we will discuss specific strategies that might help you maintain the best possible fitness levels throughout the remainder of the season . In most cases, pre-season training runs for between 10 and 16 weeks . During this period, fitness is the major priority . Once games begin, maintaining your availability to play is the most important aspect of training, closely followed by developing and maintaining skills and style of play . But in addition to this, the fitness of the team and the individual must also be kept up . Factors which affect your fitness at this time of the year include: Number of games played lavailability) ~ Time on the field Position played Injuries affecting trainin g The playing list can be split into players who require extra fitness work and those who need to rest . The group that needs to rest are predominantly the midfield group who can run up to 15km per game . Recovering from this workload can take five to six days so scheduling more work for these players with during the week will affect their ability to perform on game day . Players who should be prioritised for extra work include those who have spent time on the bench, end of the ground players (full-back and full-forward), those recovering from injury and players who have not attended all training sessions due to other commitments . Games before trainin g Football specific games can be scheduled 15 minutes before the start of group training for these players . These games include three vs three touch nzgby, handball and keepings off . Any game can be modified to accommodate the number of players . As a basic guideline, keep the numbers in each game under five a side . More than five reduces the fitness element of the game . Two 7 .5 minute halves are long enough for these games to have a significant effect . Remember to do a thorough warm-up before starting.
Specialist work after trainin g Individual conditioning sessions can be tailored at the end of group training sessions . Agility, awareness, speed, power and endurance sessions can be designed to ensure your players' fitness levels are optimised . Sample agility drill
1 . Approximately 20 metres out from the goal square, randomly place six different coloured cones approximately five metres apart from each other, 2. The player starts in the goal square and runs between cones, following cues from the coach . The sequence might be "red, blue, green, yellow, white, yellow, green, yellow째 . 3. At the end of the sequence the coach calls `iead" . At this point, the player must lead strongly toward centre half forward to receive a footpass from a second coach further down the ground . 4 . The player has two minutes for recovery before completing another repetition . A series of six repetitions after training is sufficient. Recovery session s The recovery session the day after a game is another opportune time to work on fitness with specific players . If a player has had minimal game time or little physical output in the game the orevious day, recovery is not essential . In fact, fitness work can be performed by these players during this session . Cross training Cross training has been discussed previously but it's worth mentioning again . Non-football specific activities like boxing, swimming and cycling all assist in players' general fitness levels . Where possible, aim to mimic the playing tempo and stop-start nature of the game during these sessions . Water polo and aquatic games that get the players' heart rates high are preferable to slowly swimming 1500 metres . In summary, now is a good time to think about the fitness levels of every player on your list . Do not wait until a bye before addressing this issue because it could be too late . Minor intervention, with one or two simple strategies, can keep the entire list as fit and healthy as possible and bring you a step closer to getting the desired results from the season . Dr Noel Dunca n fit ness2live. coan . au 12
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MHSOBFC is one of those dubs, which welcomes everyone with open arms and immediately makes them feel part of the dub family. That is why I have spent 15 years at, and played 200 games for this great amateur dub. I wasn't a student at Melbourne High, but ended up with the Old Boys in 1990 to play football with my younger brother, John . In my time at MHSO$FC, we have played in three grand finals, winning one and losing two; progressed from D grade to A grade ; and then slumped back to C grade . Through these good and bad times, there have been fond memories shared with a great group of people at this football dub . The mateship, camaraderie, loyalty, passion, fun and emotions experienced are moments I will cherish as my playing career comes to an end this week, and my family
andImove to Fiji tor ~; : years. Good luck to the 1-3ys as they strive for the ultimate goal this year and than take the dub back up the grades in the future . On behalf of Pauline, Tim and myself, I would like to say to everyone associated with MHSOBFC over the years, thank you for your support, help, encouragement and love . Leaving MHSOBFC will be very hard ; I will miss you all . Robert'Chief Newton
iing the MHSOBFC with distinction
9â&#x20AC;˘465 Heidelberg Road Fairfield Vic 3 07 8 Warren 5nE 7e} i :- 'iF 1 967 -6 9 ~`~.~~ ==rL~=
by Glen Harrison
Finally, after a couple of warm up rounds to gauge initial form, the scribe has hit top gea r and correctly predicted all Round thre e victors . No doubt it's tougher to selec t winners today with just six clubs providing information from last week! Speaking of providing, the lunch at Hampton last Saturday was a great affair. Thanks to Greg and Jenny and all at the Rovers .
and Hendrie's three goals were invaluable . Barron and Faroldi
Therry's dynamos . PREVIEW The 2004 unbeaten reign will continue for only one of either MHSOB or Camberwell this afternoon, when the teams go head to head at Balwyn . The two sides are tough to split and REVIEW The Fields made best use of the wintry the only guide is that both teams have conditions to outmuscle a disappointing Ajax . defeated Monash, the Wellers by 12, and Set up by half a dozen majors in the second MHSOB by 13, and that is why I will select term, the home side eventually triumphed by the visitors, in an epic battle . The Fields, with both 63 points . Liddell was classy across halfback Parkdale welcome . Each and Docker resolute in defence, whilst Gross teams chasing a hat trick of victories provided the polish up forward, snagging six . side boasts an exciting and potent midfield, The Vultures descended on Bennettswood and this is where the game will be and booted 16 large, to keep ESL rooted at determined . The very heavy conditions at the bottom of the table for another week . Bennettswood, last Saturday, might just take Ristevski was again manful for the Animals, a little too much out of the Vultures tank, and but Stewart and the Sullivan clan proved too be enough for Caulfield to sneak home . Ajax and Therry enjoy the wide open tough to counter.
Still smarting from their Round two second surrounds of VAFA headquarters and the half fade out, Hampton Rovers guaranteed there was no repeat, snuffmg out the Saints, by eight goals to zip after the main interval . Browne displayed some good touch for the Rovers and in the wet slippery conditions he CLUB was well assisted by Barker and Carr . C SECTION Clements the standout for Glen Eira . Kirzner 13 Led by Limbrick and Campbell, MHSOB made Ajax 11 Power Hampton it three from three and unfortunately, so did Horne 10 Monash, as the Blues pluck was unable to MHSOB 10 Baxter Caulfield Gramm . Gregory marked plenty eclipse the Unicorns 9 Rowley Parkdale for the Ashers and Main was courageous . Frigid winds, ferocious tackling and better C Reserve Corbett kicking for goal were the key talking points, MHSOB Batty as the Wellers scraped home at Oak Park, Emmaus St Leo s Hanlon Hampton Managing to Lions . against a determined Newey steal a small buffer in the third term, was Emmaus St Leos Duddy enough for the visitors to prevail . Hampton Guyett Caulfield Gramm Camberwell's Derry was tireless in the Ruck,
wandering Jackas, will be desperate to prove they are a better outfit than last week's result showed . If the Lions can pressure and harass as they did against the Wellers, they will win . The Ashers have teased for three weeks but cannot land the killer punch and force a victory . If they can topple the Rovers, it will really kick start their season, but alas for them, Hampton Rovers have their own agenda, and losing to the Blues is not part of it, and is why they will succeed . Glen Eira host ESL in a must win game for both teams . The Saints will be looking to stay in touch with the main pack whilst the Animals desperately need to break 'their duck .' That will be enough ammunition to get ESL over the line . CORRESPONDENTS Glen Harrison - gpah@deakin .edu .a u
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TODAY'S MATCHES C SECTIO N Parkdale Vultures v Caulfield Gr Glen Eira v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Monash Blues v Hampton Rovers Old Camberwell v MHSOB AJAX v Therry Penola 0 B at Spo rt scover Arena, Saturday
CAUL GRAMMARIANS 3.2 9.4 11 .8 15.10 (100) AJAX 2.1 4.3 5 .5 5 .7(37) Caul Gram: B Gross 6 Baxter 4 Hoggan 2 Acgyros Carboni Fagan, Best Liddell B.Gross Docker Frater Will Kendall . Ajas Weislitzer 2 Gold Kirzner Sharp . Best Blashski Klein Raleigh Gold Blleden Samuel. Umpires: Paul Dinneen Jamle Kvins (F) Greg Rollo (G ) ENIMaTn STLEOSOC 1 .4 3.7 8.12 10.16(76) PAT+KDAt E VULTURES 5.8 11 .10 13.12 16.17 (113) Emmaus St Leos: McKenzie 3 Ballard Bird D'Amelio Donovan Ellis P McGloin Mitchell. Best Ristmkt Donovan Bird Brown Ronchi Baranello . Parkdale Vultures : Rowley 4 C Barr 3 T Barr 2 Kight 2 Matt Sullivan 2 P Sullivan S Sullivan Kelly . Best Stewart Matt Sullivan P Sullivan C Barr Stephens. Umpires: Poland Fuhrmarm Ken McNiece (F) Ross Richards Jake Mahar (G) HA;41P'1'ON ROVERS 1 .3 5 .7 9.8 13 .10(88) GIEN EtF2A 1.4 2 .5 2.9 2.9(21) Hampton Rovers: Power 4 D Andersen 2 S Anderson 2 Greenwood 2 Lawrence 2 D Ariz . Best D Ariz Barker Crar Greenwood Browne. Glen Elm' Emmett Vamuakis Best Clements Sheehan Davis Doolan Sheerly Londberg. Ump3res : Gajanan Skandakumar Steve McCarthy (F) MRSOB 3.3 6.2 9 .7 10 .7 (67) MONA4B BLUES 1.3 4.5 7.10 7.12 (54) 1dBSOB : Home 3 Thompson 2 White 2 Smith. Thiele Fairchild. Best Taylor Thompson Smith Iimbrick Cassell Campbell . Monash Blues: Hawkins 2 O'Sullivan Holloway Tinton Neil Gregory . Best Main Gregory Turton Renton O'Sullivan Smith. Umpires: Santo Caruso (F) Andrew Errington (B) Beomn McCarthy Michael O'Donnell (G ) 't'BERRY PENOtA 2.4 4.6 4 .8 6.10 (46) OLD CAMBERWEid. 3.2 5.2 7.4 9.4(58) Therry Penol a: Edwards 2 D Goodwin 2 Fenton McKay . Best Barron Edwards Russell Forster-Knight Famldi Clarke . Old Camberwell: Hotgan 3 Henrie 3 Dudtng Perryman Vlhitehead Best Hardman Henrie Derry Harenberg Orrnsby Horgan . Umpires: Jeremy Heileman Jeb Penrose (RDy (F) Robert Parry William Taylor (RDia (G ) C RESERVE CAUL GRft MNLARTANS 3 .1 3.2 4.3 4.4(28) AJAX 0 .1 4.3 5.5 8.6(54) Caul Gram: Erickson Guyett Chapple Tuycross. Best Cassidy Chapple O'Hoy Fryers Erickson Twycross. Ajax: Godlewwicz 2 Goldenfein 2 E\1lollner 2 Cooper J Lewis. Best A Wollner Czamy Szkolnik Gottlieb E Wollner Jankie . Eh4dAUS ST LEOS 5 .6 10 .8 12.9 15.13 (103) PARBDAiE VULTURES 1.1 2 .2 4.4 5 .5(35) L2nmaus St Lem: Batty 6 Lear 4 Newey 3 Bruce Phyland . Best: Lear Batty Phyland tandy Prosser Virgo . Parkdale Vultures: Tesoriero 3Darcy 2 . Best Hirst Colley S W'u grave S Hamilton P Emmett HAMPTON ROVERS 5.2 8 .4 11 .6 13 .9 (87) GLEN EIRA 0.0 1.0 1 .1 1 .2(8) Hampton Rovers: Hanlon 2 Prantzos 2 Quon 2 Gray 2 Foster Malthouse Marshall Woolrich Brudar Best Prantzos Quon Terech Hanlon Duddy Henry Glen Etta: Oldham . Best Zurak Fossey Zagame Perkins Bowyer Oklman. MRSOB 3.1 3.2 4 .3 5.4 (34) MONASH BLUES 2.2 2.4 5 .6 11.6 (72) bSHSOB : Orchard Corbett Bowen Fraczek Neilson . Best: Temes Dunne Anderson Foley D Hollenberg J Newton. Monash Blues: Taylor 2 Hawkins 2 Merlin 2 Tota 2 Teasdale Morris Mentha . Best: Mentha Merlin Teasdale Costley Morris Talor. 1iiLRRY PENOIA 0.0 1 .0 3.1 3.4(22) OLD CAMBERWELL 4.5 6.6 6.10 6.13 (49) Theory Penola : Stevens Kurt O'Neill Best : D Goodwin Walker S Goodwin Kuret A Nancarrow Gleeson. Old Camberwell, Saffar 2 Cottrell Tipper Manvood Carr Best Langford Cottrell Marwood Joyce Wallace Craven . 15
C Section AJAX
Coach : Phil Davis Res . Coach : Barry Simon 1 . N . Gold 2 . J . Israelsohn 3 . B . Davis 4 . M . Dudakov 5 . G. Blieden 6. D. Vanaken 7. G. Samuel 8. E . Raleigh 9. J . Raleigh 10. G. Dukes 11 . M . Segal 12. D. Galdenfein 13. B . Klein 14. Y. Rapoport 15. J . Segal 16. E. Janover 17. D. Weislrtzer 18. J. Kirzner 19. A. Lewi n 20. J. Sharp 21 . D. Gelbart 22. E. Wollner 24. J. Brain 25. M. Blashki 26. B. Duzenman 27. A. Spicer 28 . A. Zemski 29 . B. Goldbloom 30 . N . Israelsohn 32 . A. Bloom 33 . J. Gottlieb 34 . A . Goldman 36 . L. Krafchek 37 . J . Kestenberg 38 . S . Gutman 39 . R . Rotemberg 40 . D . Seidl 41 . J . Le.vski 42 . D. Gerber 43 . D. Norich 44 . I. Same 45. A . Godlewicz 46. A. Sacks 47 . B . Lewis 48. J . Pask 49. S . Czamy 50. A. Benedykt 51 . L Friedman 52. 0 . Henzel 53. M . Podolsky 54. D. Rutko 55. J . Gomo 60. J. Weinberg
GMEDGMMMARM Coach: Merv Keane Ass Coach : Lachlan Kellaway Res : Chris Matheson 1 D Rosman 2 A Bruhn 2 B Hall 3 C Kni ht 4 M Lid ell 5 S Kendall 6 N Crave n 7 R O 'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Prate r 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni 11 C Deal 12 D Pearce 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Fall u 16 S Sant 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 B OHoy n 19 P Hogga 20 C Fagan 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Mc Assay 23 D Ash 24 J Dalwood 25 N Dorman 26 S Widjaja 27 J Ryan 28 J Jacobs 29 G Erickson 30 D Elias 31 C Poynter 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryer s 34 H Baker 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathem 37 B Scott 38 J Restarick 39 A Bosna 40 M Phelps 41 B Ku 42 D Synman 43 T Gerrand 44 L Schneider 45 D Scott 46 M Bennett 47 5 Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 B Gardner 50 C Thompson 51 J James 52 J Sayers 53 S Backholer 54 J Yelland 55 C Hooper 56 S Twycross 57 P Farmer 58 59 T Mc Donald 60 61 N Bannon 62 C Sheppard 63
64 G Poulter 65 N Carrick
71 M Cassidy
Son Coach: Phillip Rallis Res: Anthony Strafford Asst: an Leith 1 . M. Dimackhi 2. D. Fossey 3. C. Massis [c] 4. D. Canner 4. B. Zosens 5. A. Tsirogiannis 6 . J. Zagame 7 . S. Vamvakis 8 . T. Dimackhi 9 . A. Russo 10. M. Chandler 11 . B. Clements 12 . B. King 13 . G. Brown 14 . C . Hanson 15 . E . Stuchbery 16, N . Davis 17 . L Doolan 18 . R. Oldham 19 . A Devries 20 . A Diamond 21 . M . Watt 22 . S . Emmett 23. S . Neeson 24, A. Taranto 25. P. Khazaal 26. P. Tsagliotis 28. L Shellard 29. M . Sca'rfe 30. L Pryde 31 . J. Lundberg 32. M . D'Zilva 33. A. Sheedy 34. S. Kitson 35. S. Hollow 36. B. Zurek 37. P. Merrick 38. A. Merrick 39. J. Gusman 40. D . Sheehan 41 . K. Dimachki 42 . J. Serpanchy 43 . J . Maartouk 44 . S. Diamond 45 . A . Caruana 46 . A . Strafford 47 . B . Zwar 48 . J . H a liwell 49 . S . Hall 50 . D. Eade 51 . F. Bourke 52 . A Haines 53 . T. Chatfield 54 . D. Scale 55. L MCGaw 56. C. Hogan 57. S . Laska 58. D. Dunlevie 59. R. Mills 60. D. Perkins 61 . J. Fulton 62. J. Simos 63. J. Evans
64. B. Bowyer
65. S. Genge
66. R . Dimackhi 67. M. Hinton
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff 1 . T. Wilmott 2 . M. McKellar 3 . A. Bruder 4 . S. Anderson 5 . B. Marlyn 6 . S . Gravin a 7~ A Duddy 8 . G. Carr 9 . T. Barker 10. B . Boyd 11 . L Wheeler 12. P. Adams 13. G. Woods 14. Daniel Andersen 15. A . Browne 16. N. Greenwood 17. D. Artz 18. J . McCarthy 19. M . Lawrence 20. A. Power 21 . M . Ellis 22. S. Burggraaff 23. M Gray 24. C. McKellar 25. C. Christianson 26. M . Devereaux 27. M . Flynn 28. B. Kezlas 29. M. Fletcher 30. A. Ouon 31 . T. Pucella 32. Chapman 33. R . Mosbey 34, B,qrtz 35. A Fisher 36 . L Fletche r 37 . J. Tipping 38 . J . Modey 39 . A. Cris 40 . M. Flahive 41 . B . Henry 42 . C . Malthouse 43 . C. Cooper 44 . M Pearson 45 . N . Pinto 46 . L. Woolrich 47 . R. Hunt 48 . J . Brunmeier 49 . A. Kavanagh 50 . N. Foster 51 . J . Glanville 52. J . Hanlon 53. T. Archer 54 . R. D'Silva 55. J . Prantzas 56. K Spratt 57. J . Tipping 58. R. Hunt 59. A. Kavanagh 60. M Terech 61 . D. Marshall 62. M . Flahive
MHS0 0
Coach : Dave Skinner Asst: Speros Beasley, W Fall Res Coach: Jamie Dixon 1 . J . 8amert 2 S . McCully (Capt) 3. N . Orchard 4. M . White (DVC) 5. A . Sauhr y 6. M . Brai n 7. S . Whittingto . J . Dixon n8 8. J . Garner 9. D. Fairchil d 10. P. Smith 10. I . Barrett 11 . P. Spottiswood 12. B . Thiele 12. M . Feferkran z 13. S. Anderso n 14. M . Hamilton-H o 15. D. Membre 16. J. Walker ( VC) 17. R. Clowe s 18. R. Umbrick 18. R. Read 19. S. Robinso n 20. T. Fraczek 20. L Home 21 . J. Aitke n 22. A. Svirski s 23 . A. Hoga n 23 . L . Taylor 24 . N . Harve y 25 . H . 26 . M. Neilson 27 . M. Johnston 28 . S. Moore 29 . G. McCully 30 ~ Newton .M 32 . A . Cassell (VC) 33 . L. Campbel l 34 . E . Thompson 34 . D . Henzel 35. P. Rujevic 36. R . Ware 37 . T. Harper 37. M .Ting 38. C. Nailon 39. J . Gregson 40. A. Lust 41 . J . Anderso n 41 . F. Lewis 42. M . Bate 43. P. Corbett 44â&#x20AC;˘ J . Newton 45 A. Czwam o 46. T. Dunne 47. D. Hollenberg 48. D. Vicendes e 49. J. Hollenberg 50. K. Hardin g 51 . S. Bennett 52. R. Tames ~ I . Costing 54~ D. Learmont-Walke r 55. G . Blau 56 . T. Wright 57. S. Foley 58. P. Greenhill 59 . A. Hal l 60 . S. Jenning s
Major Sponsor s --~ . - -,-,~,~ ~-
N ~
FA E , R P C 4 T R S ^
Y r t~ ~_ _~ wat3hameloans.com.xu
Ph : 9597 01 66 www.hamptonrovers.com.au
C Section MOHASH BLUES Coach: Jon Edgar Res: James Shady
1 S . Chapman 2 L. Renton 3 L Hollowa Y 4 G. Chessari 5 J . Rosengarten 6 M. Newman 7 P. Farrar 8 S. Thompson 9 C . O'Sullivan 10 S. Lloyd 11 M. Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 M . Pay 14 B. Martin 15 M . Tnkler 16 B. Nind 17 K. Mudge 18 R. Glover 19 M . Saunders 20 M . Edsall 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B . Janssen 24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Young 28 J . Main 29 A. Costley 30 L Creamer 31 S. Hawkins 32 L Beddingfield 33 J. Smith 34 A. Cheesman 35 A. Hickey y 36 A. Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N. Brennan 39 M . Smith 40 Ma . Bolton 41 Mi. Bolton 42 M . Coe 43 R. Feenaghty 44 D. Teesdale 46 D. Jones 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 D . Taylor 50 A. Tota 51 M. Payne 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 G . Dodd 55 I. McCormick 60 B. MacKenzie 61 P. Campbel l 62 L . Katts 68 M. Meehan 70 D. Barlow 71 N. Rosengren 72 B. Green 73 A. Dobson 74 P. Westbrook 75 R.Turton 77 D. Neil
78 A. Shields
Coach : Michael Sigalas Asst: Matthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res: Andrew Tsindos 1 A. Durling 2 M . Horgan 3 S . Peasnell 4 C. Hendrie 5 L. Cain 6 B . Christie 7 T. Hallo 8 J . Heffernan 9 B . Tymmons 10 M . Hanson 11 D . Hanson 12 R . Perryman 13 J . Webb 14 R . Whitehead 15 D . Clyne (Missing) 1 6 D D . Pik e 17 N . Credlin 18 S. Ma wood 19 P. Tempone 20 D . Mitchell 21 T. Hardman 22 M . Wallis 23 P. Mitchell 24 B. Tipper 25 A. Hardenberg 26 B . Langford 27 A. Sheedy 28 R. Wheelan 29 S . Beckett 30 T. Baytord 31 B . Craven 32 G. Ormsby 33 D. Joyce 34 D . Schmidt 35 C. Munroe 36 S . Derry 37 M . Cottrell C . Williams 39 S. Svensen 40 C Jel6s 41 L . Ryan 42 A. McKenzie 43 C . Grant 44 A. McHaric 46 M. Jackson 48 J. 0'Sullivan 49 A. Mantzioros 50 N . Safler 51 B. Ryan 52 S. Grant 54 A. Margetts 55 S . Fogarty 56 I . Curry 58 N. Paine 59 S . Hancock 61 G . Weickhardt 65 M . Rayson 66 T Parkes 75 G. Hanson
r. '
EMM AUS ST LEOS Coach : Darren Turner Res: Frank Dinicolantonio
1 . P Carse 2 . J Hodder 3 . E Mitchell 4 . A Autiso 5 . S Buckle B . J Fennell 7 . A Burgess 8 . B Bird 9 . C Coffer 10 . B Mitchell 11 . B. Carey 1ZTMcCann 13 . A Krebs 14 . J . Eagles 15 . P Carey 16 . A Rose 17. M D'Amelio 18. R McCann 19. A. Kelly y 20. A. Ballard 21 . G Simondson 22. P Ristevsk i 23. T Batty 24. D Bruce 25. A McKenzie 26. A Prosser 27. P Levins 28. H Giles 29. S Darcy 3 0. M Ottobre 31 . M Contessotto 32. D Cam m 33. L Thomas 35. J Briggs 36. S Bavage 37. S Manton 38. N Hodder 39. B Vaughan 40 . J Gay 42 . M Flood 43 . B Levins 44 . A Zalatios 45 . S Ronchi 46 . A Brown 47 . M .Mclnemy 48 . A . Dal y 49 . D Cox 50 . A Volpi 51 . P McGloin 52 . R McGloi n 53 . T Pecora 55 . C Hatfiel d 56 . T Morrison 59 . D Pitche r 60. C McDonald 61 . J .Blandthor n 63. P Nolan 64. D Wood 67. P Farquha r 69. S Meshcer 70. D McGloin 75. T Ymer 76. G Donova n 77, C Vaughan 7g_ T Trib 88_ S Pitcher e 89. D Windus s
2 Goodwin T Bannister R 4 Elliot M 5 Sacco S 6 Nancarrow M 7 Bannister S Bosanko M 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Maine J 12 Betsey J 1 3 Russell G 15 McMahon A 16 Goodwin M/ Clifton D 46 Ste ien S P 47 Goodwin D 48 Nancarroww M 50 Barron B 56 Dunne P 58 Finnigan M 59 Robinson T 63 Moloney A 67 Tsinaris G
3 ~
Ja~1 MENTONE RS.L 9 Palermo St, Menton e
* Function Room Restaurant * Policies
9583 2$41
~, _- - D ~
Fib -`e
Coach: Chris Bye Res Coach : Garry Datson I Gorman P
_. .
A 98 7
Coach: Tony Macgeorge Assist: John McNicholas Res Coach: Paul Marin 1 S . Rowley 2 R. Gallagher 2 B . Dar c y 3 M . Dixo n 4 M . Hayes 5 A . White 5 D . Griffith s 6 C . Stephens 7 Gu N er 8 K Little 9 M. Meye r 9 P Emmett 10 C . Atkins 11 C . O'Meara 12 A. Baker 13 M. Ryan 14 C . Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 16 J. McCarth y 17 C. Sullivan 18 S. Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 D. Kinsella 21 D. Kell y l 22 B. Liddel 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Linthorne 25 B . Richards 26 D. Rochford 26 A. Roc k 27 M . Nielson 28 C. O'Brien 29 G. ln 30 P. Man y 31 M . Andrews 32 B . Fo4den 33 N . Wilkins 34 C . Ros s 35 M. Johnstone 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 S. Waters 40 S. Richards 41 C . Rock T. Barr 43 M. Bar r 45 C . Barr 46 W. Wheatley 47 J. Tully 48 Mick . Walsh 49 A. Hunte r 50 S. Scullin 51 N. Sutherland 52 S. Wingrave 53 D. Noonan 54 T. Hirst 55 N. Cooley 56 S . Wilso n 57 S . O' Leary 58 R. Haslemore 59 D. O'Keefe 60 T. Everest 61 T. Banks 62 P. Tesoriero 63 N . Levett 64 X . Smith 65 G. Wilson 66 A . Kerr 67 A . Fry 68 T. Kight 69 M. Nlmgrav e 70 J Noona n
2004 Major Sponsor
For the next couple of weeks I we will highlight one or two recipients of a VAFA Certificate of Merit at the 2004 PSM Dinner. Certifi cate of Merit profile : Bruno Conti 17run 0 Cnnir • (North Old Boys) i,forifi Old i3ay:. Illustrious playing career highlighted by both team & individual success Regular VAFA representative player, Vice Captain of the Senior Rep team & All Australian playe r Captain of North Old Boy AFC Retired to become President
Resurrected the club financially & has helped North Old Boys AFC re-establish itself firmly as a revered & respected opponent Representative Selector at Senior & C-D4 level
0 ® ® David Parkin, Neil Roberts, Dale Weightman, Wayne Johnston, and Cameron Bruce are just some of the big names of Aussie Rules football getting together on the one stage for a magnificent Sports Luncheon to aid the MHSOBFC . This wonderful event will include a three course meal and beverages throughout . It will be held at The Victoria Club, on the 41st floor of the Rialto building, on Wednesday 12 May . Tickets are selling fast and they are available from the MHSOBFC with all proceedings assisting the Unicorns . For more information please contact Colin Green on 0411 759 132 or colin .green@mhsoba.asn .au 0 0 0 VAFA Sunday on 88.3 Southern FM has taken on a bit of a new look this year with regular host Brian "Benny" Goodman retiring after 10 years on the show with Tom Brain. Tom has remained for another year with legendary umpire Steve McCarthy joining Tommy as co-host . The show 18
brings to air many topical issues within the VAFA and has an array of guests including players, Coaches and Administrators . The Quiz has always been a popular segment on the show and this year courtesy of Pat Reardon and the Rising Sun Hotel in Swan Street Richmond a Dinner for Two and Drinks to the Value of $75 is the Weekly Prize, certainly well worth winning . Last week VAFA President Bruce McTaggart made his Radio Debut giving listeners an insight into his background and expressing his visions for the future of our competition . This week St Bedes MentoneTigers Vice President Mark Beasley will talk to Tom and Macca about the 100 year history of his club. VAFA Sunday is a must hear on 88 .3 Southern FM 9 .30AM every Sunday morning. 0 0 0 It was great to see some common sense prevail at D4's Old Westbourne versus North Brunswick game on Saturday . Mid-way through the first quarter, a downpour of hail the likes rarely seen, combined with howling winds, made conditions impossible, and very unsafe to continue . Rather than carry on with the risk of injury to players and officials, the umpire called for a 5 minute break in play to let the conditions subside . A gutsy call with many past players pondering "that would not have happened in my day" . - Administrator's version D4 match between Old Westbourne and Nth Brunswick seniors started in blustery, threatening conditions. However the first 10 to 15 minutes were played in dry conditions . Some heavy black clouds blew over head as Old Westbourne attacked towards goal . . . . .then down came the hail . Not just hail, but horizontal hail . A player had taken a kick towards goal, but the goal umpire facing up the ground could not see . Luckily the ball hit the goal post so we all knew what the score was . Coincidently the captains were full back and full forward at the time and the three of us agreed to get the players off the ground and we would review the situation in five minutes time . As it turned out the hail passed quickly and the player ran back onto the ground after three minutes . I checked with the time keepers, scoreboard and goal umpires so all agreed with the score at the time (3 points to nil) and tha t THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2(
the time was to start at the stopping point to allow for a normal quarter of time . All agreed it was the correct call at the time (apart from a few oldies that reckon we were 'soft') some suggesting it was a gutsy call . From my serious perspective it was the commonsense thing to do as there was a slight possibility of eye damage over and above the difficulty for players and officials to see what was happening . - Umpire's version
Parkdale Vultures should be congratulated on their first home game at Gerry Green Reserve in Rd2 . Everything was so well run . The afternoon tea served on white linen table clothes . And oh what a spread it was . Sensational! A great start to the "Vultures" first day on their new ground . Mind boggling sight at the R3 clash between Ormond and Banyeale at the E. E. Gunn Reserve, BIG Dave Williams, the Bears' durable & famously unmovable ruckman, was interchanging with Jason 'Spider' Connolly, who is as tall (208cm) as BIG Dave is voluminous! A truly formidable pair! Sadly BIG Dave badly damaged a hand during the Ormond game, which will delay the Ilau° !.'illiar,ts playing of his 300th SJU ;~s gam.2 rtr~ a ;, iGtd game .
