The Amateur Footballer, Week 7, 2004

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FosteringiFamilp-Football since 1892


IL is a great pleasure to be given the opportunity to write the "editorial" for the Amateu r Footballer" this week while Phil Stevens is away . Perhaps we should spare a thought fo r him and Robyn as they have wound their way around the Greek islands and coped with various Turkish delights! The growth of the VAFA over the years, to the point where we now have 140 Senior and Reserve teams, nearly 50 Under 19 teams and 30 Club 18 teams on the field - nearly 0 players - every Saturday speaks volumes for the Association and the Clubs tha t _- .~One of our greatest strengths of the VAFA is the quality of football played in the upper Bruce . :e- . c grades. That stamps us, in my view, as the premier competition in Victoria, save for th e VFL . But another of the great strengths of the VAFA is the fact that, however good you might be as a footballer (within reason), there is a place for you on the football field somewhere within the VAFA on a Saturday afternoon . The competitiveness and spirit of a D4 game is no less than that in an A Grade game, and the passion of the supporters at the game is as great, if not greater. Some clubs may not be as successful on the field as others, but that does not mean that they are not successful nr great clubs. On field success is what we strive for, but the fact that a club provides, and will continue to provide, the opportunity to play our great game is also one of the criteria, if not the main indicator, of "success" . Let's hope that, as an Association, we can continue to provide football for all who want to play "for the love of the game" at all levels. Can I also take this opportunity to thank our wonderful staff (Brett Connell, Sue Anderson, Kate Balme and Matt _]yhus) for taking on significant additional burdens while Phil is away . They have taken the extra work in their stride, and have not missed a beat. Just don't tell Phil that, really, he's not indispensable !

comprise it.

VF ?A - President B--ace McT :>~'C3TAGY - May 22 Editorial - John Bell The following section appeared in last week's Amateur Footballer Editorial, please refer paragraph 6 below which now reads correct - apologies for any confusion caused . IlE -idSTA3`EM ENTS The reinstatement guidelines for 2004 season are virtually the same as the previous season other than a different interpretation to Guideline 2 . It is fair to say that the reinstatement guidelines introduced last season were the most liberal since the introduction of reinstatements in the mid 1970's and really reflect the huge change in the operations of Australian football in Melbourne and Victoria since 1990. A player who is not an amateur, may make application for a permit via the reinstatement process . The reinstatement guidelines for 2004 are as follows Guideline 1- A player transferring directly from an AFL, trFL, SANFL, WAFL or VCFL may be reinstated to any VAFA club . Guideline 2 - A player who is not eligible for reinstatement under Next Week's s . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . .. ... . . .. . . .6 Guideline 1, maybe be reinstated under this guideline to play in the Coaches' Clipboard . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . ,12 VAFA, but only a limited number of players may reinstated under For the Love of,i_e Game ... .. . . .... . . . . . . .. . .18-1 9 this guideline as follows - A section clubs 6 reinstatements, B Coates hire MVP's .. . . .. . . .. . . .... . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .31 section clubs 8 reinstatements, C section clubs 10 reinstatements Cadbury's Face in the Crowd .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .32 . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . .. . . .34-35 and D section clubs 12 reinstatements, LWdna BaCk . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Today's Umpires. ... . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. -40 . .. . ... . . . . ...Theravbnfwistceoplayr,hweviouslyTran'C . . . .47 reinstated and did NOT follow the correct process after leaving the S{, Kilda Community Cup squad. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .59 VAFA, being denied the opportunity to return to the VAFA this SportscoverArena Draw . . .. . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .61 season . Tribunal & Investigations .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . ... . .. .. . .61 John Bell, Richard Evans and Phil Stevens process applications for Sportscover Sp~ the Ba1 . .. . . . . .. . ...°...° .. .°° .°62 .adders . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ... . ... . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .63 1 6 reinstatement. L





gone? Well it's a big call . In 1996, 1 was 18 (~ .'. the risk of sounding like Jackson Browne), playing in a team that was six goals up against Xavs at _ time . I would quite happily of proffered "yep they're gone for all money", such was the air of gloom that seemed to have taken over the team . Low and behold, the bottom of the table Xavs won that game, Dom Berry virtually decapitated half our team, they won the flag from the fourth position and went on to win a lazy 5 flags on the trot . Thus only a slightly demented man would write off a cli ') that has confounded its critics as regularly as Old Xavs . On Saturday however, they reached their lowest ebb . They were awful against St Bernards, fumbled and stumbled around all day in an error riddled, baffling display . Heaven knows how they came up with six best players ; Cameron Purss was handy enough in the ruck and Tim Ockleshaw showed patches of brilliance but it was a pretty dismal day . Bernards were brilliant of course ; Danny Jordan and Tate Pearson deadly up forward and Lucas Fielding and Damien McLaughlin miserly in defence. But a 90 point win at the Snakepit against a team playing in a daze does not make up for losing a grand final . Only a Premiership would wipe the slate clean for the Dogs, though from r`iat I've seen, they'd have to be favourites to do just that. .at Stude nts pa., . I half suspei th he Uni Blues reserves team would beat quite a f~ r A Grade senior teams, such was their polisl sd performance on Saturday . However their all conquering senior team looked in a bit of trouble early on against De La, as the away team got off to its customary good start in a hi _ :z standard, free flowing game at the Uni Main . Bt true to form, the Uni runners Gleeson, Young, Wilcox displayed their superior ball handling skills and willingness to bring others into the game . Great to see Mick Duz an back in the ones kicking goals for De La and high-living everyone within a 10 km radius bar the cu clerk at Queens College . Other good De La p1L; _ - . ere second gainer Dean Dobric and Ryan Sherman . For Uni, the aforementioned, togeLn~r Peter North's brother Lucas and Michael Kordick on a wing . Ct=='째'-~ ~'==~. Scotch really served it up to

upset loomed for the home side . But after the main break, donuts . The Eagles booted 12 to 1 to guarantee thei r second position with the usual suspects Bernie Dinneen, Glenn Cox and Brett Dobson capitalising on another great game by ruckman Mark Browne . They are blessed to have virtually a full list on the park at present, with no evidence of the injuries at have c' cimated their list in the past two years . And the patt째rn continued at McKinnon, with 7_efriars impressive early before Haileybury turned up the wick in the second and found some much needed form . Very significant that Michael Barker is back and firing for the Bloods with Brett O'Farrell, Laz Siapantas and David Mason sharing the spoils up forward . Amazingly, the Bloods are fifth and perhaps the only smokey who could scare the firmly entrenched top four . Whitefriars contin to be whittled away by injuries but Chris Can -" >nce again showed his ability to raise the b F arm in A Grade . Regularly the Friars be or and with few players taking votes of f nT . 1 - could be a dark horse for this year' s

Trini, J ~'*oney rt the Junction with Old the b, ter at - timc and a hi as big .', ;1i e

1 Old' i3arcelN i

St B -n Is Si Bernards St Br ds I Bin s

dsh Cullinan Pearson Mitchell Jordon D

5 4 4 2 5

24 20 18 17 16

Millard 4 20 Gutierez 0 1 3 Reid 3 12 Uip,, 12 Close 9 12

Quinlan and Bob Beecroft used to slot 'em for Fitzroy decades ago, Trinity's Brent Walsh started to bomb goals from all angles up forward . Walsh doesn't have Bernie's prize winning 'tache but he is something of a superboot and his five left foot raking goals kick-started the Trinity revival . Adam Andrews in and under was a key player in the engine room, together with Al Nevill and Jack Healy . OMs may have fallen in a hole but they got great games out of Jacob Berry and James Beaumont, along with ruckman David Holme . Today's Selection s Massive game at Toorak Park, with Old Xavs fighting for their lives against the cohesive and talented line up that is Uni Blues. At face value Xavs don't have a hope, they were dreadful last week and Blues stitched up St Bernards just a few weeks ago . But Uni are a funny old team, they play in spurts, don't always travel that well and they've got a few injuries . Having said that, Uni have been a bit of a bogey team for Xavs over the years. Before I contradict myself anymore, I'd better come up with something that makes sense . Uni but 18 but have a sneaking suspicion Xavs could pull something out here . "We are hot to go, H .O .T.T .O .G .O." they chant at Scotch College but on current evidence, the only place their Old Boys footy team is going is straight to B Section . One of the great attractions of amateur football is the relegation system and it doesn't get much bigger for the two cellar dwellers at Waverley Park . Every time I go to watch De La, they play brilliantly, as soon as I go home, they fall in a heap . Scotch have a better list but the Dees aren't as bad as results would suggest and I expect the home side to win a close one . Halleybury weren't up against much last week but they may have turned the corner. A quick glance at their 6 listed best players and it doesn't get much better. True, they've been the great tease of 2004 but the stage is set for them to make a statement against the top team Trinity today . Trinity deserve favouritism but a few cracks have emerged in the last two weeks and they're under the pump . Haileybury in an upset by 3 goals . The other two tip themselves . St Bernards should annihilate Whitefirars an d Marcellin will be far too good for Old Melburnians. CORRESPONDENTS Jonathan Horn - jonathan_g horn速yahoo .co .uk

TODAY'S MATCHES A SECTION Old Xaverians v University Blues De La Salle v Old Scotch Whitefriars v St Bernards Old Trinity v Old Haileybury at Sportscover Arena - 96 . 5 Inner FM Marcellin v Old Melburnians

5.3 11.8 17.12 22 .17 (149) ST BERNARDS OLD RAVERIANS 3 .3 3.5 6 .9 8.11 (59) St Berm D Jordan 5 Pearson 4 B Jordan 2 C Mitchell 2 Goulett 2 Turnbull Liberatore Baumgartner Davis McIntyre Johnson Garth . Best Fielding D Jordan McLaughlin Goullett Laughlin O'Riley . Old Xav: Ockleshaw Puns Howard Mollard Chatfield Beetham Pasceri Agius . Best: Purss Bingham Beetham Mollard Howard Ockleshaw . Umpires : Peter James Steve McCarthy (F) Brendan Cannon Scott Givens (B) Dominic Napoll Chris Doyle (G) UNIVERSTI'Y BLUES 2 .2 6 .5 11 .9 17 .9 (111) 3 .4 5 .7 7 .10 10 .15 (75) DE IA SAI7 E But Blues: Muhlebach 4 Brookes 4 Lowcock 2 Gleeson 2 Nation Rankin Fishley Penny J K Brooke. Best: North Gleeson Young Muhleback Kordick Wilcox. DIS: Duggan 4 S Hyde 2 B Mannix McKenzie Orlando Rayson . Best T Moloney Dobric Sherman Jolley Walmsley S Hyde . Umpires: Michael Sneddon Tim Sutcli(1'e (F) Phillip Miller Peter Monottl (B) Daniel Scully Beornn McCarthy (G) 6.3 7 .6 8.10 8 .13 (61) Old) SCOTCH A4ARCEIdIN 3.4 6.7 12.11 18.18 (126) Old Scotch: Crane 2 Collins Hume Nettleton Ceitl Beranger Joyce . Best: Beranger Carroll Tallent Aurel-Smith Quail O'Connor. Marc: Cullinan 4 Brooks 2 Johnston Rice Dinneen Dobson Browne Hansen Considine Marson Gartner Frazer Jarred Hermans . Best Mee Browne Hermans Dinneen Cox Dobson. Umpires: Mark Morrison Jason McNiece (M Michael Saunders Sean Collins (B) Dennis Webster Bernie Hoare (G ) 021) HAILEYBURY 3.7 6.12 13.16 23 .21 (159) WHTI9,FRTARS 5.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 (60) Old Hall: M Corrigan 4 Mason 4 Siapantas 3 O'Farrell 3 Kight 2 P Corrigan White Mackenzie Seccull Goldsworthy Rode Tassell . Best: Barker Stapantas P Corrigan Tassell M Corrigan Trollope . White: Carrgg 4 M Carbone 3 Dance Northey Wallace. Best: Canigg Campbell M Carbone Swain Eames Phelan. Umpires: Damian Anderson Dirk Kramer (F) Andrew Rechtman Craig Bmjtberg (B) Les Damyon John Hall (G ) OID ;4iEi.BURIdIANS 4.4 8.5 11 .9 11.10 (76) OLD 1RIIVITf 3.0 4.3 6 .9 13.13 (91) Old P4eIlr. Beaumont 4 Cudlipp 2 Guest Hicks Hurst Lacey trtarson . Best: Turner J Berry Holme Lacey Beaumont Old Trim Walsh 5 J Healy 3 Cultrera 2 Reynolds 2 T Van Der VenneBest: Best: Andrews Nevill Walsh T Healy J Healy. Umpires: Mark Gibson Wayne Hinton (F) Brendan Corcoran Matt Jenkinson (B) Travis Storti Robert Parry (G ) A RESERVE 2 .3 11 .6 13.6 19 .7(121) BERNARDS OLD RAVEBIANS 1.3 2 .4 7.9 8 .10 (58) St Bernards: Close 9 N Smith 5 Hogan 2 Evans Catterall Blunt . Best: Evans Close Crouch N Smith N Thomas Juricskay . Old Xaver3ens : M Walsh 3 Maker 2 Silk Higgins Nadinic . Best: Freer Higgins Nadinic M Walsh Speekham . 7 .2 9.6 14.9 18.10 (118) UNIVERSITY BLUES 0 .0 2 .3 3.4 5.6(36) DE LA SALIE University Blues: Millard 4 Clark 3 Quin 2 Gates 2 Leahy 2 Russell Fletcher Js Brooke Ritchie Robbins. Best Cheel Wood Leahy Hutchins Millard Clark. Be Ia Salle: Walker 3 Laragy Guilbert. Best: Skinns LacagN Mannix McHenrv Walker Molan . OId) SCOTCH 4.2 9.3 11.9 21 .9 (135) 2.3 3.3 4.4 5.6(36) MARCELLIN Old Scotch: Thompson 7 Angus 3 Reid 3 Sutcliffe 2 Teasdale 2 Elliot Jackson Pearce Sutherland. Best: Lewis Dumaresq Beattie Thompson Sutherland Freeman . biaroellin: Mathews Walker Weekes 0'Flynn Ritrof( . Best: Galati Mathews Sampimmn 0'flyrm Mccartin Walker. OLD HAIII;YBURY 7.5 13.8 17.12 22.14 (146) WH12'EF'RIARS 2.0 2.0 3 .2 5 .3(33) Old Halleybury : Lappage 4Shepherrl 3 Ford 2 A Floyd 2 Saunders 2 Warnes 2 P Langford-Jones Erikson L Floyd McCarthy J McLauchlan T Hilton Gilby. Best: L Floyd A Floyd Bell Lappage Pounlney Shepherd . 19hitefriars: Fulton 2 A Baker Poutney Leany . Best: M Baker Williams T Carrigg Leahy T Nunan. Tneyvaud. 3 .7(25) OLD AIEIBURNIANS 0 .1 0 .3 1 .4 OLD 1T2IN1IT 2 .9 5 .13 7 .18 10 .25 (85) Old Melburnians : Dixon Matthews Voyage. Best: Wu Weir Mitchell Jenkins Dixon Voyage . Old Trinity: Donahoo 2 Phillips 2 Aitken Best Bladeni McKinnon Petdro Troon . Best: Aitken Bladeni S Van Der Venne Troon Donahoo Phillips.



Coach : Mark Lowe Asst : Paul Dwyer Res : Mick Hagan Cl 18 : Benjamin Buick 1 . L. Walker C Res 2 . R . Buckley 3 . B . Corin V C 4 . L. Harrison DV C 5 . M . Duggan 6 . G. Gilbert 7 . P. Harrison 8 . J . La Ragy 9 . J . Moloney 9r. C. Mitchell 10 . T. Silvers 12 . M . McHen ry 13 . A. Johnstone 14 . W. Dwyer 15 . P. Bowden 16 . S. Hyland 17 . L.Bowden 18. L Williams 19. T. Demetriou 20. M . Picone 21 . A . McKenzie 22r. M . O'Donnell 22. M . Brown 23 . R. Sherman 24 . J. Morel 25 . C . Hyde 25 . R . Walmsley 26 . D . Spithill 27 . S. Thomas 28 . C . Mercuri 29 . C . Browne 29r .R . Marks 30. B . Mannix 31 . S . Hyde 31 . K . Mannix 32. R. Bonnici C 33. J . Stinea r 34. D. Payson 35. A. Orlando 36. W. Jolley 37 . A. Shields 38 . S. O'Connell 39 . B. Oakley 39 . T. Woodlock 40 . N . Stewart 41 . D . McInerney 42 . P. Bourke 43 . A . Greenalgh 44 . A . Moore 45. T. Molan 46. D. Dobric 47. J . Garland 48. J . Foon 52. T. Moloney 54. P. Hesse 55 . A. McLeish 57 . C . Chester 58 . M . Clinch 59 . S . Waeny 60 . P. O 'Callaghan 70 . M . Krezel

MARCELLIN Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach: Justin Wheeler


Coach : Mick Dwyer Res Coach : Adam McMahon

OLD MELRURRIARS Coach: Justin Picke ri ng Asst : Justin Harl Res : Hanley Stone

D 1 . C . Home 1 . Smith J 2 . Beaumont 2. S . Davey . Billing M . Corrigan 3 3. P 4. S. Langford-Jones (DV ) C 4 . Mathews R 5. J . Bourke 5 . Bunn L 0 6. A . White 6 . Holme 7, M . Corrigan 7 . Thompson C 7. A . Shepherd B. McKeon A 8 . R. George 9. Aubrey C g 9 . M . Barker 10. Robert s T (C) 10 . L . Siapantas 11, Gallagher P 10. C . Efstathiou 12. Richardson J ~ 11 . M. Graves E 13. Wilson 12. B . O'Farrell 14. Evans B 13. A. Svarc 15. Ray J 14. A. Forsyth James 17 . Miller 15. D. Mackenzi e T 18 . Fitzgerald 16. P. O'Donnell (RC) Mul uine R 19 . q y 17 . K . Ford J 20 . Guest 18 . C. Waxman 21 . Hicks M 19 . M . Armstrong (C) J 22 . Dixon 20 . D. Hassell . Berry M 23 21 . A. Jenke . Hawkins M 24 22 . D . Mason H 25. Whitehead 23 . S. Loew e 26. Costello T 23. M. Seccull . Richardson W 27 24. B. Trollope 28. Marson M 25. S . Rowlands ( RVC) M 29. Prowse 26. J . Bell 30 . Miller Jono 27. B . Johnston E 32 . Selbyy 28. S . Goldswo rthy 33 . Magee J 29 . B . Carson (VC) 30 . D. Warnes 34 . Grundy P 31 . D. Lay 35 . Ray C B . Mitchell 32 . B 36. Wulff 33 . A . Floyd 37. Grant J 34 . P. Langford-Jones 38. Lacey H 35 . D . Lappage 39. Tucker J 36. P. Geister 4p. O'Brien H 37. M. Erikson 41 . Berry J 38. L. Floyd 42. Th eodore P 39. S . Rode 43 . Wu A 40. N . Tassell P 44 . Hill 41 . S . Saunders 45 . Kennon M 42. A . Hilton 46 . Anderson J 43. R. McCarthy 47 . Caris P 44. M . Wray C 48. Alder 45 . D. Thurmond 49. Tsioiras G 46 . C. Pountney 50. Jenkins C 47 . B. Waite 51 . Richmond C 48 . C . Moyle 52. Webb 0 49 . L . Pitcher 53. Harrison T 50 . R . Ladd 54. Byrne J 51 . H . McLauchlan 55 . Murphy C 52. C . Ferguson 56 . Beilby L 53. B . Haar 57 . Bains A 54. J . McLauchlan 58 . Turner H 55. T. Hilton 59 . Faulkner R 56. D. Armstrong 60 . Wettenhall S 57. A . Kight 58 . A . Baker. 59 . D. Gilby ) dm-1 ~~aIICF' 60 . T. Smith 61 . J. Miller D. COttIlTt ,V 0111 ) 6Z 63 . M . Le wr

1 . B . Dobson 2 . J . Rice 3 . N . Addison 4 . J . Frazer 5 . D. Johnston 6. D. Sampimon 7 . S . Maguire 8. R. Frisina 9. L. Considine 10. A. Date 11 . D . Taylor 12 . T Sheehan 13 . J. Wilkin s 14 . D . Salce 15 . J. Carlson 16 . L. McMillan 17 . G. Cox (C) 1 8 . D . Gartne r 19 . D. Cooper 20. M . Hermans 21 . N. Walker 22. D. Maroon 23. A. Wadswort h 24. L. O'Flynn 25. R. Galati 26. D. McMillan 27 . S. Theisz (VC) 28 . B. Carmody 29 . S. Brooks 30 . A. Treganowan 31 . M. Bo rtolotto 32 . M. Browne 33 . A . Symes 34 . D . Jarred 35. C . Adams 36. E . Weekes 37. D. Cope 38. M . Doyle 39. S . Yee 40, D. Carson 41 . J. Seabury 42 . B. Dinneen 43 . J. Mathews 44 . L . Hanson 45 . D . Theisz 46 . B. Wignell 47 . P. Fiorenz a 48 . K . O'Dwyer 49. D . Van Helde n 50. A . Carson 51 . J . Toohey 52. M . Altamore 53. M . Perri 54. J . Forbes 55. J . Walli s 56. M . Moran 57. D . Cirone 58. M. McCarlin 59. P. Carroll 60. C . Thornton 61 . A. McGree 62 . M. Matthews 63 . D . Courts

Sponsored B y :

B1111 CCiI Beeh i ve Ho~~31



The Age - MPG ; i

OLD SCOTC H Asst Coach : AndewlSmith Res Coach: Serge D'Angel o Asst Coach : Ray Beattie 1 . R . Mullin s 2 . B. Phillips (VC) q, T. Holts 5 . S. Collins (VC) 6 . A . Crow 7 . J . Kitchen 8 . S . Dick 9 . C. Tallent 10 . C. Smith 11 . M . Angus 12. S . Hume (C) 13. A. Nett leto n 74. N. Ackroy d 1 5. S. Cation s 16. S. Troon 17. T. Wigney 18. L . Hawkin s 1 9. R. Josephs 20 . S. Lillingston 21 . C. Joyce 22 . N .Addison 23 . O. Crane 24 . L McDonnel l 25 . M. Saunders 26 . T. Downing 27. M . Denni s 28. A . Quail 29. M . Gnatt 30. T. Finocchiaro 31 . N. Led] 32. J. Gerstman 33. E . Reid 34. C. Phillip s 35. P. O 'Connor 36 . J. Sutcliff e 37 . G . Carrol l 38 . G . Prendergast 39 . B. Ferguso n 40 . T. Aurel Smith 4 1 . W. Lewis 42 . T. Beatti e 43 . A . Routledg e 44 . D . Jackson 45. A . Teasdal e 4 6. J . Beaurepair e 47. T. Beranger (VC) 48. S. Dumaresq 49. L. Kitche n 50. M . Walkom 51 . L Freema n 52 . D. Knight 53 . J. Rodski 54 . A. Sutherlan d 55 . R . Ashton 56 . D . Brooke 57 . J . Cran e 5 8. A . Grant 59. C . Evans 60. J . Sheldon 61 . C. Swan 62. M . Graham 63. E . Hope 64. J . Mitchell 65. M . Moffatt 66. A. Pearce 67. S. Tuiloch an 68. 69. C . Nea l 71 . M. Ainger 72 . B. Smit h 73 . S . Lovell e 74 . S . King s 75 . C . Dufou r 76 . J . Nickless 77 . T. Pag e 78. A. Simson 79. M . Waterson 80. S. Willis 81 . G . Fordyce 83. L . Th ompson

Gazman Natureworx 1V K2 ASSE T [iiG l' THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

A Section ow TPMITY GRAMMARIAtIS Coach: Leigh Carlson Ass Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach: Ed Best 1 KennaA 2. Hine A 3' Reynolds L v!c

a. Saunders R 5. Burrows D vtc 6. Gnarl P z. Van Oar Venne T a, a„n~ R 9 qn~~q 10 . `NdliamsA 11 . Kennedy S 12. CultreraA 13. Cade J 14. Troon R 15. Green ta

1e. H€tas C

17. HiHHas R ia. Hea1yJ 19. Armatas C

20. McPherson s 21 . Kennedy L 22. Deane,lohns G 23. RamsdenA Cap t 24. Christoperson J 25. Cameron F

26' Donahoe B 27. Hill R 28. Healy

29. Crawford M 30. McKinnon R 31 . Burgess J 32 . Brar,n S

33, "an J 34 . Deane-Johns L 35 . Bladeni S 36 . Bonier D 37 . Van Der Venne S RJC 38 . Ramscrn R 39 . Walsh B 40 . Beardsley D 41 . Laulena s 42 . amore s 43 . wn°re J 44 . Treadwell G 45 . MorpethT Rvtc

46 . cooperS

47. Pretty s 48 . Best J 49. Romney N

50etacrcmare B 51 . Gamble R 52. Heaven C 53. plain G 54. Williams2

55. Taytor C 56' Best E D 57. Schulze 58. steban c 59. Cade T 5 60. Iseppi s 61 . Cristiano D 62. Chif(ey E

63. cadeS

64. Gray J aa Robison M

67, AmiconiA

69. Guitenez C 6. ohver D 70. BrawnA

71' 'arr°w"nah J 72. Amiconl c 73. Hikdabrandt D

74. Thwanes M 75. M fler C

76. Monasso J 77 . McDonald E 79. Treadurell C

so. Ma,seur S 81 . O'Shea M 82 . Phillips R

83 . Welsh L 84 . Boyd L 85 . Goldenberg W 66 . Mccutcheon M 87 . Parrcer D 88 . Chan B


Coach : Michael Shelly Res . Coach: Chris Gawne

1 . A. Fox 7 . C. Keunan 2, D. Orlando 2 . M . Harrison 3. J . Pasceri 3 . C . Goullet 4. D. Landrigan 4 . D . Jordan 5. D. Rush 5 . Jo Mount 6. A . Oswald 6 . J. Madden 7. S . Lethlean 7 . S. Clarke 8. J . McDonnell 7R S. Parrett 9. J. Hawkins (C-Res) 8. J. Evans 10. M . Beardsley 9. B. Jordan (C) 11 . L . Howard 10. N . Mitchell 12 . A. Bowen 11 . C . Davis 13 . R . Speekman 12. B .Hogan 14 . S. Skidmore 13. C. Mitchell ( DVC ) 15 . L . Ford (Capt) 14. C. Day 16 . S. Mollard 15. C. Liberatore 17 . A. Chatfield (V-Capt) 16. L. Turnbull 18 . M. Scanlan 17. L. O'Sullivan (VC) 21 . S. McCarthy 18. T. Cooney 22 . T. Cckleshaw (V-Capt) 19. R . Close 22 . J . Healy 20. L. Fielding 23 . S . Johnston 21 . B . Loughlin 24 . C. Purss 22. M . O'RileY 25. R. Carey 23. L. Wilkinson 26. C. Santalucia 24' S . Crouch 27. P. Ryan 25. D . McLaughlin 29. C. Beetham 26. C . Baumgartner 30. B . Dixon 27. Ja Mount in C) 31 . T. Maher 28 . P. Holland 32. P. Ockleshaw 29 . G . McIntyre 33. N . Bingham 30 . S. Mitchell 34. A . E Jones 31 . B. Ashton 35. A . McCarthy 32 . T. Harvey 36. D . Sapuppo 33 . N . P.Smith 37. D . Higgins 34 . D. Byrne 38. S. Freer 35 . T. Pearson 39. A. Armstrong 36 . S. Carlton 40. N . Larkins 37 . A. Catterall 41 . M. Callihan 38 . S . lannazzo 42. R . Speakman 39 . M . Juricskay 43. T. Woodruff 40 . D. O'Connor 44. N . Hulett 41 . M . Kavanagh 45. A. Barrett 42. B . Miziewicz 47. N . Corcoran 43. N. Basaraba 48. A. Nadinic 44. M . Mihailovic 51 . T. O'Meara 45. S . Glenn 52 . J . Francis 46. D. Blunt 53 . R . Ford 47. M . Hooper 54 . N . Quinn 48. J . Lloyd 56 . T. Corrigan 49. N . Thomas 58 . J . McGrath 50. A . Smith 59 . D. King 51 . G. Campbell 60 . M . Walsh 52. L.B . O'Sullivan 61 . K. O'Loughlin 53. P. Harris 62 . J . Silk 54. N . Chapman 55. B . Grant

89 . Kinross A 90. Swinnerton H 91 . SmRh P 92 . Lindsey M


Coach : Peter Nicholson Res : Darren Handley

_I 1 i I~


UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : David Matthews 1 Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J 4 Guengerich D 5 Tanner J 6 Rigby M 7 Young R 8 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A 10 Martin R 11 North L 12 Gleason Q C . 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Quin L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Fairbank P

20 Coleman Cox M 21 Mcln1yre


22 Millard g 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S 25 Belly A 26 Scambler J 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M 29 Terrill A 30 Muhlebach T

31 Cutlery B 32 Paterson M 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Cheat S 36 Brooke Ja 37 Robbins J 38 Lochhead G 39 Holmes R 40 Brookes C 41 Brooke Je 42 Fletcher S 43 Fulton L 44 Wood J 45 McLachlan G 46 Birks T 47 Millar A 48 Fishly L 49 Steele P 50 Nailon H 51 McIntosh J 52 Ihle T 53 Heffeman X 54 Waxman A 55 Zanos M 56 Rankin T 57 Irvine T 58 Sudholz J 59 Hutchinson B 60 Penny


61 Ritchie 62 Callery 63 Eden 64 McPhail 65 Clarke 66 Barbetti


J 67 MCfUoon D

68 Anderson


69 King


70 Learning M


Coach : Pat Mannix Asst. Coach : Peter Randall Res. Coach: Chris Rubick 1 . C Woo d 3. M Carbon e 5. B Phan 6. P Campbel l 7. S Brosol o 8. B Janso n 9. A Pawlik 10. R Pas ualott o q e 11 . T Wallac 12. S Phelan 13. T Langford 14. T Carrig g 16. J Power 17, q Carbon e 18 • C Dance 19 . A Hil l 20 . P Hennessey 21 . B Jone s 22 . N Cunningham 23 . E Eames 24 . A Cunningham 25 . M Vernal 26. D Gallaghe r 27 L Swain 28. M Mannix 29. A Glen n 30. M Power 31 . M Baker 32. G Kenned y 33. C Fulton 34. D Gloufchev 35. C Law 36. C Dye r 37. M Nunan 38. C Carrigg 39. D Brice 40. D Atkins 41 . M Leahy 42 . M Northey 43 . N Elliott 45 . S Cleven 46 . M Duffy 48 . J TreY'yau d 49 . T Hilton 50 . D Crea 51 . R Eames 52 . A Baggoley 53 . B Wilson 54 . A Baker 55 . P Tobin 58 . P Poutney 59 . N Brisbane 60 . R Pawli k 61 . L Eames 62. J Anderson

66, J Bo x


~ -

Cat! - 9886 5355 FCL Interstat e Transport Services 9396 9 000

A SECTION Old Scotch v Old Xaverians at Scotch Coll ege Main Oval De La Salle v Marcellin University Blues v Whitefriars St Bernards v Old Trinity Old Haileybury v Old Melburnians B SECTIO N St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians v Old Brighton Beaumaris v Old Essendon Gr North Old Boys v Mazenod 0 C Collegians v St Kevins at Sport scover Arena C SECTION Hampton Rovers v Caulfield Or Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Camberwell MHSOB v Therry Penola 0 B Monash Blues v AJA X Glen Eira v Parkdale Vulture s

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Ivanhoe v Collegians Banyule Viewbank v Beaumari s Rupertswood v Old Camberwell Old Essendon Gr - Bye Old Trinity v Old Melburnian s UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Monash Blues v AJAX Old Paradians v MHSOB University Blacks v Oakleigh Therry Penola 0 B v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Whitefriars v Old Carey UNDER-19 (2) BLUE

Hampton Rovers v South Melbourne Districts Venue to be advised . Oakleigh Clays v Ormon d St Johns 0 C v De La Salle (2) at 1 .30 p .m. Bentleigh v Peninsula 0 B Mazenod 0 C v Emmaus St Leos 0 C

D1 SECTION Peninsula 0 B v Fitzroy Red s University Blacks v Ormond switched from original draw - at Optus Ova l Aquinas 0 C v Old Mentonians Yarra Valley 0 B v Salesian 0 C reserves at 12 noon, seniors 2 .15 p .m. Prahran v Banyul e

Bulleen Templestowe v UHS-VU/St Bernards Venue to be advised. Rupertswood (2) v North Old Boys at 11 .30 a.m . Aquinas 0 C v Old Westbourne Oval 2 Fitzroy Reds v Old Xaverians (2)


CLUB 18 (1 )

Swinburne Uni v Ivanhoe Assumption Williamstown CYMS v La Trobe Uni Monash Gryphons v Bentleigh West Brunswick v Old Geelong Bulleen Templestowe v Old Carey

Old Xaverians - Bye St Kevins v Marcellin Old Brighton v De La Salle Prahran v Old Scotc h Old Essendon Or v Mazenod 0 C

D3 SECTION Syndal Tally-Ho v Mt Lilydale Power House v Rupertswood St Johns 0 C v Werribee Amateurs Oakleigh v Hawthorn Amateurs South Melb Districts v UHS-V U

CLUB 18 (2 ) University Blacks v Collegians Eley Park v Old Scotch (2 ) Therry Penola 0 B v Monash Blues Whitefriars v Fitzroy Red s Old Xaverians (2) v Old Melburnian s


CLUB 18 (3) Old Geelong v University Blues Old Scotch (3) v Monash Gryphons La Trobe Uni v North Old Boy s Old Trinity v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Caulfield Gr v Old Carey

Old Westbourne v St Marys Richmond Central v Kew Bulleen Cobras v Eltham Collegians Albert Park v Box Hill North North Brunswick v Elsternwick

UNDER-19 (2) RED La Trobe Uni - Bye

UNDER-19 SECTION I University Blues v Old Xaverians St Kevins v Marcelli n Old Brighton v St Bernards Werribee Amateurs v Old Scotch Caulfield Or v De La Salle


'vVhe's in . VAhc's out . Vu`Nc's doing what . Stay or. the ErsY the .atest , - # news each )onnall, wssrday r-~Ornir:c vr :*+i Prime 7 ime Sports 927 . SpOr~s professional s Assth{ and ri iars sring you the latest results, news and i .nterU:&vvs, as Wei€ } complete o `rOm the vaor€c of s?ort . ' as happening in sporm, you'l l

, ;t on 2rir

"i-rs SDc~-,s 927, 5 .30-9--n -:SreekdayW .


M Tigers stamp their mark and win a ripper, inaccurate Lions get over the line in a close one, Hoes back on the winning list over plucky NOBS, Noddas no match for an in form St Kevins, Paradians most impressive against the disappointing Sharks. VIEW Old Paradians set up their victory with an 8 goal first quarter after conceding the first goal . They kept control through the second and third quarters and only a lapse in the last through some tiredness allowed the Sharks to add some respectability to their score . Can tell you no more!!!! Glen Porteous was in top form up forward for the OP'S with 9 goals. You could not fault Mazenod's preparation going into their game against St Fl ;eains but unfortunately they were not able to execute their plans . The Skevvies were taller and physically stronger than the Noddas and by half time had the game won with an 11 goal buffer . MMA pleaded with his players to make more of an effort in the second half and by and land some tackles and match body on body which they did to limited effect . Jerome Dunne led by example and tried hard all day, Scott Veltman did another fine tagging job, Steve Stanley made a fine debut, and the three Chamberlains were also very good contributors . Old Ivanhoe got another get out of jail game but certainly needed the points, while the NOBS kicked themselves out of a game they possibily could have one and can only blame themselves for their incompetence in front of goal . Simon 'Simmo" Kefalas played a sensational game for the Hoers showing plenty of skill, Darren Payne controlled the midfield, Luke Bolzan rucked for the entire 4 quarters in a colossal effort, and Chris Branigan presented himself as a target up forward . Best players for the North Old Boys were Chris Hosking at Full Back, and stalwarts Luke Boyle and Scott Sleep along with skipper Matt Hyde . The game of the year took place down at Brindisi Street it had absolutely everything, high marks, long goals precision teamwork and a close result with the game in doubt until the last minute . Old Brighton had their chances early but could not put the Tigers away, and at the long break things were on an even keel . As is their want the home side came out in the third term with Luke Wintle marking everything slammed on 8 goals and thought they had it won at orange time . The Tonners then plaved their best football for the year

to narrow the margin to 2 points at the 27 minute mark, until Moose McCraw fired through a raking left footer to seal th e game . The Tigers were well served by Wintle, Wintle and Wintle (hmmm), and for Old Brighton Adam Pirrie played his best for 2004, MacCowan ran hard and MacGillivray was an ever present danger up forward. Another beauty at the Trott with a close result going Collegians way. Inaccurate kicking from both sides marred the game especially the 1-9 kicked by the Bombers in the final term . Very fast game all day played by two good sides who will both be thereabouts at year's end . Bombers again were a bit worried by their overuse of the footy while the Lions were more direct . Had a chance to tie the game after the siren with a set shot from 30m out did the Grammar boys but alas it was not to be and a good albeit fortunate win was secured by Collegians. Ben Couch was a terrific performer with a 4 quarter run up and down the Trott, with Richard Hosking and Michael Johnson also good performers . The "OX" Mark Oxnam was a fantastic performer for the Bombers showing maturity, courage, experience and leadership . Also the great train robbers the Biggs Boys stole the ball many times in difficult situations, while Matt Mulkearns' fitness is still a bit of a worry to the side .

