The Amateur Footballer, Week 16, 2004

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6a1 Journal of th e :R FOOTBALL .hSSQCIATt"ODI+, ` a Publication . CaYtItorv BY


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Once again the VAFA is extremely pleased to host the annual S (Associated Public Schools) versus AGS ( T h e Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria) Combined Football Game at Sportscover Arena . This will be the third time that the VAFA has hosted the match and the game will be played on We dnesday A ugust 1 8th commencing at 6 .30 p m . Each APS and AGSV school principal and the person responsible P H-IL STEVENS E for organising the football program in each school has been CHIEF EXECUTIV OFFICER invited to a pre-match dinner where the VAFA takes th e opportunity of congratulating and thanking the schools for their efforts in keeping football "alive" and in aiding the development of the Amateur stars of tomorrow . ~t the time of writing this article for the "Amateur Footballer" (Tuesday) there is 1C section club ; 1 731 section club ; 1D2 section club ; 2 D3 section clubs ; 1D4 section club ; 2 C Reserve Section clubs ; 1 D2 Section reserves club ; 2 D3 Section reserv es clubs ; 1 D4 Section reserves club ; 1 U19 Section 2 club ; 1 U19 Section 3 club and 1 U1 9 Blue Section club who are working their way to reducing their debt to $3,000 or t(-ss by August 13 (C to D) clubs) and August 20 (A to B) allowing them to participate in this year's finals . The figure each club is working towards is as of July 26 and therefore does not include debts incurred in the month of August . The numbers of clubs outlined above should give clubs outside the four(s) an idea they are a possibility of finals'action - they of course are to be debt free ! Clubs are asked to note that the 2004 Vote Count and Presentation Night will be held on Monday September 6th at the Carlton C rest liÂŽtel in Queens Road . Clubs will be provided with more details shortly and will be advised of the number of players who will receive complimentary invitations - best and fairest winners, leading goalkickers, coates hire MVP Players and AAFC All-Australians . The Executive of the AAFC met over two days in Adelaide last week and as well as planning for the next series of Championship matches the Council decided it would look at ways of collectively sharing various initiatives . These would include developing and improving our information technologies, developing shared and communal reinstatement guidelines, developing common constitutions, sourcing national sponsors to name a few . Certainly combining the resources of knowledge will save re-inventing the same wheel a number of times .


Next ~Veek's Matches .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .„ . . . . . . . . . .9 Coaches' Clipboard . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 For the Love of the Game . ... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . I8-19 Coates hire MVF's . . .. ... . .. .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Cadbury's Face in the Crowd .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Looking Back . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . 34-35 Today's Umpires . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . .. ... . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .40 Trainers' Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .47 Club XV III Finals' Team lists . . .. . . . ... . . ..58-6I Sportscover Arena Draw . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . ... . . . .. . .6I Tribunal & Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .6I Sportscover Spot the Ba ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .62 Ladders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 J64

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Dens Dazzle, Friars Razzle, OM[s Frazzle, Eagles Sizzle, Bloods Fizzle and De La o,Ihittl e If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" wrote the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and there's no doubt that last Saturday had a decidedly Spring feel to it as I woke up to a bedroom bathed in sunshine for the first time in about 4 years (3 years in the UK thanks very much) . I leapt the fence and strolled down to Toorak Park, confident that the September like weather would bring out the best in the reigning premiers . Unfortunately, the first thing I saw was a big blond St Bernards gentleman in the goal-square, dobbing goals like Frank Drebin crashes cars . Danny Jordan was back from Geelong together with Danny Byrne and they emphasized just how a few class players can reignite a seemingly demoralized team . Nick Mitchell in the pivot, Tate Pearson on a flank and Damien McLaughlin back from injury were all key players in the 5 goal win . Xavs had a stack of players missing from their backline but a few unknowns bobbed up in attack, including Nick Quinn, who kicked four goals . The upshot? Bernards a different team with the VFL players in, Xavs a bit depleted but far too good to be talked of as a relegation prospect. Speaking of Dan, Marcellin's Daniel Cul .linan is even bigger than Jordan, younger than Jordan and on Saturday he kicked two more goals than his Bernards rival to cement his place at the head of the goalkicking table . Marcellin was simply awesome in a game that many believed Scotch could pull off . Cox back from his wrist injury, Joel Rice all over the ground and Dallas Jarred on James Gerstman all set up the 108 point win which enhanced their percentage no end . With Nick Addison due back from overseas any day now, everything looks fine and dandy . And Scotch? Well, they staged a remarkable mid season recovery but it would taker a pretty resilient team to regroup after a day like that . As I alternated between Toorak Park and the local TAB, news kept filtering through from the De La, Uni game down the road . Mick Duggan was on fire my spy told me, Pete Harrison was shutting Ross Young out of the game and De La looked a real chance . In the end, the sluggish Blues finally got going and two, key goals to George De Crespigny just before - time signalled the beginning of the end for the young De La side. Tim Mulhebach at CHF was good for the Blues but a couple of bad misses at key moments cost the home side dearly.


Trinity was always expected to beat 077s J! and did so without much fanfare . Probably the worst news of the day for th e Melburnian' faithful was news of Whitefriars' shock one point win over the perennially disappointing Old Haileybury. Joel Anderson has really blossomed in the second half of the year and he bagged 5 goals while Pat and Ben's brother Mick Mannix lurking about the forward line was deadly all day . It's no fluke that the Friars' big wins usually coincide with a sterling effort from Anthony Carbone and the club legend was clearly best on ground in a win that opens up all sorts of intriguing scenarios as far as the relegation scramble is concerned . To gleam exactly what is going wrong at McKinnon, a quick glance at the forum on their website offers a few interesting insights . They're in trouble but a decent percentage may be their saving grace . My thoughts on how your team wi ll go today Xavs have always found the Uni Main a tough nut to crack and may find the ladder leaders a shade too classy today, my old team De La deserve a win and I'll stick my neck out and select them by a goal over Scotch, Haileybury seem to be in disarray and Trinity should pump them, Marcellin will be far too good for Old Melburnians . As far as Sunday goes, who knows?! If Bernard's have a full list, they'll smash the Friars, if not, anything is possible .

CLUB A SECTION Marcellin St Benards Old Scotch Old Trinity A RESERVE University Blues St Bernard s Old Scotch Old Haileybury

LST 17 ; TOTA L Cullinan Jordon D Gerstman Walsh

9 7 3 4

54 50 47 45

Millard 5 34 Close 5 29 Reid 2 25 Lappage 0 2 0


The Run Home J 4 1111J I '."' As Seinfeld's Newman illustrated by hiring Kris --- ----- ---- ------ .~ Kristofferson for his Millennium Eve party in 1979, , OLD XAYr:RIA1•IS 3.3 6 .9 10 .12 16.12 (108) looking too far ahead can be perilous . Nevertheless, ST BERNARDS 6 .3 11 .5 13 .9 21 .12 (138) the next three weeks are fascinating as far as the Old Rae : Quinn 4 Beardsley Beetham T Ockleshaw 2 Agius Higgins Hawkins McDonnell Chatfield Ryan. Best : Be ardsley Ford Beetham relegation battle is concerned. Let's have a look . . . De La - Marcellin, Xavs, Trinity - all tough, pretty Johnston Purss D Walsh . St Bem : D Jordan 7 Pearson 6 S Mitchell 2 N Mitchell C Mitche ll Liberatore By rne Baumgartner Pitts . Best: D much gon e Jord an Pearson Byrne McLaughlin N Mitchell Keunen . E9hitefriars - Blues, Scotch, Xavs - also tough, awful Umpires : Richard Eastwood Jason MeNiece ( F) Ch ristian Schaeffer percentage won't help Peter Monotti (B) Bernie Hoare Travis Storti (G) p - Bloods, Bernards, Scotch - Not safe just yet, DE LA SALLE 2 .3 7.4 7.7 8 .11 (59) need at least one win UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 .2 5 .4 9 .8 13 .11 (89) Haileybury - OMs, Marcellin, Uni - Could lose all DLS: Corin 2 Mercuri 2 Rayson Foon Quin an e Dugganm Best : Dugg an L Harrison Jolley P Harrison Bonnici S Hyl and. Uni Blues: deCrespigny 4 three and far from safe Xavs - Scotch, De La, Whitefriars, - playing Ok and Clark 2 Lowcock 2 Muhtebaeh Nation North Martin Young. Best: Penny .' Muhlebach McKinnon Cordick Hayter deCrespigny . will hang on with no real nightmare games .' Umpires: Wayne Hinton Damien Anderson (F) Matt Jenkinson Rob Corresponden~s : Jonathan Horn - Mayston Jnr ( B) Steven Piperno Bernie Jephson (G) jonathan~horn(&',vahoo . co . uk MARCELLIN 5.2 13.4 18.5 23 .16 (154) De La Salle - Congratulations to :=ev'in Manaia and Anthony Johnstone who each played their 150th game for DLS last Saturday. Kevin's comprise 1 Senior, 62 Reserves, 85 Club 18 and 2 Under 19 . He was Warriors B & F in 1996, 2001 and 2003 while being Runner Up in 2002 demonstrating his consistency of high standard performance . Kevin also captained the Warriors in 1996 . Well done # 31 . Johnno's 150 comprise 83 Senior (32 "A" and 51 "B" Grade), 31 Reserves and 36 Under 19 . After playing his first Senior game in 1997 Johnno quickly established himself as a quality player who could perform well in key positions at either end of the ground . In recent seasons Johnno's progress has been impacted by several long term injuries. Great to see you back fit and well Ants . St . Benards - Congratulations from all to Chris Davis on his 100th VAFA game for the club today . Chris has been with the club since Under 12's and has been a wonderful clubman and great contributor throughout that time . After being a junior competition Best & Fairest winner Chris was the winner of our Reserves B&F last year and a great performer in our Reserves premiership team . This year Chris has played most of his games in the 1st XVIII and we all hope that he can add an A grade premiership medal, to equal his father Terry's 1975 medal, to his other awards in 2004 . Old Xaveri ans - congratulate James Hawkins who played his 200th game for the club last week. James joined Old Xavs from school in '93, was appointed U19 captain in '94, won the reserves B&F in '95 . Has been a premiership player at senior level in 96-97 & 99-00. Is currently reserve captain . Well done Hawk.

TODAY'S MAT C ES R1 5 A. SECTION University Blues v Old Xaverians Old Scotch v De La Salle - 96.5 Inner FM St Bernards v Whitefriars - at Sportscover Arena, Sunday Old Haileybury v Old Trinity Old Melburnians v Marcellin ) THE AMATEU R

OLD SCOTCH 1 .2 3.4 5 .8 6.10 (46) Marc : Cullinan 9 Rice 4 Symes 3 H ansen 2 Cox Adams Frazer Salce Johnstone . Best: Cullman Gartner Frosina Carmody Brooks Jarred . Old Scotch: Gertsman 3 Sutcliffe 2 Dennis . Best: Aston S Collins Tallent Lewis Gerstman Freem an .

Umpires : Peter James Mark Morri son ( F) Nathan Eddy Michael Saunders ( B) John Ha ll Craig Amot (G) WHITEFRIARS

3 .5 4 .8 8 .10 10 .14 (74) OLD HAILEYBURY 4 .4 5 .7 8 .12 10 .13 (73) White : Anderson 5 M Carbone Carrigg Hill Mannix Phan . Best: A Carbone Mannix A Pawlik Anderson Jan son Phan . Old Hall : Siapantas 3 Bourke 2 Mason 2 Armstrong A Floyd Rode . Best: Mason Siap antas O'Donnell white Rode Waite .

Umpires: Michael Sneddon Mark Gibson ( FJ Se an Collins Andrew fteehtmann (B) Dominic Napoli Daniel Scully (G) OLD TRINITY 1 .0 5.7 11 .12 14.14 (98) OLD MELBURNIANS 2.4 4 .5 4 .5 8.10 (58) Old Trin: Walsh 4 Andrews 3 A Ramsden 2 Cul trera 2 Krakouer R Ramsden D Van Der Venne . Best: A Ramsden Williams Buttler Hillas Neville Cultrera . Old ffiolb: Miller 2 Richardson 2 Berry Kennon Wilson Wulff . Best: Beaumont Richardson Guest Mulquiney Thompson Marson.

Umpires : Albie Firley Geoff Caul fi eld (F) Peter Teasdale Craig Brajtberg (B) Vin Vescovi Dennis Webster (G ) A RESERVE OLD RAVERIAAIS 1 .3 3.4 5.6 9.9(63) ST BERNARDS 4.4 10 .8 16 .9 17.10 (112) Old F,av : Pasceri 3 N Larkins 2 T Ockleshaw Cham bers Silk Corcoran. Best : Freer O'Meara Pasceri Sadler A E Jones Higgins . St Bern: Close 5 Mihailovic 3 Grant 2 L P O'Sullivan 2 A Smith 2 Basaraba H an de Hogan. Best: Perrett Close Thomas A Smith Hog an Bas araba. DE LA SALLE 1 .0 1 .1 4 .4 5,9(39) UNIVERSITY BLUES 4.4 10.7 15 .9 19.14 (128) DLS : 11'almsley 3 Jarvis McLeish. Best: El lis McLeish Marks Walker Molan Thomas . Uni Blues : Millard 5 Scilly 4 McLachlan 2 Callery 2 Gates 2 Cheel Terri ll Girdwood Brookes. Best : Gates Millard Sally JS Brooke word Terrill. MARCELLIN 6.2 8.3 9 .4 11 .5 (71) OLD SCOTCH 3.3 5 .5 12.5 16.5 (101) M arc : Weekes 3 D M cMill an 2 MeCartin Treganowan Taylor Perri M Moran S Dinneen. Best : Dale Weekes D McMillan M Moran O'Flynn Theisz, Old Scotch: Ca tions 5 Dick 3 Thompson 3 Reid 2 Ross 2 Beaurepaire. Best: Knight Cations Beattie Sutherland Beaurepaire Angus. WHITEFRIARS 0.0 4 .1 5.2 7.4 (46) OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .9 6.12 15 .14 19.19 (133) Whitefriars : Gtoufchev 3 Carrigg 2 Paproth Poutney . Best: Kennedy Morris Nun an Gloufchev Dyer Duffy. Old Hall : Efstathiou 3 Ferguson 3 Levy 3 Somata 2 Poutney 2 Rowlands Bell Johnston Warne Saunders Fight . Best : Hassett Rowlan ds Levy Saunders J. Mclauchlan Ferguson. OLD TRINITY 2 .1 4.2 7 .7 11,10 (76) OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .2 1 .6 1 .8 2 .10 (22) Old Trin : Troon 2 Gamble 2 Donahoo 2 G De ane-Johns 2 Cristiano 2 Bladeni. Best: G Deane-Johns Troon Bladeni Morpeth Z Williams GoldeiiLwrg. Old Melb: Anderson Jenkins. Best : Om an A Prowse Mitchell M Prowse Anderson Jenkins .




A Sectio n DE LA SALLE Coach : Mark Lowe Asst: Paul Dwyer Res: Mick Hagan Cl 18: Benjamin Buick 1 L . Walker C r 2 R . Buckley 3 B. Corin VC 4 L . Harrison DVC 5 M . Duggan 7 P. Harrison 8 J. La Ra 9 J. Moloney Or G . Gilbert 10 T. Silvers 12 M . McHenry 13 A. Johnstone 14 W. Dwyer 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland 17 L Bowden 17 A . Elliott 17 J . Garland 18 L . Williams 18 T. Demetriou 19 M. Goodier 20 M. Picone 20 A. Shields 21 A. McKenzie 22r M. O'Donnell 22 M. Brow n 23 R . Sherman 24 J. Morel 25 C . Hyde 25 R. Walmsley 26 D. Spithill 27 S. Thomas 28 C. Mercuri 29 C. Brown e 29r R. Marks 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyde 31 K . Mannix 32 R . Bonnici C 33 J . Stinear 34 D . RaYso n 35 A . Orlando 36 W. Jolley 37 D . Davis 38r S. O'Connell 38 V. Buckley 39 B. Oakley 40 N . Stewart 41 D. McInerney 42 P. Bourke 43 A. Greenalgh 44 A. Moore 45 T. Molan 46 D. Dobric 47 T. Woodlock 48 J . Foon 49 P. Hesse 52 T. Moloney 54 A . Skinns 55 A . McLeish 57 C . Chester 58 M. Clinch 59 S. Waen y 60 P.0'Callaghan 70 M. Krezel



Coach: Vaughan Cleary Coach: Mick Dwyer Res . Coach : Justin Wheeler Res Coach: Adam McMahon 1 . B . Dobson 2 . J . Rice 3 . N . Addison 4 . J. Frazer 5 . D . Johnston 6. D . Sampimon 7. S. Maguire 8. R . Frisina 9. L . Considine 10. A. Dale 11 . D. Taylor 12. T. Sheeha n 13. J. Wilkins 14. D. Salce 15. J. Carlson 16. L. McMillan 17. G . Cox (C) 18. D. Gartner 19. D. Cooper 20 . M . Hermans 21 . N. Walker 22 . D. Marson 23 . A. Wadsworth 24 . L. 0 'Flynn 25 . R . Galati 26 . D . McMillan 27 . S . Theisz (VC) 28 . B . Carmody 29 . S . Brooks 30 . A. Treganowan 31 . M. Bortolotto 32. M. Browne 33. A. Symes 34. D . Jarred 35. C . Adams 36. E. Weekes 37. K. Barden 38. M. Doyle 39. D . Leardi 40. D. Carson 41 . J. Seabury 42. B. Dinnee n 43. J. Mathews 44. L Hanson 45. D. Theisz 46. B . Wignell 47. B . Gutterson 48. K. O'Dwyer 49. D. Van Heiden 50. A. Carson 51 . A. Ryder 52 . M . Altamore 53 . M . Perri 54 . J . Forbes 55 . J . Wallis 56 . M. Moran 57 . D . Cullinan 58 . M. McCartin 59 . R . Conti 60 . L. Furlan 61 . A. McGree 62. M. Byrnes 63. C. Pezzimenti 70. D. Cracknell 85. D. Counts ~~arl'd Valley `

Country Club

1 . C. Home 2 . S . Davey 3 . P. Corrigan 4 . S . t .argiord,knes (DVC) 5 J . Bourke 6 A White Corrigan 7 a Shepherd 8 R . George 9 . M. Barker 10. L Siapanias 10. C . Efstathiou 11 . M. Graves 12. B. O'Farrell 13. A. Svarc 14. A Forsyth 15. D. Mackenzie 16. P. O'Donnell (RC) 17 . K. Ford 18 . C. Waxman 19 . M . Armstrong (C) p• D. Hassell A Janke 21 . S . Walden 22 . D. Mason 23 . M . Seccull 24 . B . Trollope 25. S . Rowlands (RVC) 26. J. Ball 27. B . Johnston 28. S. Goldsworthy 29. B. Carson (VC) 30. D . Warnes 31 . D . Lay 32. B. Mitchell 33. q Floyd 34. P. Langford-Jones 35. D . Lappage 36. P. Cei~~ 37. M. Erikson 38 L Floyd 39. S. Rode 40. N. Tassell 41 . S. Saunders 42. A. Hilton 43. R. McCarthy 44. M . Wray 45, D. Thurmond 46. C. Pountney 47 . B . Waite 48 . R. Goulden 49 . L Pitcher ~ M. 51 . H . McLauchlan 52 . C. Ferguson 53 . B. Haar 54, J . McLauchlan S5 . T Hilton 56 • D . Armstrong 57. A. Kght 58• A. Baker. 59. D . Gilby 60. T.Smiih 61 . J. Miller 62. D. Salter 63. M . Levy



Beehive Hote l Hawthorn

Coach : Justin Pickering Asst : Hartley Stone Res: Justin Had

1 Smith D 2 Beaumont J 3 Billing M 4 Mathews R 4 Grundy P 5 Bunn L 6 Holme D 7 Thompson C 8 McKeon A 9 Aubrey C 10 Roberts T (C) 11 Gallagher P 12 Webb 0 12 Wier I 12 Hurst L 13 Wilson E 14 Evans B 14 Voyage A 15 Ellingworth G 16 Sampson H 16 Each M 17 Miller James 18 Fitzgerald T 18 Prowse M 19 Mulquiney R 20 Guest J 21 Hicks M 22 Dixon J 23 Berry M 24 Hawkins M 25 Whitehead H 26 Costello T 27 Richardson W 27 Anderson J 28 Marson M 29 Turner H 30 Miller Jono 31 Ray C 32 Davis M 32 Selbyy E 33 Magee J 34 Grund P 35 Harrison T 36 Wulff B 37 Grant J 38 Lacey H 39 Tucker J 40 O'Brien H 42 Theodore P 43 Wu A 44 Hill P 45 Kennon M 47 Caris P 48 Jenkins C 49 Tsiotras G 50 Beilby L 50 Berry J 51 Richmond C 55 Gooley J 55 Murphy C 56 Beilby L 57 Bains A 58 Stewart D 59 Faulkner R 60 Wettenhall S 63 Ray J 64 Daffy N 76 Byrne J

Sponsored By: he A ge - MP G T






Coach : Dale Tapping Asst Coach : Andrew Smith Res Coach : Serge D'Angelo Asst Coach: Ray Beattie 1 R. Mullins 2 B. Phillips (VC) 3 J. Ross 4 T. Holt 5 S. Collins (VC) 6 A. Crow 7 J . Kitchen 8 S . Dick 9 C. Tallest 10 C. Smith 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume (C ) 13 A . Nettleto n 14 N . Ackroyd 15 S . Cations 16 S . Troo n 17 T. Wi ne 18 L Hawkins 19 R . Joseph s 20 S . Lillingston 21 C . Joyce 22 N . Addison 23 0. Cran e 25 M. Saunders 26 T. Downingg 27 M. Denni s 28 A. Quai l 29 M. Gnatt 30 T. Finccchiaro 31 N. Leitl 32 J. Gerstman 33 E. Reid 34 C. Phillips 35 P. O'Connor 35r A. Sutherland 36 G . Carrol l 38 G. Prendergas t 39 W. Elliott 40 T Aural Smith 41 W. Lewis 42 T. Beatti e 43 A . Routledg e 44 D . Jackson 45 R . Teesdal e 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T Beranger (VC) 48 S. Dumaresq 49 L Kitchen 50 M. Walko m 51 L . Freema n 52 D . Knigh t 53 J. Rodski 55 R . Ashton 56 D . Brooke 57 J. Crane 58 A. Grant 59 C. Evan s 60 J. Sheldon 61 C. Swan 62 M . Graham 63 E. Hope Pe 65 M . Moffatt 66 A. Pearce 67 S . Tulloch 68 C. Logan 69 C. Neal 71 M . Ainger 74 S . King s 75 C. Dufou r 76 J . Nickless 77 T. Pag e 78 A . Simson 80 S . Willi s 83 L. Thompson

GazmaI2 Natureworx



A Section 0W TRINITY

Coach: Leigh Carlson . A Coach : Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach: Ed Best 1 . Kenna A 2. Hine A 3. Reynolds L V/C 4. Saunders R

5. Burrows D V)C 6, Gnarl P 7. Van Der Venne T ii . Sundaes R 9 . Andre»s A 10. WdliamsA it . KennedyS 12. CuttreraA 13. Cade J 14 . Troon R 15 . Green M 16 . Hfllas C 17 . Hillas R 18 . HealyJ 19 . ArmaLls C 20. MMSPharson S 21 . Kennedy L

22. Deane-John' G 23. Ramsden A Capt : 24. Christopersun J 25. Cameron F 26. Donahue B 27 . Hdl R

28 . Healy T

29 . Crawford M 30 . McKrnnon R 31. BurgessJ 32. Brorom S 33. Aitken J 34. Deane-Johns L 35. Bladeni S

.' , 36


37.. Van earlier Der Venne S RtC 38. Ramsden R 39. Walsh B 40. Beardsley D 41 . Lauletta S 42. Amure S 43 . Amore J 44 . Tread.veN G 45 . Mcrpeth T RV(C 46. Cooper S 47, Pretty S 48. Best J 49. Rornney N 50. Blackmon, B 51 . Gamble R 52. Heaven C 53. Plain G 54, 4YdGams Z 55. Taylor C 56. Best E 57, Schulze D 58 Stebbins C 59 . Cade T 60 . iseppi a 61 . Cristiano D 62. Chiffey E 63. Cade S 64. Gray a 65. Robison M 67. Amiconi A 68. GuRenez C 69. Oliver 0 70. Bravm A 71 . Arrowsmrth a 72 . Amfconi c 73 . Hddabrendt 0 74 . Thwaites M 75 . Millar C 76 . t.tenasso a 77. McDonald E 79. Treadxek C 80. Manseur S 81 . O'Shea M 82. Prides 8 83. Welsh L Ba. Boyd L 85. Goldenberg W 86. McWcheon M 87 . Parker D 88. Chan B 89 . Kinross A 90 . Swinnerton H 91 . Smith P 92 . Lindsey m


Coach : Michael Sholty Res . Coach : Chris Gawne 1 . A . Fox 3 . J. Pascer i 4 . J. McDonnell 5 . D. Rus h 6 . A. Oswald 7. S . Lethlean 8. D. Higgin s 9. J . Hawkins (Capt-Res) 10. M . Beardsley 11 . L. Howard 12 . A. Bowen 13 . R . Speakman 14. J.Agius 15. L. Ford (Capt) 16. S . Mollard 17. A. Chatfield (VCapt) 18. M . Scanlan 21 . S . McCarthy 22 . T. Ockleshaw (VCapt) 22 . J. Healy 23 . S. Johnston 24 . C. Purss 25 . R. Care y 26. C. Santalucia 27. P. Ryan 29. C. Beetham 30. B . Dixon 31 . T. Mahe r 32 . P. Ockleshaw 33 . N . Bingham 34 . A. E . Jones 35 . A. McCarthy 36 . D. Sapuppo 37. D. Higgins 38. S . Freer 39. A . Armstrong 40. A . T. Jones 41 . M. Callinan 43 . T. Woodruff 44 . N . Hulet t 45 . A. Barrett 47 . N. Corcoran 48. A. Nadinic 50. R. Ackland 51 . J. Chambers 52. M.0'Kane 53 . R . Ford 54 . N . Quinn 56 . S. Hulett 58 . J. McGrath 59 . D. King 60. M . Walsh 61 . K. O'Loughlin 62. J. Sil k 63. T O'Meara


Coach : Peter Nicholso n Res : Darren Handley 1 . C. Keunen 2 . J . Madden 3 . C . Goullet 4 . D . Jorda n 5. C . Liberatore 6. M. Harrison 7. S. Clarke 7R S . Parrett 8. J . Evans 9 . B . Jordan (C) 10 . N . Mitchell 11 . C . Davis 12 . B. Hoga n

13 . C . Mitchell (DVC) 14. L. Gollant 15. T. Wilkinson 16. L Turnbul l 17. L O'Sullivan (VC) 18. T. Cooney 19. R . Close 20 . L. Fielding 21 . B. Loughlin 22 . M.O'Riley 23 . L. Wilkinson 24. S. Crouch 25. D. McLaughlin 26. C. Baumgartner 27. James Mount (R C) 28. P. Holland 29. G. McIntyre 30 . S. Mitchell 31 . M. Hande 32 . T. Harvey 33 . N.P.SmRh 34. D. Byrne 35. T. Pearson 36. S . Carlton 37. A . Catterall 38. S .lannazzo 39. M . Juricskay 40 . D . O'Connor 41 . M. Kavanagh 42 . B. Miziewicz 43 . N. Basaraba 44. M . Mihailovic 45. B. Johnson 46. B. Cesar 47. J .Lloyd 48. B . Grant 49. N.Thomas 50 . A . Smith 51 . D. Blun t 52 . LB.O'Sullivan 53 . P. Harris 54. L . Evans



Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : David Matthews 1 Butko P 2 Hutchins T 3 Sturrock J 4 Guengerich 0 5 Tanner J 6 Rigby M 7 Young R 8 Hayter J 9 Lowcock A 10 Martin R 11 North L 12 Gleason Capt. Q 13 Girdwood T 14 Roydhouse C 15 Quin L 16 Kordick M 17 De Crespigny G 18 Fairbank P 19 Tourney M 20 Coleman M 21 McIntyre T 22 Millard B 23 Wilcox T 24 Russell S 25 Solly A 26 Scambler J 27 Wilkie R 28 Thomas M 29 Terrill A 30 Muhlebach T 31 Callery B 32 Paterson M 33 Gates B 34 McKinnon T 35 Chisel S 36 Brooke Ja 37 Robbins J 38 Lochhead G 39 Holmes R 40 Brookes C 41 Brooke Je 42 Fletcher S 43 Fulton L 44 Wood J 45 McLachlan G 46 Birks T 47 Millar A 48 Fishly L 49 Steele P 50 Nailon H 51 McIntosh J 52 Ihle T 53 Heffernan X 54 Waxman A 55 Zanos M 56 Rankin T 57 Irvine T 58 Sudholz J 59 Hutchinson B 60 Penny C 61 Ritchie J 62 Callery M 63 Eden P 64 McPhail D 65 Clarke E 66 Barbetti J 67 McAJoon D 68 Anderson M 69 King J 70 Meade J 71 Irving M 72 Leahy B 73 Foster T 74 Costin R 75 Moylan J 76 Heine M 77 Styles D 78 Giles T 80 Maplestone D 86 Bannister D

WHITEFRIARS Coach: Pat Mannix Asst. Coach : Peter Randall Res. Coach : Chris Rubick 1 . C . Wood 3 . M. Carbone 5. B. Phan 6. P. Campbell 7. S. Brosolo 8. B. Janson 9. A. Pavriik 10. R. Pasqualotto 11 . T. Wallace 12. S . Phelan 13 . T. Langford 14 . T. Carrigg 16 . J . Power 17. A. Carbone 18. C. Dance 19. A. Hill 20. P. Hennessey 21 . B. Jones 22. N. Cunningham 23 . E . Eames .' 24 . A . Cunningham 25 . M. Vernal 26 . D . Gallagher 27 . L Swai n 28, M. Mannix 29. A. Glenn 30. M . Power 31 . M . Baker 32. G . Kennedy 33 . C. Fulton 34 . D. Gloufchev 35 . C . Law 36 . C . Dyer 37 . M. Nunan 38 . C . Carrigg 39. D . Brice 40. D. Atkins 41 . M . Leahy 42. M . Northey 43. N. Elliott 45. S . Cleven 46. M . Duffy 48 . J . Treyvaud 49 . T. Hilton 50 . D . Cries 51 . R . Eames 52. A. Baggoley 53. B. Wilson 54. A. Baker 55. P. Tobin 58. P. Poutney 59. N. Brisbane 60. R. Pawlik 61 . L. Eames 62 . J . Anderson 66 . J . Box


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Old Xaverians v Old Scotch Marcellin v De La Salle Whitefriars v University Blues Old Trinity v St Bernard s

Old Ivanhoe v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Brighton v Old Paradian s Old Essendon Or v Beaumaris Mazenod 0 C v North Old Boy s St Kevins v Collegians - at S^ort scov er Arena, Sunday

Old Melburnians v Old Haileybury

ROUND 17 - AUGUST 14TI速 ' C SECTION Caulfield Gr v Hampton Rover s Old Camberwell v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Therry Penola 0 B v MHSOB AJAX v Monash Blues - at Sp ortsc over Arena, Saturday

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Collegians v Old Ivanhoe Beaumaris v Banyule Viewban k Old Camberwell v Rupertswood Old Essendon Or - Bye Old Melburnians v Old Trinit y

Parkdale Vultures v Glen Eir a D1 SECTION

Fitzroy Reds v Peninsula 0 B University Blacks v Ormond - at Optus Oval Old Mentonians v Aquinas 0 C Salesian 0 C v Yarra Valley 0 B Banyule v Prahran

D2 SECTION Ivanhoe Assumption v Swinburne Uni La Trobe Uni v Williamstown CYMS Bentleigh v Monash Gryphons

Old Geelong v West Brunswick Old Carey v Bulleen Templestow e D3 SECTION Mt Lilydale v Syndal Tally-Ho Rupertswood v Power House Werribee Amateurs v St Johns 0 C Hawthorn Amateurs v Oakleigh UHS-VU v South Melbourne District s

D4 SECTION St Marys v Old Westbourne Kew v Richmond Central Eltham Collegians v Bulleen Cobras Box Hill North v Albert Park Elsternwick v North Brunswick UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Xaverians v University Blues Marcellin v St Kevin s St Bernards v Old Brighto n Old Scotch v Werribee Amateurs De La Salle v Caulfield Gr


UNDER-19 SECTION 3 AJAX v Monash Blues - 9 .15ana Elsternwic k Park, Sport scover Aren a MHSOB v Old Paradians Oakleigh v University Black s

St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Therry Penola 0 B Old Carey v Whitefriars UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE

South Melbourne Districts v Hampton Rovers Ormond v Oakleigh Clay s De La Salle (2) v St Johns 0 C Peninsula 0 B v Bentleigh

Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Mazenod 0 C UNDER-19 (2) RED La Trobe Uni - By e UHS-VU/St Bernards forfeited to Bulleen Templestow e North Old Boys v Rupertswood (2) Old Westbourne v Aquinas 0 C Old Xaverians (2) v Fitzroy Reds - at 11 . 40 a.m .

CLUB XVIII FINALS Club 18 (1 ) Preliminary Final - Sunday August 15, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 2 .15 p .m . Club 1 8 (2 ) Preliminary Final - Sunday August 15, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 11 .45 a.m . Club 18 (3 ) Preliminary Final - Sunday August 15, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 9 .20 a .m .


Who's in . L~'ho's out . Who's dicing what . Stay on the ball with the â‚Źatast AF-L news esch weekday mornirig ::=ti', Prime Time Sports 927 . Sports professionals Simon O'Donnell, Anthony Mithen and Michael Christian bring you the latest resul;.s, news and interv#e .+:a, as well as a complete wrap from the wor ;d of sport, if it's he' opening in sport, you'll hea^ it on Prime Time Sports 927, 5 .30-3am weekdays .


Another interesting Round of results sees the battle still raging at both ends of the scale . Certainly makes for an enthralling 4 weeks to come . REVIEW Beaumaris and Old Paradians played out a tough tight encounter for the first three quarters at Sportscover Arena and at the last change only a point separated the two sides. But then the Sharks hit their straps and ran the game out better than the Paradians kicking 8 goals to 1 to score their first win in 11 weeks. Michael Matulick was a tower of strength all day for Beaumaris receiving solid support from Tim Collins and young Lee Wonnacott . Glen Porteous in a welcome return to the side was strong up forward, Gale was good in defence whilst Curran & Godfrey were active around the ground .