The B Section Scribe visited St Ke vins training last Thursday Night at the delightful Righetti Oval . It was most enjoyable to watch the boys in action . Very hard to control 4 sides training on the one ground at the one time but the professionalism and organisation shown by the Coaches and Players was commendable. No
wonder they are looking the goods in 04 . Was very pleasing to see all the players staying back for an old fashioned "Beer and Pie" after training, waiting for the sides to be read out. The spirit and camaraderie among the SKOBS was great to see and made for a pleasant atmosphere around the place . Certainly some characters among this group none more so than club legend Robbie Gross who despite an administrative error costing his Ressies side 4 points was still full of fun and energy and the life of the party . The scribe also pitched in and sold a few pies!!!!! !
® 0 0 Did You know: There are many clubs who have participated in the V.A .F .A. since 1892 and which no longer exist or have moved to other competitions . Contrasted to this passing parade, has been the administrative stability of the Association's office bearers . Bruce McTaggart is the fourteenth President and Phil . Stevens is the seventeenth secretary (now C .E .O .) There have been nineteen treasurers, ten of whom occupied the dual office of Secretary/ Treasurer. There were only four Presidents for the first seventy nine seasons of the Association before three year terms of office were introduced . To be continued. . . Former University Blues player Alan Nugent, currently working in Boston, has been appointed as coach of the United States "Revolution" team to contest the second world championships likely to be held in Melbourne during August 2005 . Players must be native born Americans and a squad of eighty has been named for a series of trial matches. Eventually thirty players will be selected to play in Australia. 0
Footy Pak Cup - Football Victoria's U17 Youth Girls Competition - Launch Saturday May 8, 2004, Sweeney Reserve, Golf Links Road, Narre Warren, 10 .30am Get along and see a Youth girls' exhibition match, Youth girls' skill clinic and sign up for the 2004 competition.
The old fashioned cold wet & windy footy dry and had top weather last week provided strange conditions efforts from Cooper for all on-field personnel after such a bone dry OtB, Sean Flynn pre-season . No real upsets happened though, Ot B with the rampaging Blacks careerin on (great to se e - yo u Ormond and Banyule showing they're both d mat back & in for m . It will gob OI ~& Stuart Bethune in defence . units & also evenly matched interesting to see if the present big three come Did the Panthers see which way the Blacks went back to the rest of the field as the season last week? Of that I'm not sure, but by the Holy progresses . Nut, Anthony Parkin is certainly directing a Fl LAST WEEK Ferrari class unit this season! The Ormond Fitzroy Reds v Salesian Bouzy Rouge Club must be chortling with glee ! Reds had a solid victory at Punt Road with their The Blacks' Chris Groom at CHF played a ground speed proving too much fur et,- ~,a,o ~,_ ~ i)avid Ronchi had another top day in the Ruck on a HBF. utThe pan~thrs th d and Dave Batten for the Reds, while Vinnie Cahill had a good Justin Costello HBF, Trent Mitvalsky in a fro m Tun game OtB role, and Jamie Walker provided some Orniond v with' Banyule spark up forward . The Monds won a close encounter with the TS WEE K Bears in a good comeback as the visitors Banyul e v Fitzroy Reds appeared to have their measure at half time . Good match this one, and a real test for the Ormond's gritty came via a 45m set shot on Reds, because Beverley Rd is not evervrn,P' . the boundarv by win rPfltrP>,, .,,, A-L__ the 28 minute mark of Q4.. Ormond's mentionÂŤa vi Lea, both sides have plenty of t e so if s went to Michael Miller, Bryce Deledio at HB, and David Beckett in the Ruck Nick Taylor an d Adam Dooley gave the Bears plenty of drive fro m the back line, with Paul Gloury also doing we] Peninsula v ran The Pirates took the points after a hard, tit for tat slog against the Two Blues . Brett Cook was Di ;9E C'P. a dashing HBFer for Peninsula, and Nick Claringbold again stood out up forward . Joel Banyule Kellow had another top game OtB, and Joh n Ormond Fitzroy Reds Ferrier did well at FB for Prahran . Salesian Aquinas v YVOB The Bushrangers triumphed over the Bloods Ormond courtesy of their deadly accuracy in front of the point posts! I think their Target Acquisition Systems need a bit of work Tim! Luke Taylor was a stand out at CHB for the Bushrangers, ably supported by Winger Rob Drew, & Nathan Lear OtB . The gallant Bloods bled their bench
Di RESERVE Fitzroy Reds Ormond Fitzroy Red s Old Mentonian s Aquinas
the weather is half decent it will be a great spectacle. The Bears at home should win by 3 goals . Prahran v Ormond The Two Blues pushed the Pirates down at Antarctica last week and will make the Monds work hard today . However, it is unlikely that the Monds will drop this game, as they have too much talent & should win by 5 big ones . YVOB v Penin . OB Real tester this one, and the outcome is critical for both Club's hopes for finals football at best and relegation proofing at worst . On the Domeney, I have to go for Yarra, but it will be close . LJni. Blac ks v Aquinas Can't see Blacks losing this match but the Bloods magnificent esprit de corps will make a contest of it . Blacks should salute by 5 goals or SO .
SOC v Old Ment. This season has been most unflash to date for these two protagonists and, for one of them, that state will persist for at least one more round . At home I have to go for Chaddie, but there won't be much more than a kick in it . Reserves winners should be : Bears, Monds, Pirates, Blacks, & Chaddie . Correspondents contacts: 9889 1979 (+ message bank) & bfhickey6@bigpond .co m Aquinas OCFC - Congratulate Sean Flynn on reaching his 200th game against Uni Blacks this weekend . Flynny began with the Bloods in 1991 and was a member of the Seniors premiership side in 1996 . He has won 2 Senior B&F's (1994 & 2001) and also been runner up on 5 occasions . He is the captain of District Cricket side Ringwood and took all of 2003 off to play soccer which shows his natural sporting abilities . It is great to see a former student and Under 19 player make it to 200 games with plenty more senior football ahead of him .
TODAY'S MATC ES I)1 SECTION Banyule v Fitzroy Reds Prahran v Ormond Yarra Valley 0 B v Peninsula 0 B University Blacks v Aquinas 0 C Salesian 0 C v Old Mentonians
2 .5 5.8 11 .11 18 .16 (124) SALESIAN 0 C 1 .1 3.1 8.1 9.2(56) Fitzroy Reds : Cianci 6 Tornese 4 Diacngiongis 2 Linehan Atherton Dawson Bennie Murphy Pollard. Best: Atherton Cianci Ronchi Pollard Dawson Baker. Saleshun S Logan 4 A Thain 2 M Fewema M Canavan S Sutherlands. Best : Davey Canavan Stevens Nannes S Logan S Suthedands . Umpires: Brendan Devlin Luke MoneriefT (F) Bianca Share Amanda Whittaker (B) Steven Ptperno (G) ORMOND 4.1 5.5 8 .7 13 . 8(88) BANYULE 4.2 8.4 11.5 13.5 (83) Ormond : Miller 3 Denning 3 Robbins 2 Beckett 2 Whelan Grace Bailey . Best: B Deledio Beckett Miller teHennepe Whelan Robbins . Banyule: J Egan 3 Jones 2 O'Connell2 Lorenoni 2 Wilson Davies Demetriou Connelly, Best: N Taylor Dooley Gayfer Gloury C Taylor Davies . Umpires: Phil Callil (F) PENINSULA 0 B 4.3 6.5 8 .7 12 .8 (80) PRAHRAN 1 .1 5.5 7 .7 10.8 (68) Peninsula; Payze 5 Torossi 2 J Coglilan Wamer Tealow Haley Growcott Best Cook Murray Payze Crean N Claringbokl Davis . Prairies: Rhodes 2 Sleight 2 Aitken 2 Dibben 2 Ballard Alcockj . Best: M Harrison Kellow Perrier lYmdridge Pitts Akock . Umpires: Dharshaka Penis in AgURW 0 .3 1 .5 6.10 6.11 (47) YARRA VALLEY 1 .5 3 .11 4.16 6 .22 (58) Aquinas : Jess 2Whitehead TaruID Caskey Leonard . Best: Whitehead Jess Cooper Evans Bethune Davies . Yams Valley : Balshaw Beal M Laing Stevenson Stone Valappi . Best Drew Taylor Lear Pask Savage Balshaw . Umpires: David Irons Lionel Katz (F) Edward Boa] Patrick Mitchell (G) OLD MENfONIAPtS 3.4 4.4 7.7 8.7(55) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6.0 16.4 24.5 30.7 (187) Old Mentonlans: Fairbanks 3 Carter 2 Ball Cochrane Woodland. Best : Costello Walker Mitvalsky Fairbanks Ball Ferguson . University Mocks : Groom 6 Price 4 M .Kempton 3 Hanna 3 Reggio 3 S .waLsch 2 Smith 2 Sebilia 2 Costello Savige Velella F .Kempton Bevacqua . Best: Bevacqua Price Groom F.Kempton Baxter S .WaL.~ch . Umpires : Leah Gallagher (Rotation) David Phillips (F ) DIRESERVE F"TTZROY REDS 6.4 10.7 16.11 22.13 (145) SALESIAN 0 C 0 .1 0.1 0.1 0 .1(1) Fitzroy Reds : Capodiferro 12 McKerrow 4 Sullivan 2 Densley LHolderhead Willingham Drew, Best: Capodiferro Sullivan Reeves L Byrne Moore O'Connor. Salesian: Van Suylen P Allen D Allan Riley Mirhams ORMOND 4.2 5.3 7.3 8.4(52) BANYIIIE 2 .1 4.2 6.7 7.8(50) Ormond: A Russell 2 Lance 2 Harvey Banks McConchie Byra . Best : Casey Douglas Dale Cromack McConchie Muz7ell . Banyule : T Egan 2 Noonan 2 C Taylor Creak Kenny. Best: T Egan C Taylor Nasrallah Kenny M Gray King PEN INSULA 0 B 1.1 3.2 6 .4 12.5 (77) PRAHRAN 0.2 0.4 2.6 2.6 (18) Penis: Harding 5 Brennan 2 Falldner 2 Parsons Angus Moran, Best : A Parsons Ferguson Heffernan Brennan Harding Palmer . Prahran: Potter. Best Boyd M Vagg Harvey Upton Killeen . AgU1NAS 2 .2 5.5 6.11 9.11 (65) YARRA VALLEY 1 .3 2.4 3.4 5.4(34) Aquinas: Box SWooden 2 Minogue Robinson . Best: Brown Robinson Box Edwards Vour,ookisTappley . Yams Valley: Peake Wines Sturzaker Buruma Hale. Best: Clark Cooper Seabourne Davis Rokild Wines . OLD MENTONIANS 1.0 4 .2 4.5 5 .7(37) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.6 2.8 6.13 7.15 (57) Old Prientoniaaa: Bournon 3 Coghlan S Wilson . Best : C Alexander Unford Stevens Bournon B Russo S Wilson . University Blacks: Kelley 2 Ross 2 Blake Ryan wood . Best Blake Ross Marlin Romijzon Kelley Ryan .
DI Section AQUINAS Coach : Steve Bell Res: Paul Harper
RANYULE Coach: Greg Whiicroft
1 . L. Toomey 2 . S . Tibb 3. S . Edwards 5. M. Hunter 6 . D . Minogue 7 . C . Glennie 8 . J . Jess (VC) 9 . T. Harkin 10. D. Boland 11 . M. Barmby 12 . A. Bethune 13 . D . Den Braber (C) 13 . C . Jeffrey 14. A . Lorkin 15. Ad. Williams 16. J . Hunt 17 . B. Redwood 18 .J. Hughes 19 . G. Whitehead (VC) 20. D. Skinner 21 . J . Pierce 22. S. Flynn 23 . M. Visser 24 . P. Harper 25. B . Volombell) 26. R. Weeks 27. C. Quinn 28 . B. Helme 29 . J. Wilson 31 . G. Evans 32 . D . Alford 33. C. Wooden 34. M . Tarulli 35. R. Chapman 36 . P. Caskey 37 .S. Leonard 38 . B. Moran 39. S . Bethune 40. S . Haun 41 . G . Davies 42 . R. Moran 43 . M. Slattery 44. J. Tapply 45. D . McCartan 46. T. Vandersluis 47. Ant . Williams 48. R. Brown 49. M. Griffin 50 . C . Crozier 52 . A . Pringle 53 . D. Robinson 54. M . O'Halloran 55. L Staffor d 56. P. Cruickshank 57 . M. Harri s 58 . H . Tyssen 59 . B . Cooper 60. L Elliott 61 . I . Drew 62. C . Lyng 63 . A. Barrie
1 Reed B 2 Witchell D 3 Taylor N 4 Creek M 5 Willmore B 7 Taylor C 8 Cantwell B 9 Plant J 10 Moxon B 11 Wilson D 12 Egan J 13 Dooley A 14 O'Donnell H 15 Gray S 16 Demetriou A C 17 Davis 18 Wise T 19 O'Connell L 21 Dintinosante R 22 Taylor C 23 Gray M 24 Nield A 25 Gayfer B 26 Mounsey B 27 Jones J 28 Sproules D 29 Nasrallah D 30 Mutton D 31 McLellan G 32 Natoli M 33 Phelan D 34 Lorenzini S 36 George M 37 Thompson T 38 Gayfer D 40 Smith M 41 Tshaikiasky A 42 Richardson L 44 Connelly J 45 Roethe A 48 Tuckman S 49 Bell G 55 Williams D
Res: John Fraser
FITZROY REDS Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Teha n 1 . D .Hanna m 2 . B. Holderhead & A . Walsh 4 . M . Calms & J . Hamilton 5. P. Diacogiorgis 7. L . Byme 8 . A. Byrne 9 . H . Fletcher 11 . B . Atherton 12. D. Murphy 13. A. Dawson 14 . T. Clarke 16 . G. Crane 17 .B .Lee 18. M . Baker 19. Pa Cook 20. T. Mitchell 21 . C. Meighen 22 . C . Sullivan 23 . T. Jackson 24. J . Parsons 25. D Bah r 27. J . Tomese 29 . V. Cahil l 30 . C . Little 31 . P. Crowe 32. A . Grant 33. S . Duty 35. P. Cook 36. M . Reeves 37 . A. O'Reilly 39 . A. George 40 . G. Banco 41 . M . Bridges 42. I . McBumey 45. J . Bennie 46 . N . M ann 47 . W. Bahr 48 . N . Vaughn 51 . J Rawlins 52. B . O'Connor 53. S. Addicott 56 . T. Madden 57 . R . Rome 61 . G. Virtue 62 . N . Auden 63. C. Andrew 67. R. Holderhead 71 . T. Leske 73 . J. Bare 75 . B . Pollard 76. D. Cu rtis 77. A. Grillo 80. G . Box 81 . J. Savage 95 . D . Flanagan 97 . D . Ronchi 99. C . McGrath
OLD MENTONIANS Coach : Peter Russo Res : Jamie Winduss
ORMOND Coach: Adrian Connolly Res Coach : Peter O'Dea
1 Deledio L 2 Beckett D 3 Denning J 4 Grace A 5 Martinov M 6 Whelan D 7 Keleher S 8 Miller M 9 Metz S 10 Banks T 11 Robbins D 12 Deledio B 13 Lees C 14 James S 15 Talley C 16 Stewart T 17 Russell L 18 Cove W 19 Cleary D 20 to Hennepe D 21 Wiley R 22 Brown H 23 Naylor T J 24 Muzzell 25 Dale 26 Harvey 27 Ashford 28 Clinch 29 Palling 30 Wells 31 Young 32 O'Brien 33 Cook 34 Russell 35 Bailey 36 Casey 37 Everett 38 Byra 39 Ferrari 40 Douglas 41 Upstill 42 Keleher 43 Parsons B 44 Broadhurst M 45 Franklin J 46 Johnstone C 47 Goonan A 48 Saunders R 49 Jowett D 50 Dipasquale S 51 Dipasquale T 52 Brown M 53 Harvey K 54 Ramsay M 55 Rayson B 56 Farrell M 57 Kentara R 58 Beed D 59 Hoare N 60 Konstanty P 61 Franklin L 62 Roylance D 63 McConchie S 64 Loetje D SPONSORS 65 Anderson M 66 Waterson L PHILLIPS & 67 Harper P 68 Cromack B NICHOLSON 69 Austin A DAVIS LAUNDRY 70 Farrell D C 71 Hassell ZENITH 72 Rogash P INTERIORS 73 Stone B 74 Gouzenfitter L MENTONE HOTEL 75 Lance M A JEFFERSON FOR D 76 Strauch
1 . T. Mitvalsky 2. C . Twentyman 3. R . Ball 4 . R . Woodland 5 . C. Mackay 6 . C. Alexander (VCR) 7 . M . McCloskey (DVC) 8. G . Ferguson 9. J. Walker 10 . S. Voiqt 11 . D . SolTey 12. C. Dwyer (CR) 13. B . Russo 14. M . Strou d 15. J. Costello (DVC) 16 . B. Carroll 17 . N . Linford (CR) 18 . T. Boumo n 19 . A. Palmer 20. D. O'Connor 21 . J . O'Brien 22. B. Coghlan 23 . A. Drinan 24 . D . Cochrane 25 . B . Fairbanks 26. G . Dart 27. A. Kiantos 28. D . Kmo (VC 29 . A. Carter (C~ 30 . D . Russo 31 . M . Elliott 32 . M . Bunter 33. S . Worrell 34. P. Flaskis 35 . D . Murphy 36 . D . Alexander 37 . M. Francis 38 . T. Milli s 39. K. Campbell 40. R. Alexan der 41 . S. Cozens 42 . M . Basile 43 . G . Hubbard 44 . L Sunter 45. A . Erskine 46. A . Bowtell 47. J . Kelly 48 . D. Stevens (VCR) 49 . N . Fishe r 50 . K. Regan 51 . A. Wilson 52. M . Watts 53. S . Wilson 54. D. Goodbody 55. M . Kalviskis 56 . B. Thomas 57 . S. Fairb an ks 58 . A . Worrell 59 . A . Joy ce 60. A . 0'Reilly 61 . B . Saunders 62. R . Schloeffel 63 . C . Palmer 64 . M. Austi n
wvrw.fitzroyfc .com .au . ._ . . . - , ,,, I ., .,T- I . o -
San Coach : Julian Sill Res : Brian Cronin 1 S Parsons 2 A Parsons 3 M Goldthorp 4 E Bowen 5 N Kent 6 M Warner 7 S Murray 8 P Angus 90AHale it J Sill y 12 S Ferguson 13 B CaaM' 14 S White 15 J Davis* 16 S Claringbold 1 7 J Coghlan 18 J Wheelan 19AMckinst ry 20 S Prendergast 21 ATeelow 22 AAtchison 23 R Powney 24 T Prendergast 25 A Powell 26 G Lethbridge 27 S Payze 28 B Taylor 29 S Torossi 30 A Crea n 31 * 32 B Liuai 33 R Stainfort h 34 M Falkiner 35 T Lane 36 N Bowman 37 J Growcott 38 T Coghla n 39S Wilson 40 D Hubbard 41 A Vidotto 42 N Claringbol d 43 B Dunn e 44 C Mclean 45 L Prendergast 46 T Moran 47 L Palmer
48 N Heffernan 49AMinchin 50 A Bonner 51 R Hayman 52 A Wood 53 54 C Wilson 55 R Cannon 56 57 58 P Mangan 59 60 61 62 63 69 J Muir
Coach : Lelgh Stafford Rese rves: Andrew Gillam 1 . C. Clauscen 2 . L. Stafford 3 . J . Ferrier 4 . D . Cullen 5 . H . Pi tt s 6 . A. Donachie 7. T. Greening 8. I . Hunt 9. A. Burman 10. M . Mc Cudden 11 . A. Pitts 12. C. Moffat 13. L. Northway 14. L. Fox 15. C. Tooley 16 . A. Rhodes 17 . M . Harrison 18 . M . Windridge 19 . S . Ramage 20 . J . Kellow 21 . T. S rre ~ Y 22 . A . Sleight 23 . R . Marriott 24. K. Plummer 25. L . Aitke n 26. A. Dibben 27. W. Watford 28. K. Watford 29. P. Gartland 30. M . Radywonik 31 . S. Fraser 32. D. Ballard 33. A Wood 34. R. Alcock 35. J . Bedford 36. G . Beven 37. M . Boyd 38. E . Macdonald 39. J . Matherson 40 . R . Ferrero 41 . J . Upton 42 . B . Downing 43, S . Kennett 44 . B. Lynn 45 . T. Mahoney 46 . S.. Killeen Moylan 47 . J 48 . J. Va gg 49. I . Dennis 50. B. Mahoney 51 . N. Ha rvey 52. N Gill 53. A. Ryan 54. K. Sagnol 55. M . Vag 56. A. Potter 57. L. Castle 58. T. Murphy 59. S . Dixon 60. M . Roach 61 . B . Campbell 62 . R . Ham 63 . R . Mackay 64 . J . Belcher 65 . B. Sodoma 66 . S. Campbell 67 . S. Oliver 68 . S. B Bell 69. . Todd 70. S. Conley
Coach: Peter Turley Res Coach : Adrian Chippaini 1 . A. Stevens 2 . A. Thain 3 . S. Sutherland 4 . C . Rose 5. M. Canavan 6. D. Forer 7. D. Foley 8. S. Logan 9. A. Campbell 10. S . Oldfield 11 . A . Davey 12. M . Cooke 13. I . Bobetic 14. P. Evans 15 . L. Rose 16 . P. Dolman 17 . M. Forbes 18 . D . Ba~ 19 . M. Ferwerda 20 . A. Seeger 21 . A. Bonnici 22. S. Greely 23. T. Henson 24. A. Grace â&#x20AC;˘ 25. C. Ryan 26. J. Nannes 27. P. Allen 28. M . Byrne 29. D. Bowman 30. 0. Le 31 . B . Grams 32. G. Riley 33 . N. Callaghan 34 . C. Goulden 35 . P. Knott 36 . S . Nolan 37 . J . Brennan 38 . A. Gaspari 39. P. Pitts 40. M. Forer
41 . P. Forbes 42. P. Hanlon 43. M. Van Suylen 44- P. McClaren 45. D. Allen 46. S. Savage 47. K. Gallacher 48. J. Logan LOg 49. M . Oakley 50. S . Kavanagh 51 . A . Foley 52 . M . Forbes 53 . E . Maillard 54 . M. Smyth 55 . E . Hanapy 56 . M. Loughnan 57 . S. Sewell ~ M. 59. A. Healy 60. A. Bates 61 . R . Cincotta 63. A. Chippiani 64. S. Sinclair 65. M . Sutton 66. S. Sinclai r 67. B. Kirchner
Senior Coach : A. Parkin Reserves Coach: M. Fitt olan i Club 18 Coach : C. Baulc h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Costello S. Chandler R . Hamilton M. Rizio L. R awnsley C. Fink S. P rice B. Watch (~C18) 9 P. Kempton ~ 10 W. Hanna 11 S . Watch 12 M . Cunningham 13 A . Ross 13 C. Baulch ( R/C18) 14 C. P ri ce 15 B . Shaw 16 J . talich 17 A . Moffatt 18 C . Groom 19 M. Kempto n 20 C . Sand'rford 21 J . Sibilia 22 E. Nolan 23 P. Barry (Capt) 24 V. Romijn 25 A. Katsaros 26 D. Batten 27 M . Savige 28 P Otsuka 29 A. Steer 30 A. Jesse 31 B. Costello 32 A. Cameron 33 W. Blak e 34 S. Middleton 35 B . Villella 36 M . Prowse 37 R. Dabraio 38 S . Bloodworth 39 B . Cunningham 40 N . Ma rtin 41 T. MacCallum 42 A . Smith 43 C . Beaton 44 E. Ran 45 R . Scadett 46 A. Kelley 47 A. Wilson 49 R . Dillon 50
51 53 54 57 58 61 63
. Goonan A
R . Wood D . O'Keeffe M. Petersen D. Weddel l B. Edwards J. Black . Hipasley L 65 J . Fulle r 66 C. Lewis 67 N. Goonan 68 T. Portet 69 M . Swampillai 70 J . Gree n 71 S . Palmer 72 L.Clancy 73 E . Bech Kercheval 75 H . Ellis 76 C . Webb 77 T. Brumby-Rundell 81 S. Spong 83 P. Molloy 85 B. Weber 86 T. Rowe 87 A. Watkins 94 A. Powell 97 L. Merlo 98 K. B eqely 110 S. B a d e
Proudly Sponsored b y
Shann Accessories
RetraVision Armadale
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~ rn nnn .
cnr Elgin & Cardigan St
YARRA VALLEY Coach : Tim Kill wort h
Res. Coach : Simon Taylor. R. Pearce 1 T. Mor ris 2 M. Thompson 3 g A . Drew 5 Ro Drew 6 C . Beal 7 L . Morris 8 J. Keem 9 T Hancock 10 T. Mclllrath 1 1 J. Cremean 1 2 L . Gillies 1 3 B. Nickolas 1 4 E. Kruse 1 4 N. Pask 1 5 L. Taylor 1 6 A . Laing 1 7 C, Strong 1 9 T. Hale 20 D . Stevenson 2 1 B . Drew 2 2 R . Yeo 23 M. Davies 2 4 F. Pellegrino 25 J . Longwo rth 26 S. Savage 27 M. Rockicki 28 R. Coutts 29 D. Pott er 30 S. Urbano 31 J. Parry 32 P. Cremean 33 B. Seeger 34 B. Peake 3 5 P. Jarvie 36 D. Balshaw 3 7 B, Morrison 38 J . Tompkins 39 Wines 40 B ., Downs 4 1 A . Stone 42 S . Yeo 43 J . Ho 44 A . Wingate 45 T. Oliver 46
S. Collie 47 R . Davis 48 S. Seaboume 49 J, Peake 50 H . Clarke 51 A. Hartnett 52 S. Fyffe 53 S. Simpson 54 A. Vass 5 5 T. Lloyd 5 6 P. Pickering 5 7 G . Kerr 5 8 A Joiner 59 D. Redfern 60 P. Valoppi 6 1 P. Baruma 62 B . Whitechurch63 T. Peters 64 M. Norrish 65 A. Russell 66 B. Vawles 6 7 T. Collet 68 R . Collet 6 9 N . Lear 70 M. Laing 71 G . Cou tts 76 S. Thompson 77 N. Peters 78
. - - ---- - -- -
Stereo 974 FM
p u m a. c o m
Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am
.. ... .. .. .
