Fostering Family Football since 189 2
CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH 6 VAFA v .SAAFL Saturdag~.Tuly 3 . 2004 1
Official Journal of the VICTORIAN AMATEUR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Registered for posting as a Publication . Category B .
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This weekend sees the final match of the first AAFC Championship Series which began in 2002, and has seen to date five matches played betwee n I ourselves, the South Australian Amateur League and the Western Australian rlmateur League. Regardless of the result this weekend, the VAFA will on •°''r Saturday night be crowned the Champion Amateur State and one would expec t to see a reasonable number of VAFA players named in the All-Australia n Amateur team, also to be named on Saturday evening as part of the presentations. The players selected will have played an outstanding game or PHILSTEiTENS ;ames over the three year period, or alternatively put in a number of consistent CHIEF EXECUTIV E performances over the three year period . OFFICER As one of members of the AAFC Executive Committee I would like to take thi s opportunity of thanking the key officials of the three leagues for the smooth administration of the series and the support of the Executive Committees of the three states . 1 refer readers to the next few pages of today's "Amateur Footba ll er" for messages from both presidents involved in this weekend's final match of the series, results of previous natches in the series as well as player lists of the two teams participating in the final match of the series . In the picture below can be seen Andrew Rechtman (right) from the VAFA Umpires' Association who coordinated the fundraising effort on behalf of the umpires which saw them take out the major prize for raising the largest amount of money in assisting the Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser . Many of the VAFA clubs put their muscle behind the "Bangers and Cash" concept with clubs holding sausage sizzles to raise money for CF and compete for the first prize of a designer barbeque . The CEO of Cystic Fibrosis Victoria Jenny Reece (pictured) said Bangers and Cash had been a huge success for her organisation with community and sporting clubs (including many VAFA clubs) raising over "25,000 . "Cystic Fibrosis is the most common life-shortening genetic disorer in Australia, affecting the respiratory and digestive systems of over 600 Victorians at any one time" said Jenny . "At CFV we greatly appreciate the support of the VAFA and its clubs and we look forward to holding even more Bangers and Cash sausage sizzles next season . " I'he other member of the pictured trio is VAFA president B ruce McTaggart . "The VAFA is more than happy to put its name behind many worthwhile projects such as assisting Cystic Fibrosis Victoria . At the moment we are pleased to assist Blood Services Victoria through our annual Blood Bank Challenge, and of course for years we have supported FIDA (Football Integration Development Association)," said Bruce . The VAFA at the moment is arranging support prizes from its sponsors for clubs that were hot on the heels of the all-conquering VAFA umpires!
P; _ a Week's Matches ... . .. .. .. . .. .. ... .... .. .. . .. .. . .. ..... .. .. . ..9 Cuadhes~ Cipbckard . ... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ....». .... . .. .. ... .... . ..»10 For the I,= of the Game-, .... .. . ......... .. ..» . ... . ..IS-19 Cadbury's Face in the Crowd . ... .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. . ... .„ : .. . .32 Looking Back: .. .. ... .. ... ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .... ... .. .. . .. .. . ..34-35 Today's Umpires . .. .. . .. .. ..... ...... ... .. .. . .... .. ... ...... ... .. .. . .40 Trainers' Corner- .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ._. .. . .. .. .... . .. ... ...... . .. .. .. . .4? S~a#scaaer Arena ➢raw.. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. . .. ....b I Tribunal & Investigations . .... .. ..... ...... ... .. . .... .. .. . .. .. ..6I :aartscover Spot the Ball .. ... .. ..... .. .... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ....62 Ladders_.. .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... .63/f 4
June 3rd, 2004 Price : $2.00 Vol . 04 No . 1 1 () THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2604
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Today marks the final game in the series of the AAFC Championships . Hopefully, it will be the first of many such series, promoting interstate footbal l and friendly rivalry between the various Amateur bodies, but, principally , providing our players not only with the opportunity to represent their state a t an elite level but also with the opportunity to display their skilis with a view t o playing our great game at a higher level . Up until the early 1990's, a carnival was played on a triennial basis between Bruce McTaggart the various Amateur bodies . As time went by, pressures of time and work VAFA PRESIDENT meant that players could not commit themselves to a week of football , particularly if they had to travel interstate . The interstate rivalry, particularly between South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria, faded . Then, particularly with the urging of the various state CEO's/Presidents, the concept of the interstate championship in the round robin form was born, and came to fruition with the inaugural game between WA and SA in 2002 . Those who have had the privilege of watching the games played in the AAFC Championships will attest to the quality of the games, and of the spirit in which they have been played . r All the interested bodies have signalled their commitment to the concept in the future, and in particula to the concept that we promote the opportunity for our younger players through specific Under 23 representative games - to display their talents . Is not this what we, as the promoters of Australian football, principally are about ? Let's hope that we have a great game today, but let's not worry too much about the scoreboard . More importantly, let's hope that the concept of the AAFC Championships continues into the future, and provides our young players with the opportunity to achieve to the display the skills they undoubtedly have .
The last time the South Australian Amateur Footba ll League travelled to Elsternwick Park was in 2001 and the South Australian players and officials have been eagerly looking forward to this weekend and the opportunity to onc e 1 again pit ourselves against the Big V . There is no doubt that Victoria have been the measuring stick in Amateu r ---~ Football for some years, and SA has not been close to a victory since 1998 when John Dicker the Victorians won by 3 points at Woodville Oval, following the now infamou s ~ter the siren' point by a SA forward . SAAFL PRESIDENT 'So once again we are here in Melbourne, full of anticipation and confidence that this might just be our year, because, as history tells us, it will happen sooner or later . But apart from the great contest we will witness on this Saturday afternoon, there is the opportunity to again renew old friendships and acquaintances, and perhaps make some new ones . On behalf of our touring party, I thank the VAFA President Bruce McTaggart for his Association's invitation and Chief Executive Officer Phil Stevens and his staff for their planning for the staging of this match . Andrew Langford-Jones is thanked by the SA Amateur League as well for his contribution to reviving a three state football competition. Regardless of the result I know we will enjoy the Victorian hospitality and the weekend immensely . I look forward to a great game of football and good luck to both coaches and teams with perhaps a little more luck to the visiting team. 2 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200,
2002 Championship Match 1 . SAAFL defeated WAAFL in Perth . After showing tremendous form in the early parts of this opening match of the Championships the WAAFL team fell away and the South Australians enjoyed a great first up victory .
Championship Match 2 . Although showing glimpses of excellent form the VAFA displayed slick teamwork and sure ball handling to establish themselves as early favourites for the title . This match was played in Adelaide . pLAYERS NAMED, IN TEAM OF THE YEAR 200 2 VAFA - David Waters, Murray Pitts, Danny Byrne, Ewan Thompson, Travis Ruyg, Tim Harvey, Andrew Ramsden, Bernard Dinneen, Steve O'Conno r SAAFL - Ben Armstrong, Jeremy Jacques, Marcus Trimboli, Trevor May, Mark Edwards, Gary Ellis, Wayne Weidemann, Darren Chandler, Daniel Wakelin, Troy William s WAAFL - Cameron Hall, Chris Perkin, Mitch Holbrook, Steve Haselhurs t 2003 Championship Match 3 . South Australia dominated this match played in Adelaide and completely outclassed the WA boys, who to their credit, toiled hard but were no match for the stronger South Aussies. Championship Match 4 . As a curtain-raiser to an AFL match at Perth's Subiaeo Oval, the Victorians simply won in every position to outclass the Western Australians to establish clearly that they were the yardsticks for the other two states. PLAYERS NAMED IN TEAM OF THE YEAR 200 3
VAFA - Murray Pitts, Danny Byrne, Carl Steinfort, Paul Corrigan, John Stevens, Luke Hawkins, Tim Harvey, Laz Siapantis, Andrew Ramsden, Ben Jordan, Lincoln Reynolds, Matthew Dennis, Tim Ockleshaw SAAFL - Shannon Van Soest, Marcus Trimboli, Des Vertudaches, Glenn Sandford, Daniel Wakelin, Trevor May, Peter Smit h WAAFL - Trent Cooper, Marty Kennon, Simon Pearce, Chris Perkin . 2004 Championship Match 5 . The WAAFL and the VAFA agreed to a new concept that would see WA and Victoria give the opportunity for younger talent (Under 23) to compete against each other as part of these Championships . The VAFA thoroughly enjoyed the advantage of playing at home easily defeating the young Western Australians. Both states displayed younger players who no doubt will play key roles for their states in the future, with some players from this game expected to play in M atch 6 . The big win assured the Victorians of the title of All-Australian Champion State 2002-2004. Championship Match 6 . With the title decided, the game will still be fiercely contested as all SA versus Victorian matches at any level are always great contests and wouldn't the South Australians love to stop the Victorians taking the title without being beaten . At stake also are positions in the All-Australian Team based on performances over the period of the Championships . PLAYERS NAMED IN TEAM OF THE YEAR 2004 This team will be named after the match .
ALL-AUSTRALIAN AMATEUR TEAM. This team will be chosen from the three Teams of the Year . Players who have been nominated in two Teams of the Year should feature . Murray Pitts, Andrew Ramsden, Daniel Wakelin, Marcus Trimboli, Danny Byrne, Tim Harvey and Chris Perkin fit int o this category as "almost certainties" with the others named in the teams a chance . Of course a"bander " in Match 6 could take the selectors eyes an d see some outsiders force their way into this team . This team will receive an All-Australian jumper, a framed certificate as a keepsake and maybe there will be an even greater priz e !!!!! Watch this space . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 3
SA Amateur Football League In c Would like to thank their sponsors:
a :-t=F-! f•Fi :€ITFR S
Government of South Australia
SPORrM=o-S A t
V ~. ,
Coach : Nick Bourke Coach: Gary Peach Team Manager : Max Lyon Team Manager : Ron Mills Selectors : Tony Amad, Bruno Conti, Peter Hutchinson, Ass Team Manager : Andy France s Max Lyon, Gerard Shelly Runner : KevinHeard Runner/Fitness : Rob Gross Colors : Red, Royal Blue & Yellow Colors : Navy with White V Name Club G B 1 Andrew Ramsden (C) Old Trinity .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . 2 Ben Jordan (VC) St. Bernards OC .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 3 Lachlan Ford Old Xaverians . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 4 Danny Byrne St. Bernards OC .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 5 Murray Pitts Beaumaris . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 6 Bernard Dinneen Marcellin OC . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 7 Tim Ockleshaw Old Xaverians . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 8 Ewan Thompson MHSOB . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . 9 Mark Corrigan Old Haileybury .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . ~ .. . .. . . . 10 Josh Kitchen Old Scotch . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .j .. . .. . . . 11 Daniel Flaherty Old Essendon . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . 12 Andrew Lowcock University Blues . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. 13 Nigel Credlin Old Camberwell . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . 14 David Biggs Old Essendon .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. 15 Ross Young University Blues . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. 16 James Beaumont Old Melburnians .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. 17 Chris Goullet St . Bernards OC . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 18 Simon Clarke St . Bernards OC . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. 19 Dan Jordan St . Bernards OC . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. 20 Cameron Purss Old Xaverians. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . ~. 21 Adam Chatfield Old Xaverians . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . j. . . .. . .. 22 Alister Neville Old Trinity . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . 23 Caydn Beetham Old Xaverians . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. ~ 24 Brent Walsh Old Trinity . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. 25 Lucas Fielding St . Bernards OC . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 26 Quinton Gleason University Blues . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 27 Mark Luxon Old Ivanhoe . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ..
Name Club G B 1 . Shannon Vansoest Tea Tree Gully . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 2. Denis Iljcesen Henley .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 3. Marcus Trimboli (VC) Rostrevor OC . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 4. Julian Wait Port District . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 5. Joel Tessman Salisbury North .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. 6 Josh Pearce Broadview .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . 7. Peter Smith Gepps Cross .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .~ . . .. . .. . 8• Peter Karounos Adelaide University . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . 9 Glenn Sandford (C) PHOS Camden .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . 10 . Adam O'Hara Woodville South . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . 11 . Paul Merritt Gaza .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . 12 . Nathan Bell Goodwood Saints . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . 14 . Jono Fraser Adelaide University .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . 15 . Ben Watkins Rostrevor OC . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . 16 . Steven Pitt Salisbury North . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . ..i .. . . .. . . 17• Darren Holland Henley . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. ~.. . . .. . . 18. Adam Douglas Henley . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 20. David Niemann Henley . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 21 . Drew Litster Rostrevor OC . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 23. Nick Egan Port District . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 24. Malcolm Pohlner Goodwood Saints . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . I 25. Guy Ridgeway Broadview . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . 25. 26. David Bartel Goodwood Saints . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ~ 30. Matthew Keatley Kilburn . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . 1 .. . .. . . . 31 . Nathan Seal Port District . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ; .. . .. . . . 32. Luke Abell Broadview . . .. . ... . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .~ .. . .. . . .
28 Nick Fallu Caulfield Grammarians . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 29 Nathan Bingham Old Xaverians . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .~ . . .. . . .. 30 David Boundy Old Paradians. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. Officials Head Trainer: Brian Kays Trainers : Andy Goldberg, Geo rgia Jordan Doctor: George Janko Physiotherapist : Paul Trainor Umpires: Tim Sutcliffe (Field), Nathan Eddy, Matt Jenkin son (Boundary) Bernie Jephson, Travis Storti (Goal) - Luke Homes (Emergency)
1/4 TIME
1/2 TIME
Officials State Football Manager: Brian Lees Head Trainer: Michael Garfit Trainers: Rodney Blue, Frank Mc Guire Umpire: Simon Johnson (Field )
3/4 TIME
F . ! . D. A .
Colors: Navy with White V Coach : Josh Vanderloo Coach : Paul Newman Team Manager : Joanna Connolly Asst. Coach : Andrew Redston Runner: Matthew Schultz Team Manager: John Candusso Umpires : Me rv Giles, Dianne Whiteley SAAFL A12 DIVISIO N Name Club G ~ B 1 Mick Mazzarotti Ballarat Knights . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . 2 Gerard Smith Geelong . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . 3 Ian Tanner Ballam Park . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 4 Jamie Ronaldson Maribyrnong Bulldogs . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 5 Ray Warren Broadmeadows Kangas . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 6 Brad Deane Broadmeadows Kangas . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .
7 Peter Williamson (VC) Geelong .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .'.,, . . , . . .. . ., 8 Dan Douthwaite Parkside . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 9 Darren Williamson Geelong .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 10 Peter Willoughby (C) Port Colts. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 11 Daryl Cousins Broadmeadows Kangas . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 12 Kelvin Walters Gippsland . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . 13 Les Thompson Geelong . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . 14 Sean Knight Geelong . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . 15 Kim Lowcock Gippsland . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .
B Name Club G .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .
Jurjen Berens Kevin Clements Steven Clifford Mark Collett Phillip Crabb Adam Hamilton Grant Haskard Richard Hillyard Phillip Hollis Ben Hoffman Phillip O'Donnell Dale Paterson Donald Richards Edward Richards Graham Walton
.. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .
Emergencies : 16 Ronnie Layton Gippsland . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . 17 Jason Watts Maribyrnong Bulldogs . .. . .. . . .. . ..~ . .. . . .. .
1/4 TINE
1/2 TIME
3/4 TIME
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- ".
L* 1-Z ; N! I ' I
Old Trinity v Old Xaverians Old Melburnians v De La Salle Old Haileybury v Old Scotch St Bernards v University Blues Marcellin v Whitefriar s B SECTION Mazenod 0 C v Old Ivanhoe St Kevins v Old Paradian s Collegians v St Bedes Mentone Tigers North Old Boys v Beaumari s
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegi an s - By e Old Melburnians v Banyule Viewbank Old Trinity v Old Ivanhoe Old Essendon Or v Rupertswood Beaumaris v Old Camberwel l UNDER-19 SECTION 3 St Bedes Mentone Tigers v AJAX Old Carey v Old Paradians Whitefriars v Monash Blue s
Old Brighton v Old Essendon Gr at Sport scover Arena, Saturday
Therry Penola 0 B v University Blacks MHSOB v Oakleig h
ROUND 12 - 10 .07.2004 C SECTION
UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Peninsula 0 B v South Melb Districts Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Oakleigh Clays Hampton Rovers v Mazenod 0 C - switched from original draw, at Boss James Reserve Bentleigh v St Johns 0 C Ormond v De La Salle (2 )
AJAX v Caulfield O r Parkdale Vultures v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Glen Eira v Hampton Rover s
Monash Blues v MHSOB Old Camberwell v Therry Penola 0 B Dl SECTION Salesian 0 C v Fitzroy Reds Banyule v Ormond
Prahran v Peninsula 0 B Yarra Valley 0 B v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v Old Mentonian s D2 SECTION
Old Geelong v Ivanhoe Assumption Old Carey v Williamstown CYMS Bulleen Templestowe v Swinburne Uni West Brunswick v Monash Gryphons La Trobe Uni v Bentleigh D3 SECTION Hawthorn Amateurs v Mt Lily-dale UHS-VU v Power Hous e South Melbourne Districts v Syndal Tally-Ho Oakleigh v St Johns 0 C Rupertswood v Werribee Amateurs
D4 SECTION Box Hill North v St Marys Elsternwick v Richmond Central North Brunswick v Old Westbourne Albert Park v Bulleen Cobra s
Kew v Eltham Collegi an s UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Scotch v Old Xaverians De La Salle v St Kevins Caulfield Or v University Blues Werribee Amateurs v Old Brighton Marcellin v St Bernards
UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Westbourne - By e Old Xaverians (2) v Bulleen Templestowe Fitzroy Reds v La Trobe Uni
Rupertswood (2) v Aquinas 0 C - switched from original draw, at Rupertswood 9 a.m . UHS-VU/St Bernards v North Old Boys Oval 2, St . Bernards College CLUB 18 (1 ) Old Scotch v Old Xaverians Mazenod 0 C v St Kevins Old Essendon Or - By e Prahran v Old Brighton Marcellin v De La Sall e CLUB 18 (2 )
Fitzroy Reds v Collegians Old Melburnians v Eley Par k Old Xaverians (2) v University Blacks Whitefriars v Therry Penola 0 B Old Scotch (2) v Monash Blue s CLUB 18 (3 )
Emmaus St Leos 0 C v University Blues Old Carey v Old Scotch (3 ) Caulfield Gr v Old Geelong Old Trinity v La Trobe Un i Monash Gryphons v North Old Boy s
_ -J N E
A.F.C . I V.A.F.A.
"Your Coaches' Association "
Training and Gam e Day Preparation When does game day pre paration begin ? Game day preparation for the following week's footy match begins the moment the team returns to the change room after the final siren, win, lose or draw . Lost fluids and electrolytes need to be replaced and carbohydrate stores replenished . This is achieved by giving players sports drinks and lollies immediately upon entering . Players are advised to drink at least 2x750m1 sports bottles . Fruit, flavored milk and sandwiches are also passed around to help further replace carbohydrates stores . Next, players are taken through a warm down . This can be done in a variety of ways . The purpose of the warm down is to help rid the body of lactic acid . Lactic acid is a by product of muscle function after intense exercise, and when present in the body delays muscle restoration . A good warm down helps flush it out thus assisting in a faster recovery . A warm down consists of passive stretching, and where available hot and cold baths/showers and a gentle massage . Once the warm down is completed, injuries need to be reported to the medical team (Doctor/Physiotherapist) . Ice needs to be applied to strains, sprains or corks to help minimize bleeding and compression bandages applied where needed. The next step in preparation for training is a recovery session the morning after the match . The aim here is to help further flush the lactic acid from the system and gives a chance for the medical team to reassess injuries . A recovery session can be a swim, light jog or walk etc . Training preparation is variable for each footballer and often depends on new or preexisting injuries . Because of the cross training nature of football these days there is almost always something a player can be doing to keep themselves match fit, even when injured . They can swim, box, cycle, perform stationary skills, jog . As the week progresses players prepare themselves mentally and physically for the upcoming game . Injuries are monitored and treated daily and players are encouraged to drink plenty of fluids to keep the body fully hydrated . On game day players arrive at least two hours before the first bounce to fully prepare themselves . They check the ground's surface to decide appropriate footwear and have their ankles preventatively taped or any "niggles" strapped . Players may see the physiotherapist for a pre-game loosen up or get a rub down from the masseur . There is usually a 20-30 minute team meeting where the coach speaks to the players and then it's into the warm up . It begins with gentle stretching and progresses to more active drills i .e . jogging, knees up and jumping . Balls are then introduced, and body contact drills performed . Next, players head onto the ground and start jogging and kicking drills, all the while building intensity . By now the team is prepared . TIME TO ENJOY THE GAME ! F'y?? ~3 Peaas e
P ;; s c :_
i soos Football Claa A - .. :.elbotara~~ S~,ort s
'A1f1c' : in . Who's out . Who's dc;ng what . Stay on the tal< with the :atast AP-L news each weekday morning with Prime Time Sports 927 . Spo^-Is professionals Simon O'Donnell, Anthony M i then and Michael Christia n bring you the Iat=sr, resL:::s . news and interv<e4+fs, as as a complete wrap :`rom the word of sJGrt . if its happening in sport, you'll hear it on Prl~P- Time Sports 927 . 5 .30-Sam weekdays .
1 THE :'' .~ %T EUr"~OOTBALLER 2004
:esldentla! Immercla! E f!:' Ma►,~yw„ant Specla!ls :Tel^r* h one : 9 r, 00 31 4A
w eb: dr:rc :.
The junior arm of MHSOBFC, i',alboume Unicorns, is no„ underway with its planning for 4~ason 2005.
South Yarra Sports Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants HydroChem
The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering
Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Ga ry McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bell's Hotel & Brewe ry Keith 's Pie s Moods Consulting Ply Ltd Edward J Lynch Agencies
Paul Paulso n Barrie Macdonald & • Associate s Waverley Party Hire Sportswealth John Peterson Bookseller Frank Perry & Associates
Frank Perry, Urban Planne r Level 2, 60 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 9662 199 9 ;i~l~li=!-`1te 7
Congratulations to Russell Clowes on playing his 100th game today for MHSOBFC. He commenced in the seniors in 1998 and has played con6nuousfy since . For the past 18
months he has an dogged by severe shoulder injuries but these now appear to be overcome. Russell is a dashing defender with outstanding aeriaI skills and is contributing significantly to the good form of the seniors this year.
With the continuing change in the demographic profile of Melbourne High School it is important for the dub to develop close liaisons with other schools in the South Yarra, Richmond, Malvem, Camberwell and Hawthorn areas . The senior dub needs to be guaranteed a regular flow through of young foothallers from the U15, U16 and U17 ranks . The Under 19s are the immediate beneficiaries of a strong junior program with some of the most talented players at that level being given great opportunities to play in the senior side . It is vital that an Under 15 team is regenerated in 2005 so there is a pathway from Year 9 onwards to senior football. We have now leamt hard lessons . Planning for a new season must commence during the previous season . Contacts in schools made and visits con-
duc .ad. Me'.ooume Unitxims is pleased that : :',yne Johnston (above) is the Skills and Development Coach, providing great expertise in lifting skill levels in all young players. Many of the current senior footballers have come through the ranks of our junior teams . This must continue, so too our endeavours to recruit from the wider spectrum of the local community. Support to assist in our junior program is vital . If you can help in any way please contact the dub on 9824 0480 at any time. Junior sponsorship would be most welcome. Colin Green President
Well done on this first major milestone Russell . CHB Tim Harper celebrates his 50th game today, having missed several weeks with injury. Well done to you also Tim on reaching this mark. May there be many more.
Lions rule the Animals, Ashers squeeze the moments in the Saints, Jackas lead by nine with three last quarter, to minutes to play and the Rovers still snatch it, reverse thei r Vultures peck, but the Unicorns stand tall Round 1 demise . and the Wellers and Fielders slug it out for P ViEW 100 minutes with neither walking away a Fourth place is on the line when the Rovers loser, or a winner . host Parkdale . There's a lot of footy to be played but a win for the visitors would almost REVIEW Blieden and Wolimer laid the Ajax seal the C Grade final's race . Hampton will foundations to set up win number five, only to pressure & harass, but with the Vultures see Hampton Rovers through Lawrence and inspirational playing coach back after a long Burggraaff rise from the ashes to boot six layoff, will fall short . Monash have eagerly awaited the return bout final term majors and clinch a thrilling victor . ykepingthRovrsfal'pei against the Wellers following their narrow Therry again show they've discovered the loss in Round 2 . Camberwell may suffer a let winning formula, holding h goalless to the down following the build up to last week's final change . Elliott & Brown constantly clash and will need to be on their guard, but brought the ball forward and Rocky Gentile should still have enough Aces in their pack . lapped it up, snagging six . Carse an d Therry come to Caulfield and will look to Ristevski better players for the visitors who make it a"threepeat" of victories as the Lions would think the day and their E tag money begin to hit their straps . The Fielders will be made to earn their possessions but on their could have been better spent! A tough day for goals at Gerry Green, but home plot should prove a shade more when they needed to be kicked, it was polished . MHSOB who knew when to produce . Horne, White and Clowes at the forefront . The Vultures through Rochford and Hayes matched the leaders, but a barren thir dstanzelhirf TO7C: L ! Jimmy Barnes once screeched, "there ain't n o second prize", but at least for second there's a C SECTION 4 56 Kirzner double chance, and that fight has intensified Ajax 2 35 Baxter following the tie between the Wellers & Caulfiel Gramm Rowley 1 33 :~ Caulfield . Mitchell and Derry set up the hosts ParkdaledC 3 30 Horne lead whilst the Fields Widjaja and Sharp MHSO B 1 21 Bamert narrowly failed to better it . Points split, an d MHSOB many left to ponder, why not extra time to C RESERVE MHSOB Corbett 0 17 find a winner ? Wei â&#x20AC;˘ Eira had their chances but the winning Emmaus St Leos Batty 0 22 feeling again proved difficult to bottle! Therry Penola ~t'alker 0 19 i were tested by the Saints, with King Hampton Hanlon 0 18 I.T and Sheedy outstanding, but Janssen Main y MHSOB Frazcek 2 1 1 Fogarty 1 11 and the Blues side survived some an :;ious Old Camberwell
In an effort to avoid relegation, every remaining game must be considered a final for the Saints . Fortunately for them, today is not a "knockout final" as they saddle up to clash with the Unicorns, who will keep on keeping on . Ajax and ESL for different reasons are both hurting over last week's results . This afternoon provides the opportunities to erase some of the painful memories. The Animals will battle hard, but the Jackas height and pace will prove decisive . COREESPOT"dDEA1B'S Glen Harrison - .au
2.2 8.4 10.4 11 .6 (72) OLD C/IiBi .'.'rELL CAULFIELD GR 4.2 5.3 8 .4 10.12 (72) Old Camberwell: Horgan 4 Webb 3 Goodale Heffernan Hendrie Peasnell. Best: Mitchell D Deny S Peasnell Williams Horgan Bayford . Caulfield Grammar: Will 3 Baxter 2 Sharpe 2 Cowlishaw Pearce B Sinclair. Best: Widjana Sharpe Green Pennycuick Pearce Will . Umpires : Ken McNiece Brendan Devlin (F) Christian Schaeffer Lucas Brass (B) Steven Pipemo Jack Warty (G )
THERRY PENOLA 4 .6 10 .9 15 .10 19.13 (127) EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 .0 0 .6 0 .10 5 .13 (43) Therry panels: Gentile 6 Harmes 5 D Goodwin 2 R Bannister S Bannister Barron Brown Hollow McKay . Best : Elliott Callegari Gentile S Bannister D Goodwin Brown . Emmaus St Leos : Modder 2 Batty Ronche T McCann. Best: Carse Ristevski Volp Phyland T McCann. Umpires: Peter Liddell John Deering (RFL) (F) Ryan Monaghan (RFL) Gus Carpenzano (RFL) (B) Daniel Brookes Graeme Carter (RFL) (G) 3 .6 5 .8 9.11 12.15 (87) AJAX B A'iPTON ROVERS 2 .2 4.8 6.12 12.16 (88) AJAX: Firmer 4 Blieden 2 Krafehek 2 Vanaken 2 lsraelsohn Lewis . Best: E Wollner Vanaken Same J Segal Blashki E Raleigh . Hampton Rovers: Davey 3 Hanlon 2 D Anderson Deveraux Flahive Giasoume Lawrence Prantzos Quon . Best: Lawrence Burggraaff Prantzos Hanlon Davey Duddy . Umpires : Adam Conquest (F) Amanda Whittaker Nick Keating (B) Greg Rollo Peter Maddocks (G ) PAREDAIE VULTURES 2.3 4.7 4 .11 6 .17 (53) MIiSOB 2.5 5 .7 8 .10 9 .15 (69) : Hayes 2 MacGeorge Rowley Rochford C Barr. Best: Parkdale Vultures Rochford Stewart Stephens Dixon P Sullivan . MHSOB : Home 3 Thompson Thiele Taylor Hamilton-Ho Bamert White . Best : Clowes Thompson S McCully Smith Cassell Horne . Umpires: David Irons Lionel Katz (F) Bruce Stephens Clive Shipley (G) GLEN EIRA 3 .1 6 .4 8.7 11 .8 (74) MONASH BLUES 2 .4 4 .8 10 .11 12.15 (87)
Ground Floor, 77 Station Street. Malvern 3144 Melbourne - Level 7, 313 LaTrobe Street , Melbourne 300 0 Telephone: (03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 2379 (03) 9670 6633 E-mail : .au Web : wWw.scottpartners .com .au
TGJAY'S ~xIATCsIES C SECTIO N Caulfield Gr v Therry Penola 0 B Emmaus St Leos 0 C v AJAX Hampton Rovers v Parkdale Vultures MHSOB v Glen Eira Monash Blues v Old Camberwell THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
Glen Eira : Taranto 3 Clements 2 Watt 2 McGaw C Neeson Tkocz Zosens. Best: King Tsirogiannis Sheerly Taranto Zosens . Mon Blues : O'Sullivan 2 Grover 2 Bolton Black(ey Chapman Costley De Young Farrar Smvthe Turton . Best : Janssen Smythe Costley Smith Main Renton ,
Umpires : Jeremy Heffernan (F) Ross Richards Sam Perrin (G) C RESERVE OLD CAMBERWELL 3.4 5.5 5 .6 6 .7 (43) 6 .6(42) CAULFIELD GR 2.0 3.2 4 .5 Old Camb: Joyce Fogarty Hancock Marwood Wallace Scott . Best: . Caul: A Hasforth 2 Cottrell M Grant S Grant C Hanson G Jellis Joyce B Jenkinson Crathem O'Hoy Poynter. Best : Jacobs Poynter Poulter Crathern Chapple O'Hoy . THERRY PENOLA 3 .1 6 .3 9.8 11 .6 (72) EMMAUS ST LEOS 1.2 3 .4 4.8 7.10 (52) Theny Panels: Clifton 2 Ferguson 2 Moloney 2 D Goodwin M Goodwin McMahon Finnigan Vaina. Best: Moloney Pirpinias Glesson Hutchison M Goodwin Warren. Emmaus St Leos: Virgo 3 Bruce Camm Landy Perry . Best: E Mitchell Virgo Canon Bruce Perry McInerney. 1.4 3 .9(27) AJAX 1 .0 1 .1 '. ; ;':'::PTON ROVERS 3 .2 6.4 6.8 7.10 (52) AJAX: Nissen 2 Rotenberg . Best : Duzenman Rotenberg Silver Gerber Nissen J Lewski . Hampton Rovers : Malthouse 2 Flynn Johnstone Marshall Mosbey Sprato. Best: Terech Brunmeter Johnstone Brudar Spratt Boyd . PARRI{BALE VULTURES 2 .0 2.3 3 .3 3 .6 (24) MHSOB 5.1 7.3 9 .5 10 .8 (68) Psrkdale Vultures : Waters Little Ryan. Best: Hampton Baker Criiley Levett Fogden. MHSOB: Fraczek 2 L Taylor 2 Ternes 2 Saultry Ware Neilson Dunne. Best : Ternes Czwamo Bowen Neilson Campbell Orchard. 2.4(16) GLEN EH2A 0.2 0 .2 1 .2 MONASH BLUES 5.4 9 .9 14.14 16 .19 (115) Glen Eirs: Hollow A Diamond . Best: Serpanchy Mills Khanzaal Hogan Zurak Hollow. Monash Blues: De Young 4 Hawkins 3 Murchie 3 Teasdale Dennis Fenaghy Edgall Jones . Best: Wills Tinkler Coe Fenaghy Teasdale Murchie . 15
C Section AJAX
Coach : Merv Keane Ass Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res : Chris Mathieson
Coach: Phi! Davis Res. Coach : Barry Simon 1 . N. Gold 2. J. Israelsohn 3. Y. Rapoport 4. M . Dudakov 5. G . Blieden 6. D. Vanaken 7. G . Samuel 8. E. Raleigh 9. J. Raleigh 10 . G . Dukes it . M. Segal 12 . D . Goldenfein 13 . B. Klei n 1 4 . A. Wollner 15 . J . Segal 16 . E . Janover 17. D . Weislitzer 18. J . Kirzner 19. A . Lewin 20. J . Sharp 21 . D. Gelbart 22. E . Wollner 23. B . Nissen 24. A. Joffe 25. M . Blashki 26. B. Duzenman 27. A. Spicer 28. A. Zemsk i 29. B. Goldbloom 30. N. Israelsohn 31 . B. Ritterman 32. A. Bloom 33. J. Go tt lieb 34. A. Silver 35. M. Jankie 36. L . Krafchek 37. J. Kestenbarg 38. S. Gutman 39. R . Rotemberg 40. D . Seidl 41 . J. Lewski 42. D . Gerber 43 . P. Walvisch 44 . I. Same
1 . M . Dimackhi 2. D. Fossey 3. C. Massis [c]1 4 . D. Gasser 4. B. Zosens 5. A. Tsirogiannis 6. J. Zagame 7. S. Vamvakis 8. T. Dimackhi 9. A. Russo 10. M. Chandler 11 . B. Clements 12. B. King 13. G . Brown t4. C . Neeson 15 . E. Stuchbery 16 . N . Davis 17 . L Doolan 18 . R . Oldham 19 . A . Devries 20 . A . Diamond 21 . M . Wa tt 22 . S . Emme tt 23 . S . Neeson 24 . A . Taranto 25. P. Khazaal 26. P. Tsaglio6s 28. L Shellard 29. M . ScaBe 30. L Pryd e 31 . J. Lundberg 32. M . D'Zilva 33. A. Sheedy 34. S. Kitson 35. S. Hollow 36. B. Zurek 37. P. Merrick 38. A. Merrick 39. J.Gusman 40 . D . Sheehan 41 . K Dimachki 42 . J . Serpanchy 43 . J . Maart ouk
43. T. Gerrand
44 . S . Diamond
44. M . Pearson
45 . A . Caruana 46 . A . Strafford 47 . B . Zwar 48 . J . Haliwell 49 . S . Hall 50 . D. Eade 51 . F. Bourke 52. A. Haines 53. T. Chatfield 54. D. Scaffe 55. L. MCGaw 56. C. Hogan 57. S. Lasko 58. D. Dunlevie 59. R . Mills 60. D. Perkins 61 . J. Fulton 62. J. Simos
45. G . Davis 46. S . Blangiardo 47. R. Hunt 48. R. D' Silva 49. K Spra tt 50. N. Foster 51 . J. Glanville 52. A. Kavanagh 53. T. Archer 56. K Spratt 57. P. Chapman 58 . G . Giasoumi 60 . M. Terec h
Coach: Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff
1 . J . Foley 2 . A . Bruhn 3 . C. Knight 4 . M . Liddell (VC) 5. S . Kendall 5. N. Guyett 6. N. Craven 7. R. O'Neill 8. R. Foote 9. M . Frater 10. A. Will (C) 11 . B. Carboni 11, C. Deal 12, D. Pearce (VC) 13. A. Green 14. B. Gross 15. A. Docker 16. N . Falls 16. S. Sant 17. S. Argyros 18. B. Baxter 18. B. O'Hoy 19' P. Hoggan 20. C . Fagan 21 . M. Pennycuick 22 . C . McAssey 23 . B. Sinclair 23 . D . Ash 24 . J . Dalwood 25 . A . Sinclair 25 . N . Dorman 26 • S . Widjaja 27 . P.A . Sharpe 28. J . Jacobs 29. G. Erickson 30. D. Elias 31 . C. Poynter 32. A. Lawson 33. S . Fryers 34. H. Baker 35. S. Thompson 36. G . Crathern 37. B. Scott 38. J. Gross 39. A. Bosna 40. M . Bennett 41 . M. Phelps 42. D . Synman 44. L Schneider 45. A. Hasforth 46. N . Th ompson 47. S. Jenkinson 48 . R . Chapple 49. G . Poulter 51 . J. James 52 . S. Tvrycross 53 . S. Backholer 54 . J . Brown 55 . C . Hooper 56 . S . Krie n 57 . P. Farmer 58 . S . McDonald 59 . J . Sayers 60 . B . Jenkinson 62 . C. Sheppard 71 . M . Cassidy
45 . A . Godlewicz A . Sacks 47 . B . Lewis 48 . J . Pask 49 . S . Czamy 50 . A . Benedykt 51 . L Friedman 52 . O. Henzel 53 . M . Podolsky 54 . D. Rutko 55 . J . Gomo 58 . A . Cooper 59. N. Diamond 60. J . Wajnberg 61 . L Szkolnik 62. D. Lewis
San Coach: Phillip Ballis Res: Anthony Strafford Asst: Ian Leith
1 . T. Wilmott 2. M. McKellar 3 . A. Brudar 4 . S. Anderson 5 . J . Prantzos 6 . S. Gravina 7 . A. Duddy 8 . G. Carr 9 . T. Barker 10. B. Boyd 11 . L. Wheeler 12. P. Adams 13. G. Woods 14. Daniel Andersen 15. A . Browne (VC) 16. N. Greer, :od 17. D. Artz 18. J. McCarthy 19. M . Lawrence 20. A. Power 21 . L. Cave 22. S. Burggraaff 23. M Gray 24. C. Ch ristianson 25. M. Davey 26 . M. Devereaux 27 . M. Flynn 28 . B. Kezilas 29 . M. Fletcher (C) 30 . A. Quon ( RC) 31 . T. Pucella 32 . J. Hanlon 33 . R . Mosbey 34 . B. Artz 35. M. Vaughan 36. M . Heffernan 37. J . Tipping 38. J . Morley 39. A . Crisp 40. M . Flahive 41 . B . Hen 42. C. Maithouse ry 43. C. Cooper
65 . S. Gange 66 . R .Dimackhi 67 . M . Hinton
43 . P. Corbe tt 44 . J. Newto n 45 . R . Czwarn o
46 . T. Dunne 47 . D . Hollenberg9 48 . D . Vi cend es e 49 . J . Hollenber g 50 . K . Harding 51 . S . Bennett 52 . R . Tame s 53 . 1. Costing 54 . D. Learmont-Walker 55 . G. Blau 56. T. Wright 57. S . Foley 58. P. Greenhill 59. A . Hall 60. S . Jennings
. .
