Foste :in
llGi u~!onrncl o ,tA"f~"Efi T(7OTI3ALT. ASSO C 12r i;tercd for posting ~ : a Publication. Category B .
TB Pi;j The rule regarding the granting of a permit to a player who is an amateur, as defined . and who completes the affidavit section on the permit form remains unaltered from the 2003 season . This means that any applicant in this category receives an automatic permit to play in the VAFA, whereas the granting of a permit to a player who is not an amateur can only occur after the player has been reinstated as an amateur player . Cliff Bastow and Shane Waye continue to process applications for Senior permits on a ~- _ Wednesday night whilst John Wilson assists with the Under 19 permits on a Frida y John Be ll , i ~ ,~rnoon . p,i,IPdSTATE PiTg VAFA Junior Vice The reinstatement guidelines for 2004 season are virtually the same as the previous Pr esident & Chairman or Permits & season other than a different interpretation to Guideline 2 . It is fair to say that the Reinstatements reinstatement guidelines introduced last season were the most liberal since the iriroduction of reinstatements in the mid 1970's and really reflect the huge change i n ie operations of Australian football in Melbourne and Vietoria since 1990. player who is not an amateur, may make application for a permit via the reinstatement process . The reinstatement guidelines for 2004 are as follows Guideline 1 - A player transferring directly from an AFL . VFL, SA :'vFL, WAFL or VCFL may be reinstated to any VAFA club . Guideline 2 - A player who is not eli gible for reinstatement under Cuideline 1, maybe be reinstated under this auideline to play in the VAFA, but only a limited number of players may reinstated under this guideline as follows - A section clubs 6 reinstatements, B section clubs 8 reinstatements, C section clubs 10 reinstatements and D section clubs 12 reinstatements. Tnere have been a few instances of players, who were previously reinstated and did follow the correct process after le, .~ring the VAFA . being denied the opportunity to return to the VAFA this season . John Bell, Richard Evans and Phil Stevens process applications for reinstatements each Wednesday . : UGIST TIt3N STATISTICS AS AT 12/5/2004 Total registrations as at 23/9/200 3 10 .56 1 L-s deleted in 2004 because did not play in 2003 3,363 Plus new regis -ations to 12/5/2004 2 .905 Total registrations as at 12/5/2004 10 .103 P- I NNSTA .I r'_TI5TIC5 AS AT 12/5/2004 u ::ction C" . . e I Guideline 2 Total Last year Most by a club No, clubs with nil A 25 12 37 63 10 1 B 25 21 46 50 20 2 C 11 9 20 32 5 2 Dl 35 29 64 38 30 3 D2 16 12 28 52 6 1 D3 10 9 19 28 5 3 D"'- 1 2 3 27 1 7 19 Total 1 23 94 217 290 30 TT :i'ZEGISTE i3 AND INELIGIBLE PLAYERS There have been 50 instances of clubs playing unregistered or ineligible players in the first four rounds resulting in 20 games which were won on the field of play being lost because of poor administration. It is most distressing for the Association to take this course of action and I urge all clubs to ensure that all players are registered and If,ible before taking the field and that the team sheets are completed correctly . Cliff and Mavis Bastow undertake the checking of the team sheets against the players register each week . UNREGISTERED AND INELIGIBLE STATISTICS AS AT ROUND 4 Games Won Occurrences Gr~de Occurrences Reason F~:nior 2 1 Not registered 23 ~erve 14 6 Did not play in 2003 1 2 Under 19 18 7 No signature on teamsheet 11 Club 18 16 6 Not cleared from previous VAFA Club 4 ~ :L A clu b Total 50 Total
THE JO U', : - - -
THE Ah9ATE. .P F4C, : E .v~ .; -J04
I said last we c that this years comp is far from po l a quick look at the results would suggest otherwise. Four teams are currently clearly superior with Xavs seemingly the only other team equipped to shake things up . . .. D Jordan 1, B Jordan 0, N Mitchelt 0, T Bcrna.-ds 26.16
y (absent)
Well you know what I'm trying to say. Funny old game on Sunday with Bernards kicking 8 points in as many minutes before Be La slammed on 5 goals to show a bit of cheek. An even enough second term before a Bernards Blitzkrieg in the second half blew De La away. Amazing that St Bernards could manage 26 goals with Dan Jordan well held by Anthony Johnstone and Nick Mitchell stitched up by Tim Silvers but that's the'Pitters for you . Tate Pearson spent much of the first half warming up on the bench but still managed to kick six while Lucas Fielding was impenetrable across half back . Damien Rayson kicked three good first term goals for De La and Will Jolley was a towering influence all day in the ruck. Hedge Burnt The much touted Bulleen derby at MarceIlin (or as +he hF burners are prone to call it, "the granny flat out t 1 lived up to all expectations with Marcellin fully entrer .,. themselves in the top echelon courtesy of a 15 minute burst the third quarter which netted seven goals. It's been said a million times before but Marcellin's engine room rulet supreme : Browne, Cox, Dobson, Johnston and Dinneen clock up miles galore each Saturday . One can only guess how good these guys are in pre season running but they can get the footy as well. Trinity were by no meru- s disgraced and got great value from Brent Walsh up forward and Clint HiIlas across halfback . Upset Averred I lipped a boilover at Donvale but it v as never really on . The Friars' Luke Swain normally plays down back but after sustaining an injury, shuffled forward and snagged five goals . That aside, another dismal day for the home team who at least regained sonic respectability after the previous week's rout James Guest and James Beaumont were good tall targej up forward for OMs who have managed to extricate themselves from the dreaded relegation zone . Scotch Botch Speaking of which . Scotch are in re- ' strife now after a 13 goal flogging at the hands of Uni Blues. : .c Collins was back to his best for the ho .- 1d' :1 ' r'dns back from gold territorT kicked four bu 1v t iissing again and Matt Dennis couldn't get i ar i ° i Ross Young got a call up to the state team followi: ground performance and from all reports, he pla, ie : :2Il of a game. Others sharing the spoils of a 1 - : last quarter were Tom Wilcox. Quinton Gleeson : I hoil . Interesti a large proportion of their midfielders '
tend to mix thei r form but when th , L. goi there is currently no iire dynamic team in ue . the clash of the two teams I gave the big thumbs up to in the pre - season promised much but was apparently a pretty ordinary, frustrating, muddling affair. Tim O'Meara and Andrew Bowen kicked crucial last quarter goals to get the Xavs up, while Scott Mollard has been a revelation thus far in defence. And die Bloods? Well they're never quite bad erough for me to totally flick them away but it's getting to that stage . Paul Corrigan played a typically ferocious game in the middle and Caulfield Grammar pick up Nick Tassell would almost be leading their B&F but Haileybury are quickly shaping as the c" & fv Anent on 2004. fame this afternoon at the lair of lunacy (Just kidding) are memories of last year s 111 point pasting are almost as -ong as the subsequent Grand Final win for the Xavs A . Different kettle of fish this time around with Bernards ioking and Xavs just chugging along . With goal-kickers - up from everywhere . Bernards are too proud to let it h~ n and should win by a fair bit. t'i ( . I ences, neo-gothic architecture, graduation ceremonies, a stroll through the cemetery, the best aftemoon spread in the 'ti'AF'A and the women's hockey adjacent, a pleasant afternoon ensues for De La at the Uri. Well until 2pm anyway. If they th~ uit the 1)s ti :n impressive last wf . _, tbbe nothing
on L : i at the ,' . n . Blu_ s e. . illy. ,=nt, with h i . . . : - ine,.,nlicablv
A __ rit3tl 0'd Trinity Marcellin St Bernards St Berr rds Old Trir
19 16 15 14 13
ti'' dsh Cullinan Mitchell Pearson Kennedv
C , : ritGutierez 0 13 Uni rs Blues Millard 0 12 Old ,' ,,L,i Reid 0 9 Old Xavs McCarthy 0 9 University Blues Quin 0 8 0 1 •1 Hai'?urv L_ 1
bad loss sending shockwaves through the club . They re much better than that but will find the Eagles far too good at Camberwell . Marcellin by 5 goals . In the other rivo games . Trinity should beat OP,9s and if Fiaileybury can't dispatch Whitefriars at McKinnon, they may as well pack up and give the game away . A Quick Plug As of last week, SEN have offered a 10 minute slot at 4.10 on Sunday afternoon for VAFA football with an emphasis on A Grade. If your club has any news of note or even if you're a player who feels as though they deserve a mention on radio, jump on the bat-phone and call me between 12pm & 3pm o n
OLD XAVERIANS 3.3 7.6 8.7 11 .13 (79) OLD HAIIEYBURY 4.4 5.7 8.11 9.13 (67) Old Eav: McDonnell 3 Rush 2 Bowen 2 O'Meara 2 Purss Beetham . Best Mollard Chatfield Beardsley Bingham Oswald Beetham . Old Hall : S IangfordJones 2 Rode 2 White M Corrigan Siapantas Mason Goldsworthy . Best P Corrigan Tassell Trollope Goldsworthy O'Farrell Lay . Umpires: Michael Sneddon Geoff Caulfield (F) Phillip Miller Brendan Cannon B) Bernie Jephson Travis Storti (G ) DE LA SALIE 5.4 6.9 12.11 15 .15 (105) 1.8 9.10 17.13 26.16 (172) ST BERIiAR DS DLS : Rayson 4 Hyde 3 L Harrison 2 Mannix 2 Orlando 2 Corin Foon . Best: Sundav - 043111 CA72 . Thar-: in ar}vance . Jolley Orlando Stinear Johnstone Moloney Foon. St Bern: Pearson 6 C Mitchell 5 Baumgartner 4 D Byme 4 O'Sullivan 2 Goullett D Jordan Davis Uni Blues - Congratui: . .;: I?a;:uua ;!+icAloon on his 150th Uberatore . Besc Fielding Clarke D Byrne Pearson C Mitchell Baumgartner . game. Damo has been a valuable member of the '96 and '99 Umpires: Wayne Hinton Jason McNiece (F) Brendan Corcoran Scott Reserve Premiership teams, as well as a past captain and Best Gavens (B) John Hall Vin Vescavi (G ) and Fairest Winner of very successful reserve teams over th e OLD SCOTCH 4 .3 5 .5 9 .10 10 .11 (71) .8 12 .13 22.18 (150) years. His on field durability, courage and leadership has been UNIVE1tSrfY BLUES 5.4 9 : Hawidns 4 Dennis 2 Cations Nettleton S Collins Dick. Best: S an inspiration to many of the young players which pass Old Scotch Collins Nettleton Ashton Beranger Hume Aurel-Smith . Uni Blues: Young 5 through the University sides . In every one of those 150 games T Wilcax 5 Gleeson 3 Steele 3 Lochhead 2 Muhlebach 2 Paterson Lawrock he has never take a backwards step . Off field . Darno has Butko Torner-v. Best: Young Roydhouse Hayer T R lilcaK Gleeson Tomey . contributed to the club in a variety of different ways . The man Umpires : Tim Sutcliffe Steve McCarthy (F) Michael Saunders (F3) Daniel behind the reincarnation of the famous University Afternoon Scully Dennis Webster (G ) Teas and the man behind the introduction of'Rave Pavvy' to W1IITE1FRIARS 1 .2 4 .4 8.5 10.9(69) the Social Calender, a valuable committee member and past OLD AiE1BURPIIAYdS 4,2 8 .3 9.7 15.17 (107) winner of the 'Chris Brown' Best Clubman award . Well done White : Swain 5 M Cartmne 3 C Carrigg Northey . Best: Swain Northey Damo! Also we congratulate Chris Brookes on his 50th game. Campbell R Pawlik Kennedy M Carbone . Old Moi : J Guest 3 Webb 3 Chris has taken the full journey at Blues, starting with a very Beaumont 2 M Berry 2 Lacey 2 Cudlipp Hicks W Richardson . Best: successfiil Under 19 team, moving into reserve's where he Mulquincy Webb Cudlipp Turner Kennon M Berry. presented himself as a senior footballer and worked his way Umpires: Sacha Koffman Peter James (F) Matt Jenkinson Andrew Rechtman (B) Matthew Simpson Craig Arnol (G ) into a valuable member of a strong Blues outfit An excellent MARCEISdH 3 .5 6.8 14.17 18 .19 (127) mark and very mobile for his size, Chris will provide Blues O11) TRINrl'Y 3.1 8.5 10.6 13.8 (86) supporters with some exciting highlights in years to come. Well Marc: Cullman 5 Rice 3 Sheehan 2 Brooks 2 Maguire Marson Addison Cox done Brookesy ! Frazer Johnston. Best Browne Cox Dobson Culinan Gartner Hemians . Old Haileyburians' - congratulate Adam 'Bobby' Hilton on Old Trim Walsh 4 T Healy 2 Neville 2 Culirera Gnatt L Kennedy T Van Der playing his 100th game for the Bloods last week against Old Venne L Deanne-Johns, Best: Walsh R Burrow Neville A Ramsden Hillas T Xavs . Adam was drafted to Hawthorn straight from the school Healy . and returned to OH in 1996 where he has played either in the Umpires: Dirk Kramer Anthony Damen (F) Sean Collins Peter Moretti (B) ruck or key forward positions with distinction and was elected Bernie Hoare Beorm McCarthy (G) A RESERVE senior captain 2000/01 until he was transferred to .8 10.10 (78) Queensland in his job in 2002. Returned this year to reach this OLD %r9VERIfiAIS 1 .3 5 .6 8 2.2 2 .5 5 .6 5.12 (42) milestone and to continue on where he left off . Well done OLD HAILEYBURY Old %av: Woodruff 3 Quinn Silk Skidmore Jones Maher Walsh Nadinic . 'Bobby' . Also playing his long awaited 100th game last week Best D Higgins Maher Quinn Freer Farrow Woodruff . Old Halt Shepherd was Brendan Mitchell . 'Mitch' first played for the Bloods in 3 Bell Lappage . Best : H McLauchlan Saunders Erikson Shepherd Bell A 1994 before playing a year at Sandringham in 1995, returned Hilton. for another year in 1996 before a season in South Australia DE LA SALT.E 3 .1 5 .3 7.6 8 .9(57) and missing a full season with a serious shoulder injury . Has ST BERNARDS 2 .1 4 .5 5.9 7 .10 (52) had injury interrupted seasons since but is now back playing Delasalle: Mercuri 2 Buckley Duggan McKenzie MeLeish Skinns Walker. as well as ever and we have had to take his name off the Best : M ODonnell B Quinane M[higgan M McHenry T Moloney A treatment table, which bears well for this stylish left footer McKenzie . St Bernards: Blunt 2 Carlton A Smith N P Smith Hogan Close. achieving further milestones for the Bloods in the future . Best : B Hogan S lannazzn C Keunan S Carlton J Evans M Jiriskay . OLD SCOTCH 5 .1 7.3 9.3 10.3 (63) Congratulations 'Mitch' from all at OHAFC . UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 .1 9.2 16.3 24 .7 (151) Match details not received. WIDTEF32IARS 3.4 3.5 4.7 7 .10 (52) OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .2 5.6 6 .8 8.11 (59) Whiteiziani : Dance 2 K Kennedy 21.eahy Hennessy A Baker. Best Janson Hennessy Nunan Vernal Dance K Kennedy. Old ffieIlmmians : Byme 3 Matthews 2 Anderson Fitzgetald Selby_ Best : Matthews Tucker Dixon St Bernards v Old Xaverians 96 .5 Inner FM Grant Wu Fttt{;erakl. MARCE1ddN 2.2 4.4 5 .9 6.11 (47) University Blues v De La Sall e 0.3 3 .4 4 .7 4.11 (35) OLD TRINITY Old Scotch v Marcellin MareeBin: Galati 2 Weekes 2 McCartin Craeknetl . BesL MrMillan D Moran M Seabury Them D MeCartin 0'Flyrm . Old Tdnity: G Deane-Johns 2 Old Haileybury -- 711'litefriars Medland S Vandervenne . Best: Merlland [tire Biadeni S Vandervenne Old Melburnians v L11ti Trinity Morpeth Cade .
Coach : Mark Lowe Asst: Paul Dwyer Res: Mick Hogan C118: Benjamin Buick 1 . L Walker C Res 2 . R. Buckley 3. B. Corm VC 4. L Harrison DV C 5. M. Duggan 6. G . Gilbert 7 . P. Harrison 8 . J . La Ragy 9 . J . MoloneY 9c C . Mitchell 10 . T. Silvers 12 . M . McHenry 13. A . Johnstone 14. W. Dwyer 15. P. Bowden 16. S . Hyland 17. L. Bowden 18 . L . Williams 19 . T. Demetriou 20 . M. Picone 21 . A. McKenzi e 22r.M . O'Donnell 22 . M . Brown 23 . R . Sherman 24 . J . Morel 25. C. Hyde 25. R. Walmsley 26. D. Spithill 27. S. Thomas 28. C. Mercuri 29 . C . Browne 29r. R . Marks 30 . B. Mannix 31 . S . Hyde 31 . K . Mannix 32 . R . Bonnici C 33 . J . Stinear 34 . D. Rayson 35 . A . Orlando 36. W. Jolley 37. A. Shield s 38. S . O' Connell 39. B . Oakley 39. T Woodlock 40 . N . Stewart 41 . D. McInerneyY 42 . P. Bourke 43 . A. Greenalgh 44 . A. Moore 45 . T. Molan 46 . D . Dobric 47 . J . Garland 48 . J . Foon 52 . T Moloney 54. P. Hesse 55. A . McLeish 57. C. Chester 58. M . Clinch 59 . S . Waeny 60 . P. O'Callaghan 70 . M . Krezel
MARCELLIN Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res . Coach: Justin Wheeler
Coach : Mick Dwyer Res Coach : Adam McMahon
1 . C. Home 2. S . Davey 3. P. Corrigan 4. S . Langford-Jones (DVC) 5 . J. Bourke 6 . A. White 7 . M. Corrigan 7 . A. Shepherd 8 . R . George g, M . Barker 10. L. Siapantas 10. C. Efstathiou 11 . M . Graves 12, B . O'Farrell 13. A . Svarc 14. A . Forsyth 15. D. Mackenzie 16 . P. O'Donnell (RC) 17 . K Ford 18 . C . Waxman 19 . M. Armstrong (C) 20 . D . Hassett 21 . A. Jenke 22. D . Mason 23. S . Loewe 23. M . Seccull 24. B . Trollope 25. S . Rowlands (RVC) 26. J . Bell 27. B . Johnston 28 . S. Goldsworthy 29 . B. Carson (VC) 30 . D. Warnes 31 . D. Lay 32 . B. Mitchell 33 . A. Floyd 34 . P. Langford-Jones 35. D . Lappage 36. P. Geister 37. M . Erikson 38. L Floyd 39. S . Rode 40. N . Tassell 41 . S . Saunders 42 . A . Hilton 43 . R. McCarthy 44 . M . Wray 45 . D . Thurmond 46 . C . Pountney 47 . B. Waite 48. C . Moyl e 49 . L Pitcher 50. R . Ladd 51 . H . McLauchlan 52. C . Ferguson 53. B . Haar 54. J . McLauchlan 55 . T. Hilton 56 . D. Armstrong 57 . A . Kight 58 . A . Baker. 59 . D. Gilby 60 . T. Smith ~ 8T't'R ~"F1~1fF 61 . J. Miller 62. D . Salter ~tttt(I'S' :o ~ .~ill ) 63, M . Levy
1 . B . Dobson 2 . J . Rice 3 . N . Addison 4 . J . Frazer 5. D. Johnston 6. D. Sampimon 7. S . Maguire 8. R. Frisina 9. L. Considine 10. A. Dale it . D . Taylor 12 . T.Sheehan 13 . J. Wilkins 14 . D . Salce 15 . J . Carlson 16 . L. McMillan 17 . G. Cox (C) 18 . D. Gartner 19. D. Cooper 20. M . Herman s 21 . N. Walker 22. D. Marson 23. A. Wadsworth 24. L . O'Flynn 25 . R . Galati 26 . D . McMillan 27 . S. Theisz (VC) 28 . B. Carmody 29 . S . Brooks 30 . A . Treganowan 31 . M . Bortolotto 32 . M . Browne 33 . A . Byrnes 34. D. Jarred 35. C. Adams 36. E . Weekes 37. D. Cope 38. M . Doyle 39. S. Yee 40. D . Carson 41 . J. Seabury 42 . B. Dinneen 43 . J. Mathews 44 . L . Hanson 45 . D . Theisz 46 . B . Wignell 47 . P. Fiorenza 48 . K . O'Dwyer qg D D. Van Heiden 50. A Carson 51 . J . Toohey 52. M . Attamore 53. M . Perri 54. J . Forbes 55. J . Wallis 56 . M. Mora n 57 . D . Ciron e 58 . M. McCartin 59 . P. Carroll 60 . C . Thornton 61 . A . McGree 62 . M. Matthews 63 . D . Courts
13u11<~ctt Beehive He P :
Hez h速r : 4
OLD M ELRURNIAUS Coach : Justin Pickering Asst : Justin Hart Res : Hartley Stone
1 . Smith D 2 . Beaumont J 3 . Billing M 4. Mathews R 5. Bunn L 6. Holme D 7. Thompson C 8. McKeon A 9, Aubrey C 10 . Roberts T(C) 11, Gallagher P 12 . Richardson J t3 . Wilson E 14. Evans B 15. Ray J 17. Miller James 18. Fitzgerald T urne R 19. Mul 9 Y J 20. Guest 21 . Hicks M Di xo 22. n J 23. Berry M M 24. Hawkins H 25 . Whitehead . Coste ll o T 26 27 . Richardson W 28 . Marson M 29 . Prowse M 30 . Miller Jono 32 . Selby E 33. Magee J 34. Grundy P 35. Ray C 36. Wulff B 37. Grant J 38. Lacey H 39. Tucker J 40 . O'Brien H 41 . Berry J 42 . Theodore P 43 . Wu A p 44 . Hill M 45 . Kennon 46. Anderson J 47. Caris P 48. Alder C 49. Tsiotras G 50. Jenkins C Si . Richmond C 52. Webb 0 T 53 . Harrison 54 . Byrne J 55 . Murphy C 56 . Beilby L 57 . Bains A 58 . Turner H 59 . Faulkner R 60. Wettenhall S
Sponsored By :
The Age - MPG Gazman
OLD SCOTCH Coach: Date Tapping Asst Coach : Andrew Smah e R Asst~ Coahch: R y Beattie 1 R. Mullins ips (VC) 3 JB Ras s 4 T. Hol t 5 S. Collins (VC) 6 A. Cro w 7 J. Kitchen 8 B. Robinson 9 C. Tallent 10 C. Smit h 11 M. Angu s 12 S. Hume (C) 13 A. Nettleton 14 N . Ackroyd 15 S . Cations 16 S . Troo n 17 T. Wigney 18 L Hawkins 19 R. Joseph s i ston 20 C o ce 22 N.A . J dison 23 0 . Cran e 24 L McDonnell 25 M. Saunders 26 T. Downing 27 M. Denni s 28 A. Quai l 29 M. Gnatt 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N . Leitl 32 J . Gerstma n 33 E . Rei d 34 C . Phillips 35 P. O'Conno r 36 J Sutcliffe 37 G . Carroll 38 G . Prendergas t 39 B. Ferguson 40 T Aurel Smith 41 W. Lewis 42 T. Beattie 43 A. Routledge 44 D . Jackso n 45 A. Teesdale 46 J. Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger (VC ) 48 S . Dumares 49 L. FGtchen 4 50 M. Walkom 51 L. Freeman 52 D. Knight 53 J . Rodsk i 54 A. Sutherland 55 R. Ashton 56 D. Brook e 57 J. Cran e 58 A. Grant 59 C. Evan s 60 J. Sheldon 61 C. Swan M . Graham 63 E. Hope 64 J. Mitchel l 65 M. Moffatt 66 A. Pearce 67 S. Tulloch 68 C . Logan 69 C . Neal 70 S . Dic k 71 M . Anger 72 B . Smith 73 S . Lovelle 74 S . Kings 75 C. DuPou r 76 J. Nickles s 77 T. Pag e 78 A. Simson 79 M . Waterson e0 S,Willis 81 G . Fordyc e 83 L . Thompso n
Natureworx K2 ASScTMG T
A Sectio n GUI -t ITY
Coach : Leigh Carlson Ass Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach: Dale Bower Club 18 Coach : Ed Best 1 . Kenna A
Coach : Michael Sholly Res . Coach : Chris Gawne 1 . A. Fox 2 . D . Orlando 3 . J. Pasceri 4 . D. Landrigan 5 . D. Rush 6 . A. Oswald 7 . S. Lethlean 8 . J. McDonnell 9 . J. Hawkins (C.Res.) 10 . M . Beardsley 11 . L . Howard 12 . A. Bowen 14 . S. Skidmore 15 . L . Ford (CaP)t 16 . S. Mollard 17 A Chatfield N. C.) 18 . M . Scanl an 19 . D. Walsh 22 . T. Ockleshaw (V.C .) 22 . J. Healy 23 . S. Johnston 24 . C. Purss 25 . R. Carey 26 . C. San talucia 27 . P. Ryan 29 . C. Beetham 30 . B. Dixon 31 . T. Maher 32 . A. Brushfield 33 . N. Bingham 34 . S. Wood 35 . A. McCart hy 36 . D. Sapuppo 37 . D. Higgins 38 . S . Freer 40 . N. Larkins 41 . M . Callihan 42 . R. Speakman 43 . T. Woodruff 44 . N. Hulett 45 . A. Barrett 46 . D. Meehan 47 . N. Corcoran 48 . A. Nadinic 50 . T. O'Meara 52 . J . Francis 53 . R. Ford 54 . N. Quinn 56 . T Corrigan 58 . J . McGrath 60 . M . Walsh 62. J . Silk 63 . A. E .Jones 66. S . McCart hy
2. Hine A 3. Reynads L V/C 4. Saunders R 5. BurrowsD V/C 6. Gnat1 P
Van Oar VenneT
8. Burrows R 9. AndrewsA
10 . wuiarnsA
11. Kennetly S 12. Cultrera A
3 . Cade J
14 . Tr" R 15 . Green M
16 . HnasC 17 . Hinas R 1e HeayJ 19 . Armalasc 20 . McPherson s 21 . Kennedy L 22 . Deane,ia,ns G 23 . RamsdenA Capt 24. Christoperson J
25. cameron F 26 . Donahoo B 27. It R 28. HealyT 29. Crawford M 30, r,,cK;nr,c„ R 31. Burgess J 32 . Bro v.n s
33, AtitkenJ 34. Deane- Johns L 35. Blaaeni s 36 , Bu~rD 37. Van Der Venne s ruC 38 . Rarnsden R 39. Walsh B 40. Beardsley D 41, tautenaS 42. Amore s as. AmoreJ 44. Treadvrell G 45. Morpem T Rv/C
46. CQoP°-r S 47. Pretty s 48. Best J 49. Romney N an.
Blackmwe B
51 Gam ble R 52. Heaven C 53. Rain G 54 . wluams z 5s Taylor C 56 Best E 0 5z' Schulze 58. stebbinsC 59. CadeT so. IsepFi B 6t Cnstiano o 62. ChiBey E
63. Cade a 64. GrayJM ~~~ 67, nmicon , A
68. Gmtenez C 69. ol,verD 70. BravmA 71' ArtowsmithJ 72. .am~coni c 73. Hdabrandt D 74. Thwaites M 75 Miller C
76. MonassoJ
77. McDonaltl E 79. Treadr:ell C 80. Manseur S 81 . OShea M 82. Phillips R
83. Welsh L ea. Boyd L 85. Goldenberg w 86. Mccutcheon M 87. Parker D ~. Channse A
Coach : Peter Nicholson Res : Darren Handley 1 . C. Keunan 2. M . Harrison 3. C. Goullet 4. D. Jordan 5. Jo Mount 6. J. Madden 7. S. Clarke 7R S. Parrett 8. J . Evans 9. B. Jordan ( C) 10. N. Mitchell 11 . C. Davis 12. B .Hogan 13. C. Mitchell ( DV ) C 14. C. Day 15. C. Liberatore 16. L. Turnbull 17. L. O'Sullivan (VC) 18. T. Cooney 19. R. Close 20. L. Fielding 21 . B . Loughlin 22. M . 0'Riley 23. L. Wilkinson 24. S . Crouch 25. D. McLaughlin 26. C. Baumga rtner 27. Ja Mount (R C) 28. P. Holland 29. G. McInty re 30. S . Mitchell 31 . B . Ashton 32. T. Harvey 33. N. P.Smith 34. D. Byrne 35. T. Pearson 36. S . Carfton 37. A. Carteret 38. S . lannazzo 39. M . Juricskay 40. D. O'Connor 41 . M . Kav anagh 42 B . Miziewicz 43. N . Basaraba 44. M . Mihailovic 45. S . Glenn 46. D. Blunt 47. M . Hooper 48. J . Lloyd 49. N . Thomas 50. A . Smith 51 . G. Campbell 52 . L.B . O'Sullivan 53. P. Harris 54 . N . Chapman 55 . B . Grant
Coach : Pat Manni x Asst. Coach: Peter Randall Res . Coach : Chris Rubic k
1 Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J 4 Guengerich D 5 Tanner J 6 Rigby M 9 R 3 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A 10 Mart in R 11 North L 12 Gleason Q C. 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Quin L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Fairbank P 19 Wilcox E 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard B 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Scambler J 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M 29 Terrill A 30 Muhlebach T 31 Callery B 32 Paterson M 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Cheat s 36 Brooke Ja 37 Robbins J 38 Lochhead G 39 Holmes R 40 Brookes C 41 Brooke Je 42 Fletcher S 43 Fulton L 44 Mc~l achlan G 46 Birk s T 47 Millar A 48 Fishly L 49 Steele P 50 Nailon H 51 McIntosh J 52 ]hie T 53 Heffernan X 54 Waxm an A 55 Zanos M 56 Rankin T 57 Irvine T 58 Sudholz J 59 Hutchinson B 60 Penny C 61 Ritchie J 62 Catle ry M 63 Eden P 64 McPhail D 65 Clarke E
1 . C Wood 3 . M Carbone 5 . B Phan 6 . P Campbel l 7 . S Brosol o B . B Janso n 9 . A Pawlik 10 . R Pasqualotto 11 . T Wallace 12 .S Phelan 13 . T Langford 14 . T Carrig g 16 . J Powe r 17 . A Carbone 18 . C Dan c e 19 . A Hill 20 . P Hennessey 21 . B Jone s 22 N Cunningham 23 . E Eames 24 . A Cunningham 25 . M Vernal 26 . D Gallagher 27 . L Swai n 28 . M M anni x 29 . A Glenn 30 . M Powe r 31 . M Baker 32 . G Kenned y 33 . C Fulto n 34 . D Gloufchev 35 . C Law 36 . C Dyer 37. M Nuna n 38. C Carrig g 39. D Brice 40. D Atkin s 41 . M Leah y 42. M Northey 43. N Elliott 45. S Cleve n 46. M Duffy 48. J Tre aud ~ 49. T Hilton 50. D Crea 51 . R Eames 52. A Baggoley 53. B Wilso n 54. A Baker 55. P Tobin 58. P Poutney 59. N Brisbane ~~ R Pawlik 61 . L Eame s 62. J Anderson ~ J Box
66 Barbetti
68 Anderson NORTH SUBURBAN 69 King
91 . Smith P 9 2. tnaseyM
~ 7 I ~ I~rsir
1 ~ .,
70 Looming
. ..
67 McAloon D
90. Swinnerton H
Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : David Matt hews
Call - 9886 5355 FCLlnterState
Transpo rt Services
: :CUF7 7 - r.--AY 2STY 2T74-A SECTIO N
Old Xaverians v University Blues De La Salle v Old Scotch Whitefriars v St Bernard s Old Trinity v Old Haileybury at Spo rtscover Arena
Marcellin v Old Melburnian s B SECTIO N
Old Ivanhoe v Beaumari s Old Paradians v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Essendon Or v North Old Boys Mazenod 0 C v Collegian s
Old Brighton v St Kevin s C SECTION
Caulfield Or v MHSOB Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Hampton Rovers Therry Penola 0 B v Monash Blues AJAX v Glen Eira
Old Camberwell v Parkdale Vultures Dl SECTION
Fitzroy Reds v Aquinas 0 C - Punt Road Oval, Richmond Ormond v Peninsula 0 B Old Mentonians v Yarra Valley 0 B Salesian 0 C v Prahran
University Blacks v Banyul e D2 SECTIO N Ivanhoe Assumption v Monash Gryphons Williamstown CYMS v Swinburne Uni Bentleigh v West Brunswick
Old Geelong v Bulleen Templestowe La Trobe Uni v Old Carey D3 SECTIO N Mt Lilydale v St Johns 0 C Power House v Syndal Tally-Ho Werribee Amateurs v Oakleig h Hawthorn Amateurs v South Melb Districts Rupertswood v UHS-V U D4 SECTION
St Marys v Bulleen Cobras Richmond Central v Old Westbourne Eltham Collegians v Albert Park Box Hill North v North Brunswick Kew v Elsternwick
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Xaverians v Old Brighton St Kevins v University Blue s
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Rupertswood Banyule Viewbank v Old Ivanho e Old Camberwell v Old Essendon Or at Stradbroke Park, Kew (45 K4 ) Old Trinity - Bye Beaumaris v Old Melburnians UNDER-19 SECTION 3 AJAX v University Black s
Old Paradians v Monash Blues Oakleigh v Therry Penola 0 B St Bedes Merit Tig v Whitefriars MHSOB v Old Carey UNDER-19 ( 2) BLU E South Melb Districts v St Johns 0 C Oakleigh Clays v Hampton Rovers - game switched from ori ginal draw De La Salle (2) v Bentleigh Peninsula 0 B v Mazenod 0 C Ormond v Emmaus St Leos 0 C at Sportscover Arena, May 28 at 6 p .m. UNDER-19 (2) RED
Rupertswood (2) - Bye Bulleen Templestowe v La Trobe Uni North Old Boys v Aquinas 0 C Old Westbourne v Fitzroy Red s
UHS-VU/ St Bernards v Old Xaverians (2 ) CLUB 18 (1 ) Old Xaverians v Old Brighton St Kevins - Bye De La Salle v Prahran Old Scotch v Old Essendon Or Marcellin v Mazenod 0 C CLUB 1S (2) Collegians v Therry Penola 0 B Eley Park v University Blacks Monash Blues v Whitefriar s Fitzroy Reds v Old Xaverians ( 2) - Ramsden St . Res, Clifton Hill
Old Scotch (2) v Old Melburnian s CLUB 18 (3 )
University Blues v La Trobe Uni Old Scotch (3) v Old Geelong North Old Boys v Old Trinity
Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Caulfield Or - clash with seniors - TB A Monash Gryphons v Old Carey
St Bernards v Werribee Amateurs Old Scotch v Caulfield Or Marcellin v De La Salle THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
who's in . Vfra s sut . V4'no s sang r•1rat . Stay on the dal~ trv :ti-i the latest AFL ne w s eac?-, weekday r•~ n :^nirg with Prime Time Spc Us 927 . Sac'ts p~ores .=icnsl= S i mon O'Donnell, Anthony Mithen and Michael Christian i^;^ing you the ia-vEist results, n e :., s and i^tCrU :ei•+is , a s vv E" as a campl e t e wrap "rorn the vvior-L c° v :Dort . €f it's hE~pe .-ning i^ sport, you'€€ hear, it on Prime Time Sports W27, 5 .30-9am ,<eaKdays ,
The Might ; fall with both OEG and Collegians inflicting Shane Maher was also losses on A Section aspirants St Kevins and Old Ivanhoe, good. the Tigers easily win the Centenary Cup over a shell Old Ivanhoe lost shocked Beauy, NOB's make it 3 on the trot against the another one and are plucky Paradians, and the Tonners bounce back against losing touch a bit. A the injury plagued Tonners . pattern seems to be REVIEW developing in thei r Can a Tiger maul a Shark, I'm not too sure but this group game where they can match it in the first half and then fall of Tigers certainly gave the Sharks a mauling as they won away after the long break. Something for Shols to work on . the inaugural Centenary Cup in a canter . The Tigers Collegians on the other hand had a good second half virtually controlled the game from start to finish sticking to their guns and the game plan and played the controlling the ball all over the ground thrilling the large game out really well kicking 11 goals for the half . crowd estimated to be around the 2500 mark. Beaumaris Christian Davidson and Brad Shadbolt were the could not be faulted for their endeavour, but were standouts in an even team performance . Young players outplayed by a bigger and stronger side on the day . James Michael Clarke, Will Cornelius and Brett Nagel are rising Tyquin was voted Best Afield for the Tigers receiving to prominence for the Hoes, with George Haros continuing plenty of support from Richard Sampled, and Steve Zakic his excellent season form . on his return from injury. David Teasdale won the Medal for the Sharks with young Michael Atkins continuing his good form. Crackerjack game out at the Grammar . Old Essendon traditional slow starters came out of the blocks hard and by - time were some 40 points in front . St Kevins th en took their turn with the wind and by _ time things were tight again . SKOBS then put on one of their renowned bursts and by the 20 minute mark of the last term were some 5 goals up still . Then the Bombers gave the SKOBS some of their own and went rampant into the fluky breeze to peg them back and hit the front. Malty Lucas had a chance to win the game but missed as the Bombers held on for a meritorious victory. Full credit for the Grammar Boys who fought to the end . Big Ben Hakim played his best game for the club and is really developing as a player . David Biggs was sensational, and Shaun Towner up from the Under 19's had a huge impact .
Old Brighton made a marked improvement on their form from the previous week against a Mazenod side who are having an horrific run with injuries . A couple of lapses of intensity at crucial times cost the Nodders dearly but they remain upbeat and positive and can see a win coming up soon. Big Brook Logan returned and continued where he left off, Benny Gadsden was again good on the wing. Edg. did some nice things and Leigh Hendra continued his good year for the victors . Good games for Mazenod came from James Beard who was good in the middle and slotted a couple of twins . Scott Veltman in a tag,ging role and Luke Morgan who battled hard all day . A hard fought victory for ldOB's against a relentless opposition played at a Garvey Oval where the centre area needed a sledgehammer to soften it. Inaccurate kicking cost the Paradians clearly and was perhaps the cause of their downfall . The vrind was swirly all day making it hard to play some really good football . NOB's happy to win . OP'S disappointed . Dan 7acek, Scott Sleep . and Matt Amor constantly repelled Paradians attacks, with Matt Hyde also good . Peter Rrabenrl~r was a we!--me additice to Parade . David Bound}- kicked 4 fit- half Loals, :,,d
PREVIEW Can NOB's win 4 in a row and really stamp their mark on the Section, or after a couple of dismal weeks can the Hoers bounce back. Interesting question that will be answered today . The game is at Gillon that still does not necessarily make NOB'S favourites, but on form they are . But that does not mean I will pick them as the Ivanhoe have been playing some tough opposition and will bounce back today .
