Fostering Family Football since 189 2
Ofiicial Jnornalof"fTi e N 1"'~t .~.TF.`L'I2 FOO'LR iLL ASSOC~Tn~ Registered for oostine as a Publication . Cateaorv B.
For the last two to three years the VAFA presidents have met on a Sunday with a view to hearing from clubs on matters of mutual interest that are then taken forward to the Executive Committee for its consideration for the season ahead . This method replaced the ol d system where individual clubs wrote to the VAFA with suggestions . The group approach was thought to be more effective as it would allow atters supported by the majority to be taken to the next level . As time is fast running out we, (Bruce McTaggart VAFA president, Alan PHIL STEVENS Burrows on behalf of the presidents and myself) have agreed that the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER presidents be invited to meet at the VAFA on Monday August 16th to
have put on an agenda matters to be better developed by a sub-group of the presidents and brought back to the VAFA to be considered at its annual seminar/season review which will be held on Monday October llth This meeting of presidents will replace the August meeting of members which was to be held this coming Monday (August 2) . Accordingly we invite each club president (or nominated proxy) to attend and before this meeting to have discussed matters at club committee level beforehand . Bruce McTaggart and myself will be in attendance for the first part of the meeting, only for the purposes of introducing the procedure then leaving the clubs to prepare submissions accordingly . The possibility of the All-Australian team travelling to Ireland moved from the 50-50 stage to the "very hopeful" (75-25) stage last weekend when we received a letter from the AFL supporting our endeavours and recognising the benefits that a tour of this nature will bring . The tour will have to be arranged independently of the AFL, who remain keen to be of assistance, but the AAFC will need to arrange for all, if not most of the costs associated with the tour to be met as well as making most of the arrangements necessary . At this stage I have met with the three states and Nick Bourke will be personally contacting each player with a view of forming a committed squad, a group of players who will be willing to organise the time-off from work and will be able to make the necessary financial contribution towards the trip . Gerard Sholly, who coaches Old Ivanhoe and who has been Nick Bourke's "right hand man" for state games for the last three years and who has many contacts in Ireland, has agreed to take on the role of Project Manager and as a result will be putting the whole deal together on behalf of the AAFC . It is important to state at the outset that everyone in the touring party will be paying their way players and all officials alike - without exception ! Following on from last week's disclosure that clubs in debt to the VAFA of an amount of $3000 or more two weeks out from the finals will not be included in the finals series, I am pleased to report that Caulfield Grammarians (C section) and University Blues (A section) have brought their debt to under $3000 and appear to be off the "hot" list . However there are (at the time of printing) 3 B section clubs on the "hot" list, 3 from C section, 2 from D1, 3 from D2, 2 from D3, 1 from D4, 1 with a team in C reserves, 1 from D 1 reserves, 1 from D2 reserves, 2 from D3 reserves, 1 from D4 reserves, 2 with a team in U19/3 and 1 with a team in U19/Blue . I will report on the status of clubs on a week by week basis .
Ned Week's Matches ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .. .. . .... .. .. .. . .. .. .9 Coaches' Clipboard . .. .. .... . .. .. .. ... .. . .. .. ...... . .. .. .. . .. .10 For the Love of the Game. .. .. .. . .._ .. .. ... .. .. . ... .18-19 .. . . .. .. .. .... 3 1 Coates hire MVPs . .. .. .. .... . .. .. ..
. .. .. . .. .. .. ...Cadbury'sFceinthowd ... .. .. .. . 32 .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . _ .... . ... .3435 .LokingBac
Today's Umpires .. .. ... .... .. ... .. .. . .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ..40 Trainers' Corner. .. .. .. . .... .. ... .. .. .... . .. .. . .. .. .. .: ... .... ..47 Sportscaver Arena Draw. ... .. .. .... . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..61 Tribunal & InvesTiga6ons . . .. .... .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .... ..61 Sportsrbver Spot the Bal . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..62 Ladders. .. ... ...... ... .. .. .. . .. ..... .. .. 63164
July 31 st, 2004 T41= -nTe„o C - ron, 1 11 nnn .
1 r=iic e $2.00 04 No. 1 5
Hey kids, plug into the faitlile ;s Chatfield and Nathan Maybe they're blinded Bingham . Not th e But Benny makes thena ; i . . . prettiest team to watch, So sang Sir Shopaholic in "Benny and the Jets" and I but they're getting th e
won't even attempt to draw parallels between those lyrics job done and are and Ben Mannix's best on ground performance at the primed to even th e residence of reptiles . Mannix is usually the barometer for ledger with St Bernazds after the round 6 Snakepit De La and he and the team were red hot in a game few shemozzle. expected them to win . Mannix pulled down 12 marks and At the Junction, Whitefriars gave OMs a bit of cheek but executed 17 "one percenters" in his best 2004 game to ultimately found the home side a shade too slick . Both date . He had plenty of mates with Leigh Harrison nearing sides are still very much perched on Relegation his best, Ben Corin giving a definitive contest up forward , Roundabout, particularly after De La's shock win . Good Pete Harrison showing great application in a tagging role, games to Chris Carr gg (if he doesn't win the B&F I'll Rob Bonnici ferocious and Chris Mercuri showcasing hi s perform with the Tony Bartuccio dancers at Presentatio n obvious talent after years on the sidelines . A win at the 'Pit night) for Whitefriars an d Micah Berry, Toby Roberts and is good reason to celebrate at the best of times, let alon e Ed Wilson for the Grammar boy s when you're a lonesome ladder lurk merchant so it may Today well prove to be the game which kick-starts them into A decade ago, Ben and Pat Mannix conjured one of the action. Watch this space . most extraordinary Houdini acts imaginable to somehow And Bernards? Well you can never say they don't keep you keep De La in A Grade by about .20 of a per cent . My on your toes. With a full list they're better than anyone but memory's hazy but I think they casually kicked about 8 they may have coughed up that vital double chance . . . each for two weeks, despite Ben being a debutant just out Browne Down! of school of and school Pat and Pat kicking Ideld half his goals by hiding in the Mark Browne gets poleaxed, Line Reynolds sin binned an d grass at the playground end! You'd think they'll need Marcellin take advantage of the resultant 17 man Trinity something similar to avoid the drop in 2004 (it's only Ben line up to open up a fifty point lead halfway through the now, with Pat in charge at Friar Park), but when the light's third term . Game over, yes? Well no, as Trinity withere switched on in Mannix Manor, anything is possible. Not ydawytheficonpsadthe yprobl against the Blues however, who are far too polished to fall should have won it. Tim Beardsley was diligent all da y prey to such shenanigans. Lint by 10 points, but it's a down back while Abe Williams and Richard Burrows danger ger game . on Ramsden's thumping ruck play . Marcellin The others are a bit Rob Brough. Trinity and Haileybury bottled things up when Trinity got to within two goals with should both win and you'd have to back Xavs as they host 15 minutes to play but the game was set up in the first their dear and beloved Essendon friends . Scotch's visit to half through runners Bernie Dinneen, Jarred Frazer and Marcellin will have a huge bearing on the Noosa tourist Brett Dobson, who is probably winning their best and industry in September and I'll stick my neck out and tip a fairest after a stellar year in the pivot. Nice but no dice Jame s James Gerstman is just another in a long line of young A Grade full forwards to turn on a show this year. The former East Ringwood star is the only one to give Jimmy Hayter the runaround however and you'd think that a =---- -h CiGu -niegoalhuwdbntoispreaSc LST f!K TOTAL avalanche . Not so, as the relentless Blues runners snuffed 53CTION out a willing but slightly inferior Scotch outfit . Ross Young Marcellin Cullman 45 roving and spearhead George De Crespigny kicked four Old Scotch 44 Gerstman each with Mick Kordick and Jackson Brooke performing St Benard s Jordon D 43 solid midfield roles . Plenty to still like about Scotch with Walsh 41 Steve Hume and Steve Collins getting plenty of it but Old Trinity Old Trinity Cultrera 30 toppling the Blues on the Uni main was too big an ask. A RESERVE And let's not forget . . . Rags just can't kick big scores but they've won some gritty University Blues Millar d 29 games recently to put an end to all the hoo-ha regarding St Bernards Close 24 B Grade. Tim Ockleshaw has been the architect of their Old Scotc h Reid 23 recent wins, in conjunction with the reliable Adam Old Haileybury Lappage 20
Gerstman inspired upset . Correspondents Jonathan Horn jonath on_g_horr ,7Avahoo ^^ .uk
L rgOCFC welconies a r,ew member to the 200 club this weekend, when ':Tiehael M oran plays his 200th game against Old Scotch . "Mazzie" has been an integral player for the Eagles during his 200 games, and has enjoyed the enviable success of amateur football by playing in the 1990 U19's, the 1997 C grade, 1998 B grade and the 2001 A grade premiership teams . He has worn the eagles maroon and blue number 5 jumper with pride during his career. We all congratulate you on a fine career for the past 200 games and hope to see you wear the jumper for a few more years to come. Old Haileyburlans - congratulate Harnish 'Hammer' McLauchlan on reaching his 50th game for the Bloods today against Whitefriars . Hamish began with the Unders in 2001 and went on to win the Under 19 Best & Fairest award the following year . After an interrupted season in the Ressies last year, Hamish made his senior debut in round 8 this year and has not looked back . Well done 'Hammer' from all at the Bloods . Whitefriars OCFC - congratulate Matthew "Spider" Carbone on reaching his 200th game for the club in its match against Old Melburnians . Spider has been a great player for the Club since making his senior debut in 1993 and was a member of the 1999, 2000 and 2002 senior premiership teams. His attack on the ball is second to none and with his deadly finishing in front of goal he is always a handful for opponents . Great work Spider - the rest of the 200 game club look fonvard to a few beers to celebrate your achievement after this week's home game . De La Sa lle - congratulations to Jezza La Ragy who celebrated his 100th game for the Club last Saturday against St Bernards . No 8 started in 1998 with the Under 19's with whom he completed 32 games . He played his first Senior game in Rod 1 / 2000 and has now completed 40 Senior (15 "A" & 25 "B" Grade) and 28 Reserves games . Jezza was Runner up Best & Fairest with the U19 Blues in 1999 and Best in Finals (Reserves) in 2003 . Well done No 8. St.Bernard's - one of our great clubmen over the past 12 years is Andrew Catterall , who today plays his 100th game for the club. Andrew is one who has always given his all, whether it be on or off the field, for the Club . Reaching his 100th has been a lengthy affair, as overseas business commitments have often intruded on his football career. Now that he is back working with the AFL, hopefully he can add to this tally and also add another premiership to last year's Reserve's premiership, where he was one of the stars . Always surrounded by controversy "Catts" maintains his 100th was last week, but whatever, congratulations and thanks for your efforts over the years .
TODAY'S r~'~.. , IES R14 A
Old Xaverians v St Bernards De La Salle v University Blues Marcellin v Old Scotch - 95 .5 Inner FM Whitefriars v Old Haileybury Old Trinity v Old Melburnians
f OLD HAH.EYBURY 2.0 7.0 8 .2 9 .5 (59) OLD RAVERIANS 2 .10 3 .10 8.12 9.13 (67) Old Hail: Bourke 4 Mason M Corrigan Rode Tassell . Best: Goldsworthy S Langford-Jones Bourke White M Corrigan Mason . Old Xav: Agius 2 Beardsley Chatfield Woodruff Howard T Ockleshaw M Walsh Higgins . Best: T Ockleshaw Chatfield Beardsley Agius Purss Mollard. Umpires: Damien Anderson Peter James (F) Rob Mayston Jnr Nathan Eddy (B) Les Damyon Travis Storti (G) ST BERNARDS 1 .1 5 .3 7.8 8.10 (58) DE IA SALLE 6 .5 8 .7 11 .10 16.11 (107) St Bern : Harvey 3 Baumgartner 2 C Mitchell Holland Pearson . Best: Ferment M Mitchell Goullett McIntyre Fielding Baumgartner . DLS: Rayson 4 Mercer! 3 Corin 2 L Harrison 2 Bonnici S Hyland Mannix Quinane Silvers . Best : Mannix Jolley Bonnici P Harrison Mercuri Rayson.
Umpires : Leah Gallagher Mark Morrison (F) Andrew Errington Andrew Rechtman (B) Dominic Napoli Dennis Webster (G ) UNIVERSITY BLUES 7.2 10.3 16 .6 20.10 (130) OLD SCOTCH 3.3 8 .5 11 .7 15.11 (101) Uni Blues : De Crespigny 4 Young 4 Lochead 3 Lowcock 2 Rankin 2 Guengerich 2 Penny Nation Gleeson. Best: Kordick North J K Brooke Wilcox McKinnon Gleeson. Old Scotch: Gerstman 9 B Phillips 2 Joyce 2 S Collins Crow . Best: Gerstman S Collins Hume Beringer B Phillips Nettleton. Umpires: Albie Firley Mark Gibson (F) Sean Collins Peter MonotU (B) Daniel Scully Beornn McCarthy (G ) OLD MELBURNIANS 2 .0 5.5 9.5 14.10 (94) WHITEFRIARS 4 .2 6.3 7.8 9.9(63) Old Melts : M Berry 4 Lacey 3 Wilson 2 Whitehead 2 Cudlipp Hicks Mulquiney . Best : Thompson Evans McKeon M Berry Roberts Wilson . Whitefriars : Hill 3 Anderson 2 Carrigg Janson R Pawlik . Best: Carrigg Phan Hill Swain A Pawlik R Pawlik .
Umpires : Wayne Hinton Luke Holmes (F) Matthew Simpson Andrew Esposito (G) OLD TRINITY
1 .0 2 .1 4 .5 10.10 (70) MARCELLIN 3.7 8 .9 10 .12 11 .12 (78) Old Trin : Cultrera 3 T Van Der Venne 2 Williams 2 Gnatt Neville Walsh. Best: Beardsley Neville R Burrows Williams Buttler Walsh . Marc : Hanson 3 Cullinan 2 Gartner 2 Sampimon Papaluca Frazer Dinneen. Best : Dobson Theisz Frazer Gartner Rice Carmody.
Umpires : Jason McNiece Michael Sneddon (F) Matt Jenkinson Michael Saunders (B) Bernie Jephson Chris Doyle (G ) A RESERVE
OLD HAH,EYBURY 4.4 6.7 9.10 13.10 (88) OLD XAVERIANS 1 .0 2 .2 3 .3 4 .6(30) Old Hall: Lappage 4 Efstathiou 3 Vlames 2 Johnston Thurmond Fight, Best : tt'arnes Hassell J McLauchlan Pountney Thurmond Bell . Old Rav : Barrett O'Kane Silk Quinn . Best: Fox Quinn A E Jones O'Meara Corcoran Freer. ST BERI4ARDS 1 .3 2.4 4 .5 5.6(36) DE IA SALLE 1 .1 3.4 7.7 11 .9 (75) St Bern : Close Gallant Blunt A Smith L B O'Sullivan . Best: Close Blunt Basaraba N Smith lannazzo Miziewicz . DLS: Johnstone 4 Jarvis 2 K Mannix 2 Roberts 2 Gilbert, Best: Picone Walker K Mannix McLeish Orlando M Krtezel . UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 .4 4 .7 9 .11 14 .14 (98) OLD SCOTCH 2 .0 5.1 63 7.6(48) Unit Blues: Tanner 3 Solly 2 Hutchins 2 Fletcher 2 Quin 2 Robbins 2 Brookes . Best : Gates Irvine Fletcher Terrill Tanner Cheel . Old Scotch: Dick 2 Carroll 0 Crane Grant Reid Teasdale . Best: C Smith Dick Carroll Brooke Beaurepaire Lillingston . OLD MELBURNIANS 0 .2 3 .3 6.5 10.9 (69) WHITEFRIARS 6.0 10 .2 12 .4 12.5 (77) Old BSelb: Jenkins 2 Prowse 2 Aubrey Beilby Fitzgerald Hart Tucker Voyage. Best: Prowse Byrne Ray Wu Aubrey Voyage . White friars: Brisbane 3 Elliott 2 Nowell 2 A Cunningham Baker Fulton Notion Phelan . Best: Elliott Gloulchev Duffy Crough Leahp Brisbane . OLD TRINITY 2.0 3.3 5 .4 8.4(52) A4i3RCELLiId 2 .1 2 .4 2 .4 4 .4 (28) Old Trin : T Cade 2 G Deane-Johns 2 Armatas Donahoo Kenna C Amiconi . Best: Troon McCutcheon Donahoo Morpeth J Amore Bladeni . Marc : Mathews Treganowan Salce Cooper. Best: Doyle Perri Wignell Galati Sace 0'F}vnn.
Coach : Mark Lowe Asst : Paul Dwyer Res: Mick Hagan Cl 18: Benjamin Buick 1 . L. Walker C Res 2 . R . Buckley 3 . B . Corin VC 4 . L. Harrison DVC 5 . M . Duggan 6 . G. Gilbert 7 . P. Harrison 8 . J . La Ragy ~ 9 . J . Maloney 9r. C . Mitchell 10 . T. Silvers 12 . M. McHenry ry 13 . A. Johnstone 14 . W. Dwyer 15. P. Bowden 16. S. Hyland 17. L . Bowden 17. J. Garland 18. L . Williams 18. T. Demetriou 19. M. Goodier 20. M. Picone 20. A. Shields 21 . A. McKenzie 22r. M. O 'Donnell 22. M. Brown 23. R . Sherman 24. J. Morel 25. C . Hyde 25. R . Walmsley 26. D . Spithill 27. S. Thomas 28. C . Mercur i 29. C . Browne 29r. R. Marks 30. B. Mannix 31 . S. Hyde 31 . K. Mannix 32. R. Bannici C 33. J. Stinear 34. D. Rayson 35. A. Orlando 36. W. Jolley 37. D. Davis 38r. S . O'Connell 38. V. Buckley 39. B . Oakley 40. A. Skinns 41 . D. McInerney 42. P. Bourke 43. A . Greenalgh 44. A . Moore 45. T Molan 46. D. Dobric 47. T Woodlock 48. J . Foon 52. T. Maloney 54. P. Hesse 55. A . McLeish 57. C . Chester 58. M . Clinch 59. S . Waeny 60. P. O'Callaghan 70. M . Kreze
Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res. Coach : Justin Wheeler
Coach: Mick Dwyer Res Coach : Adam McMahon
Coach: Justin Pickering Asst: Hartley Stone Res : Justin Hart
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
1 . C. Home 2. S. Davey 1 R Corrigan 4. S. tangford,bnes (DVC) 5 J. Bourke 6 A. White 7 7M A. Shepherd n 8 R. George 9. M . Barker 10• L . Siapantas 10. C. Efstatllau 11 . M . Graves 12. B. O'Farrell 13. A. Svarc 14. A. Forsyth 15. D. Mackenzie 16. P. O'Donnell O RC 17. K Ford 18. C. Waxman 19. M . Armstrong (C) 20. D. Hassell 21 . A Janke 21 . S . Walden ~, D. Mason 23. M . Seccull 24. B . Trolbpe 25. S . Rowlands( RVC) 26. J. Bell 27 B,)4hnston 28. S . Goldsworthy 29. B . Carson NC ) 30. D. Wames 31 . D. Lay 32. B . Mitchell ~ A. 34 . P. ~~ .~~ 35. D. P~.~e 3& 37. M . Erikson 38 . L Floyd 39. S . Rode 40. N. Tassell 41 . S . Saunders 42 . A Hilton 43 . R. McCarthy 44 . M . Wray 45 . D. Thurmond 46 . C. Pountney 47 . B . Waite 48 . R. Goulden 49 . L Pitcher 50 MSomaiy 51 . H . McLauchlan 52 . C. Ferguson 53 . B . Haar 54' J . McLauchlan 55 . T. Hilton 56, D, Armstrong 57 . A KGght 58 . A . Baker . 59 . D . Gilby 60 . T. Smith 61 . J . Miller 62. D . Sailer 63 . M . Levy
1 Smith D 2 Beaumont J 3 Billing M 4 Mathews R 4 Grundy P 5 Bunn L 6 Holme D 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 9 Aubreyy C 10 Roberts T(C) P 11 Gallagher 12 Webb 0 12 Wier I 12 Hurst L 13 Wilson E 14 Evans B 14 Voyage A 15 Ellingworth G 16 Sampson H 16 Bach M 17 Miller James 18 Fitzgerald T 18 Prowse M 19 Mulquiney R 20 Guest J 21 Hicks M 22 Dixon J 23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Whitehead H 26 Costello T 27 Richardson W 27 Anderson J 28 Munson M 29 Turner H 30 Miller Jano
Coach: Dale Tapping Asst Coach: Andrew Smith Res Coach: Serge D'Angelo Asst Coach : Ray Beanie 1 R. Mullins 2 B . Phillips (VC) 3 J . Ros s 4 T. Halt 5 S . Collins (VC ) 6 A . Crow 7 J . Kitchen 8 S . Dic k C . Tallent g 10 C . Smith 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume (C ) 13 A . Nettleton 14 N . Ackroyd 15 S . Cation s 16 S . Troon 17 T. Wigney 18 L Hawkin s 19 R . Joseph s 20 i ston C .Jo Yc 22 N . Addison e 23 0. Crane 25 M. Saunders 26 T. Downin g 27 M . Dennis 28 A . Quail 29 M. Gnatt 30 T Finocchiaro 31 N . Leit l 32 J. Gerstma n 33 E. Rei d 34 C . Phillips 35 P. O'Conno r 35r A. Sutherlan d 36 J . Sutcliffe 37 G. Carroll 38 G. Prendergast 39 W. Elliott 40 T. Aural Smit h
B . Dobson J . Rice N. Addison J . Frazer D. Johnston D. Sampimon S . Maguire R. Frisina 9 . L. Considine 10. A. Dale 11 . D . Taylor 12 Sheehan 13. J. Wilkin s 14. D. Salce 15. J . Carlson 16. L. McMillan 17. G. Cox (C) 18. D. Gartner 19. D. Cooper 20. M . Hermans 21 . N . Walker 22. D. Marson 23. A. Wadsworth 24 . L. O'Flynn 25. R. Galati 26. D. McMillan 27. S . Theisz (VC) 28. B . Carmody 29. S . Brooks 30 . A. Tr~anowa n 31 . M . Bortolotto 32 . M . Browne 33 . A. Byrnes 34 . D . Jarred 35 . C . Adams 36 . E . Weekes 37 . K . Bardon 38 . M . Doyle 39 . D . Leardi 40 . D . Carson 41 . J . Seabury 42 . B . Dinneen 43 . J . Mathews 44 . L. Hanson 45 . D . Theisz 46 . B. Wignell 47 . B. Gutterson 48 . K O'Dwyer 49 . D . Van Helden 50 . A. Carson 51 . A. Ryder 52 . M. Altamore 53 . M. Perri 54 . J . Forbes 55 . J . Wallis 56 . M. Moran 57 . D . C ulli na n 58 . M. McCarti n 59 . R . Conti 60 . L. Furla n 61 . A. McGree 62 . M. Byrnes 63 . C . Pezzimenti 70 . D . Cracknell 85 . D . Courts ~~aTra ~la 1 1 eV 1 Chl )
Country ~0
sr :
T .
Beehive Hote l Hawthorn
32 Davis M 32 Selby E 33 Magee J 34 Grundy P 35 Harrison T 36 Wulff B 37 Grant J 38 Lacey H 39 Tucker J 40 O 'Brien H 42 Theodore P 43 Wu A 44 Hill P 45 Kennon M 47 Caris P 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Beilby L 50 Berry J 51 Richmond C 55 Gooley J 55 Murphy C 56 Beilby L 57 Bains A 58 Stewart D 59 Faulkner R 60 Wettenhall S 63 Ray J 64 Daffy N 76 Byrne J
Sponsored By :
W. Lewis
42 T. Beatti e 43 A. Routledge 44 D . Jackson 45 R . Teesdal e 46 J. Beaurepaire 47 T. Beranger (VC) 48 S. Dumares q 49 L . Kitchen 50 M. Walko m 51 L . Freema n 52 D . Knigh t 53 J. Rodski 55 R . Ashton 56 D . Brooke 57 J. Crane 58 A. Grant 59 C . Evans 60 J. Sheldo n 61 C . Swan 62 M. Graha m 63 B. Hop e 65 M. Moffatt 66 A. Pearc e 67 S. Tulloc h 68 C . Loga n 69 C . Nea l 71 M. Ainger 74 S. Kings 75 C . D u four 76 J. Nickless 77 T. Page 78 A. Simso n 80 S. Willis 83 L. Thompso n
The Age MP G i Gazman
- - ~ Natureworx
A Section G Coach : Leigh Carlson Ass Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach : Ed Best 1 . Kenna A 2, Hine A 3. Reynolds L V/C 4 . Saunders R 5 . Burrows 0 V/C 6, Gnatt P 7 . Van Der Venne T 8 . Burrows R 9. AndrevrsA 10- WfflisrnsA 11. Kennedy S 12 . CultreraA 13 . Cade J 14 . Troon R 15 . Green M 16 . HillasC 17, Hlas R 18 Healy J 19. Attnatas C 20. McPherson S 21 . Kennedy L
22. Deane-Johns G 23 RamstlenA Cast : 24. Christoperson J 25. Cameron F 26. Donahrb B 27. He A 28. HealyT 29. Crawford M 30. McKnnon R 31 . BurgessJ 32. Brovm S 33. Aitken J 34 . Deane-Johns L 35, Strident S 36, Buttler D 37, Van Der Venne S R!C 38 . Ramsden R 39 . Walsh 8 40 . Beardsley D 41 . Lauletta S 42, Amore S 43. Amore J 44. Treadwell G
45. Morpeth T RV/C 46 Cooper S 47, Pretty S 48. Best J
49. Romney N 8lackmore 8 51 . Gamble R 2. Heaven C PlanG Williams Z . Taylor C 56. Best E 57 . Schulze D 58 . Stebbins C 59 . CadeT 60 . Iseppi B 61 . Cristlano 0 62 . Chd(ey E 63 . Cade S 64, Gray J 65. RobWSar M 67. Pm'icom A 68. GuBerrez C 69. Oliver D 70. Brawn A 71 . ArrowsmAh J 72. Amiconi C 73. Hildebrandt D 74. Thwartes M 75. Miller C
76. MonassoJ 77 . McDonald E 79 . Treadwell C 80 . Manseur S 81 . O'Shea M 82 . Phillips R 83 . Welsh L &1 . Boyd L 85 . Goldenberg W 86 . McCutcheat M 87 . Parker D 89. Chan B
Coach : Michael Sholl y Res . Coach : Chris Gawne
Coach : Peter Nicholson Res: Darren Handley
1 . A . Fox 3. J . Pascer i 4 . J . McDonnell 5 . D . Rus h 6 . - A. Oswald 7 . S. Lethlean 8 . D. Higgins 9 . J. Hawkins (Capt-Re: ) 10. M . Beardsley 11 . L- Howard 12. A. Bowen 13. R. Speakman 14 . J . Agiu s 15- L. Ford (Capt) 16 . S . Mollard 17 . A . Chatfield (VCapt) 18- M. Scanlan 21 . S. McCarthy 22 . T. Ockleshaw (VCapt) 22 . J. Heaty, 23. S. Johnston 24. C. Purss 25. R. Carey
1 . C . Keunen 2 . J . Madden 3 . C . Goullet 4 . D . Jordan 5 . C . Liberatore 6. M . Harrison 7. S. Clarke 7R S. Parrett 8. J . Evans 9. B . Jordan (C) 10. N . Mitchell 11 . C. Davis 12 . B . Hoga n 13 . C . Mitchell (DVC) 14 . L. Gollan t 15 . T- Wilkinson 16 . L Turnbull 17. L O'Sullivan (VC) 18. T- Coone y 19. R. Close 20. L. Fielding 21 . B. Loughlin 22. M . O'Riley 23. L. Wilkinson 24. S . Crouc h 25. D. McLaughlin 26- C. Baumgartner 27. James Mount (R C) 28. P. Holland 29. G. McIntyre 30 . S. Mitchell 31 . M. Hande 32 . T. Harvey 33 . N .P.Smith 34- D . Byrne 35 . T. Pearson 36 . S. Carlton 37. A. Catterall 38. S . lannazzo 39. M . Juricskay 40. D. O'Connor 41 . M . Kavanagh 42. B . Miziewicz 43. N . Basaraba 44. M . Mihailovic 45 . B .Johnson 46 . B. Cesar 47 . J.Uoyd 48 . B. Grant 49 . N .Thomas 50 . A. Smith 51 . D. Blunt 52 . LB .O'Sullivan 53. P. Harris 54. L. Evans
26. C. Santalucia 27. P. Ryan
29. C. Beetham 30. B . Dixon 31 . T. Mahe r 32 . P. Ockleshaw 33 . N . Bingham 34 . A . E . Jones 35 . A. McCarthy 36 . D . Sapuppo 37 . D . Higgins 38. S. Freer 39, A. Armstrong 40. A. T. Jones 41 . M . Callinan 43. T Woodruff 44. N. Hulett 45. A. Barrett 47- N. Corcoran 48. A . Nadinic 50. R . Ackland 51 . J . Chambers 52 . M. O'Kane 53 . R . Ford 54 . N . Quinn 56 . S. Hulett 58 . J. McGrath 59 . D. Kin g . Walsh 61 . K. O'Loughlin 62. J- Sil k 63. T O'Meara
Kinross A Swlnnerton H
91 . Smith P 92. Lindsey M
Coach : John Kani s Res Coach : David Matthews i Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J 4 Guengerich D 5 Tanner J 6 Rigby M 7 Young R 8 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A 10 Martin R 11 North L 12 Gleason Capt. Q 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Quin L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Fairbank P 19 Tourney M 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard B 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S 25 Sally A 26 Scambler J 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M 29 Terrill A 30 Muhlebach T 31 Callery B 32 Paterson M 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Cheel s 36 Brooke Ja 37 Robbins J 38 Lochhead G 39 Holmes R 40 Brookes C 41 Brooke Je 42 Fletcher S 43 Fulton L 44 Wood J 45 McLachlan G 46 Bilks T 47 Millar A 48 Fishly L 49 Steele P 50 Nailon H 51 McIntosh J 52 thle T 53 Heffernan X 54 Waxman A 55 Zanos M 56 Rankin T 57 Irvine T 58 Sudholz J 59 Hutchinson B 60 Penny C 61 Ritchie J 62 Callery M 63 Eden P 64 McPhail D 65 Clarke E 66 Barbetti J 67 McAloon D 68 Anderson M 69 King J 70 Meade J 71 Irving M 72 Leahy B 73 Foster T 74 Costin R 75 Moylan J 76 Heine M 77 Styles D 78 Giles T 80 Maplestone D 86 Bannister D
Coach: Pat Mannix Asst . Coach: Peter Randall Res . Coach : Chris Rubick 1 . C . Wood 3 . M. Carbone 5 . B. Phan '. 6. P. Campbell 7. S. Brosolo 8. B. Janson 9. A. Pawlik 10. R. Pasqualotto 11 . T- Wallace 12- S . Phelan 13. T. Langford 14. T. Carrigg 16. J . Power 17. A . Carbone 18 . C . Dance 19 . A . Hill 20 . P. Hennessey 21 . B. Jones 22 . N . Cunningham 23 . E. Eame s 24. A. Cunningham 25. M . Vernal 26. D. Gallagher 27. L. Swain 28. M . Mannix 29. A . Glenn 30. M . Power 31 . M . Baker 32. G. Kennedy 33 . C . Fulton 34 . D . Gloufchev 35 . C . Law 36 . C . Dyer 37 . M. Nunan 38 . C. Carrigg 39 . D . Brice 40 . D. Atkins 41 . M . Leahy 42. M . Northey 43. N. Elliott 45. S. Cleven 46. M . Duffy 48. J. Treyvaud 49. T. Hilton 50. D. Crea 51 . R. Eames 52 . A . Baggoley 53 . B- Wilson 54 . A . Baker 55- P. Tobi n 58 . P. Poutney 59 . N . Brisbane 60 . R . Pawlik 61- L. Eames 62. J. Anderson 66. J. Box
Call - 9888 5355 FCL Interstate Transport Service s 9 3 969 ®®®
University Blues v Old Xaverian s Old Scotch v De La Salle - 96 .5 Inner F M St Bernards v Whitefriars - at Sport scover Arena, Sunday Old Haileybury v Old Trinity Old Melburnians v Marcellin
Beaumaris v Old Ivanho e St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Paradians North Old Boys v Old Essendon Gr - at Sportscover Arena, Saturday Collegians v Mazenod 0 C St Kevins v Old Brighto n
11 ` 16 速 AUGUST 7TH 2--"C SECTIO N
MHSOB v Caulfield O r Hampton Rovers v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Monash Blues v Therry Penola 0 B Glen Eira v AJA X Parkdale Vultures v Old Camberwel l Dl SECTION
Aquinas 0 C v Fitzroy Reds Peninsula 0 B v Ormon d Yarra Valley 0 B v Old Mentonian s Prahran v Salesian 0 C Banyule v University Blacks D2 SECTIO N
Monash Gryphons v Ivanhoe Assumption Swinburne Uni v Williamstown CYMS West Brunswick v Bentleigh Bulleen Templestowe v Old Geelong Old Carey v La Trobe Uni D3 SECTIO N
St Johns 0 C v Mt Lilydale Syndal Tally-Ho v Power House Oakleigh v Werribee Amateur s Sth Melbourne Districts v Hawthorn Amateurs UHS-VU v Rupertswood
Old Melburnians v Beaumaris - at Sportscover Arena, Friday 6th at 6 .15 p .m . UNDER-19 SECTION 3 University Blacks v AJAX - at McAlister Oval, Royal Park, Parkville (29 F10) Monash Blues v Old Paradians Therry Penola 0 B v Oakleigh Whitefriars v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Carey v MHSOB UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE St Johns 0 C v South Melbourne Districts - at 1 .30 p .m . TBC Hampton Rovers v Oakleigh Clays - at Castlefield Oval, Ludstone St Hampton Bentleigh v De La Salle (2 ) Mazenod 0 C v Peninsula 0 B Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Ormond UNDER-19 (2) RED Rupertswood (2) - Bye La Trobe Uni v Bulleen Templestow e Aquinas 0 C v North Old Boys - at 9 .30 a .m . TB C Fitzroy Reds v Old Westbourn e Old Xaverians (2) v UHS-VU/St Bernard s
D4 SECTION Bulleen Cobras v St Mary s Old Westbourne v Richmond Central Albert Park v Eltham Collegians North Brunswick v Box Hill North Elsternwick v Kew
CLUB 1 8 (2)
Old Brighton v Old Xaverians University Blues v St Kevins Werribee Amateurs v St Bernards Caulfield Gr v Old Scotc h
2nd semi final - Saturday August 7, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 2 .15 p .m . 1st semi final - Sunday August 8, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 2 .15 p .m . 2nd semi final - Saturday August 7, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 11 .45 a .m . lst semi final - Sunday August 8, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 11 .45 a .m .
De La Salle v Marcelli n CLUB 18 (3 )
UNDER-19 SECTIO N 2 Rupertswood v Collegians Old Ivanhoe v Banyule Viewbank Old Essendon Gr v Old Camberwell Old Trinity - Bye
2nd semi final - Saturday August 7, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 9 .20 a .m. 1 st semi final - Sunday August 8, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 9 .20 a .m .
',M)o's ir, . Who's out . 'Who's cn :ng what . Stay on the tuli w:th the latest AP_ news each week-dey morning ti :,zth Prime Time Soorts 927 . Sports pf-ofessionals Simon O'Donnell, Anthony Mithen and M ichael Christia n bring you the latest results . news and inverv<es.â&#x20AC;˘j . as well as a complete wrap from the world or sport . If its happening in sport, you'll hear it on Prl-re Time Sports 927, 5 .30-9am- weekdays ,
Still all sorts of different scenarios in the 2004 version of B Section . Last week's results do absolutely nothing to set a clearer picture of where we are at and how we will finish at year's end . PREVIEW. Boggy conditions down at Oak Street made it hard for players of both sides to play and produce their best football. The Tigers while not playing at their best are proving all the pundits wrong by showing they can win away from home . With other results in their favour they have now grabbed the coveted double chance . Michael "Mouse" Wintle was back to his brilliant best, Nick Corda sensational across half back, Paul Fitcher took a couple of species, and Aaron Sawers was also good. Beauy were well served by Chris Martin, Timmy Collins and Michael Atkins . NOBS started well and by the first change had a 3 goal break. Even second quarter but by orange time the buffer had grown to some 5 twins . OPS then slammed on a couple of goals appeared to have the momentum for a come from behind victory, however the NOBS rallied kicked a steadier and added a couple more for good measure. Peter Brabender was again very strong up fonvard for OPS as was David Boundy, Curran and Hughes were effective in the midfield with Gale and Tenson solid up back . Mazenod set it up early and had some 5 goals on the board at quarter time . They had 8 on the board before the Tonners kicked their first. This total dominance was maintained throughout the game as the fast improving Nodders came away to win by some 8 goals . One would have to seriously question the commitment and intensity of the Old Brighton players who considering their season was on the line were appalling. Must be a bitter pill for Jarrod O'Neill and his coaching panel to swallow . Steve Stanley, David Hose, and Dan Kelly were all good players for Mazenod . What a difference a player makes our so it seems. Big James Hope made a welcome return after 12 months on the sidelines and has a huge impact on the game . With Johnny Stevens and Luke Lochran also back the Boers take on a new look. 17 shots to 13 at the last change but a 39 point break ensured victory for the visitors . Will Cornelius, Mark Luxon and Marty Stewart were a dangerous forward line, Price and Curatolo good in the middle as were Rowan Weddle and Chance Crowley up back . Nick Harrison was courageous and inspiring for the Lions against all the odds . St Kevins an d Old Essendon turned on a top game at
Sportscover on Sunday. SKOBS had first use of the breeze but did not really L capitalise and it was probably here that they lost the game as well as having more posters than Chairman Mao - 5 in total. PEGS stuck to their own game and duly won in a skilful and courageous effort . Jordan Leask showed the complete package and is in a rich vein of form at the moment. For SKOBS it was good to see younger brethren Dave Mahoney and Ben Dollman amongst the better players . PREVIEW Old Ivanhoe feel their luck has changed a bit as a few of their stars return to the fold . They are not out of the final's race as yet and will be looking to today to gain the vital 4 point and a bit percentage against the NOBS who as is their want will be in the game for most of the day. But the Hoers will be too strong overall . Old Brighton get the chance to redeem themselves and re-establish some lost pride as they welcome the Tigers to South Road today in still a most important game for both sides . The Tigers face another test today as the Tonners do play their home ground pretty well but Russell Barnes also has a good working knowledge of its vagaries . Can only tip on last week's performance so based on that I have to go with the Tigers . Old Paradians an d Beaumaris return to Sportscover again in the return bout. OPS with Glen Porteous on fire won the first encounter and badly need a repeat o f
CLUB B SECTION Old Ivanhoe Old Essendon Mazenod St Bedes NIT St Kevins
NAME Luxon Playfair Maskell Hecker Garvey
LST WK TOTAL 38 38 31 31 31
B RESERVE North Old Boys St Kevins
Old Ivanhoe Mazenod Old Paradians
that performance today . It has been a tough season for both camps but their pride is high and they will I'm sure throw everything into today's game . Parade have perhaps just been in a tad better form of late and this sways me to select my old school against my old club. St Kevins hopefully with the return of a couple of the walking wounded make the trek out to Central to take on the resurgent Mazenod. Having got themselves out of a rut and in front of the Paradians, Mazenod will be primed for a big one today and of course the return of Dave Murray to the Waverley ground adds some spice to the contest . Having said that I still think that the SKOBS will not lose 2 in a row and will win an enthralling battle . A somewhat out of form C go out the Tulla Freeway to tackle the very much in form Grammar Boys . Daunting task for Pat Hawkins to turn their game around and get back to their earlier form . They must stick to their own game and try and pressure PEGS who just love to play attacking footy . Was particularly impressed with Old Essendon last week, so that has me staying with them to win today . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS Just a few weeks to go now . Don't forget the numbers 9553 1561 home phone and fa.k, the mobile is 0403 433 016 . or drop me an email to brainco@optusnet .com .au . ~_zenod - Congratu us to Ch- 'ussag on playing his 300th G le (vs Old Brighton 2< :h July) .Chris commenced with the club in 1986 and established himself as a senior player for many years . Over the past few years Chris has played in the reserves to help out our younger guys and is reserves captain in 2004 . Chris has played in 4 premierships (3 senior / 1 reserve) and has been a multiple trophy winner over the years . A key feature of his play has been his courage and his ability to cope with major injuries has inspired all . Off the field Chris has been a committee member and is currently Vice President Social in 2004 . A magnificent example of commitment & dedication, well done from everyone at the MOCFC . Old Paradians' - congratulations to Kevin Jenkins who played his 250th game for last Saturday . Kevin joined the Club from school in 1990 commencing with the Unders in that year and has been a permanent fixture at the Garvey ever, outlasting 2 brothers (Adrian and Stephen) and father Edwin (Ted), Secretary 1993-1996) . Kevin has cemented a place in the Senior Team and we look to many more games in the future . Well done and thank you KJ .
