(}iiici3rnal of'ii c VICTORL`~ \ ~Aid .11'RUR' OOTGALI . ASaOCIATION Rcyistcred for pos i ine as a Pdb(i c ation . Category S .
SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R Since the last edition of the "Amateur Footballer" two representative matches were played . I refer you to today's "For The Love of the Game" column for a match summary and match statistics from both games . With the comprehensive win by the VAFA Under 23s against WAAFL on June 6th it goes without saying that win, lose or draw AAFC Championship Match 6 . the VAFA will earn th e title of Australian Amateur Champion State (2001-2004) . Obviously the team, which i s selected from the best players available, will be striving to win the Championship without PHIL STEVENS blemish to its record, but also many of the players selected will be trying to play particularly CHIEF EXECUTIVE well to give themselves a chance of being selected in the All-Australian Amateur Team to OFFICER be selected after the final match . The final match is VAFA v. SAAFL, Saturday July 3, Sport scover Arena . On this weekend there is a bye for A and B sections . On Friday evening of the Queen's Birthday weekend the VAFA won its third consecutive St . Kilda Football Club Community Cup with a win over the neighbouring Southern Football League . Although this win gives the Amateurs "bragging rights" for another twelve months the match also showed that the gap is being narrowed between the two competitions. It is heartening that the VAFA remains committed to both competitions - the AAFC Championships and the St Kilda Community Cup - as these matches not only recognise the best but allow the competing leagues to highlight their competitions. De La Sa lle AFC is the latest beneficiary of the Spo rtscover Sponsorship Fund, receiving a $1000 grant to purchase new warm up jackets for its U16 and U19 teams and equipment for the club gymnasium . The SSF has given away $10,000 over 10 weeks to other amateur sports groups as well as football . The fund was created to support grass-roots sporting clubs and Sportscover looks forward to assisting a new generation of amateur sports reach their goals. For information about Sportscover sponsorships contact Sportscover on 9721 4700 or visit www.sportscover.com/sponsorship .html With al l but one representa tive match remaining for 2004, it is worth poin ti ng out th at the VAFA wil l not be proceeding with its pl ans to play a North v . South Under 19 match wi th the best players named in a VAFA Under 19 Best Team . Such a match would me an taking a player for th e second time this season from a club match and it is felt that clubs need to be left now with full s tr eng th lists to meet the challenges of the season at club level th at are ahead . Whilst remaining hopeful of reinsta ting Under 19 representa tive footb all to our calendar in the future we feel a more positive op ti on at this stage is too steer young talent towards our Under 23 Development Team . With only a couple of weeks remaining for the lodgement of senior permits clubs need to ensure that its players understand that they cannot play in a competition outside the VAFA after June 30 and return to the VAFA this year - unless they are a VFL listed player who can transfer when released between his VFL team and the VAFA . The only permits granted after June 30 are for Under 19 players and these are granted during July only . Players who receive a permit in July can play Under 19 football only in 2004 . In next week's "Amateur Footballer" I will report on the "Bouncing Racism out of Sport" presentation by Football Victoria to the VAFA clubs and also on the VAFA Umpires win in the Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser.
EX Next Week's Matches . .... .. . ..... .... .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ..6 Coaches' Clipboard . ... .. .. .. . .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . ..12 .. .. 8- 19 For the Love of the Game . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .._1 Coates hire MVP's . .. ... .. .. .. . .... . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .... . ..31 Cadbury's Face in the C7owd ... . .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . ..32 Looking Back .. .. ... .. .. .. . .... .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .... . .3435 Today's Umpires . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .... . ... . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ..44 Trainers' Corner .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ..47 Spartscover Arena Draw .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. . .. .. .. . .. ..61 Tribunal & Investigations . .. .. . ... . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ..61 Sportscwer Spot the Ball . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ... ..62 Ladders ... .. .. .. . .... . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. . .63/64
t ' w 1:
J une 19th, 2004 Price : $2.00 Vol. 04 No.
SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R "Fore !" stanza . Simo n Several years ago, Ian Baker Finch was donged on Lethlean, Caydn the head by an errant golf ball while doing a TV Beetham and Tim interview (after shooting a lazy 194) and yelled out Beardsley al l in exasperation "Fore!" I tell you what ; a few Old showed good signs Trinity players were yelling it out as well at the as Xavs finally Snakepit as the full force of the St Bernards . The upshot? Scotch forward line became quickly apparent . Take your too good in spurts, Xavs decimated by injuries but pick, Tate Pearson on a flank, The Mitchell clan, never waved the flag . Chris Goullet drifting forward and Danny Jorda IVibiters n in the square (I'd bet Old er calm down on Dan as the af Melburnians were pipped in the very last women in my life are starting to look at me second out at McKinnon on a heartbreaking day strangely) . The Bernies' second quarter in which saw the injury ravaged red-legs play some particular was box office stuff as they booted ten of their best football for the year. The very goals at the members' end in front of a raucous consistent Ross ~ulquinney and my fellow scribe and appreciative crowd . It was their youngsters Andre Wu were prolific all day but Lady Luck who again stood up . Goullet in the middle, finally winked at the Bloods as they kept their Johnston on a wing and Wilkinson in the ruck . All tenuous finals hopes alive for one more week . up, a mighty team and as each week goes by, my From all reports, Mai k Corrigan was the difference prediction of them coming eighth reads as one of in the end while it was another great game for he more absurd things I have ever committed to Springvale pick up Brett Trollope and the Texan print . For the shell shocked OTs, Lach Kennedy Tornedo David '1'hurman in the BP. kicked 5 before time and Andrew Ramsden never I keep telling you, De La aren't that bad . Marcellin stopped plugging away in the ruck went in without the big fella but De La had "Ooh Betty, the cat's done a t me troubles troublesof oftheir their own own with Leigh Harrison on state duties and Jeff Morel (G'day Moz) and Chris So said Frank Spencer and it's fair to say that the Browne nursing broken legs . A high standard Whitefriars season very much resembles a day in game and a pulsating last quarter as Mick the life of the great man . Whatever can go wron g Duggan, Ben kRannix and Damien Rayson all has gone wrong ; what with injuries, thumpin g kicked key goals before Marcellin's Nick Addison losses, no Under 19s, clean sheets, a humiliating nailed a long range bomb to break De La's hearts . percentage . Still they managed to get a good game Tt ; Eagles then bottled it up the way a top tean7 from Luke Swain up forward and the recently should and hung on to av, A the biggest of upsets, r,retundBiaPhogerwtfu Be_~ orin, in eonjunetio-_ %: ith his good mate Rob
improvement from youngster Aaron Kenez . Uni were a bit tardy early but eventually got their act together and had their usual spread of goal kickers and better players. George de Crespigny back from the twos booted five and Andrew Lowcock was a major factor all day as the Blues careered away to a 96 point win . Scotch Football Day A. minutes into the Scotch/Xavs clash, it was St nards pretty obvious how much they boys in red love old Trinity getting back to playing under the red brick chapel Marcellin at the old school . Josh Kitchen didn't go to the St Bernards school but relished the space of the Scotch mai n
Jordon D Walsh Cullinan Pearson Kennedy
12 4 0 5 5
35 33 27 26 21
oval and his long kicking to forwards Gerstman A and Thompson kick-started their day . They University Blues Millard 2 25 St rnards Close 4 16 relaxed in the 2nd, held Xavs in the 3rd and then Ole irinitv Gutierez 0 14 tarnished their day somewhat by the letting ie 01 ~id 1 13 reigning premiers back into the game in the final I regained a semblance ofL form 01 )pa _e 1 1 3
Bonnici were good De La players with Jarred Frazer and Bernard Dinneen getting the plaudits 17 .13 (115) OLD SCOTCH 8 .4 11 .6 16 .8 for Marcellin. OLD XAVERIANS 2 .1 6 .5 8.8 14.3 (97) Selections. . . . Scotch: Gerstman 4 Thompson 3 Saunders 3 B Phillips Crow Hume Short of an avalanche hitting Victoria's Ski Old Cations Wigney Joyce Berangec Best Kitchen Saunders Lewis Hume resorts, a new tax on Toorak tractors or the O'Connor Berangec Old %av: Lethlean 3 Beardsley 2 Callihan 2 O'Meara 2 imminent banning of neat and inoffensive rugby V.Oodrulf Rvan Chatfield Sapuppo Rush . Best Beetham Beardsley Bingham tops, the OM players could not be in for a bigger Callinan Chatfield Ford . task than the one they face this week against St Umpires: Damian Anderson Anthony Damen (F) Sean Collins Phillip Miller Bernards . Consider this : they have two wins, (B) Bernie Hoare Lucas Robson (G ).5 3.9 8.12 12 .13 (85) many of their stars are out injured, Dan Jordan is DE IA SAIIE 33.3 4 .6 8 .8 13 .8 (86) MARCEII IN in menacing touch, Tim Harvey's may be back Marc: Sheehan 4 Cox 2 Symes Marson Rice Gartner McMillan Brooks (fresh from very good form at Box Hill) and the Addison. Best Frazer Dinneen Hermans Carmody Sheehan . DIS : Rayson 4 Bernards machine is cranking like never before . It Silvers 2 Mannix 2 Duggan P Harrison LaRagy Orlando . Best: Bonnici Dobric could be worse I guess, the game could be being Corin Rayson Silvers Brown. Umpires : Mark Gibson Dirk Kramer (F) Craig Brajtberg Peter Teasdale (B) Les played at the Pit . And the others? Quick fire, Peter McIntyre . Damyon Craig Arnot (G) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .7 9.13 14.20 20.24 (144) Scotch easily at Donvale, Iiiarcellin likewise over WI11T'EFRR1pg3 3.0 4.0 7.3 7.6(48) Haileybury, De La in an upset of sorts over the Uni Blues: de Crespigny 5 Solly 2 Torney 2 Lowcock 2 Young 2 Gleeson 2 stagnant Xavs and Uni to widen the gap between Butko North Muelbach Brookes Hayter . Best : Lowcock Torney McKinnoin Kordick Gleeson Nagar. White: Swain 2 M Carbone C Carrigg T Caring Dance 3rd and 4th as they see off Trinity at Bulleen . Northey. Best: Campbell M Carbone Kenez C Cazrigg A Pawlik Phan . Inner a Winne r : Jason McNiece Michael Sheridan fill Matthew Jackson Scott Last weekend I was nursing the mother of all Umpires Gavens (B) Paul Gait Vin Vestrni (G ) Hanna Mandlicovas and I listened to the first half ST BEgNARDS 7 .1 17 .7 23 .8 31 .11 (197) of the St Bernards/Trinity game on Inner FM for OLD TRINITY 5 .2 7 .4 11 .5 13.6 (84) the first time . All I can say is that all followers of St Bern.: D Jordan 12 Pearson 5 Byrne 3 Goullet 2 Baumgartner B Jordan Liberatore McIntyre C Mitchell N Mitchell S Mitchell O'Sullivan L Wilkinson . A Grade footy should try and catch up with it, it . Old makes for imminently better listening than the Best D Jordan McLaughlin Goullet L Wilkinson Kavanagh Johnson : L Kennedy 5 Walsh 4 Cultrera T Van Der Venne Williams R Ramsden . farce dished up on MMM and the egocentric 1Yin . Best A Ramsden L Kennedy Wdliams Hil]as Bottler T Van Der Venne garbage of Rex Hunt . This week, they cover Xavs Umpire s: Wayne Hinton Peter James (F) Brendan Cannon Nathan Eddy (B) v De La and it is well worth a listen . Dennis Webster Daniel Scully (G) OID HAHMBURY 3 .4 8.5 10.8 14 .13 (97) CORRESPONDENTS OLD MEIEUR 01[S 3.2 3.4 11.6 15 .6 (96) Jonathan Horn - jonathan_-g_horn@vahoo .co .u k
Old Hail: S Langford-Jones 2 Bourke 2 White 2 M Corrigan 2 Tassell 2 Armstrong Seccull Goldsworthy Carson. Best M Corrigan Bourke Rode H Mdb : Kennon 4 Cud;ipp 2 Davis 2 Uni Blues - to congratulate Ben Callery on 50 .' McLauchlan Trollope Waite. Old Thompson 2 Hicks 2 Costello-Manning Guest Tucker. Best: Muiquiney Wu Senior games for the club . Ben has worked his Costello-Manning Kennon Thompson J Berry . way through the Under 19's and Reserve teams to Umpires : Mark Morrison Steve McCarthy (F) Matt Jenkinson Ro b be an important member of the Senior outfit . Mayston(jnr) (B) Matthew Simpson Chris Doyle (G) li
p .t
Tough over the ball, hard at the contest and a terrific endurance running capacity makes Ben a tough match up for opposition coaches . In addition to his on field contribution, Ben works off the field supporting the committee in a number of projects . Well done BC . Old Scotch - congratulates Captain Steve Hume on achieving 200 games and Life Membership of the Club last weekend against Old Xavier . Steve has had a long association with the Club and his leadership and playing record is outstanding . Well done George! The club also congratulates Tim Finocchiaro, Duncan Knight an d Scott Cations on playing their 50th games recently .
TODAY'S MATCHES, A SECTION Old Xaverians v De La Salle Whitefriars v Old Scotch at Sportscover Arena, Sunday Old Trinity v University Blues Old Melburnians v St Bernards Marcellin v Old Haileybury - 96 .5 Inner FM
A RESERVE O1D SCOTCH 4 .3 6.8 11.10 13 .13 (91) 5.2 7.3 11.7 12 .9 (81) OLD XAVIERIANS Old Scotch: 0 Crane 4 Addison 3 Sutcliffe 2 Beattie Leitl Reid'lldtoch . Best: tell Ashton Beattie Lillingston Freeman TUlloch . Old %av: At Jones 3 N Hulett 3 Chambers 3 Dixon Santalucia Nadinic. Best : Dixon Nadinic Quinn Corcoran Ac Jones Fox.
DE IA SAt1E 3 .3 3 .5 4.6 7.10 (52) 9.6(60) 2 .1 6 .5 9.5 MARCELLIN Dr.lasaIle: Ellis Mercuri ODonnell Quinane Skinns Stinear Williams . Best: Marks K Manna McHenry Skinns McLeish McInerney . MarceIlin: McCartin 3 Seabury 2 Adams McGree W 'ignell Perri . Best: Wiptell MeGree D McMillan O'Flymn Seaburv McCartin .
.9 (171) UNIVERSITY BLUES 9.0 18.3 22.4 27 0.2(2) Wlffl'EFtuARS 0.0 0.0 0 .0 Clark 4 Girdwood 3 Marlin 2 Millard 2 Tanner 2 Rankin 2 University Blues: Sudhollz 2 Gates 2 Quinn 2 Hutchinson Hutchins Leahy teeming Birks : Callery . Best Leahy Clark Martin Birks Js Brooke Girdwood . Whitefiisrs Best Elliott M Baker Duffy Ross Trey4aud Vernal . ST BERNARDS 3 .2 4 .5 6.6 10.9 (69) 7.8(50) OID 17 BPPPy 1 .2 3 .5 7.6 St Bemards: Close 4 Mihailovic 2 Crouch N Grant P Smith P Harris . Best: . Old TrinityArmatas 2 Miaewicz Harris N Thomas Penett Close Crouch Aitken Hillas Lauletta Troon Gamble . Best : Best Donahoo Troon Beardsley Lauletta McCutchron.
OLD HAHEYBUHY 4 .1 6.4 11.5 13 .7 (85) OLD MEIBURNIAPIS 2 .4 7.5 10 .5 12 .7 (79) Old HsIleybary : Efstathiou 4 Warnes 2 Shepherd Bell A Floyd P l .angfordJones Lappage J McLauchlan Gilby . Best Mitchell Bell Warnes L Floyd Lappage Efstathiou. Old MeRrumians : Matthews 4 Anderson 2 Whitehead 2 Fitr.gerald Grandy Jenkins Selby . Best: Whitehead Mitchell Grundy Weir Jenkins Selby.
Coach: Mark Lowe Asst : Paul Dwyer Res : Mick Hagan C118 : Benjamin Buick 1 . L. Walker C Res 2. R . Buckley 3 . B . Corin VC 4 . L Harrison DVC 5. M. Duggan 6 . G. Gilbert 7 . P. Harrison 8 . J . La Ragy 9 . J . Moloney 9r- C. Mitchell 10 . T. Silvers 12 . M. McHenry 13 . A . Johnstone 14 . W. Dwyer 15 . P. Bowden 16 . S . Hyland 17 . L. Bowden 18. L. Williams 19. T. Demetriou 19. M . Goodier 20. M . Picone 20. A. Shields 21 . A. McKenzie 22r. M . O'Donnell 22. M . Brown 23. R. Sherman 24. J. Morel 25. C. Hyde 25. R. Walmsley 26. D. Spithill 27. 5. Thomas 28. C. Mercuri 29. C. Browne 29r. R. Marks 30. B. Mannix 31 . S. Hyde 31 . K Mannix 32,. R. Bonnici C 33 J. Stinear 34. D. Payson 35. A. Orlando 36. W. Jolley 37. D. Davis 38. S. O'Connell 39 . B. Oakley 39. T. Woodloc k 40 . N. Stewart 41 . D. McInerney 42 . P. Bourke 43 . A. Greenalgh 44 . A. Moore 45 . T. Molan 46 . D . Dobric 47 . J . Garland 48, J . Foon 52 . T. Maloney 54 . P. Hesse 55 . A. McLeish 57 . C . Chester 58 . M. Clinch 59 . S. Waeny 60 . P. O'Callaghan 70 . M. Kreze
Coach : Vaughan Cleary Coach : Mick Dwyer Res. Coach: Justin Wheeler Res Coach : Adam McMahon 1 . C. Home 2 . S . Davey 3 . P. Corrigan 4 . S. Langford-Jones (DVC) 5 . J . Bourke 6 . A. White 7 . M . Corrigan 7 . A. Shepherd 8 . R. George 9 . M . Barker 10. L . Siapantas 10. C. Efstathiou 11 . M. Graves 12. B. O'Farrell 13. A. Svarc 14. A. Forsyth 15. D . Mackenzie 16. P. O'Donnell (RC) IT K. Ford 18. C . Wa~cm n 19. M. Armstrong (C) 20. D . Hassett 21 , A.Jnk e 22. D . Mason 23 . M. Seccull 24 . B . Trollope 25 . S . Rowlands (RVC) 26 . J. Bell 27 . B . Johnston 28 . S . Goldsworthy 29 . B . Carson (VC) 30 . D. Warnes 31 . D. Lay 32 . B . Mitchell 33 . A. Floyd 34 . P. Langford-Jones 35. D. Lappage 36. P. Geister 37. M . Erikson 38. L. Floyd 39. S . Rode 40. N. Tassell 41 . S. Saunders 42. A. Hilton 43. R. McCarthy 44. M . Wray 45. D. Thurmond 46. C. Pountney 47. B. Waite 48. R. Goulden 49. L . Pitcher 50. M . Somaia 51 . H. McLauchlan 52. C. Ferguson 53. B. Haar 54. J. McLauchlan 55, T. Hilto n 56. D. Armstron g 57 . A. tG ht g r. 58 . A. Bake 59 . D. Gilby 60 . T. Smith 61 . J . Miller 62 . D . Salter 63 . M- Levy
1 . B. Dobson 2. J. Rice 3. N . Addison 4. J. Frazer 5. D . Johnston 6 . D . Sampimon 7 . S. Maguire 8, R . Frisina 9 , L. Considine 10 . A. Dale 11 . D. Taylor 12 .T Sheehan 13 . J . Wilkins 14 . D . Salce 15 . J . Carlson 16 . L. McMillan 17 . G. Cox (C) 18 . D . Gartner 19 . D. Cooper 20 . M . Hermans 21 . N . Walker 22 . D. Marson 23 . A . Wadsworth 24 . L. O'Flynn 25. R. Galati 26. D. McMillan 27. S . Theisz (VC) 28. B . Carmody 29. S . Brooks 30. A M o Treganowan 31 . . Bortolott 32. M . Browne 33, A . Symes 34. D. Jarred 35. C. Adams 36. E. Weekes 37. K. Bardon 38. M . Doyle 39. D. Leardi 40. D. Carson 41 . J. Seabury 42. B. Dinneen 43. J. Mathew s 44. L . Hanson 45. D . Theisz 46. B. Wignell 47. B. Gutterson 48, K. O'Dwyer 49. D . Van Holden 50. A. Carson 51 . A. Ryder 52 . M. Aftamore 53 . M. Perri 54 ' J. Forbes 55 . J. Wallis 56 . M. Moran 57 . D . Cullinan 58 . M . McCartin 59 . R . Conti 60 . L. Furlan 61 . A. McGree 62 . M . Symes 63 . C . Pezzimenti 70 . D . Cracknel l 85 . D . Coutts ydrP7
Valley Club
1 . D . Smith 2 . J . Beaumont 3 . M . Billing 4 . R . Mathews 5 . L Bunn 6 . D. Holme 7 . C. Thompson 8 . A . McKeon 9 . C. Aubrey 10 . T. Roberts (C) 11 . P. Gallagher 12 . J . Richardson 13 . E . Wilson 14, B . Evans 15. J . Ray 17. James Miller 18. T. Fitzgerald 19. R. Mulquiney 20. J . Guest 21 . M . Hicks 22. J. Dixon 23. M . Berry 24. M . Hawkins 25. H. Whitehead 26. T. Costello 27. W. Richardson 28. M. Marson 29. M. Prowse 30. Jono Miller 32. E. Selby 33. J. Magee 34. P. Grundy 35 . C . Ray 36 . B. Wulff 37 . J. Grant 38 . H . Lacey 39 . J . Tucker 40 . H . O'Brien 41 . J . Berry 42 . P. Theodore 43 . A . Wu 44 . P. Hill 45 . M . Kennon 46 . J . Anderson 47, P. Cans 48 . C. Alder 49 . G. Tsiotras 50, C. Jenkins 51 . C. Richmond 52 . O . Webb 53 . T. Harrison 54. J . Byrne 55. C. Murphy 56. L. Beilby 57. A. Bains 58. H. Turner 59. R. Faulkner 60. S. Wettenhall
Coach : Dale Tapping Asst Coach : Andrew Smith Res Coach: Serge D 'Angel o Asst Coach: Ray Beattie 1 . R. Mullins 2. B . Phillips (VC) 3. J . Ros s 4. T. Holt 5. S . Collins (VC) 6. A. Cro w 7. J . Kitchen g. C. Tallent 10. C. Smith 11 . M . Angus 1 2. S. Hume (C) 13. A. Nettleto n . N. Ackroy d 14 S. Cation s 15. 16. S. Troon 17. T. Wigne y 18. L Hawkins 19. A. Josephs 20. S. Ullingston 21 . C. Joyc ~ N. Addison e 23. 0 . Cran e 24. L McDonnell . Saunders 26.. M T. Downin g 27. M . Dennis 28 . A. Quai l 29. M . Gnatt 30 t Finocchiaro 31,. N. Le N 32 . J. Gerstma n 33 . E. Rei d 34 . C . Phillips 35 . P. O'Connor 35r. . Sutherlan d 36, J . Sutcliffe 37 . G . Carrol l 38 . G . Prendergast 39 . W. Elliott 40 . T. Aural Smit h 41 . W. Lewis 42 . T. Beatti e 43 . A. Routledge 44 . D . Jackson 4 5 . A. Teasdale 46 . J . Beaurepair e 47 . T. Beranger (VC) 48. S . Dumaresq 49. L. Kitchen Walko m 5~. L Freeman 52. D . Knight 53. J . Rodski ~. D. Brooke 57. J . Cran e 58. A . Grant 59. C. Evan s 60. J . Sheldon 61 . C. Swan 62. M . Graham 63. E . Hop e 64. J. Mitchell 6,5, M . Moffatt 66, A. Pearce 67. S . Tulloch 68. C. Loga n 69. C. Neal 71 . Aing~t he r .M j3. S. Lovelle 74. S. Kings 75. C. Dufour 76. J. Nickles s 77. T. Pag e 78. A.Simson M . Waterson 80. S. Willis 81 . G . Fordyc e 83 . L. Thompso n
The Age - MPG
B ee hive Hote l
Hawthor n
Coach: Justin Pickering Asst : Justin Hart Res : Hartley Stone
Sponsored By :
Gazman Natureworx K2 ASSET MGT
A Section OLD 7R1MTY MAMMARIAN Coach : Leigh Carlson Ass Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach: Dale Bower Club 18 Coach: Ed Best 1 . KennaA 2. HineA 3. Reynolds L V/C 4. Saunders R 5. eunwrs D V/C 6. Gnarl P 7. Van Der Venne T 8. Burrows R 90 `re~sq 1 11 . KennedyS
12. CunreraA 13 Cade J 14. Troon R 15. Green M 16. HAI a.s C 17. Kites R 18. Healy J 19. Am,aias c
20. McPhersonS 21 . Kennedy L 22 . Deane-Johns G 23 . Ramsden A Capt: . Chdstoperson 24 25' ~~~ F J 26 pu„ahoo g 27 . Hill R 26 . Heary T 29 . Craw ord M 30 . McKinnon R 31 . Burgess J
32 . Brown 8 33 . Aaken J 34 . Deane-Johns L 35. Badeni s 36. Bunter D 37. van Der Venne S ruC 38. Ramsden R 39Walsh g
40• Beardsley D 41 . tauietta S 42' 'vrwre S 43. Amore J 44. Treaan~en G 45 . Morpeth T RV/C 46 . Coopers
47 . Pretty S 48 . B estJ
49 . RomneyN
5o . B~kmore B 51. Gambe R 52 . Heaven C 5.3
. Plain G 54 . Williams Z 55 . Tayior C 56. Best E 57. Schulze D 56. Stebbins C 59. oadeT ~' B D 61 . i~~ Cristiano 62. Chiftey E
~, Cade S 64. GrayJ 65. Robison M 67" Aml;°"'A 6a. Guaerrez C 69. Oliver D 70. Brawn 71. ArtwrsmRh J 72. A,n ;C 73 . Hildebrandt ;~ D 74 . Thwartes M
75 . Maier C 76 . MonassoJ 77 - MoD°uaa E 19 . Tread-l1 C so, Manseur s 81 . O Shea ' M 62 . Philli ps R 63 . Welsh L
OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Michael Shelly Res . Coach : Chris Gawne
Coach : Peter Nicholson Res : Darren Handley
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . tt .
A .Fox D.O ando J Pasceri D.Landrigan D.Rush AOswakl S Lethlean J.McDonnell J.Hawkins (Capt-Res) M.Beardsley L .Howard
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7R 8. 9. 10 .
C. Keunen J . Madden C. Goullet D. Jordan Joe Mount M. Harrison S. Clarke S. Parrett J. Evans B. Jordan (C) N . Mitchell
12 .
11 .
C . Davis
13 . 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 21 . 22. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27, 29. 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 43. 44. 45 . 47. 48 . 50 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 56 . 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62. 63.
R .Speekman S.Skidmore LFord (Capt) S .Mollard A .Chaffieki N-Capt) M .Scanlan S McCarthy TOckleshaw (V-Capt) J .Healy S .Johnston C.Purss R.Carey C.Santalucia PRyan C .Beetharn B.Dixon TMaher P.Ockleshaw N .Bingham A .E Jones A .McCarthy D.Sapuppo D.Higgins S .Freer AArmstrong N.Laicins M .Callinan T.Woodruff N.Hulett A.Barrett N .Corcoran A.Nadinic J .Agius J .Francis R .Ford N .Quinn TCorrigan J .McGrath D.iGng M .Walsh KO'Lou ghlin J.Silk T.0'Meara
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 .
B . Hogan C. Mitchell (DVC) C. Day C. Liberatore L Turnbull L O'Sullivan (VC) T. Cooney R. Close L Fielding . B. Loughlin M. O'Riley L Wilkinson S. Crouch D . McLaughlin C . Baumgartner James Mount (R C) P. Hollan d G. McIntyre S . Mitchell S . Glenn T. Harveyy N.P.Smith D. Byrne T. Pearson S. Carlton A. Catterall S. lannazzo M. Juricskay y D . O'Connor M . Kavanagh B . Miziewicz N . Basaraba M . Mihailovic B . Johnson B . Cesar J .Uoyd B. Grant N.Thomas A. Smith D . Blunt L .B .O'Sullivan P. Harris L Evans
84. Boyd L
efi. coldenherg w
86. McCutcheon M 87. Parker D
aa. Chan s wnr~s A 00. Swinnerton H 91 . SmahP
92. undsey M
o} ; o;,
Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : David Matthews 1 Butko 2 Hutchins 3 Sturrock 4 Guengerich 5 Tanner 6 Rigby 7 Young 8 Hayter g Lowcock 10 Martin 11 North 12 Gleeson Q 13 Girdwood 14 Roydhouse 15 Quin 16 Kordic k 17 De Crespigny 18 Fairbank 19 Tourney 20 Coleman 21 McIntyre 22 Millard 23 Wilcox 24 Russell 25 Solly 26 Scambler 27 Wilkie 28 Thomas 29 Terrill 30 Calheebac h ry 32 Paterson 33 Gales 34 McKinnon 35 Cheel 36 Brooke 37 Robbins 38 Lochhead 439 Holmes 0 Brookes 41 Brooke Fletcher 43 Fulton 44 Wood 45 McLachlan 46 Birks 47 Millar 48 Fishly 49 Steele 50 Nailon McIntosh 52 Ihle 53 Heffernan 54 Waxman 55 Zanos 56 Rankin 57 Irvine 58 Sudholz 59 Hutchinson 60 Penny 61 Ritchie 62 Callery 63 Eden 64 McPhail 65 Clarke 66 Barbetti 67 McAloon 68 Anderson 69 King 70 Leeming
P T J D J M R J A R L Capt. T C L M G p M M T B T S A J R M A TB M B T S Ja J G R C Je s L J G T A L P H J T X A M T T J B C J M P D E J D M J M
71 Irving
72 Leahy 73 Foster
74 Costin
75 Moylan 76 Hein e 77 Styles tyle5 78 Giles 80 Maplestone
86 Bannister
Coach: Pat Mannix Asst . Coach : Peter Randal l Res . Coach : Chris Rubic k 1 . C. Wood 3. M . Carbon e 5. B . Phan 6. P. Campbell 7. S. Brosol o 8_ B. Janson
9. A. Pawlik 10. R . Pasqualotto 11 . T. Wallac e 12. S. Phelan 13. T Langford 14 . T. Cerrigg 16 . J. Power 17 . A . Carbone
18 C . Danc e 19 . A . Hil l 20 . P. Hennessey 21 . B . Jones 22 . N . Cunningha m 23 . E . Eames 24 . A . Cunningham 25 . M . Vernal 26. D. Gallagher 27. L. Swain 28. M . Manni x 29. A. Glen n 30. M . Power 31 . M . Bake r 32. G . Kenned y 33. C. Fulton 34. D. Gloufchev 35. C. Law 36 . C. Dyer 37 . M. Nuna n 38 . C . Carrig g 39 . D . Brice 40 , D . Atkin s 41 . M. Leah y 42 . M. Northey 43 . N . Elliott 45. S . Cleve n 46. M . Duffy 48. J . Treyvaud 49. T. Hilton 50. D. Crea 51 . R. Eames 52. A. Baggoley 53. B . Wilson 54. A. Bake r 55. P. Tobin 58 . P. Poutney 59 . N. Brisbane 60 . R . Pawli k 61 . L . Eames 62 . J. Anderson 66 . J. Box
Call - 9886 5355 FCL Interstate
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Marcellin v Old Xaverians Whitefriars v De La Salle Old Trinity v Old Scotch Old Melburni an s v University Blues at Spo rt scover Arena, Saturday - 96.5 Inner FM Old Haileybury v St Bernard s
B SECTIO N Old Brighton v Old Ivanho e Old Essendon Gr v Old Paradian s
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Beaumaris v Collegian s Old Camberwell v Banyule Viewbank at Oval 2 Macleay Park Old Ivanhoe - By e Old Melburnians v Rupertswood Old Trinity v Old Essendon O r
St Kevins v Beaumaris Collegians v North Old Boy s
UNDER-19 SECTION 3 MHSOB v AJAX Oakleigh v Old Paradian s St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Monash Blues Old Carey v University Blacks Whitefriars v Therry Penola 0 B
UNDER-19 ( 2) BLU E
Old Camberwell v Caulfield O r
Ormond v South Melbourne Districts De La Salle (2) v Oakleigh Clays Peninsula 0 B v Hampton Rovers Emmaus St Leos 0 C v St Johns 0 C Mazenod 0 C v Bentleigh
Mazenod 0 C v St Bedes Mentone Tigers at Sportscover Arena, Sunday
Theny Penola 0 B v Emmaus St Leos 0 C AJAX v Hampton Rover s
Parkdale Vultures v MHSOB Glen Eira v Monash Blue s D1 SECTION University Blacks v Fitzroy Reds Old Mentonians v Ormond Salesian 0 C v Peninsula 0 B Banyule v Aquinas 0 C Prahran v Yarra Valley 0 B
UNDER-19 (2) RED UHS-VU/St Bernards - By e
North Old Boys v Bulleen Templestowe Old Westbourne v La Trobe Un i Old Xaverians (2) v Rupertswood (2) Aquinas 0 C v Fitzroy Reds switched from original draw
La Trobe Uni v Ivanhoe Assumption Bentleigh v Williamstown Cym s Old Geelong v Swinburne Uni Old Carey v Monash Gryphon s Bulleen Templestowe v West Brunswic k
CLUB 18 (1 ) Marcellin v Old Xaverians De La Salle v St Kevins Old Scotch - By e
D3 SECTION Rupertswood v Mt Lilydale Werribee Amateurs v Power House Hawthorn Amateurs v Syndal Tally-Ho UHS-VU v St Johns 0 C
South Melb Districts v Oakleig h D4 SECTION Kew v St Mary s
Eltham Collegians v Richmond Central Box Hill North v Old Westbourne Elsternwick v Bulleen Cobras Albert Park v North Brunswic k UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Marcellin v Old Xaverians St Bernards v St Kevins
Old Scotch v University Blues De La Salle v Old Brighton Caulfield Or v Werribee Amateurs 6
Mazenod 0 C v Old Brighto n Old Essendon Or v Prahran - Oval 1, Essendon Grammar School ( 15 Gl0) CLUB 18 (2 )
Old Scotch (2) v Collegians Monash Blues v Eley Park Fitzroy Reds v University Black s Old Melburnians v Theriy Penola 0 B Old Xaverians (2) v Whitefriar s CLUB 18 (3 )
Monash Gryphons v University Blues North Old Boys v Old Scotch (3) Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Geelong Old Carey v La Trobe Uni Caulfield Or v Old Trinity
Al`-:C ' a in . V,rI'1D'S cut . Who's d Cr' what . Stay on the b8l : w f'i the iate6t AR nevvs each weekday r? c :^r.irr wsth Prime Time Sports 9 27 . Soorts p~Ofessiorals Simon O'Donnell , Uthen and cring you the !at-ast resUlts, ne-1,1•u and ir :terv :ews, . S h_^7peEK'g in sport, yO&1i as Lh'EIi as a compete wrap `#'Oit : 4.718 WO:^(C ~~.o, a pOrt .
near it on P ; re i ir~ Sz)c scc7, 5 . 3 0-9am
weekdays ,
by Tom a n REVIEW - To Dat e Coll egians have had a terrific run so far and done everything asked of them . Pat Hawkins has blooded a few younger blokes who have all been up to the mark, this combined with the good form of regulars Cam Hoist, Richard Hosking, Nic Harrison, the firepower up forward of Shura Taft and Jono Dixon, along with the return of Christian Davidson makes the Lions a formidable unit . Have snuck up on a few sides I think, but with the start they have had can look forward to some final's action . St Kevins have lost two games and perhaps were lucky to escape from the Tigers as well . On all 3 occasions they had the games well in hand and were on the path to victory when for some unknown reason they turn off and go to sleep . I'm sure David Murray and Tony Miller are working on this trait because it has and will prove costly. But the ability is still there through the likes of the Mahoney's, the Dollman's, Greenham, Lucas, O'Keefe, Keenan and not forgetting Chard so a top 2 finish is still well on track . Old Ivanhoe have done a fantastic job to sit in the third spot . Retirements and consistent injuries have made life very difficult for the Hoers but their resolve has been terrific . Young players like Payne and Curatolo have really lifted and buoyed the spirits of the veterans in Hares and Stevens . Look for further improvement as some important players return from injury in the next fortnight. Will be hard to displace. St Bedes-Mentone Tigers also have been very good and are showing the benefits of a year in the Section last year. Still tough to beat at Brindisi despite Saturday's loss, have to make that up with an away win now. Sammy Hecker, Luke Winfle, Richard Sampieri are all having consistent season's as is David Napier in the ruck. Michael Odachowski has added some resolve to the defence, and the young guns Tyquin, Terrell, Groves, Drury are all pretty capable so they will be around the mark . Have OEG and the Tonners after their spot though. Old Essendon on their day as good as any in the Section and need to be watched. Yet to hit the Top 4 but not to far away then in a battle to stay there . Have added some talent with the recruitment of Playfair, Day, and Le udi, the return of Biggs Boys has helped as they can still pull o~f the hoists with only one of them in the side . Hakim has improved, Oanam and Leask are back in form so expect a bold showing in the next 10. Old Brighton have had their fair share of injuries too and have been unlucky having been playing well but not winning. Big Brook Logan has been leading the way in the Ruck, Adam Pirrie has been good up forward, and Andrew Edge is improving all the time . When Hendra, Williams, the Edwards', Homann, McCowan . Reid, Jackson and Dawes all return they make a formidable unit and cannot be taken lightly. If they don't make it will certainly shape it . North Old Boys are another still not without a chance if they can consistently put some consistency together. The return of Cordy gives plenty of potency up forward, especially with the Barkers Bros still in form and veterans Boyle . Sleep and Hyde gives the NOBS plenty of ability. Could be the dark horse to surprise them all and steal a spot if the C word comes in . Old Paradians have not had a good first half either due to retirements and injuries and are going through a re-building process . Still hard to find positives but Curran and Dintinosante have been revelations and the improvement shown by youngsters
Kreuzer, Richardson and Cowles augers well for the future. Return of 6 players in the next fortnight will also help, be advised to keep the old school safe, L especially at the Garvey . Beaumaris have been the enigma, have promised much but delivered little . Ran St Kevins close, beat Old Brighton but put in a couple of shockers in the midst. Have some good players in Murray Pitts. Mick Matullick . Mark Boon. Danny George, David Teasdale, and Mark Ensor, some developing youngsters in the Atkins Boys, Luke Healy, Sean Lynch and Leigh Wonnacott, so if they can string it all together are likely to provide a bit of cheek. Would be a mug who wrote the Sharks off yet . Mazenod have put up with the year from hell at the moment a bit like the Paradians with retirements and injuries a plenty . Probably should have 8 points but when the luck is out it close results don't go your way. Dominic Dunne has been terrific rewarded with State Selection. Cannot fault the endeavour just have been totally undermanned . Veteran Mark Murray gives his all and Mark Apollonio and Mick Chamberlain have been consistent . Will enjoy the break, regroup and look forward to causing some surprises on the run home . PREVIEW Gerard Shrilly welcomes a few of his Past Players and officials as the Old Paradians make the short trek down the road to Pine Lodge . The OPs will certainly lift especially for Shols and will have a few players back for today's game . But so will the Hoers. Old Ivanhoe will not want to let the hard work at Brindisi St a fortnight ago go to waste, and so at home start my favourite today .