GLUG B SECTION Collegians Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians Mazenod Collegians St Kevin s St Kevin s

Taft Luxon Porteous Maskell Dixon Garvev O'Keefe

1 3 9 4 2 3 4

22 20 19 19 18 17 17

B RESERVE St Kevins Allis 0 17 Old Ivanhoe Stewart 1 14 Old Brighton Ginnivan 8 12 Mazenod Hawkins 4 11 North Old Boys Bryar 4 8 North Old Boys Borg 1 8


PREVIEW The battle for the Merri Creek Cup takes place today out at the picturesque Essendon Grammar Oval. Both sides will be looking to win the trophy but more importantly the game and take the important 4 points that go with it . Both inaccurate losers last week so a win is a must today, NOBS may be a bit down in confidence which at home should help OEG over the line . Mazenod remain upbeat and positive and will continue to work hard after a dismal start to the season . They welcome Collegians in what could be a danger game for the Lions as they have been up for a bit now . Home ground advantage will help but to use another racing parlance winning form is good form so one has to stick with the Lions . Big test away from home today for the Tigers as they make the long trek out north to Br Garvey's Oval to tackle an Old Paradians unit that is on the improve and starting to take shape . A definite danger game for the visitors as the record away from Brindisi Street is not good so a win today is a must. Parade will certainly make them fight all the way but the Brain feels that the Tigers just have too many options up forward and around the ground to go down here . Pine Lodge never a happy hunting ground at the best of times for any side . And certainly not a thrilling option today for a Bea uanaris side sadly out of form and confidence . The Hoers also have had a tough few weeks but are back on the winner's list which is great for the confidence, which is something the Sharks are low on at the moment . Still have some good players Beauy and they are quite capable of winning as per their performance against Old Brighton, but I think they will have to wait another week . Old Brighton would love to bottle their form of last week as it would get them over the line against most sides . But they will need to improve by a further 10 per cent to get over St Kevins who are playing things very close to their chest and keeping everything under wraps . South Road certainly gives Old Brighton a chance but they must play for the whole 4 quarters. Would like to pick the Tonners but the top side are still on the top of their form and should win PRESS CORRESPONDENT'S . Keep those reports coming please . The numbers are 9553 1561 home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016 or drop me an email to .au by 8PM Monday Nights please .

TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTIO N Old Ivanhoe v Beaumari s Old Paradians v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Essendon Gr v North Old Boys Mazenod 0 C v Collegian s Old Brighton v St Kevins

PIORT110ID BOYS 1 .5 4.9 5 .14 9.19 (73) OLD IVANHOE 3.0 7.1 11 .3 12 .8 (80) NOB : M Barker 2 N Neville, 2 Vogels J Barker Jarrett Carmichael Maxton. Best: Hosking Hyde Sleep Boyle Maxton Jeffrey . Old Iv: Luxon 3 Hares 2 Branigan 2 Cornelius Kefalas Oates Theodossi Price . Best Kefalas Cmatolo Payne Crowley Oates Geischen. Umpires: Peter Simpson Daniel Wardley (RF1.) (F) Bianca Share Eric Garuuod (RFL) (B) Matthew Simpson John Foster (RFIa (G ) BEAUffiARIS 1.1 3 .2 4.5 12 .9 (81) OLD PARADIANS 8.5 12 .7 16.8 20.10 (130) Beamn: George 3 Pitts 2 Lee Buller Boon Healy N Atkins Heath Duggan . Best: Pitts Matulik Heath Healy Lambert N Atkins . Old Par. Porteous 9 Hourly 2 Curran 2 Clayton Giddings Hammond Jenkins M Mitchell Pratt Sinclair. Best : Porteous Dintinosante Curran Brabender Sinclair M Mitchell. Umpires : Geoff Curran Rob Mayston (F) Rob Mayston(inr) Matt Jackson (B) Daniel Kofoed Daniel Brookes (G) ST BEDES a4ENT T!G 7 .2 11 .7 19.9 20 .11 (131) oI.D BRIGHTON 7 .4 11 .8 14.9 18 .16 (124) St BedesJ64T: L WinUe 4 LTerell 3 7aldc 2 M Wintle 2 Groves 2 McCraw Drury McGettigan Hayes Hecker Sawers J Connelly. Best: Hayes L Wintle P Wmtle M Wintle J Connelly Napier. Old Bright: Macgilltvray 5 Bristow 2 Jackson 2 Phelan 2 Dawes 2 Mead Hughes Edge Hendra Pirtle . Best: MacgillivTay McCowan Bristow Hughes Mead Pirtle . Umpires: Albie Firley Simon Stokes in Gavin Roberts Chris Kaleta (G) COId.EGIANS 2 .7 6.11 10.17 13 .22 (100) OIA ESSENDON OR 5 .2 8.5 12.8 13.17 (95) Coll: Hosking 3 Dixon 2 Davidson 2 Couch 2 Johnston Taft Fry Holst Best : Couch Hosking Johnson Lockett Mooney Harrison . Old Ess: Stormont 2 Heritage 2 Obliubek 2 Hakim T Biggs Leask Demorton Fleming Parker Playfair. Best : Oxnarn D Biggs Fleming Stormont Winkel Ryan. Umglres: Ben Ryde Luke Holmes (F) Andrew Errington James Gregory (B) Paul Gait Steven Piperrar (G ) ST 1SEVINS 8.2 13.7 20 .8 24.11 (155) MAZENOD O C 1 .3 2.7 6.10 9.15 (69) SKOB: J O'Keefe 4 Rombotis 3 Lucas 3 Greenhorn 3 Garvey 3 Altis 3 Pope 2 L Mahoney Chard Shannon. Best: Greenham G Katavolos L Mahoney Pope P O'Keefe DoIlman. Maz: Maskell 4 Moran D Dunne Appollino Beard Morgan . Best: Stanley Veltman D Chamberlain M Chamberlain B Chamberlain D Dunne . Umpires: Leah Gallagher Richard Eastwood (M Vin Vescovi Michael O'Donnell (G) B RESERVE NORTH OIA BOYS 3.3 8 .3 15.6 19 .9 (123) 1.1 2 .3 3.5 4.6(30) OLD IVANHOE NOB : Bryar 4Butcher 2 Clapper 2 B.Sheehan 2 D .Sheehan 2 Teehan Halpin Browning Kelliher Kelly Borg . Best: Teehan Bryar Ryan Martin Crapper Kelly. Old Ivanhoe: Stewart Tolley Snell. Best: Bmddy George Snell Pearce Holloway Morris . BEAU6YA121S 3 .4 4 .7 5 .13 6 .15 (51) 9.2(56) OLD PARADIANS 1 .0 4.0 6.2 Beaum: Rawlings 2 Bryce Kennedy May Wright . Best: Presnell Bryce Wright Hogarih . Old Par : M Spinoso 5 R Brix 2 Hart Walsh . Best : R Bux Hart Joyce Corcoran Tenison Walsh . ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS 0 .0 0.2 2.3 3.9 (27) OLD BRIGHTON 6.0 10.4 14.6 17.7 (109) St Bodes Mentone : Bignall Ferris Chaplln. Best: Nash Drury Williams Zomer Owen Kidd . Old Brighton : Ginnivan 8 Falldnttam 2 Dudley Hebard Richardson Jackson Goldner Humphries Reid . Best: Ginnilan Smith Dubyna Fisher Ellism Dudley. 2.5 2.11 7.12 9.14 (68) COLLEGIANS OLD ESSENDON 0.1 1.6 4 .8 6.11 (47) Collegians: Muir 2 Hart 2 Hook 2 Hargie Malone Cookes . Best : Nichola Hart Henebery Hargie Malone Cookes . Old Essendon: Christen 2 Bacash 2 Howard 2. Best : Howard Mckenzie Barr Fewster Dawson Ridley. ST KEVINS 5.1 7 .5 12 .6 17.13 (115) MAZENOD 3.3 7 .4 10.5 12 .6 (78) St 1Cevina: Mulgrew 5 Horricks 2 Crowley 2 Mulkeams 2 Dempsey Bare Camoagra O'Connor S Mount Marchasani . Best: Marchasani Mulgrew Crowley L Katavolos Campagna Horricks . Pdaz: Hawkins 4 Paine Collins Smith Snart Jayawcera Tilling Stagliano Morris . Best: Morris Murray Ballock Paine Castricum Snail .





Coach: Mick Lovejoy Asst: Erwin Leyden Res: Mick Carty 1 . R . Rawlins 2. H . Gibson 3 . M. Pitts (C) 4 . M. Matulick ( DVC) 5. M . Ensor (DVC) 6. A . Spence 7. D . Foley 8. M . O 'Brien 9. B . Cousins 10. L. Buller 11 . M . Lee 12 . L. Healy 13 . C. Gourley 14 . T. Collins 15 . M . Boon 16 . A. Quin 17 . L . Atkins 18 . N . Kennedy 19. M. Atkins 20. M. Mellon 21 . S. Coote 22. J . Holt 23. A . Catlin 24. B . Gray 25. D . Teesdale 26. A . O'Brien 27. D. George 28 . J . Vance 29 . C. Ma rtin (VC) 30 . C. Lambert 31 . J . Black 32 . B . Cairns 33 . S. May 34 . H. McMillan 35 . N. Boctor 36 . N . Atkins 37 . R . Presnel l 38. S. Lynch 40. J. Hogart h 41 . N . Conlon 42. B. Gillespie 43. R . Deaton 44. C . Collins 45. M . Duggan 46. L. Wannacott A . Kent 48. J . Mellor 49. J . Bry ce 50. P. Ber ry 51 . J . Mitchell 52. J . Williams 53. A. Poll 54. S. Lee 55 . B. Deaton 56 . T. Woolnough 57 . A. Fisher 58 . J. Bramwell 59 . B. Griffiths 60 . D . Bird 61 . J. Heat h 62 . A . Pra tt 63 . D . Galvin 64 . A . Coote 65 . G. Shattoc k 66. P. McConchie 67. L. Stevens 68. S . Boreham 70. S . Crossley 71 . C. Hawkins


Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Marty Hook 1 . J . Dixon 2 . M . Johnson 3 . B . Mooney V C 4 . A . Shinkfield 5 . R . Henebery 6, S . Woolley y 7 . S . Elg 7. J . Farley 8. C. Unsworth CAPT 9. J. Fry 10 . J. Lang 11 . C . Weekes 12 N . Harrison CAPT 13 . N . Thomas 14 . N . Lockett 15 . L . Cullom 16 . A . Baxter 17 . R . Hosking V C 18. S . Taft 19. C . Davidson 20. M . Hoiles 21 . C. Har ri s 22. T. Skurrie 23. C. Mollard 24, E . Waters 25- R. Muir 27. G . Rowston 28. B. Couch 29. N. Burrows 30. L . Moon 31 . N . Roach 32 . C . Blumfield 33 . B. Hoist V C 34 . T Knox 35 . L. Nisbet 36 . R- Turner 37 . C . Hoist 38 . T. Lovell 39 . N . Ha rt. Res Capt 40. L. Watson 41 . N . Baxter 42. N . Abbott 43. E . Malon e 44. Y. Phillips 45. D. Gambaro 46. J . Ashman 47. R . Sztar 49 . D . Phillips 50. D . Rubenstein 51 . B. Shadbolt 52 . M. Naylor 53 . T. Hall 54 . B . Woolhouse 55 . T. Cookes 56 . B . Lumb 57 . B . Horsel l 58 . D . Smith 59 . M . Lynch 60 . A . Stone 62 . J . Li ttle 63. R . Luff 64. M . Gribble 66- J . Agimus


Coach : Mike McA rt hur-Allen Ass Coach: Andrew Sutherland Res Coach : Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A . Tucker 4 J . Ballenger 5 D . Maskell P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 B . Parker 9 P. Gooden 10 B . Chamberlai n 11 T. Smit h 12 A. McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N. Meehan 15 N . Par ry ( DVC) 16 M . Apollonio 17 J. Beard 18 D . Dunne 19 T. Steinfo rt 20 C . Murray 21 S . Polan 22 S . Veltman 23 B . Devlin 24 D . Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 29 R. Sharp 30 D. Hansen 31 N. Snart 32 D. Hose 33 S . Balloch 34 C . Boyd 35 D . Collins 36 G . Hamil l 37 L . Morgan 38 D . Hallet 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G. Massey 41 M . Venturini 42 C . Raine 43 A . Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S . Paine 46 M . Hun t 47 A. Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. Halvy 50 B. Ware M. Murray (VC) 52 G . -idling 53 54 A. Stagliano 55 D . Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 57 58 D . Morris 59 60 61 M . McDowell 62 63 (54


Coach : Garry Foulds Ass Coach: Tony Egan Res Coach : Mark Oraniu k 1 J . Cassell 2 M . Hyde (C) 3 T. Sheehan 4 S . Sleep 5 R. Davidson 6 N. Vogels~C) 7 G. Smith 8 M . White 9 J . Cordy 10 W. Martin 11 T. Roberts 12 G . Maxton 13 T. Halpin 14 T. Kennedy 15 J. Nihill 16 R. Kelliher 17 M. Lynch 18 T. Holm an 19 M. Maher 20 J . Sutherland 21 C . O'Brien 22 D . Tehan 23 A . Neville 24 J . Barker 25 S . Grigg 26 D. Brady 27 L. Herbert 28 D- Joyce (RC) 29 C. Hosking (VC) 30 S . Jarrott 31 L. Boyle 32 B. Sheeh an 33 M. Barker 34 H . Nevill e 35 L . Crapper 36 D . Tonkin 37 D . Browning 38 M . Amor 39 L. Jeffe ry 40 C. Phyland 41 S . Borg 42 D. Sheehan 43 D. Zacek 44 T Roache 45 S . Ingram 46 P. Daniels 47 J . Maher 48 M . Kel Kellyl 49 A. Cigola 50 L . Carmichael 53 S. Butcher (RVC) 54 R . Citroen 56 D . Ryan 57 K . Hildebrandt 60 M . Cribbes (RVC) 64 T. Brady 65 C. Calve rt 66 P. Bry ar

65 66 ";:fRF..~t,



South'd rlbourne

-_ . _--- ~ ----


Coach : Jarrod O 'Neil l Res. Coach : Hayden Bickett 1 A. Krzyvmia k 2 A. Pirrie 3 C . Barrow (vc) 4 A. MacGillivra y 5 A. Edge 6 R . Stewart (dvc) 7 B. Loga n 7 C . Reddin 8 C . McNicol ( C . res) 9 P. Phelan 10 J . Mead 11 N . Per ry 12 N . William s 12 B . Williams 12 S . Eastgat e 13 N. Edwards 14 S. Williams (C) 15 B. Gadsden 16 J. Homan n 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A. Salem 18 M . Jackson 19 S. Ginnivan 20 M . Smith 21 T. Ewert 22 L. O'Neil l 22 J . Murc h 23 D . Dawes 24 S. Gadsden 25 M. Ryan 26 A . Ginnivan 27 D . Paterson 28 A . Bristo w 29 J . Dickerson 29 B . Richardso n 30 E . McCowa n 30 T. McLaughlin 31 A. Paroissie n 31 S. Jackson 32 A. Goldner 33 L. Dal e 34 T. Gibso n 35 C . Stewart (R .vc) 36 R . Henderson (R.dvc) 37 D . Hughes 38 T. Matessi 39 B. Crillyy 40 D . Murchi e 41 J . Murchie 42 L. Hendra (dvc) 43 R . CaPorn 44 R . Fishe r 45 C. MclGmm 46 M . Townsen d 47 S. Ada m 48 B. Dever 49 B. Sco tt 50 W. Lea f 51 J. Lync h 52 W. Hebard 53 P Sabo 54 J. Doole y 55 D . McLaughli n 57 B. McGuiness 58 C . Bu tt e ss 61 A . Wals h 63 S . Davie s 64 M .Reid 68 M . Dubyn a 69 A . Mandylan s 71 B . Humphrey s ~




Coach: Frank Dunell Res : Kornel Dachs

Coach : Gerard Shelly Res : Dirk Jones

Coach: Sam Assetta Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff

1 Panagiotopolus J 2 Biggs 3 Oxnam 4 Ryan 5 De Morton S 6 Ridley 7 Leask J 8 Heritage J 9 Stormont j 10 Biggs T 11 Buckley J 12 Kavanagh J 13 Hakim B 14 Le9udi 15 Maze 16 Bordignon 17 Forrest 18 Flaherty 18 Dawson S 19 Healey E 20 Playfir S 21 Dale S 22 Portia M 23 Hughes J 24 Dazkiw J 25 Frazer A 26 Fleming S 27 McKenzie A 28 Fewster A 29 Uebergang S 30 Dragojlo M 31 Caridi D 32 Poulton D 33 Velardo M 34 Podger D 35 Kavanagh L 36 Obliubek C 37 Parker A 38 Campbell T 39 Newbold B 40 McDemtott H 41 Iskra A 42 Bertram N 43 Cramer S 44 Collins A 45 Winkel D 46 Uoyd J 47 Howard S 48 Williamson j 49 Christou A 50 O' Brien L 51 Battista J 52 Mansfield J 53 Frazer L 54 Cramer S 55 Balloch S 56 Car M 57 Wad e S 58 Hurtig B 59 Stevens J 60 Carter J 61 Newland A 62 Gradzki D 63 Beard M 64 Kepsner J 65 Bacash P 66 Wright B 67 Tilley M 68 C 69 Buorke s C 70 Hurlston J

1 . A. Oates (VC) 2. L. Lochran (VC) 3. S. Curatol o 4 . B . Davi s 5. C. Georgio 6. S. Kent 7. J . Gieschen 8. T. Stevens 9. D. Payne 10. C. Crowley (VC) it . P. Lowry 12. C. Branigan 13. A. Alagona 14. D. Campbell - Fraser 15. G . Hope 16. S. Price 17. A. Corcora n 18. J. Hope (Capt) 19. P. Dinakis 20. D. Hawkes (VCR) 21 . R. Roberts 22 . B. Nagel 23 . K. Theodossi G . Hares 25 . E. Byrn 26 . M . Stewart 27 . N. HollonaY 28 . S. Morris 29 . R. Weddle 30 . A. Gilbert 31 . J. Stevens 32 . S. Kefalas 33 . N . Pratt 34 . A. Tieman 35 . M. Pollock (Capt R) 36 . S. Adderley 37 . A. Berry (VCR) 38 . Ga George 39 . Ge George 40 . J . Keane 41 . C . Jewell 42 . S . Low 43 . W. Cornelius 44. M . Luxon 45. N . Antoniou 46. D . Peacock 47. S . Snell 48. M . Clarke 49. C . Quinlan 50. R . Sterne St . N . Braddy 52. S . Hackney 53. M . Verrochi 54. S . Smith 55. S . Pearce 56. L. Courage 57. B . Smart 58 . L. Bolzan 59 . R. Stagg 60 . I . Baccini

1 . D. Zivanovic 2 . A. Hughes 3. D. Dean 4. A. Curran (VC) 5. A. Paglia 6. R. Bu x 7. M . Cosgriff (Res VC) 8, A. Sinclair (C) 9. P. Palermo 10 . P. Brabender 11 . M . Joyce 12 . B. Galloway 13 . S. Rose 14 . P. Pratt 15 . N . Brundell 16 . M . Godfrey 17 . B. Hart 17 . M . Mitchell 18 . G . Porteous (VC) 18 . M . Spinoso 19 . A. Dean 20 . S. Maher 21 . D . Loney (VC) 22 . S. Fantone (Res VC) 23 . P. Walsh 24 . T. Lombardi ( Res VC )) 25 . S. Rehlecki 26 . D . Boundy (VC) 27 . K. Jenkins 28 . J . Kreuzer 29 . A. Morrow 30 . M . Ryan 30 . D . McKay 31 . N . Dallas 32 . S . Corcoran 33 . D . Clayton 35. S . Simpson (Res VC) 36. B . Dintinosante 37 . A . DiFabio 40. W. Chambers 41 . A . Ellio t 42. R . Murray ( Res C) 44. M . Hyoe 45. C . McKay 46. J . Martinelli 47. J . Sand y 48. A . Moore 49. M . Sykes 50. A . Tenson 55. J . Swindon 56 . S . Graham

ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach: Rusell Barnes Res : Mark Lomagn o

ST KEVINS O D Coach : Dave Murray Res. Coach:

1 J Rombotis 2 E Crohan 3 D Curti s 4 L Mahoney 5 M Dollma n 6 P O'Keefe 7 J Molloy 8 B Dollman 9 B Fields 10 M Lucas 11 J O'Keefe 12 Mulgrew R Bowle s 14 P Greenham 15 W Gullifer 16 B Garve 17 D Ryan y 18 R Chard 19 D Sheehy 20 T Crowle y 21 R Maguire 22 T Duggan 23 T Simpso n 24 S Powel l 25 A Hamilton 26 C Taylor 27 A Lynch 28 M Giansiracusa 29 C Underwood 30 M Crowe 31 W Keena n 32 S O'Conno r 33 M Maguir e 34 N Parrett 35 J Dempse y 36 P Mount 37 M Pangrazi o 38 J O'Brien 39 N Pope 40 L Kalesaran 41 B Allis 42 S Mount 43 P Bare 44 G Katavolo s 45 G Begg y 46 D Mahoney 47 J Griffiths 48 A Conlan 50 R Horrick s 51 D Bare 52 J Finc h 53 L Katavolos 54 S Game 55 P Natal e 56 D Walsh 57 K Grey 58 E Waldron 59 P Aughton 60 S O'Conno r 61 T Ryan 62 B Shelle y 63 A Dekretse r 64 M Gargano 65 M Stonehous e 66 N Marchesan i 67 L Gullife r 68 B Hughes 69 A Callery (~~.z.ry. y 70 J Mahe r 71 A Mulkearns 72 D Manton 73 P Byrne 74 A Orland o 75 R Campagn a 76 N Bento n 77 M Shanno n Hodges Real Estate 9 78 R Taylor Mentone M Welsh 80 D Dunn Kingston Chiropractic 7 1 Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L'Huillier A 5 Napier S 6 Fitcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scafdi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A 15 McColl T 16 Osborne C 17 Corda N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 T uin J 25 Knappel J 26 Hecker M 27 Beretta L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Drury J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 36 Walstab A 37 Williams L 38 Hayes A 39 McColl M 40 L'Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L





81 H Pride


MELIi Oâ‚ŹT . .., _ = T Sl

V:A.F.A . "Your Coaches' Association"

Po ol rehabilitation & recover y From a Sunday morning recovery wade at the beach to a structured exercise session in the pool during training, water based recovery and rehabilitation s e s sions have, over the last few years, become an integral part of an AFL footballer's weekly training regime . For many years hydrotherapists have recognised the beneficial effects that water-based exercises have on injured joints and soft tissue . : and warmth of a lzeate d pool all provide an excellent Buoyancy, water environment for an injured body part to rehabilitate . Buoyancy decreases the weight bearing load experienced by a joint (in chest deep water there is only 10 per cent of body weight passing through the knee) . Increasing water pressure along with increased depth helps pump the blood from the lower limbs back to the heart and the warmth of the water also assists the body with improved circulation . An injured leg, for example, in the pool is supported while movements are performed helping to improve the function of the leg and assist with tissue healing . Aerobic ex :-,_- . performed in the pool will help to maintain the footballer's fitness while his injury recovers . This is particularly important for players with long term injuries who cannot run or train for months, water based exercise provides an alternative means to maintaining fitness levels during recovery from injury . Probably the most significant change in emphasis over the last few years is the importance placed on recovery . The day after every game you will find weary, bruised footballers wading and exercising chest deep in water at suburban beaches and pools around the country . This early supported movement after a game helps to clear the muscles of waste products and begin to loosen tight muscles and joints . The earlier players' bodies recover, the sooner they can resume training in preparation for their next game . Many clubs are using hot & eel plunge pools to assist players to recover after games and training . By alternu,ively immersing in a hot spa for two minutes then an iced bath for one minute, the resulting dilation and contraction of blood vessels helps remove muscular waste products generated by playing or training . Today's football is played at great speed and intensity making the need for quality post game and training recovery paramount . Clubs therefore place significant emphasis on pool and beach recovery sessions . GET WETI? Nicholas P. S-7~ar~ ~ ~ _3 r .


Robert Evans has been umpiring the Reserves for as many years as we can remember.

South Yarra Sports Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants HydroChe m

The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Caterin g

Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bell's Hotel & Brewery Keith's Pies Moods Consulting Pty Ltd Edward J Lynch Agencies

Paul Pattison Barrie Macdonald & Associates Waverley Party Hire Sportsvrealth John Peterson Bookseller Frank Perry & Associates

10 Yertchuk Avenue, Ashwood, 3147 Computer comparison s of hundreds of loans from all major banks and financial institutions . b . at loan for you and i't )arge a cent!

The Bear' completed his playing career at MHSOBFC in the late 70's after being a student at the school between 1965 and 1968. He was a solid ruckman who provided strength around the ground . Since his playing days Robert has field umpired for the club reserves . 'The Bear' is now aged 53 and still running with the best of them . He umpires with authority but likes to keep the game flowing . He does not allow back-chatting and quesBoning of his decisions from players of either side. He has sent players from the field . The MHSOBFC is indebted to Robert Evans for his years of honouring the work'. He was made a Life Member of the

Congratulations to ~' .-ichsa ring on playing his 50th game for the club in the rese rves last Saturday against Emmaus St Leos . 'Stinger' has been a terrific club member and always gives his all for the team Le t's hope there will be another 50 in the

club in 2001 for his se the club as an umpire .


However, we are very keen for Rob Evans to get soime assistance as a reserve grade umpire . Any past players who would like to take up this offer should contact Colin Green at ttte dub as soon as possible on 9824 0480 so that arrangements can be made for 2005.

next couple of years . Welcome back over the past couple of weeks to David Rosman, Luke Taylor and Jayden Pertzel. Also a warm welcome to Mark Bailey who played his first game for the club last Saturday.

Major club sponsor 2004



The Unicorns and Fielders surge on, the against the bes t Rovers outhustle the Wellers, the Vultures defence in the eclipse the Jackas, Lions roar, Monash have a competition and second stanza to forget, the Animals can only the second best get better and the Saints fall short . Welcome offence against th e to th g 7th u p Roun g an d game to paraphrase second best defence, it's the Highs and Amateur Fields, in in aC fitting top of the table clash . Both Grade Eddie McG, today is a BIG day the third teams cannot be faulted, boasting miserly footy ! OUCH! hard nosed backmen and ruggedly skilful REVIEW . The game may well end in a you midfielders Not pretty at the School Oval, unles s Bamert shootout and if sthat's the case, get to the the Unicorns . The High were cheering outstanding Racecourse oval anyway you can! In a , Thompson and White were al l forwards to display greater Against cracker, the Fields and they had plenty of mates . ainst quality opposition the Animals and Ronchie fought the uphil l The battle for third and competition for the Rostevski panache! Sheedy top two heats up when the Wellers host the battle . Paal~dale have only succumbed to and Mitchell were resolute in defence Vultures . zoom the ladder leaders and will be eager to record the e Wellers and Christie provided th for asthe a win against a highly rated opposition . out of the middle, but it was not enoug h Anderson Camberwell have stumbled twice in the past the Roversthree led by Woods, McCarthy and on their home patch will victory games, but d recorded a hard fought pressurise return to winning ways. to keep their finals hopes alive . The Saints journey to Sandringham and Therry withstood an early Glen Eira charge know a win is vital in the context of thei r d the e before vital openin quarter to snare an important victory . The Lions were well served by Clarke, Elliot and Castaldi, whilst the Saints usual suspects of Taranto, and Clements stood tall . Turnovers proved costly for the Jackas and CLUB the Vultures swooped, condemning Ajax to another week of what could have been . Kight C SECTION Kirzner 6 32 and Dixon were dynamic for Parkdale, helped Ajax 6 24 Baxter Gramm along by Hayes and the Sullivans . Blieden Caulfield 4 23 Parkdale Rowley and Kirzner's good form continued for Ajax . Horne 3 18 MHSO B Justin Timberlake aka Liddell, Widjaja an d Hampton 1 17 Powe r Frater starred in a second quarter Fielder onslaught to give Caulfield a comfortable win against Monash . The Students were solid after half time but the game was gone, Janssen one of the few Ashers shining lights . PREVIEW

The best offence in the league, shapes up

C RESERVE MHSOB Emmaus St Leos Hampton Therry Penola Emmaus St Leos Caulfield Gramm Old Camberwell

Corbett Batty Hanlon Walker Newey James Fogarty _.

0 13 0 17 3 16 5 16 0 10 0 10 0 10 _ . ._ .,


season . The Jackas in recent weeks have been spirited against quality opposition and if they can maintain their endeavour and enthusiasm, should jump two games clear of their Carnegie rivals . Therry welcome Monash and the Blues who were reality checked last weekend, will be spurred into action this afternoon . The Lions fresh from win number two, will certainly snap at the Ashers heals and make life difficult for the Students, but the visitors slightly more consistent form suggests they will stay within reach of the top sides . The Animals are glad today has arrived to give them an opportunity to forget last weekend, however the assignment confronting them is not much easier, facing another of last season's B Graders, the Hampton Rovers . The green and golds have been roller-coasting this year, but victory at Bennettswood should see them move back into the top four. Caulfield Gram, _iariai congratulate Brent B -z;.er on 150 i%r~ . .~ gw-_aes for the Fields . Rarely beaten "Jobby" is a terrific on field leader, whose sure hands and trademark helicopters, are a familiar and much loved sight at Glenhuntly oval . 5 0 games to Hayden B er, he has progressed through our U 19's, to become a great character around our club . His recent 5 goal haul, has given "Bakes" thoughts of self nomination, in the next AFL draft. Old Camberwell - congratulates Clinton Jellis who will play his 50th game for the club today . Clinton has captained our Res team for the past 2 seasons & also won the reserves Best Player award last season . An inspirational leader on the field, who is also willing to help out around the club when required . CORRESPONDENTS Glen Harrison - .au

TODAY'S MATCHES C S ECTION Caulfield Gr v MHSOB Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Hampton Rovers Therry Penola 0 B v Monash Blue s

AJAX v Glen Eira Old Camberwell v Parkdale Vultures

ONASH BLUES 1 .5 2 .6 5.7 11 .8 (74) CAUL~ ~r T D 4 .5 12 .10 15 .12 20 .15 (135) Manash Blues : Craven 2 Chapman 2 Hawkins 2 Gregory 2 Farrar Smyth R nganen. Best Janssen Dodd Farrar Smyth Williams Smith . Caulfield: Baxter 6 Sharpe 3 Sinclair 2 Arg,vros 2 Green Liddell Fallu Gross Will Bruhn Carboni . Best Sharpe Widjaja Liddell Fagan Green Fester . Um : Paul Dinneen Rick Love (F) Ross Richards Jack Regester (G) bYfiSOB 6 .2 12 .9 17 .15 26 .18 (174) 0 .4 0.6 2.9 6.9(45) EMMAUS MHSOB: Ban:ert 9 Home 3 White 3 Saultry 2 Gemer 2 Iambrick 2 Taylor Harper Thompson Whittington Rosman. Best Thompson Barren White Taylor Clowes Hogan. Emmaus St. Lew : Ristevskf 4 Buckle Mitchell. Best: Ristevski Ronchi Donovan. Um : Ken McNiece Rodney Rich (RFL) (F) Nathan Eddy Gus Carp3nzano (12FLJ (B) Robert Seymour Bob Croxiord (RF[ .) (G ) HANYTON ROVERS 3 .3 6 .4 9.9 11 .10 (76) OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .3 5 .5 8 .10 8 .15 (63) Hampton Ravers : S Anderson 2 Devereaux 2 Lawrence 2 Browne Carr Fletcher Greenwood Power. Best woocls McCarthy Carr Devereaux Daniel Anderson Davey. Old CamberwelL P Tempone 3 Pearsnell 2 Fogarty Tymmons Hendrie. Best: Durling Christie Sheedy P Tempone 7}Rnmons Pike. Umpires: Peter Liddell Adam Conquest (FI Craig Arnol Clive Shipley (G) 42 7 .5 9.6 14.7 (91) GLEN EIRA THERRY PIIdOlA 0 B 5 .1 7 .3 12.9 15 .13 (103) Glen Pim' Taranto 6 Lundberg 3 S Diamond 2 Massis McGaw Sheehan . t King Clements Massis Taranto Sheehan Lundberg . Therry : Harmes 4 Moloney 3 Baker 2 Bolton Callegari Castaidi Elliott Goodwin McKay . Best: Castaldi Elliott Nancarrow Baker Bannister . Umpires: Dash Peiris (F) Ben Bracken (B ) PARXDAIE VULTURES 5 .4 10 .5 14.7 15.8 (98) 3 .2 6 .6 7 .13 11 .16 (82) AJAX Parkdale Vultures: Rowley 4 Hayes 3 Little 2 C Barr 2 T Barr Ogler P Sullivan Mick Sullivan . Best Kight C Sullivan Hayes Johnston Dixon Stephens . A.SAff: Kirrxier 6 E Roollmer 4 Segal. Best Blashki Gelbart Gold Raleigh WeislVzr lsraelsohn . Um : Lionel Katz Jeremy Heffernan (F) Sean Burden Ryan (B) C RESERVE MONASH BLUES 2 .0 6.4 7.4 10.6 (66) CAULFIEW 2 .4 6.4 9.12 10.13 (73) ffionesh Hues : Teasdale 3 Wills 2 Jomson Mentha Kats Moresi Hawkins . Best Banks Moresi Tinkler Costley !V'ids Teasdale . Caulfield : Phelps 3 TWycrnss Schneider Baker 0'Hoy Chapple Rnyal Poulter. Best 71wycnxcs Phelps Synman Jacobs B Scott Ash . A4Ii90BFC 2 .5 5.8 6.11 6.12 (48) EhWAUS ST LEOS 1 .2 4.5 4.8 7.10 (52) MHSOBFC: L Taylor 2 Feferkranc Corbett Neilson Ternes . Best Lust D Hollenberg Pertzel Vicendese Feferkranz Neilson . Emmaus St Lew : Mitchell 2 Camm 2 Landy Levins Simondson . Best Mitchell McDermitt Carey Batty Leeds McGolian . HAMPTON ROVERS 5 .3 10.4 13.6 16.7 (103) 2 .2 5.2 7.3 10.3 (63) OLD CAMBERWELL Hampton Rovers: Brudar 6 Malthouse 3 Hanlon 3 Gray Kavanagh Marshall Tipping. Best, Spratt Bmnmeier Hunt Kavanagh Gray Brudar Malthouse. Old Camberwell : Ryan 5 Cottrell 2 Hallow Manwood Tipper . Best Cottrell M Hanson G Hanson Ryan Margetts O'Sullivan . GLEN E1kdA 4.4 9.8 12.10 14.13 (97) T'HERRY PENOL4 O B 3 .3 6.3 12.6 18.9 (117) Glen Eira: Watt 4 Gade 2 P Merrick Aberling Richards Zagame Halliwell A Diamond Cuvana Barakat Best Oldham K Dimachki Watt Zagame Barakat Straford .l'herep : Walker 5 Bosanko 4 T Goodwin Parpanias Kuret M Goodwin Kurt Finnigan . Best Kuret Walker T Goodwin Delany Finnigan ~ P VULTURES 0.0 1.1 3.2 5.2(32) ~ AJAX 5.5 8.6 9.10 13.12 (90) 1Ymgave 2 G Wilson Hirst Linthome. Best Hirst Paekdsle Vultures: M Crilley Gallagher Baker Fogden Richards . AJAX: Lewis 2 Zemski 2 Goldenfein 2 Duzenman 2 Gallewirz Szkolnik Lewski Czamy Ritterman . Best: Zemski Szolnik Goldenfein Duzenman Ritte man Lewis .