'-~FF~, )N
Old Ivanhoe v North Old Boys Old Paradians v Beaumaris at ,.~p CeI't 5c速Yi -
Old Brighton v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Essendon Gr v Collegians Mazenod 0 C v St Kevins
COLL:=3L'- 7: 3 1 .4 1 .6 3 .10 5.14 (44) OLD IVAP : :30E 3.3 8 .4 10 .7 16 .9 (105) Coll: C Hoist Rowston Couch Davidson Dixon . Best : Harrison Davidson waters Frv Harris Rowston . Old Ivanhoe: Cornelius 6 Luxon 2 Stewart 2 J Hope 2 Stevens 2 Branigan Weddle . Best : J Hope Stevens Price Lochran Weddle Cornelius . Umpires: Steve McCarthy Jeremy Heffernan (F) Peter Teasdale Matthew Jackson (B) Bruce Stephens Paul Gait (G ) NORTH OLD BOYS 3.3 6.6 11 .9 14 .11 (95) OLD PAItADIlsNS 0.2 3 .6 6 .8 9 .11 (65) NOB : Cordy 3 Maxton 2 Sutherland 2 M Barker 2 Boyle Jarrett Kelly Cassell Vogels . Best : Amor Roberts Maxton Sutherland Jarrett Boyle . Old Par: Boundy 4 Brabender 2 Peck 2 Hughes . Best : Hughes Brabender Boundy Curran Tenson Gale . Umpires : Anthony Damen Daniel Wardley (RFL) (F) Bianca Share Scott Grey (RFL) (B) Greg Rollo Graerne Wakeling (RFL) (G) BEAUMARIS 0.1 1 .3 2.5 4 .10 (34) ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS 3 .3 3 .5 5 .8 6 .9 (45) Beaamaxis: Martin Kennedy Teasdale Lynch . Best : Hogarth Martin Heath Lynch M Atkins T Collins . St Bedes/i3fT: S Hecker 2 A Haves J Drury McGettigan Terrell . Best: Corda J Drury Zakic L Wintle Sawers McGettigan . Umpires : Graham Thwaites Paul Dinneen (F) James Gregory Michael Hyde (B) Clive Shipley Daniel Haysom (G) ST KEVINS 3 .5 5 .6 13 .10 16.12 (108) OLD ESSENDON OR 2 .2 8 .8 14 .9 18 .10 (118) SKOB: Garvey 4 Lunch 3 Keenan Simpson B Dollman Crohan Chard Underwood Pope Midgrew Duggan . Best: D Mahoney B Dollman Simpson Garvey Perrett Keenan . Old Ess: Playfair 7 Flaherty 4 Stormont 2 Fleming Ryan Heritage Fraser Towner . Best: Leask Playfair Flaherty Stormont Ryan . Umpires : Adam Conquest Ben Ryde (F) Brendan Corcoran Robert Mutton (B) Steven Piperno Daniel Kofoed (G) MAZENOD 0 C 5.4 8.7 11 .10 13 .12 (90) OLD BRIGHTON 0 .4 2 .7 3.11 4.12 (36) Afaz: Parker 4 Beard 3 Appollonio 2 Maskell 2 M Chamberlain D Chamberlain. Best: Stanley Parker Appol(onio Hose Paine Kelly. Old Brighton : Murch Ginnivan Hendra Dawes. Best : Hendra Phelan Murch Ginnivan Hendra Dawes . Umpires : Dash Penis Peter Simpson (F) Robert Parry Gavin Roberts (G ) B RESERV E COLLEGIANS 6 .1 9.1 14.2 15 .5 (95) OLD IV OE 0.1 2 .3 3 .4 7 .6(48) Coll : Low 5 Hart 3 1ienebery 3 Muir Young Thomas N Baxter . Best : 14'eekes Henebery Low Thomas Young Stzar. Old Ivanhoe: Lewry 3 Dinakis 2 Morris Smart. Best : Sterne Lev.rv Dinakis Berry Pearce Campbell . NORTH OLD BOYS 4 .3 8 .4 15 .6 18 .11 (119) OLD PARADIANS 0.4 2.5 2.6 3 .6 (24) NOB : Bryar 6 H Neville 3 Cugola 2 Cropper 2 Zacek 2 Carmichael T Roache B Sheehan. Best: Joyce Kennedy Carmichael T Roache J Maher Borg. Old Par: Richardson 3 . Best : Paglia Fantong Marantelli Breen Richardson Murray. BEA S 2 .1 3 .4 4.8 7.9 (51) ST BEDES/MENT.TIGERS 3 .1 4 .3 5 .4 10 .4 (64) Beaamaris: Blackmore 3 Hector 3 Quirk . Best : Blackmore Boctor Wonnacott Gillespie A Obrten Whitty. St Bedes/b3T : Osbourne 5 Bignell Carson Napier O'Gorman Scafidi . Best : Osbourne Ferris Carson Bignell Buck Hilton . ST KEVINS 3.1 7 .5 8 .6 11.9 (75) OLD ESSENDON 3 .2 5 .4 8.5 9 .5 159) SKOB: L Katavolos 3 Allis 2 Curtis 2 Campagna Hamilton Sheehy Hamilton . Best: Sheehy Shannon Curtis Aughton Crowe Kalasaren. Old Eas : Parker 4 Fraser 2 Dazkiw Lloyd Gradzki . Best: Parker Lloyd Dazkiw Cramer Gradzki Barr. MAZENOD OC 3.3 5.4 5 .7 6.11 (47) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .3 3 .3 5 .3 7 .4 (46) Maz: Jay2ueera Barrie Hawkins Steinfort Hamill Smit . Best : Steinfort Jayaweera Snart Murray D'Rozario Barrie. Old Bright: Richardson 2 Perry Scott Ross Cri(ly Reddin . Best: Crilly Dubyna Smith MeNicol Gibson Townsend .
B Sed ilio g째'째J
Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst: Erwin Leyden Res : Mick Carty 1 . R. Rawlins 2. H . Gibson 3. M . Pitts (C) 4. M . Matulick (DVC) 5. M . Ensor (DVC) 6. A . Spence 7. D . Foley 8. M . O'Brien 9. B . Cousins 10. L. Buller 11 . M. Lee 12. L . Healy 13 . C . Gourley 14 . T Collins 15 . M. Boon 16 . A. Quin 17 . L . Atkins 18 . N. Kennedy 19 . M . Atkins 20 . M . Mellon 21 . S. Coate 22 . J . Holt 23 . A. Catlin 24. B . Gray 25. D. Teasdale 26. A . O'Brien 27. D . George 28. J . Vance 29. C . Martin (VC) 30. C . Lambert 31 . J . Black 32. B. Cairns 33. S. May 34 . H . McMillan 35 . N . Boctor 36 . N. Atkins 37 . R . Presnell 38 . S. Lynch 40 . J. Hogarth 41 . N. Conlan 42 . B . Gillespie 43. R. Deaton 44. C. Collins 45. M . Duggan 46. L. Wonnacott 47. A . Kent 49. J . Bryce 50' P. Berry 51 . J . Mitchell 52. J. Williams 53. A. Poll 54 . S Lee 55 . B. Deaton 56 . T. Woolnough 57 . A. Fisher 58 . J. Bramwell 59 . B. Griffiths 60 . D. Bird 61 . J . Heath 62 . A. Pratt 63 . D. Galvin 64. M . Carty 65. G. Shattock 66. P. McConchie 67. L. Stevens 68. S. Boreham 70. S. Crossley 71 . D . McGrath 72 . J. Wright 73 . J. Whitty 74 . D . Sawle
COLLEGIANS Coach : Pat Hawkins Res: Marty Hook 1 . J . Dixon 2 . M . Johnson 3 . B . Mooney V C 4 . A . Shinkfield 5 . R . Henebery 6 . S . Woolley 7 . S . Eig 7 . J . Farley 8, C . Unsworth CAPT g J Fry 10 . J. Lang 11 . C . Weekes 12. N . Harrison CAPT 13. N . Thomas 14. N . Lockett 15. L Cottom 16. A. Baxter IT R. Hosking V C 18. S. Taft 19. C. Davidson 20. M . Hoiles 21 . C. Harris 22. T. Skurrie 23. C. Mollard 24. E . Waters 25. R . Muir 26. D . McCaughan 27 . G. Rawston 28 . B . Couch 29 . N . Burrows 30 . L Moon 31 . N . Roach 32 . C . Blum6eld 33 . B. Hoist V C 34 . A. Lewski 35 . L Nisbet 36 . R . Turner 37 . C. Holst 38. T. Lovell 39. N. Hart. Res Capt 40. L. Watson 41 . N. Baxter 43. E . Malone 44. Y. Phillips 45. D. Gambaro 46. J . Ashman 47. R . Sztar 48 . E . Healey 49 . D . Phillips 50 . D . Rubenstein 51 . B. Shadbolt 52 . M. Naylor 53 . T. Hall 54 . B. Woolhouse 55 . T. Cookes 56 . B. Lumb 57. B. Horsell 58. D. Smith 59. M . Lynch 60. A. Stone 62. J. Little 63. R. Luff 64. M . Gribble 66. J . Agimus
South Melbourne
`77-11) Coach: Mike McArthur-Allen Ass Coach : Andrew Sutherland Res Coach: Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A . Tucker 4 J . Ballenger 5 D. Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 B . Parker 9 P. Gooden 10 B . Chamberlain 11 T. Smith 12 A . McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry (DVC) 16 M. Ilonio ~ 17 J. Beard 18 D . Dunne 19 T. Steinfort 20 C. Murray 21 S. Polan 22 S. Veltman 23 B. Devlin 24 D. Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D. Hansen 31 N . Snart 32 D. Hose 33 S . Balloch 34 C . Boyd 35 D . Collins 36 G. Hamill 37 L. Morgan 38 D . Hetlet 39 D . Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 M. Venturini 42 C . Paine 43 A. Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S. Paine 46 M. Hunt 47 A. Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. 50 S . Ware 51 M . Murray (VC) 52 G . Tilling 53 54 A . Stagliano 55 D. Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 57 58 D . Morris 59 60 61 M. McDowell 62 63 64 65 66
Coach : Garry Foulds Coach : Jarrod O'Neil l Ass Coach: Tony Egan Res. Coach: Hayden Bickett Res Coach : Mark Oraniu k 1 J. Cassell 1 A. Krzywniak 2 A. Pirri e 2 M. Hyde (C) 3 C. Barro w 3 T. Sheehan 4 A. MacGillivray (dvc ) 4 S. Sleep 5 A . Edg e 5 R . Davidson 6 R . Stewart (vc) 6 N . Vogels (VC) 7 B . Logan 7 G . Smith 7 C . Reddin 8 M . White 8 C . McNicol (co cpt . rea l 9 J . Cordy 9 F. Phelan ( dvc ) 10 W. Martin 10 J. Mead 11 T. Roberts 11 N . Perry 12 G . Maxton 12 N . William s 13 T Halpin 12 B. Williams 14 T. Kennedy 12 S. Eastgate 15 J . Nihill 13 N . Edwards 16 R . Kelliher 14 S. Williams (C ) 17 M . Lynch 15 B. Gadsden 19 M . Maher 16 J. Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 20 J . Sutherland 18 A. Salem 21 C . O'Brien 18 M . Jackson 22 D . Tehan 19 S . Ginnlva n 23 A. Neville 20 M . Smith 24 J. Barker 21 T. Ewe n 25 S. Grigg 22 L. O 'Neill 26 D . Brady 22 J. Murch 27 L . Herbert 23 D.Dawes 28 D . Joyce (RC) 24 S . Gadsden 29 C . Hosking (VC) 25 M . Rya n 30 S. Jarrott 26 A . Ginnivan 31 L. Boyle 27 D . Paterson (co cpt res ) 32 B. Sheehan 28 A. Bristo w 33 M . Barker 29 J . Dickerson 34 H. Neville 29 B. Richardson 35 L. Crapper 30 E. McCowan 30 T. McLaughli n 36 D. Tonkin 31 A. Paroissien 37 D. Browning 31 S. Jackso n 38 M . Amor 32 A. Goldner 39 L. Jeffery 33 L Dale 40 C. Phyland 34 T. Gibson 41 S Borg 35 C. Stewart 42 D . Sheehan 36 R. Henderso n 43 D . Zacek 37 D. Hughe s 44 T. Roache 38 T Matess i 45 S . Ingram 39 B. 46 P. Daniels y e 40 D. Murchi 47 J . Maher 41 J. Murchie 48 M. Kelly 42 L Hendra (vc) 49 A. Cigola 43 R. Caper s 50 L. Carmichael 44 R. Fishe r 53 S. Butcher (RVC) 45 C. McF6m m 46 M . Townsend 54 R . Citroen 56 D. Ryan 47 S . Adam 48 B . Deve r 57 K. Hildebrandt 60 M . Cribbes (RVC) 49 B . Scott 50 W. Leaf 64 T. Brady 51 J . Lynch 65 C. Calvert 52 W. Hebar d 66 P. Bryar 53 P. Sab o 54 J . Dooley 55 D . McLaughli n 57 B. McGuiness 58 C . Butterss 61 A. Walsh 63 S. Davies .. , 64 M.Rei d 68 M. Dubyna ~p 69 A. Mandylari s 71 B. Humphreys 73 D. Falkingham
B Section OLD E SS ENDON Coach: Frank Durrett Res: Kernel Dachs
1 Panagiotopolus J 2 Biggs 3 Oxnam 4 Ryan 5 De Morton S 6 Ridley 7 Leask J j 8 Heritage j 9 Stormont 10 Biggs T 11 Buckley J 12 Kavanagh J 13 Hakim B 14 Legudi 15 Mezo 16 Bordignon 17 Forrest 18 Flaherty 18 Dawson S 19 Healey E 20 Playfair S 21 Dale S 22 Portia M 23 Hughes J 24 Dazkiev J 25 Frazer A 26 Fleming S 27 McKenzie A 28 Fewsier A 29 Ueber9an9 S 30 Dragojlo M 31 Candi D 32 Poulton D 33 Velardo M 34 Podger D 35 Kavanagh L 36 Obliubek C 37 Parker A 38 Campbell T 39 Newbold B 40 McDermott H 41 Iskra A 42 Bertram N 43 Cramer S 44 Collins A 45 Winkel D 46 Lloyd J 47 Howard S j 48 Williamson 49 Christou A 50 O'Brien L 51 Battista J 52 Mansfield J 53 Frazer L 54 Cramer S 55 Balloch S 56 Car M 57 Wade S 58 Hurtig B 59 Stevens J 60 Carter J 61 Nowland A 62 Gradzki D 63 Beard M 64 Kepsner J 65 Baca sh P B 66 Wright 9 67 Tilley M 68 Brooks C 69 Burke C 70 Hurlston J
G - 1` Coach: Gerard Sholly Res : Dirk Jones 1 . A. Oates (VC) 2. L. Lochran (VC) 3. S . Curatolo 4 . B . Davis 5. C. Georgio 6. S . Kent 7. J . Gieschen 8. T. Stevens 9. D. Payne 10. C. Crowley (VC) 11 . P. Lawry 12. C . Branigan 13. A . Alagona 14. D . Campbell - Fraser
15. G. Hope 16. S . Price 17. A . Corcoran 18. J . Hope (Capt) 19. P. Dinakis 20. D . Hawkes (VCR) 21 . R . Roberts 22 . B . Nagel 23 . K . Thecdossi 24 . G. Haros 25 . E . Byrn 26 . M . Stewart 27 . N . Hollona Y 28 . S . Morris 29 . R . Weddle 30 . A . Gilbert 31 . J. Stevens 32 . S . Kefalas 33 . N . Pratt 34 . A. Teman 35 . M. Pollock (Capt R 36 . S. Adderley 37 . A . Berry (VGR) 38 . Ga George 39 . Ge George 40 . J. Keane 41 . C, Jewell 42 . S. Low 43 . W. Cornelius 44 . M. Luxon 45 . N . Antoniou 46 . D . Peacock 47 . S. Snell 48 . M. Clarke 49 . C . Quinlan 50 . R . Sterne 51 . N . Braddy 52 . S. Hackney 53 . M. Verrochi 54 . S. Smit h 55 .'5. Pearce 56 . L . Courage 57 . B. Smart 58 . L . Bolzan 59 . R . Stagg 60 . I . Baccini
Coach: Sam Asseaa Res Coach : Peter Cosgrrffi 1 . D . Zwanovic 2 . A. Hughes 3 . D . Dean 4. A. Curran (VC) 5 . A. Paglia 6 . R . Box 7. M. Gosgriff (Res VC) 8. A. Sinclair (C) 9. P. Palermo 10. P. Brabender 11 . M . Joyce 12. B. Galloway 13 . S. Rose 14. P. Pratt 15. N. Brundell 16. M . Godfrey 17. B. Hart 17. M . Mitchell 1g, G . Porteous (VC) 18. M . Spinoso 19. A. Dean 20. S . Maher 21 . D. Lone Loney N) C 22. S . Fantone (Res VC) 23. P. Walsh 24. T. Lombardi (Res VC) 25. S . Rehlecki 26. D. Roundly (VC) 2Z K. Jenkins 28. J . Kreuzer 29. A. Morrow 30. M . Ryan 30. D. McKay 31 . N. Dallas 32. S . Corcoran 33. D. Clayton 35. S . Simpson (Res VC) 336. B . Dintinosanie 637. A. DiFabio 40. W. Chambers 41 . A. Elliot 42. R. Murray (Res C) 44. M . Hyde 45. C. McKay 46. J . Martinelli 47. J . Sandy 48. A . Moore 49. M . Syke s 50. A . Tenson 55. J . Swindon 56. S . Graham
Coach: Dave Murray Ass Coach : Tony Mille r Res Coach : Rob Gros s
Cc :h: Rusell Barnes Res : Mark Lomagno t Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L'HuillierA 5 Napier S 6 Filcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scofield A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A
1 . J . Rombofis (VC) 2 . E . Croha n 3 . D. Cunis (RC ) 4 . L. Mahoney (C) 5 . M . Dollman 6 . P. O' Keef e 8 . B . Dollman 9 . B . Field s 10 . M . Lucas 11 . T. Duggan 12 . M . Mulgre 13 . R . Bowles (DVC ) 14 . P. Greenhorn 15 . W. Guilder
15 McColl T 1 6 Osborne C
16 . B . Garvey 71 . ..D R Ryan
17 Condo N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 Tyquin J 25 Knu lJ p~ M 26 Hecker 27 Bore lla L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Drury J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 36 Walstab A 37 Williams L 38 Hayes A 39 McColl M 40 L'Huillier D 41 Rose S 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L
18 . R . 19 . D . Sheeh y 20 . T Crowle y 21 . R . Maguir e 22 . J . O'Keefe 23 . T. Simpson (DVC) 24 . S . Powel l 25 . A . H amilton 26 . C . Taylo r 27 . A . Lynch 28 . M. Giansiracus a 29 . C . Underwood 30 . M. Crowe 31 . W. Keena n 32 . S . O'Connor 33 . M. Maguire 34 . N . Parrett 35. J . Dempsey 36 . P. Mount 37 . M. Pangrazi o 38 . J. O'Brie n 39. N . Pop e 40. L. Kalesaran 41 . B. Adis 42 . S. Mount 43. P. Bare 44. G . Katavolos 45. G . Baggy 46 . D . Mahoney 47. J. Griffiths 48, A. Conlan RVC 50. R . Horrock s ) 51 . D . Bare 52. J. Finc h 53. L . Katavolos 54. S. Game 55. P. Natal e 56. D . Wals h 59. P. Aughto n 60. S. O 'Conno r 61 . G . Sim m 62. B. Shelley 64. M. Gargano 66. N . Marchesani 67. L . Guilder 68. B. Hughe s 69. A. Caller y 70. J. Maher 71 . A. Mulkearn s 72. D . Manton 75. R . Campagn a 77. M. Sh annon 78. R . Taylor 80. D . Dun n 82. S. Mitchel l
Hodges Real Estate
Kingston Chiropractic
Simpson I04
I A.F.C .
V.A.F.A .
"Your Coaches' Association "
Fitness Games When the season gets cold and wet as it has recently the players are a ll looking for a place to get warm and look for a break from the past 24 weeks of track driven N . Noel Duncan of Fitne! Iva has suggested the following game specific e: raises that can increase competitive nature whilst still maintaining the fitness enhancement required . I have listed some of his suggestions below . Glenn Taylor 1 . Two goal rur.
Field set up : In a rectangular field approximately 35m x 25m, two sets of goals are placed at each end of the field, with one in each corner . Each of the four goals (marked by plastic cones) is approximately 1 .5m wide . Rules : Football rules apply in this game, but there is no kicking the ball . The players can run, shepherd, tackle and handball as often as they like . Scoring: A goal is scored when the ball is handballed through either goal at the end of the field . The ball must bounce at least once before it goes through the goals (i .e . goals can't be scored on the full) . A ball is placed behind each of the four goals so that when a goal is scored the opposing team can play on immediatelv. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins . Time : Because the high intensity of this game, halves of between 4 and 7 minutes are recommended, with a 2 to 3 minute break .
Tips : Ensure the 'umpire' keeps the game flowing as much as possible so there are no ball ups and packs . If a pack forms, the umpire uses another football to restart play and the ball in the pack is dead . 2 . &l:eepings off Field set up : Split a football oval down the middle with a set of plastic cones, creating two equal playing fields . Goals are not required. Rules: Football rules apply . Players can run, shepherd, tackle, kick and handball the ball as often as they like . One team starts with the ball at the beginning of the first half (coin toss) . The other team starts with the ball at the beginning of the second half . Scoring: Points are scored by running 10m and bouncing the ball, with one point for every bounce . If the ball is turned over, the opposing team has the opportunity to score points . The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins . Time : Because the high intensity of this game, halves of 4 to 7 minutes are recommended, with a 2 to 3 minute break. Tips : Ensure the 'umpire' keeps the game flowing as much as possible so there are no ball ups and packs . If a pack forms the umpire uses another football to restart play and the ball in the pack is dead . These two examples are only a sample of the games which can be designed . You are limited only by your imagination . Enjoy !
;f": kCH - OF - THE - MONTH - JUNE : Dave Shinn
ers to play` an attractive brand of football by teaching them -1pI y iin the three facets of the game,. attack, defence, dispute . Be hones t respect by maintaining discipline . Have a game plan and stick to it
Continu - to irr-arL - ersc3nal Influences that teach and instruct individual footballers . Ins . in these foe _ .Daiie s a football confidence that encourages a team mentality for success THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
,`:;sidentia : C- 7 Telephone : '
Mamll &WiIliarns The Bush In n J A Dodd Ltd
Schwe p pes Rigby Cooke Lawyers
South Yarra Sports Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants HydroChem
The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Caterin g
Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queensdi8 Bell's Hotel & Brewery Keith's Pie s Moods Consulting Ply Ltd Edward J Lynch Agencies
Paul Paulson Barrie Macdonald & â&#x20AC;˘ Associates Waverley Party Hire Sportswealth John Peterson Bookseller Frank Perry & Associate s
Everyone is welcome to attend this FREE INVESTME NT SEMINAR on Wednesday 11th August 2004 at The Unciorn Club, hosted by MHSOBFC . 7 .15pm for a start at 7 .30pm . There is no obligation whatsoever. Parking in school grounds from Claremont Street .
For the past 8 ye MHSOBFC has provided 2 cours e meals for players , officials and supporters following training at abou t 8pm on Thursday evenings . This year we are indeed fortunate to have gained the services of Lydia Home (to right), wife of senior playe r Leigh Home, who has greatly assisted in the preparation of the soup and main course. The main course meal s vary from week to week and include pasta, savoury meat loaf, beef, pork and lamb casseroles, chicken curries, etc . All meals are served with steamed rice or 3 vegetables and fresh bread . There is generally a six or seven week rotation with the meals and the players have really appreciated the effrort each week . Players pay a small amount for the Thursday meals which is included in their annua l
SUuS . On some occasions we have a guest speaker, wwhiilst in other nights the players provide their own entertainment.
The selectors announce the teams for the Under 19s, reserves and seniors about 9 .00pm or just before so the evening is not a long afiair . Sponsors and supporters are encouraged to attend if possible. Thanks Lydia from all at MHSOBFC for your great help.
Stuart Moore played his 50t h last week and was selected i n the Seniors for the first fime . His onfield leadership and good form have been instrumental i n the resurgence of the 2s over the past few weeks. Well done Disco t
It's game on for final's football! The Wellers stumble offers two potential final's places . The Rovers aren't yet done with and the Blues are applying a prickly heat to third and fourth, in a contest that's going down to the wire! Who wants it most? REVIEW Old fashioned wet and boggy conditions at the School Oval, where Ii gr to n Rovers youngster James Hanlon kicked a goal as the siren sounded, to clinch a thrilling match . Fletcher and Gravina thrived in the mush for the Rovers, whilst Svirskis and White kept propelling the Unicorns forward . Ajax used the threat of relegation to apply some extreme heat onto the Wellers finals' aspirations . Kirzner was deadly in front for the Jackas and Gold had the magic touch, as OC despite spirited efforts from the Clynes and Marwood, were outplayed. Caulfield emphatically emphasised the gulf between the top tier sides and the bottom one when they walloped the struggling Saints . Frater and Guyett led the awesome team display whilst Tsirogiannis battled hard for GE . Monash were hustled all the way by ESL, but solid defence from Blackley and Farrar, ensured the Animals, led by Carse and Ronchi, kept their distance . Parkdale produced a powerhouse performance for an all important percentage booster against a disappointing Therry . The Lions Bannisters were better players from a side blitzed by Rowley, Kight and the wake of other Vultures . PREVIEW It's deja vu! Season's are again on the line for the Ashers and Rovers, with losses likely to end their campaign, whilst the bottom four hope to finish strongly . Caulfield host Monash in the Match of the Week . This should be a terrific contest between the current form teams of the competition, with neither losing since Round 9. The defences are miserly, the Fielders narrowly conceding the least amount of points ahead of the Ashers, but Caulfield's superior attack, should see them home . With their loss a fortnight a?o . z_ie Rovers only
role appeared to be in shaping the four, now they have the opportunity to stake a legitimate claim for final s glory . The Wellers have chosen a bad time to fall away and Hampton's nothing to lose approach, will leave OC with just one win from their last six outings . The dreaded drop looms large for ESL, with time desperately of the essence . Today's task is unenviable, hosting SOB who are coming off a surprise loss . The Unicorns will dampen any hopes of an Animal fairytale and edge them closer to the abyss . Therry return to home soil and welcome the Saints, hungry to earn another victory . Both teams are coming off enormous losses, but with former skipper Castaldi playing his 300th for the Lions, it should be incentive enough to inflict further GE pain . The J ae ir as roller coaster season took a deserved high last week, but it's consistency they have lacked, could they stay up again? Parkdale were outstanding last round and with finals contenders nipping at their heels, they can ill afford to stumble and won't . Correspondents - Glen Harrison gpah@deakin .edu .au
GLU" LST 6'!i ; TOTP.L C SECTION Aja x Kirzner Parkdale Rowley Caulfield Gramm Baxter MHSOB Horne MHSOB C RESERVE MHSOB Emmaus St Leos Therry Penola Hampton Rovers
Corbett Batty GValker Hanlon
Therry Penola - congratulates one of its greatest and most loved players, Dennis Castaldi, on his 300th game this week against Glen Eira. Dennis, who began his career 16 years ago as a Vin Cattogio lookalike and now more resembles Mil Hanna has had a distinguished career at our club being a member of the 2000 Premiership side, Club Champion and Captain over the years . He has had a terrific year in 2004 still retaining his pace and unquestionable courage . Dennis epitomises what amateur footy is all about ; passion, dedication and selflessness to your club and team mates and a way of playing which gains admiration from your opponents . Congratulations, Dennis, on your 300th from all Amateur supporters. Good luck with you quest to play 400! Caulfield Grammarians - congratulate Marc Cassidy on 150 Games . After joining us way back in '93, "Butch" has developed into solid, no nonsense, ever reliable, triple premiership player . Marc has worked hard this season to earn a regular spot in the senior team, through his consistency, which has been a feature for all of his CGFC games . Well done "Butch" from all of your mates at The Fields .
Old Camberwell - congratulates Andrew Margetts on playing 100 games for the club this week . Andrew has been a Premiership player with our Under 19s & played finals in our Reserves Team . A straight line player who attacks the ball when in Defence or in the Ruck . Congratulations Andrew on reaching this milestone . Emmaus St . Leos - congratulates Anthony McKenzie on reaching 200 games in Rd14 . Macca joined the U 19's in '93 picking up and U 19 B&F in '94 and has grown in stature as a player and leader, playing in the senior flags in '95 and '02 and senior B&F in '95 and '01 . Macca is an inspirational captain with a great capacity to play with injuries and lead from the front . Well done Doodles-Ella . Also Andrew Volpi - 100 games Rd14, sta rted with the U19's and has grown into a valuable senior ruckman despite long hours of study and the occasional night out . Well done Special . Brad Bird - 50 games Rd 1 4, has been a great asset to the club since '02 as assistant coach playing in the flag that year and giving valuable leadership and experience . Big Boy . Chri s Landry - 50 games Rd14, strong versatile key position player who is showing continual improvement for the Animals . Well done Chris .
TODAY'S IWATCHES-R15 C SECTION Caulfield Or v Monash Blues Emmaus St Leos 0 C v MHSOB Old Camberwell v Hampton Rovers Therry Penola 0 B v Glen Eira AJAX v Parkdale Vultures
GLEN EIRA 2.0 2.2 4 .3 6.3 (39) CAULFIELD GR 4.4 14 .10 18.15 26 .21 (17) Glen Eire: Taranto 3 Tkocz Tsirogiannis C Neeson . Best: Tsirogiannis Taranto Serpanchy King DeVries Tkocz . Caulfi eld Gr: Baxter 6 Liddell 6 Fallu 5 Carboni 2 Cowlishaw 2 B Gross 2 Prater Jacobs Murphy . Best : Frater Liddell Guvett Baxter Jacobs . Umpire s : David Phillips Lionel Katz (F) Ross Richards Peter Maddocks (G) MONASH BLUES 4 .3 8.5 11 .12 13.18 (98) EMMAUS ST LEOS 2.1 4.5 8 .6 12.6 (78) Mon Blues : Williams 3 Chapman 2 Holloway 2 Gregory Beddingtield Craven 0 Sullivan Turton Merlin . Best : Blackley Chapman Smyth Farrar Creamer M Bolton. Emmaus St Leos: Ellis 3 McKenzie 2 N Hodder 2 Bird 2 P McGloin 2 Batty . Best : Carse Ronchi Krebs Donovan Bruce P McGloin. Umpires : David Irons Brendan Devlin (F) Jack Regester Michael O'Donnell (G) MHSOB 2.1 5.8 6.11 10.13 (73) HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .7 4.9 6 .11 10.14 (74) Pd1iSOB: Bamert 3 Home 2 Hogan Pertzel Fairchild Aitken Rosman . Best: Pertzel White Rosman Svirskis Cassell Harper. Hampton Rovers: Power 3 Burgeraff 2 Browne Ariz L Fletcher Hanlon Prantzos . Best : Browne L Fletcher Anderson Gravina Ariz Hanlon . Umpires : Simon Olive Simon Lawrence (RFL) (F) Nick Keating Daniel Monaghan (RFL) (B) Matthew Cowley Robert Semmens (RFL) (G) PARKDALE VULTURES 9 .5 14.7 23 .11 27 .13 (175) THERRY PENOLA 0 .2 3 .4 3.5 6.9(45) Parkdale Vultures: Rowley 9 T Barr 3 Hayes 3 Ryan 2 Mick Sullivan 2 P Sullivan 2 C Barr Liddell Mever O'Meara C Sullivan S Sullivan . Best : Eight Liddell Rochford S Sullivan Rowley Hayes . Therry Penola : C Bannister R Bannister Castaldi Vaina Hollow Goodwin . Best: Henderson Forster-Knight Elliott Russell Fenton Castaldi . Umpires : Ken McNiece Peter Liddell (F) Bernie Hoare Lucas Robson (G) AJAX 6 .2 8 .3 12 .7 14 .10 (94) OLD CAMBERWELL 4 .2 6.5 7.8 10.11 (71) AJAX : Kirzner 8 Krafchek 3 Vanaken 2 D Raleigh. Best : Gold Kirzner Blieden Krafchek Goldbloom weislitzer. Old Camb : Ba4ford 2 Heffernan 2 Goodale Hardenberg Hendrie Marwood D Mitchell Peasnell . Best: Marwood D Clyne J Clyne Peasnell Ormsby Hardenberg .
Umpires : Gajanan Skandakumar Grant Joyner (F) Steve Durstan-Ryan (B) Gary Clancy Graeme Booth (G ) GLEN EIRA
C RESERVE 0.1 0.1 2.3 3 .4 (22)
CAULFIELD GR 2 .6 2 .12 4 .14 8 .16 (64) Glen Eira : Lambe 2 Brown . Best: Lambe Zurak Egan Mills Zwar Khazaal. Caul field Gn Hoggan Poulter McGrath A Hasforth Royal Bosna Ash Scott. Best : Bosna Lawson Royal Crathern Farmer Bennett. MONASH BLUES 2 .3 4.4 9.6 10.9 (69) EMMAUS ST LEOS 0.1 1 .3 2.3 3,3(21) Mon Blues: S Hawkins 4 J Hawkins 2 Jones 2 Mentha Thompson. Best: Jones Coe Rogers Anderson S Hawkins Tinkler. Emmaus St Leos: Comm 2 McDermott . Best: Murphy McCann Levins Gay Raynor McGloin.
MHSOB 0.0 1 .1 2.3 3.4 (22) HAMPTON ROVERS 0 .8 0.9 5 .10 7 .10 (52) 11S11:SOB: Corbett 2 Orchard . Best : Feferkranz Orchard Corbett Hall C Wright Ting . Hampton Rovers: Boyd 3 Gray Pucella Spratt Duddy . Best: Boyd Wheeler Pucella Duddy Spratt Brudar. PAREDAS.E VULTURES 4 .3 4.5 8.9 11 .10 (76) THERRY PENOLA OB 0.1 3.9 5.10 7.12 (54) Parkdale Vultures: Little 4 Darcy 3 A Rock 2 Baker S Wingrave . Best : Hampton Hirst Richards Little A Rock Darcy . Therry Penola: Hutchinson 2 Frazzetto 2 D Goodwin Moloney Bosanko . Best : T Goodwin Pirpinias Hutchinson Moloney McMahon Fraazetto . AJAX 6 .2 8.3 12 .7 14 .10 (94) OLD CAMBERWELL 4.2 6.5 7.8 10.11 (71) AJAX: Firmer 8 Krafchek 3 Vanaken 2 D Raleigh. Best : Gold Ki¢ner Blieden Krafchek Goldbloom Weislitzer. Old Carob : Bavford 2 Heffernan 2 Goodale Hardenberg Hendrie Manvoad D Mitchell Peasneli . Best : Marwood D Clyne J Clyne Peasnell Ormsby Hardenberg.