A must win game takes place today at Sportscover Arena between Beaumaris an d Old Paradians. Both sides have a win apiece and have on occasions produced some good football . The Sharks have a likeness for EP, the smallness of the Paradians will definitely suit them, but having said that Parade are getting some experienced players back into their side now and have a good blend but in a toss up I will stick with Beaumaris . David Murray makes his coaching debut against his old club today with everything in his favour . Rri. zenod ha s
CLUE B ~"TION Collclians Old Ivanhoe Collegians Ir7azencd St Bedes
Taft Luxon Dixon Maskell Hecker Plavfair Gravep
Old Esendon St Kevins
2 2 2 4 2 3 0
21 17 16 15 15 14 14
B RESERVE St Kevins Adis 1 17 Old Ivanhoe Stewart 4 13 Mazenod Hawkins 0 7 C ;Ls RobertS 0 7 ~: >rth t1ld '. ~ = Bor~ 3 7
plenty of injuries but David still knows them all like the back of his hand . Perhaps my visit to the home of the Noddas on Thursday Night will inspire a special effort as they are really up against it today with St Kevins tipped to bounce back with another win . To use a racing parlance the more logical it is the less logical it is, does that mean there is an upset in the air at Brindisi Street today. Old B ri ghton certainly think there can be while the Tigers obviously have other ideas . Will the Tigers suffer a letdown after the emotions of last week and give the Tonners a sniff remains to be seen . Based on the respective sides performances against Beaumaris in the last fortnight logic must surely prevail with me as I must stick with the Tigers to go on their merry way with another home victory . Harry Trott promises a ripper. Both sides in fantastic form now and have good consistent players on every line . The old buzz is back at Collegians as they make every post a winner, while the Bombers would have taken a huge amount out of last week's game and really believe with a bit of luck they could be 5 zip . The size of the ground suits both sides, let's hope its dry so it doesti t ruin the game as a spectacle . The Lions forwards Taft and Dixon will test the oEG defence as will Heritage and Playfair at the other end . Never been one to tip a draw so for no specific reason I will take a punt and tip Old Essendon. PRESS CORRESPONDENT S 9/10 last week. Don't forget the numbers 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016, or drop me an email to braineo@optusnet .eom .au, by 8PM Monday Nights at the latest please . Nominations for Player of the Round are most anoreeiatPr t (------- - -- t ~-- - _ _ ..
OLD 1trAldEIOE 3 .3 7.8. 9 .9 11.12 (78) COId1:GTANS 3.3 6 .6 12 .11 17.14 (16) Old Iv : Bcanigan 3 Cornelius 3 Luxon 2 Weddle 2 Theodossi . Best. Clarke Hares Oates Cornelius Nagel Payne . Call: Skurne 3Taft 2 Dixon 2 Hosking 2 Hoist Fry Shinkfield Elg Davidson Harrison Shadbolt Harris . Best : Davidson Shadbolt Harris Harrison Skurrie Rowston . Umpkes : Geoff Curran Graham lhwaites (F) Chris Doyle Steve Pipemo (G ) OLD PARADIANS 3.3 6.5 8.8 10 .12 (72) NORTH OIA BOYS 2 .6 6.7 9.11 11 .14 (80) Old Par: Boundy 4 Porteous 2 Dallas Galloway Girovski Hughes Best : Maher Hughes Brabender Boundy Jenkins Curran . NOB : M B arker 2 Jarrott 2 Strand Barker Cordy Boyle Amor Vogels Carmichael . Best: 7acek Sleep Smith Amor Hyde Boyie. Umpires : Simon Stokes Luke Holmes (F) Jack Watty Daniel Brookes (G ) ST BEDES b'SENT T1G 2 .6 9 .8 14 .9 17.13 (115) 2.2 3 .5 6 .10 7.13 (55) BEAUMARIS St Bedes M/T: McGraw 3 Zaiuc 3 Hecker 2 Terrell 2 L WinUe 2 Samperi 2 Sawers Napier Tyquin. Best: Tvqin Samperi Odachawski L Wintle Hecker Zalde . Beatmt: tee 2 Buller 2 Teasdale Atkins Pitts. Best : Teasdale N Atkins Deaton O'Brien Fisher Btilier . Umpires : Peter Simpson Leah Gallagher (F) Rob Mayston pir) Craig Brajtherg (B) Clive Shipley Les Damyon (G ) OLD ESSENDON GR 7.2 9.6 13.14 19 .16 (130) ST KEVBdS 2.7 10.13 14.15 18 .20 (128) Old Eaa: Hakim 5 D Flaherty 3 Fleming 3 Playfair 3 Obliubek 2 Heritage T Biggs Dngojlo. Best : Hakim Towner Leask Legudi T Biggs D Flaherty . SKOB: O'Keefe 4 Lucas 3 Aughton 2 Field 2 Chard 2 Greenham 2 D .`Aahonev 2 B Dohnan . Best: Green L'vlahoney M Dollman D Mahoney
Simpson Lucas. St. Kevins - Hes played on the wing, covered in the ruck . Albie Firley Michael Bretag (RFt..) (F) Matthew Jackson Brad played every key position and kicked nine goals in a game Umpires : Monaghan (RFi.) (B) Dominic Napoli John Bretag (RFia (G ) plays his . This week St Kevin's Ben Garvey three tinies 3 .7 8 .14 10 .17 16.19 (115) OLD BRIGHTON game for the club, with only one game in the 150th reserves a few years ago when coming back from injury . A MAZENOD 0 C 1 .0 3.2 7.5 11 .7 (73) frequent high placegetter in the club's best and fairest, the Old Bright: Dawes 3 Logan 2 Macgfllivray 2 B Gadsden 2 Bristow 2 Edge highlights of his career have been five times representing 2 Goldner Phelan Hendra . Best : Logan Phelan B Gadsden Hernia Edge Victoria, amateur team of the year in 2001 and the club's Bristow. Mae: Beard 4 Maskell4 L btou~an D Chamberlain J Dunne . Best: C grade premiership in 1996 . Well done Ben! And three M Chamberlain Beard Veltner D Dunne Hose Nisbet . other players celebrate 50 games this week, deputy vice- Umpires: Ben Ryde Mark Gibson (F) Lucas Robson (G) captain and 2003 best and fairest winner Tom Simpson, B RESERVE goal sneak Jarred O'Keefe and Paul Natale vitro's back .' OLD IVRNIIOE 2 .1 7 .3 7 .4 9.6(60) after a year in Queensland . .12 (78) COldÂŁGIAtdS 4 .3 7 .4 9 .10 11 Collegians - congratulate two great players on recent Old Ivanhoe: Stewart 4 Risstrom Jewell CA George Morris Bmddy. Best milestones . Proud new dad and former captain, Brad Keane Hacimev Braddr Kent Morris Stewart CaIlegl ans : Johnson 5 Woolhouse recently played his 200th game, while Simon Hencbrv w`eekcs Little Willis \Vatson Johnston . Best: Lockett M Johnston "the Little Champ" Woolley chalked up his 150th game . Thank you to both boys for great service to our club over Weekes Ca:kes Tumer Johnson. 7 .9(51) 2.2 3.4 5.7 OLD PARADIANS many years . 6.9(45) 1 .1 4.3 5.8 Old Paradians - congratulations to Ryan Murray who NORTH OLD BOYS played 100th game for Old Paradians' last Saturday . Old Paradians : Spinwo 4 D McKay Farrow Bux . Best: Joyce Bux Elliott Ryan joined the Club in 1999 and quickly became a Walsh fart Tenson. North Old Boys: Borg 3 Neville Bryar Jeffrey . Best : familiar face around the place playing wherever / Jeffrey I 'Sheehan Maher Grigg Kelly Joyce. whenever required, Seniors. Reserves or up and enjoying ST BEDES &IEMT TIG 2 .3 4.3 6 .9 7.10 (52) it at all times! Well done Muzza BEAUSiARIS 0 .3 3 .3 3 .3 4.6 (30)
Match details not received.
TODAY'S MATCHES B SEC TIO N North Old Boys v Old Ivanhoe Beaumaris v Old Paradians at Sportscover Arena, Saturda St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Brighton y Collegians v Old Fs-,endOn Or St Kevins v tdLt -u O C
2 .1 3 .10 5 .16 6 .18 (54) 1 .9 6 .4 7.6 11 .9 (75) Old Ess : Battista 2 Barr Flaherty Mezo Fraser. Best: McKenzie Banisca 0Brien Fe.vster Ridlev McDermott SKOB: Horr9eks 2 Campagria Allis OLD ESSENDON ST KF ,'vlyS
Game 0'Conner Bare 4fulketuns Curtis P'angaraw Ryan_ Best : Campagna G Fatavoles Game P Bare Game Curtis I . Katavols 4.6 7.11 8.13 12.14 (86) OLD BRIGHTON 1.6(12) NMAZENOD 0.0 1.0 1 .5 Old Brighton : Reid 2 Uubyna 2 Eastgate 2 McNim12 A Ginnivan Paterson Matessi Cully . Best: Dubyna Crilly Reid Ea: :iiie '''',iiiin Paterson. Mazenod: S Arlopardi. Best : Tilling Collins no Raine Murray Roberts.
Ii Section
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
8. M . O'Brien 9 . B . Cousins 10 . L . Buller 11 . M . Lee 12 . L . Healy 13 . C. Gourley 14 . T. Collins 15 . M. Boon 16. A. Quin 17. L. Atkins 18. N . Kenned y 19. M . Atkins 20. M . Mellon 21 . S . Coote 22 . J . Holt 23 . A. Catlin 24 . B. Gray 25 . D. Teesdale 26 . A. O'Brien 27 . D . George 28. J. Vance 29. C . Martin (VC) 30. C . Lambert 31 . J . Black 32. B . Cairns 33. S . May 34. H . McMillan 35 . N. Boctor 36 . N. Atkin s 37 . R. Presnel l 38 . S. Lynch 40 . J. Hogarth 41 . N. Conlan
42 . B. Gillespie 43 . R . Deaton 44. C . Collins 45. M. Duggan 46. L. Wonnacott 4 7. A . Kent 48. J . Mellor 49. J . Bryce 50. P. Berry 51 . J . Mitchell 52 . J . Williams 53 . A. Poll 54 . S. Lee 55 . B. Deaton 56 . T. Wooinough 57 . A. Fisher 58. J. Bramwell 59. B. Griffiths 60. D . Bird 61 . J . Heath 62. A . Pratt 63. D . Galvin 64. A . Coote 65. G. Sherlock 66. P. McConchie 67 . L. Stevens 68 . S . Boreham 70 . S . Crossley 71 . C. Hawkins
DEAU MARIS Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst: Erwin Leyden Res : Mick Carty R . Rawlin s H . Gibson M. Pitts (C) M. Matulick (DVC) M . Ensor (DVC) A . Spence
Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Marty Hook 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
J . Dixon M . Johnson B . Mooney V C A. Shinkfield R. Henebery S . Woolley
7. J. Farley 8 . C . Unsworth CAPT 9 . J. Fry 10 . J . Lang 11 . C . Weekes 12 . N . Harrison CAPT 13. N . Thomas 14. N. Lockett 15. L. Cottom 16. A. Baxte r 17. R. Hosking V C 18. S. Taft 19 . C . Davidson 20 . M. Holies 21 . C . Harris 22 . T. Skurrie 23 . C . Mollard 24 . E . Waters 25. R . Muir 27 . G. Rowston 28. B . Couch 29. N. Burrows 30. L. Moon 31 . N. Roach 32. C. Blumfield 33. B. Hoist V C 34 . T. Knox 35 . L. Nisbet 36 . R . Turner 37 . C . Hoist 38 . T. Lovell 39 . N . Hart. Res Capt 40. L. Watson 41 . N . Baxter 42. N . Abbott 43. E . Malone 44. Y. Phillips 45. D. Gambaro 46 . J. Ashman 47 . R . Sriar 49 . D . Phillips 50 . D . Rubenstein 51 . B. Shadbolt 52 . M. Naylor 53 . T. Hall 54 . B . Woolhouse 55. T. Cookes 56. B . Limb 57. B . Horsel l 58. D. Smith 59. M . Lynch 60. A. Stone 62. J . Little 63. H . Luf 64. M. Dribble 66. J. Agimus
Coach : Mike McArthur-AJien Ass Coach: And;ew Sutherland Res Coach : Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A. Tucke r 4 J . Ballenge r 5 D. Maskel l 6 P. Nelson 8 B. Parke r 9 P. Gooden 10 B. Chamberlain 11 T. Smith 12 A . McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry (DVC) 16 M . Apollonio 17 J . Beard 18 D. Dunne 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray 21 S. Polan 22 S. Veltman 23 B. Devlin 24 D . Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 29 R. Sharp 30 D. Hansen 31 N. Snart 32 D. Hose 33 S. Balloch 34 C. Boyd 35 D. Collins 36 G . Hamill 37 L. Morgan 38 D . Hallet 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Masseyy 41 M . Venturini
42 C . Raine 43 A . Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S . Paine 46 M . Hunt 47 A. Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L . Haley 50 S. Ware 51 M. Murray (VC) 52 G . Tilling 53 54 A . Stagliano 55 D . Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 57 58 D . Morris 59 60 61 M . McDowell 62 63 65
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Garry Foulds Ass Coach: Tony Egan Res Coach: Mark Oraniu k 1 . J . Cassell 2 . M . Hyde (C) 3. T. Sheehan 4. S . Sleep 5. R. Davidson 6. N . Vogels (VC) 8. M. White 9 . J. Cordy 10 . W. Martin 11 . T. Roberts 12 . G. Maxton 13 . T. Halpin 14 . T. Kennedy 15. J . Nihill 16. R. Kelliher 17. M . Lynch 18. T Holman 19. M. Maher 20. J. Sutherlan d 21 . C . O'Brien 22 . D . Tehan 23 . A . Neville 24 . J . Barker 25 . S . Grigg 26 . D. Brady 27 . L. Herbert 28. D. Joyce (RC) 29. C. Hosking (VC) 30. S . Jarrett 31 . L . Boyle 32. B. Sheehan 33 . M. Barker 34 . H . Neville 35 . L . Crapper 36 . D . Tonkin 37 . D . Brownin g 38 . M. Amor 39 . L. Jeffery 40. C. Phyland 41 . S . Borg
42. D. Sheehan 43, D. Zacek 44. T. Roache 45. S. Ingram 46 . P. Daniels 47 . J. Maher 48 . M . Kelly 49 . A. Ci9ol a 50 . L. Carmichae l 53 . S. Butcher (RVC) 57 . K . Hildebrand t 60 . M . Cribbes (RVC) 64 , T. Brady 66. P. Bryar
66 1=ELâ&#x201A;Ź 01131A-tf (:) NANU
Sc :th ` .L !rourne
OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Jarrod O'Neill Res. Coach: Hayden Bickett 1 A . Krzywnia k 2 A . Pirrie 3 C. Barrow (vc) 4 A. MacGillivray 5 A. Edg e 6 R. Logan 7 C. Reddi n 8 C. McNicol (C . res) 9 P. Phelan 10 J. Mead 11 N . Perry 12 N . Williams 12 B. Williams 12 S . Eastgat e 13 N . Edward s 14 S . Williams (C) 15 B . Gadsden 16 J . Homan n 17 A. Van Den Dunga n 18 A. Salem 18 M . Jackson 19 S. Ginniva n 20 M. Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 L O'Neil l 22 J . Murc h 23 D . Dawes 24 S . Gadsde n 25 M . Ryan 26 A . Ginnivan 27 D. Paterson 28 A. Bristow 29 J . Dickerson 29 B. Richardso n 30 E. McCowa n 30 T McLaughlin 31 A Paroissie n 31 S. Jackson A. Goldner 33 L. Dale 34 T. Gibson 35 C . Stewart (R .vc) 36 R . Henderson (R.dvc) 37 D. Hughes 38 T. Matess i 39 B . Crilly 40 D. Murchi e 41 J . Murchie 42 L Hendra (dvc) 43 R. Capo m 44 R. Fisher 45 C. MciGmm 46 M . Townsen d 47 S. Ada m 48 B. Dever 49 B. Scott 50 W. Leaf 51 J . Lynch 52 W. Hebard 53 P. Sabo 54 J . Dooley 55 D. McLaughlin 57 B . McGuines s 58 C. Butters s 61 A. Walsh 63 S. Davies 64 M .Rei d 68 M . Dubyna 69 A. Mandylaris 71 B. Humphreys
B Section OLD ESSENDON Coach : Frank Dunell Res : Kernel Dachs i Panagiotopolus J 2 Biggs 3 Oxnam 4 Ryan 5 De Morton S 6 Ridley 7 Leask J 8 Heritage j 9 Stormont J 10 Biggs T 11 Buckley J 12 Kavanagh J 13 Hakim 8 14 Legudi 15 Mezo 16 Bordignon 17 Forrest 18 Flaherty 18 Dawson S 19 Healey E 20 Playfair S 21 Dale S 22 Po rtia M 23 Hughes J 24 D az kiw J 25 Frazer A 26 Fleming S A 27 Mc Ken z ie 28 Fewste r A 29 Uebergang S 30 Dragojlo M 31 Caridi D 32 Poulton D 33 Velardo M D 34 Rodger 35 Kavanagh L 36 Obliubek C 37 Parker A 38 Campbell T 39 Newbold B 40 McDermott H 41 Iskra A 42 Bertram N 43 Crame r S 44 Collins A 45 Winkel D 46 S Howard j 47 Williamson 48 49 Christou A 50 O'Brien L 51 Batt ista J 52 Mansfield J 53 Frazer L 54 Cramer S 55 B al loch S 56 Car M 57 Wade S 58 Hurtg B 59 Stevens J 60 Cart er J 61 Newland A 62 Gradzki D 63 Beard M 64 Kepsner J 65 Bacash P 66 Wright B 67 Tilley M C 68 Brooks C 69 70 Hurlston J
Coach : Gerard Sholly Res: Dirk Jones 1 . A. Oates ( VC) 2 . L. Lochran (VC) 3 . S . Curatolo 4 . B . Davi s 5 . C . Georgio 6 . S . Kent 7 . J . Gieschen 8 . T. Stevens 9 . D . Payne 10. C . Crowley (VC) 11 . P. Lewry 12. C. Branigan 13. A . Aa ona 14. D. Campbell - Fraser 15. G . Hope 16. S . Price 17 . A. Corcoran 18. J. Hope ( Capt) 19. P. Dinakis 20 . D. Hawkes (VCR) 2 1 . R . Robe rts 22 . B. Nagel 23 . K. Theodossi 24 . G . Hares 25 . E. Byrn 26 . M. Stewart 27 . N . Hollonay 28 . S. Morris 29 . R . Weddle 30 . A . Gilbert 31 . J . Stevens 32 . S . Kefalas ~ N . Pratt 34 . A . Tiernan 35. M . Pollock ( Capt R) 36. S . Adderley 37. A . Berry (VCR) 38. Ga George 39. Ge George 40. J . Keane 41 . C. Jewell 42. S . Low 43. W. Cornelius 44. M . Luxon 45. N. Antoniou 46. D. Peacock 47. S. Snell 48. M . Clarke 49, C . Quinlan 50 R . Sterne 51 . N . Braddy 52 . S . Hackney 53 . M. Verrochi 54 . S . Smith 55 . S. Pearce 56 . L. Courage 57 . B . Smart 58 . L. Bolza n 59 . R . Stagg 60 . I . Baccini
01 D i : .- :`' : ;
Coach : Sam Assetta Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9.
D . Z'nranovic A . Hughes D . Dean A . Curran (VC) A . Paglia R . Bux M . Cosgrrff ( Res VC) A . Sinclair (C) P. Palermo
to, P. Brabender 11 . M . Joyce 12 . B . Galloway 13. S . Rose 14 . P. Pratt 15 . N. Brundell 16 . M . Godfrey 17 . B. Hart 17 . M . Mitchel l 18 , G . Port eous (VC) 18 . M. Spinoso 19 . A. Dean 20 . S. Maher 21 . D . Loney (VC) 22 . S. Fantone (Res VC) 23 . P. Walsh 24 . T. Lombardi ( Res VC) 25 . S. Rehlecki 26. D . Boundy (VC) 27 . K . Jenkins 28, J . Kreuzer 29. A . Morrow 30. M . Ryan 30. D . McKay 31 . N . Dallas 32. S . Corcoran 33. D. Clayton 35. S . Simpson (Res VC) 36. B . Dintinosante 37. A . DiFabio 40. W. Chambers 41 . A. Elliot 42. R. Murray ( Res C) 44. M . Hyde 45. C . McKay 46. J . Martinelli 47 . J . Sandy 48 . A. Moore 49 . M. Sykes 50 . A. Tenson 55 . J. Swindon 56 . S. Graham
'>T BEDES M ENTONE T IG E RS Coach : Rusell Barnes Res : Mark Lomagno
1 Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L'Huillier A 5 Napier S 6 Pitcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scafidi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A 1 6 Osborne C 17 Cords N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Port er L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 Tyquin J 25 Knuppel J 26 Hecker M 27 Beretta L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Dru ry J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 3 6 WalstabA 37 Williams L 38 Hayes A 39 McColl M 40 L'Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L ~~rtrrrd . f~~~r/ranrrxf
Hodges Real Estate lfentonc
Kingston Chir r a< c
Coach : Dave Murray Res. Coach : 1 J Romboti s 2 E Crohan 3 D Cu rtis 4 L Mahoney 5 M Dollm an 6 P O'Keefe 7 J Molloy 8 B Dollman 9 B Field s 10 M Lucas 11 J O'Keefe t2 M Mulgrew 13 R Bowles 15 W Gu~ h ~ 16 B Garvey e 17 D R y a n 18 R Chard 19 D Sheehy 20 T Crowle y 21 R Maguire 22 T Duggan 23 T Simpso n 24 S Powel l 25 A Hamilton 26 C Taylor 27 A Lync h 28 M Giansiracusa 29 C Underwood 30 M Crowe 31 W Keenan 32 S O'Conno r 33 M Maguire 34 N Remel t 35 J Dempse 36 P Mount y 37 M Pangr az lo 38 J O'Brien 39 N Pope 40 L Kalesaran 41 B Allis 42 S Moun t 43 P Bare 44 G Katavolo s 45 G Bagg y 46 D Mahoney 47 J Grifriths a8A Conlan 50 R Horrick s 51 D Bar e 52 J Finc h 53 L Katavolos 54 S Game 55 P Natale 56 D Walsh 57 K Grey 58 E Waldro n 59 P Au ghton 60 S 0' Conno r 61 T Ryan 62 B Shelley 63 A Dekretser 64 M Gargano 65 M Stonehous e 66 N Marchesan i 67 L Gull'rfe r 68 B Hughes 69 A Callery 70 J Mahe r 71 A Mulkeam s 72 D Manto n 73 P Byrn e 74 A Orland o 75 R Ca - ' oagn a 76 N Baro n
77 M S'nno n 78 R or 79 M ;,s h
0 D Uunn
H Pride
A.F.C. I ;
-`) I V.A .F.A.
"Your Ooacbes' Association "
Osteitis Pubis in Australia What is Osteltis Pubis ? Osteitis pubis is an overuse injury and a common cause of chronic groin pain in football codes, particularly Australian Football . It affects the pubic symphysis, which is the joint at the front of the pelvis between the two ends of the pubic bone . This joint is made up of bone and cartilage . Osteitis Pubis is a bony stress injury and refers to inflammation of the pubic symphysis . What cau ses E3ste : There are many large muscles that attach to and around the pubic symphysis . Such muscles include the abdominal; and groin muscles . Whilst the exact cause of Osteitis Pubis remains unknown, it is thought that the pulling or traction force that those muscles generate on the pubic bone result in a stress related injury and inflammation . Therefore any sport that involves repetitive or forceful motion in those muscle groups, such as intensive running sports and those that require kicking and changing direction such as Australian Football, have a high incidence of Osteitis Pubis . Add to this the jarring of the pelvis and di ; :et contact from falis and tackling and it equates to a large amount of force being absorbed by the pubic region . ns? What are the Many of the initi 1 signs are quite dull and vague and may even simply begin as stiffness in the groin region . It progresses to a dull aching pain, and eventually can be quite sharp, particularly on such activities as running, kicking, changing directions, getting out of bed and getting in and out of the car . In Australian Football, symptoms are usually more prevalent on the stance or non-dominant leg, which is required to stabilize the pelvis as the other leg moves, kicks etc . Why is the co nditio n so t ° '°- -- '-i AFL ? There are 2 mains reasons for this . Firstly, ' ere is no doubt that the speed of the game has increased, as has kicking length, kicking across the body ("switching"), jumping and tackling ability, all of which cause excessive stress on the pubic region . Secondly, it is most probable that this condition has always been there, but medical diagnosis, mainly through CT scans and nkll have improved so much . Many people with vague groin pain may have previously been di I^osed ~'.th other conditions such as groin strain, tendonitis, lower abdominal strain, hernia. hip , when in actual fact they had Osteitis Pubis . h The key to managing itis Pubis is rapid detection and early management . Treatment may involve modification of act i pl rsiotherapy, anti-inflammatory medication, stretching and strengthening of the stab'i zing muscles . Obviously the rehabilitation program will be designed according to the severity of each individual' : nptoms and in consultation with the club physiotherapist and doctor . se at avercom e this debilitating problem are : 3" + Abnormal hip and/or pelvic mobility ® Poor movement bween hip/pelvis and the lumbar spine (low back) ® Tightness in adductors (groin), TFL (lateral hip), Hip Flexors (psoas), hip rotators (gluteals) . a Rc` :rre ri ps' ;_ the bac k ® Weakness in the core -ability muscles of the pelvi s ® Inflai ant may fail if. 1 . You dor f~ pre -;ram exactly . 2 . If you : rss :oo quickly between stages. 3 . If all a s ~-~ idressed . 4 . if othe , persist . In such The pr ( is can i : an not missing football at all in mild cases to mis cases . T` ritten by the Physiotherapists at „ n o verview of the ab ove C 12 ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
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The ~~_ _ _- __=r :___' I Last week . . . but help him celebrate today at home after the game! If you can bear it!
the great,-,- :! time, even i n rect climate of to Parkin is a' : - of great interest and his true passion for the great game ol ~er, te e
- .~.-.-
The panellists (above) were each given a few minutes to speak about changes in the game before fielding questions from the audience. Wayne Johnston is the current Skills & Development Coach for MHSOBFC and is working mainly with our under age players . The day also raised over $4,000 for the football club, with special auction items and a raffle supported by Atcocks, the billiard table manufacturer. Thanks to all who took part. Many positive comments support the view this should be an annual event in the calendars of MHSOBFC and MHSOBA , David Parkin was an outstanding guest speaker.
Wellers win a thriller, Jackas lament wha t could have been, the Fielders and Ashers kick plenty, as the Rovers slip out of the four . Th e Vultures recapture the winning feeling, an d the Lions, Saints and Animals have plenty of work to do as the Unicorns successfully negotiate another hurdle . REVIEW Monash blasted ESL with a nine goal to one opening bombardment and then booted six to three against the breeze to have the game won at the main change. Creamer was superb, Big Azza and Craven were imposing for the Blues, whilst for the Animals, Donovan and Phyland ensured the visitors didn't swell their half time advantage . Camberwell and Ajar squared off in a classic encounter with the visitors led by Gold and Janover ahead all day, only to miss crucial late opportunities, that the Wellers were good enough to capitalise upon . The hosts have made a habit of winning the tight ones and they can thank Mitchell . Webb and Durling for securing the club another. Caulfield steamrolled on from the week before with a powerhouse display against the Saints . 'Jobby' slammed seven, 'Stinga' brought his own footy and 'Fages' fabulous ill the club's fourth ~;-in on end . Glen Eira'= Taranto. Clements, Chandler and Prvde stood tall, in a day to forget for the visitors . MHSOB kept on keeping on with a workmanlike away performance against the Rovers . The Unicorns led by Limbrick, White and -Rosman field Hampton scoreless tvice, when kicking into the breeze, and set up a deficit simply too large to erase when the hosts had the gale, although Carr, McCarthy and Adams never gave in . Kelly and Ogier were outstanding for Parkdale as the Vultures invaded the Lions domain and returned to the winner's list . Some exciting Therry of plav v:-re
not enough to prevent the club sliding to a fourth successive defeat . Forster-Knigh t and Henderson amongst the best for the vanquished .
PREVIEW After a slow start to C Grade, M onash are now beginning to find their feet and will discover how far they have come playing host to the recent all conquering Caulfield Grammarians . The Fielders midsize players have been booming and their plethora of forward options will prove too much for the gallant Blues . Following a couple of ' road t ri ps', MHSOB return to the School Oval, and that can only be bad news for ESL. The ladder leaders are laying the foundations for a quick return to B Grade and will end the first third of the season undefeated . A loss for Hampton Rovers could see them fall two games from the four and they have a tor-h assignment confronting the close game
G LLi L C SECTION Ajax Caulfield Gramm Hamnton 1'arkdale MHSO B C RESERVE MHSOB Emmaus St Leos Hampton Therry Penola Emmaus St Leos C^ulfield Gramm Old Camberwell
lunner Baxter
Horne Corbett Batty Hanlon Walker Neivev James Fnrtarl,
5 7 0 4 2
26 18 16 16 15
1 2 5 8 0 2 1
13 17 13 11 10 10 10
specialists, the Wellers, this afternoon . Camberwell fans can again gear up for a thriller but the Rovers know failure today is not an option, and will prevail . Parkdale and Ajax shape up at Gerry Green, and the Jackas know last week was one that got away . Unfortunately that will mean little to the Vultures today, as on their awn patch where they are capable of fast moving delivery, they look to cement their place in the top bracket. With each team winless since Round 1, it's an understatement to say victory is much needed for both Therry an d Glen Eira . Fortunately, barring a tie, one of the side's will belt out their theme song with gusto tonight. Therry know the inconsistency must e nd and will roar louder th an the Saints . Old Camberwe ll - Danny Vanaken reached his first half century with the club against Old Camberwell . DVA is another young player just out of the 19's with a bright future . Has battled with injuries over the last 12 months however a strong pre season has prepared him for many senior games this year . Well done DVA . Glen Eira - congratulations to Scott Emmett who played his 150th game last Saturday. Scott has played with the club since starting in the under 19's and has been a club stalwart since . Emmaus St . Leos - all at the club congratulate Terry "the Frog" Ymer on reaching 450 games in Rd5 against Monash Blues . Terry started his football career with St. Mary's in '74 where he played 404 games including 3 premierships, also was club captain, B&F winner and on the committee . In a recruiting coup the Animals secured his services in the 2000 football season and he has been a fin example to his team-mates in regard to his fitness, football smarts and dedication and is still playing top football . Stretch those hamstrings Tezza .
TODAY'S MATC H E S C SECTION Monash Blues v Caulfield Gr MHSOB v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Hampton Rovers v Old Camberwell Glen Eira v Therry Penola 0 B Parkdale Vultures v AJAX
CAUIS ZIIl GRA' : iARIANS 6.3 12.6 17.12 25.20 (170) 9 .2(56) GLEN EIRA 3.0 6.1 8.1 Caulfield Grammarians: Baxter 7 Foley 5 Sharpe 4 Liddell 2 ArgTos Carboni B Gross Kendall Knight O'Neill Widjaja . Best: Kendall Fagan Baxter Guyett B Sinclair Sharpe. Glen Elm- Taranto 4 Chandler 2 Davis S Diamond Sheehan. Best: Clements Taranto Pryde Chandler S Diamond Fosscy. Umpires: Ken McNiece Lionel Katz (F) Ross Richards Peter Maddocks (G) EMMAUS ST I.F.OS 1.1 4 .3 7.5 10 .13 (73) MONASH BLUES 9.6 15.10 18 .14 22 .16 (148) Emmaus St Le os: El lis 2 Bird Brown Corse Donovan N Hodder McGloin McKenzie Ristevski . Best : Donovan Corse Phyland Roncht Krebs Brown . Moorish Blues : Gregory 4 Nind 3 Blaekley 2 Craven 2 Hawkins 2 Bolton Chapman Costley Main O'Sullivan Smith Tltrton Williams. Best Creamer Smyth Craven Main Williams Nind . Umpires : David Irons Peter Uddell (F) Gavin Roberts Michael O'Donnell (G) 7.6(48) HAMPTON ROVERS 0 .0 3.3 3.3 11 .18(&4) MBSOB1째C 4 .7 5 .10 8.14 Hampton Rovers : Duddy 2 Adams Carr Greenwood Lawrence Prantzos . Best Carr Davey Andersen Woods Adams McCarthy . MHSOBFC : Taylor 3 Horne 2 limbrick 2 Hogan 2 Wright Neilson . Best : limbrick Taylor White Wright Rosman S Anderson . Umpires: Paul Dinneen Jeremy Heffernan (F) Ben Bracken James Gregory (B) Greg Rollo Bruce Stephens (G ) 8.10(58) TfiERRY PENOL9 3.1 6.2 7.5 PARKDALE VULTURES 5.7 8.8 13.11 15.13 (103) Therry Panels: Edwards 3 C Bannister Barron Bol'r_on Clarke McKay . Best: Forster-Knight Baker McKay Remolds Henderson Fenton. Parkdale Vultures: Rowley 4 Barr 3 Hayes 2 Ryan 2 Wilkins 2 Kelly Sullivan. Best: Ogier M Sullivan C Sullivan Wilkins Kelly Barr. Umpires: Adam Conquest Damien Stead (RFt.) (F) Bianca Share Troy Cussack (RFL) (B) Daniel Kofoed Gus Contano (RFf.) (G ) OLD C.AT,ffiERWEII. GR 1.2 7 .5 8 .8 12 .12 (84) 5.4 7 .6 10 .10 11 .15 (81) AJAX Old Camberwell Gr. Bayford 2 Hardenberg 2 P Tempone 2 Webb 2 Credlin Heileman Horgan Peasnell . Best: D Mitchell Webb Durling Christie Hardman Pike . AJAX: Kirmer 5 E Wollner 2 Gotlieb Klein Weislitzer A Wollner. Best : Weislltzer Janover E Wollner A Wollner Raleigh Kirmer . Umpir es: Roland Fuhrmann Ric Love (F) Matthew Cowley C RESERVE CliUtk"IELD G S 6 .5 12.8 15.11 19 .17 (131) 6.6(42) GLEN EIRA 1 .3 1 .4 5.6 Caulfield Grammarians: A Hasforth 4 Farmer 3 Law-son 2 James 2 Poulter 2 Green Scott Baker Bosna Genand MaSasev . Best: Savers Fryers Chapple Synman A Hasforth Scott Glen Elm, Gilmore 3 Fade 2 Richards . Best Russo Gilmore A Diamond A Decries Eade . ST LEOS 7.2 9.4 12 .9 14.9 (93) 8.9(57) MONASH BLUES 1 .3 3.7 4 .7 &nmaus St Leas: Simmndson 4 Batty 2 Buckle 2 Free 2 R McGloin McDermott Virgo . Best: Vi:e,, R Megloin Bruce P Carev Raynor B Vaughan. Monash Blues: Hawkins; 2 Spencer 2 Tickler 2 Murehie Dennis . Best: Banks Ti*ilcker Shieids f, T- ' .i'e Mores!. HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .3 5 .5 7 .7 9 .8(62) MHSOB 2.3 4.8 4 .10 4 .12 (36) Hampton Rovers: Hanlon 5 Power Sprott C tvfalthouse Marshall . Best Brudar Morlev Hanlon C Malthouse Heffernan Blaneiardo . MBSOB: Dunne Corbett Fl2czek Feferkranz . BesC Bowen Feferkranz Rujevic Fmrlak Vicendese. THERRY PENOLA 3 .6 7 .8 11 .9 13 .10 (88) PARF DALE VULTURES 1 .0 2 .2 4.3 5.5(35) Therry Pertain., Walker 8 Sacco 3 D Goodwin 2 . Best: Walker Sacco .' Pirpinias Kuret Moloney, Warren . Parkdale Vultures : Wilson Crilly Baker Hazetmore Ross . Best: Rock Kerr 4V'ilson Perazin Fry Ciilly. 5.9(39) OLD CAMBERWELL GR 0.3 2 .5 4.9 AJAX 3.5 9.8 12.9 17 .14 (116) . Best: Fogarty Old Camberwell Gr. Saffar 2 Fogarty M Hanson P Mitchell Margetts M Hanson Williams Mackenzie Saffar . AJAX: Czarrn 3 Notice 3 Benedyk[ 2 Godlewtcz 2 Goldeifein 2 J Lewis 2 Jankie Riflerman Sacks . Best : Jackie Nonch Seidl Spicer Kestenberg Szkolni k 15
C Section AJAX
Coach : Merv Keane Ass Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res: Chris Mathieson
1 . N . Gold 2 . J . Israelsohn 3 . Y. Rapoport ~~ 4 . M. Dudakov 5 . G . Bliede n 6 . D . Vanaken 7 . G . Samuel 8 . E. Raleigh 9. J . Raleigh 10 . G . Dukes 11 . M. Segal 12 . D . Goldenfein 13 . B. Klein 14 . A. Wollner 15 . J . Segal 16 . E. Janover 17 . D . Weislitzer 18 . J . Ki rzner 19 . A . Lewin 20 . J . Sharp 21 . D . Gelbart 22 . E . Wollner 24 . J . Bram 25 . M. Blashki 26 . B . Duzenman 27 . A . Spicer 28 . A . Zemski 29 . B . Goldbloom 30 . N . lsraelsohn 32 . A . Bloom 33 . J . Gottlieb 34 . A . Silver 36. L. Krafchek 37 . J . Kestenberg 38 . S . Gutman 39 . R . Rotemberg 40 . D . Seidl 41 . J . Lewski 42 . D . Gerber 43 . D . Norich
1 . D. Rosman 2. A. Bruhn 2. B. Hall 3. C. Knight 4. M . Liddell 5. S. Kendall B. N. Craven 7. R. O'Neill 8. R. Foote 9. M . Frater 10 . A. Will (C) 11 . B. Carboni 11 . C. Deal 12 . D . Pearce 13 . A. Green 14 . B. Gross 15 . A. Docker 16 . N . Fallu 16 . S. Sant 17 . S. Argyros 18 . B. Baxter 18 . B. O'Hoy 19 . P. Hoggan 20 . C . Faga n 21 . M. Pennycuick 22 . C . Mc Assay 23 . D . Ash 24 . J. Dalwood 25 . N . Dorman 26 . S. Widjaja 27 , J. Ryan 28 . J. Jacabs 29 . G Erickson 30 . D Elias 31 . C. Poynter 32 . A. Lawson 33 . S. Fry ers 34 . H . Baker 35 . S. Thompson 36 . G . Crathem 37 B. Scott 38 . J Restarick 39 . A . Basins 40 . M. Phelps 41 . B . Kuppe
44 . I . Same
42 . D . Synman
41 . K. Dimachki
44. M . Pearson
45. A . Godlewicz 46. A . Sacks
42 . J. Serpanchy 43 . J. Maart ou k
48 . J . Pask
6 4 '
45. A. Lee 46. S . Blangiardo 47. R. Hunt 48. R. D'Silva 49. L . Pledgar 50. N. Foster
42 . M. Bate 43 . P. Corbe tt
47 . B . Lewis
43 . T. Gerrand 4 4 L. Schneider 45 D . Sco :±
Si . J. Glanvill e 52. A. Kavanag h 53. T. Archer
49 . J . Hollenber g 50 . K . Harding
44 . S. Diamond 45 . A. Caruana
49. S . Czarny 50. A . Benedyki 51 . L. Friedman
47 . S . J :- ett ison Chz-~ !e 49 . BC , -> r 50 C i^ :-pson
52. O. Henzel
51 . J . Jau,es
49 . S . Hall
53 . M . Podolsky 54 . D. Rutko
52 . j . Sayers 53 . S . Backhoier
50 . D . Eade 51 . F. Bourke
55. J . Gomo
60. J . Walnberg
46 . A. Strafford 47 . B . Zwar 48 . J . Hahvrell
54 . J . Yelland 55 . C . Hoope r 5, S . T•,wcross
52 . A . Haines ~ 53 . T Chat field
y 58 T Mc Donald 61 . N Bannon 62. C . Sheppard 64 . G. Poulter
54 . D . Scaife 55 . L. MCGaw 56. C . Hogan 57 . S . Laska 58. D . Dunlevie
65. N . Carnck
59. R . Mills
7t M . Cassidy
60. D . Perkin s 61 . J . Fulton
62. J Simes Tp spec ± nTE L
' ~..._-
_ _.