Old Brighton certainly heeded my words and were a far more positive switched on unit this week . They attacked the ball with ferocity from the start, played 4 terrific quarters of football to inflict a 100 point thrashing on the second placed St Bedes identone-Tigers who no matter how hard they tried could not shake their lethargy . In an important win for the Tonners Adam Pirrie was a stand out with 9 goals, Simon Gadsden, got plenty of it and Leigh Hendra was also good . Little Anthony Scafidi was the Tigers best along with the consistent Sammy Hecker and Nick Corda . Took Old Ivanhoe a long time to shake off a persistent North Old Boys. But a couple of strong marks from James Hope to start the last got the Hoers going and they came away with a strong win to keep the flame burning . Branigan played one of his best games for the Brown and Whites, Mark Luxon was a pacy option up forward, Curatolo continued his stellar season and it was the Johnny Stevens of old running up and down the ground collecting possessions at will . What a game of contrasts out at Central. Mazenod played a fantastic first three and a half quarters to have the Skobbers completely befuddled . The Nodders pressure caused heaps of turnovers allowing them to be some 50 points to the fore by the halfway mark of the third . Skobs kicked 4 in the last bit to give them a sniff at the orange break. Then it just rained goals as the visitors kicked 9 unanswered whilst keeping their hapless opponents goalless. John Rombotis . and little Tommy Simpson were terrific all day, Brady played like it was 96 again while the three 6ft 5 truimvirate Garvey, Fields and Gullifer were a constant threat. Scot Veltman was best for Mazenod along with Nick Meehan, and Lachlan Buszard. Coll egians came out of their two week slump with an important victory out at the Grammar . The Lions at one stage also led by some 50 points and despite a surge from PEGS they maintained their composure stuck to their

game plan and came away with their confidence returning . Certainly a tight knit unit. Bombers ver y disappointing after the big win last week. May have found a forward in Jorgenson who kicked 6 for the Lions and worried PEGS all day, Jono Dixon again in the best along with Christian Davidson . Believe James Heritage took the mark of the year and the OX was also pretty good . PREVIEW Old Ivanhoe who are now a real chance to sneak some September action travel across town to tackle the Sharks at Oak Street. Beaumaris will have taken a lot out of last week, and if they are within striking distance at the final change they are certainly a chance on the big ground . But the return of Hope, Stevens and Lochran gives the Hoers a better feel and I think they will win. At the end of the heartbreaker last week all the Nodders were left wondering "what could have been" There challenge now is to regroup as they come into town to tackle the resurgent Lions at the Trott. Pat Hawkins and the boys would not want to take this game lightly as Mazenod have proved in the last fortnight that they are better than their ladder position intimates . Going for an upset here and will tip the Nodders . St Bedes Mentone Tigers welcome the Old Paradians to Brindisi Street. Both would have been disappointed with their efforts last week and both still have plenty at stake for differing reasons. The Tigers record on their own soil is second to none rarely do they stumble in front of their parochial home crowd, and one doesn't think they will today either. Parade as usual will have a fair dinkum crack at it but will fall just short in the end. Old team mates Garry Foulds and Frank Dunell lead thei r

CLUB B SECTION Old Ivanhoe Old Essendon St Kevin s St Bedes MT B RESERVE North Old Boys St Kevin s

Old Ivanhoe Mazenod

NAL9E Luxon Playfair Garvey Hecker

4 42 1 39 4 35 2 33


5 33 4 31 0 . 22 0 22

Altis Stewart Hawkins


sides into battle at Sportscover today playing for the coveted Merri Creek Cup . Been hard tipping winners this year and I have found myself on the bottom of the tipping o-T~ P;- ; ::S_ 1 .6 F, .9 6 .1 4 11.20 (86) ladder by not tipping NO:~ once this year. So Why would i~ i02TH OLE - 8YS 2.4 5.7 9.10 9 .15 (69) I change that now?? The G ; ays just have too Old Ivanhoe : Luxon 4 Branigan 3 St, , ens 2 J Hope R Weddle . Best : much to play for to let this one slip, they love the expanses Bran igan Quinlan Keane Kefalas Stevens Curatolo . NOB: Cordy 3 Cassell 2 Vogels Jzrrott Hyde M Barker. Best : Cassell Vogels Maxton of Sportscover and will bounce back with a big Win . A rejuvenated Old Brigton head into the Toorak Zone to Amor Boyle Bradv. tackle top of the ladder St Kevins at Righetti . Surely a Umpires: Peter Simpson Rob Mayston (F) Glen Kennedy (B) Robe rt Parry Beornn McCarthy (G) daunting task. The SKOBS will be very wary of the OLD PARADIANS 4 .3 8.5 10.9 11 .9 (75) Tonners as they hold a healthy respect for them . Old BEAUMARIS 2 .3 6 .8 10 .8 18 .1U (118) Brighton were fantastic last week and if they can keep the Old Pas: Po rteous 5 Hughes 2 Brandy Brabender iVhyley Zivanovic. same intensity they will certainly trouble the top side . Not Best : Porteous Godfrey Clayton Gale Curran Whytey . Bea . yet beaten at Righetti this year, will today be the day. GEE Matullek 4 Kennedy 4 Teasdale 2 Lee 2 Healy M Atkins Holt Martin Lynch Boon . Best: B9atulick Collins Martin wonnocott Lee Heath . '--npted to go with the underdog but to be safe will stick Umpires : Jere my Heffern an Luke Holmes (F) Michael Ryde Nick :h the strength and tip St Kevins . CORRESPONDENTS E6I=OPFDENT6 . Don't forget the all important contact details 9553-156 1

home phone and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016 or drop me an email to braine, optusnet . Ci_. i• ; s- congratulate ___n, who will play his 50th -`->.e for the club against Old Essendon this weekend . Wilbur has been a fine player for North, with his considerable talent matched by his passion for the purple & white . Once described by Judy Foulds as a"ratbag", this lovable larrikin from Maryborough is sure to enjoy a quiet beer after this milestone game. Collegians - are pleased to acknowledge the 100 game milestone for James Fry (today), Jono Dixon (two weeks ago), Jules Farley & Robbie Sztar (last week) . Best of mates, James & Jono commenced in the Under 19s in 1999 and have been in the senior side since 2001 . Both have been outstanding in their commitment to help Collegians improve as a club both on & off the field & will no doubt be a part of our leadership group for at least another 100 games . Jules & Rob have been around the club for many years and both embody what amatuer football is all about. Never miss a training session, attend all functions, play their heart out er--y week, great clubmen indeed . Congratulations boys ! (- " - ., ' is - congratulate Tony : )vho played his ; inc for the Club last S urday . Tony comme ced in 1999 With the Under 19's . Tony is a terrific clubman, player, committee or anything else, just ask he will have a go at it. Great to see No. 24 around the place . Well done Tony . Reece Buz played his 50th game last week, joining the club in 2002 commencing in the Unders and now a fixture in the Senior Team. Congratulations Reece, let's hope the next 50 are just as good .

Beaumaris v Old Ivanho e St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Ol(i ?'aradians North Old Boys v Old EssendC C - at Sportscover Arena , Collegians v Mazenod St Kevins v Old Bright o -

Keating (B) John Robinson Daniel Haysom (G ) OLD BRIGHTON 4.6 7.12 16.15 23.19 (157) ST BEDES NT TIGERS 1 .3 1 .5 4 .11 7.14 (56) Old Brighton : Pirrie 9 Hendra 3 Dawes 2 Murch 2 Edge 2 Mizzi 2 Dubyna Phelan G Gadsden . Best : Pirrie Dickerson Hendra Phel an Dale S Gadsden . St BedesJtiT : Terrell 2 Rhoden Hayes Napier Wintle Hecker, Best : Hecker Cards Wintle Zakic Scafidi Connolly . U ir : Anthony Damen Adam Conquest ( F) James Gregory Matme== Ja kson ( B) Michael O'Donnell Lucas Robson (G) ( ) 'DC- sR 1 .2 7 .8 11 .11 (77) 3 .4 C0l . . i 2.6 8 .12 8 .18 12 .22 (94) t , .eming 3 He ri tage 2 Obluibek 2 Biggs Leask Flaherty Piayfair. Best : He ri tage Oxnam DeMo rt on Fleming Ryan Legudi . CoB : Jor'- -ison 6 Mooney 2 Waters Fry Dixon Harrison. Best: Jorgenson Davidson B Hoist Dixon Harrison Hoiles. U a : Dash Perris Rodney Rich (RFL) ( F) Darren Rich (RFL) (B) t Kok d Luke McKay (RFL) (G) COC 5.4 7 .6 12.10 12 .14 (86) ST 7I s 2 .3 4.6 8 .11 17.12(114) ?-. . : Bell ille 2 Veltm an 2 Castricum Stanlev Murrav Lee Jones Beard 'dtaskell D Chamberlain . Best: Veltm an Stanley Paine Meeh an Bt ard Parry . SKOB : Garvey 4 Lucas 3 Fields 2 Mulgrew 2 Gu ll ifer 2 Pope 2 O'Connor M Dollman . Best: Simpson M Dollm an Brady Fields Garvey Gullifer. Umpires : Paul Dinneen Steve McCarthy (F)Paul Gait Andrew Esposito (G) B RESERVE OLD IV ÂŽE 3.5 4.8 4.9 6 .10 (46) NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .2 9 .5 14.8 17 .11 (113) Old Ivanhoe: Dlnakis 3 Braddy Hawkes Stagg . Best: Nagle Camp be llFraser Holloway Ge .George Braddy Antoniou . NOB: Biyar 5 Cugola 5 Carmichael 3 Ingram 2 Collison Borg. Best: Carmichael Roache Bryan Cugola B Sheehan T Kennedy . O) f: 1 .2 3.3 4.6 6.10 (46) BU ' . 3 .4 5 .7 6 .9 8 .9(57) Old Pa : Simpson 2 Bnmdell 2 McKay Sandy . Best: Pratt Simpson Lombardi urray Mitchell CosgrifL Be aumarls: Ferrari 3 C Collins Gillespie Myrick M O'Brien Spence . Best: C Collins Spence Wright Crossley McConchie McGrath. OLD BRIGHTON 2 .2 6.3 7.7 8.11 t59) ST. BEDES AiEPiT TIGERS 2 .2 4 .3 7 .5 9 .7[61) Old Brighton : A Ginnivan 4 Scott 2 Paterson Perry. Best : Smith Gibson A Ginnivan Henderson McLaughlin Barrow . St . Series M/T: Cieslak 3 S Napier 2 Kidd 2 Osborne 2. Best: Andrews IGdd Carson Ferns Bignell Milton . OLD ESSENDON GR 1 .3 4 .4 5.5 8 .7(55) COLLEGIANS 3.1 6 .3 10 .4 14.5 (89) Old Ess : Fraser 3 Wilson 2 Forrest 2 Rldlev . Best : Fraser Velardo Bossie Nowl an d Ridley Forrest . Co ll : Hart 4 Weekes 3 Baxter 2 ;<" ' ini2c Henneberr-y Fletcher. Best: Baxter weekes Skurrle Hage rse11 Naylor. IOU OC 2.1 3 .4 6.4 8 .5(53) '. . INS 4.3 8 .8 9.10 15.12 (102) nzr i 2 Raine 2 Nisbet 2 Collins 2 . Best: Collins McDowell Nisbet Raise Murray Venturini . SKOB : Atlis 4 D.Bare 3 Horides 2 Mulkauns 2 Curtis 2 L.Katavalos Hamilton. Best: Adis O'Connor Sheedy Gliatavolos Hamilton Manton .



_ Coac': : .' _,oy Asst : Er n Le,,, :n F- : i =, ~ C= I 1 . R . Rawlins 2. H . Gibson 3. M. Pitts (C) 4. M. Matulick (DVC) 5. M. Ensor (DVC) 6. A . Spence 7. D . Foley 8. M. O'Brien 9. B . Cousins 10. L. Buller p, M. Lee 12 . L. Healyy 13 . O. Gourley 14 . T. Collins 15 . M. Boon 16 . A. Quin 17 . L . Atkins 18 . N . Kennedy 19 . M. Atkins 20 . M. Mellon 21 . S. Coate 22 . J. Halt 23 . A. Catlin 24 . B. Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 .. A. O'Brien 27 . D. George 28. J . Vance 29 . G. Martin (VC) 30. C. Lambert 31 . J . Black 32. B . Cairns 33. S . May ".. H . McMillan 35. N. Boctor :6. N . Atkins .37. R . Presnell 38. S . Lynch 40. J . Hegarth 41 . N . Conlan 42. B . Gillespie 43. R . Deaton 44. C . Collins 45. M . Duggan 46. L. WonnacoY 47. A. Kent 49. J. Bryc e P. Berry . Mitchel l 51 J. Williams 52. 53 . A. Poll 54 . S. Lee 55 . B. Deaton 56 . T k°doelnough 57 . A. Fisher 58 - J. Bramwell 59 . B. Griffiths 60 . D. Bird 61 . J . Heath 62 . A. Pratt 63 . D. Galvin 64 . M . Carty 65 . G . Shattock 66 . P. McConchie 67 . L. Stevens 68 . S . Boreham 70. S . Crossley 71 . D . McGrath 72. J . Wright 73. J . Whitty 74. D . Sawle

Ccc .'r . Pat Hawkins _ :I y Hook 1 . J . Dixon 2 . M . Johnson 3 . B . Mooney V C 4 . A . ShinkSeld 5 . R . Henebery 6 . S. Woolley 7 . S . Big 7 . J. Farley 8, C . Unsworth CAPT Q J Fry J. La n _ 11 . C . Weekes 12. N . Harrison CAPT 13. N . Thomas 14. N . Lockett 15. L . Cottom 16. A. Baxter 17. R . Hooking V C 18, S. Taft 1 9. C. Davidson 20. M . Holies 21 . C. Harris 22. T. Skurne 23. a C. Mollard 2 .. E . Water s 25. R. Muir 26. D. McCaughan 27. G . Rowston 28. B . Couch 29. N. Burrows 30. L. Moon 31 . N. Roach 32 . C. Blumneld 33 . B . Hoist V C 34 . A . Lewski 35 . L. Nisbet 36 . R . Turner 37 . C. Hoist 38 . T. Lovell 39 . N . Hart . Res Capt 40 . L Watson 41 . N . Baxter 43 . E . Malone 44 . Y. Phillips 45 . D . Gambaro 46 . J. Ashman 47 . R . SYar 48 . E. Healey 49 . D . Phillips 50 D . Rubenstein 51 . B. Shadbolt 52. M. Naylor 53. T. Hall 54. B. Waolhouse 55. T. Cashes 56. B. Lumb 57. B. Horsell 58. D. Smith 59, M . Lynch 60. A. Stone 62. J . Little 63. R. Luff 64. M . Gribble 66. J . Agimus



Cc_ch: Mike McArthur-Allen Ass Co: ,h : rlndr r Sutnedand Res Cc-_i : Tony Collins 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 A . Tucker 4 J . Ballenger 5 D . Maskell 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Morgan 8 B . Parker 9 P. Gooden 10 B . Chamberlain 11 T. Smith 12 A . McDowell 13 P. Gooden 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry (DVC) 16 M . A nio 17 J. Beard 18 D . Dunne 19 T. Steinfort 20 C . Murray 21 S. Polan 22 S. Veltman 23 B. Devlin 24 D . Nisbett 25 S. Stanley 26 J. Dunne (C) 27 M. Regan 28 P.Jones 29 R . Sharp 30 D . Hansen 31 N . Snarl 32 D . Hose 33 S. Balloch 34 C. Boyd 35 D. Collins 36 G . Hamill 37 L. Morgan 38 D. Hallet 39 D. Bradshaw 40 G . Massey 41 M . Venturini 42 C. Paine 43 A. Barry Macauly 44 W. Knight 45 S . Paine 46 M . Hunt 47 A . Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 49 L. Hal 50 S . Ware 51 M . Murray (VC) 52 G. Tilling 53 54 A . Stagliano 55 D . Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 57 58 D . Morris 59 60 61 M . McDowell 62 63 64 65 66 .

.- 3

Coach: Garry Foulds Ass Coach : Tony Egan Res Coach: Mark Oraniuk I J . Cassell 2 M . Hyde (C) 3 T. Sheehan 4 S . Sleep 5 R. Davidson 6 N. Vogels (VC) 7 G . Smith 8 M . White 9 J . Cordy 10 W. Martin 11 T. Roberts 12 G . Maxton 13 T. Halpin 14 T. Kennedy 15 J . Nihill 16 R . Kelliher 17 M . Lynch 19 M . Maher 20 J . Sutherland 21 C. O'Brien 22 D . Tehan 23 A . Neville 24 J . Barker 25 S . Grigg 26 D . Brady 27 L. Herbert 28 D . Joyce (RC) 29 C . Hosking (VC) 30 S . Jarrell 31 L. Boyle 32 B . Sheehan 33 M . Barker 34 H . Neville 35 L . Crapper 36 D . Tonkin 37 D . Browning 38 M. Amor 39 L . Jeffery 40 C . Phyland 41 S. Borg 42 D . Sheehan 43 D . Zacek 44 T. Roache 45 S. Ingram 46 P. Daniels 47 J. Maher 48 M . Kelly 49 A. Cigola 50 L . Carmichael 53 S. Butcher (RVC) 54 R. Citroen 56 D. Ryan 57 K. Hildebrandt 60 M . Cribbes (RVC) 64 T Brady 65 C. Calvert 66 P. Bryar

. .


Coach : Jarred O'Neill Res . Coach : Hayden Bx<ket t 1 A. Krzywnia k 2 A. Pirtle 3 C . Barrow 4 A. MacGillivray (dvc ) 5 A. Edge 6 R . Stewart (vc) 7 B. Loga n 7 C . Reddin 8 C . McNicol (co cot. res) 9 P. Phelan ( dvc ) 10 J. Mead 11 N . Perry 12 N . Williams 12 B. Williams 12 S. East ate 13 N . Edwards 14 S. Williams (C) 15 B. Gadsden 16 J. Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A. Salem 18 M . Jackson 19 S. Ginniva n 20 M . Smith 21 T. Ewen 22 L. O 'Neill 22 J . Murch 23 D. Dawes 24 S . Gadsden 25 M . Ryan 26 A. Ginniva n 27 D. Paterson (co opt res ) 28 A. Bristow 29 J . Dickerson 29 B . Richardson 30 E . McCowan 30 T. McLaughlin 31 A. Paroissien 3t S . Jackson 32 A. Goldne r 33 L. Dale 34 T. Gibson 35 C. Stewart 36 R . Henderson 37 D. Hughes 38 T. Matess i 39 B . Crilly 40 D . Murchi e 41 J . Murchie 42 L. Hendra (vc) 43 R . Caporn 44 R . Fisher 45 C . McKim m 46 M . Townsend 47 S . Adam 48 B. Deve r 49 B . Scott 50 W. Leaf 51 J . Lynch 52 W. Hebar d 53 P. Sab o 54 J. Dooley 55 D . McLaughli n 57 B. McGuiness 58 C . Butterss 61 A. Walsh 63 S. Davies 64 M.Rei d 68 M . Dubyna 69 A. Mandy aria 71 B. Humphreys 73 D . Falkingha m



01 t

Coach: Frank Durrett Res: Kornei Dachs 1 Panagiotopolus J 2 Biggs 3 Oxnam 4 Ryan 5 De Morton S 6 Ridley 7 Leask Jj 8 Heritage j 9 Stormont 10 Biggs T 11 Buckley J 12 Kavanagh J 13 Hakim B 14 Legudi 15 Mezo 16 Bordignon 17 Forrest 18 Dawson S 19 Healey E 20 Playfair S 21 Dale S 22 Portia M 23 Hughes J 24 Dazkn^{ J 25 Frazer A 26 Fleming S 27 McKenzie A 28 Fewster A 29 Uebergang S 30 Dragojlo M 31 Caridi D 32 Poulton D 33 Velardo M D 34 Podge r 35 Kavanagh L 36 Obliubek C 37 Parker p, 38 Campbell T 39 Newbold B 40 McDermott H 41 Islas A 42 Bertram N 43 Cramer S 44 Collins A 45 Winkel D 46 Lloyd J 47 Howard S 48 Williamson j 49 Christou A 50 O'Brien L 51 8attista J 52 Mansfield J 53 Frazer L 54 Cramer S 55 Balloch S 56 Car M 57 Wade S 58 Hurtig B 59 Stevens J 60 Carter J 61 Nowland A 62 Gradzki D 63 Beard M 64 Kepsner J 65 Bacash P 66 Wright B 67 Tilley M 68 Brooks C 69 Burke C 70 Hurlston J

Coach : Gerard Sholly Res: Dirk Jones 1 . A. Oates (VC) 2 . L . Lochran (VC) 3. S. Curatolo 4. B. Davis 5. C. Georgio 6. S. Kent 7. J . Gieschen 8. T. Stevens 9. D. Payne 10. C. Crowley (VC) It . P. Lawry 12 . C. Branigan 13 . A . Alagona 74 . D . Campbell - Fraser 15 . G. Hope 16 . S . Price 17 . A. Corcoran 18 . J. Hope (Capi) 19 . P. Dinakis 20, D . Hawkes (VCR) 21 . R . Roberts 22, B. Nagel 23. K. Theodossi 24. G . Haros 25. E. Byrn 26. M . Stewart 27. N. Hollonay 28. S . Morris 29. R. Weddle 30. A. Gilbert 31 . J . Stevens 32 . S . Kefalas ~ N . Pratt 34 . A . Tiernan 35 . M . Pollock (Capt R) 36 . S . Adderley 37 . A . Berry (VCR) 38 . Go George 39 . Ge George 40 . J. Keane 41 . C . Jewell 42. S. Low 43. W. Cornelius 44. M . Luxon 45. N. Antoniou 46, D. Peacock 47. S. Snell 48. M . Clarke 49. C. Quinlan 50. R. Sterne 51 . N. Braddy 52. S . Hackney 53. M . Verrochi 54. S . Smith 55. S . Pearce 56. L. Courage 57. B . Smart 58. L@olzan 59. R . S tagg 60 . I. Baccini

Coach : Sam Assails Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff 1 . D. Zivanovic 2 . A . Hughes 3 . D. Dean 4 . A . Curran (VC) 5 . A . Paglia 6 . R . Bux 7 . M . Cosgriff (Res VC) 8 . A. Sinclair (C) 9 . P. Palermo 10 . P. Brabender 11 . M. Joyce 12 . B. Galloway 13. S. Rose 14. P. Pratt 15. N. Bmndell 16. M . Godfrey 17. B. Hart 18. G . Porteous (VC) 18. M . Spinoso 19. A . Dean 20. S . Maher 21 . D. Loney (VC) 22 . S . Fantone (Res VC) 23 . P. Walsh 24 . T Lombardi (Res VC) 25 . S . Rehlecki 26 . D . Boundy (VC) 27 . K . Jenkins 28 . J. Kreuzer 29• A. Morrow 30 . M. Ryan 30 . D . McKay 31 . N . Dallas 32 . S. Corcoran 33. D . Clayton 35. S.Simpson Res VC ( ) 36. B. Dintinosante 37. A. DiFabio 40. W. Chambers 41 . A. Elliot 42. R. Murray (Res C) 44. M . Hyde 45. C. McKay 46. J . Martinelli 47. J . Sandy 48. A . Moore 49. M . Sykes 50. A . Tenson 55 . J . Swindon 56 . S . Graham

ST B E D E i


Coach : Rusell Barnes Res: Mark Lomagno 1 Wintle P 2 Wintle L 3 Odachowski M 4 L'Huillier A 5 Napier S 6 Fitcher P 7 Owen N 8 Scafidi A 9 Terrell M 10 Wintle M 12 Groves P 13 Samperi R 14 Connolly A 15 McColl T 16 Osborne C 17 Corda N 18 Hecker S 19 Drury A 20 Porter L 21 Connelly J 22 Poynton D 23 Napier D 24 T um J 25 Knuppel J 26 HeckerM 27 Borella L 28 Andrews M 29 Bristow J 30 Kane J 31 Drury J 32 Johnson G 33 Zakic S 34 Carson L 35 Barnes C 36 Walstab A 37 Williams L 38 Hayes yes 39 McColl M llsr D 41 Rose 42 Wilson M 43 Nash S 44 Rhoden M 45 Weedon N 46 Hilton M 47 De Groot J 48 Waters T 49 Baumann M 50 Kidd S 51 Buck A 52 Towns M 53 O'Gorman P 54 McCraw M 55 Ferris M 56 Chaplin J 57 Basham A 58 Curry P 59 Cheshire T 60 Burke P 61 Dowling J 62 Petrovic J 63 McColl M 66 Parsons R 70 Terrell L %/~rrrryt7 r, 1 C 0




Hodges Real Estate


1 . J. Rombotis (VC ) 2. E. Crohan 3. D . Curtis (RC) 4. L . Mahoney (C) 5. M. Dollman 6. P. O'Keefe 8. B. Dallman 9. B. Field s 10. M . Luca s 11 . T. Duggan 12 . M . Mulgre 13 . R. Bowles (DVC) 14 . P. Greenham 15 . W. Gullifer 16 . B . Garvey 17 . D . Rya n 18, R . Char d 19 . D . Sheeh y 20 . T. Crowley 21 . R . Maguirey 22. J. 0'Keefe 23. T. SimP son(DV C) 24. S. Powell 25. A. Hamilton 26. C. Taylor 27. A. Lynch 28. M . Giansiracusa 29. C. Underwood 30. M . Crowe 31 . W. Keenan 32. S . O'Connor 31 M . Maguire 34 . N. Parrett 35 . J . Dempsey 36 . P. Moun t 37 . M . Pan razio 38 . J . O'Brieg n 39 . N . Pope 40 . L. Kalesara n 41 . B . Alli s 42 . S . Mount 43 . P. Bare 44 . G. Katavolos 45. G . Baggy 46. D . MahoneyY 47. J. Griffiths 48. A. Conlan (RVC ) 50. R . Horrock s 51 . D . Bare 52. J. Finc h 53. E~~v~ s 54. S. Game 55. P. Natale 56. D. Walsh 59. P. Aughton 60. S . O'Conno r 61 . G . Simm 62 . B . Shelley 64 . M . Gargano 66 . N. Marchesani 67 . L. Guiltie r 68 . B . Hughes 69 . A . Caller y 70 . J . Maher 71 . A . Mulkearns 72 . D . Manton 75 . R . CamPa9 n a 77 . M. Shanno n 78. R. Taylor 80. D . Dun n 82 . S. Mitchell


Geotse h

I" lgston Chiropractic v

Coach : Dave Murray Ass Coach: Tony Miller Res Coach: Rob Gros s


Simpson Construction


A .F.C .


: ;) V.A.'. :A.

"Your Coaches' Association"

FITNESS GAhMS - continued When the season gets cold and wet as it has recently the players are all looking for a place to get warm and look for a break from the past 24 weeks of track driven work . Noel Duncan of Fitness2live has suggested the following game specific exercises that can increase competitive nature whilst still maintaining the fitness enhancement required . Following on from last week's two examples see below some more examples of games that can be played . Glenn Taylor 1 . Double handed touch Field set up : This game is played in a rectangular field with the short ends of the field serving as the 'touch' lines . Rules : Based on the rules of touch rugby. No kicking or tackling is permitted . The ball must be handballed backwards and then carried forward . Play stops when an opponent touches the ball-carrier with both hands . If after five sequences of play a goal hasn't been scored, the ball is turned over . Scoring : A goal occurs when the ball is touched on the ground at the end of the field . A number of balls are placed at each end of the field so the opposing team can play on immediately when a goal is scored, resuming from the defended touch line. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins .

COACH -OF °T ziv 1 striou Banyule-Viewbank OC

Time : This game can be played for longer periods of time. Two 15 minute halves are suitable . Tips: The 'double hand' aspect of this game i<; important. If only one hand is used to'stop' a play, the game will not flow. 2 . Swap ball Field set up : This game can be played in any size field . Rules : Football rules apply but there is no kicking the ball . Players can run, shepherd, tackle and handball as often as they like. Scoring : One point is scored every time the ball is hand balled to a team-mate . Six points are scored if the team with possession of the ball can swap the ball in play for a ball which is placed randomly on the field by the 'umpire' . This 'swap' ball is only placed on the field three to four times per half and is only on available for 30-45 seconds . Only the team with possession of the ball can swap the ball . The ball in play must be placed next to the swap ball before the new ball can be brought into play . The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins. Time : Because the high intensity of this game, 5 - 7 minute halves are recommended . Tips: Ensure the 'umpire' keeps the game flowing as much as possible so there are no ball ups and packs . If a pack forms the umpire uses another football to restart play and the ball in the pack is dead .

:~NTH -


® PIzr rascoe Vale FC (EDFL) Played Essendon Reserves ('77) Playe senc a U 1 9 ('76-7 7) won VFL goalkicking ('77 j ® Ca L short due to injury C Coact °d 3anyule-Viewbank U 19 2003 (Premiers) . 200 4 Coached Viewbank College - won VSSSA (State) Championships 2001, 2002 - win Herald Sun Metropolitan Cup - 2003 OCleig Ch< gers U15 & U16 Development Coach 2001, 2002 rOP : To develop players in particular an influx of new p1a_yers, to adjust to a game plan, build new friendships and to be part of hopefully a successful team environmen t Earn respect a i develop a rapport with all player s FU Maintain my coaching philosophy and try and establish as many senior players as possible from a young list of players Share the team successes with the club, officials, players etc . ais leads to a senior position then time will tell 12


Maxwell & William The Bush In n J A Dodd Lt d South Yarra Sports Centre JB's Purified Water Goldpats Accountants HydroChe m Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bell's Hotel & Brewery Keith's Pies Moods Consulting Ply Ltd Eoward J Lynch Agencies

The Kitchen Place Williams & Co The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering Paul Pattison Barri e Macdonald & Associates Waverley Party Hire Sportswealth John Peterson Bookseller Frank Perry & Associates

Everyone is welcome to attend this FREE INVESTMENT SE M I NAR on Wednesday 11th August 2004 at The Unicorn Club, hosted by MHSOBFC . 7 .15pm for a start at 7.30pm . There is no obligation whatsoever. Parking in school grounds from Claremont Street . This is a great opportunity to support your club at the same time as gaining insights into the world of personal and commercial investment .


Senior Coach David Skinn - was named the VAFA Coach of the Month in last week's issue of The Amateur Footballer Over the past couple of years since David has been in charge he has been slowly bringing all senior players around to a belief in their own ability by insisting on strict adherence to game plans and team rules, which were determined from input from all players prior to the start of the season . The young players in the club now have a sense of pride in winning . . . and losing hurts . We are hopeful in the next few weeks the seniors will revisit their earlie r

plans, stra~::gies ana commitments and again produce the exhilarating football that was evident in the first half of the season . Congrats on your notable achievement David . The club will be right behind you and your team in the lead up to the finals .

Congratulations to Tim' . on playing his 100th game for the dub today. Tim has been in explosive form in the 2s in the past weeks and is so close to senior selection . His post game antics on the microphone are a gem and not to be missed, so let's all get upstairs to help Tim celebrate today. Michael Brain is really making his mark in the back pocket in the seniors and today celebrates his 50th game for the club . Although captain of the Under 19s last year Michael has spent little time at that level and is now playing excellent running football from the backline . Well done Michael,


5V Just when you thought you were safe to pick the finals' placings, there is a new leader and Is this the finals' a log jam of teams queuing up to play in the dress rehearsal? A post season games, whilst ESL produce their great week of performance of the year, to keep things games, as a couple interesting at the tail of the field . of sides outside the top four may not be outside, by round's end . Can the Animals REVIEW turn up the heat? Caulfield an d Monas h were well matched for a half, before the Fielders midfield and Barring something unforeseen in the final forwards burst the game apart. Synman's rounds, the battle between MHSOB & the hustle and Guyett's swagger warmed the Fields is about the psychological advantage & home side's cockles, whilst Craven and significantly, home shorts three weeks from today . Caulfield's win will earn them their Gregory were outstanding for the Ashers . . Hampton Roves secured their second nail preferred navy strip in the 2nd semi biter in as many weeks, when they outlasted OC were comfortable winners when these the Wellers, by under a goal . In perfect sides last met, but they could be out of the conditions, the Wellers started strongly only top four if they fall today and other results to be reeled in by the Bayside crew. Anderson count against them . Parkdale have booted 46 and Henry were prominent for the green and large in the past fortnight and that menacing golds & Bayford was dynamic for OC, ably form cannot be tipped against . assisted by Ormsby's efforts down back . ESL dodged the abyss bullet last week and With the game in the balance, one would be again, anything is possible this afternoon forgiven for thinking the top of the table when they meet Hampton . Given last week's M4S013 would run over the top of the results, the Rovers are unlikely to relegation haunted ESL . Not so and with Bird underestimate their visitors and as gallant as and McKenzie paving the way, the Animals the Animals will be, they will fail . manufactured the season's biggest upset . The Unicorns better players included Hogan and Cassell . The Lions trailed at the last break, but a seven goal blast snuffed out the hopes of a second GE victory . Castaldi snagged a major Gl1G in his milestone game, whilst Forster- Knight C SECTION Kirzner 2 79 was Therry's best . Taranto and Massis helped Ajax Rowley 2 53 the Saints into a winning position, only to Parkdale Baxter 2 46 Caulfield Gramm again fall shy . 5 38 MHSOB Bamert After the previous week's high, the Ajax MHSOB 1 34 Home coaster slid back down with a thump at the C RESERVE Corbett 4 27 hands of the rampaging Vultur es . Liddell and MHSOB 0 22 Johnston led the onslaught and despite the Emmaus St Leos Batty Walker 2 21 Jackas, Blieden's and Israelsohn's labours, Therry Penola 6 21 Therry Penola Bosanko they were powerless to stop them .




The Saints will throw everything at Ajax as they desperately attempt to eek out that elusive second win . The visitors can expect a hard fought contest, but GE have forgotten how to close out a game & that should be sufficient to get the Jackas home . Therry would love another scalp to kill off any hint of remote relegation speculation, whilst Monash must win its remaining games to have any chance of reaching the playoffs . The hunger to succeed should be with th e

finals focused Ashers . Correspondents : Glen Harrison gpah@deakin .edu .au

:P12IYSatPS V .: . LeC

- Round 15, started in '96 v,- : 1, : a 4 year stint in the U 19's, 2 as captain before making his mark as a senior player, topping it off with the 2002 senior flag. He will be even a better player when he settles down like his mentor and brother Jules and spends more time r¢ home on Friday nights . 'ell done Mqnkey. Mark Levins - 5;- Round 15, another talented footballer coming through the U 19's with the potential to be a top senior player providing he sheds his puppy fat in the near future . Levo - do it for Braddels .


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A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving player s pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "



C SECTION MHSOB v Caulfield G r Hampton Rovers v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Monash Blues v Therry Penola 0 B Glen Eira v AJA X

Parkdale Vultures v Old Camberwel l

3 .3 8.5 =11.6 2 .11 (137) 43 9.4 11 .5 14.7 (91 ) Ba-er 2 Cowlishaw 2 Foley 2 Guyett 2 Murph y S Widjaja : Prater O'Neill Pennycuick Will . Best : Synman Guyett li9djaja Kr',--_ Liddell Erickson. M on Blues : Craven 5 Gregory 2 Turton 2 Holloway 2 Banks Beddingfield Smith . Best: Craven Fenton Smyth Gregory Farrar Dodd. Ur res: Simon Olive (F) Sean Durstan-R-van (B) Jack Regester Les Donovan (G) ..

US T LEOS (}C 4.2 8 .3 11 .8 16 .10(106) < 2 .3 7 .6 10.7 13.9 (87) ra St Leas : Batty 4 Bird 3 Ballard 2 McKenzie 2 Carse 2 Carr y

Ellis Ph `and . Best : Bird McKenzie Donovan N Hodder Bruce Krebs . unert 5 Hogan 2 Hamilton-Ho White Gemer Horne Smith White Hogan Smith Barnett Cassell Harper . °hitIlps Peter Liddell (F) Sam Perrin (G ) T ?, 5.6 9.9 10 .11 13.13 (91) ._ 3 .2 9.2 13.7 14.12(96) . ford 3 Craven 3 P Tempone 2 Hardenberg J Heffernan D Al Peasnell Nebb. Best : Bayford J Heffernan Ormsby M Hanso n Cren D Mitchell. Hampton Rovers : Power 5 Hanlon 3 Can 2 .indtson Browne bi Fletcher Gravina Best : S Anderson Hanlon L ic )evereaux Browne Henry . Umpzrax David Irons Ken McNiece (B) Paul Tyrer Julian -',laeeioni (B) Danei es Matthew Cowley (G) :t;, 3.1 8.7 8 .9 15.12 (102) u -2.2 6 .2 10 .8 13 .10 (88) a : C Bannister 4 Clarke 3 Clifton 2 Nancarrow 2 R Bannister Castaldi Elliott T Goodtisin. Best: Forster-Knight Elliott Cal -I :Fancarrow Henderson Baker. Glen Elea: Taranto 5 MeGaw 2 7 2 Clements King Massis Russo. Best: Taranto .-'iassis MeGaw Clements King Serpanehv .

Umpires: Gajanan Skandakumar Damien .7illoy (RFL) (F) Gus Car nzano (RFL) (B) Chris Kaleta Tony Giltles (RFL) (G ) VULTURES

2 .2 4 .3 8.6 8.6 (54) 4 .2 11 .10 13 .11 19.18 (132)

2 E Wollner 2 Gold Kagan J Raleigh Rapoport . Best: hueden !v Israeleohn Goldbloom Weislitzer Blashki Vana n . ale Vultures: T Bar 411.Siek Sullivan 3 Hayes 2 Rowley 2 R n 2 C Baic Johnston Liddell Matt Sullivan P Sullivan S Sullivan . Best : Liddell Hampton Johnston Tully Rochford O'Meara . Umpires : Grant Joyner Brendan Devlin (F) Graeme Booth Gavin Roberts (G) C RFS E CAULFIELD GR 2 .4 7.5 10 .7 10.7 (67) MOYASfi BLUES 3 .1 4.3 8.4 13.5 (83) Caulfield Or: Schneider 2 Scott 2 Bosna 2 Phelps Gerrand Elias Hoggan. Best : Hoggan Lawson Crathern Farmer Gerrand Phelps . Mon Blues : S Hawkins 8 D Jones 2 M Jones Anderson J Hawkins . Best: S Hawkins Tinkler Coe Brennan McCormick Fecnaughty .

EMMAUS ST LEGS GC 4 .0 5 .0 7 .1 8 .2 (50) PdHSUB 4.1 8 .2 13 .8 21 .8 (134) Emmaus St Leos: Camm 2 McDermott 2 Gav Lear Ottobre Tribe . Best: Prosser Lear Tribe S Pitcher Carson McInerney . MfiSGB : Dunne 5 Corbett 4 Coxon 4 Vicendese D 2 Czwamo 2 Harding Wright T Saultrr Ting' Best: Robinson Wright Dunne Lust Harding Bowen . OLD G1EMERWELL 1 .1 5.2 6.5 8,7(55) A7 ROVERS 4 .2 5.3 8.5 11a (73) Old Camb : Schmidt 2 Tipper 2 B Ryan L Ryan Hancock R Tempone . Best : Margetts R Tempone Beckett Jackson ivloharie C Grant . Hampton Rovers : Spoil 5 Marshall 3 Duddy 2 Johnstone . Best: Duddy Wheeler Boyd Bmdar Sprott Cooper. TICERRY PEPrOLA oB 5.1 14 .6 21 .8 23.10 (148) GLEN EIRA 1 .1 1 .3 3.3 7.3 (45) Therry Penola : Moloney 7 Bosanko 6 Betsey 4 Walker 2 Sacco 2 Goodwin McMahon. Best: Gleeson Hutchinson Pirpinias Belsey Sacco Moloney . Glen Mrs : Kade 2 Dunlevic 2 Caruana Zagame Mason . Best : Lambe Dunlevie Hogan Camana Zvar Zagame . AJAX 2 .2 3.3 8.5 9 .7(61) P ALE VULTURES 1 .3 2.5 2 .7 4 .10 (34) AJAX: Berger 8 Fetter. Best: Berger Walviseh Junkie Seidl Sharp Ritterm an . Parkdale Vultures: B Darcy 2 K Little 2. Best : Rock Levett Hirst Johnstone Perazzo Kelly .