Central Reserve hosts a ripper today . Season and B Section tenure perhaps on the line for both of them in an absolute must win game . As previously explained both have had a fair share of woes this season, but no excuses today, they must produce. Nec k
CLUB B SECTION Mazenod Old Ivanhoe Old Essendon Collegians Collegians St Bedes B RESERVE Old Ivanhoe Old Paradians St Kevins Mazenod North Old Boys
LST 1'11t TOTA L Maskell Luxon Playfair Taft Dixon Hecke r
4 0 7 0 3 4
28 26 26 25 22 22
Stewart Spinoso Allis Hawkins Bryar
5 0 0 2 4
19 18 17 13 12
on the line Beaumaris for me . 1 I SKOBS and NOBS meet for perhaps the first time in their history ( Ir ' at Righetti Oval . St Kevins on the rebound is a daunting task for ST BEDES MENT TIG 6.4 7.7 10.12 15.13 (103) North as they will be smarting after throwing away the Collegians OLD IVANHOE 2.0 9.2 12.5 16.10 (106) game . North found some pretty good touch last game and will St Bedes/hfP: S Hacker 4 L Terrell 4 R Samperi 3 Hayes 2 Saunders L take it right up to the home side but find hard to see the Dave Wintle. Best : Hecker Samped L Terrell Hayes D Napier L Wmtle. Old IT. G Murray trained side go down again . But by gee they must play the Hope 5 Branigan 4 Cornelius 2"nteodossi 2 Lewry Kefalas Geischen. Best full game out . Geischen Hope Branigan Nagel Theodossi Curatolo . Old Brighton welcome the all conquering Coll egians to the Umpires: Leah Gallagher Ben Ryde (F) Andrew Rechtman James Gregory South Road Oval . Both will have enjoyed the break and will (B) Dominic Napoli Matthew Cowley (G) welcome back a few players. The spirit of the Lions was certainly 2 .2 2 .6 4 .7 5.7(37) most evident last round in their come from behind victory and OLD PARADIANS 5 .1 11 .6 14 .8 22.13 (145) their confidence will be high, while the Tonners have been in their OLD BRIGHTON Pirtle 5 Logan 4 MacgiIliviay 3 Edge 2 Bristow 2 Ewert 2 Old Bright: games against most of the upper echelon and have held their Falidngharn A Girutivan S Ginnivan . Best Stewart Pirtle Logan Hughes S form . Against the flow an upset is in the air in 2 words, Old Ginnivan B Gadsden . Old Par. Brabender 3 Dean Dintinosante. . Best: Brighton . Conan Dintinosante Kreuzer Jenkins Loney Cowles . A real litmus test for the Tigers as they go all the way North to Peter Simpson Daniel Mousley (RFL) in Andrew Enington Bomberland today. OEG have to start favourites despite being Umpires: Esposito Graham Wakeling (RFU (G) lower on the ladder, but it is at home and like the Tigers they have Brandon Cooper (RFL) (B) Andrew.4 6.8 6.11 14 .14 (98) BEAUMARIS 1 a decided advantage at the picturesque surrounds of Rachelle OLD ESSENDON GR 6.4 11 .8 17.15 20.17 (137) Street. So in what could be a good or bad tipping week, will go Old Ess: Playfair 7 Heritage 3 Stone 3 Stormont 2 DeMorton Fleming with Dunnel's boys to get over the line . Flaherty Dragolisa Obtuibek . Best Day Playfair D Ryan Portia D Biggs PRESS CORRESPONDENT' S Good week last week . Back refreshed after a break now, keep those snippets coming. 9553 1561 is the home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016, or email me at brainco@optusnet.com.au by RPM Mondav Ni g hts . -_ _~ Mazenod - Tim 5ndth arrived at the Old Culls in 1986 and becomes only the third Mazenod player to reach 300 games . He is the President of Mazenod in 2004 . Tim's playing career has included playing in 7 Reserves Grand Finals and 4 Reserves premierships. He has been Runner Up in the Reserves Best and Fairest on 3 occasions and was victorious in the Best and Fairest in 2001 when we were in A Grade . Tim was awarded Best Final player in 1993 and 2000, Most Consistent in 1993 and won the Mazenod College Sportsman's Award in 2000 . Tim has played 100 of his 300 games in the seniors, including 5 teams in the finals as a senior player. He was awarded Life Membership in 2001 after serving the Club for over 10 years as a Committeeman, including, many years as Treasurer of the Club. Congratulations Tim on an outstanding contribution to Mazenod OCFC.
Old Paradians - congratulations to our own ' quiet man' Bernie Hart who played his 150th game last Saturday . Bernie joined the club in 1994, played Reserves, becoming a&Yture in the Senior Team until injury forced him to miss all of 2003, now he back and contributing once more . Dependable, reliable, consistent all words applicable to this quiet achiever . Well done Bernie. Old Ivanhoe - congratulate Marty Stewa rt who will reach 200 games against Old Parade on the 19/6. Universally known as 'The Showstopper' for his trademark screamers (2 of which have made it on the 'almost footy legends' section of -The Footy Show'), Marty has had one of the great careers for OIG's. A member of 94 and 95 premiership sides in the seniors, 2001 premiership side in Club 18, the OIG 'Team of the 90's' and the 'Team of the Century', Marty has been one of a core of club champions who have enabled OIG to rise from section D to A /B . Since joining in 92, Marty has also won 2 best Clubman's and leading goalkicker awards, and a couple of B& Gs in the reserves and Clubbies and is now back going strong in the reserves , where he is still asking the opposition defenders to join in his celebrations after a top goal, and receiving the usual response . Well done Marty .
TODAY'S MATCHES B SECTIO N Old Ivanhoe v Old Paradians Old Essendon Gr v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Mazenod 0 C v Beaumari s St Kevins v North Old Boys Old Brighton v Collegians
lrgudi . Beau: Matulick 5 Kennedy 2 Wonnacott 2 Teasdale 2 Gillespie Lynch N Atkins . Best: Martin Matulick Wonnacott Lynch M Lee Woolnough. Umpires: Luke Holmes Grneme Thwaites (F) Gavin Roberts Bruce Stephens (G) NORTH OLD BOYS 9 .2 14.4 20.9 25 .12 (162) 9.11 (65) MAZENOD 0 C 1 .4 5.9 7.10 NOB: Cordy 9 Carmichael 4 M Barker 2 Jeffery 2 Boyle 2 Lynch 2 J Barker Maxton Smith Nihill . Best Cordy D Brady Maxton Boyle Lynch Sleep . Maz: Maskell 4 Parker 2 Apollionio J Dunne D Chamberlain. Best: Murray Castricum Apollionio M Chamberlain D Kelly D Hose. Umpires: Albie Firley Geoff Curran (Fl Rob Parry Chris Kaleta (G) COI],EGtANS 4 .2 5 .5 9 .11 14.16 (100) ST 1CEVINS 2 .8 7.12 11 .15 13 .18 (96) Coll: Dixon 3 Couch 3 Burrow's 2 Blumfiekl2 Cotton Mooney Fry tVoolley . Best Holies Couch Harris Hosking Blumfield C Hoist . SKOB : Mulgjew 3 Greenham 3 Simpson Shannon J O'Keefe Allis Crowley B Dollman Guliver. Best: P O'Keefe Mahoney Liston Mulgrew M Dollman Simpson . Umpires : Geoff Caulfield Sacha Koffman (F) Brendan Corcoran Peter Monotti (B) Bernie Jephson Daniel Brookes (G ) B RESERVE ST BEDES MENTONE 0.2 3.4 6.7 8.10 (58) 2.2 5.2 8.4 11 .9 (75) OLD IVANHOE St Bedes Mentone: Kidd 4 Corda Terrell Bignall Buck Best. Bignall Kidd Williams Buck Rhoden Z.ahra. Old Ivanhoe : Stewart 5 Risstrom G George Neilson Pearce Snell Adderley BesL Neilson G George Snell Risstrom Holloway Davis 7.5(47) OLD PARADIANS 3.1 4.3 5 .5 6.7(43) OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS4.1 4.3 4 .6 Old Pazadians: D Mckay 4 Lombardi 2 Sandy . Best: Galloway Joyce Sandy M Rose Jones Corcoran . Old Brighton Grammarians : Scott 2 Murehie C Stewart Townsend S Jackson. Best : Richardson Morley Reddin Ellis Scott C Strait BEAUMARIS 1 .0 2 .0 3.3 4 .6 (30) OLD ESSENDON 3 .3 4 .6 5.8 9 .12 (66) Beaumaris: Blackmore 2 Carty Crossley. Best: McConchie Wright Crossley Presnell Cousins Blackmore . Old Ess endon: Baddeley 2 Flaherty 2 Kavanagh Fraser Batista Williamson lskra . Best: Stevens Fewster Baddeley Howard Ridley O'Brien. NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .2 5.4 10.7 13.9 (87) MAZENOD 2 .3 7.4 10.5 12.7 (79) NOBs : Bryar 4 Crapper 2 T Sheehan D Sheehan Kelly Halpin Borg D Ryan Barden . Best: Kelly Butcher Crapper B Sheehan T Sheehan Ingram . Mazenod : Ballenge 3 Morgan 2 Hawkins 2 Smith Paine Nelson Snarl Bradshaw. Best: Raine Ballock Paine Morris Snarl Barrie . COIIZGIANS 4.5 6.8 10 .8 13.9 (87) ST KEVINS 2 .3 5.6 8 .7 11.9 (75) CoIl: Baxter 3 Hart 3 Moilard 2 Watson Weekes Bridgeman Naylor Turner Kataulos. Best Hargie Mo➢ard Naylor Roach Henebery . SKOB: Mount 2 Katardis 2 Mitchell Beo Pangartio Gargano Curtis Mulkearns . Best: Dunn Be~ Kataulos O'Connor Griffiths Bar e
B Section BEAUM ARIS Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst : Erwin Leyden Res: Mick Carty 1 . R . Rawlins 2. H . Gibson 3. M . Pitts (C) 4. M . Matulick (DVC) 5. M . Ensor (DVC) 6. A . Spence 7. D . Foley 8. M . O'Brien 9. B . Cousins 10. L Buller 11 . M . Lee 12. L. Healy 13. C . Gourleyy 14. T. Collins 15. M . Boo n 16. A . Quin 17. L. Atkins 18. N . Kennedy 19. M . Atkins 20. M . Mellon 21 . S . Coots, 22. J . Holt 23. A . Cattin 24. B . Gray 25. D. Teesdal e 26. A . O'Brien 27. D. George 28. J . Vance 29. C. Martin (VC) 30. C. Lambert 31 . J . Black 32. B . Cairns 33. S . May 34. H . McMillan 35. N . Boctor 36. N . Atkins 37. R . Presnell 38. S . Lynch 40. J . Hogarth 41 . N . Conlan 42. B . Gillespie 43. R . Deaton 44. C. Collins 45. M . Duggan 46. L. Wonnacott 47. A . Kent 48. J . Mellor 49. J . Bryce 50. P Berry 51 . J . Mitchell 52. J . Williams 53. A . Poll 54. S . Lee 55. B . Deaton 56. T. Woolnough 57. A . Fisher 58. J . Bramwell 59. B . Griffiths 6. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 70. 71 .
J . Heath A . Pratt D. Galvin A . Coote G. Shattock P. McConchie L. Stevens S . Boreham S . Crossley C . Hawkins
COLLEGIANS Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Marty Hook 1 . J. Dixon 2. M . Johnson 3. B. Mooney V C 4, A. Shinkfield 5. R. Henebery 6. S. Woolley 7. S. Elg 7. J. Farle y 89. JC. Unsworth CAP T Fry 10 . J. Lang 11 . C . Weekes 12 . N . Harrison CAPT 13 . N . Thomas 14 . N . Lockett 15 . L . Cottom 16 . A. Baxter 17 . R . Hosking V C 18 . S. Taft 19 . C . Davidson 20 . M. Hoiles 21 . C . Harris 22 . T. Skurrie 23 . C . Mollard 24 . E. Waters 25 . R . Muir 27 . G . Rowston 28 . B. Couch 29 . N . Burrows 30 . L . Moon 31 . N . Roach 32 . C . Blumfield 33 . B. Holst V C 34 . T. Knox 35 . L . Nisbet 36 . R . Turner 37 . C . Hoist 38 . T. Lovell 39 . N . Hart. Res Capt 40 . L . Watson 41 . N . Baxter 42 . N . Abbott 43 . E. Malone 44 . Y. Phillips 45 . D . Gambaro 46 . J. Ashman 47 . R . Sztar 49 . D . Phillips 50 . D . Rubenstein 51 . B. Shadbott 52 . M. Naylor 53 . T. Hall 54 . B. Woolhouse 55 . T. Cookes 56 . B. Lumb 57 . B. Horsell 58 . D . Smit h 59 . M. Lynch 60 . A. Stone 62 . J. Little 63 . R . Luff 64 . M. Gribble 66 . J. Agimus
Coach : Garry Foulds Ass Coach : Tony Egan Res Coach : Mark Oraniuk 1 J . Cassell 2 M. Hyde (C) 3 T. Sheehan 4 S. Sleep 5 R . Davidson 6 N . Vogels (VC) 7 G . Smith 8 M.. White J . Cordy 10 W. Martin Roberts 1 G . Maxton 13 T. Halpin 14 T.KennedY 15 J . Nihill 16 R . Kelliher 17 M. Lynch 19 M. Maher 20 J . Sutherland 21 C . O'Brien 22 D . Tehan 23 A . Neville 24 J . Barker 25 B . Grigg 26 D . Brady 27 L. Herbert 28 D . Joyce (RC) 29 C . Hosking (VC) 30 S . Jarrott 31 L. Boyle 32 B . Sheehan 33 M . Barker 34 H . Neville 35 L. Crapper 36 D . Tonkin 37 D . Browning 38 M . Amor 39 L. Jeffery 40 C. Phyland 41 S . Borg 42 D. Sheehan 43 D. Zacek 44 T. Roache 45 S . Ingram 46 P. Daniels 47 J . Maher 48 M . KellyY 49 A . Cigola 50 L. Carmichael 53 S . Butcher (RVC) 54 R . Citroen 56 D. Ryan 57 K . Hildebrandt 60 M . Cribbes (RVC) 64 T. Brady 65 C. Calvert 66 P. Bryar ry
Coach: Jarred O'Neil l Res. Coach : Hayden Bickett
66 StBC, :Fzgvit:
South Melbourne 10
Coach: Mike McArthur-AU4en Ass Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res Coach: Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A. Tucker 4 J. Ballenger 5 D. Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S. Morgan 8 B. Parker 9 P. Gooden 10 B.. Chamberlai n 11 T. Smith 12 A. McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N. Meehan 15 N . Parry (DVC) 16 M. Apollonio 17 J. Beard 18 D . Dunne 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray 21 S. Polan 22 S. Veltman 23 B. Devlin 24 D . Nisbett 25 B. Stanley 26 J. Dunne (C) 27 M. Regan 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D . Hansen 31 N . Stuart 32 D . Hose 33 S. Balloch 34 C . Boyd 35 D . Collins 36 G . Hamill 37 L. Morgan 38 D . Hallet 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 M. Venturini 42 C . Paine 43 A . Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S . Paine 46 M . Hunt 47 A . Man 1ekia n 48 C . Jayaweera 49 L. Halvy 50 S . Ware 51 M . Murray (VC) 52 G. Tilling 53 54 A . Stagliano 55 D . Bonnici 56 S . Castricu m 57 58 D . Morris 59 60 61 M . McDowell 62 63 ~ 65
A. Kaywniak A. Pirri e C. Barrow (vc) A. MacGillivray A. Edg e R. Stewart (dvc) B. Logan C. Reddi n 8 C. McNicol (C. res ) 9 P. Phelan 10 J . M e a d 11 N. Perry 12 N. Williams 12 B. William s 12 S. Eastgate 13 N. Edwards 14 S. Williams (C) 15 B. Gadsden 16 J. Homan n 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A. Salem 18 M . Jackson 19 S. Ginniva n 20 M . Smith 21 T. Ewe n 22 L O 'Neil l 22 J. Murch 23 D. Dawe s 24 S. Gadsde n 25 M . Ryan 26 A. Ginnivan 27 D. Paterso n 28 A. Bristow 29 J. Dickerso n 29 B. Richardson 30 E. McCowa n 30 T. McLaughlin 31 A. Paroissie n 31 S. Jackson 32 A. Goldner 33 L Dale 34 T. Gibson 35 C. Stewart (R.vc) 36 R. Henderson (R.dvc) 37 D. Hughes 38 T. Matessi 39 B. Crilly 40 D . Murchie J. Murchi e 42 L Hendra (dvc) 43 R. Capom 44 R. Fisher 45 C. MctGm m 46 M . Townsend 47 S. Ada m 48 B. Dever 49 B. Scott 50 W. Lea f 51 J. Lync h 52 W. Hebard 53 P. Sabo 54 J. Dooley 55 D . McLaughli n 57 B. McGuiness 58 C . Butterss 61 A. Walsh 63 S. Davies 64 M.Rei d 68 M. Dubyna 69 A. Mandylaris 71 B. Humphreys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
B Section OLD ESSERDON Coach: Frank Dunell Res: Kornai Dachs
1 Panagiotopolus J 2 Biggs 3 Oxnam 4 Ryan 5 De Morton S 6 Ridle y 7 Leask J 8 Heritage J j 9 Stormont 10 Biggs T 11 Buckley J 12 Kavanagh J 13 Hakim B 14 Legudi 15 Mezo 16 Bordignon 17 Forrest 18 Flaherty Dawson S 19 Healey E S 20 PlaYfair 21 Dale S 22 Portia M 23 Hughes J 24 Dazkiw J 25 Frazer A 26 Fleming S 27 McKenzie A 28 Fewster A 29 Uebergang S 30 Dragojlo M 31 Caridi D 32 Poulton D 33 Velardo M 34 Podger D 35 Kavanagh L 36 Obliubek C 37 Parker A 38 Campbell T 39 Newbold B 40 McDermott H 41 Iskra A
42 Bertram N
43 Cramer S 44 Collins A 45 Winkel D 46 Lloyd 1 S 47 Howar d 48 W illiamso n J 49 Christou A
50 O'Brien L 51 Batista J 52 Mansfield J 53 Frazer L 54 Cramer S 55 Balloch S 56 Car M 57 Wade S 58 Hurtig B 59 Stevens J 60 Carter J
61 Newland A
62 Gradzki D 63 Beard M 64 Kepsner J 65 Bacash P
66 Wright g
OLD IVARHOE Coach: Gerard Shelly Res : Dirk Jones 1 . A. Oates (VC) 2 . L. Lochran (VC) 3 . S. Curatolo 4 . B . Davi s 5 . C . Georgio 6 . S . Kent 7 . J . Giesche n 8 . T. Stevens 9 . D. Payne 10. C. Crowley (VC)
11 . P. Lawry 12. C. Branigan 13. A. Ala9on a 14. D. Campbell - Fraser 15. G . Hope 16. S. Price 17 . A. Corcoran 18 . J. Hope (Capt) 19 . P. Dinakis 20 . D . Hawkes (VCR) 21 . R . Roberts
22 . B . Nagel 23 . K . Theodossi 24 . G. Haros 25. E . Byrn 26. M . Stewart 27. N. Hollonay 28. S. Morris 29. R. Weddle 30. A. Gilbert 31 . J. Stevens 32. S. Kefalas 33. N. Pratt 34 . A. Tieman 35 . M. Pollock (Capt R)
36 . S. Adderley 37 . A. Berry (VCR) 38 . Ga George 39 . Ge George 40 . J . Keane 41 . C . Jewell 42. S . Low 43. W. Cornelius
44. M . Luxon 45. N. Antoniou 46. D. Peacock 47. S. Snell 48. M . Clarke 49 . C . Quinlan 50 . R . Sterne 51 . N . Braddy 52 . S. Hackney 53 . M . Verrochi 54 . S. Smith 55 . S . Pearce 56. L. Courage 57. B . Smart 58. L. Bolzan 59. R. Stagg 60. I . Baccini
67 Tilley M 68 Brooks C 69 Burke C 70 Hurlston J
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Sam Assetta Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff 1 . D. Zivanovic 2 . A . Hughes 3. D. Dean 4. A. Curran (VC) 5. A. Paglia 6. R. Bux 7. M . Cosgriff (Res VC) 8. A. Sinclair (C) 9. P. Palermo 10 . P. Brabender 11 . M. Joyce 12 . B. Galloway 13 . S . Rose 14 . P. Pratt 15 . N . Brundell
16. M. Godfrey
17 . B . Hart 17. M . Mitchell 18, G. Po rteous (VC) 18. M . Spinoso 19. A. Dean 20. S . Maher 21 . D. Loney (VC) 22. S. Fantone (Res VC) 23 . P. Walsh 24 . T. Lombardi (Res VC) 25 . S. Rehlecki 26 . D. Boundy (VC) 27 . K. Jenkins 28 . J . Kreuzer 29 . A. Morrow 30 . M . Ryan 30 . D . McKay 31 . N . Dallas 32. S . Corcoran 33. D . Clayton 35. S . Simpson (Res VC) 36. B . Dintinosant e 37. A . DiFabio
40. W. Chambers 41 . A. Elliot 42 . R. Murray (Res C) 44 . M . Hyde 45 . C . McKay 46 . J. Ma rt inelli 47 . J. Sandy 48 . A. Moore 49 . M. Sykes 50 . A . Tenson 55. J . Swindon 56. S . Graham
ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Rusell Barnes Res: Mark Lomagno
1 Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L'Huillier A 5 Napier S 6 Fitcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scafidi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A 15 McColl T 16 Osborne C 17 Cords N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury ry 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 Tyquin J 25 Knu PPeI J 26 Hecker M
27 Beretta L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J
31 Drury J
32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 36 Walstab A 37 Williams L 38 Hayes A 39 McColl M 40 L'Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M
50 Kidd G 51 Buck A 52 Towns M
53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferns M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L rr 7 . %~rarr~rrw~ j, J , J FP+速 1 ir
Coach: Dave Murray Ass Coach : Tony Miller Res Coach : Rob Gross 1 . J. Rombotis (VC ) 2. E. Crohan 3. D . Curtis (RC) 4. L Mahoney (C ) 5 . M. Dollman 6 . P. O'Keefe 8 . B . Dollman 9. Fields 10 . M. Lucas it . T. Duggan 12 . M . Mulgre 13 . R. Bowles (DVC) 14. P. Greenham 15. W. Gullifer 16. B. Garvey 17. D. Ryan 18. R. Chard 19. D. Sheehy 20. T. Crowleyy 21 . R. Maguire 22. J. O'Keefe 23 . T. Simpson (DVC ) 24 . S. Powell 25 . A. Hamilton 26 . C . Taylor 27 . A. Lync h 28 . M. Giansiracusa 29 . C . Underwood 30. M . Crowe 31 . W. Keena n 32. S . O'Connor 33. M . Maguire
34. N . Parrett
35. J. Dempsey 36. P. Mount
37. M . Pangrazio 38 . J. O'Brien 39 . N. Pope 40 . L . Kalesaran 41 . B. Atti s
42 . S. Mount 43 . P. Bare 44 . G . Katavolos
45 . G. Baggy
46 . D . Mahone y 47 . J . Griffiths 48. A . Conlan (RVC) 50. R . Horrocks 51 . D. Bar e 52. J . Finch 53. L. Katavolos 54. S . Game 55. P. Natale 56. D. Wals h 59. P. Aughton
60. S. O'Conno r
61 . G . Simm 62. B. Shelley 64 . M. Gargano 66 . N . Marchesan i 67 . L. Gullrfer 68 . B. Hughe s 69 . A . Callery 70 . J . Maher 71 . A . Mulkearns 72 . D. Manton 75. R. Campagna 77 . M . S hanno n 78. R. Taylor 80. D. Dun n 82. S. Mitchel l
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Construc tion
A.F.C . VV J V.A.F.A. "Your Coaches' Association "
THE IMPORTANCE OF COACHES RETURNING THE UMPIRE FEEDBACK SHEET S A shortage of quality umpires is a major challenge to the ongoing success of VAFA football . As AFCA/VAFA coaches, we can play our part each week just by filling out and returning the Umpire Feedback Forms . It is a task that takes no more than 5 minutes to complete but provides Brian Goodman and his team of umpires advisers with the valuable feedback they need to improve the standard of umpiring . And that can only benefit the game . We are all aware just how much feedback players require to develop their own games and, as a result, improve the team's performance . In just a brief one-on-one conversation we provide our players with both positive and constructive feedback and, as you watch that same player on the track working hard to improve, you can be confident that you will see a better performance in those same areas on Saturday . As coaches we owe the VAFA the same consideration . Brian and the VAFA have been working hard at increasing the umpiring attendance at training, but this is only half the battle . If at training the umpires advisers could take each umpire aside and provide some positive and constructive feedback on his performance on the weekend, maybe going over the correct interpretation of a rule or working on his positioning at stoppages, it can only give him the confidence and skills to be a better umpire and, in turn, make the VAFA a stronger competition . Remember, you're looking to be both positive and constructive . So if you note that "scrimmages" requires attention, don't just tick the box and not expand further on it . Use the space at the bottom of the sheet to explain that not enough free kicks were paid to the ball player and, on the small ground, this lead to too many scrimmages . Then Brian and the umpires' advisers have something concrete to work with and next week, a few more free kicks to the ball player and this problem goes away . As a coach I try to go out of my way to develop a rapport with the umpire/s before the game so that any feedback comes across in a more positive light . Its certainly not something you want to get into immediately after the game, especially if involved in a narrow loss . Better to wait until the Monday or Tuesday morning when you can look back on the game in a calmer manner and take 5 minutes to fax the feedback sheet in . At the moment too many coaches view this simple task as just another chore that gets in the way of coaching/ work/ family . That's where it's important to remember that at the end of the day we're only coaches for a finite period but VAFA footy fans for life . Let's get those sheets in! D ene Macleo d
Williamstown CYMS Football Club UMPIRE FEEDBACK SHEET S CAN RE DOWNLOADED FROM TWE COACHES, - , F_71-~ :R = S : ~C"'- ;_ p S E G 77C i ; OF -E V.J: :,
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To all players and supporters, it was a fantastic day out at Old Paradians . Even though the score did not turn out the way that we would have liked, it was the best day for the U19 thus far this season .
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The vibe before the game was electric in the rooms for every body was really excited to play for the club today as much as the bloke sitting next to him . Goldie rose to the challenge in the ruck against tall odds and provided, an outstanding effort . Our back line was shuffled until we found a good combination of hard nuts and talls with great performances from Biddo, AV, Fraser and Tafty as our runner . At half time the game was there to be had with only three straight kicks in it . The boys were in for the long hall with absolute courage from McGrath, Mitchell, Parker and Bear.
In the center Simmo, Edwards, Feldy ran all day and did what
was demanded of them . With Mr. Aggression Johnny Aitken and big Jase down forward we had plenty of tall options . I would like to thank all the boys that have entered into the team this week, Catchlove, Bailey twins, Jase, Tito and Fraser your efforts have been inspiring . Thank you to all support staff : Julian. Daniel, Aaron and Lisa . All in all I thoroughly enjoyed this day and look forward to the rest of the season. Brad James, Coach
119 Bumley St Richmond Tel : 9'28 7502
Congratulations to Mark Bowen on playing his 50th game for the club today. Mark started with the Under 19s in 2001 and 2002 then took most of last year off to travel overseas . He returned to play the last few games in the reserves . This year he has played a pivotal role in the centre for the twos and is pressing hard for senior selection . Mark is also the coach of our Under 16s in the MSJFL . Well done Mark! \
Major club sponsor 2004
by Glen Harriso n
The Vultures outlast the fast finishing Saints,
the Fielders move two games clear of Every game of Hampton, as the Wellers are stretched by the Round nin e Animals . The Lions become the latest victims matches a top fiv e of the Unicorns juggernaut and the Jackas side with a lowe r reel in an Ashers big lead, to snatch a thriller . club, will it be a case of bottoms up . . . . .I think not! REVIEW Widjaja and Carboni were the architects If the Ashers wan t final's glory their tilt for the behind a hard running Caulfield performance title must start now . Disappointed after at Boss James. Hampton Rovers start ed surrendering a large lead last start, the Blues brilliantly with Devereaux a handful up confront a Vultures side searching for their forward and Carr amassing plenty of stats, own glory. Now, back in the four, Parkdale will but the Fields opened the game up in the third still be there at full time today . and early in the final term to be comfortable The Lions faithful are still waiting for the team winners . to salute at John Pascoe, and unfortunately Ajax conjured a stirring come from behind win despite Therry's best efforts, Hampton against Monash to mete out a small token of Rovers' tails and running players will have the revenge for last year's Grand Final loss. The zest to extend the drought, for at least a further Goldbloom snap late in the game, from nigh week . on an impossible angle, will be talked about by ESL's form in recent games has been both teams for some time to come . Bleiden encouraging giving hope a win is not far away . and Krafchek impressive for the victors, However, it won't happen at the Racecourse Turton and Smyth for the Blues . Oval, as the Fielders midfield and myriad of Therry took the game right up to the ladder forward options prove too polished . leaders before the Unicorns were kick started The Jackas last gasp victory and never say in the second quarter booting six goals to one, die attitude, means they are not without a eventually running out 31 points to the good . chance when they host the all-conquerin g Baker and Barron the Lions best, Horne and Limbrick for MHSOB . Glen Eira played host to an entertaining shootout against the Vultures . Parkdale had the answers against the enthusiastic Saints . Rowley booted six for the visitors and Mick CLUB Sullivan three whilst Massiss and Sheedy kept C SECTION 4 50 Ajax Kirzner Glen Eira's hopes alive . 3 30 Caulfield Gramm Baxter Bennettswood saw a tight and tough contest Parkdale Rowley 6 30 as the Wellers weathered the Animals MHSOB Home 4 26 challenge . Within a goal in the last stanza, MHSOB Bamert 3 20 ESL well served by Hodder and Ristevski, C RESERVE couldn't go on and the Wellers led by MHSOB Corbett 2 16 Tymmons, Heffernan and Derry steadied to Emmaus St Leos Batty 2 21 0 19 Therry Penola Walker claim the points . Hanlon 0 18 Hampton
Unicorns . In ' 04, NiHSOB have answered every challenge and at full time the faultless march will roll on . Following victory in Round 1, the Saints would not have expected to still have the same number of wins at the end of Round 9, but barring an unexpectedly poor Weller performance that will be the scenario . C Grade is about expecting the unexpected, but not today! CORRESPONDENTS Glen Harrison - gpah@deakin .edu .au F Glen Eira - congratulations to Paul' Shagga' Tsagliotis' on his 100th game for Glen Eira Saints. Paul has played both seniors and reserves and has been a great clubman over his years at the club . Well done . AJAX - Yaron Rapoport finally reaches his 100th game against MHSOB . Yazza was a late starter at the Club as well as missing the last two seasons so it has taken him a while . Yazza has been an exciting player to witness with flair and often doing the unpredictable . Well done Yazza . Old Camberwell - congratulations to Alex MacKenzie, who will play his 100th game for the club today . Alex who joined the club in '99 through our U 19's, was a member of that successful year. He has also tasted success as a premiership player in the reserves in '01 . A versatile player who is effective either in attack or defence . Well done Man of Steel .
r -------------- i 1 ~~ ~ 速 速 I H I A melee is " Where an incident takes I , place involving players pushing, S I scragging, jumping into packs, ' ' throwing each other to the ground or I 0 other or other similar such conduct" 0
L -------------- J TODAY'S MATCHES C SECTION Caulfield Gr v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Therry Penola 0 B v Hampton Rovers AJAX v MHSO B
Monash Blues v Parkdale Vultures switched from original draw Old Camberwell v Glen Eira
HAMPTON ROVERS 6.1 9.4 9.5 12.8 (80) CAUlFIEiA GRAMMARIANS 5 .4 11 .7 13.10 16.13 (109) Hampton Rovers : Devereaux 7 Greenwood 3 D Ariz Mosbey . Best Devereaux Greenwood Carr Andersen Davey Henry . Caulfield Grammarians: Baxter 3 Carbone 2 B Gross 2 Argyros Bruhnm Erickson Pennycuick A Sinclair B Sinclair W'ill. Best Caroni Pennycuick Widjaja Bruhn Argvros Will . Umpires: Rob Mayston Dash Pieris (F) Ben Bracken Sam Gent (B) Gary Clancy Greg Rollo (G) EMMAUS ST LEAS 5 .3 8.4 10.8 14.12 (96) 3.2 8.8 13.10 16.12 (108) OLD CAMBERWELL P:mmavs St I.eos : Bird 3 Carse 2 Ellis 2 Buckle Burgess D'Amello McKenzie Phyland Ristevski Tribe . Best Ristevski Carse N Hodder Burgess Krebs Phyland . Old Camberwell: Helfernan 4 Whitehead 3 Hendrie 2 Hayford 2 Otsmby 2 During Williams 'Tymonns. Best: 7)mrmons Heffernan Pike Ormsby Robinson S Deny .
Umpires: Adam Conquest (F) Pat Michell Travis Storti (G ) MEiSOB 3 .1 9.3 13.6 16.11 (107) T'11L+RRY PF.NOIA 4.4
5.5 10.6 11.10 (76)
MHSOB : Home 4 Bamert 3 Gerner 2 Pertzel2 [Jmbrick 2 Hogan McCully G Smith . Best Home Limbrick Smith Thompson Brain Ta}9or. Therry Penola Baker 2 Bannister 2 Edwards 2 Goodwin D 2 Fenton McAa_v Walker . Best : Baker Barmw Callegari McKay Howell Forster Knigh t
Umpicea: Simon Olive (F) Jack Watty Sam Perrin (G) 7.2 8.3 10.8 12 .10 (82) MONASH BLUES AJAX 2 .2 4.5 8.8 13.9 (87) Monesh Blues: Holloway 4 Gregory 2 Smyth 2 Creamer Smith Bolton Hawkins. Best Turton Farrar Renton Bolton Smvth O'Sullivan . MAX: Kirmer 4 Goldbloom 3 Van Also 2 E Wollner 2 J Segal Blashki . Best : B Klein Goldbloom Krafchek Rapoport Samuel Van Alien . Umpires: David Irons Uonel Katz (F) Peter Maddocks (G ) GLEN EII2A 5.2 6.3 10.4 16 .7 (103) PARRl3DAlE VULTURES 7.3 9.5 13.8 17.12 (114) Glen Eh-&- Taranto 4 Sheehan 3 Emmett 2 Zosens 2 S Diamond Fossey G Neeson Stuchbery Watt Best: Massiss Sheerly Sheehan S Diamond Zosens M DimachM.
Parkdale: Rowley 6 Mick Sullt,an 3 Kinsella 2 Ogler 2 C Barr M Barr Tully Dixon . Best : Stephens Mick Sullivan P Sullivan Dixon Kight OglerUmpires: Ken McNiece RFL (F) RFL (B) Clive Shipley (G ) C RESERVE HAMPTON ROVERS 2.3 3.5 7.7 12 .9 (81) GRAMMARIANS 2.2 6.4 9.5 11 .6 (72) CAUIdrtE1D Hampton Rovers: Fisher 5 Brudar 3 Gray Blangiardo Kezilas Flahive . Best Ng Flahive Heffernan Fisher Brudar Stiletto . Caulfield Grammarians : Hasforth 4 Cowlishaw 3 Phelps Steer D'Hoy Poultec Best : Baker Poulter Jacobs Ash Hasforth Brown . EMMAUS ST IFAS 1.1 2.5 8.6 8 .12 (60) OLD CAMBERWELL 5.2 8.2 9.4 10 .05 (65) Frnmaua St Leos: Michael 3 Batty 2 Waters P McGloin. Best Lear McDermott Michael Waters Bavage McLaughlin. Old Camberwell: Craven 2 D dyne 2 Schmidt 2 Hancock Margetts J Clyne R Tempane . Best S Grant Margetis G Hanson Wallace Jellis D Clyne. MHSOB 1.2 3.6 6 .6 THERRY PENOLA 2.1 5.2 7.4
7 .7(49) 9 .6(60)
MHSOB: Tavlor L 2 Corbett 2 Neilson Bowen Frarzek . Best Thiele Orchard D Hollenberg Feferkmnz Bowen Rujevic . Therry Penolo: Clifton 4 Gleeson Ferguson Kuret M Goodwin Vaina. Best: Clifton Gleeson Kuret Reynolds Ferguson S Goodwin.
MONASH BLUES 1.3 4.7 10.8 12 .8 (80) AJAX 1.2 3.5 5.8 9.11 (65) Monash Hues: Nind 5 Banks 3 M Jones Payne Cheesman Murcttie . Best: Merest Feena~ty Tirilder Cheesman Nind Brennan. AJAX: Seidl 2 Zensld 2 Lewis Dudakov Du7znman Benedykt Golleib . Best: J Raleigh Duzenman Rotemberg J Lewis Gotleib w`ohisch . GLEN EIRA 3.1 4.3 6 .11 8.12 (60) PAR%DAIE VULTURES 3 .1 9.5 11 .7 18.9 (11 ) Glen }Ym: Davis 3 Hollow 2 Eade A Diamond Devries. Best Hollow 7agame Emus Zurak Davis Mill s. Parkdale: little 5 Waters 4 A Rock 4 Kerr 2 White Coote Smith. Best Richards Crillev A Rock Perarlo Little Waters .