wF<t~ . ,eGx
Ph : 9598 822 2
63. J. Evans 64. B. Bowyer
Coach : Dave Skinne r Asst : Speros Beasley, W Fall Res Coach : Jamie Dixo n 1 . J. Bamert 2. S . McCully (Capt) 3. N. Orchard 4. M . White (DVC ) 5. A. Sauftry, 6. M . Brain 7. S. Whittington 8, J. Dixo n 8. J. Garne r 9. D. Fairchild 10 . P. Smith 10 . I . Barrett 11 . P. Spottiswoad 12 . B. Thiel e 1 2 . M. Feferkranz 13 . S. Anderson 14 . M. HamiHon-Ho 15 . D . Membrey 76 . J. Walker(DVC ) 17, R . Clowes 18 . R . Limbri c k 18 . R . Read 19. S . Robinson 20. T. Fracze k 20. L. Home 21 . J . Aitken 22. A . Svirskis 23. A . Hogan 23. L. Taylor 24. N . Harvey 25. H . Taylor 26. M . Neilso n 27. M . Johnston 28. S . Moore 29. G . McCully 30. R. Newton 31 . M . Bowen 32. A. Cassell (VC) 33. L. Campbel l 34. E. Thompso n 34. D. Henzel P. Rujevi c 36, R . Ware 37. T. Harper 37. M. Tin g 38. C . Nailon 39. J. Gregson son 40. A. 41 . J. Anderson 41 . F. Lewis 42 . M. Bate
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C Section M ORASH BLUES Coach : Jon Edgar Res: James Shady
1 . S . Chapman 2. L Renton 3 . L. Holloway 4 . G. Chessari 5. J . Rosengarten 6. M. Newman 7 . R Farrar 8 . S . Thompson 9 . C. O'Sullivan 10 . S . Uoyd it . M. Spencer 12 . G. Smyth 13 . M. Pay 14 . B . Martin 15 . M. Tinkler 16 . B . Nind 17 . K Mudge 18 . R . Glover 19 . M. Saunders 20 . M. Edsall 21 . C. Gregory 22 . T. Blackley 23 . B . Janssen 24 . T. Craven 25 . J . Hawkins 26 . P. Wills 27 . N . Be Young 28 . J . Main 29 . A . Costley 30 . L Creamer 31 . S . Hawkins 32 . L Beddingfield 33 . J . Smith 34 . A . Cheesman 35 . A . Hickey 36 . A . Williams 37 . C . Dennis 38 . N . Brennan 39 . M. Smith 40 . Ma . Bolton 41 . Mi . Bolton 42 . M. Coe 43 . R . Feenaghty 44 . D. Teesdale 46 . B. Jones 47 . S . Mentha 48 . M. Carey 49 . D. Taylor 50 . A . Tota 51 . M. Payne 52 . N . Moresi 53 . J . Peel 54 . G. Dodd 55 . I. McCormick 60 . B . MacKenzie 61 . P. Campbell 62 . L. Katts 68 . M . Meehan 70 . D. Barlow 71 . N. Rosengren 72 . B . Green 73 . A . Dobson 74 . P. Westbrook 75. R. Turton 77 . D. Neil 78. A . Shields
Coach: Michael Sigalas Asst : Matthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res : Andrew Tsindos 1 . A. Curling 2. M. Horgan 3. S. Peasnell 4. C . Hend e 5. L . Cain 6. B. Christie 7. T. Hallo 8. J. Heffernan 9. B. Tymmons 10. M. Hanson 11 . D . Hanson 12. R . Perryman 13 J. Webb 14. P . Whitehead 15. D . Clyne (Missing) 16. D . Pike 17. N . Credlin 18. S. Manvood 19. P. Tempone 20. D . Mitchell 21 . T. Hardman 22. M. Wallis 23. P. Mitchell 24. B. Tipper 25. A. Hardenberg 26. B. Langford 27' A. Sheedy 28. R . Wheaten 29, S. Beckett 30. T. Bayford 31 . B. Craven 32. G . Ormsby 33. D . Joyce 34. D . Schmidt 35. C . Munroe 36. S. Derry 37. M. Cottrell 38. C . Williams 39. S. Svensen 40. C . Jellis 41 . L . Ryan 42. A. McKenzie 43. C . Grant 44. A. McHaric a6. M. Jackson 48. J. O 'Sullivan 49. A. Mantzioros 50, N . Sailer 51 . B. Ryan 52. S. Grant 54. A. Margetts 55. S. Fogarty 56. I . Curry 58. N . Paine 59. S. Hancock 61 . G . Weickhardt 65. M. Rayson 66. T. Parkes 75. G . Hanson
E , ; : ."i; ST LEOS Coach : Tony Macgeorge Assist: John McNicholas Res Coach : Paul Marin 1 . S. Rowley 2 . R . Gallagher 2 . B. Darcy 3 . M. Dixon 4 . M. Ha es 5 . A. Whie 5 . D . Griffiths 6 . C . Stephens 7 . K Gurtler 8 . K Little 9 . M. Meye r 9 . P. Emmett 10 . C . Atkins 11 . C . O'Meara 12 . A. Baker 13 . M. Ryan 14 . C . Johnston 15 . Mick Sullivan 16 . P. Sullivan 16 . J. McCarthy 17 . C . Sullivan 18 . S. Sulliva n 19 . C . Stewart 20 . D . Kinsella 21 . D . Kelly 22 . B. Uddell 23 . Matt Sullivan 24 . T. Linthorne 25. B. Richards 26' D . Rochford 26 . A. Rock 27. M. Nielso n 28 . C . O'Brien 29 . G . Crilley
30. P. Maria
31 . M. Andrew s 32 . B Fo,,V ad an en
33 . N . lkins 34 . C . Ross 35 . M. Johnstone 36. C . Ogier 37 . T. Macgeorge 38 . S. Perrazo 39 . S. Waters 40. S. Richards 41 . C . Rock 42 . T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 . C . Barr 46 . W. Wheatley 47 . J. Tully 48 . Mick. Walsh 49 . A. Hunter 50 . S. Scullin 51 . N . Sutherland 52 . S. Wngrave 53 . D . Noonan 54 . T. Hirst 55 . N . Cooley 56 . S. Wilso n 57 . S. O'Leary 58 . R . Haslemore 59 . D . O'Keefe 60 . T. Everest 61 . T. Banks 62 . P. Tesoriero 63 . N . Levett 64 . X. Smith 65 . G. Wilson 66 . A. Kerr 67 . A . Fry 68 . T. Kight 69 . M . Wingrave 70 . J . Noonan
9 8 5 7 8 0 6 1
Coach : Darren Turner Asst Coach : John Sampson 1 . P. Carse 2 . J . Hodder 3 . E . Mitchell 4 . C. Phyland 5 . S . Buckle 6 . M . D'Amelio 7 . A . Burgess 8 . B . Bird 9 . D. Lear 10. B . Ellis 11 . M . Levins 12 . T. McCann 13. A . Krebs 15. R Carey 17 . G. Bonnici 18. R. McCan n 19. A . Kelly 20. A . Ballard 21 . G. Simondson 22 . P. Ristevski 23 . T. Batty 24 . D. Bruce 25 . A . McKenzie 26 . A . Prosser 27 . P. Levins 28 . H . Giles 30 . M . Ottobre 31 . M . Contessott o 32 . D. Camm 33 . L. McDermott 34 . L. Virgo 35 . J . Briggs 36. S . Savage 37 . S . Manton 38 . N . Hodder 39 . B . Vaughan 40 . J . Gay 42 . C. Landy 43 . B . Levin s 44 S Murphy 45 . S . Ronchi 46, A . Brown 47 . M . Mclnemy 48 . A . Daly 50 . A . Volpi 51 . P. McGloin 52 . R . McGloin 55 . A . Free 56. T. Morrison 59 . A . Hickey 61 . J-P Blandthorn 63 . P. Nolan 64, D. Wood 67 . P. Farquhar 69. S . Meshcer 70. D. McGloin 75. T. Ymer 76. G. Donova n 77. C. Vaughan 79. T. Tribe 88. S . Pitcher 89. D. Winduss -
Coach : Chris By e Res Coach: Garry Datson 1 . Gorman P 2 . Goodwin T 3 . Bannister R 4. Elliot M (vc) 5 . Baker A 6 . Nancanow Mto ) 7 Bannister S 8. Hollow L 9. Bannister C(vc) 10. Vaina J 10. Crotty J 11 . Finnigan M 12. Betsey J (dvc -res) 13. Russell G 14. Fenton J 15. McMahon A (vc -res) 16. Goodwin M IT Pirpinias D 18. Moloney y A -res) 19. La Corcia M 20. Clarke J 21 . Henderson G(dvc) 22. Reynolds L 23. Callagari D 24. Faroldi M 25. Edwards P{vc) 26. Lewis B 27. 8osanko M 28. Bolzon R 29. Goodwin S 30. Finley R 31 . Forster-Knight A 32. Sacco J 33. Kuret L 34. Weston D 35. Clifton D 36. Barron D 37. Castaldi D 38. Nancarrow M 39. Boyle S 40. Tslnaris G 41 . Barron B 42. McKay A 43. 0 'Connell S 44. ApPlefard P 45. Carter M 46. Stepien S 47. Goodwin D 48. Nancarrow A(dvc -res) 49. Leyland G 50. Barron B 51 . Kenessy N 52. Glesson A 53. Savory D 54. Frazzetto C 55. Kurt M 56. Dunne P 57. Ferguson C 59. Robinson T 68. Goodwin D J 77. Walker K
A' WINERS.L 9 Palermo St, Mentone
Function Room
* Restaurant ° Pokies
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2004 M ajor Sponso r
Last week this column asked readers for the 4 venues Old Xaverians have called home over the years - no entries received to date (phil@vafa. asn . aaa) 0 fl 0 Last weekend the Old Geelong Football Club recognised its 50tla Anniversary with a function for 480 past and current playeers, officials and supporters at Crown . As part of the evening the OGs named their "Team Of The Half Century" . It reads : B : Richard Weibye Michael Crawford Ian Peak e : Will Paul, Bill Morrison, John Stephen s C: Terry Brown, Tony Poolman, Dan Ritchi : Mark Neeld, John Manton, EvaeH1â&#x20AC;˘' n MacGregor F: Rick Whalley, Andrew Howells, Robert Hesketh Rucks : Jeremy Rasmussen, Bruce Spiden, Cullen Gunn Interchange : Dougal Morrison, Stuart Glascott, Mark Vickers-Willis, James Taylor : Bruce COACH : Evan MacGregor O : Mark Neel d Spiden VICE O 0 0 0 On the same day at Como Park ex VAFA president Richard Evans presented club stalwart Peter Lemon with a "second" VAFA Certificate of M erit . Peter was first awarded this honour in 1987, however 3 days later, having proudly hung his award in the clubrooms it was smashed to smithereens by an errant football and a replacement was never followed up . Richard Evans thought that last weekend would be the grand occasion to give Pete his second certificate, as it coincided with Peter Lemon running his 500th match on the boundary for his beloved OGs . When we talk about "For Love of the Game" Peter Lemon's contribution to Old Geelong personifies this notion . Well done Peter, and as Richard Evans said on the night ."Yoaa are the f'irst to receive two Certificates o f
in a lifetime and Perhal -& thi s c -.c __e should be hung in yo- r-- g i not your defacto hora- : K )-11 18
Ivanhoe A held its inaugural H°' of Fame Night last Saturday evening and the following ten were inductees .
John "Jiggy" Harris - coached the club to 3 flags in a row and 60 consecutive wins Hec Rutherford - captained the club under Harri s I3o-~ Rlackwood - premiership player in 1969 who has remained active in club affair s ` -urt - past champion player and ch, Ificial Leclub official and club umpire since 1988 Reg Miles - a member of the club's 1956 A section premiership side who then continued to serve on club committee, fundraiser and junior coach Ida Marcon - the club's best known supporter ("Ivanhoe Ida" ) Harry Thomas - a lifelong involvement with the club as a player, then president and now is the timekeeper Billy M:c ie - former champion rover, triple best and fairest -winner who also captained and coached the club J oh n Miles - played in 2 premiership sides in the 1950s and has served the club in just about every committee position . A former VAFA Executive Committeeman, John is a VAFA Life Member.
0 0 0 Condolences are extended to John Woo d 's wife Anne and all the family on the sad passing of John - a wonderful gentleman, who passed away on June 24 after a battle with cancer . John was a past champion footballer with the Brun swick ateurs in the late 50s and early 60 s and he was also a VAFA representative player. After moving to the Essendon area John became very involved with St Bernards as both a coach and long serving committeeman . John had 5 sons who played with the club - John, Peter, Greig, David and Chris . 0 T-- Ah3ATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
0 0
Big thank you to Mazenod and St Bedes Mentone Tigers for adhering to notices that were placed in the Sportscover Arena changerooms last weekend . Notices had to be placed asking for players not to rinse gear and wash boots in the showers after matches as the ensuing blockages were causing much flooding of the rooms . Not only did both clubs follow the "ask" perfectly but they also swept the rooms to a spotless condition after the match . 0 "®1d. So ldiers Never Die" or should that be "Old Umpires K ee p on Bouncing" . 60 plus youngster B ob O'Halloran umpired the Club XVIII match between Marcellin and Old Xaverians BY HIMSELF last Saturday . By all accounts Bob acquitted himself admirably . Well done Bob . We need more of your ilk! ! Administrative footnote! ^-. - oints o t : that Bob should not have had to umpire on his own. When the VAFA is only able to appoint one umpire to a C 18 match the ho m e CIS club is to supply the other registered umpire . A match can be abandoned if there is not a second umpire able to officiate in a C18 match .
on and dropped in . Vestern Bulldogs > °d up the possible er level and is atmosphere at he ling a great job as z id coac h es to remai., upbeat ins just around the all at Mazenod for s a most enjoyable
proud player invol • thorou~ Nod-L, : -. : . a youl
Our "ever on the move" B seetla I : ; Tommy Brain bobbed up at Mazenod's Central Reserve on a recent Thursday night . Despite their lowly ladder position Tommy reports that it was great to see the positive attitude and confidence that is still on display around the club . Part of this comes from the magnificent meals after training aha that's why Tommy dropped in IT. cooked by Sharon and John Boyd, th e
and corner. their I evening .
0 qJ On matters Mazenod, condole ces to ° Kelly on the loss of her father last we after a long illness . 0
e Including:
Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to ` : with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine
Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm) VAFA A Section'S^Jrap' et's Talk Sport (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm)
Salesian scores its first Senior match points for 2004 : James Keem kicked Blacks rack up 10 straight: 2 victories poles apart, but another bag, and Toby each contributing to the unfolding pattern of our Mcllwraith gave great season's history! drive through th e I.ABT WEEK middle . For Prahran , Blacks v Red s the two Aarons , Blacks were pushed hard by the speedy Reds but still Rhodes at CHB, and Bunnett round the ground flew managed to win as befits a top team . Q3 was the flag especially gallantly. extraordinary in that 10 of the 18 goals for the day THIS WEEK were scored in it, with Blacks being steadier in Q4. Fitzroy Reds v Old Mentonians Paul Kempton had a fine game at HB, Dowsley did well Reds won the R2 encounter by 10 points courtesy of a at HF, Andy Costello was in form at C & OtB (Onya 75% goal scoring productivity rate . Since then Reds Cozzie!) with ruckman Chris Sandiford again superb . have by far the better record and must be favoured to Tim Davis and Ben Atherton played blinders for the win today by 4 goals or so . Reds and Toby Mitchell is congratulated for achieving Ormond v Salesian OC his 100th game with the Club. In spite of the lift Chaddie received from last week's Panthers v Monds win, they will find the Monds too hard to handle at What a thriller, again Ormond survived by a miracle Gunn Reserve, and the home side will win by 6 goals . goal, this time from David Beckett in the dying Peninsula OB v Ban e seconds, to give them the points. A fantastic game in The Pirates are hard to beat at home but the Bears are very trying conditions! Daniel teHennepe & Simon seriously finals focussed and should have enough Keleher turned the Panthers attacks time and again talent advantage to win by 5 goals . all day in a fantastic exhibition of intelligent defensive Aquinas OC v Prahran play. Geoff Dart in his 150th was in every pack What a desperate clash this game will be! Both clubs throughout, Justin Costello & Rob Woodland were have to win to maintain/improve their ladder prolific midfielders, and Andrew Carter toiled hard in relativity, and at Ringwood the Bloods should win by the ruck for the Panthers. a few points. Chaddle v Pirates Well the scribe had the margin right, but good on SOC for upsetting the rest of the prediction! And what a lift it will give the entire Club! On the other hand, Julian Sill and his Pirates must be wishing this season would simply go away! John Nannes continued his stellar year with another heroic effort in the ruck for Chaddie, Adam Davey shone at HB, as did Mark DI ,.. :~Ci : Canavan on one wing and Adrian Stevens on the Yarra Valley Keem 6 37 other. Banyule Egan 0 26 Bears v Bloods Banyule O'Connell 1 26 The home side was always just that bit too Peninsula Payze 1 25 accomplished for the visitors in spite of some Tornese 6 23 innovative back stacking by the latter. The Bears Fitzroy Reds Grace A 2 22 Ormond defence initiated many attacking moves with Dave Claringbold 3 2 2 Gayfer, Nick Taylor, & Adam Dooley all in great form . Peninsula Darren Skinner was hard to pass at CHB for Aquinas, DI RESERVE Matthew Hunter had many possessions round the Fitzroy Reds Capodiferro 4 31 ground, and Ben Volumbello was another rock in the Fitzroy Reds McKerrow 0 27 backs . University Blakcs 0 22 Kelly T wo Blues v Bushrangers Banyule Witchell D 0 17 This was nip and tuck until Prahran faded in Q4, Ormond Russell A 0 14 when the Bushrangers' pace and condition told on the Bournon 0 14 gluggy surface of Toorak Park . YVOB defenders, Old Mentonians Creak 0 14 Russell Yeo & Ryan Coutts, were serious nuisances . Banyule
Yarra Valley OB v University Blacks The Bushrangers will really test the Blacks today, and in present conditions the winning margin won't be large . Blacks have responded to every challenge to date however, and should take the points by a goal or so . Reserves winners should be : Reds, Monds, Pirates, Bloods, & Blacks. Correspondents cow ets : 9889 1979 (+ message bank) & bihickey6@1`'~-ond .com Fitzroy Reds - congratulate Toby "==ot Tub" Mitchell on 100 wonderful panes . Toby hailing from Albury joined the Reds a little under a decade ago and now joins the illustrious Fitzroy Reds Centurions Group in Season 2004 - Well done Hotty. Also the warmest of congratulations to club Vice Captain and all round Bendigo boy Vinnie "The Weasel" Cahill on chalking up his 50th game . Thanks Vinnie, and we look fon,vard to many more sterling performances in our famous jumper. Old &fentonians - congratulate Club Captain Andrew Ca rt er on joining the exclusive 200 Club at the Panthers. Andrew started with our inaugural Under 19 team in 1991 as a tall skinny centre half forward, however, it was not long until he filled out and became a commanding ruckman, holding down the number one role at the Club for almost a decade . His excellent marking and bullocking ruck work have been invaluable to a Club that has not had too many tall players and his fantastic consistency was rewarded with the Club captaincy this . Well done Carts! Geoff Dart celebrated 150 games as a Panther last week and it was another incredibly determined performance which almost dragged us over the line . From his first season in the mid nineties, Darty has been burrowing under packs and making other players look better. Often overlooked by those in the crowd but always appreciated by those closer to the action, Geoff has been a sensational player over a decade . Congratulations Geoff. Also Justin Coste llo is congratulated on reaching the 100 game milestone against Peninsula two weeks ago . Cossie showed he had enormous talent from his very first game and quickly established himself as a senior player. His ability to read the play and dash away to deliver with a raking left foot made him stand out from the average player. He has since added more strings to his bow and become a club leader. The Panthers look forcvard to many more games of high quality football from Justin, but congratulations on the first 100 !
TODAY' S DI SECTION Fitzroy Reds v Old Mentonians - ' I Ormond v Salesian 0 C Peninsula 0 B v Banyule Aquinas 0 C v Prahran Yarra Valley 0 B v University Blacks
UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0 .6 2.8 8.3 10 .14 (74) FITZROY REDS 2 .3 4.6 8.6 8 .10 (58) Uni Blacks : Dowsley 3 Savige 2 Shaw 2 A Costello S Price M Kempton . Best : P Kempton Shaw Sandiford A Costello Dowsley M Kempton. Fitzroy Reds: Tornesse 6 Atherton Dawson . Best: Davis Dollard Atherton Tornesse Abbott Bennie . Umpi res : Grant Joyner Luke Moncrieff (F) Glen Kennedy Paul Tyrer (B) Craig Arnol (G ) 4 .1 5.5 9.5 9.8 (62) OLD MENTONIANS ORMOND 3 .3 6.6 7.6 9 .10 (64) Old Merit : Basile 2 Kalviskas 2 Bournon Carter Carroll Dart B Russo . Best: Dart Costello Woodland Carter Murphy Watts . Ormond: Cook 2 Grace 2 Beckett 2 Russell Ferrari Casey . Best: Te Hennere Keleher Cove Robbins Ferrari Beckett. Umpires: David Phillips Paul Tuppen (F) Jim Exton Paul Whitehead (G) SALESIAN 2 .1 4.3 7.6 10.9 (69) PENINSULA 0 B 1 .7 4 .10 8 .12 9 .14 (68) Salesian: Loughnan 3 Thain 2 Oldfield 2 Nannes Stevens Rose . Best : Hanlon Nannes Canavan Oldtield Loughnan . Peninsula : Claringbolo 3 T Prendergast 2 Teelow Mubbaro Payze Atchison . Best: T Prendergast Teelow Murray Dunne. Umpires: Eli Hayes Dirk Kramer (F) BANYULE 2 .1 5.5 9 .10 12 .13 (85) AQUINAS 0 .2 1 .3 2.3 4.5(29) Banyule : tVillmore 4 N Taylor 2 O'Connell Lorenzint Davies Plant Gloury Wilson . Best: Cantwell D Gayfer Brown Davies N Taylor Mutton . Aquinas: Hunt 2 Jess Colliver. Best : Hunter DenBraber Redwood Helme CollIver Jess . Umpires : Paul Dinneen Anthony Simpson (F) 2 .6 3.7 6.8 PRAERAN 7.9(51) YARRA VALLEY 0 .3 2.7 6 .11 11 .12 (78) Prahran : Bennett 3 Dibben 2 Sleight Hunt . Best: Rhodes Bunnett Plummer Sleight Hunt. Yarra Va ll ey: Keen 6 Stone 2 Strong R Drew Beal. Best: R Yea Keem R Coutts Beal Mcllrath Rokicki. Umpires : Max Wittman Paul Jones (F) Gary Clancy Hagen Cosgiff (G) Dl RESERVE UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 .2 3.3 3.3 4 .10 (34) FITZROY REDS 1 .5 4.8 7 .11 10 .13 (73) Uni Blacks: C Beaton Wilson Wood Black . Best: B Weber Hamilton Powell B Watch Black Jesse . Fitzroy Reds: Capodiferro 4 Drury 2 Evans Baillie O'Connor Bare. Best : O'Connor B Gleeson Drury Reeves Baillie Evans. OLD ;4iENTONIAtdS 3 .1 3.4 4.8 5.8 (38) ORMOND 2 .2 2.2 2.5 4.6(30) Old %ent: Ballantine 3 Kiantos McCloskey . Best : McCloskey Austin Dwyer O'Brien Stroud D .Alexander. Ormond : Stenart Metz Parsons Keleher. Best : Metz Broadhurst Douglas Franklin Stewart Cleary . SALESIAN 1 .2 1 .4 2.5 3.6(24) PENINSULA 0 B 4 .5 9.9 15 .13 18.18 (126) Salesian : Henson 2 Bowman . Best: D Allen Hanaphy Smyth Bowman Woodman McLarren. Peninsula: Fawkiner 5 Sharpin 3 Brennan 3 Haley 3 Powney Braden Vidotto Goldthorpe . Best: Harpin Haley Falkiner Goldthorpe Brennan Braden . BANYULE 1 .3 1 .6 4.7 4.8(32) 2 .2 5.3 7.4 12.6 (78) AQUINAS Banyuie: Reed Connolly Baldac Prior. Best: George Thomson A Spicer Nasrallah Baldac Rothe . Aquinas : Box 2 Ligh 2 Bethune 2 Tzoumanakas Soccer Brook Lyng Jefferies . Hughs . Best : Tzoumanakas Box Elliot Caskey Cousins Lyng. PRAHRAN 0 .0 0.2 2.2 3.3(21) YARRA VALLEY 5 .2 8.6 10.9 12 .12 (84) Prahran : Ferrero 2 J Vagg . Best: Aitken Ramage J Vagg M Vagg J Matherson. Yarra Valley: Lear 4 Wines 3 Britt Drew Stevenson Clark Thompson .