Coach. Phil Davis Res Coach : Barry Simon 1 . N. Gold 2. J. Israelsohn 3 . Y. Rapoport M. Dudakov 5 . G . Glidden 6 . D . Vanaken 7 . G. Samuel 8 . E . Raleigh 9 . J . Raleigh 10. G. Dukes 11 . M . Segal 12. D. Goldenfein 13. B . Klein 14. A. Wollner 15. J . Segal 16. B. Janover 17. D. Weislitzer 18. J. tOrzner 19. A. Lewin 20. J. Sharp 21 . D . Gelba rt 22 . E. Wollner 23 . B. Nissen 24 . A . Joffe 25 . M . Blashki 26 . B . Duzenma n 27 . A . Spicer 28. A. Zemsk i 29. B . Gotdbloom 30. N. Israelsohn 31 . B. Rittemzan 32. A. Bloom 33. J. Go tt lieb 34. A. Silver 35. M. Jankie 36. L . Krafche k 37 . J. Kestenberg 38 . S . Gutman 39 . R . Rotemberg 40 . D . Seidl 41 . J . Lewski 42 . D . Gerber 43 . P. Walvisch 44 . I. Same 45. A. Godlevricz 46. A. Sacks 47. B . Lewis 48. J . Peak 49. S. Czarny 50. A. Benedykt 51 . L. Friedman 52. 0 . Henzel 53. M. Padolsky 54. D . Rutko 55 . J. Game 56 . A . Cooper 59 . N . Diamond 60 . J . Wajnberg 61 . L. Szkolnik 62 . D. Lewis

Coach : Merv Keane Ass Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res: Chris Mathieson 1 . J . Foley 2. A. Bruhn 3. C. Knight 4. M . Liddell (VC) 5. S. Kendall 5. N . Guyed 6. N . Craven 7. R . O'Neill 8. R . Foote 9 . M. Prater 10. A. Will (C) 11 . B. Carbon i

1 . M . Dimackhi 2 . D. Fossey 3. C. R.4assis ~c1 4. D. Canner 4. B.Zosens 5. A. Tsiro g iannis 6. J. Zagame 7. S. Vamvakis 8 . T. Dimackhi 9 . A. Russo 10 . M. Chandler

11 . C . Deal 12 . D . Pearce (VC )

11 . B. Clements

13 . A . Green 14 . B . Gross 15 . A . Docker 16. N. Fallu 16. S . Sant 17. S . Argyros 18. B. Baxter 18. B. O'Hoy 19. P. Hogga n 20. C . Fagan 21, M. Pennycuick 22. C . McAssey 23 . B. Sinclair 23 . D . Ash 24 . J . Dalwood 25 . A . Sinclair 25 . N . Dorman 26 . S . Widjaj a 27 . M . Sharpe 28 , J . Jacobs 29. G. Erickso n 30. D. Elias 31 . C. Poynter 32. A. Lawson 33. S. F ryers 34. H. Baker

35. S. Thompson 36. G . Crathern 37. B. Scott 38. J. Gross 39 . A. Bosna 40 . M. Bennett 41 . M . Phelps 42 . D . Synman 43 . T. Gerrand 44 . L. Schneider 45 . A . Hasforth 46 . N . Thompson 47 . S . Jenkinson 48. R. Chapple 49. G . Poulter 51 . J . James 52. S. Twycross 53. S. Bac kh ol e r 54. J. Brown 55. C . Hoope r 56. S. Krien 57. P. Farmer 58. S. McDonald 59 . J. Sayers 60 . B . Jenkinson 62 . C . Sheppard 71 . M. Cassidy



:;.,n C h Phniip fBalks Res: h any Strafford AssY Ian Leith

12' B . King 13 . G. Brown 14 . C . Neeson 15 . E . Stuchbe ry 16 . N . Davis 17 . L. Doolan 18. R. Oldham 19. A. Devries 20. A. Diamond 21 . M . Watt 22. S. Emmett 23. S. Neeson 24. A. Taranto 25 . P. Khazaai 26 . P. Tsagliotis 28 . L. Shellerd 29 . M . ..Gceife 30 . L. P ryde 31 . J . Lundberg 32 . M . D'Zilva 33 . A. Sheedy 34. S . Kitson 35. S. Hollow 36. B. Zurek 37. P. Merrick 38. A. Merrick 39. J. Gusman 40. D . Sheehan 41 . K. Dimachki 42 . J. Serpanchy 43 . J . Maartouk 44 . S . Diamond 45 . A . Caruana 46 . A . Strafford 47 . B . Zwar 48 . J . Haliwell 49. S . Hall 50. D. Eade 51 . F. Bourke 52. A. Haines 53. T Chatfield 54. D. Scaife 55. L . MCGaw 56. C . Hogan 57 . S. Laska 58 . D . Dunlevie 59 . R . Mill s 60 . D . Perkins 61 . J . Fulto n 62 . J . Simos 63 . J . Evans 64, B . Bowyer 65. S . Gange 6&R.Dimackhi 67. M . Hinton

Coach : Brett MclNrraith Res Coach: Tony Naumoff 1 . G . Giasoumi 2. M . McKellar 3. A. Brudar 4. S. Anderson 5 . J. Pranizc~s 6. S. Gravin a 7. A. Duddy 8 . G . Carr 9 . T. Barker 10 . B. Boyd 11 . L. Wheeler 12 . P. Adams 13 . G. Wood s 14. Daniel Andersen

15. A . Browne (VC) 16. N. Greenwood 17. D. Arta 18. J. McCa rt hy 19. M . Lawrence 20. A. Power 21 . L . Cave 22 . S. Burggraaff 23 . M Gra y 24 . C. Christianson 25 . M. Davey 26 . M. Devereaux 27 . M. Flynn 28 . B . Kezilas 29 . M . Fletcher (C) 30. A . Quon ( RC) 31 . T. Pucella 32. J . Hanlon 33. R. Mosbey 84, B Artz 35. M . Vaughan 36. M . Heffernan 37. J . Tipping 38. A. Fisher 39. A. Crispp 40. M . Flahive

41 . B. Hen ry 42, C . Malthouse 43 . C . Cooper 44 . M Pearson 45 . G. Davis 46 . S. Blangiardo 47 . R . Hunt 48 . R . D'Silva 49 . S . Sele tt o 50 . N . Foster 51 . J . Glanville 52 . A. Kavanagh 53. S . Helliger 54. D. Marshall 55. N. Goss 56. K Spratt 57. N. Goold 58. J. Lorin g 59. J. Ng 60. M. Terech 61 . K Johnston 62 . L. Pledger 63 . D . Delosa 64 . M . Elli s 65 . J . Morley

Coach : uave Skinner Asst: Speros Beasley, W Fal l Res Cc h : Jamie Dixon 1 . J . Bamert ., 2. S . McCully (Capt) 3. N. Orchard 4. M . White (DVC) 5. A. Saultry ry 6. M . Brain 7. S. Whittington 8 . J. Dixo n 8. J. Garner 9 . D . Fairchild 10 . P. Smith 10 . I. Barrett 1 1 . P. Spo tt iswoo d 12 . B. Thiel e 12 . M . Feferkranz 13 . S . Anderson 1 4. M . Hamilton-Ho 15. D . Membrey 16. J . Walker)DVC) 17. R. Clowes 18. R. Limbrick 18. R. Read 19. S . Robinson 20. T. Fraczek 20. L. Horne 21 . J . Aitke n 22. A. Svirski s 23. A. Hoga n 23. L . Taylor 24~ N . Ha rvey 25. H . Taylo r 26 . M. Neilson 27 . M. Johnston 28 . S . Moore 29 . G. McCull y 30 . R . Newto n 31 . M . Bowe n 32 . A . Cassell (VC) 33 . L. Campbell 34 . E . Thompso n 34 . D. Hartzell P. Rujevi c 36. R. Ware 37. T. Harper 37. M . Tm g 38. C. Nailon 39, J. Gregson 40. A. Lust 41 . J. Anderson 41 . F. Lewis 42 . M. Bate 43 . P. Corbe tt 44 . J . Newton 45, R . Czwamo 46 . T. Dunne 47 . D . Hollenbe r 48 . D . Vlcendes 49 . J . Hollenberge 50 . K. Harding 51 . S . Bennett 52. R. Ternes 53. I . Costing 54. D. Learmont-Walke r 55. G . Blau 56. T. Wright 57. S. Foley 58. P. Greenhill gp, S. Jenlning s



Ph : 9598 822 2 T)11'<0) " )M)S E (;(1( )t' 1'Z'Y. I,~~1~ . Ph: 9597 0166 v,n^rw.hamptonrovers

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:c C^ t: Jon Edgar R : James Shady

S. Chapman L . Renton L. Holloway G. Chasse(] J . Rosengarten M. Newman P. Farrar 8. S. Thompson g. C . O'Sullivan 10 . S. Lloyd it . M. Spence r 12. G, Smyth 13- M . Pay 1 4, B . Merlin 15- M . Tinkler 16- B . H in d 17. K Mudge 18 . R . Glover 19, M. Saunders 20. M . Edsall 21 . C. Grego ry 22 T Blackley 23. B . Janssen 24. T. Craven 25. J . Hawkin s 26- P. Wills 27. N . De Young 28 . J, Main 29. A Cos tley 30- L Creamer 31, S. Hawkins 32, L. Be d dingfield 33- J . Smith ~ 34. A . Chessman 35. A. Hickey 36. A. Williams 37. C . Dennis 38- N. Brennan 39 . M . Smith 40 . Ma. Bolton ;1- Mi . Bolton 1. 2. 3. 4. 8, 6,

42. ~t ~,

33. R . Feenaghry €4. D, Teesdale +6. D . Jones i7 S Mentha 48, M. Carey 4 9. D. Taylor 50 - A. Tota 51, M . Payne 52. N, Merest 53. J . Peel 54, G. Dodd 55. I. McCormick B. MacKenzie 61, P. Campbell 62. M . Meehan 70. D. Barlow 7 1, N. Rosengren 72. B. Green -3. A A. Dobso n 74, P- Westbrook ~ 5, R-Tu rton 77, D . Neil 3, A, Shields

jch d ;ael Sigalas Matthew Hogg & Ken Schwab Res : Andrew Tsindos 1 . A. During 2. M. Horgan 3. S. Peasnell 4. C. Hendne 5. L. Can 6, B . Christie 7 . -t: Hallo 8 . J . Heffernan 9 . B. Tymmons 10 . M. Hanson 11 . D . Hanson 12• R. Perry man 13- J. Webb 14. R. Whitehead 15. D. Clyne (Missing) 16 . D. Pike 17 . N . Credlin 18 . S . Marwood 19 . P. Tempone 20 . D . Mitchell 21 . T Hardman 22. M . Wallis 23. P. Mitchel l 24. B . Tipper 25. A . Hardenberg 26. B . Langford 27. A . Sheerly 28 . R . Wheaten 29 . S. Beckett 30 . T. Bay£ord 31, B. Craven 32. G . Ormsby 33. D. Joyce 34. D. Schmidt 35. C. Munroe 3 6, S . Derry 37. M . Cottr ell 38 . C . Williams 39 . S. Svensen 40, C . Jellis 41 . L.Ryan 42 . A. McKenzie r

43. C. Gran t 44. A. McHaric 46, M . Jackson

47 . J . Tully 48, Mick. Walsh

Cch : -Ten Turner >t Coach: John : rpson 1, P. Carse 2 . J . Hodder 3- E . Mitchell 4 . C . Phyland 5. S. Buckle 6. M. D'Amelio 7- A. Burgess 8. B . Bird 9 . D. Le ar 10. B . Ellis 11 . M . Levins 12 . T. McCann 13 . A. Krebs 15 . P. Carey 17 . G . Bonnici 18. R . McCan n 19. A. Kelly 20, A. Ballrd 21 . G . Simondson 22 . P. Ristevski 23, T- Batty 24 . D . Bruce 25 . A . McKenzie 26 . A. Prosser 27. P. Levine 28- H . Giles 30. M. Ottobre 31 . M . Contessotto 32. D. Comm 33. L. McDermott 34. L. Virgo 35. J . Briggs 36. S . Sava9e 37 . S. Manton 38 . N . Hodder 39 . B. Vaughan 40 . J. Gay 42 . C . Land 43. B. Leviney 44. S . Murphy 45. S . Penchi 46- A . Brown 47, M . Mclnerny 48 . A . Daly 50 . A. Volpi

Ccach Chris Bye C 1. Garry Datson 1 . Gorman P 2. Goodwin T 3. Bannister R q, Elliot M{vc} S. Baker A 6 . Nancarrow M { c }) 7 . Bannister S 8 . ro:lox L 9. Bannister C v c 10. Vaina J 10. Crotty J 11 . Finnigan M 12. Belsey J(dvc -real 13. Russell G 14 . Fenton J 15, McMahon A (vc -res ) 16, Goodwin M 77 . Pirpinias D 18 . Moloney A(c -res) 19. La Corcia M 20. Clarke J 21 . Henderson G(dvc) 22. Reynalds L 23. Callagari D 24 . Faroldi M 25 . Edwards P vc 26 . Lewis B 27 . Bosanko M 28 . Bolzon R 29. Goodwin S 30. Finley R 31 . Forster- Knight A 32. Sacco J 33- Kuret L 34 . Weston D 35 . Clifton D 36 . Barron D 37 . Castaldi D 38- Nancarrow M 39. Boyle S 40- Tsinaris G 41 . Barron B 42. McKay A 43 . O'Connell S ~Appleiard P 45 . Ca rter M 46 . Stepien S 47 . Goodwin D 48, NancarrovaA (dvc -res) 49. Leyland G ~0 Barron B 51 , Kenessy N 52. Gleason A 53, Savory rY D 54 . Frazze tt o C 55 . Kurt M 56, Dunne P 57. Ferguson C 59. Robinson T 68. Goaiwin D J 77. Walker K

51 . P. McGloi n

49~ A. Hunter 50 . S. Scullin 51 . N . Sutherland 52. S. Wingrave 53- D. Noonan 54. T. Hirst 55. N, Cooley 56. S. Wilson 57, S . O'Leary 58 . R. Haslemore 59 . D. 0' Keefe 60 . T. Everest 61 . T. Banks 62 . P. Tesoriero 63 . N . Levett 64. X. Smith 65. G . Wilson 66, A. Kerr 67. A. Fry 68. T. K ht 69. M . Wingrave 70 . J . Noonan

48. J .O'Sullivan 49 . A. Mantzioros 50 . N . Sailer 51 . B . Ryan 52 . S . Grant 54 . A. Morgans 55. S. Foga~ 56. I . Curry 58. N. Paine 59. S. Hancock 61 . G . Weickhardt 65 . M . Rayson 66 . T. Parkes 75- G. Hanson

= t~

Coav --: Tony cgeorge A: John ;Nicholas Res Coach: Paul Marin 1 . S . Rawley 2 . R . Gallagher 2 . B . Darcy 3 . M. Dixon 4. M. Hayes 5. A White 5. D . Griffiths 6- C. Stephens 7. K. Gurtler 8. K. Little 9- M . Meyer 9 . P. Emmett 10 . C . Atkins 11 . C . O'Meara 12 . A Baker 13. M. Ryan 14. C . Johnston 15. Mick Sullivan 16, P. Sullivan 16, J. McCa rthy 17. C. Sulliva n 18 . S . Sullivan 79 , C. Stewart 20 . D. Kinsella 21 . D . Kelly 22 . B. ijdoYell 23 . Matt Sullivan 24. T Linthorne 25. B. Richards 26. D. Rochford 28. A. Rock 27. M . Nielson 28. C. O'Brien 29. G . Crilley 30. P. Mann 31, M . Andrews 32 . B, Fo~den 33 . N . WiI'~ins 34 . C . Ross 35 . M. Johnstone 36 . C . Ogier 37 . T. Macgeorge 38. S. Perrazo 39. S. Waters 40. S . Richards 41 . C. Rock e2, T, Barr 43. M . Barr 45 . C . Barr 46 . W. Wheatley

52 . R . McGloin 55A. Free 56 . T. Morrison 59- A. Hickey 61 . J-P Blandthorn 63. P. Nolan 64, D. Wood 67. P. Farquhar 69 . S . Meshcer 70 . D. McGloin 75 . T. Ymer 76 . G. Donovan 77 . C . Vaughan 79 . T. Tribe 88 . S. Pitcher 89. D . Winduss -




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.. ._ . .




consecutive years and captained the VAFA twice .

celebrated their 75th Par;-- ' Old Anniversary in July with a gala ball and the announcement of their "Team of the Century" . In what was a tough task for selectors, to narrow the 52 nominees into a team of 24 . The final team consisted of 18 premiership players, 16 club captains, 15 VAFA State Representatives, 4 VAFA Best & Fairest winners, 2 All Australian Captains and the team had won a combined 32 Best & Fairests between them

John Booth was awarded vice captaincy . John captained the club to 2 premierships and played in another two . He also won 2 Best & Fairests, represented the VAFA and also coached the club to 4 flags .

President Pet n was honoured to award each team member with selection, "It was fantastic to see some great clubman return for what was a fantastic night . Not surprisingly the side was rich with players from the 1960's , the Clubs most successful era when we won 6 A Grade premierships, but it was also great to see some of the contemporary club champions make the team as well" Peter sai d

Captain of the side was Phil McLaughlin, who captained the club for 7 years including 2 premierships, also winning 2 club Best & Fairests as well as 2 VAFA Best & Fairests Phil represented the VAFA State side for fiv e

Coach was Ma urie C onsidine . Maurie coached the side to 4 premierships, prior to becoming the assistant coach to John Kennedy at Hawthorn . Peter Brabender was the only current player to make the side and fittingly kicked 6 goals for Parade on the day of the announcement in what was his 318th game for the club . On another note, Simon Vincent, one of the other selected players had an enormous 24 hours, only some 20 hours earlier he witnessed the birth of his first child, a son Charlie . Fittingly Simon, met his wife Gabrielle at the club and Gabrielle's father Cliff was also one of the nominees for the Team of the Century . It is quite likely that young Charlie will be playing for Old Paradians when the club celebrates their 100th anniversary .

,AM WAS AS F(-3: Maurie Considine Phil O'Dwyer Sam Assetta

Chris Hughes

Michael Quinlan

Neil Pivetta

Peter Wood

Bernie O'Brien

Phil McLaughlin (c) John Tudor

Dominic Spillane

Marc Harrison

Ross Duke Frank Gleeson

Fred Proctor Peter Brabender

John Booth (vc)

Denis Dalton

Brendan Danaher

Graeme Mansfield Simon Vincent

Brian Weyman Spence Williams

Tony Johnso n

Paul Considine


Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5pm with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine 1


Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to Spm) VAFA A Section'Wrap' et's Talk Sport (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm )


With the successful conclusion of the AAFC Th year Championships the search is on in earnest for a successor to Nick B ourke, who stands aside to concentrate on Executive duties as Executive Chairman . Nick will be heading up a small subcommittee which will consider all prospective coaches for the next three year series . It is a huge commitment for no fmancial gain, other than the prestige and honor of leading a team of young players proud to wear the Big V . FTLOTG seeks expresses of interest (in confidence) to Phil Stevens (p ' @v afa .asra .au) 0 fl 0 The Executive Committee gave retiring Executive Committeeman David Cook a send off dinner last Monday night and a gift recognising his 17 years on the Executive . David Burnes an d John Miles who served on the Executive for much of David' s ime attended as well as the current Executive . C li ff Bastow, Peter Harris and Sue Anderson also

attended . FTLOTG wishes David happy times in New Zealand, a successful work shift and as Bruce McTaggart mentioned in his speech to David we hope to regularly see David at Amateur functions in the future .

fl 0 0 FTLOTG reminds club presidents of the Presidents' Forum, Elsteraawick Park 6.30 pm. Monday August a6tla. From this meeting the presidents will provide a collective submission which will be considered by the Executive at its end of year seminar. 0 It may never happen but the road trip from Rupertswood (Sunbury) to Peninsula (Mt . Eliza) and return may well be an overnight trip when they both end up in the same section ! 0 0


Peter Gilmartin ;'res), Tom Brain (VAFA), Marc Harriso n Front Row : Peter Brabender, Frank Gleason, Simon Vincen t THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004 19

cond ions especiall yareithouper . The empowered Reds into And given this week's bl: • cefonvard to a crushing forecast, that coul deasilyptroub e IN ,, very even & on song Reds wc3 hil Cianci and his 8 big ones ! for Reds at Ringwood t+ ppi were mentioned by the today . Even so, the Reds should -,vin a thriller by a couple of points . Peninsula OB v Ormond Orn ~ad and Aquinas coming back Desperate though the Pirates are to avoid relegation, was s encounter. Only via 2 late I can't see them beating the Moods today, largely ends finally skip clear after a because Ormond are under the pump to grab a 2nd Defender, Simon Keleher, Semi berth! visitors should take the game by 2 for the Moods, followed goals. n the middle, with David Yarra 3Pa`_ . - I Mentonian s both dynamic HBFers . The Bushran _.r should have too much firepower nn Jess W , and Hans for the Pantt~ers nnd will win by 5 goals at the (""), & rrit17 Williams at Domeney . C Prakran v S€ The Two Blues want to consolidate their improved too much for the status in the relegation race, and Chaddie will give as the Battle Cruiser's their all but won't be able to prevent the home side rich had a terrific game r winning by 5 goals or so . v University Blacks did Paul & Matt Kempton ime could be a turn up, because Banyule will orsvard and OtBer Blake ha their best side for many weeks on the field, .. hile Blacks may not be at their strongest . Beverley The h( ae side was overrun in Q 4 by the hard Road is not the Star Troopers' favourite venue so I finishing Prahran : whose percentage has now flicked think the Bears will win a tight game by a few them above Peninsula & Aquinas on the ladder. points . Defender. Or. t-erguson, was superb in his 150th for the Panth s, with Many Elliot also strong in t},, backs, and s . Rowan Ball & Jamie Walker also stanC . Scott Fraser played a blinder at CHE for an, with Joel Kellow (BP), and Adam Slei :' ard also strong in a critical win . Sal v E myul e

C.,a, s subjected to a good old-fashioned belti by 'e percentage hungry Bears . Forwards, Sean Lor -ii, Heath McDermott, & Ant Demetriou all p L • , tY .ntly, with Paul Gloury doing well orn injury, and Michael Christian had

3s as _`e :, : Tarulli, today plays his 300t h gan:: for _2 Club ;__ Senior), and having seen him play so many dynamic match-winning games ove r my personal plau i's on hi s sl l s : ac' . ~rse we-c

1'_rra Val' Keem 1 56 Sleight 40 Prahran Prahran Stafford 1 33 Peninsula Claringbold 0 32 Banvule Egan 0 32 D l RESERVE Fitzroy Reds Capodiferro 3 39 Fitzroy Reds McKerrow 3 32 i iniversitv Blacks Kelly 0 2 2 Hu :'les 0 2 0


Reserves' winners should be : Reds, Monds, Panthers, Two Blues, & Blacks . Gorreeponcenta co -: _ act L : 9889 1979 (+ messa-,e bank) & bfhic! :ey6@bigpond .com yarra Valley CS - congratulate s " : andit" Laing on his Z3C---, game today . A former Captain, U19 B & F winner, & current Seniors Vice Captain, Andy won the Seniors B & F in 2003, an played in the Seniors Grand Final side in 2002 . A courageous defender who always puts his body on the line, Andy is a terrific Club supporter . Graham "Special K" Kerr also gets his 100tls up today . Mostly a Reserves player, he is one of the most popular players at the Club and always gives 100% on the field . Kerry has played in many finals including the 2002 Reserves Premiership side and has been a Committee Member for years and function organiser. All Bushrangers wish Andy & Graham well today !

: Cnc18 Torne: 2 C Cianci C . .--illv Davis C3a . . ._ . , A Laing Stevenson Vaiopoi . Be : T "l~ lorris N Pask. U 'Cu: Paul Jones Eli tlayes (1') Chris Doyle Jac l

"Cr >on

6 .4 10 .8 14 .10 2 .4 4.i 8 : Beckett 4 Cook 4 Robbins 4' . ' r 2 : S Keleher Miller C s ;v B n 5 Hunt 2 Flynn 2 2 mbr r n ran. st: Jess Tyssen Coiiiver Wooden Do s Cooper . Simon Stokes (F) Clive Shiplev t, e __ankey (G )

: 0-so

:Si 's BLACKS 0B . . . details not recieved . ;a : cha Koffman (F) Matthew Simpson Greg Polio (G )

Old M en2onians - All at Pantherland C ;T ttâ‚Ź3A.rdS 4 .2 6.4 12 .6 138(86) congratulate Grant Ferguson on reaching 16" 5.3 10 .5 , . . . . (: 1 ) games for the Old Mentonians . Like a fine wine t . it: Basile 4 Bournon 4 Ballantine 2 Cos Ilo 2 Best : Fergie has improved with age to be playing the FP*auson Ball Bournon Walker Murphy EC o Sleight 7 A best football of his career as he reaches the, 150 PI > 5 Aitken 2 Ballard 2 Burnett Clausen T H son Stafford game milestone . Grant began as a hot-headed H Pitts. Best: Fraser Kellow Sleight A Pitts Harrison H Pitts . goalkicking forward pocket, but in the past few Umpires : Anthony Simpson Paul Tuppen (F) years has made the transition to rock-solid reliable defender with remarkable ease . Grant's SALESLIN O C 3 .1 4.3 8.7 10 .10 (70) E DLE 7.5 18 .8 25 .13 34 .18 (222) precision kicking and never-say-die attitude have itch dM~ils not received . been the cornerstones of an excellent career that Sean Scully jnr (F) Bra Stephens Peter Maddocks (G ) hopefully has another couple of years left in it . Congratulates Grant . Aquinas OCFC - Congratulate Marcella Tarull ; .- .. .~ ~ - . .~ Y 3 . 6.4 12 .6 17 .8(110) on playing his 300th VAFA Senior match against . ,'. . 15 2.2 3 .4 4 .5 4.6 (30) Fitzroy Reds this week . Marchie is the most F y o PdeKerrow 3 Carodiferro 3 Bare 2 Balllle 2 Hannam 2 decorated player in Aquinas' history . Since his Evans 2 Dibenedetto Drew Crane, Best : Bare Hannam Evans Linehan debut in 1987 . Marchie has won 7 Senior B&F's L.Holderhead Rome . Yarra 'Jolley : Hale 2 Potter 2 . Best: Russell (88, 89, 90, 92, 95, 97 & 2000), was Senior Potter Britt Pearce Coutts Buruma . Captain in 1993 & 94, dual premiership player in 1987 & 1996 and become a life member in 1998 . ORMOND 5.2 7 .8 9.14 12.17 (91) Marchie is only the 13th player in VAFA history to AQUINAS 5 .2 7 .5 7.5 9 .9 (63) have played 300 Senior games and the 2nd to Ormond: Keleher 3 S DiPasqualie 3?davlor 2 Byra Lance Cove Wells . have played 300 club games at the Bloods . What Best: Ashford Clinch Naylor Cove S DiPasqualie T DiPasoualie . makes this record remarkable is that he has Aquinas : Lyng 3 Caskey 2 Jeffrey B Moran _-VicCartan Brown, Best : never played an Under 19 or Reserve match . The Box Larkin Jeffries Boland Jones Leigh . Aquinas community wish you all the best and UNIVERSITY BL&CKS 6 .3 9 .9 12 .13 17.20 (122) thank you for you superb contribution over the PENINSULA o B 2 .1 2.1 4 .2 5.4 (34) last 17 years . Match details not received .

TODAY'S MATCHES R16 i31 SECTION Aquinas 0 C v Fitzroy Reds Peninsula 0 B v Ormond Yarra Valley 0 B v O1dMentonian s Prahran v Salesian 0 C Banyule v University Blacks

OLD MENTOPtIANS 4 .1 7.7 1 0.10 14 .16(100) PRAHRAN 2 .2 4 .4 5.7 6 .7 (43) Old Ment: Acreman 7 Kiantos 2 Linford 2 Noonan Stroud R Alexander, Best : Millis C Alexander D Alexander Kiantos Austin Acreman . Prahra:n : walford 3 St.Clair 2 Kennett. Best: Alcock Bedford Kennett Vagg Dennis Connelly . SALESIAN 0 C 0 .1 4.1 7 .2 8.3(51) BANYULE 3 .4 6 .6 9.9 17.10 (112) Match details not received .


_. _ . ; Coacn : Steve Bell Res: Paul Harper

1 L . Toomey 2 S. Tibb 3 J. Coglan' 3 S. Edwards 5 M. Hunter 6 D . Minogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess (VC) 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Bolan d 11 S . Coope r 12 A . Bethune 13 D. Den Braber (C) 13 C. Jeffrey 14 A . Larkin 15 Adrian Williams

16 J . Hunt 17 B . Redwood 18 J . Hughes 18 T Olarenshavr 19 G . Whitehead (VC) 20 D. Skinner 21 J. Pierce

22 S. Flynn

23 M. Vlsser

24 P. Harper 25 B. Volambello 26 J. Box

27 C . Quinn 28 B. Helms

29 J . Wilson 30 C . Colliver 31 G. Evans 33 C . Wooden 34 M. Tarulli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. CaskeY 37 S . Leonard

38 B . Moran

39 S . Bethun e 40 S . Haun 41 G. Davies 42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 J . Tapply 45 D. McCartan 46 T. Vanderslui s 47 Anthony Williams

48 R. Brown

49 M . Griffin 50 C. Crozie 53 D. Robinson 54 M . O'Halloran 55 L Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 M . Harris 58 H. Tyssen 59 B. Cooper 60 L. Elliott 61 I. Drew 62 C . Lyng 63 A. Barrie 64 S. Voursouki s 67 C . Tzoumenakas 72 T. Brook S . Voursoukis S . Ozergin S . Jones A . Hyland

Coach : Greg Whitcrofl Res : John Fraser 1 . B. Reed 2 . A. Bottomley 3 . N . Taylor

_ . . : . ._; Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan

11 . B . Atherton 12. D. Murphy 13. A . Dawson

1 . T. Mitvalsky 2. C . Twentyman 3 . R . Bal l 4 . R . Woodland S . C . Mackay 6 . C . Alexander ~CR ) 7 . M. McCloskey (DVC) 8 . G. Ferguson 9 . J . Walker 10 . S . Vo;gt 11 . 0 . Solley 12 . C. Dwyer (CR) 13 . B . Russo 14 . M . Stroud

14. T Clarke 16. G . Crane

15 . J . Costello (DVC) 16 . B . Carroll

1 . D . Hannam 2 . B. Holderhead & A. Walsh

4 . P. Gloury

4 . M. Cairns &

a4 . M . Creak (real 5 . B . Willmore 6 . M . Morgan 7 . C . Taylor 8 . B . Cantwell 9 . J . Plant 10 . A . Dooley 11 . D. Wilso n 12 . J . Egan 13 . B . Moxo n 14 . L. O 'Donnell 15. A. Brown 16. A. Demetriou 17. C. Davie s 17. S. Gray (rese)

J. Hamilton 5 . P. Diacogiorgis 7 . L. Byrne

18. T Wis e 19. L . O'Connell 19. T Nasrallah (real 21 . R . Dintinosante 22 . C . Taylor 23 . M . Gray 24 . T. Prior 25 . D . Phelan 26 . B . Mounsey

27 . J .Jones 28 . D. Sproules 29 . D. Nasrallah 30 . D. Mutton 31, G . McLellan 32 . J . King 33. B. Gayfer

34. S. Lorenzini 35. L. Richardson 36. M . George 37. T. Thompson 38. D . Gayfer 39. J. Turnbull

40. T. Prior 41 . A. Tshaikiwsky 42 . M. Van Poeteren

43 . L. Ferrel 44 . J . Connelly 45 . A . Roeth e 46 . T Egan 48 . B . Herbert 49 . G. Bell 50 . S . Gray 55 . D. Williams

Coach : Peter Russo Res: Jamie Winduss

8 . A . Byrne 9 . H . Fletcher

17, B . Lee 18. M . Baker 19. Pa. Cook 20. T. Mitchell 21 . C. Meighen 22. C. Sullivan 23. T Jackson

24. J. Parsons 25. D . Bah r 27. J. Tomese 29 . V. Cahill 30 . C . Little 31 . P. Crowe 32 . A . Grant 33 . S . Dury 35 . P. Cook 36 . M . Reeves 37 . A. O'ReillyY 39. A. George 40. G . Bance 41 . M . Bridges 42. I . McBurney 45. J . Bennie 46. N . Mann 47. W. Bahr 48. N . Vaughn 51 . J. Rawlin s 52. B. O 'Connor 53. S. Addicott 56 . T. Madden 57 . R . Rome 61 . G. Virtue 62 . N . Auden 63 . C . Andrew

67 . R . Holderhead 71 . T. Leaks 73 . J . Bare 75 . B . Pollard 76. D. Curti s 77 . A. Grill o 80. G . Box 81 . J . Savage 95. D. Flanagan 97. D. Ronchi 99. C . McGrath

1Z N. Linford (CR) 18. T Bournon 19. A. Palme r 20. D. O 'Connor 21 . J. O'Brien 22. B. Coghlan 23. A. Drinan 24. D . Cochrane 25. B. Fairbanks 26. G . Dart 27. A. Kiantos 28 . D . Kitto (VC) 29. A. Carter (C) 30 . D . Russo 31 . M. Elliott 32 . M. Sunter

33 . S . Worrell

34 . P. Flaskis 35 . D. Murphy 36 . D. Alexander 37 . M . Francis 38 . T. Millis 39. K Campbell 40 . R. Alexander 41 . S. Cozen s 42. M . Basil e 43. G. Hubbar d 44. L . Sunter 45. A. Erskine 46. A. Bowtell 47. J. Kelly 48. D. Stevens (VCR) 49, N. Fisher ~- K. Regan 51 . A. Wilson 52. M. Watts

53 . S. Wilson

54 . D . Goodbody 55 . M. Katviskis 56 . B. Thoma . S. Fairbank s57 s 58 . A. Worrel l 59 . A.Joyce 60 . A. O'Reilly 61 . B . Saunders 62 . R . Schloeffe l 63 . C . Palmer 64. M . Austin 65. A . Mort 66. M . Mackay

67. A. Noonan

_ .. Coach: Adrian Connolly Res Coach : Peter O 'Dea 1 L. Deledio 2 D . Beckett 3 J . Denning 4 A . Grac e 5 M . Martinov, 6 D . Whela n 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 S . Metz 10 T Banks 11 D. Robbin s 12 B . Deledio 13 C. Lees 14 S. James

15 C. Talley 16 T Stewart 17 L Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D . Cleary

20 D . to Hennepe 21 R . Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 J. Muzzel l 25 J. Dal e 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashford 28 A . Clinch

29 D . Palling

30 L Well s 31 C. Young 32 L O 'Brien 33 A. Cook A. Russel l

35 BG. alley 36 D. Casey 37 C. Everett 38 D. Byra 39 M . Ferrari 40 A. Dougla s 41 B. Upstil l 42 C . Kelehe r 43 g. Parson s 44 M. Broadhurst 45 J. Frankli n 46 C . Johnstone 47 A . Goonan 48 R . Saunder s 49 D . Jewett 50 S . Dipasqual e 51 T. Dipasquale 52 M . Brown 53 K . Harvey . 54 M . Ramsay

55 B . Payson

56 M . Farrel l 57 R. Kentara 58 K. Snyma n 59 N. Hoare 60 P. Konstanty 61 L Frankli n 62 D. Roylance 63 S. McConchie 64 D . Loetje

65 M. Anderson SPONSORS m # 4' ---- ---- .~ - .



66 L. waters on 67 M. Francis 68 B. Cromac k 69 C . Wes t

70 D . Farrell

71 C . Hassel l ZENITH 72 P. Rogas h 73 B . Stone INTERIORS 74 L. Gouzenfitter ~.iEN TONE HOTEL 75 M . Lance JEFFERSON P" -1 D


C®: : '

Sent Coacn: uuuan Sill Res: Brian Cronin 1 S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen 5 N. Kent

6 M . Warner 7 S. Murray 8 P. Angus 9

Coach: Leigh orafiord Reserves: Andrew Gillam 1 . C . Clauscen 2 . L. Stafford 3 . J . Ferrier 4 . D . Cullen 5 . H . Pitts 6 . A . Donachie 7 . T Greening 8 . I. Hunt

9 . A . Bunnell

10 A. Haley it J. Sill

10 . M . Mc Cudden 11 . A . Pitt s 12 . C. Moffat 13 . L. Northway

12 S. Ferguson

14 . L. Fox

13 B. Cook`

15 . C. Tooley 16 . A . Rhodes

14 S. White

15 J. Davis' 16 S. Cl aringbold 17 J. Coghlan

17, M . Harrison

18 J. Wheaten

21 . T. Sparrey 22 . A . Sleight 23. R. Marriott 24, K. Plummer 25. L. Aitken 26. A. Dibben 27, W. Watford 28, K. ~ryatford 29. P. Gartland 30. M, Radywonik 31 . S. Fraser 32. D. Ballard 33. A. Wood 34. R. Alcock 35. J. Bedford

19 A. Mckinstry

20 S. Prendergast 21 A Teelow 22 A. Atchison 23 R . Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 A. Powell 26 G . Lethbridge 27 S. Payze

28 B. Taylor

29 S. Torossi 30 A. Crean 31 *

18 . M . Windridge 19. S . Rama e 20 . J . Kellowg

36. G . Bevan

39 S . Wilson 40 D. Hubbard 41 A . Vidotto 42 N . Cdaringbold 43 B . Dunne 44 C. Mclean

37. M . Boyd 38. E. Macdonald 39. J.Matherson 40. R . Ferrero 41 . J. Upton 42. B. Downing 43. S. Kennett 44. B. Lynn 45. T. Mahoney 46. S. Moylan 47. J. Killee n 48 . J. Vagg 49 . I. Dennis 50 . B. Mahoney 51 . N . Harvey

45 L. Prendergast

52 . N . Gill

32 B. Uuzzi 33 R . Stainforth 34 M. Falkiner

35 T. Lane 36 N . Bowman 37 J . Grav.~cott

38 T. Coghlan

46 T. Moran 47 L. Palmer

48 N. Heffernan 49 A. Minchin 50 A. Bonner 51 R. Hayman 52 A. Wood 54 C. Wilson 55 R. Cannon 58 P. Mangan 69 J . Muir

53 . A. Ryan 54 . K . Sagnol 55 . M. Vagg

56 . A . Potter 57 . L. Castle 58 . T. Murphy 59 . S . Dixon 60 . M . Roach 61 . B . Campbell 62 . R . Ham 63, R . Mackay 64 . J . Belcher 65 . B . Sodoma

66 . S . Campbell 67 . S . Oliver 68 . S . Bell 69 . B .Todd 70 . S . Conley

Ci ns C .