63 J . Evan s 6 4 B . Bowyer 65. S . Gange
66. R . Der,ackhi 67. M H inton
Coach: Brett McllwraBh Res Coach : Tony Naumoff
San Coach: Phillip Ballis Res: Anthony Strafford Asst: Ian Leith 1 . M . Dimackhi 2 . D. Fossey 3 . C. Massis c 4 . D. Cassar 4 . B . Zosens 5. A. Tsirogiannis B. J. Zagame 7. S . Vamvakis 8. T. Dimackhi 9. A. Russo 10. M . Chandler 11 . B . Clements 12, B . King 13, G . Brown 14. C. Neeson 15. E . Stuchbary 16. N. Davis 17. L. Coulon 18. R. Oldham tg. A. Devries 20. A. Diamond 21 . M . Watt 22. S. Emmett 23. S. Neeson 24 . A. Taranto 25 . P. Khazaal 26 . P. Tsagliotis 28 . L . Shellard 29 . M. Scaife 30 . L . Pryde 31 . J. Lundberg 32 . M. D'Zilva 33 . A. Sheedy 34 . S. Kitson 35 . S. Hollow 36 . B. Zurak 37 . P. Merrick 38 . A. Merrick 39 . J. Gusman 40 . D . Sheehan
Coach : Phil Davis Res. Coach: Bar ry Simon
1 . T. Wilmott 2 . M. McKellar 3. A . Brudar 4 . S . Anderson 5 . B . Marlyn 6 . S . Gravina 7 . A . Duddy 8 . G. Carr 9 . T Barker 10 . B . Boyd 11 L Wheeler 12 . P. Adams 13 . G. Woods 14 . Dan. Andersen 15 . A . Browne 16 . N . Greenwood 17 . D. Artz 18 . J . McCarthyy 19 . M. Lawrence 20 . A . Power 21 . M. Ellis 22 . S . Burggraaff 23 . M. Gra y 24 . C. Christianson 25. M . Davey 26. M . Devereaux 27. M . Flynn 28. B . Kezilas 29. M . Fletcher 30. A. Quon 31 . T. Pucella 32. J . Hanlon 33. R. Mosbey 34. B. Artz 35. M . Vaughan 36. M . Heffernan 37. J. Tipping 38. J. Morle y 39. A. Crisp 40. M . Flahive 41 . B. Henry 42. C. Malthouse 43, C. Cooper
55. J. Prantzos 56. K. Spratt 57. P. Chapman
58. J. Brunmeier 59. D. Marshall 60 . M . Terech
Coach: Dave Skinne r Asst : Speros Beasley, W Fal l Res Coach : Jamie Dixo n 1 . J. Bement 2. S. McCully (Capt) 3. N. Orchard 4. M . White (DVC ) 5. A. Saultry 6. M . Brain 7. S. Whittington Dixo n 8. J. Garne r 9. D. Fairchild 10. P. Smit h 10. I . garrett 11 . P. Spottswood 12. B. Thiele 1 2. M . Feferkranz 13. S. Anderson 14. M . Hamilton-H o 15. D. Membr e 16. J. Walker ( VC ) R. Clowe s 18. R. Umbrick 18. R . Rea d 19. S. Robinson 20. T. Fraczek 20. L. Horn e 21 . J. Aitken 22 . A. Svirski s 23 . A. Hogan 23. L. Taylo r 24 . N . Ha rvey 25 . H . Taylo r 26 . M. Neilso n 27 . M. Johnston 28 . S. Moore 29 . G . McCully 30 . R . Newton 31 . M. Bowe n 32 . A. Cassell (VC) 33 . L. Campbel l 34 . E. Thompso n 34 . D . Henze l 35 . P. Rujevi c 36 . R . War e T. Harpe r 37 . M. Ting 38 . C . Nailon 39 . J . Gregson 40 . A. Lust 41 . J . Anderson 41 . F. Lewis
44 . J . Newto n 45 . R . Czwam o 46 . T. Dunne 47 . D . Hollenber g
48 . D . vicendese 51 . S . Bennett 52 . R . Terne s 53 . I . Castin g
54D Learmont-Walker 55 . G.' Bl au 56. T. Wright
57 . S . Fol e 58. P. Greenhil l 59 . A . Hall 60 . S . Jennings i-~~
ajor Sponsors
~~t ~ ' t: alzh ze -sE4 = , ~ ' ~i~-----Ph : 95y4 8222 ;' 31 . R 5 TI 31? ()!''I'l1)!41`.
Gft( )I 1' P'('1 . l"]'1) .
Ph : 9597 0165 w,tw ham„to w ov ers .cem au
C Section - '.
MONASH BLUES Coach : Jon Edgar Res : James Shady 1 . S. Chapman 2. L Renton 3. L Holloway 4. G . Chessari 5. J. Rosengarten 6. M . Newman 7. P. Farrar 8. S. Thompson 9. C . O'Sullivan 10 . S. Lloyd 11 . M. Spencer 12 . G . Smyth 13 . M. PayY 14 . B . Merlin 15 . M . Tinkler 16. B . Nind 17 . K . Mudge 18. R . Glover 19. M . Saunders 20. M . Edsall 21 . C. Gregory 22. T Blackley 23. B . Janssen 24. T. Craven 25. J . Hawkins 26. P. Wills 27. N. De Young 28. J . Mai n 29. A. Costley 30. L. Creamer 31 . S. Hawkins 32. L . Beddingfield 33. J. Smith 34. A. Cheesman 35. A. Hickey 36 . A. Williams 37. C . Dennis 38 . N . Brennan 39 . M. Smith 40 . Ma. Bolton 41 . Mi . Bolton 42 . M . Coe 43 . R . Feenaghty
44 . D . Teesdale 46 . D . Jones 47 . S . Mentha 48 . M . Carey 49 . D. Taylor 50 . A . Tote 51 . M . Payne 52. N. Moresi 53. J . Pee l 54. G . Dodd 55. I . McCormick 60. B. MacKenzie 61 . P. Campbel l 62. L. Kane 68. M. Meehan 70. D . Barlow 71 . N . Rosengren 72. B. Green 73 . A. Dobson 74. P. Westbrook 75 . R . Turton 77 . D . Neil 78. A . Shields
Coach: Michael Sigalas Asst: Matthew Hogg P Kcn Schwab Res : Andrew Tsindos 1 . A. Curling 2 . M. Horgan 3 . S . Peasnell 4 . C . Hendrie 5 . L. Cain 6 . B . Christie 7 . T. Hallo 8 . J . Heffernan s B . Tymmons 10. M . Hanson 11 . D. Hanson 72. R. Perryman 13. J. Webb 14. R. Whitehead 15. D. Clyne (Missing) 16. D. Pike 17. N. Credlin 18. S. Marwood 19. P. Tempone 20 . D. Mitchell 21 . T. Hardman 22 . M. Wallis 23 . P. Mitchell 24 . B. upper 25 . A. Hardenberg 26 . B. Langford 27• A. Sheedy 28 . R . Wheelan 29 . S . Beckett 30 . T Bayford 31 . B . Craven 32 . G. Ormsby 33 . D . Joyce 34 . D . Schmid t 35. C. Munroe 36. S . Derry 37. M . Cottrell 38. C. Williams 39. S . Svensen 40. C. Jellis 41 . L. Ryan 42. A. McKenzie
43. C. Grant 44. A. McHaric 46. M . Jackson 48. J. O 'Sullivan 49. A. Mantzioros 50' N . Salter 51 . B. Ryan 52. S. Gran t 54. A. Margetts 55 . S. Fogarty 56 . I. Curry 58 . N . Paine 59 . S . Hancock 61 . G. Weickhardt 65 . M . Rayson 66 . T. Parkes 75 . G . Hanson
AL L C,F, HC S 9 8 5 7 3 0 5
Coach - T -y M -yeirge Assist: John McNicholas Res Coach: Paul Marin 1 . S . Rowley 2 . R . Gallagher 2 . B . Darcy 4 ; M . Dixon yeS 5 . A . White 5 . D. Grrffiths 6. C. Stephen s 7. K Gunter 8. K Little
g. M . Meyer 9. P. Emmett 10. C. Atkins it . C. O'Meara 12. A. Baker 11 M . Rya n 14. C. Johnston 15. Mick Sullivan 16 . P. Sullivan 16 . J. McCarthy IT C . Sullivan 18 . S. Sullivan 1 g . C . Stewart 20 . D . Kinsella 21 . D . Kelly 22 . B. Liddell 23 . Matt Sullivan 24 . T. Linthorn e 25 . B. Richards 26 . D . Rochford 26 . A . Rock 27 . M . Nielso n 28. C . O'Brien 29. G. Crilley 30. P. fvarin 31 . M . Andrews 32. B . Fogde n 33. N . Wilkins 34. C. Ross 35. M . Johnstone 36. C. Ogier 37. T Macgeorge 38. S. Perrazo 39. S. Waters 40. S. Richards 41 . C. Rock 42. T. Bar r 43. M . Barr 45. C . Barr 46. W. Wheatley
47. J. Tul Tullly 48. Mick . Walsh 49. A. Hunter 50. S. Scullin
51 . N . Sutherland 52 . S. Wingrav e 51 D . Noonan 54 . T Hirst 55 . N . Cooley ~• S . Wilson 57 , S . O'Leary 58 . R . Haslemore 59 . D . 0' Keefe 60 . T. Everest 61 . T. Banks 62 . P. Tesonero 63 . N . Levett 64 . X . Smith 65. G . Wilson 66. A. Kerr 67. A. Fry 68. T Kight 69. M Wingrave 70. J . Noonan
IMAU s ST LEOS Coach : Darren Turner Res: Frank Dinicolantonio 1 . P. Carse 2 . J . Hodder 3 . E . Mitchel l 4 A . Auliso . S . Buckle 6. J. Fennell 7 . A. Burgess 8. B . Bird 9. C. Cotter to . B. Mitchel l It . B. Care y 12 . T. McCann 13 . A. Krebs 14 . J. Eagles 15 . P. Carey 16 . A. Rose 17 . M. D'Amelio 18 . R . McCann 19 . A. Kelly 20 . A. Ballard 21 . G . Simondson 22 . P. Ristevsk i 23 . T Batty 24. D . Bruce 25 . A . McKenzie 26. A . Prosser 27. P. Levin s 28. H . Giles 29. S . Darcy 30. M . Ottobre 31 . M . Contessotto 32. D. Camm 33. L. Thomas 35. J . Brigg s 36. S . Savage 37. S . Manton 38. N. Hodder 39. B. Vaughan 40. J . Gay 42 . M . Flood 43. B. Levins 44. A. Zalakos 45 . S. Ronchi 46. A. Brown 47 . M.Mclnerny 48 . A. Daly 45 ~ D . Cox
50 . A. Vol i 51 . P. ~1c loin q 52 . R . McGloin 53 . T. Pecora 55 . C . Hatfield 56 . T. Morrison 59 . D . Pitcher 60 . C. McDonald 61 . J . Blandthorn 63 . P. Nolan 64 . D. Wood 67 . P. Farquhar 69. S . Meshcer 70. D. McGloin 75. T. Ymer 76. G . Donova n 77. C. Vaughan 79, T Tribe 88. S . Pitcher 89, D . Winduss
_. .
Coach : Chris Bye Res Coach: Garry Datson 1 . Gorman P 2. Goodwin T 3. Bannister R 4. Elliot M(vc ) 5 . Baker A 6 . Nancarrow M (c ) 7 . Bannister S 8, Hollow L g, Bannister C{vc ) 10 . Vaina J 10 . Crotty J 11 . Finnigan M 12. Betsey J(dvc -res) 13 . Russell G 14. Fenton J 15. McMahon A(vc -res) 16. Goodwin M 17. Pirpinias D 18. Moloney A(c -res) 19. La Corcia M 20. Clarke J 21 . Henderson G dvc ) 22. Reynolds L ( 23. Calla9ari D 24, Faroldi M 25 . Edwards P(vc) 26 . Lewis B 27 . Bosanko M 28 . Bolzon R 29 . Goodwin S 30 . Finley R 31 . Forster-Knight A 32 . Sacco J 33 . Kuret L 34 . Weston D 35 . Clifton D 36. Barron D 37 . Castaldi D 38. Nancarrow M 39. Boyle S 40. Tsinaris G 41 . Barron B 42. McKay A
43. O'Connell S 44. Appleford P 45. Carter M 46 . Stepien S 47. Goodwin D 48. Nancarrovr A(dvc -res) 49. Leyland G 50 . Barron B 51 . KenessY N 52 . Glesson A 53 . Savory D 54 . Frazzetto C 55 . Kurt M 56 . Dunne P 57 . Ferguson C 59, Robinson T 68. Goodwin D J 77. Walker K
° I :
S .L ,«rmo~)t 'vtentone Room Function Restaurant * )'ot:ie s
~9_~ _
® ® 0 Club XVIII - All Stars .
Certificate of Merit profile : Greg Dunkley ( Prahran ) • Joined in 1968 (Commonwealth Bank) • Played 81 Senior & 230 Reserve game s • Reserve Coach 1984-89 • Reserve Captain 1972 & 1982 • Reserve B&F 1973/74 & 1982
• 25 years on Committee • Secretary, Social Secretary, Presiden t • Life Member 1978 • Reserve Grade Field Umpir e
® ®
Greg Dunkley Ift/Jf2/1)
They say the trend these days is to rotate players and have fresh legs coming off the bench . Hardest worker in the competition last week was in a Club XVIII game last week was the interchange steward who suffered writer's cramp after recording 103 interchanged players . 81 Old Scotch, 22 Old Trinity - all on Volunteers Week!
® 0 ® Fitzroy Reds not only wears one of the most eyecatching jumpers in VAFA ranks, that colourful characteristic has migrated to its officials and attitudes as well ; with President, Benjy Lee, Peter Hille, Vice President for Social Extravaganzas, and Team Manager, Bill Atherton, being up there with the brightest and best scallywags in the Association! Topped off with their promotion of interclub trophies such as the 'Rouge et Noir Cup' (for matches against University Blacks), and the Latte Cup (between themselves, and two other Cafe Society area Clubs, Williamstown & Prahran)! Great stuff chaps! Keep i t up! ®
The concept of a friendly game of football between players who for whatever reason could not play in the V .A.F.A. took shape around 1970 when the title Club XSqII was taken from a Melbourne Cricket Club competition called Club M. Control and organization of the Club XVIII passed to the V.A.F.A . in 1987. Many teams have played in Club XVIII as stand alone, third sides or one team clubs seeking to develop into senior clubs. There are 3 sections this season each with 10 teams (Old Ivanhoe have since withdrawn). The competition has developed many fine footballers. Current Marcellin Captain and 2000 Woodrow Medallist Glenn Cox started in Club XVIII. Well known actors Peter O'Brien and Gary Sweet have taken part as has Brownlow Medallist, Brian Wilson. Gary Sweet won the Mason Medal in G Section in 1987 as a Port Colts player . David Wittey from Bloods was drafted by Sydney from the competition in1990 . Chris . McAsey also played a V.F.L. senior match . Veteran Umpire, David Windlow, who has participated in every season to date selects his all star side . B . A.Fox (G .T.V.-9) G .Wood (St Bernards) A.Saw (BuileenTemplestowe ) H.B . A.Peters (Kew) A.Landrigan (Old Xav.) L .Parris (Bulleen- Templestowe ) C . R.Booth (Powerhouse) B.Wilson (Powerhouse) G .Sweet (Port Colts) H. F. T.O'Sullivan (Old Xav.) C .MasAsey (Bloods) M .Bastow (Richmond Central) F. D . Wittey (Bloods) A .Treganowan (Marcellin) G .Evans (Powerhouse) R . G . Carroll (North Old Boys) G.Cox (Marcellin) W.Denton (Old Xaverians ) Interchange from : C .Capiron C .B.C . St Kilda), M .Todd (Bloods), N.Peters (Marcellin), P.Considine (North Old Boys), J .Martin (Old Scotch) A.Phillips (De La Salle) . Also in consideration would be B .Cartledge (Prahran), B .Haines (Collegians), M.Verge (Old Melburnians) . N .Rathgeber (Old Xaverians) and A . Anderson (Old Melburnians) What do our readers think ? ?
Old Camberwell invite all players and supporters to their 2004 Gala Dinner on 3 July. To be held at The Manningham Club, Tickets are $85 for adults, cheaper for legends and juniors. For further details hunt down Steve Derry on 0416 110 790 before Jun e 17 .
® 0 0 The Parkdale Vultures website, www.thevulturesnest .com is well worth a look . Complete with their own newsletter including news, movie reviews, history and interviews it is an entertaining look at life emanating out of the Gerry Green reserve .
Recent writing and talking about the present and past V.A .F .A. fixtures and players provides some interesting facts. President Bruce in his pre-season speech referred to his debut season, 1964 . There were 6 senior sections (F (D3) was added that year), one Junior Section with 13 sides as well as 4 Reserve Sections based as much on geography as on ability. In total 112 teams of 20 played weekly under the control of a single field umpire . Thus 64 umpires were required . Compared to the 116 appointments needed by Brian Goodman . his predecessors had an easier task . The total number of players each week was 2240 . In addition 28 umpires are needed in Club XVIII games and 70 clubs are
- ---J
required to provide their own reserve Section umpire . A total of 214 umpires is thus neede d This season the competition comprises 217 teams, from 71 clubs playing in 22 different sections . Each week a maximum of 4.846 players compete in the V .A.F.A. The change in the V.A .F .A. is indeed a remarkable one in two generations, which have also seen the decline of district and commercial clubs and the great spread of school based clubs throughout the metropolitan area. 0 ® 0 VAFA Footballers, Umpires, Supporters Invited to Japan How would you like to play football or umpire this Queens Birthday weekend in Tokyo ? VAFA side Box Hill North is organising a team to enter the Narita Cup for the 3rd year running and would like to invite any interested VAFA footballers, umpires or supporters to join us this year . We are not seeking champions, just those who love their footy, are interested in promoting football internationally and having a unique football experience . The tournament, which has a distinct carnival atmosphere, will be held over the Queens Birthday weekend . Teams participating will be the Samurai (Japanese University students), Colton (Samurai old boys), Tokyo Goannas (mainly expatriate Australians), Osaka Dingoes, Ireland, Singapore Wombats, Jakarta, Box Hill North/VAFA "All Stars" with possibilities from other countries in the region . The "All Star" team will be leaving Melbourne June 10th returning June 15th . There are no VAFA regular season games that week end . All those who have been the last 2 years will tell you what a fantastic long week end this has been . Cost will be around $1700 - $1800 . This includes airfare and 5 star hotel accommodation . If interested, please contact Simon Evans at 98933462 or via email at boxhillnorth@yahoo .co m
Peter Harrison (De La Salle), Andy Cultrera, Paul Gnatt (Old Trinity) Nic Harrison (Collegians), Daniel Denbraber (Aquinas), Luke Taylor (Yarra Valley) Shaun Lorenzini, Brad Wiimore, Jayson Egan (Banyule), Julian Kirzner (Ajax), Mark Frater, Mark Liddell (Caulfield Grammarians), Michael Basile (Old Mentonians), Tony Bevacqua, Matthew Kempton (University Blacks), Denver Artz, Gary Carr (Hampton Rovers), Dave Lee (Williamstown CYMS) . Heath Taylor, Rhys Limbrick, Matthew White, Scott Whittington,
Ewan Thompson (MHSOB), Andrew Kent, Al Parton (Old Carey), Mark Vickers-Willis (Old Geelong), Michael Radywonik (Prahran) Simon Fragiacomo (Swinburne University), Julian Smith, Liam Holloway, Christian Gregory (Monash Blues) Lee Wells, Adrian Flowerday (Monash Gryphons) Scott Fitzgerald, Shane Davis (La Trobe University), Paul Edwards, Mark Nancarrow (Therry Penola) Greg Chivers (BulleenTemplestowe), Andrew Durling, Nigel Credlin, Tom Hayford (Old Camberwell) Alastair Tehan (BulleenTemplestowe) Adam Cannane (West Brunswick) Paul Cheevers (South Melbourne Districts), Tim Davis, David Ronchi (Fitzroy Reds), David Keenan (Rupertswood) Hamish Hodgson (Old Westbourne) Michael Miller, David Robbins (Ormond Scott) Grace (Elsternwick) 0 0 ® Col Paige from Elaternwick AFC was quick to point out some anomalies with FTLOTG's figures last week on VAFA clubs and who they have played or not over the course of their history . Elsternwick have played everyone except Marcellin OC, Yarra Valley and Mt . Lilydale - correct, according to Col they have played De La salle, Old Haileybury and St . Kevins but we left off Monash Blues; as well as Glen Eira and Parkdale or Mentone Vultres - although they have previously played these clubs but named differently St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield, Balaclava, Glenhuntly, and St . Pats Mentone . At Rd 9 of this season EAFC would have played 139 different VAFA clubs, can anyone else match this ?
® ®
Certificate of Merit profile : Michael Gretton-Watson (Old Geelong ) • Has given the club over 30 years servic e • His service exceeds club record s • Mainly served the club as Treasurer or adviser to th e committee on matters financia l • Joined the committee in 1969, became Treasure r
;.'Icbae! 6retitrnWafsOn (Ofd Geelong)
in 1970/7 1
• Club XVIII coach - 1973 • Great advocate for the club in dealing with the Council, Liquor Licencing Commission & the VAF A
0 0 Including :
Let's Talk S o rt
~ Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Updates 15 a ur t ay d &5 unday, 7 noon 2 to 5pm )
JVffff All Sport All Day
VAFA A Section'Wrap '
P For full programming details go to www .sen .com .au (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm )
Five years hence, Geoff Reilley or his Bears probably successor could be writing about one of should have won today's D1 matches in the "Looking Back" by more, but had pages . The source of course will be next great efforts from week's 'Amateur Footballer, and I would like Dave Gayfer & to think that what appears in the 2009 David Mutton in defence, with Paul Gloury "Looking Back" reflects something that actually happened! Most D1 Clubs have a busy round the packs and flanker Chris scout at the next up opponent's game, Taylor ran hard from start to finish! Dave sussing out strengths & weaknesses, so while Kitto & Trent Mitvalsky did well in the no real advantage is gained by submitting a midfield for the Panthers, with support from Woodland up forward & Grant Ferguson dodgy 'best six', or sending spin-doctored Rob in defe Wonce . match notes to the scribe, it does sometimes Blacks I ~alesian happen! Overnight change is unlikely, I just Blacks continued down their pulverising path felt like waving the probity flag! Here ends the by crushing Chaddie in a one sided affair . On dummy spit! ! LAST WE EK ballers Paul & Matt Kempton starred for Fitzroy Reds v Prahran Blacks, as did Ben Costello in a BP with Gorman also strong at FB. The Reds both maintained touch with the Adrian THIS WEEK Four & kept the I,atte Cup against the Two YVOB v Reds Blues in a well-earned victory . Reds had super games from defender Jim O'Reilly, and An interesting match this one, because the Ben Atherton in mid-field . Prahran showed Bushrangers are 6th with a 2-3 ratio, Reds glimpses of bringing it all together, and can't are 5th on 3-2, but with a much higher be far away from a win ; their best were Dan percentage than Yarra . Therefore, it is a good Ballard at HBF, and Joel Kellow continued hi s indicator of the relativity of the top five to the bottom half of the ladder. In spite of th e good form on a wing. Ormond V Y$rra Va lley OB The Monds were very business like in disposing of the Bushrangers, and had top games from Leigh Wells (W), Dave Beckett (CHB & CHF), and HF Andrew Cook. Tim CLUB LST WX TOTA L Killworth hopes his charges learned from the Monds' no nonsense approach, but was DI SECTION pleased with the efforts from Dave Stevenson, Banyule Egan 3 17 Ormond Russ Yeo, & Rob Drew. Denning 1 15 Fitzroy Reds Peninsula OB v, Aquinas Tornese 1 14 Ormond The Pirates stitched this match up in Q2 . The Bloods were pleased with Tim Ollerenshaw (W) . Matt Hunter (OtB), and Bob Moran i n
both back and front halves . Old Mdentoniaxas v Ban yul e The Panthers were mauled by the Bears aft e
appearing in with a show entering 04 . The
Peninsula Di RESERVE Fitzroy Reds Fitzroy Reds University Blakcs Old Mentonians Ormond
Grace A 2 14 Payze 0 1 4
Capodiferro 4 20 McKerrow 5 20 Kelly 9 16 Bournon 5 14 Russell A 0 11
Domeney factor I expect the Reds to win a close one by a few points . Aquinas v Ormon d The Bloods will ensure the Monds know they've been in a game at Ringwood, but with their present injury list it is hard to see them being able to counter the visitors' all round strength . The Monds should win by 4 goals . Peninsula v Blacks The Pirates at home are always a challenge, but I can't see them toppling the Blacks, especially with the latter's rarely mentioned (in this column) 'Wog Squad' of Bevaqua, Sibilia, & Villella in such stellar form! Blacks to win by 5 goals ! Prahran v Old Mentonian s Neither side has had a riveting start to this season and are already candidates for the battle at the wrong end of the ladder . Both teams have quality players, but somehow neither is jelling just yet . I'll go for the Two Blues by a few points after a very even game! Banyule v Salesian OC Regardless of Chaddie's 'never surrender' quality, the Bears at home will be too quick & strong and will win comfortably . Reserves winners should be : Reds, Monds, Blacks, Panthers, & Bears . Correspondents contacts: 9889 1979 (+ message bank) & bfhickey6@bigpond .com ii
.. . &a- --- --_ .__ . ._.. .--- ._ ---RRentonians - Last Saturday the OMFC
celebrated a new member of its 200 Game Club when Chri s Wombat' Dwyer reached the milestone . Wombat has been a tremendous servant of the club and highly decorated player winning multiple reserve Best and Fairest awards . Although, not silky smooth in the skills area, Wombat has forged a fantastic career through hard running, determination and a knack of being in the right place at the right time . All at the Old Mentonians congratulate Chris on a magnificent achievement .
TODAY'S T C-MES D1 S ECTION Yarra Valley 0 B v Fitzroy Reds 2 .15pffi Seniors; 12 .OOpan Reserves Aquinas 0 C v Ormon d Peninsula 0 B v University Blacks Prahran v Old Mentonians Banyule v Salesian 0 C
ITZROY REDS 4 .5 6 .7 10 .11 12 .14 (86) PRAHRAN 1 .1 4 .4 6.5 10 .5 (65) Fitzroy Reds : Gleeson 2 R Holderhead 2 Pollard 2 Tornese Ronchi Cahill Abbott Meighen Dlacogiorgis . Best: O'Reilly Pollard Bahr Atherton Ronehi Clarke. Prabran : Sleight 3 Stafford 3 Tooley 2 Ballard Radywonik. Best : Ballard Kellow Northway Sleight Fraser. Umpires: Gerard Rolls Andrew Smith (F) Amanda Whittaker Glen Kennedy (B ) ORMOND 10.3 12 .5 12.12 17 .15 (117) YARRA VALLEY 2.1 7 .4 7 .5 8 .7(55) Ormond: Well 3 Cook 3 Martinov 2 Miller 2 Grace 2 Deledio Robbins Byra Cove Denning. Best : Wells Beckett Cook Keleher Russell Palling . Yarra Valley : C Britt 2 R Drew 2 Beal R Coutis Rokicki Stone . Best: Stevenson Cooper Valoppi Yeo A Laing R Drew . Umpires : David Phillips (F) Daniel Haysom Kyle Mankey (G) PENINSULA 0 B 6.3 8.7 13.13 16 .18 (114) AQUINAS 0 C 4.0 7.2 9 .4 14.6 (90) Match details not received . Umpire s : Luke Moncrieff (F) OLD MENTONIANS 3 .2 6.3 7 .4 9.7 (61) BANYtILE 2 .8 5 .10 8.15 15.19 (109) Old M entonians: Kalviskas 3 Basile Kitto Millis Mitvalsky Twentyman . Best: Cochrane Mitvalsky Woodland Kitto Ferguson Voigt . Bahyule: Lorenzini 3 J . Egan 3 Jones 2 Wise 2 Christian 2 Wilmore Demetriou Gloury. Best: C Taylor Gayfer Gloury 0'Conell Demetriou A. Brown. Umpires: Simon Olive (F) Paul Whitehead (G) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 .9 9 .14 15 .18 24.23 (167) SALESIAN 0 C 2 .0 3 .1 3.1 4.2 (26) Uni Blacks: P Kempton 5 Rizio 3 Sibilla 3 M Kempton 2 C Price 2 Shaw 2 Velella 2 Blake Barry Bevaqua Fuller Smith. Best: B Costello Scarlett Sibitia P Kempton M Kempton Goonan . Saleslan : Logan 2 Rose Fenverda. Best: Davey Grace Stevens Sutherland Logan . Umpires: Brendan Devlin Justin McKeegan (F) Michael Jones Chris McKendry (G) D1 RESERVE FITZROY REDS 3 .0 10 .5 15.6 22 .10 (142) PRAHRAN 0 .3 0 .3 0.4 0.4 (4) Fitzroy Reds: McKerrow 5 Capodlferro 4 Hannam 2 Baillie 2 Sheather 2 Crane McDonald Reeves T .McBurney Rome O'Connor Moore. Best : Baillie McDonald Hannam O'Connor Sheather Rome . Prahran: Best: H .Pitts S .Campbell MacDonald Ferrero Bedford St Clair. ORMOND 0.1 3 .4 3 .7 10.10 (70) YARRA VALLEY 2.4 2 .5 5 .11 5.11 (41) Ormond : C Keleher 3 MeConchie 2 S 2 Banks Dale Stewart. Best: Casey S DiPasqualie Clinch Dale MeConchie T DiPasquale. Yana Valley : Buruma Morris Glennie Peters Seabourne . Best: Fyffe Potter Coutts Buruma Laird Morris . PENINSULA 0 B 3.7 4.10 6 .17 11 .20 (86) AQUINAS 0 C 1.1 6.2 7 .2 10 .2 (62) Match details not received . OLD MENTONIANS 8.2 10.6 17.11 19 .12 (126) BANYULE 2.1 4.3 6 .3 6.9(45) Old Mentonians : Bournon 5 Austin 3 Noonan 3 R Alexander 2 Drinan 2 Carroll Dwyer A Wilson S Wilson . Best : Dwyer A Wilson Elliott Drinan R Alexander Bournon . Banyule: T Egan Natoli G McLellan King Sproules Turnbull . Best: S Gray Thompson T Egan Prior G McLellan Phelan . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6.2 11 .10 17.17 26.18 (174) SALESIAN 0 C 0.0 0.1 0 .1 0 .2 (2) Uni Blacks: Kelley 9 Green 3 Brumby-Rendell2 Hamilton 2 Hanna 2 Wilson 2 Ryan 2 Prowse Romjin Ross Weber . Best: Cameron Kelley Hamilton Ryan Wilson Ross. Salesian: Best: Riley Hanaphy Bowman Lee Pitts Ryan.
Dl Section DANYULE
Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res : John Fraser
Coach : Steve Bell Res: Paul Harper 1 . L. Toomey 2 . S. Tibb 3 . S . Edwards 5 . M . Hunter 6 . D . Minogue 7 . C . Glennie 8 . J . Jess (VC) 9 . T. Harkin 10 . D . Boland 11 . M . Barmby 7 2 . A . Bethun e 13. D. Den Braber (C) 13. C. Jeffrey 14. A. Lorkin 15. Ad . Williams 16. J . Hunt 17. B. Redwood 18. J . Hughes 19. G . Whitehead (VC) 20. D . Skinner 21 . J. Pierce 22 . S. Flynn 23 . M. Visser 24 . P. Harper 25 . B . Volombello 26 . R . Weeks 27 . C . Quinn 28 . B . Helme 29 . J . Wilson 31 . G. Evans 32 . D. Alford 33. C. Wooden 34. M . Tarulli 35. R. Chapman 36. P. Caskey 37. S . Leonard 38. B. Moran 39. S. Bethune 40. S. Haun 41 . G . Davies 42 . R . Moran 43 . M. Slattery 44 . J. Tapply 45 . D . McCartan 46 . T. Vandersluis 47 . Ant. Williams 48 . R . Brown 49 . M. GrifBn 50 . C. Crozier 52 . A . Pringle 53 . D. Robinson 55. L. Stafford 56. P. Cruickshan k 57. M . Harris 58. H. Tyssen 59. B. Cooper 60. L . Elliott 61 . 1 . Drew 62 . C. Lyng 63 . A. Barrie
~. -
1 . B . Reed 2. A. Bottomley 3. N. Taylor 4. P. Gloury 4. M . Creak (res) 5. B. Willmore 6. M . Morgan 7. C . Taylor 8 . B. Cantwell 9 . J. Plant 10 . A . Dooley 11 . D . Wilson 12 . J . Egan 13 . B . Moxon 14 . L. O'Donnell 15. A . Brown 16. A . Demetriou 17. C. Davies 17. S . Gray (rese) 18. T. Wise 19. L. O'Connell 19. T. Nasrallah (res) 21 . R. Dintinosante 22. C. Taylor 23. M . Gray 24. T. Prior 25. D . Phelan 26. B. Mounsey 27 . J. Jones 28 . D . Sproules 29 . D . Nasrallah 30 . D . Mutton 31 . G. McLellan 32 J tGng 33 . B . Gayfer 34 . S . Lorenzini 35. L. Richardson 36. M . George 37. T Thompson 38. D. Gayfer 39. J. Turnbull 40. T. Prior 41 . A. Tshaikiwsky 42. M. Van Poetere n 43. L . Ferrel 44 . J. Connell Y 45 . A. Roethe 46 . T. Egan 48 . B . Herbert 49 . G. Bell ~ S . Gray 55 . D . Williams
FITZROY REDS Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach: Chris Tehan 1 . D. Hannam 2. B. Holderhead & A. Walsh 4. M. Cairns & J . Hamilton 5. P. Diacogiorgis
7. L. Byrne
B . A. Byme 9 . H . Fletcher 11 . B. Atherton 12 . D . Murphy 13. A . Dawson 14. T. Clarke 16, G. Crane 17. B . Lee 18. M . Baker 19. Pa. Cook 20. T. Mitchell 21 . C. Meighen 22. C. Sullivan 23 . T. Jackson 24 . J. Parson s 25 . D. Bah r 27 . J. Tomese 29 . V. Cahill 30 . C . Little 31 . P. Crowe 32 . A. Grant 33 . S. Dury ry 35 . P. Cook 36. M . Reeves 37. A . O'Reilly 39. A . George 40. G. Bence 41 . M . Bridges 42. I . McBume y 45. J . Benn ie 46. N. Mann 47. W. Bahr 48. N. Vaughn 51 . J . Rawlins 52. B. O'Connor 53 . S. Addicott 56 . T. Madden 57 . P . Rome 61 . G . Virtue 62 . N . Auden 63 . C . Andrew 67 . R . Holderhea d 71, T. Leske 73 . J . Bare 76. D. Curtis 77 . A . Grillo 80. G . Box 81 . J . Savage 95. D. Flanagan 97. D. Ronchi 99. C. McGrath
xn w.fitzroyfacom .au
OLD MENTDNIANS Coach: Peter Russo Res: Jamie Winduss
1 . T. Mitvalsky 2. C. Twentyman 3. R. Bal l 4. R. Woodland 5. C . 6. C . Alexander (VCR) 7, M. McCloskey (DVC) 8, G . Ferguson 9. J. Walker 10 . S. Voiqt 11 . D . Sol Tey 12 . C . Dwyer (CR) 13 . B. Russo 14 . M. Stroud 15 . J . Costello (DVC) 16 . B . Carroll 17 . N . Linford (CR) 18. T. Boumon 19. A . Palmer 20. D. O'Connor 21 . J . O'Brien 22. B . Coghtan 23. A. Drinan 24. D. Cochrane 25. B . Fairbanks 26. G . Dart 27. A. Kianto s 28. D . Kitto (VC) 29. A. Carter (C ) 30 . D . Russ o M. Elliott 32 . M. Sunter 33 . S. Worrell 34 . P. Flaskis 35 . D . Murphy 36 . D . Alexander 37 . M . Francis 38 . T. Milli s 39 . K . Campbel l 40. R . Alexander 41 . S . Cozens 42. M . Basile 43. G . Hubbard Sunter 45.. ~ A. Erskine 46. A. Bowtell 47. J . Kelly 48. D. Stevens (VCR) 49 . N . Fisher 50 . K. Regan 51 . A. Wilson 52 . M. Watts 53 . S. Wilson 54 . D . Goodbody 55 . M. Kalviskis 56 . B . Thomas 57 . S . Fairbanks 58 . A . Worrell 59 . A . Joyce 60. A . 0'Reilly 61 . B . Saunders 62. R . Schloeffel 63. C. Palmer 64. M . Austin 65. A. Mort 66. M . Mackay 67. A. Noonan
ORMOND Coach : Adrian Connolly Res Coach : Peter O' Dea 1 Deledio 2 Beckett 3 Denning 4 Grace 6 Whela nv 7 Keleher 8 Miller 9 Metz 10 Banks 11 Robbins 12 Detedio 13 Lees 14 James 15 Talley 16 Stewart 17 Russell 18 Cove 19 Cleary 20 te Hennepe 21 Wiley 22 Brown 23 Naylor 24 Muzzell 25 Dale 26 Harvey 27 Ashford 28 Clinch 29 Palling9 30 Wells 31 Young 32 O'Brien 33 Cook 34 Russell 35 Bailey 36 Casey 37 Everett 38 Byra 39 Ferrari 40 Douglas 41 Upstill 42 Keleher 43 Parsons 44 Broadhurst 45 Franklin 46 Johnstone 47 Goonan 48 Saunders 49 Jowett 50 Dipasquale 51 Di as uale p q 52 Brown 53 Harvey 54 Ramsay 55 Pa yson 56 Farrell 57 Kentara 58 Beed 59 Hoare 60 Konstanty 61 Franklin 62 Roylance 63 McConchie 64 Loetje 65 Anderson 66 Waterson
67 Harper 68 Cromack
69 Austin 70 Farrell 71 Hassall 72 Rogash
73 Stone
74 Gouzenfitter L 75 Lance M
76 Strauch
San Coach : Julian Sill Res : Brian Cronin
PRAHRAN Coach : Leigh Stafford Reserves : Andrew Gillam
Coach : Peter Turley Res Coach: Adrian Chippaini
UNI ULACKS Senior Coach: A. Parkin Reserves Coach : M . F)ftolani Club 18 Coach: C . Baulch
Coach: Tim Killworth Res . Coach : Simon Taylor.