r~tl ;<s. Paul t rpar
Cc +cn
1 . B. Reed 2. A. Bottom ay 3. N . Taylor 4. F. Gloury 4. M. Creak (res) 5 . B. Willmore 6 . M . Morgan 7 . C . Taylor 8 . B . Cantwell 9 . J . Plant 10. A . Dooley
1 L. Toomey 2 S. Tbb 3 J. Coglan* 3 S. Edward s 5 M. Hunter 6 D . AAinogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J. Jess (VC) 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 S . Cooper 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Den Braber (C) 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A . Lorki n 15 Adrfan Williams
it . D. Wilson 12. J. Egan 13. B. Moxo n 14. L . O'Donnel l
16 J . Hunt
17 B . RE vcod 18 J . Hughes 18 T. (' °nshaa•, C 19 G . __ .i ~} 20 D . Skinner ' 21 J. P ' Q 22 S. Frynn 23 M. Vlsser
15 . A. Brown 16 . A. Demetriou 17 , C . Davies 17 . S. Gray (re<.~e) 18 . T`.^Is e 19 . L. O'Cc 1 1 9. T Not lah (res) 21 . R . Mir mte 22. C. 23. M . Gray 24. T Prior 25. D. i 20. B r 27. J. Jones 28. D . Sp u 29. D . Nasrallah 30 . D . Mutton 31 . G. McLellan 32 . J. King 33 . B . G2 ,~er 34 . S . Lo-en x 35 . L. Ric :,son 38, M . G, 37 . T. Thcrr ~n 38. D. Cr 39. J . Tumt I 40. T. Prior 41 . A. Tshaikiwaky 42. M . Van Poetere n 43. L . Farrel 44. J. Connelly 45. A. Roethe 46 . T. Egan 93n 48 ' B. Herbe rt G . 49 . Bell 50 . S . Gray
24 P. House
B. ` hello 26 J . A 27 C . t~ 2 B . ie 2_ J . 1 3n C. = `G 33 C. 34 . 35 36 P. U ay 37 S. Lt +rd B. °fa'+ 39 S. E_ .hune 40 S. I n da1 G I_•~,ea .. ~ J+ . .. .<'= ry J. S D .a«v °tan : sluis 45 T 47 Anthems Williams 48 R . Br- 1 49 M . Grrinn 50 C. Croze
53 D. Robinson 54 M . O'Hallora n
55 L. Stafford 58 P. Cruickshan k 57 M . Hams 58 H . Tyssen
59 B. Cooper
60 L . Elliott 61 1 . Drew 62 C . Lyng 63 A . Barrie 64 S . Voursouki s 67 C . Tzoumenaka s 72 T Brook S . Voursoukis S . Ozergi n S . Jone s A. Hyland
55 . D. Williams
c hPete Ro: so F Jamie Winduss
Co, m t,sen a .' : Chris Tehan
1 T. P.9ftvalsky 2. C. Twentyman 3. R . 4. R . Woodland 5. C . Mackay 6 . C . Alexander (VCR) 7 . M. McCloskey (DVC) 8 . G. Ferguson 9 . J . Walker 10 . S . Vaigt 11 . D. So61e 12 . C. Dwyer (CR) "~ 13 . B . Russo 14. M . Stroud 15. J . Costello (DVC ) 16. B. Carroll 17. N. Linford (CR) 18. T. Bauman 19. A. Palmer 20. D. O'Connor 21 . J. O'Brien 22 . B. Coghlan 23 . A. Drinan 24 . D . Cochrane 25 . B . Fairbanks 26 . G. Dart 27 . A. Kiantos 28 . D. Kitto (VC ) 29. A . Carter (C) 30. D. Russo 39 . M . Elliott 32. M . Sunter
1 . D . Han am 2. B. Hoidemead & A. Walsh
4. ~.4 Cairns & J. Hamilton 5 . P. Diaccgiorgis
7 . L. Byrne 8 . A . Byrne 9, H . Fletcher 11 . B . Atherton
12 . D. Murphy 13. A. Dawso n 14. T Clark e 16. G . Crane 17. B. Lee 1 8. M . Bake r 19. Pa. Cook
20. T Mitchell 21 . C. Meighen 22 . C . Sullivan 23, T J-- >on 2? . J . =s 25 ' D . J ~,, . V. .,. .. 30. C. L 31 . P. Cr a 32. A. Grant
33. S. Worrell
31 S. Duty
34. P. Flaskis 35. D. Murphy 36. D. Alexander 37. M. Francis 38 . T Millis
35. P. Cook
36. M . Reeves 37. A. O'Reilly 39 . A. George 40 . G . Bar^e 41 . R." E )as 42 . I. cBumey 45 . J . I inie 1 . N. 47 . W. Bahr 48. N . ughn 51 . J . Raxd+ns 52. B . O'Connor 53. S . Addicott 56. T. Madden 57. R. Rome 61 . G . Virtue 62. N . Auden 63. C . Andrew R . Ho .demead '
40 . R .Alex.ander 41 . S . Cozen s 42 . M . Basile
43 . G. Hubbard 44 . L Sumer 4 5, A . Erskine 46, A. Bo°rRe31 47. J . Kelly 48. D. Stevens (VCR) 49. N. Fisher 50. K. Regan
51 . A. Wilson
53. S. Wilson 54. D . Goodbody
. ..
-- .. ..
-. .
.. .
. '. I
18 W. Cove 19 D . Cleary 20 D . te Hennepe
21 R. Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor
24 J . Muzze;l 25 J . Dale Harv 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashford 28 A. Clinch 29 D. Palling 30 L Wells 31 C. Youn g 32 L O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 A. Russell 36 D . Casey y 37 C . Everett 38 D . Byra 39 M . Fenari 40 A . Douglas 41 B . Upstil l 42 C. Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 M . Broadhurst 45 J. Franklin 46 C. Johnston e 47 A. Gaana n 48 R. Saunders
55 B . Payson
.nv.iitzroyfc .com .au , g ..
12 B. Deledi o 13 C. Lees 14 S. James 15 C . Telley 16 T. Stewart 17 L Russell
50 S. Di ual e Ra~t 51 T Dipasquale 52 M. Brown 53 K . Harvey 54 M . Ramsay
55 . M. Kalviski s 56 . B. Thomas 57 . S . Fairbanks 58 . A . Worrel l 59 . A . Joyce 60 . A. O'Reilly 61 . B . Saunders 62. R. Schloeffel 63. C. Palmer 64. M . Austin 65. A. Mort 66. M . Mackay 67. A. Noonan
~ <a
11 D. Robbin s
49 D . Jewett
52. P.S. Watts
73 . J . Bare 75 . B . Pollard 76 . D . Curti s 77 . A . Grillo 8 o . G. Box 81 . J . Savage 95. D. Flanagan g7 D Rcnchi 99. C. McGrath
1 L Deledio 2 D . Beckett 3 J . Denning 4 A . Grace 5 M . hfiartinav 6 D. Whelan 7 S . Kelehe r 8 M . Miller 9 S . Metz 10 T. Banks
35 BG . allay
39 . K. Campbell
71 . T. Leaks
Coach:Adrian Connolly Res Coach : Peter O' Dea
L L1,.'---.- r , - - .. . _ . ' . .- . . . .i :15I . liL : YIOTEL
56 M . Farrel l 57 R. Kentara 58 K. Snyman 59 N. Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 L. Frankli n 62 D. Roylance 63 S. McConchi e 64 D . Loetj e 65 M. Anderson 66 L Waterson 67 M. Franci s 68 B . Cromack
69 C . West 70 D. Farrell 71 C. Hassel l
72 P. Rogash
73 B . Stone 74 L Gouzenfitte r 75 M . Lance
San Coach: Julian 5111 F a: Brian Cronin I S . Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goldih,orp 4 E. Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angus 9~ 10 A. Haley it J . Sill 12 S . Ferguson 13 B . Cook' 14 S . White 15 J . Davis' 16 S. Ctaringbold 17 J. Coghlan 18 J. Whee4an 19 A. Mekinstry 20 S. Prendergast 21 A.Teebw 22 A . Atchison 23 R . Pawmey 24 T. Prendergast 25 A. Powell 26 G. Lethbridge 27 S . Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Tarossi 30 A. Crean 31 * 32 B. Liuz2i 33 R. Stainforth 34 M. Falkiner 35 T. Lane 36 N . Bowman 37 J . Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S . Wilson 40 D. Hubbard 41 A . V'ndotto 42 N. Claring~kJ 43 B. Dunne 44 C. Mclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 T. Moran 47 L . Palmer 48 N . Heffernan 49 A. Minchin 50 A. Bonner 51 R . Haman 52 A . Wood 54 C. Wilson 55 A. C an non 58 P. Mangan 69 J . Muir
Coach: L ih Stafford Reserv - : Andrew Gil!am
Coach : Peter turley Res Coach: Adrian Chippaini
1 . C . Clauscen 2 . L Stafford 3 . J . Ferrier 4 . D. Cullen 5, H . Pitts 6. A . Donachi e 7. T. Greening S. I . Hunt 9. A. Bunnell 10. M . Mc Cudden 11 . A. Pitts 1 2. C . PAofsat 1 3. L . Nwthvray, 14. L Fox 15 . C . Today 16 . A . Rhodes 17 . M . Harrison 18 . M . Windridge 19 . S . Ramag e 20 J . Fellow 21 . T. Span'ey 22. A. Sleight 23. R. Marriott 24. K. Plummer 25. L Aitken 26. A. Dibbe n 27. W. Watford 28. K. Watford 29 . P. Gartl and 30. M. Radyrronik 31 . S . Fraser 32 . D . Ballard 33 . A, Wood 34 . R. Alcock 35, J . Bedford 36. G . Beven 37. M . Boyd 38. E. Macdonald 39. J. Matherson 40. A . Ferrero 41 . J. Upton 42. B. Downing 43. S. Kennett 44 . B. Lynn 45 . T. Mahoney 46 . S . PAoytan 47 . J . Killeen 48 J . Vagg 49.' I. Dennis 50. B . Mahoney 51 . N. Harvey 52. N. Gill 53. A. Ryan 54. K Sagnol 55. M. Vagg 56. A. Potter 57. L . Castle 58 . T. Murphy 59 . 5. Dixon 60 . M. Roach 61 . B . Campbel l 62 . R . Hem 63 . R. Mackay 64 . J . Belcher 65. B . Sodoma 66. 5. Campbell 67. S. Oliver 68. S. Bell 69. B .Todd 70. S. Conle y
SPONSORS: Shann Accessories
RetraVision Armadale
1 . A. Stevens 2. A. main 3 . S . Sutherland 4 . C. Rose 5 . M. Canavan 6 . D. Forer 7 . D. Foley 8 . S . Logan 9. A. Campbell it. S. OkffieW 11 . A Davey 12. M . Cooke 13. I . Bobetic 14. P. Evans 15. L . Rose 16 . P. Dolman 17 . M. Forbes 18 . D . Barry 19 . M. Ferwerda 20 . A Seeger 21 . A Bonnici 22. S . Greely 23. T. Henson 24. A. Grace 25. C. Ryan 26. J. Nannes 27. P. Allen 2$ . M. Byrne 29 . D . Bowman 30 . 0. Le 31 . B . Grams 32 . G. Riley 33 . N . Callaghan 34. G. Goulden 35. P. Knott 36. S . Nolan 37. J. Brennan 38. A. Gaspari 39. P. Prtts 40. M. Forer 41 . P. Forbes 42, P. Hanlon 43. M. Van Suylen 44 . P. McClaren 45 . D . Allen 46 . S . Savage 47 . K. Gallaohsr 48 . J . Logan 49. M . Oakley 50. S. Kavanagh 51 . A. Foley 52. M. Forbes 53. E. Maillard 54. M. Smyth 55. E. Hanapy 56. M . Loughnan 57 . S . Sewell ~ , M . Bates 59 . A. Healy 60 . A. Bates 61 . R. Cincott a 63. A. Chipplant 64. S. Sinclair 65. M. Sullen 66. S. Sinctair 67. B. Kirchner
U~~ BLAC $$ Senior Coach: A Parkin Reserves Coach : M. Fittotani Club 1 8 Coach: C . Bauldt 1 . A . Costello 2. S . Chandler R. Hamilton 3. 4. M . Rizi o 5. L Rawnsley 6. A. Beva ua C18) j. S. Price~ 8 . B. Welch 8 . W. Pascoe (R(C18) 9 . P. Kempton 10 . W. Hann a 11 . S. Watch 12 . M. Cunningham 13 . A. Ross 13 . C . Baulch (FUC18) 14 . C . Pri ce 15. B. Shaw 16. J . Lalich 17. A. Moffatt 18.. C. Groom 19. M . KemPtan 20. C. Sand~iford 21 . J. Sibilia 22. E . Nolan 23. P ~m:(~pt) 24 . V. Romqn 25 . A. Katsaros 26 . D. Batten 27 . M. Savige 28 . R 29 . A. Steer 30 . A. Jesse 31 . B. Costello 32. A. Cameron 33. W. Blak e 34. S . Middleton 35. B . Villella 36. M . Prowse 37. R. Dabraio 38. 5 . Bloodworth 39 . B . Cunningham 40 . N. Martin 41 . T. MacCallum 42 . A. Smith 43 . C. Beaton 44 . E. Ryan 45. R . Scarlett 46 A. Kelley 4 . A. Wilson 49. 7 R . Dillon 50. A . Goonan 51 . R . Wood 53, D. O'Keefre 54. M . Petersen 57. D. Weddell 58 . B . Edwards 61 . J . Black 63 . C. Beasley 64, L Hill 65 . J. Fuller 66 . C. Lewis 67 . N . Goonan 69. M. Swampillai 70. J. Green 71 . S. Palmer 72. LClan 73. E . 74. R . Kercheval 75. H . Ellis 76. C. Webb 77. T. Brumtry- Rundep 78 . A. Witnish 80 . S. Bade 81 . S. Spong 83 . P. Molloy as . B. e Webe r 86 . T. Row 87 . A. Watkins 94. A. Powell 897. L. 9 . K Begely
Coach : Tim Iv . worth Res. Cr ~11: Simon Taylor. R. Pearce 1 T. Morris 2 R. Thompson 3 M . Fung 4 A. Drew Captain 5 R. Drew 6 C. Beal 7 L Morri s 8 J Keem 9 10 T. Hancock T. Mclllrath 1 1 J . Cremean 1 2 L Gillies 13 14 B. Nickolas E . Kruse 1 4 N . Pask 1 5 L Taylor 16 A. Laing 1 7 C. Britt 18 J. Strong 1 9 T. Hale 20 D. Stevenson 21 B. Drew 22 R. Yee 23 M. Davies 24 25 F. Pellegrino 26 J. Longworth S. Savage 2 7 28 M. Rockicki 29 R . Courts D . Potter 3 0 31 R. Cooper J .~'P 32 P. Cremean 3 3 B . Seeger 34 B . Peake 35 36 P. Jarvis D. Balshaw 37 38 B. Morrison J. Tompkins 39 . Wines 40 M B. Downs 4 1 A. Stone 42 43 S. Yea NO 44 J. A . Wingate 45 T. Oliver 46 S . Collie 47 R. Davis 48 S . Seaboume 49 J. Peake 50 H. Clarke 51 A. Ha rtnett 52 S. Fyffe 53 S. Sm i pson 54 A. Vass 5 5 56 T. Lloyd P. Pickering 5 7 59 A . Joiner 60 S . Laird P. yy~pp{ 61 P. Baruma 62 P. B . Whitechurch 6 3 D. Smith 64 M . Norrish 65 A. Russell 6 6 B. Glennke 6 7 T. Collet 68 R . Collet 69 N . Lear 70 71 M. Laing 76 G. Courts 77 S. Thompson N . Peters 7 8 D. Redfern 82 T. Peters 92
Proudly Sponsored b y THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St
Carlton 3053
Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am For news, views and previews, tune t o THE AMMOS SHOW with Ken Petrucco, Norm Nugent & pane!
SATURDAY on 96 . 5 - 9 .00- 1 0 .00aro Then to LOG :tL SPORTS I :t1UUD-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score service rt f t, Day ma ma a r vaa r_ -
"Weekend Leave P : ,s" Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5p m with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fin e
Including :
=--1 Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday,12noon to 5pm) VAFA A Section'Wrap ' (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm)
Liva A Section Fc . .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ..
EAST: ~N COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS "in tune with the outer east " VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 5 .00-5.15pm each Saturday night.
a, y â&#x153;&#x201C;A~A SLJ NI~AN' 9.30 - 10.30 a.m. TU P : 7- ill 9.Gu EACH SUN D AY M ~`.uP. K : 1D TO T@C:9r.tY BF3A iFi ~ ST EVE McCARTHY WITH ALL THE VAFA H EWS This weeks guests : Nick Bourke (VAFA Senior Coach)
. 3~
"Weekend Leave Pass" Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine 24
Including : Qua rter by Quarter A Section Score Updates (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm) VAFA A Section 'Wrap! et's Talk Sport (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm)
presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests fro m St Bernards (A), St Kevins, Old Essendon, Old Paradirms (B), Thersg Penola (C), Uni Blacks (DI), LaTrobe Uni , West Brunswick (D2), Rupertswood (â&#x17E;˘3 ), North Brunswick 04) . REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8A0 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
VAFA on SEN 17 7 4
Including :
, .98 -.)01 - -. f '/ 'lay
Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Updates (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm )
"Weekend Leave Pass"
Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm VAFA A Section'Wrap' Let's Talk Sport (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm ) with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine
The SundayAge VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturda y VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and johnathan Hor n
reiiews the competition in Monday's A" 1
,Tp o~a r-,O-., 9? D Gl 0.
Radio Aclvert arorloP io~_.
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R adio Acvert '4 romotion .
presented by Glenn Scarborough with 1,
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St Sernards(A), St Keains, Old Essendon, Old Paradians (B) . Therry Penola (C), Uni Blacks (Dl), LaTrobe Uni, West Brunswick (Ti2).
Rupertswood (D3), North Brunswick (D4) . PREVIEWS Friday 7,00-8 .00 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA.
by Star Ivanhoe Assumption forward Doni 'The Fox" finals out of reach , Valkanis bagged eight goals as the Hoes defeated LaTrobe Razorbacks coach University by 52 points in Bundoora . Apart from an Derek Theone said th e next eight weeks would evenly contested second quarter, the Hoes were always in be spent avoiding relegation and preparing for next control, with Brown, Wood and Crapper rock solid in the season. The Razorbacks lost to OC by only 31 points last half back line . time but look hard pressed to get that close today. Grim conditions at Como Park, and a grim day for Swinburne University as Old Geelong walloped them by With three consecutive losses to the top three sides in excess of 80 points West Brunswick has not been close to 73 points. Star Razorback full-forward Jason Murchie struggled in the conditions and even spent time playing on the mark recently. But the Magpies get their chance to win today when they host seventh placed La Trobe . Despite his opposite number, Mark Vickers-Willis, in order to curb the influence of the latter, and was successful to a degree . losing heavily, Magpies coach Angus Hamilton has stil l A less than warm welcome to The OC for Monas h been happy with his side's application. While they beat the Gryphons, as Old Carey thumped them by 96 points . Trobers in round two , the Magpies will start massive underdogs today. "Jogger" White snagged half a dozen, and the Angus boys shared eight between them, while Adrian Flowerda y Monash will also be unfancied when it hosts Bulleen Templestowe. The eighth placed Gryphons were continued his return to form after suspension in a competitive in its 31-point loss to Old Geelong a fortnight fantastic effort for the Gryphons. In other games, Bu lleen Templestowe had a comfortable ago but with a top two spot still up for grabs, the Bullants have too much to play for to take this match lightly . victory over West Brunswick, after being a goal down at quarter time ; and Bentleigh were made to work hard in TIPS their win over Williamstown CYMS, their third quarter in Ivanhoe Assumption 3 particular being influential in the final wash-up. Old Geelong 30 My tips this week are : Ivanhoe Assumption ; Old Geelong; Old Carey 42 Bulleen Templestowe 36 Old Carey; Bulleen Templestowe ; and LaTrobe University . WHAT ANDREW SAYS: La Trobe 33 Ivanhoe Assumption host Bentleigh today with both Social clubs entering this clash with impressive winning streak s Bentleigh urges supporters to go back to the South (five and four respectively) . Despite an impressive 52-point Oakleigh Club after Ivanhoe this week for a few drinks and win against La Trobe last week, Hoes coach John Matthe w a meal and then on Sunday it's back there for breakfast . was glad his side was not playing at Bentleigh this week . Ten dollars includes all ; see Cloughy for bookings . While the Demons would be just two games adrift of th e fourth placed Hoes if they win today, playing coach Justin Paul was still not looking at finals action . The Demons los . But with Paul an dtoheHsinrudwby14pots 10 other regular senior players who did not play last time I available today, the Demons have more than an outside CLUB LSTs6iAL hope of causing an upset. However, at home, the Hoe s should win in a close one. D2 SECTION Williamstown has struggled to win close games in the last Old Geelong Vickers- Willis 3 two seasons and their 17-point loss last week to Bentleig h Bentleigh Paul 2 was their 11th loss by les than 21 points since round one, Ivanhoe Ass Valkanis 8 2003 . While CYMS coach Dene Macleod could not fault his Angus T 5 Old Carey Old Geelong today, the players' endeavour. Starting with Bulleen Temp Williams 1 CYMS enter a horror three-week period which will see Swinburne Uni Murchie 0 them tackle the top three sides . And if that was not bad D2 RESERVE enough the CYMS, who desperately need a win to put Avery Old Geelong breathing space between them and the relegation zone, Ivanhoe Ass Pearce must do so without champion forward Dave Lee who is Williamstown Burgess suffering from a season-ending knee injury . Guerra Old Carey Swinburne has also had its season ruined by injury and Williams Bulleen Temp narrow losses and will have up to 16 premiership players Slate r La Trobe Uni missinH when it hosts ladder leader Old Carey. With the
Correspondents Please send details of any match reviews to Peter.PS .au, ideally by 5pm each Monday afternoon, or Andrew Wu s3043247 .edu .au Have a grca2 V~:!:A-,a id, The C
;h - congratulates Joel Seeley on 2C_) (affies . Joel has been consistently one of our best players since joining us in the early 90's. Joel can be found across halfback and has been part of a steady baekline that has included some of the clubs best players . Well done and good luck. (Have a blinder Eddie! - Ed) . Swinbtt rne Uni - Last weekend saw Robert Goode become only the second player in Razorback history to play 150 games for the club. "Goody" was a first year player for the Razorbacks in 1995 whilst studying at Sudnburne University. In 1997 he joined the committee and became the club treasurer. From 1999 to 2002 he remained an influential committee member and returned back to the position of club treasurer in 2003 . Goody's onfield attitude and skills are excellent. His knowledge of the game and support of his teammates is second to none . He was a regular member of the seniors side in the late 1990's, and finished in the top 5 in the 1999 seniors best & fairest. Since then in the reserves he has won the last two years reserves best and fairest awards, playing the odd game in the seniors here and there . Goody has put more time into the club than most and all at the Razorbacks applaud him on this milestone. Ivanhoe Assumption - congratulates Colin 째Woofa" Brown on his 10C)th game today. Colin joined the Hoes from Tallangatta in 1995 and soon showed he had courage, pace and skills . VFL club Preston thought so too and he spent a season with the Bullants . Colin, like his champion father Barney, seems to get better with age. He was sidelined by injury for much of 2001, but bounced back to be runner-up in the club B&F in 2002 . Everyone at Hoeland is rapt to see this great clubman return to enjoy another big season in the black and white . Old Carey - celebrated 50 games last week for 2-time U 19 B&F Lachie 'Lid' IdeF'arlane and also reserves stalwart James Ward . This week former captain and best and fairest winner of both the Unders and Seniors Chris Angus plays his 150th game for the club . Chris has been a stand-out player for Old Carey since 1995 . and his blistering pace and penchant for goals has made him a key player for the club ever since, including the premiership side of 1998. We wish Chris all the best for his 150th, and look forward to many more years of entertaining football . Congratulations also to four other Old Carey players reaching 50 game milestones this week . Al StewartHolmes, Harry Giannikos, Nic Detarczynski and Cam Adam have all been great contributors to the club both o n and off the field over recent times and well done on reaching 50 games with The Panthers .
D2 SF Y' .'It}N Ivanhoe Assumption v Bentleigh Williamstown CYMS v Old Geelong Svainburne University v Old Care y Monash Gryphons v Bulleen Tempiestowe West Brunswick v La Trobe University
2 .0 6 .0 6.2 9 .3(57) 17 .8(110) IV6:383i~3U'_'!IOTd 6 .3 9 .6 12.7 LaT*. - : Uni : Envall 3 Davis 2 Mawdsley Brooks Farrant Murray . Best: Be iton Butler Envall Gleeson Mawdsley McMeekin . Ivanhoe i- .r;umpHom Valkanis 8 Rawley 3 Morris 2 Frisina 2 Healy Harris . Best: Harris Valkanis Sampson losefo Heger Healy . Umpires : Andrew Smith Peter Angelis (F) Ryan Place Adrian Borg (B) BENTLEIGH 3.1 3 .5 7.7 9 .8 (62) WILL MSTOWN 1 .3 4 .5 4.8 6.9 (45) Bent : Paul 2 Mikkelsen 2 Seeley Dolton Clough Holmesby Lupoi . Best: MeCulloch Sharp Smith Wilken Clough . W'town: Wheeler 3 Munro Matthews Wouda . Best: J Hynes B Hynes Munro Pheimister Hart B Grant. Umpires : Steve Capel Michael Forde (F ) 5.3 7 .6 12 .10 17.12 (114) OLD GEELONG SIVINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1 .1 3.3 3.5 6.5 (41) Old Geel: M Goldsworthy 5 M Vickers-Willis 3 N Betts 3 T Follow 2 D Kimpton T Logue W Paul J Fitzclarence. Best: M Goldsworthy T Paul H Legoe J Hope-Johnstone N Betts T Follow . Swin: Andrinopoulos 2 M Higgins Gelly Watts Kiss. Best : Watts Piotrowski Fragorcorno Morrison Fricke Andrinopoulos . Umpires : Mitch Brixton Geoff Moore (F) Stephen Bogisich Kyle Monkey (G ) OLD CA12EY 5.3 12 .10 16.13 21.21 (147) MONASH GRYPHONS 2.3 2.3 6.6 7.9 (51) Old Carey: White 6 T Angus 5 C Angus 3 Rossignolo 2 Battle James McFarlane Campbell Stewart-Holmes . Best : White T Angus Munro Campbell Stewart-Hohnes Spencer . Mon Gryph : Sharkey 3T Bourbon 2 Ledton Kent . Best: Flowerday B Bourbon Paolucci J Rutherford Waters B Coxhead . Umpires : Jamie K4ins (F) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 .1 10.9 15.10 19.15 (129) WEST BRUNSWICK 4.1 4.2 6 .3 7.4(46) Bull Temp: Clovers 4 D Matthews 3 Milesi 2 Teehan 2 Stella 2 Wise Glover Wilkie Robertson R Williams Daskalou, Best: Chivers Teehan Daskalou Stella Pietryk Milesi . West Bruns : Cannane 2 Lehman 2 Mc Guire R Benjamin Hamilton. Best: Brookshaw Stewart Simmons West McGuire. Umpires : Jason Lane Greg Rowlings (F) D2 RESERVE LA TROBE UN 째i 1.7 4.10 6.13 12.22 (94) IBAfdFIOE ASSUMPTION 1.2 2 .6 3 .6 (24) LaTrobe : Morton 3 Hewitt 2 Slater 2 Coulter 2 Hogan Robson Blight . Best: Blight Spring Wolfsen Dalrymple Hewitt Robson . Ivanhoe Ass: Pearce Shemshedin Mehmet . Best: Mehmet Chazan Maud Cole Shuttleworrzh eoples . BEIe 1 6 .2 7 .4 8 .7 8 .9(57) WILL11. . .2 .1 5 .4 7 .5 8 .5(53) : Within L Sampson Beatie Holmesby Kopitschinski Bent Padgham Dim ; 1 : Gold Dimattina Kopitschinski Punter Richards Adan Hann 2 Dowsey Elias Jones Mackley McEachran Rol ison sixtt Robinson B Martin McKenzie Di Grazia McF,achran . OLD GEELONG 2 .5 1 .3 6 .1 11 .13 (79) SWINBURNE UPtIVEI-TY 0 .1 2 .2 2 .2 2 .4 (16) Old Gee1 : M Avery 3 G Allen 2 T Bayles S Cole R Herd J Morley A Munro C Wilson. Best: R Herd J Burbury D Taylor A Dhilion S Cole G Allen . 5winbaane University: Barbary Thomas . Best : Goode Fleisner Ledger Gundry Hyman Gordan , OLD CAREY 4 .7 8 .9 13 .15 16.20 (116) IdOIdASY. GRYPHONS 2 .1 6 .5 6.6 7 .8 (50) Old Carey : Konstantinidis 4 A Guerra 4 Drake 2 L Guerra 2Hill 2 Shrives Adam. Best : Hill Konstantinidis Adam L Guerra A Guerra S Bennett . s5onash Gryphons : Parker 3 Grenfell Jenkin Tobin Mannikkuis . Best : Parker Block Willocks Nichols Still Tobin BULLEEN TEbSPLESTOtpE 3 .3 4.5 8 .10 8 .10 (58) WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .1 4.1 5.1 5.4(34) Bull Temp : D Williams 3 A Parris 2 T Agosta verge Theodrakakos . Best : A Parris Agosta Rogers Horvath T'neodrakakos . West Bruns: M Russell 3 Williamson 2 . Best: Morphet Tobin Thompson McManus Sutherland Williamson.