C Section AJAX

Coach : Phil Davis Res. Coach: Barry Simon


Coach : Merv Keane Ass Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res: Chris Matheson

1 . N . Gold 2. J . Israelsohn 3. Y. Rapoport 4. M . Dudakov 5. G . Blieden 6. D . Vanaken 7. G . Samuel 8. E. Raleigh 9. J . Raleigh 10 . G. Dukes it . M. Segal 12 . D. Goldenfei n 13 . B . Klei n 14. A. Wollne r 15. J . Segal

16. B. Janover 17. D. Weislitzer 18 . J. Kirzner 19 . A. Lewin 20 . J . Sharpp 21 . D . Gelbart 22 . E . Wollner 24 . J . Bram 25. M . Blashki 26. B . Duzenman 27. A . Spicer 28. A. Zemsk i 29. B. Goldbloom 30 . N. Israelsoh n 32 . A. Bloom 33 . J. Gottlieb 34 . A. Silver 36 . L Krafchek 37 . J . Kestenberg 38. S . Gutman 39. R. Rotemberg 40. D. Seidl 41 . J . Lewski 42. D. Gerber 43. D . Norich 44. I . Same 45, A. Godlewicz 46 . A . Sack s 47 . B . Lewi s 48 . J . Pask 49 . S . Czarny 50 . A . Benedykt 51 . L. Friedman 52. 0 . Henze l 53. M . Podolsky 54. D. Rutko 55. J. Gomo 60 . J. Wa)nberg

1 J. Foley 2 A. Bruhn 3 C . Knight 4 M. Liddell (VC) 5 S . Kendall 5 N . Guyett 6 N . Craven 7 R . O'Neill 6 R. Foote 9 M . Frater 10 A. Will (C) 11 B. Carboni 11 C. Deal 12 D. Pearce (VC) 13 A. Green 14 B. Gross 15 A. Docke r

16 N . Fallu 16 S. Sant 17 S . Argyros 18 B . Baxte r B . 0'Hoy 19 P. Hoggan 20 C. Faga n 21 M . Pennycuick 22 C. McAssey 23 B. Sinclair 23 D . Ash 24 J. Dalwood 25 A. Sinclair 25 N . Dorman 26 S . Widjaja 27 M. Sharpe Pe 28 J . Jacobs 29 G. Erickson 30 D. Elias 31 C. Poynter 32 A. Lawson 33 S. Fryers 34 H . Baker 35 S. Thompson 36 G . Crathern 37 B. Scott 38 J . Gross 39 A . Bosna 40 M . Bennett 41 M . Phelps 42 D. SYnman 43 T. Gerrand `t4 L. Schneider 45 A. Hasforth 46 N. Thompson 47 S. Jenkinson 48 R . Chapple 49 G . Poulter 51 J . James 52 S . Tvrycross 53 S . Backholer 54 J . Brown 55 C. Hooper 56 S . Krien 57 P. Farmer 58 S. McDonald 59 J. Sayer s 60 B. Jenkinson 62 C . Sheppard 71 M. Cassidy


Sen Coach : Phillip Balks Res: Anthony Strafford Asst: Ian Leith 1 . M . Dimackhi 2. D. FosseY 3. C . Massis 1c) 4. D . Cassar 4. B. Zosen s 5. A . Tsirogiannis 6 . J . Zagame 7 . S . Vamvakis 8 . T. Dimackhi 9 . A. Russo 10. M . Chandler 11 . B. Clements 12, B. King 13. G . Brown 14. C. Neeson 15 . E. Stuchbery 16 . N . Davis 17 . L. Doolan 18 . R . Oldham 19 . A . Devries 20. A . Diamond 21 . M . Watt 22. S . Emmett 23. S . Neeson 24. A. Taranto 25 . P. Khazaal 26 . P. Tsagliotis 28, L Shellard 2g, M. Sraife 30 . L. Pryde 31 . J . Lundberg 32. M . D'Zilva 33. A . Sheedy 34. B . Kitson 35. S. Hollow 36. B. Zurak 37. P. Merrick 38. A. Merrick 39 . J. Gusman 40 . D . Sheehan 41 . K . Dimachki 42 . J . Serpanchy 43 . J . Maartouk 44 . S . Diamond 45.. A. Caruana 46. A. Strafford 47. B. Zwar 48, J. Haliwell 49 . S. Hall 50 . D . Eade 51 . F. Bourke 52 . A . Haines 53 . T. Chaffield 54 . D. Scaife 55. L. MCGaw 56. C. Hogan 57. S. Lask a 58. D . Dunlevie 59 . R . Mill s 60 . D . Perkins 61 . J . Fulton

62 . J . Simos

HA M PT®R ROVERS Coach: Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff


Coach : Dave Skinne r Asst: Sparos Beasley, W Fall Res Coach : Jamie Dixo n 1 . J . Bamert 2. S. McCully (Capt) 1 N . Orchard 4. M. White (DVC ) 5 . A. Saultry 6 . M. Brai n 7 . S . Whittington B . J . Dixo n 8 . J . Garner 9 . D. Fairchil d 10 . P. Smith 1 0. I . Barrett 11 . P. Spottiswood 12. B. Thiele 12. M . Feferkran z 13. S. Anderson 14. M. Hamilton-H o

1 . T. Wilmott 2 . M . McKellar 3 . A . Brudar 4 . S . Anderson 5 . B . Marlyn 6. S . Gravina 7. A. Duddy 8. G . Carr 9. T. Barker 10. B. Boyd 11 . L Wheeler 12. P. Adams 13 . G . Woods 14 . Dan . Andersen 15 . A . Browne 16 . N . Greenwood 17 . D. Anz 18. J . McCarthy 19. M . Lawrence 20. A. Powe r 21 . M . Ellis 22. S. Burggraaff 23. M. Gray 24 . C . Christianson 25 . M. Davey 26 . M. Devereaux 27 . M. Flynn 28 . B . Kezilas 29. M . Fletcher 30. A. Quon 31 . T Pucella 32. J. Hanlon 33. R. Mosbey 34. B. Artz 35 . M . Vaughan 36 . M . Heffernan 37 . J . Tipping 38 . J, Morley 39 . A. Crisp 40 . M . Flahive 41 . B . Henry 42. C. Malthouse 43. C. Cooper 44. M . Pearson 45. A. Lee 46 . S . Blangiardo 47 . R. Hun t R . D 'Silva 49 . L . Pledgar 50 . N . Foster 51 . J . Glanville 52. A . Kavanagh 53. T. Archer 55. J . Prantzos 56. K. Spratt 57. P. Chapman 58. J. Brunmeier 59. D. Marshall 60. M. Terech

15. D . Membrey 16 . J. Walker (DVC )

17 . R . Clowes 18 ' R . Limbrick 18 . R . Read 19 . S . Robinson 20 . T. Fracze k 20. L. Horne 21 . J . Aitken 22. A. Svirskis 23. A. Hoga n 23. L . Taylor 24. N. Harvey 25 . H. Taylor 26 . M . Neilso n 27 . M. Johnston 28 . S. Moore 29 . G . McCully R . Newton 31 . M . Bowe n 32 . A . Cassell (VC) 33. L. Campbell 34. E . Thompson 34. D. Henze[ 35. P. Rujevic 36. R. Ware 37. T. Harper 37 . M . Ting 38 . C . Nailon 39 . J. Gregso n 40 . A . Lust 41 . J. Anderson 41 . F. Lewis 42 . M . Bate 43. P. Corbett 44. J . Newto n 45. R. Czwarno 46. T. Dunne 47. D. Hollenberg 48. D. Vicendese 49. J. Hollenberg 50. K. Hardin g 51 . S. Bennett 52 . R . Ternes 53 , I. Costin g 5 4 . D . Learmont-Walker 55 . G. Blau 56 . T. Wright 57 . S . Fole y 58. P. Greenhil l 59. A. Hal l 60. S. Jenning s

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ST LEOS Coach : Jon Edgar Res: James Shady 1 S . Chapman 2 . L. Rento n 3 . L. Holloway 4 . G. Chessari 5, J . Rosengarten 6 . M . Newman 7 . P. Farrar 8. S . Thompson 9. C. O'Sulliva n 10. S . Lloyd 11 . M . Spence r 12. G . Smyth 13. M . Pay 14. B. Merlin 15. M . Tinkler 16. B. Nind 17. K. Mudge 18. R . Glover 19. M . Saunders 20. M . Edsall 21 . C. Gregory

16 . D . Pike

34 . A . Cheesman

36 . S. Derry

35. A. Hickey 36. A . Williams 3Z C. Dennis 38. N. Brennan 39. M . Smith 40. Ma . Bolton 41 . Mi. Bolto n 42. M . Coe

37. M. Cottrell 38 . C . Williams 39 . S. Svensen 40 . C . Jellis 41 . L . Ryan 42 . A . McKenzie 43 . C . Gran; 44 . A . McHanc 46 . M . Jackson

75. R. Turton

77 . D. Nei l 78. A. Shields

16 . J . McCarthy 17 . C . Sullivan 18. S . Sulliva n 19. C . Stewart 20, D . Kinsella 21 . D . Kelly 22. B . Liddell 23. Matt Sulliva n 24. T. Linthom e 25. B . Richard s 26. D. Rochford 26. A. Rock 27. M . Nielson 28. C. O'Brien 29. G . Crilley 30. P. Mann 31 . M . Andrews 32. B. Fagden 33. N . Wilkins 34. C . Ross 35. M. Johnstone

22. M . Wallis

23. P. Mitchell 24. B . Tipper 25. A . Hardenberg 26. B . Langford 27. A. Sheedy 28_ R. Wheelan 29. S . Beckett 30. T. Bayford 31 . B. Craven 32. G . Ormsby 33. D. Joyce 34. D . Schmidt 35. C . Munroe

46. D. Jones 47. S. Mentha 48. M. Carey 49. D . Taylor 50. A. Iota 51 . M. Payne 52 . N . Moresi 53 . J. Peel 54 . G. Dodd 55 . I . McCormick 60 . B . MacKenzie 61 . P. Campbell 62 . L. Katts 68 . M . Meehan 70 . D . Barlow 71 . N . Rosengren 72 . B . Green 73 . A . Dobson 74 . P. Westbroo k

16 . P. Sullivan

17 . N . Cred6n 18 . S . Marevood 19 . P. Tempone 20. D . Mitchell 21 . T. Hardman

22. T. Blackley 23. B. Janssen 24. Ti Craven 25 . J. Hawkins 26 . P. Wills 27 . N . De Young 28 . J . Main 29 . A . Costley 30 . L. Creamer 31 . S . Hawkins 32 . L. Beddingfield 33 . J . Smith

43. R. Feenaghty 44. D. Teesdale

Coach: Tony t.ia;yeorge Assist : John McNicholas Res Coach: Paul Mari n 1 . S . Rowley 2. R. Gallagher 2. B . Darc y 3. M . Dixon 4. M . Hayes 5. A. White 5. D. Griffiths 6. C. Ste ph en s 7. K. Gurtler 8. K. Little 9. M. Meyer 9 . P. Emmett 10 . C . Atkin s 11 . C . O'Mear a 12 . A. Baker 13' M. Ryan 14 . C . Johnston 15 . Mick Sullivan

Coacn : chael Sigalas Asst : Matthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res: Andrew Tsindos 1 . A. Durling 2. M . Horgan 3. S. Peasnell 4. C. Hendrie 5. L . Cain 6. B. Christie 7. T. Hallo 8. J. Heffernan 9. B. Tymmons 10 . M. Hanson 11 . D . Hanson 12 . R . Perryma n 13 . J. Webb 14 . R . Whitehead 15 . D . CIY ne Missin ( 9)

48 . 49 . 50 . 51 .

52 . S . Vdmgrave 51 D. Noonan 54 . T Hirst 55 . N . CcoleY

16. S . Wilson 57. S . O'Leary 58. R. Haslemore 59. D. O'Keefe

60. T. Everest 61 . T. Bank s 62. P. Tesoner o 63. N . levett 64. X. Smith 65. G . Wilson 66. A. Ker r 67. A. Fry 68. T Kight 69. M. W~ngrave 70. J. Noonan

59. S . Hancock

61 . G . Weickhardt 65. M . Payson

66. T. Parkes 75. G . Hanson


P t

25. A . McKenzie

20 . Clarke J

26. A. Prosser 27. P. Levins 28. H. Gile s 30. M . Ottobre 31 . M . Contessott o 32 . D . Cam m 33. L . McDermott 34 . L . Virgo 35 . J. Briggs 36 . S. Ravage 37 . S. Manton 38 . N . Hodder

21 . Henderson G(dvc ) 22 . Reynolds l 23 . Callagari D 24 . Faroldi M p5 . Edwards P(vc) 26 . Lewis B 27 . Bosanko M 28 . Bolzon R 29. Goodwin S 30. Finley R 31 . Forster-Knight A 32. Sacco J

16. Goodwin M 17 . Pirpinias D 18 . Moloney A(c -res) 19 . La Corcia M




34. Weston D 35. Clifton D 36. Barron D 37. Castaldi D 38. Nancarrow M 39. Boyle S 40. Tsinaris G 41 . Barron B 42 . McKay A q3, O'Connell S 44 . Appleford P 45 . Carter M 46 . Step en S 47 . Goodwin D 48 . Nancarrow A(dvc -res) a9 . Leyland G 50 . Barron B

51 . KenessY N 52 . Giessen A

53 . Savory D 54 . Frazzetto C 55. Kurt M 56. Dunne P 57. Ferguson C 59. Robinson T 68. Goodwin D J 77. Walker K

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33. Kuret L



.~ , ~ . ., .. l . ~~. .

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15. McMahon A (vc -res

42 . C . Landy 43 . B . Levins 44, S . Murphy 45 . S . Ronchi 46 . A . Brown 47 . M . Mclnerny 48 . A . Daly 50 . A . Volpi 51 . P. McGloin 52 . R. McGloin 55. A . Fre e 56. T. Morrison 59. A. Hickey 61 . J-P Blandthorn 63. P. Nolan 64. D. Wood 67 . P. Farquhar 69 . S. Meshcer 70 . D . McGloin 75 . T. Ymer 76 . G . Donova n 77, C. Vaughan 79 . T. Tribe 88 . S. Pitcher 89, D . Winduss

50 . S . Sculli n

54 . A . Mar9etts 55. S . Fagartf 56. I . Cur ry 58. N. Paine

20. A . Ballard 21, G . Simondson 22. P. Ristevski 23. T Batty 24. D. Bruce

39 . B. Vaughan 40 . J . Gay

51 ' N . Sutherlan d

52 . S . Grant

19. A . Kelly

38 . S. Perrazo 39- S. Waters 40 . S. Richards 41 . C . Roc k 42 ~ T Barr 43 . M . Barr 45 . C . Barr 47 . J . TuIIy 48 . Mick. Wash 49 . A . Hunter

THERRY PEROLA Coach : Chris By e Res Coach: Garry Datso n 1 . Gorman P 2 . Goodwin T 3 . Bannister R 4 . Elliot M(vc) 5 . Baker A 6 . Nancarrova M c ) 7 . Bannister S ' 8 . Hollow L 9 . Bannister C(vc) 10. Vaina J 10. Crotty ~J 11 . Finnigan M 12. Belsey J(dvc -res) 1 3. Russell G 1 4. Fenton J

1 . P. Carse 2. J. Hodder 3. E. Mitchell 4. C . Phyland 5 . S. Buckle 6 . M. D'Amelio 7 . A. Burgess 8 . B. Bir d 9 . D . Lear 10 . B. Ellis 11 . M . Levins 12, T. McCann 13 . A . Krebs 15 . P. Carey 17 . G. Bonnici 18. R . McCann

36. C . Ogier 37 . T Macgeorge

46 . W. Wheatley

J . O'Sullivan A . Mantziores N . Safer B . Ryan

Coach : Darren Turner Asst Coach: John Sampson

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2004 M ajor Sponsor

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Amos 7 levels of senior competition . Located in the centre of the hierarchy of Sections, every year two droplets are caught by the updraught and deposited at the next highest level. Very few clubs have graduated after just a single year in D 1 : Mazenod did it in 1992 after promotion from 'E' : Monash Blues managed it in '96 following relegation from 'C' the previous year . Of the 'graduates' since 1990, only Whitefriars ('98 Premiers) is currently in 'A' Section . Mazenod, Old Ivanhoe ('94), & St Kevins (94) each had spells in the Premier division but are presently regrouping in 'B'. It is a truly fascinating competition .

Certificate of Merit profile: Greg Kelly ( St . Bodes Mentone Tigers) • Joined in 1973 (St . Bedes OC) • 204 game s • Club Captain 1975 • Premiership player - 1977 • Best Club Person twic e • Committeeman for 9 years • Secretary & Treasure r • Club Reserve Grade Field Umpire since 198 5


• MSJFL umpire and College umpire

0 0 0 Don't miss the Melbourne Sports Report on every Monday night at 10 .15pm on Channel 31 . The local programme offers news, results, and feature stories about sports / local competitions that are of interest to the general sports loving community, and don't currently get much of a run on 1V . This week's show highlights the recent Dl clash for the "Latte Cup°, between traditional cafe street rivals, Brunswick and Chapel Streets, represented by the Fitzroy Reds and Prahran footy clubs . 0 0


The North West Amateur Footy Report - Fridays 7-8pm & Sunday nights 6-Spm on 98 .9 North West FM

Glenn Scarborough has graduated from giving a 10 minute Saturday morning report over the phone to be the host of the most comprehensive coverage of VAFA football on Melbourne radio . He is joined each week by representatives from St Bernard's, St Kevins, Old Paradians, Old Essendon Grammarians, University Blacks . La Trobe University, West Brunswick, Rupertswood, & North Brunswick. The clubs have the opportunity each week to promote all their goings on including milestones, sponsors, and social functions as well as a run down of their onfield exploits . Friday night begins with a chat on relevant VAFA issues with Phil Stevens followed by a preview of the weekend's games . Glenn has in recent years been joined by well known Amateur footy "heads" in Peter O'Connor and Neil Loughlin, and between the three of them they try to make sense of the weekend's A Section matches (only occasionally slightly biased towards St Bernard's) at the top of the Sunday show . They are then joined by Tommy Brain for a look at B Section followed by the 10 participating clubs . The clubs represented on the show cover all sections of VAFA football except U19 Blue which is a"south' section. Listen in to the lads each week on 98.9 North West FM.




D1 Section has, for the past decade & a bit, been the churning zone of the complex waterfall that constitutes the 18

0 0 The recent form shown by University Blues must be of concern to several men now in their mid sixties, who played in the Blues second and so far last A Section premiership team . Their opponents then as now included : Old Melburnians, who lost the Grand Final (9 .10 .64 to 6 .6.42) The OMs under the leadership of Bruce Church pater President of the Melbourne Cricket Club) had won B Section in 1959 . Old Scotch (relegated in 1960) and Old Y>averians. Gone from A Section are ; Collegians, University Blacks, Commonwealth Bank (now Prahran), Old Paradians, Ormond & was it Alphington or State Savings Ban k ?? Peter "Agate" Harris will know as no records or memories stretch that far back !!! (The relevant volume of the McTaggart Collection is missing )


Q 0 Round 8 will see Ormond and University Blacks playing each other at price's Park (Optus Oval) . These teams have a great rivalry that dates back to the late 1930s when they first played off for the A Section premiership . The Blacks. who have 13 A Section pennants defeated Ormond in the 1939 and 1949 Grand Finals . In 1950 Ormond won the first of their 9 A Section pennants by defeating the Blacks by 4 points (9 .12 to 9 .8) . A star for Ormond that day was the late revered . Noel Rundle . This defeat stopped the sequence of 6 premierships won in succession by the Blacks . Significantly the Blacks won their most recent A Pennant by defeating Ormond in 1974. Their meeting in D1 will be another chapter in the history of titanic struggles between these two stalwart members of the V .A .F.A.



Bill Athert on Fitzroy Reds correspondent informs us that there is one other inter club trophy that the Reds play for against Parkdale Vultures, which is called the Norm Johnstone Trophy . The trophy was presented by Norm to the Vultures at their old Southern Road ground when both clubs were matched in D2 back in 2000. Brett Sebire is keeping it polished for us until we meet again! - So Bill tells us . 0



Great to see so many Past Players and Committeemen of St Mar y's at a Luncheon at Sportscover Arena a couple of weeks ago . Also great to see a D4 Section Club take advantage of the new system now operating for lunches at 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20C

Amateur Headquarters . The i?uests re created to some vintage VAFA Sunday paradt r i h'-am acting as th e MC in Phil Stevens' absence and Brian Goodman, our new Umpires Adviser, as the Guest Speaker . Benny and Tom cracked a few of their old gags before Benny gave a delightful insight into where Umpiring in the VAFA was at now, and where it was heading into the future . The boys also took time out to answer any questions directed at them from the audience . Well done to St Marys and many thanks to Brian for so willin-iy giving of his time in a busy schedule. And speaking of VAFA Sâ‚Źwr_ ::X. iv;aitie sure you listen this Sunday at around 10 .00am where apart from their normal guests Tommy and Macca will be talking to Brian Waldron the St Kilda CEO . Brian will be talking about his Amateur involvement with De La Salle, his rise to the top at AFL Level, and more importantly his and St 1Lilda's involvement in the St Kilda Community Cup, now an annual event between the VAFA and the Southern F .L. Later in the year the boys are hoping to have Brisbane Lions Football Manager Graha m "Gubby" Allan in the studio for a bit of a chat . Gubby is an old school mate of Tom's and so being an Old Paradian still takes an interest in Amateur Football . VAFA Sunday 9 .30 every Sunday morning on 88 .3 Southern FM . 88.3 sounds great to me . 0 0 01 Amateur Spirit alive and well The Rd4 Club XVIII match between Monash Blues and Old Melburnians was marred by a severely broken leg to one of a the ::;onash Blues players. '- _ _ ==ns

provided a great deal of support and assist an ce to the player and the trainers when the incident occurred . well done Tim and good on you for displaying sporting conduct which is all too often neglected in this day and age . 0 Photographer with a good eye . VAFA photographer Garry Sparke (Cyan Press) has been making his way weekly around VAFA grounds and snapping unsuspecting spectators for the "Face in the Crowd" Cadbury Confectionary packs (refer p32) . In Rd6 the camera caught a pondering young chap present at the Centenary Cup between St . Bedes Mentone Tigers and Beaumaris at Mentone Reserve . The "Face in the Crowd" was none other than St . Kilda youngster Leigh Fisher, who was a gun junior at Beauy and played in teams with Jason Blake (St . Kilda) and David Spriggs (Geelong), as well as Melbourne's Cameron Bruce . Leigh looked a little far away - obviously pondering his game that night against the Magpies at Telstra Dome. We're sure the Cadbury Confectionery packs could be put to good use down at the club. 0 " 0 Club XVIH All-Star team - Cocky Crocodiles One interesting response to FTLOTG's request for nominations for the Club XVIII All-Star team came from Nick Fay of Old Xaverians Crocodiles fame - . . . . . I could send you our GF team form last year??? Or our team for tomorrow . . ." Surely gives their opponents plenty of ammunition for the remainder of the season . Don't think they would have nominated the team that went down to i zenod in Rd4 though! (Ed).

Including :

Saturday & Sunday, l2noon to Slim with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine


et's iaik ~,port

Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday,l2noon to 5pm) VAFA A Section'Wrap' (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :3opm)


One third c! ` the year gone, and the 5th team is two games clear of 6th, ~1 := .ieh usually indicates a fair gap between the top half of the ladder and the bottom. Blacks are clearly the stand out side, and its clash today with Banyule will be a key indicator of top demicile relativitics . Down below, watch for Aquinas and Prahran, both could be real pests in the 12 row ds ahead ! _


escaping from releg<_~ion territory! Adam Sleight had a great match at CHF for Prahran, abl y supported by Leigh Northway on his HBF . Justin Costello, out of ce_ : :ice in Q1&2, and OtB for th e 2nd half, was Andrew Carter Brent Fairba '

'How narrow was that squeak?' said Reds, as, out of nowhere, the blowtorch of DI's bizarre crankiness was applied to them! Reds responded to Graham Burgen's 1/2 Time call to arms, to take out a one-point thriller. Ben Atherton was again on fire at the Red's pivot, with Chris Meighen n ,

:plaiy for the Panthers, with .ng well, plus Nick Fisher &

r letting up all day . rs do, when hungry they eat , , iueh Chaddie could do about it . to tell you, since news of thi s fallen from the cleft st' : ! I

and David Ronchi at CHF key figures in the 9

half revival . Nathan Lear starred at BP fo r Bushrangers, with Sam Savage, & James Kee also performing well . Ormond's "< ~palling record on fenceless ovals" was mentioned as a factor in their loss at Kingwood, thus learning an even more expensive lesson than did Reds! After a booming Q1, the ,

last week's turn ups, who' d ' 'ny complacency Reds ha d :toeked out if their system las t be focussed todav . Bloods' recf ed a huge lift so they'll d . peed on the PRO tent a 2 goal win .

Mends were pegged back in g2, and couldn't quite 1 Ju l match the Bloods' endeavour thereafter . Glen

Whitehead was inspirational in the middle for Aquinas, as was John Jess (again) & Shane Cooper up from the U 19's, whilst John Hunt's "big ban "r" in Q3 was a huge boost to his teammates . Monds had great games from Wayne Cove & Dave Bec' .ei in defence, with Anthony Grace again amongst the goals . Peninsula v Blacks in rale Meanwhile, Darth Vader's intergalactic battleship Us_iversi : . Blakes carried on blasting everything in its path . Blacks, Fitzroy Reds who generally controlled proceedings except for a Banyul e patch in g2, were pleased with Savige & Chris Peninsula Groom up forward, Bryce Shaw on a wing, and Ormond Goonan at FB . Ben Luizzi & Steven White showed D7 nP6ER out for the Pirates, but, on the day, the Blacks Fi rov Reds were all the "too's", b '- , quick, & classy . ( si Blakes - Old li ds Th ., c o ~Blues don~i-째.~rted round th

Egan Rizio Tbrnese O'Connell Payze Denning

21 18 17 17 17 16

da~~,Lid left the Pan!!~ -:-s with serious




Moods Will be determined to make up for last week's disaster. and back on their own 'fenced' Gunn Res ve should win by 3 goals . Old ' Q e V YE- - 7r The Par ters can't afford i drop any of their remaining home games, so they will have all the stops out today . The Bushrangers almost pulled off a big upset last week though, and the confidence g ; ' led therefrom, should give them a 12 goal edge at the final siren S a1eSi8I The Two Blues are now on the scoreboard, and, even on Chaddie's beloved but idiosyncratic home turf, should pull off a narrow (say 3 points) vict > after a no holds barred thriller ! U ~ . . .-


. , I

This game should be one of the highlights of the season, weather permitting. Anthony Parkin is too astute a coach to permit any hubris to have overtaken his unit, because if they relax at all the Bears' relentless ground speed and pressure at ball-fall-zones will make them pay . Blacks should take out a hotly contested game by 3 goals . F8e<. ; ' Par -iers, To lues, & Blacks .

: Reds, Ivlonds .

Col 389 1979 (+ message bark,', F-

- Congratulate __


reaching - I - - o:;~ game against Fitzroy Reds this weekend . "'oody came down to the Bloods about 7 years ago and had never played footy before. Although he still looked like he was running around a basketball court, he made it into the 1's after about 7 games . Overseas travelling and a honeymoon have robbed him of a few games of late but he has made his return and starting to pla y

some quality footy . Prahran - congratulate Lee Aitken who toda y play his ""' for us, "Lethal" joined us in '97 and has n a while to reach this milestones . Dan Ballard, I also play his 5oth senior game for the Two Bh._s today . Congratulations to both players from the Committee and your team mates on your ach! ement:s .

S .10 i .5 13.6 14 .9 (93) 4 .4 6 .6 10 .10 13 .16 (94) !: K in 5 Stone Laing M 2 Rokicki Drew R Britt C Yea R Valo!, ~t: Lear Valoppi Savage Keem Drew R Laing A . Fitzroy `_2 Tornese 3 Diacogiorgis 2 Holderhead R Pollard Byrne L iioL rhead L Atherton Cahill Bennie Gleeson . Best : Atherton an Ronchi O'Reilly Pollard Gleeson. U Brendan Devlin Paul Jones (F) I. 1 .2 7.6 12 .13 16.16 (112) 6 .5 7.6 11 .10 14 .12 (96) 7 Hunt 4 Wooden 4 Cooper 3 Box Minogue Redwood Flynn Jess. at: Cooper Flynn Whitehead Hunt Brown Hunter Jess . 101 Grace 5 Beckett 2 Cook 2 Delidio Ferrari Wells Denning Robbins . Best : Cove Beckett Tell ennepe Keleher Grace Palling . "- - *~ Simon Olive (F ) .k 0 B 2 .2 4.9 6.11 10 .11(71) :ETY BLACKS 5 .1 8.3 16 .7 23 .13 (151) ans: P iy'ze 3 Claringbold 3 Torossi Murray S Prendergast T ' Ian. Best : Payze T Coghl an Luizzi Davis Murray S White. Uni : Groom 5 Sibilia 4 Savuge 3 Rizio 2 Shaw 2 Velella 2 S Price 2 r iton P Kempton Smith . Best : Goonan Groom Savige Shaw C

Ra}vnmey M iiempton .

U Justin hicKeegan David Phillips (F) Jessica Rollo (B) Greg Rollo Bruce Stephens (G ) . . . 3.4 9 .9 13.12 19 .16 (130) 8.10 14.10(94) OLD )NI NS 3.2 4 .4 Stafford 5 Sleight 5 Tooley 2 Dibbon 2 Kellow 2 Rad :nvoni k Ballard Plummer. Best: Sleight Northway Fraser Greening Alcockwalford . Old Ment : Voigt 4 Basile 2 Woodland 2 Bournion Cochrane Costello B Fairbanks Kalviskis lvfurphy .Best: Costello Carter Fisher B .FaLbanks Basile Kitto. U+. : )ires : Phil Call Luke R9oncrieff (F) Kyle Monkey Daniel Haysom (G) 15 .6 17 .14 24.16 (160) ., : :IYULE 9 .2 Siv,r'S 3 .1 8 .6 10.8 10 .8 (68) Banyule : O'Connell I 1 Lorenzini 5 J Egan 4 Jones 2 Plant 2 . Best : O'Connell Gloury Brown Gayfer Dooley C Taylor. Salesian: Fenwerter 2 Logan Oldfleld Forer Rose Creely Ryan Knott Gram . Best: Stevens Facer Rose OldGeld Knott Noires . ,: David Irons Anthony Simpson (F) Ump P1 RESERVE 7.7(49) v. 1 .3 2.3 5 .7 4 .1 5.6 6 .6 10.9 (69) ,DS tra -g: Joiner 2 Redfern Sturzaker Fung Ntdtrath T Peake J . Best : :Ilrafh T Coutts R Fung Seabourne Russell Fyffe S . Fitzroy C : )odiferro 4 2Ackerrow Moore 2 Densley Murphy . Best: Y. her O'Connor Baillie Hamiam Cairns Drew . 3.1 5 .2 5 .4 6 .7 (43) 5.7 7 .10 12.12 13 .13 (91 ) a : Tapplev 2 C Williams 2 Jones Visser. Best: Crozier Jeffrey Jams Tappley Boland Harper . 0 OTdli: Russell 3Clinch 2 2 Raysons Farrell T Dipasquale S Dipasquale MeConchi e Na:' r, B st : Clinch Cromach Saners MazLell Russell Naylor . 8 .5 8 .7 (55) 0 B 0 .1 4 .4 U'. B ACES 3 .5 5.10 12 .13 20 .16 (136) Penn :+ .aringoold 2 Cannon 2 Warner Angus Ferguson McMahon . Best: Ta or Pratt Moran Bowen Ferguson Falkiner . Bill Blacks: Kell( 6 6reen 4 Ryan 2 Brumby-Rendel) 2 Wilson 2 Hamilton 2 Dow>lr Powell . Best : than Martin Middleton Prowse Either flam ;t!n.

insula 0 B Old - .i ,, i : : > v Yarra Valley 0 B Sa1esS 0 C v Prahran

[Jniversi s v Bal7vuie

3 .4 3.5 7.5 10.6 (66) 2 .2 5.8 6 .13 10 .18 (78) :r 5 f~5elver 2 Sodoma Jones Killeen. Best: Boyd St.Cla a ...,nd H Pitts Mclver Bedford Killeen . Old ffient: Ballantine 3 , trier 2 C Alexander Austin Dwyer Oilcan Stevens . Best: urnsn D Alexander C Alexander R Alexander Dwyer Watts , 26 .16 (172) 6 .3 (39) tg: : D Witchell 13 =vliounsey 3 Bassett 3 Creak 2 T Nasrallah 2 lurnbull Van Poeteren Rigler. Best : D witehell T Egan T Nasrallah Rigler iv9ounsey Spicer. Salesian: Grams 2 htailard 2 Davey Savage. Best: Smythe tr2e.ilard Bowman Hanaphv Allen.




D1 Section AQUINAS

Coach: Steve Bell Res: Paul Harper 1 . L . Toomey 2. S. Tint, 3. S. Edwards 5. M. Hunter 6. D . Minogue 7. C . Glennie 8. J . Jess (VC) 9 . T Harkin 10 . D . Boland 11, M . Barmby 12 . A . Bethune 13. D . Den Braber ( C) 13. C . Jeffrey

14. A . Larkin

15. Ad . Williams 16. J . Hunt 17. B . Redwood

ae ~ Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res: John Fraser 1 . B. Reed

2. R. Bottomley 3. N. Taylor 4. P. Gloury 4, M. Creak (real 5 . B. Willmore 6 . M. Morgan 7 . C . Taylor 8 . B . Cantwell 9 . J . Plant 10 . A . Dooley 11 . D . Wilson 12 . J . Egan 13 . B . Moxon

14 . L. O'Donnell

18. J . Hughes

19. G . Whitehead (VC) 20. D. Skinner 21 . J. Pierce

22 . S. Flynn

23 . M . Visser 24 . P. Harper 25 . B. Volombello 26 . R . Weeks 27 . C . Quinn 28 . B. Helme 29 . J. Wilson 31 . G. Evans 32 . D . Alford 33. C . Wooden 34. M . Tarulli 35. R . Chapman 36. P. Caskey 37. S . Leonard 38. B . Moran 39. S . Bethune 40. S . Hau n 41 . G . Davies 42. R. Moran 43. M . Slatt e ry 44. J . Tapply 45. D . McCart an 46. T. Van dersluis 47. Ant. Williams 48 . R . Brown

49 . M. Griffin 50 . C . Crozier 52 . A . Pringl e 53 . D . Robinson 54 . M . O'Halloran 55 . L. Stafford an 56 . P. Cruicksh k 57 . M . Harri s 58 . H . Tyssen 59 . B . Cooper 60. L. Ellio tt 61 . I . Drew 62. C. Lyng 63. A. Barrie

15. A . Brown 16. A. Demetrios 17. C. Davies 17. S. Gray (rese) 18. T. Wise 19. L . O'Connell 19. T. Nasrallah (res) 21 . R . Dintinosante 22 . C . Taylor 23 . M. Gray 24 . T. Prior 25 . D . Phelan 26 . B . Mounsey 27 . J . Jones 28 . D . Sproules 29 . D . Nasrallah 30 . D. Mu tt on 31 . G. McLellan 32 . J . King 33 . B . Gayfer 34. S . Lorenzini 35. L. Richardson 36. M . George 37. T. Thompson 38. D. Gayfer 39. J. Turnbull 40 . T. Pri or 41 . A. Tshaikivrsky 42 . M. Van Poetere n 43 . L . Ferret 44 . J . Connell Y 45 . A. Roethe 46 . T. Egan 48 . B . Herbe rt 49 . G. Bell 50 . S . Gray 55 . D . Williams

icn e


coach: Peter Russo s : Jamie Winduss

Coach : Gra n Burgen Res Coach : Chris Teh an 1 . D. Hannam 2. B . Holde head & A. Walsh 4. M . Cairns & J . Hamilton 5. P. Diacogiorgis 7. L . Byrne 8 A. Byrne 9 . H . Fletcher 11 . B. Atherto n 12 . D . Murphy 13 . A. Dawson 14 . T. Clarke 16 . G. Crane 17 . B . Lee 18 . M . Baker 19 . Pa . Cook 20 . T. Mitchell 21 . C. Meighen 22. C. Sullivan 23. T. Jackson 24, J . Parsons 25. D. Bah r 27. J . Tornese 29. V. Cahill

30. C . Little 31 . P. Crowe

32 . A. Grant 33 . S. Du ry 35 . P. Cook 36 . M. Reeves 37 . A. O'Reilly 39 . A . George 40 . G. Bance 41 . M . Bridges 42 . I. McBurne y 45. J . Benni e 46. N . Mann 47. W. Bah r 4 8, N. Vaughn 51 . J . Rawlins

52. B. O'Connor 53. S . Addicott 56. T. Madden 57. R . Rome

61 . G . Virtue 62 . N . Auden 63 . C . Andrew 67 . R . H old erh ead 71 . T. Lesk e 73 . J . Bare 75 . B . Pollard 76 . D . Curtis 77, A . Grillo 80 . G. Box 81 . J . Savage 95 . D. Flanagan 97. D. Ronchi 99. C. McGrath

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

T. Mitvalsky C. Twentyman R. Bal l R. Woodland C. Mackay C. Alexander ( VCR) M . McCloskey (DVC)

8. G . Ferguson 9. J. Walker

10 . S. Voiqt 11 . D . Sol f ey 12 . C . Dwyer (CR) 13 . B. Russo 14 . M. Stroud 15 . J . Costello ( DVC) 16. B. Carroll 17 . N . Linford (CR) 18 . T. Boumon 19. A . Palmer

20. D . O'Connor 21 . J . O'Brien

22. B . Coghlan 23. A . Drinan 24. D. Cochrane 25. B . Fairbanks 26. G . Dart 27 . A. Kiantos 28 . D. Ki tt o (VC) 29 . A. Ca rter (C ) 30 . D . Russo 31 . M. Elliott 32 . M. Sunter 33 . S. Worrell 34 . P. Flaskis 35 . D . Murphy 36 . D . Alexander 37 . M . Francis 38 . T. Millis 39 . K . Campbel l 40. R . Alexander 41 . S . Cozens 42. M . Basile 43. G. Hubbard 44. L. Sunter 45. A . Erskine 46. A. Bowtell 47, J . Kelly 48. D. Stevens (VCR) 49. N. Fisher 50. K. Regan

51 . A. Wilson

52 . M . Wa tts 53 . S. Wilson 54 . D . Goodbody 55 . M. Kalviski s 56 . B. Thomas 57 . S. Fairbanks 58 . A. Worrell 59 . A . Jo yce 60 . A . O'Reilly 61 . B . Saunders 62 . R . Schloefiel 63 . C. Palmer 64. M . Austin 65. A . Mort 66. M . Mackay 67. A. Noonan


PHILLIPS & x- ~ ~~ _ au ,




Coach : Adrian Connoll y

Res Coach : Peter O'Dea 1 Deledio 2 Beckett 3 Denning 4 Grace 5 Mart inov 6 Whel an 7 Keleher 8 Miller 9 Metz 10 Banks p Robbins 12 Deledio 13 Lees 14 James