5 : Peter Turley i : Adrian Chippaini

Sep _ : Cc t: A Parkin Reser; es Ct : : M . Fitolani Club 18 Cc .h : C. Bau4ch

Coach : Tim Killv:ori n Res. Cr :h : Simon Ta}?or.

1 . A. Costello 2. S . Chandler

R . Pearce T. Morris

4. M . Rizio 5 . L RawnsleY 6. A. Bevacqua 6 . C. Fink (RIC18) 7. S . Price 8, B . Welch 8 . W. Pascoe (RIC18) 9 . P. Kempton 70 . W. Hann a 11 . S. Watch 12 . M . Cunningham

M. Fang 4 A. Draw Captain 5 R . Drew 6 C . Beal 7 L . Morris 8 9 J. Keem T. Hancock 1 0 T. Mclllrath 1 1 J. Cremean 1 2

12 . M . Cooke

13 . A. Ross

B. Nickolas 1 4

13 . I . Bob-tic

13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 .

E. Kruse 1 4 N . Pask 1 5

1 . A. Stevens 2 . A. Thain

3 . S. Sutherland 4 . C . Rose 5 . M. Canavan 6 . D . Forer

7 . D . Foley 8 . S. Logan

9A . 10 . S. Ofdfield 11 . A . Davey

14 . P. Evans 15 . L Rose 16 . P. Dolman

17 . M . Forbes 18 D Ba rcy 19. M . Ferwerda 20. A . Seager 21 . A . Bonnici 22. S . Greely 23. T. Henson 24. A. Grace 25. C. Ryan 26. J. Nanne ss 27. P. Allen 28.•M . Byrne 29. D. Bowman 30. 0 . Le 31 . B . Grams 32. G . Riley

33. N. Callaghan 34. C. Goutden 35. P. Knott 36. S. Nolan 37. J. Brennan 38. A. Gaspari 39. P. Pills 40. M. Forer 41 . P. Forbes

42. P. Hanlon 43. M. Van Suylen 44. P. McClaren 45 . D . Allen

46 . S. Savage 47 . K. Gallacher 48 . J. Logan

49 . M. Oakley 50 . S. Kavanagh 51 . A. Foley 52 . M. Forbes 53 . E. Maillard 54 . M. Smyth 55 . E . Hanapy 56 . M . Laughnan 57 . S . Sewell 56 . M. Bates

59 . A . Healy 60 . A . Bates 61 . R . Cincotta 63 . A . Chippiani 64. S . Sinclair 65. M . Sutton 66. S . Sinclair 67. B . Kirchner

3 . H. Hamilton

C. Baulch (RfC18) C. Price B. Shaw J. Lalic h A. Moffatt C. Groom M . Kem p ton C. Sandiford J. 5ibilia E. Nolan

23 . P. Barry (Capt)

24 . V. Romitn 25 . A. Katsaros 26 . D. Batten 27 . M . Savige 28 . P. Otsuka 29 . A. Stee r 30 . A. Jesse 31 . B. Costello 32 . A. Cameron 33 . W. Blake 34 . S. Middleton 35 . B. Villella 36 . M. Prowse 37 . R . Dabraio 38 . S. Bloodworth 39 . B. Cunningham 40 . N . Martin 41 . T. MacCallu m 42 . A. Smit h

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 49• 50. 51 . 53.

C . Beaton E. Ryan R . Scarlett A . Kelley A . Wilson R . Dillon A . Goonan R . Wood D . O'Keeffe Petersen 5j, D . eel l 58. B . Edwards

61 . J . Blac k 63. C . Beasley

64. L. Hill

65. J . Fuller 66. C. Lewis 67. N . Goonan 68. T. Partet 69. M . Swampillai 70. J . Green 71 . S . Palmer 72. EC~a~' 74. R. Kercheval 75. H . Ellis 76. C. Webb 77. T. Brumby-Rundell 78 . R. Witnish 80 . S . Bade 81 . S . Spong 83 . Molloy 85 . B. P. We ber 86 . T. Rowe 87 . A. Watkins 94 . A. Powell 97 . L. Merlo 98 . K. Begely

R . Thompson

1 2


L . Gilles 1 3

L. Taylor 1 6

A. Laing 1 7 C . Britt 1 8 J . Strong 1 9 T Hale 20 D . Stevenson 2 1 B . Drew 2 2 R . Yea 2 3 M . Davies 2 4 F. Pellagrino 2 5 J . Longworth 26 S . Savage 27 M . Rockicki 28 R . Coutts 29 D . Potter 3 0 P. Cooper 31 J . Parry 32 P. Cremean 33 B . Seeger 34 B . Peake 35 P. Jarvie 36 D. Ba lshaw 37 B . Morrison 38 J . Tompkins 39 M . Wines 40 B . Downs 41 A. Stone 42 S . Yea 43 J . Ho 44 A. Wingate 45 T. Oliver 46 S . Collie 47 R. Davis 48 S . Seaboume 49

J. Peaks 50 H. Clarke 5 1 A. Hartnett 5 2

S. Fyffe 53 sson A.

ss Vas

5 5

T. Uoyd 56 P. Pickering 57 G . Kerr 58 A Joiner 59 S. Laird 60 P. Valoppi 6 1 P. Baruma 62 B. Whitechurch 63 D. Smith 6 4 M. Norrish 6 5 A. Russell 66 B. Glennie 67 T. Collet 6 8 R . Collet 6 9 N . Lear 70

M. Laing


G . Coutts 7 6 S. Thompson 7 7 N . Peters 7 8 D . Redfern 8 2 T. Peters 9 2

Proudly Sponsored by SPONSORS : Shann Accessories RetraVision Armadale

THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan St

Carlton 305 3






Ed Selby talks all VRFA nelnts after 9 .OOam For news, views and previews, tune to 5-

Then to LOII~ v1 f? P7 f3&s `. . . : -_. : from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Including: Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to Spm)

-_ d.eeve 'ass" Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 5p m

VAFA A Section'Wrap' (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm)

with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine


' CA ~"'


"in t>U' with the o - ( - Ists9 VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news ofk:cal VA-.`_ teams between 6 .W1-6 .1 ;pm each Saturday night. I

VA ,;_ _1

. .

. . ..,.> : Z aaef Leave Pass" Saturday & Sunday, l2noon to 5p m with Russell Gilbert & Mark Fine

9.30 - 10 .30 a.m . I RAIN & 1' FTH ALL THIE VW'. ! F -- S Phil Bayliss (Glen Eira Coach)

TUNE I N 9.3 1 . ST E% This we



Quarter by Quarter A Section Score Update s (Saturday &Sunday, 12noontoSpm) VAFA A Section'Wrap' Let's Talk Sport (Sunday between 4pm & 4 :30pm)


-r. A


scored a much . ded i over at Ivanhoe Park to keep themselves entrenciiicd in the four. Healy, with twelve marks and foi - goals for the day, was best on ground while defensive stalwarts Wood, Shuttleworth and Blayney were also influential in the final i=,*ash-up . Veteran Peter Lee also had an impact, with three of his four goals coming in a dozen minutes in i' second quarter . Old Carey were disappointing against fello~° .contedrsCwitheforcdmvef Trav Bull into die i uc i limiting the OCs options up forward . A numb - of the OC topliners were not at their best, but they can still look forward to more senior regulars returning this week . For the OGs, Kimpton took the goalkicking honours from Vickers-Willis, althonon Munro was arguably the most valuable player on u d .y . _ . a nfortable 71 point win o :r with Fitzgerald cling seven for e -o rs. LaTrobe made better use of th ' ground and the beautiful conditions, while Swinburne just had a bad game . Cameron Gelly battled hard in the ruck for the Razorbacks while key forward Matthew Higgins had his share of oppor'unities, but with 3 .5 for the game, would be disapp( ' ited w i his conversion rate . In other unes, stuck with FMI8 for most of the day, but in the _.-id, C`-', were slightly bi- 'ter in a match that cer inly won't be remembered as a sharpshooter's exhibition . While a five goal to ti o third quarter went a large way to preserving a slender half time lead for Bulleen Templestowe, which they managed to maintain for the remainder of the contest . My dips thi s week are : Old Carev, Old Ocelot _ Ivanhoe sumption, Bentleigh, and WilliamstoR~n CYIv1S . € ys : Unlike 12 months ago, when the exact makeup of the four in D2 had been decided and the bottom two already relegated, nothing is set in concrete yet this season with three clubs fighting for the double chance, two for fourth spot and five still chances o f being relegated . So let's ignore t'_ "one e :


< i: gaze into the crvstal ball to see who will beat who t o finis', where at the end of the home and away season (teams 1-5) . 48

Iats) : La Trobe ( h), Bullee n

T. in owe (h), L'Jest Brunswick (a) h : First ( 60 pts) [t : ill beat the Magpies and a victory over the will secure the double chance . gj : Old Geelong (h), Old ' (L) !ed (52) Co : i no easy matches to come a loss toda cost it the double chance . ): Bulleen Templestowe (a), Wes t Brunsi ck tn), iv-ionash (a) L ' :c- , finish: Second (58) Con it : in i 1 ie box seat for second spot but must win y . : Monash (a), Swinburn e (h), . _iliamsto- :1 (a) Likely finish : Fourth (52 ) Comment : Faces three sides fighting for their D2 lives but should escape unscathed . La Trobe (32): Old Carey (a), Williamstown (h), Bulleen Templestowe (a ) Likely finish : Fifth (36) Comment: Might upset OC or the Bullants but will ->-ue early losses to West Brunswick, Bentleigh and S•. ; nbu me.

Old Geelor ; Bentleigh Bulleen TPY^ Old Ca

Vickers- Willis Paul Williams Angus T

56 48 46 40

Old ~' : orAverv 3 38 Old Konstantinidis 1 3 2 BuraPSS 6 3 2 0 30


oe Assumption 3 3 nnburne 1 4 EIilei_h 28 2 ,-,Id Geelong 3()

- con Latu12 ~~s . . . r1ft : overcoming a p___ . -has worked his way back i t lere his pace and hard runni . m to perform better against : c I. v~ 11 done !

I .. Con U .17's in 199 0 . Once reachin-_ Con proved to be a handy m could play all areas of the ground senior debut in 1996 . Since then C number of senior games alor . Con is a very well I' ~vf ' ember of the Bull its ell done

6 .6 9.7(61 ) e 4 Wood 2 Frisina 2 Morris 2 aly Blayney Scoble Morris wood mann 2 S Benjamin Cannane ';Orman . Best : S Benjamin Irving

7 .9 11 .}9 (85) 9 .13 2 .6 4 .7 7.12 9.16 (70) 3 Wheeler 2 Manning McNarnar a Hynes J Kosmatos Wouda Cocks Malone 2 Rutherford 2 Parke r eton. Best: Baxter Wells Bourbon S L ton aJohnson(F)JoetLLignallAndnrrn (B) 3 .4 7.6 ~~ 10.9 17. ,' 5) 2.4 5 .7 6 .8(44) Gleeson 2 Slater 2 Envall Davis n Morton lessor Benton Slate r Fricke . Best_ Celle

n n Mains. Best :

- coil'.~.',atU)ate 5

ph ig his 3me for

ji ur.~ at L, s : at ui th 2 ; swept all before him at the clubter best and fairest the last . hot favourite to take it o_ _ Simon studies engineerr;ng at tt -, i: n create magic on the foot j superb judgement, readin o l -il ticism and skills . A j u urne hopes he has a to < orbacks and all al m on this milestone .

.12 14.19(103) 5 .7 6,9(45) Munro tV on W Paul Munro TBullAda,-n C

?6.6 (IO2) 9 .8 (62) 2 DiGrazia 2 Di Grazia nnision Coffey . .9 (99) 3 ( 3) it

!.nro Car: v ~ . ..O'Hare noel Battlev THE kNi ATEU,째, t=007 _ ..

. . .~. '<~ .


Coacli : For Knight Cc, ~h : John Leroy ties Cov :,it : John Leroy 1 P -on 1 2. 3. v' ck 4. H.! S. S. ~aite D . esan 7. T. S. 10. S_ ~ v 71 . A. 13. T L a 14. D . " 15. S .L 16 . ?.F IT S . F .:_ aid 18. C . E 19 . ' .

8 9. 10 P. 11 . D . 1.~:.

12 . F 13 . S 14 . S . 15 . J . 16 .P.F' `7 S 18 . D


2'9 . J . 30 .S .K o 31 . S . S 32 . J . Icem

S. . 35. D. Da~.:

36. P. F 37. J . Frengos 38. A. Verga 39. D.y~.: ._ . 40. G . i n... 41 . R . Le a

51 . P. 1_ :

52 . L . S 53 . D . t' 54 . 55 . G . 56 . C . 57 . S . 58 ."' 59 . 1 . J< 60 . S . 61 .


63. S . S 64.

42. P. E 43 . D R r5 . D ,1 C 46 . A . - .-c ~ 49 . B . nis 50 . R . 51 .TCc 57 . R. Toscana 58 . D. . .-. ~ 59. F' [ "c0.N : 62. rTi . rursz 64. C. Tza3< as

33 . S .O'Con e~i 34 jr 35. S 36. J . Te 37 P. r

38. 3S 40. D . 41 46



4; 4t T. £ 4 c E .'.. . .

46 . 47 . 4£ . A9 .

9. G. Wadley 10 . P. Williamson 11, A. Nichols 12. A. Gross

13. J . Stratford 14. A. Mckenzie 15. A. Clarke 16. P. Rennison 17. P. Rutherford 18 . M. Paolucci 19 . R . Coxhead 20 . C . Staff 21 . J . Bingham 22 . B . Coxhead 23 . L. Clark

24 25 . . 26 . ?. Cayerc-n 27 J. 28 S .

I S. Bourbon 2 . M. Healy 3 . A . Grady 4 . M. Malone 5 . J . Watson 6 . D . Sake 7 . D . Walter 8 . J . Blandford

R. B. C. E.

50 . R. Sir:a 51- D. Pearce 5Z S. Sampson (capt .)

. M . Chosen L Scott D . F•=^'r 55. G . Ford

c . : . .. , h 57. Ii

58. 59 .

24 . D. Baxter

25. S . Kibblewhite 26. A. Denyer 27. R. Gilchrist 28. Luke Leeton 29. .Warren 30. P. Holland 31 . G . Roche 32 . M. Lewis 33 . S . Nelson 34 . M. Graydon 35 . B Clark 36 . G. B!ock 37 . A . Jenkin 38 . M Baron 39. D Grenfell 40. M . Willocks 41 . C. Archer 42. J . Clark e 43. M . Mastromanno 44. L . Wells

45. J. Gonis 46. G . Kent 47. M. Parker 48 . G . Stil l 49 . C . Robinson 50 . S . Dresser 51 . C . Leeton 52 . A . Flowerday 53 . M . Bourbon 54 . A . Perry 55. G. Harrak 56. J . Healy 57. W. Pocock 58. C. Yanni 59. A. Yanni 60. T. Bourbon 61 . A. Waters 62 . N Rutherford 63 . I . Bagnall 64 . P. Patric k

..' 76 . J . Harrak





:-SeniorCu I : ai- , Res .Coach : Andre Ga«s 1 . C. Angus (VC) 2. D. Faelis 3. M . Cohen 4 . D. James 5 . P. KonstantinFdis 6 . C . Campbel l 7 . S. Jessup S . A. Stewart-Holmes 9. D. Saut e 9. B. Andrews (r) 10. K. Shrives (RVC) 11 . N. Everett 12. L. MacFarlan e 13 . G. Trumbull 14 . M. Mahon 15 . N . Bull 16 . T. Angus 16 . R . Graham (r) 17. A. Parton (C) 18. C. Matthews 18. B. Chiuchiarell 19. T. Wood


19. P. Drake (r) 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . T. Collins '. 22 . C. BaBle .' 23 . H . Van Cuylenberg 24 . L. Battley 25 . L Chluchiarelli 26. A. Woo d 27. N . Vasibpoukos 28. N . Sulman 29. C. Munro 30. A. Guerra 31 . J . Ward 32 . P. Graham 33 . N . England 34 . C . Howat 35 . M . Watts 36 . S. Wood 37. C . Adam 37. D . Palmer (r) 38. L Guerra (RC) 39. P. Bennett 40. S. Angus 41 . A. Gates 42 . L. Morgan 43 . D. Joyce 44 . T. Rossignuolo 45 . T. Bul l 46. S. Hill 47. B. Crasher 48. S. Bennett 49. S. Middleton 50, A. Kent 51 . B . Croft 52 . D. Bowley 53 . J . Hubbard 54 . C. Pinches 55 . G. Spencer 56 . A . Boyd

57. Glen Morgan 59. C . Mason (RVC) 61 . Grant Morgan 64. C. Smit h 65. D. Elsner 71 . R. Leong 75. P. Busse 76. D. G.^:^_

1 . M . C'': : . 2 . W. 3 . J . F-c }-~., : 4 . C . Stinc: ': 5 . M. Vickers B. J . Bel l 7. J. Pau! S. G . Alen 9. D Salter 10. M Avery 11 . L Stevens 12. T Paul 13 . T Cannon 14 . D Taylor 15 . H ; 'cCarlhv 16 . T F--v; 17 . T E

18 . J 19. S an 19. E 20. 21 . L22. TE 23. C F 24.S L

25 . T F 27 . W l 29 . J Hc 30 . B E 31 . H F

33. E E~. ..' 34. S Ci:: . .en ..' 35. P Bhbs 35. TN, : n 37. T Waters 38. T D'Anto3ne 39 . J Kilpatrick 40 . H Legoe 41 . S Ross 42. E Plowman 43 . B Grill s 44. J Urqhart 45. C Teague 46. J twlorley 47. T Carey 48. R Herd 49. T Young 50. A Suvoltas 51 . J Kilpatrick 52 . S Griffiths 53 . I Munro 54 . C Wilson 55 . H Cust 55 . C Atkins 56. M Leslie 57. B Symons 58. J McCarthy 59. R Kilpatrick 60. B MaClean 61 . T O'Brien 62. S Lyon 65. A Meek 66. J Imhoff 67 . H Eastman 68 . R Cuttler 69 . A Southey 70 . W de Fegley 71 . S Waters 72 . J Battle , 73. ATmms 74. S Timms

75. W Temple-Smith 76. J Urquart 77. P Winter 78. YouII 79 . P Birks 80 . P Winter 81 . M Bouchier 82 . L Knight 83 . H Leckie 84. T Legoe 85. A McHugh

4t. I 48. Di 49. HL 50 . m G 51 . Ni Pearson 52 . N Lane 53 . t✓ Paul 54. M Eteg 55 . M Dinning 56. D Smith 57. C O'Keefte 58. M Rack 59. C Galley 60. P Jones 61 . 8 Robe rtson 62 . B Gorfine 63 . M Roebuck 64 . J O'Keefte 65 . A Teal 66. C Dent 67. 0 Beynon 68. LSierako;vski

Whitehorse Inn 5 c.'3unvood Rd , Hawthorn 9818 4991

.. J .;r Q J to R 47. T^^m on A 48 . S , reJ A 49 . Haysay J 50 . Huichens N 51 . Sherry L 52 . Fox T 53 . Chamberlain T 54. Tanrn- S 55. K; I J 57. A Te A 59. E ' J 60 . Sr: ¢uo M 61 . i i K 62 . S S . C, n J SS . L L_ 0' 66. RN-1 1 67. S: .,B 70. Leahy G 71 . Bros an M 73. Clare M 76. Chislett J 77 . Howell R 78 . Thompson J 79 . Co ;quhoun J

3 i . C~ 40 Gr 4 A.

42 B. 43 I .Arandez 44 tf . 45 Pt 46 G . 47 L 48 S . ; 49 F. D 50 D PIS 51 B 52 F. 53 54 P Vi 55 R. 7"s . .. 56 J . i„ U ;.n 57 0. Jimenez 58 J . Robinson



is a bri -:u m . - (1st XVIII te ; ) An a rmit can play finals (exce p mit - see below)- 2rvc - (2nd XVIII teams) P :,. ., registered and must have played at leas t reser, grade matches and not more than senior matches in the home and away ; round) . here both first and second XVIII's are playyin,~_ on h e same day the reserve grade player must only hav e played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify. For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend (ie . Ist semi Saturday, 2nd semi Sunday - read as above teams p` ing on the ame day) . ;r3der-19 teams - Players must : re and hol d a permit. If a player has played an r of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he ni t h e playe d -ore than 5 Under-19 matches during ason . If a player is ineligible due to having pl : A )re than 5 nior and reserve matches and d -ot -am Lond selection in his club's senior team in round match, he is then el : ble : . _ subsequent Under 19 ficl .


U9 teams or is i . r olved in the following apply. ere a c .r~ , ,< two U19 teams a player must hav e not played '1rsn 10 matches with the U19 1 sid e to play in , n in the finals the player To rc ) must ha ~rid team in (5) first roun - m ding finals . - PI : ~ ~ ~ T > must be registered an d : in at least 1<ur (4) Club XVIII matches have p; (for ~i,c tcam they wish to represent) and not have played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round , Where a club has two or more Club XVIII teams a player must have not played more than 8 matches with (either of) the hiuher placed side(s) to play in a lower team's final . pn A Ft,orVP'TI 1`~ --ill be eligible to play in the finals for h club as long as he has played a minimum c ive ~5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to repre nt in the finals . At least two (2) of the natches must have been played ter June 30th . player must have played five (5) AT ', :s for the -VAR A team he wishes to VAF m I finals. For TA C players there is no repre: requ t c .rtain number of matches after Jur_ ' ., .

this service 0

4- Scores (Sat . night)





Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.









In a horror weekend for St Kevins, they crashed to Old Haileybury by 10 goals (25 .15 to 15 .12) and the double chance in A Grade was looking remote . But more significantly, SKOBS' popular clubman, Dan Smith, suffered a fractured skull in what had seemed a not uncommon knock to the head in a marking contest . SKOBS coach, Mike McArthur-Allen, praised his player's courage and acknowledged the opposition club doctor who ably assisted in treating Dan . For the Haileyburians, Adam Hilton and David Lappage scored 6 goals apiece and other key players were Forsythe, Jayasekera . Bassett and Home . Lucas (4) was best for SKOBS in front of goal and Marusic, O'Keefe, Lowerson, M Dollman and Mahoney their better players. In B Section Collegians and Mazenod, third and fourth respectively before the commencement of the round, were both defeated and their places were taken by North Old Boys and Old Brighton. Collegians fell to NOBS, 11 .15 to 24 .14 and Boyle (5), D Jordan (5), Collison, Vavallo, Barker and B Jordan were great for the winners . Irvine, Hoskins, Peters, Cleary, Jefferson and Davidson were best for Collegians . Glen Eira's defeat of Ivanhoe/Assumption in C Section propelled them back into the top four when they won comfortably 19.17 to 11 .14 . Tsirogiannis, Astapenko, Cowan, Rossiter, Brice and King were best for Glen Eira, for Ivanhoe, Doherty, Taglieri-Scloechi, Tucker, Angelini, Schobel and Martin . D Section coaches were - Rick Marks (AJAX), Andrew Crosby (Aquinas), Paul Nigro (Bulleen/Temp), Geoff Reilley (Caulfield Grammarians), Serge D'Angelo (Kew), Dave Rogers (Monash Blues), Matt Hansen (Old Camberwell), Glenn Taylor (Old Carey), Gavin Keane (Old Essendon), Jon Sculley (Parkside) . The Club 18 finals had commenced and in Section 1 Old Brighton knocked Old Scotch out of the race 12 .7 to 8 .6 . Best players - Williams . Lie and Tribe (OB) and McCann, Norwood and James (OS) . Section 2 saw Therry easily account for Mazenod 8 .7 to 3.11 with best players - Goodwin, Jones, T Crotty (Therry) and Bilston, Collins and Dressler (Mazenod) . Two great clubmen passed on - Ormond's Geoff Harris, ex premiership player, coach, committeeman, state player and all-Australian . A thorough gentleman, an integral member of the 'Monds legends on the outer wing at the E E Gunn and always one to offer encouragement to all and sundry . UHSOB's life member, Gary Boag, premiership player, treasurer and long serving committeeman, left wonderful memories of his devotion and loyalty to his club after a long illness took its toll. 'Coaches Clipboard' detailed an article by Old Carey Senior Coach, Glenn Taylor titled "Umpires at Trainipg, The Benefit". Some really good benefits were highlighted in Glenn's article but could this be the same GT who never holds back his opinions regarding umpires on match days?

Monash Blues had taken over the leadership of the Blades Club Championship (worth $2000 to the winners at season's end) . The allround consistency of the Monash seniors, reserve s and U19's placed them slightly in front of AJAX and Old Melburnians .

Old Mentonians stayed one game clear of the B Section relegation zone by comfortably winning against bottom placed AJAX at the School's Sports complex at Keysborough . AJAX made life very difficult for the Panthers and after a strong start, held a lead at half time by 9 points, thanks to accurate kicking . Mentone snuck their noses in front at the final break and went on to record 11 .21 to 9 .4. Best for the winners, Solley, Best, Walsh, Ferguson, Brooks and Maguire, for the losers, Goldberg, Flinkier (4), Hoppe, Wrobel, Klooger and Grundmann . The match of the day in B Grade was Mazenod (first) against Uni Blues (third) and after trailing for the first three terms, Mazenod's key players stepped it up in the last term and kicked 9 goals to 3 to run out easy winners. 17 .13 to 12 .8 . O'Hara, Borg, Noble (7), Barker, Marshall and Hanley were great and led the way for the Nodders. Cavalier, Allen (4), Polkinghorne, McIntyre, Wilson and O'Brien's efforts pleased Blues' coach Grant Williams. B Section umpires were P Buchanan, G Curran, R Eastwood, D Dalgleish, M Bushfield, G Thwaites, W Henry, J Moore, S Clinch, G Ridd . In 'Personality Pars' 150 games for James Briffa (North Brunswick), 200 for Craig Overend (St Andrews), for Brett Hudd (UHSOB) and for Monash Blues legend Andrew McGregor (former D Grade Best & Fairest winner) .

Top of the table in A Grade, Collegi an s played their main cha ll engers Ormond at the Harry Trott and took an early lead an d appeared to have the game wrapped up at half time with a 7 goal lead . Ormond's second half was much better but they could not close the gap sufficiently an d Collegians won 13 .6 to 11-10. Parkin, Galbraith, Pollock, Wallace, Schober and Stephens got the nod for Collegi an s and Russell, Paul and Mark McDonald, Brown, Taylor (3) and Hille stood tall for the 'Monds . Umpires' Corner was proud to inform us that their 'quiet achiever', Pat Maebus, attained 300 games, a terrific effort . He had sta rted with the VAFAUA in 1973, s ix teen seasons ago . (But wait, there's more, Pat is still running today, an other 15 years on! ) D Section coaches were Mark Fledy (AJAX), Vic Hardie (Bulleen United) . Steve Huckett (Elstern wick), Anthony


Short (MHSOB), Duncan McCallum (Old Camberwell) . R Jamieson (Old Mentonians), Glyn Evans (Powerhouse), Ken Bremner (State Bank), Ray Keane (Whitefriars) .

lead at half time by 7 points . The second half continued to produce some thrilling football but the 'Red Devils' hung on by 5 points at the final siren . Skalitisis, Simpson (3), Tanner and Bourke (3) were best for Parkside and Barrow, Friend, Silver and Leeds (3) for The Cats . State Saving Bank's Captain/Coach Geoff Cameron played his 200th after 14 seasons . 'Camo' remained an inspiration to his team mates and the club hoped he would continue to provide great on-field service for some time to come .

The finals had begun in the three junior zones and plenty of high scoring in Zone 1 . Terrific display all day in the semi as often happens in the first knock-out final and Fawkner ran out winners over St Bernards 22 .20 to 19 .8 . The Majerczak brother were fantastic for Fawkner with 8 goals between them and were joined in the best by O'Leary, Brown, Kartal, Roberts and Ardil. St Bernard's named Hearn, Cantarella (6), The Amateur Footballer Editor, George McTaggart, Nathan, Walsh (6), Widdison and Mahady . As expected reported briefly on Victoria's resounding win in the the top side, Bulleen Temp easily won the second semi, ninth AAFC Carnival held at the Adelaide Oval with 31 .23 to 11 .8 . Old Scotch's full forward, David Hughes, receiving For senior football, round 16 had resulted in leaving the award of best and fairest player at the carnival . only E Section reserves as the one sector where the David continues to serve the VAFA and his club four could not change and the A Section senior division magnificently in a number of capacities . was regarded by the Editor as one of the most It was becoming a habit in A Section as again, four of interesting and even in memory . Only Bulleen Temp of the top five teams were defeated and Collegians the top four were beaten when leaders Ormond took replaced MHSOB in the top four . Geelong also lost the points, albeit narrowly, 12 .13 to 10 .20 . Ormond got their place in the four in B Section after going down home mainly through the hard work of Sutherland, to Old Scotch . In shocking conditions Old Scotch Eishold, McCooke . McAsey, Burke and David 12.19 to Geelong 5.9 and Scotch recognized the McDonald while former Swans' AFL spearhead, grand efforts of McKenzie, Marquard, I Wilson, Michael Oaten . booted 5 goals were from outstanding Clarke, Watson and Grant. For Geelong, Andrews, marks . Kazuro . Delaney, Rowe, Smythe, Van Den Bull, Maunsell, Worland, Hazeldine and Jennings . Driest and Delanty were brave for the combine . here was only one Junior section and the leading teams were MHSOB 56, Old Scotch 52, University 48, Ivanhoe 44, Alphington 44 and Hampton Scouts MHSOB were clear on wp (by 2 games) in D Section but 40 . had a real scare when Old Carey (fifth) led until three quarter time. After the final break the favourites worked much harder and eventually wore the opposition down to run out winners 9 .20 to 8.20 . Wood, Taylor and Hutton played well all day for 'High' and Elliott, Kellaher and Andrews were honest performers for Old Carey .

Parkside were still undefeated in C Section and showed their superiority with a huge win 18 .16 to 3 .15 over third placed Elsternwick. Balcvyn made sure of third spot with a good win (9 .14 to 8 .9) over Malvern who, although fifth, had plenty of catching St Pius continued on with their great form and up to do . demolished Footscray IT. to establish themselves as It was still very close in D Section but Teachers' outright favourites in F Section . Froud, G Swainger, College relinquished top position when they went Higgins (4), Bamford, Jensen and Bourke for St Pius down to middle of the road UHSOB . Fairfield were and Englefield, Miller, Baulch, Cosham, McManus and now numero uno . Lancaster for the battling Footscray team . R Paynter (Hawthorn) reported for abusing the Ole "Bottles" just keeps playing on!! So said the scribe umpire and striking the umpire . Guilty of first in 'Ball Briefs' as he described Brian "Bottles" Vear who charge, result 6 weeks . Not guilty of second charge was to play his 327th game for St Pat's Ballarat . thankfully! Murray (Fairfield) had also got a bit Brian's sporting CV included the achievement of excited in this game and copped 2 for striking. representing Australia at the Olympics in Rome and Tokyo in rowing as well as having been a member of - - -- - victorious Kings Cup crews from 1961 to 1964 . Former Old Scotch Collegian, Cr. Baron Marks, presented a gold medal, suitably engraved, to the mercurial Bill Pearson (Old Scotch) following his Inc B Section tour was tar fiom settled but in this recent feat of kicking a record 30 goals (yes 30 goals) round Ivanhoe (fourth) slaughtered MHSOB 27 .21 to against Brunswick in A Section in a previous round . 2 .10 to consolidate their position, especially when This wonderful all round sportsman did not have Collegians (fifth) failed to overcome top side Monash such a good day in this round and could only be Blues and fell another game behind . For Ivanhoe, credited with 10 for the day! His tally for the season Thompson, Wilson, Greg Borchers and Long held sway was now a staggering 171 with a few more games while Burns, Peatling and Peter Harley battled for before the final series. Needless to say, Old Scotch MHSOB . were comfortably sitting in top place . In D Section In Junior Section 2 Parkside (top) and Geelong (fourth) the leading goal-scorer was Gardiner of National had a terrific battle and after the strong Parkside team Bank with 84 for the season and yet his team was on opened up an early lead Geelong came right back to the bottom of the ladder. 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004


Well, the upset didn't arrive however at least three coaches went to the half time break with a sweat that wasn't just caused by the afternoon sun! Not sure what game produced the most notable result however the Power House lads were mightily impressed by St . Johns . Countdown to the finals is well and truly on! .iew 3 wood continued their tune up for the finals with a big win over Syndal Tally Ho . All steam ahead for the Sunbury side, both on and off field as shown by a turn out of 400 people to their Gala Dinner. Jaeger, Hatty and Pettman were the stars foe the winners whilst the B+F trifecta of Rutter, Cachia and Richardson starred for the Hoers . South Melbourne continued the battle for fourth spot as they beat a determined Werribee . South broke away early but as is there want, Werribee fought back well but couldn't bridge the gap . Aquiline was at his skilful best whilst the D'Andrea boys again starred for South . Werribee were best served by Keogh, Tedesco and backman Carson and Bianco .

Hawthorn jumped from the gates against Uni High however the final's aspirants reeled the Hawks in during the second half. Wozza Smith continued his fine year for the High whilst Tate was back to his best form with seven goals . McGlenchy was the Hawks best as he continued his good season . Mt Lilydale also kept the heat on the more fancied Oakleigh . The Krushers couldn't take complete control over the game despite star forward MacKenzie once again being amongst the goals . For Lilydale, centurion Manisculchi, Kellett and Roberts were the best . Finally, St Johns blew Power House away in the first quarter to all but seal the game . Chris Horbury was at his dazzling best, managing a lazy ten for the afternoon! The Jocs were also well served by Rydquist and


Ellis (who is developing into a pretty handy player in this grade) . For the House, Taylor, Walsh and Boland were the best . Preview Main interest still centers on the battle for fourth and the relegation stakes . Uni High remains warm favourites to make the four, mainly due to their superior percentage over South . Tough finish to the year for Uni tough as they face Rupertswood and Oakleigh . Sandwiched in between is a game against South next week in what shapes as a classic 8 pointer . South have Hawthorn and Rupertswood book ending that clash . As for relegation, it is likely to go to the wire with the round 18 clash of Syndal and Werribee possibly holding the key . Great game down at the Zoo this week as Uni High host Rupertswood. The Rupe are fast approaching some of that early season form whilst Uni continue to be a consistent outfit . I always thought that Uni had a great home ground advantage however Rupe have become seasoned travellers and I would expect them to win again this week .

D3 SECTION St Johns UHS-VU Rupertswood Oakleigh D3 RESERVE UHS-VU South Melb Dist Rupertswood Oakleigh

Horbury Tate Whitehead Mackenzie

10 7 7 5

68 58 54 53

Forbes 6 45 Henderson Ea 1 41 Phillips 7 36 Videky 0 29


In the D3 equivalent of a Heritage Game, Hawthorn travel to Albert Park to tackle South Melbourne . The Hawks will be welcoming back Reed and Lauletta to the fold and consequently South shouldn't be taking this game too lightly . Still, too much to play for and that should be enough incentive for South to prevail . The Jo e s return to home soil as they :. I have been on the Jocs welcome M: : ' bandwagon for awhile, a fact reinforced when a quick look at St Johns best players in the twos revealed a number of guys who would force their way into most D3 senior sides . Mt Lilydale have been great over the past couple of months as the injured returned to the fold however this task will be beyond them .

.5 7 .8 8 .8 13.12 (90) 2 .6 4. -- 13 .11 16.13(1-1':~ ) Y dnson 3 Holloway 2 Kellett 2 Flanagan 2 Roberts vniscalehi . Best: Kellett Flanagan Holloway Atkinson aniscalchi . Oakleigh: Mackenzie 5 Wills 3 S Kitts 2 Videkv 2 Be ll D'Astoli . Best: Bri tt Zula Wills Cammiss tts . e Andrew, Fyfe (F) 1 .2 5.4 9.5 13.6 (84) 9 .1 14 .4 20.8 25 .12 (162) u ; : R Benson 3 P Sosic 2 M Taylor 2 A Brown-John D Cooper T :vScFarlane C Richardson Mark Veroeme Mick Verbeme . Best : R Waish M Taylor D Boland P Haseler D Cooper S west . St Johns: C Horbury 10 S Koppens 3 A Petersen 2 G D'Oliviera 2 B Rydquist 2 K Arnold 2 G Roberts D O'Connor L Mara P Walker. Best : C Horbury B Rydquist K Arnold T Ellis G D'Oliviera G Roberts . Ur Fires: Matthew Meier Matthew Goold (17

welcome :r House with the visitors just looking ever so slightly uncomfortably at the sides below them . They hold a two game buffer from the relegation zone however this could easily become one if the results go against this week . After a slow start to the season, Syndal have rarely been embarrassed and I think they might do enough his week to jump clear of the relegation zone .


Finally, CSakleSgh host Werrilsee to the Kz-t_asher Dome . Like the other sides in the big three, the Krushers will be looking for a comfortable victory in the lead up to the finals . They shouldn't be too confident tho : :-?- . 'Werribee form over the past mon"1 reads reasonably well . Might be a bit too big :nt though, Oakleigh for mine . '-heir annual Tri - . : '. rns . `11 players and iss it .

has t e- aw raffl e coming up on Sunday the 15th of August . See the Rude one for more details . Corresg r: You can email me on ed .au or ring me on 0418348723 .