1 S Parsons 2 A Parsons 3 M Goldthorp 4 E Bowen 5 N Kent 6 M Warner 7 S Murray 8 P Angus 9' 10 A Haley 11 J Sill 12 S Ferguson 13 B Cook`
1 . C. Clauscen 2. L. Stafford 3. J. Ferri er 4. D. Cullen 5. H. Pitts 6. A. Donachie 7. T Greening 8. I . Hunt 9. A. Bunnett 10. M . Mc Cudden 11 . A. Pitts 12. C . Moffat 13. L No rthway
1 . A. Stevens 2. A. Thain 3. S. Sutherland 4. C. Rose 5. M . Canavan 6. D. Forer 7. D. Foley 8. S. Logan 9• A. Campbell 10. S. 04dfietd 11 . A. Davey
1 . A. Costello 2 . S. Chandler 3 . R . Hamilton 4. M. Riao 5. L . Rawnsley 6. A. Beva C 6. C . Fink ( 18) S. Price 7. 8. B. Walc h 8. W. Pascoe (R/C18) 9. P. Kempton 10. W. Hanna 11 . S. Walch 12. M. Cunningham
R. Pearce 1 T. Morris 2 R. Thompson 3 M . Fung 4 A. Drew 5 Ro Drew 6 7 C. Beal L Morris 8 9 J . Keem T. Hancock 1 0 T. Mclllrath 1 1 J. Cremean 1 2 L. Gillies 1 3
14 S White
14. L Fox
12. M. Cooke
13. A. Ross
B. Nickolas 1 4
15. C . Tooley
13. I. Bobetic
16. A. Rhodes
14 . P. Evans
15 J Davis' 16 S Claringbold
17 J Coghlan 18 J Wheaten 19 A Mckinstry 20 S Prenderg ast 21 ATeetow 22 AAtchison 23 R Powney 24 T Prendergast 25 A Powell 26 G Lethbridge 27 S Payze 28 B Taylor 29 S Torossi 30 A Crean 31 * 32 B Liuai 33 R Stainforth 34 M Falkiner 35 T Lane 36 N Bowman 37 J Growco tt 38 T Coghlan 39 S Wilso n 40 D Hubbard 41 A Vidotto 42 N Claringbold 43 B Dunne 44 C Mclean 45 L Prendergast 46 T Moran
47 L Palmer 48 N Heffernan 49 A Minchin 50 A Bonner 51 R Hayman 52 A Wood 53 54 C Wilson 55 R Cannon 56 57 58 P Mangan 59 60 61 62 63 69 J Muir
17. M. Harrison 18. M. Wndridge 19. S. Ferriage 20. J. Kellow 21 . T. Sparrey 22. A. Sleight 23. R . Marriott 24. K. Plummer 25 . L Aitken 26. A. Dibben 27 . W. Watford 28 . K. Watford 29 . P. Gartland 30 . M. Radywonik 31 . S . Fraser 32 . D . Ballard 33, A . Wood 34 . R . Adcock 35 . J . Bedford 36 . G. Seven 37 . M . Boyd 38 . E . Macdonald 39 . J . Matherson 40 . R. Ferrero 41 . J . Upton
42 . B . Downing 43 . S . Kennett 44 . B . Lynn 45 . T. Mahoney 46. S . Moylan
47 . J . Killeen 48. J . Vagg 49. I . Dennis 50. B. Mahoney 51 . N. Harveyy 52. N. Gill 53. A. Ryan 54. K. Sagnol 55. M . Vagg 56. A. Potter 57. L Castl e 58. T. Murphy 59. S. Dixon 60. M . Roach 61 . B. Campbell 62. R . Ham 63. R . Mackay 64. J. Belcher 65. B. Sodoma 66. S. Campbell 67. S. Oliver 68. S. Bell 69. B .Todd 70. S. Conley
15 . L . Rose 1 6 . P. Dolman 17 . M. Forbes 18 . D . Barry 19 . M. Ferwerda 20 . A. Seeger 21 . A. Bonnici 22 . S. Greel y 23 . T. Henson 24 . A . Grace 25 . C . Ryan 26 . J . Nannes 27, P. Alle n
13. C . Baulch (R/C18) 14. C . P ri ce 15. B. Shaw
29 . D . Bowman 30. 0. Le 31 . B . Grams 32. G. Riley 33. N . Callaghan 34. C. Goulden
16. J . Lalich 17. A. Moffatt 18. C . Groom 19. M. Kem~ton 20. C . Sandiford 21 . J . Sibilia 22. E . Nolan 23. P. Barry (Capt) 24. V. Romijn 25. A . Katsaros 26. D . Batt en 27. M . Savige 28. P. Otsuka 29. A . Steer 30, A . Jesse 31 . B . Costello 32. A . Cameron 33. W. Blak e 34, S . Middleton 35. B . Villella 36. M . Prowse 37. R. Dabraio S . Bloodworth 39. B . Cunningha m 40. N. Martin
35. P. Kno tt
41 . T. MacCalium
28 . M . Byr ne
36. S . Nolan 37. J . Brennan 38. A. Gasped 39 p Pitts 40. M . Forer 41 . P. Forbes 42. P. Hanlon 43. M . Van Suylen 44. P. McClaren 45. D. Allen 48. S. Savage 47. K. Gallacher 48. J. Logan 49. M . Oakley 50. S. Kavanagh 51 . A. Foleyy 52. M. Forbes 53. E. Maillard 54. M. Smyth 55. E. Hanapy 56. M. Loughnan 57. S. Sewell ~' M. Bates 59. A. Healy 60. A. Bates 61 . R . Cincotta 63. A. Chippiani 64. S. Sinclair 65. M. Sutton 66. S. Sinclair 67. B . Kirchner
42. 43. 44. 45 . 46 .
A. Smith C. Beato n E. Ryan R. Scarlett A. Kelley
47 . A. Wilson
49 . 50 . 51 . 53 .
R. Dillon A. Goonan R. Wood D. 0'Keeffe M . Petersen 57 . D. Weddell 58 . B. Edwards 61 . J. Black 63 . C. Beasley 64 . L Hill 65 . J. Fuller 66 . C . Lewis 67 . N . Goonan T. Portet 69 . M. Swampillai 70 . J. Green 71 . S. Palmer 72 . L .Clancy 73 . E. Bech 74 . . Kercheval 75. H . Ellis 76. C . Webb 77 . T. Brumb y-Rundell 78. R . Witnis h 80. S. Bade 81 . S. Spong 83 . P. Molloy 55• B. Webe r 86. T. Row e 87. A. Watkins 94. A. Powell 97. L Mario 98. K. Begely
Proudly Sponsored b y SPONSORS : Shann Accessories RetraVision Armadale
THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t
Carlton 3053
E. Kruse 1 4 N. Pask 1 5
L Taylor 1 6 A. Laing 1 7 18 C. Britt J. Strong 19 T. Hale 20 D. Stevenson 21 B. Drew 22 R. Yeo 23 M . Davies 24 F. Pellegrino 25 J. Longworth 26 S. Savage 27 M. Rockicki 28 R. Courts 29 D. Potter 30 S. Urbano 31 J. Parry 32 P. Cremean 33 B. Seeger 34 B. Peaks 35 P. Jarvie 36 D . Balshaw, 37 B. Morrison 38 J. Tompkins 39 M. Wines 40
B. Downs 41 A. Stone 42 S. Yeo 4 3 J . Ho 44 A. Wingate 45
T. Oliver 46 S. Collie 47 R . Davis 48 S. Seaboume 49 J . Peake 50 H . Clarke 5 1 A . Hart nett 52 S . Fyffe 53 S . Simpson 54 A . Vass 55 T. Lloyd 56 P. Pickering 57 G. Kerr 58 A . Joiner 59 D. Redfern 60 P. Vaioppi 6 1 P. Baruma 6 2 B . Whitechurch63 T. Peters 6 4 M . Norrish 6 5 A. Russell 66 B . Vowles 67 T. Collet 6 8 R. Collet 6 9 N. Lear 7 0 M . Laing 7 1 G . Courts 76 S . Thompson 7 7 N. Peters 7 8
puma .co i n
Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am For news, views and previews, tune t o THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Norm N ugent & panel SATURDAY on 9 6 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00a m
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Radio Advert 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 25
Hugh Lyon I'TWEAIi I Bulleen-Templestowe continued their undefeated run when they overcame Ivanhoe Assumption, Lipping the Hoes out of the four in the process . Ivanhoe came out like a bull at a gate, leading the Bullants by 40 points twenty minutes into the first quarter, before Bulleen finished off the quarter with four late goals. After the Hoes got the first two goals of the second quarter . Bulleen gradually clawed their way back into the contest before overwhelming the Hoes in the second half. Thompson in the ruck was a standout for the Bullants, while Pietryk in his first game for the victors also had a great game . Replacing them are the Monash Gryphons, who conquered their Swinburne University hoodoo by beating the Razorbacks in a thriller at St . James Park, the home side losing yet another close one, with bad kicking for goal by the less than sharp Razors surely a factor . Both teams dominating their quarter each in the first half, going towards the Bunvood Road end, despite the breeze being worth no more than three or four goals, before settling down into a classic, epic, arm wrestle, despite both team missing big names such as Flowerday (Gryphons) and Murchie (Swinburne). Also on the receiving of another heartbreaker was Will iamstown CYMS, succumbing to fellow early season strugglers West Brunswick . Adam Cannane returned to form and added three goals to his team's cause, and a few new players also had an impact. If this blend of new and old continues to gel, don't be surprised to see the Wicks maintain their improvement in the coming weeks. Old Carey maintained their powerful form in comfortably defeating Bentleigh, in what was always going to be a Sisyphean struggle for the Demons, with veterans Sharp, Paul and Seeley still showing the way for the cellar dwellers, while again for the Panthers, they continue to have three or four players contribute with three or four goals a week, and Kent is still getting his name in the best players each week . Watch for him, at least early on, in the D2 vote count . And finally, Old Geelong won the points from LaTrobe University in the wide open spaces at Bundoora, to maintain third spot and continue pressing their claims for finals football . My tips this week are : Ivanhoe Assumption to get back in the winner's circle; Monash Gryphons to make it two on the spin ; Swinburne to win this week's 'varsity' clash ; Bulleen Templestowe to continue their undefeated record ; and in the battle of the Olds, Carey to come out on top . What Andrew Says While it may only be round six, many pundits believe todavs clash between Old Carey and Old Geelong is a preview to this year's Grand Final . If not for an administration blip, Old Carey would be undefeated and on top of the ladder while Old Geelong has also looked impressive at times . Both clubs boast a very potent forward line. Old Carey has some impressive forwards in Simon Wood and James White but Old G long has the best forward of them all in Mark Vickers-Willis . Ivanhoe Assumption has conredc 137 g : :'< ! :r the last fortnaqht
but meet a side in West Brunswic k that has found it hard to score all year . Hoes coach John Matthe w was not concerned by the form of his defence but was more worried about his side's inability to concentrate for the whole game . 'While Matthew was not worried about conceding goals, Magpies coach Adam Hamilton was worried about his side's inability to score them. Considering the Hoes have averaged fewer than 12 goals a game the Magpies defence will have to work overtime to stop the Hoes from posting a winning score . Dene Macleod questioned his side's commitment and wanted more inspiration from his senior players after their four-point loss last week . Unfortunately for the CYMS' their opponent, Monash, has a spring in its step after avenging a string of recent heavy defeats to Swinbume last weekend. Knight said his midfield, despite its inconsistency, had been their strength this year and praised the inexperienced trio of Lee Wells, Tim Bourbon and Rowan Cox . The Gryphons showed tremendous grit to win despite trailing by 40 points last week and while the CYMS will improve, the Gryphons at home should win narrowly . In what should also be a close encounter, La Trobe travel to Swinburne with both clubs desperate to post their second win this season. La Trobe coach Glenn Taylor said he was hoping his side could win three of its next four games but believed they would not play their best football until the second half of the season. Frustrated by his side's third loss this season by a goal or less - all to sides sitting inside the four - Swinburne coach Derek Theone said his players were suffering from a"grand final hangover' . The Razorbacks with a bit of luck could have defeated three of the top four sides and at home should defeat La Trobe . Unlike Swinburne, Bulleen Templestowe has managed to win
f D2 SECTION Old Geelong Vickers- Willis 0 19 Bentleigh Paul 3 18 Williamstown Williams 2 17 Old Carey AnusT 3 16 Ivanhoe Ass Valanis 2 16 Old Carey Wood S 4 1 5 D2 RESERVE Bulleen Temp Williams 3 15 Old Carey Konstantinidis 0 11 Old Geelong Avery 1 10 Old Carey Guerra 2 10 Monash Gry Gonis 0 9 La Trobe Uni Slater 2 9
the close ones this year. Despite being unbeaten and sitting on top of the ladder, coach Steve Easton said his side would improve considerably over the next few weeks . The undermanned Demons have struggled against strong opposition in the last fortnight but coach Justin Paul was still happy with his side's endeavour. The Demons will try hard this week but the at home Bullants should remain unbeaten for at least another week . TIPS : Ivanhoel0 : Monash6 ; Swinburnel4 : Bulleen30; Old Carevl 8
Ivanhoe Assumption - congracuiates ci .ib games record-holder Colin McDonald on playing his 300th game for the Hoes last Saturday. 'Village" had hoped to retire on 299 at the end of last season after many years playing mainly in the reserves . But his teammates wouldn't allow it and persuaded him to pull on the boots one last time to become the club's first-ever 300-gamer. Vill, you've done it all . Coached the ressies, long-serving committeeman, vice-president, life member, and you still managed to ice the game last Saturday with your last kick and goal. Bentleigh - congratulate Mark McCulloch on 250 games . Marra has been a great servant of the club and was part of our 1990 premiership success . Mark is in the leadership group and is known for his toughness and never-say-die attitude . Well done Macca and good luck . Williamstown CYMS - congratulate pocket dynamo Clinton Poch on playing his 100th game this weekend . A tough little fella who's a cult figure with the young lasses down Willy way, the former U19 player hit the *,in hard over the summer, and it has paid dividends as he is currently playing the best football of his career. Well done Clinton from all at CYs . Another CYMS man , Kirk Dowsey, also recently played his 100th game for the club . Now holding the mantle of the quietest man in the elub, the red haired 'Kirka has been great value for the club with his loping stride and vice like hands . A reserves premiership player, he and the club are looking forward to another 100 games . Congratulations from everyone at CYs. Social Bentleigh -)t's back to the South Oakleigh Club after Saturday's game, so enjoy a drink, have a meal and support this great sponsor . Williamstown CYMS fans are reminded of the club's Family Day this Sunday 23rd May, which includes entertainment for the kids such as jumping castles and clowns, and also an opportunity for adults to win $1000 . The big drawcard should be the "Legends Match" where CYs stars of yesteryear in some old-fashioned (and slow motion) footy . Contact Bernie Tuck on 9397 7744 for more details .
Correpsondents Please note that for the next fortnight, my (Peter Williamson) email address will be theqwillkhotmail .com, so any match reviews should be sent to this address, ideally by 5pm Monday, Andrew Wu - s30432479student
TODAY'S MATCHES D2 SECTIO N West Brunswick v Ivanhoe Assumption at Weste rn Oval, Parkville (2 9 I✓ lQ) Monash Gryphons v Williamstown CYM S Swinburne Uni v La Trobe Uni Bulleen Temp -l est TM= Bentleigh Old Carey v Old Geelong
7.4 10.6 10.9 11.14 (80) IVANHoE ASXI_TPTION BIRbL_-ii-TEAiPL_BTOWE 4.1 8.6 11.8 16.12 (108) Ivanhoe Assumption: Morris 3 Sampson 2 Joyce 2 Valkanis 2 Rawley Hegar. Best : Sampson Rowley Iosefo Wood Toogood Scarparl .. BulleenTemplestawe : Florence 6 Robertson 2 Chivers 2 Williams 2 Tulloch Teehan Noble Milesi. . Best: Thomson Norbury Hare Pietryk Smith Florence. Umpires: Andrew Fyfe Anthony Simpson (F) Robert Seymour Pat Mitchell (G) WII.IdAA4STWOld CYMS 3.3 5 .7 9 .12 13 .12 (90) 2.4 10 .6 11 .9 13 .16 (94) WEST BRUNSWICK WiBI.¢mstwan CYMS: Thrush 5 Barlow 2 Williams 2 McNamara Buttiegieg Thomas Matthews, Best: Barlow Thomas smith Thrush Taylor MeCutcheon . West Brunswick: C<•mnane 3 Tanner 3 Brookshaw 2 Sheedy 2 Bloom Edwards Norman . Best: Continue Coonan Tomey Leahy Gartlan Tanner. Umpires: Merv Monty (F) Ryan Place Joel Wignal (B) Pau] Galt Andrew Esposito (G) SWIIQBU1tPdE UNI 6 .10 6 .11 9 .16 12.19 (91) MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .0 10 .5 10.7 14.12 (96) Swinbume Uni : Fricke 2 Fidler 2 Milano 2 M Higgins 2 Gelly Whiting Kiss Barbera. Best: Jones MacFarlane Fricke Fragiacomo Whiting Fidler. Monash Gryphons : T Bourbon 3 N Rutherford 2 Sharkey 2 Leeton 2 Denyer 2 Still C Yanni Waters. Best : R Coxhead Pocock Waters Wells T Bourbon Leeton. Umpires : Eli Hayes Paul Tuppen (F) Jake Mahar Alistair Chatto (G ) 0 .0 1 .4 5.5 8 .5(53) BF,NTLEIGB OLD CAREY 6.6 10.9 15.11 19.16 (130) . Best: Sharp Clough Seeley : Paul 3 Robertson 3 Mikkelsen Wilken Rent Brookshaw McCulloch Paul . Old Carey : Wood 4 T Angus 3 Vasilopoulos 3 Cohen 2 Holley 2 Parton MacFarlane James Crasher Kent . Best: Kent C Angus Trumble Wood Vasilopoulos Campbell . Umpires: Paul Jones Matt Meier (F) John Hall Sam Perrin (G ) 5 .5 8 .11 (59) LATROBE UNI 0.2 4 .4 5.5 6 .7 9.13 11 .16 (82) OLD GEELONG LaTrobe Uni : Butugieg 4 Mawdsley Murray Gleeson Sheldrick. Best: Brooks Cossar Gellert Mawdsley Pmscino Stevens . Old Geelong: Vickers-Willis 4 W Paul 2 Kimpton Goldsworthy Fallaw N Belts Ainsworth . Best : W Ainsworth M Goldsworthy W Paul H MeCarthyJ Bell T Paul, Umpires: Mark Alexander Joseph Bolzonello (F) David D'Altera Michael Lee (G) D2 RESERVE 5 .5 7 .13 15 .15 (105) 1VAPd1I0EltSS Old 2 .5 BULLEEN-TE TOWE 3 .2 8.3 9.5 13 .5 (83) Ivanhoe Assumption: Pearce 5 Mehmet 3 R Nuttall 3 Maud Yagmour Fmlayson McDonald . Best : ShutOeworth Maud Peoples Yagmour Ncmtsis Ebbage Pearce . Bulleen-Templestowe: Williams 3 To.scano 3 Verga 2 Horvath Newman Lea Tsokas Rogers . Best: Horvath Humphrey Newman Williams C .Morivitis . WIIJ.r.A,^-~STWOId CYMS 6.2 9.6 12.10 14.13 (97) WEST BRUNSWICF. 2.1 3.3 4 .4 7 .6 (48) Wiffiamstwou CYMS : Burgess 6 Grochowski 6 Dowsey McKenzie . Best: Street Burgess Grochowski Singleton McKenzie Nisbett . West Bruns : D Rudd 3 A Thompson Twyford Smith Stewart . Best : Smith Rudd Hussey Tobin Hanson and Heppell . 4 .4 5.10 9 .11 (65) SWINBURNE UPII 3.3 MONASH GRYPHONS 2.0 5 .3 7 .3 7.7 (49) Swinburne Uni: C 0'Keeffe 3 Christov Carter Thomas Dent Demarte Barbary . Best : Walsh Watts C O'Keeffe Christov Thomas Andrinopoulos. Monash Gryphons: landberg 4 Rolle Stirling Graydon . Best: Citera Nichols Grady Landberg B Clark Clarke . BEtdTLEIGH 0 .3 1 .7 2.7 6.8(44) OLD CAREY 7 .1 8.2 12.5 13 .7 (85) Bent: Eyles 21VahinQton 2 Lee Kopitschinski Best : Lee Withington Gold EYlcs Vardr Adames . Old Carey: Matthews 4 Raft 3 Van Cuylenberg 2 Buena 2 Vtason Adam . Best : S Bennett Mason T Wood Shrives Battlev Van CuylenFxrg . LATROBE UIdI 3 .1 4.1 10 .2 10 .3 (63) OLD GEELONG 2 .1 4.6 5 .7 7.12 (54) LaTrobe Uni : Dingle 3 Slater 2 Spring 2 Sewell 2 Kenison . Best: Walker Spring Dingle Samson Kenison Ross. Old Geelong: Fairbairn 3 Avery Herd Makin A Waters, Best : L Stephens J Malpas Dhillon T Legoe T Bayles C Fairbairn .
D2 Section BENTLEIGII Coach : Justin Paul Asst: Troy Lupoi Res Coach: Steve Hall 1 C . Sharp 2 J Paul 3 A Pittito 4 S Sice 5 M Eyles 6 A Jolly 7 JRobertson 8 JHandfield 9 TRowe 10 R Pearce 11 D Martin 12 N Aitken 13 S Craven 14 D Vardy 15 TLupoi 16 G Allen 17 S Francis 18 S Adaway 19 B Fox 20 R Fishlock 21 A Ferris 22 A Smith 23 G McFarlane 24 LHolmesby 25 D Gold 26 B Padgham 27 JSeeley 28 M McCulloch 29 A Clough 30 D Ferguson 31 A Banks 32 D Kopitschinski
BULLEEN TEMPLESTO WE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Steve Easton Res.Coach : Andrew Parris
Coach : John Matthew Assist Coach : Doni Valkanis Res. Coach: Anthony Conti
1 B Touriganis 2 M Stella 4 W Thompson 5 C Parris 6 ATehan 7 P Robertson 8 J Wise 9 J Matthews 10 P Tsokas 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Wilke 15 LThompson 16 S Smith 17 T Coram 18 D Horvath 19 C Morrison 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews 24 J Newman 25 D Williams 26 S Boyd 27 D Rogers 28 P Milesi 29 A Fitt 30 D Florence 31 L Norbury 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare
1 . S . Conley 2 . M . Maud 3 . C. Tucker 4. T. O'Neill 5. J . Scoble 6. E . Healy (v.capt) 7. P. Rawley 8. J . Shuttleworth 9. R . Peoples 10 . P. Lee 11 . D . Valkanis 12 . P. Tonkin 13 . S. Narkiewicz 14 . S. Kaso 15 . J. Curtin 16 . P. Harris 17 . S . Morris 18 . D . Aloud 19 . D. Wood (d.v.capt.) 20. N . Pye 21 . N. BlaineY 22. A. Height 23. D. Ryan 24. B. Frew 25. J . Frisina 26. P. Cameron 27. J. Finlayson 28 . S. Matthews 29 . J. Crapper 30 . S. Kaso 31 . S. Scapari 32 . J. Icefo 33 . S . O'Connell 34 . B . Joyce 35 . M. Serafini 36 . J . Tamburro 37 . P. Cotter 38 . M . Sheppard 39. M . Ebbage 40. D. Sartor 41 . C. McDonald 42. R. Kolb 43. A. Shemshedin 44. T. Scott 45. E. Nuttall 46. R. Nuttall 47 . B. Wafthers 48 . A. Toogood 49 . E. Marino
33 P Within gto n
34 S Lambro poulos
34 R Morris 35 Llreson 36 M Backman 37 P Hutchison 38 G Beattie 39 G Prigg 40 A Steward 41 P Dimattina 42 A Mikkelsen 43 M Vukic 44 R Punter 45 R Brookshaw 46 R Lawford 47 M Scanlan 48 R McEvoy 49 A Lee 50 A Starnes 50 LWilken 51 P Sampson 52 LSampson 53 D Gunn R Oldfield 55 G Richards 56 C Aitken 57 S Nankervis 58 TCaterson 59 I Jackson 60 S Kennedy 61 H McKenzie 63 S Stuart
35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 P Ganiatsis 38 N Scaglione 39 D Buccachio 40 A Foley 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Daskalou 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 47 C Morivflis 48 A Monvitis 49 D McMahon 50 D Glover
64 M Hayes
50 . R . Sing
51 . D . Pearce 52 . S. Sampson (capt .) 53 . M. Chazan 54, T. Scott 55 . D . Frank 56. G. Ford 57. M . Frannich 58. D . Hager 59. C. Mclnney 60. J . Nemtses 61 . T. Mehmet 69. J . Mazocca 78. C. Brown
Senior Coach: Glenn Taylor Res Coach: Bob Ellis 1 P.MOrton 2 W.Brown 3 D.Sheldrick 4 H.Davies 5 S.Adamswafle 6 D.Gleeso n 7 TMannes 8 C.Correntl 9 LWalker
10 S.Davis III A.Murray q p~jer " 15 S.Brook s 16 RFarrant 17 S.Fi(z erakJ 18 C .Bllght i9 A. Randel i 21 M.Harvey _ 22 D .McF.ieekm 23 M.Cossar 24 LEnvall. 25 M.Famm~g 26 D .Stevens 27 S .Pruscino 28 C .Ross 30 S .Gellert 31 A .Mambw e 32 M w~ ta son 34 JButtigie9 35 FTiernan 36 TMawdsley 37 A.Gurney
Coach : Phil Knight Assist Coach : John Leroy Res Coach : John Leroy
1 . S. Bourbon 2 . M . Healy 3 . A . Grady 4 . M . Malone 5. 6. 7. 8.
J . Watson D. Boll e D. Walte r J . Blandford
9. G . Wadley 10. P. Williamso n 11 . A. Nichols 1 2. A. Gross 13. J . Stratford
14. A. Mckenzie 15. A. Clark e 16. P. Renniso n 17 . P. Rutherford
18 . M. Paolucci 19 . R . Coxhea d 20 . C . Staff 21 . J . Bingham 22 . B . Coxhea d 23 . L. Clark 24 . D. Baxte r
25. S . Kibblewhite 26. A . DenYer 27. R. Gilchrist 2g, Luke Leeton 29. P.Warren 30. P. Holland
39 R.Slater 40 S.Murphy
42 M .Ho an
43 A.Pouto n 44 D. Kernso n 46 D.Wright
47 A.Samson
48 L .McNamara 50 K.Hopkins
31 . G . Roche
54 AHewitt 56 J .NieW 57 A.Woolmer 58 J .Dalrvmple 64 G.Scott
32. M . Lewis 33 . S. Nelson 34 . M . Graydon
70 J .Dumaresq 73 J .Sewell
78 J .Clark
84 T.Peter sABaile
M .Bourke C.Ciamp B .Clunerbuc
kTCohen MCotsopoulos N C rowle N.Dunne
D.Fennell M .Garrat K.Hickman S.Jackson C .Knee R .Knights PLias
35 . B Clark 36 G . Block 37 . A. Jenki n 38 . M Baron 39 . D Grenfell 40 . M Willock s 41 . C . Arche r 42 . J . Clarke 43. M . Mastromann o 44. L. Wells 45. J . Gonis 46. G. Ken t 47. M . Parker 4$. G. Still
49. C. Robinson 50. S . Dresser
S.Mille r B. Murphy G .Murphy G.Nelson X .O 'Donnell J,Scanlon
51 . C. Leeto n
C .Biack L.Ryan L.Heathcot e S .O'Toole J .Brodie S .Cralg c.Francis S .Gloury S M core l
A.Murphy S.Robson J.Waterman B.Laidtaw ABenton
NBridqes A.CouHer M.Dingl e DHil i L.O'Brien A.Palmier i J .Roteil a H .Sprin g R .WOiisen C .Saq e C .Fefinng A .Paech B .Hid r G.Mass a M .McDona!d
52 . A. Flowerday 53 . M . Bourbon 54 . A. Perry 55 . G . Harrak 56 . J. HealyY 57 . W. Pococ k 58 . C . Yann i 59 . A. Yann i 60 . T. Bourbon 61 . A . Waters 62 . N Rutherford 63 1 Bagnal l 64. P. Patric k 76. J . Harrak
D2 Section OLD CAREY
Senior Coach: Steve Maus Res.Coach: Andrew Gates
Coach: Michael Lockman Res Coach : Ben Dunn Ass Coach: Matt Edmonds
1 . C. Angus 2. D. Faelis 3. M . Cohen 4. D. James 5. P. Konstantinidis 6. C. Campbell 7. S . Jessup 8. A . Stewart-Holmes 9. B. Andrews 10. K . Shrives 11 . N . Everett 12. L. MacFadane 13. G. Trumbull 14. M. Mahon 15. N . Bull 16. R . Graham 17. A. Parton 18. C . Matthews 18. B . Chiuchiarelli (r) 19. T Wood 19. P. Drake (r) 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22. C. Battle 23. H . Van Cuylenberg 24. L Battley 25. L. Chiuchiarelli 26. A. Wood 27. N . Vasilopoulos 28. N . Sulma n 29. C. Munro 30. A. Guerra 31 . J . Ward 32. P. Graham 33, N . England 34. T. Rossignuolo 35. S . McConnell 36. S . Wood 37. C. Adam 37. D. Palmer (r) 38. L. Guerra 39. P. Bennett 40. S . Angus 41 . A. Gates 42. L Morgan 43. D. Joyce 44. A. Kent 45. T. Bull 46. S . Hill 47. B . Crosher 48. S . Bennett 49. S . Middleton 50. J . White 51 . B . Croft 59. C. Mason 61 . GM . C. Smithan w64 65. D. Elsner 76. D. Grinzi
1 M Goldsworthy 2 W Ainsworth 3 J Rtzclarence 4 C Stlnchcombe 5 M Vickers-Willis 6 J Bell 7 J Paul 8 G Allen 9 D Salter 10 M Avery 11 L Stevens 12 T Paul 13 T Cannon 14 D Taylor 15 H McCarthy 16 T Fallow 17 T Betts 18 J Malpas 19 S MacGowan 19 N Betts 20 J Legoe 21 LTeague 22 T Bayles 23 C Fairbaim 24 S Lansdell 25 T Hope-Johnson 27 W Paul 29 J Hope-Johnson 30 B Goldsworthy 31 H Folletta 32 A Munro 33 E Bayles 34 S O'Brien 35 P Birks 36 T Makin 37 T Waters 38 T D'Antoine 39 J Kilpatrick 40 H Legoe 41 S Ross 42 E Plowman 43 g Grills 44 J U rq hart 45 C Teague 46 J Morley 47 T Carey 48 R Herd y 49 T Young 50 A Suvoltas 51 J Kilpatrick 52 S Griffiths 53 I Munro 54 C Wilson 55 H Cust 55 C Atkins 56 M Leslie 57 B Symon s 58 J M cCarth rthyy 59 R Kilpatrick 60 B MaClean 61 T O'Brien 62 S Lyon 65 A Meek 66 J Imhoff 67 H Eastman 68 RCuttter 69 A Southey 70 W de Fegley 71 S Waters 72 J Sattler 73 ATimms 74 S Timms 75 W Temple-Smith 76 J Urquart 77 P Winter 78 Youll 79 P Birks 80 PWinter 81 M Bouchier 82 LKn ight 83 H Lockie 84 T Lego e 85 AMcHugh
Coach: Derek Thoene Res. Coach: Paul James
Coach : Angus Hamilton Res. Coach: Troy Thompson
1 . L Watts 2. J Sheedy 3. J Piotrowski 4. A Fidler 5. J Demarte 6. D Harmer 7. J Murchie 8. M Higgins 9. L Morrison 10. M Anastassi 11 . D Milano 13. K Barbary 14. R Goode 15. H Sutter 16. C Walsh 17. J Roberts 18. A Fiumani 19. B O'Mara 20. D Wigg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22. C Thomas 24. C Higgins 25. M Whiting 26. T Liston 27. R Kiss 28. J Ryan 29. J Gordon 30. J Dunsford 32. P Beynon 33. S Christov 34. A Fricke 36. J Carter 37. D Barbera 38. M Tricky 39. R Roberts 40. J Coy 41 . S Ryan 42. D MacFarlane 43, J Andrinopolous 44. M Ryan 45. B White J Sandhu 47. T Morris 48. D Little 49. M Hudgson 50. M George 51 . M Pearson 52. N Lane 53 . M Paul 54 . M Eley 55 . M Dinning 66 . D Smith C 0'Keeffe 58 . M Rack 59 . C Galley 60 . P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62 . B Gorfine 63 . M Roebuck 64 . J 0'Keeffe 65 . ATeal 66 . C Dent 67 . D Beynon 68 . L Sierakowski
1a Drain M to Hamilton A 2 Hamilton P 3 Heppell G 4 Lehmann C 5 Cannane A 6 Pietsch S 7 Benjamin S 8 Simmonds N 9 Morphett A 10 Byrne s 11 Norman P 12 Maguire T 13 Brockley S 14 Bowshall - Tanner C 15 Russell M t7 Smith J 18 McManus M 19 Touzel W 20 Connan D 21 Bloom A 22 Hanson J 23 Rudd D j 24 Jenkin 25 Siebrand J 26 Benjamin R 27 Brooks M 28 Waller E 29 Sheedy ~ 30 Lewis M
sponsored by: Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd ,
Hawthorn 98184991
31a Edwards S 31b Caller S 32 D'Andrea S 33 Thompson T 34 Twyford I 35 Carmichael M 36 Jones L 37 Dempsey T 38 Monague S 39 West R 40 Brooks D 41 Greening P 42 Goonan M 43 Tobin J 44 Sprague J 45 Smith J 46 Howard R 47 Thompson A 48 Sutherland A 49 Haysey j 50 Hutchens N 51 Sherry L 52 Fox T 53 Chamberlain T 54 Tanner S 55 Knitter J 56 McDona9 h J 57 Williamson A 58 Tomey A 59 Brugler J 60 Sprague M 61 Hilton K 62 Wright S 63 Gartlan j 64 Stewart L 65 O'Brien N 66 Husse y R 67 Smith B Leahy G 71 Brookshaw M 73 Clare M
76 chislett J 77 Howell 78 Thompson Colquhoun
W1LLIAMSTDWR CY MS Coach : Dane Mcleod Res Coach: Paul Dervan 1 D. Elia s 2 J . Buttigieg 3 D. Woud a 4 S . Wuchatsc h 5 T. Wheele r 6 N . Grant 7 D. Sadler 8 J . McCutcheo n 9 J . Munr o 10 B . Cock s 11 J . Anderson 12 A . Feathersto n 13 A . Mackley 14 J . Street 15 D. Taylor 16 S . phemiste r 17 J . Digrazia 18 D. Oldham 19 S . Barlow 20 g Koc h 21 L Monkhurst 22 M . Kenned y 23 C. McNamara 24 C. Pach 25 G. Burgess 26 D. Le e 27 C. Matthews B . Grant 28 A . Kosmato s 29 B . Griffen 30 K . Dowsey 31 J . Hynes 32 D. William s 33 Âś Boz 34 B . Jones 35 C. Bergin 36 T. Smith 37 B . Hynes 38 M . Welsh 39 T Carte r 40 D. Grieve 41 A McKenzie 42 B . Hinsley 43 I . Arandez 44 M . Manning 45 P. Azzopardy 46 G. Singleton 47 L. Thomas 48 S . SniIders 49 F. Diblasi 50 D. William s 51 B . Martin 52 R. Hart 53 T. Bell 54 p Vincent 55 R. Nisbet 56 J . Thrush 57 0. Jimenez 58 J . Robinson
' s Head Hot e l
39 Cecil St Williamstown
9397 333 7
Original and pink copy must be Ivdl~__ : ;h umpire - laf^_.r than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname. Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
(cov~: r7,,? a Io~;G 1 call ) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this serviceO
Weekend m atches (Fri) 速Urnpires Appointments 速 Scores (Sat. night)
~ T
The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30 r THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
A> B:
-_ J
速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.
Phone : 13 15 52 24 Hour Emergency 4413 333 11 8
you are the perso n circled, present this phot o ~:c VAFA Reception during next week and you wil l
receive Cadbury product or Cadbury hamper :
~~~ ® ® ®
by Geoff Reilley d
;i/- `,1~1t4•l ~ .
CEO Phil Stevens reminded all clubs that 'duty of care' necessitated proper attention to the 'Ground Inspec ti on Sheets'. Phil also provided a summary of players who had been reinstated under guidelines 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6 with guideline 4 (prior affiliation to a club or school of the Association) highlighting the most prominent names Murray Pitts (Beaumari s), Adam Douglas (0 Ivanhoe), Bernard Dinneen ( Marcell in), Cameron Bruce (MHSOB) and Paul Cooper ( De La Sall e), a wealth of footba ll abili ty for sure .
Lower scoring became the norm as some grounds suffered torren ti al rain . Old Haileybury got rover the line against Scotch by a solitary point courtesy of a rushed behind just before the bell . Conditions enabled St Bernards to record their first win at the expense of De La . Down at Ormond, veteran Andrew Jobling played great footy to help The Monds beat Old B ri ghton and at T rinity the home team reasserted themselves against Beaumaris with Andrew Ramsden demons trating his ability in the slippe ry conditions . In C section Whitef riars an d Banyule covered each end of the spectrum . 5- 0 an d 0 -5 respectively before the round began. 6 - 0 an d 0- 6 at the end of the round . The "Friars winners by 11 points down at St Bedes and B anyule kicked poorly to go down by only 5 points to St Leos . The struggle for a top five spot continued in D grade (12 teams) as rivals Monash and Caulfield Grammarian s battled it out at Glenhuntly. Monash got over the line by the smallest margin with skipper John Caldwe ll and Matt Tinkler consistently providing on-ball d rive for the Blues an d De an Synm an an d Drew Pearce giving their all for the Fields. Monash would retain their spot in the five an d Caulfield had to be content with remaining outside by 4 points. F section's David Walsh repo rt ed on the "ripper" out at Bulleen between Albert Park an d the Cobras . The game had everything including controversy with the home goalie awarding the opposition a goal! Isn't that sportsman ship? Perhaps it wasn't as wet in the west as Old Westbourne had no difficul ty amassing 26.14 to Werribee's 3 .6 with Crosswell kicking 8 for the Westies. D Section Coaches were Rick Marks (Ajax) . Andrew Crosby (Aquinas), Paul Nigro ( Bulleen Temp), Geoff Re illey (Caulfield Grammari ans), Serge D'Angelo (Kew), Dave Rogers (Monash Blues), Matt Han son (Old Camberwell), Glenn Taylor (Old Carey), Gavin Ke ane (Old Essendon), Gordon Burrows (Thomastown), Brett Davidson (Yarra Valley) and John Sculley ( Parkside) . Good representation from our Coaches Association (AFCA VAFA) from this group, Taylor, Reilley, Nigro all on committee an d Crosby and Rogers bri efly associated. Two 'battled hardened' warriors with a wealth of A Grade finals' expe ri ence came under notice in the milestones Chris Pollock recorded his 300th game for Collegi ans against Hampton Rovers and Mark Gilmore became the new games record holder (258) for the Ormond Football
Club . Polly's career commenced in 1983 with the U19's through to the seniors where he was the club's 'numero uno' ruckman for many seasons . Gilly (a coach's dream) played in 4 senior A Grade premiership s and 2 reserve A grade flags on his long journ ey . He of the 'choir boy' looks left an 'indelible impression' on m any opponents! A good mixture of expe rience and up an d comers among the C Grade umpires - Al an Stubbs, Paul Jones, Damien Lane, Chris Stevens, Leah Gallagher, Trent Foley, Craig Bratjberg, Dash Peiri s. Paul Withington and Kevin White .
A lad by the name of Simon Arnett kicked 11 for Collgeians U19 in their 18 .5 to 9 .7 win against Mazenod. (Simon went on to play with which AFL Clubs?) 100 games to St Bernards captain, Luke Gollant, a spirited, talented and dynamic player for his club .