15 Talley


16 Stewa rt T 17 Russell L W 18 Cove 19 Clea ry D 20 to Hennepe D 21 Wiley R

22 Brown


T 23 Naylor 24 Muzzell J J 25 Dale T 26 Harvey 27 Ashford T A 28 Clinch 29 Palling D 30 Wells L C 31 Young 32 O'Brien L 33 Cook A A 34 Russell 35 Bailey G 36 Casey D 37 Evere tt C 38 Byra D M 3 9 Ferrari 40 Douglas A 41 Upstill B 42 Keleher C 43 Parsons B 44 Broadhurst M 45 Franklin J 46 Johnstone C 47 Goonan A 48 Saunders R 49 Jewett D 50 Dipasquale S 51 Di as uale T p q 52 Brown M

53 Harvey 54 Ramsay 55 Payson


56 Farrell 57 Kentara 58 Beed 59 Hoare 60 Konstanty 61 Franklin 62 Roylance 63 McConchie 64 Loetje 65 Anderson


67 Harper


66 Waterson


68 Cromack


69 Austin


70 Farrell 71 Hassell


72 Rogash


73 Stone


74 Gouzenfitter L 75 Lance M

76 Strauch



DI Sec -'-'on SALESIAN

San Coach : Julian Sill Res : Brian Cronin

Coach : Leigh Stafford Rese rv es: Andrew Gillam

Coach: Peter Turley Res Coach : Adrian Chippaini

1 S . Parsons 1 . C. Clauscen 2. L. Stafford 2 A . Parsons 3. J. Ferrier 3 M . Goldthor p 4 . D . Cullen 4 E . Bowen 5 . H . Pi tt s 5 N. Kent 6 . A. Donachie 6 M . Wamer 7 . T Greening 7 S. Murray 8 . I . Hunt 9 . A . Bennett 8 P. Angus g . 10. M . Mc Cudden 11 . A . Pi tt s 10 A. Haley 12. C. Moffa t 11 J. Sill 13. L. Northway 12 S. Ferguson 1 4. L Fox 13 B. Cook* 15. C. Tooley 16. A. Rhodes 14 S. White 17. M . Harrison 15 J . Davis* 18. M. Windridge 16 S . Claringbold 19 . S. Ramage 17 J . Coghlan 20 . J. Kellow 18 J . Wheelan 21 . T. Sparrey 19 A. Mckinstry 22 . A . Sleight 23 . R . Marriott 20 S . Prendergast 24 . K . Plummer 21 A. Teetow 25 . L Aitken 22 A. Atchison 26 . A . Dibben 23 R . Powney 27. W. Watford 24 T Prendergast 28. K. Watford 25 A. Powell 29. P. Ga rtland 30. M . Radywonik 26 G . Lethbridge 31 . S. Fraser 27 S . Payze 32. D. Ballar d 28 B . Taylor 33. A. Woo d 29 S . Torossi 34. R . Alcoc k 30 A. Crean 35 . J. Bedfor d 31 * 36 . G . Beve n 32 B . Uuzzi 37 . M. Boyd 38 . E . Macdonald 33 R. Stainfort h 39 . J . Matherson 34 M . Falkiner 40 . R . Ferrero 35 T. Lan e 41 . J . Upto n 36 N. Bowman

37 J . Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Wilson 40 D . Hubbard 41 A . Vido tt o 42 N . Claringbold 43 B . Dunne 44 C . Mclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 T. Moran 47 L. Palmer 48 N. Heffernan 49 A. Minchin 50 A. Bonner 51 R . Haman Y 52 A. Wood 54 C . Wilson 55 R . Cannon 58 P. Mangan 69 J . Muir

q2, B . Downing

43. S . Kennett 44. B. Lynn 45. T. Mahoney 46. S. Moylan 47. J. Killee n 48' J. Vagg 49 . I. Dennis 50 . B . Mahoney 51 . N . HarveY 52 . N . Gill 5 3 . A . Rya n 54 ' K. Sagnol 55. M . Vagg 56. A. Pott e r 57. L. Castle 58. T. Murphy 59. S. Dixon 60. M. Roach 61 . B. Campbell 62 . R . Ha m 63 . R . Mackay 64 . J . Belcher 65 . B . Sodoma 66 . S . Campbell 67 . S . Oliver 68. S . Bel l 69. B .Tod d 70. S . Conley

1 . A. Stevens 2. A. Thain 3. S. Sutherland 4. C . Rose 5. M. Canavan 6. D . Forer 7 . D . FoleyY 8 . S . Logan 9 . A . Campbell 10 . S . Oldfield 11 . A. Davey 12 . M . Cooke 13. I . Bobetic 14. P. Evans 15. L . Rose 16. P. Dolman 17. M . Forbes 1 8. D. Barry 19 . M. Ferwerda 20 . A. Seeger 21, A. Bonnici 22 . S. Greely 23 . T. Henson 24 . A . Grace 25. C. Ryan 26. J. Nannes 27. P. Allen 2$. M . Byrne 29. D. Bowman 30. Q . Le 31 . B. Grams 32 . G . Riley 33 . N . Callaghan 34 . C . Goulden 35 . P. Knott 36. S . Nolan

37. J . Brennan 38. A. Gasped 39 p Pitts 40. M . Forer 41 . P. Forbes 42. P. Hanton 43. M. Van Suylen ?4. P. McClaren 45 . D . Allen 46 . S . Savage 47 . K . Gallacher 48 . J . Logan 49 . M . Oakley 50. S . Kavanagh 51 . A. FoleyY 52. M . Forbes 53. E. Mallard 54. M. Smyth 55. E. Hanapy 56. M. Loughnan 57 . S . Sewell 58 . M . Bates 59 . A . Healy 60 . A. Bates 61 . R. Cinco tt a 63 . A. ChiPPiani 64. S. Sinclair 65. M. Su tt on 66. S. Sinclair 67. B. Kirchner



Senior Coach: A. Parkin Reserv es Coach : M . Fittolani Club 18 Coach : C. Baulch

Coach : Tim Killwort h Res. Coach : Simon Tayl or.

A . Costello S . Chandler R . Hamilto n M. Riqo L. Rawrnsley A. Bevacgu~ a C. Fink (WC18) S. Price 8. B. Watch 8 . W. Pascoe (R/C18) 9 . P. Kempton 10 . W. Hanna 11 . S. Watch 12 . M . Cunningham 13 . A. Ross 13 . C . Baulch (R /C18) 14 . C . Price 15 . B. Shaw 16 . J . Lalich 17. A. Moffatt 18. C . Groom 19. M . Kern pton 20. C . Sandiford 21, J . Sibilia 22. E . Nolan 23. P. Barry (Capt) 24. V. Romq n 25. A. Katsaros 26 . D. Batten

1 R . Pearce 2 T. Morri s 3 R. Thompson 4 M . Fung 5 A. Drew Captain 6 R. Drew C. Beal 8 L. Morris 9 J. Keem T Hancock 1 0 T Mclllrath 1 1 J. Cremean 1 2 L. Gillies t 3 B. Nickolas 1 4 E. Kruse 1 4 N . Pask 1 5 L Taylor 1 6 A. Laing 1 7 18 C . Britt J . Strong 1 9 T, Hale 20 21 D. Stevenson 22 B . Drew R. Yeo 23 M . Davies 24 F. Pellegrino 25 J. Longwo rt h 26

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.

27 . M . Savig e 28 . P. Otsuka 2 9 . A. Steer

30 . A. Jesse 31 . B. Costello 32. A. Cameron 33 . W. Blake 34. S. Middleton 35. B . Villella 36. M . Prowse 37. R . Dabraio 38. S . Bloodworth 39. B . Cunningham 40 . N. Martin 41 . T MacCallum 42 . A. Smith 43 . C. Beato n 44 . E. Ryan

45 . R . Scarlett 46 . A. Kelley 47 . A. Wilso n 49, R . Dillon 50. A . Garman 51 . R . Wood 53. D . O'Keeffe 54. M . Petersen 57. D. Weddell 58. B . Edwards 61 . J . Blac k 63 . C. Beasley 64 . L. Hill 65 . J. Fuller 66 . C . Lewi s 67 . N . Goonan 68 . T. Parfet 69. M. Swampillai 70. J . Green 71 . S . Palmer 72. L.Clancy 73. E . Bech 74, R. Kercheval 75. H . Ellis 76 . C. Webb 77 . T. Brumby-Rundell 78 . R. Witnish 80 . S. Bade 81 . S. Spong 83 . P. Molloy 85 . B. Webe r 86. T. Rowe 87. A. Watkins 94. A . Powell 97. L. Merl e 9B K. Begety

S. Savage 27 M. Roc kicki 28 R . Coutts 2 9

D . Potter 3 0 P. Cooper 3 1 J . Parry 32 P. Cremean 3 3 B . Seeger 34 B . Peake 35 P. Ja rvie 36 D. Balshaw 37 B . Morri son 38 J. Tompkins 39 M . Wines 40 B. Downs 4 1

A. Stone 4 2 S. Yea 43 J. He 44 A . Wingate 4 5 T. Oliver 4 6 47 S . Collie R. Davis 48 S . Seabourne 4 9 J . Peake 50 H. Clarke 5 1 52 A. Ha rtne tt S. Fyffe 53 S. Simpson 5 4 A. Vass 5 5 T. Lloyd 5 6 P. Pickering 5 7 G. Kerr 58 A . Joiner 5 9 S . Laird 60 P. Valoppi 61 P. Baruma 62 B . `Nhitechurch 63 D. Smith 64 M . Norrish 65 A. Russell 6 6 B. Glennie 6 7 T. Collet 6 8 R . Collet 6 9 N . Lear 7 0 71 M. Laing G. Coutts 7 6 S . Thompson 77 N . Peters 78 D. Redfern 82 T. Peters 92

Proudly Sponsored b y SPONSORS:


Shann Accessories

cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t

RetraVision Armadale

Carlton 3053


Ed Selb talks all VAFA news aft er 9 .00am


For news, views and previews, tune t o

THE AMT-no .

ep . . .:t~ Ken Fetruc A° m7eflt & Pan&'f

i®n96 . - - . -L .' from 6.30pm for reports and a complete ful!-time score servic e Including: Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm)

'• Wet :: 3 nd Leave Pass" Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5p m with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine

VAFA A Section 'Wrap' (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm)

r ei `j ^VAIA S~ -JMENT

"in tu-


_ .

. - ~


Scores, chat and news of local VArA teams between 6.40-6.15pm each Saturday night .

VAD - '~-; J 1E~ -DAY 9 .30 - 10 .30 a .m. . .. . .e .~ .f.® ®---°°-r 3FSAIPI TUNE IN 9. 30 EImCE j . ®& - 't !_ `_ . • .- _ V, . "-. HE STEVE h :-, _ : This weeks guest : Phil Davis (AJAX Coach) Including :

V :,1

.1Leave Pass " .-"Weekend -0 Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine

Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Updates (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm) VAFA A Section'Wrap' (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm)


Including : er by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm) VAFA A Section 'Wrap' (Sunday between 4pm & 4:30pm )




Hugh Lyon KNITWEAR Firstly, a couple of announcements . Due to Fearon Reserve to technical difficulties, I may have not received face off against everything that was emailed to me late Williamstow n Monday/early Tuesday, so if you did send me GYMS in what ha s . This is something at that time, and it doesn't appear the potential to be a very close match probably the last thing that either team wants, . Also, no Andrew Wu available here, that's why however, as neither of these sides has managed this week, so it's The Qwill going solo (or so low) to win a game where the margin has been six this week . points or less (I will have to contact my SP Ivanhoe Assumption return to the top four bookie Jono Healy for the odds on a draw) . The after a comfortable win over W est Brunswick at battle of the full forwards - Murchie for . Tight for most of the day, with Western Oval the Wicks even getting their noses in front briefly Swinburne and Williams for CYMS (if he plays) . Tough call to during the third quarter, the Hoes finally seized will certainly be most influential . the game by the scruff of the neck in the las t make here, but I'll plump for Swinny today At the Main Oval, LaTrobe University take on quarter to run out winners by 40 points, with Old Carey in an interesting affair for Trobers the mercurial Doni Valkanis bagging five to tak e coach Glenn Taylor, who held that position with tally up to 21 goals, and up the his season's the Panthers last season . A solid effort last week other end of the ground, defenders Morris, by the students still wasn't enough to get them Blayney and Wood continued their good form . y the four points, while Old Carey continue to Losing their spot in the four were '"o conquer all before them . I don't see any of these Cxryp h ons, who fell away after half time, losing trends changing in the foreseeable future, let Williamstown CYMS at East Caulfield to alone this week . Sure, LaTrobe will be Reserve . A key factor in the CYs victory was the competitive, but I would not be surprised to see close checking in defence of young Willy centre another Old Carey blitzkrieg this week . half back Michael Welsh . Another great Panthers for mine . highlight was the mark in the 'BBQ" pocket by i square up against Wes t Brunswick Tim Wheeler, recalling the recent grab by Ashley at Arthur Street in a relegation battle . The Sampi . Demons have had a tough time of it in recent LaTrobe University lead Swinbur ne University weeks, while the Wicks have played some decent at quarter time, their cause aided by an early footy, and gotten at least some reward for their injury to the Razorbacks' Matthew Higgins . ef+'nr+s . This time last -ear. Ire sure that West Swinny star Jason Murchie then kicked all five for the Razors in the second quarter, four of those coming in a seven minute period, and ended up with nine for the game . eelouf; In other matches, Old Carey beat in the Old Derby and Bulleen ` ie:.towe continued their undefeated run, dealing out yet another shellacking to an unfortunate D2 IC'TI4N Bentleigh combination . Valkanis 5 21 Ivanhoe Ass PREVIEW Murchie 9 21 Swinburne Uni Ivanhoe A ssumption host M onash Gryphons Old Carey AngusT 3 19 at The Boulevard, with both teams having Old Geelong Vickers- Willis 0 19 alternated between fourth and fifth spot in Wood S 4 19 Old Carey recent weeks, so this is definitely a real "eight Paul 0 1 8 Bentleigh point" game . The Hoes have been the more D2 RESERVE consistent of the two sides, while the Gryphons Bulleen Temp Williams 2 17 form at times has been harder to read than a La Trobe Uni Slater 5 14 Jeffrey Archer novel . Overall though, home Williamstown Burgess 6 14 advantage and having that extra potency up Old CareT Guerra 3 13 forward should be enough to see the Hoes Old Car Konstantinidis 0 11 through . Old G- lnn~ Avery 0 1 0 University make the iourney to inburne Sw


Brunswick would have been warm favourites, and on recent results, I'd say the odds, albeit slightly, would have to be in their favour again this time around . Wicks to tivin . Old Geelong an d Bulleen-Templestowe clash at Como Park in this week's match of the round . The Bullants recorded their first really convincing victory for the season last week, and will be looking for prepare for next week's derby clash with Old Carey by putting further distance between themselves and the bottom half of the four. The OGs will be keen to atone after a disappointing result at the hands of those same Panthers . There's no form like winning form, however, and I think the Bullants streak will continue for another week . Andrew's Tips are: Ivanhoe Assumption by 10 points ; Williamstown CYMS by 1 point ; West Brunswick by 2 points ; Old Geelong by 12 p oints ; and Old Carey by 30 points . D_-nEleigia - farewe)1 ylea this week as he plays his 141st and final game for the Demons . Mark joined the club from Gippsland in the mid90's and has spent the majority of his time in the seniors, and has also been club captain and is currently serving as club treasurer . Good luck Mark and we know you won't be lost to the club . Congratulations to Graeme Beattie on 2 50 games! Beats is truly what is called a Clubman . He assists during the week around the club and behind the scenes on match days . Beats can be found playing anywhere on the ground and with his look away passes has the opposition second-guessing . Well done Beats! SÂŽCiAl. Bentleigh - this Saturday pay tribute to one of their favourite sons, Paul Dimattina, with a Dimattina Roast . This should be a great night and tickets are $20 and can be brought from Mark Eyles . Williamstown G S- are re-uniting their 1984 premiership te at this year's Past Players' luncheon on Saturday June 5 . Graeme Clough will address the function and other highlight will include "Smokie's Grandstand Trivia," a special raffle and a mystery guest speaker . Bernie Tuck (Ph : 9396 8777 or .au) is hoping for a cross section of players from all eras to make the day a spectacular success . Again, my email address for next week will be theqwill@laot ail .eom , and hopefully Andrew will be back next week . Until next time, have a great VAFA weekend, The Q will 9 T AY L

D2 SE J Ivanhoe Assumption v Monash Gryphons Williamstown CYMS v Swinburne Un i Bentleigh v West Brunswick Old Geelong v Bulleen Templestowe La Trobe Uni v Old Carey

9.7(61) 4.1 5 .2 9 .3 Ci__171i c-cLia6'7CE A'f:-:0EA5SUZ :P1TOPi 5.3 7 .6 10.8 15 .11 (101) West Brunswick: Hamilton Maguire Touzel Bloom Tourney Cannane Sheedy Brookshaw . Best : Leahy Coonan S .Benjamin Maguire Cannane . Ivanhoe Assumption : Vallcanis 5 Tucker 4 Sampson 2 Toogood Mehmet Frisina Peoples. Best: Iosefo Morris Rowley Blayney Valkarils Wood. Umpires : Shaun Rothe (F) Chris MeKendrv Michael Jones (G) 5 .3 7.6 8.8 9.10 (64) MOfZ4SA GRYPHONS 4 .1 7.1 11.9 14.11 (95) 67LT MSTOWN CY&FS Gryphons: T Bourbon 2 Wells L Clark Pocock Still Sharkey Denyer Leeton . Best : T Bourbon Parker S Bourbon Baxter N Rutherford Watson. W' town CYMS: Buttlgieg 3 Hart 3 Wheeler 2 Barlow 2 McCutcheon Cocks B Hynes Kosmatos . Best: Welsh Cocks Martin J Hynes Phemister Pach . Umphes: Joe Bolzonello (F) Sam Perrin Jim Exton (G ) 2.2 8 .4 11 .7 14 .10 (94) SWINBURNE UNI 5 .4 7 .5 11 .9 (75) 1.4 TROBE Ut91 3 .4 Sw ?nburne Uni: Murchie 9 White 2 Barbera Fidler Whiting . Best : Witte Piotrowski Murchie Getty Fragiacomo Allen. La Trabe Uni: Buttigieg 3 Spring Format Fitzgerald Paton Foster Gleeson Sheldrick Murray . Best: Mawdsley Benton Cossar Gellert Gleeson Ludeman . Umpires : Matt Meier Ron Johnston (F) Michael Lee Gary Clancy (G) BULLEEId TERU=•LESTORTE 6 .7 9 .11 17 .16 21 .18(144) 6 .4(40) B yGH 1 .0 2.1 3.3 Bulleen Templeatowe : Wise 7 R Williams 5 Noble 2 Wilkie 2 Daskalou Chivers Robertson Thomson Schneider . Best: Teehan Robertson Wilkie Wise Chivers Williams . Btntleigh: Mikkelsen 2 Vukic Seeley McCulloch Robertson . Best : Ireson Prlgg McCulloch . : Jamie Gunn Andrew Smith (F) Jack Watty Matthew Cowley (G) Um 7.3 13 .8 15.10 22.12 (144) OLD C.p,12Ey 1.2 3 .5 5 .7 10.8 (68) OLD GEELONG Old Carey : Vasilopoulos 4, S Wood 4 . T Angus 3. Kent 2, Parton 2, C Angus 2, James 2, Bull . Collins, McPharlane . Best : Bowley, Bull. Trumble, Parton, Angus. Campbell . Old Heel : Ainsworth 2, Lyne 2, Vickers-Willis 2 . Betts. Fitzclarence. Kimpton, O'Brien . Best: J Paul, W Paul, Ainsworth. Fairbairn, Legoe . Hope~lohnstone. Umpires : Paul Tuppen Geoff Moore (F7 Amanda Whittaker Glen Kennedy (B) Pat Mitchell Eddie Beat (G) D2 RESERVE 1 .1 3.5 8 .8 12.12 (84) WEST BRUNSWICK 9.5(59) 2.3 5.4 7 .5 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION West Brunswick: Rudd 5 Russell 4 Hussey Hamilton Monague . Best: . Ivanhoe Monague Tobin Twyford Stewart D Brooks M Brooks Asses on : Pearce 4 Serafani R Nuttall Kaso Maud Tamburro . Best: Ebb utich Maud Kaso 24emtsas R Nuttall . 2 .3 5 .4 6.8 8.9 (57) P110PdS 6 .3 8 .3 11 .10 15 .13 (103) WiLL --.STOwii CYMS '. Mon 4 Gryphons : Coffey 2 Landberg 2 Graydon Belie Jenkin Perry . Best : Stirling Warren Wadley Graydon Coffey Jenkin . town CYMS: Burgess 6 Grochowski 5 Di Grazia 2 Sadler Snijders . Best : Nisbett Burgess Street Grieve Martin Di Grazia . 9 .7(61) SW1P38URNE UIdI 0 .1 4.1 6.3 LA TROBE UNI 5.9 8.15 14.23 18.25 (133) Swinburne Uni : Flack 2 Liston Eley Andrinopoulos Gordon Pearson Harmer Hyman . Best: Hyman Pearson Flack Gordon Kane Sandhu . La Trobe Uni: Slater 5 Gibson 4 Feinting 3 Hewitt 2 Wolfsen Correnti Butler Manibwe . Best : Mannes Butler Gibson Mambwe Slater Fehring . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 .3 6 .6 8 .7 11 .12 (78) 5 .0 6 .1 8 .3 10.4 (64) BEPiTLEIGI3 Bulleen Templegtorre: Boyd 3 Toscano 2 Williams 2 Horvath 2 Verga J Matthews . Best: Rogers Horvath Coram Fitt Morihovitis . Bentleigh : Withington 2 Lawford Jolly Vardy Punter Hayes NankerJis Kopitschinski Caterson. Best: Withington Lee Hutchison Adames Gold Gunn . 6.1 10 .4 (64) OLD CAREY 2.1 4.1 9 .9(63) OLD GEELONG 3.4 4.6 5 .8 Old Carey: L Guerra 3 Everett 2 N Bull 2 Raft England S Bennett . Best: S Bennett N Bull Battley Everett T Wood Jessup . Old Gee]: Details not received.




D2 Section BENTLEIGH Coach: Justin Paul Asst : Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 C . Sharp 2 J. Paul 3 A. Pittito 4 S. Sice 5 M . Eyles 6 A . Jolly 7 J . Robertson 8 J . Handhold 9 T. Rowe 10 R. Pearce 11 D. Martin 12 N. Aitken 13 S . Craven 14 D. Vardy 15 T. Lupoi 16 G . Allen 17 S. Francis 18 S. Adaway 19 B . Fox 20 R . Fishlock 21 A . Ferris 22 A . Smith 23 G. McFarlane 24 L. Holmesby 25 D. Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 A. Clough 30 D. Ferguson 31 A. Banks 32 D. Kopitschinski

OULLEEO TEMPLESTOWE IVANHOE Coach: Steve Easton Res.Coach: Andrew Parris 1 BTour 9anis 2 M Stella 4 W Thompson 5 C Parris 6 ATehan 7 P Robertson 8 J Wise 9 J Matthews 10 P Tsokas 11 G Chivers 12 A Parris 13 D Tulloch 14 A Wilke 15 1-Thompson 16 S Smith 17 T Coram 18 D Horvath 19 C Morrison 20 M Jones 21 P Gannas 22 G McLaren 23 D Matthews 24 J Newman 25 D Williams 26 S Boyd 27 D Rogers 28 P Milesi 29 A Fitt 30 D Florence 31 L Norbury 32 R Williams 33 N Hamshare

33 P. Withington

34 S Lambro pouto s

34 R . Morris 35 L. ireson 36 M. Backman 37 P. Hutchison 38 G . Beattie 39 G . Prigg 40 A . Steward 41 P. Dimattina 42 A . Mikkelsen 43 M . Vukic 44 R . Punter 45 R . Brookshaw 46 R. Lawford 47 M . Scanla n 48 R. McEvoy

35 D Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 P Ganiatsis 38 N Scaglione 39 D Buccachio 40 A Foley 41 R Lea 42 P Edwards 43 M Daskalou 44 R Schneider 46 A Humphrey 47 C Morivitis 48 A Morivilis 49 D McMahon 50 D Glover

49 A. Lee

50 A. Stanes 50 L. Wilken 51 P. Sampson 52 L . Sampson 53 D . Gun n R . Oldield 55 G . Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 S . Nankervis 58 T. Caterson 59 I. Jackson 60 S . Kennedy 61 H . McKenzie 63 S . Stuart 64 M . Hayes

S Np onsor CHRIS' DIPS ; . ~ :._. ._..._ ..: . .


Coach: John Matthew Assist Coach: Doni Valkanis Res . Coach : Anthony Cent 1 . S . ConleY 2. M . Maud 3. C. Tucker 4. T O 'Neill 5. J. Scoble 6. E. HealY (v.capt) 7. P. Rawley 8 . J. Shuttleworth 9 . R . Peoples 10 . P. Lee 11 . D . Valkanis 12. P. Tonkin 13. S . Narkiewicz 14. S . Kaso 15. J . Curtin 16. P. Harris 17. S . Morris 18. D. Abud 19. D . Wood (d .v,capt.) 20. N . Pye 21 . N . Blainey 22 . A. Height 23 . D . Ryan 24 . B . Frew 25 . J . Frisina 26 . P. Cameron 27 . J . Finlayson 28 . S . Matthews 29. J . Crapper 30. S . Kaso 31 . S . Scapari 32. J . Icefo 33. S. O'Connell 34. B. Joyce 35 . M. Serafini 36 . J. Tamburro 37 . P. Cotter 38 . M . Sheppard 39 . M . Ebbage 40 . D . Sartor 41 . C. McDonald 42 . R . Kolb 43. A . Shemshedin 44. T. Scott 45. E . Nuttall 46. R. Nuttall 47. B. Walthers 48. R . Toogood 49. E. Marino 50 . R . Sing 51 . D . Pearce 52 . S. Sampson (capt .) 53 . M . Chazan 54 . T. Scott 55 . D . Frank 56 . G. Ford 57 . M . Frannich 58 . D. Hager 59. C. Mclnney 60. J . Nemtses 61 . T. Mehmet 69. J . Mazocca 78. C . Brown


LA TROBE UN6 Senior Coach: Glenn Taylor Res Coach : Bob Ellis 1 2 3 4 5 6

P.MOrton W.Brown, D.Shetdnck H. Davies S.Adamswaite D.Gieeson

7 TMannes 8 C .Corrent i

9 L.Walker 10 S.Davi s 11 AMurray

13 TWdeman

14 D .Butier 15 S .Brooks 16 P.Farrant 17 S .Fitz eraid 18 C.ekght 19 A Randell 21 M .Harvey , 22 D.McMeekm

23 M .Cossar 24 L.Envall_ 25 M .Fam m ~g 26 D.Stevens 27 S.Pruscino 28 CROSS 30 SGellert 31 A.Mambwe 32 S.Gibson 33 M.Watson 34 JButtgieg 35 FTernan 36 TMawdsley 37 A.Gurney 39 R .Slate r 40 S .Murphy 42 M.HOan 43 APouon 44 D.Kerrison 46 o.wright 47 A.Samson

48 t_McNamara 50 K.Hopkins

54 AHewm 56 J.Nieki 57 A.Woolmer

58 J.DaI mple 64 GSc~ry

70 J.Dumaresq 73 J.&ewell 78 J .Clark 84 TPeter



C .Clam p B .Ciutterbuc k TCohen

MCotsopoutos NCrowle N.Dunne


M .Garra t K.Hickma n S.Jackson


R.Knights P. LUas A.Mann S.Male r B.Murph y G .Mu phy

G .Nelson j~~lo~e{I C .Black

L.Ryan L.Heathcote S.OToole J .Brodi e

SCraig C .Francis S .Gtoury S.Moore A .Murphy D.Rob on J.Waterman Btaidla w ABenton NGrid qes A.Cou er MH D,ingl e D H , L .0'Bne n

Coach : Phil Knight Assist Coach: John Leroy Res Coach: John Leroy 1 . S . Bourbo n 2 . M . Healy 3. A. Grady 4. M . Malon e 5. J . Watson 6. D. Botle 7. D. Walter 8. J . Blandfor d 9. G . Wadley 10. P. Williamson 11 . A. Nichols 12, A. Gross 13 . J. Stratford 14 . A . Mckenzi e

1 5 . A . Clarke 16 . P. Rennison 17, p. Rutherford 18 . M . Paolucci 19 . R. Coxhead 20. C. Staff 21 . J . Bingham 22. B. Coxhead 23. L. Clark 24. D . Baxter 25 . S. Kibblewhit e 26 . A. Denyer 27 . R . Gilchrist 28 . Luke Lesion 29 . P.Warre n 30 . P. Holland 31 . G. Roche 32 . M . Lewi s 33. S . Nelso n 34. M . Graydon

35. B Clark 36. G . Block 37. A. Jenki n 38. M Baro n 39 . D Grenfel l 40 . M. Willock s 41 . C . Arche r 42 . J. Clarke 43, M . Mastromann o 44 . L. Wells 45 . J . Goni s 46 . G. Kent 47 . M . Parker 48 . G . Stil l 49. C. Robinso n 50. S . Dresse r 51 . C. Leeton 52. A. Flowerday 53. M . Bourbon 54 . A. Perry 55 . G . Harrak 56, J. HealyY 57 . W . Pococ k 58 . C . Yann i 59 . A . Yann i ~ T Bourbon 61 . A . Waters 62 . N Rutherford 63 . I Bagnall 64. P. Patrick 76. J . Harrak

JRotella° Hying

R .W O tsen C .Saqe 9 A Pafi rih B .Hider G.Mass a M.McDonaki


D2 Section OLD CAREY

Senior Coach : Steve Maus Res .Coach: Andrew Gates 1 . C . Angus (VC) 2 . D . Faelis 3 . M. Cohen 4 . D . James 5 . P. Konstantinidis 6 . C . Campbell 7 . S. Jessup 8 . A . Stewart-Holmes 9 . D . Shutie 9 . B . Andrews (r) 10 . K . Shrives (RVC) 11 . N . Everett 12 . L. MacFarlane 13 . G. Trumbull 14 . M . Maho n 15 . N. Bull 16 . T. Angus 16. R. Graham (r) 17. A. Parton (C) 18. C. Matthews 18. B. Chiuchiarelli (r) 19T. Wood 19. P. Drake (r) 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22 . C . Battle 23 . H . Van Cuylenberg 24 . L. Battley 25 . L. Chiuchiarelli 26 A Wood 27 . N. Vasilopoulos 28 . N. Sulman 29. C. Munro 30. A. Guerra 31 . J. Ward 32. P. Graham 33. N . England 34. C . Howat 35. M. Watts 36. S Wood 37. C . Adam 37 . D . Palmer (r) 38 . L. Guerra (RC) 39 . P. Bennett 40 . S . Angus 41 . A . Gates 42 . L. Morgan 43 . D. Jo ce 44 . T. Ross ignuo lo 45. T. Bull 46. S. Hill 47. B. Crosher 48. S. Bennett 49, S. Middleton 50. A. Kent 51 . B. Croft 52. D . Bowley 53 . J . Hubbard 54 . C . Pinches 55 . G. Spencer 56 . A . Boyd 57 . Glen Morgan 59 . C. Mason (RVC) 61 . Grant Morgan 64 . C. Smith 65. D. Elsner 71 . R. Leong 75. P. Busse 76. D. G.^:.^.zi


Coach: Michael Lockman Res Coach : Ben Dunn Ass Coach : Matt Edmonds 1 M Goldsworthy 2 W Ainsworth 3 J Frtzclarence 4 C Stinchcombe 5 M Vickers-Willis 6 J Bell 7 J Pau l 8 G Allen 9 D Salter 10 M Avery 11 L Stevens 12 T Paul 13 T Cannon 14 D Taylor 15 H McCarthy 16 T Fallow 17 T Betts 18 J Malpas 19 S MacGowan 19 N Betts 20 J Lego e 21 LTeague 22 T Bayles 23 C Fairbair n 24 S Lansdell T Hope-Johnson 27 W Paul 29 J Hope-Johnson 30 B Goldsworthy 31 H Folletta 32 A Munro 33 E Bayles 34 S O'Brien 35 P Birks 36 T Makin 37 T Waters 38 T D'Antoine 39 J Kilpatrick 40 H Lagos 41 S Ross 42 E Plowman 43 B Grills 44 J Urqhart 45 C Teague 46 J Morley 47 T Carey 48 R Herd 49 T Young 50 A Suvoltas 51 J Kilpatrick 52 S Grrffiths 53 I Munro 54 C Wilson 55 H Cust 55 C Atkins 56 M Leslie 57 B Symons 58 J McCarthy 59 R Kilpatrick 60 B MaClea n 61 T O'Brien 62 S Lyon 65 A Meek 66 J tmhoff 67 H Eastman 68 R Cuttler 69 A Southey 70 W de Fegley 71 S Waters 72 J Sattler 73 ATimms 74 STimms 75 W Temple-Smith 76 J Urquart 77 P Winter 78 Youll 79 P Birks 80 P Winter 81 M Bouchier 82 LKnigh t 83 H Lockie 84 T Legoe

85 A McHugh



Coach : Derek Thaene Res. Coach : Paul James 1 . L Watts 2. J Sheedy 3. J Piotrowski 4. A Fidler 5. J Demarte 6. D Harme r 7• J Murchie 8• M Higgins 9. L Morrison 10. M Anastassi 11 . D Milano 13 . K Barbary 14 . R Goode 15 . H Sutter 16 . C Walsh 17 . J Roberts 18 . A Fiumani 19 . B O'Mara 20 . D Wigg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22. C Thomas 24. C Higgins 25. M Whiting 26. T Liston 27. R Kiss 28. J Ryan 29. J Gordon 30. J Dunsford 32 . P Beynon 33, S Christov 34 . A Fricke 36 . J Carter 37 . D Barbera 38 . M Tricky 39 . R Roberts 40. J Coy 41 . S Ryan 42. D MacFarlane 43. J Andrinopolous 44. M Ryan 45. B White 4, J Sandhu 47. T Morris 48. D Little 49 . M Hudgson 50 . M George 51 . M Pearson 52 . N Lane 53 . M Paul 54 . M Eley 55. M Dinning 56. D Smith 57. C 0'Keeffe 58. M Flack 59. C Galley 60. P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62. B Gorfine 63. M Roebuck 64. J O'Keeffe 65 . A Teal 66 . C Dent 67 . D Beynon 68 . L Sierakowski


Coach : Angus Hamilton Res. Coach: Troy Thompson

1a Drain M lb Hamilton A 2 Hamilton P 3 Heppell G C 4 Lehmann 5 Cannane A 6 Pietsch S 7 Benjamin S 8 Simmonds N 9 Morphett A 10 Byrne a 11 Norman P T 12 Maguire 13 Broc kley S 14 Bowshall - Tanner C 15 Russell M 17 Smith J 18 McManus M 19 Touzel W 20 Connan D 21 Bloom A 22 Hanson J 23 Rudd D 24 Jenkin J 25 Siebrand J 26 Benjamin R 27 Brooks M 28 Waller E 29 Sheedy C 30 Lewis M 31a Edwards S 31b Caller S 32 DAndrea S 33 Thompson T 34 Twyford I 35 Carmichael M L 36 Jones 37 Dempsey T 38 Monague S 39 West R 40 Brooks D 41 Greening P 42 Goonan M 43 Tobin J 44 Sprague J 45 Smith J 46 Howard R 47 Thompson A A 48 Sutherland 49 Haysey J 50 Hutchens N 51 Sherry L 52 Fox T 53 Chamberlain T 54 Tanner S 55 Kaitler J 56 McDonagh J 57 Williamson A 58 Tomey A 59 Brugler J 60 Sprague M 61 Hilton K 62 Wright S 63 Gartlan j 64 Stewart L N 65 O'Brien Proudly 66 Hussey R B 67 Smith sponsored b~ . 70 Leahy G 7t Brooks haw M 73 Clare M 76 Chislett J Whitehorse Inn 77 Howell R 5 Burwood Rd , 78 Thompso n J 79 Colquhoun J Hawthorn

WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Coach : Dane Mcleo d Res Coach: Paul Dervan 1 D . Elia s 2 J . Buttigieg 3 D. Woud a 4 S . Wuchatsch 5 T. Wheeler 6 N. Grant 7 D. Sadle r 8 J. McCutcheon y J. Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 J Anderso n 12 A. Featherston 13 A. Mackley 14 J. Street 15 D . Taylo r 16 S. Phemiste r 17 J . Digrazia 18 D . Oldham 19 S . Barlow 20 B . Koc h 21 L Monkhurst 22 M . Kennedyy 23 C. McNamara 24 C. Pach 25 G . Burgess 26 D. Lee 27 C. Matthews B. Grant 28 A. Kosmatos 29 B. Griffen ~~ Dowsey 31 J. Hyne s 32 D . William s 33 i1 ~z 34 B . Jones 35 C . Bergin 36 T. Smith 37 B . Hynes 38 M . Welsh 39 T. Carter 40 D. Griev e 41 A. McKenzie 42 B. Hinsle y 43 I . Arande z 44 M . Manning 45 P. Azzopardy 46 G . Singleton 47 L. Thomas 48 S. Snijder s 49 F. Diblasi 50 D . William s 51 B. Martin 52 R . Hart 53 T. Bell 54 P. Vincent 55 R. Nisbe t 58 J. Thrus h 57 O . Jimene z 58 J. Robinso n

Stag's Head Hote l 39 Cecil S t Williamstown

9397 8 33 7

9818 499 1


Original and pink copy must b~ ,o ::~~d !I~i ^n half time of any mate~, ..: :ic: . must show first and surname. Each player must sign the original o(earl, Blue copy must be handed to position captain at toss of coin .