C Section AJAX
Coach : Phil Davis Res. Coach : Barry Simon 1 . N. Gold 2. J . Israelsohn 3. Y. Rapopo rt 4. M . Dudakov 5. G . Blieden 6. D. Vanaken 7. G . Samuel 8. E . Raleigh 9. J . Raleigh 10. G . Dukes 11 . M . Segal 12 . D. Goldenfein 13 . B . Klein 14 . A. Wollner 15• J . Segal 16 . E . Janover 17 . D. Weislitzer 18 . J . Ki rzner 19 . A . Lewin 20 . J . Sharp 21 . D. Gelbart 22 . E . Wollner 23 . B . Nissen 24 . A . Joffe 25 . M . Blashki 26 . B . Duzenman 27 . A . Spicer 28 . A . Zemski 29 . B . Goldbloom 30 . N . Israelsohn 31 . B . Ritterman 32 . A . Bloom 33 . J . Got tlieb 34 . A . Silver 35 . M . Jankie 36 . L Krafchek 37 . J . Kestenberg 38 . S . Gutman 39 . R . Rotemberg 40 . D . Seidl 41 . J . Lewski 42 . D . Gerber 43 . P. Walvisch 44 . I. Same 45 . A . Godlewicz
46 . A . Sacks 47 . B . Lewis 48 . J . Pask 49 . S. Czarny 50 . A . Benedykt 51 . L. Friedman 52 . 0. Henzel 53 . M. Podolsky 54 . D . Rutko 55 . J. Gomo 58 . A. Cooper 59 . N . Diamond 60 . J. Wajnberg 61 . L Szkolnik 62 . D . Lewis
Coach : Merv Keane Ass Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res: Chris Mathieson 1 . J . Foley 2. A. Bruhn 3. C. Knight 4. M . Liddell (VC) 5. S . Kendall 5. N. Guyett 6. N. Craven 7. R. O'Neill 8. R. Foote 9. M . Frater 10. A. Will (C) 11 . B . Carboni 11 . C. Deal 12 . D. Pearce (VC ) 13 . A. Green 14 . B . Gross 15 . A . Docker 16. N. Falls 16 . S . Sant 17 . S . Argyros 18 . B . Baxter 18 . B . O'Hoy 19 . P. Hoggan 20 . C. Fagan 21 . M . Pennycuick 22 . C. McAssey 23 . B . Sinclair 23 . D. Ash 24 . J . Dalwood 25 . A . Sinclair 25 . N . Dorman 26 . S . Wdjaja 27 . M . Sharpe 28 . J . Jacobs 29 . G. Erickson 30 . D . Elias 31 . C. Poynter 32 . A . Lawson 33 . S . Fryers 34 . H . Baker 35 . S . Th ompson 36 . G. Crather n 37 . B . Scott 38 . J . Gross 39 . A . Bosna 40 . M . Bennett 41 . M . Phelps 42 . D . Synman 43 . T. Gerrand 44 . L Schneider 45 . A . Hasforth
46 . N . Thompson 47 . S . Jenkinson 48 . R . Chapple 49 . G. Poulter 51 . J . James 52 . S . Twycross 53 . S . Backholer 54 . J . Brown 55 C . Hooper ~ . S~e 57 . P. Farmer 58 . S . McDonald 59 . J . Sayers 60 . B . Jenkinson 62 . C . Sheppard 71 . M . Cassidy
Sen Coach: Phillip Ballis Res: Anthony Strafford Asst: Ian Leith 1 . M . Dimackhi 2. D. Fossey 3. C. Massis c 4. D. Casser 4. B. Zosens 5. A. Tsirogiannis 6. J . Zagame 7. S . Vamvakis 8. T. Dimackhi 9. A. Russo 10. M . Chandler 11 . B . Clements 12, B . King 13 . G . Brown 14 . C. Neeson 15. E . Stuchbery 16. N. Davis IT L. Doolan 18. R. Oldham 19 . A. Devries 20 . A . Diamond 21 . M . Watt 22 . S . Emmett 23 . S . Neeson 24 . A. Taranto 25. P. Khazaal 26 . P. Tsaglioti s 28 . L. Shellard 29 . M . Scaife 30 . L. P ryde 31 . J . Lundberg 32 . M . D'Zilva 33 . A . Sheedy 34 . S . Kitson 35 . S . Hollow 36 . B . Zurek 37 . P. Merrick 38 . A . Merrick 39 . J . Gusman 40 . D. Sheehan 41 . K . Dimachki 42 . J . Serpanchy 43 . J . Maa rt ouk 44 . S . Diamond 45 . A . Caruana
46 . A . Strafford 47 . B . Zwar 48 . J . Haliwell 49 . S . Hall 50 . D . Eade 51 . F. Bourke 52 . A . Haines 53 . T. Chatfield 54 . D . Sca'rfe 55 . L MCGaw 56 . C . Hogan 57 . S . Laska 58 . D . Dunlevie 59 . R . Mills 60 . D . Perkins
Coach : Brett Mclhvraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff
Coach: Dave Skinne r Asst : Speros Beasley, W Fall Res Coach : Jamie Dixo n 1 . J . Bame rt 2- S. McCully (Capt) 3. N. Orchard 4. M . White (DVC) 5. A. Sauft ry 6. M . Brain 7. S . Whittington 8. J . Dixon 8. J . Geme r 9. D. Fairchil d 10. P. Smith 10. 1 . Barre tt
1 . T. Wilmott 2 . M. McKellar 3 . A. B udar 4 . S. Anderson 5 . T. Prantzos 6 . S. Gravina 7 A. Duddy 8 . G . Carr 9 . T Barker 10 . B. Boyd 11 . L Wheeler 12. P. Adam s 13. G . Woods 14. Dan . Andersen 15. A. Browne (VC) 16. N . Greenwood 17. D . Ar~ 18. J. McCa rthy 19. M. Lawrence 20. A. Power 21 . L Cave 22. S. Burggraaff 23. M Gray 24. C . Christianson 25. M. Davey 26. M. Devereaux 27. M. Flynn 28. B. Kezilas 29. M. Fl etcher (C) 30. A. Quon (RC) 31 . T. Pucella 32. J. Hanlo n 33. R. Mosbey 34. B. Artz 35. M. Vaughan 36. M. Heffernan 37. J. Tipping 38. J. Morley 39. A. Crisp 40. M. Fl ahive 41 . B. Henry 42. C. Malthouse 43 C. Coope pe r 44. M Pearson 45. G . Davis 46. S. Blangiardo 47. R. Hunt 48. R. D'Silva
49. K Spra tt 50. N. Foster 51 . J. Glanville 52. A. Kavanagh 53. T. Archer 56. K Spra tt 57. P. Chapman 58. J. Brunmeier 60. M . Terech
12. B . Thitt e e w~ 12. M . Feferkranz 13 . S . Anderso n 14 . M . Hamilton-H o 15. D. Membrey 16. J . Walker (DVC) 17. R . Clowes 18 . R. Umbric k 18 . R . Read 19 . S . Robinson 20 . T. Fraczek 20 . L. Horn e 21 . J . Aitken 22 . A . Svirskis 23 . A . Hogan 23 . L. Taylo r 24 . N . Harve y 25 . H . Taylo r 26 . M . Neilson 27 . M . Johnston 28 . S . Moore 29, G. McCullyy 30 . R . Newto n 31 . M . Bowe n 32 . A . Cassell (VC) 33 . L Campbell 34 . E . Thompson 34 . D . Henzel 35 . P. Rujevic 36 . R . Ware 37 . T. Harper 37 . M . Ting 38 . C . Nailon 39 . J . Gregso n 40 . A . Lust J . Anderso n 41 . F. Lewis 42 . M. Bate 43 . P. Corbett 44 . J . Newto n 45 . R . 46 . T. Dunn e o
47 . D . Hollenberg 48 . D . Vicendese 49, J. Hollenberg 50 . K Harding 51 . S. Benne tt 52 . R . Temes 53 . 1 . Costin g 54 . D . Learmont-Walker 55 . G . Bla u 56 . T. Wright 57 . S. Foley 58 . P. Greenhill 59 . A. Hal l 60 . S. Jenning s
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, . . . _ . . .,$ Coach : Jon Edgar Res : James Shady 1 . S . Chapman 2. L Renton 3. L. Holloway 4. G . Chessari 5. J. Rosengarten 6. M. Newman 7. P. Farrar 8 . S. Thompson 9 . C . O'Sullivan 10 . S. Lloyd 11 . M. Spencer 12 . G. Smyth 13 . M . Pay 14- B . Merlin 15. M . Tnkler 16. B . Nind 17 . K . Mudge 18. R . Glover 19. M . Saunders 20. M . Edsall 21 . C. Gregory 22. T. Blackl eY 23. B. Jansse n 24. T. Craven 25. J. Hawkins 26. P. Wills 27. N . De Young 28. J. Main 29. A. Costley 30 . L. Creamer 31 . S . Hawkins 32 . L. Beddingfield 33 . J . Smith 34 . A . Cheesman 35 . A . Hickey 36 . A . Williams 37 . C. Dennis 38. N. Brennan 39. M . Smith 40. Ma . Bolto n 41 . Mi. Bolto n 42. M . Coe 43. R . Feena h
44. D. Teasdale 46. D . Jones 47. S. Mentha 48. M. Carey 49 . D . Taylor 50 . A . Tota 51 . M . Payne 52 . N . Moresi 53 . J . Peel 54 . G. Dodd 55. 1 . McCormick
60 . B . MacKenzie 61 . P. Campbell 62. L. Katts 68. M . Meehan 70. D . Barlow
,- _ Coach : hael Sigalas t : a ew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res: Andrew Tsindos
1_ A. Curling 2. M. Horgan 3 . S. Peasnell 4 . C . Hendrie 5 . L. Cain 6 . B. Christie 7 . T. Hallo 8 . J . Heffernan 9 . B . Tymmons
to . M . Hanson 11- D . Hanson 12. R . Perryman 13. J . Webb 14. R . Whitehead 15. D. Clyne (Missing) 16. D. Pike 17. N. Credlin
18. S . Marwood 19 . P. Tempone 20 . D. Mitchell 21 . T. Hardman 22 . M . Wallis 23 . P. Mitchell 24 . B. tipper 25 . A. Hardenberg 26 . B. Langford 27 . A. Sheedy 28 . R . Wheelan
. ., _
Coach : Tony Macgeorge Assist: John Mc codas Res Coach: Paul Marln 1 . S . Rowley 2 . R . Gallagher 2 . B . Darcy 3 . M . Dixo n 4 . M . Hayes 5 . A . White 5 . D. Griffiths 6 . C. Stephen s 7 . K . Gurtle r 8 . K . Little 9 . M . Meer y 9. P. Emmett 10. C. Atkins 11 . C. O'Meara 12. A. Baker 13. M . Ryan 14. C. Johnston 15 . Mick Sulliva n 16 . P. Sullivan 16 . J. McCarthy 17 . C . Sullivan 18 . S. Sulliva . C . Stewartn19 20 . D . Kinsella 21 . D . Kelly 22 . B . Liddell 23 . Matt Sullivan 24 . T. Linthorn e 25 . B . Richard s 26. D . Rockford 26. A . Roc k 27. M . Nielson
Coach : Darren Turner Asst Coach : John Sampson 1. 2. 3. 4.
5 . S . Buckle 6. M . D'Ameli o
7 . A. Burgess 8- B . Bird 9- D. Lear 10 . B. Ellis 11 . M . Levins 12, T. McCann 13 . A. Krebs 15 . P. Carey 17 . G . Bonnici 18 . R . McCann 19 . A. Kelly 20 . A . Ballard 21 . G. Simondson 22 . P. Ristevski 23. T Batty 24 . D . Bruce 25. A . McKenzie 26. A . Prosser
27. P. Levine
28. H . Gile s 30. M . Ottobre 31 . M . Contessotto 32. D. Carom 33. L. McDermott 34. L. Virgo 35, J . Briggs 36. S. Bavage 37 . S. Manton 38 . N . Hodder 39 . B. Vaughan 40 . J. Gay 42 . C . Landy 43 . B. Levins qq, S . Murphy 45 . S . Ronchi 46 . A . Brown 47, M . Mclnerny 48 . A . Daly 50 . A . Volpi
28. C. O'Brien 29. G . Crilley
29 . S . Beckett 30 . T. Bay(or d
30. P. Marin
31 . M . Andrews 32. B . Feqden 33. N. Wifkins 34. C. Ross 35. M . Johnstone 36. C. Ogier 37. T. Macgeorge 38. S. Perrazo 39. S. Waters 40. S. Richards 41 . C . Roc k 42 . T. Barr e3 . pA. Barr 45 . C .. Barr 46 . W Wheatley 47 . J . Tully
31 . B . Craven 32, G. Ormsby 33. D . Joyce 34. D. Schmid t 35. C. Munroe
36. S . Derry 37. M . Cottrell
38. C. Williams 39. S. Svensen 40. C. Jellis 41 . L . Ryan
42. A. McKenzie 43. C . Grant
51 . P. McGloin 52. R. McGloin 55. A Free
48 . Mick. Walsh 49 . A . Hunte r 50 . S . Scullin
44 . A McHaric AS . M. Jackso n 48 . J. O'Sullivan
51 . N . Sutherland 52 . S . Wingrave 53. D. Noonan 54. T. Hirst 55. N. Cooley 56. S. Wilso n 57. S. O'Leary 58. R . Haslemore
49 . A . Mantzioros 50 . N . Salte r 51 . B . Ryan 52 . S . Grant 54 . A . Margolis 55 . S . Fogarty 56. I . Curry 58. N. Paine 59. S. Hancock 61 . G . Weickhardt
60. T. Everest 61 . T. Banks 62. P. Tesonero 63 . N . Lovett 64 . X . Smith
65 . G. Wilson
66. T. Parkes 75. G . Hanson
66 . A . Kerr 67 . A . Fry 68 . T KIght 69 . M . Wmgrave 70 . J . Noonan
75 . R . Turton
77 . D . Neil 78 . A . Shields
29 . Goodwin S 30 . Finley R 31 . Forster-Knight A 32. Sacco J 33, Kuret L 34, Weston D 35. Clifton D 36. Barron D 37. Castaldi D 38. Nancarrow M 39. Boyle S 40. Tsinans G 42 . McKay A
q3, O'Connell S 44 . Appleford P q5 . Carter M 46 . Stepien S 47 . Goodwin D 48. Nancarrow A(dvc -res) 49. Leyland G 50 . Barron B 51 . Kenessy N 52. Glesson A 51 Savory D 54. Frazzetto C 55. Kurt M 56. Dunne P 57. Ferguson C 59. Robinson T
68. Goodwin D J
71 . N . Rosengren 72. B. Green 73 . A. Dobson 74 . P. Westbrook
1 . Gorman P 2. Goodwin T 3. Bannister R 4. Elliot M(vc) 5. Baker A 6 . Nanrarrow M c ) 7 . Bannister S 8 . Hollow L 9 . Bannister C v c 10 . Vaina J 10 . Crotty ~` J 11 . Finnigan M 12 . Belsey J(dvc -res) 13, Russell G 14 . Fenton J 15. McMahon A (vc -res) 15 16. Goodwin M 17. Pirpinias D 18. Moloney A (c -res) 19. La Corcia M 20. Clarke J 21 . Henderson G(dvc) 22. Reynolds L 23 . Callagari D 24 . Faroldi M 25 . Edwards P(vc) 26 . Lewis B 27 . Bosanko M 28 . Bolzon R
41 . Barron B
56. T. Morrison 59. A. Hickey 61 . J-P Blandthorn 63 . P. Nolan 64.. D . Wood 67 . P. Farquhar 69 . S. Meshcer 1 70 . D . McGloi n 75 . T. Yme r 76 . G. Donovan 77 . C .Vaughan 79 . T. Tribe 88 . S . Pitcher 89 . D. Winduss
59. D . O'Keefe
65. M . Payson
P. Carse J . Hodder E . Mitchell C. PhYland
Coach : Chris Bye Res Coach : Garry Dalson
i ALL I S H•_ "I' ;-~ 9 E 7 0 - - -^-
77 . Walker K
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The Under 23 concept was trialed for the first time at Sportscover Arena last Sunday week in the Fifth Championship AAFC Match and penultimate game of the AAFC Championship Series . The young Victorians versus the young Sandgropers promised plenty as neither side were totally sure of each other's abilities or how things would pan out. Victorian coach Nick Bourke stressed to his young charges the chance they had, and the responsibilities on their shoulders as they took to the field . The young guns showed no signs of nerves in the first term and showed the opposition they meant business . Brilliantly led by team leaders James Beaumont and Simon Clarke the young Amateurs took total control and by quarter time the score line read 11 .7 to the home side, with the hapless West Aussies yet to score .
Dominic Dunne and Cameron Purss had set it up in the ruck with Beaumont, Tim Biggs an d Charles Ta ll ent getting it out of the middle, setting up the powerful Cullinan at full forward . The sneaky Taft, Luzon and Chard were all having a field day up forward. Any rare WA foray into attack was repelled by Clark e, Daniel Boundy, Alister Neville, Ed McCowan an d Luke Healy . The Vies looked a pretty slick unit with winners all over the paddock and signs of the 2003 debacle looked likely early in the game . To their credit, although not making an impact on the scoreboard, the West Aussies showed plenty of endeavour over the next three quarters through the efforts of Rogers, Bongiovanni, and O'Hara and up fonvard Ballem was a bit of a danger. But still they could not contain the teamwork and skills of the silky Vies who with a limited preparation looked like they had played together forever. Tallies of 4, 6 and 5 goals through the final 3 stanzas after the II goal opening blitz maintained the dominance of the Blue and White as they relentlessly went about their task in the end securing an impressive 129 point victory . A tough job to separate the better players in a great team effort, but Tim Biggs was a prolific possession winner and a worthy receiptient of the Neil Judge Medal The two leaders in James Beaumont and Simon Clarke certainly showed the future is bright on the leadership front. Daniel Culli.nan just could not be controlled all day and finished with 8 majors with his partner in crime Shure Taft getting a sly 7 . Daniel Boundy was also very good when the chances arose . But no one was a passenger and all at some stage contributed to a great victory . Congratulations to all the players who wore the Big V in this game. Every player did himself, his club and the VAFA proud . Coach Nick Bourke and his selection panel should also be congratulated for their insight in picking such a great team and having them play the way they did . This was instrumental in another great day for the VAFA at representative level . 18
Details : VAFA 11 .7 15 .8 20 .14 25.17 .167 WAAFL 0.0 2 .5 2 .8 5.8.38 Goals: VAFA - Cullinan 8 Taft 7 Luxon 2 Chard 2 Scambler Clarke Dunne Fallu Beaumont Kempton . WAAFL - Ballem 2 Shepherd Hollbrook Robinso n Best : VAFA - Beaumont Clarke Boundy Biggs Taft Cullman WAAFL - O'Hara Rogers Bongiovanni Taylor Wiese BaIlem Umpires : Simon Stokes (VAFA) Gavin Levitzke (WAAFL) Neil Judge Medal: Tim Biggs (VAFA)
Best players chosen by VAFA Match Committee : James Beaumont (VAFA) Matthew O'Hara (WAAFL) Best players chosen by WAAFL Match Committee : Simon Clarke (VAFA) Picky Rodgers (WAAFL ) John Davies (WAAFL president) presented the Sunny Citrus Trophy to Bruce McTaggart (VAFA president) Ladder with one round to pla y VAFA
P 3
W 3
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F 446
A 82
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228 133
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117 25
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for uf Mr match. 'h THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
速i~~ ~ch速 i l速Tim-E-2664 Okay! In 2002 we had freezing horizontal sleet! In 2003 it was frigid horizontal rain! Big improvement last Friday, it was bitter, glacial, bone-aching cold, but no aqua pluvius! Of course, in the middle of it all, Tom Brain rang from Maroochydore with the cheering news that it was a balmy 25C up there, while Steve McCarthy, standing in for Tom on the Southern FM match call, was hypothermic ! The rainsquall on the Wednesday night prior to the game rendered the track officially 'slow', and the magnificent dense grass surface acted like a static super sopper and kept the ball watermelon seed slippery . In the conditions, the skills displayed by all players were just outstanding, and the two equally matched teams went hammer and tongs without letting up for the duration of the match . Only during Q2 did the lead held by either side extend beyond two kicks, and that was reflected in the field play where players swarmed like angry ants at every contest . Southern scored more goals with the VAFA Sherrin balls (5) than they did with their own Ross Faulkners (1) . Perversely, the Amos scored 4 with the Ross Faulkners, and 3 with the Sherrins . Not sure what that proves, just thought you'd like to know! This was a game in which only millimetres and milliseconds differentiated an effective disposal from a turnover, so with such intensive concentration demanded, the spirit in which the entire match was played was a tribute to the players and the coaching staff. The sides were so evenly balanced a narrow margin was inevitable, as has been the case in all three St Kilda Community Cup contests to date . Once more the VAFA retained the Cup by being able to do just that little bit extra in the last term, after prospects did not look good when Southern inched
ahead in Q3. Field Umpires Matthew But (SFL) & Wayne Hinton NAFA) kept the play flowing in tricky conditions with an admirable minimum of fuss . Well done ! Each team chose the opposition best player plus their own, and the four very worthy trophy winners were Mark Lidde ll (Fields) & M atthew White (MHSOB) of the VAFA, an d Heath Barnes ( St Paul's E.Bent .) & Adam Henry (East Brighton) of Southern. In a rare harmony of opinion, your scribe actually agreed with the VAFA Team Management's additional accolades to Andy Cultrera (Old Trinity), David Ronchi (Fitzroy Reds), Al Parton (Old Carey), & Paul Edwards (Therry Penola) . I would add a special mention to Captain Julian Smith who was superb in his role, but understand "Spider", you also wear an awesome burden for preserving George Voyage's boasting rights by maintaining inviolate his coaching record with VAFA Rep .Teams!!! !
St . Kilda Community Cu p SFL 1 .2 2 .4 6.6 6 .6 .42 VAFA 2.3 5 .4 6.4 7 .7 .49 Goals: SFL : Campbell 2 James 2 Hanks Mercoulia . VAFA : Parton 2 Harrison Cultrera Miller Willmore Kent .
Best : SFL: Henry Barnes Pitts Hanks Campbell Crofts Einsiedel. VAFA: Liddell White Ronchi Edwards Nancarrow Cultrera Parto n VAFA Best by SFL : Mark Liddell (Caulfield Grammarians) SFL Best by SFL: Adam Henry (East Brighton) SFL Best by VAFA : Heath Barnes (St . Pauls East Bentleigh) VAFA Best by VAFA: Matthew White (MHSOB )
Umpires: Hinton (VAFA) Bui (SFL)
Right, VA FA Best by SFL: Mark Liddell (Caulfield Grammarians)
Below., Victorious dAFA players
Below.: VAFA Best by VAFA: Matthe w White f&1HS08)
by C&: ry Hic .:~y The present four has a very solid look about it, with both the Bushrangers and the Pirates having work to do to alter that . The opposite end of the ladder will once more be a desperate slog over the remaining 10 matches for the four Clubs in the relegation zone . LAST WEEK Peninsula v Fitzroy Red s The Pirates' ship's sails lay slack in their yards in 94, unable to find the wind propelling the Reds forward . Diacogiorgis, Meighen & Dawson caught the Reds' cognoscenti's attention with super efforts. Some of the better Cutlass Wielders were Pratt, Ferguson & T.Prendergast. Ormond v University Blacks (At Optus Oval) The Monds appeared to have the Blacks measure at the end of Q3, but the Darth Vader Storm Troopers have that enviable capacity to play like basic training recruits for large parts of a match and then upgrade to Special Forces standard when all seems lost! Al Smith was outstanding for the Blacks either in defence or OtB, Dave Batten & Rob Scarlett were strong backs, and Joe Sibilia was a damaging fonvard . Simon Keleher played a blinder down back for the Monds, with Ash Russell lively in attack, Dan teHennepe aggressive RR-ing, and Michael Miller's pace a highlight of the game . Aquinas v Old Mentonians What a game! The last scoring shot was a hit-postpoint to the Bloods, which might have given them a one-point win! Fabulous effort by the Panther's though . victories at the College rarely come easy & they had to win for anti-relegation reasons . Tony Bournon was outstanding up forward for the Panthers, School player, Blake Carroll, was superb on debut, and Daryl Stevens was great OtB . Sean Flynn used all his wily veteran's skills in another top game for the Bloods, Greg Evans rucked superbly especially in the torrid Q4, and Gary Davies had a great day across HB . Yarra Valley 0 B v Salesians 0 C The Bushrangers had one of those days in a %-age building win over Salesian, for whom few right things seem to be happening just yet. James Keem starred at FF . Andy Stone also got among the goals, with Ash Drew & Daryl Stevens in dominant form . The Salesians who stood out were A .Stevens, Canavan, & Andrew Seager (Still got it Andy!) Prahran v Banyul e The Two Blues gave the Bears an honest contest without seriously discomforting them, but showed enough to indicate that Prahran could be bothersome to the top sides in the run home . Luke O'Connell put in another top game for the Bears, with Adam Dooley & Paul Gloury also maintaining their good seasons . Matthew Harrison at HF, and
Leigh Northway at HB continued their consistent displays for Prahran . THIS WEEK Fitzroy Reds v Ormond ( Venue unknown at time of printing) This game is a crucial one for Reds, which has demonstrated that it deserves No .4 spot . The only sides to beat Reds this year have been Blacks & Bears, and today I think thing the 3rd member of the top trio, Ormond, will also win but by not much ! Old Mentonians v Peninsula The Panthers desperate win against Bloods last week will give them a lift, and the Pirates know they cannot afford to lose to sides below them, so there is plenty of needle in today's encounter. The Panther's at home should win by a point. Salesian v Aquinas Neither side has had much luck this year but Aquinas' has been less awful, and with the return of some name players the Bloods should take the points over Chaddie by 1 or 2 goals . Banyule v Yarra Vall ey By any performance parameter, the Bears have every right to expect to have a win/loss of 7-2 after this corner turning meeting . What they can't assume is a "gimme" outcome, because D 1 does not operate that way . The Bears should win by 3-4 goals, but if they relax the talented Bushrangers will make them pay dearly!
---~ UA :E LST Y! ; I TOTAL
Yarra Valley Keem 10 27 Banyule Egan 1 25 Peninsula Payze 0 23 Banyule O'Connell 4 21 Ormond Grace A 0 19 Peninsula Claringbold 4 19 University Blakcs Rizio 0 19 D1 RESERVE Fitzroy Reds Capodiferro 0 24 University Blakcs Kelly 0 22 Fitzroy Reds McKerrow 0 21 Banyule Witchell D 2 1 7
Univ. Blacks v Prahran The same caveat in the above match applies also to this . The Blacks have survived even when they haven't played that well, because their defence has always kept them within striking distance . Nothing is different today ; Prahran only needs a sniff to take this game right up to their more fancied opponent . Even so the Blacks should win by 5 goals . Reserves winners should be : Reds, Panthers, Bloods, Banyule, & Blacks. Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979 (+ message ban k) & bihlckev6@bi ond .co m .._ ~-
Aquinas OCFC - Congratulate Cam Colliver and Craig Glennie on playing their 200th game this week against Salesian . Cammy is the longest serving Senior Captain at the Bloods leading them from '98 to '02 . Cam was part of the Bloods last Senior Premiership team ('96), is also a Senior B&F winner ('98) and Victorian Representative ('00) . Ox has been a very consistent and reliable player for the Bloods over the last 15 years . He was a member of the last Reserves premiership team ('96) and since then has been an integral part of the backline in the seniors while trying to show up the youngsters in the pre season . Both are much admired players down at the club and we thank them for all their hard work and wish them well . Salesian today recognise the achievementp of 4 senior players in reaching club milestones . Aaron Stevens, having joined the club in 1996, plays his 150th game. Not one to ever shirk an issue, Azza displays great courage and commitment at the football, and is enjoying one of his finest seasons to date . Congratulations Aaron! Adam Davey's 100th game has been a journey . Several knee reco's, retirements, and overseas trips have punctuated Ads' career. A true Clubman, Adam has served on both social and general committee, and coached the reserves . On field, Adam has been a rock in defence, playing taller than he is, and never allowing an easy contest for an opponent . Well done Ads! Andrew Thain plays his 100th game today. Having arrived at Salesian as a high marking fonvard, Thainy has transformed his game to be more flexible around the ground in recent years. Ever popular with opposition players and supporters, Thainy has great skills and an ability to kick big bags of goals . Great stuff Andy! Mick Ferwerda has snuck under the radar in reaching 50 games. A dinky little left footer, Mick is one of those players who always seems to have plenty of time . We look forWard to many more games Mick.
TODAY' S I)1 SECTIO N Fitzroy Reds v Ormond - Arden St . North Melbourne Old Mentonians v Peninsula 0 B Salesian 0 C v Aquinas 0 C Banyule v Yarra Valley 0 B University Blacks v Prahran
6 .9(45) PENINSULA OLD BOYS FC 2.1 2 .5 4 .8 FITZROY REDS 3.4 4 .8 9.9 15 .11 (101) Peninsula OB: N Claringbold 4 B Dunne S Pratt . Best: Pratt Ferguson T Prendergast Davis Luizzi Murray . Fitzroy Reds : Chanchi 4Dawson 3Ronchi 2 Holderhead 2 Meighen Cahill Bennie Byrne . Best : Diacogiorgis Meighen Dawson Bennie Cahill A Byrne . Umpires: Rick Love (F) Ross Richards (G ) ORMOND 3 .6 6.7 8 .10 10.11 (71) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .3 3.8 5 .13 11.16 (82) Ormond : A Russell 5 Martinov 2 Cook Wells Beckett. Best: Keleher teHennepe A Russell O'Brien Cook M il ler. Uni Blacks : Bevacqua 4 Sibila 3 Villella Shaco Dowsley Moffett . Best : Batten A Smith S Price Savige Scarlett Groom . Umpires: Peter Liddell Phil Callil (F) Bianca Share Glen Kennedy (B) Michael O'Donnell Jack Regester (G ) AQUINAS 3.5 9.7 10 .9 14 .13 (97) OLD MENTONIANS 5 .1 9.3 12 .5 16 .5 (101) Aquinas : Colliver 4 Jess 4 Coghlan 2 Hunt Redwood Flynn R Moran. Best : Griffin Hunt Evans Colliver Jess Coghlan . Old Mentonians: Bournon 7 KalvisMs 2 Ball Basile Carroll Carter Flaskis Costello Hubbard. Best: Carroll Bournon Kalviskis Elliott Costello Russo . Umpires : Brendan Devlin (F) Eddie Boal Malcolm Filleul (G ) YARRA VALLEY 4 .4 8.11 16 .18 28 .22 (190) SALESIAN 1 .2 2 .3 3 .3 6 .5 (41) Yarra Valley: Keem 10 Stone 5 Savage 4 M Laing Beal 2 A Drew L Taylor Valoppi Cooper T Mcllrath . Best: Keem Stone Valoppi Savage Beal T Mcllrath, Salesian: Sutherland Thain Greely Davey A Stevens I Babette . Best: A Stevens Canavan Seager Oldfleld C Rose . Umpires: Anthony Simpson Luke Moncrieff (F ) PRAIIRAN 1 .1 5.1 9.3 11 .3 (69) BANYULE 4 .2 10.5 12.7 15.8 (98) Prahran: Sleight 4 Stafford 3 Harrison 2 Radywonik Fox.Best : Sleight Northway Harrison Fraser Plummer . Banyule: Lorenzini 4 O'Connell 4 Wise 2 Plant Dooley Phclan T Egan Taylor .Best : O'Connell Dooley Glourv Plant Cantwell Mutton . Umpires : Paul Tuppen Paul Jones (F) Michael Lee Daniel Haysom (G ) D1 RESERV E PENINSULA OB 4.2 7.5 9 .9 10.12 (72) FITZROY REDS 2 .3 6 .6 9 .6 12 .7 (79) PENINSULA OLD BOYS FC: Brennan 3 Wood 2 Falkiner 2 McMahon2 Warner. Best : Falkiner Sharpin Wood Cannon Mangan Brennan . FITZROY REDS : Buckley 3 Linehan 2 Baillie I McBurney McDonald Bare Grillo Steer Moore . Best: Baillie McDonald O'Connor Willingham Bare Linehan . ORMOND 1 .4 2 .7 3.8 5 .10 (40) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .3 7 .4 12.5 15.7 (97) Ormond: Naylor 2 Metz 2 Parsons.Best: Casey Banks Douglas Naylor Harvev Franklin. Uni Blacks: Han na 5 Rizio 3 Portet 2 Wood 2 Cameron 2 Wilson . Best : T Porter Prestielge Prouse Blake Wood Chandler. AQUINAS 0.3 1 .6 4 .7 6.10 (46) OLD MENTONIANS 2.4 3.8 8.10 11 .14 (80) Aquinas: Hughes 2 B Moran 2 Chapman Mccarton . Best: Crozier Hyland Cousins Boland Stafford Chapman . Old Mentonians: Walker 5 Linford 3 Alexander Austin Ironmonger . Best : Ironmonger Walker Coghlan Drinan Linford Alexander. YARRA VALLEY 0 B 3.3 6 .7 7.7 11 .9 (75) SALESIAN 0 C 1 .2 3 .3 4.7 4 .7 (31) Yarra Va lley : Sanky Seabourne Michael Fung Huon Clarke Pete Buruma Ant Russell. Salesian : Loughnan 2 Quan Bowman . Best : Riley Allen P Quart Loughnan Mirmans Bowman . 6.9(45) PRAHRAN 1 .3 3 .4 4.7 9.9(63) BANYULE 3 .1 3.6 8.9 Prahran : S Campbell 2 McCudden 2 Lewis Sodoma . Best: Donachie McCudden Macdonald Potter Upton S Campbell . Banyule : C re ak 3 Prior 2 Witchell 2 Nasrallah Baldac . Best : Gray Roeffe Thompson Nasrallah George Van Poeteran .
D1 Section AQUINAS
Coach : Steve Bell Res : Paul Harper
Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res: John Fraser
1 . L Toomey 2 . S. Tbb 3 . S. Edwards M. Hunter 6 . D . Minogue 7 . C . Glennie 8 . J. Jess (VC) 9 . T. Harkin 10 . D . Boland 11 . M. Barmby 12 . A . Bethune 13 . D . Den Braber (C) 13 . C . Jeffrey 14 . A . Lorkin 15 . Ad. Williams 16 . J . Hunt 17 . B . Redwood 18 . J . Hughes 19 . G. Whitehead N) C 20 . D . Skinner 21 . J . Pierce 22 . S . Flynn 23 . M . Visser 24 . P. Harper 25 . B . Volombello 26. R . Weeks 27 . C. Quinn 28. B . Helme 29. J . Wilson 31 . G. Evans 32. D. Alford 33. C. Wooden 34. M . Tarull i 35. R. C hapman 36. P. Caskey 37. S. Leonard 38. B. Moran 39. S. Bethune 40. S. Haun 41 . G . Davies 42. R. Moran 43. M . Slattery 44. J. Tapply 45. D. McCartan 46. T. Vandersluis 47. Ant . Williams 48. R. Brown 49. M. Griffin 50. C. Crozier 52. A. Pringle 53. D . Robinson 54. M. O'Halloran 55. L . Stafford 56. P. Cruickshank 57. M. Harris 58 . H . Tyssen 59. B. Cooper 60 . L Elliott 61 . I . Drew 62 . C . Lyng 63 . A. Barrie
1 . B. Reed 2. A. Bottomley 3. N. Taylor 4. P. Gloury 4. M . Creak (res) 5. B. Willmore 6. M . Morgan 7. C. Taylor 8. B. Cantwell 9. J. Plant 10. A. Dooley 11 . D . Wilson 12. J. Egan 13. B. Moxon 14. L . O'Donnell 15. A. Brown 16 . A. Demetriou 17 . C . Davies 17 . S. Gray (rese) 18 . T Wis e 19 . L. O'Connel l 19 . T. Nasrallah (res) 21 . R . Dinfinosante 22 . C . Taylor 23 . M . Gray 24 . T. Prior 25 . D . Phelan 26 . B . Mounsey 27 . J . Jones 28 . D . Sproules 29 . D. Nasrallah 30 . D . Mutton 31 . G. McLellan 32 . J . King 33 . B . Gayfer 34 . S . Lorenzini 35. L. Richardson 36. M . George 37 . T. Thompson 38. D. Gayfer 39. J . Turnbull 40. T. Prior 41 . A. Tshaikiwsky 42. M . Van Poeteren 43. L. Ferral 44 . J . Connelly 45. A. Roeth e 46. T. Egan 48. B. Herbert 49. G . Bell 50. S. Grayy 55. D . Williams
Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan 1 . D. Hannam 2. B. Holderhead & A. Walsh 4. M . Cairns & J. Hamilton 5. P. Diacogiorgis 7. L Byrne 8. A. Byrne 9. H . Fletcher 11 . B. Atherton 12 . D . Murphy 13 . A. Dawson 14 . T. Clarke 16 . G . Crane 17 . B. Lee 18 . M. Baker 19 . Pa . Cook 20 . T. Mitchell 21 . C . Meighen 22, C . Sullivan 23 . T. Jackson 24 . J . Parsons 25 . D . Bahr 27 . J . Tomese 29. V. Cahill 30, C . Little 31 . P. Crowe 32. A . Grant 33. S . Dury 35. P. Cook 36. M . Reeve s 37. A. O'Reilly 39. A . George 40. G. Bence 41 . M . Bridges 42. I . McBurney 45. J . Bennie 46. N. Mann 47. W. Bahr 48. N. Vaughn 51 . J . Rawlins 52. B. O'Connor 53. S. Addicott 56. T. Madden 57. R. Rome 61 . G . Virtue 62. N. Auden 63. C. Andrew 67. R. Holderhead 71 . T. Leske 73. J. Bare B. Pollard 76. D . Curtis 77. A. Grillo 80. G . Box 81 . J. Savage 95. D . Flanagan 97. D . Penchi 99 . C . McGrath
OLD M ENTONIAHS Coach : Peter Russo Res: Jamie Winduss
1 . T. Mitvalsky 2. C . Twentyman 3. R . Ball 4.. R . Woodland 5. C . Mackay 6. C . Alexander (VCR) 7. M. McCloskey (DVC) 8. G . Ferguson g J Walke r 10. S. Voigt 11 . D . Solley 12. C . Dwyer (CR) 13. B. Russo 14. M. Stroud 15 . J. Costello (DVC) 16 . B. Carroll 17 . N . Linford (CR) 18 . T. Bournon 19 . A. Palmer 20 . D . O'Connor 21 . J . O'Brien 22 . B . Coghlan 23 . A . Drinan 24 . D . Cochrane 25 . B . Fairbanks 26 . G. Dart 27 . A . tGantos 28 . D . Kitto (VC) 29 . A . Carter (C) 30 . D. Russo 31 . M . Elliott 32 . M . Sunter 33 . S . Worrell 34 . P. Flaskis 35 . D. Murphy 36. D. Alexande r 37. M . Francis 38. T. Millis 39. K. Campbell 40. R. Alexander 41 . S. Cozen . M . Basiles42 43. G . Hubbard 44. L. Sumer 45. A. Erskine 46. A. Bowtell 47. J. Kelly 48. D. Stevens (VCR) 49. N. Fisher 50. K. Regan 51 . A. Wilson 52. M. Watts 53. S. Wilson 54. D. Goodbody 55. M. Kalviskis 56. B. Thomas 57. S. Fairbank s 58. A. Worrell 59. A. Joyce 60. A. O'Reilly 61 . B. Saunders 62 . R . Schloeffel 63. C . Palmer 64 . M. Austin 65 . A. Mort 66 . M. Mackay 67 . A. Noonan
SPONSORS PHILLIPS & www.fitzroyfc .com .au
速RMON D Coach: Adrian Connolly Res Coach : Peter O'De a 1 L Deledi o 2 D . Beckett 3 J . Denning 4 A . Grace 5 M . Martinov 6 D. Whela n 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 S . Met z 10 T. Banks 11 D. Robbin s 12 B . Deledio 13 C. Lees 14 S . James 15 C. Telley 16 T. Stewart 17 L. Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D. to Hennepe 21 R. Wiley 22 H. Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 J. Muzzel l 25 J. Dal e 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashfor d 28 A. Clinch 29 D. Pallin g 30 L Wells 31 C. Youn g 32 L O'Brie n 33 A. Cook 34 A. Russell 35 BG . ailey 36 D . Casey 37 C . Evere t 38 D . Byra 39 M. Ferrari 40 A. Douglas 41 B. Upstill 42 C . Keleher 43 B. Parson s 44 M. Broadhurst 45 J. Frankli n 46 C . Johnstone 47 A. Goonan 48 R . Saunders 49 D . Jewett 50 S . Dipasqual e 51 T. Dipasquale 52 M. Brown 53 K . Harvey 54 M . Ramsay 55 B . Payson 56 M . Farrel l 57 R . Kentara 58 K . Snyman 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 L. Frankli n 62 D. Roylance 63 S . McConchie 64 D. Loetje 65 M . Anderso n
66 L. Waterson 67 M . Francis
68 B . Cromack 69 C. West
70 D. Farrell 71 C. Hassell
72 P. Rogash 73 B. Stone 74 L. Gouzenfitter
75 M . Lance
DI Section PENMSULA San Coach : Julian Sill Res : Brian Cronin
Coach : Peter Turley Senior Coach : A Parkin Res Coach: Adrian Chippaini Reserves Coach : M . Fittolani Club 18 Coach : C. Baulch
S . Parsons 1 . C. Clauscen 2. L . Stafford A . Parsons 3 . J. Ferrier M. Goldthor p 4 . D . Cullen E . Bowen 5 . H . Pi tt s 5 N. Kent 6 . A . Donachi e 6 M . Warner 7 . T. Greening . Murray 7 S 8 . I. Hunt 8 P. Angus 9 . A. Bunne tt 10 . M . Mc Cudden 9 11, A. Pi tts 10 A. Haley 12. C. Moffat 11 J . Sill 13. L. Northway 12 S. Ferguson 14. L. Fox 13 B. Cook* 15. C . Tooley 14 S. White 1 6. A. Rhodes 17. M. Harrison 15 J . Davis* 18 . M. Windridge 16 S . Claringbold 19 . S . Ramage 17 J . Coghlan 20 . J . Kello w 18 J. Wheaten 21 . T. Sparrey 19 A. Mckinst ry 22 . A . Sleight 23 . R. Marriott 20 S . Prendergast 24 . K. Plummer 21 A. Teekow 25. L. Aitken 22 A. Atchison 26. A. Dibbe 23 R . Powney , W. Watford n27 24 T. Prendergast 28. K. Watford 25 A. Powell 29. P. Gartland 30. M. Radywonik 26 G. Lethbridge 31 . S . Fraser 27 S . Payze 32 . D . Ballard 28 B . T aylor 33 . A . Woo d 29 S . Torossi 34 . R . Alcock 30 A. Crean 35 . J . Bedford 31 * 36 . G. Beven 37. M . Boyd 32 B. Liuai 38. E. Macdonald 33 R. Stainfo rt h 39. J. Matherson . Falkiner 34 M 40. R. Ferrero 35 T. Lane 41 . J. Upton 36 N . Bowman 42. B. Downing 37 J . Growcott 43 . S. Kennett . Coghlan 44 . B. Lynn 38 T 45 . T. Mahoney 39 S . Wilson 46 . S. MoYlan 40 D. Hubbard 47 . J . Killeen 41 A. Vidotto 48. J . Vagg 42 N. Claringboki 49. I . Dennis 43 B. Dunne 50. B . MahoneY 51 . N. Ha rvey 44 C . Mclean 52. N. Gill 45 L . Prendergast 53. A. Ryan 46 T. Moran ~ ~ K. Sagnol 47 L Palmer 55 . M. Vagg 48 N . Heffernan 56 . A. Potter 49 A . Minchin 57 . L. Castle 58 . T. Murphy 50 A. Bonner 1 2 3 4
51 R. Hayman 52 A. Woo d 54 C. Wilson 55 R . Cannon 58 P. Mangan 69 J. Muir
Coach : Leigh Stafford Rese rves: Andrew Gillam
59 . S . Dixon
60. M . Roach 61 . B . Campbell
62. R. Ham 63. R. Mackay 64. J . Belcher 65. B. Sodoma 66. S. Campbell 67. S. Oliver 68. S. Bell 69 . B .Todd 70 . S . Conley
1 . A. Stevens 2. A. Thain
3 . S. Sutherland 4 . C . Rose 5 . M . Canavan 6 . D. Forer 7 . D. Foley 8. S . Logan 9. A. Campbell 1 0. S . Oldfietd 11, A. Davey 12. M . Cooke 13. I. Bobetic 14. P. Evans 15. L Rose 1 6 . P. Dolman
17 . M . Forbes 1 8 . D. Barry 19 . M . Ferwerda
20 . A. Seeger 21 . A. Bonnici 22. S. Greely 23. T. Henson 24. A. Grace 25. C . Ryan 26 . J . Nannes 27 . P. Allen 2$ . M . Byrne
29 . D. Bowman
30 . 0 . Le 31 . B. Grams 32. G . Riley 33. N. Callaghan 34. C . Goulden 35. P. Knott 36. S . Nol an 37 . J . Brennan
38 . A . Gasped
39 . P. Pitts 40 . M . Forer 41 . P. Forbes 42. P. Hanlon 43. M. Van Suylen 44. P. McClaren 45. D . Allen 46. S. Savage 47 . K . Gallacher
48 J Log an 49 . M. Oakley
50 . S . Kavanagh 51 . A. Foleyy 52. M . Forbes 53. E. Maillard 54. M . Smyth 55 . E. Hanapy 56 . M. Loughnan 57 . S. Sewell 58 . M. Bates 59 . A. Healy 60 . A . Bates 61 . R. Cinco tta 63. A. Chi PPani
64. S . Sinclair 65. M . Sutton 66 . S. Sinclair 67 . B. Kirchner
1 . A. Costello 2 . S. Chandle r R . Hamilto n 3. 4. M. Rizio 5. L Rawnsley 6. A. Beva ua C18) C j: S . PriCe~ 8, B . Watch 8 . W. Pascoe (RlC18) 9 . R Kempton 10. W. Hanna 11 . S. Watch 12 . M . Cunningham 13 . A. Ross 13 . C . Baulch (RtC18 ) 14, C . Price 15. B. Shaw 16. J. Lalich 17. A. Moffatt 18. C . Groom 19. M . Kernpto n 20. C. Sandiford 21 . J . Sibilia 22. E . Nolan 23 . P. Bar ry (Capt) 24 . V. Romijn 25 . A. Katsaros 26 . D. Batten 27 . M. Savig e 28 P. Otsuka 29. A. Steer 30. A. Jesse 31 . B. Costello 32. A. Cameron 33. W. Blake 34. S . Middleton 35. B . Villella 36. M . Prowse 37 . R. Dabraio 38 . S. Bloodworth 39 . B. Cunningham 40 . N . Martin 41 . T. MacCallum 42. A. Smith 43, C . Beaton 44. E . Ryan 45. R . Scarlett 46. A . Kelle y 47. A . Wilson 49. R. Dillon 50 . A. Goonan 51 . R. Wood 53 . D. O'Keeffe 54 . M . Petersen 57 . D . Weddell 58. B. Edwards 61 . J. Black 63. C . Beasley
64' L. Hill
65. J . Fuller 66. C. Lewis 67. N . Goona n T. Portal 69. M . Swampillai 70. J. Green 71, S. Palmer
72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . 76 . 77 78. 80. 81 . 83.