For news, views and previews, tune to TtlE .4 MMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco , Norm Nugent & panel
SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00a m
Then to LOCAL SPO R TS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e
Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m . e very Saturday ~..._..._ _. ._---... .. __- ----do ~ ST" MAY F-D TRINITY V WHITEFRIAR S ',C?j7" V 1177.77 T777ITY }i °_° :aY l I
EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS " in tune with the outer east"
~ VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAAEA team s between 6.00 -6 .15pm each Saturday night . '1 im jL VAFA segment with Phil Steven s 1,~7®~1%~i1'kUL ° 1 .~~~ .T'11• Se~l!~~l.~~ y
9 .30 - 10 .30 a .m .
STEVE M cCARTF9Y WITH ALL THE VA FA NEWS ••• This weeks guest: Mark Beasley (St . Bedes Mentone Tigers)
,--- -
~ 0
St Bernards {A), St K ' , Old don, Old Paradians (B) , `o
Therry Penola (C), Uni Bla,,',, LaTrobe Uni , Wes t Brunswick (D2), Rupertswood W3), North Brunswick (M) .
REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 p m Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
~ }{
The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and (
Johnathan Horn reviews the competition in Monday's Age
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Preren4ed by Glenn Scarboroug v h with guests from
0 1 74
St Bernerda ( d) , St IS,ecins , Old Essendon, Old Paradises (B) , Therry Penola (C), Uni Blacks (Dl), LaTrobe Uni (1)2) ,
i FA
Ruge d (DS), North Brunswick ( 1)4) .
1 1I P WS Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
Radio Advert Promotion . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 25
Fuc_ .:~o n Andrew
Ivanhoe Assumption prevailed in a low scoring contest against Ivanhoe Assumption and Old Geelong at The Boulevard, Old Carey won handsomely away Old Carey . Ivanhoe to an undermanned Williamstown CYMS. A revamped Assumption coach John Swinburne University combination lost another heartbreaker at Matthew said Old Care y home, this time to Bulleen-Templestowe; Moorish Gryphons were the best side in the competition . "They're tall, fit, athletic scored a convincing home victory against West Brunswick andand at they run hard," Matthew said . But Matthew said his side would up apugood t showing if they maintained their aggression Arthur Street . Bentleigh broke through for their first win of the at the football . in a hard fought contest against LaTrobe University . This week's game has been moved from Old Carey's main oval to Preview Gramllck Oval . Old Carey does not have a good record here and Old Carey square off against Ivanhoe Assumption at Gramlick Oval in a top of the table clash . The Panthers continue to might be ripe for the picking . Old Carey is a tremendous front running with their early season form, looking on course to g side but showed the character required last week t o redeem themselves after last year's disappointing finals come back from a four-goal first quarter deficit . They'll need campaign, while the Hoes also appear to be in rude health every bit of that character this week to defeat the Hoes . despite their slog against the OGs last week. Should be an Bulleen Templestowe has a golden opportunity when they host . The CYMS are missing their best player Williamstown thi s absolute corker with goals aplenty. Old Carey have been week in forwar d Lee but showed last week in outscoring Old particularly impressive in this regard and would appear to have Dave the edge in this department, and personally, that's enough for me Carey five goals to one in the first quarter they are capable of far betterhave shown . to pick them in this contest today . than what they withstood a final quarter challenge from Swinburn e The Bulleen-Templestowe face Williamstown CY1dS at Ted Ajani Bullants Reserve. The Bullants appear to have their critics, despite being last wee k but will not want to have another final quarter lapse this weekend ..andzip,wlbeokgfracnviwtope their credentials, whilst the Seagulls will be aiming to Winless squareSwinburne are still a few weeks from getting their side their w n-loss ledger and gain some much needed percentagesettled in down but coach Derek Throne believed his side was the process . Hard to imagine so many sweeping changes coming slowly improving . "We're on our way back to where we want to Theone said . The Razorbacks have registered competitive at once, and BT look the more stable side at the moment . ," be losses Geelong and Bulleen Templestowe Bullants should win today . so far to Old Carey, Old and again be competitive this week . West Brunswick welcome Swinburne University to McAlister will West Brunswick has had an up and down start to the season . Oval . Despite having the only win of the two sides so far this season, the Wicks have basically flattered to deceive, but will beThis game will be a tough and close, low-scoring affair but the Magpies home-groun d by Cannane's return to action last week, and he -ground advantage might just be enough to up th e should be better for the run. It could be argued that the odds in their favour . Confidencehavebnulckyitaswofhermcdn at Monash will be high after the Gryphons last wee k thrashed 2003 preliminary finalists West Brunswick . The so far, and I imagine would see themselves as a big show this week, especially if the twin towers of Murchie and Higgins ca n wreak havoc . In form, these two are as good as any forward double act at this level, and I feel they will be the different makers and game breakers today . Sw nburne to will. A triple header (Club XVIII, reserves and seniors) at LaTrobe University as the home side host Monash Gryphons in a varsity derby. The visitors will be especially buoyant after their (1A1117LST'. :' ;' TOTAL CLUE breakthrough win last week, and their runners may well enjoy the wide open spaces at Bundoora, but the Trobers will be D2 SECTION desperate to atone for their loss against Bentleigh that saw them Williamstown Wi lliams 3 13 drop to the basement position. Monash however will look to set Old Carey Angus T 4 11 themselves up before their D3 grand final rematch against Paul 3 10 Bentleigh Swinburne next week, and a win will do the trick nicely . It's Kent 2 9 Old Carey Monash for mine . Valkins 2 9 Ivanhoe Ass Finally, Old Geelong clash with Bentleigh at Como Park in a MIlesi 2 9 Bulleen Temp contest between fourth and fifth position . Many observers will Malone 3 9 point out the significant gap between the top four and the rest, Monash Gry and they'd probably be right, but I have the feeling that this Parton 4 9 Old Carey means nothing to Justin Paul's men, whose drought breaking D2 RESERVE win saw them move to the fringes of the four. However, the OGs, Gonis Monash Gry smarting over their defeat last week, will be keen for a reversal Avery and consolidate their top four position . I feel though, that the Old Geelong Guerra Old Carey OGs will be too good today . Will iams Bulleen Temp What Andrew Says Fallaw This week's match of the round features two unbeaten teams in Old Geelong
Gryphons have steadily improved since their first round humiliation at the hands of Old Carey and will consider themselves favourites in this week's clash of the universities . Lo Trobe might be sitting at the bottom of the ladder but coach Glenn Taylor said he had never seen such a tight-knit group of players . "I've coached at some other clubs where you only need to lose a couple of games for heads to drop," Taylor said . "But their spirit is just brilliant. " The mood is also buoyant at Bentleigh. Bentleigh coach Justin Paul praised his players' maturity at the death last week against La Trobe . "We stuck to the game plan even when we were under pressure ." Paul said . "Rfien it was close towards the end we played some pretty smart footy . " Old Geelong who are still smarting after their disappointing loss last week to Ivanhoe Assumption . Old Geelong coach Michael Lockman said his side needed to lift after not being prepared physically or mentally to play last week . "We're capable of playing good football but we didn't display it," he said. On the vast expanses of Como . Old Geelong should be able to overcome Bentleigh's physical style of game and return to the winners' list , Tips Old Carey 2 Bulleen Templestowe 24 West Brunswick 1 Monash 6 Old Grr!nn!? 24 Swinburne Uni - This week sees James "Jimmy" Carter play his 50th game for Swinburne . Jimmy joined Swinburne in 2001 and has played regularly as a top reserves player and often required in the seniors . His hard attack on the ball always creates opportunities for his team and he is well respected around the club. Here is hoping for at least another 50 games from everyone at the Razorbacks . Jimmy, well done . Ivanhoe Assumption AFC - congratulates two players on reaching key milestones with the club last weekend . Hard-hitting opportunist forward Matthew "Puffy" Maud clocked up his 200th game and veteran goalsneak John "Frisky" Frisina reached his 100th game. Maud starred with the Ivanhoe Juniors before spending a couple of seasons with Fitzroy under 19s . He overcame a knee injury to return for his 18th season this year . A life member and past committeeman, Puffy you are a true Hoer. Frisina joined the Hoes from the DVFL in 1997 and has been a regular source of inspiration to his teammates, playing much bigger than his actual height and blessed with magnificent hand and foot skills. Well done both of you . Go Hoes! Social Swinburn e is having "Crossing at Vibe" event at Vibe Nightclub in Smith street on May 22nd . The theme is "Guys as girls and Girls as Guys". A DJ, complimentary cocktail and finger food are part of the ticket . $20 for social club members, $25 for non members . Tickets are available from Kate Maguire on Kate. MaguireÂŽdhs .vic .gov .au, or from senior coach Derek Thoene. Note Any club wishing to plug upcoming social events and milestones can do so by contacting me at s30432479studen[ .rmit .edu .au by Monday 2pm .
TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTION Old Carey v Ivanhoe Assumption - Gr ii ck Oval (Carey Grammar) Bulleen Templestowe v Williamstown Cyru s West Brunswick v Swinburne Un i La Trobe Uni v Monash Gryphons - Reserves to be played at 11 .3 0 a .m . Old Geelong v Bentleigh
IV':' -HOE A9Stii,_i'ITON 7.2 8 .3 8 .5 9.8(62) OLD GNU LONG 0.2 4 .5 6.7 6.11 (47) Ivanhoe Assumption: Vaikanis 2 Frisina Tucker O'Neil Maud Wood Shemshedin Scarprvi. Best: Wood Morris Sampson Brown Joyce Cotter . Old Geelong, Goldsworthy 2 Ainsworth Munro Betts O'Brien . Best: W Paul McCarthy Stinchcombe E Bayles Betts H Legoe . Umpires: Peter Liddell (F) Matthew Cowley Christopher Kaleta (G) WIId.IAAASTOWN 5.1 8.3 9.4 11 .6 (72) Old) CAREY 1 .1 10.4 17.13 19 .22 (136) W : Williams 3 Woods 3 McCutcheon Taylor Thomas. Dowsey Munroe Best: Williams Taylor Williams Oldham Monhurst Old Carey: T Angus 4 Parton 4 C Angus 2 James 2 Wood 2 Kent 2 Stewart Homes 2 Bowles Shone. Best Kent Parton Simile Angus C Crasher Stewart-Homes. Umpires: Anthony Calderone (F) Ryan Place Joel Wignell (B) SWINBURNE UNI 2 .2 3.5 5 .10 10 .11 (71) BULCEETi TE WE 4 .2 7.3 7.8 11.10 (76) Swinburne Uni: Mumble 3 Fidler 2 M . HWgns 2 Whiting Piotrowski Fragiarnmo. Best: Fragtacomo Whiting Jones Kiss Morrison Dawson. BuBeen Tem : Wise 3 Milesi 2 Williams 2 Smith Robertson Humphrey Teehan. Best Schneider Matthews Chivers Robertson Teehan . Umpires: Anthony Simpson Paul Jones (F) Gam Clancy James Exton (G) ' :ONASH GRYPHONS 3.3 8 .7 11 .8 15.10 (100) WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .1 4 .3 5.8 7.10 (52) Monash Gryphons: Malone 3 T Bourbon 2 Leeton 2 Flowerday Kent L Clark Denyer N Rutherford Waters S Bourbon Watson . Best: T Bourbon Denyer Kent R Caxhead N Rutherford Malone . West Branssaic§: PfeLSch 2 Hussey P Hamilton Leany Torney Brookshaw . Best Williamson Stewart Jenkins Leahy Ptetseh Edwards . Umpires: Dianne Whiteley (F) Kyle Mankcy (G) BENTT1iIGH 5.3 9 .7 12 .7 12.11 (83) LA TROBE 3.2 6.5 10 .6 11.8 (74) Bent: Paul 3 Loper 2 Robertson 2 Francis 2 Mikkelsen 2 Fox . Best: Fax Mikkelsen Seeley Sharp Francis Lupoi. La 1'robe: Fanant 3 Prusllng 3 Mawdsley 2 Buttiqeg Gleeson Dalrymple . Best: Pruscino Butt'~+'eg McMeekin Ludeman Davis Cannot Um : Rick Love Paul7Uppen (Fj Paul Whitehead Michael Lee (G) D2 RESERVE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 1 .1 1 .1 1.2 1.2(8) OLD GEELONG 7.4 9.8 14.12 18 .18 (126) Ivanhoe Assumption; Serafni. Best: O'Connell Nemtsis Scoble Chazan Heger Singh. Old Geeloag: Fallaw 5 Avery 3 Hope-Johnson 2 T.Bayles 2 Morley 2 T Legoe 2 T Paul Slattery . Best: T Paul Fallaw Walses T Bayles Dhillon I.ockk. [9Bd.lAR+iSTOWN 3 .2 3.3 5.4 5.5(35) OLD CAREY 2 .3 4.8 5 .11 10 .15 (75) Williamstown: Welsh 2 Nisbet Jones Street. Best : Buttegieg Kosmatos Street Nisbet Jones . Old Careg: Gurra 2 Constantinidis 2 Mason 2 Bull Wood England Graham. Best: McFarlane Wood Graham Elsner Rossinguolo Battle . SWINBURNE UNl 4 .1 8 .8 9 .11 11.14 (80) BULLEEN TE WE 2 .1 3 .1 4.4 5 .4(34) Swlnhurne Uni : Liston 3 Hamner 2 Flack 2 George 2 Anastassi J . Roberts. Best: Demarte George Flack rlndrinopoulos Goode Liston , Bulleen Tem l : D . Williams 2 J . Newman Tos<ani Tsokas. Best: Buecichio Newman Parris Scarano Rogers Verca . biONASH GRYPHONS 5 .2 5 .5 8 .9 11 .12 (78) WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .1 2 .3 2 .3 4 .5(29) &3onaah Gryphons : Lanberg 3 Mannikhuis 2 Goods 2 C Yanni 2 Belle 2 . Best: Grady Still Citera J Rutherford Mannikhuis McKenzie. West Brunswick: Russell Sutherland James Smith. Best: T Thompson Bow-shall-Tanner Goonan Jones Greening Sutherland . BEfvZ7F.IG_H 1.1 3 .2 3 .3 4.5 (29) LATROBE 1.4 1.5 5 .9 6.11 (4 ) Bent: Beastie Banks Piigg P Sampson . Best: Oldlield Gold Banks Hutchison Ferris Prigg . La Trolx : Mambwe 3 Correnti Dumaresq Hewitt Best Correnb Bridges Murphy Spring Benton Butler.
I)2 Sectio n BENTLEIGH
Coach : Justin Paul Asst: Troy Lupoi Res Coach: Steve Hall 1 C. Sharp 2 JPaul 3 A Pittito 4 S Sice 5 M Eyles 6 A Jolly 7 J Robertson 8 J Handtield 9 TRowe 10 R Pearce 11 D Martin 12 N Aitken 13 S Craven 14 D Vardy 15 TLupoi 16 G Allen 17 S Francis 18 S Adaway 19 B Fox 20 R Fishlock 21 A Ferris 22 A Smith 23 G McFarlane 24 LHolmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Padgham 27 J Seeley 28 M McCulloch 29 A Clough 30 D Ferguson 31 A Banks 32 D Kopitschinski
BUlLEEN TEMPLESTOWE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Steve Easton Res.Coach : Andrew Parris 1 B Tour 9anis 2 M Stella 4 W Thompson 5 C Parris 6 ATehan 7 P Robertson 8 J Wise 9 J Matthews 10 P Tsokas 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Wilke 15 LThompson 16 S Smith 17 T Coram 18 D Horvath 19 C Morrison 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews 24 J Newman 25 D Williams 26 S Boyd 27 D Rogers 28 P Milesi 29 A Fitt 30 D Florence 31 L Norbu Y 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare
33 P Withington
34 S Lambro poulos
34 R Morris 35 Llreson 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beattie 39 G Prigg 40 A Steward 41 P Dimattina 42 A Mikkelsen 43 M Vukic 44 R Punter 45 R Brookshaw 46 R Lawford 47 M Scanlan 48 R McEvoy 49 A Lee 50 A Stases 50 LWilken 51 P Sampson 52 LSampson 53 D Gunn 54 R Oldheld 55 G Richards 56 C Aitken 57 S Nankervis 58 TCaterson 59 I Jackson 60 S Kennedy 61 H McKenzie 63 S Stuart 64 M Hayes
35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 P Ganiatsis 38 N Scaglione 39 D Buccachio 40 A Foley 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Daskalou 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 47 C Morivitis 48 A Morivitis 49 D McMahon 50 D Glover
Sp onsor CHRIS' DIPS
Coach : John Matthew Assist Coach : Doni Valkanis Res. Coach : Anthony Conti 1 . S. Conley 2. M. Maud 3 . C . Tucker 4 . T. O'Neill 5 . J . Scoble 6 . E . Healy (v.capt) 7 . P. Rawley 8 . J . Shuttleworth 9 . R . Peoples 10. P. Lee 11 . D. Valkanis 12. P. Tonkin 13. S . Narkiewicz 14 . S . Kaso 15 . J. Curtin 16 . P. Harris 17 . S. Morris 18 . D. Abud 19 . D . Wood (d .v.capt.) 20 . N . Pye 21 . N . Blainey 22 . A. Height 23 . D . Ryan 24 . B. Frew 25. J . Frisina 26. P. Cameron 27. J . Finlayson 28. S . Matthews 29. J . Crapper 30. S . Kaso 31 . S . Scapari 32. J . Icefo 33. S . O'Connell 34. B. Joyce 35. M . Serafini 36. J. Tamburro 37. P. Cotter 38 . M. Sheppard 39 . M. Ebbage 40 . D . Sartor 41 . C . McDonald 42 . R . Kolb 43 . A . Shemshedin 44 . T. Scott 45 . E . NuHall 46 . R . Nuttall 47 . B . Wafthers 48. A . Toogood 49. E . Marino 50. R. Sing 51 . D. Pearce 52. S . Sampson (capt.) 53. M . Chazan 54. T. Scott 55. D. Frank 56. G . Ford 57. M. Frannich 58 . D . Hager 59 . C . Mclnney 60 . J. Nemtses 61 . T. Mehmet 69 . J. Mazocca 78 . C . Brown
Senior Coach : Glenn Taylor Res Coach : Bob Ellis
MONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Phil Knigh t Assist Coach: John Leroy Res Coach: John Leroy
1 P.Morto n 2 W. Brown
1. 2. 3. 4.
7 T.Mannes . 8 C .Conent ~ 9 L.Walker 10 S.Davis .Murray 11 ATLudema ts n 14 D .Butler 15 S .Brooks 16 P.Farrant 17 S .Fitz eraki 1s C .Bight g 19 A .Randel l 21 M .Harvey 22 D.McMeekin 23 M .Cossar 24 LEnvall 25 tAFannng 26 D.Stevens 27 S .Pruscino 28 C.Ross 30 S.Geoert 31 A.Mambwe ~~.Wat~~ 34 J~9ie9 35 FTiernan
5. 6. 7. 8.
36 tMawdsley
24. D. Baxter
3 D .Sheklrick 4 H .Dav ies 5 S.Adamswaite 6 D .Gleeson
S . Bourbo n M . Heal y A. Grady M . Malon e J . Watson D. Bolle D. Walter J. Blandford
9. G . Wadley 10 . P. Williamson 11 . A. Nichols 12 . A. Gross
13 . J. Stratford 14 . A. Mckenzi e 1 5 . A. Clarke 16 . P. Rennison 17, P. Rutherford 18. M . Paolucci 19. R . Coxhead 20. C. Staff 21 â&#x20AC;˘ J . Bingham 22. B Coxhead 2 3. L. Clark
37 A.Gurney 39 R .Siater 40 S.Murphy 42 M.H an 43 A.Po~iu ton .Kernson 44 46 D D .Wright 47 A .Samson .McNamara 48 L 50 K .Hopkins 54 A .Hewitt 56 J .Nield 57 Awoolmer 58 J .DaI mpde 64 G-~ ~t 70 .Dumares 73 J.Sewell qJ 78 J.CGark 84 TPeters A.Baine
M .Bourke C.Clam p e'Ckrtterbuck TCohen M.Coisopoulos N .Cro"le N .Dunne
D .Fenneu M.Garrat K .Hickman S.Jackson C .Knee
R .Knights P.Vas A .Mann S .Miiler B .Murphy G.Murphy G.Nelson X .O 'Donnel
25. S . Kibblewhite 26. A. Denyer 27. R. Gilchrist 28. Luke Leeto n 29. P.Warren 30. P. Hollan d 31 . G . Roch e 32 . M. Lewis 33 . S. Nelson 34 . M. Graydon
35 . B Clark 36 . G. Bloc k 37 . A . Jenkin 38 . M Baro n 39 . D Grenfel l 40 . M . Willocks 41 . C. Archer 42 . J . Clarke 43. M . Mastromanno 44. L Well s 45. J . Goni s 46. G . Kent 47. M . Parker 48. G . Stil l 49. C . Robinson 50. S. Dresse r 51 . C . Leeton
C.Black L.Ryan S OTooel 1e J.Brodie S.Craig C.Franois S.Gloury S M' A.Murphy S.Rob~n J.waterman B.Laidla w A.Benton N .Bridc~es
52 . A. Flowerday 53 . M. Bourbon 54 . A. Perry 55 . G . Harra k 56 . J. Healy 57 . W. Pocock 58 . C . Yan n i 59 . A . Yann i 60 . T Bourbon 61 . A . Waters 62 . N Rutherfor d 63 I . Bagnal l 64. P. Patrick 76. J . Harra k
A.Coufter M.Dingl e D .Hil l L.O'Brie n A .Palmien J .Roiella H .Spring R .WOttsen C.Saqe C .Fefiri ng A .Paech B .Hider M G.Masa
. McDonal d
D2 Section OLD CAREY Senior Coach : Steve Maus Res.Coach : Andrew Gates 1 . C . Angus 2 . D . Faeli s 3 . M. Cohen 4 . D . James 5 . P. Konstantinidis 6 . C. Campbell 7. S . Jessup 8. A. Stewart-Holmes 9. B . Andrews 10. K. Shrives 11 . N. Everett 12 . L . M ac Fadane 13 . G . Trumbul l 14 . M . Mahon 15. N. Bull 16. R. Graham 17. A. Parton 18. C. Matthews 18. B . Chiuchiarelli (r) 19. T. Wood 19. P. Drake (r) 20. J. Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22 . C . Battle 23 . H . Van Cuylenberg 24 . L . Battley 25 . L. Chiuchiarell i 26 . A. Wood 27 . N. Vasilopoulos 28 . N. Sulman 29. C. Munro 30. A . Guerra 31 . J. Ward 32. P. Graham 33. N . England 34. T. Rossignuolo 35. S . McConnell 36. S. Wood
37. C . Ada m 37. D . Palmer (r) 38. L. Guerra 39. P. 40. S. Angus entt 41 . A Gates 42 . L . Morgan 43 . D. Joyce 44 . A. Kent 45 . T. Bull 46. S. Hill 47. B. Crasher 48. S . Bennett 49. S . Middleton 50. J . White 51 . B . Croft 59. C. Mason 61 . G. Morn 64 . C . Sm 65 . D . Elsner 76 . D . Grinzi
Coach: Michael Lockman Res Coach: Ben Dunn Ass Coach : Matt Edmonds 1 M Goldsworthy 2 W Ainsworth 3 J Fitzclarence 4 C Stinchcombe 5 M Vickers-Willis 6 J Bell 7 J Paul 8 G Allen 9 D Salter 10 M Avery 11 L Stevens 12 T Paul 13 T Cannon 14 D Tayor 15 H McCart hy 16 T Fallow 17 T Betts 18 J Malpas 19 S MacGowan 19 N Betts 20 J L o e 21 L Tea ue 22 T Be~es 23 C Fairbairn 24 S Lansdell 25 T Hope-Johnson 27 W Paul 29 J Hope-Johnson 30 B Goldsworthy 31 H Follett e 32 A Munro 33 E Bayles 34 S O'Brien 35 P Birks 36 T Makin 37 T Waters 38 T D'Antoine 39 J Kilpatrick 40 H Legoe 41 S Ross 42 E Plowman 43 B Grill s 44 J Urqhart 45 C Teague 46 J Mode 47 T Carey 48 R Herd 49 T Young 50 A Swottas 51 J Kilpatrick 52 S Griffiths 53 I Munro 54 C Wilson 55 H Cust 55 C Atkins 56 M Leslie 57 B Symons
58 J McCarthy
59 R KilpaVick 60 B M a C lean 61 T O'Brien 62 S Lyon 65 A Meek 66 J Imhoff 67 H Eastman 68 R Cuttler 69 A Southey 70 W de Fegley 71 S Water s 72 J Settler 73 ATimms 74 S Timm s 75 WTemple-Smith 76 J Urquart 77 P Winter 78 Youll 79 P Birks 80 P Winter 81 M Boucher 82 L Knight 83 H Lockie 84 TLegoe 85 AMcHugh
Coach : Derek Thoene Res . Coach : Paul James 1 . L Watts 2. J Sheedy 3, J Piotrowski 4. A Fidler 5. J Demarte 6 . D Harmer 7 . J Murchie 8 . M Higgins 9 . L Morrison 10 . M Anastassi 11 . D Milano 13 . K Barbary 14 . R Goode 15 . H Sutter 16. C Walsh 17. J Roberts 18. A Fiuman i 19* 6 O'Mara 20. D Wgg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22. C Thomas 24 . C Higgins 25 . M Whiting 26 . T Uston 27 . R Kiss 28 . J Ryan 29 . J Gordon 30. J Dunslord 32. P Beynon 38. S Christov 34. A Fricke 36. J Carter 37. D Barbera 38. M Tricky 39. R Roberts 40. J Coy 41 . S Ryan 42 . D MacFarlane 43 . J Andrinopolous 44 . M Ryan 45 . B White 46 . J Sandhu 47. T Morris 48. D Little 49. M Hudgson 50. M George 51 . M Pearson 52. N Lane 53. M Paul 54. M Eley 55, M Dinnin 9 56 . D Smit h 57 . C O'Keeffe 58 . M Flack 59 . C Gelley 60 . P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62. B Gorfne 63. M Roebuck 64. J O'Keeffe 65, ATeal 66. C Dent 67. D Beynon 68. L Sierakowski
Proudly sponsored by : Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd , H awth orn 9818 4991
Coach, Mq us HamiHon Res. Coach : 7roy Thompson 1a Drain M lb Hamilton A 2 Hamilton P 3 Heppell G 4 Lehmann C 5 Cannane A 6 Pietsch S 7 Benjamin S 8 Ba tters P 9 M째rphett A 10 Byrne S A jp Maguire T 13 Ritchie M 14 Bowshall - Tanner C 15 Russell M 16 Edwards S 17 Heywood R 18 McManus M 19 Touzel W 20 Henderson S 21 Bromwich J 22 Brockley S 23 Rudd D 24 Jenkin J 25 Siebrand J 26 Benjamin R 27 Brooks M 28 Ward J 29 SheedY C 30 Lewis M 31 Caller S 32 D'Andrea S 33 Thompson T 34 Twyford I Carmichael M 36 Campbell S 37 Dempsey T 38 C째째nan D 39 West R 40 Flanagan B 41 Greening P 42 Norman C 43 Tobin J 44 Haynes 5 45 Smith J 46 Howard R 47 Thompson A 48 Sutherland A 49 Haysey J 50 Hutchens N 51 Sherry L Muckenthaler T 53 Jelbart D Z 54 Rudd 55Kakler J 56 McDona h J 57 Williamson A 58 Tomey A 59 Simmonds N 60 Sprague M 61 Hilton K 62 Wright S 63 GarUan J 64 Stewart L 65 O'Brien N 66 Hussey R 67 Smith J 68 Waller E 69 Goonan M 70 Leah y 71 Brooksha
72 Hanson J
73 Clare M 74 Mona ue S 75 Brooks D 76 Chislett J 77 Howell R 78 Thompson J 79 Colquhoun J
WILLIAMSTOW N CYMS Coach : Deno Mcleo d Res Coach : Paul Dervan 1 D. Elia s 2 J . Buttigieg 3 D . Woud a 4 S. Wuchatsch 5 T. Wheeler 6 N . Grant 7 D. Sadler 8 J. McCutcheon 9 J. Munro 10 B. Cocks J . Anderson 12 A . Featherston 13 A . MackleY 14 J . Street 15 D . Taylor 16 S. Phemiste r 17 J. Digrazi a 18 D. Oldha m 19 S. Barlow 20 B. Koch 21 L Monkhurst 22 M . Kennedy 23 C. McNamara 24 C. Pach 25 G. Bur 9ess 26 D . Le e 27 C . Matthews B. Grant 28 A. Kosmatos 29 B. Griffen 30 K. Dowsey 31 J. Hyne s 32 D. Williams 33 T1 Boz 34 B. Jones 35 C. Bergin 36 T. Smit h 37 B . Hynes 38 M . Welsh 39 T. Carte r 40 D . Grieve 41 A McKenzi e 42 B. Hinsley 43 I. Arandez 44 M. Mannin g 45 P. Azzo rd 46 G . Singleto n 47 L Thomas 48 S . Snijders 49 F. Diblasi 50 D. Williams 51 B . Martin 52 R . Hart 53 T. Bell 54 P Vincen t 55 R . Nisbet 56 J. Thrush 57 0 . Jimenez 58 J. Robinson
Original and pink copy must be Ioagc~° umpires no liter than half time of any matO, Each player must sign the original cli a, Ip :na which must sh~~v first and sumame . Blue copy must be handed opposition captain at toss of coin .