A ; -) ci::



(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

速 Weekend matches (Fri) 速 Umpire,- .- . , iir_tments 速 Scores (Sat . night)




The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open -:very match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

r _ -- __ ----- ___ - _,_, - _


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D1 : GLEN! Y /I-+i € EnEAD D2: JORDAN WIS E TREVOR BROMLEY D4. FRANK ACIIRACI ® Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). ® Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ® 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.

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r a 8

Milestones included acknowledgement of There was concern at the Executive table that a Yarra Vallev's Hamish number of clubs were allowing reserve matches to be Park for his 100 umpired by persons not currently registered . games, a great "Borrowing" another club's umpires was clubman who left no recommended rather than face the consequences one, especially e and lists of all registered reserve grade umpires wer umpires, in doub t given to each club. about his opinions . Geoff Curran umpired his 200th Brett Connell was continuing his great support of VAFA. Geoff rated the 91 E Section GF as his most our U19 competition and writing about all sections. memorable match as an umpire . With all four groups in a healthy state from a The announcement of the initial U19 Rep Squad for competitive point of view the respective senior clubs the match against the NTFDF with Beaumaris having had every reason to be pleased with the wealth of the most reps (6) confirming the strength of Bayside potential being groomed . Greasy conditions prevailed club . Adam Caitlin, Neil Conlan, Mark Ensor, Aaron but in section 1 SKOBS came from behind to win the Farraguna, Braydon Haynes and Andrew Quin were battle for third spot over Old Brighton . In the second the "Beauy Boys" . section Old Melburnians finished better than Old Leading Goal scorers in each senior grade before the Haileybury in a top of the table clash . Under 19 Blue round started were "A" Richardson (0 Xavs) 26, "B" revealed another Curtain (4 goals) for the Xavs . Was Stickland (Trinity) 27, "C" Hecker (St Bedes) 28, "D" the dynasty continuing? They accounted easily for St Sheehan (Kew) 28 . "E Blue" Than 34 (Salesians), "E Pats and confirmed the strength of their club as this White" Farrell (Fitzroy Reds) & Lauletta (Hawthorn) was their "second eighteen" in the junior section . 32 and in "F" Gathercole (Eltham OC) 40 . Aquinas were bring up the rear in the Red section . but still had four points on the board De La Salle drew closer to a top four spot when they A Section essayist Don Blackwood reported that Old accounted for the luckless Uni Blues and drew level with Marcellin . De La's Ben Mannix with 4 goals was Melburnians and Ormond still headed the table in the top section . The OM's were 1 kick down at the named amongst the best with Brasher and main break and their opponents De La had every Robertson . Uni's Versteegan, Lowcock and Guengerich battled for the Blues . Old Paradians reason to be confident at East Malvern with Pat Mannix and Chris Campbell dominant . The visitors broke the ice in B grade amid jubilation and NOBS turned it on in the third term as they booted 6 .6 to were the victims. The Paradians had to come from behind at half time but outplayed NOBS sufficiently 1 .2 and set up win . McMullin was now 'a central feature of the OM's furniture' and finished with 5 to run out comfortable victors with Porteous (3), goals . The result upset the launch of De La's Past O'Loughlin and Sinclair named for their efforts . Players' Association earlier in the day . Jordon, J Barker and Collison were best for NOBS . Ed Sill previewed E White Section and The match of the day saw Uni Blues valiant in defeat, falling only 4 points short 15.17 to Mazenod 17 .9 understandably predicted that Uni Blacks (second) and the Nodders' accuracy was a key . Mick O'Hara should return to the winner's list while hosting North Brunswick, winless at the bottom of the section. At for the victors was, as usual, hard working and had a great duel with Uni's Travis Doherty in the ruck . half time North Brunswick were making life hard for Tommy Hutchins snagged 6 from a pocket and the Blacks but took it a step further in the third term by booting 6 majors to Uni's 1 point . They held out 'veteran' John Kanis worked diligently for Uni . For Mazenod the balance was swung mainly by onthe Blacks comfortably at the final siren 13 .8 to 8 .11 and best were Nabbs, W Pretty, McMahon, Boudoloh, ballers Dave Murray . Glen Borg and Dom Barker. Freeman, Thorpe and 'Captain Courageous', Dean Anthony'Cuzza" Carbone celebrated his 100th game Demorton took the game by the scruff of the neck for the Friars when they forged their way to the front with 4 goals in the third quarter . CHB Mackie, Toose over Caulfield Grammarians with Noel Jenkin's move and Smith stood tall for the Blacks . Coaches in E from the backline to the forward line resulting in 4 White were Grant Hammond (Fitzroy Reds), Peter goals in the final term . C Section scribe, Peter Tyson (Hawthorn Amateurs), Andrew Sutherland Lemon, said it was a 'sign of pure coaching genius' . (Latrobe), Craig Fox (Nth Brunswick), Kevin Barnes Caulfield's Webster kicked 6, Nigel Cox showed great (Powerhouse), Andrew Gilliam (Richmond Central), courage to come back after a heavy knock but the Paul Bain (UHSOB), Kane Bowdern (Uni Blacks), Friars ran out victors by 32 points. David Campbell (West Brunswick) and David Marsh In D Grade Thomastown also fought back from a (Williamstown). deficit at three quarter time to defeat St Leos by 1 6 34 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

points . Tony Fellows, that highly decorated Thomastown legend, was again first mentioned and a young Brendan Vaughan kicked truly for 8 St Leos' majors . C--




Under 19 team defeated Diamond Valley FL, 11 .14 to 7 .5 . Best players were M Brady (Old Scotch), D Bugalski (Orm), M Armstrong (Old Hail), A Parkin (Coll), M McConville (Orm), W Daly (Coll) . Coach was Max Lyon . From memory all bar Daly have been competition best and fairest winners . Umpires who represented the VAFA were as follows . U19 match : R Simon (F), M Lentini (G), D Fowler (B) . C-F match v SA: G McKeeman (F), G Clancy and P AIlsop (G), A Moore and T Zapaldo (B) . State team v SA : G Hardiman (F) M Serong and K Pitcher (G) G Bland and P McTaggert (B) . David Gregory (Balaclava) and Damien Angove (Old Par) captained the C-F and U19 teams. Ormond shocked Collegians when they led all day to win 19.15 to 8.15 . Best were S Taylor, P Sehuhkraft (7 goals), J Clarkson (Orm) and M Galbraith, G Tregear and R Schober (Coll) . 100 games to State Bank's Ron Gnell, 87 "E" Premiership and Senior Best and Fairest in 1998 . 200 to St Kevin's Brendan "Butch" Campbell . A great clubman, generous with his time, enthusiasm and bags of steaks . ~ Marcellin, in control all day, inflicted Collegians' first loss, winning by 23 points . M Getson, Simonelli, J Jones, B Cooper, M Cooper, Bourke (Marc), and Crutchfield, Hibbins and Parsons (Coll) were best . Kew looked like causing the upset of the round when it led Old Xaverians by 20 points, 10 minutes into the last term . But Xavs, after moves by coach Sholly of Burne to ruck, Armstrong to full forward and Steven Curtain to centre half forward, kicked 10 goals in 18 minutes to win by six goals . John Kanis played his\ 100th game for Caulfield Grammarians - hvice Best and Fairest for the club, Caulfield looked forward to another 100 games from John as good as the first ton! (JK subsequently transferred to Uni Blues and played there with great distinction and is also their current senior coach) . Old Scotch saluted John Morgan on his 200th game . An important member of the 1977 B Section and 1978 A Section premiership teams, John also won the B Section Best and Fairest in 1975 and was to serve as a valuable selector for senior representative squads following his retirement as a player . Old Paradians (B) trailed Old Ivanhoe by 8 goals at half time and then went on to produce a magnificent second half to win by ten points. Best were Gleeson , Considine, Hughes (Old Par) and Gittos, Balcombe and Edwards (Old Ivanhoe) .


~ North Old Boys great cnampion Shane Maguire

played his 200th game for the club in a career full of honor, glory and "a re-shaped nose" . State selection from 1969 on, All Australian in 1971, club captain and coach from 1974 to 1976 when he led the club to its first ever A Section premiership . The highlight of the round was Old Brighton's five point win over previously unbeaten St Kevins . After trailing by three goals at half time, Old Brighton kicked 8 .13 to 5 .8 in the second half. Best were Murphy, Epstien, Bardoel (Old Brighton) and P Campbell, Reynolds and Cross (SKOB).

Victoria gained its lost crown or top Amateur Football State with a meritorious eleven point win over South Australia. The win was Victoria's first in Adelaide since 1966 . Victoria, trailing by 13 points at half time, kicked 7 .3 to 2 .5 in the third to lead by fifteen points at the final change . South Australia attacked strongly in the last term and cut Victoria's lead to one point before the Vies steadied and ran out victors by eleven points . Best were Wood (6), Kefford, Grose (4) for Victoria, and Undertown, Roach (5) and Role (3) for South Australia .

--=North Old Boys won their 21rst match for the season at the expense of Melbourne High, kicking three goals early in the last quarter after scores had been level at the last change . Milestones were Brian "Harry" Lauder (Parkside) for 200 games, Ron Faul (De La Salle reserves coach) 150 games, Rob McKinnon (Old Brighton) 100 games, John Vautier (Geelong) 200 games, and Geoff Lamb (Geelong) 100 games .

De La Salle became outright leaders in B Section when they defeated Old Melburnians by four points in a thrilling climax to a spectacular game, 12 .9 to 11 .11 . Best were J Kelly, Shiel, Pearson (DLS) and Graham, Pinkus, Cottrell (Old Melb) . Old Xaverians shocked Ormond with an eight goal burst which gave them an easy 29 point win after trailing until the last quarter . John Sanders goaled twice to give Old Xavs the lead for the first time and was the driving force, finishing with five goals . Ken Davidson, with six goals out of Ormond's 10 .3 was their best . Prize winners at Ormond's golf day at Mt Eliza were Max Lyon and Mrs F Yewell .

A Section captains were Mick Dexter ( Uni Blacks), Doug Arnold (Hampton Rovers), J Bennie (Ivanhoe), Joe Sheehan (Ormond), Ted Cordner (Old Melburni an s), Ted Jan e ( Malv) . VAFA were holding "Kia Ora" Sport s Parade at the Prahran Town Ha ll, and Collegi an s an d Elsternwick Clubs were entert aining visiting South Austr ali ans to a "Smoke Social" .


ViCf---alth Both Oakleigh and Mt Lilydale have served ( flank and put in his notice as being in contention for the most nomination for goa l sociable side in D3 . Don't forget, a lazy of the year . Th e gorilla for the side nominated as the best winners were also well served by Earle and after match contributors ! Brit . Beaten but not defeated for the Mounts, Kellett starring as well as putting Review in his own nomination for goal of the year Unlike last week, no real close games to whilst the Van Duuren boys continued the keep the supporters on their toes_ Uni High brotherly love theme of round 6 . continue to make an impression whilst St Preview Johns also seem to have hit some form and are starting to lurk ominously . And what Match of the round sees Uni High trek out about South Melbourne? Mixing form a bit to Rupertswood . We have been singing the but when they are on, they are definitely praises of the undefeated Woodsman for awhile now whilst Uni High have been like on ! Uni High had a strong win against an incoming tide, slowly creeping up on Hawthorn . Once again, Tate up forward you . The Woods will be looking forward to was unstoppable with 10 majors whilst the challenge and keen to stamp their Ogge was the best contributor for the authority on another contender . Elevation into the upper echelon is what Uni are after Hawks . and a win here would prompt such a Rupertswood didn't have it all their own promotion . Hard to see it though although way when they took on Syndal Tally Ho . the Woods will need to be careful of the Syndal took it up to the ladder leaders all powerful Uni High forward line . Rupe for day with the ever reliable Rutter and me . Hanneman starring . For the winners, Jager -louse host Syndal in a game tha t and Hatty starred . St Johns had their best win for the year, accounting for Power House . Goal sneak Horbury was in fine form, bagging 5 goals whilst for the House, Taylor stood out . South Melbourne jumped out of the gate against Werribee to all but put the game beyond doubt at the first change . Werribee have an injury toll that is starting to mount and a number of injuries during the game didn't help . The Hannan boys starred for the winners whilst the vanquished were best served by the Murphy boys . Finally, Mt Lilydale remained competitive all day against t?akleigla . Krusher's skipper Bromley starred off a half back

D3 6v-.,'1'IOPd UHS-VU Oakleigh Hawthorn UHS-VU Rupertswood St Johns D3 RESERVE Rupertswood UHS-VU UHS-VU South Melb Dist

Farrelly 4 25 Kitts A 2 25 Lauletta 2 24 Tate 10 22 4Flhithead 2 18 Phaedonoa 4 1 8

Phillips 6 23 Zuliki 0 21 Forbes 0 18 Henderson Ea 10 1 7


sees old rivals pitted against each other . I The House was disappointed with their form last week. A ti<,in would have propelled them forward and help to see off a rival for third and fourth position on the ladder . Syndal have been getting better each week and would give them a chance here . An upset is not out of the question but Syndal mighn't be quite ready yet . House for me . Oakleigh travel to Werribee in what shapes as a danger game for the Krushers . What concerns me is the mounting injury list for the Big W's, the addition of Matt Green to that list during last weeks game a great disappointment . Good to see Bromley back in form, plenty of tipsters had him in their trifectas for the league B+F . Another game where an upset is not out of the question however Oakleigh should do enough to prevail . Hawthorn will enjoy being back at home after consecutive away games however will face a South Melbourne full of confidence . The Hawks need a win to get back into the finals hunt whilst South will be keen to get some consecutive wins on the board . The duel between Aquilina (S) and Saulle (H) will be a beauty and sense that the home side will make up for the form of last week . Hawks for me . Finally, Mt Lilydale and Si square off next to the Mount . The Lilydale boys are another side beset by injuries whilst the Jocs form has been on the improve in recent weeks . Crunch game for the Jocs, a win away from home required to keep the momentum rolling . Fancy they might with big Koppens to dominate ! CORRESPONDENTS Heard from the 5 clubs this week, going backwards! You can email me on ed .sill@locker .com .au or ring me on 0418348723 .

O:-1R.EIGH 4.4 6 .9 12 .21 19 .24 (138) LT LILYDALE 1 .3 7 .3 9.5 11 .6 (72) Oakleigh: Mackenzie 4 Purnell 3 S Kitts 3 Dalton 2 A Kitts 2 Britt Bromley Hunt Reynolds Treacy. Best : Britt Bromley Treacy Collins Furnell K Holden. Mt LA : Cams 3 Kellett 2 Rhodes 2 Carstens Cunningham Gibson . Best : Kellett Hansford Cunningham Leonard Carstens. Umpires : Matt Brennan Anthony Calderone (fl Alistair Chatto Jake Mahar (G) C 4.7 4.11 10.14 15.20 (110) POWER HOUSE 0.4 5.7 10.10 10 .12 (72) St Johns 0 C : Horhury 5 Phaedonos 4 Ryan 3 Koppers Mara Courmadias . Best: Courmadias Ellis Hanger O'Connor Jones Horbury . ST JOHNS O

Power House: Ma Verberne 2 Sosic 2 Benson Doolan Miller Richardson Taylor West . Best : Taylor Benson Dallimore West Boland Cooper . Umpires: Ashley Hoogendyk (b) SYNDAI. TALLY-HO 1 .1 2 .5 4.6 10.9 (69) RUPERTSWOOD 4 .7 5 .11 11 .20 14 .24 (108) Syndal Tally-Ho : J Hannemann 3 Rutter 3 Cachia Hayes R Bennett Dix . Best : Rutter L Hannemann Stein Cachia R Bennett Brown, Rupertswood: Potter 5 Whitehead 2 Jaegar 2 J Plummer 2 Hatty Bishop West . Best: Jaegar Hatty L Plummer J Plummer Broughton . Umpires: Andrew Fyffe Greg Rowlings (F ) SOU^: . OEI.B DISTRICTS 6 .4 12.6 15 .9 19.14 (128) 1. . .2 .,IeiTEUItS 0.0 6 .1 10 .1 14 .5 (89) Sth M Hannan 5 Giannelis 4 Aquilina 3 Joshke 2 Zantuek 2 Adgemis Neimi Stefanidak-fs . Best : tieimi A Hannan Cheevers P D'Andrea Aquiline Ivi Hannan. Svrerr. McMillan 4 Hoffman 2 Fuller 2 K Murphy A Murphy Borg Ellis Tedesco Camilleri . Best: Tedesco K Murphy Green A Murphy Bianco Borg .

Umpires : Santo Caruso Paul Sherman (F) UHS-VU 4 .2 11 .7 15 .11 23 .13 (151) 0.3 2.4 3.9 7.11 (53) HAWTHORN AMATEURS UVHS-VU: Tate 10 B Parrelly 4 Forbes 3 Diamond 2 Langendorf Gorringe J 0Neili Rose. Best: Rose Tate Hall Hams Cracknell Zulieki . Hawthorn Amateurs : Lauletta 2 Ogge 2 Jackomos Johnston . Best: R Ogge Pritchard Ivan Disco Ivan . Um] :es: Peter Angelis Jason waszaj (F) Ryan Place Paul Tyrer (B) 2V D3

Ot GH 6 .4 13 .7 20 .12 25 .16 (166) 5.6(36) B'f" LII.YDALE 0 .0 4 .4 5.6 Oa e h : Videky 8 Ciavarella 4 Couttie 4 Perdikomatis 4 Keating Ne rezic Nuske Phillips Short . Best: Cash Cooke Confide Nagel Nuske Vi . *.tct 12 : Details not received 6 .4 7.6 11.8 16.9(105) 2 .1 5.4 7.5 8 .6(54) . HO UM St J ms: Bastone 4 Rudd 4 Christian 3 Dragwidge 2 Cotton Gates Rvdquist. Best : Rydquist Drasmvidge Cockayne Wilson P Rudd Dowsett. .


Power House : Beasley 4 Warne 2 Benton Elliott . Best: Doyle Wright Elliott Plazzer Weber Benton . .' SYNDAL TALLY-HO 0 .3 1 .4 1 .4 2.5(1 7) RUPERTSw00D 4.3 6 .7 6 .10 9 .14 (68) Syndal Tally-Ho : Leplaa Anderson. Best: Leplaa Thomas Kennett Treasure Bartholomew Fleming. Rupeztswood: R Phillips 6 M Davis A Jordon M McKenzie. Best: G Batty A Jordon D Soutaris D Powell R




D3 S .

Phillips L Temming . SOUTH 1S4EL$ DISTRICTS 4 .2 7.4 11 .4 16.5 (101) WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2 .0 7.0 9.2 9.5 (59) Sth Meib: Earl Henderson 10 Daly 3 Bradley Roe Lazaaro . Best: Briglia

Mt Lilydale v St Johns 0 C Power House v Synda] Tally-Ho Werribee Amateurs v Oakleig h

Clyne Daly Doyle Earl Henderson McGee . Werr: R Bell 2 D Buchanan 2 D Flack 2 P Thomas B Fenton P Dawes . Best: M Czajkowski C Alabakis

Hawthorn Amateurs v South Melbourne Districts Rupertswood v UHS-VU

3.2 4.3 5 .6 5 .7(37) HAWTHORN AMATEURS UHS-VU : Harris 2 Cavelier! Cleaver Holmes Maguire Mora C Thomas . Best: M O'Neill Ternes J Uebergang Partridge Cleveland Schulz .

D Buchanan B Cunningham R Baker R Bell . UHS-vU 1 .2 2.7 2 .9 8 .14 (62)

Hawthorn Amateurs : Gatiss 2 Barker Makrts Tsoumbds. Best: Herb Sammy Crivelli Spida Parks .



MIT. t11.YD7.' 17? .D

Coach : Peter Tyson Res : Patrick Ryan

c0(~GTi,' . Senior Coach : David Keast Asst Snr Coach: Pau l Commerford Res Coach : Gary Hickey 1 . D. Johnson 2. P. Hayes 3 . M. Brebner 4 . F. Varga 5 . G. Bird 6 . M . Jelenc 7. C. Varga B. K. Man iscal chi 9. A. Del Biondo 10. D. Baker 11 . C . Gibson

t. 2.

C . Rice G. Broadley


A. Knott

3b 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

N. Patterson N. Martin S. Avery P. Avery C . Alexander J. Cargill R . Ogge (vc)

10 .

P. Orchard

11 . 12. 13. 14. 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25.

A . Vance A. Tsoumbris J . Murphy D. tauletta 0 M. Tyson C . Ree d B. Ruzick a P. Phillips D . Garlick S . Parker J . McKenzie A. Collins L Collins J. Jackomos T. Ryan

26 .

S. James

27 . R . Lord 28 . D . Mackenzie 29 . P. Barke r 30 . I . Marchovski 31 . J . Best 32. M . Houenau 33a C. Rice 33b P. Stroud 34 . R . Johnston 35 . S. Davies 36 . M. Sheridan 37 . A . Jarvis 39a A . Brick

39b M Hicks 42. D. McGlenchy 43a I . Chepa 44a P. Source 44 . B. Alkler 46 . T O'Hanlon 54 . M. Cuaran a 62 . J . Dawson 66. M . Hourenau 75. M . Daou 77. K. Rimme r 80. N. Exton

12 . D . Van Duure n 13 . M. Leonard

14 . M. Smithie s 15 . T Van Duure n 16. D. Morrison 18. R. McKenzie 19. A. Delahunt 20. K. Fernando 21 . M . Cunningha m 22 . D . Cam s

23 . S. Leggett 24 . L. Merrett 25 . L. Syphers 26. T. Flanaga n 27. N . Pearce 28. D. Hickey 29. B. Baillie al). S. Taylor 31 . T. Hansford

32 . P. Carolan (C) 33 . C . Anderson ~ ~ L. Kellett 35, D . Callaha n 36. M . Alderman 37. C. Carstens

38. S. Roche 39. J. Roberts 40, M. Rhodes 41 . M. Matter 42 . M . Periera 43 . D . Holloway 44 . J . Paul l 45. J . Baker ,~ D. 47. M . Cullane 48. M. McKeown 49 . P. Brown

53 . D .Marotti 54 . D . Watt

oach : ChN O Moor e Ass : David Fumell Res : Pat McKenna Asst: Shane Kitts 1 A. Murray 3 D. Mackenzie 4 G . Harry 5 C. Kokkinos 6 M . Cash 7 M. Short 8 S. Earl 9 C . Hogan 10 R . Mitchell 11 G. Treacy

12 D. Furnell 13 D. Brill 14 P. Malcom 15 G . Redford 16 M.Bell 18 J . Connellan (Res C) 19 R . Keating 20 J . Tolley 21 A P s (p+°s DVC) 22 S Ear 23 J. Kerley (Res VC)


Res Coach : Gary Dean Res . Coach: Shane McLaUdIlar M Taylor R Humphreys D Boland

1 2 2

J Marshall


B Turner San VC P Sosic M verbeme C Richardso n M Hill L Fraser D Cooper B Phillips A Brownjohn J Harri s W Elliot

a 5 8 7 8 1 90

ii 12 13 14 P Haseler San Capt 15 16 Ron Anderson 17 C McLeod 18 F Doyle 19 L Button 19 J Evans

1 Plummer 2 Price 3 Reid 4 McGovern 5 Mgrath 6 Gallus 7 Whitehead 8 Elliot 9 Spinner 10 Prendergast 1 1 Moul e 1 2 Hewat 13 Sinnott 14 Plummer


15 Webb


D Miller R W a ls h A Naylor J Taylor

21 22 23 24

24 S. Kitts

M Driessen


25 C . Marshal Marshal l 26 A. Kitts 27 D . Zula (Vise Cap) 28 A . Khodr 29 K . Holden 30 P. Holden (D. VC) 31 T. Bromley (Captain) 32 T. Hunt 33 S. Bando 34 P. Lucas 35 R . Nuska 36 M. Ryan 37 B. Phillips 38 S . Cammiss 41 S . Way 42 S . Doren 43 A. Hinton 44 N. Wills 45 J. Nevezie 46 B. Nguyen 47 M. Stevenson 48 J . Reynolds 49 S . Collins 50 C. Lamb 51 L. Kennedy 52 C C. Cook e 53 A. Lourey 54 f1. Edwards 56 B. King 57 D . Nagel 58 A . Glossop

D Harris R Davies P Cooper MBeasley

26 27 28 29

16 Clarke 17 Hays 18 Pettman 19 Collins 20 Flinn 22 Stevens 23 West 25 Keenan 26 Zarb 27 Jaeger 28 McDonald 30 Shaw 31 Flinn 32 Sinnett

T McFarlane

59 T. Orchar d

.~ . . . .. . . _



J Nicholls





33 Chrystiuk

R Marshall Res Capt M Verbeme Sen VC A Ristovski S Fordham

31 32 33 34

35 Carl o 36 Henry 38 Johnson 39 Walsh

S Hatchard


J Kilpatrick C Doolan S West R Benso n W Benton R Marshall

35 36 37 38 39 `m 41

40 Brennan


41 Davis 42 McKenzie 43 phillips 44 Broughton 45 Hum 46 McCrann 47 Soutaris 48 Bradbury 49 Avg 50 Soutaris 51 Assouad 52 Jordan 53 Carlo 54 Clarke 55 Walsh 56 Hatty 57 Gaunt 58 Carmody 60 Ramsay 61 Powell 63 McPherson 64 McLachlan 66 Roberts 68 Wallace


R Black Res VC

P Arnold


J Howe s D Glanville


A Contreras V Brown T Marshall D Crane N Sharp C Pratt A Volz C Mathesan S Warne D Reidy E Buckley C Pkmer

44 45 46 47 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55

R Nilsson B Dalllmore M Weber T Friend

56 57 60 63 87

N Bishop Son VC


70 Temming

. . .



69 Maezzatesta M

60 D. Wills 61 A. Ciavarella 63 M . Coutti e 64 E. Videky 65 M. Hullah ~~••••~•Y••.•• . .



5cm h

TILE IMPORTER S timber marctsan»s

The Village Belle Hotel 202 Barkly St, St Kild a 03 95342200



D3 Section ST. JOHN S OC Coach : Ben McGee Res: Rod Walker

1 K . Arnold 2 M . Peake 3 D. O'Connor 4 S . Holmes 5 B . Hilton 6 M . Phaedonos 7 N. Chalk 8 M . Ha rtnett 9 A . Jones 10 M . Cou madias 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 C. Horbury VC 14 P. Sharp 14R M . Hanger 15 M. Kosmala 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne VC- Res 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B. Rydquist 21 S . Koppens C 22 G. Roberts 23 J . Diaz DVC 24 L. Mara 25 B . Waters 26 H. Wathe n 27 R. Devise' 28 A. Dexter 29 T. Ellis 30 R. Walker 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Foneca 34 M . Hancock C- Res 35 J. Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D. Christian VC- Res 38 D. Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hylan d 41 JJ . Hargraves 42 D . Sande rs 43 M.Van Houten 44 J . Ross 45 A . Hal l 46 B . Callery 47 G. Bastone 48 J . Hargraves 49 A . Kizilis 50 J . Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 D. Harkin 53 C. Ra tt le 54 D. Vanderwert 55 B . Pickeri ng 56 A. Dragwidge 66 J. Scardamaglia

~nsa "~1


Coach : Brendan Moloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher 1 J Washington DVC 2 Ma Hannan C 3 M Balshaw 4 S Stepnell 5 S King 6 L Kealy 7 A Hannan 8 X Kidd 9 S Aqualina 10 D McCormick 11 P Daly 12 A Argyriou 13 E Henderson 14 D Bell 15 B LaIIaro 16 J Neimi 17 P D'Andrea 18 G Cox 19 A Reid 20 W Brown 21 B Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B Downing 24 B Joske 25 S Athe rton 26 R Mitchell 27 P Cheevers 30 T Zantuck 31 S Hermman 32 D McGee 35 N Moojen 37 J Clyne 38 D Rowe 39 A Briglia 42 G Gaylor 43 W D'Andrea V C 44 D Geary 45 C Roe 46 A Ray 47 J Royle 52 M Anderson 53 D Phillips 55 J Pohlner 64 M Stefanidakis


D ow s ett

Engineerin g The Rose

Senior Coach : Jeff Bing ham SnrAsst Coach : Guy Walden Res Coach : Tony Psinas 1 . J . H annemann 2 . I. Bingham (Vice-C) 3- M . Joy 4 . T. Turpin 5. D. Hannett 6. I . MacKenzie (Vice-C) 7. T. Vagiatis 8. R. Bennett 9. D. Richardson 10. T. Psinas it . J. Rutter (Vice C) 12. D. Bennett 13. S. Miller ( Res V-C) 14. S. O'Boyle 15. D . Reynolds 16. C . Hayes 17. A. Herrmann 18 M Bircanin 19 . A. Faichney 20 . B . Hannemann 20 . C . Hall 21 . D . Kennett 22 . M. Buckley ( Res C) 23 . B . Bayliss 24 . B . Bayliss 25 . B . Reeman 26. A. Morrison 27. M . Leplaa 28. S . Crew 29. P. Agnello 30. B. Holland (Res V-C) 31 . A. Richardson 32. L Hanneman n 33. T Bartholomew 34. N. Hunter 35. C. Cachia (Captain) 36. T. Fleming 37. B. Robinson 38 . M. Christiansen 39 . D . Hallisey 40 . B. Thomas 41 . M. Moresi 42 . M. James 43 . A . Brown 44 . W. James-In d 45 . R . Stei n 52 . S . Anderson 54 . R Sheer 56. A . Treasure


Stir Coach : Shane Mottram. Asst: B . Uebergang Res Coach G. Tomes Asst Coach : G . Mandalis 1 M . WRIGHT 2 R. THORP 3 T. CLEVELAND 4 L . GORRINGE 5 S. MOTTRAM 6 S. CRACKNELL (Capt) 7 D . ZULICKI 8 S. HAMS 9 S. DEVLIN 10 B . FARRELLY 11 D . FORBES 12 W. SMITH 13 N . ROSE 14 M . BUTERA 15 J . JACKS 16 J . TATE 17 C. LANGENDORF 18 A . HELLNER 19 J . UEBERGANG 20 G . MADRIGRANO 21 J . HALL 22 G . MANDALIS 23 G . TERNE S 24 N. CARROLL 25 D. CREE K 26 P. THOMAS 27 A. CUSICK 28 B. McINNES 29 K. WEBER 30 J. PARTRIDGE 31 P. DOLENCE 32 S. DIMOND 33 J . SCHUL Z 34 J . O' NEILL 35 A . BUTER . PENDLEBURY A36 37 G. CATTE RA 38 R . LA S H LL 39 P.9 . REA 40 L. MAGUIRE 41 A. LUDLOW 42 D. WALLACE 43 M . O'NEILL 44 M . FARRELLY 45 N. SMITH 46 D. McGRATH 47 M . TURVEY 48 S. VERNON 49 S. SMITS 50 J. CORBETT 53 J. THOMAS 56 S. JACKSON 57 C . THOMAS 58 J . BOWES 59 J . MAGUIRE 60 G . COSTA 61 T. STATHOPOULOS 62 M. KENNEDY 64 B . WALPOLE 65 D . HARRIS 66 P. CLARKE 67 M . DeLUIS E 68 L. HOLME S 69 A . DOWDEL L 71 M . MOR A 72 A. VAN REE 75 S . MILLS 76 V. CAVALIE R 78 B. CARRUTHERS 88 D. FISHE R 99 M . HIGGIN S


Coach: Tim Ellis Res . Coach: Paul Smith 1 D. Nedinis 2 . K.Murphy 3 . D . Rack (R C) 4 . S. Kidd 5. B. Cunningham 6. M. Walsh 7. T. Dea n 8. R . Stonehouse 9. J. A li n y g (C ) 10. M . Keogh it . M . GreenN(C ) 12. T. Elli s 1 3. F. Mehmert 14. J . Marini s 15. A . Murphy 16. N . Gauch i 17. A . Tedessco 18. D. Velish a 19 . J . Addamo 20 . E. Mahoney 21 . T. Davidson 22, A. Dibatista 23 . C. Becke r 24 . L . Ca rson 25 . B. McMilla n 26 . R . Bel l 27 . A. Borg 28. D . Czajowski (D.V/C) 29. S. Dol e 30. D . Sett e 31 . B . Waters 32. D . Harwood 33. R . Baker g4. J . Hoffman 35. B . Bunwo rth 36. S . Bianco 37. C. Howard 38 . T. Towers (RVlC) 39 . L. Lacgfield 40 . S . Fuller 41 . G . Grogan (R C) 42 . P. Thomas 43 . D. Buchanan 44 . T. Johnson 45 . C . Alabakis 46 . A. Carson 47 . A. Camille d 48, J. Tumsko s 49. G. Fuller 50. K . Pace 51 . B . Fento n 52. P. Dawe 53. R . Marston 54. C. Smith 55. B . Brown 56. D. Frazer 60. M . Czajowski


5 i,~? Duthi e

5 rne Hinton


6 Paul Hoffma n

6 -

6 or Available

6 Dash Peiris

7 Adam Conquest

8 exander

7 Paul Croxford

7 Alan Ladd

8 Landan Blackhall

7 1 Scully (Jnr)

8 Trevor Hansen

8 Nick Evan s

9 Matthew Brennan

8 Bruno Savi

9 Stephen Capl e

9 Santo Caruso

10 Avi Wekselman

9 Damien Lane

H) Damian Anderson

10 Shane hlele i 1 PaulTuppen

12 Daniel ivlouslev

10 Sean S(, ' .- (Snr ) . 11 Dirk "

11 Tom Hayso m 12 Ja*n~P Kvins

12 Sean Rothe

14 Sharon Alger


14 id cha ~째l Gilday

14 Tim Tingiri

15 Geoff Curran

14 Ash


15 Michael Sneddon

16 Peter Woods



16 Si )tt {raser

16 Luke Moncrieff

17 Mark Gibson



17 Brett Horskope

17 Michael Robins


18 Tim Sutcliffe

18 George Paleodimos

19 Glenn Scotland

19 Peter Pullen

20 David D'Altera

20 Geoff Kelly

21 Nick Ryd e

21 David Irons

22 Justin 1vcKeegan

22 David Longworth

11 Luke Holme s

.dan Devlin

18 Jason McNiece


19 Steve McCarthy

19 A:

20 John Ralph



21 Patrick ~.Viaebus


22 Nick Fennesy

21 G . ; :

23 Paul Dinneen

22 Chris Cc"' s

23 Anthony Calderone

23 Robert Sneddon

24 Graeme Hunichen

23 Peter Griffiths

24 Miles Argal l

24 Nick Brown

25 Geoff Moor e

24 Leigh Dillon

25 Richard East-wood

25 Logan Smith

25 Lionel Katz

26 Sacha Koffman

26 Patrick Coulthard

27 Matt Cox

26 L Di

27 Euan Lindsay

27 Paul Jones

28 Paul Lamble


28 Leah Gallagher

28 Ron hYartyn

29 Allan Stubbs

29 Gerard Roifs

29 Peter Liddell

30 Justin Lipso n

30 Simon Oliv e

30 Anthony Lilley

26 Andrew Shiels

31 Andrew Lougheed




32 Eli Have s

31 Robert Setrimens

32 Jo-

33 Robert Mavston

32 i )ny Dame n


34 Graeme Morgan


35 Jason Lan e

31 Peter Angelis

31 Rob S 0

32 Jarred Aspinal l 33 Roland Fuhrman n all Stephens elev

36 Matthew Meier 37 Matt Gocld 38 Daniel Dummett


by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarth y Big milestone for VG . 300 VAFA games for Geoff When you must ta'T e that call . Curran . In his own words . "Commenced umpiring in Young boundary Ballarat in 1981 (love those one-umpire days) . umpire Matt Rodgers They said I needed to be able to bounce the ball to just had to take that call during a skills session be a field umpire and when the very first one went for the boundaries last Thursday but that didn't stop him from completing the session . Matt was straight Up, and 30 feet high the die was cast . Spent 1982 to 1985 with the VFL under 19 panel seen running through the cones with the mobile under John (F.O .T. father of Tim) Sutcliffe . It was stuck firmly to his ear, at least he put the caller there I first came in contact with legends Kevin on hold to throw the ball in and quickly returned Segota and Wayne Hinton . Then moved on to the to the caller to finish the conversation . V.F.A. from 1986 to 1989 where I umpired senior Rotation football and was fortunate enough to make the Chris Doyle had his first A-grade game in the V.F.A. final's panel. It was there that I met up with goals a few weeks ago . Chris was a former Mark Gibson, Santo Caruso, Peter James, Dom boundary umpire who has changed allegiance (Bobby's loss is Shane's gain) and made it to the Napoli and others too numerous to mention . Had decided to give it away in 1990, but following top level . pestering from Brian Woodhead decided to give the Welcome back into A-grade last week Mark ammos a go . Turned up for training the same Gibson ; Mark who spent the summer in Darwin night as Anthony Damen. Made my "A" Section umpiring had to make do through the lower debut the following year when Old Melburnians grades before being back into A. At least his and Ormond said "welcome to A grade son" by subscription was less than previous years . Good kicking 47 goals between them . I obviously only to have him back where he belongs . achieved promotion because I umpired the week Time, gentlemen . before with Peter (Agate) Harris and he must have Seems that a game out Essendon way last Saturday may have become a little boring for one put a good word in for me . Highlights include obviously the grand finals experienced field umpire . Late in the last quarter umpired, one each year so far . Generally, the as the home side piled on yet another goal to attitude of everybody involved in amateur football. take a 90 point lead, he decided to raise the We all have our off days and sometimes do and say arms to end the game as the siren sounded . . . .or things that with that wonderful thing called did it? No, no, no, just a car horn celebrating the hindsight we wouldn't do, but there aren't many goal!! Much to the amusement of the home things that can't be sorted out over a quiet drink crowd (giving him a good-natured ribbing) he waved to the timekeepers that the game was afterwards . Other interests include most sports, most obviously to continue . This all left his face quite obviously golf and the recently acquired pastime of red (19) . A comment from the crowd, "we always knew you had poor eyesight, not poor hearing" . dancesport . When one of our umpires discovered I was dancing he accused me of kicking with the Southern F M left foot (not that there's anything wrong with Tune in tomorrow morning to 88 .3 at 9 :30 am that) . When I pointed out to him that I was the for Tommy and Macca being joined by the AJAX one who got to hang on to a very attractive lady for coach Phil Davis . For all those out of the closet a couple of hours (yes Mel, that's you) he quickly Saints supporters, they'll also be talking to the St .Kilda CEO Brian Waldron . changed his tune. Don't know how much time I have left but I'll just Training enjoy this weekend and if anybody would like to Training for this Tuesday night 1st June is at join me for a drink there will be plenty on at The South Yarra Sports Centre (Melbourne High Town Hall Hotel in South Melbourne from around School) cnr Chapel St . and Alexandra Ave . South Yarra (enter off Chapel St .) at 5 :45pm . Umpires 7 .30 pm on Saturday . " Well done VG, with about 200 games prior to VAFA are to bring running gear and swimming gear as days, the grand total of 500 games is a fine effort! well . ~

~J .