C Section AJAX
Coach : Phil Davis Res. Coach: Barry Simon 1 . N. Gold 2. J . Israelsohn 3. Y. Rapoport 4 . M . Dudakov 5. G . Blieden 6. D. Vanaken 7 . G. Samuel 8 . E . Raleigh 9 . J . Raleigh 10 . G. Dukes 11 . M. Segal 12 . D . Goldenfein 13 . B. Klein 14 . A. Wollner 15 . J. Segal 16 . E. Janover 17 . D . Weislitzer 18 . J. Kirzner 19 . A. Lewin 20 . J. Sharp 21 . D . Gelbart 22. E. Wollner 23. B. Nissen 24. A. Joffe 25. M . Blashki 26. B. Duzenman 27. A. Spicer 28. A. Zemski 9. B . Go'dbloom 30. N. Israelsohn 31 . B . Ritterman 32. A . Bloom 33. J . Gottlieb 34 . A . Silver 35. M . Jankie 36 . L. Krafchek 37 . J . Kestenberg 38 . S . Gutman 39 . R . Rotemberg 40 . D . Seidl 41 . J . Lewski 42 . D . Gerber 43 . P. Walvisch 44 . I . Same 45 . A. Godlewicz 46. A. Sacks 47. B. Lewis 48. J. Pask 49. S. Czarny 50. A. Benedykt 51 . L. Friedman 52. 0 . Henzel 53. M . Podolsky 54. D. Rutko y 55. J . Gomo 58. A. Cooper 59. N. Diamond 60 . J . Wajnberg 61 . L- Szkolnik 62 . D. Lewis
Coach : Merv Keane Ass Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res: Chris Mathieson 1 . J . Foley 2. A. Bruhn 3. C. Knight 4 . M . Liddell (VC) 5. S . Kendall 5 . N . Guyett B . N . Craven 7 . R . O'Neill 8 . R . Foote 9 . M . Prater 10 . A . Will (C) 11 . B . Carboni 11 . C . Deal 12 . D . Pearce (VC) A. s Gre n 1143.. BB. Gros 15. A. Docker 16. N . Fallu 16. S. Sant 17. S. Argyros 18. B. Baxter
18. B. O'Hoy 19. P. Hoggan 20. C. Fagan 21 . M . Pennycuick 22. C McAssey 23. B. Sinclair 23. D. Ash 24. J . Dalwood 25. A. Sinclair 25. N. Dorman 26. S . Widjaja 27. M . Sharpe 28. J . Jacob s 29. G. Erickson 30. D. Elias 31 . C. Poynter 32 . A . Lawson 33 . S . Fryers 34 . H . Baker 35 . S . Thompson 36 . G. Crathern 37 . B . Scott 38 . J. Gross 39 . A . Bosna 40 . M. Bennett 41 . M. Phelps 42 . D . Synman 43 . T. Gerrand 44 . L . Schneider 45. A. Hasforth 46. N . Thompson 47. S. Jenkinson 48. R. Chapple 49. G . Poutter 51 . J. James 52. S . Twycross 53. S . Backholer J. Brown 55. C. Hoope r 56, S . Ken 57. P. Farmer 58. S . McDonald 59. J . Sayers 60. B . Jenkinson 62. C. Sheppard 71 . M . Cassidy
San Coach: Phillip Ballis Res: Anthony Strafford Asst : Ian Leith 1 . M . Dimackhi 2 . D. Fossey 3 . C . Massis [c] 4 . D . Cassar 4 . ' B . Zosens 5 . A . Tsirogiannis 6 . J . Zagame 7 . S. Vamvakis S . T. Dimackhi 9 . A. Russo 10 . M. Chandler 11 . B. Clements 12. B. King 13. G . Brown 14. C. Neeson 15. E. Stuchbery 16. N. Davis 17. L Doolan 18. R. Oldham 19. A Devries 20. A. Diamond 21 . M . Watt 22. S . Emmett 23. S . Neeson 24. A. Taranto 25. P. Khazaal 26. P. Tsagliotis 28. L Shellard 29. M . Scarfe 30. L. Pryde 31 . J . Lundberg 32. M . D'Zilva 33. A. Sheedy 34 . S. Kitson 35. S. Hollow 36 . B. Zurek 37 . P. Merrick 38 . A. Merrick 39 . J. Gusman 40, D . Sheehan 41 . K. Dimachki 42 . J. Serpanchy 43 . J. Maartouk 44 . S. Diamond 45 . A. Caruana 46. A. Strafford 47. B. Zwar 48. J. Haliwell 49. S. Hall 50. D. Eade 51 . F. Bourke 52. A . Haines 53. T Chatfield 54. D. Scaife 55. L. MCGaw 56. C. Hogan 57. S . Laska 58. D . Dunlevie 59. R . Mills 60. D . Perkins 61 . J . Fulton 62 . J . Simos 63 . J . Evans
Coach: Brett Mclfaraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff
Coach: Dave Skinner Asst : Spares Beasley, W Fall Res Coach : Jamie Dixo n 1 . J . Bamert 2. S . McCully (Capt) 3. N . Orchard 4. M . White (DVC) 5. A . Sauttry 6 . M . Brai n 7 . S . Whittington 8 . J . Dixon 8 . J . Garner 9 . D . Fairchil d 10. P. Smith 10 . I. Barrett 11 . P. Spottiswoo d 12 . B. Thiel e 12 . M. Feferkranz 13 . S. Anderson 14 . M. Hamilton-H o 15 . D. Membrey 16 . J. Walker (DVC) 17 , R. Clowe s 18 . R. Limbric k 18 . R. Rea d 19 . S. Robinso n 20 . T. Fraczek 20. L. Home 21 . J. Aitke n 22. A. Svirskis 23. A. Hoga n 23. L. Taylor
1 . G . Giasoumi 2. M . McKellar 3. A. Brudar 4. S . Anderson 5. J. Prantzos B. S . Gravie s 7. A. Duddy 8. G . Carr 9 . T. Barker 10. B . Boyd 11 . L. Wheeler 12. P. Adams 13. G. Woods 14 . Daniel Andersen . N A . Brown d (VC) 1165. N . e Greenwoo 17 . D . Artz 18 . J . McCarthy 19 . M. Lawrence 20 . A. Power 21 . L Cave 22 . S. Burggraaff 23 . M Gray 24 . C . Christianson 25 . M. Davey 26 . M. Devereaux 27 . M . Flynn
24. N. Harvey
28 . B. Kezilas 29 . M . Fletcher (C) 30. A. Quon (RC) 31 . T. Pucella 32. J. Hanlon 33. R. Mosbey 34. B Ari z 35. M . Vaughan 36. M . Heffernan 37. J. Tipping 38. A. Fisher 39. A. Crisp 40. M . Flahive 41 . B. Henry 42. C. MaBhouse 43. C. Cooper 44. M Pearson 45. G. Davis 46. S. Blangiardo 47. R. Hunt 48 . R . D'Silva 49 . S . Seletto 50 . N . Foster 51 . J . Glanvill e 52 . A . Kavanagh 53 . S . Helliger 54 . D . Marshall 55 . N . Goss 56 . K. Spratt 57 . N . Goold 58 . J. Loring 59 . J. Ng 60. M. Terech 61 . K. Johnston 62. L Pledger 63. D . Delosa 64. M. Ellis 65. J. Morley _
25. H . Taylor 26. M . Neilson 27. M . Johnsto n 28- S . Moor e 29. G. McCull y 30. R . Newt o 31 . M . Bowen 32. A . Cassell (VC) 33. L. Campbel l 34. E. Thompson 34 . D . Henze[ 35 . P. Rujevic 36 . R . War e 37 . T. Harper 37 . M. Ting 38 . C . Nation 39 . J . Gregso n 40 . A. Lust 41 . J. Anderson 41 . F. Lewi s 42, M . Bate 43, P. Corbett 44 . J. Newton 45 . R. Czwearno 46 . T. Dunn e 47. D. Hollenberg 48. D. Vicendes e 49. J. Hollenberg 50. K. Harding 51 . S. Bennett 52. R. Tames 53. I . Gosling 54. D. Learmont-Walker 55. G. Blau 56. T. Wright 57. S . Fole y 58. P. Greenhill 59. A . Hall 60. S . Jennings
." .~ $ [diaJor
64 . B. Bowyer
Ph: 9593 822 2
65 . S. Gange 66 . R .Dimackhi 67 . M. Hinton
C]jOj jx J1 ]') ( ;1'1 ),
11 [ E 01 1T l M [ SE Ph :95974165 vnvvr .ham pton rove .au
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C Sc c-Ion OLE
t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Coach . Jon Edgar Res : James Shady
Coach: Michae S Salas Asst : Ma tthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res : Andrew Tsindas
S. Chapman L . Renton L. Holloway G . Chessari J. Rosengarten M . Newman P. Farrar S . Thompson
1 . A. During
9. C. O'Sullivan 10. S . Lloyd it. M. Spencer 12. G. Smyth 13 .. M. Pa 14 . B . Merlin
15 . M. Tinkler 16 . B . Nind 17 . K . Mudge 18 . R . Glover 19 . M. Saunders 20 . M. Edsall 21 . C . Gregory 22 . T. Blackley 23 . B. Janssen 24. T. Craven 25. J. Hawkins 26. P. Wills 27. N . De Young 28. J. Main 29. A. Costley 30. L. Creamer 31 . S. Hawkins 32. L. Beddingfield 33. J. Smith 34. A. Cheesman 35. A. Hickey 36. A. Williams 37. C. Dennis 38. N. Brennan 39. M . Smith 40. Ma . Bolton 41 . Mi . Bolton 42 . M . Coe 43 . R . Feenaghty
44 . D . Teesdale
46 . D . Jones 47 . S . Mentha 48 . M . Carey 49 . D . Taylor 50 . A. Tota 51 . M. Payne 52 . N . Moresi 53 . J. Peel 54 . G . Dodd 55 . I. McCormick 60 . B. MacKenzie 61 . P. Campbell 62. L . Kate 68. M. Meehan 70. D. Barlow 71 . N. Rosengren 72. B. Green 73. A. Dobson 74. P. Westbrook 75. R. Tu rt on 77. D. Neil 78. A. Shields
2. M. Horgan 3. S. Peasnell
a. C . Hendre 5. L . Can 6. B. Christie 7. T. Hallo 8. J . Heffernan 9. B. Tymmons 10. M . Hanson 77 . D. Hanson 12, R. Perryman 73 . J . Webb 14 . R. Whitehead 15 . D. Clyne (Missing) 16 . D. Pike 77 . N . Credlin
Coach : iony Macgeorge Assist: John McNicholas Res Coach : Paul Mahn 1 . S . Rowley 2 . R . Gallagher 2 B. Darcf 3 . M. Dixon 4 . M. Hayes
5 . A. White 5 . D . Griffiths
6 . C . Stephens 7. K Gurtler 8, K Li tt le 9~ M. Meyer 9. P. Emmett 10. C . Atkins it . C . O'Meara 12. A. Baker 73. M . Ryan 14. C. Johnsto n 15. Mick Sullivan 16. P. Sullivan 16. J. McCarthy
18 . S . Marwood
17. C. Sullivan
19 . P. Tempone 20 . D . Mitchell 21 . T. Hardman 22 . M . Wallis 23 . P. Mitchell 24 . B . Tipper 25 . A . Hardenberg
22 . B . Up ell
26 . B . Langford
27 . A. Sheed y 28 . R . Wheelan
29S. Becke tt
30. T. Bayford 31 . B. Craven 32. G . Ormsby 33 . D . Joyce 34. D . Schmidt 35. C . Munroe 36. S. Derry 37. M . Cottrell 38. C . Williams 39. S. Svensen 40. C. Jellis 41 . L. Ryan 42. A. McKenzie 43 . C. Grant 44 . A. McHaric
46. M . Jackson 48 . J . O'Sullivan
49 . A . Mantzioros 50 . N. Saifer 51 . B . Ryan 52 . S . Grant 54 . A . Marg e tts 55 . S . Fogarty 56 . I. Curry 58 . N . Paine 59 . S . Hancock 61 . G. Weickhardt
65 . M . Payson 66 . T. Parkes 75 . G. Hanson
18. S. Sullivan 19. C. Stewa rt 20. D. Kinsella 21 . D. Kelly 23 . Ma tt Sullivan 24 . T. Linthorn e 25 . B . Richard s 26. D. Rochford 26 . A. Rock 27 . M . Nielson 28 . C. O'Brien 29 . G. Cnlley 30 . P. Mann 31 . M . Andrews 32 . B . Fcgden 33 . N . Wilkins 34 . C . Ross 35 . M . Johnstone 36 . C . Ogier 37 . T. Macgeorge 38 . S . Perrazo 39 . S . Waters 40 . S . Richards 41 . C . Roc k 42 . T. Barr M. Barr 45 . C . Barr 46. W. Wheatley 47. J. Tully 48 . Mick . Walsh 49. A. Hunter 50, S. Scullin 51 . N . Sutherland 52. S. Win rave 53. D . Noonan 54. T. Hirst 55. N . Cooley 56. S. Wilso n 57. S. O'Leary 58. R . Haslemore
59. D. O'Keefe
60. T. Everest 61 . T. Banks 62. P. Tesorier o 63. N. levett 64 . X. Smith 65. G . Wilson 66. A. Ker r 67. A. Fry 68. T. Ki ht 69. M . dngrave
Cc :h: uarren Turner Asst Coach : John Sampson 1 . P. Carse
2 . J . Hodder 3 . E . Mitchell 4 . C . Phyland 5 . S . Buckle 6 . M . D'Amelio 7 . A. Burgess 8 . B. Bird 9 . D . Lear 10 . B. Ellis 11 . M. Levins 12 . T. McCann 13 . A. Krebs 15 . P. Carey 17 . G . Bonnic i 18 . R . McCann 19. A. Kelly 20. A. Ballard 21 . G . Simondso n 22. P. Ristevski 23. T Batty 24. D. Bruce 25. A. McKenzie 26. A. Prosser
27. P. Levine
28. H. Giles 30. M . Ott obre 31 . M . Contessott o 32- D. Camm 33. L. McDermott 34 . L. Virgo 35 . J . Bri ggs 36 . S . Bavage 37- S . Manton 38 . N . Hodder 39 . B . Vaughan 40 . J . Gay 42 . C . Landy 43 . B . Levins 44 . S. Murphy 45 . S . Ronchi 46 . A. Brown 47 . M . Mclnerny 48 . A. Daly 50 . A. Volpi 51 . P. McGloin 52 . R . McGloin 55 . A. Free 56 . T. Morrison 59 . A. Hicke y 61 . J-P Blandthorn 63 . P. Nolan 64 . D . Wood 67 . P. Farquhar 69 . S. Meshcer 70. D . McGloin 75. T. Ymer 76. G . Donovan 77. C. Vaughan 79. T Tribe 88. S . Pitcher
89. D. Winouss
70. J . Noonan
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coach : Chris by e Res Coach : Garry Datson 1 . Garman P 2. Goodwin T 3. Bannister R 4. Elliot M(vc) 5. Baker A 6. Nancarrow M{ c ) 7. Bannister S 8. Hollow L 9. Bannister C(vc ) 10 . Vaina J
10 . Crotty J 11 . Finnigan M 12 . Belsey( J dvc -res ) 13 . Russell G
14 . Fenton J 15 . McMahon A{vc -res }
16 . Goodwin M 17 . Pirpinias D 18 . Moloney A(c -res ) 19 . La Corcia M 20. Clarke J 21 . Henderson G{dvc} 22. Reynolds L
23. Collagen D 24. Faroldi M 25. Edwards P(vc) 26. Lewis B 27. Bosanko M 28. Bofzon R
29, Goodwin S 30. Finley R 31 . Forster-Knight A 32. Sacco J 33. Kuret L 34. Weston D 35. Clrfton D 36. Barron D 3Z Costa di D 38. Nancarrow M 39. Boyle S 4 0, Tsmaris G 4 1 . Barron B 4 2. McKay A 43, OConnell S 44 . Appleford P 45. Carter M
46. Stepan S 47. Goodwin D 48. Nancarrasr A ( dvc -res) 49, Leyland G 5 0 . Barron B 51 . Kenessy N
52 . Gleason A 53 . Savory D 54 . Frazzett o C 55 . Ku rt M 56 . Dunne P 57, Ferguson C 59 . Robinson T 68 . Goodwin D J 77 . Walker K
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The wonderful thing about our game is that there is alway s sâ&#x201A;Ź it s' ferent happening . A good example of this was last week when a player kicked the winning goal, either right on the siren, or a split second after it, or even a split second before it. There were two umpires officiating and some fans were hoping that the second umpire would overrule the other umpire as some thought the goal was scored after the siren . When is the game over? The game is only over when the umpire in control of play at the time hears the siren and acknowledges the end of the quarter . This means that even if the umpire not in control hears the siren and the other umpire doesn't, the game continues until he finally hears the siren which the timekeepers are to continually sound until the umpire in control acknowledges it .
The annual _;-- - : r--- : ' D_ cheon was held before last Sunday's B section match St Kevins v . Old Essendon . Visitors included representatives of the VAFA Executive, representatives from each of the two clubs, Umpires' Adviser Brian Goodman and the Life Members pictured below . G uest s, r was John Dillon, who after a long VAFA association, is currently Chairman of the Melbourne Racing Club . The Life Members pictured are as follows - (from left - back) : David
Cook, John Wilson, Richard Evans, Keith Sharkie . Alf Keam, Ian Munro, David Burnes, John Fisher, John Miles, John Dillon, Cliff Bastow, Norm Nugent and Peter Harris . (From left - front) : Nancy McTaggart, Mavis Bastow, Manson Russel, Brian Costello and Peter O'Donohue .
0 Last Monday night the Executive Committee was to receive Da Cook's resignation from the Executive Committee after 17 vears service . Shocked to lose a wonderful servant to Amateur football, but pleased for David for his reason for resigning. David has been appointed to head up the Bunnings flagship on New Zealand's South Island, a 'wonderful
achievement and we all wish David all the very best and a big thank you for a job well done .
John B ell was browsing through a city bookstore last week when he noticed a book he recognised "The History of the Ormond Amateur Football Club ." Imagine John's surprise when he picked it up and noticed N oel Rundle's signature on it an d copious notes in Noel's hand throughout the book . Of course JB bought it. 0 Nice to see on Saturday at Sportscover Arena in the D4 match between Elsternwick and Eltham two former great players for their respective clubs Paul Mahoney an d Graham Lays turn in a top performance as umpires in the reserves. Graham then acted as runner for the seniors . Well done fellas. 0 0 ' The Carlton Crest Hotel returns as a sponsor of the VAFA after an absence of three years . We are delighted and the deal is a good one for the VAFA and our clubs. The relationship kicks off with the Vote Count and Presentation Night on Monday September 6th . 0 0 0 Club XVIH finals begin next week. Admission will be a little different to all other sections . $5 per head and you can purchase an "Amateur Footballer" if you wish . For all other finals this year the entrance fee includes an "Amateur Footballer" . If you don't want one, the fee stays the same . 0 0 0 FT TG notices a great day for the kids next Tuesday at Xavier College, Barkers Road, Kew . The Essendon Football Club's Community Trainin g N ight will commence at 3pm and continue to just after 5pm . The session is part of the EFC local communities program and involves the club in a full training session on Roche Oval at Xavier College . All players will participate and "Sheeds" will address the crowd during proceedings . Admission free, lots of giveaways, autograph signings, merchandise available for purchase and plenty of food and drinks . All footy supporters welcome .
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What are the odds of this happening? Recent arrival, Francis Anthony, son of De La Salle's Jock, surprised the O'Callaghan clan by arriving on the 100th anniversary of the birth of his great grandfather John Douglas O'Callaghan . Jock is still working out the odds and "Occa" is lamenting a lost opportunity for a hit with the bookies ! 0 0 0 Insight. Ian "Beefy" Christophersen attends every Sportscover Arena match and helps out in the afternoon tea room, opening the gates onto the ground at the end of each quarter and assisting upstairs in the bar after a match . Insight : Why? Ian C : I just love the football, the atmosphere at headquarters and the friends I have met over many years of my life . The Amateurs treat me well and I like to think I can help them out doing little things when asked. I actually first met CEO Phil Stevens when he swanned around Brighton as one of the blonde Saints' set. Boy, could I tell you a story or two about him. Ask me sometime . 0 0 0 The Murrumbeena Relay For Life is a 24 hour Cancer Council event taking place at The Duncan McKinnon Reserve on October 23-24 . We encourage groups to get a team together to raise money for cancer research, and on the weekend of the event, camp out on the track with friends and family and enjoy the bands, food and entertainment- as long as you keep your team baton moving around the track! Visit http :// .relayfor.l/ .cosn .au and select Murrumbeena, or contact Kate Balme at k ate@ vafa .asn .au if you would like to register a team, or would like more information on other ways to contribute. The VAFA is pleased to assist Kate and this most worthy cause . 0 0 0 Remember clubs there is no Members' Meeting on Monday night . The next meeting of clubs is Monday August 16th - see Phil Stevens' "From My Desk" for more details . 0 0 0
The traditional D1 contrariness surfaced again last week with Scarlett at HB . Prahran and Y- Valley knocking off the far more fancied Reds & Ormond. Well done both and does it not add spice to Loughnan, Oldfield & Stevens all worked the season ! tirelessly for Salesians . LAST WEEK THI S WEEK T wo Blues v Fitzroy Red s Reds v Bushranger s Toorak Park may have been like playing in waist deep treacle, After last week, who knows how this game will pan out? Hope but Basil Cleary's voice on the message bank with his game the weather is kind, this should be a fantastic spectacle! YV report was all sunshine and blue skies, as Prahran pulled off have the run to go with Reds, who will be in the Fitzroy a classic old-fashioned Dl surprise! Bill Atherton's email was Heritage jumpers, so maybe the old Gorilla spirit will give graciousness itself, the Reds, after a good start, had no them a 5 point win. answer to the Two Blues dogged persistence . Andre Pitts for Monds v Bloods his 300th played a pearler on the wing for Prahran, and Aaron Rhodes again starred at CHB . Nick Abbott & Phil Cianci Ormond won't want to take this one lightly because the Aquinas tribe are on a mission . They have big plans for next worked their hearts out for Red s year, none of which allow for being in D2! Monds to win Yarra Valley OB v Ormon d though by 2 goals . The Bushrangians ran on like a wolf to the fold, Their bodies Berth Vader's Lot v The Pirate s resplendent in Black Red & Gold, And the gleam in their eyes as they startled their foe, Left the sad Monds lamenting and On Main Oval this looks like a bit of a canter for the Star Troopers, who should salute by 5 goals or so . nowhere to go! (Apologies to George Gordon, Lord Byron!) Panthers v Two Blue s The lads from the hills got off to a flying start, and the indefatigable coastal plainsmen could not haul them back . What a ripper this game is! The winner will just about cement a place in D1 for 2005 . Under such tension, I'll go for the Luke Taylor & Sam Savage continued their great form, with Panthers at home by a few points . Phil Valoppi strong through midfield for Yarra, and James Salesian v Banyul e Keem's soaring Q3 "hanger" brought the hills alive to the sound of rapturous applause . The Moods had continued Chaddie will be giving their all as usual but don't have the great efforts in the ruck from Matthew Martinov and Simon talent of the Bears, with the latter likely to win by 5 goals. Reserves winners should be : Reds, Moods, Blacks, Panthers Keleher at HBF, while Jacob Dale & Danny Whelan stood firm & Banyule. in BP's . Correspondents contacts: 9889 1979 (+ message bank) & Aquinas OC v Peninsula O B bihickey6 bigpond .com After half time the Bloods' relentless tackling and pursuit of the ball no matter where it was, was too much for the Pirates , who are now back in the relegation zone and face Blacks, Ormond, & Reds in successive weeks! While Darren Skinner CHF, and Gary Davies HBF both shone for the Bloods, the day belonged to those battle hardened veterans, Glen Whitehead, Sean Flynn, Marchi Tarulli & Cam Colliver, all of CLUB whose courage and adverse conditions' skills were just plain LSi WK TOTAL bloody magnificent! Davis, Wood, & T.Prendergast gave their Di SECTION all for the Pirates. Yarra Valley Banyule v 0 Mentonians Keem 2 55 Prahran The Bears seized an early break and the Panthers hadn't the Sleight 0 33 Peninsula wherewithal to catch them sums it up! Picky Ironmonger's Claringbold 4 32 attack on the ball and sure handling was sensational for the Prahran Stafford 1 32 Panthers, Rowan Ball ran straight & hard, while Mick Banyule Egan 0 3 2 McCloskey & Nick Fisher were strong across HB. Dl RESERVE The Bears had good efforts from Nick Taylor, Cantwell & Fitzroy Reds Brown. Capodiferro 0 36 Salesian OC v University Black s Fitzroy Reds McKerrow 0 29 Chaddie never at any stage stopped competing but could not University Blacks Kelly 0 22 seriously threaten the ladder leaders . Blacks' Banyule Witchell D 0 19 commendations went to Jamie Dowsley at HE and Rob Peninsula
Claringbold 1 1 6
20 ~â&#x20AC;˘~ THF AMATFI IR Fl1nTQn- o nn .. .
peninsula 0 B- congratulates Reed Powney for 100 games in today's clash against Univ .Blacks . "The General" joined the Club in 1996, quickly establishing himself in the Senior side as a fierce and rugged centreman. His outstanding leadership qualities saw him earn Vice Captaincy honours in 2003 . After being overseas for the first half of 2004, Reed has returned to Pirateland boasting an even bigger barrel chest and desire to win . Well-done Reed! Also much-loved Club stalwart Leon "Chicken" Palmer, who finally played his 50th match at Aquinas last week . Leon is a tireless Committee Member, Reserves Umpire, and father of five, who joined POB in 1999 . He has taken great delight in teaching many young Pirates how to expand their vocabulary and worship Union Boss, Martin Kingham! Leon is one of the Club's most valued and popular figures. Great work Chicken ! Yarra Va lley OB - congratulates two of its most respected players today. Rowan Davis ( 100 games) was coach of the 2002 Reserve Premiership side and named Reserve Coach of the decade. Rowan is equally adept on the field with his courage and skill winning him a Reserve B& F in 1999 and Vice Captaincy in the Reserves for two years! Dave Stevenson (50 games) is a terrific on field leader and key position player . "Steve" made an immediate impact by winning the Seniors B & F in his 2nd year, and being named the D2 CHF in the Senior 2002 Premiership year . Despite injury and extreme work commitments, Dave will do anything to play . Well-done both! ! Old Mentonians - congratulate David and Chris Alexander on reaching 100 games . The brothers started at the same time and have reached this milestone a game apart - a marvellous achievement . Both have flirted with the senior side and have been consistent and valuable performers in the reserves . David is an extremely fit player who is able to use his stamina and pace to win plenty of the ball, while Chris is a hard working in-and-under who puts his body on the line every week. We salute the contribution of Chris and David and look forward to much more to come . Ormond congratulate three servants of Club . Ross Singleton : Ross played 50 Reserves games in a career that was sadly curtailed by injury . He was Under 19 Captain and Best & Fairest in 1986. He played in Ormond's 1979 U19 Premiership. Ross has been the runner for the Reserves since 1992 and a reliable contributor to the Club . Geoff Sutton: Geoff began his career as team manager for Ormond in 1990 for the juniors . He has performed manyjobs around the Club and is much appreciated by all . Geoff overcame major health issues to continue as the consummate "go to man" for the Seniors and Reserves . Well done Geoff. Frank Stringer: A long standing committeeman popular personality around Ormond for many years . Apart from his active participation on committee, Frank has also been Ormond's Interchange steward for over 20 years . Today he notches up his 250 game in this capacity . Congratulations Frank .
TOYDAY'S MATCHES R15, D 1 SECTIO N Fitzroy Reds v Yarra Valley 0 B Ormond v Aquinas 0 C University Blacks v Peninsula 0 B Old Mentonians v Prahra n Salesian 0 C v Banyule
PRAHRAN 1 .2 6.2 9 .2 13.3 (82) FITZROY REDS 4.3 5 .4 8 .7 9.9(63) Prahran : A Pitts 5 Ballard 2 Sleight Radywonik Stafford Bunnett Fox Harrison . Best: A Pitts Harrison Rhodes Plummer Kellow H Pitts . Fitzroy Reds : Details not received Umpires: Luke Monerieff Phil Callil (F) Sam Perrin (G ) YARRA VALLEY 3 .9 6 .13 12 .14 12 .15 (87) ORMOND 1 .1 3.3 6.4 8 .10 (58) Yarra Va ll ey: Keem 6 R Drew Rokicki 2 R Thompson N Pask . Best : L Taylor Valoppi Savage Strong Keem Stevenson. Ormond : A Russell 4 Robbins Cook Ferrari L Delldio . Best : Mardnov S Keleher Cook Dale A Russell Whelan . Umpires: Anthony Simpson Rick Love (F) Pat Mitchell Daniel Kofoed (G) AQUINAS OC 4.5 4.9 7.14 10.14 (74) PENINSULA OB 1 .1 3 .3 4 .4 4 .7(31) Aquinas : Colliver 4 Tarulli 2 Denbraber 2 Glennie Hunt . Best: LVhithead Anth . Williams Skinner Davies Tvsen Colliver. Peninsula: T Prenergast 2 Brennan Sill . Best : Davis Wood Atchison Powney T Prenergast N Claringbold. Umpires: Sean Scully Jnr Eli Haves (F) BANYULE 5 .3 6.7 8 .13 12 .16 (88) OLD M ENTONIANS 0.0 2.6 2.7 5 .10 (40) Banyule : Demetriou 3 Lorenzini 2 Egan 2 Morgan Wilson Mutton Christian GVillmore. Best: N Taylor Cantwell Brown D Gayfer Phelan King. Old Ment : Fairbanks 2 Basile Ironmonger Murphy. Best : Ironmonger McCloskey Palmer Fisher Ball Russo . Umpires: Paul Jones Paul Tuppen (F) Steven Piperno Daniel Brookes (G) SALESIAN OC 0 .1 4 .2 6.5 12 .5 (77) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6.8 10.12 15.18 18 .19 (127) Saleslan : Loughran 6 Grace 3 Canavan Logan L Rose . Best: Loughnan Oldfleld Stevens Nannes Greely C Rose . Uni Blacks : Sibilia 4 Dowsley Groom 3 Lalich 2 M Kempton R' Shaw Smith . Best: Lalich Dowsley Katsatos Sibilia Scarlet S Price . Umpires : Max Wittman Peter Angelis (F) D1 RE-SERVE PRAlII2AN 2.0 2.0 2 .1 3.1 (19) FITZROY REDS 3 .1 5.6 8 .10 10 .19 (79) Prahran: Jones Conley Boyd. Best : Sparrey Killeen J Vagg Bedford Boyd . Fitzroy Reds: McKerrow 2 Reeves 2 Dibenedetto Murphy Crane Lee McDonald Bare . Best Dibenedetto Hannam Lee Evans Sullivan McDonald . YARRA VALLEY OB 0 .0 0.0 0.1 2 .3(15) ORMOPiD 5 .3 9 .4 13.10 14.15 (99) Yams Valley: Balshaw W Smith . Best: Bernina W Smith B Peake Potter Davis Balshaw. Ormond: C Keleher Naylor 3 Lance Byra McConchie 2 Telley Johnson. Best: Telley Byra Lance Bailey Hall Ashford . AQUINAS OC 3.3 5.5 8.10 10.11 (71) PENINSULA OB 2 .3 5 .5 5.6 8 .6(54) Aquinas: Wooden 3 Box 2 Lorkin Hughes Visser Lvng Voursoukis . Best : Wooden Lorkin Voursoukis Tzoumenakas Robinson Brown . Peninsula : Vidotto Sharpin Havley S Claringbold J Coghlan Wilson Goldthorpe A Parsons. Best : Sharpin A Parsons Vidotto Warner Taylor Mangan . BANYULE 2.1 2.4 4 .5 5.8 (38) OLD MENTONIANS 5 .2 10.5 10.5 12.7 (79) Banyule : Kayrooz 2 Prior 2 Witchell . Best : Connolly Creak Witchell Prior George Baidac . Old Merit: Goodbody 3 Alexander 2 Noonan 2 Stroud 2 C Alexander Mort Todd . Best: Stroud Austin Stevens Millis D Alexander Watts . SALESIAN OC 0 .0 0,0 0.1 0.3(3) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6.4 14 .8 19.12 24.17 (161) Salesian: Nil. Best: O'Shea Seager P Allen D Allen Smyth Woodman . Uni Blacks : Green 11 Watch 3 Beaton Porter 2 McCallum Black Nolan Merle . Best : Green Beaton Thompson Jesse Porter Merle .
D1 Section RANYU L E
Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res: John Fraser
Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach: Chris Tehan
1 L. Toomey 2 S. Tibb 3 J. Coglan• 3 S . Edward s 5 M . Hunte r 6 D. Minogue 7 C. Glennie 8 J. Jess (VC) T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 11 S . Cooper 12 A. Bethune 13 D. Den Braber (C) 13 C. Jetirey 14 A. Lorkin 15 Adrian Williams 16 J. Hunt 17 B. Redwood 18 J. Hughes 18 T. Olarenshaw 19 G . Whitehead (VC) 20 D. Skinner 21 J. Pierce 22 S. Flynn 23 M . Visser 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 J. Box 27 C. Quinn 28 B. Helme 29 J. Wilson 30 C. Colliver 31 G . Evan . Wooden s3 C 34 M . Tarulli 35 R. Chapman 36 P. Caskey 37 S. Leonard 38 B. Mora . Bethune n39S 40 S. Haun 41 G . Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M. Slattery 44 J. Tapply
45 D . McCartan 46 T. Vandersluis 47 Anthony Williams 48 R . Brown 49 M. Griffin 50 C . Crozie 53 D . Robinso n 54 M. O'Halloran 55 L . Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 M. Harris 58 H . Tyssen 59 B. Cooper 60 L . Elliott 61 I. Drew 62 C . Lyng 63 A. Barrie 64 S. Voursouki s 67 C . Tzoumenakas 72 T. Brook S. Voursoukis S. Ozergin S. Jones A. Hyland
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AQUINAS Coach : Steve Bell Res: Paul Harper
1 . B. Reed 2. A. Bottomley 3. N . Taylor 4. P. Gloury 4. M. Creak (res) 5. B. Willmore 6. M. Morgan 7. C . Taylor 8. B. Cantwell 9. J. Plant 10. A. Dooley 11 . D . Wilson . J. Egan 12 . B. Moxon 13 14 . L . O'Donnel l 15 . A. Brown 16 . A. Demetriou 17 . C . Davies 17 . S. Gray (rese) 18 . T. Wise 19 . L O'Connell 19 . T Nasrallah (res) 21 . R . Dintinosante 22 . C . Taylor 23 . M. Gray 24 . T. Prior 25 . D . Phelan 26 . B . Mounsey 27 . J . Jones 28 . D . Sproules 29 . D . Nasrallah 30 . D . Mutton 31 . G. McLellan 32 . J . King 33 . B . Gayfer 34 . S . Lorenzini 35 . L. Richardson 36 . M. George 37 . T. Thompson 38 . D . Gayfer 39 . J . Turnbull 40 . T. Prior 41 . A . Tshaikiwsky 42 . M. Van Poeteren 43 . L. Ferrel 44 . J . Connelly 45 . A . Roethe 46 . T. Egan 48 . B . Herbert 49 . G. Bell 50 . S . Gray 55 . D. Williams
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Coach : Peter Russo Res: Jamie Winduss
1 . T. Mitvalsky 2. C. Twentyman 3. R. Ball 4. R. Woodlan d 5. C. Mackay 6. C. Alexander (VCR) 7. M . McCloskey (DVC) 8. G . Ferguson 9. J. Walker 10. S. Voigt 11 . D. Solle y 12. C. Dwyer (CR) 13. B. Russo 14. M . Stroud 15. J. Costello (DVC) 16. B. Carroll 17. N. Linford (CR) 18. T. Bournon 19. A. Palmer 20. D. O 'Connor 21, J. O'Brien 22, B. Coghlan 23. A. Ddnan 24. D. Cochrane 25 . B. Fairbanks 26 . G . Dart 27. A. Kiantos 28 D. Kitto (VC) 29 . A. Carter (C) 30 . D. Russo 31 . M. Elliott 32 . M. Sumer 33 . S. Worrell 34 . P. Flaskis 35 . D. Murphy D. Alexander 37 . M. Francis 38 . T. Millis 39 . K. Campbell 40 . R . Alexander 41 . S. Cozens 42 . M. Basile 43 . G . Hubbard
1 . D. Hannam 2. B. Holderhead & A. Walsh 4. M . Calms & J. Hamilton 5. P. Diacogiorgis 7. L Byrne 8. A. Byrne 9. H. Fletcher 11 . B. Atherton 12. D. Murphy 13. A. Dawson 14. T. Clarke 16. G . Crane 17. B. Lee 18. M. Bake r 19. Pa. Cook 20. T. Mitchell 21 . C . Meighen 22. C . Sullivan 23. T. Jackson 24. J. Parsons 25. D . Bahr 27. J. Tarnese 29. V. Cahill 30, C . Little 31 . P. Crowe 32 . A. Grant 33. S. Duty 35 . P. Cook 36 . M. Reeves 37 . A. O'ReillyY 39 . A . George 40 . G. Bence 41 . M. Bridges 42 . I . McBurney 45 . J. Bennie 46 . N . Mann 47' W. Bahr 48 . N . Vaughn 51 . J . Rawlins 52 . B . O'Connor 53 . S . Addicott 56 . T Madden 57 . R . Rome 61 . G. Virtue 62 . N . Auden 63 . C . Andrew 67 . R . Holderhead 71 . T. Leske 73 . J . Bare 75 . B . Pollard 76 . D . Curtis 77 . A . Grillo 80 . G. Box 81 . J . Savage 95 . D. Flanagan 97 . D. Penchi 99 . C. McGrath
44 . L Sunter 45 . A. Erskine
46 . A. Bowtell 47 . J. Kelly 48 . D . Stevens (VCR) 49 . N . Fisher 50 . K Rega n 51 . A. Wilson 52 . M. Watts 53 . S. Wilson 54 . D . Goodbody 55 . M. KaNiskis 56 . B. Thomas 57 . S. Fairbank s 58 . A. Worrel l 59 . A.Joyce 60 . A. O'Reillyy 61 . B . Saunders 62 . R . Schloeffe l 63 . C . Palmer 64 . M. Austin 65 . A . Mort 66 . M. Mackay 67 . A. Noonan
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Coach : Adrian Connolly Res Coach: Peter O'Dea 1 L Deledio 2 D . Beckett 3 J. Dennin g 4 A. Grace 5 M. Marunov 6 D. Whelan 7 S Keleher 8 M.. Miller 9 S. Metz 10 T Banks 11 D . Robbins 12 B. Deledi o 13 C . Lee s 14 S. Jame s 115 C . Talley 16 T. Stewart 17 L . Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D . Cleary 20 D . to Hennepe 21 R . Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T Naylor 24 J. Muzzel l 25 J. Dal e 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashford 28 A. Clinch 29 D . Palling 30 L Wells 31 C . Youn g 32 L. O'Brien 33 A. Coo k 34 A. Russell 35 BG . ailey 36 D . Casey 37 C . Everet t 38 D . Byra 39 M. Ferrari 40 A. Douglas 41 B . Upstill 42 C . Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 M. Broadhurs t 45 J . Franklin 46 C . Johnstone 47 A . Goonan 48 R . Saunder s 49 D . Jowett 50 S . Dipasqual e 51 T. Dipasquale 52 M . Brown 53 K . Harvey 54 M . Ramsay 55 B . Payson M . Farrel l 57 R . Kentara 58 K . Snyman 59 N . Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 L. Franklin 62 D. Roylanc e 63 S . McConchie 64 D. Loetj e 65 M . Anderso n
66 L waterson 67 M . Franci s
68 B . Cromack 69 C. West . Farrell
D DAVIS LAUNDRY 70 71 C. Hassel l ZENITH 72 P. Rogash 73 B . Stone INTERIORS 74 L. Gouzenfitter MENTONE HOTEL 75 M . Lanc e JEFFERSON FORD
PE : San Coach : Julian Sill Res: Brian Cronin
Coach: Leigh St :ird Reserves: Andrew Gillam
Co :b: reier iurley Res Co h : Adrian Chippaini
Senior Coacii : A. Parkin Reserves Ce 3oh: M. Fittolani Club 18 Cc= ;h: C. Baulc h
1 S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons 3 M. Goldthorp 4 E . Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M. Warner 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angus g * 10 A. Haley 11 J. Sill 12 S. Ferguson 13 B. Cook*
1 . C . Clauscen 2 . L . Stafford 3. J. Ferrier 4. D . Cullen 5. H . Pi tts 6. A. Donachie 7. T G reenin g 8. I . Hunt 9. A. Barnett 10. M . Mc Cudden 11 . A . Pi tt s 12 . C. Moffat 13 . L. Nort hway 14 . L. Fox 15 . C . Tooley
1 . A. Stevens 2. A. Thain 3. S. Sutherland 4. C. Rose 5. M . Canava n 6. D. Forer 7 . D. Foley 8 . S . Logan 9 . A . Campbell 10 . S . Oldfield 11 . A. Davey 12 . M. Cooke 13 . I. Bobetic
1 . A. Costello 2. S. Chandler 3. R . Hamilton 4 . M. Rizio 5 . L . Rawnsley 6 . A. Bevacq u a 6. C. Pink (R(Ci8) 7. S. Pric e 8. B. Watch 8 . W. Pascoe (R/C18} 9 . P. Kempton 10. W. Hanna 11 . S . Watch . M . Cunningham 13. 12 A . Ross 13. C . Baulch (ft/C18)
1 4 S . White
16 . A . Rhodes
14 . P. Evans P. Dolman
15. B . Shaw 16. J . Latch 17. A. Moffatt
17. M . Forbes
18. C . Groom
15 J . Davis' 16 S . Cl arin9bold 1 7 J . Coghlan 18 J . Wheelan 19 A . Mckinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A . Teelow 22 A. Atchison 23 R .Povmey 24 T. Prendergast 25 A. Powell 26 G . Lethbridge 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 S . Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 32 B . Liuzai 33 R. Stainforth 34 M . Falkiner 35 t Lane 36 N . Bowman 37 J . Grovrcott 38 T. C°9hlan 39 S. Wilson 40 D . Hubbard 41 A. Udo tto 42 N. Claringbold 43 B. Dunne 44 C. Mclean 45 L. Prendergast
46 T. Moran 47 L. Palmer 48 N. Heffernan
49 A. Minchin 50 A . Bonner 51 R . Hama n y 52 A . Wood
54 C . Wilson 55 R . Cannon 58 P. Ma n9an 69 J. Muir
17 . M. Harrison 18 . M. Windridge 19 . S. Ramage 20 . J. Kellow
21 . T. Sparrey 22. A. Sleight 23. R . Marriott 24. K. Plummer 25. L. Aitken 26. A. Dibbe n 27. W. Watford 28, K. Watford 29. P. Ga rtland 30. M . Radyvronik 31 . S . Fraser 32. D. Ballard 33 . A . Wood 34 . R . Alcock 35 . J . Bedford 36 . G. Seven 37 . M. Boyd 38 . E. Macdonald 39 . J. Matherson 40 . R . Ferrer o 41 . J. Upton
42 . B. Downing 43 . S. Kennettg 44. B. Lynn 45. T. Mahoney 46. S. Moylan 47. J. Killee n 48. J. Vagg
49. I . Dennis 50. B . Mahoney 51 . N. Harvey 52. N . Gill 53. A . Ryan 54 . K . Sa gnol 55. M . Vagg 56 . A . Potter 57 . L. Castle 58 . T. Murphy 59 . S. Dix°n 60 . M. Roach 61 . B. Campbel l 62 . R . Ham 63 . R . Mackay 64. J. Belcher 65. B. Sodoma 66. S. Campbell 67. S. Oliver 68. S. Bell 69. B .Tadd 70. S. Conley