..®st of a ic,c__I call ) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
Weekend matches (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments • Scores (Sat . night) !
LST _ --~VJICK PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20(
Ju~ ~Il~ ~ ~S 'LJ'
C速.'-,TES f~1P.E A6%fP's L--XJLT G .72, r---------------------------------------------- -----,
A: QUINTON OLEESON (UNIVERSITY BLUES : Nf01fOGLES (NORTH OLD BOYS ) )B C: RHYS LIMBRICK (MHSOB )D1 : LUKE TAYLOR (YARRA VALLEY OB ) D2 : ALISTAIR PARTON (OLD CAREY :. TOBY VAN DUUREN (MT. LILYDALE )D3 OC ) 04: CRAIG MAHONY (ELBTERNIIVIC~ )L --速--------------------------------------------- Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select hi s Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .
Phone : 13 15 52 24 Hou r Emergency 041833311 8
i n the V :'~- ) 速 The Udu nP 6~`~ Winning Gri n
C _ 速
If you are the person circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper.
,J~,rr . ,
. li~ P ~wa iii
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a r ff
by Geoff Reilley F-L I =- --1i, 1 1 D Section scribe Barry Hickey (2004 VAFA Executive member) provided his usual articulate descriptions and predictions and confirmed that since the re-configuration of the lower sections, the scramble to avoid relegation was already on in earnest . By the end of the Saturday only Old Essendon and Ajax remained undefeated in D . Old Camberwell defeated the fancied Old Carey comfortably in the end and had led all day . "Doe" Inkster had kicked 7 for Camberwell whilst "Hedgie" Hickey recorded 6 for Carey. The 'Wellers gave their best as Imberger, Pratt and A Hanson and Carey submitted Vasilopoulos, Soccio and Daniher.
The Old Xavs were succeeding everywhere with their seniors, reserves, club 18 and U 19's all in the top four and even their second U 19 team was only 4 points out of contention. The might of the red and black was very evident and already the talented U19 Section 1 team looked the ones to beat and were clear on top of the section . Disappointment was clearly evident when the VAFA Executive placed a statement in the weekly publication expressing the devastation of the decision of the SAAMFL not to send a team to Melbourne in June to play our C-F representative team . The Executive vowed to investigate all options thoroughly with a view to arranging by 2000 a suitable alternative for at least a five year period .
Following the recent introduction of the new "harassment" rule, Umpire's Corner outlined the 7 main features of the rule . Field Umpires designated C Section games were Kevin White, Paul Withington, Sharon Alger, Albie Firley, Andrew Thwaites , Geoff Moore, Cameron Stewart, Peter James, Mark Jenkins and Craig Bratjberg. Some experienced names here but at a guess, I would tip that the Andrew preceding Thwaites should have read Andrea! Plenty of accounting work for VAFA Treasurer Noel Rundle after the previous round with many fines recorded covering failure to phone through scores, incorrect scores and clubs failing to provide registered umpires for reserves' games .
Game of we round for excitement was probably at Brighton Beach where B section team Old Brighton Grammarians played at home to Banyule. 27 points down at half time, 8 .10 to 1 .7, the Bears had a great third term kicking 6 .1 to OB's 1 .4 to tie the scores, 14.11 each, the last change . In a high standard last term the lead changed many times and at the final bell, Banyul e 34
took the points with a solitary one point win, 20 .14 to 20 .13 . Bruce Mitchell's "Daicos" goal for the winners was a highlight. Best were Wayne, Gilham, Holt, P .Williams, Glass (Banyule) an d
Reid, Phillips, James Pollock, Maskiell, Lennox (Old Brighton) . 200 games at Bulleen limited to Mark Kelly, a great mark and member of1982 to 1986 premiership sides . Coaches' clipboard, edited by Brian Woodhead published excerpts from a few coaches . Perhaps Robert Shaw said it best: "we now have more educated people around . We have VSFL coaches, under 18 coaches, development coaches, nutritionists, weight coaches, sports psychologists, assistant coaches, and tackling coaches . But I'll tell you one thing that hasn't changed since triple Brownlow medallists played 60 years ago- You still have to go out and get the footy . " It was 200 games with the flags for VAFA goal umpire Ken Pitcher. Umpires' Corner welcomed back goal umpire Mike Lentini and said that he looked as though he'd done a big pre-season (on the PASTA) . True boot contest for the round was won by MHSOB's Jason Bamert who kicked 13 goals in the club's 28 .20 win against Kew 17 .14 .
Old Brighton in B Section kept their unbeaten record intact with a great win out at Therry . After an even first quarter, the "Tonners" went right away to win 18 .12 to 12 .12. Best were Woff, Brook, Cooper, Allen (5 goals) (Old Brighton) and Ratcliffe, O'Rourke, Matton (Therry) . A Section field umpires were S .Caruso, S .McCarthy, G .McKeeman . K.Segota, W .Henry, R .Simon, R.Francis, P.Wiseman, G .Hardiman, M .Bushfield . The Rovers had a big win against St Kevins OB, 34.15 to 9 .19 . Panagiotidis kicked 17 goals, the best score for the year by any forward . Salmon and McKellar were good players for Rovers, while Beale, McKaige and Sargeant starred for St Kevins Old Boys. B Section coaches were Alan Parris (BulleenTemplestowe), Stephen Buckley (Fawkner), Brian Ford (Monash Blues), Mark Sarau (Old Brighton), Alan Stoneham (Old Melburnians), Russell Forbes (Old Trinity), Frank Melican (St Bernards), Arthur THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Crotty (Therry), an d Kevin Morri son (Uni Blacks) . Uni Blues, after three terms of sluggish football really turned it on in the last quarter to overpower a disappointing Marcellin . Uni Blues with ruckm an Mike Yandell dominating the game gave Nick McCaulay an d Richard Furphy first use of the ball . Marcellin lead by one point at the last break. The Blues kicked 6.3 in the final 20 minutes of the game to come out comfortable winners . Joe Amad was prominent all day for the Eagles as was flan ker Tony Caffry ( 3 goals) . The shock in C Section was the one point result of St Kilda over Caulfield Grammari an s who had beaten the top side B anyule the previous week . The forwards, David Matthews ( Caulfield) and Tony Riddell ( St Kilda) both kicked 12 goals. Good players were Murphy an d the Howard brothers (M . & J .) for St Kilda an d Morri ssey an d T .Royals for Caulfield . k, 300 games to a truly great Amateur player, an d great in all sense of the word- St Kilda CBOC's Kevin "Ox" White . C Best and Fairest 1981, Runner-up 1975 and 1982 . Club Best an d Fairest (3 times), Captain 1974-76, 1980-84, and Victorian representative 1973, 79, 82 and 83 . At the carnival in 1982 in tight games his performances were truly magni fi cent, earning him the award as the Most Determined Player in the successful Victo ri an team . A hard working ruckm an , a classic high mark, an d above all a keen competitor and true sportsman . Ox is admired by all .
A Section coaches were Arthur Jackson ( BulleenTemplestowe), Bruce Ferguson (Collegi ans), John Po llard ( De La Sale), Ter ry Hayes (Chew), Michael Butler (Marcellin), John Russell ( North Old Boys), Trevor Read (Old Scotch), Gerard Sholly (Old Xave ri ans), Syd Myer ( Uni Blues) and Mike McArthur-Allen ( Ormond) . Ormond got home against Kew with a very s trong final term bringing victory by 21 points . Steve McCooke (6 goals), Vane an d Andrew Mehrten were Ormond's best with Gerny, Busuttil, Casawria . Filipovic ( 6 goals) starring for Kew.
Old Melburnians (A) scored their lirst points for the season when their accuracy, 13 .8 helped them to draw against Ormond, whose first quarter 2 .10 contributed to a final score of 11 .20 . Best were Brown, Michelmore, Pisarski (Old Melb), and Holdsworth, Fisher, Buckley (Ormond) . A Section umpire were Dodds, Wills, Goodman, Mead, Croxford, Sharpe, Muller, Hill and Kelly . Fawkner third in B Section played solidly to lead AJAX all day and defeat them by 16 points, 16 .13 to 13 .15 . Richardson, P.Smith . Sayers (Fawkner) and Felspicer, Kaye, Shulman (AJAX) were best . Old Haileybury Reserves team forwards boasted that for experience they were hard to beat : Andrew
Langford-Jones, Dick Metherall, Ken Allison, Andrew Horne, Andy Williams, Don McQueen and Jim Bonwick . between them had played over 1300 games and their careers totaled 10 years . And talking of veterans, it was a great day at Parade when John Tudor, in his nineteenth year of amateur football, took the field against North Old Boys for game 300 for Old Paradians . State representative in 1962, 1963, top A Section goalkicker in 1962, 5 A Section and 1 B Section premierships .
Coburg continued their high scoring spree with 30 .9 (189) to Reservoir's 15 .19 (109) . O'Brien, Phil Cleary (6 goals) and Calleson were best for Coburg . Another high scoring team was Old Geelong (E) with 27.22 (184) to West Brunswick's 7 .10 (52) . Main goalkickers were B .Spiden, (7 goals), P.Yencken (6 goals) and Hope (5 goals) . 150 games to UHSOB's top ruckman Max Johnston and 100 to Commonwealth Bank's Bernie "Bull" Curtin .
Brunswick D leading Old Xaverians by 20 points at the last change, scored only one point to Xav's 2 .4 in the last quarter to hang on to win by five points . P.Hanlon, B .Watt, L.Gray (Brunswick) and Fraser, Brosnan, Howard (Old Xav) were the stars . Club secretaries were on the job with only one unregistered player in four rounds . How would this compare with the current period ?
Urmond congratulated junior Wally Kozlowski on his fine debut in A Section . In B Section, Ivanhoe and Old Scotch inflicted first defeats on St Bernards and De La Salle, while in C, Tooronga-Malvern kicked 5 .4 to Old Geelong's 0 .1 in the last quarter to win by three points and Old Melburnians kicked 3 .4 to Old Brighton's solitary point to win by a goal . St Kevins reserves' 19 stone ruckman-forward John (Pere) McArdle kicked four goals in four games !
100 games to Ken McDonald (Parkside), John Skewes (Power House), and 200 to Norm Smith (108 with Brunswick, 70 with Teachers' College and 22 with Glenhuntly) .
Uni Blacks inflicted Old Scotch's first defeat . Best were Toohey, Stonier, Sutherland (Um Blacks) and A .Morris, Cowper. Kidd (Old Scotch) . "When boys were men"- Charlie Hughes, Coburg Juniors rover played a courageous game after having 22 teeth extracted the day before . Don Malcolm (Commonwealth Bank) brought his tally of goals to 210, breaking the club record . Don went on to become a very valuable member of the VAFA Umpiring fraternity . Popular De La Salle captain Peter McCormack celebrated his teams' win against Kew by kicking his 100th goal in amateur football ranks .
by Ed SiN
Bleak weather conditions helped keep the Preview scoring in check which made for a number N o absolut e of close games . Great result for Uni High as standouts this wee k they prevailed against Power House in a and have a feeling a few upsets might be on slog whilst the other notable win was th e the horizon! Let's hope the horizon has break through in D3 for Mt Lilydale . The some of that blue sky attached to it this other results went the way of the big three week . although not easily for Oakleigh with their First up, Uni High welcomes Mt Lilydale thrilling 1 point win over St .Johns . down to the Zoo in what shapes as an The rain has taken its toll down at Power interesting game . A rematch to last year's House with a low scores ensuing . Close all D4 Grand Final, both sides has shown they day before Uni High were able to kick 2 will be competitive this year whilst Uni goals in the last quarter to secure the win looked like they may even be more than e.Tatekicd3golswhmayev that . Lot to like about Uni High at the been worth 10 for the winners whilst the moment, they should get the points this House were best served by Hill . week . Mt Lilydale scored their first win of the A local derby between South Melbourne year against Hawthorn . Tough conditions an d Power House . After a hard fought loss all day but the Lilydale boys worked hard t o in round 1, South have not put a foot wrong register a great win . Van Duuren was a rock
in the back line whilst nippy rovers Paul l and Pearce were also good for the winners . The Hawks were best served by Ridge and P . Avery .
and stamped themselves as a side to watch . The House also started well but would be very disappointed at losing as home last week . Been a fan of the Southerners so far this year and wont be getting of the back wagon just yet . South by a couple of goals .
Close one out Dandenong way as Oakleigh just got the chocolates against St .Johns . Jocs got of to a great start however Q,^~ r Oakleigh wound them in by the main break . Close from them on with the visitors running out winners by the barest of -~'--~ margins . CLUB Rupertswood continued their fine early D3 SECTION season form with an on the road win UHS-VU against Werribee . With Powell and Gaun t Powerhouse St Johns firing for the winners, the Woods woul d Rupertswood have been well pleased with their four Powerhouse quarter efforts . D3 RESERVE Finally, South Melbourne also continue d UHS-VU Rupertswood their winning ways, this time at the expens e St johns of Syndal Tally Ho . Great start for South Powerhouse whilst the Hoers will want to get thei r Rupertswood Werribee season running shortly .
Farrelly 0 11 Verberne Ma 0 10 Horbury 3 10 Whithead 0 9 Verberne Mi 0 9 Forbes 2 11 Reid 3 8 Christian 2 7 Richarson 1 6 Pettman 0 5 Marinis 1 5
Oakleigh host Syndal with the sides at the opposite end of the spectrum . Oakleigh have lived up to the pre-season hype whilst Syndal haven't kick started their year just yet . Kitts has stamped himself as one of the D3 players to watch whilst the old show of Rutter and Cachia are always dangerous for Syndal . Really hard to see an upset here, Oakleigh to make it four in a row .
.1 MT LILYDALE 3 .6 5 .10 7 .11 9.15 (89) HAWTHORN 3 .1 4.1 5.1 8 .2 (50) Mt Lilydale: Carolan 4 Bird Carstens Gibson Hayes Maniscalchi . Best : Pearce Watt Hayes Kellett Carolan Rhodes . Hawthorn : Lauletta 2 Rice Avery P Avery S McDonald Newton Ridge . Best : Marino P. Avery Ridge Ogge Catz . Umpires : Andrew Pyle (F) POWERHOUSE 1 .5 2.7 3.9 4.11 (35) UHSOB 1 .3 2.5
3.7 5 .8(38)
Powerhouse : N Bishop 2 A Naylor 2. Best : M Hill C Doolan R Walsh M
St Johns make the trek out to Rupertswood having had an honourable loss against Oakleigh . Of course, the proud Jocs won't settle for an honorable effort and will come out guns a blazing this week . The Woods might be having one of those years where the momentum keeps building as players continued to be welcomed back into the fold . Hard to see them getting beat at home . Finally, Hawthorn host Werribee down at Rathmines Rd Reserve . Both sides have mixed their form a bit and with a loss meaning 1/3 starts, the pressure is on for a win this week . The Hawks would have been buoyed by the return of Phil Avery and with Saulle also an inclusion this week, the Hawks might just prevail, but only just. CORRESPONDENTS Heard from the same 5 clubs this week as last. Thanks you for your efforts . A bit of club publicity never goes astray. You can email me on ed .sill@locker.com .au or ring me on 0418348723 . ~ _ .-------------------- - ._ .__-------' Werribee Amateurs - Coach Tim Ellis plays his 50th game today . Tim who came to the club as coach in 2000 has not been able to complete a full season yet due to injury and the fact that he has retired from playing a couple of times only to make comebacks . Has lead the club into D3 and also played in the reserves premiership last season . All the best for today and another retirement?
South Melb Districts v Power House Oakleigh v Syndal Tally-Ho Rupertswood v St Johns 0 C Hawthorn Amateurs v Werribee Amateurs
Verberne B Turner L Fraser. UHSOB : Tate 3 ONeill Rose. Best: Smith Gorringe Hams Weber Dowdell Cusick .
Umpires: Paul Hoffman Shaun Rothe (F) Matthew Jackson Craig Brajtberg (B) Graeme Booth David Murray (G ) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3 .2 5.3 8 .3 9 .4 (58) STH. MELB DIST 5 .4 8.7 10.11 14.13 (97) Syndal Tally-Ho: Cachia 3 Rutter 2 Miller D Richardson M Moresi A Sheer. Best : Rutter MacKenzie Hayes M .Moresf Agnello Reeman. Sth . Melb Dist: Giannelis 4 Cheevers 2 Stefanidakis 2 Neiml 2 Aquilina W D'Andrea A Hannan King Margiannis . Best : Giannelis P D'Andrea J Royal W D'Andrea A Hannan S Aquilina. Umpires : Geoffrey Deveson (F) Jack Regester Sam Perrin (G) ST JOHNS 0 C 5.3 5.4 9 .7 11 .7 (73) OAKLEIGH 0.2 5.7 9.13 10.14 (74) St Johns: Phaedonos 5 Horbury 3 Scardamaglia 2 Arnold . Best : Arnold Chalk Emery Fonceea Jones Phaedonos. Okleigh: A Kitts 3 Purnell 2 5 Kitts 2 Britt McKenzie Perdikomatis Umpires : Mitch Buxton (F) WERRIBEE 1 .1 2.3 3 .8 5.10 (40) RUPERTSWOOD 1 .3 6.5 7 .9 14.17 (101) Werribee : Miller 2 McNally C Mahoney A Murphy . Best : A Murphy K Murphy Miller McNally Harwood E Mahoney. Rupertswood: Hewitt 3 Elliot 3 M West 2 M Gaunt 2 Brennan T West Smelt Hatty . Best : Cullins M West Spinner Webb McGovern Umpires : Michael Forde (F) D3 RESERVE
MT LILYDALE 3.6 5.10 7.11 9.15 (69) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 3.1 4.1 5 .1 8 .2 (50) Mt Lilydale: Brown 2 Baillie Syphers Smithies Maitar. Best : Johnson Smithies Brown Syphers Baillie . Hawthorn : Barker 4 R Benny 3 Dixon 2 Flanagan Tsoumbris . Best: Flog Spider Benny R Collins L Pritchard . POWERHOUSE 0.2 0 .2 2 .5
2 .5(17)
UHSOB 1.2 3 .3 5 .4
7 .5(47)
Powerhouse: S Fordham C Richardson . Best: F Doyle R Black R Benson S Fordham C MacLeod V Brown . UHSOB : Cavalieri 2 Forbes 2 Corbett Zulicki Maguire . Best : Maguire Kennedy Clarke Smith Carruthers Jacks Vernon SYNDAL TALLY-HO 0.3 0 .4 1 .4 1 .6 (12) STH. MELB DIST 1.1 3 .3 5 .6
5 .8(38)
Syndal Tally-Ho : Vagiatls . Best : Beren Bayliss Anderson Beom Bayliss Vagiatis Treasure . Sth .Melb Dist : McGee 3 M Thomas Argyriou . Best: Argyriou Downing Doyle Lazzro McGee Pohlner.
ST JOHNS 0 C 5.3 5 .4 9.7 11 .7 (73) OAEi.EIGH 0.2 5 .7 9.13 10 .14 (74) St Johns: Penry 3 Christian 2 Hall McLennan P.Rudd . Best: Hanger Courmadias Penry Callery Hall P Rudd. Oakleigh: Videky 4 Ciavarella Malcolm Mitchell Orchard Short . Best : Connellan Ryan Cash Videky Marshall Mitchell . WERRDIEE 1.3 5 .3 9.8 11 .8 (74) RUPERTSWOOD 2 .2 6 .6 8.7 14.8 (92) Werrihee: Bunchanan 3 Hoffman 2 S Fuller Marinis Smith Waters Barker Russell. Best: Smith Waters Velisha Barker Russell Towers . Rupertswood : Jordan 5 Phillips 4 Reid 3 Chrystiuk 2 . Best: Carmody Walsh McCrann Phillips Jordan McKenzie.