D2 Section BEHTI .EIGH
Coach: Justin Paul Asst: Troy Lupoi Res Coach: Steve Hall
BIILLEEN TEMPLESTOWE IVANHOE ASSUMPTiOH Coach: Steve Easton Res .Coach : Andrew Parris
Coach: John Matthew Assist Coach: Doni Valkanis Res . Coach : Anthony Conti
30. D . Ferguson 31 . A. Banks 32. D . Kopitschinski
1 . G. Chivers (Capt) 2 . M . Stella L Thompson (VC) 4 . W. Thompson 5 . C . Parris 6 . A . Tehan (DVC) 7 . P. Robertson 8 . D . Glover 9 . J . Matthews 10 . J . Wise 12 . A . Parris 13 . D . Tulloch 14 . A . Wilke 15 . A . Fitt 16 . S. Smith 17 . C . Morrison 18 . J . Newman 19 . L. Stott 20. M. Jones 21 . P. Gannas 22 . S. Noble 23. D . Matthews 24. D . Williams 25. L Norbury 26 . S. Boyd 27. A. Clarke 28. P. Milesi 29. P. Tsokas 30. D . Florence
33. P. Withingto n 34. R . Morris
31 . M. Piefi Yk 32. R . Williams
1 . S . Conley 2 . M. Maud 3 . C . Tucker 4 . T. O'Neill 5 . J . Scobl e 6 . E . Healy (v .capt) 7 . P. Rawley 8 . J . Shuttleworth 9 . R . Peoples 10 . R Lee 11 . D . Valkanis 12 . R Tonkin 13 . S. Narkiewicz 14 . S. Kaso 15 . J. Curtin 16 . P. Harris 17 . S. Morris 18 . D . Abud 19 . D . Wood (d .v.capt.) 20 . N . Pye 21 . N . Blainey 22 . A. Height 23 . D . Ryan 24 . B. Frew 25 . J. Frisina 26 . P. Cameron 27 . J. Fntayson 28 . S. Matthews 29 . J. Crapper 30 . S. Kaso
1 . C . Sharp 2 . J . Paul 3 . A . Pittito 4 . S . Sire 5 . M. Eyles 6 . A . Jolly 7 . J . Rortson 8 . J . Handfieki 9 . T. Rowe 10 . R . Pearce 11 . D . Martin 12. N . Aitken 13. S. Craven 14. D . Vardy 15. T. Lu~
16. G . Alen
17. S. Franci s i 8. S. Adaway
19. B. Fox 20. R . Fishlock 21 . A. Ferris 22. A. Smith 23. G . McFarlane 24. L Halmesby 25. D . Gold 26. B. Padgham 27. J. Seeley 28. M. McCulloch 29. A. Clough
35. L meson 36. M. Backman 37. P. Hutchison 38. G . Beatti e 39. G . Prigg 40. A. Steward 41 . P. Dimattina 42. A. Mikkelsen 43. M . Vukic 44. R. Punter 45. R. Brookshaw 46. R. Lawford
47. M . Scanlan 48. R. McEvoy
49. A. Lee 50. A. Stones 50. L Wilken 51 . P. Sampson 52 . L Sampson 53 .. D. Gun n 54 . R. Oldfield 55 . G. Richards 56 . C. Aitken 57 . S . Nankervis 58 . T. Caterson 59 . I. Jackson 60 . S . Kennedy 61 . H . McKenzie 63 . S . Stuart 64 . M . Hayes
Sponsor CHRIS' DIPS . ~ ~ '~ - -
33. N . Hamshare 34. S. Lambropoulos 35. D . Daskalou 36. P Hare 37. J. Frangos 38. A. Verge 39. D . Buccachio 40. G . Theodrakakous 41 . R . Lea 42. P. Edwards 43. D . Horvath 44. R . Schneider 45. D. Rogers 46. A. Humphrey 47. C. Morivitis 48. A. Morivitis 49. B. Touriganis 50. R. Georgelous
51 . T. Coram 57. R. Toscano 58. D. McMahon 59. M . Daskalou 60. M . Scaran o 62. M . Kirsz 64. C. Tzalabiris
31 . S. Scapari
32 . J. Icefo 33 . S. O'Connell 34 . B. Joyce 35 . M. Serafini 36 . J. Tamburro 37 . P. Cotter 38 . M. Sheppard 39 . M. Ebbage 40 . D . Sartor 41 . C . McDonald 42 . R . Kolb 43 . A. Shemshedin 44 . T. Scott 45 . E. Nuttall 46 . R . Nuttall 47 . B. Watthers 48 . R . Toogood 49 . E. Marino 50 . R . Sing 51 . D . Pearce 52 . S. Sampson (capt.) 53. M. Chazan 54. T. Scott 55. D . Frank 56. G . Ford 57. M. Frannich 58. D. Hager 59. C. Mclnney 60. J. Nemtses 61 . T. Mehmet 69. J. Mazocca 78. C. Brown
LA TROBE UHI Senior Coach : Glenn Taylor Res Coach : Bob Ellis 1. . . 4. 32
P. Morton W. D. Shekirick H. Davies
5. S. Adamswaite 6. D. Gleason
7. T. Mannes 8. C. Correnti 9. L. Walker 10 . S. Davis 11 . A. Murray 13 . T. Ludeman 14 . D. BuUer 15 . S. Brooks
16 . P. Farrant 17 . S. Fitzgerald 18 . C. Blig t
19 . A. Randall
21 . M . Harvey 22 . D. McMeekin 23 . M . Cossar 24 . L Enval l 25 . M . Fanning 26 . D. Steven s 27 . S . Pruscino
28 . C. Ross
30 . S . Gellert 31 . A . Mambwe 32 . S . Gibson
33 . M . Watson
35 : F. T man ~ g 36 . T. Mawdstey 37 . A. Gurney 39 . R. Slater 440 . S . M.2 . Hu ahn 43 . A. Pou ton 44 . D. Kerrison 46 . D. Wright 47 . A. Samson 48 . L McNamara 50 . K . Hopkins
54 . .AHewitt
56 . J . Nield 57 . A . Woolmer 58 . J . Dalrvmp4e
&4 . G• ~tt 70 . J . Dumaresq 73 . J . Sewell 7 . J . Clark 8 84 A. Baille M . Bourke C. Clamp B . Clutterbuc k T. Cohen M . Cotsopoulos N. Crowl e N. Fennell M . Garrat K . Hickman S . Jackson C Knee R . Knights q. Mann
S . Miller B . Murphy G. Murphy G. Nelson
X . O'Donnell Scanlon C. Black L Ryan L Heathcate S . O7oote J . Brodie C. Frarc is S . Gbury M. Milla r S . Moore A . Murph y S . Plans D . Robson B~~d~`w n A. Benton . Bri AN . dCouq esre M. Dingle Fp'gf1en A . Palmieri J . Rotella H .S ring
R .N~ottsen C .Sap e C . Fehring A. Poach B. Hider G. Massa M. McDonald
MONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Phil Knigh t Assist Coach: John Leroy Res Coach: John Leroy
1 . S. Bourbon 2 . M. Heal y 3 . A. Grady dY 4 . M. Malone 5 . J. Watson 6 . D . Boll s 7 . D . Walter 8 . J. Blandford 9 . G . Wadley 10. P. Williamson 11 . A. Nichols 12. A. Gross 13. J. Stratford 14. A. Mckenzie 15. A. Clarke 16. P. Renniso n 17. P. Rutherford 18. M. Paolucc i 19. R . Coxhead
20. C . Staff 21 . J. Bingha m 22. B. Coxhead 23. L Clark 24. D . Baxte r 25. S. Kibblewhite 26. A. Denyer 27. R . Gilchrist 28. Luke Leeton 29. RWarren 30. P. Holland 31 . G . Roch e
32. M. Lewi s 33. S. Nelson 34. M. Graydon 35. B Clar k 36. G . Bloc k 37. A. Jenkin 38. M Baron 39. D Grenfell 40. M. Willock s 41 . C. Arche r 42. J. Clarke 43. M. Mastromann o 44. L Wells 45. J. Goni s 46. G . Kent 47. M . Parker
48. G . Still 49. C. Robinso n 50. S. Dresse r 51 . C. Leeton 52. A. Flowerda y 53• M . Bourbon 54, A. Perp, 55. G . Harrak 56. J. Healy 57. W. Pococ k 58. C. Yann i 59. A. Yann i 60. T Bourbon 61 . A. Waters 62. N Rutherford 63. I . Bagnall 64. P. Patrick 76.J .Harrak
D2 Section OLD CAREY
Senior Coach : Steve Maus Res .Coach : Andrew Gates
Coach: Michael Lockman Res Coach: Ben Dunn Ass Coach: Matt Edmonds
1 . C. Angus (VC) 2. D. Faelis 3. M . Cohen 4. D. James 5, P. Konstantinidis 6. C. Campbell 7. S . Jessup 8. A. Stewart-Holmes D. Shutie 9. B . Andrews (r) 10 . K. Shrives (RVC) it . N. Everett 12 . L. MacFarlane 13 . G. Trumbull 14 . M . Mahon 15 . N. Bull 16 . T. Angus 16 . R. Graham (r ) 17 . A. Parton (C) 18 . C. Matthews 18 . B . Chiuchiarelli (r) 19 . T.Wood 19 . P. Drake (r) 20 . J . Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collin s 22 . C. Battle 23 . H. Van Cuyienberg 24 . L Bartley 25 . L. Chiuchiarelli 26 . A. Wood 27 . N. Vasilopoulos 28 . N. Sulman 29 . C. Munro 30 . A. Guerra 31 . J . Ward 32 . P. Graham 33 . N. England 34 . C. Howat 35 . M . Watts 36 . S . Wood 37 . C. Adam 37 . D. Palmer (r) 38 . L Guerra (RC) 39 . P. Bennett 40 . S . Angus 41 . A. Gates 42 . L. Morgan 43 . D. Joyc e 44 . T. Rossfgnuob 45 . T. Bull 46 . S . Hill 47 . B . Crasher 48 . S . Bennett 49 . S . Middleton 50 . A . Kent 51 . B . Croft 52 . DBowley 53 . J . Hubbard 54 . C. Pinches 55 . G. Spencer 56 . A . Boyd 57 . Glen Morgan 59 . C. Mason (RVC) 61, Grant Morgan 64 . C. Smith 65 . D. Elsner 71 . A. Leong 75 . P. Busse 76 . D. Grin-_i
1 . M . Goldsworthy 2. W. Ainsworth 3. J. Fitrclarence 4. C. Stinchcombe 5. M . Vickers-Willis 6. J. Bell 7. J. Paul 8 G . Alle n 9. D Salte r 10. M Avery 11 . L Stevens 12. T Paul 13. T Cannon 14. D Taylor 15. H McCarthy 16. T Fallow 17. T Betts 18. J Malpas 19. S MacGowan 19. N Betts 20. J Legoe ~ 21 . LTeague 22. T Bayles 23. C Fairbairn 24. S Lansdelt 25. T Hope-Johnson 27. W Paul 29. J Hope-Johnson 30. B Goldsworthy 31 . H Folletta 32. A Munro 33. E Bayles 34. S 0' den 35. P Birks 36. T Makin 37. T Waters 38. T D'Antoine 39. J Kilpatrick 40. H Legoe 41 . S Ross 42. E Plowman 43. B Grills 44 . J Urqhart 45. C Teague 46. J Money 47. T Carey 48. R Herd 49. T Young 50. A Suvoltas 51 . J Kilpatrick 52. S Griffiths 53. 1 Munro 54, C Wilson 5,5, H Cus t 55. C Atkins 56. M Leslie 57, B Symons 58. J McCarthy 59. R Kilpatrick 60. B MaClean 61 . T O'Brien 62 . S Lyon 65. A Meek 66 . J Imhoff 67. H Eastman 68. R Cuttler 69. A Southey 70. W de Fegley 71 . S Waters 72. J Sattler 73 . ATimms 74. S Timms 75. W Temple-Smith 76. J Urquart 77. P Winter 78. Youll 79. PBirk s 80. P Winter 81 . M Bouchier 82 . LKnigh t 83 . H Loc ki e
64. T Legoe
85. A McHug h
Coach : Derek Thoene Res . Coach : Paul James
Coach : Angus Hamilton Res. Coach: Troy Thompson
CY~ Coach : Dane Mcleod Res Coach: Paul Dervan 1 D . Elia s 2 J . Buttigieg 3 D . Woud a 4 S . Wuchatsc h 5 T. Wheeler 6 N . Grant 7 D . Sadler 8 J .â&#x20AC;˘ McCutcheo n 9 J . Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 J . Anderson 12 A. Featherston 13 A. Mackley 14 J . Street 15 D . Taylor 16 S. Phemiste r 17 J. Digrazi a 18 D . Oldha m 19 S Barlow 20 B. Koc h 21 L Monkhurst 22 M. Kennedy 23 C . McNamara 24 C . Pac h 25 G . Burgess 26 D . Lee 27 C . Matthews B. Grant 28 A. Kosmato s 29 B. Grilles 30 K Dowsey 31 J. Hynes 32 D . Williams 33 n Boz 34 B.Jones 35 C . Bergi n 36 T. Smith 37 B. Hyne s 38 M. Wels h 39 T. Carter 40 D. Grieve 41 A. McKenzie 42 B. Hinsley ~ 1' Arandez 44 M. Manning 45 P. Azzopardy 46 G . Singleton 47 L Thomas 48 S. Snijders 49 F. Diblas i 50 D. Williams 51 B. Martin 52 R . Hart 53 T. Bel l 54 P. Vincent 55 R. Nisbet 56 J. Thrus h 57 0 . Jimene z 58 J. Robinso n
1 . L Watts 2 . J Sheedy 3 . J Piotrowski 4 . A Fidler 5 . J Demarte 6 . D Harmer 7 . J Murchie 8 . M Higgins 9 . L Morrison 10 . M Anastassi it . D Milano 13, K Barbary 14 . R Goode 15 . H Sutter 16, C Walsh 17 . J Roberts 18 . A Ffumani 19 . B O'Mara D Wigg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22 . CThomas 24 . C Higgins 25 . M Whiling 26 . T Liston 27 . R Kiss 28 . J Ryan 29 . J Gordon 30 . J Dunsford 32 . P Beynon 33 . S Christov 34 . A Fricke 36 . J Carter 37 . D Barbera 38 . M Tricky 39 . R Roberts 40 . J Coy 41 . S Ryan 42 . D MacFarlane 43 ' J 44 . M Ryan 45 . B White 46 . J Sandhu 47 . T Morris 48 . D Little 49 . M Hudgson 50 . M George 51 . M Pearson 52 . N Lan e 53 . M Pau l 54 . M Eley 55 . M Dinning 56 . D Smith 57 . C 0 'Keeffe 58 . M Flack 59 . C Galley 60 . P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62 . B Gorfine 63 . M Roebuck 64 . J O' Keeffe 65 . ATeal 66 . C Dent 67 . D Beynon 68 . L Sierakowski
Proudly sponsored by:
Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd ,
ta. Drain M lb. Hamilton A 2. Hamilton P 3. Heppell G 4. Lehmann C 5. Cannane A 6. Pietsch S 7. Benjamin S 8. Simmonds N 9. Morphett A 10. Byrne s 11 . Norman P 12. Maguire T 13. Brockley S 14. BowshaN - Tanner C 15. Russell M 17. Smith J 18. McManus M 19. Tassel W 20. Connan D 21 . Bloom A 22. Hanson J 23. Rudd D 24. Jenkin J 25. Siebrand J 26. Benjamin R 27. Brooks M 28. Walter E 29. Sheedy C 30. Lewis M 31a. Edwards S 31 b. Caller S 32. DAndrea S 33. Thompson T 34. Twyford I 35. Carmichael M 36. Jones L 37. Dempsey T 38. Monague S 39. West R 40. Brooks D 41 . Greening P 42. Goonan M 41 Tobin J 44. Sprague J 45. Smith J 46, Howard R 47. Thompson A 48. Sutherland A 49. Haysey J 50. Hutchens N 51 . Sherry L 52. Fox T 53. Chamberlain T 54. Tanner S 55. KaiUer J 56. McDonagh J 57. Williamson A 58. Tomey A 59. Brugler J 60. Sprague M 61 . Hilton K 62. Wright S 63. Gartlan J 64. Stewart L 65. O'Brien N R 66. Hussey 67. Smith B 70. Leahy G 71 . Brook shaw M 73. Clare M 76. Clitslett 77. Howell R 78. Thompson J 9 lq o
7 . co ur un
Stag's Head Hote l 39 Cecil St Williamstow n
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The ° --- {''lenhuntly Road) is open er :i :' :is _ :h day. The rear gate (c : : St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . Men parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the cluL invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issu I'_'I n' a numhar c tic`=' .s ic,nlGwers and officials .
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( RUP E RT suv00 D) (ELTHAM)
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速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.
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If you are the person circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper.
,_~~~~~ ] 0 ;;J
_---Richard Evans, Executive Chairman and Chairman of Executive Vice President Permits and Reinstatements, provided an editorial - Administration, Phil containing details of reinstatements under the new Rowell, used the guidelines . In commenting that "the current guidelines Editorial of The Amateur are the best we have adopted", Richard also reminded Footballer to place his us that "we should never lose sight of the fact we are findings on a project an Amateur Association first and reinstatement of titled District Clubs an d one's amateur status to play in the VAFA is a privilege, Under 19s - The Future . Some very interesting statistics gathered by Phil revealed that from 1980 to not a right" . A Section's Marcellin (4th) stumbled when Old Ivanhoe 1994 there had been a reduction in the number of (6th) jumped them early and did not relinquish their district clubs having U 19s from 13 to 2 . Phil went on to hold on the game 12 .15 to 7 .9 ; a very good result at state that there was an important message for all clubs Marcellin and Jason Frenkel had predicted accurately . arising out of the data in that if clubs aspired to A or B Toovey (3), Tully and Veal were OI's best and Cronin, grade, having an Under 19 team could not be Seabury and Sampimon for Marcellin . With St underestimated . Bernards' continuing resurgence, A Grade had evened In Personality Pars, the Old Melburnians congratulated Zani Useinov (The Flying D) on reaching 100 games . right out . Similarly in B Grade, Beaumaris's improved form Old Trinity acknowledged Trevor Norman's 150 games, helped the section to level out and it was feasible for all Shane (The Cowboy) Livingstone achieved 250 for sides to have the chance of finals' participation . Aquinas and Craig Fox also recorded his 250th for MHSOB, retained top spot with a good victory at NOB's North Brunswick . Steve McCarthy and Ken Pitcher's "Umpire Corner" column told of the important expense 17 .7 to 12 .14 . The clear ladder leaders in C Section, Whitefriars, milestone reached by Leah Gallagher - 150 as powered to a win over Old Geelong (4th) and the 'Friars boundary umpire. Leah is still running but is now an Matty Power kicked 4 goals and ran the opposition accomplished field umpire and a credit to the ragged, supported in the main by A Carbone and Association. Pasqualotto . J Paul, Welsby and J Taylor were triers for In G Section it was a big day at Chirnside Park where first played second in seniors and reserves . The early the OGGS . Old Westbourne had been reigning supreme in F game was a corker and at the final bell, both sides Section, along with their reserves team, but fourth remained undefeated for the season with a thrilling placed St Mary's ended their unbeaten run in both draw. It set the scene for the main game where the games, albeit the senior game being decided by the undefeated Chirnside Park team had their hands full . Despite storming home, barest margin. St Mary's confirmed a real team effort against the determined Reds the Park went down to the visitors 14 .11 to 13 .18 and and the goals were well spread. Mutimer, King and A the Reds were now only 1 game behind the leaders . Christo worked hard for the 'Westies' . Doyle, Heenan, Rowland and Heaphy (4) were great Coaches in Under 19 Section (2) Blue were - Bruce performers for Reds and Sorace, McIntosh, Warren and Josem (AJAX~, Glen Harrison (Caulfield Grammarians), . John Howard (Glen Eira), Ian Wilmott (Hampton Piccioli (7) for Chirnside Collegians (first) won the match of the round against Rovers), Mike Dickenson (Monash Blues), Sven Samild Old Xavs (second) in U 19 Section 1 in convincing style, (Old Mentonians), Pat Hawkins (Old Xavs), Michael led by Simon Arnott's 4 goals . Simon went on to the Bowers (Ormond) and Peter Fatouros (St Pats elite level with Geelong and the Sydney Swans . Mentone) . 'Milestones' mentioned three great players for Old Trinity - Andrew "Rambo" Ramsden (100 games), Jamie Stickland (100) and Dave Balazsy (150) . Banyule The scribes were Tom (The Villain) Johnston (A), (The congratulated Stephen "Hoota" Gray for his 350th Bucchan Brothers) Peter Grant and Doug Dick (B), Chris "Lofty" Rowston (C), Ian Cairns (D), Kevin game (including 110 junior games) . Hoota's accolades & included several B & F's, life membership and title of McNicholl (E), Tom Brain (F), Norm Nugent (G, H U19 1, 2 & 3) . "Club Legend" . Old Haileybury (C) were the only undefeated senior 'Umpires Corner scribes, Craig O'Donoghue and team and were unstoppable . They travelled to Ivanhoe Graeme Thwaites, spoke of Phil Callil being forced to and proceeded to demolish the home side - 43 .13 to hang up1is boots . Phil, a former A Grade player and a 8 .11 . The goals came from everywhere with Walden 6, former A Grade umpire had succumbed to a Bingham 5, Schmidt 5, Tanner 4, Meehan 4, an d debilitating back injury . 34
Seccull 4 the main scorers . Best were name as "A Team Effort" . Who would stop them? Ivanhoe named Bullen, Wise and Newbold for their solid efforts on the day . Conditions must have been fine as many clubs scored 25 goals and above across all the grades . Lots of reports and the Tribunal members were kept very busy. Biggest offenders, Parkside U 19's - 4 players totalling 22 matches from their game against Hampton Rovers. 200 to "The Little Champ", so said 'Personality Pars' when they heralded Roger Gerny's milestone . The former APS high jump champion, despite standing only 5'6", used his athleticism to perfection throughout his distinguished amateur career . Best and fairest, state selection and premiership player were some of Roger's achievements.
Round 11 was played in wintry conditions and, not unexpected, produced its share of upsets . In bottom position in A Grade, Kew's great win over Uni Blues (third) was a credit to coach Terry Hayes, who carefully covered the Blues' big guns . In the heavy conditions, Casauaria, Filipovic (7) and McColl plied their trade and Yen, Jennings and Yeoman (4) exhibited their skills for the vanquished . In B Grade Uni Blacks kept in touch with the top four by accounting for Coburg in a danger game . Garde, Doyle and Costello (6) were best for The Blacks and Neivandt, Cugley and Sedgwick for Coburg . The magical 300 was achieved by Old Mentonian, Ron Bungey . Ron was a founding member of the club (1968) and his record included 237 consecutive games, a club record and a tribute to his durability. Until 1983, when cricket commitments interrupted his pre-season, Ron had played every game in the seniors . He held all the key positions in the club at various times and was a multiple award winner. There are few amateur stalwarts to rival Ron's all-round contribution to amateur football .
expertise to the cricket field in the summer months . The A Section umpires were Hindle, Rosetto, Dodds, Tracey, Kelly, Mead, Croxford . Rowell, J Segota and Sharpe . At this stage there were two field umps in A Section and one in the other sections, although, from memory, there would be two field umps in any Elsternwick Park game.
Junior Section 1 was developing into a very competitive situation and none of the top sides could afford to take it easv. Monash at home made the most of their opportunity against second placed Ormond by jumping their opposition in the first quarter (4 .2 to 0 .1) and built on their lead to run out winners 12 .18 to 8 .8 . Oulds, Anderson and Greenwell received the plaudits for the students and Russ, McLean and Chisholm did their best for Ormond . Interestingly, Beverley Hills from the Doncaster area fielded a team in Junior Section 1 despite their senior team only featuring in F Section, an unusual statistic ! The Independent Order of Rechabites, an advertiser in The Amateur Footballer, announced "total abstainers earn big cash bonuses" in their promotion article for their advanced education, long service leave and retirement benefits services . Admission fees at Elsternwick Park were adults 40 cents, children free and car parking 30 cents . A lot of things have changed in 30 years !
The Premierships Lists for each grade could only identify one old school team leading their grade, the Old Melburnians in A Section . Ivanhoe (B), Parkside (C), Fairfield (D), South Melbourne City (E) and Ormond (Juniors) were in command at the completion of round 11 . The 'old boys' teams did not feature strongly during this period with only Old Xavs (4th in C Grade) and Old Scotch (4th in Juniors) in contention . Both the Uni teams, Blues and Blacks were showing their strength in A Section and were third and fourth respectively .
In C Section, Old Brighton (second) made the trip to Geelong (sixth) and wished they hadn't! Geelong kicked Understandably there have been many changes to away in the first term and were never headed 22 .20 to grounds over 70 years but a few current clubs were 8 .5 . Chief goal kickers G Trevaskis (7), Link 4 and playing at their present grounds back in '34 . Bentleigh, Gross 4 for Geelong and Grant, King and Warnock Ivanhoe, MHSOB, Ormond and both Uni Blues and the battled for the Tonners. In D Section MHSOB came Blacks were at their present day venues . Elsternwick within a whisker of losing their "unbeaten" tag when were probably also at their current ground as their they hosted St Bedes (eighth) and were 9 goals down at venue was stated as Elstermsdek Park . the main break . All of a sudden Ross Wood, Cooper and For the record, other present day clubs competing in Pappas turned it on and by "orange break" they had the VAFA in 1934 but at different grounds to 2004 were fought back to be 4 points down . A cracker of a last - Collegians (Albert Ground), Hampton Rovers quarter saw the lead change a number of times before (Ludstone Street), North Old Boys (Maribyrnong "High" hung on by 2 points . St Bedes' Roberts, Pope Recreation Reserve), Old Brighton, Caulfield and Howe had been valiant in defeat and their team Grammarians, Old Melburnians, Old Xaverians and remained in the relegation zone . Uni High, forerunner of UHS/VU, (all at their In "Ball Briefs", Old Trinity's Stuart Stockdale, played respective Schools), Scotch . Old Old his 150th against Monash Blues (from whence he had Haileybury/Trinity (Yarra Park) and West Brunswick originally come) in his familiar No, 13 jumper . He had (McColl Street Reserve) . It may be "splitting-hairs" but served his club in many capacities whilst scoring goals Parkdale were playing at Parkdale Reserve in 1934 with his clevernes, -nc' -it the same time devoting his (now a combine Parkdale Vultures) . 0 THE AM ATEUR
V'ifflealth Forget the footy ; the most hotly contested issue in again, Rutter was th e _ D3 this year is the most social club award . It star for the Hoers certainly isn't home and hosed just yet however whilst the luckles s the Mt Lilydale club, led by President Monica, have Hawks were best served by McGlenchy and Reed .
midfield and Hilton of a half back flank . The Jocs conviction .
Rupertswood Whithead 9 39 UHS-VU Tate 4 38 St Johns Horbury 4 34 Oakleigh Kitts A 2 34 UHS-VU Fan-elly 1 33 Oakleigh Mackenzie 3 32 D3 RESERVE Oakleigh South Melb Dist Rupertswood Uhs-V U
UHS-VU Powerhouse
Videky Henderson Ea Phil lips Forbes Zuliki Richarson
0 2 0 2 0 0
28 27 26 25 21 19
The other main game sees S t Johns host South Melbourne . Greatly impressed by the Jocs . Their willingness to work hard and their discipline was great and Coach Ben McGee certainly has them humming. Really depends on whether South bring their A game or not . If they do, it should be a clinker, if not the Jocs might be in the mood for a toweling. Either way, hard to see the Jocs losing this one . Werribee make the long, long journey out to Mt Lilydale, hopeful of a fruitful trip . Not great forms from either side in recent weeks and both have not had much luck on the injury front . Flanagan up forward has been a revelation for the home side and with reasonable weather conditions, he will bag seven and steer the Lilydale boys to victory . Power House will be looking to make it back to back wins as they host Hawthorn . The House is still a fina's chance whilst the Hawks are now battling relegation . The House shouldn't take the visitors too lightly, a bit of luck might have seen them with a few more wins. Still, House for me . Finally, Syndal host tlni H igh in what shapes as do or die for the students . I haven't quite got of the High bandwagon just yet . If Gorringe can get the better of Rutter (no easy feat!) they should win. Correspondent s You can email me on ed .au or ring me on 0418348723 . South and Syndal? Social Rupertswood and Hawthorn have their dinner dances coming up . See the usual suspects for more details . ~t Lilydale have their Auction r'Iht: this week, $25 gets you a feed and a good night . See Pauline for more details . St Johns - club stalwart' . __ cz ' 3m 째=1 on being the first Joe to play 200 L . aes. The former club captain is a great clubman, and well respected within the VAFA community .
H awthorn - congratulates club legend Ivan Cheppa on achieving 100 games although anyone at Chirnside Park that day wish it was one less . None the less, Ivan has been a great clubman and all look forcvard to his next 100 .
D3 SECTIO N Mt Lilydale v Werribee Amateurs Power House v Hawthorn Amateurs Syndal Tally-Ho v UHS-VU St Johns 0 C v Sth Melbourne Districts Oakleigh v Rupertswood
RUPERTSWOOD 3.3 18.7 25 .10 34.12 (216) MT LILYDALE 3.7 4.8 7 .8 7.13 (55) Rupertswood: Whithead 9 Bishop 5 Monzell 5 Hewitt 4 Hatty 2 Sinnett 2 Quigley 2 Broughton McGovern Carmody Keenan Phillips . Best: McGovern Pettman Quigley Broughton Clarke . M t Lilydale: T Flannagan 4 Roberts Kellet Pearce . Best: Cunningham Flannagan Gibson Carstens . Umpi res : Miles Argall Mick Gilday (F ) WERRIBEE AMATEURS
5.6 7 .8 13 .10 14 .11 (95)
POWER HOUSE 1.3 5 .5 11 .13 15.15 (105) Werribee : Ellis 3 Walsh 2 Smith 2 Thomas Keogh Langt'ield Pace Hoffman Tedesco Daly . Best : Czajkowski Tedesco Keogh Ellis Murphy Langfield . Power House: M Verbeme 4 Brownjohn 3 Haseler 2 Donlan Harris Miller Richardson Taylor Walsh . Best : Miller Harris Hill Turner Haseler Brownjohn .
Umpires : Mark Alexander Andrew Shiels (F) HAWTHORN AMATEURS
3.5 6 .9 9 .11 12 .16 (88) SYIdDAL TALLY HO 3.2 5.10 7 .16 14.20 (104) Haw: Lauletta 2 D Carle B Davies Jackomos Makris Davies E Mew McGlenchy . Best : McGlenchy Reed Daniel Tyson C arle. Syndal TallyHo: D Bennett 4 Rutter 3 McKenzie 3 Dix Cachia B Hannemann . Best: Rutter M Merest Crew Dix Robinson Hunter.
Umpires : Simon Olive (F) UHS-VU 5.2 10 .2 13 .4 13 .9 (87) ST JOHNS 2.1 5 .2 13 .4 14 .7 (91) UHS-VU : Tate 4 Hall 3 B Farrelly M Butera Creek Gorringe Rose W Smith. Best: Rose Carroll Hall Diamond Weber Gorringe . St Johns: C Horbury 4 J Ryan 3 A Paterson 2 Chalk O'Connor Arnold Koilens Phaedonos. Best : C Emery Jones Pickering C Horbury Paterson Hilton . Umpires: Darren Rowlinson Paul Hoffman (F) Chris McKendry Michael Jones (G) SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 1 .1 3 .5 6.5 8.5 (53) OAffi.EIGH 8 .5 12 .7 17.9 22 .16 )148) Sth Melb Dist: M Hannan 21V DAndrea 2 Clyne Kohnesheen Adgemis Stefanidakzs. Best : Aqulina W D'Andrea Herman Neimi Clyne Moojen. Oaklleigh : Bromlwy 4 Dalton 3 Mackenzie 3 Videky 3 Way 3 A Kitts 2 S Kitts 2 Britt Earl, Best : Bell Bronlwy Earl A Kitts Nagel Zol a
Umpires: Luke Holmes Paul Sherman (F) Graeme Booth (G ) D3 RESERVE
7 .6 13 .10 20.12 24 .20 (164) 0 .1 0.2 2.3 4.4(28) Rupertswood: A Certo 3 C Certo 3 R Jaeger 3 : C Chrystiuk 2 K Elliott 2 A Jordan 2 K Shaw 2 M Temming 2 : B Ang G Hatty J McCrann A Soutaris D Soutaris. Best : K Shaw A Jordan G Hattv K Elliott A Certo R Jaeger. Mt. Lilydale: P Brown M Culhane D King D Watt . Best: M Culhane B Baillie A DelBiondo J Saker D King B Egan RUPERTSWOOD
4 .1 8.3 11.5 14.7 (91)
POWER HOUSE 2 .2 4.4 6.5 Details not received .
HAWTHORN AMATEURS 5 .1 9.6 15.8 19 .16 (130) SYNDAL TALLY HO 3 .0 3.0 3.0 3.0(18) Haw: Gatiss 6 Flanigan 3 O'Hanlon 2 Orchard 2 Ruzicka 2 Barker Exton Collins Dixon . Best: Dixon Ruzicka Collins Gatiss B arker. Syndal Tally-Ho : Tresaure O'Boyle Anderson . Best : Turpin Kennett Treasure Movie Bartholomew Beorn Bavliss . UHS-W 0.4 2.8 5 .9 9 .9(63) ST JOHNS 2.3 5.3 5.3 7 .3(45) UHS-W: C Thomas 4 S Jackson 2 D Forbes 2 Turvey . Best : Lapish Gates 3P Shulze Clarke Turvey Greenbank C Thomas . St Johns : N Rudd 2 Rydquist Wilson. Best : B Waters VanHousen Sanders Gates McLennan Savio. SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 2.2 4.2 4 .3 6 .3(39) OAHI.EIGH 0.2 2.9 4.12 9.14 (68) Sth Melb Dist : E Bouchard 2 Earl Henderson M Thomas Briglia Milne . Best: E Bouchard Briglia Downing M Jatovic Pohlner M Thomas . Oskleigh: Orchard 4 Mitchell 3 Ear Redford . Best: Redford Cooke Mitchell Lucas Orchard Kerlev .
D3 ~~ct;,)n UAKLEIGH A A C Coach: Peter Tyson Res: Patrick Ryan
senior Coac,,, , st Snr Coach : Paul Corn rford
1. 2. 3a 3b 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15. 16.