15. L Rose 16.
18. D. Barry 19. M . Forwards 20. A. Seeger 21 . A. Bonnici 22. S . Greely 23 . T. Henson 24 . A. Grace 25 . C. Ryan 26 . J . Hennes 27 . P. Allen 28 .'M. Byrne 29 . D . Bowman 30 . 0. Le 31 . B. Grams 32. G . Riley 33. N . Callaghan 34. C . Goulden 35. P. Knott S. Nolan 37. J. Brennan 38. A. Gaspari 39. P. Pitts 40. M . Forer 41 . P. Forbes
42 . P. Hanton 43 . M . Van Boylan 44, P. McClaren 45 . D. Allen 46 . S . Savage 47. K . Gallacher 48 . J . Logan 49. M. Oakley 50, S. Kavanagh 51 . A. Foley 52. M. Forbes 53. E. Mallard 54. M. Smyth 55. E. Hanapy ~~ M . L°ughnan 51. S. Sewell 58 . M . Bates
59 . A. Healy 60 . A. Bates 61 . R. Cincotta 63 . A . Chippiani 64 . S . Sinclair 65 . M . Sutton 66 . S . Sinclair 67 . B. Kirchner
14. C . Price
19 . M. Kempto n 20 . C . Sandiford 21 . J . Sibilia 22 . E. Nolan 23 . P. Barry (Capt) 24 . V. Romitn 25 . A. Katsaros 26 . D. Batten 27. M . Savige 28 . P. Otsuka 29. A. Steer 31 . B . Costello 32. A. Cameron 33. W. Blak e 34. S . Middleton 35. B . Vllella 36. M. Prarrse 37. R . Dabraio 38. S . Bloodworth 39. B . Cunningham 40. N . Ma rt in 41 . T. MacCallum 42. A. Smith 43. C . Beaton 44 . E. Ryan 45. R . Scarier: 46 . A. Kelley 47 . A. Wilson 49 . R . Dillon 50 . A. Gconan
51 . R. Wood
53 . D. O'Keeffe
54 • M . Petersen 57 . D. Weddell 58 . B . Edwards 67 . J . Black 63. C. Beasle y 64, L. Hill 65. J . Fuller 66. C . Lewis 67. N . Goonan 68. T. Portet
69. M . SwamPdla i 70. J. G r ee n 71 . S. Palmer 72. L .Clancy 73. E. Bech 74 . R . Kercheval 75. H . Ellis 76 . C . Webb 77 . T. Brumby-Rundell 78 . R. Witnish 80 . S. Bade 81 . S. Spong 83 . P Molloy 85 . B . Weber 86 . T. Rowe 87 . A. Watkins 94 . A. Powell 97- L. Mario 98 . K . Begely
Proudly Sponsored b y
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cnr Elgin & Cardigan St
Coach : Tim rv~wrc .~ i Res. C, ch : Simwn Ta}fiw. R. Pearce 1 T. Morris 2 R . Thompson 3 M . Fung 4 A . Drew Captain 5 R . Drew 6 C . Beal 7 L . Morris 8 J. Keem 9 T. Hancock 10 T. Mclllrath 1 1 J. Cremean 1 2 L. Gill es 13 B. Nickolas 1 4 E . Kruse 1 4 N. Pask 1 5
L. Taylor 16 A Laing 1 7 C. Britt 1 8 19 T. Hal eng 20 D . Stevenson 21 B. Drew 22 R . Yea 23 M. Davies 24 F. Pellegrino 25 J . Longworth 26 S. Savage 2 7 M . Rockicki 2 8 R. Courts 29 D. Pott er 3 0 P. Cooper 31 J. Parry 32 P. Cremean 3 3
B. Seeger 34 B . Peaks 35 P. Jarvis 36 D. Balshaw 37 B . Morrison 38 J . Tompkins 39
M. Wines 4 0 B . Downs 41 A . Stone 42 S . Yea 43 J . Ho 4 4 A. Wingate 4 5 T. Oliver 46 S. Collie 4 7 R . Davis 48
S. Seabourne 4 9 J. Peake 50 H . Clarke 5 1 A. Hartnett 52 S. Fyffe 53 S. Simpson 54
A. Vass 55 T. Uoyd
P. Pickering 57 G. Kerr 58 A . Joiner 59 S . Laird 60 P. Valoppi 61 P, garuma 62 B . Whkechurch 63 D . Smith 64 M. Norrish
A. Russell 66 B. Glennie 67 T. Collet
R . Collet 6 9 N . Lear 7 0 M. Laing
G . Coutts 7 6 S. Thompson 7 7
D. Redfern 8 2 T Peters 9 2
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has two, possibly three failed to fire in their northeastern ;-; ~,nhoe Aasumption things in its favour this at Ted Ajani derby match against Bulleen Terrspiestowe week. Skipper Simo n . It was the third loss on the spin for the Hoes, Reserve Phemister is back ; star f albeit each one of those were against their fellow top four nvard Tim ~'~heeler is getting closer to full fitness and i occupants, The BuAants forwards took full advantage of the wind howls as it usually does at the Fearon, the . the late withdrawal of Morris and early injury to Crapper Gryphons' hopes for survival could be blown away with it will also vanish if they do to set the foundation of what was to be an eight goal La'Frobe's slim finals' chances . . But a rueful Trobers coach not defeat 5' bnrne today victory . Milesi and Williams sharing eleven between them University took the points at East Caulfield Glenn Taylor said it was the club's early-season losses to SwinbeaYaae Gryphons . west Brunswick and Swinburne that had cost dearly . Reserve in their varsity clash with M onash The injury plagued Matthew -Mary" Higgins was Regardless of whether that comment is taken as an . t especially outstanding, kicking 11 of the Razorbacks' 15 ominous sign of things to come or as an act of disrespec The Gryphons hung on to Swinny's shirt tails for most of o relegatio n the need to ,vin to stave of r should best today . the day, trailing by about two or three goals, before sheer f motivation for the Razorbacks t be at thei en then, that will not be enough to defeat the Trobers . weight of opportunities saw score a lthe and much-needed 30 poin t Buyeen ~ernpiestowe faces a tricky challenge when it . The Buliants destroyed . Grvphons to the ccIlar in the process travels to F3entleig~ today In poor conditions and arguably fielding their weakest Ivanhoe Assumption last week but cannot afford to be off side for the year, an injury depleted Old Carey managed their game this week, otherwise the Demons, who were to see off a much improved Bentleigh outfit at Dunshea not disgraced against Old Carey, could make them pay . . Old hands Andrew Kent and "Dolly째 Parton were With their chances of a top-two finish no w Oval fourth spot again influential to the Panthers cause, while Robertson Ivanhoe Assumption could find its gnp on . But unlike and Ireson stood out for the Demons . loosening if it lost to w est Brunswick today n In other matches, West Brunswick continued their quest the Magpies the Hoes have shown this season they ca m to climb out of the relegation zone with a vital win over h it with the best and even if champion Magpie Ada s Williamstown GYMS at Western Oval, Adam Carinane e continued his brilliant run of form, the Hoe ; and LaTrobe University trumped have too much class to drop this game . again in great form Geelong at Como Park to continue their late run for Old a spot in the finals . : Ivanhoe Assumption, My tips this week are Williamstown CYPvIS, La Trobe University, Bulleen Templestowe, and Old Carey . What Andrew Says :
After drawing ntle i gen edga h a~ind to not only arrest theidr Geelong d spera form slump but also to keep their chances for a top t W 0 -I'a Geelong Vickers- Willis I 5 3 finish alive . But first they must get over the rampant Old Old Carey who despite not being at its best has won its last Paul0 2 45 46 Bentleigh seven matches . However the OCs, through former Tiger Jame s Bulleen Temp William s Ivanhoe Ass Vaikanis 0 3 9 Andrew Kent, Al Parton and Tim Angus . have some tremendous talent on its list and one gets the feeling the Old Carey Angus T 1 38 challenge of defeating a respected contender such as Old Murchie 3 36 . Unless OG Swinburne Un i Geelong will bring the best out of this side spearhead Mark Vickers-Willis puts in a virtuoso D2 RESERM 1 35 performance it will be Old Carey who will be singing its Old Geelong Konstantinidis Old Carey stantinidis 5 3 1 song at 5pm today. and Monash 2 30 Williamstown At the other end of the ladder Ivanhoe Ass Pearc e continue their fight to atiroid relegation . With a tough run Williamstown Burgess 0 26 home (Ivanhoe Assumption, Bentleigh & Old Geelong) the La Trobe Uni Slater 3 25 Gryphons are teetering on the brink of D2 oblivion and 2 25 . . .. Old Carey Guerra today could be their last opportunity to score a win and . Unfortunately for them their opponent certainl % stay up
TIPS Ivanhoe Assumption 36 Williamstown 30 L.a Trobe 33 Bulleen Templestowe 1 0 Old Carer eesa 1er - ,liesto congratuit . .e : on el : ~-> e an d ' I on his f his club game today . Andrew has played 133 junior, under-19, 132 reserve and 190 senior games . Now in : . .s 21st season of senior footy Andrew has played in two under-19s grand finals and in the club's 1990 reserves premiership . Andy has curtained /coached the reserves the last two years and rarely misses a game through injury. He has quite an unbelievable playing record . Andy has also been involved off the field . A previous club president he has been the club secretary for the last 10 years and wears about 10 different caps on match day . If it were not for people like Andy the club would find thir `> very difficult and for what he does and the time and effort he puts in the club thanks him immensely . Congratulations from everyone at Bulleen Templestowe on this fine football achievement . Starting in G-grade with 40 games in 1990, Eddie has played 158 matches including four in the seniors . Eddie has had a few ups and downs in his life but he always keeps a positive attitude which is a credit to him . A great chara r around the club Eddie loves the social aspect especially Saturday night where he has been knovv=n to like the odd beer or two. II done Eddie on your 200 s . A P Moraas b Gr P as club stalwarts both .. f3ourbs° reach the milestone of ~ ~ is a long time captain of the senior t in ~u Dined the Gryphs from Mazenod, where he had experience at A Grade senior level . A dual Gryphons Best and Fairest winner, Steve is also admired for the commitment and hardness he provides on the field . Rowan is currently the club treasurer and has previously served as a general member. Row has placed in the Best and Fairest at both senior and reserve level and does a good job of holding down centre halfback . His wife Yoko is also very popular, running the canteen and providing a touch of glamour to many a social event . Congratulations to Steve and Rowan from everyone at the Gryphons. SC3C :A.T, Be; is holding its Annual Trivia Night . 'this is a >rreat niont and for $10 it is top value . See Hally or L--; a} 1V3 L_ Please of any match reviews to Pet..r.PS ntrelink .go or Andrew Wu - , ideally by 5p : nday afternoon .
Ha----, a -
Ivanhoe Assu Williamstow iu .~ -; v =a o
La Trobe Uni Swinbu r Bentleigh v Bulleen Temples ) Old Geelong v Old Carey ¢ TUC t. & ,SnTC 1 - Cnn'ror. 1 I co n- a
4.4 . 17. 7 1 .2 4.5 7 .7 12 .10 (82) . C R!Iliams 5 Chr .~~.a- s 3 Wise 3 D I",1e,~r .. 2 'row st: Tehan Schneider D Matthews Chivers Milesi R Williams. _ 2 e sumption: Frisina 3 Brown 2 Tompkins 2 Healy Mehmet wood Blayr ey Cotter. Best: Brown Blayney Harris Scoble Toogood He . U pfres: Jamie Gunn Brian Woodhead (Fl Glen 1 nnedy, doni (B) John Hall Jack watty (G ) ;K 3 .3 4 .5 6.7 8.15 (63) Wit >T9 - 88 0.4 5.8 6.12 7 .13 ( 551 : S BenJ: ran 2 Cannane Smith Edwards Haysey Maguire Mon ~. Best : Cannane Edwards Haysey West S Benjamin Torrey. W11--j:.:to i n : Wheeler 2 tvicCutcheon 2 wychatsch Grieve McNamara . Best :'+9unro Hart McNamara Elias B Grant Grieve . zonello (F) Brendan Cannon Adrian Borg (B) Chri s :vieKendr ichael Jones (G) 6.3 8.4 11 .5 (71) 7 .4 11 .7 15 .11 (101 ) 1- 2 I'arker R Co:head Denver N Ri .~~ .. L: Baxter Watson wells Lorton B Cox i i, . .. . . .. _-. ._ . ., . ii -;tins Ii Sheerly Morrison Murchi e Dan son. Tison Fragiaeomo Piotrowski Dunsford u on Stokes (F) 3 10 5 1 4 9 16 10 21 (81 ) 21 42 54 84(52 ) ull 3 T Angus 3 PartonJamesCollins C Angus . Best: Tru ,1 ]{ent Adam Collins non C Angus . Bent : it 2 Sharp 2 Jolly. Best : F son McCullough Smith ]res :n S St o Umg . Goold Jason Lane (F) Amanda t n Vescovi Ed1(G) 2 .2 5 .2 10 .2 12.6 (78) 3.4 7 .11 9.15 11 .20 (86) {}Id its 3 YJmpton 3 1 kers-Willis 3 Bayles Fairbaim Mal s. B, Bayles Hope-Johns i Vickers-Willis Kimpton T Betts Maipas. La Trcbe : Wultei 3 3 [orton Gleeson Dingle Adamthwaite Pniseino . Be=. :: B utter Davies Haney Robson Slater. Umpires : Toni Hays n `. .. _ . ; :' e (! lagen Cosgdff Stephen Bohisich (G) i.7 8 .13 13 .17 (95) 2.3 2,305) 2 .vli Daskalou w too Drive r K( lb Chazan . Donald . al 3 .5 (23) 1 .4 .. . ` 5 .9(39) . ;" ^n u°ppel 1 Y . Best : Dec ~. ,hannlchaeL w13 3 At ndez 2.2
4.4 E 6 .5 (41) 4 .3 S .o 10 .8[68) .i Bode Mitchell . Best: B Clark Yanni ne George 2 Hunter 0'Mara Carter a- . . . Coy George Sandhu Kane Den t 10 33 33 55(35) 3 14 35 35(23) F : L Guerra A Guerra S Berne d . Best : Word L Ta P Graham :ud>;e : G( d 2 Hayes. '3 i `right Sin
2 .0 2 .3 6 .8 (44) 0.2 0.5 1 .6 1 .6(12) 'ole Herd Straueh . Best: Strauch Wilson I ikin . La Trobe : Parch . Best: Mannes n Samson Hopkins
D2 Section BENTLEIGH Coach: Justin Paul Asst : Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 . C . Sharp 2. J. Paul 3. A. Pittito 4. S. Sice 5. M . Bytes 6. A. Jolly 7. J. Robertson 8 . J . Handfield 9 . T. Rowe 10 . R . Pearce 11 . D . Martin 12 . N . Aitken 73 . S. Craven 14. D. Vardy 15. T. l.upd 16. G . Allen 17. S. Francis
18. S. Adaway 19, B . Fox
20 . R. Fshlock 21 . A . Ferris 22 . A . Smith 23 . G. McFarlane 24. L . HolmesbyY 25. D . Gold 26. B. Padgham 27. J. Seeley
28. M . McCulloch 29. A. Clough Ferguson 31 . A . Banks 32 . D . Kopitschinski 33 . P. Wrthington 34. R . Morris 35. L . Ireson 36. M. Backman 37. P. Hutchison 38. G . Beattie 39. G . Prigg 40 . A . Steward 41 . P. Dimattina 42 . A . Mikkelsen 43 . M. Vukic 44. R . Punter 45. R . Brookshaw 46. R. Lawford 47. M . Scanlan 30 . D.
48. R. McEvoy 49. A. Lee
6ULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Steve Easton Res.Coach: Andrew Parris
1 . G . Chivers (Capt) 2 . M . Stella 3 . L. Thompson (VC) 4 . W. Thompson 5. C . Parris 6. A. Tehan (DVC) 7. P. Robertson 8. D. Glover 9. J. Matthews 10. J. Wise 12. A. Parris 13 . D. Tulloch 14 . A . Wilke 15 . A . Fitt 16 . S. Smith 17. C . Morrison 18. J. Newman 19. L. Stott 20. M . Jones 21 . P. Gannas 22 . S . Noble 23 . D. Matthews 24 . D . Williams 25 . L. Norbury 26. S. Boyd 27. A. Clarke 28. P. Milesi 29. P. Tsokas 30. D. Florence 31 . M . Pietryk 32 . R . Williams 33 . N . Hamshare 34 . S . Lambropoulos 35 . D . Daskalou 36. P. Hare 37. J. Frangos 38. A. Verge 39. D. Buccachio 40. G. Theodrakakous 41 . R . Lea 42 . P. Edwards 43 . D . Horvath 44 . R . Schneider
1 . S . Conley 2 . M . Maud 3 . C . Tucker 4 . T. O'Neill 5. J. Scoble 6. E. Healy ( v•ca P)t 7. P. Fawley 8. J. Shutt ewath 9. R. Peoples 10 . P. Lee 11 . D. Valkanis 12, P. Tonkin 13 . S . Narkievicz 14. S. Kaso 15. J. Curtin 16. P. Harris 17. S. Morris 18. D. Abud 19. D. Wood ( t. P) 20 . N. Pye 21 . N . Blaine 22 . A . Height 23. D . Ryan 24. B. Frew 25. J. Frisina 26. P. Cameron 27. J. Fnla~on 28. S . Matthews 29. J . Crapper 30. S . Kaso 31 . S . Scapari 32 . J. Icefo 33 . S. O'Connell 34 . B. Joyce 35. M. Serafini 36. J. Tamburro 37. P. Cotter 38. M . Sheppard 39. M . Ebbage 40 . D . Sartor 41 . C . McDonald 42 . R . Kolb 43 . A. Shemshedin
45 . D . Rogers
44. T. Scott
46. A. Humphrey 47. C. Morivitis 48. A. Morivitis 49. B . Touriganis 50. R . Georgelous 51 . T. Coram 57 . R . Toscano 58 . D . McMahon 59 . M. Daskalou 60. M . Scarano 62. M . Kirsz 64. C. Tzalabiris
50 . A . Stanes 50 . L Wilken 51 . P. Sampson 52 . L Sampson 53. D . Gunn 54. R . Oldfield 55. G . Richard s 56. C. Aitken 57. S . Nankervis 58. T. Caterson 59. I . Jackson 60 . S . Kennedy 61 . H . McKenzie 63 . S. Stuart 64 . M. Hayes
Spp o nsor CHRIS' DIPS
Coach : John Matthew Assist Coach : Doni Valkani s Res . Coach : Anthony Conti
45. E. Nuttall 46. R. Nuttall 47. B. Walthers 48. R. Toogood 49. E . Marino 50 . R . Sing 51 . D . Pearce 52 . S. Sampson (capt.) 53. M. Chazan 54. T. Scott 55. D. Frank 56. G . Ford 57. M . Frannich 58 . D. Hager 59 . C . Mclnney 60 . J. Nemtses 61 .T.Mehmet 69. J. Mazocca 78. C. Brown
C . Clamp
36. G . Block
C .. Knee R Knights
37. A. Jenki n 38. M Baron 39. D Grenfel l 40 . M. Willocks 41 . C . Arche r 42 . J. Clarke 43. M . Mastromanno
B. Clutterbuck 7 Cohen N o~poubs N. Dunne D. Fennell M . Garrat K . Hickman S . Jackson P. Uas A. Mann S. Miller B. Murphy G . Murph y G . Nelson X . O'Donnell J . Scanlon C. Black L. Ryan . L OTOOhIe te S J . Brodie S. Craig C . Francis M. M~IS~ S. Mcore . Priarohy S. Robson D J. Waterman B . Laidlaw
A. Bento n N qes es A.'Cou er
D. Hingl e L O'Brien A. Palmieri J. Rotell a H S drrg R. v~olfsen C.Sage C. Fefiring A. Paech B . Hide r G. Massa
Senior Coach: Glenn Taylo r Coach: Phil Knight Res Coach: Bob Ellis Assist Coach: John Lero y Res Coach: John Leroy t . P. Morton 1 . S. Bourbon 2. W. Brown 3. D. She4drick 2. M . Healy 4 . H. Davies 3 . A. Grady 4 . M . Malon e 6 . Geesonade 7 . T. D Mannes 5 . J . Watson 8 . C . Corrent i 6. D . Bolle 9 . L. Walker 10. S. Davis 7. D . Walter 11 . A. Murray 13. T Ludeman 8. J. Blandford 14. D. Butler 9. G . Wadley 15. S. Brooks y 16. P. Farrant 10. P. Williamson 17. S. Fitz erakl 11 . A . Nichols t8 . C. elight 19 . A. Randel l 12 . A. Gross 2 1 ' M . Harvey 13 . J . Stratford 22 . D. McMeekin 23 . M. Cossar 14 . A . Mckenzie 24. L. Enval l 15 . A. Clarke 25. M. Fanning 26. D . Stevens 16. P. Rennison 27. S. Pruscino 17. R Rutherfor d 28. C . Ross 30. S. Gellert 18. M. Paolucci 31 . A. Mambwe 32. S. Gibson 19. R. Coxhead 33 . M . Watson 20. C. Staff eumgieg 34'. F. J. Tiernan 35 21 . J . Bingham 36 . T. Mawdsley 22 . B . Coxhea d 937 . A. 23 . L Clark . Slaterey 3.. S 40 F. Murphy 24. D . Baxter 42. M. H an 43. P ou ton 25. S. Kibblewhite 44. D . Kerrison 26. A. Den er 47 . Samson 27. R. Gilchris t 48.. L A. McNamara 28. Luke Leeto n 50, K. Hopkins 54 . A. Hewitt 29. P.Warren 5~7 : a,Np'i~lmer 30 . P. Holland 58 . J. Dal mple 31 . G. Roche . ~'. G ~~ 32. M. Lewis 70 J . Dumaresq 73. J . Sewell 33. S. Nelson 78' J . Clark 34. M. Graydon 84. T Peters A. Baille 35. B Clark M. Bourke
44. L Wells
45. J. Goni s 46. G. Kent 47. M. Parker 48 . G . Stil l 49 . C . Robinson 50 . S. Dresser 51 . C. Leeton 52. A. Flowerda y 53. M . Bourbon 54• A. Perry 55. G. Harrak 56 . J . Healy 57 . W. Pocock 58 . C . Yanni 59. A. Yann i 60. T. Bourbon 61 . A. Waters 62. N Rutherford 63 . I. Bagnal l 64 . P. Patrick
76 . J. Harrak
M. McDonald
THF AAAGTCI io Gl1n-roni i 11 --
D2 Section OLD CARE Y Senior Coach: Steve Maus Res .Coach : Andrew Gate s
OLD GEELONG Coach : Michael Lockman Res Coach : Ben Dun n
Ass Coach: Matt Edmonds 1 . C. Angus (VC) 2. D. Faelis 3 . M. Cohen 4 . D . James 5. P. Konstantinidis 6. C. Campbell 7. S. Jessup 8. A. Stewart-Holmes 9. D. Shuti e 9. B . Andrews (r) 10 . K. Shrives (RVC) 11 . N . Everett 12. L . MacFarlane 13, G . Trumbull 14. M . Maho n 15 . N. Bull 16 . T. Angu s 16 . R . Graham (r) 17. A. Parton (C) 18. C. Matthews 18. B. Chiuchiarelli (r) 19. T. Wood 19 . P. Drake (r) 20 . J . Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins 22 . C . Battle 23. H . Van Cuylenberg 24. L Battley 25. L Chiuchiarelli 26. A. Wood 27. N. Vasi4opoulos 28 . N . Sulma n 29 . C . Munro 30 . A. Guerra 31 . J. Ward 32. P. Graham 33. N. England 34. C. Howat 35. M. Watts 36 . S. Wood 37 . C .Adam 37 . D . Palmer (r) 38. L Guerra (RC) 39. P. Bennet t 40. S. Angus 41 . A. Gates 42 . L. Morgan 43 . D. Joyce 44 . T. Rossignuolo 45. T. Bul l 46. S. Hil l 47. B. Crosher 48. S . Bennett 49 . S . Middleton 50 . A . Ken t 51 . B. Croft 52. D . Bowley 53. J. Hubbard 54. C. Pinches 55. G . Spencer 56 . A. Boyd 57 . Glen Morgan 59 . C . Mason (RVC) 61 . Grant Morgan 64. C . Smith 65. D. Eisner 71 . R. Leon g 75. P. Busse 76 . D. r.^:r
0 Tu
1 . M . Goldsworthy 2. W. Ainswort h 3. 4. 5. 6.
J . Fitzclarence C. Stinchcombe M. Vickers-Willis J. Bell
7. J. Paul 8. G . Allen 9. D Salter 10. M Avery 11 . L Stevens 12 . T Paul 13 . T Cannon 14. D Taylor 15. H McCarthy 16, T Fallow 17. T Betts 18. J Malpas 19 . S MacGowan 19 . N Betts 20 . J Legoe 21 . L Teague 22. T Bayles 23. C Fairbairn 24. S Lansdel l 25. T Hope-Johnson 27. W Pau l 29. J Hope-Johnson 30 . B Goldsworthy 31 . H Follette 32 . A Munro 33. E Bayles 34. S O'Brien 35. P Birks 36. T Makin 37. T Waters 38 . T D'Antoine 39 . J Kilpatrick 40 . H Lagoa 41 . S Ross 42. E Plowman 43. B Grills 44. J Urqhart 45. C Teague 46 . J Morley 47 . T Carey 48 . R Herd 49. TYoung 50. A Suvoltas 51 . J Kilpatrick 52. S Griffiths 53 . I Munro 54 . C Wilson 55 . H Cust 55 . C Atkins 56. M Leslie 57. B Symons 58. J McCarthy 59. R Kilpatrick 60 . B MaClean 61 . T O'Brien 62 . S Lyon 65. A Meek 66. Jlmhoff 67. H Eastman 68. R Cuttler 69. A Southey 70. W de Fegley 71 . S Waters 72 . J Settler 73 . ATimms 74. S Timm s 75. W Temple-Smith 76. J Urquart 77. P Winter 78. Youll 79. P Birks 80. P Winter 81 . M Bouchier 82 . L Knight 83 . H Lockie 84, T Legoe 85. AMcHugh
Coach : Derek Thoene Res. Coach : Paul James 1 . L Watts 2. J Sheedy 3. J Piotrowski 4. A Fidler 5 . J Demarte 6 . D Harmer 7 . J Murchie 8. M Higgins 9. L Morrison 10. M Anastassi 11 . D Milano 13. K Barbary 14 . R Goode 15 . H Sutter 16 . C Walsh 17. J Roberts 18. A Rumani 19. B O'Mara 20. D Wigg 21 . S Fragiacomo 22 . C Thomas 24 . C Higgins 25 . M Whiting 26. T Liston 27. R Kiss 28. J Ryan 29. J Gordon 30. J Dunsford 32 . P Beynon 33 ..S Christov 34. A Fricke 36. J Carter 37. D Barbera 38. M Tricky 39. R Roberts 40. J Coy 41 . S Ryan 42 . D MacFarlane 43 . J Andrinopolous 44 . M Rya n 45. B Whit e 46. J Sandhu 47. T Morris 48. D little 49. M Hudgson 50 . M George 51 . M Pearson 52 . N Lan e 53. M Paul 54. M Eley 55. M Dinning 56. D Smith 57. C 0'Keeffe 58 . M Flack 59 . C Galley 60 . P Jone s
61 . B Robertson 62. B Gorfine 63. M Roebuck 64. J O'Keeffe 65. ATea l 66 . C Dent 67 . D Beynon 68 . L Sierakowski
Proudly sponsored by : Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd , Hawthorn 9$18 4991
Coach : Angus Hamilto n Res . Coach: Troy Thompson la. Drain M lb. Hamilton A 2. Hamilton p 3 . Heppe][ G 4 . Lehmann C 5 . Cannane A 6. Pietsch S 7. Benjamin S 8. Simmonds N 9. Morphett A 10 . Byme s 11 . Norman p 12. Maguire T 13. Brockley S 14. Borrshafl - Tanner C 15. Russell M 17. Smith J 18 . McManus M 19 . Touzel W 20 . Connan D 21 . Bloom A 22. Hanson J 23. Rudd D 24. Jenkin J 25. Siebrand J 26 . Benjamin R 27 . Brooks M 28 . Waller E 29. Sheedy C 30. Lewis M 31a . Edwards S 31b . Caller S 32 . DAndrea S 33 . Thompson T 34 . Twyford 1 35 . Carmichael M 36. Jones L 37. Dempsey T 38. Monague S 39. West R 40. Brooks D 41 . Greening P 42 . Goonan M 43 . Tobin J 44. Sprague J 45. Smith J 46. Howard R 47. Thompson A 48 . Sutherland A 49 . Haysey J 50 . Hutchens N 51 . Sherry L 52. Fox T 53. Chamberlain T 54. Tanner S 55. Kailler J 56. McDonagh J 57 . Williamson A 58 . Torney A 59 . Brugler J 60. Sprague M 61 . Hilton K 62. Wright S 63. Gartlan J 64. Stewart L 65. O'Brien N 66 . Hussey R 67 . Smith B 70 . Leahy G 71 . Brookshaw M 73. Clare M 76. Chislett J 77. Howell R 78, Thompson J 79 . Colquhoun J
WILLIA MST速WN CY MS Coach: Dane Mcleod Res Coach : Paul Dervan 1 D. Elias J . Buttigieg D . Woud a S. Wuchatsch T. Wheeler N. Grant D. Sadle r J . McCutcheon J . Munro B. Cocks J. Anderson A. Featherston A. Mackle y J . Street D. Taylor S . Phemister J. Digrazia D . Oldham S. Barlow B. Koch L. Monkhurst M . Kennedy C . McNamara C . Pac h G . Burgess D. Lee C. Matthews B . Gran t 28 A . Kosmatos 29 B. Gr'rffen 30 K. Dowsey 31 J. Hynes 32 D. Williams 33 71 Boz 34 B .Jones 35 C. Bergin 36 T. Smith 37 B. Hynes 38 M. Welsh 39 T. Carter 40 D. Grieve 41 A. McKenzie 42 B. Hinsley 43 1 . Arandez 44 M. Manning 45 P. Azzopardy 46 G . Singleton 47 L . Thomas 48 S. Snijders 49 F. Diblas i 50 D. Williams 51 B . Martin 52 R . Hart
53 T. Bell 54 P. Vincent 55 R. Nisbet 56 J. Thrush 57 O. Jimenez 58 J . Robinson
Stag's Head Hotel 39 Cecil St Williamstown 9397 3337
is a 6rief summary. -(1st XVIII teams) Any r?stered player wit h a pmit can play finals (except Al~LIVFLplayers with a permit - see below) . :eserve - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be r ;gistered and must have played at least four (4) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) . Where both first and second XVIII's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify. For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend (ie . Ist semi Saturday, 2nd : ;mi Sunday - read as above teams playing on the same day). ;- Players must be registered and hold a I rmit, a player has played an aggregate of more than 5nioi md reserve matches he must have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season . If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final .
a tearn ii is (2) U19 teams or is involved in "i hybrid arrangcnent, the following shall apply. Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U19 1 side to play in the (2) team . To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in ( 5 ) first round matches - not including finals . Club XVIII teams - Players must be registered and have played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches (for the team they wish to represent) and not have played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round . Where a club has two or more Club XVIII teams a player must have not played more than 8 matches with (either of) the higher placed side(s) to play in a lower team's final. An AFL or VFI.9isted player will be eligible to play in the finals for his VAFA club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of the! matches must have been played after June 3Qt l AT 1 ; player must have played five (5) VAFA m :hes for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals. For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 3dth.
(char s may be higher from a mobile pi ~ to this service 0
:s - Scores (Sat. nighQ
MATTHEW HIGGIN S ~f , ! _ Jim ; I ' F) :~5, rr~ )CALNPOTER(#F BRAD KE[LLflR ($5« ; iILL NGI Tl I~ L.-- ..-- ..--------_. ..-_ .. ..
-- ••--- ... ..- ... . ..----••--- ..-_ . .. . .-- - ...-- . !
® Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . ® Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . * 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .
Phone : 13 15 52 24 Hour F-.__- -_ ® --cy 0 418 333 11 8
you are the person
circled, present this photo at VAF,4 Reception during neA t VV= Kk nd you Vvi 1 1 receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper.
Ross Booth, former star player, now Executive member and Chairman of the Media Committee, wrote the editorial titled 'Media coverage for the VAFA' . Ross reminded us that this season had seen a continuation of significant interest by the mainstream media in the activities of the VAFA and its member clubs . Ross went on to say - 'No doubt the HIV case and the formation of Football Victoria has kept the VAFA under the media spotlight in 1999 . So too have some of the performances of players in the AFL who were either drafted from the VAFA, or spent some time in the amateurs' . Old Xaverians (second in A Section) bounced back to their brilliant best and simply destroyed third placed St Kevins in a scintillating display at Elsternwick Park 27 .14 to 5 .10 . Major goal kickers for the Xavs were Dan Richardson (9), Matt Bourke (7) and Tim Jones (5) . Tim O'Shaughnessy's boys kicked goals from everywhere and other outstanding players were Lethlean, Wood and Bowen while St Nevins named Lowerson, Fraser, Powell, Bare, M Dollman and Callery . Old Scotch recorded the tragic passing of one of their greatest players, John Anderson, former premiership Captain, six times best and fairest winner, former Victorian Captain and All-Australian . The VAFA had lost one of its greatest players . B Section Coaches were - Brett Marchant (Beaumaris), Tim Hart (Collegians), Russell Barnes (Hampton Rovers), Gary Connolly (Mazenod), Warren Fall (MHSOB), Frank Dunnell (NOBS), Dale Tapping (Old Brighton), Peter Bedford (Old Paradians), Leigh Carlson (Old Trinity) and Steve Grace (Ormond). In C Section, Ivanhoe Assumption (fifth) took on Old Mentonians (second) . The 'Hoes won the game (18 .13 to 12 .12) and took Glen Eira's fourth place . Ivanhoe's best were McFarlane, Taglieri-Selocchi, Martin, Scobie, Lee (5) and O'Neill . Mentonians named Brooks, Ballantine, Acreman (5), Mullin, Katris and Austin . It was double celebrations at Ivanhoe as hearty congratulations were offered to Colin McDonald on his 250th game . Colin was acknowledged as the 'ultimate' clubman . At Caulfield Grammarians the club congratulated Trevor (Choco) Royals on his 200th game . 5 times Best & Fairest, 'Choco' was an inspiration to team mates with his incredible courage that had seen him wear many heavy hits but his durability was legend . Marty Daniels also played his 200th, for Elstermvick . Marty provided the 'Wicks with great service as a nuggetty rover/back pocket. Craig O'Donohue and Graham Thwaites (Umpires' Corner) reported that there had been a good reaction to the 'alternate training venue at Kew Recreation Centre with swimming, weights and yoga giving everyone a different training perspective .