Spun Pot


7.2 12 .7 14.16 24.18 (162)

4 .3 5 .4 9.5 11 .8 (74) iced 7 Quigly 5 Sinett 3 Hewitt 2 walsh 2 Elliot 2 ~rn Keenan . Best : Jaegar Pettman Reid Walsh He : Rutter 4 J Hannemam 3 Dix R Bennett tardson . Best: Rutter Cachia D Richardson son iiIler. Ump' : Luke Moncrieff (Iry . 2,2 6 .6 9.9 10.9 (69) 5.2 8.8 11 .14 17.16 (118) 2 Czajowski 2 Kidd 2 Daly Carson Bell i Tedesco Carson Bianco Daly Ayling . Sth rea 4 Adge-nis 3 Cooper 2 Aquilina 2 ,,s 2- ier veich 2. Best: Aquilina P D'Andrea )per Kohnesheen .

째ls : i irk Alexander (F )

4.4 7.7 7 .9 10.14 (74) 1 .4 5.5 11 .11 17.12 (114)

Ja omos 2 Hicks Carle Davies Ogge MeGlenchy tc : Day on Ruacka. Best: Davies Dawson S Avers Marton cGlenc} F. tIF1S-VU : Tate 7 Mottram 3 Farrelbt 2 Rose Ham s Dimond ora Thomas . Best: Smith Tate Rose O'Neill Dimond Carroll Hams . tTm : Mick Gild- (f) B" 5 .1 6.4 6 .5 7.6 (48) 2 ..a 4 .5 12.13 14.21 (105)

iderson 3 BaiIlie 2I ,att :vlitchell. Best : Mitchell i'e. .,ira Anderson Delu . .sni Ca llanan. Oakleigh : all 5 CiavareIla 3 Murray 2 Short Redford Phillips Rguyen . Cooke Murray Redford Mitchell Keating Hinton . 3 .2 5 .5 6.7 10.7 (67) 5.2 10 .4 15 .5 19.8 (122)

atheson 5 A Contreras M Davis L Fraser S he sh-ll . Best : C Matheson A Contreras L Fraser J He n[arshall. Si Jo : A Rudd 5 P Rudd 5 A P 2 - Hall M Hancock D Waters G Bastone . Best : B r^^' nica D waters A Rudd P Rudd . 9.5 16.9 21 .12 3-0 .13 (199) 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 (7) lips 7 L Temming 5 A Certo 3 A Soutaris 3 S Carm ...., . .. . P~ B Ang C ChrystNk C Certo P Minn D Hum A Jordan Davis . Best : LTemming R Philips M Davis A Certo A tI : A.Sheer. Best : L Temming R Phi , Certo A Jordan , 8.6 11.7 16.10 (1 06)

:)N St Johns 0 C v Mt Lilydale Syndal Tally-Ho v Power House Oakleigh v Werribee Amateurs Sth Melb. Districts v Hawthorn Amateurs UHS-VU v Rupertswood

3.5 4 .5 9 .8 10.10 (70) lleni'. in 2 Dawes 2 Fraser 2 Dika Alabald s Marinis Fe orth . P st: Ellis Bream Waters Marirts Carson tiS< : King 4 Ev . Henderson Ea Henderson e Gavlor P ns Johnson-Reid . Best : Doyle Downinti I ., n k:idd King, ,lot. 1째iRS 1 .4 1 .5 2 .8 2 .8(20) 3 .5 5.10 8 .13 14.17 (101) -a Rimmer Dixon. Best : Bettio Rimmer Parker Orchard Bar r. T.1F1:S-VU : Forbes 6 Cleveland 5 M O'Neill Cull DeLuise. Br.., : DeLuise Cleveland Schulz Holmes Maguire J Thomas .




D3 Section HAWTHORN Coach: Peter Tyson Res : Patrick Rya n 1 . C . Rice 2 . G. Broadley 3a A . Knott 3b N . Patterson 4 . N . Marti n 5 . S . Avery 6 . P. Avery 7 . C . Alexander 8 . J . Cargill 9 . R . Ogge (vc) 10. P. Orchard 11 . A . Vance 12. A . Tsoumbris 13. J . Murphy 14. D. Lauletta fl 15. M. Tyson 16. C. Reed 17. B . Ruzicka 18. P. Phillips 19, D. Garlick 20. S . Parker 21 . J . McKenzie 22. A. Collins 23. L. Collins 24. J . Jackomos 25. T. Rya n 26. S . James 27. R. Lord 28. D. Mackenzie 29. P. Barke r 30. I . Marchovski 31 . J. Best 32. M . Houenau 33a C. Rice 33b P. Stroud 34. R. Johnston 35. S. Davies 36. M . Sheridan 37. A. Jarvis 39a A. Brick 39b M Hicks 42. D. McGlenchy 43a I . Chepa 44a P. Source 44. B. Allder 46. T.0'Hanlon 54. M . Cuarana 62 . J. Dawson 66 . M . Hourenau 75. M . Daou 77 . K. Rimmer 80 . N. Exton

MT. L(LYDALE 0!D COLLEG I Senior Coach : David Keast Asst Snr Coach : Paul Commedard Res Coach : Gary Hickey 1 . D. Johnson 2 . P. Hayes 3 . M . Brebner 4 . F. Varga 5. G . Bird 6. M . Jelenc 7. C. Varga 8. K. Maniscalchi 9. A. Del Biondo 10. D. Baker 11 . C. Gibson 12. D. Van Duuren 13. M . Leonard 14. M . Smithies 15. T. Van Duuren 16. D. Morrison 18. R. McKenzie 19. A. Delahunt 20. K. Fernando 21 . M . Cunningham 22. D. Cam s

23. S. Leggett 24 . L . Merrett 25. L. Syphers 26 . T. Flanagan 27 . N. Pearce 28 . D. Hickey 29 . B. Baillie 30 . S. Taylor 31 . T. Hansford 32 . P. Carolan (C) 33 . C . Anderson 34 . L. Kellett 35 . D . Callanan 36, M. Alderman 37 . C . Carstens 38 . S. Roche 39 . J . Roberts 40 . M. Rhodes 41 . M. Maltar 42 . M. Periera 43 . D . Holloway 44 . J . Paul l 45 . J . Saker 46 . D . King 47 . M . Cullane 48 . M . McKeown 49. P. Brow n

53 . D .Marotti 54 . D . Watt

OAKLEIGH A.F.C Coach: Chris Moore Ass: David Farrell Res : Pat McKenna Asst : Shane Kitts 1 Murray A D 3 Mackenzie 4 Harry G 5 Kokkinos C 6 Cash M 7 Short M 8 Earl S 9 Hogan C 10 Mitchell R 11 Treacy G 12 Fumall 0 D 13 Britt 14 Malcom P 15 Redford G 16 Bell M 17 D' Astoli L

18 Connellan J (Res C) R 19 Keating 20 Tolley J 21 Perdikomatis A (RDVC) 22 Ear S 23 Kerley J (RVC) S 24 Kitts 25 Marshall C 26 Kitts A 27 Zula D (VCap) 28 Khodr A 29 Holden K 30 Holden P (D. VC) 31 Bromley T (Cap) 32 Hunt T 33 Bando S 34 Lucas P 35 Nuske R 36 Ryan M 37 Phillips B 38 Cammiss S 39 Rose B 40 Hartman W 41 Way S 42 Dalian S 43 Hinton A 44 Wills N 45 Nevezie J 46 Nguyen B 47 Stevenson M 48 Reynolds i 49 Collins S b C 51 Kennedy L 52 Cooke C 53 Lourey A 54 Edwards M 56 King B 57 Nagel D 58 Glossop A 59 Orchard T 60 Wills D 61 Ciavarella A 63 Cou;tie M 64 Videky E 65 HulLah M

Coach : Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean M Taylor 1 R Humphreys 2 D Boland 2 J Marshall 3 B Turner San VC 4 P Sosic 5 M Verbeme 6 C Richardson 7 M Hill 8 L Fraser 9 D Cooper 10 B Phillips 11 A Brownjohn 12 J Harris 13 W Elliot 14 P Hassler San Capt 15 Ron Anderson 16 C McLeod 17 F Doyle 18 L Button 19 J Evans 19 J Nicholls 20 D Miller 21 R Walsh 22 A Naylor 23 J Taylor 24 M Driessen 25 D Harris 26 R Davies 27 P Cooper 28 M Beasley 29 T McFarlane 30 R Marshall Res Capt 31 M Verbeme San VC 32 A Ristovski 33 S Fordham 34 S Hatchard 35 J Kilpatrick 35 C Doolan 36 S West 37 R Benson 38 W Benton 39 R Marshall 40 R Black Res VC 41 P Arnold 42 J Howes 43 D Glanville 44 A Contreras 45 V Brown 46 T Marshall 47 D Crane 47 N Sharp 48 C Pratt 49 A Volz 50 C Matheson 52 S Warne 53 D Reidy 54 E Buckley 55 C Plazzer 56 R Nilsson 57 B Dallimore 60 M Weber 63 T Friend 87 N Bishop San VC 8 8

1 . Plummer T 2. Price G 3. Reid P 4. McGovern N 5. Mgrath J 6. Gallus S 7. Whitehead B 8. Elliot K 9. Spinner L 10 . Prendergast B 11 . Moule B 12 . Hewat M 13 . Sinnett B 14 . Plummer L 15 . Webb N 16 . Clarke P 17 . Hatty R 18 . Pettman M 19 . Collins D 20 . Flinn P 22 . Stevens D 23 . West M 25 . Keenan D 26 . Zarb D 27 . Jaeger R 28 . McDonald D 30 . Shaw K 31 . Flinn M 32 . Sinnett P 33 . Chrystiuk C 35. Carlo C 36. Henry P 38. Johnson B 39. Walsh D 40. Brennan L 41 . Davis M 42. McKenzie M 43. Phillips R 44. Broughton T 45. Hum D 46. McCrann J 47. Soutaris A 48. Bradbury H 49. Ang B 50. Soutaris D 51 . Assouad M 52. Jordan A 53. Carlo A 54. Clarke M 55. Walsh A 56. Harry G 57. Gaunt W 58. Carmody S 60. Ramsay J 61 . Powell D 63. McPherson B 64. McLachlan S 66. Roberts G 68. Wallace D 69. Maezzatesta M 70, Temming

The Village Belle Hotel 202 Barkly St, St Kilda 03 9534 2200 I 38

RUPERTSW 速0速 Coach: Tony West Coach : Shane McLauicklan


. ~ THE




Coach: Ben McGee Res: Rod Walk er

Coach : Brendan Maloney Res Coach : Darren Duscher 1 . K. Arnold I J. Washington DVC 2, M . Peake 2 Ma Hannan Captain 3, D. O'Connor 3 J . Me rvcich 4, S . Holmes it S . King 5. B . Hilton 6 L. Kealy 6, M . Phaedanos 7 A . Hannan 7, N . Chalk 8 X . Kidd B . M. Hartnett 9 S. Aqualina g• A. Jones 10 D . McCormick .Courmadias to. M 11 P. Daly ii . J . Kelly 12 A. Argyriou 12. P. Walker 13 E. Henderson 13. C. Horbu ry VC 14 D. Bell 14. P. Sharp 15 B. Lazzaro . Hanger 14R . M 16 J . Neimi 15. M . Kosmata 17 P. D'Andrea 16 . A. Paterson 18 G . Cox 17 . S . Cockayne VG Res 19 A . Reid te . C. Eme ry 20 W. Brown 19 . J . Cotton 21 B . Johnson 20. B . Rydquist 22 T. Milne 2 1 . S . Koppens C 23 B. Downing 22. G. Roberts 24 B. Joske 23. J . Diaz DVC 25 S. Athe rt on 24. L . Mara 26 R . Mitchell 25. B. Water, 27 P. Cheevers 26. H . Wathen 28 T. Paterakis 27. R . Dov+sett 29 J . Adgemis . Dexter 28 . A 30 T. Zantuck 29 . T. Ellis 31 S . Harriman 30- R. Walker 32 D. McGee 31 . D. Rydquist 33 M . Doyle 32 . A. Rudd 35 N . Moojen . Foneca 33. A 37 J . Clyne 34. M . Hancock C- Res 38 D . Rowe 35. J . Sacco 39 A. Briglia 36. P. Harris 40 B. Bulpit 37. D . Christian VC- Res 41 T. McQualter 38. D . Savio 42 G . Gaylor 39. P. Rudd 43 W. DAndrea VC 40. T. Hyland 44 D . Geary 41 . J. Hargraves 45 C. Roe 42 . D. Sanders 46 A. Ray 43 . M . Van Houton 47 J. Royle 44 . J. Ross 48 C. Maloney 45 . A. Hall 52 M . Anderson 46 . B . Calle rY 53 D . Phillips 47. G. Bastone 54 A . GianneGs 48. J . Hargraves 55 J . Pohlner 49. A . Kizilis Si M. Margiannis 50. J . Brown 64 M. Stefanidakis 51 . C . Santoni 52. D . Harkin 53. C . Rattle 54. D . Vanderwert 55. B. Pickerina 56. A. Dragwidge 66. J. Scardamaglia Jz ;~v,± Eha:eah,

Dowsett Engineering The Rose a THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004


Senior Coach: Jeff Bingham S nrAsst Coach : Guy Walden Res Coach : Tony Raines 1 . J . Hannemann 2 . I. Bingham (Vice-C) 3. M. Joy 4. T. Turpin 5. D . Hannett 6. I . MacKenzie (Vi ce-C) 7. T. Vagiatis 8. R. Bennett 9. D. Richardson 10. T. Raines 11 . J . Rutter (Vice C) 12. D. Bennett 13 . S . Miller (Res V-C) 14 . S . O'Boyle 15 . D . Reynolds 16 . C . Hayes 17 . A. Herrmann 18 . M. Bircanin 19. A. Faichney 20, B. Hannemann 20. C . Hall 21 . D. Kenne tt 22. M . Buckley ( Res C) 23. B. Bayliss 24. B . Bayliss 25. B . Reeman 26 . A . Morrison 27 . M . Leplaa 28 . S . Crew 29 . P. Agnello 30 . B. Holland ( Res V-C) 31 . A. Richardson 32 . L Hannemann 33. T. Bartholomew 34. N . Hunter 35. C. Cachia (Captain) 36. T. Fleming 37. B. Robinson 38. M . Christiansen 39. D. Hallisey 40. B . Thomas 41 . M . Mo.resi 42 . M . James 43 . A . Brown 44 . W. James-Ind 45 . R . Stein 52 . S. Anderso n 54 . P. Sheer 56. A. Treasure



Coach: Tim Ellis Res . Coach : Paul Smith 1 . D. Nedinis 2 . K.Murphy 3. D. Flack (R C) 4. S . Kid d 5. B . Cunningham 6. M . Wals h 7. T. Dean 8. R . Stonehouse 9. J. Ayling 10 . M. Keogh (C ) 11 . M. Green (V/C) 12 . T. Ellis 13 . F. Mehmert 14 . J. Marinis 15 . A. Murph y 16. N. Gauch i 17. A. Tedessco 18. D. Velish a 19, J . Addamo 20. E . Mahoney 21 . T. Davidso n 22. A . Dibatista 23 . C . Becker 24 . L . Carson 25 . B. McMillan 26 . R . Bel l 27 . A. Borg 28 . D. Czajowski ( D .V/C) 29. S. Dole 30. D. Spite 31 . B . Waters 32. D. Harwood 33. R . Baker 34. J . Hoffma n 35. B . Bunwo rth 36. S. Bianco 37. C . Howard 38. T. Towers (RV/C) 39. L . Langfietd 40. S. Fuller 41 . G . Grogan (R C) 42 . P. Thoma s 43 . D. Buchanan 44 . T. Johnson 45 . C. Atabakis 46 . A. Carso n 47 . A . Camilleri 48 . J . Tumskos 49. G. Fuller 50, K . Pace 51 . B . Fenton 52. P. Dawe 53. R . Marsto n ~, C . Smith 55. B. Brown ~. D. Frazer 60 . M . Czajowsk i





5 ne --linto n


6 Paul Hoffman

6 Brendan Devlin

7 Paul Croxford (RDFL)

6 Dash Peiris

7 Adam Conquest

7 Sean Scully Purl

8 Trevor Hanse n

7 Alan Ladd

8 Landan Biackhall (RDFL)

8 Bruno Savi

10 Damian Anderson

9 Santo Caruso

9 Matthew Brennan

10 Sean Scully (Snr)

11 Tom Havsom

11 Paul Tuppen

10 Avi Wekselman


Dirk Kramer

12 Jamie KAns

12 Sean Rothe

11 Luke Holme s

12 Mark Morrison

14 Michael Gilday

14 Tim Tingiri (RDFL)

12 Daniel Mousley (RDFL)

14 Ash Hoogendyk

15 Phillip Cailil

15 Michael Sneddon

14 Sharon Alge r

17 Geoff Caulfield

16 Scott Fraser

16 Luke Moncrieff

15 Geoff Curran

18 Peter Simpson

17 Brett Herskope

17 Michael Robins

16 Jack Fagan

19 Andrew Fyfe

18 Tim Sutcliffe

18 Grant Joyner

17 Mark Gibson

20 Brian Woodhead

20 David D' Altera

19 Peter Pullen

18 Jason McNiece

21 Gaj Skandakumar

21 ;~iick Rvd e

20 Geoff Kelly

19 Steve McCarthy

23 Peter Griffith s

22 Justin ihcKeegan

21 David Irons

20 Russell Nation

25 Lionel Kat z

23 Anthor.

^<2 David Longwort1-i

26 Daniel Dinneen

24 t>1

5 Albie Firley

21 Patrick Maebus

: derone

23 Robert Sneddon

s iGVood

24 Nick Brown

23 Paul Dinnee n

27 Anthony Simpson


24 Graeme Hunichen

28 Ken Mcl~aiece

26 S:

25 Logan Smit h

25 Geoff Moore

29 Peter James

27 R,)n Johnson

26 Patrick Coulthard

26 Andrew Shiels

30 Jack Lloy d

28 Leah Gallagher

27 Paul Jone s

29 Allan Stubbs

31 Robert Semmens (RDFL)

29 Gerard Rolls


30 Justin Lipson

32 Anthonr Dame n

30 Simon Olive

29 Peter Liddell

31 Andrew Lougheed

33 Michael Forde

31 Rob Schuller (RDFL)

30 Anthony Lilley

32 Eli Haye s

34 Stephen Morgan

32 Joseph BolzoneLo

31 Peter Angeli s

33 Robert Mayston

36 Jason Waszaj

33 Simon Stoke s

33 Roland Fuhrmann

34 Graeme Morgan

37 Gavin Roberts

- -'1-`fernan Haites

35 Jason Lane

36 Matthew Meier

36 David Phillips

37 Matt Goold

37 David Murray

38 Daniel Dummett

38 Ben Rvde


35 Dianne Whiteley 36 Jamie Gun n 37 Joseph Hartwi g

by Leah Gallagher ~ Steve McCarthy Milestone to Big Kenny A long-awaited milestone to one of our more popular umpires this weekend as Ken McNiece clocks up game number 150 . We asked Kenny to give us a quick run-down on his career so far. "After umpiring junior footy at the Hawthorn JFL in 1988-94, as well as umpiring in the Southern Football League in 1992-95 and last of all a stint at Yarra Valley & Mountain District in 1996-9 7 , I finally joined the VAFA in 1998. Between 1998 and 2000 I umpired senior football in D2 to D4 . In 2001 I got my chance to do a higher level when I was promoted to Dl . In 2003 I made it to C section, and have been there since . I have umpired in three under 19 grand finals in the VAFA as well as four junior grand finals in those other competitions . I would consider my highlights to date are umpiring with Steve McCarthy (thanks, Kenny - Macca) and my grand finals . It was also great to be part of the Bill Deller recruitment of umpires program as well . " Leah & Macca - Well done Kenny, a great effort in reaching this milestone . Not so surprising for it to be achieved so quickly, Kenny is always willing to put up his hand to "double-up" by officiating in a Friday night or Sunday game to assist us with our lack of numbers . See Kenny, we were able to get through this whole story without mentioning your misfortune on last year's end-of-season i rip! What happens on the trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Don't celebrate too hard Kenny if you've got a Sunday game as well . Promotion Congratulations to another one of Shane Herbert's (goal umpires adviser) young guns, Steve Piperno was last week umpiring his first A grade game in the goals . Which makes for about half a dozen promotions in the goals for the youth policy . Also a belated congratulations to young goalie Daniel Kofoed who debuted in A section a few weeks ago . Experience count s The tool of the umpire "the whistle" is a

valuable piece of h equipment that we are taught how to blow, wash an d clean it over its life . However does anyone tell us how to wear it? Bobby Mutton found out the hard way when umpiring at Elsternwick. He went to blow his whistle and realised that he had it on backwards . No sound but a mouth full of whistle, how many years you have been doing this job ? Welcome back To Rick Love after a recent trip overseas . Rick was greeted with open arms on the training track after a long warm-up ride on his bike . Must have left something at home as he did a fairly quick U-turn . Paperwork Good to know that Santo Caruso can rely on our postal system to get the job done for him . Unfortunately his paperwork turned up to Elsternwick ten days after his game . Santo, it would help if a stamp was put on the envelope or better yet do what most of us do, and drop it at one of the drop-off points . Social News Footy tipping is drawing to a close, those that have not paid please do so. This will enable the pool of money to be divided accordingly . August 23rd for the Pre-finals dinner at The Victoria Club . (You won't believe who the Prez has secured as guest speaker this year . Details next week) . Then remember to have some room left (or make some room) as we head off to the all night bar at a venue name we cannot recall but it has something to do with royalty . Sponsors Just to thank some of our sponsors, Anthony Damen of Personal Mortgage Managers . Need assistance with a mortgage? A .D . (the Prez) is the man to see . New sponsor to the umpires is the Lobster Cave Restaurant at 18 North Concourse in Beaumaris who have kindly donated gift vouchers to the social committee to use as prizes . For bookings, call 9589 6329 . Thanks to Norrie Carlyle of the Lobster Cave .


I:;.' r - 2004

' 41

B siersdorf . .:ntrali= L: . ` remainder of the What a d :Cference a couple of weeks makes as results have breathed new life into both the top and bottom season after their fifth win for the season. halves of the table . Preview Review Bulleen Cobras v St As expected . St .Mary's continued their charge towards the finals, easily accounting for Albert Park at Marys the Postage Stamp delighting the faithful on their What a match we have in store today as both teams vie for a spot a infamous hill . Some great aerial work by Purcell, final's glory . Both teams have so far had a topsy-turvey Waller and Ryan were the highlights for the Saints run with form, however, appear to be finding that while Sean Allen's nine goals gave the Falcon supporters something to smile about . The percentage winning formula at the right time of the season . Bulleen will today be hoping to improve on their boost for the Saints was also handy given the 131decision making on the ball, as their opponents will point final margin. Bull een maintained their charge on the September not be as forgiving as last week, while the Saints will be hoping to show they can also win on the bigger action accounting for a very disappointing Richmond Centrals. While Piani and Brunt toiled hard for grounds away from their beloved Postage Stamp . I am expecting a large burden to fall on Bulleen's Conn and Richmond, the class of the Cobras ensured victory was he must answer this challenge if they to be a chance going to be theirs very early in the match . With today . However, I believe that the Saints are a good D'Angelo again on fire, the Cobras enjoyed a percentage boosting 84-point victory to keep their thing, and with Latimer, Zembery and Mackenzie getting plenty of the ball, they should prevail in a tight finals chances alive . I was fortunate enough to be at the Kew versus Old encounter by 15 points . Westbourne match on the weekend, and it well and Old Westbourne v Richmon d truly lived up to its expectations . Kew probably started Richmond makes the trek over the Westgate to take on the better of the two sides with McKerrow and league leaders Old Westbourne in a match that should go the way of the Warriors . While the torrid encounter Lafranchi doing well, but the Warriors managed to keep up and led at the quarter-time break . The lead last week has left many of the Warrior side sporting various aches and pains, and with a few of these then seesawed until three-quarter time as clear bestplayers possibly being rested, I have seen plenty of on-ground, Warrior He-Man, "Platters" Fairfield stamped his dominance across halfback . In a stunning quality running around in the magoos who can certainly fill this void . To be any chance of an upset, final quarter, the Warriors fitness once again came to the Snakes Andy '"Stickman" Reed will need to be the fore and with speedsters Pavez, Lever and Baulch firing, however, I still do not believe this will be enough providing plenty of drive, the Warriors kicked four as Westbourne consolidate their top spot with a 32 unanswered goals in the space of 7 minutes to blow point win . the game wide open . While Kew toiled hard to peg back Albert Park v Eltham the margin, it was to no avail as Westbourne took top Round 16 has certainly tossed up a few close matches , spot with a memorable 21-point victory . Some at Elsternwiek may have called the defeat on the weekend the upset of the season, however, this loss has been coming for some time for the down, and possibly out Wickets . BHN have shown that while they are bottom of the ladder, there is promise for the future as the likes of Doyle, Ball and Langley led the way to perhaps the club's greatest victory . Wickers f.P{C1E LST E'll ; TOTAL CLUB coach Dennis Grace was quoted as saying "there were D4 SECTION frankly at least 10 players out there who are simply Horsburgh J 2 73 Old N'estbourne not up to senior football at this stage" and the side Allan S 9 60 "have no sense of what hardness at the ball is and Albert Park Hunter 4 49 have little idea of what is needed to retain possession Elsternwick Newton 2 4 8 and find a target" . Harsh words indeed, but warranted North Brunswick as the Wickers stare into the abyss after another D4 RESERVE dismal loss. Pastras 0 36 Albert Park No report from the Eltham versus North Brunswick 4 33 Bernadi St Marys match, however, it would appear Eltham have come 0 30 Papanikolou North Brunswick good and should be a very competitive side for the Edgar 8 27 Bull Cobras


and today's match between the Falcons and the Turtles will most likely be the tightest of all. Eltham's form has been solid of late, while the Falcon's are having a season they would rather forget, but at home should still rate a good chance . In their previous encounter this season, the Falcons won a close one on the road, and while I expect Allen to kick a bag again today, I do not think this will be enough. Therefore I am going with Eltham to cause an upset with a 5-point victory . North Brunswick v Boa Hin North Box Hill North will be looking to continue with their momentum as they travel to Bocce Palace to take on an inconsistent North Brunswick . There is plenty of incentive for BHN today, with the chance to pull themselves off the bottom of the ladder the prize for victory . In my selections this week I have tipped a couple upsets and am predicting another one today as the BHN youngsters continue to come of age to win another memorable victory for the club by 12 points . Elsternwiek v Kew Elstermvick's season is on the line as they try to knock the wind out of D4's number two side, Kew . Word from the Wickers is that they have a number of players returning to the seniors, however, given their recent form, anyone short of Gary Ablett may not be enough . Kew was impressive last week in defeat, and I would be surprised if they were to drop two in a row . In their previous meeting, Kew had Elsternwick's measure, and I do not believe much will change today . My sciection is Kew in a canter who will win by an even 1 0

to t frr. . Oldies commitment on the track and reliability is a fantastic ( :,ample . Always willing to take on the opposition giants in his unorthodox style and help off field, Oldie is a muchvalued member of the club. North Brunswick - 1 00 Games Abdul Boudoloh. Well done to Abba on reaching 100 games . A giant of a man his attitude towards his football has improved the last couple of years . With the knowledge that he has very good football ability he has put in the time & effort to improve his game . A contributor to the 2003 Reserves premiership team his efforts towards the team has been very good . A tap ruckman his placement to his smaller players has been invaluable . Well done . Team of the Year and Press Correspondents Everyone is invited to contribute to the D4 team of the year. If you have any suggestions from your club, feel free to email me at gavan .au in the coming weeks . Regular contributors thanks for your continued support and continue to get your reports to me by midday on Monday.

D4 SEC- Bulleen Cobras v St Marys Old Westbourne v Richmond Central Albert Park v Eltham Collegians North Brunswick v Box Hill North Elsternwick v Kew

23. - e 4.1 7.5 7.10 14.12 (96) : ; Ciilly 8 Tneoharris 6 Pur: .114 Timmins 4 Cope 3 P Ryan 3 Orme 2 Waller 2 Harrison Dwyer Hill . Best: Crilly Waller Purcell Theoharris . Albert Park : Allan 9 Burton 2 Williams 2 Caun . Best: Williams S Bennett S Allan Dudi Hyanis R Baker. US â‚Ź : Leah Gallaaher (Rot) i n 0.1 1 .3 1 .5 3 .6(24) BL . . :a . 6 .11 7 .16 11 .20 14 .24 (108) Rich Int: Dukic 2 Macak . Best : Guthrie Liuzzi Speakman Read Ni <. : Phelan. - all Cob : Cookson 4 DeJong 2 Vlagg 2 Whittaker 2 Fradkin Saaksjarvi Sette Thomas . Best: M D'Angleo Conn Cookson Be <+-rvi Nathanieisz Orwin . Ump : Santo Caruso IF) 1 2.3 5 .5 7.10 10.10 (70) Oi .; : ..JURib'E 2 .6 4 .10 7.11 13.13 (91) Be : Lamanna 4 Moussi 2 DeBlank Kelly Mainsbridge Woodhouse . Best: Lafranchi lanni Allen Looker MeKerrow Lamanna. Old West : Pavez 3 Horsburgh 2 Lever 2 Gtalker 2 Billman Wilson L Hudson Gerace. Best: Fairfield Pavez Oldham Walker K Miller Lever. Umplrts : Michael Forde (F) Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoukis (B) Robert Seymour (G) 1 .9 6 .11 11 .15 16 .18 (114) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.2 7.5 9 .5 11 .8 (74) Eltham: Jorgensen 3 C Baud 2 J Foo 2 Rashid 2 Mason 2 R Foo 2 Krohn Gilbert Lear. Best: Ogilvie Jorgensen Love Luttick Savage Mason . : Hamilton 3 Boudoloh 3 Newton 2 Papanikolaou 2 Twaddle. Nth B Best: Twaddle Kehagias Boudoloh Robertson Adams Care. Un . es: Pat 4aebus Nicholas Brown (F) Michael Neilly Perrin Br(nvit (13) B' 5 .5 9.9 17.12 21 .16 (142) 2.3 9 .8 13 .10 17.14 (116) Bu : Langley 7 Odza 4 Keillor 4 Ball 2 Doyle Buller Riscalla Olson. Be : Odra Riscalla Steele Langley Keillor Ball . Elst: Foster 4 Header 4 Grace 2 Stephens 2 Misaglia 2 Mcadam 2 Goldman. Best: Grace S Hunter Foster Murphy Stephens . Ur - s : Peter Pullen Peter Griffiths (F) D4 RESERVE 2 .3 7.7 10.10 14.12 (96) E 0.1 3 .3 & .8 8.11 (59) mardi 4 Tagell 4 P Ryan 2 Aikman Perelberg Hend y Harrison . Best: Scammeil Masehette Harrison Karis. Albert Park: Payne 2 Grace 2 Wall 2 Ryan Roberton . Best: Wall McGuire Grace Berm Fo&~ t Askew . 3rN) C L 0.0 4 .3 4 .3 4 .5 (29) BM, :N CC tAS 8 .7 12.7 17.14 27 .15 (177) Ri C : Read 2 Karamichalos Phelan. Best: Tilley Phelan Read Gray Lush McGrath. Bull Cob : Edger 8 Moore 4 Unwin 4 Paatsch 3 Lykopandis 2 Baceini Chan Clement Foskett Lock Mehrez . Best: Edger Clement Moore Richards Lock Mehrez. KEW 4 .1 7.4 13.5 17.7 (109) OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .1 4 .3 7 .5 10 .6 (66) FIew: Aitken 4 Marchesani 4 Crimmins 3 Dahlstrom 2 Makrls 2 Carman Glenn . Best: Marchesani Pocock Crimmins Drago Aitken Glenn . Old West: Cromwell 5 Bartolo 2 Braham Mesman N Aquilina . Best: Cromwell N Aquilina A Horsburgh Hodgson Manolokakis Board. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5.1 9 .3 12 .6 12 .9 (81) FORTH BRUNSWICK 3.4 6.5 11.7 15 .9 (99) El : Coonertv 4 S Justice 2 Barnes 2 Dere 2 Hickingbotham D Justice. Best: Barnes S Justice Tumey Decker Coonerty D Howgate . Nth Bruns: M Taha 6 Guppy 3 Carter 2 H Tsialtas Belbin Russo A Taha . Best: M Taint Freeman Vaina Dusan Belbin S Tsialtas . BOX 11I13. NORTH 2.2 4 .4 4 .6 7 .7(49) 23.10 (14S) ELSTERNWICK 7 .2 14.2 18. 8 Box Hill North : Namonski 3 Drew Thoi C Garrett Dills . Best: C Garrett Robinson Namouski C Evans Lacey Woods . Elst : Pyman 8 Hank-in 4 Gordon 3 Whelan 2 Currie 3 Creak Alter Lilikakis . Best: Gordon Whelan M McKenna Curr,e Hankin . S'.




Senior Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee

Eiger Park 47 C4 Snr Coach: P. Armstrong Asst : M.Tarulli Res : J . Pratt

1 . P. Smith 2- S. Robinson 2. N . Pastras 3 . R . Baker 3 . G . Baker

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4, J. Simcocks

6 . Martini D

4. L . Baird 5 . S. Allan 6 . J. Storey 7 . S. Venables 9 . P. Chambers

10 . M. Phillips 11 . D . Brea 12 . T. Fraser

13 . B . Payne 13 . M . Davey 14 . M . Hyams

75 . D . Borlcry 15 . P. Guicas

Wilson G Riscalla C Odza A Manno A Garrett J

7 . Stewart 8 . Lacey 9 - Sallantioglu

5 M A

10 . Cook 11 . Thoi 12. Dick


13. Cumming M 74. Palmer B 15. Keillor L

15. Cavallo G 16. Drew W 17. Ho Pes


18. Butler C 19. Callis C

50 . B . Tuite

51 . J . Belch 52 . M . Wall 53 . M . Williams 55 . D . Quinlan

57, J . Sutton 57 . T. Hurley 58 . A .Jackson 59 . T Bennetts 60 . V. Surace 62 . N. Cain

77- S . Garda 78. J . Harnat h 79. J . Guzman

Sponsored by: Risirl g Sun Hotel, RICHMOND

8 . T. Mazzarella 9- M .Kyriakou 10. C. Povrderham 11 . A. DeJong

12. P. Whitehouse 13. N.Edgar 14. T. Fradkin

15. J. Trinch i 16. D. Trinch i 17. T. Con n

4 . D. GRACE 5 . M . WHELA N 6. M . THIELE 7 . J . McADAM -RC8 . S . CURRIE

J . Bau d D. Lync h E. Savage (VC ) L. Austin J. Galvi n

7. B. Rashid


8. B. Jorgense n 9. C. Watson 10 . B. Marshal l


11 . J. Mizzi (C) 12 . M. Lear


13 .

M. Luttick

12 . P. NEVILL -VC13 . S- SOPPET

74, R . Runco


17, L . DalyY 78 S. Justice

14 . B. MAHONY-VC-

18. F. Arcoraci

1. 2. 3. 5. 6.

15 . J. PaisleyY 16 . M. Hal l


21 . M. Hart


22 . D . Wright 23 . R . Foo 24. K . Drummon d


25. R . Thomas

38 . D'Amato G 39 . Tambakis J 40 . Worrell D 41 . Takeshita M 42 . Tarulli A 43 . Doyle R 44 . Garrett C

Y. ALFIE 37. D . NOLA N 38. A . BURNEY 39. M . TENNANT 40. A . PATEY 41 . D. BYRNE 47 . J . BANKY 42. J . LILIKAKOS

as. J . Hickingbotha m 37. P. Kroh n 38. J . Babon 39. F. Coonerty 40. E. Baud 41 . L Mason 42, D. Buller 43 . P. Mann

46 . Mortimer P

44. B . Saaksjarvi


44 . Al. Mann

44. S . GRACE -DVC44 . C. WALKER

45 . D. Hoga n 46 . K. Nelson 47 . N .Ryal l 48 . B.Turney

37. L Hogan

48 . J. Harnath 49 . L. Ryan 50 . S . Mellis

7• T. Mehrez


22. J. Daniels 23. A. Nas r 24. R. Games 25 . W.Olney 26 . M. Nathanielsz 27 . J. Cartledge 28 . A. Foskett 29 . R . Sheehan 30 . B. Cookson 31 . R .Pasinati 32 . S. Wagg gg 33 . A. Cook 34 . M.D'Angelo 35 . M.Unwin 36 . P. DaII'Oglio 37- J . Paatsch 38. G. Brown 39. C . Chan 40. G. Richards 41 . C . Borrelli 42. V. Dam 43. T. Whittaker

21- Woods P 22. Steele A 23. Naumovski J P 24. Doyle 25. Kotsaridis P 26. Ball R 27. Wakefield S 28. Veleski z 29. Rogers M 30 . Olson B 31 . Olson D 32 . Oldfield I 33 . Marinovic M 34 . McCartin M P 35 . Burley

46 . M. Dowdle

T. Orwin S . McLaren Capt N. Cartledge M .Man n G. Fortune


Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Matthew Lutfick

21 . N. Lykopandis

17 . D . McLellan 18 . J . Taylor 20 . K . Grace 21 . P. Shoppee 22 . J . Hannan 22 . S . Bennett 23 . B . Harries 23 . H. Wall s 24 . T. Green 25. J . Wier 26. S - Fairfield 27. J . Holloway 28. R. Allan 29. R. Humphrey 30. W. Johnson 31 . S. McGuire 31 . G . Foster 32. M . Smith 33. J. Murray 34. T Houston 35. S. Toth 35. D . Allan 36. J. Dudi

45. J. Agar

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Coach : Dennis Grace Asst : P.Nevill Res : P.McNally Asst : S. Cape ]

19 . J. Gilbert 20 . M. Raine r

20- Okifield K

44- B. Isard

Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach : G Brown

18. C. McKENNA

16 . C . Roberton

38. N . Wheeler 39. S. McKerrow 41 . A. Visapaa 42. D . Bennett


D 36 . Gaynor 37 . Penhalluriack L

47 . Andrews A 49 . Ellis T 50 . Irvine C 51 . Cervelli M S 52. D'arcy 54. Van den Akker L 55. Pratt J

56. Wood A 57. Wood T 58• Demarco R 59. Tarulli M

60. Benbow N 61- Weston G 62. Penesis H 63. Martin J 64. Evans C

65. Woolridge D 69. Pearce g 76, Loerand K A 78. Leavers 79. Bennett G 80. Evans S

86. Archer G 88. Edgley M 99. Robinson G 111 . Armstrong P




19. B. Thomas 20. J. McOualter

45. N . Khalil 46. J. Lewis

48. M . Soumellidis 49- G.Anderton 50- R. Lock

51 . R. Daley 52. T. Bette 53. R. Rodrigues 54. S. Nelson 55. N. Polite s 56. I . Baccini

57- C. Batt 58. T. Moor e 59 . R . Hadisutant o



45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 .