Coach: Peter Tyson Res. Coach: Ed Sill 1 A Collins 2 G Broadley 3a A Knott 3b N Patterson 4a S Stevens 4b B Glover Sa S Avery sb T Kerr 6a P Avery 7 C Alexander 8 J Cargil ; 9 R Ogge 10 P Orchard 11 M Pollock 12b A Tsoumbaris 13aJ Murphy 13bJ Povey 14aD Lauletta 14bT Fitzpatrick 15 M Tyson 16 C Reed 17 B Ruzicka 18 P Phillips 19 J Law 20 S Parker 21 K Brockman 22 C Habel
23 L Collins 24 J Jackomonls 25 M Zaverella 26 N Hayes 27 R Lord 28 T Crivelli 29 P Barker 33 P Stroud 34 R Johnston 35 S Davies 36 A West 37 M Daou 38 B Bruns 39 G Carle 40 P Rossitto 41 J Bogie 42 D McGlenchy 43 1 Chepa 44 B Allder 45 B Mountai n 46 T O'Hanlon 47 D Lahrff 48 A Brick 49 N Tierney 50 J Gourley 51 S Signorini 52 C Frost 53 M Preston 54 J Berry 55 A Saulle 56 M Coglan 57 B Collins 58 T Dixon 59 A Doyle 60 G Saddington 61 M Gra 62 A Johnsen 63 D Kealy 64 N Kudeweh 65 G Lilywhite
MT. LILYDALE OLD COLLEGIANS Senior Coach : David Keast Res Coach : Billy Leek 1 . J . Paull 2 . P. Hayes 3 . M . Brebner (DVC) 4 . F. Varga 5 . G . Bird 6 . M . Jelenc 7 . C. Varga 8 . K. Maniscalchi (VC) 9 . A . Del Blonds 11 . C. Gibson 13. R. Kidd 14. W. Charlton 15. R. Scott 16. D . Morrison 17. J. Lesinger 18. R . McKenzie 19, M. Leonard 20. D .Watt 21 . M. Cunningham 22. N . Colarossi 23. B. Egan 24. L Merrell 26. T. Flanagan
27. N . Pearce (VC) 28, D . Maggs 29. J . Roberts 30. A. Penhale (RVC) 31 . T. Hansford 32 . P. Carolan (C) 33 . C . Anderson 34 . L. Kellett 35 . D . Callahan 36 . M . Alderman 37 . C. Carstens 38 . J . Charles 39 . T. Van Duuren 40 . M . Rhodes 41 . M . Matter 42 . M . Periera 43 . D. Holloway (RC) 44 . A . Cox 45 . K. Fraser 46 . D. King 47 . C. Lonergan 48 . S . Dougherty 49 . M . Watt 50. D. Hicks 51 . A . Bullerjahn 53. D.Marotti 54. L Allanson 55. TWilson B . Leek J . Mollica J . Commerford J . Penhale A . Delahunt J . Hoffman
66 C Lorenz
67 S McDonald 68 P Nikoloau 69 T Papamarkov 70 A Patto n 71 S Williams 72 M Waller 73 J Williams
75 E Sil l 76 C Pickett 77 A 78 D carier
OAKLEIGH A .F.C Coach : Chris Moore Ass: David Furnell Res: Pat McKenna Ass: Shane Kitts
1 Murray A 3 Mackenzie D 4 Henry G 5 Kokkinos C 6 Cash M 7 Short M 8 Ead S 9 Hogan C 10 Mitchell R G 11 Treacy 12 Fumell D 13 Britt D 14 Malcom P 15 Redford G M 16 Bell 18 Connellan J (R .VC) 19 Keating R 20 Tolley J 21 Perdikomatis A 22 Ear S 23 Kerley J 24 Kitts S 25 Marshall C 26 Kids A 27 Zula D(VC .) A 28 1,0nodr 29 Holden K 30 Holden P(D.VC) 31 Bromley T (C) T 32 Hunt 33 Bands S P 34 Lucas 35 Nuske R 36 Ryan M 37 Phillips B 38 Cammiss S 41 Way S S 42 Dalton A 43 Hinton 44 Wills N J 45 Nevezie 46 Nguyen B 47 Stevenson M 48 Reynolds J 49 Collins S 50 Lamb C 51 Kennedy L 52 Cooke C 53 Lourey A 54 Edwards M 56 King B 57 Nagel D 58 Glossop A 59 Orchard T 60 Wills D 61 Ciavarella A 63 Couttie M 64 Vdeky E 65 Hullah M
Coach: Tony West Res. Coach: Shane Mct .aud
Coach: Brett Devlin Res Coach: Gary Dean 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 L Fraser D~~r 70 11 B Phillips 12 A Brownjohn 13 J Harris 14 45` Elliot P Haseler SenCapt 15 t6 R Anderson C McLeod $ 1 L Button 19 J Evans 19 J Nicholl s 20 D Mille r 21 R Walsh 23 A Naylor 24 J Taylor 25 M Driessen 26 D Harris R Davies 27 P Coope r 28 29 M Beasley T McFarlane 30 R Marshall Res Cap ; 31 M Verberne San VC 32 A Ristovski 33 S Fordha m 34 S Hatchard 35 J iGlpatrick 35 C Donlon 36 37 S West T Brownjohn 38 W Benton 39 J Marshall 40 R Black Res VC 41 P Amold 42 J Howes 43 D Glanville 44 A Contreras 45 V Brown 46 T Marshall 47 D Crane 47 N Sharp 48 C Pratt 49 A Volz 50 J Best 51 C Matheson 52 S Warne 53 D Reid y ~ Buckle C Plezzer 56 R Nilsson 57 C Hunt 59 B Dallimore 60 L Hall 62 M Webber 63 E Cartledge 67 M Taylor R Humphreys N Pavlou D Boland B Turner Son VC M Braini to M Verbern e C Richardson
T Drew
T Friend N Bishop Sen VC
87 88
1 Plummer T 2 Price G 3 Reid P 4 McGovern N 5 Mgrath J S 6 Gallus 7 Whitehead B K 8 Elliot 9 Spinner L 10 Prendergast B 11 Moule B 12 Hewat M B 13 Sinnelt 14 Plummer L 15 Webb N 16 Clarke P 17 Hatty R 18 Pettman M 19 Collins D 20 Flinn P D 22 Stevens 23 West M 25 Keenan D 26 Zarb D 27 Jaeger R D 28 McDonald 30 Shaw K M 3 1 Flin n 32 Sinned P 33 Chrystiuk C C 35 Certo 36 Henry P 38 Johnson B D 39 Walsh 40 Brennan L 41 Davis M 42 McKenzi e M ~ Phillips R `14 Broughton T 45 Hum D 46 McCrann J 47 Soutaris A 48 Bradbury H 49 Ang B 50 Soutaris D 51 Assouad M 52 Jordan A 53 Carlo A 54 Clarke M 55 Walsh A 56 Hatty G 57 Gaunt W 58 Carmody S 60 Ramsay J 61 Powell D 63 McPherson B 64 McLachlan S 66 Roberts G 68 Wallace D 69 Maezzatesta M 70 Temming L
The Village Belle Hote l 202 Barkly St, St Kilda 03 95342200
AMATFI no F(l(ITRAI I FR qnrld
"1,3 Section ST. JOHHS OC
Coach : Ben McGee Res : Rod Walker K. Arnold M. Peake D . O'Connor S. Holmes B. Hilton M. Phaedonos N . Chalk M. Hartnett A. Jones M.Courmadias 11 J . Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 C . Horbury VC 14 P. Sharp 14R M. Hanger 15 M. Kosmala 16 A . Paterson 17 S . Cockayne VC- Res 18 C. Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B . Rydquist 21 S . Koppens C 22 G. Roberts 23 J. Diaz DVC 24 L Mara 25 B. Waters 26 H. Wathen 27 R. Dowses 28 A. Dexter 29 T. Ellis 30 R. Walker 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Foneca 34 M. Hancock C- Res 35 J . Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D . Christian VC- Res 38 D . Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hyland 41 J . Hargraves 42 D . Sanders 43 M . Van Houten 44 J. Ross 45 A. Hall 46 B . Gallery 47 G . Bastone 48 J. Hargraves 49 A. Kizilis 50 J. Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 D. Harkin 53 C. Rattle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Coach : Brendan Maloney Res Coach: Darren Duscher 1 J Washington DVC 2 Ma Hannan C 3 M Balshaw 4 S Stepnell 5 S Kin9 6 L Kealy 7 A Hannan 8 X Kidd 9 S Aqualina 10 D McCormick 11 P Daly 12 A Argyriou 13 E Henderson 14 D Bell 15 B I anaro 16 J Neimi 17 P D'Andrea 18 G Cox 19 A Reid 20 W Brown 21 B Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B Downing 24 B Joske 25 S Atherton 26 R Mitchell 27 P Cheevers 30 T Zantuck 31 S Hermman 32 D McGee 35 N Moojen 37 J Clyne 38 D Rowe 39 A Briglia 42 G Gaylor 43 W DAndrea V C 44 D Geary 45 C Roe 46 A Ray 47 J Ro yl e 52 M Anderson 53 D Phillips 55 J Pohlner 64 M Stefanidakis
Senior Coach : Jeff Bingharn SnrAsst Coach : Guy Walden Res Coach : Tony Psinas 1 . J Hannemann 2. I Bingham (VCapt) 3. M Joy 4. T Turpin 5. D Hannett 6. I MacKenzie (VCapt) 7. T Vagiatis 8. R Bennett 9. D Richardson 10. T Psinas 11 . J Rutter 12 . D Bennett 13 . S Miller (R .V.Capt) 14 . S O'Boyle 15 . D Reynolds 16 . C Hayes 17 . A Herrmann 18 . M Bircanin 19 . A Faichney 20 . B Hannemann 20 . C Hall 21 . D Kennett 22 . M Buckley (R.Capt) 23. B Bayliss 24. B Bayliss 25. B Reeman 26. A Morrison 27. M Leplaa 28. S Crew 29. P Agnell o 30. B Holland (R .V.Capi) 31 . A Richardson 32. LHannemann 33. T Bartholomew 34 . N Hunter 35 . C Cachia (Captain) 36 . T Fleming 37 . B Robinson 38 . M Christiansen 39 . D Hallisey 40 . B Thomas 41 . M Moresi 42 . M James 43 dBrow 44 . A W James-In nes-Ind 45. R Stein 52. S Anderso n 54. P Sheer 56. ATreasure
UHSOB Coach: Shane Mottram Res. Coach : G .Temes Assistant: G .Mandalis 1 M . Wright 2 R . Thorp 3 T. Cleveland 4 L Gorringe 5 S . Mottram 6 S . Cracknell C 7 D. Zulicki 7 M Farmer (R) 8 M .Gerolemou 9 S. Devlin 10 B . Farrellyh 11 D . Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose 14 M . Butera 15 J . Jacks 16 J. Tat e 17 C. langendorf 18 A. Hellner 19 J. 20 G . Madrigrgran~o 21 J. Hall 22 G . Mandalis 23 G . Temes 24 R . Hortle 25 S. Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A . kle enitis 29 K. Weber 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J . Michael 33 J . Straio 94 J . O'Nei 35 A. Eaters 36 A . Pendlebury 37 G. Catterall 38 R. Lapish 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Wdnish 45 S. Hams 46 C. Siolo s 47 H. Gillies 48 M . Davidson 49 S. Smile 50 B. Warren 52 A. Docherty 53 J . Schulz 55 N. Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 C . Thomas 58 J . Thomas 59 D . Macrae 60 G . Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D . Edwards 64 B. Walpole 65 J . Hams
54 D. Vanderwert
66 S . Butera
55 B. Pickering 56 A. Dragwidge 66 J. Scardamagli a
67 M . De Luise 68 L Holmes 69 . A. Dowdell 70 E . Ricciuti 71 B . Goldsmith 72 A . Van Res 75 S . Mill s 76 V. Cavelieri 77 R. McCormick 78 B. Carruther s 79 M . Turve y 81 B. Will 86 W. H'~gin s 88 W. 99 D. Fs her
h.a , thck;:r`
Dowsett Engineering The Rose
Coach : Tim Elli s Res . Coach: Paul Smith 1- D . Nedinis 2. K.Murphy 3. D . Flack (R C ) 4. S. Kidd 5. B. Cunningha m 6. M. Walsh 7. T. Dea n 8. R . Stonehouse 9. J . Ayling 10. M . Keogh (C) it . M . Green (V(C) 12. T. Ellis 13. F. Mehmert 14. J . Marini s 15. A. Murph y 16 . N. Gauch i 17 . A. Tedessco 18 . D. Velisha 19 . J . Addam o 20 . E. Mahoney 21 . T. Davidson 22 . A. Dibatista 23 . C . Becker 24 . L . Carson 25. B. McMillan 26. R . Bel l 27. A. Borg 28. D . Czajowski (D.V1C) 29. S . Dol e 30. D . Sette 31 . B . Waters 32. D . Harwood 33. R . Bake r 34. J . Hoffman 35. B . Bunworth 36 . S . Bianco 37. C. Howard 38 . T. Towers (RV/C) 39 . L. Langfiel d 40 . S. Fuller 4t G . Grogan (R C) 42 . P. Thomas 43 . D. Buchanan 44 . T. Johnson 45 . C . Alabakis 46 . A. Carson 47 . A. Camill e 48. J. Tumskos 49. G . Fuller 50. K. Pace 51 . B . Fento n 52. P. Dam e 53, R . Marston 54. C . Smith 55. B . Brown 56. D . Frazer 60. M . Czajowski
5 Albie Firley
5 Luke Duthie
5 Wayne Hinton
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
6 Not Available
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
8 Mark Alexander
7 Paul Croxford
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackball
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evans
9 Matthew Brenn an
8 Bruno Savi
9 Stephen Caple
9 Santo Caruso
10 Avi Wekselman
9 Damien Lan e
10 Damian Anderson
10 Shane Mele
11 Luke Holme s
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
11 Tom Haysom
11 PaulTuppen
12 Daniel Mousley
11 Dirk Kramer
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Rothe
14 Sharon Alger
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
14 Tim Tingiri
15 Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Phillip Callil
15 Michael Sneddon
16 Peter Woods
15 Tim Doecke
16 Scott Fraser
16 Luke Moncrieff
17 Mark Gibson
17 Geoff Caulfield
17 Brett Horskope
17 Michael Robin s
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 George Paleodimos
18 Jason McNiece 19 Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fyfe
19 Glenn Scotland
19 Peter Pullen
20 John Ralp h
20 Brian Woodhead
20 David D' Altera
20 Geoff Kelly
21 Patrick Maebus
20 Grant Wardrop
21 Nick Ryd e
21 David Iron s
22 Nick Fennesy
21 Gaj Skandakumar
22 Justin McKeegan
22 David Longworth
23 Paul Dinnee n
22 Chris Collin s
23 Anthony Calderone
23 Robert Sneddon
24 Graeme Hunichen
23 Peter Griffiths
24 Miles Argall
24 Nick Brown
25 Geoff Moor e
24 Leigh Dillon
25 Richard Eastwood
25 Logan Smith
25 Lionel Kat z
26 Sacha Koffman
26 Patrick Coulthard
27 Matt Cox
26 Daniel Dinneen
27 Euan Lindsay
27 PaulJone s
28 Paul Lamble
27 Anthony Simpson
28 Leah Gallagher
28 Ron Martyn
29 A llan Stubbs
28 Ken McNiec e
29 Gerard Rolfs
29 Peter Liddell
30 Justin Lipso n
29 Peter James
30 Simon Olive
30 Anthony Lilley
31 Andrew Lougheed
30 Jack Lloyd
31 Rob Schuller
31 Peter Angelis
32 Eli Hayes
31 Robert Semmens
32 Joseph Bolzonello
32 Jar-rod Aspinall
33 Robert Mayston
32 Anthony Damen
33 Simon Stoke s
33 Roland Fuhrmann
34 Graeme Morgan
33 Michael Forde
34 Jeremy Heffernan
34 Daniel Stephens
35 Jason Lane
34 Stephen Morgan
35 Graham Thwaites
35 Dianne Whiteley
36 Matthew Meier
35 Troy Brook s
36 David Phillips
36 Jamie Gunn
37 Matt Goold
36 Jason Waszaj
37 David Murray
37 Joseph Hartwig
37 Gavin Roberts
38 Ben Ryde
Andrew Shiels
-1 1 iV .'cU 7;
by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarthy
BIG MILESTONE FOR S 0!!! 300th VAFA GAME in his own words. (The destination seemed so far away . . .the journey has been too short. ) ,It all started for me when Dad umpired in the VAFA during the 1960's . I would go along and pretend to be a Coburg Amateurs or Ivanhoe champion (Magpie jumpers of course). I played some pretty average footy in the VAFA during the early 1980's and after a few years learning to umpire in the now defunct Panton Hill senior & Preston District junior footy competitions I turned back to the competition I have grown to love, Ammo footy ! I joined the VAFA umpiring ranks in 1988 when Ormond were the powerhouse club and David Levens was at the umpiring helm for that one year, not sure if I had anything to do with that. This was also around the time Phil Stevens went from Old HaIlebury coach to the CEO of the VAFA. As was the practice for a number of years I didn't join in training/matches until the cricket season, including the end of year trips, were well and truly over . This of course led to not being fit enough to do games in the higher grades. The reward was running around in C and D Grade on your own at places like Elsternwick Park, and as Ken Jorgensen said to me one day, 'was there a rope around the centre square, you didn't get out of if . Of course one consolation was following in Agate's role-modelling shoes and mixing it well into the 5th quarter with the traditional suburban clubs such as Parkside, Thomastown, Fawkner, Brunswick, North Brunswick, etc. I gave away umpiring for 1 year in 1990 (good timing that was) and in hindsight that proved a blessing in disguise, it rekindled my enthusiasm and I realised what I was missing. Just to show how things go around the full circle, Brian Woodhead was our Advisor and Benny Goodman was his assistant . In the early 1990's the building of our grand new umpire social rooms was beginning . Some us have been contributing our lst match payment to the cause ever since . Leigh Carlson had started to lead a dominant era for the Collegians Football club. I umpired my lst B Grade game in 1995 at Old Mentonians with Mark 'Bushy' Bushfield . It is interesting to note that some umpires today complain if they do not reach this level or higher in their Ist or 2nd year . This was during the Brian 'Bomber' Bullus regime as Adviser and Old Xaverians commenced their supreme reign over the competition . It took me until 1999 to crack it for my 1st A grade match at Old Hailebury, which I umpired with John Miller who went on to do the A Grade Grand Final in his 1st year in the VAFA. My appointment to that level probably surprised me nearly as much as some of those 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
who told me I would never make it, however no one could take that away from me . Having umpired 37 'A' Grade games I treat them all as special, as you never know when it will be the last one . Michael Sneddon was the Adviser during this era and Old Xavs were still supreme. It was about this time 5 years ago that I joined the Umpires Association executive as Vice-President and have enjoyed the insights, rewards and challenges this has brought in helping run a great CLUB, the VAFAUA . In my last two seasons I was fortunate enough to umpire regularly in 'A' grade, during the reign of Brendan Carland as Adviser . It is probably no coincidence that I no longer play cricket and actually do all the pre-season training and practice matches now . Today I am fortunate enough to umpire my 300th VAFA game, and thank Benny Goodman and Mark Jenkins (our current Advisers) for the opportunity to do this in 'A' grade . I thank my family and friends for all their support, especially my family as they make the biggest sacrifice in this umpiring game . I would like to invite all of my 'ammo' friends back for the 'after match' at Marcellin and then at the Beehive Hotel in Kew till stumps!" - Peter Simpson 200 for Brendan Boundary umpire Brendan Corcoran clocks up his 200th game also at Marcellin today . We'll feature a few details about Brendan next week . Well done Brendan. Promotion With rotation commencing last week, it gave the opportunity for Ben Ryde to be promoted to his first ever B grade game where he was under the spotlight at Sportscover Arena . Coaching Take notice that our adviser has now changed the times for coaching sessions that are held at training . Coaching sessions will now commence at 6 .00pm sharp (dress optional) with training to follow at 6 .30pm . Rule of the week With the weather deteriorating over the last few weeks, clubs can use two footballs during the game . The home team who provides the two new balls can if they wish use both balls during the game but must declare this at the toss of the coin . If the home team does not wish to use both balls then the away team can supply a new ball and declare this at the toss, this ball would then be used for the 2nd and 4th Quarters . Social Calender Remember trivia night is the 15th May, tables are filling fast with only a quarter of the room left so get in quickly . URIPIRIIVG - THE NON-CONTACT TEAM SPORT!! 41
B eiersdorf Australia Lt d It was some semblance of a return to form in my tipping this week, with four out of five, and also very close with my margins. As a gap begins to form between the top and bottom halves, matches take on increased importance to everyone's finals chances. Review It was a much closer result than many pundits would have predicted as St.Mary's hosted Box Hill North in heavy winds and driving rain . Ballantyne and Armstrong were rock solid in defence for the Saints to set up the win as Box Hill kept within 17 points at the major break . The Saints kicked away in the second half, but credit must go to Box Hill North's Ian "Blankets" Oldfield, who was excellent in defence, and Cam Garrett who also played well in their side's 39-point defeat . Elsternwick, as expected, won easily against Richmond Centrals as Craig Mahony and Scott Grace dominated proceedings all day with their silky skills . While the Snakes' Franky Macak and Nathan Nuske were gallant all day setting up a number of goal kicking opportunities, most were easily repelled by Shane Mahony, Mark Thiele and Kim Cummins who were impassable for the Wickers. In the end, I missed the margin by 1 point, not bad considering it was a 97-point win for Elsternwick . It was a typical Saturday afternoon at Warrior Park as Old Westbourne accounted for North Brunswick in atrocious conditions that actually saw the players leave the field for five minutes in the first quarter to allow the unplayable hall to subside . The Warrior back line led the charge with Duncan "Farmer" Benn and Cade Lever at their usual best to keep North to only seven scoring shots for the day . While Kyriazis, Adams and big Joe Boudoloh fought hard for North, the result was never in doubt as the Warriors ran out comfortable 68-point winners. The surprise win for the week went to Bulleen who proved far to strong for an undermanned Albert Park . On a day that was difficult for scoring, the Cobras got the jump on the Falcons to be eight goals up at half time as Cookson and Dall'Oglio cut up the Falcon midfield . Arcoraci also had a day out for Bulleen up forward as his team managed to hold out a Falcon fight back to win by 44 points . Kew travelled to Turtle Park to take on a confident Eltham and were met with very trying conditions where scoring was at a premium . Kews Jamie Bell showed great spirit at fullback as Eltham found it nearly impossible to score, kicking only three majors for the day . While at the other end, Frank Lamanna chipped in with three goals of his own to ensure a 34-point win for the Browns . Preview Elsternwlck v St Marys It is a big Friday night match as one plays four under lights at Elsterncvick Park. The Wickers, whose forward line of Foster, Burney, Stephens and Hunter have seen them lead the "points for" for the season thus far , however, the Saints are not far behind with Purcell and Ryan getting amongst the majors on a regular basis. While Elsternwick will be without four of their prime movers, I think they should have too much in the tank in the end as they kick away late in the game to win by 21 points.
North Brunswick v Richmond It will be a fascinating encounter as the only two winless teams meet at Bocce Palace to try ~ and get their seasons back on track . Richmond, while being disappointing on the ground, are still having great numbers at training and believe a win is not far away. While Benny Darling has been great for the Snakes in defence, I think he may have bitten off more than he can chew as he tries to counter the flare of Dave Newton up forward . North celebrates Darren Adams 400th game for the club and this should be all the motivation the club need as they break their duck with a 29-point win. Albert Park v Old Westbourne The Falcons, who are off to one of their worst starts in recent history, host a confident Warrior team in what is a must win match for the club . The Warriors have been nothing short of brilliant at home, but a question mark lingers as to their ability to travel, particularly on the confined spaces of Falcon Oval . Picking a winner is tough, however, with the return of Warrior stalwarts "Black Skivvy" Fairfield, "Bomber" Horsburgh and "Killer" Christo I think they will be too good to win by 17 points . Kew 速 Bull een Cobras Bulleen are going from strength to strength and, as predicted prior to the start of the season, are already causing major upsets against a few of D4's "glamour sides" . The likes of Ben Cookson, who has shown a real self-belief has set the standard for the Cobras, however, the Kew assignment today is a tough one . The Browns have not really been tested so far this season and as such, I am predicting a very close result. Ultimately, I believe it will be the home ground advantage that could prove the difference as I go with Kew to win by 4 points.
CLUB D4 SECTION Elstemwick Hunter 6 16 Old Westbourne Horsburgh J 4 11 North Brunswick Hamilton 0 9 Kew Lamana 3 9 St Marys Ryan 2 8 St Mary s Paurcell 4 8 D4 RESERVE St Marys Bemadi 5 8 Bull Cobras Edgar 3 7 Eltham Jorgenson 0 6 Kew Ferrantino 0 6 Box Hill North Cavello 1 6 North Brunswick Carter 1 6
Box Hill North v Eithar n Round 4 has been a tipster's nightmare, and this match has proven the hardest of all to read . I have been impressed by Box Hill's efforts thus far, however, the young Eltham side have shown that they can also produce the goods on occasions . The home ground advantage will come into play today though, and if Dave Martini can play a full four quarters for Box Hill, I think they will win by 13 points . press correspondents Reports to gavan .flower@spotless .com .au by no later than midday Monday . Milestones Old Westhourne - rising star, Duncan Berm, plays his 50th match for the club today . Duncan has gone from strength to strength since coming to the club, to see him figure highly in last season's B&F while also making the 2003 D4 Team of the Year . The club expects big things from Duncan in the future and wishes him all the best for today's match . Elsternwick - congratulates Luc Missaglia on his 250th game against St Mary's on Friday night . Luc joined Elsternwick in 1997 after transferring from Power House and since then has proven to be a hard working on-baller who gives 100% every week . Described as a great player and clubman all at the Wickets salute him on his achievement . Box Hill North - congratulate Tony Leonard on clocking up 100 games as team manager . Tony, a former player from the mid-80s does his job with a minimum of fuss and total reliability. A great club man .
5.5 9.10 13.17 19 .21(135) BOX HILL NORTH 4.1 7.5 9 .8 14.12 (96) St Marys: Purcell 4 Theoharris 3 Cope 3 Dwyer 2 V Ryan 2 Perelberg Orme Harrison Schembri Bemanli . Best Schembri Wright Armstrong Purcell Omie. Box HM North: Garrett 3 Martini 2 Odza 2 Ball 2 Keillor 2 Doyle Olsen SaIlantioglu . Best C Garrett Riscalia Doyle McCartin Sallant9oglu Ball Um : Mick Gilday (1'1 0.1 2.3 3 .6 5.7(37) RICHMOND CENTRAL CK l,ry,S 6.3 11.8 15.10 20.14 (134) Richmond CentraL Nuske 2 J Lynch Crowe CJuick . Best : Speakman Macak Crowe Nuske Liuza Darling . Elaterardcla Foster 6 Hunter 6 Stephens 2 S . Grace 2 C Mahony Stuchbery Huggins Capuano . Best Grace Foster Hunter C Mahony Stephens Huggins , Um : Ron Marlyn Peter Griffiths (F ) 3.4 4.7 9.14 12 .18 (90) 47.D WESTBOURNE PITH BRUNSWICK 0 .0 2.1 2 .3 3.4(22) Old West- J Horsburgh 4 Edwards 3 Leitch 2 Board Hudson Pavez . Best Hudson Braham Edwards Lever Huntington Leitch . Nth Brunswick. Tsialtos Newton Santacroce . Best: Adams J .Boudoloh Mountney Santacroce Kyriazis Sammartino. : Brian %balhead Andrew Shiels (F ) Um 4 .4 10.6 12.6 15.9 (99) BUM,EEN COBRAS 8.5(55) 2.0 3.0 5 .2 ALBERT PARK EuIleen Cob: Arcoraci 7 Daniels 2 Conn Cookson DallOglo NathanieLsz Nelson D'IYindil. Best Arcoraci Cookson Mann McLaren Saaksjakui NathanieLz. Albert Park : S Allan 3 Johnston 2 Stoney L Baker Borlcy. Best : de Zcete Stoney Burley R Baker Williams Chambers . : Peter Pullen (F) Malcolm Filleul (G ) Um 3.7(25) 0 .1 1 .1 3.4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Social 1 .7 4.9 5.10 8.11(59) HEW Richmond Centrals are holding their Player Auction this : Jorgensen 2 Panetta . Best Mason Foo Stockdale S gltham Co Saturday at the clubrooms with a gourmet BBQ and Justice Babon Jorgensen, Kew: Lamanna 3Glenn Dean De Blank Cullen salads on offer . Costly. Best Bell Costly Watts Wood Cullen Moore . -Ump!ms: Gerard Rolfs Pat Machos (F ) ~-~ North Brunswich - Well clone to Dar. un "D .A." F uazns on D4 RESE1zyE reaching 400 games - an outstanding milestone . Darren 1 .3 6.7 7.8 11 .13 (79) is only the 2nd player to exceed the magical 400 mark at ST MARYS 4.3(27) 1 .0 2.1 3.2 Allard Park . One of only a handful of now defunct juniors BOX BILL NORTH to progress to Senior level still at the club, Darren has St Marys : Bernardi 5 Harrison 2 Ailunan Luce MacKenzie Goldsworthy. been a stand out contributor to the Green & Gold jumper . Best Bernardi W'iggg Butler Zsembery . Box Hill North: Martini 2 Evans A former best & fairest he has become a permanent Cavallo . Best Wood DAmato Robinson Lay Vandenakke r 6 .6(42) fixture in the seniors for many years . Still a young man 0.1 4.3 4 .3 RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 .8(56) he has matured into a fine person husband & father. 4 .2 4 .3 7.7 ELSTERNWICK Darren is a Life Member at North Brunswick & has also Richmond Central: Gray 2 Dalton 2 Karunichalos Byrnes. Best: Gray served on the committee at various stages . Although not McGrath Trinunatis Malcolm Byrnes Tcgassick F2!;temmick: Banky 3 tall he has been given some tough jobs in key backline McAdam McNally Goldman BraNington W Morgan . Best Hartley Tennant positions which he has handled with determination & will Spilbcrg Banky Nolan Bravington . 7.12 (54) to beat his opponent . Everyone in Amateur Football & 4.4 6 .7 DID URN"E 4.2 3.2(20) especially at North Brunswick salutes Darren in this 0.1 2.2 3 .2 NTH BRUNSWICK achievement & hopes that he continues to produce good Old Ubst Croswell 2 Barnes Slttery Bartolo Hewitt Manolokakis . Best football . Bartolo Miller Hewitt Phillips Slattery Anderson . Nth BnmswicL' Caeter McNamaea Papanikolou . Best: Prestiglammo Guppy Buffs Spano Dimarco Duson ~ 8.7(55) 1 .1 5.3 6.6 BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .1 3.5 4 .9 5.11 (41) ALBERT PARK D4 SECTION Bull Cob: Edgar 3 N Khalil 2 Anderton Lock Mehrez Best Richards Fisher Elsternwick v St Marys a t Sportscover Edgar Lock Mehrez Whitehouse . Albert Park . Pastras 2 McGuire Hannett Arena, Friday M ay 7 at 6.15 p .m. ; Guicas. Best: Williams Harries Hannett Wheeler Black Ryan . ELTHAM COISEGIANS 1 .0 2 .2 5.5 5 .5 (35) Res 11 . 40am May 8 1 .1 6.4 8.4 11 .7 (73) KEW North Brunswick v Richmond Central : D Justice 2 Keleher Peak J Foo . Best Luttick'ltuney Elitism Co Albert Park v Old Westbourne Ogilvie Daly Keleher Decker. Hew: Mahomet 4 McLaurin 2 Aitken Makris Kew v Bulleen Cobras Rakusz Symmvs Woodhouse. Best Rakusz Giansante Burnett Mahmet
Box Hill North v Eltham Collegians
Ferrantino McLaurin .