1% : a .s`. . ~ . -

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Aarsdort Australia Lt d The gap continues to widen betwecn _he top four and the rest of the competition as the 'Vickers, Warriors and Browns lay claims for a vital top two position . On the tipping side of things, I bagged another five out of five and continue my charge up the scribes tipping ladder. Review Albert Park's woes continued as they failed to utilize a strong wind advantage in the opening quarter and were overran by a rampant Saints outfit. Down by seven majors at the long break, the Falcons lifted thanks to Julian Storey's dominance in the ruck and Sean Allan and Gerard Collins controlling the forward line to reduce the deficit to five points within seconds of the three quarter siren . However, with the wind in the final quarter the Saints were too good as they held on for a well-deserved victory . Bulleen pulled out the D4 quarter of the season thus far, kicking a massive 91 points to 6 in the third quarter as they pulverized a disappointing d Centrals team . After a fairly even first half, Joe D'Angelo's boys lifted three notches as Frank Arcoraci ran amok on the forward line kicking five goals for the quarter to punish the Snakes. The final quarter was a formality, as Bulleen kept in touch with the top four with a percentage boosting 126 point win . It was a game of two halves as Kew visited the alwayswindy Artie Park to take on a confident Old Westbourne . Kew, while not utilising the wind as well as they would have liked in the opening quarter, did manage to go with the Warriors in the second quarter to go in two goals up at halftime. However, in the third quarter, kicking into a howling gale, the Warriors piled on four goals to two, as skipper Leon Fairfield dominated at CHF. While Jamie Dennis tried hard in defence for Kew, he could not stop the constant bombardment in the final quarter . Key instigator was Franky Pavez who was brilliant across half forward booting three for the quarter as the Warriors kicked the last 7 goals of the match in a brilliant forty-point victory . North Brunswick finally got themselves on the winner's board with a hard fought win against Eltham . North were up by five goals at three quarter time, however, Eltham were not about to lay down as they made a desperate final quarter charge towards victory. However, with Ferns good again for North combining with the skilful Aref and Santecroce, they managed to hold on and register their first win for the season by three points and pull themselves off the

bottom of the ladder . It was a real mismatch as the new D4 premiership favorites Elsternwlc k obliterated Box Hill North, After a sluggish start in the opening quarter, the floodgates opened in the second and Scott and David Grace as well as Justin Hunter went on a goalkicking spree to kick 16 between them for the remainder of the match . While Andy Steele was great again for BHN and Tri Thoi tried hard, they were simply outclassed by the Wickers in a 123-point slaughter. Preview St Marys v Bulleen Cobra s The Cobras make the dreaded trip to the Postage Stamp to take on an ever-improving Saints . Bulleen was brilliant last week and will be hoping for another good game from the likes of Tim Conn, Rob Pasinati and Tim Orwin if they are to threaten today . I really like what the Cobras have done this season so far, and I think they will cause a few more upsets this season . However, the Saints are almost unbeatable at home and it will be no different today as they win a tight one by 14 points . Richmond v Old Weatbotsrsae After last week's efforts by Richmond, coach Frank Bove must be dreading the prospect of trying to curb a rampaging Warrior team. Westbourne have looked brilliant at home, although some pundits have questioned their ability to travel, and today may prov e

LSi'.' .' : : TOii'i 7It3H Old westbourne Elsternwick Albert Park Richmond Elsternwick A'orth Brunswick

Horsburgh J Hunter Allan S Dukic

Foster Hamilton

29 27 25 24 22 21

St Niarys Bernadi Elsternevick Goldman Eltham Krohn Bull Cobras Edgar P:orTh Brunt-!^k Papanikolo u


a test to this theory . With injuries also threatening a( number of the Warrior line-up, Jeff Wilson's depth will be tested, however, the club's playing stocks have never been stronger and these should be easily covered. While I expect Richmond to present a strong challenge early, I cannot see Westbourne losing this as I go with them to win by 39 points . Eltlram v Albert Par k Both the Falcons and the Turtles would be bitterly disappointed with their start to the season, and this is why today's match at Turtle Park takes on increased significance for both clubs . The loser today can virtually kiss any slim chance of making the finals goodbye as the gap continues to widen between them and the four. As such, I am expecting a tough and physical encounter and the fitness of both sides will undoubtedly be tested . While the youngsters at Eltham will enjoy their wide expanses at home, I do not think they will have the ability to match the strong football brains of the Falcons . As such, it is Albert Park for mine in a 19-point win ,

10.11 11 .16 (82) 1 .4 4.6 5.3 11 .6 12.11 15 .13 (103) . .': : S Allan 3 Collin 2 Humphrey 2 venables Borlev Cain Johnson . S Bern ett Storer R Baker Chambers Simcocks Hogan . St Marys: Hill 3 P R n 3 A DuNer 3 Crilh' 2 Waller Orme V Rgan Griffin . Best: A D~vyer W. r lane Crilly. Ux .. .: ichael Forde (F) Paul Whitehead Tristan Reith (G) 3.6 7 .9 21 .16 26.21 (177) 8 .3(51 ) liI( ) CS3?IBALS 1.1 6 .3 7 .3 rss : rlreoraci 8 Pasmati 4 Cookson 4 Fradkin 2 Conn Daley D. Trinehi J . Trinchi Daniels Genies Nasr Mazalrella 1tiaUhaniels/_ Best Arcvraci Pasinati Giwin Cookson Fradkin Conn . Richmond Centmb: DuMc 4 B!rt 2 :btoffat Crowe . Best: Speakman Darling Dukic Green J Lynch Flores. Umg'u es: Mick Gllday David windlow (F) 2 .0 5.3 9.4 16.7 (103) OId3 WESTBOURNE 9 .9 9.9(63) KEW 4.1 7.3 Old West: J Horsburgh 5 Pavea 3 Balloch 2 Nikola 2 Hodgson Rartolo Fairfield Walker. Best: Walker Ballah Nikola A Leitch Lever Fairfield. Ketr. Tinettt 2 Wood 2 Griddlev Culled Looker Mainsbridge Watts . Best TfneHi Dennis [anni Bell Wood Moore . : Ron irtyn Peter Pollen (F) U. 10 .7 14 .11 16.13 (109) PiOa_. . I .- .''CE 4 .3 Box Hill North v North Brunswick 3 .4 4.8 9 .10 15.16 (106) North Brunswick finally broke the duck last week, ELT13 and will be going in full of confidence against a BHN North Neynon 4 Twaddle 3 Hamilton 2 J Boudoloh 2 Ferns Saiitecrcce Hearn Aref Ackland . Best Santecroce Aref Robertson Ferns J side that has disappointed in recent weeks . In Boudoloh Adams. IIthnm : Krohn 3 Jorgensen 3 Buller 2 Paisley 2 another match that is hard to pick this week, I think McKenne 2 Galvin Gilbert Barnes . Best Panetta McKenzie Jorgensen Daly a lot will depend on the endurance of North Them Runco. Brunswick's many players returning from injury . U : Eli Hayes Pat Maebus (F) Picking a winner is difficult, but I think North is just . . . ICE 4.5 12.11 20.18 27.20 (182) 1.0 4 .3 5.3 9 .5(59) about to come good, and should win this one by 11 BOX HI1Z. NORTH E?ste=Ln.. ..o S Grace 7 Hunter 6 D Grace 4 Foster 4 C Mahony 2 points . Cummins Curtain Tennant Missaglla. Best C Ivtahony S Grace Hunter S Kew v Elsternwick The match of the day pits one against three in what Mahonv Cummins D Grace . Box FIIIl North: Odza 4 Ball 2 Olsen Doyle . should be an enthralling battle . Should Kew drop this Keillor. Best: CkLa Ball Olsen Doyle Keillor'Ihoi ."eter Griffith Russell Nation (F) Trevor Foy James Riddle (G ) Um one today, they will slip a game and percentage out of B4 RESERVE the top two, which will be a serious dent to their 0.4 5.9 10.10 12 .12 (84) premiership aspirations, while a win could set up 5.3 8.5 11.10 13.11 (89) their season . The Wiekers will, on the other hand, be : Rol rton 3 Pasiras 2 Payne Fairfield D Bennett Borg Phillips keen to give themselves a buffer at this point of the rd . I>t Walkley Roberton Aske}v Pavne M Williams D Bennet t season and will be looking to the likes of Craig t.rdi 5 Hill 3 Luce GraetzerAkman Morgan Peielberg . Best Latimer Aflanian. Mahony and Paul Nevill to set it up for them in ' e 2 .3 7 .9 10 .13 12.16 (88) engine room. To be a chance, Kew will need Nick s . 3 .7(25) 1 .1 1 .1 1 .3 Tinetti and David lanni at their best and will be :)f ndis 4 Edgar 3 Umvin 2 Fisher Moore Unwin. Best confident given the huge injuries suffered by Built Fisher El' -k 1loore Paatsch Lykopandis . Richmond Centrsla: Elsternevick. Picking a winner is a toss of a coin, so I Dalton 2 Le ri as . Lxst Dalton Lush Old Ieggaslek Breese Taylor. will go on form and pick the Wickers to win by 3 OLD WES7 iUR,'dE 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2(20) points . 2.5 5.6 6.8 6.11 (47) FEW Press correspondents Old West: Mermveather 2 S Anderson . Best : Theodore Jenkinson Please get your reports to Richardson Phillips Mesman Lennon. New-. Mahomet 2 Woodhouse 2 gavan .flower@spotless .com .au by midday on Baritone Edith. Best: Parker Dean Osborne Woodhouse Marchesani Burnett Monday. 5 .2 10.8 12 .9 16.13 (109) N012 : iUIv5W1C1{ 4 .5 4.8 7 .13 9 .13 (67) wasivi >: R Sallourn 4 B Carter 3 H Tsiaitas 2 Russo 2 Taha Papanikolou Papanastasatos Murphy Paleodimos . Best Guppy Parks Palealimos Walter Dimarco Russo . F141Lm: LutHck 2 Hall 2 Stratford 2 Rashid Justice A Howgate . Best: Lutfiek Keleher Hall Austin D Howgate St Marys v Bulleen Cobra s Lear. 9.6 14.8 19.14 27 .17 (179) ELSTERNWICK Richmond Central v Old Westbourne 0.0 4.2 6 .8 10.8 (68) BOX lILd, NORTH Eltham Collegians v Albert Park e'2steractlek : Goldman 6 T McKenna 6 Harbin 4 Banky 4 McAdam 4 Box Hill North v North Brunswick Creak Marchetti Alter. Best: T McKenna MeAdarn Bravington Soppet Banky Gordon. Box 113I1 North : Gaynor 3 Tanillia 3 Cavallo 2 Maguire Kew v Elstermutick Pratt- Best: Van Der Akker Tanc:balas GaFmor Robinson Cervelli Mortimer .. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 43

, ~ ~ti速n . ;ERT PARK AF Senior Coach: Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 . P. Smith 2 . S. Robinson

2 . N . Pastras 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9.

R . Baker G. Bake r J . Simcock s L. Bair d S . Allan J . Storey S. Variables P. Chambers

10 . M. Phillips 11 . D . Bree 12 . T. Fraser 13 . B . Payne 13 . M. Davey 14. M . Hyams 15. D. Boriey 15. P. Guica s 16. C. Roberton 17. D. McLellan

18 . J. Taylor

20 . K. Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22 . J . Hannett 22 . S. Bennett 23 . B . Harries 23. H . Walls 24. T. Gree n 25. J . Wier 26. S . Fairfield 27. J. Holloway 28 . R. Allan 29 . R . Humphrey 30 . W. Johnson 31 . S . McGuire 31 . G. Foster

32. M . Smith 33. J . Murray 34. T. Houston 35. S . Toth 35. D. Allan 36. J . Dudi 37. L . Hogan 38 . N . Wheeler 39 . S. McKerrow 41 . A . Visapaa 42 . D . Bennett 44. B . Isard 45. J . Agar 46. M . Dowdle 48. J . Hamath 49. L. Ryan

50 . S. Malls 50 . B. Tu te 51 . J. Belbin

52 . M . Wall 53 . M . Williams 55. D. Quinlan 57. J . Sutton 57. T. Hurley

58. A. Jackson

59. T. Bennetts 60 . V. Surace 62 . N . Cain

77 . S . Garcia 78 . J . Hamelin 79 . J . Guzman

Sponsored by : Rising Sun Hotel , RICHM 0ND


7 Elgar Park 4/ c4 Snr Coach: P. Armstrong Asst : M.Tarulli Res: J . Pratt 1 Wilson G 2 Riscalla C 3 Odza A 4 Manno A 5 Garrett J 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 8 Lacey M 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Thoi T

10 C. Powderham

12 Dick A 13 Cumming M 14 Pal mer


15 Keillor L 15 Cavallo G 16 Drew W 17 Hopes es C 18 Butler 19 Callis C 20 Oldfield K 21 Woods P 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Doyle P 25 Kotsaridis P R 26 Ball 27 Wakefield S 28 Veleski Z 29 Rogers M 30 Olson B 31 Olson D 32 Oldfield I 33 Marinovic M 34 McCartin M

35 Burley P 36 Gaynor D 37 Penhalluriack L 38 D'Amato G 39 7ambakis J 40 Worrell D 41 Takeshita M 42 Tarulli A 43 Doyle

Coach Dennis Grace Coach: Joe D nnyelo Res Coach : G Brown Asst : P Nevdt Res : P McNal Asst : S . Capel 1 L MURPHY 1 I . McLeod 2 A. HANKI N 2 T. Orwin 2 S . STEPHENS 3 S. McLaren J . YEMM 4 N . Cartledge 4 D . GRACE 5 M . Mann 5 M . WHELAN 6 T. Pearson 6 M . THIELE 7 T. Mehrez 7 J. McADAM -RC8 T. Ma7zarella a S. CURRIE 9 T. HARTLEY 9 M . Kyriakou


44 Garrett C 46 Mortimer P 47 Andrews A 49 Ellis T

50 Irvine C 51 Cervelli M 52 D'arcy S 54 Van den Akker L J 55 Pratt 56 Wood A 57 Wood T 58 Demarco R 59 Tarulli M

11 A. DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N . Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 S . Trapman 20 J . McQualter 21 N . Lykopandis 22 M. Aitke n 23 J. Redfern 24 R . Geme s 25 W. Olney 2 6 M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 R. Sheehan 30 B. Cookson 31 K. Kellett 32 S. Wagg 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch






39 C. Chan 40 G . Richards 41 C . Jordan 42 C . Borelli


43 J. Mustica


44 H . Khalil 45 J . Daniels 46 J . Lewi s 47 N . Khalil 48 M , Soumelidis 49 G. Anderto n 50 N. Kyriakou 51 R. Loc k 52 T. Hamilton 53 R . Rodrigues 54 55 J . D'Angelo


38 G . Brown

60 Benbow N 61 Weston G

65 Woodridge D 69 Pearce B 76 Loerand K 78 Leavers A 79 Bennett G 80 Evans S


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

13 29 39 Conditioning www .nortan .com .au 1300 305 354

22 . D . Wright

23 . R . Foo 24 . K. Drummond 25. R .Thomas 26. J . Glare Res C/C 27. J . Stockdale 28 . T Barnett 29 . D. Howgate 30 . M . Decke r 31 . B. Kelehe r 32 . C . Baud 33 . A. Howgate 34 . J . Howgate 35. G. Smith 36. J . Hickingbotham 37 . P. Kroh n 38 . J . Babo n 39 . F. Coonerty 40 . E. Bau d 41 . Au. Man n 42 . D . Bulle r 43 . P. Mann 44. Al . Mann 45. D. Hogan 46. M . Dere

47 . N. Ryal l 48 . B. Tume y 49 . L. Bames 50 . B. Richardson

51 R . Morgan

55. G . Jenkins 56 . R. Lov e

Australian Unity -


13 . M. Luttick 14 . K. Nelson (VC ) 15. J . Paisley 16. D . Barnett 17. L. Daly 18. S . Justic e 19 . J. Gilbert 20 . M . Rainer 21 . M. Hart


Capital Growth 9696 077 7 The 1 Elsternti4 ek

88 Edgley M 99 Robinson G 111 Armstrong P

Mizzi (C) 12 . L. McDonal d 11 . J.

52 . D . Justic e 53. J . Fee 54. S . Todman

Sponsors :

86 Archer G

1 . J . Baud 2 . D . Lynch 3. E . Savage (VC ) 5. L. Austi n 6. J . Galvin 7 B. Rashi d B. L. Sharpe 9 . C. Watso n 10 . B. Marshal l




62 Penesis H 63 Martin J 64 Evans C

Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Matthew Luttick

The Elsternwick Club 9523 9221

57 . 58 59 . 60 61 .

J . Cooper T. Melchiori B. Evan s R . Peak J. Panetta (VC )

62. B . Jorgensen 63. L. Ogilvie 64 T. Goonan

Majo r Sponsors 1

(AffiIBated with RMIT Uni .) Snr Coach : Rohan Dohe rty Res Coach : Paul Grego r I B . Lafranchi 2 N . Costley 3 J. Doumis 4 G. Crimmins 5 A . Carman 6 N . Tinett i (C) 7 B . Dover 8 D.Mainsbri dge 9 A . Kelly 10 B . Culle n N B . Woodhouse (VC) 12 M . G ri dley 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J. Looker (DVC) 15 F. Lamanna 16 D. Woo d 17 C. Watts 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 K . Allen 20 A . Acfield 21 D. Clark 22 T. Aitken 23 J . deBlank 26 S . Symes 27 T. Moore (DVC) 28 M . Dean 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 D.lanni 32 A. Dra 33 J. Cronin in 34 D. Pocock 35 R. Bruno 37 S . Johnston 38 D. North 39 J. Denni s 40 J. Ferrantino (RC) 41 L. Coulter 42 S . Parker 43 A. Bortone 44 A. Makris ( RDVC) 45 G . Evans 46 B . Marchesani 47 L. McNeill 48 K. Saydali 49 P. Dennis 50 B . Davies 51 M . Blair (VC) 52 R. McLaurin 53 S . Osborne 54 J. Renou 55 A. Lawler 56 T. Frith 57 B . Purcel l 58 B . Bumett 59 J. Rakusz 60 G . Lawson 61 M . Glenn (RDVC) 62 M . Paine 63 N. Gricks (RVC) 64 A. Robe rt s 65 S . Pietersen 66 R. McKerrow 67 J. Bell

68 S . Ryan 69 M . Soli s 70 T.Fox

°pOtlti1'` sponsored by:

'i3rp of Erin

Coach : Anoe Sammartino Res Coach : Gary Cutler 1 Newton 2 Adams 3 Lattouf 4 Dimarco 5 Cutler 6 Piaari 7 Stetiox 8 Guppy 9 Samma rtino 10 Fawcett 11 Hamilton 12 Care 13 Ullo 14 Paleodimos 15 Tsialtas 16 Vaina 17 Kyriazis 18 Verge 19 Marin 20 Closter 21 Santacroce 22 Freeman 23 Briffa 24 Aliani 25 Duson 26 Murphy 27 Ferrante 28 Boudoloh 30 Russo 31 Heck 32 Robertson 33 Rotella 34 Stepien 36 Sorleto 37 Defelice 38 Ma 39 Rhookson 40 McCallum 41 Elms 42 Papanikolou 43 Sorleto 44 Wallmeye r 45 Polemicos 46 Giovanoglou 47 Prestigiacomo 48 Wolter 4 9 Salloum 50 Parks 51 Kehagias 52 Guest 53 Trafford 54 Wake 55 Salloum 56 Fayad 57 58 Mess ~ke 59 Ackland 60 Parkes 61 Papa 62 Carter 64 Palmier i 66 Boudoloh 67 Carter

D D G P G D G D A W S S M G H M p J P L R J J M W J F J D 1 B J M M M D B J J P N J N N J F B D D D G R M A T T A C B p A

Coach : Jeffrey Wuson Res . Coach : Stephen Leitch


T Brown B Perelberg G Schembri A Ballantyne A Lane C Weller ADwyer AZsembery R Orme 0 Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill C Goldsworthy M Purcell M Aikman P West B Frail V Ryan A Waller M Gilchrist R Allen F Harrison A Latimer P Ryan S Crilly M Banks P Har ri son P Watson P Jabour S McKinley A Warsnop LArmstrong G Theoharris B Graetzer M Butler D Astbu ry T Millar M Nods T Cummins M Davies K Goldberg G Koumantatakis M Maschette W Van Ketwich 0 Drummond M Goold E Cowlishew J Goldswo rthy N Luce S Flood M Le Lievre J Wright

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

54 . M . Crosswell





55 . D. Carruthers 56 . D . Abbey 57 . D . Moore 58 . I. Smith 59 . L Barnes 60 . N . .4quifina 66 . B . Gilbe rt 88 . H . Hodgson



P Roseman SPARE M Bona SPARE SPARE G Pilikidis J Handy

56 57 58 59 60 62 69



. ,~ .1

coon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg ®r


Coach : Michael Learmonth Res : George Koumantataki s

1 . B. Gerace 2. R, Wlntle 3. S. Depiazza 4 . C . Lever 5 . S. Hewitt 6 . J. Horsburgh 7. A. Christo 8 . A. Horsburgh 9. F. Pavez 10. J. Wilson 11 . M. Christo 12 . M. Baulch 13. J. Braham 14 . J. Behold 15 . A. Board 16. S. Christo 17 . M. Aquiline 18 . G . Walker 19 . J. Mason 20 . D . Hudson 21 . L. Hudson 22 . S. Anderson 23 . S. Hun tington 24 . L. Fairfield 25 . Troy Edwards 26 . P. Mesman 27 . D . Billman 28 . D . Sla ttery 29 . S . Balloch 30 . A . Mokrusch 31 . A . Miller 32 . G. Jenkinson 33 . D . Benn 34 . B . Merryweather 35 . D . Rivalland 36 . S . Phillips ps 37 . A . Leitch 38 . D . Nikola 39 . M . Oldham 40 . S . Leitch 41 . K . Miller 42 . Trav Edwards 43 . A . Runciman 44 . B . Lennon 45 . S . Tindall 46 . R . Mutimer 47 . T Theodore 48 . J . Richardson 49 . R . Van Engelen 50 . P. Habersatt 51 . J . Akarana 52 . Ti Best 53 . J . Manolokakis

10 36 High St, .

Cccoh : Frank Bove Res Coach : Steven Lake

MA J OR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda


Roberts & D wye r Estate Ag en ts Aust Stee l I ndustrie s


BD FJ111 . ~ ,~ie -

7 Maurice Street, Nunav

The response since the naming of the "April T~rainer of the Month" has already borne fruit as we have had two nominations for May so far . Keep the nominations coming in . We still have not had any trainers putting their names forward to take part in tY - les time is running out and 1 am sure there are trainers who would like to be part of this proud VAFA tradition . Please email me your name and contact details so I can forward them on to Brett . The Trainers' A-soc'atie;- has asked for feedback from trait rs on how you are handlin g and if you the ra n conscio ; are encountering a ;i ~,,j :~`ilems with players , umpires, coaches < :.ii(i c,, cluh officials . We . . ;-e

hoping that everything in this regard is going smoothly and it is a benefit to you, your players and your club . Still no profile on Jeff as yet hope it will be in next week's Corner. If there is any product that you would like us to feature in this column please email me and I will contact Club Warehouse & Beiersdorf for thi s information . I will try to feature one product as a special every couple of weeks that may be of great help to you in your job of a Saturday . Any nominations, questions, products or snippets of interest to us all please email : chris'15(r i .)ond .com .

Leaders in custom printed tops and shorts for your team . Call us for your speci_il needs :





Sports & Medical Supplies Review ~ound 7 tips Section One f Blustery conditions made for an exciting match at Soldiers Good test or t e n who'll , der-leaders Wembee twice Woodsme Reserve last weekend, w i Lions by 3 coming from behind to snatch a thrilling 3 point victory over chop .the No respite for the Bears, the Hoers are "BIT' and will Old Xaverians . Leading by twent y seven at the first break, and goals . The Bombers will continue the Wellers eighteen at the last, Xavs struggled to combat a final quarter win by 16 points . The OMs are rested and will catch the misery by 4 goals wind-assisted charge by Gatt i s side who still remain . For the Ts - it's time to hit the books!! undefeated after six rounds of football . St Bernards also came- Sharks by 9 points 3 Review from-behind in their victory against Caulfield, a ten minute Section quarter securing a 14 point At JP Fawkner, Therry started well, but the Jackas' class passage of direct play in the las t defeated Old Brighton by 94 shone through in the last quarter, extended their lead by 5 d . Elsewhere St Kevins victory Blues by 75, while De La beat Old goals . Joel Quinn and Rob Windus on the ball were great for e points, Marcellin upset Uni Blu the Lions, but the Jackas received enough output from Scotch by 29. Nanfin (4 goals), Chester and Shaiced to finished 56 point s Preview

Werribee have the ahead . Now firming as premiership favourites, fa , chance to dethrone the curren t title holders this afternoon Spinner's young Raiders were no match against a tallerd . stronger and physical side in University Blacks, well serve to for the Mazda Cup y when they travel to St Bemards pla Despite sitting fourth on the ladder the Bernies are in less than convincing form, last week struggling against the winless Caulfield a side Werribee disposed of by 118 points . This match is likely to herald the changing of the guard, confirming Werribee's status as the section's top side while relegating St Bemards to mid-table challengers, Werribee by 24 points . This CV_' afternoori s most intriguing game is out at Marcellin College, where the home side take on a fired up De La Salle unit. Both U19 1 Shuttleworth 1 29 sides are three-and-three having displayed indifferent form University Blues Lee D 2 19 Werribee early in the season, and are hard to separate . 3vlarcellin did win Pyle 4 18 s by 75 last week and on home turf should be favourites, but I'm Old Xav Hancock 4 16 De La Salle 16 tipping an upset, De La by 5 points . Elsewhere easy victories Old Scotch 1 Snaddon should be on the cards for Old Xavs over Brighton and St iil9 2 Kevins over Uni Blues, while Old Scotch should avenge last 0 16 Morrison Rupertswoo d 0 15 week's loss with a win over Caulfield . Dimek Banyule Viewbank 0 14 Section 2 Review Oldfield y Old Trinit A minor upset out at TEAC where the Bombers got back onto 0 13 Jorgenson Colle an i s the winning list at the expense of Collegians . Mansour, Zammit eT193 and Stone, with four goals were stand-outs for the home side, Old Carey Ashworth 1 27 who remain in that tightly bunched group in equal 4th . Oakleigh Briggs 3 19 A little further up the highway, Rupertswood dispatched the Whitrfriars Woods 2 18 . Vk'ith Brennan an Bears by 46 points in a high-scoring affair University Blacks Bell 2 14 irrepressible target, booting 7 sausage rolls, and Watson & St Bedes Terrell 0 14 . Phillips combining in the middle, Rupo were rarely troubled Whitrfriars Aballah 0 13 Two first gainers in Dean and Holies slotted beautifully into the Aj ax Peters 3 13 tT19 Blue mix . Old Ivanhoe confounded all predictions with a scintillating last Bentleigh Ridgeway 0 32 . Trailing by 38 points, the quarter effort . against Beaumaris Peninsula Smith Doers hoisted the wet sail and motored home with 9 goals to 7 StJohns Ryan 0 2 1 none. Dawkins (6) was again fantastic, and had good support De La Salle l~orwood 11 20 from Fowler and Britten . For Beauy. Couples (4) and Wall Peninsula De Lange 1 16 Oakleigh Clays Nasrallah 3 14 battled hard . 3 All smiles at Trinity who recorded their third win over the Ormond Robbins 2 1 . The screws were turned in the 2nd and 3rd terms, U19 Blue 4 Wellers 0 despite the efforts of Pinkney & Shanks for the home side . De La Salle Davis Morrice burst from the bench and teamed with "Ding Dong" for 4 goals apiece, whilst "Faz" Burgess producing a very sleazy game in the middle .

OMs went to 11 Fornaio for some lemon tart . . . mmmm . . .lemon tart .

Old Westbourne Natevski 3 22 Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 0 22 Rupertsj=rood Pretty 3 20 Fitzroy Reds Chiew 10 19 La Trobe Uni Redmond 4 1 5 ~` : THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

by Team Barlow and Statham . The second half was more competitive effort, with the Blackers' taking the foot off the gas, and Parade will only learn from this experience . Good games from Sage and Seneca . After the 6th pull of the cord, the Ashers have finally got the motor running, outlasting the Unicorns by 5 goals at home . The Asher's superior desire saw them score 34 to zilch in the last stanza . Mazur (7) should be hoisted high with Solimo & Phillips . For the visitors, it's back to the drawing board . The Friars responded well to an Oakleigh flyer, but couldn't sustain it, succumbing by 20 points . Absorbing footy in the middle quarters, but once Oakleigh got the first goal in the last, they were never threatened . Luke Kaldor and AJ Adgemis were good Friar defenders, but couldn't match Costigan and that man Groake . The Tigers need to join my own team for some goal kicking this Thursday after they hit the main break kicking 2 .13D The Carey class prevailed in the last as they hit the front with Bessant and Stocco in the groove . For the Tigers, the efforts of Waters, Marks and Ritchie did not go unnoticed . Round 7 tip s Blacks versus Jacks - Blacks by stacks, well 6 goals . The Raiders by plenty, say 10 large, over Monash . Krushers to continue their surge, over Therry by 33 points . Tough one for the Tigers, but they'll tuck the Friars away by 8 points . A nightmare for the Unicorns as Carey will run riot by 15 goals+ . Under-19 Blue - Review The Demons kicked with their non-preferred foot in the first half, then changed to regular footy, winning by a lazy 102 points . The "Wyld/West Show" came to town for Bentleigh as they ran all over the Swans . Happy to see Fiedorowacz and Ayoubi in the best for Sth Melbourne . The JOCs scoffed at my tight game prediction and had the game shot by half time . Kennaugh had a day to remember with "Basil" D'Oliviera (one for the cricket fans) holding up his end . The Clays will want to forget this one . High scoring and entertaining footy at Le Gunn, but the visitors licked the postage stamp better by 9 points . The Rovers launched a stirring fight back to snatch the lead in the dying minutes . Best for the victors was Leigh Cave while Cannell kicked 5 goals . The Monds had plenty of goal kickers, with Davis (4) the best return . Mazenod were very disappointed with their efforts against De La Salle (2) last Saturday . The De La boys were first to the ball all day and, as a result, recorded a massive 106 point win . Weekes & Mather can hold their heads high, but no-one could contain Morwood (11 snags) . Crowe and Silvers . The top two clashed at Bennetswood, where the Pirates handed the Animals a"right royal towelling" . No idea who did well for the Pirates (Mitch must be on location somewhere!), but the ESL crew were led by Ford, Robin and Stafford . Round 7 tips Swans will just fall short ofJOCs by 22 points . The Clays may score an upset over the Rovers by 9 points . The De La train will stop at Benileigh and go no further, down by 56 points . Pirate party time, the Nodders will feel pain, by 14 goals . The Monders just can't take a trick, the Animals by 10 goals . Section Red - Revie w Six rounds in and Fitzroy still remain undefeated, the Reds easily disposing of North Old Boys last weekend by 138 points . Despite having inflicted a similar margin just three rounds earlier . NOBs were no match for a side who are far too strong on paper, the Reds now 6-0 and boasting the third best percentage in all VAFA sections. Still only four points behind,

La Trobe continue to match their ladder-leading counterparts, the Uni side comfortable 96 points winners over the UHS-VU/SBC combine . Elsewhere Old Xaverians (2) upset Old Westbourne by 33 points, while Rupertswood (2) held off a courageous Bulleen outfit the second-string side home by 6 points. Preview Fitzroy will be out to stretch their undefeated record when they travel to Old Westbourne this afternoon . The Reds have been in superb form winning their past two games by hundred-plus margins, while Old Westbourne have shown only glimpses of promise . Once again this afternoon the Reds shouldn't be troubled, Fitzroy by 40 points . Although statistics show La Trobe should also win easily when they travel to Bulleen, the Bullants are in better form then their ladder position suggests the side unlucky to go down against Rupertswood last weekend . Having lost three games by 8 points or less, Bulleen will be ruing not taking the four points against lesser opposition, especially when they come up against the section's heavyweights like La Trobe, the Uni side by 35 points . Elsewhere Old Xaverians should record their fourth consecutive win away to the UHS-VU/SBC combine, while North Old Boys should bounce back from last week's thrashing and defeat the well-rested Aquinas .