L .Clancy B. Bach R. Kercheval H . Ellis C . Webb T. Brumb y -Rundel l R . Witnish S. Bade S . Spong P. Molloy
85. B . Weber
86. T. Rowe 87 . A. Watkins 94 . A. Powell 97 . L Merl o g8 K Begely
YARRA V EY Coach: Tim Killworth Res. Coach: Simon Taylor. R . Pearce 1 T. Morris 2 3 R. Thompson M . Fung 4 5 A. Drew Captain 6 R. Drew C. Beal 7 L Morris 8 ~1 0 T. Hancock T. Mclllrath 1 1 12 J. Cremean 13 L. Gillies 14 B . Nickolas E . Kruse 1 4 N . Pask 1 5 L Taylor 1 6 A. Laing 1 7 C. Britt 18 19 J. Strong T. Hale 2 0 Stevenson 2 1 D. B. Drew 2 2 23 R . Yee M. Davies 24
F. Pellegrino
J . Longworth 26 S . Savage 27 M . Rockicki 28 R. Coutt s 29 D. Pott er 30
P. Cooper
32 J. Parry P. Cremean 3 3 B. Seeger 3 4 B. Peake 3 5 P. Jarv ie 3 6 D . Balshaw 37 B . Morrison 38 J . Tompkins 3 9 M . Wines 40
B . Downs 4 1
42 A. Ston e 43 S . Y" J. He 44 A. Wingate 45 T. Oliver 46
S. Collie
R . Davis 48 S. Seabourne 4 9 J . Peake 50 H . Clarke 51 52 A . Hart nett S . Fyffe 53 S . Simpson 54 A. Vass 55 56 T Lloyd P. Pickering 57 G . Kerr 58 A. Joiner 59 S. Laird 60 P. Valoppi 6 1 62 P. Baruma B. Whitechurch 63 D . Smith 64 M . Norrish 65 A . Russell 66 B . Glennie 67 T. Collet 68 R. Collet 69 N. Lear 70 M . Laing 7 1
G . Coutts 7 6 S. Thompson 7 7 N . Peters 7 8 D . Redfern 8 2 T. Peters 9 2
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Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am For news, views and previews, tune t o THE A
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IP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score service Including : Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm)
. . ~ = . .2 ; id Leave Pa5f" Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5p m
VAFA A Section 'Wrap! (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm )
with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine
L t vefi Section
'C. l : 7i ®411 T jr-'
~ i ~r~~~
T_~`.'~ S
"in tune with the outer east" VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAI. `_ teams bet ween 6.00-6.15pm each Saturday night .
VAFA segmen t
0N1j-Ai' 9.39 - 1 0.30 a.m. T tJ68 : E : 9. 20 C~ v6 : 6 aGemn®u s3`m =RAIL.' ~ STEVE Mc CARTHY WITH ALL THE VAFA NEWS •• This weeks guests : Representative team George Voyage (Coach) and Julian Smith (Captain ) Including:
"Weekend Leave Pass" Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fin e 24
et's Talk Sport
Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Updates (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm) VAFA A Section 'Wrap! ( Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm) 9 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Sunday 6 .00-8 .00 p m Includes weekly chat on aIt matters VAPA. Including: Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Updates A 5r= (Saturday & Sunday,l2noon to 5pm) Saturday & Sunday,l2noon to 5pm VAFA A Section Wrap '
with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine -°`
Let's Talk Sport (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm )
1-0 )
OE, Oft
.. ..~.,.. . ,.,,, . , . .
j :noia (C), U' Rupee -vo
Friday 7 .00-8 .00 pm Inch ., 'es weekly chat on all mc -_r
~~~ ~~
by P eter 째f~~'째 ;~~ ~77m,3o n Andrew Wu
Comedy kicking for goal by the home side at What Andrew Says East Caulfield Reserve with the Monash After a sluggish Gryphons racking up 6 .25, of which 0 .18 was start to the season scored by half-time. Perhaps they should chang e La Trobe has won their name to the Monash Wastrels . It would its last two matches and beaten premiership seem that the time spent on goalkicking at favourites Old Carey . This week the Trobers training recently has been futile, indeed they feature in the match of the round with Bull een may have well oversaturated the attention on Templestowe who after winning their first six this skill . Justin Paul with five goals for the matches has lost their last two to fall to third on Demons was able to show them how it was the ladder. This match is the classic eight-point done. game . Should the Bullants win they will be four Swinburne University's game at St . James games clear of La Trobe but if they don't then Park against Ivanhoe Assumption wa the gap between the two clubs closes back to just two . In what will be a close encounter, the . 1 9sbaiclymroftheisanr points up at three quarter time, the Razorbacks Trobers home ground advantage should tip the odds in their favour. ran out of legs, allowing the Hoes to add 7 .5, the In another eight-point game, Williamstown same as what they'd taken the previous three travel to Ivanhoe ~.ssumption needing a win to quarters to accrue, and take the four points . stay in touch with the four . The Hoes only have The change of Chris Tucker into the ruck for the a couple of injuries and if defender Stuart Morris Hoes provided much of the impetus with plenty adds either of Williamstown's two gun forwards of big hitouts . Dave Lee and Tim Wheeler to his impressive list The Bulleen derby, also a top of the table clash, saw the points go to Old Carey in a comfortable of scalps, they will defeat the CYMS . victory over Bull een Templestowe, despite the In form Bentleigh has a great opportunity to win its third consecutive match when it hosts Panthers losing three big names in the first quarter with injuries . This defeat also saw the the struggling Swinburne . With both sides Bullants tumble from first to third . For the sitting next to each other on the ladder, Bentleigh coach and spearhead Justin Paul Panthers, "Dolly" Parton bagged four and Kent picked up where he left off after a week off with hoped his side could win what he expected to be a close match . But he said the challenge for his injury, while Dean Matthews was again side now was to perform at that standard ever y prominent for Bulleen Templestowe . In other matches, LaTrobe University defeated Williamstown CYMS at Fearon Reserve, taking control with a six goal to two third term, an d holding off the CYs in the last quarter ; and Old J ' r,Geelong scored a convincing over West Brunwsick at McAlister Oval, with VickersCLUB IJAi ;;~ LST V! ~( TOTAL Willis, Fitzciarence and Goldsworthy sharing a baker's dozen between them . D2 SECTION All teams in the four are now on a 6-2 win-loss Bentleigh Paul 5 31 record, with the next four teams on 3-5, leaving Swinburne Uni Murchie 3 26 the bottom two teams on 2-6 . It would appear Old Geelong Vickers- Willis 5 24 that as we approach the halfway mark, that the Old Carey Angus T 3 23 final four is already a foregone conclusion, and Ivanhoe Ass Valkanis 2 23 that there is more interest in following the Bulleen Temp Williams 3 22 relegation scrap . However, the way some results D2 RESERVE have gone recently, only time will tell if these Williamstown Burgess 3 22 high fliers can stand the test of time (to Ivanhoe Ass Pearce 1 20 paraphrase Sammy Hagar) . Bulleen Temp Williams 0 17 My tips this week are : Ivanhoe Assumption, Old Geelong Avery 5 15 Bentleigh, Old Geelong, Old Carey, and Bulleen Old Carey Guerra 1 15 Templestowe . Old Carey Konstantinidis 3 15
week. If the Razorbacks rise to Theone's challenge they will stretch Bentleigh, but at home the Demons should still be too strong . SP1IPtBURNE UN I 2 .1 3.2 10 .6 11 .6 (72) Monash scored just six goals from 31 scoring IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 3 .1 5.4 7 .5 14.10 (94) shots to cost them any chance of victory against Swinburne Uni : Milano 3 Dawson 3 Murchie 3 Whiting Pearson Best : Bentleigh last week and can ill afford a repeat of Flack Milano Beynon Whiting Morrison Fragiacomo . Ivanhoe that effort when they travel to Como to tackle Assumption: Lee 3 Sampson 2 Valkanis 2 Frisina 2 BlaYoq Harris O'Neill Tucker Scoble Rowley. Best: Tucker Morris Brown Sampson Old Geelong . With a performance that saw Scoble Harris. every player making a meaningful contribution, Umpires : Max Wittman David Phillips (F) Stephen Bogisieh Hagen Old Geelong crushed the Magpies last week to Cosgriff (G) leave coach Michael Lockman very pleased . WTLLIARRSTOWN CYMS 3.2 9 .2 11 .8 13 .10 (88) Old Carey will also be keen to maintain its hold IA TROBE 4.1 8 .3 14 .5 17 .7 (109) Williamstown CYMS: Lee 3 Thrush 2 Barlow 2 McNamara Phemister on a top two spot when it hosts cellar dweller Hart Matthews Wouda . Best: Manning McCutcheon McNamara Hynes West Brunswick . While that is just a distant Poch Talylor. IA Trabe : Gleeson 5 Envall 3 Moa*dsley 3 Brooks Murrav memory now for West Brunswick, coach Angus Doingle Spring Pmscino Davies. Best : Harvey Mamble Motion Paton Hamilton said it was important his side kept on Spring Stephens. persevering as it entered a three-week stretch Umpires: Jason Lane Andrew Shiels (F) Mark Taylor (RFL) Ollie that would see it playing the top three sides . The Matthews (RFL) (G) Magpies pulled off a stunning upset against Old MONASH GRYPHONS 0 .11 0.18 3 .22 6 .25 (61) Carey in last year's finals but it is hard to see a BEP3'I'LEIGH 2 .1 5 .5 8.8 15 .13 (103) Monash Gryphons : Malone 2 Sharkey 2 Willocks L Clark. Best: Leeton repeat of that effort today . S Bourbon Kent Malone Baxter Watson . Bentleigh : Paul 5 Lupoi 3 TIPS Fishlock lreson Clough Francis Fox Robertson Allen . Best : Vukic Ivanhoe Assumption 4 McEvoy Robertson McCulloch Allen Clough . Bentleigh 27 Umpires: Mark Jenkins (F) Jake Mahar Tristan Reith (G ) 0 .3 3.3 5.7 8.10 (58) Old Geelong 36 WEST BRUNSWICK 4 .1 10.7 15 .12 23.13 (151) OLD GEELONG Old Carey 42 West Brunswick; Brookshaw 2 Tanner 2 Lehmann 2 Cannane Haysey . La Trobe 1 Best : Jenkin Coonan Haysey Edwards Touzel Torney. Old Geelong : Social Vickers-Willis 5 Fitzclarence 4 Goldsworthy 4 Kimpton 3 Ainsworth 2 Bentleigh - Saturday 26 June is the Bentleigh Legoe 2 tansdcll 2 Paul . Best: Paul Fai.rbaim Bell Kimpton VickersBall at the South Oakleigh Club . Tickets cost Willis FiV.ctarence. $35 per head and include a three course meal Umpires: Grant Joyner Matt Meier (F) Michael Jones Chris McKendry (G) and entertainment. This is a pre-paid function BULLEEN TE9SPLESTOWE 6.1 8.1 9 .6 11.11 (77) so see Magic for tickets, but don't miss this great OLD CAREY 4.1 6.7 12.10 17.12 (114) Bulleen Templeatowe : R Williams 3\Vise 2 Noble 2 Florance D night . Matthews Teehan Tulloch . Best: Wilkie Hare Pietryk Chivets Teehan Ivanhoe-Assumption - The Hoes host Schneider Norbury . Old Carey: Parton 4 Angus 3 Kent 3 Bull 2 Shone Williamstown CYMS on June 19 . Victorian 2 MacFarlane Bowlev Everett . Best : Stewart-Holmes MacFarlane Bushrangers pace bowler Mick Lewis will be the Trumbull Kent Parton Everett. guest speaker at a pre-match luncheon in the Umpires: Andrew Smith Joe Botzonello (F) Beomn McCarthy Daniel Ivanhoe Park clubrooms, starting at noon. Cost Kofoed (G) $20 . Contact Don Blackwood on 94972248 or eD2 RESERVE mail him at donbwood@dezzanet . net . au . for SWIIdBURNE UNI 1.4 5 .6 6.6 8 .11 (59) bookings . IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 3.1 6 .2 13.2 14.2 (86) Ivanhoe-Assumption - The Hoes will also be Swinburne Uni: Thomas 3 O'Mara 2 Andrinopoulos O'Keefe Liston . holding their inaugural Hall of Fame night at Best: Watts Teal Smith Gordon George Thomas . Ivanhoe Assumption: The Centre, Ivanhoe, on Saturday 26 June, Nuttall 4 Kuso 3 Cover 2 Shemshedin Maud Seralini McKinnev Pearce . starting 7pm. The cost is $75, which includes a Best: Cotter Kuso Maud Nuttalt Chazan Cole . 1 .1 3 .3 3.4 3 .5 (23) 3-course meal, beer, wine and soft drinks . WIIbIr1i41STOR'PI CYMS Contact John Matthew on 0408 648 559 or e- LA TROBE 6 .3 10.5 16 .10 22 .14 (146) Williamstown CYMS : Burgess 3. Best: Griffin Robinson Bergin Hann mail him at jmatthew@palm-springs .com .au . Burgess . La Trohe: Paton 6 Hewitt 6 Coulter 4 Hogan 2 Ternan Sewell Correspondent s Morton Clark . Best : Coulter Ross Paton Bridges Hewitt Heathcote . Please send details of any match reviews to MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .0 1 .4 1.9 2.13 (25) . PS .WilliamsonQcentrelink .gov .au, ideally Peter BENTLEIGH 6 .1 11 .5 13.7 17.11 (113) by 5pm each Monday afternoon or Andrew Wu - Monash Gryphons: Landberg Citera . Best: Wadley Bolle Grady Warren McMullin Healy. Bentleigh : Ferris 5 Kopitschinski 2 Punter 2 Jollv 2 s3043247@student .rmit.edu .au Withinglon 2 Wilken G Aitken Hayes Padgham . Best: N Aitken Have a great VAFA weekend, Kopitschinskt Padgham ÂŤ'ithington Ferris Jolly . The Qwill & Wuey 2.2 3 .2 3.2 (20) WEST BRUNSWICK 21
D 2 SECTIO N Ivanhoe Assumption v Williamstown CYMS Bentleigh v Swinburne Uni Old Geelong v Monash Gryphons Old Carey v West Brunswic k La Trobe Uni v Bulleen Templestowe
OLD GEELONG 5.3 9.6 12.10 17.12 (114) West Brunswick: Rudd 2 A Thompson. Best: Muller J Thompson Simmonds Twv(ord Sutherland. Old Geelong : Avery 5'<4'ilson 3 Munro 2 Bagels 2 Allen Herd Morley Carey O'Hare. Best : Allen Wislon Avery Bayles Herd O'Hare . BULLEEN TEhII'LESTOWE 2 .0 4 .2 5 .3 6.4(40) OLD CAREY 5.2 8 .5 11 .7 17 .14 (116) Bulleen Templestowe : Scarano 2 D Daskalou J Matthews M Daskalou Morrison . Best: C Morihovitls J Matthews A Morihovitis Humphrey Daskalou A Parris . Old Carey: Kons2antinidis 3 Lord 2 White 3 Bull 3 Mason 2 Guerra Chivcharelli Boyd Adam, Best : T Wood Jessup Busse Van Cuylenberg Konsiantinidis.
Coach: Justin Paul Asst : Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall
BULLEEU TE MPLESTOWE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Steve Easton Res.Coach: Andrew Parris
Coach: John Matthew Assist Coach : Doni Valkanis Res . Coach : Anthony Conti
1 . C. Sharp J . Paul 3. A. Pittito 4. S . Side 5. M . Eyles 6. A. Jolly 7. J . Robertson 8. J . Handfiekl 9. T. Rowe 10. R. Pearce 11 . D. Martin 12. N. Aitken 13. S. Craven 14. D. Vard y
1 . B. Touriganis 2. M . Stella 4. W. Thompson 5. C. Parris 6. A. Tehan 7. P. Robertson 8. J. Wise 9. J. Matthews 10 . P. Tsokas 11 . G . Chivers 12 . A. Parris 13 . D . Tulloch 14 . A. Wilke
1 . S. Conley 2. M . Maud 3. C. Tucker 4. T. O'Neill 5. J. Scoble 6. E. Healy (v.capt) 7. P. Rawley B. J. Shuttleworth 9. R. Peoples 10. P. Lee 11 . D. Valkanis 12 . P. Tonkin 13 . S. Narkiewicz
15. T. Lupoi
15 . L . Thompson
14 . S. Kaso
16 . S. Smith 17 . T. Cora m t 8 . D . Horvath 19 . C . Morrison 20 . M. Jones 21 . P. Gannas 22 . G. McLaren 23 . D . Matthews 24 . J . Newman
15 . J . Curtin 16 . P. Harris 17 . S. Morris 18 . D . Abud 19 . D . Wood (d .v.capt .) 20 . N . Pye 21 . N . Blainey 22 . A. Height 23 . D . Ryan
26. S . Boyd 27. D . Rogers 28. P. Milesi 29. A . Fitt 30. D. Florence 31 . L. Norbury 32. R. Williams 33. N. Hamshare 34. S . Lambropoulos 35. D. Daskalou 36, P. Hare 37. P. Ganiatsis 38. N. Sca9Iwn e 39. D. Buccachio 40. A. Foley 41 . R. Lea 42. P. Edwards 43. M . Daskalou 44, R. Schneider 46. A. Humphrey 47. C . Morivitis 48. A. Manville
25. J . Frisina 26. P. Cameron 27. J . Finlayson 28. S . Matthews 29. J . Crapper 30. S . Kaso 31 . S . Scapari 32. J. Icefo 33. S . O'Connell 34. B . Joyce 35. M . Serafini 36. J. Tamburro 37. P. Cotter 38. M . Sheppard 39. M . Ebbage 40. D. Sartor 41 . C. McDonald 42 . R . Kolb 43 . A. Shemshedin 44 . TScott 45 . E. Nuttall 46 . R . Nuttall
49. D . McMahon
47 . B. Walthers
50. D . Glover
48 . R . Toogood
16. G . Allen 17. S. Francis 18. S. Adaway 19. B. Fox 20. R . Fishlock
21 . A. Ferris 22. A. Smith 23. G . McFarlane 24. L Holmesby 25. D . Gold 26. B. Padgham 27. J. Seeley 28 . M. McCulloch 29 . A . Clough 30 . D . Ferguson
31 . A . Banks 32 . D . Kopitschinski 33 . P. Within 9t on
34 . R . Morris 35 . L Ireson 36 . M . Backman 37 . P. Hutchison 38 . G. Beattie 39 . G. Prigg 40 . A . Steward 41 . P. Dimattina 42 . A . Mikkelsen 43 . M . Vukic 44 . R. Punter 45 . R. Brookshaw 46 . R. Lawford 47 . M . Scanlan 48, R. McEvoy
49 . A. Lee 50 . A. Stories 50 . L. Wilken 51 . P. Sampson 52 . L Sampson 53. D. Gunn
49 . E. Marino
54. R. Oldfield 55. G . Richards 56. C. Aitken 57. S. Nankervis 58. T Caterson 59. I . Jackson 60. S. Kennedy 61 . H. McKenzi e 63. S. Stuart 64. M . Hayes
50 . R . Sing 51 . D . Pearce 52 . S . Sampson (capt.) 53 . M. Chazan 54 . T. Scott 55 . D . Frank 56. G. Ford 57. M . Frannich 58. D . Hager 59. C . Mclnney 60. J . Nemtses
69: i~az~ 78. C. Brown
Senior Coach: Glenn Taylor Res Coach : Bob Ellis 1 . P. Morton 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
W. Brow n D. Sheldrick H. Davies S. Adamswaite D. Gleason
7. T. Marines. 8. C. Correnti 9. L Walker to. S. Davis 11 . A. Murray 13. T. Ludeman 14. D. Butte r 15. S. Brooks 16. P. Farrant
17. S. Fitzgerald 78. C.86gnt
t9. A. Randell 21 . M. Harvey 22. D. McMeekin 23. M. Cossar 24. L Email 25. M. Fanning 26. D . Stevens 27. S . Ross i~ 30. S.. C Gellert 31 . A Mambwe 32. S. Gibson 33. M. Watson 34. J . Buttigieg 35. F. Teman 36. T. Mawdsley 37. A. Gurney 39. R . Slater 40. S . Murphy 43. A . Pou an 44. D . µjrmh° n 47 . A . S a mson 48 . L. Mc Namara 50 . K . Hopkins
54 . A. Hewn
56 . J . Nield 57 . A Woolmer
58 . J . Dal mple ~' ~ ~t 70 . G. J . Dumaresq 73 . J. Smell 78 . J. Clark 84 . T. Peters A. Baille M . Bourk e C. Clamp B. Clutterbuck T. Cohen M . Cotsopoubs c=so N. c . Fennell D M. Garrat K. Hickman
S. Jackson C . Knee R. Knights
n . Man A S. Miller B. Murphy G . Murphy G . Nelson
X. O'Donnell J . Scanlo n C . Black L Ryan L. Heathcote S. O'Toole J . Brodie S . Craig C . Francis S . Glou
M. Mill a~ S . Moore A . Piier y D . Robson o 6, WLaadlawn A . Benton N . Bridpes A Coufler
p.OB~~ j A. Palmieri J . Rotelia H. S ring R. V~ot(sen C.Saqe C. Febring A. Paech B. Hider
M ONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Phil Knigh t Assist Coach: John Lero y Res Coach: John Leroy 1 . S . Bourbon 2 . M . Healyy 3 . A . Grady 4 . M . Malon e
5 . J . Watson 6 . D. Bolle 7 . D. Walter g, J. Blandford 9. G. Wadley 10. P. Williamson 11 . A. Nichols 12. A. Gross 13. J. Stratford 14. A. Mckenzie
1 5. A. Clarke 16. P. Renniso n 17. P. Rutherford 18. M . Paolucc i
19. R. Coxhead 20. C. Staf f 21 . J. Bingham 22 . B. Coxhead 23 . L . Clark 24 . D . Baxte r 25 . S. Kibblewhit e 26 . A. Denyer 27 . R . Gilchrist 28 . Luke Leeton 29 . P.Warren 30 . P. Holland 31 . G. Roche 32 . M . Lewi s 33 . S . Nelso n 34 . M . Graydon 35. B Clark 36. G. Block 37. A . Jenki n 38. M Baron 39. D Grenfel l 40. M . Willocks 41 . C. Archer 42. J . Clarke 43. M . Mastromann o 44. L. Well s 45. J . Goni s 46. G . Kent 47. M . Parker
48. G . Still 49. C. Robinso n 50. S. Dresse r 51 . C. Leeton 52. A. Flowerday 53. M. Bourbon 54. A. Perry 55. G . Harra k 56. J. Heal y 57. W. Pocock 58. C . Yanni 59. A. Yanni 60 . T. Bourbon 61 . A . Waters 62 . N Rutherford 63 . I. Bagnal l 64 . P. Patrick 76 . J . Harrak
G . Massa M . McDonald
D2 Section OLD CAREY
Senior Coach: Steve Maus Res.Coach: Andrew Gates
Coach: Michael Lockman Res Coach : Ben Dunn Ass Coach : Matt Edmonds
Coach: Re
1 . C. Angus (VC) 2. D. Faelis 3. M . Cohen 4. D. James 5. P. Konstantinidi s 6. C. Campbel l 7. S. Jessu p 8. A. Stewart -Holmes 9. D . Shutie 9, B. Andrews (r) 10 . K. Shrives (RVC) it . N . Everett 12 . L. MacFad ane 13 . G. Trumbull 14 . M . Mahon 15. N. Bull 16. T Angus 16. R. Graham (r) 17. A. Parton (C) 18. C. Matthews 18. B. Chiuchiarelli (r) 19. T. Wood 19 . P. Drake (r) 20 . J . Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22 . C . Battle 23 . H . Van Cuylenberg 24. L. Battley 25. L. Chiuchiarelli 26. A. Wood 27. N. Vasitopoukos 28. N. Sulman 29 . C . Munro 30 . A. Guerra 31 . J. Ward 32 . P. Graham 33 . N .England 34 . C. Howat 35. M . Watts 36. S . Wood 37. C. Adam 37. D. Palmer (r) 38. L Guerra (RC) 39. P. Bennett 40. S. Angus 41 . A. Gate s 42. L Morgan 43 . D . Joyce 44 . T. Rossignuolo 45 . T. Bull 46 . S . Hill 47 . B . Crosher 48. S . Bennett 49. S. Middleton 50. A. Kent 51 . B. Croft 52. D . Bow ley 53. J. Hubbard 54 . C . Pinches 55 . G. Spencer 56 . A. Boyd 57 . Glen Morgan 59 . C. Mason (RVC) 61 . Grant Morgan 64. C. Smith 65. D. Elsner 71 . R . Leong 75. P. Busse 76. D . G ..^z ^ '
1 . M . Goldsworthy 2 . W. Ainsworth 3 . J . Fitzclarence 4. C. Stinchcombe 5. M . Vickers-Willis 6. J. Bell 7. J. Paul 8. G . Allen 9. D Salte r 10. M Avery 11 . L Stevens 12 . T Paul 13 . T Canno n 14 . D Taylor 15 . H McCarthy 16 . T Fallow 17 . T Betts 18. J Malpas 19. S MacGowan 19. N Betts 20. J Legoe 21 . LTeague 22. T Bayles 23 . C Fairbairn 24 . S Lansdell 25 . T Hope-Johnson 27 . W Paul 29 . J Hope-Johnson 30 . B Goldsworthy 31 . H Folletta 32. A Munr o 33. E Bayles 34. S O'Brien 35. P Birks 36. T Makin 37. T Waters 38 . T D'Antoine 39 . J Kilpatrick 40 . H Legoe 41 . S Ross 42 . E Plowman 43, B Grills 44 . J Urqhart 45. C Teague 46, J Modey 47. T Carey 48. R Herd 49. TYoung 50 . A Suvoltas 51 . J Kilpatrick 52 . S Griffiths 53 . I Munro 54 . C Wilson 55. H Cust 55. C Atkins 56. M Leslie 57. B Symons 58. J McCarthy 59. R Kilpatric k 60. B MaClea n 61 . T O'Brien 62. S Lyon 65. A Meek 66 . J Imhoff 67 . H Eastman 68 . R Cutter 69 . A Southey 70 . W de Fegley 71 . S Waters 72. J Settler 73. AT me 74. S Timms 75. WTemple-Smith 76. J Urq uart 77. P Winter 78 . Youll 79 . P Birks 80 . P Winter 81 . M Bouchier 82 . LKnight
1 . L Watts 2. J Sheedy 3 . J Piotrowski 4 . A Fidler 5 . J Demarte 6 . D Harmer 7 . J Murchie 8 . M Higgins 9. L Morrison 10. M Anastass i 11 . D Milano 13. K Barbary 14 . R Goode 15 . H Sutter 16 . C Walsh 17 . J Roberts 18 . A Fiumani 19. B O'Mara 20. D Wigg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22. C Thomas 24. C Higgins 25. M Whitin g 26. T Liston 27 . R Kis s 28 . J Ryan 29 . J Gordon 30 . J Dunsford 32 . P Beynon 33. S Christov 34. A Fricke 36. J Carter 37. D Barbera 38. M Tricky 39. R Roberts 40. J Coy 41 . S Rya n 42. D MacFarlane ous 43 . J Andrin ~ 44 . M Ryan 45 . B White 46 . J Sandhu 47 . T Morris 48. D Little 49. M Hudgson 50. M George 51 . M Pearson 52. N Lane 53. M Pau l 54. M Eley 55 . M Dinning ~~ D Smith 57 . C 0'Keeffe 58 . M Flac k 59. C Galley 60. P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62. B Gorfine 63. M Roebuck 64. J O'Keeffe 65 . ATeal 66 . C Dent 67 . D Beynon 68 . L Sierakowski
8~4: T ~ 9c e
85. A McHugh
Paul James
Hamilton Res ~Coach : TroY Thompson
Ia. Drain M lb. Hamilton A 2. Hamilton P 3. Heppell G 4 . Lehmann C 5 . Cannane A 6 . Pietsch S 7 . Benjamin S N 8 . Simmonds 9. Morphett A 10 . Byrne s 11 . Norman P 12 . Maguire T 13 . Brockley S 14. Bowshall - Tanner C 15. Russell M 17. Smith J 18. McManus M 19. Touzel W 20. Connan D 21 . Bloom A 22 . Hanson J D 23 . Rudd 24 . Jenkin J 25 . Siebrand J R 26. Benjamin M 27. Brooks 28. Waller E 29. Sheedy C 30. Lewis M 31a. Edwards S 31b. Caller S 32. D'Andrea S 33 . Thompson T 34 . Twyford 1 35 . Carmichael M L 36 . Jones 37 . Dempsey T S 38. Mona ue g 39. West R 40. Brooks D P 41 . Greening 42. Goonan M J 43 . Tobin 44 . Sprague J 45 . Smith J 46 . Howard R A 47 . Thompso n 48 . Sutherland A 49. Haysey J 50. Hutchens N 51 . Sherry L 52. Fox T 53. Chamberlain T 54. Tanner S 55 . KaiUer J 56 . McDonagh J 57 . Williamson A 58 . Torney A 59 . Brugler J 60. Sprague M 61 . Hilton K S 62. Wright 63. Gartlan J L 64. Stewart N 65. O'Brien R Proudly _66. Hussey B 67. Smith sponsored by : 70 . Leahy G M 71 . Brookshav Clare i6 . M Whitehorse Inn R 77 . Howell 5 Burwood Rd, 78 . Thompson J 9
7 . cobuho째n
WBLLIAMSTOPdR CYMS Coach: Dane Mcleod Res Coach: Paul Dervan 1 D. Elias 2 J. Butti91eg 3 D . Wouda 4 S. Wuchatsch 5 T Wheeler 6 N . Grant 7 D. Sadler 8 J . McCutcheo n 9 J . Munro 10 B . Cocks 11 J Anderson 12 A. Featherston 13 A. Mackle y 14 J. Stree t 15 D. Taylo r 16 S. Phemister 17 J . Digrazi a 18 D . Oldham 19 S. Barlo w 20 B. Koc h 21 L Monkhurst 22 M . Kennedy 23 C. McNamara 24 C. Pach 25 G. Burgess 26 D. Lee 27 C. Matthews B. Grant 28 A. Kosmatos 29 B. Gri(fen 30 K. Dowse y 31 J . Hynes 32 D . Williams 33 T Boz 34 B .Jones 35 C. Bergi n 36 T. Smit h 37 B. Hynes 38 M. We ls h 39 T. Carter 40 D . Grieve 41 A. McKenzi e 42 B . Hinsley 43 I. Arandez 44 M . Manning 45 P. Azzopardy 46 G . Singleton 47 L. Thoma s 48 S. Snijders 49 F. Diblasi 50 D . William s 51 B. Martin 52 R . Hart 53 T. Bell 54 P. Vincent 55 R . Nisbet 56 J . Thrush 57 0. Jimenez 58 J. Robinson
Stag's Head Hote l 39 Cecil S t Williamstown
9397 833 7
9818 499 1
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpi,, no Ia`~,r than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin ,
(cos-'L of a loc ; 1 call ) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
•Weekend matches (Fri) • Umpires Appointments • Scores (Sat . night) I
ELSTERNWICK PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
COATES HIRE MVP's :;~Q ?'^6 r----- ---------------------------------------------A: JOSH KITCHEN (OLD SCOTCH) ~ B : JASON CORDY (NORTH OLD BOYS ) G: MARK DEVEREAUX (HAMPTON ROVERS ; AL SMITH (UNIVERSITY BLACKS)D1 : DAVID MCMEEKIN (LATROBE UNI )02 . LILYDALE ) : FRANCIS VARGA (MT )D3 ) : RICHARD BAKER (ALBERT PARK 04 . . ... - .. .. .. . J L_. .. . ... .. ..-, .. ... .. . .- .. .. . .. ... . ..- ... ..- .. .r. .. - ... ... .. ... ... .. . . . .. .. . ... ... ... .. .... . . ... . .. . . ... .. .. . .
速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVPs receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.
Phone : 13 15 52 24 Hour E m ergency 0418 333 11 8
WATCH THL~p -, %,i"
f you are the perso n circled, present this photo VAFA Reception during next week a nd yo u will receive Cadbury product or a Cadb ury hamper.
L.-- ----prognostications
were not as accurate a s Jason Frenkel's he would have liked . The Scotchies did not live up to his expectations and were thrashed at Chelsworth Park by the old boys of Ivanhoe Grammar . Never in the hunt, the Cardinals fell two games off the pace in 5th position .