53 . A. LEWIS

55 .G .Jenkins

54 . 55 . T. PERKNS 56 . P. FREEMAN

56 .R.Lov e 57 .J.Cooper 58 .TMelchiori 59-B.Evan s 60 .R .Pea k 61 .J.Panetta (VC ) 62 T.Kurtschenko 6 3.L .Ogilvie 64. T.Goonan

101 .J . D'Angelo



Sponsors : Capital Growth -

, ~.

~-~- y Nortan A i r

Conditioning "ww• 1300 305 35 4

49 . L-Barnes

50 . B.Richardso n 52 . D .Justice 53 . J .Foo 54 .S.Todman

57 . 58 . 59. 63.


34. J . Howg ate 35. G . Smith

So- M . BATTAINI 51 . M .McKENNA 52 . E. ALTER

60 . J. Lowrie 77 . S. Fisher


26. J . Glare Res C/C 27. J . Stockdal e 28. T. Barnett 29. D. Howgat e 30. M . Decker 31- B . Kelehe r 32. C. Baud 33. A . Howgate

9696 0777 The Elstermvick Hotel

Australian Unity 13 29 39 The Elsternwick Club 9523 9221

Major Sponsors W 2 ll £'i'S ®fKan9at'® ®

Groun d


D4 Sectio n KEW {Aifltated with RMIT Uni .) Snr Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Paul Gregor 1 . B . Lafranchi 2. N. Costley 3. J. Doumis 4. G. Crimmins 5. A . Carman 6 . N . Tinâ‚Źtti (C) 7 . B. Dover 8 . D . Mainsbridge 9 . A. Kelly 10 . B. Cullen 11 . B. Woodhouse (VC) 12. M . Gridley 13. C. Kyriakou 14. J. Looker (DVC) 15. F. Lamanna 16. D. Wood 17. C. Watts 18. N. Dahlstrom 19. K. Allen 20. A . AcfieM 21 . D. Clark 22 . T. Aitke n 23 . J . deBlan k 26 . S. Symes 27 . T. Moore (DVC) 28 . M. Dean 29. M. Dalrymple 30. C. Giansante 31 . D. lanni 32. A. Drags 33. J. Cronin 34. D. Pocock 35. R. Bruno 37. S . Johnston 38. 0. North 39. J . Dennis 40. J . Ferrantino (RC) 41 . L. Coulter 42 . S . Parker 43 . A. Bortone 44 . A . Makris (RDVC) 45 . G . Evans 46 . B. Marchesani 47. L. McNeill 48. K. Saydali 49. P. Dennis 50. B. Davies 51 . M . Blair (VC) 52. R. McLaurin 53. S. Osborne 54. J. Renou 55. A. ~"4~ 56, T. Frith 57. B . Purcell 58. B . Burnett 59 . J . Rakusz 60 . G. Lawson 61 . M. Glenn (RDVC) 62 . M. Paine 63 . N . Gricks (RVC) 64, A. Roberts 65 . S. Pietersen 66. R. McKerrow &T J. Bell 68. S. Ryan 69. M . Bolis 70. T. Fox

Proudly sponsored by : Harp of Erin Hotel - 6 36 High St , K ew

Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelber g Rd, Heidelber g

Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Gary Cutler 1 . Newton 2. Adams 3. Lattouf 4. Dimarco 5. Cutler 6 . Pizzari 7 . Stelfox 8 . Guppy 9 . Sammartino 10 . Fawcett 11 . Hamilton 12 . Care


14. Paleodimos 15. Tsialtas 16. Vaina 17. Kyd 18. Ver ~s 19. Mar~ 20. Closter 21 . Santacroce 22 . Freeman 23 . Brifta 24 . Aliani 25 . Duson 26 . Murphy 27, Ferrante 28. Boudoloh 30. Russo 31 . Heck 32. Robertson 33. Rotella 34. Stepien 36. Sorleto 37. Defelice 38 . Magnuson 39 . Rhook 40 . McCallum 41 . Elms 42 . Papanikolou 43 . Sorleto 44. Wallmeyer 45. Palemicos 46. Giovanoglou 47. Prestigiacomo 48. Wotter 49. Salloum 50. Parks 51 . Kehagias 52 . Guest 53 . Trafford 54 . Wake 55 . Salloum 56 . Fayad 57 . Mountney 58. Messiake 59. Ackland 60. Parkes


61 . Papa 62. Carter 64. Palmieri 68. Boudoloh 67. Carter


M `N J F J D J B J M M M D C B J J p N J N N J F B D D D G R M A T T A C g A A


Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Res. Coach: Stephen Leitch

Coach : Frank Bove Res Coach: Steven Lake

1 . B.Gerace 2 . R .Wintte 3. S.Dep azza 4. C.Lever 5. S.Hewitt (Res VC) 6. J.Horsburgh 7. A.Christo 8. A.Horsburgh 9. F.Pavez 10.J. Wilson 11 . M .Christo 12 . M .Baulch 13 . m 14 . J.Bartolo 15 . A. Board 16 . S. Christo 17. M.Aquilina 18. G .Walker 19. J.Mason 20. D.Hudson 21 . L.Hudson 22. S .Anderson 23. S .HunHngton (VC) 24. L.Fairfield (C) 25. Troy Edwards 26 . P.Mesman 27 . D .Billman 28, D .Slattery (Res C) 29, S.Balloch 30 . A.Mokrusch 31 . A.Miller 32. G .Jenkinson 33. D. Benn 34. B.Merryweather 35. G .Robson 36, S.Phillips 37. A.Leitch 38. D.Nikola 39. M .Oldham 40 . S .Leitch 41 . KMiller 42 . Tray Edwards 43 . A .Runciman 44 . B .Lennon 45 . S.Tindall 46. E.Sandstrom 47. T.Theodore 48. J.Richardson 49. R.Van Engelen 50. PHabersatt 51 . J.Akarana 52. TBest ~ . J .Manolokakis 54 . M .Crosswell 55 . D.Carruthers 56 . D.Abbey 57 . D .Moore 58 . R .Mutimer 59 . L Bames 60. N .Aquilina 66. B.Gilbert 88. H .Hodgson


MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee M az da





Coach: Michael Learmont h Res : George Koumantatakis

T Brown B Perelberg G Schembri A Ballantyne A Lane C Weller A Dwyer AZsembe Y R Orme D Cope J Bernardi A Webb J Hill 1 3 M Purcell M Aikman P West B Frail V Ryan A Waller M Gilchrist R Allen F Harrison A Latimer J Timmins S Crilly M Banks P Harrison P Jabour C Ferg LArmstrong G Theoharris B Graetzer S Griffin T Millar M Karis T Cummins M Davies L Razga G Koumantatakis M Maschette D Morgan D Drummond M Good E Cowlishew C Wigg N Luce B Taggell J Deegan J Wright A WarsnoP P Roseman M Bona C Mackenzie M Scammel G Pilikidis J Hendy