TODAY'S MATCHES UNDER-19 SECTION I Old Xaverians v Old Brighton St Kevins v University Blues St Bernards v Werribee Amateurs Old Scotch v Caulfield Gr at Camberwe ll Sports Groun d Marcellin v De La Sall e

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Rupertswoo d Banyule Viewbank v Old Ivanhoe Old Camberwell v Old Essendon Gr at S tradbrok e Park, Kew (45 K4)

Old Trinity - Bye Beaumaris v Old Melburnian s UNDER-19 SECTION 3 AJAX v University Black s

Old Paradians v Monash Blues Oakleigh v Therry Penola 0 B St Bedes Merit Tig v Whitefriar s MHSOB v Old Carey U NDER-19 ( 2) BLUE

South Melb Districts v St Johns 0 C Oakleigh Clays v Hampton Rovers - game switched from ori ginal draw De La Salle (2) v Bentleigh Peninsula 0 B v Mazenod 0 C Ormond v Emmaus St Leos 0 C at Sportsco速ef Arena, May 2B at 6 .15 p.m . UNDER-19 (2) RED Rupertswood ( 2) - By e Bulleen Templestowe v La Trobe Uni North Old Boys v Aquinas 0 C Old Westbourne v Fitzroy Reds UHS-VU/St Bernards v Old Xaverians (2)


I UNDER-19 SECTION 1 2 .6 11 .10 13.10 19.1s (130) AMATEURS AVF,RIANS 7 .3 10.6 16.10 19.13 (127) DID X Weridlace Amateurs: Chalmers 4 C Lee 4 Taylor 3 Miller 3 D Lee 2 Cations Mcnally. Best Chalmers McNally Cations C Lee D Lee Russo . Old Raverians: Pyle 4 Fitzgerald 3 Ryan 2 Ginnhron 2 Purcell 2 Silk Sheedy Rees Forrest Moylan Distefano. Best: McDonnell Distefano Fitzgerald Iar}ans Ohatdon Chapman . Umpires : Andrew Shiels (F) OLD BRIGHTON 7.7(49) ST EEVRIS 21 .17 (143) Old B:ight oz : Salem 4 Leaf Edge Kennet. Best: Tregear Sheehan Edge Cooney Ftlipovic Newman. St Ecvins: Mount 5 Mica 4 Mermuriou 4 Charles 2 OToole 2 Dowd OHanolon Sexton Longnore . Best: O'Rourke Mias Glenane D Sullivan M Sullivan Charles . Umpires: Mark Duthie Paul Rapke (F)1Vill Stokes Jordan Mayston (B) UNI BLUES 1 .5 1 .5 4.6 6.8(44) MARCESIIN 2.2 8.5 13.8 18.11 (119) Unl Blnes: Couper 2 Shuttleworth 1',`estmore Ross Minus . Best: Merin Minns Hage Rankin Westmore Shaugtessy . Marcellin: Wadsworth 4 M Bortolotto 4 J Bortolotto 3}Villtams 3 Carlson 2 Money Papaluca. Best: Wadsworth J Bortolotto Colson Cunningham Crapper Considine . Umpires : Daniel Dineen Logan Smith (F) Joel Pdigoall (B) Ce1DI.1 IE1D GRAMMARIANS 3.0 8.2 9.3 12.5 (77) ST BERNARDS 3.1 6.3 8.5 14.7 (91) Cash Logan 6 Jennings 2 Nickles 2 Edwards Murphy . Best: Strain Murphy Logan Edwards Hammond C}4'inter . St Barn : Pearson 4 Govan 2 Mitchel] 2 Pitts 2 Runnalls Walsh Salvadori Kavanagh . Best: Pearson Buts Walsh Mitchell Ryan Oxen(ord . Umpires : Nick Ryde Dean Banova (F) Andrea Ma'son Michael Rvde (B) DE IA SAtdE 5.2 9.4 12.7 18.11 (119) OLD SCOTCH 2.3 5.5 8 .9 13 .12 (90) De La Salle : Hancock 4 ODonnell 3 Kelliher 2 Brown 2 Keely 2 Smith Stewart Quick Browning DenueoH . Best: Jarvis Brown Demicnli Stewart Dwyer Quick Old Scotch: Berry 4 Allen 3 Cade Utley Snaddon McKenna Hocking Amutrong. Best Armstrong P.allace-Smith Berry Pearce Sutherland Alen, Umpirea: Avi }lFksehnan Luke Duthie (F) Stephen Bogisich Hagen Cosgriff (G) UNDER-19 SECTION 2

OID ESSENDON 4.1 6.8 10 .8 16.13 (109) COLLEGIANS 4.2 5 .2 10 .5 12 .5 (77) Old Essendon : Stone 4 Baddeley 3 Baskan 2 Towner 2~Vilson Rumble TZ Cerantonio Z.annnit . Best : Mansour Stone Fitzgerald Mitchell 7arnmitTowner . Collegians: Details not received. Umpirns: Jason Line Paul Matton P Leah Gannon Adrian Borg (B) RUPERTSWOOD 6.2 10 .11 13.17 21 .21 (147) BANYUIE-VtEWBAN)3 5.4 9 .6 13.13 14 .17 (101) Rupertswood: Brennan 7 Dowsett 4 McEwan 2 Watson Bradley Boxall Harrison Vanboxtel Phillips Motile Evans . Best : Phillips Boxall Brennan • VJenke 4 Po}'ser 3 Morgan 2 Harrison Monte Gaunt. BaayulaVi Stavropolous 2 Brockmell Tsingaris Christian . Best: Wenke Kavr" Adams Herbert Park Skicko. Umpires: Sean Sculty(Snr) David DAltera (F ) 8.6 17 .12 (114) DID IVANHOE 1 .2 6 .4 BEAUMARIS 6.5 12 .5 14.8 14.12 (96) Old Ivanhoe: Daw4dru 6 Fowler 3 Keane 2 Britten 2 Harrison 2 Foster Safa. Best : Fowler Britten Dawkins Hargrave Foster }'leston. Beaumar3s: Couples 4 Clemente 3 Berry 2 Hill 2 Edmeades 2 Bowker I . Best : Berry Dean Couples PJall Evans Wilson. Umpires: Bruno Savi Brian Woodhead (F) Michael Bather Michael Neilty (B) OID c Id, 1 .4 2.7 4.8 7.13 (55) DID TRINITY 2 .4 7.8 12.11 17.15 (117) Old Camberwell : Melzer 3 B. Cottrell Rigzin Taylor Tsindos . Best: Pinkney Renshaw Morley Shanks Salfpas Bruce . Old Trinity: Bell 4 Morrice 4 Bourke 2 Hogarth 2 Pourgess Butler Kelly Kenna Simmons . Best: Kenna Kelly Hore-Lacey Mortice Webster Burgess . Umpi re s: Anthony Damen (Rot) Jack Lloyd (F) Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoukis (B )

OLD MEIBURNIANS HAS THE BYE UNDER-19 SECTION 3 17TFd2RY PENOLA 3 .1 42 8.5 9.6(60) AJAX 3.3 6.8 11.11 17.14 (116) T9eeny Penolo : Capewell 3(3uinn 2 Leslie 2 Skiathitis Morris . Best : Quinn Windus Sawyer Boyd Leslie Capewell . BJAY_: Nanfin 4 Routman 3 Peters 3 Gieoni 2 A Lewis 2 Chester Luran Goldman . Best: Kagan A Lewis Goldstein Chester Nanfin Shaiced . Umpires: Nick Brown Dinritri Pappas (F) Perrin Brown Julian Macc.ioni (B )

UNI BLACKS 6.2 11.2 15 .4 16.7 (103) OLD PARADIANS 1 .2 2.6 4 .10 8.14 (62) Uni Blacks: Statham 4 H Barlow 4 D Barlow 2 Bell 2 Ross 2 Howson And . Best: D Barlow H Barlow Sheldon Statham McGowan Scott old Paradirms : Luff3 Derham 2 Cowles Magaton Whyley. Best: Sage Cowles 7ivanavic Hussey Seneca Spitty. Umpires : Mark Alexander (F) 50

B10NASH BLUES 3.3 6 .6 8.9 13 .13 (91) 9.6(60) BSASOB 2.4 6 .4 9.6 & Blum Mazur 7 Adamson 2 Gurr McDonald Cobban Solimo . Best : Phillips SoHmo Mazur Barlow Shields Pollard. NHSOB: Higouns 3 Mitchel 2 Atkins 2 Goldy Hi gginbottom. Best: Parker McGacth Gold Taft Higons. Umpires: Tom Haysom Darren RowHn ..on (F) W1BIEEFSUAFLS 4.1 5 .3 8.5 9.5(59) OAfilEdGH 2 .1 6 .4 9.9 11 .13 (79) : Marchesi 3 Woods 2 Day Walker Arthurson Tartaglia . Best 9fif Kaldor Adg^,mis Merriest Stagg Lcskt fvihurson . Oaklelgh : Castigan 4 S Brigp 3 Groake 2 Holden Cleary. Best: Costigan htiddlemiss Counihan Lamb J Briggs Gmake . Umpires : Graham Thwaites (Rnt) (M

4.2 5 .7 5 .12 9.14 (68) OLD CAREY ST BEDES 0 .9 2 .13 5 .18 5.18(48) Old Carey : OBrien 2 Dudman Cornwell Thompson Gkanne Ashworth Carpenter Niven. Best: Eddison Bessant Alexander Dudman Stocco Davis. St Bedes: Waters Lynch Griffiths Porter Ritchie, Best Waters McMurray Marks McNeil Ritchie. Umpires: Brett Herskope Tom Mahon (F) Dean Herskope Michael Roche (B) Malcolm Fflleul (G ) UNDER-19 (2) BLUE 1.10 3 .18 14 .19 21 .25 (151) BENTLEIGH 7.7(49) S'Sgl VET DiST 0 .1 1 .5 4.6 Bent: R Morris 5 Forrest 5 West 4 Meehan 7llbgstatn Lewis Dewar Davis . Best: Davies Weld Smith }Vest t .evts Meehan. Sth Haiti Dist: Benv~e9 nuto 2 Domingo Yelland Tangas Batchelor . Best: Whiting Batchelor Redorawricz Ayoubi Mahoney Benvenuto. Umpires: Sarah McGill Jack Fagan (F) Gmeme Booth James Patrick (G) ST JOHNS O C 4 .7 9.11 16.13 19.18 (130) OAIEIG€3 CLAYS 0 .2 1 .5 3.6 8.10 (58) St Johns 0 C: Nguyen 5 Kennaugu 4 Blythe 2 Peake 2 Jacotine Riley Horton MorelloTiuner Walker. Best Magee Walker D'OltvierA Kennaugh Riie~Homan . Osleigh Clays : Nasrallah 3 Lazvakis 2 Nethtt 2 Thompson . Best Cook Sotoulis Bilithlo Iazarakis Nevitt Plozza. Umpires: Mitch Buxton (F) 4 .4 5.7 12.9 17.11 (113) ORMOND HAMPTON ROVERS 4.2 11 .7 13.11 18.14 (122) Ormond: Davis 4 Mitsios 2 B Robbins 2 Ashley Black Brosnan De Norris Fisher Jacobs Machin S?yers David . Best Evans Brosnan Barnes Davis Robbins Machin . Hampton Rovers: Connell 5 Pinto 4 Giasoumi 2 0 Brien 2 7ampaglione 2 Malthouse Newton Watkins . Best: Connell Cave Giasoumi Pinto Kenny Newton. Umpires: Anthony Vaiopoulos Mark Jenkins (F) Symeon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G ) 4.1 5.3 6.3 8.7(55) MAZENOD DE lA S Sld E (2) 7.2 10.5 17.9 25.11 (161) Mazenoit Norman 2 Weekes 2 Nutting 2 Johnson Pecora. Best: Regan Norman Bradley Castricum Weekes . De In Salle (2) : Morw^ood 11 Casey 4 Fleeteher 2 tloward 2 Murphy 2 b4cCardle 2 Meikl john Smyth . Best Crowe Morwood Silvers Murphy Robson Meiktejohn . Umpires : Patrick Couflhard (F) EMMAUS STIEOSOC 0.2 1.9 5.11 9.13(67) PENINSULA O B 12.5 17.5 19.8 26.13 (169) Emmaus: Whelan 4 Stafford McPhee Kay Barry Ford. Best: Ford Barry McCann Robin Damim Stafford . Penins: D Smith 7 Miller S Stain(orth 3 Wignall 3 Madder 2 De Lange Kenny Boumon O'Loughlin Jay Kriebel . Best: Preston Dade-Bell Heggle Stain(orth Barron O'Loughlin, Umpires: Tony Utley (F) UNDER-19 (2) RED AQUINAS 0 C HAS THE BYE R o0D (2) 2.3 7.12 10 .20 12 .22 (94) B 4.3 7 .3 9 .5 13 .10 (88) Rupatinvood : Pretty Silvester 3 Smith 2 M Arthurson P Barry D Glen Jones . Best: Pretty Sihtster P Barry Glen Jones. BuIleen Tempi : Lee 4 Georgalopoulas D Millar 2 S Millar P Va jhlis Saari Meadows M L'olgis . Best : Lee Geocgatopoulas S Millar P Vol~,pis Coulston Saad . Umpires: Scott Fraser (F) TA TROBE UNIVERSITY 8 .3 12.11 18 .15 22 .18 (150) UHS-VU/ST BERNARDS 3 .5 5 .7 6 .11 7 .12 (54) La Trobe University: Lynch 6 Redmond 4}}ood 3 Borelli 3 Van Got 2 Whitehead Edwards McMaster Tomlinson. Best: Wood McGough Van Got Lynch Bereft Davies. UHS-W/St Bernards : Clarke 3George 2 DeCampo 2. Best: Tumer Dube Oakley George Trevzthan Pegg~ Umpires : Geoff Kell}' Josh W'hite-Spier (F) PTIZROY REDS 5 .4 10 .13 14.17 25 .23 (173) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .2 1 .2 3 .4 5 .5 (35) Fitzroy Reds : Chiew 10 Magee 6[.eiaster 2 Greenwood 2Topp 2 Dullard 7rka Edwards, Best : Magee Edwards Donato 7ika Younger' Chiew. North Old Boys: S O'Connor Inin Jensen Flanders Burgess . Best Kennedy Raby Burgess S 0'Connor O'Halloran White . Umpires : Di Whiteley David Murray (F)

Oil) RAVERTPddS 2 .3 4.6 6.9 12.11 (83) OLD WESTBOUF;NIS 5 .3 6.7 8.8 8.11 (59) Old Xaverlimse Quinn 4 Murray 3 Dynon 2 Trahair Henderson Vaughan . Best Patterson Adams Rubira Quinn Meehan Murray . Old e: lt7iiting 4 Ristevski 3 Hudson . Best: Grysan Hudson Tanner Whiting Squarct. Umpires: Brian Nunn Ryan Hense (E) p THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004°®19 - Section 1 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 1 Noblett T 2 Wearne J DVC 3 Murphy C Ca 4 BuckthougM D 5 Hammond T 6 Hammond C DVC 7 Rudd WVC 8 9 Edr+ar ~ ds N 10 Winter G 11 Evans R

12 Goodwin-Doming S 13 Strain A 14 Lill C 15 Andrew T 16 May C 17 Nibrando A

~ 18 Kearsey J 19 Pdts J 20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W 22 Patterson A 23 D'tvcy Z VC 24 Benkemoun M 25 Fagan T 26 Kalaja E 28 Nicklos M 31 Ganood S 33 Logan A 39 Cater B 42 SundbEtg M 45 Acfield B

BE LA SALLE (BLUES) Coach : David Madigan Asst: Scott Jones 1 T. Kovess 2 A . Quick 3 M . Fieldsend 4 M . Brown (c) 5 T. John J . Pitcher 7 D . KeelyY 8 V. Moloney 9 B . Vague (vc) 10 N . Smith 11 A . Hancock 12 S . Conway (vc) 13 B . Davis 14 W. Dwyer 15 D. Hocking 16 L. Casey

17 L. Bowden 18 V. Buckley 19 S . Morwood 20 M . Demicoli 21 J. McGuiness 22 T. Donegan 23 R. McArdle 24 N. Stewart 25 C. Kelliher 26 M . Harkness 27 L . O'Donnell 28 L . Jarvis 29 M . Nankervis 30 J. McKenzie 34 D . Rayson 36 S. Crowe

37 A. Shields


Coach: Dean Rossely 1 . T Money 2 . A Papaluca 3 . J Carlson 4 . J Mahon 5. J Bortolotto 6. S Considine 7. M Gorgovski 8. A Layton 9. C Nikolakopoulos 10. J Williams it . S Farelly 12. D Valsorda 13. A Power 14. R Davis 15. S Tandridge 16. B Ryan t 7. S Nutbean 18. C Purcel l 19. J Crappe r 20• P Deluca 21 . P Robbins 22 . D Carolan 23 . A Ceccomancini 24 . A McGlin 25 . D McMahon 26 . S Preece 27 . J McPadand 28 . C Cogdon 29 . D Fraser 30 . R Redmond Yarra Valley Country

Club - Bulleen

46 N . Hart



Coach : Luke Stewart

Coach : Bruce Armstrong Asst Coach : Mike Smith

I Bartlett M 2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A 5 Christie J 6 Coone y S D o h e rt y R 8 Dunca n S 9 Edge J 10 Fielke G 11 Fi1iPovrc L 12 Gri9 w A 13 Gutteridge T 14 Hubbard S

1 B Nickless

15 Jackson L

16 Joseph R

19 T Gaunt 20 M Ramag e

17 Kennedy A

21 w Pearce 22 T Kec k

18 Kennet T 19 Latta R 20 Leaf J 21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 May M 24 McDonald L 25 Mooney B 26 Newman M 27 Overend E 28 Parkes M 29 Pasoan! J X 30 Pomeroy 31 Reincke T

32 Salem J 33 Sheehan C 34 Stenner N 35 Tolj C 36 Tregear A

53 D . Browning

Hawthorn Coach U19(1): Adam Sassi Coach 1 .119(2) : David Galbally


ST.KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Coach : Richard Obee

17 A Wallarr_ Smit h 18 AFekete

23 M Cathi e 24 J Porter 25 Aw Suthenand 26 LTalb ot 27 S Jonas 28 H Dick 29 J Brownell 30 ABoea 31 J Cade 32 R Gerslma n 33 C Backman 34 J Williams 35 S Jackso n 36 S Elde r 37 R Hockin g 38 M ti n 39 H Peters 40 E Cruickshank 41 R Dumaresq 42 S McMurtne 43 S Shields 44 E Water s

45 0 McIntosh 46 D Beanr e



Coach : Fab Gatti

Coach : Tim Giles

Coach: David La w 2 Hurley D

10 Garth 8 11 Marion A

7 R Taylor 8 S Ryan 9 J Syme

6. L. Couper

10 She 5 i Mau ovn~

7. C . Bradley 8. B. G in

6 . D . Lee 7 . P. Keog h

i3 M"ehn-n smith J

12 Oco""°r D

10 D Wissell

9. J. Westmore

15 Mitchell A 16 Oxenrord P

11 A Lynch 12 J Liston

10 . J. Bunkle 11 . M. Shaughnessy (VC)

8 . T. Andrews

4 Walsh M

2 T Oloole

5 Hughes J 7 Liberatore C

3 4 5 6

8 Matthews


s Evans 0

1j M~eeryan D 18 Di Sletano S 19 Rees D 20 Ginnivan L 21 Ryan S 22 Smith D 23 Butler N 24 tndovinoF 25 Henderson R 26 O'Hanlon M 27 Palmer T

17 Rogers C 2o Maggiwe M 21 Whelan T 23 Ianazzo D 24 Runnals B 25 Govan C 27 Sytiaxroh M 30 Lancashire D

29 Fusinato R 30 Fnz4_~rafd J 31 Mulrany J 32 RavWa S 33 Crowe 8 Morrison N 35 qp usJ NO 36 hfurra M 37 Trovaid M 38 Fonest J 39 Sahety K

38 Buis K 39 Demotion t . 40 Kavanagh A 43 Stapleton J 45 Johnson B

28 Trahair T

Stack J 42 Gdley 0(c)

41 Clarte S

43 Tobin L 44 Quinn D 45 McCormack R 46 Sweeney J

47 Chapman P 48 Torrance S 49 Corcoran T

50 Chester P 51 BwandE 52 iry 53 ,a, ~n~r S 54 French R 55 Henderson C 56 tavis C 57 Manly D 58 McFa rfane T 59 Pattison L

33 Gourley M 35 Ryan B

50 Schroder R 58 Pitts B

59 Pearson T 70 Prendi E 75 McDermott C

B Dowd S Sexto n D Petrou M Hobbs

13 P Mercouriou 14 J Marchesani 15 M Sullivan 16 R Arnott 17 J Charles 18 D Tilkeddi s 19 LGulliver 20 K Mios 21 T WooBe

22 D Gibbs

23 T O'hanlon 24 D Sulliva n 25 P Gallivan 26 P Longmore 27 J 0'rourke 28 B Cooke 29 P Glenane

1 . G . Muir

t . M. Palmington 2 . L . Gatti

i Purcell P 2 Rutrra E 3 Rtzgerald M 4 Mo~an N 5 Vaughan S 6 pge L 7 McDonnell J ( dvc ) 9 Mortensen J

14 Larkins C 15 Sir, N

1 J Mahe

13 S P pa t4 M Giulien a

15 P McKenna 16 E eatroune y

47 E Beaurepaire 48 TGraham



2 K~~ 3 T Bull 4 5 S Lilley 6 SAinger 7 LArmst ron 8 B snaddor9 9 M Szakiel t0 THarknes s 11 N Alle n 12 ATesdwpf

2. D. Marshall 3. P. David 4. M . Dwyer

5. A. Farrel l


J . Russo

12 . T Saitt2 13 . J. Hummel

10 . B . Stornebrink 11 . T Ballan

14 . R . Hage

12. R . Barker

15 . W. Robinson 16 . M. D o d s

17 . C . Northway (DVC) 18. T. Conn 19 . D . Heinz (Capt)

20 . T. Maddocks

21 . R . Minns 22. N . Shutttewort h 23. N . B u r chel l 24. H . Rankin 25. J . Sundermann 26. D. Hill

30 B Scanlan

27. W. Bright

31 P Mclennan 32 M Sherman

28. M . Torne (VC) y N) 29. L Woodhouse (DVC )

35 E Wilkinso n 36 T Trewin 40 DI Mount

44 J Tennent

30. N. Vandenbosch 31 . J . Green 32. K. Mario 33. C. Ross


35. W. Hughes 36. M . Carolan 37. S. Anderson 38. J. Gree n

33 S Neohordis

3 . C . Lee 4 . P. Chalmer s 5 . A. Taylor

34. C. Haine s

13. A . McNall y 14. D . Bunworth 15. M . Purton 16. M . Cation s

17. T. Rosza k 18. N. Addam o 19. P. Cassin 20. P. Spry PrY 21 . S . Turra 22. B. Russel l

23. B. Black 24. R. New 25. J. Bingham 26. S. Simpso n 27. B. McMahon 28. M . Mille r 29. S. Smith

30. N .Renaui



Under-19 -- Section 2 DADYULE-VIEWDAUK Coach : Phiv Demetriou

1 wenke, Z 2 anodn"A J 3 tacgo em,A 5

&wm. AP

6 Mor9an,ia (C ) 7 Moo re, R e R J

9 C~av,, M(v,C,) 10 stavroFaa,s, C 11 Cnmmirrs,J 12 Poyser.J

t4 ~~~J NC) 15 DDoru,Nl. l 1s G,mersor,, p 17 Savrrepdws A 18 Wise, T 19 D;,r,eck, g 20 Mdxan, 0 21 Hames, M 22 Ts~s, J(C .I 23 st> cer. J 24 eator~ey, A(v.C .) 25 Tout, S 26 Pesavenro, 5 27 ay ooz D 28 sk~dco, c 29 s,vin, J 30 oRarrxe, p 31 Deperro, M 32 D,,nstOne,d 33 Her6ert, D

34 sneprard,T 35 Jones J 36 BUc`ley, C 37 Shepherd . D


Coach : Mick Deaton Asst: Mark Berry 3 . L. Quirk 4 . L. Hill 5 . D . Wall (DVC) 6 . M . Bramwell 7 . P. Irons 8 . A . Clemente 9 . M. Wilson (C) 11, J . Dickie 14, P. Berry (VC) 15 . B . Norris 16. D . Murphy 17, C. Evans (VC) 20 . J . Atkins 21 . T. Shugg 22 . T. Boreham 23 . C, Terpsenis 25. B . Bowker 26. J . Starke 28. S . Dean 29. T. Waller 33. D. Couples 34. D. Taylor 36. P. Ghys 37. J , Heath 38. J . Edmeades 40. C. S hone 42. S, Hoult 44. S . Vipond 47. M . Imlach 48. K. Gasperino 49. M . Cairns 50. A, Elston 52. J . Williams

COLLEGIANS Coach : Andrew Kenneally Ass Coach : Michael Jones 1 A . Stone 2 M . Parrent 3 M . Rice 3 S . Gilbert 4 A . Bridgeman 5 M . Robertson 6 D. Williamson 7 C. Etg 8 J. Curls 9 M . Rose 10 D. Cannizo It A . Wright - Smith 12 A. Khoury 13 Z . Moon 14 J. Ashman 15 O. Howard 17 D. Stiff 18 A. Fabris 19 J. Holman 20 D. Mutton 21 F. Boland 22 M . Williams 22 E. Adams 23 C. Lynch 24 J. Jorgensen 25 T Higginbotham 27 G . Rowstan 29 J. Little 30 R . Cremar 31 N. Bobeff 33 A. Gregory 36 T. Wilson 38 T. Cook 65 M. Lynch ... .


Coach : Michael Blake Coach : Anson Brownless I C Payn e

1 . D . Zampaglion e 2. D . Clarke 3. J. Corbett 4. I. Nicholls 5 . L . Smith 6. N . Pinto 7. S. Gravina 8. J. HiIIe 9 . G . Cannel l 10 . G . Giasoumi It . Y. Kobayashi 12 . D . Hughes 13 . D . 0'Brien 14 . L Jones 15 . G . M arlyn 16 . D . Kettle 17 . M. De Luca 18 . J. Chiarzia 19 . N . Oriti 20 . T. Malthouse 21 . T. Porter 22 . R . Sharp 24 . C . Christianson 25 . L. Cave 26 . K. Rubtsov 27 . S. Suleyman 30 . T. Rootsey 31 . B. Wright 34 . S. Newton 35 . M. Westhead 38 . C . Watkins 43 . R Kenny 44 . D . Williams ~ ,

.:rJ it!

3 a~o r 5 NLTslndos 6 P Pinkney 9 A Salipa s 1 0 B C ott r e ll

11 D Morf e 12 D Bruce 13 H Melze r 14 AApen 15 N Hill 16 T Barro w 17 G Tucker 18 D Sciol a 19 D Wavle 21 D McGUigan 22 K Kosa 24 N Maxstead 25 N Beale 28 C Hike r 27 A Renshaw 28 I Rye 30 T Angove s 32 MDavaan k 34 G Tolson 39 B Mackie r- 7- 1 ~ : . . . .- . . AL . GttstcAL a GA5 MuMt APPLIANCE S 9 8 5 7 8 0 6 1 . ._ .. -------- _ . I

38 Wright, R 39 Mdntosh, J 40 etaYney P


Coach : Shane Harvey-Little Team Manager ; 6r~s a W~am on 1 Baddeley R

2 Betlmger L 3 Baskan E

4 Bones L 5 oamm ea 6 Canning A 7 caponnetto S s Camso 8 9 Ceramw,io 10 Ceranton io


D 11 Christou A 12 Cinnick S

13 Dazklw J

14 Francis J 15 Heritage C 16 Jelhs M

11 Ktenas F 18 Leban D

19 Leech C

20 Leu ry H 21 Mansour J

22 Mitchell 8

23 Narnkervis D 24 Phillips J 2S RumWe T 26 Shaw M

27 Tent N 28 Towner S 29 Trevaskis >rf 30 7zambazfs C

31 Uren N 32 Williams d 33 Wilson T 34 Zammfl 0


Coach : Ben Covelli

OLD M E4 DULOIANS Coach : Owen Lalor Ass : Ryan L'Huillier

U-Fi -1ia :l I Coach : can Peters

1 M Ferrantrnn

I Cudlipp T

2 A9alanin

2 Haralambous A 3 Oman D 5 Hardy E 6 Tucker J 7 Jones L 8 Moffatt R 9 Prowse A 10 Kauye A 11 Manahan A 12 Mermagas A 13 Hanchette C 14 Armstrong A

1 Bilwani A 2 Day M 3 Marsden A 4 Webster J C/C 5 Simmons H 6 Petdro J 7 Kenna J C/C 8 Stewart F 9 Butler K 10 Stebbins N 11 Burke M 12 Harrod T

15 Baker E 16 Christian W

13 Baylis M 14 Bur 9ess M

3 J UI an i s 4 R Butler

5 AHargraves 6 R FAz9eraltl

7 K Ellie a STaghizadeh 9 J Mines 10 T Hamson 11 N Clarke

12 K 0'Hehir

13 J Binney 14 A Foster 15 G Hope 16 I e Saunders 7 Z Keane (VC) 8 I Dawkins (Capt) 19 C crewes 20 8 Weston 21 G Stravakis

22 J Britten (VC) 23 G Reynard AC~e 24 25 J Hyndman 26 DNtchal

27 s Leon 28 J Cartel) 29 C Roge r 30 G Foriter 31 3 Leslie

17 Penton W 18 Dick J 19 Mitchell E 20 Pannifex A

21 Russell N 22 Beckley J 23 Osmond D 24 Russell N 25 Schiv o M 26 Bender L 27 Richardson W

28 Brener J 29 Hawes C 30 Jones L

32 S Kefalas

31 TheOdOUIOU C.

33 A Steer 34 AGioster

32 Kauye A 33 Miller D 34 Rafferty J 35 Beaumont J

Major Sponsor

R MILES REAL ~; aompson 47 Lugg ESTATE


15 HookeA

16 Walsh T 17 Lamb T 8 StOCkdale C

19 Outfield T 20 Medland A 21 Mears-Dagen M 23 Burke A 25 La7zarottOA

26 Hore-Lacy A 27 Schuyler M 28 Neville A 29 Hogarth J 30 Dickenson A V/C i de Bruin S 32 LesinskisM 35 O'Connell J 39 Morrice T 45 Belt C

49 Kelly $

1 pt"li~ a ti . --'1 a L 5 0: s r :: :e P-.: :-..' 9 „..: 12 Evans 13 R,,,,,,,,e.r ts Clark - 6 Mmzel i7 ou: y

ts 'e ct ~~ ~~ 22 Sale

23 6,nop = 2e vi 26 t,+, .p

J T M 6 x J L A

R ta

o M S s L M

ao m 31 MG 32 W.han

~M C

~ 36

a nr.der~son


R-Y 39 earr y &e'mar' 41 Sheppard 42 Tem+ruog 43 Sm:m

L s D t

39 olrver 34 H .'.

37 H


4 45


o J


Gib. J--

p~ A

S~ro; ~ R+~e


3 54 56 P-e14 11 &:+-r 51 ~o .re; 58 Baddeley 71 74 5-if 78 0 79 wacson 60 osn

o5 2 r

LAT607 M ca

Under-19 - Section 3 M NSOD


Coach: Gary Blusztein 2. J . Fayman 3. J . Karp 4. G. Lewis 5. J. Givoni 6 ..,.

7. M . Chester 8. J. Feld 9. E. Holtman 12. D. Raleigh 14. *•'

15. A. Goldstein i 6. A. Lewis 17. A. Busti n

18. B. Lukav 19. A. Weinstein 20. A. Wollner 21 . A. Chrapot 22. 23. R . Lewis 24. D . Bustin

25. R . Kagan 26 . B . Nankin 27 . G. Massey 28 . R. Spdberg 29 . J. Goldman 30 . *'"

I Berthot J 2 Stace . M 3 Petrou . R 4 Bugefa. R 5 R,chardson. D 6 G~tld~ngs D

7 Rose . S 8 Watson. P


Watts D

10 Whyley D

11 Ry an . R 12 Irvine M 14 Patens M 15 Grech T 16 So:oman . M

17 we S t8 Guovski . T 19 Snow M Sp~the. 0 21 Rehbck~, S 22 Derham M 23 Sage. C 24 Seneca J

25 Magat«, . M 26 K,-e, J 27 Cowses. A 28 Hussey. 0 29 Serafin A 30 Pran N

31 0!arr, 8 32 Momsey. B

1 J Aitken

2. P. Gun

3 A Van Rooyen

5. J. Pollard

. Phm~p

3. 4.

4 T Schocke r 3 S Whittington 4 B Gevaux 5 G Bla u 6 T Biddington

6. L Levisto n 7. B. Ha vter 8. A. Mehta 9. J . Moor e M J . Mays

7 D Gold 9 J Maihevr 10 C Eva 1 ~ Volkering

B. M

s Adamson

71, B .Crwckshank 12. T BartrrN 13. M. Pay 1a. . Smekfs

75. J . Stephenson 16. M. Brady 17. K Mudge t6. R Glover 19. F. Johnson 20. B . H ndle i 21 . M. McMaho n 22. B . Soaim o 23 . B. Janssen 24 . A. J Py l e F 25 . J.

13 2 R Read 14 P McGrath 15 D Membrey 16 A Villani 17 A Orchard 18 R Newland 19 S Foley

20 T Dunn e 21 J Marmo 22 P Greenhil l 22 R Erin 23 A Hogan 23 S Mitchel l 24 M Avram 24 K Harding 25 R Whitehouse

26 . J. Mazu r 2z C. MacDonald 28 . I. Tsaoussi 29 . T Ccbban 30 . D Stewart 31 . M . Haves

26 A Edwards 26 M Van Alphen 27 R Osidac z 27 T Middleton 28 G Sauttr~ 28 M Hami on-Ho

32 . T. Hodgson 33 A. Hone 34. C. Keeshan 35. D. Loga n 36, R. Nation

29 S Sinha

37. C. R mayson

Maj or Sponsors ---- .`

. -~ ~r---

F£~£z~S~~ ff3t2S GVP Fabricators All Home Loan s New Order Clothing

. ;TOE'

Coach : Glen Afford

I Laver T 2 Maddctks J 3 McConnell K 4 Flavene L 5 Lynch D 6 Rrtchie E 7 tawser PA 8 Parker W 10 Kelly L

11 Gnifith M 12 Marks J

14 17

McMurray L Day B

78 Porter 19 Paterso n


20 McNeil J 21 Ferraro D ~~u~l M14 23 Lynch J 24 Tyqmn J 25 Schwarz e 8

26 Sewers


27 Waters D 28 Da.vlm9 M 29 Knowtes A 30 tr,c Gemgan M 31 FNorsrrop N

32 Mc Callum J 33 O'Reilly P 34 Lamberc C 35 Wnght 3s Terrell


37 Hunter J 38 G.Imore S

33 Helden B 34 Tumer. P 35 2wana+~c D 36 Thomas R

39 Heys J 40 McGethgan P 41 acorman M 42 Schcks M

37 Clayton, D

55 Rouilhon L

38 Vincent G

Coach : Bruce Waldron

2 M Brain 3 D Pmwill

.... .__ -----...___.._.__ . ._ . I

Coach : Mark Spnoso Asst Coach: Simon Vincent


Coach : Brad James

43 Serorim L

.- : - E

THERRT PEHOLA Coach : Greg Campbell 1 Corrigan B

2 Guy E 3 Turner S 4 Skiathitis R ( TL) 5 Morris B


Hermes J

7 Rivaland P

8 Quinn J (TL) 9 Hoatson T

10 Crotty J 10 Gose tt i T

11 Sheppard T

OAKLEIGH A.F.C Coach : Mick Holden 1 . D. Counihan 2_ P. West 3. R. Stafford

t . T. Wilkins 2. N . O'Brie n 3. J. Davy

4. C. Hogan

4. J . Carpenter

5. C. Groake B. D . Cleary 7. C . Lamb 8 . M. Bennett 9 . D . Wills 10 . D . Costi9a n

6. A. Sheddo n 7. A. Smit h 9 . J . Phelp s 10 . C . Laidlaw 11 . A . Newhous e 14 . M . Cornwel l

11 . S. Aidone

15 . A . Thompso n

12 . G. Vitagliano 1 3 . L. Rowan 14 . G. Bennett 15. R . Holden 16. S . White S . Brigg s 18. L. Calle ry

19. T. Thornton 20. D. Ciavarella 21 . J. Briggs

22. S . Page

90. M . Bessan t


Coach: Tom Purcell

Coach : Andy Dal rymple Asst. Coach : Bry an Stag g

1 R. Ault

1 E Abdalla h

3 H. Barlow 4 J . Bell 5 P. Birk s 6 A. Coutts 7 B. Gaonan 8 W. Higg s 9 W . Howson 10 C . King

5 A Woods 6 T Mahe r 7 J Hogan (C ) 8 R Maher 9 J Daou

11 A. Lynch

13 C Lucarelli

12 M. ATicCombe 13 B. McGowan

14 A Kenez 16 N Crowe (VC)

2 D. Barlow

14 J. Rippon 15 16 17 18

O. Scott T. Sherry G. Shaw T. Sheldo n

21 A . Whale 22 A .. Wooley 23 B . Govett 24 S . Jeremiah

*TL = team leader

22. T. Evans 25. P. More y 27. J. Choong 29. J. Josli n 31 . S . Mea d 33. L. McKinnon 44. D. Stocko


19 N . Scheelings 20 J . van Dyk

20 Capewell C 22 Goodwin D ~L) 23 Anderson D 26 Wndus P . 32 Cooper J 43 John E 44 McKay B

21 . K . Parker

24. P. De Servi e 25 . D. Latiniar a 26 . J. Fitzgerald 27 . A. Middlemiss 28 . A. Pound Gow 29 . M. Doyle 30 . L . Ba rrand 31 . J . Bray 32 . L. Kelly

14 Boyd J 15 Owen B 18 Badenhope M 19 Reynolds M

19. T. Lowcoc k

23. J. Collin s

12 Leach S ( fL) 13 Dooley J

17 Lee D


Coach: Craig William s

25 T Jones 26 S . Leslie 27 D. Moor 28 E . Smelt 29 . Stnnh9ert 31 G T . Alla n

32 D. Borland 33 A. Cordy 34 B. Flemin g 35 M. Karunaratn e 36 G . Kennedy 37 B. Renick 38 T. Ross 39 F. Wambach 40 R . Atkinson 41 D . Brown

3 G Da y

11 B Stafford 72 C Arthurson

17 A Adjemi s 1 8 K Laski

ig K Paproth 20 H Vinc e 21 C Krolikowski

22 J Tartag6 a 24 A Walsh 25 C Pelosi

26 K Walke r 27 H Fulton 28 L Hambli n 29 A Deveson 30 R Martinson

31 32

P Kaldar a

m , , a. ._ -~ .