In the top section Ol d Scotch dealt Ormond a heavy blow knocking Toovey with six and Douglas and McLean 4 apiece them down from secon d . Rohan contributed significantly to the home side's win to fifth spot . Scotch started slowly but hit the front by half Weddle was named Ol's best . time and went right on with it 17 .13 to 10 .12. Heath Old Brighton travelled to Hampton to take on the Rovers kicked 5 for the winners and Wilson, Hosking and Hart and came away with the prize . Bradley snared 10 goals for were best . Matt McConvill flew the flag for the Moods Brighton who blew the Rovers away and jumped two spots along with Collins and Fraser . 'Personality Pars' for "A" on the ladder . Artz, Anderson and Parkinson worked hard grade acknowledged 200 up for - Andrew (The Roo) Wright for the Rovers and Power kicked 4 . Matt Jackson and at Collegians and Rob Purcell and Greig Wood at St Simon Williams were the Tonner's architects along with Bernards . big Jarrod the goalkicker . B Section was a great comp with eight of the teams in the Bottom team in C grade, Banyule, took care of Therry to mix" . Match of the day saw Bulleen Temp hold off top side lift themselves up the ladder and stalwarts White, Playfair Mazenod to win at home by 8 points . Robertson (3), and Plant joined with David Witchell in his 150th game as Alexander and Field gave their all for the combine and best for the Bears . David made sure of the celebrations Borg, Belleville and Green for the 'Nodders" . with 5 great goals. Ivanhoe, third in C Grade, played bottom side Fawkner AJAX had a scare in D grade when Old Camberwell and they were all having shots from everywhere . The pushed them all the way with the Jackers holding on by 2 'Goalies' were worked overtime as the two teams went points. Rosen and Halpin each got 3 goals and Kalinski, neck and neck all day, finally finishing with a win to the Marks and Gelbart were best . The mercurial "Doc" Inkster 'Hoes 26.28 to Fawkner's 24 .8 . Wilson booted 11 for did all he could for the Wells with 9 of his teams 11 goals . Fawkner and Kennedy 8 for Ivanhoe . On this performance Thomastown's Rod Kennedy celebrated his 200th game Fawkner gave a clear indication they would not accept and his club hoped for many more reliable games from the relegation lightly defender. They also congratulated Art Gentis for reaching The *Carnival was. over' - The twentieth AAFC Carnival, th e . Parkside stalwart Mark Sherlock notched up 150 games fifth to be held in Melbourne, was completed during the 250 games and Dean Moodie joined his team mate in the previous week . . c elebrations with his 150 games Victoria was represented by Rob Fuller (Old Scotch ) s The tribunal only had a couple of cases as a result of thi (Capt), Andrew Jobling (Orm) (VCapt), Bruno Conti (NOB) round but there were seven players who "took the (VCapt), Micah Berry (Old Melb), Michael Blood (Xavs), prescribed" . Disappointing to know that 5 suspensions Matt Bourke (Xavs), Mark Brady (SKOB), Simon Bromell were to U19 players . Investigations emanating from the (Old Melb), Wayne Carey (St Bern), Brett Connell (Orm), round covered a number of topics - melee, intimidation of Christian Davidson (Coll), Luke Gollant (St Bern) . Richard umpires and "exposing buttocks" . Green (Xavs), Rob Gross (SKOB), Rob Lawson (Fawk), Col One of the really good guys in the umpiring fraternity . McClounan (De La Salle), Anthony McDonald (Xavs), Ian Kevin (Chilli) Segota officiated in his 400th VAFA game . McMullin (Old Melb . Jeremy Nichols (Old Melb, Gary Kev began in 1978 and had to run the boundary for 23 Phillips (Old Hail) . Andrew Pryor (Old Brighton), Dan games until he attained the age (18) that met VAFA Richardson (Kavs), Scott Teal (Old Melb), Peter Thiessen . From there he worked his way through the guidelines (Old Hail), Andrew Thompson (Old Melb)~c hDann ranks and along the way collected grand final medallions y azdson~three (Coll). Luke Vassallo (St Bern) . Barry as field umpire in D grade, C grade (three times), B grade time premiership player with the Tigers was coach . . (twice) and in 1987 was awarded the A Grade Grand Final Interstate coaches were Evan Katsaros (South Australia), Kevin ceased running the field after 242 games and then Michael Hibberd (Tas), Paul Rafter (WA) . proceeded to accumulate 134 games in the goals . Kev is It was a great week for winners Victoria with outstanding a still officiating and still taking as much pride in his s ictories v S.A . 17 .15 (127) to 10 .11 (71), v Tasmani performance as ever - great VAFA man our Chilli (I believe .3 (39), v W .A . 18 .21 ( 1 2 9 ) 1 0 7 . 1 0 ( 5 2 1 . .16 (190) to 6 'victorie 26 currently recovering from injury) . Another great Ammo Ian McMullin won the Millard medal for Best and Fairest personality and umpire, Wayne (Chuck) Hinton did not at the carnival . have such a successful week when he forgot (as a VAFAUA Victorian selections in the All Australian team were Barry official) to pay the phone bill for the Umps rooms resulting Richardson (coach) . Robert Fuller (C), Anthony McDonald, in disconnection! Not to worry, terrific interpreter of the Micah Berry, Robert Gross, Matthew Bourke, Robert rules and always stays for a beer . (still running in 2004 Lawson, Wayne Carey, Ian McMullin, Colin McClounan . and capable of a game Friday, Saturday and Sunday with 34
Mark Brady, Danny Thompson and trainer Brian Kavs . Congratulations to Carnival umpires, Peter Gersch, Wayne Hinton and Richard Simon (Field), Frank Martinez, Shaun Hennig, Leah Gallagher and Jeff Wright (Boundary), and Geoff Brigg, Reno Barchievich, Dom Napoli, Michael Lentini, Bernie Jephson, Mike Murray, Ken Pitcher, Bernie Hoare, Steve Hopper, Graeme Wright and Peter Allsop . The previous carnivals are worth remembering The fourth Melbourne Carnival and the VAFA set to defend its title, so hard won in the last quarter in Perth in 1982 . Coach was former Richmond champion Michael Green, who had coached Old Xaverians to B and A section premierships in 1980 and 1981 . Players selected were : Shane Murphy (C), Rohan Brown (VC), Chris Stone, Fergus Kiel, Phil Calif, Pat Salinger, Nick Wilton, Brian Hodge, John Kanis, James Garde, Peter Cities, Guy Ritchie . Andrew Mehrten, Mark McDonald, Paul Considine, Simon Eishold, Mick Deveson, Andrew Smythe, Charlie Capiron, Alan Naylor, Rick Demarte, Mark McDonald, Nick Bourke, Peter Shenven . On opening Sunday, SA beat Tasmania by 54 points but looked far from impressive in victory . Victoria struggled against WA who trailed by 2 points at the last change, quickly took the lead, and held it until ten minutes from the end . Victoria then went away to win by 29 points . Victoria appeared to lack physical strength up forward . Shortly after there was a sensation when it was discovered that Andrew Smythe had played for Melbourne reserves on the previous day and had thereby become an ineligible player. The match points went to WA . SA beat WA by 47 points on Wednesday, while Victoria beat Tasmania by 77 points . Victoria needed to beat South Australia by about one goal to win the Carnival. Scores were level at half time, SA got on top by twelve points at the last change . It was all SA as they ran here, there and to most places on Elsternwick park to kick eleven goals in the final term to Victoria's three . Rod Thomas (Tas) won the AAFC Medal from Nick Wilton (Vic) .
The All Australian team selected as follows : B: Volk (WA) Hardiman (WA) Gittos (Vic-Iv ) HB: Deveson (Vic- DLS) Wilton (Vic- OX) Bowell (WA) C: Dunn (WA) Dolliver (Tas) (C) Kazeminski (SA ) HF: Dunne (Tas) Allen (SA) Bolten (SA) (VC ) F: Bengough (WA) Sherwen (VIC- OS) Willsmore (SA) Ruck : Brown (Vic- OM) (DVC) Eishold (Vic-Orm) Kanis (Vic- CG) Res : Thomas (Tas) Vaessen (Tas) Johnston (SA) Coach : David Marsh (SA) -, i The VAFA was keen to win back the tr ophy lost to South Australia in 1970 . Jack Fulle rt on was AAFC president, Daryl Gunn (Tas) was Secretary, and Keith Sims (SA), Clarrie Boons (Tas) an d Col Jamieson ( WA) were also members of the Execu tive Committee . Sir Henry Winneke, Lieuten an t Governor of Victoria opened the Carnival, held at the Melbou rn e Cri cket Ground. Ca rn ival umpires were John Poset ti , Bill Mason, Ken Jorgensen (VAFA player in the 1962 carnival), Da ry l George and Phil Rowell.
Victoria's team was Bruce Bourne, John Anderson, Michael Bates, Andrew Ireland, Peter Murphy, Robin King, Mike Birrell, Ross Duke . Geoff Freeman, Alan Graham, Peter Aughton, Norm Beattie, John Rojo, Fohn Griffith, Phil Cleary, Bill Peers, Tony Moffatt, Rod Cameron, Austin Crooks, Mick Callinan, Gary Todd, Ian Cordner, Mick O'Donnell, Greg Pearce, and Chris McRae . The selectors had certainly gone for youth . Twelve of the twenty five were aged 20 or under . Peter Rhoden, former Old Xaverians player and coach who also coached the VAFA in the 1964 carnival in Adelaide was coach . An interesting name among the WA squad was an 18 year old Gerard Neesham (Fremanile's' inaugural AFL coach) . It was a big day and week for South Australia . First time they had won a Carnival other than at Perth where they had won two - in 1948 and 1970 . First time they had won two successive Carnivals . First Lime a South Australian had won the Best and Fairest Medal at a Carniva I- Paul Rofe . First time Victoria had been beaten in a Carnival match in Victoria.
SA's first win against Victoria in Melbourne for 36 years . The All Australian team was selected as follows : B: Callinan (Vic) McRae (Vic) Delaney (SA) HB : Aughton (Vic) Hunter (SA) Everett (SA )
C : Anderson (Vic) Underdown (SA) Johnson (SA) HF: Tierney (SA) (C) Rofe (SA) Ireland (Vic ) F: Roache (SA) Staker (SA) Haslam (SA ) RR: Matcham (WA) (VC) Grand (SA) Di Carlo (WA) Res : Jones (Tas) Marshall (WA) Victoria was defending its hold of the carnival trophy, the Western Australia Trotting Shield, won in Perth in 1959 . The Carnival, held at the St Kilda Cricket Ground, was opened by Sir Edward Herring, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria . Victoria was represented by Jocka Nelson (C), Ken Jorgensen, Mick Sanders, Peter Slattery, John Newham, Greg Keogh, Geoff Hickey, Tony Anderson, Ian Redpath, David Hatton, Ian Graham, Kevin McLean, John Tudor, Duncan Wright, Brian Sweeney, Ian Murray, Ken Turnull, Tony Boreham, Bruce Jeeves, John Taylor, Craig Porter, Dick Hallo . Allan McFarlane of Coburg was coach, Alf Perrin manger, and Lou Zachariah Assistant Manger . Nelson, Keogh and Wright had played in the Perth Carnival . Western Australia's captain was Phil James, who had won the AAFC medal for the best player at the 1959 Carnival . Youngest player in the SA line up was 17 year old full fonvard Eric Freeman (of cricket fame ) Victoria supplied all the field umpires and selected Lee Wenker, John Winton, Max Barker, Neil Pearson and Bruce Morris . It was a single field umpire in those days. Henry Bolte, State Premier, gave a state reception for all state parties in Queen's Hall Parliament House . Tasmania, who had suffered many heavy defeats in previous Carnivals, were the surprise packet as they beat South Australia and Western Australia, and were within striking distance of Victoria until the earlier part of the last quarter. The Tassie lads were thrilled when their centre half forward, Ross Parker, won the AAFC trophy . Victoria defeated WA 12 .14 to 6.12, SA 13.19 to 4 .9 and Tasmania 13.17 to 8.7 .
ViC~ealth The mid year break can be seen as a curse or a Preview godsend depending on the sides are travelling I A couple of grea t beforehand . The injury riddled sides such as games in store as the Power House, Hawthorn, Werribee and Mt Lilydale push towards the finals begin . Probably 6 will have been relieved to have the week off and clubs harboring play off hopes with the other hopefully welcome back some key players. The big four locked away in the relegation stakes . two will no doubt take the opportunity to reassess Match of the day sees Rupertswood host and re-energize whilst I get the felling that both South Melbourne . One of the constant themes St.Johns and South Melbourne would- have liked about these two sides in their relative leg to keep the momentum going! speeds around the ground . Rupe are also very even across the board with various names Best win for mine last week was the victory by Mt Lilydale over Syndal . The Hoers had improved popping up each week . As the season draws considerably in recent weeks whilst Lilydale were on, this becomes a great advantage . South, on competitive without really looking must of a the other hand, are living up to the pre-season chance . They had a slow start against the Hoers hype . I expect this to be a really close one however with Varga dominating the air, Flanagan however nine in a line for the Sunbury boys . holding firm at full back and Carns on charge of The other big games sees Uni High host the centre, they managed to stretch their lead and 速ahleigh down at the Zoo . The High boys will record a well arrant victory . be a bit concerned that they are losing touch St Johns also caught my eye and they surged into with the four despite being in the frame for the four with a big win over Werribee . The Bee's almost every game . The Krushers have been on were most disappointed with their efforts although the boil all year and whilst not blowing sides they took solace in the form of Tedesco and away have not been threatened too often . Mahoney . Tempted to go for an upset here, in fact Uni for South Melbourne recorded a come form behind me ! victory as they defeated fellow finals aspirant Uni St Johns travel down to Hawthorn in what High. South were 3 goals down with 9 minutes to play however proceeded to bang on '5 in 5' to runner out victors and sure up third position on the ladder . Uni High was well served by Tate with 7 goals and Hams in the backline . Finally, the big two continued on their merry way . CLUB The leaders Rupertswood took awhile to shake of D3 SECTION Kitts A 5 32 a persistent Power House however managed to Oakleigh FarreIly 1 30 open up the floodgates after three quarter time to UHS-VU UHS-VU Tate 7 29 record a 10 goal win . Johnson, Elliot and the St Johns Horbury 8 29 Moule boys were dominant for the winners whilst Rupertswood Whithead 6 28 Oakleigh Mackenzie 0 26 Harris and Sosic were the House's best . A wayward Oakleigh struggled to beat of a D3 RESERVE Videky 6 28 persistent Hawthorn at the Krusher dome . Ash Oakleigh South Melb Dist Henderson Ea 2 25 Kitts was again dominant and was ably supported Uhs-VU Forbes 4 23 by Holden and Reynolds whilst Jackomos played Rupertswood Phillips 0 23 well for the Hawks . Zuliki 0 2 1 UHS-VU
looms as an interesting game . The Hawks were far more competitive last week after a couple of poor games whilst the Jocs are now officially one of the form sides of the grade . The visitors have a good record down at Rathmines Road and should be able to further cement their position in the four. Fresh from their win before the break, Mt Lilydale will give themselves a chance against Power House, particularly at home . Both sides have an injury list that takes some jumping over and a lot will depend on how favourably the break treated the injured . The other issue this game attended to is one of relegation . The House are very much in the middle pack, a strong win will keep the final's ambitions burning whilst a loss might just see the R word discussed by the coaching staff on a cold Tuesday night . The House hasn't been great in recent weeks but still fancy them as being a good side and expect them to win this week . Finally, Syndal trek down to Weraibee . Syndal have been hot and cold, but on their day will threaten. The home side has been another side suffering from an extended injury list and somehow has managed to not do it by halfs with standard hammies but with broken bones . The Bees for mine in a nailbiter . CORRESPONDENTS Done forget to email me on ed .sill@locker .com .au or for the IT challenged, call on 0418348723 . SOCIAL Social News from the Oakleigh Krushers. June 19th Celebration drinks for Ashley Kitts 150th at Rush Bar on Toorak Rd . Festivities begin at 8pm .
Uni High has a couple of social events coming up . Firstly, the Trivia night on June 19 starting at 7pm under the watchful eyes of Trivia Masters Toff" Thomas and Robbie McCormick. See Otis for tables . They then have their past players luncheon on June 26, see Boycey for further details .
TODAY'S MATCHES D 3 SECTION Mt Lilydale v Power House Werribee Amateurs v Syndal Tally-Ho Hawthorn Amateurs v St Johns 0 C UHS-VU v Oakleigh Rupertswood v South Melb Districts
SYNDAL TALLY-110 3.0 6 .3 9.6 12.7 (79) 17 .12 (114) MT. LILYDAI.E O .C 4.4 12 .6 14 .10 Syndal Tally-Ho: J Hannemann 6 B Hannemann 3 Hayes Agnello Rutter. Best: D .Richardson Rutter McKenzie J .Hannemann, Mt. Lilydale O .C: J Paulli 5 F Largo 4 M Leonard P Atkinson P Hayes C Gibson L Kennett J Darbo Cams M Rhodes. Best : L Kennett F Vargo P Atkinson C Gibson .
Umpires: David Phillips (1' J POWER HOUSE 4 .1 7.4 9.8 10.11 (71) RUPERTSWOOD 3 .6 7.8 12 .15 19.20 (134) Power House : M Taylor 3 P Haseler 2 N Bishop A Contreras D Cooper P Sosic Mick Verberne. Best: J Harris P Sosic N Sharp P Arnold S West D Cooper. Rupertswood: Whitehead 6 Bishop 2 West 2 Spinner Ramsay Jaeger G Monte P Reid Pettman Sinnett Hatty Hewitt . Best: Whitehead Bishop Reid Pettman Sinnett Collins . Umpire s: Graeme Hunichen (F) Christian Schaeffer Andrea Mason (B) Graeme Booth James Riddle (G ) ST JOHNS 0 C 4.5 14 .8 19.12 27.19 (181) 6.6(42) wERRIs3EE 2.3 4 .4 5 .5 : Horbury 8 Koppens 6 Hartnett 3 Phaedonos 3 Hanger St Johns 0 C Paterson Mara Pickering Holmes Brown Roberts . Best: Walker Horbury Hartnett Pickering Chalk Koppens. Werrihee : Alabakis 2 Daly A Murphy K Murphy Bunworth, Best : C Mahoney Tedesco Alabakis E Mahoney . Umpires : Richard Eastwood (Rotation) (F ) 14 .27 (111) OAffi.EIGH 12.9 (81) HAWTHORN AMATEURS Oakleigh: A Kitts 5 Couttie 3 Britt Bromley Cammiss Ear Farrell S Kitts . Best : Bell Britt Bromley Dalton Fumell Reynolds . Hawthorn: Jackson 4 Makris 2 Ogge 2 Carle Johnston Lauretta Pritchard, Best : Disco Laurens Ivan Jackson Sauce Carle .
Umpires: Anthony Calderone Justin McKeegan (F) Trevor Foy Kyle Monkey (G) SOUTH LS DISTRICTS 4 .5 5.9 7.4 12.16 (88) UHS-VU 3 .2 7.3 9.7 12 .8 (80) : Adgemis 3 Aquilina Cheevers P D'Andrea A Hannan Joske South Melb Kealy Margiannis McCormick Smith . Best: Kealy P D'Andrea B Bulpit S Aquilina A Hannan M Margiannis. U'lIS-VU : Tate 7 Madrigrano 2 Dimond Farrelly Hall . Best: Hams Carroll Gorringe Hall Tate Cracknell . Umpires: Paul Hoffman Shaun Rothe (F) Paul Whitehead Richard Keane (G) D3 RESERVE SYNDAL TALLY-HO 4.5 4 .7 6.12 8 .17 (65) 9.5(59) MT. LILYDALE O .C 3.2 5 .3 8 .4 Syndal Tally-Ho: O'Boyle 3 Morrison 2 Buckley Bartholomew Psinas. Best: Joy Godden Morrison Beam Bayliss Turpin Reeman . Mt. Lilydale O.C : D King 3 D Hickey 2 D Marotti M Cullane D Holloway S Leggett . Best: D King D Morotti D Hickey S Taylor . 3.5(23) POWER HOUSE 0 .2 0.2 1 .4 RUPERTSWOOD 5 .7 9 .10 14 .11 19 .16 (130) Power House : A Robinson 2 J Howes. Best: J Howes A Rolls J McClure J Carrington R Marshall A Robinson . Rupertswood : B Ang 4 C Chrystivk 3 D Hem 2 A Jordan 2 L Temming 2 A Crete A Morris A Soutaris D Stevens . Best: B Ang T Broughton D Stevens D Powell A Jordan G Hatty. ST JOHNS 0 C 1 .1 5.3 8.4 10 .9 (69) 9 .9(63) WERRIBEE 3 .5 4.7 6.7 St Johns 0 C : Bastone 4 Van Houten 2 Christian Hargreaves Peake Penry. Best : Cotton Dowsett Peake Harris Hall Ross . Werribee : Buchanan 2 Flack 2 Marinis Fuller Bell Alabakis Crajowski . Best: Fuller Dawes Alabrakis Czajowski Hoffman .
OAffi.EIGH 13 .21 (99) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 .3(27) Oskleigh: Videky 6 Glossop 2 Redford 2 Mitchell Nguyen Short . Best: King Lucas Mitchell Rose Ryan Videky . Haw: Erjavie Barker Flanagan Jarvis . Best: Flanagan Williams Crivelli Sheridan Allder Barker. SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 0 .4 2 .8 4 .11 5 .12 (42) UHS-VU 0 .9 3 .7 4 .9 7.9(51) South d4eib: Earl Henderson 2 Brown Downing Doyle . Best : Brown . UH8-VU: D Forbes 4P Downing Mitjatovic Phillips Maloney Clyne Greenbank T Clever P Thomas. Best: J Partridge J Ubergang J Corbet G Ternes L Maguire J Maguire .
D3 Section HAWTHORN Coach : Peter Tyson Res : Patrick Rya n 1 . C . Rice 2. G. Broadley 3a A. Knott 3b N. Patterson 4. N. Marti n 5. S. Avery 6 . P. Avery 7 . C . Alexander 8 . J . Cargil l 9 . R . Ogge (vc) 10 . P. Orchard if . A . Vance
Senior Coach : David Keast Asst Snr Coach : Paul Commedord Res Coach : Gary Hickey 1 . D .Johnson 2 . P. Hayes 3 . M. Brebner 4 . F. Varg a 5 . G. Bird 6. M . Jelenc 7. C. Varg a 8. K. Maniscalchi 9. A. Del Biondo 10. D . Baker it . C . Gibson
12. A.Tsoumbris 13. J . Murphy 14. D . Lauletta B 15 . M. Tyso n
12 . D . Van Duuren 13 . M . Leonard 14 . M . Smithies 15. T. Van Duuren
16 . C . Reed 17 . B . Ruzicka 18. P. Phillips
16. D. Morrison 18. R. McKenzie 19. A. Delahunt 20 . K. Fernando 21 . M . Cunningham 22 . D . Cam s
19. D. Garlick 20. S . Parker 21 . J . McKenzie 22 . A. Collins 23 . L . Collins 24 . J. Jackomos 25 . T. Rya n
26. S .James 27. R. Lord 28. D. Mackenzie 29. P. Barke r 30. I . Marchovski 31 . J. Best 32 . M. Houenau 33a C . Rice 33b P. Stroud 34. R. Johnston 35. S . Davies 36. M . Sheridan 37. A. Jarvis 39a A. Brick 39b M Hicks 42 . D . McGlenchy 43a I. Chep a 44a P. Source 44 . B . Allder 46. T.O'Hanlon 54. M . Cuarana 62. J. Dawson 66. M . Hourenau 75 . M. Daou 77 . K. Rimmer 80 . N . Exton
23 . S . Leggett 24. L. Merrell 25. L. Syphers 26. T. Flanagan 27. N . Pearce 28 . D . Hickey 29 . B . Baillie 30 . S . Taylor 31 . T. Hansford 32. P. Carolan (C) 33. C. Anderson 34. L . Kellett 35. D. Callanan 36. M . Alderman 37 . C . Carstens 38 . S. Roche 39 . J . Roberts 40 . M . Rhodes 41 . M . Matter 42. M . Periera 43. D. Holloway 44. J. Paull
45 . J. Saker 46 . D . King 47 . M. Cullane 48 . M . McKeown 49. P. Brow n 53. D.Marotti 54. D. Watt <iuxr,ust>:â&#x201A;ŹcsF
OAKLEIGH A.F.C Coach: Chris Moore Ass : David Furnell Res : Pat McKenna Asst: Shane Kitts 1 . A . Murray 3. D. Mackenzie 4. G . Herry 5. C. Kokkinos 6. M. Cash 7 . M. Short 8 . S. Earl 9 . C . Hogan 10. R. Mitchell it . G.Treacy 12. D. Fumell 13. D. Britt 14. P. Malcom 15. G . Redford 16 . M. Bel l 18 . J . Connellan (Res C) 19 . R. Keatin g 20 . J . Tolley 21 . A Perdikornats (Res DVC) 22. S. Ear 23. J. Kerley (Res VC) 24. S. Kitt s 25 . C . Marshall 26 . A . Kitts 27 . D. Zula (Vice Cap) 28 . A. Khod r 29. K. Holden 30. P. Holden (D . VC) 31 . T. Bromley (Captain) 32. T Hunt 33 . S . Bando 34 . P. Lucas 35 . R. Nuske 36 . M . Ryan 37. B. Phillips 38. S. Cammiss 41 . S. Way 42. S. Dalton 43 . A . Hinton 44 . N . Wills 45 . J . Nevezie 46. B. Nguyen 47. M . Stevenson 48. J. Reynolds 49. S. Collins 50. C . Lamb 51 . L. Kennedy 52 . C . Cooke 53 . A . Lourey 54, M . Edwards 56. B . King 57. D. Nagel 58. A. Glossop 59. T Orchard 60 . D . Will s 61 . A. Ciavarella . 63 . M . Couttie 64 . E . Videky 65. M . Hullah
Coach: Tony West Res. Coach: Shane McLauchlan
Coach : Brett Devli n Res Coach : Gary Dea n M Taylor 1 R Humphreys 2 D Boland 2 J Marshall 3 B Turner Sen VC 4 P Sosic 5 M Verbeme 6 C Richardson 7 M Hill 8 L Fraser 9 D Cooper 10 B Phillips 11 A Brownjohn 12 J Harris 13 W Elliot 14 P Hassler Sen Capt 15 Ron Anderson 16 C McLeod 1 7 F Doyle 18 L Button 19 J Evans 19 J Nicholls 20 D Miller 21 R Walsh 22 A Naylor 23 J Taylor 24 M Driessen 25 D Harris 26 R Davies 27 P Cooper 28 M Beasley 29 T McFarlane 30 R Marshall Res Capt 31 M Verbeme Sen VC 32 A Ristovski 33 S Fordham 34 S Hatchard 35 J Kilpatrick 35 C Doolan 36 S West 37 R Benson 38 W Benton 39 R Marshall 40 R Black Res VC 41 P Arnold 42 J Howes 43 D Glanville 44 A Contreras 45 V Brown 46 T Marshall 47 D Crane 47 N Sharp 48 C Pratt 49 A Volz 50 C Matheson 52 S Warne 53 D Reidy 54 E Buckley 55 C Plazzer 56 R Nilsson 57 B Dallimore 6 0 .'. M Weber 63 T Friend 87 N Bishop San VC 88
1 . Plummer T 2 . Price G 3 . Reid P 4 . McGovern N 5. Mgrath J S 6. Gallus 7. Whitehead B 8 . Elliot K L 9 . Spinner 10 . Prendergast B 11 . Moule B 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16.
Hewat M Sinnott B Plummer L Webb N Clarke P
17. Hatty R M 18 . Perlman 19 . Collins D 20 . Flinn P 22. Stevens D 23. West M 25. Keenan D 26. Zarb D 27. Jaeger R 28 . McDonald D 30 . Shaw K 31 . Flinn M 32. Sinnett P 33. Chrystiuk C 35. Certo C 36. Henry P 38 . Johnson B 39 . Walsh D 40 . Brennan L 41 . Davis M 42. McKenzie M 43. Phillips R 44. Broughton T 45. Hum D 46. McCrann J 47. Soutaris A 48 . Bradbury H 49 . Ang B 50 . Soutaris D 51 . Assouad M 52 . 53. 54. 55. 56.
Jordan A Certo A Clarke M Walsh A Hatty G
57 . Gaunt W 58 . Carmody S 60 . Ramsay J 61 . Powell D 63. McPherson B 64. McLachlan S 66. Roberts G 68. Wallace D 69 . Maezzatesta M L 70 . Temming
TILE IMPORTERS timber milrzhaA' s
The Village Belle Hotel 202 Barkly St, St Kild a 03 95342200 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
D3 Section ST. JOHNS OC
Coach: Ben McGee Res: Rod Walker
Coach: Brendan Moloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher 1 . K. Arnold 1 . J . Washington DVC 2 . M. Peake 2 . Ma Hannan Captain 3 . D . O'Connor 3 . M. Balshaw 4 . S. Holmes 4 . S . Stepnell 5. B. Hilton 5 . S . King 6. M.Phaedonos 6 . L. Kealy 7. N . Chalk 7 . A. Hannan 8. M. Hartnett B . X . Kidd A . Jones 9 . S . Aqualina .Courmadias 10. M 10. D. McCormick it . J . Kelly 11 . P. Daly 12. P. Walker 12. A. Argyriou 13. C. Horbury VC 13. E. Henderson 14. P. Sharp 14. D. Bell 14R.M .Hanger 15. B. Lazzaro 15 . M . Kosmala 16. J. Neimi 16 . A. Paterson 17. P. D'Andrea 17 . S. Cockayne VC- Res 18. G . Cox 18 . C. Emery 19. A. Reid 19 . J. Cotton 20 . W. Brown 20 . B. Rydquist 21 . B. Johnson 21 . S. Koppens C 22 . T. Milne 22 . G . Roberts 23 . B. Downing 23. J. Diaz DVC 24 . B. Joske . L. Mara 24 25 . S. Atherton 25. B . Waters 26 . R . Mitchell 26. H . Wathen 27 . P. Cheevers 27. R . Dowsett 28. T. Paterakis 28. A . Dexter 29. J . Adgemis 29. T. Ellis 30. T. Zantuck 30. R. Walker 31 . S . Hermman 31 . D. Rydquist 32. D. McGee 32. A. Rudd 33. M . Doyle 33. A. Foneca 35. N. Moojen 34. M . Hancock C- Res 37. J. Clyne 35 . J. Sacco 38. D. Rowe 36 . P. Harris 39 . A. Briglia 37 . D . Christian VC- Res 40 . B. Bulpit 38 . D . Savio 41 . T. McQualter 39 . P. Rudd 42 . G . Gaylor 40 . T. Hyland 43 . W. D'Andrea V.C. 41 . J . Hargraves 44 . D . Geary 42 . D . Sanders 45 . C . Roe 43 . M . Van Houten 46 . A . Ray 44 . J . Ross 47 . J . Royle 45. A . Hall 48. C. Maloney 46. B . Callery 52. M . Anderson 47. G. Bastone 53. D. Phillips 48. J . Hargraves 54. A. Giannelis 49. A. K¢ilis 55. J . Pohlner 50. J . Brown 61 . M . Margiannis 51 . C. Santoni 64. M . Stefanidakis 52, D. Harkin 53 . C. Rattle 54 . D. Vanderwert 55 . B. Pickering 56 . A. Dragwidge 66 . J. Scardamaglia .k :}vri ihc'z
. ..,,_ ._ . .x . - . . ~.~,
Dowsett Engineering The Rose
Senior Coach : Jeff Birrgham SnrAsst Coach : Guy Walden Res Coach : Tony Psinas 1 . J. Hannemann 2 . I . Bingham (Vice-C) 3. M . Joy 4. T. Turpin 5. D. Hannett 6. I . MacKenzie (Vice-C) 7. T Vagiatis 8. R . Bennett 9. D . Richardson 10 . T. Psinas 11 . J. Rutter (Vice C) 12 . D . Bennett 13 . S. Miller (Res V-C) 14 . S. O'Boyle 15. D . Reynolds 16. C . Hayes 17. A . Herrmann 18. M . Bircanin 19. A. Faichney 20. B . Hannemann 20. C. Hall 21 . D. Kennett 22. M . Buckley (Res C) 23. B. Bayliss 24, B. Bayliss 25. B. Reeman 26. A. Morrison 27. M. Leplaa 28. S. Crew 29 . P. Agnello 30 . B . Holland (Res V-C) 31 . A . Richardson 32 . L Hannemann 33 . T. Bartholomew 34 . N . Hunter 35 . C. Cachia (Captain) 36. T. Fleming 37. B . Robinson 38. M . Christiansen 39. D. Hallisey 40. B. Thomas 41 . M. Moresi 42. M. James 43. A. Brown 44. W. James-Ind 45 . R . Stein 52 . S . Anderson 54 . P. Sheer 56 . A . Treasure
Coach: Tim Ellis Res. Coach : Paul Smith 1 D . Nedinis 2 . K .Murphy 3. D . Flack (R C) 4. S . Kid d 5. B . Cunningham 6. M . Wals h 7. T. Dean 8. R. Stonehous e 9. J . Ayling 10 . M . Keogh (C) it . M . Green (V/C) 12 . T. Ellis 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . J. Matin s 15 . A. Murph y 16 . N. Gauch i 17. A. Tedessco 18. D . Velisha 19. J. Addam o 20. E. Mahoney 21 . T. Davidso n 22. A. Dibatista 23. C . Becker 24. L. Carson 25. B . McMillan 26. R . Bell 27 . A . Borg 28 . D. Czajowski (D .V/C) 29 . S . Dole 30 . D. Bette 31 . B . Waters 32 . D. Harwood 33 . R. Baker 34 . J. Hoffman 35. B. Bunworth 36. S. Bianco 37. C . Howar d 38. T. Towers (RV/C) 39. L . Langfield 40. S. Fuller 41 . G . Grogan (R C ) 42. P. Thomas 43. D . Buchana n 44, T. Johnso n 45. C . Alabaki s 46. A . Carson 47. A. Camilleri 48. J . Tumskos 49. G . Fulle r 50 . K. Pac e 51 . B. Fenton 52 . P. Daw e 53, R. Marston 54 . C. Smit h 55 . B. Brown 56 . D . Fraze r 60 . M. Czajowski
RED 5 Luke Duthi e
5 Wayne Hinton
5 Max Wittman
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
7 Paul Croxford (RDFL)
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conques t
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
8 Trevor Hansen
7 Alan Lad d
8 Landan Blackhall (RDFL)
8 Bruno Savi
10 Damian Anderson
9 Santo Caruso
9 Matthew Brennan
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
11 Tom Haysom
11 Paul Tuppen
10 Avi Wekselman
11 Dirk Kramer
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Roth e
11 Luke Holme s
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
14 Tim Tingiri (RDFL)
12 Daniel Mousley (RDFL)
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Phillip Callil
15 Michael Sneddon
14 Sharon Alger
15 Tim Doeck e
16 Scott Fraser
16 Luke Moncrieff
15 Geoff Curran
17 Geoff Caulfield
17 Brett Herskope
17 Michael Robins
16 Jack Fagan
18 Peter Simpson
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 Grant Joyner
17 Mark Gibson
19 Andrew Fyfe
20 David D' Altera
19 Peter Pullen
18 Jason McNiece
20 Brian Woodhead
21 Nick Ryd e
20 Geoff Kelly
19 Steve McCarthy
21 Gaj Skandakumar
22 Justin McKeegan
21 David Irons
20 Russell Nation
23 Peter Griffith s
23 Anthony Calderone
22 David Longworth
21 Patrick Maebus
25 Lionel Kat z
24 Miles Argall
23 Robert Sneddon
22 Nick Fennesy
26 Daniel Dinneen
25 Richard Eastwood
24 Nick Brow n
23 Paul Dinnee n
2 7 Anthony Simpson
26 Sacha Koffman
25 Logan Smith
24 Graeme Hunichen
28 Ken McNiece
27 Ron Johnson
26 Patrick Coulthard
25 Geoff Moore
29 Peter James
28 Leah Gallagher
27 PaulJone s
26 Andrew Shiels
30 Jack Lloyd
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron Martyn
27 Matt Co x
31 Robert Semmens (RDFL)
30 Simon Oliv e
29 Peter Liddell
28 Paul Lamble
32 Anthony Dame n
31 Rob Schuller (RDFL)
30 Anthony Lilley
29 Allan Stubbs
33 Michael Forde
32 Joseph Bolzonello
31 Peter Angeli s
30 Justin Lipson
34 Stephen Morgan
33 Simon Stokes
33 Roland Fuhrmann
31 Andrew Lougheed
36 Jason Waszaj
34 Jeremy Heffernan
35 Dianne Whiteley
32 Eli Haye s
37 Gavin Roberts
35 Graham Thwaites
36 Jamie Gunn
36 David Phillip s
37 Joseph Hartwig
5 Albie Firley
33 Robert Mayston 34 Graeme Morgan 35 Jason Lan e
37 David Murray 38 Ben Ryde
36 Matthew Meier 37 Matt Goold 38 Daniel Dummett
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by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarthy Congratulations To the umpires selected to officiate in the recent state game versus Western Australia, Simon Stokes (field), Michael Saunders (boundary) and Beornn McCarthy (goal) . All acquitted themselves well and represented the VAFAUA proudly . Well done to Wayne Hinton (field), Brendan Corcoran (boundary) and Dominic Napoli (goal) who were appointed to the SFL representative game on Friday 11th June . Stokesy's story Here's a brief run-down on the biggest week of Simon Stokes' umpiring life in his own words . I found out Tuesday night that i had been appointed to the state under 23 game for the coming week-end . I had been sworn to secrecy not to tell anybody which was funny when half way through Thursday I started to receive phone calls and sms messages congratulating me on my appointment - seems the VAFA had posted it on the website . I was relieved because people would have been wondering why I was smiling so much at training while Jason inflicted his usual session of running drills on us . Friday night there was a dinner for the team and umpires plus photo in our uniforms - never thought I would wear a tie to a game of footy but was proud to be wearing the "Big V" uniform . Preparation before the game ran pretty much as usual - I'm not one for getting changed too early . Met my running partner - Gavin from WA, we had a quick chat about the difference in rules - no great changes so at about 1 .30 we made our way to the teams rooms - met captains and coaches briefly to wish them well . Back to the umpires rooms for final stretch, ready to walk at 1 .50 . Goalies give us the word and its time to go . A toss of the coin - I must have been a little nervous, I tossed the coin back over my head (nearly as bad as Dirk) . The first quarter was easily the fastest, most skilful game I had ever been involved with . The Vies were unbelievable and I'm not sure if the WA side quite knew what had hit it. The WA side fought back in the second quarter and gave a contest for the rest of the game but the damage was done in that first quarter . I was happy with my first half performance, my second half, not as sharp as I would have liked, I lost a little intensity as the result was never in doubt and the Vies were well in front. Quite easily the best day of my umpiring career!" Well done, Stokesy!!
Call the fireys ! Seems that one of our more experienced goal umpires was enjoying the after-match at Old Scotch so much a few weeks ago, that he left so late his car was locked in the ground . A Scotch official who had already left, had to be called back to the ground to get him out. Thought a man in his position would have had a pair of bolt-cutters or an axe in the boot of his car! Rule of the week This week we look at timekeeping . Seems to be some confusion over when the clock stops and starts after a score. Here's the law from the 2004 VAFA Handbook . "Adding time - (after scores) . After a Goal is scored, time should be added from the commencement of the waving of the flags by the Goal Umpire, and cease being added when the ball is bounced in the centre to restart the game . After a Behind is scored, time should be added from the commencement of waving of the flags by the Goal Umpire, and cease being added when the ball is kicked into play . Should the fullback play on, time ceases being added when he crosses the 10 metre line ." Advisor's presentations on line For umpires who can't make it to our meetings, and also people from clubs who may be interested, Brian Goodman's (VAFA Umpires Advisor) presentations to umpires are now available via the VAFA website . Should give you an insight as the interpretations of various rules along with a better understanding of our positioning. Just go the website and follow the links to the Coaches Section . Social Remember 20th June for the PUMPS luncheon at Elsternwick Park, running umpires are invited but must book with either Mark Morrison or Simon Stokes . This will be a catered event so bookings are essential . Get ready for the Band/Cocktail night on July 24th . Don't forget to let either of us know about any upcoming milestones or special events that require a mention in this column .