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 62 69

~~~Q ~

Industrie s








Last week's quiz wanted someone to give the names of the Carlton and Richmond clubs and the name of the Tigers' Mike Patterson . No-one could. A couple of weeks ago a rugby player used concussion as an excuse for an on field assault of another player. To McKinnon Sports Medicine's Dr. George Janko this sounds like it could be a convenient excuse, although there is no doubt one's faculties are impaired by even the slightest blow to the head . The lesson however from receiving concussion is that after a head injury you cannot get your head together and should not be on the field - a fact appreciated by the VAFA's Executive Committee this year who ruled that any player who suffers concussion must be taken from the field and MUST NOT return for the rest of the game in which the injury was sustained . There is a growing concern in recent weeks, with games becoming very important, that some players are being put back on the field . According to Dr George Janko, any player who - has even a very brief blackout, who has a knock and feels dizzy or unsteady for any period of time, cannot immediately remember the quarter of the game or how the injury occurred, has a headache or neckache after a blow - should never be put back on the field the same dav. Such a player is likely to injure other players and be ineffectual as a player tactically and skill wise . More importantly he is likely to become injured himself as his responses, sense of balance, spatial awareness and general co-ordination will be significantly impaired, even if the player himself thinks he is OK . The head trainer should insist to the coach that he not even consider putting a concussed player back on the field . Medical evidence and history suggest that severe head injuries, collapses and even death may have been caused when concussed players have been sent back on the field .

The one thing that we as trainers do not think enough about is injuries to ourselves . I have just received a nomination for Trainer of the Month for July and the person nominated has just broken their arm and is now out of action for their club for the rest of the season . This becomes a big problem for clubs if that person is their head trainer and they have no one to replace them . One of the major points in the Trainers' Courses is to make sure the area is safe first before treating an injured person . We are like players and should make sure we don't do anything that can cause us to injure ourselves . If we feel a slight pain in the hamstring get it looked at and not let it go until we are out of action and thereby letting our clubs and players down . Checking out the Club Warehouse web site for some information on tape I went into the injury treatment web site and looking through found a section with an email address to ask their resident physio questions about treatment for your players . The name of the physio is Jeremy Keane and the email address is infoCinjurytreatment .com .au so if you have any questions re treatment and can't get in touch with your club physio use Jeremy. Andrew Meehan from Beiersdorf has contacted me and I will be getting together with him this week to bring you some news from his company about any new products that will be of great value to us leading up to the finals and next year . It is with great sadness that I read of David Cook's resignation from the Executive of the VAFA and his move to New Zealand . David, it has been great to have worked with you and all the best for the future from the VAFA Trainers' Executive and all VAFA trainers .

The Victorian Sub-District Cri( - Associatio 'S looking for new umpire s ci- season 20G ,/2 0 0 5 For further details please contact :


Jim Earle VSDCA Assistant Secretary 1 Goode Cour t Sunshine West 3020 Ph : 9311 8245 Bii : j imearle@bigpot3d .com

6 ®®®®®® ®®®®

- ®®®® _




Get VSDCA Executive Committee Member 63 McPherson Street Moonee Ponds 3039 Ph : 9369 3432 (W) or 9370 3391 (AH) Email : drghart@aze,nai(.com .a u =® ® ®

.a 47

CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies

by Fr as --I- .Carn Nation

(U19 2, 3 & Blue) (U191 & Red)

Section 1 - Review going for the visitor s Fifteen rounds in and still nothing separates the sections by 4 goals . Th e best sides, the top four all tied on 11 wins with just three Bears will get the --- -- rounds remaining . Old Xaverians claim top spot on the wagon rolling agai n ladder for the first time this season, a seven goal straight over the Hoers by 7 large . The Bombers have a score to settle third term setting up a 28 point win over Werribee last but I think a late surging Wellers line up will win by 2 goals . weekend . Rush kicked six for the winners and Moylan three, OMs and the Sharks are really battling for pride alone, Xavs now two points clear on top courtesy of their drawn Sharks by 22 points . game in round two. St Kevins remain in contention for the Section 3 - Review second chance after a percentage-boosting victory last A steward's inquiry has been launched as the Jackas weekend, amassing 33 .17 against Old Brighton in an forfeited last week, then assembled a side which pole-axed emphatic 193 point win . Anthony Lynch kicked a lazy 15 Therry by T 1 goals. Obviously the week off assisted greatly!! goals in his return from the seniors, with O'Rourke, Glenane Out at Bundoora, the Students fell again, this time to a and Gallivan amongst the best . Around the grounds, De La pumped up Raider unit which kicked an astonishing 12 ended Old Scotch's faint hopes of playing final's football, goals 2 points . This was a tremendous win for The Spinner home by 31 points: St Bernards unconvincingly accounted and his Raiders are well positioned for the remainder of the for Caulfield by 29 points ; while the Uni Blues enjoyed a rare season . comfortable victory, defeating Mareellin by 72. The Unicorns registered a regulation 6 goal win over the Ashers, with precious little information to hand Preview The race for the minor premiership and more importantly the unfortunately . second chance continues this afternoon, with all final four The Friars had the benefit of a week off and were keen to sides near even chances to finish on top at the season's end . avenge their loss to Oakleigh earlier. From the first bounce i t Old Xaverians, De La Salle and St Kevins face a comfortable run to the finals, all three playing bottom four sides in the coming two rounds of football. Conversely, once-favourites Werribee are predicted to struggle in the final three rounds, the Amateurs set to play the three sides they are yet to beat this season. This afternoon the Amateurs host St Bernards, GLUC and while the visitors have no chance of qualifying for the finals a great deal of pride still remains on the line, Werribee U19 (1) by 20 pts . Elsewhere this afternoon, St Kevins will be too University Blues Shuttleworth 6 66 strong for the Uni Blues; De La should record their tenth win Old Scotch Snaddon 2 38 from eleven outings against Marcellin; Old Xaverians will St Kevins Mount 0 33 continue Old Brighton's woes : while Old Scotch will continue Caulfield Logan 1 32 to gain respect, with an easy win over Caulfield . De La Salle Hancock 0 32 Section 2 - Review U19 (2) The Bombers fell asleep in the 2nd term and were never in Collegians Roberson 5 39 the hunt thereafter. Despite Jorgy playing in the ones, Banyule Tsingaris 3 38 Bushnell and Robertson slotted through 11 goals to send a strong message to their fellow finalists that this will be a Rupertswood Morrison 1 28 Collegians Bushman 6 27 tough team to toss . In what was a closely fought contest all day, Rupo were able U19 3 to assert their dominance in the second half, and catch the Whitefriars Woods 5 48 Bears on the way home. The last quarter lasted an eternity Oakleigh Briggs 1 41 but Monzell and Phillips as the two best performed onballers Old Carey Ashworth 0 33 for the Woodsmen, shone through . Special mention also to Old Paradians Peck 0 25 Clarke, playing his best game since returning from injury . Ajax Peters 5 25 A very disappointing Hoers unit were never in it against the U19 BLUE Sharks who recorded a massive win thanks to Couples (6 Bentleigh Ridgeway 4 66 snags), Berry, Bramwell and Murphy . St Johns Ryan 12 60 A huge Weller line-up hit the Hudson and The Scribe reckons Peninsula Smith 5 43 they must be on the Eadie/Dajka train down at the GB Peninsula De I .-=nge 6 43 because their height and size prevailed after 3 close quarters . Salipas and Walpole played fine games, whilst the Ts were Fitzrov Reds t,laghanzez 0 68 well served bv Lace, Stebbo and Mars Bar . Bulleen Temp yoglis P 4 40 OMs enjoyed the sunshine helping Mum in the garden . . .. . . Old',-,' ; .',ourne Natevski 4 37 Tips Marquee match-up sees Rupo hosting the Lions, and I' m Rup, )d Pretty 0 3 2 48

q THE A, !ER 2004

was obvious the Friars were on the ball, and they held a 21 combine continued their struggle to field a side, forfeiting for point lead at the first change which leaked out to 39 by the the third consecutive weekend . main break . To their credit, Oakleigh rallied, but the damage Review was done, and the Friars held on thanks to Hogan, Stafford Despite sitting two games out of the four with just three and Abdallah who were more effective around the packs . rounds to play, a spot in the finals is up for grabs for The Tigers were well in it at the final break, but the OC Bulleen-Templestowe this afternoon when they meet thirdmachine started purring, kicking 6 unanswered goals to pull placed La Trobe . With a forfeited fixture in round seventeen away to an 8 goal win . looming and a bye in the final week, Bulleen are guaranteed Tips at least eight points from their last two with a win this Blacks onto the winner's list again over AJAX by 6 goals . The afternoon to propel the side to 11-7 at the seasons end. Raiders should touch up the Ashers by plenty . Oakleigh will Conversely their fourth-placed rivals Westbourne face a score a big win over Therry, but probably only for pride's tough run home in the coming weeks, needing to beat sake now. The Friars are primed for September, and the Aquinas and either first-placed Fitzroy or third-placed Tigers are not quite up to the mark . Friars by 5 goals . Finally Rupertswood to take their season tally to 12-6 . Despite an the OC will tackle, disarm, and dismay the Unicorns by 10 impressive performance against Rupy last week Bulleen will goals . still enter this aftemoon's fixture as underdogs, but should Section Blue - Revie w just get over the line, BT by 7 pts. Around the grounds, Another day, another 100 point win for the Demons, this minor premiers Fitzroy will make it sixteen wins from as time putting the Swans to the sword . The visitors were well many games when they meet fourth-placed Westbourne: pleased with the efforts of Tehennepe and Kuzma, whilst the North Old Boys should return to form against lowly Aquinas; Districts better players included McFadden and Ray . while UHS-VU/SBC will not play out the season and as such As expected, the late season injury toll at the O'Clays has have forfeited to Old Xaverians . blunted their effectiveness, and they fell way short of the JOCs who rolled out the blanket, the plastic knives & forks TODAY'S MATCHES R1 4 and enjoyed a right royal picnic. Mr Ryan will be happy with UNDER-19 SECTION 1 his lazy dozen and Walker and Morello must've played blinders to beat him for BOG . Old Brighton v Old Xaverians Another one-aided affair at the Boss where the Monders University Blues v St Kevins - at Crawford Oval, continued to claim late-season scalps with Davis and Violi Princess Park , Carlton (2B D2) slamming the ball through the big sticks with monotonous Werribee Amateurs v St Bernard s regularity. End result, an 18 goal pommelling. . . Caulfield Gr v Old Scotch Mazenod made a good start and finish to the game but were De La Salle v Marcellin blown away in between . Some excellent ground coverage by Will Evans & Shaun Moran and good ruck work by Weekes UNDER-19 SECTION 2 and Regan kept them just competitive with an impressive De Rupertswood v Collegians La Soul. Old Ivanhoe v Banyule Viewbank The Pirates got the jump on an undermanned St Leos outfit Old Essendon Gr v Old Camberwell with a terrific first quarter. Their forwards were firing (Miller, Old Trinity - By e Be Lange and Dan Smith), and the Emmaus boys just didn't Old Melburnians v Beaumaris - at Sportscover have the back half quality to match them . Brad Pritchard Arena, Friday 6th at 6.15 p.m . played another great game in the ruck for Peninsula, and Smith was superb at CHB . A bit more fine tuning and they UNDER-19 SECTION 3 may give the Demons a shake .. . . University Blacks v AJAX - at McAlister Oval, Tips Royal Park , Parkville (29 F1O) JOCs -v- Swans is an intriguing game, and I'm leaning to the Monash Blues v Old Paradian s JOCB by 4 goals . The Rovers will taste some rare sweetness Therry Penola 0 B v Oakleigh with a 32 point win over the O'Clays . De La Soul step up to Whitefriars v St Bedes Mentone Tigers the chopping block, Demons by 12 goals . The Nodders will Old Carey v MHSOB give Peninsula plenty of curry at Central Reserve, but the Pirates have the yoghurt and papadums, and will prevail by UNDER-19 (2) BLUE 8 goals . Last game sees St Laos looking to get back on board St Johns 0 C v South Melbourne Districts ;ainst the Monders, and an upset looms . Ormond by 3 points!! ! at 1 .30 p .m . TBC 5 - ction Red - Review Hampton Rovers v Oakleigh Clays - at Bulleen-Templestowe continued their last minute push for final's football last weekend, thrashing second-placed Rupertswood by 74 points . Voglis kicked four the winners and Georgakopoulos two, with Millar, Florence and Lee amongst the best. Despite Bulleens heroics, the side that went winless in 2003 still remains two games out of the four, after Old Westbourne's convincing 54 point victory over Old Xaverians . Not willing to relinquish the last spot in the finals, 10estbourne kicked thirteen goals to five after half time, Xavs second half of the season going from bad to worse. Elsewhere North Old Boys kicked just one goal in the opening three terms of football against Fitzroy, the minor premiers comfortable 171 point winners, cvhile the UHS-VU/SBC C: THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2004

Castlefield Oval, Ludstone St Hampton Bentleigh v De La Salle (2 ) Mazenod 0 C v Peninsula 0 B Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Ormon d UNDER-19 (2) RED Rupertswood (2) - Bye La Trobe Uni v Bulleen Templestowe Aquinas 0 C v North Old Boys - Oval 2 at I p .m. Fitzroy Reds v Old Westbourne Old Xaverians (2) receive forfeit from UHSVU/St Bernards 49

UNDE_: 195 ==rlloN 1 OLD XAV"cP.IANS 3 .3 5.8 12.8 16 .11 (107) WERRIBEEl~3ATEURS 6.2 8.5 9 .6 12.7 (79) Old Sav: Rush 6 O'Hanlon 3 Moylan 3 S Ryan 2 Fitzgerald Akis . Best : Fusinato Purcell Rush Di Stefano Meehan Fitzgerald . WerrRzee: Chalmers 4 Foster 2 Russo Renaut Stornebrink Lee Lambert Miller . Best: Spry PaUninf,2on Miller Black Addamo Russo . Umpires: Dean Banova David lYmdlow in Leah Cannon Michael Hafner (B) Gary Clancy Michael Lee (G) ST EEVII'dS

DID BRIGHTON SBOB: A Lynch 14 P Mercouriou 5 B Dowx12 J Liston 2 S Sexton 2 T OToole 2 J Maher J O'Rourke P Glenane T O'Hanlon H Powell R Taylor. Best A Lynch J 0'Rourke P Glenane P Gallivan J Uston D Petrou. Old Brlghton: Pomeroy Salem Reinke. Best Reinke Sheehan Salem Leaf Joseph Kennedy . Umpires : Matthew Brennen Ryan Hense (F) David Cameron Will Byrne (B) E4ARCEIddId 1 .1 3 .1 5.4 8.7 (55) UNIVERSITY BLUES 5.7 9 .9 14 .12 19.13 (127) Marc: Bortolotto 4 Mooney 2 Papluca Ceccomancuti . Best: Papaluca McGlin Carolan Bortolotto Considine Ceccomancini . Uni Blues : Shuttlevrorth 6 Couper 2 Maddocks 2 Minns 2 Merlo 2 Bradley Westmore Farrell Tiang Robertson . Best: Minns Farrell Maddocks Merlo Bradley Shuttleworth. Umpires: Jamie Gunn in Sr BERN.ARDS 5.4 10 .5 14 .13 18.19 (127) CAULpYIEID GR 4 .1 8.6 11 .7 15 .8 (98) St Bern: Spinelli 4 Pearson 4 Schroder 3 Hughes 2 Ryan 2 Gourlay Garth Newton . Best Spinella Bergin Hurley Evans Gourlay Hughes . Caulfield Or. Hammond 4 Winter 3 Logan . Best: Strain Fagan Hammond Whiter Kalaja Wearne . Umpires : Di Whiteley (Fl OLD SCOTCH 1 .1 4.3 8.6 8.8(56) DE LA SAII~.T 3 .3 8.7 11.8 13 .11 (89) Old Scotch: Allen 2 Stridden 2 Armstrong Bull Dick Fekete . Best Batrouney Bull Keck Porter Armstrong Dick . DIS: Browning 3 Quick 2 Keely 2 Pitcher 2 Fieldsend 2 Kelliher. Best: Browning Moloney McArdle Conway Davis Herkess. Umpires : Logan Smith Brett Herskope (F) Dean Herskope Damien Anthony (B) Stephen Bogisich Hagen Cosgriff (G ) UNDER-19 SECTION 2 COLI E~GIANS 3.5 9.11 11.13 17.15 (117) 9.6(60) OID ESSENDON GR 2 .1 2 .3 5 .6 Coll: Bushnell 6 Roberson 5 Rice M Lynch Moon Khoury Williams Fabris . Best: Stone Bridgeman Parrent Elg Boland Roberson . Old Ess: Towner 3 Baddler 2 Stone 2 Capronetto Christou . Best Dazldn Stone Towner Baddreley Schapparher Tzambaiscs . Umpires: Frank Kavanagh Avi Wekselman (F) Andrea Mason Jessica Rollo (B) James Patrick (G) BANYULE-VIEWBANK 3 .1 8.3 12.9 15.14 (104) RUPERTSW000 4.2 11 .8 13 .12 16.18 (114) Banyule-Vi • C Stavropolous 4 Tsingaris 3 Poyser 2 O'Donnell 2 . Best: Lardo Toull O'Donnell Bottomley Swift C Green Adams Ni'enke Skicko Stavropolous . R : Clark 3 Pretty 2 Dowsett 2 Bre nnan 2 Mor rison Watson Menzel Phillips Evans McEwan . Best Monzel Watson Brennan Dowsett Clark Phillips. Umpires: Daniel Dinneen (F) BFAUMARIS 6 .5 9.7 13 .10 18.12 (120) OLD IVANHOE 0.3 1 .3 1 .3 2 .3 (15) Beammrls: Couples 6 Clemente 4 Murphy 2 Wilson Ghys Berry Bowker Williams Bareham . Best: Williams Bramwell Couples Dean Murphy Berry . Old Ivanhoe: Tyson Clarke . Best Tyson Clarke Keane Caple Britten Nichol . Umpires : Richard Yann (F) Mark Rodgers Jordan Mayston (B)

OLD TRINITY 3.2 5.5 7.8 9.10 (64) OLD CAMBERtYEId. 3 .4 5.7 8.10 15 .15 (105) Old Trin : Hogarth 2 Stockdale 2 Burgess Hooke Kenna Oldfield Stebbins, Best Hore-Lacy Kelly Hooke Stebbins Kenna Marsden . Old Camb : Heffernan 5 Cottrell 2 Hillier 2 Payne 2 Walpole 2 Ericson Melzer . Best: Umpires: Anthony Morley Walpole Cottrell Salipas Taylor Shanks . Calderone Brian Woodhead (F ) OLD MELBURNIANS BYE UNDER-i9 SECTION 3

3.4 13.5 20.12 24.15 (159) AJAX 4'HERRY PENOLA OB 3.6 6 .11 12 .20 12.22 (94) AJAX : Peters 5 Raleigh 4 Ezekiel3 A Lewis 3 Routman 3 Nankin 2 Goldstein Lukav. Best Rotstein Shaked Routrmn Ezekiel Piterman Lubitz. Therry Panels*. Owen 3 Cunningham 2 Quinn 2 Skiathitis 2 Boyd Gosetti Leach . Best Owen Skiathitis Cunningham Guy Corrigal Leach . Umpires : Geoff Curran (F)Tristan Roth (G) OLD PARADIANS 2.1 3.2 8 .2 12.2 (74) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0 .2 3 .6 5.7 6 .11 (47) Old P ar. Cowles 3 Luff 2 Berthet Giddings Holden Perron S Rose Soloman Thomas . Best: Morrissev Pratt Patena R Ryan Cowles Berthet, Dal Blacks : Lynch 4 Moar Barlow . Best : Lynch Goonan Brown Barlow Whale McCombe Scott. Umpires : Scott Fraser Brendan Corcoran (F)

; .:i'.:A : 1.1 8 .2 11 .5 15.10 (100) 340P::2BLU 1 .3 4.6 7.6 9 .10(64) M17° OB: McGrath 3 Aitken 3 Math, v 2 Lenehan 2 Lont 2 Edwards Gold Leslie. Best: Kitelcy McGrath Edwards L dlani Bailey C Bailey H . Mon Blues: Pay 3 Glover Mazur Shields Hillman Mudge Leviston. Best: Mudge Hillman Lewiston McMahon Shields Fyfe. Umpires: Brumr Sort (F)

OAffi.EIGH 12 4 .5 7 .8 9.11 (65) 14.14 (98) 5 .5 10.8 12.8 WH1TE'r'RIA,RS Oa.l~leign: Vitagliano 4 Dennehy Rowan S Briggs Thornton Counihan . Best . Whitefriaxs: Woods 5 Harold J Briggs Latinara Hogan Lamb Vitagliano Poaobon 4 Abdallah Kenez Pelosi Day Walter . Best: Tartaglia Stalfor? Hogan rll:dallah Pozzobon Orion . Umphr.s: David D'Altera Patrick Coulthard (F) 4.1 6 .2 10 .5 10.7 (67) ST BEDES MENT TIGERS 2 .2 9.6 10.11 16.19 (115) DID CIA= : Griffiths 3 J Lynch 3 Worsnop Burger Maddocks Terrell . St Bodes M/T Best: Burger Waters J Lynch McMurray Griffith McNeil . Old Carey : Thompson 5 O'Brien 4 Davis 3 Evans 2 Sinclair Newhouse. Best : Newhouse Sinclair De Leijer Cornwell Davis Thompson . Umpires : Tony Lilley (F) UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE SOUTH ffiEIB DISTRICTS 0.6 1 .8 4.10 6 .13 (49) 22.17 (149) BENTIZIGH 6.8 10.13 14.15 Sth ffielb Dist:, Adgemis 2 Stanza Walden Kerbage Domingo . Best: Batchelor Ray Cronin McFadden Stanza Benvenuto. Bent: Forrest 5 Connery 3 Ridgway 4 Davies 2 Tehennepe 2 R Mon-is 2 Dewar 2 West Meehan . Best Tehennepe Meehan Wright Kuzma R Morris, Umpires : Jack Fagan Lionel Katz (F)

OAffi.EIGH CLAYS 2 .2 4.2 8.3 9 .5 (59) 33 .12 (210) ST JOHNS O C 9.4 17 .9 24 .11 Oakleigh Clays: loaniddis 4 NnJit 3 Nguyen Sofoulis . Best: Nevitt loaniddis . St Johns: Ryan 12 Morello Walker 6 Cook Safoulis Lazarakis Fletcher Magee Carmody 2 Fumell Hartnett Peake Riley Tinney. Best : Walker Morelia Ryan Skinner Magee Kennaugh . Umpires : Steve Caple David Murray (F) HAMI~TON ROVERS 2 .2 3.4 5 .7 7.8 (50) O OND 5 .4 11 .7 18.12 23 .19 (157) Hampton Rovers : Rootsey 4 Charisma 2 Cantrell . Best Smith Pinto Suleynian Rootsey Hille Bice . Ormond: S Davis 7 Molt 4 Pincott 4 Barnes 2 O'Reilly Jacobs Mifsios Fuler Brosnan Leary. Best: Brosnan Viol Davis Machin Leary Mitsios . Umpires: Mark Duthie Luke Duthie (F) DE IA SALLE (2) 7 .4 14.6 21.8 25.9 (159) MAZENOD 2 .6 6 .6 8.9 13.10 (88) DLS : Morwrood 7 McGuiness 7 O'Donnell 3 Smyth 3 Colman 2 McNamara Keaney Robson . Best Murphy McGuiness Colman Meiklejohn Smyth Monvrood. Mazenod: Mann 3 Evans 3 Moran 2 Cox 2 Weekes Soloman Bertone. Best: Moran Evans Weekes Soloman Bradley Power . Umpires: Brian Nurm Simon Peartess (F) PENINSULA OB 8.4 16.8 19.11 24.16 (160) E SSTlERSOC 1 .5 3 .10 5.11 8 .15(63) Penin.stda: Miller 7 De Lange 6 D Smith 5 Kriebel Stainforth Madder VTtttch R Smith Matthews. Best S Smith Miter Pritchard 0'Loughitn Knobel Preston . Emmaus St Le os: Whelan 3 Muir 2 Ford Robin Croughan. Best Pascoe Baranello Hickey Stafford D'Amim Robin . Umpires : Russell Na ti on Darren Rowlinson (F) UNDER-19 (2) RED

AQUINAS 0 C BYE BUiSk EN TEMP]LESTOWE 4.2 7 .9 10.11 14 .17 (101) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 2 .3 2.6 3.12 4 .13 (37) P Voglis 4 A Georgakopoulos 2 S Millar 2 A Stavreus 2 J Barker Bull Temp : T Lee B Moran J Saad . Best D Millar P Voglis P Florence T Lee B Tekin A Coulston. Ruperts (2): Oliver 3 Silvester . Best Silvester Bronsema Morrice Pelzeli Oliver Anderson. Umpir es: Ben Ryde (Rot) (F) Thomas Wischer Michael Roche (B) UB'SVU/ST BERNARDS LA TROBE UNI UHSVU/St Bern forfeit La Trobe received forfeit .

6.8(44) 21 .14 (140)

NORTH OLD BOYS 0.0 0.1 1 .1 4.1(25) IITZROY REDS 6 .4 13 .11 23.13 30.16 (196) Match details not received . Dauphin : Tom 1Umdlow Josh White-Spier in Troy Christensen Anthony Vaiopoulos (B) Victor Vaiopoulos Symeon Vaiopoulos (G) OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .2 6.4 14 .7 19.9 (123) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 3.2 5 .5 6.7 10.9 (69) Old Westbotunx Ristevski 4 T Whiting 4laird 4 Cravino 2 P Hudson Hickey Tang Tanner Chan . Best Ymer T Whiting P Hudson Gzysm Morris Hickey . Old Rae: Rees 3 Henderson 2 M Smith 2 Morrison Stack Sheerly . Best Morrison Montgomery French McCormack Boland Mullany . Umpires: Job Penrose (RFL) Peter Angelis ( )


Under-19 - Section 1 CAI9IFIELD 177 1 k-


2 Weame 3 Murphy 4 Buckth~ht 5 Hammond 6 Hammond 7 Rudd 8 Jennings 9 Ettaards

10 Winter 11 Evers 12 GO~trin-Domirg 13 Strain 14 lill 15 Andrew

16 May 17 At~rarafo 18 Kearsley 19 PAS 20 Lord 21 Hep~trrorth 22 Patterson 23 D'fvcy 2, Benkem0un

DE LA SALLE (BLUES) Coach : David Madigan Asst: Scott Jones




1 Bartlett


2 Betts


3. J Carlson

3 Cann


4. J Mahon

4 Castles


6 7 8 9

5. J Bortolotto

5 Christie


6 Cooney 7 Doherty


8 Duncan 9 Edge


10 Fielke 11 Filipovic 12 Grigio 13 Gutteridge


14 Hubbard 15 Jackson 16 Joseph


16. B Ryan

17 Kennedy


17. S Nutbean 18. C Purcell 19. J Crapper 20. P Deluca

18 Kennet


19 Latta 20 Leaf 21 Malaria 22 Mathieson


23 May 24 McDonald


25 Mooney 26 Newman


J . None, D. Kee N V. Maloney B . vague (vc)

6. S Considine 7. M Gorgovski 8. A Layton 9. C Nikolakopoulos 10. J Williams 11 . S Farelty, 12. D Valsorda

8 . Davi s

74 W. ~r 75 D. Hocking

13. A Power 14. R Davis 15, S Tandridge

16 L. Casey 17 L. Bowden 1a V. Buckley


19 S . Morwood



20 M . Demicol, 21 J . PhcGuiness 22 T Donegan 23 R. McArdle 24 N . Stewart

25 C. Kelliher 26 t4 H~rR~~ 27 L OD«tftell

25 Fagan


28 L. Jarvis

26 Kelaja


28 Nicklos 31 Gancod 33 Logan 39 Cater


29 M . Nankerurs 30 J . McKenzie

42 Sundberg 45 Acf~a!d


21 . P Robbins 22. DCarolan

23. ACeccomancini 24. A McGlin

34 D. Payson 36 S . Crown


37 A . Shields 46 N . Hart 53 D. Browning

25. D McMahon

27 Overend


26. S Preece 27. J McParland

28 Parkes 29 Pascad


28. C C dIN1 ~ 29. D Fraser

30 Pomeroy 31 Reincke 32 Salem 33 Sheehan 34 Brenner


35 Tor


36 Tregear


30. R Redmond Yarra Valley Country

Club - Bulleen


OLD X X AVERMS (1 & 2) Coach U19(i): Adam Sassi Coach U19(2) : David Galba!iy 1 Purcell P 2 R~utrgr°a E





97 R~ L


7 Liberat we



6 McDonnell J(dvc) 9 Mcrtensen J 10 Sheed~S

hews Matthews

M s

17 A Wallace Smith 18 A Fekete 19 T Gaunt 20 M Ramag e

2t W Pearce 22 T Keck 23 M Cathie

24 J W Suihedand A 26 LTatbot 5 2 27 S Jonas

28 H Dick 29 J Brownel l 30 ABoH a

31 J Cade

32 R Gerstman 33 C Backman

J 9s Jackson 36 8SElder

37 R Hocking 38 M Lin 39 H Peters 40 E Cruickshan k 41 R Dumaresq 42 S McMudrie

43 S ShwWs 44 Ev7aters

45 D Mclntosh

24 Runnals


25 Govan 27 SaNadon 30 Lancashire


33 Gouriay 35 Ryan


38 Buis


39 Demorton


40 Kavanagh

59 Pearson


70 Prendi 75 McDem,at




45 Johnson 50 Schroder

5a Falls

4 S Sexton

5 D Petrou

1 . M . Palmington

2. D . Marshall 3. P. David

2 . L. Gatti 3 . C . Lee 4 . P. Chalmer s

4. M. Dwyer

10. J. Bunkle

16 Oxenford 17 Rogers as Mag~ore

6 M Hobbs 7 R Taylor

20 K Was 21 T Woolfe

22 DGibbs 23 T 0 'hanbn 24 D Sullivan 25 P Gallivan 26 P Lorgmore 27 J O'rourke 28 B Cooke 29 P Glenane 30 B Scanlan 31 P Mclennan

32 M Sherman 33 S Neohoritis 35 E Wilkinson

47 Chapman P 48 Torrence S

36 T Trewi n 40 01 Mount 44 J Tennant

51 Boland E 52 Zrl fe'yS


57 ManlyD 9 Pamsara~i l T

15 P McKenna 16 E Batroune y

1 . G . Muir

11 A Lynch 12 J Liston 13 P PAercouriou 14 J Marchesani 15 M Sulliva n 16 R Amott 17 J Charles 18 D Tilkeddis 19 L Gulliver

15 Mitchell

15 S4k N 1s Adams S 17 Meehan D 18 Di Stefano S 19 Rees D 20 Gmnivan L 21 Ryan S 22 Smnt, D 23 Butler N 24 mcb+nno F 25 Henderson R 26 OHanbn M 27 Palmer T 28 Trahair T 29 Fusmato R 30 Frtzqerald J 31 Mulfany J 32 Rawda s 33 Crowe 8 34 Momson N 35 p~ ms J (vc) 36 t.furra M 37 Trovaro M 38 Forrest J 39 Sahely K 40 Stack J 41 Clark 6 42 Galley 43 T ohi no(c) L

23 lanazzo

2 T O9oo4e 3 8 Dowd


12 OCa°nw

21 Whelan

1 J Mahe

9. J. Westmore

L 13 $miih hnn J

5 Nsnr~n C 56 evis C

14 M Giu wd


10 D wissell


49 Corcoran T 50 Chester P

112 STesdw~t

Coach : Fab Gatti


1t Marion

45 klcCormack R 46 SwYeneyJ

10 T Harknes s 1 1 N Aide

Coach: Tim Giles

8. B. Gin


44 Gunn D

8 8 Snaddon 9 M Szakiel


Coach : Richard Oboe

9 J Syrne

10 Garth


6 S Ainger 7 LArmstran g

48 TGranam

A A. L. Couper Per 7. C . Bradley


14 Larkins C

5 S ullay

ai E BBeeau epaire

8 S Ryan

9 Evans

12 t`E'u~

1 B Nickles s 2 J Wrght 3 K Berry 4 T Bull

Coach : David Law

2 Hudey

4 Walsh 5 Hughes

4 MayianaN M 5 Vaughan S

Coach : Bruce Armstrong Asst Coach : Mike Smith

2. A Papaluca




Coach : Luke Stewart

1 . T Money

11 R. Hancock 12 S . Conway (vc)



1 T Kovess 2 R. Guick 3 M .. Fi eldsent Brown (cl M ) 4 5 T. John

10 N . Smnh



Coach : Dean Rossety




5 . A . Taylor

11 . M. Shaughnessy (VC) 12. T. Salina

6 . D . Lee 7 . P. Keog h 8 . T Andrews 9 . J . Russo 10 . B . Stomebrin k

13. J. Hummel 14. R . Ha 9 e

11 . T. Balla n 12 . R . Barker

15. W. Robinson 16. M. Dods

13 . A . McNally

17. C . Northway (DVC) 18. T. Conn 19. D . Heinz (Capt)

15 . M . Purto n 16 . M . Cations

1q , D . Bunworth

20. T. Maddocks 21 . R . Minns 22. N . Shuttleworth 23. N . Burchell

17 . T. ROSZak 18 . N . Addam o 19 . P. Cassi n

24. H . R an ki n 25. J. Sunderman n 26. D . Hill

20 . P. Spry 21 . S . Turra 22 . B . Russell

27. W. Bright g 28. M. Tomey (VC) 29. L. Woodhouse (DVC)

30. N . Vandenbosch 31 . J. Green 32. K. Mario 33. C . Ross 34. C . Haines 35. W. Hughes 36. M. Carolan 37. S. Anderson 38. J. Green

23 . B. Black 24 . R . New

25 . J. Bingha m 26 . S. Simpson 27 . B. McMahon 2g , M. Miller 29 . S. Smith

30 . N . Renault



Under-19 - Section 2 EANVULE-V1E W DAN K Coach : Phiv Demetriou

1 . Z. Wervke 2 . J . Stockwell 3 . A. McGovern 4 . P. Adams 5 . M. Holmes 6 . M. Morgan 7 . R . Moore 8 . D . Kayrooz 9 . M. Christian 10. C . Stavropolous 11 . J . Crimmins 12. J . Poyser 13. J . Dunstone 14. L. O'Donnell 15• M. Lando 16. R . Gutterson IT A Stavrapokous 18. D . Par k 19. J . Spicer 20. C . Skicko 21 . D . Herbe rt 22. J . Rigier 23. M. Depetro 24. A. Bottomkey 25. S. Toull 26. S. Pesavento 27. T. Shepherd 28. S. Green 29. J . Swift 30. P. 0 'rourk e 31 . B. Dimek 32. J . Tsingaris 33. T Wise 34. D . .Mclean 35. J . Jones 36. A. Brown



Coach : Mick Deaton Asst : Mark Berry 3. L. Quirk 4. L. Hill S. D . Wall ( DVC) 6. M. Bramwell 7. P. Irons 8. A. Clemente 9. M. Wilson (C) 11 . J . Dickie 14 . P. Berry (VC) 15 . B. Norris 16 . D. Murphy 17 . C . Evans (VC) 20 . J. Atkins 21 . T Shugg 22 . T. Boreham 23 . C . Terpsenis 25 . B. Bowker 26 . J . Starke 28 . S. Dean 29 . T. Waile r • 33 . D . Couples 34 . D . Taylor 36• R Ghys 37 . J . Heath 38 . J . Edmeades 40 . C . Shone 42 . S. Hoult 44 . S. V pond 47 . M. Imiach 48 . K. Gasparino 49 . M. Cairns 50 . A. Elston 52 . J . Williams

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : Owen Lalor A s: Ryan L'Huillier

I M Ferrant,no

1 Cudlipp T

2 A Baitrmn 3 J ugans 4 R Butter S A Hargraves 6 R Fag-raid

2 Haralambous A 3 Oman D 5 Hardy E 6 Tucker J 7 Jones L 8 Moffatt R 9 Prowse A 1 0 Kauye A 11 Manahan A 12 Mermagas A 13 Hanchette C 14 Armstrong A 15 Baker E 16 Christian W 17 Penton W 18 Dick J 19 Mitchell E 20 Pannifex A 21 Russell N 22 23 Osmond D 24 Russell N 25 Schivo M 26 Bender L 27 Richardson W 28 Brener J 29 Hawes C 30 Jones L 31 Theodoulou C 32 Kauye A 33 Miller D

14 A Foster 75 G Hope 16 BSauaders 17 Z Keane (VC) 18 I Dawkins (Capt) 1 0 C Crewes 20 s Weston 21 G stravatcis 22 J Britten ( VC)

23 G Reynar d 24 nc e 25 J Hyndman 26 D Mortal 27 S 128 J Carroll 29 C Roger 30 G Fowler 31 S Lestw 32 S Kafafas 33 A Steer 34 AGioster Major Sponsor

Coach: Anson Brownless C Payne 3 S Riqzin 4 LTayior 5 N Tsmdos 6 P Pinkney 9 A SaiipaS 10 B COttrell 11 D Morle 72 D Bruc e 13 H Melzer 14 AAlian 15 N Hill 16 T Barrow 17 G Tucker 18 D Sciola 19 D Wal pple 21 D McGuigan 22 K Kosa 24 N Maxstead 25 N Beal e 26 C Hillier 27 A Renshaw 28 I Ry e 30 T Angove 31 M Shank s 32 J Davis 34 G Tolson 39 B Mackie ~ ~ _ -



'GAS HON,EE ;,~F ~-~f<Ll ~1L'E S



Coach : Share Harvey-Little Team tl6nag en Greene Nthamson R 1 Baadetey 2 Bank ger L 3 Baskan E 4 Bones L 5 Gamin M 6 Conning A 7 caponr tto S 8 Caruso S 9 Cerantoroo D 10 Cerantonio D A 11 Chdsmu 12 Grnnick S J 73 Dazkiw 14 Francis J C 75 Heritage 76 Jems M 77 Ktenas F 18 Leban D 19 Leech C 20 Leury H J 2 1 t.tanso«,r 22 r.fecheii B 23 Nanke rvrs D 24 Phillips J 25 T snaw e M 27 Tait N 28 Towner S 2s Trevaskis M 3 0 Tzambaz;s C at Siren N 32 Wlliams J 33 `T 34 zamma D

9 S 5 7 8 0 6 1


Coach : Ben Covelli

11 NCake 72 KO'Hehir 13 J Barony




8 S Taghaadeh 9 J Minas 10 'rHarcison

Coach : Andrew Kenneally Ass Coach : Michael Jones 1 A . Stone 2 M . Parrent 3 M . Rice 3 S . Gilbe rt 4 A. Bridgeman 5 M . Roberson 6 D. Williamson 7 C. Elg 8 J . Cuti s 9 M . Rose 10 D. Cannizo 11 A. Wright - Smith 12 A. Khou ry 13 Z Moon 14 J . Ashman 15 O. Howard 17 D. Stiff 18 A. Felons 19 J . Holman 20 D. Mutt on 21 F. Boland 22 M . Williams 22 E . Adams 23 C. Lynch 24 J . Jorgensen 25 T. Higginbotham 27 G. Rowstan 29 J . Little 30 R. Cramer 31 N. Bobeff 33 A. Gregory 36 T Wilson 38 T. Cook 65 M . Lynch

34 35 Beaum ont

Thompson MILES REAL 3944 Ray 47 Lugg ESTATE




Coach : Dean Peters 1 Bilwani A 2 Day M 3 Marsden A 4 Webster J C/C 5 Simmons H 6 Petdro J 7 Kenna J C/C 8 Stewart F 9 Butler K 10 StebbinsN 11 Burke M 12 Herrod T 13 Baylis M 14 Burgess M 15 Hooke A 16 Walsh T 17 Lamb T 18 Stockdale C 19 Oldfield T 20 Medland A 21 Mears-Dagen M 23 Burke A 25 lazzarotto A 26 Hore-Lacy A 27 Schuyler M 28 Neville A 29 Hogarth J 30 Dickenson A V/C 31 de Bruin S 32 Lesinskis M 35 O'Connell J 39 Morrice T 45 Bell C 49 Kelly B


.. . . . .

RUPr1:QTSL"J O 0D Hs 2"~ 3 ~ p6 M9 S~ ~ 12 ~,,;,,,~ r 135 1 ~~ 17 M~av 290 ~;,~ ;, 21 ~~xt~ 22 o srxip 24 "''"'"On 26 ~~ 21 F 30 kla_ 31 32 ~~n 3 3 34 House 35 376 H.Wa =3 38 ~"Ys 39 40 ~ a 4 1 42 T~d 43 s"~'

8 J

S23B, M i

L 8


46 ~ 47 J - s 48 S,mp',.hk . so Moore 12 La 1514 56 Glean P~~ 5 7 58 Bak59 Ada~.~er 60 67 71 B~ x~~ 74 ~~ 78 79 walsen 0.o


T i L C B

.£ y, 2",•




Under-19 - Section 3 AJAX

Coach : Gary Biusztein 2. J. Fayman 3' J' FCatP 4, G. Le+Jis 5. J . Givoni 7, M. Chester 8. J . Fekly

9, E. Reitman 11 . D . B?ankfield 12. D . Raleigh 13. R . Spilberg 15. A Goldstein

16. A. Lewis

17. A. Bustin 18. B. Lukav 19. A Weinstein 20, M . Ivany 2t . A. Chrapot 22 . E . Shaked

23 . R. Lewis

24 . D. Bustin 25 . R . Kagan 26. B. Nankin 27. G. Measey 29. J . Goldman 31 . N . Rose 32. L . Peters sa. A Ezekiel

MHSOB Coach : James Bradley Manager: Lenehan Julian 5 Avram M Capt 14 Hamifton-Ho M 16 Aitken J 18 Higgins A 19 Anderson S

20 Urn


21 Fraumarro D 25 Biddington T 26 Edwards C

27 Kiteley J 29 Fraser M 30 Warner p A 31 Milani 32 Mathew J 33 Higgins D 34 Lenehan A 35 Comeadow H B 36 Pre tty 39 Parker M 41 Bailey C 42 Higginbotham A 43 Lont J 44 Swinburne J 45 Walsh 0

46 Leslie G 47 McGrath C 54 Bear 0


55 Gold

60 Mitchell

35. T Putt

W Major Sp onsors /-

~ -f cr , .l`% . 1 t .-




J. Pollard

3 . R . Stafford q, C . Hogan

6. L Lewston 7 B . Han er 8 . A Mehta 9 . J . Moore 10' J . Maya

5 . C . Groake

6 . D . Cleary

1 1 . B,Cmickshank 12, T. Barlow 13. M. Pay 14. R . Shields 15. J . Stephenson t6. M. Brady t7. K. Mudge

to. F . Glover

to. F. Johnson 20. B. Hindle 21 r.t McMahon

22. B. 23 . B. Janssen 24 . A. Pyle 25 . J. Lu i 28 . JC. r


Coach : Mark Spinoso Asst Coach : Simon Vincent 1 Berihet' J 2 Stace . M 3 Petrou, R 4 Buge}a. R 5 Rxhardson. D

dMazu MacDonald MacDonal

28 . I. Tsaoussi

21 . J . Briggs 22 . S . Page 23 . J . Collins 24 . P. De Serv ie 25 . D . Latiniar a

35. D Logan 36. R . Nation

37, C. Finlayson

6 Giddings. 0 7 Rose . S 8 Nlatsan. P

9 were. D

10 VJhyiey D 17 Ryan, R

t2 Irnrw . M 14 Patera. M 75 Grech T 16 Soloman M

17 Luff . S 1a G~rrn~s,ai T 19 Srww M

20 Scalia D 21 Rehlicki, S 22 Derham. PA 23 S ~~ C

24 Seneca, J

25 Magaton . M 26 Kreuzer. J 27 Coa.ui es . A 2a Hussey. D 29 Serafin. A

30 Part, N 31 Clark, B 32 Mornsey. B 33 Haden B 34 Turner. P

2ivanomc D 36 Thomas . R 37 Ctaylon D

38 uncent. G

a Parker W 10 Kelly L

1 1 Griffith

12 Marks


14 McP.lurray L

17 Day


18 Po'ter D

79 Paterson A 20 McNeil J 21 Ferraro D ~ Ku~! o-'1 23 Lynch J

24 Tyqmn J

25 Schwarze B 26 Sawers A 27 Waters D 28 Dowlm M ~~. A 30 McGen ;gan M 31 Worsnop N 32 McCallum J

33 O'Reilly

34 Lambert 35 Wright 36 Tenet


c 8 J

37 Hunter J 38 Gilmore S

39 Heys J

40 McGettigan P 41 O 'GOrman M 42 Scholes M 43 Serofim L 55 Floral on L


Coach : Craig William s 1 . T. Wilkins 2. N . O'Brien 3. J . Davy 4. J. Carpenter

6. A. Sheddon 7. A. Smith

g, J. Phelps 10. C. Laidlaw 11 . A. Newhouse 14. M . Cornwell 15, A. Thompso n 1 9. T. Lowcoc k 21 . K. Parker 22 . T Evans 25 . P. Morey y 27 . J . Choong ~~ J . Joslin 31- S . Mead

33 . L. McKinnon 44 . D . Stock o 90 . M. Bessan t

26 . J. Fitzgerald 27. A. Middlemiss 28. A. Pound Gow 29. M. Doyle 30. L . Barrand 31 . J.Bra y 32. L. Kell y

Coach: Glen Afford

3 McConnell K 4 Flave li e L 5 Lynch D 6 Ritchie E 7 Leader M

7 . C . Lamb 8. M. Bennett 9. D . Wills 10. D. Costigan 11 . S. Aidone 12. G . Utagliano 13. L . Rowan 14. G . Benne tt 15, R. Holden 16. S. White 17. S . Brigg s . L- Calle ry 19. T. Thornton 20 . D. Ciavarella

29 . T. Cohban 30 . D Stewart 31 . M . Haye s 332' H Xgs째" 3 T A . ne 34. C Keeshan

ST OEG _,"s1 . .

1 Laver T 2 Maddochs J

Coach: Mick Holden

1 D. Counihan 2 . P. West

3. M . PhiNips 4 . B. Adar"san

GVP Fabricators All Home Loans New Order Clothin g



Coach : Bruce Waldron



:h: Greg Campbell

1 Cor rigan B 2 Guy E 3 Turner S

4 Skiathitis R (TL) 5 Morris B 6 Hermes J 7 Rivaland P


Quinn J (fL)

9 Hoatson T

10 Crotty J 1 0 Gosetti T 11 Sheppard T

12 Leach S (TL) 13 Dooleyy J 14 Boyd J 15 Owen B 17 Lee D

18 Badenhope M 19 Reynolds M 20 Ca piewel) C 22 Goodwin D(fL)

23 Anderson D

26 Windus R 32 Cooper J 43 John E 44 McKay B *TL = team leader



Coach : Tom Purcell

Coach: Andy Dal ry mple Asst. Coach : Bryan Stagg

1 R. Ault 2 3 4 5 6 7

D. Barlow H . Barlow J . B811 P. Birks A . Courts B . Goonan

8 W.

W. Howson 910 C . Kin 9 11 A. LYnch

12 M. 471CCombe 13 B. McGowan 14 J. Rippon 15 0 . Scott 16 T. Sherry 17 G . Shaw

I E Abdallah 3 G Day 5 A Woods 6 T Maher 7 J Hogan (C) 8 R Maher

9 J

De w

11 B Stafford

12 C Arthurson 73 C Lucarell i 14 A Kenez 16 N Cranre 17 A Ademis~C) 18 K Lask i 19 K Paproth

18 T. Sheldon

2 0 H Vinc e

21 A. Whale

24 A Wals h

19 N. Scheelings 20 J. van Dyk 22 A. Wooley 23 B . Govet t 24 S . Jeremiah 25 T Jones 26 S . Leslie

27 D. Moar 28 E . Smell

29 P. Statham 30 T Stringer

31 G. Allan

21 C KroW,kowski 22 J Tartag lia 25 C Pelosi 26 K Walke r 27 H Fulton 28 L Hamblin

29 A Deveson

30 R Martinson 31 P Stagg 32 L Kaldor

32 D . Borland 33 A . Cordy

34 B . Fleming 35 M. Karunaratn e 36 G. Kennedy


37 B. Renic k 38 T. Ross

39 F. Wambach

40 R . Atkinson

41 D . Brown


,~ ,,,.



42 M. Stevens

Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t Carlton 3053





Under-19 - Section BLUE BENTLEIGH Coach : Mick Lee 1 McClelland, M 2 Kuzma, D 3 Lewis, 0 4 Davies, B 5 Ridgway, T 6 Meehan, 8

DE LA SALLE (GOLD) HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Rob Smith Asst : Matt Francis 1 M Sheehan 4 S Murphy 5 D Colman 6 P Davis 12 S Crowe 14 S O'Brien 16 J McNamara

Coach : Michael Blake

1 . D. Zampaglione 2. D. Clarke 3. J . Corbett 4. I . Nicholls

5. L. Smit h 6. N. Pinto

7. S. Gravina

17 C Howard 18 T Robson 19 W Quaran 21 S Morwood

B. J. Hille 9. G . Cannel l 10. G . Giasoumi 11 . Y. Kobayashi 12 . D . Hughes 13 . D . O'Brien

13 Dewar, T

23 K Smyth

14 . L Jones

14 Te hennepe, PA 15 Streker, D 16 McIntyre, A 17 West, A 18 Smith, R 19 Rahilly, J 20 D'Ot(ay, J 22 BreNcreuz, P 23 Quinn , A 24 Utinsky , P 25 Morris, R 26 Roberts, J 27 Rossi, R

26 C White 28 C Reid 33 T Silvers 39 0 Keeney 40 P Meiklejohn 41 B Fl anigan 42 J Fletcher 45 A Hillier 50 D Hassaballa 51 R McArdle

7 Holmesby, S 8 Cove, M 9 Wild, D 10 Forrest. L 11 Morris, J 12 Wright, T

52 M Kennelly y

53 J Casey

28 Sauritzky, S

29 Sinko, J 30 Lawry, S 31 McMahon, J 32 Zlberstajn, B 33 Fogarty, A 34 Armstrong, L 35 Corrrnery J 38 Wardley,T


Coach : Michael Oaten 1 Ashley J 2 Medcratt C 3 Mitsios S 4 Barnes S 5 Brosnan D 6 DeNatris T 7 Black D 8 Sayers R 9 Jewell A 10 Pincott L 11 Fisher S 12 Evans G 13 Haysom D 14 Davis S 15 Peel T 16 Brosnan D 17 Clancy B 18 Jewell E 19 David J 20 Machin D 21 Jacobs J 22 Dunne N 24 Buckley S 25 Bogartin A 26 Fotopoulos J 28 Harris B 29 Kilmartin M 34 Ramsay S 44 Robbins B

15 . G. Marlyn 16 . D. Kettle 17 . M . De Luca 18. J . Chiarzia 19. N. Oriti 20. T. Matthouse 21 . T Porter 22. R. Sharp 24. C. Christianson 25. L . Cave 26. K. Rubtsov 27. S. Suleyman T. Rootsey

2 N Bradley

3 S Casricum 4 D Caughe y 5 AGavare il a

6 Nussbaum S(VC)

7 loannidis S

6 G Cocks

8 Thompso n 9 Rossenlis 10 Plozza


11 J Hendry 12 D Hensman 13 P Johnson

11 Nasr 12 Onurlu 13 Evangelista 14 Patuad


14 J Kavanagh

15 Nevitt


7 B Costrn

8 M Cummins 9 W Evans 10 D Grantham

t5 J Lambert 16 s Mann 17 J Math' 18 D Micallet

B 17'~ us 18 Aiestey G 19 Margetis J 20 Fredrickson J K 21 Onudu 22 Atyward M 23 Sofoulis M(Capi} 24 Stoker 26 Wursthorn D 27 Stegall D P 28 Cook

19 S Mores

20 A Norman 21 D Nuttin g 22 M Pecwa

23 D Power 24 D Regan 25 E Roberts 26 B Ross 27 5 Smah

31 . B . Wright

28 PSauter

29 Boldho


29 5 Staniey

30 Tan


35 . M . Westhead

30 T Steintw2

31 Pawlik


31 W vandergen 32 A Weekes 33 R Wckremasnghe 34 A Winstanley

32 Ni 33 Verrocchi 34 Salerno


35 Fletcher


34 . S . Newton 38 . C . Watkins 43 . R Kenny 44 . D. Williams

41 Antenucci J(DVC) 43 Taylor s 44 Evangelista B


PENINSULA O .D . Coach: Neil Franks

I S . Knobel (vs) 2 M . Barron (o) 3 R. Staintorth (c) 4 R. Smith

5 D. Smith 6 s. Machen 7 S. Cumming a w~~i 9 P A.Law to M. Warner

11 M. Kenny 12 A. De L<inge 13 L Faster 14 L Coghian 15 J . Preston 16 C. O'LOUghkn 17 J . Hocking te T.t.tadder

19 P. Dade-Bell

20 C. Matthews 21 H. Nestor 22 W M,Iwr 23 J. Rhodes 24 R . Treweek

25 S. Jay (vc) 26 J Murph . Gray y27J 28 S. Patching 29 B . Pritchard 30 A: ~n 32 R. Heggie 33 R. Whit e 34 S . Smith 35 G. Stewart 55 A. Pearce

Coach: Gary Williams I Nassarallah E(DVC 3 Nguyen K 4 Lazarakis C (Capt)

1 M Beaone

ST. JOi ; 1,13 0C

Coach : Peter Skinner 1 G Kowalski 2 D Homan 3 N Polan 4 C Peake 5 D Cannane 6 S Balisson 7 C Walker 8 R honey 10 J Beattie 11 M Nelson 12 H Nguyen 15 B Skinner Captain 16 R Blythe 18 J Ryan 19 M Furnell 22 M Horton 23 M O'Connor 25 W Magee 26 K Thompson 27 D Kennaugh 28 G D'Oliviera 43 B Toth 48 R Morello

., : 'ST. LEOS M, Coach : Peter Free

' . ..


SOUTH ME I DISTRt~ t 0' 1 . J . Cronin 4 . C . Botcher 6. C . Kamus

1 . J. Pascoe 2. G. Waterman 3. M. Ford 4. T. Flowers 5 . R . McCann 6 . B . Game 7 . R. Stafford 8 . P. Percell 9 . P. Damico 11 . F. Bowden 13. T. Ahern 14. G . Groughan 15. S. McPhee 18. J. Brogdan 20. D. Parker 22 . S. Eduati 23 . G . Hanson 24 . M. Whelan 46 . J . Barry 49 . P. Barranello 59 . A . Hickey 71 . T. Cole 74. S . Kay 78. N. Robi n

8. J . Nerrsan

12. R . Moms 13. L. Stanza 14. J . Cooke 15 . S . Mahoney 18 . D.Adgemes

~ JG-i21 . R. Ay-b, 24 . C. McFadde n 25 . A. Ray 37 . J. Lewis 33. M. Fitzdcroawrcz 3& C . Dmingo

40. A D'Andre a 41 . 5. Kerbage 45. M. Benvenuto 52. A . PetUOnra 58 D. whn mg 59. L. Tangas

65. S . warden 66 . E . Costello


Sponsors :

Hocking Stuart Gunn Island brew Ba r Southern Cross Hote l A




Coach : Shane Regan

Albert Park Indoo r

10 THE AMATEUR FOt?'~r: . -'? 20

Under-19 - Secti c AQUINAS

Coach: Gary Nightingale 2, M . Ford

51 Walsh

6 J P~

7. Cl. Westaway 8, B. Lannen

9, G. Hogan 10 . P. Sheehy 11 . C . Will em 12 . A Murchow 13. C. Ryan 14. J. Dookn 15, K Morrissey Nea e 16. 17, M . Adamss

18, A .1Grd,tYqrn 19. M . Drew

20. D. McDonald 22. L. Goddard



Coach: Cadell Duke

7. S. Mountain 8. A. Eccles 9. D. Thomson 10 . T. Le e 11 . M . Voglis

12 . D. McColl 13 . B . Tekin

14 . J . Newman 15 . S . Millar 16 . R . Tremayne 17. P. Voglis 18. B . Moran 19. C . Lapadoula 20. B. Lapadoula 22. A. Benerichs 23. A. Stavretis 24. M. Meadows

26. A. Georgakopoulos 27. S. Hoysted 28. M . Fitt 29. M . Coulslon

Coach : Tim Bell Asst: Tony Dullard

1 R. Astudlo 2 K. BamsJenkms 3 S. Bombacl 4 J. Boyl e 5 A. Chew 6 J. Ch;ko'it

32. J. McDonald 33. P. Murch

34 . E . Odza 35. M . Ramondetta 36 . A . Coulston

25 M . Rogers 26 D. Russell 27 D. Ryan

51 . S. Dawes

3Z J . Wolnizer 38 . M . Crooks 40 . P. losiiidis 41 . A . Smith 42 . S Roussidis

30 H' lose 31 J. Valato

68. M . Dexter 49. M . Griffin 29, A. Hobson E. Graham D. Heffernan T. 04arenshaw

43 . D . Seraicco 45 . M. Makin

46 . P. Naidos

5 S . O'Conno r 6 S . Davis 8 J . Mahon y 9 B . O'Connor 10 J . Kelsey 11 Y. Saad (VC)

J~G"h P.Da-s B De Brun T.Devesm C.Edwards G.Girdw~d

12 D . Hilton 13 D . White (VC) 14 G. I rvin


15 A. Egan (VC)

R.Hosking A.Jones J.KOOpmans

19 D. Mcphee 20 J. Mujancvic 21 W. Murray 22 G . Gzuse n 23 N. Quick 24 J. Rxhardson

23. J . Fraser

(VC) 4 C. Ive s

D.Brenna n E.Callaghan TCl . eeland

17 G . Maroon 18 K. Maghamez

24. S. Hudson 25. A. Alexander 29. A. Hobson 59 . S. Cooper

3 R. Keena n

N .sedc ABorreNi

S . Edwards S . Greenwood N . Hart D . Leicester N . Leman M. Louis-Gleeson

30. P. Florence

:'h: _ ~D BOYS

Coaches: Shaun Kelly John Murph y 1 L . Delmenic o 2 B. O'Halloran

20 ATOmlinson 29 D .Paton 38 D .McKaA 60 N .ulph 66 Tvdhrtehead 72 M.Redmond 79 G .Norton

7 J . Cooke E K. Donato 9 J . Dmwnie 10 C. Dullard 11 12 13 14 15 16

LA TROBE UNI Coach: Zoran Colovic

16 G . Kenn ~

17 K. Norton 18 J. Anderson

J"~m5`rt .La'nont

ht H.Lanca~e r M.Lynch

19 B. Cornwall 20 L. Clarke (C)

C.MaEOney D .Mar m H pM el~n

28 B . Scctt 29 N. Shualexorth

21 M . Fanning 22 N. Jensen 23 P. Flanders 24 R. Leah y 25 S . Joyce 26 T. Burgess 27 L. Ruby 28 P. Galliva n 30 J . Jellett

B.Partherndes TRObertson J.Rogers~

32 G. Wniams

33 R . Williams 34 J . Zemer ~+A. Z;ka

50. T. Austen

OLD WES1 Coach: Peter Hc varth t . L.Mwris 2, B.'A"nM1rng 3 . SA~unn 4 . J.7anrwr 5 M Wh;Ung 6. MR ~ste ski 7. D.Tang 8 CHudson 9. J Wink, 10 . LSquarci it P.Hudson 12. NdGryszan 13 . J .Redmord 14. J .Newlan 15. A4VOOds i6. G .Rixon 17. D.TaY~ 18. S.King 19. B Buzza 20 D Chan 21 . A.Cam 22. &HU9h='s 23. FMCGregor 24. G Barren 25. A .Potts 26. FBe rton e 54 . T.L`fining

l ,' _JI (1 ~2}


Coaches U191 ,r Adam Sassi U19(2) David Gabally 1 Purcell P 2 Rubira E 3 FRZa.~.rafU M 4 Moylan N 5 Vaughan S 6 PyU A

7 Rowe L

8 MeDonnell J(d~rc) 9 Mortensen j 10 Sheed S 11 Mauke yf 12 Demon L t3 Melnn-SmRh J 14 Lar km s C 15 S,fk N 16 Adams S 17 Meehan 0 18 Di Stetano S 19 Rees D 20 Gmnrvan L 21 Ryan S 22 Smrth D 23 Budler N 24 In.avmo F 25 Henderson R 26 O'Hanlan M 27 Palmer T 2 Trahai r T 289 Fusinato R Fitzq s~ald J 31 hlulrany J 32 ~a~eg

34 Momson N 33 35 Aqius J () vc u 3367 Trbfiovanao M M 38 Forrest J 39 Sahel K 40 StockyJ 41 Clark s 42 Tob inyLO(c) 44 Ouin C~ 4 ~k R 5 46 Sweeney J 47 Chapman P 48 Tonenc_ S 49 Corcoran T 50 Chester P 51 EWar~d E 52 Montgomery S 53 Coun sel N

Coaches: 1 Phil6ps J 2 S nner H 3 4^~est T 4 Ulie M 5 Omnn B 6 1vws Mcewan K 8 Braa:ey J 92 EP~ LA 13 Ptummer j 15 Clark i6 Manuel 17 Dann y M 19 Moute G 20 Hamsan M 21 Vanhoxtel M 22 Dole 23 Bis.hap Sg 24 Mornson L 26 McPhee M 28 Feel N 30 Gaunt M 31 Maroon p .i 32 W shart C 33 Glrver D 34 House J 35 Ar~car~w P 30" ArH7ersal J 37 Horles 38 Barry D 39 Barry P 40 Brenna n 41 She 42 Temm ~ard ing

D 43 Smlh 44 Arthurson D 45 ence M 46 ilrbs P 47 Jones A 48 Kiplekes P


Moore L

53 Lane,

54 56

Glenn 558 B al ~ri 59 Ara 60 Sdvester Baddeley B ox~+ 71 74 Burns 78 Dows~tt 79 Ydatson 60 Quan

p D D T

~ Coach : Peter McBreaty 1 Ega n

8 Korea,


9 Maloney 10 0rourke


11 Oakley


14 Mccrae


15 Tourer 1 6 Oxenford


17 Rogers 18 Trevethem 19 Keogh 21 Wnelan 22 Mcmurtrie 24 Bergin


26 earn


28 AngG 29 Chrislensan 30 Larxash're 32 On Campo


33 Gourley 39 Pegg 42 Farrell 43 RumbWd 47 Can, 48 Dube 50 Schroder 60 George 70 Prendi 71 Grfir,hs 72 Hqgins 75 Mcdemroit