Ormond hosted'lherry in ' ~ A Grade and a ,in against the bottom team would give them a chance of returning to the top four . Therry with only one win had been really struggling but started in a blaze of glory with 8 .3 in the first term . Still 16 points up at half time Therry repeated their first quarter performance in the third and held an almost unbeatable lead at the final break . Ormond realised the importance of the game but their goal spree in the final quarter failed and Theny held on to win by 7 points, 18.7 to 16.12. Eabrey (6), Sebo and Jobling were clearly Ormond's best players and Therry's stars were Petrevsky, Baker and Eastmure . The talented St Kevins team were outright favourites in D Section and continued on their winning way at Williamstown although they did not have it all their own way 16.12 to 9 .20. Had Williamstown kicked truly in the earlier stages of the game, SKOBS would have been under far more pressure . Sheedy, Mulcahy and Terzini were best for SKOBS and Griffiths, Featherston and Harry gave their team every chance . Glenhuntly (Third) played St Marys (fifth) in E Grade but it did not turn out to be the anticipated 'match of the day'. Glenhuntly defended their home turf to the utmost and Thomas, Halpin, Rafferty and Miller (5) made sure of the result with their commitment (20 .18 to 9 .15) . St Marys may have lost their chance of a finals' berth although Stewart, Stone and Ymer gave their all . Oakleigh (second) may have snuffed out the finals' aspirations of ANZ Bank (fifth) . It finished 'no contest' 19 .24 to 5.9 and Cloke . Hall and Schultz controlled the play for Oakleigh while Markby, Weatherill and Boyle stove for the Zedders . Hampton Rovers recognised and applauded the efforts of veteran Max Grimmer who played his 200th game at the age of 54. Max was said to have played for the Rovers in every decade from the 50's through to the 90's, what a remarkable effort!
In A Section, Parkside and Kew, were occupying ninth and ten spots respectively but following their monumental battles in B Section the season before, there was great competitiveness among the two district clubs . In 1988 they produced had some of the fiercest battles that this scribe has seen and again, in 1989, the scene was set for another great contest . Parkside kicked away in the first quarter but Kew fought back by half time and by three quarter time had snuck into the lead by 3 points. The final term was 'district footy' at its physical best before Kew ran out victors 11 .17 to 11 .12 . For Kew, Peric, Fitzpatrick, Berry, Thornley ,
Clayton and Kalac were strong, determined and After a distinguished football career with St Pat's rewarded. For Parkside, Vincitorio, Rodwell, Glasgow, Ballarat and Fitzroy, Vin had brought his distinctive Williams, Bradley and Inserra earnt their accolades . coaching style to NOBS and was a great fundraiser for The independent tribunal members were very busy his club. during the week with no less than 16 players The Tribunal were in fine form with heavy penalties suspended plus 1 witness severely reprimanded for handed out . R Gillingham 6 matches, P Yuill 4 unsatisfactory evidence . And, to add some work for the matches, G Candy 6 matches, J Levvey 4 matches, P Executive members, during the week there were four Allen 6 matches, J Bradbury 4 matches and J investigations which swelled the coffers of the treasury . Robertson 4 matches . Nothing less than 4! It was at this time that the 'audible' obscenity rule was extended to apply not only to U19 football but to all sections of the competition . Four of the five leading teams in A Section were defeated in a day of surprises . Of the top five only leaders Old Paradians survived but there were no NOBS were making a late push for the four and by changes in the composition of the four . Only 2 points defeating second placed Collegians (12 .7 to 2 .9) they separated UHS Old Boys (6 .7) from winners Ivanhoe jumped from ninth to sixth and were now only one (7 .3) . The 'Hoes named Fawcett, Blackwood, Shearer, game outside the four. Weir, Edwards (5) and O'Rourke Dowling, Gay and Walker and UHSOB - Migios . Hume, were terrific for NOBS at The Brens Oval and only Parkes, Lillis, Heaton and Evans . Tregear, Hibbins and Twigg could hold their heads high In F Section the coaches were : A Harris (Old Ivanhoe), for Collegians . Wet and slippery conditions can B Gleeson (St Pats Ballarat OC), B Tobias (Vic certainly bring the leaders back to the field ! Pharmacy College), K Martin (RAAF Cadets), B Curtain Quite a few 'double centurions' were acknowledged - (Assumption OC), E Mcleod (AMP), N McLean (Monash Greg "Les" Horton for Old Camberwell, Peter Ferguson Whites) and G Papageorge (Cassie), yes Cassie, a team at Fawkner, Kelvin "Lizard" Leiper at Thomastown and comprised mainly of players of Greek origin . Although Jeff Stewart at Fawkner. the Assumption name remains in the present combine with Ivanhoe and Monash now have a Gryphons team, the only remaining club is Old Ivanhoe . A Special hcport appeared covering the exciting game In a controversial incident the Victorian Pharmacy during the week between the Australian Amateurs and College team did, knowingly and with intent, include in a combined A .C .T. at Manuka Oval in Canberra . The their team an unregistered player and a professional former St Kilda and VFL star, Kevin (Cowboy) Neale runner under another name. On recommendation of was the difference in the final term and, after having the Exec and the endorsement of the Club Delegates, been well held early, kicked three goals after three VPC were expelled immediately . quarter time, final score ACT 16 .21 to Australian Amateurs 16 .15 . Victorian Ian Cordner won the Australian selectors trophy. Old Scotch's plans for a 'Gala Day' at the College were Old Brighton, second in C Grade, had to really work well organised . Afternoon tea to be available, three hard against St Kilda CBC (fifth), Fortunately for the games arranged, seniors and reserves against Caulfield 'seasiders' John Priestley was in top form and his 10 Grammarians and juniors against Ormond . At half goals ensued that St Kilda CBC could not quite make time there would be a demonstration throw from up the leeway . Grant, Leskey, Templeton, McClure and Victorian javelin champion, Bob Grant ! Wilson all helped the spearhead secure the 4 points It was all good news at Melbourne High ; won three out while Collins (8) . Carroll, Dynon . Coates, Kellaway and of the last four games and the 'double' to Jack Hooper, Delaney were great triers for CBC. 100 games AND a daughter! Congratulations also to A Section coaches were - Bernie Sheehy (De La Salle), Paul Anthony, Jock Nelson, Neil David, David Hatton Max Condie (Ivanhoe), Shane Maguire (NOBS), Peter and Geoff TVatson, all MHS Juniors who had been McLean (Old Melburnians), Brendan Danaher (Old selected in the combined High Schools' team to play Parade), Laurie Aghan (Old Scotch), Wa}me Walsh the combincd APS team . (Ormond), Mick Mahoney (St Bernards), Ted Farrel l (Uni Blacks) and Alan Salter (Uni Blues) . The Old Melburnians held on to their fourth spot in A Section with a win over Elsternwick and avenged Four leading teams were beaten, Fawkner, North their loss earlier in the season . McCulloch, Larritt, Brunswick, Ormond Reserves and Marcellin Reserves Guthrie and Mogg were if grand form . For and all but Marcellin lost top place . It was Marcellin Elsternwick, who were trying players out in new Reserves first defeat and only one team in the positions, Neil Olsen's vigour at CHF was greatly competition were unbeaten - Parkside Juniors . appreciated and it was felt that he would hold down Two sad losses in amateur football . Collegians recorded the key position for some time to come . West the passing of Cliff Farley . Cliff had played a vital role Brunswick (first) were disappointed with the form in over the past decade as Secretary, Press B Section over the past two weeks, not the least being Correspondent and Timekeeper. Cliff would always be their defeat in this round by Brightonvale (third) . remembered on a personal level for his unreserved They were looking to celebrate the following week friendship . At North Old Boys, members were shocked against Teachers' College and help make their to hear of the passing of former coach Vin Williams . "Novelty Night" a bumper success . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
A good football club provides many grea t things, not the least is the camaraderie tha t is forged . That is why all at Rupertswood Football Club were excited to see David McDonald make his return to the playing ranks . Welcome back Dmac! Secondly, most important that the diehards at clubs not heading for finals action stay tight during the last month of footy . In other words, stick around on a Thursday night and Saturday, buy the raffle tickets etc ! Review No surprises this week as the Big Three continued on their merry way . Uni High also managed to stay in the four although they struggled to hold of a persistent Werribee and finally, The Heartbreak Kids, Mount Lilydale lost another heartbreaker, this time to South Melbourne . St Johns continued on their merry way although the game was a bit closer than expected as they defeated Synd al . Mara was the star whilst a couple of veterans in Rydquist and Emery also starred . Rupertswood returned to the winner's list as they defeated Hawthorn. Potter, Collins and Brennan were the stars as the ladder leaders began their lead up to the finals . The Hawks were best served by Davies, whose magical left foot had the fans in raptures . tiaai High stayed sitting pretty in the four although not without a struggle against Werribee . An even first half, the Uni boys got the machine rolling in the third term as they closed down the match . Dimond on a wing, Farrelly up forward and Smith in the middle were the stars . Werribee form has been OK in recent times with the Murphy boys, Keogh and Tedesco the best . Oakleigh beat Power House with that man
Bromley again starring (unbackable for the medal!) . Holden was also good for Oakleigh whilst Power House were happy with the performance of West and Cooper. Finally, South Melbourne kept their final's chances alive as they just got over the line against Mt Lilydale . The D'Andrea boys were the stars for South whilst the Mounts were again well served by Hayes, Kellett, Gibson and Cunningham in the ruck. Preview Exactly the same comment as last week "Strange round where the top 5 play the bottom 5 . Look for an upset somewhere?" The game that probably holds the most interest in regards finals is the Werribee an d South Melbourne clash . The Bee's form has held up nicely in recent weeks whilst South has managed to win in recent weeks but without much conviction . I think this is where the upset might come from this week, Werribee for me .
CLUO D3 SECTION UHS-VU Oakleigh Rupertswood Oakleigh UHS-VU D3 RESERVE South Melb Dist UHS-VU Rupertswood Oakleigh
i11A1I9E Tate Mackenzie Whithead Kitts A Farrelly
LST'.' .' :', TOTAL 3 4 1 3 3
51 48 45 42 42
Henderson Ea 1 40 Forbes 0 39 Phillips 0 29 Videky 1 29
power House host St Johns in another game that is a clash of traditional rivals . The House has teetered in the edge of being both a final side as well as a relegation contender this year and I have found them probably the hardest team to pick all year. Not much to play for the home side whilst the Jocs are renowned for being good travellers . Jocs by a few. League leaders Rupertswood play Syndal as they begin the fine tuning process . Good return to form for them last week whilst Syndal, as usual, were competitive . Very hard to see an upset in this one as the Sunbury stars continue to trend set . Hawthorn welcome Uni High in a game that is as close to a local derby as you will get in this far flung grade (apologies to the Lakeside sides!) . The Hawks are looking for the next generation of stars to come through and with the likes of Saulle and Davies stamping out their own careers, the Hawks will no doubt rebuild. Uni High certainly hasn't suffered a premiership hangover, and a win here will go a long way to cementing a finals spot . Too much to play for, Uni for me . Finally, Mt Lilydale host Ž eigla . The Krushers are in the midst of a great run whilst Lilydale are in the middle of a run of small losses . Can't see them breaking through this week but no doubt it will be close . Oakleigh for mine. Correspondents You can email me on ed .au or ring me on 0418348723 . Mt . Lilydale OC - ei = s`_ °o ;. ? plays his hundreclcla sL irde, > Sam.a i~ . Kev is an original player from our first team in 199 7 who also went to the College as a youngster and who has played in the team with numerous relatives over the years but has outlasted them all! Congratulations to a great clubman.
TODAY'S MATCHES R15, D3 SECTIO N Mt Lilydale v Oakleigh Power House v St Johns 0 C Rupertswood v Syndal Tally-Ho Werribee Amateurs v Sth Melbourne District s Hawthorn Amateurs v UHS-VU
STI3 n ~LB DISTRICTS 3 .3 6.5 7 .6 12 .7 (79) MT LILYDALE 3.0 5 .3 8.6 11 .8 (74) Sth Melb Dist: W D'Andrea 4 Cheevers 3 Zantuck 2 McDonald Stefanidakis Margiannis . Best: Margiannis Niemi P D'Andrea W D'Andrea M Hannan B Bulpit . Mt Lilydale: Flanagan 3 Carns 2 Hayes 2 Cunnigham Bird Kellett Pearce . Best: Gibson Hayes Kellett Flanagan Carstens Cunningham. Umpires : Paul Hoffman Shaun Rothe (F) Ben Bracken Sam Gent (B) Paul Whitehead James Patrick (G ) OAKI.EIGII 4 .6 9.18 11 .23 16.28 (124) POWER HOUSE 4.6 6 .7 8.10 8 .13 (61) Oakleigh: Bromley 3 A Kitts 3 Videky 3 Mackenzie 2 Wills 2 Britt D'Astoli Nevezie . Best : Bromley P Holden Bell Zula Wills Britt . Powerhouse : Benson 2 D Cooper 2 Richardson 2 Brownjohn M Taylor. Best : West D Cooper M Taylor Boland Mick Verbene Haseler.
Umpires : Rob Mayston (Rot) Stephen Douglas (F) Jake Mahar Alistair Chatto (G ) ST JOHNS 0 C 3 .0 5 .3 6.3 11 .7 (73) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2 .5 3.5 5 .6 7 .7 (49) Match details not received . Umpires: David D'Altera Tom Windlow (F) UIIS-VU 4 .7 4 .9 13.13 16 .14 (110) WERRIBEE AMATEURS 1 .2 4.5 4 .9 10.11 (71) UHS-VU: B Farrelly 5 Tate 4 Lappish 2 Rose 2 C Thomas Mottram Gorringe. Best : Rose Diamond J O'niel Lapish Smith . Werribee Amateurs : D Czajkowski 3 B Cunning A Tedesco M Walsh L Carson A Murphy S Fuller K Murphy . Best : A Borg M Keogh A Tedesco L Carson A Murphy K Murphy.
Umpires: Mick Gilday (F) Craig Arnol (G) HAWTHORN AMATEURS2 .1 3 .3 4 .4 9 .8 (62) RUPERTSWOOD 3.4 9 .7 15.18 20 .19 (139) Match details not received.
Umpires: Michael Forde (F) D3 RESERVE
STH LB DISTRICTS 1.1 3 .4 5 .6 6.9 (45) MT LILYDALE 2 .1 3 .3 3.4 4 .4 (28) Sth hRelb Dist: Earl Henderson 3 Downing Phillips Argyriou . Best : Atherton Cox Downing Mijatovic Milne Stefanidakis . Mt Lilydale: Kerman Gordon Saker Roche . Best: Belahunt Saker King Marotti Fernando Jelenc. O EIGII 4.2 10 .4 12 .7 18.8 (116) 1 .2 2 .4 2.5 2 .5 (17) POWER HOUSE Oakleigh : Couttie 5 Ciavarella 4 Mitchell 3 Perdikomatis 2 Murray Short Glossop Orchard . Best: Keating King Redford Mitchell Couttie Kokkinos . Powerhouse : Driessen Macleod . Best: Rob Marshall Weber Driessen Fraser Macleod Contreras .
ST JOHNS 0 C 6.3 8 .5 15 .10 20 .12 (132) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 0 .2 1 .2 1 .2 1 .2(8) Match details not received . UHS-VU 7.0 8.3 11 . 8 16.10 (106) wE EE ?AtATEURS 1 .2 1 .3 2.5 3.8 (26) UHS-VU : Forbes 7 Cull 2 Hircoe J Thomas Ternes Schulze Clevland Deluise . Best: L Maguire Ternes Schulz Mcgrath J Thomas Forbes Hircoe . Werribee Amateurs : R Be ll 2 D Fraser. Best: R Bell C Smith C Alabakis M Czajkowski A Carson R Baker. HAWTHORN AMATEURS2.2 2 .2 3 .4 4.6 (30) RUPERTSWOOD 1 .4 10.11 11 .19 17.22 (124) Match details not received .
D3~ : U Coach : Peter Tyson Res: Patrick Ryan 1. 2. 3a 3b 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 1 2. 1 3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 .
C. Rice G . Broadley A. Knott N. Patterson N. Martin S. Avery P. Ave ry C. Alexander J . Cargill R. Cgge (vc) P. Orchard A. Vance A. Tsoumbris J. Murphy D. Lauletta © M . Tyson C. Reed B. Ruzicka P. Phillips D. Garlick S. Parker J. McKenzi e A. Collins L . Collins J. Jackomos T. Ryan S. James R . Lord D . Mackenzie P. Barker I . Marchovski J. Best M. Houenau
33a C . Rice
33b P. Stroud 34 . R . Johnston 35 . S . Davies 36 . M. Sheridan 37 . A . Jarv is 39a A . Brick 39b M Hicks D . McGlenchy 43a I. Chepa 44a P. Source 44 . B . Alider 46 . T. O'Hanlon 54 . M. Cuarana 62 . J . Dawson 66. M. Hourenau 75. M. Daou 77. K . Rimmer 80. N . Exton
e. ®
- 1
Senior Coach: David Kesel Asst Snr C< h : Paul Commc-dard Res Coach : Gary Hickey 1 . D . Johnson 2. P. Hayes 3. M. Brebner 4.. F. Varga
5. G . Bir d 6. M. Jolene 7. C . Varga B. K. Maniscalchi 9. A. Del Biondo 1 0 . D . Baker tt C . Gibson 12 . D . Van Duuren 13 . M. Leonard 14 . M. Smithies 15 . T. Van Duuren 16 . D . Morrison 18 . R . McKenzie 19 . A . Delahunt 20 . K . Fernando 21, M. Cunningham 22 . D . Cams 23 . S . Leggett 24 . L. Menett 25 . L. Syphers 26 . T. Flanagan 27 . N . Pear_ 28 . D . Hickey 29 . B . Baillie 30 . S . Taylor 31 . T. Hereford 32 . P. Carolan ( C) 31 C. Anderson 34. L. Kellett 35. D. Callahan 36. M . Alderman 37. C. Carstens
38. S . Roche 39. J . Roberts 40. M . Rhodes 41 . M . Mailer 42. M . Fetters 43. D. Holloway
44. J . Paull 45. J . Baker 46. D. they 47. M . Cullar. e 4& M . McKeown 49. P. Brown 53. D.Marotti 54. D. Watt
. . ...
"----I vur:a~. __a :rftarec
,.~, ..,. .~.. o
Coach : Chns Moore Ass: David Purnell Res: Pat McKenn a Asst: Shane Kitts 1 Murray 3 Mackenzie 4 Harry Kokkinos 6 Cash 7 Sho rt 8 Earl 9 Hogan 10 Mitchell 11 Treacy 12 Furnell 13 Britt 14 Malcom 15 Redford 16 Bell 17 D' Astoli 18 Connellan 19 Keating 20 Tolley 21 Perdikomatis 22 Ear 23 Kerley 24 Kitts 25 Marshall 26 Kids 27 Zula 28 Khodr 29 Holden 30 Holden 31 Bromley 32 Hunt 33 Bando 34 Lucas 35 Nuske 36 Ryan 37 Phillips 38 Cammiss Rose 40 Hartman 41 Way 42 Dalton 43 Hinton 44 Wills 45 Nevezie 46 Nguyen 47 Stevenson 48 Reynolds 49 Collins 50 Lamb 51 Kennedy 52 Cooke 53 Laurey 54 Edwards 56 King 57 Nagel 58 Glossop 59 Orchard 60 `hri lls 61 Ciavarella 63 Couitie 64 Vdeky 65 Hulka h
A D G C M M S C R G D D P G M L J(Res C) R J A (RDVC) S J (RVC) S C A D(VCap) A K P (D . VC) T (Cap) T S
Coach : Bre tt Devli n Res C< ;h: Gary Dean M Taykor R Humphreys D Bolan d J Marsha l B Turner Sen VC P Basic
1 2
M Verbema
C Richardso n M Hill L Fraser D Cooper B Phillips A Brown)ohn J Harris W Elliot P Haseler Ban Cap t
1 . Plummer 2. Price 3. Reid
4 5
4. McGovern
5. Mgrath
6. Gallus
7, Whitehead 8. Elliot 9. Spinner 10 . Prendergast 11 . Moule 12 . Hewat 13 . Sinne tt 14 Plummer 15 . Webb 16 . Clarke 17 . He' by 1 8 , Pettman 19 . Collins 20 . Flinn 22 . Stevens 23 . West 25 . Keenan 26 . Zarb 27 . Jaeger 28 . McDonald 30 . Shaw 31 . Flinn
2 3
C McLeod F Doyle L Button J Evan s J Nicholls
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20
D Miller
Ron Anderson
Coach : Tony West Res. Coach: Sham McLauch
R Walsh A Naylor J Taylor M Driessen
22 23 24 25 26 R Davies P Cooper 28 M Beasley 29 T McFarlane 30 R Marshall Res Capt 31 M Verberne San VC A Ristovski
32 33
S Fordham S Hatchard J Kilpatrick C West Donlan S
34 35 35 36 37
R Benson
W Benton R Marshall
39 40
R Black Res VC
P Arnold J Howes D Glanville A Contreras V Brown T Marshall D Crane N Sharp C Pratt A Volz C Matheson S Warne D Reidy E Buckley
42 43 44 45 46
C Plazzer
R Nilsson B Dalfimare M Weber
57 60 63
T Friend N Bishop Son VC
87 88
47 48 49 so 52 53 54 55
_ ..__ .. .. ..__ .._.__ .__ ---~
~ - .. ._ .
32 . Sinnett
33 . Chrys8uk 35 . Carlo 36. Hen ry 38. Johnson 39. Walsh 40. Brennan 41 . Davis 42. McKenzie 43. Phillips 44 . Broughton 45. Hum 46. McCrann 47. vutaris Soutans 48. Bradbury 49. Ang 50. Souiaris 51 . Assouad 52. Jordan 53. Certo 54. Clarke 55. Walsh 56. Harry 57. Gaunt 58. Carmody 60. Ramsay 61 . Powell 63. McPherson 64, McLachlan 66. Robe rts 68. Wallace 69. Maezzatesta 70. Temming
C C P B D L M M R T . D . J . A H ,.. B D '. M A '.. A M .' A G W S J D B S G D M L
• .. .
The Village Belle H Ote l 202 Barkly St, St Kild a 03 95342200
n $s a7 • t8$A88 .
Ca orendan Moloney Res i;c :h : Darren Duscher 1 . K . Arnold t, J. Washington DVC 2. M, Peaks 2. Ma Hannan Captain ' 3. D . O Connor 3. M . Balshaw 4. S. Holmes 4. S . Stepnell 5. B. Hilton 5. S . King 6 . M . Phaedonos 6 . L. Kealy 7 . N. Chalk 7 . A . Hannan 8, M . Harnett 8 . X . Kidd 9 . A . Jones 9 . S. Aqualina . Courmadias 10. M 10 . D . McCormick it . J . Kelly 11- P. Daly 12. P. Walker 12 . A. Argyriou 13. C . Horbury VC 13 . E. Henderson 14. P. Sharp 14. D. Bell 14R . M. Hanger 15. B. lazzaro 15 . M . Kasmala 16. J. Neimi 16 . A. Paterson 17. P. D'Andrea 17 . S. Cockayne VC- Res 18. G. Cox 18 . C. Emery 19. A. Reid 79 . J . Colton 20 . W. Brown 20. B . Rydquist 21 . B . Johnson 21 . S . Koppens C 22, T. Milne 22. S. Roberts 23 . B. Downing 23. J . Diaz DVC 24 . B. Joske 24. L. Mara 25. S. Atherton 25. B. Waters 26. R . Mitchell 26 . H . Wathen 27. P. Cheevers 27 . R. Doti•r,ett 28. T. Paterakis 28, A. Dexter 29. J . Adgemis 29 . T- Ellis 30. T. Zantuck 30, R. Walker 31, S . Hermman 31, D . Rydquist 32 . D. McGee 32. A . Rudd 33 . M . Doyle 33. A. Foneca 35 . N . Moojen 34. M. Hancock C- Res 37 . J. Clyne 35. J, Sacco 38 . D . Rowe 36. P. Harris 39. A. Briglia 37. D . Christian VC- Res 40, B. Bulpit 38 . D. Savio 41, T. McQualter 39, P. Rudd 42. G . Gaylor 40 . T Hyland 43, W. D'Andrea V .C . 41 . J. Hargraves 44 . D. Geary 42 . D. Sanders 45 . C . Roe 41 M . Van Houton 46 . A . Ray 44, J . Ross 47, J. Royle 45, A . Hall 48 . C . Malone y 46, B. Callery 52. M. Anderson 47. G . Bastone
53. D . Phillips
48 . J . Hargraves 49 . A. Kizilis 50 . J. Brown 51 . C. Santoni 52 . D. Harkin 53 . C. Rattle 54. D. Vanderwert 55. B . Pickering 56. A . Dragwidge 66. J . Scardamaglia
54. A. Gianne6s 55. J . Pahher 61 . M . Margiannis 64 . M . StePanidakis
... ,
Er rl The Rose THF nndoT Fi io onn-ro - co .,., .. .
_ _ .
Coach : Ben McGee Res : Rod Walker
1 . J . Hannemann 2 . I. Bingham (Vice-C) 3 . M. Joy 4- T. Turpin 5. D . Hannett 6. I . MacKenzie (Vice-C) 7. T. Vagiatis 8. R. Bennett 9. D. Richardson 10. T. Raines 11 . J . Rutter (Vice C) 12 . D . Bennett 13 . S. Miller (Res V-C) 14 . S. O'Boyle 15 . D . Reynolds 16 . C . Hayes 17 . A. Herrmann I& M . Bircanin 19. A. Faichney 20. B . Hannemann 20. C. Hall 21 . D. Kennett 22. M . Buckley (Res C) 23 . B . Bayliss 24, B . Bayliss 25 . B . Reeman 26 . A. Morrison 27 . M. Leplaa 28 . S. Crew 29. P. Agnello 30. B, Holland (Res V-C) 31 . A. Richardson 32- L . Hannemann 33. T. Bartholomew 34 . N. Hunter 35 . C. Cachia (Captain) 36, T. Fleming 37 . B . Robinson 38 . M. Christiansen 39 . D . Hallisey 40. B. Thomas 41 . M. Moresi 42. M. James 43. A. Brown 44, W. James-Ind 4 5. R. Stein 52 . S . Anderson 54 . P. Sheer 56 . A . Treasure
Senio: it SnrA- . ~ Res oaon: Tcny P nas
. . .>
Snr Coach: Shane Mattram . Asst : B . Uew -rgang Res Coach G. Temes Asst Coach : G. Mandalis I M . WRIGHT 2 R. THORP 3 T. CLEVELAND 4 L. GORRINGE 5 S- MOTTRA41 6 S . CRACKNELL (Cara) 7 D . ZULICKI 8 S. HAMS 9 S. DEVLIN 10 B. FARRELLY 11 D . FORBES 12 W. SMITH 13 N. ROSE 14 M, BUTERA 15 J. JACK S 16 J. TATE 17 C. LANGENDORF 18 A HELLNER 19 J . UEBERGANG 20 G. MADRIGRAMO 21 J . HALL 22 G . MANDALIS 23 G . TERNES 24 N . CARROLL 25 D. CREEK 26 P. THOMAS 27 A. CUSICK 28 B . P<;cINNES 29 K.4VEBER 30 J . PARTRIDGE 31 P. DOLENCE 32 S. DIMOND 33 J . SCHULZ 34 J. Q'NEILL 35 A. BUTERA 36 A. PENDL EBURY 37 G . CAiTERALL 38 R. LAPISH 39 M . REA 40 L. MAGUIRE 41 A. LUDLOW 42 D. WALLACE 43 M, 0'NEILL 44 M. FARRELLY 45 N . Stilm 46 D . P.9cGRA?H 47 V. TURVEY 48 S.VERNON 49 S. S?~1IT5 50 J. CORBETT 53 J. THOMAS 56 S. JACKSON 57 C. THOMAS 58 J. BOWES 59 J. ~MAGUIRE A 60 G. COSTA 61 T. STATHOPOULOS 62 M. KENNEDY 64 B . WALPOL E 65 D . HARRI S 66 P. CLARKE 67 M. DeLUISE 68 L. HQLME S 69 A DOWDEL L 71 M . MORA 72 A. VAN PE E 75 S . MILLS 76 V. CAVALIER I 78 B . CARRUTHER S 88 D. FISHER 99 M.HIGGIN S
Coach : Tim Ell a Res. Ca 1 : Paul Smith 1D. Nedinis 2 . K.Murphy 3 . D. Flack (R C) 4. S . Kidd 5. B . Cunningham 6. M . Wals h 7- T. Dea n 8. R . Stonehouse 9. J . Ayling 10. M. Keogh (C) 11 . M. Green (V1C) 12 . T Elli s 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . J. Marinis 15 . A. Murph y 16 . N. Gauchi 17. A. Tedessco 18. D. Velish a 9. J . Addam o 20. E . Mahoney 21 . T. Davidso n 22. A. Di6atist a 23 . C . Becker 24 . L . Carson 25 . B. McMilla n 26 . R. Bel l 27 . A. Borgg 28 . D. Czajovrski (D .V/C) 29- S . Dole 30. D. Sette 31 . B . Waters 32. D . Harwoo d 33. R . Baker 34 . J . Hoffman 35 . B. Bunwort h 36 . S. Bianco 37 . C. Howar d 38 . T. Towers (RV%C) 39 . L. Langfield 40 . S . Fulle r 41 . G . Grogan (R C) 42. P. Thomas 43- D . Buchanan 44. T. Johnso n 45. C . Alabakis 46. A. Carson 47 . A. Camiller i 48 . J. Tumskos 49- G . Fulle r
50, K. Pac e 51- B . Fenton 52 . P. Dawe 53. R. Marston 54. C. Smith 55. B . Brown 56. D . Frazer 60 . M. Czajowski
- ss
5 Luke Duthie
5 Wayne Hinto n
5 Max Wittman
6 Brendan Devlin
7 Paul Croxford (RDFL)
6 Dash Peiris
7 Adam Conquest
7 Sean Scully Pnr)
8 Trevor Hanse n
7 Alan Ladd
8 Landan Blackball (RDFL)
8 Bruno Savi
10 Damian Anderson
9 Santo Caruso
9 Matthew Brennan
10 Sean Scully (Snr)
11 Tom Haysom
11 Paul Tuppen
10 Avi Wekselman
11 Dirk Kramer
12 Jamie Kvins
12 Sean Rothe
11 Luke Holme s
12 Mark Morrison
14 Michael Gflday
14 Tim Tingiri (RDFL)
12 Daniel Mousley (RDFL)
14 Ash Hoogendyk
15 Phillip Callil
15 Michael Sneddon
14 Sharon Alger
17 Geoff Caulfield
16 Scott Fraser
f 16 Luke Moncrief
15 Geoff Curran
18 Peter Simpson
17 Brett Herskope
17 Michael Robins
16 Jack Fagan
19 Andrew Fyfe
18 Tim Sutcliffe
18 Grant Joyner
17 Mark Gibson
20 Brian Woodhead
20 David D' Altera
19 Peter Pulle n
18 Jason McNiece
21 Gaj Skandakumar
21 Nick Ryd e
20 Geoff Kelly
19 Steve McCarthy
23 Peter Griffith s
22 Justin McKeegan
21 David Iron s
20 Russell Nation
25 Lionel Kat z
23 Anthony Calderone
22 David Longworth
21 Patrick Maebus
26 Daniel Dinneen
24 Miles Argal l
23 Robert Sneddon
23 Paul Dinnee n
27 Anthony Simpson
25 Richard Eastwood
24 Nick Brown
24 Graeme Hunichen
28 Ken McNiece
26 Sachs. Koffman
25 Logan Smit h
25 Geoff Moore
29 Peter James
27 Ron Johnso n
26 Patrick Coulthard
26 Andrew Shiels
30 Jack Lloy d
28 Leah Gallagher
27 PaulJone s
29 Allan Stubbs
31 Robert Semmens (RDFL)
29 Gerard Rolfs
28 Ron Martyn
30 Justin Lipson
32 Anthony Dame n
30 Simon Oliv e
29 Peter Liddell
31 Andrew Lougheed
33 Michael Forde
31 Rob Schuller (RDFL)
30 Anthony Lilley
32 Eli Haye s
34 Stephen Morgan
32 Joseph Bolzonello
31 Peter Angeli s
33 Robert Mayston
36 Jason Waszaj
33 Simon Stokes
33 Roland Fuhrmann
37 Gavin Roberts
34 Jeremy Heffernan
35 Dianne Whiteley
35 Jason Lan e
35 Graham Thwaites
36 Jamie Gunn
36 Matthew Meier
36 David Phillip s
37 Joseph Hartwig
37 Matt Goold
37 David Murray
38 Daniel Dummett
38 Ben Ryde
5 Albie Firley 6 Paul Hoffman
34 Graeme Morgan
. THEAI~~- .__
. ~
.. '
:R 20G4
by Leah Gallagher & Steve McCarthy Sponsors Just to thank some of our sponsors, Personal Mortgage Managers, Personal Mortgag e Managers and Anthony Damen of Personal Mortgage Managers . Need assistance with a mortgage? A.D . (the Prez) is the man to see . Seriously, the VAFAUA appreciates the support Anthony has given us over the last few years . New sponsor to the umpires is the Lobster Cave Restaurant in Beaumaris who have kindly donated gift vouchers to the social committee to use as prizes . For their generosity we would like to thank Norrie Carlyle and we are hoping to build further relations in 2005 . Promotions Going up to B grade last week for the first time was field umpire and former Old Westbourne legend (???) Jeremy Heffernan . Running with Jeremy was Macca who we hope enforced the "Your Shout" rule for first gamers . (Unfortunately Jeremy had to leave straight after the game to be at a wedding . He mentioned something about double-decker cheesecake . . . . . .you with me Stokesy? Macca . ) Cocktail/Band nigh t A great night had by all as Thwaitesy's band had the joint jumping till after midnight with some great rock n roll . Just can't dance to the drum solo at the end of each song . Thanks Thwaitesy . Behind the bar Victoria Morrison blended the cocktails beautifully and the shots of cowboys were seen to be the staying drink till the end of the night, we thank her for her time and effort . Food was prepared by the usual cook in Susan, whom had prepared plenty to mix with the alcohol consumed, thanks Susan for your time and effort . Highlights as always ; Santo Caruso with the jacket to match Simon Stokes's leopard-skin pants .
Shorts Sean Collins while preparing for hi s game remarked how cold he was, I suppose the fact that he was at Donvale in the hills had something to do with it, or was it the shorts he was wearing in 10 degree weather that made it so . Luke Holmes had the misfortune of leaving his shorts at home ; thankfully Craig Brajtberg had a spare pair . Out of all the pants you wanted to get into Luke, I don't think Berger's are the ones . Simon Stokes (third and last mention this week), freshly back from overseas, trained hard for two nights to run a one-umpire game (should have had the extra week in Nice) . Unfortunately he forgot his jocks and decided to run the game out commando style . Just lucky Simon didn't drop the ball or did he?? Goalies training Our goal umpires adviser Shane Herbert took ten of our up and coming goal umpires out to the VFL goal umpires training at McHale Stadium last week . Daniel Brookes, Chris Doyle, Andrew Esposito, Paul Gatt, Daniel Kofoed, Michael O'Donnell, Steven Piperno, Matthew Simpson, Travis Storti and Jack Watty were put through their paces on the track for about 90 minutes just to see what's required to make it at the top level . They were flogged, but all enjoyed the experience . They were joined by former VAFA umpires in Andrew Barnes and Michael Richardson, both who are umpiring VFL football at the moment . Keep your eyes on those ten to see who may get "drafted" next year ! Counting This weeks umpires corner is brought to you by Dominic Napoli and the number 9 or is it 8? Social Pre-finals dinner 23rd August at the Victoria Club . Life memberships and a few other important awards will be presented on the night . Be there! !
BD F1111BeBersdorf Just when you think the season is becoming a predictable run to the finals, up jump a few upsets to set the cat amongst the pigeons. Review The first of the upsets was by Richmond over Albert Park, which has almost certainly assured Box Hill North the wooden spoon for 2004 . No match reports from the Snakes (probably too busy celebrating), but word from the game was that the Falcons played like they were on an episode of Survivor in that they were outwitted, outlasted and outplayed . In their defence, the Falcons did suffer a serious facial injury to one of their playmakers in Venables who was stretchered off which did rattle the boys for the rest of the game . Upset number two saw Eltham score their best win for a number of seasons accounting for the dilapidated Elsternwick at Sportscover Arena . I hinted last week that the Wickers may be a little vulnerable, and the Turtles seized on their opportunity with Mason, Galvin . Jorgensen and Foo giving their side plenty of drive. The Wickers on the other hand lacked passion, leadership and skill and while Cummins, Bravo and Missaglia tried hard, their side has all but thrown away their slim double chance prospects and could be facing finals oblivion if they do not reverse their form slump pronto . It was almost upset number three at the Bullpen as Bu lleen led D4 leaders Old Westbourne by 5 goals going into the final quarter and were full of run thanks to some brilliant work from D'Angelo, Orwin and Conn . However, the Warriors showed why they are the "real deal" and with Lever, Balloch and Christo unstoppable, the Warriors piled on 7 .6 to zip for the final quarter to register a memorable victory and book themselves a place in the 2nd Semi . Kew did not have it all their own way against a determined Box Hill North even after kicking away to a five goal lead in the first quarter as BHN stayed with the premiership favorites for the remainder of the match . With Keillor, Oldfield and Manno all solid contributors for North, the club can take heart, however, they were never going to be able to match the great play of Allen, Gridley and Rakusz who continued to drive the ball forward for the three pronged attack of Lamanna, Woodhouse and Mainsbridge . The win assures Kew a place in the 2nd semi against Old Westbourne come finals time. Finally it was business as usual as the Saints continued their charge to the finals with a resounding 81-point win against the hapless North Brunswick . North did keep up with St .Marys in the first quarter but were blown away in the second as the Saints piled on 10 goals and put the match beyond doubt . While Ferns was a standout for North, his teammates could not stem the flow, and the Saints built on their allimportant percentage for the remainder of the day .