BDFO00 0 Beiersdorf Australia Ltd REVIEW
The Old Westbourne versus St .Marys clash did not g o quite to script as the Warriors were made to work very hard to take out a gritty win . After an even first half, Westbourne was able to open up a four-goal lead after th e break. St.Marys then stunned the home crowd with a gallant last quarter effort, dominating play and setting up countless opportunities . However, some timely goals from Justin Braham ensured the Warriors remained on top of the table with a two-goal win . Richmond played a spirited first quarter, kicking four goals against Kew, but still trailed by three and the first break . Centrals were not able to maintain the pressure and they could not hold out the Kew machine as they strolled to an 83-point win . Bulleen continued on their winning way with a thumping handed out to Eltham . Another solid first quarter set up the win and even losing two players with serious head wounds (I hear the lads ran into each other) did not stop the flow of goals for the Cobras. The percentage boost is also very handy to Bulleen in their 79-point win . It was another spirited performance by Box Hill North who was outclassed in the second half by a rejuvenated Albe rt Park team . With scores all square at half time, the Falcons stepped up a notch adding five goals to one for the term . From then on, it was how far Albert Park as they dominated the final quarter to run out easy 74-point winners. Elsternwiek got the jump on North early and were able to open up a nine-goal lead at one stage of the match . However, North were not about to lay down, and crept within two goals in the final quarter. The lead though, was too great as the Wickers held on to win by four goals . PREVIEW
St Marys v Richmon d St.Marys return to the Postage Stamp keen to return to the winner's list against an ever-improving Richmond team . The Snakes will by buoyed by the return of the big names of Lynch and Barritt and should cause the Saints some headaches early . While Richmond's Toby would love me to tip an upset today . I just cannot see the Saints losing four in a row, and so I will tip them to win by 35 points. Eltham v Old Westbourn e The Warriors make the longest road trip in D4 as they travel to Eltham to meet a young Turtle side . The Warriors will be refreshed after the week off, which will help them in the recovery of several of their key players . The wide expanses of Turtle Park will suit the Warrior style of play, and as such I cannot see much joy for E1tham today. In what will be a one sided affair. I am tipping the Warriors to consolidate their top position on the ladder with a 101 point Nvin . Box Hill No rth v Bu lleen Cobra s BHN appear to be close to "breaking through" as they
continually push more highly rated teams to the limit . Players like Justin Garrett . who has returned to his stellar form of last year have lead the charge, and I would expect them to present a serious challenge for the Cobras today . Bulleen though, are travelling nicely at the moment, and the chances of them dropping such an important game are slim . Therefore, I am sticking with Bulleen to win a tough encounter by 18 points . Elsternwick v Albert Par k Congratulations to the Wickers on playing their 1,500th game today, which is a remarkable achievement in anyone's books . They have shown they are the read-deal this season, however, they will have their resolve well and truly tested today against a resurgent Falcon line-up . With Nathan Wheeler and David Borley getting plenty of the ball in the centre, the Falcons will always be a show, and Elsternwick would be advised to not get too swept up in the off-field euphoria if they are to win today . The result is a tough one to pick and I believe this match will be closer than many will predict . To make my selection, I will go with form and pick Elsternwick to win by 11 points. Kew v North Brunswic k Today's match pits the premiership aspirants against the "comeback kids" in what will be an enthralling encounter . North appear to be getting better each week, and the return of Stelfox to the fray has assisted in this progression . Kew, on the other hand, have lived up to their pre-season flag favouritism and I would be surprised to see them let this slip today . With a heap on the line for both teams, I would expect a tough and physical
CLUB D4 SECTION Old Westbourne Elstemwick North Brunswick Elstemwick Albert Par k Bull Cobras D4 RESERVE North Brunsivick Albert Park North Brunswick Elstemwick St Marys
Horsburgh J 4 40 Foster 8 33 Newton 7 33 Hunter 3 32 Allan S 2 31 Arcoraci 5 3 1 Carter 3 20 Pastras 6 20 Papanikolou 3 20 Goldman 1 17 Bernath 0 15
encounter, but I am tipping Kew to prevail with a 14 point â&#x20AC;˘,.in .
Old Westbourne - toast 100 ;ames for v.,, -o of their stalwarts in Mark Aquilino and "Pistol" Pete 1:_.bersatt . Aquilina, or `Milhouse" as he is otherwise known (due to his uncanny resemblance to the character by the same name from the Simpsons), is the epitome of dedication, working tirelessly both at training and during a match to better himself to a point where he has become one of the major cogs in the Warrior Senior back line . Pistol, is another who works extremely hard at his game as is a fine example to all the youngsters coming through the Warrior reserves. Well done to both lads from all at the club. North Brunswic k - 250 Games - Joe Boudoloh congratulations to Moose for reaching 250 .A solid no nonsense footballer, he is an outstanding player in Green & Gold history . A 3 time Senior Best & Fairest winner Moose is one of the most respected players at Allard Park . Now considered a veteran his endeavour & strength is evident whether up foward or on the ball. His attack on the ball is legendary & woe betide anyone that gets in his way either friend or foe. Again this season he is in vintage form & another trophy may not be beyond him . Well respected in Amateur circles everyone at North Brunswick wishes him well . Kew - congratulations to FF/CHF Frank Lamanna on booting five goals against Richmond Central to pass the 50 career goal mark. Elsternwic k - congratulate our Reserves Coach Peter "Knackers" McNally who today plays his 100 game in the Wickers 1500th Game against Albert Park . Peter started at the club in 1998 and was the Best First Year Player at the ripe old age of 28, so is now into his 7th season with the Wickers. Through those years he has played mostly in the Seniors and was Best Finals Player in 2002, as well as Coaching the Ressies to a finals position in that year. Family commitments forced Peter to give away the coaching in 2003 . but he continued to play . This year Macca has taken up the reins of Coaching the Reserves again just so he can get selected and get a game, he currently has his side sitting third on the ladder . In all seriousness Peter congratulations on achieving this terrific milestone, hope you enjoy and the boys give you a win . SOCIAL Elste rnwick is celebrating their 1,500th match today with a past players day at Sportscover Oval . Please see Adam Henkin if you do not already have your tickets. Press correspondent s
Thanks to my regular contributors, I really appreciate it. To you other slackers, get your reports in to gavan .Ilower@spotless .com.au if you want better coverage for your club by midday on Monday !
TODAY'S MATCHES. D4 SECTION St Marys v Richmond Central Eltham Collegians v Old Westbourne Box Hill North v Bulleen Cobras Elsternwick v Albert Park at Sportscover Arena, Saturday Kew v North Brunswick
OLD ,' sTuDUFu, 3.3 5 .7 10.7 12.10(82) ST I:_'tRYS 3.2 4 .4 6.7 10.12(70) Old We;atboume : J Horsburgh 4 Billman 2 Edwards 2 Braham 2 Lever Wilson Best: Leitch Baulch Lever K Miller Balloch ann . St Marys: A Dwyer 4 V Ryan 2 Purcell Tagell P.Ryan Gilchrist- Best: Graetzer MeKinlay Wright Dwyer. Umpires: Mick Gilday (F) RICHMOND CENTRAL 4.3 6 .4 8.7 10 .11 (71) KI~v 7.4 12 .9 18 .14 23.16 (154) Richmond Central : Moffatt 6 Moulday Nuske Green Trotter. Best: Trotter Moffatt Green Speakman Birt Crme. Kew: Lamanna 5 Weodhouse 4 Moussi 4 Marehesani DeBlank Looker Tennetti Aitken Osbourne Glenn Moore Bell Carmen. Best: Marchesani Aitken Osbourne lanni Carmen Moore . Umpires: Peter Pullen Pat Machos (F) James Patrick (G) BUI.LEEN COBRAS 6.2 10 .2 14.4 18.13 (121) EL'1HlsM CO S 0.1 2 .6 3 .10 5 .11 (42) Bul Cob : An'oraci 5 Thaomas 4 Unwin 3 Cook Daniels Fradkin Nathanielz Saahlak 1 Whittaker. Best : Fortune Onvin Thomas Dall'0gtio D Trinch Daniels Mann . Eltham: Justice 3 R Foo Thomas . Best: Mason Justice Thomas Gilbert Austin. Umpi res: Greg Rowlings I n ALBERT PARK 3 .4 4 .7 9 .14 19 .20 (134) BOX BRd, NORTH 3 .5 4 .7 5 .10 8 .12 (60) Albert Park : Collins 8 Burley 3 R Baker 2 S Allan 2 Venables 2 Wheeler 2 . Best Wheeler Collins R Baker S Bennett Borley Quinlan . Box Hill North: Od'r.a 3 Riscalla 2 Thoi Vanderakker Lay. Best: Odza Steele KOldfield Vanderald:er Cook Riscalla Umpires: Peter Griffith Ron Marten (F) Paul TyTer Ryan Place IN NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .1 10.2 14.5 22 .7 (139) ELS9 E RN4VICB 6 .3 14.7 19.12 25 .13 (163) North Brunswick: Newton 7 J .Boudoloh 7 Ackland 3 Sorleto 2 Ferns 2 Twaddle. Best: J.Boudoloh Sammartino Stelfox Newton Santecroce Ackland . Elsternwick: Foster 8 Curtain 5 S.Grace 3 Hunter 3 Murphy Patey Missaglia C Mahony Pyman Huggins . Best : Curtain Foster Mcttenna Cunnunghaun Murphy S Mahony . Umpires: Frank Kavanagh David D'Altera (F) 1}4 RESERVE
OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .1 2.4 4.5 4.13 (37) ST MARYS 3 .4 8.6 12.6 14.9 (93) Old E7 e : Runciman 2 A Horsburgh Moore Best : A Horsburgh M Aquilina D Hudson Robson Barnes Mason. St Marys: Tagell 3 Timmins 3 Miller 2 Davies 2 Drummond 2 Latimer West . Best: Latimer Davies Roseman Miller Timmins Deegim. RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 .3 3.3 3.3 6.5(41) 3 .3 7.6 11 .10 15 .14 (104) KEW Richmond Central : Hatzahorti7an 2 Jolly 2 Hatzantonis Keramichalos . Best Lake Breer.eTitley King Berunano Rojter. %w: Mahomet 4 McKerrow 4 Kiria}cov 2 Thackvrrav 2 Bortone Parker Pocock . Best McNeill Crimmins Thaekwray Stoics Purcell Maloomet. BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .0 4.0 6 .4 6.8(44) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3.3 6.5 8 .8 11.9 (75) But Cob: tiL'agg 2 Chan N Khalil McQualter Ponz3er'nam. Best: Nasr M D'Angelo Poader'iam Edger Batt Wag Fdtlaam : Buller 3 C Baud 2 Coonerty 2 Turney Todman Rashid Love. Best: Richardson Turner C Baud Luttick Butler Evans . ALBERT PARK 11 .7 18.17 24.21 26.25 (181) BOX BIId. NORTH 1 .0 1.0 1 .0 3 .1(19) Alltert Park. Pastras 6 Fairfield 4 Payne 3 Sibley 3 Askew 2 Borg 2 McGuire 2 Baird 2 P Smith Ryan. Best: Payne Agar Pastras Hogan Fairfield M Smith . Boa Hill North: Dick Langley McGuire. Best: T Tanibakis A Cadusch C Langley J Ellul C Collis T Ellis . NORTH BRUNSWICK 3.1 4.4 12 .4 16.5 (101) ELSTERNtHICK 5.3 8.6 8 .6 11 .8 (74) North Brunswick ;, Hamilton 4 B Carter 3 Papanikolou 3 H Tsialtas 2 Guppy Belbin R Salloum Russo. Best: Guppy Russo Trafford H Tsialtas S Tsialtas Belbin. Elstemwiek: Hankin 6 Banl .v 2 Whelan Creak Goldman. Best: Bravington Whelan R Nicholson Nicol Hatid'idn Surman.
Senior Coach: Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee
Eiger Park 47 C4 Stir Coach : P. Armstrong Asst: M.Tarulli Res : J. Pratt
BULLEEN COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach: G Brown
ELSTERNWICK Coach : Dennis Grace Asst: P. Nevill Res : P McNal Asst: S . Capel
ELTHAM OC Coach : Wayne Reardo n Res Coach: Matthew Luttic k
1 . P. Smith
1 . Wilson G
1 . I . McLeod
1 . J. Baud
2 . S . Robinson
2. Riscalla C
2. T. Orwin
2 . D. Lynch
2 . N . Pastras 3 . A . Baker 3 . G. Baker 4 . J . Simcocks
3. Odza A 4. Manno A 5. Garrett J
3. S. McLare n 4. N. Cartledge
7. J . McADAM -RC8 . S . CURRIE 9 . T. HARTLEY
3 . E. Savage (VC) 5 . L Austi n 6 . J. Galvi n 7 . B. Rashid 8 . L Sharp e 9 . C. Watson 10 . B. Marshall
11 . J. Mizzi (C)
4 . L Baird
5 . S . Alla n 6 . J . Storey 7 . S . Venables
9 . P. Chambers 10 . M . Phillips 11 . D. Brea 12 . T. Fraser
13 . B . Payne 13 . M . Davey 14 . M . Hyams
15. D. Borley 15. P. Guicas 16. C. Roberton 17 . D. McLellan 18. J . Taylor 20 . K. Grace 21, P. Shoppee 22 . J . Hannett 22. S . Bennett 23. B . Harries 23. H. Walls 24. T. Green 25. J . Wier 26. S. Fairfield 27. J . Holloway 28. R. Allan 29. R. Humphrey 30. W. Johnson 31 . S. McGuire 31 . G . Foster 32. M . Smith 33. J. Murray 34. T. Houston 35. S. Toth 35. D. Allan 36. J. Dudi 37. L Hogan 38. N. Wheeler 39. S. McKerrow 41 . A. Visa Paa 42, D. Bennett 44. B. Isard 45. J. Agar 46. M. Dowdle
48. J. Harnath 49. L . Ryan 50. S. Mellis 50. B. Tune 51 . J. Belbin 52. M. Wal l 53. M. Williams 55. D . Quinlan
D 6. Martini 7. Stewart S 8. Lacey M
5. M . Man n B. T. Pearson
9. Sallantioglu A
7. T. Mehrez 8. T. Mazzarella
10. Cook S
9. M . Kyriakou
11 . Thoi T 12. Dick A 13. Cumming M 14. Palmer B 15. Keillor L
10, C. Powderham 11 . A. DeJong 1p P. Whitehouse 13. N. Edgar
15. Cavallo G
14. T. Fradkin
16. Drew W 17. Hopes J
15. J. Trinchi 16. D. Trinchi
18. Butler C • 19. CalliS C 20. Oldfield K 21 . Woods p 22. Steele A 23. Naumovski J 24. Doyle P 25. Kotsaridis P 26. Ball R 27. Wakefield S 28. Veleski z 29. Rogers M 30. Olson B 31 . Olson D 32. Oldfield I 33 . Madnovic M 34 . McCartin M 35 . Burley P 36 . Gaynor D 37 . Penhalluriack L 38 . DAmato G 39 . Tambakis J 40 . Worrell D 41 . Takeshita M 42 . Tarulli A 43 . Doyle R 44 . Garrett 46 . Mortimer
47 . Andrews 49 . Elli s
50 . Irvine C 51 . Cervelli M
52 . Darcy S 54 . Van den Akker L 55 . Pratt J Wood ~' A
57 . Wood T 58 . Demarco R 59 . Tarulli M 60 . Benbow N 61 . Weston G 62 . Penesis H
63 . Martin 64 . Evans
16 . D . Barnett
17 . L Daly 18 . S. Justice
17. T. Conn 18. F. Arcoraci 19. S. Trapman 20. J. M cOualter 21 . N . Lykopandis 22. M. Aitken 23. J. Redfern 24. R . Games 25. W. Olney 26. M. Nathanielsz 27. J. Cartledge 28 . A. Foskett 29. R . Sheehan 30. B. Cookson 31 . K. Kellett 32 . S. Wagg 33 . A. Cook 34 . M. D'An9elo 35 . M. Unwin 36 . P. Dall'Oglio 37 . J . Paatsch
17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23.
19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 .
38 . G. Brown 39 . C . Chan
40 . G. Richards 41 . C . Jordan 42 . C . Borelli
44 . S . GRACE -DVC44 . C. WALKER 45 . K. CUMMINS
43 . J . Mustica 44 . H . Khalil 45, J . Daniels 46 . J . Lewis 47 . N . Khalil
48 . M . Soumelidis 49 . G. Anderton 50 . N . Kyriakou 51 . R. Lock 52 . T. Hamilton 53 . R. Rodrigues 55 . J . DAngelo
24. A . FOSTER 25. S . GORDON
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
39 . M.TENNANT 40 . A. PATEY 41 . D. BYRNE 41 . J. BANKY
46 . 47 . 48 . 49 .
50 . M . BATTAINI 51 . M . McKENNA
52 . E. ALTE R 53 . A LEWI S 54 - C. MORGAN 55 . T. PERKINS 56 . P. FREEMAN 57 . A. LASNITZKI 58 . R. McKENN A 59 . B. ANDERSON
65 . Woolridge D
57. T Hurley 58. A. Jackson 59. T. Banners 60. V. Surace 62 . N . Cain
69 . Pearce B 76 . Loerand K 78 . Leavers A 79. Bennett G 80 . Evans S
Sponsors : Capital Growth -
78. J. Hamath 79 . J. Guzman
88. Edgley M 99. Robinson G 11 1 . Armstron g
Sponsored by : Rising Sun Hotel, RICHM0ND
86. Archer G
~--,, -
xotel P9ortam Air Conditioning '"~•nortan .com .au 1300 305 35 4
J. Gilbert M. Raine r M. Hart D . Wright R . Foo K. Drummon d
25 . R . Thomas
26 . J . Glare Res C/C 27 . J . Stockdal e 28 . T. Barnett 29 . D . Howgate 30 . M. Decker 31 . B. Kelehe r 32 . C . Bau d 33, A. Howgate 34 . J . Howgate 35 . G. Smith 36 . J . Hickingbotha m 37 . P. Kroh n 38. J . Babo n 39. F. Coonerty 40. E. Baud 41 . Au .Man n 42. D . Buller 43 . P. Man n 44. Al . Man n 45. D . Hogan 46. M . Dere 47. N . Ryall
48. B . Turney 4g,
L. Barnes 50. B . Richardso n 51' R. Morga n
52. D. Jus e 53. J . Foo 54. S . Todman 55. G. Jenkins 56• R . Love 57. J . Cooper 58. T. Melchiori 59. B . Evans
60. R. Peak 61 . J . Panetta (VC) 62. B . Jorgense n 63. L Ogilvie 64, T. Goona n
9696 077 7 The Elsternwick
14 K Nelson (VC ) 15 . J. Paisley
57. J. Sutton
77 . S. Garcia
12 . L. McDonald 13 . M. Luttick
Australian Unity 13 29 39 The Elsternwick Club 9523 922 1
Major Sponsors
D4 Section KEW
(Affilitated with RMIT Uni.) Snr Coach: Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Paul Grego r 1 . B. Lafranchi 2 . N . Costley 3 . J . Doumis 4 . G . Crimmins 5 . A. Carman 6 . N . Tinetti (C) 7 . B. Dover 8 . D. Mainsbridge 9. A. Kelly 10. B. Cullen 11 . B. Woodhouse (VC) 12. M . Gridley 13. C. Kyriakou 14. J. Looker (DVC) 15. F. Lamanna 16. D. Wood 17. C. Wafts 18. N. Dahlstrom 19. K. Allen 20. A. Acfiekl 21 . D. Clark 22 . T. Aitken 23 . J. deBlank 26 . S . Symes 27 . T. Moore (DVC) 28 . M . Dean 29 . M . Dalrymple 30 . C.Giansante 31 . D. lanni 32 . A . Drago 33 . J . Cronin 34 . D. Pocock 35 . R. Bruno 37 . S . Johnston 38 . D. North 39 . J . Dennis 40 . J . Ferrantino (RC) 41 . L. Coulter 42 . S . Parker 43 . A . Bortone 44 . A . Makris (RDVC) 45 . G. Evans 46 . B . Marchesani 47 . L. McNeill 48 . K. Saydali 49. P. Dennis 50 . B. Davies 51 . M. Blair (VC) 52. R . McLaurin 53. S. Osborne 54. J. Reno u 55. A. Lawler 56. T. Frith 57. B. Purcell 58. B. Burnett 59. J. Rakusz 60. G . Lawson 61 . M. Glenn (RDVC) 62. M . Paine 63. N. Gricks (RVC) 64. A. Roberts 65. S. Pietersen 66. R. McKerrow 67. J. Bel l 68. S. Ryan 69. M . Bolis 70. T. Fox
Proudly sponsored by : Harp of Erin HOtel 636 High St, Kew
Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelber g
Coach: Angle Sammartino Res Coach: Gary Cutler 1 . Newton 2. Adams 3 . Lattouf 4 . Dimarco 5 . Cutler 6 . Pizzari 7 . Stelfox 8 . Guppy 9 . Sammartino 10 . Fawcett 11 . Hamilton 12 . Care 13 . Ullo 14 . Paleodimos 15 . Tsialtas 16 . Vaina 17 . KYriazis 18 . Verge 19 . Marin 20 . Closter 21 . Santacroce 22. Freeman 23. Brrffa 24. Aliani 25. Duson 26. Murphy 27. Ferrante 28. Boudoloh 30. Russo 31 . Heck 32. Robertson 31 Rotella 34. Stepien 36. Sorleto 37. Defelice 38. Magnuson 39. Rhook 40. McCallum 41 . Elms 42. Papanikolou 43. Sorleto 44- Wallmeyer allmeyer 45. Polemicos 46. Giovanoglou 47 . Prestigiacomo 48 . Wolter 49 . Salloum Sp , Parks 51 . Kehagias 52 . Guest 53 . Trafford 54 . Wake 55 . Salloum 56 . Fayad 57 . Mountney 58 . Messiake 59 . Ackland 60 . Parkes 61 . Papa 62 . Carter 64. Palmieri 66. Boudoloh 67. Carter
D D G P G D G D A W S s M G H M A J P L R J J M W J F J D J B J M M M D C g J J p N J N N J F g D D D G R M A T T A C B A A
Coach: Jeffrey Wilson Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 . B .Gerace 2 . R.Wintle 3 . S .Depiazza 4 . C.Lever 5 . S .Hewitt (Res VC) 6 . J .Horsburgh 7 . A .Christo 8 . A .Horsburgh 9 . F.Pavez tO .J. Wilson 11 . M. Christo 12 . M. Baulch 13 . J.Braham 14 . J. Bartolo 15 . A. Board i 6 . S. Christo 1 7 . M.Aquilina 18 . G .Walker 19, J,Mason 20 . D.Hudson 21 . LHudson 22 . S.Anderson 23 . S.Huntington(VC) 24 . LFairfield (C) 25. Troy Edwards 26. P.Mesman 27. D.Billman 28. D.Slattery (Res C) 29. S.Balloch 30. A.Mokrusch 31 . A.Miller 32. G .Jenkinson 33. D. Benn 34. B .Merryweather 35. G .Robson 36. S .Phillips 37. A.Leitch 38. D.Nikola 39. M .Oldham 40. S .Leitch K .Miller 42. Tray Edwards 43â&#x20AC;˘ A .Runciman 44. B .Lennon 45, S .Tindall 46. E .Sandstrom 47. T.Theooore 48. J .Richardson 49. R .Van Engelen 50 . P.Habersatt 51 . J .Akarana 52 . TBest ~ J .Manolokakis ' 54 . M.Crosswell 55 . D .Carruthers 56 . D .Abbey 57 . D .Moore 58 . R .Mutimer 59 . L.Barnes 60 . N .Aquilina 66 . B.Gilbert 88 . H .Hodgson
MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda
Coach: Frank Bove Res Coach : Steve n Lake
Coach : Michael Learmonth Res: George Koumantataki s T Brown B Perelberg G Schembri A Ballantyne A Lane C Weller A Dwyer AZsembe~' R Orme D Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill C Goldsworthy y M Purcell M Aikman P West B Frail V Ryan A Waller M Gilchrist R Allen F Harrison ALatimer P Ryan S Crilly M Banks P Harrison P Watson P Jabour S MctQnlay A Warsno p LArmstrong G Theoharris B Graetzer M Buller D Astbury T Millar M Karis T Cummins M Davies K Goldberg G Koumantatakis M Maschette W Van Ketwich D Drummond M Good E Cowlishew J Goldsworthy N Luce S Flood M Le Lievre J Wright Spare P Roseman SPARE M Bona SPARE SPARE G Pilikidis J Handy
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 69
Roberts & Dwye r Estate Agents Aust Stee l Industrie s
1 It is with regret that the Trainers' Association has received the resignation of Executive treasurer Brooke Murphy . Brooke is moving to Perth to live and she will be sadly missed by the TA and her club Old Melburnians. Brooke is a previous winner of the Club Warehouse "Trainer of the Year" award, We wish Brooke w ell . This column has received a number of requests from trainers wishing to be part of the various representative sides and these have been passed on to the VAFA, although this year's teams have had support staffs well locked away for this year's matches for some time now . The Trainers' Association Executive will attempt to have a list of trainers in place to be considered by the VAFA well before next year's representative matches . Phil Stevens advises that he had had a phone call from "Thomas" from the Hampton Rovers club asking about such wet weather gear to supplement the current uniform . His main question was now that there is a new uniform what about wet weather gear now the weather has turned nasty .
Over the past years spray jackets from sponsors of the VAFA were able to worn . These will soon be available to be purchased through VAFA Properties and we will soon detail the cost of the Beiersdorf and Club Warehouse jackets . In the meantime a white spray jacket is more than acceptable . The "Trainer of the Month" for May will be announced in the Trainers Corner on the 26th June . Give some thought now to nominations for June's "Trainer of the Month . " The next edition will have some interesting information from one of our sponsor's Club Warehouse so stay tuned for this . Your Trainers' Association would like to know what sort of information you would like presented in this column, particularly now that many people are enjoying it appearing - profiles? tips for trainers? quiz ? Any queries, suggestions, information or questions please email ehriskl5Cbigpond .co m
Leaders in custom printed tops and shorts for your team . Call us for your special needs :
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by Fraser i~°Žrl (U19 2,3 & Blue) & Cam Nation (U191 & Red)
at each change with Section One - Review After winning just one of their first four games this season superior pace & skill . reigning premiers St Bernards appear to have finally shaken Mr Jones took the off their post-premiership hangover, recording their fourth honours for th e consecutive victory last weekend an impressive 106 point win winners, with Stebbo a welcome return on-ball for Trinity. over Old Brighton. With only a few goals in it at the long The Bombers got the benefit of a huge (2 week) leave pass break, St Bernards broke away with a twelve goal premiership Preview quarter, Pitts and Garth amongst the best for the winners The Bears will attack the Trott fiercely, but I expect the Lions with Mitchell kicking six after half time. Ladder-leaders to return to the winner's list by 17 points . The Wellers need a Werribee continued their indifferent mid-season form, their win, but the Hoers are on the 'up', I'll pick the brown boys by 28 point loss to Old Scotch their second in as many weeks . 5 points. OK, it appears the bye is a curse, and it OEs' turn, Elsewhere five final quarter behinds broke the deadlock for OMs by 21 points. Finally, long trek to Beauy for the Is, De La Salle in their 5 point victory against Caulfield ; St who'Il finally bounce back by 28 points . Rupo will be in the Kevins snatched a thrilling 15 point win over Marcellin middle of a 3 week siesta! ! despite trailing all day ; while Di Stefano and Pyke kicked four Section 3 - Revie w The Jackas came, they saw, the Students were off-campus, apiece in Old Xaverians 46 point win over Uni Blues . and the visitors ran amok on the fields of Clayton, racking u p Preview After a week off suburban football returns to metropolitan Melbourne this afternoon, with the pick of the action down at McHale Stadium where third-placed Old Xaverians host second-placed St Kevins. After a stellar opening to the season Skevs have dropped two of their last four, and this afternoon will be playing to retain the second-chance . However they face C~ U'l LST 71' : : TOTAL a strong mob from Old Xavs who have lost just one of their past seven, and given Werribee's recent hiccups are the form U19 (1) Shuttleworth 5 37 side of the competition . In what should be a tight contest University Blues Old Xavs Pyle 4 24 until the final siren the home side should be too strong, Xavs by 15 pts. St Bernards will also be looking to capitalise on a Werribee Lee D 1 23 Skev's loss and move one step closer to the second-chance St Bernards Pearson 4 23 when they host eighth-placed Uni Blues . After an early scare St Kevins Mount 2 23 from Brighton last week there is little chance St Bernards will U19 2 be underestimating their opponents, expect a strong start Rupertswood Morrison 2 18 from the reigning premiers who on recent results should be Banyule Dimek 2 17 too strong, SB by 36 pts. Elsewhere this afternoon Werribee Banyule Tsingaris 5 17 should return to the winner's list when they travel to the in Collegians Roberson 5 16 form De La Salle; Marcellin are likely to continue Caulfield's Collegians Jorgenson 2 15 poor start to the season with a win at home ; while Old Scotch U19 1 3 should maintain their inspiring form of recent weeks and Old Carey Ashworth 0 27 account for a tired Old Brighton . Oakleigh Briggs 0 27 Section 2 - Review Whitrfriars Woods 6 24 Our first draw for the season - hooray!! Perhaps the Hoers Old Paradians Peck 8 22 just got the ball to the right spots? No info available, so lets St Bedes Terrell 2 18 just assume everyone took their sisters to the Ball . . .. U19 BLUE The Sharks floundered out at the Bear Cave where the trio of Bentleigh Ridgeway 5 37 Gutterson (5) Tsingaris (5) and Skicko (4) shared the spoils . A StJohns Ryan 11 34 10 goal win was a tad more than I expected, despite the good Peninsula Smith 2 31 efforts of Shugg and Berry for Beauy . Oakleigh Clays idasrallah 0 24 Rupertswood regained some form against Old Camberwell out De La Salle Monvood 3 24 at Sunbury by 35 points. Watson's 36 hitouts fed the onball Peninsula De Lange 0 23 brigade of Phillips, Quigley and Monzell, whilst Boxall held U19 RED things firm down back. The Wellers best included Melzer (5 Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 10 35 goals) and Salipas . Rupertswood Pretty 10 30 In a close first period, a couple of relayed frees hurt the home Old Westbourne Natevski 6 30 side who trailed by a goal, and then saw OMs slowly pull away Old Westbourne Whiting 8 2 0 48
their highest score for the season and a handy 21 goal victory . The Raiders played a very determined and rejuvenated MHSOB, who pushed the home side from pillar to post . Pick of the pack was Peck, with 8 snags in a "workmanlike" win, nicely fed by the work of Whyley and Zivinovic . Good show from Biddington for the vanquished . Good to see another side taking it up to the Blacks, but they just keep on winning, this time at the Krusher's expense by 4 goals . The Therry boys mounted little resistance against a vicious Tigers outfit. Mouritz bagged 8 and Ferraro 4 as they led the pack to a huge win. The Friars won a high scoring and entertaining game over Old Carey . Buoyed by some key inclusions, the Friars played catch-up footy before they got their noses in front at halftime . Down the stretch, it was the Friar on-ball brigade in Stafford and Hogan who stepped up to deliver a famous win . Preview The contrasting styles of Ajax and Parade should prove entertaining, the Jackas by 10 points . Oakleigh welcome Monash up Wellington Rd and will prevail by 9 goals . The big clash is the Tigers -v- the Blacks, and it's time for an upset, Tigers by 12 points. Carey and Whitefriars will boost their percentage over Therry and the Unicorns respectively . Section Blue - Review The Swans came to play and got the jump on the Rovers. The visitors' lst and 3rd quarters did the trick, with Domingo (8 twins) finishing the work of Batchelor, McFadden and Pittionia . End result? - a 12 goal win. For the Rovers, Pinto and my personal 'fave' Mr Rootsey played well . The "Bagel-Breakers" in Ormond whooped it up big time after coming from behind to despatch the O'Clays by a mere 3 points . With the lead changing 3 times in as many minutes, the cool head of Simon Mitsios proved the difference as he slotted the winner at the 30 minute mark . Happy days!! A slightly undermanned Golds side were very competitive in the lst half but injuries hit, and the pace and skill of the JOCs hurt, as De La were cut 101 points adrift . The Nodders played some very positive running football right across the ground to out score St .Leos every quarter and record a morale-boosting win . It was a genuine team effort with the highlight being the 7-goal haul by Daniel Caughey . Like Del Monte suit, Mazenod "feel good, are good" . The Demons' furnace, was again was turned up to 360 degrees on Saturday. They took the game away from the visitors in the second and third quarters. The Bentieigh defence blanketed the Pirates, whilst Convery nailed 4 goals, Davies and Meehan dominated for the Demons. I think we have a new juggernaut. . . . . . . Preview The Swans will consolidate against the Clays by 34 points . De La Soul will be spinning some mad tunes, and the Rovers will not be dancin', down by 6 goals. Time for the Pirates to exact some revenge, over the JOCs by 45 points. The Animals will give it a fair crack, but the Demons have too much class, and will win by 10 goals. Finally both Ormand and Mazenod are coming off wins, but the Nodders will sneak in by 3 goals . Section Red - Review After an extra week on the track. Rupertswood returned to competitive football in the best possible manner last weekend, notching up the season's highest score and greatest winning margin in their 177 point belting of North Old Boys . Kicking 32 .13, including an eleven goal third term, Rupertswood 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
dominated in all departments, Barry instrumental in the victory with a game-high 41 disposals with Pretty kicking 10 majors. On a day of records, Bulleen-Templestowe enjoyed one of their biggest wins of recent years, kicking twenty-four goals in their 117 point thrashing of the UHS-VU/SB combine. Elsewhere Fitzroy continued their run of eight consecutive victories with a 96 point win over Old Xaverians ; while Old Westbourne enjoyed a rare away win, home by 32 points at Aquinas . Preview This afternoon ladder-leaders Fitzroy will be out to extend their lead on the rest of the competition, the Reds away at UHS-W/SB in what should be an extremely one sided affair. Fitzroy are yet to lose while the combine are yet to win, the Reds unbackable favourites to complete the first half of the season at 9-0. Fitzroy by 100 pts . A similar scenario may transpire at North Old Boys, when the seventh-placed side host La Trobe. The uni-side haven't lost in their past five outings, while NOBs have been on the end of two 130+ point beltings in the past three weeks, La Trobe by 60 pts . Elsewhere Old Xaverians should be too strong at home to Aquinas, Xavs winning four on the trot before last week's loss and facing a side who haven't won in six weeks; while Rupertswood should continue last week's superlative form and account for an unpredictable Old Westbourne .