C . Rice G. Broadley A . Kno i N. Patterson
17. 18.
B. P. Phillips
N. Martin S. Avery P. Avery C. Alexander J. Cargill
R . Ogge Iva)
P. Orchard A. Vance A . Tsoumbris J . Murphy D . Lauletta ~ M . Tyson C. Reed
19. D. Garlic k 20. S. Parke r 21 . J. McKenzie 22. A. Collin s 23 . L . Collins 24 . J. Jackomo s 25 . T. Ryan 26 . S. James 27 . R . Lord 28 . D . Mackenzie 29. P. Barker 30. I . Marchovski 31 . J . Best 32. M . Houenau 33a C. Rice 33b P. Stroud 34. R. Johnston 35. S. Davies 36. M . Sheridan 37. A. Jarvis 39a A. Brick 39b M Hicks 42 .
43a 44a 44 . 46 . 54 . 62 . 66. 75. 77. 80.
D . McGlench Y
I. Chepa P. Source B. Allder T. O'Hanlon M . Cuarana
J . Dawson
M . Haurenau M . Daou K. Rimme r N. Exton
1 Murray 3 M ackenzi e
4 Harry 5 Kokkinos 6 Cash
7 Short
7 . C . Varga 8 . K . Maniscalchi 9 . A . Del Biondo 10 . D . Baker 11 . C. Gibson 12 . D. Van Duuren 13 . M . Leonard 14 . M . Smithies 15. T. Van Duuren 16. D. Morrison
8 Ead 9 Hagan
10 Mitchell 11 Treacy 12 Furnell
13 Bob 14 Malcom 15 Redford 16 Bell 17 D' Astoli
M Taylor D~a~reys
19 Keating R J 20 Tolley 21 Perdikomatis A{RDVC) S 22 Ear 23 Kerley J(RVC) 24 KiCs S 25 Marshall C 26 Kitts A D(UCap) 27 Zula A 28 F:hodr K 29 Holden P (D. VC) 30 Holdeq
25 . L. Syphers 26 . T. Flanagan 27 . N . Pearce 28. D. Hickey
29. B . Sallie 30. S . Taylor 31 . T Hansford 32. P. Carolan {C) 33. C. Anderson 34. L . Kellett 35 . D. Callanan 36 . M. Alderman 37 . C . Carstens
38 . S. Roche 39 . J . Roberts 40 . M . Rhodes
41 . M . Matter 4p . M . Patters 43 . D . Holloway 44. J . Paull
31 Bromley
T (Cap)
32 Hunt
33 Banda 34 Lucas 35 Nuske 38 Ryan 37 Phillips 38 Cammiss 39 Rose 40 Hartman 41 Way 42 Dalton 43 Hinton
44 Wills
45. J . Baker 46. D. King 47. M . Cullane
4g, M . McKeown 49. P. Brown 53 . D.Marotti 54 . D . Watt d --
e1u . ~ ~cL
. . . ..- .., 9
45 Nevezie 46 Nguyen 47 Stevenson
48 Reynolds
49 Collins 50 Lamb 51 Kennedy 52 { Cooke ..3 Lourey 54 Edwards 56 King 57 Nagel 58 Glossop 59 Orchard 60 Wills 61 Ciavarella 63 Conttie 64 Ydeky 65 Hul!ah
C Richardson M Hill L Fraser D Cooper B Phillips A Brownjohn J Harris W EIIat
B Turner San VC P Basic M Verbeme
19. A. Delahunt 20. K. Fernando 21 . M. Cunningham
22 . D . Cams 23 . S . Leggett 24 . L. Merrell
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
J Marshall
18. R . McKenzie
J(Res C
Coach : Brett uevlin Res Coach: Gary Dean
Asst: Shane Kite
Res Coach : Gary t ey
1 . D. Johnson 2. P. Hayes 3. M . Brebner 4, F. Varga 5 . G . Bird 6 . M. Jelenc
w ®
Coach: Chris Moore Ass: David Furnell Res : Pat Mc Kenna
P Haseler Sen Capt 15 16 Ron Anderson 17 C McLeod 18 F Doyle 19 L Butto n 19 J Evans
Nicholls R Walsh A Naylor J
21 22 23 24 J Taylor 25 M Daessen D Harris 26 R Davies 27 P Cooper 28 M Beasley 29 T McFartane 3 0 R Marshall Res Capt 31 M Verbeme San VC 32 33 A Ristovski S Fordham 34 S Hatchard 35 J Kilpatrick 35 C Dorian 36 S West 37 R Benson 33 W Benton 39 D Miller
R Marshall R Black Res VC
P Arnold
40 41
Coach : Tony West Res. Cc h: Shane McLauchla r 1 . Plummer 2 . Price 3 . Reid 4 . McGovern 5 . Mgrath 6 . Gallu s 7 . Whitehead 8. Elliot 9. Spinne r 10. Prendergast 11 . Moule 12 . Hewat 13 . Sinnett 14 . Plummer
15 . Webb 16 . Clarke 17 . Hatty 18, Pettman
19. Collins 20. Flinn 22. Stevens 23. West 25. Keenan 26. Zarb 27. Jaeger 28 . McDonald 30 . Shaw 31 . Flinn
32 . Sinnett 33 . Chrystiuk
35 . Carlo 36. Henry 38. Johnson 39. Walsh 40. Brennan 41 . Davis
42. McKenzie
43. Phillips 44. Broughton 45. Hum 46. McCrann
J Howes D Glarrv~lle A Contreras V Brown
42 ,~ 44 45 46
47 48 49 50 52 53
48 . Bradbury 49 . Ang 50 . Soutaris 51 . Assouad 52 . Jorda n
D Crane N Sharp
C Pratt A Void C Matheson S Warne D Reidy
E Buckley C Plaazzer R Nilsson B Dallimore
54 55 56
53 . 54 . Clarke
M A G M Wade r W T Friend S 58. Carmod y N Bishop San VC 60 Ramsay J D 61 . Powell 63. McPherson B 64. McLachlan S G _,-------------. ~ 66 . Roberts D - - ' 68 . Wallace 69 . Maezzatesta M 70 . Temming L 57 60 63 87 88
TILE i ',iri# b gr Yt 12 1'L .^•aP.$ 8
55. Walsh 56. Hatty 57. Gaunt
a ;~
The Village Belle Hote l 202 Barkly St, St Kild a 03 95342200 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
D3 Section ST. JOHNS DC
Coach: Ben McGee Res: Rod Walker 1 . K. Arnold 2. M.Peake 3. D . O'Connor 4. S. Holmes 5. B. Hilton 6. M. Phaedonos 7. N . Chalk 8. M. Hartnett 9. A. Jon es 10. M.Courmadias 11 . J. Kelly 12. P. Walker 13. C . Horbu ry VC 14. P. Sharp 14R .M.Hanger 15. M. Kosmala 16. A. Paterson 17. S. Cockayne VC- Res 18. C . Emery 19. J. Cotton uist 20. B. RYdQ 21 . S. Koppens C . Robe 22. G rts 23. J. Diaz DVC 24. L . Mara 25. B. Waters 26. H . Wathen 27. R . Dowsett 28. A. Dexter 29. T. Ellis 30. R . Walker 31 . D . Rydquist 32. A. Rudd 33. A. Foneca 34. M. Hancock C- Res 35. J . Sacco 36. P. Harris 37. D . Christian VC- Res 38. D . Savio 39. P. Rudd 40. T. Hyland 41 . J . Hargraves 42. D . Sanders 43. M . Van Houten 44. J . Ross 45. A . Hall 46. B . Callery 47. G. Bastone 48. J . Hargraves 49. A . Kizilis 50. J . Brown 51 . C . Santoni 52. D . Harkin 53. C. Raffle 54. 0 . Vanderwert 55. B . Pickering 56. A . Dragwidge 66. J . Scardamaglia
0111 1I', .-°a_R P URNE
j' ; ' 117 ) Coach: Brendan Moloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher 1 . J. Washington DVC 2. Ma Hannan Captain 3. M . Balshaw 4. S. Stepnell 5. S. King 6. L. Kealy 7, A. Hannan 8. X. Kidd 9. S. Aqualina 10. D. McCormic k 11 . P. Daly 12. A. Argyriou 13. E. Henderson 14. D. Bell 15. B. Lazzaro 16. J. Neimi 17. P. D'Andrea 18. G . Cox 19. A. Reid 20. W. Brown 21 . B. Johnson 22, T. Milne 23. B. Downing 24. B. Joske 25. S. Atherton 26. R . Mitchell 27. P. Cheevers 28 . T. Paterakis 29 . J . Adgemis 30. T. Zantuck 31 . S. Hermman 32 . D . McGee 33. M. Doyle 35 . N . Moojen 37 . J . Clyne 38 . D . Rowe 39 . A. Brialia 40 . B. Bulpit 41 . T. McQualter 42 . G . Gaylor 43 . W. D'Andrea V.C. 44 . D . Geary 45 . C . Roe 46 . A. Ray 47 . J . Royle 48 . C . Maloney 52 . M. Anderson 53 . D . Phillips 54, A. Giannelis 55 . J . Pohlner 61 . M. Margiannis 64, M. Stetanidakis
Jctir ± i}a e:n5 ._ .,, . .. ._. .
. . . _, >
Dowsett Engineering The Rose 1
Senior Coach: Jeff Bingham SnrAsst Coach : Guy Watden Res Coach: Tony Psinas 1 . J. Hannemann 2. I . Bingham (Vice-C) 3. M . Joy 4. T. Turpin 5. D. Hannett 6. 1 . MacKenzie (Vice-C) 7. T. VagiaBs 8. R. Bennett 9. D. Richaidson 10. T. Psinas 11 . J . Rutter (Vice C) 12. D. Bennett 13. S. Miller ( Res V-C) 14. S. O'Boyle 15. D. Reynolds 16. C. Hayes 17. A. Herrmann 18. M . Bircanin 19. A. Faichney 20. B. Hannemann 20. C. Hall 21 . D. Kenne tt 22. M . Buckley (Res C) 23. B. Bayliss 24. B. Bayliss 25. B. Reeman 26. A. Morrison 27. M . Leplaa 28. S. Crew 29. P. Agnello 30. B. Holland ( Res V-C) 31 . A. Richardson 32. L. Hannemann 33. T. Bart holomew 34. N . Hunter 35. C . Cachia (Captain) 36. T. Fleming 37. B. Robinson 38. M. Christiansen 39. D . Hallisey 40. B. Thomas 41 . M. Moresi 42. M. James 43. A. Brown 44. W. James-Ind 45. R . Stein .52. S. Anderson 54. P. Sheer 56. A. Treasure
Coach : Tim Ellis Res . Coach: Paul Smith 1 D. Nedini s 2. K.Murphy 3. D. Flack (R C) 4. S . Kid d 5. B . Cunningha m 6. M . Walsh 7. T. Dean 8. A. Stonehouse 9. J . Ayling 10 . M . Keogh (C) 11 . M . Green (V/C ) 12 . T. Ellis 13 . F. Mehmert 14. J . Marinis 15 . A . Murphy 1 6 . N . Gauchi 17 , A . Tedessco 18 . D. Velish a 19 . J . Addamo 20 . E . Mahoney 21 . T Davidson 22 . A . Dibatista 23 . C. Becke r 24 . L. Carson 25 . B . McMilla n 26 . R. Bell 27 . A. Borg 28 . D. Czajowski ( D .V1C) 29 . S . Dole 30 . D. Sette 31 . B . Waters 32 . D. Harwood 33 . R. Baker 34 . J. Hoffma n 35 . B . Bunworth 36 . S . Bianco 37, C. Howard 38 . T. Towers (RVIC) 39 . L. Langfiel d 40 . S . Fuller 41 . G . Grogan (R C) 42 . P. Thomas 49 . D. Buchanan 44 . T Johnson 45 . C. Alabakis 46 . A. Carson 47 . A. Camilleri 48 . J. Tumskos 49 . G . Fuller ~~ K. Pac e 51 . B . Fenton 52 . P. Daw e Sg , R. Marston 54 . C. Smit h 55 . B. Brown 56 . D. Fr az e r 60 . M . Czajowsk i
5 Albie Firley
5 Luke Duthie
5 Wayne Hinto n
5 Max Wittman
6 Paul Hoffman
6 Brendan Devlin
7 Paul Croxford (RDFL)
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
7 Sean Scully (Jnr)
8 Trevor Hansen
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackball (RDFL)
8 Bruno Savi
10 Damian Anderson
9 Santo Caruso
9 Matthew Brennan
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
11 Tom Hayso m
11 PaulTuppen
10 Avi Wekselman
11 Dirk Krame r
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Rothe
11 Luke Holme s
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gilday
14 Tim Tingiri (RDFL)
12 Daniel Mousley (RDFL)
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Phillip Callil
15 Michael Sneddon
14 Sharon Alger
17 Geoff Caulfield
16 Scott Fraser
16 Luke Moncrieff
15 Geoff Curran
18 Peter Simpson
17 Brett Herskope
17 Michael Robins
16 Jack Fagan
19 Andrew Fyf e
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 Grant Joyner
17 Mark Gibson
20 Brian Woodhead
20 David D' Altera
19 Peter Pullen
18 Jason McNiece
21 Gaj Skandakumar
21 Nick Ryd e
20 Geoff Kelly
19 Steve McCarthy
23 Peter Griffith s
22 Justin McKeegan
21 David Irons
20 Russell Nation
25 Lionel Katz
23 Anthony Calderone
22 David Longworth
21 Patrick Maebus
26 Daniel Dinneen
24 Miles Argall
23 Robert Sneddon
23 Paul Dinnee n
27 Anthony Simpson
25 Richard Eastwood
24 Nick Brow n
24 Graeme Hunichen
28 Ken McNiece
26 Sacha Koffman
25 Logan Smit h
25 Geoff Moore
29 Peter James
27 Ron Johnson
26 Patrick Coulthard
26 Andrew Shiels
30 Jack Lloyd
28 Leah Gallagher
27 PaulJone s
29 Allan Stubbs
31 Robert Semmens (RDFL)
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron Martyn
30 Justin Lipso n
32 Anthony Dame n
30 Simon Olive
29 Peter Liddell
31 Andrew Lougheed
33 Michael Forde
31 Rob Schuller (RDFL)
30 Anthony Lilley
32 Eli Hayes
34 Stephen Morgan
32 Joseph Bolzonello
31 Peter Angeli s
33 Robert Mayston
36 Jason Waszaj
33 Simon Stoke s
33 Roland Fuhrmann
34 Graeme Morgan
37 Gavin Roberts
34 Jeremy Heffernan
35 Dianne Whiteley
35 Jason Lan e
35 Graham Thwaites
36 Jamie Gunn
36 Matthew Meier
36 David Phillip s
37 Joseph Hartwi g
37 Matt Goold
37 David Murray
38 Daniel Dummett
38 Ben Ryde
by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarth y Split round With the absence of A and B grade sections this week we will be hoping that all games in each section will have two field umpires officiating . Also with any hope there will be some relieved club goalies and boundaries who can get the opportunity to sit back, relax and barrack for their teams whilst members of the VAFAUA get to run around for them . State gam e At the time of going to press, the umpiring appointments for this weekend's state game had not been announced . Congratulations to those umpires rewarded for their efforts this season, and we will certainly give them all a mention next week . Welcome back Laddy Alan Ladd last week came forward to help our umpiring numbers and what a day out i n the office he had : • New boots (due to weather conditions) $10 0 • Petrol money (arrived at ground to be told it had been switched) $3 0 • Speed Camera Fine (in doing a U-turn to get to the new venue) $130 and demerit points • First match payment to the VAFAUA for subscription : PRICELES S Thwaitesy's milestone As mentioned very briefly last week, Thwaitesy recently celebrated a big milestone . On June 19th he ran game number 350 at the Righetti Oval (with a minimum of fuss) . A great effort for Thwaitesy considering he has missed so much football over the last couple of years . He ran the boundary last year whilst recovering from a very serious knee injury, but all were happy to see him back in the centre circle for the start of 2004 . Hopefully we will see him continuing to run around in 2005 heading towards 400 .
The Big Question ~ I) As raised by I an Cave of Hampto n Rovers last Sunday morning on Southern FM to Tommy and Macca. (We're sure Norm Nugent will have the an swer to this .) "If Beaumaris (currently the highest-ran ked district side) are relegated at the end of this year, would this be the first time there is NO distri ct club in A or B sections? Obviously this is also if Parkdale Vultures or Hampton Rovers are not promoted from C section." What's you decision (Blue mooner? ) A Marcellin defender in trying to rush the ball through the behind line of the Old Scotch goals, accidentally punches the ball into the behind post . Out of bounds is signalled by the goal umpire, but was the defender's action deliberate or not? If it was deliberate, is it a free kick to Old Scotch for a deliberate out of bounds or just a boundary throw in? Answer in next week's edition when we get clarification from our umpire's advisor. Social Night Cocktail and B and night 24th July, venue is the Umpires clubrooms within Elsternwick Park . There is no entry fee but cocktails wi ll be at bar p rices, finger food will be provided, as was the case last year. Get along for a great night, bring the wife, girlfriend, and boyfri end, catch Thwaitesy ban ging away on the drums in the band. (A career after football??) Coming up in August is the Pre-finals Dinner at The Victo rian Club if you unable to attend you must reply in writing to John Robinson via the email addresses that accompanie d your June payslips .
BDF ; Beiersdorf Australia Ltd When you are right 75% of the time, you are wrong 25% of the time! This week, I missed on a couple of upsets, which have further widened the gap between the top four and the rest of the field .
with last week's effort and will be hoping fo r a return to form at home today . In the equivalent fixture in Round Two, BHN had the better o f Richmond and given both teams recent form I am expecting a similar result today . In what should be a day out for Butler who has been itching to kick a bag I believe the lads from BHN will register win number two for the year with a 25-point win . Old Westbourne v Elsternwick The Wickers travel to the ground most teams fear to tread to take on the rampant Warriors keen to avenge their round two loss . Ravaged by injury . Elsternwick will be looking for someone to step up against the Warrior speedsters, but on the wide expanses of Artie Park I think they will be lacking the drive in their legs . With a chance to open up a two game buffer in the top two, this match is too important to let it slip and the experienced heads of Leon "Platters" Fairfield and Ash "Iceman" Leitch will ensure the young speedsters stay focused . My prediction is Westbourne by an even five
Review Kew set the game up in the first quarter when St Mary's were held goalless kicking with a strong breeze. From that point on, the Browns peppered the goals an d if not for inaccurate kicking, the margin may have been a lot greater than 72 points . For Kew, Moore and Wood continued their good form of recent weeks whilst both Costley and MeKerrotv settled in nicely after returning from injury . Westbourne made up for past performances against Box Hill North with a crushing opening quarter led . BHN once again by the raging Justin Horsburgh fought hard in the second quarter through Olsen and Steele, but they were no match for the constant run of Pavez, Lever and Baulch as the Warriors built on their percentage with a 124-point victory . Bull een came of age on Saturday with a resounding win over Elsternwick. In a fantastic team effort, the Cobras overcame a sluggish first quarter to blow the game apart in the second . With the loss of McKenna and Cunningham, the Wickers looked lost and a blowout was in the making. However, some pride was regained in the final quarter as Grace put in a great display to help reduce the final margin to 41 points . Albe rt Park must have been fearful of the now famous North Brunswick charge when they led by only 10 points going into the final quarter after some hard work from Dudi and Sean Allen . Their fears were realised as Sammartino who was back to his feisty best, ran amok, while Santecroce and Robertson continued on with their good form as North got home by two goals in a great win . No report from the Eltham versus Richmond game, but as predicted, the Turtles were far to strong for the Snakes on their home turf . Preview St Marys v Eltha m The Saints return to the Postage Stamp, keen to make amens for last weeks insipid performance . Eltham on the other hand, will be brimming with confidence after their stirring victory last week, however, the trip to the Stamp is a different kettle of fish . I think it will be a one-sided affair today as the Saints bounce back hard and stay in touch with the top four with a 48point victory . Richmond v Box Hill North The Snakes would have been bitterly disappointed
goals. Bulleen Cobras v North Brunswic k The match today between old rivals Bulleen and North promises to be a real humdinger, with both teams finding form at the right time of the season. North have a chance today to prove their worth and will be focusing on trying to turn the match into a running h game. The loss of Hamilton will hurt North but wit
CLUB D4 SECTION Old Westbourne Albert Park Elsternwick North Brunswick Bull Cobras Elsternwick Albert Park D4 RESERVE St Marys North Brunswick North Brunswick Elsternwick Eltham
Horsburgh J 8 55 Allan S 3 38 Foster 2 36 Newton 2 35 Arcoraci 0 34 Hunter 1 33 Pastras 3 25 Bernadi Carter Papanikolou Goldman Krohn
0 1 0 2 0
21 21 21 19 14
new star Ben McCallum's brilliance in the backline they may still threaten . However, I do not believe this EviIl be enough to counter the Cobra machine that has an eye firmly place on a final's berth . With players like Daley, Fortune, and Orwin in sensational form I believe they can repeat their feats of Round Two to win by 13 points .
Albert Park v Kew Should Kew win today's match against the Falcons, they will either take top spot or open up a two game break in the top two, and both scenarios would present a great incentive . The Falcons on the other hand, after a disappointing season will be hoping to restore some pride, and who better to do this against than the premiership favorites . I would expect this to be a close encounter early, however, Kew seems to be getting better each week, and seeing them lose today is difficult. As such I am going with the Bro :: is to continue their charge to the finals with a 39-,Ioin t
1 .4 5 .10 7.12 12 .17 (89 ) 0.2 1.2 2 .3 2.5 (17) ST MARYS Sew: Lamanna 2 Woodhouse 2 Gridley Aitken Wood Moore Looker Watts Bell Osborne . Best : lanai Moore Wood Costley Bell Tinetti . St Marys: Tagell Ryan . Best : Wright Lane Dwyer Tagell . Umpires: Tom Haysom Alan Ladd (F) Eddie Boat Malcolm Ftlleul (G) BLTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .10 5 .13 9.17 9 .18 (72) 2.7(19) 1 .1 2.3 2 .5 RICHMOND CENTRALS : Justice 2 Barnes 2 Hogan Krohn Hall Mizzi J Foo . Best: Love EI Jorgensen Savage Hall Galvin Ogilvie. Rich: Macak Speakman . Best: Speakman Liuzzi Darling Quay Cartwright Hards MofTit . Umpires: Pat Maebus Joe Bolzonello (F)
8.5(53) BOX BILl. NORTH 2 .1 4.3 6.5 OLD WES'i`BOURNE 9 .4 11 .12 18.17 26.21 (177) Box Hill North: Butler 3 Olsen 2 Tarulli Langley Odza. Best : Riscaila Steele Benbow Doyle Odza Davatzis . Old Westhourne : J Hovsburgh 8 Trav Edwards 3 Baulch 3 Pavez 2 Lever 2 Brabant 2 M Christo A Leitch L Hudson Billman Been Mockrusch . Best: Pavez J Horsburgh Lever Baulch A Horsburgh Brabant , Urapires: Peter Pullen Jim Pappas (F) = a - congra ions to sl,eedsi , r = ---3T Cg 2.2 3.2 5 .3 9.9(63) match last week . The BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .4 8 .6 12.10 15 .14 (104) p_al = who played his f . Best: quietly spu ;,c : Baulch pa,,--s a big punch on the field ELst: C Mahony 2 Foster 2 S Grace 2 Cummins Pyman Hunter . Bull Cob: and has been one of the reasons for the Warrior Cummins Soppett S Grace Hunter Mahony D Grace Whittaker 4 Cookson 3 Thomas 2 Sette 2 Nathanielsz Fradkin Daley resurgence this year . Well done also to club larrikin . ' o plays his 50th match Brown . Best : Daley Fortune D'Angelo Mc[aren Fradkin Orwin Shone -Ohinne ' : Santo Caruso (F) Joel Wignell Will Stokes (B) Daniel this week against Elsterrnvicx . Chinner loves a verbal Ump Haysom Jordan Smith (G) spar with his teamma s off the field, however, on the 4.6 6 .7 10 .9 12 .9 (81) ALBERT PARK field it is his silky smooth skills and sli ' hand and NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .5 6 .5 8.11 13.15 (93) foot passing that has made him a leg( .d at the club . Albert Park : Payne 4 Venables 3 S Allan 3 Baker Dudi . Best: Dudi S - and Allan Harnett Chambers R Baker . Nth Bruns: Hamilton 4 Newton 2 - congratulations to .s who notch up their ; Freeman 2 Russo 2 Santacrole 2 Boudoloh . Best: Santacrole Ferns Sir_ 1 e Falcons this week . Shaun has played most o f Robertson Boudoloh Mountney Sammartino. his career with the Seniors, distinguishing himself Umpires : Ron Martyn Peter Griffith (F)
with his pace and high marking . The Falcons look forsvard to his continuing form as a valuable member both on and off the field . Brendan, playing mainly in the Reserves, put in a great game this week top scoring for the Seniors . Everyone at Albert Park is conscious of his quick wit and great social skills that add to his value as a player and leader . All salute you both and look forward to your continuing involvement for many seasons to come . Social Yours truly will be running the Annual Westbourne Trivia Night at the rooms Saturday night . Everyone is invited to w'lat has proven in the past to be a night of fun and frivolity . See Jocka for more details . Co r Gavan Flo gavan .flower@spotless
St Marys v Eith< -m Collegians Richmond Central vBox Hill Nort h Old Westbourne v Elsternwick Bulleen Cobras v ' Iorth Brunswic k v Kew
D4 RESERVE 5 .9(39) 2 .3 3 .6 4.8 KEW ST MARYS 1 .2 4 .8 4 .10 5 .14 (44) Kew: Pietersen 2 Bortone Frith Mahomet . Best: Ferrantino Ryan Pieter--n ThackGVray Drago Purcell . St Marys : Webb 2 Ferg Latimer Roseman . Best : Webb Ferg Ailunan Latimer Goldsworthy . ELI ' A COLLEGIANS 0.0 3.9 4.10 9.15 (69) RICi aP3D CENTRALS 0.1 0 .1 1 .1 1 .1 (7) E1 n : Coonerty 3 Todman 3 J Howgate Gilbert . Best: Gilbert Runco A Howgate Hart Coonerty Richardson, Rich : Jamshidi. Best: Tilley Grey Goodes Breese Broome McGrath . BOX HILL NORTH 2 .2 4.4 6.6 7.7 (49) 5.3 12.8 20 .8 26.12 (168) OLD WESTBOURNE Box Hill North : Cavallo 3 Kotsaridis 2 Namouski S Evans . Best: Calls Thoi Lay Irvine Robinson Cavallo . Old West: Maualokakis 7 Mason 4 Crosswell 3 S Anderson 3 Merryweather 2 Barnes 2 Bartolo 2 Lennon Gerace Moore . Best : Mason Bartolo Manolakakis Merryweather Jenkinson Robson . ELSTE CK 4.2 7.6 11 .10 16.13 (109) 3.7(25) . BULLEEN COBRAS 0 .4 1.4 1 .4 Elst: Stephens 4 Hankin 2 Whelan 2 Goldman 2 Creak 2 McAdam 2 Currie McNally . Best: Whelan McAdam C McKenna M McKenna MW ben Bravington . Bul Cob : Hadasadnto Nasr Kahltl . Best : Nast Fisher Edgar Lewis Hadsadnto Moore . -râ&#x20AC;˘2K 6.3 7.5 9.10 14 .10(94) 5.6(36) [`L UNSWICH 0.1 2.4 4 .4 Albert Park : Roberton 6 Fairfield 4 Pastras 3 McGuire. Best: . Nth Bruns :H Faiurfield Humphrey Houston Roberton Wall Sutton Tsialtas 2 Guppy 2 Carter . Best : Dimarco Belbin Bri(ia Guppy Sparta Vaina . 43
Senior Coach: Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee
Eiger Park 47 C4 Snr Coach : P. Armstrong Asst: M .Tarulli Res : J . Pratt
1 . P. Smith 2. S. Robinson 2. N . Pastras 3' R' Baker 3. G . Baker 4. J. Simcocks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
4 . L Baird
5 . S. Allan 6 . J. Storey 7 . S. VenaWes 9 . P. Chambers 10 . M . Phillips 11 . D . Brea 12. T. Fraser 13. B . Payne 13. M . Davey 14. M . Hyams 15. D. Boriey 15. P. Guicas 16. C. Roberton 17. D. McLellan 18. J. Taylor 20. K Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22. J. Hannett 22. S. Bennett 23. B. Harries 23. H . Walls 24. T. Green
25. J. Wier 26 . S. Fairfield 27. J. Holloway 28 . R . Allan 29 . R . Humphrey 30 . S . McGuire 31 . G. Foster
32 . M . Smith 33 . J . Murray 34. T. Houston 35. S . Toth 35. D. Allan 36. J . Dudi 37. L Hogan 38. N. Wheeler 39. S. McKerrow 41 . A. Visapaa 42. D . Bennett 44. B. Isard 45. J. Agar 46. M. Dowdle 48. J. Hamath
49 . L Ryan 50 . S. Mellis 50 . B . Tuite 51 . J . Belbin 52 . M . Well
53 . M . Williams 55 . D. Quinlan 57 . J . Sutton 57. T. Hurley • 58. A. Jackson 59. T. Bennetts 60. V. Surace 62. N. Cain
77. S. Garda
78. J. Hamath 79. J. Guzman
Sponsored by: Risin~ Sun Hotel , RICHMOND
Wilson G Riscalla C Odza A Manno A Garrett J Martini D
7. Stewart S
8. Lacey M 9. Sallantioglu A 10 . Cook S it. Thy T 12 . Dick A
13 . Cumming M 14 . P a lme r B Keillor L 15. Cavallo G 16. Drew W 17. Hopes J 18. Butler C 19. Callis C 20. Okifield K 21 . Woods P A 22. Steele 23. Naumovski J 24. Doyle P 25. Kotsaridis P 26. Ball R 27 . Wakefield S 28 . Veleski 29 . Rogers 30 . Olson
z M B
31 . Olson D 32 . Oufieki I 33• Marinovic M 34 . McCartin M 35 . Burley P D 36 . Gaynor 37. Penhalluriack L 38. DAmato G 39. Tambakis J
40. Worrell D 41 . Takeshita M 42. Tarulli A 43. Doyle R 44. Garrett C 46. Mortimer P 47. Andrews A 49. Ellis T 50. Irvine C 51 . Cervelli M 52 . D'arcy S 54 . Van den Akker L 55 . Pratt J 56 . Wood A 57 . Wood T 58 . Demarco R 59 . Tarulli M 60 . Benbow N 61 . Weston G 6622 . Penesis H 63. Martin J 64. Evans C 65. Wooly dge D 69. Pearce B 76. Loerand K 78. Leavers A G 79. Bennett 80. Evans S
BULLEEN COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo Res Coach: G Brown
Coach : Dennis Grace Asst: P. Nevill Res: P McNally Asst : S. Capel 1 . L MURPHY 2. A. HANKIN 2- S. STEPHENS
1 . I . McLeod 2 . T. Orwin 3 . S. McLare n 4 . N . Cartledge 5 . M. Mann 6 . T. Pearson 7 . T. Mehrez 8 . T. Mazzarella 9. M . Kyriakou 10. C. Powderham it. A. DeJong 12. P. Whitehouse 13. N. Edgar 14. T. Fradkin 15. J . Trinchi 16. D. Trinchi 17. T. Conn 18. F. Arcorac i 19. S. Trapman 20. J. McOuatte r 21 . N . Lykopandis 22. M. Aitken 23 . J. Redfern 24 . R . Games 25 . W. Olney 26 . M. Nathanielsz 27 . J . Cartledge 28 . A . Foskett 29 . R. Sheehan 30. B . Cookson 31 . K. Kellett 32. S . Wagg 33. A. Cook 34. M . D'Angelo 35. M . Unvrin 36. P. Dall'Oglio 37. J. Paatsch 38. G . Brown 39. C. Chan 40 G . Richards 41 . C. Jorda n
39. M . TENNANT 40. A. PATEY 41 . D. BYRNE 41 .. 42 43.
43 . J. Mustica 44 . H . Khalil 45 . J . Daniels 46 J Lewis 47 . N . Khalil 48 . M. Soumelidis 49. G. Anderton 50. N . Kyriakou 51 . R . Lock 52. T. Hamilto n 53. R. Rodrigues 55. J. DAngelo
52. E . ALTER ~ A . LEWIS
Sponsors :
Capital Growth 9696 0777 TheElsternwick Hotel
8. L Sharpe
28 . W. MORGAN 29 . S . MAHONY 30 . M . NICOL
M 88. Edgley 99. Robinson G 111 . Armstrong P
7 . J . McADAM -RC-
86. Archer G
5 . M. WHELAN 6 . M . THIELE
1 . J . Bau d 2. D. Lynch 3. E. Savage (VC) 5. L Austin 6. J. Galvi n 7. B. Rashid
1 J . YEM M 4 . D . GRACE
42 . C . Borell i
Nortam Air Conditioning www.nortan w'"`'nortan
Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Matthew Luhic k
9. C. Watson 10 . B. Marshal l it . J. Mizzi (C) 12 . L McDonald 13 . M. Luttick 14 . K Nelson (VC ) 15 . J. Paisley e'! 16 . D . Barnett 17. L Daly 18. S . Justice 19. J . Gilbert 20. M . Rainer 21 . M . Hart 22. D. Wright 23. R. Fo o 24. K Drummond 25. R. Thomas 26. J. Glare Res C/C 27. J. Stockdale 28 . T. Barnett 29 . D. Howgate
30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 38. 39. 40. 41 .