Bulleen Templestowe joined Mazenod and University Blues on top in B when they beat the Blues 17 .14 to 14 .11 . Best were Nick Bone, Matt Cumming, Simon Driver (Bull Temp) and Richard Furphy, Tim Harris and Nathan Cavalier (U Blues) . Old Ivanhoe in D had a win by 110 points against Uni Blacks, 27 .17 to 10 .7 . A Player for Old Ivanhoe kicked 11 goals- his name . John Stevens a future Sydney Swans star. He kicked them from wherever he played (chb to fl) with 5 in the last quarter . C Section reserve game between St Bedes Mentone Tigers and Fawkner saw Brad Berry (St B/MT), son of famous boxing father Leo Berry, let rip with a monster 40 metre handball that duly hit the target. The Fawkner reserves umpire was so surprised he blew the whistle and paid a mark ! 100 games at Old Haileybury to their outstanding players Mathew Armstrong, Brett Carty and Dave Connell . A prolific possession gatherer and dependable play maker, Dave was also a very impressive representative player over the years .
The interstate match against South Australia was played at Elstermvick Park on Sunday 28th May in ideal conditions . The team lined up as follows : B : B Conti (NOB) R Schober (Coll) P Considine (NOB) HB : R Fuller (0 Scotch) M McDonald (Orm) R Barnes (Orm, VC ) C : G Phillips (OH) M McCarty (U Blues) P Kingston (Orm) HF: S Moloney (NOB) C Taylor (U Blues) A Jobling (Orm) F : R Furphy (U Blues) P Schuhkraft (Orm) S Taylor (Orm )
R. J Moir (0 Scotch) T Cahill (NOB) F Gleeson (Old Par) I/C: P Adams (Bany) M Beers (Old Par) M Galbraith (Coll) . SA's small men were brilliant early, led by rover Gavin Lauder and captain half forward Mark Simpson, and SA led by three goals . Victoria came back well in the second term with Moir, Cahill and Furphy starring. Scores were level at half time . Galbraith went back to the back pocket, Conti to the HFF and Beers to CHF . The team combined brilliantly with Moloney, Phillips and Adams streaming down the ground . Conti kicked a goal from the boundary and with Beers most elusive, the Vies went right away to win 22 .16 to 13.10 . Best were Cahill, Furphy, Kingston, Moloney, Considine and Phillips . Goals: Schuhkraft 5, Cahill 3, Phillips, Moloney, Conti, Furphy, Jobling 2, Kingston, S Taylor, Gleeson, Adams . The game was very physical, with some interstate veterans stating that it was probably the toughest Vic versus SA game played for some years. Victoria's CDEF team defeated SA 20 .11 to 15 .9 . Best were C McKenzie (Old Hail), L Holt (Banyule), D Comer (MHSOB), J Gilliam (Banyule), C Houston (Whitefriars) and T Riddell (St Kilda CBCOB). Goals came from T Riddell (8) 1 Wrigglesworth (La Trebel 4, M Stone (Powerhouse) 3 . A Walden (Old Hail) 2, D Connell (Old Hail), B Rafferty (Balaclava), R Morrissey (Caul Gramm .) . The team was well coached by Rick Brockwell, assisted by selectors Peter Hutchison, Simon Meehan, Bob Ashton, Gordon McGregor, team manager David Southgate and trainers McKay Anderson and Paul Shinkfield . -
-~ -~ MHSOB ( D) ended Thomastown's run 01 2b victories with a wonderful 10 goal triumph . After the first change, the South Yarra boys were always in con tr ol . Atchison, McLardie, Flegeltaub (MHSOB) an d Steele, Be ll , Assetta (Thomastown) were best . Old Geelong (E) surpri sed by beating Bulleen United away from Como Park, 19 .16 to 16.13 . Waller, Vickers-Willis (7 goals) and Morri son were best. Mark Hibbins played his 100th game for Collegi an s - Club best and fairest in his first season 1979, B Section best an d fairest in 1980, 1981 and interstate selection in those years also . Collegian s also congratulated I an Roberts (J3) on his last three games - 10,11 and 12 goals. Certificate of Me ri t award winners were Peter Hutchinson (Power House & Old Camberwell), Peter O'Donohue (Uni Blacks), Frank Luscombe (But Temp), Col Gibson (Therry), Tony Fink ( Old Carey), Jack Wilson ( Ormond/Umpires), Jack White ( St Kilda CBOC) .
MH5Ut3 won toe oatue or me unde[eated D Sioes with Bulleen Templestowe . In a very high scoring game with scores level at 16 .13 at the last change, MHSOB kicked 4.5 to BT's 3 .4 in the final term . Best were Tennant, Pappas, Taylor (4 goals), Delaney, Cooper (7 goals), Martin (7 goals) for MHSOB and Gilmore, Clark (7 goals), Graham and Kelly (Bull Temp) . Therry held onto top position, undefeated in junior two, when they beat third term Unit Blacks by 12 points . Stars were Rowney, Gibson, Interland (Therry) and McDonald, McArthur, Fyffe (Uni Blacks) . The team selected to represent Victoria at the Hobart Carnival was :
S Beddoe, B Dunne, A Groves, R Halassa (De La Salle), G Dillon, M Welch, M Borcich (NOB), R Browne I Cordner R Pisarski (Old Melb), B Bourne, S McCooke (Ormond), S Costello, R Lewis (Uni Blacks), M Sleeman, S Trumble, M Yeo (Uni Blues), I Rice (Collegians), F Marchesani (Mar OC), J Houghton (Old Hail), G Neilson (Geel), W Blay (Kew), J Priestly (Old Brighton), K White (St Kilda), S Tallent (Old Scotch), Coach Peter O'Donohue, and Brian Lauder and Peter Nathan, Manager and Assistant Manager. dij_I6pC`. Alter b rounds, onry z teams were undefeatedHampton Rovers (D) and Parkside (Junior 2) .
Team picked to represent Victoria against South Australia in Adelaide was Bruce Bourne (capt), K Ladd, R Wood (Ormond), J Anderson (VC), B Kefford (Old Scotch), G Tootell (Caul Gr), B Hibberd, A Handley (Cob), S Maguire, K Power (NOB), R Duke (Old Par), T Archer, D Barclay, K Grose (Reservoir) M Mahoney (St Bernards), C McRae (Uni Blacks), P Pryor (Coll), P Murnane (DLS), A Ireland (Ivanhoe), B Smith (Kew), M O'Donnell (Ass OC) . Only 5 had played in Victoria's unsuccessful 1973 carnival team . Mangers were Lou Zachariah and Fred Coldrey .
Monash played great football all over the field against Ormond only to almost lose through inaccuracy, finals scores being Monash 9 .19 to Ormond 11 .6 . Best for Monash were McMaster, Bartle and Rogers and for Ormond, Murray, Carr and Bourne . Alan McKenzie played his 150th game and Geoff Grimmer chalked up 100 for Hampton Rovers . "Beau" Kearney (St Bernards), Peter Gleeson (Parkside), and Bob Tredennick (MHSOB) also made their century . ~r~1.
100 games to back pocket sta rt Ken Aldred ilvnahoe) and versatile utility Norm Pert (Ormond) . Undefeated Collegians met Old Scotch (5 wins, 1 loss) at Olympic Park in A section match of the day . Teams were Old Scotch, from the backline : Barkaway, Kidd, Marguad ; C Melville, Par ry , Marshall, Shepherd, Eggleston, K Me lville, Cowper, Pri ce, McLelland, Russell, Sherm an , Maughan , A Morris, McKaige, Law, Lodge, Yoffa and Collegi an s: Evans, Thompson, McKeown, Lumb, G Daff, Jobling, Unkenstein, McDonald, Powell, Sunderl an d, R Daff, Opie, Rogan, Rush, Stranks, G Hibbins, L Hibbins, Hayes, Richards . The result: Collegi an s won by 3 points in a hectic finish .
Hampton Rovers had a great win over Old Xaverians with Sam Birtles in superb form at centre half forward with 8 goals . Other stars for the Rovers were Jeff Howden, Jim McQueen, Nevin Paynter, Geoff Jones and Bob Lambden . Old Melburnians came from behind for a much overdue win against Malvern with Neil Smyth rover (4 goals) best afield . First year players in Jim Hannan and Bryce Thomas shone in a desperate last quarter. 35
VicHealth Review their running game Quite a few close ones as the settling in into gear after that process seems to have occurred . Might be and with Bishop Rupertswood and Whitehead again prominent, record a th g 'Big ' at the moment with . The Hawks were best served by and Oakleigh clearly on top o f . The main Lauletta who was a problem all day for the the pecking solid win order at this stage e jostlin is 2' a group of sides in the winners . middle . Logic tells us that over the next few Preview weeks, a few of these sides will drop away Three games between middle of the road whilst a few will lay claims ! sides this week that will help sought the As expected, the Oakleigh and Power pack out a bit . House game was a last man standing affair South Melbourne host Werribee in a game with little separating the sides all day . The that promises to reveal where these sides telling moment came in the second quarter are at. Both sides enjoyed great wins last when Doug McKenzie took charge, kicking week and another win this week would 4 goals in 5 minutes for Oakleigh . The propel both up the ladder. South's win last victors were also well served by Furnell in week was full of merit and with home a 'Luke Darcy style role' . The House was by ground advantage ; they should be able to no means disgraced with Sosic and do enough to win . Dallimore the best . Another middle of the road game sees A thriller at Werribee with the home team Power House travel to St Johns . The Jocs hanging on by three points against Uni got back on winner's list last week however High . Close all day, Uni had their chances a loss here will see a lot of that hard work but fell just short. They were best served by go to waste . The House were in it for a long the reliable duo of Farrelly and Tate . For the winners, McMillan was on fire up forward with a bag of seven whilst Borg in the ruck was also outstanding. South Melbourne hauled in a big quarter time deficit to defeat an injury riddled Mt CLU B i : :ii,'L z LST WK TOTAL Lilydale . Carns and Roberts starred for D3 SECTION Lilydale early however as injuries took their UHS-VU Farrelly 4 21 toll, South were able to work their way Oakleigh Kitts S 3 23 back into the game and record a great win . Hawthorn Lauletta 9 22 Rupe rt swood Whithead 7 16 St Johns returned to the winner's list, this Syndal Tally- Ho Cachia 4 16 time at the expense of the win less Syndal Powerhouse Verberne Ma 2 1 5 Tally ho . The Jocs had key contributors in D3 RESERVE Phaedonos with six goals and centre man UHS-VU Zuliki 6 21 Brown . Uhs-VU Forbes 0 18 Rupe rtswood Phillips 9 17 Hawthorn caught the bus to Rupertswood Rupe rtswood Reid 0 14 and both sides engaged in an intriguing Oakleigh Orchard 0 12 first quarter. The Woods were able to clic k Powerhouse Richarson 0 12
time last week and with the Verbene boys always dangerous, should get the points in what promises to be a close one . The other game between sides jostling for a final's spot sees Uni High host Hawthorn . Uni were unlucky to get beaten last week and their form line holds up very well . The Hawks were good early against the league trendsetters but fitness told after half time . Always a tough proposition down at the zoo, Uni to win but expect a bold showing by the Hawks . A clash of the top and bottom sides as the win less Syndal welcome the unconquered Rupertswood . Once again, Syndal were competitive without getting the win last week but really hard to see it coming this week . The Woods continue to build momentum and with depth their greatest ally, will not let this one slip . Finally, Oa kleigh and Mt Lilydale meet out at Oakleigh . Great win for the Krushers who apart from a loss out at Rupertswood have looked good all year. The Lilydale boys have an injury list that reads like the who's who of the club . Hard to see them turn it around this week, Krushers for mine . Press Correspondent s You can email me on ed or ring me on 0418348723 . Social
Hit Lilydale - Our next home game on Saturday 29th May sees our annual Ladies Lunch being held, this year with St John's - ladies please book with Monica for lunch . We all know it will be an enjoyable afternoon! After the match, we are holding our trivia night . Please see Pauline to book your table . Oakleigh - Seniors and Reserves will be travelling by coach to Werribee for Round 7 game next week . Bus leaves Scammell Reserve at 10 :00AM . $12 per playe r
TO" D AY'S MATC H ES D3 SECTION Oakleigh v Mt Lilydal e St Johns 0 C v Power House Syndal Tally-Ho v Rupertswood South Melbourne Districts v Werribee Amateurs UHS-VU v Hawthorn Amateurs
1I MT LILYDALE OCFC 8.3 9.8 10.12 12.13 (85) STH MELBOURNE DIS . 3.3 9.5 12 .8 15 .7 (97) Mt Lilydale OCFC : Cams 4 T Flanagan 2 Roberts 2 King 2 Hansford Carstens. Best: Cams Hansford Leonard Carstens Kellet Johnson. South Melbourne Districts: Neimi 3 P D'Ar.drea 2 Hannan 2 McQualter 2 Stefanidakis 2 Aquilina Cheevers King McCormick . Best: Cheevers W D'Andrea MeQualter Aquilina McCormick Hermann. Umpires: Jo Hartwig Dianne Whiteley (F) Eddie Boa] Malcolm Filleul (G) 9.9(63) POWER HOUSE 1 .3 3 .6 6.7 2.3 6.7 9.8 12.12 (84) OAKLEIGH Power House : Mark Verberne 2 Mick Verbeme S West D Cooper B Turner M Hill M Taylor P Sosic. Best : P Sosic B Dallimore J Marshall M Taylor B Turner S West . Oakleigh : McKenzie 5 A Kitts 3 Dalton 2 Purnell Nagle. Best : Britt Earl Fumell MacKenzie Reynolds Tolley . Umpires : Geoff Deveson Santo Caruso (F) Graeme Booth Jim Exton (G) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 4.1 7.4 10 .6 15.10 (100) ST.JOHNS 4.2 9 .5 16 .10 18.13 (121) Syndal Tally-Ho: Cachia 4 J Hannemann 4 Crew 3 Dix 2 Rutter Faichney . Best: Robinson R Bennett A Sheer Cachia J Hannemann Crew. St.Johns: M Phaedonoa 7 M Harynett 2 J Ryan 2 L Mara 2 P O'Connor 2 G Roberts P Sharp S Kollens . Best: J Brown L Mara M Phaedonos K Arnold J Searpamaglia M Hanger. Umpires: Peter Griffiths Peter Pullen (F) WERRIBEE 3 .5 9.8 12.8 13 .8 (86) UHS-VU 2 .3 7.8 10.8 12.11 (83) WERRIBEE: McMillan 7 Becker 2 Green A Murphy Smith K Murphy . Best : A Murphy Tedesco McMillan Borg K Murphy Stonehouse . UHS-VU : B Farrelly 4 Rose 3 Tate 2 Forbes Butera Hall . Best : Creek Hall O'Niel Gorringe M Farrelly Hams . Umpires: Paul Hoffman Shaun Rothe (F) RUPERTSWOOD 3 .5 9.10 17.11 23.15 (153) HAWTHORN 3.2 6 .4 10.5 11 .8 (74) Rupertswood : Whithead 7 Bishop 5 M West 2 Jaegar 2 Keenan 2 A Walsh 2 Reid Elliot Hatty. Best : Bishop Elliot Whithead Jaegar Reid Walsh. Hawthorn: Lauletta 9 Avery Stribbles . Best: Lauletta Shire Carle Martin Cargill Markonovich. Umpires: Miles Argall Richard Adamson (RFL) (F) Michael Isbister Chris Kaleta (G ) D3 RESERV E MT LILYDALE OCFC 1 .2 2.4 4.4 4 .5 (29) STH MELBOURNE DIS . 4.4 7.7 10.11 11.14 (80) Mt Lilydale OCFC : Taylor Penhale Paull Cox . Best : Taylor Penhale Paull Cox Maltar Holloway . South Melbourne Districts : Adgemis 3 Henderson Earl 3 Henderson Evan 2 McGee Rowe Johnson . Best: Anderson Cox Clyne Doyle Grant Leeman . 3.2(20) POWER HOUSE 1 .0 1 .1 2 .1 3 .4 9.10 12 .12 16 .15 (111) OAKLEIGH Power House : A Brownjohn 3. Best : C Plazzer F Doyle D Wright Rob Marshall A Brownjohn M Sharp . Oakleigh: Videky 5 Murray 2 Perdikomatis 2 Ciavarella 2 Short Ear Khodr Glossop Marshall . Best : Cooke Gouttie Berry Mitchell Murray Videky .
SYNDAL TALLY-HO 1 .2 2.2 3.4 5 .7(37) ST.JOHNS 4.4 8.9 13.14 18.18 (126) Syndsi Tally-Ho: O'Boyle 3 Fleming Miller. Best : A Fleming Thomas Bartholomew O'Boyle Miller Beorn Bayliss . St.Johns: G Bastone 5 J Kelly 4 B Rydquist 2 A Dragwidge 2 D Vanderwert 2 D Christian T Hyland H Wathen . Best : B Rydquist G Bastone J Sacco J Kelly G Wilson H Wathen . WERRIBEE 2 .7 3 .7 6.9 10 .10 (70) UHS-VU 1 .3 6 .7 7.9 12 .10 (82) WERRIBEE : Marinas 3 Buchanan Czajkowski Bell Alabakis Carson Grogan Johnstone. Best: Waters Camilleri Grogan Fuller Smith Towers . UHS-VU: Zulicki 6 Corbett 3 Lapish Smits Thomas . Best: Kennedy Uebergang Thomas Zulicki O'Neill Cleveland . RUPERTSWOOD 8.5 13 .10 15.14 26.17 (173) 0.1 0.2 0.3 1 .3 (9) HAWTHORN AMATEURS Rupertswood: R Phillips 9 A Jordan D Zarb - 4 T Broughton C Certo P Sinnett 2 M McKenzie S McLauchlan G Roberts . Best: R Phillips T Broughton A Jordan D Zarb D Soutaris D Hum. Hawthorn: K Rimmer. Best: T Ryan S Parker P Orchard T Crivelli D Pritchard .
HAWTHORN Coach: Peter Tyson Res: Patri ck Ryan t. 2. 3a 3b 4.
C Rice G. Broadley A . Knott N . Patterson N . Martin
S . Avery
6. P. Avery 7. C. Alexander 8. J . Cargill 9. R. Ogge (vc) 10. P. Orchard 11 . A. Vance 12. A . Tsoumbris 13. J . Murphy 14. D. LaulettaO 15. M . Tyson 16. C. Reed 17. B . Ruzicka 18. P. Phillips 19. D. Garlick 20. S . Parker 21 . J . McKenzie 22. A . Collins 23. L. Collins 24. J . Jackamos 25. T. Ryan 26. S . James 27. R. Lord 28. D. Mackenzie 29, P. Barker 30. I . Marchovski 31 . J .Best 32. M . Hauenau 33a C. Rice 33b P. Stroud 34. R. Johnston 35. S . Davies 36. M . Sheridan 37. A. Jarvis 39a A. Brick 39b M Hicks 42. D. McGlenchy 43a 1 . Chepa 44a P. Source 44. B . Allder 46. T. 0'Hanton 54. M . Cuarana 62. J . Dawson 66. M . Hourenau 75. M . Daou 77. K. Rimmer 80. N. Exton
Coach : Chris Moore CD USGI Ass- David Furnell Senior Coach: David Keast Res: Pat McKenn a Asst Snr Coach : Paul Ass: Shane Kitts Commerford Res Coach: Gary Hickey 1 Murray A 1 . D . Johnson 3 Mackenzie D 2. P. Hayes 4 Harry G 3. M. Brebner 5 Kokkinos C 4. F. Varga 5.
G. Bird 6. M. Jelenc 7. C . Varga 8. K. Maniscalchi 9. A. Del Biondo 10 . D . Baker 11 . C . Gibson
12 . D . Van Duuren 13 . M. Leonard 14 . M. Smithies
15 . T. Van Duure n 16 . D . Morrison 18 . R . McKenzie 19 . A . Delahunt 20 . K. Fernando 21 . M. Cunningham 22 . D . Cams 23 . S . Leggett
24 . L. Merrett 25 . L. Syphers 26 . T Flanagan 27 . N . Pearce 28 . D . Hickey 29 B Baillie 30 . S . Taylor . T. Hanstord 32 . P. Carolan (Cl
33 . C . Anderson 34 . L. Kellett 35 . D . Callanan 36 . M. Alderman 37 . C . Carstens 38 . S . Roche 39 . J . Roberts 40 . M. Rhodes 41 . M. Matter 42 . M. Panera 43 . D . Holloway 44 . J . Paull 45 . J . Baker 46 . D . King 47 . M. Cullane 48 . M. McKeown 49, P. Brown 53• D .Marotti 54 . D . Watt <~nxs~ ~m~
nu ro~i~rK t~Tf
~~•M a
Coach : Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean
Coach : Tony West Res . Coach: Shane McLauchlar
M Taylor
1 Plummer
R Humphreys D Boland
2 2
2 Price 3 Reid
J Marshall B Turner Sen VC P Sosfc
3 4 15
7 Short M 8 Earl S 9 Hogan C 10 Mitchell R 11 Treacy G 12 Fumell D 13 Britt D 14 Malcom P 15 Redford G 16 Bell M 18 Connellan J(R .VC) 19 Keating R 20 Tolley J 21 Perdikomatis A 22 Ear S 23 Kerley J 24 Kitts S 25 Marshall C 26 KRLs A 27 Zula D (V•C•) 28 Khodr A 29 Holden K 30 Holden P (D .VC) 31 Bromley T (C) 32 Hunt T 33 Bando S 34 Lucas P 35 Nuske R 36 Ryan M 37 Phillips B 38 Cammiss S 41 Way S 42 Daftan S 43 Hinton A 44 Wills N 45 Nevezie J 46 Nguyen B 47 Stevenson M 48 Reynolds J 49 Collins S 50 Lamb C 51 Kennedy L 52 Cooke C 53 Lourey A 54 Edwards M 56 King B 57 Nagel D 58 Glossop A
C Richardson M Hill L Fraser D Cooper B Phillips AB J Harris W Elliot P Haseler San Capi Ron Anderson
10 1 12 13
4 McGovern 5 Mgrath 6 Gallus 7 Whitehead 8 Elliot 9 Spinner 10 Prendergast 11 Moule 12 Hewat 13 Sinnett
14 Plummer
15 16
C McLeod
F Do le L BuHon J Evans
18 19 19
J Nicholls D Mille r R Walsh A Naylor J Taylor
20 21 22 23 24
M Driessen D Harris R Davies P Cooper M Beasley T McFartane R Marshall Res Capt M Verbeme Sen VC A Ristovski S Fordham
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
S Hatchard J Kilpatrick
35 35
C Doolan S West R Benson W Benton R Marshall R Black Res VC P Arnold J Howes D Glanville A Contreras V Brown T Marshall D Cram N Sharp
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 47 48
C Pratt
15 Webb 16 Clarke 17 Hatty 18 Pettman 19 Collins 20 Flinn 22 Stevens 23 West 25 Keenan 26 Zarb 27 Jaeger 28 McDonald 30 Shaw 31 Flinn 32 Sinnott 33 Chrystiuk 35 Certo 36 Henry 38 Johnson 39 Walsh 40 Brennan 41 Davis 42 McKenzie 43 Phillips 44 Broughton 45 Hum 46 McCrann 47 Soutaris 48 Bradbury 49 Ang 50 Soutaris 51 Assouad 52 Jordan 53 Carlo 54 Clarke
A Volz C Matheson S Warne D Reidy E Buckle C Plazze yr R Nilsson B Dallirnore M Weber T Friend
so 52 53 54
55 Walsh
56 57 60 63 87
56 Hatty 57 Gaunt 58 Carmody 60 Ramsay 61 Powell 63 McPherson 64 McLachlan 66 Roberts 68 Wallace
59 Orchard
N Bishop Sen VC
69 Maezzatesta M
60 Wills 61 Ciavarella 63 Couttie 64 V deky 65 Hullah
6 Cash
M Verbeme
7 8 9
70 Temming
The Village Belle H otel 202 Barkly st, St Kild a 03 95342200 Jumpsta r
Communicatio n The Importer s Timber Merchant s
TuC n6 .lnrc-
Cl1nT. n . . Co Onnt
Coach: Ben McGee Res : Rod Walker 1 K. Arnold 2 M . Peake 3 D. O'Connor 4 S. Holmes 5 B. Hilton 6 M. Phaedonos 7 N . Chalk 8 M. Hartnett 9 A. Jones 10 M. Counnadias 11 J . Kelly 12 P. Walke r 13 C. Horbu ry VC 14 P. Sharp 14R M . Hanger 15 M . Kosmala 1 6 A Paterson 17 S. Gockayne VC- Res 18 C. Emery 19 J. Co tt on 20 B. Rydquist 21 S. Koppens C 22 G . Robe rts 23 J. Diaz DVC 24 L Mara 25 B . Waters 26 H . Wathen 27 R . Dowsett 28 A . Dexter 29 T. Ellis 30 R. Walker 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Foneca 34 M . Hancock C- Res 35 J. Sacco 36 P. Har ris 37 D. Christian VC- Res 38 D. Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T Hyland 41 J . Hargraves 42 D . Sande rs 43 M. Van Houten 44 J . Ross 45 A . Hall 46 B . Calle ry 47 G. Bastone 48 J. Hargraves 49 A. Kizilis 50 J. Brown 51 C. Santon i 52 D. Harkin 53 C. Ratt le 54 D. Vanderwe rt 55 B. Pickering 56 A. Dragwidge 66 J. Scardamaglia
Coach: Brendan Moloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher I J Washington DVC 2 Ma Hannan C 3 M Balshaw 4 S Stepnell 5 S King 6 L Kealy 7 A Hannan 8 X Kidd 9 S Aqualina 10 D McCormick 11 P Daly 12 A Argyri ou 13 E Henderson 14 D Bell 15 B Lazaro 16 J Neim i 17 P D'Andrea 18 G Cox 19 A Reid 20 W Brown 21 B Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B Downing 24 B Joske 25 S Athe rton 26 R Mitchell 27 P Cheevers 30 T Zantuck 31 S Hermman 32 D McGee 35 N Moojen 37 J Clyne 38 D Rowe 39 A Bri 9lia 42 G Gaylor 43 W DAndrea V C 44 D Geary 45 C Roe 46 A Rayy 47 J Royle 52 M Anderson 53 D Phillips 55 J Pohlner 64 M Stefanidakis
Dowsett Engineering The Ros e
Coach: Shane Mottram Res. Coach : G .Temes Assistant: G.Mandalis
1 . J. Hannemann 2. I . Bingham (Vice-C) 3. M. Joy 4. T. Turpin 5 . D . Hannett 6 . I . MacKenzie (Vi ce-C) 7, T. VagiaBs 8, R . Bennett 9 . D . Richardson 10 . T. Psinas it . J . Rutter (vice C) 12 . D. Bennett 13 . S . Miller (Res V-C) 14. S . O'Boyle 15. D. Reynold s 16. C. Hayes 17. A. Herrmann 18. M. Bircanin 19. A. Faichney 20. B. Hannemann 20. C . Hall 21 . D . Kennett 22 . M. Buckley ( Res ) C 23 . B . Bayliss . B . Bayliss 24 25 . B . Reeman 26 . A . Morrison 27 . M. Leplaa 28. S . Crew 29. P. Agnello 30. B. Holland (Res V-C) 31 . A. Richardson 32. L Hannemann 33. T. Bartholomew 34. N. Hunter 35. C. Cachia (Captain) 36. T. Flemingg 37. B. Robinson 38 . M. Ch ristiansen 39 . D . Hallisey 40 . B. Thomas M. Moresi 42 . M . James 43 . A . Brown 44 . W. James-In d 45. R. Stei n 52. S . Anderson 54. P. Sheer 56. A. Treasure
k :t ,t i>vr:V,
Senior Coach : Jeff Bingham SnrAsst Coach : G uy Walden Res Coach: Tony Psinas
1 M . Wright 2 R. Thorp 3 T. Cleveland e 5 S. Mottram 6 S Cracknell C D. Zulic 7 M Farmer R 8 M.Gerolemou 9 S. Devlin 10 B. Farrelly 11 D . Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Ros e 14 M. Butera 15 J. Jacks 16 J. Tate 17 C . Langendo rf 18 A. Hellne r 19 J . Ueber a 20 G. Madri gra~r o 2t J . Hall 22 G. Mandalis 23 G. Temes 24 R. Hort le 25 S . Haynes 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusick 28 P. Sklevenitis 29 K. Weber 30 J. Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 J. Michael 33 J. Straio 34 J. 0'Nei 35A. Butera 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G. Catterall 38 R . Lapish M. Rea 40 L. Ma uire 41 A . 42 D. Wallace 43 M . O'Neill 44 C. Witnish 45 S. Ham s 46 C. Sioto s 47 H. Gillies 48 M . Davidson 49 S. Smits 50 B. Warren 52 A. Docherty 53 J . Schulz 55 N . Thomas 56 D . Creek 57 C . Thomas 58 J . Thomas 59 D . Macrae 60 G. Costas 61 T. Stathopoulos 63 D . Edwards 64 B . Walpole 65 J. Hams 66 S . Butera 67 M . De Luise 68 L Holmes 69. A. Dowdell 70 E. Ricciutl 71 B. Goldsmith 72 A. Van Ree 75 S. Mill s 76 V. Cavelieri 77 R . McCormick 78 B. Carruthers 79 M. Turvey 81B . Wil l 86 W. H'~gins
Coach : Tim Elli s Res. Coach: Paul Smith 1 . D. Nedini s 2 . K.Murphy 3 . D. Flack (R C) 4 . S. Kidd 5 . B. Cunningham 6 . M. Walsh 7 . T. Dea n 8 . R . Stonehouse 9. J. A lin 10. M. Keogh g C O it . M . Green (V/C) 12. T. Elli s 13. F. Mehmert 14. J . Marini s 15. A. Murphy 16. N. Gauch i 17. A. Tedessco 18. D. Velisha 19 . J. Addamo 20 . E. Mahoney 21 . T. Davidson 22 . A. Dibatista 23 . C . Becker 24 . L . Carso n 25. B. McMillan 26. R . Bel l 27. A . Borg 28. D . Czajowski (D.V/C) 29. S . Dole 30. D. Bette 31 . B . Waters 32. D. Harwood 33 . R. Baker 34 . J . Hoffman 35 . B. Bunworth 36 . S. Bianco 37 . C . Howard 38 . T Towers (RV/C) 39. L . Langf'ield 40. S. Fuller 41 . G. Grogan (R C ) 42. P. Thomas 43. D . Buchana n 44. T. Johnson 45. C. Alabaki s 46. A. Carso n 47. A. Camilleri 48. J . Tumskos 49 . G . Fulle r 50 . K. Pace 51 . B. Fenton 52 . P. Dews 53 . R. Marston 54 . C. Smit h 55. B. Brown 56. D . Fraz er 60. M. Czajowski
88 D . Rolle r
99 W. Hircoe
RED 5 Albie Firley
5 Luke Duthie
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittman
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
6 Not Available
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
8 Mark Alexander
7 Paul Croxford
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackball
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
8 Trevor Hansen
8 Nick Evan s
9 Matthew Brennan
8 Bruno Savi
9 Stephen Caple
9 Santo Caruso
10 Avi Wekselman
9 Damien Lane
10 Damian Anderson
10 Shane Mele
11 Luke Holme s
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
11 Tom Haysom
11 PaulTuppen
12 Daniel Mousley
11 Dirk Kramer
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Rothe
14 Sharon Alger
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
14 Tim Tingiri
15 Geoff Curran
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Phillip Cailil
15 Michael Sneddon
16 Peter Woods
15 Tim Doeck e
16 Scott Fraser
16 Luke Moncrieff
17 Mark Gibson
17 Geoff Caulfield
17 Brett Horskope
17 Michael Robin s
18 Jason McNiece
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 George Paleodimos
19 Steve McCarthy
19 Andrew Fyfe
19 Glenn Scotland
19 Peter Pulle n
20 John Ralp h
20 Brian Woodhead
20 David D' Altera
20 Geoff Kelly
21 Patrick Maebus
20 Grant Wardrop
21 Nick Ryde
21 David Irons
22 Nick Fennesy
21 Gaj Skandakumar
22 Justin McKeegan
22 David Longworth
23 Paul Dinneen
22 Chris Collins
23 Anthony Calderone
23 Robert Sneddon
24 Graeme Hunichen
23 Peter Griffiths
24 Miles Argall
24 Nick Brow n
25 Geoff Moor e
24 Leigh Dillon
25 Richard Eastwood
25 Logan Smith
26 Andrew Shiels
25 Lionel Katz
26 Sacha Koffman
26 Patrick Coulthard
27 Matt Cox
26 Daniel Dinneen
27 Euan Lindsay
27 Paul Jones
28 Paul Lamble
27 Anthony Simpson
28 Leah Gallagher
28 Ron Martyn
29 Allan Stubbs
28 Ken McNiec e
29 Gerard Rolls
29 Peter Liddell
30 Justin Lipso n
29 Peter James
30 Simon Olive
30 Anthony Lilley
31 Andrew Lougheed
30 Jack Lloyd
31 Rob Schulle r
31 Peter Angelis
32 Eli Hayes
31 Robert Semmens
32 Joseph Bolzonello
32 Jarrod Aspinall
33 Robert Mayston
32 Anthony Damen
33 Simon Stoke s
33 Roland Fuhrmann
34 Graeme Morgan
33 Michael Forde
34 Jeremy Heffernan
34 Daniel Stephens
35 Jason Lan e
34 Stephen Morgan
35 Graham Thwaites
35 Dianne Whiteley
36 Matthew Meier
35 Troy Brooks
36 David Phillip s
36 Jamie Gun n
37 Matt Goold
36 Jason Waszaj
37 David Murray
37 Joseph Hartwi g
37 Gavin Roberts
38 Ben Ryde
38 Daniel Dummett
1 J'L
~ ,1 i1 L7
by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarthy Milestone - Century for "The Rev "
It's been a long, long journey but goal umpire Dennis (Padre) Webster finally clocks ups his 100t h game this Saturday . Dennis commenced with the VAFA way back in 1991, so how can it take someone over thirteen years to hit the century? He originally joined us from the Tasmanian Football League and after three seasons with us was "transported" back to Van Diemen's Land in 1994 . After eight years and good behaviour he was allowed back on the mainland in 2001 . His career highlights include, '92 TFL statewide senior games including the 1998 pre-season and proper season grand fmals. He also managed a couple of state games, Tas vs WA and Tas vs Vic . With the VAFA, his grand finals include 2 x A, 2 x C, and 1 x A Reserve . His two representative games were VAFA vs VCFL in 1993 and 2003 . His major highlight being the VSFL TAC Cup Grand Final in 1992 . Well done Dennis and enjoy your day at Camberwell today.
Rotation or "Snakes and Ladders" Congratulations to some promotions, which have generated from this weeks round of rotations or as we like to call it the game of Snakes and Ladders . Into A grade for the first time is Sacha Koffman, Sacha is in his first year with the Amateurs coming from the Southern Football League and has impressed the selectors to gain quick promotion to our highest grade . Former AFL umpire Geoff Caulfield also slipped into A grade after great form in B grade . Peter Liddell has jumped into C-section for the first time in his second year of umpiring and will be looking to cement his spot within that grade . The umpires over the last few weeks who where sitting on 98 on the board and thrown the die to produce the 2 to go back into grades rather than slip back down are into A-grade Steve McCarthy, B-grade Grahram Thwaites & Simon (Royce) Stokes . However did Peter Simpson sitting on 98 throw a one to go down the FNW snake? Payment time About this time the umpires can expect their match payments to be banked, however poor Amanda Whittaker will not have much change left after membership fees, then gear payment and finally the unexpected parking ticket which occurred while running at Toorak Park in the 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
second round . It gets better Amanda, the Association still has t o take out the pre-finals dinner. Kitchen has arrive d Finally all the white goods have arrived and been installed so now the clubrooms have a fully functional kitchen . No more quick meals to warm up in the pie warmers or better still no more ordering pizzas so that we have to wait over an hour to arrive and then find out they were delivered to our neighbours Elsternwick!!! Just as well Elsternwick won last week, it must have been the Number 14 - Vegetarian, no cheese . Trivia Night
This night just keeps on getting bigger! Between 100-110 people were present for master of ceremonies Paul Jones to take us through a web of music delights. Paul as always does a fantastic job and we appreciate the time and effort that he puts in, Paul is readily assisted by Di Whiteley to maintain the scores throughout the night . Finally the table from Dominic Napoli family and friends have broken through the drought after trying (we reckon over four years) to win, congratulations . Great to see that after the night was completed people just let their hair down for some good old fashion boogie, pity VG didn't have a spare pair of pants after splitting them dancing . Thanks to Mark Morrison for organising the event and working the bar and to Royce (who couldn't work in an iron lungi for looking like he was working the bar. St .Bedes/Mentone Tiger s
A very successful day for the St .Bedes/Mentone Tigers and Beaumaris Football Clubs last weekend with the inaugural playing of the Centenary Cup . A big thank you from the officiating umpires who were presented with commemorative medallions and as usual, looked after very well at the huge after-match. Social Next up is the PUMPS (Past UMPS) function 20th June Elsternwick Park where we hope to have many past and running umpires for lunch as well as a guest speaker . UMPIRING - THE NON-CONTACT TEAM SPORT! ! 41
BDF速 : Beiersdorf Australia Lt d The gap continues to widen between the top three and the rest of the field, but given the injuries currently being carried by many sides, I would not go as far as saying it is a three horse race just yet . On the tipping front, I am back in town with a 5 out of 5, although this week's matches look like they will throw up more of a challenge .
Review The supporters got their money's worth in the big game at Elsternwick Park as St.Mary's an d North Brunswick kicked a massive 42 goals between them for the day . The Saints managed to kick ahead to a 64-point lead at three quarter time with Al Dwyer brilliant on the ball . Two matches on the big ground, however, finally took their toll on the Saints, and North took full advantage with Ferns and Boudoloh brilliant . However, their seven goal last quarter was not enough as they went down fighting by 35 points . It was the battle of the full forwards at the Richmond Centrals versus Albe rt Park match on the weekend as both Tommy Dukic for the Snakes and Sean Allen for the Falcons kicked 11 goals apiece . After an even first half, Richmond captain Franky Macak lifted another notch to swing the momentum his team's way and it appeared an upset was in the making . In a thrilling final quarter, Albert Park managed to regain the ascendancy and with excellent play from David Borley in the guts, the Falcons managed to push ahead to win by 25 points . A seriously depleted Bull een Cobras went down to Old Westbourne in a fairly lack-lustre encounter at Warrior Park . Kicking with the aide of a five-goal breeze, the Warriors were well held thanks to sound defending by Tim Onvin . However, the Cobras did not manage to convert their good start onto the scoreboard and trailed by 21 points at the major break . After the break the Warriors, led by speedsters Kade Lever and Micky Baulch, blew the game apart late in the quarter and a flurry of goals ensued . While Bulleen fought it out, the lead was too much as Westbourne made it three from three at home with a forty point win . With injuries to several key players, Eisternwick went into the match against Eltham vrith some trepidation . but jumped out of the blocks sensationally, kicking a goal in the first ten seconds of the match . Disappointingly, however, the Wickers led by only 25 points at half time and after a severe berating from coach Dennis Grace, the test was as to whether they would lift . Lift they did, and with Steve Curtain and Craig Mahony gathering possessions at will, Elsternwick piled on twelve goals to two to run out easy 90-point winners . The match was almost over before it began as Kew kicked with a howling northerly in the first quarter to pile on nine goals to Box Hill No rth's one before the quarter had ended . The great play by Dean Wood in the centre and Marcus Gridley on the wing continued in the second quarter to restrict BHN to just two goals with the wind to effectively end the match . To BHN's credit, a change to man on man tactics saw them outscore Kew by 7 points in the second half as Pat Doyle and Rhys Ball lifted as their team went down by 10 goals. Preview Albert Park v St Marys Albert Park would have been somewhat relieved with their victory last weekend, however, they face a much stronger outfit in St .Marvs today . The Saints, have shown reasonable form with Armstrong playing well in the center and Cope converting the good work up the ground recently . Sean Allen
has hit straps though at the other end and will test the Saints defenders. Picking a winner is difficult, but with the return of several players this week for the Saints, I
am going with them to win a tight encounter by 16 points . Bulleen Cobras v Richmond Central s Bulleen have been struggling with injuries of late and had no bench at the close of their match last week . Richmond, on the other hand, have shown they have the ability to match it with most on their day, and with the return of Dom "Booga" Green in defence, the Snakes will be at full strength . Another tough match to pick a result for, but on the open expanses of Koonung Reserve, I think the Cobras should have just enough to get them through as they win a close game by 11 points . Old Westbourne v Kew The match of the day pits two against three in a match that will go a long way to providing the premiership bona fides of both sides. The Warriors are a 4 goal better side at Artie Park, and will be once again rely on the great run of their speedsters to set the ball up for their star forward, "Jucka" Horsburgh . Kew will test the Warriors, and remembering back I picked them as my tip for the flag before the season commenced . They have only strengthened by the debuts of players such as Justin Rakusz since that prediction . However at home, it would be a brave person to tip against the Warriors, and as you can see, I am not that brave as I go with Westbourne to win an epic battle by 5 points . North Brunswick v Eltham North have stated that the club is in serious trouble of losing total respect unless they can chalk up a win, and I am expecting big things from Sammartino and his lads today against Eltham. While Eltham has one and a half wins from five matches they have failed to impress of late and as such, I think today's result will be a toss of the coin . However, I know North are better than they have been, and at Bocce Palace, I will give them one last go and tip them to win by 15 points .