D4 Section ALBERT PARK AFC Senior Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 . P. Smith 2. S. Robinson 2. N. Pastras 3. R. Baker 3. G . Baker 4. J. Simcocks 4 . L. Baird 5 . S . Allan 6 . J . Storey 7 . S . Venables 9 . P. Chambers 10. M . Phillips 11 . D . Bree 12 . T. Fraser 13 . B . Payne 13 . M. Davey M. Hyams 15 . D . Bode Y y
15 . P. Guicas 16 . C . Roberton 17 . D . McLellan 18 . J. Taylor 20 . K. Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22. J. Hannett 22. S. Bennett 23. B. Harries 23. H. Walls 24. T Green 25. J . Wier 26. S . Fairfield 27. J . Holloway 28. R. Allan 29. R. Humphrey 30. W. Johnson 31 . S . McGuire 31 . G. Foster 32 . M . Smith 33 . J . Murray 34 . T Houston 35 . S . Toth 35 . D . Allan 36 . J. Dudi
37 . L. Hogan 38 . N . Wheeler 39 . S. McKerrow 41 . A. Visapaa 42 . D . Bennett 44. B. Isard 45. J. Agar 46. M. Dowdle
48. J . Hamath 49. L. Ryan 50. S . Mellis 50. B . Tu te 51 . J . Belbin 52. M . Wall 53. M . Williams 55. D. Quinlan 57. J . Sutton 57. T. Hurley 58 . A . Jackson 59 . T. Bennetts 60 . V. Surace 62 . N . Cain 77 . S . Garcia 78 . J. Hamath 79 . J. Guzman
Sponsored by :
Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach: Jon Pratt 1 Wilson G 2 Riscalla C 3 Odza A 4 Manno A 5 Garrett J 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Thoi T 12 Dick A 13 Cumming M 14 Palmer B 15 Keillor L 16 Drew W 17 Cavallo G 18 Butler C Callis C 20 Oldfield K' 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Doyle p 25 Kotsaridis P 26 Ball R 27 Wakefield S 28 Veleski Z 29 Rogers M 30 Olson B 31 Olson D 32 Oldfield I 33 Marinovic M 34 McCartin M 35 Burley p 36 Gaynor D 37 Penhalluriack L 38 D'Amato G 39 Tambakis J 40 Worrell D 41 Takeshita M 42 Tarulli A 43 Doyle R 44 Garrett C 45 Pearce B 46 Mortimer P 47 Andrews A 48 Lacey M 49 Ellis T 50 Pozar B 51 Cervelli M 52 D' arcy S 54 Van den Akker L 55 Pratt J 56 Wood A 57 Wood T 58 Demarco R 59 Tarulli M 60 Benbow N 61 Weston G 62 Penesis H 76 Loerand K 78 Leavers A 79 Bennett G 80 Evans S 88 Edgley M 99 Robinson G 111 Armstrong P
Rising Sun Hotel,
Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach: G Brown
1 . L Murphy 2. A. Hankin 3. J. Yemm 4. S. Rosengarten
1 I . McLeod 2 T. Onvin 3 S. McLaren 4 N . Cartledge 5 M. Mann 6 T. Pearson 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M . Kyriakou 10 C. Powderham 11 A. DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N. Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 S . Trapman 20 J . McQualter 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M . Aitken 23 J . Redfem 24 R . Games 25 W. Olney 26 M. Nathanielsz 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 R . Sheehan 30 B. Cookson 31 K. Kellett 32 S. Wagg 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 C. Chan 40 G . Richards 41 C. Jordan 42 C. Borelli 43 J . Mustic a 44 H . Khalil 45 J . Daniels 46 J . Lewis 47 N . Khalil 48 M . Soumelidis 49 G. Anderton 50 N . Kyriakou 51 R . Lock
5. M . Whela n e . D. Hogg
7 . J, McAdam 8 . S . Currie 9 . T. Hartley to . R . Bravington 11 . L. Missaglia 12 . N . Wigmre 13 . S . Soppet 14. B . Mahony (VC) 15. B . Hooper t6. M. Surman 17. J . Perkins
18. C . McKenna 19, J . Hunte r 20. E.Gokiman 21 . P. Stuchberry
22. G . Elvin (DVC) 23. S. Curtain 24. A. Foster 25. S. Gordon 26. C. Mahony (C) 27. M . Daniels 28. V, O'Connor 29. S. Mahony 30 . M . Nichol 31 . G . Devonshire 32 . C. Lyons
33 . M . Cunningham 34 . J. Beaumont 34 . A. Conlin 速 35 . P. McNaiy 36 . YAt6e 37 . D. Nolan (CR) 39 . M. Thiele 40. A. Paley 41 . D. Byme 42. J . Ulikakis 43. P. Clarke 44 C. Walker 45. R . Grandemange 46. M M. Strickland 47. N . Uttin g 48. M. Franken 49. D . Hohaia 50. M. Battaini 51 . G . Powell 52. M. Purcell 53. A. Lewis 54. J . Devitt 55. S. Stephens
52 T. Hamilton 53 R . Rodrigues 54 55 J. D'Angelo
Coach : Dennis Grace Res Coach : TBA
56 B Erlich 57. J. Donovan 58 . M . Mitchell 59 . T. Perkins 60 . M . Creak 61 . M . Hunt 62 . B. Maher 63 . D. Brewster 64 . S. vukis 65 . D. Kirkright 66 . E . After
Coach: Wayne Reardo n Res Coach: Matthew Luttick 1 . J. Bau d 2 . D . Lynch 3 . E. Savage (VC) 5 . L . Austin 6 . J. Galvi n 7 . B. Rashid 8 . L. Sharpe 9 . C. Watson 10 . B. Marshal l 11 . J . Mizzi (C) 12. L McDonald 13. M . Luttic k 14. K. Nelson (VC) 15. J . Paisley 16. D. Barnett 17. L Daly Y 18. S . Justice 19, J . Gilber t
20. M . Raine r 21 . M . Hart 22 . D . Wrigh t 23 . R . Foo 24 . K. Drummond 25 . R . Thomas 26 . J. Glare Res C/C 27 . J. Stackdal e 28 . T. Barnett 29 . D . Howgate 30 . M. Decke r 31 . B. Keleher 32 . C. Bau d 33 . A. Howgate 34 . J. Howgate 35 . G . Smith ~ J. Hickingbotham 37. P. Kroh n 38. J. Babo n 39. F. Coonerty 40. E . Baud 41 . Au .Man n 42. D. Buller 43. P. Mann 44. Al . Mann 45. D . Hogan 46. M . Dere 47. N . Ryal l 48 . B. Tumey 49 . L. Barnes 50 . B. Richardso n 51 . R . Morgan 52 . D . Justice 53 . J. Foo 54 . S. Todman 55 . G . Jenkin s 56, R . Love 57 . J. Cooper 58 . T. Melchiori 59 . B. Evan s 60 . R. Pea k 61 . J. Panetta (VC ) 62 . B. Jorgense n 63. L Ogilvi e 64. T. Goonan
.. . _ I
$i .,~I
Majo r P
I~ .~.~. Nortart, Air Conditioning www.nortan .com .a u
Sponsor s ELTHA M HOTE L
1300 305 354 44
D4 Sectio n KEW
Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Paul Gregor
Coach: Ange Sammartirm Res Coach: Gary Cutler
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
J. Doumis (RDVC) L . Fitzgerald D . Behan G . Crimmins C . Delaney N . Tinetti B. Dover D . Mainsbridge (VC) P. Witchell B. Cullen (C) B. Woodhouse (VC) M. Gridley C . Kyriakou J. Looker F. Larnanna D . Wood B. Allen N . Dahlstrom J. Dennis A. Acfie4d M. Ayres (VC) C . Stephens J . De Blank C . Watts S. Symes (RVC) T. Moore M. Dalrymple C . Giansante (RC) D . lan d A. Drago D . Wayland J . Bortone R . Bruno B . Marchesani S . Johnsto n J . Ritchie A. Eaton J . Ferrantino R . Livingston J . Pilkington A. Borton e A. Makris G. Evens B . Van Zuiden A . Lawler S . Mikrou P. Dennis (RDVC) A . Carman M . Blair N. Gill S . Osborne J . Renou A . Meek T Frith L. Jensen B . Burnett J. Rakusz M . Anderssan M . Glenn R. Falleti N. Gricks J. Cronin D. Kinross R. McKerrow J. Bell A. Patnaude A. Roberts J. Paron
Proudly sponsored by : - -
,'~` ----.-~
1 Newton 2 Adams 3 Lattouf 4 Dimarco 5 Cutler 6 Pizzad 7 Stelfox 8 Guppy 9 Sammartino 10 Fawcett 11 Hamilton 12 Care 13 Ullo 14 Paleodimos 15 Tsiattas 16 Vaina 17 Kyriazis 18 Verge 19 Morin 20 Closter 21 Santacroce 22 Freeman 23 BriHa 24 Aliani 25 Duson 26 Murphy 27 Ferrante 28 Boudoloh 30 Russo 31 Heck 32 Robertson 33 Rotella 34 Stepien 36 Sorleto 37 Defelice 38 Magnuso n 39 Rhook 40 McCallum 41 Elms 42 Papanikolou 43 Sorieto 44 Wallmeyer 45 Polemicos 46 Giovanoglou 47 Pres6giacomo 48 Wolter 49 Salloum 50 Park s 51 Kehagias 52 Guest 53 Trafford 54 Wake 55 Salloum 56 Fayad 57 Mountney 58 Messiake 59 Ackland 60 Parkes 61 Papa 62 Carter 64 Palmieri 66 Boudoloh 67 Carter
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Res. Coach : Stephen Leitch 1 . B . Gerace 2 . R . Wintle 3 . S . Depiazza 4 . C . Lever 5 . S . Hewitt 6 . J . Horsburgh 7 . A . Christo 8 . A . Horsburgh 9 . F. Pavez 10 . J . Wilson 11 . M . Christo 12 . M . Baulch 13 . J . Braham 14 . J . Bartolo 15 . A . Board 16 . S . Christo 17 . M . Aquiline 18 . F. Pavez 19 . J . Mason 20 . R. Mutimer 21 . L Hudson 22 . S . Anderson 23. S . Huntington 24 . L Fairfield 25. Tro. Edwards 26. P. Mesman 27. D. Billman 28. D. Slattery 29. D. Horsburgh 30. A. Mokrusch 31 . A. Miller 32. G . Jenkinson 33. D. Bann 34. B. Merryweather 35. D. Rivalland 36. S. Phillips 37. A. Leitch 38. D. Nikola 39. M. Oldham 40. J. Manolokakis 41 . K Miller 42. D . Olienbuttel 43. A. Runciman 44. D . Hudson 45. T. Edwards 46. B. Lennon 47. T. Theodore 48 . R . Van Engelen 49 . B. Robinson 50 . P. Habersatt 51 . J . Akarana 52 . T. Best 53 . J . Barnes 54 . M . Crosswell 55 . B . Gilbert 56 . D . Abbey 57 . D . Moore 58 . I. Smith 59 . A . Lipscombe 60 . N . Aquiline 62, G. Robson 66 . S . Leitch 88 . H . Hodgson
MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda
-AR~ GF ~ R :rJ
Coach: Frank Bove Res Coach : Steven Lake
Coach : Michael Learmonth Res: George Kouma ntataki s T Brown B Perelberg G Schembri A Ballantyne A Lane C Weller A Dwyer A Zsembery R Orme D Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill C Goldsworthy M Purcell M Aikman P West B Frail V Ryan A Waller M Gilchrist R Allen F Harrison A Latimer P Ryan S Crilly M Banks P Harrison P Watson P Jabour S McfGnlay A Warsnop LAnnstrong G Theoharris B Graetzer M Butler D Astbury T Millar M Karis T Cummins M Davies K Goldberg G Koumantatakis M Maschette W Van Ketwich D Drummond M Goold E Cowlishew J Goldsworthy N Luce S Flood M Le Lievre J Wright Spare P Roseman SPARE M Bona SPARE SPARE G Pilikidis J Hendy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 69
Roberts & Dwyer Estate Agents Aust Stee l Industries
Supplier of Spor =:o Med-c-ine Products to
BDFI]Il . Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 6 23)
7 Maurice Street, Nunawading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 15 7 46
This week REAL football conditions cold, wet and players hard at the footy thus many soft tissue injuries occur and so this is a busy time for us all but the VAFA Rep games are not far away and the VAFA is looking for trainers for these gatnes . The games are all to be played in Melbourne at Sportscover Arena . The dates of these games are Vs Western Australia Sunday 6th of June, Vs Southern FL Friday night June 11 (TBC) and V s South Australia Saturday 3rd of
There is also an U19 quasi representative program in the pipeline, planned for June/July, The VAFA T5-ainers Association is asking all trainers no matter what Grade you are to please think about putting your name forward for one of these games . The VAFA Trainers Executive will consider all trainers and their names will be passed on to Brett Connell and the VAFA Executive . This is a great opportunity to represent your club and your Trainers Association at The top level .
This will also give you the chance to work with senior trainers, physios and doctors and gain valuable knowledge while on the job . Some clubs are still looking for trainers and I received an email from Brendan McKenna (Vice President) of Aquinas saying that they are still looking for at least 3 more trainers club wide . If anyone is still looking for a club they can contact Brendan on 9894- 4338 or 0408-475301 or his General Manager Denis Kelly on 0418-384600 . Brendan stated immediate start and paymen t guaranteed . Have had a couple of phone calls re the Trainers Corner saying that it is great for the trainers to now have a voice in the big picture that is the VAFA . Don't forget the email address ehrish 1 5@bigpond .com for any queries or nominations for the May "Trainer of the Month "
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Showroom : Level 9, 230 Collins Street, Melbourne Phone : (03) 9654 4911 Fax : (03) 965 0 6 Special discount to all ir A me.mbers73 ContactAlistair Ewart/John flirt for all of your trophy requirements ---------~_-~ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 47
CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies
by Fraser C c`. : )~ r速 : (U19 2, 3 & Blue)
Cam Nation (U191 & Red )
Section One Round 4 tip s Review OM's will brag abou t Newcomers Werribee continued their strong early season their 40 point wi n form last weekend, comfortably defeating Old Brighton by 77 over the Lions. Old points. In trying conditions Brighton stayed with Werribee Trinity to tame the Bears by 28 points . The Bombers back on until the long break, before the visitors eight-goal-to-one the winner's list by 12 points over Old Ivanhoe . Rupo shall third term set up a match winning lead . St Kevins remains enjoy the hike down beachside, to nail the Sharks by 4 goals . the only other unbeaten side after three weeks of football, a The Wellers will be out 'n' about buying Mother's Day thrilling 1 point victory over Be La Salle on the weekend their presents . nail-biting finish in as many weeks . A De La mark o n Section 3 the siren gave the visitors a chance to steal the points, the Round 3 Review kick however drifting wide to keep Obee's undefeated record The Jackas bounced back in tough conditions, their intaet . Elsewhere Old Xaverians defeated Old Scotch by 9 amazingly accurate kicking and the early 26 point buffer points in heavy conditions, Scotch unlucky not to win after certainly proved the difference as the St Bedes boys amassing nine more scoring shots ; St Bernards returned to succumbed by 4 goals . the winners list with a 94 point win over Marcellin ; while Uni The Parade boys were primed for the Carey challenge and, despite losing 6 players to senior selection, didn't disappoint Blues comfortably accounted for Caulfield . Pre view Spinner in the heavy going. Their back-line was superb in The pick of the action this weekend is surprisingly at St James Park, where Old Scotch host reigning premiers St Bernards. It is a crunch match for Old Scotch who are a lot better than their 0-3 record suggests . Robbed of victory against St Kevins two weeks ago, and then kicking away four points last weekend with an inaccurate forward line, Scotch aren't without a chance, but probably won't be able to match CLUB e LSi fi ; ; i0i/ L St Bernards for all four quarters . Werribee will look to continue their unbeaten run this week, a home match this Ul9 (1) afternoon against the Uni Blues yet another tough initiation University Blues Shuttleworth 9 13 for the section's newest side . The Blues did impress last Werribee Lee D 0 10 weekend, but Werribee look too strong and should get up by Be La Salle Hancock 2 9 a couple of kicks. St Bernards Pearson 5 9 Elsewhere St Kevins should make it four wins from as many St Kevins Lynch 1 8 outings, a more comfortable margin likely this afternoon De La Salle Smith 3 8 when they travel to Caulfield. Marcellin should return to the St Bernards Kavanagh 3 8 winner's list when they host Old Brighton, after consecutiv e defeats in the last two rounds . While De La meet Xavs in an U19 (2) enticing afternoon fixture at Waverley Park, with the hom e Rupertswood Bisop 3 9 Old Meburnians Armstrong 4 9 side narrow favourites . Rupertswood Morrison 5 9 Section 2 Round 3 Review Old Ivanhoe Keane 1 8 Atrocious kicking meant the Bears, who lost their percentag e Banyule Dimek 2 8 from last week and were keen to get it back, were never really U19 (3) in the hunt against OM's, losing by some 9 goals 2 behinds . Old Carey Ashworth 2 15 Think they weren't the only behinds being kicked out at Oakleigh Briggs 8 13 Banyule! ! Whitrfriars Aballah 1 9 Out at Chelsworth, a pumped up Trinity outfit easily Whitrfriars Woods 3 9 accounted for the Hoers . The visitors jumped out breathing MHSOB Taft 8 9 fire and never looked back with Hore-Lacy and Kenna E impressing. A special mention goes to young Mr Oldfield, U19 BLU St Johns Ryan 3 12 whose huge pre-season (!) is apparently paying off . The Rupertswoodsmen are starting to firm nicely in my Oakleigh Clays Nasrallah 0 9 estimation after they overwhelmed Old Essendon with a Peninsula Be Lange 5 9 punishing second half. The Bombers applied good pressure Mazenod Reed 0 6 before the main break, but Rupo's gun in Plummer kick- Peninsula Wignell 1 6 started the home side's resurgence to deliver victory by 2 1 Bentleigh Wrigh 6 points . U19 RED t RED 3 wasn't a spare finger-nail in sight at Old Camberwell La Trobe Uni Redmond 3 8 where the visiting Sharks fell over the line by the barest of North Old Boys Keenan 5 7 margins . A tight match all day, the home side will lament its North Old Boys Saad 1 6 last quarter efforts . Bulleen Temp Voglis P 3 6 The Lions received a welcome, if unexpected, week off.
North Old Boys White 4
holding Carey to such a low score, in particular Rehlicki keeping the dangerous Ashworth goal-less. A crucial victory, by the barest of margins ! Monash defended stoutly in the early going at Clayton, but the Friars clicked into gear to take a commanding 66-point buffer at the half, and never looked back . Monash stayed disciplined and would be pleased with their 3rd quarter efforts . Good to see Carey Arthurson in the best for the Friars The Blacks hit Oak Park hard and, whilst Therry were well served by Quinn, Owen, and Capewell, they couldn't match the class of the visitors, falling well short by 13 goals . Oakleigh upset my tipping in this section, handing the Unicorns their second defeat by 32 points . Big days in the respective goal squares for Oakleigh's Briggs and MHSOBs Taft who both scored 8 goals . Round 4 tips Time for Old Carey to get back on track - Ajax to fall by 25 points . The Friars have another tough assignment, and the Raiders will prevail by 3 points. Thercy vrill get off the mark at the Ashers' expense, by 32 points. The Unicorns will be brave, but the Blacks better by 47 points . Finally, the Tigers over Oakleigh in an 8 point upset . Under-19 Blue Round 3 Review The Pirates continued on their merry way at the expense of South Melbourne who started with just 19 players . The Pirates' established an early five-goal break, which South whittled back to three early in the final term . However, they couldn't maintain their efforts and the Pirates steamrolled to an 11-goal win. The Animals are back on track, accounting for the Oaldeigh boys by a fair whack, winning each quarter to amass an impressive 10 goal margin. McCann & McPhee were McMarvellous. The Demons are cranking it just as their AFL namesakes and delivered a punishing lesson to the St Johns boys by a lazy 20 goals. Rodgway chimed in with 9 snags whilst Ryan nailed all 3 majors for the JOCs . Ormond ran with De La very closely all day in a gutsy armwrestle, just falling short by a mere 2 points. A blinder by Sam Barnes and 5 goals to Daniel Black were highlights for the brown 'n' blues who almost snatched it with a last gasp 'ping' from Rory Sayers . No info from Waverley, maybe they're still celebrating?? The move to section Blue has paid off for the Rovers who travelled to Mazenod and established a handy 5-goal quarter time lead . The remainder of the game played out evenly, with the Nodders unable to bridge the gap and Coach Regan is still looking for his first win next week . For the Rovers Gary Giasoumi kicked 3, while Robert Kenny was best on ground . Round 4 tips Tough one for the Swans at Burwood, the Animals by 36 points . The Nodders will rue last week, and Oakleigh will make them pay by 43 points. Short-lived joy for the Rovers, with the Demons to finish 9 goals ahead. The Monders need a win and the JOCs may just be their chance, home side by 2 points . De La will travel down the highway, and crawl back after a 55-point Pirate pummelling . Section Red Review A pre-match downpour at most grounds throughout metropolitan Melbourne resulted in damp and heavy conditions last weekend, the weather no bigger factor then in Fitzroy's 8 point victory over La Trobe . Trailing at the first break and only kicking two majors for the next three quarters, the Reds still toughed out a gallant win, a hardrunning midfield and solid defence restricting the thenladder-leaders La Trobe to just four goals for the afternoon . Elsewhere North Old Boys matched Fitzroy as the only other unbeaten side in section Red, kicking 26.22 in a 150 point victory over UHS-VU/SBC. Bulleen Templestowe came close THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
to snatching victory after trailing all day against Old Xaverians (2), the visitors too strong in the end running out 5 point winners . While Rupertswood (2) defeated Aquinas away by 42 points, the visitors amassing twenty-nine scoring shots to seven, inaccuracy preventing a more substantial percentage boost. Preview Little chance of an upset this afternoon with four relatively one-sided fixtures, no result more predictable than when the unbeaten Fitzroy host the winless Bulleen-Templestowe . Bulleen have shown promise in the past two rounds, losing by a combined total of just thirteen points, and although overdue for a victory face little chance against a strong Fitzroy side . With a superior list and coming off three wins Fitzroy will be too strong - however expect Bulleen to put up a fight, they are a better side than their position suggests and will challenge most mid-table sides later in the season . Elsewhere North Old Boys should stay undefeated when they travel to Old Westbourne, the home side well rested after the bye but still no real match for NOBS . La Trobe Uni should return to the winner's list when they play away at Aquinas, while Rupertswood should account for UHS-VU/SBC, the combine needing a few more weeks to gel as a side . Correspondent s Coaches, managers, players, umpires and supporters are all invited to submit matchday reports, statistics, views and opinions to camnation@optusnet.com.au, by 5pm each Monday : or Fraser Cameron - frasercwwd .com .au
UNDER-19 SECTIO N 1 De La Salle v Old Xaverians Caulfield Gr v St Kevins Werribee Amateurs v University Blue s Marcellin v Old Brighton Old Scotch v St Bernards UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Melburnians v Collegians Old Trinity v Banyule Viewbank Old Essendon Or v Old Ivanhoe Beaumaris v Rupertswood Old Camberwell - By e UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Old Carey v AJAX - at Victoria Road Reserve, East Hawthorn (45 G10) Whitefriars v Old Paradian s
Therry Penola 0 B v Monash Blues MHSOB v University Blacks St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Oaldeigh UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Emmaus StLeos OC v South Melbourne Districts Mazenod 0 C v Oakleigh Clays at 1 .30 p.m . Bentleigh v Hampton Rovers Ormond v St Johns 0 C Peninsula 0 B v De La Salle (2 ) UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Xaverians (2) - Bye Fitzroy Reds v Bulleen Templestowe
Aquinas 0 C v La Trobe Uni UHS-VU/St Bernards v Rupertswood (2) at St. Bernards Colleg e Old Westbourne v North Old Boys 49
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD %AVERIANS 4.2 7 .5 9.6 10.7 (67) OLD SCOTCH 1.4 5 .8 6.15 6 .20 (56) Old P.avexiana: Pyle 3 Fitzgerald 2 Ginnhan 2 Di Stefano Sheerly Indovino . Best: Mortensen Di Stefano Pyle Fitzgerald Rowe 0Harilon . Old Scotclu Allen 3 Gaunt L']ley Sza}del . Best: Pearce Cade Porter Jonas Armstrong Allen . Umpires: Nick Ryde David Wmdlow (F) Michael Ryde (B) ST EEVBiS 5.5 7 .8 10.12 11 .15 (81) DE IA SALLE 1.1 5 .4 7.8 11 .14 (80) St Hevlas: Dowd 2 W'issell 2 Mercouriou 2 Tennent Lynch M Sullivan Maher Charles . Best: Lynch Dowd OToole M Sullivan Wilkinson O'Rourke . DM Bmwn 3 Smith 3 Hancock 2 Fiektsend Vague Stewart Best Janis Donegan Buckley Brown Pitcher Demicoli. Umpires: Jamie Gunn Dean Banova (F] Jordan Mayston William Stokes (B) Stephen Bogisich Hagen Cosgdfl (G) UNIVERSPIY BLUES 4.1 8 .4 12.6 17.6 (108) CAUIIUID GRAMMARIANS 0.1 0 .4 2.5 6.10 (46) Uai Blues: Shutttewvrth 9 Merin 2 Westmore Torney Marshall Heinz Ross Dods. Best Merlo Shuttleworth Torney Rankin Dods Minns. Caalfieid: May 2 C Hammond Loctan Winter DAn.y. Best: Buckthought Winter C Hammond Strain May Noblett Umpires: Justin McKeegan Frank Kavanagh (F) 1.1 3 .2 4.4 . OLD BRIGHTON 4,4(28) WERRffiEEAMA4FARS 2.2 4 .3 12.11 15 .15 (105) Match details not received . Umpires: Luke Duthie Tom Haysom (F) Jessica Rollo Andrea Mason (B) ST BERNARDS 6.6 11 .10 15.15 2(1 .16 (136) MARCEIII'N 0.1 22 3.3 6 .6(42) St Bema:da Pearson 5 Kavanagh 3 Mitchell 3 O'Connor 2 Walsh 2 Prendi Brennan Johnson. Best: Pearson Mitchell Pitts Garth Hurley O'Connor. MsrceBin : Modeny 3 Preece Power Ryan . Best Cagdon Di Felice Papaluca McMahon Power Deluca Umpires : Anthony Ulley (F] Chris McHendry Michael Jones (G)
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 COLLEGIANS HAS THE BYE BANYUIE VDsZYBANH 0.2 2 .9 2.11 3.14 (32) OLD MELBURNIANS 2.7 5 .8 7.12 12.16 (88) Banyule-Viewbank: Dimeck 2 Shepherd. Best : Lardo Wenke Poyser Herbert Rayrooz Park . Old Melbu rniana: Armstrong 4 Parma 3 Panton 2 Dick Theodoulou Moffatt . Best: Tucker Theodoulou Moffatt Cudllff Hardy Lugg. Umpires: Matthew Goold Andrew Smith (F) Julian Maccioni Michael Hafner (B) OLD IVANHOE 0 .1 1 .3 2.3 2.4(16) DID TRINITY 6 .7 9.9 11.11 14.12 (96) Old Ivanhoe: Butler Keane. Best: N Clarke J Binney Hargrave Ohehir Britten Caple. Old Trinity'. Oklfield 4 Kenna 2 Hooke Dickenson Hore-]acy Stewart Bourke Kelly Burgess Bihvani. Best: Stewart Butler Hore-Lacy Hooke Burgess Old6eld . Umpires : Joseph Bolwnello Ryan Hense (F) Alex Koutsoukis (B) RUPERTSWOOD 4 .1 11 .7 12.8 17.14 (116) OLD ESSENDON 5 .4 5 .8 13.10 14.13 (97) Rupertswood: Morrison 5 Boxall 4 Bishop 3 Dowsett 2 Quinn Bums Manzell. Best: Bishop Baddeley Plummer Monzell Quigley Moule Boxall Morrison Old Eeeeadam Details not aecerved. Umpires: Peter Angelis (Ej OLD CAMBERWELL, 2 .1 4.3 7.6 10.7 (67) BEAUMARIS 1 .7 3.10 5.13 9.14 (68) Old CamberwelL• B Cottrell 2 Hill Melzer Morley C Payne Pinkney Rigiin Shanks Tsindos . Best: Rigzin Shanks Davis C Payne Sdola Tucker . Beaumazis: Ghys 2 Divide 2 Heath Evans Wilson Couples Clemente . Best: Heath Quick Wilson Ghys Edmeades Couples .