St : ICS:=
The Saints will be hoping to boost their percentage as they t IihosteFalcn the Postage Stam p today. Albert Park is having a season they would rather forget and may need to get to the ground a little earlier in an effort to counter their terrible starts in recent weeks . While I believe the smaller ground will suit the Falcons, I know that the voluminous support from the hill will be enough to inspire the Saints to another big win, this time by 55 points . Richmond v Bulleen Cobras It is the battle of the serpents as the resurgent Snakes host the resilient Cobras with the season on the line for the latter reptile . Since jumping on the Cobra bandwagon a few weeks back, the lads have not been able to register a win, with many supporters now believing that I have given the club the kiss of death and are pleading for me to jump off again . While I expect Richmond to be competitive, especially at home, from what I saw last week the Cobras have what it takes to play finals football this season . As such, and with apologies to the lovely Bee from Bulleen for not jumping off the wagon just yet, I am sticking with the Cobras to keep in touch with the top four after a 23 point win . Kew v Old Westbourne The match of the season sees the D4 premiership favourites host the young up and comers in a match that counts for nothing more than bragging rights, oh and perhaps top place while we are at it . The Browns have been travelling along nicely, however, they will still have the Round 6 defeat at Artic Park still stingin g
CLOD D4 SECTION Old 1Vestbourne Albert Park North Brunswick Elsterm=rick St Marys Kew D4 RESERVE Albert Park North Brunswick St ,',' arys Elsrem+, rick
LST 1':;'
Horsburgh J 3 71 Allan S 2 51 Newton 2 46 Hunter 4 45 Ryan 3 44 Lamana 4 43 Pastras 1 36 Papanikolou 4 30 Bernadi 0 29 Goldman 0 24
their minds and will be keen to square the ledger today. Meanwhile the warriors have taken everything in their path and I think that their fitness will again shine through today . In a tight struggle, I am sticking with Westbourne to win by 5 points . l;ltham v North Brunswic k The Turtles are back, and after such a great win last week all at the club will be looking for two in a row at the expense of an inconsistent North Brunswick . While North continue to play two or three good quarters a week, this has not been enough to defeat a top four side but could suffice against Eltham should things go their way early. However, last week showed that the Turtles have the resilience to mix it with the big boys, and at home I think they will have too much resolve as they win by 11 points . Box Hill N orth v Elsternwick
1'70^ i ?i BRtR:S`CE 5.4 6.6 10.11 14.11 (95) ST P"- :J 5 .3 15.7 20 .11 26 .20 (176) Nth Bruns : Newton 5 B Carter 3 Twaddle 3 Rhook J Boudoloh Santecroce. Best: Robertson Stelfox J Boudoloh Twaddle Ferrante Ferns. St Marys : Ryan 7 Dwyer 4 Cope 3 Lane 2 Crilly 2 Purcell 2 Waller Harrison Theoharris Armstrong Latimer Groetzer. Best : Lane Schembri Groetzer Ryan Cope . Umpires : Andrew Shlels Miles Argall (F) ALBERT PARK 3.2 5.7 6 .7 11 .11 (77) RICHMOND CE14TR AI. 5.3 8.5 14.7 15 .10 (100) Albert Park: S :Vlan 4 Chambers 2 Collins Hartnett S Bennett R Baker Simcocks . Best: Chambers Dudi R Baker R Williams Toth . Richmond Central: T Duke 5 N Crowe 3 N Nuske 2 W Old 2 Quick But Darling . Best: Darling N Nuske'f7otter Liuzzi Old Spearman. Umpires: Richard Eastwood (Rot) (F) Joei W3gna11 Ryan Place (B) James Riddle Jourdan A couple of weeks ago, this match would have been Smith (G) considered a big mismatch, however today's match 2 .3 2 .5 6.5 6 .5(41) BULLEEN COBRAS presents one of Elstermvick's greatest tests of the OLD WEESTBOURNE 0 .3 1.4 1 .6 8 .11 (59) season. Many in D4 are hinting that the Wickers are Bul Cob : :U'coraci 5 Ryan . Best : Si D'Angelo Conn Cookson Daniels on the way out, and could possibly miss the finals Areoraci Omrin . Old West: M Chrlsto 2 Trav . Edwards 2 Lever Wilson J altogether, and today will prove whether these pundits Horsburgh Pavez. Best: Fairfield Mokrusch Bean K Miller Gerace . are correct. BHN have shown they do have what it Umpir : Miles Argall Pat Maabus in Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoulds IN) takes to cause an upset, and at home they are a real --S-' . . [CE 2 .2 4 .6 4.8 5.12 (42) chance. I am still not totally off Elsternwiek just yet 2 .7 4 .8 9 .10 10 .14 (74) EL' . : . . though, and will pick them to remain in finals E__. )hens B Mahony Hunter S Grace C Mahony Best: Cummins B contention v.i*h a-20 noint ^^c . Mahony " .ssaglia Yemm Bravington C Mahony. Eltham: Krohn 3 Panetta 2 Mason Gilbert J Fox, Hall Galvin . Best : Mason Jorgensten Aib=..-i. : .. ., ;-w. . celebrates his _n2tch today . All at the Falcons congratulate him on Torrey Galvin Hall R For . Umpires: Santo Caruso Peter Griffiths (F) Will Stokes Jordan Mayston (B) Kyle Markey Trevor Foy (G ) his efforts . Old Westbotirne - Phillip "Monkey" Mesman BOX HILL NORTH 2.1 4.8 7.11 10.17 (77) 13.8 15 .12 (102) registers game number 200 for his beloved warriors KEW 7 .4 9 .4 todav. Mezzer is a stalwart of the club and while Box Hill North: Gaynor 3 Keifer 3 Olson Bolter Cook Ball. Best: Odra personal commitments have made it more difficult for Manno Steele Riscalla Keillor Doyle. Kew: Lamanna 6 Woodhouse 4 him to participate at senior level this season, his Mainshridge 3 Mckerrow Massi. Best: Griddley Rackuz Mainbddge passion and desire for the club has seen him become Lamanna Woodhouse Tinetti . Umpires : Andrew Fyfe Nicholas Brown one of the key members in the Reserves charge to the (Fj Perrin Brow-n (B) D4 RESERVE finals . Known for his love of bananas and swinging from trees, Mezzer is to be congratulated on his NORTH BRUNSWICK 0.3 4 .4 6 .8 8 .11 (59) fantastic achievement. 8.3 10 .4 11 .5 (71) ST MARYS 4 .3 IPHS-VU - congratulations are extended to Lucas Nth Bruns: H Tsialtas 4 Russo 2 M Taha Kehagias . Best : Freeman Gorringe, one of our Tasmanian Tigers (a better player Parks Guppy Kehaglas Devereaux Belbin . St Marys : P Ryan 5 Bernardi than Sparksy/ Cracknell etc Just ask him!), on playing 2 Latimer 2 Perelberg Ailffnan . Best: Scammell Hill Pilikidis Roseman his 50th game with the club this Saturday . Ultra Maschette. skilled, ultra consistent and a beautiful penetrating ALBERT PARK 3.4 10 .8 12 .11 17.10 (112) kick on the run . "Super" is one of the important cogs RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 .0 3 .0 6.0 7 .1(43) in the midfield and has virtually played every game in Albert Park: Pastras 4 Ryan 4 R Allan 2 Roberton 2 Fairfield 2 Baird the last 3 seasons on the ball . All the best for a great Grace Askew. Best : Bree Fairfield Tuffin Pashas Baird Ryan . game this week from all your mates and supporters at Richmond Central : Barry 3 King 2 Phelan Kappa. Best : McGrath UHS-VU . Tilley Lush Kingsey Milford Schirmer . Kew - congratulate promising reserve's half back COBRAS 3 .4 5 .5 8.7 9.7(61) flanker Pat Dennis, on playing his 50th game today BULLEEN OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .1 2.3 3.4 5.8(38) against Old Westbourne . But Cob: Edger 3 Gemes Clement Richards Lykopandis Fisher J Correspondents Trinchi. Best: Fisher Edgar Mazzarella Richards Moore Lock . Old West: Reports to gavan.flowerl&)spotless .com .au by no later Braham 2 Crossweil Bartolo Wintle . Best : Troy Edwards Tindall than midday on Monday . Mesman Crosswell Braham Hodgson . 1 .3 6.9 8.9 14 .16 (100) ELSTERNWICK ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .3 2.4 3 .8 3.10 (28) ELst : Leaper 2McNally 2 Banky 2 Anderson McAdam Nicol Whelan Paley Pyrrnan Husking Alter . Best: Nicol Soppett Patey Leaper Banky D4 S B'e6r i T 0_ Nolan . Eltham: Lynch Coonerty E Baud . Best : E Baud Lynch blelchoiri St Marys v Albert Park Keleher Howgate. D Evans , BOX HILL NORTH 0.1 1 .3 1 .5 2 .5(17) Richmond Central v Bulleen Cobras KEW 2.6 4.9 5.12 9 .16 (70) Kew v Old Westbourne Box Hi ll North : Thoi Cummings. Best : Thoi Callis S Evans P Woods Eltham Collegians v North Brunswick Cummings Naumovski . Kew: Thackwray 3 Doctrine 2 Burnett 2 Frith Marchesani . Best: Marchesami Thackwray MeNeID Crimmins Burnett Box Hill North v Elsternwick ..', North . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 43
Coach : Dennis Grace Asst : P.Nevill Res : P.McNally Asst : S. Capel
Elgar Park 47 C4 Snr Coach : P. Armstrong Asst: M .Tarulli Res : J. Pratt
1 . P. Smith 2. S. Robinson 2. N . Pastras
1 . Wilson G 2 . Riscalla C 3 . Odza A
2. T. Orwin 3 . S. McLaren Capt 4 . N . Cartledge
1 . J . Bau d 2. D. Lync h 3. E . Savage (VC )
3. R . Baker 3. G . Baker 4 . J . Simcocks
4 . Manno A
5 . M.Man n 6 . G. Fortune 7 . T Mehrez
3 . J. YEMM
4 . D. GRACE 5 . M . WHELA N
5. L. Austin
4 . L. Baird 5 . S. Allan 6 . J . Storey 7 . S. Venables
9 . P. Chambers 10 . M . Phillips 11 . D . Bree 12 . T. Fraser 13. B . Payne 13. M . Dave Y 14. M . Hyams
15. D. BodeY 15. P. Guicas 16. C. Roberton 17. D. McLellan 18. J. Taylor 20. K. Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22. J. Hannett 22. S. Bennett 23. B. Harries 23. H. Walls 24. T. Gree n 25 . J. Wier 26 . S. . Fairfiel d 27 . J. Holloway 28 . R . Alla n 29 . R . Humphrey 30 . W. Johnson 31 . S. McGuire 31 . G. Foster 32 . M . Smith 33 . J . Murray 34 . T. Houston 35. S . Toth
5 . Garrett J 6 . Martini D 7 . Stewart S 8 . Lacey M A 9 . Sallantioglu 10 . Cook T 12 . Dick A 13 . Cumming M 14 . Palmer B 15. Keillor L 15. Cavallo G 16. Drew W 17. Hopes J 18. Butler C 19. Callis C 20. Oldfield K 21 . Woods P 22. Steele A 23. Naumovski J P 24. Doyle 25. Kotsaridis P 26 . Ball R 27 . Wakefield S 28 . Veleski Z 29 . Rogers M 30 . Olson B 31 . Olson D 32 . Oldfield I 33 . Marinovic M
Coach: Joe D'Angelo Res Coach : G Brown
Coach: Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Matthew LutGck
Senior Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee
6. J . Galvin 7 B . Rashi d 8. L. Sharp e 9. C. Watso n 10. B . Marshall
11 . A . DeJong
11 . J . Mizzi (C)
12 . P. Whitehouse 13 . N . Edgar 14 . T. Fradkin 15. J . Trinch i 16. D. Trinchi 17. T. Conn
18. F. Arcoraci
16. 17.
6 . M . THIEL E 7 . J. McADAM -RC8 . S . CURRIE
8 . T. Mozzarella 9 . M . Kyriakou 10 . C. Povrderham
12. L. McDonald 13. M . Luttick 14. K. Nelson (VC) 15 . J. PaisleyY 16 . D. Barnett 17 . L Dal y 18 . S. Justice
19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 .
J. Gilbert M. Raine r M. Hart D . Wright R . Foa K. Drummond
25 . R . Thomas
P 35 . Burley 36 . Gaynor D 37. Penhalluriack L 38. D'Amato G 39. Tambakis J 40. Worrell D 41, Takeshita M 42. Tarulli A
19. B. Thomas 20. J. McQualter 21 . N Lykopandis 22. J. Daniels 23. A. Near 24. R . Gemes 25. W.Olney 26. M.Nathanielsz 27. J. Cartledge 28. A. Foskett 29 . R . Sheehan 30 . B . Cookson 31 . R .Pasinati 32 . S . Wagg 31 A . Cook 34 . M .DAngelo 35 . M .Unwin ~ p Dall'Oglio 37. J . Paatsch 38. G . Brown 39. C. Chan 40. G . Richards 41 . C. Borrelli
35. D. Allan
43. Doyle R
42. V. Dam
41 . J. BANKY
42 . D. Bulle r
36. J . Dudi
44. Garrett C
48, T Whittaker
43 . P. Mann
37. L. Hogan
46. Mortimer P
44. B. Saaksjarvi
44 . Al . Mann
45. N . Khalil 46. J. Lewis
45 . D . Hogan 46 . M. Dere
34 . McCartin M
38. N. Wheeler 39. S . McKerrow
47. Andrews A 49. Ellis T
41 . A. Visapaa
50. Irvine C
42. D. Bennett 44. B. Isard 45. J. Agar 48. M . Dowdle
48. J. Harnath 49. L Ryan 50. S. Mellis 50. B. Tuite 51 . J. Belbin 52. M. Wall 53. M. Williams 55 . D . Quinlan
57 . J. Sutton 57 . T. Hurley 58 . A . Jackson 59 . T. Bennetts 60 . V. Surace 62 . N . Cain 77 . S . Garcia 78 . J . Harnath 79 . J . Guzman
Sponsored by:
Risititj Sun Hotel , RICHM0ND
51 . Cervelli M 52. 54 . 55 . ~
S Darcy Van den Akker L Pratt J Wood A
57 . Wood T 58 . Demarco R 59 . Tarulli M 60 . Benbow N 61 . Weston G 62 . Penesis H 63 . Martin J 64 . Evans C
65. Woolridge D 69. Pearce B 76. Loerand K 78. Leavers A 79. Bennett G 80. Evans S 86. Archer G 88. Edgley M 99. Robinson G 111 . Armstrong P
24. A . FOSTER 25. S . GORDO N 26. C . MAHONY -C27 . M. DANIELS 28 . W. MORGAN 29 . S . MAHONY 30 . M . NICOL J . MELLINGTON 32 . C. LYONS 33 . M . CUNNINGHAM 34 . S . MIKKELSO N 35 . P. McNALLY
36 . Y. ALFI E 37 . D. NOLAN X a~RN~. 39. M . TENNANT 40. A. PATEY 41 . D. BYRNE
48. M. Soumellidis 49. G . Anderton 50. R . Lock 51 . R . Daley 52 . T. Sette
53 . R . Rodrigues 54 . S . Nelson 55 . N . Polites 56 . I. Baccin i 57 . C. Batt 5g , T. Moore 59 . R. Hadisutanto 60 . J . Lowri e
51 . M.McKENNA 52 . E . ALTER 53 . A . LEWIS 54 . C. MORGAN 55 . T. PERKINS 56 . P. FREEMAN
77 . S . Fisher 101 .J. DAngelo
, .- [
, r +~ )^ rt
~- r
°-~Nortan Air Conditioning ""^^-nortan .com .au 1300 305 354
S ponsors: Capital Growth 9696 0777 The Elsternwick Hotel
Australian Unity -
13 29 39 The Elsternwick Club 9523 9221
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33.
J . Glare Res C!C J . Stockdal e T. Barnett D. Howgat e M . Decker B . Keleher C. Baud A. Howgate
34. J . How9ate 35. G . Smit h
36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 .
J . Hickingbotham P. Krohn J. Batwn F. Coonerty E. Baud Au.Mann
47 . N . Ryal l
48 . B. Tume 49. L. Barnesy ~• B . Richardson 51 . R . Morga n
52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.
D . Justice J . Foo S . Todman G. Jenkins R. Love J . Cooper T. Melchiori B. Evans
60. R. Peak
61 . 62. 63. 64
J. Panetta (VC) B. Jorgense n L. Ogilvie T. Goona n
Majo r Sponsors ELTHA M
D4 Section KEW
(AfFilitated with RMIT Uni .) Snr Coach: Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Paul Gregor
Coach: Ange Sam martino Res Coach : Gary Cutler
1 . B. Lafranchi 2 . N . Costley 1 J. Doumis 4, G . Crimmins 5 . A. Carman 6 . N. Tinetti (C) 7. B. Dover 8. D. Mainsbridge 9. A . Kelly 10. B . Cullen 11 . B . Woodhouse (VC) 12. M. Gridley 13 . C . Kyriakou 14 . J. Looker (DVC) 15 . F. Lamanna 16 . D . Wood 17 . C. Watts 18 . N. Dahlstrom 19. K.Allen 20. A. Acflekl 21 . D. Clark 22. T. Aitken 23. J. de Blan k 26. S . Byrnes 27. T. Moore (DVC) 28- M. Dean 29 . M. Dalrymple 30 . C . Giansante 31 . D . Ianni 32 . A. Drago 33 . J. Croni n 34. D. Pocock 35. R. Bruno 37. S. Johnston 38. D. North 39. J. Dennis 40. J. Ferrantino (RC) 41 . L. Coulter 42. S . Parker 43 . A. Bortone 44 . A . Makris (RDVC) 45 . G. Evans 46 . B . Marchesani 47 . L. McNeill 48 . K. Saydali 49 . P. Dennis 50. B. Davies 51 . M. Blair (VC) 52. R. McLaurin 53. S. Osborne 54. J. Renou 55. A. Lawler 56. T. Frith 57. B . Purcell 58 . B . Burnett 59 . J . Rakusz 60 . G. Lawson 61 . M. Glenn (RDVC) 62 . M. Paine 63. N . Gricks (RVC) 64. A. Roberts 65. S. Pietersen 66. R. McKerrow 67. J. Bell 68. S . Ryan 69. M . Solis 70 . T. Fox
Proudly sponsored by : - Harp of Erin Hotel
7 636 High St,
1, Newton 2 . Adams 3 . Lattouf 4 . Dimarco 5 . Cutler 6. Pizzari 7, Stelfox 8. Guppy 9. Sammartino 10. Fawcett 11 . Hamilton 12. Care 13. Ullo 14 . Paleodimos 15 . Tsialtas 16 . Vaina 17 . Kyriazis 18 . Verge Marin 20. Closter 21 . Santacroce 22. Freeman 23. Brrfra 24. Aliani 25. Duson 26. Murphy 27 . Ferrante 28 . Boudoloh 30 . Russo 31 . Hec k 32 . Robertson 33. Rotella 34. Stepien 36. Sorleto 37. Defelice 38. Magnuson 39. Rhook 40. McCallum 41 . Elms 42 . Papanikolou 43 . Sodeto 44- Wallmeyer 45 . Polemicos 46. Giovanoglou 47. Prestigiacomo 48. Wolter 49. Salloum Sp Parks 51 . Kehagias 52. Guest 53 . Trafford 54 . Wake 55 . Salloum 56 . Fayad 57. Mountney 58. Messiake 59. Ackland 60. Parkes
61 . Papa 62. Carter 64 . Palmieri 66. Boudoloh 67 . Carter
D D G P G D G D A W S S M G H M A P L R J J M W J F J D J B J M M M D C g J J P N J N N J F B D D D G R M A T T A C B A A
Coach: Jeffrey Wilson Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch 1 . B .Gerace 2 . R .Wintle 3 . S.De iazza 4. C .Lever 5. S.Hewitt (Res VC) 6. J.Horsburgh 7. A.Christo 8. A.Horsburgh 9. F.Pavez 10 .J. Wilson 11 . M .Christo 12 . M .Baulch 13 . J .Braham 14 . J.Bartolo 15. A.Board 16. S. Christo 17. M.Aquilina 18. G .Walker 19. J.Mason 20. D.Hudson 21 . L.Hudson 22. S .Anderson 23. S .Huntington (VC) 24. L.Fairfield (C) 25. Troy Edwards 26 . P.Mesman 27 . D .Billman 28 . D .Slattery (Res C) 29 . S.Balloch 30 . A.Mokrusch 31 . A.Miller 32. G .Jenkinson 33. D. Benn 34. B .Merryweather 35. G.Robson 36. S .Phillips 37. A .Leitch 38 . D .Nikola 39 . M.Oldham 40 . S.Leitch 41 . K.Miller 42. Tray Edwards 43. A.Runciman 44. Bâ&#x20AC;˘Lennon 45, S.Tindall 46. E.Sandstrom 47. TTheodore 48. J .Richardson 49. R.Van Engelen 50 . P.Habersatt 51 . J .Akarana 52 . T.Best 53 . J.Manolokakis 54. M.Crosswell 55. D .Carruthers 56. D.Abbey 57- D.MOOre 58. R.Mu6mer 59. L.Barnes 60. N.Aquilina 66, B .Gilbert 88 . H .Hodgson
Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg
MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda
Coach : Frank Bove Res Coach : Steven Lake
Coach : Michael Learmont h Res: George Koumantataki s
T Brown B Perelberg G Schembri A Ballantyne A Lane C Weller A Dwyer A ZsembeR' R Orme D Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill 1 3 M Purcell M Aikman PWest B Frail V Ryan AWaller M Gilchrist R Allen F Harrison A Latimer J Timmins S Crilly M Banks P Harrison P Jabour C Ferg LArmstrong G Theoharris B Graetzer S Griffin T Millar M Karis TCummins M Davies L Razga G Koumantatakis M Maschette D Morgan D Drummond M Goold E Cowlishew C Wgg N Luce B Taggell J Deegan J Wright A WarsnoP P Roseman M Bona C Mackenzie M Scammel G Pilikidis J Handy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 62 69
Aust St ee l Indus t rie s
S~.~,~~~~~ie~° of Sports ~~~ -1
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to (ACN 00 025 623 )
7 Maurice Street, iqune'.•-,a •i , .4,,hcne To ae 1 800 032 157
The possibility of playing finals football is now in the air for a number of our clubs and now is the time to start preparing for this most important time for both our clubs and we trainers . We must make sure we have everything we need to help our players get through this most exciting and extra stressful time. Have we got enough of the right tape, oil, medical supplies, water bottles and cordial etc? We are the link between the club and the football department where the well-being of the club's players is concerned and if we don't have the right equipment then we are letting the players and ourselves down . If you feel that you do not have the right equipment to help your players to get through this campaign then speak to your club secretary and let them know what you need to help your club be successful in this final series. We as trainers are also under the spotlight more ourselves with the umpires and VAFA officials checking that everything not only looks right, but is right and this includes wearing the correct clothing . Therefore if you don't have the correct shirt, either the old white style with the blue sleeves or the new top which is royal blue with orange sleeves, then make sure your club gets one for you. There are fines for not having the right attire, which includes either club shorts or navy blue or black tracksuit pants. A look at www.leukosports .com .arr enabled me to find e interesting information on the L-r' ;o products they :e and also excellent injury preventi~,n snd treatment
information. I will have a proper look into the web site and report next week . Nominations for Trainer of the Month for July will close on Thursday 5th of August and we do need more nominations as we would like to recognize as many of our trainers as possible. You don't have to be a winner of Trainer of the Month to win Trainer of the Year, which brings a cash incentive for your club as well as personnel recognition for you . Club Warehouse sponsors this annual award. So get those nominations in to me at chriskl5@bigpond .com and let's see if we can have a field of 7 or more to consider for July . All clubs should know that it is not allowable for a club to put a concussed player back on the field of play. This was a directive from the VAFA, issued before the season and it seems apparent that in recent weeks, with games becoming increasingly important, that this is being ignored . Next week Dr. George Janko of the McKinnon Sports Medicine Centre (VAFA sponsor), will talk to TC about the importance of identifying concussed players and the implications of putting them back on the field . A naughty trainer in an AFL (was then VFL) match threw a ball in the face of a player as he was attending a fallen player. Which two teants were playing when this incident oc : :-ed? '.: hiâ&#x201A;Źh i-,?ay :- got the ball in his "moosh" ? I I'll ~ct the VAFA to provide a prize .
CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies
It 速 k~_
Fraser Cameron (U19 2,3 & Blue) & Cam Nation (U191 & Red )
Section One - Review 21 points at the final Just one month of football remaining and the top four is all change . However, but sealed, Old Scotch the only outsider with a chance of the Woodsme n sneaking into the finals, a 116 point win over Marcellin last finally started to weekend keeping their slim finals' hopes alive. In a round convert up from with Morrison BOG and 4 goals . Probably that stayed true to tipsters selections, ladder-leaders made harder work of it than they should have, prevailing by Werribee continued their return to form, recording their fifth 8 goals in the finish . consecutive win with a 58 point victory over St Kevins . Miller As expected, the OCs kept their slim finals' chances alive and Russo won a lot of the ball through the centre for the with a comfortable win over the OMs. Set up by a brutal 2nd winners, with Bunworth down back and Foster up front quarter, the win was thanks to the efforts of the terrific trio making notable contributions . Taking full advantage of of Tolson, Tucker & Taylor. SKOB's loss, Old Xaverians move into second, a 74 point win The Sharks were off patrol. . . . . . . . over Caulfield secured by the long break . Only half a game Tips behind, De La move into third, their important 32 point win Quickly. . . . .top 4 sides face off and it should be a ripper game over St Bernards all but ending the reigning premiers out at the Trott - get on board for a 3 goal Lions win . chances of going back-to-back . In the rounds other match Meanwhile, Rupo will stitch the bears up by 22 points . Beauy the Uni Blues continued their promising form from the week over the Hoers by 4 goals, and the Wellers will end the Ts before, defeating Old Brighton by 77 points in their biggest hopes by 15 points . OMs have the rest . . . . . win this year. Preview Having eradicated St Bernards' chances of playing final's football last weekend, De La will get the opportunity to put an end to another side's finals' aspirations this afternoon when they travel to Old Scotch . Impressive last week Scotch are still a better side than their 8-6 record suggests, four of those losses have come by fifteen points or less and they're 1-0 against Werribee this season . However De La are the real form side of the competition, winning eight of their past nine and in doing so making a legitimate tilt at the minor premiership . Sadly Scotch look to have left their run too late, De La by 25 . The round's other big game is down at Victoria Park where Old Xaverians host Werribee . With just three points in it last time they met and only half a game separating the sides on the ladder, this match has all the hallmarks of an amateur football classic . Werribee are on top, but Old Xavs have won five on the trot, and in an absolute nailbiter, Werribee by less than a kick . Around the grounds, St Kevins should be too strong for Old Brighton ; St Bernards will return to the winner's list against Caulfield ; while Uni Blues should avenge their loss earlier in the season against Marcellin .
Section 2 Must say, it would take a fair effort from the 3 clubs on 7 wins to unseat the top 4 . 1 think the final month of the regular season will simply see the deck-chairs being shuffled ahead of September. . . . . Review The Lions exerted their authority over an undermanned T's unit, only conceding one goal in heavy conditions to shore up the finals' position . It was the Trinity defence which was kept busy all day against the might of Jorgenson, Khoury, et al who are only getting better. . .
A huge win for the Bombers sees them pushing for a double chance . With Stone unstoppable up front, bagging 9 snags, the Bears had few answers and fell short by a fair way . The Hoers kept reasonable pace with Rupo, only trailing by
II ! CLU B [1[1i~i~ U19 (1) University Blues Shuttleworth 5 60 Old Scotch Snaddon 4 36 St Kevins Mount 2 33 De La Salle Hancock 0 32 Caulfield Logan 4 31 U19 (2 ) Banyule Tsingaris 3 35 Collegians Roberson 4 34 Rupertswood Morrison 1 27 Banyule Poyser 20 22 Collegians Jorgenson 3 22 Old Meburnians Armstrong 5 22 U19 (3) Whitefriars Woods 2 43 Oakleigh Briggs 4 40 Old Carey Ashworth 1 33 Old Paradians Peck 0 25 U19 BLUE
Bentleigh Ridgeway 5 62 St Johns Ryan 0 48 Peninsula Smith 0 38 Peninsula De Lange 0 37 U19 RED Fitzroy Reds Magharnez 13 68 Bulleen Temp Voglis P 0 36 Old Westbourne Natevski 1 33 Rupertswood Pretty 0 32 North Old Boys Keenan 2 30 La Trobe Uni Redmond 4 28
Section 3 - Review The Raiders produced their best display, which resulted in a methodical win against the gallant Lions . At no stage did Therry give up the chase, and must be commended for playing out the game. A handy swag of multiple goal-kickers shows that Spinner has plenty to play with leading into September. It was a tight affair over at Carey where Oakleigh had a real crack, but couldn't deliver the killer blow in the final quarter . Ashworth was back in form up front, with "David" Niven having a ripper as well. In other games. there were no details from the Students clash, except the 100 point margin which suggests the Blacks have got all their players back from holidays!! Finally, no need for Andy's detailed report as the Friars had an unfortunate walkover the Jackas . And result of the MHSOBv- St Bedes match, which I believe was played on Sunday was won comfortably by the Tigers. Tips Therry will snare a rare win over the Jackas by 4 goals . The Raiders are ready, and the Blacks will give them a great game, winning by 11 points . Unicorns by 5 goals over Monash. Friars by 3 goals over the Krushers . Finally, the OC will take the Tigers to tasks by 7 goals. Section Blue - Review The Swans gave Mazenod a lesson in hard running last Saturday at Central Reserve with a 9 goal lst quarter. Mazenod were far more competitive in the 2nd half but the damage had been done Better players for Mazenod were Sauter, Mather, Moran & Regan . Awesome Swans included Morrison (6 big ones) and Goujon. The Clays suffered at the hands of a rampaging Bentleigh who took full advantage of a 17 man opposition which was reduced to 16 after on player suffered a broken leg . Our thoughts go out to the Clays, but the Demons' form is absolutely outstanding and I can`t see anyone seriously challenging them from here . . . . The Rovers weren't able to put up much resistance as they travelled out to meet the JOCs . After a reasonably even first quarter, the home side flexed their muscle and pulled away from the visitors to win by 20 goals . For Peninsula, it was touch and go at home at half-time against the Monds, but the Pirates steadied the ship in the second half with some good attack at the footy to skip away by 58 points . Woz Miller was fantastic up forward with usual guns Dan Smith and Andy De Lange missing . Tips The Swans can't stop the Demons machine, and will go down by 55 points . The JOCs will have a picnic against the injurystricken O'Clays by 12 goals . The Menders are travelling better than the Rovers, up by 34 points . De La should sneak past Mazenod by 2 goals. Peninsula will keep their form going over the Animals by 28 points . Section Red - Review Old Xaverians' charge towards September suffered a major setback last weekend, defeated by 13 points at home to North Old Boys . Having all but booked a spot in the finals with some superlative mid-season form, Xavs have since dropped their last four games, relegating the second-string side to seventh on the ladder . Bulleen-Templestowe bypass Xavs moving into fifth on percentage, a comfortable 50 point win over Aquinas the side's third in four outings . Tremayne kicked three for the winners, with Lee and Voglis amongst the best. In the rounds only other fixture, La Trobe Uni all
but conceded the second chance, managing just two majors away at Rupertswood . Sih=ester, Peczeli and Lane were prolific for the winners, Rupy's 29 point win taking them four points clear in second. Preview Despite only four rounds of home-and-away football remaining this season, seven sides are still mathematical possibilities to make the finals : Bulleen, NOBs & Xavs all two games outside the four and needing a win this afternoon to keep their finals' hopes alive. With fourth spot on the line, Old Xaverians travel to Westbourne ; a Xavs win would put them within four points with a better percentage and better run home, a Westbourne win would catapult the side from the west twelve points clear in fourth . The season is on the line for both clubs and despite Xavs taking the tie earlier in the season, Westbourne are in better form and should be too strong at home . In the rounds other games, Bulleen's remote finals' aspirations will be crushed by a rampant Rupertswood: Fitzroy will end any speculation about NOBs making a late tilt for the top four ; while the UHS-VU/SBC combine will struggle to field a side, but are scheduled to host La Trobe .