CLUB D4 SECTION Old Westbourne Albert Park Elsternwick Richmond North Brunswick D4 RESERVE Eltham St Marys Kew North Brunswick Elsternwick
Horsburgh J 4 24 Allan S 11 22 Hunter 2 21 Dukic 11 20 Hamilton 5 1 9 Krohn Bernath Mainsbridge Papanikolou Goldman
4 0 10 0 0
14 10 10 10 9
Elsternwick v Box Hill North Elsternwick continue to firm in premiership favoritism and should continue their unbeaten run today even with an injury cloud surrounding several players . Box Hill North, have as predicted, shown continued improvement, which has been highlighted by players such as Corey Riscalla who seems to get better each week . While, I would expect BHN to go with the Wickers early, they will struggle to counter the ruck dominance of Paul Nevill and the forward line brilliance of Tom Huggins and as such . I am going with Elsternwick to win by 38 points . Press correspondents It has been the best year yet for contributions, with all sides bar Eltharn regularly sending in reports . Come on Turtles, get your act together!! All reports gratefully accepted by midday on Monday to gav an . flower9spotless .eom .au .
ST RSARYS 6 .7 11 .13 21.18 23.25 (163) NORTH BRUNSWICK 4.2 8.6 12 .8 19.14 (128) St Marys: V Ryan 5 Cope 5 P Ryan 3 Waller 3 Ballantyne 2 Dwyer 2 Orme 2 R Harrison . Best Dwyer Cope Armstrong Crilly Lane V Ryan . North Brunswick: Hamilton 5 Newton 4 Borough 3 Freeman 2 Ferns Rhook Aref Sammartino Closter. Best Aref Borough Rhook Ferrante Mountney Ferns. Umpires: Rob Mayston Jack Uoyd (6) Sean Dutston-Ryan Jordan Mayston (B) Vin Vescrnri Jack Regester (G ) RICHMOND CEN1'RAI . 3 .3 7.5 12 .10 18 .11 (119) ALBERT PARK 5 .3 9.7 13.11 21 .18 (144) Richmond CentraLâ&#x20AC;˘ Dukic I 1 Macak 3 S Lynch Moffat Trotter J Lynch . Best Dukic Trotter Macak Marr Speakman Green . Albert Park: S Allan i l Johnson 4 Borley 2 Cain Williams Burton Humphrey . Best Barley S Allan i- _-- -- ... -r .d$eld on Boa Hill No rth - congratulates Kim Archer-Ul Burton Simcocks Johnson S Bennet t reaching 100 games . Described as always reliable and Umpires: Matt Brennan Mitch Buxton (F) someone attending to player safety it is a wonderful OLD WESTBOURNE 3.3 5.6 10.14 12.16 (88) achievement . 7.6(48) BUIl.EEN COBRAS 1 .0 2.3 4 .4 UHS-VU - congratulations are extended to the following players who have completed 50 great games at the home of Old Westbourne : J Horsburgh 4 Christo 3 Balloch Billman Braham Lever the "Vultures ." Half forward Nathan Rose who continues to Wilson. Best Lever Baulch Leitch Huntington Balloch Aquilina BuBeen impress in the ones . Utility Jordan O'Nei ll - training like a Cobras- Arcaraci 4 Fradkin 2 Nathanielsz. Best Arcaraci Fmdkin D Trine}d Peter Thomas who broke his demon? Reserves goal sneak Daley Onvin Powerham . Umpires: Ron Johnson Andrew Shiels (F) pre-season training record by appearing once . This week 2 .7 3 .9 5 .10 5 .11 (41) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS against Hawthorn sees the "old man" of football Vinny 19.17 (131) E[ .S27RNWIC% 3 .6 7 .8 13.13 Cavalieri and the resident professor, Luke Maguire clock up Eitham: Foo 2 Hart E.Baud Thomas. Best Foo Stockdale Daly Runco their 50th as well . But after many years it is finally the 150th game of David "Kouta" Zulicki. Kouta after retiring at the Jorgensen. Flat Huggins 5 Curtain 4 Foster 3 Hunter 2 Graves 2 Barney end of each season since he was 10 fulfilled a dream by C Mahoney Goldman . Best Curtain Tennant Huggins Capuano Nevill playing in the 2003 Senior Premiership . Now training his . . . . Cummins. Umpires: Pat Machos Mick Gilday (F) off he is comfortable in the reserves kicking the goals he used KEW 9.8 13.11 16.17 18 .20 (128) to save. All the best from your mates at Uni High . BOX HILL NORTH 1 .1 3.4 6.5 10.8 (68) Nort h Brunswick - congratulations to Peter "Midge" Sew : Clark 3 De Blank 3 Gridley 2 Looker 2 Costley 2 Allen Wood Dover Dimarco 350 games on getting to this milestone . It has been a long time coming due to many & varied injuries that would Glenn Evans Kelly. Best Wood Gridley Rakusz Costley IaFranchi Bell. Box rival one of his favourite players J .Hird. A member of North Hill North: Ball 6 Riscalla B Olsen D Olsen Keillor. Best Riscalla Ball Odza Brunswick's 1981 premiership team & past dual Best & Sallantioglu Oldfield Pearce. Umpizes: Gajanan Skandakumar (F ) Fairest winner, he has displayed a strong & dedicated D4 RESERVE devotion to the Green & Gold cause . Still a valued player at 6.7 11.13 21 .18 23-25(163) Allard Park he is once again showing consistent form this ST MARYS NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .2 8 .6 12.8 19.14 (128) season. Although threatening to retire many times he has come back year after year to show up his younger team-mates St Marys : V Ryan 5 Cope 5 P Ryan 3 Waller 3 Ballantyne 2 Dwyer 2 Orme in the fitness & skill side of football . I am sure that there are 2 R Harrison . Best: Dwyer Cope Armstrong Crilly Lane V Ryan . North many people in Amateur ranks that have known Midge & they : Hamilton 5 Newton 4 Borough 3 Freeman 2 Ferns Rhook Aref will extend a Well Done to him & 400 games may not be Brunswick beyond him. 50 Games Leigh Closter. Well done to Roo on sammertuio Closter. Best Aref Borough Rhook Fen-ante Mountney Ferns . 7.6(48) getting to his lst milestone at Allard Park . A strong long RICHMOND CEN1Tt8I. 2.3 2 .4 7.6 kicking player Leigh has displayed a strong reserve to succeed ALBERT PARK 3.1 5.4 5.4 7.9(51) at North . At his second stint at North Brunswick he has come Richmond Central : Smyth 2 A[.evin 2 Dalton M Leggassick Lake. Best back a wiser & more mature person . Having also taken on Broom Hatzakortoan James-Schirmer Dalton Moukiay Wilson . Albert some off field duties he has shown that he is willing to make Park: Pastras 2 Fairfield 2 Phillips Roberton Green . Best Roberton Fairfield sure that the Green & Golds succeed off the field as well as on . FossettlV'illiazns Wall Harries . Social OLD WFSTBOURNE 1.4 6.8 8 .13 13 .18 (96) Albert Park is holding their Annual Past Player's Day and Luncheon this Saturdav . 5 .3(33) BUIITEN COBRAS 1.0 2.3 5 .3 Elsternwick is holding their Op Shop Night at the Rooms Old Westbourne : Anderson 4 Moore 3 Wintle 2 Slattery 2 Mason tonight with cheap entry, DJ and cowboy hour. They will also Mokuseh . Best Mokmseh Anderson Tindall Slattery Jenkinson Miller. be holding a Past Players Day for their 1500th match on June Bulleen C obras: Fisher 2 Edgar Khali Rodriguez . Best Loch Fisher 19. See Adam Rankin for further details . Sheehan tit"igney Mehrez Edgar 8.6(54) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .4 4.5 6.6 ELSTERNWICK 3 .3 7.6 9.10 14.10 (94) Fltham: Krohn 4 R}all Nelson Luttick Best Luttiek Ryall Keleher Nelson J Baud Krohn . Flsternwick: Leaper 4 Whelan 2 McAdam 2 Patey 2 D4 SECTION Lawrence McNally Alter Soppett Best Leaper Alter Currie Clark McAdam Albert Park v St Mary s Anderson. KEW 6.5 8.11 16.15 20.16 (136) Bulleen Cobras v Richmond Central 0.1 1.5 1 .5 2 .6(18) BOX H113. NORTH Old Westbourne v Kew Kew. Mainsbcidge 10 Woodhouse 3 Carman Drago Fen-antino loam North Brunswick v Eltham Collegians Makris Marchesani Osborne . Best: lanni Mainsbridge Carman Marchesani P Dennis Osborne. Box Bil! North: Dick Pratt. Best Calls Lay Pratt Elsternwick v Box Hill North Benbow Woods Robinson .
Senior Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach: Paul Shoppee
Elgar Park 47 C4 Stir Coach : P. Armstrong Asst: M .Tarulii Res : J . Pratt
1. 2. 2. 3.
1 Wilson G 2 Riscalla C 3 Odza A 4 Manno A 5 Garrett J 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 8 Lacey M 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Thoi T 12 Dick A 13 Cumming M 14 Palmer B 15 Keillor L 15 Cavallo G 16 Drew W 17 Hopes J 18 Butler C 19 Callis C 20 Oldfield K 21 Woods P 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J
P. Smith S . Robinson N. Pastras R. Baker
3 . G. Baker
4. 4. 5. 6.
J . Simcocks L. Baird S. Allan J. Storey
7. S. Venables 9. P. Chambers 10 . M . Phillips 11 . D. Brea 12 . T. Fraser 13 . B. Payne 13 . M. Davey 14 . M. HYam S
15 . D . Borley 15 . P. Guicas 16. C . Roberton 17. D . McLellan 18. J . Taylor 20. K . Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22. J . Hannett
24 Doyle P 25 Kotsaridis P
30 . W. Johnson 31 . S. McGuire 31 . G . Foster
26 Ball R 27 Wakefield S 28 Veleski Z 29 Rogers M 30 Olson B 31 Olson D 32 Oldfield 1 33 Marinovic M 34 McCartin M 35 Burley p 36 Gaynor D 37 Penhalluriack L 38 D'Amato G
32 . M. Smith
39 TambakiS J
22. S . Bennett 23. B . Harries 23. H. Walls
24. T. Green 25. J. Wier 26. S. Fairfield 27. J. Holloway 28 . R. Allan 29 . R . Humphrey
33 . J. Murray 34. T. Houston 35. S . Toth 35. D . Allan 36. J . Dudi 37. L. Hogan 38. N . Wheeler 39. S . McKerrow 41 . A. Visapaa 42. D. Bennett 44. B. Isard
40 Worrell D 41 Takeshita M 42 Tarulli A 43 Doyle R 44 Garrett C 46 Mortimer P 47 Andrews A 49 Ellis T 50 Irvine C M 51 Cervelli 52 D'arcy S
BUtlEEN COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach : G Brown
1 I. McLeod 2 T. Orwin 3 S . McLaren 4 N. Cartledge 5 M . Mann 6 T. Pearson 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M. Kyriakou 10 C . Powderham 11 A. DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N . Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J. Trinchi 16 D . Tr nchi 17 T. Conn
18 F. Arcoraci 19 S . Trapman 20 J . McQuafter 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M . Aitken 23 J . Redfern 24 R. Gemes 25 W. Olney 26 M . Nathanielsz
27 J . Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 R . Sheehan 30 B. Cookson 31 K. Kellett 32 S. Wagg 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Angelo
35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dall'O Iio g 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 C. Chan 40 G . Richards 41 C. Jordan 42 C. Borelli
43 J . Mustic a 44 H. Khalil 45 J. Daniel s
41 . Au.Mann
45. D . Hogan
46 J. Lewis 47 N . Khalil
48 M. Soumelidis 49 G . Anderton 50 N . Kyriakou 51 R . Lock 52 T. Hamilton 53 R . Rodrigues 54 55 J . DAngelo
Coach : Dennis Grace Coach : Wayne Reardon Asst : P. Nevill Res: P McNally Res Coach : Matthew LutGck Asst : S. Capel 1 L MURPHY 1 . J. Bau d 2 A. HANKIN 2 . D . Lync h 2 S . STEPHENS 3 . E. Savage (VC ) 3 J. YEM M 5 . L Austin 4 D. GRAC E 6 . J. Galvi n 5 M . WHELAN . THIELE 7 . B. Rashid 6 M 8. L. Sharpe 7 J. McADAM -RC. CURRIE 9. C. Watson 8 S 9 T. HARTLEY 10. B . Marshall 10 T. HUGGINS 11 . J . Mizzi (C) 10 R. BRAVINGTON 12. L. McDonal d 11 L MISSAGUA 13. M . Luttick 12 P. NEViLL-VC14. K. Nelson (VC) T 13 S. SOPPE 15. J . Paisley 14 B. MAHONY-VC. NOONAN 16. D. Barnett 15 M 15 A. BLUNDELL 17. L Daly 16 M. SURh1AN 18 . S. Justic e 17 C .CAPUANO 19 . J . Gilbert 18 C .McKENNA 20 . M. Rainer 19 J . HUNTER 2 1 . M. Hart 20 E . GOLDMAN 22 . D . Wright 21 P. STUCHBERY 23 . R . Foo 22 G. ELVIN -DVC23 S . CURTAIN 24 . K. Drummon d 24 A . FOSTER 25. R . Thomas 25 S . GORDON 26. J. Glare Res C/C 26 C. MAHONY -C27. J . Stockdal e 27 M . DANIELS 28. T. Barnett 28 W. p,tORGAN 29. D. Howgat e 29 S. MAHONY 30. M . Decker 30 M . NICOL 31 . B . Keleher J. MELLiNGTON 32 C . LYONS 32. C. Bau d 33 M. CUNNINGHAM 33. A. Howgate 34 S. MIKKELSON 34. J . Howgat e 35 P. McNALLY 35 . G . Smith 36 Y. ALFIE 36 . J . Hickingbotham D . NOLAN 37 . P. Kroh n 38 A . BURNEY 38 . J. Babo n 39 M. TENNANT 40 A . PATEY 39 . F. Coonerty 41 D . BYRNE 40 . E. Bau d 42 . D . Bulle r 43. P. Mann 44. Al . Man n
46. M . Dere 47. N . Ryall 48. B . Tumey 49. L Barne s 50. B . Richardson 51 . R. Morgan 52 . D. Justice 53 . J . Foo 54 . S. Todman
55 . G . Jenkins
55 . D . Quinlan
54 Van den Akker L 55 Pratt J 56 Wood A 57 Wood T 58 Demarco R 59 Tarulli 60 Benbow N 61 Weston G 62 Penesis H 63 Martin J 64 Evans C
57 . J . Sutton
65 Woolridge D
57 . T. Hurley 58. A . Jackson 59. T. Bennetts 60. V. Surace 62. N. Cain 77. S. Garcia 78. J . Hamath 79. J . Guzman
69 Pearce B 76 Loerand K 78 Leavers A 79 Bennett G 80 Evans S 86 Archer 88 Edgley M 99 Robinson G 111 Armstrong P
Nortam Air
Au s t rali an U n ity 13 29 39
Sponsor s ELTHA M
The Elsternwick Club -
45. J . Aar g 46. M. Dowdle 48. J. Hamath 49. L . Ryan . 50. S. Mellis 50 . B. Tuite
51 . J. Belbin 52 . M. Wall 53 . M . Williams
Sponsored by: Rising Sun Hotel , RICHM0ND
www.nortan .com .au
S ponsors: Ga ital Growth 9696 077 7 The Elsternwick Hotel
9523 9221
56 . R . Love 57 . J. Coope r 58 . T. Melchiori 59 . B. Evan s 60, R . Peak
61 . 62. 6 3. 64.
J. Panetta (VC) B . Jorgensen L Ogilvie T. Goonan
Majo r
1300 305 354 ~ TLlC AI.dATC110 Cl1(1TCA~ i CO ~JMA
D4 Section KEW
(Affilitated with RMIT Uni .) Stir Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Paul Gregor 1 B. Lafranchi 2 N. Costley 3 J. Doumis 4 G . Crimmins 5 A. Carman 6 N . Tinetti (C) 7 B. Dover 8 D . Mainsbridge 9 A. Kelly 10 B. Cullen 11 B. Woodhouse (VC) 12 M. Gridley 13 C . Kyriakou 14 J . Looker (DVC) 15 F. Lamanna 16 D . Wood 17 C . Watts 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 K. Allen 20 A . Acfiekl 21 D . Clark 22 T. Aitken 23 J . deBlan k 26 S . Symes 27 T. Moore (DVC) 28 M . Dean 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 D. lanni 32 A. Drago 33 J . Cronin 34 D. Pocock 35 R. Bruno 37 S . Johnston 38 D. North 39 J. Dennis 40 J. Ferrantino (RC) 41 L . Coulter 42 S. Parker 43 A. Bortone 44 A. Makris (RDVC) 45 G . Evans 46 B. Marchesani 47 L . McNeill 48 K. Saydali 49 P. Dennis 50 B. Davies 51 M. Blair (VC) 52 R . McLaurin 53 S. Osborne 54 J . Renou 55 A . Lawler 56 T. Frith 57 B . Purcell 58 B . Bumeti 59 J . Rakusz 60 G. Lawson 61 M . Glenn (RDVC) 62 M . Paine 63 N. Gricks (RVC) 64 A. Roberts 65 S . Pietersen 66 R. McKerrow 67 J . Bell 68 S . Ryan 69 M . Solis 70 T.Fox
NORTH BRUNSWICK Coach : Angle Sammartino Res Coach : Gary Cutler 1 Newton 2 Adams 3 Lattouf 4 Dimarco 5 Cutler 6 Pizzari 7 Stelfox 8 Guppy 9 Sammartino 10 Fawcett 11 Hamilton 12 Care 13 Ullo 14 Paleodimos 15 Tsialtas 16 Vaina 17 Kyriazi s 18 Verge 19 Merin 20 Closter 21 Santacroce 22 Freeman 23 Briffa 24 Aliani 25 Duson 26 Murphy 27 Ferrante 28 Boudoloh 30 Russo 31 Heck 32 Robertson 33 Rotella 34 StePien 36 Sorleto 37 Defelice 38 M agnuso n 39 Rhook 40 McCallum 41 Elms 42 Papanikolou 43 Sorleto 44 Wallmeyer 45 Polemicos 46 Giovanoglou 47 Prestigiacomo 48 Wolter 49 Salloum 50 Park s 51 Kehagias 52 Guest 53 Trafford 54 Wake 55 Salloum 56 Payed 57 Mountney 58 Messiake 59 Ackland 60 Parkes 61 Papa 62 Carter 64 Palmier i 66 Boudoloh 67 Carter
Proudly sponsored by: Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St , tRrg ~ '~ Kew Cannon Toyota
Coach: Jeffrey Wilson Res . Coach: Stephen Leitch
Coach : Frank Bove Res Coach: Steven Lake
1 OLD W 2 DALTON B 2 QUICK T 4 TROTTER R 5 PORTEUS B 6 DUKIC T G 6 BUNSHAW J 7 LYNCH 8 SPEAKMAN D 9 PIANI A 10 WHITE A S 11 LAKE S 11 LIUZZI F 12 MACAK 13 LYNCH S 13 GOODE J J 14 MCGRATH C 15 BARRY A 15 TAYLOR J 16 BIRT 17 MILFORD B 18 MOULDAY P C 19 QUAY 20 BROOKES A D 21 PHELAN B 23 BREESE 24 GUTHRIE T 25 READ A 26 WILSON S 27 NUSKE N 28 MARR A 29 DARLING B 30 WEBSTER J 31 RETIRED JUMPER 32 HARDS D 33 BERIMANO P 34 BROOK J 35 HOWELL J 36 HATZAKORTZIANA 37 GREEN D 38 DEFREITAS M 39 BARRITT D 40 WARD G 41 SLATTER T 42 WHITE C 44 LYNGCOLN A 45 DAY K 46 HATZENTANIS L 47 KING M 49 BRUNT P 50 TITLEY A 51 MOFFAT D 52 CARTWRIGHT D 54 CARTWRIGHT C 55 LEVIN A 56 NIEWAND A 57 VANDENBURG B 57 HILL E 58 MILLER D 59 CROWE N 61 JAMSHIDI A L 62 TRIMATIS 62 SMYiH T J 67 LANE T 69 MELVILLE 71 COLMER C 74 S MAJOR SPONSOR : 79 ROJTER A Werribee Mazda 80 JAMES-SCHIRMER D 1 . B. Gerace 2. R. WinUe 3. S. Depiazza 4. C. Lever 5. S. Hewitt 6. J. Horsburgh 7. A. Christo 8 . A. Horsburgh 9 . F. Pavez 10 . J. Wilson 11 . M. Christo 12 . M. Baulch 13 . J . Braham 14 . J . Bartol o 15 . A . Board 16 . S . Chdsto 17 . M . Aquiline 18 . G. Walker 19 . J . Mason 20 . D. Hudson 21 . L Hudson 22. S . Anderson 23. S. Huntington 24. L. Fairfiel d 25. Troy Edwards 26. P. Mesman 27. D. Billman 28. D. Slattery 29. S. Balloch 30. A. Mokrusch 31 . A. Miller 32. G . Jenkinson 33. D . Benn 34 . B. Menyweather 35 . D . Rivalland 36 . S . Phillips 37 . A . Leitch 38 . D . Nikola 39 . M. Oldham 40 . S . Leitch 41 . K . Miller 42 . Trav Edwards 43 . A . Runciman 44 . 8 . Lennon 45. S . Tindall 46. R. Mutimer 47. T. Theodore 48. J . Richardson 49. R. Van Engelen 50. P. Habersatt 51 . J. Akarana 52. T. Best 53. J. Manolokakis 54. M . Crosswell 55. D. Carruthers 56. D. Abbey 57. D. Moore 58 . I . Smith 59 . L . Barnes 60 . N . Aquiline 66 . B. Gilbert 88 . H . Hodgson
473 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelber g 110 THE AMATEUR
Coach: Michael Leamtonth Res : George Koumantatakis T Brown B Perelberg G Schembri A Ballantyne A Lane C Weller A Dwyer AZsembery R Orme D Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill C Goldsworthy M Purcell M Aikman P West B Frail V Ryan A Waller M Gilchrist R Allen F Harrison A Latimer P Ryan S Crilly M Banks P Harrison P Watson P Jabour S MclGnlay A Warsnop LArmstrong G Theoharris B Graetzer M Butler D Astbury T Millar M Karis T Cummins M Davies K Goldberg G Koumantatakis M Maschette W Van Ketwich D Drummond M Goold E Cowlishew J Goldsworthy N Luce S Flood M Le Lievre J Wright Spare P Roseman SPARE M Bona SPARE SPARE G Pilikidis J Handy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 69
Roberts & D wyer Estate Agen ts Aust Steel Industrie s
'A @ __
Reg New 째lo New % Reg p Club Donors Donors Total M'ship Club Dono rs Dono rs Total M'shi Williamstown CYMS 16 Ormond AFC 14 St Bedes Mentone Tigers AFC 17 Parkdale Vultures AFC 12 Old Mentonians 10 Old Haileyburians AFC 8 Werribee AFC 6 Hampton Rovers AFC 6 Elsternwick AFC 3 Beaumaris AFC 4 Old Westbourne Grammar AFC 4 Monash Gryphons AFC 3 De La Salle OC 7 Bentleigh AFC 3 North Old Boys 2 Peninsula OB 2 Old Essendon Grammarians 4 Oakleigh AFC 2 Eley Park AFC 1 Fitzroy Reds AFC 3 Old Paradians AFC 2 Yarra Valley OB 2 Collegians AFC 2 Old Melburnians 2 Therry Penola AFC 2 AJAX AFC 2 Old Carey Grammarians 2 Salesian OC Swinburne University AFC 1 VAFAUA 2 West Brunswick AFC 1 Richmond Central AFC 1 UHS-VU AFC Banyule AFC 1 Glen Etta AFC I Hawthorn AFC 1 Prahran AFC 1 South Melbourne Districts 1
1 17 4 .40% St Bernards OC 1 1 0 .70% 3 17 3 .80% Emmaus St Leo's OC AFC 1 1 0 .60% 17 3 .10% Old Ivanhoe Grammar AFC 1 1 0 .60% 12 1 .50% Old Trinity Grammarians 1 1 0 .60% 10 9.30% Old Brighton Grammarians 1 1 0 .50% 8 8.40% Old Geelong FC 1 1 0 .50% 6 3 .80% Old Xaverians AFC 1 1 0 .40% 6 3 .40% University Blacks 1 1 0 .40% 3 3 .30% Albert Park AFC 0 0 .00% 4 3 .10% Aquinas OC 0 0 .00% 4 3 .10% Box Hill North AFC 0 0 .000/0 3 3.00% Bulleen Cobras AFC 0 0 .00% 7 2.80% Bulleen-Templestowe AFC 0 0 .000/0 3 2 .30% Caulfield Grammarians 0 0 .000/0 3 2 .20% Eltham OC 0 0 .000/0 2 2 .20% Ivanhoe Assumption AFC 0 0 .000/0 4 2 .10% Kew AFC 0 0 .000/0 3 1 .70% LaTrobe University AFC 0 0 .000/b 1 1 .70% Marcellin OC 0 0 .000/0 3 1 .50% Mazenod OC 0 0 .000/0 2 1 .50% MHSOB AFC 0 0 .000/0 2 1 .40% Monash Blues AFC 0 0 .000/0 2 1 .20% Mt Lilydale OC 0 0 .000/0 2 1 .20% North Brunswick AFC 0 0 .000/ 2 1 .20% Old Cambenvell Grammarians 0 0 .00% 2 1 .100.'o Old Scotch Collegians AFC 0 0 .000/0 2 1 .10% Power House AFC 0 0 .000/0 1 1 .100,'o Rupertswood AFC 0 0 .000/ 1 1 .10% St Johns OC 0 0 .000/0 2 1 .0001r St Kevin's OB 0 0 .000/0 1 1 .00% St Mary's AFC 0 0 .000/0 1 0 .90% Syndal Tally Ho AFC 0 0 .000/0 1 0 .900/o University Blues 0 0 .000/0 1 0 .70% Whitefriars OC 0 0 .000/0 157 10 167 1 0.70% Totals 1 0 .70% 1 0 .70% Round 5 Results 1 0 .70% New Donor Rate
Congratulations to Williamstown CYMS who receive 2 new Shenin footbaIls from Spalding, and gift vouchers from Cadbury Schweppes and Fow'n1wenty Pies for being the leader after Rc15 . Clubs yet to register Captain Bloods are ineligible to win prizes - so sign up your Captain Blood now visit the VAFA website ( and join up now. 46 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Y C c 速e I 0,'9, Ymz_, '9 Y
We have only received one nomination for "Trainer of the Month" for April so with no other nominations the VAFA Trainers Association announces the "Trainer of the Month" for April is Jeff Bates from Mazenod Under 19s . His coach Shane Regan nominated Jeff for the following reasons : He originally came down to the Club to have a kick with his mates but couldn't because of a severe broken ankle in 2003 . Jeff was asked if he would like to take on the role as trainer and he accepted without a second thought . He had no previous experience in this area . Jeff immediately undertook the Trainers course and has now completed this to be a Level One accredited trainer. He has been involved in all of our matches including pre-season and practice matches with support from our club's experienced trainers .
The last paragraph o f Shane's nomination for Jeff is something that the Trainers' Association would like to see all clubs do. The paragraph follows : "He is doing a great job and the receipt of an award like this would provide him with great encouragement and perhaps spur on a few other clubs to acknowledge the efforts of their up and corning support staff. " The closing date for May's Trainer of the Month will be Thursday 3rd June . We would like there to be more than one nomination so as we can see how our members are being thought by their clubs, players and supporters. Jeff's profile will be in next weeks 'It-ainers Corner. Umail :chrisk$5@bis,eond .co m
CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies
by Fraser Cameron (U19 2,3 & Blue) & Cam Nation (U191 & Red)
Bears in the Wood Section One - Review Werribee remains section one's only undefeated side after five and come home wit h rounds of football, the Amateurs 61 point winners last a 24-point win . The weekend over second-placed St Kevins . Old Xaverians refreshed Sharks will securing large h consecutiv . win, aby te o 10 goal final term ones, and the Wellers should have notche a theirnail 11 1 thir the Hoers Bern too117 much polish by 13 points . OMs can have a latte t a healthy point win over Caulfield, for while SO'1's until in Fitzroy St after training . d azds also finished strongly, a 26 point win not confirme late in the last quarter. Elsewhere Uni Blues defeate d Section 3 - Round 5 Review winners against Andy said ran the by 20 points and Old Scotch outwindy 88 poin tconditions assisted Ajax's ground level Brighton This afternoon's feature . match is once again down at game, and they trailed Whitefriars by 34 points with a breeze ainst Caulfield at the final change . After about 10 minutes of play, with Preview Reserve Kagan and Nankin dominant, Ajax piled on 5 quick goals to Soldiers Xaverians trail by a point, but Ol a dfirst game Friar, Jarrod Marchesi, where the undefeated Werribee host a strong this sealed the win just the siren . o be underestimated going intbefore side . Xavs shouldn't afternoon's tie, they haven't lost for four rounds having The OPs endured a hard week at training together an d . The d point thras e thrashing n However one can't dare delivered workmanlike win against a gallant Therry team d lust inflicted p inflicu ted tip against a side that have stepped up a grade and remain unbeaten after five rounds, Werribee by 20 pts . Another clash that should draw a lot of attention this afternoon is De La Salle's meeting with Old Scotch, both sides having a mixed run of form early this season . Scotch have won their last two and are still better than their ladder position suggests, Scotch !ST Vdlt TOTr:' by 30 pts . Uni Blues will be in search of their first back-to- CLUB back victories this season when the host Marcellin at Holland U19 (1 ) Park . The Blues were less than convincing against Brighton University Blues Shuttleworth 8 26 last week but should be too strong on home turf, Uni Blues Werribee Lee D 3 17 by 15 pts. Elsewhere St Kevins should recover from last Old Scotch Snaddon 5 15 week's loss and score a comfortable victory over Brighton, Old Xavs Pyle 2 14 De La Salle Hancock 0 12 while St Bemards will be too strong for Caulfield . St Bernards Kavanagh 1 12 Section 2 - Round 5 Review Old Scotch Armstrong 5 12 Collegians were too good for a gallant Old Trinity at The Trott . U19 (2) Robertson and Parrent created too many opportunities for Rupertswood Morrison 5 16 their forwards with Jorgensen bagging another 6 . Wright- Banyule Dimek 4 15 Smith and Lynch continue to improve . Butler and Hogarth Old Trinity Oldfield 0 14 tried hard for the OTs . Collegians Jorgenson 6 13 The Bears registered an upset victory over the Bombers in a Old Meburnians Armstrong 1 11 . After a see-sawing first high scoring and entertaining affair Banyule Tsingaris 4 11 half, a slashing third quarter from the home side, where Collegians Robertson 4 11 Wenke, Brockwell & Tsingaris went 'Coco Bananas' was Ul9 3 Old Carey Ashworth 5 26 enough to register a 39 point win . After a fantastic first half the Hoers hit the sheds leading by Oakleigh Briggs 3 16 8 points. However, Rupertswood produced another second Whitrfriars Woods 1 16 half domination with Spinner, McPhee, and Baddeley St Bedes Terrell 3 14 delivering the ball up forward . Dawkins dominated for the Whitrfriars Aballah 2 13 Hoers, but Phillips was everywhere for the winners, who U19 BLU E Bentleigh Ridgeway 3 32 prevailed by 44 points. St Johns Ryan 0 21 Another minor upset out at Stradbroke Park where the OC's Peninsula De Lange 3 15 took the OM's to task after a wasteful first quarter . Hillier Peninsula Smith 3 15 nailed 6 large ones and scored the dinner for two for "BOG' . Oakleigh Clays Nasrallah 1 11 Walpole or Shanks should go as his date as they also played U19 RED great games. For the OM's, Ray and Dick were solid. Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 0 22 The Sharks got time off to work on their 5 iron approaches . Old Westbourne Natevski 10 19 Round 6 tips Rupertswood Pretty 2 17 As the Weddos would say "Away, Away- is the theme . The Bulleen Temp Voglis P 2 12 Lions maul the Bombers by 39 points . Rupo to escape th e La Trobe Uni Redmond 3 1 1 48 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
OPs best also bagged their goals with Clayton (4) . Rose (4) and Derham (3) on fire. For the visitors, Chys Capewell and Rick Skiathitis were again in the bes t The Blacks' machine clicked into third gear after quarter time. McCombe and Sheldon put their hand up for the Blacks, who had plenty of goal-kickers to share the load . For Monash, this will be a setback of sorts . Still, good efforts from Mazur and Leviston weren't enough against top quality opposition . It was a pretty stock-standard effort by Old Carey, who prevailed by the predicted 8 goals over Oakleigh. Alexander & Mead had plenty of the leather for the C's . For the Krushers, Harold and Rowan impressed the coaching staff, but need more help . The Unicorns had one they would rather forget, travelling down to St Bede's and copping a rude hiding. No details available, so let's move on shall we ? Round 6 tips Jackas back on the list over Therry by 44 points . Top match at the Unit as Blacks will outlast the Raiders by 7 points . I'm tipping an upset at Frearson as Monash open their account over MHSOB by 12 points . The Friars are in the groove again and will defeat Oakleigh by 4 goals . Finally, too much firepower at OC's for the Tigers, a 33 point win coming up . Under -19 Blue - Round 5 Review
The Mazenod boys travelled to South Melbourne Districts but, with no interchange after half-time, they left empty handed . The desperation of the South boys shone through in the efforts of Kerbage, Fiedorovv cz & Benvenoto (try saying that with a mouthful of marbles!) . Good Nodders were Regan. Mather and Oldman . At quarter time, Oakleigh were optimistic. . .then reality struck as Bentleigh went on a rampage with Davies and Meehan unstoppable, contributing to 17 scoring shots in the second stanza . Despite the performances of Plozza, & Bolitho, Umpire Shepherd would've been standing on one foot with the 111 point winning margin .
The JOC's rolled out the carpet for the Rovers, and then carpeted them by 79 points . Best players for the Rovers included Troy Malthouse and Mitch Westhead . No idea who did what for the JOCs!! ! Failed to put in a tip for the De La -v- St Leo's tussle (D'OH!) which saw a big Animal win . . . . . . .guess they got me back for forgetting them last week'.! Despite their valiant efforts, the Monds were out of their depth against the Pirates who were never troubled from the start, winning by 74 points. Still, outscoring the Pirates in the last, would have pleased the faithful . Daniel Brosnan and Rory Sayers played well for Ormond . Peninsula's guns were Miller (7), Knobel and Dade-Bell . Round 6 tips Demons over S vannies by 44 points. Close one at JOCs, with Oakleigh to fall 5 points shy . The Monders will be smiling after handing the Rovers a 5-goal loss. Close one at Mazenod, who're improving and will be De La by 15 points. The Animals host the Pirates, who will be 6 goals ahead at the end . Section Red - Review An eternity since their last competitive victory, BulleenTemplestowe showed their true fighting spirit last weekend kicking eleven goals to six after quarter time to win an 8 point thriller against Aquinas. La Trobe suffered a scare at home to Rupertswood (2), the university side goalless in the ; rst and third quarters but still holding on for a 13 point victory .