TODAY'S MATCHES UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Xaverians v St Kevins
St Bernards v University Blues Old Scotch v Old Brighton at Camberwell Sport s Ground De La Salle v Werribee Amateurs Marcellin v Caulfield O r UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Banyule Viewban k
Old Cambenvell v Old Ivanhoe at Oval 2 Macleay Park Rupertswood - By e Old Melburnians v Old Essendon Gr Beaumaris v Old Trinity Under-19 Section 3
AJAX v Old Paradians at Packer Reserve Oakleigh v Monash Blues St Bedes Mentone Tigers v University Blacks Old Carey v Theny Penola 0 B MHSOB v Whitefriars UNDER-19 (21 BLUE
South Melb Districts v Oakleigh Clays De La Salle (2) v Hampton Rovers Peninsula 0 B v St Johns 0 C Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Bentleigh Ormond v Mazenod 0 C UNDER-19 (2) RED Bulleen Templestowe - Bye
North Old Boys v La Trobe Uni Old Westbourne v Rupertswood (2) Old Xaverians (2) v Aquinas 0 C at Xavie r College, Barkers Road, Kew (45 C7) UHS-VU/St Bernards v Fitzroy Reds at St . Bernards College 49
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 UNIBLUES 2.0 5 .4 7.9 10 .10 (70) DID XAVERIANS 3.2 6.4 10.4 18 .8 (116) Un( Blues: Shuttleworfh 5 Minns 2 Green Couper Westmore . Best: Minns Heinz Shuttleworth Halliday Maddocks Fan-ell . Old %acariens: Di Stefano 4 Pyle 4 Smith 2 Larkins 2 Gunnotian 2 Gidley Sheedy Ryan Purcell . Best: Purcell O'Hanlon Mortensen Chapman Di Stefano Larkins . Umpires: Nicholas Brown Russell Nation (F) Perrin Brown Adrian Borg (B ) ST KEVINS 4.2 7.4 10 .10 13.15 (93) MARCELLIN 5.4 7.10 11 .11 11.12 (78) SKOB: Trewin 3 Dowd 3 Mount 2 Tennent Gullifer Hobbs Glenane Lynch . Best : 0'Hanlon Glenane M Sullivan Charles O'Rourke Gallivan . Marc : M Bortolotto 3 J Bortolotto 2 Carlson 2 Papaluca Gorgovski Considine Leceomancini . Best: Gasparini Papaluca Carlson Layton MeGlin J Bortolotto. Umpires: Ryan Hense Steve Mason ( 9
OLD BRIGHTON 3 .0 9.7 13.12 14.15 (99) ST BERNARDS 8 .4 15.8 27.12 32 .18 (210) Match details not received. Umpires: Paul Sherman Logan Smith () Mark Rogers (B)
WERRIBEE 6 .1 7.6 9.10 13 .10 (88) OLD SCOTCH 5.1 9.7 12.4 18 .8 (116) Werribee: C Lee 3 Chalmers 3 Russo 2 Renaut 2 D[ .ee McNally Foster. Best: Renaut Chalmers Black Russo Palntington Roszak . Old Scotch: Snaddon 4 Allan 3 Beny 2 Bull 2 Jonas 2 Porter 2 I1lley Papas Tesdorpf . Best: Dick Pearce Porter Sneddon Sutherland Tesdorpf . Umpires: Miles Argall Richard Adamson (RFL) (F) Joel Wignell Troy Christensen (B ) CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 4.3 5 .6 7 .9 8.10 (58) DE IA SALE 3.4 6 .7 7 .10 8.15 (63) Caulfield Grammarians: Logan 2 Acfeld 2 Edwards Rudd Jennings Hammond T. Best: Kalaja May Strain Fagan Acfield Winter . De La Salle: Ha rt 3 Fteldsend 2 Pitcher Dwyer Donegan . Best : Browning Vague Donegan Dwyer John Nankeryis . Umpires: Art Wekselman Paul Rapke (F) Will Stokes Jessica Rollo (B) UNDER-19 SECTION 2 OLD IVANHOE 0 .3 2.4 6.5 11.9 (75) COLLEGIANS 4.6 6.9 8.11 10.15 (75) Old Ivanhoe: Baldwin 3 Hargraves 3 Harrison 2 Foster Clarke Weston . Best: Headman Baldwin Caple Foster Hargrave Harrison . Collegians: Robertson 5 Jorgensen 2 Ashman Khoury Canniao . Best: Parrent Cannizzo Ashman Rose Slatyer Williams . Umpires: Anthony Vaiopoulos Geoff Moore (F] Symeon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G ) BANYUILT VIEWBANB 4 .1 8.4 13.6 20.8 (128) BEAUMARIS 1 .4 3.8 6.11 9.16 (70) Banyulo-Viewbank : Gutterson 5 Tsingaris 5 Skicko 4 Dimek 2 Renke 2 Stavropolous Swill- Best : Lardo Slacks Gutterson Bortomley Herbert McGovern. Beaumeris : Clemente 2 Elston 2 Taylor Irons Gys Dickie Hill . Best: Dean Berry Morris Taylor Hill Shugg . Umpires: Brett Herskope Matt Goold (F) Dean Herskope Michael Hafner (B) RUPERTSWOOD 4.6 5.11 8.16 14 .22 (106) OLD Cl>Ii1HERWEII, 4 .3 6 .6 8.7 10 .11 (71) Rupertswood: Bradley 2 Brennan 2 Quigley 2 Morrison 2 Plummer McPhee Watson Harrison Smith Monzell . Best : Phillips Monzell Gaunt Boxall Bradley Watson Quigley. Old Camberwell : Mebxr 5 Barrow, 2 Pinkney Riqin Tolson. Best, McGuigan Salipas Melzer Renshaw Shanks Cottrell . Umpires: Scott Fraser Peter Angelis (F1 Ben Powell (RFL) Daniel Monaghan (RFL) (B) Robert Seymour Michael Isbister (G)
OLD ESSENDON OR BYE OLD TRBi11Y 2.2 5.3 7 .7 8.12 (60) OLD MEIBURNIANS 3 .2 9.7 13 .14 15.18 (108) Old Trinity: Stebbins 3 Bell 2 Hogarth Stewart Walsh . Best: Butler Hogarth Morrice Stebbins Webster Dickenson . Old Melburnians: Jones 5 Armstrong 2 Dick 2 Theodoulou 2 Pardon Lugg Parutifex . Best: Jones Oman Tucker Beckley Hardy Panton . Umpires: Brian Nunn David W'mdlow (F) Michael Roche Tom VVLscher (B) UNDER-19 SECTION 3 MONASH BLUES 1 .1 6.5 6.9 7.14 (56) AJAX 7 .7 12.9 19.13 27.19 (181) Monash Blues: Adamson 4 We Lui Solimo . Best : Adamson Lui Leviston Moore Phillips Barlow. MAX : Gnroni 3 Lukav 4 Chester 4 Peters 4 Nankin 3 A Lewis 2 Kagan Routman . Best: Givoni Nankin Lukav Routman A Lewis Chester. Umpires: Bruno Sav9 (F)
DID PARADIANS 5 .0 8.7 12.10 18 .12 (120) MHSOB 2.2 6.5 7.8 9 .15(69) OLD PARADIANS: Peck 8 Giddings 2 75vinovic 2 Holden Magaton Rehlicki Sage Seneca Whyley . Best : Whyley Zivirtovic Peck Soloman Sage D Clayton . M H S O B: Aitken 4 McGrath 2 Peck Bear Mitchell . Best : Biddington Parker Taft Edwards Villani. Umpires : Daniel Dinneen In Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoulcis (B ) UNIVERSITY BIACES 7 .3 12 .6 14 .11 15 .15 (105) OAKLEIGH 1.1 6 .3 10.5 12 .9 (81) Match details not received . Umpires: Jack Fagan (F) Nick Keating Michael Reilly (B)
THERRY PENOIA 2 .3 3.6 4 .6 7.6(48) '. ST BEDES MENTONE 7.2 16.8 27.12 34.18 (222) Therry Penola : Guy 2 Capewell Dooley Leach Pappin . Best: Owen Capeuzll Leach Reynolds Cunningham Gossett. St Bedes Mentone: Mouritz 8 Ferraro 4 Kelly 3 Lynch 3 Grift'iths 2 Laver 2 Paterson 2 McCallum 2 Knowles 2 Schwarze 2 Tenet 2 Dowling Knuppel. Best : Ferraro Mauritz Dowling Roullion Laver. Umpires : Rick Benson Geoff Kelly M Leah Cannon Joanne Van Mierlo (B) WHIIEFRL9RS OC 4 .1 9.2 14.4 20 .8 (128) OLD CAREY 5 .0 8 .3 13.5 19 .7 (121? Whitelilaxs OCPC: Woods 6 Marchesi 4 Abdallah 3 Pon.oban 3 Hogan Tarlagtia Pelosi Walsh . Best: Marchesi Hogan Stafford Kaldor Daou Woods . Old Carey: Dudman 5 Davis 3 Thompson 3 Joslin 3 Cornwell 2 Shedden When Choong. Best: Mead Eddison Vujovich Newhouse Locock . Umpires : Simon Fearless Sean Scully Sur (F) UNDER-19 (2) BLUE HAMPTON ROVERS 1.2 4.3 5 .6 9 .7 (61) STH MESB. DISTRICTS 7.5 10.11 15.17 19.20 (134) Hampton Rovers: Rootsey 3 Watkins 2 Cannell Giasoumi Newton Pinto . Best: Pinto Williams Sule}man Rootsey Nicholls Cook . South Melbourne Districts : Domingo 8 Mahoney 3 Cronin 3 Kebuge 2 Gouton McFadden Adgemis . Best: McFadden Batchelor Domingo Mahonney Cook Pittionia . Umpires: Luke Duthie Mark Duthie (F) OAKLEIGH CLAYS 5 .3 8.7 12.16 14.21 (105) ORMOND 3 .6 7.10 10.18 14 .24 (108) Oakleigh Clays : O'Brien 5 Cook Nevitt 3 B Evangalista Sofoulis ioannidis . Best: Lazarkis O'Brien Ncvitt Sofoulis Plozza Cook . Ormond : Davis 4 Barnes 3 Mitsios 2 Black Brusnan Fuller Robbins lUtlson . Best: Brosnan Jacobs O'ReiDey Fuller Mitsios Wil' son. Umpires : Or Whiteley (9 ST JOHNS 0 C 4 .3 9.6 16.6 24 .9 (153) DE IA SAIdE (2) 3 .2 6 .4 6.8 7 .10 (52) St Johns 0 C: Ryan 11 Walker 4 Carmody 2 Peake Riley Magee Morello Kennaugh Jacntine Thompson. Best: Peake Walker Thompson Morello O'Connor Magee . De In Salle (2) : Morwood 3 Howard 2 Stephen McNamara . Best : Miretjohn Casey Howard Griffin O'Shannessy Silvers .
Umpires: Patrick Coulthard Darren Rawlinson (F )
BENTIEIGH 8.9 14 .13 22 .20 25.25 (175) PENINSULA 4.1 4 .4 6.6 10 .7 (67) Bent: Ridgeway 5 Convery 4 Davies 3 West 3 Forrest 2 McIntyre 2 Meehan J Morris Lewis Holmesby Weld Brietkreuz. Best: Meehan Davies Wvtd Convery Kuzma Holmesby. Peninsula. S Smith 2 Wignall 2 Stainforth 2 D Smith Miller Kenny Patching.Best: Miller Nestor Kriebel Patching Heg~je Preston . Umpires: Tim Sutcliffe (Rotation) [F] MAZENOD 3.3 9.5 14 .9 15.13 (103) EMMAUS ST IEOS 1 .4 3.11 8.11 11.15 (81) Mazenod: Caughey 7 Oldman 2 Evans Kavanagh Mann Mather Regan Ross . Best: Castricum Caughey Regan Evans Lee Oldman Hensman . Emmaus St Laos: Robin 3 Baranelto 2 McCann 2 Whealan 2 Breeden Carrico . Best: Stafford McPhie Baranello Whealan Damico Robin . Umpires : Tom Haysom David Murray (P) UNDER-19 t2) RED LA TROBE UNI BY E BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 6 .6 11 .11 17.17 24 .20 (164) UHS/ST BERNARDS 1.2 2 .3 3.4 7 .5 (47) Bulleen Templestowe : D Millar 11 P Voglis 4 D Voglis 3 D Seraicco 2 M Coulston P losifidis A Smith M Voglis . Best: D Millar P Voglis T Lee P losifidis D McColl M Voglis. UHS/St Bernards: DeCampo 2 Makdessi Dube Griffith Lancashire Turner. Best: Oakley DeCampo Trevetham Lancashire Turner. Umpires : Jamie Gunn (F ) RUPERTSWOOD 5 .2 14 .6 25 .7 32.13 (205) NORTH DID BOYS 1.1 1.1 2 .3 4,4(28) Rupertswood : Pretty 10 D Barry 5 Silvester 3 P Barry Bence Moore Oliver 2 House Tehan Morrice Kiploek Glen Jones 1 . Best: Pretty D Barry Balmer Jones Ata M Arthurson Sylvester Yonan . North Old Boys: White O'Halloran Keenan Irwin. Best: Keenan Irwin Flanders Ives Clarke Cotfev .
Umpires : Peter Angelis Scott Fraser (F) Robert Seymour Michael Isbister (G) AQUINAS 2.2 6.3 8 .3 11.7 (73) OLD WESTBOURNE 6.3 8.3 14 .9 16.9 (105) Aquinas : Doolan 4 Kinghom 3 Hobson Otarenshaw Ryan Neame . Best: Mcdonald Fraser poolan Kinghom Grant Olarenshaw . Old Westbourne : T Whiting 8 Ristevski 6 Gryszan Tanner . Best: Morris M Whiting T Whiting P Hudson Gryszon C Hudson. Umpires : Tony lllley (F) FITZROY REDS 7.4 11 .9 20.13 22 .18 (150) DID XAVERIANS (2) 2.1 4.2 7.5 8.6(54) Fitz Reds: Maghamez 10 71ka 3 Younger 2 Rogers 2 Woodley-Davis Dullard Bombaa Topp Bruty. Best: Maghamez Edwards Zika Dullard Ryan Younger Old Xav : Murray 2 Stack 2 Melvin Smith Butler Dynon Montgomery. Best : Rubira Stack Potter Trahair Mehiin-Smith Satiety .
Umpires: Sharon Alger Matt Brennan (F) Michael Ryde Will Burne (B )
Under-19 - Section 1 CAULFIELD GRA MM ARIANS 1 Noblett T
2 Weems J DVC 3 Murphy Ca ~y
4 Buckthought D 5 Hammond T 6 Hammond C DVC 7 Rudd W VC
Coach : David Madigan Asst : Scott Jones
Coach: Dean Rossely
1 T. Kovess
2 R. Quick 3 4 5 6
M. Reklsentl M. Brown (c) T. John J . Pitcher
7 D K~N 8 V. Moloney
8 Jennings S N 9 Edwards 10 Winter G 11 Evans R
9 B . Vague (vc) 10 N. Smit h tt R. Hancock 12 S . Conway (vc)
13 Strain A 14 Lill C
14 W. Dwyer 15 D. Hocking 16 L Casey 17 L. Bowden
12 Goodwin-Doming S
75 Andrew T t6 May C t7 Alibrand0 A t8 Kearsley J 19 Pitts J
20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W 22 Patterson A Z VC 23 D'Arcy
24 Benkemoun M 25 Fagan T 26 Kalaja E 28 Nicklas h1 31 Garrood S 33 Logan A 39 Cater B
42 Sundberg M 45 Acfield B
DLD XAVERIANS (1 & 2) Coach U19(t): Adam Sassi Coach U19(2) : David Galbally 1 Purcell P 2 Rub~ra E 3 Fitz to M 4 Moylan N 5 Vaughan S
13 B . Davis
18 V. Buckley 19 S . Morxood 20 M . Demicotl 21 J. McGuiness 22 T. Donegan 23 R. McArdle 24 N. Stewart 25 C. Kelliher 26 M . Herkness 27 L O'Donnell
28 L . J-,s 29 M . Nankervis 30 J. McKenze 34 D. Rayson 36 S. Crowe 37 A. Shields 46 N. Hart 53 D. Browning
S Considin e
7, M Gorgovski 8 A Layton 9 . C Nikolakopoulos
5 Christie J 6 Cooney S 7 Doherty R S J G L
Coach : Bruce Armstron g Asst Coach : Mike Smit h i B Nickless
2 J Wright 3 K Berr y 4 T Bm l 5 S Lilley
6 S=W 7 Lsvon9 8 B S naddon
9 M Szakiel 10 T Harkness 11 N Al len 12 ATesdorpi p
10. J Williams
8 Duncan 9 Edge 10 Fielke 11 Filipovic
11 . S Farelly
12 Grigfo A
12. D Valsorda 13. A Power 14. R Davis
13 Guoeridge T 14 Hubbard S 15 Jackson L
16 E Batrouney 17 A Wallace Smith
15. S Tandridge 16. B Ryan
16 Joseph R 17 Kennedy A
20 M Re'"aya 21 W Pearce
17, S Nutbean 18. C Purcell 19. J Crapper 20. P Deluca
20 Leaf 1
18 Kennet T 19 Latta R
22. D Carolan 23. A Ceccomancini
21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 May M 24 McDonald L 25 Mooney B
24. A McGlin 25. D McMahon
26 Newman M 27 Overend E
26. S Preece
28 Parkes M 29 Pascad J 30 Pomeroy X
21- P Robbins
27. J McParland 28. C Cogdon 29. D Fraser 30. R Redmond Yarra Valley Country
31 Reincke T 32 Salem J 33 Sheehan C 34 Stenner N 35 Tolj C
36 Tregear A
ST.KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Coach: Richard Chew
jq S Giuplread
15 P McKenna 16 A Fekete 19 T Gaun t
22 23 24
M T Camie J Porter
25 A W Suthedan d 26 L TaIbW 27 S Jona s 26 H Dic k 29 J Brownel l 30 A Bofl a 31 J Cad e
32 A Gerstman 33 C Backma n 34 J William s 35 S Jackson 36 S Elder 37 R Hocking 38 M Lin
39 H Peters
40 E Croickshank 41 R Dumaresq 42 S McMurtrie 43 S Shield s
44 E Waters 4s DMcIntosh 46 D Beattie 47 EBeaurepatre 48 T Graham
Coach: Tim Giles
Coach : Fab Gatti
Coach: David Law
2 Hudey D
4 Walsh M 5 Hughes J 7 Liberatore C 8 Matthews S
40 Stack J 41 Clark S
68 Pins B 59 Pearson T
52 Mont9omery s 53 Coon sel N 54 French R 55 Henderson C 56 Levis C 57 Manly D McFarlane 59 LT
5 . J Bortolott o
45 Johnson 8 50 Schroder R
51 Boland E
3 . J Carlson 4 . J Mahon
3 Cann N 4 Castles A
Club - Bulleen
37 Trovaro M
42 Gidley 0(c) 43 Tobm L 44 Quinn D 45 McCormack R 46 SweeneyJ 47 Chapman P 48 Torrence 5 49 Corcoran T 50 ChesterP
I Bartlett M 2 Betts D
~i 3t r
7 Raire L 6 McDonnell J(dvc ) 9 Evans D 9 Mort ense n J t0 She, Garth B 12 MDvanu~ L 11 Marion A 12 Oconnor D i3 tdelvin-smlth J 14 Larkins C 15 Mitchell A 1 5 S ilk N 16 Oxenford P 16 Adams S 17 Rogers C 17 Meehan 0 18 Di Stefano S 20 Maggiore M 19 Rees D 21 Whelan T 20 Gmnrvan L 21 Ryan S 23 lanazzo D 22 Smah D 24 Runnals B 23 Butler N 24 Indo~no F 25 Govan C 25 Henderson R 27 Salvadbri M 26 O'Hanion M 30 Lancashire D 27 Palmer T 28 Trehar T 33 Gourlay M 29 Fusnato R B 35 Ryan 30 Fitz~erald J 31 Mulrany J 38 Buis K 32 Ravida 5 39 Demorton L 33 Crowe B 34 M orrison N 40 Kavanag h A 35 Aqius J (vc) 43 Stapleton J 36 furra M 38 Forrest J 39 Sahely K
Coach: Luke Stewart
2 . A Papaluca
1, T Money
70 Prendi E 75 McDermott c
2 T 0'toole 3 B Dowd
I J Mahe
1 . G . Muir
1 . M . Palmington
2. D . Marshall
2 . L. Gatt i
4 S Sexton 5 D Petrou 6 M Hobbs 7 R Taylor
3. P. David
4. M. Dwyer
5- A. Farrell 6 . L Couper
8 S Ryan
7 . C . Bradley
9 J Syme 10 D Wissell 11 A Lynch
8 . B. Gin 9 . J . Westmore 10 . J . Bunkle
12 J Liston
13 P Mercouriou 14 J Marchesani 1 5 M Sullivan 16 R Arnott
17 J Charles 18 D Tdkeridis 19 L Gulliver 20 K Miss
21 T Woone
11 . M. Shaughnessy (VC) 12 . T Settle 13 . J . Hummel 14 . R . Hage 15 . W. Robinson 16 . M. Dods 17 . C . Northway (DVC) 18. T. Conn
19 . D . Heinz (Capt)
22 D Gibb s 23 T 0'hanlo n 24 D Sullivan 25 P Gallivan 26 P Longmore 27 J O'rourke 28 B Cooke
20 . T. Maddocks
29 P Glenane 30 B Scanlan 31 P Mclennan
25. J . Sundermann 26. D . Hill 27. W. Bright 28. M . Tomey (VC)
32 M Sherman
29. L. Woodhouse (DVC)
33 S Neohorais
21 . R . Minns 22. N . Shuttleworth 23. N . Burchel l 24. H . Rankin
36 T Trewi n 40 Ell Mount 44 J Tennant
30. N . Vandenbosch 31 . J. Green 32- K. Marlo 33. C. Ross
35. W. Hughes 36. M . Carolan 37. S . Anderson 38. J. Green
35 E Wilkinson
34. C. Haines
C. Lee
4 . P. Chalmers 5 . A . Taylo r 6 . D. Lee 7 . P. Keogh 8 . T. Andrews 9 . J. Russ o 10. B . Stornebrin k 11 . T. Ballan 12. R. Barke r
13. A. McNall y 14. D. Bunwort h 15. M . Parton 16. M . Cations 17. T. Rosza k 18. N. Addam o 19. P. Cassin 20. P. Spry
21 . S. Turra 22- B. Russell 23- B. Black 2q R. New 25 . J. Bingha m 26 . S. Simpso n 27 . B. McMaho n 2g , M. Mille r 29 . S. Smith
30 . N . Renaut
Under-19 - Section 2 BANYULE-VIEWBAtiK Coach: Phiv Demetriou
Wenke, Z 2 BradcweS, J 3 Ma,pvem,A 4 Adams, P Brown, A Maw, M (C.) Moore, R Roe,, J Christian, M (V.C.) 0 Stavropdous, C Cnnlmins, J 2 Poyser, J Park, D 4 Lardo, M (V.C) O'Donnell, L 6 Gutterwn, R 7 Stavropdous, A 18 wise, T 19 Dimedc, B 20 McLean, D 21 Hoknes, M 22 Tsmgans, J (C.) 23 Spcer, J 24 Batorrdey,A (vC.) 25 TWO, S 26 Pes3ven;o, S 27 Kayrooz, D 28 Skicko, C 29 Smft, J 30 O'Rourke, P 31 Depetro, M 32 Durst-,J 33 Herbert D 34 Sheptcerd T ,J
C 37 Shepherd, D 38 WrqM, R
Coach : Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry 3 . L. Quirk 4 . L. Hil l 5. D. Wall (DVC) 6. M . Bramwell 7. P. Irons 8. A. Clemente 9. M . Wilson (C) 11 . J. Dicki e
14. P. Berry (VC) 15. B . Norri s 16. D. Murphy 17- C. Evans (VC) 20. J. Atkin s
21 . T. Shugg 22. T. Boreham 23. C. Terpsenis 25. B. Bowker 26. J. Starke 28. S. Dean 29. T. Waller 33. D. Couples 34. D. Taylor 36. P. Ghys 37. J. Heat h 38. J. Edmeades 40. C. Shone 42. S. Hoult 44. S. Vipond 47. M . Imlach 48. K. Gasperino 49, M . Cairns 50. A. Elston 52 . J. William s
OLD ESSENDON Coach: Shane Harvey-L'Rtle Team Manager: Grae ne Wiliamstin 1 Baddeley R 2 Ballinger L 3 Baskan E 4 Bones L 5 Canon M 6 Canning A 7 Capannetto S 8 Caruso S 9 Cerantonio D 10 Cerzntonio D 11 Chnstou A 12 qinnick S 13 Dazkiw J 14 Francis J 15 Heritage C16Jelis M
17 Ktenas F 18 Leban D 19 Leech C 20 Leury H 21 Mansour J 22 Mitchell B 23 Nankerris D 24 Phillips J 25 Rumble T 26 Shaw M 27 Tait N 28 Towner S 29 Trevaskis M 30 Tzambazis C 31 Uren N 32 Williams J 33 Wlson T 34 Zammil D
Coach : Ben Covelli 1 M Ferrantino 2 A BakNrin 3 J Uljans 4 R Butler 5 A Hargraves 6 R Fitzgerald 7 K Ellis 8 S Taghizadeh 9 J Minas 10 T Harrison 11 N Clarke 12 K O'Hehir 13 J Binney 14 AFoster 15 G Hope
16 B Saunders 17 Z Keane (VC) 18 I Dawkins (Capt) 19 C Creams 20 S Weston 21 G Stravakis 22 J Britten (VC) 23 G Reynard 24 A Capl e
25 J Hyndrnan 26 D Nichol 27 S Leon 2a J Carroll 29 C Roger 30 G FovAer 31 S Leslie 32 S Kefalas 33 A Steer 34 AGloste r
Major Sponsor
COLLEGIANS Coach : Andrew Kenneally Ass Coach: Michael Jones 1 A. Ston e 2 M. Parrent 3 M. Rice 3 S. Gilbert 4 A. Bridgeman 5 M. Robertson 6 D . Williamson 7 C . El g 8 J . Cutis 9 M. Rose 10 D . Cannizo 11 A. Wright - Smith 12 A. Khoury 13 Z. Moon 14 J . Ashman 15 0. Howard 17 D . Stiff 18 A. Fabris 19 J . Holman 20 D . Mutton 21 F. Boland 22 M. Williams 22 E.Adams 23 C . Lynch 24 J . Jorgensen 25 T. Higginbotham 27 G. Rowstan 29 J . Little 30 R . Cramer 31 N . Bobeff 33 A . Gregory 36 T. Wilson 38 T. Cook 65 M . Lynch ES
Coach: Michael Blak e
1 . D . Zampaglione 2 . D . Clarke 3 . J . Corbett 4 . I . Nicholls 5 . L. Smith 6 . N . Pinto 7 . S . Gravina 8 . J . Hille 9 . G. Carrell 10 . G. Giasoumi 11 . Y. Kobayashi 12. D . Hughes 13 . C . O'Brien 14. LJones 15. G. Martyn 16. D . Kettle 17. M . De Luca 18. J . Chiarzia 19. N . Oriti 20. T. Malthouse 21 . T. Porter 22. R . Sharp 24 . C. Christianson 25. L. Cave 26. K . Rubtsov 27. S . Suleyman 30. T. Rootsey 31 . B . Wright 34. S . Newton 35. M . Westhead 38. C. Watkins 43. R Kenn y
44. D. Williams
OLD CAMBERW E GRAMM ARIANS Coach: Anson Brownless 1 C Payne 3 S Ripzin 4 L Taylor 5 N Tsmdos 6 P Pinkney 9 A Salipas 10 B Cottrell 11 D Morley 12 D Bruce 13 H Melzer 14 AAllan 15 N Hil l
16 T Barrow 17 G Tucker 18 D Sciola 19 D Walpole 21 D McGuigan 22 K Kos a 24 N Maxstead 25 N Beale 26 C Hillier 27 A Renshaw 28 I Ry e 30 T Angove 31 M Shanks 32 J Davis 34 G Tolson 39 B Macki e
9 8 5 7 8 0 6 1
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : Owen Lalor Ass : Ryan L'Huillier 1 Cudlipp T 2 Haralambous A 3 Oman D 5 Hardy E 6 Tucker J 7 Jones L 8 Moffatt R 9 Prowse A 10 Kauye A 11 Manahan A 12 Mermagas A 13 Hanchette C 14 Armstrong A 15 Baker E 16 Christian W 17 Panton W 18 Dick J 19 Mitchell E 20 Pannifex A 21 Russell N 22 Beckley J 23 Osmond D 24 Russell N 25 Schivo M 26 Bender L 27 Richardson W 28 Brener J 29 Hawes C 30 Jones L 31 Theodoulou C 32 Kauye A 33 Miller D 34 Rafferty J 35 Beaumont J 39 Thompson F 44 Ray A 47 Lugg B
Coach : Dean Peters 1 Bilwani A 2 Day M 3 Marsden A 4 Webster J C/C 5 Simmons H 6 Petdro J 7 Kenna J C/C 8 Stewart F 9 Butler K 10 Stebbins N 11 Burke M 12 Herrod T 13 Baylis M 14 Burgess M 15 HookeA 16 Walsh T 17 Lamb T 18 Stockdale C 19 Oldfield T 20 Medland A 21 Mears-Dagen M 23 Burke A 25 Lazzarotto A 26 Hore-Lacy A 27 Schuyler M 28 Neville A 29 Hogarth J 30 Dickenson A VIC 31 de Bruin S 32 Lesinskis M 35 O'Connell J 39 Morrice T 45 Bell C 49 Kelly B
PeUttaa .: .^ti:"fViStft
Ff1r1TRAI I FR ?nnd
'Under-19 - Section 3 AJA X
Coach: Gary Btusztein
Coach: Brad James
2. J . Fayman 3. J . Karp 4. G. Lewis
3 A Van Rooyen 4 T Schocker 3 S Whittington
5 . J . Pollard
6 T Biddington 7 D Gold 8 R Ternes 9 J Mathew
10 C Eva
14, *'*
12 S Volkerin9 13 R Read 14 P McGrath
15. A Goldstein 16. A Lewis
17 A Orchard
12. D. Raleigh
15 D Membrey 16 A Vllani 18 R Newlan d 19 S Foley
17. A Bustin
20 T Dunne 21 J Marine 22 P Greenhill
18 . B. Lukav 19. A Weinstein 20. A Wollner 21 . A. Chr
22 R Erin 23 A Hogan 23 S Mdchel l 24 M Avram 24 K Hardin g 25 R Whflehouse
22. 23. R. Lewis
26 A Edwards
24. D . Bustin
26 M Van Alphe n 27 R O s idac z 27 T Middleton 28 G SauIttW_ry H
25. R . Kagan 26. B. Nankin
27. G . 28. R . Spilber g 2a. 29. J. Goldman 30.
Coach : Mick Holden
2. P. Gurr
4 B Gevaux 5 G Blau
7. M . Chester 8. J. Feldy 9. E. Roffman
Coach : Bruce Waldron
1 J Aitken
2 M Brain i 3 D Pinwi 1
5. J. Givoni 6 .,,.
MONASH BLUES 3. M. Phillips 4. B .Adamson Ada 6 . L Levisio n 7 . B . Havter 8 . A . Mehta
g J Moor e to. J . Maye 11, g .Cru,ckshank 12. T Bar 13. M. Pay 14. R. Shields 15. J . Stephenson 16. M. Brad y 17. K Mudge 18. A. Gbver 19 . F. Johnson 20. B . Hindie 21 . M. McMahon 22 . B. Solim o 23 . g Janssen 24 . A Fyt e 25 J Li 26 . J. Mazu r 27 . C. MacDonald 28 . LT - ou - i
29 . T Cobb . 30 . D Stewart
37 . M .Ha) s 32 . T. Hotlgso n 33 . A. Hone 34 . C. Keeshan 35 . D. Logan
37 . C. Finiayson
Major Sponsors ~ FSaE~RjCA-T-OR S GVP Fabricators All Home Loans New Order Clothing
Coach : Mark Spew Asst Coach : Simon Vincent 1 Bennet. J 2 Stace . M
3 Pat,- . R 4 Bugeja . R 6 Richardson. D 6 Gid<Mngs. D
ST REDESIMENTONE Coach : Glen Afford
1 Laver T 2 Maddocks J 3 McCannell K 4 Flavelle L 5 Lynch D
6 Ritchie E
7 Rose S 8 watson . P
7 Lawler g Parker
9 Watts.0 to Whyley. D 17 Ryan. R 12 Irvme. M 14 Patena M 15 Grech. T 16 Soloman . l.1
11 GnfBth M 12 Marks J
10 Kelly L
Coach : Greg Campbell 1 Corrigan B 2 Guy E 3 Turner S
4 Skiathitis R (TL) 5 Morris B 6 Hermes J 7 Rivaland P 8 Quinn J(fL)
14 McMurray L
9 Hoatson T
17 Day B D 18 Porter 19 Paterson A 20 McNeil J
10 Crotty J 10 Gosetti T
17 Luff. S 18 Girovski . T 19 snaw. M
21 Ferraro D 92 Kpuppel M J 23 Lynch 24 Tyquln J
11 Sheppard T 12 Leach S(fL) 13 Dooley J 14 Boyd J
20 Stottw_. D 21 Rehllcki . S 22 Derham . M 23 Sage.C
25 Schwarze g 26 Sawers A 27 Waters D 28 Dowlm9 M
15 Owen B 17 Lee D 18 Badenho . . M
29 Knowles A
19 Reynolds M 20 Capewell C
24 Seneca . J 25 Megaton . M 26 Kreuzer. J
27 C-tes. A 28 Hu-y. D 29 Serafi n. A 3o Pratt. N 31 Ciark . 8
32 Morrisey e. 33 HoWen e 34 Tumer. P 35 7--, D as Thomas . R
37 Clayton. D 38 uncent. G
30 McGettigan M 31 Worsnop N 32 McCaflWm J
33 O'Reilly P 34
Lyn, Ix n C
35 Wright B 36 Terrell J 37 Hunter J 38 Glmore 8 39 Heys J
22 Goodwin D(TL)
23 Anderson D 26 Windus R 32 Cooper J 43 John E
44 McKay B
40 McGett,gan P
41 0Gom,an M 42 Scholes M 43 Serofim L 55 Rouillion L
'TL = team leader
12 . G. Vitagliano 13 . L. Rowan
1 . T. Wilkins 2. N. O'Brie n 3. J. Davy 4. J. Carpenter 6. A. Sheddo n 7. A. Smith 9. J . Phelp s 10 . C . Laidlaw 11 . A. Newhouse 14 . M. Cornwel l 15 . A. Thompson 19 . T. Lowcock 21 . K. Parker
14 . G. Bennett
22 . T. Evans
1 . D . Counihan 2, P. West 3 . R . Stafford 4. C . Hogan
5. C . Groake 6 . D . Cleary 7 . C . Lamb B . M. Bennett
9 . D . Wills 10 . D . Costi9an 11 . S . Aidone
15. R . Holden 16. S . White 17. S . Brigg s 18. L. Callery 19. T Thornton 20. D. Ciavarella 21 . J. Briggs
22. S . Page 23. J. Collin s
25 . P. Morey 27 . J . Choon g 29 . J . Josli n 31 . S . Mead 33. L. McKinnon 44. D . Stocko 90. M . Bessant
25. D. Latiniara ra 26. J. Fitzgerald 27. A. Middlemiss 28. A. Pound Gow, 29. M . Doyle 30. L Barrand 31 . J. Bray 32. L Kell y
UNIVERSiTY BLACKS Coach : Tom Purcell 1 R . Ault 2 D . Barlow 3 H . Barlow 4 J . Bell 5 P. Birks
6 A
. Goonan 8 W. Higgs Howson 9 W.. King 10 C 11 A . Lynch 12 M . t~cCombe 13 B . McGowan 14 J . RippOn 15 0. Scott i6 T. Sherry 17 G. Shaw
18 T. Sheldon 19 N. SCheelingS 20 J . van Dyk
21 A. Whale
22 A. Wooley 23 B . GOVett 24 S. Jeremiah 25 T. Jones 26 S. Leslie
27 D. Moar
28 E. Smell 29 P. Statham
30 T. Stringer 31 G . Alla n
WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dalrympl e Asst. Coach: Bryan Stagg 1 E Abdallah 3 G Day 5 A Woods 6 T Maher 7 J Hogan (C)
8 R Maher 9 J Dew 11 B Stafford 12 C Arthurson 13 C Wcarelii
14 A Kenez 16 N Crowe (VC) 17 A Adjemis
18 K Laski 19 K Paproth 20 H Vinc e 21 C Krohkowski 22 J Tartagli a
24 A Wals h 25 C Potosi
26 K Walke r 27 H Fulton
28 L Hamblin 29 A Deveson
30 R Martinson 31 P Stagg 32 L Kaldo r
32 D. Borland 33 A. Cordy
34 B. Flemin g
35 M. Karunaratne 36 G . Kennedy
: . .. .~,., ,' , .L,
37 B. Renick 38 T. Ross
39 F. Wamt3ach
40 R . Atkinson
. ,
41 D . Brown 42 M. Steven s
Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 3053
Coach: Craig William s
Under-19 - Section BLUE BENTLEIGH
18 P BreNcreuz
Coach: Rob Smith Asst : Matt Franci s 1 M Sheehan 4 S Murphy 5 D Colman 6 P Davis 12 S Crowe 14 S O'Brien 16 J McNamara 17 C Howard 18 T Robson 19 W Quaran 21 S Morwood 23 K Smyth 26 C White 28 C Reid 33 T Silvers 39 0 Keeney 40 P Meiklejohn
19 S Nicholson
41 B Flanigan
20 21 R Turner 22 B McLellan
42 J Fletcher 45 A Hillier 50 D Hassaballa
23 S Corrigan
51 R McArdle
25 N Salvatore 26 T Krotofil 30 B Tiso, B
52 M Kennelly 53 J Casey
Coach : Mick Lee 1 R Dolman 2 R Heywood 3 0 Lewis 4 J D'Offay 5 T Ridgway 6 J Roberts 7 S Holmesby 8 B Holden 9 D Wild 10 0 Fogarty
11 J Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M Wilson 15 D Streker 16 K Pereira 17
MAZENOD Coach: Shane Regan
1 Ashley 2 Medcraft 3 Mrtsios
4 0 Caugney 5 ACiavarelia
6 Nussbaum S(VC)
4 Barnes
5 Brosnan 6 DeNatris 7 Black 8 Sayers 9 Jewell
10 Pincott
11 Fisher 12 Evans 13 Haysom
14 Davis
15 Peel
18 D Micanef
7 loannidis S 8 Thompson C C 9 Rossen lis 10 Piazza A 11 Near A 12 Gnarls H 13 Evangelista J 14 Patuad P 15 Nevitt J 17 Angus 8 18 Mesley G 19 Margetis J
19 B Moran
20 Fredrickson J
16 Brosnan
20 A Norman
21 Onurlu K
17 Clancy
21 D Nutting 22 M Pecaa 23 0 Power
23 Sofoulis M(Capt) 24 Staker J
18 Jewell 19 David
24 D Regan 25 E Roberts 26 B Ross 27 S Smith 28 P Souter 29 s SraNey 30 T Steinton
26 Cain 0 27 Stagoll D 28 Cook P 29 Bolitho J
20 Machin 21 Jacobs 22 Dunne 24 Buckley 25 Bogartin 26 Fotopoulos
6 G Cocks 7 B Costin 8 M Cummins 9 W Evans 10 D Grantham
11 J Hendry 12 D Hensman
13 P Johnson 14 J Kavanagh 15 J Lambert 16 S Man n 17 J Mather
30 Tan S 31 Pawlik J 32 Ni D
52 M . McLellan 54 B Meehan
PENINSULA O .B . Coach : Neil Franks
1 S. Knobel (dvc)
2 M. Barron (vd) 3 R . Staintorth (C) 4 R . Smit h 5 D. Smith 6 B . Mitchell
7 S . Cumming 8 P. Wignal l 9 A. law 10 D. Brennan 17 M . Kenny 1 2 A de Lange 13 L Forsler
14 L Cognian
15 J. Preston 16 C. O Loughlin ' 17 J . Hocking 18 T Madder 19 P. Dade Bell 20 C . Matthew s 21 H . Nestor 22 W. Miller 23 J . Rhodes 25 S . Jay (dvc)
26 J . Murphy 27 J . Gray
28 s . Patching 29 B. Pritchard 30 R. Velpens 32 R. Heggie 33 R. Watt-Forde 34 S. Smith
EMMUS ST. LEOS Coach: Peter Free
Coach: Peter Skinner
28 Harris
34 Salemo C
29 Kilmartin
35 Fletcher C
34 Ramsay
41 Antenucct J(DVC) 43 Taylor S 44 Evangelista B
44 Robbins
33 Verrocchi M
33 R Wlckremasngh e 34 qwnstanle y
47 S Wright
Coach: Michael Oate n
I Nassarallah E (DVC 3 Konis A 4 Lazarakis C(Capt)
32 Aweekes
Coach: Gary Williams
1 M Bertone 2 N Bradley 3 S Castricum
31 W Vanderg=rt
1 G Kowalski 2 D Homan 3 N Polan 4 C Peake 5 D Cannane 6 S Balisson 7 C Walker 8 R Tinney 10 J Beattie 11 M Nelson 12 H Nguyen
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
J . Pascoe G. Waterman M . Ford T. Flowers R. McCann B. Game R. Stafford P. Percell 9. P. Damico
15 B Skinner Captain 16 R Blythe
14 . G. Groughan 15 . S . McPhee
18 J Ryan 19 M Furnell 22 M Horton 23 M O'Connor 25 W Mag ee 26 K Thompson 27 D Kennaugh 28 G D'Oliviera 43 B Toth 48 R Morello
18 . J . Brogdan
11 . F. BOwden
13 . T. Ahern
20. D . Parker 22. S . Eduati
23. G. Hanson 24. M . Whelan 46. J . Barry 49. P. Barranello 59. A. Hickey 71 . T. Cole 74. S. Kay
78. N . Robin
GygnocSc' Fibre Cenient
Sponsors : - Hocking Stuart Gunn Island brew Ba r - Southern Cross Hote l - Albert Park Indoo r
Under-19 - Section RED AQUINAS Coach : Terry McEvoy 6 S Hills 7 B Helms
7 . S . Mountain
Coach : Tim Bell Asst : Tony Dullard 1 R . Astudilto
12 A Munctlow, 13 C Williams 14 A. LobzCuk 17 M Adams
8 . A . Eccles 9 . D . Thomson 10. T. Lee it . M. Voglis 12. D . McColl 13. B. Tekin 14. J . Newman 15. S. Millar 16. R . Tremayne
18 T Walsh 19 P Symons 20 B Hardham
20. B. Lapadoula
14 D. Leicester
22. A. Benerichs 23. A. Stavrelis 24. M . Meadows 26. A. Georgakopoubs
15 N. Leman 16 M .Louis-Gleeson 17 G . Maroon to K. Maghamez 19 D. Mc e e ~'
8 M W811 9 S Loonstra
10 M Dexter
17' P. Voglis 18. B. Moran 19. C. Lapadoula
21 C Galliolt
22 M Vsser 24 C Crozier 50 A Failla
52 D White 61 D Jennings
27 . S. Hoysted 28 . M . Fitt 29 . M . Coulston
66 A Kinghome
30 . P. Florence 32 . J . McDonald
67 D Muir
33 . P. Murch
68 B Pratt
34, E . Odza 35 . M . Ramondetta 36 . A . Coulston 37 . J . Wolnizer 38 . M . Crooks 40 . P. losifidis
41 . A . Smith 42 . S Roussidis 43 . D . Seraicco
45 . M. Makin 46. P. Naido s 50. T. Austen
OLD WESTBOURNE Coach: Peter Howarth
1. 2_ 3. 4.