Umpires: EH Hayes Joe Hartwig (F] UNDER-19 SECTION 3 AJAX 6 .2 9.2 9.2 14.3 (87) ST BEDES MBNIONE TIGERS 2 .0 4.6 6.7 9.9(63) AlA%: Goldstein 3 Routman 3 Peters 2 Raleigh 2 Chester Ezekiel Lewis Nankin Best Routman Goldman Shaked Chester Lewis Measev. St Bedes MT: Terrell 4 Lynch 2 F7avelle Sawyers Waters. Best Lynch Sawyers Griffith Waters Mc Connell Ten ell. Umpires: Stephen Morgan An Rekselman (F) Sam Gent (B) Richard Keane Trevor Foy (G) OLD PARADIANS 1 .1 2.2 4.3 5.3(33) OLD CAREY 1 .3 1 .3 2.7 4.8(32) Parad3ans Old : Sage 2Girrn51d 2 Holden . Best SerafinPatena D.Richardson Whyley Glrovski Thomas Old Carey : Ashworth 2 Evans Thompson Best Alexarxier Bessant Smith Vujmich Mead Stucco. Umpires: Jack Lloyd Sean Scully Stir (F) Adrian Borg (B) MON ASH BLUES 0.0 0.1 0 .3 0.3(3) Wffi1F.FRIABS 5.5 10.7 11.13 17.23 (125) Monash Blues: Best: McMahon Mazur Shields Cruickshank Nation. Whitefriars: Kenez 4 Woods 3 Krnlikowski 2 Doveson 2 Abdallah Stafford
Tartaglia Vince Hamblin Maher . Best: Kenez Vince Stagg Leski Day Pelosi . Umpires: Bruno Savi Paul Rapke (F) UNIVERSITY BIACES 4.3 8 .10 13.11 18.18 (126) TS E 2RY PEN01A O B 3.0 3 .0 5.1 8 .2(50) Uni Blacks ., Details not teemed. Therry : Skiathitis 2 Corrigan 2 Turner Guy Oweri Leslie. Best: Quinn Owen Capewell Boyd McKay Tumer. Umpires: Jason Was7aj Tom Wmd]ow (F) OAffiEIGB 3.2 10.4 13.8 18 .9 (117) MHSOB 4.2 6 .2 9.6 13 .7 (85) Oa§kigh: S Briggs 8 L Callery 4 Clavarella Cleary Costigan Be Sirve Lamb Wills. Best: Gmake S White Costigan Callery Aidone Thornton . MHSOB: Taft 8 Peck Evans V'illani Fraumano . Best• Taft Gold Anderson Evans Parker Biddington .Umpires: Matthew Brennan Jim Pappas (F] Tristan Perth James Riddle (G) UNDER-19 (2) BLUE
SOUPFI ;l EtB DISTRICTS 2.8 8 .7 10.8 13 .11 (89) PENINSULA 0 B 7.5 13.9 15.13 23.17 (155) South Meib Dist Mahoney 3 Morris 3 Adgemis 2 Batchelor M Bemamto Kerbage Cronin. Best Cronin Mahoney Newson Kerbage Ray Whiting. Penh: De Lange 5 Miller 4 Wamer 3 Knobel 2 Forster 2 Signal L Coghlan Watforde Kenny Pritchard Stewart Matthews . Best: Barron De Lange Mitchell Kenny Law O'Loughlin. Umpires: Paul Sherman (Beaumaris) M Anthony Vatopoulos (B) 9ymenn Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G) OfiHIEIGB CLAYS 1.4 3.4 3.5 4 .7(33) FM NAUS ST IEOS 4.4 6.12 11 .16 12 .20 (92) Oakklgh Clays: Pataud 2 Dennehy Margetis. Best: Nasr laoniddis Iazzaraids Ni Pataud Angus. Emmaus SL I.eos : Robin 3 Grant 3 Mcphee 2 Ferguson Brogden Eduit Pained . Best: McCann McPhee Robin Damico La Ferlita Parker. Umpires: Daniel Dummett Patrick Coulthard (F) Darren Rolinson (B) MAZENOD 0.2 3 .2 5.7 8 .11(59) HAMPTON ROVERS 4.8 7 .12 9.13 13 .17 (95) ;4iaxenal : Castricum 2 Micnllef 2 Caughey Kavanagh Moran Solomans. Best Moran Evans Regan Bradley Norman Stanley. Hampton Rovers: Giasoumi 3 Malthouse 2 Pinto 2 Zampaglione 2 Cannel Chiaraa Sharp Williams . Best Kenny Suleyman Nicholls OBrien Pinto Canne ll . Umphea: Mark Duthie (Fj Sr JOHNS O C 1 .5 1 .8 2.9 3 .9(27) BENI7EIGH 9 .2 10 .7 18.11 23 .12 (150) St JoHns : Ryan 3. Best: Kermough Fumell Prake D'Otivtera Walker Morello . Benfleigh: Ridgway 9 Wright 3 Brietkrevi 2 Lews 2 Davies D'Offay Meehan Forest Teltennepe Zylbestzajn . Best Morris Ridgway Smith Rossi Davies Streker. Umpires: Sarah McGill Wayne Richards (F] DE LA SALLE 3 .4 6 .7 8.10 10.11 (71) ORMOND 4 .0 7 .7 8.9 9.14 (68) DLS: McArdle 2 Murphy 2 P Davis 2 Morwood Crowe B Quaran Sheehan . Best McArdle Fisher Meildejohn Colman Hassaballa W Juamn.Ormand : Black 5 Robbins 2 Jewell Ramsay. Best: Barnes Brosnan Evans Sayers Black Machin. Umpires: Josh White-Spier Brian Nunn (F) UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD WES180URNE HAS THE BYE
BUISFEN'1E MPIESTOWE 0 .1 4 .1 5.3 8.5(53) 6 .3 8.3 OLD XAVERIANS ( 2) 4 .2 9.4(58) Bulken Temptestawe : P Voglis 3 Meadows 2 Naidos losifidis Coulston. Best: P Vaglis McColl T Austen Geoigakopoulos Besnacich . Old Raverlaas (2) : McCormack 2 Murray 2 Quinn Butler Adams Henderson Trahair. Best: Silk Murray Adams Montgomery McCormack Vaughan . Umpires: Scott Fraser Logan Smith (F) Tom l15scher (B ) IA TROBE UNIVERSI7Y 3 .2 3 .2 3.5 4.5(29) pTT71tOY REDS 3 .1 4.5 5.6 5.7(37) La Trobe University . Redmond 3 Gunn . Best: Brennan Van Ooi Tomlinson Millar Lancaster Redmond . Fitzroy Reds: biaghamea 2 Donato Greenwood Fanelly. Best: Zaka Maghans¢ Leicester Dullard Gleeson Donato . Umpires: Dirk Kramer (Rotation) Nicholas Brown (F) Perrin Brown (B ) AQUINAS 3 .1 5.1 5.2 5.2(32) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 4.1 6.7 7.15 9.20 (74) Aquinas: Westaway 2 Lannert Hobson Walsh, Best Adarns Griffin Westaway Price McDonald Goddard. Rupertswood : Pretty 5 Riplock Holies Moore Smith. Best Smith Pretty Barry Ata Jones Sheppard . Umpires: David Irons Liond Katz (F) Edward Boa] Malcolm Filleul (G) NORTH OID BOYS 4.3 13.13 20.16 28.22 (178) UHSVU/ST. BERNARDS 3.4 3.4 5.6 5.8(38) NOB: O'Halloran 6 Keenan 5Mite 4 Jensen 2 Ives Saad Irvin Jellet Clarke Flanders Burgess Cornwall Delmmnco. Best: Clarke O'Halloran O'Connor Keenan Fanntng Flanders Leahy Jensen UHS/St .B : Oakley 2 George Dube Rogers. Best George Dube Tumer Rogers Oakley . Umpires: Brett Herskope Sumn Fearless (Nj Bob Seymour Michael Isbister (G )
Under-19 - Section 1 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS t Noblett T 2 Weame J DVC 3 Murphy C Ca 4 Buckthought D 5 Hammond T 6 Hammond C DVC 7 Rudd W VC 8 Jennings S 9 Edwards N 10 Winter G 11 Evans R 12 Goodwin-Dorning S 13 Strain A 14 Lill C 15 Andrew T 16 May C 17 Alibrando A 18 Kearsley J 19 PMs J 20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W 22 Patterson A 23 DArcy ' Z VC 24 Benkenwun M 25 Fagan T 26 Kaleja E 28 Nicklos M 31 Garrood S 33 Logan A 39 Cater B 42 Sundberg M 45 AcfieM B
Coach: David Madigan Asst: Scott Jones 1 M Sheehan 2 R Quick 3 M FiekJsen 4 E Browning 4 N Hart 5 M Clinch 6 S Meehan 7 D Keely 8 V Moloney 9 B Vague 10 N Smith 11 R Hancock 12 S Conway 13 L Bowden 14 D Lowther 14 M Hayes 15 S Smythe 16 J Adams 18 L Williams 20 D Drobric 20 J Hassell 22 T Donegan 23 S Ferwerda 24 J Gilchrist 27 L O'Donnell 28 L Jarvis 29 M Nankervis (C) 39 B Oakley (DVC) 46 A Skinns (VC) 53 D Browning
Coach: Dean Rossely 1 . T Money 2 . A Papaluca 3 . J Carlson 4 . J Mahon 5 . J Bortolotto 6 . S Considin e 7 . M Gorgovski
8 . A Layton 9 . C Nikolakopoulos 10 . J Williams 11 . S Farelly 12. D Valsorda 13. A Power 14. R Davis 15. S Tandridge 16. B Ryan 17, S NutYbean l 18, C Purcel 19. J Crappe r 20. P Deluca 21 . P Robbins 22. D Carolan 23. A Ceccomancini 24. A MCGIin 25 . D McMahon 26 . S Preece 27 . J McParland 28 . C Cogdon 29 . D Fraser 30 . R Redmond Yarra Valley Country
Club - Bulieen
OLD BRIGHTO N Coach: Luke Stewart 1 Bartlett M 2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A 5 Christie J 6 C ooney S 7 Doherty R 8 Duncan S 9 Edge J 10 Fielke G 11 Filipovic L 12 Grigio A 13 Gutteridge T 14 Hubbard S 15 Jackson L 16 Joseph R 17 Kennedy A 18 Kennet T 19 Latta R 20 Leaf J 21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 M ay M 24 McDonald L 25 Mooney B 26 Newman M 27 Overend E
28 Parkes M 29 Pascad J 30 Pomeroy x 31 Reincke T 32 Salem J C 33 Sheehan 34 Stenner N
35 Tolj C 36 Tregear A
Coach U19(1): Adam Sassi Coach U19(2): TBA
1 O'MearaT crk J 2 Tresw~vAnhei p ms rEOng A 4Rubira 5 A E 6 Keneeid M 7 Freer 5 8 Mcoqan Donnell J 90 Hu(ett S 11 Bourke R
12 Ryan J
13 Gmmvan L 14 Roache M 15 BanetlA
16 Corcoran N
17 Chapman P 16 Scanlan M (C) 19 Martin J 20 Meehan D
21 Nolan C
22 Silva ~ R 23 Fren rs~i R 24 Pu s C 25 Rave L 26 O'Hanbn M
27 Purcell P 28 While J 29 Adams S
30 Vaughan S 31 R anA 32 Milnemey T 33 Ford D 34 Quinn D 35 Agius J 36 Fits 6 37 Runco R Smith J 39 R~g 40 OYHanwn M
41 Fusinato R
42 Strda'ey M 43 Corrigan T 44 Ka;r,o D 45 Trovato M 46 GidV O
47 Sil k 48 NadinicA
49 LCieshte~P 51 Bovnh J 52 Buuer~
53 FailhfulA 54 Page A 34 Stenner Nathan 35 Toll Chris 36 TregearAdam
ST.KEI ►IN'S OLD BOYS Coach : Richard Obee
A sdorpf S Pe
1a M G;u'~e d 15 P McKenna 16 E Batroun 17 Awauace 7Mim 18 A Fekete 19 TGaunt 20 M Ram age 21 W Pearce 22 T ~m~ M 24 JPorte r 25 A W Sutherland 26 L TaIbM 27 S J°nas 28 j&~ r n 30 ABoea 31 J Cade 32 RGe'str"ar ' 33J C ~~ s ' 34 William
35 S Jackson 36 S Elde r 37 R Hockin g 38 M Un 39 H Peters 40 E Cruickshan k 41 R Dumares q 42 S McMunrie
43E S Shields 44 ~ 45 D McIntosh 46 D Seattle T Graham
47 E BeaurePaire
OLD SCOTC H Coach: Bruce Armstrong Asst Coach: Mike Smith z B ~Mss J 3 K ge 4 T Bun 5 S Way 6 S Ainger 7 LA'msnon g 8 B Snaddo n 9 M Szakie i 10 T Harkness 11 N Alle n
Coach: Fab Gatti
1 . G . Muir
1 . M . Palmingto n
2. D. Marshall
2. L . Gatti
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.
3. C. Le e 4. P. Chalmers
P. David M . Dwyer A. Farrel l L. Couper C. Bradley B. Gin
9. J . Westmore 10 . J . Bunkle 11 . M. Shaughnessy (VC) 12 . T. Saitta 13 . J . Hummel 14 . R . Hage
15 . W. Robinson 16. M . Dods 17. C . Northway (DVC) 18. T. Conn
19. D . Heinz (Capt) 20. T Maddocks 21 . R . Minns 22. N . ShuttleWOrth 23. N . BurOhel l 24. H. Rankin 25. J. Sundermann
5. A. Taylor 6. D. Le e 7. P. Keogh
g, T. Andrew s 9. J . Russo 10 . B. Stomebrin k 11 . T. Balla n 12 . R . Barker
13 . A. McNally 14 . D . Bunworth 1 5 . M. Purton
16 . M . Cations 17 . T. Roszak 18. N . Addamo 19. P. Cassi n
20. P. Spry 21 . S . Turr a
26. D. Hill
22. B . Russel l
27. W. Bright 28. M . Tomey (VC) 29. L Woodhouse (DVC)
23. B . Blac k 24. R. New
30. N. Vandenbosch
25. J. Bingham
31 . J. Green
26. S. Simpso n 27. B. McMahon
32 . K. Marto 33 . C. Ross 34 . C. Haines 35 . W. Hughes
36 . M.Carolan 37 . S. Anderson 38 . J. Gree n
28. M . Miller
29. S. Smith 30 . N .Renaut
Under-19 - Section 2 DARYUtE-VIE WBANK Coach : Phiv Demetriou
1 werdse, Z 2 Bro*.ea. J 4''derrr~• 3 t.lcgwem•A P 5 Brown, A 6 Morgan, M (C) 7 Moore, R a R' J 90 Chrisean, ra C .) C ~a's 11 C`unmrs• J 12 Poysec J 13 Park, D 14 Lando, M(v.C) 15 O'Donnell. L 16 Guuerson, R 17 Sw,ropdous,A 18 Wise, T 19 Dimec*, 9 20 McLean. D 21 Het"nes , M 22 Tsurgaris,J(C .) 23 Spicer. J 24 ~''~ A' (VC .)C 25 Toua, S 26 Pesavento, 5 27 Kayrooz, D 28 Skicko, C 29 axtt J 30 a•Ra,rke, P 31 Depeuo, M 32 Dimstone• J 33 Herbert O 34 ~d, T ~~, J
Coach : Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry 2 . S. Houft 3 . L. Quirk 4 . L. Hill 5 . D . Wall (DVC) 6 . M. Bramwell 7 . P. Irons 8 . A. Clement e 9 . M. Wi lson ® 10 . S. Vipond 11 . J . Tomlin 14 . P. Berry (VC) 15 . B. Norris 16 . D . Murphy 17 . C . Evans (VC) 18 . M. Imlach 20 . J . Atkins 21 . T. Shugg 22. T. Boreham 23 . K. Bleisner 25. B . Bowker 26. J . Heath 29. T. Waller 33. DCouples . 34. D . Taylor 35. J . Starke 36. P. Ghys 37. C. Terpsenis 38. L. Mead 42. J . Edmeades 49. M . Cairns 52. J. Dickie
36 euakwy, C
COLLEGIANS Coach : Andrew Kennea6y Ass Coach : Michael Jones 1 A . Stone 2 M. Parrent 3 M. Rice 3 S . Gilbert 4 A . Bridgeman 5 M. Robertson 6 D. Williamso n 7 C. El g 8 J . Cubs 9 M . Rose 10 D. Cannizo 11 A. Wright - Smith 12 a~~ry 13 Z . Moon 14 J . Ashma n 15 0. Howard 17 D. Stiff 18 A. Fabris 19 J . Holman 20 D. Mutton 21 F. Boland 22 M . Williams 22 E. Adams 23 C. Lync h 24 J. Jorgensen 25 T. Higginbotham 27 G. Rowstan 29 J. Little 30 R. Cremar 31 N. Bobeff 33 A. Gregory 36 T. Wilso n 38T- Cook 65 M . Lynch
i G. Cannot 2 L. Cave 3 J. Chiarizia 4 C. Christianson 5 D. Clarke 6 J. Corbett 7 B. Davies 8 G. Giasoumi 9 S. Gravina 10 J. Hille 11 D. Hughes 12 L Jones 13 T- Keogh 14 Y. Kobayashi 15 T. Matthouse 16 G . Marlyn 17 J. McNamara 18 I . Nicholls 19 D. O'Brien 20 N. Oriti 21 N. Pinto 22 T Porter 23 24 T. Rootsey 25 K. Rubtsov 26 L Smit h 27 S. Suleyman 28 M . Westhead 29 D. Williams 30 B. Wright
Coach: Anson Brownles s C Payne 3 S Rlpzin 4 LTaylor 5 N Tsmdos 6 P Pinkney 9 ABSalipas 10 Cc el l it D Morle 12 D Bruce 13 H Melzer 14 AAllan 15 N Hill 16 T Barrow p G Tucker 18 D Sciola 19 D Walpole 21 D McGuigan 22 K Koss 24 N Maxstead 25 N Beal e 26 C Hillier 27 A Renshaw 28 I Rye 30 TAngove 31 M Shanks 32 J Davi s 34 G Tolson 39 B Mack ie
Coach : Michael Blake
9857 806 1
37 Shepherd. D ... {
38 Wright, R 39 Mdn ;osh. J 40 B4ayreg F
OLD ESSENDON Coach : Shane Harvey-Little eam T 1 2 3 4 5
F. Ktenas~ N . Taii J. Dazkiw C. Heritage w. Nunfist
6 S . Dawson 7 T' Bggs 8 E . Baskan
9 D. Mezo 10 H. Leury 11 J. Duggan 12 J.Harewoo d 13 L. Bones 14 D. Cerant¢nio 15 S . Clinnldc 6 S . Wade 17 M . Trevaskis
18 L. Bellinger
19 P. Rankin 20 J. Mansour 21 R. Baddeley 22 A Castanga 23 M . Shaw 24 C. Burke 25 P. May 26 L. Cagiiarini
27 M . King 28 T Wilson
zs J. Stornrom 30 S. Monesse 31 N. Foot
Coach : Ben Covelli
1 Bllwanl A 2 Da Day M 3 Marsden A
7 Sibs K 9 Mines J 10 Harrison T
5 Simmons H 6 Petdro J
4 Webster J C/C
11 Clarke N 12 O'Hehir K 13 Bonny J 14 Foster A 15 Hope G
g Sr P'"~
C ~
12 113 15 Mauel 17 ° 9 H_ 22 23 24
9 Butter K
10 Stebbins N 11 Burke M
31 ce 32 ~ 33 34 H < 35
Fe~el G ~30
12 HeROd T
18 Dawkins i 19 Cranes C
13 Baylis M 14 Burgess M
A- ~ 37 38 2.- .,
20 Weston s
15 Hooke A
39 as
21 Roger C
16 Walsh T
22 eaten J
17 Lamb T 18 Stockdale C 19 Oldfield T 20 MedlandA
23 Reynard G 25 Hyndman J 28 Canoll J
30 Fa^+rter G 31 Leslie g 32 Keratas S 33 Steer A
21 Mears-Da9en M 23 Burke A 25 LaZ2amtt0 A
26 Hore-Lacy A 27 Schuyler M 28 Neville A
Major Sponsor
L9 ~
30 Dickenson A V/C 31 de Bruin S
32 Lesinskis M 49 Kelly B
A J s
2210 ysnpadN
7 Kenna J C/C 8 Stewart F
~6 ~~ ~ Z
34 T. Ru e 35 J. Phillips
4142 J.C. Ure ee,,an5 n 43 °` °anrung 44 J.
RUPEfii 0 00D
Coach : Dean Peters
1 Femuntino M 2 Baldv.in A 3 U'd'ans J 4 Me, R 5 Hargrave A 6 Fnz~rakd R
32 D. Nank ervis ~ D Hardy
36 C. Leech 37 M . Schappsd,er 38 A. Chrislou 39 R. Arzanou 40 L . Edgar
M J 8 D
41 T~ ~~a 42 ~~
45 46 47 Jones 48 50 52 Moore 53 L~ 54 Dean 56 P~ 57 a 58 59 60 67 Ea 71 74 6- : 78 Dc- Wu"? n Cl-0
C 8
e:t :ritr$
IJncler-19 - Section 3 AJAX
Coach : Gary Bluszteln 2. J. Fayman 3 J. Karp 4. G. Lewis 5. J~Givoni 6 7. M. Chester B. J . Feldy 9. E. Roitrnan 10. "` 12. D . Raleigh 14. "' 15. A Goldstein 16. A. Lewis 17. A Bustin 18. B. Lukav 19. A Weinstei n 20 . A. Wollner 21 . A. Chrapot 22 23 . R. Lewis 24. D. Bustin 25. R . Kagan 26. B . Nankin 27. G. Massey 28. R . Spilberg 29. J. Goldman 30.
Coach : Brad James
Coach: Mark Spit oso 2 . D Caple 3 . B Clark 4 . D Malone 5 . M Mitchell 6 . D Giddmgs 7 . S Lufi 8 . D Richardson 10. ADiFatzo 11. R Ryan 1 2. M Irvine 13 . 8 Maher 14 . P Turner 15 . S Egan 16 . D Watts
17 . S Graham
1 6 T Girovsk i 20 .AMcLaughtm 21 . D Katviskls 23 . A Smith 25 . S Rehlicki
27, M On 29. G Vincent 30 p Dean g6, , R Milano 40. Si Hyde (q 48. A Elliott
Coach : Mick Holden
Coach: Craig William s
1 J Aitke n 2 M Brain 3 0 Pinwill 3 A Van Rooyen 4 T Schocke r 3 S Whittington 4 B Gevaux 5 G Blau 6 TD ~ngton e R Temes 90 C J Eva~ 11 D KemP 12 S Volkering
1 Nassarallah E (DVC) 2 DennehyY S 3 Konis A 4 Lazarakis C (Capt) 5 Thornton S 6 Nussbaum S (VC) 7 loannidis S 8 Thompson C 9 Rossenlis C 10 Plozza A 11 Nasr A
1 . T. Wilkin s 2. N. O'Brien 3. J . Davy Da 4. J . Carpenter 6. A. Sheddon 7. A. Smit h 9. J . Phelps 10 . C. Laidlaw 11 . A . Newhous e
12 Onudu H
14 . M . Cornwel l
15 D Membrey 1 6 A Villani 17 A Orchar o 18 R Newland 19 T D Inne 21 J Marmo 22 P Gree n hill RE 23 A Hogan 23 S MAChall 24 M Avram 24 K Harding 25 A E~aNsu~ 26 M VanAlphen
13 Evangelista J 14 Patuad F 15 Nevitt J 16 Walsh M 17 Angus B 18 Mesley G 19 Margetis J 20 Fredrickson J 21 Onudu K 22 Harold M 23 Sofoulis M (Capt) 24 Staker J 25 Rabahi M
15 . A . Thompson 19 . T. Lowcock 21 . K . Parker 22 . T. Evans 25 . P. Morey 27. J. Choon g 29. J. Joslin 31 . S. Mead 33. L McKinnon 44. D. Stocko 90. M . Bessant
13 R Read 14 P McGrath
R Osidaoz 27 T Middleton
26 Janjic
28 G Sauttrv 28 M S,nha on-Ho
27 Seng 28 Cook 29 Bolitho 30 Tan 31 Pawlik 32 Ni 33 Kurth 34 Salemo 35 Fletcher 41 Antonucci 43 Taylor 44 Evangelista
M ajor Sponsors --~ . .
GVP Fabricators All Home Loans New Order Clothing
Coach: Jon Edgar Res: James Shady
ST BEOESJMENTONE Coach : Glen Alford
1 Laver T 2 Maddocks J 3 McConnell K 4 FWvelle L 5 Lynch D 6 Ritchie E 7 LyvAer M 8 Parker W
10 Kelly L 11 Griifith M 12 Marks J 14 McMurray L 17 Day B 16 Porter D
19 Paterson A 20 McNeil J 21 Ferraro D
22 Knuppef M 23 Lynch J 24 Tyquin J
THERRY PENOLA Coach : Greg Campbell
Coach : Tom Purcell
1 R . Ault
2 Betsey J (vc) 3 Turner S
2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Morris B
6 Hermes J 7 Bowcock B 8 Quinn J 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J
D . B3dOw H . Badow J . Bell P. Birks A. COUttS B. Goonan
8 W. Higgs 9 W 10 11 12 13 14
. Howson C . King A. Lynch M. PvlcCombe B. McGowan J. Rippon
11 Sheppard T 12 Leach S 13 Dooley J 14 Fenton J
15 Q . Scott 16 T. Sherr y
15 Owen B
21 A. Whale
1 7 G . Shaw 18 T. Sheldon 19 N. Scheelings
20 J. van Dyk
16 Farrelly M
22 A. WooleY 23 B . Govett
27 Waters D 28 Dawing M
17 Slawitschka J 18 Badenhope M
29 Knowles A
19 Arkin M
24 S . Jeremiah 25 T. Jones 26 S . Leslie
30 McGettigan M 31 Worsrwp N 32 McCallum J
20 Capewell C (c) 21 Brosnan J
25 Schwarze B 26 Sawers A
33 O'Reilly P 34 Larnben c 35 Wright B
36 TerreO J 37 Hunter J 38 Gil more s 39 40 M~tngan P 41 O'Gorman M 42 Scholes Si
43 serofm L
55 Rouillion L
22 Goodwin D 23 Caliegari D 24 Faroldi M 27 Gunawardena 1 29 Heane R 32 Cooper J 33 Freckleton J 40 Brosnan J
1 Corrigan B
4 Skiathitis R
27 D. Moor 28 E . Smell
29 P. Statham 30 T. Stringer
31 G. Allan
i E Abdailah 3 G Day 5 A Wnods 6 T Maher 7 J Hogan (C) 8 R Maher 9 J Dao u
11 B Stafford 12 C Arthurson 13 C Lucarelli 14 A Kenez 16 N Crowe (VC) 17 A Adlemis
18 K Leski 19 K Paprot h 20 H Vince
21 C Kroiikowski
22 J Tartaglia 24 A Walsh
25 C Potosi 26 K Walke r 27 H Fulton 28 L Hamblin 29 A Deveso n 30 R Mattinson 31 P Stagg 32 L Kaldor
3 32 D 3
. Cordyy
34 B .. A Fleming 35 M . Karunaratn e 36 G. Kennedy 37 B . Renick 38 T. Ross 39 F Wambach . 41 4 D.0R . Brown 42 M. Steven s Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t Carlton 3053
T4-IG At,AATC11o Cnn'rDnr . co --
WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dalrymple Asst. Coach: Bryan Stagg
~ C,,,~,,,
Under-19 - Section BLUE BENTLEIGH Coach: Mick Lee
Coach: Rob Smith
Coach : Shane Regan
1 R Dolman
2 R Heywood 3 0 Lewis 4 J D'Offay 5 T Ridgway 6 J Roberts 7 S Holmesby 8 8 Holden 9 D Wild 10 D Fogarty it J Rahilly
3 D Howard 4 N Hart
10 D Thompson 12 S Crowe 12 L Casey 14 EBrowning
7 B Costin 8 M Cummins 9 W Evans 10 D Grantham 11 J Hend ry 12 D Hensman 13 PJohnson
12 T Wright
19 A Hillier
14 J Kavanagh
14 M Wilson 15 D Streker 16 K Pereira 17
19 W Quaran 20 8 Pedula
18 P Breilkreuz
19 S Nicholson 20
21 R Turner 22 B McLellan
5 6 M Sheehan
7 L Caseyy
9 M Hayes g J McKenzi e
21 K H Higgins 23 J Hennessy 26 D McLeod 27 B Raisbec k 28 B Walton
30 30 M Nixon 33 J McCluskey
23 S Corrigan
35 C Howard
25 N Salvatore
35 T Robson
26 T Krotofil
41 D Thompson
30 B Tso, B
42 L Fisher 46 K Smyth 47 J Greaterorex
34 35 47 S Wright 52 M. McLellan
52 M Griffin 53 J Casey
1 M Bertone 2 N Bradley
3 S Castru:um 4 D Caughe y 5 ACiavarelfa G Cccks
15 J Lambert 16 S Mann 17 J Malher
18 D Micallef 19 S Moran ~ D ANo`~ 21 Nut6ng 22 M Pecore 23 DPowe`
24 D Regan 25 E Roberts
Coach : Neil Franks
1 S . Knobel (dvc) 2 M. Boone ("c) 3 R . Stainforth (C)
4 R . Smith 5 D . Smith 6 B. Mitchell
7 S. Cumming 8 P. yf~ap
9 n. Law
10 D . Brennan It M. Kenny 12 A de Lange
13 L Forster 14 L . Coghlan t5 J. Pr eston 16 C. O'Loughlin 17 J. Hocking 18 i: Madder 19 P. Dade-Bell 20 C. Matthews 21 H. Nestor
22 W. Mille, 23 J. Rhodes 25 S . Jay (dc) 26 J . Murph y 27 J . Gray 28 S . Patching 29 B . Pritchard 30 R . Vetqens 32 R . Heggie 33 B . Watt-Ford e 34 S . Smith
ST. JOHNS OC Coach : Peter Skinna
Coach: Gary Williams
i Nassarallah E
1 Ashley
11 Nasr A 12 Onudu H
2 Medcraft 3 Mitsios 4 Barnes 5 Brosnan 6 DeNatris 7 Black 8 Sayers 9 Jewell 10 Pincott 11 Fisher
13 Evangelista J
12 Evans
14 Patuad F 15 Nevi tt J 16 Walsh M 18 Mesley G
13 Haysom
14 Davis
15 Peel
16 Brosnan 17 Clancy
18 Jewell
19 David
20 Machin 21 Jacobs 22 Dunne 4 Buc M 25
~rtn 26 Fotopoulos
4 Lazarakis C 5 Thornton S
6 Nussbaum S 7 loannidis S 8 Angus B 9 Rossenlis C 10 Pbzza A
20 Fredrickson J
21 Onudu K 22 Harold M 23 Sofoulis M 25 Rabahi M
26 Janjic S
27 S Smith 28 P Sourer 29 S Stanley 30 Tsteinfon 31 W Vandergert
27 Seng V 28 Cook P 29 Siltho J 32 Ni D 33 Kurth S
32 Aweekes 33 R Wckremasinghe 34 AWnstanley
ORMON D Coach : Michae6Oaten
2 Dennehy S 3 Konas A
26 B Ross
54 B Meehan
28 Harris
34 Price J
29 Kilmartin
35 Fletcher C
34 Ramsay
41 Antenucci J
44 Robbins
42 Margetis
43 Taylor
44 Evangelista
1 K Arnol d 2 D Homan 3 M Nelson 4 M Waters 5 Ja Beattie 6 M Hope 7 N Chal k 8 G D'olivera
9 R Dea n 10 Da Crockford 11 H Nguyen 12 J Robinson 13 Ad Smith 14 M Hanger 15 M Kosmala 16 D O'conno r 17 C Carmody 18 L Merchant 19 M Fumell 20 B Bugej a 21 A Dexter 22 M Di Pietro
23 J Diaz
24 C Doming o 25 B Skinner 26 B Andrews 27 A Panty 28 D Johnsto n 29 M Toolis 30 P Jameson 43 M Phaedonos
Under-19 - Section RE D AQUINAS
Coach: Terry McEvoy 6 S Hills 7 B Helme 8 M Wall 9 S Loonstra
10 M Dexter 12 A Munchow
Coach : Cadell Duke
Coach: Tim Bell Asst : Tony Dullard
Coach : Zoran Colovic
7. S . Mountain 8. A. Eccles 9. D. Thomson 10. T. Lee 11 . M . Voglis
12 . D. McColl 13 . B . Tekin
13 C Williams
14 . J . Newman
14 A. Lobzcuk 17 M Adams 18 T Walsh
15 . S . Millar 16 . R . Tremayne 17 P. Voglis 18, B . Moran
19 P Symons 20 B Hardham
21 C Galliott 22 M Yi33er 24 C Crozier
50 A Faille 52 D White 61 D Jennings 66 A KfnghOme 67 D Muir
68 B Pratt
19 . C. tapadoula 20 . B . Lapadoula 22 . A . Benedchs 23 . A . Stavretis 24 . M . Meadows 26 . A . Georgakopoulos
27 . S . Hoysted 28 . M. Fit 29 . M. Coulston 30 . P. Florence
32 . J . McDonald 33 . P. Murch E. ~~ ~~ 35 . M. Ramondetta
36 . A . Coulston 37 . J . Wolnizer 38 . M. Crooks 40 . P. losfidis 41 . A. Smith 42 . S Roussidis 43 . D . Seraicco 45 . M. Makin 46 . P. Naidos 50 . T. Austen
OLD W ESTBOURHE Coach: Peter Howarth
1 . G .Bartled 2.FBertone 3 . P.Hudson 4.J.WhRe 5. D.Chan 6. M .Whiting 7. B.Cole 8. D.Tang 9. TSYniting 10. J .Tanner 1 . S.fGng 12. B .Whiting 13.A.Potts 14. M.Iskra 15. AWoods 16. G.Rixon 17 . D .Taylor 18. D .Cartuthers 19. C .Hudson 20. J .Newlan 21 . S .Ambelis 22. LSquarci 23. J .Szatkowski 24. S .Staples
25E 26. R .Naidu 27.L.Veal
1 R . Astudilb
20 A.TomGnson 29 D.Paton 38 D .McKafl 60 N~UiPh 66 T~~dehead 72 M'Reamond 79 GNaton
2 K. Barns-Jenkins 3 S . Bomhaci 4 J. Boyie 5 A Chfew
6 J. Chik :at 7 J, Cooke
8 K. Donato 9 J . Downie 10 C . Dullard 11 S. Edwards 12 S. Greenwood
A.Borrelli D.Brennan E.CaAaghan TCleeland
J.Cl ough
13 N . Hart PDavies B.De Bruin
15 N . Leman
16 M. Louis-Gleeson 1 7 G. Maroon 18 K Maghamez
C.Edwards G .Girdxrood B.Hayes
19 D . Mcphee `b J- Motarro"'c 21 W. Murray
R.Hos"ng A-Jones J.KOopmans J.Lamberl
22 G . Ozuse n 23 N . Q uick 24 J . Richardson
25 M. Rogers
2Trescowth{ckJ 3 Montgo~ r S 4Annstrw~g A 5 Rultira E 6 Kenfield td 7 Freer S 8 McDonnell J 9 Rogan T 10 Hulett S 11 Bourke R 12 Ryan J 13 G mn'rvan L 14 Roache M 15Banett A 16 Corcoran N 17 Chapman P 18 Scanlan M(C)
19 Martin J
20 Meehan D 21 Nolan C 22 SiNagni R 23 French R 24 Purss C 25 Rovre L 26 O'Hanlon M 27 Purcell P 28 Whfle J 29AdamsS 30 Vaugh S 31 Ryan A 32hiclnemeyT an 33 Ford D 34 Quinn D 35 Agius J 36 Rees D 37 Runco R 38 Melvin-Smith J 39 Ryan S 40 O Hanlon M 41 Fusinato R 42 Stnbley M 43 Comgan T 44 Kaine D 45 Trovato M 46 Gidle y 0 47 Silk N 48 Nadlnic A 49Lynch T 50 Chester P 51 Bovrlhy J 52 Butler N 53 Farthful A 54P age A
2 Y See d 3 R Keenan 4 A Ega n
5 P Flanders 6 K Robertson 7 D White 8 K Norto n 9 S Joyce 10 S O'Conno r
13 J Rumbold 14 R Leig h 15 N Lensen
16 P Galliva n 17 B O'Hallaran 18 B Francis 19 P Xhayeteux 20 C Rees
21 R Reeve
33 R . Williams 34 J . Zemer 35 M. Zk a
Coach: Peter McBreat y J S M J M L L P C A P T D S T J S D M M C C J D M R A E J P C
12 J O'Rourke
M .Lamont H.lancaste r M .Lynch D.Mann R.Memelt H.Miner B.Parthenides TRobertson J,Rpy~,~
26 D . Russell 27 D Ryan 28 B. Scott 29 N . Sh uttlewonh 30 H . Topp 31 J . Violato 32 G . Williams
Coaches: John Murphy Shaun Kelly
1 L Clarke
11 L Raby
14 D . Leicester
Coach : U19(1) Anthony Duggan U19(2) Fred Chamberlai n 1 O'Meara T
22 R Brennan
23 T Rintal a 24 C Pitkethly 25 T McMilan
Winning Edge Presentation s
Winter weather came with a vengeance hundred and during Round 3 matches, many of which thirty points in a recorded low scores and few upsets . My one sided game . Old Scotc h success rate was 93% . controlled their game against Old Carey and Review of Round 3 . ran out winners by forty two points . Section 1 . The young Old Scotch players fared little Caulfield Grammarians, scored their second better against Old Xaverians than their win in a row with a ten point victory over Old predecessors as the "Crocodiles" powered to Geelong. victory by eighty eight points . As in seasons Old Trinity overpowered La Trobe University past Old Scotch found scoring difficult and won by seventy eight points . Trinity was against the Xaverian defence . Rathgeber, well served by Burgess, Arrowsmith and Jones and Davies were best for Old Christiansen . For La Trobe, Masso was best . Xaverians while Logan, Elliott and Talbot North Old Boys ran out winners, by forty four points against Monash Gryphons . battled hard for Old Scotch . Mazenod moved to second place as a Preview of Round 4 . consequence of their twenty three point win Section 1 . over St Kevin's . Best for Mazenod were ; Nick The two leading teams will play at Central "Crow" Jacobs, Steve Mongo and Matt Reserve . Mazenod realize they face a task to Pollard. defeat the Old Xaverians who again are Old Ivanhoe Grammarians forfeited to Old carrying all before them . Jacobs an d Essendon Grammarians. Inaccurate kicking prevented Old Brighton winning against Prahran, who scraped home by eight points . De La Salle entered the top four as a consequence of their sixty eight point defeat cÂŤ ID of Marcellin . C1 8 1 Section 2 . 11 22 Mazenod Fothergill Fitzroy Reds were too strong for Collegians Mazenod Buszard 5 10 and won by twenty points . 0 9 Old Xavs Dillon 0 9 An inaccurate Old Melburnians fell in by the Prahran Cartlidge 0 7 Old Scotch Thompson minimum margin against Eley Park . 7 2 Old Xaverians recorded a telling victory over St Kevins Harvey P University Blacks, who now find themselves Ci8 a 1'herry Kerman 5 8 a game outside the top four. Old Scotch Adderley 0 6 At home Therry Penola recorded their first University Blacks Merlo 1 5 2004 victory with a seventy two point victory C1S 3 against Whitefriars, who remain winless North Old Boys Cerini 3 9 Monash Blues made it three wins in North Old Boys Connoly 3 9 succession with twenty five point win over Old Scotch Illingworth 5 9 Old Scotch . Old Geelong Slattery 0 8 Section 3. Old Geelong Makin 0 7 7 University Blues defeated St Leo's by one Unversity Blues Birks 4 56 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Fothergill will lead Mazenod's attack although Nick Fay, Tony Landrigan and Nick Rathgeber can again be expected to give Old Xaverians their usual quota of drive . I select Old Xaverians to win against what should be their strongest opposition so far this season . At home, I select Old Essendon to defeat St Kevin's who have yet to play out the full eighty minutes . Prahran should score an easy win over Old Ivanhoe, who lack the depth to challenge the prahran stars, who continue to shine in Club XVIII . Old Brighton, provided they can kick straight, should defeat Marcellin even in Bulleen Park where conditions should favour the home "Eagles" . De La Salle should defeat Old Scotch because their players are more experienced and can be expected to make more use of their scoring opportunities . Section 2 . I expect Old Melburnians to win over their near neighbours, Collegians . Old Xaverians should record a comfortable victory over Eley Park, whose player's fitness could be found out on McHale Stadium's wide wings . Whitefriars and University Blacks will both be desperate for the four points today at Donvale . The home ground advantage will favour Whitefriars, and the trip out to Donvale will test the dedication of the Blacks' contingent. With no great confidence I select Whitefriars to win their first game for the season . Old Scotch 2 should possess enough talent to defeat Therry Penola, who will find the "going" on Hays paddock very different from that they love at the Fawkner Oval . The match of the round should be that between Fitzroy Reds and the undefeated Monash Blues . Fitzroy Reds play the more physical game and provided they keep to their game plan . I reckon they will inflict the first loss on Monash Blues . Section 3 . University Blues should kick the sweep against Old Carey on the small Victoria Road, Reserve . Caulfield Grammar and Old Scotch 3 should play a closely fought match . I select 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Caulfield simply because they have won against stronger opposition than has Old Scotch . The dents in the Old Geelong machine should be more numerous by the end of today's match against the undefeated Old Trinity, who to date have put their "Best' foot forward . At home in front of the Trinity faithful, the "Best" side should win again . The morning game at Bundoora brings together two of the less successful sides . La Trobe University started so well but have played poorly over the past two weeks should be able to defeat their Monash Gryphon cousins this morning . Although they face a long trip south east, it would seem that on form North Old Boys will have enough talent to defeat St Leo's at Bennettswood . Correspondents Please contact me 9467 2857 or nknugent@alphalink.com .au by noon Monday with your match details .
TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB 18 (1 ) Mazenod 0 C v Old Xaverians at 11 . l0am
Old Essendon Gr v St Kevins Prahran v Old Ivanhoe Marcellin v Old Brighton Old Scotch v De La Sall e CLUB 18 (2) Old Melburnians v Collegians Old Xaverians (2) v Eley Park Whitefriars v University Blacks Old Scotch (2) v Therry Penola 0 B Fitzroy Reds v Monash Blue s CLUB 18 (3) Old Carey v University Blues at Victoria Road Reserve, East Hawthorn ( 45 G10) Caulfield Gr v Old Scotch (3)
Old Trinity v Old Geelong La Trobe Uni v Monash Gryphons game switch from orig draw - 9 .30 a .m . Emmaus St Leos 0 C v North Old Boys
CLUB 18 (1 ) MAZENOD 9 .4 20.6 24.12 31.15 (201) 4 .3(27) OLD IVANHOE 1 .1 2.2 3.3 Mazenod: Fothergill 11 Buszard 5 Fisher 4 Bridgland 3 Collins 2 Palamara 2 Williams Little Davis Hickey. Best: Fothergill Buszard Williams Nussbaum Fisher Hickey . Old Ivanhoe : White 2 Antulnicu Voipalos . Best : Jewel White Risstrom Maclsack Antuinicu Steme . Umpires : Tom Windlow (F) OLD XAVERIANS 4.0 7 .3 9 .7 15.8 (98) OLD SCOTCH 1.2 1 .4 1 .4 1.4(10) Match details not received. Umpires: Lindsay McIntyre David W'mdlow (F j 6 .4 6 .6(42) ST %EVDdS 1.2 4 .4 3 .2 4 .3 7 .5 10 .5 (65) MAZENOD St Kevins: Scarfo 2 Harvey 2 Dempsey Robinson . Best: Halpin Scarfo Harvey K McInerney Dempsey. Mazenod : Barge 2 S Fisher 2 Buzard 2 Busby Grenda Fothergtl Palamara . Best: A Pickering Buszard Jacobs Grenda Palamara Umpire s: Dean Banova Jamie Gunn (F) OLD IVANHOE OLD ESSENDON OR Old Ivanhoe forfeit Old Essendon received forfeit. OLD BRIGHTON 0.2 0.4 2.8 2 .10 (22) 1 .1 2.2 1 .4 4.6(30) PRAHRAN Old Brighton: W Earl Cochran . Best: Cooper Carra Parnham Norwood Wood Cochran . Prahran: Green MacPherson Scott Lawrence. Best: Green Pit Hollywood Storer Belay Farrell. Umpires : Mark Thornhill (F) DE LA SALLE 3.3 10 .7 13 .10 15 .11 (101) MARCELLIN 0 .2 0 .5 0 .11 3.15 (33) Match details not received . Umpires : Brian Nunn Josh White-Spier (F) CLUB 18 (2 ) COLLEGIANS 2 .1 3 .2 6.4 6 .4 (40) FITZROY REDS 1 .4 3 .6 4.7 8 .12 (60) Coll : Grant 2 Sztar 2 Barber Gregory . Best: Perkon Sehneder Barber Osborne Willis Pearce . Fitz : Grimmer 4 Jackson Price Steer Watson . Best : Seruby Grillo Jackson Grimmet Hurley Steer . Umpires: Rick Benson (F) 6.6(42) ELEY PARK 1 .1 3.2 6 .4 OLD MELBURNIANS 2.2 2.4 3.10 5.13 (43) Eley Park: Psaltopoulos 3 Jackson 2 Smith. Best : Bastian Smith Price Psaltopoulos Oh Jackson . Old Melburnians: Details not received . Umpires : Joe Ciccotosto (F) 8 .7(55) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.2 5 .3 7 .5 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 5.3 8 .5 11 .7 13 .7 (85) Uni Blacks : Critchley 2 Otsuka Merlo Fink Prestidge Lewis Edwards . Best: Bowers Otsuka Thomson Atkinson Fink Portet . Old Xav: Details
not received. Umpires: Tony Robbins Tom Windlow (F) 3.3 6 .8 10.9 14.15 (99) THERRY PENOLA 3 .9(27) WHITEFRIARS 1.1 1 .3 2.8 Therry Penchi: Kerman 5 Atwell 3 Watson 2 D Lyons Kennesey Chapman Carbis. Best: Maresdic Kennesey Keenan Atwell Chapman D Lyons Whitefrlars: Jackson 3 Best : Ryan Keenahan Ward Taylor Hogg Tatterson Umpires: Tony Byrnes (F) 6.3 7.4 9.8(62) %ONASH BLUES 4 .1 OLD SCOTCH (2) 2 .1 3.1 4.7 5 .7(37) Monash Blues: Tones 2 Parsons 2 O'Dwyer Moir Coughlin West M Woods . Best: M Dods Collier B Dods Parsons Arnott Van Der Sluys . Old Scotch (2) : Simon Lovelle Glen Junkier Costello . Best : Coleman D Johnson J Junkeer J Lie J Pilkington . Umpires : Gavan Hegan Paul Rapke (F) CLUB 18 (3) UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .8 9.12 16.16 20.21 (141) 1 .5(11) EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 .0 0 .2 1 .3 University Blues : Goals : Birks 4 Eden 4 Sudholtz 3 Leahy 2 Barbettl 2 Anderson Russell Ihle Callery Waxman . Best : Maplestone Birks Leahy Eden Sudholtz Russell Emmaus St Leos : Goals : D .Carey Best: Montgomery Wood Dixs Cox Man ton . Umpires: Frank Kavanagh (F) OLD SCOTCH (3) 2 .4 9.6 10 .10 10 .15 (75) 4.9(33) OLD CAREY 1 .3 2.5 3.8 Old Scotch: Illingworth 5 Smedley 2 Proud Leech Addison . Best : Smedley S Ballan Logan Addison Mailman Iser . Old Carey: Small 2 Morgan Correa . Best: Busse Hubbard Gorman Krammer Grubber Graham Small . Umpires : Bob O'Halloran (F) 5.8(38) OLD GEELONG 1 .1 1 .3 1 .5 CAULFIELD GR 2.7 4 .8 5.10 6.12 (48) Match details not received . Umpires : Trevor Hansen Brian Curthoys (F) 2.2(14) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 0.0 2 .0 2 .1 4.3 8 .5 12 .6 14.8 (92) OLD TRINITY :Robson Simsek Massa Ls Trobe University : Clifford Simsek . Best Peters Sewell O'Brien . Old Trinity : Miller 5 Amore 2 McDonald 2 Arrosmith 2 Grey Christopherson Burgess . Best: Burgess Miller Grey Hffderbranat McDonaldChristopherson . Umpires: Paul Fahey Paul Nailer (F) NORTH OLD BOYS 6 .4 10.6 12.2 15.10 (100) 9.2(56) MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .0 5.0 7.0 NOB: Cerini Connolly 3 D Stibley Carvent C Stlbley 2 Barden Holman Boyd Best : Barden C Stribley Carvent Noonan Holman . Monash Gryphons: Cimino 4 Bingham 3 Lewis McMullin Best : Dresser McMullin McCarthy Ross Cimino P Mastromanno . Umpires : Simon Pearless Joseph Salvatore (F )
are proud to present the following educational seminars '!'lic'-, Exercise and Injuries in our !~Id s i E:lit r I'II i, .=? ~r.l~~~~~-) .IUYI~ j-1J1((IYI '1-)1_I I_ ii~i -lilli(s_I^ .{Ilj~~ I.i{rl~ll .` :IIL!I!I-L~~!I~YI nc (III lti. ft!.I~rl)f tHd~.~;iilllai II~ :~;^`~ 1
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This Sat.
This Sun .
Results of Tribunal Hearings - Tuesday . May 4. 2004 Pat Gallagher, Old Melburnians . Striking, 2 matches . David Barry, Salesian . Striking, 2 matches . Francis Varga, Mt. Lilydale . Abuse of umpire, 1 match . Mark Bramwell, Beaumaris ( Under-19) . Spitting, 4 matches. * Roland Alcock, Prahran . Striking, 2 matches. * Wayne Magee, St. Johns ( Under-19). Disputing umpire decision 1 match . * Accepted Prescribed Penalty
LATE SCORES First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100) . Rese rv es/C1 8 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Old Xaverlans (C) Hampton Rovers (S) Eley Park Richmond Central (S) Old Scotch (3) Uni Blues (U ) Old Brighton (U) Banyule-Viewbank (U) Old Camberwell (U) Phoned incorrect scores Rd2 Ni l NB: No 6nes will be issued for Rds 1& 2 of the 2004 VAFA season .
'A Tipping
Round 3 Total Rank
Peter Willamson Ed Sill
D2 D3 Club XVII I
Norm Nugent Andrew Wu Barry Hickey Fraser Cameron Tom Brain
Glen Harrison Gavan Flower Johathan Horn Cam Nation Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
D2 Dl U/ 19 B C D4 A U/19
Score Out of
Score Out of
87% 80% 75% 73% 67% 62% 60% 60% 53% 40% 33 % 61
THE CHALLENGE : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo. PKIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined) .
Watch this space !
Last week, ball was in B5 . No winning entries from 3 received . HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185
Iff 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0
1 D For ADSf % pis 0 0 378 36 1050.00 12 0 0 204 100 204.00 12 1 0 181 109 166.06 8 1 0 130 98 132.65 8 1 0 177 143 123.78 8 1 0 162 148 109.46 8 2 0 138 261 52.87 4 3 0 129 311 41 .48 0 3 0 87 266 32 .71 0 3 0 47 197 23 .86 0
W 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
L D For Ags# % Pts 0 0 180 74 243 .24 12 0 0 287 151 190 .07 12 1 0 312 181 172 .38 8 1 0 225 195 115 .38 8 1 0 142 155 91 .61 8 2 0 180 154 116 .88 4 2 0 174 187 93 .05 4 2 0 135 170 79 .41 4 3 0 151 353 42 .78 0 3 0 70 236 29 .66 0
W 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0
L D For AgsP % Pfs 0 0 213 121 176.03 12 1 0 161 107 150.47 8 1 0 164 125 131 .20 8 1 0 161 144 111 .81 8 1 0 167 154 108.44 8 1 0 147 156 94.23 8 2 0 155 150 103.33 4 2 0 176 228 77.19 4 3 0 126 159 79.25 0 3 0 125 251 49.80 0
E9 L D For AgsP % Pis 3 0 0 340 118 288.14 12 3 0 0 314 271 115.87 12 2 1 0 316 140 225 .71 8 2 1 0 242 219 110.50 8 1 1 1 200 229 87 .34 6 1 1 1 214 252 84 .92 6 1 2 0 186 267 69 .66 4 1 2 0 108 293 36 .86 4 0 3 0 211 259 81 .47 0 0 3 0 148 331 44 .71 0
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For 254 239 124 269 226 206 254 95 52
Agst % Pts 131 193 .89 12 193 123 .83 12 110 112 .73 8 244 110.25 8 182 124.18 4 210 98.10 4 280 90.71 4 191 49.74 4 178 29.21 4
9 t2) BL UE
0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
475 457 293 224 298 239 196 168 260 197
140 339.29 207 220 .77 155 189.03 259 86.49 322 92 .55 318 75.16 345 56.81 345 48.70 402 64 .68 357 55.1 8
419 02 RED
P W L D For A FITZROY REDS 3 3 0 0 297 93 319 .35 LA TROBE UNI 3 2 1 0 218 55 396 .36 `NORTH OLD BOYS 3 2 1 0 178 80 222 .50 RUPERTSW000 (2) 3 2 1 0 169 174 97 .13 OLD WESTBOURNE 3 2 1 0 59 189 31 .22 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 1 2 0 102 115 88 .70 AQUINAS 0 C 3 1 2 0 163 301 54 .15 `OLD XAVERIANS (2) 3 1 2 0 74 170 43 .53 UHS-VUlST BERNARDS 3 1 2 0 109 272 40 .07 *Ineligible player Round 1
Giztl~7 8 (9) __ P W L
0 For Apt
OLD XAVERIANS 3 3 0 0 332 60 553 .33 12 MAZENOD 0 C 3 3 0 0 304 102 298 .04 12 PRAHRAN 3 3 0 0 238 81 293 .83 12 DE LA SALLE 3 2 1 0 199 168 118 .45 8 OLD SCOTCH 3 2 1 0 219 194 112 .89 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 3 1 2 0 143 149 95 .97 4 OLD BRIGHTON 3 1 2 0 93 101 92 .08 4 ST KEVINS 3 0 3 0 146 222 65 .77 0 MARCELLIN 3 0 3 0 75 344 21 .80 0 OLDIVANHOE 3 0 3 0 66 394 16 .75 0 94919 AP OLD MELBURNIANS OLD XAVERIANS (2) MONASH BLUES FITZROY REDS OLD SCOTCH (2) UNIVERSITY BLACKS THERRY PENOLA 0 B COLLEGIANS WHITEFRIARS ELEY PARK
P D Ay Agst %~. 3 3 0 0 245 115 213.04 12 3 3 0 0 218 128 170.31 12 3 3 0 0 173 127 136.22 12 3 2 1 0 227 130 174 .62 8 3 2 1 0 200 174 114 .94 8 3 1 2 0 172 235 73 .19 4 3 1 2 0 152 211 72 .04 4 3 0 3 0 121 199 60 .80 0 3 0 3 0 128 221 57 .92 0 3 0 3 0 128 224 5714 0
CLUB 18 (3) P W L D For nnst % P1s
UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 0 0 330 39 846 .15 12 OLD TRINITY 3 0 0 316 76 415 .79 12 OLD SCOTCH (3) 3 1 0 125 119 105 .04 8 CAULFIELD GR 3 1 0 191 215 88 .84 8 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 3 1 0 97 191 50.79 8 OLD GEELONG 3 2 0 205 140 146.43 4 *NORTH OLD BOYS 3 2 0 114 172 66.28 4 LA TROBE UNI 3 2 0 110 205 53.66 4 MONASH GRYPHONS 3 3 0 87 281 30.96 0 OLD CAREY 3 3 0 87 305 28.52 0 (919 SECTION 3 P W L D For dgst % Pts *Ineligible player Round 1 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 3 0 0 239 138 173.19 12 OLD PARADIANS 3 3 0 0 171 123 139.02 12 ------------------------------' I WHITEFRIARS 3 2 1 0 306 82 373 .17 8 OAKLEIGH 3 2 1 0 277 217 127.65 8 AJAX 3 2 1 0 288 235 122.55 8 *OLD CAREY 3 1 2 0 261 100 261 .00 4 7id ( te .? $ (t rl t edb ST BEDES MENT TIG 3 1 2 0 215 185 116.22 4 MHSOB 3 1 2 0 271 311 87 .14 4 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 3 0 3 0 133 389 34 .19 0 SPORTSCOVER MONASH BLUES 3 0 3 0 38 460 8 .26 0 WA MA16R SP0 .VSO R *Ineligible player Round 1 ch3r ,s m3 te hi h,2r Jrom 2 mobik phorrs to this s2rvic e 10 ----~-'~-'~--~-------------z-----1
3 1 a ~,, ) Umpires Appointments 速 Sc ores ( Sat . night)
$ ,. J
L 0 For Agst % PLs 0 0 345 197 175.13 12 0 0 358 223 160.54 12 1 0 281 233 120.60 8 1 0 304 269 113.01 8 1 0 147 178 82.58 8 2 0 204 236 86.44 4 2 0 192 272 70.59 4 2 0 171 246 69.51 4 0 3 0 234 302 77.48 0 0 3 0 207 287 72.13 0 3 3 2 2 2
P IN L D For At 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
V 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
L D For d W % Pts 0 0 280 199 140 .70 12 0 0 231 204 113 .24 12 1 0 278 179 155 .31 8 1 0 256 192 133 .33 8 1 0 293 228 128 .51 8 2 0 173 207 83 .57 4 2 0 211 270 78.15 4 2 0 157 257 61 .09 4 3 0 184 215 85 .58 0 0 3 0 185 297 62 .29
310 246 126 .02 12 227 201 112 .94 10 381 225 169 .33 8 251 221 113 .57 8 229 239 95 .82 8 299 246 121 .54 4 211 251 84 .06 4 192 276 69 .57 4 191 300 63 .67 2 219 305 71 .80 0
R+ L D For Agst % Pta 3 0 0 415 167 248.50 12 3 0 0 304 187 162.57 12 2 1 0 350 219 159.82 8 2 1 0 253 214 118.22 8 2 1 0 204 249 81 .93 8 2 1 0 246 301 81 .73 8 2 0 111 234 47.44 4 0 3 0 194 231 83.98 0 0 3 0 200 333 60.06 0 0 3 0 162 372 43.55 0
W 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
L D For Agst % Pf3 0 0 256 189 135.45 12 0 0 238 202 117.82 12 1 0 241 176 136.93 8 1 0 184 150 122.67 8 1 0 263 226 116.37 8 2 0 219 262 83.59 4 2 0 252 324 77.78 4 2 0 145 204 71 .08 4 3 0 237 279 84 .95 0 3 0 190 243 78 .19 0
W 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0
L 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 3
D For Agst % Pts 0 304 157 193 .63 12 227 136 166 .91 8 281 171 164 .33 8 282 209 134 .93 8 257 254 101 .18 8 0 218 247 88 .26 4 0 172 197 87 .31 4 0 219 255 85 .88 4 0 167 287 58 .19 4 0 133 347 38 .33 0
L D For ast
;. Pts
ELSTERNWICK 3 3 0 0 349 165 211 .52 12 KEW 3 3 0 0 270 173 156 .07 1 2 OLD WESTBOURNE 3 2 1 0 258 130 198 .46 8 ST MARYS 3 2 1 0 323 247 130 .77 8 8 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 2 1 0 233 245 95 .10 ALBERT PARK 3 1 2 0 240 288 83 .33 4 BOX HILL NORTH 3 1 2 0 227 307 71 94 4 4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3 1 2 0 135 191 70 .68 NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 0 3 0 200 299 66 .89 0 .95 RICHMOND CENTRAL 3 0 3 0 149 339 43 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
L D For Agst % Pts
3 0 0 324 72 450 .00 12 3 0 0 224 117 191 .45 12 2 1 0 233 143 162 .94 8 2 1 0 207 142 145 .77 8 2 1 0 212 178 119 .10 8 2 1 0 133 141 94 .33 8 1 2 0 125 173 72 .25 4 0 3 0 100 276 36 .23 0 0 3 0 85 265 32 .08 0 0 3 0 58 194 29 .90 0
P W L D For ADsi % PLs NORTH OLD BOYS 3 3 0 0 247 82 301 .22 12 ST KEVINS 3 3 0 0 270 142 190 .14 12 OLD IVANHOE 3 2 1 0 199 156 127.56 8 MAZENOD 0 C 3 2 1 0 187 165 113.33 8 COLLEGIANS 3 2 1 0 98 141 69 .50 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 3 1 2 0 124 133 93 .23 4 OLD BRIGHTON 3 1 2 0 138 172 80.23 4 OLD PARADIANS 3 1 2 0 117 189 61 .90 4 ST BEDES MENT TIG 3 0 3 0 145 211 68 .72 0 BEAUMARIS 3 0 3 0 89 223 39 .91 0
L D For ay.st %
AJAX 3 3 0 0 130 63 206.35 12 MONASH BLUES 3 3 0 0 180 95 189 .47 12 'HAMPTON ROVERS 3 2 1 0 200 84 238 .10 8 MHSOB 3 2 1 0 238 142 167 .61 8 CAULFIELD GR 3 2 1 0 219 141 155.32 8 `EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 3 1 2 0 138 165 83 .64 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 1 2 0 140 225 62 .22 4 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 3 1 2 0 63 100 63.00 4 PARKDALE VULTURES 3 0 3 0 115 335 34.33 0 GLEN EIRA 3 0 3 0 48 217 22 .12 0 *Ineligible player Round 1
0 For Aga % PLs
PENINSULA 0 B 3 3 0 0 324 85 381 .18 12 FITZROY REDS 3 3 0 0 282 103 273.79 12 ORMOND 3 3 0 0 237 102 232.35 12 AOUINAS 0 C 3 3 0 0 193 149 129.53 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 2 1 0 223 100 223.00 8 PRAHRAN 3 1 2 0 86 147 58.50 4 BANYULE 3 0 3 0 154 192 80.21 0 OLD MENTONIANS 3 0 3 0 136 198 68 .69 0 'YARRA VALLEY 0 B 3 0 3 0 45 227 19 .82 0 SALESIAN 0 C 3 0 3 0 27 439 6 .15 0 'Ineligible player Round 1
速 Weekend Matches (Fri) + Umpires Appointments m Scores (Sat .night)
prese nted by
jchaV nay N higherlrom a mob!le Lhore to this servrceL