TODAY'S MATCHES R13 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Xaverians v Werribee Amateurs St Kevins v Old Brighton Marcellin v University Blues St Bernards v Caulfield Or Old Scotch v De La Salle - at Camberwell Sport s Groun d UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Old Essendon Gr Banyule Viewbank v Rupertswood Beaumaris v Old Ivanho e Old Trinity v Old Camberwell - switched from ori ginal draw, at Trinity Grammar Old Melburnians - By e UNDER-19 SECTION 3 AJAX v Therry Penola 0 B Old Paradians v University Blacks on Garvey Oval, Parade Colle ge MHSOB v Monash Blues Oakleigh v Whitefriars St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Carey UNDER-19 (2) BLtJE
South Melbourne Districts v Bentleigh Oakleigh Clays v St Johns 0 C Hampton Rovers v Ormond switched from ori ginal draw at Boss James Reserve De La Salle (2) v Mazenod 0 C Peninsula 0 B v Emmaus St Leos 0 C
UNDER-19 (2) RED Aquinas 0 C - Bye Bulleen Templestowe v Rupertswood (2) UHS-VU/St Bernards v La Trobe Uni - TBA North Old Boys v Fitzroy Red s Old Westbourne v Old Xaverians (2 )
----UNDER-1 SECTION 1 CAUIkTEID GR 2 .3 3.3 5.5 7 .7(49) OLD XAVERIANS 4 .5 10.8 12.10 18 .15 (123) Caulfield On Edwards 3 Sundberg 2 Wearne 2 . Best: Kalaja Noblett Strain lVearne C Hammond Fagan. Old %av: Rush 5 L Smith 5 Ginnivan 3 Forrest Purcell Melvin-Smith S Ryan Fitzgerald . Best: Gidley L Smith Chapman Purcell Meehan DiStefand . Umpires: David Wmdlow Luke Duthie (F) Mark Rogers David Cameron (B) WERRIBEE AMATEURS 6.4 10.10 17.14 21.15 (141) .11 (83) ST. EEVINS 5 .3 5.7 7.8 12 Werribee: Foster 5 C Lee 3 Bunworth 3 Chalmers 2 Russo 2 Stornebrink 2 Andrew Taylor 2 Aaron Taylor Miller. Best: Miller Russo Bunwrorth Addamo Foster Pahnington . SKOB: OToole 4 Mount 2 Nissan 2 Perron 2 Sexton : O'Rourke . Best OToole Sullivan Powell Sexton Wissell Dowd . Umpires Adam Conquest Russell Nation (F) Symeon Vaiopoulos Victor Vaiopoulos (G) 0.3 1 .5 3 .9 4.13 (43) OLD BRIGHTON UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .5 7.11 8.13 17.18 (120) Old Brighton: Ftlipovic 2 Sheehan 2 Mentiplay . Best: Reinke Doherty Davey Salem Leaf Kennedy . Uni Blues: Shuttleworth 3 Farrell 3 Minns 2 Wesimore 2 Borchelt 2 Hage Heinz Merlo Ross Jiang. Best: Minns Farrell Rankin Couper Buncle Shuttleworth. Umpires : Paul Sherman Anthony Calderone (F) Jessica Rollo (B)
DE IA SALLE 2 .4 8.5 11 .9 13 .12 (90) 1 .2 3.7 4.9 8.10 (58) ST BERNARDS DIS: Hancock 4 Kelliher 2 Browning 2 McArdle Keely guick Fletcher Kov^zss . Best: Kovess Jarvis Nankervis Browning Vague Pitcher. St Bem: Spinella 3 Hughes 2 O'Connor Ryan Buis. Best: Salvadai Ryan Garth Oxenford Evans Hughes. Umpires: Brett Herskope Brendan Corcoran (F) Dean Herskope (B) Tristan Reith Richard Keane (G )DISCOTH 6.4 13.8 17 .13 24.15 (159 0 .2 2 .4 3.6 6 .7 (43)HIpRCESdN ) : McKenna 4 Ramage 4 Snaddon 3 Bull 2 Dick 2 Tesdorpf 2 Allen Old Scotch Armstrong Fekete Graham Jonas Lffley Porter. Best: McKenna Dick Graham Ranrage Snaddon LWey. Marc : Cecmmancini 2 Bortolotto Power Money Preece. Best: Cogdon MeGlin Considine Layton Bartolotto Ceccomancini . Umpires: Ben Ryde AS Wekselman (F ) UNDER-19 SECTION 2 OLD TRINITY 0.1 L2 1 .2 1 .2(8) COIZF.GiANS 3 .3 3.6 5 .9 8.9 (57) Old Trice Hogarth. Best : Hore-Lacy Stebbins Kelly Stewert A Bourke. Coil: Mutton 2 Lynch Robersen Williams Jorgensen Khoury Bushnell . Best : Stone Jorgensen Lynch Khoury Gilbert Williams . Umpires : Daniel Dinneen Brian Nunn (F) Thomas Wischer Michael Roche (B) Old) FSSENDON GR 3 .0 9 .6 13.9 18.13 (121) BliNYtRE VIEWBANH 5 .4 5.4 6.10 7 .13 (55) Old Ess: Stone 9 Capponetto 2 Baddeley 2 Dazldw C Taambaacs Mansour Shaw Cooke. Best Shaw Stone Phillips Dazlmv Ftlzgerard Schappachec Banyule Vlessbank: Tsingaris 2 Stocks Poyser G Stavropoulos Park Wenke . Best Tsingaris Toull Park Spicer Bottomley A Stavropoulos . Umpires : Scott Fraser Frank Kavanagh (F) Leah Cannon Troy Christensen (B ) RUPERTSWOOD 5.2 8.10 9 .15 14.20 (104) 3 .4 4 .5 7.6 8 .8(56) OLD IVANHOE Ruperts: Morrison 4 McPhee 2 Dowsett 2 Emus 2 Spinner Phillips Boxall Watson. Best Morrison Bradley Watson Boxall Evans MeFhee . Old Ivanhoe: Details not received . Umpires : Steve Caple Bruno Sa41 (F) Chris Kaleta Robert Seymour (G ) OIA MEIBURNIANS 2.5 3.9 7 .11 8.15 (63) OLD CfiAIBERWEId. 3.5 9.11 12.14 16.19 (115) Old Melb : Armstrong 3 Pannifex 2 Beckley Gregory Ray . Best : Theodoulou â&#x20AC;˘ Armstrong Hardy Schivo Beckley Ray . Old Camb: Hillier 4 Allan 3 Tolson 3 Cottrell 2 Heffernan Payne Rigzin'lluker. Best: Rigdn Taylor Morley Tucker Tolson Allan . Umpires: David Murray Dean Banova (F) BEeIUMARIS HAS THE BYE UNDER-19 SECTION 3 18 .17 (125) AJAX 6.4(40) Ajax forfeit Whitefriais receive forfei t THERRY PENOIA OR 2.0 2 .0 4.0 6.2(38) DID PARikbIANS 6.3 16.5 22 .9 31.12 (198) Therry Penola Turner 2 Morris Dooley Cunningham Pappin . Best Guy Skiathitis Cunningham Anderson Cannon . Old Par: D Spittle 8 Bugeja 4 D Hussey 4 Semeca 4 Holden 3 Rose 3 Clayton 2 Ryan Solomon Vincent . Best 50
-14R_!" i
Petrou Bugeja Rose Spittle Girouslde Berthet Umpires: Jason Waszaj Pau Marton ( n 2 .4 6 .13 10.16 16.23 (119) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1dONASH BLUES 1 .2 1 .3 2.5 2 .7(191 Uni Blacks: Whale 4 Howson 3 H Barlow 2 Lynch King van Dyk Sheldor Fleming D Barlow Statham. Best: Whale D Barlow Sheldon Fleminl McCombe Scott . Mon Blues : Mudge 2 . Best: Phillips Mudge Hillman FvL Cruickshank Shields . Umpires: Jack Fagan Dinnitris Pappas (F ) 12.18 (85) OLD CAREY 1 .2 7.4 9 .7 5.2 6 .4 9.5 10.6 (66) OA%IEIGH Old Carey: Ashworth 4 Evans 2 Niven C Laidlaw M Laidlaw Thompsor Smith Joslin . Best: Mead Locock Niven Evans Carpenter. Oakleigh: Bripg : Lamb 3 Couniharn 2 Costigarr Callfiy . Best Hogan Latinara Harold Brigg~ Middlemiss Lamb . Umpires: Di Whiteley (F) Michael Neilly Michael Hafne (B) Malcolm Fiileul Michael Lee (G )
2.2 5.2 5.3 6 .3 (39; ; ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS 2 .4 6.11 10.14 13 .18 (96 Match details not received . Umpires : Jason McNiece Jo Hartwig (F) Jo tRobinsShaeHrt(G) UNDER- 19 ( 2 ) BLUE A4HSOB
ASAZENOD OC 0 .3 2 .6 2 .6 3.9(27 SOUTH MEIB DISTRICTS 9 .2 11.5 16 .9 20.13 (133 P3az: Johnson Pecom Weekes . Best Moran Souter Mather Weekes Evan Sth MeiEa Dist : Morris 6 Tangos 3 Adgemis 2 Mahonney 2 McFadden Cronin 2 Walden Ray Goujon . Best: Morris Cooke Lewis Goujon Newson R : Peter Riley (Mazenod Umpire) Sarah McGill (F) aUmpires 6 .1 18.5 28.14 45 .19 (289 BENTLEIGH .1 5 .4 5.4(34 OAffiEIGH CLAYS 1 .0 1 Bent: Convery 7 Tehennepe 6 Streker 5 Forrest 4 Wyld 4 West 4 Meehan R Morris 3 Ridgeway 3 Lewis Fogarty Dewar Lawry d'Offay Zyibersztaji Best Tehennepe Streker Kuzma Lawry Lewis Convery . Oak Clays: loanidols 2 P Cook Konis Sofoulis . Best: Sofoulis Bolitho Nevett Konis Tayli Cook. Umpires: Tony Ulley (F) 2 .4 3.5 6.8 8.9 (57 HAMPTON ROVERS 27.14 (17E '.. ST JOHNS OC 5 .1 13 .10 19 .11 .' Hampton Rovers : Rootsey 3 Bice 2 Cave Giasoumi Hille. Best Cave Smi i Suieyman Pinto Williams Bice . St Johns: Ryan 11 Ttnney 3 Bh1the Kennaugh 2 Magee 2 Morello 2 Riley 2 Comdoy Furnell Peake . Best Blytl D'Olivem Morello Peake Ryan Skinner. Umpires: Mark Duthie Zane Goo QviSJFL) (F)
EMMAUS ST I ZOS 0 C 7 .10 14.13 21.22 27.26 (18! DE IA SAIdE (2) 2 .2 4 .5 4 .6 8.12(0 Match details not received. Umpires: Rick Benson Steve Mason (F) 16.17 (11: 2.5 5 .8 9 .14 PENIN SULA 03 3.1 6.3 7.4 8.7 (5: ORMOND
Peninsula: Miller 8 W'ittich 2 Mitchell White Rhodes S Smith Warner Nesti Best Miller Wittich Preston Dade-Bell Kriebel Mitchell . Ormond: Rabbin<. Davis 2 Jacobs . Best Medcratt Black Robbins Barnes Evans Fisher. Umpire s: Richard Yann Patrick Coulthard (F ) UNDER-19 (21 RED FITZROY REDS HAS THE BYE
0 .3 2 .3 3 .4 6.6 (4 AgUINAS OC 2.2 4.8 8 .7 12.20 (9 BUIIFEP7-TEMPIFSTOWE Aquinas : Ryan 2Hudson Kinghorn Lannen Olarenshaw . Best Ry Olarenshaw Leonard Price Walsh Adams . Bull-Temp : Tremayne 3 Morar Millar 2 P Voglis 2 M Voglis losifidis Tekin . Best Tremayne Lee P Vagli; Millar losifidis. 5 .13(4 RUFERTSWOOD (2) 0.2 2 .4 3.9 1 .1 1 .2 2 .2 2 .2(l IA TROBE UNI : P Barry Silves Rupertswbod: J Silvester 2 Perzell Oliver Morganti. Best Peczeli Lane Ata Arthmson . La Troba: Marm Borrelli . Best Van Doi UI Tamblyn Tomlinson Cleeland Douglas-Garden . Umpires: Steve Ca Bruno San (F) Chris Kaleta Robert Seymour (G ) OLD RAVERIANS (2) 3 .2 8 .3 8.3 9.7 (E NORTH OLD BOYS 1.3 2 .5 6 .12 10.14 (7d Old Xav: Henderson 3 Dynon 2 Crowe 2 Stack Morrison . Best Ada McPharlane Henderson Quinn Tobin Murray . NOB : Wood 3 OHallo . O'Connor Saari Egan Norton Fanning Flanders . Best Kennedy Leahy 1V~ 0'Connor Davis Joyce Fanning. Umpires: Simon Fearless Josh White-Spier OLD WESTBOURNE 9 .16 (E UHS-VU/ST BERNARDS 6.3 (: UHS-VU forfeit Old Westbourne received forfeit THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER
DE LA SALLE ( BLUES) Coach : David Madigan Asst: Scott Jones
1 Nob',Eit T
i T. Kvess
2 Wearne J DVC 3 Murphy Ca 4 B~~y D m~hl 56 Hammond C DVC 7 Rudd W VC 8 Jennings S 9 Edwards N 10 Winter G 11 Evans R 12 Goodwin-Dorning S 13 Strain A
2 R . Quick 3 M. Fietdsend 4 M. Brown c 5 T. John
s J . Richer 7 D Keery
a V. Moloney
9 B. vague 1-) 10 N. Smith 11 R. Hancock 12 S. Conway (vc) ~5 D. Hocking
15 Andrew T 16 May C
18 V. Buckley
17 Alibrando A 18 Kearsley J 19 Plus J 20 Lord S 21 Hepworth W
19 S . Mwwood 20 H . Demlcd, 21 J. McGuines s 22 T. Donegan 23 R. Mcfvd:e 24 N. Stewar t 25 C. Kelliher
22 Patterson A
23 DArcy Z V C 24 Benkemoun M
25 Fagan T 26 Ka]ate E 28 Nickles M
3 K Be~M ny
7. M Gorgovski govski
8 Duncan S 9 Edge J 10 Fielke G 1 1 Filipovic L 12 Grigio A 13 Gutteridge T 1 4 Hubbard S
Coach U19(1): Adam Sassi Coach U19(2): David GalbaFly i Purcell P 2 3 F~~ra a,d M 4 Mnran N q' 9ALn S 7 Rowe 6
8 McDonnell J(dvc) 9 Mortensen J 10 Sheedy S 11 tAauie T 12 olynon L 13 NeN,n-smah J 14 Larkins C 15 Silk N
1 s Adams S
17 Meehan D is Di Stefano S 19 Rees D 20 Ginmvan L zi Ryan S 22 SmRh D 23 Butler N
4 25 Hiinsar R 26 O'Hanlan M 27 Pa7mer T 28 TraharT 29 Fusmato R 30 FtzGerald J 31 Mulrany J 32 Ravda 3 Crowe g ~-' Morrison N 35 Ao us J(vc) 36 M'urra M 37 Trov ao i N 38 Forrest J
39 Sahely K
16 . B Ryan 17 . S Nutbean 18 . C Purcell
17 Kennedy A
P Deluca P Robbins D Carolan A Ceccomancini
18 Kennel T 19 Latta R 20 Leaf J 21 Materia J 22 Mathieson R
28 May M 24 McDonald L 25 Mooney B
24, A McGlin
26 Newman M
25. D McMahon
27 Overend E 28 Parkes M 29 Pascarl J
31 Reirx ' ke T 32 Salem J 33 Sheehan C
34 Sterner N
35 Tor C 36 Tregear A
Hawthorn Coach : Richard Obee
4 T gun 5 S Ulley 6 SAinge r 7 L/vmstron 9
8 B Snaddon
1 s o T M Szakfe l Harkness
11 NAlle n 12 ATeyJorpf 13 S PaPPas 14 M Glul~er i
15 P McKenn a
16 E BatrouneY 17 A Wallace Smith 18 A Pekete 15 T Gaun t
20 M Ramage 21 W Pearc e 22 T Keck 23 M Cathie 24 J Porte r 25 A W Sutherlan d 26 LTalbot
27 S Jonas 28 H Dick 29 J Brownell 30 A Soho 31 J Cade 32 R Gerstman 33 C Backman 34 J Williams 35 S Jackson 36 3 Elder 8 R Hocki M Un3 ~
39 H Peters E Cruickshan k 40 R Dumares q 41
42 S McMunde 44 E Wat~er~s
45 DMcIntosh 46 D 47 E 48 TGraham
Coach : Tim Giles
Coach: Fab Gatt i
Coach : David Law 2 Hurley D
1 J Mahe
4 Walsh M
2 T O'loole
5 Hughes J 7 Liberatore C
3 B Dowd 4 S Sexton
8 Mannows S
5 D Peirou
9 Evans D 11 Garth 10 B Marion A 12 ~n°~ D 15 Mitchell A
6 M Hobbs 7 R Taylor 8 S Ryan s me 9 JY 10 D Wissell 11 A Lyrtch
16 Oxenford P
12 J Liston
17 Rogers C 20 Maggiore M
13 P Mercoudau 14 J Marchesani 115 M Sullivan
21 Whelan lanazzo
24 Runnals g
25 Govan C 27 Salvad°ri M 30 Lancashire D
33 Gourlay Cl g 35 Ryan 38 Buis K 39 oemonon L
40 Kavanagh A 43 Stapleton J 45 Joh nson B
50 Schroder R
40 Stack J 41 Clark S 42 Gdley 0(c)
58 Pitts B 59 Pearson T
44 Quinn D 45 McCarmackR 46 Sweeney J 47 Chapman P
75 McDermott C
43 Tobin L
15 Jackson L
16 Joseph R
Yarra Valley Country Club - Bulleen
OiD XAVERIM (1 & 2)
5 Christie J 6 Cooney S Doherty R
15. S Tandridge
26. S Preece 27. J McParland 28. C Cogdon 29. D Fraser 30. R Redmond
36 S. Crowe 37 A. Shields 46 N. Han 53 D. Browning
42 Sundberg M 45 Acfield B
1 8 Nickless
2 Betts D 3 Cann N 4 Castles A
19 . J Crapper
30 J . McKenzre 34 D . Rayson
31 Garrood S 33 Logan A 39 Cater B
Coach: Bruce Armstrong Asst Coach: Mike Smit h
1 Bartlett M
20 . 21 . 22 . 23 .
27 L. O'Donnel l 28 L Jarvis 29 M. Nankervis
Coach : Luke Stewart
1 . T Money
13. A Power 14. R Davis
t6 L . Casey 17 L Bowden
2 . A Papalura 3 . J Carlson 4. J Mahon 5. J Bortolotto 6. S Considine 8. A Layton 9. C Nikolakopoulos 10. J Williams 71 . S Farelly D Valsorda
13 B. Davis
14 Lill C
MARCELLIN Coach: Dean Rossely
70 Prentli E
N'® TtIC nnanT- ,
e- ..
.. . . ..-
B. B. Gin 9. J. Westmore
10. J. Bunkle tt . M . Shaughnessy (VC)
20 K Mios 21 T Wootte 22 DGibb s 23 T 0'hanbn 24 D Sullivan
18. T. Conn 19 . D. Heinz (Capt) 20 . T.Maddocks 21 . R . Minns 22• N . Shuttlewort h 23 , N . Burchell
26 P I . ongmor e 27 J 0'rourke 28 B Cooke 29 P Glenane
30 B Scanlan
31 P Mclennan
32 M Sherman 33 S NeohorRis 35 E Wilkinson 36 TTrewin
59 Pattisn I L T
7 . C . Bradley
17. C. Northway (DVC)
4 . P. Chalmers 5 . A . Taylor 6 . D . Lee
19 L Gulliver
25 P Gallivan
1 . M . Palmingto n 2. L. Gelb 3 . C. Lee
17 J Charle s 18 D Tiikeridis
16 R Arnett
54 French R Henderson C ~ Lavis C 57 Mainly D
3 . P. David 4 . M. D er 5 . A. Far rell 6 . L CoU per
12. T. Saitta 13. J. Hummel 14. R. Hag e 15. W. Robinson 16. M . Dods
40 DI Mount 44 J Tennant
49 ~mra T 50 Chester P 51 Boland E 52 Montgomery S 53 CounselN
1 . G. Muir
2 . D . Marshall
7. P. Keog h 8 , T. Andrews 9 . J. Russo 10. B. Stornebrin k 11 . T Balla n 12. R . Barker
13. A. McNally 14. D. Bunworth 15. M . Perron 16. M . Cations 1T T. Rosza k 18 . N. Addamo
24 . H . Rankin
19 . P. Cassi n 20 . P. Spry
25 . J. Sundermann 26 . D . Hill
21 . S . Turra 22 . B . Russel l
27. W. Bright 28. M. Torne
29. L Woodhouse (DVC) 30. N. VandenbosCh 31 . 32. 33. 34.
J. Green K. Marl o C. Ross C. Haines
35. W. Hughes 36. M . Coolant 37. S . Anderson 38. J . Green
23 . B . Blac k 24 . R . New
25. J. Bingha m 26. S. Simpso n 27, B. McMaho n 28. M. Mille r 29. S. Smith 30. N. Renaut
Under-19 - Section 2 BARYULE-VIEWBAUK Coach : Phiv Demetrw u
1 . Z. Warlike 2. J. Brockwell 3 . A McGovern 4 . P. Adams 5 . M. Holmes 6. M . Morgan 7. R. Moor e 8. D. Kayrooz 9. M . Christian 10. C . Stavropolous 11 . J. Crimmins 12. J . Poyser 13. J . Dunstone 14. L. O'Donnell 15 . M . Lardo 16 . R. Gutterson 17 . A Stavropolous 18. D. Park 19. J. Spicer 20. C . Skicko 21 . D . Herbert 22. J . Rigler 23 . M. Depetro 24 . A. Bottom4ey, 25 . S. Toull 26. S. Pesavento 27. T. Shepherd 28. S. Green 29, J . swift 30. P. 0'rourke 31 . B. Dimek 32 . J. Tsingaris .' ,33 .T. Wise 34. D. Mclean 35. J. Jones 36. A. Brown
Coach: Ben Covell i 1 M Ferrantino 2 A Baldvrin 3 J Ufjans 4 R Butter 5 A Hargraves 6 R Fitzgerald 7 K Eilis 8 S Taghizadeh 9 J Minas 10 T Harrison 11 N Clarke 12 K O'Hehir 13 J Binney 14 A Foster 15 G Hope
16 B Saunders 17 Z Keane (VC) 18 I Dawkins (Capt) 19 C Crewes 20 S Weston 21 G Stravakis 22 J Britten (VC) 23 G Reynard 24 ACaal e 25 J Hyndman 26 D N.chW 27 S Leon 28 J Carroll 29 C Roger .', 30 G Fowler 31 S Leslie 32 S Kefatas 33 ASteer 34 A Gloster
Major Sponso r
Coach : Mick Deaton Asst: Mark Berry 3. L. Quirk 4. L . Hill 5. D. Wall (DVC) 6. M. Bramwell 7. P. Iron s 8. A . Clemente 9 . M. Wilson (C) 11 . J . Dickie
14 . P. Berry (VC) 15. B. Norri s 16. D. Murphy 17. C. Evans (VC) 20 . J. Atkins 21 . T. Shugg 22 . T. Boreham 23 . C . Terpsenis 25. B . Bowker 26. J . Starke 28. S . Dean 29. T. Waller 33 . D. Couples 34 . D . Taylor 36 . P. Ghys 37 . J . Heath 38. J . Edmeades 40. C. Shone 42. S . Hoult 44. S. Vipond 47. M. Imlach 48. K. Gasperino 49 . M. Cairns 50 . A . Elston 52 . J . William s
COLLEGIANS Coach: Andrew Kenneally Ass Coach: Michael Jones 1 A. Ston e 2 M. Parrent 3 M . Rice 3 S . Gilbert 4 A Bridgeman 5 M . Roberson 6 D. Williamson 7 C. Elg 8 J. Cutis 9 M. Rose 10 D . Cannizo 11 A . Wright - Smith 12 A . Khoury 13 Z. Moon 14 J . Ashman 15 O. Howard 17 D. Stiff 18 A. Fabris 19 J. Holman 20 D . Mutton 21 F. Boland 22 M . Williams 22 E . Adams 23 C. Lync h 24 J. Jorgensen 25 T. Higginbotham 27 G . Rowstan 29 J. tJtde 30 R . Cremar 31 N . Bobeff 33 A . Gregory 36 T Wilson 38 T. Cook 65 M . Lync h
OLD CAMBERWELL GRAMMARIANS Coach : Anson Brownless 1 C Payn e 3 S R igzirn 4 L Tayt a 5 N Tsindos 6 P Pinkney 9 A Sali s 10 B Cottrell 11 D Morley 12 D Bruce 13 H Melzer 14 AAIIan 15 N Hill 16 T Barrow 17 G Tucker 18 D Sc'iola 19 D Wal pole 21 D McGuigan 22 K Kosa 24 N Maxstead 25 N Beal e 26 C Hillier 27 A Renshaw 28 I Rye 30 TAngove 32 J4Davas ks 34 G Tolson 39 B Macki e
OLD MELBURtIIARS Coach : Owen Lalor Ass : Ryan L'Huillie r 1 Cudlipp T 2 Haralambous A 3 Oman D 5 Hardy E 6 Tucker J 7 Jones L 8 Moffatt R 9 Prowse A 10 Kauye A 11 Manahan A 12 Mermagas A 13 Hanchette C 14 Armstrong A 15 Baker E 16 Christian W 17 Penton W 18 Dick J 19 Mitchell E 20 Pannifex A 21 Russell N 22 Beckley J 23 Osmond D 24 Russell N 25 Schivo M 26 Bender L 27 Richardson W 28 Brener J 29 Hawes C 30 Jones L 31 Theodoulou C 32 Kauye A 33 Miller D 34 Rafferty J 35 Beaumont J 39 Thompson F 44 Ray A 47 Lugg B
Coach: Dean Peters I Bitwani A 2 Day M 3 Marsden A 4 Webster J C/C 5 Simmons H 6 Petdro J 7 Kenna J C/C 8 Stewart F 9 Butler K 10 Stebbins N 11 Burke M 12 Herrod MT13Baylis 14 Burgess M 15 Hooke A 16 Walsh T 17 tamb T 18 Stockdale C 19 Oldfield T 20 Medland A 21 Mears-Dagen M 23 Burke A 25 Lazzaro tto A 26 Hore-Lacy A 27 Schuyler M 28 Neville A 29 Hogarth J 30 Dickenson A V/C 31 de Bruin S 32 Lesinskis M 35 O'Connell J 39 Morrice T 45 Bell C 49 Kelly B
2 W'. '-~l H 4 LNe M 8 5 G9 L 112 'A 13 Plummer J 15 Clark S 17 G uqky M 19 Moule G 20 Hazrtson M 21 VdnbmRel M .1e z~i e,osnop s 24 Mwnson L 26 McPhee M Feel 3~0 G e M 31 Maroon M 33 Oliverr ~w'we 34 House 35
D i P
Hdies 6,m &ennan
Temrrw g D Sm;th LI M 8e Gbbs P A ~tr'olces P K Srtwh L hooe J P Lana Dn D Glnn 0 PeczeW C T eah>er 59 Ala i 60 SiWester A 67 ea~eky L 71 60~9 T 74 Bums M 78 Dowsett L 79 Ovan B
OLD ESSENDON Coach : Shan- Havey-Little Team Manager: Green WftTsw 1 Badde4ey R 2 Ballinger L 3 Baskan E 4 Bones L 5 Camm M 6 Canning A 7 Caponneno S 8 Caruso S 9 Ceranlonio D 10 Cerantonio D 11 Christou A 12 qinnick S 13 Dazkiw J 14 Francis J 15 Heritage C 16 JeIGS M 17 Ktenas F 18 Lehan D 19 Leech C 20 Leury H 21 Mansour J 22 Mitchell B 23 Nankervis D 24 Phillips J 25 Rumble T 26 Shaw M 27 Tait N 28 Tovmer S 29 Trevaskis M 30 Tzambazis C 31 Uren N 32 Mims J 33 Wilson T 34 ZammM1 D
Under-19 - Section 3 MHSOB
Coach : James Bradley Manager: Lenehan Julia n 5 Avram M Capt
Coach : Bruce Waldron
Coach : Mick Holden
Coach : Gary Blusztein 2 . J . Fayman 3 . J . Ka p 4 . G . Lewis 5 . J . Givoni
14 HamiBon-Ho M
16 Aitken J 18 Higgins A 19 Anderson S 20 Lim A
7 . M. Chester
8 . J . Feldy 9 . E. Roitman it . D . Blankfield 12. D . Raleigh 13. R . Spilberg 15. A Goldstein
21 Fraumana D 25 Biddin9ton T 26 Edwards C 27 Kfleley J 29 Fraser M
30 Warner p 31 Viliani A 32 Mathew J 33 Higgins D
16. A Lewis
17. A. Bustin
34 Lenehan A 35 Comeadow H 36 Pretty B
18. B. Lukav
19. A. Weinstein 20. M . Ivany 21 . A. Chrapot 22. E. Shaked 23. R. Lewis 24. D. Bustin 25. R. Ka9an 26. B. Nankin 27. G . Measey 29. J. Goldman 31 . N. Rose 32. L Peters 34. A. Ezekiel 35. T. Pull
39 Parker M 41 Bailey C 42 Higginbotham A 43 t-ont J 44 Swinburne J 45 Walsh 0 46 Leslie G
47 McGrath C 54 Bear 0 55 Gold D VC 60 Mitchell ~ W
2. P. Gun 3. M . Phillips 4 B,A~ 5. J. Pollard 6. L Levistan 7. B . Ha er 8. A. Rie~,ta
9. J. Moore 10' J. Maye 11 . B .Cm~ckshank 12 . t Barlow 13 . M . Pay 14 . R. Shields
15 . J. Stephenson 16 . M . Brady 17 . K Mudge 18 . R. Gwvar
. F. Johnson 19 20 . . Hindle
B M. 22, B . ~~ 23 . B . Janssen
24 . A Pyle 25 . J. Lw 26 . J. Mazur 27 . C. MacDonald 28 . L Tsaoussi 29 . T. Cobhan ~ . D Stewart 31 . M . Hayes 32 . T. Hodgson 33, A. Hone
34 . C. Keeshan 35 . D. Lo aus 36 . R. Nation 37 . C. Fmwyson
Maj or S ponsors
_ .----- . J GVP Fabricators All Home Loan s New Order Clothin g
OLD PARADIAHS Coach : Mark S(krroso Asst Coach: Simon Vincent
ST DEDESIM ENTONE Coach: Glen Afford
Coach : Greg Campbell
i Berthet. J 2 Stace. M 3 Petrou. R 4 Bugeta. R 5 Richardson . D 6 Giddmgs . 0 7 Rose. S 8 Watson. P 9 Watts. D 10 Whyley. D 11 Ryan. R 12 Irvine . M 14 Patena. M 15 Grech. T 16 Soloman .M 17 Wft. S 18 Girovski . T
1 Laver T 2 Madtlocks J 3 McConnell K 4 Ftavel4e L 5 Lynch
20 8pittfe. D 21 ReMaiki . 5 22 Derham . M 23 Sage. C 24 Seneca. J
25 Schwarze B 26 Sawers A 27 Waters D 28 Dowling
15 Owen B
19 Reynolds M
19 Snow. M
25 Megaton, M 26 Kreuzer . J 27 Ca.Nes A 28 Hussey . D 29 Serafin . A 30 Pratt. N 31 Clark . B
s Ritchie E 7 Lawler M e Parker
10 Kelly 11 Griffith 12 Marks
30 McGettigan M 31 Worsnop N 32 McCallum J
10 Crotty J 10 Gosetti T
11 Sheppard T 12 Leach S (TL) 13 Dooley J 14 Boyd J 17 Lee D 18 Badenho~ M 20 Capewell C 22 Goodwin D(TL)
37 Hunter J
43 John E
34 Tumer. P
41 D*Gorman M
37 Clayton. D 38 Vincent . G
9 Hoatson T
23 Anderson D 26 Wndus R 32 Cooper J
32 Mornsey. B 33 Holden. B 36 Thomas. R
4 Skiathi8s R (TL) 5 Morris B 6 Hermes J 7 Rivaland P
33 oaReilly P 34 Lambert CB 35 Wright 36 Terrell J 38 Gilmore s
35 2rvanovic. D
3 Turner S
B Quinn J((L)
14 McMurray L 17 Day B 18 Porter D 19 Paterson A
20 McNeil 21 Ferraro 22 w'uppei 23 Lyn ch 24
1 Corrigan B
2 Guy E
39 Heys J 40 McGettigan P 42 Schotes M 43 serofim L
55 Rouiiion
44 McKay B â&#x20AC;˘TL = team leader
1 . D. Counihan 2. P. West 3. R. Stafford 4. C. Hogan 5. C. Groake 6. D. Cleary 7. C. Lamb 8. M . Bennett 9. D. Wills 10. D. Costigan 11 . S . Aidone 12. G . Vitagliano
13. L. Rowan 14. G. Bennett
15. R. Holden 16. S . White 17. S . Briggs 18. L. Callery 19. T Thornton 20. D. Ciavarella 21 . J . Briggs 22. S . Page 23. J . Collin s 24. P. De Servi e 25. D. Latiniara 26. J . Fitzgerald 27. A . Middlemiss 28. A . Pound Gow 29. M . Doyl e 30. L. Barrand 31 . J . Bray 32. L. Kelly
Coach : Craig William s 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9.
T. Wilkin s N. O'Brie n J. Dav y J. Carpente r A. Sheddon A. Smith J . Phelps
10. C. Laidlaw 11 . A. Newhouse
14. M . Cornwell 15. A. Thompso n 19. T. Lowcock 21 . K. Parker 22. T. Evan s 25. P. Morey
27. J . Choong 29. J . Josli n 31 . S . Mea d 33. L MclGnnon 44. D. Stock o 90. M . Bessant
Coach : Andy Dalrymple Asst. Coach : Bryan Stag g
1 R. Ault
1 E Abdallah
3 H . Barlow 4 J . Bell
5 A Wood s 6 T Maher 7 J Hogan (C) 8 R Maher
2 D. Barlow 5 P. Birk s 6 A . Coutts
7 B . Goonan 8 W. Higg s 9 W. Howson 10 C. King 11 A. LVnCh
12 M . tvlcCommbe 13 B . McGowan 14 J . Rippon 15 0. SCot t 6 T.. Sherry
1 17
T Sheldon Scheelings 0 19 J. vanh D 2 A . Whale 21
3 G Day
9 J Do. 11 B Stafford 12 C Arthurson 13 C Lucarelli 14 A Kene z
16 N Crowe (VC) 17 A Adlemis 18 K Lask i 19 K P~r 20 H Vinc e m 21 C i l 22 J Tarta~k
24 A Walsh
22 A . Wooley 23 B . Goveif 24 S . Jeremiah 25 T Jones 26 S . Leslie 27 D. Moar
25 C Pelosi 26 K Walke r 27 H Fulton
29 P. Statham 30 T. Stringer
31 P Stagg 32 L Kaldo r
28 E . Smelt 31 G. Allan
28 L Hamblin 29 A Deveson
30 R Martinson
32 D. Borland 33 A . Cordy
34 B . Fleming 35 M . Karunaratne 36 G. Kennedy
37 B . Renick
38 T Ros s 39 F. Wambach
40 R. Atkinson 41 D. Brown 42 M . Stevens
Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 3053
Coach : Mick Lee 1 McClelland , M 2 Kuzma , D 3 Lewis, 0 4 Davies, B 5 Ridgway, T 6 Meehan, B 7 Holmesby, S
Coach : Rob Smith Asst: Matt Francis 1 M Sheehan 4 S Murphy 5 D Colman 6 P Davis 12 S Crowe 14 S O'Brien 16 J McNamara
8 Cove, M 9 Wild , D 10 Forrest, L 11 Morns , J 12 Wright , T 13 Dewar, T
17 C Howard 18 T Robson 19 W Quaran 21 S Morwood 23 K Smyth 26 C White 28 C Reid 33 T Silvers
14 Te hennepe, PA 15 Streker, D 16 McIntyre, A 17 West, A 18 Smith, R
39 0 Keaney
19 Rahilly, J 20 D'OrFay, J 22 Breitkreuz, P 23 Quinn, A 24 Litinsky, P 25 Morris, R
45 A Hillier
50 D Hassaballa 51 R McArdle 52 M Kennelly 53 J Casey
27 Rossi, R 28 Sauritzky, S 29 Sinko, J 30 Lawry, S 31 McMahon, J 32 Zdberstajn, B 33 Fogarty, A 34 Armstrong, L 35 Convery,J 38 Wardley, T
Coach : Michael Oaten 1 Ashley J 2 Medcraft C
3 Mitsios S 4 Barnes S 5 Brosnan D 6 DeNatris T 7 Black D 8 Sayers R 9 Jewell A 10 Plncott L
11 Fisher S 12 Evans G D 13 Haysom 14 Davis S
15 Peel T 16 Brosnan D 17
Coach : Neil Franks
1 S . Knobs] (vc)
2 M. Barron (c)
3 R. Staintorih (c)
4 R. Smah s D. Smith
6 S . Michell
7 S . Cumming 8 W~~ 9 A 1o M . Warner
11 M- Kenny
12 A De Lange 13 L Forster 14 L. Coghian
15 J . Preston 16 C . O'Loughlin 17 J . Hocgirtg
18 T. Madder 19 P. Dade-Bell 20 C Matthews 21 H Nesto r 22 W. Milker
18 Jewell E 19 David J 20 Machin D 21 Jacobs J 22 Dunne N 24 Buckley 5
23 J. Rhodes 24 R. Treweek
25 BOgartin A
31 B . Bwrno n 32 R . Haggl e 33 R . Whit e 34 S . Smith 35 G. Stewart 55 A. Pearce
26 Fotopoulos J 28 Harris B
29 Kilmartin M 34 Ramsay S
25 S. Jay (vc) 26 J. Murphy 27 J . Gray
28 S. Patching 29 B. Pritchard
30 E. Wmich
8 M Cummins y W Evans
OAKLEIG6i CLAYS Coach: Gary Williams 1 Nassarallah E(DVC K 3 Nguyen 4 Lazarakis C (Capt ) 6 Nussbaum S (VC)
7 loann'idis 8 Thompson 9 Rossenlis
10 Pbzza
11 Nast 12 Onudu 13 Evangelista 14 Patuad 15 Nevitt 17 Angus 18 Mesley
19 8 Moran
19 Mar 9etis 20 Fredrickson
20 ANOnnan
21 Onurlu
22 . R . Sharp 24 . C . Christianson
21 D Numn 9 22 M ~a 23 D Power
27 . S . Suleyman 30 . T. Rootsey
25 E Roberts 26 8 Ross 27 S Smith
22 Atyarard M 23 Sofoulis M(Capt ) 24 Staker J 26 Wursthorn D
D Grantham
11 J Hardly
12 D Hensman t3 PJohoson 14 J Kavanagh t 5 S ~~n
6 17 J Mather 1 8 D MicaJiet
20. T. Matthouse 21 . T. Port er
24 D Regan
25 . L Cave 26 . K . Rubtsov
27 Stegall 28 Cook
29 S Stanley
30 T Steinirnt 31 W vander9en
29 Bolitho 30 Tan 31 Pawlik 32 Ni
32 A Weekes
33 Verrocchi
34 Salemo
28 P soarer
31 . B . Wright 34. S. Newton 35. M . Westhead 38. C. Watkins 43. R Kenny 44. D . Williams
Coach: Shane Regan 1 M Barters 2 N Bradley 3 S Castricum 4 D~t'9hey 5 ACiavareFla 6 G Cocks 7 B Costin
1 . D. Zampaglione 2. D. Clarke 3. J . Corbett 4. I . Nicholls 5. L . Smith 6. N . Pinto 7, S. Gravina 8 . J. Hille 9 . G. Cannel l t0 . G. Giasoumi 11 . Y. Kobayashi 12 . D . Hughes 13 . D. O'Brien 14. L Jones 15. G . Marlyn 16. D. Kettle 17. M . De Luc a 18. J. Chiarzia 19. N . Oriti
40 P Meiklejohn 41 B Fl anigan 42 J Fletcher
26 Roberts, J
Coach : Michael Blake
33 R Wickremasmghe 34 AWinstanfey
f . 1^ . .._ . ._
. . . _. _ . .° ;
C 35 Fletcher 41 Antonucci J(DVC ) S 43 Taylor
44 Evangelista
c:.t cstr~ :-- :t.i ~
ST. JOlii!S DG
Coach : Peter Skinner
EtAMUS ST. LEGS Coach: Peter Free
1 G Kowalski 2 D Homan 3 N Polan 4 C Peake 5 D Cannane 6 S Balisson 7 C Walker 8 R Tinney 10 J Beattie
1 . J . Pascoe 2. G . Waterman 3. M . Ford 4. T. Flowers 5. R. McCann 6. B. Game 7. R . Stafford 8 . P. Percell 9 . P. Damico
1 . J. Cronin 4. o. Barcher
11 M Nelson
11 . F. Bowden
24 . C . McFadden
12 H Nguyen 15 B Skinner Captain
13. T. Ahern 14. G. Groughan t 5. S . McPhee 18. J . Brogdan 20. D. Parker 22. S. Eduati 23. G . Hanson 24. M. Whelan 46. J. Barry 49 . P. Barranello 59 . A . Hickey 71 . T. Col e 74 . S . Kay 78. N. Robi n
16 R Blythe 18 J Ryan
19 M Furnell 22 M Horton 23 M O'Connor 25 W Magee 26 K Thompson 27 D Kennaugh 28 G D'Oliviera 43 B Toth 48 R Morello
6. C. Kamu s 6 J. Ne,mon
12, R. Morris
13. L Stanza 14. J . Cook e 15. 8. Maher" 18. D . Adgemes 2o J Coulon
21 . R . Ayout u 25 . A Ray
31 . J. Lewis 33 . M . Ftzdcrovricz 36
a0. A. o dr ~ ea 41 . S. Kerbage 45. M . Benvenuto 52. A Pemon~a 58. D. Wh¢ing 59. L. Tangas 65. S. Walden 66, E. Costello
Sponsors :
44 Robbins B
- Hocking Stuart Gunn Island brew Ba r Southern Cross Hote l Albert Park Indoo r
Under-19 - Section RED AQUINAS Coach : Gary Nightingale 2, M. Ford
5 T. Walsh 6 . J. Price 7 . D. Westaway 8 . B. Lannen 9 . G, Hogan 10. P. Sheehy 11 . C. William s 12. A. MunCh4w,
13. C. Ryan 14. J. Coolant 15. K. Morrissey 16. L. Neame
17. M . Adams 18. A Kinghom 19. M . Drew 20. D. McDonald 22. L. Goddard
BULLEEN TEMPLESTO WE 7 . S . Mountain 8 . A . Eccles 9 . D . Thomson 10 . T. Lee 11, M . Voglis 12 . D . McColl 13. B . Tekin 14 . J . Newman 15. S . Millar 16. R . Tremayne 17. P. Voglis 18. B . Mora n 19. C . Lapadoula 20. B. Lapadoula 22. A. Benerichs
23. A . Slavretis 24. M. Meadows 26. A. Georgakopoub5
23. J . Fraser
27. S. Hoysted 28. M. Fill 29. M. Coulston 30. P. Florence
24. S . Hudson 25. A . Alexander
33. P. Murc h 34. E Odza
29, A . Hobson
32. J . McDonald 35. M. Ramandeita
59. S . Cooper 51 . S . Dawes 68. M . Dexter
36. A. Coulson
49, M. Grii6n
E . Graham
a1 . A. Smith 42. S Roussidis 43. D . Seraicco
D. Heffernan
45. M. Makin
29. A Hobson T. Olarenshaw
OLD WESTEOURHE Coach : Peter Howarth
t. L .Moms 2 . B.Whfing 3 . S Dunn 4 . J.Tanner 5 . M .WhIlmg 6 . M .Ristevsk, 7 . D.Tang 8 . C.Hudson 9 . J.Whrte to. L.S4u arci
it. P.Hudson
12. W.Gryszan 13. J.Redmon d 14 . J.Nevdan
15, A.WOOds 16. G.Rxon 17 . D.TaYbr 18 S .King 19. B.Buzza 20. D.Chan 21 . ACain 22 . B .Hughes 23 . F.hicGregor 24. G.Bartlett 25 . A.Potts 26 . FBertone 54 .TWhNng
37. J . Wolnizer 38. M. Crooks 40. P. losifidis
46. P. Naidos
Coach: Cadell Duke
Coach : Tim Bell Asst : Tony Dullard
1 R . Astud,lb 2 K Bams,lenkms
3 S. Bombast 4 J . Boyle 5 A Chfew 6 J . Chaco;f 7 J . Cooke 8 K Donato 9 J . Downie 10 C . Dullard 11 S. Edward s 12 S. Greenwood 13 N . Hart 14 D. Leicester