L .MOms B,yyhn.ng S.Dunn J.Tanner
5 . M .Whd,ng
.6 . M .Ristevski 7. D.Tang
8. C.HUdson 9. J.White 10 . LSquara ii . P.Hudson t2 W.G ry szan 13 . J .Rednrond 14 . J .Newlan 15 . A.Woods 16 . G.Rixon
17. D.TaYIor 18 . S .IGng iy B Buaa 20 . D.Chan 21 A Can 22. B .Hughes
23. F.McGregor 24 G.Bartfett 25. APotts 26. Feertone 54.T.Whi6ng
OLD XAVERIANS (1 & 2) Coaches U19(1) Adam Sessi U19(2) David Galbally
1 Purcell P 2 Rubra E 3 Fitz aid t, 4 P.1o{~ian N 5 VaugAhan S 7 Rowe L
8 McDonnell J(dvc) 9 Mortensen J 10 Sheedy S
tt Maule7 pyn 73 F.feMn-Smiln J 14 LarkinsC 15 Stlk N 16 Adams S 17 Meehan D 18 D, Stefano 5 9 Rees
20 Gnnrvan L 21 Ryan S 22 SmRh D 23 Butler N
24 Indovino F 25 Henderson R 26 O'Hanbn h{ 27 PalmerT 28 Trahair T 29 Fusmato R 30 Fdzperald J 31 MulfanyJ 32 ~re S 34 Mom42N 35 AqiusJ v c (1 36 0.{ua M 37 Trova o M 38 ForrestJ 39 sanely K 40 Stack J 41 Clark S 42 Gulley 0(c) 43 Tobin L 44 oumn D 45 McConnack R 46 Sweeney J 47 Chapman P 48 Torrence S 49 Corcoran T
50 Chester P 51 Boland E 52 Monlgomery S 53 Counsel N 54 French R 55 Henderson C 56 LaV15 D
Manly D McFadaneT Pam- L
2 K. Bams,lenkms 3 S. Bombaci 4 J . Boyle 5 A Chiew 6 J . Chilcotl 7 J . Cooke 8 K Donato 9 J. Downie 10 C . Duffard 11 S. Edwards t2 S. Greenwood 13 N. Hart
20 J. Mujanovic 21 W. Murray 22 G. Ozusen
23 N. Quick 24 J. Richardson 25 M . Rogers 26 D. Russell 27 D. Ryan 28 B Swtt 29 N. Shunleworth 30 H. Topp 31 J . Violato
Coach: Zoran Colovic 20 A .Twnlinson 29 D.Paton 38 D.P.1cKaI 60 N .Ulph 66 TWhitehead 72 MAedmontl 79 G.NOrton N .Beck ABarelli D .Brenna n E .Ca llag han ~.0lel h gd J .Daniel s PDavies
4 C . Ives 5 S. O'Connor 6 S. Davis 8 J. Mahony 9 B. O'Connor 10 J. Kelsey
Sated (VC) 12 D. Hilton 11 Y.
B.De Bmin
TDeveson C .Edwards G .Girdwood B.Hayes R .Hosking
13 D. White (VC) 14 G . Irvi n 15 A. Egan (VC)
16 G . Kenned y 17 K. Norton 18 J . Anderson 19 B . Cornwall 20 L. Clarke (C)
AJares J.Koopmans J.Lambert f,{ Lartwnt H,Lancasler
M .Lynch c.Mabney D.Mann R. Menefl H.Miller B'Parthenides
21 M . Fannin g 22 N . Jensen 23 P. Flander s 24 R . Leahy 25 S .JO e yc s 26 T. Burges
j_qo~~' ~r~
27 L. Relay 28 P. Galliva n 30 J . Jellett
RUP 000 (2) Coaches:
1 Phillips 2 S nner H 3 Nest T 4 Little
6 Quinn ~n B K 8 Bradley
9 Sp+nner L 12 Evans A 13 Plummer
15 Clark 16 Monzel 17 ouin+ey t9 Muir 20 Harrison M 21 VanboMel $ S
37 Hodes 38 Barry D 39 Barry P
40 Brennan L 41 ~d ,mng D 3 43 Smith Tern L 44 Anhurson D 45 Benc e 46 Gibbs 47 Jones
48 Kipbkes 50 Smrth 52 Moore 53 Lane 54 Dea n 56 Glenn 57 Peczelli 58 Balmer 59 At a gj 8ad~l de ey 71 Boxall 74 Burns 78 Dowsett 7 y Watson 9 80 Qua
t . 3t`tiiiN'
at .a>.:~
Coaches: Shaun Kelly John Murphy 1 L . Delmenic o 2 B. O'Halloran 3 R . Keena n (VC)
32 G. Williams 33 R. Williams 34 J . Ziemer 35 M. Zika
2 Bashop 23 24 Momsor. 26 McPhee 28 Feel 30 Gaunt 31 M. 32 Wishart 33 Olwer 34 House 35 Arxtamo 36 Ariderson
OHSUU /ST BERNARD S Coach : Peter McBreaty
1 Egan 8 Cover
9 Maloney
to 0'rounce
ii Oakley
14 Mccrae 15 Turner 16 Oxenferd 17 Rogers 18 Trevethem 19 Keogh 21 Whelan 22 Mcmurtne 4 Bergin 26 Bain 28 Angel 29 Christensen
L L P C A P T 0
30 Lancashire 32 De Campo 33 Gourley
0 M M
39 Pegg 42 Farrell 4 Rumbold
47 Clark
48 Dube 50 Schroder 60 George 70 Prendi 71 Grf(rths 72 Higgins 75 McdennMt
~~t %r,,~= t3tb=i;ÂŁF3 .r .
With the season now past the half way mark, the contest for final four positions is proving most interesting, with upset results becoming more common throughout the competition . Round 8 saw me score a success rate of 71% .
Review of Round 8 Section 1 . St Kevin's hit top form when they easily accounted for Marcellin by one hundred and twenty nine points. Inaccuracy early hindered St Kevin's but a vituperative address at half time by Ryan Quirk saw St Kevin's power to their massive victory . They were well served by defender, David Makohon as well as by on ballers, Greg . Smith and John Fox . The Old Brighton versus De La Salle match produced an even contest which finished with De La Salle ahead by one point as Old Brighton, even with last use of the wind , could not pierce the De La defence . Best for the winners were: Nicholas, Moloney and veteran David Jennings . Prahran returned to the form of seasons past with a one hundred and four point win over a disappointing Old Scotch . Significantly a nine goal effort by Cartledge paved the way for Prahran 's win . Mazenod did not have the contest against Old Essendon go all their own way especially early in the game. A thirty four point victory was gratefully accepted . Mazenod was well served by : Busby and the consistent, Nick Jacobs . Old Xaverians had the bye . Section 2. Collegians scored a telling win over University Blacks by thirty three points . Inaccurate kicking cost Old Scotch dearly as the more accurate Eley Park defeated them by eighteen points. Eley Park's third quarter effort to hold Scotch goalless while adding four themselves proved decisive to the result . Best for Eley Park included ; Justin Nelson, Glen Bastian and Daniel Grant . Scotch was well served by: David Johnston, Richard Craven and defender, Lincoln Walkon . Therry Penola vindicated my selection by defeating Monash Blues by sixteen points . Fitzroy Reds moved into the top four by defeating Whitefriars by eighty eight points . Old Xaverians led Old Melburnians narrowly at the first change but for the final three quarters the O .M .s held control before winning by thirty six points . This margin was greater than the Xaverian score . 56
Section 3. University Blues defeated Old Geelong by seventy three points to maintain their unbeaten record . La Trobe University upset all predictions by defeating North Old Boys by fifteen points to win the inaugural Scanlon Cup . Straighter kicking was a leading factor in La Trobe's win . Old Trinity returned to the winning list through their nineteen point win over Emmaus, St Leo's . Trinity who came from behind to win had good players in : Burgess, Arrowsmith and Stockdale i.e. Cameron not Stuart!!!! Emmaus, St Leo's best included : the Contessottos, Scardamaglia and McGloin . Old Carey made it two wins in a row when they defeated Caulfield Grammarians by twelve points in the highest scoring match in the Section . Monash Gryphons forfeited to Old Scotch . Preview of Round 9 . Section 1 . Prestige will be at stake when Old Xaverians play St Kevin's at McHale Stadium. It is three weeks since the "Crocodiles" played but they are at hom e
CLUB C18 1 Mazenod Prahran Mazenod St Kevins De La Salle C18 2
Fothergill Cartlidge Buszard Harvey P Roberts
32 30 21 20 20
Old Scotch Simon 2 32 Therry Kerman 7 26 Collegians Grant 3 23 Eley Park Jackson 2 16 Monash Blues Coughlin 3 14 C18 (3) North Old Boys Connoly 1 44 Old Scotch Illingworth 0 30 North Old Boys Cerini 3 15 Old Geelong Slattery 0 14 Old Trinity Arrowsworth 1 13 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
and St Kevin's wasted many opportunities early in lessened the deep Trinity pool of talent . Round 8 . Although this match will test Old How does one select a winner between Monash Xaverians severely, I select them purely on their Gryphons and Caulfield Grammarians?? John marvellous ability to rise above adversity and to Wilson's sage advice is Caulfield will do better after the break . This coupled with the continuing play as well as they have to when required . Old Scotch should be able to defeat Old Brighton prospect of semester examinations prompts me to select Caulfield Grammarians . and by so doing keep in touch with the leading CORRESPONDENTS sides . In a potential final's clash Mazenod will be at home Team managers don't forget to contact me by to Prahran, whose Round 8 form was reminiscent "phone 9467 2857 or by e mai l of that of season's past . Mazenod have met every nknuaent @alphalink .com.au by noon Monday . challenge to date and will be confident today . Cuberes should be able to set up the running Old Trinity - Today colleague, Fraser Cameron Mazenod players from the ruck . Their forwards in will play his 200th game for his beloved Old Bridgland and Fothergill will appreciate an open Trinity. This effort is a mighty one spread over forward line . At the other end of the ground some 12 seasons, during which time Fraser has Cartledge and Butterworth (if fit) will pose played in each of the four Old Trinity teams as well problems for the Mazenod defenders . A close as completing his legal studies and establishing encounter should be forthcoming . I select himself as a city solicitor . In his spare time Fraser Mazenod to win narrowly after a lot of physical writes the Underl9 2,3 and Blue column in this effort. august journal . Congratulations, Fraser from your Old Essendon have shown improved form to make playing and journalistic friends . Ad multos annos!! a contest of games against the top sides in recent Old Scotch - Simon IIlingworth will play his rounds . Today at Bulleen they should win over 150th game for the Club this weekend at the ripe Marcellin, who are struggling despite their A age of 36 in the Club XVIII competition . Illo has Section successes . been an outstanding leader at the Club and we De La Salle have the bye. salute him for his recent brave public stance . Section 2 . David Ireland played his 100th game in round Collegians are my selection to defeat Eley Park five. Dave is another player who has made a great mainly because the game is at Albert Park where impact in the Club XVIII competition over many Eley Park played poorly in last season's semi final . years. Monash Blues have a great chance to regain that winning feeling against University Blacks, who TODAY'S MATCHES seem to have lost their way . It is a long way from CLUB 18 (1) Parkville to Clayton, where the "Farm" will win over the "Shop" . Old Xaverians v St Kevins Fitzroy Reds should continue on their winning way De La Salle - By e at home over Therry Penola, who have little away Old Scotch v Old Brighton form to recommend them . Mazenod 0 C v Prahran Old Melburnians, who now head the ladder, Marcellin v Old Essendon G r should have a percentage boosting victory over Whitefriars . CLUB 18 (2) Old Xaverians form over the last few weeks has Collegians v Eley Par k deteriorated as instanced by their slow starts to Monash Blues v University Blacks games . Against Old Scotch, they must play for Fitzroy Reds v Theny Penola 0 B at eighty minutes or face another defeat . From my Ramsden Street Reserve observations I don't believe the Xaverians will be talented enough to take the points today . Old Melburnians v Whitefriars Section 3 . Old Scotch (2) v Old Xaverians (2) at Old Scotch will give the University Blues spirited Camberwe ll Spo rts Ground opposition, but I believe the overall size and talent of the Blues will carry them to victory . CLUB 18 (3) North Old Boys should be able to defeat an University Blues v Old Scotch (3) inconsistent Old Geelong on the Gillon Oval. North Old Boys v Old Geelong At home I favour Emmaus, St Leo's to defeat La Emmaus St Leos 0 C v La Trobe Uni Trobe University, who will be buoyed by their Old Carey v Old Trinity at Hudson Oval, Round 8 victory . At Bennetswood, the Combine Trinity GS Sports Ground s will prove too strong. Old Trinity do possess enough talent to defeat the new form side Old Carey, even though injury has 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Monash Gryphons v Caulfield Gr 57
CLUB 18 (1l OLD XAVERIANS BYE ST EEVIN S 5 .2 8 .10 15 .12 25.14 (164) 5 .5(35) MARCELLIN 0 .2 2 .2 4.4 St )ievins: Drake 6 Wood 3 Scarfo 5 Mc Guinness 3 P Mclnerney 2 Stewart Gentiluomo Shelley Fox Holland G Smith . Best: S Dillon J Drake Makohoan Wood Fox . Marcelfln: Andrews Edwards Petroff Wall Grimes . Best: Petroff Grimes Wall Andrews Edwards.
Umpires: Steve Mason Ryan Hense (F) OLD BRIGHTON 3 .4 4.5 5.8 7 .11 (53) DE LA SALLE 2 .1 3.8 5.10 7 .12 (54) Old Brighton: Cochran 3 O'Neill Davies Maddox Marston . Best : Parnham Jenkin Pemberton Wood Oakley Cochran . De La Salle: N Buick 2 Roberts 2 N Harter M Harber Clinch . Best: Moloney N Harber M Brasher Clinch Bowker Jarvis . Umpires: Mark Thornhill (F) PRAHRAN 8.2 14.5 17.11 20.15 (135) OLD SCOTCH 0.1 2.2 2 .5 4 .7(31) Prahran: Cartlidge 9 Farrell 3 lvak 3 Maughan 3 Zissis Storer . Best: Scott Geri Cartlidge Storer T Belej Zissis . Old Scotch: Beaurepaire Gaunt Gerstman Lin. Best: Willis Williams Lovelle Dufour McMurtrie Backman.
Umpires : Gavan Hegan Joseph Salvatore (F)
7 .3 7 .5 (47) OLD ESSENDON 3.1 4 .2 4.4 7 .5 9.9 12 .9 (81) MAZENOD Old Essendon: Uebergang 3 Muir 2 Poulton Carter . Best; Turner Wheeler Papal Eddy Carter Uebergang. Mazenod : Busby 2 Bridgland 2 Fisher 2 Buszard 2 Belleville Jacobs Fothergill Palamara. Best : Busby Collins Coheres Jacobs Fisher Williams .
Umpires: Tony Robbins (F) CLUB 18 (2) UNI BLACES 2 .1 7.2 7.3 11 .5 (71) 1 .3 5.7 12.13 15 .13 (103) COLLEGIANS Uni Blacks : Spong 2 Thomson 2 Steer 2 Pascoe Black Baben Merlo Owen . Best: Thomson Pascoe Black Ryan Stewart Steer. Coll egians: S Day 3 Grant 3 Gambaro 2 Oakley 2 Barber Bume Wall Ross Brain . Best: Ross Peokov Burne Haines Barber Frown .
Umpires: "Paul Mallon (F ) ELEY PARE 3.5 7.5 11 .8 13.10 (88) OLD SCOTCH ( 2) 1 .3 6 .6 6.10 9.16 (70) Eley Park: Psaltopoulos 4 Thomas 2 Nelson 2 Blake 2 Jackson 2 Roll . Best: Cavall Roll Jackson Grant Thomas Nelson . Old Scotch: Simon 2 Comport 2 Glen 2 Hosking 2 Costello . Best : Fillmore Johnston Gray Craven Compori . Umpires: Paul Nailer (F) THERRY PENOIA 1.3 7 .7 12.9 14 .11 (95) MONASH BLUES 3 .3 8 .5 10.6 12.7 (79)
Therry Penol a : Keenan 7 B Lyons 3 Stevens 2 Topic Watson. Best: Van Englen Maredik Keenesey Saunders Topic Keenan. Monash Blues: Goughlin 3 M Woods 3 Torres 2 West 2 Byrden Moir . Best : M Woods L Woods Coughlin Arnett Smibert Plehn . Umpires : Rick Benson (F) 2 .6(18) WHITEFRIARS 0 .1 1 .3 1 .5 FITZROY REDS 4 .5 8.8 10 .14 15 .16 106) Match details not received . Umpires : Simon Fearless Joe Ciccotosto (F) OLD %AVERTANS (2) 2 .1 3.2 4.5 4 .6 (30) OLD &4ELBURRIANS 1 .3 4.5 6.7 9 .12(66) Old Xav: Francis King Knott Carradus OM's : Bains 2 Berman J Tomlinson Officer Arden Verge Utdng Ellis . Best: McGrath Chamberlin Stribley King Bushby Xeureb. Old Meib : Baths 2 Berman J Tomlinson Officer Arden Verge Utting Ellis . Best: Bains Cooper H Tomlinson White E Tomlinson Utting . Umpires : Tony Byrnes Paul Fahey (F )
CLUB 16 (3) 4.3 5.7 (37) OLD GEELONG 2.1 4.3 UNIVERSITY BLUES 6.3 9.8 13.14 16 .14 (110) Old Geelong : Timms Hetherington Abbott Imhoff McCarthy . Best: Burgess MacLean McCarthy Meek Hetherington Chadder . University Blues: Coleman 4 Banister Moylan Waxman Catlert 2 McKinley Richie Glass Costin . Best: Glass Yoew Riehie Costin Irving McKinley .
Umpires: Trevor Hansen (F) 12 .7 (79) OLD SCOTCH ( 3) 7 .8(50) MONASH GRYPHONS Monash Gryphons forfeit - Old Scotch received forfeit . 4 .8(32) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .2 3 .3 4.6 7 .5(47) LA TROBE 1 .2 2 .2 5 .3 NOBs: Trimboli 2 M Connolly D Striblev. Best : D Stribley Muscat Sondhu Trimboli J Christian Ludeman . LaTrobe: Watson 2 Robson Scanlon Rule Waterman Palmeri . Best: Murphy Waterman Fennel Clifford Robson Collins. Umpires: Frank Kavanagh (F ) 9.3(57) OLD TRINITY 1 .1 4.3 6.3 6.4(40) EMMAUS ST LEOS 3.1 3.1 5.3 Old Trinity : Chiffey 2 N Stebbins 2 Stockdale 2 Arrowsmith G Treadwell S Cade. Best : Burgess Arrowsmith Welsh Stockdale Thwaites Mansour. Emmaus St Leos : McGlion 2 Kenny England Carson Landy. Best: Wood Landy Perry Haverkamp . Umpires: Bri an Nunn David Windlow (F) CAULFIELD G NS 4.1 5.4 9 .7 13.13 (91) OLD CAREY 1 .4 7.7 11 .12 15 .13 (103) Caulfield Grammarians : Dalwood 6 Bettany 2 Townley 2 Nadebaum C Benkemoun Johnson . Best: Dalwood Bettany Richardson Bremer. Old Care y: Alexander 4 Guerra 3 Small 2 Lord 2 Curry Mudge . Best: Mudge Curry Guerra Everitt Small. Umpires: Paul Rapke (F)
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Wide range of st an dard Sporting Trophies and custom manufactured award s
All types of Plaques and Signs in brass, steel, acrylic, wood, glass, ... Honour Boards and update s o Complete in-house Engraving and Artwork Service e Quality Crystal, Silver, Pewter and Leather Giftwar e * Framing of Jumpers, Certificates, Footballs, Memorabilia . . . * Club and Ccrrporz~ :e Clothin g
The completion of round 5 marks the end of the first half of the season with a lot of exciting football being played by all teams . In round 5 games were played all over the state in the top of the table clash between Ballam Park 1 and Hallam Park 2, Ballam Park 1 took the honors and won very convincingly 23 .13 .151 to 2.1 .13 . The first game played in Albury was between Ballarat and 0& M Jets with Ballarat having a comfotable win 9 .7.61 to the Jets 5 .5 .35. In the second game at the top of the state Monnee Valley also took the points on a long road trip winning 6 .9 .45 to 0& M Jets 2 2 .5 .17 . In games at Port Colts Bull Temp took on the home team in the first match . but didn't have any joy losing to the Port Colts 0.5.5 to 8.14.62 . Port Colts 2 also had a win against Ringwood, Port Colts 2 won 3 .16.34 to Ringwood 1 .1 .7 . In games played at Mambourin, Broadmeadows I had a easy win over Mambourin 13.11 .89 to Mambourin 2 .1 .13 in the final game of round 5 we seen the undefeated Maribyrnong take on Broadmeadows 2 and it was a very easy win to Maribyrnong winning 18.20 .128 to no score . In round 6 games we see Ballam Park 1 play Bull Temp, Broadmeadows 2 take on Parkside and Broadmeadows I play Ballam Park 2 these three games are being played at Parkville . In games elsewhere Ballarat play Port Coltsl, Monnee Valley play Port Colts 2 both those games are being played at Port Colts . In our last two games which are being played at Albury 0 & M Jets play Mambourin and 0& M Jets 2 Take on Maribyrnong . Good Luck to all teams in round 6 games. This In our City Vs Country game we saw a very highly skilled game and a very good spectacle . In a close game all day the city team ran out winners 9 .4 .58 to country 6 .4.40 in a very good and fair game of football .is a list of players that have been selected for the state team : City Country Peter Willoughby (Port Colts) Jarrod Smith (Geelong) Daryl Cousins (Broadmeadows) Michael Mazzaritfl (Ballarat) Gary Long (Ballam Park) Dale Heath (Geelong ) Ray Warren (Broadmeadows) Paul He (Ballarat ) Dan Douthwaite (Parkside) Ray Barnes (Maribmong) Jason Watts (Monnee Valley) Kim Lowcock (Gippsland) Ian Tanner (Bottom Park) Peter Williamson ( Geelong) Glen Egan (Maribyrnong) Darren Williamson (Geelong)
City Matt Eartha (Ballam Park) Tyrone Wells (Parkside) Dave Smith (Port Colts) Brad Dean (Broadmeadows)
Country Ronnie Layton (Gippsland) Les Thompson (Geelong) Shaun Patterson (lvtaribynong) Jamie Ronaldson (Maribynong) Callum Walters (Gippsland) Matt Kattag (Geelong) S Kuigul (Geelong)
State Coache s
Co Coach - Paul Newman Co Coach - Andrew Redston Training Session s Wednesday 16th of June at 5pm (optional) Monday 21st of June at 6pm (optional ) Monday 28th of June at 6pm and jumper presentation follov ng (compulsory) FIDA LADDERS ROUND 5 DIVISION i P W L BALLAM PARK 1 5 5 0 BROADMEAOOWS1 4 4 0 BALLAM PARK 2 5 4 1 NORTH BALLARAT 5 2 3 PORT COLTS 1 5 2 3 BULLEEN-TEMP, 5 2 3 0&MJETSI 4 0 4 MAMBOURIN TIGERS 5 0 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F AgsE % PIS 612 44 1390 .91 20 269 73 368.49 16 285 239 11925 16 197 196 100,51 8 189 224 84 :38 8 134 269 49.81 8 77 287 26 .83 0 58 489 11 .86 0
Pt5 % DIVISION 2 P VA L D F AgSf MARIBYRNONG 5 5 0 0 423 7 6042 .86 20 0&MJETS2 4 3 1 0 90 90 100.00 12 PARKSIDE# 5 4 1 0 239 192 124.48 16 Po400PlEE'lALLEY 5 3 2 0 108 110 98 .18 12 PORT COLTS 2 5 2 3 0 89 90 98.89 8 BROADMEADOWS 2 4 2 2 0 113 206 54.85 B 0 RINGWOOD 5 0 5 0 75 384 19.53 # had bye last round O&M v Broadmeadows Rill matches to be played on June 6, 2004 ' Received forfeit last roun d
VAFA ' . 1
glts of Tribu r]' I?a ~~qn s-~t~ --rr n U "Ross Quick , De La Salle ( Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches. 'Adam Bilwani, Old Trinity (Under-19). Striking 2 matches . 'Peter O'Brien, Whitefriars (CIub18). Audible obscenity, 1 match. Accepted Prescribed Penalty Results of investigation fiearin4s - Tuesda . J~une 8 Old Camberwell and Parkdale Vultures charged with a melee in their senior match played at Camberwell on Saturday May 29th. Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a minor melee. Old Camberwell $100 (1st offence for seniors over the last two year period) and Parkdale Vultures $150 (2nd offence for seniors over the last two year period) . Aquinas and Fitzroy Reds charged with a melee in their senior match played at Punt Road on Saturday May 29th . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a major melee . Aquinas $600 (3rd offence for seniors over the last two year period) and Fitzroy Reds '300 (2nd offence for seniors over the last two year period) .
ce l second offence ($25); third ce ('` ~); fourth offence ($ 1 00); each offence ($I00).
; : :serues1C18 Seniors/U19 , ::ilure to phone failure to provid e by 2 .3 0pm final scores by 5pm Ormond (R) Swinburne University (S) ~arra Valley (R) Old Brighton (U ) Old Xaverians (2) (C) Old Paradians (U) Uni . Blacks (U ) -rned incearrect scores - Round 7 Whitefriars (S), Old Xaverians (R), Old Geelong (R), Be La Salle OC (C), ;aarceIlin (C )
Division Barry Hickey Ed Sill Gavan Flower Glen Harrison Peter Willamson Norm Nugent Andrew Wu Tom Brain Fraser Cameron Cam Nation Johathan Horn
C D2 Club XVII I D2 B U/ 19 U/ 19 A
4 4 5 4 4 9 4 2 7 8 5
5 5 5 5 5 13 5 5 14 9 5
31 29 29 29 28 77 27 26 72 46 24
40 40 40 40 40 113 40 40 11l 72 40
78% 73% 73% 73% 70% 68% 68% 65% 65% 64% 60 %
This CiVILL =' C, ;: Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid P square in which the majority of the ballwas, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined) . Watch this space!
Last week, ball was in AS . No winning entries from 20 received . HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person. Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page . fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 or fax to ~"31 6601 .
Entry to be received by noon Tuesda , r 62
P W L D For d~sP % t f LA TROBE UNI 8 8 0 0 734 289 253 .98 32 OLD GEELONG 8 6 2 0 836 220 380 .00 24 OLD CAREY 8 6 2 0 612 326 187 .73 24 BENTLEIGH 8 4 4 0 483 504 95 .83 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 8 4 4 0 499 585 85 .30 16 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 8 3 5 0 540 729 74 .07 12 SWINBURNE UNI 8 3 5 0 423 635 66 .61 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 8 2 6 0 338 658 51 .37 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 8 2 6 0 233 465 50 .11 8 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 8 2 6 0 300 706 42 .49 8
U19 (z) 6i's.UE
L D for_ Agst
PENINSULA 0 B 8 7 1 0 1175 658 178 .57 28 #ST JOHNS 0 C 8 7 1 0 759 480 158.13 28 'EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 8 6 2 0 798 591 135 .03 24 BENTLEIGH 8 5 3 0 956 331 288,82 20 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 8 3 5 0 681 805 84 .60 12 MAZENOD 0 C 8 3 5 0 638 834 76 .50 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 8 3 5 0 598 996 60 .04 12 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 8 2 6 0 565 964 56 .61 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 2 6 0 502 1022 49 .12 8 ORMOND 8 1 7 0 575 1019 56 .43 4 #Appeal Ineligible player Round 3 Upheld ir .-' - a P 64 *Ineligible player Round 6 L 1! ~or A asf Pts % UHS-VU 8 8 0 0 651 261 249.43 32 P W RUPERTSWOOD 8 7 1 0 783 310 252 .58 28 91919149U L 4 For A9sP % Pts OAKLEIGH 8 7 1 0 761 307 247 .88 28 FITZROY REDS 8 8 0 0 923 266 346 .99 32 ST JOHNS 0 C 8 5 3 0 645 436 147 .94 20 LA TROBE UNI 8 7 1 0 683 240 284.58 28 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 8 4 4 0 504 425 118 .59 16 RUPERTSWOOD (2) 8 6 2 0 666 403 165 .26 24 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 8 3 5 0 652 639 102 .03 12 OLD WESTBOURNE 8 5 3 0 522 575 90 .78 20 POWER HOUSE 8 3 5 0 398 621 64.09 12 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 8 5 3 0 367 461 79.61 20 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 8 2 6 0 418 736 56.79 8 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 8 3 5 0 535 613 87 .28 12 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 8 1 7 0 259 686 3736 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 3 5 0 430 668 64.37 12 MT LILYDALE 8 0 8 0 200 995 20.10 0 AQUINAS 0 C 8 2 6 0 413 745 55 .44 8 UHS-VU/ST BERNARDS 8 1 7 0 310 1006 30 .82 4 L Lr For Agsf P W % Pts P W L D F~ KEW 8 7 1 0 633 295 214 .58 28 P& NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 7 1 0 702 442 158 .82 28 MAZENOD 0 8 8 0 0 542 348 155,75 32 ELSTERNWICK 8 6 2 0 675 412 163 .83 24 OLD XAVERIANS 8 7 1 0 813 253 321 .34 28 ST MARYS 8 5 3 0 531 518 102 .51 20 ST KEVINS 8 5 3 0 647 430 150,47 20 OLD WESTBOURNE 8 4 3 1 460 413 111 .38 18 PRAHRAN 8 5 3 0 408 364 112 .09 20 ALBERT PARK 8 3 4 1 590 459 128 .54 14 DE LA SALLE 8 4 3 1 511 482 106 .02 18 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 8 3 5 0 553 511 108 .22 12 OLD SCOTCH 8 3 4 1 395 612 64 .54 14 BULLEEN COBRAS 8 3 5 0 430 535 80 .37 12 OLD BRIGHTON 8 3 5 0 370 477 77 .57 12 RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 1 7 0 322 659 48 .86 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 8 2 6 0 306 595 51 .43 8 BOX HILL NORTH 8 0 8 0 324 1024 31 .64 0 MARCELLIN 8 2 6 0 205 707 29 .00 8 OLD IVANHOE 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 .00 0 U11 1 P Ed L _ IT Far _AW % F8a WERRIBEE AMATEURS 8 6 2 0 852 610 139 .67 24 WLlf4 1 Sfe P W L D For AW % Pts ST KEVINS 8 6 2 0 812 673 120 .65 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 6 2 0 607 398 152,51 24 OLD XAVERIANS 8 5 2 1 916 569 160 .98 22 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 8 6 2 0 511 381 134 .12 24 ST BERNARDS 8 5 2 1 786 705 111 .49 22 OLD SCOTCH (2) 8 6 2 0 613 541 113 .31 24 DE LA SALLE 8 5 3 0 761 560 135 .89 20 FITZROY REDS 8 5 3 0 591 418 141 .39 20 OLD SCOTCH 8 4 4 0 783 656 119 .36 16 MONASH BLUES 8 5 3 0 481 445 108 .09 20 MARCELLIN 8 3 5 0 598 715 83 .64 12 ELEY PARK 8 3 5 0 511 528 96.78 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 3 5 0 533 699 76.25 12 COLLEGIANS 8 3 5 0 557 600 92.83 12 OLD BRIGHTON 8 2 6 0 403 1039 38 .79 8 THERRY PENOLA 0 8 8 3 5 0 505 621 81 .32 12 CAULFIELD GR 8 0 8 0 433 832 52 .04 0 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 2 6 0 451 638 70 .69 8 WHITEFRIARS 8 1 7 0 290 618 46,93 4 P S~ L @ _Fvr 9 % Pis RUPERTSWOOD 8 6 2 0 767 668 114 .82 24 f~LrztB IS O PPit L D For Apt % Pts COLLEGIANS 8 5 2 1 619 422 146 .68 22 UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 8 0 0 1054 221 476 .92 BANYULE VIEWBANK 8 5 3 0 660 613 107 .67 20 OLD TRINITY 8 6 2 0 759 416 182 .45 OLD ESSENDON GR 8 5 3 0 678 659 102 .88 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 5 3 0 530 376 140 .96 BEAUMARIS 8 5 3 0 572 615 93 .01 20 OLD SCOTCH (3) 8 5 3 0 494 492 100 .41 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 4 4 0 505 502 100 .60 16 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 8 4 4 0 517 398 129 .90 OLD TRINITY 8 4 4 0 560 571 98 .07 16 OLD GEELONG 8 3 5 0 521 578 90 .14 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 3 5 0 498 631 78 .92 12 CAULFIELD GR 8 3 5 0 447 776 57 .60 OLD IVANHOE 8 2 5 1 458 668 68 .56 1 0 LA TROBE UNI 8 3 5 0 314 609 51 .56 OLD CAREY 8 2 6 0 325 875 37 .14 8 U1.9 SECTION 3 s W L速 For Agst % Fts MONASH GRYPHONS 1 7 0 325 629 51 .6 7 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 8 0 0 765 413 185.23 32 *ineligible player Round 6 OLD PARADIANS 8 6 2 0 709 514 137.94 24 r------------------------------ I ST BEDES MENT TIC 8 5 3 0 841 435 193.33 20 OLD CAREY 8 5 3 0 796 478 166.53 20 WHITEFRIARS 8 5 3 0 744 496 150.00 20 AJAX 8 4 4 0 750 646 116.10 16 OAKLEIGH 8 3 5 0 657 642 102,34 12 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 8 2 6 0 392 1009 38.85 8 MHSOB 8 1 7 0 304 827 36.76 4 MONASH BLUES 8 1 7 0 350 1120 31 .25 4
7~~~~ 1~ 11~- uC ~J ~~i
W 7 7 7 6 3 3 2 2 2 1
% Prs ( L D For Agst 1 0 1113 689 161 .54 28 1 0 867 548 158.21 28 1 0 844 538 156.88 28 2 0 882 736 119 .84 24 5 0 780 736 105 .98 12 5 0 681 837 81 .36 12 6 0 557 721 77 .25 8 6 0 560 736 76.09 8 6 0 380 882 43 .08 8 4 7 0 600 841 71 .34
L 0 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7
IN 8 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 2 0
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L D For Agst % Fu P W OLD WESTBOURNE 8 7 1 0 806 423 190 54 2 8 ELSTERNWICK 8 7 1 0 1041 572 181 .99 28 KEW 8 7 1 0 842 551 152 .81 28 BULLEEN COBRAS 8 5 3 0 763 657 116 .13 20 ST MARYS 8 4 4 0 831 798 104 .14 16 ALBERT PARK 8 4 4 0 788 782 100 .77 16 NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 2 6 0 796 904 88 .05 8 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 8 1 6 1 504 769 65 .54 6 BOX HILL NORTH 8 1 6 1 605 997 60 .68 6 RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 1 7 0 513 1036 49 .52 4 L D For Agst % Pts P W A RESERVE UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 8 0 0 975 238 409 .66 32 ST BERNARDS 8 6 2 0 636 446 142 .60 24 OLD TRINITY 8 5 3 0 573 339 169 .03 20 OLD SCOTCH 8 5 3 0 653 543 120 .26 20 DE LA SALLE 8 4 4 0 501 522 95 .98 16 OLD XAVERIANS 8 4 4 0 459 549 83 .61 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 8 3 5 0 502 582 86 .25 12 MARCELLIN 8 3 5 0 370 561 65.95 12 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 2 6 0 357 641 55 .69 8 WHITEFRIARS 8 0 8 0 192 797 24 .09 0
For Agst % Pts 883 586 150 .68 32 974 611 159 .41 24 665 613 108 .48 24 748 714 104 .76 20 652 611 106 .71 16 739 723 102 .21 16 658 634 103.79 12 539 717 75 .17 8 606 922 65 .73 4 601 934 64 .35 4
L D For A~t % Pls P 61✓ B RESERVE COLLEGIANS 8 7 1 0 533 402 132 .59 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 6 2 0 589 347 169 .74 24 ST KEVINS 8 6 2 0 608 445 136 .63 24 OLD BRIGHTON 8 4 4 0 495 361 137 .12 16 ST BEDES MENT TIG 8 4 4 0 361 472 76 .48 16 OLD PARADIANS 8 4 4 0 356 488 72 .95 16 OLD ESSENDON GR 8 3 5 0 453 428 105 .84 12 OLD IVANHOE 8 3 5 0 461 597 77 .22 12 MAZENOD 0 C 8 2 6 0 431 685 62.92 8 4 BEAUMARIS 8 1 7 0 318 533 59 .66
L D For ADaf % Pls 0 1128 464 243.10 32 0 894 595 150 .25 24 574 146 .17 24 0 839 0 688 516 133 .33 24 670 108.51 16 0 727 0 683 895 76 .31 16 0 613 640 95 .78 8 0 599 867 69 .09 8 0 463 834 55 .52 8 0 0 439 1086 40 .42
0 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 6 8
L D For Agst % Pls P WW D2 SECTION 6 2 0 849 533 159.29 24 OLD CAREY 8 6 2 0 835 624 133.81 24 OLD GEELONG 8 6 2 0 729 633 115.17 24 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 8 6 2 0 699 625 111 .84 24 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 8 3 5 0 717 725 98 .90 12 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 8 3 5 0 628 652 96 .32 12 LA TROBE UNI 8 3 5 0 525 643 81 .65 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 8 3 5 0 595 808 73 .64 12 BENTLEIGH 8 2 6 0 632 728 86 .81 8 SWINBURNE UNI 8 8 2 6 0 487 755 64.50 8 WEST BRUNSWICK P ,03 SECTION RUPERTSWOOD 8 OAKLEIGH 8 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 8 ST JOHNS O C 8 UHS-VU 8 POWER HOUSE 8 WERRIBEE AMATEURS £ MT LILYDALE £ HAWTHORN AMATEURS £ SYNDAL TALLY-HO £
~+ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 1
L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7
W L D for agst % P ts 7 1 0 776 626 123 .96 28 6 2 0 942 740 127 .30 24 5 2 1 672 696 96 .55 22 5 3 0 914 684 133.63 20 5 3 0 888 719 123.50 20 4 4 0 781 701 111 .41 16 4 4 0 714 666 107 .21 16 2 6 0 537 804 66 .79 8 1 7 0 624 841 74 .20 4 2 0 7 1 561 932 60 .19
~~~ ~
Pts D for Agst % 0 900 487 184 .80 32 0 797 650 122 .62 28 0 839 635 132.13 24 0 759 602 126.08 20 0 715 505 141 .58 16 0 649 641 101 .25 12 0 649 889 73 .00 8 0 570 834 68 .35 8 0 606 951 63 .72 8 0 535 825 64 .85 4
L D Far Ags7
AJAX 8 7 1 0 612 281 217 .79 28 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 6 2 0 595 430 138 .37 24 CAULFIELD GR 8 5 3 0 654 473 138.27 20 MONASH BLUES 8 5 3 0 536 464 115 .52 20 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 8 5 3 0 451 450 100.22 20 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 8 4 4 0 528 470 112.34 16 MHSOB 8 3 5 0 520 427 121 .78 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 3 5 0 420 622 67 .52 12 PARKDALE VULTURES 8 2 6 0 411 734 55 .99 8 GLEN EIRA 8 0 8 0 315 787 40.03 0 Pts Dl RESER VE P~w L D Por Agst UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 7 1 0 907 239 379 .50 28 FITZROY REDS 8 7 1 0 745 306 243 .46 28 ORMOND 8 7 1 0 691 329 210 .03 28 OLD MENTONIANS 8 5 3 0 593 419 141 .53 20 PENINSULA 0 B 8 5 3 0 681 504 135 .12 20 BANYULE 8 3 5 0 460 625 73 .60 12 AQUINAS 0 C 8 3 5 0 381 633 60.19 12 PRAHRAN 8 2 6 0 293 661 44 .33 8 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 8 1 7 0 312 582 5 1 61 4 0 SALESIAN 0 C 8 0 8 0 182 1039 17 .52
W e e 'cend M atches (Fri) Umpires Appointments Scores ( Sat . night)
resented b i
1 0arpes ma be hi t~r hom a mobite phorre to this service) ____ J ~------`- -'}--~------