M. Decker B. Kelehe r C . Baud A. Howgate J. Howgate G. Smith J . Hickingbotham P. Krohn J . Babon F. Coonerty E . Bau d Au .Man n
42. D. Buller
43• P. Man n 44. Ad . Man n 45. D. Hogan
46. M . Dere 47. N. Ryall 48. B. Tumey 49. L Barnes 50. B. Richardson 51 . R. Morgan 52 . D. Justice 53 . J. F ~ 54 . S. Todman 55 . G . Jenkin s 56 . R . Lov e 57 . J. Cooper 58 . T. Melchiori 59 . B. Evans 60. R . Peak
61 . J . Panetta (VC) 62 B .Jorgensen 63. L Ogilvi e 64. T Goonan
Majo r
Australian Unity -
S ponsors ELTHAM
The Elsternwick Club -
13 29 39
1300 305 354 ~i THP AMATFtJR FOOTRALLER 2004
D4 Section KEW
(Affil tatcti with RMIT Uni.) Snr Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Paul Grego r i . B. L.afranchi 2. N. Costley 3. J. Doumis 4. G ..Crimmins 5. A. Carman 6. N . Tinet6 (C) 7. B. Dover 8 . D . Mainsbridge 9 . A. Kelly 10. B. Cullen 11 . B. Woodhouse (VC) 12. M. Gridley 13. C . Kydakou 14 . J . Looker (DVC ) 15 . F. tamanna 16 . D . Wood 17 . C. Watts 18 . N . Dahlstrom 19 . K . Allen 20 . A. Acfield 21 . D. Clar k 22 . T. Aitken 23 . J. deBlank 26. S. Symes 27. T. Moore (DVC) 28. M . Dean 29. M . Dalrymple 30. C. Giansante 31 . D. lanni 32. A. Drago 33. J. Cronin 34. D . Pocock 35. R . Bruno 37. S. Johnston 38 . D . North 39 . J . Dennis 40 . J . Fenantino (RC) 41 . L. Coulter 42 . S . Parker 43 . A. Bartone 44 . A. Makris (RDVC) 45 . G. Evans 46. B. Marchesani 47. L. McNeill 4$. K. Saydali 49. P. Dennis 50. B. Davies 51 . M . Blair (VC) 52. R. McLaurin 53. S. Osborne 54. J . Renou 55. A. Lawler 56. T Frit h 57 . B. Purcell 58 . B. Burnett 59 . J . Rakusz 60 . G. Lawson 61 . M. Glenn (RDVC) 62 . M. Paine 63 . N . Gricks (RVC) 64 . A . Roberts 65 . S . Pieterse n 66. R. McKerrow 67. J. Bell 68. S . Ryan 69. M . Bolis 70. T Fox
Proudly sponsored by:
'" •
Harp of Erin Hotel High St , Kew
Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelber g Rd, Heidelber g
NORTH BRUNSWICK Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Gary Cutler 1 . Newton 2 . Adams 3 . Lattouf 4 . Dimarco 5. Cutter 6. Pizzari 7. Stelfox 8. Guppy 9. Sammartino 10. Fawcett 11 . Hamilton 12. Care 13. UI4o 14. Paleodimos 15. Tsiattas 16. Vaina 17. Kyriazis 18 . Verge 19 . Mann 20 . Closter 21 . Santacroce 22 . Freeman 23 . Briffa 24 . Ahani 25. Duson 26. Murphy 27. Ferrante 28. Boudoloh 30. Russo 31 . Heck 32. Robertson 33. Rotella 34. Stepien 36 . Sorleto 37 . Defelice 38 . Magnuson 39 . Rhook 40 . McCallu m 41 . Elms 42 . Papanikolou 43 . Sorleto 44. Wallmeyer 45. Polemicos 46. Giovanoglou 47. Prestigiacomo 48. Wolter 49. Salloum Sp Parks 51 . Kehagias 52 . Guest 53 . Trafford 5q, Wake 55 . Sallourn 58 . Fayad 57 . Mountney 58 . Messiake 59 . Ackland 60. Parkes
61 . Papa 62. Carter 64. Palmieri 66. Boudoloh 67. Carter
D D G P G D G D A W S S M G H M A J P L R J J M W J F J D J B J M M M D C g J J P N J N N J F B D D D G R M A T T A C B A A
OLD WESTBOURNE RICHMOND CENTRALS ST.MARYS A .F.C. Coach: Jeffrey Wilson Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch
Coach : Frank Bove Res Coach : Steven Lake
1 . B.Gerace 2 . R.Wintte 3 . S.Depiazza 4. C.Lever 5. S.Hewitt (Res VC) 6. J.Horsburgh 7. A.Christo 8. A.Horsburgh 9. F.Pavez 10 .J . Wilson 11 . M,Christo 12 . M.Baulch 13 . J .Braham 14 . J .Bartolo 15 . A.Board 16. S.Christo 17. M .Aquilina 18. G.Walker 19. J .Mason 20. D.Hudson 21 . LHudson 22. S .Anderson 23. S .Huntington (VC) 24. L.Fairfield (C) 25. Troy Edwards 26 . P.Mesman 27. D. Billman 28 . D.Slattery (Res C) 29 . S.Balloch 30 . A.Mokrusch 31 . A. Miller 32 . G.Jenkinson 33 . D .Benn 34. B .Merryweather 35. G. Robso n 36. S .Phillips 37. A.Leitch 38. D.Nikola 39. M .Oldham 40. S.Leitch 41 . K.Miller 42. Tray Edwards 43. A.Runciman 44• B,Lennon 45. S.Tindall 46 . E.Sandstrom 47 . T.Theodore 48 . J .Richardson 49 . R .Van Engelen 50 . P.Habersatt 51 . J .Akarana 52 . T.Best 53. J .Manolokakis ~ M .Crosswell 55. D. Camuthers 56• D.Abbey 57. D.Moore 58. R .Mutimer 59. l .8ames 60. N .Aquilina 66. B.Gilbert 88 . H .Hodgson
Coach: Michael Learmonth Res : George Koumantatakis T Brown B Perelberg G Schembd ABallantyne A Lane C Weller A Dwyer A Zsembery R Orm e D Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill 1 3 M Purcell MAikman P West B Frail V Ryan A Waller M Gilchrist R AlIen F Harrison A Latimer J Timmins S Crilly M Banks P Harrison P Jabour C Ferg LArmstr~g G Theoharris 8 Graetzer S Griffin T Millar M Karis TCummins M Davies L Razga G Koumantatakis M Maschette D Morgan D Drummond M Goold E Cowlishew, C Wigg N Luce B Taggell J Deegan J Wright A Warsnop P Roseman M Bona C Mackenzie M Scammel G Pilikidis J Hendy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 62 69
Aust Steel I ndustrie s
Officiad Supplier
~s Mec
, Products to
gpIF~; ;~~~,-)~ Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623>
7 Maurice Street, Nunawading Vic 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 15 7 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
VAFA CEO Phil Stevens has approached the Trainers' Association seeking the support of the trainers in discouraging players from the practice of wearing gloves . It seems all too frequent these days that players are sneaking on to grounds wearing gloves and that the trainers may be the best persons to be aware of this as in most instances they assist players in getting ready to take the field . Club doctors, physios or even trainers CANNOT give permission for gloves to be worn . A player can only wear gloves in any VAFA match if the player has a letter from the VAFA that gives him permission for ONE WEEK to wear a glove/gloves . If a player has such a letter it must be shown to the umpires at least an hour before a match and to the captain of the opposition team . Umpires cannot give any form of approval for gloves to be worn . The VAFA's view is that should an injury not be able to be protected by professional strapping then the
THEAh'' .TE6JRFl-`
player should be rested from playing until the hand injury has made a full recovery. The only time the VAFA may give a ONE WEEK approval would be in the case of a permanent burns injury where gloves may give the only alternative form of protection to strapping . The VAFA is of the view that our competition is all about developing the skills of ball handling and that gloves artificially assist that development . Also, being an expensive item, many players may be disadvantaged by not being able to afford them if the VAFA relaxed this policy. Any player wearing gloves on the field of play must be reported by the umpires for wearing inappropriate equipment and ordered from the ground for 15 minutes without being able to be replaced . We call on trainers to be on the alert for players deliberately or inadvertantly slipping the gloves on before or during a match .
CLUB (L~ . WAREHOUSE by Fraser Cameron (U19 2 , 3 & Blue) Sports & Medica l Supplies
& Cam Nation
(U191 & Red)
will by 3 goals. I wish Section One - Review St Kevins reconfirmed their status as section one's top side it were easier for the last weekend with a dramatic come from behind victory Ts but the trip t o against reigning premiers St Bernards . Trailing by forty Runo will prov e points at the first change, St Kevins piled on seventeen-goals fruitless, home side by 6 goals . After a good win last week, the to seven in the remaining three quarters to overrun the home Bears can hibernate for a fortnight side by 19 points . Despite playing for top spot St Bernards Section 3 - Review now find themselves back outside the top four, their run of The Unicorns delivered the upset of the season, and dented five-consecutive victories snapped by a second loss to St the Jackas' finals hopes in the process with a 40 point victory . Taft, Kevins this season. Premiership darkhorses De La Salle move which, in the conditions, was a real monstering into second after a comfortable 90 point win over Old Anderson and Bailey came to the party for MHSOB and were Brighton, Keely kicking five for the winners with Kovess and simply too strong and too good for AJAR. Donegan amongst the best . Elsewhere Werribee broke their The Friars had all the play but failed to finish off early, three game losing streak with a 69 point win over Caulfield ; leading by 5.12 at the main break . No looking back thereafte r Old Xaverians entered the top four with a 38 point win over Marcellin; while an improving Old Scotch side defeated Uni Blues by 70 points. Preview With only two wins separating first and sixth the 2004 premiership race remains wide open, new ladder leaders St Kevins aiming to extend their lead at the top when they host Old Scotch this afternoon . Sitting in sixth and having won their last four Scotch aren't without a chance, but will most likely struggle to contain Mount and Marchasani upfront, St Kevins by 13 pts . Another danger game looms for St Bernards this afternoon when they travel to Vic Park to play Old Xaverians. Undermanned but still under performing last weekend, St Bernards have had a solid week on the track ; expect a big opening quarter from coach Lavis boys who should return to the winner's list . Around the grounds, Werribee should string together two wins when they host Marcellin ; De La Salle should be too strong against a struggling Uni Blues side ; while the winless Caulfield are tipped to upset Old Brighton, the two sides with just one official win between them this season . Section 2 - Review With everything tied up at halftime, the game really turned into a painful arm-wrestle which suited the desperate Sharks down to the (muddy) ground. They kicked 1 .6 to the Lions 0.2 to win by 10 points with Shugg, Hill and Wilson the prime movers. The Bears had the big targets firing up front again and won each quarter to establish themselves as a genuine finals' threat . Tsingaris, Skicko and Dimek were having a whale of a time as the home side failed to find any answers, succumbing by 11 goals in the end. It was truly goal for goal in the first half at Oval 1 before the Rupo midfielders in Watson, Moule, Van Boxtel & Gaunt assumed the ascendancy over the OMs in the 3rd term . Once they established a break, Rupo never looked back and won by 49 points. The Scribe left the Hughes fields at three quarter time thinking the home side had the game well in hand with Sammy De Bruin and Butts on fire . My complacency must've rubbed off on the players as they sat back and watched the Bombers deliver a withering final burst to grab the points. The Hoers should be ready to rock after a week off. ... . Tips Might as well toss a bloody coin, eh ? The Lions need to maintain the buffer over the other sides and should see the Wellers off by 4 goals . The Bombers should see off the Sharks by 13 points . The fresh Hoers will need all their tricks to dismantle the OMs, and I think the y 48
U19 1
University Blues Shuttleworth 1 43 St Kevins Mount 4 30 Old Scotch Snaddon 4 29 St Bernards Pearson 0 26 Werribee Lee D 2 25 Old Xavs Pyle 0 2 5 U19 2 29 Roberson Collegians 25 Tsingaris Banyule 18 Morrison Rupertswood 18 Jorgenson Collegians 17 Dimek Banyule 15 Oldfield Old Trinity 15 Clemente Beaumaris U19 3 Whitrfriars Woods 5 33 Oakleigh Briggs 0 28 Old Carey Ashworth 0 27 Old Paradians Peck 0 25 St Bedes Terrell 1 19 U19 BLUE
Bentleigh Ridgeway 8 45 St Johns Ryan 0 37 Peninsula Smith 4 35 Peninsula De Lange 2 29 De La Salle Morwood 2 28 Oakleigh Clays Nasrallah 0 24 Ormond Robbins 4 24 U19 RED Fitzroy Reds Maghamez 0 35 Rupertswood Pretty 0 32 Old Westbourne Natevski 2 32 La Trobe Uni Redmond 1 24 Old Westbourne Whiting 3 2 3 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
with Paul Stagg and Carey Arthurson supporting acting captain Stafford really well . Aaron Deveson relished his chance to get some more game time and played well on his wing too. End result, a large win . The Raiders were beaten by a well-drilled team, which displayed superior physical strength to the visitors. The Krushers' hardness at the ball together with their running game provide to be the difference in a relatively one-sided affair. Again, the Ashers were in the game at the half, but fell away in the 3rd quarter to hand the Tigers a straightforward win . Griffiths & Laver did plenty for the Tigers whilst Glover, Phillips and Lui fought well for the vanquished . ' Me King is Dead! Long live the King ." Not Wayne Carey, but Old Carey who certainly learnt from their ist encounter and touched up the all-conquering Blacks by an impressive 38 points. The efforts of Sinclair, Lord, and Cornwell went far . .. . .. Tips The ramifications of a loss should be enough for the Jackas to bounce back over Oaldeigh by 2 goals . The Raiders are also smarting and the Tigers will make a long trek to receive a 16 point defeat . Old Carey will hand out another footy lesson to the Ashers by 50 points . The Blacks will be breathing fire, by Andy reckons his boys are primed. Blacks by 5 in a thriller . Finally, the cellar dwellers meet and winning form is good form, so the Unicorns by 2 goals . Section Blue - Review The Swans shrugged off a persistent Ormond after half time, who kick 6 straight points in the 3rd term to rule themselves out of the contest. Cronin & Mahoney were impressive with 3 goals each and Walden also played a belter. De La Salle just managed to keep the Clays at arms' length throughout the day, thanks mainly to the efforts of O'Donnell up forward, Meiklejohn and Howard . The Clays couldn't quite bridge the gap all day, and fell short by 3 goals . A good third quarter by the Rovers averted a complete obliteration by the Pirates, who still won comfortably . Jay played well (even without Silent Bob) and no-one killed better than Kenny for the home side, who finished 12 goals in front. No news from the JOCs -v- Leo's clash which was the highest scoring affair of the weekend, and saw the JOCs grab the bananas in the end . It was a case of a poor start and finish for Mazenod who permitted the Demons to kick 12 unanswered goals in the first and last 15 minutes . Otherwise coach Regan was pleased with the Nodders' teamwork and intensity, with Solomon, Castricum, and Souter in the good books . The only way for Bentleigh was Ridgway, who provided an effective avenue to goal for Convery & Meehan, et a l Tips The Swans must see off the De La challenge by 25 points . The Clays will learn what final's footy is all about after the Pirates have their way by 56 points . The Rovers also face a tough ask against a fired up Animals unit, which should prevail by 33 points . The Nodders need to show a consistent 4 quarters, but I sense its game over and the JOCs will win comfortably . Likewise the Demons who may rack up a record score over the 141onders. Section Red - Review Fitzroy 's push for the minor premiership continues to gain momentum, the ladder leaders remaining undefeated this season with a 68 point win over Aquinas last weekend, Having won all but one game this season by 75+ points, a big winning margin was on the cards when the Reds hosted lowly-placed Aquinas with just one win to their name. After a goalless first half Aquinas looked all but gone, but following a motivating halftime talk by coach Nightingale the incomplete sixteen-man side came out firing. Limiting their opponents to just two goals in the second half by shutting down the Red's spearhead forward, Aquinas played like a top four side, Griffin and Olsen-'-v °^,t~irational in the midfield with Leonard and ' i>' ~loxvn back . Elsewhere North
Old Boys held off a fast finishing Bulleen by 8 points : Rupertswood were once again impressive in their 43 point win over Xavs ; while Old Westbourne, restricted to just 0 .2 in their round one encounter against La Trobe, remarkably defeated the Uni side by 19 points in their reverse fixture . Previe w La Trobe will look to return to the winners list after last week's shock loss, when they host fourth-placed Old Xaverians this afternoon . Dropping just their second game this season, the uni side now find themselves hanging onto the second-chance by percentage only . Come late August Old Xaverians may also find themselves relying on percentage, the side squeezing into the four this week by just 0 .6 of a percent . With Westbourne rolling La Trobe it's li kely Xavs will need to beat a top four side in the coming weeks to gain a final's berth. . . however don't expect it to happen this round, La Trobe by 30 points . A fired up Aquinas side will look to take last week's impressive second half form into this afternoon's fixture against the UHS-VU/SB combine, Aquinas clear favourites given Day, McGregor & Westaway are hitting packs like rugby front-rowers . Elsewhere Fitzroy will be too st ong for Rupertswood, while Old Westbourne should out,la,s BullePn-Templestowe . TS Cam Nation - camnation@optusnet .com .au or Fraser Cameron - fraserc@vnvd .com .au
TCHES -- - 'R- 1 9 SECTION I Old Xaverians v St Bernard s St Kevins v Old Scotch University Blues v De La Salle -M elitotarne University, Main Oval
Old Brighton v Caulfield Gr 4t'erribee Amateurs v Marcelli n 19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Old Cambenvel l Banyule Viewbank - Bye Old Ivanhoe v Old Melburnians Rupertswood v Old Trinity Old Essendon Or v Beaumari s . 3 SECTION 3 AJAX v Oakle at Packer Reserve Old Paradia > v Sc Bedes Mentone Tigers on P }$ttI
Monash Blues v Old Carey Universitv Blacks v Whitefri ars Therry Penola 0 B v MHSOB Under-19 (2) Blu e South Melbourne Districts v Be La Salle (2) O'leigh Clr--s v Peninsula 0 B Hampton Rovers vmmaus St Leos 0 CC
St Johns 0 u v Bentleigh v Orrr a.
hiâ&#x201A;Ź ' Un
North Old Boys Bulleen Templestowe v Old -stbourne La Trobe Uni v Old Xaverians (2) Rupertswood (2) v Fitzroy Reds at Aquinas 0 C v UHS-VU/St Bernarcis & time - TBA
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 1 .2 2.4 3.10 6.11 (47) MARCELLIN .7 6.9 12.11 (83) OLD RAVERIANS 0 .6 4 . Best McGlin J Marc: M Bortolotto 2 Williams Layton MacLaren Papluca Bortolotto Layton Angelucd M Batrdotto S Considine . Old Ease Rush 7 : McDonnell Gidley Rush Chapman N Pattison 2 Silk Larkins Ginnivan . Best Smth Pattison . Umpires: Daniel Dinneen Tom mallow (F ) .15 (99) ST BERNARDS 7 .5 9.8 12.10 14 .6 18.10 (118) ST gLvyINS 1 .1 6.4 13 St Bern: Watts 3 Gowan 2 Shroder 2 Pitts 2 Spinella 2 Oxenford Mitchell Pitts Buis. SKOB: Runnals . Best Mitchell Oxenford Walsh Marion Mareasani 4 Mount 4 Ryan 2 Maher Tennent Sherman Perron Glenane OToole Dowd Gulllfer . Best: Maher Marchasani Mount 0'Rourke Ryan Pertou . Umpires : Chris Langford Graeme Huntchen (F) Joanne Van Mierlo Leah Cannon (B) Robert Seymour Michael Lee (G )
011) SCOTCH 5.3 10 .4 15 .5 19.11(125) 2.2 5 .2 6.4 8 .7 (55) UNIVERSITY BLUES Old Scotch: Snaddon 4 Pappas 4 Nickless 3 Armstrong Berry Bull Cade Jonas Liffey Porter Tesdorpf . BesL Keck Porter Batrouney Berry Snaddon . Pearce . Uni Blues: Minns 2 Dwyer Gin Hage Marshall Dods Shuttlevorth Best Rankin Burchell Farrell Ross Heinz Westmare . Umpire s: Anthony Damen (Rotation) T. Saunders (Yana Valley) (F7 Michael Roche (B) DE IA Sa3iIE 4 .4 10 .6 13.10 17 .13 (115) 3.7(25) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .3 3.6 3.6 D1S: Keely 5 Hart 3 Hancock 2 Kelliher Fieldsend Stewart McArdle Casey L Browning Fletcher . Best : Kovess Donegan Vague Browning Hancock Moloney. Old Brighton: Latta 2 Bartlett Best : Salem Gutteridge Newman Leaf Tregear Joseph. Umpires: Logan Smith Anthony Calderone (F) Alistair Chatto James Patrick (G )
Umpires : Jack Fagan Brett Herskope (F) David Cameron Dean Herskope (B) ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 3 .6 6.8 13.13 15 .17 (107) 9.9(63) 6.9 1}30NA .,1I BLUES 1 .2 5.7 St Bedes E4/T: Knuppel 3 Griffiths 2 Laver 2 J Lynch 2 Terrell McNeil McMurray Dowling Kelly Burger. Best Griffiths Laver Kelly McNeil Waters : Glover Dowling. Mon Blues: Mudgek Mabur 3 McDonald Fyfe Lui. Best Shields Leviston Phillips Lui Stephenson . Umpires: Sarah McGill Geoff Kelly (F )
4 .5 7.11 12.14 16 .17(113) OLD CAREY 1 .2 4.3 8 .6 11.9(75) UNIVERSITY BLACKS Old Carey: OBrien 3 Remmers 2 Stocco 2 Thompson 2 Alexander 2 Davis Carpenter Dudman Leidlaw Joslin. Best Sinclair Lord Cornwell Davis Alexander. Umpires: Sean Scully Sur Anthony Valopoulos () Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoukis (B) Symeon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G )
WiD1'Ep'RIARac 3 .7 7.14 14.21 19 .24 (138) 4.2(26) 1 .2 2.2 3 .2 THERRY PENOLA White: Woods 5 Arthurson 3 Daou 2 Paproth 2 Deveson Tartaglta Stagg Lestd Poz .abon Day Walsh . Best: Adgemis Dcvmn Stagg Stafford Daou Woods. Theny Penola : Capewell 2 Pappin Wmdus. Best: Anderson Corrigan Capen2ll Cunningham McKay Gosetti . Umpires: Brian \Sbodhead Peter Cahill (Yarm Juniors) (F) ItNDER-19 (21 BLUE
.14 (74) ORMOND 3 .4 5.7 5.13 10 STH URNE DISTRICTS 4 .4 5.8 10 .12 15.21 (111) : Robbins Barnes Lcasy Ormond: Robbins 4 Fuller 3 Chisholm 2 Davis . Best doll Wilson Medcxait . Sth meIb Dist: Domingo 4 Cronin 3 Mahoney 3 Adgenus 2 Lewis 2 Tangas . Best: Mahoney Walden Stanza Lewis Cronin Batchelor. Umpires: Di Whiteley (F) .7 (79) DE IA c~g (2) 3.4 5.4 9.5 12.7 (61) 5 .5 6 .7 9 oAELEIGH CLAYS 2.1 : ODonnell DLS: O'Donnell 4 McKenzie 4 Sheehan 2 Morwood 2 . Best .6 7.9(51) CAULFIELD GR 0.3 1 .4 4 Meiklejohn 0'Shannessy Howard Davis P Sheehan . Oaklelgh Cl ays: Nevitt .12 (120) .7 15.10 18 3 .3 10 WERRIBEE AMATEURS : loaniddis Fletcher Bolitho . Best Winter 2 Mesley 2 loaniddis 2 Evangalista 2 Ploaa Best Caul Cu Edwards 2 Murphy 2 Hammond Lill Patterson Lazarakas Stogall Angus . Umpires: Paul Rapke David Murray (F) Hammond Fagan Hardy Noblett May. Werr : Chalmers 6 Stomebrink 2 Lee .8 10.10 13.14 (92) PENINSULA OB 6.3 8 2 Palmington 2 Taylor Andrew 2 Foster Cations Renant Taylor Aaron . Best: 3.2(20) 1 .1 1.1 3 .1 HAMPTON ROVERS . Umpires: Rick Benson Mahon Wallert Black Bunworth Palmington Ballan . Best: Peninsula OB: D Smith 4 Miller 3 Jay 2 Be Lunge 2 Hocking Knobel Simon Fearless (F) Jessica Rollo Mark Rogers (B) Tristan Reith Trevor Foy (G) Rootsey 2 Heggie Jay Pritchard Kenny Hocking Knobel . Hampton Rovers: UNDER-19 SECTION 2 : Cannell Williams Sharp Smith Zempagiione Nicholls . . Best Malthouse .12 (36) Bg,AUMp,RIS 2 .5 3.8 4 .8 4 3 .8(26) Umpires: Steve McCarthy (Rotation) (F ) COlyEOIANS 1 .3 3.6 3 .7 ST LEOS 0 C Beaumaris: Berry Clemente Bowker Irons . Best: Berry Shugg Hill Wilson EMMAUS 0 C : Lynch Rice ST JOHNS Elston Gasparino . CoB: Mutton Jorgenson Williamson . Best Details not received . Umpires: Avi Wekselm3n Brian Nunn (P ) Rose Cannizo Slayter Williams . Umpires: Luke Duthie Mark Duthie (F1 1 .3(9) 0.0 1 .2 1 .2 MAZENOD 9.6(60) 2 .1 4.2 6 .3 OLD CAMBERWELL .7 9 .8 10.15 16.22 (118) BENZIEIGH 6 .13 (127) .7 15.12 19 BqNyUL ; yMVBpNg 4 .4 8 . Laa: Weekes. Best Solomans Hensman Castricum Moran Sauter Oldmann Old Camb : Mel7zr 3 Rights 2 Cottrell B Payne C Maxstead Tolson . Best: ' Bent: Ri ay 8 Dewar 2~Vright Meehan Teltennepe Morris McMaho McGuigan Ri~iiin Walpole Salipas Renshaw Pirilcney . Banp ute Vi : Wyld Corn~ery Ridgway Morris Meehan McMahon. ga~is 6 O'Donnell 4 T Shepherd 2 Poyser 2 Green 2 Weivice Kayrobz Armstrong . Best Tsin ~ : Tony Began Peter Riley (F ) : Umpima Skicko. Best: McGovern O'Donnell Lards Tsingaris Skicko Dimek . UNDER-19 (21 RED Umpires Matt Goold Russell Nation ( F) IIFiS-VU/Sf BERNARDS BYE E .18 (72) OLD NANHOE -BY 84) NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .4 3 .11 8.16 9 011) MEIBURNIANS 6.1 8.4 9 .7 12.12 ( .1 3.4 5.6 9.10 (64) TE WE 1 B .19 ( 133) RUPERISW~D 6.5 11.12 14 .16 19 : White 3 ONalloran Keenan 2 O'Connor Anderson. Best: OConnor Panton . NO3 D Millar 3 P Vog)is 2 A Old dielb: Theodoulou 3 Armstrong 2 Officer f'annitex Jones RayRupe s: Clarke Kennedy Anderson White Irvin . Bull Temp : . rt : Oman Theodoulou Manahan Parutife,e Mitchell Bender wMeadows(F Best 5 Brennan 4 Harrison 3 Skinner Clark j tosifids D D Millar D McColl T Less. Umpires: Jason Wasza D a David Whadlo . Best: McPhee Pretty Brennan Morrison eMcPh Gaunt Skinner Moule aant Michael Reilly (B) Umpirea: Matt Brennan Tom Window (F1 1 .2 4.5 6.5 11 .7 (73) 2.5 11.10 15 .11 15.13 ( 103) 01j) WESMURNE DID TRINITY 2 .2 3.4 6.10 7.12 (54) .14(122) IA TROBE UNIVERSITY .11 18 ~gNDpN 4.1 7 .6 8 . OLD e : T Whiting 3 M Whiting 3 Ristevsid 2 Tanner Laird Hickey Old Trim DeBzuin 4 Butler 2 Hogath 2 Oldtield 2 Stewert 2 Medland 2 Old : M Whiting P HudsonTanner Gryszan C Hudson Squara Is Trobe Uni: t Hooke. Best: Butler DeBruin Lamb Hooke Kelly Webster. Old Ess: Details no Barelli 4 Redmond Mann . Best : Lancaster A Borelli McGough Redmond Brown (B ) received . Umpires : Nicholas Brown Sean Scully Jnr in Perrin Best Davies. umpires: David D'Altera Paul Coulthmd (F ) UNDER -19 -19 SECTION 3 .1 2.1 3.2 5.5 (35) ~jc,~Og 2.5 6.10 8 .12 10 .19 (79) OLD %AVERIANS ( 2) 0 .0 7.2 11.3 12.6 (78) 39) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 3 .8 5 .9 ( 4.3 5 .3 5 AJAX Old Xav: Buller 2 Murray 2 Adams . Best: Chester Sahely HendersonTrahas t1ASOB: Matthews 4 C Bailey 2 Higgins Aitken Gold Edwards . Best: Taft Morrison Murray. Rnparts: Moore 3 House 3 Sylvester 3 Tehan 2 Anderson C Bailey Biddington Matthews . AJAX : Graf 2 E2ekiedl Routman Bolonsema. Best: Not supplied . Umpires: Josh White-Spier Ryan Hense (F) Kagan. Best : Routman Spilberg Shaked Feldy Goldman Nankin . 2 .6(18) AQUINAS 0 C 0 .2 0.4 2 .4 Umpires : i6c Hartwig III 5 .2 9.8 10.12 11 .20 (86) FITZROy REDS 13 .9 (87) .1 9 .7 12.7 5 OAKLEIGH Details not received. Umpires : Tony talky in 4 .11 (35) 2.1 4 .6 4 .11 DID PARADIANS Details not received . 50
Under-19 - Section 1 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS I Nob;ytt T 2 Weame J DVC 3 Murphy C Ca 4&rk hougM D 5 Hammond T C DVC 6 Hammond 7 Rudd W VC 8 Jenn ings S N 9 Edwards
DE LA SALLE (BLUES) Coach : David Madigan Asst: Scott Jones 1 T. Kovess 2 R. Quick 3 M . I~ieldsend 4 M . Brown (c) 5 T~ 6 J Pitcher 7 D. Keely g V. Maloney 9 B. Vague (vc) 10 N . Smith it R . Hancock
1 . T Money 2. A Papaluca 3. J Carlson 4. J Mahon 5. J Bartolotto 6. S Considine 7. M Gar ovski g
17 L Bowden
8. A Layton 9 . C Nikolakopoulos 10 . J Williams 11 . S Farelly 12 . D Valsorda 13. A Power 14. R Davis
78 V. Buckley
15. S Tandridge
17 Aibratdo A
19 S . Morwrood 20 M. Demicoli 21 J. M.cGuiness 22 T. Donegan 23 R. McArdle
16. B Ryan
18 Kearsley J 19 Pitts J 20 Lord S
10 Winter G it Evans R 12 Goodwin-Doming S 13 Strain A 14 U3 C
15 Andrew T 16 May C
21 Hepworth w 2 Patterson A 23 D'Arcy Z VC
24 Benkercroun M 25 Fagan T 26 K2laja E
28 Nicklos M 31 Ganocd S 33 Logan A 39 Cater g M 42 Su ~b°g B 45 ACM
12 s. Conway (w) 13 B . Davis 14 W . Dwye r 15 D. Hocking 16 L Casey
17. S Nuttlean
18. C Purcell 19. J Cropper 20. P Deluca 21 . P Robbins 22• D Carden 23 . A Ceccomancini
24 N. Stewart
25 O. Kelliher . s 26 M . Herkrv~,s 27 L Q'Da,nwl
28 L Jarvis
2 Rura E 3 Frtzgeraid M 4 MoNan N 5 Vaughan S 6 Pyle A 7 Rowe L 8 McDonnell J (dvc) i0 Sh°rteeednvS J 11 M a ule,T Dv~
is ht'ea»n3mm, J 14 LarkinsC 15 Silk N 17 h~tee~h~ D ta Di Stefano 8 19 Rees D 28 Gmnrvan L 21 Ryan S 22 smnh D 23 Butler N 24 tndodno F 25 Henderson R 26 O'Hanlon M 27 Palmer T
28 TrahahT
29 Fustnato R all prtz~ rald J 31 Mukla.ny ~ J 32 Rawda S 33 Crean 8 34 Morrison N 35 A ~9 ms J(vc 36 Munzv o-A ) 37 Trav ato M
38 Forrest J
39 Sahety K 40 Stack J
41 Clark S 42 Gunny O(c) 43 To6m L 44 Quinn D
4 55 McCcmFa,-k R
8 Duncan S
21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R 23 May M 24 McDonald L 25 Mooney B M
29. D Fraser
31 Reincke
32 Salem J
33 Sheehan C
34 Sterner N 35 Tall C 36 Tregear A
Coach: Richard Obee
4 Walsh M 5 Hughes J 7 Liberatore C e Mant+evn 8 9 Evan s D
70 Gart h
11 Marion A
12 oconrwr D 15 Mitchell A 16 Oxentord P 17 Rogers C 20 Maggiore h1 21 Whelar' T 23 lanaao 0 24 Runnals B 25 Govan C 27 SaNadori M 30 Lancashire D
33 Gauday M 35 Ryan 8 38 Buis K
1 J Mahe
2 T 09oole 3 B Dowd 4 S Sexto n 5 D Petrou 6 M Hobbs a nbr 7 g R S TRya 9 J Syme
10 D Wisseil 11 ALynch
12 J Liston 13 P Mercouriou 14 J Marchesani 15 M Sullivan 16 R Arnott
17 J Charles 18 D Tlkeridis
19 LGulliver 20 K Miss 21 T WooHe
22 D Gibbs 23 T 0'hanlon 24 D Sulliva n 25 P Gallivan 26 P Lortgmore 27 J O'rourke 28 g~ke 29 P Glenane
33 B`'HQTa" 34 G J Williams 35 8 Jackson R Hocki
37 r'g 38 M Un 39 H Peters 40 E Cruickshank 41 R Dumaresq 42 S McMunne
43 l ds EWZers
45 D McIntosh 46 D Beanie
WERRIBE E Coach : Fab Gatt i 1 . M. Palmington
3 . P. David 4 . U. Dwyer 5 . A . Farrel l 6 . L COUper
7 . C . Bradley 8.