Elsewhere Old Xaverians (2) bounced back after a week off to upset North Old Boys by 35 points, while Old Westbourne continued their climb up the ladder with a 135 point win over UHS-VU/SBC . Preview The pick of the action this afternoon is surprisingly out at Victoria Park, where Old Xaverians host the inform Old Westbourne . After scoring a paltry two points in a 138 point drubbing in round one, Old Westbourne have transformed into one of the section's top sides, winning their past three games and climbing to third on the ladder. Matt Ritzevski has been in dominating form up forward kicking 16 goals in the past two weeks while Shane Dunn has been prolific on the ball, and with these two in top form Westboume should be too strong this afternoon, OW by 12 points . In other games this afternoon Rupertswood should put an end to Bulleen's celebrations, the home side unlucky not to beat La Trobe last week; Fitzroy should return from an extra week on the track with a comfortable win over North Old Boys ; while the UHSVU/SBC combine will struggle against a solid La Trobe outfit, the La Trobe Uni boys to win easily . Correspondents: Cam Nation - camnation@optusnet or Fraser Cameron - fraserc速
TODAY'S MATCHES UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Werribee Amateurs v Old Xaverians Old Brighton v St Kevins
University Blues v Marcellin Caulfield Or v St Bernards De La Salle v Old Scotch UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Essendon Gr v Collegians Rupertswood v Banyule Viewbank Old Ivanhoe v Beaumaris
Old Camberwell v Old Trinity switched from original draw at Gordon Barnard Reserve Old Melburnians - Bye UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Therry Penola 0 B v AJAX University Blacks v Old Paradi an s - TBA
Monash Blues v MHSOB Whitefriars v Oakleigh Old Carey v St Bedes Mentone Tigers UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Bentleigh v South Melbourne District s St Johns 0 C v Oakleigh Clays Ormond v Hampton Rovers switched from original draw Mazenod 0 C v De La Salle (2) Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Peninsula 0 B UNDER-19 (2) RED Aquinas 0 C - Bye Rupertswood (2) v Bulleen Templestow e La Trobe Uni v UHS-VU/St Bernards Fitzroy Reds v North Old Boys Old Xaverians (2) v Old Westbourn e
Johnson Mazur. Uni Blacks : Barlow 4 Goonan 3 Ross 3 Howson 2 Smelt 2 Sheldon Bell Whale Brown McCombe . Best Barlow McGowan Sheldon Goonan McCombe Ross. Umpima: Matt Gook! Dean BanoFa (F) 9.8(62) OAffiIIGH 3 .0 5.4 6.6 7 .5 9.7 12.8 17.9 (111) OLD CAREY Oakldgh: S Briggs 3 C Lamb 3 M Jordan 2 D Cleary . Best C Lamb C Hogan D Wills M Harold L Rowan D Costigan . Old Carey: Ashworth 5 Thompson 2 Altbruxlo May. Umpiros: Ryan Hense Thomas Haysom M ST SEVINS 2.2 4.4 6 .8 9 .10 (64) '.. Newhouse 2 Evans 2 Parker 2 Josiin Niver Comwell Carpenter. Best WERRIBEEAMATEURS 4.4 8.10 10 .13 18 .17(125) '. Newhouse Lord Alen-ander Mead Davis Romanic. Umpires : Tony Lilky Nick SKOB: D Mount 2 J Charles K Mios J Nissan P Glenane D Petrou P Mecouriou ''. Brown (F) Perrin Brown Paul'7ti7er (B) Trevor Foy Richard Keane (G ) T 1Yewin. Best: J Charles M Sullivan T Oliarilon D Petrou D Sullivan T ST BEDES h'lEP7fONE TIGERS 8.8 15.13 22.18 29.23 (197) 0.0 0.0 1 .1 1 .1 (7) OTooM . Wenibee: D Lee 3 M Miller 3 M I'alminb¢nn 3 P Chalmers 3 A McNally MHSOB N Renault J Russo J Nallert B Storenibrink A Taylor. Best: D Lee P Chalmers Match details net received . Umpires: Matt Goold Joe Hartwig (F) Jessica Rollo M Palmington A McNally B Storembtink B Black. Umpire s: Nick Ryde Tom (B) Clive Shipley Greg Rollo (G ) UNDER-19 SECTION I
OLD XAVFdiIAiHS 4.4 6.8 12.11 22.15 (147) CAU1F1E1D GRHA MSARIANS 2.1 2.4 3 .4 4 .6 (30) Old Xav: Sheedy 3 DiStefarw 3 Larkins 3 Ryan 3 Moylan 2 Agus 2 Pyle 2 Forrest GinnKan McDonnell Gidley . BesL DiStefano Agius McDonnell Travato Forrest Ryan. CaulGmmm : Logan 3 LID. Beet: Edwards Strain Murphy Winter
Witxllow (F7 Michael Code 4Vill Stokes (B) Stephen Bogisich Hagen Cosgi(T (G) UNIBLUES 3.2 9 .5 11 .7 12.9 (81) DID BRIG1ZfON 2.3 2 .6 4.10 8.13 (61) Uni Blues: Shuttleworth 8 Minns 2 Ross Marshall .. Best : Heinz Shuttlewvrtlt Dwyer Shaughnessy Minns Maddod•s. Old Brighton; Edge 4 Salem 2 Filipotic Tngear. Best: Edge Leaf Frlipavic Tregear Newman Sheehan . Umplres: Jason li'aszaj Brett Herskope (Fl Dean Herskope (B ) 5T BE121iAR1)5 2 .6 7 .10 9.12 ' 12.22 (94) BE IA SAilE 3 .2 5.6 9.8 10.8 (68) St Bernards: O'Connor 4 Pitts 3 Runnals Garth A Mitchell A Kavanagh Ryan . Best Garth Buis Evans Walsh Watts Pitts. DLS: Fieldsend 2 Stewart 2 Kelliher Donegan Kovess Smith Browning John. Best: Fleldsend Browning Donegan Smith Conway Hancock . Umpires: Peter Angelis (F) Adrian Borg Leah Cannon (B)
MARCFIIQI 3.1 4.2 8.2 8 .3 (51) OLD SCOTCH 3.4 9.6 14.8 21.13 (139) Mare : Carlson 2 Mooney 2 Wadsworth 2 Papaluca Lcyton . Best: Angeluca Papaluca McGlin Constadine Mooney Power. Old Scotch : Snaddon 5 Armstrong 5 McKenna 3 Porter 3 Sekote 2 Allen Pappas Giulieri . Best Cathie Tesdorpf Berry Giulieri Sutherland McKenna . Umpires: Daniel Dinneen Josh White-Spier (1) Michael Roche Tony tlfi.scher (B) UNDER-19 SECITON 2 COLLEGIANS 4.5 6 .6 9 .11 18 .14 (122) OLD 1R2= 2.3 2 .6 3 .9 4.11 (35) COIL Jorgensen 6 Robertson 4 Bushnall 3 Lynch 2 Wright-Smith Parrent w511iams . Best: Stone Wright-Smith Lynch Bridgeman Mutton Moon . Old 1YIn: Details not received . Umpires. Jack Fagan Paul Rapke (F) BANYULE-VIEWBANK 7 .5 9.6 16.11 23.14 (152) OLD ESSENDON 1 .1 9.7 10.10 17.11 (113) Banyule-Viewbaak : Brodnvell 4 D'unek 4 Tsingaris 4 4.'etke 3 O'Donnell 2 Poyser 2 Swift 2 A Stavropoulos Toull . Best iVetilce Adams Brockwell Poyser Tsingaris Depetro. Old Esetndom Details not received. Umpires : Scott Fraser Sharon Alger (F7 Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoukis (B) (G ) OLD IVANHOE 2 .2 7.9 7.10 9.11 (65) RUPERTSWOOD FC 2.4 6.7 12.15 15.19 (109) Old Ivan: Dawkins 5 N Clarke 2 Harrison J Binnev. Best: Dawkins N Clarke Butler Keane Britten Hargrave . Rup FC: Monzell 3 Harrison 3 Boxall 2 Dowseti 2 Badderley McE1~an Watson Vanbemer Bradley. Best: Spinner Watson Phillipe Monzer Bradlev McPhee . Umpires : Damian Anderson (Rotation) (F) OLD CAM &ER4YEIS, GR 5.3 9.3 12 .7 17 .8 (110) OLD ;1ff;tiBURNIANS 1.7 6.10 9 .14 13 .16 (94) Old Camberwell Gr. C Hillier 6Tsindos 3 Renshaw 3 B Cottrell Bruce C Payne Tolson Rgnn. Best: C Hillier Rigin Sciola Walpole Shanks Melzer. Old Melbrnaians: 3'tiitchell 2 Own Annstro.><; Ray Manaher Pannifex Theodoule Jones . Best: Owen Machell Ray Dick -Ricker Jones . Umpires: Demetrios Pappas Bruno Sari (F l
BEAUMARIS HAS THE BY E UNDER-19 SECTION I AJAX 1 .4 7 .8 9.9 14.13 (97) W1It1EFR1ARS 3 .9 6 .14 13.18 14.20 (104) MAX: Routman 4 Lukav 3 Peters 2 Ra g,an A Lewis Nankin Putt Raleigh . Best Kagan A Lewis Nankin Routman Giconi Goldstein . Whitefriass : Marchesi 4 Arthurson 3 Abdaliah 2 Daon Kenez Lucarelli Pozr.dwn lVOods . Best: Eerier StaggArihurson hiarchesi Fbnvbon Walsh . Umpires: Jason McNiece Darren Rswlinson (F) Tristain Reith James Riddle (G) OLD PARADIAtIS 1 .5 10.8 12 .13 24.19 (163) 4 .5(29) 'i'1 ERRY-PENOIA 0.1 0.3 1.1 Old Paradiw s: Clayton 4 Rose 4 Derham 3 Holden 3 Luff 3 Sage 2 Bugeja 2 Cowles Seneca Thomas. Best: Rose Dedham Clayton Watts Cowles Bugp. Therry-Peno3a: Details not mcen^ed .Umpires: Jason Lane Sean Scuty1srid (F) MONASH BLUES 1.2 1.2 2 .2 3.2(20) 19.22 (136) UNI BIACHS 3.7 7.11 15 .14 hloa9sh Bhecs: Fvfe Mazur McDonald . Best Hmdle Leviston R Shields Phillip s
SOU'IIi ltffiB DISTRICTS 4.3 8.4 13 .8 14 .11(96) MAIENOD 0 C 4.4 6.7 7.10 10 .13 (73) SMeIlr. Cronin 4 Adgemis 3 Tangas 3 Kerbage 2 Batchelor McFadden. Best: Tangas Mahoney Kerbage Ray Fiedoiowicz Bem•enoto . Max Raegan 5 Hendry Notting Ross Stanley Weekes. Best Reagan Norman Stanley Oldman . Umpires. Anthony Vaiopailos Paul Sherman (M Symeon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos(G) QABIF3GH CLAYS 4.3 4 .3 5.3 6.4(40) BF.P71Y IDG11 3.2 10 .12 13.17 21 .25 (151) Oakleigh Clays: Sofoulis 2 Bofitho 2 Nasrallah Mesley. Best Nevitt Roam Bolitho Sofoulis lararaios B . Evangalista. BeafldgL: Meehan 5 Davies 4 Ridgway 3 Breitkreuz Lewis Quinn Smith West tVdgVtt TeHenepe . Best Davies Meehan Wykl Armstrong Holmesby TeHenepe . Umpires : Sarah McGill Mark Duthie (F ) ST JOHNS 1 .1 6.8 8.11 18.15 (123) 6 .8(44) IlAh'D'TON ROVERS 5 .5 6.5 6.8 Hampton Raves: Giasoumi 3 Cannel Chiarda Zampaglione . Best: T Malthouse Cave Gia,otmri Zampaglione Rtsthead DeLuca St Johns. Peake 6 Tinney 3 Nguyen 3 Magee 3 Skinner Furrrell Kennaugh . Best: D 0'tiviera Walker Magee Blythe Peake Kennaugh Umpires: Mark Morrison Logan Smith (F) DE IA SAt1E (2) 1 .2 3.3 5 .6 7.11(53) EMMAUS ST IEDS 0 C 2.8 8.12 12.17 21 .21 (147) De La Balle: Morwood 3 Mc4rdle 2 Hassaballa Sheehan . Best: MeikEejohn Fisher Crowe Murphy Hassaballa Silvers . Emmaus St Leos: Parker 7 Bowden 2 Brogden 2 Ednati 2 Stafford Damico Barry Ford McPhee Robin Baranello . Best: Damico Parker Robin McCann Barry Whelan. Umpires : Wayne Hinton Avi Wekselman (F) ORMOND 1 .2 3 .6 5.7 10.10 (70) PENIIiBUtA 8 .4 14 .9 16 .19 20.24 (144) Ormond: B Robbins 3 Black 2 Davis 2 Bogatin JewEllt ioli. Best: Brosnan Violi Savers Robbins Pincott Medcsaft. Prninsuilri: Miller 7 D Smith 3 Knobel 3 De Lange 3 Madder Kenny 0 Laughlin Mitchell . Best- Matthews Miller Law Knobel Kenny Dade-Bell . Umpires: Tony lilley Darren Rowiinson (F) John Robinson Kyle Mankey (G) L'NIIER-19 (2) RED Ffl'LROY REDS HAS THE BY E BUIIF.P',N 1FdII'tE8T0iVE 1 .8 6.9 10.12 12.15 (87) AQUINAS 5 .1 5.6 8 .7 11.13 (79) BuIlan Tempiestowe: J Saad 3 P Voglis 2 T Lee 2 A Coulston M Meadows A Smith B Tekin RTremayne. Best: P Vogtis S Millar RTremayrre A Coulston S Mountain D McColl. Aquinas : Kingttom 2 Sheehy 2 Walsh Williams Price Hobson Doolan Adams. Best: Griffin Kinghorn Williams Adams Dollan Alexander . Umpires: Jamie Gunn (F) Michael Neill (B) LA TROBE Uh1VIILSTTY 0.0 6 .5 6 .7 9.9 (63) RUPERTS4VOOD (2) 3.6 3 .7 4 .12 6 .14 (50) La Tzobe University: Redmond 3 Gunn Edwards McGough Borelli Lynch . Best• Paton McGough Van Doi Wood Davies Redmond . Ruperfswood (2): Pretty 2 House Sfivcster Barry Ata Best Ata Silvester Kiptock Glen Barry Pezzell. Umpires: Michael Forde David windloiv (F) Lucas Brass Julian Maaiont (B) Michael Lee Daniel Kofoed (G)
4.8(32) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .3 1 .5 3.7 OLD %AVER1rWS ( 2) 5 .0 7.2 8.3 10.7 (67) NOB: Flanders 2 Irvin O'Halloran . Best NOB : S. O'Connor Fanning Flanders Egan White Irvin Burgess. Old %av: French McCormack Trahair 2 Meehan Stack Morrison Butler . Best Quinn Morrison Meehan Maul Adams Patterson . Umplrts : Anthony Caklerone David Murray (F ) UHS/Vil ST BERNARDS 3.3 5.4 5.9 6.12 (48) OLD WESTSOURPvE 5.4 14.10 19.14 27.21 (183) UHS/VU St Berna$la: T Bain 3 J Rumbold J Barret A Trevetham . Best: B Fleming H Beaumont J Barret P Htgglns L Turner . Old Westbmane: M Natcvski 10 T w'hitin; 7 D Tavg 4. Best: S Dunne M Natevski P Hudson D Taylor. Umpires: Luke Duthie Brian Nunn (F)
1 NOb'iett T 2 Weame J DVC 3 Murphy C Ca 4 Buckthought D 5 Hammond T 6 Hammond C DVC 7 Rudd WVC 8 Jennings S 9 Edwards N 10 Winter G
Coach: David Madigan Asst : Scott Jones 1 M Sheehan 2 R Quick 3 M Fieldsen 4 E Browning 4 N Hart 5 M Clinch 6 S Meehan 7 D Keely 8 V Molone y 9 B Vague
11 Evans R
10 N Smith
12 Goodwin-Doming S 13 Strain A 14 Lill C 15 Andrew T 16 May C
11 R Hancock 12 S Conway 13 L Bowden 14 D Lowther 14 M Hayes
17 Alibrando A 18 Kearsley J
15 S Smythe 16 J Adams
19 Pitts J 20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W 22 Patterson A 23 D'Arcy Z VC
MARCELLIN Coach : Dean Rossely
Coach : Luke Stewart
Coach : Bruce Armstrong Asst Coach : Mike Smith 1
B Nickless
1 Bartlett M 2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A 5 Christie J 6 Cooney S 7 Doherty R 8 Duncan S 9 Edge J 10 Fielke G
3 2 K Ben 4 T Bml y 5 S Lilley 6 SAinge r 7 Larmstrong 8 B snaddao 9 M Szakiel 10 THarkness 11 N A en l 73 ATesclorict anpa
11 Filipovic L
14 M Glulreri
18 L Williams 20 D Drobric 20 J Hassell 22 T Donegan 23 S Ferwerda
1 . T Money 2 . A Papaluca 3 . J Carlson 4 . J Mahon 5 . J Bortolotto 6 . S Considin e 7 . MGwgovsk i 8 . A Layton 9 . C Nikolakopoulos 10. J Williams 11 . S Farelly 12. D Valsorda 13. A Power 14. R Davis 15. S Tandridge 16. B Ryan 17. S Nutbean 18. C Purcell 19. J Crapper 20. P Deluca 21 . P Robbins
24 Benkemoun M
24 J Gilchrist
22 . DCarolan
24 McDonald L
25 Fagan T 26 Kalaja E 28 Nickles M 31 Garrood S
27 L O'Donnell 28 L Jarvis
23 . A Ceccomancini 24 . A McGlin 25 . D McMahon 26 . S Preece
25 Mooney B 26 Newman M 27 Overend E 28 Parkes M
33 Logan A 39 Cater B
46 A Skinns (VC)
27 . J McPariand 28 . C Cogdon
29 Pascart J 30 Pomeroy x 31 Reincke T
29 M Nankervis (C )
39 B Oakley (DVC) 53 D Browning
42 Sundberg M 45 Acfield B
29 . D Frase r 30 . R Red mond
Yarra Valley Country Club - Bulleen
12 Griglo A 13 Gutteridge T 14 Hubbard S 15 Jackson L 16 Joseph R 17 Kennedy A 18 Kennet T
19 Latta R 20 Leaf J 21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 May M
Coach U19(1): Adam Sassi Coach U19(2) : David Galbaly 1 Purcell P 2 Ruhira E 3 Fitz p_raid M 4 Moynan N 5 Vaughan S j RAL 8 McDonnell J(dvc)
ST BERNARDS UNDER 19 (1) Coach: David La w 2 Hurley D 4 Walsh M 5 Hughes J 7 Liberatore C
12 Oconncr D
18 MiichNl A
11 A Lynch
9 Evans D
10 Garth B
15 Slk N
16 ozenford P
16 Adams S 17 Meehan 0
18 D. Stefano S 19 Rees 0
20 Gnnrvan L 21 Ryan S 22 Smith D 23 Butler N
24 Indo~no F 25 Henderson R 26 O'Hanior, M 27 Palmer T
28 Trahar T
29 Fusnato R 30 Fizce rald J 31 Mulrany J 32 Rawda S 33 Crowe B Momson N 35 Aams J(vc) 36 6funa M 37 TrrnaiYo M 38 Forrest J a0
StackNJ K
41 Clark S 42 43 Gidey Tod" 0 (c) L 44 omnn D 45 McConnack R 46 Sweeney J 47 Chapman Th P r 49 Cacowan T 5o Chester P 51 Boland E 53 Caun~CS sel r 54 French R
55 Henderson C 56 Laos C
57 Manw D
58 !AcFarlane T 59 Pattson L
1 J Mahe 2 O9oole 3TB~~
11 Manna A
t7 Rog=_rs C 20 Maggiore M
21 Whelan T 23 Ianazzo D 24 Runna7s B 25 Gavan C 27 Sawadon M 30 ta casNre D
33 Gouday M
4 S
12 J Liston 13 P Mercouriou 14 J Marchesani 15 M Sullivan 16 R Arrw 17 J Charles 18 D Tlkendis 19 L Gulliver
35 Tolj C 36 Tregear A
33 S Neohordts 35 E Wilkinson
32 M Sherman 36 T Pew,
40 DI Mount 44 J Tennent
42 s McMu"ne 43 S Shields 44 E Waters 45 D MclMos h 46 D Beattie
Coach : Fab Gatti
Coach : Tim Giles
1. 2. 3. 4.
G . Muir D . Marshall P. Davi d M. Dwyer
5 . A. Farrell
1 . M. Palmington
2 . L. Gatti 3- C . Lee
4 . P. Chalmers
6 . L . Couper
5 . A . Taylor
7 . C . Bradle y 8 . B . G in 9 . J . Westmore
6 . D . Lee 7 . P. Keogh 8 . T. Andrews
10 . J . Bunkle
11 . M . Shaughnessy (VC) 12 . T Saitta 13 . J . Hummel
14 . R . Hage
20. T. Maddocks
59 Pearson T 70 Pend : E 75 McDermott C
36 S Elder 37 R Hocking 38 M On
47 E Beaurepare 48 TGraharn
22 D Gibbs 23 T 0'haNon 24 D Sullivan 25 P Gallivan 26 P Longmore 27 J p'rourke 28 B Cooke 29 P Gtenane 30 B Scanlan 31 P Mclennan
25 A W Sutherlan d 26 1 . Talbot 27 S Jonas 28 H Dick 29 J Brownell 30 ABotfa 31 J Cade 32 R Gerstman 33 C&'d,k'r' 34 J win s 35 S Jackson
41 R Dumaresq
34 Stenner N
21 T Woo@e
B K 39 oematon t40 Kavanagh A 43 Stapleton J 45 Johnson B 50 Schroder R 58 POs B Ryan ~ 38 Bws
21 W Pearce T Z3 Cathie 24 JMPorter
39 H Peters 40 E Cruickshank
15. W. Robinson 16. M . Dods 17. C. Northway (DVC) 18. T. Conn 19. D. Heinz (Capt)
20 K Mon
19 T Gaunt 20 M Ramage
33 Sheehan C
Coach : Richard Obee
Sexton 5 D Petrou r Hobbs 67 R M Taylo 8 S Ryan 9 J Syme 10 D wissen
8 Matthews S
90 sheedg~S J n Maul . i3 k~1e"tvn smith J 14 Larkms 0
16 E Batrouney 17 A Wallace Smith 18 A Feket e
32 Salem J
15 P McKenna
21- R. Minns 22. N. ShUttlewo rth
23. N . Burchell 24. H . Rankin
J . Russ o
70. B . Stomebrink 11 . T. Ballan
12. R. Barke r 13. A. McNally 14. D. BUnWOrih 15. M . Purton 16 M. Cations
17 . T Roszak 18 . N . Addamo 19 . P. Cassin 20 . P. Spry prY
25. J. Sundermann
21 . S . Torre
26. D . Hill 27. W. Bright 28 . M. Tomey (VC)
22 . B . Russel l 23 . B . Black
29 . L. Woodhouse (DVC) 30 . N . Vandenbosch 31 . J . Green 32 . K. Mario
24 . R . New 25 . J . Bingham 26 . S . Simpson 27 . B . McMahon
33, C . Ross
28. M . Miller
34 . C. Haines 35 . W. Hughes 36. M . Carolan 37. S . Anderson
29, S . Smith 30. N. Renaul
38. J . Green
Under-19 - Section 2 BANYULE-VIEWBANK Coach : Phiv Demetriou
i wenke, Z
2 Brodmell, J 3 Mqpvem, A 4 Adams, P 5 Brown, A 6 Morgan, M (C .) 7 Moore R 8 Rgler..J 9 Christian, M (VC,) 10 stavropdWs,C 11 Cnmrrxns, J 12 Poyser,J 13 Park, D 14 tardo, M (VA) 15 O'Donnell. L 16 Gultersan, R 17 Stawopdous,A 18 Wise, T 19 Dirneck, B 20 Md.ean . D 21 Holtrtes, M
22 Tsrgaris, J (Cl 23 Spicer, J 24 Bottan ley. A (V.C.) 25 Tout, S 26 Pesavento, S 27 Kaymoz, D 28 Skicko, C 29 SwAt, J 30 0'ROUrke . P 31 Depetro, M 32 Dunstone, J Herbert D d, T
OLD ESSENDON Coach: Shane Harvey-Little Team Manager : Grasne tYAarrsat R 1 Baddeley 2 Ballinger L 3 Baskan E 4 Bones L 5 Camm M 6 Canning A 7 Caponnetto S 8 Caruso S 9 Cerantonw 0 10 Cerantonio D 11 Chnstou A 12 Clinnick S 13 Dazkiw J J 14 Francis 15 Heritage C 1 6 Jells M P Ktenas F 18 Lotion D 19 Leech C 20 Leury H 21 Mansour J 22 Mitchell B 23 Nankerns D 24 Phillips J 25 Ramble T 26 Show M 27 Tait N 28 Toxner S 29 Trevaskis M 30 Tzambazis C 31 Uren N 32 Wlhams J 33 Wlson T 34 Zammit D
Coach: Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry 3 . L. Quirk 4 . L. Hill 5 . D. Wall (DVC) 6. M . Bramwell 7. P. Iron s B. A. Clemente 9 . M. Wilson (C) 11 . J . Dickie
14. P. Berry (VC) 15. B . Norri s 16 . D. Murphy 17 . C . Evans (VC) 20 . J. Atkins 21 . T. Shugg 22. T. Boreham 23. C. Terpsenis 25. B. Bowker 26. J. Starke 28. S. Dean 29 . T. Waller 33 . D . Couples 34 . D. Taylor 36. P. Ghys 37. J. Heath 38 . J. Edmeades 40 . C . Shone t 42 . S . Houf 44 . S . Vipond 47. M . Imlach 48. K. Gasperino 49. M. Cairns 50 . A . Elston 52 . J . Williams
Coach: Ben Covell i 1 M Fenan6no 2 ABaldmn 3 J Uljan s
4 R Bullet 5 A Hargraves 6 R Fitzgerald 7 K Elli s 8 S Taghizadeh 9 J Minas 10 T Hamsan 11 N Clarke 12 K O'Hehir 13 J Bmney 14 A Foster 15 G Hop e 16 8 Saunders 17 Z Keane (VC) 18 1 Dawkins (Capt) 19 C Crewes
20 S Weston 21 G Stravakis 22 J Britoil (VC) 23 G Reynard 24 A Carole 25 J Hyndman 26 D Nichol 27 S Leon 28 J Carroll 29 C Roger 30 G Fowler 31 SLesle 32 S Kefaias 33 A Steer 34 A Gloste r
Major Sponsor
COLLEGIANS Coach: Andrew Kenneally Ass Coach : Michael Jones 1 A. Stone 2 M . Parrent 3 M . Rice 3 S. Gilbert 4 A. Bridgeman 5 M. Robertson 6 D . Williamson 7 C. El g 8 J . Cuts 9 M . Rose 10 D. Canniz o 11 A. Wright - Smith 12 A. Khoury 13 Z. Moon 14 J . Ashman 15 0. Howard 17 D. Stiff
18 A. Fabris 19 J. Holman 20 D . Mutton 21 F. Boland 22 M . Williams 22 E .Adams 23 C. Lynch 24 J. Jorgensen 25 T. Higginbotham 27 G. Rowstan 29 J . Little 30 R. Cremar 31 N. Bobeff 33 A. Gregory 36 T. Wilson 38 T. Cook 65 M . Lynch
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach: Owen Lalor Ass : Ryan L'Huillier 1 Cudlipp T 2 Haralambous A 3 Oman D 5 Hardy E 6 Tucker J 7 Jones L. 8 Moffatt R 9 Prowse A 10 Kauye A 11 Manahan A 12 Mermagas A 13 Hanchette C 14 Armstrong - A 15 Baker E 16 Christian W 17 Fenton W 18 Dick J 19 Mitchell E 20 Pannifex A 21 Russell N 22 Beckley J 23 Osmond D 24 Russell N 25 Schivo M 26 Bender L . 27 Richardson W 28 Brener J 29 Hawes C 30 Jones L. 31 Theodoulou C 32 Kauye A 33 Miller D 34 Rafferty J 35 Beaumont J 39 Thompson F 44 Ray A 47 Lugg B
HAMPTON ROVERS OLD CAMBERWELL Coach : Michael Blak e GRAMMARIANS Coach : Anson Brownless 1 C Payn e
1 . D. Zampaglione 2. D . Clarke 3. J. Corbett 4 . I. Nicholls 5 . L. Smith 6 . N. Pinto 7 . S. Gravina 8. J. Hill e 9. G . Cannell 10 . G . Giasoumi it . Y. Kobayashi 12 . D . Hughes 13. D . O'Brien 14. L. Jones 15. G . Marlyn 16. D. Kettle 17 . M. De Lure 18 . J. Chiarzia 19 . N .Drill 20. T. Malthouse 21 . T. Porter 22. R. Sharp 24, C. Christianson 25. L . Cav e 26 . K. Rubtsov 27 . S . Suleyman 30 . T. Rootsey 31 . B . Wright 34. S. Newton 35. M. Westhead 38 . C . Watkins 43 . R Kenny
3 S Fit in 4 LTaylor 5 N Tsindos 6 P Pinkney 9 A Salipas 10 B Cottrell 11 D Morley 12 D Bruce 13 H Melzer 14 AAllan 15 N Hil l
16 T Barrow 17 G Tucker 18 D Sciola 19 D Walpole 21 D McGuigan 22 K Kosa 24 N Maxstead 25 N Beale 26 C Hillier 27 A Renshaw 28 I Rye 30 T Angove 31 M Shanks 32 J Davis 34 G Tolson .'. 39 B Mackie
9 8 5 7 8 0 6 1
44 . D . William s
1 PI s J 23 St^. ..1er H
Coach : Dean Peters 1 Bilwani A 2 Day M 3 Marsden A 4 Webster J C/C 5 Simmons H 6 Petdro J 7 Kenna J C/C 8 Stewart F 9 Butler K 10 Stebbins N 11 Burke M 12 Herrod T 13 Baylis M 14 Burgess M 15 Hooke A 16 Walsh T 17 Lamb T 18 Stockdale C 19 Old6eld T 20 Medland A 21 Mears-Dagen M 23 Burke A 25 Lazzarotto A 26 Hore-Lacy A 27 Schuyler M 28 Neville A 29 Hogarth J 30 Dickenson A V/C 31 de Bruin S 32 Lesinskis M 35 O'Connell J 39 Morrice T 45 Bell C 49 Kelly B
4 LRGe M 5 omnn 6 6 Maroon K I erar}!ey J 9 Spnner L A 12 Coons 13 Pfummer J 15 Clark s 16 Mamei R 17 O~y G 20 Hamson M 21 Vanbo el M 22 A 23 &strop 3 24 Mwnson L 26 McPhee M 28 Fee N 30t Mo rne A C 32 Wishart 33 o#+er D 34 Hwse J 35 W~ P+w~r' P J7 Hales R D Barry P 39 B ny 40 Brennan L 41 Sheppard B n9 0 42 To 43 SrtMJ1 L 41 Althurzon D M 45 Be P 46 Gb05 47 J- A 48 Kplokes P 50 SmN1 L 52 Moore J 53 Lane P 54 Dean D 56 Glenn D 57 P- C 58 BalmerN T 59 Na J A 60 Sheller 67 83ddeley L 71 6ozall T 74 8ums M 78 DameCt L 7 C 9 so o~ 3Ft;~Fttue ^,;rii ;FfSC'
TuG enaATFf ip F(1(7TRALLER 201°-19 - Section 3 AJAX
Coach: Gary Blusztein 2 . J. Fayman 3 J. Karp 4 . G. Lewis 5. J. Givoni 6 7. M . Chester 8. J. Feldy 9. E. Rodman
12. D. Raleigh 14. 15. A Goldstein 16. A Lewis 17. A. Bustin
18. B. l .ukav 19. A Weinstein
20. A Wollner 21 . A. Chrapot 22. 23. R. Lewis 24. D. Bustin
25. R. Kagan 26. B. Nankin 27. G . Measey 28. R . Spilberg 29. J . Goldman 30.
c✓ _V :_,i I :1=+,_=+, .,'. i
MHSOB Coach: Brad James
FAOHASH BLUES Coach: Jon Edgar Res: James Shady
1 J Aitken
2 M Brai'n 3 D Pinwill
3 A Van Rooyen 4 T Schocke r 3 S Whittington agon 4 B W 5 G Blau
6 T Biddington g R T mes
9 J Mathew 10 C Eva 11 D Kemp 12 S Volkering 13 R Read
OAKLEIGH A.F.C Coach : Mick Holden
1 Wills D 2 Counihan D 3 Nahas R 4 Costigan D 5 Jordan M 6 Cleary D 7 Lamb C
1 . T. Wilkins 2. N . O'Brie n 3. J. Davy 4. J. Carpenter 6. A. Sheddo n 7. A. Smith 9. J. Phelp s 10 . C . Laidlaw 11 . A . Newhous e 14 . M. Cornwel l 15 . A . Thompso n 19, T Lowcock 21 . K . Parker
8 Torcasio G
14 P McGrath
15 D Membrey 16 A Vllani
17 A Orchard
18 R Newland 19 S Foley
9 Groake C 10 Hogan C 11 Aidone S 12 Vitagliano G 13 Rowan L 14 Bennett G
22 . T. Evans
E 15 1 6 Wh'~dten S
20 T Dunn e 21 J Marmo
22 P Greenhill 22 R Er m 23 A Hogan
25. P. More y 27. J . Choong
17 Briggs S
18 Doyle M
23 S Mitchell
24 M Avram 24 K Harding
19 Bray J
25 R Whitehouse
20 West p
26 A Edwards 26 M Van Alphe n 27 R Osidacz 27 T Middleton 28 G Sautt 28 M Hamil7on-Ho
21 Briggs J (Capt)
22 Fitzgerald T 23 Poundgow
29 S Sinha
M ajor Sponsors -•-~. - -~ . ~
F£x#B'Rfr 3-:P83 5
Barrand 25 Li6anara 26 Page 27 Middlemiss 28 Caillery 29 Manning 30 Thornton 24
OLD CARE Y Coach: Craig William s
29. J . Josli n 31 . S . Mead 33. L. McKinno n 44. D. Stocks 90' M . Bessant
GVP Fabricators All Home Loan s New Order Clothing
Coach: Mark Spinoso Asst Coach : Baron Vincent i Berthet. J 2 Stace. M 3 Petrou . R 4 Bugeja . R 5 Richardson . D 6 Giddings. D
Coach: Glen Alford
Coach : Greg Campbell
Coach : Tom Purcell
1 Laver T
2 Maddocks J 3 McConnell K 4 Flavelle L 5 Lynch D 6 Rnchie E
7 Rose. S a Watson . P
7 Lawler M a Parker W 10 Kelly L
9 Watts. 0
11 Grrffih M
10 wnyley. 0 11 Ryan. R 12 Irvine . M 14 Patena. M 15 Grech.T 16 Soloman . M t7 Luff. S 18 Girovskt T 19 Sno.v. M 20 Sprtte. D 21 Rehlwki . S 22 Derham. M 23 Sage . C 24 Seneca. J 25 Magaton . r.t 26 Kreuzer. J 27 Cowles. A
28 Hussey. D 29 S era fi n. A 30 Pratt . N 31 Clark . 8
32 Morrisey. B 33 Holden . B 34 Tumer. P 35 Zvanwc . D 36 Thomas . R 37 Cla .on D 38 v ent . G
12 Marks J
14 McMurray L 17 Day B 18 Porter D 19 Paterson A
20 Mcned J 21 Ferraro D 22 m~I M 24 Tyquin J 25 Schwarze B
26 Sewers A 27 Waters D 28 Dwnin9 M
1 Corrigan B 2 Guy E 3 Turner S 4 Skiathitis R(iL) 5 Morris B
6 Hermes J 7 Rivaland P 8 Quinn J((L) 9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 10 Goset6 T
11 Sheppard T 12 Leach S(TL) 13 Dooley J 14 Boyd J 15 Owen B 17 Lee D
18 Badenhope M
29 Knowles A 30 McGetngan M
19 Reynolds M
31 Worsnop N 32 McCallum J
22 Goodwin D(fL)
33 DrRemy P 34 Lambed C
35 Wright B 36 Terrell J
37 Hunter J 38 Gilmore S 39 Heys J 40 McGetllgan P
41 O'Gorman r.t 42 Scholes M 43 Serofim L
55 Ra illwn L
20 Capewell C 23 Anderson D 26 Windus R 32 Cooper J 43 John E 44 McKay B "TL = team leader
1 E Abdallah 3 G Day 5 A Woods 6 T Maher 7 J Hogan (C ) 8 R Maher 9 J Daou 11 B Stafford 12 C Anhurson 13 C Lucarelli
1 R . Ault
2 D . Barlow 3 H . Barlow 4 J . Bell 5 P. Birks 6 A B . Goo an 8 W. Higgs
9 W. Howson 10 C . King 11 A . LAn, h 12 M . cCmbe
14 A Kenez
13 B . McGowan 14 J . RippOn 15 0. Seot t 16 TSherry
16 N Crowe (VC) 17 A Adjemis 18 K Lesk i 19 K Paproth
18 T. Sheldon 19 N. Scheelings 20 J . van Dyk
20 H Vince
17 G. Shaw
21 C Krotikowski 22 J Tartaglia
21 A. Whale
24 A Walsh
22 A. W0018V 23 B . Govet t 24 S. Jeremiah 6 25 S T. Jone 2 s Leslie
27 D. Moor 28 E. Smell
29 P. Statham 30 T. Stringer
31 G . Alla n 32 D . Borland 33 A. Coldly 34 B. Flemin g 35 M. Karunaratn e 36 G . Kennedy 37 B. Renick 38 T. Ross 39 F. Wambach
40 R . Atkinson 41 D . Brown 42 M. Stevens Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 305
WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrympl e Asst. Coach: Bryan Stagg
25 C Pelosi 26 K Walke r 27 H Fulton 28 L Hambli n 29 A Deveson 30 R Matfinso n 31 P Stag g 32 L Kaldo r
~", .;., ~
'._ . :. ... :. : .' ._ . -1 .---
Under-19 - Section BLUE BENTLEIGH
Coach : Mick Lee 1 R Dolman 2 R Heywood 3 0 Lewis 4 J D'Ottay 5 T Ridgway
6 J Robert s 7 S Holmesby 8 B Holden 9 D Wild Fogarty 10 D 11 J Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M Wilson 15 D Straker 16 K Pereira 17 18 P Bre'I&reuz 19 S Nicholson 20 21 R Turner 22 B McLellan Corrigan 23 S 25 N Salvatore 26 T Krotofil 30 B Tiso, B 34 35 47 S Wright 52 M. McLellan 54 B Meehan
PENINSULA O .B . Coach : Neil Frank s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S. Knobel (dvc) M. Barren (vc) R. Staintorth (C) R. Smdh D. SmM B. Mitchell S.Cummmg P. Wigna4l
9 A . Law 10 D. Brennan 11 M . Kenny t2 A. de Lange 13 L . Forsfer 14 L Coghlan 15 J . Preston 16 C . O'LOUghIn 17 J . Hocking 18 T Madder 19 P. Dade,Bell 20 C. Matthews 21 H. Nestor 22 W. Miller 23 J . Rhodes 25 S . Jay (dac) 26 J . Murphy 27 J. Gray 28 S. Patctung 29 B. Pritchard 30 R . Vefqens 32 R . Heggie 33 R . Watt-Forde 34 S . Smith
DE LA SALLE (GOLD) Coach: Rob Smith
2 3 D Howard 4 N Hart 5 6 M Sheehan 7 L Casey
9 M Haye s 9 J McKenzie 10 D Thompson 12 S Crowe 12 L Casey 14 E Browning 19 A Hillier 19 W Quaran 20 B Pedula 21 K Higgins 23 J Hennessy 26 D McLeod 27 B Raisbeck 28 B Walton 30 30 M Nixo n 33 J McCluskey 35 C Howard 35 T Robson 41 D Thompson 42 L Fishe r 46 K Smyt h 47 J Greaterorex 52 M Griffin
53 J Case y
MAZENOD Coach: Shane Rega n 1 M Bertone 2 N Bradley 3 S Castricum 4 D Caughey 5 ACiavarella 6 G Cocks 7 B Cosll n 8 M Cummins 9 W Evans to DGrantham 11 J Hendry 12 D Hensman 13 P Johnson 14 J Kavanagh 15 J Lambert 16 S Man n
17 J Mather 18 D R1szJtef 19 S Moran 20 A Norman 21 D Nuttutg 22 M Pecaa 23 D Power 24 D Regan 25 E Roberts 26 B Ross 27 S Smith 28 P Sauter 29 S Stanley 30 T Steinfert 3 1 W Vandergert 32 A Weekes 33 R Wxkremas+nghe 34 AWnstanW_y
ORMOND Coach: Michael Oaten
Coach: Gary William s
1 Ashley J 2 Medcraft C 3 Mitsios S 4 Barnes S 5 Brosnan D 6 DeNatris T 7 Black 0 8 Sayers R 9 Jewell A 10 Pincott L 11 Fisher S 12 Evans G 13 Haysom 0 14 Davis S 15 Peel T 16 Brosnan D 17 Clancy B 18 Jewell E 19 David J 20 Machin D 21 Jacobs J 22 Dunne N 24 Buckley S 25 Bogartin A 26 Fotopoulos J 28 Harris B M 29 Kilmartin 34 Ramsay S B 44 Robbins
1 Nassarallah E 2 Dennehy S 3 Konas A 4 Lazarakis C 5 Thomton S 6 Nussbaum S 7 loannidis S 8 Angus B 9 Rossenlis C 10 Plozza A 11 Nasr A 12 Onurtu H 13 Evangelista J 14 Patuad F 15 Nevitt J 16 Walsh M 18 Mesley G 20 Fredrickson J 21 Onurlu K 22 Harold M 23 Sotoulis M 25 Rabahi M 26 Janjic S V 27 Seng 28 Cook P 29 Biftho J 32 Ni D 33 Kurth S 34 Price J 35 Fletcher C 41 Antenucci J 42 Margetis J 43 Taylor S 44 Evangelista B
Coach: Peter Skinner
1 G Kowalski 2 0 Homan 3 N Pola n 4 C Peak e 5 D Cannane 6 S Balisson 7 C Walker 8 R Tinney 10 J Beattie 11 M Nelson 12 H Nguyen 15 B Skinner Captain 16 R Blythe 18 J Ryan 19 M Furnell 22 M Horton 23 M O'Connor 25 W Magee 26 K Thompson 27 D Kennaugh 28 G D'Oliviera 43 B Toth 48 R Morello
Tuc ntteTGt IR F(1(1TRAI LER 200°-19 - Section RED AQUINAS
Coach: Terry McEvoy 6 S Hills 7 8 Heine,
Coach : Cadell Duke
9 S Loonstra
10 M Dexter 12 A MunchOw 13 C Williams 14 A. Lobzcuk
4 J. Boyle
15 . S. Millar R. Tremayne
19 P Symons 20 B Hardham
21 C Galliott 22 M Visser
17 P. Voglis 18 . B . Moran
11 S. Edwards 12 S. Greenwood
19 . C. Lapadoula 20 . B . t.apadoula 22 . A . Benerichs 23 . A. Stavretis
13 N. Han 14 D. Leicester 15 N. Leman
52 D White
61 D Jennings
32 . 33 . 34 . 35 .