54 French R 55 Henderson C

56 La- C

57 Manly D 58 F~ane L T 59 Pt


Winning Edge Presentations Like the wine at Cana, the best tipping was left to the last round when I tipped the card for the first time in 2004 . And so to the finals . . . Review of Round 15. Section 1 . Prahran, failed badly against Old Xaverians, as the Cartledge less fonvard line was largely non existent and the lack of football fitness of many was shown clearly by the eighty six point winning margin of the Old Xaverians . Pat Hall, Matt Fitzgerald and Tony Landrigan were best for the Xaverians. For Prahran, David Green (in Game 100), Christopher Morton, Jason Storer and veteran Terry Lucas all tried hard . St Kevin's spoiled the fairy tale ending for Nick Sher and David Cochran as their Old Brighton side went down by seventy one points . Harvey with nine goals starred for St Kevin's as did Danny James and Andrew Clarke . De La Salle, received no last minute entry to the finals although they defeated Old Essendon by sixty eight points . Mazenod bounced back to winning form by defeating Old Scotch by eighty eight points. The winners were well served by : Busby, Bridgland, McKeon and Smyth . Marcellin had the bye . Section 2. Collegians ended their season with a resounding win over a disappointing Whitefriars, who lost by one hundred and sixty nine points . Eley Park moved to fifth place when they ended a disappointing season for themselves and for Therry Penola with an eighty five point win . Therry Penola mentor, Bob Lyons praised his young team as they persevered until the final siren . Old Scotch ended a season of woe for University Blacks when the fourth placed `Cardinals" won by eighty nine points at Camberwell Sports Ground . Leaders, Old Xaverians pushed Monash Blues down to seventh place when they inflicted a one hundred and twenty two point defeat on the Blues, who have not played to expectations over several weeks . Old Melburnians avenged their loss to Fitzroy Reds in Round 6, with a sixty eight point victory . In a very even performance the O .M.s set up their win in the first quarter. The Reds were unable to close the gap throughout the match . Those who showed out for the winners were; Ameet Bains, Captain Tim Mulligan and Michael Verge. Best for the Reds were ; Nick Auden, Justin Steer and Matthew Bridges . Section 3. University Blues were headed early by Old Trinity, but through quicker ball movement the Blues were quickly back on track and went away to win by sixty one points . From his vantage point up forward, Blues Coach, Luk . Fulton would have noticed a weakness in gaining centre clearances as well as a degree of overuse of the ball . It remains to be seen whether these signs can be exploited by the opposition in the finals! 56

Old Scotch finished their debutant season j with a win over another 2004 newcomer, La -----Trobe University, who lost by fifty three points. Old Geelong, will look back on 2004, with a degree of pride as they finished in sixth place (their best result ever ?) . to conclude the season they defeated Monash Gryphons by eighty three points . For the Gryphons, Season 2004, their first, will stand them in good stead for the future . North Old Boys, with M .Connolly, kicking six goals, easily defeated Caulfield Grammarians by one hundred and six points , In the first afternoon match of the season, Emmaus - St Leo's proved too strong for Old Carey and won well by sixty seven points . Preview of Semi Finals . Section 1 . First Semi Final St Kevin's and Prahran come into this game with one win apiece against the other during 2004 . Two weeks ago Prahran, through Brett Cartledge's seven goal haul defeated a none too impressive St Kevin's . However Prahrari s achilles heel was revealed by the Old Xaverians last week. The Two Blues" simply lack the running fitness to compete for the whole game on a big ground . Harvey, up forward, will worry the Prahran defence led by Morton . Brett Cartledge has the potential to win the game for Prahran . But he missed last week and may not be fully fit today . Prahran star, Jason Storer, who created numerous opportunities two weeks ago, is another whose

cis (1) Prahran Mazenod St Kevins De La Salle CIS 2

Cartlidge Fothergill Harvey P Roberts

0 3 7 2

54 38 29 27

Old Scotch Simon 10 59 Fitzroy Reds Grimmet 0 51 Eley Park Viola 0 35 Coll 0,ians Grani 5 3 4 ` :jrth Old Boys Connollv 6 65 Old Scotch Illingworth 0 49 University Blues Sudholtz 0 31 Old Trinity Arrowsmith 0 30 1

THE - .~

match fitness is suspect . Key defender, Nigel Macpherson certainly was no where near full fitness last week and his injured ankle could again impede his once lithe movements. St Kevin's, through their greater fitness, more thorough planning and greater spread of talent should win this game and progress to the preliminary final . Second Semi final Mazenod in Round 4 inflicted Old Xaverian's only loss of the season. The Xaverians avenged this defeat with a fifty eight point win, in Round 14 .

The return of big ruckman, Cuberes will help the Mazenod cause as the Xaverians lack a tall ruck man although Captain, Nick Fay compensates with determination and a never admit defeat attitude . Around the packs the experience of Andrew Dillon and the Landrigan Brothers will be a great asset to Old Xaverians . Fothergill and Coach Bridgland up forward give Mazenod a two pronged avenue to goal and continued pressure is foreign to the defenders of most Xaverian sides . Old Xaverians have no single focal player up forward, instead they rely on their overall talent to take the ball forward and to convert . I expect that Mazenod will again challenge the Xaverian superiority, before the overall talent of the "Crocodiles" takes them to victory . Section 2 . First Semi Final Fitzroy Reds and Old Scotch have each won at home against the other this season. On Sunday they face each other for the right to enter the Preliminary Final . The Reds are slow starters, as instanced last week and against Collegians in Round 12 . Another slow start today could result in defeat especially as Simon Illingworth makes goal kicking simple for Old Scotch . Conversely any laxity by Scotch defenders could allow Grimmett to kick another bag of goals . Tony Jackson, in what could be his last game, could prove the Red's trump card as he has the ability to inspire his team mates and to bring them into the game . Fitzroy Reds are my selection because they seem to be able to produce the standard required to win more often . Second Semi Final Old Melburnians defeated Old Xaverians in Round 8 by six goals . This will give them confidence to do so again today. However the big ground could test the Melburnian stamina and allow the younger and lighter Xaverians to assert their superior speed . The Xaverians have shown that they are capable of sustaining four quarter efforts, which they must do again today because the stronger Old Melburnians, led by Michael Verge, will apply energy sapping vigour. The skill of Captain, Tim . Mulligan up forward will test the Xaverian defence as will the consistent play of Ameet Bains. This game promises to be the match of the Round and I select Old Xaverians to finish too strongly and so qualify for their first Grand Final . Section 3. First Semi Fina l Emmaus - St Leo's and North Old Boys defeated each other as visitors this season and on Sunday they should again produce a close result . I lean towards North Old Boys who have the more reliable avenue to goal in leading goal scorer, Connolly. I suspect

that the blend of youth and experience in the North side will serve them well at Preston, which is in many ways a similar oval to their familiar Gillon Oval . Emmaus - St Leo's will be hard at the ball, but in the final analysis, I select North Old Boys . Second Semi Fina l Twice this season University Blues have defeated Old Trinity by ten goals . Last week, a depleted Blue's line up played football of a standard Trinity could not match . Arrowsmith carried an injury last week (or Ed. Best showed cunning) and Jed Burgess had a quiet day by his standards. I would expect Gil McLaghlan to return today to lead the Blues big man brigade and so help their smaller men like Moylan carry the ball forward . The Blues, providing they concentrate, should win this match and go straight to the Grand Final . 0 L ;-~ 'p 11 1 - '' ~jr i

Section 1 Jason Storer (Prahran) -27 Andrew Kearns (St. Kevins) -14 Peter Scrafo (St. Kevins) -1 1

Section 2 Ameet Bains (Old Melburnians) -27 Brendan Hains (Collegians) -16 Tony Jackson (Fitzroy Reds) -13 Luke Woods (Monash Blues) -1 3 Section 3 Jed Burgess (Old Trinity) -26 Nigel Brohier (Caulfield Gramm) -13 Jay Arrowsmith (Old Trinity) -1 2


2nd semi final - Saturday August 7, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 Fl2) - 2 .15 p.m . Old Xaverians v Mazenod 0 C lst semi final - Sunday August 8, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 2 .15 p.m . St. Kevins v Prahra n Club 18 (2) 2nd semi final - Saturday August 7, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 11 .45 a.m . Old Xaverians (2) v Old Melburnians 1st semi final - Sunday August 8, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 11 .45 a.m . ' Fitzroy Reds v Old Scotch (2 ) CLUB 18 (3) 2nd semi final - Saturday August 7, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 9 .20 a .m . University Blues v Old Trinity 1st semi final - Sunday August 8, 2004 at Preston City Oval (18 F12) - 9 .20 a .m. Emmaus St Leos 0 C v North Old Boy s


~ as® ®s c ?( r~~ :7 F~ '® a _~ ~ _ . : .-,- • .

CLUB 18 (I ) OLD %AVERIAfrS 5 .4 10.8 12.13 16 .18 (114) PRAHRAN 1 .0 3.1 3 .3 4 .4 (28) o Coac Andrew Hall Coach~: Troy Brigland G B (DC) ~~ B Old %av: Hall 5 L Hardwick 4 Dillon 3 Ward 2 Nolen J Hardwick . Best : Jon 3 Mhones . . . . G . . . . 1 D . ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hardwick Rathgeber Jones Hall Perry T Landrigan . Prahran: Mark Davies 2 4 N, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . 2 M. Davs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith Storer. Best : T Belej Stephens Storer Lucas Morton Mark Davies 4 D . Landrrcyan . . . . . . . . . . . ',. . . . . 3 C . Vamey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . Umpires: Dean Banova David Windlow (F) ST BEVINS 2.3 9 .9 15 .12 5 P. Hall (VC) . . . . . . . . . . . . ~i . . . . 4 M. OuUk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1915 129 OLD BRIGHTON 2 .3 3.4 5.5 8 10 5$ 6 B. Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r . . . . 5 J. Grimison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNOB : Harvey 7 Robertson 6 Fox M Mclnernev Kearns Conlan Dunn Macep . 7 M . Fitzgerald . . . . . . . . . . . . .„ . . . . 8 W. Occlwito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . Best : Gentiluomo Fox Simm Johnston . Old Brighton : Cochran 2 Oakley P! 8 A Nolen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 M . GonsaNez . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . , Earl G Earl Ross Sedgwick McLachlan. Best : G Earl W Earl Sher Carra !41 Me 9 N. RathgeSer . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 10 L Buszard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . Lachlan Umpires: Rick Benson Rvan Hense (F) 10 N. Fay (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L . . . . 12 B. McKeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARCELLIN BYE 11 T Rourke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J( . . . . 13 T. Bridgland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BE LA SALLE 6

.2 9.7 15 .8 16 .9 (105) 12 R. George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h OLD ESSENDON 2.2 3 .3 4-4 5.7 (37) DLB: M Harbor 4 L Meehan 2 Roberts 2 N Brasher 2 Tucker 2 Ford A Mooree 13 C. Ellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . Norton D Stlnear . Best : Tucker M Brasher A Moore Jennings B Buick Prov , 14 T. Cumow, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . Old Now Steven 2 Eddy Barry Poulton. Best: Turner Gradzki Cram Papal 15 A . McHarg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheeler Poulton. Umpires : Brian Nunn Simon Fearless (F7 16 J . Poulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OLD SCOTCH 0 .2 0.2 3 .5 4 .7(31) 17 B . Beetham . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . MAZENOD 4 .2 8.12 13.13 17.17 (119) 21 L Hardwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Old Scotch: Backman Elder Kings O'Brien . Best: C Logan Hocking Dufour 23 M. Davies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Backman Garbellini Kings. Maz: Fothenill 3 Bridgland 3)'a)amara 2 Reed 2r 27 D . King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McKeon 2 Camilleri Crazier Nussbaum Quirk Occhiuto . Best: Occhiut0 Scassera Quirk Coheres Busby Williams . Umpires: Trevor Hansen (F) 32 J. Hardrrid: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . CLUB 18 (2) 33 A Belli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLLEGIANS 8 .7 15 .9 22 .15 28.16 (184) 34 J. Hardwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..i . . . . .

WHITEP`RIARS 1.0 1 .2 1 .2 2.3 (15) Coll: Oakley 6 S Day 5 Grant 5 Gambaro 3 Letchford 2 Bum Davis Hain s Halstead Johnson Lazer Ross. Best: Grant Oakley Ross Schneider Barber Letchford. Whitefriars : Gardiner Thwaites . Best: O'Brien Gibson Davies Rawley O'Meara Gardiner. Umpires : Frank Kavanagh Avi Wekselman (F) ELEY PARK 3.7 9.10 13 .12 19 .15 (129) THERRY PENOLA 0 B 0.3 3 .5 4 .6 6.8 (44) Match details not received . Umpires: Danny Carroll Tony Hegan (F )

OLD SCOTCH 2 .4 7.7 14 .12 20 .16 (136) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 .1 5.5 5 .8 6.11 (47) Old Scotch : N Simon 10 Gray 3 Ireland 2 . Fraser 2 Lie Johnston Thom . Best: N Simon Gray Stubna Fraser Lie Comport . Had Blacks: Merle Spong 2 Owen Bexeley Black . Best: Pascoe Merlo Berkeley Spoug Stear Black . Umpires: Joe Ciccotosto Paul Rapke (F) MONASH BLUES 1 .0 1 .1 1 .1 4 .3 (27) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 6 .7 11 .11 16.17 21.23 (149) Mon Blues : M Woods M Dods Plehn Coughlin . Best : Byrden West Coughlin Ptehn Arnett M Woods . Old %av: Gleeson 4 J McInerney 3 Chamberlin 2 Hoare 2 McLean 2 Stapleton 2 S Carrodus M Conquest D Ford R Ford J McGrath 0 Connell . Best: Mackay J McInerney S Carrodus 0 Connell McGrath Gleeson. Umpires : Joseph Salvatore (F) FITZROY REDS 1 .1 2 .2 5.5 7.5 (47) OLD MELBURNIANS 6 .3 8.7 13 .8 17.13 (115) Fitzroy Reds : Densley 3 Holland Steer Watson Walsh, Best : Bridges Vaughan Densley Crowe Steer Scmby . Old Melh : Arden 4 Mulligan 3 Forcer 2 C Tomlinson 2 Hyde Utttng Rams H Tomlinson Geddes Read . Best: C Tomlinson Mulligan Verge Bains Rose White . Umpires: Paul Nailer (F) CLUB 18 (3 ) UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .3 10.7 148 17 .11 (113) OLD TRINITY 2 .2 3.2 9 .5 11 .6 (72) Uni Blues: Fulton 6 Baker 4 Birks 3 Waxman Barbetti McKinley Movlan .

Best: Birks Leahy Moylan Cutlery Waxman Baker. Old Trin : Barr 2 Welsh 2 Hill Taylor Gnatt McDonald Burgess Chiffey Gray . Best : Burgess Gray Rearm S Cade Taylor Walsh . Umpires: Tony Robbins (F) OLD SCOTCH (3) 2 .5 5.9 8.16 13 .20 (98) LA TROHE 1 .0 5.1 6.3 7 .3(45) Old Scotch : Smedley 4 Rose 2 Addison Logan T Walters Blandford Kyriakou A Simpson Liston. Best: Logan Addison Smedley Wood T Walters Newton . La 1Yrobe: Miller 3 Watson 2 Rule Mann. Best: Waterman Clifford Clamp Rose Gloury Mann . Umpires : Mark Thomhill (F) MONASH GRYPHONS 2 .0 5.1 5.3 6.4 (40) OLD GEELONG 5.2 10 .5 16 .5 19.9 (123) Match details not received . Umpires : Gavan Hegan Lindsay McIntyre (F) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .7 8.12 10 .15 17.19 (121) CAULFIELD GR 0 .1 0.1 2.3 2.3 (15) NOB : M Connolly 6 Tdmholi 3 Sutton 2 Rocco 2 C Stibley 2 D S ti blev Dellwo. Best: Sutton Dellwo Trimboll Muscat M Grigg Rocco. Caulfield Gr~. C Nadebam Deal . Best: Benkeman Deal Janson Jenkinson Thompson Franklin. Umpires : Josh Wlrite-Spier Tom Windlow (F) EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 4 .2 9.7 11.12 13 .14 (92) OLD CAREY 1 .0 2 .2 2 .5 3 .7 (25) Emmau>E .St Leos : McLaughlin 3 M Contessotto 2 M Heyes 2 D Carey 2 D Pittomo A Bird C MeCluskey D Pitcher . Best: E McLaughlin D Carey S Ravage D Cox N Foley D McInerney . Old Carey: S Cooke 2 Choong. Best : Elvins Choong Barr Partridge Thomas Kammergmber. Umpires: Danny Carroll (F)

36 P. Conquest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 T.Landrigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 A Dillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

71 M . Hardwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 J. Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 D. Russian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 W. Dwyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . .

14 T. Coxon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . .

15 J . Cro:7er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 C. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 S . Varafergert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 C . Busby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 R . Palamara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 N . Little . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 S. Greeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . .

30 S. Fisher _ ... . ... .. .. .. ... 31 C . Bellwdle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 C.Aaopardi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A. Smyth (Captain) . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . 34 M . Pollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . . . 35 M . FolhergiN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . . . 36 T Scassera . . . . . . . . . . . .- . 37 N. Camilk_wi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 J. Cuberes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . 42 N. Jacobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 S . ABOpardi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 A . Manjikian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 S . Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

50 S . Ware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 P. Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Nussbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Coach : Ryan Quirk G ' B Coach: Anthony Lawrence G


1 S Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 Macpherson N . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 G Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . .

2 Pritchard R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 M Mclnemey (C) . . . . . . . . . . F . . . . 5 A Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 6 T Collins . . . . . . . .. 7 T Robertson . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . 8 D Makohon . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . 9 JFogarty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ~ . . . . 11 G GenS:uamo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 R Wood (vc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 S D4lon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 18 J Drake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 20 LJohnston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F . . . . 22 J Macey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 J Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 T Dillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 P Harvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 A Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 D James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 P Halpin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 A McGuinness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 APJa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 33 A Kearns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . 34 P Scario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 K McInerney, . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 43 P Bare . . . . . . . . . 47 B Quirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . 51 G Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . 58 J Ferrari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 G Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 G Simm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 B Shelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 T Salisbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 D Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 M Schink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Green D (C) . 4 Gwi J . . . . . . 5 Ruin V . . . . . 8 Lucas T . . . . 9 Befcj C . . . . .

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15 LazanuA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16 Farrell L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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17 Morton C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

18 Limoli P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . 20 Davies M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

21 Smith C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Maughan T . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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26 Scott G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Hdson A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Erickson S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Storer J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Armstrong M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ivak S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . 34 Slavrinski A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . . .

. . . . . .

35 ZssisJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Davies M 37 Cartlidge B . . . . . . . . . 40 Be!ej T . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Stephens R . . . . . . . . 43 Blake D . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Cooke M . . . . . . . . . . 45 Lawrence A . . . . . . . . 50 Garoffob M . . . . . . . . 54 Nielsen T . . . . . . . . .

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68 Haywood S . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Coach: Michael HardmanG


1 R Calhaem . . . . . . . . . . . . .!. . . . . 3 J Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . 4 T Comgan . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . .


R Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . .

8 J Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . 9 J Pochards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . 11 SCarrodus . .~ . . .. . 12 T Chambers . . . . . . .. . . . .. .._!13 D Dunlevie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . 14 M Xuereb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 W Ire!and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . 16 J Sadler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j. . . 17 B Stapleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . t8 D Mackay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . 19 M Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . 20 MHardman . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . 22 N Larkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._'. . . 24 C Carrodus . . . . . . _ . _ . . .!. . . 25 T G!eeson . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . 26 M Conquest . . . . . . . . . _ . . .3. . . . '. . . 27 T 67clnemey . . . . .

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28 J McInerney . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .~.. . . . . 29 J Ireland . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . j. . . . . 30 C Hoare . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .i. . _ . 31 LTuddenham . . . . . . . . . . . . .{. . . . . 32 A Bushby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . . . . 33 D Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . . . 36 J McLean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . 37 C Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . 38 C Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~_ . . . 39 C Worry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!. . . . . 42 J O'Connell . _ . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . 44 C Knott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . 49 M Quinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~_ . . . 55 J McGrath . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . 60 R Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 F Chamberlain . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . .

Coach : Michael Read G B

Coach: Luke Fulton

1 Bemran J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2 Tomlinson H . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 3 CarterS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

, DuiIIJ . . . . . . . . 5 Fulton L . . . . . . 13 Girdvrood T . . . 15 OuinL 20 Co6emanM . . . 24 Russell S . . . . . 35 BakerA 36 McKinley .T. .. ., . . .. 43 MeagherJ . . . . 45 McLachlan G . . 46 Bidcs T . . . . . . . 47 MillarA . . . . . . . 52 No T . . . . . . . . 53 Ihle B . . . . . . . . 54 Waxman A . . . . 56 Irnrw_ T . . . . . . . 58 SudhoY¢ J . . . . 59 Hughes W . . . . 61 Ritchie J . . . . . . 62 Celery M (C) . . 63 Eden P .. 64 PAcPhaii . .. 66 Bafbet8 J . . . . . 67 h4cAloon D . . . . 68 Fitzpatrick A . . 69 King J . . . . . . . . 70 Meade J . . . . . . 71 Irving tA(C ) . . . 72 Leahy B . . . . . . 73 GibsatS . . . . . 74 Coxin R . . . . . . 75 P.'oylan J . . . . . . 76 Heine M . . . . . . 77 GlassI . . . . . . . 80 Map!estwie D . . 81 McMahon M . . . 86 Bannister D . . . 87 Thomas B . . . . 88 David P . . . . . . 89 BIne11S . . . . . .

4 Barrett N . . . . 5 Red;n T . . . . . 6 UttingJ . . . 7 PAfdd:eton W .


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.. . ... . . :. . . . . .' . . ~. . . . .

Forster R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

9 GoudayJ . . . . 10 Read M . . . . . 11 BainsA . . . . .

.. .. .. .. .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . .. .. .. .. . 12 Rose M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 13 FanerA . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .! . . . . 14 Geddes J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!. 15 Atkinson E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . 16 Anderson A . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Eg!eton R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L . . . . 17 Jacobs M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . 18 ParkerT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . 18 Richards D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . 19 Sandwe!1 M . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . 20 OtBcerR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Cooper G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . 22 Anderson H . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 24 Black M . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 White W . . 26 Arden S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . 27 Tresise S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Poccc cA . . . . . ._ . ._ . . . .,_ . . 29 Middleton T . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . 29 Mulligan T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Verge M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 41 McKeon C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . 44 Moody A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . 57 SWeeC . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . 59 HydeA . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . 72 Tomlinson E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . 77 Tomlinson J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . 101 Tomlinson C . . . . . . . :. 112 N ankivellJ ._ . . . . . . . . .. . . ..~ . . . . 117 F°:' T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . Branchfkr~rer C . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6: :

-----._ ._- ._ Coach: Ed Best


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. .~ . ... . ' r " " .. .. . ... . .„ .. ' . . . . . ~. . . . . ... .. ... . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . ~. . ~ ... . .. .. .. . .j. . ... . . . . _~ . . . . ... ..: ... . . . . . .~. . ._ ... .. .. .. . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . .i. . . . . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. . ._ . .r . . . . ... ..:. .. . . . . . . ~. . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . .' . . . . ... ~ . . . . .'s . . . . . . . . .L . . . . . . . . .~. . . ., . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . .i. . . . .

Coach: Greg Box G ; B Coach : Terry Kendall G' B


37 39 40 41 42 45 46 47 56 60 62 63 67 70 71 74 78 79

AWalsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L . . J Hamihon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Prior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . . J Steer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . Peter Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . J Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . P Crowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j. . . R Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . Paul Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A O'Reilly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . A George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . G Bance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . M Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L . . I PAcBumey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . J Grimmett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . N Mann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . W Bahr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . N Vaughan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . TPAadden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t. . . B Gleeson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . N Auden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . A Densley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . R Ho+dertw_ad . . . --- . . . ~. . . M Scrub y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . T Leske . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . A Fdnsdorf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . R Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . W Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . R Collier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Maggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Mackay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Hurley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

G .. .. .. .. .. ..


. i . .. .. . i.. .. .. . . . .I. . . _ . .r . . .. . .. . . . . L, . . . .. .. . . . .~ . . . . . .ti . . . . . .'. . . . . . .r . . .. .. .. . . . .r. . .

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FE-7 2 4

3 PA LSndsey . . .. 5 J Christopherson . . . 7 W Somervif.!e _ . . . . 8 CStebbins . . . . . . . . 8 AAmiconi . . . . . . . 9 D Wlderbrarrdt . . . . . 11 CAmimrri . . . . 12 N Stebbins . . . . . . . . 13 JCade . . . . . . . . . . . 14 hlThwafles . . . . . . _ 17 S PAanseur . . . . . . . . 18 C Heaven . . . . . . . . . 20 M Fletcher 21 A Kinross . . . . . . . . . 24 W Goldenberg . . . . . 25 E Ch4tey . . . . . . . . . . 26 D Olrves . . . . . . . . . . 27 L Welsh . . . . . . . . . . . 28 M 0'Shea . . . . . . . . . 29 M McCutcheon . . . . . 31 J Burgess . . . . . . . . . 34 D Gnatt . . . . . . . . . . 35 M Pawsey . . . . . . . . . 38 P Smith . . . . . . . . . . . 41 E McDonald . . . . . . . 44 C Ban . . . . . 45 G Treadwell . . . . . . . 48 C Ward . . . . . . . . . . . 50 P Hansen . . . . . . . . . 51 R GamWe . . . . . . . . . 55 C Taylor . . . _ . . . . . 56 E Best . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 M Crawford . . . . . . . . 61 D Grisiiarro . . . . . . . . 63 S Cade . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Blseppi . . . . . . . . . . 68 A Hii . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 M Burgess . . . . . . . . . 77 J Monasso . . . . . . . . . 79 C Treadwell . . . . . . . . 84 J Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 A Brawn . . . . . . . . . . .

.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1 . G.Junkeer . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . D Pry4es . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. L Walkom . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . C Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . S Hosking . . . . . . . . . . 6. A Catchkrve . . . . . . . . . . 7. D Addedey . . . . . . . . . . . 8. N Colman . .. .. 9 . 0 Sears . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. R Craven . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . D Comport . . . . . . . . . . . 12. T Fraser . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. N Stubna . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. J Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. J Fayman . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. D Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. N Thom . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . A Ventura . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. D Johnston . . . . . . . . . . 27. JPiIkir~gton . . . . . . . . . . 30. D Glen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39. A Crnapar . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. T Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44. J Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49. MOBrien . . . ._ ._ . . . 54. N Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55. I Paton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64. N Costello . . . . . . . . . . . 71 . M Ainger . . . . . . . . . . . . 73. S LoveLa . . . . . . . . . . . . 78. T Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 . R Hooke . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88. J . .. .. .. ... .. . ... 97. T Collie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 . M WaterSon . . . . . . . . . .

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..

. .i . . . . . .. ... .. .. . ... . .„ . . . . .t. . . . . ..„ . ... . .r . . . . ... . ... . . :. . . . . .1 . . . . . ..: . ... . .t . . . . .. . .t . . . . . .! . . . . . J . ... . .C . . . . . . ~. . . . .

. .~. . . . . . .1 . . .~ . ... . . . ;. . . .1. . . .1 . .. ..~. :. . .~. . . . .!. ..~. . . ~. .

.. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. .. .

Coach : Gus Contessotto G B Coach: Damien Cerini 1 D McInerney D . . 2 N Dbc N . . . . . . . . 3 D Cox D ( C) 5 C Kenny C . . . . . 8 E McLauqhlan E . 9 D Carey D . . . . . . 14 S PAanton S . . . . . 15 R England R . . . . 17 P Scardamaglia P 18 S Carsan S . . . . . 19 A Bird A . . . . . . . . 20 L Perry L . . . . . . . 22 M Contessatto M . 25 C McCluskey 27 P Lewns P . . . . . . 29 M Heyes M . . . _ 31 G ContessoBO G 3 6 S Bava - S . . . . . 41 D WaoD ~ . . . . 43 Bt.evins 8 . . . . . 46 C Tonkin C . . . . . 49 P Manton P . . . . . 53 A Haddad A . . . . . 57 K Mats K . . . . . . .. 59 D Pitcher D 61 JS~andthwnJ . . . 64 M Montgomery . . 65 N Fo!ay . . . . . . . . . 66 J Pap€Slo . . . . . . . . 69 S Mescher . . . . . . 70 D McGloin . . . . . . 74 D Panetta . . . . . . . C Vaughan 78 D Prttorino . . . . . . 84 WAndrew . . . . . . 88 S Pitcher . . . . . . . D Winduss . . . . . . M Fechner . . . . . . JGiGces P Haverkamp . . .

.. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..

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. . . . .~ . ... .. ~. . . . . .N . ... .. .. .. ...~ . . . . . .~ . ... . L. . . . . .' .

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. . . . .~. . . . . ... .. . ... ..[ ... . ... .. .. . . . . .~ . . " .. ... .. : . .~ . .

1 A. Monett . . . . 2 T Waters . . . . 3 A. Trimboli . . . 4 N . Barden . . . 5 T Ludeman . . 6 S. Rocco . . . . . 7 P. Booth . . . . 8 M. Hatt . . . . . . 9 N . Sutton . . . . 10 C . Gibson . . . . T. Nabbs . . . . 11 12 D . Barlow . . . . 13 S.Lock . . . . . . 14 0. Abrahams . 15 D . CedN . . . . . 16 P. Kearney . . . 17 D . Stribley . . . 1 8 J . WrigM . . . . 19 T Corxtdi y . . . 20 A. Chaster . . . 21 D . Skerw . . . . 22 D . Muscat . . . 23 8. Pentland . 24 S. McGrath . . 25 B. Pawsey . . . 26 J . Modrich . 27 P.Sondhu . . . . 28 S. Driscoll . . . 29 C . Gardon . . . 30 8.Flavel . . . . . 31 A. Motion . . . . 34 K. Kavanagh . 38 J . Ghristian . . . 39 P. Christian . . 40 C . Phyland . . . 43 PA Nunan . . . . 44 C . Stribley . . . 49 E. Cerda _ . . 51 B .. .. 54 J .Marshall . DeL~~ . . . 55 P.Pdahor e y . . 61 M.Connolly . .



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FLi7C3 01-71 ;1 'C l1 5 LATE SCORE S First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence ($I00); each subsequent offence ($100). Rese rv es/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .3 0 pm final scores by 5p m St . Mary's (S) St . Kevins (U) MHSOB (U) Phoned incorrect scores - Round 13/14 Emmaus St . Leos (U), Aquinas (U), Old Essendon (C), Caulfield Grammarians (C)

2004 VAFA Rank


Barry Hickey Norm Nugent Peter Willamson Gavan Flower Ed Sill Glen Harrison Andrew Wu Fraser Cameron Cam Nation Johathan Horn Tom Brain 0 THE AMATEUR

Division Dl Club XVIII D2 D4 D3 C D2 U/19 U/19 A


Results of Tribunal Hearings - Tuesday. August 3 From July 2 4 Chris Mollartl, Collegians . Striking, 4 matches. Caine Hillier, Old Camberwell (Under-19). Striking, 2 matches . Daren Ellis, Werribee ( Reserves) . Striking, 12 matches . From July 3 1 John Devereaux, North Brunswick . Abuse of an umpire, 8 matches . * Tim Boxall, Rupertswood ( Under-19). Striking, 2 matches . * Stua rt Kibblewhite, Monash Gryphons ( Club 18) . Abusive and insulting language, 2 matches. * Charles Burgess, Old Geelong ( Club 18) . Abusive and insulting language, 2 matches. * Mick Mastromanno, Monash Gryphons ( Club 18) . Striking, 2 matches. * Accepted Prescribed Penalt y Results of Investigations - Tuesday . August 3 AJAX and Old Camberwell charged with a melee in their senior match played at Trevor Barker Oval on Saturday July 24 . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a minor melee. AJAX and Old Camberwell both fined $150 (second offence for senior over the last two year period) . Old Melburnians and Old Camberwell charged with a melee in their under-19 match played at Albert Park on Saturday July 24 . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a minor melee. Old Melburnians and Old Camberwell both fined $150 (second offence for under-19s over the last two year period) . Werribee and St . Kevins charged with a melee in their under19 match played at Werribee on Saturday July 24 . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a minor melee. Werribee fined $300 (third offence for under-19s over the last two year period) and St. Kevins $150 (second offence for under-19s over the last two year period) .

~ ' . Round 15


Score Out of 4 5 13 14 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 12 14 5 8 2 5 2 5

Total Score Out of I 59 158 56 56 55 54 53 139 86 44 43


75 207 75 75 75 75 75 208 131 70 70


% 79% 76% 75% 75% 73% 72% 71% 67% 66% 63% 61 % 61





TY; Ch3LhEIdGE: Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package !

Last week, ball was in G2, Last week - no winner(s) . HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person . Tear off entry sectic which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185. - No Photocopies or f axe ent ri es .

Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round . 62


~ L~

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14 1 13 2 12 3 7 8 6 9 6 9 5 10 5 10 4 11 3 12

0 1295 475 0 1520 355 0 1097 698 0 873 937 0 781 890 0 832 1341 0 726 1051 0 633 1146 0 520 860 0 627 1323

; Pis 272.63 56 428.17 52 157.16 48 9317 28 87 .75 24 62 .04 24 69 .08 20 55.24 20 60.47 16 47.39 12


64' L 14 1 14 1 13 2 9 6 8 7 6 9 6 9 4 11 1 14 0 15

D For Aast 0 1355 540 0 1208 488 0 1620 579 0 1192 786 0 1193 1114 0 824 908 0 781 1143 0 343 1292 0 379 1553 0 482 1665

l Pis 250.93 56 247.54 56 279 .79 52 151 .65 36 107 .09 32 90 .75 24 68 .33 24 65.25 16 24.40 4 28.95 0





For 15st


t~e L

D For Aost


15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

12 3 12 3 11 4 10 5 9 5 7 7 6 9 5 10 2 13 0 15

0 1334 687 0 1071 618 0 1139 820 0 1196 887 1 1012 793 1 1073 834 0 964 959 0 992 944 0 520 1490 0 559 1883

194.18 48 173.30 48 138.90 44 134 .84 40 127 .62 38 128 .66 30 100 .52 24 105 .08 20 34 .90 8 29.69 0


P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

L W 11 3 11 4 11 4 11 4 8 6 8 7 6 9 4 11 3 12 1 14

D For AQSf 1 1570 1068 0 1666 1127 0 1396 977 0 1581 1217 1 1471 1357 0 1501 1136 0 1132 1282 0 1022 1439 0 594 1960 0 880 1530

% Pis 147.00 46 147.83 44 142 .89 44 129 .91 44 108 .40 34 132 .13 32 88 .30 24 71 .02 16 30.31 12 57.52 4


P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 13

1 W 12 3 11 3 10 5 9 6 8 7 8 7 7 8 6 9 3 11

D For Aqst 0 1295 1086 1 1120 670 0 1241 122 6 0 1193 1156 0 943 1003 0 1019 1093 0 1119 1108 0 926 1152 1 675 1227

% Pts 119.24 48 167,16 46 101 .22 4 0 103 .20 36 94 .02 32 93 .23 32 100.99 28 80.38 24 55.01 14


P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

D Far Agst 0 1640 841 0 1460 834 0 1360 90 9 0 1280 922 0 1369 940 0 1208 109 9 0 1167 1420 0 31 1326 0 8769 1964 0 704 1805

% Pts 195 .01 48 175 .06 44 149 .61 4 4 138 .83 44 145 .64 32


WL 12 3 11 4 11 4 11 4 8 7 8 7 5 10 10 21 2 13

20 0 39. 15 7 28 39.00 8


t!r 13 12 11 9 9 5 5 5 3 2

2 3 4 6 6 10 10 10 12 13

D For Ar,sf 0 1921 1032 0 1987 557 0 1514 1095 0 1491 1268 0 1337 1264 0 1140 1548 0 1097 1556 0 1107 1634 0 843 1882 0 959 2013

" °; Fs 186. 14 5 2 356. 73 4 8 138. 26 4 4 117. 59 3 6 105 . 78 3 6 73 .64 20 70 .50 20 67 .75 20 44 .79 1 2 47 .64 8


W 15 11 11 10 8 7 7 3 3

L 0 4 4 5 7 8 8 12 12

D For A~P 0 1764 480 0 1267 708 0 1306 733 0 960 1051 0 1135 1057 0 992 1228 0 749 945 0 585 1544 0 585 1790

367,50 6 0 178.95 4 4 178.17 44 91 .34 4 0 107.38 32 80.78 28 79 .26 28 37 .89 1 2 32 .68 1 2

P W 14 13 13 10 14 9 13 8 14 8 .5 13 5 13 3.5 13 2 13 1 4 0 13

L 1 3 5 5 5 8 9 11 12 4

D For A


0 1559 526 0 946 680 0 1170 775 0 865 657 1 1002 783 0 761 846 1 744 1113 0 538 1153 0 379 1543 0 0 0

296.3992 .8 6 139.1276,9 2 150.9764 .2 9 131 .6661 .54 127.9760 .7 1 89.9538 .46 66 .8526. 92 46 .6615. 38 24 .56 7 .69 0 .00 0


P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

~ 13 13 9 9 7 7 7 5 3 2

L 2 2 6 6 8 8 8 10 12 13

D For A 0 1238 607 0 1288 686 0 1006 841 0 1172 1011 0 1066 948 0 1131 1032 0 860 1084 0 874 1190 0 504 1269 0 665 1296

% P[s 203.95 5 2 187.76 52 119.62 36 115 .92 36 112 .45 28 109 .59 28 79 .34 28 73 .45 20 39 .72 1 2 51 .31 8




15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

15 12 10 9 8 6 5 4 2 2

L 0 3 5 6 7 9 9 10 13 13

D For A 0 1844 463 0 1485 714 0 1096 673 0 975 689 0 915 1058 0 1004 1085 1 912 1384 1 554 1196 0 643 1531 0 571 1445

f PPs 398.27 60 207.98 48 162,85 40 141 .51 36 86,48 32 92 .53 2 4 65 .90 2 2 46,32 1 8 42.00 8 39.52 8


% Pls CLUU lC 9

1 82. 18



% Pis



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Weekend E F, 'Er( ,u s Umpires ~:~p[Ilntn'8eC? - j i'

Scores (Sat . night) L' --

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P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14




15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15



P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15





IN 13 12 10 9 7 5 4 4 4 2

1 2 4 5 7 9 10 10 10 12

W 11 10 9 9 8 8 6 3 3 2

3 4 5 5 5 6 8 10 11 12

W 12 12 10 8 8 8 6 5 4 1 W 15 11 11 10 8 5 5 5 4 1 W 12 12 11 10 8 5 5 4 4 3

0 1552 0 1124 0 1411 0 1535 1 1173 0 1267 0 1122 1 987 0 975 0 1022


1226 1039 1144 1253 1149 1101 1145 1427 1415 1269

D For A~st

% 157 .59 165.52 128.02 120.18 89.33 80.62 100.59 73.23 51 .47 75.81

% 126 .59 108 .18 123 .34 122 .51 102 .09 115 .08 97.99 69.17 68.90 80.54



Pts A RESERVE 44 40 36 36 34 32 24 14 12 8

L 0 4 4 5 7 10 10 10 11 14

L 3 3 3 5 7 9 10 11 11 12




13 13 11 10 10 5 4 3 3 3

2 2 4 5 5 10 11 12 12 12

D For A gst 0 1811 0 1597 0 1464 0 1261 0 1331 0 1153 0 1128 0 944 0 1021 0 836

877 1087 1047 878 1212 1301 1525 1370 1424 1893

D For A W 0 1633 0 1527 1 1499 0 1338 0 1245 1 1041 0 1102 0 1097 0 894 0 958

973 1080 1018 1165 1149 1412 1350 1430 1439 1348

D For Ayat 0 1800 0 1569 0 1422 0 1292 0 1380 0 1195 0 1136 0 1266 0 1028 0 1117

1035 1108 1069 968 1287 1316 1 495 1621 1485 1821

% 206.50 146.92 139.83 143.62 109.82 88.62 73.97 68.91 71 .70 44 .16




1 1723 1039 165.83 50 0 1380 1072 128.73 48 0 1378 1129 . 122.05 40 1 1246 1123 110.95 34 0 1227 1094 112.16 32 0 1169 1119 104.47 32 78 .84 24 0 1099 1394 0 1204 1370 87 .88 20 0 1174 1582 74 .21 16 60 .42 4 0 1035 1713

2 3 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 14


955 873 1285 1135 1350 1197 1180 1244 1432 1298

D For A g st




For Agt

0 1505 0 1445 0 1645 0 1364 0 1206 0 965 0 1187 0 911 0 737 0 984


Pts C RESERVE 60 44 44 40 32 20 20 20 16 4



167 .83 141 .39 147 .25 114 .85 108 .36 73 .73 81 .63 76.71 62.13 71 .07

48 48 46 40 32 22 20 16 16 12



173 .91 141 .61 133 .02 133 .47 107 .23 90 .81 75 .99 78 .10 69 .23 61 .34

52 52 44 40 40 20 16 12 12 12


P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15



D For Ayst

1 2 5 6 6 9 10 11 12 12

0 1596 746 0 1544 910 0 1830 1326 0 1581 1192 0 1378 1117 1 1003 1417 0 1306 1523 0 1291 1793 0 989 1730 1 1165 1929


14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 14 10 9 9 7 7 7 4 2 1

P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

W 12 12 10 7 7 6 5 4 4 2

2 2 3 7 7 8 9 10 10 11


IN 12 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 4 0

3 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 11 15

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

r------ - --~

IN 14 13 10 9 9 5 5 4 3 2

W 13 13 11 10 9 9 5 2 1 1

0 4 5 5 7 7 7 10 12 13

D For A

L 2 2 4 5 6 6 9 12 14 14

For A

0 1057 0 901 1 1080 0 831 0 817 0 654 0 773 0 687 0 531 1 593

572 649 682 629 991 825 824 1049 955 901

D For ADst 0 1064 0 935 1 989 0 916 0 1045 0 891 1 994 0 1012 0 754 0 486

759 592 812 845 819 944 673 962 1154 1622

379.44 133.82 147.79 120.11 109.55 95.41 89.00 72.97 49.56 27.49

Pis 56 40 36 36 28 28 28 16 8 4



184 .79 138 .83 158 .36 132 .11 82 .44 79.27 93.81 65.49 55.60 65.82

48 48 42 28 28 24 20 16 16 10




0 1326 530 519 0 1291 0 1559 510 0 1083 716 934 0 1163 0 874 928 1 748 1055 1 574 1090 0 418 1381 0 323 1912

-- - - -


140.18 4 8 157.94 4 0 121 .80 3 8 108.40 3 6 127.59 3 2 94.39 3 2 147.70 3 0 105 .20 28 65 .34 1 6 29 .96 0

D For A

W ee k e n d aWatG L :S { i -a :~ a Umpires Appointments 速 S GOreS (Sat . n i g h t) e


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