B . Gin
9 . J . Westmore 10. J . Bunkle 11 . M . Shaughnessy (VC) 12. T. Saida 13. J . Hummel 14. R. Hage
15. W. Robinson 16. M . Dods 17. C. Northway (DVC)
C . Lee 4 . P. Chalmer s 5 . A . Taylo r
6 . D. Lee 7.
P. Keo gh
8. T Andrews g J . Russ o 10. B. Stornebrink 11 . T. Ballan 12. R. Barker
13. A. McNally t q, D . Bunworth
18. T. Conn 19. D . Heinz (Capt)
15. M. Purton 16 . M. Cations
20. T Maddocks 21 . R . Minns
17 . T. Roszak 18 . N . Addamo
22, N . Shuttleworth
31 P Mclennan
28 . M . Tomey (VC)
32 M Sherman 33 S NeohoriGs 35 E Wi:ki n son
29 . L Woodhouse (DVC) 30 . N. Vandenbosch 31 . J . Green 32. K. Mario 33, C. Ross 34. C. Haine s 35.W.Hughes 36, M.Carolan 37. S. Anderson 38. J. Gree n
31 J Cade R Gerstman
2 . L. Gatti
30 B Scanlan
s BW d'E 52 Montr~m ery s
22 TyKeck~ 23 M Cathie 24 J Po rte r 25 A W Sutherland 26 L Talbots 27 S Jona 28 H Dick 29 J Browrre4 l 30 A Bona
1 . G . Muir
59 Pearson T 70 Freed E 75 McDemxm c
40 DI Mount 44 J Tennent
20 MM Ramage
2. D . Marshall
58 Pins B
36 T Trev,~i n
16 E Batroune y 17 A Wallace Smith
Coach : Tim Giles
23 . N . Burchell 24 . H . Ranki n 25 . J . Sundermann 26 . D . Hill 27 . W. Bright
39 Dematan L 40 Kavanag h A 43 Stapleton J 45 Johnson B 50 Schroder R
14 M G; 15 P McKenna
Coach: David Law
2 Hudey D
n e~ s dapt 13 S P
47 E Beaurepare 48 TGraham
10 T Harknes s
18 A Foliate 19 T Gaunt
46 N . Hart 53 D . Brovming
8 B snaddan 9 M Szakiel
14 Hubbard S 15 Jackson L 16 Joseph R 17 Kennedy A 18 Kennet T 19 Latta R 20 Leaf J
25 . D McMahon 26 . S Preece 27 . J McParland 28 . C Cogdon 30. R Redmond
5 S Lilk; y 6 SAinger 7 LAtmstron g
27 Overend E 28 Parkes M 29 Pascart J 30 Pomeroy X
30 J . McKenzie 34 D. RaYsion 36 S, Crown 37 A. Shields
Coach: Bruce Armstron g Asst Coach: Mike Smit h 1 B Nickkess 2 J Wrigh t 3 T gup
Edge J 10 Fielke G 11 Filipovic L 12 Grigio A 13 Gutteridge T
26 Newman
46 S~een=_y J 47 Chapman P 48 Tarence 49 CorcoranT
53 Coun se l N 54 French R 55 Henderson C 56 Lams C 57 Manfy D 48 McFarlane T 59 Pattison L
i Bartlett M 2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A 5 Christie J 6 Cooney S 7 Doherty R
24 . A McGlin
Coach : Luke Stewart
29 M . Nankervis
Yarra Valley Country Club - Buileen
Coach 1,119(1): Adam Sassi Coach U19(2): David Gaibally 1 P-11 P
MARCELLIH Coach : Dean Rossely
19 . P. Cassi n 20 . P. Spry
21 . S . Turra 22 . B . Russel l 23 . B . Blac k 24 . R. New
25. J . Bingham 26. S. Simpson 27. B. McMahon 28. M . Miller 29. S. Smith 30. N .Renaut
~R-'_° EAGL E ~,QTELy;
Under-19 - Section 2 DANYULE-VIE WDAN K Coach : Phiv Demetriou
1 wanks, Z 2 Broc~rwei , J 3 Mc :rrern. A 4 Adams. P 5 Bram, A 6 Morgan, M (C) 7 Moore, R 8 Rrg!er, J 9 Ctarsllan. M (V.C) 10 S2vropo-.bus,C 11 Crimncns, J
12 Pmfer, J 13 Pak, D 14 tardO,M (V C) 15 0 Donnell, L 16 Git4:ran, R 17 Savrok,aous,A 18 Wise, T 19 D=meck . B 20 Mclean . D 21 HoMes. M 22 TM gam, J (C) 23 Spacer, J 24 Bcttark: .ry,A (V C-) 25 TouR, S 26 PesaveTto, S 27 KayraIz, D 28 Sk~clco. C 29 Sar1.J 3rJ ORrnwoce, P 31 Dcri Vq M 32 Dunstone.J 33 Herbert, D 34 Shepfwsd,T 35 Jones,J 36 Buckle/. C 37 Shepherd, D
DL .`
Coach : Mick Ueaton Asst: Mark Berry 3 . L. Quirk 4. L. Hill 5. D. Wall (DVC) 6. M. Bramwell 7. P. Iron s 8 . A . Clemente 9 . M . Wilson (C) it . J . Dickie 14 . P. Berry (VC) 15. B. Norri s
16. D . Murphy 17. C . Evans (VC) 20 . J . Atkins 21 . T. Shugg 22 . T. Boreham 23. C. Terpsenis 25. B. Bowker 26. J. Starke 28. S. Dean 29 . T. Waller 33 . D . Couples 34 . D . Taylor 36. P. Ghys 37. J . Heath
38. J. Edmeades 40. C. Shone 42 . S. Hoult 44 . S. Vipond 47 . M . Imlach 48. K . Gasperino 49. M . Cairns 50. A. Elston 52. J. William s
'.. 38 44nghL R 39 McIntosh, J 40 H;ayney P
OLD IVANHO E Coach : Ben Covel l 1 M Ferran6rw 2 A Baldwi n
3 J Uttans 4 R Butler 5 AHargraves 6 R Fitzgerald 7 KEI11s 8 S Taghizadeh 9 J Mina s 10 T Harrison 11 N Clarke 12 KO'Hehir 13 J &nney 14 A Foster 15 G Hope 16 B Saunders 17 Z Ke ane (VC) 18 1 Dawkins (Capt) 19 C Crewas 20 S Weston 21 G Stravakis 22 J Britten (VC) 23 G Reynard 24 A Capte
25 J Hyndman 26 D Nthoi 27 S Leon 28 J Carroll 29 C Roger 30 G Fowler 31 S LesIIe 32 S Kefalas .. 33 ASteer 34 AG!oste r
Major Sponsor
COLLEGIANS Coach: Andrew Kenneally Ass Coach: Michael Jones 1 A. Ston e 2 M . Parrent 3 M . Rice 3 S . Gilbert 4 A. Bridgeman 5 M .Raberson 6 D. Williamson 7 C. .Cuts Elg 8 J 9 M. Rose 10 D . Canniz o 11 A . Wright - Smith 12 A. Khoury 13 Z . Moon 14 J. Ashman 15 0 . Howard 17 D . Stiff 18 A. Fabris 19 J . Holman 20 D. Mutton 21 F. Boland 22 M . Williams 22 E. Adams 23 C. Lynch 24 J. Jorgensen 25 T. Higginbotham 27 G. Rowstan 29 J . Little 30 R. Cramer 31 N. Bobeff 33 A. Gregory 38 T. Wilson '.. 38 T Cook 65 M. Lynch
ras D v; 11,113ERWELL .~IANS Coach : Anson Brown4ess I C Payne 3 S Rigzin 4 LTayior 5 N Tsindos 6 P Pinkney A 910 B Cottrell 11 D Moriey 12 D Bruce 13 H Melzer 14 AAllan 15 N Hill, 16 T Barrow 17 G Tucker 18 D Sciola 19 D Walpole 21 D McGuigan 22 K Kosa
24 N Maxstead 25 N Beale 26 C Hillier 27 A Renshaw 28 I Ry e 30 TAngove 31 M Shanks 32 J Davis 34 G Tolson 39 B Mackie
Coach: Shane Harvey-d e Team .Claarre WNW = 1 Baddeley R 2 Beringer L 3 Baskan E 4 Bares L 5 C&rnm M 6 Cannutg A 7 Caponrletto S a Caruso S 9 Cerantonio D 10 Ceranton"to D 11 Christou A 12 Cknn3ck a 13 Daxkiw J 14 Francis i 15 Heritage C 16 JelSs M 17 Ktenas F 18 Leban D 19 Leech C 20 Leury H 21 Mansour J 22 MCchen B 23 Nankervis D 24 PRiNips J 25 Fumble- T 26 Shaw M 27 Tait N 28 Towner S 29 Trevaskis M 30 Tzarnbazis C 31 Uren N 32 Ml-ms J 33 Wlson T D 34 7, .ammit
OLD 7-1 Coach: Owen Lalor Ass : Ryan CHuillier 1 Cudlipp T 2 Haralambous A 3 Oman D 5 Hardy E 6 Tucker J 7 Jones L 8 Moffatt R 9 Prowse A 10 Kauye A 11 Manahan A 12 Mermagas A 13 Hanchette C 14 Armstrong A 15 Baker E 16 Christian W 17 Panton W 18 Dick J 19 Mitchell E 20 Pann'rfex A 21 Russell N 22 Beckley J 23 Osmond D 24 Russell N 25 Schivo M 26 Bender L 27 Richardson W 28 Brener J 29 Hawes C 30 Jones L 31 Theodoulou C 32 Kauye A 33 Miller D 34 Rafferty J 35 Beaumont J 39 Thompson F 44 Ray A 47 Lugg B
OLD T-,lNti Y G F. : . ~'':711 1A1N
Coach : Dean Peters 1 Bilwani A 2 Day M 3 Marsden A 4 Webster J C/C 5 Simmons H 6 Petdro J 7 Kenna J C/C 8 Stewart F 9 Butler K 10 Stebbins N 11 Burke M 12 Harrod T 13 Baylis M 14 Burgess M 15 Hooke A 16 Walsh T 17 Lamb T 18 Stockdale C 19 Oldn"eld T 20 Medland A 21 Mears-Dagen M 23 Burke A 25 Lar..aratto A 26 Hore-Lacy A 27 Schuyler M 28 Neville A 29 Hogarth J 30 Dickenson A V/C 31 de Bruin S 32 Lesinskis M 35 O'Connell J 39 Monice T 45 Bell C 49 Kelly B
uP ,rSVIe O D
3 4 Losan B 5 6 -^ . an K 9 Spn~ L 12 Evans A i6 Cb'u'rt~ 8 16 MIXUa! R iB t~f G p Harrison M 21 Vznbo>Sel M 22 a 23 &shop S 24 kb ~ L 26 kxPne^_ M 3~ FGaunt M 32 W~hart C 33 Ok:er D 34 House JP 35 A~~n J R 37 'ieies
~ e~ 40 &ennan 41 Shepp3+d 42 T~rig 43 SrMh 44 AnfiixSOn 45 Bance 46 Gob. 47 K~w'0~es ~ ~ Moore 53 Lane 6~6 Gun 57 Pea&a 58 Ba¢rsr Are 6o S Nestzr fii 74 aWr)5 7a D--eft Walcon 70 Q
: :f>Y54;~S1~
Under-19 - Section 3 M DSOD
Coach : Brad James
Coach: Gary Blus_'tein
1 J Aitken
2 . J . Fayman 3 . J . Karp 4 . G. Lewis 5 . J . Givoni
~_ ~ ~ . _, •_
21 J Marm o 22 P Greenhill
22 R Erin 2 Hogan 3 23 A S MH rtchell 24 M Avram
24 K Hardin g 25 R Whflehouse 26 A Edward s 26 M n pz~n R Os'idac
27 T Middleton
28 G Sauttr y 28 M Hamitten-Ho
29 S Sinha M a .Qt, S p onsors ~
P£a£ 0 R5
---~----~~ -----
GVP Fabricators All Home Loan s New Order Clothin g
ST . :
Coach: Glen Afford
Coach : Mark Soloed Asst Coach : Simon Virican t 1 E?er8ret. J 2 Stace. M
18. R . Gimrer
19. F. Johnson 20. B . Hindle 21 . M.McMahon
13. L. Rowan 14. G . Bennett
23 : B . Jameson N ~ .. A J .Pyre Lu i 26 . J. Mazur 27 . CM-Donald
15. R. Holden
28. 1. sa~ssi T 29 T~n
17. S. Briggs 18. L . Callery 19. T. Thornton
30. D Stewart
20 . D . Ciavarella
31 . M . Hayes
21 . J . Briggs
a9. a. H~ Harte~ 34. C . Keeshan 35. D. t.ogan 38. R . Nolan 37. C . Finfayson
22 . S . Pag e 23 . J . Collins 24 . P. De Servie
6. L Lenisto . Pollard n 7, B. Ha er
18 R Newland 19 S F. 20 T Dunne le
Laver T
2 Haddocks J 3 McConnell K 4 Flavene L 5 Lynch D
5. J
a. A. Me ta s. J. Moore to. J. Maya tt B.Cn"ckshank /2. T. Ballow 13. M' Pay 14. R. Shrekfs 15. J . Stephenson . 16' U Mudge 17. K.
1 Corrigan B 2 Gu E y
3 Turner S 4 Skiathitis R(rL) 5 Morris B 6 Hermes J 7 Rivaland P
9 Watts. D 10 Whyley. D 17 Ryan . R 12 Irvine. M 14 Patena. M
11 Gnt6th M 12 Marks J
8 Quinn J(rL)
10 GOSetti T
15 Grecn_T
17 Day B 18 Porter D A
5 Richardson, D 6 Giddings . D 7 Rose. S
a vJat~n P
16 Soloman. M 17 LuY , S 18 Girovski . T 19 Snow. M
20 Spittle . D 21 RehGcki. S
22 Denham . M 23 Sage. C 2 4 Seneca. J :.:25 l.iagatw,. M 26 Kre"zer. J 27 Cowles. A
28 Hussey. D 29 Serafin. A
30 Pratt . N 31 Clark . B 32 Morrisey. 8
33 Holden . B 34 Turner. P 35 Zrvanovic . 0
30 Thomas. R 37 Clayton. D 38 Vncent . G
7 Lawler hi & Parker W to K:fiy L 14 McMurray L
16. S. White
9 Hoatson T 10 Crotty J 11 SheppardT
21 Ferraro D M 22 Knuppei 23 Lynch J 24 Ty9uin J
25 Schwarze B
12 Leach S(TL) 13 Dooiey J 14 Boyd J 15 Owen B
26 Sawers A 27 Waters D 28 Darning M A 29 Knowles
17 Lee D 1a 8adenhope M 19 Reynolds M
u t : iom vurcell I R. Ault 2 D. Barlow 3 H. Barlow 4 J . Bell
5 P. Birks 6 A. Courts 7 B. Goona n 8 W. H~ggs 9 W. Havrson 10 C . King 11 A. Lync Wonh 12 M. 13 B. h",~cGawan 14 J . Rippon 15 O.~Scott 16 T. .,herr
1 7 G.Shavi
18 T. Sheldon 19 N . Scheelings 20 J . van Dyk 21 A. Whale 22 A. Wooley 23 B . Govet[ 24 S. Jeremiah 25 T. Jones 26 S. Leslie 27 D. M oar
28 E. Sm e 29 P. Statham
33 oaReiiiy P
22 Goodwin 0 (TL) 23 Anderson D
34 Lambert C 35 Wright B as Terrell J 37 Hunter d 38 Gilmore, S
26 Wmdus R 32 Cooper J 43 John E 44 McKay B
30 T. Stringer 31 G . Alla n 32 D . Borland
39 Heys J 40 McGettigan P
41 D'Gan,an M 42 Sables M 43 sar,yifirra L 55 Flouillian L
1 . T. Wilkin s 2. N . O'Brien
3 . J. Davy 4 . J. Carpenter B . A. Sheddo n 7 . A . Smith 9 . J . Phelps 10 . C . Laidla w 11 . A . Newhouse 14 . M . Cornwell 15. A. Thompson
19. T. Lowcock 21 . K. Parker 22. T Evan s 25. P. Morey 27. J. Choon g 29, J. Joslin 31 . S. Mead 33 . L McKinnon 44, D . Stock o 90 . M . Bessan t
25 . D. Latiniara 26. J . Fitzgerald 27. A. Middlemis s 28. A. Pound Cow 29. M . Doyl e 30. L Berland 31 . J. Bray 32, L Kell y
20 Ca~ well C
30 31auGen'gan W~~ MN 32 McCallum J
Coach: Craig Williams
. ..
Coach : Greg Campbell
8 Rrtchia E
4 3 Bugcda Pet"' ..RR
A.F.C Coach : Mick Holden 1 . D . Counihan 2. P. West 3. R . Stafford 4. C . Hogan 5 . C . Groake 6 . D . Cleary ry 7 . C . Lamb 8 . M . Bennett 9 . D. Wills 10 . D. Costigan 11 . S . Aidone 12 . G . Vitagliano
4 T Schocker 3 S Whittington 4 B Gevaux
16 A Vllani 17 A Orchard
27 . G. Massey 29. J . Goldman 31 . N. Rose 32. L. Peters 34 A~ra~i,{ 35 T Putt
2. P. Cur 3. M . Piriups 4. B. Adamson
5 G Blau 6 T Biddington ,old 7 D 8 R Temes 9 J Mathew 10 C Eva 11 D Kemp , . j2 oPedn~ 14 PR McGrath R 15 D Membrey
26 . B . Nankin
Coach: Bruce Waldron
2 M Brai n 3 D PinvAll
3 A Van Rooyen
7 . M. Chester 8. J. Feldy 9. E . Rottman it . D. Blankfield 12. D. Raleigh 13. R. Spilberg 15. A Goldstein 16. A. Lewis 17. A Bustin 18. B. Lukav 19. A Weinstein 20. M. Ivany 21 . A Chrapot 22. E. Shaked 23. R . Lewis 24 . D . Bustin 25 . R . Kagan
'TL = team leader
Coach: Andy Dalrymple Asst. Coach : Bryan Stagg 1 E Abdaiiah 3 G Day 5 A Woods
6 T Mahe r 7 J Hogan (Cl 8 R Mahe r 9 J Daau 11 B Stafford
12 C Arthurson 13 C Lucarell i 14 A Kenez 16 N Crowe (VC l 17 A Ad;emi s
18 K Laski 19 K Paproth 20 H Vince 21 C Krolikowski 22 J TartagB a 24 A Walsh
25 C Pc~osi
26 K Walker 27 H Fulton 28 L Hamblin 29 A Deveson 30 R Mattin`o n
31 P Stagg 32 L Kaldor
33 A. Cordy 34 B. Flemin g 35 M. Karunaratn e 36 G . Kennedy 37 B . Renic k 38 T. Ross 39 F. Wambach
40 R . Atkinson 41 D . Brown 42 M . Stevens
Proudly Sponsore d by THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 305 3
IInder-19 -- Section BLUE 6ENTLEIGH
Coach: Mick Lee
1 R Dolman 2 R Heywood 3 0 Lewis 4 J D'Offay Ridgway 6 J Roberts 7 S Holmesby 8 B Holden 9 D Wild 10 D FFogarty 11 J Rahilly 12 T Wright 14 M Wilson 15 D Straker 16 K Pereira 17 18 P Breiikreuz
Coach : Rob Smith Asst : Matt Francis I M Sheehan 4 S Murphy 5 0 Colman 6? Davis 12 S Crowe 14 S O'Brien 16 J McNamara 17 C Howard 18 T Robson 19 W Quaran 21 S Morwood 23 K Smyth 26 C White 28 C Reid 33 T Silvers 39 0 Keeney 40 P Meiklejohn
19 S Nicholson
41 B Flanigan
20 21 R Turner 22 B McLellan 23 S Corrigan 25 N Salvatore 26 T Kroiofil 30 B liso, 8 34 35
42 J Fletcher 45 A Hillier 50 D Hassaballa 51 R McArdle 52 M Kennelly 53 J Case y
47 S Wright
52 M. McLellan 54 B Meehan
Coach: Michael Blake
1 . D. Zampaglione 2. D. Clarke 3. J, Corbett 4* 1 . Nicholls 5. Smith L. 6. N. Pinto 7. S . Gravina 8. J. Hills 9. G . Cannetl 10, G. Giasoum i 11 . Y. Kobayashi 12. D. Hughes
12 0 Hensman
13 Evangelista
14 Pafuad 95 Nevitt 17 Angus 18 Mesley 19 Margetis 20 Fredrickson 21 Onurlu
13. D. O'Brien 14. L Jones 15. G . Marlyn 16. D. Kettle 17. M . De Luca 18. J. Chiar7ia 19. N. Grid 20. T. Malthouse 21 . T Porter 22, R. Sharp 24. C. Christianson 25. L. Cave 26, K. Rubtsov 27. S. Suteyman 30. T Rcotsey 31 . B. Wright
13 PJoi)nson 14 J Kavanagh 15 J Lar"ben 16 S Mann 17 J Matne t8 0 Micalt<_t 19 S Ntwan 20 A Norman 21 0 Nutting 22 M Pecwa 23 D Power 24 o Regan 25 E Roberts 26 8 Ross 27 S Smith 28 P Sourer
34. S. Newton
31 Pawlik
44. D. Williams
33 R W+chrenasrx3he 34 A Ylmstantey
32 Ni 33 Verrocchi 34 Salerno
35 Fletcher
~} } t ~ i~
ST. J 01 ; ; 13 OG
3 Mitsias S
4 Eames S 5 Brosnan D
6 DeNatris T 7 Black D 8 Sayers R 9 Jewell A
8 B. Mitchell 7 S. Cummin . Wignatl gaP 9 A . Law 10 D . Brennan rt M. Kenny
12 A de Lance
10 Pincott l
13 L Forsier
11 Fisher 12 Evans 13 Haysom 14 Davis
14 L. Cog'iar' n
15 Peel T
16 Brosnan D 17 Clancy B
15 J . Presta 16 C .O'La,gmin
17 J . Hocking 18 T Madder
19 P. Dade-Sel l 20 C . Matthews 21 H . Nestor 22 W. Mdlar
18 Jewell E
23 J . Rhodes 25 S . Jay (dc)
19 David J
26 J . Murphy
20 Machin D 21 Jacobs J 22 Dunne N 24 Buckley S 25 Bogartin A 26 Fotopoulos J 28 Harris B 29 Kilmartin M 34 Ramsay S 44 Robbins B
27 J . Gray
28 5 . Patching 29 B . Priichard
30 R. velliens 32 R. Heggie 33 R e FO a4 S ..Smith
J 0 D P J S
30 TSte;ntort 31 W varwergert 32 A Weekes
Coach: Peter Skinner
M. Semen (v°)
24 Staker 26 Cain 27 StagoO 28 Cook 29 BolRho 30 Tan
29 S Stanley
Coach : Neil Franks
23 Sofoul'is M (Capt)
35. M . Westhead 38 . C. Watkins 43, R Kenny
3 R . Staintorth (Cl 4 R . Smith 5 D. Sm@n
Coach : Gary Williams 1 Nassaratlah E(DVC 3 Konis A 4 Lazarakis C(Capt) 6 Nussbaum S(VC) 7 loannidis S 8 Thompson C 9 Rossenlis C 10 Pbzza A II Nasr A H 12 Onurtu
I S. Knobei (dc)
I M 8ertone 2 N Bradley 3 S Castricwn 4 D Caugney 5 ACavare t a 6 G Codcs 7 8~. 8 M Cummins 9 W Evans 10 D Grantham tt JHendry
Coach: Michael Oaten 1 Ashley J 2 Medcratt C
MAZENOD Coach : Shane Regan
E MM US ST. LEOS Coach : Peter Free
1 G Kowalski 2 D Homan
1 . J. Pascoe 2. G . Waterman
3 N Polan 4 C Peake 6 S Balisson 7 C Walker 8 R Tnney
3. M . Ford 4. T. Flowers 5, R. McCann 6. B. Game 7. R. Stafford S. P. Percelt
10 J Beattie
9. P. Damico
11 M Nelson 12 H Nguyen 15 8 Skinner Captain 16 R Blythe 18 J Ryan
11 . F. Bowden 13. T. Ahern 14. G . Groughan 15. S. McPhee
5 D Cannane
19 M Furnett
n 18. J. Br ~da 20. D. Parker
41 Antonucci J(DVC) 43 Taylor S 44 Evangelista B
15 r.u+HONEV
S A M 0 L
22 M Horton
22. S. Edua6
23 M O'Connor
23. G, Hanson 24. M. Whelan 46, J. Barry
25 W Ma gee 26 K Thompson
27 D Kennaugh 28 G D'Oliviera 43 B Toth 48 R Morello
49. P. Barranell o 59. A. Hickey 71 . T. Cole 74. S. Kay 78. N . Robin
G Fibre Cement
Sponsors: Hocking Stuart
- Gunn Island brew Ba t - Southern Cross Hole
- Albert Park Indoor
Under-19 - Section RE D AQUINAS
2. 5. 6. 7. 8.
M . Ford T. Wals h J. Price D. Westaway, B. Lannen
9. G . Hogan 10. P. Sheeh y 11 . C . Williams
12. A Munchow C . Ryan 14. J . Doolan t5. K. Morrissey 16 . L. Neame 17. M . Adams 18 . A Kinghom to . M . Drew 20. D. McDonald 22. L Goddard 23. J. Fraser
24. S. Hudson 25. A. Alexander 29. A Hobson 59. S . Cooper 51 . S . Dawes
6$' M . Dexter 49 . M . Griffin A HobSon E. Graham D. Heffernan T. Olarenshaw
OLD WESTDOURHF Coach: Peter Howarth
t . L.Morris
2 . B.Vfnding 3 . S Dunn
4, J .-Farmer 5. R1 .Whn,ng 6. M .Rstevski 7. D.Tang 8. C H ud son 9. J.WhEe to. LSqu arcl 11. P.Hudson 12. W.GMszan t3. J .Retlrnond 14. J .Newlan 15. A.WOads
16. GPoxon 17 . D.Taylor 18 . S .King 19 . B .Buzza 20 . D.Chan 21 A.Ca,n 22. B.Hughes 23. FMCGregor 24. G.Barifei< .-° . A.Potis .L. F.Bertone 54. TWhrting
Coach: Tim Bell Asst : Tony Dullard
8 . A. Eccles
20 A.TorNmson 29 DPat~ 38 D. McKail 60 N Dip, 66 T.Whrtehead 72 M .Redmond 79 GN~~, N .Beck A.Borrelli D .Brennan E. CaOaghan TCleeland J .Cbugh J .Daniets P.Da+rss
3 S . Bombed 4 J. Boyle
9 . D . Thomson
10. T Lee
5 A Chiew 6 J. Ch,katt 7 J. Cooke 8 K Donalo 9 J. Do•rmie 10 C . Dullard
11 . M . Voglis 12 . D . McColl 11 B . Tekin 14 . J . Newman 15 . S . Millar
1 6 . R. Tremayne 17 . 18. 19. 20.