68 B Pratt
J . McDonald P. Murch E . Odza M. Ramondetta
RUPE 00D (2)
Coaches U19(1) Adam Sassi U19(2) David Galbally
Coaches :
6 . M .Ristevski 7. D.Targ
8. CHudson 9 JWhtte 10. L .S9 uarci 11 . P.Hudson 12. W.G ry szan 13. J.Redmon d 14. J.Newlatt
15. AWoods 16. G .Rxon 17. D.TaNor 18. S.King 19 B.Buzza 20. D.Chan 27 . A.Carn 22.BHughes 23. F.McGreW 24 . G.Bartlett 25 A.Potls
26 FBertone 54 . TWhmng
7 Rave L
McDonnell J(dvc)
Mortensen J She~ S 11 MaWeT 112 D L 1 3 f eWtrvSmRh J 4 Larkins C 15 Silk N 6 Adams S 17 Meehan D 18 Di Stefarro S 19 Rees D 20 Gnnrvan L 21 Smith 22 Ryan S D
23 24
30 Gaunt M
35 Plus +f J vc 37 P urray M 36 Tra~ato M
45 B°nce M 46 G~6s
39 Sahely K 40 Stack J 41 Clark S 42 43 To~binyLO (c)
44 Quin0 n
45 McCOrmack R 46 Sweeney J 47 Chapman P Torrence S 49 Corcoran T 50 Chester P 52 Botantl E 51 Montgomery 5 53 Ccunsel N 54 French R 55 Henderson C
56 57 58
32 Wsha 31 Monica rt M 33 Oliver 8 34 House J 35 Anoamo P 36 Ar~tiersan J Holies 7 H R Barry 39 40 Br Brennan L 41 Sheppard B 2 Temming D
38 Forrest J
43 Smith L 44 +~hurson 0
48 Kipdokes P 50 Smith L 52 Moore ,t 53 Lane P ~ Gle~nn D 57 Peczeili 58 Ba6mer 59 Ala J A 60 8atlew d 71 Boxal y T 74 Burns M 78 Dovrsett L C 79 puanon
C Manly D
1~' rr
tAcFdane T Pall, L
22 N. Jensen
23 P. Flanders 24 R. Leahy 25 S . Joyce
26 T. Burgess 27 L. Rally
Coach : Peter McBreat y
24 Momson L 26 McPhee M 28 Feel N
Butler N Indo+nno F 25 Henderson R 26 0Hanton M 27 Palmer T 28 Trahair T 29 F~qneaa~ J 31 MulranyJ 32 Ravrda S 33 Crosve B
34 Morrisoll N
21 M . Fannin g
i Phillips J 2 Spann=_r H 3 West T 4 Lillie M 5 ~u~nµ, ~ ~ K 8 Braaey J 92 S~n~r 13 lummer A L 15 Clark ~ 6 Monzel 17 Ouio:ey M Harrison 1' te t9 p ' a C 61' 20 22 Dak ~~Mel 23 Bcshop
20 L. Clarke (C)
30 J . Jelled
5. M Whiting
18 J . Anderson 19 B. Cornwall
28 P. Galliva n
Coach : Peter Howarth
i Purcell P 2 RutNra E 3 Frtz9arakl M 4 Moy~an N 65 Vaughan S
15 A. Egan (VC) C 16 G. Kenned y ) 17 K. Norto n
J R rson ~
OLD WESTBOURNE 1 . L .Moms 2 . B.Whmng 3 SDunn 4 J .Tanner
12 D. Hilton 13 D. White (VC) 14 G. Irv in
31 J. Violato 32 G. Vll6ams 33 R. Wtlliams 34 J . Ziemer 35 M . Zka
43 . D . Seraicca 45 . M. Makin 46 . P. Naidos 50 . T. Austen
11 Y. Saad (VC)
D .Mann R .Menett H .6'finer BParthenWes
30 H. Topic
41 . A . Smith 42 . S Roussidis
10 J. Kelsey
C .Maloney
28 8 Scott 29 N. Shultleveorth
37 . J . Wolnizer 38 . 61. Crooks 40 . P. losifidis
6 S. Davis 8 J. Mahonyy 9 B. O'Conno r
G .Girdwood B.Hayes R.Hosking A.J ones J.Kcopmans Jlambcrt M.Lamont H .Lancaster M.Lynch
27 D. Ryan
36 . A . Coulston
4 C. Ive s 5 S. O'Conno r
C .Edwards
22 G. Ozusen 23 N. Quick 24 J. Richardson 25 M . Rogers 26 D. Russell
30 . P. Florence
66 A Ki horn e ~ 67 D Muir
Coaches : Shaun Kell y John Murph y I L . Delmenico 2 B. O'Halloran (VC)
P.Davies B.De Bru,n T.Deveson
18 K. Mcghamez 19 D. M~ee 20 J. Alutanonc 21 W. Murray
26 . A . Georgakopoulos 27 . S . Hoysted 28 . M. Fitt 29 . M. Coulston
50 A Faille
3 R. Keenan
J 'Cb ug h
16 M . Louls-Gleeson 17 G. Maroon
24 . M. Meadows
24 C Crozier
20 ATomhnson 29 D .Paton 38 D .McKai l 60 N .Ulph 66 M.R ednwnd Re 79 G .Narton N .Beck A.Borrelh D .Brennan E.Ca¢agha n TCIeeland
5 A. Chip. 6 J. Chikott , 7 J. Cocke 8 K. Donato 9 J. Downie 10 C. DuUard
14 . J. Newman
17 M Adams 18 T Walsh
Coach : Zoran Colovic
1 R. Astudnlo 2 K BamsJenkins 3 S. Bombad
7. S. Mountain B. A. Eccles 9. D. Thomson 10 . T. Lee 11 . M . Voglis 12 . D. McCol l 13 . B. Tekin
8 M Wall
Coach: Tim Bell Asst: Tony Dullard
1 Egan 8 Kiawr 9 Maloney 10 O'rourke
it Oakley
14 hlecrae 15 Tumer 16 Oxenford 17 Rogers 18 Trevethem 19 Keogh 21 Vtnefan 22 Mcmurtrie 24 Bergin
26 Ban 28 Ahgl
29 Christensen ;p Lancashire 32 De C2mpo
33 Gourley
39 Pegg
43 Rumbold 47 Clark 48 Dube 50 Schroder
60 George
70 Prendi 71 Grtfrths 72 Higgins 75 Mcckrrnoit
The first third of the season has been completed with the quest for finals' places interesting in each section . My success rate for Round 5 was 93% . Review of Round 5 . Section 1 . Old Xaverians crushed Old Essendon by one hundred and twenty seven points, as the reigning premiers regained composure after their Round 4 loss . An undermanned Prahran proved no match for St Kevin's, who finally broke through for a fifty point win . With five goals into the wind in the first quarter, St Kevin's set up their win . Their best players included : Clark Andrew, (in game number 50), Greg . Stewart and Andrew Kearns . Mazenod had to fight hard before managing to defeat De La Salle by twenty points . Best for Mazenod were the consistent trio, Cuberes, Grenda and Pollard .
Marcellin put up stout resistance Old Scotch for the first three quarters before they wilted in the last quarter to lose by forty seven points Old Brighton had the Bye . Section 2 . Old Xaverians retained their unbeaten record when they inflicted a thirty two point defeat on Collegians . Eley Park broke through for a win, which was by seventy one points over Whitefriars . University Blacks, who received strong opposition from Therry Penola, won the contest by nineteen points . The closest contest of the day was at Monash University, where the undefeated leaders Old Melburnians just defeated the Blues by six points . Old Scotch and Fitzroy Reds played a hard bruising game, from which Old Scotch emerged victorious by fourteen points . Section 3 . Leaders University Blues overwhelmed Caulfield Grammarians, who were fourth , 56
by one hundred and sixty on e points . -~ Old Trinity were in front all day against Old Scotch and won by sixty eight points . Rover Jed Burgess and key forward Rob . Phillips were best for Trinity whilst Daniel Clark and Matthew Maltman were best for Scotch . Old Geelong showed a return to form with a sixty one point win over La Trobe University . Alex . Southey, Edward Harrison and James Abbott were best for the victors while for the University, Liam O'Brien (on his birthday), Matthew Watson and Coach John Scanlon did well . North Old Boys moved into third place as a result of their win over Old Carey by forty three points . St Leo's were too talented for Monash Gryphons and won by sixty six points . Preview of Round 6 . Section 1 . Prahran beset by injuries face a toug h
-1. LST'.'!'s : TOTT`. CLUB C18 1 Fothergill 26 Mazenod 16 St Kevins Harvey P Buszard 12 Mazenod Marcellin Petroff 10 C18 z Old Scotch Simon 7 21 Therry Kerman 5 13 University Blacks Merlo 4 9 Old Xavs Gleeson 4 9 C18 3 Old Scotch lllingworth 2 19 North Old Boys Connoly 7 17 Old Trinity Hilas R 0 10 North Old Boys Cerini 0 10 Old Trinity AroNvsworth 0 1 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
match against Old Xaverians . On last week's results alone apart from overall depth of talent I favour Old Xaverians . Old Brighton, refreshed by their break, should take the points at home over St Kevin's despite S .K .O .B .'s win last week . De La Salle face a tough time at Keilor against Old Essendon . The Buick boys are not performing to their usual standard but they should defeat Old Essendon even at Keilor. Leaders, Mazenod should prove too strong for Old Scotch, who had to battle for a long time to shake off Marcellin last week . Marcellin has the bye . Section 2 . Collegians and Whitefriars, neither of whom has won this season meet out at Donvale . In my opinion, home ground advantage will enable Whitefriars to win . Therry Penola should just be able to defeat Eley Park at Oak Park, where many teams have suffered defeat over the years . University Blacks will be tested by Old Scotch, who impressed last week . The Blacks must win to stay in touch with the leaders and this coupled with their recent good showings should see them win . The match of the round will be that between Old Xaverians and Monash Blues at McHale Stadium . On the big ground I favour Old Xaverians as I feel the Blues are more likely to tire than the home side . The Old Melburnians versus Fitzroy Reds match should be a hard fought contest . The Reds own inaccuracy early cost them last week whereas the O .M .s are enjoying success . Again I favour Old Melburnians to score a narrow victory . Section 3 . The match of the season will be at Old Trinitv in which the undefeated home side plays the undefeated University Blues . The winner will certainly claim outright flag favouritism . Not much is known about the Blues, whose news is scanty . Trinity has a sprinkling of stars, such as Burgess, Arrowsmith, my colleague Fraser Cameron and Christopherson who will take beating on the big Hudson Oval . From what I know and have seen I select Old Trinity . Old Scotch should be able to defeat La Trobe Universitv, whose form is deteriorating as the season progresses . (Is it only injuries, John?) Scotch, who will find the ground much bigger than the THE AM ATEUR
Victoria Road, Reserve, have Simon Illingworth as a focal point in their forward line and he should bring other players into the game as well as score himself . Old Geelong should take the points against Monash Gryphons after a close contest . The wide spaces of Como Park should suit Old Geelong and help them to win the match . A disappointing Caulfield Grammarians face another big task against North Old Boys who are enjoying success . I favour the more consistent North to win this one . St Leo's should win again at the expense of Old Carey, who are not enjoying success . Correspondents . Please send me match details via telephone 9467 2857 or e mail nknugent@alphalink .com .au by noon Monday . ~ Old Xaverians - congratulate Pat Hall who last week played his 150th game for the Crocodiles against Old Essendon . Pat joined the club in '92 and played in '92 U19 GF followed by 8 Club XVIII premierships - Pat was leading goalkicker in '94 with 54 goals . Well done from all at Old Xaverians .
TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB 1 8 (1 ) Prahran v Old Xaverians Old Brighton v St Kevins Marce llin - Bye Old Essendon Gr v De La Salle Mazenod 0 C v Old Scotch
CLUB 18 (2) Whitefriars v Collegians Theny Penola 0 B v Eley Park University Blacks v Old Scotch (2) McAlister Oval, ParkvM e Old Xaverians (2) v Monash Blues Old Melburnians v Fitzroy Red s CLUB 18 (3) Old Trinity v University Blues La Trobe Uni v Old Scotch (3) Old Geelong v Monash Gryphons Caulfield Gr v North Old Boys Old Carey v Emmaus St Leos 0 C
CLUB 18 (1) OLD XAVERIAtiS 4.3 9 .9 16 .10 23.16 (154) 1.0 3 .1 4.3 4 .3(27) OLD ESSENDON OR Old Rnverians : Hawkins 6 L Hardwick 6 Hall 4 Fitzgerald 3 Ireland 2 J Hardwick Nolan. Best: Davies Hawkins Fitzgerald George L Hardwick Jones . Old Essendon: Cramer 2 Cariss C O'Brien . Best : Hay Hammon Papal Woerndle R O'Brien Morrison . Umpires: Ryan Hense (F) ST KEVINS 5 .4 7 .8 10 .10 15.13 (103) PRAIH2AN 2 .1 4.3 6.7 7 .11 (53) S%OB : Mount 4 Harvey 3 Scarfo 3 Quirk 2 Holland McGuinness Makohoan . Best: Mount Kearns Harvey Makohoan Holland . Prahran : Details not received . Umpires : Tom Windlow (F )
OLD BRIGHTON HAS THE BYE DE LA SALLE 4.2 4.2 4.4 8.11 (59) MAZENOD 4.4 5.7 9.11 11 .13 (79) DLS: Roberts 2 M Harbar 2 O'Connell 2 Meehan Clinch . Best : Norton M Brasher Dimble Clinch O'Connell D Stinear . MAZENOD: Bridgland 3 Grenda 2 Buszard 2 Crozier Collins Fisher Grlmson . Best : Grenda Cuberies Pollard Collins Fisher Bridgland . Umpires : Rick Benson (F) MARCELLIN 2.4 6 .5 9 .7 . 9 .9 (63) OLD SCOTCH 4.4 9 .7 11 .9 16.14 (110) Marcellin : Spinella 4 Petroff 2 Altamore Kest S}rznes . Best: Spinella Ormando Kest Gifford Tozer Andrew . Old Scotch: Dufour 4 Elliott 2 Gerstman 2 B Nickless 2 Swan 2 Ainger J Beaurepaire Brownell Gaunt. Best: Sutherland Willis Dufour Graham Brownell Tulloch . Umpires: Tony Hegan Josh White-Spier (F) CLUB 18 (21 COLLEGIANS 1 .1 4.5 5.7 8.11 (59) OLD RAVERIANS ( 2) 6 .5 9.6 11 .11 13.13 (91) Coll : Grant 3 Barber Page Halstead Khoury Sztar. Best : Hage Perkov Schneider Grant Day Forster . Old Xav : Gleeson 4 Hoare 2 King 2 Hummerston Ryan Chamberlain T McInerney J McInerney . Best: Fox R Ford W Ireland Martin Hoare Gleeson. Umpires: Paul Rapke (F) ELEY PARE 4.2 8.5 9 .6 16.10 (106) WIDTEPRIARS 0 .1 2.1 4 .1 5 .5 (35) Eley Park : Viola 4 Cresswell 3 Jackson 3 Blake 2 Kaye Morris Payne Smith . Best: West Cavell Viola Nelson Payne Bastian. Whitefrisrs: Dixey Gibson Pratt Rawley Reid . Best: Singh Jackson Hedrick Reid Dixey Spiters . Umpires: Bob O'Halloran (F) 2 .1 6 .6 10.7 13.8 (86) UNIVERSITY BLACKS THERRY PENOLA 4 .1 4 .3 6.3 10.7 (67) Uni Blacks : Spong 5 Merlo 4 Portet 2 Otsuka 2 . Best: Porter Sport- 'Ierl o
C, xi Hill King. Therry Penol.a: Keenan 5 Topic 2 Stevens Ward Car r. Best: Findly Keenen Keen Rard Boden Lamb . Umpires : Steve Mason Brian Nunn (F) 6 .9(45) MONASH BLUES 1.2 1 .4 5 .6 OLD ItfELBOURPRANS 3.3 4 .5 4.7 7 .9 (51) Monash Blues: Hardy 2 Torres Moir BuOer L .Woods. Best : B.Dods Riddle Plehn O'Dwyer Howe L.Woods . Old P6elburnlans: Redin 2 Mulligan Verge Farrer Berman Anderson . Best: Gourlay Bains Sandwell Redin H. Tomlinson Sibree. Umpires : Dean Banova (F ) OLD SCOTCH 5 .0 9.2 10.4 13.9 (87) FITZROY REDS 2 .5 6.3 9.4 10 .13 (73) Old Scotch: Simon 7 Craven 2 Catchlove Glen Fraser Costello . Best : Stubna N Simon Johnston Walkom Craven Colman . Fitzroy Reds: Grimmett 3 Bare 2 Cosk Davis George Prior Watson . Best : Jackson McBumey Collier Boar Grimmett Holl an d Umpires: Trevor Hansen (F) CLUB 18 (3) UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 .5 12.11 19.17 25 .24(174) 2 .1(13) CAULFIELD GR 0.1 0.1 1 .1 University Blues: Baker 6 Irvine 5 Ihle 3 Quin 3 Glass 3 Mckinley 2 Irvine Baker Ihle Eden Costin Girdwood Maiplestone Best : Maiplestone Quin Caulfield Gr. Deal Evans. Best: Royal Lord Brown Delwood Evans Bettany. Umpires : Paul Fahey Tony Robbins (F)
5 .8(38) OLD SCOTCH (3) 2.2 2 .3 4.5 OLD TRINITY 4.1 5 .3 8 .10 15.16 (106) Old Scotch (3) : Ill'mgworth 2 Smedley M Garbellini A Simpson . Best: M Garbellini Kaka Blandford Clarke Mahican S .Ballan. Old Trinity: Gery Burgess 3 Me Donald 2 Mansour Gamble Monasso Lindsay Smith Kinross Braun. Best: Braun Burgess Phillips Mc Donald O'Shea Lindsay . Umpires: Joe Ciccotosto Paul Nailer (F) L4 TROBE UNIVERSITY 1 .0 3.2 3.2 5 .10 (40) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 3 .2 4.5 12 .7 15 .11 (101) La Trobe University: Scanlon 2 Watson O'Brien Rule. Best : Clark Clamp Collins Robson Laidlaw Wright . Rupertswood (2): Brown 3 Collins 3 lmhoff 3 MacGowan 2. Best: Abbott Brown Defegely Imhoff Collins MacGowan. Umpires : David Windlow (F ) NOBS 2 .2 3 .5 6.11 8.13 (61) 2.6(18) OLD CAREY 2.1 2 .2 2 .3 NOBs: Connolly 7 Deilwo . Best: Connolly P Christian M Grigg Mahoney C Stribley D Stribley. Old Carey : Campbell Beck. Best: Everitt Leung Elvins Shutie Kammergrubber Campbell . Umpires : Lindsay McIntyre (F) 3 .8(26) MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .2 3 .6 3.6 3 .5 5 .8 10 .10 13 .14(92) E'.,_,~*,IUSSTLEOSOC Match details not r . ~ d . Umpires: Gavan Hegan (F)
- ------ - - -----
Sports & Spinal Medicine Anti-Aging Medicin e Family Medicine Physiotherapy Men's Health Osteopathy Nutrition Podiatry Massag e Myotheraphy Healthy Heart & Fitness Checks Fitness Instructor Courses
FIDA REPORT Review Three rounds of the FIDA season have been completed and now we are getting a good indication of the teams to beat in a very evenly balanced competition .
In round 3 we saw games spread across grounds, in the first three games that are being reviewed all took place at Parkville. The first game played was a Division 1 game between Broadmeadows 1 and Bulleen Temp in a much anticipated game, it was a reasonably close first quarter but then we saw Broadmeadows start to extend their lead and break away to win 13 .12 .90 Bull Temp 3.3 .21 . The first Division 2 game played was between Ringwood and Broadmeadows 2 and we saw Ringwood jump out of the blocks and build an early lead and a upset was on the cards, but then Broadmeadows slowly clawed their way back and in the end to have a comfortable win 10 .8.68 to Ringwood 4 .0 .24. The last game at Parkville was between Parkside and Moonee Valley in a pretty even game Parkside won 7 .5.47 to Moonee Valley 4 .4 .28 . In games being played at Port Colts we saw Port Colts take on 0 & M Jets in both divisions . In Division 1 Port Colts have their first win for the season in convincing style winning 10 .12 .72 to 0 & M Jets 1 .0 .6 . In the Division 2 game it was a much closer affair with 0 & M Jets narrowly winning 5 .4 .34 to Port Colts 3 .5 .23. Our final venue for games this week was at Ballam Park . The first game was played between Ballam Park 1 and Mambourin, with a one sided affair Ballam Park won 27 .18 .180 to Mambourin 1 .3 .9. The second game was possibly one of the closest games we will see this season, this game was between Ballam Park 2 and Nth Ballarat . It was a close game throughout with Ballam Park just holding on from a gallant Ballarat winning 6 .8.44 to Ballarat 5 .9 .39 .
Preview In this weeks games we see a majority of the games being played at Elstermvick . In the first game we see Port Colts 1 up against the undefeated Ballam Park 1 . Ballam Park 2 take on Mambourin . Ballarat will be in another close game with Broadmeadows 1 . Moonee Valley play Broadmeadows 2 and in match of the round we see Parkside play Maribynong. The other two games will take place at Bulleen Templestowe and those games are 0 & M Jets 1 and Bull Temp and the final game of the round is 0 & M Jets take on Ringwood . Good Luck to all teams . FIDA LADDERS RO DfV#SION 1 P W L D F Agst % Pis BALLAM PARK 1 3 3 0 0 377 16 2356.25 12 BALEA@A PARK 2 3 3 0 0 168 80 210 .00 12 BROADMEADOWS 1 2 2 0 0 149 46 323 .91 8 NORTH BALLARAT 3 1 2 0 122 120 301,67 4 PORT COLTS 1 3 1 2 0 112 135 82.96 4 BUt.I.EEN4EMP 3 1 2 0 86 172 50.00 4 fi9Ak1B0URIN TIGERS 3 0 3 0 37 296 12 .50 0 0& R,9 JETS 1 2 0 2 0 7 183 3 .83 0 DI1tfSI0N 2 P W L 0 IF Agst % ft #vtARIBYRNONG # 3 3 0 0 182 7 2600 .00 12 PARKSIDE 3 3 0 0 239 79 302 .53 12 BROADMEADOWS 2 2 2 0 0 102 50 204 .00 8 0&MJETS 2 2 2 0 0 34 23 147 .83 8 MOONEE VALLEY 2 1 1 0 7 82 8 .54 4 PORT COLTS 2 3 0 3 0 55 83 66 .27 0 R1NGW000 3 0 3 0 46 311 14.79 0 4 had bye last round 0&M v Broadmeadows Rdl matches to be played on June 6, 2004 ` Received forfeit last round
Reminder : Club Delegates' Meeting - Monday May 24, VAFA Administratiorr, Main Oval t :lsternvaick Park -7 .30pm . TRIBUNAL RESULTS: - ROUND 2
Peter Willoughby (Port Colts) - General misconduct - Guilty -1 vveek suspended sentence Ian Tanner (Ballam Park) - Striking - Guilty - 5 weeks suspended sentenc e
L T7'-'r7rTV1 R速 004 ~
Resulfs of Tribunal Hearings - Tuesd as;r.i;ly 1 8 Wade D'Andrea, South Melbourne Districts . Striking, 4 matches . Rowan Weddle, Old Ivanhoe . Striking, 2 matches . Marty White, North Old Boys . Striking, 4 matches, Marty White, North Old Boys . Striking, 4 matches . Dan Rowe, South Melb Districts ( Reserves) . Kicking, 6 matches . *David Vercillo, Salesians . Abusive language, 2 matches . *Accepted Prescribed Penalt y Results of Investioation Hearings Tuesday R1aa 1a UHS-VU/St . Bernards and Rupertswood charged with a melee in their under-19 match played at St . Bernards College on Saturday May 8th. Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $100 for a minor melee. (1 st offence for under-19s over the last two year period )
C ~ :7 L- C -
l!'.T=SCU~ S First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100).
Reserves/Ci8 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to pro v ide scores by 2 .3 0 pm final scores by 5pm Old Camberwell (R) Syndal Tally Ho (S) Uni . Blacks (R) Werribee (S) Eltham (R) Eltham (S ) Old Xaverians 1 (C) Banyule-Viewbank (U) Monash Gryphons (C )
Phoned incorrect scores - Round 4 Collegians (S), Parkdale Vultures (S), Old Melburnians (U), Emmaus ST . Leos (U, Old Carey (C), Old T rinitv (C)
Ran k
Divisio n
Score Out o
Peter Willamson Norm Nugent Ed Sill
D2 Club XVIII D3
Barry Hickey Fraser Cameron Andrew Wu Tom Brain Glen Harrison Gavan Flower Cam Nation Johathan Horn
Dl U/19 D2 B C D4 U/19 A
2 13 2 5 11 2 4 4 5 7 1
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
5 14 5 5 14 5 5 5 5 9 5
core Out of 19 53 18 18 47 16 16 16 16 25 11
25 72 25 25 70 25 25 25 25 45 25
76% 74% 72% 72% 67% 64% 64% 64% 64% 56% 44%
THE CHAI.LENGE: Name the grid square where you thiC the ball was in the original photo .
PRIZES: Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Luct Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined) . Watch this space !
Last week, ball was in D 4 . 3 winning entries from 10 received . Alicia Dwyer, Rod Hubbard & Ron Hubbard (Mazenod) . HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person . Tear off entry se : which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and ma VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternu=ick 3I85 or fat 9531 6601 .
L 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
D For 0 419 0 551 0 397 0 372 0 241 0 249 0 195 0 268 0 193 0 123
1~ ,~ Pc; % 170 246.47 20 127 433.86 16 187 212.30 16 297 125 .25 12 338 71 .30 12 347 71 .76 8 315 61 .90 8 525 51 .05 4 441 43 .76 4 332 37.05 0
P W L D For AL sY % Pts UHS-VU 5 5 0 0 479 157 305.10 20 RUPERTSW000 5 5 0 0 560 211 265.40 20 OAKLEIGH 5 4 1 0 362 208 174 .04 16 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 5 3 2 0 494 335 147 .46 12 ST JOHNS 0 C 5 2 3 0 357 291 122 .68 8 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 5 2 3 0 266 267 99.63 8 POWER HOUSE 5 2 3 0 262 349 75.07 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 5 2 3 0 306 480 63 .75 8 SYNDAL TALLY-1-10 5 0 5 0 140 500 28.00 0 'MT LILYDALE 5 0 5 0 90 650 13 .85 0 Ineligible player Round 3
8119 (2) ~$~l~ P~ L D Far Aysr ~ Prs EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 5 5 0 0 560 257 217 .90 20 PENINSULA 0 B 5 5 0 0 750 354 211 .86 20 'ST JOHNS 0 C 5 3 2 0 398 464 85 .78 12 #BENTLEIGH 5 2 3 0 391 184 212 .50 8 MAZENOD 0 C 5 2 3 0 418 403 103 .72 8 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 5 2 3 0 442 515 85 .83 8 DE LA SALLE (2) 5 2 3 0 354 549 64 .48 8 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 5 1 4 0 308 650 4738 4 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 1 4 0 287 681 42 .14 4 ORMOND 5 0 5 0 292 635 45 .98 0 *Ineligible player Round 3#Ineligibie player Rds 1, 2 and 3 U19 RED P w L D For Agst % PLs FITZROY REDS 5 5 0 0 474 153 309.80 20 LA TROBE UNI 5 4 1 0 432 152 284.21 16 OLD WESTBOURNE 5 4 1 0 334 293 113.99 16 RUPERTSW000 (2) 5 3 2 0 367 287 127.87 12 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 5 3 2 0 141 202 69.80 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 2 3 0 266 239 111 .30 8 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5 2 3 0 249 371 67.12 8 AQUINAS 0 C 5 1 4 0 289 539 53 .62 4 UHS-VU/ST BERNARDS 5 1 4 0 207 603 34.33 4
P 6 V L B % Pfs KEW 5 5 0 0 453 166 272 .89 20 ELSTERNWICK 5 4 1 0 354 214 165 .42 16 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 4 1 0 344 244 140 .98 16 OLD WESTBOURNE 5 3 1 1 328 211 155 .45 14 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5 2 3 0 338 281 120 .28 8 ST MARYS 5 2 3 0 266 326 81 .60 8 BULLEEN COBRAS 5 2 3 0 227 354 64 .12 8 ALBERT PARK 5 1 3 1 248 278 89 .21 6 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 1 4 0 242 390 62 .05 4 BOX HILL NORTH 5 0 5 0 180 516 34 .88 0
G~.ll~i f~ (l) P~ L D Far Agst % Pts MAZENOD 0 C 5 5 0 0 267 208 128 .37 20 OLD XAVERIANS 5 4 1 0 560 172 325 .58 16 OLD SCOTCH 5 3 1 1 280 316 88.61 14 OLD BRIGHTON 5 3 2 0 213 150 142 .00 1 2 PRAHRAN 5 3 2 0 167 184 90.76 12 DE LA SALLE 5 2 2 1 329 318 103.46 10 ST KEVINS 5 2 3 0 363 330 110.00 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 5 1 4 0 152 390 38 .97 4 MARCELLIN 5 1 4 0 165 450 36.67 4 OLD IVANHOE 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 .00 0 1 D For Ar~E % t"- 'ineligible player Round 3 P W _(2) P W L D For A gg VvERRIBEE AMATEURS 5 5 0 0 557 260 214 .23 20 ST'~~cVINS 5 4 1 0 483 447 108 .05 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 5 0 0 416 217 191 .71 20 OLD XAVERIANS 5 3 1 1 457 346 132 .08 14 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 5 5 0 0 371 213 174 .18 20 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 3 2 0 401 371 108 .09 12 MONASH BLUES 5 4 1 0 289 232 124 .57 16 ST BERNARDS 5 2 2 1 378 452 83 .63 10 OLD SCOTCH (2) 5 4 1 0 375 322 116 .46 16 DE LA SALLE 5 2 3 0 471 344 136 .92 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 3 2 0 332 338 98 .22 12 OLD SCOTCH 5 2 3 0 482 380 126 .84 8 2 3 0 354 288 122 .92 8 MARCELLIN 5 2 3 0 333 470 70 .85 8 FITZROY REDS 5 1 4 0 260 321 81 .00 4 OLD BRIGHTON 5 1 4 0 232 470 49 .36 4 ELEY PARK 5 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 5 1 4 0 259 385 67 .27 4 CAULFIELD GR 5 0 5 0 229 583 39 .28 0 COLLEGIANS 5 0 5 0 237 410 57 .80 0 WHITEFRIARS 5 0 5 0 199 401 49 .63 0 P W L D_Far AgsB Pis COLLEGIANS 5 4 RUPERTSWOOD 5 4 BEAUMARIS 5 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 3 BANYULE VIEWBANK 5 3 OLD TRINITY 5 2 'OLD MELBURNIANS 5 2 OLD ESSENDON GR 5 2 OLD IVANHOE 5 1 "Ineligible player Round 3
1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
344 478 303 316 319 383 317 465 211
202 170.30 16 373 128.15 16 293 103.41 16 304 103.95 12 338 94.38 12 408 93.87 8 339 93.51 8 526 88.40 8 385 54 .81 4
P D For A f UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 5 0 0 670 95 705 .26 20 OLD TRINITY 5 5 0 0 596 134 444 .78 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 3 2 0 245 256 95 .70 12 OLD SCOTCH (3) 5 3 2 0 273 296 92 .23 12 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 5 3 2 0 255 287 88 .85 12 OLD GEELONG 5 2 3 0 326 354 92 .09 8 CAULFIELD GR 5 2 3 0 275 499 55.11 8 LA TROBE UNI 5 1 4 0 159 350 45.43 4 P W L D U1 9 P % Pts MONASH GRYPHONS 5 1 4 0 157 382 41 .10 4 0 5 0 148 532 27.82 0 UNIVERSITY BLA,,,(S 5 5 0 0 481 202 238 .12 20 OLD CAREY 5 WHITEFRIARS 5 4 1 0 518 231 224 .24 16 ------------------------------' t OLD PARADIANS 5 4 1 0 380 260 146 .15 16 1 OLD CAREY 5 3 2 0 487 235 207 .23 12 U ST BEDES MENT T!G 5 3 2 0 506 279 181 .36 12 AJAX 5 2 3 0 458 454 100.88 8 presented try THERRY PENOLA 0 B 5 2 3 0 228 483 47.20 8 'OAKLEIGH 5 1 4 0 309 422 73.22 4 MHSOB 5 1 4 0 108 497 21 .73 4 a, SPORTSCOVER 'MONASH BLUES 5 0 5 0 121 732 16 .53 0 VPFA RWOR SPONSO R *Ineligible player Round 3 ' lCh3i S?7d 172hrh2t ;fa72iD6bl!BFhD( tD lhis SerYKe ---J
速 Weekend i7atcles (Fri) or Umpires :f.-dnin6men#s Scores ( Sat . nigh t)
L----~.- .~-~ .~~--------~ - -e- - -
W L D For l~nst l Pts 4 1 0 582 359 162 .12 16 4 1 0 519 356 145 .79 16 4 1 0 532 379 140 .37 16 4 1 0 611 499 122 .44 16 2 3 0 368 415 88.67 8 2 3 0 339 397 85 .39 8 2 3 0 225 423 53.19 8 1 4 0 420 455 92.31 4 1 4 0 383 527 72.68 4 1 4 0 388 557 69.66 4
' W 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 2 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 0
L D 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 1 3 1 4 0 5 0
Fm% 633 282 224 .47 20 533 314 169.75 20 487 258 188.76 16 562 529 106.24 12 464 548 84.67 8 354 468 75.64 8 404 544 74.26 6 285 431 66 .13 6 359 565 63.54 4 411 553 74.32 0
9 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0
L D FAr Apst % 1 0 488 348 140.23 16 1 0 568 462 122.94 16 2 0 579 397 145.84 12 2 0 541 450 120.22 12 2 0 408 406 100.49 12 2 0 403 410 98 .29 12 2 1 391 447 87.47 10 4 0 372 479 77.66 4 4 0 313 477 65.62 4 2 4 1 340 527 64.52
P w _ L D For Ags3 °n PGsUNIVERSITY BLUES 5 5 0 0 574 176 326 .14 20 OLD TRINITY 5 4 1 0 385 183 210 .38 16 DE LA SALLE 5 4 1 0 361 262 137 .79 16 OLD XAVERIANS 5 4 1 0 296 225 131 .56 16 STBERNARDS 5 3 2 0 345 310 111 .29 12 OLD SCOTCH 5 2 3 0 345 374 92 .25 8 MARCELLIN 5 2 3 0 213 307 69 .38 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 1 4 0 186 410 45 .37 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 5 0 5 0 209 417 50 .12 0 0 WHITEFRIARS 5 0 5 0 129 379 34 .04
Y 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
L D_Fatr_ Agsf % Pfs 0 0 460 334 137 .72 20 .16 16 1 0 599 315 190 1 0 402 381 105 .51 16 2 0 476 437 108 .92 12 3 0 422 369 114 .36 8 3 0 385 366 105 .19 8 3 0 421 440 95 .68 8 4 0 317 439 72 .21 4 4 0 387 541 71 .53 4 4 0 309 556 55 .58 4
Dl SECTION P IN L D For _A W % Pis UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 5 0 0 792 234 338 .46 20 ORMOND 5 5 0 0 502 289 173 .70 20 BANYULE 5 4 1 0 547 355 154 .08 16 PENINSULA 0 B 5 4 1 0 476 473 100.63 16 FITZROY REDS 5 3 2 0 414 366 113 .11 12 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 5 2 3 0 341 482 70.75 8 OLD MENTONIANS 5 1 4 0 351 537 65 .36 4 AQUINAS 0 C 5 1 4 0 242 558 43 37 4 PRAHRAN 5 0 0 306 3S° 7658 0 0 SALESIAN 0 C 5 0 5 0 281 629 44 75
W __ L D
5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 5 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For Agst Pis 402 191 210 .47 16 350 232 150 .86 16 257 239 107 .53 16 295 219 134 .70 12 287 243 118 .11 8 295 333 88 .59 8 255 351 72 .65 8 206 315 65 .40 8 233 362 64 .36 8 154 344 44 .77 0 For AgsP 1_ Pfs 367 157 233 .76 20 470 248 189 .52 16 342 258 132 .56 16 332 225 147.56 12 346 278 124 .46 12 345 276 125.00 8 2 0 6 256 80 47 3 251 412 60 92 8 215 543 39.59 0 146 463 31 .53 0
For ~--=~-~
BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5 5 0 0 421 356 118.26 20 OLD CAREY 5 4 1 0 515 294 175 .17 16 OLD GEELONG 5 4 1 0 493 335 147 .16 16 MONASH GRYPHONS 5 3 2 0 349 342 102.05 12 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 5 3 2 0 401 441 90.93 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 5 2 3 0 305 373 81 .77 8 SWINBURNE UNI 5 1 4 0 407 441 92 .29 4 LA TROBE UNI 5 1 4 0 350 394 88 .83 4 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 1 4 0 416 493 84 .38 4 BENTLEIGH 5 1 4 0 322 540 59 .63 4 D3 SECTION P RUPERTSWOOD 5 OAKLEIGH 5 UHS-VU 5 POWER HOUSE 5 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 5 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 5 ST JOHNS O C 5 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 5 MT LILYDALE 5 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Far __A_gs2--___ ,°-----Pfs 580 283 204 .95 20 421 392 107 .40 16 420 286 146 .85 12 451 318 141 .82 12 442 401 110 .22 12 413 453 91 .17 8 345 420 82 .14 8 407 508 80 1 2 8 316 494 63 97 4 308 548 56 .20 0
PSf 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 1 5 0 5 0
L _D For-AgsB-%---_ Pfs 0 0 481 144 334.03 20 0 0 509 210 242 .38 20 1 0 510 123 414.63 16 1 0 483 169 285 .80 16 2 0 276 348 79.31 12 3 0 349 269 129.74 8 4 0 204 377 54 .11 4 4 0 91 463 19 .65 4 5 0 149 396 37 .63 0 5 0 55 700 7 .86 0
I s~
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