Coach : Zoran Colovic 20 A.Tornhnson 29 D.Patat 38 D.McKall 60 N.UIph
1 L. Delmenico
vR rte n 79 G.NOrton N.Beck aBorrelh D.Brennan E .Callaghan TCteeland J'Gbugh
4 C . Ives 5 S . O'Connor 6 S. Davi s 8 J. Mahony 9 B . O'Connor 10 J . Kelsey 11 Y. Bead (VC )
J.Dame RDavtes
B .De Bruin TDeveson C.Edwards G.Girdrrood
12 D . Hilton 13 D . White (VC)
19 0 . Mcphee 20 J. P.iujanovic
R.HOski n AJOnes g
22 G . Ozusen 23 N. Qu;ck
M .Lamont H.tancaster
16 G . Kennedy ) 17 K. Norton 18 J. Anderson
15 N. Lemon
16 M. Louis-Gleeso n 17 G . Marco" 18 K M hamez ~
24 J. Richardson 25 M. Rogers 26 27 28 29 30
14 G . I rvin 15 A. Egan NC
B .Hayes
J.Koopmans J.Lambed
21 W. Murray
D. Russell D. Ryan B. Scot t N. Shutt4evrorth H. Topp
31 J. Violate
19 B.
M.Lynch C.Maloney o.Mann R A4errett
22 N .Jense n
23 P. Flanders 24 R . Leah y 25 S. Joyce 26 T Burgess 27 L . Raby 28 P. Galliva n 30 J. Jelle tt
B .parthenitles TRobertson J.Rogerson
33 R. wimams 34 J. Ziemer 35 M . Zlka
Coaches U19(1) Adam Sassi U19(2) David GaIbally
66 Vaughan S
7 R~e L 8 McDonnell J(dvc) 9 Mortensen J 0 SheedyS it Mania I 12 Dynen L 13 FdeNm-Smith J
14 Larkins C 15 Silk N 1 6 7 Adam
s Meehan S D 18 D~ Stefano S 19 Rees D 20 Gmnrvan L 21 Ryan S 22 Seth D 23 B ut er l N 24 Indmnno F 25 Henderson R 26 0'Hanbn M 27 Palmer T 28 TrahevrT 30 Frtz cenaaW J 31 Mulfany J
32 F?~e B 34 Mom- N
35 qo us J(vc 36 PvfurraY hd t 37 Trova[oM 38 FonestJ 39 Sahely K 40 Stack J 41 Clark S 42 Gdley O(c) 43 Tobin L 44 Quinn 0 45 McCormack R 46 Sweeney J 47 Chapman P
48 Tarrence S 49 Corcoran T 50 Chester P 51 Boland E 52 Montgomery S 53 Counsel N 54 French R 55 Henderson C
57 58 59
Coach : Peter McBreaty
23 We t~r
4 Little
5 Mcewan BK Bradley 9 Rpnner L 12 A P4ummer
CI~., 1 16 Mon 17
OmWey M ol'1e
21 Vanboxtel M 22 23 gisry~ 24 Momson L 26 McPhee 1,4 28 Feel N 3 0 Gaunt
31 32
P.iorrice Wisha n 33 Olrver
34 House 35 amo 36 _'son 37 Hodes 3 39 8arry 4 08 4 gB~ nand
29 Christensen J R P
L ~ 42 Temml ~ng D 43 Smith L 44 Arthursan D
45 Bence M 46 q 47 j~~ 48 Kiplokes P 50 Smith L 52 Moore J 53 Lane P 54 Dean D 56 Glenn 57 Peczelli 58 B alme r 59 Ata 60 SiIVester
67 8~~ley 71 Burns 74 7 Dovrsett 7 8 Watson
9 80
Manly D dcFara e T
1 Egan 8 stoner 9 Maloney 10 O'rourke 11 Oakley 14 Mccrae t5 Tu 16 Oxenford 17 Rogers 78 Trevethem 19 Keogh 21 Whelan 22 Mcmurtrie 24 Bergin 26 Bain 28 Angel
z~'; .s:4txre~ ^,,rF
; .Szt 3r`< 1ZF71~
Cornwal l
20 L . Clarke (C ) 21 M. Fanning
32 G . Williams
OLD XAVERIANS (1 & 2) 1 Purcell P
Coaches : Shaun Kelly John Murphy
2 B . O'Hallora n 3 R . Keenan
50. T. Austen
3 Fih~r g~aa~tl M 4 Moyian N
J S M J M L L P C A P T 0 s T J
30 Lancashire 0 32 De Campo M 33 GourWy hi 39 Pegg C 42 Farrell C 43 RumLo:tl J 47 Clark 0 48 Dube M 50 Schroder R 60 George A 70 Prendi E 71 Gdrrths J 72 Higgins P 75 Mcderma't C
Winning Edge Presentations Blues were ; Gil McLachlan, Jarrod Sudholtz and Tim Birks . For Caulfield : Niael Brohier, Be n Round 14 brought more upset results as teams Jenkinson, Anthony jockeyed for final positions for 2004 . Results Alibrando and Richard Harris battled hard . Old Trinity set up their fifty point win over Old yielded me an 85 % success rate . Scotch, with a great first quarter effort, which saw Review of Round 14 . them lead by thirty seven points at the first Section 1 . Old Xaverians firmed as favourites through their change. The inability of the Scotch forwards to. one hundred and nine point victory over Old kick goals enabled Trinity to cruise to victory Jed . Burgess was their star, while David Essendon. The "Crocodiles" defended well into the Again, breeze, attacked with it and won easily as much Logan tried hard for Old Scotch . In the morning match, Old Geelong had a fifty five through fitness as through ability . Prahran protected their ascendancy over St point win at the expense of La Trobe University . Kevin's with a twenty seven point victory towards North Old Boys did their best to give victory to Old only kick nine goals which many of their perennial stars contributed . Carey, as their forwards could Brett Cartledge, played a vital role with seven from thirty scoring shots . Despite themselves, goals, while reigning Mason Medallist, Jason North won by eight points . Storer picked up possessions at ease around the Emmaus St Leo's received a forfeit from Monash ground . For St Kevin's : Dom Dunne, Andrew Gryphons . Preview of Round 15 . Kearns and Russ Wood were best . De La Salle, fell in against an injury depleted Section 1 . Mazenod by the minimum margin . Their The big game at McHale (another last game for the famous arena ?) sees last season's Grand inaccurate kicking almost lost the game for De La , who now still hope for a way to play next Sunday . Finalists, Old Xaverians and Prahran pitted Best for the injury depleted Mazenod were ; against each other . Prahran seem to have hit form at the right end of the season and with Storer and Nusbaum, Grenda and Grimmison . Marcellin ended their dismal season with a one Carledge in fine fettle, the "Crocodile" runners, such as Andrew Dillon and his ruckmen (Captain hundred and thirty five point loss to Old Scotch . Old Brighton had the bye . Section 2 . Leaders, Old Xaverians scored a comfortable win over Collegians by sixty seven points . Eley Park's one hundred and seventeen point victory over goal less, Whitefriars made a complete mockery of my prediction . Such is form!! Last Ci.l1-~ week, Whitefriars won away, while Eley Park C18 1 members bemoaned the failure of many players to 54 Cartiidge Prahran arrive for their match . 35 Fothergill Mazenod Therry Penola, who scored a convincing sixty point 25 Roberts De La Salle win over University Blacks, should now remain 23 k Iva Prahran free from relegation worries . 23 Buszard Mazenod Old Melburnians, ran over Monash Blues on the Junction Oval, where the home team won by C1$ 2 ninety points . Monash now can't logically qualify Fitzroy Reds Grimmet 9 51 for a final. Best for Old Melburnians were ; Simon Old Scotch Simon 6 49 Arden (5 goals), normal back pocket, George Eley Park Viola 2 35 Cooper (at full fonvard) and Adrian Anderson, who Therry Keenan 1 33 like George booted three goals . Collegians Grant 0 29 Fitzroy Reds scored a confidence building thirty C1$ 3 two point win over Old Scotch, whom they will North Old Boys Connolly 0 59 meet again next Sunday . Old Scotch Illingworth 3 49 Section 3 . Universitv Blues Sudholtz 0 31 Despite playing with sixteen men, University Blues Old Trinity Arrowsmith 5 30 defeated a determined Caulfield Grammarians by 4 one hundred and fifty four points . Best for the Caulfield Dalwood 0 2 The composition of the three final fours will depend on today's results . The evenly contested sections have been a promoter's dream . Brett' s organization of the fixtures could not have bee n
Nick Fay) must be prepared to drop back to prevent another Cartledge goal haul . No doubt the Xaverians are the fitter of the two sides, whose collective minds will be focused on victory . I favour them to be too strong for Prahran, whose stars are too few to cover each Xaverian strength. Old Brighton after the bye meet St Kevin's, who fancy their finals' chances, which took a battering from Prahran . Old Brighton will be keen to farewell Nick Sher and laud David Cochran with victory . I suspect St Kevin's talent will see them to victory . De La Salle should win over Old Essendon, to maintain their slim final four hopes alive . Mazenod have the opportunity to secure second place by defeating Old Scotch, who lost by sixty two points in Round 6 . I select Mazenod, but Old Scotch could surprise . Section 2 . I expect Collegians to end their moderately successful season with a big win over Whitefriars, who can't do any worse than they did last week. I owe a big apology to Eley Park so I tip you to end a season of what might have been with a good win over Therry Penola, who have not revealed much away form. Old Scotch should wrap up fourth place with a good win over University Blacks . Monash Blues have a chance to upset Old Xaverians at Monash . They did in Round 6 too but faltered in the second half . Greater consistency as well as depth will carry Old Xaverians to victory. In a final's preview, Old Melburnians travel to Clifton Hill to meet Fitzroy Reds, who won away by eleven points in Round 6 . Grimmett, up forward is firing for the Reds and the O .M .s may have to move Cooper back to mind him . Mulligan, if fit, will cause the Reds more problems as will the bulk of Michael Verge . It is difficult to select the victor but with the Old Melburnians having the better 2004 record, I lean to them . . . just Section 3. In Round 6 I selected Old Trinity to defeat University Blues, who proved me wrong by the Heinz margin. The Blues could struggle for numbers but they are a talented side . So, Tim McKinley, are Old Trinity!! Jed Burgess is a star (B.& F. material) as are Oliver and Arrowsmith . A titanic struggle should develop, from which the Blues should emerge with a hard earned victory in preparation for next Saturday's second semi final . I expect Old Scotch to reverse their loss to La robe University in Round 6, by winning today on the small Victoria Road Reserve . Old Geelong should end the season with another win over Monash Gryphons, who have not enjoyed success in their debutant season . North Old Boys can work on their goal kicking as they will prove far too talented for Caulfield Grammarians. Emmaus - St Leo's should fine tune their play for next Sunday as they cruise to victory over Old Carey for the second time this season . Correspondents Team Managers ; Please remember to contact me with news by noon Monday . E mai l 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004
nknugent@alphalink .com .au or telephone 9467 2857. Old Brighton - congratulate David "Coe'-y" Cochrane on reaching 351 games today and breaking the club record. Beginning his career in the U 19's in '81 Cocky has played at every level for the OBGFC and is currently enjoying a recall from Club XVIII to the reserves. Known in his younger days as a high flying fonvard, he spent his middle years at full back, where he gained state selection, before finishing back as a not so elusive key forward . Cocky has been a fine clubman, serving many years off field as Treasurer and on the general committee, whilst also making his mark at just about all social functions and end of season trips. Well done Cocky, good luck today, and finally heartfelt thanks form all past and present people at OBGFC . Also after four seasons at the helm of Old Brighton, Nick Sher will retire today . Nick has done a great job with his team as he has had to turn his hand to multiple tasks during the course of each season . No doubt your work is appreciated Nick and it is hoped you will retain your involvement, albeit at a less frenetic pace . Old Trinity - congratulate, Cam Barr, who played his 100th game against Old Scotch last Saturday. Cam, who first played in 1996, was a member of the 1997 Under 19 premiership team . Cam Has several seasons of Reserve's football behind him . These were interspersed with senior games in A and B Sections . Cam has come out of retirement to play in Club XVIII . All your friends look forward to a successful finish to your season through success in the final's series . Well done Cam.
TODAY'S MATCHES I214 CLUB 18 (1 ) Old Xaverians v Prahran St Kevins v Old Brighton Marcellin - By e De La Salle v Old Essendon Gr Old Scotch v Mazenod 0 C CLUB 18 (2) Collegians v Whitefriars Eley Park v Theny Penola 0 B Old Scotch (2) v University Blacks at Camberwell Sports Ground Monash Blues v Old Xaverians (2) Fitzroy Reds v Old Melburnians at Ramsde n Street Oval, Clifton Hill CLUB 18 (3) University Blues v Old Trinity - at Crawford Oval, Princes Park (2B, D2)
Old Scotch (3) v La Trobe Uni Monash Gryphons v Old Geelong North Old Boys v Caulfield Or Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Carey - at Whitehorse Reserve (Eley Park's ground) at 2 p .m . 57
JT~ `
;trr}!_I=1 ! CLUB 18 (1 )
OLD ESSENDON GR 3.0 3 .0 3 .3 3.3 (21) OLD XAVERIANS 2 .3 11 .6 16.9 21.16 (142) Old Ess: P Hammon 2 Walsh . Best : Cram Turner Barry Walsh P Hammon Poulton . Old Xav: Hall 6 Davies 4 Ward 3 L Hardwick 2 D Landrigan 2 Curnow Russian. Best : Curnow D Landrigan Hall Perry Davies Russian. Umpires: Frank Kavanagh (F) PRA1DdAN 3 .3 3 .4 6 .8 8.10 (58) 1 .2 2 .5 2 .5 4 .7 (31) ST KEVINS Prahran : Carilidge 7 Zissis . Best: Cartlidge Stephens Storer Green Slawinski Scott. SKOB: Harvey Quirk Gentiluomo Scarfo . Best : Dunn S Dillon Holland Makhoan . Umpires : Paul Fahey Mark Thornhill (F) OLD BRIGHTON HAS THE BYE MAZENOD OC 4 .1 5.4 7.5 9 .10 (64) DE LA SALLE 3 .5 5 .4 7.5 8 .17 (65) Maz : Nussbaum 2 Palarama Grenda Fisher Fothergill Davis Varney Crozier. Best: Fisher Grenda Nussbaum Grimmison S Azzopardi Davis . DLS: Coffey 2 N Buick 2 Clinch Harber elision Francis. Best: Coffey Norton Nicholas N Buick Francis Tucker . Umpires: Gavan Began Paul Rapke (F ) OLD SCOTCH 8 .3 17.5 20 .9 23 .14 (152) 2.5(17) MARCELLIN 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 Old Scotch : Costello 6 Browmvell 4 Kings 3 Logan 3 AW Sutherland 3 . Best: Costello Brownell Cathie Dufour Dufour 2 Lin Reinmouth Reinmouth Backman . Marc : Svmes Russell. Best : Details not received . ) Umpires : Joseph Salvatore Avi Wekselmen (F CLUB 18 (2) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 2 .2 7 .4 8.7 16 .8 (104) 5 .7(37) 0 .2 1 .4 3.6 COLLEGIANS Old Xav: Stapleton 3 Hoare 3 Conquest 2 Richards 2 S Carradus . Best: Ryan S Chamberlain Gleeson O'Connell Hardman Quinn Carradus W Ireland O'Connell Xeureb Mackay . Coll : Oakley 2 Davis S Day Letchford. Best : Ross Osborne Gambaro M Day Barber Johnson . Umpires: Simon Pearless Josh White-Spier (F ) WHITEFRIARS 0 .1 0 .1 0 .3 0.4(4) ELEY PARK 4.2 7.6 12 .8 18 .13 (121) Whitefiiars : Nil . Best : Jackson Toscana Littlcpage Tatterson . Eley Park : Viola 9 Jackson 4 Cresswell Powell Georgieu Price Payne . Best: Viola Powell Smith Payne Grant . Umpires : Tony Hegan (F) THERRY PENOLA 4.1 8.5 11 .14 14 .17 (101) 3 .3 4 .3 5.4 6 .5(41) UNIVERSITY BLACKS Therry Penola : Chapman 2 B Lyons 2 Keenan 2 D Lyons Topic Watson Bibby VanEnglen Toner Ward Savory. Best: Chapman Kennesey Saunders D Lyons Toner Kelly . Uni Blacks: Cardamone 3 McKinnon Begely Spong. Best : Otsuka Kean Bahen Hill Drummond Begely
Umpires: Paul Matton (F ) OLD MELBURNIANS 4 .3 10.9 14 .13 18.14 (122) 3.1 3.1 4 .2 5.2(32) MONASH BLUES Old Melb : Arden 5 Cooper 3 A Anderson 3 Branchllower 2 Farrer 2 : Bains Farrer Read H Tomlinson Verge Bains 2 H Tomlinson. Best Cooper. Mon Blues: M Dods 2 Coughlin Van Der Sluys Plehn . Best : Byrden West Johnson Grindley Coughlin L Woods . Umpires: Dean Banova (F) FITZROY REDS 0.2 3.7 6 .8 12 .12 (84) OLD SCOTCH (2) 3 .1 4 .1 8.3 8.4(52) Fitz Reds : Grimmett 5 Mackay 2 Densley 2 Watson Leske Frinsdon : Best: Holderhead Paul Cook Andrew Watson Densley Mackay . Old Scotch: N Simon 4 Pryles 2 Baker Glen . Best: N Simon Comport Stubna Ventura J Simon Fraser. Umpires: Tony Robbins Bob O'Halloran (F) CLUB 18 (3) CAULFIELD GR 0 .0 0.0 1 .2 1 .2 (8) UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 .4 15 .7 17 .10 25 .16 (166) Caulfield Gr. Harris . Best: Brohier Harris Sheppard Jenkinson R Nadebum Johnson. Uni Blues: Fulton 5 Sudholtz 4 Hutchison 3 Barbetti 2 Birks 2 Callorv 2 McLachlan 2 Heine Irving Meanher Thomas Costin . Best: Hutchison Birks McKinley Irving Sudholtz Costin . Umpires : David Windlow (F )
OLD TRINITY 6.1 7.5 8 .8 10 .11 (71) OLD SCOTCH (3) 0 .0 2 .3 2 .7 2 .9(21) Old Trln: Barr 3 Arrowsmith 2 Ward A Amiconi Hit McDonald J Cade . Best: Arrowsmith Burgess Ward Gray A Amiconi Barr . Old Scotch: Illingworth 2 . Best: Logan S Ballan Paul Henwood Illtngworth Walters . Umpires: Paul Nailer Brian Nunn (F) OLD GEELONG 1 .2 4 .6 7 .11 11.12 (78) LATROBE UNIVERSITY 0 .1 0.5 2.5 3,5(23) Old Geel : R Imhoff 3 5 Timms 2 C Burgess 2 D Lyons R Hetherington J Urquhart S Ross . Best: S Ross S Timms C Atkins T D'Antotne C Burgess R Imhoff. LaTrobe: Waterman 2 Peters. Best: Fanning Waterman Rose Gloury Spencer Owens . Umpires : Danny Carroll Tom Windlow (F) OLD CAREY 4.1 6 .1 8 .3 10.7 (67) 7.18 9 .21 (75) NORTH OLD BOYS 2.4 4 .12 Old Carey: Wright 3 M Cooke 2 Detarcynski 2 Hall S Cooke Marshall . Best : Hall Forsyth Barr Choong Partridge H Thomas . NOB: Connelly 8 Holt. Best : Sutton Muscat Connelly Marshall P Christian Kavanagh . Umpires : Trevor Hansen (F) EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 14 .13 (97) 4 .6(30) MONASH GRYPHONS Monssh Gryphons forfeit Emmaus St Leos receive forfeit . Umpires: Rick Benson Steve Mason (F7
Ground Floor, 77 Station Street . M alvern 3144 M elbourne - Level 7, 313 LaTrobe Street, M elbourne 300 0 Telephone: (03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : (03) 9509 2379 (03) 9670 6633 E-mail : infoQscottpartners .com .au Web: www.scottpartners
The Firm : We are a firm of Chartered Accountants committed to providing business and insolvency services to both businesses and individuals . Our philosophy is to always provide quality service to our clients, with the highest standards of professionalism .
Our Services include : • insolvency and Business • Superannuation • Taxation Services Reconstructio n • Financial Planning • Computer Services • Audit Services • Accounting and Bus iness Service s Contact us for an initial no obligation consultation or cost assessment . DAVID SCOTT - MARAGING PARTNE R
The Complete Aw?"-A anA P resentations Service
Wide range of standard Sporting T rophies an d custom manufactured awards Al l types of Plaques and Signs in brass, steel, acrylic, wood, glass, . . . Honour Boards and update s Complete in-house Engraving and Artwork Service Quality Crystal, Silver, Pewter and Leather Giftwar e ~ Framing of Jumpers, Certificates, Footballs, Memorabilia ... * Club and Corporat-a C1othin`i
FEDA REPORT With only one week to go we have two very tightly tussled divisions, with finals' positions up for grabs we should see a very good finish to the FIDA season .
game is between Ballarat and Ballam Park 2 followed by and Mambourin who take on Ballam Park 1 . Moonee Valley host Parkside in what will be a close game .
In round 8, we saw 5 of the games being played at Parkville . The first game seen
In games at Bull-Temp, the home team takes on Broady 1 and Ringwood play Broady 2 .
Moonee Valley take on the undefeated Maribyrnong and it stayed that way Maribyrnong were to strong running out
Also this week Port Colts travel upto Albury to play 0 & M Jets .
winners 14 .20 .104 to Moonee Valley 1 .0 .6. The second game was between Ballam Park 2 and Bull-Temp in very tight and well contested game Ballam Park to narrowly got over the line winning 4 .8.32 to 2 .3 .15 . The next game was played between Broadmeadows 1 and Port Colts 1 in what was a good game of football Port Colts ran out winners 7 .5 .47. to Broady 2 .7 .19 .
The other two games at Parkville were forfeits, the first forfeit was from Broady 2 so Port Colts 2 received the points and 0 & M Jets 2 forfeited to Ballam Park 1 .
Good Luck to all teams in the final round and well done on a successful season so far.
F7DA LAUDERS ROUND 9 DIVISION Y P W L D F Agst % Pis 8ALLA1v3 PARK 1' 9 9 0 0 909 85 106949 36 BROADMEADOWS 1 9 7 2 0 350 220 159 .09 28 PORT COLTS 1 9 6 3 0 445 306 145 .42 24 BALLAM PARK 2 9 6 3 0 398 376 105 .85 24 NORTH BALLARAT 9 4 5 0 445 329 135 .26 16 BULLEEN•TEPhP 9 3 6 0 149 530 28.11 12 0&MJETS 1 9 1 8 0 270 538 50.19 4 MAMBOURIN TIGERS 9 0 9 0 119 913 13,03 0
In the final game of round 9 Parkside took on Ringwood at Ringwood and Parkside prevailed winning 21 .12.138 to Ringwood 0.1 .1 .
DIVISION 1 P W E 0 F Agst °!oMARIBYRNONG 9 9 0 0 816 72 1133:33 PARKS€DE 9 7 2 0 524 280 187.14 28 MOONEE VALLEY 9 6 3 0 209 242 86.36 24 BROADPBEADDUIS 2 9 5 4 0 356 335 10627 20 PORT COLTS 2* 9 4 5 0 303 254 11929 16 0&AI JETS 2# 9 4 5 0 148 375 39.47 16 RINGW000 9 1 8 0 133 639 20.81 4
In our final round of the season two games will be played at Elsternwick Park . The first
# had bye last roun d * Received forfeit last roun d
Ballarat travelled to Mambourin in cold conditions and took the points home with them winning 20 .7 .127 to Mambourin 1 .1 .7 .
LATE SCORE S First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100); eac h subsequent offence ($100).
째e sultsofTri ! ;,~ aIR , ;, inr^-Ti I~il .'~ From July 1 7 Adam McKay, Therry Penola . Striking, 2 matches . From July 2 4 Lincoln Reynolds, Old Trinity . Striking, 5 matches. *M atthew Griffin, Aquinas 0 C . Abusive language, 2 matches . *Paul Pinkney, Old Camberwell (Under-19) . Striking, 2 matches . *Rowan McKinnon, Old Trinity ( Reserves) . Striking 2 matches . * Accepted Prescribed Penalt y R Hearinos Tuesda~Ju1~27 Richmond Central and North Brunswick charged with a melee in their senior match played at Kevin Bartlett Reserve on Saturday July 17 . Charge proven . Both clubs fined $100 for being involved in a minor melee . Old Essendon charged with knowingly playing an unregistered player in their under-19 match against Ruperstwood at Essendon on July 10, 2004 . Charge proven . Club fined $500 and the points scored on the day to be deleted from percentage calculations .
Reserves/C18 Seniors/ 1 .1 19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Yarra Valley (R) Old Carey (U ) St. John (R) Bentleigh (U) Hawthorn (R) Emmaus St . Leos (U) Old Carey (C) Phoned incorrect scores - Round 12/1 3
Uni Blues (R), Old Ivanhoe (R), St. Bedes Mentone Tigers (R), St . Kevins (U), Ajax (U), Uni Blacks (U), De La Salle (U2), La Trobe Uni (C), Monash Blues (C) .
14 Rank
Nam e Barry Hickey Norm Nugent Peter Willamson Gavan Flower Ed Sill Glen Harrison Andrew Wu Cam Nation Fraser Cameron Johathan Horn Tom Brain
Score Out of
Score Out of
3 11 2
5 13 5
3 5 3 2 7 12 3 1
5 5 5 5 8 13 5 5
55 145 52 52 51 50 49 81 127 42
70 193 70 70 70 70 70 123 194 65
D4 D3 C D2 U/19 U/19 A B
% 79 %
75% 74 %
74% 73% 71% 70%
66% 65 % 65 % 63 % 61
_,:: Name the grid square where you think the bal l was in the original photo . PRIZES: Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package !
Last week, ball was in D 2 . One Winner - Denise Kelly (Mazenod) . HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person . Tear off se , ewhicaprsdongtiefhspa VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 . entries.
y'! L D For Ag,st % Pts 13 1 0 1196 457 261 .71 52 12 2 0 1404 341 411 .73 48 12 2 0 1083 582 186 .08 48 7 7 0 803 863 93 .05 28 5 9 0 707 820 86 .22 20 5 9 0 708 952 74 .37 20 5 9 0 757 1279 59 .19 20 4 10 0 458 785 58 .34 16 4 10 0 531 1084 48 .99 16 3 11 0 565 1221 46 .27 1 2
P FY L D Far A U1 9 (2) ULUE PENINSULA 0 B 14 12 2 0 1761 969 181 33 48 BENTLEIGH 14 11 3 0 1838 508 361 .81 44 ST JOHNS 0 C 14 10 4 0 1302 1036 125 .68 40 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 14 9 5 0 1428 1108 128 .88 36 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS14 9 5 0 1288 1115 115 .52 36 MAZENOD 0 C 14 5 9 0 1009 1397 72 .23 20 ORMOND 14 4 10 0 983 1498 65.62 16 DE LA SALLE (2) 14 4 10 0 948 1546 61 .32 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 14 3 11 0 793 1725 45 .97 12 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 14 2 12 0 900 1801 49.97 8
% PCs 6Y 1 D For Agst 13 1 0 1250 492 254 .07 52 13 1 0 1107 468 236 .54 52 12 2 0 1421 572 248.43 48 8 6 0 1070 719 148.82 32 7 7 0 1087 1044 104 .12 28 6 8 0 754 802 94 .01 24 6 8 0 714 1021 69.93 24 4 10 0 823 1191 69.10 16 1 13 0 372 1354 27.47 4 0 0 14 0 434 1560 27 .82
FITZROY REDS 14 14 0 0 1568 455 344.62 RUPERTSW000 ( 2) 14 11 3 0 1269 632 200.79 LA TROBE UNI 14 10 4 0 1127 664 169 .73 OLD WESTBOURNE 14 9 5 0 837 982 85 .23 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWEI4 7 7 0 1034 1020 101 .37 14 7 7 0 967 1032 93 .70 NORTH OLD BOYS OLD XAVERIANS ( 2) 14 7 7 0 680 822 82 .73 UHS-VUlST BERNARDS 14 3 11 0 541 1650 32 .79 AQUINAS 0 C 14 2 12 0 585 1544 37 .89
Pis kY L D For ADs7 % 11 3 0 1186 638 185.89 44 11 3 0 962 552 174.28 44 10 4 0 1043 761 137.06 40 9 4 1 946 684 138.30 38 9 5 0 1097 806 136 .10 36 7 6 1 1014 738 137 .40 30 5 9 0 911 845 107 .81 20 5 9 0 787 930 84 .62 20 2 12 0 491 1313 37 .40 8 0 14 0 510 1735 29 .39 0
W 11 10 10 10 8 7 5 4 3 1
L D For Agst % Pts 3 0 1587 1020 155 .59 44 3 1 1463 989 147 .93 42 4 0 1307 921 141 .91 40 4 0 1366 1195 114 .31 40 6 0 1445 1047 138.01 32 6 1 1344 1259 106.75 30 9 0 1005 1227 81 .91 20 10 0 967 1312 73.70 16 11 0 572 1745 32.78 12 13 0 782 1403 55.74 4
W 11 10 10 9 7 7 7 5 3
L D For Agst % Pts 3 0 1270 1063 119.47 44 3 1 1009 604 167.05 42 4 0 1175 1115 105.38 40 5 0 1089 1042 104.51 36 7 0 1055 1003 105 .18 28 7 0 914 1029 88 .82 28 7 0 823 988 83 .30 28 9 0 926 1152 8038 20 10 1 729 1107 65 .85 1 4
W 11 11 10 10 8 8 4 4 2 2
L 0 For Agsf Pts % 3 0 1525 774 197 .03 44 3 0 1233 848 145 .40 44 4 0 1362 769 177 .11 40 4 0 1286 862 149 .19 40 6 0 1302 825 157 .82 32 6 0 1143 1001 114 .19 32 10 0 1008 1326 76.02 16 10 0 731 1262 57.92 16 12 0 640 1705 37.54 8 12 0 675 1805 37.40 8
U19 (2) R~U P~ L D Fnr Agst
CLUB 78 (1)
56 44 40 36 28 28 28 12 8
D For A 2 1 0 1433 498 287.75 92 .31 9 3 0 827 649 127.43 75 .00 8 4 0 837 543 154.14 66 .67 8 5 0 1041 717 145.19 61 .54 7 5 1 897 746 120.24 53 .85 5 7 0 703 717 98.05 41 .67 3 8 1 713 994 71 .73 25 .00 2 10 0 542 1036 52 .32 16 .67 379 1543 24 .56 7 .69 1 12 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0.00
CLUB 1 8 (2) P W L D For Agst % PIS OLD XAVERIANS (2) 14 12 2 0 1089 580 187 .76 48 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 12 2 0 1173 639 183 .57 48 FITZROY REDS 14 9 5 0 959 726 132 .09 36 OLD SCOTCH (2) 14 8 6 0 1036 964 107 .47 32 MONASH BLUES 14 7 7 0 833 935 89 .09 28 ELEY PARK 14 6 8 0 937 904 103 .65 24 COLLEGIANS 14 6 8 0 947 1017 93 .12 24 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 14 5 9 0 830 1061 78 .23 20 WHITEFRIARS 14 3 11 0 489 1085 45 .07 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 2 12 0 618 1160 53 .28 8
CLUB 18 (3)
P W L D For A
UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 14 0 0 1731 391 442 .71 56 OLD TRINITY 14 12 2 0 1413 601 235 .11 48 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 14 9 5 0 1004 648 154 .94 36 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 8 6 0 854 674 126 .71 32 OLD SCOTCH (3) 14 7 7 0 817 1013 80 .65 28 CAULFIELD GR 14 5 8 1 897 1263 71 .02 22 OLD GEELONG 14 5 9 0 881 1045 84 .31 20 LA TROBE UNI 14 4 9 1 509 1098 46 .36 18 OLD CAREY 14 2 12 0 618 1439 42 .95 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 14 2 12 0 531 1322 40.17 8 ------------------------------' 1
* Weekend Jatches (7ri) ® Umpires Appointments
® Scores (Sat . night) (cha
presented by
s~ t~ hi herlrom a mobila phone to this seruic?)
---- -`~--~--L------------------ ~
P~ L D
For Agst % Pfs
69 12 11 9 8 7 5 4 4 3 2
PIS L D For Agst % 1 0 1416 896 158 .04 48 2 0 1291 827 156 .11 44 4 0 1507 1177 128.04 36 5 0 1266 1077 117.55 32 6 0 1160 1196 96.99 28 8 0 857 1059 80.93 20 9 0 1114 1106 10012 16 9 0 853 1146 74.43 16 10 0 663 1359 48 .79 12 8 11 0 925 1209 76 .51
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
13 13 9 9 8 5 4 4 3 1
B/ 10 9 9 9 7 7 6 3 3 1
% Pts 1 D For Agst 3 0 1438 1140 126 .14 40 4 0 1355 987 137 .28 36 4 0 1458 1159 125 .80 36 4 0 1030 962 107 .07 36 5 1 1087 1080 100.65 30 6 0 1110 1045 106.22 28 7 0 1053 1059 99 .43 24 9 1 901 1313 68 .62 14 10 0 900 1297 69 .39 12 4 12 0 904 1194 75 .71
W 12 11 9 8 8 7 5 5 3 1
L D For Agst % Pls 2 0 1293 966 133 .85 48 2 1 1586 948 167 .30 46 5 0 1246 1075 115.91 36 5 1 1155 1027 112.46 34 6 0 1136 957 118.70 32 7 0 1073 1028 104 .38 28 9 0 1150 1238 92 .89 20 9 0 997 1306 76 .34 20 11 0 1068 1495 71 .44 12 4 13 0 947 1611 58 .78
L D For A~sr % Pts P W B RESERVE NORTH OLD BOYS 13 11 2 0 944 526 179 .47 44 COLLEGIANS 13 11 2 0 812 594 136 .70 44 ST KEVINS 13 9 3 1 978 629 155 .48 38 OLD BRIGHTON 13 7 6 0 772 568 135.92 28 MAZENOD 0 C 13 7 6 0 764 889 85 .94 28 OLD ESSENDON GR 13 5 8 0 718 735 97 .69 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 13 5 8 0 593 766 77 .42 20 OLDIVANHOE 13 4 9 0 641 936 68 .48 16 OLD PARADIANS 13 4 9 0 485 898 54 .01 16 BEAUMARIS 13 1 11 1 536 855 62 .69 6
6Y L D For Agst % Pls 14 0 0 1702 818 208 .07 56 10 4 0 1350 953 141 .66 40 10 4 0 1375 1017 135.20 4 0 9 5 0 1154 833 138 .54 36 8 6 0 1286 1105 116 .38 32 5 9 0 1069 1416 75 .49 20 5 9 0 850 1256 67 .68 20 4 10 0 1002 1215 82 .47 16 4 10 0 935 1273 73 .45 16 4 1 13 0 766 1671 45.84
.r a _Pb 1 D L C RESEfiVE P W HAMPTON ROVERS 14 11 3 0 991 704 140 .77 44 AJAX 14 9 5 0 874 558 156 .63 36 MONASH BLUES 14 8 5 1 906 745 121 .61 34 CAULFIELD GR 14 8 6 0 978 736 132 .88 32 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 14 8 6 0 768 800 96 .00 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 14 8 6 0 836 871 95 .98 32 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 14 7 7 0 962 828 116 .18 28 MHSOB 14 6 7 1 860 623 138 .04 26 PARKDALE VULTURES 14 4 10 0 720 1093 65 .87 16 0 GLEN EIRA 14 0 14 0 441 1474 29 .92
W 12 11 10 9 7 5 4 4 4 3
12 12 10 9 9 5 4 3 3 3
PIS L 0 For A % 2 0 1588 870 182 .53 48 3 0 1447 1017 142 .28 44 3 1 1396 973 143 .47 4 2 5 0 1222 1104 110 .69 36 7 0 1130 1105 102 .26 28 8 1 978 1332 73 .42 22 10 0 1053 1315 80.08 16 79,45 16 10 0 1017 1280 10 0 833 1323 62.96 16 11 0 888 1263 70 .31 1 2 0 For 6! 2 0 1638 961 170 .45 2 0 1460 1018 143 .42 4 0 1260 985 127 .92 5 0 1178 894 131 .77 5 0 1262 1218 103.61 9 0 1111 1154 96.27 10 0 1046 1386 75.47 11 0 1197 1503 79.64 11 0 954 1323 72 .11 11 0 1043 1707 61 .10
48 48 40 36 36 20 16 12 12 12
0 1505 676 222 .63 52 0 1474 819 179.98 52 0 1465 1050 139.52 36 0 1603 1230 130 .33 36 0 1270 1093 116.19 32 0 1210 1296 91 36 20 1 889 1343 66 .20 18 0 1217 1679 72 .48 16 0 965 1622 59,49 12 1 1023 1813 56 .43 6
1 D For A .~sr
UNIVERSITY BLUES 13 13 0 0 1496 389 384 .58 52 ST BERNARDS 13 9 4 0 889 685 129 .78 36 OLD TRINITY 13 8 5 0 789 589 133 .96 32 OLD SCOTCH 13 8 5 0 974 824 118 .20 32 DE LA SALLE 13 7 6 0 813 765 106 .27 28 OLD XAVERIANS 13 7 6 0 770 824 93 .45 28 OLD HAILEYBURY 13 6 7 0 808 813 99 .38 24 MARCELLIN 13 4 9 0 674 920 73 .26 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 2 11 0 541 1060 51 .04 8 26,75 4 WHITEFRIARS 13 1 12 0 337 1260
PW 1 D For Agst 14 12 2 0 1235 467 264 .45 48 14 12 2 0 1181 489 241 .51 48 14 10 4 0 1437 476 301 .89 40 14 9 5 0 983 673 146 .06 36 14 9 5 0 1129 812 139 .04 36 14 9 5 0 811 837 96.89 36 14 4 9 1 636 1004 63 .35 18 14 2 11 1 544 980 55 .51 10 14 1 13 0 375 1281 29.27 4 4 14 1 13 0 272 1800 15 .11
presented by
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fcLg_Q-s m3y t~ hipt Lf han a mobile phar° fo t6s serv x} ____ J THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20t