Coach: Zoran Colovic
i R. Astudiio 2 K Bams-Jenklns
7 . S. Mountain
P. Voglis B. Moran C. Lapadoula B. Lapadouta
5. Edward s
12 S. Greenwood 13 N . H art 14 D. Leicester
22. A. Benerichs
23. A. Stavretis 24. M. Meadows 26. A . Georgakopoubs 27 . S . Hoysted 28 . M . Fat 29 . M . Coulston 30 . P. Florence 32 . J . McDonald 33 . P. Much
34 . E. Odza
35. M . Ramoridetta 36. A. Coulston 37. J. Wolnizer 38. M. Crooks 40. P. tosrfidis
(VC) 4 C . Ives 5 S. O 'Connor 6 S. Davis 8 J. Mahony
9 B . O'Connor 10 J . Kelsey y 11 Y. Saad (VC) 12 D. Hilton
T.Deveson C.Edvrards G .Girda^ood B.Hayes R_y~in aJones 9 J.Koopmans J.tambar~ M.Lamont H .Lancaste r M.Lynch C .Maloney
17 G. 0.7arcon 18 K Maghamez
1s D. Mcphee 20 J . Muian61RO 21 W. Murray 22 G . Ozusen 23 N . Quick 24 J . Ric hardso n 25 M. Rogers 26 D . Russell
13 D. White (VC) 14 G . I rv in 15 A. Egan (VC)
16 G . Kenned y 17 K. Norto n 18 J. Anderso n 19 B. Cornwal l 20 L. Clarke (C ) 21 M. Fanning 22 N . Jense n 23 P. Flander s 24 R. Leahy
D .Mann
R.Merrefl H.MiMer B .Parthenifles T.Rotertson J.ROg_rsat
30 H TopP 31 J. Violate
Coaches : Shaun Kell y John Murphy 1 L. Delmenico 2 B . O'Halloran 3 R. Keena n
B .Da Bruin
t5 N . Lemon 1 6 M .Louis-Gbeson
27 : Ryan 28 B 29 N. Shunleu~wtn
41 .. A . Smith 42. S Roussidis 43 . D . Seraicco 45 . M. Makin 46 . P. Naidos
FITZF." :'
Coach: Cadeil Duke
Coach: Gary Nightingale
25 S . Joyce 26 T. Burgess
27 L . Roby
G . Wlham s ~ R. Williams 34 J. Z,ener 35 tA Zka
28 P. Gallivan 30 J. Jellett
50 . T. Auste n
Coaches U79(1) Adam Sass; U19(2) David Galball y i Purcell P
2 Rulers E 3 Fitz _rald PA 4 Moy~an N 5 Vaughan S 6 Py`r_ A 7 R~y L 8 McDonnell J(dve) 90 Short~ednyssn J 11 Mau ~ 12 pvnon L 13 heMn-SmM J
Larkins C 15 Silk N 14
16 Adams S 17 Meehan D 18 D, Stetano S 19 Rees D 20 GmnNan L 21 Ryan al l S 22 Sm D
23 Butler N
24 Indowno F 25 Henderson R 26 O'Hanbn M 27 Palmer T 28 TrahatrT 29 Fusinato R 3p Ftzq?rald J 31 Mulfarry J 32 Ravrda S 33 Crav;e B 34 tAomson N 35 Ao ws J(vc ) 36 hTuna.Y. M M 37 T 38 Forrest J 39 Sahely K 40 Stack J 41 Clark S 42 Galley 0(c) 43 TcL~n L 44 Quinn D 45 McCormack R 46 Svmeney J 47 Chapman P 48 Torrence S 49 Corcoran T
50 Chester P 51 Botand E 52 P.lcntgomery S 53 Co unsal N 54 French R 55 Henderson C
Cr :hes :
Coach : Peter McBreaty J
8 Kicner S 9 Moloney M to 0'rourk€ J 11 Oakley M
A 12 E P1umm_w 15 Clark g 1 6 A?onzel P 17 pu, !ey M 1 gl G 19 Harrison 21 Vanboxtel M 22 Dale 23 &shop 24 Mo ;nsa, L 26 McPhee M 28 Feel N 30 Gaunt M 31 tAOrnce M
32 Wished CDJ 33 Ginter 35 ~ m o 36 Ari8yrcab J 37 Ho<ses R38 ar yD 39 Bar P 40 Bre°nan L 41 he d B ~ Sam T ~th ~ D
44 And .. D
45 Bence tA 46 Gibbs P 47 Jones A 48 Ki '.p-0kes P 50 Smrth L 52 Moore J 53 Lane P 5S GDieanrn DD 57 Peczelli C 58 g~ .r T 5p S,IVester 67 Ba dd aley l
UHSVU /S' I Egan
I Phillips J 2 inne r H 3 at T 4 M 6 ~tl?- .n ~ 8 B,. 9 Sp. ._ .~r '
14 Macrae 15 Tumer 16 Oxentad 17 Rogers 18 Trevethem 19 Keogh
21 Whalen
22 Mcmurtrie 24 Bergin 26 Bain 28 Ange l 29 Chr stensen i 30 Lancashire 32 De Campo
D a T J S D M
33 Gourley
39 Pegg 42 Farrell
C C J D 48 Du be M 50 Schroder R 60 George A 70 Prend, E 71 Grftths J 72 H~ggins P 75 Mcdennot t C
43 Rumbold 47 Clod,
71 Baxal
74 Burns P A
78 Dowsett 79 Watson 80 Q.: : n
4G B
56 Laws C 5
7 58 McFa I~ne T 59 Patti..n;t L
Winning E dge Presentations
With only one third of the roster remaining, it See" .= 3 . would seem the top two spots in each section are Leaders, University filled . However in each section, the two remaining Blues found littl nedifculty spots, are subject to change and speculation . Round 10 results were kind to my tipping as my defeating their academic cousins, Monash Gryphons by one hundred and ten points . Best for success rate was over 91% . the Blues was Tim Girdwood. . Review of Round 10 North Old Boys jumped to an early lead over Old Section 1 . Marcellin tried hard but were no match for Old Scotch and held it throughout to win by fourteen Xaverians, who won a lack lustre game by one points. Inaccuracy prevented Old Scotch . Best for hundred and two points . For the winners, snatching the lead into the last quarter ; Adrian Cugola, Boyd Dellwo and North were consistent Captain Nick Fay and rover, Andrew . Mathew Maltman, James Dillon were best . For Marecllin the best were : Trevor Ludeman Smedley and Peter Iser played well for Old Scotch . veteran Garry Petroff and Ben Nutbeam . St Kevin's moved to third place through their nine Emmaus, St Leo's had a day out against Old point defeat of De La Salle, who now find Geelong, who went down by sixty two points . themselves in fifth position . Be La Salle trailed After a very even contest, La Trobe University . badly until the last quarter when they almost defeated Old Carey by the minimum margin Straighter kicking was the basic reason why Old snatched victory . Best for their respective sides by twenty were ; Andrew Kearns (St Kevin's) and Matthew Trinity defeated Caulfield Grammarians five points, after a~ame in :hich each side had Clinch (De LaSalle ) Leaders, Mazenod were far too strong for Old equal scorin~ shoi s . -i-o-n =i,orts it was the goo d Brighton and ran out easy winners by sixty one points . I selected Prahran to defeat Old Esssendon narrowly . The Prahran hierarchy must still be laughing as the -Two Blues째 returned to form with a vengeance as they powered to victory by ninety three points. It appears as if Steve Ivak and Brett Carelidge 9 4 0 Cartledge had sole use of the ball as their azenod Fothergill 2 3 4 seventeen goal tally was far more than the entire Mazenod Buszard 0 21 Old Essendon score. St Kevins Harvey P 0 20 Old Scotch had the bye . De La Salle Roberts 0 20 Section 2. Old Xavs Dillon 5 16 Collegians, on the crest of a wave, vindicated my Marcellin Petroff 2 16 judgment with a thirty seven point win over, Old Scotch, who must now lift their win total to be able C1$ 2 Old Scotch Simon 0 32 to participate in the finals . Therry Kerman 0 27 Eley Park, showed their best form of the season when they defeated Monash Blues by thirty points . Collegians Grant 0 25 Eley Park Viola 4 19 Fitzroy Reds, jumped to third place as a Old Meburnians Mulligan 4 17 consequence of their thirty point win over Monash Blues Coughlin 1 17 Universitv Blacks. ; ;18 3 Leaders, Old Melburnians were able to defeat Old Boys Connoly 1 48 Therry Penola by sixty points despite Therry North Old Scotch Illingworth 0 30 Penola having flashes of good play especially in the University Blues Sudholtz 3 24 third quarter. Therry Penola were well served by Caul ield Dalwood 2 21 Maresdic and Topic . Trinity Arrowsmith 2 19 Old Xaverians revealed impro I form to defeat Old Old Geelong Slattery 2 1 6 Whitefriars by seventy tv > r, i > . 56
play of Jed Burgess, Mark Pawsey and Cam . Barr that piloted Trinity to victory . Preview of Round . 11 . Sectionl . In Round 2, Old Xaverians defeated De La Salle by eighty four points . Andrew Dillon had a day out on April, 24 when he kicked seven goals. Since then Old Xaverians have continued on their winning way, whereas the "Buicks" have spluttered and stuttered out of the top four sides . Better performed De La Salle sides have failed to score much against the "Crocodiles" over many seasons . Today I feel it will be more of the same with the Xaverians winning well. St Kevin's, anxious to maintain their grip on third place, should avenge their five point loss to Old Scotch in Round 2 with victory today . Old Brighton, at home, are formidable opponents as Old Essendon will discover today . Old Essendon's form is difficult to follow as they lack consistency, so I am confident Old Brighton will win today . Prahran again should have a big win at the expense of Marcellin, who despite flashes of inspired play, repeatedly fail over the course of each game . A highlight should be the contest between Brett Cartledge and Garry Petroff each of whom is a star for his team . Mazenod have the bye . Section 2 . Long standing rivals Collegians and Monash Blues meet on the Harry Trott Oval . Collegians, who are in top form should win this game for two reasons ; its venue and through the inconsistency of Monash play. The match of the round will be that between the rejuvenated Eley Park and Fitzroy Reds, who cannot expect to win by eighty seven points today as they did in Round 2 . The small Whitehorse Reserve should suit the Reds, whose game features strong man on man tussles . I tip Fitzroy Reds, to win narrowly. Leaders, Old Melburnians should enjoy their visit to Royal Park by comfortably defeating University Blacks, who are not enjoying a successful season in this competition . Old Xaverians, who sit comfortably in second place, face a danger game against Therry Penola, who are "Lyons" at home in Oak Park . I select the Old Xaverians, who will prove to talented, especially with no players required for A Reserve duty. Old Scotch should be able to defeat a strengthened Whitefriars team even out at Donvale, which will be new territory for many of the Scotch players . Section 3 . Both University Blues and North Old Boys will be at full strength f^- th= ir match at Holland Park
(University Oval??) The Blues are winning well each round, with a combination of big men and hard running mid fielders all doing their share of the work load . Today I select them to win again, although by much less than the seventy four point buffer, which was the Blue's winning margin in Round 2 . Emmaus St Leo's must defeat Old Scotch to keep themselves in the top four. In effect this game is worth eight points to Emmaus- St Leo's . Given the recent form of each side, I believe Emmaus- St Leo's will win unless "Sandy" can pull several A Section players from his hat! Old Geelong thrashed Old Carey in Round 2 . Since then Old Geelong has not shown much form whereas Old Carey have won two games only . On Como Park, I select Old Geelong to win again . La Trobe University welcome Caulfield Grammarians to their vast Bundoora oval . It will be difficult for Caulfield to repeat their Round 2 whitewash as La Trobe will be a more challenging team at home . The game should provide a close contest and I favour La Trobe to just take the four points . Old Trinity should again score a big victory over Monash Gryphons especially as Ed .Best will have all his players available. CORRESPONDENTS Team Managers . Don't forget to contact me with your details by noon Monday, please . Telephone 9467 2857 or e mail nknugent速alphalink .com .au
Old Xaverians v De La Salle St Kevins v Old Scotch Mazenod 0 C - Bye Old Brighton v Old Essendon Gr Prahran v Marcelli n CLUB 18 (2) Collegians v Monash Blues
Eley Park v Fitzroy Reds University Blacks v Old Melburnians Therry Penola 0 B v Old Xaverians (2 ) Whitefriars v Old Scotch (2) CLUB 18 (3 ) University Blues v North Old Boys Melbourne University, Main Oval Old Scotch (3) v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Old Geelong v Old Carey La Trobe Uni v Caulfield Gr Old Trinity v Monash Gryphons
CLUB 18 (1 ) biARCELLIIi 2 .4 4.4 6.6 7.7 (49) OLD %AVERIANS 5 .2 10.5 16.6 23.13(151) Marc : Petroff 2 Edwards 2 Ale:candridis Andre Pezzimenti . Best: B . Nutbean Symes Spinella Tozer Alexandridis . Old %ave: Dillon 5 Ellis 4 L Hardwick 3 Ward 2 Davies 2 J Hardwick 2 Fay 2 Fitzgerald Dwyer Conquest. Best: Ellis Fay J Hardwick Dillon Jim Hardwick Davies . Umpires: Bob O'Halloran Tom Windlow (F ] DE LA SALLE 0 .3 0 .5 1 .7 6.10 (46) ST EEVINS 1 .7 2.12 5.16 7.17 (59) DLS: M Barber 4 Foon 2 . Best : D Hyland M Harber N Buick Bowker Nicholas Moloney . SKOB : G Harvey 3 Scotto Robertson Kearns Macey . Best: Scarfo B Quirk G Smith Macey S Dillon Umpires: Paul Rapke Tony Robbins (F) OLD SCOTCH BYE MAZENOD 4 .3 6.7 9.9 .12 .13 (85) OLD BRIGHTON 0 .1 0.2 1.6 3.6(24) Maz : Palamara 2 Grenda 2 Fisher 2 Fothergill 2 McKeon 2 Reed Nussman. Best: Smyth Camilleri Busby Grimmson Occhuito Cuberes . Old Bright : W Earl 2 G Earl . Best : Jenkin McLachlan Wood Parnham Sedgwick Oakley. Umpires: Gavan Hegan Tony Began (F ) OLD ESSENDON 2.1 4 .1 7.4 7.7 (49) PRA1HiAN 7.3 14 .5 15 .7 22.10 (142) Old Ess: Walker 3 Papal Wcerndle Wheeler Wright. Best: ticerndle Wright Gradzki Papal G Barry Poulton . Prahran : Cartlidge 9 Ivak 8 Storer 2 T Belej Nielsen Smith . Best: Ivak Cartlidge Storer Pritchard Geri Scott. Umpires : Paul Nailer (F)
CLUB 18 (2) OLD SCOTCH (2) 0.1 2.8 3.10 7.14 (56) COLLEGIANS 5 .6 9.8 11 .12 13.16 (94) Details not received . Umpires : Frank Kavanagh Joseph Salvatore (F) MONASH BLUES 1 .0 2.4 2.4 5.7(37) ELEY PARE 3 .3 4.4 9.7 10.7 (67) Monash Blues: Stephens Coughlin West M Dods Crossland . Best : L Woods Riddle Johnstone M Woods Stoppa Mortar . Eley Park : VioHa 4 Blakey 2 Smith 2 James Powell. Best : Violia Kent Smith Powell Nelson Vasteegen. Umpires: Mark Thomhill (F) FSTZROY REDS 0.1 4 .4 8.9 12.9 (81) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1.3 1 .8 4.7 7.9(51) Fitzroy Reds : Crane 3 George 2 Auden 2 Grtmmett 2 Frnsdorf Steer Walsh . Best: Frinsdorf Bahr Crane Crowe MeBumey Bridges . University Blacks : Drummond 3 Spang Utscka Bloodworth Eliss . Best : Bloodworth McCallum Braszell Molloy Owen Morris . Umpires : Joe Ciccotosto (F)
OLD MELBURPIIANS 4 .4 7 .9 8.9 11.14 (80) THERRY PENOIA 0 B 0 .2 1 .2 3.2 3 .2(20) Old F6elb: Arden 5 Mulligan 4 Read Sandwell . Best: Read Arden Cooper Mulligan Black C Tomlinson . Therry Penola : Coda Robi Lyons . Best: Marsdic Kemmessey Topic Ward Bibby Carter . Umpires: Tom W'mdlow (F) OLD RAVERIANS 6.6 10.9 13.13 14 .17(101) W1nTEFRIARS 0.4 1.5 1 .6 3.11 (29) Old %av : Chamberlin 3 Dunle4ie 2 McGrath 2 M Higgins 2 W Ireland J Richards S Carrados J Ireland C Hoare . Best: Chamberlin S Camados C Carrodus T Chambers Sadler Ralph, White : Naisdmith Bourke Murphy Best : Ward Bourke Murphy Spired Singh Jackson Umpires : Ryan Hense Josh White-Spier (F) CLUB 18 (3 ) MONASH GRYPHONS, 1 .2 3 .2 7.6 7 .7(49) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .6 7 .17 12 .21 22.27 (159) Monash Gryphons : Blandford 5 McCarthy Brendan Walter . Best: Blandford Walter Carter Hetherington Dresser McCarthy Brendan . University Blues: McKinley 4 Sudholtz 3 Bannister 3 Birrell 2 Gallery 2 Irvine 2 McPhail 2 Girdwood Ritchie Meade Maplestone . Best: Girdwood McKinley King Ritchie McPhail . Umpires : Lindsay McIntyre (F) NORTH OLD BOYS 4.4 4.5 8 .7 7.9(51) OLD SCOTCH ( 3) 1 .1 1.7 2 .7 5.7(37) NOB : M Connolly D Stibley Cugola Mahoney Kearney Dellwo Hildebrandt. Best: Mahoney Ludeman Trimbolt Cugola Nunan Del)wo . Old Scotch : Henwood 2 Mailman Best Glove . Best : Smedley lllingworth Iser S .Ballans D .Martin . Umpires: Paul Fahey David W'mdlow (F) EM US ST LEOS 0 C 9.2 13.4 16.7 19.8 (122) OLD GEELONG 2 .0 4 .0 6.3 9.6(60) Emmaus St Leos: M Contessotto 7 D Wood 4 P Levins 3 S Meschler 2 C Vaughn D McGloin M Fechnea Best : M Contessotto D Wood S Pitcher P Levins R England N Foley . Old Geel : C Teague 3 T Miskin 3 A Slattery 2 . Best: B McLean N Slattery Abbot C Teague Miskin T Disco . Umpires: Brian Nunn Avi Wekselman (F) (G ) OLD CAREY 5 .1 8 .5 8 .6 9.11 (65) LA TROBE UII 5 .2 5 .6 9 .9 9.12 (68) Details not received . Umpires: Trevor Hansen (F ) CAULFIELD OR 1.5 1.6 2 .7 7.8 (50) OLD TRINITY 4 .0 8.1 11 .3 12.6[78 Caul On Bettany 2 Johnson 2 Dalwood 2 Hooper . Best: Cater. Brohier Bettany Alibrando Sheppard Dalwood Franklin . Old Trin : Barr 4 Pawsey 4 Arrowsmith 2 C Stubbins Monasso. Best: Burgess Pawsey Arrowsmith Best Barr Manasso . Umpires : Rick Benson Simon Pearless (F)
Ground Floor, 77 Sta t ion Street . Malvern 31 4 4 Melbourne - Level 7, 313 La Trobe Street, M elbourne 300 0 Telephone : (03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 237 9 (03) 9670 6633 E-mail : Web: vrcvcv.scottpartners
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Tim Egan, Banyule . Striking, 4 matches . Justin Tolley, Oakleigh . Kicking, 6 matches . Danny Kennaugh, St. Johns (Under-19). Misconduct, 2 matches . * Tim McKinnon, University Blues. Striking, 2 matches . * Andrew Walstab, St . Bedes Mentone Tigers . Striking, 2 matches. * Sam Capponetto, Old Essendon ( Under-19). Abusive and insulting language, 2 matches . * Accepted Prescribed Penalt y
First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fou rth offence ($100) ; each subsequent offence ($100).
Resenres/C1 8 Seniors/1 .119 failure to phone failure to provide final scores by 5pm scores by 2 .30pm De La Salle (C) Old Carey (S) Hawthorn (S) MHSOB (U) Phoned incorrect scores - Round 9 AJAX (R), Old Xaverians (2) (U), Old Carey (C)
,ompet1 t1 Total
2 3
Score Out of
Barry Hickey Peter Willamson Gavan Flower Glen Harrison Norm Nugent Andrew Wu Tom Brain
Dl D2 D4
4 5 3 4 13 5 5 1 6 4 8
Ed Sill Cam Nation Johathan Horn Fraser Cameron
C Club XVIII D2 B D3 U/19 A
5 5 5 5 14 5 5 5 9 5 14
Score Out o f 40 38 37 37 102 36 34 33 58 32 88
50 50 50 50 140 50 50 50 89 50 139
80% 76% 74% 74% 73% 72% 68% 66% 65% 64% 63%
THE CFb4LL..:dGE: Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . i PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, j~o into a major "Lucky c"
Draw" at the end of the season for a significant prize (still to be determined) . Watch this space! Announcement of prize - SOOKY
HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA Pd Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 .
t y For : cY
10 8 8 5 5 4 4 2 2 2
0 2 2 5 5 6 6 8 8 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
271 .43 40 396 .21 32 190 .44 32 92 .46 20 83 .77 20 73 .46 16 65 .98 16 5227 8 48.04 8 45.97 8
For Agst
% PPs 290 .81 36 241 .76 36 205 .04 36 144 .17 24 120 .06 20 91,71 16 71 .26 16 69.92 12 31 .84 4 0 21 . 20
117 9 tr RED
W 9 9 9 6 5 4 4 3 1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
8 8 7 7 6 4 4 4 1 0
2 0 711 356 472 2 0 824 3 0 755 575 3 0 668 580 503 3 1 689 5 1 719 535 6 0 663 579 6 0 563 671 9 0 352 821 1300 10 0 400
t D~nr Aa~st
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
8 7 7 6 6 6 4 3 2 0
8899 SECT1C1f/2
1 0 1044 359 1 0 880 364 1 0 732 357 4 0 767 532 5 0 844 703 615 6 0 564 6 0 533 748 7 0 581 831 9 0 29 2 91 7 10 0 264 1245
P w
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
© For Apt
8 7 6 6 6 5 4 4 3
P 6~ 9 7 7 7 6 5 4 2 2 1
2 0 1019 3 0 969 3 0 1013 3 1 1064 3 1 993 4 0 1029 6 0 719 7 0 655 8 0 352 10 0 544
837 626 754 705 890 734 858 932 1275 1026
c L1 For A 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6
J a2-::L`.
329 264 408 597 684 874 726 572 841 905
893 1046 777 552 573 642 479 299 404 416
0 900 0 883 1 716 0 821 0 632 0 705 0 652 0 620 1 497
752 825 492 744 683 722 713 797 730
L tt For A~st 1 0 900 3 0 1067 3 0 971 3 0 864 4 0 994 5 0 824 6 0 822 8 0 410 8 0 439 9 0 462
572 574 549 634 558 726 845 955 1305 1307
P t~
Pts ~ttd~ 1~ (,1
19932 32 174 .58 32 131 .30 28 115 .17 28 136.98 26 134 .39 18 114.51 16 83.90 16 42 .87 4 30 .77 0
L o Far
W L D For A 10 0 0 1104 325 8 2 0 844 372 8 2 0 809 463 6 4 0 520 578 6 4 0 620 694 4 6 0 599 685 4 6 0 561 839 2 8 0 470 949 2 8 0 304 1101
°I< Pts 339.69 40 226.88 32 174.73 3 2 89.97 24 89.34 2 4 87 .45 1 6 66 .87 1 6 49 .53 8 27 .61 8
Pts ttatin
0 0 666 405164 .44 1 01011 337 300 4 0 741 523141 .68 4 0 583 452128.98 4 1 557 541102 .96 5 1 438 665 65 .86 6 0 447 605 73 .88 7 0 437 784 55 .74 8 0 301 940 32 .02 4 0 0 0 0
40 100.0 0 36 90.0 0 24 60.0 0 24 60.0 0 22 50.00 18 44 .4 4 16 40 .00 12 30 .00 8 20 .00 0 0 .00
t t1 ~or A~
t D r:o-r A
121 .74 32 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 154,79 28 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 10 134 .35 28 FITZROY REDS 10 150.92 26 OLD SCOTCH (2) 10 111 .57 26 MONASH BLUES 10 140.19 24 COLLEGIANS 10 83.80 16 ELEY PARK 10 70 .28 12 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 10 27 .61 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 53 .02 0 WHITEFRIARS 10
8 2 0 805 422 8 2 0 651 434 6 4 0 635 499 6 4 0 693 674 6 4 0 570 558 5 5 0 706 693 4 6 0 615 620 3 7 0 555 770 2 8 0 477 771 2 8 0 305 731
% 3 P 119.68 32 UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 107.03 28 OLD TRINITY 10 145.53 26 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 110.35 24 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 10 92.53 24 OLD SCOTCH (3) 10 97.65 20 CAULFIELD OR 10 91 .44 16 LA TROBE UNI 10 77.79 16 OLD GEELONG 10 68 .08 14 OLD CAREY 10 MONASH GRYPHONS 10
188 .56 36 142 .41 32 315.78 2 8 112.18 2 4 101 .95 2 0 65.58 1 6 69 .23 1 2 49 .18 1 2 60 .00 8 56 .13 8
P w
;W 8$ L 2
9 1 0 1335 708 8 2 0 920 646 7 3 0 1181 374 6 4 0 930 829 5 5 0 939 921 4 6 0 726 1107 3 7 0 702 1014 3 7 0 572 1163 2 8 0 711 1185 2 8 0 668 1190
10 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1
I. D For A 0 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9
190.76 3 2 150 .00 3 2 127 .25 2 4 102 .82 24 102 .15 24 101 .88 20 99.19 1 6 72.08 1 2 8 61 .87 8 41 .72
0 1322 273 0 930 477 0 672 451 0 693 480 0 534 652 0 639 879 0 376 728 0 619 791 0 399 1035 0 400 928
484 .25 4 0 194 .97 3 2 149 .00 28 144 .38 24 81 .90 20 72 .70 1 6 51 .65 1 6 78.26 1 2 38.55 8 43.10 4
157 .34 36 185 .89 28 176.87 28 136.28 28 178.14 24 113.50 2 0 97.28 1 6 42 .93 8 8 33 .64 4 35 .35
r------------ ------------------ ~ 1 , i*, I ~
t t -F ."
res ented b
;romamotritephoetothiss?~ce~____ J L ____ (o~rg ~~~htqher
W 9 9 9 6 5 3 3 3 2 1
L D For Agst % Pts 1 0 1066 635 167.87 36 1 0 1315 822 159.98 36 1 0 1017 639 159.15 36 4 0 994 873 113.86 24 5 0 874 951 91 .90 20 7 0 899 902 99.67 12 7 0 690 868 79.49 12 7 0 502 1044 48.08 12 8 0 647 990 65.35 8 9 0 699 979 71 .40 4
D4 SECTION P W L D For Agsr % Pts OLD WESTBOURNE 10 9 1 0 1110 496 223 .79 36 KEW 10 9 1 0 1065 591 180 .20 36 ELSTERNWICK 10 8 2 0 1143 712 160 .53 32 BULLEEN COBRAS 10 7 3 0 977 791 123 .51 28 ST MARYS 10 5 5 0 946 929 101 .83 20 ALBERT PARK 10 4 6 0 905 914 99,02 16 NORTH BRUNSWICK 10 3 7 0 912 1119 81 .50 12 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 10 2 7 1 596 915 65 .14 10 BOX HILL NORTH 10 1 8 1 729 1284 56 .78 6 4 RICHMOND CENTRAL 10 1 9 0 574 1206 47 .60
W 8 8 6 6 6 6 4 2 1 1
L D For Agst % Fls 2 0 1102 865 127 .40 32 2 0 867 724 119 .75 32 3 1 825 848 97 .29 26 3 0 1035 792 130,68 24 4 0 1122 912 123 .03 24 4 0 901 780 115 .51 24 6 0 821 818 100 .37 16 8 0 683 1027 66 .50 8 7 1 611 979 62 .41 6 9 0 745 967 77 .04 4
Pis A RESERVE P IN L D For At % UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 10 0 0 1173 273 429 .67 40 STBERNARDS 10 8 2 0 729 491 148 .47 32 OLD SCOTCH 10 7 3 0 836 597 140 .03 28 OLD XAVERIANS 10 6 4 0 625 622 100.48 24 OLD TRINITY 10 5 5 0 622 491 126 .68 20 DE LA SALLE 10 5 5 0 578 613 94 .29 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 4 6 0 595 680 87 .50 16 MARCELLIN 10 3 7 0 480 723 66.39 12 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 2 8 0 392 806 48 .64 8 WHITEFRIARS 10 0 10 0 236 970 24.33 0
Iff 10 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 1 1
Pts L D For Agst % 0 0 1018 681 149 .49 40 2 1 1129 725 155 .72 30 2 1 848 709 119.61 30 4 0 840 821 102.31 24 5 0 781 771 101 .30 20 6 0 783 747 104 .82 16 6 0 868 877 98.97 16 6 0 739 801 92.26 16 9 0 704 1120 62.86 4 9 0 686 1144 59.97 4
W 10 8 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 1
L D For Agst % Pfs 0 0 1337 551 242.65 40 2 0 1059 679 155 .96 32 2 0 945 677 139.59 32 4 0 787 632 124.53 24 5 0 860 801 107,37 20 6 0 773 1021 75.71 16 7 0 718 953 75.34 12 7 0 556 948 58 .65 12 8 0 693 853 81 .24 8 9 0 537 1218 44 .09 4
W 8 8 8 8 5 3 3 3 2 2
L D For Agst % Pts 2 0 1130 632 178 .80 32 2 0 1024 709 144 .43 32 2 0 966 726 133 .06 32 2 0 890 723 123 .10 32 5 0 734 907 80 .93 20 7 0 802 868 92 .40 12 7 0 733 870 84 .25 12 7 0 620 865 71 .68 12 8 0 727 919 79 .11 8 8 0 581 1018 57 .07 8
W 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2
L 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8
B RESERVE P W L D For Agst % Pis NORTH OLD BOYS 10 8 2 0 666 413 161 .26 32 COLLEGIANS 10 8 2 0 607 463 131 .10 32 ST KEVINS 10 6 3 1 693 537 129 .05 26 OLD BRIGHTON 10 5 5 0 588 442 133 .03 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 5 5 0 585 475 123 .16 20 OLD IVANHOE 10 4 6 0 549 683 80 .38 16 ST BEDES MENT TIG 9 4 5 0 383 518 73 .94 16 OLD PARADIANS 10 4 6 0 401 625 64.16 16 MAZENOD 0 C 9 3 6 0 482 726 66.39 12 6 BEAUMARIS 10 1 8 1 408 633 64 .45 % Pls C RESERVE PIN L 0 For At AJAX 10 8 2 0 678 355 190 .99 32 MONASH BLUES 10 7 3 0 709 502 141 .24 28 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 7 3 0 698 521 133 .97 28 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 10 7 3 0 587 553 106 .15 28 CAULFIELD GR 10 6 4 0 780 548 14234 2 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 5 5 0 587 679 86 .45 20 MHSOB 10 4 6 0 610 490 124 .49 16 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 10 4 6 0 612 626 97 .76 16 8 PARKDALE VULTURES 10 2 8 0 457 860 53 .14 0 GLEN EIRA 10 0 10 0 346 1026 33 .72
P W L 0 For Agst % Pls Dl RESERVE UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 8 2 0 1083 333 325 .23 32 FITZROY REDS 10 8 2 0 852 384 221 .88 32 ORMOND 10 8 2 0 772 401 192 .52 32 PENINSULA 0 B 10 7 3 0 859 565 152 .04 28 OLD MENTONIANS 10 6 4 0 668 502 133.07 24 AQUINAS 0 C 10 5 5 0 522 691 75 .54 20 BANYULE 10 3 6 1 510 721 70.74 14 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 2 7 1 414 621 66 .67 10 PRAHRAN 10 1 9 0 243 893 27.21 4 4 D For Agst % Pts SALESIAN 0 C 10 1 9 0 232 1228 18,89 0 1233 635 194 .17 40 r------------------------------ ~ 0 998 774 128.94 32 1 1} ;~ 1 1 ~ ( 0 945 744 127.02 28 0 985 900 109.44 24 presented by 0 873 649 134.51 20 0 803 809 99.26 16 0 726 994 73.04 12 0 698 1099 63.51 12 0 825 1081 76.32 8 chan~s ma be hi ~ lrom a mobile pho~ ta this servi z 0 749 1150 65.13 8 1 (- - - - - -~-'~--t-- ~ -------------L----
Weekend Matches (Fri) Umpires Appointments
Scores (Sat . night) s~oa~rsco~a