42 M. Steven s Proudly Sponsored b y THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t Carlton 3053


Under-19 - Section BLUE BENTLEIGH


5 T Ridgway 6 J Roberts 7 S Holmesby 8 B Holden 9 D Wild 10 D Fogarty 11 J Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M Wilson

Coach: Rob Smith Asst : May Franci s 1 M Sheehan 4 S Murphy 5 D Colman 6 P Davis 12 S Crowe 14 S O'Brien 16 J McNamara 17 C Howard 18 T Robson 19 W ouaran 21 S Morwood 23 K Smyth 26 C White

15 D Streker

28 C Reid

16 K Pereira

33 T Silvers 39 O Keeney

Coach: Mick Lee 1 R Dolman 2 R Heywood 3 0 Lewis 4 J D'OffaY

17 18 P Breitkreuz 19 S Nicholson

20 21 R Turner 22 B McLellan 23 S Corrigan 25 N Salvatore 26 T Krotofil 30 B Tiso,B

40 P Meiklejohn 41 B Flanigan

42 J Fletcher 45 A Hillier 50 D Hassaballa 51 R McArdle 52 M Kennelly 53 J CaseY


35 47 S Wright 52 M. McLellan 54 B Meehan

PENINSULA O .D . Coach : Neil Franks 1 2 3 4 5

S. KnWbel (dvc) M. Barron (vc) R . Stainforth (C) R . Smith D . Smith

6 B . Mitchell

7 S . Cumming 8 P. Wgnall 9 A . Law

10 D . Brennan

11 M. Kenn y 12 A . de Lange

13 L. Forster 14 L Coghlan

15 J . Preston 16 C. 0lough6n 17 J . Hocking

18 T. Madder

19 P. Dade-Bel l 20 C. Matthews 21 H. Nesior

22 W. Miller 23 J. Rhodes 25 S . Jay (dc) 26 J. Murphy

27 J. Gray

28 s. Patchin g 29 B. PrRCnard

30 R. Velyens 32 R. Heggie 33 R. Watt-Forde 34 S. Smith

MAZENOD Coach: Shane Regan


. .._

R B r ic"ay ; ng ST. JOHNS OC

Coach: Peter Skinner

Coach : Gary Williams

ORMOND Coach : Michael Oate n

1 M Bertone

1 Nassarallah E

1 Ashley


2 N Bradley

6 G Cocks 7 B Costin a M Cummins 9 W Evans

2 Dennehy S 3 Kanas A 4 Lazarakis C 5 Thornton S 6 Nussbaum S 7 loannidis S 8 Angus B

10 0 Graotha m 11 J Hendry

9 R ossenli s C 10 Plozza A

2 Medcraft 3 Mitsios 4 Barnes 5 Brosnan 6 DeNatris 7 Black 8 Sayers 9 Jewell 10 Pincott 11 Fisher 12 Evans 13 Haysom


3 8 Castricum 4 D Caughey 5 A Ciavarella

12 D Hensman 13 P Johns,ori 14 J Kavanagh 1 5 J Lambert 6 S Man n 1 17 J Mather

1e D Wca;lef 19 S Moran 20 A Norman 21 0 Nutnng 22 bi Pecora 23 D Power

11 Nasr A 12 Onudu H 13 Evangelista J 14 Patuad F 15 Nevin J 16 Walsh M 18 Mesley G 20 Fredrickson J 21 Onurlu K

22 Harold M

14 Davis


15 Peel


16 Brosnan 17 Clancy 18 Jewell



24 0 Regan 25 E Roberts 26 B Ross 27 8 Smith 28 P Seder 29 s Stanley 30 TSternforl

23 Sofoulis 25 R a bahi

32 Ni D

19 David 20 Machin 21 Jacobs 22 Dunne 24 Buckley 25 Bogartin 26 Fotopoulos

31 W Vandergert

33 Kurth s

32 A Weekes ~


33 R Wckremasinghe 34 AWnstaNey

EM MUS ST. LEOS Coach : Peter Free

1 G Kowalski

1 . J . Pascoe

2 D Homan

3 N Polan

2 . G. Waterman 3 . M . Ford Capt

4 C Peake

4 . T. Flowers

5 D Cannane 6 S Balisson 7 C Walker 8 R Tinney 10 J Beattie 11 M Nelson 12 H Nguyen

5. R . McCann V Capt 6. B . Game 7. R. Stafford 8. P. Percell 9. P. Damico 11 . F. Bowden 13. T. Ahern

15 B Skinner Captain 16 R Blythe 18 J Ryan

14, G . Groughan

19 M Purnell 22 M Horton 23 M O'Connor 25 W Magee 26 K Thompson 27 D Kennaugh 28 G D'Oliviera 43 B Toth 48 R Morello

20. D. Parker 22. S. Eduati

15. S. McPhee 18. J. Brogdan

23. G . Hanson 24. M. Whelan 46. J. Barry


2 6 J anj ic S 27 Sangg V 28 Cook P 29 Biltho J

28 Harris


34 Price J

29 Kilmartin


35 Fletcher C 41 Antonucci J

34 Ramsay


42 Margolis


43 Taylor 44 Evangelista










49. P. Barranell o 59 . A. Hickey 71 . L Col e 74 . S. Kay 78 . N . Robin


Sponsors : Hocking Stuart Gunn Island brew Ba r Southern Cross Hote l Albert Park Indoo r



;:~ ,-177A E

Coach: Terry McEvoy 6 S Hills 7 B Helme

8 M Wall 9 S Loonstra 10 M Dexter 12 A Munchow 13 C Williams

14 A Lobzcuk 17 M Adams

18 T Walsh 19 P Symons 20 B Hardham 21 C GallieH 22 M Moser 24 C Crozier

50A Faille 52 D White

61 D Jennings 66 A Kinghome 67 D Muir

68 B Pratt

7 . S. Mountain 8 . A. Eccles 9 . D. Thomson 10 . T. Lee it . M . Voghs 12 . D. McColl 13 . B . Tekin 14 . J . Newman 15 . S . Millar 16 . R . Tremayne 17 . P. Vog6s

10 . Lac11, P.Hudson 12 . WG ryan sz 1 3, J .Redmen d 14 . J,New4an 75 . A.Woods 16, G.Rxon 17 . D.TaY,or 18, SKing 19 . B Buzza 20 . D Chan 21 .A.Ca:n 22 B Hughes

23 . F.McGre6 nr 24 . G,BaNett 25 APotts 26, FBertcne 54 TVdhf,mg

1 R. Astudillo 2 K Barns-Jenkms 3 S . BomLaci 4 J. Boyle 5 A. Chie w 6 J. Chdcott 7 J . Cooke 8 K . Donato 9 J . Dowme


Coach : Zoran Colovic 20 ATomi:n_con 29 D .Paton 38 D .McKail 60 N .Uiph ~ h R~~

10 C. Dullard it S . Edwards 12 S . Greenwood

13 N . -fart

PD ~es

14 D. Leicester 15 N Leman 16 M Louis-Gleeson 17 G Marcon 18 K. Maghamez 19 D . hlcphee 20 J . Mulanovic

B .De Bonn TDeveson C.Edwards G.Gvdvrood B,Hayes

29. M. Coulston 30. P. Florence 32. J . McDonald 33. P. Murc h 34. E . Odza 35. M. Ramondetta 36. A . Coulston 37. J . Wolnizer 38. M. Crooks 40. P. losifi dis 41 . A. Smith 42. S Roussidis 43. D . Seraicco

Coaches 1.1 19(1) Adam Sassi U19(2) David Galball y I Purcell P

2 Rub, . E 3 Frtzg?ra~d M 4 Mo~Aan N 5 Vaughan S 6 PYl'A 7 Rove L McDonnell J(dvc) Mortensen J 10 SheedV S



112 Dyrr~n L 3 tAeSmah J 14 Lakms C 15 Silk N 16 Adams S 17 Meehan D 18 Di Stefano S 19 Rees 0 20 Gmnrvan L 21 Ryan S 22 SmAh D 23 Butler N 24 Indovmo F 25 Henderson R 26 0'Hanlon M 27 Palmer T 28 T•ahafr T 29 F~q~nea~~J 30


Mulrany J


Morrison N

32 Ravrda S 33 Crone B

AawsJ I vc) Murray M Trovato M ForreslJ 39 Sanely K 40 SteckJ 41 Clark S 42 Gidley O(c) 43 Tobin L 44 Coon D 35 36 37 33

45 McCormack R 4 Sweeney J 47 Chapman P 48 TcrrenceS 49 Corcaan T 50

51 52

Chester P

Boland E hAantgomery S Counsel N 5.4 French R 55 Henderson C 55 La's C

53 57 58 59

Manly D 9cFarlaneT Patnson L


2 B . O'Hallora n (VC) 4 C. Ives 5 S . O'Connor 6 S . Davi s


10 J . Kelsey 11 Y. Saad (VC ) 12 D . Hilton 13 D . White (VC) 14 G . Irvin 15 A. Egan (VC) 16 G . Kennedy 17 K. Norton


18 J. Anderso n 19 B. Cornwal l

H.Lancaste t r M .Lynch C.Maloney D Mane R Merrett H,Mnler B .Parthendes TRobertson J,Rogerson

25 M. Rogers 26 D . Russell 27 D . Ryan 28 B. Scott 29 N . Sh uttleworth 30 H . TcpP 31 J, ucaato 32 G . Wl6ams 33 R 4YIliams 34 J, Ziemer

20 L . Clarke (C )

21 M. Fanning 22 N . Jense n 23 P. Flanders 24 A . Leah y

25 S. Joyc e 26 T. Burgess

27 L . Raby 28 P. Gallivan

30 J. Jellett

35 M. zika



i Ph;lhps 2 Opener H 3 YveS T 4 Unle M 5 Goon B 6 P.icevran K

8 Bracey

9p SEPansr 13 Plumme r 75 C~ark t6 Monzel 17 Ou:oley 19 Monte 20 Hamscn 21 Vanboxtel 22 Dale 23 Bishop 24 P.iornson 26 McPhee 20 Feel

30 Gaunt



31 Mornce M 32 Wishart C 33 O:wer D 34 House J 35 Anaarno P 36 Anderson J 37 Hotles R Barry 39 40 4

Shen ~atd 42 Temmmg 43 Smrth 44 Arthu ;son 45 Bence

46 Gibbs 47 Kplokes 50




5 A~re 53 Lane P 54 Dean D 56 Glenn D 57 Peczelh C 58 Balmer T 59 P.ta

60 Sifvester 67 Boaalle l y 74 Burns 78 'o',+s<,tt 79 Watscm Ouan



. .,z,.

i .r

J . Mahony

9 B . O'Connor

A,Jones J .KOOpmans

22 G. Ozusen 23 N . Duck 24 J . R :chardson

aio BOYS

Coaches : Shaun Kell y John Murphy

3 R. Keenan

R Husking

W Murray


1 L. Delmenic o

79 G Nortcn N,Beck A.Borrem D.Brennan .Callaghan T.Cleeaan dE J.Cbu gh

20, B . Lapadoula 22. A . Benenchs 23. A . Siavreiis 24 . M. Meadows 26. A . Georgakopoulos 27. S Hoysted 28. M. Fill

46. P. Naidos 50. T. Austen

1 LMorns 2. B Wh;ting 3. S .Dunn 4. J.Tanner 5. M Whdin 9 6. M Postevski 7. 0 Tan g 8. CHUds7n 9. J.Whde

Coach: Tim Bell Asst: Tony Dullard

18 B . Moran 19 . C. Lapadoula

45. M. Makin

Coach: Peter Howarth


Coach : Cadell Duke

UHSV U /ST BERNARDS Coach : Peter McBreaty

1 Egan 8 Goner 9 Maloney 10 O'rourke 11 Oakley


14 Worse


15 Tower 16 Oxenford 17 Rogers 18 Trevethem 19 Keogh 21 Whelan 22 Atcmurtrie 24 Berg in


26 San

a T

28 Angel 29 Chnstensen


30 Lancashire


32 De Campo 33 Gouday 39 Pegg


2 Farrell


43 RomGald


47 Clark


48 Dube 50 Schroder 60 George 70 Pond, 71 Grf(rths 72 Higgins 75 Mcdermoit




C;,<r;~;<t;- s



Winning Edge Presentation s

Old Melburnians, who finished eleven points in arrears . Section 3 . University Blues showed my lack of knowledge by soundly defeating my selection Section 1 . Old Xaverians continued the downward Old Trinity by fi fty seven points . T rini ty had spiral of Prahran, when the "Crocodiles" no an swer to the s trength of Eden and inflicted a fifty eight point loss on the "two Coleman , who con trolled the packs an d the aeri al duels . With a stinging note of rebuke blues" . St Kevin's finally delivered victory to Ryan by a Blues defender I am eating humble pie . Quirk, when they convincingly defeated Old La Trobe University an swered my criticisms Brighton by fifty five points . St Kevin's are in the best possible m anner as they defeated Old Scotch by nine points in the closest game now fifth and pose a threat to the top four. De La Salle jumped back into the top four of the round . through their thirty two point win over Old Old Geelong were largely untroubled to defeat Essendon . Ben must have had the Buick Monash G ryphons by forty nine points . components firing on all cylinders to have North Old Boys gave further notice of their str ength by defeating Caulfield Grammarians won so well out at Keller. Leaders, Mazenod maintained their unbeaten by nine ty nine points . record with a sixty two point win over Old St Leo's leapt into third position when they overwhelmed Old Carey an d won by one Scotch. hundred and seven ty six points . For ty nine Marcellin had the bye . scoring shots to three clearly tells the story. Section 2 . Collegians won their first game in a convincing manner when they defeated Whitefriars by sixty five points . The value of the victory was enhanced by it being recorded at Donvale . My tipping in this game was far i .'IiP ;i . 4.5-f .'{i eG' removed from reality such was Collegians GLCI^ dominance. I am suitably chastened . Ci 8 i Therry Penola had a comfortable win at home Mazenod 29 Fothergill over Eley Park by twenty seven points . 20 Harvey P St Kevins Old Scotch, who ran out winners by twenty Mazenod 16 Buszard two points over University Blacks, moved up Prahran Cartlidge 16 to third place . '1'he Blacks slipped to sixth C1 8 12 and fell further behind the leaders . Old Scotch Simon 1 22 Monash Blues led Old Xaverians by twelve Therry Kerman 4 17 points at half time and on their performance University Blacks Merlo 0 9 seemed likely winners . However they could Old Xavs Gleeson 0 9 only score twice in the second half as Old Xaverians surged forward to win by sixteen CIS 8

What an interesting set of results was provided in Round 6!! The top bracket of teams changed very much in each section as a consequence of unexpected results . My success rate was in the Heinz range i .e .57% . Review of Round 6 .

points . Rover Joe O'Dwyer played well for Monash in the first half (at least) . Fitzroy Reds returned to form with a vengeance as they became the first to defeat 56


North Old Boys Connoly 16 33 Old Scotch 111ingworth 8 27 Old Geelong Slattery 4 12 11 Old Trinity Arotvsworth I


preview of Round 7 . Section 1 . Old Xaverians are my selection to defeat Old Brighton, who will lack the depth to extend the "Crocodiles' throughout the game . De La Salle should defeat Prahran, whose injury numbers have depleted their line up Old Scotch with a final's berth available should defeat Old Essendon, whose numbers do restrict their options on the field . Mazenod should continue on their winning way at the expense of Marcellin . Section 2 . Collegians, confident after tasting victory last week should be able to defeat Therry Penola, whose away form in 2004 has not matched their home standard . For University Blacks to have any chance of participation in the finals they must account for Eley Park today . As their forward line has performed better than that of Eley Park, I select the Blacks to win once more . Monash Blues won a lot of the ball last week but faded badly in the second half. Today they should win over the disappointing Whitefriars who remain winless . Old Xaverians travel just north to play Fitzroy Reds . The Xaverians managed a second half comeback to win, whilst the Reds defeated leaders, Old Melburnians . This form should ensure a good contest . Although the Reds will make the contest competitive, I select Old Xaverians, who really are now the Section trend setters . The rivalry between Old Scotch and Old Melburnians, which dates back to 1858, will be renewed today. Old Melburnians started well before faltering to Fitzroy Reds in Round 6 . On the other hand Terry Kendall has built his side into a formidable outfit, which has gone from strength to strength . At home I favour Old Scotch to record a narrow victory. Section 3 . University Blues strength and height will enable them to defeat La Trobe University in the academic contest in Kensington . From my observations, La Trobe will have no answer to the Blues quick ball movement and hard running game plan . The loser of the Old Scotch versus Old Geelong game will drop away from the sectional leaders and probably will be able to bid "good bye" to 2004 finals' hopes . I favour Old Scotch because of their more

consistent form and their better forward line where Simon Ilingworth is like a traffic officer, such is his control of ball and personnel . North Old Boys will face a severe test today when they play Old Trinity, who will be keen to atone for last week's loss . Even on the Gillon Oval, my selection is Old Trinity, whom I expect to win a closely fought contest . The fortunes of Emmaus St Leo's and Caulfield Grammarians have fluctuated this season with the Bennettswood boys now in the ascendancy . Today I favour Emmaus St Leo's to continue on their winning way . Monash Gryphons should possess sufficient talent to defeat Old Carey, who must have left Chris Hickey's instructions in the pavilion last week . Matthew, please don't allow your charges to let me down now that I am on your bandwagon ! Correspondents Please let me have your news by noon Monday. Telephone 9467 2857 or e mail .au

TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB 18 (1) Old Xaverians v Old Brighton St Kevins - Bye

De La Salle v Prahran Old Scotch v Old Essendon Gr Marcellin v Mazenod 0 C CLUB 18 (2) Collegians v Therry Penola 0 B Eley Park v University Blacks Monash Blues v Whitefriars Fitzroy Reds v Old Xaverians (2) Ramsden St. Res, Clifton Hill Old Scotch (2) v Old Melburnians a t Camberwell Sports Ground CLUB 18 (3) University Blues v La Trobe Uni Old Scotch (3) v Old Geelong North Old Boys v Old Trinity Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Caulfield Gr at 9 .30 a.m . Monash Gryphons v Old Care y


s Waterson Fntura Gray Looelle Costello-

CLUB 18 1 0 .1 2 .3 2. 4 1:째,AffftF- .; 4.4 10.8 12.13 14 .16 (1f OLD RPpE1tIA24 : CarUidge Slawinski Maughan Prahran: Cartlidge 5 Garoffolo . Best Old Xsverians : Hawkins 5 Ireland 3 Hardwick Farrell Pritchard T Belej . : Jones Belli Ellis Ireland Poulos 2 Ellis 2 Ward Belli Dillon . Best ) Hawkins . Umpires: Paul Fahey Tony Robbins (F .11 (65)

9 OLD BRIGHTON 1 .4 5 .6 8.8 .6 19 .6 (120)

ST S 7 .1 13.4 15 : Cochran 4 Sedgwick Rhodes Ryan Ross Old Brighton G . St Kev* . Sher. Best : Norwood Parnham G Earl Ross Rhodes Sedgwick Harvey 4 Scarlo 3 MeGuiness 2 Gentalumo 2 Aloi P McInerney Quirk Wood K McInerney M McInerney . Best : Keorns Scarlo Mclness G Smith S Smith Aloi Biggin. Umpires : Tony Byrnes Paul Rapke (Fl

uanOgr Trpl HAS THE BYE 7 .5 7.5(47) `tDOTt 2 .3 3.4 OLD Ef 1 .2 7.5 8 .5 12 .7(79) DBi .- ., LIZ Wright . Best: O'Brien Old :,endon: Steven 2 Buckley 2 G Barry 2La Salle : Roberts 7 M Steven Wheeler Gradzki Morrison Miller. De : Dimble Roberts M Brasher Brasher 2 N Buick B Buick Jennings . Best Matton (F) . Umpires : Paul Moore Clinch Jennings .11 (101)

2 .3 6.4 12.7 15 MAZENOD .2 6.3(39) OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 4.1 4 . Buszard 4 Bridgland 3 Fothergill3 Grenda 3 Collins Ochiutto Ma . Old Scotch: Best : Buszard Pollard Grimmson Oehiutto Grenda Collins Gerstman 4 Graham Kings. Best : Logan Willis Colman Gaunt Williams Harkness . Umpires: Danny Carroll (F )

CLUB 18 (2) W1DTEi;g1ARS 2 .1 3.3 COLLEGIANS

5.4 7.6(54)

4 .1 9.2 13.14 18.5 (113)

Tatterson . Whitefr3ars: Bourke 2 Gardiner Bonnyman Pratt Murphy Best: Gardiner Bourke Singh O'Meara. Collegians : S Day 7 Grant 6 Barber 2 Bowden Lichford Ross . Best: Osborne S Day Grant Lull Ross Perkov . Umpires: Tony Hegan (F) .10 11 .14 (80) TIIERRY PENOIA 2 .5 4.7 9.10 7.11 (53) ELEy PARK 3 .2 5.8 5 . Best: Kean merry Penoia: Keenan 4 Stevens 3 Ward 2 VanEnglen 2 : Jackson 2 Viola .째y. Eley Park Stevens Savery Ward Topic Freeze Kennec 2 Blake Smith Creswell . Best : Creswell Cavell Roll Versteegen Smith Jackson . Umpires: Rick Benson (F) BLACKS 13.9 (87) II 3 .3 5 .5 6.8 ~ Uni Blacks : S Spong 3 T Portet 2 A Steer T McCallum J Black K Prestidge. Best: S Bloodworth T Portet T McCallum G Thompson S Spong. T Bowers . Old Scotch: Simar 6 Craven 3 Pryles Gray Fraser Simon

e Wide range o f custom mant-act t

,, All types of P4aclu - and Si acrylic, wood, glass, . . . o Honour Boards and uComplete in-house Quality Crystal, S .

F t'?"'t"iiCt g of J U')"sK? --~Ir' -, . s Club and Corr>o ; o

Bob 0

an t1V

(2) 3.3 3.4 5.7 8.9 (57) 5 .4 5 .5 6.5 (-x':) 2.2 M0w t DzUES : Young 2 Jones 2 Conquest . Francis Green Warry . Best: OX Old X,, . l2onash: Wes t:TudenhaiJosXrbLF'IelandOCo rkis Phelan )it Collier Trigg'ci Woods, Best : Van der Sluys Arnett Coughlin (F) O'DESi r L Woods Riddle Umpires : B rian Nunn RyanHense 1 .3 4.6 5.7 8 .11 (59) 01 71dTFI1 NS .9 10.10 (70) .6 9 .5 6 71 5 F1 Officer T Middleton Redin Bains H Tomlinson Arden Forste r . *an. Best: Sandwell H Tomlinson Mulligan Cooper Verge Redin: y,^.i Is : Grimmett 4 Mackay 2 Grillo A George C Prior P Cook Best R' 1 nr P Cook P Crowe T Jackson J Leske J Grimmett . Umpires : Joe Ciccotosto Steve Mason (F) CLUB

1813 7.0 8 .1 10.3 (63) OLD 2.0 7.2 12 .3 19.6 (120) Uggiy BLUES 5.1 Gray S Cade Cristiano Brawn C Old Trinity: Chiffey 3:Arrowsmith Christopherson Gamble Heaven Burgess Taylor Treadwell Gamble. Best 3 Coleman 3 Maplestone Crawford . University Blues : Baker 5 Girdwood : Costin Maplestone . Best 2 Callen Birrell Costin Heine Babetti King Baker Girdwood Moylan Irving . Umpires: David Windlovr (F) 11.10 12 .10 (82) :,A TROBE UNIVERSITY 6 .3 7.7 11.7 (73) 0.1 2.3 6 .3 .' '' OLD SCOTCH (3) Massa Rule La Trobe University: Watson 5 Scanlon 2 Clifford Miller Old Scotch (3): . : Wright Laidlaw Rule Watson Peters Clams Moore. Best Iliingtvorth 8 Walters Addison Leech . Best: Smedley Illingworth Addison : Josh White-Spier (F) . Umpires Glover Andrews A Simpson .12 13 .16 (94)

1 .3 4.9 9 OLD GEELONG 6 .9(45) .5 5 .8 MO3dASH GRYPHONS 2.2 4 Old Geelong: Slattery 4 Imhoff 4 McCarthy MacGowan Timms Brown : DeFegley Slattery Imhoff McCarthy Collins Munro . DeFegley. Best : Carter Dresser Hetherington Hambridge Lionash Gryphons : Best Ricketts Barin. Umpires: Trevor Hansen (F) 4.6(30) .3 2 .6 CAULFIELD GR 1 .3 2 8.9 14.12 19 .17 (181) NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .4 an Banova (F) . Umpires : De Match details not received

0 .3(3) ryi .rr CAREY 0.1 0 .3 0.3 US ST LEOS 0 C 8 .4 14.11 20 .15 26.23 (179) : 0 Carey : Best: White Bruni Shortie Leong Morgan Elvins . Emmaus Ca ey 5 IkteGlain 4 Perry 3 Heyer 2 Mciauglin 2 Levins 2 Wood 2 Pittoriano Foley Mclverney Manton Carson Scardaraglia . Best : England Carson Havereamp Carey Wood Perry. Umpires : Tom Mahon Mark Thornhill (F)

Peter Harrison Andy Cultrera

De La Salle

Paul Gnatt

Old Trinity

Nic Harrison Richard Hosking

Collegians Collegians

Mark Frater Mark Liddell

Caulfield Grammarian s

Brent Baxter Gary Carr Heath Taylor Rhys Limbrlck Matthew White Scott Whittington Glen Porteous Julian Smith Liam Holloway Christian Gregory Paul Edwards Mark Nancarrow Andrew I)urling Tom Bayford Tim Davis

David Ronchi ichael Mill

Old Trinity

Caulfield Grammarians Caulfield Grammarians Hampton Rovers MHSOB MHSOB MHSOB MHSCD Old Paradians Monash Blues Monash Blues Monash Blues 'Ibeny Penola Therry Penola Old Camberwell] Old Camberwell Fitzroy Reds Fitzroy Reds Orniond

-,zu-ra Valley

Drenzini Hanyul e Banyule University Blacks -e tc-c University Blacks Williamstown CYNIS Old Carey Old Carey Old Geelong Swi burne University NIT-r . Ir?ryghons C Y ;erald Z,a'° ~oL® Universii . La'zrooe Urive . We BuIleen-Tem lest -a: Te" n Hulleen-Tenlplesis West Brunswick Adai C. IC Paul Ch =s South Melbourne Dis I a Ruperts4uo od Day Scott Grac Elsten wick Michael Radywonik P-, Gerrard Bevan Prabrart Aaron Rhodes Prabraz =


Review Four rounds are down, which means we are nearly half way through the FIDA season and the ladders are tightly bunched with a pretty even competion . In round 4 the majority of the games were battled out at Elsternsvick Park in dull and windy conditions . In the first match Ballam Park 1 took on Port Colts 1 in an interesting game Ballam Park jumped out of the blocks and got to an early 9 goal lead at half time. After the break Port Colts put up a very spirited contest and made a very good game of it in the second half, but Ballam Park were to strong winning 13 .6 .84 to Port Colts 2 .3.15 . In the second Ballam Park to took to the field against Mambourin Ballam proved a little bit to strong for Mambourin winning convincingly 15 .14 .104 to Mambourin 1 .2 .8 . In the third of our games Moonee Valley played Broadmeadows 2. In a very even first half Braodmeadows 2 went into the major break leading by a single point . After half time the Valley come out and blew them out of the water in the third quarter kicking 3 goals to Broadmeadows none and that was game over with Moonee Valley recording their first win for the season winning 4.4 .28 to 1 .5 .11 . In the next game Ballarat played Broadmeadows 1 which looked like it was going to be a close game but Broadmeadows started well and won 5 .11 .41 to Ballarat 2.2 .14 . The final game at Elsternwick shaped up to be really good game and that was between Maribynong and Parkside, but Maribynong were way to superior and look the team to beat in division beating Parkside 16 .17 .113 to Parkside no score . The other two games took place at Bulleen Templestowe . The first game was between the home team Bulleen and O& M Jets 1 in a very close game we saw Bull-Temp hold on by 8 points the scores were 6 .7 .43 to 5 .5 .35 . In the last game of the round O& M Jets 2 played Ringwood in a another close game the Jets continued their unbeaten run beating the gallant Ringwood 6 .3.39 to the inaccurate Ringwood 2.10.22 .

Preview In round 5 we see games spread across all grounds . In Division 1 we see the top two teams play each other and that is both the Ballam Park teams . In Albury two games are being played and that is between Ballarat and O& M Jets 1 and the second game is between Moonee Valley and O& M Jets 2 . The next venue is Port Colts, their first team play BullTemp in which will be a close game . In second game that will take place we will see Port Colts 2 or Ringwood register their first win for the season . Our final two games for round 5 take place at Mambourin, the first game is Mambourin and Broadmeadows 1 and the final game played is Broadmeadows 2 and Maribynong. Good Luck to all teams for round 5 .

Qi : i

: L tl

PIS 16 16


fiALL;i :: ?ARK f 1#} 0 461 PARK 2 4-â‚Ź 0 0 272

BROADMEADOWSi 3 3 0 0 190 422 0 BULLEâ‚Ź N-TEMP. NORTH BAE.LABAT 4 1 3 0 136 PORT COLTS i 4 i3 0 127 0 & N1 JETS 1 3 0 3 0 42 MAh9BOt3RIN TIGERS 4 0 4 0 45

309 .09

60 316 .67 12 8 207 62 .32 161 84 .47 4 219 57 .99 4 226 i8.5$ 0 0 400 i1 :25

DIVISION 2 PW L tk F Ags# %. FhARIBYRNOP3G 4 4 0 0 295 7 4214.29 0 & M JETS 2 3 3 0 0 73 45 162 .22 PARKSIDE 4 3 1 0 239 792 124.48 6ROAOMEADOW52 3 2 1 0 113 78 144 .87 MOONEE VALLEY 4 2 2 0 63 93 67,74 POfiT COLTS 24 4 1 3 0 55 83 66 .27 FSIN6NJ000 4 0 4 0 68 350 19 .43

12 12 8 8 4 0

# had bye last round O&M v Broadmeadows Rill re-matches - to be advised * Received forfeit last roun d

Tribunal ResII#ts : - Roun d 4 Martin Brackley (Broadmeadows) -Striking-Accepted Prescribed Penalty -1 week and 4 weeks suspended sent, Reminder City v Country -12.30pm Sportscover Arena, Elsternwick Par k

Players to be nominated by clubs by no later than Tuesday Jur,o 1"F i'ifler details to be provided once nominations are



Res0 ; ~if Tribunal --rLingj_.__Tflgยง_day



ELST7_7 7



Results of Investigation Hearings - Tuesday, May 25 Kew and Box Hill North charged with a melee in their senior match played at Kew on Saturday May 15th . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a minor melee . Kew $100 (1 at offence for seniors over the last two year period) and Box Hill North (2nd offence for seniors over the last two year period) . Other St. Johns 0 C fined $150 and notation on club file for a spectator abusing umpires during the three quarter break in the match against Bentleigh's Under-19s on May 1 at St . Johns .





Jay Brockwell, BanyuleNiewbank ( Under-19) . Abuse of umpire, 1 match . Jamie Saad, Bulleen Templestowe ( Under- 1 9). Striking, 2 matches . "Jamie Baud, Eltham . Abuse of umpire, 2 matches , Accepted Prescribed Penalt y

Barry Hickey Norm Nugent Glen Harrison Gavan Flower Andrew Wu Fraser Cameron Tom Brai n

Cam Nation Johathan Horn

rves(C18 Seniors/U1 9 ure to phone failure to provide ~cUr s by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Aquinas (R) Peninsula OB (S) Old Essendon (C) Prahran (S ) Old Brighton (U) Old Xaverians (2) (U) 3' ;zoned incorrect scores - Round 5 Old Mentonians (S) . Uni. Blues (U), Old Paradians (U), Old `.7estbourne (U)

Out o f

Nam e

Peter Willamson Ed Sill

raca ($5) ; ~: z~aorzd offence ($25) ; third ice ($50);fourth offence ($100); each -J.~Rm t offence ($100).

D2 D3 D1 Club XVIII

Total Score Out of I 23 22 22 61 21 21 20 55 19 31 16

30 30 30 86 30 30 30 84 30 54 30


77% 73% 73% 71% 70% 70% 67% 65% 63% 57% 53%


C-: ame the ; rid square wl re !,u think the ball was in the original photo. I

PE : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the K-id square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Luc] Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined) . Watch this space!

Last week, ball was in : 0 winning entries from 10 received .

HOW TO ENTER : One entry per pers which appears down right hand side o f

VAFA PO Box 359 Elstermkick 3185 or fax

P : _ e _II For Agsr LATROBE UNI 6 6 0 0 552 231 OLD CAREY 6 5 1 0 461 250 OLD GEELONG 6 4 2 0 614 191 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 6 4 2 0 450 361 SWINBURNE UNI 6 3 3 0 302 471 BENTLEIGH 6 2 4 0 313 425 MONASH GRYPHONS 6 2 4 0 252 418 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 2 4 0 296 498 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 6 1 5 0 327 609 WEST BRUNSWICK 6 1 5 0 207 39 1 _. .~ : . . P UHS-VU 6 RUPERTSWODD 6 OAKLEIGH 6 ST JOHNS 0 C 6 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 6 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 6 POWER HOUSE 6 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 6 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 6 'MT LILYDALE 6 *Inelittib3 ' C mi 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


._ : : . :




ONASH BLUES 6 1 isligibie player Round 4

24 24 20 12 12 12 8 8 0 0

t __ P 64' d a for ~ PENINSUui 0 B 6 6 0 0 919 421 218 .29 24 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 6 5 1 0 627 426 147 .18 20 ST JOHNS 0 C 6 4 2 0 528 522 101 .15 16 BENTLEIGH 6 3 3 0 542 233 232 .62 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 6 3 3 0 515 604 85 .26 12 MAZENOD 0 C 6 2 4 0 473 564 83 .87 8 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 6 2 4 0 491 666 73 .72 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 6 2 4 0 409 794 51 .51 8 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 6 1 5 0 366 780 46 .92 4 ORMOND 6 0 6 0 405 757 53.50 0 P W L!1 For A gst-- /, FITZROY REDS 6 6 0 0 647 188 344 .15 24 LA TR08E UNI 6 5 1 0 582 266 282 .52 20 RUPERTSI'd000 (2) 6 4 2 0 461 375 122 .93 16 OLD WESTBDURNE 6 4 2 0 393 376 104 .52 16 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 6 4 2 0 224 261 85 .82 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 2 4 0 301 412 73.06 8 BULLEEN TFL"PLESTOWE 6 2 4 0 337 465 72 .47 8 AOUINAS 0 C 6 2 4 0 289 539 53 .62 8 UHS-VUfST BERNARDS 6 1 5 0 261 753 34 .66 4 ; ... L fJ For st _ pfs . - ~--- P w MAztNOD U C 6 6 0 0 368 247 148 .99 24 OLD XAVERIANS 6 5 1 0 660 214 308 .41 20 DE LA SALLE 6 3 2 1 408 365 111 .78 14 OLD SCOTCH 6 3 2 1 319 417 76 .50 14 ST KEVINS 6 3 3 0 483 395 122 .28 12 OLD BRIGHTON 6 3 3 0 278 270 102 .96 12 PRAHRAN 6 3 3 0 209 284 73 .59 12 ttfiRCELLIN 6 2 4 0 116 450 25 .78 8 OLD ESSE#DON OR 6 1 5 0 199 469 42.43 4 OLD IVANHOE 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 .00 0 *lnel' ' i le player Round 4

U 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

687 626 584 469 590 445 452 572 281 306

3c . 177.52 24 496 126.21 20 476 122.69 14 529 88 .66 14 434 135 .94 12 490 90 .82 12 514 87 .94 12 499 114 .63 8 613 45 .84 4 674 45.40 0

L 11 For _ Agst __ /---1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

625 421 399 500 574 317 371 420 325

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 584 556 577 442 554 501 388 288 168 212



541 iya 278.87 628 228 275.44 528 244 216 .39 462 345 133 .91 553 436 126 .83 367 326 112 .58 316 454 69 .60 343 542 63.28 157 568 27.64 113 816 13.85

~j _kgs?_ ---- =.:, 0 0 500 186 268 .82 24 0 533 282 189 .01 20 0 453 311 145.66 20 1 346 258 134.11 1 4 0 355 410 86.59 12 0 315 377 83.55 12 0 405 390 103 .85 8 1 332 367 90 .46 6 0 267 478 55 .86 4 0 248 695 35 .68 0



f ~s 238 .96 24 184 .40 20 321 .47 16 124.65 16 64.12 12 73.65 8 60.29 8 59 .44 8 53 .69 4 52 .94 4

0 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

474 131 .86 31 1 135 .37 407 98 .03 463 107.99 603 95.19 339 93.51 421 88 .12 485 86 .60 481 67 .57

AWL_ II For Ryst f째OLD AVERIANS(2) 6 6 0- 0 428 254 168 .50 24 OLD LBURNIANS 6 5 1 0 475 287 165 .51 20 OLD SCOTCH (2) 6 5 1 0 462 387 119 .38 20 MONASH BLUES 6 4 2 0 330 289 114 .19 16 FI T ZROY REDS 6 3 3 0 424 347 122 .19 12 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 6 2 4 0 339 438 77,40 8 'UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 2 4 0 323 425 76,00 8 ELEY PARK 6 1 5 0 313 401 78.05 4 COLLEGIANS 6 1 5 0 350 458 76 .42 4 WHITEFRIARS 6 1 5 0 211 440 47 .95 4 Ineli' i' p or Round 4

20 16 16 12 12 12 12 12 8

P ---w __L __D__ For Agst % Pts UNIticn~i1Y BLUES 6 6 0 0 790 158 500 .00 24 OLD TRINITY 6 5 1 0 659 254 259 .45 20 EMi. .riUS ST LEOS 0 C 6 4 2 0 434 290 149 .66 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 4 2 0 376 286 131 .47 16 OLD GEELONG 6 3 3 0 420 399 105 .26 12 OLD SCOTCH (3) 6 3 3 0 346 378 91 .53 12 LA TROBE UNI 6 2 4 0 241 423 56 .97 8 CAULFIELD GR 6 2 4 0 305 630 48 .41 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 6 1 5 0 202 476 42.44 4 4yst -% - ~ OLD CAREY 6 0 6 0 151 711 21 .24 0 264 221 .21 24 283 196.47 16 310 186.13 16 363 121 .76 16 348 159 .20 12 514 97 .47 12 481 80 .67 8 599 48 .08 8 588 28 .57 4 792 26 .77 4



P _L W D 6 5 1 0 6 5 1 0 6 5 1 0 6 5 1 0 6 2 4 0 6 2 4 0 6 2 4 0 6 2 4 0 6 1 5 0 6 1 5 0


P w




6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 0

1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1



For ~a

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

w 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1



0 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

634 734 574 465 461 496 503 420 400 432


P 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

i§r 6 5 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 0

L 0 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 6

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For 943 707 598 508 547 434 354 436 445 349


IN 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1

L D For Ayst





6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0


0 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For A -Y 673 435 645 417 643 454 558 76 0 579 515 415 488 427 564 285 582 458 638 449 683

For ~A 723 588 710 471 636 481 527 443 453 409

565 659 561 502 413 501 511 366 425 362

531 443 521 520 550 486 541 558 609 682

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

688 559 571 570 523 455 502 460 388 377

% 136 .16 132 .73 136 .28 90.58 115 .64 98 .97 97 .41 79 .39 74 .38 59 .97

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